HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-07-045_MISCGWENGINEERS C;; ~ .. ::;;-:.~ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSED EMERGENCY SERVICES TOWER VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER RENTON, WASHINGTON JANUARY 24, 2007 FOR VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Geotechnical Engineering Services Proposed Emergency Services Tower Valley Medical Center Prepared for: Valley Medical Center 400 South 43rd Street P.O. Box 50010 Renton, Washington File No. 2202-020-00 January 24, 2007 Renton, Washington 98058-5010 Attention: Todd Thomas Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. Plaza 600 Building 600 Stewart Street, Suite 1700 Seattle, Washington 98101 McFadden, PE, LEG incipal )D-Uj(J JJ~''l.Jm q _.\ I -\ )-, )~O)I):'ljI()O ,FmaLs' ])Ol1.('OIHJR. d\,~ I\vo copie-; submitted (one via email) ce. Jim Hobhs! NBBJ (CHll: ((1rY via email) Slt:vc Codes / MK/\ (nile C\.lP: \'ia emai!) Michael Valle" I MK!\ (e,"e CUPl via email) l))".;...:I:lllllcr Arl~ dccLruni;.: flxm, fa':S:IIlII<.: ('I h.JrJ \..()r! pi [he ,)rl!'rn:ll J\"-Uij)~'Jlt !nll;lll 1<.:'1:1, [able, andll'l rltlll~·). It r'I'\\'IJl'd. :u.d -_UI~ .:tt:lc:hrlh~[)h :u<! "nh oJ copy (>f till" (lfl)',rul (k";IHU,' 11 rhl' '_'lWlll.d ll,,~tiJ1h,:"t I, ,lIn'nJ h .. (jL'()Fn~in.;cr ... Inc iHid \~l!l _,,'1\( ~", '11<.: ,·ni,.'!:!: d,l"':UIII<:Ht ttl fn;,'ni TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS STUDIES ............ . SCOPE .. FIELD EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING .... FIELD EXPLORATIONS ........... . LABORATORY TESTING SITE CONDITIONS .. SITE GEOLOGY. SURFACE CONDITIONS SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS .. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. GENERAL ............ . EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING .. General .. Ground Shaking 2003 IBC Seismic Design Information. SHORING AND UNDERPINNING .............. . Soldier Pile and Tieback Walls .. Soldier Piles. Lagging .. Tiebacks .. Drainage. Construction Considerations .. Underpinning of Adjacent Structures EARTHWORK .. Excavation Considerations .. Strrpplng. Clearrng and Grubbing. Subgrade Preparation. Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Structural Fill Matenals Matenals Use of On-Site Soils .. Fill Placement and Compaction Crrteria Weather Considerations Temporary Slopes Permanent Slopes SHALLOW FOUNDA TIONS Allowable Beanng Pressures Settlement. Lateral ReSistance Construction Considerations BELOW-GRADE AND RETAINING WALLS /".'1'1'" '1 _' 1,;- Pu{;e i Page No. ........................ 1 ............ 1 . ...................... 1 . ....... 2 . ....................... 2 . ............ 2 ..................... 2 . .................... 2 . ................. 2 .... 3 . ............. 3 . ............ 3 . ...... 4 . .. 4 . ....................... 4 . ................... 4 .... 4 . ... 5 ..5 6 . ......... 6 ....... 6 . ............ 7 . .................. 7 8 .8 ..9 9 . ................. 9 9 9 10 .. 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 GEOENGINEERS2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) General .. Lateral Pressures SLAB-ON-GRADE SUPPORT General...... . .................. . Design Parameters .. DEWATERING.. . .......... . DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS Footing and Wall Drainage ........................ . Underslab Drainage.. . .............. . Surface Drainage .. LIMITATIONS .. REFERENCES .. List of Tables Table 1. IBC Seismic Parameters .. Table 2. Recommended Lagging Thickness (Roughcut). List of Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Plan Figure 3. Cross Section A-A' Figure 4. Cross Section B-B' Figure 5. Glacially Consolrdated Soils Contour Map Figure 6. Earth Pressure Diagram -Permanent Below-Grade Wall Figure 7. Earth Pressure Diagram -Permanent Below-Grade Wall Page No. . ................. 14 .14 .14 . .............. 14 . ................................ 15 . ........... 15 . ... ....... 15 . ........................................... 15 . .. 16 . ............ 16 . ........... 16 . ....................................... 17 5 . ......................... 7 Figure 8 Earth Pressure Diagram -Temporary Soldier Pile Wall with One Level of Tiebacks Figure 9 Recommended Surcharge Pressure APPENDICES APPENDIX A -FIELD EXPLORATIONS Appendix A Figures Figure A-1 -Key to Exploration Logs Figures A-2 ... A-8 . Log of Borings APPENDIX B -LABORATORY TESTING Appendix B Figures Figure B-1 -Sieve AnalysIs Results Figure B-2 -Atterberg Limits Test Results APPENDIX C -TIEBACK LOAD TESTS AND SHORING MONITORING PROGRAM APPENDIX D -REPOR r LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE 1"1."', . '" '-I_ "'II_II." "11" Page ii GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSED EMERGENCY SERVICES TOWER VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER RENTON, WASHINGTON FOR VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering services provided in support of the Valley Medical Center proposed Emergency Services Tower and cooling tower construction located at 400 South 43rd Street in Renton, Washington. The site IS shown relative to surrounding physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure I and the Site Plan, Figure 2. We previously provided geotechnical recommendations for the proposed hospital expansion in our draft geotechnical report dated February I, 2006. Since our initial report, some aspects of the deSIgn have changed and this report meorporates additional recommendations for the current proposed addition. PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the Valley Medical Center plans to construct a proposed f'mergeney ServIces Tower located OIl the south end of the hospital campus in an area currently uscd Ii" medIcal stall' parking and the helicopter landing area (f1elipad). Additionally, a cooling tower is planned ncar the southeast comer of the eXisting Cogeneration Building. which is located to the northwest of the rropos~d tower The propo"cd Emergency SCJv'ices Tower has a footprint that is about 56.000 sqU:-lrc feet in size, approxImately rectangular in shapc. and will be located directly south orthe nistlng hospllal tireility. We understand that the Valley Medical Center plans to demolish the Rapid Care Faetll!v and lIc1ipacl as well as parking arc(:IS located south of the existing hospital facility to make room for the: proposed Emergency Services Tower The lowcst fmish !loor elevatIon orthe building will be at abollt Uevatlon 69 fCet. The propo:-.ed building \\111 Incorporate two tloors of underground parking. the upper tlonf of which will daYlight to the \\-est {'he cooling to\l/cr. which will be abou[ 1,700 square tct.:t In si/.c, I"; planned near the southca"t end of the existing Cogeneratiun Building and \\;1[1 be constructed at the c\.i..;tillg: grade of approxlmatel)! Flc\-at1Ofl 70 fecL PREVIOUS STUDIES Vv'c havc c'dcl\"j\c C,\.pcflL'l1ce at the site and have previously pru\-ided gcotcchnical recollllllendiltions for several rmJccts locatcd on the ho-.pital campus. The results of OUf sub:--.urfacc L'\p\nrations and geotechnIcal dC:->lgll n,:cOlll111Clldatiom. for the nearby projects \vcrc considerc-d in the prL'paratioll of our recommcndatiolh ,-Lnd arC" pn:scnted In the followmg reports: • R.q){lrl tilkd "(;(,(JfcclllIlCU! F.llgillccring Sen·iccs, 5;urge,y (·cn/n· ({nd S·fle /mrJ}"(I\'('ffl('f/(S. "tlllcl" .t/n/iud (·en"'!". Rel//ufl. li"ashing/(J"" dated January 2L 2004. • Suppkllll'rlial Rq1urt titkd -'(;cnfecl/nicu/ r:-nglll{'erillg 5·('1"\ icc.... j>'·(}r!J)\~'d ('I'~:Cf!C!"(I(/(J1l Nlltldillg. Idllcl \/n/lcu/ ("elflcr. RI'lI/oll. "rushing/fin" dated Januar: _\, ]l)l)/. • RC[l{)rt {ilk'l.! ··(It·o!ce/mica/ rfl,~~/!ICCl·Ulg .)"CI"lICC.\. PnJf!(J\'cd CO,!:.t'!lC'-U/fUJi ifut/(/if/<. f ai/ct· t{n/{(u/ ('Clift'/". Rl'lr/(lli. Il"m/ring!f!Il" datC"d h:bruary 9,199(1. Puge I CiEObGINEERS..,9 III;",I'L • Report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Services, Proposed Radiation Oncology Center Expansion, Valley Medical Center, Renton, Washington" dated March 12, 1992. SCOPE GeoEnginecrs' geotechnical engineering services for this project consisted of reviewing previous reports ami explorations for the site, conducting subsurface explorations, and providing geotechnical engineering conclusions and recommendations for the design and construction of the planned improvements. Our geotechnical engineering services were completed in general accordance with our proposal dated December 2, 2005 and contract amendment dated June 12, 2006, and included providing recommendations for: • Earthwork considerations, • Shoring and underpinning, • Slab~on~grade, and foundation ,ubgrade preparation, • Lateral earth pressures for design of below grade walls, • Shallow foundation design, and • Surface and subsurface drainage considerations. FIELD EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING FIELD EXPLORATIONS rhe subsurlace condltlOns at the site were evaluated by drilling seven borings, B~ I through B~ 7, to depths ranging from 16~/) to 36 feet below site grades. The locations of the borings are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. A detaIled description 01' the lield exploration program is presented in Append\,\ A. LABORATORY TESTING Soil samples were collected during the bOring c_,<ploration program and taken to OUf lahoratory for further evaluation Sckctt.:d samples \vcrc tested for the deten-nination of moisture contLnL fines content (matena] ra,,~![lg the U.S. No. 200 slcvd. grain si;:c distrihution (sieve analysis), nnd Attcrbcrg. Ltnllts A description or the laboratory tc . ..:;ting ami the test results is presented in Appendix B. SITE CONDITIONS SITE GEOLOGY Puhlished gcologil' inftmnation for the project vicinity includes a U.S. (Jcological Survey' Map titled ··(jeologu.: Map ()f the Renton OU{Hlranglc. King County_ Washington" (Mullineaux. ]l)())) Landforms wahin the area arc primarily the rc\ult uf recent glaciations. crOSlOIL and modification hy road oudding and Iw-.pitai UC\\:-toprnr.:n! (leli\' itlc:, filL' gcotuglc lYlar lI1uicatcs th~lt atlll\ 111m. undiftlTl'ntiatcd deposits alld gla<..:iat till (glaCl<.d dnft) arc prc,",cnt In the project \ icinily Allu\ lUIll typically clJllsi",b; of J(loscly-dcpositcu sand". "ilt-.. alld clay· Umlit"h:rL'llliatcd uepp..,ih include L1lllt:-of medium dellse gla<..:ial till. glaciolacustrine and ~~bClOllLl\ ial sulls c(\nshtill~ (11"...,ill clay . ...,alld. and ~Ja\cl:..ls. \\"L'II a') nOIl··glacial clay and sand dCP()"lh IfIcluliing. [hm IJ.)'LT-' UrrCa!. (ilaclal dntl typically uIIl .... i .... h ora hCIL'rngcnc-olis mi\turc ofdcllsc [\1 \lTV dClhC eLI)" ..... !It. .... and. gra\·cl, cobhlc .... and Occl:--'llln<.lI houldLT .... dcpu'-.itcd and uvcniddcn h:1' ~daeial lee PU!.;t' .: 'I _'1'/, SURFACE CONDITIONS The property is located in Renton, Washington and bounded by Southwest 43rd Street on the south, Talbot Road South on the east, a ramp to Northbound State Route 167 on the west, and residential properties to the north. The property is occupied by hospital campus structures and parking areas. The project site is located at the south end of the existing hospital building. Elevations within the footprint of the proposed Emergency Services Tower range from about Elevation 97 feet on the east side to about Elevation 77 feet in the northwest comer of the proposed addition. The ground surface across the project site has some considerable grade transitions to accommodate hospital access roads north of the Helipad and a tunnel that runs below South 43rd Street. The topography in the vicinity of the proposed cooling tower is generally level at about Elevation 74 feet. Vegetation at the site consists of landscaped areas located in and between the parking areas and driveways containing ornamental trees, shrubs and grass. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The soils observed in the seven explorations indicate three soil units: t'lI, unditlerentiated deposits, and glacial dntl. These sotls arc consistent WIth the information provided on the geologic map. The locatIons of borings B-1 through 8-7 are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. Two cross sections showing our interpretation of the subsurface condItIons below the proposed Emergency Services Tower arc shown on Figures ,) and 4. Fill was encountered in all of the bOrings" ith the exception of borings B-4 and B-5 and varied 111 depth from about 2 to (, ke! below the ground suriace (bgs). The till typically conSists of medium dense Silty sand with varying ~ravcl content. Undifferentiated deposits were encountered hdow the filL where present, in rno'il of the burings al thickncsscs ranging from 4 to 10 feet and include glacial ti1\, glaclolacustnne and glaciofluvial units. This unit consists of medium dense/stiff silt, day. sand and gravel as well as nun-glacial deposits of sand and clay including thin layers of peal. Organic rich soils consIstent \\/Ith thiS geologic unit ",,"ere ohserved ncar the surface in boring B-7 completed In the southeast corner of the propo:-.cd Emergency Services Tower. Glacial dnft v .. a:--encountered heneath the undifferentiated deposits to the tkpth explored Itl all of the boring;.,. The glacial drift encountered in these borings consists of dense to vcr:.--' tit:nsc sand and gravel with variable .... ilt and clay content. Although not observed in our borings, cohhle .... i:md houlders arc frequcntly L'Ill'lHIIlICrL'd ill glaCIal Orlft ,",otis. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Ciroumh\ akr \~ a .... encountered during drilling in several horings at uepths rangIng tl·0Ill I.) to 2,~ ket bgs. Groundwakr \\(1). Il(,t cllcountcrcu ill bortllgs B-1 or B-5_ Measun:lIlcllh of thc ,~~r(liHl(h"i.lkr 1Il the monitoring \-\ell" lIbti.dlcd in boring" H-~ and B-6 in December 2005 IIH.licatc thaI the .... talK ~rollnd\\atcr is located at ahtHll I:k\-~1I1l1l1 04 fect. ThL' groundwater IC\iCl should be L'.xpeclcd to tllldll,ltc a" a fUllctlon of pn:cipitatiplL "I..'~l"lln and other factors Cirollrtd\\r.}[cr "as typicall:y othcncd ---J. h) 7 fcet th:lo\\ the pn .. 'po:-.cd tlllbh 11pol" Ck\iLti(1I1(lfnl) Il:Ct. Ilo\\c\cr groundwater in burillg B-7 jpc,llL'd lll;ar tlk' .... (lwhcJ.st corncr of thc prll~)u"cd addition \\as llo .... cncd at about F!c\'ation 76 1<':L·t (Jroullll\\~!tcr ur"cT\\.'d 111 the prc\-'iou~ c\plt1rati(\(h tlppc-ars to \ ar:, Till' groundwater ~ccms to be ItlcatL'd III Ill~)rL' rLTllh.:abk !~IYLT'-. PI' the g:lacul dnn ",Ill". I,/!!I, /'\ ',,,,' GEOE"GINEERS~ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL A summary of the primary geotechnical considerations is provided below. The summary is presented for introductory purposes only and should be used in conjunction with the complete recommendations presented in this report. o The site is designated as seismic Soil Profile Type C per the 2006 !Be. o f3ased on our conversations with the architect, we understand that the west, south, and cast walls of the excavation can bc accomplished with temporary excavations. o Shallow foundations may be used to support the Emergency Services Tower. The footings should bear on undisturbed glacially consolidated soils.. The design allowable soil bearing pressure for foundations bearing on dense to very dense glacial drift soils is 8 kips per square foot (ksf) o Other lightly loaded foundations associated with ancillary features or structures may be founded on undifferentiated deposits or adequately compacted structural fill extending down to undisturbed native sods. The design allowable soil bearing pressure for foundations bearing on undifferentiated depOSIts or adequately compacted structural fill is 4 ksf. o We understand that the north wall of the excavation will be completed with temporary shoring. It may be possible to complele a portion of the excavation at the west end of the north wall uSing temporary excavations. Shoflng will not be required along the mid portion of the wall which "hares a finish floor elevJtion with the adjacent eXIsting main hospital building. • Shoring walls should he designed to "upr0rt loads from the existing adjacent hospital budding as lateral surchargcs or as unuL:rpmnlllg • Bclo\\.-gradc pcnnancnt walls will need to be deSigned for lateral earth pressures presented 111 Figure 6. • \Vc anticipate that groundv,,iatcr seepage mto the excavation during construction can be controlled hy diggll1g trenches and U:-illlg sumps and pumps to remove the ground\vatcr. • \\'\' illlticipatc that ground""atcr can be controlled after constTIlction by installing pcrimdcr dramage and helo\\; slab drainage systems I;I,lithin thL" Emcrgency Serviccs Tower. Our "pCUf!C gco((.:chnical reco!T11llclI(iatiollS are presented 111 the followl!lg sections of this report. EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERtNG General SL'i"mlcit y III the Pugct SOLllld reglull h ~lttf1hutcd rnmllrily-to ttlL' lntcractinll hct\\ccn the Pacdrc Juan de FllC~l and North /\lllLT1Can plates rhe Juan tIL-Fuca plate j" ..:;ubducting beneath the Nnrth :\llIcric:lIl Plate. Each year I.OO() III 2.00() earthquake...; occur ill Oregoll alld \Va~hington. lhJ\vc\cr. tC\\ l)f thC:--L' arc typically felt hccau:--e-the 1Tl~lJ()rily of the carthquah."s arc smaller than magnitude-3. The largl"'-it hhtonc L"<IrrhquaKc ... III the re.~ipll lflcludL' the 1949 f\:fJgnitudc 7.1 Olympia canhquakc. thL' Iq()~ \Llgnltudc (,) Sc;:lttlc-TacoJlI~1 carthqu~d"c alld thL' 2(JOI \lagnilUJL' 6.~ :-11sLjually canhquakc Ground Shaking nIL' "C\ 1..'1 It: or ~rollnd shaking "III he Ilhhl!: ~i fUllcti~)!l ill' tfk' L'anhqu<lkc ll1;tgnitudc and pro.\lllllty t() till' "It,-' f!lI ... "ile I" \()catcd ;lh(lut 10 11l1lc" ""lith {Iftlte Sl'attk I:Jult /lllh: tYollllt cLal, [YX5L IIlUUI " ,'" opinion, strong ground shaking should be considered in the design of the structure and improvements at this site In accordance with the !BC 2006 code. Based on USGS probabilistic seismic hazards maps (USGS, 2005), we estimate the peak ground acceleration at the site during a large seismic event may be as high as 0.61 g. This level of acceleration has a 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years, which corresponds to approximately one occurrence to 2.475 years. The peak acceleration for an event with a 10 percent chance of exceedanee in 50 years (475 year event) is estimated to be 0.32g. 2003 IBe Seismic Design Information For this sile, wc recommend the following 2006 International Building Code (IBC) parameters tor Site Class, short period spectral response acceleration (SS), I-second period spectral response acceleration (S 1), and Seismic Coefficients FA and FV. The values presented below arc based on information provided by the 2002 USGS probabilistic seismic hazard maps. Table 1. IBe Seismic Parameters 2003 IBe Parameter Recommended Value Site Class C Short Period Spectral Response Acceleration, Ss (percent g) 138 . ----- 1-Second Penod Spectral Response Acceleratron. S, (percent g) 47 SeismiC CoeffiCient. F, 10 Seismic Coefficient Fv 1.33 SHORING AND UNDERPINNING \Vt:. L:Xr~ct that the-excavation for the p!allrll.;d facility will extend as deep as ahout 30 feet below eXIsting site gradL:s \Vc understanding that excavation support for the \vest, south, and east \valls will be completed uSIng temporary cut slopes Pllrtlons of the excavation along the north wall arc expected to requIre tt.'mporary' shoring and underpinnIng. The appropriate temporary shonng system depends on subsurface '>oil and groundwater conditions, excavation depth, and pro:x.imity ofcxisting structure::... Vv't::. lIndcr':-tand that a portion of the nurth \\all of the proposed Emergency Services Tower \:vill have a iinish /loDr that is loca1l:0 up to about 12 fed below the existing finrsh !loor of the adjacent hospital budding. If the excavations for the fo()ting~ of the propused addition arc located within the LOTH; of rntlucncc of the existing hospital buddlllg foundations, it will tikcly be necessary 1O undcrplIl or support the eXIsting '~llmdations with ~horIng ek'lllents dunng constructiun. The Lone of influence can he estimated by projecting a I H·I V (l1OrI/Ol1t .. 1I to vertical) envelope do\\n Jnu away it-om the c'{i..;.ting f(wting..;.. In additlllll, where slgl11ficHlt c\cl\atilln~ arc completed ncar the huspital thal extend bcll)\\ tho..: bottum ol'thc c\hting t()otings, the lAalb of the addition may also need to he dc,-;igncd to account t(X th.: load Imparted frorn the blllldin~_ Jl'pclldlll~ Oil the proxlmity_ Vv'c uIHler'-;{LU1d th,Lt till.' fOlt01xIIlg case..;; '.'\I:--.t .. L1ofl~~ the (Iorth wall· • rt.~ll1r\H·dry cut slopes [(Jtly be tL'a .... lhk Ik'ar the \Vest end of the nonh \\ all to the \Vest edg:e of the e\ht1l1~ main ho~rital bUIldIng. • \ll ':\I .. :a\alwn suppon \\ ill Dl· reqUired alung the ba~crncllt pllrlll..tll or tile eXIstlll~ hp .... prt~!I huddlll:; ~IS thl... .. lilllsh Ilnl1 r Cll'\atl~)[l" \1ft1le hUlldings will h,-' tlte sa!lle I r· k\ atl(lll b9 ICet) • Temporary shoring will he required along the east portion of the north wall where the finish floor elevation of the existing hospital building changes to Elevation 81 feet. • Underpinning will be necessary along a portion of the temporary shored excavation where the proposed excavation extends to the edge of the existing foundations of the hospital building. Temporary shoring can be provided by means of cantilever soldier pile walls and/or soldier pile and tieback walls. Where the excavation extends into the zone of influence of the footings for the main hospital building, the loads from the adjacent building can be supported through underpinning or as surcharge loads on the shoring wall. Soldier Pile and Tieback Walls Soldier pile walls consist of steel beams that arc concreted into drilled vertical holes located along the wall alignment, typically 8 feet on center. Following excavation to specified elevations, tiebacks can be installed, if necessary. Where tiebacks arc installed, the pullout capacity of each tieback is tested and the tieback is locked-off to the soldier plle at or near the design tieback load. Tiebacks typically consist of steel strands or bars that arc installed i11to pre-drilled holes and then either tremie or pressure grouted. Timber lagging is typIcally lllstallcd behmd the flanges of the stecl beams to retain the soil located between the soldier plies. Soldier Piles We recommend that temporary sold,er pile walls be designed using the earth pressure diagrams presented III Frgures 7 and R. The earth pres,urc, presented in Figure 7 arc It" rull-height canti\cvn soldier pile walls. The earth pressures presented in FIgure 8 arc tor t,dl height soldier pile walls with a single roy, of tieback... The carth prcs~urcs prcscnlLd in figures 7 and 8 represent the estimated loads that Void 1 be applied to the wall system for variolls \\al1 heights. rhe earlh pressure diagrams presented In Figures 7 and 8 include traftic surcharge loadings Other surcharge loads, such as buildings. eraIH'>" construction equipment. or construction staging areas, should he con~idcrcd by the structural cnglflcLT on a casc-by-casc basis in accordance with the recommendations prl'~Lntcd 111 Figure 9. In Figures 7 and X. no scismlc pn.::"surcs ha\'c been included as it i'i assumed that the "horing will be temporary \\tc-recommend that the embedded POl1ioil or the suldicr piles be at least 2 feet in diameter and extend a IT11TlIlTlUITI di...,tancc of 10 feet beitnv the hase of the excavation to rC~lst '-kick-out." The axial capacity of the-,>oldier pile .... must resist the dll\.\ Il\\-ard component of the anchor loads and other vcrllci.d load ..... a:-. appwrnate. VI/e rct:omlTlenu using an alll)\\ablc: elld-hearing value of 40 ksf for piles sUPPllrtcd 011 Ihc glaCIal d11l1. The allowable end hC':I1"I11g ,:tluL' should be "pplic'd to the base arca of the d11lled hok: 111[(> \\-I11cl1 the ')oldicr pile h (onere-ted rllh \'aluc lI1c1udcs a l~lctor of sakI): of about 2.5 The allowahle end beanng capacity assume.;.; that rhL' ,,!un hottolTl b cleaned out Lmmedlately prior to concrete placclTH':1l1 [f Ilecc""ary. an allowable pilL "l-.i11 tI iCiH)1l tlf 1.5 ksf may he llsnl l)l1 the embedded portIon \Jr rhe "(JldlLT r!lc:--; III rc\ist the vel1ical loads. Lagging \\'<....' rL"L"lHlllllCnd that the tcrnrllr:tr~ tllnhn lagging h,--' :--;I/cd u:--;lng thL' pw·ccdun:,-> outlincd 111 tilL' h .. :dcral lilgh\\iL! ALimini-.;tralion·" (iCl)tcclHlIl..:~d r--nglll('crlng Circular :";0. -l Thc "ilC" solis arC" hc:--;t dc"ulhcd it" Ullll]lL'lerlt "oils. Table 2 hell)\\ prCSL'I\(" rCL'lI111tlh.:nded lagging thlcklH':SSo..:S (roughcut) as ~I functlOll (1\ ... oldlLT pdc clear span alld depth -'{'" - GEoENGINEERS~ Table 2. Recommended Lagging Thickness (Roughcut) Depth Recommended Lagging Thickness (roughcut) for clear spans of: (feet) ~------~-~-----~ ~~-----, ~ .. -'-'---.---- 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet o to 25 2 inches 3 inches 3 inches 3 inches 4 inches 4 inches The space behind the lagging should be tilled with sailor a penneable sand slurry as soon as practical. Placement of this material will help reduce the risk of voids developing behind the wall and resultant damage to existing improvements located behind the wall. The workmanship associated witb lagging installation IS important for maintaining the integrity of the excavation. Lagging should be installed promptly after excavation. especially in areas where percbed groundwater is present or wbere clean sand and gravel sods arc present and caving soils conditions are likely. Tiebacks Tieback anchors can be used for wall heights where cantilever soldier pile walls are not cost effective or where additional support for adjacent structures is necessary~ Tieback anchors should extend far enough behind the wall to develop anchorage beyond the '"no-load" zone and within a stable soil mass. The anchors should be IIlclined downward at 15 to 25 degrees below the horizontal. Corrosion protection will not be required t'lf the temporary liebacks~ Centrali/ers should be used 10 keep Ihe licback in the center of the hole during grouting~ Structural grout or concrete should be used to till the bond /Onc of the tiebacks. The no-load zone of the tieback should be filled \vith a lH)Jl-cohc:"IVC material such <1<'; sand sluny unless a bond breaker, slIch as plastic sheathing. is placed aroLlnd the portion of the tieback lucatcd within the no-load :tom:. Loose soil and slough ShllUld he rcmo\'cu I"rom the holes drilled for ticback anchors prior to Installing the tieback. The contractor should take nn,:c,>sary precautions to minimize loss of ground and prevent disturbance to previously installed anchor" and existing improvements in the site vicinity_ Holes drilled for tieback..., ~hould he groutcd/filkd promptly' to reduce the potential for (OSS of ground. I'icoae"-anchors :-hould develop anchorage 1[\ the glacial drift soils. \Ve recommend that spacing betweell tieback .... he at Ica;.;t 3 11l11!";:; tbl.: anchor holL diameter to minimize group lIltt:raction. We recommend a prcllmlllary de:-'Ign adheSIon \alu!..; bd\\cetl the anchor and soil or 1.0 ksf tor lill and unditlcrcntialcd depOSIt '>011.., and 1.5 ksf t(}r the glacial drift soils. Higher adhesion yalues may be ueveloped depending on the anchor ill .... tallatiun technIque. fhe contractor shoulu bc g;ivcn the opportunity to usc higher adhe .... 1l)1l \;~ducs hy conducting pcrii.)f111<lnCC [L':,tS prior to the start of Ihe ~'JflHJuction tiehacks anchors. The tiehack anchor ........ houlJ be performance (Jlld proof tested to confIrm that thc tiebacks have aJe4uate pullollt capaL·ity. rile pullollt fc .... i..,tanel· of tlcbacks should he dcslgncd lblTlg a t~lctor of sakty of::! The pul1uul re ... i .... tallcl.· should he \eritIL·d h:;.-nllnpktmg at lea:-.t two sllcc\..:-..sful \-cnficatioll tc:-.\s 11l each ... oil type and a 1l111l1lllUITl llf t\\O total t(;"h t~.r tilt: project. Each ticbuck should he proof tested to l_{O percent of the dcsIgll load. Vcntle~llion and prooi" [e"l:-, ..;hould be completed a~ dc;..crihcd in Appendi" C_ rit:hack Luad Te ... h and Shunng :\l(lnitof111.!c~ Pro,!!ralll 111..:-t[l. ... h:1CK layoLit and mciinatloll ... lll)uld bl' clh'cked to contlnn that the tieback..; do 110t [!llnkre \\ ith adj~lu":llt nUfh:d llt!litlC'-. i.Jr other ho"pll~d ... Irllcture". Drainage :\ -.,uilclhk dr~\lnagc ,,~"'Il.·ln "hl)lIld he In.,t,l1k·d l\) prL'\ent the buildup PI' hydrostatIc ~rull1\d\\(Jkl prl',,; ... ul\:-., twll111d the ";(llllle!" pile and Lt~--'.~--'.lIW \\,t\1. It may he llcc'..><l1--:--til cut \\(:cp l\(lle..; thrtlll~h the •• to· , •• GEOENG'NEERsg f. "I' lagging in wet areas. Seepage flows at the bottom of the excavation should be contained and controlled. Drainage should be provided for pennanent below grade walls as described below in Footing and Wan Drainage. Construction Considerations Temporary casing or drilling fluid may be required to install the soldier piles and possibly the tIebacks where: • Loose fill is present, • The native soils do not have adequate cementation or cohesion to prevent caving or raveling, and/or, • Where perched groundwater is present. GeoEngineers should observe and document the installation and testing of the shoring to verify conformance with the design assumptions and recommendations. Underpinning of Adjacent Structures The portIon of the north shoring wall situated wIthin the zone of mfluence of the existing hospital building toundations must be designed to support the loads from the adjacent structure. The shoring walls can resist the loads as lateral surcharges, computed llsing Figun: 9, or as underpinning. Underpmning transfers loads to the shoring system dIrcctly, as an aXIal load along the soldier pile. In general, there is less risk of t~lur1(Jatioll movement resulting from excavation if a direct underpinning system is utilized, compared to a lateral surcharge support system. If underpinning is completed, we recommend that the exterior t(:}tIllJations of adjacent structurc:-. be underpinned and fe-supported using suloicr piles prlOr to excavation ht.:lo\v the foundation c1cvation. The deSign recommendations for soldier pik:-. contained in thiS n:port can hc u~cd to design the underpinning soldier piles. Steel wedges or jacks and non-shrink grout should be u-.;cd at the tlmndationisoldicr pile contact to ensure a tight fit and to reduce the potential t()r settlement Direct undcrpll1ning can bl.:" cornpickd on c\tcrior j(lllnLiatiul1s only Lo;:uis from interior f(mndations ano ~lab,,-oll-gradc will need to be trcall'd ;lS surcharge luaus. {'he SiHJring ~ystcm will need to be deSigned (l) rC";'lst lateral earth pressures n:sultlllg frolTl thc':>c surcharge loads_ The recommended diagrams presented In Figure I.) call be used to estimate the lateral earth pressures acting on the shoring wall as a result of [Joint line and unifonn surchar~c loading. Direct underpinning of the e.\I:-.ting c:-..tcrior 1()UIH.laliul1\ call he completed using slant pile undcrplllll1l1g Sbnt pile underpinning cOllsi::-.r' urthe tiJilowll1g stcp'< I. Excavate tu the eXlstJIlg fuutld~lt!oll L:kvatloll, 2. Drill a shaft for the sulJtL'l" pll~ al a hatter Oil the order p( ::H: I::V (actual batter will derUld llll the soldier pl1c kngth L J. Ream the 'il(k or the ~oldlLT pill· ~hah IDeated bl...·lov,. thL L,\]sting t()unliation. -L Install thL sl)ldier piic and Llll~1l It \crtically ho.:lo\\' Iho.: c\.i"[in~ 1(lllIluatiun. 5. Place ~truclllral COIKrctL· 111 thl...· .... uldicr pile shaft tu the ck\-atioll of the planned e.\cCt\ atwn. h_ Place h . .'an concrctl...·ln the Uppl.T rhinion lll'thL· .... llldlCl" pllt..-.... 11;lt1. 7. Provide a ,Iructural CllllIlLT{lI_Hl hCt\\L'Ct! the L'\I .... tl1l~ I~)lllldatll.)ll and the soldier pile ..... and 'Ii' . GEoE"GINFERS~ .',,' II'i /,1/ " o " '" N " , I I r I I 'RENTON 1-'~'",-c, __ ?J I , ! o t'-'--'-''''''---''-+ :11 .~ Jl CJ CJ Y ., , ) 19!:lTd 'iT -;:---1 " , :! I d ·,,1 :1 .,-,'i :;::1 :! b--"-c 2 02ti1L1-, ~ ; :-~~~-r- ~i oo:i Reproduced with permiSSion granted by THOMAS BROS MAPS This map IS copyrighted 'Jy iHOMAS 8ROS MAPS It IS unl<-lwful to coPy or reproduce all or any part therenf whether for Dwsonal use or rp.sale, without perrr~lsslon 2000 E Feet Vicinity Map ',.~ ?'--- 2000 Proposed Emergency Services Tower- Valley Medical Center I Renton. Washington GEoENGINEERS CJ Figure 1 8, Construct the remainder of the soldier pile and tieback wall. Slant pile underpinning requires careful control of caving soil conditions in order to prevent excessive settlement below existing foundations. Where caving soils arc present, the use of drilling mud may be necessary. The shaft bottom of the drilled shalis should be cleaned out prior to placing concrete in the shali. The shaft bottom can be cleaned using a clean-out bucket or other means proposed by the contractor and approved by GeoEngineers. Steel wedges or jacks and non-shrink grout can be used at the foundation/soldier pM connection to reduce the settlement potential; however, alternative structural connections may be necessary depending upon the existing foundation configuration and anticipated loads. EARTHWORK Excavation Considerations Fill, undifferentiated soil deposits, and glacial drift were observed in the explorations. We anticipate these soils can be excavated with conventional excavation equipment, such as track-hoes or dozers. The glacial drift underlying the undltferentiatcd deposits and fill is dense to very densc. Large excavation equipment or "ripping" may be required to complete significant excavatIons into the glacial drift. While not encountered in the explorations, boulders arc frequently encountered in glacially deposited soils, and the contractor should be prepared to deal with them. Stripping, Clearing and Grubbing \,\le recommend that a][ nc\v raH~mcnt and structure areas be stripped of organic-rich soils (grass. topsoil and root zones) and vegetation In additioll any cxist1l1g pavement or abandoned enundations or buried utilities from prevIous ~itc lmpro\"("Tllcnb "hould be removed from below the structures. Topsoil materials can be ~cparatcd and stockpllcd for later ust: in landscaped areas around the -.;;te [kbris should be removed from the site. Subgrade Preparation The exposed sllbgradc !tl pa\ cmcilt and stnlclun: areas ::.hould be evaluated after stnpping, clearing and grubbing IS COlTlplt:tc and Pr1()[ 10 11(:\\': tIll placement. Proof-rolling with heavy. fubbn-tircd cOf}<:;truction equipment should be u::;cd ror this purpose dUring dry weather and II' access for thIS equipment IS practical. Prohlllg ~llOUld he used 10 c\aluatL the subgradc dUring periods l)f wc:1 v.cathn or If access is not feasible for construction equlplllcllt. Soft areas noted dunng proof-rolling ur probing should be cxcavat<.:d and rcplacl.'J \yith cumpac-tcd ... trucrural fLil. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Potential sources (lr CJUSC" lIr Cfll";'IUll dnd -.;cdinwlltation depend upon construction IllCtiHl( .. b, slope kJl~th and gradient. <lIllPlIIll of suJi c'\pu,<d and 'nr dhturbcd, soil type. con..:;tructloll SCqUCIH'::lllg. alld \\T;:llhcr. Implementing an L'Hhioll and ";Cdllllcllt;ltioll control plan will reduce the prujcct Impact on eW"]CH1-prollc areas and nearby ";Clhill\ e arl:a". rhL' plan should be deSigned in accordance with ajlpl1L'ahk rcgubtory standards. The plan :--IHluld lll((lrpprtlt~ ha"IC pL.lIl1l111g pnnClplcs including: • Schedliling ~~radrn~ dilL! U)tl~lrlldl(l!l In reducc \(1il c.'-posurc. • RClailllllg c'\r"t!l1~ \·c.:gl·!JI1\1!l \\hL:llL'\er kaslok'. • RC\I..'~Ctcltill~ (It' lTlUlo..:hl!\~ lh,'-lluded clr...::a...., • Direct!ll~ rtlll,ltl cl\\'~l~ tnql1 dl'fllllk'd Jrl.';h • RedUCing tilL' kll~lh <lnd ... !L·'.-plh .. ·..; ... PI' ..;l,)pcs \-I.lth C\PlhCd ~\l!h. o Decreasing runoff velocities. o Preparing drainage ways and outlets to handle concentrated or increased runoff. o Confining sediment to the project site. o Inspecting and maintaining control measures ifequently. In addition, we recommend that slope surfaces in exposed or disturbed soil be restored so that surface runoff docs not become channeled. Some sloughing and raveling of slopes with exposed or disturbed soil should be expected. Temporary erosion protection should be used and maintained in areas with exposed or disturbed soils to help reduce erosion and reduce transport of sediment to adjacent areas and receivmg waters. Permaoent erosion protection should be provided by re-establishing vegetation using hydroseeding or landscape planting. Until the pcmlanent erosion protection is established and the site is stabilized, site observation should be perlormed by qualified personnel to evaluate the effectiveness of the erosion control measures and provide recommendations to repair and/or modify them as appropriate. Provisions for modifications to the erosion control system based on monitoring observations should be included in the erosion and sedimentation control plan. Structural Fill Materials Materials Materials used to construct building pad" roadways, and parkmg areas as well as utility trench backfill arc classll"i<:u as structural fill for tht.: purpose of this repurt Structural fill material quality varies depending upon its use as described bc-lov,i: • Stluctural rill placcJ dUring dry \ ..... \':ath(:r to con:-.trLlct building. parking lot. and road subgradcs: and to baddiil utility trenches should cOIl:.i')t of common horrow as descrihed in Section 9-03. 14( 3) of thc 2006 WSDOT Standard Speci lications (Washmgton State Department orTran~rortation, 2()()~). IfstrllC[urai fill IS placed dunng \I,'d wcather, it should consist ofgravcl borrow as descnbed III Section 'i-t13.14( I) ofthc 200(, WS[)()T Standard Speciticatlons, with the additional restrictIon that the filles content be illD1ted tn no mure than .5 percent. • Structural fill placed a:-. cardiaI)' break bclo\\ huddillg ';]Jhs ",huulJ COThlst of II/l minus cru"hcu mck \xith ncgiigihh: :-.ilt ano ..,and" • Structural till placeu around f()(Hing drain" should COJhl"t of gravel backfill for urain" contunnmg to Section Y-03 1.'(4) or the .'006 WS[)OT Stlllldartl SpL'ctiieatllllls. • Structural fill rlaced illlillcdiatc-iy olibiuL: hc-iuw grade \\alls (drainage IUIlC) shuuld (:on':>i"t of ~r;;l\el backtlll fur \\~db cOllfonnlllg t() Sectlull 9-03 12(2) ot-the ~OO() \v"SDOT Standaru Speclflcatloll'> Use of On-Site Soils Thc tlla.lurit: pf the Ilcar SUrLll"I...' "otl" l)OSenL'd III the C.\pIULlllllll" g(:llcrally cOlltain a high Pdl"Cll[at~L' (If Illll'" hilt."clay) and Jre 1lI01"[IIrt'>"Clhitl\C The tilL UIH.IIIICrl...·IlII:Ltcd deposit:-; and glaCial drin uerl\Td .... oil .... may he -..uitahk hI!" 1I~"-" :1-" l'()lllmllil hurro\\ during dr:-. \\eathl..'f only_ rnl\"l<.kd the ~)rganh':-" arc ':-I...'grcgakd and the "ntl" l"all hl: pr\)]ll..'rly IlhW"aUrc conJltlHIIL'd j11"1u!" 10 placL'llIclll. The Olhlh.' .... tlib IA"ill "~L'Ill.'r;dl:-. Illlt hl.' '-.uilahlc rllr Ihl' :L ........ !!lKtural tIll dllnll~ \\cl \\L'<lIhl.'1 Pa::.:t· If! Fill Placement and Compaction Criteria Structural fill should be mechanically compacted to a firm, non-yielding condition. [n geneml, structural fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 to 12 inches in thickness. The actual lift thickness will be dependent on the structural fill material used and the type and size of compaction equipment. Each lift should be conditioned to ncar the optimum moisture content and compacted to the specified density before placing subsequent lifts. The maximum dry density (MOO) of the proposed fill soils should be estimated in accordance with American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) 01557. Structural fill should be compacted to the follOWing criteria: o Structural fill placed in new automobile parking or hardscape areas, including utility trench backfill, should be compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density (MOD) estimated in accordance with ASTM 01557, except that the upper 2 feet offill below final subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MOO. o Structural fill placed below slabs-on-grade and shallow foundations should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MOD estimated in accordance with ASTM 01557. o Structural fill placed as crushed rock base course below pavements subjectcd to vehicular traffic (automobiles and trucks) should be compacted to at least 95 pcrcent of the MOO estimated III accordance with ASTM 01557. o Non-structural fill. such as till placed in landscape areas, should be compacted to at least 85 percent oCthe MOD estimated In accordance with ASTM 01557. In areas intended for future development. a higher degree of compactilln should be considered to reduce the settlement potential of these soils. Weather Considerations The on-site soils gcnnally conlalll a high rcrc(:lltagc of fines (silt/day) and arc mOisture scn:-.iti\,c. When the moisture content of tI1l':,,(: :-.oil:-. is more than a fC\\I percent above the optimum TTlOlstun: COlllent, these soils become muddy and unstable. operation 01' equipment on these soils will be dil'tieult. alld it will be difficult to meet the reqUired compaction criteria for structural fill. Additionally, disturbance of ncar surface SOI\S should he expected ifcartlnvork is completed dunng periods of\VC1 \vcathcr. Ifcartlnvork is planned for the \\c( sca:--.on. the \)£l-sitc soib \villl1ot be sliitable for reuse as :-.tructural fill \vithout using admixtures to dry the ...;utl and precautIOns will be necc~sary to protect the exposed suhgradc sods. \Vc rccommend that [ill.' fp!lO\VHlg '->kps be taken should the ncar SLJrI~lCe soli conditinns heglll to deteriorate: • The ground .... udace in and around the "",,ork area should be sloped so Ihat surface walcr IS cilrc-ctcd away frolTl the \\ ork area. The ground surtacc ~hOllld be gratkd slich that arc-as uf pOllded \\"ater do not dCH'lop MeaSLlrc .... ",hould be taken by the contractor to prevcnt surface \\ atcf from co](ectltlg III c\caValll)lh and trcnches ~1casurcs should be implemented to rCIllO\C ..;.urbcc \vakr from the \\:ork arl...';j • Earth\\I.Hk aetn ItIC ........ IHlllld Ilt.lt t~du: placc during periods nfhcavy rrccipilalioll . .... hectill~. :-'U1ll[h ~\ 111i Plllll[h. cmd gritdill~ The .... ik ... oils ~hould nut bl.' \ctt Ulll:llflipactu..l ~lIld cxposl'd tu IlKl 1 .... 1 urI...' "'".'.Llm!:; till...' .... urticial .... olls by roilmg 'Alth a \llwolh-drllTll rull' ... :r pnnr tll period .... pf prl.'l·lp)\~\lI\,I]) \\ ill 110:1p rl'dllcl' !Ill' c'(tcnl that lilc:">c soils bCC()lllL' \\ct pr Ull-.:t,lhlL' \,. _' _"'.' II '/1 ' {,I!II. it 'J '"I' GEoENG!NEER'~3 • Construction traffic should be restricted to specific areas of the site, preferably areas that are surfaced with materials not susceptible to wet weather disturbance. • Construction activities should be scheduled so that the length of time that soils are left exposed to moisture is reduced to the extent practical. Temporary Slopes We understand that the majority of the excavation support will be completed using temporary cut slopes. Temporary cut slopes will likely be the most cost effective method to complete the excavation for the proposed building; however, sufficient space will be required so that the slopes do not extend beyond the property boundaries or into road alignments that must be maintained during construction. Some utilities may have to bc relocated in order to complete the excavation for the proposed addition. We recommend temporary cut slopes in the dense to very dense glacial drift soils be inclined no steeper than %H: I V (horizontal to vertical) and that these slopes be nash-coated with shoterete. Temporary cut slopes in thc overlying fill and undifferentiated deposits should generally be inclined no steeper than 11',11: I V. Flatter slopes may be necessary If seepage is present on the face of the cut slopes or if localized sloughing occurs. Since the contractor has control of the construct 1011 operations. the contractor should be made responsible for the stability of cut slopes, as wel1 as the safety of the excavatlOllS. Shoring and temporary slopes must contonn to applicable local, state and federal sakty regulatIOns. Permanent Slopes \Vc recommend that general site pcrrnal1l:-1l1 cut and fill stopes he constructed 110 steeper than lH: I V. To achieve uniform compaction. we recommend that fl][ slopt.:s be ovcrblllit slightly and subsequently cut back to expose properly compacted fill ConsideratIOn should be given [0 constnlcring tlattcr slopes (311: I V) 111 landscaped areas planted with grass as thesc slopes may be more sUitable to landscaping maintenance activitIes. Tu reduce crosiutl. newly constructed slopes -.;hoLild be: planted or hydrosccdcd ~hortIJ: after completIOn of grading. l !ntil the vegetation \;-, established. some sloughmg nnd raveling or the slopes should be cxplx:tLd. ThiS may require locali;:ed repairs and rc~ecdmg. Temporary cO\icnng. "uch as clear heavy plastic sheeting. jute I~!hric. loo~c straw or c:",ecl~ior matting "hould he used to protect the ,,]ppcs dUrIng period, "frallltedl SHAllOW FOUNDATIONS Allowable Bearing Pressures "fhe-prlllw"ed [·:nh.'rgency Service" T\.l\\cr Inay be ",;uppl1rtcd nn "halll)\\ !(HlndatiollS hearing l)Jl den ... e to \"Cry tiL'lhL' ~laCially cun"ulltia!cd .... olb (t:laclal driti). The rropu"cd c{)ollll~ tower may al"o hI..' :-;urr0rleJ Oil \!lal]\.)w foulldatlon.., be"llmg. Ull either Jell .... e ttl \ Cf"!' dcn"c g:laeial drift l)T medium dellse undli'fcrcntlated dCPlhih pW\ldcd that ~11l: organil..: lTlatL'n~tI 1:-... lTlll()\ed. If llclT .... "ary. "halluw l{nHldatl0lh h)J' th ... ' propu;"I..'d Cl)O]lllg \\I\\C1' may be -":'Lq)Pllrt-.·d Ull <.;1rl..H.::tural fil! plw:.'I..·d dm,,:cIly o\cr L1lld i,...,tu rh ... 'd nat i \ .... ...,l Ii k .\ .... \UmHl~ d 11111,,11 tlllll1' 1..·lc:\~lti\)ll at ,lh(lut Llc\'~IIIUlll)lj k·c!. \\( ~l!Hil..·lr;}tc lh~ ll1aJl)["lt~ (d·th..:: ("(lotprillt or tilL pn)~llhl..'d Lllll.T~l·IlC~ Ser\ Il·L·..., r(\\\I..·r \\ III be llll.::llnl \\ ullin Jell...,l..· to \ ery dellse g!aLlt.tll~ cPIl .... \11H.latc-d :-llll..., i!:,'.l(lclal (hili) \kJIUIll lkll' .. I...' lllhiillcr"':lltIJI-.·d lkf1lhlh ar-." .. tJlLit...:iparcd ~ll IhL finhh nlhl!" l'le\~\tlon '.'., ." I'a;.:c I: '".! within the northwestern quadrant of the proposed Emergency Services Tower footprint and within the cooling tower footprint. Contours presenting the interpreted elevation of the very dense glacially consolidated deposits are presented in Figure 5. These contours are based on widely spaced borings and represent our estimation of the elevation of adequate bearing soil. The contractor should include a contingency for localized variations from the information presented in Figure 5. We recommend an allowable soil bearing pressure of 8 kips per square foot (ksf) for shallow foundations bearing on the glaCial dnn soils. For footings bearing on properly compacted structural till extending down to undisturbed native soils or on the undifferentiated deposits, we recommend an allowable bearing capacity of 4 ksf The allowable soil bearing value applies to the total of dead and long·tenn live loads and may be increased by up to one-third tor wind or seismic loads. If structural till is placed below the foundations of the proposed cooling tower, the zone of structural fill should extend laterally beyond the footing edges a honzontal distance at least equal to the thickness of the fill. We recommend that exterior tootings be founded a minimum of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. Interior footlllgs should be founded a minimum of 12 inches below slab subgradc. Continuous wall footings should have minimum widths of 16 inches, and column footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches. Settlement The total settlement of shallow foundations :)upportcd as recommended ab~)\'C is estimated to be about V2 to 1 inch. Post-con~truction dilTcrcntial settlement IS estimated to be about 1,_, inch between similarly loaded column I()()tmgs or along 30 feet of wall foundations. These settlement" should occlIr rapidly, essentially a~ the IOJd:--an: apphcd. Lateral Resistance Lateral fuundatiun loads may be resisted by passive resistance on the sides ot" the fnoti Ilf:.s and by friction on the base orlhc rnoting ..... For footings supported on undisturbed undiffcrcnt!atL:d til.:po-..;its. glacial drift or on structural I"j II placed and compacted In (\I..Tordanel' with OUf fl'COrnmentialioll;;', the allowable frictional resIstance Tllily be computed using a coefficient of friction of· O.-f applied to \'C'rtlcal dead-load fon.:cs. The allowable passlH:-rl'\i~tancc may be computed using an equivalent tluid density of 300 pef (pounds pef cubic toot), rilL' allowabk passive [c...;[stancc IS for hori/ontal soil conditIO!):; ITl th)nt of the footing and is applicable pn)\'ltkd that thc footing::. 3re poured directly against natl\ (: -"oils or surruunded by structural fill. The structural fill or nati\c ground should extend out frolll the bce of the f()lwdation element for a distallce at lc,l~t equal to three time..., the height of the cleme1l1 ami hr.; ePlllpactcd tn at least 95 percent ofthc \{f}[) lk·!cfmim:d III accordance \\'nh ASTM D1557. Pas";lve prL'::.slIrl.' rc"i"tancc "hoLild be calculalcd fn)lll the OlHtOITl nf adjacent !lour sl:Jhs IJr b,Jo\\ a depth of I (pot \,vhcre the :tdjan:llf arL:~ is unprotected" as ~q11)nlrrl,-t[L·. The al!o\\'ahk: tl"ICtIOIl,ll rr.;"i:-.lance and passl\'\...' rc"htJllCI...' \·,duL's pn.:scntcd abovl: includc a Ltdl1r \,f --a it'ty of abpllt I "~. Construction Considerations \VC n:UllllIllClld tl1\: UllldltlOIl of <ill ItH)lIng c'\Gl\'atlllll\ he oh~ervlxl hy (ll-'OFrI1;I II r.;c[:-;. IIIC, pflur tll placement orrch~lr dlld l.."lIIlLTl"te rile rCCI.IlIIlIll.'llLkd ,dlu\\ablc hearlll!; pre-..-..uIL'-" pnl\.,ded III thiS n:port arc based 011 -"lIb-"lIlt~II.:L..: 11l!i,xlll,lllon uhtailled rrPIll \\Itkly ::.paccd hl)rmg. [-Ill: ::.llh-"llrLtcr.; c(lnLiitlufb at the ft)L1ndatJUIlI...·k\~I!l\lll \d l::ICh (ootlng "ill)lIld b..: e\,illI<ltL'd hy the gcotcCll111e<l1 CIl~tllL'..:r llll.:Pllti[1lI that the fl.Tulllrlll"mkd ;dlll\\ Llhk· b".::lrillg prc::.-..url' \.; appl\lpn,lh.' fllr till' fOlinJatlPl1 -"Llb~r~ldl.· UllhlitlPn...; .. , /'lJ!:C 13 GEOENGINEERSg The footing sub grade soils may bG susceptible to disturbance when wet. It may be necessary to pour a lean concrete "mud mat" or place a layer of crushed rock in the bottom of the footing excavations to protect the footing subgrade soils from water and/or wet weather during reinforcement bar placement and preparation for concrete placement. BELOW-GRADE AND RETAINING WALLS General Provided that the temporary excavation for the proposed Emergency Services Tower is backfilled to approximately the existing site grades, we anticipate that the below-grade walls will range up to about 28 feet in height in the southeast comer of the proposed building. In addition. retaining walls may be utilized to facilttate other onsite grade transitions. The recommendations provided below are suitable for design of the helow-grade walls of the building as well as small retaining walls used on site for grade transitions. Retaining walls used to facilitate grade transitions on site that exceed 4 feet in hGight should be designed hy a profGssional engineer. Lateral Pressures Lateral earth pressures for deslgn of pGrmanent east-in-place below-grade walls for thG proposed Emergency Services Tower and other small retammg walls should be evaluated using the earth pressures presented m Figure 6. At-rest earth pressures should be used if the below-grade walls will be restramed agaInst rotation when backfill is placed. If the walt'i will not be restrained from rotation, we recommend uSing active earth pressures. Walls arc assumed to be restrained If top movernellt during backfilling is less than flil 000. where H is the wall height. The earth pressures presented in Figure 6 assume adcquatG orainagc. as descrihed below, can be provided such that hydrostatic forcl:s do flot develop behind the wall alld the wall drain pipes can be tight-lined to a suitable discharge location. The lateral ')011 pressures presented in Figure 6 assume that the ground surface behind the waH is hOrizontaL The impacts of backslopcs on the design lakral earth pressure can be c::.timatcd by adding per f(n c\cry tkgrcc of backs lope up to it 2H: I V maXlmUlTl backslopc (arrrOXlll1at(Jy 26 degrees), If \·chick's call approach the tops or the-building walls 10 \\ ithin olle-half the height of the walL a traffic ,>urcharge should be added to the v.all pressure. I'he earth pressures presenteu in Figure h include-the loading 1}'UIll traffic surcharge, Figun.: () abu includes seismic earth pfCSSllTe that should be included in the desi~n of permanent below-grade waIL-, Other surcharge loads, such as buildings. cranes, cnnstrllctitlJl cLjuipment, Of t:onstructioll staging areas, shlJuld be cOl1sith:red oJ the :-.tmctural engineer on a casc-hy-cil"e baSIS in accordance with the recummclldaHolls prescntcd 1II Figure 9, Positi\"c drainage "hould he rrO\-llk'd behind below-grade-\\a\1" ~lI1d n:ta1ll1l1g structure_" as dlsL'usscd bclo\\l. ('~hl-ill-place \\all.., should be flHllllkd 011 d~'lhe glaCIally COtl:->olldated :-oils, nn medium dCllse lIndifii.:rCtltlaled deposits. or on adequately U)1T1paCk'd -..anH.:lural lill c\.tending dO\\11 to native '-;011.., a" di"clls-;.cd rr~'\·lllu:-.ly, The: values I~lr soil be~lrillt'-. tr\l,:tlol1<l1 resl<.,tancc alld pas-.;i\"c resistance prcscilted :lbu\c for i~H1ndati(l[l dcsign arc appllcahk [p c:,,,t In-piau: heh)\\-grtllk \vall deSIgn. SLAB-ON-GRADE SUPPORT General {)Il-~rad(" l"lIIlLrl'!t.: "\;]0" ar(" planned I\.)f the prl1po"",,'d 1':lllCrgel1l'~ S~'IYICe" Tu\\cr and cooling tll\\er. The "'lll!" i,'IIClllllltl..'n:d 111 lIur c.'-plor'II1()]h at I hi...' pll'lhhcd fill!'>!! tltlUr ek'\alllll1 1.-1.-111 pn)\llk' "atlSrJl'hlr~ , ',,' 1'0:';(' {J GEOENGINEERS,,9 support for concrete slab-an-grade support, provided that any topsoil and/or organic material is removed and the slab subgrade is adequately prepared. Where undifferentiated deposits or existing tIll arc encountered at the slab subgrade elevation, it will be necessary to support the slab on at least 2 feet of adequately compacted structural fill. This can be accomplished by removing the upper foot of the subgradc soil, compacting the exposed sub grade to at least 95 percent of the MOD and then rcplacing the removed soil as structural fill. Subgrade conditions for all on-grade concrete slabs should be evaluated by GcoEngineers prior to placement of rcbar or concrete to confirm that the subgrade has been adequately prepared. The evaluation may be completed by proofroll ing the exposcd subgrade with a heavy piece of construction equipment during dry weather and where access is practical. Probing should be used during wet weather or when access for construction equipment is not possible. Design Parameters A minimum 6-ineh-thick capillary break layer eonsistmg of 1 V2 minus crushed gravel "ith negligiblc silt and sand should be placed to provide uni fonn support and form a capillary break bcneoth the slab. Where moisture-sensitive floor coverings or moisture-sensitive equipment will be used, we recommend that a vapor barrier such as "MOist-Stop" be installed below the slab to reduce the potent"" tor migration of mOisture. A subgradc modulus of 150 pei (pounds per cubic mch) may be used for design of the slabs-oo-grade at the site. We l'"stimalc that po:-:.t-constntction settlement of the on-grade slabs \\ ill he 011 the order of I/~­ inch. DEWATERING Ground\:vatcr \vas cncollntcnxi above the plallned finish noor elevation (ElcvatlOl\ 69 tl:ct) during drillmg in the southeastern portion of the Emergency ServIces Tower. We also observed thl~ presence ot'soil with oxidation slaming at yarious depths hc!ov .. the ground surface. The presence of fhh OXidation <:>taining may indicate the prc:-;ence 0(' seasonal perched groumhvater levels. The contractor :-;hould be prepared 10 deal with locali/cd seepage associated \\"itl1 perched groundwater during construdi(lll. particularty during \vet v.cather. rhis grollmhvater seepage, if present, should be controllable ouring COlhtfuctiotl hy digging trenches and uSlI1g rumps and slimp" DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS Footing and Wall Drainage Ttl reduce the potential hn hydrn .... tatlc pn.:s"urc hUlldup behind the belOVo-grade wall .... we recollllllclIli that the wall t;ICC .... hc pro\ idcd \\ itb adequ,-!tL' Jralllagl'. Dramage can be acllleycd hy lI-..;ill~ free-dralt1lng matenal v.ith1!l the draI IlJ!;.L' /lH1C and pLTj~)rakJ pipe...; to di...;charge the coilL'Cil..'d \\~Itcr. The drallll1gc /une should c\!end hehind the \\ all :1 disl:\llCe \.1' at ka"t I X wehes and consISt of gr;l\ el back fill for \\ alh cnnfonlllng to Sect 1i.)11 l)_(U. 12( ~) uf the \VS[)( IT 2(J(l6 Standard Specifications. A pn.:Llbncatcd drailla~e TTlaterial can he ,ltt<.lchl'd to the back ... Ide PI' the bel!)\\ ·.~ra{k \\alb to enhance the urclJ!l~tgc charactcri:...lic ... or the hacklill flll\\C\Cr. ha"cd pI) our L'\pnll'llce. \\l.' dn not recommend thl.' CI1!l11t1~ltWIl ui" the trl..'L' dratnltlg malL'rial \\ ttL'1l a prCrabnL'~uL'd \.I.·,tli dralncl~c Ilwtt:nal i" utili/cd, a:-; there i .... ,[ !lp..., .... ibtlity that thL' drainage illlltL'l"I:J! \\ til \lot PH)\ H,k adL'qll~lk dra!l)J~L' fpr the permancn[ \\all .... y .... klll ... \\ hell !!1stallcd v .. lthout fret: drallllIl.g !Ilalen~il I'uge 15 GEOENGIN"RS~ A perforated collector pipe should be installed within the free-draining material at the base of each wall and perimeter footing. The drains should consist of 4-inch minimum diameter perforated collector pipe enveloped within a minimum thickness of 6 inches of gravel meeting the recommendation presented above in the Structural Fill section of this report. A non-woven geotextile such as Mirafi 140N should be placed between the gravel backfill and the native soils to prevent migration of the soils into the drainage backfilL We recommend using either heavy-wall solid pipe (SDR-35 PVC) or rigid corrugated polyethylene pipe (ADS N-12, or equal) for the collector pipe. We recommend against using flexible tubing for footing and wall drain pipes. The pipes should be laid with a m1l1imum slope of one-half percent and discharge into the stormwatcr collection system to convey the water to a suitable discharge location. The pipe installations should 1I1c1ude an adequate number of ckanout risers with covers located along of each pipe run. The cleanouts could he placed in flush mounted access boxes. Underslab Drainage Below slab drainage may be prudent for areas in the east portion of the addition where higher groundwater levels were encountered during drilling. The necessity of a below slab drainage system :-:;houlo he .:valuatcd once the excavation is completed. Ifsignificant groundwater seepage is ohserved, we re-commend the below slab drainage system consist of 4-inch diameter perforated PVC pipes spaced about .:::,;;; feet on center \vithin the eastern portion of the proposed Emcrgcnc:y Serv1ces 1ower. This system -;.hould be routed into a tightlinc that connects to a suitable di~chargc POIl1t. Waterproofing should be c()flsidcrcd as a safety precaution if par1icularly mOlstllre sensitive equipment \vill be stored In the belo\\'- grade portion of the building. Surface Drainage \Vc rccomrnt.:"lld that all surfaces be sloped 10 drain away from the proposed building arca. Roof drains .... huuld be llght-lilled to an appropnatc di-.;chargc point and shuuld 110t be conn(.:"ctl!d to the footing or wall dralll". Pavement surfaces and open '-pace areas should be sloped ~o that -;urtllce \vatcr runoff is collected and routed tll suitable discharge point:.. In addition to ':->hlping the a"phalt pavement 'iurbee, \\C recomtnL"nu that th(.:" subgradc be sloped as wc-ll so that water dOL" .... not collect in the base course material. LIMITATIONS \\'e h{\\l' pn.::parcd this n::port for the c:\clus1\c usc of the \'~Illcy ~·1edlcal Center and thclr Juthori/cd a,gcllh fur the proposed Emergency Serviccs Tower project located In ({C"I1ID1L \Vashington. The data and report "Iwuld be provided to prospective clllltractors for their blJdll1g or e...;timatlllg purpn~cs. hut our [CPOl!. cOllclu:,wlls and interpretation .... "hould nut he construed a" ,-l \\~I1T~lIlt) l)fthc subsurface cllnditllm ..... \\ Ithlll the I1milatlOll"> of scope, .... clh:duk and budget. our sen ll'e" IJa\ (: n\.'l'll c'\-':-clited in accDrdancc \\ ith _!...~elh.:rLllly ao.:cptcJ rraclicc~ III the field ufgcPt\.:chnical cnginccrlng III till" area at the time tlli .... rcrort \Vd~ plcp~lr\.·lL '..l) warranty or other condition ..... \.'\prc;:;~ or Illlrlicd . ...;hould he understood \n~ ,: ! .... Ttrl)ll I\.: furrn. facsimile or hard COr) of the Original d(lCLllllCtlt tunali. lL'\.t. table. and/or ligurcl. If pn.n !I.IL'd. cllld allY attachmcnh arC" lllll,;-'-I COP) pt" the ongmal dUClllllL'llL .( he or1¥-inal uocurnclli i'-) stured h\ (i'-'(lr··Il~~Hh:cr ..... Inc. and will SLT\ .... ' ~l"" till' llifi\.:ial dllltlllk'nt ld'!L'\.:ord Please refer to Appendix D titled Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use for additional information pertaining to use of this report. REFERENCES Mullineaux, D. R., 1965, Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington. International Code Council, "International Ruilding Code", 2003. United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highways Administration, 1999, "Geotechnical Engineering Circular No.4, Ground Anchors and Anchored Systems," FHWA Report No. FHWA-IF- 99-015. United Stales Geological Survey, (2005). National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project. Interactive Deaggregations, 2002. Website link: hllp:lleqint.cLusgs.gov/eq-menlhtml/deaggint2002.html. Washington State Department of Transp0l1ation (WSDOT), 2004, "Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction". Yount. J. c., DembrofL G. R., and Barah. (i. M, 1985, Map Showing Depth to Bedrock in the Seallle 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Washll1gton. ,I ( \' "" > GEOENGIN"RS~ ':',""/'. 'u,',- ~I 0 > l' " ~ ~I .:c u ~ 0> ~ '0 N u. 0 0 0 N 0 ~ N ~ 0 « ~ 9 0 N 0 N 0 N ~ N ~ W (J) \ \ -, '\ \ \ .\ \ \\ -z. 0 ~ ~ , , ~ \ \' , . \, , , :Xl ~ -U \II :Xl ~ 01 -.l ',.:, :-:~ -// !.~. . ,: L-~--l --' ?"",J /, S. ; . I' \ . /. / "," 'l - 1 / ~' . ./ "-;:" .. ". :~--(: RZA-01-80 +-, , .' ,', .~'<.' , ' " ;"", .I " '~ , I ." J.., ; 1 , I , -- ! '. , " t\:·- o /---, I ", ; , f 'j \ i '",-/ -.---' ': --' .... ,; 3'~~~, ::::).:;.-; ~. " " " ... ~..,,;..: , "- "'-'\" ; , , , .,/ " --..:.. "/ ; , ; //;. /. / .. 1 -' /" .' , --,~ ",--......, -' -;·T·-:;j::.~ " ,/,.. '''/ i /' " ' /, / " , , / I J i /' '/ / :' / / __ .- / /" / .. I I, :%! / : " " .. f ' ----II 'I ( , ~',// , ; , / ---~ " • / I I '. / /_. .-I ' --~:;/ j~ '.!.' " '. ." , ' ""!'. , ~,/.>~--r----" -,F ' / ./ / .',/ I '..t';-,/ ,,~~'~i;iiiJ-~i-:~,~i':, '-<; ;~~':-:;;~:~> --- ! --.: -.. ! -----:. ---.f -f ' '-._.; -.. , "$' , Legend B-1 ~-Boring (Cu rren t S tudy) B-1 +- 1.. Geoenginee rs Boring (Previous S tudy ) HH-1 ''l'' RZA-01-80 +-RZA B o ring (Previous Study) A A' ~ ~ Approximate cross sechon location Notes ; 1. The locations of all features shown a re approximate. 2 . This drawing is for informat ion purposes. II is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee t he accuracy and content of e ledronic files . The m aster fi le is stored by GeoEngineers. Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Reference: Drawing provided by BU Sh , Roed , & Hitchings , Inc . 60 o 60 Feet Site Plan Proposed Emergency Services Tower- Valley Medical Center I Renton, Washington GEoENGINEERS CJ Figure 2 .... ;§j '" o ~ .... o '" o en w 8 en u: o --' /~ " <]) -~ z 0 « > W -" L.d A "( L' 9(1-. 80~ I , , I I I I I 7-I :::: I L I ~ I S _J 0;5 I AC SM I ; 2 j I " '6 I I I ? ~- UNDIFFERENTIATED DEPOSIT ----?------?---- ?-, OF ~ " <,' In e o " 8-7 AC " SVjML /l,! ~ I 8-6 ,;/ " ,-jAC ./ S" ~ 8 -t;L,SM FILL ,,/ r;./ -' , ... /-'- / 9 -----? ~/ :t4 S~/ML . ~~ Ci ~ ~/ __ -44+---- SM UNDIFFERENTIATED/ DEPOSIT//? ?/ / GlACIAL DRIFT 'q 24 w S6~ SM 76 UNDIFFERENTlA 1 ED DEPOSIT --? GlACIAL DRIFT 70j ~,') L __________________________ ~--------------------------_ "'I' 60 I 50, 40 1 so ,- 08 --'-- (FF H. 69) 79 GlACIAL DRIFT 49 ML SP-SM 54 ' --'-- \l (FF. l-L 69) r 50/5~ [XFLA'iilTON 8-6 7 SM ±! BORING NUMBEr; A'JC APPROXIMA iF L OCAllON Blow Coum Soil Type At Sample Location Soil Contact HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" ~ 40' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" ~ 10' VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 4' Groundwater Level (measured) Groundwater Level (observed at time of exploration) I I A' , ~)::; 1-90 80 70 I I f-60 I f-50 L40 ill ill ~ z 0 f-« > Id -' W o 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 I I I I ,_1 I I I I I I I DISTANCE (feet) Cross Section A-A' Notes: 1. The subsurface conditions shown are based on interpolation between widely spaced explorations and should be considered approximate; actual subsurface conditions may vary from those shown. 2. Refer to Figure 2 for location of Section. Proposed Emergency Services Tower - Valley Medical Center I Renton, Washington 3. This figure is for informatiooal purposes only. It is intended to assist in the identiftcation of fee. The data sources do not guarantee these data are accurate or oomplete. There may have been l . The master hard copy is stored by GeoEngineers, I Figure 3 . B B' • ~ , "-~ £' o ~ "-~ o (f) w (f) >: u (f) u: u -' ~ (l) (l) z o :g cw -' w leo 90 J I I " ~ ~ t-; ~ C 80 --1 8~2 AC 6 SM I I I I I I I I I I I I I FI~') __ _ ---?-_. "' '" c ~ uo L L S 8-3 G" ---'5~~--' OM FILL -~-')-----?---')--7"" ? .------ _/' ; ~ en ~ L o o z 8-4 !AC 87/~OH SM ----3R--.-~?--- 45 -_ .. ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , SM I?- I UNDIFFERENTIATED 9 UNDIFfERENTIATED __ -, -,--' , I I DEPOSIT 70 --1], ~------------------~~ ~~~O~ ________ ~-1::::~·=-____ . _______ 7~ __________ J 7 ? I~ ~oA~~ SM 60~ GLACIAL DRIFT 50~5:i:C 50- 40- o 40 80 I I I ?--"-- M~_/SIo.4 '). ___ -" (.r_ EL. 69) 7S SM ? n ?/ t.2 ,_ SM 05 -L ---- .------? .----6S~ GLACIAL DRIFT SP~·SM 85 -'- EXP~NAlION 8-3 7 SM J- BORING NUMDER ANC APPROXIMAE LOCft,TION Blow Count Soil Type At Sample Location Soil Contact HORIZONTAL SCALE 1" = 40' VERTICAL SCALE, ," = 1 0' VERTICAL EXAGGeRATION 4X Groundwater Level (measured) Groundwote"-Leve i (observed ot time of exploration) 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 I I I I I ~ I I I DISTANCE (feet) r--no i I I l-90 80 '" <V ~~ -70 Z C f- <l > W c;:; I-60 I-50 L. 40 Cross Section 8-B' Notes: 1. The subsurface conditions shown are based on interpolation between widely spaced explorations and should be considered approximate; actual subsuriace conditions may vary from those shown. 2. Refer to Figure 2 for location of Section. Proposed Emergency Services Tower- Valley Medical Center I Renton, Washington 3. This figure is for informational purposes only. It is intended to assist in the identification of fee The data sources do not guarantee these data are accurate or complete. There may have been L. The master hard copy is stored by GeoEngineers, II Figure 4 I I I ,t -.; .. .. .~ .& - ,,'; .-- ~ ~ ;; ~ .-- Q .-- o >-o (fJ Ii: o -" ! .,; LL o o o '" o '" o '" 6 « ~ ~ N o N o N 6-3'. '(~ ',." • ~ -'1' & \ 1 \~ -:; , ~-2."_"" _ V' . ·"'~'.¥C, -"li" ", -z. o ~ :x: ~ " , <,\, l' , \ " ~ -0 ~ -~ '\ , \ \ \: ' ., 6-4. " 6-1+-- RZA-01-80+ .~------~ ~~-...... --~ .j',-, ./ , •. -;~,.; .-;" /:--1 '""'.; ~--:. "~::..-J:_.:.,., ~~ •. '~-.-"---.-.:--. ...;;;;,'-~~ .. S.43RD S1. '(5. 80TH ST.) ~I « 1 _ .,! '~" , W '..... .' / ", ;; (/) ,: ,-"~ --. '. ",. ~/ , : _/ ;:i. ... .:;;" "'C!:/' + ..... -":~:"";"'-. ~ ..,,,:,." , ,..---:-.~: ~',--. y- ".",,", , ~ "/ , w,,*, , Legend B-1~ Boring (Current Study) 6-1+ J.. Geoengineers Boring (Previous Study) HH-1.,.- RZA-01-80+ RZA BOring (Previous Study) -65-Soil contour line Noles: 1_ The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for infonnation purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers. Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers. Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Reference: Drawing provkted by Bush, Roed, & Hitchings, Inc. 60 o 60 Feet Glacially Consolidated Soils Contour Map Proposed Emergency Services Tower - Valley Medical Center I Renton, Washington GEoENGINEERS UJ Figure 5 I I I I I I I I I I I ,... <> N ~ <> > I ~ ,... 0 ;CO '" C; I en w en ):: u I en "-u --' '" I ~ " "' "-0 0 0 N I 0 N 0 N Y 0 « u I 6 0 6 N 0 N 0 N I y 2' « w if) I BACKFILLED PERMANENT WALLS \ Slab Ground Surface I == \=======r'\' -1------ --- H --~ X 1----- \ Siob-ao-grode ~1 1--- \ I-- ~ -- X-H ~ ;s~l-J7H l I--psf -pst '---v-~ '----...,. . .-1 '" ) T raff,e Se;':)~nic Earth Surcharge t ortr ~ressure Pressure Pressure NOT TO SCAL[ I Ewth "x" I I r~cc~s;:e ---C~~L ~ I ---------I-----i 'I At~rcst 5S' L _____________ , Legend: H = Height of Excavalion Feet r-------~~----------------, Notes 1 ThIS pressure dIagram 15 approonate for permanent walls If additional surchClrge loading (slIch as from soil stockpiles, excavators, dumptrucks_ cranes. or concrete trucks) IS antIcipated. use Figure 9 to estimate lateral load imposed to the walt 2 Wall<i. are assumed to be restrained (at-rest earth pressure) If tf"le movement dU(lnq bac.kfilhng I$l~ss than H~1000 Earth Pressure Diagram- Permanent Below Grade Wall -------1 Proposed Emergency Services Tower- Valley Medical Center I Renton, Washington GEoENGIN_~E~S 1?J Figure 6 GROUND SURFACE H BASE OF EXCAVATION --------- 300 D 17 L""---__ . I 300D 35H f-----pst ----t--pst NET ALLOWABLE PASSIVE PRESSURE ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE o NOT TO SCALE <fJ W ~ LEGEND: ~ H = HEIGHT OF EXCAVATION, FEET to 0 = SOLDIER PILE EMBEDMENT, FEET -' '" ~ u NOTES: f'--~-------- ;S 1 Active earth pressure and surcharge pressure ad over the pile o ~ spacing above the base of the ex.cavation. g 2 Passive earth pressure acts over 2.5 times the concreted 75 psi ~ TRAFFIC SURCHARGE PRESSURE g diameter of the soldier plle,or the pile spacing, whichever is less. 3.,------------------------, is Passive pressure includes a factor of safety of 1.5 Earth Pressure Diagram « 4 Add,t,onal surcharge 'rom foot,ngs of ad,acent building should Temporary Cantilever Soldier Pile Wall ~ be included in accordance WIth recommendations provided on 6 Figure 9 Proposed Emergency Services Tower - g 5. This pressure diagram IS appropriate for temporary soldier pIle V II M d' I C t I R t W h' gton 2: walls If add,t,onal surcharge load,ng (such as from so,1 stockp,'es, I-_a __ e,.:y __ e_,_c_a __ e_n_e_r __ e_n_o_n-",-_a_s_m~ __ --l B! excavators. dumptruck:s. cranes. or concrete trucks) IS anticipated. ;'>.j GeoEngrneers should bf'! consulted to provide revised surcharge c:: <::( pressures GEoENGINEERS CJ Figure 7 UJ if) <n w UJ >= U if) "-u ~ ~ u '" "-g o N o N o N N is « u 6 '" 6 N o N o N N N c::: "" w if) H D SOLDIER PILE WALL WITH ONE LEVEL OF TIEBACKS Ground Surface H, T" I J I J 2-H, I-- I .3 I H / .3 ~I-i~ /~ 2(H-H,) I I ----..l...,----..L----f -----' 2' 30~ -yf "--------1 J J I 60' \ .3 I L_ L ____ -----' i L---5~~y __ -j f-'=p:~H "-----~ 75 pSf :-- '--,,---I Traffic Surcharge Pressure ~\et Allowcblc Pass:ve '-)"-ess,re Apparent Earth Pressure NOT TO SCALE Legend L~J No Load Zone i t .-Height of Excavation. Feet !) Soldier Pile Embedment Depth, Feet r : Distance From Ground Surface 10 Uppennost Tieback, Feet r ". Horizontal load in Uppermost Ground Anchor Notes: 1 Apparent earth pressure and surcharge act over the pile spacing above the base of the excavation 2 Passive earth pressure acts over 2 5 times the concreted diameter of the soldier pile, or the pile spacing, whichever IS less 3 Passive pressure Includes a factor of safety of 1 5 4 Additional surcharge from footings of adjacent buildings should be included in accordance Wllh recommendations prOVided on Figure 9 5 ThIS pressure diagram 15 appropriate for temporary soldier pile and tieback walls If additional surcharge loading ;, MaXimum Apparent Earth Pressure Pounds per Square Foot Earth Pressure Diagram Temporary Soldier Pile Wall With One Level of Tiebacks -----j Proposed Emergency Services Tower- Valley Medical Center I Renton, Washington (such as from soil stockpiles, excavators, d:Jmp~rucks. cranes. w concrete trUCKS) IS an(IClPdtcd GeoEngineers sh~uld be consulted to ;Jrovlde revised SU(chclrqe pressures GEoENGINEERS CJ Figure 8 _________ =-=----=--__ cc=_==-_c-__ ====-_="===-=-==-= __ ... '" N '" a ~ i" ... '" ... a Ul w ~ o Ul "-o ~ LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE FROM POINT LOAD, Q p (SPREAD FOOTING) M 0.2 0.4 Xc 'T1 H t-- t" '" , r-T- I I ~ ,;- H A ' A' BAS": OF LXCAW.IION FOR en ~ 0.4 --------~~-. G. --O.78Q"n2 FOR G , c, P (J::I...il R H 0 J P I ~-,.2 (C.16+n 2) J ('T, > 0.4 ----=..Z1Q pm 2 n ~ H2('TI~+n2r~ c, COS' (1.1 e) 1 - 0.7810 59H -' -' l--c., I 0.78 1059H e / P "-/ '\. o -" ;-.. I -. GH i 0.6 1 0.4S 10.48H ~F-~ .. ,O tiJ I U ' -0: I "-I ---i X = nc fi I-- SECTION A-A' LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE FROM LINE LOAD, a L (CONTINUOUS WALL FOOTING) H j l~cH _L __ -i ,x- I -..,-., R BASF OF j EXCAVA~ION _____ _ FOR rr;'i; O.A ------~- Gt-!""'" _O.2n-C l H(O 16+0')' FOR m > 0.4 G':;;: ~ .28~2 n-Q L H ~ _____ ~ H(m 2 +r;2)2 '--I to, F' " RESULT ANT r: 0 640, (m'+I) M I R ~ 0.1 1060Hi ---------j 0.3 1060H I -1 0.5 10.56H: 0.7 1048HI I UNIFORM SURCHARGES, q (FLOOR LOADS, LARGE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS OR TRAFFIC LOADS) c (n~-,f) 8/1Sf OF DCAVATION -j OH 1-028'q i (ps f) (I, ~ L~TERA~ SURCHr,RGf PRESSURE f ROM UNIFOR'~ SJRCHARG[ Pressures from Point Load Q F ~ ~~I~---D-e-fi-In-i-ti-o-n-s-:----------------------------------------------L-------------N-o-t-e-s-:------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------~ a N o N ~ 6 ~ y o o 6 N o N o N Z ~ w Q p = Point load in pounds Ql = Line load in poundslfoot H = Excavation height below fooling, feet a H = lateral earth pressure from surcharge, psf q = Surcharge pressure in pst e = Radians 0H' = Distribution of a H in plan view PH = Resultant lateral force acting on wall, pounds R = Distance from base of excavation to resultant lateral force, feet 1. Procedures for estimating surcharge pressures shown above are based on Manual 7.02 Naval Facilities Engineering Command, September 1986 (NAVFAC OM 7.02). 2. Lateral earth pressures from surcharge should be added to earth pressures presented on Figures 6 Through 8. 3. See report text for where surcharge pressures are appropriate. Recommended Surcharge Pressure Proposed Emergency Services Tower- Valley Medical Center I Renton, Washington GEoENGINEERS UJ Figure 9 en J 'I GEOENGINEERS CJ ApPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORA TlONS GENERAL APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATIONS Subsurface conditions were explored at the Site by drilling seven hollow-stem auger borings (B-1 through B-7). The borings were completed to depths ranging from 16V, to 36 feet below the existing ground surface. The drilling was performed by Geologic Drill Explorations, Inc. of NIne Mile Falls, Washington on December 13 and 16, 2005, under subcontract to GeoEngineers, Inc. The locations of the explorations were estimated in the field by measuring distances from site features through taping/pacing in the field. The approximate exploration locations are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. Boring elevations were estimated based on a topographic map provided to us by the project architect and used as a base for Figure 2. BORINGS Bormgs were completed using a trailer-mounted, Deep Rock XL drill rig. The borings were continuously monitored by a geotechnical engineer from our limi who examined and classified the soils encountered, obtained representative soil samples, observed groundwater conditwns, and prepared a detailed log of each exploration. The soils encounlered in the bonngs were generally sampled at 2 1/") or 5~root vertical intervals with a 2-Inch outsidc diameter split-barrel standard penetration test (SPT) sampler. The sampks were obtained by drIVIng the sampler 18 inches into the sori With a I,m-pound hammer lifted with a rope and eathead and free-falling 30 inches. The number o1'blov.:-; n.:qlllfcd for each 6 inches or-penetration was recorded. The hlow COllnt ("N-\ralue") of the :-.oil was calculated a~ thC" numher of blows required for the final 12 inchc .... of penetration. This resistance, or N-valuc. pn)\.idcs a measure uf the relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of coheSIve soils. Where very JcnsL' soil conditions preclude driving the full IS-inches, the penetration resIstance for the partial penetration "vas entered OIl the logs. The bIn\\'-counh arc shown on the boring lugs at the respectIve sample-depth". Soils encountered in the borings were visually da~slficd in general accordance with the dasSlficatlon 'ystem desenbed 11l Figure A-I. A key to thc' h(>nng log symbols is also presented In Figure A-I. The logs of the hOrlngs arc presented in Figure .... A-~ through A-X. The hOrlng logs arc based on our 1I1tcrprctatioll of the field and lahoratory data ~lIld mdicatc the various type .... of soil" and groundwater conditio[l~ CTlCOlHlkrcd. Tht: logs also 11ldlcatc the depths at wlll-.:11 tht.:se soils (lr tht.:ir characteristics change: although. the change may actually he gradual. If the change UCCUlTl'd betwecn "ampics, it \vas IIltcrprctcd. The densities noted on the boring Illg .... arc ba .... ed 011 the blo\\· cnunt data ohtained in the horin~ .... and IlId~1ll\.:llt based on the conditiorh CIiCOUlllncd Oh .... cnallOlh pI" !;nJundw·akr c(lnJition..;; \l\..'re 111.1lk dUf11lg \..'IlClHJIltnl·,j dunn!; dnllmg. arc rrcsclltcJ 011 the hOrlll~ lllg ..... dn 1111lg J hI..' gWLllldv.atcr conditions dnllillg fCrr\..· .... \..·lll a .... hurt tcrlll conditi(lIl :111(..1 lTI:JY or IHay Ill.>I bc rcpn __ ·..;,cntati\\; 0" the long !I. .. TlTl gWlllld\\"clkr l.·OIKlitlllIlS at the .... itc (irOltlld\\ alL'r l"()I]ditiPIl'> llh"':'\..T\Td dunng dnlll1lg should be "'·un .... idcrcd iJPPfl)\illliltc. MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION \ rcprc"l.·IlUtl\e \..l!' (ic-oLnginc-c-r .... llh:'LT\·\..'d the 111 .CtlLlliPrl (li" 1lllH11!tlrlllg \\cll .... III hUrlng...; B-~ and {{·h. ,HId .... llh,,'-·qllCtll:: lIH:a .... un.:d groundwatn !c\L·l" ill [lie \\\..,[1" The I\)~~" j"PI" hl)nll~" B-2 ,\ltd (~-(l lhh thl: I't/!.:(" I-I interval over which the monitoring well was screened, depth tu groundwater, and the date the groundwater depth was measured. The monitoring wells were constructed using I-inch diameter PVC (polyvinyl chloride) casing. The depths to which the casing was installed in each boring was selected based on our understanding of subsurface soil and groundwater conditions in the project area and the configuration of the proposed facilities In the vicinity of the borehole. The lower portiuns of the casing were slotted to allow entry of water into the casing. Medium sand was placed in each borehole annulus surrounding the slotted portion of the casing. Bentonite seals were placed above the slotted purtion of the casing. The monitoring wells were protected by installing a flush-mount steel munument set in concrete. Page .-1-': GEOFNGINEERS-.9 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS GRAPH lETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MOR~ THAN 5(l% RET "'NED ON NO 2(JOS'E'JE HNF GRAINED SOil S MORf-r~M '0"" PA;;S'NGhO }(.<l 9~';f GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS ~En-II\N50"4 OF COARSE fRACT~ RfTA.I'IEO ON i'IO (SIEVE SAND AND SANOY SOILS MORE THA'" S(I'X, 01' COARSE FRACnON PASSING NO 4 SIEVE SILTS AND CLAYS SIL TS AND CLAYS CLEAN GRAVELS (UTIlE OR...:) ~'NES, o 0 o 0 o 0 GW GP WELl-GAAOEO GRAVELS. GRAVEL- SAI'IO M1X"TUAES KX)Kl Y-H~AOED GRAVELS, GRAVEL -SAND M1X1URES --H-nI'n-t!------I------------f GRAVHSWITI-I FINES I""PR~CIA8lE AUOU~ I OF ., .. ~s' CLEAN SANOS SANDS WITH FINES 1"" .... EClA8l. ~uOJHf o' .""SI LlOUIOL'M'T IXS.'; 'II ...... 'j(l C'QUIUl'MI" (")H-l\rH~ ;I-I",N ',(] ~ ~Il TV GRAVELS CRAWl _ SAN!) SILT WXTURES GM ---1--------- GC SW SP SM 5C CL MH CH OH PT ClAY~YGR!\VELS GRAV~~ SAND ClAY MIXTURES WE,l-GRIIOEO SIINOS GRAVELL Y SANflS P()QR'," GRADEO SANDS GRl\VfL~ ~ SAND ,i Sll.,-y SANDS SAND· Sil T o.IIXTlJHfS '--------- CLAYEY SANOS 5/l.ND CLAY ""XTURES INORC"",,"ICCIA'"S OF ~ow lC) UEO<U,," PlASTICITY, GRAIIEL.L. Y CLAYS S ..... O"CL"' ... ,; Sil Tv ClAYS '~AA ClAYS 'NQR,ANIC SI_'S Ml(N::E;O','; C·R I DFATO' ..... CEQlJ$ S': -y 5cJ'L", "JOR;:;A"',C cu.' s (If '"C'- Pl',~.· 'f, --, ,we",,,,(' CLA'~ ""I' ~'" T' r_)~ "'fUH," ;'J .... ,Gi-I'J'c· PH,' "'_'AVO SW""P',("",'oW"" , """",Rr.A"'t:<';O'J-E"r·, Non.: Multiple symbols are useu to IndK:iclte borderline or dual s.oil classifications Sampler Symbol Descriptions II 2.4~inch 1.0. split barrel [] Standarn Penetration Test (SPT) [] Shelby tube ~ Piston IJ Direct-Push ~ Bulk or grab 81owcount is. recorded for driven samplers as the number of blows required to advance sampler 12 inches (or distance noted). See exploration log for hammer weight and dmp. A "p.' indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the drill rig ADDITIONAL MATERIAL SYMBOLS %F AL CA CP CS DS HA MC MD OC PM PP SA TX UC VS NS 55 MS HS NT CC AC CR TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS Cement Concrete Asphalt Concrete Crushed RockJ Quarry SpaUs Topsoil! TS Forest Duff/Sod Measured groundwater level in exploration, well, or piezometer Groundwater observed at time of exploration Perched water observed at time of exploration Measured free product in well or piezometer Stratigraphic Contact Distinct contact between soil strata or geologic units Gradual change between soil strata or geologic units Appl"Oximate location of soil strata change within a geologic soil unit Laboratory I Field Tests Percent fines Atterberg limits Chemical analysis Laboratory compaction test Consolidation test Direct shea ... Hydrometer analysis Moisture content Moisture content and dry density Organic content Permeability or hydraulic conductivity Pocket penetrometer Sieve analysis Triaxial compression Unconfined compression Vane shear Sheen Classification No Visible Sheen Slight Sheen Moderate Sheen Heavy Sheen Not Tested N(J; ~ f'le r~,J(~er m,:,>, refer t:J the (~",CUSS'(ln In Ih,~ ~"<P'.lrt rp~t .lnd ~n(, IO(jS Of eXrW)'YII)'I,:> fur J ur(·:..of:' ',nr~,"5un(!'rlq ~lf SUbSlJrt,KP. \.ondilions :)~'-' "~ il'-Hl'~', :n(~ IiWl':> dilpl\' (,nly;)1 ~h"! s!-Ieur1c: f'x~JI(yatLO-) ,(;,I:'on" (-I,IG at the :,rre 'he eXpi,)rdt'r!Il-. Wt"'~ 'n F!.· 'tIe .. ' ~lrc not w(1rri-1I1Iecllo be re~)r·"",'li3t'I'-' c· sub:"'.Jria'-e conc'tt(lfl~ ,1t ottlp.r IOCCl!-(jl:'j 01 I"';(~-, KEY TO EXPLORA nON LOGS GEoENGINEERS r FIGURE A-1 Date(s) 12116105 Logged LCF Checked KGO Drilled By By Drilling Geologic Drill Drilling Hollow-stem Auger Sampling SPT Contractor Method I Methods AugerlBlt 3.75 inch 10 HSA Hammer 140 (Ib) hammerl30 (in) drop I Drilling Deeprock XL Trailer-mounted Data Data rope and cathead Equipment Drill Rig ---. I .._-- Total 16.5 Surface 74 Groundwater Not Encountered Depth (ttl Elevation (ttl Elevation ----------------.~--------~ .-.--- Vertical Datum) Eastmg(x): Datum System Northing(y): SAMPLES c " -" = n OJ "' OTHER TESTS n " E MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ (5 "-, > '" ,9 .c 0 E z ~ 0 ~c AND NOTES 15._ ~ ~ 'iii ..J ,,-0 ·c....: > ~ '" ID "' 2" :0-5, '" " 0 ~ "! n "-yo. ~-0$ 2 0 0 n E 10 roo> o E -c c~ '" , ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 00 c '" ill if) if) S Cl..J Cl(J) ~u OS 0 AC h 3 Yl inches asohalt concrete ~ Zl SM Brown 5ilty finc to medium sand with occasional gravel (fill) (medium dense, moist) ] 6 2U Organic matter (bark) (oxidation stainmg) - 5-~" SM f-Orange-brown ;i1iy tine to meclium-sand \~~ltl occ-asional -23 gravel) (medium dense, mOist) (oxidation staining) (undilTerentiatcd deposits) ~IR " .' ~,-!:\!onalleme~ of silt ---S",1 10 -~IS Orangc-hrown 'iihy fine to medium '>and wilh gr,i\d -<9 -(dense, moist) (oxidation st'-lininl-'.) (£Iilclal drill) I, I - i 15-l~' 51 .. _L -(imdc ... l(l bnmTl1sh gray - ------- - - ------.--_ ... _--.-... -~. ----... ---- - 20- - 25 - a ~ - ~ " -i '" ." 30 - > ~ 0 -~ a 0 ~ - ;-c 35- n < 2 " " :--"plL' "'~"L" I· 1~,iI-~' .-\ I !.'r ~·\p!,\!l,tll'll ,>i ~\ !LJi'I' ~ ~ .' -, LOG OF BORING B-1 ! Project r Propost!d Emergency Srvs rower V"lley Medical Ctr ! GEoENGINEERS Project Location Rentoll, \/V d:::>h I fly ton Figure A-2 . Project Number 2202020~1) .,h.,et 1 of 1 Date(s) 12/13/05 Logged LCF Checked KGO Drilled By By Drilling Geologic Drill DrillIng Hollow-stem Auger Sampling SPT Contractor Method Methods -~----- Auger 3.75 inch to HSA Hammer 140 Ib hammer/30 in drop Drilling Deeprock XL Trailer-mounted Data Data rope an~ cathead Equipment Drill Rig Total Well 20 Ground Surface 74 Groundwater 61 Depth (tt) Elevation (ft) Elevation (tt) ,--~--~ - Vertical Datum! Easting(x) Dalum System Northlog(y): ,<:a., PI "cS WELL ;; I ;;; CONSTRUCTION 2 " ;; ~ !i '" c " E MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ,1"'" Q 2 '" 0 0 ill iii £ in ~ Z I surface > "" ro > • ,,-0 '" '" ~ 0 ~ a. ~.o " monumenl W 0 '" U 0 E o E C '" • ~ >-~i '" m '" O(J) lLn'{ ~ I At' ,6 inches asohalt concrete SM Reddish brown "Ity fine to medmm sand with gr,wcl (medium dense, moist) (fill) (a<;phalt and crushed rock ~:-~;~'~e<lr ~ 14 26 , (oxidation staining) 16 '--------------------------SM Gray sdty fine to medIum sand with ol:ca<;ional gravel f--70 (medium den:o.e, muist) (umlifferentiated deposits) ~al - 5-~I& 25 .1 -Brown with oxidation staining - PVC weN casmg ]" 21 4 15 f--6" SA - 10-]" , 1020 sdmj 77 .';)' ... 1 Brownsdly, Imc '0 medium >and willi g""I,med",m ,--b;"lckfril dense, lnolSIl iglacIaI dnlll {(),\.!UallUn ... tallltng) C" l:sz --'" = = -Bli = -= 1;-]" 0 -F:kcOllll:-" gra y -10 1 Inch :"0· )" = Schedule 80 := PVC screen = o Cl20-lnch = slot widCh = -- - -~-'---- -----~--- --- - -CO ~ -';C (;ray clayey lin\.' III cuaf\e ,and \'.lth gr;1\ l:1 ! \,,'1) d....:rhe. == - mUbl1 == ;,'0-1 " :'() ~" , ~ f---'" (j \\,l~ m;;' -II, '1,~lltrin!:, uniting ~- (jrOltlhh\ ater Ille<:i."llrcd llf1 12' I tdt5 -5U - 7' - ~ ; ~ -" - C ]1>- :) ~ ; ~ -4U -," ]',- " '.1 -'\."k <:c Ilgurl' -\ 1 il'i" <-'''pl,ul;tlr.'11 (.1' ... 1. lllh(\l, ,- , LOG OF MONITORING WELL B-2 - - GEoENGINEERS C Project Proposed ED Addition Valley Medical Center Project LocatlrJn Renton. VV0sh1ngton FIlJUre A-3 """"",-'1.',;.' Project Number 2202:)20,00 :)-l-"'~ ~ vi ~ , , D , < z ? .:) Date(s} 12113105 Logged LCF Checked KGO Drilled By By Drilhng Geologic Drill Drilling Hollow-stem Auger Sampling SPT Contractor Method Methods AugerlB!t 3.75 inch ID HSA Hammer 140 (I b) hammerl30 (in) drop Drilling Deeprock XL Trailer-mounted Data Data rope and cathead Equipment D..'ill Rig --_._-- Total 21.5 Surface 77 Groundwater 62 Depth (tt) Elevation (ft) Elevation ------'-~~-----.------- Vertical Datum! Easting(x): Datum System Northmg(y). SAMPLES §.. W '", 0 0; " '0 " 0 E > MATERIAL DESCRIPTION '" e:! OTHER TESTS ~ 0. 0 '" £; '" .g E z --' u -"'-AND NOTES ,,-~ • 0 i" ,,-0 ~ c c"": > ~ ;;; 3", ::>j5, Q) Q) 0 3 if> 0. "-~D ~-02 2 u 0 D E iii roo> o E _ c >-iD c ID in 0 • S ~ 0 ~ ~ 00 os 0 '" if> if> Cl--, ClUJ ="u 3l :==;= AC J'2 inches asnhalt concrete -E' - 0 Gf> -...1 i!J~e~~s~~afli~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ (iP ::l B.!.o~~eJ.o~oJ!~ ff<!Y~~t!Lsi!:n!iU!u~isU®lf --=---=-_,..- 1 18 15 SM Gray-brown silty fine to medIUm 'illJ1d With graveL asphalt and wood debris (medium dense, moisn ~ 5-1 9 9 -- \1L Gray sandy silt WIth organic matter (stiff, mOIst) I __ J~~ir!~r~~a~~~~l~_~ ____ . ___ ~ __ 1" I \1LSM (iray s.andy SIlt. silty fine to medium sand with ()cl.:<lslonal --1.1 I interbedded layers of clay (stirf. moist) (ll;\iJation stairung) 10- ]'8 " SI\.I _ T3rl~w-n'-;iltY fir~ to mccIium sand-wlthgra\-d (mcJT~l[n -- dCIl:.e. 1lll11Sl) (o;oddatlon staimng) ~ . \:\,1 Bnm n 1T1(lttled ... illv 11r:l"e~~n(T~:l1.y;'gi~I~~,Ci;I~rl~c . \.\.0.:-1) 15-~" 4' -(glaci'-ll unt1) , ~ - : 20-1" -',~ -. J -(rfa l,':-. III gra~ , ... ---------_.----- 25- 30 35 !\.tll~·' "l:L" f t'.CUh.: \ 1 I.,]' ,·\pl.111,!!]I'11 ,d ,\11,[> •• 1, LOG OF BORING B-3 r Project Proposed Ernernency Srvs Tower Valley ~,,1edlca! Ctr GEoENGINEERS Project LocatIon Renton WaSfllrlqt\)rl F'gure A-4 Project Number 2202-0)000 ::;rIPcl 1 of 1 - - - - - - - - Date(s} 12/13/05 Logged LCF Checked KGO Drilled By By Drilling Geologic Orill Drilling Hollow-stem Auger Sampling SPT Contractor Method Methods ---~~~------ AugerlBlt 3.75 inch 10 HSA Hammer 140 (I b) hammer/30 (in) drop Drilling Oeeprock XL Trailer-mounted Data Data rope and cathead Equipment Orill Rig -------~. ---~--~-~---- Total 21.5 Surface 80 Grounctwater 65 Depth (ft) Elevation (ft) Elevation ------.~-. Vertical Datum! Easling(x) Datum System Northing(y) SAMPLES ~ 0; -l: -~ w " " E MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ OTHER TESTS ~ (5 a J > ;f'. Q .c " .g Z ~ ;:::"2 ANONOTES li_ m E -' U 0.0 ~ > ro w E c- ~ " 2~ :::>-6, Q)Q) ~ 0 3 "' Ci 0. ~n ~-02 2 u 0 " E n; roD> o E - c c::(ii c ~ ffi J • S ~ 0 ~>-00 a:: "' "' 0-, Ow :"0 os 0 ~c -.......1 inches asphalt concrete " SI SM Brown silty fine to medium s.and with gravel (medium dense, moist) (fill) ]'0 87/10" Cobbles 5-1" 38 f---- SM Gray silty fine sand with gravt::l (tkn':-;e, moi"t) (glacial drill) ~" 4') 10 -I " 7--:' r--- (Jradt:::-to tine Lo medIUm (very dt::ll'>C. Illoi,,[) 15 -]" (,:, Y --- I r. -------------- s!>·\>.,[ ~--------- I (jray line ~alld wIth :-;dl (vt::ry dt::Jl~'-,. \\cr) : I 20 -T :..;~ I --- , I '-c ___ --------- 25-- .-· , - " '~J · 30 -- '_J ,- -; · J~) --., .-5 , "\."le.: \~'<: I !~ur,· .\ ! I,ll '·\P!,III,tI:~';l ,>I ~~ 11Ih\JI'> , . LOG OF BORING 8-4 , Project Proposed E:rnerqency Srvs Tower Valley Medical Ctr • GEoENGINEERS r; Project Location Rf:!ntOfl ···./v (-'tshlflgton , ,., Figure A-5 Project Number 2202 O)!i JO 3h""d I or 1 Date(s) 12/16/05 Logged LCF Checked KGO Drilled By By Drilling Geologic Drill Drilling Hollow-stem Auger Sampling SPT Contractor Method Methods AugerlBit 3.75 inch 10 HSA Hammer 140 (Ib) hammer/30 (in) drop Drilling Deeprock XL Trailer-mounted Data Data rope and cathead ~~qUlpment Drill Rig -'''-, Total 21.5 Surface 80 Groundwater Not Encountered Depth (ft) Elevation (ft) Elevation - Verhcal Datuml Easting(x) Datum System Northing(y) SAMPLES c • 1e D - U 0 E " MATERIAL DESCRIPTION m OTHER TESTS ~ a Oi j > ;f'-" .c 12 z " ,,-AND NOTES " E ~ u 0._ m > ro " E 0.0 ~ C c...; "" ~ 0 ~ '" Oi ~ ~.c 3" :::>~ 3 a. ~-02 .'l u g D E ;;; roo> oE _ c ~"Q) " j m ~ 0 ~ ~ 00 c a:: m '" '" ~ (')~ (')UJ 20 o~ 0 ~ AC 4 inches as halt concrete SM Orange-brown silty fine to medium sand with occa..<;ional gravel (medIum dense. moist) (undim:rentiated depOSIt) ~ 10 " (Oxidation staining) 5-~' 14 f-(OxIdation staining) -- ] II) 16 (Oxidalion stalnmg) f.-r S\1 -Grayish broy,n silly finC" to medium sand With gr3\\:! ------- 10- ] 14 .,.;; -- i (dense, mOIst) (OXIdation s{aining) (glacial dnft) i 15- ] II, 91 II" ! -(Jradc-s \0 \ cry lkn-;..: ((\'lldalion 'itaining) -- i I I 20 -1" ->:-< I --- _J --------- 25-- 30-- 35-- I\jpl..:: '..:,-'1 :"'II~' \-1 1,'1 C'\i'!.!II.tli,>lt'.d '~lllbpl ... LOG OF BORING B-5 r; Prowct Proposed Emergency Srvs Tower Valley Medical etf GEoENGINEERS Prolect Location Renton, WaShington Figure A~6 ;~ '"A-~ Pro!"ct Number 2202~O20~OO -:;heet 1 uf ~ Date(s) 12/13/05 Logged LCF Checked KGO Dnlled By By - Drilling Geologic Drill Drilling Hollow-stem Auger Sampling SPT Contractor Method Methods Auger 3.75 inch ID HSA Hammer 140 Ib hammer/30 in drop Drilling Deeprock XL Trailer-mounted Data Data rope and cathead Equipment Drill Rig Total Well 30 Ground Surface 89 Groundwater 65 Depth (ft) Elevation (tI) Elevation (ft) . _--~---.---~-,----. ._- Vertical Datum! Easling(x): Daturn System Northmg(y) .C:AMPI =c: WELL ;; c " "' CONSTRUCTION '" 3 ;; '.0-n '" c u E MATERIAL DESCRIPTION If" 0 '" " " 0 !Ii jj; .c 1 J 0 z 1 /:,..,~rt'~ > a. '" " 0.0 " ~ Q ~.o .. ~ monument W '" ~ E o E 0 0 ro 0 ~ ~ " '" ~(J) · Ln,..cJ'"rta~~1 AC [5 inches asphalt concrete SP·SM , fine 10 mwium ,and ~ilh ,ilt and ] 10 Ik I ';~~~i dense. mOIst) (fill) -85 - 5-~" 9 , ~ -17 SM.'Ml ~ Graysilty-fine to nlediunlsand Wlthg7a~Cana 5.uldysili --l-lllch (occasional organic matter) Schedule 80 PVC well ~' 14 , ~"', -80 , ~ (l (icay and_bmwn mottletha~dy day I "dT. moi;l I ~ seal - 10 -~" II, t r--ILLlaKU deposit) -23 ;;:; AI. ;;:; ;;:; 15 ;;:; , -,,-!h -- ~ " "' , i Gr~~~~~h~~:'::;;~ia~,~~ ~~!~,,,cu!um ',md ""h grav,1 ...... 16 I ! ,-;vl -70 i - --------------------------'-,\-1 C,ra\' and hnmn ~dLy lim: ,.,;md with pr:t\l:l (\'t:rv dense .70~ f -" , I -r;lllisl) ,--. ---- '- ==== == --1()20sand == backfill f-65 IV ==== \-!L --------------- -------:= - (ir'-lV Silt \vith "and \ \crv "IiiI'. m()I~1) ==== 25 -] " "Ct -. . -Ind, -------------== Sc/1etlule 80 .... 1'-\\1 (iraYI"h bro\~Tl !in~' .... cUlL! \\ ith ... ill (\'..:ry d;.:rhe~ \\, L't l -=' pvC screen 0 0 o 020-Inch , <;Iot ",'dth , I == J -68 = t I -.::c: - c 31) -1 "1 -I -----. " , " , , ('W, I , ~)II I:" ii;--(-)<- ~ 0 0 ~ -c5 - ,. 1'_)- -, , , '(\';C; '-.,',-I ::~ilh' -\-1 hlr ;';\1':,111,11:\111 "I' ~ynlh(,I" , LOG OF MONITORING WELL B-6 Project Proposed ED Addition Valley Med'Cdl Center GEoENGINEERS r; Project Location Rent(Jn. Washington Figure A-7 '-,i'~ .-Project Number 2202020-01J Sheet 1 uf 1 o > c, , < z Date(s) 12/16/05 logged LCF Checked Drilled By By Drilling Geologic Drill Drilling Hollow-stem Auger Sampling Contractor Method Methods Auger/Bit 3.75 inch 10 HSA Hammer 140 (Ib) hammerl 30 (in) drop Drilling Data Data rope and cathead Equipment ~~-- 1 Groundwater Total 36 Surface 96 Dopth ift) Elevation (ft) I ElevatIon -----l East,ngi'l Vertical DatumJ Datum System Northing{y) SAMPLES 2.-" n 0 ~ E i" 05 0. 0 £; .g z ~ E 0._ ~ > ~ m ~ ",,,, 0. ~ "! " 02 ~ 0 0. D E c ~ iii > m 0 a: "' "' ZI ]" , 5-1" 12 ]'" " 10 ]" N -, 15-T' ~.l , , , 35 -1 ,< ',,'. -~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ £ 0. ro ~if ~ CJ~ ~/ , , , , I I, I I MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g-E DE ~>-CJ(j) AC ~I !~4 inches asohalt concrete ~ G P 4 IOche5 base course or. :1 D~rkQro~ILor.g~[lif...s-l!tJ.!l!QigL ___________ ./ SM/ML Dark brown silty fine to medium sand/sandy silt with organic matter (mt-'tiium stitT, moist) (undifferentiated deposits) SM ,,\1 - Gray silty fine sand with gmvel (medium dense. wet) (glacial drift) (i radcs to den~c - - ------------------- _ Gray "til wah sand (\o.;ry :.tJtT. mOIst) - """ - r --- - - - - - KGO - SPT Deeprock XL Trailer-mounted Drill Rig 76 OTHER TESTS AND NOTES - - - - - - - - ~~================================~ LOG OF BORING B-7 !r------------------------------r~~--------~~----~~------~~~--------------~--~ ~ Project: Proposed Emergency Srvs Towpr Valley Medical Ctr ) :l GEoENGINEERS r ' .. i.l Project Location Renton. Washington • FI~.JurC! A-8 ,'--____________ '_' ___ L-P_r...:o-,-J8=-C=-I_N_l=-'m-=b.::8...:r _2"'2"'0=-2"'-.::0.::2.::0_0...:0--' ___________ -=,.-...:.,...:':...' -,' '::.A_·~ GEoENGINEERS Q ApPENDlxB LABORATORY TESTING GENERAL APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Soil samples obtained from the explorations were transported to our laboratory and examined to confirm or modify field classifications, as well as to evaluate index properties of the soil samples. Representative samples were selected for laboratory testing consisting of the determination of thc moisture content. percent fines and grain size distribution (sieve analysis). The tests were performed in general accordance with test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other applicable procedures. The results of the sIeve analyses and Atterberg Limits test arc presented in Figures B-1 and B-2. The results of the moisture content and percent fines determinations are presented on the exploration logs at the respeetlve sample depth in Appendix A. MOtSTURE CONTENT TESTING Moisture content tests were completed in general accordance with ASTM D2216 for representative samples obtaIned from the explorations. The results of these tests are presented on the exploration logs in Appendix A at the depths at which the sampks were obtained. PERCENT PASStNG U.S. No. 200 SIEVE (PERCENT FINES) Selected samples '.vert.? "v.'ashcd" through the No. 200 mesh sieve to determme the rdative percentages of coarse and fine-grained particles 111 the soil. The percent passing value represents the percentage by weight of the sample tiner than the U.S. No. cOO sieve. The tests were conducted to verify field descriptlOTl" and to determine the-finc:-. Clllllt.'n{S for analysis purposes. The le-sh ""''-ere conducted in general accordance-\vjlh ASTM D1140. and the rc~ults arc shown on the exploration logs at the sample depths. StEVE ANALYSES Sieve analysc;-; \\cr\...' pcri()rmcd 011 tV.,iO selected samp!t.::s in general accordance with AS I'M D42~_ The \vet sieve anal) "IS I11ctl1lld wa:--used to uctcnl1111C the pcn.:cntagc of soil greater {han the U.S. No 200 mesh :-.icvc. The fL'SUltS or the sieve analyses ,-'-cre piotled, classified in general accordance with thL' lInifled Sui I Cla'Siiieation System (USeS). and ["esented 111 Figure B-1. AnERBERG liMITS ,\n Attcrhcr~ lllllih test \\las PC-rrOnTlet! 011 ()IlL fiflt>gr3incd soil sample. The tc:-.l \lia\ lIsuj to classlt~' tll...:- Sl)i1 as well a" 10 L'\ aluatc index prupl'rtiL'\. -( hI...' liquid limil and the plastic limit \\.cr,,' (,'-,.timatcd through ~l procedure perkmnL'd III general al.·curd~1I1cL· \~·lth \S TM D4318 The re-sult.... llf thl.' .\ uerberg lnnit\ k .... r arc summanh..x.j In Figure B 2. I'age f)-I GEOENGINEERS~ " .... .'1 :Ci~ll·ul~,_:"IU KCO JV~ JVJ 12-:::2-05 (Sleve,pp~! C'I U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE m : ~ .. ., J .. "\ ".;'" ':--1 ;;111 /; ~o :'.';0 i.'htl ': IUO r(?OlJ 0 100 ---..... m ~ z 90 .. --+ - G') f-t-o I 80 -0 z w 70 S .. m >-.. m co 60 ::0 0 [\' ~ z 50 [j) ---I- [j) « 40 (L f- Z 30 I i ' I W -----------.. f.c----t.--.--- u ! a:: 20 w (L .. -.-.--.~.---, ----~---.-f-' . 10 (f) 0 iii 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 < m ." :t> GRA.IN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS z Ci :t> c r- AJ -< m (f) OJ Ui I I (,!<..\\'i"I SAND I .:.. AJ l l)lllll.l ~ I CO \RSI' \ l'O.,\I{SL 1 ro...lIJ)IUM \ SILT OR CLA Y m I:INI· I[NL (f) C r-.., (f) EXPLORATION DEPTH SYMBOL NUMBER (ft ) SOIL CLASS[F[CAT[ON • 8·2 7.5 Brown silty fine sand with occasional gravel (SM) D 8·7 15.0 Gray silt with sand (ML) _. 2202'::;.20-00 KGO JVJ JVJ 12-22·05 (A1terbergs.ppt) G1 m 0 m 60 Z Gl Z 50 m X 40 m w ;;lj 0 Z VI i= 30 U ;~ t-~~ (f) 4: ...J 20 CL ~ 10 -i -i m ;0 t!l m o I" ;0 "T1 G1 o 10 20 G1 !: c :;: ;0 ~ m CJ) CD -i SYMBOL EXPLORATION SAMPLE NU~/BER DEPTH r:., m CJ) -i ;0 m CJ) c • 6-6 10.0 ;- -i CJ) PLASTICITY CHART \~<v \))v .-.. , 30 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) 23.3 ............. ML or OL 40 50 LIQUID LIMIT liOUID PLASTICITY LIMIT (%) :NDEX (%) 42 20 60 ...................... ,.... OHorMH 70 80 90 100 SOIL OESCRIPTION Gray and brawn mottled sandy clay (el) GEOENGINEERS tiJ ApPEND/XC TIEBACK LOAD TESTS AND SHORING MONITORING PROGRAM APPENDIXC TIEBACK LOAD TESTS AND SHORING MONITORING PROGRAM TIEBACK LOAD TESTING Verification Tests Verification tests should be completed within each of the soil types encountered at the site. Verification test locations should be selected by GeoEngineers. Inc. Verification anchors must be installed with the same equipment. crew. matenals and techniques as the production anchors. Additional verification anchors should be installed for each combination of equipment, crew, materials and drilling techniques. We recommend that the verilieation tests be completed in each soil type prior to installing production anchors in that soil type. Verification tests should be completed as follows: I. Verification tests should not be completed until the tieback grout has attained at least 50 percent of the specified 28-day compressive strength. 2. Verification tests should be completed such that measurements of load and tieback displacement can be taken at lIlerements of 25 percent of the design load (DL) up to 200 percent of the design load. The anchor movement shall be measured and recorded to the nearest 0.00 I inch with respect to an Independent lixed retCrence point at the alignment load and at each increment of load. The scheduling 01 hold tllncs shall be as follows: AI. I minute O.'5fJI. minute or until stable (J.SODL ITll[lutc or until .. table ()7511L minute or unli! stable I 00 Il I. mltlutc or unlil stable 1 . .'5DL minute or until stabie 1.50Dl. 60 minutes 1.75Dl. 1 minute or until stable .' 110 [)[ 1 minute or until stable AL :\iJgrlllll:nl Load Ill. ilcslgn l.oad rhc load-hold pniud "hal! "tart a ...... noll as the load is applied and the anchor movement shall be ITlca~urcd and recorded at I minulL'. 2, 3, :\ h, 10, 20. 30, 50. and 60 minutes. 1. CicotllglllL'Cr;-., Inc. \~-t!l L~\·<dLlatc the result" of each vcritication test and make a determination of the SUitability nf the lL'''1 ,01(.\ uf the Contractor's proposL:u production anchor deSIgn ami instalJatJ(lll sy-;rcrn r-c"t...; \\llIch I~ltl tu meL:( the design criteria v.i11 rCLIuirc additional vcnflcatJon (esting (If an arpnnl:ll rl'\,j"';IPIl to the ('ontractor's rroroscLi production anchor design alld iTl~tallati~)fl ,:-~"k'llI Ifal1 anchor Luis in creer. relesting will not he allowed. A \'crificdliolltcstcJ <.lflL'llOr \\ilh a (l{) fTllllutc load held at t.50UL 1-; acccrtabk if' a) fhe (Illchur (<lrnl.''> the 1e,,1 lpild \\ lIb a creep rate that ducs ilot c\.u:cd O.OX Il1ch per lug. cycle oftill1c alld I'> dl ~l !IIlC~II' Pi' dccrca"lng crcer rate. b) The 10wl ITlu\elllerl1 :11 the lL.>'\ !llad e:\ceed:-.. ~O percent oftlh: theon_'tlcal e!J:-.ttc clongatllHl of the llon-b\llllkd 1c1l~1!1 Page ('-/ GEOENGINEERS,,9 I", '-i _'II" Furthermore, a pullout failure must not occur for the verification test anchor at the 2.0DL maximum load. Pullout failure load is defined as the load at which attempts to increase the test load result only m continued pullout movement of the test anchor without a sustainable increase in the test load. Proof Tests Proof tests shall be perfomled on each production anchor. Proof tests shall be performed by incrementally loading the anchor in accordance with the schedule below. The anchor movement shall be measured and recorded to the nearest 0.001 inch with respect to an independent fixed reference point in the same manner as for the venfieation tests at the alignment load and at each increment of load. The scheduling of hold times shall be as follows: AL O.2SDL O.50DL O.75DL 1.00DL I minute I minute or until stable I minute or until stable I minute or until stable I minute or until stable 1.30DL 10 minutes AL AlIgnlnent Load Dl. DeSign Load The maximum load III a proof test shall be hdd for 10 minutes. The load hold period shall staI1 as soon as the max.lmum load i~ applH:d JnJ the anchor movement with rL'"spect to l11l independent fixed reference shall he measured and recorded Jt I. 2. 3, 5.6, and 10 mInutes. The-anchor movement between I minute and 10 minutes shall not exceed (J.O-l. lIlchcs. If the anchor movement between I and 10 mLl1utcs exceeds 0.04 inches. the rnaxltTlUrn luad ,hall be held an addJtional 50 minutes If the load hold IS extended, the anchor movement shall be recorded at 20. 30, 50, and 60 minutes. If an anchor taits In creep. retesting witlll()! be allowed r\ prool'tc:-;tcd anchor IS accc[llablc if a) rhc anchor C;JITICS lhe maX][llU1l1 toau with kss thall 0_04 rnc-hc .... of lllo\.clllcnl bct\',.-ccn I minutt.: and 10 minutes, lInh.~s"", the load hold extended to 60 mInutes. lTl whli.:h case-IhL: anchor would be acceptahle If the creep ratc doc .... not exceed O.O~ IIlchcs per lug cycle of time and IS at a linear or decreaSIng creep raiL' h) nH: totailllon::rncl1t at the ma,\lrnurn load exceeds:iO percent of the th(:orcticai clastic elongation llf the nOIl-hOIl(kd lLllgth c) :\ pullout ht!un .. ' dl.ll'" not lll"CUf SHORING MONITORING Pre-Construction Survey .-\ .... Ihlflllg IlllltHtorttl.'; prngrarn "lhHdd he established to mOlllto[ the pcrt'lIrTlli.lIlC\.: ur the .... horlng. ",)'iotcm dlld lu [lW\ Itlc carl) lkicctlull (If ddkclipllS thal could potentially d~lIll~I~'.C nearhy IIlIPfll\Cllh:nh. \\·c J"L'Clllllllh."lld lhal ] prL'-L"lllhtruc1IUIl ";Ur\L'y Dr adjaCi..'"11I llllrro\CI11Cllh . ..;ucl! ~h '>tI"L'L'h. utilItIes, aflu hulldil1:..> ..... be j1nfl1rlllCd [HIIlI In l:OllllllcIlL·ing. constrllcti~lll l"hc 11r",""u1lhlrudHlll "Ur\l"y "hllUld include a ['age ( -l GEOENGINEERs,O video or photographic survey of the condition of existing improvements to establish the pre-construction condition, with special attention to existing cracks in streets or buildings. Optical Survey The shoring monitoring program should include an optical survey monitoring program. Monitoring of the survey points should be completed twice weekly during construction of the shoring system, or more or less often depending upon the progress of the excavation and at the GeoEngineers' directIOn. Monitoring should include vertical and horizontal survey measurements accurate to at least 0.01 feet. A baseline reading of the monitoring points should be completed prior to beginning shoring install~tion. The survey data should be proVided to (ieoEngineers for review within 24 hours. For shoring walls, we recommend that optical survey points be established at 20 feet behind the wall face. Optical survey points should also be installed at the top and mid-height of the wall as the excavation progresses. The spacing of the optical survey points should be 25 feet along the wall face. I f horizontal movements arc ObSCIVTd to he in excess of Y2 inch between successive readings. construction of the shoring walls should be stopped to dctermine the causc of the movement and to establish the type and extent of remedial construclion. The survey points should be monitored until the !loors of the building reach the top of the eXCi!_ allon. For temporary open cut slopes greater than 20 feet i[l height. ""e recommend that optical survey points be established at the top ot'lhe cui and 20 feet behind the lOp of the cut. The spacing nt' the optical survey pomts should be 25 teet along the cut face. Evaluation or the monitoring data should be similar to that described above. ',·'!·.!!.""I'" Page ("-3 i;, 'f .'11/1 GEOENGINEERS CJ ApPENDlxD REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE APPENDIX D REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE' This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the usc of this report. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES, PERSONS AND PROJECTS This report has been prepared for the exclusive usc of the Valley Medical Center and their authorized agents. This report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. (,eo Engineers structures our services to meet the speci!ic needs of our clients. F or example, a geotechnical or geologic study conducted for a civil engineer or architect may not rullill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer or architect that are involved In the: same project. Because each geotechnical or geologic study is unique, each geotechnical engineering or geologic report is unique, prepared solely for the specific client and project site. Our report is prepared I'lr the exclusive usc of our Client. No other party may rely on the product or our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our finn with reasonable protection against open-ended liability c1allns by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Within the limitations of scupe, schedule and budget, our scrv'iccs have been executed in accordance with our Agreement "",,,ith the Client and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area a[ the time this report was prepafl.:d, ThiS rcport should 110t be applied fOf any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING OR GEOLOGIC REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET OF PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS This report has been rreparcd for the proposed Emergency Services Tower project GeoEngincers considered a number of unique. project-specific factors when establishing the scope of services for this project and report l}nlc:-.:-o Ci.:uEngineers specifically IIlJIl::ates nthc-f'Nisc. do not rely on tl1l':' report if it \:vas: • not prepared for you. • not prepared fur YUUf project. • not prepared tl.)I' the .... peeific site explored. or • completed bdtm: Imp(lrtant projl'ct changes \\cn .... made, For example. Chal1~l':-; that can afkct the applicability of this report include those that aCtl.'cl: • the fLJlletlollll!"th..: propllsed structure, • ck\atillll. cOIlII~Ur~ltl()n. lucation, orientation Of \\l...'Ig.ht uf the proposeu 'ilruclure. • compo .... lt i(Hl (l I' lflC d\.::-'lgn h.'am: llr • pro.lcct o\\!lCr .... hlp. I r important ch~l1l~\ .. '" ~!rl.· nude after thc date ~if thi ... repol1. (; .... 'Uh1gll1ccrs should be gl\ ell th .... · ~'ppprtunity tu rc\ lew our (Iltcrpn.:t~ttllilh :Itld lCCOlllflll:'lllbtIlHlS alld plo\"lde written l1lodificatl01h ur U)lltl1"InCltitill. as appropriate Ii, II \ _' II' SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE This geotechnical or geologic report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may bc affected by the passage of time, by manmade events such as construction on or adJ3cent to the site, or by natural events such as floods, earthquakes, slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact GeoEngineers before applying a report to determine if it remains applicable. MOST GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGIC FINDINGS ARE PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS Our interpretations of subsurface conditions are based on field observations from widely spaced sampling locations at the site. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. GeoEngineers reviewed field and laboratory data and then applied our professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in this report. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions_ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT FINAL Do not over-rely on the preliminary construction recommendations induded in this rep0I1. These rccommcndauons arc not final, hecausc they were dcvdopt.:d principally from GcoEnginccrs' protcssional judgment and opinion. GcoEnginccrs' recommendations can ht.: finalized only by ohscrvlI1g actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. CieoEngincers cannot assume respOllsibility or liability tiJr this report's recommendations if we do not pcrt(Hm c()nstruction observatIOn. Sufficient Ilwl11tonng, tcsting and consultation by C;coEngim.'cr...; "houle.! be provl(.icd durlllg construction to confirm that the conditions cncountt.:red arc consistent with those IIldicated by the explorations. to provldt.: rt.:cornmendation~ for deSign changes should the conditions revealed dUring the work differ from those anticipated. and to evaluate whether or not earthwork activities arc completed in accordance with our recommendations. Rctailllng CicoEnginccrs for construction ohservation fi)t this project is the most ctlL'Ctl\'C method ofrnanaging the risks associated With unantiLipdtL~J conditions. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING OR GEOLOGIC REPORT COULD BE SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION ~vllslnterprct,lIioll pfthi:-; rcpol1 hy other deSign tearn mel11ber .... call [,C"lIlt Itl co~tly prohlcms. You could 10\\ CT that n~k by hal. ing CieoEll.l!inccrs coniCr with appropTiate lTletTlbcr~ or the deSign team aner "ubmiHing the rerun. Abo rctam CicuEnginccrs to revlcw rertment clements or the dl:-,Igll team's plans alld <"'rLCltic~ltlOns. ('llntra(tixs can abo rni~intcrrrct a ~cotcl'll1l1cal cngmcenng or gel,logic n:port. Reduce that rt .... k hy h~J\ Illg (;coFnglllccr<.; partlClpak ill pre-bid ane! prcconstnlctioll cl'lIkrl.-·llcc,,_ alld by provllilng cOIl'-;{ructioll llh::'cnatllH1. Do NOT REDRAW THE EXPLORATION LOGS (icotcclUlical ell!;IllCCr" and gcnlogi:-;b prepare fill,!l hl.lrill~ <.Illd tc::,ting logs ha~I.-'d upon their IllkTrn.:tatlllll Dr field ]\l~"" dnd lahoratory data. To prc\ clll ,,-,rrur"-ur UlTli:--."iulb, lhl...' Ill~" IlIclmkd III a g\..'lItcchnll·ul cngll1o:cTlll~ \n ~~cl)ltlg.ic report "Iwuld ne\er be rl'dr~I\\n fur inclusil)1l III archikdural or other Jc"ign dLI\\ Illg.... (In]) rhp!{lgraphil: or ck:ctronic rq)n1dul..,tloll h acceptahk'. hUI r":LP~lli/l' that ::'l'r:Jr,ltll1~ ]\I.\.~" flPlTl thl..' rq){lrT l.."\11 ..:1c\<.lIL' fI"k Page 0-3 GEoENGINEERS3 GIVE CONTRACTORS A COMPLETE REPORT AND GUIDANCE Some owners and design professionals believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering or geologic report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with GeoEngineers andlor to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of infomlation they need or prefer. A pre- bid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perfonm additional study. Only then might an owner be in a position to give contractors the best information available, while requiring them to at least share the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Further, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in your project budget and schedule. CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY ON THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safdy and for managing construction operations to minimize risks to on-site personnel and to adjacent properties. READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY Some clients, deSign profeSSIonals and contractors may not recognl/~ that the geOSCIence practicL's (geotechnical engineering or geology) 3rc t~lr less exact than other engineering and natural SCIence disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claIms and disputes. (ieor:ngineers tncludes these explanatory '·llmitations" provisions In our rcports to help rcuuec such risks. Please confer with GcoEngincer-; if you arc uliciear how these "Report Limitations and Guidelines for U')c" apply to your project or site. GEOTECHNICAL, GEOLOGIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS SHOULD NOT BE INTERCHANGED rhe c4ulpmcnt. techmques and personnel used lo perform an environmental study thlTer signtficantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or gCO!OglC study and \-ICC versa. For that rcason. a geotechnical engineering or geolo~nc report d()c~ not usually relate any environmental findtng:--.. cOTlclusions or reCllmmeIH.lation~: e.~ .. about the likelihood of encountering underground storag~ tank~ or regulated contaminants. Similarly, L·Il\·\wnmental reports arc not used to address gcotcchmcal or geologic conccms regarding a spcctlic project BIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTS (; ... '0 Lng !!leers" Scope 0 f \Vork S!ll'C II j(~tli Y C\C ludcs the i 11 \·cstigatioIL lh.,tect Ion. prcven tion or a:--.se:-.sIHe-nt uf th ... ' prc:--.encc ()f Btolugil'al Po!lutant'-. ;\l"Cordillgl~. thi ... report dpc" not include any lIltcrrrdatIllil'. I"CC0t1l111elloatIOlh. fl11Littlgs. Of CPlll·]U .... tl1lh rcgardmg the detecttng. Js-.;c ....... ltlg. rrc\."cntill~ or ~lb<.lttJlg ut [JllIlll~ical Pollut,lnh alld no clJllclu .... H1I1 .... lq· Inferences .... hot/ld be drawn r\.:~i.lrdin~ Biologic31 Pollutant..;. a .... they llJay relate 10 till..., project rill.' lL'I"lll ··Bi{llogical Pullutanb" IIH.:lllde...;.. hw i'i Ill)t Illlllled to. mold .... fungI. .... pl)rL' .... haCll'na. alld \ Inhc .... ~!tld 1.11· :lny of thcir by product--. I r Cilelll dl..'''lrc'i Ihese-"'rCclall/l'd .... cn Ill". 111L'}" ,l1uuld tK' uhlalll~d I"fllru a l·l.IIhultatll whn pfkr' ...,Cf"\ [(c:-' III tIll'; .... r ... 'L" ldl 1/ ... ·d ficld • r ", I'llgt' 0-3 GEOENGINEERS~ "·r·