HomeMy WebLinkAboutRezone File No 436-67 . ! enforcement of this Chapter, A careful record of such application and plats shall be kept in the office of the building inspector or proper enforcement official, 4-725: AMENDMENTS: (a) The Council may upon proper pel tition or upon ifs own motion, after a public hearing thereon and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, chenge by ordinance the district boundary lines or zone classifications as snown on the district maps, (b) The Council may upon iis own motion after public hearing and referral fo and report from the City Planning Commission, amend, supplement or change by erdingnes the regulations herein established, (Ord. 1472; 12-18-53) (c) A petition for a change in use district boundaries or reclassification property shall be made by the property owner, or somebody authorize ; on his beh on forms provided by and filed with thes Planning Commission, The Planning Com- mission shall cause on investigation to be made of the matiers Involved in the petition, The Commission shall then call @ public hearing to hear all interested parties on sa petition and ihree (3) notices at least ten (10) cays prior fo such hearing sha i" be posted within or about the arca pees to be rezoned or reclassified, Folloy i the hearing and after consideration of the facts of the piopate Land all other pert ~ ent matters, the Commission shall, within thirty (30) days raake a recommendation fo the Counci!, Hf the Coinmission, after thorough study of the prose and the petition, determines that the reclassification or the change | in use district boundaries is adviscb!o and in the public interest ond tends to further the preserva on and enjoyment of any substantial property rights of the petitioner and is not materially detrimental to the public we More r ihe properties of other persons located in the vicinity thereof, and is not out of ‘he armony With the purposes and effect of the over- all plan of the established zone classification and use district boundaries, then a such event, the Commission may recommend thot ihe Council approve the reclasstfi- cation or change in use district boundaries of said property. A filing fee of fifiy dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by the petitioner upon the filing of an application for a rezoning or change in use district boundaries, A filing foo of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid by a petitioner upon the filing of an application for any varianee, temporary permit, condi ison: i permit or special permit. All filing fees shall be nonrefundable and shall bo used to foray i ye cost of posting, processing and the proceedings in connection with eny such petit ton, The f£ ry aforesaid filing fees shall not be applicable to any governmental agency or political subdivision oppearing as a petitioner, (Ord, 1920; 11-21-61) (1) Uf the Ce anne following a public hearing, makes no are on the petition or sends no recommendstion fo the Council within thirty (89) days, re this may be taken as a di SAO OVE ” ff the potition and the owner may there oe appeal atl, deme at. - ze eemereNT e tele as sei forth baraina! ter 4 {f iW e Coinmilssion recomme snds dicapnrovel of the 126] (i s pa n e a] Y petition, that decision shall be final unless the owner files Notice of Appeal to the Council as specified hereinafter, Upon receiving Notice of Appeal the Council shall set a date for hearing of the subject and shall notify the parties if deems most concerned, Three (3) notices, at least ten (10) days prior fo any such hearing, shall be posted within or about the area proposed fo be rezoned or reclassified. Following this hearing the Council may follow the recommendation of the Com- misston or refer the subject to the Commission for their reconsideration and subse~ quent report to the Council, upon receipt of which the Council shall take final action, granting or denying reclassification, within thirty (30) days thereafter, (2) All petitions for a change of use district boundaries shall be accor panied by a plat in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and location of existing buildings and build- ings to be erected, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Building Inspector. (Ord, 1542; 4-17-56) (3) A petition for a change In use district boundaries or reclassification of property cannot be resubmitted to the Building. Inspector, Planning Cominission, or the Council for a period of six (6) months from the date of disapproval of such _ petition, 4-726: COMPLETION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING BUILD~ INGS: (a) Pending Permits Valid: Nothing herein contained shall require any change In the plans, construction, designated or intended use of a building, for which a building permit has heretofore been issued, or plans for which are now on file with the Building Inspector, a permit for the erection of which is issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this Code, and the construction of which in elther case: (1) Shall have begun and been diligently prosecuted within one (1) month from the adoption of this Code, and; (2) Be entirely completed according to such plans as filed within one (1) year from the adoption of this Code. (b) Nonconforming Uses: The lawful use of any building, structure or land existing at ihe time of the enaciment of this Code may be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of ihis Codo, provided the following con- - ditions are met: (1) Unsafe structures: Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a proper authority. 559; 1261 ~ enforcement of this chapel . A he ful recor of such application and plats shall be kept in the office of the building inspector or proper enforcement official, A-f25: AMENDMENTS: (a) The Council may upon proper petition or upon ifs own motion, after a public hearing thereon and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, change by ordinance the district boundary lines or zone classifications as snown on the district maps, (b) The Council may upon its own motion after public hearing and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, amend, supplement or change by ordinance the regulations herein established, (Ord, 1472; 12-18-53) (c) A petition for o change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property shall be made by the property owner, or somebody authorized on his behalf, on forms provided by and filed with the Planning Commission, The Planning Corm-~- mission shall cause an investigation The Commission shall then zal a public hearing to hear all interested parties on said petition and three (3) notices at least ten (1G) days pi rar to such hearing shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be rezoned or reclassified, Following the hearing and after consideration of the facts of the pr oposal and all other pertin~ ent matters, the Commission shall, within thirty (30) days make a recommendation to the Council. If the Commission, after thorough study of the proposal and the petition, determines that the reclassification or the change in use district boundaries is advisable and in the public interest and tends to further the pres servation and enjoyment of any substantial property rights of the potitioner and is not materially detrimental to the public welfare or ihe propertics of other persons located in the vicinity thereof, and is not out of harmony with the purposes and effect of the over~ all plan of the established zone classification and use district boundaries, then in such event, the Commission may recommend that the Council approve the reclassifi- cation or change in use district boundaries of said property. te A filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by the petitioner upon the filing of an application for a rezoning or change in use district boundaries, A filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid by a petitioner upon the filing of an application for any variance, temporary permit, conditional permit or special permit. All filing fees shall be nonrefundable and shall bo used to defray the cost of posting, processing and the proceedings in connection with any such petition, The aforesaid filing fees shall not be applicable to any governmental agency or political subdivision appearing as a petitioner. (Ord. 1920; 11-21-61) (1) If the Commission, folowing a public hearing he makes no decision on the petition or sends no recommendation to the Council within thirty (30) days, this may be taken as a disapproval of the petition and the es may thereupon appeal as sef forth hereinafier, If ihe Commission recommands disapproval of the 126] to be made of the matters involved in ihe petition, } eo: uw fs . 4 1 t ' petition, that decision shall be final unless the owner files Notice of Appeal to the Council as specified hereinafter. Upon receiving Notice of Appeal the Council shall set a date for hearing of the subject and shall notify the parties if deems most concerned, Three (3) notices, at least ten (10) days prior fo any such hearing, shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be rezoned or reclassified, Following this hearing the Council may follow the recommendation of the Com- missfon or refer the subject to the Commission for their reconsideration and subse- quent report to the Council, upon receipt of which the Council shall take final 3%. action, granting or denying reclassification, within thirty (30) days thereafter, (2) All petitions for a change of use district boundaries shall be accorn~ panied by a plat in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and location of existing buildings and build- ings to be erected, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Building Inspector, (Ord, 1542; 4-17-56) (3) A petition for a change In use district boundaries or reclassification of properly cannot be resubmitted to the Building. Inspector, Planning Commission, or the Council for a period of six (6) months from the date of disapproval of such . petition, 4-726: COMPLETION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING BUILD- INGS: (a) Pending Permits Valid: Nothing herein contained shall require any change In the plans, construction, designated or intended use of a building, for which a building permit has heretofore been issued, or plans for which are now on file with the Building Inspector, a permit for the erection of which is issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this Code, and the construction of which in elther case: (1) Shall have begun and been diligently prosecuted within one (1) “month from the adoption of this Code, and; (2) Be entirely completed according to such plans as filed within one (1) year from the adoption of this Code. onconforming Uses: The lawful use of any building, structure or land (b) N f g U The lawful f any building, structure or land existing at the time of the enactment of this Code may be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of this Code, provided the following con- - ditions are met: (1) Unsafe structures: Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a proper authority, oor | ho oN pa t e r ’ Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 4 is narrow and on a hillside. Teegarden stated he felt it would be a mistake to allow an apartment building at the end of such a nar- row street at this time. ; Forgaard asked when the Transamerica property to the south and west of the subject property was rezoned to R-3. The Planning Director replied this was done in 1963. Transamerica has indicated it does not plan to open access to the Renton Hill area or develop their R-3 area at this time. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Jack Newell stated he is the property owner immediately east of the applicant's property and is definitely opposed to any multi-family residential develop- ment in the area; that he feels the area is an established single family residential zone. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone applica- tion of Albert L. Duncalf for R-3 zoning be denied. Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission by written notice to the City Council within ten days. (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R~-~436-67, rezone from R-1 to _ R-3; property located west side of 116th Ave. S.E. between S.E. L1l0th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High Schooi) The rezone application was described by the Chairman; and the loca- tion of the property was pointed out by the Planning Director on the zoning map. The Planning Director indicated that access to the property was via an undeveloped right of way. Slides of the property were shown. Photographs of the property submitted by the applicant were passed around among the Commissioners. The Planning Director stated that in 1956 the property was zoned R-3, but as it was not developed it reverted back to R-1 status under a reversion ordinance in effect at that time. The Chairman read a petition against the rezone submitted by property owners in the area and bearing 20 signatures. The Planning Director stated that the existing Comprehensive Plan indicates this area as low to medium density multi-family resi- dential, but that the revised Comprehensive Plan now under study by the City Council cuts this area back to single family residential. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Roger Peterson, 10514 - 113th Ave. S.E., owner of property westerly of subject property, voiced his objections to the proposed rezone. Mr. George Rusk, 11029 - 116th Ave, S.E., stated he owns a house north of 110th which he had purchased with the stipulation the area was R-l, but had found out later that a portion of land nearby was zoned R-3 upon which two apartment houses have been constructed. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 5 Mr. Rusk stated he was opposed to further apartisent Gdéevelooment in the area. Mr. Robert Hall of Seattle identified himself as attorney for the applicant, Mrs. Chenaur, and gave a brief histocy of the property in question. He stated that his client is asking for the zoning which had previously been granted and which had been lost due to the reversion ordinance then in effect which has since been re- pealed. He discussed the undeveloped access road about which there appeared to be some title cloud. Mr. Hall stated this undeveloped access according to all information he has been abie to get belongs to the City of Renton. He stated the rezone is a iovical one; would have no effect on the single family residential area known as Hill- crest Lane directly to the west as those houses are below his client's property and face away from it. He stated further that cost of development of the property makes it economicaily unfeasible for anything but multi-family residential use. Mr. Bob Harris, 10843 - 116th Ave. S.E. spoke in opposition to the rezone due to the immediate vroximity of $20,000 to $40,000 homes. Mr. Jerome Stephenson, 11430 S.E, 112th St., asked how sewer lines could be connected to the property. The Planning Director displayed a sanitary sewer and water lines map for the area, and stated that due to the elevation the developer could get sewers only through the west side of the property by obtaining easements through ad- jacent properties. He stated further that there are sewer lines along 116th Ave. S.E. but they could not go easterly due to the elevation unless some sort of pumving system was installed. Mr. Clayton Chenaur discussed the history of the property; the fact that he thought he had the proper zoning, being unaware of the reversion to R-1; the access problem, the development of sewers, the cost of development being too high for other than multi-family use. He stated that the stipes jomdaats would be adeguately served by sewers and would be screened to protect adjacent residences. He urged the Commission to grant the rezone. Stredicke stated that the area, notwithstanding the two existing apartments, has been developed for single family use and he wouid not be in favor of rezoning for multiple use. Messrs. Stephens son, Peterson, Rusk and Harris, previously acknowledged, svoke again in protest against the rezone, as weil as Mr. Ponald Wy- let of 11020 - 115th Ave. S.E. Mr. Robert Hall and Mr. Clayton Chenaure spoke again on behalf of the rezone request. There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by .Stredicke, seconded by Brower, that the application of Hazel W. Chenaur for rezone from R-l to R-3 be denied. Motion carried unanimously. Further moved by Stredicke, seconded by qarden, that a communica- tion be sent to the City cia-aeinieas ne that the hiachest use of this property be R-l as oresently zoned. Motion carried unani- mously. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 6 The Chairman advised the applicant's attorney of her right of appeal of the Planning Commission decision by letter to the City Council within ten days. Mr. Hall stated he understood the appeal rights of his client. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REFERRAL FROM RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (a) Albert Balch and Garden Park, Inc., request for variance | from height limitation. The Chairman stated that the Board of Adjustment had referred the above variance application to the Planning Commission and referred the Commissioners to copies of Board of Adjustment Minutes as well as copy of letter from the FAA relative to the matter; such copies in each Commissioner's folder. ACTION: Moved by Brower, seconded by Racanello, that this matter be con- sidered at the next Administrative Meeting of the Renton Planning Commission in order to give the Commission time to study the material submitted. Motion carried unanimously. STREET NAME PROBLEM (b) The Chairman read a letter from Fire Chief M. C. Walls concern- ing duplication of street name in Thunder Hill #2, parcel #26. The Planning Director stated that this particular street (Thomas Lane) is privately owned and the City has no control over it. He sug- _ gested the Commission might wish to refer the matter to the Board of Public Works for their review. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Racanello, that a copy of Fire Chief Walls' letter be sent to the Mayor's office and to the Board of Public Works for their action. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF NEW PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (c) The Chairman read copy of a letter from Mayor D. W. Custer to the City Council appointing Mr. Tony Mola as a member of the Renton Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Stanley Stone and requesting concurrence of the Council in this appointment. RESIGNATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (dq) Mr. Robert Brower announced that regretfully this would be his last meeting with the Planning Commission as he had been recalled to active duty with the United States Navy, and stated it. had been a privilege to serve on the Commission. SITE PLAN APPROVAL (Request. for Information) (e) Stredicke asked if site plans had been submitted for the approval of the Planning Commission for the church located at 7th and M. The Planning Director replied that this church had submitted their site plans as weil as a variance request for parking and had received approval of the site plans on March 28, 1962. He stated “inutes ~ Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-5-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February 10th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Councilmen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. PosuicG EEARING: Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of R-3 rezone denial. on property located on ‘ne West side of 116th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 110th and $.E. 112th Streets. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the suxrounding residential area, R-1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive Plan and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to an ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed. Topography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as required and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Film slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and also in regard to sewering the area. Planning Director Ericksen advised that all such details have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned mst approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Discussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Comnissions actions are uniform and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower sites. The Planning Director noted the project does not meet with the proposed Comprehensive Fle .Noved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the appeal be denied in concurrence with the Planning Comaission recommendation that R-1 is the best and highest use for the property. A dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. No: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried denying the appeal. COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act, which carried after..inquiry regardiig the Legality of pinball machines and their comparison to punch boards. Discussion ensued wherein the ity Attorney advised of Supreme Court ruling, based upon Attorney General's Opinion that they are both gaming devices and where chance predominates over skill the activity is outlawed and illegal with the three elements under which court decisions are determined being 1. consideration is paid to participate; 2. must be some kind of reward; 3. element of uncertainty exists. In further discussion City Attorney Shellan stated the City has a bees pose a license or regulatory fee. Councilman Shane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moved, with second by Schellert, that if pinballs are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. It was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the law and Ordinance Committee to report back. Moved by Barvei, seconded by Perry, to table the matter. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that specifications are now prepared and requested permission to call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in the 1968 budget. February 26th was recommended as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request and recommended bid opening date. Discussion ensued regarding the City maintenance program for city streets and the possibility of contracting such work. It was noted that cities usually do their own maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the city equipment, budget, and departmental administration, question was called for on the pending motion to goncur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carried. ) Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted: statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryficld for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried, Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $49.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Document from Robert J. Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Hazel “. Chenaur, requested Council reconsideration of rezone denial noting grievance that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning Committee to report back, Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, requested approval from the City for service to the new Earlington Elementary School, to be located at South 132nd Street and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Districts and Late Comers Agreement to be allowed for recovery or portion of the cost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Property Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to install a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. (Fire Chief and City Engineer to be consulted) Carried. Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokanson, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radio Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will continre to operate as drivers and include: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 S.E. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad‘oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits more uniform in this area. The petitioners are Alhoff, Smith & Beale and the matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 91]4 South 3rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than submitted. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydvant: maintenance and inspection,. and consideration to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the exccution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant to refer the document to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. -2- Ninutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 Remarks: . Councilman Maxin annownced a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 24, 1968. Councilman Barei requested that the Janitor oil the Chairs around the Council table to reduce the noise. Councilman Perry noted that the tables had been removed which had been used by the city Attorney and the Press and suggested they be replaced. Mr. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Chenauver addressed the Council advising that he had been mistaken regarding photographs which were submitted to the Council on the matter and offered apology to Planning Director Ericksen noting however, that Lultiple zoning is the only feasible use for the subject property and that it is economically impossible to develop the area as R-1. After further comments in regard to the subject property Mr. Hall was advised that the matter was now in the Planning Committee which would be meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at which time his remarks might properly be addressed the Committee. As there was no furtner business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned et 22:05 pt. : . f t Mp ry ; K (a Fee LZ flel <L¢ ail Helmie Nelson, City Clerk — ‘ Pa / ; tj ‘ee fe oo ae 4 One © a htt @ woe? é pms vb. W. Custer, hayor 2-26- Se eo Councilman yoxins Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted report recommending tnat requests of C. K. Mullins and F.E. Lawrence for zoning revisions to the Compre- henoive Plan, = réferred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on the subject property, owner agreeing to amend her “pplication as discussed with Attcrney Hall on her behalf. Noved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the rezone as recommended. Carried. Councilman Mcoxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, February sven et 7:00 p.m, Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendation that tne firm of Cornell,fowland, Hayes and Merryfield be retained for the design and nreparation of plage and speaifiextione for Well No. 8, and that the Mayor and City Glozk be authorized to sign the necessary agreement documents, upon approval thereof ty the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. re and Water Committee recommended that the Agreement between the City and District No. 25 for hydrant service and water supply be approved and the Mayor ty Clerk be cuthoriszed to sign the document. Moved by Barei, seconded by rt; to concur. Carried. ae = hy EB C2 ft &] Tag Public Relations Committee met regarding the request of Local 21R, Washington .ce Covneil of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Council acknowledgment and =t was recommended that the Department of Labor and Industries conduct a check for certification pexposes as provided by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett to ecnepr. Carried. vouncilman Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a formal recuest has been made of Mr. John Nelson, or a representative of Seattle City Light to appear at a public hearing of the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates within the City, date for hearing to be determined. ‘ico, the Light and Power Committee submitted a proposed Resolution resolving that tha -REGSS of the City would be best served by employing a Consultant to provide w2re ia fae and technical assistance in rezard to power problems, The’servicés to bt mtexed La 2 Eeaas of power supply and rates were outlined with areas*to be analyze. \.4rein. the City and Peget Power may work together to improve the City with regard to leevs of mutun2l concern, the studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering “epartment. The Light and Power Committee will interview Consulting Firms and made a recommendation as to the firm to conduct the study and shall report cost for such study, and at a future date, report the findings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the proposed Resolution. Councilman Grant moved that his minority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In evant the City is unable to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting firm be directed to analyze the means whereby the City could develop its own power distribution system, join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility district. The motion to amend the original Resolution was seconded by Barei,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Crant, Shane and Parei. No: Morris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion approving the three resolution ,pscrosa Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote brought ro11 call request which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The meeting moved to the next order of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Carried. t for dog control in the Councilman Grant inquired regarding the status of the reques ttee and a study will be stat Highlands area. It was noted that the matter is in Commit made and report submitted upon completion. Councilman Grant reported a request from property owners that the vacant property to the East of 509 Tobin Avenue South be cleaned up and errunvery cut as the litter 33 piling up and attention is needed. Mayor Custer eine that the owner has re~ moved a house from the lot and further attention will be given the matters reported. wlifinn 5) 1? enforcement of this Chapter, A careful record of such application and plats shall be kept in the office of the building inspector or proper enforcement officia 4-725: AMENDMENTS: (a) The Council may upon proper petition or upon ifs own motion, after a public hearing thereon and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, chenge by ordinance the district boundary lines or zone classifications as shown on the district maps. (b) The Council may upon ifs own motion after public hearing and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, amend, supplement or chenge by ordinance the regulations herein established, (Ord. 1472; 12-18-53) (c) A petition for a change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property shall be made by the property owner, or soinebody authorized on his behalf, on forms provided by and filed with the Planning Coramission, The Planning Corm- mission shall couse an investigation to be made of the matters involved in the paiiieron, The Commission shall then call a public hearing to hear all interested parties on said petition and three (3) notices at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be rezoned or reclassified, Following the hearing and after consideration of the facts of the proposal and all other pertin~ ent matters, the Commission shall, within thirty (30) days make a recommendation fo the Council, IH the Commission, after thorough study of the proposal and the petition, determines that the reclassification or the change in use district boundaries is advisable and in the public interest ond tends to further the preservation and enjoyment of any substantial property rights of the petitioner and is not materially detrimental to the public welfare or the properties of other persons located in the vicinity thereof, and is not out of harmony with the purposes and effect of the over- _all plan of the established zone classification and use district boundaries, then in such event, the Commission may recommend that the Council approve the reclassifi- cation or change in use district boundaries of said property. A filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by the petitioner upon the filing of an application for a rezoning or change in use district boundaries, A filing foe of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shcll be paid by a petitioner upon the filing of an application for any variance, temporary permit, conditional permit or special permit, All filing fees shall be nonrefundable and shall bo used to ade the cost of posting, processing and the proceedings in connection with any such petition, The aforesaid filing fees shall not be applicable to any governmental agency or or political subdivision appearing as a petitioner, (Ord, 1920; 11-21-41) (1) lf the Commission, following a public hearing, makes no decision on the petition or sends no recommendation to the Council within thirty (30) — this may be taken as a clemp pra of the petition and the owner may thereupon appea! as sof forth hereinafier, Tf the , Commission recommends disapproval of the 1261 « fe t so enforcement of this Chapter. A careful record of such application and plats shall be kept in the office of the building inspector or proper enforcement official, ~725: AMENDMENTS: (a) The Council may upon proper petition or upon its own motion, after a public hearing thereon and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, changs by ordinance the district boundary lines or zone classifications as shown on the district maps. (b) The Council may upon its own motion after public hearing and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, amend, supplement or change by ordinance the regulations herein established, (Ord. 1472; 12-18-53) (c) A petition for a change In use district boundaries or reclassification of property shall be made by the property owner, or somebody authorized on his behalf, on forms provided by and filed with the Planning Cornmmission. The Planning Corn- ! ' mission shall cause an investigation to be mads of the matters involved in the petition, The Commission shall then call a pubtic hearing to hear all interested parties on said petition and three (3) notices at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be rezoned or reclassified, Following the hearing and after consideration of the facts of the proposal and all other pertin- ent matters, the Commission shall, within thirty (30) days make a recommendation to the Council, If the Commission, after thorough study of the proposal! and the petition, determines that the reclassification or the change in use district boundaries is advisable and in the public interest ond tends to further the preservation and enjoyment of any substantial property rights of the petitioner and is not materially detrimental to the public welfare or the properties of other persons located in the bain thereof, and is not out of harmony with the purposes and effect of the over- all plan of ine established zone classification and use district boundaries, then in such event, the Commission may recommend that the Council approve ihre reclassifi- cation or change in use district boundaries of said property. A filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by the petitioner upon the filing of an application for a rezoning or change in use district boundarles, A filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid by a petitioner upon the filing of an application for any variance, temporary permit, conditional permit or special permit, All filing fees shall be nonrefundable cand shall bo used to defray the cost of posting, processing and the proceedings in connection with any such petition, The aforesaid filing fees shall not be applicable to any governmental agency or political subdivision appearing as a petitioner. (Ord, 1920; 11-21-61) (1) Ifthe Commission, following « public hearing, makes no decision on the petition or sends no recoramendation fo the Council within thirty (30) days, this may he taken os a disapproval of the petition and the owner may thereupon PE f ds disapproval of the appeal as set forth hereinafier, Vf the Cornmission recommenc 126] aa a fe ee ey vd oe a “ oo we as re te ws fe es at l te or y c) : a at n, ps wy on cs ) Pe oN an za 33 e < of “ é wo v4 a an y es - - on ; ae re ’ G oy e rt ae ) e cn os rs wt ~ ca Hy en st ow e . od 7° " re a l oe ) ie ” gt i 4 i be s ea ¥ ms is n 4 > 4 ,& wo ig = 4 er a | wa . A er i & y we of a I do i fy ta m e d % a) ° ne we a em oa w c °. - od pe a 4 = BR is a ar ~ =. — [n l we me UA WILLTAT! R LO R PR L S RN I N IN PR N LN PI N EN T S ae a ne e v, ht x a Ne s e a i rd na j on o - or ne [~ re io re n e e i > 24 = 2 8 or % at e tr , om ry t ~ . ww et s bs vi e . : He n s t ‘ , ce e ae ; : ~ ae 8 on e es % Pa s SS ps 4 im : S a te r e oe te t lo l a oS ya a d (e a t e n BS P wa r e s ya ~ ww Qe be n d wo ms on i , v. 9 3 to n co te ia ~~ 2 V7 ” be e a ’ 3 Py , gi a oo Cs Se ai e oT ad ~ - io n —_ ar , 5 . = Se x Ra = Py Sa eo vp ) ra t Oo 2 * nS e. as : . P a ot Ne fs : te d & o a = a oA G we Oe Pe - 4 pa ee gd os c el ‘ ha s é a og + > ; me ~ ro Sa ie os ta d 0 er t y uo Le ) 2u d t R E i ie F ‘ ri ~ ot or y oy = & - oe pe e ] © i wo o t He > a ie 4 Qw ey ce ) +: ay “a 7 o ee of o % @& 3 a ee a eX G? on y we Fi s + ra wa l l . pe n th we ow . ca s e & 43 ce ) A go s ~ o * aa | ¢* ed . ww ra oa es = aN . ; “ oe Xe . we r -- 4 4 _ = F Pa s Ta e } Ws Pe on } PT ey a + Sd GG i) * we s ce MM NS 1D OO bY CG OO a or o oe Fi os \ \ \ & 2 Bi s i ox i Se e r on , 4] Ol ? a * Ae : os ~ 1 | ae . « am e 3 we e a 2. we e te , fe ’ te s ae so % Ne e jo e “ ~ Be d “a e ea ae ae s = ca e l ro s ve n d << i- n la n ’ Fa 2 ie a te r m te wo e ee on ae 2 pe r s (2 s — ra c to t in to e. Sa a el s = et oS ° es oe . ~~ ww Le — ¢. po a #9 ¢. it t we Se oS as es Cu s Ge @ * an F of ha vu at fe n s es oo ~ Be ba oO PL R LR IN N PR I N PR I N RR O D Re a Ee . . a br e } Qu ¢ ay Py 4 ne ar s ie Co d ap me ee n 2 3 ae mt et te s wo 4 on , f~ ry ee } “a by é3 Q om & : ae ia t | or } ey ee en be d G3 . 2 ee t fe Ca y ti e £. ; & t ee ER ae te re £1 4 f. fa ra be Re et > ae 6 a °S ® e plaan y- rise } aEer fat 2 4 Cou POSS ra a eM VY DH ar er SO oe r oe vi mi 20 26 ORG Go Nw yk > = - Be s a ’ dan QTY 35.8 oo nRey * ya) 1 pe an apartment’ 0 By + s ov rear ee te he a Se) OVE Seve cee vent Cis doralne de os G SS 3 25 r a i s < < F e d ee d c f bo w o x w e wv M e me a y ~ A 4 u i < ui 3 = < < = 2 At 'S & ROBERT ie ) (Copy Receipt) (Clerk’s Date Stamp) IN THE SUPERIOR aed OF 1 HE STATE OF WASH LING LON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF __xyigne | RORERT E,. JONES and DIANA JONES, his wife; ROGER A. PEPERSOU and sia PETERS SON, his wifes GARETH S&S. POWEL . and BILL Powe Lb, “his ehtes RONALD Re ° WYLET and SHERRIE WY his wifes i a RAYHOND H, ATSMAHDES and DORTS ALEYanpen| VOBGBS¢ his wife; PETER Ae Re PURZER and TRENE FURZER, his wife; HUGENE HASTINGA hi PEAM No. Hi ee SS, his wifes; GARY B. JUST & RUG JUS" ia his wifes and GUOPRGE RUSK f ANDREA % LTR OTT Cl NPQ San eee eta SUK ORD RL ol No his WAG » EL LE ; 2% V5 6 CITY OF FENTO!, a municipal corporation; > Defendant~ .;- and HAZEL Ve CHETAUR, a wider {YE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO THE SAID CTY OF RENTON, a municipal corporations and HAZEL WY. CHENAUR, a widow, YOU, AND EACHOF YOU, ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the State of Washington (or within sixty days after said service, if served without the State of Washington), exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action by serving a copy of your written appearance or defense upon the undersigned. If you fail to appear and defend. judgment will be rendered against you, according to the demand of the complaint, which has been or will be filed with the clerk of court, or a copy of which is herewith served upon you. ROBERWS _& wiiomieR 4 for Plaintiff... Pe ar w AO ad iN 2 <i Bn, to ci Pes pee RIOTS die Bee yes? Phona RX YS ; LA Re ay ) sehera d an LT me) eb se 2% s ae ( te ' { + SEUSS et et LO L O L LR LO ON LO N ON OR FR PO N LO N FR PN LO N LO N EN TE N FN EN EO N EN N yids * ons pe e Pe a t ig 7 fa l of rs bd go i. et a 2 we a iS Sa DS a fn 4 Ps or bs s | a we * ee Lal < Ts Pe e ee oe ws we e GP ? ee Se oe gt pa n e tin e ao e «3 s a Vw ts a2 ig a or wo uy 2 a4 bf ie Se eae Jiows et 3 g ATTOR WP WILLTAMS AVENUES SOUTH - F.O. 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" sg ; o : é: fi » 4 2 . sd 3) = ~ bd ta c pe s es o 3 c a ~ ne e pi | pa Bh ve ] — de ft ‘3 ae id S fe es — : a rs c3 Ge &) Po a €} pu pe fy ¢ ie d = 4 iw ) Ke on a ~ . iJ = a <7 i n > . = Ss <2 Os a = . 3 e my ; 3 {4 < a we t o a) E q er t te © Mi we O i No Ga oo ms S = Be s $y ° uw S ra r e a l ? . A ad be — aR sa l i ; . o = b da d Ma r Aa =" Eu pe “i : ‘ mo a oo 4 Co ” oe wa co f “3 a mO 2 z s ry et 2 is we i ic Ss ra 7 fo i te 4 de a it te = = et we e s or oe Gi . i+ Ei ) {4 Ge s © a - = . 3 a ‘ oy 2 Ye ww & = “a oi pa > ws CH G et Ee nt = co ~ Cr r e d cS : i) or ra , ei ba d cs ie - my Pa s s cd ~ ae Ee ) o o “4 A ‘ me er i Le s me : | Fr a ) es nl ne iS re = : be s e : ~~ os < 3- 3 j iy i t el : . $ 3 . . . Be fe e 3 oO i on Ne d es ' : co id ae ” et iS - tS oF OG +r ] KH ee 5 al » ot 4 63 3s [a e s ie ) . | “ uw et ra y Pa n pe ] ‘ - : i po e t %} i Le & £2 5 e a po hs - ra at e ot ¢ Le r | oe Fe y ) ey an ny *, os ” re ) ge Gy Pa ba cs a] ' Is . 4 i cl <i Ss te 2 ey ‘ as Fa o G Fs en po t ny we s t ot re n t s 4 iv ot we fe y (w r ie d 14 pa a c a) “e h 5 oe pi al ; f fa n it on w en ca o n> er t 7" my a ‘ €} aw “e y ri d cc a a> A ” i wn t he . De d ex t jo S - or e ‘5 Le ) &} er y c ee ” ~ “ ‘ Ra y bc ) o 1D @ er ! 8 on t n ; Fe s y Pa s t, on * a 7- . LS ' pa } ty op pn as rn pa * os ie . : € 4 Re w ] , i we e : aa n j 3 Cc @ ae “ a mt en ‘ ; i gi e s : or y ee f~ i a bi ad My we ° qa AY S me ( on sy le o ee , : ie ~ Se ha e iL £ a Pa Pu a ) . oi 2I eb “o e a) a = aA Ss a wl o. e™ ka l Ly wil! C r Ce rea de Baye LAS 2 $ 4 wy Th * i ia Sree oy z aay ey lod et 4 SATE Wakk OAS c 6 Sy He Sayan e a af eCS bake fm CLEANS Por - A G $ ones Clon , x © e ee Gz ieacay "\ ae ra 6 AE CA Nee e £ eye Ee py rs fs cl PN he LS = | who Os pr taaa ee LOV a ud et h . Niue nie’! Ree ee ee et ee c © cae vaatews 1S c o> 2 um e UT a Pe o ep -OF ene 4 wes st . deee Pg et Rn qu prey ae 4 ALS 2S: ba ) < ANDERSON VIL WILLIARIS Avot Ry . f . rf ba FS . CA 8-1650 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )' ee COUNTY OF KING ) I, Helmie W. Nelson, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the attached copies are true and correct copies of pages from the Renton City Council Meeting Minutes, to wit: Page 2 of February 5, 19683 Pages 2 and 8 of February 19, 1968; Page 7 of February 26, 1968; and excerpt from Renton City Code of Ordinances Ch I, Sec. 4-725; and Pages 4, 5 and 6 of December 27, 1967, Renton Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, appear- ing on file in the records of the Office of the City Clerk in said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 24th day of January, 1969. fy (Seal) Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 4 is narrow and on a hillside. Teegarden stated he felt it would be a mistake to allow an apartment building at the end of such a nar- row street at this time. Forgaard asked when the Transamerica property to the south and west of the subject property was rezoned to R-3. The Planning Director replied this was done in 1963. Transamerica has indicated it does not plan to open access to the Renton Hill area or develop their R-3 area at this time. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Jack Newell stated he is the property owner immediately east of the applicant's property and is definitely opposed to any multi-family residential develop- ment in the area; that he feels the area is an established single family residential zone. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Se Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone applica- tion of Albert L. Duncalf for R-3 zoning be denied. Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission by written notice to the City Council within ten days. (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R=436-67, rezone from R=1 to _ R-3; property located west side of lléth Ave. S.E. between S.E. LLOth and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) The rezone application was described by the Chairman; and the loca~ tion of the property was pointed out by the Planning Director on the zoning map. The Planning Director indicated that access to the property was via an undeveloped right of way. Slides of the property were shown. Photographs of the property submitted by the applicant were passed around among the Commissioners. The Planning Director stated that in 1956 the property was zoned R-3, but as it was not developed it reverted back to R-1 status under a reversion ordinance in effect at that time. the Chairman read a petition against the rezone submitted by property owners in the area and bearing 20 signatures. The Planning Director stated that the existing Comprehensive Plan indicates this area as low to medium density multi-family resi-~- dential, but that the revised Comprehensive Plan now under study by the City Council cuts this area back to single family residential. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Roger Peterson, 10514 ~ 113th Ave. S.E., owner of property westerly of subject property, voiced his objections to the proposed rezone. Mr. George Rusk, 11029 - ji6éth Ave. S.E., stated he owns a house north of 110th which he had purchased with the stipulation the area was R-l, but had found out later that a portion of land nearby was zoned R-3 upon which two apartment houses have been constructed. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 5 Mr. Rusk stated he was opposed to further apartinent development in the area, Mr. Robert Hail of Seattle identified himself as attorney for the applicant, Mrs. Chenaur, and gave a brief histocy of the property in question. He stated that his client is asking for the zoning which had previously been granted and which had been lost due to the reversion ordinance then in effect which has since been re~ ealed. He discussed the unceveloped access road about which there appeared to be some title cloud. Mr. Hall stated this undeveloped access according to all information he has been abie to get belongs to the City of Renton. He stated the rezone is a itocical one; would have no effect on the single family residential area known as Hill- crest Lane directly to the west as those houses are below his client's property and face away from it. He stated further that st of development of the property makes it economicaily unfeasible for anything but multi-family residential use. Mr. Bob Harris, 10843 - lléth Ave. S.E. spoke in opposition to the rezone due to the immediate voroximity of $20,000 to $40,000 homes. Mr. Jerome Stephenson, 11430 S.E. 112th St., asked how sewer lines could be connected to the property. The Planning Director displayed a sanitary sewer and water lines map for the area; and stated that due to the elevation the developer could get sewers only through the west side of the property by obtaining easements through ad~ jacent proverties. He shated further that ae aoe sewer lines along 116th Ave. S.E. but they could not go eas ly due to the elevation unless some sort of pumbing system was “iste Lad. Mr. Clayton Chenaur discussed the history of the property; the fact that he thought he had the proper zoning, being unaware of the reversion to Rl; the access problem, the development of sewers, the cost of development being too high for other than multi-family use. He stated that the development would be adeguateiy served by sewers and would be screened to protect adjacent residences. He urged the Commission to grant the rezone. Stredicke stated that the area, notwithstanding the two existing apartments, has been developed for single famiiy use and he wouid not be in favor of rezoning for multiple use. Messrs. Stephenson, Peterson, Rusk and Harris, previously acknowledged, svoke again in protest ainst the rezone, as weil as Mr. Ponald Wy~- let of 11020 ~- 115th Av S «Be Mr. Robert Hall and Mr. Clayton Chenaur spoke again on behalf of the rezone request. There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Brower, that the appli Hazel W. Chenaur for rezone from R=] to !} E ied carried unanimous! y by Teeaarden, that a communica-~ mmmending that the highest use Further moved by Stredichke, tion be sent to the City Council re of this prooerty be R-l as presently zoned. Motion carried unani- mously. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 6 The Chairman advised the applicant's attorney of her right of appeal of the Planning Commission decision by letter to the C: Council within ten days. Mr. Hall stated he understood the ap rights of hig client. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REFERRAL FROM RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (a) Albert Balch and Garden Park, Inc., request for variance from height limitation. The Chairman stated that the Board of Adjustment had referred above variance application to the Planning Commission and refe the Commissioners to copies of Board of Adjustment Minutes as as copy of letter from the FAA relative to the matter; such co: in each Commissioner's folder. ACTION: Moved by Brower, seconded by Racanello, that this matter be co sidered at the next Administrative Meeting of the Renton Plann Commission in order to give the Commission time to study the material submitted. Motion carried unanimously. STREET NAME PROBLEM (b) The Chairman read a letter from Fire Chief M. C. Walls co ing duplication of street name in Thunder Hill #2, parcel #26. Planning Director stated that this particular street (Thomas I, is privately owned and the City has no control over it. He su: gested the Commission might wish to refer the matter to the Bo. of Public Works for their review. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Racanello, that a copy of Fire Walls' letter be sent to the Mayor's office and to the Board o Public Works for their action. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF NEW PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (c) The Chairman read copy of a letter from Mayor D. W. Custe the City Council appointing Mr. Tony Mola as a member of the } Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resigné of Mr. Stanley Stone and requesting concurrence of the Council this appointment. RESIGNATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (d) Mr. Robert Brower announced that regretfully this would } last meeting with the Planning Commission as he had been reca/ to active duty with the United States Navy, and stated it.had a privilege to serve on the Commission. SITE PLAN APPROVAL (Request for Information) (e) Stredicke asked if site plans had been submitted for the approval of the Planning Commission for the church located at and M. The Planning Director replied that this church had sv their site plans as well as a variance request for parking an’ received approval of the site plans on March 28, 1962. He st jinutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-5~-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February 10th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Councilmen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. PosuiC HEARING: Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of R~3 rezone denial on property located on This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the suxrounding residential area, R~1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity , and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive Plen and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to an ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed. Topography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as equired and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Pilm slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and also in regard to sewering the area. Planning Director Ericksen advised that all such details have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned must approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Discussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Commissions actions are unifoxm and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower ites. The Planning Director noted the praject does not meet with the proposed Comprehensive Flea .Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved ty Morris, seconded by Perry, that the appeal be denied in concurrence with the Planning Comaission recommendation that R-l1 is the best and highest use for the property. A dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. No: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried denying the appeal. COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act, which carried after inquiry regarding the tegality of pinball machines and their comparison to punch boards. Discussion ensued wherein the ity Attorney advised of Supreme Court ruling, based upon Attorney General's Opinion that they are both gaming devices and where chance predominates over skill the activity is outlawed and illegal with the three elements under which court decisions are determined being 1. consideration is paid to participate; 2. must be some kind of reward; 3. element of uncertainty exists. In further discussion City Attorney Shellan stated the City has a right, which goes back to common rule law, to license under its police power and can im~ pose a license or regulatory fee. Councilman Shane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moved, with second by Schellext, that if pinbalis are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. It was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the law and Ordinance Committee to report back. foved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to table the matter. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that specifications are now prepared and requested permission to call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in the 1968 budget. February 26th was recommended as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request and recommended bid opening date. Discussion ensued regarding the City maintenance program for city streets and the possibility of contracting such work. It was noted that cities usually do their ow maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the city equipment, budget, and departmental adiainistration, question was calied for on the pending motion to concur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carried, ses ths Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted: statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the paynient to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $49.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Document from Robert J. Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Hazel W. Chenaur, requested Council reconsideration of rezone denial. noting grievance that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, requested approval from the City for service to the new Earlington Elementary School, to be located at South 132nd Street and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Districts and Late Comers Agreement to be allowed for recovery or portion of the cost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Property Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to install a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. (Fire Chief and City Engineer to be consulted) Carricd. Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokanson, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radio Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will continye to operate as drivers and include: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 S.E. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad“oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits more uniform in this area. The patitionexs are Alhoff, Smith & Beale and the matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 9115 South 8rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than eobmiistied Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concux in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydrant: maintenance and inspection, and omnis damatsien to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the execution. Moved by Perry, gacendad by Grant to refer the document to the Pire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. a Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 Remarks: ‘ Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 24, 1968. Councilman Barei requested that the Janitor oil the Chairs around the Council table to reduce the noise. Councilman Perry noted that the tables had been removed which had been used by the city Attorney and the Press and suggested they be replaced. Mr. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Chenauer addressed the Council advising that he had been mistaken regarding photographs which were submitted to the Council on the matter and offered apology to Planning Director Ericksen noting however, that Kultiple zoning is the only feasible use for the subject property and that it is economically impossible to develop the area as R-1. After further comments in regard to the subject property Mr. Hall was advised that the matter was now in the Planning Committee which would be meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at which time his remarks might properly be addressed the Committee. As there was no furtner business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. ‘ if j t iy — Ki a ws wry LY fli Le fu. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk A i at = v. W. Custer, Mayor Hinuces ~ Rentn City Council Meeting 2-26-63 UNCIL COM {ITTEE REPORT Se (c ih. ) mii nished “Business Councilman Maxin, Chairman of the Planning Committee, subnitted report recommending chat requests of C. K. Mullins and F.E. Lawrence for zoning revisions to the Compre- herncive Plan, be réferred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Moved by Schnellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recormended that appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on the subject property, owner agreeing to amend her application as discussed with Attcrng; mall on her behalf. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the rezone as recommended. Carried. Coun cLinan Boi announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, Febsuazy Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendaticn that tne firm of Cornell,fowland, Hayes and Merryfield be retained for the design and preparation of plans and apeci fications for Well No. 8, and that-:the Mayor and City Glozk be authorized to sign the necessary agreement docunent , upon approval thereof by the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. 12 Fire and Water Committee recommended that the Agreement between the City and ire District No. 25 for hydrant service and water supply be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the document. Moved by Barei, seconded by chellert, to concur. Carried. ©? m it ey ~4i2 Public Relations Committee met regarding the request of Local 21R, Washington .ce Covneil of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Council acknowledgment and tc was recommended that the Department of Labor and Industries conduct a check for ertification purposes as provided by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett ao ccncur. Carried. +s vounciiman Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a formal xecuest has been made of Mr. John Nelson, or a representative of Seattle City Light, to sopear at a public hearing of the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates within the City, date for hearing to be determined. 0, the Light and Power Committee submitted a proposed Resolution resolving that interests of the City would be best served by employing a Consultant to provide wate analysis and technical assistance in recard to_power problens Tne “services to bt a t= im @ etude of power supply and rates were outlined with areas*to be analyze. vnérein. the City and Puset t Power mz work together to improve the City with regard ‘vo [ees of MUEWIL Goficern, the studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering “apartment. The Light and Power Committee will interview Consulting Firms and made a recommendation as to the firm to conduct the study and shall report cost for such tudy, and at a future date, report the findings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the proposed Resolution. Councilman Grant moved that his minority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In event the City is unable to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting firm be directed to analyze the means whereby the City could develop its own power distribution system, join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility district. The motion to amend the original Resolution was seconded by Barei,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which result ae as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Crant, Shane and Parei. No: Morris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion approving the three resolution,,prczcsals. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote brought rol call request which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The meeting moved to the next ordex of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjourned at 12: 45 Pisin Carried. Councilman Grant inquired regarding the status of the request for dog control in the Highlands area. It was noted that the matter is in Comnittee and a study will be made and report submitted upon completion. Councijman Grant reported a request from property owners that the vacant property to the East of 509 Tobin Avenue South be cleaned up and shrubbery cut as the litter is piling up and attention is needed. Nayor Custer advised that the owner has re- Ante moved a house from the lot and further attention wiil be given the matters reported. rn -j- CERTICITCATION STATE OF WASILINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) T. Helmie W. Nelson, the duly clected. qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton. Washington. do hereby certify that the attached copies are true and correct copies of pages from the Renton City Council Meeting Minutes. to wit: Page 2 of February 4, 19683 Pages 2 and 8 of Pebruary 19, 1908; Page 7 of February 26, 1968: and excerpt from Renton City Code of Ordinanees Ch T. Sec. 4-725; and Pages 4, 5 and 6 of December 27. 1967, Renton Plaming Commission Meeting Minutes, appear- ing on file in the records of the Office of the Gity Clerk in said City. IN WITNASS WHEREOE T hereunto set my hand and the Offieial Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 24th day of January, 1969. of ie 3 ~~ p ~ ey ae Po eu Lit sow ~. (seal) lledmie Nelson, City Clerk jfinutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-5-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February 10th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Councilmen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. PoShtCG HEARING: Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of R-3 rezone denial on property located on ‘ne West side of 116th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 110th and S.E. 112th Streets. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the sizrounding residential area, R-1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. ‘x. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive Plan and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to an ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed. Topography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as required and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Film slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and aiso in regard to sewering the area. Pianning Director Ericksen advised that all such details have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned must approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Diccussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Commissions actions are uniform and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower sites. The Planning Director noted the project does not meet with the proposed Comprehensive Flea .Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the appeal be denied in concurrence with the Planning Comaission recommendation that R-1 is the best and highest use for the property. A dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. No: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried denying the appeal. COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act, which:.carried after. inquiry regarding the Iegality of pinball machines and their comparison to punch boards. Discussion ensued wherein the City Attorney advised of Supreme Court ruling, based upon Attorney General's Opinion that they are both gaming devices and where chance predominates over skill the activity is outlawed and illegal with the three elements under which court decisions are determined being 1. consideration is paid to participate; 2. must be some kind of reward; 3. element of uncertainty exists. In further discussion City Attorney Shellan stated the City has a eeca kl right, which goes back to common rule Jaw, to license under its police power and can im- pose a ‘license or regulatory fee. Councilman Shane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moved, with second by Schellert, that if pinballs are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. It was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee to report back. foved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to table the matter. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that specifications are now prepared and requested permission to call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in the 1968 budget. February 26th was recommended as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request and recommended bid opening date. Discussion ensued regarding the City maintenance program for city streets and the possibility of contracting such work. It was noted that cities usually do their own maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the city equipment, budget, and departmental administration, question was called for on the pending motion to eoncur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carried. 2) Pl eee Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted- statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $49.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Document from Robert J. Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Hazel W. Chenaur, requested Council reconsideration of rezone denial noting grievance that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, requested approval from the City for service to the new Earlington Elementary School, to be located at South 132nd Street and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Districts and Late Comers Agreement to be allowed for recovery or portion of the cost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Property Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to install a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Comnittee for recommendation. (Fire Chicf and City Engineer to be consulted) Carried. Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokanson, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radio Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will continie to operate as drivers and include: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 S.F. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad“oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits more uniform in this area. The petitioners are Alhoff, Smith & Beale and the matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 9114; South 3rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than submitted. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydrant:.maintenance and inspection, and consideration to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schcllert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the execution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant to refer the document to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. _ —_ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 Remarks: - Councilman Maxin annownced a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 24, 1968. Councilman Barei requested that the Janitor oil the Chairs around the Council table to reduce the noise. Councilman Perry noted that the tables had been removed which had been used by the city Attorney and the Press and suggested they be replaced. Mr. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Chenauer addressed the Council advising that he had been mistaken regarding photographs which were submitted to the Council on the matter and offered apology to Planning Director Ericksen noting however, that Multiple zoning is the only feasible use for the subject property and that it is economically impossible to develop the area as R-1. After further comments in regard to the subject property Mr. Hall was advised that the matter was now in *he Planning Committee which would be meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at which time his remarks might properly be addressed the Committee. As there was no furtner business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. ae AL Helmie Nelson, City Clerk i # 6 ee , Be ass f @ ida ee es aft ns i vb. W. Custer, Mayor Wht ¥. Corr asus petition, that decision shall be final unless the owner files Notice of Appeal to the Council as specified hereinafter. Upon receiving Notice of Appeal the Council shall set a date for hearing of the subject and shall notify the parties it deems most concerned, Three (3) notices, at least ten (10) days prior fo any such hearing, shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be rezoned or reclassified, Following this hearing the Council may follow the recommendation of the Com missfon or refer the subject to the Commission for their reconsideration and subse- quent report to the Council, upon receipt of which the Council shall take final action, granting or denying reclassification, within thirty (30) days thereafter. (2) All petitions for a change of use district boundaries shall be accom~ panied by a plat in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and location of existing buildings and build~ ings to be erected, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Building Inspector. (Ord, 1542; 4-17-56) (3) A petition for a change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property cannot be resubmitted to the Building. Inspector, Planning Commission, or the Council for a period of six (6) months from the date of disapproval of such . petition, 4-726: COMPLETION AND RESTORA TION OF EXISTING BUILD- INGS: (a) Pending Permits Valid: Nothing herein contained shall require any avenge in the plans, construction, designated or intended use of a building, for which a building permit has heretofore been issued, or plans for which are now on file with the Building Inspector, a permit for the erection of which is issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this Code, and tho construction of which in elther case: . (1) Shall have begun and been diligently prosecuted within one (1) month from the acoption of this Code, and; (2) Be entirely corapleted according to such plans as filed within one (1) year from the adoption of this Code. (b) Nonconforming Uses: The lawful use of any building, structure or land existing at the time of the enactment of this Code may be continued, although such ea: use does not conform with the provisions of ihis Code, provided the following con- - ditions are met: (1) Unsafe structures: Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a proper author ity, 559; 1261 ie Minutes - Renta City Council Meeting 2-26-63 COUNCIL, COMMUTTEE ae (Cont .) Untinishe Councilman Maxin, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted report recommending ‘chat requests of C. K. Mullins and F.E. Lawrence for zoning revisions to the Compre- hensive Plan, be réferred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on tie mibject property, owner agreeing to amend her application as discussed with Attcrne mall on her behalf. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the reuone as recommended. Carried. ae eilman Bruce, Chairman, Fire aud Water Committee, submitted recommendation that pty xm of Corneli,Nowland, Hayes and Merryfield be a. for the design and bar Shekel of plans and DS ae alana for Well No. 8, and that the Mayor and City vy the City At Piomnes Moved by Schellext, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. ane and Water Committee aeronmended that the Agreement between the City oe City Clerk ‘'e cuthorized to sign the document. Moved bn Barei, ‘seroniled By allert, to concur. Carried. “ne Public Relations Committee met regarding the request of Local 21R, Washington Covncil of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Council acknowledgment and recommended that the Department of Labor and Industries conduct a check for ‘ication perpoces as provided by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett ur. Carried. vouncilmen Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a formal request has been made of Mr. John Nelson, or a representative of Seattle City Light, to appear at a public hearing of the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates within the City, date for hearing to be determined. 0, the Light and Power Committee submitted a proposed Resolution resolving that interests of the City would be best served by employing a Consultant to px sovice enalysis and technical assistance in retard to power problens, The’services to b2 cae 368 foods of power supply and rates were outlined with ercas*to be analyzca v.arein. the City and Puget Power ma work together to improve the City with regard to ~ers of mutual concern, dah studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering “apcrtment. The Light and Power Committee will interview Consulting Firms and made a recommendation as to the firm to conduct the study and shall report cost for such study, and at a future date, report the findings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the proposed Resolution. Councilman Grant moved that his minority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In evant the City is unable to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting firm be directed to analyze the means whereby the City could develop its own power distribution system, join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility district. The motion to amend the original Resolution was seconded by Darei:,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Crant, Shane and Parei. No: Morris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion approving the thiree resolution.,prczssais. is 2 ‘oved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote brought ro21 call request which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The meeting moved to the next order of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Carried. Councilman Grant inquired regarding the status of the request for dog control. in the Highlands area. It was a that the matter is in Committee and a study will be made and report submitted upon completion. Councilman Grant reported a request from property owners that the vacant property to the East of 509 Tobin Avenue South be cleaned up and shrubbery cut as the litter is piling up and attention is needed. Mayor Custer advised that the owner has re~ moved a house from the lot and further attention will be given the matters reported. -7]- enforcement of this Chapter. A careful record of such application and Ip! ats shall ff be kept in the office of f the building inspector or proper enforcement official, 4-725: AMENDMENTS: (a) The Council may upon proper petition or pan its own motion, ee sr a public hearing thereon and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, change by ordinance the district boundary lines or zone classifications as shown on the district maps. (b) The Council may upon its own motion efter public hearing and referral to and report from the City Planning Commission, amend, supplement or change by ordinance the regulations herein established, (Ord. 1472; 12-18-53) (c) A petition for a change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property shall be made by the property owner, or somebody authorized on his behalf, on forms provided by and filed with the Planning Coiamission, The Planning Corn- mission shall cause an investigation to be made of the matters involved in the petition, The Commission shal] then call @ public hearing to hear all interested parties on said petition and three (3) notices at fecal jen (1G) days ee to such hearing shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be rezoned or reclassified, Following the hearing and after consideration of the facts of the proposal and all ether pertin- ent matters, the Commission shall, within thirty (80) days make a recommendation to the Council. If the Commission, after thorough study of the proposal and the petition, determines that the reclassification or the change in use district boundaries is advisable and in the public interest ond tends to further the preservation and enjoyment of any substantial property rights of the petitioner and is not inatorially detrimental to the public welfare or the propert ies of other persons located in the vicinity thereof, and is not out of harmony with the purposes and effect of the over- all plan of the established zone classification and use district boundaries, then in such event, the Cormiission may recommend that the Council approve the reclassifi- cation or change in use district boundaries of said property. wh e A filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by the petitioner upon the filing of an application for a rezoning or change in use distri¢t boundarles, A filing fee of twenty~five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid by a petitioner upon the filing of an application for any variance, temporary permit, conditional permit or special permit, All filing fees shall be nonrefundable and shall bo used to defray the cost of posting, processing and the proceedings in connection with a ny such petition, The aforesaid filing fees shall not be applicable to any governmental agency or political subdivision appearing as a petitioner. (Ord, 1920; 11-21-41) (1) If the Commisston 7 following a public hearing, makes no decision a ' aed < : . = roe ° . . * . 6 on the i or sends no recommendation fo the Council within ihirty (39) days, this may be taken as a Sicapprovell of the petition end the owner may there pen appea! as set forth hereinafier, If the Commission recommends disapproval of the 1261 ORD Ott lire ot a) t Xe petition, that decision shall be final unless the owner files Notice of Appeal to the Council as specified hereinafter. Upon receiving Notice of Appeal the Council shall set a date for hearing of the subject and shall notify the parties it deems most concerned, Three (3) notices, at least fen (10) days prior fo any such hearing, shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be rezoned or reclassified, Following this hearing the Council may follow the recommendation of the Com- mission or refer the subject to the Commission for their reconsideration and subse~ quent report to the Council, upon receipt of which the Council shall take final action, granting or denying reclassification, within thirty (30) days thereafter, (2) All petitions for a change of use district boundaries shall be accorn~ panied by a plat in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and location of existing buildings and build- ings fo be erected, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Building Inspector. (Ord, 1542; 4-17-56) (3) A petition for a change tn use district boundaries or reclassification of property cannot be resubmitted to the Building. Inspector, Planning Commission, or the Council for a period of six (6) months from the date of disapproval of such _ petition, 4-726: COMPLETION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING BUILD- INGS: (a) Pending Permits Valid: Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the plans, construction, designated or intended use of a building, for Which a building permit has heretofore been Issued, or plans for which are now on file with the Building Inspector, @ perinit for the erection of which is issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this Code, and the construction of which in elther case: . (1) Shall have begun and been diligently prosecuted within one (1) month from the adoption of this Code, and; (2) Be entirely completad according to such plans as filed within one (1) year from the adoption of this Code, ai (b) Nonconforming Uses: The lawful use of ony building, structure or land existing at the time of the enactment! of this Code may be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of this Coda, provided the following con- - ditions are met: (1) Unsafe structures: Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a proper authority, 559; 1261 ®- / ‘ «sinutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-5-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February 10th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Counciimen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. Posuic HEARING: Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of R~3 rezone denial on property located on ‘Ine West side of 116th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 110th and S.E. 112th Streets. . This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the suxrounding residential area, R-1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity , and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive — Pian and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to an ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed. Topography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as required and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Pilm slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and also in regard to sewering the area. Planning Director Ericksen advised that all such details have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned must approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Discussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Commissions actions are wniform and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower sites. The Planning Director noted the project does not meet with the proposed Comprehensive Elen .Noved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the appeal be denied in concurrence with the Planning Comaission recommendation that R-1 is the best and highest use for the property. A dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimn, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. No: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried denying the appeal. COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act, which.carried after inquiry regarding the Legality of pinball machines and their comparison to punch boards. Discussion ensued wherein the City Attorney advised of Supreme Court ruling, based upon Attorney General's Opinion that they are both gaming devices and where chance predominates over skill the activity is outlawed and illegal with the three elements under which court decisions are determined being 1. consideration is paid to participate; 2. must be some kind of reward; 3. element of uncertainty exists. In further discussion City Attorney Shellan stated the City has a right, which goes back to common rule law, to license under its police power and can im~ pose a license or regulatory fee. Councilman Shane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moved, with second by Schellert, that if pinbalis are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. It was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the law and Ordinance Committee to report back. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to table the matter. Carxied. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that specifications are now prepared and requested permission to call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in the 1968 budget. February 26th was recommended as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, secondad by Schellert, to concur in the request and recommended bid opening date. Discussion ensued regarding the City maintenance program for city streets and the possibility of contracting such work. It was noted that cities usually do their ow maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the city equipment, budget, and departmental administration, question was called for on the pending motion to eoncur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carricd. 5 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Enginecr, submitted statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $43.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Document from Robert J. Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Hazel . Chenaur, requested Council reconsideration of rezone denial noting grievance that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, requested approval from the City for service to the new Earlington Elementary School, to be located at South 132nd SEEEet and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Dist eciots and Late Comers Agreement to be allowed for recovery or portion of the cost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance _ Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Property Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to instal] a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. (Fire Chief and City Engineer to be consulted) Carried. Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokansor, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radio Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will continne to operate as drivers and include: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 $.E. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad‘oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. §.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits: more uniform in this area. The sotitionens are Alhoff, Smith & Beale and the matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 911% South 3rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than subuteted Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agrcement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydrant:.maintenance and inspection, and consideration to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the execution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant to refer the document to the Pire and eee Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. ' nN ! Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-19-68 S Remarks: Councilman Maxin annovwnced a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 24, 1968. Councilman Barei requested that the Janitor oil the Chairs around the Council table to reduce the noise. Councilman Perry noted that the tables had been removed which had been used by the city Attorney and the Press and suggested they be replaced. Mr. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Chenauer addressed the Council advising that he had been mistaken regarding photographs which were submitted to the Council on the matter and offered apology to Planning Director Ericksen noting however, that Multiple zoning is the only feasible use for the subject property and that it is economically impossible to develop the area as R-1. After further comments in regard to the subject property Mr. Hall was advised that the matter was now in che Planning Committee which would be meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at which time his remarks might properly be addressed the Committee. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. F /, t F; (eee MW. fleltase Helmie Nelson, City Clerk x - + 4 a , FA z i gk fe pn @€ Cp wee CE AY Ole GFP v. W. Custer, Mayor “inutes - Renim City Council Meeting 2-26-€3 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business Councilman Maxin, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted report recommending that requests of C. K. Mullins and F.E. Lawrence for zoning revisions to the Compre- hensive Plan, be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Moved by Scnellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on the mibject property, owner agreeing to amend her application as discussed with Attcrno: Hall on her behalf. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the rezon2 as recommended. Carried. Councilman Mcxin arnounced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, Febsuazy ain @t 7:00 p.m. iImarn Eruce, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendaticn that ixm of Cornell,!owland, Hayes and Merryfield be — ed for the design and ration of plane and specifications for Well No. 8, and that the Mayor and City 2k be authorized to sign the necessary agreement documents, upon approval thereof y the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. JJ o bl e cn CH e O ro o k 0 a o 21 ' S the Fire and Water Committee recommended that the Agreement between the City and Yire District No. 25 for hydrant service and water amply be approved and the Mayor end City Clerk be authorized to sign the document. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schallert, to concur. Carried. 2 -i2@ Public Relations Committee met regarding the request of Local 21R, Washington Co ce Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Council acknowledgment and oa was recommended that the Department of Labor and Industries conduct a check for cartification pyxpoces as provided by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett to cencur. Curried. councilmen Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a formal xvecuest has been made of Mr. dohn Nelson, or a representative of Seattle City Light, is appear at a puvlic hearing of the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates within the City, date for hearing to be determined. fiso, the Light end Power Committee submitted a proposed Resolution resolving that 2 interests of the City would be best served by employing a Consultant to provides = eralysis and technical assistance in regird to power problems, Tie ’servicés *o “eu.Ofe0 in @ Sia of power supply and rates were outlined with areas’to be analyze t2nerein. the City’ and Pege t Powex mz work together to improve the City with regard ‘vo Inievs of mutuni concern, the studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering “apartment. The Light and Power Committee will interview Consulting Firms and made ¢ recommendation as to the firm to conduct the study and shall report cost for such study, and at a future date, repoxt the findings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the proposed Resolution. Councilman Grant moved that his minority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In evant the City is unable to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting firm be directed to analyze the means whereby the City eae develop its own power distribution system, join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility district. The motion to amend the original Resolution was seconded by Barei,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Parei. No: Morris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion approving the three resolution ,prezcsais. Voved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote brought ro21 call request which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The meeting moved to the next — of business. Hoved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Carried. Councilman Grant inquired regarding the status of the request for dog control in the Highlands area. It was noted that the matter is in Committee and a study will be made and report submitted upon completion. Councilman Grant reported a request from property owners that the vacant property to the Fast of 509 Tobin Avenue South be cleaned up and shrubbery cut as the litter is piling up and attention is needed. Mayor Custer advised that the owner has re- moved a house from the lot and further attention will be given the matters reported. = Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 5 Mr. Rusk stated he was opposed to further avartinent development in the area, Mr. Robert Hall of Seattle identified himself as attorney for the applicant, Mrs. Chenaur, and gave a brief histocy of the property in question. He stated that his client is asking for the zoning which had previously been granted and which had been lost due to the reversion ordinance then in effect which has since been re~- pealed. He discussed the undeveloped access road about which there appeared to be some title cloud. Mr. Hall stated this undeveloped access according to all information he has been abie to get belongs to the City of Renton. He stated the rezone is a soaical one; would have no effect on the single family residential area known as Hill- crest Lane directly to the west as those houses are below his client's property and face away from it. He stated further that cost of development of the property makes it economicaily unfeasible for anything but multi-family residential use. Mr. Bob Harris, 10843 - 116th Ave. S.E. svoke in opposition to the rezone due to the immediate proximity of $20,000 to $40,000 homes. Mr. Jerome Stephenson, 11430 S.E. 112th St., asked how sewer lines could be connected to the property. The Planning Director displayed a sanitary sewer and water lines map for the area; and stated that due to the elevation the developer coulc get sewers only through the west side of the proverty by obtaining easements through ad- jJacent properties. He stated further that there are sewer lines along 116th Ave. S.E. but they could not go easterly due to the elevation unless some sort of pumping system was installed. Mr. Clayton Chenaur discussed the history of the property; the fact that he thought he had the proper zoning, being unaware of the reversion to R-1l; the access problem, the development of sewers, the cost of development being too high for other than multi-family use. He stated that the development would be adeguately served by sewers and would be screened to protect adjacent residences. He urged the Commission to grant the rezone. Stredicke stated that the area, notwithstanding the two existing apartments, has been developed for single famiiy use and he wouid not be in favor of rezoning for multiple use. Messrs. Stephenson, Peterson, Rusk and Harris, previously acknowledged, spoke again in protest against the rezone, as well as Mr. Ronald Wy- let of 11020 - 115th Ave. S.E. Mr. Robert Hall and Mr. Clayton Chenaur spoke again on behalf of the rezone re st There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Brower, that the application of Hazel W. Chenaur for rezone from R-1l to R-3 be denied, Motion carried unanimously. Further moved by Stredicke, seconded by Tecaarden, that a communica~ tion be sent to the City Council recommending that the highest use of this procerty be R-i as presently zoned. Motion carried unani- mously. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 6 The Chairman advised the applicant's attorney of her right of appeal of the Planning Commission decision by letter to the City Council within ten days. Mr. Hall stated he understood the appeal rights of his client. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REFERRAL FROM RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (a) Albert Balch and Garden Park, Inc., request for variance | from height limitation. The Chairman stated that the Board of Adjustment had referred the above variance application to the Planning Commission and referred the Commissioners to copies of Board of Adjustment Minutes as well as copy of letter from the FAA relative to the matter; such copies in each Commissioner's folder. ACTION: Moved by Brower, seconded by Racanello, that this matter be con- sidered at the next Administrative Meeting of the Renton Planning Commission in order to give the Commission time to study the material submitted. Motion carried unanimously. STREET NAME PROBLEM (b) The Chairman read a letter from Fire Chief M. C. Walls concern- ing duplication of street name in Thunder Hill #2, parcel #26. The Planning Director stated that this particular street (Thomas Lane) is privately owned and the City has no control over it. He sug- _ gested the Commission might wish to refer the matter to the Board of Public Works for their review. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Racanello, that a copy of Fire Chief Walls' letter be sent to the Mayor's office and to the Board of Public Works for their action. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF NEW PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (c) The Chairman read copy of a letter from Mayor D. W. Custer to the City Council appointing Mr. Tony Mola as a member of the Renton Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Stanley Stone and requesting concurrence of the Council in this appointment. RESIGNATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (dq) Mr. Robert Brower announced that regretfully this would be his last meeting with the Planning Commission as he had been recalled to active duty with the United States Navy, and stated it. had been a privilege to serve on the Commission. SITE PLAN APPROVAL (Request for Information) (e) Stredicke asked if site plans had been submitted for the approval of the Planning Commission for the church located at 7th and M. The Planning Director replied that this church had submitted their site plans as well as a variance request for parking and had received approval of the site plans on March 28, 1962. He stated petition, that decision shall be final unless the owner files Notice of Appeal to the Council as specified hereinafter, Upon receiving Notice of Appeal the Council shall set a date for hearing of the subject and shall notify the parties it deems most concerned, Three (3) notices, at least ten (10) days prior to any such hearing, shall be posted within or about the area proposed fo be rezoned or reclassified, Following this hearing the Council may follow the recommendation of the Com~ mission or refer the subject to the Commission for their reconsideration and subse~ quent report to the Council, upon receipt of which the Council shall take final actlon, granting or denying reclassification, within thirty (30) days thereafter, (2) All petitions for a change of use district boundaries shall be accorn~ panted by a plat in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and location of existing buildings and build- ings to be erected, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Building Inspector. (Ord. 1542; 4-17-56) (3) A petition for a change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property cannot be resubmitted fo the Building. Inspector, Planning Commission, or the Council for a period of six (6) months from the date of disapproval of such _ petition, 4-726: COMPLETION AND RESTORAT rION OF EXISTING BUILD- INGS: (a) Pending Permits Valid: Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the plans, construction, designated or intended use of a building, for which a building permit has heretofore been issued, or plans for which are now on file with the Building Inspector, a permit for the erection of which is issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this Code, and the construction of which | in elther cuse: . (1) Shall haye begun and been diligently prosecuted within one (1) month from the adoption of this Code, and; (2) Be entirely completed according to such plans as filed within one (1) year frorn the adoption of this Code. (b) Nonconforming Uses: The lawful use of any building, structure or land existing at the time of the enactment of this Code may be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of this Code, provided the following con- - ditions are met: (1) Unsafe structures: Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a proper authorit iy. 559; 1261 STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFIULMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. cRNA BAERS A COREA CSSD AOS ESL RARE LEE 3] OP! STOP STOP STOP’ STOP Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 4 is narrow and on a hillside. Teegarden stated he felt it would be a mistake to allow an apartment building at the end of such a nar- row street at this time. Forgaard asked when the Transamerica property to the south and west of the subject property was rezoned to R~3. The Planning Director replied this was done in 1963. Transamerica has indicated it does not plan to open access to the Renton Hill area or develop their R-3 area at this time. Conments from the audience were invited. Mr. Jack Newell stated he is the property owner immediately east of the applicant's property and is definitely opposed to any multi~family residential develop- ment in the area; that he feels the area is an established single family residential zone. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone applica- tion of Albert L. Duncalf for R-3 zoning be denied. Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission by written notice to the City Council within ten days. (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located west side of liéth Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) The rezone application was described by the Chairman; and the loca- tion of the property was pointed out by the Planning Director on the zoning map. The Planning Director indicated that access to the property was via an undeveloped right of way. Slides of the property were shown. Photographs of the property submitted by the applicant were passed around among the Commissioners. The Planning Director stated that in 1956 the property was zoned R-3, but as it was not developed it reverted back to R-] status under a reversion ordinance in effect at that time. The Chairman read a petition against the rezone submitted by property owners in the area and bearing 20 signatures. The Planning Director stated that the existing Comprehensive Plan indicates this area as low to medium density multi-family resi-- dential, but that the revised Comprehensive Plan now under study by the City Council cuts this area back to single family residential. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Roger Peterson, 10514 - 113th Ave. S.E., owner of property westerly of subject property, voiced his objections to the proposed rezone. Mr. George Rusk, 11029 - 116th Ave. S.E., stated he owns a house north of 110th which he had purchased with the stipulation the area was R-l, but had found out later that a portion of land nearby was zoned R-3 upon which two apartment houses have been constructed. f % . THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 and, 8 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR e DELORES A. MEAD a CITY CLERK e (206) 235-2500 r ww EO septe April 7, 1982 CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The attached copies of all record documents, files, maps and other material relating to the zoning and rezone of that parcel of property owned by Durwood E. Blood are hereby provided pursuant to Superior Court of Washington Order No. 863212 Subpoena Duces Tecum. Hazel Chenaur Rezone 436-67 (2 files) Durwood Blood Special Permit 089-80 Concerned Citizens represented by James E. Eeckhoudt (Durwood Blood Rezone) ECF 001-81 Durwood Blood Rezone 001-81 STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I, DELORES A. MEAD, duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, King County, Washington do hereby Certify that the attached are true and correct copies as appearing in the public records on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Renton. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 7th day of April 1982. Delores A. Mead, ws Clerk KAMERON C. CAYtc ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 798 311 MORRIS AVE. SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 (206) 255-0603 Concerning the enclosed subpoena, our experience indicates that there are often delays in a pending lawsuit. Rather than have a witness appear and wait for hours or perhaps days to testify, we believe that it is better for the witness to be kept "on call." If you will fill out the information at the bottom of this letter and return it to us before the above noted trial date, we will contact you by telephone when we have reached the point in the trial for testimony. We will do Our best to avoid any unnecessary appearances on your part and try to give you as much notice as possible as to when you will be called to the witness stand. If you do not desire to remain on an "on call" basis, we will have no alternative but to require that you appear on the morning set for trial and have you wait until called as a witness. Very truly yours, KAMERON C. CAYCE KCCi ch I agree to remain "on call" and can be reached at the following telephones and addresses: Day Night (Telephone) (Telephone) (Address) (Address) DJC Civil C13 (773) Repre * {on Rights | , | . ' Reserved by Daily Journa Jommerce. (pres Lake | (Date Filed by Clerk) (Receipt of Copy) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR_«1Nc COUNTY DURWOOD BLOOD, et ux, Plaintiff, NO. 863212 vs. HAZEL CHENAUR, SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM ° Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO: CITY...OF..RENTON...AND..DAVYID...CLEMENS.,..Acting Planni Director You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the Superior Court of the State of Washington, _ King....... County, in the Courtroom of Arges .Presiding..Judge..., Dept. NoE942., in the County Courthouse, in Seattle, at .9.:000’clock in the .am...cmopa of the .72th.. day of . Apr.il......., A. D. 19.82then and there to give evidence in a certain cause wherein .RDURWOOD..BLOOD........., Plaintiff and . HAZEL. .CHENAOR ...... , Defendant and you are further directed and commanded to bring with you the following papers and documents now in your possession or under your control: All records, documents, files, maps and other material relating to the zoning and rezone of that parcel of property currently owned by Durwood E. Blood, legally described in the attached Quit Claim Deed. This request includes information relating to the rezone from R-1l to R-2 prior to June, 1970, and the modification of the City maps following the decision of Stan- ley Soderland on June 23, 1970 in King County Cause No. 704684, wherein said rezone was set aside. Specifically, plaintiff seeks information as to when the maps available to the public were changed to reflect the zoning from R-2 to R-l per said court Order. and to remain in attendance upon said Court until discharged, and HEREIN FAIL NOT AT YOUR PERIL. Witness my hand this ..2nd. day of April P20. Box. 798, Renton, WA, 98057 255-0603 ( ¢ cory ORDINANCE NOW 2.35 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CIASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-1) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-2) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Single Family Residence District (R-}); and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk on or about December 7, 1967, which petition was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about December 27, 1967, and said matter having been duly continued and the Petitioner-Owners having duly appealed from the decision of the Plénning Commission and hearings having been held before the City Council of the City of Renton and Petitioner-Owner having duly amended his Petition, and said rezoning request, as amended, being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOIS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential District (R-2); the City Engineer and the Planning Direetor are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zening Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: The West 130 feet of the North one-half of Tract 211, C. D, Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 82, in King County, Washington, except the North 30 ft, and West 30 ft. of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under auditor's file No, 5383178; all situate in Renton, King County, Washington, (located behind apartments on 116th Ave, S.E, between 12th Ave. N, (SE 112th St.) and S, E, 110th St, SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. (5 & PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4th day of March, 1968 1S APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 4th day of Ma Approved to form: ty Donald W. Custer, Mayor Sraof Lee Ae ty Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: AR 2 0 1968 ; ~~ . sak \ ‘ ; j COPY ORDINANCE NO. 2357 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-1) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-2) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Single Family Residence District (R-}); and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk on or about December 7, 1967, which petition was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about December 27, 1967, and said matter having been duly continued and the Petitioner-Owners having duly appealed from the decision of the Plsnning Commission and hearings having been held before the City Council of the City of Renton and Petitioner-Owner having duly amended his Petition, and said rezoning request, as amended, being in conformity with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLGIS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renten is hereby rezoned to Residential District (R-2); the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zening Ordinance, as emended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: The West 130 feet of the North one-half of Tract 211, C,. D, Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 82, in King County, Washington, except the North 30 f, and West 30 ft. of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under auditor's file No. 5383178; a11 situate in Renton, King County, Washington, (located behind apartments on 116th Ave, S.E, between 12th Ave. N. (SE 112th St.) and S. E, 110th St. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. 15 & PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4th day of March, 1968. Bh 15 — APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this “th day of Ma Approved to form: fy Donald W. Custer, Mayor al He Meth, Gerard M. Shelian, City Attorney Date of Publication: MAR 2 0 1968 MEMORANDUM TO: Files DATE: July 9, 1970 FROM: Planning Director ° ; SUBJECT: Hazel Chenaur Special Permit Application Telephone Conversation with John K. Pain, Jr., Assistant City Attorney In accordance with telephone conversation between Planning Director and the Assistant City Attorney on above date, it was indicated that the matter of rezoning and the special permit application of Hazel Chenaur was essentially closed, and the property in question remains in an R-1l zoning classification. The property owner in question must re-initiate rezone of the property before a special permit for apartments can be considered. {~* ‘ ‘ - Wravang ~ Proveu tie Tindings or Faét anc r T raving ay 7 ¢ and Conclusions OF” law ana 29 | i Decree h i : 30 | erein, and defendant Hazel W. enaur not appearing in er 31 | person or by counsel, her default having been duly and 4 re 32 | gularly taken and entered herein, the court having heard JUDGMENT -1 ROBERTS & ANDERSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW i 311 WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH - P.O. BOX a6 RENTON, WASHINGTON 96055 BA 68-1860 fa MEMORANDUM TO.s Files DATE: July 9, $1970 FROM: Planning Director . SUBJECT: Hazel Chenaur Special Permit Application Telephone Conversation with John kK. Pain, Assistant City Attorney sy In accordance with telephone conversation between Planning Director and the Assistant City Attorney on above date, it was indicated that the matter of rezoning and the special permit application of Hazel Chenaur was essentially closed, and the REOpEREY in question remains in an R-1l Zoning classification. The property owner in question must re-initiate rezone of the - property before a special permit for apartments can be considered. ‘ aia rev aT aypproveu” FInadLlirs” “Fast and 3a & Gpr tne Findings Or Fact and Conclusions or" Tay ana Decree herei lef ‘ ein, and defendant Hazel w. enaur not appearins ta ny 30 E £ i Yr ho > a | person or by counsel, her default having been duly and i regu ; : 99.1 gularly taken and entered herein, the court having heard i JUDGMENT - i ROBERTS & ANDERSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW t i} | Tf WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH - P.O, D0x 454 | RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 86-1860 OO NO Oo bh ON ! RD : ee et eh ee ae a a ee oO o © GB H DM D MH BP Wo YM KF CO 21 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE Oy OF KING ROBERT E. JONES and DIANA JONES, his wife; ROGER A. PETERSON and * PATRICIA PETERSON, his wife; GARTH S. POWELL ANd | BILLIE POWELL, his wife; RONALD R. WYLET and SHERRIE WYLET, his wife; RAYMOND H. ALEXANDER and DORIS ALEXANDER, his wife; PETER A. R. FURZER and IRENE FURZER, his wife; EUGENE © HASTINGS and JEAN HASTINGS, his wife; JAMES E. HORNBERG and BARBARA HORNBERG , his » wife; GARY B. JUST and RUTH JUST, his wife; and GEORGE RUSK and ANDREA RUSK, "nis wife, NO. 7934664 Plaintiffs, eee. iat JUDGMENT Vs. CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation; and HAZEL W. CHENAUR, a widow, - Defendants. ee a ee e THIS MATTER having come on duly and regularly for hearing on this date before.the, undersigned judge of the above entitled court, plaintiffs appearing by Ln beer EE. Joues , om of said plaintiffs, and being repre- sented by Michael H. Williamson, of Roberts & Anderson, their attorneys of record, the defendant Cley of Renton not appear- 3 ing personally or being represented by its attorney of record, John X. Pain; but said attorney for defendant City of Renton having approved the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Decree herein, and defendant Hazel W. enaur not appearing in person or by counsel, her default having been duiy and regularly taken and entered herein, the court having heard ROBERTS & ANDERSON ENT =~ 1 : ATTORNEYS AT LAW 41% WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH - P.O. BOX 454 . RENTON, WASHINGTON 96055 BA 8-1660 ; ©o A N On t OY B pi e a oa am p O YD SM O bo t oO ~] wo oO o © sworn testimony on ‘penale of the plaintiffs, being fully advised in the premises, and having heretofore made pad entered herein its Findings of Fact and Conelusions of. Law, Now, Therefore, TT. IS HERE BBY. ORDERED, ARTEBOES AND) DECREED by the court as follows: — | oo. | 1. DEFENDANT ‘CHENAUR Elm ENJOINED; That defendant HAZEL W. CHENAUR be and she is hereby permanently enjoined from using the real property, ‘situated in King County, Washington, and more particularly described as: West 130 feet of the North Half of Tract 2111, C. D. Hiliman's Lake Washington Garien of Eden, Division No. ‘4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 82, King County, Washington, EXCEPT the North 30° feet and the West 30 feet of said Tract 2111 conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Auditor ! s File No. 5383178 for any other purpase than eat provided for in the Renton City Code under the Rel classification. 2, JUDGMENT FOR COSTS AGAINST DEFENDANT CHENAUR: That plaintiffs be and they are hereby awarded judgment against the defendant HAZEL W. CHENAUR for their costs and disbursements herein _ to be taxed, : oo : Ee 3. DEF ENDANT CIty ENJOINED t That the defendant CITY OF RENTON be and it is hereby permanently enjoined fron issying a building permit for other than R-1 | single residence on the above described property of defendant Hazel W. Chenaur patil the proper precedures as set forth in the Renton City Code are followed, either for a rezoning, variance, or special permit. DONE IN OPEN COURT this 25 “day of Wn are ee Bee Soe Lar oO * : TUPCE Presented by: Cos : 73/, WPCAATL He WILLIAMSON spoved. “for Ea oy and Notice of of ROBERTS & ANDERSON tarion saa ’ e fn 2 ; 1 Attorneys for Plaintiffs yy: a Ll O ‘ YORN rf PLN, ae of S$ HELLAN , PAIN, STONE & SWANSON, Attor@ neys for Def endan*rogerts & ANDERSON City of Renton a8 caus ebovw sro. BOX 464 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 JUDGMENT = 2 : - "BA 6-1880 oF R By ?> f™ eg yar . . Paria bl . % L OFFTOCE OF RIE CUPRY VIYPORNEY ¢ RENTON. WASTING PLON ee ls PST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUINLOING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5 6678 wall, = Ng ; ! = GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ie JOHN K, PAIN, JR,, ASSISTANT Caty At FORNEY Aono ot nash June 26, 1970 a Mr. Gordon Erickson ty Planning Director City Hall Renton, Washington y pee King County Cause No. 704684 Dear Mr. arickson: : os Enclosed herewith you.will find copy of: Judgment in the referenced case entered June 23, 1970, concerning the real property owned by Hazel Chenaur as described on page 2 thereof. The Judgment was entered by agreement of this office on behalf of the City and counsel for plaintiffs. Defendant Chenaur Was defaulted out. of the suit by meason of her failure to timely answer the Complaint of Plaintiffs. You will note that by terms of ‘paragraph 3° of the Judgment, permit for other than a R-1 single residence on the “henaur property as described in the Judgment until procedures as , set forth in the Renton City Code are followed, either for a rezoning, variance, or special permit. The enjoinder of the City in this instance as recited abo is deemed proper by reason of the: fact that proper notice was not given of the appeal by fea Chenaur of the original denial by the City Planning Commissio Or tie boplicatior for dan R-3 wezone, nor was pror if atv F en of the en ty Council's reconsideration of the appeayY at-whi tame the City Council granted a rezone with an oh ig AT ication. t nmaving approved the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and. Decree herein, and defendant Hazel W. enaur not appearing in person or by counsel, her default having been duly and regularly taken and entered herein, the court having heard ay ROBERTS & ANDERSON ‘ : i : ATTORNEYS AT LAW ( f MI WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH - P.O. BOX 494 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-1680 ; Re: Jones vs City of Renton and Chenaur on page ? thereof, the City is enjoined from issuing a building es 4 eure. : : x £: j / * ” ex ba ton, Gea aS. ‘ ee 4 ot aN JKP:ds ye ae OS oe rf : a ey oan Nie ee te sian a ; on bi ; eo N Ene. d Stes aL i ! ec: Mayor, .Pres.j): City Clenk ie i ‘4 A vom, entting, MINUTES =~ RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/10/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) The City Clerk reported that bids had been opened on 2/4/69 at 2:00 p.m. for demolition of the old city hall building in Cedar River Park. Ten bids were received from $4,000.00 to $39,500.00. (See tabulation sheet attached) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, to authorize the Fire Department to burn the old city hall building to the ground. Barei felt the City could save the money by havirtg the city forces burn the building which was isolated from any buildings and the winter weather adding to the safety factor. Inquiries followed regarding air pollution laws and possibility of legality under controlled burning permit and the cost to remove burned debris. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, the motion and remarks be referred to the Property Committee for report. The referral motion lost and discussion on.the motion to burn ensued, it being urged that the low bid be accepted in lieu thereof. Dissenting voice vote brought. proper request for roll call which was taken as follows: Aye: Grant, Shane, Schellert and Barei. No: Perry, Morris, Delaurenti, Trimn, Garrett, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. The motion failed 8 to 4. Motions were proposed to award the bid to apparent low bidder with adequate performance bond to be required to insure proper compliance and, after discussion regarding bid requirements, to recess for ten minutes which failed, and to refer the bids to Committee, and subsequently another motion to award to low bidder with referral to the Property Committee to draw up the contract and secure performance bond and carry out the legal requirements, MORRIS MOVED, SECOND BY GRANT, to substitute the motion that the bids be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Edwards, Bruce, Grant and Barei. No: Perry, Delaurenti, Trimm, Garrett, Maxin and Shane. Mayor Custer voted ave and the referral motion carried. Letter from Epcon, Inc., Norman E. Lee, Lighting Division, requested a meeting to discuss proposed installation of area lighting. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. It was noted the area concerned is Rainier Avenue and Mayor Custer stated the matter to be in regard to light standards for private operation on street right-of-way which only the Council could handle. After various recommendations for referral to other Committees, the pending motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon, submitted attached letter from H. Bartrand & Co., requesting 2l-day extension to contract completion date on C.AG. 1372-68, landscaping and planting, Liberty Park grandstand area. (February 12 is contract completion date to be extended) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Director. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Richard Stredicke, 3916-10th Court North, inquired regarding availability of a report concerning the Show Cause Court Order, received last week on the Hazel Chenaur property rezone.City Attorney Shellan advised that no Court Order has been entered on the Show Cause but that an early trial date will be set and Mr. Stredicke will be notified. CLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole Report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the proposed Resolution from Cle Elum regarding distribu- tion of funds to cities be tabled. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Shane opposed. Barei abstained. Recommended that the City continue using the King County Design Commissic:: service rather than create a Local Design Commission. MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommenda- tion. (Referral request of Richard Stredicke) The motion carried. Recommended regarding U-LID 256, Kent, the City Clerk direct a letter tn Kent inquiring if further action is required. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDE:! BY MAXIN, to concur. Carried. P — asi, § MINUTES - RENTON CITx UCLUNCIL MEETING (Cont.) wast 2/3/69 ORRESPO E_AN RREN ah $s: Application was read from Bobbie R. Highland requesting that license be granted to operate a coin-type pool table at King's Tavern, 207 Wells Avenue South. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Chenau Order to Show Cause, Summons & Complaint, was read, filed against the City by Attorneys Roberts & Anderson, through Michael Williamson, on behalf of Robert E. Jones et al, in regard to Hazel W. Chenaur property zoning and permits. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONHED BY SHANE, to refer the documents to the Legal Department. The motion carried. Letter from Bernard L. Ruppert , Building Director, requested authoriza- tion to attend a Conference on Federal Housing Programs, February 6 and 7 at Corvallis State University, Corvallis, Oregon. MOVED BY MORRIS, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, to grant the request. The motion carried. Letter from Traffic Engineer, Del Bennett, submitted proposed agreements with the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the City concerning the crossings and railroad signals on North Third and Fourth Streets which include costs to be borne by the City through the Urban Arterial Fund which constitute part of the total improvement of the one-way couplet project. It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the documents and copy to be furnished the Urban Arterial Board by the Engineering Department for payment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY :MAXIN., to “concur. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY,to refer the recommendation to the Street and Alley Committee for report back. The motion carried. Shane opposed, noting the railroad should share costs. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported in regard to petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the vicinity of the Mance Addition, 94th Ave. South, South 173rd and South 174th STreets, that the petition is signed by owners representing 85.21% of the front footage abutting the proposed improvement and 89.21% of area within the proposed improvement. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, to refer the matter to the Sanitation "Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from Don Taylor, President, City Employees Club, requested permission to work Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1969 in exchange for December 26, 1969, the day following Christmas to allow a four day week end for City Employees. MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY GRANT, to authorize the exchange: with referral: to the Mayor for administration, Discussion ensued with regard to existing union contract and City : Attorney Shellan suggested a letter of concurrence from the Union be secured which Mayor Custer advised he would request. The pending motion carried. REPORTS OF BID CALLS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AWARDS Bids were opened on 1/27/69 at 2:00 p.m. in the First Floor Conference Room, Renton Municipal Building, for lighting of the small ballfield in Liberty Park, as budgeted. Letter from the Park Board was read recommending that the low basic bid of Patelco, Inc. in sum of $17,351.00 be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, to concur in the Park Board recommendation. Discussion ensued regarding lighting program for other areas of the city and costs involved with Liberty Park total development. “OVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE, to refer the bids to the Committee. of the Whole. Park budget funds,it was noted, include..Forward Thrust, State and Federal Funds for Lake Wn. Beach matching fund projects,which results in double budgeting, not reflecting actual local expenditures. After some further remarks regarding the Council action at hearing meetings in budgeting the items, Attorney Shellan&S notation that the Council does not have jurisdiction over the Park Board's action on bid awards once funds have been granted in the budget, and upon inquiry, that control may be exercised through budgetary fund transfers within classes only, the pending motion was voted upon. Dissenting voice vote brought ruling of the chair of negative majority and roll call was requested which was taken as follows: Aye: Trimm, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Perry, Morris, Schellert, Edwards, Maxin and Garrett. The referral motion lost. Vote on the original motion to concur was dis~ senting and roll call requested and taken as follows: Aye: Perry, : Schellert,Morris, Garrett, Edwards, Maxin and Trimm. (cont. next page) INTER-OFFICE MEMO To: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Deke March 4, 1968 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Chenaur rezoning Dear Helmie;: We are handing you herewith stencil for proposed Ordinance providing for the rezoning of certain property owned by Hazel Ww. Chenaur. We suggest that the City Engineer and the Planning Director check over the document prior to its submission to the Law & Ordinance Committee. We remain trul ours Via Gerard M. Shellan GMS :ds Attach : ec: Mayor , L & O Committee Pres. Council ED ROBERTS & AND RSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW PHONE: Ill WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH-P. O. BOX 454 BALDWIN 8-I880O A.M. (MIKE) ROBERTS ROBERT L.ANDERSON RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 January 17, 1969 YS - Cowreit h 7 Renton City Council Aternerdivation _ ile A —e 98055 2. one * enton, Washington ‘26 — , entlemen: K “ Z ‘ oa ar pt tipo i i 7 a) This office has been retained by Robert Jones and 19 other property owners in the area of 116th Avenue Southeast, near the McKnight Junior High School. On February 5, 1968, the Renton City Council heard the appeal of Hazel W. Chenaur as a result of the City Planning Commission's denial of "Application No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3",. This appeal was denied by the City Council during said meeting in "concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendation that R-l is the best and highest use for the property". Sub- sequently, this meeting was formally closed. During the City Council meeting of February 19, 1968, Hazel Chenaur was granted a R-2 zone classification without notice of this action to any landowners in the area. This action is in direct violation of various Renton City Ordinances. You are hereby given notice of our formal protest of the Council's action in granting the R-2 classification and also in re-opening the application without notice to the interested property owners in the area. Yours truly, ROBERTS & ANDERSON [CHAE Kh MO Mpanasen) Michael H. Williamson MHW: fg cc: Mr. Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney Mr. Doyle E. Garrison Chairman, Planning Commission RoBerRtrs & ANDERSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW » PRIONE: 111 WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH-P. O. BOX 454 BALDWIN 8-I880 A.M. (MIKE) ROBERTS ROBERT L.ANDERSON RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 edt oe Letnel January 17, 1969 per /7- RING - (GlelemiasA ‘ fgpowd Renton City Council dy Phar. City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Yah - Phang Cog Gentlemen: We _ fd. Lj got This office has been retained by Robert Jones and 19 other Wd) property owners in the area of 116th Avenue Southeast, near the McKnight Junior High School. On February 5, 1968, the Renton City Council heard the appeal of Hazel W. Chenaur as a result of the City Planning Commission's denial of "Application No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3",. This appeal was denied by the City Council during said meeting in "concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendation that R-1 is the best and highest use for the property". Sub- sequently, this meeting was formally closed. During the City Council meeting of February 19, 1968, Hazel Chenaur was granted a R-2 zone classification without notice of this action to any landowners in the area. This action is in direct violation of various Renton City Ordinances. You are hereby given notice of our formal protest of the Council's action in granting the R-2 classification and also in re-opening the application without notice to the interested property owners in the area. Yours truly, ROBERTS & ANDERSON f / yy} hy ‘ I KU MAREE A 74 LU lllRsrsent Michael H. Williamson MHW:f¢ ce: Mr. Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney Mr. Doyle E. Garrison Chairman, Planning Commission OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ¢ ALPINE 5-3464 March 20, 1968 Mr. Bruce Mahler, Land & Tax Agent King County Assessor's Office County Court House, Room 201 Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No, 2387 changing the zoning of certain properties within the City of Renton, as passed and approved on this _ 18th day of __ March, 1968 , Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON | a an A A, Ls Nn na Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/h Enclosure (1) COPY ORDINANCE NO, 27 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-1) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-2) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Single Family Residence District (R-}]); and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the City Clerk on or about December 7, 1967, which petition was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about December 27, 1967, and said matter having been duly continued and the Petitioner-Owners having duly appealed from the decision of the Planning Commission and hearings having been held before the City Council of the City of Renton and Petitioner~Owner having duly amended his Petition, and said rezoning request, as amended, being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, “IASRINGTON, AS FOLLOIS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residential District (R-2); the City Engineer and the Planning Direecter are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zening Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: The West 130 feet of the North one-half of Tract 211, C, D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 82, in King County, Washington, except the Nerth 30 ft, and West 30 ft. of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under auditor's file No, 5383178; all situate in Renton, King County, Washington, (located behind apartments on 116th Ave, S.E. between 12th Ave, N. (SE 112th St.) and S. E, 110th St. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. iG PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this Ath day of March, 1968. Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: MAR 2 0 1968 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 3-18-68 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Trimm, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating $3,450.00 from excess revenue in the Library Fund unto Account 1610/606 Capital Outlay, Machinery & Equipment, Library, for the purchase of a Van for transportation service to the Library. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1524 as read. Carried. Councilman Trimm presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of $20,707.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto City Hall Construction Fund #2810, Account 605, for lawn sprinkling system and lighting within the civic center site. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei, to adopt Resolution No. 1525 as read. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residence Single Family Dis- trict (R-1) to Residence District (R-2) which was read by the Clerk. (Hazel Chenaur property) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Grant, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, roll call vote was taken on motion by Dela-’ urenti, second by Barei, to adopt as read. The vote resulted in unanimous aye vote carrying the motion and adopting Ordinance 2387 as read. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Beanblossom and Roe property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to "Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to place the docu- ment on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2388 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Dean Singer property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Ordinance No. 2389 as read. Carried, upon unanimous aye roll call vote. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Lorensen-Jensen properties on 132nd Ave. S.E. from General Classification District (G) to Residential District (R-3). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, after final reading, to adopt Ordinance No. 2390 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Harris property on 132nd Ave. S.E., within the City of Renton, from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Single Residence District (R-1). Moved by Delaurmti, seconded by Barei, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2391 as read. Carried upon unanimous aye roll call vote. Proposed Ordinance was read amending Section 10-705 of Title X, (Traffic), of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to Municipal Parking Lot #3. (Limiting to 2 hour parking rather than 24 hr. parking use) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2392 as read. Carried upon unanimous roll call vote. (Publication to be withheld until new meter heads have been installed) Proposed Ordinance of the City,granting Pacific Coast RR Co. a franchise for establish- ment, maintenance and operation of its North Renton Main Line track in, upon and along Houser Way, and fixing the location, terms and conditions of such franchise, was placed on first reading. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee to hold 30. days following publication as required by law. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane that the Garbage and Refuse Collection Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Revisions were outlined, and the motion carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Shane to adopt Ordinance No. 2393 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. wile Minuces - Renim City Cou. «1 Meeting 2-26-E% ee COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business /Souncilman Maxin, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted report recommending that requests of C. K. Mullins and F.E. Lavine for zoning revisions to the Compre~ hencive Plan, be réferred to the Planning Conmission for recommendations. Moved by Scnellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on be subject property, owner agreeing to amend her application as discussed with Attcrne mall on her behalf. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the revonea as recommended. Carried. Cones nen Ucxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, February 25th at 7:00 p.m. Councs.Iman Bruce, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendation tha tne firm of Cornell,iowland, Hayes and Merryfield be retained for the design and preparation of puane and specifications for Well. No. 8, and that the Mayor and City Glozk be authorized to sign the necessary agreement documents, upon approval thereof ty the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. e and Water Committee recommended that the Agreement between the City and ‘istrict No. 25 for hydrant service and water supply be approved and the Mayor ney Clerk be cuthorized to sign the document. Moved by Barei, seconded by yt, to concur. Carried. : , Go oo mt ) ~4ie Public Relations Committee met regarding the request of Local 21R, Washington .te Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Council acknowledgment: and it was recommended that the Department of Labor and Industries conduct a check for certification puxposes as provided by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett to concur. Carried. councilmen Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a formal xecuest has been made of Mr. John Nelson, or a representative of Seattle City Light, to appear at a public hearing of the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates within the City, date for hearing to be determined tne Light and Power Committee submitted a Proposed Resolution resolving that terests of the City would be best served by employing a Consultant to provice alysis ant technical assistance in recnrd to power problems, The“servicés *o b a ia a stud: of power supply and rates were outlined with areas‘to be analyze. ‘grein. the City and Peget Pcvex may work together to improve the City with regard to neers of mutunl concern, the studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering “apartment. The Light and Power Committee will interview Consulting Firms and made a recommendation as to the firm to conduct the study and shall report cost for such study, and at a future date, report the findings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the proposed Resolution. Councilman Grant moved that his minority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In evant the City is unable to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting firm be directed to analyze the means whereby the City could develop its own power distribution system, join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility district. The motion to amend the original Resolution was seconded by Darei,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Crant, Shane and Parei. No: Morris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion approving the three resolution pyezcsals, ‘oved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote brought ro21 call request which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The meeting moved to the next order of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjourned at 12:45 pom. Carried. Councilman Grant inquired regarding the status of the request for dog control in the Highlands area. It was noted that the matter is in Committee and a a study will be mide and report submitted upon completion. Councilman Grant reported a request from property owners that the vacant property co the East of 509 fobin Avenue South be cleaned up and shrubbery cut as the litter is piling up and attention is needed. Mayor Custer advised that the owner has re- timed a house fron the lot and further attention will be given the matters reported. sds 5 “ Minutes - Rentm City Cour a Meeting 2-26-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business Councilmah Maxin, Chairman of the Pldnning Committee, submitted report recommending that requests of C. K. Mullins and F.E. Lawrence for zoning revisions to the Compre- hersive Plan, be réferred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. ‘Recommended that appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on the subject property, owner agreeing to amend her application as discussed with Attorney fall on her behalf. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the rezone as recommended. Carried. Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, February 23th at 7:00 p.m. Ccuneilman Bruce, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendation that the firm of Cornell,Nowland, Hayes and Merryfield be retained for the design and p eparation of plans and specifications for Well No. 8, and that the Mayor and City a Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary agreement documents, upon approval thereof by the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. the Fire and Water Committee recommended that the Agreement between the City and pire District No. 25 for hydrant service and water supply be approved and the Mayor a City Clerk be authorized to sign the document. Moved by Barei, seconded by deaUlant, to concur. Carried. ee oe “he Public Relations Committee met regarding the request of Local 21R, Washington .ce Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Council acknowledgment and .¢ was recommended that the Department of Labor and Industries conduct a check for certification puzposes as provided by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett ko eccneur. Carried. Councilman Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a formal request has been made of Mr. John Nelson, or a representative of Seattle City Light, to appear at a public hearing of the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates within the City, date for hearing to be determined. ‘iso, the Light and Power Committee submitted a proposed Resolution resolving that ine interests of the City would be best served by employing a Consultant to provide wate analysis and technical assistance in rezard to power problems. The’servicés to b? coccezed in a ctudy of power supply and rates ware outlined with areas’to be analyze. ~aerein. the City” and Pcget Power ma work together to improve the City with rcgard ~o “tems of mutual concern, the studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering “epartment. The Light and Power Committee will interview Consulting Firms and made a recommendation as to the firm to conduct the study and shall report cost for such study, and at a future date, report the findings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the proposed Resolution. Councilman Grant moved that his minority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In evant the City is unable to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting firm be directed to analyze the means whereby the City could develop its own power distribution system, join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility district. The motion to amend the original Resolution was seconded by Barei,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Morris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion approving the three resolution proposals. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call request which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The meeting moved to the next order of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Councilman Grant inquired regarding the status of the request for dog control in the Highlands area. It was noted that the matter is in Committee and a study will be made and report submitted upon completion. Councilman Grant reported a request from property owners that the vacant property to the East of 509 Tobin Avenue South be cleaned up and shrubbery cut as the litter is piling up and attention is needed. Mayor Custer advised that the owner has re- moved a house from the lot and further attention will be given the matters reported. hes 2) c , og PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT February 26, 1968 a S\N a Regarding Referral. of 12-18-67-for recommendation, ‘regarding zoning changes ‘outlined: in the C.B.D. Plan prepared by the N. G. Jacobson Cox i5 Consultant ais the Plaming Committee recommends that this matter “be referred to the / Planing Commission for recommendation following study of the proposals. { 2. Recommended that the requests of C. K. Mullins, 14816 S.E. 128th Street, wD King County, and F. E. Lawrence, Lots 24, and 25, Block 13, Kennydale, for zoning revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. (Referred 2-5-68) 8. Hazel Chenaur appeal of rezone denial. per Attorney Robert Hall - Referral of 2-19-68 for reconsideration — Recommended that k-2 be allowed. Paul Maxin, Chairman — CA cask ae acre ner cece Rar lgsinainy “f/f | fi p ah pf rire Defy 31 29/08 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) NO. R-436-67 af ) MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION HAZEL W. CHENAUR ) 44379 Ali5 FOR CHANGE OF ZONING To: Phe: Refiton City Council, and To: The Honorable D. Custer, Mayor, and J | i | af To: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HAZEL W., CHENAUR, by and through her attorney undersigned, feeling herself aggrieved by the decision of the Renton City Council at its meeting February 5, 1968, denying her applicatio for rezone from R-1l to R-3 the following described property, does hereby respectfully request and move that the City Council re- consider its decision of February 5, 1968, for the following reasons: 1. That the City Planning Director as representative of the City of Renton Planning Commission did not present to the City Council all evidence that it should have in its file bearing upon this application for rezoning, particularly in failing to exhibit before the City Council. color slides which were used before the Planning Commission and instead supplying additional and new and different color slides of the area involved which were made subsequent to the Planning Commission hearing and prior to the rehearing before the City Council, and in failing to produce and Mtn. for Recon. - 1 MURRAY, DUNHAM & WAITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW 419 SECURITIES BUILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 MAIN 2-2655 25 26 29 31 exhibit photographs of the tract involved which the applicant provided in support of its application for rezoning, and other pertinent data bearing upon the merits of this app/y3i rezoning. The west 130 feet of the north one-half of Bin, 211, CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden [ Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11, of plats, page 82, in King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under auditor's file No. 5383778. It is respectfully requested that this application for re- consideration be placed on the agenda for hearing Monday, February 19, 1968. DATED this LZ “day of ney, 1968. LbLt lh Robert J. Hall Attorney £60r ee W. Chenaur ce: “* Planning» Director Renton City Planning Commission Gity Hall; Renton, Washington Mtn. for Recon. - 2 MURRAY, DUNHAM & WAITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW 419 SECURITIES BUILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 MAIN 2-2655 Jibe «Bie Cfhenacd’ G Legh Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $49.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. \ Document from Robert J. Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Hazel W. Chenaur, requested Council reconsideration of rezone denial noting grievance that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning | Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, requested approval from the City for service to the new Earlington Elementary School, to be located at South 132nd Street and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Districts and Late Comers Agreement to be allowed for recovery or portion of the cost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law_and Ordinance ~ Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Preperty Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to install a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. (Fire Chief and City Engineer to be consulted) Carried. Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokanson, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radin Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will continie to operate as drivers and inelude: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 S.E. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried, Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad‘oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits more uniform in this area. The petitioners are Alhoff, Smith & Beale and *’ matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South, Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 911% South 3rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than submitted , Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydrant.maintenance and inspection, and consideration to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the execution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant to refer the document to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. -2- Minutes - i ielctaa City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted- statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $43.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Document from Robert J. Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Hazel %. Chenaur, requested Council reconsideration of rezone denial noting grievance that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, requested approval from the City for service to the new Earlington Elementary School, to be located at South 132nd Street and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Dist weicins and Late Comers Agreement to be allowed for recovery or portion of the cost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Property Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to install a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. (Fire Chief and City Engineer to be consulted) Carried. Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokanson, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radio Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will continve to operate as drivers and include: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 S.F. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad“oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits more uniform in this area. The pe >titioners are Alhoff, Smith & Beale and the matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 911 South 3rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than submitted. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Bad Idtne Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydrant:maintenance and inspection, and consideration to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the execution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant to refer the document to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. a ~ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting oo L668 Remarks: Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 24, 1968. Councilman Barei requested that the Janitor oil the Chairs-around the Council table to reduce the noise. Councilman Perry noted that the tables had been removed which had been used by the city Attorney and the Press and suggested they be replaced. Mr. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Chenauer addressed the Council advising that he had been mistaken regarding photographs which were submitted to the Council on the matter and offered apology to Planning Director Ericksen noting however, that Lultiple zoning is the only feasible use for the subject property and that it is economically impossible to develop the area as R-1. After further comments in regard to the subject property Mr. Hall was advised that the matter was now in che Planning Committee which would be meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at which time his remarks might properly be addressed the Committee. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. 7 fs t fi fror K C Fives \ NY did 24 4, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Cs F ‘ an 2 22 2 # Fee Gf ore a tet he” a oe ae, é seal vb. W, Custer, Mayor jinutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-5~-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall. during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February l0th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Councilmen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. PosutcG HEARING: Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of R-3 rezone denial on property located on “ne West side of 116th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 110th and S.E. 112th Streets. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the suxrounding residential area, R-1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive Plan and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to an ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed. Topography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as required and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Film slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and also in regard to sewering the area. Planning Director Ericksen advised that all such details have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned mst approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Diccussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Commissions actions are wmiform and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower sites. The Planning Director noted the project does not meet with the proposed Comprehensiv Flen .Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the appeal be denied in concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendation that R-1 is the best and highest use for the property. A dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. No: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried denying the appeal. COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. being 1. consideration is paid to participate; 2. must be some kind of reward; 3. element of uncertainty exists. In further discussion City Attorney Shellan stated the City has a right, which goes back to common rule Jaw, to license under its police power and can im- pose a license or regulatory fee. Councilman Shane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moved, with second by Schellert, that if pinballs are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. It was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the law and Ordinance Committee to report back. ioved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to table the matter. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that specifications are now prepared and requested permission to call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in the 1968 budget. February 26th was recommended as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, secondsd by Schellert, to concur in the request and recommended bid opening date. Discussion ensued regarding the City maintenance program for city streets and the . possibility of contracting such work. It was noted that cities usually do their own maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the city equipinent, budget, and departmental administration, question was called for on the pending motion to eoncur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carried. oe Pebruary 7, 1968 Murray, Dunham & Waitt A at Law Suite 419 Seeurities Building Seattle, Weshington 98101 Re: Hazel W. Chenaur Appeal of Renton Planning Commission Rezone Denial Gentlemen: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of February Sth has eoneurred with the Planning Commission decision that R-1 is the highest and best use for the property located on the West side of 116th Avenue between $.E. 110th and S.E. 112th Streets in Renton, and the appeal for R-3 rezone has been denied. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN /dm ec: Mra. Chenaur City Council President Planning Director *uotsstuumop Suyuuetd eyz o3 pequesezd OS[@ sea AZsenbexz euozez ey Bbuyasejo0ad Aqtuyota eu ut gzeumo Aqgzedozd oz ewos Aq peubts uoyfatzed yw “*TTe3ep euos ut 3senbex suozez ey peMeTAer uotTsstumop BHBuyuuetd eu, *peqedtorque satun o¢ 03 ¢z JO ebezeae uve U3FA sqQueujtede AjzyTsuep umtTpew jo woT_ONARSUOD eu MOT ~T@ PTNOM suozez pesodorid su, *3eTd TeT3ueptsesz ATtTwez etbuts pedojteaep ATMeu e ‘euey 4sexoTTTH Jo ATAeqseo. pue eoueptsexz Arttuez etbuys e pue satun queunzede SHuTqstxe gO A{TAeQsSem peVeodoT st uoTAeseptsuod xepun Agzedord euy (Tetzueptsexz Attwez sTbuts S@9RVOFPUT ued eatTsueusezdwo5 PSSTASZ) TeTRUepTser AT TuRZ “-F3tnu AZysSuep wmypeu 07 MOT--uRTd eATSUEYerdmoD TRTAUSepT ser At yues— ~F2TNU~-ash pesodozd M/a °28 UIOTI *a°S VTA *a’s * SAY UIOTT--sse00y qedyouyza . Bbuttteap Atywez oTSuts--esn butastx7 T-u--butuoz Bbuyastx7 *a3 °bs oTT'¢z--verzy TeROL iSoTASTz0R0e -Zeyo otTseq SHutmorttos eyy sey uoTasenb ut Aqasdoxzd eyyz "L96T ‘LZ xequeoeq jo BuTAeeu syt 4e ind bs euozez aAneueud °*M TeZeH SyQ peAsptTsuoco uotsstumoD Sutuueta eu, ! UsUIeTR WED "83S UIZTT PUB UZOTT °A°S weeMmzeq ‘aA*s *eaY YISTT FO @PpTs 380M peqesotT Agxzedoxzd ‘¢-y 02 T-u4 wozy zsenbex euozez ‘19-9¢F7-y ‘ON *Tddy *TeTUueqd euCZeYyY ANeueyDd °*m TezeH go Teeddy :oy uoqzSutysem ‘uocquey TFoOuncD AZTD suy JO srSquiey_ Ze3SND *M PTeuod z0AeN 896T ‘sg Azenaqeg p2/s [ev pon he Peay FI Mayor and City Council February 5, 1968 Page 2 Upon completion of its deliberations, the Planning Com~ mission determined that the zoning requested would not be appropriate for the property in question since detri-~ mental effects could be anticipated and it would not be — in the best interests of the surrounding residential area. The Planning Commission further recommended to the City Council that the highest use of the property be ~-l as presently zoned, ; Vexy truly yours, Gordon ¥. Ericksen Planning Director ye “O\ ZN fe atl DEC 22 1967 ( 20) Dec. 21, 1967 To: The Renton Planning (omnission The undeasigned are against the proposed rezoning in the vicinity of 116th Ave. 5.€. Between JS.€. 110th and 112th Ste. Z West 130' of the north half of tract 277 (.D, Hillman's Lake ip Washington Garden of éden Division No. 4 According to plat neconded in Vol. 22 of plats page 82 in King (ounty Washington, folliniore Except North 30’ and West 30' of said tract 211 conveyed the (ity of Renton by recorded undea Auditors file No. 5383178 peyser® We, the undersigned feel this area should be used fon et nesidential only, and the rezoning should not be granted. REA es, ten, Moh WANE ; ADRESS, of o£. In fh tia (9943 MABE) Pew tin, poh 2 Lie 77, KaAr~ a4 / oe Sea Re , Rusk 29 WbTH ar. dE, Kener, win. ws ve The NO -hub wy u DID K Bb W|/ORGY L1G . ne, U7 - ia Le. Tea Hor- Se CEM, ¢ e. favor Wot He hervicer ? A830 SE//db LP astinn ibe Me! 5 on amet W930 AE path Whentan eel, Cinnon, A, Wat ioumatace V16ay -MS™D SE. PR avTor , Woah. J ons Cot thu Ulgltl yen) yeteln sé. kardon , COn ia ? 2) iP oi LRP BAB Cen Fe, we ce Fed. , Ze A Se Kerli or (th ™ 7 [ode - ivote“? ‘Ss 7k Kenzo te) J) mock. PLOZLU OS fos SE ; Bets , ave woos wet fa. 4€& EE, ttwk, —_—_ - Dec. 21, 1967 WANE ADDRESS Qe a re =, ( ee ae Wise S A ap ae ore #éS SBC’ SLi 1 exten Com ho as > 7 fh ane Sesngae M012 15° "Bisa, Sh Kanling 7M. a WO fo 115 Th Awe: SE enilO7, be 7 5 ee ee ee Dard ra 4/2 bh; If oe F C4 ofl res box brag Lad Brille dig. 4108 Galax An- W/ Le + fea Gobet Moe f6f23- hel LE Neadtx Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-5-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February 10th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Councilmen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. PUALTC HEARING: Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of R-3 rezone denial on property located on che West side of 116th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 110th and S.E. 112th Streets. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the surrounding residential area, R-1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive Plen and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to dan ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed. Topography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as required and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Film slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and also in regard to sewering the area. Planning Director Ericksen advised that all such details have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned must approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Diccussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Commissions actions are uniform and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower ites. The Planning Director noted the project does not meet with the proposed Comprehensive Flaa .Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the appeal be denied in concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendation that R-l is the best and highest use for the property. A dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. No: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried denying the appeal. COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. pose a license or regulatory fee. Councilman Shane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moved, with second by Schellert, that if pinballs are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. It was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee to report back. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to table the matter. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that specifications are now prepared and requested permission to call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in he 1968 budget. February 26th was recommended as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request and recommended bid opening date. Piscussion ensued regarding the City maintenance program for city streets and the possibility of contracting such work. It was noted that cities usually do their own maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the city equipment, budget, and departmental administration, question was called for on the pending motion to concur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carried. ion January 4, 1968 Murray, Dunham & Waitt Attorneys at Law Suite 419 Securities methane Seattle, Washington 9810. Re: Hazel W. Chenaur Appeal of Renton P amming Commission Rezone Denial Gentlemen: The Renton City Counci1, at its regular meeting of January 8th, has get February §, 1968 at £:00 p.m. in the Couneil Chambers, City Hall, . Renton, Washington as the tine and place for honing: ‘on the above~ apt oned appea2 . It ic requested that you nad/ow applicant be present for discussion ‘ of the matter. ‘ , ati very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson |” City Clerk - HWN/dm sles BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ) HAZEL W. CHENAUR ) NOTICE OF APPEAL FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ) No. R-436-67 TO: The Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the applicant, HAZEL W. CHENAUR, does hereby give notice of her appeal to the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, from each and every part of the order and decision of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton, made Wednesday evening, December 27, 1967, and whereby her petition and application for reclassification of the following described property from R-1 to R-3 was denied: The west 130 feet of the north one-half of Tract 211, CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11, of plats, page 82, in ee J7B Ring County, Washington, except the north 30 fee) a9 of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of aS an oka * Renton hy deed recorded under auditor's file fed ‘oan No. 5383778. ee RECEWE) = “crn TY of RE Ni ri * You are hereby requested to transmit your complet tiaceturds osrice <3 Bre seg , S27? 570 in this matter to the City Council of Renton. AC ATA OnE DATED this, Svcf aay of January 1968. LMIELL ee sai Attorficy for Hazel W. Chenaur Go: City Council, Caty of Renton City Hall, Renton, Washington ‘de i is we : ~ ie ee , [SOS MuRRAY, DUNHAM & WAITT WANES MURR er ATTORNEYS AT LAW ROGER E. DUNHAM ROBERT K. WAITT SUITE 419 SECURITIES BUILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON O81OL MAIN 2-2655 January 3, 1968 Secretary of Planning Commission of the City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Hazel W. Chenaur - Application for Change of Zoning Dear Sir: - ahd b 7 ~ on 9s ON? v aN Enclosed, please find Notice of Appeal in duplicate//in CHEN 14965 a above-referenced matter. ae “3 fea RE YE ben ag . Ny Please acknowledge service by returning a copy to ties Ciittice. ay) : ee GLERWS eras cE Oy NS Very truly yours, Bie” ian? ) POE FEE ce WA Robert “Hall RJH:rs Enc. ce: Mr. Clayton Chenaur Renton City Council 2 a | Copy blenminy, yn. pf January 10, 1968 Murray, Dunham & Waitt Attorneys At Law . Suite 419, Securities Building — Seattle, Wa: hington 98055 Re: Hazel W. Chenaur - Appeal of Plaming Commission.Denial of Rezone to R-3 Gentlemen: fhe Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of January 8, 1968 has set the date of February 5, 1968 as the date for hearing on your appeal as above-captioned. You and/or applicant are invited to be present at the scheduled meeting to discuss the matter. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN /dm ec: Hazel W. Chenaur City Council President a a ji [os ji . MurRRAY, DUNHAM & WAITT AENES ELE ATTORNEYS AT !.AW ROGER E. DUNHAM ROBERT K. WAITT SUITE 419 SECURITIES BUILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON OBI1OL MAIN 2-2655 a Pile 64 January 3, 1968 Secretary of Planning Commission of the City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Hazel W. Chenaur - Application for Change of Zoning Dear Sir: above- —aParunded matter. Please acknowledge service by returning a copy to t 25 (OE fice Very truly yours, fall Robert eo RJH:rs Enc. cc: Mr. Clayton Chenaur Renton City Council Copy - (Laerenaing wt Ahoerirg | alsVe 7 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF THE ) No. R-436-67 APPLICATION OF ) ) ) HAZEL W, CHENAUR FOR CHANGE OF ZONING NOTICE OF APPEAL TO: The Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the applicant, HAZEL W. CHENAUR, does hereby give notice of her appeal to the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, from each and every part of the order and decision of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton, made Wednesday evening, December 27, 1967, and whereby her petition and application for reclassification of the following described property from R-1l to R-3 was denied: The west 130 feet of the north one-half of Tract 211, CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11, of plats, page 82, in NV obar a % Ey ing County, Washington, except the north 30 fe. »d» way of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of aic> A qs eis ARN) ve “a AGS RECEES 4 Kong Rentonby deed recorded under auditor's file No. 5383779. : Yo, of RENTOR wy You are hereby requested to transmit your completéeye Oa OFFICE <> on a” et he) wt in this matter to the City Council of Renton. <¢ PATA DATED this, Sr cf day of January 1968. Attorfféy for Hazel W. Chenaur ec: City. Gounge@l,;, City of Renton City Hall, Renton, Washington se ia 3 Ce Hcnmarig Bei oo) I) b o APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No. R-YAlo-bT Plan. Com. Action VYenred (2-27. Receipt No. ip 244 Appeal Filed \- 5-&$ Filing Date \2-1-bT City Council Action Hearing Date \2-ar-'o7 Ordinance No. §& Date APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: P.O. Box 66430 Name Hazel W. Chenaur Address 400 S.W. 152nd St., Seattle, Wh. 98166 Telephone No. cpy6—-1520 Property petitioned for rezoning is located wxbehind apartments on ll6th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave, N (SE 112th St.) ands, BE, 110th St, Total square footage in property 32,650.8 Plats, page ing County, Washington, excep North 30 feet,of said tract 211, conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under auditor's file No, 53831783 | ’ Jand Xho West 20 teet District Existing Zoning R~1 Single Residence/ Zoning Requested R-3 Residence District What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? construction of apartment house Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? at leas@ minimum required Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional infor- mation you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure sheet Item No. 2 for specific requirements). 1. In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Increase available housing near Boeing and Pacific Car plants; relieve traffic moving through Renton; increase utilization of existing schools; increase taxation to Renton, etc. 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? Expansion of industry in Rainier Valley, particularly Boeing, Pacific Car & Foundry, and other business expansion resulting in unflux of population. 3. What provision will you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? Plan attractive structure consistent with other relatively new buildings of similar use in the area, Renton Planning Dept. 1967 Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 4 is narrow and on a hillside. Teegarden stated he felt it would be a mistake to allow an apartment building at the end of such a nar- row street at this time. Forgaard asked when the Transamerica property to the south and west of the subject property was rezoned to R-3. The Planning Director replied this was done in 1963. Transamerica has indicated it does not plan to open access to the Renton Hill area or develop their R-3 area at this time. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Jack Newell stated he is the property owner immediately east of the applicant's property and is definitely opposed to any multi-family residential develop- ment in the area; that he feels the area is an established single family residential zone. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone applica~ tion of Albert L. Duncalf for R-3 zoning be denied. Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission by written notice to the City Council within ten days. IE (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R~-1 to R-3; property located west side of ll6éth Ave. S.E. between S.E. Tl0th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) The rezone application was described by the Chairman; and the loca- tion of the property was pointed out by the Planning Director on the zoning map. The Planning Director indicated that access to the property was via an undeveloped right of way. Slides of the property were shown. Photographs of the property submitted by the applicant were passed around among the Commissioners. The Planning Director stated that in 1956 the property was zoned R-3, but as it was not developed it reverted back to R-1 status under a reversion ordinance in effect at that time. The Chairman read a petition against the rezone submitted by property owners in the area and bearing 20 signatures. The Planning Director stated that the existing Comprehensive Plan indicates this area as low to medium density multi-family resi- dential, but that the revised Comprehensive Plan now under study by the City Council cuts this area back to single family residential. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Roger Peterson, 10514 - 113th Ave. S.E., owner of property westerly of subject property, voiced his objections to the proposed rezone. Mr. George Rusk, 11029 - 116th Ave. S.E., stated he owns a house north of 110th which he had purchased with the stipulation the area was R-1, but had found out later that a portion of land nearby was | Heese R-3 upon which two apartment houses have been constructed. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 5 Mr. Rusk stated he was opposed to further apartment development in the area. Mr. Robert Hall of Seattle identified himself as attorney for the applicant, Mrs. Chenaur, and gave a brief history of the property in question. He stated that his client is asking for the zoning which had previously been granted and which had been lost due to the reversion ordinance then in effect which has since been re- pealed. He discussed the undeveloped access road about which there appeared to be some title cloud.’ Mr. Hall stated this undeveloped access according to all information he has been able to get belongs to the City of Renton. He stated the rezone is a logical one; would have no effect on the single family residential area known as Hill- crest Lane directly to the west as those houses are below his client's property and face away from it. He stated further that cost of development of the property makes it economically unfeasible for anything but multi-family residential use. Mr. Bob Harris, 10843 - 116th Ave. S.E. spoke in opposition to the rezone due to the immediate proximity of $20,000 to $40,000 homes. Mr. Jerome Stephenson, 11430 S.E. 112th St., asked how sewer lines could be connected to the property. The Planning Director displayed a sanitary sewer and water lines map for the area, and stated that due to the elevation the developer could get sewers only through the west side of the property by obtaining easements through ad- jacent properties. He stated further that there are sewer lines along 116th Ave. S.E. but they could not go easterly due to the elevation unless some sort of pumping system was installed. Mr. Clayton Chenaur discussed the history of the property; the fact that he thought he had the proper zoning, being unaware of the reversion to R-1l; the access problem, the development of sewers, the cost of development being too high for other than multi-family use. He stated that the development would be adequately served by sewers and would be screened to protect adjacent residences. He urged the Commission to grant the rezone. Stredicke stated that the area, notwithstanding the two existing apartments, has been developed for single family use and he would not be in favor of rezoning for multiple use. Messrs. Stephenson, Peterson, Rusk and Harris, previously acknowledged, spoke again in protest against the rezone, as well as Mr. Ronald Wy- let of 11020 - 115th Ave. S.E. Mr. Robert Hall and Mr. Clayton Chenaur spoke again on behalf of the rezone request. There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Brower, that the application of Hazel W. Chenaur for rezone from R-1l to R-3 be denied. Motion carried unanimously. Further moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that a communica- tion be sent to the City Council recommending that the highest use of this property be R-1 as presently zoned. Motion carried unani- mously. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 6 The Chairman advised the applicant's attorney of her right of appeal of the Planning Commission decision by letter to the City Council within ten days. Mr. Hall stated he understood the appeal rights of his client. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REFERRAL FROM RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (a) Albert Balch and Garden Park, Inc., request for variance from height limitation. The Chairman stated that the Board of Adjustment had referred the above variance application to the Planning Commission and referred the Commissioners to copies of Board of Adjustment Minutes as well as copy of letter from the FAA relative to the matter; such copies in each Commissioner's folder. ACTION: Moved by Brower, seconded by Racanello, that this matter be con- sidered at the next Administrative Meeting of the Renton Planning Commission in order to give the Commission time to study the material submitted. Motion carried unanimously. STREET NAME PROBLEM (b) The Chairman read a letter from Fire Chief M. C. Walls concern- ing duplication of street name in Thunder Hill #2, parcel #26. The Planning Director stated that this particular street (Thomas Lane) is privately owned and the City has no control over it. He sug- gested the Commission might wish to refer the matter to the Board of Public Works for their review. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Racanello, that a copy of Fire Chief Walls' letter be sent to the Mayor's office and to the Board of Public Works for their action. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF NEW PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (c) The Chairman read copy of a letter from Mayor D. W. Custer to the City Council appointing Mr. Tony Mola as a member of the Renton Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Stanley Stone and requesting concurrence of the Council in this appointment. RESIGNATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (d) Mr. Robert Brower announced that regretfully this would be his last meeting with the Planning Commission as he had been recalled to active duty with the United States Navy, and stated it had been a privilege to serve on the Commission. SITE PLAN APPROVAL (Request for Information) (e) Stredicke asked if site plans had been submitted for the approval of the Planning Commission for the church located at 7th and M. The Planning Director replied that this church had submitted their site plans as well as a variance request for parking and had received approval of the site plans on March 28, 1962. He stated RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DECEMBER 27, 1967 AGENODA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1967 3. BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1967: REZONE APPLICATION (a) Barger, Lyle L., Appl. No. R-433-67, rezone from R-1l to R-3; property located at 2502-04 9th Pl. N. Total Area--app. 10,000 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1 Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--9th Pl. N. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential 4. NEW BUSINESS: REZONE APPLICATIONS (a) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-4; property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. Total Area--27,590 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--llth Ave. N., 12th Ave. N., H St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential (b) Duncalf, Albert L., Appl. No. R-435-67, rezone from R-1l to R-3; property located on east side of Cedar St. between S. 7th St. and S. 8th St. (extended westerly) Total Area--7,975 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1l Existing Use--single family dwelling Principal Access--Cedar St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) K (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1l to R-3; property located west side of lloth Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) Total Area--25,116 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1l Existing Use--single family dwelling Principal Access--116th Ave. S.E. via S.E. 110th St. R/W Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--low to medium density multi-family residential (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) 5. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: (a) Referral from Renton Board of Adjustment re Albert Balch and Garden Park Inc., request for variance from height limitation. (b) Letter from Fire Chief M. C. Walls re street name in Thunder Hill #2, parcel #26. (c) Letter from Mayor D. W. Custer re: Appointment of Mr. Antone Mola to Planning Commission. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 1967 Minutes Page 2 * (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located west side of 116th Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map and stated that the property at one time was zoned R-3 but had reverted to R-l. The existing Comprehensive Plan indicates low to medium density multi-family residential for the property, but the revised Comprehensive Plan indicates the area as Single family residential. The slides mentioned above were shown. Nees DATE NEXT FIELD TRIP: It was decided that each Commission member would inspect the above properties individually and the official field trip would be dis- pensed with for this agenda. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: (a) CALENDAR OF MEETINGS FOR 1968: Copies of the Calendar of Meetings of the Planning Commission for 1968 were distributed to Commission members and will be distributed to City Departments, City Council members, news media, etc. {b) DISCUSSION OF PLANNING MATTERS: The Planning Director stated, for the information of the Commission, that the Planning Department, in cooperation with the Engineering and Building Departments, has revised the Subdivision Ordinance and it will be presented to the Planning Commission for its con- sideration. He stated the Commission might wish to set some study session meetings for next year to review this material. Teegarden stated he felt some work could be done to standardize zoning ordinances and zoning terms throughout the valley area. Racanello stated he felt some work should be done to upgrade the Renton Zoning Ordinance; that we may not have enough zoning clas- sifications to cover the type of developments proposed and to encourage private urban renewal. He stated further he felt there should be another zoning classification between L-1 and M-P and that perhaps the Commission could study this possibility. Stredicke stated he felt that in connection with the Planning Commission's action concerning the preliminary plat of Interlake Addition No. 2 considered at the public hearing meeting of Novem- ber 22, 1967, that a further motion to deny the application should have been made. Garrison stated that a motion to deny was unneces~ sary as the motion to approve lost; therefore, the application was denied and the applicant was advised of his right to appeal. Stredicke inquired as to the status of the restrictive covenants concerning the Richards rezone. The Planning Director stated that after several meetings with Mr. Richards, a declaration of restrictive covenants had been drafted in accord with the wishes of both Mr. Richards and the Planning Commission. AFFIDAVIT Ey Hazel W. Chenaur being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 77 day of pecember , 19 67. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at cesitie - CD es QY a ee S weg ZL) CL a ae ee ee (Name) (Signature of Owner) ee Q Poa ow P.O. Box 66430 [thi-L2 JH Legit HPithcglen 400 y (Address) : Mailing Address te agate Seattle, Washington —99166-—_ RAY Teo (City) tate NF EA CH6-1520 (Telephone) (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION foregoing application has been inspected by orough and complete in every particular ° e Fan regulations of the Renton Planning che ing \of such application. . This is to certify th me and has been fo - and to conform to Department gover ribs DEC 7 1967 Date received Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE HAZEL W, CHENAUR TABLE of CONTENTS Application for change of zoning Affidavit of owner Plot plan (1" = 50') and vicinity plan (1" = 200') Copy of existing zoning map of Renton showing proposed change Portion of King County Assessor's map (S.E. 45+23-5) showing property in vicinity; Scale 1' = 100' Photographs of property involved NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON DECEMBER 27, », 1967, Al 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. REZONE FROM R-2 TO R-4; property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 4 and 5, Block 42, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, according to Plat recorded in Vol. 57 of Plats, Page 92 to 98, Records of King County, Washington. 2. REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-3; property located on Cedar St. between S. 7th St. and dead-end. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 4 of Highland Addition to the Town of Renton, as per plat recorded in Vol. 17 of Plats, page 32, Records of King County, Washington; except the north 100 feet thereof; less coal and mineral rights and the right to explore and mine same. €.. | Chenave | 3. "REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-3; property located vicinity of 116th Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: West 130 feet of the north half of Tract 211, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 according to plat recorded in Vol. 22 of Plats, Page 82, in King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet and the west 30 feet of said Tract 2]] conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5383178. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON December 27,1967 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. James E. Denzer ,SECRETARY PUBLISHED pecomber 14, 1967 PENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION ly, tame. To Macetade , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME JIN fTHREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. + Fs . oe OD Ot ATTEST : Subsevibed and sworn SE GNEND A Adee ON ri Le”) LAIMA to before me, a Notary Public, on the l@thday of December 1) 67: a > From: INTER-OFFICE MEMO Yip ah Date March 24, 1966 Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Deparmental Account No. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Expenditure Account No. Re: Gilbert rezoning Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find stencil for proposed rezoning ordinance for Kenneth Gilbert, We notice that according to the file that this property is to be rezoned to single residential district (Rl). However, the cover letter dated March 21, 1966 addressed to the Mayor and the Council shows that the property is rezoned to SR-1, which would be a different classification. All other documents, including the Notice of Hearing show rezoning request to R-1, Would you please clear this with the Planning Director and make the necessary correction on the Ordinance in the event that the R-1 rezoning | is incorrect. Please advise, We remain (Moe | yA Very truly yours, . ages & SHELJAN i rd M.S lan, City Attorney GMS 7s ec: Mayor Attach. Planning Director Ke = a, fh = AN nl l —— a a : ve ee e ee e Pe] | { i \ ! | | — -— - g G r e n s am ea n y 7 Pat safes J iy T i \ ' ers Pye 10 1? | Powg JARRARAAAR | © aly 1 =a 4 : | | G N t we yale uh | i NWOOD | GRAE KENTON UliY¥ Limit VI N O We s es ot a4 1 prs af {- T eT , = TY ae ! ) yy 12 ) Cl t y 2 ‘day, so « AN 0/ PLAYGROUND LE ‘ oe Ta sn Is l = CN “| a - : ; \ % a, iz rr ye a . 3 7 bs : = fF ~~ CT So ee as Ot le l ae el e ee ee s a 4 Sb O S K / FR IN O ~ — == iy : , : O8 CF » ~ pp t a7 —s S v e n y sl i he e r aw i e e o n w Ea —— — ~ OL 6 1 E ! —- — € = —- ae a en e mi e IT A SE OW ae J . “3 S . . . 3A V HI OI L 29 $ 7 Go Sa r r AD D Ww a l w i e y ~ ip . @Y — ee Se r e n e ae ao as e at i n pe c o n i c e r , aj n a n g ai e = wi n e : i -* : " ee ki i n i c i i m a n e i n m a en wt — | 4 Qn S2 6 r 9° O aa n T¢ To y : ; BE T | SP ! : fe aa O6 7 é . - | os | 08 | we d 35 CE “o n g 1% oa ! 2 4e F h ¥ | . ra ot KS | Ql | \ 4 | S- % 9 3 Ic 3 ; 0 ‘\ — A Se o 3 S s : ; ? ge ! | | ht tO | Pe e | i k : \ , | ! 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RE Zoe Ay '2-27-¢7 HR-4Y36 -€7 R-1 fe R-3 jit > ' BN. i i Adsl leirjs ine ABABA : T dbd sire + = 190 BA e \ SO R A RP RP P re an e Ni g eA a7 en | NE ; a. | a . ee |) >Q O | > 2 a | a Oo ia Ee eo ) | ae SP es , o : S i ‘ c i ta a 2 u ZR EY Ee : x io BY S et a = | oy G =e 4 | U o “f o s =e ] A a oe 13 ee TT T ha s Ea t k PE P C P E rr i q i co e . “ Br . ~ 7 = ‘J , 9] : =a ] \ x A. ei 2. ~ Ce me r e s a RE L L ET : a / | or t NY = Yo at aa: Se b o be u l ! | Sa l 4 SQ N V I N O NG L M E \ wii alls TT sfal pe! ee SE. 104T* OU. 1 rye SY KON TUN N —— — — b Le e u se e ] 8 | | on l | ie rE 4 f- — aa OE E 5 gu |r RU b a e e r s : ve t s at s $ y a - me d CT ae VA n E o n -4 | El ] ar s be ~ fa r Nn al e e i. |. | ae Jatlas [us] [oe] ’ a be ©) oo" ie) 9 q CA Bnwi 2 ST vi => | 42 - 27-67 41TH Is? ‘ fT ee gr e 25 . 5 vo SB ii s s AD D Na l L N w s y PO IP V s s XA Oo } . 4.35 UM M Z L 420 Vv G ; ~ : AA si e n av o Si w y No L w w y pe p ee : a - a 4 Se (7 A 29 % an o NW O L N T Y ‘ 4 al PA ; <. | £6 60 srerece ma y at s x ym ai e o1 Di c e NT vg eu NA N G LV BP-27-39 an 77 ‘C a r a ; ! } i | E \ Le Ny \ ye “ \ , A “ : mr | a © — q \ " S | . \ .. 5 | , | “4 = jt LE S ys yz -2 E - A N Of © we PL , 22 MO L AP Y SL ly ev e 9 sn No s ~~ 3 1 ol ? ° * ° x ‘I a XN N ‘ 8 a) ee R oe iy eee NO N ee Ot eg a! Ma y S IA V H L G H ay yy , OS S be a ae se e 3 / 4 |! { j : | iy v | (h y o .j > | | ‘ . Lt Yl ) g NW 8g |’ . y = kK a ee Sy 77 } 9 ew s “ x Lo o k \ | ae ; SS . = ~ J Ya — 4 = OU : we a a: | “f w be e ia 6 — Nm , UT O e Ny KE We ok ) R VN rb “O re és . ; ee + Se of or y TT Fo ey : vi e : ie : fi & 4, i 4 an , 4 t b i 7 : oa J Z ‘ a \ : 4 4 i i > : - ul ( Pe e EF oo d oe a ue ge ma e ag e mm ee ia ee ye me e ” Re e , ee ma me [x c- of v MW S 7 : g 6S r / i O¥ o e No f vw a s y ka es ’ Qc 4 _ . \/ 7 rd ; sh e d , a ys Oe oo am c 4 ae <i ae ah r sh e e r a7 a ~ 7 OL 6I E ! ~ fp S) - - “e e - Ay SE SO W ae U 3S . SA V . PH L OI L 29 5 7 Gy o SB I AD wo t we r e - £ & ca s o s sa b e s — a ee co p e s = en ~> —— — (e n o n J . re e a at p a i i a a e wy -— : } 92 —- Cr a et os | 08 | go L . | Di c e “9 r i g i T ao r = 4e F I. er y ao r “Y o r i | 3 ef | Lo g UR \ _ I | | is ) Q 1g ie Po a ’ i ‘ *\ ae | 2 aN | i Wy . {> ‘ : \ | be | 7 1 oN \ i es Vv | | | os , « | op i \ , i \ { es es 1 Q) ) \ -° f AA 4 wa \ ~ | ZS ! aR . ae Re ra e j x _o | | “. Qu h y Z Bi ‘ nN a Y :Y — | 3 . Gy : “9 : ss a th g 8 | | Y . ae ‘ 98 . y _ ar | TT T | ! ms SE S i ce ee ar la a ge e r 7 ¥ Le s > jo r 7 - A: | Tr 2 9 a m4 oe ae Te ‘= | A hy $ ip \ be ) 9 WN SI N 8) 3 % s| oN NS ®) bs ‘ 2 a - % -o S ie = x Ng ¢ % d i | Bs o 5 AS NS ce | ; <I p 26 44 Sz ‘t = ie ae % [a y so ie at TN "a S “S A V / H L S H uv $i pe = ee = an . Ro s h 66 60 % Fi e 26 - 0 ” ra y { a oS j é ou \ < a y z = of : oS 0 a | 4 v is . L6 6 5 “S 9 5 73 S WJ S 5 ; “4 . ; C9 ) LO 4% % gt y a /h y \ o N >\ | * | | 4 O 9 US we s - r e - o w ] Sy m \ e N be <q i s ‘o e & 7 : u % ee ) a % . = 8 z | re > 5 : oa k s O gf * FY HM RN 8 x l 7 “1 p 0 N] c ig 2 [8 y .! — po US : \ A LI S 1 Qu o Si L I W I T NO L n d y 4 20 7 NN G a ” . - ; 6 og \ ee PA co } « oe ee ) of LE G IP ES -— s E -O l w pa n y | Sz —— — —— * = | a an o KO L N F T Y q 48 % | Po r } y, S | ‘ 1 nN ! : \ ‘ uw 84 7 ~ nd eo 2 x [_ _ am e t 5 1 | a ~~ : : : } | . \ PA a % ly oO tO } 4S , os 4 < * ‘ — } — 5 ~ *| a wo oP 1 al ] _> ‘ Ng | <f ey a aa n hd | ke : It t | ae = Oo |S a ‘| + | ' i —— eee ays sing ORDINANCE 10. 1.703_ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 4725 (c) (3) OF TITLE IV, (BUILDING REGUL: TIONS), OF CHDINANCE NO, 1628 HNTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" BE IT ORDAINED BY ‘tHE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH: CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS SECTION I: Existing Section ~723 (c) (3) of Chapter 7, of Title iv "Building Regulations)of Ordinance Nos 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" reading as follows: "Section 4-725 (c) (3). Any ordinance granting and providing such change in use district boundaries or re-classification of property, after petition thereof by the property owner or owners, as hereinabove provided, shall remain effective for a period of one year unless the property owner or any one of — the property owners originally petitioning, as the case may bd; have commehced a change of use during that period, If no change of use has been consummated within that time, the ord« inance granting such change in use district boundaries or res classification shall be null and void, in which case the use and classification in existence prior to the filing of said petition shall become effective again as to such property" BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Section -725 (c) (3) As Amended: Any ordinance granting and providing such change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property, after petition therefor by the property owner or owners as hereinabove provided, shall remain effective for a period of one year from the effective date of such ordin- ance, unless the property owner or any one of the owners orisinally petitioning, or their successors in interest, as the case may be, have commenced a change of use during said one year period, If no change of use has been commenced within said time, the ordinance granting such change in use district boundaries or re- classification shall be null and void, in which case the use and classification in existence immediately prior to the filing of said petition shall become ef-~ fective again as to such property. The term "commenced a change of use" means (a) the physical elteration requiring a building permit; or (b) substantial evidence of occupancy, operation, usage or conduct based on such reclassification, However, the owner or owners of property so rezoned or reclassified may petition the Planning Commission, at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of said one year period, for an extension of such time limit. Such petition must be submitted in writing stating the specific reasons or reason for such re- quest. The Planning Commission may thereupon, if it specifically finds proper cause to exist, extend such period up to but not to exceed twelve (12) months, and any such extension shall be subject to final approval by the City Council, SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of November, 1958, [s/__E.L. Alexander City Clerk APFROVED BY TH® MAYOR this 18th day of November, 1958. /s/ Joe R. Baxter Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney ORDINANCE NO._ 1921 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, REVOKING AND ELIMINATING PARAGRAPHS (3) (a) and (b) OF SECTION 4-725 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" EE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOL/.ONS SECTICN I: Existing paragraphs (3) (a) and (b) of Section 4-725 of TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) of "Code of General O:dinances of the City of Renton" reading as follows: (3) Any ordinance granting and providing such change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property, after petition therefore by the property owner or owners as hereinabove provided, shall remain effective for a period of one (1) year from the effect- ive date of such ordinance, unless the property owner or any one of the owners originally petitioning, or their successors in interest, as the case may be, have commenced a change of use during said one (1) year period. I£ no change of use has been commenced within said time, the ordinance granting such change in use district boundaries or reclassification shall be null and void, in which case the use and classification in existence immediately prior to the filing of said petition shall become effective again as to such property. The term "commenced a change of use" means a} The physical alteration requiring a building permit; or (b) Substantial evidence of occupancy, operation, usage or con- duct based on such reclassification. However, the owner or owners of property so rezoned or reclassified may petition the Planning Com- mission, at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of said one (1) vear period, for an extension of such time limit. Such’ petition must be submitted in writing stating the specific reason or reasons for such request. The Planning Commission may thereupon, if it specifically finds proper cause to exist, extend such period up to but not to exceed twelve (12) months, and any such extension shall be subject to final approval by the City Council. be and the same are hereby repealed and cancelled in all respects. SECTION II: All other parts and provisions of said Section not in- consistent with the foregoing shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION IIIf: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2lst day of November, 1961. Zs/__Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of November, 1961. _/s/ Frank Aliment Frank Aliment-Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: {sf/__Gerard M, Shellan Gerard M, Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION: November 29, 1961 ©. . . 6 0. 6 . 0. 0 . 0 : @. . . @ : . . . o : 9 @. . @ 9. 6 . 6 . 9 . % Pa t a <1 5 lO8TH SE. } On Om NY mo 4 Le y LA ] I 4 Nm o O ™ N ac (e a s 4 rl GN i $+ 4 fo ) fo ) ! LA 7 a q = | tu A — Lu ° ba Lu as fF if s - fa m < eo } uu a) A ° = 5/12/60 DATED at + ; Co a 35 3A HL Gl i oe } eo @ °o 8 of SS T O_ o ee t : \ eo 0@ © 9 © © © © @ © OO @ @ e@ 0} © @ @ a3 1 To R s ORDINANCE #1577 pATED 10/25/56 eo @ 6 ° eee Sly TH iy G lO Se. STOP STOP STOP- STOP STOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. S| OP! STOP STOP STOP - STOP a < . THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 veld, & BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR ® DELORES A. MEAD © CITY CLERK e (206) 235-2500 April 7, 1982 CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The attached copies of all record documents, files, maps and other material relating to the zoning and rezone of that parcel of property owned by Durwood E. Blood are hereby provided pursuant to Superior Court of Washington Order No. 863212 Subpoena Duces Tecum. Hazel Chenaur Rezone 436-67 (2 files) Durwood Blood Special Permit 089-80 Concerned Citizens represented by James E. Eeckhoudt (Durwood Blood Rezone) ECF 001-81 Durwood Blood Rezone 001-81 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ySe., COUNTY OF KING ) I, DELORES A. MEAD, duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, King County, Washington do hereby Certify that the attached are true and correct copies as appearing in the public records on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Renton. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 7th day of April 1982. Delores A. Mead, af Clerk KAMERON C. CAYLec ATTORNEY AT LAW ?..0. BOX 798 311 MORRIS AVE. SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98065 (206) 255-0603 Concerning the enclosed subpoena, our experience indicates that there are often delays in a pending lawsuit. Rather than have a witness appear and wait for hours or perhaps days to testify, we believe that it is better for the witness to be kept "on call." If you will fill out the information at the bottom of this letter and return it to us before the above noted trial date, we will contact you by telephone when we have reached the point in the trial for testimony. We will do our best to avoid any unnecessary appearances on your part and try to give you as much notice as possible as to when you will be called to the witness stand. If you do not desire to remain on an "on call" basis, we will have no alternative but to require that you appear on the morning set for trial and have you wait until called as a witness. Very truly yours, KAMERON C. CAYCE KCC:ch I agree to remain “on call" and can be reached at the following telephones and addresses: Day Night (Telephone) (Telephone) (Address) (Address) DJC Civil C13 (773) Repro ‘tion Rights Reserved by Daily Journ. Commerce. (ope Va Itt] (Receipt of Copy) (Date Filed by Clerk) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR_x1nc COUNTY DURWOOD BLOOD, et ux, Plaintiff, NO. 863212 vs. HAZEL CHENAUR, SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO: CITY...OF..RENTON..AND..DAVID...CLEMENS,..Acting Plann Director You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the Superior Court of the State of Washington, ...King....... County, in the Courtroom of Kxwga .Presiding..Judge ., Dept. No.E942.., in the Plaintiff and .HAZEL..CHENAUR ..... Defendant and you are further directed and commanded to bring with you the following papers and documents now in your possession or under your control: . All records, documents, files, maps and other material relating to the zoning and rezone of that parcel of property currently owned by Durwood E. Blood, legally described in the attached Quit Claim Deed. This request includes information relating to the rezone from R-l to R-2 prior to June, 1970, and the modification of the City maps following the decision of Stan- ley Soderland on June 23, 1970 in King County Cause No. 704684, wherein said rezone was set aside. Specifically, plaintiff seeks information as to when the maps available to the public were changed to reflect the zoning from R-2 to R-l per said court Order. and to remain in attendance upon said Court until discharged, and HEREIN FAIL NOT AT YOUR PERIL. Witness my hand this ..2nd. day of April......, 1982 ee — ee ee a KAMERON C. CAYCE 5 ; Attorney... of Record for. Plaintiff. y MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 a = THE CITY OF RENTON & BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMENT i 235 - 2550 ares septe™ MEMORANDUM February 24, 1981 TO: Mr. Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner FROM: Q Roger J. Blaylock, Associate Planner RE! s Y geewaod E. Blood Appeal of Environmental Determination Please find attached the complete file of the rezone request for Mr. Durwood E. Blood, R-001-81. This includes all of the applications and the departmental comments along with the Environmental Review Committee's environmental determination, In addition please reference the original rezone file for Supplemental. background information of Hazel wy) Chenaur) s “\.. Pain 2 ?> eee 3 ‘2. be! fod i WY) 7, Ores OF DIE CITY ALDORNED © RENTON WASHINGTON w i Me POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILOING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 2, - GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ts, oy JOHN K. PAIN, JR, ASSISTANT Cily ATTORNEY : os 3 i 7: TRS June 26, 1970 Mr. Gordon Erickson Planning Director City Hali Renton, Washington : Re: Jones vs City of Renton and Chenaur King County Cause No. 704684 Dear, Mr Erigkeon: Enclosed herewith you will find copy of Judgment in the referenced case entered June 23, 1970, concerning the real property owned by Hazel Chenaur as described on page 2 thereof. The Judgment was entered by agreement of this office on behalf of the City and counsel for plaintiffs. Defendant Chenaur was defaulted out of the suit by reason of her failure to timely answer the Complaint of Plaintiffs. You will note that by terms of paragraph 3 of the Judgment, on page ? thereof, the City is enjoined from issuing a building permit for other than a R-1 single residence on the Chenaur property as described in the Judgment until procedures as . Set forth in the Renton City Code are followed, either for a rezoning, variance, or special permit. The enjoinder of the City in this instance as recited above is deemed proper by reason of the fact that proper notice was not given of the appeal by Hazel Chenaur of the original jenial by the City Planning Commissi of theapplicatiion for an R=3 gwezone, nor was prior nptice given of the City Council's reconsideration of the appeayf at whi time the City Council granted a rezone with an R-& classification. ! rons 4 Ly i 4 of JKP:ds Jf EY ee ; ‘ Sage va oe E TGs ; vr a4 } * FA 4 ces. Mavonwurres.. City Clerk tee OO : OC ) OF ab . OO Ne e oe os ee "e y ©) ° = GY a Go Ws st - on 6 2: 9 . 8 8: 5 BP eu ee eS ra _ to be taxed, ee. sworn testimony on behalf of the plaintiffs, being fully advised in the prenises, and having heretofore made and entered herein its Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Now, Therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court as follows: ie DEFENDANT CHENAUR PERMANENTLY ENJOINED; That defendant HAZEL W. CHENAUR be and she is hereby permanently enjoined from using the real property, situated in King County, Washington, and more particularly described as; West 130 feet of the North Half of Tract 2111, C. D. Hiliman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume ll of Plats, page 82, King County, Washington, EXCEPT the North 30 feet and the West 30 feet of said Tract 2111 conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5383178 for any other purpase than tat provided for in the Renton City Code under the Rel classification. aie JUDGMENT FOR COSTS AGAINST DEFENDANT CHENAUR: That plaintiffs be and they are hereby awarded judament against the defendant HAZEL W, CHENAUR for their costs and disbursements herein 36 DEFENDANT CITY ENJOINED: That the defendant CITY ; OF RENTON be and it is hereby permanently enjoined from issying a | building permit for other than Rel single residence on the above es i ; desoribed property of defendant Hazel W. Chenaur until the proper procedures as set forth in the Renton City Code are followed, either for a rezoning, variance, or special permit. DONE IN OPEN COURT this 2% day of ST Sm xy ASTD, 2 Sue. LES TALS Je ff SODERLAL LE > YU me Presented by: ye WYCASEL WT WILLIAT Son Approved for| Entry and Notice of of ROBERTS & ANDERSON Pe ec pptation \i 9 Cat Attorneys for Plaintiffs fon LI O yon Keg ——— JR of ) ELLAN , PAIN, STONE & SWANSON, Attore- neys for Def endan*Roserts & ANDERSON City of Renton ATTORNEYS AT LAW 111 WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH - P.O. BOX 454 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 | JUDGMENT = 2 ag at eles | CO OO Na Oo ee es 2 GO ND te t wo wo NY NY O KF KF HF KF SY SP KF SF KH eH CO Re be ee © OO ) OD OR ae ee | 24 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING ROBERT E. JONES and DIANA JONES, ) his wife; ROGER A. PETERSON and PATRICIA ) PETERSON, his wife; GARTH S. POWELL ANd ) GILLIE POWELL, his wife; RONALD R. WYLET and ) SHERRIE WYLET, his wife; RAYMOND H. ALEXANDER) NO. 704684 and DORIS ALEXANDER, his wife; PETER A. R. ) FURZER and IRENE FURZER, his wife; EUGENE HASTINGS and JEAN HASTINGS, his wife; JAMES E. HORNBERG and BARBARA HORNBERG, his » wife; GARY B. JUST and RUTH JUST, his wife; and GEORGE RUSK and ANDREA RUSK, his wife, Plaintiffs, VS. CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation; and HAZEL W. CHENAUR, a widow, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) JUDGMENT ) ) ) ) Defendants. ) ) THIS MATTER having come on duly and regularly for hearing on this date before.the, undersigned judge of the above entitled court, plaintiffs appearing by Lo heer Ez. Sones » om of said plaintiffs, and being repre- sented by Michael H. Williamson, of Roberts & Anderson, their attorneys of record, the defendant hey ict Renton not appear- ing personally or being represented by its attorney of record, John K. Pain, but said attorney for defendant City of Renton having approved the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Decree herein, and defendant Hazel W. enaur not appearing in person or by counsel, her default having been duiy and regularly taken and entered herein, the court having heard ROBERTS & ANDERSON JUDGMENT. = 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 111 WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH - P.O. BOX 454 RENTON, WASHINGTON 96055 BA 8-1660 MEMORANDUM TG. Files DATE :.) ouly 195) 97:0 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Hazel Chenaur Special Permit Application Telephone Conversation with John K. Pain, Jr., Assistant City Attorney In accordance with telephone conversation between Planning Director and the Assistant City Attorney on above date, it was indicated that the matter of rezoning and the special permit application of Hazel Chenaur was essentially closed, and the property in question remains in an R-1l zoning classification. The property owner in question must re-initiate rezone of the property before a special permit for apartments can be considered. MINUTES =~ RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/10/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) The Gity Clerk reported that bids had been opened on 2/4/69 at 2:00 p.m for demolition of the old city hall building in Cedar River Park. Te bids were received from $4,000.00 to $39,500.00. (See tabulation sh@et attached) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, to authorize thé Fire Department *%o burn the old city hall building to the ground. Baérei felt the City could save the money by having the city forces urn the building which\was isolated from any buildings and the wintér weather adding to the s&fety factor. Inquiries followed regarding air pollution laws and possibilkty of legality under controlled burniwg permit and the cost to remove burned debris. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, the motion and remarks be referred to the Property QOmmittee for report. The referral motion los and discussion on the moté#fon to burn ensued, it being urged that the low\bid be accepted in lieufthereof. Dissenting voice vote brought proper wequest for roll calWwhich was taken as follows: Aye: Grant, Shane, Schelle&Rt and Barei. No: Perry, Morris, Delaurenti, Trimn, Garrett, Edwards, Maxis and Bruce. Phe motion failed 8 to 4. Motions were proposed to award\the bid to A€pparent low bidder with adequate performance bond to be required %o insurg@ proper compliance and, after discussion regarding bid requirem@nts, o recess for ten minutes which failed, and to refer the bids to Cotwmpvttee, and subsequently another motion to award to low bidder with ywe€erral to the Property Committee to draw up the contract and secure peYformance bond and carry out the legal requirements, MORRIS MOVED, SECOND BY GRANT, to substitute the motion that the bids be referred to t Property Gommittee with power to act. Dissenting voice vote brought Aequest for rodl call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Sche ert, Edwards, BY&uce, Grant and Barei. No: Perry, Delaurenti, Trifhm, Garrett, Maxin akd Shane. Mayor Custer voted aye and the referrayY motion carried. Letter from Epcon, Incf, Norman E. Lee, Lighting DiwWision, requested a meeting to discuss prgposed installation of area lighting. Moved. by Barei, seconded by B&uce, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. It was notgd the area concerned is Rainier Avenu@& and Mayor Custer stated thefmatter to be in regard to light standar for private operation on styeet right-of-way which only the Council cou handle. After various #Yecommendations for referral to other Committee the pending motigh carried. Letter froff Park Director Coulon, submitted attached letter from H: Bartrand A Co., requesting 21-day extension to contract completion d on C.AG/ 1372-68, landscaping and planting, Liberty Park grandstand ara. (Februfry 12 is contract completion date to be extended) Moved by Bruce, seconéed by Barei, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Director. Thefmotion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Richard Stredicke, 3916-10th Court North, inquired regarding availability of a report concerning the Show Cause Court Order, received last week on the Hazel Chenaur property rezone.City Attorney Shellan advised that no Court Order has been entered on the Show Cause but that an early trial date will be set and Mr. Stredicke will be notified. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole Report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the proposed Resolution from Cle Elum regarding distribu- tion of funds to cities be tabled. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Shane opposed. Barei abstained. Recommended that the City continue using the King County Design Commissic:: service rather than create a Local Design Commission. MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommenda- tions (Referral request of Richard Stredicke) The motion carried. Recommended regarding U-LID 256, Kent, the City Clerk direct a letter tn Kent inquiring if further action is required. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDE: BY MAXIN, to concur. Carried. -~3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY JNCIL MEETING (Cont.) 2/3/69 ORRESPO RREN JSINESS: Application was read from Bobbie R. Highland requesting that license be granted to operate a coin-type pool table at King's Tavern, 207 Wells Avenue South. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Chena e Order to Show Cause, Summons & Complaint, was read, filed against the City by Attorneys Roberts & Anderson, through Michael Williamson, on behalf of Robert E. Jones et al, in regard to Hazel W. Chenaur propert zoning and permits. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, to refer the documents to the Legal Department. The motion carried. Letter from Bernard L. Ruppert , Building Director, requested authoriza- tion to attend a Conference on Federal Housing Programs, February 6 and 7 at Corvallis State University, Corvallis, Oregon. MOVED BY MORRIS, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, to grant the request. The motion carried. Letter from Traffic Engineer, Del Bennett, submitted proposed agreements with the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the City concerning the crossings and railroad signals on North Third and Fourth Streets which include costs to be borne by the City through the Urban Arterial Fund which constitute part of the total improvement of the one-way couplet project. It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the documents and copy to be furnished the Urban Arterial Board by the Engineering Department for payment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, to concur. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY,to refer the recommendation to the Street and Alley Committee for report back. The motion carried. Shane opposed, noting the railroad should share costs. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported in regard to petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the vicinity of the Mance Addition, 94th Ave. South, South 173rd and South 174th STreets, that the petition is signed by owners representing 85.21% of the front footage abutting the proposed improvement and 89.21% of area within the proposed improvement. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, to refer the matter to the Sanitation ‘Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from Don Taylor, President, City Employees Club, requested permission to work Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1969 in exchange for December 26, 1969, the day following Christmas to allow a four day week end for City Employees. MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY GRANT, to authorize the exchange with referral to the Mayor for administration. Discussion ensued with regard to existing union contract and City Attorney Shellan suggested a letter of concurrence from the Union be secured which Mayor Custer advised he would request. The pending motion carried. REPORTS OF BID CALLS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AWARDS Bids were opened on 1/27/69 at 2:00 p.m. in the First Floor Conference Room, Renton Municipal Building, for lighting of the small ballfield in Liberty Park, as budgeted. Letter from the Park Board was read recommending that the low basic bid of Patelco, Inc. in sum of $17,351.00 be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, to concur in the Park Board recommendation. Discussion ensued regarding lighting program for other areas of the city and costs involved with Liberty Park total development. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE, to refer the bids to the Committee. of the Whole. Park budget funds,it was noted, include.Forward Thrust, State and Federal Funds for Lake Wn. Beach matching fund projects,which results in double budgeting, not reflecting actual local expenditures. After some further remarks regarding the Council action at hearing meetings in budgeting the items, Attorney Shellan&S notation that the Council does not have jurisdiction over the Park Board's action on bid awards once funds have been granted in the budget, and upon inquiry, that control may be exercised through budgetary fund transfers within classes only, the pending motion was voted upon. Dissenting voice vote brought ruling of the chair of negative majority and roll call was requested which was taken as follows: Aye: Trimm, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Perry, Morris, Schellert, Edwards, Maxin and Garrett. The referral motion lost. Vote on the original motion to concur was dis-~ senting and roll call requested and taken as follows: Aye: Perry, : Schellert,Morris, Garrett, Edwards, Maxin and Trimm. (cont. next page) yee | Z CERETLTCAT TON STATE OP WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) T. Helinie W. Nelson, the duly elected. qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the attached copies are true and correct: copies of pages from the Renton City Council] Meeting Minutes, to wit: Page 2 of February 5, 19683 Pages 2 and 8 of February 19. 19083 Page 7 of February 206, 1968: and excerpt from Renton City Code of Ordinances Ch T. Sec. 4-728: and Pages 4, 5 and 6 of December 27, 19607, Renton Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. appear- ing on file in the records of the Office of the City Clerk in said City. TN WITNESS WHEREROF T hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 24th day of January, 1909. x - ~ i) , 2 ‘f . P “y f/ may Bee Ly Ae al De Lory at! (Seal) Hedintie Nelson, City Clerk weit JAN 27 1969 C pS WO Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 4 is narrow and on a hillside. Teegarden stated he felt it would be a mistake to allow an apartment building at the end of such a nar- row street at this time. Forgaard asked when the Transamerica property to the south and west of the subject property was rezoned to R-3. The Planning Director replied this was done in 1963. Transamerica has indicated it does not plan to open access to the Renton Hill area or develop their R-3 area at this time. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Jack Newell stated he is the property owner immediately east of the applicant's property and is definitely opposed to any multi-family residential develop- ment in the area; that he feels the area is an established single family residential zone. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone applica- tion of Albert L. Duncalf for R-3 zoning be denied. Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission by written notice to the City Council within ten days. Kiley Chenaur, Hazel W., Avpl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1 to \R-3; property located west side of liéth Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) The rezone application was described by the Chairman; and the loca- tion of the property was pointed out by the Planning Director on the zoning map. The Planning Director indicated that access to the property was via an undeveloped right of way. Slides of the property were shown. Photographs of the property submitted by the applicant were passed around among the Commissioners. The Planning Director stated that in 1956 the property was zoned R-3, but as it was not developed it reverted back to R~-1l status under a reversion ordinance in effect at that time. The Chairman read a petition against the rezone submitted by property owners in the area and bearing 20 signatures. The Planning Director stated that the existing Comprehensive Plan indicates this area as low to medium density multi-family resi- dential, but that the revised Comprehensive Plan now under study by the City Council cuts this area back to single family residential. Corments from the audience were invited. Mr. Roger Peterson, 10514 ~- 113th Ave. S.E., owner of property westerly of subject property, voiced his objections to the proposed rezone. Mr. George Rusk, 11029 - 116th Ave. S.F., stated he owns a house north of 110th which he had purchased with the stipulation the area was R-1, but had found out later that: a portion of land nearby was zoned R-3 upon which two apartment houses have been constructed. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 5 Mr. Rusk stated he was opposed to further apartment development in the area. Mr. Robert Hall of Seattle identified himself as attorney for the apolicant, Mrs. Chenaur, and gave a brief histocy of the property in question. He stated that his client is asking for the zoning which had previously been granted and which had been lost due to the reversion ordinance then in effect which has since been re- pealed. He discussed the undeveloped access road about which there appeared to be some title cloud. Mr. Hall stated this undeveloped access according to all information he has been abie to get belongs to the City of Renton. He stated the rezone is a loaical one; would have no effect on the single family residential area known as Hill- crest Lane directly to the west as those houses are below his client's property and face away from it. He stated further that cost of development of the property makes it economicaily unfeasible for anything but multi-family residential use. | er e ea Mr. Bob Harris, 10843 - lléth Ave. S.E. spoke in opposition to the rezone due to the immediate proximity of $20,000 to $40,000 homes. Mr. Jerome Stephenson, 11430 S.E. 1li2th St., asked how sewer lines could be connected to the property. The Planning Director displayed a Sanitary sewer and water lines map for the area, and stated that due to the elevation the developer could get sewers only through the west side of the property by obtaining easements through ad-~ jacent properties. He stated further that there are sewer lines along 116th Ave. S.E. but they could not go easterly due to the elevation unless some sort of pumving system was installed. Mr. Clayton Chenaur discussed the history of the property; the fact that he thought he had the proper zoning, being unaware of the reversion to R-l; the access problem, the development of sewers, the cost of development being too high for other than multi-family use. He stated that the development would be adequately served by sewers and would be screened to protect adjacent residences. He urged the Commission to grant the rezone. Stredicke stated that the area, notwithstanding the two existing apartments, has been developed for single familly use and he would not be in favor of rezoning for multiple use. Messrs. Stephenson, Peterson, Rusk and Harris, previously acknowledged, spoke again in protest against. the rezone, as well as Mr. Ronald Wy- let of 11020 = LlSth Ave. S28. Mr. Robert Hall and Mr. Clayton Chenaur spoke again on behalf of the rezone request. There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: | Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Brower, that the applicatic Hazel W. Chenaur for rezone from R-! to R-3 be denied. M carried unanimousiy. Further moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that _a_communica- tion be sent to the City Councii recommending that the highest use of this property be R-i as presently zoned. Motion carried unani- mously. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 6 The Chairman advised the applicant's attorney of her right of appeal of the Planning Commission decision by letter to the City Council within ten days. Mr. Hall stated he understood the appeal rights of his client. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REFERRAL FROM RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT a) Albert Balch and Garden Park, Inc., request for variance | from height limitation. The Shairman stated that the Board of Adjustment had referred the above \Wariance application to the Planning Commission and refefred the Commissioners to copies of Board of Adjustment Minutes a as copy Of letter from the FAA relative to the matter; suc in each Commissioner's folder. ACTION: / . f Moved by Brower, seconded by Racanello, that this matter be con- sidered at the n&xt Administrative Meeting of the Renton Planning Commission in ord&r to give the Commission time t@ study the material submitted\, Motion carried unanimously. STREET NAME PROBLEM (b) The Chairman read aA letter from Fire G@hief M. C. Walls concern- ing duplication of street. name in Thunder/Hill #2, parcel #26. The Planning Director stated at this partiéular street (Thomas Lane) is privately owned and the City has no fontrol over it. He sug- gested the Commission might Wish to r@fer the matter to the Board of Public Works for their revwew. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded b rkanello, that a copy of Fire Chief Walls' letter be sent to the ayor | \office and to the Board of Public Works for their actiop. Motid® carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF NEW PLANNING COMMISSION WEMBER (c) The Chairman read Zopy of a letter fkom Mayor D. W. Custer to the City Council appoifting Mr. Tony Mola as a member of the Renton Planning Commission fo fill the vacancy crea&ed by the resignation of Mr. Stanley Stong and requesting concurrenge of the Council in this appointment. RESIGNATION OF ANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (d) Mr. Robeft Brower announced that regretfully &his would be his last meetingfwith the Planning Commission as he had\been recalled to active @#aty with the United States Navy, and statt it. had been a privile to serve on the Commission. SITE P APPROVAL (Request for Information) (e) tredicke asked if site plans had been submitted for \the appxvoval of the Planning Commission for the church located \t 7th M. The Planning Director replied that this church had Qybmitted eir site plans as well as a variance request for parking and had received approval of the site plans on March 28, 1962. He stated Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-1-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.)— Letter from F. A. Storey, 11007 - 109th Ave. S.%. noted agreement at the March 12th meeting of the Legislative Joint Committee on Highways held in the Renton City Council Chambers, that the State had an obligation to help provide a Pedestrian Walkway at the North Renten Interchange Clover Leaf and it was requested that a meeting be set with proper City Officials to further this goal. Moved by Delaurenti, second@d by Perry, to refer this commUnication to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. Letter from Peter V. Gulifek, Secretary, Newport Hillg#Sewer District reported pending annexation to Newport Hills Sewer District of an ea north of and adjacent to the Renton City Limits and it appeartgg the annexation will be completed and the District requested to serve the areas this stmmer, . plan had been submitted to City Engineer Wilson wherein service utilizes the profesed Metro May Creek Trunk. A portion of the planned 15 or 18 inch line will lig“in theSeity limits from 108th S.E. and S.E. 94th St. intersection to 110th S.£. and 8@th Street intersection and will be capable of serving areas both in the City and thé area north of Nay eek. Permission was requested to construct and maintain the’ necessary lines, the Distrfet desiring to cooperate with the City to the end that e drainage basin be properly served™by these lines regardless of Political divisions, the line to be made available for local us@syithin the City upon proper contribption to the cost by the users. Moved by Perry, seconted by Morris, to refer the refuest to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer to repe back. The motion carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding the Hazel Chenaur petition for right-of-way vacation of 30 ft. street adjoining the west % of the North ¥4 of Tract 211 of the C. D. Hillmans Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4., that the sub- division represents 50% of the total frontage abutting said right of way failing to meet the minimum requirement of signatures which is 2/3 of the property owmerships abutting. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the petitioner be notified that the petition as submitted is not valid. Carried. Claim was read from Marvin L. Sherertz for damage to automobile on March 25th when oncoming car forced his auto into unfilled shoulder which was incompleted due to sidewalk and curbing ion under construction. in coming off the shoulder vehicle struck unbarricaded water shut 0 e for whic is claimed. Location of incident son Way North. Moved by Delaurenti, and sesond rry, to refer the Claim to the City nd Insurance Agency. Carried. Letter from Engineer Wilson reported regarding Christopherson et al’ le xr of intent to annex pPeperty in vicinity of 105th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 164th Stxr@et, to Renton, advised that ‘signatures thereon represent 91.54% of the assessed valuation of the subject property Which area contains approximately 6.71 acre@ with a total assessed valuation of $43,/5Q.00. Annexation of this property sfuld create a more uniform city limits line in thbg area. Moved by Schellert, .6econded by Maxin, that April 8th be set for preliminary meeting with property oyrérs concerned and that the owners be notified. Shane questioned annexation of an “additional property noting services needed by present areas. It Wag noted that’ the process of law must be enacted and when requested the City must take action accordingly granting the property owner the right provided by law. The motion Cafried. Letter from Park Director Coulon advised“that sincé\all bids received on the landscaping of the South 2nd Street Traffic Islands were in excess of the amount authorized by the Council, it was recommended that aJf bids be rejected and that the landscape plan be redesigned to meet the budget alZocation. Moved by Perry, ’econded by Grant, to concur in the recommendation. Intentvof rejecting and modifying was cenfirmed and Grant inquired if the redesign would requjfe additional cost. Mayor Custer adviged it would not, but that it would be a questi#on of deleting part of the sprirkling system and some of the cement and rock to megt the $9,000.00 sum. Grant had withdrawm his seéond and Barei offered second to the pending motion. Shane objected and Grant noted tite: discussions heretofore regarding elimination of sources of revenue and things that hav@& to be cut out to balancefand stated forthe record at this time he would like to see theNislands in front of e high school retained as presently landscaped. Question was called for on the pending motion and dissenting verbal vote resulted in two requests for roll‘¢all which regulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm Maxin And Bruce. No: Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding the vote and school districts participation at one time and change of heart by/reason of hazard involved in maintenance and fact that water is not available. ~Qe Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3/18/68 COMMUNICATIONS : . Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate due L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co. in sum of $11,936.83, C.AG. 1248-67, Well No. 8, Cedar River Park. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported the necessity, pending receipt of tax money, to borrow funds for operating the following City Funds, Loan from Cit struction Fund until June 30, 1968 @ 3% interest was recommended, foy-@istribution as follows: Curent Fund - $300,000.00; City Street Fund, $140,000¢00 and Library Fund, $ 70,000.00. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for required Resolution was also ré@gommended. Moved by Morris, second y Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. ose Tavern owner, Jjai Natucci, requesting that Regal d license to opérate a coin-type pool table at said oved by Morris, seconded by Schellert License Committee with power to act. The Application was read from Me Amusement Co. be granted requi business located at 819 Walla Wa to refer the application to the PoW motion carried. regarding Honeycreek Park Sanitary Sewer signatures representing 54.42% of the ce area and du& to irregularities in signing, such as it was recommended™“that the Council adopt a Resolution oved by Edwards, seconded by ommittee for proper Resolution. Letter from City Engineer Wilson L.I.D. Petition, that the doc frontage in the proposed ser wives signing for husbands as necessary to create the Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. Maxin, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance The motion carried. Letter from Mrs Rosalie Evans requested No-Fee Permit to the use of the Volkswagen bujAding by St. Luke's Episcopal Church for a rummage sale,May 9, 10 and llth. Moved/by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to grant the request. City Clerk Nelson repgérted that Mr. Fletcher had decided not to lease the building for paint storage pending repair of his fire damaged store building. The motion carried. Letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, requested to call for bids on painting interior of both fire stations and exterior of the main station. April 8th was recommended for bid opening date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur.Carried. on behalf of Mrs. Hazel Chenaur, for the vacation of 30 ft. right-of-way strip to the East of 115th Avenue S.E., abutting Mrs. Chenaur's property. $100.00 filing fee was paid as required. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to verify the signatures and report back. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Property Committee.Carried. OK Teter from Attorneys Murray, Dunham & Waitt, Attorneys at Law, petitioned the' City, + letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted copy of letter received from the Boeing Company regarding a secondary water supply for the Renton Plant. It was suggested that Council approve same as a matter of record, the City Engineer having given his signatory approval heretofore. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Mr. Renton, submitted resulted in complaint, and the scope of ould not advise his client to sign. [It was to be affected prior to enactment of such orris, seconted by Delaurenti to refer this letter to The motion carried. Committee d a copy of this Ordinance and meeting is to be held then anyone interested is quite efficiently any problems which requirements being such that an attorn suggested that the Council meet wi prohibitive Ordinances. Moved b the Law and Ordinance Committéec for recommendatio Chairman Trimm noted that“every Councilman had rece it was: being held for-review until after March 28th an on this at 7:30 Parties concerned have been notified; invited to end. Let from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Association of Washington Cities, announced that the Seattle Chamber of Commerce is holding an "Association Day" luncheon on Friday, April 5th. Invitation was extended to attend. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 3-18-68 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Trimm, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton approp ing $3, sls 00 from excess revenue ibrary Fund ipment, Library, for the purchase of a Van for ‘transportation Servic ib .__Moved by Schellert, Fund #2810;~Account 605, for lawn sprinkling system and lighting within the civic center site. Moved by Trim, seconded by Barei, to adopt Resolution No. 1525 as read. a f the City of Renton changing the zonin classification of certain _properties within the C1 rom Residence Single Family Dis- trict (R-1) to Residence District (R-2) which was read by the Clerk. (Hazel Chenaur property) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Grant, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, roll call vote was taken on motion by Dela-" urenti, second by Barei, to adopt as read. The vote resulted in unanimous aye vote | carrying tl the motion and adopting 01 Ordinance 2387 as read. _ Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Beanblossom and Roe property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to "Apartment Houses and Multipke Dwellings (R-4). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to place the docu- ment on Second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it wasfhoved by Delaurenti;\seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2388 as readf/ Roll call vote resulted\in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinanc&\was read changing the zoning classification 9f the Dean Singer property within the ity from Residential District (R-2) to Reéidential District (R-3). Moved by Delaurenti, Seconded by Barei, to place the documepf on second and final reading. Carried. Aftewthe final reading, it was moved/by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Ordinance Ne. 2389 as read. Carried, ypon unanimous aye roll call vote. Proposed Ordinance was read chahtging the zoning classification of the Lorensen-Jensen properties on 132nd Ave. S.E. frot\General Classification District (G) to Residential District (R-3). Moved by Delaurenti\, secondedby Grant, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. eved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, after final reading, to adopt Ordinance No. 2390 as head. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing’ the zoning\classification of the Harris property on 132nd Ave. S.E., within the City of Renton, fxom Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Single Residence District (R“1). Moved by Delauseti, seconded by Barei, to place the document on second and fiwal reading. Carried. MAf€ter final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Barej, to adopt Ordinance No. 23%1 as read. Carried upon unanimous aye roll call vote. Proposed Ordinance was/read amending Section 10-705 of Title & (Traffic), of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "C@de of General Ordinances of the City of Reritton", relating to Municipal Parking Mot #3. (Limiting to 2 hour parking rather than 24 hr. parking use) Moved by Trimm, s@conded by Maxin, to place the document on second aad final reading. Carried. Afterf/the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by\Barei, to adopt Ordinangé No. 2392 as read. Carried upon unanimous roll call voté& (Publication to be withhedd until new meter heads have been installed) Proposed Ardinance of the City,granting Pacific Coast RR Co. a franchise for ‘establish- ment, maintenance and operation of its North Renton Main Line track in, upon afd along Housey Way, and fixing the location, terms and conditions of such franchise, was\placed on first reading. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer the document tg the Law/and Ordinance Committee to hold 30. days following publication as required by lay. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane that the Garbage and Refuse Collection Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Revisions were outlined, and the motion carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Shane to adopt Ordinance No. 2393 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. tiles Ge leach 3 /8/ee - kd od | TYR Jo WEFIWOOT OU YRTA ZETTTUEZ Jqnop Ou BT TTOUNED ous *perpzasep | eaoge Se TT 20eTL FO FTVY. YRI0N YR FO 3007 CP VeYQ szeyQe2 of 240m e43 ATUO epntouy 03 Juezh B43 JO UOTIdTZOsep O49 pezezte yotum *z961 ‘Zz Azensqed pepzcews ‘OLTESES “ON seahyon “Tpny sepun papszosez ‘Eset ‘82 Azenzged per, ep O8TY peep ‘MOTIdTZOseP BYR pe_de2709 TSzeT sueuyoey 843 ‘Ay Queseddy “196T “eT ATme porep ‘ozz90cs *om 8, z0RTONY AQuNOD Buty xepun pepzooex ‘eget ‘az Azenazged pozep Peed UTETO 37N0 ©} Queneand voquey 7o AQTD ey2 02 ‘est Sty ‘UeUOeH “HE Rqtow pue weuMmoeR *y, gzeqzen Aq paseauos sem Agxedoxm ets *uogbutysen ‘Aqunop Suyy ‘uo2 ~uee JO ARTO Oy} VT pEeIengte ‘soar043 3903 OF YaZON OYA LaaoKa ‘} “ON VOTSTATA “Ueps FO UapzeH aoAsuTYSEM OeXeT ©, UeNTTTA “a "DS ‘TTS 30ezy, JO TTBY YAION 9U2 JO 3997 OP IE 949 gAqaedord Teex peqTzasep BuUTMOTTOF e43 wreT> aynb pue @7eDeA ‘uopueqe 03 woguew yo AgtD sug suotztied ATInzqwedser Aqgeaay — peubtezepun eyy ‘sneueyD “M TezeH ‘QUeTTO Aw go FTeYSq UO” tvewsT3UeD nad antec pes pue ASTTY 39023S FOF vOaUEY FO _ _. KATD 943 OA PENTETS IFNO pueT FO eR asd De ats pointe -“ WOGUaL FO ASOT AIO OGL FOL pue ‘TyounoD ayo uogueu ous, fon pue ‘woquey zo zoAeW ‘XeashD *q eTGRTOUOH SE tOL S96T ‘4 YoureN $S92-2 NIVW TOTS6 NOLONIESVM ‘SILEVES | ONIATING SauiuNoss eit ALINS a, MW LW SAANHOLIV : LLIVM & WVHNAT ‘AVEaOW ae Tos: The Hon, D, Custer, Mayor, and March 7, 1968 . fos. The Renton City Council, and “Tor The maa cher of Renton : Page two 30 foot strip of lend (ened intety to the West of the land | recently rezoned under Renton Planning Commission Appli- cation No. R-436-67, and to the East of 115th Avenue Aime, and the proparhy abutting thereon. The reasons for this application are as follows: . 1. The property to the West has not been developed as oxiginally contemplated and no doubt, because of terrain, a road shall never be completed be~ tween S.E. 110th Street and S.E. 112th Street as originally contemplated. 2. . By deeding the property back to the Grantors, vaca-- the public right-of-way, the City of Renton will benefit by (a) placing the property back on the ~ tax roles and, {(b) avoiding liability for main~— tenance, upkeep or repair, or, potential injuries arising out of the ownership of the strip involved. 3. The applicant shall benefit to the extent that the strip involved may be used for the private ingress and eggréss, and perhaps, parking for the occupants of buildings to be constructed on the West 100. feet ee of the North half of ‘Tract 211. It is eebpeatiiie pubmitted that this petition for vacation of the public right-of-way involved is in the best interest / eof the City of Renton and the abutting property on it. Very truly yours, Robert J. Hall Attorney for Hazel B, Chenaur ‘ROHive ces City of Renton Traffic Engineer Renton Planning Commission — Kae Box hf ; % wh he hie alec oa aren, Bis shee BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION nae oR inst cxry OF. RanTON, wastiiwerow QS He a “a yep: Be Bae } F ia oe NO, R-436-67 Serr tae Wee MOPION FOR RECONSIDERATION " waZEL We CHiieadR Oe Se ae a FOR CHANGE. oP OUR ; . eae as tr pelea ye Tox met es gels i “council all a this’ eppliéari.on for! ‘cezoning, baxtiovlarly in “rehearing before the, city douned, the ‘Renton city Couneii, and ‘The Honorable D. Custer, Mayor, and “weinie Ww. ‘Nelson,. city. Glerk © JWZEL Ww, “CHENaUR, by ree through Asaic aveor ney undersigned, . “feeling hersel? aggrieved by ‘the decision GE the ‘Renton dity, ~-Gounest at “its meeting rebruary 5, ae aenying hex, applicant fn ter ‘rezone: from Rel to R-3 the following déscribed prover tye: does’ hi + ea “hereby respectfully request and move that the city Council ren eye “1968, for ‘the following” consider Ate decision of rebruary 5, |. weasons: he that ‘the. city Planning Director | ‘as. ‘representative of the co city of Renton Planning Commission did not ‘present €o the city. evssense that it should have in dts file bearing -apon | Rye Res | ma “and. ‘in failing to > produce and MURRAY, DUNHAM & Waitt s ATTORNEYS AT LAW 419° SECURITIES BUILDING © MAIN ‘@2655 : 4 ‘ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 cage Ng lt a) ae Mtn. for Recon, -»2 cexmipitiphotographe o: che execs involved asahestheemediaat - spmomisiedein support of its application for rezoning, and other “pertinent data bearing upon the merits of this application for Che | i MEMOS FB gcteatie oP ds cone OP ee The property involved is described as follows: The west” 130 feet of ‘the ‘north one- -halt of Tract j. maby! oe Hillman’ ® Lake Washington Garden of Eden © » Division No, 4, according to plat recorded: in “Volume’.11; of plats, page 82, in King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet of said ) @ract 211, conveyed to the City of Renton by. . deed recorded under auditor's file No. 5363778, ac is respect fully requested: ‘that this: application. for: re~ “consideration be placea on. ‘the agenda, for hearing Monday _Hebruaky 19, 1968. Dastep this. ‘day of Pebruary 1968. “Js/ Robert 3.) Hal) Robert J. Hall | Attorney for Hazel W. chenaur | ed: Planning. Director Renton City Planning Commision City Hall, Renton, Washington é . Pec ae Oe ee Les oe en, FO So aS De Sys < Pray és rt, aR, io" NY POA a ES Mes. oA aa ¥ Bg ihe ROS * dia j nn + : st OP re M1 ‘ ee iz i oe " ee Rt 7% tee / WS ay. Bar AF wx iD * a ce a BRS pe. : mt a4 ne ae MURRAY, DUNHAM & WAITT - ATTORNEYS AT LAW 419 SECURITIES BUILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 __ MAIN 2-2655 ° iG oF Rey. 4 > & ; 0 wt O % OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK +» RENTON, WASHINGTON a wil. z CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 e ALPINE 5-3464 A ee, en Sen <8 February 7, 1968 Murray, Dunham & Waitt Attorneys at Law Suite 419 Securities Building Seattle, Weshington 98101 Hazel W. Chenaur Appeal of Renton Planning Commission Rezone Denial Gentlemen: The Renton City Council, a meeting of February Sth has concurred with the Planning diced gate decision that R-1 is the highest and best use for the property located on the West side of 116th Avenue between $.E. 110th and $.E. 112th Streets in Renton, and the appeal for R-3 rezone has been denied. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Leber 4). dehy.) Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk Minutes - Renitm City Council Meeting 2~26--68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business > submitted report recommending nce for zoning revisions to the Compre- o the Planning Commission for Moved by y Maxin, tpg concur in the recommendation. Councilman Maxin, Chairman of the Plannij that requests of C. hensive Plan, be ref Schellert, seconde Carried. Recommende appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on the subject property, owner agreeing to amend her application as discussed with Attorney Hall on her behalf. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the rezone as recommended. Carried. _ Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, Febr any 28th at 7:00 p.m. a Coukcilman Bruce, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendatigh that the Rirm of Cornell,Howland, Hayes and Merryfield be retained for the desig# and preparation of plans and specifications for Well No. 8, and that the Mayoy/ and City Clerk be&\authorized to sign the necessary agreement documents, upon apprgval thereof by the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concuré Carried. The Fire andWater Committee recommended that the Agreement between fhe City and Pire District Wo. 25 for hydrant service and water supply be approvéd and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the document. Moved by Bareif seconded by Schellert, to coycur. Carried. , The Public Relatiotg Committee met regarding the request of ‘Loéal 21R, Washington fftate Council of Cowyty and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Coungil acknowledgment and it was recommended that the Department of Labor and IndustrYes conduct a check for certification purposes\as provided by law. Moved by Morrié, seconded by Garrett to concur. Carried. Councilman Grant, Chairman\of the Light and Power Commfttee reported that a formal request has been made of Mr\ John Nelson, or a repregentative of Seattle City Light, to appear at a public hearin& of the Light and Powey Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates witt¥in the City, date fof hearing to be determined. Also, the Light and Power Committee submitted a/proposed Resolution resolving that the interests of the City would be best served/by employing a Consultant to provide rate analysis and technical assistance in regérd to power problems. The’servicés to be rendered in a study of power suppl and raves were outlined with areas‘to be analyzed wherein. the City and Puget Power ma fork tégether to improve the City with regard to items of mutual concern, the studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering Department. The Light and Power Commit@ee will interview Consulting Firms and made a recommendation as to the firm to conédet the study and shall report cost for such study, and at a future date, report #he Nndings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Méxin, ft concur in the proposed Resolution. Councilman Grant moved that his mghority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In evant the City is unable\to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting frm be directed\to analyze the means whereby the City could develop its own power distribution system, join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility Wstrict. The motion to amend the original Resolution was sgéonded by Barei,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requegtted which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei/ No: Morris, Schellert, TrNom and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequen#ly the original motion approving the three resolution proposals. loved by Schellert/ seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Diskenting voice vote brought roll call request whic was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, ByAce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The medting moved to the next order of business. Moved by Schfllert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjAurned at 12:45 p.m. Carried. Counciimgh Crant inquired a pr the status of the request for\dog control. in the Highland’ area. It was noted that the matter is in Committee and &\ study will be made and report submitted upon eummietion: Cena aia Grant reported a request from property owners that the vac\nt property to the East of 509 Tobin Avenue South be cleaned up and shrubbery cut vs the I x is piling up and attention is needed. Mayor Custer advised that wher has re- moved a house from the lot and further attention will be given ‘los matters reported. hn, Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 Remarks: Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 24, 1968. Councilman Barei requested that the Janitor oil the Chairs around the Council table +o reduce the noise. Councilman Perry noted that the tables had been removed which had been used by the y° Attorney and the Press and suggested they be replaced. ¥r. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Chenauer addressed the Council advising that he hind been mistaken regarding photographs which were submitted to the Council on the mvtter and offered apology to Planning Director Ericksen noting however, that itultiple zoning is the only feasible use for the subject property and that it is eccnonically impossible to develop the area as R-1. After further comments in regord to the subject property Mr. Hall was advised that the matter was now in ‘che Planning Committee which would be meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at which time his remarks might properly be addressed the Committee. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned 2 12:05 p.m. Neh Wo feline Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $49.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning | Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of Pl i iliti requested approval from the city for service to che new to be located at South 132nd Street and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Districts and Late COffers Agreement fe RoE TT eT TOP Pootae ey or portion of the cost, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Property Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to install a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation, (Fire Chief and City Engineer to be consulted) Carried. Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokanson, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radio Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will continie to operate as drivers and include: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 S.E. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad‘oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits more uniform in this area. The petitioners are Alhoff, Smi nd, += matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 9114 South 3rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than submitted. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydrant: maintenance and inspection, and consideration to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the execution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant to refer the document to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. = 2- s S - € é @ e Minutes - Renton City Cou..cil Meeting (Cont.) 2-5-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February 10th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Councilmen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. PUSLIC HEARING: Hazel W. Chengur appeal of R-9 rezone denial. on property located on ' “ne West side of 116th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 110th and S.E. 112th Streets. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the surrounding residential area, R-1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive Plan and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to an ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed, Tepography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as required and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Film slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and also in regard to sewering the area. Planning Director Ericksen advised that all such detail have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned must approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Diccussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Commissions actions are uniform and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower sites. The Planning Director noted the project does not meet with the proposed Comprehensive Elen .Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Ne: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. - CCiMUNICAT IONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and | License Committee with power to act, which:.carried after inquiry regarding the Iegality of pinball machines ant\their comparison to punch boards. Disgyussion ensued wherein the City Attorney advised of Supreme Court ruling, based upon Attérney General's Opinion that they are both gaming déyices and where chance predomipétes over skill the activity is outlawed and illegal with the three elements under wh#ch court decisions are determined being 1. consideration is paid‘to participate; 2. must be some kind of reward; 3. element of uncertainty exists. In furthe aEtorney Shellan stated the City has a risht, which goes back to common rule ieénse under its police power and can im- pose a license or regulatory fee. Cou ane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moVegs with second by Schellert, that if pinballs are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. “It‘was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Jaw and Ordinance Committee to report back. Moved by Barei, seconded by Pefry, to table “the matter. Carried. asing Agent, reported that_specifications are now prepared call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in the 1968 budget. Februa 26th was recommended as the bid dpening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert,fto concur in the request and recommendeth bid opening date. Discussion ensyéd regarding the City maintenance program for\city streets and the persibility of contacting such work. It was noted that cities usuddly do their own maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the ‘eity equipment, budget, and departmental administration, question was called for on the pending wotion to concur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carried. = Letter from Vern Church, Pur and requested permission tg , Gentlemen: February 5, 1968 Mayor Donald W. Custer Members of the City Council - Renton, Washington Re: Appeal of Hazel W. Chenaur Rezone Denial, Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone request from R-1 to R-3; property located west side of 116th Ave. S.E, between $.E. 110th and il2th Sts. The Planning Commission considered the Hazel w. Chenaur rezone application at its meeting of December 27, 1967. The property in question has the following basic char- acteristics: Total Area--25,116 sq. ft, Bxisting goning--R-1 : Existing Use--single family dwelling Principal Access--lléth Ave. 8.E. via 8.E. 110th St. R/W Sa Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan-~-low to medium density multi- family residential (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) The property under consideration is located westerly of existing apartment units and a Single family residence and easterly of Hillcrest Lane, a newly developed single family residential plat. The proposed rezone would al- low the construction of medium density apartments with an average of 25 to 30 units anticipated. The Planning Commission reviewed the rezone request in some detail. A petition signed by some 20 property owners in the vicinity protesting the rezone request was also presented to the Planning Commission. @ Mayor and City Council February 5, 1968 Page 2 Upon completion of its deliberations, the Planning Com-~ mission determined that the zoning requested would not be appropriate for the property in question since detri- mental effects could be anticipated and it would not be in the best interests of the surrounding residential area. The Planning Commission further recommended to the City Council that the highest use of the iain dcis el ‘be R-1 as presently zoned. Very truly yours, Gordon ¥. Ericksen Planning birector ALPINE 5-3464 e RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 January 4, 1968 CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, %, eo 9 ® CAPITAL Murray, Dunham & Waitt Attorneys at Law Suite 419 Securities Building Seattle, Washington 98101 e: Hazel W. Chenaur Appeal of Renton P anmning Commission Rezone Denial Re: Gentlemen: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of January 8th, has set February 5, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington as the time and place for hearing on the above- Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON eaptioned appeal. It is requested that you and/or applicant be present for discussion of the matter. Helmie W.. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Ale] Jes BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON VY IN THE_MATTER OF THE PU LCATI OF HAZEL W. CHENAUR "OR CHANGE OF ZO No. R-436-67 NOTICE OF APPEAT, TO: The Secretary of the Planning Commission of_the City of Renton ; . pepe tei PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the appli , HAZEL W. CHENAUR, does hereby give notice of her appeal to The-e+ey,-<eorrerl of the City of Renton, Washington, from each and every part of the order and decision of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton, made Wednesday evening, December 27, 1967, and whereby her petition and application for reclassification of the following described property from R-1 to R-3 was denied: The west 130 feet of the north one-half of Tract 211, CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volume 11, of plats, page 82, in BNOS TIS 1 & King County, Washington, except the north 30 feek eng” > SS of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of ast rot “ay Rentonhby deed recorded under auditor's file nN 10 - No. 5383778. -CEIWED <= THOERENTOR “y/ You are hereby requested to transmit your competi edie OFFICE SS/ in this matter to the City Council of Renton. DATED this, Bech aay of January 1968. Satulihe Attorficy for Hazel W. Chenaur e¢: City Couneil, City of Renton City Hall, Renton, Washington - tf "Nb acnsna ” J HA, eng a/s/e Vj BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF THE ) No. R-436-67 _ APPLICATION OF ) ) NOTICE OF APPEAL TO: The Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the applicant, HAZEL W. CHENAUR, B, ‘ ; tabs sft > He Bf me A coh een RAR ee ON does hereby give notice of her appeal to the City Council of ‘the City of Renton, Washington, from each and ‘every part of the order and decision of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton, made Wednesday evening, December 27, 1967, and whereby hex petition and applicet Lot for reclassification of the following Angitlbed property from R-1 to R-3 was denied: The west 130 feet of the north one-half of Tract 211, CD Hillman’s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to plat recorded in Volumé 11, of plats, page 82, in N67 3 King County, Washington, except the north 30 fet @’” & SD eae . Aas 2 of said Tract 211, conveyed to the City of Ga) ag an Renton by deed recorded under auditor's file oes mh : “ad } No. 5383778. REGEWS) SJ of RENT i ON &. You are hereby requested to transmit your complete K's OcFIGES> - Oy in this matter to the City Council of Renton. j2nuoy DATED this Sref aay of January 1968. ‘Robert*J. Hall : Attorney for Hazel W.. Chenaur cc: City Counedl, City of Renton City Hall, Renton, Washington OF REVS fe eee“ JAN 8 1968 Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 4 isNaarrow and on a hillside. Teegarden stated he felt it would be a miSqake to allow an apartment building at the end of such a nar- row street at this time. Forgaard aswed when the Transamerica property to the south and west of the subject property was rezoned to R-3. The Planning Dipe€tor replied this wa& done in 1963. Transamerica has indicated 1t does not plan to open access to the Renton Hill area or deyefop their R-3 area at this time. Comments from the audie€yce were invited. Mr.fack Newell stated he is the property owner imntediately east of e applicant's property and is definitely opposed *e any multi-fafhily residential develop- ment in the area; that he feNis the apéa is an established single family residential zone. As there were no further commepts, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that thé hearimy be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Teegardepy seconded by Stredicke, that the rezone applica- tion of Albert J” Duncalf for R-3 zoning be denie® Motion carried unanimously. The Chairwfan advised the applicant of his right to appeaNthe decision! of the Planning Commission by written notice to the City Council within ten days. (oJ Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-l to Bay Brseeres ocated west s ve. S.E. between S.E. and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) The rezone application was described by the Chairman; and the loca- tion of the property was pointed out by the Planning Director on the zoning map. The Planning Director indicated that access to the property was via an undeveloped right of way. Slides of the property were shown. Photographs of the property submitted by the applicant were passed around among the Commissioners. The Planning Director stated that in 1956 the property was zoned R-3, but as it was not developed it reverted back to R-1l status under a reversion ordinance in effect at that time. The Chairman read a petition against the rezone submitted by property owners in the area and bearing 20 signatures. The Planning Director stated that the existing Comprehensive Plan indicates this area as low to medium density multi-family resi- dential, but that the revised Comprehensive Plan now under study by the City Council cuts this area back to single family residential. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Roger Peterson, 10514 - 113th Ave. S.E., owner of property westerly of subject property, voiced his objections to the proposed rezone. Mr. George Rusk, 11029 - 116th Ave. S.E., stated he owns a house north of 110th which he had purchased with the stipulation the area was R-1, but had found out later that a portion of land nearby was tones R-3 upon which two apartment houses have been constructed. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 5 Mr. Rusk stated he was opposed to further apartment development in the area. Mr. Robert Hall of Seattle identified himself as attorney for the applicant, Mrs. Chenaur, and gave a brief history of the property in question. He stated that his client is asking for the zoning which had previously been granted and which had been lost due to the reversion ordinance then in effect which has since been re- pealed. He discussed the undeveloped access road about which there appeared to be some title cloud.' Mr. Hall stated this undeveloped access according to all information he has been able to get belongs to the City of Renton. He stated the rezone is a logical one; would have no effect on the single family residential area known as Hill- crest Lane directly to the west as those houses are below his client's property and face away from it. He stated further that cost of development of the property makes it economically unfeasible for anything but multi-family residential use. Mr. Bob Harris, 10843 - 116th Ave. S.E. spoke in opposition to the rezone due to the immediate proximity of $20,000 to $40,000 homes. Mr. Jerome Stephenson, 11430 S.E. 112th St., asked how sewer lines could be connected to the property. The Planning Director displayed a sanitary sewer and water lines map for the area, and stated that due to the elevation the developer could get sewers only through the west side of the property by obtaining easements through ad- jacent properties. He stated further that there are sewer lines along 116th Ave. S.E. but they could not go easterly due to the elevation unless some sort of pumping system was installed. Mr. Clayton Chenaur discussed the history of the property; the fact that he thought he had the proper zoning, being unaware of the reversion to R-1l; the access problem, the development of sewers, the cost of development being too high for other than multi-family use. He stated that the development would be adequately served by sewers and would be screened to protect adjacent residences. He urged the Commission to grant the rezone. Stredicke stated that the area, notwithstanding the two existing apartments, has been developed for single family use and he would not be in favor of rezoning for multiple use. Messrs. Stephenson, Peterson, Rusk and Harris, previously acknowledged, spoke again in protest against the rezone, as well as Mr. Ronald Wy- let of 11020 - 115th Ave. S.E. Mr. Robert Hall and Mr. Clayton Chenaur spoke again on behalf of the rezone request. There being no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Stredi e applicati ; | saze - Chenaur for rezone from R-1l to R-3 be denied. Motion carriea unanimously. euaiititioms Further moved by Stredicke, seconded by Teegarden, that a communica- tion be sent to the City Council recommending that the highest use of this property be R-1l as presently zoned. Motion carried unani- | mously. Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 27, 1967 Minutes Page 6 The Chairman advised the applicant's attorney of her right of appeal of the Planning Commission decision by letter to the City Council within ten days. Mr. Hall stated he understood the appeal rights of his client. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REFERRAL FROM RENTON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Albert Balch and Garden Park, Inc., request for vAriance height limitation. referred the on and referred Minutes as well tter; such copies irman stated that the Board of Adjustment h riance application to the Planning Commis the Commissioners to copies of Board of Adjustme as copy o{ letter from the FAA relative to the in each Commissioner's folder. ACTION: Moved by Brower,\seconded by Racanello, th this matter be con- sidered at the next Administrative Meeting of the Renton Planning Commission in ordek to give the Commissign time to study the material submitted. \ Motion carried unaflimously. STREET NAME PROBLEM Fire Chief M. C. Walls concern- ing duplication of street hunder Hill #2, parcel #26. The Planning Director stated th S particular street (Thomas Lane) is privately owned and the Ci has no control over it. He sug- (b) The Chairman read a ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, secofided by Racanello, that a copy of Fire Chief Walls' letter be sent the Mayor's effice and to the Board of Public Works for theiyY action. Motion\carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF NEW (c) The Chairmanf read copy of a letter fr the City CounciY appointing Mr. Tony Mola a Planning CommigSion to fill the vacancy crea of Mr. Stanley Stone and requesting concurren this appointment. Mayor D. W. Custer to a member of the Renton d by the resignation of the Council in RESIGNATI OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER (d) Mr last m@eting with the Planning Commission as he had to acfive duty with the United States Navy, and state a prgvilege to serve on the Commission. Robert Brower announced that regretfully this would be his een recalled it had been SIME PLAN APPROVAL (Request for Information) e) Stredicke asked if site plans had been submitted for approval of the Planning Commission for the church located 7th and M. The Planning Director replied that this church had submitted their site plans as well as a variance request for parking and had received approval of the site plans on March 28, 1962. He stated RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DECEMBER 27, 1967 AGENDA ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES, MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1967 - BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1967: REZONE APPLICATION (a) Barger, Lyle L., Appl. No. R-433-67, rezone from R-1l to R-3; property located at 2502-04 9th Pl. N. Total Area--app. 10,000 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1 Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--9th Pl. N. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential NEW BUSINESS: REZONE APPLICATIONS (a) Singer, Dean A., Appl. No. R-434-67, rezone from R-2 to R-4; property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. Total Area--27,590 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--duplex family dwellings Principal Access--llth Ave. N., 12th Ave. N., H St. Proposed Use~--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential (b) Duncalf, Albert L., Appl. No. R-435-67, rezone from R-1l to R-3; property located on east side of Cedar St. between S. 7th St. and S. 8th St. (extended westerly) Total Area--7,975 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1l Existing Use--single family dwelling Principal Access--Cedar St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) *&K (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located west side of lloth Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) Total Area--25,116 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-1 Existing Use--single family dwelling Principal Access--116th Ave. S.E. via S.E. 110th St. R/W Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--low to medium density multi-family residential (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: (a) Referral from Renton Board of Adjustment re Albert Balch and Gaxden Park Inc., request for variance from height limitation. (b) Letither from Fire Chief M. C. Walls re street name in Thunder Hill #2, parcel #26. (c) Letter from Mayor D. W. Custer re: Appointment of Mr. Antone Mola to Planning Commission. To: The Renton Planning fomitzalon. Dec. 21, 1967 The undeasigned are against the paoposed rezoning in the vicinity of 116£4h Ave. S.€. Getween S.€. 110th and 112th Sto. West 130' of the north half of tract 211 (.D. Hillnan's Lake Washington Garden of €den Division No. 4 Acconding £40 plat neconded in Vol, 22 of plats page 82 in King (County Washington, Except Neath 30' and West 30' of said tract 211 conveyed the (ity of Renton by recorded under Auditors file No. 5383178 We, the undersigned feel this area should be used for nesidential only, and the rezoning should not be granted. 7 ote . £ pee 9 WM Appoforer? Vedine Fe beahenedre hal hodgyO”— Tf, td Wes Mbounbeg gilh dbo JF? BE i. f7O2 2 mg fine . AE We a_i Leak, PORES De YESE: ffla, iftoh LOY Ga Eis ds Paton ee perma de Bolu old lI Eve, SE, fon weet 930 SEA fleur Lefe/! SAYA 3 O LE J/alhe On TEx. Liew, , oY 15th SJ. Rankin, Vark. {ee 2D ot al Pfs 7L S fi Cee Bey el en [la2? ~ ; 7" te / (sh Ae = Con ld (CO? Y « oe, Sf Op ys Liew SE. Karle 7 LOw pes ve SE KEw7OO Ce) vA / da ADDRESS a — ann, JOS / CE Me Be LOSE ff 5 FPO SL Gadi Honk (ut eke CGK Yong °7E # / 0 Ses gore tf OC ff 5 7 £2 08 ne, SK. Kn Come Ce she YS 7. Ma ww Oso l/5 Th AK. SE Keven Ly 7 a af oS v4 Sirs (no) heen . JAF RS SE 72 Ae. OL. tid . } U Po rsef A Worle, If G7 F ee fie fe: at ow bag LE Leak Ankle if OF. AL 108 Babs ~ - » Sot Y a WA ; "ale Jt J 23 ltl ate /) eas “. 7 ta/ (- : Dé ke Lf " de POLES a“ . Renton Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 1967 Minutes Page 2 Ba (c) Chenaur, Hazel W., Appl. No. R-436-67, rezone from R-1 to R-3; property located west side of 116th Ave. S.E. between S.E. 110th and 112th Sts. (westerly of McKnight Jr. High School) The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map and stated that the property at one time was zoned R-3 but had reverted to R-l. The existing Comprehensive Plan indicates low to medium density multi-family residential for the property, but the revised Comprehensive Plan indicates the area as Single family residential. The slides mentioned above were shown. 4. DATE NEXT FIELD TRIP: It was decided that each Commission member would inspect the above properties individually and the official field trip would be dis- pensed with for this agenda. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: (a) CALENDAR OF MEETINGS FOR 1968: Copies of the Calendar of Meetings of the Planning Commission for 1968 were distributed to Commission members and will be distributed to City Departments, City Council members, news media, etc. {b) DISCUSSION OF PLANNING MATTERS: The Planning Director stated, for the information of the Commission, that the Planning Department, in cooperation with the Engineering and Building Departments, has revised the Subdivision Ordinance and it will be presented to the Planning ComffS8torfor “1tS~ton- sideration. He stated the Commission might wish to set some study session meetings for next year to review this material. Teegarden stated he felt some work could be done to standardize zoning ordinances and zoning terms throughout the valléy area. Racanello stated he felt some work should be done to upgrade the Renton Zoning Ordinance; that we may not have enough zoning clas- cifications t0 cover -Ehe-type of developments proposed and to encourage private urban renewal. He stated further he felt there should be another zoning classification between L-1 and M-P and that perhaps the Commission could study this pos : Stredicke stated he felt that in connection with the Planning Commission's action concerning the preliminary plat of Interlake Addition No. 2 considered at the public hearing meeting of Novem- ber 22, 1967, that a further motion to deny the application should have been made. Garrison stated that a motion to deny was unneces- sary as the motion to approve lost; therefore, the application was denied and the applicant was advised of his right to appeal. Stredicke inquired as to the status of the restrictive covenants concerning the Richards rezone. The Planning Director stated that after several meetings with Mr. Richards, a declaration of restrictive covenants had been drafted in accord with the wishes of both Mr. Richards and the Planning Commission. AFFIDAVIT Ly Hazel W. Chenaur being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this > tH day of December 2» 67, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle . = g Cha tt A. Vy, - ain Me 1) “I; ee Paws (Namé ) (Signature of Owner) P.O. Box 66430 400 S. W. 152nd Street (Mailing Address) Seattle, Washington 98166 (City) (State) CH6-1520 (Telephone) (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION e foregoing application has been inspected by horough and complete in every particular d regulations of the Renton eens of such application. 19 BY :_ MA 2 This is to certify th me and has been ee and to conform to” Department gove Date received me ate Te Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 Page APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE HAZEL W. CHENAUR T A Bel E o.£ € ON T EN T'S Application for change of zoning Affidavit of owner Plot plan (1" = 50') and vicinity plan (1" = 200') Copy of existing zoning map of Renton showing proposed change Portion of King County Assessor's map (S.E. 45-23-5) showing property in vicinity; Scale 1' = 100' Photographs of property involved OF REY . aN (S* elit wes ta DEC 2B 1967 | . 5 B3UG226 - 8 yp 4288 exr267 ~ 5883178 VAL cmree 4 64 re | i 4 | | ; ig t | | ’ oO ; i H f , r df 8g i [| i ay Re) ' ‘ ai Sa} 8 ! | nee : S) al 3 | gaé | Gi Bt he | = | Fey} Oa Le } oO «rt i a3 © il ' ogg | | Aad & QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That we, Herbert T. Hackman and Melba B. Hackman, wife » of King County, State of Washington, for and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar to us in hand paid and in further consideration of the general public welfare and the special benefits accruing to us therefrom, do, by these presents grant, convey and quit-claim to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for street, alley and any other public uscs and purposes, the following lots, pieces and parcels of land lying and being in said King. County, State of Washington, and described as follows:, CBE: Ne. Ce)Hace oF WKN : : { "heG@orth 30 feet) and re @o BN bone 211, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. ." j « F .. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said described premises unto the said City of Nenton, bi its successor or successors for the use of the public forever. “hy i WITNESSETH our hands end seals ide Ok oc) day of Sibruaug z._» aah a fs hb Lb hexaans | Dirctha Lk ae evvteced (SEL) WITNESSES ¢ bi STATE OF WASHINGTON)ss COUNTY OF KING ) 3 I; “NM nade » a Notary Public in and for the said State, i do hereby aE that on this = £ day of eS ham) > 295 , a x» personally appeared before me OWS 2h oh Ke Korn “>D RetlOrce. 4 PFE JE Cty to me known to be the individual s . described in and who executed the within. _ instrument, and acknowledged that CH ots signed and sealed the same as el free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITHESR | WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ard affixed my official seal the in HE wean) Be this’ certificate first above Rees es a ; Ys “cay att 'g \ noes “ Pras ‘ oY ~ ni a wy on Kb aa ra -> oases Xe Cg) AMC A ne. 2 wes eS 4 obS giv! iG a Hy © Notary Public in and for the State of bi 0% ™ meen Pe Washington fis CAD 5) SE >: ay vreee Fines ie Residing at . in said Countv.e ba . 2 One: sida tor Recora “7 '* We, 2706 gM. Motary Public in and ee State of ti £, of inte . i Wastiaton beside at Aeoton, f ®eque.l of Cy f° yt Filed for Rarecord 2 ype 2 962 Joit iM. Bet RO nay MOPRIGA Count Ric v ae ai ph oe 4 ki NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON__DECEMBER 27, , 1967 _, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS; 1. REZOWE FROM R-2 TO R-4; property located on H St. between llth and 12th Aves. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 4 and 5, Block 42, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands Ho. 2, according to Plat recorded in Vol. $7 of Plats, Page 92 to 98, Records of King County, Washington. 2. REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-3; property located on Cedar St. between S. 7th St. and dead-end. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 4 of Highland Addition to the Town cf Renton, as per plat recorded in Vol. 17 ef Plats, page 32, Records of King County, Washington: except the north 160 feet thereof; less coal and mineral rights and the right to explore and mine same. *, C\WVehavl 3. ‘“REZONE FROM R-1l TO R-3; property located vicinity of 116th Ave. S.E. between $.E. 110th and 1ll2th Sts. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: West 130 feet ef the north half of Tract 211, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 according to plat recorded in Vol. 22 of Plats, Page 82, in King County, Washington, except the north 30 feet and the west 30 feet of said Tract 2]) conveyed to the city of Renton by deed recorded under Auditor's Pile No. 5383178. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE 1 NVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON December 27, 196 AT 8:00 P.M, TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME. : James E. Denzger ceCRETARY PUBLISHED December i4, 1967 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION 1, James L. Magstadt ,» HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE SONSFTCUGUS PLACES: _ ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn sony to befo se a - Holic, - on, the Ta! p uedembe 4p : F ie *F - , . ae A APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No. Q- Y\B\--bt Plan. Com. Action Venied \R-ZA-6T Receipt No. 244, Appeal Filed \-5- bv Filing Date \2Z~- t- bot City Council Action Yenvel 2-S-6% , Hearing Date \2- 27-67 Ordinance No. & Datese — B-20-% | 2 oO > Cat, a 4 Reopned by Gly Myget 92 2h bb APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: P.O. Box 66430 Name Hazel W. Chenaur Address 400 S.W. 152nd St., Seattle, Wn. 98166 Telephone No. cyH6-1520 Property petitioned for rezoning is located wabehind apartments on 116th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave. N (SE 112th St.) ands, EB, 110th St, Total square footage in property 32,650.8 —— DESCRIPTION oF PROPERTY west 130' of the North halt of inact 211. cD ' a hg recorded in Volume Plats, page in King No.4 y, Was ea on, Beep e North 30 Eectnot said eee Bldes conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded -under auditor's file No. 5383178 ana wae West 30 Leek District Existing Zoning R-1 Single Residence/ Zoning Requested R-3 Residence District What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? construction of apartment house Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? at leasé minimum required Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional infor- mation you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure sheet Item No. 2 for specific requirements). 1. In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? Increase available housing near Boeing and Pacific Car plants; relieve traffic moving through Renton; increase utilization of existing schools; increase taxation to Renton, etc. 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? Expansion of industry in Rainier Valley, particularly Boeing, Pacific Car & Foundry, and other business expansion resulting in vinflux of population, 3. What provision will you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? Plan attractive structure consistent with other relatively new buildings of similar use _ in the area, % 2-2 Zoning VO ace et Cpogt ackvon. 23--Cd Renton Planning Dept. 1967