HomeMy WebLinkAboutRezone File No 425-67STOP STOP STOP’ STOP STOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. D0 NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. oT OP! STOP STOP STOP STOP OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK +« RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 © ALPINE 5-3464 « « Or CAPITA © November 16, 1967 Mr. Bruce Mahler, Land & Tax Agent »~~—— King County Assessor's Office County Court House, Room 201 Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sir: Kiger _ Btu kvrg Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No, 2371 changing the zoning of certain properties within the City of Renton, as passed and approved on this _ 13th day of j Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON LL, pitt 4 fi. Late n~—* Helmie City Clerk HWN/h Enclosure (1) 3" fl pyle 4 Cue : V2 Jo (CW x c Renton, “ashington October 26, 1967 Honorable Mayor Council Members City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We want to go on record as opposing the proposed rezoning of the easement road which was part of the re- zoning application of the Ditler Berg residence from single residence to R-3. This easment road is jointly owned by Curt Agren who owns property from 84th Avenue on either side of easement road to the T.G. Agren property. The T.G. Agren property adjoins the Berg property. The easement road ends with the Berg property line and does not ex- tend down to Lake Washington Blvd. We also oppose the rezoning of the property to R-3, Yours very truly, le pe - i? pph J ff tear? on, oA Me _ Chenhea) (ta € A oe ane: , ie Cu urt and Evelyn Agren z 4 A Ata Hannah Ww. via T. G and Hannah Agren Se0h of wielslslelalehs (| | | LI R Nt —- 4 | nee 947% St. ¥ s ‘ 55 { 34 363 \ BSCE LOT it ff GA x | "| r] 40 4s jae Seals Seed ALTTTT [ “9 ea pie re | \ é : 4 oe { = Ps | Bia eae " : 43 44 is pn, | : as 362 SO L. 5 aS N pve r\\L_ ei! tho 259° 239 2S ul s ope es di i] ne YLSrl 7 cort ORDINANCE NO._-277/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANG ING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CRRTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM GENERAL CLASSIFICATION (G) TO RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-3) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regubtions) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property herein- below described has heretofore been zoned as General Claseification (G); and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk on or about October 2, 1967, which petition was then duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about October 25, 1967, and proper notice o£ hearing has been duly published and posted as provided by law; and said petition having been duly considered by the Planning Commission, and said rezoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOM THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential District (R-3); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: That portion of Government Lot 1, Section 32, Twp. 24 5 E.,W.M., described as follows: Begiming at ms nar uaeni ct at the S line of said government lot with the southeasterly line of Lake Washington Blvd., said point bearing N 88°48'58" W 1753.72' from the SE corner of said government lot; thence along said boulevard line N 39°51'43" E 247.76'; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 2178.79', a distance of 220.33' to the true Point Of beginning; thence continuing along the curve of said boulevard line 119.16'; thence N 30°56'13" E 10.84'; thence §$ oe 312.20"; thence § 28°41'38" W 244.14'; thence N 55° (Located on Lake Wash: Byes "Berean geen a Ate and SE. 82nd “tse) SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13th day of November,. 196d,» 4 oe APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication NOV 16 1967 MEMORANDUM hoe TO: City Attorney DATE: November 7, 1967 - FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Ditler Berg Rezone (Question of | Easement) As noted in our discussion at last night's Council meet~- ing, the easement for driveway access to S.E. 84th Street, while included in the original legal description of the — property, is not a part of the actual rezone. In dis- cussing the easement question for the driveway with the adjacent property owners, I suggested that they get together with Mr. Berg and his attorney to’ resolve the guestion which is, as you indicated, a private matter. and not one of City doing. As we further indicated, with the development of the property we will require public ~ access to Lake Washington Boulevard and will also require screening-off and deletion of the easement access. over the adjacent single family-zoned property. The ordinance rezoning the property should also, we feel, delete any mention of the easement even though it was part of the legal description as submitted on the application. cc: Ages Clerk Mayor and City Council November 2, 1967 Page 2 The plat under consideration is a continuation of the previously approved plats of Victoria Park No. 1 and No. 2. The Planning Commission upon completion of its review found the preliminary plat of Victoria Park No. 7 to be in accord with the City of Renton Platting Ordin- ance and recommended approval. . REZONE APPLICATIONS BUTKO, GEORGE, App): No, pai Et UE rezone from R-1l to B-1; | property Locate Sunset blvd. W: btwn Langston & Stevens Total Area-~6,500 sq. ft. + Existing goniag-~k-1 Existing Use--undeveloped (vacant) Principal Access--Sunset Blwd. W. Proposed Use~~commercial : Comprehensive Plan--commercial & multi-family residential The Planning Commission upon completion of its review _ found the rezone request to be in accord with the Com- prehensive Plan and recommended approval. +& BERG, DITLER, Appl. No. R-425-67, rezone from G to 8-3; property loca on east side sf Cake Washington Sivd. between 5.8. Gand and 84th Sts. Total Area~--1.3 ac. Existing Zoning-~G fuisting Use-~single family residence Principal Access~-Lake Washington Blwd. Proposed Use~-multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan~~low to medium density multi-family residential The property in question was recently annexed to the City of Renton from King County. The property while still in the county was zoned RM-1800 (medium density multiple family). The Planning Commission upon completion of its . review found the rezone request of Ditler Berg for 8-3 zoning to be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and; recommended approval. Very truly yours, Gordon ¥. Sricksen Planning Director Renton, Washington October 26, 1967 Honorable Mayor Council Members City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We want to go on record as opposing the proposed rezoning of the easement road which was part of the re- zoning application of the Ditler Berg residence from single residence to R-3. This easment road is jointly owned by Curt Agren who owns property from 84th Avenue on either side of easement road to the T.G. Agren property. The T.G. Agren property adjoins the Berg property. The easement road ends with the Berg property line and does not ex- tend down to Lake Washington Blvd. We also oppose the rezoning of the property to R-3, Yours very truly, Coat & gre Exch Caren urt and Evelyn Agren 4 Hannah Ws. Oped T. G and Hannah Agren l APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No. (C-42S-b7 Plan. Com. Action Receipt No. ee or Appeal Filed Filing Date OA. 2, Wet City Council Action Hearing Date Ock . as, \at Ordinance No. §& Date APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Nane DITLER BERG Addvees 8418 Lake Washington Blvd., Renton Telephone Nos .s 2 227? Property petitioned for rezoning is located on Lake Washington Soutevart————_ between SeB« 84th and S.E.—82ne¢ Total square footage in property 1-30 acres LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY : wnat portion or Government Lot Ll, sec. 32, Twp 24 N, Range 5 EWM, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the S line of said government Iot with the SEIy LTiné of Laké Washington Bivd., said point bearing N 88°48"58" W 1753.72 £t Erom the SE corner of said government lot; thence along said boulevard line N 39°51°43" E 247.76 ft; €hence on a curve to the left with a radius of 2178.79 ft, a distance of 220.33 feet to the true place of beginning; thence continuing along the curve of said boulevard line I19.16 feet; thence N 30°56°13" E 10.84 ft; thence S 77°1I0°30" E£ 312.20 Et; thence S po liso” W 244.14 ft; thence N 35°55'460" W s1l0 tt to the true point of beginning” TOGETHER with an easement for a driveway over the following tract: Beginning at the most Sly corner ct above described tract; thence S 28°41°38" W 229.65 £t to the 5 line of said Government Iot; thence N 3ev4e'5ss™ W 22.55 Et; thence N 28°4i[" 3B" E 185 ft; thence N 4°30%54" W 72.54 ft; thence & 55°55°"46"™ E 60 Ft to the begin- ning. \ L Existing Zoning G Zoning Requested R83 What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? Apartments Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? As required by code Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional infor- mation you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure sheet Item No. 2 for specific requirements). lL In what way is this proposed change in zoni i he public interest? Existing uses of adjacent droperty require multi 18986 buffer peelobetvcan ee a ss. Industry alia sirote LANL LY Leslaciices. 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? Need for additional housing in the area. 3. What provision will you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? None required. Renton Planning Dept. 1967 Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1967 Minutes Page 5 (e) RICHARDS, EUGENE M., Appl. No. R-424-67; rezone from G-6000 to L-l; property located on 86th Ave. S. between S. 153rd St. and FAI 405 The Chairman described the rezone application, and the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Slides of the property were shown. Mr. Ericksen stated that it was the intent of the Comprehensive Plan that warehous- ing or non-manufacturing uses could be developed in this area. He stated further that in his opinion the Manufacturing Park zoning designation would enable a better development of the area as there are no setback or fencing requirements in the L-l zone. Mr. Eugene M. Richards, the applicant, stated that he had no ob- jection to the setback and fencing requirements of M-P, but the U-shape of his property precluded his following strictly those requirements in M-P and for that reason he would prefer the L-1l zoning. The Chairman asked Mr. Richards if he would be agreeable to restrictive covenants with L-1 zoning which would require reasonable setbacks, fencing and landscaping. Mr. Richards replied that he would prefer to handle the matter with restrictive coven- ants as suggested by Mr. Teegarden. He stated further that his company had tried to acquire the adjacent property with no suc- cess and he was not certain he would ever be able to get the property to square off the property now under discussion. ACTION: Moved by Denzer, seconded by Racanello, that the Commission con- tinue the hearing on this application to November 22, 1967. Motion carried, with Stredicke dissenting. ADDITIONAL ACTION: Stredicke stated that several times during this hearing the advice of the City Attorney would have been valuable and he therefore moved that the Planning Commission send a letter to the Mayor re- questing the presence of the City Attorney or his assistant at each public hearing meeting of the Planning Commission. Racanello seconded this motion. Stone stated as his firm is involved, he would abstain from voting on the motion. Motion carried. at (£) BERG, DITLER, Appl. No. R-425-67, rezone from G to R-3; property located on east side of Lake Washington Bivd. between S.E. 82nd and 84th Sts. The Chairman described the rezone application, and the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Slides of the property were shown. The Planning Director stated that this area was recently annexed to the City of Renton from King County and that the property while still in the county was zoned RM-1800. This zoning was lost when the area was annexed to the City of Renton. The Chairman introduced into the record a petition against the proposed rezone signed by 20 residents of the area. Denzer stated he felt the property was suitable for multi-family residential use and its rezone would help to get badly needed sewer service into the area. Stredicke asked about the 20-foot easement shown as access to the property. The Planning Director replied that in the event of Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1967 Minutes Page 6 = development of the property for multi-family residential use, access to the property would be required from Lake Washington Boulevard. Comments from the audience were invited. The following persons spoke in opposition to the rezone stating they wished the area to remain single family residential: Mr. Curt Agren, 8223 - 104th Ave. S.E.; Mrs. Paul Kullama, 10453 S.E. 84th St.; and Mr. Russell Carlson, 10445 S.E. 84th St. Mr. Don Gouge, attorney representing the applicant, spoke on behalf of the rezone, citing the fact that the property had been zoned multiple in the county, the suitability of the property for multi- family residential development, and pointing out that access from Lake Washington Boulevard would be developed which would eliminate the nuisance to adjacent residents of traffic over the 20' ease- ment now serving the property. There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Denzer, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: It was moved by Denzer, seconded by Racanello, that the Planning Commission grant the rezone application of Ditler Berg for R-3 zoning and forward this recommendation to the City Council for approval. This rezone would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried, with Stredicke and Brower dissenting. (g) COOK, WALTER L., Appl. No. R-426-67, rezone from G-6000 to L-l; property located on 89th Ave. S. between FAI 405 and S. 153%d, St. Chairman Teegarden described the rezone application, and the Plan- ning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. At the present time the property is the site of several single family residences. Access would be from 89th Ave. S. Slides of the property in question were shown. The Planning Director stated that in terms of the long range develop- ment of the entire area that the Manufacturing Park zoning desig- nation would be more suitable for the property than L-l. ACTION: As the applicant was not in the audience, it was moved by Racanello, seconded by Denzer, to continue the hearing on this application until the meeting of November 22, 1967, to allow the Planning Depart- ment time to notify the applicant of the feeling of the Planning Department with reference to the desirability of M-P zoning and acquaint the applicant with the conditions of this zone with the idea he might wish to revise his application from L-1l to M-P. Motion carried unanimously. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: (a) PAW FALL MEETING (report on) Chairman Teegarden, to save time, referred each Commissioner to the report on the Planning Association of Washington Fall Meeting prepared by Commissioner Denzer and distributed prior to this meeting. Renton Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 1967 Agenda Page 2 FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (c) Vicki's Park Addition, Appl. No. FP-428-67; property located on R St. between /7th Ave. N. and 8th Pl. N. Total Area--1.47 ac. (5 lots) Existing Zoning--R-1l Existing Use--undeveloped (vacant) Principal Access--7th Ave..N. and R St. Proposed Use--single family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family residential REZONE APPLICATIONS (d) Butko, George, Appl. No. R-423-67, rezone from R-1 to B-1; property located on Sunset Blvd. btwn Langston and Stevens Total Area--6,500 sq. ft. + Existing Zoning--R-1 Existing Use--undeveloped (vacant) Principal Access--Sunset Blvd. W. Proposed Use--commercial Comprehensive Plan--commercial and multi-family residential (e) Richards, Eugene M., Appl. No. R-424-67, rezone from G-6000 to L-1l; property located on 86th Ave. S. between S. 153rd St. and Hwy 405 Total Area--40,250 sq. ft. (1 ac. -) Existing Zoning--G-6000 Existing Use--single family residence Principal Access--86th Ave. S. Proposed Use--manufacturing park or light industrial Comprehensive Plan--light industrial _ (f£) Berg, Ditler, Appl. No. R-425-67, rezone from G to R-3; property located on east side of Lake Washington Blvd. between S.E. 82nd and 84th Sts. Total Area--1.3 ac. Existing Zoning--G Existing Use--single family residence Principal Access--Lake Washington Blvd. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--low to medium density multi-family residential (g) Cook, Walter L., Appl. No. R-426-67, rezone from G-6000 to L-1; property located on 89th Ave. S. btwn Hwy 405 and S. 153rd St. Total Area--1-1/3 ac. Existing Zoning--G-6000 Existing Use--single family residence Principal Access--89th Ave. S. via S. 153rd St. Proposed Use--light industrial Comprehensive Plan--light industrial 6. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (a) PAW Fall Meeting held in Pullman--report to Commission 7. COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS FROM AUDIENCE October 11, 1967 Planning Commission City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We the undersigned oppose the rezoning of the D. Berg property from G to R 3. We prefer to keep the area as — rest doper ae accordance with the comprehensive Biter LY Lk eer’ ppti AB & Gea wy Julie 4 Meas pe re Hh Zarb fo4 z7SE LLY Ant , Det, VA lard’ Se -/O437 vy fl A Jeo Dated Yleo Tyaebn te ae ae rose LF IAS e 0 OO Ke Bre telah 7ZL Af ace - Bald Li. Wak, Dlr 7. € ‘ a4 4 €vt - TV? ca Cosa Cobar 9s SE EEE LT Wathleer Ca sNderu adil g/t Yoeee Zonet Ya and) Whe. Ji ; Kilbane. 0953 -3.6 ef ra yi a -\pas, F Tsnnin.,” be Ga ts, s2s¢, be Abakon, Hon, ° a hers SE, a wit’ GFOSN ke Lop. a é a T rw g Che: ca m i & bez, =e >) 23 sof Pie . Ss Pig & on a ‘ 4 we C, pani = % ii fF 4 The Fawcett, T G Agren and C L Agren property are part of the easment road. AFFIDAVIT I, DITLER BERG being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of tne property invoived in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true ard correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 27 day of sept. _, 19 67. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton . iO ae (Signature of Owne~) c/o H. Donald Gouge, Attorney-at-Law 312 Wells Ave. S., P. O. Box 26 Renton, Washington 98055 312 Wells Ave. S., Renton, Washington (Address) (Mailing Address) ; ay por © ae FOE Ne Ge Renton, Washington 98055 “a tet 48 ‘ (City) (State) ALpine 5-5600 (Telephone) (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to. the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department ar wae of such application. Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 ee e ee NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ; RENTON, WASHINGTON ! _A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS. REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON_OCTOBER 25 , 19.67_, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS $ é : Bera ole FROM G TO R-3; property located on Lake Washington Blvd. between ‘| S.E. 82nd and 84th Sts. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Government Lot.1, Sec. 32, Twp 24N, Range 5 E, W.M. described as follows: Begin- ning at the intersection of the S line of said government lot with the southeasterly line of Lake Washington Blvd., said point bearing ; -N 88°48'58" wW 1753.72' from the SE corner of said government lot; thence “along said boulevard line N 39°51'43" E 247.76'; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 2178.79', a distance of 220.33' to the true place of beginning; thence continuing along the curve of said boulevard dine 119.16'; thence N 30°56'13" E 10.84'; thence S 77°10'30" E 312.20'; 2 thence S 28°41'°38" W 244.14'; thence N 55°55'46" W 310' to the true point of beginning; TOGETHER with an easement for a driveway over the following tract: Beginning at the most southerly corner of above described tract; thence S 28°41'38" W 229.65' to the S line of said Government lot; thence N 88°48'58" W 22.55'; thence N 28°41'38" E 185'; thence N 4°30'54" W 72.54'; thence S 55°55'46" E 60° to the one ~ or e , me e eS Page 2 ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON AT 8300 P,M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. or ew es s e | | JAMES E. DENZER , SECRETARY PUBLISHED_|_octoher 12, 1967 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION E 1, dames UL. Magstadt » HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY : DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. 4 ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn on gata 2 Leagesl | ae = to before me,:a‘Notary Public, an the ‘Adthdey of October , 1967. , ~<sflascbianad wr 5 aT a I Lae WOOF (Atay = ee Calan! ' i \ ail o = ” - - * os ip + - a \ ae ae 6 TEST b NY AyperTn enrs Se 44TH ST /O 0 8 F 2 Av e . S E l0 6 F Av e , SE ‘i $s ‘ “e S La =