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LUA-07-046_Report 01
• • '" , 10 ~ '0" U ::; .c..!JO ::r:: III 0_ E~ ;@ U~~ ~ I l' " ,,, " o I • • I , , I ~ i :<-nQU'u,o O;;r''1c;()Ol " (') (.l ..., '" ,-' rl:U I lu --I ,- 1> /' C' ~~'.:'~~iOl~S ,!".-,.,~ .[,,'" , ------- --------" ------ -------- B)' ll,~l~ '" --1-0,-,-_ -,-- -----'- '---, ---- --------------- ------------ .----------------------------------, • , \ , , \ I , • I • • I • • I , · / • , I , • / , • I • , \ , , \ • • \ • ~ :i r , • I , • I , , \ , , I , • I • • I , .. L -----_________ ~~ ~ __ ~~._:L': _ ~. _': .0..;--.---_ LONGACRES PARK DEVELOPMENT U.S, ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS wETLAND LOCATIONS 1 987 WETLANDS STAKEOUT RENTON IoIASIIINGTClN , • I , , I , , ,-/ , '" I , , I-, , L ., , I ,\" ., '. !; , ! ~ ~ , , , , I , , • I , • I • • I • • I , • I , , I , • ~ mPACIFl 3025-112th Avenue N • P.O. Dox C-97304 nellevue, WA 911009-- 1'1-(1.,," "j-'NNIN~ , "N"'~""Hl~G • S"~Y>;l"" • IAHPSIM',: ,""H ~ 0 ~ , I ~ji ~ ~~w ~. '" I " , I \, '-'~ ~, 8 , \. ~ ...... -8 -z -- I " ~~ 8 '" i ~ ~ ~~~ rel '-'1 "''5 'Ii! ~~di; ~:~~i~ ~ -----------" " --------_. ---" " -------------- ~ SURIiE"'rm.8i':~ CHECKED 8.'1': __ _ ORA ItN SY· ~ M'PRO'lf.D 8'1'. __ ~ l AST EDJT: Q1LL2.LQZ PLOT O,.\Jt. I2ZL!2.&Z f\)!:l 0" rr-8'1' REV RE\1S1ON OCD N REN rON I(JNG COO N TY SCALE: ," =-100' ~ " ~ " 0; ;:; ------- LONGACRES PARK. INC. BOEJNG LONGACRES PARK LO T LINE ADJUSTMENT EXTENSION ~ PROJ[CT NO. 035090 WIl SHINGfON ORA WIN G FILE NAME: 035090-$urv-BIO I <: ::E R> <: ,.., ~ !II K1 C) :-t '" !J1 .... ~ '" (,j ~ ::u ~ .j>o. ,"" "" ~ ",,>.,,,.,,,,,,, ""'.....-~# () l- f- l- I- l- I- I- 8 " " x x x x x ~>" ~: I ><'5 \l ",,'I ~, 1 x " x " x x x, .. " " " ~Bi ! , I t i l ~ '< " x" I , i :,.x.; ~. ~ ---, II :1 Ii , @ , , ,\ ~xxx~ X)(XX;:.:o::, • • I , ! 'If! " 1\11 E!~~11 -lj: 1:1 L'C. " • , \ ,I " " 'El! '" ", ' .. , ~ Ii e ~ • am CITY OF ~ RENTO N I ". \ ',1,_ I e.OR snH'lANI!E'AEW I I i \ , " \ r------,- --- '. '. ! , , I· ,_ j I , I , l 8 N U ... 'M ......... ~:;;;;;;;;;.,;g:..;~; I ><>0 ~·;~~~m .:10 AlIJ \ 8 o " ", ! W · ". :.~ )." ~ . ; " , .~ , 2', '--*'1 ~\ -' " <1 , 9 , , i , , -----------_.-_.- ~----------------------------------------------- j' . ',1 I ~ 3 I i i I i I I ~ N C! .... ....I • 1/ ;: GI ! ~I !!i e li' .il Il l) !iI i " iii ! iii I :1, I "'" I 9 .' M "". , , Ln " "" UJ Z I II I I ffi ~t e, II ,ll I 'I~ I ~: i! E9 It ~ ~I J l l ~~ II r 'Oil i in ~~<C i , .... .Ii Ii I, J ~L II ~ <11(1 I ID ! < I I ~,~~!.~ •. J .1/) .. j m 'lr In > ' "'I I I' ... ' I ..... OJ , EB I > !~ c , .... '" ~m , .... m ~ 0 z , ! I ~~. " ~ 11F1:i l j=t,'\~ rl I I , '" :J: m m .... z ~ > i~ !!l ei) :;-t 'm , .... Ii ~ ;; 0 z N , i r lj : I ::I ~ ,::1 II !. II ~ , f • -\0 ,-' I :Jo !i ~ , .;;' r II! H ~ II ' " III H ~l 00 :r I -;1 ~ • > " i ' I, I ~ I I ..... ;;; .... tT , EEl en :I: m ~ z ~ en --~- f~ I ,-il L!PEJ M --~ ; I Ii > > !> !l' ~J,. 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I ! l • ~ ! , i I I I I dl , I f I I EB t: i , I '" ... <I C/) I I EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM January 14, 2010 Carrie Olson, Engineering Specialist -CEO r" ,A ~indy Moya, Records Management Specialist U V ' R~turned Recorded Documents: Bill of Sale -#20090910000481 (Bank of America -LUA-07-046) The attached document has been recorded with King County and is being returned to you. Please forward copies to parties of interest. The original will be retained by the City Clerk's Office. Thank you. Attachment cc: LUA-07-046 h:\cityclerklrecords specialistlcorrespondence & memos -cindylrecorded documents\bill of sale -olson. doc Retllrn Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 II BILL OF SALE I Proj Name:3ANl<:: 01" AO-1E1"_IC"Prop,rty Tux Pureel Number: 068b ,003'20 Proje", File #: U 0,0 D"17 Street Intersection: Address: '2.9B5 NAC.k~>AvS Rercr~nce Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers nrc on pnge~. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): L G,AN":: o-.c A <VI ERI c.~ L City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Gruntor~ ns nnrncd above, for, and in considcrntion of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and delivers to the: GnIntt~. 11S numed llbove, the follO\ving described personal property: WATER SYSTEM: Length Size Tvpe L:;l, :t L.F, of :i:l:N " D, I. Water Main ::lo?'-I L.F, of 10 " L2. , . Water Main ~:i L,F. of '2 " D. I. WalcrMain I each of 8 " GnLe Valves 1 each of 10 ., Gate Valves 3 each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size 1= '::J.6Q L.F.of 6 ,. eve SewerMoin L.F.of r SewerMnID L.F. of , Sewer Muin I each of ':18 " Diumeter Manholes euch of " DiHnleler Manholes each of , Lin SUllions STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Len.th Size TVDe S"~c9 b.P. Bf 8 , CPO? Stonn Main S:.4Q b.1i. Bf 16-" c.~i(i:~ Slonn Main :'1 L.F. of 15 " GPE-I" Slonn MElin each of , Stonn InleVOuUet I each of '19 " +"'P .. =<-Stann Catch Basm -I G eaelt-ef , T',42c£:4-)4""",,1. ",,,,CQ,,, , G .o=F' I I g .. ,; I' I STREET JMPROVMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphult Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk ~ L.F. Asphalt Pavement: gz SYor L. F. of WidU, STREET LIGHTING: # of Poles .i25 By this cl'lnv!'!),unCl!. Grantor will wllrmnl and defcnd the SIDe h.:rchy mOldc unto th..:: Grantee agnirtSI niland every p.::rnon or persQns, wban~~~,cvi!r. lawrully claiming Qr to didm Ule same. l1li;; Ci,lnvevunCt; shull tJind the heirs, -:~ccutors. IldmitLi.~trnton; and assigns forever. O:'Forms\PBPW'J31LLSALE2.DOC\bh Pug~ 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor bas caused this instrument to be executed Ulis"~ay of ~ 2001- &"~.ICI.~ A ~ -~ ~.".A.. @''''. 9:;f; WlI£1-"'>e...i<N" v,"c..c.. r ~'i> &. -..A- lNDlI'TDU,.IL FORM OFA CKNOWLEDGAlF.:NT Notary Senl must be within box STA IE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF K(NG ) I certify Lhnl T know or have ~ati5ractory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislhcr/their free Ulld volunlary lIct for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: REI'RESENT.4 TIVE FORM OF,4CKNOWLf:DGMI,:\T Nolo')' Seal must be within bDx STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 55 COUNTY OF KING ) I cerlily thnt I know or have sutisfnctory evidence thol ,. signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/shellhoy was/were authorized to ext:clllt: the instrument nnd acknowledged it as the nnd or to be the free nnd 'Vululllnry ncl of such party/parties for the uscs nnd purposcs mentioned in Ihe-instrunlent. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (print) My appointment e:\."]Jires: Dated: CORI'O//,ITE FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMf:NT Notary Seul musl be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON) 55 COUNTY 0lL KING ) Onthis 28 -d.yof &rr;\ ... 200'i .. before me personally appeared ~~~Jd :3". &d<." 10 me known to be ~ew·.·.::·OI' V 1~r...Ji!., pr.s: dl ... sl-ortlla corpo1lllion that Notary Public executed the within instrument, nnd acknowledge the mid instrument to be the free Stot. of W.shlllltOD and voluntary Rct and deed of said corporntlon,. for the uses nnd purposes therein YVONNE M THOMAS mentioned. and each on oath slated that he/she WliS aLJthorized La execute said MY COMMISSION EXPIRES i~e~1 :Ihn:lh: soul :~ is Jj:~~e :c:~r said c.rporotion. June 27. 2013 ~f;: Public in and for the State of Washington N ary (Print) 5llle NtJ~ m, 7N~ My appo:tment expires: (;/ K 7jd?-.!J /3 Dated: " J j fI ~cq -. O:\FQ,,",IPBPWIlllLLSALE2.DOCIbh Pugi!2 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM January 14, 2010 Carrie Olson, Engineering Specialist -CED Cindy Moya, Records Management Specialist Returned Recorded Documents: Utilities Easement -#20090910000482 (Bank of America -LUA-07-046) The attached document has been recorded with King County and is being returned to you. Please forward copies to parties of interest. The original will be retained by the City Clerk's Office. Thank you. Attachment cc: Bob MacOnie, PW-Utilities LUA-07-046 h:\cityclerklrecords specialist\correspondence & memos -cindy\recorded documents\easement -olson. doc Reflln! Address. C it, Clerk' s Office (lty of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton. WA 98057 III " " " "'" '" ... _._ . __ 0000482 66.00 Title UTILITIES EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 0 B\561 0 0320 PrOle" File;l l..J 01 0077 Street Intersection or Project Name '-"" ~ 5 NACHGS A\ Reference ~umber(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional n::fcrcnct numbers are on page: _~~ Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I. GA N \<: 0 F AM e:rLl c.A 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation :\;.L'.: iC"": lc",c;i! i~ on p(l~C ___ ._ of dGcurncnt. (AbbJ"eviattf{/ h>J.:a/ dcw"I"iprio!t :tlCS r ~() here.) I '.' ." !', 1 :'-f' 11 1 I)" r'l •• "!>.. ~ I , !. \ I . WATER LINE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION That portion of Lot 32 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LUA 07-06S- LLA, recorded under King County Recording Number 20070911900008 described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 32; Thence S02'06'48"W, along the West line of said Lot 32, a distance of 51.41 feet , to the Point of Beginning; Thence SS7'57'42"E, a distance of 286.58 feet to the East-Northeasterly line of said Lot 32, being a point on a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 55.00 feet, the radial center of which bears NSO'28'09"E; Thence Southeasterly along said East-Northeasterly line and the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 16'40'42", a distance of 16.01 feet; Thence NS7'57'42"W, a distance of 7.76 feet; Thence S02'02'18"W, a distance of 13.70 feet; Thence NS7'57'42"W, a distance of 14.55 feet; ThenceS02'02'lS"W, a distance of 223.15 feet; Thence SS7'57'42"E, a distance of 27.35 feet; Thence S02'02'lS"W, a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence N87'57'42"W, a distance of 27.35 feet; Thence S02'02'lS"W, a distance of 25.1S feet to the South line of said Lot 32; Thence NS7'57'42"W, along said South line, a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence N02'02'lS"E, a distance of 277.03 feet; Thence N87'57'42"W, a distance of 200.87 feet; Thence S02'02'18"W, a distance of 16.55 feet; Thence N87'57'42"W, a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence N02'02'18"E, a distance of 16.55 feet; Thence N87'57'42"W, a distance of 38.85 feet to the West line of said Lot 32; Thence N02'06'48"E, along said West line, a distance of 15.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. 5 . o"l . .' E "p' ,or-ha\o-f-tne..NW 1/;2-<7-( (-'C..,.!l'5J ·Tvvn"I3t-!, r-.::.n"l'le 4 \('1 -\Y\-e.. c..d-L1 0{' f2.eDl-or\ t'll~ C:.o()n-\.~, \f\Iq5rw~-+cn~' P\VlO013.doc EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED King Co. Records BYX~Ii\\ A-\...-,Deputy \ r:ORM U.' 0013:bhiCA2-21-97 That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water, wastewater, and surface water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described property (the right-of-way) in King County, Washington, more particularly described on page 1. t.or iffulllegal is not on page 1--bh,b,1 A.) For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability rherefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shaH, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work aT entry by the Grantee. 2 Grantor shall retail'! the right to use the SUrf8CC of the rasC'men! as lo[.g <:Ie: such use does not interfere with th~ easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however, have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Bla.;;t within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful O'W11ers of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By Ihis conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. .1:.9 antor h caused thiSl{strument to be executed this 15.~ay of flrfP.-I L 20.2.1 \<;<UCS-~'~"'-h'-'=--/ N. I • PWE0013.doc\ Page 2 FORM 03 0013/bhlCA2-21·97 ,",orm R4 000 I '':Ih IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as "Tilten below_ Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box PWE001J.doc\ /\U/11/)1. '1{ FURU OF ACKNOWLEDGJfEIVT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KlhG ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _, ______ .. __ _ -c-c--cc-c--c--cc-~--,--~ __ c--c-__ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentIoned in the mstrument Notary Public in and for the Stat~ ofWashjngton Notary (Pnnt) _________________ _ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: RU>RJ:".~F\ r IffYE FOR/vI OF ACA-iVOWLEDGMENT STATio OF WASHINGTON) SS COLNTY OF KING) _ I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that ".\) .... / .. \ .. G.h! __ -;-__ ---; __ c--,---__ signed this instrument, on oath stated Ihnt he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged It as the and of to be the free and voluntary act ofsLlch parrYiparties for [he uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) __ ---,--_____________ _ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORH or ACKf\'OWLEDGiHE:VT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OfgKING ) On this Z-3.=-day of /Jr'''''\ ,woS , befm·e me personally appeared be ~=~bt :e:.-{~;; ~~:d of the co~~r:t~o~~h:~ to executed the within instrument, and aCknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein ment!Oned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is th corporate seal of said corporatIOn. lary Public in and for the State ofWashit'n otary (Pnnt) Vu 0 JJN--L Ln. ,-~ My appointment expires: ~ JPI ~I ,.;;> 00 9 Dated: Page 3 FORM 03 0013/bhICi\2-21-97 EXHIBIT "A" WATER LINE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION That portion of Lot 32 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LUA 07-068- LLA, recorded under King County Recording Number 20070911900008 described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 32; Thence S02°06'48"W, along the West line of said Lot 32, a distance of 51.41 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence S8r57'42"E, a distance of 286.58 feet to the East-Northeasterly line of said Lot 32, being a point on a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 55.00 feet, the radial center of which bears N80028'09"E; Thence Southeasterly along said East-Northeasterly line and the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 16°40'42", a distance of 16.01 feet; Thence N8r57'42'W, a distance of 7.76 feet; Thence S02°02'18"W, a distance of 13.70 feet; Thence N87°57'42"W, a distance of 14.55 feet; Thence S02°02'18"W, a distance of 223.15 feet; Thence S8r57'42"E, a distance of 27.35 feet; Thence S02°02'18"W, a distance of 15.00 feet; . Thence N8r57'42"W, a distance of 27.35 feet; Thence S02°02'18"W, a distance of 25.18 feet to the South line of said Lot 32; Thence N8r57'42'W, along said South line, a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence N02°02'18"E, a distance of 277.03 feet; Thence N8r57'42"W, adistance of 200.87 feet; Thence S02°02'18"W, a distance of 16.55 feet; Thence N8r57'42'W, a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence N02°02'18"E, a distance of 16.55 feet; Thence N87°57'42"W, a distance of 38.85 feet to the West line of said Lot 32; Thence N02°06'48"E, along said West line, a distance of 15.00 feet to the Point of . Be9inning. t. "6~e. 1(1 -\he.. tJW 7V{'S1?c, 8 0 Twn~3 N,R<:IO()e-ltE:/ W.M. (AL-\o{ ~·tc)l"\ Ii'lr~f.~J 'No/6J . ~=. ~~:::=~ PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 25, T. 23 N., R. 4 E., W.M. POC LOT 30 POB 587'57'4Z"E Z86.58· ------------------------------------- 15.00' L1 lJ:J r I I RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT I I '" ..,. ...; ..,. NO. LUA 07-068-LLA I I I '" w RECORDING NO. 20070911900008 I I. , :1 <D I" CURVE TABLE '" o 2: LINE TABLE LINE BEARING U N8T57'42"W L2 S02'02'18"W LJ N8T57'42"W L4 587'57'42"E L5 SOZ'02'18"W L6 N8T57'42"W L7 50Z'02'18"W L8 N8T57'42"W 19 502'02'18"W UO N8T57'42"W Ul NOZ'OZ'18"E U2 N8T57'42"W WHPacIlic 12100 NE 1951h ST, ste 300 Bothell, WA 98021 425-951-4800 Fax425-951-4808 www.whpacific.rom LENGTH 16.01 ' LENGTH 7.76' 13.70' 14.55' 27.35' 15.00' 27.35' Z5.18' 15,00' 16,55' 15,00' 16,55' 38.85' RENTON/ KING COUNTY SCALEI 1 "=60' PROJECT NO. 036225 SCALE ~ :;'0: 6e ( FEET ) 1 INCH = 60 FT I'" I'": I;::J I'" L'" ICo I~ II" I'" I iii I I I I I I I I I l4 L __ -. I~ r--..J I l6 "-L8 I --' LEGEND POB ...... POINT OF BEGINNING POC ...... POINT OF COMMENCEMENT (R) ....... RADIAL BEARING EXHIBIT "B" WASHINGTON FILE NAME: OJ6225-5urv-EXOI SHEET: 1 OF 1 >- :3 a. Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 Sanitary Sewer Grade Release 54 -07 -(J <le:, Property Tax Parcel Number: 0886700320 Street Intersection: vicinity of 271 • and Oakesdale Project File #-B070295 Grantor(s): Grantee(s): ----------1 I. Bank of America 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation U:<,(.iAL DESCRIVrtON: (PER FIR.ST AMERICA~ TITIJ~ INSlIRANCh COMP.i\1'\"Y CO:\·1\l1T\·1[:I'.'"1 1\0. :'\CS ~9lj9,)6-V·lA I, D:\TED JULY ~, 20(7) (LOT 32 or) LOTS 27-?2 A'iD TRACKS C; AND H or nOEJ'iC; LON(iACRES PROI'UfrL SeCOND A"lENDED 1l1:-l[)[N(; SITE PI A'\, RECORDED MAY ,I, 200" {J,\DER RECORDI~(; '10. 2U()SOS(HOOU61J. l~ VOLUME 220 OF PI .ATS AT PA(jES 22 THROlJ(ill ')8, INCLUSIVE, 1:-.1 KI)'!G COll:-"T'(. WASHlNC;TO:-":. 1. TIle Grantor, as named above, for or and in consideration of the City of Renton Wa:-.tewater Utility granting a pennit to construct a side sewer to connect these premises to the City Sewer main at less than the minimum grade of 2(>/0 according to City of Renton Ordinance #4343 as it amends any previous ordinances, hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the City of Renton, a municipal corporation from all futtlle damages resulting from such connection. 2. This agreement shall be a covenance running with the land over the above described real estate, and shall be binding upon all parties and their heirs and assigns forever. m~rL"FiZ ~~"-'"'~ ~",-' ,,,,",~",",,", Grantor tignatut'e(s) Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 5S COUNTY OF KING) . I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ~ ,\ d= ___ _ ~ signed this instmment and acknowledged it to ~~:r/their free and vOluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instntment. (.J$LU~ Notary Publici!! ancj for t~Statl' pf Washington Notary (Print) De( 1= H\-et I at 6) D My appointn:9nt expifes: f... '" J '-1 L.O C) '-7 Dated: ~J_ ~s.-( 0 '? ( d-nOt-() (01 I Q:\J2.2177.085\DocumentationIJ_Regulatory\07mnO COR comments\SS Grade Release Form.doc Page I 912000 PWA0003/hh , CIT"\, \!l1tJt·-·@Iie .)F RENTON Kathy Keolker, Mayor Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator August 23, 2007 David Ho Gensler 1524 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle, W A 9810 I SUBJECT: DRIVEWAY MODIFICA nON REQUEST FOR BANK OF AMERICA DATA PROCESSING CENTER Dear Mr. Ho. The City of Renton is in receipt of your request of August 16, 2007 for a modification to RMC 4- 4-0801.3.c Driveway Design Standards for the Bank of America Data Processing Center development located at 2985 Naches Avenue SW. The following summarizes your request, project background, analysis. and decision. Summary of Request/Background A modification has been requested in order to exceed the maximum driveway width of 30 feet permitted by RMC 4-4-0801.3.c. The subject site is located within the Commercial Office (CO) zone and would be developed with a one-story office building with surface parking. The proposed site is located at the terminus of a cul-de-sac and would have two driveway entrances off of the cul-de-sac. A driveway width of 38 feet 6 inches has been proposed for the southern driveway, which exceeds the maximum driveway width permitted. The purpose of the proposed modification is to accommodate the turning radius of a tractor-trailer given the approach needed to navigate the cul-de-sac, which results in the need for a wider curb cut to allow trucks and other vehicles to safely enter and exit the project site. Section 4-4-080K2 allows the Development Services Division to !,'rant modifications from the driveway design standards for individual cases provided that the modification meets the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9-25002): a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and b. Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; and c. Confoml to the intent and purpose of the Code; and d. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intendcd; and, e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. -~ ---------------10-S-S-s-o-u-th-G--ru-d-y-VV-a-y---R--en-t-on-,-vv--as-h-in-g-w-n--9-S0-S-7---------------~ 1: l'J 1l <=> l'J' @) ThiS paperco"ta,ns ~o:,:, re::yc:e(1 mater.31 j~; ." 1_".,,-1 cc;r,,;UI'12- \J1E,\[l ()I" TilL CI:R\}- August 23, 2007 Page 2 Analysis 1) Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The applicant has reviewed access to the site utilizing computer software that accurately demonstrates truck-turning radii (sec attachment), and contends that the proposed 38-foot 6-inch wide driveway access is the minimum width that would accommodate the tractor-trailers accessing the site without damaging surrounding landscaping. Staff has reviewed the proposed request. Based on the information submitted, it appears that the requested driveway width of 38 feet 6 inches would provide adequate access for the tractor- trailers visiting the site, while protecting the landscaping that would be installed along the street frontage and within the parking area. Therefore, the proposed modification would meet the objectives and safety, function, appearancc, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the driveway design standards. 2) Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity. The proposed 38-foot 6-inch wide driveway would not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The purpose of the proposed driveway is to provide an adequate approach, while considering the turning radius of the tractor-trailers accessing the site. If the width of the driveway were reduced to 30 feet, the applicant indicates that this would adversely impact truck access to the site, which could adversely affect surrounding properties as the trucks may be forced to back up and jockey for position to access the project site. 3) Conform to the intent and purpose ofthe Code. The intent and purpose of the driveway standards is to provide adequate access to an off street parking area. The proposed 38-foot 6-inch wide driveway would exceed the maximum 30-foot wide driveway width that is required under RMC 4-4-080I.3.c. However, the applicant has shown through the submitted attachment that the proposed driveway would bc the minimum driveway necessary to provide tractor-trailer access to the site while considering the approach needed due to the site's location at the terminus of a cul-de-sac. Therefore, it appears that the proposed driveway width would conform to the intent and purpose of the Code. 4) Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intcnded. The applicant has indicated that the proposed driveway width would allow approaching trucks to access the site in one sweeping tum, which would limit the disruption of traffic, reduce damage to the curb and landscaping and have the least impacts on surrounding properties. Based on the attachment that was submitted with the request, staff concurs that the proposed driveway width is justified and required in this situation as it would result in fewer traffic disruptions to the surrounding properties as well as damage to landscaping and the curb. 5) Will not create adverse impacts to othcr property(ies) in the vicinity. As stated under criteria number 2, the proposed driveway width would not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity of this site. , August 23, 2007 Page 3 Decision According to the driveway standards, the proposed driveway width would exceed the maximum width permitted by g feet 6 inches. However, based on the information provided by the applicant, the proposed width would provide better access for trucks accessing the project site tban the 30- foot maximum width permitted by code. Staff has review the request and has determined that the applicant has demonstrated good cause for the requested modification. Therefore, the requested modification to RMC 4-4-0801.3.e Driveway Design Standards for the Bank of America Data Processing Center, located at 2985 Naches Avenue SW, is approved. This decIsion to approve the proposed revisions as a minor modification is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, September 6, 2007. If you have questions regarding this correspondence, feel free to contact Jill Ding at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, ~f~fu,vUf'iYN~' w,#; Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division i,:C FIle Attachment ,---v--=-= =0= '-V CFi '- o ,--, I I I I L __ -.-J ~ ,._-- II ' II II • II u " " // 1/- ',I / / / ~ / PROPERTY LINE ~ I II II II I ~ . II SHARED CUL-DE-SAC -.............. SEMI-TRUCK EXIT GATE SEMI-TRUCK TURNING PATH \ MIN CLEAR WID TH TO ALLOW SEMI-TRUCK ENTRY /~ ............. ~. 38'6" ~~----- "- ~ "- " \ "- \ " " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "- " "-'- " '. --~~ ~.- ~ ~\-fGr ~ :J ~ -----------I ~-.-:;::::::::- ---::::::---;:;---- -~:::::=======----- ACCESS ROAD TO SW .~ .---- ---. 27TH STR EET II °i ~ \ ~~. 17 j/ ~~----_.-.- =1=1=1= o • ... -. ,~ .-.-'::~' \;. o Gensler 1524 Fi fih A venue Suite 300 Sea ttle, W A 9810 I Telephone 206.654 .2100 Facsimile 206.654.2 121 , v Projt!C1 OC5 Cfipiion Issue/Rev Drawn By \ SEMI-TRUCK ENTR Y BA Y ~ ~'80/ -/-"" /" /" /" 1«, I~ -= ..------SEMI -TRUC K AND PASSENGER ~ CAR ENTRY GATE ~--=Q . -~= BANK OF AM ERICA -WW DPC PASSENGER CAR EXI T GAT E ----' ,--, ALLOWANCE OF DRIVEWA Y REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION ADO.50 -ADD -03 DH e 2007 Gensler ---. .-------;ifF -~---== -==-=== '(/(Fr(---- ,I i v r- I ~ Proje ct No. 32.217 7.085 CITY OF RENTO N Fi le Name RECEIVED Scale l' = 20'-0" SK-001 AUG 17 2007 Date AUGUST 16, 2007 BUILDING DIVISION • CI'IY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: August 3, 2007 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: LUA (file) Number: Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Acceptance Date: Applicant: Owner: Contact: PID Number: ERC Approval Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Mylar Recording Number: Bank of America Data Processing Center LUA-07 -046, SA-A, ECF Jill Ding May 16, 2007 Bank of America Bank of America Jim Thompson, Jones Lang LaSalle 0886700320 July 2, 2007 July 23, 2007 July 11, 2007 July 25, 2007 Date: Date: Project Description: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and. Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with assoicated parking and landscapin9 on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commerical Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road. off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. Location: S of SW 27th Street & West of Oakesdale Avenue SW Comments: CITY )F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator August 3. 2007 Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 100 14th Avenue, Level 4 Seattle, W A 98154 SUBJECT: Bank of America Data Processing Center LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is to inform you that the appeal period ended July 23, 2007 for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non·Significance -Mitigated and July 25, 2007 for the Administrative Site Plan Decision for the above-referenced project. No appeals were tiled on the ERC determination or the Administrative Site Plan Decision, therefore, these decisions are final and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed, The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures outlined in the Report and Decision dated July 2, 2007 and Site Plan Conditions of Approval outlined in the Report and Decision dated July 11,2007, If you have any questions; please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, CPJ 1l.J2v· ,0ill K. Ding ,-Senior Planner , Enclosure l'C: Bank of America / Ow'ner ~------l-O-SS-. S-o-u-th-O-ra-d-y-W-ay---R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-gt-on-9-g0-S-7------~ ® This paper contains 50% recyCled material, 30% post cOnsumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE· Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 1001 4th Avenue, Level 4 Seattle, WA 98154 tel: (206) 358-1037 PARTIES OF RECORD WESTERN WA DATA PROC. CTR LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF Bank of America 1001 4th Avenue, Level 4 Seattle, WA 98154 eml: jim.thompson@am.jll.com ( contact) tel: (206) 358-0815 (owner / applicant) Updated: 08/03/07 (Page 1 of 1) ~ REPORT City of Renton & Oepartment of Planning I Building I Public Works DECISION ADMINISTRA TlVE LAND USE ACTION REPORT DA TE. July 11, 2007 Project Name: Bank of America Data Processing Center Owner/Applicant: Bank of America 1001 41h Avenue Seattle, WA 98154 Contact: Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 1001 41h Avenue, 41h Floor Seattle, WA 98154 File Number: LUA07~046, SA~A & ECF Project Manager: Jill Ding, Senior Planner Project Description: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval for the construction of a one~story 36,000 square foot office building with associated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27'h Street created through the Boeing Longacres binding site plan (Please see additional project description on the next page). Project Location: South of SW 27lh Street and west of Oaksdale Avenue SW (parcel 0886700320) Exist. Bldg. Area SF: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: 36,000 square feet Site Area: 3.0~acres (130,963 Total Building Area SF: 36,000 square feet square feet) Project Location Map site07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adr rative Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 11, 2007 Page 2 of 10 II PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The proposed building would be used as a data processing center for Bank of America. The building would be located on the southwest portion of the project site with surface parking areas located along the north and east sides of the building, and landscaping located around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots. A total of 108 parking spaces are proposed onsite. An 8-foot tall chain link fence with an 18 inch coil barbwire is proposed around the site perimeter with gated access onto the site. An open courtyard surrounded by a concrete wall is proposed on the northwest side of the building. This is also where trucks would enter andlor exit the 5 truck bays proposed on the northeast side of the building. The office and data processing is proposed to be located within the south portion of the proposed building. The proposed building would result in lot coverage of 27 percent. The height of the building is vertically modulated with varying heights. The tallest point of the building would be the mechanical equipment screen, which would have a height of 30 feet. The concrete block wall surrounding the open courtyard would have a height of 24 feet and the office portion of the building would have a height of 20 feet and would be finished with corrugated metal. No windows are proposed on any of the facades. Access to site would be provided via a proposed road off of SW 27'h Street which would border the northeast corner of the project site. The 3.0 acre project site was created as a result of the recording of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan (File number LUA02-022). The site is bounded on the west by Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, on the east by a Native Growth Protection Area (Tract E) and storm drainage tract (Tract H) created as a part of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan, on the south by the Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank and on the north by vacant property. A Development Agreement was recorded over the property (recording number 20030221002405) which rescinded a previous Development Agreement (recording number 20010104000886). The current Development Agreement vests the proposal to the 1998 Development Regulations and the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual stormwater regulations. II PART TWO: ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION -REPORT & DECISION A. Type of Land Use Action XX Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Develo ment Permit Conditional Use Binding Site Plan Special Permit for Grade & Fill Administrative Code Determination B, Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Project (yellow) file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental Exhibit No.2: Exhibit NO.3: Exhibit No.4: Exhibit NO.5: Exhibit NO.6 Exhibit NO.7: Exhibit NO.8: Exhibit No.1 0: review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Site Plan (dated 4/912007) Landscape Plan (Dated 4/24/2007) Floor Plan (Dated 4/912007) Elevations (Dated 4/9/2007) Topography Map (Dated 4/9/2007) Neighborhood Detail Map (Dated 4/9/2007) Zoning Map Sheet H2 East 1/2 (Dated 2/28/2007) Letter from City Extending Wetland Delineation Approval to December 31, 2008 (Dated October 18, 2004) C. Consistency with Site Plan Criteria In reviewing the proposal with respect to the Site Plan Approval Criteria set forth in Section 4-9-200 of the Site Plan Ordinance, the following issues have been identified by City Departmental Reviewers and Divisional Reviewers: 1. Conformance with the comprehensive plan, its elements and policies; The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the project property is Employment Area -Valley (EAV). The purpose of EAV is to provide for a mix of employment-based uses, including commercial, office site07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adm rative Site Plan Approval Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER • LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 11, 2007 Page 3 of 10 and industrial development to support the economic development of the City of Renton, The following Comprehensive Plan policies are applicable to the proposal: Policy LU-444. Develop the Green River Valiey ("The Valiey') and the Black River Veliey (located between Sunset Blvd and SW Grady Way) areas as a place for a range and variety of commercial, office, and industrial uses. The proposal would result in the construction of 36,000 square feet of office. Policy LU-459. New development, or site redevelopment, should conform to development standards that include scale of building, building far;ade treatment to reduce perception of bUlk, relationship between buildings, and landscaping. The proposed building will be reviewed for compliance with the 1998 Development Standards, the site plan review criteria, and the landscape regulations. Policy EN-9. In no case should development activities decrease net acreage of existing wetlands. The existing wetland area as previously delineated in the Sverdrup Wetland Delineation that was approved as a part of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan did not show any wetlands or wetland buffer areas on the project site. Per a letter from the City the Sverdrup Delineation is valid until December 31, 2008 "regardless of whether conditions have changed." Policy T-4. Adequate transportation facilities and services should be In place at the time of occupancy or an adopted strategy must be in place to provide those facilities within six years of the approval of new development. The proposed access road is proposed to be constructed by Boeing in advance of the proposal. As proposed, the site layout and the proposed use generally comply with the policies and the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2, Conformance with existing land use regulations; The subject site is zoned Commercial Office (CO). The CO zone was established to provide for areas appropriate for professional, administrative and business offices andlor related uses. Office uses of various intensities are allowed in these areas to create an Employment Center. In addition, a mix of secondary uses which provide retail and service support to the employees of these areas are allowed subject to special conditions. limited light industrial activities, which can effectively blend in with an office environment, are included as secondary uses. In keeping with adopted land use policies, the zone allows a mix of uses subject to development standards, which are intended to ensure a qualitative working environment. Lot Coverage -The CO zone maximum lot building coverage is 65%. The proposed construction of a 36,000 square foot building on the 130,963 square foot site would result in a building lot coverage of 27 percent. Setbacks -The CO zoning designation would require a minimum front yard setback of 15 feet for buildings less than 25 feet in height. No other side or rear setbacks are required. The proposed building has a maximum height of 24 feet and is therefore required to be setback 15 feet from the front (north) property line. The proposed building would be setback 114 feet from the front property line and the 15-foot front yard setback area is proposed to be landscaped. A 10-foot side yard setback is proposed from the west property line, a 140 side yard setback is proposed from the east property line, and a 27-foot rear yard setback is proposed from the rear property line. As proposed, the project complies with the required CO zoning setbacks prescribed by City code. Landscaping -The CO zone requires a 15-foot wide sight-obscuring landscape strip along the street frontage as the project site is adjacent to other CO zoned parcels. The proposed access road is a private access easement, which will be dedicated to the City at a later date. No street frontage landscaping is required along a private access easement. The submitted landscape plan proposes a minimum of 20 feet of landscaping along the private access easement that would exceed the minimum requirements for landscaping. The project is located in the Green River Valley Planning Area which stipulates that an additional two percent (2 %) of natural landscaping be provided. Based on the 153.8 acre total site area for the Boeing Longacres Binding Site plan, two percent of the site would require 3.1 acres of natural landscaping. The binding site plan reserved 2 tracts which contain wetland areas that are reserved as Native Growth Protection Areas and total 21.84 acres in area and would exceed the minimum requirement for the entire Longacres Binding Site Plan. Therefore, this condition has been met and an additional 2 percent of natural landscaping is not required on the project site. Within the proposed surface parking lot, a minimum of 5 percent of the parking lot area shall be landscaped. The minimum width required for landscaped areas is 5 feet. The proposed surface parking lot totals approximately 38,000 square feet in area and would require 1,900 square feet of landscaping. The submitted site07 -046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adn rative Site Plan Approval Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DATA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECiSiON OF JUL Y 11, 2007 Page 4 of 10 landscape analysis indicates that a total of 7,873 square feet of landscaping would be provided, which exceeds the minimum requirement Underground sprinkler systems shall be required to be installed and maintained for all landscaped areas, The sprinkler system shall provide full water coverage of the planted areas as specified on the plan. A detailed landscape plan and irrigation plan shall be subm itted at the time of building permit review. Height -The CO zone allows a maximum building height of 250 feet. The tallest point of the building would be the mechanical equipment screen, which would have a height of 30 feet. The concrete block wall surrounding the open courtyard would have a height of 24 feet and the office portion of the building would have a height of 20 feet, which is less than the maximum height permitted. Parking/Circulation -The parking regulations require a specific num ber of off-street parking stalls be provided based on the amount of square footage dedicated to certain uses. Office uses require a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 4.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. The proposed facility would include 36,000 square feet of office space which requires a minimum of 108 parking spaces and would be permitted a maximum of 162 parking spaces. The proposed parking area would have a total of 108 parking spaces, which complies with the parking requirements. The parking conforms to the minimum requirements for drive aisle and parking stall dimensions and the provision of ADA accessible parking stalls for surface lots. According to the parking regulations, the maximum number of driveways for office uses is two per 330 feet of street frontage for property under unified ownership. The street frontage is less than 330 feet, therefore the maximum number of driveways permitted on the project site is 2. The proposal would include 2 driveway entrances off of the private access easement. The maximum width permitted for the driveways is 30 feet The driveway proposed on the south side of the proposed cul-de-sac is 54 feet wide, which exceeds the minimum width required. Where practical difficulties exist, the applicant may request a modification from these requirements. The modification request shall be submitted in writing and comply with the criteria outlined in RMC 4-9-2500. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that either the site plan be revised to show a 30- foot wide maximum driveway or the applicant shall submit a written request prior to the issuance of a building permit requesting a modification allowing for a driveway width in excess of 30 feet. Refuse and Recyclable Deposit Areas -The City's refuse and recyclable standards for an office development require a minimum of 2 square feet per every 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area for recyclable deposit areas and a minimum of 4 square feet per every 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area for refuse deposit areas. Based on the proposed gross floor area of 36,000 square feet for the new building a minimum of 72 square feet of recyclable deposit areas would be required and a minimum of 144 square feet of refuse deposit areas would be required. The approximate location of the refuse and recyclable areas were shown on the submitted site plan, and would be located within the open courtyard and screened from view of the surrounding properties. No areas of the refuse and recyclable areas were provided. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a revised site plan be submitted with the building permit application including a minimum of 72 square feet of recyclable deposit areas and 144 square feet of refuse deposit areas on the project site. 3. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; Impacts to surrounding properties are expected to be minimal as they are currently undeveloped. Construction activities would result in short-term noise, dust and traffic impacts on surrounding properties limited to the project's construction. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan with the land use application outlining measures to be employed for minimizing dust, noise and traffic impacts during construction. The Construction Mitigation Plan would also be submitted prior to the issuance of any building or construction permit to verify the truck/haul routes and note any other provisions related to construction activities. The "Valley" Planning area is a mix of commercial, industrial, entertainment, office and other related uses. The parcels adjacent to the project site to the east and south will remain undeveloped due to the presence of wetlands and the proposal for the location of the regional storm water detention pond within Tract H abutting the east property line of the project site. The proposed office use is anticipated to be compatible with future surrounding uses as permitted in the CO zone. site07 -046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adm rative Site Plan Approval Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 11, 2007 Page 5 of 10 4. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; The scale, height and bulk of the proposed building is appropriate for the site, and is anticipated to be architecturally compatible with future development in the project vicinity. The site is 130,963 square feet and would have a building lot coverage of 27 percent of the site. In addition, landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the site to provide a buffer from future development. The scale of the building will be broken up through the use of vertical modulation. The tallest point of the building would be the mechanical equipment screen, which would have a height of 30 feet. The concrete block security wall surrounding the open courtyard would have a height of 24 feet and the office portion of the building would have a height of 20 feet and would be composed of corrugated metal. The building materials proposed include tilt-up concrete panel with integrated color, aluca-bond metal panel system, trespa panels, galvanized aluminum metal corrugated metal panel walls, and colored concrete brick walls. The primary entrance to the building would be located on the south side of the east elevation. Parking is proposed along the north and east Sides of the building within surface parking lots. An open, secured courtyard is proposed where trucks would enter the 5 truck bays proposed. The trucks entering the site would be access via the northern gated driveway and would enter the open courtyard, which contains the truck bays via two overhead roll doors. The refuse area would also be located in the secured courtyard area and would be screened by the concrete wall that surrounds the courtyard. Potential erosion impacts that could occur during project construction would be adequately mitigated by City Code requirements for approval of a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) pursuant to the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of Construction Permits. 5. Conservation of area-wide property values; The proposal is expected to increase property values in the vicinity of the site. The development of the site provides improvements to infrastructure, landscaping and lighting and additional employment opportunities. 6. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; Primary access to the site is proposed via the construction of a new private street off of SW 27 11, Street. The road would be constructed per City of Renton standards and eventually dedicated to the City of Renton. The site development would include 108 parking stalls within surface lot, which complies with the parking requirements for the proposed office use. A pedestrian walkway is proposed internally, along the east fa~ade of the building. A pedestrian connection is required unless the Reviewing Official determined that the requirement would unduly endanger the pedestrian. For security purposes, pedestrian access to the site has been discouraged. Access to the proposed data processing center would be limited due to gates proposed at the driveway entrances. Therefore, due to the gated secure access to the site it would appear that a pedestrian connection from the street to the front door of the building is not desirable and would unduly endanger the pedestrian. It appears that there would be adequate separation between pedestrians and vehicles as well as a distinct traffic route for autos versus trucks thus providing safety and efficiency. Construction truck hauling hours are limited to between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. under the Development Guidelines Ordinance in order to avoid conflicts with peak hour traffic. The Traffic Planning Section will review construction-related impacts prior to issuing final construction permits. 7. Provision of adequate light and air; The applicant indicates that the proposed building would be dark sky compliant, and as it is being designed to achieve LEED Silver Certification, very little glare and no light pollution would extend off-site. Exterior lighting would be controlled by photocell and timeclock and would be activated during the night hours only. The proposed light fixtures would be full-cutoff and will include shields ensure no light extends beyond the property lines. The proposed building has been designed to comply with the City's lighting requirements. 8. Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions; It is anticipated that the most significant nOise, odor and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, traffic controls, etc. site07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adm rative Site Plan Approval Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER • LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 11,2007 Page 6 of 10 Operation of the proposed development is not anticipated to generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions, There would be noise impacts of increased traffic and activity that are normally associated with an office development that has truck traffic' 9, Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; and Fire Department and Police staff have indicated existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal, subject to the applicant's payment of the necessary impact fees, As imposed by the ERC, the applicant will be required to pay the Fire Mitigation fee prior to the issuance of building permits, An Abbreviated Drainage Report, prepared by Coughlin Porter Lundeen, (dated April 9, 2007) was submitted with the project application, The existing surface water runoff sheet flows to the southeast where it eventually discharges into off-site wetland areas, The wetland areas have no outflow of surface water, The storm water runoff generated on the project site will be collected in catch basins and routed to the storm system that will be constructed off-site by Boeing as part of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan where it will discharge into a regional flow control and water quality pond, All stormwater improvements will be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, which has been adopted by the City as code and as specified in the Development Agreement between the City and Boeing (recording number 20030221002405), The project site is located within the City of Renton water service area, There are two existing 12-inch stubs provided at the east property line of the Boeing Longacres site, Available derated fire flow in the area is 2,800 gpm, Pressure available is approximately 65 psi, The proposed project is located in the 1 96 water pressure zone and is outside an Aquifer Protection Zone, Preliminary fire flow required by the fire department is 2,500 gpm, A total of three hydrants would be required for the proposal, One hydrant is required within 150 feet and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of all structures, A 12-inch looped water main is required around the building, The three new hydrants are required to be installed with the 12-inch main, Extension of approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 12-inch water main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project Maximum fire flow will be limited to 2,800 gpm, New hydrants will also be required to be installed within the 12-inch main, Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit Fire sprinkler systems are required, A separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check valve assem bly to the fire sprinkler systems, Landscape irrigation systems will require a separate permit for the irrigation meter and approved backflow device is required to be installed, A plumbing permit will be required, Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0273 x the site's gross square footage of 130,463, Estimated fee based on the site plan is $35,752,90, This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit There is an existing 8-inch sewer stub provided at the east property line of the Boeing Longacres site, Extension of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit Side sewer (s) shall have a minimum of 2% slope, Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0,142 x the site's gross square footage of 130,963, Estimated fee based on the site plan is $18,596,75, This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction perm it 10. Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight The proposal would result in the development with coordinated site improvements including landscaping, parking, signage and lighting, It is anticipated that the facility would contribute to the surrounding properties by developing a vacant site and providing investment in the area, No deterioration or blight is expected to occur as a result of this proposal, xx Co ies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report D, Findings, Conclusions & Decision Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: siteD? -046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adn. (ative Site Plan Approval Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JULY 11,2007 Page 7 of 10 1) Request: The Applicant has requested Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval for the Bank of America Western Washington Data Processing Center Project No. LUA07-046, SA-A & ECF. 2) Environmental Review: A Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated was issued on July 2, 2007 by the Environmental Review Committee. The determination included 3 Mitigation Measures. 3) Site Plan Review: The applicant's site plan application complies with the requirements for information necessary for site plan review. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings are entered as exhibits of this report. 4) Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area -Valley (EA-V), provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 5) Zoning: The Site Plan as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Commercial Office (CO) Zoning designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 6) Existing Land Use: Land uses surrounding the entire site include: North: Vacant, Commercial Office (CO); East: Storm water Detention Tract and Native Growth Protection Area, Commercial Office (CO) South: Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank, Resource Conservation (RC); West: Burlington Northern Railroad, Resource Conservation (RC). E, Conclusions 1) The subject proposal com plies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 2) The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area -Valley (EAV); and the Zoning designation of Commercial Office (CO), provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with, 3) Environmental (SEPA) review was conducted, a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated was issued on July 2, 2007, F, Decision The Site Plan Review for the Bank of America Western Washington Data Processing Center, File No, LUA07- 046, SA-A & ECF, is approved subject to the following conditions: 1, Either the site plan shall be revised to show a 30-foot wide maximum driveway for the driveway proposed on the south side of the cul-de-sac, or the applicant shall submit a written request prior to the issuance of a building permit requesting a modification allowing for a driveway width in excess of 30 feel. The modification request shall address all the criteria outlined in RMC 4-9-2500. 2. A revised site plan shall be submitted with the building permit application including a minimum of 72 square feet of recyclable deposit areas and 144 square feet of refuse deposit areas on the project site, EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURES: ,'\' ,P' ... . ~ . . \ Neil Watts, Development Services Director Date site07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adm ative Site Plan Approval Staff Report • BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JULY 11.2007 TRANSMITTED this 11th day of July. 2007 to the Owner/Applicant: Bank of America 1001 4th Avenue. 4th Floor Seattle. WA 98154 TRANSMITTED this 11th day of July, 2007 to the Contact Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 1001 4th Avenue. 4th Floor Seattle, WA 98154 TRANSMITTED this 11th day of July, 2007 to the following: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Larry Meckling, Building Official Fire Marshal Kayren Kittrick, Public Works Division Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Reporter Page 8 of 10 Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.C075(3), WAC 197-11-680] andlor the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM July 25,2007. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of Novem ber 1 st and March 31 st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 3. Commercial. multi-family, new single-family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 4. All landscaping shall be irrrgated by an approved irrigation system prior to final occupancy permits. Fire Prevention 1. The preliminary fire flow is 2,500 gpm. one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. Separate plans and permit are required for the installation of fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems. 3. Fire Department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum of 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45-foot outside and 25-foot inside. 4. Fire Department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. Building 1. Building, Electrical. Plumbing and Mechanical permits will be required. Plan Review -WATER 1. Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.273 x the site's gross square footage of 130,463. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $35,752.9016. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. site07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adn rative Site Plan Approval Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DATA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA·A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 11, 2007 Page 9 of 10 2. Preliminary fire flow required by the fire department is 2,500 gpm. Three hydrants are required for this project. One hydrant is required within 150 feet and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of all structures. 3. A 12-inch looped water main is required around the building. Three new hydrants are required to be installed with the 12-inch main. 4. Extension of approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 12-inch water main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Maximum fire flow will be limited to 2,800 gpm. New hydrants will also be required to be installed with the 12-inch main. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit. 5. Fire sprinkler systems are required. A separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check valve assembly to the fire sprinkler systems. All devices installed shall be per the latest Department of Health "Approved List" of Backflow Prevention Devices. Civil plans show location of device and should note: "Separate plans and utility permit for DDCVA installation for Fire Sprinkler System will be required". For DDCVA installations inside the building, applicant shall submit a copy of the mechanical plan showing the location and installation of the backflow assembly inside the mechanical room. Installation shall be in accordance with the City of Renton's requirements. DDCVA shall be installed immediately after the pipe has passed through the building floor slab. Installation of devices shall be in the horizontal position only. 6. Landscape irrigation systems will require a separate permit for the irrigation meter and approved backflow device is required to be installed. A plumbing permit will be required. 7. If the building exceeds 30 feet in height, a backflow device will be required to be installed on domestic water meter. Plan Review -SANITARY SEWER 1. Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.142 x the site's gross square footage of 130,963. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $18,596.75. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 2. Extension of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate perm it. 3. If food preparation facilities (restaurants, kitchens, cafes, etc.) are proposed, a grease trap or grease interceptor will be required. A separate plumbing permit will be required. 4. If finished floor elevation is below 25 feet, a "tideflex" or similar backflow device will be required to be installed. 5. Side sewer (s) shall have a minimum of 2% slope. Plan Review -SURFACE WATER 1. Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.265 x the total square feet of the new im pervious surface area. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $29,152.39. Fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 2. A drainage plan and drainage report has been submitted and is currently being reviewed under a separate permit. The report addresses detention and water quality requirements as outlined in the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. 3. Erosion control will need to comply with the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. Plan Review -TRANSPORTATION 1. A 32-foot roadway and an approved fire department cul-de-sac will be required to be constructed as shown on the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan. Minimum pavement width shall be 22 feet with construction of a five- foot walk and a half a foot of curb along one side of the private road. Plans for the private roadway is currently being reviewed under a separate permit. Plan Review -MISCELLANEOUS 1. Construction plan indicating haul route and hours, construction hours and a traffic control plan shall be submitted for approval prior to any permit being issued. 2. Haul hours shall be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 3. Rockeries or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit and the following note shall be added to the civil plans:" Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. A licensed engineer with geo-technical expertise must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with ARC standards and with his/her supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit or plat approval for the project." 4. Haul hours shall be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the Development site07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -Adn rative Site Plan Approval Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER • LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 11, 2007 Page 10 of 10 Services Division. 3. Rockeries or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit and the following note shall be added to the civil plans: "Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. A licensed engineer with geotechnical expertise must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with ARC standards and with his/her supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit or plat approval for the project." Plan Review -GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 3. Separate permits and fees for side sewers, water meters, landscape irrigation meters, and any backflow devices will be required. 4. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate and application fee shall be submitted at the sixth floor counter. A fee worksheet is attached for your use, but prior to preparing a check, it is recommended to call 425-430-7266 for a fee estimate as generated by the permit system. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for securing easements for public utilities on the project site. site07-046.doc , L w:1 I -! » , !i I ... ' I !:!! !::l • EB , .. --~--.ilii~ ~!~ -" . fll , , , " , l, I . I .,.w •• II I, C> -I r :::I I. • .. iII" ,~i I"~ > ~, i tdi ,-------, / fif Ib Ir: Ii ~! ~ , , I ! 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F . 801 r-()2. 03 \D403' [)&J-07 i1lY23N ~4E ,', S T23N R5E ~~~3N'R5E 4 T23N A5E 3 T23N R5E r 2 T23N R5E 1 T 3NA4E \ _3_tt '3".1. -3-. j 319 369 805 .~. 8~ E2): E4 .. ·j E5 'IE~lrr-~7:-: 12 T23N A'4J: 0 rv, T231\1 R5E 8 T23N R5E' ' 9 T23N A5E 10 T23N R5E -,,-·H, T.~ N R5E .~ 1 325",. 326 ~_27 328 370 810··~,+.l·. 'F.1\\ ~~rrC~ i!3 F4 F 5 ~rro-L-n' 4T23NR4i;· '-\ lS.T23NR4E 1BT23NR5E 17 T23NR5E '16T23N.R5E "15T23NR5E -14T23NR5E 334 ". \335 336 337 .... 371 • 815 ~ 816 G1 .§.? . "Q.? "@.~ ~~&-:g.~ JJl 3 T23N R4E 344 34,d 600 601.-' ''1 ~J 602 820 . 821 E .P~2 H3 Y4., 25 T2311J R4E 30 T23N RSE 29 23N ASE 28 T23N RSE H5 H6 H7i· i T22N R4E 6 T22N R5E ~ Resource Conservation ~ ReBidentia.i 1 dulac ~ Residential 4 dulac ~ Residential 8 dulac ~ Residential M.anufaotured Homes ~ Rellidentid 10 dU!8C ~ Residential 14 du/8" I RM-rl Rellidential Multi-Family IRM-T I Residential Multi-Family Traditional IRM-ul Residential Multi-FlI.llIily Urban Center- 27 T23N R5E 26 T23N A5~ 25 605 825 826 ..•... 8 ~ 15 16 17 33 T23N R:E 34 T23N R5E 35 T23N R5E 36 j 632 833 8 J6 J7 L YOU 5 T22N R5E 4 T22N R5E 3 T22N RSE 2 T22N R5E MIXED USE CENTER ~ Center Village IUC-fIIll Urbll..D Center -NorUi 1 I~C_-N!I Urban Center -North 2 ~ Center D!"wntowu- ~ CommerciBl/Office/Reliidentiai COMMEBCUI ~ Commercial Arteria'- ~ Commercial OCfice- rnWJ8TIt!hL ~ Industrial -Heavy o Indulltrial -Medium o [ndu9trlal -Light (P) Publicly owned _____ Renton CilJ' Limits ___ ._ Adjacent City Limits _ Book Pages Boundary 1 T2 ~ Commercial Nel,hborhood KROLL PAGE • May inctude Overlay Districts. See Appendix maps. For additional Tee-wations in Overlay Dist:ricts, please sec Rye 4-3. PAGE# INDEX Printed by Prinl & Mail Services, City of Renton . ,.' , ~, . .:..:'-~, .. ' .... : :.' ... .," ::;-;.< , ..• ";,/::.0; ... , .•.. ,.' .;, ,'.-. ", ....« ~~~,~" ...... :.', .. . .... , "'. ',: .. ',' dCttib~r18, 20M , ; .'. '-, -'",' "; . . · •. _lau~w'hrt~ker;.·· ,p9t:kIrn;COie:t.L:P"; . . 120{ThlidAvenue'i4'OthFlOOr : .-SellttlB, WA'91i101,3Q99 ". "---:. .... " .', . '",-, ,', . .. ",' -:; ,-" . -', ~' . . ,-~'-. ."-:;::,; "' ..........•. '. ··':OGT2f12004,-. '.' ...... ' : .. :<.;' ., -', '-", ",". '; .. ," . • •.....• \~ERl(lN$Cdict (p. ;.,. . ',;- ",". ' , " : .," ," .... " :, ... ~';:-J~it~jf,Y) . '. ,. "SUBJ~crr:'~vi~i:ANP~ENSIPNREQUEST~ .:-- .",:.':",":' .. ' . .-"' .":.,:;-: ,.::.~ :' .. ~ '.:' ..• ~ .... -.:~ 2:..: ... :::' -:,\ .... " :"...i-<:-"":': _..:..:~.: -:-" ... ,.-::.::":,, :,.:..:....c_.,~:: ~_l" . . ... ";" .. ,'.". ~"'., ..... :' ': .. ",. ' -." -," '"' . .' . -" -.-.~ .' J'iea~:~~ra: .... ...., ...,,>,_,,',,:,' . ",< '-" .'wEjaiel/i tecerp~of yOur.request,f!lrclar1fic8Ucina~to,theperiod 9f"ValidityaSsocl~t~g :" ,-,'.' ••. _ ., .. " ,:Mth 'the;$"emrup Wetland:dejineaIiQA,qt}t reeoi'ds .indlcata,that theSvefdl'llp{!ellrl~aljon" '. , . 'was~pleted .~i\hii-leBoeir'i9 ,SWMP projeo\{LuAge~1~7)irl'1e9B~ . Iii additfon;thil_··; '" -' ..... . Sverdrup study ~uses ~o dellneate:the nortnerri.b9t/ndary;,of Tract E;assilciated with, . . theZqoa 130eing LongaCrlls'BlndlngSite Plan. {J;:UA.02,¢22}"PrlOr to-that wetland,: -. -'. ~., delineation; the project site's wetland boundary ,was Clfj~neated l1ythe 1993--Shapiro ahd . Associeles study, which was a~roved as part of tbe<19 g4 LongiicresOffice Pail< ' .. . " Environmen,llU ilTlpacfStatement (EIS): . > -• • Tti9Aenl6nMuru:6ipaf&~g(RMC);siates;'/j}i~alwetl$d,'define4ti~f!"fOi'properties: .• ' .-._,.' --. within the dtylimits at'#7etimethe dellmMtiQh'""asprepatfid; Is WillcffP;,fiYf1'IPJ years; _.' '. unlessthei)epilrtmentAdlJ:liniSt(a(o"deti!lltnlnes' ttj~tcohditlP~,Miie. changed. .. The. fiv,e (5) year vaJidityperiop sh,all r9inainapPlicat)lftf(J/'projerj~~whete, complete blJilding', " .... . . ,pen:nltorpi'eliinillaryplat, aPPlicationshaveJ)~len supm*ect r8!Jard/~ 'Of whether . .: .... '.,: .oond/ti¢n5'flalie changed. 'Upon fipplicant request, ~n~ions fof. aqdltlomi/ Y£!Iirs of "", .. ', .. vaJidijinay.be. af>prov9d'b}rttJ'e Deparlnii1nf tfdmlniS!ia(o;-ifanapr.H!catlon is proeeed/{lg .. in a timely manner ttll'Ough the permit I;mXeSS (RMC 4,S-050M4Di). . . '. '-.' '.' As .stall determined that wetland conditions have'not substantially c_hangedas a resultof .' '. ' . tht:8Inding-Sitef?lan review alld analy$isand beCiluse the proJ)sr:tY dwners,have been'._ .. ,'. proce~hgjn ,a timely mllnner to develop the 'Pr~rtYia" addiilonaJ'five _ (5j.yearperlOd- ,6f'ilandityshaJ-,-bB approVc)d iortheSverdrup d!li~neatloii.lf fussite-ilas nOt received .', projeclapproval by December 31 ; 2008 \iieViseo wellanddelineatjonshall bei'equi(8(L . 'Pleasl! feet free to contact JasOn J()rdlin:at(425)43d, 72'$~houlci y~have'ariy f~rther- .. quesiitin~or,cbmmeC1tsfegardin~ti-liseXtemiior1 •. ' .... .. . . . . Sinc9rllly. . .. . '; '. . . . . _ . . ',~f~U~ rw~6j/Wal7.· :" . . " . . • NeiiWatls .' . '. . . DevelopmentServices Director . CC; Flle Jill Ding -Re: Bank of America From: To: Date: Subject: yuck Alex Pietsch Administrator Alexander Pietsch Jill Ding; Neil Watts; Suzanne Dale Estey 07105/20071 :32:14 PM Re: Bank of America Dept. of Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning City of Renton 425.430.6592 voice 425.430.7300 fax http://rentonwa. gov »> Neil Watts 7/5/2007 1 :21 PM »> No, I do not think it is that simple. Our earlier determination relates only to City permits and reviews. It does not apply to the Corp permit and requirements. It is quite possible that there are wetlands on or near the site, as shown by the more recent WSDOT delineation, that are under the Corp jurisdiction. This could mean that the BOA project will need Corp approval of some type. Additionally, to date we have not received a wetland delineation for this project. Our prior letter only said a new delineation would not be required. We have not received a copy of the "current" delineation, so we do not have information regarding proper location of wetland buffers based on a surveyed delineation, particularly for the wetland south of the site. I have not received a clear response on this issue from Boeing to date. The lack of wetland delineation, and a lack of a current delineation responding to the WSDOT wetland study, have brought this project under the examining eyes of both the Muckleshoots and the Corp. We will need to proceed appropriately. Neil >>> Alexander Pietsch 07/05/2007 9:43 AM »> I hope this is just as simple as informing another agency (Corps) about the effectiveness Boeing's prior agreement. Alex Pietsch Administrator Dept. of Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning City of Renton 425.430.6592 voice 425.430.7300 fax http://rentonwa.gov »> Jill Ding 7/512007 9:30 AM »> I just talked with Neil and he will be speaking the Laura Whitaker this afternoon. Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Page 1 Jill Ding -Re: Bank of America jding@ci.renton.wa.us Ph: (425) 430-7219 Fx: (425)430-7300 »> Suzanne Dale Estey 07/05/20078:03 AM >>> Thanks for the update. How/when should this be communicated to Boeing? Suzanne Suzanne Dale Estey Economic Development Director City of Renton Sent by Blackberry -----Original Message----- From: Jill Ding To: Watts, Neil < Nwatts@ci.renton.wa.us > CC: Pietsch, Alexander < Apietsch@ci.renton.wa.us > Dale Estey, Suzanne < SDaleEstey@ci.renton.wa.us > Creation Date: 7/5 7:15 am Subject: Bank of America Neil, I've received a call from the Corps regarding the delineations on the Bank of America site. They were notified by the Muckleshoots that not all of the wetlands that exist on site may be properly delineated. Since this appears to be true (based on the study done by WSDOT) there may be an issue especially if these are jurisdictional wetlands (they could be since they extend onsite from the Mitigation Bank site which I believe is connected to Springbrook Creek). Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 jding@ci.renton.wa.us Ph: (425) 430-7219 Fx (425) 430-7300 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Bank of America Data Processing Center PROJECT NUMBER: LUA07 -046, SA-A, ECF LOCATION: South of SW 27th Street and west of Oaksdale Avenue SW DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with associated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. The proposed building would be used as a data processing center for Bank of America. The building would be located on the southwest portion ofthe project site with surface parking areas located along the north and east sides of the building, and landscaping located around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots. A total of 108 parking spaces are proposed onsite. An 8·foot tall chain link fence with an 18 inch coil barbwire is proposed around the site perimeter with gated access onto the site. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals ofthe environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on July 23, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4·8·110.6. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 430-7200. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being ftrst duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County_ The notice in the exact fonn aJUlexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement fonn) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on July 7, 2007. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$147.00. Linda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 7'" day of July, 2007. ","UHIII \\' ',NTI-I,. " Gt"'-· -::/..,., ~,. b ~ a z;b .~ r. ...... (,'" !~J ~ ;/~.... ,::.;;,,~S\ON i;'r~~·~-,~1.' <';' B D C I I. > '\"-ante on :: :0 I.f' .~, .... Notary Public for the State of Washington, Resiilingfiii KNIt;,£lR,\;hinlltQn: P 0 Number' :: (j) : PUI3LIl:; .' " '," .• . -:: -\ \ .; .1-.-.~: -:. ").,0-;. ..... 0 ! <0,' .',!:, :"" ... ~ /.:', ... ~a" 01 {'2S\, .-.~ .. "> ~'I' '-;' O;;·W·· .. ~;·C0'''>:.<O '11 r\.-....'.\\\.· ;'lIfllil~\\ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMEI\"j'AL REVIEW COMMI11'EE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Detennination ofNon~Significance~ Mitigated for the following project, under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Bank of Am ericH Data Ilrocessing Center LUAOH116, SA-A, ECF Location: South ofSW27th Street and west of Oakesdale Avenue Sw. TIle applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental tSEPAI Review for the construction of a one-swrv a6,OOO ~quare foot offi.re with . assoeiated parking und umdscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CQ) zeming designation. Access to the site would be provided via a prupO!:le-d uecest) road oir ofSW 27th Street created through Ole Boeing J ,-ong A(.'Tell binding site plan. The proposed building would be 11Sed as a data procefOsing center for Bank of America. The building would be located on the southwest portion of t.he projec.t b;te with surface p<lrking areaH located along the north and east sides of the building, and landscaping located around the perimet.er of the Ri1.t~ amI within the sunal'e parking lots. A 10tal of lOS parking spaces are proposed onsite. An 8-foot tall chain link fen(,'e with an 18 inch coil barbwire is proposed around the site peTlmeter with gat.ed a(~ce8S onw the site. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on July 23, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required S75.00 application fcc with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, RPnton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner aI'€" gO'o:emed by City ofRent.on Municipal Code Section 4·8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430~ 6510. Publication Date: July 7, 2007 Account No. 51067 Published in the Renton Reporter July 7,2007. #863715 CITY .F RENTON Planning/BuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator July 5, 2007 Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle . 100 I 4 Lh Avenue, Level 4 Seattle, W A 98154 SUBJECT: Bank of America Data Processing Center LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project and have issued a threshold Determmatioll of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mingation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report and Decision, Section C for a list of the Mitigation Measures. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on July 23, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, lOSS South Grady Way, Renton, W A 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 O.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (42S) 430-6510. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing date will be set and all parties notified. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification ofthe above, please call me at (425) 430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, Enclosure Bank of America I Owner(s) ~ -------10-5-5 -So-u-th-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, W-as-h-;n-gt-on-9-S0-5-7 ------R E N TON cc: * ThIS paper contains 50"10 recycled material, 30% postoonsumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P .E., Administrator July S, 2007 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, W A 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on July 2, 2007: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED PROJECT NAME: Bank of America Data Processing Center PROJECT NUMBER: LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF LOCATION: South of SW 27 th Street and west of Oakesdale Avenue SW DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with associated parking.nd landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. Appeals of the environmental determination must be tiled in writing on or before 5:00 PM on July 23, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75,00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 O,B, Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510, I f you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7219, For the Environmental Review Committee, /1 . '-'// '7/- L-11, d/--'-7J Jill K, Ding Senior Planner cc: King County vVastewater Treatment Division WDFW, Stewart R,inbold DavidF, Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources WSDOT, Northwest Region Duwamish Tribal Office Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Enclosure ~ ----'-----I-O-SS-So-u-th-a-ra-d-y-W-ay---R-e-n-to-n,-W-as-h-in-gt-o-n-g-80-S-7------R E N TON <» This paper contains 50% recyded matenal, 30% postCOflsumer AHEAD OF THE CURVh CITY OF RENTON DETERMJNATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE·MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA07 -046, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT NAME: Bank of America Data Processing Center DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with associated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. The proposed building would be used as a data processing center for Bank of America. The building would be located on the southwest portion of the project site with surface parking areas located along the north and east sides of the building, and landscaping located around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots. A total of 108 parking spaces are proposed onsite. An 8- foot tall chain link fence with an 18 inch coil barbwire is proposed around the site perimeter with gated access onto the site. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: South of SW 27th Street and west of Oaksdale Avenue SW (parcel 0886700320) The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. Project construction shall comply with the recommendations contained in thegeotechhlcal report prepared by Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. (dated April 6, 2007). . 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 for each new average weekday trip attributable to the project prior to the issuance of building permits. This fee is currently estimated at $23,655.00. 3. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $0.52 per square foot of new commercial building area prior to the issuance of building permits. The fee is estimated at $18,720.00. ERe Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 1 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT NAME: Bank of America Data Processing Center DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with associated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. The proposed building would be used as a data processing center for Bank of America. The building would be located on the southwest portion of the project site with surface parking areas located along the north and east sides of the building, and landscaping located around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots. A total of 108 parking spaces are proposed onsite. An 8- foot tall chain link fence with an 18 inch coil barbwire is proposed around the site perimeter with gated access onto the site. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: South of SW 27th Street and west of Oaksdale Avenue SW (parcel 0886700320) The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section Advi$.ory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am t03:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. Th.e Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1 st and March 31 st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit 3. Commercial, multi-family, new single·family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'ciock (g:OO) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 4. All landscaping shall be irrigated by an approved irrigation system prior to final occupancy permits. Fire Prevention 1. The preliminary fire flow is 2,500 gpm, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. Separate plans and permit are required for the installation of fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems. 3. Fire Department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum of 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45-foot outside and 25-foot inside. ERe Advisory Notes Page 1 of 3 4. Fire Department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. Building 1. Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits will be required. Plan Review -WATER 1. Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.273 x the site's gross square footage of 130,463. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $35,752.9016. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 2. Preliminary fire flow required by the fire department is 2,500 gpm. Three hydrants are required for this project. One hydrant is required within 150 feet and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of all structures. 3. A 12-inch looped water main is required around the building. Three new hydrants are required to be installed with the 12-inch main. 4. Extension of approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 12-inch water main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Maximum fire flow will be limited to 2,800 gpm. New hydrants will also be required to be installed with the 12·inch main. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit. 5. Fire sprinkler systems are required. A separate utility permit and separate plans will be reqUIred for the installation of the double detector check valve assembly to the fire sprinkler systems. All devices installed shall be .per the latest Department of Health "Approved List" of Backflow Prevention Devices. Civil plans show location of device and should note: "Separate plans and utility permit for DDCVA installation for Fire Sprinkler System will be required". For DDCVA installations inside the building, applicant shall submit a copy of the mechanical plan showing the location and installation of the backflow assembly inside the mechanical room. Installation shall be in accordance with the City of Renton's requirements. DDCVA shall be installed immediately after the pipe has passed through the building floor slab. Installation of devices shall be in the horizontal position only. 6. Landscape irrigation systems will require a separate permit for the irrigation meter and approved backflow device is reqUired to be installed. A plumbing permit will be required. 7. If the building exceeds 30 feet in height, a backflow device wih be required to be installed on domestic water meter. Plan Review -SANITARY SEWER 1. Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.142 x· the site's gross square footage of 130,963. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $18,596.75. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 2. Extension of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 8·inch sewer main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit. 3. If food preparation facilities (restaurants, kitchens, cafes, etc.) are proposed, a grease trap or grease interceptor will be reqUired. A separate plumbing permit will be required. 4. If finished floor elevation is below 25 feet, a "tideflex" or similar backflow device will be required to be installed. 5. Side sewer (s) shall have a minimum of 2% slope. Plan Review· SURFACE WATER 1. Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.265 x the total square feet of the new impervious surface area. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $29,152.39. Fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. . 2. A drainage plan and drainage report has been submitted and is currently being reviewed under a separate permit. The report addresses detention and water quality requirements as outlined in the 1 990 King County Surface Water Manual. 3. Erosion control will need to comply with the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. ERe Advisory Notes Page2of3 Plan Review -TRANSPORTATION 1. A 32-foot roadway and an approved fire department cul-de-sac will be required to be constructed as shown on the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan. Minimum pavement width shall be 22 feet with construction of a five-foot walk and a half a foot of curb along one side of the private road. Plans for the private roadway is currently being reviewed under a separate permit. Plan Review -MISCELLANEOUS 1. Construction plan indicating haul route and hours, construction hours and a traffic control plan shall be submitted for approval prior to any permit being issued. 2. Haul hours shall be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 3. Rockeries or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit and the following note shall be added to the civil plans:" Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. A licensed engineer with geo-technical expertise must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with ARC standards and with his/her supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit or plat approval for the project." 4. Haul hours shall be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 5. Rockeries or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit and the following note shall be added to the civil plans: "Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. A licensed engineer with geotechnical expertise must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with ARC standards and with his/her supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City olRenton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit or plat approval for the project." Plan Review -GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. All required utility. drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 3. Separate permits and fees for side sewers, water meters, landscape irrigation meters, and any backflow devices will be required. 4. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate and application fee shall be submitted at the sixth floor counter. A fee worksheet is attached for your use, but prior to preparing a check, itis recommended to call 425-430-7266 for a fee estimate as generated by the permit system. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for securing easements for public utilities on the project site. ERG Advisory Notes Page 3 of 3 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S) LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT NAME: Bank of America Data Processing Center DESCRI PTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with associated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the CommerCial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. The proposed building would be used as a data processing center for Bank of America. The building would be located on the southwest portion of the project site with surface parking areas located along the north and east sides of the building, and landscaping located around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots. A total of 108 parking spaces are proposed onsite. An 8- foot tall chain link fence with an 18 inch coil barbwire is proposed around the site perimeter with gated access onto the site. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY South of SW 27th Street and west of Oaksdale Avenue SW (parcel 0886700320) The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on July 23, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerks Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Terry'ioJigashiyama, Administrator Community Services July 7,2007 July 2,2007 ~/:::./o? Dat? ~1. ~D;!a:""v~id~D?-a=n~ie~l-s,~F~i'-re-C~hi-"e:-f --- Fire Department Date i sch, Administrator ~AP ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE July 2,2007 To: Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator I. David Daniels, Fire Chief Alex Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator From: Jennifer Henning, Development Planning Meeting Date: Monday, July 2, 2007 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 Agenda listed below. THE FOLLOWING IS A CONSENT AGENDA Bank of America Western WA Data Processing Center (Ding) LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with associated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27'h Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. ce' K. Keolker. Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey, EDNSP Director@' J. Gray, Fire Prevention N. Watts, P/BiPW Development Services Director ® F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner L. Rude, Fire Prevention ® J. Medzegian, Council P. Hahn, P/B/PW Transportation Systems Director R. Lind, Economic Development L. Warren, City Attorney ® REPORT City of Renton & Department of Planning / Building / Public Works DECISION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REPORT DA TE. July 2, 2007 Project Name: Bank of America Date Processing Center Owner/Applicant: Bank of America 1001 4'h Avenue Seattle, WA 98154 Contact: Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 1001 4'h Avenue, 4th Floor Seattle, W A 981 54 File Number: LUA07-046, SA-A & ECF Project Manager. Jill Ding, Senior Planner Project Description: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with associated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27 Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan (Please see additional project description on the next page). Project Location: South of SW 2?,h Street and west of Oaksdale Avenue SW (parcel 0886700320) Exist Bldg. Area SF: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: 36,000 square feet Site Area: 3.0-acres (130,963 Total Building Area SF: 36,000 square feet square feet) Project Location Map erc07~046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -ronmental Review Committee Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA·A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 2, 2007 Page 2 of 7 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (CONT,) The proposed building would be used as a data processing center for Bank of America, The building would be located on the southwest portion of the project site with surface parking areas located along the north and east sides of the building, and landscaping located around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots, A total of 108 parking spaces are proposed onsite, An 8-foot tall chain link fence with an 18 inch coil barbwire is proposed around the site perimeter with gated access onto the site, An open courtyard surrounded by a concrete wall is proposed on the northwest side of the building and is where trucks would enter and/or exit the 5 truck bays proposed on the northeast side of the building. The office and data processing would be located within the south portion of the proposed building, The proposed building would result in a lot coverage of 27 percent. The height of the building is vertically modulated with varying heights. The tallest point of the building would be the mechanical equipment screen, which would have a height of 30 feet. The concrete block wall surrounding the open courtyard would have a height of 24 feet and the office portion of the building would have a height of 20 feet and would be finished with corrugated metal. No windows are proposed on any of the facades, Access to site would be provided via a proposed road off of SW 27'h Street which would border the northeast corner of the project site, The 2,81 acre project site was created as a result of the recording of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan (File num ber LUA02-022), The site is bounded on the west by Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, on the east by a Native Growth Protection Area (Tract E) and storm drainage tract (Tract H) created as a part of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan, on the south by the Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank and on the north by vacant property, A Development Agreement was recorded over the property (recording number 20030221002405) which rescinded a previous Development Agreement (recording number 20010104000886). The current Development Agreement vests the proposal to the 1998 Development Regulations and the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual storm water regulations. S, RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINA TlON OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 da Appeal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. DETERMINA TlON OF XX NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED. XX Issue DNS-M with 14 da Ap eal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGA TlON MEASURES 1, Project construction shall comply with the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report prepared by Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. (dated April 6, 2007). 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 for each new average weekday trip attributable to the project prior to the issuance of building permits. This fee is currently estimated at $23,655,00. 3, The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $0.52 per square foot of new commercial building area prior to the issuance of building permits. The fee is estimated at $18,720.00. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS erc07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -ronmental Review Committee Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DATA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 2, 2007 Page 3 of 7 In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. (1) Earth Impacts: The project site is relatively flat with a slight downward slope to the southeast. Several broad soil mounds with a maximum height of 15 feet and a maximum slope of 30 percent occupy the central and eastern parts of the site. The site is vegetated with blackberry, scotch broom, low grasses, other emergent vegetation, several stands of deciduous trees, and a few fir and cedar trees. The applicant submitted a geotechnical report with the application prepared by Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. (dated April 6, 2007), According to the report, six borings were conducted onsite. The top 1 Y, to 4 feet of all borings consisted of surficial soils, which mainly consist of loose to medium dense silty sand, gravelly sands, and soft silts. In addition, the fill material also included small quantities of peat, and debris (wood, asphalt, and drywall), and one sample exhibited a petroleum odor. The fill was typically underlain by native alluvial soils ranging from soft silts interbedded with silty sands, to loose, slightly silty sands interbedded with silt. At a depth of about 40 feet, the deepest boring (B-2) encountered medium dense alluvial sand with varying amounts of Silt, which extended to the maximum exploration depth of 51 Y, feet. Groundwater was encountered in most of the borings at depths ranging from 9 to 16 Y, feet below existing grades. According to the City's Seismic Hazard Area Maps, the project site is located within a high seismic hazard area. The submitted geotechnical report included a liquefaction analysis due to the project site's location within a seismic hazard area. The results of the analysis concluded that the soils underlying the project site had a moderate potential to liquefy during a 1 OO-year earthquake and a high potential to liquefy during a 500-year earthquake. During project construction, the geotechnical report estimates that as much as 2 to 3 feet of cut will be required to achieve the design subgrades for the new building, parking lots, and access driveways. Due to the information found in the exploratory borings it is likely that these soils will need to be removed. The soil mounds will also need to be removed as part of the site grading, however to what extent the soils may be reused onsile was not know at the time of the preparation of the geotechnical report. The report also estimates that as much of 5 feet of fill will be required to be placed in topographically low areas to achieve design subgrades. The report also provided recommendations for settlement considerations, building shell support, building floor support, fill soil considerations, site preparation and grading, underground utilities, building drains, exterior slabs, asphaltic pavements, structural fill, and seismic considerations. In order to limit impacts to the project site and neighboring properties that could occur during project construction, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that project construction comply with the recommendations found in the geotechnical report prepared by Zipper Zeman ASSOCiates, Inc .. Mitigation Measures: 1. Project construction shall comply with the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report prepared by Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. (dated April 6, 2007). Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations (2) Water -Wetlands Impacts: According to information submitted by the applicant, a Category 2 wetland is located off-site to the east. A Category 2 wetland requires a 50-foot buffer. The wetland and buffer area are located within Tract E of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan (file number LUA02-022). In addition, a portion of the Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank is located on an abutting parcel to the south of the project site. The information submitted by the applicant indicates that, per a wetland delineation conducted by Sverdrup, while wetlands are located off-site on parcels surrounding the project site no wetland areas are located on the project site and that no work would be done within the off-site wetland buffer areas. A letter was subm itted with the application materials from the City, which approved the Sverdrup wetland delineation until December 31, 2008 "regardless of whether conditions have changed." Therefore, the Sverdrup wetland delineation, which did not show and wetland or wetland buffers on the project site is the currently approved delineation for the project site. No further mitigation is recommended. erc07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -lronmental Review Committee Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 2, 2007 Mitigation Measures: N/A. Nexus: NIA (3) Water -Stormwater LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF Page 4 of 7 Impacts: An Abbreviated Drainage Report, prepared by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated April 9, 2007) was submitted with the project application. The existing surface water runoff sheet flows to the southeast where it eventually discharges into off-site wetland areas. The wetland areas have no outflow of surface water. The stormwater runoff generated on the project site will be collected in catch basins and routed to the storm system that will be constructed off-site by Boeing as part of the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan where it will discharge into a regional flow control and water quality pond. All storm water improvements will be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, which has been adopted by the City as code and as specified in the Development Agreement between the City and Boeing (recording number 20030221002405). No further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: N/A Nexus: N/A (4) Transportation Impacts: It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in impacts to the City's street system. Therefore, staff recommends a mitigation measure requiring the payment of a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of S75 for each new net daily trip prior to the issuance of the building permit. It is anticipated that the proposed project would result in the payment of $23,655.00 based on the number of additional trips that the proposed project would generate (315.40 net new daily trips x $75 = $23,655.00). Boeing has a current bank of trips that can be used to offset trips generate by redevelopment of their property, therefore the traffic mitigation fee may be revised based on information provided by the applicant that they have been allocated trips from Boeing's trip bank. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $75.00 for each new average weekday trip attributable to the project prior to the issuance of building permits. This fee is currently estimated at $23,655.00. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations: Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527 (5) Fire I Emergency Services Impacts: The proposal would result in the construction of 36,000 square feet of new commercial building area, which would potentially impact the City's Fire Emergency Services. Therefore, staff recommends that the applicant be required to pay a Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $0.52 per square foot of new commercial building area. The fee is estimated at $18,720.00 ($0.52 x 36,000 square feet of new building area = $18,720.00) and is payable prior to issuance of the building permits. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $0.52 per square foot of new commercial building area prior to the issuance of building permits. The fee is estimated at $18,720.00. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527 E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental I Divisional Reviewers for their review, Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Advisory Notes to Applicant. ~ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File, Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report, Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. June 27, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75,00 application fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are erc07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -ronmental Review Committee Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DATA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 2. 2007 Page 5 of 7 governed by the City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office at (425) 430-6510. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1 st and March 31 st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 3. Commercial, multi-family, new single-family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 4. All landscaping shall be irrigated by an approved irrigation system prior to final occupancy permits. Fire Prevention 1. The preliminary fire flow is 2,500 gpm, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. Separate plans and permit are required for the installation of fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems. 3. Fire Department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum of 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45-foot outside and 25-foot inside. 4. Fire Department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. Building 1. Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits will be required. Plan Review -WATER 1. Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.273 x the site's gross square footage of 130,463. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $35,752.9016. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction perm it 2. Preliminary fire flow required by the fire department is 2,500 gpm. Three hydrants are required for this project One hydrant is required within 150 feet and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of all structures. 3. A 12-inch looped water main is required around the building. Three new hydrants are required to be installed with the 12-inch main. 4. Extension of approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 12-inch water main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Maximum fire flow will be limited to 2,800 gpm. New hydrants will also be required to be installed with the 12-inch main. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit. 5. Fire sprinkler systems are required. A separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check valve assembly to the fire sprinkler systems. All devices installed shall be per the latest Department of Health "Approved List" of Backflow Prevention Devices. Civil plans show location of device and should note: "Separate plans and utility permit for DDCVA installation for Fire Sprinkler System will be required". For DDCVA installations inside the building, applicant shall submit a copy of the mechanical plan showing the location and installation of the backflow assembly inside the mechanical room. Installation shall be in accordance with the City of Renton's requirements. DDCVA shall be installed immediately after the pipe has passed through the building floor slab. Installation of devices shall be in the horizontal position only. 6. Landsca e irri ation s stems will re uire a se arate ermit for the irri ation meter and a roved backflow device erc07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -ronmental Review Committee Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DA TA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF REPORT ANO DECISION OF JUL Y 2, 2007 Page 60f7 is required to be installed. A plumbing permit will be required. 7. If the building exceeds 30 feet in height, a backflow device will be required to be installed on domestic water meter. Plan Review -SANITARY SEWER 1. Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.142 x the site's gross square footage of 130,963. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $18,596.75. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 2. Extension of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit. 3. If food preparation facilities (restaurants, kitchens, cafes, etc.) are proposed, a grease trap or grease interceptor will be required. A separate plumbing permit will be required. 4. If finished floor elevation is below 25 feet, a "tideflex" or similar backflow device will be required to be installed. 5. Side sewer (s) shall have a minimum of 2% slope. Plan Review -SURFACE WATER 1. Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.265 x the total square feet of the new impervious surface area. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $29,152.39. Fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 2. A drainage plan and drainage report has been subm itted and is currently being reviewed under a separate permit. The report addresses detention and water quality requirements as outlined in the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. 3. Erosion control will need to comply with the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. Plan Review TRANSPORTATION 1. A 32-foot roadway and an approved fire department cul-de-sac will be required to be constructed as shown on the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan. Minimum pavement width shall be 22 feet with construction of a five- foot walk and a half a foot of curb along one side of the private road. Plans for the private roadway is currently being reviewed under a separate permit. Plan Review -MISCELLANEOUS 1. Construction plan indicating haul route and hours, construction hours and a traffic control plan shall be submitted for approval prior to any permit being issued. 2. Haul hours shall be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 3. Rockeries or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit and the following note shall be added to the civil plans:" Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. A licensed engineer with geo-technical expertise must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with ARC standards and with his/her supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit or plat approval for the project." 4. Haul hours shall be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 3. Rockeries or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit and the following note shall be added to the civil plans: "Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. A licensed engineer with geotechnical expertise must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with ARC standards and with his/her supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit or plat approval for the project." Plan Review GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton draftinq standards by a licensed Civil Enqineer. erc07-046.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department -ronmentat Review Committee Staff Report BANK OF AMERICA DATA PROCESSING CENTER LUA07-046, SA.A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JUL Y 2, 2007 Page 7 of 7 3. Separate permits and fees for side sewers, water meters, landscape irrigation meters, and any backflow devices will be required. 4. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate and application fee shall be subm itted at the sixth floor counter. A fee worksheet is attached for your use, but prior to preparing a check, it is recommended to cali 425-430-7266 for a fee estimate as generated by the permit system. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for securing easements for public utilities on the project site. erc07-046.doc , ~t af .... o Ii ~!.« !ii ! I , , I \ , ! i ;1 !E Hi! niH .. • 'I I: cI ....... 8 ,".',", "," .', "',' 1; •.• _':® ~ @;( II ~ ~! .. , I j EB I'E @ In ~ ..... J!l ... I _ .~. • <C "' .j,' I : II) ~! • IIIII I J ---- \ I , EB , Jf I . . c; hi I !: :i K " I ll~! ,. __ ,.,f /' I, I I ~t ~t ... . . .. . '.'.' . .;.: -: :. ' . .. . .. ' °Il .IOi _< !H ,- j ' IiI hiH • J , , • • / I I EB I T" " : !?""'I I ~ a .. I ! ! l i • <I: I I ! i ! Ji : II) j ! a! ; '~i >s.·. I · I • I I ·«i .~.; -'-1 ' ,ii-I ~) T .. • 'i i c:I ------~--~ '~ I' I l ! ]11' " !. I j- Ii, J I ! I 'f ~--I ~~ ~~-------------------, I I , I, M I , EB , ; I ~ / / / " II ;: GIl Ef "', .... 011 ",,! c-< .:li ~;; 1,1 I ,,~i ~ ~u mH : l! .. • 'i I: • I~ eI ~I " , \ \ \ \ I I '-_ J ! I I! 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' iviihinthe city IImi(S atttJ,etimethe deifn9atiQnYl.asp~red; fs,..dilldw;:fiYfI,(Pjyea'r8;:. .' .. ' .. .lJnlesstheDepartriientAdlpiniStm(o" 'dstel1riltl~'(fi{jtoonrj~ hsV,e changed .. ·1;ht;Jfiv/i . • '. (5) Yew vaJiditype,nod Shalt tWnainapPIioaplufiJrprojer;ts.whe(e,CiJrijplete qlii/ding ' ..... ,. . ....'. : jJSl1Jl1t {)rpi'elimin~ry; Plat llPPiicafio(lShavsbfJen SU.blriifr&cf~8rd/ess 'Of whatfitJr ' ... ' .• ' ' .,.' '¢oi1CUP(!nS·hav9changiid .•. ··UpOn flPP/iCiirit ri;qUest,.i!X!BnsIOiis (Qr arjditiona:1 YC?afS Of·.·., . , ." ·validilymaY~aPPro.v(/(:fbyftle Depanm'atlt A'dminlstiato;1fan:appfiCaoonis.proC:eecJiJ:!g .•. , .. in '8 timely manner through the permit process (RMC4-.S'{)50M4Di). . . .. ":M..staff detelJliined.t.~twetfand conditioJ1SnaV9'nOt substimtiallyo):langEidasarE>suH'of .. · .. 'the BlncingSite,P-lan revlewaridanaly~sarid. bBCHiise.1hepi'o"er.fydWJ1e~'have beert .' · •. : proCeeding in ,a timely mE!f1l1ertoileveltip: the properIYianiiddiflonaJ:ffve. (5) year. p8rlQ(J . ,ofilancfityshBJ,l'ba approVed idr the Sverdrup ceiil.neatlon.lf jijesite-has rib! reoeiVe<;j , projeot!lpproval byDEiciember 3.1;2008 a revised wetland~lineGltiol:i Shall I:.>e require& . Pleasefeeltreeto~ontaot JasQn Jordanat·(425)43d.721~'$hould yC:Uhiive'ariy f~rihe;i qi.Jesii~ oT,oOmmenis.Fegardin;l this eXtension, . ..... . .... . .. ... .. : S(n~~r~Jy. '. .' :. i ': . ", · ~f~Utwtr rwfj~/Wai7 . NeiiWatti> .. . .'. . . . Development, Services Director ' .. : ..... , . . .",- . .". "'," ,-.; :." .. : '.' ~--~-.1""'05':-:S""'Sou\ll-', -::-.. -:;:-Grady-',-' ""Wa:-'y"""Re""'·""nl(Jtl,-:-'.'-;' ,WiO;-iIoh...,..,...inglOll..:......,·~98i;;:'O""~5;-.-.,~, '-•. -,=. 'ce. -;-, -,.'-·.·:·.RF::N·;T~···· ~ -,,:.".,", .. -, .@'~~~~~~'~~~~~_:'~' .:,.. A~j.A.D 0,-t:t1i:: '~U~~B . Jill Ding -RE: Bank of America, LUA07-n45, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and pronosed Determination of Non-Sig .. Page 11 From: "Karen Walter" <KarenWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us> To: "Jill Ding" <JDing@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 06/21/2007 3:42:04 PM Subject: RE: Bank of America, LUA07-045, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and proposed Determination of Non-Signi[Scanned] Jill, Thank you for your diligence on this issue and for the updated information. It is a shame that there is binding site plan that didn't account for changes in wetland conditions over time. It will be interesting to see how this development affects the state/city mitigation site. Thank you again. Karen Walter MITFD -----Original Message----- From: Jill Ding [mailto:JDing@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 7:55 AM To: Karen Walter Subject: Re: Bank of America, LUA07-045, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and proposed Determination of Non-Signi[Scanned] Karen, We had a meeting with the property owner of this site yesterday regarding the presence of the mitigation bank to the south of the site. While the site is not located within the mitigation bank or its buffer, the delineation that was prepared by WSDOT indicates that wetland area and buffer area may extend on the project site. We had previously asked for a delineation to ensure that no wetland or buffer areas extended onto the site. After further discussion, we were presented with a letter that the City had sent in 2004 which stated that the previous wetland delineation that had been submitted for the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan (which showed a wetland area to the east of the project site) would be valid for regulatory purposes "regardless of whether conditions have changes" until December 31, 2008. So, although it appears that the delineation submitted by WSDOT may indicate that conditions have changed on the site, the City cannot ask the applicant to provide additional wetland delineations until the letter that was sent expires on December 31,2008. I will now be taking the project off hold and we will continue processing the application. Let me know if you have questions. Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 jding@ci.renton.wa.us Ph: (425) 430-7219 Fx: (425) 430-7300 Jill Ding -RE: Bank of America, LUA07-~45, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and pr0"osed Determination of Non-Sig ... Page 21 >>> "Karen Walter" <Karen'walter@muckieshoot.nsn.us> 05/24/20072:12 PM »> Jill, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the threshold determination (DNS-M) and the environmental checklist for the above referenced project. We have a couple of questions. First, is there a figure available showing this proposal compared to the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (WSDOT and Renton bank)? The project abuts mitigation site "C" and we want to verify that the project is not within the boundaries of the bank site or its buffer. Second, where is the proposed regional flow control pond to be located? Where will storm water from this pond ultimately discharge? Third. what is the method of storm water treatment and control to be used for this project? Fourth, what is the landscape plan proposed on the SE property line to benefit wildlife? We would appreciate any additional information that may be available to answer these questions. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015 172nd Ave SE Auburn WA 98092 --------------- Jill Ding -Re: Bank of America, LUA07-04 -~A-A, ECF, Notice of Application and prop--od Determination of Non-Signi Page 1 From: Jill Ding To: Waiter, Karen Date: 06/19/2007 7:55:04 AM Subject: Re Bank of America, LUA07 -045, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and proposed Determination of Non-Signi Karen, We had a meeting with the property owner of this site yesterday regarding the presence of the mitigation bank to the south of the site. While the site is not located within the mitigation bank or its buffer, the delineation that was prepared by WSDOT indicates that wetland area and buffer area may extend on the project site. We had previously asked for a delineation to ensure that no wetland or buffer areas extended onto the site. After further discussion, we were presented with a letter that the City had sent in 2004 which stated that the previous wetland delineation that had been submitted for the Boeing Longacres Binding Site Plan (which showed a wetland area to the east of the project site) would be valid for regulatory purposes "regardless of whether conditions have changes" until December 31,2008. So, although it appears that the delineation submitted by WSDOT may indicate that conditions have changed on the site, the City cannot ask the applicant to provide additional wetland delineations until the letter that was sent expires on December 31,2008. I will now be taking the project off hold and we will continue processing the application. Let me know if you have questions. Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 jding@ci.rentonwa.us Ph (425) 430-7219 Fx: (425) 430-7300 »> "Karen Walter" <Karen.Walter@muckleshoot.nsn.us> 05/24/2007 2:12 PM »> Jill, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the threshold determination (DNS-M) and the environmental checklist for the above referenced project. We have a couple of questions. First, is there a figure available showing this proposal compared to the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (WSDOT and Renton bank)? The project abuts mitigation site "C" and we want to verify that the project is not within the boundaries of the bank site or its buffer. Second, where is the proposed regional flow control pond to be located? Where will stormwater from this pond ultimately discharge? Third, what is the method of stormwater treatment and control to be used for this project? .\Of' LUiWl-O '-6 Ye..((o"J f: Ie... Jill Ding -Re: Bank of America, LUA07-04-~A-A, ECF, Notice of Application and prop--pd Determination of Non-Signi Page 2 Fourth, what is the landscape plan proposed on the SE property line to benefit wildlife? We would appreciate any additional information that may be available to answer these questions. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015 172nd Ave SE Auburn WA 98092 10/21/2004 09:56 FAX 2063599000 ------" ,---.-,-_ ... ".------"-". ,.,. '-,,,' .,-" ',.:' -.:,.,. _.-:: ,. ," PERKINS COlE LLP .-._. -:' ",., . -'''-'---.. _., _. : .. ,;';."--,;": . ..,: :--" ,-:-" "": .. ,','.' ,< .~.> .. , . ',",." .,:" .. '.'. .." .-, .. ..: ';,-'-: . .':,' .. .-'.' ' .. ,,';, ,. ,:. •',:' , .' i .-' , ..;a,' :".:,,': ... -, ,_.', ;,-. . ~. Kooll: .... ~!<r,).Iayor··,· ',' '-, -. ' : .. '.' ' .. '. OCldber1S, 20()4 :'." . , .~ . , , .. LauraWhitaker '.' ' " pElrkinsCoie.L.LP .....•...... , ...• " '.'. 12(jrThirdAvehUe;4()thFloor . . ,'.. Sg",ttle, W,4,98101,s099 .... \ .. " .... ' .... '. ':"'-. .--; :' . / . ····cIT¥'.oFRENTON, Plamiin~~blic\Voiks~ . .. GrOggzimDie~aDpj:~AcIimoWrat.i~ .... ,,' . -.. , :. ~ -, -. , . , .' -, , -. -, -, ,. , .. '" .. . '",' : .; . ;--' .. "'. ' . '. "". .••... OCT 2112004 ,,',.,."', . . :: .. ;'--. " : .. :'-, '" ".,' .. p' ER'K' ·'I'N' S' "C;\.,'-''''-,. "'0' .. "'. ," .. .' . _ :.' \. Ie T.,. __ .' .• ' '~~Jot.~f\;0 (0}() ":' . . ' ( . Mik"fuYw-#-, :._,. ~. . _~.., " .. _'"'. '~_''':'''-..... __ . .-----, _ .,_~_ .... ,"', .. ' '., _....:,_._" ~.: .. :,. __ :',. ______ :._,,:,:,,_~' ':"\_ , .. ~:~~: .. _~.: ~ ... ",c~_,:;_ : __ . __ ,.-~_~, .. ··':·,.,SUBJ.ECT: ' .. WEl"LANDE>qENSIONREQUEST. ,'. '. '. ~:' '., .' ,", " ·.E>ear-La'ura: " ... : . ;" . . ,. ·':.w~a;eirl rec9iptof y~urrequ~stf!:ircli:uificatkih~~:t6th~period ofvalidity~~soci~ted ...••..• ',' , . ·..Withthe; $verdrup wetland. delin~atjon'City record.s oindicale.lhaltheSverdrup-aelintiation .' · ..• wassompleted ~ith the. Boeing SWMP project (LUA 9(1,127) in 1998. ·inaddiUon,lhe. ..' .•.. Sverdrup study was,uses to'delineatelthe nbrthernbotJndaryof TractE;assbciated jVith . '.' ....•.. Ihe2g0~BoeinglongacrEls Binding Site Plan (L,.UA 02,022). Prior to that wetland: .. ' ... '. . .' delineation, theprojectsite's wetland boundaiyvvas deIiQ¢ate<j by the 1993 ShapirO ahd . · Assbciatessludy,which was approved as part of Ibe<1994 Longacr.esOffice Park' .. ErivironmentalllT!pactSt~temeQt(EIS);" . ..:.:' .' .. '. . The HentonMurucipal'C~de(RMC).slates;A }inBIWei/~nd dellneatipn,. tor properties;. . · within the citylimitsaMhetimethe delineatiohwasprepared; isvalid io'rfive .(5) years, .'. .' · . unless the DepartmentAdlJlinisttcito(det(JtinioeSthat.cbnditiotis have changed,. [:hefivB . . . '. (5) year vBlidity~rio9 shali remain.applioablrjforprojects. where cOmplete bOildlng···· , "perltJitorpreliminaryplat applicaiions have •. been SUbmittedregardlessof Whether .... '. ocmaitionshalie changed. Upon applicant request, extensions for additional years of. ' .. '. validity may beapprovfidbythe Department /lidministratorifanapplioationis.prooeeding .. in a timely manner through the permit process (RMC+3·050M4Di). . . . .. ' ·'~-A$staffdeier:minecfthal wetland conditions have not substantiallycllangedas aresult'of .. , ... · Ihe Binding Site Plan review andanalysis and because the propEirtydwners;have been . proceetfrngin.atimely manner to develbpthepropertyian additional five (5) yearp!3riod OfvaOdityshal!be approved for IheSverdrup-deltmEiatiori:lf the site has nOt receilfed· .. project approval by, December 31; 2008 a revised wellaRd delineatio,,\shall be requi(ed, · Plea~e feelfreelo'contact Jason Jordan at (425) 430·721.9 should yo.uhaile'any further questions or commentsnigerding thiseXtension.-.. ' .. . . . Sincerely • .... ~fffiJg~ ~.tJ6f'rWalf7 Neii\iVatts .'. ". .. '. . Developmen(Services'Direclor , cc; FHa -.~, ..... Voss-Hedrick, Bev A. (Perkins Coie) From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Voss-Hedrick, Bev A. (Perkins Coie) Tuesday, June 12, 2007 2:31 PM Schorr, Jennifer L. (Perkins Coie): 'janene.a.collins@boeing.com': 'jeffrey. r. adelson@boeing.com' Whitaker, Laura (Perkins Coie) Longacres scan001.pdf; scan002.pdf; scan003.pdf Attached are three documents that Laura Whitaker asked me to send to you. Thank youl scanOOl.pdf (953 scan002.pdf (506 scan003,pdf (2 MB) KB) KB) Bev Voss-Hedrick Legal Secretary to B. Briggs, D. Githens and L Whitaker Financial Transactions & Restructuring Perkins Coie LLP 1201 Third Avenue. SUite 4800 Seattle, WA 98101-3099 Telephone: (206) 359-6735 Facsimile (206) 359-7735 Email R.Y.Q_~_~b_~_(tu~K@perkj.Q§_g_9ie.com IMPORTANT TAX INFORMA TlON: This communication is not intended or written by Perkins Goie LLP to be used, and cannot be used by the taxpayer, for purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer under the Internal Revenue Gode of 1986, as amended. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARM, SEATTl.E OISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 37!55 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 9B124-Z%55 ....... ". TO .T"TC"roO" 01'" Regulatory Branch The Boeing Company ATTN: Mr. Conrad C. Szymczak Facilities Asset Management Group Boeing Commercial Airplane Group MC 20-30 Post Office Box 3703 Seattle, Washington 98124-2207 Gentlemen: j1,N 29 1999 Reference: 93-4-000SS The Boeing Company In accordance with your request of October 27, 1998, the authorization granted by the Secretary of the Army on March 14, 1996, is hereby modified to include: The expiration date of the issued permit has been changed from March 14, 1999 to. March 14, 2004. The project description of the issued permit has been revised, drawings enclosed, to read as follows: Discharge fill into 1.4 acres of wetlands to construct longacres Office Park in accordance with the revised plans and drawings attached hereto which are incorporated in and made a part of this permit. Special Conditions c., d., and e. of the issued permit are hereby rescinded. The following new Special Conditions apply to this permit: c. The applicant shall provide mitigation as outlined in a report entitled Longacres Office Park Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan, prepared by Shapiro and Associates, Inc., dated December 1998, and revised January 1999 (mitigation plan). d. A status report on the mitigation construction must be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (Corps) Seattle District, Regulatory Branch no later than 13 months from the date of this permit modification. Status progress reports shall than -2- be due yearly until completion of mitigation construction and submittal of the final as-built plans. An as-built plan of the mitigation area shall be provided to the Corps within 3 months following completion of the mitigation construction. e. Monitoring reports shall be due as outlined in the above referenced mitigation plan with the following additions: Monitoring of the forested component of the mitigation area shall continue for 10 years. Additional monitoring reports describing conditions of the forested component of the mitigation area shall be provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Regulatory Branch no later than 31 December of monitoring years 6,8 and 10. f. The wetland areas created, restored, or preserved as mitigation for work authorized by this permit, including the south marsh area, shall not be made the subject of a future individual or general Department of the Army permit application for fill or other development, except for the purposes of enhancing or restoring the mitigation associated with the project. g. A conservation easement shall be placed on the area known as the "south marsh.· This easement shall restrict or prohibit filling, draining, flooding, dredging, impounding, clearing, buming, cutting or destroying vegetation, cultivating, excavating, erecting, IJonstructing, releasing wastes into or otherwise doing work on the south marsh property, except as may be authorized under Special Condition f. above and except as may be required for public safety of adjacent properties. Proof of this deed restriction shall be provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Regulatory Branch within 6 months following issuance of this modification-. All other terms and conditions contained in the original permit remain in full force and effect. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: t £;:~ ,,,,--James M. Rigsby Colonel, Corps of Engineers 1 D;strict Engineer Enclosure / ~ SITE IOCATIOH LEGEND DATUM: MSL = NGVD ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1. PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT 2. VALLEY OrnCE PARK J. CITY OF SEAnLE 4. DURlINGI0N NORTHERN RR lACOWo VlCINITY MAP SCIJ.[: NT5 @ SEcn 4 3< 25, 123".4E W.IA. VICINITY MAP Reference: 93·4·00059 The Boeing Company Sheet 1 of 7. Date: 21 Jan 5. CITY OF RENTON 6. STATE or WASfllNGlON 7. THE BOEING COIAPANY mI£: 1.2 IAILES TO CONFLUENCE WITI~ OUWAI.tISH RIVER. NEAREST W.VIGABLE WA1ms. J 7 I (0 ~. ~\\ ~ ~ THE BOEING COMPANY BOX J707 IMIL STOP 6W-90 SEATILE, WA. 98124-2207 '0 ' ~ i .... ···: ' .. f, GRlJ)i.~/>.'{·· i .' :v j .. . <" P-40~ . ' . k;",':'ii,'\ 'I . i i I '-., . I " i ~ ':1 '-'1 SPRINGBROOK CI S.W. 1 ~HWY 167 S.W. 19TH 51 S '58TH S;T"i i i .;- ~-, (2) \\/ , ··--·-..r·'l \ .: I 1.,-0 :> i PROJECT SITE/ ~ ~ I • _ _ S_E,C~~~:1~ ~ S.W. 23RD Sl I S.W. 27TH 51 @-f~ °l;;~ " j . i:z I I .-, : cr ... ~o:~ .. ' i ,f5\ ~. Ii L ' \::.} . I ~ z 1I1 10 LAT. 4727'34" NORTH i 5' ~.~.!-"-. .J SECTION 1/4 CORNER ~! g~ ~ ! i ~ LONG. 122'14'14" WEST >, ~.z -' ' « l U:1,' ; ~ ~§I~ i S.W. 34TH 51 . m U I : Z:, I 0' ~ 1I1 W RO.J z! ::l LONGACRES OFFICE PARK DEVELOPMENT .~ EAST VALLEY SITE LOCATION SOH: NTS (~ Bv.rllruf 0,.;.''-'''. ".e .. -----.:.:~:.:<-::...--: --,-,--,." ._, .-.~-' . . . :;; .....-: .. i . r' , , WETLAND "A • 'i WETLAND "!3" WETLAND WETLAND -' -' -< : '" ~".~ J WETLAND "J" WETlAND "I" WETLAND "M" (SOUTH MARSH) WETLAND TO BE PRESERVED --.... \ ) WETLAND "L" WETlAND "K" BOEING PROPERTY LINE ~ 1.2 MIL~S TO CONflUENCE WITH DUWAMISH RIVER, NEAREST NAVIGABLE wATERS, puRPOSE: SCR,AC£ WAiER MANAGEMENT DATUM: MSL=NGVO ADJACENT PROP~RTY OWNERS: 1 WSOOT 2 CITY OF RENTON 3 HUNTER DOUGLAS EXISTING SITE PLAN C.O.E. WETLANDS « CITY OF' SEA ITLE 5 BNSF RAILWAY Reference: 93-4-00059 (Revised) 6 GLACIER PARK PROPERTIES The Boeing Company 7 McLEOD ,---,B"--..:A",L",LP..:A",C-""CO:::N.!:T",A",IN",E:..:..~.,-,,-IN,,,C,,-, _ Sheet 2 of 7, Date: 21 Jan 99 SUR,ACE WATER MANAGEMENT PRCJEC~ BOEING LONGACRES OFf'lCE PARK IN: R~NTON. WA AT: TRIBU;ARY TO SPRING8ROOK CR~~' COUNTY OF: KING STA;~ W~ ) '. - \ \1\ \ ~ \ II I I : I I I : J r----, ! ,./ • V1' / wi' .> . <. ( ~i ; <c{. ( ~. · ~( · «' ( o· · ( " WETLAND "H," · . ( i ~~~I irm~, ,.-~ f\ \ \: ~(-\ . L)U ~/ : .k~ I " LEGEND: I I I NAVIGABLE WATERS. p"RPOSL SURFACE WAT" MANAG,,,,,N: I DATUM: MSL=NGVD : AC";AC£NT ?ROr=::.::r:-y :;WN:::::S SITE PLAN -SHEET A ISURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT ?ROJECT BOEING LONGACRES O';'Ce ?ARK 1 WSDOT 2 CITY 0, R~N7:;N 3 HUNTER DOUC.:AS :I-;-V OF S:::':" -_: 200' : ce' 0 @ 200' = -400' 5 8NS; RAILWAY Reference: 93-4-00059 (Revised) 6 GLACIER ~ARK =~C'::~=::-:ES 7 .... cLeOD The Boeing Company IN: RENTON, WA AT: TRIBUTARY TO SPRINGBROOK CRE£~ COUNTY OF: KING STATE: Wf I . ,---,S,---.=A",LL:.;.?..:.A""C-",CO",-Nc.:.."c;.' A:c.'N",E,-,"~. ","'",,'c,,-_ Sheet 4 of 7. Date: 21 Jan 99 - • -. -... - WETLAND "a" ,----- i . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ ._---_._---_.-! WETLAND "H 1 ''--...J~--n WETLAND "J'~' ~~~ WETLAND "H WETLAND WETLAND "H 3 " CITY OF RIVER WETLAND Y' WETLAND Y' --.--.--.--.--.--.-~~~ ,.",b':=;~ ............ -: .... .-- ~ ----- ---.--.--.-_. __ . __ . __ . __ .--.--.--.--'-1 r~~~~ Ie., 11.1 '---::- -- PROPER1Y LINE wETJ..AND TO BE PRESERVED MITE; 1.2 MILES TO CDNFcUENC": WIH DUWAMISH RIVE'l. NEAR::ST NAVIGABLE WATERS. PURPOSE: SURfACi: WAie:,; MANAGi:M",, i I DATUM' MSL -NGVO SIT'"" PLAN _ KEY S' '"". T ISURFAC£ WATE'l MANAGEMENT PROJeCT ADJACENT CROP":"'" OWN":"o ; t. r-1 ~ ~ I BOEING LONGACRES OFfle:: P'~~ 1 WSDOT I 2 CITY OF RENTON, I 3 HUNTER OOUCUS I 4 CITY OF SEA""L~ I 5 eNsr RAILWAY Reference: 93-4-00059 (Revised) 6 GLACIER PAR>C ?ROP":'<TIES The Boeing Company 7 McLEOD 8 ALL PAC CONTAINE'l. INC Sheet 3 of 7. Date: 21 Jan 99 IN: RENTON. WA AT: TRI8UTARY TO SPRINGBROOK CREE' COUNTY Of >CING STATE,_WA __ ... .. - I I I I I I I , I I I ==="-: : , , / L ____ .... I =.r-:--------,;:--- ....... "--- i:' .. J ': I .-:-----. I~ I I I MATCH LINE -SE~ SHES C LEGEND: EXISTING wETl.AND PROPOSED 25' WETLAND BUFFER PROPOSED VEGETA,ED WETLAND PROPOSED OPEN WATER WETLAND PROPOSED SOQRM DRAINAGE ?ONO ";' __ .J..'-_.~_, __ . __ . __ . __ . __ ... NOTE: 1.2 MIL£S TO CONFLUENCE WITH OUWAMISH RIVER, "EAR~ST NAVIGABLE WATERS. PURPOSE. SURFAC~ WAr," '-'ANAGE~ENr I DATUM: MSL~NGVD SITE PLAN -SHEET 8 ACJAC~N i ?R8?::~TY CWNt:~S: 1 WSDOT 2 CITY OF REN,ON J HUNTER DOUG,-"S 4 CIT"':" OF'" SEAnL~ 5 BNS;-RAILWAY Reference: 93-4-00059 (Revised) 6 GLACIER ?ARK ?ROPERTiES The Boeing Company 7 Mc,-EOD ~8,--.::A","L'~_ ~.:A",C--,,-C O",Nc:.Tc:;A",,1 N",E",R,-, ",I N",C,-_ S heel 5 of 7. Date: 21 Jan 99 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PROJE aO~ING LONGACRES OFFICE OARK IN: RENTON, WA AT, TRI8UTARY TO SPRING8ROOK CRt COUNTY OF ;(ING STATE: WA '. - ; I I ~ , I ' I ~-:-:---.. -. "7:-"--··- I I ; I ! I ! I \ , \ I \ .5! 8~ , .~ 0 , \ \ ( '-----') '------, ;====i. =. ===9 I 1,,-'_' ____ ---': L __________ _ L;GcND: EXISTING WETLAND PROPOSED 25' WETLAND BUFF'oR PROPOSED VEGETATED W[7LAND PROPOSED OPEN WATt:R WETLANO PROPOSED STORt.! DRAINAGE POND • c. ___ .;r--"ROPOSED WILDLIFE CORRIDOR L WETLAND 't.!' (SOUTH MARSH) NOT;:: 1.2 t.!ILES TO CONFLUENCE WITH DUWAt.!ISH R1VE~. Nt:ARES-'IAVIGA!3:.o 'NA~o"..::5::.... _______ _ I ~uRFJSE: SvRFACE WATER l,I.NAGEt.AENT DATUM: MSL=NGVD I A;:;JAGENT "~CP:RTY OWN:=<S, WSDOT I 2 ClY 0" R;:NTON ~ HUNr::~ OOUG~S SITE PLAN -SHE~T C , @ 200' lOG' a 20C' ~:;: ~;;5;;;~~= isc:,'':'::: wATER MANAGEMENT PROJ£( ~: eNG LONCACRES OFFICE PARK :r-..; ::~I\iTON. WA CRE! .. crry o=-S::A;'~£ I , 56 8NSF RAILWAY Reference: 93-4-00059 (Revised) C,-"C1E2 PARK PROPERTIES 7 Mc:.EOD The Boeing Company ": -"aUTARY TO SPRINGBROOK ::.,,;y OF KING STATE:~' LI -,3,--.:::AhiLL.c:,C.:::A"-C-,C",O~N!CT.:::A~IN",,E~R,~IN::;C,,",_Sheet 6 of 7. Date: 21 Jan 99 ~eference: 93-4-00059 (Revised) The Boeing Company Sheet 7 of 7. Date: 21 Jan 99 - / I ./ \ ~ ~T fL.. .. nf' f... .. J,""C; ~~ """'" t3~ .. JI .. ~? v-<:Jj" /"",<> ""...~ ~IL'''''') ) //\,\: /,;~. 0/0'-' "\':' ; .•.. , -. - o llQIE; 1.2 MIlLS TO CONFLUENCE WITH PURPOSE: SURF...a: WATER 1L6N.\G00OO OAruM: IoISl-NGVO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1 WSDOT ) --===~ s o , . . . , ~ ~==========I =. = , ______ ......... __ 1 -:::===~ ====. ====1 =c:: == DUWAMISH RIVER. NEAAEST NAVlG.A.BLE WATERS. OVERALL SITE PLAN SURF.ICE WATER IoIANAGEIotENT PROJEI BOEING LON<W:RES OFF1CE PARK 2 CITY Of RENTON 000 3 HUNTER DOUGlAS :t ~IBUT~ W~ SPRINGBROOK CRE 4 CITY Of SEATTLE STA A & 5 BNSf RAILWAY COUNTY Of: KING :rr: w. -6 GlACIER PARK PROPERllES Proposed Mitigation Reference: 93-4-00059 ~ 7 McLEOD T B . C § 8 AlLPAC CONTAlNER INC. he oelng ompany L...!!-"!'~=-~~!!!J:!~~---'-----------5;leet 1 of 5 Date: 9-10-98 ·. _. ./ / i.G.R;(f>tiIC SCALE '\ \, '\ . ",' -. '," ,\ j . 'I' i ' .... \ . i". \ \ '\ PROJECT (UI,crr OF AREA DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION) EXISTING MAIN POND lIQIE; 1.2 MILES TO CONFlUENCE wmt DUWAMISH RIVER. NEAREST NAVIGABLE WATERS. PURPOSE: SURfACE WATER IoWIoIGOIOO 01.1\)101: MSL-NGVD ADJACENT PROPERlY OWNERS: , WSDOT SITE PLAN NORTH HALF SURF,<CE WATER MANAGEMENT PROJEI BOEING LONGACRES omCE PARK 2 CITY Of RENTON IN: RENTON, WA 3 HUNlER DOUGlAS AT: TRISIJrARY TO SPRINGBROOK CRE 4 CITY Of SEATTLE STATE: WA ! 5 BNSf RAILWAY COUNTY OF: KING --:- -6 GlACIER PARK PROPERTIES Proposed Mitigation Reference 93-4-00059 (Revisl ~ 7 McLEOD Th 8 . C ! 8 AlLPAC CONTAINER INC. e oemg ompany L....E-....!.~~~==~~~-L-----------Sheet 2 of 5 Date: 9-10-98 .. - o 60' 120' 240' GRAPHIC SOOE PROJECT UMrrs (UtdfT OF AREA DISTURBED BY CONSTRucnON) l r-FlROPOSED STORMWATER IASL-NGVO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1 WSOOT 2 em' OF RENTON 3 HUNTER DOUGLAS -4 CITY OF SEAntE S 5 BNSF ~LWAY -6 PARK PROPERTlES 7 TREATMENT POND NEAREST NAVIGABLE SITE PLAN SOUTH HALF Proposed Mitigation Isut<~"';1:. WATER IAANAGEloiENT PROJECl BOEING LONCACRES omc:£ PARK IN: RENTON. WA EEl AT: lRIBUTARY TO SPRINGBROOK CR COUNTY OF: KING STAT£: WA Reference: 93-4-00059 (R! The Boeing Company . Sheet 3 of 5 Date: 9-10-98 '. - (ElLV. 11.0 11) II.DJ SHUI5 --~ lQJ1 10 llAJ 1IElJ.6/It (ElLV. I.D 10 1 QJlJ (ElLV. I.D 10 I.DJ (ElLV. 5.5 10 LD) (ElLV. &.5-) l:IQIE; 1.2 MIlES TO CONF1..UENCE WTlH OUWMlISH RIVER, NEAREST NAIilGIoBLE WATERS. P\.fII'OSE: SURfJa: WATER WNWnOO ~TUU: WSl-NGVO ADJAC£NT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1 WSOOT SITE PLAN LEGEND SURFACE WATER IoWIAGEWENT PROJEC BOEING l,ONGACRES OrncE PARK 2 CITY OF RENTON IN: RENTON, WI. J HUNTER ooucv.s ~ .. ~.,"""'" CREE 4 CITY OF S£AllLE AT: TRlBIJtIR'f TO 51'-""""" I 5 BHSF" AAlLWAY COUHlY OF: KING STATE: WI. -6 GtJ,CIER PARK PROPERTIES Proposed Mitigation Reference: 93-4-00059 (RevisE ~ 7 IoIcL£OO The Boeing CQmpany ~l.....,!,e~A".w==p"-,M;""-,CO=Nt,,,AI,,,NER~,,--!!IN~C,",-, __ L.-__________ Sheet 4 of 5 Date: 9-10-98 -.... ~~'f:'.~--1H~~5-+.~~;;"..-1 ... tu -1U1 C9 CROSS SEC1l0N • 1.2 MILES TO CONflUENCE WITH OUWIoMISH RIVER. NEAREST NAIJIGABLE WATERS. PUIPOSE: SURFICE WATER IWIAGOIOO DATUM: MSL-NGVD ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1 WSOOT CROSS SECTION SURfACE WATER \ANW:EMOO PROJECT SOONG LONGACRES omCE PARK 2 CITY OF' RENTON 3 HU • ....,.., OOUGlAS IN: RENTON. WA ., 0"'" 'J: TRI"'"Nrf TO SPRINGBROOK CREEl< 4 CITY OF' SEATn..E " guo, ~ 5 BNSF' R/lILWAY COI.MY OF': KING STAlE: WA _ 6 GLACIER PARK PROPERTIES Proposed Mitigation Reference: 93-4-00059(P ~ 7 Mcl.£OO Th B . C § e IoliPAC CONTAINER INC. e oerng ompany ~'---!~:o=..~~~.o....!!::!~-....L----------Sheet 5 of 5 Date: 9-10-98 ---- Jill Ding -Re: Bank of America, LUA07-04 r ~A-A, ECF, Notice of Application and prop--ed Determination of Non-Signi Page 1 From: Jill Ding To: Walter, Karen Date: 06/07/2007 10:39:48 AM Subject: Re: Bank of America, LUA07-045, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and proposed Determination of Non-Signi Karen, See my response to your questions below. Let me know if you need anything else. Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 jding@ci.renton.wa.us Ph: (425) 430-7219 Fx: (425) 430-7300 »> "Karen Walter" <Karen.Walter@muckleshoot.nsn.us> OS/24/2007 2:12 PM >>> Jill, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the threshold determination (DNS-M) and the environmental checklist for the above referenced project. We have a couple of questions. First, is there a figure available showing this proposal compared to the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (WSDOT and Renton bank)? The project abuts mitigation site "C" and we want to verify that the project is not within the boundaries of the bank site or its buffer. I went back and reviewed the wetland delineation submitted for the mitigation bank and it appears that some wetland area may extend onto the project site. The applicant has been notified and the project has been placed on hold until a wetland delineation is submitted. Second, where is the proposed regional flow control pond to be located? Where will stormwater from this pond ultimately discharge? The regional storm water facility was reviewed and approved under a previous application by Boeing for a Binding Site Plan and is not included in the review of this application. The pond is located off-site and is required to comply with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A development agreement has been recorded between Boeing and the City preventing the City from imposing a stricter storm water standard on subsequent projects on the individual lots created through the Binding Site Plan. Boeing is currently ammending the Binding Site Plan, and the storm water plans have not yet been finaled. It is my understanding that the facility is likely to be located in a tract to the east ofthe project site. Third, what is the method of storm water treatment and control to be used for this project? The project will be required to convey it's storm water to a regional stormwater pond, which will provide flow control and water quality. ; Jill Ding -Re: Bank of America, LUA07-04" SA-A, ECF,.N_oti~e of Application and prop~oed D~termination of Non-Signi Page 2 Fourth, what is the landscape plan proposed on the SE property line to benefit wildlife? The submitted landscape plan and site plan may require revisions pending a wet/and delineation that has been requested. Any landscaping is required to comply with our landscaping regulations and may not neessarily be required to provide wildlife habitat. We would appreciate any additional information that may be available to answer these questions. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015 172nd Ave SE Auburn WA 98092 Jill Ding -Bank of America, LUA07-045, ". " ECF, Notice of Applic~tion and propos From: To: Date: "Karen Walter" <Karen.Walter@muckleshoot.nsn.us> "Jill Ding" <JDing@cLrenton.wa.us> 05/24/20072:06:54 PM etermination of Non-Significance Page 1 Subject: Bank of America, LUA07-045, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and proposed Determination of Non-Significance Jill, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the threshold determination (DNS-M) and the environmental checklist for the above referenced project. We have a couple of questions. First, is there a figure available showing this proposal compared to the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (WSDOT and Renton bank)? The project abuts mitigation site "C" and we want to verify that the project is not within the boundaries of the bank site or its buffer. Second, where is the proposed regional flow control pond to be located? Where will stormwater from this pond ultimately discharge? Third, what is the method of stormwater treatment and control to be used for this project? Fourth, what is the landscape plan proposed on the SE property line to benefit wildlife? We would appreciate any additional information that may be available to answer these questions. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015 172nd Ave SE Auburn WA 98092 -----------------------------. etermination of Non-Significance Page 2 ------------------------------ Jill Ding -Bank of America, LUA07-045, ~h h, ECF, Notice of Application arld prop~ PROJECT LUA07-046, SA-H, ECF Bank of America City of Renton Department of Planning I Building I Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENTAL APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET (Continuation) POLICE RELATED COMMENTS 18 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually CONSTRUCTION PHASE Theft from construction sites is one of the most commonly reported crimes in the City. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site should have security lighting, and any construction trailer or storage area should be completely fenced-in with portable chain-link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminal and will demonstrate that the area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should be fitted with heavy-duty dead bolts with a minimum 1-1/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in construction trailers should be shatter-resistant. Toolboxes and storage containers should be secured with heavy-duty padlocks and kept locked when not in use. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted on tile property. These signs allow officers, upon contact, to provide a verbal warning to trespassers that should they be contacted on the property again, they could be cited and/or arrested. COMPLETED COMPLEX All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy-duty dead bolt locks, latch guards or pry-resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. Access to the back of the building sho uld be limited, preferably with security fencing, as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance. It is recommended the property be monitored utilizing both a recorded security system and a manned courtesy patrol/security service. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. It is important to direct all foot traffic into the main entrance of the building. Any alternative employee entrances should have coded access to prevent trespassing. Page 1 of 2 All areas of this project ne, ) have adequate lighting. This wil sist in deterring theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for customers utilizing the businesses. The structure should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers that contrast in color. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. Landscaping should be installed with the objective of allowing visibility -not too dense and not too high. Too much landscaping will make customers and employees feel isolated and can provide criminals with concealment to commit crimes such as burglary and malicious mischief. It is key for a complex of this size to have appropriate lighting and signage. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted in conspicuous locations throughout the property, including entrances to the property and parking areas. I highly recommend that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises once construction is complete. Page 2 of 2 City .J. •• enton Department of Planning / Building / Pu_,,_ Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~ oL APPLICATION NO: LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT TITLE: Bank of America (Westem WA Data Proc. etr) SITE AREA: 130,963 square feet LOCATION: S of SW 27 'h St & Waf Oakesdale Ave SW COMMENTS DUE: MAY 30,2007 DATE CIRCULATw;MAY ~7 PROJECT M,.;JAGER: 4iII Dinq PLAN REVIEW- BUILDING AREA(gross): 36,000 square feet I WORK ORDER NO: 77753 , SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the constnuction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with assoicated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commerical Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cuttural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addi ion I information is needed to properly assess this proposal. I Representative Date DATE: TO FROM: SIBJECT: CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM June 25, 2007 Jill Ding Jan Illian x 7216 BAI'iK OF AMERICA SW 27'h and Oakesdale U'A 07-046 I have reviewed the application for the Bank of America (12.4 acre site) located generally at SW 27'1, Street and Oakesdale Ave SW Street and have the following comments: EXISTING CO:\'DITIONS WATER SEWER STORM STREETS There arc two existing 12-Inch stubs provided at the east property line orthe Boeing Longacres site. See water drawing 27-3285. There is no other water main In the area. Available derated tire now In the area is 2,800 gpm. Pressure available is approximately 65 psi. The proposed project is located in the 196 water pressure zone and is outside an Aquifer Protection Zone. There is an existing 8-inch sewer stub provided at the east property line of the Boeing Longacres site. See sewer drawing 27-3285. There are no storm drainage facilities. There are no street improvements. CODE REOUIREMENTS WATER 1. Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.273 x the site's gross square footage of 130,463. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $35,752.9016. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the ulIlity construction permit. 2. Preliminary tire now required by the fire department is 2,500 gpm. Three hydrants are required for thiS project. One hydrant is required within 150 feet and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of all structures. 3. A 12-mch looped water main is required around the buIlding. Three new hydrants are required to be installed with the 12-inch main. 4. Extension of approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 12-inch water main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Maximum fire flow will be limited to 2,800 gpm. New hydrants will also be required to be installed with the 12-inch main. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate pennit B<.1l1k ()1-_"Il1l'I'IC:..l Of) 2~ 211(;'~ Puge: 2 or J " Pire sprinkler systems are required. A separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check val ve assembly to the fire sprinkler systems. All devices mstalled shall be per the latest Department of Health "Approved List" of Backt10w Prevention Devices. Civil plans show location of device and should note: "Separate plans and ntility permit for DDCV A installation for Fire Sprinkler System will be reqnired". For ODCV A installations inside the building, applicant shall submit a copy of the mcchamcal plan showmg the location and mstallation of the backt10w assembly inside the mechanical room. Installation shall be in accordance with the City of Renton's requirements. DDCYA shall be installed immediately after the pipe has passed through the building t100r slab. Installation of devices shall be in the horizontal position only. 6. Landscape irrigation systems will require a separate permit for the irrigation meter and approved backflow device is required to be installed. A plumbing permit will be required. 7. If the building exceeds 30 feet in height, a backflow device will be required to be installed on domestic \vater meter. SANITARY SEWER 1. Scwer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.142 x the site's b'TOSS square footage of 130.963. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $18,596.75. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit.. 2. Extension of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer main will be required to be extended within the new roadway to serve this project. Plans are currently being reviewed under a separate permit. 3. If food preparation facilities (restaurants, kitchens, cafes, etc.) are proposed, a grease trap or grease interceptor will be required. A separate plumbing permit will be required. 4. If finished floor elevation is below 25 feet, a "tidet1ex" or similar backflow device will be required to be installed. 5. Side sewer (s) shall have a minimum of 2°/', slope. Sl'RFACE WATER I. Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.265 x the total square feet of the new impervious surface area. Estimated fee based on the site plan is $29,152.39. Fee is payable prior to l<.;:-;uance of the utillty construction permit. 2. A drainage plan and draInage report has been submItted and is currently bell1g reviewed under a separate permit. The report addresses detention and water quality requirements as outlined in the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. 3. Erosion control will need to comply with the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. TRANSPORT A nON I. A 32-1'001 roadway and an approved fire department cul-de-sac will be required to be constructed as shown on the Boeing Longacre, Bmdll1g Site Plan. M1l11mUm pavement width shall be 22 feet with construCtion 2 Bank of America 06i28/2()07 Page 3 of3 of a five-foot walk and a half a foot of curb along one side of the private road. Plans for the private roadway is currently being reviewed under a separate permit. ;vnSCELLANEOUS I. Construction plan indicating haul route and hours, construction hours and a traffic control plan shall be submitted for approval prior to any permit being issued. 2. Haul hours shall be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the Development ServIces DIvision. 3. Rockenes or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate buildmg permit and the following note shall be added to the civil plans: "Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. A licensed engineer with geo-technical expertise must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed m general accordance with ARC standards and with his/her supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit or plat approval for the ploJect. PLAN REVIEW -GENERAL I. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 3. Separate permits and fees for side sewers, water meters, landscape ilTigation meters, and any backflow devices will be required. 4. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction "stllnate and application fee shall be submitted at the sixth floor counter. A fee worksheet is attached for your use, but prior to preparing a check, it is recommended to call 425-430-7266 for a fee estimate as generated by the permit system. 5. Applicant shall be responsible for securing easements for public utilities on the project site. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1. Traffic mitigation fees of $23,655.00 are owing. See mitigation fee sheet. Fee is based on 315.40 average daily trips x $75.00 cc. Kayrcn Kittrick 3 City, enton Department of Planning I Building I Pu Yorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 121 (If) R e Vi a..J APPLICATION NO: LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT TITLE: Bank of America (Western WA Data Proe. Gtr) SITE AREA: 130,963 square feet LOCATION: S of SW 27" St & Waf Oakesdale Ave SW COMMENTS DUE: MAY 30,2007 .. i:!';'''~T\;v~ n DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 16, 2007 ~i:Vv :7 'llIl1T......--- PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PI/'\' I LUU( PLAN REVIEW: '" III nllll(.l DIVISION BUILDING AREA (gross): 36,000 square feet I WORK ORDER NO: 77753 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with assoicated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commerical Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin_q Air Aesthetics Water Li ht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals TransporJation Environmental Healtil Public Services Energy/ Histon"clCultural Natura! Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date Project Name: Project Address: Contact Person: Permit Number: Project Description: Land Use Type: o Residential o Retail .M-Non-retail Calculation: :rs CJ ~#------------------ ~\L l% !¥MevICtA-WvJtL~q ~ $V .;;--,.uo '" Q4te.s[)(}U;r Method of Calculation: ,;::~~rll E Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition o Traffic study o Other (~ 10') (Y;\AVvtJ 8ft ~'-" (\lJ~ 3.3d. /~pl~Q'- Transportation Mitigation Fee: 1-d-~ ~5~ I dV Calculated by: --,\?\'-\~~a:~";:,........;.~,-,,,Cijj\~.)..I<;W!..::::-____ Date: 5/ (j.,.,J)1a -(--~ I 7 Date of Payment: __________________________________________________ _ Cit yo. .enton Department of Planning I Building I Pu Yorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Tr[JJt.=:iX/lnJ1LYI COMMENTS DUE: MAY 30, 2007 Gil Y 1...11-Hl::N IUN APPLICATION NO: LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 16, 2007 Ht:(;EIVEIJ APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding MAY 16 2D07 PROJECT TITLE: Bank of America (Western WA Data Proc. Gtr) PLAN REVIEW: , ,",IVI"'U'~ SITE AREA: 130,963 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 36,000 square feet LOCATION: S of SW 27th St & W of Oakesdale Ave SW I WORK ORDER NO: 77753 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with assoicated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commerical Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Planfs Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Histon'c/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY·RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE·RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ;, PR( nv SERVICES FEE REVIEW DEVELOPMENT APpLICATION REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SImET D OTHER , 'V )' ,j' I ' I I I h /11 " ':J.- APPLICANT: t ,. ':)1 \,~ ( ( ,.:';, ----+---.' RECEIVED rnON1 '-lUJ~.£'/O : Jon ADDRESS: '7~7'fjJ C:'L b Iv 1fle.h.';,.i,,~\C'+)r) S[V WOH (date) NATUREOFWORK:~~-':',J' (-' ~~r L,\;;: GREEN# ____ _ ~ SPECIAL ASSESS~mNTS AND CONNEC TIO N EES APPL 'D \ NEEbllORE INFORMATIO N, 0 LEGAL DESCRII'TION I'l. SPECIAL ASSESS~mNTS AND CONNECTION FEES ESTIMATED 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 VICINITY ~lAP o NOT APPROVED FOR APPLICATION OF FEES 0 .'RONT FOOTAGE 0 OTHER o VESTED 0 NOT VESTED o This fec re\'icw supersedes and cancel .. fcc review It d;ltcd __ ~~._~==~, -/7\ "7 r) f'1) 0 PAREJ\,'T PID# (subject to c hang e) SUBJECT PROPERTY PlOP , ) --0 ,:) L -yL_ 0 King Co_ Tax Acct# (new) _______ _ Triggering mechanisms for the S fees will he based on current Cit:}' ordinances and dctennined by the applicable Utility Section. Final fees will be ba se d on rates in effect at time of Building Pe rmit /Construction Permit application . The foll o win g quoted fees do NOT in clu de inspection fee s . side se wer permits, riw permit fees o r [h e cos t of water m eter s . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS DISTRICT PARCEL NO. NO, METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT Assessment District/\V ATER # OF UNITS / SDC FEE Never I'd * If subjec t property is within an LID, it is developer 's res po nsibility to ch ec k with the Finance Dept. for paid /ull-paid status . ** If an additional water meter (or hydrant) is being installed for fire protection or an additional water meter is being installed fo r privat e landscape irri ga ti o n , please advise as above fees may change. EF'FECT1VE: January 2, 2007 City 0 . en/on Department of Planning / Building / Pu Vorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTME NT: Pfc;w..(hl S i [ j COMMENTS DUE : MAY 30,2007 A PPLI CAT ION NO: LUA07-046 , SA-A~ ECF ..J DATE CI RCUL ATED: MAY 16,2007 APPLICANT: Bank of Ameri ca PROJE CT MANAGER: Ji ll Dinq PROJECT T ITLE: Bank of Amer;ca (Western WA Data Pr oc. etr) PLAN REVI EW: S ITE AREA: 130.963 sq uare fee t BUI L DING AREA (qross): 36,000 square feet LOCAT ION: S of SW 27 '" St & W of Oa kesda le Ave SW WORK ORDER NO : 7775 3 SUMMAR Y OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Admin i st rati ve Site Pl an approva l and En viro nm enta l (SEPA) Rev ie w for the construction of a one-story 36,000 squa re foot offi ce with assoicated pa r1<in g and l andscaping on a 130.963 squa re foot lot lo cated w ithin the Comme ri ca l Offi ce (CO) zoning designation. Access to the sit e would be provided vi a a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street c rea ted through th e Boe ing Lon g Ac res binding site plan. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non -Code) COMMENTS Elem ent o f th e Prob able Probable More Element of the Probable Probable Mo,. Environment Minor Major Information Environment Min or Major In formation Impac t s Impacts Necessary Impa cts Impac ts Necessary Ear1h H ous ing Air Aes/ll ctics Waler LighVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use U ti lities Ani mals Trans ation Environmental Hea/tfl Public Services Energy/ HistoricJCultural Natural Resources Presentation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B . POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to tl)ose areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representativ e Date • FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17,2007 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Jill Ding, Senior Planner ~ James Gray, Assistant Fire Marsha ~ Bank of America, SW 27th & Oakes ale Ave. SW MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. A fire mitigation fee 0[518,720.00 is required based on $.52 per square foot of the building square footage. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS; ;:>//5<-(: 1. The preliminary fire flow is __ GPM, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and two additional Ifydrants are required within 300 feet ofthe structure. 2. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of sprinkler and fire alarm systems. 3. Fire department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exterior. Roadways are a minimum 20 feet in width with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 4. Fire Department dead end access roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. i: \ban kofamericaerc.doc Cit yo ..• enton Department of Planning / Building / Pub _ . Varks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: rll'""c COMMENTS DUE: MAY 30, 2Q{}-7--- APPLICATION NO: LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 16, 2007 APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT MANAGER: Jill DinQ MAT I b 2007 PROJECT TITLE: Bank of America (Westem WA Data Proe. Gtr) PLAN REVIEW: SITE AREA: 130,963 square feet BUILDING AREA (qross): 36,000 square feet LOCATION: S of SW 27 th St & W of Oakesdale Ave SW I WORK ORDER NO: 77753 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with assoicated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commerical Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlh Housin Air Aesthetics Water Li MIG/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Uti/ities Animals TransTJOrlalion Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS c. We have revi wed this application witP articular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and tified areas of probable impact or areas where dditional information is ded to properly assess this proposal. Date CITY _F RENTON Kathy Keotker, Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator June 19,2007 Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 1001 4th Avenue, Level 4 Seattle, W A 98154 Subject: Bank of America Western W A Data Processing Center LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: Additional information submitted by the property owner regarding the City's approval of previous wetland delineation reports. The previous approval of the most recent wetland delineation report prepared on the project site doesn't expire until December 31,2008. Therefore, your project is being taken off hold and review will continue. Your project has been schedule for review by the City's Environmental Review Committee on July 2, 2007. If it is determined that additional information is required to continue the review of your project you will be notified at that time. Please contact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 9-/;J1{p~ ~ill K. Ding V Senior Planner cc: Bank of America I Owner -------------I-O-55-S-o-u-th-G-r-ad-y-W-a-y---R-e-nt-o-n,-W-~--hi-ng-t-on--9-80-5-7-------------~ *' l"hls paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ------_.--.-,------ Jill Din~-Re: Ban~ off\merica, LUA07-045, SA-A, ECF, NoticeofApplication_andproposedDetermination of Non-Signi Page 1 From: Jill Ding To: Walter, Karen Dale: 06/07/2007 10:39:48 AM Subject: Re: Bank of America, LUA07-045, SA-A, ECF, Notice of Application and proposed Determination of Non-Signi Karen, See my response to your questions below. Let me know if you need anything else. Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 jding@ci.renton.wa.us Ph: (425) 430-7219 Fx: (425) 430-7300 »> "Karen Walter" <Karen.walter@muckleshoot.nsn.us>05/24/2007 2:12 PM »> Jill, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the threshold determination (DNS-M) and the environmental checklist for the above referenced project. We have a couple of questions. First, is there a figure available showing this proposal compared to the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (WSDOT and Renton bank)? The project abuts mitigation site "C" and we want to verify that the project is not within the boundaries of the bank site or its buffer. I went back and reviewed the wetland delineation submitted for the mitigation bank and it appears that some wetland area may extend onto the project site. The applicant has been notified and the project has been placed on hold until a wetfand delineation is submitted. Second, where is the proposed regional flow control pond to be located? Where will stormwater from this pond ultimately discharge? The regional stormwater facility was reviewed and approved under a previous application by Boeing for a Binding Site Plan and is not included in the review of this application. The pond is located off-site and is required to comply with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A development agreement has been recorded between Boeing and the City preventing the City from imposing a stricter storm water standard on subsequent projects on the individual lots created through the Binding Site Plan. Boeing is currentfy ammending the Binding Site Plan, and the storm water plans have not yet been finaled. It is my understanding that the facility is likely to be located in a tract to the east of the project site. Third, what is the method of stormwater treatment and control to be used for this project? The project will be required to convey it's storm water to a regional stormwater pond, which will provide flow control and water quality. Jill Ding -Re Bank of Americ~, LUA07 -045, SA-A, ECF , No t ice of Application ~nd ~roposed Determ ination of Non-S ig ni Page 2 , Fourth, what is the la ndscape plan proposed on the SE propert y line to benefit wild life? Th e submitted landscape plan and site plan may require revisions pending a wet/and delineation that has been requested. Any landscaping is required to comply with our landscaping regulatio ns a nd may not neessarily be required to provide wildlife habitat. We wou ld appreciate any add it ional information that may be available to answer these questions. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Lead er Muc kle shoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Div is ion 39015 172nd Ave SE Auburn WA 98092 CITY _F RENTON Kathy Keolker, Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 25,2007 Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 100 14th Avenue, 4th Floor Seattle, W A 98154 Subject: Bank of America Western WA Data Processing Center LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: I have received comments regarding th e possible presence of wetlands andlor buffer areas on your property due to the location of the Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank immediately to the south of your property. Upon further review of the wetland delineation that was submitted with the application for the Mitigation Bank, it appears that a portion of the wetland extends off-site from the Bank site onto your property (see attachment). Due to the potential presence of a wetland andlor wetland buffer area on your project s ite 3 copies of a wetland repol1 and delineation is required to be submitted for review. Until this information is submitted, review of your project has been placed Q!! bold. Once the wetland report and delineation have been submitted review of your project will continue and it will be rescheduled for review by the Environmental Review Committee and a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Pl ease contact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any question s . Sincerely, J:::1{P/J Jill K. Ding V Senior Planner cc: Bank of America .l Owner Neil \Vatts I Development Services Director Jennifer Helmin g ./ Current PJaru1jn g Manager Alex Pietsch I Economic Deve!opmem Administrator Enclosure -------------I-O-55-S-o-u-ili-G-rn-d-y-~-'a-y---R-e-n-lo-n,-W-a-S-ht-.n-gt-on--9-80-5-7-------------~ * ,This paper conta:ins 50"10 recycled material, 30 % post consumer AHE .... D OF THE C UR VE. - > _ -_ • "4 --. .-, -. , , " " , -! ,~ ,-- BOEING LONGA CIIES B, S, p, (REF. 10) / W~ t/<A. YI. J. ~i \,.: , ~ i=! p z: CJ R> (;)Ctl . -0 M~ oCJ P ::Q -< (;) c: ::Q • ~ fi -< ~ ~ !g. 5' ~~ 'Cl Q " ~ Q ~ " \ enton Department of Planning / Building / Pu 'larks City ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Phrlw COMMENTS DUE: MAY 30, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 16, 2007 APPLICANT: Bank of America PROJECT MANAGER: Jill DinQ PROJECT TITLE: Bank of America (Westem WA Data Proe. Gtr) PLAN REVIEW: SITE AREA: 130,963 square feet BUILDING AREA (qross): 36,000 square feet LOCATION: S of SW 27th st & Waf Oakesdale Ave SW I WORK ORDER NO: 77753 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with assoicated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commerical Office (CO) zoning designation. Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing Long Acres binding site plan, A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e,g, Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utifities Animals Transoorlation EnVifonmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic!Cullural Natural Resources Preservation Airporl Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information· needed to properly assess this proposal. Date rt NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE M"y 16, 20J! LAND USE NUMBER: LUAG7.046, SA.A, ECF PROJECT NAME: Bank of America (Western INA D~ta Processlrg Cente-) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The appllcar,\ ,s requesting Adm'nls\r<l\rve Site Plan appro,al and En\',[ocmenta' (SEPAl Review ior Ihe ccnstrucllon of a ene-story 36,000 square foot office wrth aS50iC<lted pa-klng and landsc~pmg en a 130,%3 square foot 101 located within the Commencal Office (COl wnl~\l designauon Access Ie \I1e s,te would be prO¥lded via a proposed access road off of SW 271'1 Street created Ih-ough \I1e 60e,09 L~ng "oe5 blndln~ site plan PROJECT LOCATION: S of SW 2711 SI &. W of Oakesdale A,e Sill' OPTIOf.oIAL DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M), .o.s the Lead Age:1~, Ihe ~I\)' (.f Renton ha~ oetermined that ~lgmfLGant enVIronmental mpacts are Lntkel)" to ,~sult from tl1e pro~'ose~ ~rOlect The'8f~re. as pe'mlt1ed under the RCW 43 21C 1: O. Ine City 0' Renton IS uSing tMe Optlona DNS·M p.oc .. ss to g"'e netlce Iha~ a DNS· M IS likely to be Issued Comment pe·rOC$ for tr.e project and the proposed DNS·M are "'t8grat~d !Clo a s!Cgle comment pe-Ioa There .... ,11 ~ no cornrnenl period Iollowlng the Issuance 01 the Thresholc Deterf'1lnatlon ~' Non-Sign ('C<ln(:.e- Mlt,gated IDNS-M) A 14-day appeal perrod Will ro!low tlle 15suance of the DNS·M PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: May L. 200.' NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: Mal' 1E. 2007 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON' Jim Thomps,,.,. Jon"" Lan LaSalle; T..,I: (20&) 358·1037: Eml: jlm.thompson@am.jli.com PermitsIR..,vi&w R&quo$ted; Elwlronmental (SEPA) Review. Adminl$tratlv& SIUI Plan approval Oth(!r Pennlts which may bo ~qulred: Utility Construction, FI~, and Building Pl'nnits Requested Studies: Geotechnical Study, DraInage Report, and Environmental Study Location where-application may be r&vlewed; Planning/Building/Public Works Dopartment, Development Services Division, SI.th Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 PUBLIC HEARING: NIA CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use' Environmental Documents that Evaluate tho Proposed Proj&ct, OQvelopmenl Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The sub~ect Site IS des'gnaled Emplo,me~t Are~ -Valley lEA-V, 00 Ine :=:Ity of Renlcn Cor;prerenSlve L3nd US~ Map and C~,"rnerGlal Off.ce ICO! on th8 C,t,.·" Zoning Map Envlronmen:al :SFf'A) ChecklIst The project will be subject to the CIty s SEPA ord,nance. RMC 4-4-030 Development Guidelines and Regulations and other apphcable codes anrJ regulsHor.s as approprlale PropOSl'r:I Miligation Measures: Tl;e IO"'C'WI~\i Mi\lge\Lor Me~~~res Will ',I~el'i t:e Ir':looseo on tM prOPQ5ed prOlect These recommended Mlilgation Measures add-eos pr~)('c; Impacl& rot GC-I'ered "riy eXIsting codes and resulatlon~ as Cited above Tile appllcall/ w.rl b~ reqUirod ~o pay I~'e appmpnale Tra."$po.-lat.'r.n Mitrgallon Fee The eppl.cant WII," be reqUired 10 pay Ihe JPpropna!e FiN, MrllgJllon Fee. ijnd ErOSion conlrGI shall be ,"slalled In corrrpilance Willi Ihe 2005 Department of Eco'ogy Siormwaler ManDgemenl MJnual comments on the above application must be eubmitted In writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way. Renton. WA ':18057, by 5:00 PM on May 29, 2007. II yo~ hal',,\questlon" ~boJ~ this pmlXlsa,. o· Wish 10 be made a ~arty of record and reG,we additional nol'l,catloll by mall. contact ~,e Pr~Ject M~nager Antone who 5ub"Tllts wnllen comment~ will autamaticall'l become a p~rty cf 'scord and Will be nob.led of any oec's,on on th,s project CONTACT PERSON: Jill K. Ding, Senior Planner: Tel: (425) 430·7219; Eml: jding@cl.renton.wa.us PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If ,OU w~ul(! 1.lke ;0 be made a part)· 01 record ~o rece,ve furi"oDr I~fo",·.atlon an Ih'; p"op~ser::i pr?Jec<. C0.;rlP1e1e thiS form and return to C,I'I 01 Renton. Development P.a~mns; lQ55 So Grad\, I/Iia)' Re-1tQrI. I/IiA 9805, NamelFile No Bank of Am~rrca I'Neste'n WA Datil ProceSSing Certer)'LU",C·;-046. Sf..-A. ECF NAME MAIUNG ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO CERTIFICATION · -, CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 16 th day of May, 2007, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter, NOA, Environmental Checklist, & PMT's documents_ This information was sent to: Name Agencies -Environmental Checklist & NOA Jim Thompson Bank of America Surrounding Property Owners -NOA only (Signature of Sender):,4tzCfj ,Ju£A:J.V STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) Representin~ See Attached Contact Owner/Applicant See Attached I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument ,,""\~~i\11111 $ \.Y ... ·:' fie /'1 Dated :_5,",--",\ b .. -c---'=c"-,-.J..7 __ Notary (Print): My appointment expires: :: ",-).~~1.~''-' .#>'/1 _ ./' ... -J ____ , ~ ~"'~"" .. ', 'v---r--, -, -z ate of Wi fj t ' ~.J::;1 \~ ... ;..(j ::::. ~ :~ -__ l~~~ HI! 9-5 W" (0,,\ '1. 0'.\ "', 'il.fi' i ~ g "i, ;'''''' .... <·19_'0 :{,O-=" I" ~ Oll.\!\", ... "" ... ~c,.;::- 1/11 f: WAS'r'\",~ 111\\\\\\\", Project Name: Bank of America (Western WA Data Processing Center) Project Number: LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF template -affidavit of service by mailing I I I ·, Dept. of Ecology' Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERG DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Stewart Reinbold' Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. clo Department of Ecology Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer 3190 160th Ave SE 39015 -172 0d Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Auburn, WA 98092 . WSDOT Northwest Region' Duwamish Tribal Office' Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program' Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172"' Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers' KG Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology & Historic Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation* Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 f-Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Jamey Taylor' Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Serve City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 SE 72"' Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent. WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities State Department of Ecology i Real Estate Services NW Regional Office Title Examiner 3190 160·h Avenue SE 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 - Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMTs, and the notice of application .• Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. template -affidavit of service by mailing , I ! I .' , 252304902205 BNSF RWY CO PO BOX 961089 FORT WORTH TX 76161 088670033005 FEDERAL RESERVE BK SAN FRAN 101 MARKET ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 088670028005 BOEING COMPANY THE 100 N RIVERSIDE M/C 5003-4027 CHICAGO IL 60606 252304902403 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO PROPERTY TAX 1400 DOUGLAS STOP 1640 OMAHA NE 68179 252304900605 CITY OF TUKWILA 6200 SOUTH CENTER BLVD TUKWILA WA 98188 0 1- 0 '-/ lp f\,j <'YI< I cd) S -1~-81 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: May 16, 2007 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA07,046, SA,A, ECF PROJECT NAME: Bank of America (Western WA Data Processing Center) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of a one-story 36,000 square foot office with assoicated parking and landscaping on a 130,963 square foot lot located within the Commerical Office (CO) zoning designation Access to the site would be provided via a proposed access road off of SW 27th Street created through the Boeing long Acres binding site plan. PROJECT LOCATION: S of SW 27th 5t & W of Oakesdale Ave SW OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.11 O. the City of Renton IS using the Optional DNS~M process to give notice that a DNS~ M is likely to be Issued Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS~M are Integrated mto a single comment period. There Will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non~Signiflcance Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: May 2, 2007 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: May 16, 2007 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jim Thompson, Jones Lan LaSalle; Tel: (206) 358,1037; Eml: jim.thompson@am,jll.com Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Administrative Site Plan approval Utility Construction, Fire, and Building Permits Geotechnical Study, Drainage Report, and Environmental Study Planning/Building/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 N/A The subject site is designated Employment Area -Valley (EA-V) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Commercial Office (CO) on the City's Zoning Map. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-4-030 Development Guidelines and Regulations and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee, The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee; and • Erosion control shall be installed in compll8nce with the 2005 Department of Ecology Storm water Management Manual. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on May 29, 2007. If you have questions about this proposal. or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Jill K. Ding, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7219; Eml: jding@ci.renton.wa.us PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton. Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way. Renton. WA 98057. Name/File No' Bank of America (Western WA Data Processing Center)/LUA07-046. SA-A. ECF NAME MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: CIT' OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 16,2007 Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 1001 4th Avenue, 4th Floor Seattle, W A 98154 Subject: Bank of America Western W A Data Processing Center LUA07-046, SA-A, ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on June 11, 2007. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional infonnation is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 9pU1{J2~ t?'Jill K. Ding U Senior Planner cc: Bank of America / Owner 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 ~ r hiS paper contains 50% recycled r-Kllen,,! 30% post consumer -~ RENTON AH1".,\I) ()I-TH1". cunVF · ' 'n 01-c '::;' (" / ¥-\ I;;, I t--l i\: L- LUA Ol-O<.j 0 City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT 'MA'< -2 2001 MASTER APPLICATION D~r.E\\JEO PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Bank of America PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: ADDRESS: 1001 4th Ave Western Washington Data Processing Center PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98154 27th and Oakesdale, Boeing Longacres Property TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206.358.0815 Renton, WA 98057 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 0886700320 NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacant Land COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): CO (Commercial Office) ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: ZIP: N/A PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER (if applicable): N/A CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: CO (Commercial Office) NAME: Jim Thompson PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): No Change (CO) COMPANY (if applicable): Jones Lang LaSalle SITE AREA (in square feet): 130,963 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: N/A ADDRESS: 1001 4th Ave, 4th Floor SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: N/A CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98154 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E·MAIL ADDRESS: 206.358.1037 email: jim.thompson@am.jll.com NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): N/A Q: we bipw / d evserv/f onns/p lann i n glrnas lerapp _doc 04/06/07 PRO ...... CT INFORMATION contint--1 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS (if applicable): 36,000 S.F. o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON·RESIDENTIAL 0 SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 0 -none 0 WETLANDS sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): X LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE 04, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1 . Site Plan Approval -Administrative 3. ($1,000) 4. 2. Enviromental Checklist ($500) Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 1,500 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print NameJs) -.JA,........ t c:;,. f::;.. -r.wOi--\.?S~ ,declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing stateme ts and answers herein ntained and the infonnation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that SAf1 g":;, I ho,,,,pS° "- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. (Signature of Owner/Representative) q wo9 My appointment exPires: __ I1---=--O----/f'---_____ -'-- Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 2 04/06/07 Form WA,S ·:6/76} Commitment LEGAL DESCRIPTION: EXHIBIT 'A' hie No.· 1".JCS-291590-WAI Page No.2 LOT 32, OF BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY, SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PLAN, RECORDED MAY 4,2005 UNDER RECORDING NO. 20050504000673, IN VOLUME 228 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 22 THROUGH 28, INCLUSIVE, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Situate in the NW quarter of the Section 25, Township 23, Range 04, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. First American Title Insurance Company BankofAmerica ~. ~ 24 April 2007 To \Vh0111 it may concern: iver of Corporate Workplace CWF W0307 James E. Thompson of Jones Ll11g LaSalle, [nco is an agent for Bank of America regarding project management responsibilities for the \\/estern \Vashington Data Processing Center project and is authorized by Gank of America to apply fo' ennits and project reviews. Since Iv) !l r.CZ~ ~k -- West Region I)rolect Manager CWF_W0307 Form Owner: CW Project Office Waiver of Corporate Workplace Page 1 of 1 Bankof America "'_ ~ ~~ April 200-; To whom it Illay concern: . liver of Corporate Workplace CWF W0307 James E. Thompson of Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc. is an agent for Bank of America regarding project management responsibilities for the \Vestern \\.iashington Data Processing Center project and is authorized by Bank of America to as,PPIYe"l '. jen1llu"ts al .. 'd.prOject reVie\.v" , I1lC~el y., i "---7 J/ /~:; V-"yjC~((:/ ,--~. ~'-'--&lnald T. Baker 4( -- West Region [Jroject .\1anagcr CWF _W0307 Form Owner: CW Project Office Waiver of Corporate WOI"'rJ1ace Page 1 of 1 JEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVIS _ . WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND, Lease Agreement, Drafi 2AND3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND' This requirement may be waivei:d by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section . ~~I~te,T NAME: __ ---l.....!?_p......;A-_____ _ ()E'J%i~~~~:NiO~ DATE: _...::.J~~"':.."...'..:..v__=~=__=_~~l1(:....L, ~1.-..::o=-=D=--ll-- t Development Planning Section ~t>.'( -1 1fJfJ? RECENEO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DI\._.JN WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS -his requirement may be waived by; Property Services Section Public Works Plan Review Se.ction Building Section Development Planning Section -. PROJECT NAME; _pl.:-'---o---'A ___________ _ DATE J.:}V) Ii? j 7..001 0)/OS/2007 KON 10,S1 PAX 4'"4)07)00 City of Renton DS/BDNSP DATE: TO: FROM: CITY OF RENTON PlaDDing/BnUdinglPublic Works MEMORANDUM REVISED January 18, 2007 (Revised March 5, 2007) Pre-Application File No. PRE07·002 Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner, (425) 430-7382 SUBJECT: Bank of America Office'--1201 SW 27'b Street General: We have completed a preliminary review of the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development aJld permitting issues are based on the pre-application snbmittals made to the City of Renton by the applicaJlt and the codes ill effect on the date oC review. The applicant is eantioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification andlor concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Development Services Director, PlallningfBuildinglPublic Works Administrator, and City COWlcil). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. Thc applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available Jill' purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall and are available on the City of Renton website (www.rcntonwa.gov). Project Proposal: The proposal is to develop an office buildinS*-for Bank of America on a 3.01 iLCre property. The project site is zoned Commercial Office (CO) in the Employment Area -Valley Comprehensive Plan designation. It is, however, vested to development standards in place at the time the Boeing Longacres project was approved. The property is located at 1201 SW n1h Street at the "Longacres" campus. The vicinity map provided with the preappliClltion packae:e does not seem to match the City of Renton Landinfo map location for the parcel. Current Use: The property is undeveloped. Comprehensive Plan Land Use DesigDation! The property is located within the Employment Area -Valley Comprehensive Plan designation. The proposed development milS! be cOllsistcnt with the Comprehensive Plan land use policies for this desigllation that w~re in place at the time the Boeing Longacres project was approved. Zoning: The property is located in the Commercial Office (CO) Zone. The CO zone in place at the time the Boeing Longacres project was approved allowed Administrative Headquarters and Professional Offices, and General Business Services as pennilled uses_ 1j!j002/006 I ,. , I 0,/05/2007 MON 10:52 FAX 4254,07,00 City of Renton DS/EDNSi Bank of Am .. ie> on;,. 1 V.ult Pr'ltJllllieation Meeting J",,"OI}' 18,2007 Pogo 20f4 • Current CO zoning allows general offices as permitted uses. At the present time, the proposed vault would be considered an "accessory use" and thereby allowed in the CO Zone. EnviroDmeDtal Review: The proposed project is subject to Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) review due 10 1he size of the proposed building. Therefore, an environmental checklist is a submittal requirement. An enviromnental detennination would be made by the Renton Envirolllllental Review Committee. This detennination would subject to appeal by eitherthe project proponent, by a citizen of the community, or another entity having standing for an appeal. Site Plan Review: Projects that arc located in the CO zone are subject to Site Plan Review. Based on project s~, the review and approval would require an Administrative Site Plan Review. The submittal requirements and. criteria for the Administrative Site Plan Review are included in the preappiication package provided at the preapplication meeting. Critical Areas: Thc site is located in an area with regulated slopes present. A geotechnical report would be required. A nearby wetland appears to include a buffer either coincidental with or outside of the parcel boundaries. This buffer area must be delineated and shown on tbe property survey and site plan for the projeet. Development Standards; The projctt is vested to previous development standards RMC 4-l-110A, "Development Standards fOf Commercial Zoning DesignatioDs" that were in place at the time the Boeing Longacres pfoject was approved. These apply to new development on the site. A copy of the development standards to which the project is vested can be found in (he packet given to the applicant at the pre-application meeting. Maximum Building Coverage -Maximum coverage of the site by building(s) is 65 percent of the total area or 75 pcrcent if the parking is within the building. Sethacks -Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. Setbacks are different for the front, side, and r~ar yards. The front yard setback is as follows; 15 feet for buildings less than 25 feet in height 20 fcet for buildings 25 to 80 feet in height 30 feet for buildings over 80 fcct in height Front setbacks may bc reduced through Site Plan Review to a lllinimWll of 15 feet. The mintmum Fe'll'ireEI sid~ )'1IRi sed'iI'ilk IIlettg 8 stfeet is as fell_ I $ ~et fef lll1ilEiings less Iilan 23 feet iH height 2Q feet fer euildHtgs 25 t8 89 feet in lIeigftt 3 Q feet fef llui1!tings 9\'er 8 Q feet iB height Sies s.l6ael,s may ee reeueea tiH'8Ugft 8~e Flail Review Ie a miflim~ er I § feet. There is no minimum rear yard setback. 07-002 Bunk or America Val,llt (CO. SPRJ.d~\ , I I 03/05/2001 KON 10:52 FAX 4254301300 Cioy of RenoOn DS/BDNSP Bank of Amenca Office 1 Vaul, Pr.applico!lon M ee,i ns J""WlI)' 18, 2007 F.gc3 of 4 The proposed site plan identifil:5 an area at the northeast comer of the site as the "front yard set back." but this area contaios parking, which is not permitted withio setback areas. The site plan, when submitted, must Identify the front, side, and rear yurds and demonstrate that required setbacks are met. Setback areas cannot contain driveways or parking and must be landscaped. Building height -The maximum height allowed in the CO zone is 250 feet. Parking· The parking standard (RMC 4-4-080F.IO. "Number of Parking Spaces Required',) lor general office use is a minimum of3 spaces for every 1,000 feet of net floor area (nsf) in the building and a maximum of 4.5 spaces for every 1,000 nsf. The applicant has proposed a 33,398 nsfbuilding and 145 parking spaces. The range of allowed parking spaces is between 100 (3/1000 nst) and ISO (4.5/1000 nsf) for the size building proposed. Rcfuse and Recycling Areas: Refuse and recycling areas need to meet the requirements of RMC 4-4-090, "Refuse and Recyc1ables Standards." Landscapine: The development standards require that all pervious areas within the property boundaries be landscaped. All landscape areas are to include an underground irrigation system. Refer Ie lllAQssape feglllaliel!5 (RMC 4 4 Q7Q) fer Rnt6er ge!le;ai MI~ speeifis 18ft8seape re~B:h:eM&Hts. A conceptual landscape plan and landscape analysis meeting tbe requiTements in RMG-4-8- I~OO, 12, shall be submitted at the time of application for Site Plan Review. Fifteen foot. sight obscuring landscaping is required along the north Property boundurv. unl~s reduced to 10 feet through the Site Plan Rcview process. Permit Requirements: Administrative Site Plan Review and Approval (see above), Environmental Review (see abovc), Utility Construction, and Building permits would be required for the project. Please contact the main counter of the Developmcnt Services Division at (425) 430-7200 for building pcrmit infonnation including fees. The timerrame for review and approval is approximately 8 weeks from the time the application is deemed complete. Fees: Impaet fees and fees for building and utility construction permits would be charged. The fOllowing mitigation fees would be required prior to utility construction permit issUillIce Ot building pem1it issuance: • A TnlI1sportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. • A Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52 per square foot ofbuildiog area Please see the comments from the Enginceriog Plan Reviewer for more infonnation on fees. including System Development Charges. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees is also attached for reference. In advance of submitting the full application package, applicants are strongly encouraged to bring in one copy of each application Item for a pre-screening to the 07..Q02 Bank o[kuerica Vnuli (CO. SPR).uoc\ 111004/006 , 0,/0512007 MON lO:5, FAX 4254307300 City of Renton DS/EDNSP Bank of America Office I Vault PI'(:applicatioll Meeting i.nulU)' 18,2007 Page 4 of 4 customer service counter to help ensure that the application is complete prior to making all copies. 07-002 B:mk or" America Valllt (CO, SPR).doc\ Ij!J005/006 CITY OF RENTON ADMINISTRATIVE AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS Total Processing Time Approximately 6-8 .. eeks Receipt of ApplicaUon Determination of <l<>mplete Application & Notice of Applical;ion and Optional DNS* Date Mailed and Posted Public <l<>mment Period Ends Threshold Environmental Determination Administra live Decision and Environmental Decioion Published Mailed and Posted Appeal Period Ends L_ 1 l~ Staff 1 Appeal.. I ~:..ort 1 Period~ Appro". 7·}4 Days 14 Days City staff or other agencies Illay request additional infurmation d urinlf the review and decision making process. It is imp<lrtant that the applicant submit the requeated material quickly to avoLd delays in the process. Any time spent gathering data 8lldlor additional city review period ia not included in the above chart and will increase the time required to process tbe application. Iortnalp ... /dslprote<l.",ItIDIG-abclbh 00/2000 7 Day .. Before Environmental Determination --~--~---------"---" 7 Days 14 Day.** .. For projects DOl ,..,quiring an environmental impact statement ** If the Threshold Environmental Determinationcontail1ll different mitigation condition. than thoee included in the option!li DNS notice, this time is increased to 29 days to ae<:ommodste an additional 15-day period in advance "of the appeal pariod. ... ~ w ~ ~ on ~ N ~ ~ ~ '" 0 '" ~ ~ on w .. ~ .. N on .. w ~ ~ w <> ~ <> .... rt-.., 0 '" ,. • " ,.. 0 " 0 V> ~ .. 0 '" V> '" • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bank of America Western Washington Data Processing Center 32.2177 .085 Project Narrative: Project name, size and location of site: • Bank of America -Western Washington Data Processing Center • 36,000 s.f. commercial office • Situate in the NW quarter of section 25, township 23, range 04, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Parcel #0886700320 located on the Boeing Longacres Property south of I- 405 and west of HWY 167 in Renton, Washington. The 2.81 acre property is bordered on the east by an extension of Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton Wetlands to the south, Burlington Northern Railroad to the west, and undeveloped commercial property to the north. Land use permits required for proposed project: • Site Plan Review and Approval, Environmental Review, Utility Construction and Building Permits (as identified in the 01/18/2007 pre-application meeting with City of Renton) Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties: • CO (Commercial Office) Current use of the site and any existing improvements: • Site is currently vacant land with no existing improvements. Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) • The site lies in close proximity to the Renton Wetlands to the south and south-east of the property. Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions • Soil within the proposed facility area consist of surficial fill soils overlying native alluvian soils. The native alluvian soils consist of silty and gravelly sands with soft silt. All drainage control will be accommodated by a proposed regional detention facility tot the east of the project site. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development • A new single story commercial office will be constructed for data processing by the Bank of America. Site will be developed for the building and the required support parking areas. Landscaping will be provided around the building and within the parking areas. For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots • "Lots 1 through 35, inclusive, & tracts A, B, C, D, & E of Boeing Longacres Property, amended binding site plan, recorded January 8, 2004 in volume 219 of plats at pagels) 67 through 73, inclusive under recording no. 20040108000164, in King County, Washington. Access • Access to the site is via a new access road that connects to sw 27'h 5t which connects to the existing road Oakesdale Ave. S.W. SUilC ."lU() Seattle \\:;l'tllf1)~:c:n '),s!01 '1',,1: 2IJh.(/H.21 (j{J !'J'C :l()6J),,),t21)] Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) • All off site improvement will be provided by Boeing. Pacland is their engineer of record. Contact Mike Neer, Project Manager for Pacland at (425) 453-9501. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project • $13,935,788 Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed • Reference drawings C1.00 (Demo and Tesc Plan) and C2.00 (Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan). These are submitted with the Site Plan Review Package Number, type and size of any trees to be removed • 20 -poplars (6" to 24") • 8 -cottonwoods (6" to 18") • 2 -cedars (22" to 24") Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City • N/A. No land will be dedicated to the City of Renton. Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes • N/A. None proposed. Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification) • N/A. No modifications requested. \til\~' _-)00 Seattle \\':1,11ill~~\OI) 'is I i) i Tt:!: lOh.(/) I.)'; fJfJ l:,j\,-1()(),(:')'!.,~12i DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST~\~ City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPAl. Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most preCise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part 0). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Bank of America -Western Washington Data Processing Center (WW DPC) 2. Name of applicant: Bank of America 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Jim Thompson Jones Lang LaSalle 1011 4th Ave 4th Floor M/C WA1-101-04-40 Seattle, WA 98154 T: 1-206-358-1037 4. Date checklist prepared: April 9, 2007 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton -Planning/Building/Public Works 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): N/A -Project to be developed in a single phase. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. LEEDs accreditation. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. N/A. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The Bank of America proposes to build a data processing center on a 2.81 acre site within the Boeing Longacres Industrial park. The building area is 36,000 s.f. The building will be used exclusively by Bank of America employees. 2 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. Situate in the NW quarter of section 25, township 23, range 04, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Parcel #0886700320 located on the Boeing Longacres Property south of 1-405 and west of HWY 167 in Renton, Washington. The 2.81 acre property is bordered on the east by an extension of Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton Wetlands to the south, Burlington Northern Railroad to the west, and undeveloped commercial property to the north. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle on~lIing, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other . b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) 30% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Silty sand, silty fine sand, soft silt, sand. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Yes, project Geotechnical report indicates this site as a liquefaction hazard area. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Structural fill, as defined in the project Geotechnical Report, will be required to raise areas of the site to finished grade. Fill to be obtained from a pre-approved pit location. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No, temporary and permanent erosion control and stabilization measures will be utilized to prevent erosion from occurring. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? About 84%. 3 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Temporary silt fence, catch basin protection inserts, plastic sheeting, seeding, straw mulch, and landscaping, 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quanlities if known. 1. Carbon monoxide from construction diesel and unleaded equipment. 2. Dust caused by construction traffic. b. Are there any off·site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air. if any: 1. N/A 2. Water trucks on site. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year· round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Renton Wetland existing in adjacent property to the south and southeast. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes, however' no work will occur within the 50 foot wetland buffer. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 00· year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. 4 b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. All water runoff from the site will be stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff will be collected in catch basins and routed to the public storm system. The public storm system discharges into a regional flow control and water quality pond. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Stormwater runoff will be routed to a regional flow control pond adjacent to the project site. The regional pond will be designed per City of Renton design standards. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: --X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs X grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other X other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? All vegetation will be cleared. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. N/A. None apparent. 5 d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Use of native plants, use of drought tolerant plants and use of wildlife habitat plants. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been Observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: N/A. None apparent. Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other _________ _ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _____ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. NIA. None apparent. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain NIA. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: 2,619 SF adjacent to SE property line planted and dedicated to wildlife habitat area. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. ElectriCity will be used to generate air conditioning for the building and gas will be utilized to generate heating and domestic hot water. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. NIA. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The cooling tower and air handling units fans will be provided with variable frequency drives (VFDs). All air handling equipment providing air conditioning to the building will be provided with full air-side economizers. Mechanical systems will be provided with a Building Management System for direct digital control. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazardS, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 6 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. N/A. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: N/A. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Burlington Northern Santa Fe train line. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Street sweepers will be used as needed during earthwork portion of construction. Noise levels will be standard of construction work, but not greater than is normally expected. During construction hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7AM -3:30 PM, with occasional late afternoons and Saturday work, all to be within the City of Renton's allowed construction hours. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: N/A. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? None, Adjacent properties are vacant. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. None. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? CO (Commercial Office) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Employment Area -Valley 7 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. No. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 95 -Bank of America employees. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Working with the City of Renton Municipal and Boeing Longacres. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: N/A. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 24' -0" building envelope (30'-0" top of mechanical screen) building materials: concrete, metal panel, corrugated metal wall panel b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: N/A. 8 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? This building will be dark sky compliant and is being designed to achieve LEED Silver Certification. As such, it is anticipated there will be very little glare and no light pollution off-site. Any exterior lighting will be controlled by photocell and timeclock to be on during night hours only. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? There are none that we are aware of. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Lighls will be full-cutoff and will include shields where necessary 10 ensure no lighl pollution off-sile. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? None apparent. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: N/A. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on. or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, SCientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. N/A. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A. 9 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site. and describe proposed access to the existing street syslem. Show on site plans, if any. See attached site plan. Figure -A. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The site is less than a half mile from commuter train station, and one mile from bus service. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Proposed parking spaces: 108 Eliminated parking spaces: 0 d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? A new private access road to the site is being developed by PACLand for Boeing under a separate permit connecting to SW 27'h Street. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. The site is less than a half mile from commuter train station. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. 75 round trips per weekday (some of the employees are related and carpool). No weekend or evening traffic expected. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Bank of America provides incentives for carpool and alternative transportation. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No more then normally expected for a Commerciat Office development. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A. 10 16. UTILITIES a. Circle uti:i:ies currently available at the site: electricity. ratural gas. water, refuse service, te!ephone. sanitary sewer, septic system, other. None currently. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and The general construction ac~ivities on the site or in the Immediate vicinity \Nhich might be needed. A site access road is in design. which will provide a way in to the site. New utilities will be provided to the site including water (City of Renton), Sanitary Sewer (City of Renton), Power (PSE), Natural Gas (PSE), Comm. All offsite street construction and the utilities in new public ROW will be provided under a separate permit. c. SIGNATURE I. the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above Information IS true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that It might issue In reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full dISC_IOSU e on my par_pt_ • __ _ Proponent ~ ____ _ Narr.e Printed: -\-U'K3f-.1...\::"-";;L----li~~:J:l,,fi;~ P <;. CJY-- Date ~ 7.-007 11 LOCATION MAP TUKWILLA o Gens.er 1524 Fifth Avenue Suite 300 Seattle Telephone Facsimile WA 98101 206.654.2100 206.654.2121 RENTON o u 515 SE CARR RD P,ojoo1 BANK OF AMERICA, WW DPC 0 .. ",,00" SITE PLAN, FIGURE A ProJ"" No. 32.2177 .058 D ... 04.09.07 IssullllRev By DH Fila Name SA 05 S~I. NTS Sketch No. 01 ©2006 Genskw Memorandum To Fax No. City of Renton Department Services Division Tel.phone No. From Date DavidHo Project Project Number Bank of America Western Washington Data Processing Center Subject FIle Site Plan Review item 10 . Construction Mitigation Description Distribution This Is page N/A Memorandum / Discussions / Observations Construction Mitigation Description Narrative: 425.430.7231 425.430.7200 April 9. 2007 32.2177.085 ME 1 of 1 Gensler • Proposed Construction dates (start and finish dates) -GLY Response: Approximate Start and finish dates are 6/1/07 to 3/1/08 • Hours and days -GLY Response: Monday through Friday 7AM -3:30 PM, with occasional late afternoons and Saturday work, all to be within the City of Rentou 's allowed construction hours. • Proposed Hauling I Transportation routes -GLY Response: Route A: South on Oakdale Ave. SW, turn east onto SW 41" Street to SR 167 Route B: North on Oakdale Ave. SW, turn east onto SW Grady Way to SR 167 (See Attached Map) • Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics -GL Y Response: watering of site during dry earthwork days to help minimize dust; drain socks, rock dams, and straw bales will be used to minimize erosion aud help to keep public roadways clear of mud. Street sweepers will be used as needed during earthwork portiou of coustruction. Noise levels will be staudard of construction work, but not greater than is normally expected. • Any special hours proposed for construction or hauling -GL Y Response: No hours beyond what is allowed by the City of Renton, unless by specific request aud approval from the City. • Preliminary traffic control plan -GL Y Respouse: The site is location off of the maiu roads aud should not impact traffic. Any short term traffic revisions will be submitted to the City, prior to affected dates. • GL Y Construction spoke with the City Airport Manager (Bruce) and the crane usage on the ,r WW DPC project will not impact flight plans. \';1'11 PL"1'l~'\~ '*-""'6~~'f BEl'fI r . " ",-~J Contact: Laura Soma, Project Engineer I ,: .. : I 206.227.1058 celiliaura@qly.com ",t>..'1 -L c,o> Pte-ceNt-\) 1524 Fifth Avenue '1:\:'2.7.1 n l)k5'.<1oullT"·"t.lllo"',j_Tl"!\,,la(my\Jl'd\,,," l'bll Tn'll"W\HlC07<)405 _"'>l _1"_1(1 dnc Suire 300 SeattLe Washington ';J81Ul Tel: 206.654.2100 :>1CORI])I)(, Fax: 206.654.2121 Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27'1] St, Renton, King, Washington 98055, Fnited States -Goo ... Page 1 of i ...• 1 Address Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27th St Renton, WA 98055 It " '" V) (\('1"7 • I I • • • • • • • • • • • ASSOCIATES INC. PHAS~: [ ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT OF Seattle Longacre (WA06028) 76.00996.0116 1207 Southwest 27th Street Renton, Washington 98055 Arc PROJECT NO. 76.00998.0116 Prepared by: ATe Associates Inc. 6347 Seaview Ave. NW Scaltlc. Washington 98107 Phone: 206.781.1449 Fax: 206.781.1543 January 25, 2007 Prepared For: Jim Foster Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. 100 I Fourth Avenue, 4th Floor Seanle, WA 98154 • • Sewer Utility PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 1207 Southwc::;t 27th Street Renton, W<lshington The property is nol currently connected to sewer utility. The City of Renton provides sanitary sewer and stann sewer services to the surrounding area. Other Local Environmental Records Sources No additionallucal environmental records sources were reviewed. ~ 5.2 Physical Setting Sources According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute Renton. Washington. Quadrangle Map dated 1994, the property is located in an arca of relatively flat topographic relief with contour lines in the surrounding area indicating that the property is located at the lowest elevation of a valley with slopes cast and northeast of the property indicating a general topographic gradient in the area to the south-southwest. A copy of the USGS topographic map is provided in Appcndix A. Review of King County Geographic Information System (GIS) Center data as provided through the iMap on-line application, elevation at the propcrty varies with a range from 25 to 30 feet above mean sea level (msl) with contours indicating a gentle slope to the south and to the west. The nearest major surface water body is the Green River, located approximately 900 leet west of the property. Surface water drainage at the site is anticipated to flow to the south toward adjacent wetlands. ATC reviewed the Washington State Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geologic Map of Washington, 2002. According to this map, the property is located in the Puget Lowland physiographic province, which consists of a broad, low-lying region situated between the Cascade Range to the cast and the Olympic Mountains end Willapa lIills to the west. Lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks unconformably overlie the Crcscent Formation. The oldest of these sedimentary rocks consist of sandstones, shales, and coals deposited on a coastal plain fed by westward flowing rivers. As the Cascade Range began to form, much of Ihe sediment deposited on the coastal plain was derived from volcanic eruptions. During the Quaternary, the Puget Lowland was covered a number of times by continental ice sheets. The most recent (Fraser) glaciation reached its peak about 14,000 years ago. The Fraser ice sheet extended to Littlerock, south of Olympia. Maximum ice thickness during the Fraser Glaciation was approximately 1,000 feet at Olympia, 3,000 feet at Seattle, and over 5,000 feet at Bellingham. The Fraser ice retreated quickly, leaving behind a landscape sculpted by glacial erosion and covered by newly deposited glacial drift. The location of present-day waterways and river drainages was established by the pattern of Fraser glacial erosion and deposition. The depth to the bedrock is greater than 60 inches. According to soils data compiled by fDR from digitized USDA maps and resources, the property is underlain by Pilchuck loamy sand. Pilchuek loamy sand is characterized by slow inliltration rates with layers of soil impeding downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. The soils have excessive drainage, high hydraulic conductivity, and low water holding capacity. This soil does not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. Depth to the water table greater than six feet below ground surface (bgs). In general, groundwater flow direction is expected to mimic surface topography. Based upon this assumption, groundwater at the property is anticipated to flow to the south and the west, toward adjacent wetlands and toward the Green River. Groundwater levels as recorded in wells within one-mile of the property indicate that groundwater at the property may be found between three and 16 feet bgs. Estimated groundwater levels andlor flow direction(s) may vary due to seasonal fluctuations in precipitation, local usage demands, geology, underground structures, or dewatering operations. According to the Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 53033C0978F, revised May 16, 1995, the property is located in an area identitlcd as "Zone X" which indicates it is located outside of the lOa-year and SaO-year flood plain. A copy of the fIRM map is included in Appendix L. Project No. 76.0099R.OI16 I[ ATe Associates Inc . I I I I I • I I PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSFSSMENT 1207 Southwest 27th Street Renton, Washington ATC reviewed the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Wetlands Map (ht1p:llwetlandsfws.er.usgs.gov/) for the property area. The Wetlands Map did not identify wetlands on the propcrty. Wetlands were depicted on the south adjacent property. 1\ copy of the National Wetlands Inventory map is included in Appendix L. 5.3 Historical Records Sources The following table summarizes the findings of the rescarch presentcd below pertaining to historical property and surrounding area uses. HISTORICAL USE SUMMARY Period Source(s) Intervals/Comments Prior to 1940 Ilistorical Maps, USGS Topographic The property and surrounding area Maps, Tax Assessment Records were undeveloped land. 1940 -1960 Kroll Atlas, Topographic Map, Tax The property was undeveloped land Assessment Records that was reportedly part of a property utilized as a horse race track, located further north of the property. The property was purchased by Glacier Park Co. in 1959. 1961 -1980 Aerial Photographs, Kroll Atlas, The property was undeveloped land. Topographic Maps, Tax Assessment Records J 981 -Present Aerial Photographs, Kroll Atlases, The property was undeveloped land Topographic Maps, Tax Assessment purchased by The Roeing Company Records, Interviews, Building circa 1990. Department Records, and Site Reconnaissance. 5,3.1 Aerial Photos ATC reviewed available aerial photographs of the property and surrounding areas provided by EDR. the USGS Terraserver USA website. and the City of Renton. Available aerial photographs ranged in d.te from 1965 to 2003. The following table includes descriptions and interpretations from the aerial photograph review. Copies of reproducible aerial photographs are includcd in Appendix F. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SUMMARY Year Scale Property Comments Surrounding Area Comments 1965 I" -750' The property is undeveloped, wooded The surrounding area is generally land. undeveloped agricultural land. Directly adjacent to the property to the West is a railroad right-of-way. Further west of the property is the Green River. A race track is present on a non-adjacent property to the north. 1977 I" -750' The property has been cleared and now The surrounding area remains generally appears to be landscaped lawn. unchanged from the prior photograph . However, increased commercial development is shown west of the Green River. 1985 j" c., 750' The property appears to be cleared, The surrounding area remains generally graded land with a dirt road extending unchanged from the prior photograph. south into the property from the raee However, directly adjacent properties to track property. the north and the east are now cleared, graded land and no agricultural use is apparent. Project No. 76.0U998.0 116 \2 ATe Associates lnc. Renton Property 122-14-40 W 122-14-0 W w I:'U,:'- PUSK rx '\'-)" ,.<!--n ... \ ~... ::;::-:::. ,---j~ -' ~ " ' _ 0 z z ~ " ~ ~ \. Q81~~ -" \ \ 122-14-40 W . -~. r: c--: "'<-<'f I , ":>,',,0[") :' r~ 1!iTH 122-14-20 W eli' Renton' Difital , PEMC ~! IH PASH PSSC 122-14-0 W I:;' PFOC:~J ,~~ , ) -\~l PEMA'O: 'PFOA; 122-13-40 W -1 a r .!~ 'f"~??",-sd ~ N " ~ o Z , ,~ z 122_13.20 W Map center: 47' 27' 38" N, 122' 13' 59" W This map is a user generated static output from an Internel mapping site and is for general reference only. Data layers that appear on this map mayor may not be accurate, current, or otherwise rehable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. Notes: Property IS Within 50 feel of wetlands. I -': -:-~-"-~'-~-~~' ", :-~-.:;~ *" ,.' ~'~"";' I ·-ti~1~::'L?' Legend JtI Interstate Major Roads Other Road " tntorl5l.ate p/ Slate highway .r' US highway Roads .:') Cities ~ USGS Quad Index 24K Low9r48 Wetland Polygons Elltuarine lind Marine Dllflpwater E6tulrine and Matine Wetland Frell:hwater Emllrgent Wetllilnd /:..:;:: Freshwater Foresled/Shrub Wetland Fretohwator Pond III Lab Other RiverinE; Lower 48 Available Wetland Oata Non.Dlgital Digital No Data Scan NHD Streams i 0 Counties 10DK I Urban Areas 30l}K -. .,;;. States 100K o South Am&rica C North America L~ Scale: 1 :21,382 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTe'! MAY -2 2~~1 RECEIVED ASSOCIATES INC. PHASE I ENVIRO;llMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT OF Seattle Longacre (WA06028) 76.00996.0116 1207 Southwest 27th Street Renton, Washington 98055 ATC PROJECT NO. 76.00998.0116 Prepared by: ATC Associates Inc. 6347 Seaview Ave. NW Seattle, Washington 98107 Phone: 206.781.1449 Fax: 206.781.1543 January 25, 2007 Prepared For: Jim Foster Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. 1001 Fourth Avenue, 4th Floor Seattle, WA 98154 I • Sewer Utility PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 1207 Southwest 27th Street Renton, Washington The property is not currently connected to sewer utility. The City of Renton provides sanitary sewer and stonn sewer s.ervices to the surrounding area. Other Local Environmental Records Sources No additional local environmental records sources were reviewed. 5.2 Physical Setting Sources According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.S-minute Renton, Washington, Quadrangle Map dated 1994, the property is located in an area of relatively flat topographic rclief with contour lines in the surrounding area indicating that the property is located at the lowest elevation of a valley with slopes east and northeast of the property indicating a general topographic gradient in the area to thc south-southwest. A copy of the USGS topographic map is provided in Appendix A. Review of King County Geographic lnfonnation System (GIS) Center data as provided through the iMap on-line application, elevation at the property varies with a range from 2S to 30 feet above mean sea level (msl) with contours indicating a gentle slope to the south and to the west. The nearest major surface water body is the Green River, located approximately 900 feet west of the property. Surface water drainage at the site is anticipated to flow to the south toward adjacent wetlands. A TC reviewed the Washington State Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geologic Map of Washington, 2002. According to this map, thc property is located in the Puget l.owland physiographic province, which consists of a broad, low-lying region situated between the Cascade Rangc to the east and the Olympic Mountains and Willapa Hills to the west. Lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks unconformably overlie the Crescent Fonnation. Thc oldest of these sedimentary rocks consist of sandstones, shales, and coals deposited on a coastal plain fed by westward flowing rivers. As the Cascade Range began to form,. much of the sediment deposited on the coastal plain was derived from volcanic eruptions. During the Quaternary, the Puget Lowland was covered a number of times by continental icc sheets. The most recent (Fraser) glaciation reached its peak about 14,000 years ago. The Fraser ice sheet cxtended to Littlerock, south of Olympia. Maximum ice thickness during the Fraser Glaciation was approximately l,OOO feet at Olympia, 3,000 feet at Seattle, and over 5,000 feet at Bellingham. The Fraser ice retreated quickly, leaving behind a landscape sculpted by glacial erosion and covered by newly deposited glacial drift. The location of present-day waterways and river drainages was established by the pattern of haser glacial erosion and deposition. The depth to the bedrock is greater than 60 inches. According to soils data compiled by EDR from digitized USDA maps and resources, the property is underlain by Pilchuck loamy sand. Pilchuck loamy sand is characterized by slow infiltration rates with layers of soil impeding downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. The soils have excessive drainage, high hydraulic conductivity, and low water holding capacity. This soil docs not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. Depth to the water table greater than six feet below ground surface (bgs). In general, groundwater flow direction is expected to mimic surface topography. Based upon this assumption, groundwater at the property is anticipated to flow to the south and the west, toward adjacent wetlands and toward the Green River. Groundwater levels as recorded in wells within one-milc of the property indicate that groundwater at the property may be found between three and 16 feet bgs. Estimated groundwater levels andior flow dircction(s) may vary due to seasonal fluctuations in precipitation, local usage demands, geology, underground stmctures, or dewatering operations. According to the Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 53033C0978F, revised May 16, 1995, the property is located in an area identified as "Zone X" which indicates it is located outside of the I DO-year and SOO-year flood plain. A copy of the FIRM map is included in Appendix L. Project No. 76.00998.011·C'6------------11---------/'\ TC Associates Inc . .. .. - AE ZONE AH ([L 161 --<b r ~ "' J: --- j s z -0 S >- '" Z => w >-a:: u.. u.. 00 i;1i; u u --- ZONE X 25 ----- • APPROXIMAT E SCALE IN FEET 500 0 500 NAT IONAL flOOD INSURANCE PRIIGRAM flOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 978 Of 1725 !SE£ MAP II\IO E)( !'OR PANHS N e T PRINTJ:.O i ~!l.~~ UXIIC 017' -.~ IliIXVI C't? MAP NUMBER 53033C0978 F MAP REVISED: MAY 16 ,1 995 map doN. not reftect chang" m-.de .ut.equeot t o tl'le dete 0 " the : prodUC! I nferm.tlon et)out Ne!lonlll Flood I rltourenc:e .'-....... "' ...... ,--~ •• _-Store at_. 200£0501.{ OODftJ 7 j V 22.~ 1> oz.2... • BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON SECOND AN~HDED BlHDIHCJ SITE PL.AN s.w. ". SEC . 14. T.23N., R.4 E., IV.u. MAY -2 2007 S.!:. 114 SEC 7., T 2JN , R'c .• W.M . N.W. 1/4 SEC. 2S, T.2Jtt, R Ic., W.U. N.£. ". SEC 2~. T 2JIV , lV.E .. W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KIHC'I COUNT Y, WA'HINorOH 2oo",,0B000'" RECEIVED THJS SlJRV(Y SIJPERC£OCS PR!'AOUS BINOI/';C 51Tr Pf..M R('COROel UNDG? Rt:COR DING NO. orne'! nONS' I ~>o(J" AU P(7l.! tf' " .. ;rr _u.v;'$ "'., ot:. "..~ 'fiVUI>lW, ~~~J 01' .... ':1'("1' N T>« ,""" ~Ol'" OC$Ol"~~' lie "pur ...... "''''''''''' !Ol'! ~ ............. ru ...... , '000 '''.'" 541711.C'oO; "vo CCC:'lt Nl .... :.,;c ~'Jf "' .... , ro II( ~ G/I'~oK IIf~fSIJj~API&I' 0' ~( A...;l "'-', ~"'" ""0,0< VI'[ ...... 'S .ox .. n. IJt!:C CD'<sv.' 0Jt0 '" .:CQOt('"Y.£ "';>/ 1I"f ~r:JI_()OooJl"$ IN WI 1.'/[SS 'Mi[f~[OF ~'[ Sf: CUR HAA[;S A /I,D SEALS . 51'rr Of I')ISI<""""'" J I ~ CClV"cr V «WG ) :~~ ~'~l~:.;.:.'~t~;...;~(~c!r1f:~~~r ~~ ::;.; .. ~~ ""'~G "l {:>O:(;) T,..; v.;. _'''''''-''' '" M """ i ",[ .....:J \Qc,. ... ' ... T ocr...., Xl:! 0' ~,IJj) c""''"'''~ l'CN TO" DIE IMS AI"J ~_OSlS _IN ....... 'IOIoC3. ~"" ON o. N , .. rro ""0 T >I( w.os "'">00"1.'0 ro (>1:CUIt "'C $JOt> oo;SI'tt.o'llH' ()N II~""'~ or '><r CO"OOIIM·ON. ~<:ur aT N TMYI'"J8I.C, ., ' .... -.;;CiTi.ra- IMSo4I<C:uo., ~/"S"Oo.'I~ M ...Bc.dc_~''---__ h\ ........ C ,hP ~,..'mJ 10'11( (lI , ..... T .... ~ "J'" C i .,. eQ/"I$.SlO/'f ~:,ors. ~ • '\ (;5 , ·;::IC::f'>_ Q .It~ ¥/~/c""",-______ _ "" ,"';r 01' .... s-..;,.". ) '" C:1l~rr cr K-. ) Oft ""<5:l"'~ mrs"" ... u'~.tMO "'01>( .... C ' ...... !t! ...... ~ "0 lit J,N .. rroo_"CT It; F.:;T cr t tl>oC <UOIS ........ c. ""'l ru.:wG C~" .. ,,·· 11<:!: •• n;I> /If "'l r.l"CQOrfo(: lOIS r-v-l'o:. J.NJ .. :n.o-...roa:.o "H" s.c.", ..., ....... UO ' Ie 'l "Jo« ora "'"0 voo. .......... '..:1 .... 1\ ;rro or SooI't:> roo"O"< ~t(}N ~ "f( IlKS ~ _"051(:5 1H:.:rm. H!Nft'JY"..D. .....0 Oft 0.. ... sr .. 1TtI ..... 1 o<C ... .os .oJ:K>#l /n 10 O'rc,,:T :)or SAO "'s".,.'Uv.' !)toI~....., 0' "'" C'I;>II_''''''' ... 51 .... ,.., ~,,~Qo<~.:tO .» " .' ---'-MU .. C .a ..... _f_""Gll.llll I ANO <'I JR\f)'QR'5 'ER Me .. If· , ><!-'£lIr ;"':vT ""', aas __ iI-r~ ....... cr 9O!:<o;a ,<M;:_n" ,ASCII!Jf'O/'I "" AC""'! ~"t::' ~ Sl.."""'''''''' ... nCtcNJ't. M!J :5. 'l:' ..... 5>'~ 1l ._"" ~""« • '0.1)'. ,""""",,,riff ~ut.c.,.u.. .;;~ nrn 11<£ CQ.'. 5 "'sr .... "S A'" i.'o~ .... <nOlI£cr .... ,{.O£~ LUA-02-022-8SP UlD-J5-0 f'. AOM.'NlS1RATOR or PLANN!,liG. SUILOING , PV8UC WORKS K,NG COUNTY DfPIoRflt![N1 OF' ASS:SSI,I[Nrs AING CO/JNTY ,NANC[ O/"(ISION C[RnnCAn(;t.i • fiPr.~ (VI ...... "' ......... "Oo"'[~"" IAJ/CS...,[ ~A!J. ;"or rh£"l' AI'f"" Q<~"f." $I'(Q"I. .. ~su~>"S CQ'lt"';c., '0 J>jI~ iYT"C£ rot! Ctutcl"lCW .... 1.1 ,.... .... tt $;'f Cl.&< '~~"li «'111'"6 TO ~S Of1Q fC#/ ca.uc _ CH AJoo ~ 01' flo.! "",)Ovrr "'~ll< eoo;, ..... -ro UOIC .. :TO 4S I~~ "I.!t'l"S ,.. 'OIl ..,... ~1ICI' ....... ..: "J(..lIIt~"' .... 'tU. ntIS 3rfA... C .. • 01' 7o...C.:S- O,~tc~erm cCi~1 ~OU~:~. ~c A omct u " ... "rx r:r"n« or ftNAJoCI. DfGl ARATION {)f ro wANr DC' I7O>'<OIS cr JIoC lM<I CW!'A:lD .. _ I'o."'S ......... POl" ............ .:: ... " r<:1f """ t!.· .... n !'::> A::f:IrJ("''''' ""!' 5U8C11<_ /" ~.,.; ~(tW CO',o,-'5 ..... .., ':;JIU ., ctW\t:' :til: fli:NCnO .... INltl>£"j' ,,, INC Iff., (ncJu<1l !N7 .... '" ~ ._ 5"f ..... ,. to on "'-"ltl "'-I. ron,Ar ~·.'!lC'!ASrlIS ar :>I( 'O~ ~ I)T IJiV SlI",,"'s:co.'S I><IOCO<. :,><'S C':lo'LYA"''''-''''' OU", .... _ UJ<I! 'S ~ ... Co' lUS ..... 0.>;.7 SlI"f ~t AJf. RfGOfWiNG CfB MCA If· "01 '"",.Jt Ua;R(J Ar ;w-I'!::>(."O I I'F "" ",.,. or ~o;;c,o, ~ ~ " .. or ~ XUS AI.......1 L ........ :'(1 " .. sr..u.:j .. </00 H :CIt"..llI IN ""'UMf~ c; ...... 1'$, PActS ~ ~U&'JS or ~~ C"""'~ .A$><i· ... fOIoI, D!'IISiO.'J 32209 2269-SuT\I-8s01 -P.Ol3 BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY SECOND AMVlDED IJINOIHC) 8JTE PLAN IfG.l.L OESCBlpvON' ~H ..... 5' .... !I"C~'" 'TfU l..sV'''''';( Co.rP~,'" cCJ./\j.n,.r~:!Xl II~S_I,l(;j]]_~,,' O~'l:;) .... "'L .~, 1'Xl~~' ',Jo ... ,. CO"S , """"""" .l.5. ,,''C',~'SJ'-'f, .. 1!Url'S ... ,. C. (I. <I r or ,()!"'~ lo.\IC'OI[~ O~:lKJT~ .• lI'D<OC" '11roro.JoG S>r .... ....,. "f:':1!r.fD JA"U'''' ~ •• 00-< '1< "..,;.:.."'! 1'1 ~ .L~" ... r P<UiS) ,y ,~ fJ. "'<;'~VS"o.t:. "'O(~ Uc::JPOIV:i N<l )OO'J'OIi>OO'~._ 'i/,..tNC~"":"':5kI"f;fOo'<_ CASEMENTS. COVENANTS &: ,t,(;REfJJENrs "meTlNG SUeJfCT PRCPfRD'- SCtIrot!I.r ~ Iff:rc~!hCC5 snc .. m ~O'" AI<O ""C'S RfffR ,0 rk( ~D RJIIOW':; SIr£" PUJol AS i!!C'O'IOEll 1hItI£~ ~(CQII~ 0,() 200«lIC8C)OOII... r:;ccpl!~s CCJIo<TA;><ft! 1>1 :lOr nltf '(PORr "01~'" Kl08 Alit: (Ii?<C~ NOT SLo/I1,£Y lin" 'Ill fJ< ~o Nn .tnfC' ...... &.£C11'111C"f~rr, 'b~:'!"f~l'~ ~11I:Ws. ro 2111< '. I"S.S OF S£""NCS F()If "'"5 5<lR""~ ,~ ,~ II! "2'$1' £ ~t= 11(£ WfST [;Nf OF 1l<t: $r),JI)/u,s' ~""'.,." Dr" rnf HO'!lWE""S' OU ..... 'l'I' OF =Il0'l a 'PtI .... 5IfII' lJI'KJ'I'l'!,".-.a: • on. "'_M, ~SSh':)""" ON n£ RfC(.f!~ OF l'(.Ol\ot1" ~OII (iNGACU~ ~rCOllJHJ i>NDf>! RUOI!OIHG 1N_~1I10'~a >. nHP "(A$<}II(",tHrs ,Of/. mlS ".41' KIll: "CIIFOIIUCO ... '" 'll!.O tOl .... SrMI'JtjS ,1,10 MelT 011 CII'CC~~ A ll><CU c:.~S""" cr ,,'5.OC<l. AU ,.,.W"~"'" wr'$.JKIlfHT fC1W"ll(NI ..... 5 !l£DI COfJPAAP ~I<D WAl~7Il1 rQ A M_ GCOO£/'IC C~~~1'fO ~~ .. ""., 1>i( ,AS' rrAA. ~. r>I!; 1Itn..-Nof) IIIIf1UI on..c.TIO<~ ~ .... 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ICAH IS M1(( m DNO/jST~MF CootWJ.(~T S',,-,,0.<R1)1 >()V,D 9C A~U=D AIID #''''O<'~J'rc .A..S1IfTC.l1!OH r.l ",'0'(" _ 1>11: CITr ~£M"\o{1i I>ff ~"""I ft;l 1It'/X.OA'r .. c.soo ... mr ,,~o;, .... £ r"",or<I:I,I{;''IS A,ONG $TlI(tr "",,"'AGU iN Qff!){Y:I m (SToUl'S>! .. CO/oISlSTr:N. 51N!:Cn:cAI'( II<ROUGI<OL'T Tl<r sm:. 4, 1>1"""""" !2f M'SOYfLifNt5 Oct ~Q!Jj'Eu S'>r!H, ~I1\.IT~ ... ..:: CIlA{W,I(; lW~r>O""J.lCNrs NCcrSS .... V ~QII -'i'~ SFt;C<Fl(; OC.t:LoPlo'(N' U(I$I 8( l.\'STALl.W rc: ....c s.n!;l"A,TlOIo f}F 7I.r "L"ot:,""'!N~ iC~"'~ o.\4S1OH P~'OII TO "" ,S5(JANt:!!: or ~ cr~""'''''ll: iT oc(:t,p.....c" ~OR AN" S(/j(~ "'''''''' ".[ wts CI'(~ '£0 H(~{II<: (,N1£;j O"'[~"S£ INS"U['l IN OQVA'-C( Of .. "U~ '~""'O!'!C>l. IN ",,,''' CItS{ ... ...,.~'A~ or A SlIE" "~fP'R'!IQj/COY'llm!Cn'" p.~ .. " H fkC ~"'fU>·LI(~r SCRI'CIS DI"9ON OIU OC ~.CCW~Y "(QU'tO[C ~a.T$S AJi(J "n"tl" '''P~O''fiW<rs ~lC£SSAqr III SB!I£ m" [01. OI! ~o~ .>.SSOC'''{D OIn< 4 PROP"J!iEJ D(\!!:!OJ"IO/T 5>'ALl row'LY "'". ... Ll 'PpllC .... , COOf R[C1(.OI/!CW{",'s, II<Cl.IJO"': ~UT ~OT l .... 'W n, $T ..... OdO~ AS nr_,s.,c!) iJIoIrJry O'ApITR .!. Sr<I£rT.", ul~Hr SrANllA/lOS. C0I<7AII<10 OIrH'" nru. IV. on[(~~T I<£G:AAT!OI<:;: '.JF 7>< ~t.'1l}N ",-""""pA. ~CO, 1. !tMIIb'Nq e""'Y'n II<! 0 ___ 50" ""( Le'S CII!X'!:O N(R(lN ~.;( n« ~ICHr TO (NTrR An rASo",,· .OCAI!~ "''''11< 0;1'f_ PNlC!'.S .., CIIO£~ '0 <NS~~,,, AND/OR paOlI< iI"!"'" co ..... "" "'iV""~ UJ1(.."" "'1) A"elSS ·""~lIv("1.<1.~T5 ", "neG A_f 'Nt; G_:!; TIIA:rs .... a C, D, C, G AN:> '" A"[ '0 R["......, I~ ~.,VA"-O""~~$."I. ~r M EIIll"C CQRP<}IO'Jf(>1; OR ITS A=5 _c" ..... " a( AfSPf)O.'S&( rot ... 1WIr£HANCC c.T SJ.D .~" LUA-02-022-BSP LND-J5-CllJ4 '- S, 'N tl4 SEC 24, T.23N .. R 4E.. WI',( S.C 1/4 SE"C. 24. r.23111 .• R.4E .• W,M N. W f/4 SEC;, 25. r 13N, R~E .. ttM. N E. :/4 SEC, 25, r.13N., i? 4E .. W.M GfNE1MI PRQwfCT DeSCRIPTIqN' 1i'O>:'~C R~A( rr C_A""" ~/C "'_AJo< .loll! '50111 ~<f,"<Jt 'SC ~1I:,U:'lliE. iIA ~OO/I PHQH£, c.~~) 1!IS'-I11! .,..M ~ACli>C .1.l~ ..c.wrr '~uA ·AiI'<"'~Y 00111£" ..... =J' .. n ..... u1>< O!I."A • ~Ali"'rlAlJOI. 1'Ie A~"'1!'C'IIRL ";r;.I{CrtfNG. Pc~~wc. '" 'l:RPQRS. (l" .... HlC5. COf<5IA rHG VICINITY MAP ,..or 70 SC.<U" Lor AREA TABL' . , == -, i c:=, ~ I ~ , corr OF RflolTl1v r:;c...,TIICX POINT ~tII' J ,n° 1)1" a-<I.SS IJr,<i< .. ,.. <'\He>< sr ....... ro ·::trr I)r ~f><7ON ..... 'SC' "'" ,AS; (MJ COIiC!O{'!: If'"" ...... "" _N SIO{ Sl' '''" SrIIQ' EI'IOC! roo,,", 4/"J5/fl2 ! i '\:::'" ! .... / ,SIo'2J"'S'I1(fT : ("'J • 1 1 f-+ -c-.---J "I ::.;;...J . ." 1 L'=~.=. ::= .. = .. = .. =.d. .j HORIZONTAl VA II W· "'f Jo<(lI'iIZQl'o'AI. 0."''' FCif ""~ ~~o.t'~, IS ... ASSU\'f.J "'!TOI'IIC~' ; .. ;r.,u (gor,,,~,, (~R(SJ, pu' rH, D{I'£U:"'''(~T ACI«f>4[Nr 8['lO£f~ .... C;·Y!)F ~(N""" >.NO l>«( BOC:NG 11 ..... 1>' c~po.!~rlOOl. CITY Of BENTON stJ8\fY CQNZRQL' ~n TO :;1" or ~l",roN 511""''' 1Xl""'1J( ~HO!;R~ 1fONU .... N7'· ...::>111'<[.sr C'<!IINH' OF ,0' 1 fC o'''!lf' IIf.Nr:lN ,or,'UI, 1;42'J1'JJ·C I~79.I~' N~T><£""; ~OR,V£~ (>" (071 n;; CITy I)r R£~r:lN O"'S~I. S'".,O'I-I"[ "".'" N<:NIJH[.<S; COIIIKI! lO'lJ TO eI/">" "'" 1!£~1tW ~"'''''I ~,,"'nnt '2'1~'· ,o.(IRI"!Asr COII.'If" LOf 1J "1J ",TV C£ II~"I"O/j P'113.!11 5~J·onY£ 1}11.29' SIJ"'/fY[)-'-'-_-"'"-P ::'I,.:.~,[~,a:"m I 80f/1>l0 REALry CORPORATION I;RAI'>1'/9"1", :<DAl/CPC M" ff ..... ~ ~ BOflNG LO,IIGAGRES PROPERTY ~'~·~"i'~OJ"~. i<q;f1lL~'['='=~-='ii."~O~'~'i:'~·'='f<Li~-'~""'~'~'~ i I SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PLAN f-"[II!S.OI~' _ C><D_PiI I .. '.. RE~'fO,", <{INC 'l'''A$HINGf~r-. ---SCA,e PROJi-C'-{."O DRAWING rlL/r:iAM[. ___ ~. , .... I ~_ J2269 2269·-Surv-Bs01 'lSII lN~ .. "IJ1& ",_, ~o<Jj~, "''''"''t~~ _-U'~ I . Z. 0050 StY/COO fp 7 3 V. n.<g BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY ""'" • R;;8,tR ,a, c.<.P l5J:J.l'~ ("r;}d;;~'l ." ~~ ~IS , ;P..r-~~c"1'">J£lIr-+---- 7 Oo.£S7 ~ [A$(}j(l< ,aF 1OO1~'lfOOll"'ll' WA-02-022-8SP LND-J5-011'" SU~V£YE:D BY.~ CHfCl<.fQ BY. __ 0" -:f!AWN BY: )(Dt.lICI'C APP'IOv<:) 8'(: __ _ [..1ST fDlf: ~ PL:)T DPE ~ D~J'[ 'iy q[V( R[I'IS/O'J O:'DAPi'R 't h LJ LJ :r: '" LJ O-! '" SET SHEET 4 ~' SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PLAN \ m aO£/NG~CALTYCORPORATION BOEING LONGACRES PP.cPERrY ~~~;;'~_AC~C~;''-''"!IJ''--'C'''R"oCC[CoCr''NCQC. ---'-;;u:;;PC,.-'N;;N"G"'n~t~;~'~:".I;~~~~~~H~, 11_ .... ""~ _'_"_= _ !OO' 32269 P2269-Surv-BsOI ~ ~ -S- I SCAL[ '" b< " '" ( FE.~ ) 1 INCH .. 100 " 200 I V.2.2<6 BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY S,W. 114 SEC. 24, r.23N., RAE .• W M. S E 114 S/£C. 24, T.2:JN., R.~E., w!u N W. 1)4 SEC. 2~. r 23.'1 .. R.4£., W.M N.f. 1:4 SEC, 25. T.2Jl'i" RAE., i'I.M. ""'" • RCl/A. k c~p '.51J~"'~ CO 8[ S(1) SEE SHEET 6 LUA-02-022-BSP lND-J5-0' /4 SICOND AWENDED BINDING 8/T£ PUN J "J..4" NQ~·~~~r~·! SEE SHEET 7 BOEING ReA!. TY CORPORA nON BOEING ~ONGACR.ES PROPERTY SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PLAN ,RENTON, /(rNG W/l,SHINGrQN PRo.'Ee T NO. 32269 2269-Surv-BsOT (~ IJ ( FEcr ) 1 it.CH _ 100 n 2J]050 50~ 000 t" 73 p. 02.G:> h CJ CJ !4J299' TRAcr A i7j 12 'OO.lJ! "1.ft-l.tJ ua 0""'" "' C, i~ , I~ ,. ,! I " SEE SHEET 7 LUA-02-022-9SP U10-Js-orl.f C"i:C~ED BY: APPR(J'<,!:O 9i, __ _ Plor CATE QJI/?110S SSCONe AJtI!NDED alNDIH(J SHE PLAN I /;:::)'?~::::1'?"';:"=~"Lr-";"'-~:::,_",,~ , I I~ " ,I I S,w. 1/4 SEC. 24, T.23N., RAE., W.M S.E. 1:4 SEC. 24, r.2JN., RAE.. WM N. W, 114 S':-c, 2~ T:23N., RAE., W.M. N.E 114 SEC, 25, T.23N .. RAE., W.M. m BOEIHG REALTY GORPOAATION BOEING LONGACFiES PROPERTY . SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PLAN i""~N~""!C".2'~""'-__ ===~= ___ -,===,,",~W~'"'"H"'~"~~'1' ~ -S- I SCALE ~ '" Ii ,?-00505 (J'i ()OO " 73 , " , ~ ~ ~ SET SHEET 4 7 J2 IJ(!.KJ .... ~. J.QI __ • 27 ,~e1J ' .. ~. "-,. =-•• »J~' I " , \ , W..a.-D2-<l22-8SP LHD-J5-0Il" BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY 10 2tI<!.1e< r~~. ""J "" •• ~ --~,,--1I'II.C· TRltcr 11 JI.OU ....... <l.1l.I.""" S.W 1/4 SEC 24, TZ3N., R4E., W.!". S.E 1/4 SEC . .<'4, '.:z:m., RAE., W.IA N. 'N. 114 SEC. l5, T.23N .. R. ... E" ~';I.M. IV.e. lJ~ ,SEC. 25, r.2JN .. R.4E , 'II.M. ':"1$-::>0'<);' ~_"'.72' .:.-... ~.~. ,,_rooo' L_"~.M· ""'" • ~fB'R II c ..... 5'JJr~ (ro 11£ SO) ~ t;l -s- I SCALE 100 , " "" '''' ,.. : : (rr~ ) fINCH .. 100 " 2°05 0501../ ooo(P73 V. l2? 7 SEE SHETT 4 8 10 l06.:~' "" ~7J _ •• " But::JI,. . 1/4 ~fcP~~B~Ml4~."~ .. ·"'DI/'_~_6n·~ . 114 SEC.2~. T.2JN .. RAE, W/tf" l ____ 50!~.;!2·___ _ ____ _ ,~' 101["'0 5~,..r.<llY sn.o rA5CJj~r AI' ~2S!l2U 27 ,,,,,"7,, ... j,H"",., 32 WA-02-022-ElSP LND-J~OfH SIJR'If)'!."'" !lY'~ O<fCI([!l BY __ _ ~R"'WN ay !<DYICPC AFPRO\IE;J Ill': ,)'SI fDlf Q41t2!QS pwr DA.'[-Q:j.JnIG~ eMf' I 9Y QE'I ~CYl$iO,\ COo(' .lPPR JJ '''.Jg2 ... " 13.2 "" .... (FlIB-l) ..... • ..reAR. c.op L$~Jj,,~ (IC f/£ SCr.' g] BOEINGR~lTYCORPOMTICN BCEiNG LONG,I,CAES PROPERTY SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PLAN l'~'~N~''''2''c. ""'""' ___ ==="", __ -,=cc;:-;;:,-,cW~'","~'~"~;~O~N PD2'8 j ! CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 --------------------Alf)E1?V'ELOPMENT pLANNING • CITY OF RENTON Printed: 05·02-2007 Payment Made: Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07 -046 05102/2007 03:35 PM Receipt Number: MAY -2 2:07 RECElVEO R0702002 Tolal Payment: 1,500.00 Payee: BANK OF AMERICA PAYMENT Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 71768 1,500.00 Account Balances Amount 500.00 1,000.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00