HomeMy WebLinkAboutRezone File No 444-68 sz, Fd AVE 147% lM PR O P O ) of a ee 2 0 L PR O P O S E D RE ZO N E a —_ E X I S T I N G R- 3 TO R- 8 3 , , NO R T a ae P NX HOe™ AVE OW N E R : T JU HO G A N I 11 2 2 2 H4 ™ AV E S. E . RE N T O N , WA S H © STOP STOP STOP STOP S | () | @ DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM HIE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. S| OP! STOP STOP STOP- STOP Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 28, 1968 Minutes Page 3 area, the revised Plan indicates single family residential. He stated further that the Comprehensive Plan was drawn up before the start of construction of the North Renton Interchange. The freeway has changed the complexion of the entire area; there are good single family homes in the area, and it is no longer suitable for multiple use. Stredicke stated further he did not feel that apartments would upgrade the area more than good single family homes. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. Thomas- J. Hogan, the applicant, of 11222 - 114th Ave. S.E., spoke on behalf of the rezone request stating as the oldest resident of the neighborhood he should be permitted the use he desires for the property; that if he does not get the R-3 zoning, he will let the land lie unused. Mr. Robert Secrest, 11215 - 114th Ave. S.E.; Mr. Roger Duke, 11214 - 114th Ave. S.E.; Mrs. Donna Wendling, 11419 S.E. 112th; Mr. Joseph Warren, 11425 S.E. 112th, all spoke in opposition to the rezone request, citing increased traffic problems, loss of identity of single family residential area. Mr. Ernie Coleman, 10208 S.E. 88th St., and Mr. Carl Erickson, 6425 Ripley Lane, real estate brokers, spoke in favor of the proposed rezone. Upon completion of audience comments, it was moved by Teegarden, seconded by Stredicke, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Sterling, that the request of Thomas J. Hogan for R-3 zoning be denied. Motion carried; Denzer dissenting. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council in writing within ten days. FURTHER ACTION: Moved by Teegarden, seconded by Mola, that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the highest zoning on the subject , Deaperty be R-l. Motion carried unanimously. (e) GAMBRIELL, VERN, Appl. No. R-447-68, rezone from GS-1 to R-3; property located SW corner Talbot Rd. and S. 155th St. The Chairman described the rezone application. The Planning Director read a letter to the Planning Commission from James and Eva Wallington, 624 - 12th Ave. S., protesting the rezoning of the Talbot Hill area for apartment housing. The Planning Director also read into the record a petition signed by 146 persons living in the Talbot Hill area requesting the Planning Commission give every con- sideration to retaining the Talbot Hill area as single family residential in nature and that all future requests for high rise or multiple family dwelling be denied by the Commission. The Planning Director stated that while the present Comprehensive Plan indicates low density multiple for the area, the revised Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 28, 1968 Agenda Page 3 Commission Comments: It was noted by members that the proposed use would be an improvement in the area and would not be out of line with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. REZONE APPLICATIONS (c) Davis, Eva L., Appl. No. R-440-68, rezone from R-2 to R-3; property located on Hardie St. between S. 133rd and 134th Sts. Total Area--23,000 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--R-2 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--91st Ave. S. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density Staff Comments: The property in question is a small area located between two existing R-3 zones. The adjacent properties are presently developed for single family and duplex purposes with a church further to the south and a nursing home on the north side of S. 133rd St. The property in question is presently zoned R-2 and apartments could be constructed by special permit. It is recommended that the Commission consider the rezoning of the over-all area rather than the one parcel. Commission Comments: The proposed rezone of the applicant's property to R-3 would have some detrimental effects on adjacent properties. It is recommended that the applicant be advised of the possibility of the use of the R-2 zone with special permit for apartment units. ~ (d) Hogan, Thomas J., Appl. No. R-444-68, rezone from G-7200 to R-3; property located on 114th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave. N. and North Renton Interchange Total Area--32,500 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--G-7200 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--114th Ave. S.E. Proposed Use--multi-family residential] Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) Staff Comments: The property in question is located adjacent to the freeway on a dead-end street. The area is single family residential with new homes recently constructed in the area. The Planning Commission had also previously denied a rezone request to R-3 of the property located westerly across the street from said property. The rezone for apartment use in this area, it is felt, would have detrimental effects on the adjacent surrounding properties. Petitions in opposi- tion to the rezone request have been received. Commission Comments: Upon review by Commission members and in view of the previous rezone denial, it is recommended that the rezone request to R-3 be denied and that R-1 be recommended for the area. (e) Gambriell, Vern, Appl. No. R-447-68, rezone from GS-1 to R-3; property located SW corner Talbot Rd. and S. 155th St. Total Area--27,400 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--GS-1 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--S. 155th St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family--low density multi-family (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) &¢ = \oqa a Rezone ° lb Siqnarvres Chairman, 5 Plenning Commission City Hall Renton, washington We the undersigned are against the rezoning of property "SCUTH 113' OF THE N331' OF TH& NE 1/4 OF TH# NE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, IWP 23N, RSE, W.M., LYING EAST OF EDWIN DAHL RD. (114th AVE. S.E.), LESS THE E320 AND LESS STATE HIGHWAY," from G-7200 to R-3 The general location 114th Ave. S.E. between leth Ave. N and North Renton Interchange. Kilext a VIEIS-)IF SE Jogo, ey as MD) S- AGT SE 4a Z OF | RE Bike 1214-114 SE SR afl >) Mlenoy f. Keke nary 19th Cnt, 8. €, , fender FEB 97 195: } Arma * Cel hem! 1/268 IH hw. SE. frock c Willa PN ACE-I1Y ttt SE, J ibép LO bite Mase. FF TS Gre i ?) P eed == ' dt dre _ it at ff a i [aa . . - \ cant eae (/ - ; Se use SE ae Pi tine) é ie BOp —-/ LAB a4 SF ie Qea tao Je tazZA pf Jo HE l100l* 2 | ape a a P Faken Wp ober AE S/T Ab x ES. W2RE SE 114 OF Drancer 2. connate P2220 AE. spa & st J Cad Cvs ONY ste Z py Zeur- Se \12. +h Sst AAA og or 4 +e CP te IN u in a) Page 2.. We the undersigned are against the rezoning of property "South 113' of the N 331' of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of sec. 4, TWP 23 N, R SE, W.M., lying east of Edwin Dahl Rd. (114th Ave. S.E.), less the E 320 and less State Highway," from G-7200 to R-3. The general location 114th Ave. S.E£. between léeth Ave. N and North Renton Interchange. // AA DF, Jl 2 (2 7 BE. “. ve CL (1/2OoT7 SEF JS#F2 al 4 a SL Aakers J/3O7 SE. sr2& / Sf ‘i 7 : _ 2 ( helo A | cihenderd O32 CSt Kitten 5 > hoa Og Ler1tct Z re Cera? fee 7 rh LS f ‘er, . £ OS ——_ Ti ral Nts Be Al%lEL hk os é fz j Zu | FEL 5 i leh (LC ‘is / , gn ¢( bese JOS HBO SS Kenko ty ; “ - ; on 7 . «2eercee 7 i ae ki : fe =. ; Mnwk dorohmow . fi2 Fi SE eh # (Cerlte7e F he i _ i. ie Carnet [lack ire Jom nN jpaas SEs/a, Ree 4/4... le. “- . /(A/ GSE [1204 Ps, bab ened, WW Uf 19 S&/1 Ln SA ROSY AN, Reg NSS wok |e a Te ef Fa Z 72 je. ™ ir ly Keodib J/ 226 HS REM Fa a Lei, ecw IM Mhe — eee PEE Kids We the undersigned are against the rezoning of property "South 113' of the N 3Z1' of the NE 1/4 of the N= 1/4 of Sec. &, TWP 23N, R 5E, W.M., lying Eest of Edwin Dahl Rd. (114th Ave. S.E«)y, less the E 320 and less State Highway," from G-7200 to R-2 The general location 114th Ave. S.E between leth Ave. N and North Renton Interchange. Th a _ Lf aa ~ Ave SEé /} “Vou CA Lp lel {to2 ss va . fe | \ Hel Age SE Mentor ach, ‘L- mbied,. J(039 7S iy & “ ~ ; oe Sirah geek, asd ui s a Ye sist, we heal re ee oe TSO Se on ee . 7 } eZ. flO2 3 sre po Kenton Lee, tth/ F 3 a: ye B Just jie #3 = ~_ JE Reber, tx , é ’ he oe & Mali Other * etl 1/O Daa- fT 77 A at IE MIE Sorters Sat ran — Op pr Aad ae ~ . / zx CA , " Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 14, 1968 Minutes Page 3 ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Ross, that the Planning Commission continue consideration of this application to the meeting of Febru- ary 28, 1968. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS As requested by the Chairman, the Planning Director introduced the following items of new business, indicated their location on the zoning map and discussed each application briefly. FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (a) Plat of Glencoe, Appl. No. FP-443-68; property located NE corner S.E. 1lO7th St. and 132nd Ave. S.E. SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION (b) St. Andrews Bldg. Corp., Appl. No. SP-445-68, special permit to allow offices in R-3; property located SW corner Williams Ave. S. and S. 5th St. REZONE APPLICATIONS (c) Davis, Eva L., Appl. No. R-440-68, rezone from R-2 to R-3; property located on Hardie St. between S. 133rd and 134th Sts. (d) Hogan, Thomas J., Appl. No. R-444-68, rezone from G-7200 to R-3; property located on 114th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave. N. and North Renton Interchange (e) Gambriell, Vern, Appl. No. R-447-68, rezone from GS-1 to R-3; property located SW corner Talbot Rd. and S. 155th St. (f) Harris, Charles & Minnie, Appl. No. R-442-68, rezone from S-1l to R-l; property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. between oth Pl. N. and 7th Ave. N. (g) Lorenson, H. C.. and Jensen, J. D., Appl. No. R-448-68; rezone from G and R-3 to R-3 and B-1; property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. between 4th and 6th Aves. N. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Forgaard, that a field trip be set for February 17, 1968, Commissioners to meet at the Park Avenue Restaurant at 8:30 A.M.; and that a study session be set for Febru- ary 21, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. in order to view, study and discuss the new items of business as well as the continued items which will come before the Commission on February 28, 1968. Mola moved that an amendment be made to Stredicke's motion to set the field trip for February 24, 1968, as he is on active duty with the Navy and will not be able to attend any meeting set for Febru- ary 17, 1968; Denzer seconded. The Chairman stated the members would vote on the amendment to the original motion first. On voice vote dissenting votes were heard and roll call vote was requested, with Commissioners voting as follows: Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 14, 1968 Agenda Page 2 (d) Hogan, Thomas J., Appl. No. R-444-68, rezone from G-7200 to R-3; property located on 114th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave. N. and North Renton Interchange Total Area--32,500 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--G-7200 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--114th Ave. S.E. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) (e) Gambriell, Vern, Appl. No. R-447-68, rezone from GS-1 to R-3; property located SW corner Talbot Rd. and S. 155th St. Total Area--27,400 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--GS-1 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--S. 155th St. Proposed Use--multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family-low density multi-family (revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) (f) Harris, Charles & Minnie, Appl. No. R-442-68, rezone from S-l to R-l; property located on 1l32nd Ave. S.E. between 6th Pl. N. and 7th Ave. N. Total Area--l ac. + Existing Zoning--S-1 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--132nd Ave. S.E. Proposed Use--single family residential Comprehensive Plan--single family residential (g) Lorenson, H. C. and Jensen, J. D., Appl. No. R-448-68, rezone from G and R-3 to R-3 and B-l; property located on I32nd Ave. S.E. between 4th and 6th Aves. N. Total Area--17,900 sq. ft. for proposed R-3; 1-1/4 ac. in proposed B-l Existing Zoning--G and R-3 Existing Use--undeveloped Principal Access--132nd Ave. S. E. and 4th Ave. N. Proposed Use--commercial and medium density multi-family residential Comprehensive Plan--commercial and medium density multi- family residential ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: REQUEST FROM BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION (a) Letter from B. L. Ruppert, Assistant Building Director, re Board of Adjustment request to Planning Commission for review and study of height restrictions covering all zoning classifica- tions. LETTER FROM GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (b) Letter to Planning Commission Chairman Garrison from Great Northern Railway Company re removal of railroad tracks along Burnett Avenue. 2. REZONE FROM @S-l1 TO R-1l; property located on 132 Ave. S.E. btwn 6th Pl. N. & 7th Ave. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The south 1 acre of the following described portion: The S 1/3 of that portion of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 9, T 23N, R 5E, W.M., lying Northerly of the S 15 acres of anne NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and west of the west margin of 132nd Ave. S.E. except that portion lying within the plat of Albert Balch's Pregigent Park No. 4, as per plat recorded in Vol. 51 of Plats, page 14 ange of King County, WaShington. NO 3. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR OFFICES IN R-3; property located SW corner Williams Ave. S. & S. 5th St. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 28, Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in Vol. 1 of Plats, Page 135, Records of King County, Washington. 4, REZONE FROM GS-1 TO R-3; property located on SW corner Talbot Rd. and S. 155th St. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, Azzola's Country Villa, King County, Wash. 5. REZONE FROM G AND R-3 TO R-3 AND B-1l; property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. btwn 4th & 6th Aves. N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (For potential R-3)--The south 65' of the north 694' of the west 305' of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 10, T23, R5E, W.M., King County, Wash., less county roads. (For potential B-1)--The North 153' of the south 619' of the west 396' o£ Sec. 10, T23N, RSE, W.M., King County, Wash., less roads. re) * 6. REZONE FROM Rey TO R-3; property located on 114th ‘Ave. S.E. btwn 12th Ave. and N. Renton Interchange. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S. 113' of the N 331' of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Twp 23N, R5E, W.M., lying east of Edwin Dahl Rd (114th Ave. S.E.), less the E 320' and less State Highway. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON _FEBRUARY 28, 1968 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS TO SAME, JAMES E. DENZER , SECRETARY PUBLISHED. February 14, 1968 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I, _ Delbert _F, Moss...__, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. C Yo Ge Ca/ L LK Hila Sy / 2 , C , gy ge ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn SIGNED —_ NAY AUS 2 Le to before me, a Notary Public, ° on the 16th day of February 3 19 68. a, fase td bis geen, Ae » ffm~- N. AFFIDAVIT I, (THOMAS J, HOGAN being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 5th day of February: 196g . Notary Public in and for the State of WASRAG EGR residing at Renton Van Sts (Signatute Of Owner) ash. Mailing Address ee Renton Washington , (City) (State) , B -~ 3240 Telephone) (OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certi ara to he foregoing application has been inspected by me and has orf oun eo oe and complete in every particular ei tes 1d regulations of the Renton Planning ephi filin of such application. FEB 7 1965 =; wii, 19 BY: Renton Planning Dept. Rev. March 1967 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON_pabruary 28 , 1968, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: i. REZONE FROM R~-2 TO R-3; property located on Hardie St. btwn S. 133 St. & S&S. 134 St. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 18, township 23 north, range 5 east, W. M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: a NN Beginning at a point on the wes kentby margin line of the county road or street running northerly through the farm of Mrs. Kitty Glen, which said point is 83 feet northerly of the centerline of the City of Seattle Cedar River Water right of way, said point being in the northwest cuarter of section 18, township 23 north, range 5 east, W. M., and being 2146 feet east of and 134.5 feet north of the quarter corner on the west line of said section 18; thence north 10°50'45" east along the westerly margin line of said street or county road 207.5 feet to a point hereafter called point "A" for reference purposes; thence westerly along a line parallel to and 257.5 feet northerly of the north line of the Cedar River Water right of way 210 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south- erly along a line parallel to and 210 feet westerly of the westerly margii Jine of said street or county road 207.5 feet to the northerly line of a one acre tract heretofore conveyed to Agnes Hardy; thence easterly wlong the northerly line of the said Hardy tract 210 feet; thence north 16°50'45" east along the westerly margin of said street to voint "A"; thence westerly along the southerly margin line of county road (South os ce Stee the true Sy 133rd Street}oloTT eee point of beginnind; EE EXCEPT that portion Gescribed as follows Beginning at a point on the westerly margin of the DS eee road running northerly through the farm of Mrs. Kitty Glenn (said road being known as Slst Avenue South) which point in 83 feet northerly of the centerline of the City of Seattle Cedar River water right of way, said point being 2146 feet east of and 134.5 feet north of the quarter corner on the west line of said section 18; thence north 10°5 0'45" east along the westerly margin line of said county road 62.5 feet; thence westerly along a line parallel to the north line of said Cedar River Water right cf way a dis- tance of 94 feet to the true point of beginning of the tract herein de- seripced; whence easterly along said parallel line 94 feet; thence north 10° O45" ast along the westerly margin line of said county road 145 feet; thence westerly along a Line parallel to the north line of said Cedar River Water right of way 160 feet; thence southerly along a line parallel to the westerly margin line of said county road 85 feet: thence southeasterly on a straight line to the true point of beginning. « 3 Se rhe March 6, 1968 Honorable Mayor Custer and Members of the Renton Council Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We wish to appeal the February 28 th. decision of the Renton Planning Commission and their denial of our request for extending the boundry of the present R3 zoning to include the remainder of the property owned by us, and legally des- cribed as follows: So. 113° of the No. 331° of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 lying east of Edwin Dahl Rd - - - less the east 320 ft. Sec. 8, Township 23, Range 5. We felt our request justifiable due to the Projection of the Land Use in the area, as adopted by the City of Renton sometime ago. Trusting you will grant us and our representatives, Mr, Ernie R. Coleman and Mr. Carl V. Erickson, of Homeland Associates, Inc., an opportunity to review this decision with you, Sincerely /S/ T. J. Hogan /S/ Marie E. Hogan : OME, hor? Associate B roker HOMELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. KH 605 South Third Street a Renton, Washington April 1, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hogan 11222 - 115th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington Re: Appeal of Rezone Denial Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hogan: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of March 25th, has concurred in the Planning Commission decision regerding your request for R-3 zoning and the appeal has been denied. We enclose excerpt from the minutes of said meeting for your further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/ dm Enclosure: (1) ce: E,. Coleman Planning Dep't. DIETRICH SCHMITZ, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD ANTHONY I. EYRING, PRESIDENT JOHN N. RYDER, EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK ESTABLISHED 1889 RENTON BRANCH? 713 THIRD, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BALDWIN 6-3310 March 5, 1968 FRANK A. VERNON ASSISTANT VICE-PRESIDENT AND MANAGER JACK O. WASHBURN ASSISTANT MANAGER Mr. Carl V. Erickson Associate Broker Homeland Associates, Inc. Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Erickson: In reply to your request regarding available financing for the proposed construction of two single family residences, located at 11222 ~ 114th Ave. S.E., Renton, Washington. It was our findings that due to the property being adjacent to and adjoining the North Renton Interchange, with the southerly approximate 1/3 of the property currently zoned for High Density Multiple family use, also with R3 and Business zoning immediately to the East and adjoining the subject property, in our opinion the property is not suitable for construction of single family residences as proposed. We therefore respectfully regret that your request for financing has been denied. Yours very truly, oF Mletrmn F.eA. Vernon Assistant Vice President and Manager FAV/dj S DIRECTORS EDGAR E. CUSHING L MARK FAVRO CASSIUS E. GATES SAV | N G S OLE M. LUND VICTOR E. RABEL €9 CLAUDE W. TEWELL DUANE L. TEWELL LOAN ASSOCIATION DAVID P. THOMPSON 201 WILLIAMS AVE. SO. e RENTON WASHINGTON 98055 BA 6-1800 March 5, 1968 Homeland Associates 605 Third Renton, Washington Attn: Mr. T. J. Hogan Re: South 113 ft of the north 331 feet of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter lying east of Edwin Dahl Road --- less the east 320 feet, Section 8, Township 23, Range 5, Plus that remaining portion of Tax Lot 42 lying north of and abutting the North Renton Interchange as described in Auditors file No. 6104232. Dear Mr. Hogan: Based on a general discussion with our real estate appraiser and with his knowledge of the area, it is concluded under the fair market value concept that the above captioned property would be at its highest and best use multiple residence. Yours very truly, ~ ( % (ye “BD ae x a SAM W. CAYCE Manager SWC :er Honorable Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the Renton City Council We would like to resubmit our petition signed by 56 residents against the rezone application No. R-444-68, Se Lhzas . vU/ We heartily concur with the Planning Commission concefning the new revised comprehensive plan and their action on this application for rezone from G-7200 to R=%. The very reason some of the new residents purchased new homes here was the thought of the natural barrier or buffer zone the north Renton interchange would make from the 'Sunset Strip'. The single family residence zoning is in character with this. The idea of an apartment with the tenants looking down on the nearest neighbors, the overflow parking that even double the code requirement would just start to relieve, the increased traffic on our sub-standard width street and bordering SE ll2%, from this combination entrance and exit, would be only a few of the problems. The neighborhood mothers are worried about the safety hazard posed by an increase in traffic to the children walking up SE 112% to school. We realize the Planning Commission thought of this and more when they denied the same type request for the property immediately across the street, drew up the new revised comprehensive plan, and then denied this last request. We now request you to uphold the Planning Commission in this matter. Kel 7 Lee uf’ / or /. la gpa vets cS EK alte (2, Le IL 246G -119 SE Thersey A. Meche CD Ha |, Mme Cet been! 1126 Ss Rezo WN Es = x gen -Sb& Ste Oo paar ces " a 2 anon e Z Chairman, Plenning City Hall Renton, weshington Corfiission We the undersigned are against the rezoning, of property "SCUTH 1135' OF THE N331' CF THA NE 1/4 OF THE Ne 1/4 OF Sic, 8, TwP 23N, RSE, W.M., LYING ZALT OF -EDWIN DAHL RD. (litth AVE. &.8.), LESS THE E320 AND LESS BATE Ty aoa G-7200 te R-3. The general location 114th Ave. S.E. between leth 4- sdoopead A 2 PO nce LOE Dip ~ Wi Ts ee Ave. N and North Rentcn Interchange. Ley fi 2PS=p7F SS Ce Se ary -t tt Cre SE, flere ri set, ie Gs ; 4 Ge Jl “ Fi. a ¢ we the under. cned 2 "South 11 ' the N Sec. Go; (114th ive from G-7200 to R-3. betveen leth -Ave. N i eee re against the rezo: 2 cf property 351' of the NE 1/4 or the N# 1/4 of 5, W.M., lying east of Edwin Dahl Rd. ess the EB 420 and less State Higns ay," The generél location 114th Ave Eb and North Renton Interchsnge. [LAA / OV. mys DON he NAL AY pe ONS — i“ j F pe Pasty ge sit mel Cia tA. (i @ ¢ > ee fie eter = , - . see y : oy a LL RArtehe f/ Go? af. & #42. e - . / se) 7" — . . as 2 . i Ps: q’, Z _ — G “<a we X ff. 9, CF vk “oy ¥; tiie. ( / COD | a & s&s SL-G ee nate ~ 4 eos ; / vw . e ‘ é f_ Z Lf cm ie 5 an >) a (pis Oo [ibewat — f032 CSI Kite fet : ; ‘J rc 271 ; / ; _. ; - é vad re FE ger? C } fe Pa ae Pa _ _S Vin fs 4B ETERS ot Tae ea EE Ee / “y ere a | a Pia a “allt 7 , y fe i ge” xe om re /, 4 « Pa i pa ; FF 5 ) {- adel tte ra #t ae / F SY 24 Pa | ae, F : ° ‘ OF as ( ra af é ge ¢ A Pa ~ fc 4 rv A : / “ | te ho 5 ge a7 eh oe, Jt { ‘ Cog e eee Tie Fs d <4 x f7 3 a S % ; im Z ‘ iv - =. g : — as <i, ) - - IF \ ‘a a oat Pi . } a Fis fos 76h . Ji <3 . . ty, vie? Ze C ctl a) cee a 5 } SO oe shit ee 2a Soe. & of 7 4 ; ve < f. A 4 TN j7 MG 4 2 4 | ee £2 eee) a TAY: fe ek, ont Cl : Slt t — AA. ex ofl hateraien _ ( = ~ . ae eS We Sa cy 2 2% 4 j él Ye N fi, ah i : ee bane dk . LV bi re iS wow es (Crs LéZ¢ ‘TL. (LLG i “ o SALE / # 7 wef SL ZO’ inst the rezoning, of property of the NX 1/4 ef the Na 1/4 of we the underz.gned ere 2 , WoMs, lylog Eeet ef Edwin Dahl Ra. S ‘i tsouth 1124' of the N C j sec. 6, TWE eon, R SE Fae (ll4th Ave. S.E.),.less the E 320 and less State Highway," from G-7200 to R- - The general location ll4th Ave. S.E. between leth -Ave. and North Rentcn Interchaensze. oo & >. “> NES jaa e, . 2 salad wth AVE SE. PERO” (ia = OG LEGO A | } LC ph. Metez Wort \NS Nhe c ‘Zs LUE Aa C —: Cytt 7 A . 7 | . - “A ai Sf NW O2e- US AME. SE i ‘ {.S / — yg @ “2 a / iN CL nibs f J Heeag eps! CfA SF a ° - A ‘ ape aa. he’ S WD) Nea Sn. Shey — Mele not AY SOA IV mo” te io \ I i Mel, of. Lf & (4 Age SF Meta bal ae OG ; oF GH SL LR Gal. (Hons Uetihy SL Be a Ce oo o “fe ee rele? + “LE < ‘y / BEG 7 fi: i * HIG A th « a a Be. ‘2 Gir thet. Welle, Wo2 ae a JP ® QB x ee Ae, Fonatemies Ob, 4 oS: ee , GY c Kenler buf ss Nanas // od 23 ~ jie - f S. , S - 2 wee 2 Pew Lberbh A. PAxte-€L 6. LLG 2? / - tiaaé . ad &é ttn 0K = r AP SB: co _ 2 Vee DY Steere BoP = eal Y pie nl Le 7 ; Ay 2 ee ; (! a Aongian aed M36 § aa és ” ch ( 2. i ee Oe a eel = . a ween ret F oa i Lee we | ies a, Oph :Stgmennd hath DE ded DD, 5 a fener tpt ef Af pee igpar sett ’ aia / “pe? te ff rye A ) Zt. hale < af ROE az te, fo 3 /1/ 2. bee 5S Lo 7 ds - Orr. 4H] -~ (_- wore AL CAND oe March 25, 1968 The Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Thomas J, Hogan Rezone Appeal, rezone request from G-7200 to R-3; property located on 114th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave. N. and N. Renton Interchange Gentlemen: The application of Thomas J. Hogan was reviewed by the Planning Com- mission at its public hearing meeting of February 28, 1968. The property in question has the following general characteristics: Total Area--32,500 sq. ft. Existing Zoning--G-7200 Existing Use--single family residential Principal Access--114th Ave. S.E. Proposed Use--multi-family residential (app. 35-40 apt. units) Comprehensive Plan--multi-family residential, medium density (Revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family residential) The property under consideration is located adjacent to the freeway on a deadend street. The neighborhood at the present time is single family residential with new homes having recently been constructed in the area. The Planning Commission previously denied a rezone request to R-3 of the property located westerly across the street from the Hogan property. When the rezone request was considered by the Planning Commission, a petition in opposition to the rezone signed by 56 persons living in the general vicinity of the property was submitted. Upon completion of its review, the Planning Commission felt that the area is a good single family residential area and that the develop- ment of said property for apartments would have detrimental effects on the adjacent and surrounding properties. The rezone request was therefore not in the best interests of the community, and the Plan- ning Commission denied said request. The Commission further recom- mended to the City Council that the highest zoning on subject prop- erty be R-1 (single family residential). 4 x Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen: Planning Director sa N A TH O N NO L S A er es s {u e Ve ‘o e a7) BTsyys arsine ag Se ene / / 203, o — ei PLAYGROUND __ (Q B A V O W A ) - } CAR PACIFIC & FOUNDRY oO. 0, 4 -. PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN OF SUBJECT PROPERTY 2/6/68 Taken from 114th Ave. Looking east,- evidencing general condition of property. on 116th Ave. are visible on the skyline. story apts. New three Taken from the North Renton Interchange, looking No. West. Showing sheds ect. which are to be removed fomm the property. _———— ae for RE WS (> ff\Bo “ON ‘S) Le FEB 7 1968 = A) cocnnensanunannseannnn ee Py RS Nag vert March 12, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hogan 11222 - 115th 3.E. Renton, Washington Re: Rehhh-6S Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hogan: The Renton City Council has set March 25, 1968 as the date for the hearing on your appeal of the Planning Commission denial of your resone application. The hearing will be held at 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers... Your presence is requested. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Hee Nelson Clerk HN:eb ec: Mr. Carl V. Erickson Homeland Associates, Inc. 605 South 3rd St. Renton, Washington Planning Department ee A fF | March 6, 1968 , fi Honorable Mayor Custer and Members of the Renton Council Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We wish to appeal the February 28 th. decision of the Renton Planning Commission and their denial of our request for extending the boundry of the present R3 zoning to include the remainder of the property owned by us, and legally des- cribed as follows: So. 113' of the No. 331° of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 lying east of Edwin Dahl Rd - - - less the east 320 ft. Sec. 8, Township 23, Range 5, We felt our request justifiable due to the Projection of the Land Use in the area, as adopted by the City of Renton sometime ago. Trusting you will grant us and our representatives, Mr. Ernie R. Coleman and Mr. Carl V. Erickson, of Homeland Associates, Inc., an opportunity to review this decision with you, Sincerely /S/ T. J. Hogan /S/ Marie E. Hogan CNE chor By a Associate Broker HOMELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. KH 605 South Third Street pr ive Renton, Washington ‘ a, MAYOR C$ j _¢ benniiylitg. Renton Planning Commission Meeting February 28, 1968 Minutes Page 2 street conditions, etc. Stredicke stated further he did not feel the revised plan was any improvement over the original. Sterling stated he agreed with Stredicke and also felt that four units would be the maximum allowable due to the topography problems. Comments from the audience were invited. Mr. John Lissman, 438 - 4th Ave. W., spoke in opposition to the special permit application. He stated the applicant misrepresented to the neighborhood his plans for development of the property in that the applicant showed a picture of a triplex to residents of the neighborhood as his proposed development. Mr. Lissman stated if the neighbors had known the applicant had an apartment in mind, they would have protested the rezone to R-2. As there were no further comments, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Sterling, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION: Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Sterling, that the Planning Commis- sion deny the special permit application of George C. Butko for apartments in R-2. Motion carried. The Chairman advised the applicant of his right to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission in writing to the City Council within ten days. STREDICKE SUGGESTED THAT THE COMMISSION CONSIDER NEXT ITEMS 4 (d) and (e) IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THE LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WERE PRESENT IN CONNECTION WITH THOSE APPLICATIONS. AS THERE WERE NO OBJECTIONS FROM THE COMMISSION, THE CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCED THE COMMISSION WOULD MOVE DOWN THE AGENDA TO "NEW BUSI- NESS" ITEM (d). NEW BUSINESS REZONE APPLICATIONS (ad) HOGAN, THOMAS J., Appl. No. R-444-68, rezone from G-7200 to R-3; property located on 114th Ave. S.E. between 12th Ave. N. and North Renton Interchange The Chairman described the rezone application and read a petition opposing the rezone signed by 56 persons living generally in the vicinity of subject property. The Planning Director pointed out the location of the property on the zoning map. Slides of the property were shown. Teegarden stated he was opposed to this application; that the neighborhood was a good single family residential area and he did not think the Commission should allow apartments to move into this particular area. Stredicke stated the Planning Director had indicated that while the present Comprehensive Plan shows multi-family residential for the APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE IN THE CITY OF RENTON FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl. No. fe - yyy \ Plan. Com. Action Venves 2-29-49 Receipt No. Nak, AY Appeal Filed B-B-bg Filing Date 2- 1- bf City Council Action Hearing Date 2-Ad-b¢ Ordinance No. & Date APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name Thomas J. Hogan Address 605 South Third St., Renton, Washington Telephone No. BA 6-3240 Property petitioned for rezoning is located on 11222 114th Ave S.E.,Renton, Wash. betweenj9+h Ave North andAbutting North Renton Interchange Total square footage in property 39.980 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Tax lot #101, plus that remaining portion oT Lax lot #42 lying North of the North Renton Interchange. Situate in sec. 39 Township 23, Range 5 F, W. M. { i Existing vontng Southerly 1/3 23 Zoning RequestedTHFAh:- PROPERTY. R 3 Northerly 2/3 t=| Gee What are the uses you propose to develop on this property? An apartment house designed for middle income families, Number of permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on property? As_per required by Renton Number required City code. NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying property. Evidence or additional infor- mation you desire to submit to substantiate your request may be attached to this sheet. (See Application Procedure sheet Item No. 2 for specific requirements). Ls In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest?With removal of the existing structures, sheds, wrecked cars & junked taxies, and construction of a new improvement, overlooking the no. Renton Interchange and the Citv-The overall properties valuation & desireability of the area will be enhanced. 2. On what basis is there a real need in this community for more zoning of the type you request? There is a shortage of housing near our core area, where present city utilities, proposed comprehensive planning, and desireability of location is available for an apartment, as planned, can be constructed. 3. What provision will you make to protect adjacent and surrounding properties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? The remaining perimeter would be fenced and the property landscaped with nature shrubs Any changes would be an improvement to the present condition & appearance of the property, Aaac_DeE~ Renton Planning Dept. 1967 South 113' of the N 331' of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Twp 23N, R5E, W.M., lying east of Edwin Dahl Rd. (114th Ave. S.E.), less the E 320' and less State Highway. v4 —~ ~ wre-- ee Y