HomeMy WebLinkAboutRezone File No 434-67hi se a t 10 0 . 14 —o We . 27 : yk se e eo 138.52 ¥ 136. 20 143, 2 9 Fa t i m a ne n a 1 0 2 . 4 1 $ t ee | ee ae ’ — — — — — — i wh} i as Cen ag Lie aha teen om i) B r a e . a > Da t e l ee 7 © ° N ” rst 1S dean sy 45.00» <p treor® aw gp ' ve we : —~ - e yo t —— ¢ e rq 7 i | ' aa a e e e e a g e m n n e e d ty aN ey 2 ae ) a ee ee s . Y On e > a . ° 1¢ 29 7 Cr ae a n s se “ * “u w Ks or ce r Or e Y F je 7 & S$ , @ is = | ev e " ox {f i 7 ae r a je er s ME L6 , 0 FI V I7 - I- A KS . et r e iN N Sy ” ar . Gr ) . om Ost 6, CHI at) BLT Lig ARE aR AND 2 ‘ Ai i nn ryetel aARAFA ' e ‘ a ) W I T NO L A N . Ps \\ my doit LIMITS > = VU 2 = i 4 w aw 2 1 ot Paciric COAST ~ ‘in; mae OILS I < 6, PC RYGROUN = OR Ga Gn I ans se! Pe sirisjals 4 (Q B AV O V A D B e ACIFIC 6 iy SUNDRY CO STOP STOP STOP’ STOP STOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. S| OP! STOP STOP STOP - STOP OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK « RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ¢ ALPINE 5-3464 March 20, 1968 Mr. Bruce Mahler, Land & Tax Agent King County Assessor's Office County Court House, Room 201 Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sirs Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No, 2389 changing the zoning of certain properties within the City of Renton, as passed and approved on this _ !8th day of March, 1968 . Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON - ‘ fi : ; , fi “4 Ate Lorets. A Hrd we in” Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/h Enclosure (1) {etd tr Ral et Rcuirzt QUES 30S tus ae peep er yeny RESTRICTIV COVENANT . ° 2 : a * (J 7 hd This indenture dated this //ftiday o eS o : 5 Se iy ie d 6) es (e e ) “ ie ) Ka es Le t . 4 A NE! som ae Sa wi Bieter dl aes cuted by Dean A, olneecr and beuty sin ferred to as Owner, WHEREAS Owner holds and owns fee sinple title to the follow- ing described real properties situated in the County of King, State Corrected Plat of Renton High recorded. in Volume 57 of P page 4 to imoose certain covenants on seid WHERSAS Owner desires property, now therefore, for and in consideration of benefits to be derived by Owner, the said Owner by these presents creates and estap- lisnes a restrictive covenant running with the land as follows: Thet no building shall be erected on the above deseribed property until the existing structures thereon consisting of two dup- a en eee eee have been completely removed there- This covenant snall be and it is hereby made a covenant 1 running with the land, In witness whereof I have here unto set my Pa + dear ce DSU y Odi ivicue , execute S& bru ag a LUntar y purp February a of Ale kG COPY ORDINANCE nO._ D357 KYW 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-2) TO RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-3) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Residential District (R-2); and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said properity has been filed with the City Clerk on or about November 21, 1967, which petition was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public. hearing having been held thereon on or about Becember 27, 1967, and said matter having been duly continued and the Petitioner-Owner having duly amended their Petition for rezoning, and a public hearing having been held on February 28, 1968, and proper notice of hearing has been duly published and posted as provided by law; and said tezohing inequest,:as-anendéd, being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition there, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLGIS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential District (R-3); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: Lots 4 and 5, block 42, corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, according to plat recorded in volume 57 of plats, pages 92 to 98, records of King County, Washington, located on H Street, between 11th Ave, N. and 12th Ave. N., SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of March, 1968, Y, J ; sty , : lson,: CityyGlerk “feral eg ~~ Oy ~~ mg ™. RPPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of , 1968: Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: MAR 2 0 1968 INTER-OFFICE MEMO DATE: SS Mee (19 s&s TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk FROM: Jack Wilson, City Engineer RE: ee CY ad Re ees I hereby certify that the legal description contained in the attached <—>E— Fy hsoc = ea eT of the —_, hee —séproperty is correct. : ne City Engineer 27 py Ol INTER-OFFICE MEMO Helmie Nelson, City Clerk . Date March 13, 1968 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Réz Rezoning Ordinances: Lorenson; Harris; Beanblossom, ;Singer Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find stencils of four rezoning ordinances, which we ask you to have the City Engineer and City Planning Director check over to be sure it meets with their full approval. Thereafter this matter should be turned over to the Law & Ordinance Committee. We remain truly yours dM, Shellan GMS :ds Attach/ cc: Mayor Chrmn L & O Pres. Cn. - City Eng. Planning Director PLANNING DEPARTMENT e RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 oe ALPINE 5-3464 March 11, 1968 The Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Planning Commission Recommendations Public Hearing Meeting February 28, 1968 Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing meeting of February 28, 1968 recommended approval of the following rezone applications: * stncer, DEAN A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-3 (AMENDED FROM R-4); property located on H St. between lith and 12th Aves. N. Total Area--27,590 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use~duplex family dwellings Principal Access~-llth Ave. N., 12th Ave. N., H St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density The above-named applicant had originally applied for R-4 zoning but later amended his application to R-3. The Plan- ning Commission recommended approval of the R-3 zoning, and such zoning would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. BEANBLOSSOM, F. AND ROE, E., Appl. No. R-438-68, rezone from R-2 to R-4; property located SW corner Wells Ave. N. and N. 4th St. Total Area--9500 sq. ft. Existing Zoning=-R=2 Existing Use--single family residence Principal Access--N. 4th St. and Wells Ave. N. Proposed Use-~-multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, high density The Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezone request. The proposed use would be in agreement with both the existing and the proposed Comprehensive Plan. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.: C-AY3Y-(o4 Sec.-Twp.-R. Date of Filing: \A- 2A-&T Area Map Planning Com. Action: Apornve 2-2AG-\ g Kroll Page Date: Ord. No.: Receipt No. 62 1g oe APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY Name of Applicant__DBAN A, SINGER Address1915 Monterey Dr, Kenton Telephone No. AL 5@0510 Property Petitioned for rezoning is situated on H Street, between_llth Ave, North /WA6ol/ and 12th Ave, North, LG¢¥eS¥/ Legal Description of Subject Property Lots and 5, block 2, corrected plat of Renton Highlands No, 2, according to plat recorded in volume 57 of plats, page 92, te, King County, Washington, Xo 4, h. ee o&, Amended as Existing Zoning Reo? Zoning Requested fel e-3 What are the uses you propose to develop on this propert Multiple-unit apartments Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property? _Qne per unit Number Required one per unit, NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are con- Sidered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional information you desire to submit to sub- stantiate your request may be attached to these sheets. 1. In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? s_and industry 3. Do you conseder the property involved in this application to be more suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses per- mitted in the present classification? Please explain. ~The aize and convenient ITC fe) What provistor Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 28, 1968 Minutes Page 6 The applicant, Mr. Lyle Barger, spoke on behalf of the rezone ap- plication and stated he would accept R-2 rather than R-3 zoning on the property. Stredicke stated he agreed with Teegarden's thinking on the matter. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone applica- tion of Lyle Barger for rezone from R-1l to R-3 be denied and that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the zoning not be changed from existing R-l. Motion carried; Denzer dissenting. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council in writing within ten days. (c) SINGER, DEAN A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-3 (AMENDED FROM R-4); property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. (continued from meetings of December 27, 1967, January 24 and February 14, 1968) The rezone application was described by the Chairman, and the loca- tion of the property was pointed out by the Planning Director on the zoning map. The Planning Director stated that originally the application was for R-4 zoning, but was later amended by the applicant to R-3. He stated further that for the information of the Commission everything was in order and the department sees no problem at this time. As there were no further comments from the Commission or the audience, it was moved by Denzer, seconded by Stredicke, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Denzer, that the Planning Commis- sion recommend approval of the rezone application of Dean Singer for R-3 zoning and forward to the City Council for action as it agrees with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unanimously. (d) BEANBLOSSOM, F. AND ROE, E., Appl. No. R-438-68, rezone from R-2 to R-4; property located SE corner Wells Ave. N. and N. 4th St. (continued from meeting of January 24, 1968) The Chairman described the rezone application. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map and indicated proposed use is in conformance with the existing and revised Comprehensive Plans. Some discussion was held concern- ing alley access. The Planning Director advised that access is subject to review when the building permit is applied for and plans go through the Planning and Traffic Engineering Departments where parking and access are checked. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Denzer, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. 7, ag —") RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 1968 AGENDA ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES, MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1968 BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION (a) Butko, George C., Appl. No. SP-437-68, special permit for apartment in R-2; property located SE corner Earlington St. and 4th Ave. W. (continued from meeting of January 24, 1968) Total Area--12,860 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--undeveloped Principal Access--Earlington St. and 4th Ave. W. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, low density Staff Comments: The staff has. met with Mr. Butko and his designer on several occasions to discuss and review proposed plans. Proposed plan as revised will present some ingress-egress problems, with particular reference to the proposed parking area. Proposed plan still leaves something to be desired in terms of making it compatible with surrounding single family neighborhood. REZONE APPLICATIONS (b) Barger, Lyle L., Appl. No. R-433-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located at 2502-04 9th Pl. N. (continued from meetings of November 22 and December 27, 1967) Total Area--app. 10,000 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-] Existing Use~-duplex family dwellings Principal Access--9th Pl. N. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential Staff Comments: Proposed rezone to R-3 would extend multiple zoning into a presently single family residential area. The two existing duplex structures on Mr. Barger's and adjoining property are presently non-conforming uses but would be conforming if the area were an R-2 zone. The neighborhood area at the present time appears to be relatively stable and for the most part well-maintained, and a rezone to multiple use would tend to have some detrimental effects. Commission Comments: The rezone request to R-3 is considered premature at this time. Recommend denial. (c) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-3 (AMENDED FROM R-4); property located on H St. between 1ith and 12th Aves. N. (continued from meetings of December 27, 1967, January 24 and February 14, 1968) Total Area--27,590 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--I}th Ave. N., 12th Ave. N., H St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density | Commission Comments: Recommend approval with restrictive covenants. a To. a ro, hUp OX / STNy Ceos 3 fw Topun NVATO *Q906T SAaenaicowr Q al 4 —4 ae > cl Lo o oy iS we puey: ' Am 4o8 O4un ecey SAVU T FOOTAeYUN ssouLtM UT *oUueT e004 UTA SuTUUNE qUBUSCAOD BV ops AddAOl] ST AL pus O94 TT BUS QUeUsAOO Stu, -o7ou, peaaower AtoqoTdioo uw90q SAB [TRUS SSUtDTIna Terqtiontsed xeT -Cnp oma yo Vutaspsuos uosesteyy, seanqgonrys Surastxe eu. Ttqun Laaedourd IGUTAOSSY BANGS O42 UO OSIOeTO Bq TTSUS SUTYTING ou .euy, LEM SUTUUNT ATUSAOD OAT TOTAYSOL B SOUSTT ft Su090 UT oUuR fOF SeIOTOL aud MOU ! £4 ee rac joad Viel G ra | (5 3 ) ep Gg Oo > ue = pa G 2) S o o a ae d 3S 3 pa © © oh ie ) Fe . ’ aa ev VY re SOITSo9p TOUNQ CVYRUUEM *U04 SUT ‘sqntd go 1G amM[OA UWE popaoods ou spoeTlste WMOVUTeY FO ATT pspoor1og es eqeac *Sury go faqunop 904 UE peyenats setgszodord [Teed poataosep, Sut “MOTTOI 941 04 OT4T4 OTdUTS eoT SUMO pe spToy AouMNO SYHVTHM sty 2a STLESSUMGIA to Aupayr(/ Stgy peqyep oanquoepuy sTtuy, SOP QbAC je Hanoy ay 49} pany i Ureaebrrenuaaeere rst Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 14, 1968 Minutes Page 2 The Planning Director stated that meetings have been held with the developer's engineer and that requested changes have been made. He stated further that the plat meets the minimum standards of the Subdivision Ordinance with the exception of the variances re- quested and recommended approval. Mr. Oscar Barry of Bell and Valdez, developers of the plat, stated that a home owners' association comprised of property owners in the area would assume responsibility for maintenance of the park and island areas in the plat. He stated this has been handled success- fully in Rolling Hills 1, 2 and 3 on this basis. Mr. Robert Scholes of Sprout Engineers & Associates spoke on behalf of the plat and explained some of the difficulties encountered in platting the area. Discussion followed among Commission members as to the advisability of redesigning the plat so the variances would not be required. The Planning Director stated that while this could be done, lots would be lost to the developer and the variances requested were not of a critical nature inasmuch as the lots shown were long and more than sufficient square footage was being provided. Discussion followed concerning the development of S.E. 160th Street, and it was determined that only half the street could be developed as the south half is in the county and not under the jurisdiction of the City of Renton. Further discussion followed concerning the possibility of taking some of the area shown as park and widening the lots adjacent so that a variance for lot frontage would be unnecessary. Both Mr. Barry and the Planning Director stated they felt it was more desirable to have the additional area in the park for community use than in wider lots. It was also noted that some corner lots did not meet the 85 foot requirement, but these lots could be varied to meet minimum requirements. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Denzer, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Sterling, seconded by Denzer, that the Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat of Rolling Hills Village No. 4; grant a variance on lots 41 through 46 for a minimum of 67-1/2 foot front- age at the building line; and grant a variance on lots 32 through 37 for a minimum of 72 foot frontage at the building line. Motion carried; Stredicke dissenting. REZONE APPLICATION € (b) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-3 (AMENDED FROM R-4); property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. (continued from meetings of December 27, 1967, and January 24, 1968) The Chairman described the application. The Planning Director stated that the applicant had this day delivered copy of a notar- ized restrictive covenant covering removal of existing structures on the property; however, the document had not been recorded. He stated further that an additional statement should be included in the covenant, as advised by the City Attorney. Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 14, 1968 Minutes Page 3 ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Ross, that the Planning Commission continue consideration of this application to the meeting of Febru- ary 28, 1968. Motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS As requested by the Chairman, the Planning Director introduced the following items of new business, indicated their location on the zoning map and discussed each application briefly. FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (a) Plat of Glencoe, Appl. No. FP-443-68; property located NE corner S.E. 107th St. and 132nd Ave. S.E. SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION (b) St. Andrews Bldg. Corp., Appl. No. SP-445-68, special permit to allow offices in R-3; property located SW corner Williams Ave. S. and S. 5th St. REZONE APPLICATIONS (c) Davis, Eva L., Appl. No. R-440-68, rezone from R-2 to R-3; property located on Hardie St. between S. 133rd and 134th Sts. (d) Hogan, Thomas J., Appl. No. R-444-68, rezone from G-7200 to R-3; property located on 114th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave. N. and North Renton Interchange (e) Gambriell, Vern, Appl. No. R-447-68, rezone from GS-1 to R-3; property located SW corner Talbot Rd. and S. 155th St. (£) Harris, Charles & Minnie, Appl. No. R-442-68, rezone from S-1l to R-l; property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. between 6th Pl. N. and 7th Ave. N. (g) Lorenson, H. C. and Jensen, J. D., Appl. No. R-448-68; rezone from G and R-3 to R-3 and B-1l; property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. between 4th and 6th Aves. N. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that a field trip be set for February 17, 1968, Commissioners to meet at the Park Avenue Restaurant at 8:30 A.M.; and that a study session be set for Febru- ary 21, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. in order to view, study and discuss the new items of business as well as the continued items which will come before the Commission on February 28, 1968. Mola moved that an amendment be made to Stredicke's motion to set the field trip for February 24, 1968, as he is on active duty with the Navy and will not be able to attend any meeting set for Febru- ary 17, 1968; Denzer seconded. The Chairman stated the members would vote on the amendment to the original motion first. On voice vote dissenting votes were heard and roll call vote was requested, with Commissioners voting as follows: February 15, 1968 Mr. Dean A. Singer 1915 Monterey Drive Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Rezone application No. R-434-67 for change of zone from R-2 to R-3, property located on H Street between lith and 12th Avenues. N. Dear Mr. Singer: The Planning Commission at its meeting of February 14, 1968, again reviewed the status of the proposed rezone request and the restrictive covenant proposed for said property. It will be necessary to revise the proposed restrictive covenant to include an additional statement as specified by our City Attorney and also to record the covenant be-~ . fore the Commission can make its recommendation. In view Of this, the Planning Commission continued consideration of your application to February 28, 1968. Please contact this office so that these matters may be taken care of prior to the next Planning Commission meeting. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1968 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, MEETING JANUARY 24, 1968 3. BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION (a) Preliminary Plat of Rolling Hills Village No. 4, Appl. No. PP-439-68; property located vicinity of 116th Ave. S.E. between Puget Drive and S.E. 160th St. extended westerly (continued from meeting of January 24, 1968) ~ REZONE APPLICATION (b) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-3 (AMENDED FROM R-4); property located on H St. between llth and l2th Aves. N. (continued from meetings of December 27, 1967, :and January 24, 1968) 4. NEW BUSINESS: FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (a) Plat of Glencoe, Appl. No. FP-443-68; property located NE corner of S.E. LO/th St. and 1l32nd Ave. S.E. Total -Area--28.7. ac. (115 lots) Existing Zoning--G-7200 Existing Use--undeveloped Principal Access--132nd Ave..S.E. Proposed Use--single family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family residential SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION (b) St. Andrews Bldg. Corp., Appl. No. SP-445-68, special permit to allow offices in R-3; property located SW corner Williams Ave. S, and §. 5th 6t, Total Area--30,000 sq. ft. EXisting Zoning——R-3 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--Williams Ave. S. Proposed Use--lodge hall and offices Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential REZONE APPLICATIONS (c) Davis, Eva L., Appl. No. R-440-68, rezone from R-2 to R-3; property located on Hardie St. between S. l33rd and 134th Sts. Total Area--23,000 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--9lst Ave. S. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density Renton Planning Commission Meeting January 24, 1968 Minutes Page 4 3. BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS (continued) REZONE APPLICATION (AMENDED FROM R-4); property located on H St. between llth and l2th Aves. N. (continued from meeting of December 27, 1967) ae Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-3 The Chairman described the rezone application and read a letter from the applicant amending his application request from R-4 to R=3. The applicant stated he wished to file restrictive covenants cover- ing removal of existing structures before further development, but had not been able to get them prepared in time for this hearing. Commissioners indicated they preferred not to act on the rezone application until all the paper work was resolved. ACTION: Moved by Denzer, seconded by Racanello, that the hearing on the rezone application of Dean Singer be continued to the meeting of February 14, 1968. Stredicke stated he wanted the applicant to understand that he would not be in favor of the rezone unless there was a bond posted or restrictive covenants recorded covering removal of existing structures on the property. The present ordinance requires one parking stall per dwelling unit, but it is anticipated that within the next month or two the ordinance will be changed to require one and one-half stalls per dwelling unit. \_the pending motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION (a) Butko, George C., Appl. No. SP-437-68, special permit for apartment in R-2; property located SE corner Earlington St. and 4th Ave. W. The Chairman described the special permit application and stated that a petition protesting issuance of the special permit had been received bearing 44 signatures of residents in the area. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Slides of the area were shown including slides of the proposed development--nine units, including seven one- bedroom units and two bachelor units, which is the maximum number of units allowable on a property of this size. The parking stalls shown on the plan were of substandard size and would have to be revised. Stredicke stated he felt that a maximum of four units should be allowed. Racanello and Denzer stated they felt six units would be feasible. They were all agreed that additional parking would be required, plus landscaping and screening to protect adjacent residences. Comments from the audience were invited. Several members of the audience spoke in protest to the special permit stating that the RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING JANUARY 24, 1968 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, MEETING JANUARY 10, 1968 3. BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (a) Vicki's Park Addition, Appl. No. FP-428-67; property located on R St. between 7th Ave. N. and 8th Pl. N. (continued from meetings of October 25, November 8 and November 22, 1967) Total Area--1.47 ac. (5 lots) Existing Zoning--R-1 Existing Use--undeveloped Principal Access--7th Ave. N. and R St. Proposed Use--single family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family residential REZONE APPLICATIONS (b) Cook, Walter L., Appl. No. R-426-67, rezone from G-6000 to L-1; property located on 89th Ave. S. between FAI 405 and S. 153rd St. (continued from meetings of October 25 and November 22, 1967) Total Area--1-1/3 ac. Existing Zoning--G-6000 Existing Use--single family residence Principal Access--89th Ave. S. via S. 153rd St. Proposed Use--light industrial Comprehensive Plan--non-manufacturing industry (c) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-3 (AMENDED FROM R-4); property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. (continued from meeting of December 27, 1967) Total Area--27,590 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--llth Ave. N., 12th Ave. N., H St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density 4, NEW BUSINESS: SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION (a) Butko, George C., Appl. No. SP-437-68, special permit for apartment in R-2; property located SE corner Earlington St. and 4th Ave. W. Total Area--12,860 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--undeveloped Principal Access--Earlington St. and 4th Ave. W. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, low density br’ 1915 Monterey Dr, Renton, Washington January 23, 1966 Renton Planning Commission City Hall. Renton, Washington 968055 Gentlemens: Following your suggestion at last months Planning Conmission meeting, I have discussed my requested re-zoning of property located on 'H! Street between llth and 12th Avenues N, with Mr, Gordon Erickson, Renton Planning Director, This discussion with Mr, Erickson has clari- fied several points in my mind and convinced me - that R-3 zoning should be adequate for the planned development on the property, At the same time, I assured Mr, Erickson that there never has been any intent to keep the existing structures on the property once the new development has begun, iL trust that this application will now meet with approval from the Commission, incerely, } / / fos { F / fi j * Dean A, Singer .- F RE Neo“) Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 2 ACTION: Moved by Racanello that the Commission delay this application for 60 days to allow additional time for further study of the area in order to determine the most suitable zoning for the property. Brower stated he would second this motion if the applicant was agreeable to the delay. Mr. Barger indicated he was in agreement with the proposed delay of his application; therefore, Brower's second was effective. Motion carried, with Teegarden dissenting. 4, NEW BUSINESS REZONE APPLICATIONS e-3 5 (a) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-+4; property located on H St. between Iith and 12th Aves. N. The rezone application was described by the Chairman; the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Slides of the property were shown. Teegarden stated in his opinion R~3 was the best zoning for the property and that he would be interested in knowing if the appli- cant planned to remove the existing duplexes before developing the proposed apartment complex. Teegarden stated further he felt the existing structures should be removed prior to other construction. Brower indicated his agreement with Teegarden's opinions on the matter. Mr. Dean Singer, 1915 Monterey Drive, the applicant, stated his plans for development of the property include the removal of the existing duplexes. He displayed a sketch of the proposed devel- opment. : Racanello stated he felt this matter should be continued for 30 days in order to consider the matter of removal of existing structures, and so moved. Stredicke stated that before any action is taken, it should be decided whether or not the Commission is discussing R-3 or R~4 zoning. Some discussion followed concerning the number of units that could be built under R-3 and R-4 zoning and how many units could be constructed between the existing duplexes if they were not removed. The Chairman asked the applicant if he would be willing to accept R-3 zoning. Mr. Singer replied that his studies concerning ground use and costs had been predicated on R-4 zoning; that R-3 zoning would limit his development to about 25 units and could be economically unfeasible. Stredicke stated the Commission has been granting R-3 in the area; that he was opposed to R-4 zoning for this property but would be willing to go along with R-3 zoning and would second Racanello's motion for continuance to allow for the preparation of restrictive covenants covering the removal of existing structures. Racanello stated he felt the area was ideal for R-4 zoning. Forgaard asked if other property owners in the area were present in the audience. Mr. Jerome Stephenson, 11430 S.E. 112th St., expressed concern about the parking for apartments in the area, particularly in Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 3 the vicinity of 112th and 116th where he has noted many cars parked on the streets which obviously belonged to tenants in the apart- ments, indicating not enough off-street parking is being provided. The Planning Director stated the present off-street parking re- quirements for R-3 and R-4 of one parking space for each dwelling unit is the absolute minimum and perhaps the requirement should be amended to one and one-half or possibly two parking spaces per dwelling unit. Mr. Wylet, 11020 - 115th Avenue S.E., stated the parking problem should be solved before more rezones are granted. The Chairman stated that the matter of amending the ordinance to provide for more parking spaces per dwelling unit would be taken under study by the Planning Commission at the next study session. Mr. Charles Shane, 9327 Mountain View Drive, stated he felt that parking around apartment house areas was a definite problem and that something should be done to amend the law so that more park- ing spaces per unit was an ordinance requirement. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. f Racanello stated he felt the Commission should reconsider this action. . The applicant stated he wished to clarify his position--that he did not definitely state that he would not accept R-3 zoning; that his planning had been based on R-4 zoning and he did not have enough information to state definitely at this time that he could accept R-3 zoning. Teegarden withdrew his second to Stredicke's motion to close the hearing. ACTION: Moved by Racanello, seconded by Brower, that the application be continued for 30 days at the applicant's request. Motion carried, with Stredicke dissenting. The Chairman advised the applicant to’ contact the Planning Director to determine exactly what effect R-3 zoning would have on his pro- posed use, as it would appear from the discussion among the Commis- __sioners that R-4 zoning would be marginal. (b) Duncalf, Albert L., Appl. No. R-435-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located on east side of Cedar St. between S. 7th St. and S. 8th St. (extended westerly) The Chairman described the rezone application; the Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Slides of the property were shown together with a slide of the revised Comprehensive Plan indicating this area as single family residential. Teegarden stated that during hearings held on revisions to the Com- prehensive Plan, many property owners in the Renton Hill area protested the multi-family designation there, and as a result the Commission cut back the multi-family designation east of Cedar Street to single family. The street has very restricted access, RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DECEMBER 27, 1967 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1967 3. BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1967: REZONE APPLICATION (a) Barger, Lyle L., Appl. No. R-433-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located at 2502-04 9th Pl. N. Total Area--app. 10,000 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1l Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--9th Pl. N. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan-~-multi-family residential 4. NEW BUSINESS: REZONE APPLICATIONS (2-3 *« (a) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to Re4; property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. Total Area--27,590 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--llth Ave. N., 12th Ave. N., H St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential edineiene (ob) Duncalf, Albert L., Appl. No. R-435-67, rezone from R-1l to R-3; property located on east side of Cedar St. between S. 7th St. and S. 8th St. (extended westerly) Total Area--7,975 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1 Existing Use--single family dwelling Principal Access--Cedar St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1l to R-3; property located west side of 1ll6éth Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) Total Area--25,116 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1l Existing Use--single family dwelling Principal Access--116th Ave. S.E. via S.E. 110th St. R/W Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan-~-low to medium density multi-family residential (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) 5. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: (a) Referral from Renton Board of Adjustment re Albert Balch and Garden Park Inc., request for variance from height limitation. (b) Letitter from Fire Chief M. C. Walls re street name in Thunder Hill #2, parcel #26. (c) Letter from Mayor D. W. Custer re: Appointment of Mr. Antone Mola to Planning Commission. AFFIDAVIT Ly DEAN A. SINGER being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this 2lst day of November 1967 . ’ Notary eo in and for the State | | oF rem oi ee een ) ra =F a : / { C2 aN si SP a f L 4 C2 Bt, ( N a <- An sae (Name of Owner) ~ ( ian ( x 1915 Monterey Drive (RaaESSSY ar (Mailing Address) fo WYARY Be” Washington oe Torey) oe en (State) > oe 4 ’ Soe - ws REPUBLICS AL 5-0510 eek Shee (Telephone) (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and_x regulations of the Planning Department govern- ing the filing of suc pple REY ion. Ze Ct IVE D) , 196 By: Sw Date received RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1967 - MINUTES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert L. Brower, James E. Denzer, Dayle E. Garrison, John Racanello, John C. Sterling, Richard M. Stredicke, Clark COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Wendell L. Forgaard, Stanley E. Stone CiTY STAFF PRESENT: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director; Harriet Hilder, Recording Secretary The Administrative Meeting of the Renton Planning Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman Teegarden at 8:10 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL was taken by Secretary Denzer. All members responded present except Forgaard, Garrison, Stone and Stredicke. Garrison and Stredicke arrived later in the meeting and were acknowledged. Stone had previously requested permission to be absent. ACTION: Moved by Brower, seconded by Racanello, that Stone be excused. Motion carried unanimously. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: Moved by Denzer, seconded by Racanello, that the Minutes of the meeting of November 22, 1967 be approved as written. “Motion carried unanimously. 3. NEW BUSINESS: REZONE APPLICATIONS e-3 >k (a) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R~2 to R-4; ) property located on the west side of H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map and described surrounding uses. Slides of the Land Use Map, color-coded Zoning Map and revised Comprehensive Plan | were shown, and the relation of the property in question to these maps was reviewed by the Planning Director. {(b) Duncalf, Albert L., Appl. No- R-435-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located on east side of Cedar St. between S. /th St. and S. 8th St. (extended westerly) / The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map and stated that while the existing Comprehensive Plan indicates multi-family residential use, the revised Compre- hensive Plan under study by the City Council indicates single family residential use for this area. Slides of the Land Use Map, color-coded Zoning Map and revised Comprehensive Plan were shown. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL bE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS » CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON__ DECEMBER 27, » 1967, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: : Sinqer 2-3 1. Rezone FROM R-2 TO R43 property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 4 and 5, Block 42, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, according to Plat recorded in Vol. 57 of Plats, Page 92 to 98, Records of King County, Washington. 2. REZONE FROM R-1l TO R-3; property located on Cedar St. between S. 7th St. and dead-end. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 4 of Highland Addition to the Town of Renton, as per plat recorded in Vol. 17 of Plats, page 32, Records of King County, Washington; except the north 100 feet thereof; less coal and mineral rights and the right to explore and mine same. 3. REZONE FROM R-1l TO R-3; property located vicinity of 116th Ave. S.E. between S.EH. 110th and 112th Sts. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: West 130 feet of the north half of Tract 211, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 according to plat recorded in Vol. 22 of Plats, Page 82, in King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet and the west 30 feet of said Tract 2]] conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5383178. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MFE1ING ON December 27, 1967 AT 8:00 P.M, TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. James E. Denzer ,SECRETARY PUBL I SHED pecember 14,1967... PENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION 1, _James_L--Magstadt , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY Mt IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES GON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ~~ } a . ; . / ” BGR os ATTES) : Subscribed and sworn SIGNED AA eee ON f LO" . a Ae i ih ee ‘ to before me, a Notary Pubdac, f on the WBthday of December 1) 67: Me , 4 ry Mf a Sen aN gs tachi hesaxcesSe cae come ew Or Se : ra an