HomeMy WebLinkAboutRezone File No 394-67 eT Oo __ a —— i H. oI . S ‘ ‘ NV . 1° O E. , 27 7 2» 39 9 ° ’ “ . 7 Sa 2 0S hw - | = — a == = = —e | —< 2 i _ 1) 42 . 5 } 60 . 0 60 . 0 60 . 0 1 50 . 0 WP T TC E Ta l l 50 S5 0 j ! it ah <a || | q || - N | —— — — —— | " > —— == —— — —— — ° ° ol s o > : ol : Ol y ey | Be zo |e ? iI 9 «= o 18 19 SI N 7 84 0 0 | 84 0 0 84 0 0 “l y 84 0 0 fr 24 . 2 2 ! a) ¥ . z= By in ) i 60 . 0 §9 . 0 60 . 0 60 . 0 | ¥ 23 4 . 8 8 (6 . N. 1° 0 1 " 16 " E . AL L E Y ‘2 60 . 0 ~t o . b 60 . 0 60 . 0 h 60 . 0 $9 . 0 \ sy ‘S e | & 82 6 2 : | = ~S { = z< _ ec } wv st 9 S io OS nu ] 3 2 % oe =i a 5 al s ~ Va y wl ] Ww wb = ts to “a 13 2 . 3 Ql o - 75 4 0 8 2) . 69 4 6 -~ = ) , 69 4 6 ) =) . 69 4 6 =| ; 69 4 6 =I : 69 4 6 =! : 69 4 6 = N. 1° 56 ' - O " E a En . ‘ 3 2 ©| 2 = & = Ww 7 é 93 4 ] 7 60 . 0 60 . 0 60 . 0 60 . 0 Ae ) N 9° 29° 3' 1 6 " E PL A C E N. . O° 57 ° 4 5 ° E . IM P R O V E D aa l e e e 6 ° i . 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STOP STOP STOP’ STOP CITY cere” | ice 3 ROOM 104, % — HALL x ‘ i WASHINGTON - ORDINANCE NO, 2D F2G AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CIASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM SINGLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-1) TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VIL, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No, 1628 known as the “Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps in conjunction therewith, th: propertics hercinbelow described have herctofore been zoned as Single Residcnce District (k-1); and WHEREAS a change for zonc classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk on or about April 6, 1967, which petition wes then duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing and a public hearing having been held thercon on or about April 26, 1967, end said nettcr having been duly considcred by the Planning Commission and said requcst being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all partics having becn heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NO! THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIRKED BY THE MAYOR AID THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLQIS: SECTION i: The following property is hereby rezoned to "Business District (B-1)"; the City wngincer and the Planning Director arc hercby suthorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinancc, as amcndcd, to cvidenee said rezoning, to- wit: Lots 22, 25 and 24, Block 6, plat of Renton Tlighlands recorded in Voluwc 46 of plats page 34 to 41,, King County, Washington. Aeoritia rf f (Situated on H Street between Sunset Blvd and 9th Sve. North) SECTION Li: This Ordinance shall be in tull foree and cfteet from and after its passage, approval and lcgai publication, PASSED BY THE CiTY COUNCIL this iS5th day of May, 1967. Y- a if & CS 5a oe Helmic Nelson, City Clerk HSFROVED BY Til, MAYOR this 15th day of May, 1967. Z sf \ ue x " a / he && , af oe es f , ’ & : fee a “ E GLe fut Fi : oi 5 a vr ~ ee é f # Donald '', Custer, flayor { I 17 ia Approved as to i il Pat itd loma? 0 Gerard M, Shclian, City Attorney Date of Publication: INTER-OFFICE MEMO DATE: (SS ftece eae TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk FROM: Jack Wilson, City Engineer RE: I hereby certify that the legal description contained in the attached eseo> ss on the \V/u tow property ~_ P\ve LY Ce Jéck Wilson, City Engineer Wasa is correct. 19 [et |thole/s el ne [Folelals s or ee lit} spt } | rT a 7 T a | | | 1 Lt ‘ 2 > 43 rt ibe er au ly “ ” 2 2 AVE NL z ze 788 2a9 + feafen tia joe toe fer fag a | ioe « |r ls}e hed Ud avon Custex’ and ‘Washes of City Council May 5, 1967 ‘Page 3 CASTILE, KENNETH (cont ined) ACTION: 4 Revéamendnd that the bes bexte located west of 88th Ave. S. “(pro-— .. jected south) be goned R-4 and the remaining portion of the prop- erty to the east be zoned R-3. The rezone would be ae agreement wi ER the nesiestataia des Plan... ct Aiea Se. te hoki No. R-394- mG Ty: rezone from R-1 to’ Ba; property d Located on H St. between Sunset Blvd. and 9th Ave. are Total Area--23,116 sq. ft. - Proposed U se--commercial ss - Principal Access~-Sunset Blvd. and H Sst. , oh oes lensive Plan--commercial . Existing Zoning--R-1 ACTION: — ae a Recommended approval of the rezone application. The requested zoning is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Very truly yours, . Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director cc = Mayor's Office City Attorney > APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.: (e- 344- by Sec.-Twp.-R. Date of Filing: U-b-b1 Area Map © Pian:i.Com. Action? Nepcoved Kroll Page Date: “WZ b-t Receipt No. Wo) City Council Action: Ang. S- 4-671 Date: Ord.: APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant S,J, Vulcov Address1011 2nd Ave. N., Renton, Telephone No. ALS=3322 Wash. Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on H Street Street, between Sunset Bivd, Street and Othy Ave, North Street. Pe aa woe Legal cs een of Subject Property Lots 29. 23 and 24, Block 6. plot of Renton Highlands recorde?) in Volume of plots vage 34 to 41, rccocds of Mas ey ( Dx we Y 3 ” Wael. Ne ‘ 4) Existing Zoning > Zoning Requested Bl — are the uses you propose to develop on this property? business building leases es of permanent off-street packing ass that will be provided on this property? ag, POWAY 7 fj -y Number required pj. 2guire NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors. are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1. In what way is this proposed change in 2ERLNg in the pubes interest? There is need for additional business building rental space for continued growth of district 2. On what basis is there a real need in sad SE for more zoning of the type you waquests eve had a number o: equests from interested parties and adjoin: ‘operties are business ZONCU 3. Do you aonadar the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses aiid in the present classification: Please explain. This area is Sine § area, Z. What ‘pEerision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop- erty from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in oe proposed zone: Would build attractive buidling or buildingsin cowpliance of building cove Ey S.J, Vukov b am the owner of the property invoive foregoing statements and answers her herewith submitted are in all respec my knowledge and belief. duly sworn, declare that I epolication and that the ined and the information ve ard correct to the best of Subscribed and sworn before me this G™“= day of April , 19 67- Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Kenton . rte ¥en QA lufber= (Name ) 4 (SigAature of Owner) RO Bex 59 Kyte bw -101)_2nd Ave. Na (Address) 9BOSS (Mailing Address) Soke 310M eed a Renton, — Washington is’ \WUARy 3” : (City) (State) Seer Oe SVOPUBLIC fx BNE Oe”, AL5-3332 8, VD (Telephone) CERTIFICATION the foregoing appiication has been inspected by a tO) thorcugh and complete in every particular ules sand regulations of the Renton Planning Ring the BOM oF such application. and to conform Department gov 19 BY ¢ Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 Rent Meet Minu Page on Planning Commission ing April 26, 1967 tes 6 (g) WILSON, JACK E., APPL. NO. R-390-67; REZONE FROM S-1 TO R-1; PROPERTY LOCATED ON R ST. BETWEEN 7TH AVE. N. AND 8TH PL. N. iN The Chairman described the application and invited comments from the audience. As there was none, it was moved by Racanello, seconded by Garrison, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: It was moved by Racanello, seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone appli- cation of Jack E. Wilson be approved as it agrees with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unanimously. (h) CASTILE, KENNETH, APPL. NO. R-392-67; REZONE FROM R-1 AND S-1 TO R-4; PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN S. 131ST AND 132ND STS. FROM 87TH AVE. S. TO 90TH AVE. S. The Chairman described the application. Mr. Magstadt showed slides of the property in question. Mr. Garrison asked that the record show that he would refrain from com- menting or voting on this issue. Mr. Kenneth Castile, the applicant, spoke on behalf of the rezone appli- cation, pointing out that he would like to take maximum advantage of the view as well as the existing landscaping in order to develop the prop- erty. The Commissioners discussed the various elevations of the property and whether or not R-3 or R-4 would be the best zoning for the property. It was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Racanello, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried with Garrison abstaining. ACTION: It was moved by Teegarden, seconded by Sterling, that the Planning Commission accept the staff comments and recommend to the City Council rezone of the entire property to R-3. The motion lost. It was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Racanello, that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that R-4 zoning be granted on the property west of 88th Ave. S. (projected south) and R-3 zoning be granted on that part of the property east of 88th Ave. S. (projected south), as this rezone agrees with the Comprehensive Plan. As the voice vote on this motion was not clear, a roll call vote was asked for. The roll call vote resulted ina tie (Stone, Stredicke, Racanello voting aye; Sterling, Teegarden, Brower voting no). Chairman Cordell cast an aye vote, breaking the tie and passing the motion. (j) MUKOV, S. J., APPL. NO. R-394-67; REZONE FROM R-1 TO B-1; PROPERTY LOCATED ON H STREET BETWEEN SUNSET BLVD. AND 9TH AVE. N. The Chairman described the application and the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. The Planning Direc- tor stated that the Comprehensive Plan indicates commercial use for this property. It was moved by Garrison, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Renton Planning Commission Meeting April 26, 1967 Minutes Page 7 ACTION: It was moved by Sterling, seconded by Stone, that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the rezone application as it agrees with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unanimously. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Director stated that the next meeting of the Valley Regional Planning Commission would be held on April 27, 1967, in the Renton City Hall Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M. MASS TRANSIT STUDY Mr. Ericksen pointed out that the "Mass Transit Study" pre- sentation for the Metro Regional Area scheduled to be held at the Puget Power Auditorium at 7:30 P.M. on May 10, 1967, would conflict with the regularly scheduled Administrative Meeting of the Renton Planning Commission. It was moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stone, that the regu- larly scheduled meeting of the Renton Planning Commission of May 10, 1967, in the Renton City Hall Council Chambers be cancelled and that the Commissioners meet at the Barb Res- taurant at 6:00 P.M. for an informal meeting prior to attend- ing the "Mass Transit Study" presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Stredicke reported seeing three trailers parked on property near a small house at 13006 or 13026 - 12th Ave. N. and requested that this matter be investigated for possible violations of zoning and/or building codes (in area being annexed by Renton). Mr. Stredicke stated that it was his understanding that the Seattle City Council at their next meeting would adopt an ordinance regulating signs and requested that a copy of this ordinance be obtained. It was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 P.M. James E. Denzer, Secretary Dayle Garrison, Chairman NOTICE OF POBLIC HEARING RENTON ELANNING COMMISSION RENTCN, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REG- ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITy HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON APRIL 26 , 19-67 , AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER 2NONUOCOCONOMOIK THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: SPO DORENG ONE SCRE LOO ROX 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF VICKI'S PARK ADDN, property located on R Street between 7th Ave. N. and 8th Pl. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The south 165' of the SE of the NE \ of Sec. 9, Township 23 N, Range 5E, W.M., less the easterly 360' thereof and less that portion lying westerly of a line 50' casterly of and parallel to the westerly line of the Bonneville Transmission Line sasement. 2. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HONEY DEW ESTATES DIV. 3, property located on S.E. 116th St. between 134th and 136th Aves. S.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The NW 4% of the NE \ of the SW 4 of the NW 4% of Sec. 10, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., except N 30' thereof for road. 3. REZONE FROM G TO R-4, property located at 9418 108th Pl. S.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of Block 56 in C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition No. 1 according to plat recorded in Vol. ll of Plats, page 63, records of King County, Washington; together with all of abandoned Pacific Coast Railroad Right of Way between the cast boundary of 108th Pi. S.E. to the east line of Block 56 produced southerly; together with the W 4% of Block 55 in C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Addition No. 1. According to Plat recorded in Vol. 11 of Plats, page 63, records of King County, Wash. All in Sec. 32, Town- ship 24N, Range 5E, W.M. 4. REZONE FROM R-2 TO R~4, property located between Park and Factory Sts. from 3rd Ave. N. to 4th-Ave. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Sartorisville; and all of Block 3, Car Works Addition EXCEPT Lot 12; and all of Block 6, Car Works Addition, EXCEPT Lots 1 through 6, inclusive, and EXCEPT Lots 9 and 10, and EXCEPT Lots 26 through 30, inclusive, King County, Washington. 5. REZONE FROM G TO B-1, property located on 7th Ave. between Rainier Ave. and 90th Ave. S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Government Lot 16 in Section 18, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Government Lot 16 which is north 89°43'34" west 140' from the intersection of said north line with the westerly line of state Road No. 5; thence north 0°16'°26" east 645.57" to the southerly margin of Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad right-of-way; thence westerly along said southerly margin to a point thereon which lies on a line intersecting a point 970' west of the south one-quarter corner of said Section 18, and which bears north 01°40'53" east from said point on one-quarter section line; thence south along said line to said one-quarter section line; thence east along said one-quarter section line to the point of beginning; EXCEPT city streets. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSTON PAGE 2 6. REZONE FROM G TO B-1, property located on 4th Ave. N. between 132nd Ave. S.E. and M St. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The S 4% of the NW % of the NE & of the NE 4% of Sec. 16, Township 23 N, Range 5 LE, W.M., subject to Easement for City of Seattle Transmission Line right of way. 7. REZONE FROM S-1 TO R-1, property located on R St. between 7th Ave. N. and 8th Pl. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The S 165' of the SE % of the NE 4 of Sec. 9, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., less the easterly 360' thereof and less that portion lying westerly of a line parallel with and 50' westerly of the easterly line of the Bonneville Transmission Line Easement. 8. REZONE FROM R-1 & S-1 TO R-4, property located between S. 13l1st and 132nd Sts. from 90th Ave. S. and 87th Ave. S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S 45! of N 90" of E 100° of lot 60, Latimer's N.H. Lake Washington Plat accord- ing to plat recorded in Vol. 6 of Plats, page 70, in King County, Wash. BE 100' of lot 60, N.H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat according to plat recorded in vol. 6 of plats, page 70, in King County, Wash. EXCEPT the N 90' thereof and EXCEPT the S 100' thereof. N 85.36' of S 185.36' of W 100" of lot 60, N.H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat and N 84.64' of W + Latimer's Lake Washington Plat together with vacated streets ad- Joining. S 100' of lot 60, N.Il. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat together with vacated streets adjoining. Lot 58, N.Il. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat together with vacated streets adjoining. N 180' of Lot 59, N.H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat together with vacated streets adjoining. 9. REZONE FROM GS-1 TO P-1, property located on 10th Ave. N. between M and N Sts. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The W 4 of the N 43 of the NW & of the SW 4 of the NE % of Sec. 9, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M., EXCEPT roads; LESS all coal and minerals and the right to explore for and mine the same. 10. ¥ REZONE FROM R-1 TO B-1, property Nvkevs 3:54 St. between Sunset Blvd. and 9th Ave. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 6, Plat of Renton Highlands recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats, pages 34 to 41, King County, Wash. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON APRIL 26, 1967, AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. JAMES Es DENZER, SECRETARY RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLISHED APRIL 13, 1967. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Traffic Engineer DATE: April 21, 1967 FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Rezone Application, S. J. Vukov Please review question of right-of-way requirements (Sunset Highway), access to property, etc. Renton Planning Commission Meeting April 12, 1967 Minutes Page 5 ae the property is presently a wooded area; that the Comprehensive Plan shows single-family residential use; and that the proposed use would be for a two-story structure--the lower story comprising medical- dental offices for lease and the upper story to be used as the lodge hall. Mr. Ericksen stated that the applicant had been advised that the proposed use was not in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan, but it was suggested that an application be filed so that the various uses of P-1 could be reviewed and studied by the Planning Commission relative to the Comprehensive Plan. (1) VUKOV, S. J., APPL. NO. R-394-67, REZONE FROM R-1 TO B-1; PROPERTY LOCATED ON _H ST, BETWEEN SUNSET BLVD. AND 9TH AVE. N. The Chairman described the application. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map and indicated the | possible need for additional right-of-way for Sunset Blvd. ACTION: The Chairman announced that a field trip was scheduled to view the above properties for Saturday, April 15, 1967, 8:30 A.M., members to meet at the Park Avenue Restaurant, He also advised the members that a study session was scheduled for Wednesday, April 19, 1967. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) TWO-STORY PLAYHOUSE AT 1038 Q STREET: The Planning Commission was advised by the Chairman that in October 1966 the Planning Department notified the Building Director of the existence of a two-story playhouse at 1038 Q Street constructed in violation of the building code. On March 31 the Planning Department asked the Building Director the status of the playhouse and the viola- tion. On April 4, the Building Department replied that the owner had removed the top story of the playhouse and was then in conformance with the zoning and building codes. (b) LETTER FROM MR. GEORGE BUTKO, 10657 RAINIER AVE. S., SEATTLE, RE: ZONING, EARLINGTON HILL: The Chairman read a letter to the Planning Commission from Mr. George Butko, 10657 Rainier Avenue S., Seattle, requesting that the Compre- hensive Plan be changed so that his property located on the corner of 4th West and Earlington Street could be rezoned to R-3. No action was taken on this request. (c) ASPO CONFERENCE: The Planning Director spoke briefly regarding his recent trip to Houston, Fort Worth and Dallas in connection with his attendance at the ASPO Conference. He stated that he had many slides of the visited areas and as soon as these were developed and his notes transcribed that he hoped to be able to present a more detailed report to the Commission, possibly at a study session meeting.