HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA89-054- Large Format Sys Pisevscukeepabens spacer aggre <Kdiadeicre es en. (Ben danesad yas coved ge [YNN WILLIAM HORN CERTIFICATE NO. 419 | } | | | es, ee ee et SR eee A ee ee ee ee a ee es Ct. ag ae ee DR SR aes DS Os So Oe Re Oe Oh oD SS ee) 7 GS Ms eth ee Baral os eaieatl natty altho ete ie 8 SI aS wean i : | : fie > ‘ | Wu ” < ; oO | ed | | am ES a | =| => | |< | Es | chic | | — ° MN ' : ca] ; saul . , eh eh ~ ee ee 5 4 ) A f P ww Vein *iennnnnnanes ee AC C O R D , IN C . . . 19 1 1 MA P L E VA L L E Y HW Y . RE N T O N , WA 98 0 5 5 PANTING 3208 WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONG, PLANT Ley # DETAILS. HALE TRRIGAT ION PLAN. | : F O R 10 1 1 6 36 T H AV E N U E S. W . SU I T E #2 0 3 eae | Ri 64 sie | a : sia bed Go <| ; | 2) ee . | i eal: He | <. Ty Te. 2 | page cd, ls a 23 o % | Cree Saha oR | i ty Oe 10828 Grady { cke Dr. S.W., Suite 103 as | P.O. Box 98967 ¢ Tacoma, Washington 98498-0967 ¢ (206)582-6984 _ . 3 es ~ PLANNING DhAsiGN | | —CITYOF RENTON ie § MAY 1 7 1989 — OM P L ET E TH E CO M P L E T E LI N E / 12 2 2 1 3 rn nn a. Ee A SA sn het eS i. NoTés: | Contractor shall obtain all rmits and as required for any work apienlaven cee sie Bring all adverse conditions, as soon aS possible, ~ to LA, architects and/or owner’s attention, prior to conform and comply with all Contractors shall regulations as required by the governmentsl agenci , this project occurs within. Pete ee Scope of work shall include all materials, labor, b 3 and related items necessary to accomplish the dkecane uaek soil preparation, placement and grading of to ma, removal of 6" deep of the existing soils in beder exiting, of no planks meme protection of existing plants; removal of existing plants which are labeled to be removed, irrigation work, placement of specified plant materials, fertilizer, Vitamin B-1, staking and mulching, appropriate protection, maintenance, guarantee and replacement of plant materiai, clean-up, debris removal, and any items necessary or incidental to complete the work shown and specified. Land. ‘Contractor shall call Underground Utilities Locator Service prior to any work. Should any errors or conflicts be present between the drawings or specifications and on site conditions, the land. cont. shall immediately notify the LA, architect and/or owner, prior to proceeding with work. Abbreviations for in tion of landscape plans: o.c.=on center, B&B=balled & burlapped, cont.=container, ht.=heigth, sprd.=spread, cal.=caliper, N.T.S.=not to scale is SHRUBS SHALL eee 2 we RELATION To FINISHED 427+-re PS \T BORE TO PREMO UN EXieTIne GRAPE. @GRoUNDCoveER PLANT @ BE PLANTED 41M LAR bs Shoe. cael | fammeee Lope} ToPsoiL PACKFILL iff scare : E O' MIN. .y : PeMiove Bur NR OM Tor ¥z OF & Sin ny SS COHE OF HAND ARMED Ae El f “1 Torecil PACKFILL TOPSOIL FoR ErtRuRe. Gis : | J | . 7 4cApi¢ APY os AL : conieor HAZ here> tC TOR Mr ht 3 _— . eee spre P= é a a e Stteue® PLANTING DETAIL wo pecmete TREE PLANTING and STAKING DETAIL ) |B" Baow! ie & Ne 42AL6 - ii or wihasee ‘eed Keak 7ecIUArS ALO BlepoReed Thees & 5S. 6. FLANT LI@T: ae QUANTI TY FPPTANICAL NAME ComMoeN NAME ZIBE, SPACING EKEMARKS Au A= RER'I2 ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA- URG| KINA KINNICAK L GALLON CANS, 4'0.C., HC lt St wath HY PERICOM CALYCINUMY | 7 JerHtn/SWoRT u ‘: ig Bo. 2. an beatae APELIA GRANIDIFLOR Glossy ABRELIA [@""20 HT, CONT LA G2 BUINY MUS ALATA WINGED ELON Mus 2420" HT, CONT: eC: 20. FHETINIA FRASER] SAME SRE i CT @ wv RVERCUS ROBUR FAST IGIATAx' UPRIGHT ENGLISH OAK Z CHL, 242 MATCHED Poi @ gS FAINUS NIGRA AVETRIAN BLK. FINE 0-7 HT, FB maTCHeD CIP og ACER RUBRUM ‘SCARLET SENTINEL’ RED MAfLE Z" CAL, P#B maT eHEeD, # CONTRACTOR @HALL VERIFY ALL PUANTITIES PRIOR TO BIDDING, 10. a * min.~minimum, LA=Landscape Architect, max.=maximunm. All groundcover shall be planted using triangle spacing as shown below: : Oo) : N.T.8. Shee vl Equal spacing Plant as per details provided, adjustments will be by the LA only. Bring any proposed changes to LA’s attention prior to changes. Areas of standing water shall be brought to the LA’s attention. Rototill the existing soil to a depth of 6" prior to any topsoil placement,in all groundcover planting beds, after the complete removal of the 6" deep of the existing soils. Rake off all rocks 2" diameter and larger. Place 3" depth of | 3-way mix topsoil or approved equal in these new groundcover bed. Rototill into the subgrade soils this 3" layer of topsoil. Then place another 2" layer of topsoil, thus adding a total of 5" of topsoil. Some beds may require more than the minimum $6" depth of topsoil, adjust as required, to be flush with the tops of curbs, paving, sidewalks, etc.., ) ' Three way mix soil is approximately 70% sandy loam soil, 20% peat moss, and 10% Composted manure, with a 14-14-14 fertilizer mixed in at the rate of 2 lbs. per 10 cubic yards. In the planting of the trees, shrubs and 1 gallon can groundcovers the following topsoil mixture shall be used. This topsoil mixture shail he a total of 75% of the above specified topsoii with the balance being 25% of the onsite screened soils, with all rocks 2" and larger removed. Mix these soils together. Dispose of all remaining unused existing soils, on site if possible. Verify with general contractor if unused soils need to be exported from site. Determine this prior to bidding. Source of the topsoil shall be approved by the LA prior to delivery. 8 Strip all existing weeds/grasses prior to any topsoil placement or rototilling. Remove all debris from site. Plant beds shall be to the satisfaction of the LA prior to planting, -and shall only occur after approval of such. Plant pits shall be twice the size of the rootballs,ht. and width. Plant as shown in details. Scarify 6" of soil under the plant pits. Contractor shall test the pits for drainage problems, if any problems encountered they shall be brought to thé LA’s attention for correction, prior to the contractor taking any actions. Proposed drainage solutions shall be approved by the LA, | upon notification by the landscape contractor that there is a problem. | No plants will be allowed to be planted during times of prolonged freezing, and during times which the topsoil is in a wet or muddy condition. Plant only during times of locally accepted practice. Stake trees as shown in the details. 13. Any substitutions, deleations, etc... 12. The correction of all draina 1 ie part 6? this codtract. —— problems in all plant beds Landscape contractor shall be responsible for establishing « iate grades to assure that all water shall not collect in any plant pits or plant beds or against buildings and walks. fy’ ae: shall 'be approved only 14. Contractor shall provide the owner with a one year on all plant materials and workmanship. at ou Guarantee shall begin upon final acceptance by LA. Maintain all plantings until final acceptance by the LA. It is the landscape contractors responsibility to arrange a site meeting, at the conclusion of the one year guarantee period, with the owner and the landscape architect, onsite. 15. Vandalism corrections are not the responsiblity of the contractor, however land. cont. shall take every precaution to protect all work during construction. Provide fencing/roping as required. ~ 16. Contractor shall provide the LA with 72 hour notice on the following inspections: © ? 1. Preconstruction gg after contract signed. 2. Ins of fine finished grades, prior planting. 3. Plant materials inspection. 4. Final inspection. — | ‘eo 2, Tse inspections can occur area by area, as required. These ins ions are required. It is the contractors _. responsibility to call the LA and schedule a time. The ' gost of these inspections will be the responsibility of the owner. : 17. Do not prune any existing vegetation or new landscape materials without the direction of the LA and/or owner. 18. See all grading, engineering, Arch. site, and utility plans. 19. All finished grades shall be as per the UBC Code, and locally accepted codes for the distance below building siding 20. All plantings shall be irrigated by an - irrigation system. 5é2 GEN an. - 21. Provide an acurate “As-Built” drawing of the final landscape ' and irrigation work to the LA, upon final approval of the work. Sy Pay, 22. Obtain all bonds as required by the state and local codes, oS iil lee | 23. Any” slopes 2:1 (Horiz.:vert) and steeper which shall be planted with trees, shrubs or groundcovers shall be covered . Install "Deep Root" |root geaeth barrier ma al as per the Ze manufacturers recommendations, at the pase of all trees within 5’ of any paving. Call K-C sales, Kirkland, WA. 483-8317 for information. 25. Landscape Contractor shall provide the client with any and all appropriate "As-Built" or “Revised Plan” information/drawings that may be required; at the comptetion “cf the project, for all landscape and irrigation work. 26. All permits and bonds, as mey be required by the City or County, in which this proie t occurs, shall be paid for and available at the times required by the governing body, and provided for by the landscape contractor. 27. Verify with the landscape architect, the retention of all existing plants, on site, prior to removal of any. Protect roots zones from any unnecessary compaction. All existing plants, to remain and protect, are labeled as Existing, tupical. Fertilize all trees and shrubs and 1 gallon groundcovers with slow release formula fertilizer tablets, 20-10-5, as per manufacturers recommendations. Agriform brand tablets or approved equal. All mulch in plant beds shall be approximately 1/2" below all adjoining hard surfaces, roads edges, top of curbs, etc... Mulch shall occur only in all plant beds in which . trees, shrubs and groundcover plants only occur. Mulch shall be 2" depth of Nutramulch as manufactured by Northwest Cascade, Puyallup, WA. or approved equal. Apply Vitamin B-1 root stimulator to plants prior to planting of any plants. Apply antidesicant, to plants at the nursery, prior to delivery to site. : Spacings of all plants shall be as per the plan and will be field adjusted by the landscape contragtor, with approv- al of the LA onsite. | Lynn William Horn & Associates 10828 Gravelly Lake Dr. S.W., Suite 103 P.O. Box 98967 The Casey Group Arclhitects ¢ Tacoma, Washington 98498-0967 © (206) 582-6984 PA U L J. CA S E Y AI A | / ed | < Rav | siz als Hagdl ~ | a a i 2] : hg II 3 - lmao eel 2 eo 2 : |payess| = Sexo | u | aWeot > See a WSez2] <=. SI) <32 | aigeg| & | uo | x v EHH + eee ES ae ~ whe 2 Re Eo ® OO. Shea se Ge a es og PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON © SA-054-8} [Veoh Architecture and Planning 2 / —_ = o, | ia EXi<! iN _ BuUlLpING : — NEW WALL HIE D2VeE -THRU KELOCATED ly y | \ EXISTING (Te BE CEMoVED WHEL ; DENE-HZU ZELOCAED ) y | . ay PROIVOED ADDITION : — “— NEW SEATING NEW KITCHEN ADO IT | On POE? gay ER uy 5 gs Pee ; LL Be FLOOR PLAN MELA! el GN AGE (yo Fistor ExXion itd oz KOOF { on — FO MATCH EXIST. 1 | SOUTH ELEVATION Wal = oll @TuCKO To _ MATCH Exict- ay, EXIST, ¥ b f | BLUE MTL. OF — | TO MATCH EXi<T, : ; e a id ; 4 STUCO TO MATCH St ; . A i EXISTING (TY) —Y | ~ ? . EAST ELEVATION la! =|'-0! | EXISTING BLOG RU, (1 BE REMOVED wHe ‘ PRENE “THRU 1 aLP et EAD ) WEST ELEVATION | ie! = jal p_ Exist, | NEW «4 B if @ APPROX: SIZE ¢ Sea Sd LOCATION OF 7 ‘ kQoF LINE EXISTING WINPBOWG \ ae 1. —-- - oss a liteatitandedtipafetnaan ong" naman «serie an = — aR tt A —sy =e ba, rene Sem nm ——S——]} a] raz anaes i “}I if | if i Hoo i} | i | | a im 1 t} ‘ni i} if HY i i } H oi i} i} | | i ] ni i HW || } 1} i } || \ HoH } ie he ee He a ——} u The Casey Group Architects 10116 36th Ave. Ct. SW, Suite 203, Tacoma, WA 98499 + (206) 584-5207 RENTON, WA. TACO TIME OO NCTE I FOR: ACCORD, INC. 1911 MA PLE VALLEY HIGHWAY RENTON, WA. 98055 PHONE: (206) 226-6656 SA-054-89 STREET LIGHT (TYPICAL) OAK TREE (TYPICAL) fa = ON Zo) 133 ar Sy : <p Ts 3 miraA “ (2 vs iy x wD I?) See, \ DRIVEWAY Jt c2/ 5S Coe \ »> ce ’)) Ore SS SS SS SS oat aes! ee dime a gM RTs coma aoe | Oceans ee ee ee ee ee Vo. KK LT KTR ICAI IO IO OOOH —t in , ELEC. BOX JIT ) | 66" WATER _ LINE O tp | / DESCRIPTION THE NORTH 129.40FEET OF THAT PORTION OF GOVT. LOTS 48/0, /N SECTION 18, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E.,WM., KING COUNTY, WASH/NGTON, LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTH MARGIN OF THE SEATTLE CEDAR PIPELINE RIGHT OF WAY, WEST OF THE WEST MARGIN OF LAKE AVE. S. AND EAST OF THE MARGIN OF RAINIER AVE. S. - L lao D om = _ E N 88°22 20"W tT 7 1 ie aor fA FEGHA oF » a x 51 "_WATER_ LINE 6 | wy O — 1 ELEC. BOX m = g) Ss r) ) . a " F . | bye EX. AR. SPIKE 553) oa EX. R.R. SPIKE | ° , \ Y) | | | FIRE HYD. eq %--» aad | ! | SIGN vo To Ly | | | EN EX. EXTR. CONC. CURB / 6 CONC. SIDE SEWER L f — VITT IIIS TTT IT TTT f | | aN | | < y FIN.FLR. %, | fe | | So J ENTRY 7 © NI | a . a =e sf f 32.48 . ax a 40.00'— ty ¢ / S L « O° “1 oe = Y 4 e © : || igife Gee | - 200 , us aa: . is} | © YS g A | _. TOP_OF -GANS= == | § | ie ares | f re a Q 6 Suiuif , g STUCCO BLDG. ALLIS LAL LS, Pee oe ee — =0£ OF BAN 2 i de aera, || Be s | v S —+ WY | | oly : ote ceeitilalelilallilbdddse 108.38 ie | | . er S N 88°22'20"W 1 323.47’ — > | ic EX. 3/4 PIPE ,y: t : sear 2" REBAR | = a [Sw meTer / 0 oat EX. 1/2" REBAR ti mre ee = re, 9 . =| ‘| 1S ? S| > ¥ S 3 LATA L CLE Ee 3) & OrS 4 i 3 © | 8 pays aS a 4 NC PSOE SEWER Aes 2 ee gee Oe ae JF HS pe ie ae / / = | Q) > /) | SN VP LLL CPP he 4) | sf \ q vA / | | i 3° V y 4 Yo / b | } a a aaa — Pea as 7 at : 7 | | . (a N 88°22'20"W 30 ) a er , 3/3.76 4) | 2" cour | . y) 6 | ul My, po ial | q v \ APRIL 19881O-//2 REBAR OR AS SHOWN|JOB Wo. RENTON SHORELANDOS MER/D/IAN a 2553-5050 KENNETH J. OYLER, C.E. GL.S. 98056 P.O. BOX 2258 RENTON, WASH. TACO TIME SITE SURVEY | Cn.O54-8F CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED JuL 7 1989 BUILDING DIVISION S. 2GNOQ ST. OAK TREE (TYPICAL) STREET LIGHT (TYPICAL) ey a a et ek AoE /— 40 YP = ay) (se) DRIVEWAY Jk 2) oa Oy {@3 O@) ae J — or a a a ee ee = oe ll ODE ee ss a ee eee ee ee ee [RIT ISA IES er KEKE. in , ELEC. BOX LY 766" WATER _ L/NE— OO | O = L AW eT BE La : ep - ~ Man = 7 o Eg N 88°22'20 W hee RM OF i LL O | N 51" WATER LINE = | v O | ELEC. BOR | i Q ap) i a I | | OF | | ia EX. R.R. SPIKE Perit aa "I R. SPIKE | 1o] FIRE wD. } a _*., | SIGN [4+ —-— [___.@ i | | EN EX. EXTR. CONC. CURB. - 6° CONC. Si \ | | VAG LL 6 ia, | V FINFLR. % I een eeQ | ENTRY : —40.00' | |.]9 a y aT” y » 9) Rwerw y y, , | oigidw Ser 6 p00 / ‘ | Ryo §8s : ; ~ ~ LY _ =~ ae i ———— & Qu ny LY / y —ee eS Qe | Si] 6 Swufy] p S7¥CCO BLDG Sai J USE DB, - | | <) al ~ 4 > : A Se a My | | oe Ba a TTI oo } 108.38 > | | ho lo N 88°22'20"W | 323.47" > | & EX. 3/4" PI E A? ; > Ss} gy ERR! waren] g cena NSS) e x oO ‘3 ~ N NX . w w ay ee 7777777 © ~ e 7 Oe | ~ a ~ Wz =; & LOS ; z © al SE py ls a een Sink abe Sewer J oS Ee sped Q| - 4 © é zi / / v4 ~~ . x + eee A wet J) | U Q / / | Fl} Ja® / A | ae ee ee Za a [ + " 2" REBAR - N 88°22'20"W 39 ; = 56 a , FA v 313.76 iia : RENTON SHORELANDS MER/DIAN _— DESCRIPTION l. : y THE NORTH /29.40FEET OF THAT PORTION OF GOVT. LOTS 48/0, /N rs SECTION 18, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E.,WM, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, / de 4 LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTH MARGIN OF THE SEATTLE CEDAR bk \v PIPELINE RIGHT OF WAY, WEST OF THE WEST MARGIN OF LAKE AVE. S. ( | AND EAST OF THE MARGIN OF RAINIER AVE. S. | ato } — at 255 -~5050 _. [KENNETH J. OYLER, C.E.4L.S. PO. BOX 2258 RENTON, WASH. 98056 TACO TIME SITE SURVEY . APRIL 1988 O=/72”" REBAR OR AS SHOWN|JOB Wo. SCALE: |"= 20 88-87 0A! SA-054-89 CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED — JUL 71989 BUILDING DIVISION _ EXisTin SG Bui LING NEW EXIST. NEW ~~ ALL WHEN : — Dave -THEU HeLocs BLUE MTL. KOOF TO MATCH EXicT, 1 { ae i 3 ; . = | ‘ : =] A i = KiISSTIN Ca (Te ee STi Cie 2. se MATCH pe Sy . Fl ZEMoVED niteu EXISTING (TYP) os < ' DENE—HeU FELOCATED }, 7 iy i . . ~ . . é ~- eel . _ —— K4 HH) * : ale EAST ELEVATION I _PRORIGED ADDITION PA Tala no! ~— NEW BEATING NEW KITCHEN a po iT ic NY TP omy 8 at ae: MD SHEE wee ee em » a vz | i | All /& Y ei 1 A py EXIST. | NEW q - es fo al B @ oe KOOF eto. oe LQoF LINED ‘é ia er eisN of ee,” SP ON TeH4 FE XI } _ ji KRiS | VAIS — + — ‘ : , , ; a . . oN ‘ a , ~ = ore F | | — = ] aan 1] ; . tT : — re Suemna eued PHU | a : D ° -f x <gee Zw) TO . ° poe uh tt So oLtoca (| j i . . E\ « aes a J ow A * mn 2 x - / Tt . - 4 = os , + . | i | ; ‘ - MATCH Exicwr- NX * RCT} BE REMOVED why 1 it : . : RB : = oe ti | i} ‘ ; . “s i “ , = \ — sy » DRE NE -THRY Loc Tet? ) ae als |'-9 5 wim |he Casey Group 1/9 189 | wi ge Architects 5-10-89 10116 36th Ave. Ct. SW, Suite 203, Tacoma, WA 98499 + (206) 584-5207 TACO TIME “RENTON, WA. RI NE AN RANA SOUTH ELEVATION | WEST ELEVATION | ial tad ES FOR: ACCORD, INC. 1911 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY RENTON, WA. 98055 PHONE: (206) 226-6656 S. ZNO ST. STREET LIGHT (TYPICAL) OAK TREE (TYPICAL) he a We: =) nn LEO a ae 4 a % © 4) a CED) zi “Cle) /." xO CY % Ce LY 4 2) \ ORIVEWAY Jk oe, > 7 4 cy, die 3 ” _ SS a eee eee oe | JIE RIF ISA IIIA SS FRR IOFOTO EE , ELEC. BOX / 2x66 WATER AURIS oe ne eee AND EAST OF THE MARGIN OF RAINIER AVE. S = a | Cay oo me f —— lial Lr 7 , x ve E N 88°22'20"°W ea? ra 1 ame fo —G- | “ | prrere 51" WATER LINE = | | w 1 ELEC. BOR | | | |g 1 i , ir | x L EX. RR. SPIKE | | 7 | 10 | FIRE HYD. 120.51 | | SIGN i | | |. ENT 6 CONC. SIDE SEWER , | VAM MMAR EE i § FFE, ~ | | Z FINFLR. ~ — SLM. | | | S25 fe ENTRY 4% NX | . P SX Wi y JOGO / | w~—40.00'—| 1.19 ye y y é 3: | Biles See | 200 , | ‘ © | N x © SOS L AN OSS NEY TOP. OF GAN. / --- | S| | ss a ye b stucco eLoa ” ee Q- M) | 8 © Sui wif | / SF a ae a A T= — ~ TOE or 8 2 | b ~ / ; = Gy | ><) vas —t - ao ' . eA ; -- 108.38 > ! f RO pra: * 323.47 => | S Ely ex aay, 3 . [| EX. 1/2" REBAR | — ™ S| x “7 METER a GAR. SHED >! ¥ yy PT RGA T IT : \ & an eens ; ; / Ord ‘ y, x | ‘| R NY 9 / 2/6 A 6 VCP SIDE SEWER | a | “I NY i) VY hea HO d - a ee ee ee - ——__¥ | _ r / fo Y J v | g| i y . | ~ w wf / / Z 44 | \ Ll. J / p | | fT} f° / va | 7 ° “él Ag | | | Ve RelAg - ere. «30 08 a 6 94 a ¢ 515.76 ] ] 2" ne | | © | ros ay ny DESCRIPTION , THE NORTH /29.40FEET OF THAT PORTION OF GOVT. LOTS 98/0, /N | [ss SECTION 18, TWP.23N., RGE. 5E.,WM., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, i * ie LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTH MARGIN OF THE SEATTLE CEDAR h \v PIPELINE FIGHT OF WAY, WEST OF THE WEST MARGIN OF LAKE AVES. (t 6? ey, RENTON SHORELANDS MER/D/AN A KENNETH J. OYLER, CE. @L.S 255-5050 P.0. BOX 2258 RENTON, WASH. 98056 TACO T/1ME SITE SURVEY 1988 O=/72” REBAR OR AS SHOWN|JOB No. 88-87 021 APRIL pee /“= 20 CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED JUL 7 1989 BUILDING DIVISION