HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA89-043- Large Format eB PRRRINIER | Meghna See 1 Se | Es a fore BEACH { { KENNYOAL TAA a NG a V V MAT TEWSONRE-. ¥ = HONEST PERFORMANCE | : INC. ] SEER! pac Sa) Ch EGE Cie ER SS THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH 130 FEET OF BLOCK 53, N.H. LATIMER'S SEERA ace eek el oe. eee Oe Mere Nr RES LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF a eg. Se ome ne kare hy oe ee a RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 70, IN KING COUNTY, AS dere eR ca) te cone ee ce OP Liem tc) ewes MEASURED ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK, LYING EASTERLY OF | ean BQ TWO NN Oe dig | FP te I LE ; 91ST PLACE SOUTH; Se ee No ae ee ke ee F TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH HALF OF THAT RORTION OF VACATED hl SOUTH 130TH STREET ADJOINING SAID BLOCK 53 ON THE NORTH, LYING ees VICINITY MAP BETWEEN THE EASTERLY LINE OF 91ST PLACE SOUTH AND THE EAST | LINE SAID BLOCK 53 PRODUCED NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID VACATED STREET LYING WITHIIN PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO 9 5. Neti 102.46) at Ae. ae ZONING: ‘ cecchoialaioliaiiens , amis : # TAX PARCEL NO. ———————————— ae : ZONED: Bt I, Dv USE: PERMITTED IN B1 a) OTHER RETAIL REPAIRK/ RETAIL RACILITY , 2 b) AUTO REPAIR | aide | c) STORAGE INCIDENTAL T2 RETAIL , 7 ae , LOT AREA: 22,848 S.F. 3 | | v LOT COVERAGE: 36%<65% , | Baie {* i BUILDING HT.: LESS 40 FT. @ 10 FT. SETBACK “= cat is SET BACK: FRONT YARD - 10 FT. MIN. | WALL MeustTED “sy . SIDE/REAR - NONE EXCEPT 10 FT. LANDSCAPE ctl alam ura a a lame (rye (4) — 4 ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. Sapeiets: ei ‘ 4 PARKING: REPAIR/SERVICE - 6,227/400 = 15.567 5 | ah | ort 4 OTHER RETAIL- 2,000/500= 4 | qo tH - 9 STORAGE - 2,600/1500=P3 |. 7% (Bexio* : Q 4 4 TOTAL REQUIRED - (20) >} 5 8 F TOTAL PROPOSED - 22 y @ ti cae —— @&" eae cuRe — 8 vy he J (&. w 3 BUILDING INFORMATION: cm Witeel eee —l rn i, - ‘ Q/9 BUILDING CODE: 1985 UBC ' 2 ieees atten £ 3 | 8 ey BUILDING TYPE: WN me STNPE CYR * | | OCCUPANCY: SHOP H4 OCCUP. LOAD 33 oe e | RETAIL B2 OCCUP. LOAD 66 eich 4 ee alee tae tSibihco divide | STORAGE B2 OCCUP.LOAD 6.6 | CLS) _ FLOOR AREA: 1ST FLR. H4 6,227 SF. tat | acme | se | ee | en es ee B2 2,600 SF. Net et "EB fe6.os gia 2ND FLR. B2 2,600S-F. ALLOWABLE AREA: H4 7500 SF. B2 12,000 SF. oe ay ae | sere FIRE STATION: " CITY OF RENTON SA- 043-89 4/28/84 Sa Site pon a Be PLANNIG Division LEY ol CITY OF RENiON , Bix 2 1989 : ECEive ll VAT lek for) SIGH- INDIVID, LEE « ee SLE ) Ne 2D 14Gb. Gil coming ¢ 14 Ob. Al, [2° |2° othe LANNING DIVE 1. si CITY OF RENTON ‘ \ ? } "EXHIBIT NO. <= ITEM NO. 34-073 -57 3S be mene em an Pe at emmmnente = ner ar at ES ti ee y ae +4——_ Secure w/10 ga. galy. wire passed thru ‘Fig. 8° leop of rubber hose_ Tighten wire te allow 1°” play ea. direction. er n fa t t e n Fy a Po r s r i t e i e e s t ’ <—— 2x2x8" Stake (stained dk. brown). 3” Watering Berm/Saucer . “i : o * 3 @ 3 = & = om e om + Mative Soil RES — tHound of Compacted Planting Seil. 2% Rootball DECIDUOUS TREE STAKING et d ‘Secure w/18 ga. galv. wire passed thru “Fig. & loop of rubber hese. is 2x2x8° Stake (stained dk. brwn_) lee of prevailing winds. 3” Watering Berm/Saucer anting Soil : Rootball ; Native Soil 2X Reothall EVERGREEN TREE STAKING é edhe General Notes; eCoordinate work with other trades, including but not limited to grading, drainage, water sources, paving, and painting eContractor to carefully protect “existing tree to remain” from injury te trunk, reots or branches from equipment operations (incld compaction of soll) and storage of materials. *Planting Soil shall be defined as existing soil thoroughly mixed with imported soil additives (GreCo’ or Nutramulch’, or approved) at @3:1 ratio. All trees, shrubs to be pit planted as shown in detail. All groundcover plantings to be pit planted w/a min. of one gt. of Planting Soil per hole. All lawn areas to be planted in prepared Planting Soil tilled into the subgrade to a minimum depth of 8 inches. *Verify installation conditions as satisfactery to recieve work. Do not instal! plants until any - ‘Wisalisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning of work constitutes acceptance of conditions as satisfactory. When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered such as rubble fill, adverse drainage conditions, or obstructions, notify Architect prior to planting @All shrub areas to be covered with a minimum 2° depth of approvd mulch. efiuich to be softwood bark, fine. Finish grade of mulch te be 1” below top of adjacent hard surface eUse a “Transpianter” fertilizer on ail installed trees, shrubs and groundcovers at time of planting. Topdress all beds with @smocote 14-14-14 before applying mulch. *All lawn areas to be graded to drain (at min. 3% slope). Use general purpose lawn fertilizer per manufacturer's recommendations. Any areas to show germination or vigerous root development (in sodding operations) shal! be resodded. When grass reaches 3-1/2" in height, mow lawn to @ 2-1/2" hat. : Beain maintenance immediately after planting Maintain all trees, shrubs, Groundcover, and lawn installed until final acceptance but in no case less than 30 days. Maintain plant material by watering. pruning, cultivating, mowing and weeding as required to maintain healthy arowth. Tighten and repair tree stakes, reset plants to proper grades and upright positions. correct erosion and drainage problems asrequired =~ The Architect retains the right to inspect trees, shrubs and groundcover for compliance with requirements for plant size and quaitity at any time. This includes bul is not limited to size and condition of rootballs, reatsystems, insects, latent injuries and defects. Remove rejected material immediately from project site Warranty: This warranty shalt include replacing and planting same size and species of plant material shown on the drawings that proves to be in the wrong location or is designated to be replaced by the Architect. Except for loss due to excessively severe climatological conditions (substantiated by 10 year recorded weather charts), installed plant materials are required to be guaranteed until the end of one growing cycle against defects and unsatisfactory growth, except for cases of neglect by Owner or abuse/damage by others Remove and replace trees, shrubs, groundcover found to be dead or in unhealthy condition during warranty period. All plants replaced shall be reinitiated under plant quaranty conditions. irrigation: Automatic Irrigation System is to be by a Bidder Design; submit plans for review and approval by Architect before proceeding. Automatic Control valves shall be brass, sprinkler heads set on pop-up bodies, spray away from building. Qty. 1 Plant Name 2 ‘ er r. ‘Scarlet Sentinel’ MAPLE “OOo TH 24 Erica darleyensis Darley Dale HEA as reqd WH Hedera h. Ripple’ . IVY ut wet {72 Hex crenata ‘Convexs’ JAPANESE BOX HOLLY Cr DS tree wns LILY OF THE VALLEY 2 , ; ‘\ DOUGLAS. FIR 8 ag Pyrus c. Capital NA 7 FLOWERING PEAR 5 oO Rhododendron ‘Cilpinense Size min. 2-1/2" cal. 1 gal. can 1. gal. cans min. 15° spr. min. 24° spr. min. 6° bgt. min. 1-3/4" cal. min. 15” spr. min. 1" cal, Remarks single /multi- stemmed O.K. Sod or seeded *Note: Where plant quantity on Plant Schedule and Plan conflict, the quantity shown on the Plan shal! prevail. Glenn Takagi ——Landscape Architect——— 159 North 203rd Seattle. WA 206-542-6100 98133 ee ee e ti Aug 3 1989 “ECE yp D | soicenieapaaamnecamaasia eer OR TT ame SOREN ETS SR SETS Ee EEEEEEEoEEEEEeEeEeEeEeEeeeeee eee ee cama —ms SE yacnr clus BEACH 3 KENNYDAL EG NE : ; me Sales 2 VV a \ VV ~~ FE oO : a apart : SV SOUS YO = He Lt : E Slat , HONEST PERFORMANCE Ci cee % INC. i eee = Bm 140 RAINIER AVE. SO. SUITE C SA- O43 7 89 rita “na cacti NET rama 8\ gees ig MEE ae He eo get} —_—_—_ 27 sae, EE Eee lap at REVISIONS: ta - <a —3/ 7/228/€4 2 ; : i 3 we LEGAL DESCRIPTION Frere fi Lox Cin 8b — | THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH 130 FEET OF BLOCK 53, N.H. LATIMER'S BES crsec, ed et in LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF Se vedo eae EAR AGT! JI- 3 “Py pees RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 70, IN KING COUNTY, AS tae | aS re. MEASURED ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK, LYING EASTERLY OF ‘i ae ty apa ths 91ST PLACE SOUTH; gc B Rip f4 2 sto | NOTES: TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF VACATED Rar | SOUTH 130TH STREET ADJOINING SAID BLOCK 53 ONTHE NORTH, LYING ree A REL Lot a BETWEEN THE EASTERLY LINE OF 91ST PLACE SOUTH AND THE EAST | LINE SAID BLOCK 53 PRODUCED NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, | | OF SAID VACATED STREET LYING WITHIIN PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO 9 5. ag ZONING: | 4 TAX PARCEL NO. ee | ZONED: Bt ee r USE: PERMITTED IN B1 a) OTHER RETAIL avo | REGISTERED | REPAIR/RETAL BKOLITY Hl 2 b) AUTO REPAIR ARCHITECT | 35 rat 3 c) STORAGE INCIDENTAL TO RETAIL ‘. _ LOT AREA: 22,848 S.F. 9 LOT COVERAGE: 36%<65% { BUILDING HT.: LESS 40 FT. @ 10 FT. SETBACK ao SET BACK: FRONT YARD - 10 FT. MIN. Wal MouNTED —— © SIDE/REAR - NONE EXCEPT 10 FT. LANDSCAPE ee ae Ove (A) Q 3 ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. te PARKING: REPAIR/SERVICE - 62277400 = 15.567 DESCRIPTION: | bs . OTHERRETAIL- 2,000/500= 4 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR STORAGE - 2,600/1500 = 1.3 RETAIL STORE FOR ROSS _ TOTAL REQUIRED - 21 ie eaeps AND BRENT TOTAL PROPOSED - 22 u BUILDING INFORMATION: / ) / AY / .) BUILDING CODE: 1985 UBC ge al BUILDING TYPE: TT See OCCUPANCY: SHOP H4 OCCUP. LOAD 33 eS 3 RETAIL B2 OCCUP.LOAD 66 / we STORAGE B2 OCCUP.LOAD 6.6 =, Siew Ge Mee FLOOR AREA: 1ST FLR. H4 6227S. F. Ses ee ie B2 2,600 SF. ; Be Or ae ee 2ND FLR. B2 2,600 SF. / .- vit bs Boss Ae, | | | | ALLOWABLE AREA: H4 7500 SF. L= e714 | | | B2 12,000 SF. ie }— Ve i. FIRE STATION: 11 CITY OF RENTON --- Ms ee EO a ss Se DRAWING INDEX: ii VUNE. 24 At SITE PLAN, LEGAL DESCRIPTION, VICINITY MAP, | “\ BUILDING AND ZONING DATA Lt LANDSCAPE PLAN JOB NO: C1-C3 CIVIL DRAWINGS A2 FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR PLAN, DOOR AND ROOM See (AN ig se 2 => FINISH SCHEDULE : “OMNING Deion SHEE\' NO: aD gael A3 BUILDING ELEVATIONS, DETAILS P RENTON EXHIBIT *19.. eae “Lia 3 A4 BUILDING SECTIONS, SECTIONS, DETAILS ia 3 1989 " AS REFLECTED CEILING PLAN, LIGHTING BUDGET AND ITEM NU. S34 = © 44.3 - 74 baie EIVEp Al $1-S6 STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS / P ss i , sci Ra ELE ee ec ae eer we , ere OS 55 ’ 20 6 0 40 - et ae ee he Sh ee So h oe Sy ar e PS gh @ <2 : SO e e CO O o B e O e : F — - — Ge “$ e Oe a -r | 4 o ; ee ee ee a! Ve e ey eo vi a - q é & te sie nS eC TT I ¥ ys aie es § : ERs, : : " f h $ j ; : : coordinate work with ster res, eclvng ot ie trad, oye, alr sre Paving, and sent cary pate “existing tree to remain” from injury to-trunk, roots or branches. from ‘operations (incld. compaction of soil) and storage of ‘Fatiy Sk ted no Sp ett soil additives (GroCo’ or Nutramuleh’, or approved) at @ 3:1 ratio. Altrees, shrubs to be pit planted as shown in detail. All Sexe mney iyenrtinees of one at. of Planting Soil per hole. All awn areas to be planted in prepared Soil tilled into the subgrade to @ minimum depth of 8 inches. : igre et on conditions as satisfactory to recieve work. Do not install plants until any gorse hae att ve Cen tadihrigagters tence conditions ail beds with Osmocote B peti eaesrety SAN lawn areas to be graded to drain (at min. 3% slope). Use general purpose lawn fertilizer manufacturer ne e al 's recommendations. Any areas failing to show germination or vigorous root development (in sodding Operations) shall be resodded. When grass reaches 3-1/2" in height, mow lawn to @ 2-1/2" bgt. Begin maintenance immediately after planting all trees, shrubs, Maintenance: groundcover., erate instalted until final acceptance but inno case less than 30 days. Maintain plant material by Peco 8 Sevatneae pemesercn Serr Sri ange Dag cirtatomeranh : Spee wrenee nee Sete stake Seka: sinh siti tienes before proceeding. nara ae oe, 159 North 20310. Seattic WA. 98133 206-542- esa SA 043- 7 4126108 Cry : amcose OTHARKERIL § +togaus (okend@lee t@,2216F a) SERIE +16 STIS (VohRD Chon _/ Zo = TRRULATION. Boe 2,00 SF remien SIE AKE® + 26,725 SF RE Meo / Sees Bae BuitDNs AGA + |6, 227 SF RS Rereleson Cs Ua CONENE «1 47 A KT eliic «1 44 GALLS / / B,TI9SF. GlOGAGE 1 2orls(4 READ @|/tc00) | 2,e25se KETML T 19 STAUS(hKea0e |, I~ | e T 4 -n i d i i n a i i c i n a a m i i l l 2o 0 & & u 2 S wa e TH E BI G L E Y BU I L D I N G c © ened o & @ oO a = o : mM G a b j. < Oo o a NO DESCRIPTION DATE D AUG 0 1 1989 [PN Architects GALE |" \o' / higed JOB NO: 56 HE SHEET NO OF DATE : /) DRAWN : CHECK :<t Se as | ae 1 A peel OE? a pees aha eS esate Srna Sore Lieke sy ey ts ry t mare - wy SA alan ® ; Ae wee - oe = wa a RE a BGN DESIGN To Be (GIGN- INDI ID, LETTER) : 4x 4°o.H.io ‘A/ViEK ; + LiLo! IN2Q-TEID : ne | 2 ® © | e ‘MATHEWSON AUTOMOTIVE HONEST PERFORMANCE i a Rr Ts (BY ROUTH Ae pie “a a Z Bet ZT a>. 1 To an e an w a r se e —_ Li f tt re | By if = | i eo —— | D | | PT H / ] i S Fe \ ea e 4 Q ry a] B= I-o" [a evel (ty eD (B\ SOUTH ELEVATION = ge ron rg re ese ry aoe ae gana ny CULE ka ay Eee FALE dec EE CYR —_____N@LILATED Gisexe ELEVATION, ea] Yer=i-o" 14 AL.G.|, CO? NE [Yo weveal (rR —— NO INTERIOR. > OR INSULATION 47 irs O24" 0.6, FSINT (CT) COPING DB 24. Gb. .GALY. I SECTION 24 GA.GI, COPING W/ Lol POWN CLES D 24! 0-6. PAINTS 140 RAINER AVE. $0. RENTON, WA 98055 (206) 27741933. 1 ari ii ATHEWSO —— Secure w/10 ga. galy. wire passed thru ‘Fig. 8° leep of rubber hose. Tighten wire to allow 1” play ea. direction. | 2 nae ain? ty ftw 2x 2x8" Stake (stained dk. brvn.) = ie rm t—— 2x2x8° Steke (stained dk. - “Aidt | 10 lee of prevailing winds. Es actu brown). 3 3” Watering Berm/Saucer - eThe Architect retai the right to-inapect treet, shrubs and groundcover (or compliane: "for plant size and quality a ‘any time. This includes is not limited to size and LD Sd n da h el ee oe ee e Cy x x eo a g Po w on . . Nd > & , sa r se r , su e sa r e Me De ey te e , Pe e ee RO P RT , as Bes i+ ay aed La 3 +7 a4, 2 + ec c e s e r e . min. 6° hat. min. 1-3/4" cal. min. 15° spr. compact, min. 1" cal. single/multi- stemmed OK. sod or seeded quantity shown on the Plan shall prevail. F ‘ earn espera 4 5 ae ee ; Ee Dee SS a at&t 3 +a -4 om ay s ae = » Be r e ’ , 3 2 es THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH 130 FEET OF BLOCK 53, N.H. LATIMER'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ee ‘ees - eee faeen a ‘4 Va Qe > te RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 70, IN KING COUNTY, AS “a e St ots ae oS ee oe | | PRA Ee of of ol SRSONN SH oe MEASURED ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK, LYING EASTERLY OF ‘ eS 7 : | ge 1 phe te se st Ns 91ST PLACE SOUTH; ¢ jo Ss 4g t n av ®| a i TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF VACATED q a al BS ae . & SOUTH 130TH STREET ADJOINING SAID BLOCK 53 ON THE NORTH, LYING Z Pe —— a4 a eal ek S VICINITY MAP BETWEEN THE EASTERLY LINE OF 91ST PLACE SOUTH AND THE EAST 7 : | S) Bt ) | ee | ‘ | LINE SAID BLOCK 53 PRODUCED NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID VACATED STREET LYING WITHIIN PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO aa ¥ y SIDE/REAR @ ABUTTING PU REPAIR/SERV! DEee<io* i——_—__-——_@'coNc. clipe CMPD BUILDING INFORMATION: BUILDING CODE: 1985 UBC BUILDING TYPE: WN aoe OCCUPANCY: : SGHOR: | oe HS RETAIL ~—-B2__— OCCUP. LOAD 66 STORAGE _B2_—OCCUP. LOAD 6.6 FLOOR AREA: ISTFLR. = HAG : , 2ND FLR. - ALLOWABLE AREA: ee FIRESTATION: CITY OF RENTON DRAWING INDEX: Al SITE PLAN, LEGAL DESCRIPTION, VI BUILDING AND ZONING DATA — uu LANDSCAPE PLAN A2——_- FIRST AND SECOND FI nk, ths Finish grade of rutch to be 1” below top of adjacent hard surface ire inter a ase, eed rom io Topdress all beds with ews: before a : j 2 i : eMaintenance: Beain maintenance immediately after planting n all trees, shrubs, groundcover, and lawn Dade ih “ask ccopleges dee ox toes Caer tae 30 days. Maintain plant material by watering, pruning, iho err wthtengdoren! mime aoe Tighten and cath ” ” ox tea ec alas Go eith io emia Senin, secehn soe r for compliance with requirements for plant size and quaitity at any time. This includes but is not limited to size and condition of reotballs, roatsystems, insects, latent injuries and defects. Remove rejected material immediately from project site. “Soe be This warranty shail include replacing and planting same size and species of plant material drawings that proves to be in the wrong location or 1s designated to be replaced by the Architect. Except for loss due to excessively severe climatological conditions (substantiated by 10 year recorded cet installed plant materials are required to be guaranteed untit the end of one growing cycle nd unsatisfac fate ng tan rghit kama oh oe ea laced shall be “vcr : AA ee e at , ae ‘ 5e o 0 @ : % ; + @ 2 2 ® o. - ! OO o : tS ee e a it oy > Se e e e o e o e ti . im Be ae s z Fe FG 8a ey min, "cat. single /multi- : Sod or seeded ate: re ayn Pt Sn a oie, the quantity shown on the Plan shall prevail. PLANNING DIVISION Bi gale Landscape Archit ENON: = f E mes 159 North 2041 5 Bats ge133 oo 1D) MAY 2 1989 a: | OF i ee 200-842-6100 ey pth Bf : ; : SA-043-39 te ale'oc. W(i) Laver Sp TYPE! K' Gib eT} © _ Geuesepy oo PTTTTGITTrrrrrrrryy ITTTITT ] = BL a - BE Ese OE eg nm gerne me to a a maa SR AP, Me BEE TEER ET TY SEBS | ig BSE: L —_— S ad 4) 14 GA.@.|. COPING CYR? SGw DESIGN TO Pe ____— |MPeveal (NED ELEMIT ED 7D etka, Ber. (Sion - ORD: LETTER<>) 4° |2°OH0 A/VIEKW LL anes &) SE , , — & Meee an | | } © ® © ie oo ® © 8 @@ eee Se RECs eters aera reer Eee ae bi a re ae ree N MN TREN Coca oD AE era erie BN Bs A 4] ne 3 ce: z S60 2 Pe ask 20S RUE aR bo letra | Ar | Ped be ar NGLILATED Giese Bee | oe zi . San a MATHEWSON AUTOMOTIVE ~ HONEST. PERFORMANCE pam woe NEUES : ae. | pe PAG a TS Raa - Bie a a —— ee ‘ ee * ree — = — === = — jae ee 4 = Pr a dabe | (_ | | | | n | | 140 RANER AVE $0. SUME C Act | meme Gis, ean. i) i es i + ae 7 RENTON, WA. 98053 ae ee e cawa (206) 277.1933 CCE | Se IRS Sai 4 = + i . . | | : Crs ee Tree SAINT Cry? mt fe i fmRy RoW EAST ELEVATION £2 oO =| PVAT ION ate SASS ~. EF] EVASION REVISIONS: \S&/ B=t-o" Beat \A5/ Ve'=\'- or \63/ Vo"=|-ol Ses ne So — OR. I: CAF NG CNP 6) S TE GL. G, G7 NG SU (1) | po Te OL Cre? @~. | ” [A eeveAL (ne) —_, . — ; | pou 8 " . é © ig ® | e Oz @ pp a i | ai i Pes : 4 a = = 4 = i - ae ~ penn Poole _— = a = “+ ys oun Ss 4 ome = = H a2 i aed K CONC. PANELS 4Pe t> pe NOTES: FH | i FAINTED. be 4 | ia a . i fe (E> (E> S Gy eee i. si He "4 | \65/~we \S8/ve aye, \CB/ +ve \S5 A _ | | tHe FANE ST. | | i 6 { k= 4 | | | ie ae ies . ae tH 4 i : 1 we fe ul LU | LI | ue ieee 4'O — CONE, TET. a) ANE. —_—_+ nee ae ins | arr +--+ adie Le", Util (D\ NOSTH ELEvetio NOBTHAESS” ELEVATION V PAIRITEDD PANEL Co) els \'-a" Ye"='-o" a7o0 \ REGISTERED ARCHITEGT ‘s aes S Pe et CAR CTE? re | A) 5a code STATE OF WASHINGTON ne N ~—_—___—_—— Ee GW | eves CyYpO——, | | | A. jee gl - HOLD ph nl CLEA + at COM C. > MW Pex OL" 0.0, FBINT Tr a | Bil fe ‘| Tiet-LiP. | —4 PLY ©. Ree @) | 7) | © «| re %, V4" NOTE? NO INTERIOR. \e IM 4GNS FER. & — are - FINISH COR INSULATION ~ | a | — 2 aes \ 2 @ S in. . Fa Ze Zz VY -{-— et samo : | L a cuaep D PANELS ray A DESCRIPTION: re ; aa Be ALL OPENINGS. —|x__ TRAM W/BUL Nase Vas ) (e) @ aur e mags cis ——— AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ey | : ‘ EGE. / vs). e % ; RETAIL STORE FOR ROSS | : | | @ 4 < 5. CAT 3 oe FURL a | MATHEWSON AND BRENT { | i i aul jon Mt Cary . | Se PANE ot. "COUPLE Glazen / SEE FRAMING FLAN Ser Pane, eh Bas: a gt ) | Nagas 6 cee : a INSULATED (trie> ANCHO BOLT Me ss 06 PAM. Fi KRANZ L | CT me, | | SEA LANE , i os === be th i et =§ e + sil } ='NSULATED oT Sl ree ; | eee amen i -LUP ae ee — ee | | | eo FONE if H ase | 6ASSCY=) 4g aaa { 4 v a — eae | Se al ahi Egg He celortex oe Ke ee geal 4 Bain Nel. oto F +———|2"« |4° 0.4D, W/VIEKW re Ve". PANES 1. (E\ COLTHAEST ELEVATION (2\ SECTION PE COP SG DEAL. (TAN Ger Naa Ga) Brot Syne" Qs) Sartor Tao , 1} INSULATED GLAZING [24 GA: GI, COP ince W/ ape é Tre> a ) heed SEL Clee Fs @ ——AL_ HAP oWARE * 2 GA. a! 1 OD 1 0-6, PAST VES HERScEAL DY iad they ee = VERON | : Q | | ?3 < . ite, TL = Li =; ae 2" w c™ ; FANE. | i Can # hs Oss ee in | os Wp Pras | 14. Gb. .GALY. ~ 40 Be DETERMINED ©, Spe. Orr ee Se DY MEH. >. ae 4" PVE > \ POWNSROUT AL (2) SECTION Sc IPPER f OVERELOW DETAIL \A3/ NO SCALE Ba" ={'-o! "