HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-07-043_Report 01Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 tel: (425) 251-6222 PARTIES OF RECORD RENTON PROPERTIES SHORT PLAT LUA07-043, SHPL-H Camie Ng 1530 33rd Avenue S Seattle, WA 98144 tel: (206) 334-8773 (owner / applicant) William Keesecker 2124 Harrington Place NE Renton, WA 98056 tel: (425) 226-0237 (party of record) eml: dhooper@barghausen.com (contact) Suzette Cuizon 2200 Harrington Place NE Renton, WA 98056 tel: (425) 226-6430 (party of record) Updated: 06/21/07 Elizabeth Rogers 2300 Jefferson Avenue NE ste: #B-108 Renton, WA 98056 (party of record) Don Cochran 2132 Harrington Place NE Renton, WA 98056 tel: (206) 409-2224 (party of record) (Page 1 of 1) CAMIE NO 1530 33AD AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE, WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 ."" ... ,..,"" ....... "" ..... """"""0< ... """" ... "'-~-'!!!"""'.....,. ......... ""'...... --PAB...lMlNARY TfEE fE113o.lT1ON PLAN FOR CAM1E NG PROPERTY i)€VELOPMEKT PLANNING CITY OF AeNTON JUN 19 2007 RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLA LJA-07-043-SHPL L~:D-· 20-0488 DEDICATION K,I)/I' All PEOPt.E ar TI£SE PRESEtII'5 Tc~T 1\'[. THE U"'lERSlGN€O O\Y!'.EIl(SJ OF APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PlANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS E)(A~"'EO ~.ND APPROVED m~ __ nAY OF" _____ , 20 __ ~Dl.!ltlISTAATOF! KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSt.tENTS I RECORDJNG NO, [)<Jt1.!1NEO NIl) .\"FROVID T1tIS __ O~Y 01' ______ , 20 __ _ ASS£S~-----·-------- DEPUTY ~SSES5OR "'COON"! NUIleERS 042=-~';l4-04 ~~D n4~JM_nl0_0T ~O~;Hr :';"~k~!':i: g~/l)~~~r~~f.~S c:;!.p~~ 1-------------------------------------------' VOl./PAGE ., W.M. i~ ~ ~l ~S~(~ V~lIl 1\-1£ FREE CONSlHT ,I~O IN I.CCOROAt<CE ROO DEDICATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1/1 \'IIlNtss l':'IIEIl€1l' 'lIE 5, CU~ 'WIllS I,I(l SfJJ.5. ~HG.....-EN ~"fu ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ~!rr0fO~:ONG'1lN ~ ss I CEJON lK~T I KNO'II Of! KO.\IE So\Tl5rAC"'~~Y EYlOiNCE mo.! T>W:" NGUYEN SltNEO lHIS OEDUllON .o.t1D ACKNOWI.EDCW IT TO 9€ HIS FRf, -'Ttl ','OWNl"~RY JCr TO!! ll£ USE; !.IIO PIJII!'OS~ '£WHlt.lfll IN lK' II1STRIJIojENf ~~TU""'C~.--------­ ~::T~ =~C 0"'------- ImTAAY f>lJBU::: ______ _ mu ____________ __ 1.(1" APoOlIHMEW D:PIRES .• __ . __ _ :L~orot~.~~GNGTON! 55 I CElIl'N lI",r I ~NOW 00 ~~V[ 5.o.11SFiICTOff' E\'ItX:NCE TKI\f c;IoWlE N~ SlGN<~ TIIS Drn:-.o.";fON /.NO ACIINOWLEI!(;!lI IT -0 !£ Hil FREE /.liD ~DlLtlfMY ~CT FO~ ~E usrs NO o,1lI'0SE5 \IEffl1ONEtl .IIlH!: I~Sr_EHr. ~~TU"~~O'~--------- NOTAAY PUBLIC ~ ______ _ PRit-rTE:O N"JOf O~ NOT~RY PUBLt(; _______ _ ,~ -----._----- I.IY P,PPOINT1.IEN": D<PlHES __ . __ _ Ll'1 1o!l!lR(SS[S "'. 2135 IWlRIHtlOO P!X::: If: "" 2!~D~NC1(wPlJJ:'!f. LOl J ~9~O 1[ 11!:1 SrRFL WCO 29~( I,'E 11!f STREE"" ll)! ~ 29CI ~E 219 STJI£fi "CO 29·2 ~£ liST STRFTT RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED FeR REGORD 'H15 " FI~ IN BOOK D,I..YOr " Al PAGE. THE R£QUES-Of" JOANNE M. srACKHOUSE. MAl-lAGER SUP1. OF RECORDS 2:0., " T~( SOOTH 3() FEU rF lltS SlIt: y;r;:; I."tllICloIED ro TtlE CIT\" ~ REI(;l;H RlR Pl.8LC "~HI Cf ifill fOR \I: ZtSl SlRElT Br DEl:D REroRoc.> UNCH m:: truNflll[CORtm "-'1m ~T __ _ lIW:l B ~ce: NiREEIDI l;W;l 8 IS HI 1mSi, EGIl£S$ IiIO U1UUES!lW!1. t~E MIU~ or lO'S ,j ~~~ -1 ~Ll '1AII[ HI EQlJIt. 00 U~'l)Murn DI'IIlEtelP 1MJ[~sr IN lRI'Cr B, AAP Nl m.w. AN\! IM)MD£D RESPONSOIIY ,~ 1<1[ WlHlfrWlC£ Of TIlE P~lE ACtESS OOIDS, toRINIllt PIPtS. 11\0 SlffiII lI~Tffi I)J,I,lTY ANDleR ~ folum£S 1oflH11 IfIjI.cf a, PRII'Alt steiNlE, IJ(I OilER ~E ','01 OIItro B'I' t-IE CIf'r or IIE~TW OR OlIIER U1!1.IT1' ml'IIDERS. ~AtIBW~t( COSTS ~ BE SIWIED roOOt. TliE err. or RENTON SIJ..Ill ~ llIE ~rnr 10 FJm SAA) EA500EHlS TO REPIIR Nff [(fO[NOES or M Cfi~E fAOUl'£S. n'R: REP"~S SIIo'Il 9;: ~T mE 0IntER'S CO'>l. P1Jlnl~ ~ 1Ir:: Pili!;!> ttl ll!i\Cl e IS >'fI(IOOl[(), U~1£5; p~E'tT WlI1Ill IS ll'!<JIrR IHl./I 28 flU. """"""""'ON ~ mv.o.1[ f)JOIE~r IS HOOBY IlESOMD FOIl. 00 GR!.IiU T~ 1I1[ ~If( or IlE~I~. P\lGO SOOHD [NERGY CCIIPAHY, 0"1IfST, OOIICA'll, (~1," P~~lI U'LmES~, AltD I~ElR R[5PECll'lE SlKX.'ESSOIiS oWn AS~Qtl U'UR 00 UPON ALL PRI'IAlt STREErS, -'L1.£t'lVi'S 00 FRII'.I.1! DIMS mJ TIl!: E(lElljOR ITH (10) =m P~f1 \WlIt I.NI) .tlJJ:l1IIM: 7f,[ SIREEI", ~vs OR PRMI"I[ DRI~ FR(JITNJ£ or I,l.l LOIS 01140 lI/.iICTS. FUI!II£R E.a1e1J"5 ~ RESEJ .... ro O'IER m.'II7E lANDS ,OR 'lAAlS. PE)[S-.ILS .0.00 R['J;TED FAClm[s ("'I/:IIJLT LI$f:~ENr;') AW.(tNl 10 11£ Ie-fOOl 1111;)[ ur.u1Y EAlEIEr..T RES(IM:D III mE Pll£t;rn~G S£N1D,U AS fot.J1llJtS: lHf 'IN.ltT =:: :~=ri:'(:f F~o:~~~'1M'l:~ ~f ~1(t).m;~ ~~ ~b I&I~W' J~~~g~ \IU~~ ·AS NST,W.Ell' MI4C TH:: UIIJI'r'S IIflW.. I/j;r.tUJ,IDI OF FRCIl:TIOSo. rn" EIoS8I;ms .IRE RESEIMIl ,1M) GIWI1Ul II QI!<l~ 10 IHST/tll. ')'1, o::t:lSfRIXT. REHFII. 1)I'£l1,I,"I[ ItID IMIrn-Al~ UtWCROOND ."IFr, (:(IIIDU". C\BlE'5, RIl£S, ~L1S .oJoll PEDESI"IS III1H ~cus.OJ;:" fN::l·TIts Nl~ OO£R [lJUIPlroW fOR lilt N»'QS[ or SE!lI'Il3 HiS S~ON o'I(l TmER P!lC1'l1lT'l" MIll meTRIc. 'EJ..ENIlI£, GA~. lEl.£IXl'JPU-IONS. (l,I,'A llWmtssm, SIREn llGHIS ~If!l urufr 5ElNC£ 1OC£IlfR \\fl-I Til.[ RlCf« TO EHlER If'()N TH[ LOB ,l1li) TJI.ICIS ~ I.I.l TIIj[S FO~ llIE PIM'OSES I£REIN ,WEll TlII:SE r~'n4rnlS 'JIlE1fD l.I'O" fOt! H£S[ f"IM'O£S SIWl BE: l£S1CR9l,\S IiWIIS I'QSsaI ;0 I\Ot ~RlGIfW. ct:u;(OO~. II: '..lIES ~R vms mil Il'J.NSNISSHlH OF £lli1RIC ClflIIDfT, OR rDR TaffiOIl c.o&E TL.E'oIlSKlN, ·'ELCOIIII»:I::AnOHS OR OtI.lA lJWISMISSOO USES SfWl Sf!ll!lCl:D O~ PEIMIT£O ro II!: PI.I£8l 'IIllH1II llilS OOEI.IE~ LWSS lliE SU" SHoU B( J~I)UCROO~O. It:> PUr.w-:EH' Sf~UCllM $KIQ BI: PlJ,:;W ·fII1If~ THE fASOU.lS Io1H<1\IT PO!M~SOO F1;0tI tA$[','D!l O\IHJIS mu: I«lIE ~ SHC>k7 P<.J,1 CWlFlCAlE f'REPAA€D IJ:" AD[·m m1G'oII,l TnLE t(l\'PIflf or ~1W, 'HEIR ~Et! HO. 7·01~115tiC. MlID f~ 13, "1001 ~T 8:00 ~.~ .• ~~D AU. SU'F\1h'[NI~lS lI£Ri'Cf. \I9S fftOUED T.J1'O~ ~Cf! <II.J. R£(XJR~ HEMS NHClIMl1liIS!lIT. I.IX:OROING TO :wo Cl'Ji1f"('AlE. nE FlllJ1llr1t1(: IIDI> tIm1" lliiS ~ ~ ~I6T /iII!I 00\Or1Ol'.5 IlJII""O llUCI( 1\$ GWIID~O/U~.'lS[I)/~tIWMO If( I/SlR~urm r;:(OO!IJtn I!IUR RECORlNIIG NlNBE~ IDld119. GRANlOl TIl THE CIT\" Cf fi[liTll~ FeR "'1E1' PIPE 1Jt-3 1115 fASBIDIf LIES wrlHlrl kIIIRPf,;lOO !'\}(£ ~f. 6 I(lJCR,IJiDW OF I.GItErj,f1ll 11111 ~HE em If R[1II(t1 'lf00fi00l ""ern 1':EWlDI~ ~I.tlBEfI ;.c04Mla::c0:20t. c ORO:N<'~CE NC. ~!24 RfG.ij;i)lt«l SN<J1ARi S*R SERW:t ~cw. ~ 1l5IMIC"', 1m fIlE \[RIIS 01),0 COIIlI1l0H5 THIJIEOF, 1!£COiU\! I.tlOCR R(o:JiDN) N..\ftJ! 200':Ol(ilQlJ:r.l9l &. C¥.OO\tU trI. ~1, JH) THE \['iN5 /#l) OONDoTJJtIS II£FlEI)f IiElXmO UHi:{)\ REt:a\tII!G 1f.A1B!1110D«18:l:S»J604 DEa...wroN or C(W[IMHT UIE ~ OF ·~o Dln"::£l) \IlIffH THIS SlJ)RT PL~T. IH "f!URN m:: IIIE 1'EJl[ll'S 10 O\CCIjU[ ~ou 1tf.i SLlDor/iSlJH, Iff stG~N(l1ER'ON Gt-\[J0l'fl 'to l.:al m o:tNrI" Ufo BlMt/l,1'II!l rOt'll" 11 1/1( ·0 £.\SIlO'S SKMIII IHS SiUlI PLIJ TO All! I.N~ 'li fl!ru~E f'U1DI\S£RS r.f 11-£ lOlS. 0'1 ar NrI· su~aoi6 ll£Am. llIS ClMJ.I.N1 SIWJ. RI.r.t.I1H"tH, I}J!D AS St(I\iIi O~ TH~ 9W P.o.T. AOOIFtR PRQJrCTIDH NOlie[ filE Lor.; CRf~TED I£>£t"l F!'u. ·oIIIlt~ OON£ 2 Of R[lIl~N·S IolL1ftR PIlOT([1I(JII ~Rr~ IHl AA!: SUIJ£tr TD ll1E: REtlLtREUEHlS OF 11:£ CIl'f·)I' ;f~ll)l DPJ:II4W:f. ~O. t!67 AND /oS Al.f.1IllED iN CR~IiAJI[E HD. 41411. illS eRn 9M srur.t Of ~u~~ WU IS SU'F' _ED fPOU ~ !m.I.(Io\t .ollUFER u'W 11£ C'I'I SUlfltCE. HI!£ IS r.:> !~lUIW. 3AARIR BrnIWllI£ 't\'*TOR IIaLE /II~ GRO.II: 5>>>,I,I;E. OOROI[ CHI!: 9KIJLD BE ,X!lK>SfD JlfN IY.HD~ Cf 1M !JQUI' ~ilSTMn OTI!Et! w.~..,;rill TO PIlIJ1tC1 FiIOII CONT/CT Win II'{ GI1Ol"I~ !Ul:FAl:f. ~ IS 11£ HeME C".IIIEIi:'S'fSP::r/Srli.i1YI!)PI!OT<Cl"KCll'I'SItIltt;II'::WAIER. ~ RESlRK:IlDN NOlE nor :au. It .~ ACCf~ 10 C* f~ lO1~ 4 1.1>0 $ ro III ruT ~ fis SIT[ lHER[ Silft'.t 8( ~~ If/";(SS 10 (IIi! FROIl J[FfEfl:nlIllEHU[ H 'fIO~ I.J)IS • Itt! 6 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFIC.ATE I!-IS SHORT Pl.}.l CORRECllY REPRESEN""S .. StlRVE( ""DE 8Y IAE OR UNOER 'Ii( OIR£C110N IN COHFORMlWcr wm1 WE RFQURE~lN1S or THE I,pPROP~I~TE ST/,IE ,\.NI) COllNTY ST~"'JTE ~NO ORDINoINCE IN WoRtH, 2007 jitc fn9% (4 , II'?P/2('I(l1 ~NN~ IA. SIACKliGUS:: CElnFlCAIE :010. 34671 7~A1 ~OH OF T'-'£ NOtml IlAlF 01' 1ft( SOOlH IWF Of 1HE $OUTHYEST OUIIR1TR OF mE NO'IlHW~ST QU;,fIT£R AND Of TI"( r.I01IlTl KALF Of THE SIlIJTH ~~LF Of llIE SOUTH ko.tF Cf" I"Hf SOIJ'rMEST OUAAlfJI Of W£ N:lR"IHWESJ Ouo.lm:R Of SECTION 4. TOo,\INSi-lIP 23 'IOf(J1i, IW<;GE ~ EAST. iN.M .• /IS Dr:SCRIlEO AS FOLlO'IIS: 9[GI""'ll(; A. IHE WEST ouo.R1ER CORNER Dr SAlO SECTION ... ; IHDlCE NORTH 0031'05" EAST 609.36 FEEl: 1flENCE SOUlIl 53"13'09" EAST 1010.70 fEET; THENCE sotJTH 0'39'3e" "'(51 2:lB.09 FEET 10 TfiE lRUE POtNT Of B[o;flNlNG; THtNCE SOUTH :739'3(1" \"jEST 2t8.0~ FffT: THENCE sourn 8II·a·w· EA~r 2BO.23 rEET; THENCE MlRTH 0'33'3B' UST 21789 FEET; THENCE NClRT1t 1!6'1S·jB· WEST 28U!!l FEET 1e 1liE TRUE PafIT Of BEOINNII<G· EJ:CEPl II{/I,T PORTKlN llIEREOf CONI'mD BY D[mS ~CORP£O UNDER f(ECOfl~"C NO 4891;:';'7 ... .NO :;JJ.3619: N1D EXCEPT TI1 .. T pe.it"ION THEREOf COJNEYEO TO THE CITY OF RwrON 8"( DEED 'l£COIiCIED tiNDER ~EOOROM NO. ~:;.6IGY; SITJ~TE N nJF. GOlINlY 0; ~11o/t:, STATE Of W0\9-II~GTC~ SURVE'l' INFORMATION PIIOCEOURE I 1tIAIIMlM: ~ mLD lRoMRS( US&lC ~ "ILCA 1ell: 703" T(I'AI. Sf.\lKfl. IJQ) "nl~ RNlGO( (l,IJ~ courcrOR SI'PPWIENlED MIll RELD IIOIts 1.\5" 1UJ000ItCV, {Sf~ me: .w::utA/I. DIST"~Cf, _"D VER!Ol 1ID1lOIISltPS Bm.{(N 11£ IIOIUtOOS, PII(»(RIY !.K'l, NjD 1JPOOW11f(: FtAMI£S /oS SID.\'N H[RlO~. A WI 8-2<1" lIIJJON~nc l!':'ln. ~ lISID TO 1)l!£1( MIl ESlAilNI 1l( Ell'IAlIOO or BEHCHWnS 1I.e CONlIIO'_ POtflS. 1IIE f6A.lltI; {lATA !!Ern l'/i EXGOS "bE ST~','()AA[f.i fOIl l.IHJ WUI:!".lI'fi SIJMYS AS sn ftltml .. K W-1.1O--&1IO. DfolES or !ilRYEYS F"(LD SIJM.'rS [fI &I'lGII'oUSDI COI,5TJI.I,rG EllI>IIfERS, INC. :::oNDl.CJ[Q JI).lJNrI 2007. .IIJ. I,.'OIAA.ltIIS SI-IO'.\tt .IS fO'JHD WERE ~In .'1 mo.l T ... £. HORtZIlNfAl. .. VEJI"I"ItM. DfoTUIII -BIt!iIi!I OF" B£IlfII«lS ~~~~s l~ ~ ~."~' ~~ ~ :~RIHC~ ~ ~:~~~~~ Sl~llONS ~1. :lS!I, I~ ..... O OII£R I(l'lll1lOJllA1I(lH '/NIS ~rnm:I\UI. on: HID CIltllf«.'I. ~TAOOH S1 roo poomoo. Tt£ ~ tEIWU~ COHIlIOI. ST~rotI 51 TO COOIROL !>FATm :S6II f~ RtID.TIOO AIle [1lIfIROL SlAll'tH lll\l FOP ElfVII:l(lll "'" .... TOf.IJ .. WID AREA _ ~2,OOO SOLlAAE FEEl (0.964 oICRES) OF WID AAEA Of RIQIfT-Of-w.o.'f OEDICAOO~ _ 3.909 SOJARE FED or LAND "" """" 1132 HARRINGTON PIJ,::E mo, SEAl'l.f, '1/,\ 98056 /'-IAAY CREEl( ''"' I--;:.----..:'~ "I i ", SITE ~ ,~ "I Io:E 21Sl. ST ~ --...... I>.ORlH m: 2iiH sf ~ "'\ ~' ""~" ,.'" ~" j ~~ , NO SCAlE Vicinity Map '- NG SHORT PLAT CAMIE NCi 15ao aaRD AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE, WASHINCiTON 99144 OWN. 8Y J!JIS/KMU 126.13 CHkD. BY '" 1 § ~ , J': ~ " ~ > 1 jl ~ " , ~ o Z ~i ~ ,. , • S""15'!>II"!:~_---'---------~-0J,\~~CICH4 ~ 1 --------T 'llCCSI.[IU68 -------I N~!gIJ!&J\.'\(I [Bl.l(lftB~2.280 a""" ~ • .,".,.. , ~~~ / IF'Qr.m.9r.! r .. I.lC6!l7.297 / , ( SUBDMSIONOf NORTHWE~RFROiiPUBUsHED COORDINATES; ACCURAcY UNKNOWN I / ' / J,~~~'l'/~,li'/ '" " .. ,,~,,'" '" ~ -/-,. : ----------1/ 5 " , -----~ -----<, " ~I------------I " St ' " , ,'~':\~'IH·,:' : " / "" "",,,, ,,. , \ l'"",,"O""" : L ___ _ i 1R:l ____ .____ \ / ..... _---, , \ I , ~.,~'""'" --~~. \ 1W!:1C!I!)N;AIaIT) IUIOro' fDUD) (.wI,z,;o;) ~-'III~' A 11 'i8lJ'1!f5J":101~.IJ'I~'~"""~1OII:JiUI[Ifl ----.---f ~pIII'o'lll.f~ / \ / ~ S81J'lm't ~=-_____________ ~.~ ~\ \ . --... -.:_ I ., \ "I~':.~'-IEIR:lSllEEr ;~~''''i·' 'r----7: \ \ CITY OF RENTON SHORT LUA-07-043-SHPL LND-20-04B8 N .1~ W!:4IA:.~E ~I ~r S ~ 100 ioo 4r CJi!iIIJ SCALE, 1"·200· I!. ___ r--': , "' i / ,". r '...... , "§ , L """, L L_L, _ ~'_. '-' , ,...... ...... ... "",-, -, , ... ,~.,," , I ~'" , \ '~~ =~~~.,'k,. '"' L ,,-N!! 21BT8T, I " fID ~~ _____ ~ ~ri~ SIT1lllH 4~ .. ~I"""" ""--"'" , '---'--_____ -1J.":S1fl.2~ !j:! f_tJlE~15211'l ,EIIO ~, I -------, -----,_1.""" I ~L....i-....I-.l.____ ,.""~,,., I ----_ "'8'I!(Je)' 2.n-ll! -.------- , 'f' Ii ~ !!I~ ~ ~~ 11 r r«.HO }' 9Ro& ~t.::G FWrn t' :~~~r5f.~s k[.~~ I "_i8M~~h56 \ I (~!J)5I;(l.J95 --. __ SI)I.I1lIlI~E S\'I'!~ ~;~-.----------- !)I:AIlTOI WR'UsreJDI( =~'~~Il9~:~ ~ ~OUIDIT CAst 1IC(:S~.1605 ~:lil64Il' 31;1 f_I»!IIRm '\ NG ,..,--.... • (' 'J. ~q.GtI"'('1S' 41' ~ ~ " 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425)251-6222 {425)251~8782 FAX "'Go: l < .' )-f~ t-""-"" qENa\¥l CML ENGI/IIEmING, lANO PW/NING, SlIIMYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES IIPII(l..!;'::_~;_ SHORT PLAT PLAT " 0, 0, ~, ~ ~ ~, , .~' ~ :' c .!'Ii , ~' ~ :!l~ ~i '{;I / ~ ~ ~: __________ ./ I ~ ----, l£23DsiiEr----J----__ , -1----I , I I I e- --' _I n : I : I! I~ ,---------- r-· r i I r I r I , , """"" I , ,~..,l~ ! \Ill "" ", J II _ ~. : ' r r CITY OF RENTON snORT LlJ,A --07 -043-SrlPL LND-20-0488 ._._ ".sc I ~~;'i~" N J W~~E \~J ~ S PLAT IJ :1.0 40 ao pt"';; ; :DI SCALE , 1 w .... O· ,~ S IKIHlIII£IIf HUll /'!; ~D I ---.,-1. r . <!joY '" r r :-:T-'IlfflJ:II:ll'... \cocl 18' OO'(I>ID) ~ !I! IIIiIIU" ... ,,'on '81..., lOrn" "'"" g ~ ----".00",' ""'"" "'"' " "'"' 1sw 95.22' , ~,:, ~~" ~ 'il; ;::.::~ ~ l'::", .. 1/1' REIi'R AN~ tAP IWl1(ED "9:£ MS71" srr , I I r I ---1--' -, r r r , , r r r r c_ r , r r , """,,,,, . '26'U6I. OF. ' ,---, 8 _ ~'" 00"'" • g II' '''~" : "~,: '~ ~ .. :,., ., I II'X,I\{ I ~ 3 '" , i "8'19'4 ,~ 95.2~' _I 5.61)') H. 1> ~ 'I r~ I I ,c :!" ' ~--1':, "''''' "".,,' _, _ " •• '" "~,, "'''1'1 ' . roo ""'" "-~ ,-V' '" ''''''', _ "., ' .. A 8 2 -"""l " ., d'" " ~'F--I'; ',""-' :,"'" «< ;-,4" _ r r I r r r r r """,,,,, --"'~"-'.+''>. ~'" ow' " 'I-, 0 .. N ... ,," "5 .! ' ~ ~ ~ '=~:';; ~~ 2 ~.~. I ... y ;0" 5 j; ,~'" i! =. "'" ~ q E'; ,"H' ~ I '; ""'" ~ ~ ~ ,_, "00'-'. -.-~' .... " .. ' ~' .. """" " """" ,''' , ..... I ,I 56.!~ • II; r----~----,-- H 00 -S81J'20'09"[ 1 .}6 CH-D.lDI 8' o IOGHHf--w.t:f ;rnQj 0 8 TRACT, A ~,'lo"'",,___ • , ~ 1,9C1 S. (JEIl.CA"ElIlll :-( N: 21ST ST __ '---...", "'" (I>ID) j :,~::,~ ... ""'" . ,.L ------r I I : RAY:_ """ PLAT I ' r r i .J' iii -_-L_ r: R£C.OO,j7706220930 r .,GHAf.I& 18215 nND AVENUE sourn ' (425)251-6222 .. (' "', (425}251-8782 fAX ~ . f -" ""S!~ ... " 04/103/01 "" I' ~ oI{I' c~;JI45 J~B NO-!26~5 NG SHORT PLAT SWv4"o" HW1I4 Of sec, H23/j-R5~ IJI. SHT -~ CAMIE Na 3 1530 33RD AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE, WASHINaTON 98144 OF ~.\ KEm, WA .8002 3 -Sol' ~': CML ENGUlEERINO, I.AtV PlANNING, PRIJ..IECl ~:::., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON "1:)" ~~'+--SUM'tlNG. ENVIIiONMENTAL SEJM::[S '''r. E"HBI" 1~,dW9 il J [,UP"'" .... / C '-' __________ ---' I 1( J: J" •• ' I : i I I, " " : ~, ,', ; B ! I I I la215 72NU AVE:NU( S(liJIH KENT. WA 9=:1 (425)251-a22Z (425)2~1-81B2 FAX -- aw.EI«lIfi __ ",,",~"" ~~"'S£IOIICE!i_->I>1W --.k . .;-1.....2: _ ,4----- i~; : ~! "I J', '~--~-",,,,.--- -•••••• -~('YP} j ! H~~ §.~~~ ~-~~~ -§~~~ Ii!! :J~* ;;:iO.·,\1 ;~~l Ui ,1~;~ ~~r , H 1· !~ 'm ~~~~ ~g§ II ,,~~~ ~~~; ~~i~ ~~:¥ CAMENG 1530 33fI) AYENlE SOUTH S2ATTLE. WA 98144 (206) 334-8773 ___ I ",.",.., .......... _ ... "" .............. >l/'''"':: :,=~~ No. ... e, ""-_. FWAL SHORT PLAT FOfl . m ~ CAMlE NO PROPERTY I I 18215 72ND AVENUE SCtJTH K£~. "lAo 980J2 (~25)251-6222 (.25)251-a782 FAA ""'-£JQtiIONG, "'"' "'-"" ----"'-"""l~"" .,....,"'00 .... ~ _ XWp "'-""", ~'onr lILOO',CI<.<:) '"' .• " IDEm) CAtoE NO 1530 33AO A'IENUE SOUTH SEATTlE, WA 98144 (206) 334--8773 i ~----+-- ,[",. ~--'-, ;" ! ,:Wo'V: =:-:: =~:::--. -"T'EW. EAOSION/SEDt.ENTATION CONTROL AN) lREE REl'B'mON PLAN FOR CAM1E NG PROPERTY T 00 :J m ! n <5 , z , Q , n I , • ~ m ~ I:' ~ 0 m ~ ~ , ~ illl ~ ~ '!'o ~:,.~~ ~ -88 ~gj," ~~ 2~:~ bl!' .~~ ~1-14(!. 18215 nMO AYENIJE $OI.IT1i --,.... ~~~ ~ENT, '1M ~OO32 (425)251-6222 ~--., - -(425)251-8782 fAX 't -/ -~ , .... ~,LHII) ....... --. -, ~,>, ~ •• .......,,"".,~ .. "' ... """"'"" -3 5 """~" ",'°·"'0<.\ ",-,.\~-,,~ '" "OJ_I~'" ,,"'",-~' ,1)-:,"",,,,,. -,,.., ,,_,'-0)" J! ~ ~ a z m " , ~ ~ m ~ i z " ~ ~ ~ ~ .;' -------! \I~:'- I t-'--~-----..L.c_ -__ _ II CAME"" 1530 33RD AVENlE scum a:A.TTLE, WA 98144 (206) 334-8773 ~:~ ~ .. I.~ .. ' , . Iii , ltl ---------: ,,,"'''', ........... -""""~--! ""',.,, = :: :: .='~--AOAD AND DRAtW:E PLAN FOfl CAMIE NG PROPERTY leZIS 72ND AVEi'lUE SOUTH -"'" WIT. W~ SaO~2 (42~)l~l-6n2 (42~)2~1-<l7B2 ,,oj( CMI..~IOIl.cJKIF'VIftIIII). ~"I''''C.'''II'''-~"",''I_ "' ~~ ,-,>- ~t :;:::; ~~ ~: ;~~ ~~ ~'" ,. , , ~~ ~/'; 1~ " ;~ ,I ii;~ i'l!: ~~ ,--§ $~ ~~ ~ --o----L '~'___O-~I CAME NO 1530 33RD AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE, WA 98144 (206) 3:>H77.l ,,,,.,,.., _ .... -......... """'-- ; "''''''':::: :: .....-~-.... .,..,. "" "'" I . m ~ ~ . ~ WATEFI, SEWER, AND UTUTES PI....AN FOO ~~ CAM1E NG PROPERTY .5 .. 5 1821~ nND ""ENIX SOUTH ~OO, WA 980~2 (~2~)251-6222 ('2~)251--'11782 FAX ;::~ ,~~ ~ Hi! ~ ~:~: ~~;~ ~ ;~~ ~"~., !W ;!iI ?<~ -, ., .~ ;', ~> ,,,;.'~,, ,$ !r~" ,:0.' CJ""'i"Es"M7ffl] ~!~~~ ~ CAAENG 1530 33fD AVBIIUE SOUTH lEATTLE, WA 9B144 (206) 334-en3 -STANOAfD NOTES FOR CAMIE NG PROPERTY II " , l' 1 I " , I J I 0('''\ i~ a 0 i" '..../ i I! !! I I ,; l ~ , r \1 l , Ii II Ii 'I ,1 ~ I II I , !j ~ " Ii' , c , , !! :~ , I"nil 1I1~ Ii ;i:i! ~1~<I'C ill; !I~r. I i~~~ "'1 :~~a hi i~~i '! 1!li '!I I " , -~~ -.-C e_-~ . _~~ -- t-1AffiN3TON PLACE NE -- ,l~® .',"" ,_-VJ;~" , -. 0-~-----....• I c J:: , ' , ~ I, II " " " CAMENQ 1530 33fID AVENUE SOUTH SEATTtE, WA 98144- (206) 322-3022 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z 0 ,,,'',,''''--""' .......... ""-, -'" ---"",,,",,,",,"--. -- L.W>SCAPE I'lANTNJ PLAN FOfI CA1IUE NG PROPERTY 'i;;~ ," i~-~ ~,~~ 1,\ ~~~ §~j ~~ 12653 r' ~~u: i~!? " ~ .~B \ J ~~ii . , ,~~ ~ ~~ 1 ",~~~~i ~~8~ IUo,~~ii~a;~ , ~~!!~~~~ j f~~ t :,!, !!!j;j1ili I;~;;~"~~ I'! !", ~.~~ ~ ~~~~i~~i :~J~~~~~i~~~~ i:;i~i!~ ~"~~ Ill' ~~~*~/ ~c;~ 'I ~ll~ ~~;~ :i~ !~~~ ·"l, .' ""'11 J,li 1 • J~~ .. ~~~! ~~1I~ ~~~i ~~~ ~d~ ~~~§S~~~~ IL~ :~a~~ i~~g~ fi~"Z ~r'~~ HI~~a'· ~~~ ;g~~ ~~: f ~,' ~~~:ri:g§J~ ~~jj\'~ I~l, ;~~I~~~~~ :/i) I~ii~ iIi ~~j~ oU;; ~~:::~~;~;~ ~~~!! i§l; -~~ ~~8~d :~<! g~~ili~~~F:~ ~i~J ~~] ~~a~, ~~~~_~~~~_~~ ~~~.8l ~-;~. a~ " ~~~§ 2~~~ii~;t ,,~~ ~!"~~ ~-"'~ ~~8<l~~~~" ~H ~~~ ~~~~~ ir!~I~~~~; ~F1~ ~h2 qiJ~ ~~~o~ I,_ ~ ,~!~ ~~ ;~~~~~~ ~.~~ ~d~ ~ii ~ ~~~ ;II~~;~ii!_~~ ~~~ .. § I~~~ , ~" 8~~ ~;~38 ~j;()\ "=~Ii g~~I~~i~~~ ~i~~~~ ;~ li! -.~ h~B~~ I' :~'~ ~Q:g~ ~~ ~~~C!~ ~~~ ~~ .. ~h" ~~~lls~oh~ ~=~~~ ~!~ 8~ \(~"I ~~ ;j~;:~;::~ " ~~~ ~Q~~ ~~i:i~~t~~ ~a~r~ ~~ ngl' U :~~gH ~~ /; Fi!li~ili iii~:;;<:;;~l'~ h C8 j~: ~I ~~~ :>:8 ,,~H ~~!~~~~t,,,:~ u"' :"!~ ~; ;!!it' r~ ~~ a!~~ ij~~;~"~'" ~ -§~~ " , i: ,,' , II e~~~/ ~ ~ 'll~ .. ~~ 1; 1,~; ~j~ ~~~~:J~ !~ ~n 0~ ~~~n~ ~~~i 5H ~~ji~ ~ Ii j, I, ~~~~~~ ~-~~ ~!.~ r ,.0 l ~~~:~ ~~;,~ e-¢~~~~ ;~ .~i , ~:;! 8 rl!"~G~~ i~ i:~;; -~~'" h" ~~~~t~~ F ~~,,~ N " ~:~~ ,,":;; ~~ ~§ ~, ,:.':1 t~~~~~ ~~~~~ !~3~ ~~ ! ~~~ ~'~n~~ 8~ ~ ~~;~~ 1~~i ~1~ ~,~,,t, ~, ~§~,~ ~~~i~~ i~ 1 ~~R ;;i ;,! I' f'~ !!, ,I·!! e~" ~~~ ~r J:~'~ ,1 ;i! ¥,;~ ;~~ ~~~~;~ ~'-' ~i;~ ~ ~~ iii ~i\!~~~ !i ~!! ~~~~~ ~j ~t §~i ,'3 ilii! , ; ~.3~ ~~3 ~~.~ 3~~ ~~! Iii l '~: .. . ' ! ~ ~ '" , 'if r !I! ~ i:H~~~ n p ~ ~ ~~~ 11 1:' ~! ! ~ ,e, , " ' , ~~~ lj :1 1 ql ;j,~ ~~~~i~ ~ ~ ~~1'i , , ~! i~~~?·~ ~ i I ~ i H . , ~§~!~§ ~ ~~ , . ~ ~~ ~~ , r 9~ ;::B~ ~ ~ ~ " l! :t ~ " ~ ,,;I';~ ~ ;; " J ~ ~~ ~ i ~,.,-; 'I !i ~ g ~ j -~: I , ~ ~ j q8 , ! 111 I ~~ r j; § § 'I ~c ~~ [a > ~ !8 " ~~ i ~ " .~ ! ~~ ~ : , , I \1 ~j , ~ . , .' I ' 1;7-'~ : '!l!' '1 '", '.iY ~~>; ~~ ~~ ~x'" ~~" ~~ 'j~~ ~~~ ~~ 1 i 1,' 'j' $' ~~~ ~~ .~ 11: ,'I " 15215 7:(NO AVENUE SOLJTH _ ..... KEI-IT, 'IIA 96032 ( 4~5)251-6222 (42~)25,-a782 FAX --CMENG 1530 33FD AVENUE SOUTH SEATnE, WA 98144 (206J 322-0022 ~~~ ~N ~M " ~~ ,; '!/~ I: ~g i ~~~~;i~~ ~~~ P,) Uil ! ~ 'I' I!!; ~ ~'J:1i,~~~ ~~~~i~ !~~3~~ ~~i3i; ~~82~~ ~~s!~! ~i!:i~ i~~~~~ ~;g!H ~~ -Ii:", ~' ~~Ii1'6 '"~~~~~ ~~-~iE~ ~ig;~~ i§ 82~ ~~ ~~ ~} S~ ~;; " ~~ .' ,il:; ~;;; ~~ .~.~, ~~ - ~Si~ '''I ~-"~/: ~~~ , I ~ :1 ~;;~ ~~~ l~~ ~ i~ .. " U! ;> i~~ ~ ;,1 C. ~~~ ". i~~ ~~ ~~g ;~i Ii' " ~; ,., ~..;~ ~~.., ~ :;~ ;1 i!l ~ ~~ ~I' ~i; ~ r 0 I '< g m ~ ~~ 8'> ~ d ~~ ~a ~~~ ~ ~~ '0 ';;q~ ;!i .' ~ I ~~ , ~.' ~~ , " §~U!:~~i~~~i ~~~8~~~~~h;~ _~ ~'i':>~-o'8~~J~ ~~ .~S\O .:;(!:)!i" ~'"~ ~8~~ -1\:1 ~HP~:~R ~ ~ :l_" .. ~ ~ :~: ~~~~~~ u ~,,-H~~h~ ~~~ ~~':;~~ ~ ;;;-~~ ~;~ ~'~ .3~~ i~h~~; , " jo;,'>' ~~~~~~ ! ~:OA ~.3~jli '; 1'1 'j,'a ! ~:i ~;i!~~ j ~ij ~Jj~~l I '>-:!i '0 "',! ~ If --' ' " a;: ~'1 . ~~ ~~ ~i ~r ~ ~~ i~ ~ I~ ~ lAr<)SCAPE PLANTt<G NOlES ND DETAILS FCfI CAMIE NG PROPERTY on ,U I! !,q .' '.' ,I 0 Z ~i3~ r ;i P! q ; 'I ~~ ---,---jl" I ---:;--"---::---1" o , II 'I I' "' i!2 !' , ~~ , 0' ~~ 11 .' il j. " .' I I ~I~==~~-~-- I-I.4.AFIf>IOTON PLACE fie -----J.-~ J" ..... , . : , --~. -.--_1-__ . __ _ CIUllENG 1530 33AD AVEM.E SOUTH SEAm.E, WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 [ · m • • CAM1E NG PROPERTY ~~~ 12053 ; i ""'<>,,,,,:,,,,, .. ~~,,~' L2 -.l __ t8~15 72NO AvrnlIE SOUTH KENT. ".., 91,1(];l2 (.25)25 1-52-22 (~25)251-871l2 FM eM. "'""""""'. ""'" "'-I<C. ~.~"'"""'" -= -~ --.. CAME NG 1530 33F[) AVEN.E SOUTH SEArn..E, WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 ~:!~ lj U ~~ ~!i I ~ ~:i 11 I' d ; "il~ l' ~! I ! I; ,1 <. ~,Y~ ~~ U > "" ~~ ~ ~~£s U ~~ ~ -'" " 'I i~~~ j " ~: !~ § I. j~ ~'~~ II '6~ z il!; f~ -10' ! '!i; ,~~ j! ffi Ii!! ! ~,~ II ;~ ~~ Ii 1~ ~ "j ~~ ~i ~ Q~:;j' ,~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~!-~g~~ :;~ -, ~ :~~H! i' " ~ ~~ ~~ g~ ~i~ p ~~ ~2~ 11 _III< ___ "" ......... .. ""---: ,.. ~ l..ANJSCAPE Pl..AN'T'N3 NOTES AND DETALS FOR CAMlE NG PROPERTY CITY OF rmNTON SHORT PLAT LUA- L_NJ- DEDICATION ~~ow AlL PEO~LE BY '~ES( PRESE~'S _r WE. T~E UHDFRSlGNFD OWN(R(5) Dr INTrnEST IN 1I1E lJ\ND ~ERE~ ShORT SUBONlO'D. f,EREB"f OCCLlIiE 1I1IS SHORT P'AT 10 BE THE GRl\PHIC REPR[5[trrAl.DN OF 1~E 500Rl SUSO","SWN MA~E IiEP.E6\". "-ND 1f1AT SAIO SHORT SUOOMSION IS r,u,O[ WIlH TH[ fREE CQ~1{! 1111;) IN =R\MNC( WIT" lIIE OES'i1f or TI-I' OWNFI1{S) I~ W1m;:ss WHEREOF WI: SEl O~R fiO,NOS .... 0 su,LS TfW;H tiClJYEN r-"~IE I<G ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ~~~!r,0~FW:~~~GTON ! 55 , CEIm'Y THO.T I KHOII' OR HAIi£ SAliSv/ICTORY [VlOCNC[ TH.'.T nl.l>CII NGUITN SI(;NED THl'; nmiCATIn~ ~ND A.C~HOWlEIlGED n 10 BE YIS HtE.E. AN;) ·IDWNTARY ~Ll lOR fl<E USES AND PURPOSES ~OIlJ)NED I~ lIIE ~Sn:tU~ENT ~~T~~TU~",~"~-------- NOT.oJ!\' PUBLIC PRINTED NAIolE OF NOTARY PUBLIC ___ • ___ _ ""'---------- t.4Y APp~jl_.'TMFNT EXPIRES ~~~TYO~:~::O~l.'lON 1 ss I C£RlIF"Y lHAl I K~W OR .... w: SAllSW:TORY [VIO[NCF TH.\T C~IE NG 5'GNED I""S OEtllCI<"TIQN AND IICK>IOII'l(o[;I:D " TO BE HIS FRlE ~) WWNTARV IICT FOR THE USES AND PU~POS(5 ~ENIIC..u> IN T"E IlI")TRU~£'·T P ... TED ___ _ $1(lN ... ·URE: OF NOTA,RY PUBLIC __ _ PRINlW NAME OF NOT .... y PUBLIC _____ _ TlTLo _________ _ I.ff A~P()INTl.!E'IT ElIPIR(S ____ _ !lITE DATA I. SITE ADDR'ESSES, HARRIN(;lON Pl»CE NE & N[ 21S' ~TR[ET 2. ASsESSO'lS PARCEL NU~8ER' O~25(l~-9210. 042S05-9134 .I GROSS SITE A~[A. 42,695 sr (O.~8 K) 4. ~UNICIPAUTY: cm OF R[NTOtI S [XIS7ING USE-ONE SINGL[ fAMilY RlSIDENCE. ONE VACANT LOT 6 PROPOSED USE, SINGLE-F.o.MILY R[SIQ(1I1IAI lOiS 7. ZONINC_ R-8 8. CO~PREHEtJSIVE PLAN DES,GNATION. R[SIO[MIAL SIN(U fAIolJI.Y 9 RWUIRtD I PROPOS() IoIINIIoIUI,I LOT WIDnl: '>IJ' / :;4 10 REaUIRE~ I PROPOSED MIN.~UM LOT AREA 5.C0(l Sf I 5. 30 sr 1 I. AII[RAG[ LOI ARCA -s.r 12_ ALLCWED I P~~POSlD GROS5 PR(}Jf';T DENSIN. B DUlAC 1.). BI~ID~NG SETBACKS ;-ROt!T (SlREEl) 20 ,EEl SIDE_ 5 fEEl BAr.K: 20 reEl 14. BUllD.NG HeiGHT M.~XII,!UI,l 30 fEfT 15. "'AXIMUI,' AMOUNT Of BlJIL)ING SURF'£E 50 PER~ENT RECORDER'S CLR 1!lICI\H. FILED FOR RECORO THIS J.~Y or " PM IN ~OOK oc .~T PAG:: .. THE REQUEST or JOANNE 1.1. STACKHOUSE MANIIGEq SUPT. or RECORDS 20 " APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT or PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAI,OINEO AND APPRDVED l~.S ____ eM 0, _______ , ;W ___ _ ------------------------------" M~INIS-:v.TOR Rom OEDICAT1ON: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS eXAo,IINED ~NO APPROVED ~IS ___ DAY OF" ____ ~_. 2!)~ __ _ ASSEssoR"-------------------------- Dfruty-,;:ssESSO-A-~---------------- .o.cCOUNT ~UI,IBERS !)42:lO~-~134-04 ~N~ U42~05-9210-01 Ii-[ SOUI14 20 f[e"' or TellS ,lIf lIAS OC~CAIl~ 10 lHE em or W,!C-1 f';·~ MILle RIG~ or WA~ FOIl liE 21Sl mtET 6"i XED RE(.!JRJm I.t(l(~ ~I~G I;i)UN1Y R~WII~NG NUIillER 2001 __________ . NEW PRIVATE EASEI,IENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS lIND UTlUTIES WlINtrnANCE AGREEMENT It[lII plfflAT[ EiCWS1¥[ u.s[~Clfl fO~ INCR£SS, ECFESS ~D L1ILIT~ IS TO Bt CllUI£O upt)~ 1i1[ 9J..[ or LOTS Sll~ DN TIlE SIflI!1 PIAl. !HE oo.IERS Of lOl, .l ,\ND 4 SHIlL >!.\Vi:.IN EQLI'l <WI) UNIJMDW iHI[Il[SI I~ TIIf OI'iN[RSflP !.liD R(SPONSIEIlIIY FOR IWWElWICE 0;-TII£ PRNI,'£ KCESS lA.."E~EtI! I.PI'UR1!)IM(ES 114[s[ IoPPIlRli.NOCf' ~ND IWNTHlIJ<CE RESI'IlIfSKII,ES IHClUDE TIlE IlEl'IiR IIID WlN"lElWlc[ or 1I<E PlMJE I\CQSS ~. 1:JIWoW;[ PIP(S, AND >l0'l~ WATER OOMITI" AND/OR DElENOON FIOI.mES II'lHH nr; UoSUiENl PRrlAl, Sr.;N.l.GL IW tmlER INfl!,l5'lllXT\ff, NDI oln.n 6"i litE CIlY OF ~EII10N OR (IIf{~ UlI.llY PRCMO(l!S_ ~!I\1N.\11C£ COSlS S~.IU e[ 51l1li\:0 (OU~_lY TII[ CITY or Rf~ SHAll rAVE "FHE R!GIII 10 EMlER <;.110 ElS{u[>;lS 10 ~EPI.ll IN( ocrl!:(Hr.fS OF Il4F OOAI~ fltlllHE; lIISE \lEP~RS s/wL II Al THE Ol!llR·S COS"! ?W!II{"; (lH lHE p~ !'l TIl[ .\CC(S') lJo';IY~NI !', PROH!:i!11ED. umns PA\Cl,IOO IIjIJlH IS CRt\1£R llWI 28 "" EASEMENT PROVISION A PRII'AlE £AS[~ClIl IS H[R[IlY RFlfl"lfD FOR}H) GIWII£D TO POO£T SC~N0 !N[RCt COIWAI.fI'. OWEST. :O!oIC05'. (0llIIJ1 P9 ...... !( lIlllll]{'i). 11m TIlf" RT';PfClI'( SUCC[SSORS ~~o ~ IJIIOCIIANC· UF'(lH IllI'RiI'A!E 51R1D5. AL[[l"WM·' Ill! PR'I'AT[ DRM., /JIU IHt [XI~_lE~ (10] 'm PAAI.ll£. \11TH I~D IAIOIHI~ !HE SlRE(T. Iollfl"ll'/lYS OR PoliAIF nR!Vf f'MllAO': Of U LDr.; .\ND lPACI>. flJRlIIffi E.lSEUtillS ARE ResERVED QI'E, PRIl'AII l./IliD'i fOR Ii"AlIlT5. p(n,5!1l.S AND RELA1W r.lelJlltS ("VIULT OOI:YEHlSi A[IJI,C;:~11D llit IHOOT 1110£ Ul"-",," [AS8ltNl flSElMD I~ lHE PRU;llJH."; ~[Hlf}K:[ AS .cuows: :1£ IlAUL1 E\SE~EH' ~y OCCUPY UP 10 iii IWIllONIt DNE (1) FOO' III WlOTH ('OR 110l.oL 1II01~ if 11 F[ET) III1\' lHE LENGTH or EACH v.<J..! [.\5E~EN1 EIIlENDlNI; ONE (1) FOOT fllOU (}.(:H [NO Of THl ASOOU WAAT(S) 11<[ tM.IEU AI.'O LOCA~DI< or Wl.tLI t'S[II9I!S I'IlL 1lt "/:5 1IIS!ILIEO· WIlING !HE IJlIUl"fS INITIAL IIISIAUAllOll Of ffill:[S. lliE EA5(~tNlS AAI RESERVED A~O GRMiTE~ III IJlmtR 10 116!1L~ Uo'. COI'STRUCl. RHO OPER.\1"E IJID ~~1l1'IN lIHDI:~O m. ro~'lIII. CMlLES. !/Iiles. 'IlLtlS !)iIJ ptl:(51ALS 111114 ~ECfSSlJO\' FAtiUlIES I,NO DlIIER [QUIPMOO roo JlIE P!M'\lS: Of S[IlI'ING TIIS SW[)llQ)N IW OIHf~ ORQP(RlY WP El£CffiIC. lEJ.EPijJN[. GAS. IIUCOO~l~IC.\~QN5. ]lIJA _ISSIDN. STIlHl LIGHTS Ill) IIlIlIl"f SElMeE TQ~ET!£R I'1Illi lHE ~IGffI TO !IITER UPO~ !IIE LOIS ~ lOCTS AT AlL IIWIS lOP. mE pu.'f'(lS[S fil!Elll SIllED. lH[SE OOlyt~IS !WIERED UfUI fOR ":!-lESE PURI'OSES SKILL BE R[;lO:1ED It; NEMl It; f'OSSim 10 lHli~ OOOH.\L C[)NI:I!IOH. NO LflES OR ~RES FOIllRIN5I,I!S5OI or mCI~"{ CUJlR[N"l. OR roo 1LEPHOHt. c.oau 1"EltvliIDN. lEl.ECD~~NtAnC»fS OR MIA 1AANS~~SlON USES $Il1olL BE pt;.Cw 011 PERU;IITIJ 10 B[ ItlCEO IIIIlHI~ -,.,S E\SE\IE·'I1 UNLESS THE !AlIt SKIIlt 8E lINO"ER,RQlNll WI) P[RUAI.{N" SHUClURE SlIAI.L B£ P.ACW WIIHIH TIlE £ASE\!E~TS W!l11OOT P(R~ISSOH Il'!()M lAst1ll'1<if OWNfRS_ TnlE t()TE A SM(]~l PI.'.T cmmCA1E PRfJ'AAEO S"f FIDElf!" NA!l()IoII,L TillE COliPIoN"f or 1I1S1H101!. l'iElR OROCR NO. I-OIOOI55C. OAlli) fEBRI.IAAY 2J. 2007 AI a.oo A~ ...• MD IJ..L SUPFWIU/l1.LS lH[R[IJ!. W~ ~[l1[O UPO~ fOR ill REfO~D 1m, ~'fCC1ING l~IS SIIE /oCCORtlNC TO SI-IO crR1IFI[.\'E. TIlE FOlLIJ'NI~ I!EII) .IS'ICl 11115 Silf A. fASEl'<lff IIIJ W:O"\IDIIS CQIoTlJNal TfI[UI. IS ~ILD/R(S[wtO/OI5CH)Sm/OOIfl .... H ElY INS~U~[1I1 RECORDED lIIID{~ f!£C~RDlNC NIJIoI3(R 501B\ 19. :;.R.I.Hl[O 10 PI[ (IIY Of R£N1DN ro, IlATER PIP!: 1m llilS fASEU<NI LIES ~QI fWlRINGlON ~,. o. ~E](;'Wl~,~ OF I.GRW.lENI ~111 lHE CIfI" Of RE~lO" QCCIJRIf.O IllIIlfR IlFCORDING \~·MllER 2W~0Il~1!IJOOl()1 C ORO",.~CE ~~ 018/4 RFGIJWI~G WIIIAAr SEWER SEIMC( SPEw... 16SESS\'tNT DIS1R1Cl, »I\llll lER~S ~~D COIDTIONS TIIEREI)", R[CORI)f~ UNDER IIECORl)ll«; ~L'~B[R 2oo00'~r:00291 o OROJW,:E NIl. ~2. 1.11[) l]jE IIRIIi ~It) r~(l!1IJ1fi URfCf R£COROW U~DER RlOO'roiNG NINSER 201".1t0S2SOOO504 DECLARATION OF CQV[NANT lHE O'IiNERS (IF lfIlI) EVSAACED I/!I"O/I~' lHlS SIIOR' P!AI. IN Il[1UR~ fOIl lH[ BENEfllS TO I.CCIlUE FI!(lI,I N5 ~N, B"f Sitl<lllG IVEOll G(N[N~1ll IJIO AOR[l 10 C(lNI'(1" ll( 8':NEfICWIT INTERl.Sl 'N 1H, NEIl u.sEII'~TS _ I~ lHIS SI(lI!1 PlJoI -0 IN( 10M) IJ.l FlJlURt PURf.H,oMR" ~ llif LOIS, OR or AA1 5'!~·ONS mWF TIIS rlMll1l1lT SHill I!U~ Ilml lilt INl~ ~~ SHJWN 00 TII13 SIiORl FliT LAND SJRVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT ~'--"'T CORR[Cll 1 RtP~E:>EmS A SURVEY M.o.oE BY ME 00 ~·~DER MY D~ECTIOO IN CONrORI.'ANCE WITH lilt RfQUHMENTS OF THE AFPRO-"RlAll SIAl" ANO CDU~ STATU1E AND OROINANCE IN "'~R<:H. 2007 JOANNE ~. SlilCKIiOUSE CERTIFISAT[ NO. 34511 18?15 nND AVEN~E SOUTH KENT. WA 980J2 (475)/51-6222 (4ZS)2S·,-e762 fAX eM, EfIG'NEERlNG. [»lO PlJ\~NI~G. ScRVDING. EI"'lRONMEN'1OJ. SEJMCES NO VOL./PAGE SECTION 4, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION l\1AT PORTION Dr THF. ~ORTH I-lALF OF T~E SOUTH H .... F OF THE SotJll-1WES1 QUART[R OF THE >!ORTHWEST OiJA!lTE~ iltJD OF mE 'IORlil I ... Ir Of !KE SOUIH H.o.LF OF ltIE SOUTH H~,F OF THE SOUTHWEST OlJ/IlT;:R OF THE OORTHWEST QUARTER Of SECTIOtJ 4. TQIItISHIP 2J 1101ffil. RJ\~G[ 5 FAST. '10'.1,1 .• AS DESCIll6ED AS FOLLOWS BCr.INNING AT TNE WEST OU.o.RTER CORNER Of SAID SrcTlOtl ~: TH£·~CE tlORT~ 0·JI'05·' EAST 609.36 FEEl; l1--I£NCl SOUTH 86"18'09" FAST 1010.70 rEEl: THENCE SOUTH 0·J9·J&" WEST 2J6.06 FEEl TO HI[ lRlIt POINT OF BEGINNiNG; lH£~CE SOlllH O·Jy·J6" WEST ~18.0Y FEET; THENCE SOUTH 08"19·03" EAST 18023 FU1; THENC( NORTH o·W:\8·· [AS! 211_89 FEE'"; li-ltNCE NORTH 86"16·J6·· WE~T 28!.09 FITT TO TH[ TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEP7 WAr PDRT10N THEREO, CON\IEYED BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDINC NO_ 4897237 ANO ~3JSI9; ANO EXCEPT lHl\T P0R110N THEREOF CONVfiEO TO lHr CI1Y O~ RENTON BY DErO RECO~OEO UJ,lOER RECORDING NO !'o3!'o9S3g SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KINO. ST~TE OF" W~SHINGTON SURVEY INFORMATION PROCED~E I NARRATIVE A f1[LD 1IA;(RS( USIlG A "lE1c.1 lCR 703" 101.IL STATlD~. ANtI 'OS lWI(U" EloI,A COLLECIOR SUPPI E~EN1[O WIlH THO NOlES '/lAS PERFD~IUI. GlAIlI.ISHU(: lHE A~GULlli. !1ISlA1/CE. ANtI I'EII1l:Al RtLO.IIONSHIf"S !IET,IHN lliE ~OOU~HIiS. IWPERTY l1!lr~. I0Il0 'OPOGRlPojlC rnnm AS SHOWN ~ER'(1)Il A 'LIm A_2A" AUIOIo!AlK: LEVEt NS USED TO CfiJ:CK AND ESTIJlIJ5H I14E EtMTIOII Of B,NCIlIIAIlKS AND COOIR~ POIKIS_ 'Kl: RESllcn~ IYolA ~[ETS OR mEEOS lH£ SlInCI'RDS fOR IA'ID OOUNDIR"f SUIM'fS loS SET FORlH IH"1IAC .lJ2-I.lO-1mI DATES OF" SlJRVE'I'S FIElD Sl-'MYS S"f B'li{;IWIS(N CONSIA.nNG ENG'IIIIRS. IHC. CIlII"JIJCTID ,IIIllM'f 2007 IJ.L W)NIMNTS SllDiItj AS fWND IIERE ~Sllro ,,T IfIII1 ~U[ HORIZONTAl .!r. ~R11CAL DAlUlll -EWiIS OF BEAAfNOS NI.O 19~ (91) PO! ell)" Of R[NT"ON AND MOO 1988 PER em OF ~MON_ COO!iOIN'-TES AND El[IfAlIONS AR[ GPS !OI'lEll, A'lD A NITIIOIII( ItW.YSIS tNCLI.!lING (F!'I OF RENlOO rONl'lOl $IA110t(; 57. 3W, 16611 AND OlliER MONlI~ENT"AT1OO WI.S PEilfURMED liE HEtO CDNiROl smlON 57 FOR P\lS~IOO. TI£ UWE 9ElWi'El'I CotmlOL SWION 57 10 CONlROl S!AOON ]o~ FOR ROl4l1011 /HD COfl11lOl SWIOH S6! fDR l'.lVAllON SITE NlEA TOTAL lAND ARE~ ± nooo SOUARf r~n (O_9S4 M:RfS) or LAND ARFA fl~ RIGHT-OF"-WAY DEDICATION _ 2.606 SQUi\RE FEET Of LA® SITE JIODRESS 7137 ft'.RRING"'ON PlACE "IE. S'i:~nLE. WA 960~6 N£ i7HI sf • ~ NO SCALE Vicinity Map " 111.'.\' CREEK eAA' SITE " NQRTH HIGHlANDS PAR~ 0[ 0 ~ ,~ ~ .,f-/~~. , NG SHORT PLAT OWN. CAMIE NG 1530 33RD AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98144 '" JMs/~~~ 12653 CHKD_ BY '" 0; !j i ~ " ~ • ~ . ~ ~ , 8 , o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ':;:-1 "' • ,.In,,,, ,".wf ....... ' ., •. ,., ~; "'it"~'" ". NOIIlHWlSl roIN~ S[('Jl(lN ( PlU.ISIfED (:(oDI~J[ r -~~--~~~ --------SBIl'15'S01260613' nomH OLl.'Iffl:R CDRPI[R S(Cl~ ( I, ----T---_______ ~"~, I ' , I I ' i I SUBDMSION OF NORTHWEST QUARTER FROM PUBLISHED COORDINATES; ACCURACY UNKNOWN I ! I l fU~D ~ONl'l.I['IT 151 !<:E I' I I~ ri!S~& p?:H I "'"" 0," ~ i I' • I . ~~------------~~--~~-L I ~t ", -----------------; fl»()UOltJ~EN!'509U I " ~ ,-_.-, , . rn(HC(mC~POST I ". I~ W i < [."~'~~"~-~~~ -. -"'\---" i I _ SBB'18'5:n :V'07J' (i;.!LC smlOll LM 10 ~1JI.I[w) IDTO.ro· (DEt"D) ~fOU~) ~DNUI.If~.T '\ I' k: ->BB'I~"5.l'r IOlU6 L~ENT TO WI«Ji.I[NT (JAN 2001) ~ \ \ ,------_ _____________ ___ ~.,~e' , I I fWr,t IIOlIVIIfm ..... ~~ ~__ . .....-<1 \ -ifr ,,''''''.?~ 1'1 A 1 "= ~~o,~, .""~ ,,",' . . \ ~ 1~1\t1l 1.'J'I~~~,~1 I '# " \ I §~ :--,!!::C~' I r --/ \ I ~_ 1 I 'I ," \ \ I:::':S; I~'(IUI ~I I 11 \ , ~. r-,--,i--~ l -~ \ 1 "'~ 1 1 I~'(\tl), SITE \ I I ~ l. L i,..: - -\ ~!§ WfST Oll'l!lJE~ OOI!lIDl SECOOII ~ I . -I 1 Ji[\) 1 I : I 1~1::' re:~H~=J:[lf1C[ I 1 IIJI\I"I.I' ~'\"IEll ~~~, I I .S'l:i!; R[lIJONl5'J L ~fl<l\'f N.'i~\~ 1 L ~ R ~. BRA.'l5 IllS!( II! PUNC11 r=NE 21ST ST, ~~ I't> f 1"1 I I ~~,,:oM.DlJj/llao Ii ~aIIowNSHOR1Pl..\TI 1 1 \ I E=.l'.!m51l2 Im:NOI~1WS1.l!J1 I 1 1 r1~' .,4'. '., .. ' , ~ ''''''J·,i . .. ~ ; N Ju ~ W\~jE ~r s o 100 200 400 1"\00 f:j.CA'-~' 1·'200' ---.-~~----------~~I-.....L.....J_l~~ ______ ____l \ fE~IfRSfCTION N8Il"lo~"W15n~~ -____ .......L______. _~~ __ ~~ __ ----4-~~COCW~1!: LIST Q~J[R CORN~ SECOOII • * <;OII~ Q0I>JIIEIl GORt«"l ;EC~O,'/ • rotJM) 1U'J~flf" IM7 ocr "lIBI.'S>iE(l~CI~Alf i~l~~ ~~ ~ J. HRt,5.~ DISK 'III PU~CH . I~ ~ONUI.IFNT rA~[ -J OO'iN 25 ~_~lH [1,,[ 'iII'/~:: NG SHORT PLAT ~i ~ fDl)I(ll.lOllM:I<TIBDlm I f'lI8I.I5I£~~DIN.\J[ R(NII)Il 51 Y 8I'ASS DISF. WI I'UNtH I ItII.IOIII)I(EN'lCASE. ~Q.5 N~56gJO g~) ~I22.6~~SCIJl~~!~ 5OUTIlIfl,IC(l~so;'1(lII~ GHAC/oS> ,..<1'\ 4) • • 0 " '. . ~ o . • 't <1-'" v(,. .... 0<: 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98DJ2 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAX CIVIL ENCINEERING, ll\N~ PLANNING, SURVEY INt:. ENVIRONIilENTAI. S,RVlCES ~~. orr ~, J~S/Kl.I~ D4/13/01, I-~100· cHlcltffiB'i I . ... J~S ~--1165.] "R[)JID NO I:!GSJSPOI.DWG INrlnl)lTA SW114 OF NW1I4 OF SEC. 4-T23N-R5E, '.M. SUMYfOR CAMIE NO 1530 33RD AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98144 ,,.......... SHT 2 OF ;'1'1.. ____ -------------------_.1 lIVe £NGI'" KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON) L.:. ,," '., ' , ""-""~ .. '. "<" , .~,,, ... , .. t~·; ~;> .... i'l·,."l"".a-"p..' "i ~'~""nfi fih'''fl~lU~'·.fl "'",..,., .. "" h ,,,-.. " '\ , , ! "----/ , , -l-, ~-------------NE 23R0-S"TFffr---.. '~I------------------------------,--\ ~ , I " '""" ' I ~ I I, """'""",,,,0' " " : ,w< c ,,,", " : I , , ~,,,,, q.o.l"IAV-s> ' I ' W\~;E ' , : """'~" : I : ,[ ______________ \'''r~' " '-----, I! _ ----------, I ! : . _. -- -----:' : I I s \0 ., , I ' , 0 20 I ' " 1"" .... ' l' '"""' UC~ SCALE, 1~.40· 1 I I 1 I' ~S:,\:). I ' : -, "","'''-" , cal C"'-,."GO'*" I 1 v.lit~, 1 (lie WJ ''''''..<100: , 1 II, fOOI,"IJ IIiOHm:, ' !l!! ~",",.n "', , , ' UWJ.ATrO C(lRIjffi , : I!i I ri-.. _ ,",'".", ~I."':(,"C) '81,M (DITD) _, ' ~'----0 15"" ~ ------..,. .. L ___ ------------~ 2500", ~ 96.22' _, 1_ ~S.OO' -I' -105.00' ~I 1 -----1--, 1 I I "0 ' i5 '--,0 e " I ,~ , : ,q g " I " "'"" ~" 'DO .. ' , • ~ i? ' , "'" ,!l !.~! e ? 4 • ' , ""'" 'I '-""",'"" .",') ~ 3 -, ,-'" ;0, " 1 I ~ I to 5,RODSQ,f '-' ': ~ , ~--I' ';. _ : " i !i' ""'"""\, ." , "'," 5 ~ " --,\-w ~ 2 ',_ 1 ~ , ,e ,~~ _ '~~"~, ""~' ":--_ ~ , ,------------!" ,,''''" " '-=' ,i"", '"'~' --,",W-, -,"co -, ~ ill " ,1 'J " ,.'"0.,<> ,,_ Z r --------, , ,_ "W _ -'en-__ ".", , o , , • , '" ~ -----" !'~OO \ N88"'.,~ '1500 -f, 1_ _ ~'" z " '-iN:"'" ~ .~_ ': I .... "\ .~ , , , ;; 1 -, "" i'lII.."': " !i ~ , 0 § ,,..,, , " , '"",,,, ,. -d.l . 5 " 6 , ~' ",0" ~ :: I~ ",,,,~m ~ g -;: ~ ',m" " " .,'. " c ,." C,,,"," ,''' w , , D"I:;"! '"""",,,,, z " "00' "'"~8 "" ., ~" " '! :, r·· 'l~CO' '-,",'" -' -"w~_, ' , J __ 'M'lO"n "'" <0 o g ~'4'.'~' 0 ~ , ..L NE 21ST 51 'R i'I:'ioT "A m" ~ ,.~" "Y ~ -----------~-----~ --.. -----.---~-~----N88'2o'09'w 130.2J'(0CED) r-ITHlIP(JIil;OH~O!:ru'£DT01HEP\lBIXUS(fDRROO : ,--,-, """"""" "'''~'" ~ "'",,, , , ~ (iS1~ ---. T , T , , ,--, , , i!~ , , REC NO.: 7705220930 , , , , , , , , , RAylBROWN Sfi()RT PLAT , ~ , , , , , , , I , , PLAT NG SHORT E Q r--"' SW;/4'OF NWI/4 OF SEC. H23N~5E, W,1l SHT 1lR''''"B"1 JM5(Kt.lM M"·sr~ GHAu 18215 nNO AVENUE SOUTH •• DIlle/a) 5UIMY FU~ CAMIE NO 3 ~ KENT, WA 98032 ~~"~ 1lJV" ,~ (425)251-6222 SCAle ,-g 40' 1530 33RD AVENUE SOUTH OF 1 ~Jt.: C'HK[fl 9'1 J~S SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98144 , ~ to I' '": (425)251-8782 FAX ~ ~ 5 I .t o ~ ., 00 1165~ 3 ~~ \, . ~ .;-: CIVIL [NGINlERING, LAN~~~~:~ES PIIDJI:cT NO, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON '--"( ,..9-SlI"M.YING EJ>MRONIAE 12653SPOI.dog e {'~W~ I-'1;G e-HGI""-' "l ,-. I , :: \ --_._- ATLAS OF SUnLB ",..,......... .............. IIftOLL IUPCOW",",IKC. KATTLI! """",E-l...;:t<.>OII1'KI" lEGEND """"""" ...... @ ..., __ t::J __ __ Cl __ Hi' !~ i 1 ~ :0: ~ ~ ~ , -, , ~ !: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ I 'I I i~ I ,~.~\sF:::::::;;:'==~l-'~·::~::i~~·~:~·'NE~t==:if=c'~;;;;;=:;;~~::- ---, -I i I, : II .. -~ ,'- " ~",_v , r , 0 § "~ .. ~ , ~ 'Ij § ~ :~ "' m G ~~~ ! , , I , I i ' I 1 ! I --I-.. , .,-(', l~j1'i i ~~~~ , ~;~~Z~ ~~";:~~ ~w ~~ ~ , ,. ! hl , , , i 16215 i2ND ~1'E1fJ[ SllllTH KOff. WA 96032 (425)151-6222 (~25)2~1-SI82 fAX "I ~~'g~ ~u ~~~f ~i~; g~~~ ~ ~;~ h~~ X~~ ~~t~ ~~~ ~ ~~ '-) > , ! I !Ii~ ~i~~ ~~~~ i-~~" ~:~~ t;~i ;~!I ". 'I! ., ., i 16 - "''''-~(Dfi>,-'\r--- PAEU4NARY SHORT PlAT FOR CAMIE NG PROPERTY JUN 192007 RECEIVED " 18215 12MD ~\fE~UE soun; K£I1T. WA gB03:l (.25)251-6222 (~)2~1-S,1!:l Flit. g 5 l • g m ~~ 2 Ii !!! ! ~ , CAME NO 1530 33ID AVENUE SOUTH SEATILE, WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 I ~ , ~ I 1i !' -, ~~ ~~ ;~ .-, J®~~ i r " -! ~ ~~ " !, z ~~ 0 'I ! " i!i.l -PfELI.tNAFI'Y 'T'EMPORARY EROSION N£) SEDt.1ENT A T10N CONTROL PLAN FOR CAM1E NG PROPERTY O€VElOPMENT PLANNING OIlY OF RENTON JUN 192007 RECEIVED -~ ~-~-""i4 ~ i ~-,Ii<t" >'\''''"'''' , CMENQ 0530 3:HJ AVENUE SOU11-I SEAT11...E, WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 ~ i ~~~~ r \ ' " 0 II! ~ z II; 0 )l~ ~l:l , -PFlEL..MNAAY GRADING AND ORAINA.QE FOR CAM1E NG PROPERTY -'" VI:LOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF AEHTON JUN 192007 RECEIVED 0' I , Ji : ; , , l , i 1 , 12653 r' 1,- ~ , " CAAIE NO 1530 33AJ AVEMJE SOl1TH SEATILE, WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 -,-"', ::. ': :: =':;'''=''J.::' '1"1"1 ""' ..... - ~ WATER AN) SEWER f'l..AN FOR CAM1E NG PROPERTY JEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF I'IEtnON JUN 19 2001 RECEIVED · . CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ~3 Al #: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: February 4, 2008 DeptlDiv/Board .. Development Services Division Staff Contact. ..... Carrie K. Olson x7235 Agenda Status Consent.. ............ X Subject: Public Hearing .. Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with Correspondence .. City of Renton code for new short plats and the Ordinance ............. Carnie Ng Short Plat (LUA07-043). Resolution ............ Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... Deed of Dedication Study Sessions ...... Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Information ......... Hearing Examiner's Report Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur Legal Dept.. ....... X Finance Dept ..... ' X Other. .............. Fiscal Impact: N/A Expenditure Required ... Transfer/Amendment ....... Amount Budgeted ....... Revenue Generated ......... Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The area to be dedicated is 30' x 130', approximately 3,909 sq. ft., required to extend NE 21" Street. This dedication is to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Carnie Ng Short Plat (LUA07-043). Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Ng (Carnie) SHPL 02m AGNBILL doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of RenlOn 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 042305-9134-04 Project File #: LUA-07-043 Street Intersection: l1arringron Place NE and NE 21 st Street Referenre Number(s) of Documents assigned or relea:;ed" Additional reference numbers are on page ____ " Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I. Thach Nguyen and Carnie Ng I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRJPTJON: (Abbreviated orfull legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) Portion of the North halfofthe South halfofthe Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 N0I1h. Range 5 East. Willamette Meridian The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantec(s) as named above, Ihe above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: Grantor(s): Granlee(s): City of Renton Thach Nguyen Mayor -Ben i s Law Carnie Ng City Clerk -Bonnie Walton INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Nota!)' Seal must be within box signed Ihis instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Jlfo'msixxxFRMfAGREEi I 2653-F-Deed of Dedication-2007-12-03.DOCIID FORM 04 000 J/hh Page I · . Project: Carnie Ng Short Plat WO# 77750 PID Exhibit A Legal Description GRANTOR: Thach Nguyen & Carnie Ng Street: NE 21 $1 Street The South 30 feet of the following described property, abutting and adjoining NE 21" Street: That portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, described as follows: BEGINNING at the West quarter corner of said Section 4; THENCE North 0"31'05" East 609.36 feet; THENCE South 88"18'09" East 1010.70 feet; THENCE South 0'39'36" West 23809 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 0"39'36" West 218.09 feet; THENCE South 88"19'03" East 280.23 feet; THENCE North 00"33'38" East 217.89 feet; THENCE North 88"18'36" West 281.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed by deeds recorded under Recording No. 4897237 and 5333619; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No. 5359639. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington HformslxxxFRMIAGREEI12653-F-Deed of Dedication-2007-12-03.DOO ID FORM 04 OQOllbh Page 2 , . Map Exhibit , t~ 1E2ISTST ----------' Hfo,msixxxFRMI AGREEi J 2653 -F -Deed of Dedication-2007 -12-03 .DOC\ 10 FORM 04 OOOllbh 1" ·50' Page 3 ~ 1::10ol, \::tl) it.l' 'vIII vr I'\I:.I1IIVI'4 MJ'IV l,nlfU I.;IVV , .... ,\ v.,. _ ... _ ... w ••• ___ .. _ illATIONS ARE GPS DERNED, AND A NETWORK ANALYSIS INCLUDING CflY OF RENTON CONTROL :>rATIONS 57, 369, 1668 AND OTHER MONUMENTATION WAS PERFORMED. WE HELD CONTROL STATION 57 :OR POSITION, THE LINE BETWEEN CONTROL STATION 57 TO CONTROL STATION 369 FOR ROTATION AND CONTROL STATION 369 FOR ELEVATION. SITE AREA TOTAL LAND AREA = 42,000 SQUARE FEET (0.964 ACRES) OF LAND AREA OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION = 3,909 SQUARE FEET OF LAND SITE ADDRESS 2132 HARRINGTON PLACE NE, SEATILE, WA 98056 ,---Nf27ir;:G:T~~_~MAY CREEK NE 27TH ST PARK w Z w ~ :g -' Q SITE z o ::::;; o w NE 21ST. ST OWN. NO SCALE Vicinity Map NG ,---- SHORT CAMIE" NG NORTH HIGHLANDS PARK PLAT 1530 33RD A VENUE SOUTH· SEA TTLE. WASHINGTON 98144 BY DATE JOB NO. JMS/KMM 4/18/2007 12653 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET JMS N/A 1 OF 3 July 2, 2007 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT/CONTACT: OWNERS: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 nnd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 CamieNg 153033'" Ave S Seattle, W A 98144 Renton Properties Short Plat LUA-07-043, SHPL-H 2132 Harrington Place NE Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for the development of a 6-lot subdivision of 2 parcels of land totaling approximately 41,995 sf. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on June 19,2007. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the June 26, 2007 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, June 26,2007, at 9:02 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testifY were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. ~-".-,-- Exhibit No.3: Aerial Photograph Exhibit No.4: Zoning Map Exhibit No.5: Preliminarv Short Plat Exhibit No.6: Slope Analysis Map . Exhibit No.7: Preliminary Tree Retention Plan Exhibit No.8: Preliminary Landscape Plantin..,8 Plan Renton Properties Short PI~, File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2,2007 Page 2 I Exhibit No.9: Setbacks Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The project is located in northeast Renton in an area that is generally developed with single-family residences. Hyde Park Condominiums are located to the east. The proposal is to combine two lots and subdivide them into six new lots and one access tract to the west that would be dedicated for street improvements. The property to the north, west and south is zoned R-8, the same as the subject property, east is zoned R-IO. The property currently has a single-family residence on it, which would be removed prior to recording of the final plat. The 6 lots have an average size of approximately 6,000 square feet each, the total area is 35,828 square feet. Following deductions a net density arrives at 7.30 dwelling units per acre, which is within the allowed range of the R-8 zone. The east property boundary has some steep slopes, they are within the setback area of Lot 4, it will not be an issue for this subdivision. The property is covered with mature vegetation and where possible these trees would be retained. A landscape plan has been submitted showing the landscaping that has been planned for the abutting right-of-way, The project meets the objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan Designation in the Land Use Element and Community Design Element. This project will be denser than the surrounding properties, however, the two lots in the back will be screened by the four lots in the front thereby decreasing the impact on the area, The project further meets the development standards of the R-8 zone in tenns of Density and Lot Dimensions. There are some setbacks that will need to be adjusted. Some setbacks were shown to be larger than actually needed, front setbacks are required to be only IS-feet for primary structure and 20-feet for attached garage. The side setback along the side abutting the private access easement must be IS-feet from the edge of the access tract, it has been suggested that the property line be shifted to the east. Compliance with the building standards will be verified prior to the issuance of building permits. All lots comply with the Subdivision Regulations with regards to Lot Arrangement, Size, Shape, and Orientation of the lots. The Boundaries are reasonable, the access is good for projects with lots in back. This project was exempt from Environmental Review, however, as a condition of approval, Traffic, Fire and Parks Mitigation Fees will be required. TomBarghausen, 18215 nod Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 stated that the private tract made more sense than private easement. With a private tract, the two properties that benefit from the access are actually responsible for the maintenance and ownership purposes. Those owners have ownership and are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the tract. They do intend to make a shift between Lots 5 and 6, from the 110 feet for those two lots, they intend to shift the line between the two lots by 6-feet, making Lot 5 60-feet wide and Lot 6 50-feet wide. Jane Keesecker, 2124 Harrington Place NE, Renton, W A stated that she was the owner of the small cutout section southwest of this project. She was surprised as to how nice the plans for this project were. Her major concerns include fencing around her property, curbing and sidewalks where will they be placed. She had Renton Properties Short Plat File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2,2007 Page 3 concerns regarding the dedicated ROW that is going to be 20-feet while their property has a 30-foot ROW, how will that affect their property. She wondered why they could not get some of their property back as well. Elizabeth Higgins stated that the original submission showed a 20-foot ROW, however that was an error and it has been corrected to show a 30-foot ROW along NE 21 st Street. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated code requirements state that the road must be improved out to Harrington so that the properties can use the road as an access. It must be fire safe (a minimum of20-feet wide pavement). The "Fee in Lieu of' portion of the code may be applied for by this developer, they can pay the City the amount of money that it would cost the City to put in improvements sometime in the future. If a developer were to re-develop a large section, then the City would take money from that fund and start filling in the area. If frontage improvements were to be put in now, it could disturb the stonn drainage that is working in that area. Mr. Barghausen offered to build a 6-foot solid wood fence on two sides of the Keesecker property. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:41 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Alexia Dorsch of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., filed a request for a Short Plat approval. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 2132 Harrington Place NE. The subject site is located on the east side of Harrington Place and north of NE 21 st Street as extended. 6. The map element ofthe Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of detached single-family homes, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family - 8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1796 enacted in October 1959. 9. The subject site consists of two adjoining parcels that total 0.96 acres. One parcel is 0.31 acres while the second parcel is 0.65 acres. The two parcels combined are L-shaped. The subject site is approximately 281 feet deep (east to west) and approximately 218 feet wide. The frontage along Harrington is 108 feet long while the frontage on what will be the extension of NE 21 st is 130 feet long. Renton Properties Short Plat File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2, 2007 Page 4 10. The proposal would combine the parcels and re-divide them into six (6) lots and two tracts. One tract would be an access roadway for interior lots while the second tract would actually be dedicated for the extension ofNE 21st Street to the eastern edge of the plat. II. The subject site has a slope of approximately 13 percent generally but drops steeply near its northeast comer. The 13 percent grade is not regulated but the slope along the east is regulated but staff noted that the slope falls in a setback area that would not be developed or disturbed. 12. An existing home is located on the western third of the subject site and would be removed if the plat is approved. 13. The eastern two-thirds of the subject site is heavily wooded and a survey found 85 significant trees. The Director determined that 25% of those trees much be retained. The applicant agreed to retain 29"10 of those trees. In addition, code requires two trees to be planted in the front yards of the new lots. 14. The applicant proposes creating six lots. Proposed Lots I and 2 would be located on and accessed from Harrington. Proposed Lots 5 and 6 would be located on and accessed from NE 21st Street. Proposed Lots 3 and 4 would be interior lots. These two lots would be accessed from Tract B, a private tract that would enter the site from NE 21st Street. 15. Staff noted that a side yard street setback would be required for Proposed Lot 5 adjacent to Tract B. Staff suggested that its common lot line with Proposed Lot 6 be shifted eastward to accommodate a buildable lot and appropriate side yard setback. The applicant agreed it would be appropriate. Appropriate setbacks will also be required on Proposed Lots 3 and 4 from the access tract. 16. As noted, the new lots will be accessed from Harrington and NE 21 st. NE 21 st Street will terminate near the east property line of the subject site since a steep slope east of that location would prevent its extension eastward. A private extension of Jefferson Avenue NE runs north to south just east of the subject site but does directly abut the subject site. In addition, a steep slope separates the subject site from that private right-of-way. Staff has recommended that no access be permitted to the east from Proposed Lots 4 and 6. 17. The density for the plat would be 7.3 dwelling units per acre after subtracting roadways. 18. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to generate approximately 3 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 19. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 50 new trips for the five new single-family homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 5 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. 20. Stormwater systems are located in Harrington. The analysis required by the City shows the site is exempt from detention requirements. Stormwater would be tightlined to the existing system but if the soils are suitable, infiltration may be used. 21. Sewer and water will be provided by the City. Hookup and special district fees are applicable to this development. Renton Properties Short Plat File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2,2007 Page 5 22. The applicant agreed to provide a fence along its southern and western property lines to benefit the neighboring property owner. The fence will be subject to City review to assure it does not interfere with sight lines for those on the streets or using the driveways. 23. The City has adopted mitigation fees for transportation improvements, fire services and parks and recreational needs based on an analysis of the needs and costs of those services. These fees are applied to new development to help offset the impacts new homes and residents have on the existing community and the additional demand for services. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed Short Plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The subdivision will create five new building lots for detached single-family homes in keeping with both the zoning and comprehensive plan for this area. 2. The redevelopment of the subject site will increase the tax base of the City and help offset some of the impacts of the new development. The City has identified specific services that the City provides that are additional, affected by new development. The development will increase the demands on the City's parks, roads and emergency services. The applicant shall therefore help offset those impacts by providing mitigation that matches the fees established by the City. 3. The proposed lots are in the main rectangle with two lots slightly skewed to allow an access tract to gain entry to interior portions of the lot. The creation of a separate access tract will clarifY ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the access. 4. The applicant will be preserving the steeper slopes on the site since they will be incorporated into a rear yard setback. The applicant also proposes preserving more than two dozen ofthe significant trees found on the site while adding new trees to the front yard areas as required by Code. 5. The applicant will have to provide appropriate setbacks from access roads and may shift a lot line as required to provide appropriate lot size or setbacks. 6. In conclusion, the proposed short appears reasonable and is approved. DECISION: The Short Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: I. The existing structure, including the attached garage, must be removed or demolished prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. The fee is payable prior to the recording of the plat. 3. A Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (fESCP) shall be required. The TESCP shall be designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements outlined in Volume II of the most recent Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Renton Properties Short PIa, File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2,2007 Page 6 4. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family structure, shall be payable prior to the recording ofthe plat. 5. A Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per each new single-family residence shall be payable prior to the recording of the plat. 6. The face of the plat shall contain language that prohibits any access to the east from Proposed Lots 4 and 6. ORDERED THIS 2nd day of July 2007 TRANSMmED THIS 2nd day of July 2007 to the parties of record: Elizabeth Higgins 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Jane Keesecker 2124 Harrington Place NE Renton, W A 98056 Don Cochran 2132 Harrington Place NE Renton, W A 98056 Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 CamieN} 153033 Ave S Seattle, W A 98144 Elizabeth Rogers 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Ste. B-I08 Renton, W A 98056 TRANSMmED THIS 2nd day of July 2007 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker Mark Peterson, Fire Tom Barghausen Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Suzette Cuizon 2200 Harrington Place NE Renton, W A 98056 Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Renton Reporter Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., July 16, 2007. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review Renton Properties Short Plat File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2, 2007 Page 7 by the Examiner within fourteen (\4) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75 .00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., July 16, 2007. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains tbe requirement for Restrictive Covenants, tbe executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. · . PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: June 26, 2007 Project Name: Owners: Applicant/Contact: File Number: Project Summary: Project Location: Renton Properties Short Plat Camie Ng 1530 -33'd Ave S Seattle WA 98144 Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 -72"d Ave S Kent W A 98032 LUA-07-043, SHPL-H Project Manager: Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner The applicant has requested review and approval of a 6-lot subdivision of 2 parcels of land totaling approximately 41,995 sf. The property is zoned Residential 8 (8 dwelling units per net acre). The proposed density is 7.30 du/a. An existing single-family residence would be removed prior to redevelopment into new single-family residential structures. 2132 Harrington Place NE H:IDivision.sIDevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ingIPROJECTSI07-043.EIizabelhlRenlon Properties HEXRPT.doc ~ . ." f 8 R-l R-l <ll 'p . ...: .s:: '0 l~ s:: • ..-< ,~ R-8(P>£ Rt-H1, '------.r(" , RC ~ , -' -~--.-.. _-,-. .JI r--v---; / / ( SE 98t , ('..::::===\ SE 99t SE lOOt ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL SERVICES DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M 0 RAN DUM August 20, 2009 Carrie Olson, Lead Office Assistant u~y Moya, Records Management Specialist Returned Recorded Documents: Deed of Dedication (Ng Short Plat -LUA-07-043) The attached document has been recorded with King County and is being returned to you. Please forward copies to parties of interest. The original will be retained by the City Clerk's Office. Thank you. Attachment cc: LUA-07-043 Bob MacOnie h:lcityclerklrecords specialist\correspondence & memos -cindy\recorded documents\deed of dedication -olson.doc Refilm Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION E2392165 05/Z8/Z009 08:56 KING COUNTY, lolA TAX $10.00 SALE $0.00 III1 I 09 PAGE001 OF 001 Property Tax Parcel Number: 042305-9134-04 Project File #: LUA-07-043 Street Intersection: Harrington P]ace NE and NE 21st Street Rerereu("e Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grante.(s): I. Thach Nguyen and Carnie Ng I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or/lIlilegal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) Portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, . Township 23 North, Range 5 East. Willamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King. State of Washington, IN WITNESS WHBREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written belo"'. Approved and Accepted By: Grantor(s): Thach Nguyen '(f" camie""~ INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box City Clerk -Bonnie Walton STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING) 7 . . M I certify that I,know Ot have satisfactory evidence that IlltACh ~yL1y O} ~ 1LLa11 eo Nc? signed this instrument and '1 to be his/her/their free and voluntaI)' act for the uses and purposes mentioned in e instrument. =:~[ O'UA~X WJ)tUil ... "0 I ..... __ [ ~I' in al)Jifor thl' State of Washington ,.( m. . '-fA'll trY l--j&JU.l J11Jln -. -~ . My appointmen; yxpires: /'I1lU-I. if, .2 0 U Dated: //7100/ I , , I Hfonns/xxxFRMlAGREEli 2653 .008_doe\ i Page ( fORM 04 OOO,lbh '- Project: Carnie Ng Short Plat WO# 77750 PID Exhibit A Legal Description GRANTOR: Thach Nguyen & Camie Ng Street: NE 21 SI Street The South 30 feet of the following described property, abutting and adjoining NE 21" Street: That portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, described as follows: BEGINNING at the West quarter corner of said Section 4; THENCE North 0'31'05" East 609.36 feet; THENCE South 88'18'09" East 1010.70 feet; THENCE South 0'39'36" West 238.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 0'39'36" West 218.09 feet; THENCE South mr1 9'03" East 280.23 feet; THENCE North 00'33'38" East 217.89 feet; THENCE North 88'18'36" West 281.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed by deeds recorded under Recording No. 4897237 and 5333619; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No. 5359639 Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington HformslxxxFRMI AGREE! 126 53 ;008. doc\ i Page 2 FORM 04 000 IIbh MAP EXHIBIT ~ W SBB'19'42"E ,,,.o"I("'L"} "'''."''''''lJJ ~~~7~------~~----__ ~ ~, I Htorms/x>xPRMI AGREE/! 2653 .008. doc\ i REC. NO.ln06220930 I CAMIE NG l' = 50' RIGHT OF WAY Page 3 12653 Sheef 1 FORM D4 OOOl/bh ( ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL SERVICES DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM July 1, 2009 Carrie Olson, Lead Office Assistant cJA Cindy Moya, Records Management Specialist Returned Recorded Documents: Bill of Sale -Ng Short Plat (SHP-07-043) Recording #20090507000876 The attached document has been recorded with King County and is being returned to you. Please forward copies to parties of interest. The original will be retained by the City Clerk's Office. Thank you. Attachment cc: SHP-07-043 h:lcityclerklrecords specialist\correspondence & memos -cindy\recorded documents\biJI of sale memo.doc • Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 BILL OF SALE I Proj Name: Project File #: LUA 07-043 NG SHORT PLAT Street Intersection: Property Tax Parcel Number: 042305-9134 042305-9210 Harrington Place N.E.! Address: N.E. 21 st Street Reference Numbcr(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): L Carnie Ng and Thach Nguyen I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2_ The Grantor, as named above, for, and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and delivers to the Grantee, as named above, the following described personal property: WATER SYSTEM: Length Size IY!l£ L.F. of " Water Main L.F. of ,. Water Main L.F. of " Water Main each of ., Gate Valves each of " Gate Valves each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size IY!l£ 110 L.F. of 8 " PVC Sewer Main L.f. of ,. Sewer Main L.F. of " Sewer Main each of " Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes each of " Li ft Stations STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Size IY!l£ L.F. of " Storm Main L.F. of " Storm Main L.F. of " Storm Main each of " Storm InleUOutlet each of .. Storm Catch Basin each of " Manhole STREET IMPROVMENTS: (Including Curb, Gurter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 0 L.F. Asphalt Pavement: 140 SYor L. F. of Width STREET LIGHTING: OD3'tab # of Poles d-OO ,? • By this convl!yance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sate ht!reby made ulllO tilt' Grantee agaimt all and every person <lr rersol1s. v.h01n~Oeyer, lawfully dillmmu or!n l'Iaim the ~mme. Thi::; C(l1weVJlleC shall bind the heir~_ execulors, administrators and assi!llls rorever. 12653.01 Ldoc\ih Page I • IN WITNESS W~~OF' said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this 10th day of March, 2009. / / ---r4".L ~ /' ~ie Ng Thact;NuyOh./ INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notar S~I must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS , • rOll"'T): Of KING ) I certify that I k ow or have satisfactory evidence that Carnie Ng and Thach Nguyen Notary Pubkf;igned this inst ment and acknowledged it to be hislhertfu!!! free and voluntary act SIaIe Of 'lValNng/arlhe uses an ~UM;ntz:;n S;{'rrlli1AA JENlFER L WIU~ I -qCUn..,. ,.... MQ\, 4, 2011 -" . Publ ~ ~d for ~~e State of Washington !'rotary'(!'fmO ,JtkJI:{er /-. VIIa .. LI11 teVl My appointmln; j?ires: Dated: .3 /0 '0'1 5,l':# .;2,,(') II REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOJf'LEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF A.CKNOJVl.EDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of , 20 __ , before me personally appeared to me known to , be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: 12653.011 doc\jh Page 2 Denis Law Mayor May 18, 2009 Damien Hooper Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue 5 Kent, WA 98032 Department of Community & Economic Development SUBJECT: Expiration period for Renton Properties Short Plat City of Renton File LUA07-043, SHPL-H Dear Mr. Hooper: The City of Renton Planning Division approved the above referenced application on July 2, 2007. This approval is ordinarily good for two (2) year(s). Pursuant to RMC 4-7-050M of the Renton Municipal Code, you may upon written request, prior to the expiration of the project, receive a single one (1)-year extension from the Planning Division. In addition to the above one (1)-year extension, the City Council under Ordinance No. 5452 (enclosed), has granted an extension o/the period o/validity an land use and subdivision approvols. Therefore, certain land use and/or subdivision approvals expiring after April 1, 2009, upon written request and prior to the expiration of the project, may receive an additional one-time two (2)-year extension beyond the standard expiration date listed in RMC 4-8 and RMC 4-9. Our records indicate that the above referenced application will expire on July 2,2009. This letter is to inform you that prior to the expiration date of this project, you may submit a written request for the standard extension the project would normally receive under RMC 4-7, RMC 4-8, and RMC 4-9, as well as request the additional two (2)-year extension under Ordinance No. 5452. Please be aware that this extension does not apply to temporary use permits, building permits, or public works permits. Also, this provision shall automatically expire on December 31,2010, and shall be removed from the code at that time unless another ordinance is passed extending this date. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Laureen Nicolay at (425) 430-7294. Sincerely, \ / -""~ct+-- C.<2-V ,~~ C. E. Vincent Planning Director Enclosure: Copy of Ordinance #5452 cc: Camie Ng / Owner/Applicant City of Renton File No. LUA07-043, SHPL-H Chip Vincent, Planning Director Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Neil Watts, Development Services Director Kayren Kittrick, Development Engineering Supervisor Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING} AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Daniele M Ledvina, being fIrst duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement fonn) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Pnblic Notice was published on June 13,2007. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$79.80. --O~ 1Y1 ctuL~~ . --.. Daniele M Leavma Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 22 nd day of June, 2007. aD ~/IlTJ B D Cantelon "\\"UII,,, " PT 1/ ... " 0i'-'~ tl. I,;" .:-Q •.•.•..••• OA/" ~ rr. ~.·:SS\ON E"X;;,·. 'v ~ ~~ "'. ~~' '9..~ ~ ::: :a'S: ~;.. ~ lu N01F\R'i \ Z ~ -;:. <F :. p\JBLIC : 0 = ";_ .~".. l J-.:: ~. _,' .•• 0 ,,<::J. " ... ."'r.'/}~ •••• ~/o~ !'2-~~ ........ ~ .$ 'J, ': 0 ....... :!" , .... "f'lll F vn'-,S \", ""1111\\\\ Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Kent, Washington P. O. Number: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARlNG RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Ren ton City Hall, 105fl South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on June 26, 2007 at 9:00 AM to consider the following petitions: Renton Properties Short Plat LUA07 -043, SHPIrH Location: 2132 Hanington Place NE. Description: The applicant has requested review and approval of a 6-10t subdivision of approximately 41,995 sf of land. The process requires a Hearing Examiner Short Plat. The property is zoned Residential 8 (8 dwelling units per net acre). The proposed density is 7.14 du/a .. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Questions should be directed to the Hearing Exa.miner at 425-430--6515 . Published in the Renton Reporter June 13,2007. #863554 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 20,2009 Bonnie Walton, City Clerk's Office Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced original mylars and three paper copies of the mylar for recording with King County. The recording instructions in order are as/allows: I. Record the short plat mylars. 2. Record the Deed of Dedication document and request King County to write the recording numbers in the spaces provided on the short plat mylar. 3. Request King County to return one of the executed mylars to us for our records. Please have the Courier take these documents via 8-hour service. A check in the amount of $15 .81 made out to Champion Couriers is attached. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000000.007.5590.0060.49.000003. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Ce· Kayren Kittrick (Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin (Please provide PID/recording #'5 to Sonja, Carrie, and Patrick) Yellow File IU:IPlanReviewlCOLSON\Shortplats 2009ING (Carnie) SHPL 12m ClerkRecord.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 20, 2009 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above-mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled, fees paid. Two original mylars are attached and are submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylars to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Yellow File \\I;\PlanReview\COLSONlShortplats 2009ING (Carnie) SHPL 11m ZimSign.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 30, 2009 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review CAMIE NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: Short Plat drawings. Also provide the following infonnation requested by Gregg Zimmennen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accegted Related Comments NA "i. Proiect #s 7 As-Builts ~ Cost Data Inventory IV~ Bill of Sale V Easements "i. (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication "i. Square Footage: 3,909 Restrictive Covenants "i. Fee In Lieu of: $8,208.00 Paid U070153 Maintenance Bond ,,/ R~ease Pennit Bond /J V- Comments: Apc--'l n fI .;( '-~ ,AjJJ~ I ~fJ); , -I Approval: :;:--\j,J..)-=-:' =:-:-' _ .. ~:..:;.fj-" . .:..::.... . .L/_-{-,'!"!', ic..-'!J'----_,-:-_-:-:----:--"---=-_-' Kayren Kittrick Ameta Henninger Cc: Yellow File I:lPlanReviewlCOLSONlShortplats 2009\NG (Camie) SIIPL 09m PR ReviewStartdoc CITY OF RENTON ~S'CS; PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS -tt,fll) '/VS'" MEMORANDUM uCjtlto,," 6'~ V -, I-.s.<9~A~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 6, 2009 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 cO NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL I-~ Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of compliance • Lot closures • Deed of Dedication v" • Utili~'; • Short Plat drawings V- If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. APprova;-=-,@:--=-3'j~~-=, \J-:-"",CS22,.,..,,~,---\--=---:-c=--____ .' Date: 12.; l? =1 Robert T ifac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser ~ Cc; Yellow File 1:lPlanReviewlCOlSON\Shortplats 2009\NG (Carnie) SHPL 06m PR-TS ReviewStartdoc CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: December 3, 2007 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 tD NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of compliance • Short Plat Certificate • Lot closures • Deed of Dedication • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. APprova0i"tffi~, J61~~)fj' \lc~~@ate:~ Robert T ac On ie, Jr. S ·a F er Cc: Yellow File 1:lPIanReviewlCOLSON\Shortpl8l8 2007INQ (Camie) SHPL Olm PR-TS ReviewStarldoc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: , CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 18, 2008 Jennifer Henning, Planning (Nancy) Carrie Olson, Plan Review6) Ng (Camie) SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Attached is the LUA folder for the short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. If you find any short plat requirements that have not been properly addressed, please let me know. Please return comments and folder to me by Monday, February 25,2008, so I can proceed to final recording. Thanks. • Mitigation Fees for Sidewalk (fee in lieu), Traffic, Park and Fire for 5 lots will be paid prior to recording. • Demo Permit B080045 has not been finaled. , Date: ~ /-Z-t;fp Y Ce: Yellow File I:IPlanReviewICOLSONlShortplats 200SINg (Camie) SHPL 04m PlanningReview.doo DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 18, 2008 Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie K. Olson, Development ServiceslPlan Review X723S& NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your information. If you have comments or changes in addressing, please let me know. ) "bJD~ \\I:\PlanReviewlCOLSON\Shortplats 20081Ng (Carnie) SHPL OSm JanC.doc Printed: 04-30-2009 Payment Made: -'::ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U070153 10/18/2007 04:40 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,654.02 Payee: BARGHAUSEN Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 62725 1,654.00 Payment Cash .02 Account Balances Amount 187.l7 378.24 719.40 369.21 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3025 305.00.344.85.0003 Sidewalk Mitigation Fee .00 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assrnt Dist, Sewer .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 5025 000.322.10.00.0017 Street Lighting Fee .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 R0705623 Printed: 05-14-2009 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07-043 05/14/200904:08 PM Receipt Number: R0901972 Total Payment: 9,213.31 Payee: VISA -RENE M PHAM ***4961 Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code 3021 5045 5050 303.000.00.345.85 304.000.00.345.85 305.000.00.344.85 Payments made for this receipt Description Park Mitigation Fee Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Amount 3,184.56 2,440.00 3,588.75 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Credit C VISA Account Balances Trans Account Code 3021 3025 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5024 5036 5045 5050 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 305.00.344.85.0003 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 304.000.00.345.85 305.000.00.344.85 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 650. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Visa Description Park Mitigation Fee Sidewalk Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat POD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgrnt Shoreline Subst Oev Site Plan Approval Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) DO NOT USE -USE 3954 Postage Tax 9,213.31 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Printed: 04-30-2009 Payment Made: "":ITY OF RENTON 1 055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U070153 02/14/2008 12:05 PM Receipt Number: R0800699 Total Payment: 68,937.77 Payee: NW EXCEPTIONAL HOMES Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3025 305.00.344.85.0003 Sidewalk Mitigation Fee 8,208.00 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 187.17 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 378.24 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 7,955.00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 719.40 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer 34,725.75 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-ot-way Constructn 90.00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water 11,180.00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl 369.21 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation 65.00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw 5,060.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 10900 68,937.77 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3025 305.00.344.85.0003 Sidewalk Mitigation Fee .00 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-ot-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 5025 000.322.10.00.0017 Street Lighting Fee .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 · . WWW.BECU.ORG I 800-233-232 _f. A _ ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS TO THE CITY OF RENTON Owner: Branch: --~--------------------f. u ,b)o > ].28 Address: ~~~~~~~~--------Address: Phone: Fax: Attention: Title: The above referenced b:wIs. herebJ;:, 5e]1ifjes that $ [Bank Name! 1l 6 i 8'0, ? ~ is on deposit in account # ~04VI:2't,?q-, under the name of thc City of Renton, to secure the applicant's perfonnance of the following work required in connection with the plat or project described below: Plat or Project: N G 5, Ho~" f'u1i. LUi! b Ci -0'( 3- I / Location/Address of Plat or Project: HA,f.re.r,v6v,J (~ N< J-,vf z.15" )7 fV~ The required work is generally described as follows: Z") -rf-£7j S! j"" >7 Al-U j;J .r ·""--'11 (A, ,jft/l./i! P l=Q~ 3 'i~AIL S The bank hereby certifies and agrees that these funds will not be released without written instructions from an authorized agent of the City of Renton (the City). We further agree that these funds will be paid to the City within 10 days of receiving written notice that the City has detennined that the required work has not been properly perfonned. The bank shall have no duty or right to evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of any such notice or detennination by the City and shall not interplead or in any manner delay payment of said funs to the City. The applicant hereby agrees to this Assignment of Funds and that its obligation to perfonn the required work is not limited to the amount of funds held by the bank. This Assignment of funds is irrevocable and cannot be cancelled by the bank or applicant. Thcse funds may not be assigned, pledged, used as security or otherwise made available to the applicant, bank or third party without the prior written consent of the City. Applicant Au thOfiZedS{ gna ture Authorized Signature £U~ lblrJD,MW(Ju,,:ew11£ W· Name, Title Name, Title Jj{, VJDq Date Date C:\[)ocuments and Set1ings\tisinru\LocaJ Settillgs\Tcmpurary Intemet Filcs\OLK8B\Rentoll -AssigrHRh\hofr~,cfuoltlk. WA. 9SI~,[·~17ro;o "rore thall just money Iltetj-c · . March 31, 2008 Bob West 3904 Park Avenue North Renton, W A 98056 SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL AT CAMIE NG SHORT PLAT (FILE NO. LUA07-043) Dear Mr. West, The Carnie Ng Short Plat was required to retain 25 percent of trees located on site. The applicant proposed retaining 25 trees, or 29% of the existing trees, thus complying with the City's requirement. However, during clearing activities, all of the trees on the site were removed. As we have discussed, remedial action will be required to replace the trees that were removed. Therefore, you are required to: I. Submit a tree replacement plan indicating the size, type and variety of trees that will be used to replace the 25 trees that were removed. The plan must show the trees in comparable locations to where they were removed, and be submitted to the City of Renton by April 18,2008. 2. Replacement trees shall be representative of the types cleared from the site and be a minimum of 2-inch caliper for deciduous trees, and a minimum of 10-12 feet in height for coniferous trees. 3. Upon approval ofthe tree retention plan by the Development Services Project Manager, the trees will need to be planted. Installation must occur prior to recording of the short plat. 4. A security device (cash setaside, letter of credit, etc.) will be required in the amount of 200% of the cost of the trees to ensure survivability or replacement for 3 years. A written estimate itemizing the cost of each tree will be required to determine the amount of the security device. The security device is required prior to the recording of the short plat. 5. A second phase final landscape plan will be required to be submitted and approved subject to the review and approval of the Development Services project manager, prior to the recording of the short plat. The landscape plan shall illustrate proposed landscaping to be completed per lot, (prior to the final inspection of the completed houses Please contact Jennifer Henning at (425) 430-7286, if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely, Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division cc: Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager COST DATA AND INVENTORY TO, Ng Short Plat NAME OF PROJECT, City of Renton Plan Review Section Planning/Building/Public Works 1055 South Grady Way 6lh floor Renton, W A 98055 FROM, DATE, CITY WTR-..:2:..:7-'-3:..:4=.24'--___ _ PROJECT WWP- NUMBERS, SWP- TRO- TED--4~0--3~4~24~---- CamieNg 1530 ~ 33rd Avenue South Seattle, W A 98144 January 5, 2009 Per the request of the City of Renton, the following information is furnished concerning costs for improvements proposed to be installed for the above referenced project. WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION COSTS, Length Size Type ____ L.F.of WATERMAIN ____ L.F.of ___ WATERMAIN ____ L.F.of ___ WATERMAIN ____ L.P.of WATERMAIN ____ EACHof ---GATE VALVES ____ EACHof ____ GATE VALVES EACH of ____ GATE VALVES =~~::::::~:::: EACH of FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLIES -.;$::--____ _ (Cost of Fire Hydrants must be listed separately) -.:;$'--____ _ Engineering Design Costs ..:;$ _____ _ City Pennit Fees $ Washington State Sales Tax TOTAL COST FOR WATER SYSTEM -;.$------ SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, Length 110 L.F. of ____ L.P.of ___ L.F.of ____ EAof Size 8 Type _-,P-,V-,C,--_ SEWER MAIN SEWER MAIN ----SEWER MAIN DIAMETER MANHOLES Engineering Design Costs ..:;$--;';t,O;;o"o",.o"o= __ City Permit Fees $ UNKNOWN Washington State Sales Tax ---"'1-"1"',8"5",".,"2=-- Sewer Main (140 LF 8" PVC) $ 9,574.00 (Sewer Stubs· line in RlW between sewer main and private property line) TOTAL COST FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM $ 10,994.00 s STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length L.F. of L.F. of L.F. of EA of EAof EAof Size Type ___ STORM LINE STORM LINE ---STORM LINE STORM INLET ---STORM CATCHBASIN STORM CA TCHBASIN ~ineen7. n-g-;D:-e~si~gn-C'osts S City Pennit Fees ...:;$------ Washington State Sales Tax $ TOTAL COST FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM -,$::------- STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement and Street Lighting) 140 SY asphalt -$17,882.00 SIGNALIZATION: (Including Eng. Design Costs, City Permit Fees, WASt Sales Tax) STREET LIGHTrNG: (Including Eng. Design Costs, City Permit Fees, WA St Sales Tax) CamieNg Print signatory name (day phone#) forms! 12653.0 12.doc/dm (SIGNATURE) (Signatory must be authorized agent or owner of subject development) DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: APR 032009 REGEHJF ADMINISTRATIVE, JUDICIAL, AND _D LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 3, 2009 Carrie Olson -Engineering Specialist/CED fy.iJ Sandi Weir, Records Management Specialist Returned Signed Document: Deed of Dedication/REETA -NG Short Plat (LUA-07-043) The attached document has been signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, and is being returned to you for further processing. Thank you! Attachment DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECI': CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 30, 2009 City Clerk's Office Carrie K. Olson, x7235 Development Services, Plan Review NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Sip Deed of Dedication & REETA Form Attached is the original Carnie Ng Short Plat Deed of Dedication document that was accepted at the Monday, February 4, 2008 council meeting. Please route for signature by the Mayor and City Clerk and return to me for further processing. Thanks. Also, have Mayor sign original Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit form and return. cc: Yellow File IITS_SERVERISYS2ICOMMON\l:\PlanReview\COLSONlShortplats 2009\Ng (Carnie) SHPL 07m ClerkSignDeed.doc Carrie K. Olson City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton. WA 98057 RE: Ng Short Plat City File No. LUA07-043-SHPL Our Job No. 12653 Dear Carrie: CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING May 18, 2009 COURIER DELIVERY We have revised the plans and arc enclosing herewith one (1) original and one (1) mylar copy of the signed ShOl1 plat for the above-referenced project in accordance with your comment letter dated April 30, 2009. Enclosed are the following documents for your review and arproval: The following outline provides each of your comments in italics exactly as written, along with a narrative response describing how each comment was addressed: 1. 11 has heen determined Ihal the previously requested Cily of Renton Ulility Easemenl doelllllelli is 1101 required hecause Ihe 10' easemenls depicted on Ihe mylar (page 2 of 2) are 1701 public utilities easements. Please remove Ihe notes from the face of the m.vlar. HOlvever, ~f the easements are for the private utility companies, simply indicate them as Private 10' Utility Easemenls on I.ols 1 and 2 and Lots 5 and 6. 1 believe the 24' Utilit)' Easemenl over Tract B is privale also. Response: Acknowledged. Please remove Ihe nalile "The City otRenton" under the EASEAIENT PROVISION paragraph 011 Sheel J of' 2. Response: DOlle. 3. Pay Ihe Ihmsporlation. Park alld Fire Mitigation Fees in the amount oj' 59,213.31 ullder LUA07-043 made payable 10 the CityafRenloll. These fees may be paid at the ('ustolller Services COllnter on Ihe 6thfloor of Renton City Hall. Response: Paid by cliellt directly to City. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA. WA • TACOMA. WA • CONCORD. CA • TEMECULA. CA www.barghausen.com Carrie Olson City of Renton Development Services May 18,2009 We believe that the above responses, together with the enclosed revised mylars, address all of the comments in your letter dated April 30, 2009. It is our understanding that the conditions of short plat approval are now met; please proceed to approve the final short plat for recording. If you have any questions or further comments, please contact me at this office. IH/dm/pj 12653c.023.doc ene: One (I) original mylar of signed short plat One (I) copy mylar of signed short plat Respectfully, /hr~~ Ivana Halvorsen Senior Planner One (I) check from Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $15.81 for courier fees cc: Rene Pham, NW Exceptional Homes, Inc. (w/enc) Denis Law rd r _________ .:M:ay:o:' ..................... .-., . t • r f" r\ April 30, 2009 CamieNg 1530 -33'" Avenue South Seattle W A 98144 -"'" -....."-',,-~ ... ~...!.! Department of Community & Economic Development SUBJECT: NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Dear Camie Ng: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short plat.) I. It has been determined that the previously requested City of Renton Utility Easement document is not required because the 10' easements depicted on the mylar (page 2 of 2) are not public utilities easements. Please remove the notes from the face of the mylar. However, if the easements are for the private utility companies, simply indicate them as Private 10' Utility Easements on Lots I and 2 and Lots 5 and 6. I believe the 24' Utility Easement over Tract B is private also. 2. Please remove the name "The City of Renton" under the EASEMENT PROVISION paragraph on Sheet I of2. 3. Pay the Transportation, Park and Fire Mitigation Fees in the amount of $9,213.31 under LUA07-043 made payable to the City of Renton. These fees may be paid at the Customer Services Counter on the 6th floor of Renton City Hall. When the above items are completed, you may submit the signed and notarized short plat mylar (one original mylar and one copy (on mylar) of each sheet) along with a check in the amount of$15.81 (current courier fee) made out to Champion Couriers. You have already submitted the signed Deed of Dedication and REETA forms and those documents will be recorded along with the short plat mylars. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, ((1/V1-C':_j f( ((k~,,? Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review ___ ~ FAXED TO: Ivana Holvorsen, Senior Planner, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc.: 425-251-8782 r Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2009\Ng (Carnie) SHPL IOL RequestMylarStup.doc Renton City Hall • 1055 South GradyWay • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Carrie Olson City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING April 29, 2009 COURIER DELIVERY RE: Responses to Comments dated March 30, 2009 Ng Short Plat City File No. LUA07-043-SHPL Our Job No. 12653 Dear Carrie: This letter is to respond to your comments dated March 30, 2009. We have completed the items requested and are herewith submitting the original signed Renton Utility Easement for recording. Your comments are provided below in italics and are followed by responses as to how each comment has been addressed. No changes to the short plat maps or documents resulted from these comments and so a revised short plat map is not provided. 1. Contact Arneta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. Submit Bill of Sale, Final Cost Data Inventory Sheet, As-built mylars, Maintenance Bond, provide afence as requested. Response: Our client submitted the maintenance bond directly to the City during the week of April 20, 2009. The Bill of Sale, Final Cost Data Inventory Sheet, and As-Built Mylars were submitted on April 29, 2009. Construction of the fence is ongoing in coordination with the neighboring property owner. 2. Demolish home, garage and breezeway, call for inspection and have Demo Permit B080045 finaled. Response: As confirmed by email, Demolition Permit B080045 has been finaled. No further action is needed for this item. 3. Use the City of Renton Utility Easement document attached. Submit all original signed and notarized document for recording. Response: Enclosed are the original signed easement and two copies. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TACOMA, WA • SACRAMENTO, CA • TEMECULA, CA www.barghausen.com Carrie Olson City of Renton Development Services -2-April 29, 2009 It is our understanding that the conditions of short plat approval are now met; please proceed to approve the final short plat for recording. If you have any questions or further comments, please contact me at this office. IH/dm 12653c.022.doc enc: As Noted Respectfully, Ivana Halvorsen Senior Planner cc: Rene Pham, NW Exceptional Homes, Inc. (w/enc) CITY )F RENTON March 30, 2009 Ms. Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 nod Ave S Kent Washington 98032 SUBJECT: NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Dear Ms. Dorsch: Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings and three copies of any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short plat.) 1. Contact Arneta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. Submit Bill of Sale, Final Cost Data Inventory Sheet, As-Built mylars, Maintenance Bond, provide a fenc.e as requested. ~ Demolish home, garage and breeze way, call for inspection and have Demo Permit B080045finaled. ~ 3. e the C" do·C\illtlel'i Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, (fw-,~K. &eU·P! Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review Cc: Yellow File __ I'IP_I_an_R_eV_iC_W_\C_O_LS_O_~_O_:O_5rt_:_::_t_:_:_~_a:_~_C:_:_~S __ H_:_:_::_:_:_,hw_'n_:_:_;_:~_es_::_to_:_:_~5-7--------·~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CGRVE Return Address.' City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Project File #: Property Tax Parcel Number: Street Intersection or Project Name: Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ ' Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Additional legal is on page __ of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PWEOO 13 .doc\ Page I FORM OJ 00IJ/bhlCAl-21-97 - That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water, wastewater, and surface water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described property (the right-of-way) in King County, Washington, more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1--Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and stonn drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however, have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig, tunnel or perfonn other [OnTIS of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of ____ 20 PWEOOI3.doc\ Page 2 FORM OJ OOIJlbhICA2-21-97 Fonn 84 OOOllbh IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box PWEOOI3.doc\ INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ----;----,---,-----,-:c-c-;--;-;-;;---,::-;-c-;;---;--;----,--signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), __ -,---__________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshe/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of ,19 __ , before me personally appeared to me knO\,ffi to be ofthe corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Page 3 FORM OJ OOIJIbh/CAl-2 t-97 DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECI': CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 6, 2009 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review CO NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: Letter of Compliance, Deed of Dedication, Short Plat drawings. Ctntf~­ Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accented Related Comments NA t. Project #s 7: As·Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill or Sale Easements t. 10' Utilities Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication t. Square Footage: 3,909 Restrictive Covenants t. Fee In Lieu of: $18,392.00 Paid Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond Comments: Approval: :-:-__ =--:--:-________ '...,. __ -:-::-_..,-_____ ,' Date: _____ _ Kayren Kittrick Ameta Henninger Cc: Yellow File DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 6, 2009 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: Letter of Compliance, Deed of Dedication, Short Plat drawings. Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and sigoing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acceuted Related Comments NA i Project #s "7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements i 10' Utilities Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication i Square Footage: 3.909 Restrictive Covenants i Fee In Lieu of: $18,392.00 Paid Maintenance Bond Release Pennit Bond Comments: Approval: -----,----------.-;--,--;c;---:------" Date: ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Arneta Henninger Cc: Yellow File COST DATA AND INVENTORY TO: N g Short Plat NAME OF PROJECT: City of Renton Plan Review Section Planning/Building/Public Works 1055 South Grady Way 6th floor Renton, W A 98055 FROM: DATE: CITY WTR--'2::.:7...:-3"'42::.:4'--___ _ PROJECT WWP-______ _ NUMBERS: SWP- TRO- TED-40-3424 CamieNg 1530 33rd Avenue South Seattle, WA 98144 January 5, 2009 Per the request of the City of Renton, the following information is furnished concerning costs for improvements proposed to be installed for the above referenced project. WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Length L.F. of L.F. of L.F. of L.F. of EACH of EACH of EACH of Size Type WATERMAIN WATERMAIN WATERMAIN WATERMAIN GATE VALVES GATE VALVES GATE VALVES EACH of FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLIES _$;-____ _ (Cost of Fire Hydrants must be listed separately) --;;:$ _____ _ Engineering Design Costs --:;,$ _____ _ City Permit Fees $ Washington State Sales Tax TOTAL COST FOR WATER SYSTEM -$;------ SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length 110 L.F.of L.P. of L.F. of EAof Size 8 Type _-,P-,v..:C __ SEWER MAIN SEWER MAIN SEWER MAIN DIAMETER MANHOLES Engineering Design Costs City Permit Fees I 3,000.00 IlJNKNOWN $ 1,851.12 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Size Type LF.of L.P. of L.F. of EA of EAof EAof STORM LINE STORM LINE STORM LINE STORM INLET STORM CATCHBASIN STORM CA TCHBASIN Washingwn State Sales Tax Sewer Main (140 LF 8" PVC) (Sewer Stubs -line in R;W between sewer main and private property line) $ 9.574.00 Engineering Design Costs --:;,$ _____ _ City Permit Fees $ $ 10,994.00 Washington State Sales Tax --;;:$------ TOT AI. COST FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM $ TOTAL COST FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM ....:::$ _____ _ STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement and Street Lighting) 140 SY asphalt -$17,882.00 SIGNALIZATION: (Including Eng. Design Costs, City Pennit Fees, WA St Sales Tax) STREET LIGHTING: (Including Eng. Design Costs, City Pennit Fees, WA St Sales Tax) CamieNg Print signatory name (day phone#) forms! 12653.0 12.doc/dm (SIGNATURE) (Signatory must be authorized agent or owner of subject development) , . CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING. SURVEYING Ms. Carrie K. Olson City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 RE: Responses to Short Plat Review Comments Ng Short Plat City of Renton File No. LUA07-043-SHPL Our Job No. 12653 Dear Ms. Olson: March 6, 2009 COURIER DELIVERY BUILDING DIVISION We have revised the short plat submittal documents for fhe above-referenced project in accordance wifh your comment letter dated February 18, 2008. Enclosed are the following documents for your review and approval: I. Three (3) copies of the Final Short Plat Map 2. Three (3) copies ofthe lot closure calculations 3. Three (3) copies of fhe signed/notarized Deed of DedicationlREET A document 4. Three (3) copies offhe signed/notarized utility easement document 5. Three (3) copies offhe completed Cost Data and Inventory form The following outline provides each of your comments in italics exactly as written, along with a narrative response describing how each comment was addressed: SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short plat.) 1. Contact Jan Illian, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7216./01' requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion 10 your project. Response: Construction of the project is complete. 2. Demolish home. garage and breeze way, call for impecliun and have Demo Pemul BIJS()045 jinaled. Response: This is completed. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 25H222 (425) 251·8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA. WA • TACOMA. WA • SACRAMENTO, CA • TEMECULA. CA www.barghausen.com Ms. Carrie K. Olson City of Renton Development Services -2- Comments (or the Applicant concerning the Deed a(Dedicatian dacumenl: March 6, 2009 3. The abbreviated legal description on Page 1 of said Deed description should continue (after "Willamette Meridian ") with: in the City o(Rentan. King Cauntv. Washington. Response: Revised. 4. {nclude the second Tax Parcel Number (042305-9210), noted in the subject short pial proposal. in the upper right-hand corner of said Page J o(the Deed document Response: Parcel 042305-9210 is not affected by the dedication, so this has not been changed. 5. The name of the Mayor (as one of the city's Grantees) needs to be changed to Denis Law (Page 1). Response: Revised. 6. Insert "Citv orRenton," in the last sentence of the legal description noted on Exhihit A Oust preceding "County of King'~. Response: Revised. 7. Include indexing information (section. township and range) on the Map Exhihit. Response: Revised. 8. Submit a revised, original, stamped. signed, and !1otari~ed Deed of Dedication document Also, see the REETA Form al/achedjor your completion and signature. Response: Enclosed. Comments concerning the short plat submittal: 9. Said maintenance agreement makes no mention of "appurtenances ", which is included in the agreement statement used by the city. See the attachment. Response: Revised. 1 O. Update the year ("2007'1 noted in the "ROAD DEDICATION" block (Sheet J of3) Response: Revised. • o Ms. Carrie K. Olson City of Renton Development Services -3-March 6, 2009 11. If the house and shed have been removed from the property, then remove said references from the short plat drawing. Response: Revised. 12. This short plat will require a separate instrument for the granting of an easement to the City over the "exterior 10 feet". Response: A signed version is enclosed. 13. The last line under the "EASEMENT PROVISION" block should end with "BENEFICIARIES" rather than "OWNER". Response: Revised. We believe that the above responses, together with the enclosed revised submittal documents, address all of the comments in your letter dated February 18, 2008. Please review and approve the enclosed at your earliest convenience. If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at this office. Thank you. IHJdm 12653c.021.doc enc: As Noted Respectful! y, -JVt't1U£ IId~ Ivana Halvorsen Senior Planner cc: Mr. Rene Pham, NW Exceptional Homes, Inc. (w/enc) I LOT CLOSURES !PARCEL MAP CHECK Carnie Ng Short Plat (a.k.a. Renton Properties S.P.) City of Renton File No.: LUA07·043·SHPL Onr Job No. 12653 Parcel name: BOUNDARY Parcel name: LOT 2 North: 189432.6805 East: 1307253.2391 North: 189375.8967 East: 1307347.8388 Line Course: S 88·19-42 E Length: 256.22 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 95.25 North: 189425.2061 East: 1307509.3501 North: 189378.6753 East: 1307252.6294 Line Course: S 00-54-06 W Length: 218.04 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 54.00 North: 189207.1931 East: 1307505.9189 North: 189324.6787 East: 1307252.0246 Line Course: N 88-20-09 W Length: 130.23 Line Course: S 88-19-42 E Length: 94.27 North: 189210.9751 East: 1307375.7439 North: 189321.9287 East: 1307346.2545 Line Course: N 00-38-30 E Length: 110.06 Line Course: N 01-40-18 E Length: 53.99 North: 189321.0282 East: 1307376.9764 North: 189375.8957 East: 1307347.8295 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 125.00 North: 189324.6747 East: 1307252.0296 Perimeter: 297.51 Area: 5,116 S.F. 0.12 acres Line Course: N 00-38-30 E Length: 108.01 North: 189432.6779 East: 1307253.2392 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0094 Course: S 83-52-02 W Perimeter: 947.55 Area: 42,000 S.F. 0.96 acres Error North: -0.00100 East: -0.00933 Precision 1: 31,650.00 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0026 Course: S 01-39-08 E Error North: -0.00260 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 364,446.15 Parcel name: LOT 3 North: 189428.2693 East: 1307404.3907 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 55.00 Parcel name: LOT 1 North: 189429.8737 East: 1307349.4141 Line Course: S 01-40-18 W Length: 54.00 North: 189429.8737 East: 1307349.4141 North: 189375.8967 East: 1307347.8388 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 96.22 Line Course: S 01-40-18 W Length: 53.99 North: 189432.6806 East: 1307253.2351 North: 189321.9297 East: 1307346.2638 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 54.01 Line Course: S 88-19-42 E Length: 30.72 North: 189378.6740 East: 1307252.6302 North: 189321.0335 East: 1307376.9708 Line Course: S 88-19-42 E Length: 95.25 Line Course: N 42-36-23 E Length: 37.05 North: 189375.8954 East: 1307347.8397 North: 189348.3031 East: 13074020521 Line Course: N 01-40-18 E Length: 54.00 Line Course: N 01-40-18 E Length: 80.00 North: 189429.8724 East: 1307349.4150 North: 189428.2691 East: 1307404.3858 Perimeter: 299.47 Area: 5,169 S.F. 0.12 acres Perimeter: 310.77 Area: 5,600 S.F. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0015 Course: S 32·58-13 E Error Closure: 0.0049 Course: S 87-45-00 W Error North: -0.00130 East: 0.00084 Error North: -0.00019 East: -0.00489 Precision 1: 199,653.33 Precision 1: 63,420.41 I Parcel name: LOT 4 Parcel name: TRACT A (ROW DEDICATION) North: 189425.2062 East: 1307509.3460 North: 189237.1944 East. 1307506.3873 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 105.00 Line Course: N 88-20-09 W Length. 130.37 North: 189428.2693 East: 1307404.3907 North. 189240.9804 East: 1307376.0723 Line Course: S 01-40-18 W Length: 80.00 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 30.00 North: 189348.3033 East: 1307402.0570 North: 189210.9823 East. 1307375.7363 Line Course: S 70-21-24 E Length: 26.07 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 130.23 North: 189339.5395 East: 1307426.6098 North: 189207.2003 East: 1307505.9114 Line Course: S 88-21-50 E Length: 81.39 Line Course: N 00-54-06 E Length. 30.00 North: 189337.2157 East: 1307507.9666 North: 189237.1966 East: 1307506.3835 Line Course: N 00-54-06 E Length: 88.00 North: 189425.2048 East: 1307509.3514 Perimeter: 320.60 Area: 3,909 S.F. 0.09 acres Perimeter: 380.45 Area: 9,195 S.F. 0.21 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0044 Course: N 59-41-03 W Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error North: 0.00223 East: -0.00382 Error Closure: 0.0056 Course: S 75-18-47 E Precision 1: 72,863.64 Error North: -0.00141 East: 0.00537 Precision 1: 67,939.29 Parcel name: TRACT B (DRIVE ACCESS) Parcel name: LOT 5 North: 189339.5410 East: 1307426.6056 Line Course: N 70-21-24 W Length: 26.07 North: 189338.6447 East: 1307457.9822 North: 189348.3048 East: 1307402.0528 Line Course: N 88-21-50 W Length: 31.39 Line Course: S 42-36-23 W Length: 37.05 North: 189339.5410 East: 1307426.6050 North: 189321.0352 East: 1307376.9715 Line Course: S 42-36-23 W Length: 38.02 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 80.06 North: 189311.5574 East: 1307400.8671 North: 189240.9802 East: 1307376.0749 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 71.28 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 24.00 North: 189240.2819 East: 1307400.0688 North: 189240.2832 East: 1307400.0648 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 56.36 Line Course: N 00-38-30 E Length: 71.28 North: 189238.6452 East: 1307456.4050 North: 189311.5588 East: 1307400.8630 Line Course: N 00-54-05 E Length: 100.01 Line Course: N 42-36-23 E Length: 38.02 North: 189338.6428 East: 1307457.9783 North: 189339.5423 East: 1307426.6010 Perimeter: 297.06 Area: 5,293 S.F. 0.12 acres Perimeter: 276.48 Area: 2,717 S.F. 0.06 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0043 Course: S 63-02-12 W Error Closure: 0.0048 Course: N 74-16-49 W Error North: -0.00197 East: -0.00387 Error North: 0.00130 East: -0.00462 Precision 1: 69,083.72 Precision 1: 57,600.00 Parcel name: LOT 6 North: 189337.2171 East: 1307507.9613 Line Course: N 88-21-50 W Length: 50.00 North: 189338.6447 East: 1307457.9817 Line Course: S 00-54-05 W Length: 100.01 North: 189238.6470 East: 1307456.4084 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 50.00 North: 189237.1950 East: 1307506.3873 Line Course: N 00-54-06 E Length: 100.04 North: 189337.2226 East: 1307507.9616 Perimeter. 300.04 Area: 5,001 S.F. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0055 Course: N 02-36-52 E Error North: 0.00552 East: 0.00025 Precision 1: 54,554.55 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Projecl File #: LUA-07-043 Property Tax Parcel Number: 042305-9134-04 Street Intersection: I-Iarrington Place NE and NE 21st Street Rderedce NalRber(s) of Documcnts assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page: __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Thach Nguyen and Camie Ng L City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) Portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest qualter and of the North half or the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. Willamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys. quit claims, dedicales and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, Ihe above described real estate situated' n Ihe County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set Diy hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: Graotur(s): Grantee(s): City of Renton -riuw~ 1-~~ Thach Nguyen ?l Mayor -Denis Law camie""~ City Clerk -Bonnie Walton INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATEOFW. HINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY Of NG) -I' M I certify that [ kr 'or have satisfactory evidence that I H!Ch ~yMy eo Notary Seal must be within box ~ I\LfllL!; NG signed this instrument and ( ," be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes , mentioned in .. strument. NoIcrf P\ac .. ;\ t tt WJ}iUil -.01 . ',lIA ..... L-II :, ... "111 ........ r "JSIJor ~te. of \yashington ., ( {J m.' '-Ell I /.-. Idllt.1 HJtu1 , ~ -~ , My apPOi~j'e 'Xfo/S: /~llkJ 4. .2 () If Dated: / ' '0 ~r Hformsl"".FRMlAGREEil2653 .OOS,doc\ i Page I fORM 04 OOOIIbh Project: Carnie Ng Short Plat WO# 77750 Pro Exhibit A Legal Description GRANTOR: Thach Nguyen & Carnie Ng Street: NE 21 SI Street The South 30 feet of the following described property, abutting and adjoining NE 21" Street: That portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, described as follows: BEGINNING at the West quarter corner of said Section 4; THENCE North 0°31 '05" East 609.36 feet; THENCE South 88°18'09" East 1010.70 feet; THENCE South 0°39'36" West 238.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 0°39'36" West 218.09 feet; THENCE South 88°19'03" East 280.23 feet; THENCE North 00°33'38" East 217.89 feet; THENCE North 88°18'36" West 281.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed by deeds recorded under Recording No. 4897237 and 5333619: AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No. 5359639. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington :" ''''~.' ~ ." Hfonns/""xFRM/AQREElI2653 .008.doc\ i Page 2 fORM 04 000 IIbh MAP EXHIBIT S8S19'42'1: tE2STST HfQ,mslxxxFRMlAGREElI2653.008.doCI i I I REC. N1l.I7706220930 I Page 3 FORM 04 OOOJlbh ~veooe ........ _ REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT Th~_~your .. oeipt PLEASE: -ry I"E OR PKJN r CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61 A WAC when staII\ped by cashier. nns AFfmAVIT WILl. Nat H ACCEPTED UNLESS AU.. AREAS ON AU PACU ARE FUlLY COMPLETED (See back of hal PIIC (Of tf_ ~N_ Thach Nguyen and CamIe ~ N~ ~I !~ Mlilili. Adm:sI 1530· 33rd Avenue South -Cily/Stlll:elZip SeatUa. WA 96'''' o. ,~ng . Pho~'" Se.l~l pr~ cn~ela: fZ)Sameas Buycr./Omllte n~~bwI Li!l1 as:seased value(s) N_ 042305-9134 [J Mailing .... ddRu [J CitylSwelZ.i9 [J Phone No. (including IJftI 1:000.) [J II ~ addressofpropeny: ------------------------------------ ni, P10perty i! JocalcG in Renton DOled: bull. if~ oftlle listed parcelsambei", ~tcd I'roT1Il1'8JF1' pan:d l.e&a1 descriptioo of properly {if mOlt spICe 15 1ICe<kd, you 1DIIy anach a ,eperat<l sheet to caeb ~Je uftlw affidavit) PnrDDnorthe NOfttl halfol1lw South ~oftneSOO1hwntqLl8l'bllrofh ~quarleraltd of the I\k)rth halfdthe SoulJl tIalftAthe South half cI the SauIhwest quar1er of the NoI'thMIIt quarter of SectIon 4, Towrwhip 2-3 Ndrth, Rang!! 5 Eaat, WIIamette Meridian, in tIl'BI ely 01 Renton, Klng Covrd;y, W8stmgton. eAter ally addilional codes: COde -45 only: Shet Riph\-of-way (Sec: back of lut page for instructions) is this property &4.36 RCW YES NO [J IZl List wi per.;onal property (taDgible.and illtangible) inclOOed ill selling price. YES Is 1his ~ desi.pIted as fure!t lind per cbap:r'84.33 RCW? 0 b tbiipopaty daisi&das aJII'IDUII\'(opcD ~ finn IWId [J apiaI1bn1. ortil:ab:t} liD:I ~ ~34.34? NO If claimms IlJI exemption. Ust WAC (lumber and reason for exemption: o IZI WAC No. (Section/Subsection) ~'"""='!!""""05(,,,,.,-1 ______ _ Is lhispqxny ~!ipCciII 'IlIIWID:ln a! hi.slIwicaJ. popcrty 0 per "-' S4.26 KCW? Ifill}' ~ ft)'l!S,~asliDslnxB:d bdow. IZl Ql NIJI1O:OI'<XlNl1NIJAN(E (RlRDTLANDORaDIIIIl'ITUiE) NEW OWNER(S); To alIllimle the cun:enl de:signDJn IIilI best boJ IJI' dassifia6onasQll'lmtme (~~ c.m_ ~ or1imber) land., yo. .... lip _ (3) bIIw. The county IIIXI!iQf must 1ben deurmiDc if the: hind tnu:d:n:ed oontinoca to qualify _ wiD indic:arr; by '9lsmlnl bdaw. {f!he land no kqcr~m you do notwiih 10 oominc tbc:~ «classUl(;IIlioo. it wiD be n:mIJRd SId the "J f II! or aMitiooII taxa will be due m1 payable by tbc: seller 1"11' transferor at the lIne or.sale. (RCW 84.33.140 at R.CW 84.~.I08~ Pmrto sisninl (3) below, yOll may oontact your 10cal comty ~ for mc:R" infunnItic:n. This land 0 does 0 does nol qua1ify for COAtinumcc- PRlNTl'fAM£ Reason for exemption TypcofDocwneDt~""""::::::::;oI::..:1)ed;=·..-=·:::... _________ _ D~ofD~~ _______________ _ Gross Sellmg Price $ __________ _ ·Per.sonal PropeRy (dcdw:t) $ __________ _ Excmplion Claime:d (deduce) S------------:-c-:- T.axable Selling Prial S _________ -:o':.oo=_ Excise Tax. : State $ _________ -'0".00"- 0.0050 I Looat 1 ________ -'00;00"- 'l>clifl\IUCTllloterest: State $ __________ _ ~IS ___________ _ 'Delmqaent Penally S------------:-c-:- S~ro~l $ _________ ~O~.OO=_ 'SUic Tcdmology Fee 5 _________ -::5.:.:00"- • Affidavit Processing Fee S----------,-:-c-:- TomlOuc S __________ '~O~ ... =- A MINIMUM Of S10M IS DV& IN FEl,(S) AlliOlO'R TAX 'SEE INSnUCTIONS I ct:RTlFY UNDER PEN,u.T\' OF ftIUUItV THAT THEJlOREGOING IS TRUE ANDCOlUtECT. Sipldule of Gnno .... C ......... ____________ _ N.ae~)~De== .. ~laW=c _____________ _ Dare &: ciI}' of signjDg: Paj-r. PajUl)' isa dw C ldooy wbiQ is pmisblbic bJ impisma ...... intbc .. ~ iNIitaIion lOr a mMimUID II!lI'ID afJKtJDDIC. dwn five yews, ex by a tiJIe iD mamtuAl fixed by1be COOItofnotmom Ihaa fJ\l!lthollSllDd doJlm (15.000.00). (lfb,y~ ... .,.isow:a ..... Il-' b (RCW 9A.ld02O{1C)). REV NOOO1aeC.)(l/21J[11l 1:11553.010 .pdf THIS SPACE -TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER ~ ---PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT CHAPTERS2.4S RCW -OlAl"l'BR 4S8-61A WAC This form is your receipt when swnped by cashier. TIII5 AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT BE ...... R..d ON AU. PAGES ARE FULLY COMPLETED ,~_w_ .... ""'" lhacfl NDUYen and CamiJ Ng I"""" Cllvof_ g' MaItitlj AddrIss 1530 -33rd Avenue Soulh MliliDa CityiS1BlelZlp StaIIe. WA,98144 ~~ C","W<!l;, _, WA980S1 J>honr; Nu. (~ I"" .w. """',~;. ..., Send all pJOPIIrtY Wt WI. : , 10: IZ]SaInt: lIS Buyer/Gmi= U~ assessed "a1ue(s) N_ 040305-9134 0 MliliJII~ 0 CityfStab1.lip 0 I'hOne No. (indudinj:area oode) 0 IIIStreet~dUMOf~' ______________________________________________________________________ _ This prop¢rty is htClltm in Renton o ChKt IXJx if any ofdtc b5bld palQCls ~ being sepplrd from a IlfCCI pan:el LtpJ dc:scciption of prbper1Y (if UIOre ~ is needed, you Tml)' lIt1.llc11 , scpal'lUc sbeet to each paJt ofTbc affld.;svit) PottioR dIM North half of!he South haJJ of tile ~ quarter of h NorttrweIt quartar and oJ the Nm1JI half of IhIOI SouIh hal of '!he Soulh twIf r:Klhe So~ quarler Of IhII Nortnwest quarter r:I Settlon 4, T~ 23 North, Range 5 Ed. Willamette Meridian, In Iha City of Rantoo, .lOng CoIAtty. WIIsI'1Jngton. Stlcet latld U9C Coders): rmtcf" MY additional codes: Code 46 Dn!y: Street RI.oht~y (See bact oflUI page for instrueti(lm) Is this property tKeIIIpl from property tax per chapter 84.36 RCW {00ApI'0fit orga'IizaliOft)':.' YES NO o III Ust all pcnonal property (langible and inl4ngible) iru:ludcd in selling price. YES ~"'I"'I"'\>'~ .. _:..I .... _MJ3P!:W'! 0 Is hspopaty daificd lIS CIIIR:d usc<opcn~ 6rm.lld 0 ap1ruIbnI.atimbs')bD:Ipcr~804? NO If c:laiming an exemplion, list WAC number and reason for exemption: III IZJ WAC No. (SectioniSubsectioD) c45ll=""'.::".:.',,O:::',,:'::.l _____________ _ .... 1"'1"'\>' __ ,.;-. .. _1"'1"'\>' 0 .... _S4.26P!:W'! If arJ 1ftS'M.I!I 1ft: yell,. ~ asinsllucm;l bdow. III P) N011Q:()fC\JI'fIINVANCE (l'ORE'I'IANDOkOlml'M'USE) NEW OWNER(S}: To roDtinuethc wnud ~on lIS forest tat c.- d!!l5i1iQllion as a:m:rd \I9C (open spa:e,. r.m and agrK:uIture, 01" limber) land, )0 m_ ...... (3) ".,.. The: CDIII1l)' .6JCS3OI' mLlSl d'ItO dctt:rminc ifthc t.ld lI'BIIIfam1 ClIIItinucIS to quality IIDd will mode ~ sisningbc:lGw. If1bc !and 00 ltIlpr qualifies «)'OJ 4kI DOl wish 10 COOIinue Ihc dcsi@nttion or c.lmifiaCim it 'Will be lmlOYCd.and the ..."........q or IKktitioaal taxes wiD be due and payabIc by the seIkt ortlWlSfmr. the time of sale. (RCW 84.33. 140 grRCW 84.34.101). Priorw siSND8(l)below.)'OO1M)' ccnD:t your kK:aI 0JUDIy aaessor DItlO('e ittlOrmalian. This land. 0 docs 0 00cs DOl IJIlalify for CCJIltimIa;m:e. DBPlJTY ASSESSOR DATE (l:) N<1I1C'E ()fCOMl'lJA>lCE (IfJSI'ORIC~ NEW OWNER{S): To conlinue!lJ'CCiai valUllion &<I historic: ~, lip (l)bdDw.1ftbenr;wo~s) doe$l1OI wisll10 cominue.,.alt - ..tditiooal tax c:alculatcd pursuant \0 chapa 8426 RCW. Smll be due and ~ try the sdb (I( lRJJSkror 211 tbr: ~ of sa1e. (3) OWNEIl('S) SIGNUURE Rlca500 ror 'CXlCIllption Type of Document c"""'=:.."c...:OO,;,-=,;,:..'-_________________ _ Da~ofD~mcm _______________________________ _ Gross Selling Price $ ____________________ _ ·Per5oft!1 Property (deduct) $, ___________________ _ EXmlption Claimed (deduct) $ ___________________ _ Taxable Selling PIke S _______________ --'O".oo=_ Excise Tax : State $, __________________ -'0C;,oo=_ 00050 ILo<al $, _________ 0".00"- ·Delinqucnt Interest: State $, ____________________ _ ~:$,------------ -Delinquent Pcnatty s., __________________ ~ Subtotal $, __________________ -"0":,00"- ·Stale Tecbnology Fee $, __________________ -=5.:.:,0::;,0 ·Affidavil Prol;ening Fee $'----------------"C'::::_ Total D~ S'-_______________ ,;,:':::,oocc. "MI~IMUM OF SU ..... lS DUE IN FEE(S) ANDfOa TAX ·S£S lMSTRUCllONS I CI:RnFY UNOEa KNALn' OF PERJURV'THAT11IE FOREGOING IS TJUJE AND COIlRECr. Sigft:atw'e of Grntet _ Grutel"s "...t ________________________ _ ~~m)~~~~UM~ ________________________ _ 0Mc &. cit), of 'lipins: ,- REVS4000t.et .. }(1I21,m) 12653_010_pdf THIS SPACE-11tEASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY ASSESSOR '&v"eOOe ....... _ REAL ESTATE EXCISJ: TAX AFFIDAVIT Tb;, tonn'y"",'=''' PLEASE TYPE ORPRINT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -WAC wbea stamped by casb:ier. THIS AJ'FIDA\IIT WILL NOT BE ACCErTED UNI.ESS~~:~~~~::"":~f~U~LL~Y:CO:"""::TED:~1!!!!J2;""L_--, (Sec t.tk ofll5l::: Maili,,!! Addreu 1530· 33td Avenue Soufl CityJSQtelZip SAtthI, WA 98144 PboDo No, (ittetudin,amI code) o o o o SU~~~of~rty' _________________________________________ _ Thi$ property is Jocmd in Renton o (kd: ~ ir any of dJc, listed puW.s IRi being se&rePted ft.onl 11 l~ parcel. Lep.14cscripUoll o( property (if monIlpacc is needed, )'011 may It\aeh a scpal'lte.sheet III 9ch p&ie of the .md8Vil) PortIon oi' Ihe North MIt of Ihe Sooth haH'd Ihe Southwest quarter of the Nal'thwest quarter and Qfttlv: NO!Ut natf of the South half c:lthe SOUIfl .... 01 the ~st quarwr of 11.0 NorthW&stquarw 01 Section 4, Township 23 NoM. Raoge, EasI. Winllnaette MeridIan. In 1he City of ReMan, King County, Washington. eotr:r aoy additiOllBI (See back af last page fur instructions) ........ -YES NO o III List all pmona\ property (tangible and intallgible) il'lclulied in selling price. YES bll'$_d"' •••• h'_loIdpo-_ ... 33RCW? 0 Is 1bi5I~ dassifiedas amft 1m(q:a:lJpIIIZ. r.m ~ 0 _"'1imboj ....... _ .. .341 NO If claiming an ~xemplion. list WAC nl,Jl1lba' and reason rOT exemption: III o WAC Nu. (SectionlSubscction) -""58"' .. ,,',,A,,."'=5t,,4!'-__________ _ b""_""",,,spo:;.o_ .. __ 0 ... _ .. .26RCW? If any MMIIC3 ft)'Q. PXqlIete as inIIru::md below. Q) NOOCEOfCONltNUANCl!: (I'OR>8I'LANDORCUUlENTUSE) NEW OWNER.(S): To IXJI'IIinuc the rurrartdesigDalion as furesl \.and or dllssific:llioo IS current UIC (.opal space, linn and agriaXIure, or limba') t.nd,. yea .... lip GIl (J) bdIfw. The ctruflty assessor IllUSttlam detenniDe tithe Imi IRmfcrrcd IXRIlinws IDquaIifY and will indicate b)' signing below. JC1he a..d no lonpr qualifies 01' you do nol wisb to oontiDuc 1bc ik:signItion 01" dulificalioo. it will be ~ md Ihc wmpcilSIdiug or addibonal ta,:u;s wiU be due.md IJII)1IbJCI by !be sdIa' <rtnmJi::n:r.at: ~_of sale. (R.CW 84J~l40or RCW 84..34.I08} PricI' 10 sigG.ing (3) hOOw, you mIY fXltIlad. your IDeal county ISses50r f« dXI'e inbmation, lbis land 0 docs 0 does net qualify fa" contimlence. Df:I't)TY ASSESSOR DATE (1) NOI1CI! <6COM1'1.1ANCE (IDSJ1lR1C PROI'I'lm') NEW OWNER(S): To CODIinoe special valuation:lS bisaoric propertY. alp ~3) beLIw. Utile DI:W IlWtIelts) does not wiih to ~1'Iue, all additional tax calc:.uJatcd pumanl to cbaptcr 84.26 RCW, shall beduc ;wi payabm by the seller or kanSfaor at the time ofsale. (3) OWNEII(5) SIGNATURE PRINT NAME Reason for exanptioo Type or Document .="""'='-''''=''''''= ..... ='''-_____________ _ D~ofD~wncat ______________________________ _ Gross Sellin! Price S, _______________ _ ·Personal Property (dedQl;tJ $, _______________ _ Exemption Claimed (deduct) $'---------------::c Tu.,lc SelliDg Price $, _________________ -----:0".00= Excite Tax : Stale $' ____________ -----:.".""= 00050 I U><a! $. ________ "'D.OO"'_ ·OelinqueJlt InteRs!.: State $, _________________ _ L~~I $, ____________________ _ 'DelillqOOdt Penalty $' ______________ --:= Subtotal $, _____________ ----'0".00"'- 'Slate Technology Fee S, _____________ --'5_.0-'-0 • Affidavit Prwcs:;ing Fee $, _________________ _ IotaJ Due $, _______________ "",00"- A. MINIMeMO' jt .... ls DUE IN t'Ei:(S) AND/OR TAX .SEE INSTRUCTIONS SigDlltw'c of Gr ..... orGr ... ··AceM ______________ _ N~umru)____'DsU~~UM~ __________________________ _ Dale A city of signing: .- Pajay. Pajgy is adlA C tcloaywhidt ispunisblbk by impi:saaam1int:beillllccmu:tional imthWon for a maxinuan tam ofnolmore than five years. or by a _ iIl.an JJJIOIlfIl fbed RP! IDe OOIIItof noll more Ibm fiw tbougQI dollars WJXlQ.OO). or by boIh iI!pri!!!!mcm" fmc (RCW 9A.26.(120 (iOl. REV 54 00018(1 (_)(1mJ08 1:2653 . G10. pdf THIS SPACE -TREASURER'S USE ONLY DEPT, OF REVENUE ~e ........ """ REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT Th;sfonD~You"",;p< ,Li\ASETYPEORPIUl<T CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAI'fER458-6IA WAC wbeo.-pedby_. THIS Af'J"IDAVIT WILL NOT 81. ACCEl'TED \.INLISS AU. AUAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COMPL£TED n~ ($l:ebacl;oflut erOf~) ... ""_ ..... l.~ litt, -~"', --, "~ .. ~ _-NEIme Thach Nguyen and C8mle Ng I~ e ...... ;; I~! 1~1 Mailing A~ 1530 -33rd Avenue SouU1 I ... ,,, .• ~ CitylStaICIZip SeattI&, WA 98144 ' """"",,W._7 Ph.oac-No. (including areacode) I ..... No.' .",. .~ Send all property tax eorrapondencc to: 1ZJs.me 115 BuyerJOranaoe Dumbm ~ 'cl;;kb; if; List IlSSflSSfId ~ue(,) N ... 042305-9134 0 Milling Address 0 CicylSl*lZip 0 Phone No. (includinJ area code) • Street address of propcr1y. 0 This property i.totaled in Renton o Check boll ifllll)' I;If1he lislt:d ~II arc bcinl 'egrep;a1ed from IlaJiCt pared. Legal dll,~riplion of property (if IRore space is needed. you may artadl a separate sheel to ",ch P'1e of the affidn'it) PorUon oftha North hal 01 the South hal or ttle SolJ"'-sI quarter of the Northw8sI quurt.,r lind of 1hB North half oIt"" South halt of !he South haH of the SoulhWest ql.lllJ1at of tNt NorttllJlfl8lt quarter of Set:tion 4, TownshIp 23 North. ~ang, 5 Eas&:. WIllatnett6 Meridian. in the City of Renlon, KIng Counly, WStihingtOfl. Select Land Use c~(s): ,4-&.HQh...,. .... _dghIllf-, enter lIfly additional wdes: Code 45 CIlIy: Street Rigtd-of.way (See back of last page fOf" instnll::tiollS) YES Is thi!i. property 0 l!4.36RCW NO o List ail pcrsoruli propeaty (tangible and intangible) inclLJded in sel1ing pricc. YES b;';'_~ .. _io>I",,_84J31lCW? 0 Is Ibis popct4;)I d.&ticd as wm'd use (opeo spate. r.rn nI 0 ~«timbet') lin!. ptI cf\apta' 84.341 NO If claiming an exc:mptiQtI, Iisl WAC number and reasun for exemption: o I!l WAC No. (SectionlSubsectiOll)c458-6~~I"~20~5~(4~1 ______ _ 191his puperty JueiyiDg.spccial valuation as bistuiaI proper1¥ 0 1"'_841hRCW? If~ II\\'YtemIRytCS. ~. insIrWed bdow. o (I) I'I()'IlO:OFCONIll'fIJANCE _lANDORaJllRENTlSj NEW OWN£R(S):To amtinuc!he: C1ImfIl4bignJtioo as forestland CK dassificalion &'!I c:wrcat 1I!IC (open spar;e. f.-m aod agriculture. or timber) Imd, you .....c ... 011 (J) 1MIDw. The county as:asormwl thea dermmiDe if the: bind tnmsfcm:xIli.'OIIlinues to qUalify and win indic:E by sipilJa: below. Iflhc In no Ioaga cpIifies or you do rn:i wish to CL'lIltiaue Ibe designa60n cr dassifllCalioo,. it win be raoovcd and the: ~ « td1iOOnIl ta:ccs will beducllldJllYlble by dll! sdletOl'transftrorallbc time of:sale. (RCW 84.33.140 CI' RCW 84.34.108), Priof1osipPing (3) below, youO\3)' conIact your local 00UJKy A.'iSICWJI" fer DlI.n infDnnaion. This land 0 doc3 0 does not qualify for oontinllmcc. OOPUTY ASSESSOR DATE (1) I'I()'IlO: OF <XlMl'LIANm(llm'OlOC1'IIOiPDm') NEW OWNER(S): 'rQ continue . 1 vahJation as historic • lip (3) ..... lflbe new ~ not wish 10 continucT' additional tax Cllcu1ated JIW$\W1ll0 dIapter 84.2' RCW, shall be due and payable by 1IIc: seller IJT tnmsfcror III the time of sale.. (3) OWNER(S)SIGNATURE PRl~"NAME Reason for exemption Type of Document ~""=:.O::r.:Oed=i="'::"":::.. _________ _ D~ofDocunMmt ________________ _ Gro3s Selling Price S, ___________ _ ·Pcrsoruli Property (dedu(:t) $, ___________ _ Exemption Claimed (dedU1:t) $. ___________ _ Taxable SelUng Price .s, __________ --',,,,OO=. r--1~~~,S~e<--____ ----__ ----_'~.OO~ L~~~---1 L6Cal $ ___________ ,,'.::::..00 ·0elinqucn1 hl~$t; Stale: $, ___________ _ Local $, ____________ _ ·lJelinquent Penalty $, _________ --::-:-:- SubtolaJ S, _________ --,O~.O~O 'Sate Technology Fee ~, __________ --'5:c.OO=- • Affidavit Proussing Fee S, ___________ --,- Total Due $, ___________ '::':::,00:::. A MINIMUM Of SIO.OO IS DUE IN FEE{S) ANO/OR TAX ·SEEINSTRUCTIONS I CEIll1FY UNDO ~TY OF PIEIU\IK" T1IAT 11fE FOIlEGOING IS nUE ANDCOIlRECT. Sipaureof Gruleeor C ..... •• Aae-t ______________ _ Name (priDt) DenIs l.aw DaIe.t cit)' ofsiJDin8: .- REV 84 OIXIllO(a}(2fl7f08) 12653.01D.pdf THIS SPACE-TREASURER'S USE ONLy TAXPAYER • Carrie Olson From: Sent: To: Cc: Ivana Halvorsen [ihalvorsen@barghausen.comj Wednesday, December 31, 2008 1 :04 PM Arneta J. Henninger; Carrie Olson File Subject: RE: Ng short Plat U070153, LUA07-043 (BCE #12653) Bill of Sale. pdf; Cost Data.pdf Attachments: Arneta: I have attached for your review the Cost Data form and Bill of Sale form. Can you please take a quick look at these to approve them before I have my client sign them? Also, what do you need to see on the as-built drawing(s)? The only public utility extension is about 110 LF of sanitary sewer. I VCt-f1.(;V fl ~or.ItWV (425) 656 -7487 OWed" From: Arneta J. Henninger [mailto:Ahenninger@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 20083:54 PM To: carrie Olson; Ivana Halvorsen Subject: RE: Ng short Plat U070153, LUA07-043 (BCE #12653) The last information that I had on this project was that I left a message on Bob W. voice message on Nov. 21 that I needed an update on his project. I did not hear back. Standard procedure for closing any project is complete construction including any punch list items along with a maintenance walk thru. This is done by coordinating with your inspector (Steve Pinkham 206-999-1832). Once construction is complete prepare and submit a set of As Built prints to my office. I will coord them with your inspector. Once your inspector Ok your AsBuilts I will call you to submit the AsBuilt construction mylars. Submit Final Cost Data, Bill of Sale and Maintenance Bond are all the standard steps to closeout for my review. Arneta 425-430-7298 From: carrie Olson Sent: Wednesday, December 17,20082:14 PM To: 'Ivana Halvorsen' Cc: Arneta J. Henninger Subject: RE: Ng short Plat U070153, LUA07-043 (BCE #12653) Hi Ivana: Please contact Arneta Henninger for sign-off requirements on the construction portion of your short plat. Her number is 42-430-7298. Thanks, Carrie From: Ivana Halvorsen [mailto:ihalvorsen@barghausen.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:15 AM To: carrie Olson Subject: FW: Ng short Plat U070153, LUA07-043 (BCE #12653) 1 • From: Ivana Halvorsen Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:58 AM To: 'Jan lilian'; 'colson@ci.renton.wa.us'; 'Laureen Nicolay'; 'Jennifer Henning' Cc: File; 'rene@nwexceptionalhomes.com'; 'fbwest@comcast.net' Subject: Ng short Plat U070153, LUA07-043 (BeE #12653) All: We are nearing readiness to resubmit the short plat for final review and recording. It is my understanding from my client that the required construction is nearing completion, other than what they have paid fees in lieu. I have been working with Laureen on getting a status of the project, but I know that each of you have your elements of reviews and approvals. If each of you can just give me a quick response on what still needs to be completed for you to give your okay to record that would be very helpful. That way I can make sure everything is done and submit a complete package for the final review. B~~C~t~¥'I~ 18215 72nd,Av~Sout'h, KEWlt; WA 98032 (425) 656 -7487 ViKea-z..:..w (425) 251-6222 Genevci/; (425) 251-8782 FAX. 2 Laureen M. Nicolay From: Laureen M. Nicolay Sent: To: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11 :06 AM Carrie Olson Cc: Jennifer T. Henning Subject: FW: Address Change:Ng short Plat U070153, LUA07-043 (BCE #12653) From Planning's standpoint all that seems to be outstanding is: 1. Jennifer stamping a tree replacement plan as approved (once Ivana provides us with 2 more copies) 2. Verification of installation of trees per plan (Ivana says they are probably already installed. Code violation status shows "closed") 3. Removal of structure that has already been demolished from face of plat. Laureen Nicolay, Senior Planner City of Renton Development Planning 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7294 phone (425) 430-7231 fax Inicolay@rentonwa.gov From: Ivana Halvorsen [mailto:ihalvorsen@barghausen.comj Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:58 AM To: Jan lilian; coloson@ci.renton.wa.us; Laureen M. Nicolay; Jennifer T. Henning Cc: File; rene@nwexceptionalhomes.com; fbwest@comcast.net Subject: Address Change:Ng short Plat U070153, LUA07-043 (BCE #12653) All: We are nearing readiness to resubmit the short plat for final review and recording. It is my understanding from my client that the required construction is nearing completion, other than what they have paid fees in lieu. I have been working with Laureen on getting a status of the project, but I know that each of you have your elements of reviews and approvals. If each of you can just give me a quick response on what still needs to be completed for you to give your okay to record that would be very helpful. That way I can make sure everything is done and submit a complete package for the final review. 131M'"~ COYV.\«Lt'IA'l.ff f~¥' I I'l.C< 18215 72 n.d-A Ve-n.u& S outJ1, Kertt; WA 98032 (425) 656-7487 Vwect-Uvte- (425) 251-6222 (jeruwcMt 1 Carrie Olson -Re: Cami Ng From: To: Date: Subject: CC: Jennifer Henning Henninger, Arneta 10/28/2008 12: 18 PM Re: Cami Ng Olson, Carrie Page 1 ofl There is still an issue with the trees, and I will respond to the restoration plan that Bob provided. This is the one that Mr. Corman featured on his website, and we have assured the Council and Mayor that meaningful restoration would occur. Bob provided me with a plan, and Neil and I have determined that it needs to be revised to replace the trees in locations from which they were removed. I'll write the letter. »> Arneta Henninger 10/28/08 12:15 PM »> Jennifer, I am working on the Cami Ng Short plat at NE 21st 5t & Harrington Ave NE (LUA 07-043), working with Bob West to final out the construction of the utilities as well as other paperwork. When I was going thru the short plat file it was not clear if you had signee off; there appeared to be some issue regarding the trees. So I can keep informed as well as getting correct info. to Bob West ( I don't want to be telling him that he is done when he still needs to do XYZ as part of planning signoff) could you please let me know if you have signed off for your part for the short plat to be recorded. Thank you! Arneta file:IIC:\Documents and Settings\COison\Locai Settings\Temp\GW} 0000 i.HTM 10128/2008 From: Carrie Olson To: ----~ Dorsch, Alexia ~/' ') C7 Subject: ,.-Camie NG Short Plat LUA07-043 ~~.-J5 ~ 8' 'if d-f ff--Y- Hi Alexia, I am attaching comments from Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager, for your information. The project cannot go forward to recording until this issue has been addressed. Please contact Camie Ng with this information. Call me at 425-430-7235 with questions. Thanks, Carrie DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM March 11, 2008 Carrie Olson, Plan Review Jan Illian, Plan Review Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager XfYI U ~I \ Camie Ng Short Plat (LUA07-043j The Camie Ng Shol1 Plat proposed to save 25 protected trees on the site. I understand that clearing has occurred and the trees were not retained (see attachment). If this short plat has not yet recorded, please do not send it for recording. A code violation has occurred, and the applicant will be required to provide a restoration plan, replacing the illegally removed trees at a ratio of 3 trees for each tree removed, at a minimum size of 2- inch caliper for deciduous trees and 8 -10' high coniferous tree. cc: :..lei I \Vatts: Development Services Director h:\division.s\develop.ser\dcv&pl,m.ing\jth\review comments\camie ng short plat 07-043.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM March 11, 2008 Carrie Olson, Plan Review Jan lilian, Plan Review Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager ~ Carnie Ng Short Plat (LUA07-043) The Carnie Ng Short Plat proposed to save 25 protected trees on the site. I understand that clearing has occurred and the trees were not retained (see attachment). If this short plat has not yet recorded, please do not send it for recording. A code violation has occurred, and the applicant will be required to provide a restoration plan, replacing the illegally removed trees at a ratio of3 trees for each tree removed, at a minimum size of 2- inch caliper for deciduous trees and 8 -10' high coniferous tree. cc: I'<eil \Vatts. Dcv~lopl1lel1t Services Director h:\divi~ion.s\dev('lop.scr\dcv&plan.ing\jth\review comments\camie ng short plat 07-043.doc 18215 72ND AIUIUI': sot.mI KUIT, WA 960J2 (425)251-l1212 (42~)2~1-8782 f/,X CAMIENG 1530 33RD AVStNE SOUTH SEATILE, WA 98144 (200) 322-3022 "'" €V i Ii Ii i~ ~>:! ! , ! I PAELJ.4tWW 1FIEE FETENl10N PLAN FOR CAMlE NG PROPERTY Remaining Balance Due: $10,417.56 ~ I • - Printed: 10-21-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07 -043 04/24/200709:15 AM • Receipt Number: R0701805 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: THACH NGUYEN & CAMIE NG Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #6678 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 3025 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 501l 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5024 5036 5045 5050 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 305.00.344.85.0003 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 304.000.00.345.85 305.000.00.344.85 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 650. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Sidewalk Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) DO NOT USE -USE 3954 Postage Tax 3,184.56 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,928.00 4,305.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 \ Printed: 10-14-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U070153 02/14/2008 12:05 PM • Receipt Number: R0800699 Total Payment: 68,937.77 Payee: NW EXCEPTIONAL HOMES Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 3025 305.00.344.85.0003 Sidewalk Mitigation Fee 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec util Connect Sewer 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw Payments made for this receipt Amount -----Gm o~ 187.17 378.24 7,955.00 719.40 34,725.75 90.00 11,180.00 369.21 65.00 5,060.00 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 10900 68,937.77 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3025 305.00.344.85.0003 Sidewalk Mitigation Fee .00 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec uti 1 Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 5025 000.322.10.00.0017 Street Lighting Fee .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 3, 2007 Jan Illian, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043-S11PL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: Letter of Compliance, Deed of Dedication, Short Plat drawings. Also provide the following infonnation requested by Gregg Zimmennen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accel!ted Related Comments NA i. Project #s "7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication i. Square Footage: 3,909 Restrictive Covenants i. Fee In Lieu of: $18,392.00 Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond Comments: Approval: =:;;~~<Ttitrick-------:*;;t;+i;;;;;;;;;:----' Date:, ____ _ Kayren Kittrick . AfHeta I ieHRinge!'- Cc: Yellow File ~;,.,." ~:{'l;" ¢" Ojv~ CITY. RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator September 7, 2007 Ms. Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 182 I 5 72nd Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Re: Camie Ng Short Plat 2132 Harrington Place NE Renton, WA Dear Ms. Dorsch: On August 15, 2007, the Development Services Director granted your application for a fee-in-lieu-of installing offsite improvements consisting of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and paving fronting the site in Harrington Place NE. The fee for these improvements has been calculated as follows: FEE PER SQUARE YARD # SQUARE (SY) OR LINEAL YARDS OR ITEM FOOT(LF) LINEAL FEET EXTENDED COST Sidewalk fronting Harrington Place NE 33.001LF 108 $3,564.00 Curb and Gutter Harrington Place NE 43.001LF 108 $4,644.00 Sidewalk fronting NE 2 I st Street 33.001LF 134 $4,422.00 Curb and Gutter NE 2 I st Street 43.001LF 134 $5,762.00 TOTAL FEE-IN-LIEU OF DUE CITY OF RENTON $18,392.00 This fee must be received by the City prior to recording of the short plat. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-I 10 governs appeals to the Examiner. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office by calling (425) 430-6510. -----------------------RE NT 0 N'~' 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 @ This paper contains 50% recycled materiaL 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Alexia Dorsch Carnie Ng Short Plat September 7, 2007 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mike Dotson, Engineering Specialist at (425) 430-7304. Sincerely, Linda Moschetti Administrative Secretary II Planning/BuildinglPublic Works cc: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator, PlanninglBuildingfPublic Works Neil Watts, Director, Development Services Mike Dotson, Engineering Specialist Jan lilian, Engineering Specialist Elizabeth Higgins, Planner Carrie Olson, Office Assistant Susan Olson, Office Assistant 0BIE1.0PMENT SERVICES CITY OF RENTON SEP 12 2007 RECEIVeO February 18,2008 Ms. Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 182157200 Ave S Kent Washington 98032 CITY )F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg ZlmmermanP.E., Administrator SUBJECT: NG SHORT PLAT LUA07-043·SHPL Dear Ms. Dorsch: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the. necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies orthe short plat drawings and three copies of any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be .completed prior to recording of the short plat.) 1. Contact Jan Illian, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7216, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. 2. Demolish home, garage and bree~ way, call for inspection and have Demo Permit BOS0045 finaled. Comments for the Applicant concerning the Deed of Dedication document: 3. The abbreviated legal description on Page I of said Deed description should continue (after "Willamette Meridian") with: in the City of Renton. King County. Washington. 4. Include the second Tax Parcel Number (042305-9210), noted in the subject short plat proposal, in the upper right-hand corner of said Page I of the Deed document. . 5. The name of the Mayor (as one of the city's Grantees) needs to be changed to Denis Law (Page 1). 6. Insert "City of Renton." in the last sentence of the legal description noted on Exhibit A (just preceding. "County of King"). 7. Include indexing information (section, township and range) on the Map Exhibit. 8. Submit a revised, original, stamped, signed, and notarized Deed of Dedication document. Also, see the REET A Form attached for your completion and signature. Comments concerning the short plat submittal: 9. Said maintenance agreement makes no mention of "appurtenances", which is included in the agreement statement used by the city. See the attachment. bPlanReviewlCOLSONlShortpl.ts 2008\NG SIIPL 03L Change RequeslStoptdoc ~ -~-~--1-05-5-S':"o~uth-'-Gr-ad~Y-W-aY---R-e-nt-o-n,-w-as-h-in-gt-0-n-9-8-05"-7-' ----~-R E N TON .' * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 3O"A. post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Page 2 February 18,2008 10. Update the year ("2007") noted in the "ROAD DEDICATION" block (Sheet 1 of3). II. If the house and shed have been removed from the property, then remove said references from the short plat drawing. 12. This short plat will require a separate instrument for the granting of an easement to the City over the "exterior 10 feet". 13. The last line under the "EASEMENT PROVISION" block should end with "BENEFICIARIES" rather than "OWNER". Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review Cc: Yellow File A REETA form is required to be sent with the Deed of Dedication at the time of recording. Please fill out the Grantor portion of the attached document (1), include tax parcel numbers (3), brieflegal description (4), sign (8), and return to me with the signed deed. Don't change or fill in anything else. The City will pay the fees. ~venue 't\kr)l<!f'M>S;<>l. REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT This fonn is your receipt PLEASE nPE OR PRINT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61 A WAC when stamped by cashier. THIS AFFIDA VlT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COI'I-fPLETEn (See back aflas! ., Non, ________________________________________ ___ Mailing Address' __________________________________ _ Non, ____________________________________ __ Mailing Address __________________________________ _ City/State/Zip Phone No. o o o o II Street address of property: ________________________________________________________________________________ _ This properly IS located in Renton o Clleck box ifany "fthe list«! parcels are being ~gregated from a larger pM~el Legal descriptIOn of property (If more space IS needed, you may attach II separate sllee! 10 each page of the affidavit) Select Land Use Code(s ; 45" Highway and street rogrrt of way enter any additional codes: Code 45 only: Street Right-of-Way (See back oflast page for instructions) YES NO tax per chapter o G'l YES Is this prcp21y designated as fi:rest: land perchapier8433 RCW? 0 Is this propmy classified as 00JreDt U'le (ClJefl space, farm and 0 agricultural, or timba') land pel" chaprtt 84341 Is this propaty receiving special valuatirn as historil:al property 0 perchapter84.26 ReM If any answm are yes, oomplete as instructed below. NO G'l G'l (1) NanCEOF('UM1NUANCE (FOREST LAND ORCURRENT USE) NEW O\VNER(S): To cootinue tile current des.ignation as forest land or classification as current use (opeD space, famt and agricultw"e, or timber) land, you mWit sign on (3) below. The county assessor must then determine if the land tnmsferred continues to qualitY and will indicate by signing be1ow. If the land no longer qualifies oryou do not wish to cootinue the designation or cJassificatioo., it will be removed and the compensating or additiooaJ taxes win be due and payabk by the seller or tnIrulferor at the time of sale. (RCW 84.31140 or RCW 84.34.108). Prior to signing (3) below, you may contact your local county assessor for more information. This land 0 does 0 does not qualify for continuance. DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE (2) NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE (HISI'ORIC PROPERTY) NEW OWNER(S): To continue special valuation as historic property, sign (3) below. If the new owner(s) does not wish to continue, all additionall3X calculated pursuant to chapter 84.26 RCW, sbaU be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (3) OWNER(S) SIGNATURE PRINT NAME List all personal property (tangible and intangible) included in selling price. If claiming ap exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption: WAC No. (Seclion/Subsection) ~4~5~B~-6~1A~-~2~O~5'~4L! ________________ _ Reason for exemption TypeofDocumentCO~'~.~d~o~'~D~~~;~~~,~O~" ______________________ __ Dale of Documellt ____________________________________ _ Gross Selling Price $, ________________________ __ 'Personal Property (deduct) $, ________________________ __ Exemption Claimed (deduct) $, ________________________ __ Taxable Selling Prke $ ______________________ ~O~.O~O_ Excise Tax: State S ______________________ ~O~.O~O_ 0.0050 I Local S ____________________ -'O".O",OC ·Delinquent Interest: State $ ________________________ __ Local $ ______________________ __ *Delinquent Penalty $ ________________________ __ Subtotal $ ____________________ ~O".O~O_ • State Technology Fee S ____________________ --'5~.~0~O_ • Affidavit Processing Fee $ ________________________ __ Total Due $ ____________________ ''''0".0,,0_ A MINIMUM OF $10.00 IS DUE IN FEE{S) AND/OR TAX 'SEE INSTRUCTIONS I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Signature of Grantor or Grantor's Agent ________________________ __ Name (print) _____________________________________________ __ Date & city of signing: Signature of Grantee or Grantee's Agent ____________________________ ___ Name (print) Denis law, Mayor Date & city of signing: , Renton Perjury: Peljury is a class C felony which is pwlishable by imprisonment in the state oorrectionai institution for a maximum term ofm,)( more than five yem, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than fivt: thousand dollm ($5,000.00)' or by both impriS(Xlll1Cl1t and fine (RCW 9A.20,OZO OC)). REV 84 OOOlae (a) (05108107) THIS SPACE· TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURE · . Title for both ofthe fOllowing paragraphs: NEW PRlV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRlV ATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON TIllS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRlV A TE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRlVA TE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN TIllS EASEMENT, PRlV ATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRlV ATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY.FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRlV A TE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REP AIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRlV ATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRlVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PA YEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. ., DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 29, 2008 Carrie Olson ~ Sonja J. Fesser ~ Ng Short Plat, LUA-07-043-SHPL (a k a Renton Properties Shpl) Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant concerning the Deed of Dedication document: The abbreviated legal description on Page I of said Deed description should continue (after "Willamette Meridian") with: in the City of Renton, King County. Washington. Include the second Tax Parcel Number (042305-9210), noted in the subject short plat proposal, in the upper right-hand comer of said Page I of the Deed document. The name of the Mayor (as one of the city's Grantees) needs to be changed to Denis Law (Page I). Insert "City of Renton." in the last sentence of the legal description noted on Exhibit A (just preceding "County of King"). Include indexing information (section, township and range) on the Map Exhibit. Comments concerning the short plat submittal: Said maintenance agreement makes no mention of "appurtenances", which is included in the agreement statement used by the city. See the attachment. Update the year (,,2001") noted in the "ROAD DEDICATION" block (Sheet I of 3). If the house and shed have been removed from the property, then remove said references from the short plat drawing. \H:\File Sys\LNO -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0488\RV080129.doc • • February 15, 2008 Page 2 This short plat will require a separate instrument for the granting of an easement to the City over the "exterior 10 feet". The last hne under the "EASEMENT PROVISION" block should end with "BENEFICIARIES" rather than "OWNER". Comments for the Project Manager: Note the comment above concerning the change in name of the city's mayor. Have said change made in the city's dedication form for future use. If the street dedication has not been approved by Council to date, then ask the applicant for an updated/supplemental Short Plat Certificate, to be dated within the 45-day time frame prior to Council approval. The latest plat certificate found in our file is dated in April of 2007. Your December 3, 2007, review request noted that there was a short plat certificate attached. I don't find any certificates in our files dated later than April 2007. Said short plat certificate is for your use and information when processing the street dedication and provides reasonable assurance that the "Grantor" has the right to dedicate property to the city. If said dedication is already completed/approved, then an updated short plat certificate is not needed. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plat-;\0488\RV080129.doc\cor CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Carrie Olson City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RE: Deed of Dedication December 17, 2007 COURIER DELIVERY Camie Ng Short Plat (a.k.a. Renton Properties S.P.) City of Renton File No.: LUA-07-043-SHPL Our Job No. 12653 Dear Carrie: ~II YOf-RENTOt-. -1 ECEIVED 1 7 2007 3UILDINGDIVISION Per your request, we are submitting the Deed of Dedication associated with the Camie Ng Short Plat for review by the Renton City Council. Original signed copies of the Deed of Dedication and Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit will be submitted with the mylars at a later date. Please let me know when we can expect approval by the City Council. Please review and forward the enclosed at your earliest convenience. If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. ADD/pj 12653c.0! 7.doc enc: Three (3) copies of the Deed of Dedication Alexia D. Dorsch Assistant Planner One (1) copy of your email dated December 5, 2007 cc: Camie Ng (w/enc) Thomas A. Barghausen, Barghausen Consulting Engineers. Inc. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA. WA • TACOMA. WA • SACRAMENTO. CA • TEMECULA. CA www.barghausen.com CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board .. Staff Contact ..... . Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Camie Ng Short Plat (LUA07-043). For Agenda of: February 4, 2008 Agenda Status Consent.. ........... . Public Hearing .. Correspondence .. Ordinance. ... :., Resolution ... . Old Business ... . x r=:E-xh:-i::-b7it-s-: ---------------------1 New Business ... W~;t1r~~~~~ Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Study Sessions .. I.,~~~~l~:l~~· Information ........ . Hearing Examiner's Report Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur Legal Dept.. ...... . Finance Dept.. ... . Other. ............. . Fiscal Impact: N/ A Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted... .... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x X The area to be dedicated is 30' x 130', approximately 3,909 sq. ft., required to extend NE 21" St. This dedication is to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Carnie NG Short Plat (LUA07-043). Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. I;\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\NG (Carnie) SHPL 02m AGNBILL.doc -.- --_ .. Return Address' City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 042305-9134-04 Project File #: LUi\-07-043 Street Imersection: Harrington Place NE and NE 21 5t Street Rererence Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I. Thach Nguven and Carnie Ng 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Ahbreviated arfulliegal must go here. Additional legal on page 2) Portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 N0l1h, Range 5 East Willamette Meridian The GnmlOr, l'or and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named abo\'t'. the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: Grantor(s): Grantee(s): City of Renton Thach Nguyen Mayor -Kathy Keolker CamieNg City Clerk -Bonnie Walton INDIVlDU4L FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box _. __ ~igned this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Hfocms/xxxcRM/AGREF/12653-F-Deed of Dedication-2007-I 2-03.000 ID FORM 04 OOOl/bh Page I Project: Carnie Ng Short Plat WO# 77750 PID Exhibit A Legal Description GRANTOR: Thach Nguyen & Carnic Ng Street: NE 21 51 Street The South 30 feet of the following described property, abutting and adjoining NE 21" Street: That portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, descri bed as follows: BEGINNING at the West quarter corner of said Section 4; THENCE North 0'31 '05" East 609,36 feet; THENCE South 88'18'09" East 1010,70 feet; THENCE South 0'39'36" West 238,09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 0'39'36" West 218,09 feet; THENCE South 88'19'03" East 280.23 feet; THENCE North 00'33'38" East 217,89 feet; THENCE North 88'18'36" West 281,09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed by deeds recorded under Recording No, 4897237 and 5333619; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No, 5359639, Situate in the County of King, State of Washington HfmmsJ",FRM!AGREEJ 12653-F-Deed of Dedication-2007-12-03'oOO ID FORM 04 000 1 Ibh Page 2 Map Exhibit I REt. NO.lJ7062209lO I HfmmslxxxFRM/AGREE/12653-F-Deed ofDedication-2007-12-03.DOCl JD FORM 04 000 Jlbh Page 3 <6 j "''<SI: -~. <t>, ~~ 'lite ENG\~ Laureen Nicolay City of Renton I Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RE: Short Plat Recording CIVIL ENGINEEflING. LANIl PI ANN lNG, SURVEYING. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES November 26, 2007 HAND DELIVERY Camie Ng Short Plat (a.k.a. Renton Properties S.P.) City of Renton File No.: LUA-07-043-SHPL Our Job No. 12653 Dear Laureen: On behalf of our client Camie Ng, we are formally submitting the Short Plat for the above-referenced project in accordance with City of Renton Short Plat Recording submittal requirements. Enclosed are the following plans and documents for your review and approval: I. Four (4) copies of the Waiver Form 2. Four (4) copies of the Confirmation of Compliance with all Conditions of Plat Approval 3. Four (4) copies of the current Short Plat Certificate prepared by Fidelity National Title Company, dated April 17,2007 4. Four (4) copies of the Density Worksheet 5. Four (4) copies of the Short Plat Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated April 18,2007 6. Three (3) copies of the Landscape Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 7. Three (3) copies of the Lot Closure Calculations 8. Three (3) copies of the Draft Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication, with exhibit 9. Two (2) 8-112-by II-inch photo reductions of the complete Plan Set 10. One (I) copy of the email from Jan lilian -Public Works, dated November 27, 2007 I I. One (I) copy of the letter from Linda Moschetti -Public Works, granting Fee-in-Lieu of Installing Offsite Improvements, dated September 7, 2007 It is our understanding that the enclosed plans and documents comprise a complete Short Plat Recording submittal. Please review and approve the enclosed at your earliest convenience. If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at this office. Thank you. ADDlpj 12653c.0 15.doc enc: As Noted cc: Camie Ng (w/enc) ~QgJL Alexia D. Dorsch Assistant Planner Thomas A. Barghausen, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Raymond van der Roest, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18210 72NO AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WA 98032 (4?5) ?51-0:::'22 (42!J:1 2~1-8782 FAX BHANCI-j OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TACOMA. WA • SACRAMFNTO. CA • TEMECULA, CA wWN_barqhausen com COMPLIANCE WITH SHORT PLAT APPROVAL CONDITIONS Carnie Ng Short Plat (a.k.a. Renton Properties S.P.) 2132 Harrington Place N.E. Renton, WA 98056 City of Renton File No.: LUA07-043 Our Job No. 12653 The following outline provides each of the Hearing Examiner Decision comments in italics exactly as written. along with a narrative response describing how each comment was addressed: The existing structure, including the aI/ached garage, must be removed or demolished prior to the recording of the pial. Response: The applicant/owner agrees to demolish the existing house prior to recording of the short plat. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. Thefee is payable prior to Ihe recording of the pial. Response: The applicant/owner agrees to pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee of $3,588.75 for the additional daily trips created by this project. Each new lot is expected to generate 9.57 new average weekday trips, ($75.00 x 9.57 EDT x 5 lots ~ $3588.75) A Temporary Erosion and Sedimentalion Control Plan (TESCP) shall be required. The TESCP shall be designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements oUllined in II alume II of Ihe mosl recent Department of Ecology Stormwater Managemenl Manual. This condition shall he subject 10 the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Response: A Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) was submitted to Public Works on October 18.2007 as pan of the Construction Permit Application. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $48800 per new single,family slructure, shall be payable prior to the recording of the pial. Response: The applicant/owner agrees to pay a Fire Mitigation Fee of $2,440 for the addition of 5 new single family residences. A Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new singlej'amily residence shall be payable prior to the recording of the plat. Response: The applicant/owner agrees to pay a Parks Mitigation Fee of $2,653.80 for the addition of 5 new single family residences. The face of Ihe plat shall conlain language that prohibits any access to the east from Proposed Lots 4 and 6. Response: An Access Restriction Note is included on the short plat which states: "there shall be no access to or from lots 4 and 6 to the east of the site. There shall be no access to or from Jefferson Avenue N.E. from lots 4 and 6." • RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION The South 30 feet of that portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., described as follows: BEGINNING at the West quarter corner of said Section 4; THENCE North 0'31 '05" East 609.36 feet; THENCE South 88°18'09" East 1010.70 feet; THENCE South 0'39'36" West 238.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 0'39'36" West 218.09 feet; THENCE South 88°19'03" East 280.23 feet; THENCE North 0'33'38" East 217.89 feet; THENCE North 88'18'36" West 281.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed by deeds recorded under Recording Nos. 4897237 and 5333619; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No. 5359639. Said 30·foot strip lying adjacent to and adjoining the right of way for NE 21" Street. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Project Name: Camie Ng Short Plat Job No. 12653 June 28, 2007 P:\ 12000s\ 12653\doc\126531.001.rowdeddoc Page 1 of 1 Associated exhibit: P:\ 12000s\12653\survey\plats\12653EXH01 ROWDWG · ~. .. I I I I I I I I S88'19'42t: 281JO;(CALC) 281,09'(tmI) 256.22' Nll8'1942'" 125.00 Scale: I I~ , 5000' 25.00"-;J----- i I RAY: BROWN SHORT PLAT Horizontal ,. = 50' Vertical I REe. NO. I 7706220930 I For: Title: 11 -SO' CAMIE NG SHORT PLAT RIGHT OF WAY Job Number 12853 DEDICA TION;':-""I"""!""~"",1~;;:-of =1""'1 LOT CLOSURES fPARCEL MAP CHECK Carnie Ng Short Plat (a.k.a. Renton Properties S.P.) City of Renton File No.: LUA07-043-SHPL Our Job No. 12653 Parcel name: BOUNDARY Parcel name: LOT 2 North: 189432.6805 East: 1307253.2391 North: 189375.8967 East: 1307347.8388 Line Course: S 88-19-42 E Length: 256.22 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 95.25 North: 189425.2061 East: 1307509.3501 North: 189378.6753 East: 1307252.6294 Line Course: S 00-54-06 W Length: 218.04 line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 54.00 North: 189207.1931 East: 1307505.9189 North: 189324.6787 East: 1307252.0246 Line Course: N 88-20-09 W Length: 130.23 line Course: S 88-19-42 E Length: 94.27 North 189210.9751 East: 1307375.7439 North: 189321.9287 East: 1307346.2545 Line Course: N 00-38-30 E Length: 110.06 line Course: N 01-40-18 E Length: 53.99 North: 189321.0282 East: 1307376.9764 North: 189375.8957 East: 1307347.8295 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 125.00 North: 189324.6747 East: 1307252.0296 Perimeter: 297.51 Area: 5,116 SF 0.12 acres Line Course: N 00-38-30 E Length: 108.01 North: 189432.6779 East: 1307253.2392 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0094 Course: S 83-52-02 W Perimeter: 947.55 Area: 42,000 SF 0.96 acres Error North: -0.00100 East: -0.00933 Precision 1: 31,650.00 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0026 Course: S 01-39-08 E Error North: -0.00260 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 364,446.15 Parcel name: LOT 3 North: 189428.2693 East: 1307404.3907 line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 55.00 Parcel name: LOT 1 North: 189429.8737 East: 1307349.4141 line Course: S 01-40-18 W Length: 54.00 North: 189429.8737 East: 1307349.4141 North: 189375.8967 East: 1307347.8388 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 96.22 line Course: S 01-40-18 W Length: 53.99 North: 189432.6806 East: 1307253.2351 North: 189321.9297 East: 1307346.2638 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 54.01 line Course: S 88-19-42 E Length: 30.72 North: 189378.6740 East: 1307252.6302 North: 189321.0335 East: 1307376.9708 Line Course: S 88-19-42 E Length: 95.25 Line Course: N 42-36-23 E Length: 37.05 North: 189375.8954 East: 1307347.8397 North: 189348.3031 East: 1307402.0521 Line Course: N 01-40-18 E Length: 54.00 line Course: N 01-40-18 E Length: 80.00 North: 189429.8724 East: 1307349.4150 North: 189428.2691 East: 1307404.3858 Perimeter: 299.47 Area: 5,169 SF 0.12 acres Perimeter: 310.77 Area: 5,600 SF 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Mapcheck Ctosure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0015 Course: S 32-58-13 E Error Closure: 0.0049 Course: S 87-45-00 W Error North: -0.00130 East: 0.00084 Error North: -0.00019 East: -0.00489 Precision 1: 199,653.33 Precision 1: 63,420.41 f Parcel name: LOT 4 Parcel name: TRACT A (ROW DEDICATION) North: 189425.2062 East: 1307509.3460 North: 189237.1944 East: 1307506.3873 Line Course: N 88-19-42 W Length: 105.00 Line Course: N 88-20-09 W Length: 130.37 North 1894282693 East: 1307404.3907 North: 189240.9804 East: 1307376.0723 Line Course: S 01-40-18 W Length: 80.00 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 30.00 North: 189348.3033 East: 1307402.0570 North: 189210.9823 East: 1307375.7363 Line Course: S 70-21-24 E Length: 26.07 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 130.23 North: 189339.5395 East: 1307426.6098 North: 189207.2003 East: 1307505.9114 Line Course: S 88-21-50 E Length: 81.39 Line Course: N 00-54-06 E Length: 30.00 North: 189337.2157 East: 1307507.9666 North: 189237.1966 East: 1307506.3835 Line Course: N 00-54-06 E Length: 88.00 North: 189425.2048 East: 1307509.3514 Perimeter: 320.60 Area: 3,909 S.F. 0.09 acres Perimeter: 380.45 Area: 9,195 S.F. 0.21 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0044 Course: N 59-41-03 W Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error North: 0.00223 East: -0.00382 Error Closure: 0.0056 Course: S 75-18-47 E Precision 1: 72,863.64 Error North: -0.00141 East: 0.00537 Precision 1: 67,939.29 Parcel name: TRACT B (DRIVE ACCESS) Parcel name: LOT 5 North: 189339.5410 East: 1307426.6056 Line Course: N 70-21-24 W Length: 26.07 North: 189338.6447 East: 1307457.9822 North: 189348.3048 East: 1307402.0528 Line Course: N 88-21-50 W Length: 31.39 Line Course: S 42-36-23 W Length: 37.05 North: 189339.5410 East: 1307426.6050 North: 189321.0352 East: 1307376.9715 Line Course: S 42-36-23 W Length: 38.02 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 80.06 North: 189311.5574 East: 1307400.8671 North: 189240.9802 East: 1307376.0749 Line Course: S 00-38-30 W Length: 71.28 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 24.00 North: 189240.2819 East: 1307400.0688 North: 189240.2832 East: 1307400.0648 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 56.36 Line Course: N 00-38-30 E Length: 71.28 North: 189238.6452 East: 1307456.4050 North: 189311.5588 East: 1307400.8630 Line Course: N 00-54-05 E Length: 100.01 Line Course: N 42-36-23 E Length: 38.02 North: 189338.6428 East: 1307457.9783 North: 189339.5423 East: 1307426.6010 Perimeter: 297.06 Area: 5,293 SF 0.12 acres Perimeter: 276.48 Area: 2,717 SF 0.06 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0043 Course: S 63-02-12 W Error Closure: 0.0048 Course: N 74-16-49 W Error North: -0.00197 East: -0.00387 Error North: 0.00130 East: -0.00462 Precision 1: 69,083.72 Precision 1: 57,600.00 Parcel name: LOT 6 North: 189337.2171 East: 1307507.9613 Line Course: N 88-21-50 W Length: 50.00 North: 189338.6447 East: 1307457.9817 Line Course: S 00-54-05 W Length: 100.01 North: 189238.6470 East: 1307456.4084 Line Course: S 88-20-09 E Length: 50.00 North: 189237.1950 East: 1307506.3873 Line Course: N 00-54-06 E Length: 100.04 North: 189337.2226 East: 1307507.9616 Perimeter: 300.04 Area: 5,001 SF 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0055 Course: N 02-36-52 E Error North: 0.00552 East: 0.00025 Precision 1: 54,554.55 DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. __ 4,.=,2""0,,-,0,,,,0 __ square feet 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets" Private access easements" Critical Areas' Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: -=3""9,,,0e<.9 __ sq ua re feet -"0'----__ square feet -"0'----__ square feet 2. 3,909 square feet 3. 38,091 square feet 4. 0.87 acres 5. 6 unitsllots 6. 6.89 = dwelling units/acre 'Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded . •• Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. 12653006.doc [3/28/071 Revised 6/1/071 Last updated: 11108/2004 [;". ElOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS fEJ©@IPW his requirement may be waived by: Property Services Section Public Works Plan Review Section Building Section Development Planning Section PROJECT NAME: (~ ~j DATE: \1 \ ",?O /6 (P I Q;\WEB\Pw\DEVSERv\Forms\Plannlng\walverofsubmlttalreQs ~ 9-06.xls 09/06 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIO WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS W~@~Gll FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Vireless: Applicant Agreement Statement AND 3 of Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement. Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area Photosimulations his requirement may be waivEid by: Property Services Section Public Works Plan Review Section Building Section PROJECT NAME: G~ N~ S k<rtf fr M DATE: ___ I '-+/2$..::0-+1-'.(.","''--___ _ Development Planning Section I I Q:\WEBIPWlDEVSERVlForms\Planning\waiverofsubmlttalreqs_~06.xls 09106 CITY OF RENTON SHORT L'JA-07-043-SHPL L~:D~·20-0488 DEDICATION K'tlY" ,IlL P€llPLE '1 IlGt PRE~E"'~ W~T I'E. TIlt u~m\s':;r<ED OWt.ER(S) or t.l'El!ESl 1N lW£ L/IS) I'IEROBY ~tIOM ~lAIilMI,)£o. fIDIIlJ\' IItClJ,R[ THS 5lI0II'" F'UT 1(1 BE! IH! ~ ~ATIOI\ or 'lIE SIQIT :su&OMSIOM lolOO( >EI!<lrf. AIoIJ !'.Ill SA(I Sl«)RT SI.I3OMSO> IS w.tJ[ _ * nit[ CQ/WfI _ 1M /oIX~ ~ m: t:(SIII£ or 11£ 0'IH:~(s). ~ oWIlNESs \~IER€O' VIE: 5£"' CU~ IWIDS N-() S£J,I!i. ~ NGwtH w.~ ACKNOWLEDOMENTS $T.o.I[ OF ~1I~l"C1I ~ ss COUNTY OF ~IN~ 5 I t:[lr.Irr lH~T I KIIOIII OIl HII'IE Slmf.o.t:"t-Ry (I/IlIDIC! THAI IfIoOoCl1 NGUYEN 5JGNED THIS tlEDK:A1I011 AU() J.CIltlDW\.£OOW Ii TO II\! H!$ f'I'f:, AJ«l ·/OI.UI/I...,..,. IC FOIl THE \lsn "'I\l I'\JIIPQS€S IO"IOItiJ ~ "111;: IHSIlIUWEN!". """ '''--------SIJHotlUR;; or ,",OT'-If" PUlILK: ~ PIll"lUl toW.OE /;oF" N(lTAR"I "'J!II.I~ _____ _ ,~,-----­ I.ff ,,1>'>!)1lT1oIEIoI' ~PIRES ~!v(}F" IlFw~cm l SS I CEl'Il'FY II\1oT I ~_ OR ~IM: S.o.nsfllCTtIR" E\'IOC:~ "IIIo\.T CJ,llIE HO SlGN£O lHS IWJ)rJo";!(lN .u;o .lCKNO'III.EOOED rr -0 8:: Hn fIIEE .oH.I \IOIUNTMY IICI I'O~ rt£ usts NU "'-lI"OStS "'f:Nll0lED ~ lH( '~"s1lI\IIoI[KT. ~~nm~'<o",,--------­ ~~ :t'f 0;;-------- NOTIIR"1" "!JBll(; '"'--------- '" "P~EIr. E.:<1>!REli ____ _ lOT o\OOIIE'i.'S(""!i lOT; :11Je. fII/lIiIHGmI ptK, If: ." 21:llt~I'lIIt,If'_ ." 29CO"1f.21S1S"1IIE[O W" 21"01 'I[ 11". SlllEr W" 211C! ~E 2151 SIfIEFi U'" 21:2 1E 21ST !;TRf£l R!:.CORDER'S CERTIF'CATE FILED F"CR RECORD 7KIS DAY or " p,~ IN BOOK ." .AT PAGE .. THE REOUES' or JOA.t4Nr 1..1 STA.CKHOliSr. IJI.,NA(;ER 20. ..AT APPROVALS: KING COUNTY DEP,tJffWENT OF" ASSESSMENTS I RECORDING NO. YOL./PAGE CITY OF" RENTON O(PAR'NENT Of PlANNINC/ 8UILQtNG/PUBLIC WORl(S H~\oIIrn;u AAD APFRIl'ItI) TllJS ___ ""'.,. or ______ • 20 __ _ ;;~;:;iSm.TOR---------------- ... OI!>CAllIlIt (XIoloII~I:O ~~o .1/>1'1'101'£0 11<15 __ O"V 0> ______ . 2~ __ _ .iS$ESS:O~------------- OEPUr"i~sm-s5~------------ ACCOUIIT NU~9ERS O.2JO~-~1~4-1J. "'10 ()425O!i-921o-01 tt( SWIH 30 fEfl W TfIS sm: I.:IIS OEDICIo1EJ) to 11!£ CIl'f rx RI)I1CW RlR ~IC 1IIl," l"f lIfi fOl! 'II: 11Sl" smro 9i (lEU IIECORI:{:J lKH m; (XUm" l®lIIIlN; IlII«l'I 2\lCl _____ _ TRIICT B r.wtflUWCE .Il:R£DlEtfT llW:l a IS iii IKJI£$S, E.tRm .\Nfl 1J11Jt"(S ~AACl r.![ I:I!'IN:RS [f" LOTS 1 ~~o 4 sw.u. ~ Nj [QIJ/( ~HO WI\lMIlE\l IM(R5HI' MI'!ESJ III llIICJ ~. /,liD Nj ro.w. »Ill LtlOMOEO i!£SPONSGtTY ;OJ! T~[ IWIIIDIlllCE or 1HE ~1E AC>::ESS IIO.IllS, DIWWlE. PIPES. MD SM WJIT£ft 00'1. Tl" N«)jCR DE1Nl:lN T,I,ClRlCS \\mtll 11IIICT ~, _IE 5I'o:w;[. All) 0lH0il I~~ :wr CIIM3l IJt T.of( tI/1 Of AEM"fON OR 0l\tER Ui'Lf1Y !'!meERS IMII~CE com 1lWl. !l: :iIiN® E(jUl.tH. 1lIE en', 01 REIITCH s~u 11M JIIE ~oo 10 or.tfI SMl ~r; TO AEPIifl N1r OO"CIENCI£S [f" tl( CtI/INIIG[ tAClUlo£S.. I~{st REfWRS SIIo'U. e. ~11K O'lINER'S COSt. PI.RkII:: tt.' THr p",n" ~ JRAC1 ~ IS PI\(I1/9"IED. l!IIl.£5S P.o.YB/M lIIOTH IS IJltoUfR TOWl 23 fIET. EASOiElR" PRCMSON ~ F'RIl'All L\SDIENl IS HUiB'I" REseJM:D 'toR All) CfIAIj,D TO "11£ CJ1Y or J!:EM~, PIIm SOO~D [NERS"V CCIof'AII'r. ~. GQUCN;l. (~ PR,..",1[ U'IlJllES), IiII!l I~O/I RE5PrCIl'IE ~s ""D ~SOfS I!IaR ,\I(l !.roN ALL PArl\\1[ S1l'IffiS, .... 1.L"1II:I..'S OR ~L~r= t::rs~f~= J:J~ Jf ~~ ~ ~~ ~~s:.~s.~ ~~ED~~I:r~~ ~~) .ICIo\CEN"f TO 11£ ie-fOOT ~:x UllUJY Wl:IEU ilESElMO " TIl!: "'R(QIPIG stIflUoU AS rou.cw,;, ~ II:IIJI.T = i,:a~r;::,(~ t~CT~~N~')Ja:: ~~ =rJ).1Dj1 = ~~ ~:~oT~~~\Il~ )S NSTNlHl' t:UIIt; TH, UfUro'S IN1\II.. IlrotlJ;mI Of f,l,Cl·nos. 1£ fJIS6BITS JlI£ R[SfOO IitJD I"SWIIEll II 0II':ltR 10 IHSTIII.L oJ.1, o»lSTiIUCT, rtEIIl'II. OPlAAlE All[) w.r-nAil UlURGROI.l'ID !'If'[. ~DUU. CA8L!S. ~IR£S. I'lUllS "II) I'IDESTN.S 11TH Il;l:(~ floCt'liES Ntl DII£R E')JIPI8{'" ~ IN( FUiPOSE t»" SUMI3 lltS S~ M(I OTHE~ P!!CP[IID" JJ1ll [[[em::. 'wPHOK. ~$. laE~CI"1)NS, DI.~A llWl;~SS:O~. !ITR££1 lIl-HTS MIl UIIJfI SERVCE l!X[lI()1 ~ THE ~ 10 ENl£R iJ'Q1I 11If lOTS .\Ill TlOCl$ ~r ItI. TlIIES To;! TlI£ PIM'QS6 tERUI ;rATED. 1H[5( EoI!iDlD/TS :JIlERED !RlW JOR loa F"UIPO"£S SII/oll !IE ~ ,IS ~ AS ptSSBlf rn !HEll! ~1iIGII'W. COIDIlOII. IJC '..N::S olR "'RES ~ 1"IWoISIIISSKlN Of EL£r:TRIC t1.IR1IOO. 0fI fOR 1WJ't(IIi(. CQU 1£'.['''''0l0I. i{lG')III,IlOO::.Il\OHS OR OI\TA lTIAHSI.ISSOH um $IW.l. lIE PUl:tD C~ PUlITIED ltI f£ pUI.fiI WIIHH 1lIIS EA'lVoIEHT l!t£SS THE SA'A[ SfIIlL B( .NtDtllGIIOU~O. If(} PE~IW/EH1 S11il.lOTURE !iHOC.lliI: I'W:ED ~111!1 TH!: 1".\S£I01S '«IIQIT PERIISSQI fR()W 9.5[V[I(I 0IIl<ERS. 'mIlm ~ SHCMlT P!.IoT CEIITlFIC,\T( PREl'IIQ ElY fl('.1Tl" twKt:W. 1fIt! Coll'fIIM" or 1M5~,"rn;, 'IIElR ~~Dm HO. 1-07tl"~. IW"(O I~ ~ ~:)[17 IJ BOO ~_M., AND IU. SlW..Eh'OO~ lI6I!:lJf". *S REJJ[O IJJ'(III fOR U Rrol'IO 11l:11S IIfEmlI TIllS SJ!£ . .o.o:oRIIIIC TO SIoIO ronJ"WL ll( ~ IlDG Ifffi:T THIS SI;t. ... <MEaT AHO OO"lJI\IlI.S (I)(I".u.w IIUiIl. J($ 6~:o/DSOJ)5m/tOOIJ@ In IfSTRU~DflIlECOfID(D lWER IlECOIUIIIC "iNBE:l< 5018119. CIW/Ifl) ToO TlfE em or REIOOtI refl ~ ~ l.NSS. THS rutlElll LIES ",m·m 1'NIAP..clll~ PIJt£ IE B ~rw;DU~ cr /.C1IEI~['fJ Mil! THE ,lIT or II£N1lJII 'IUXfi:IUI ~m IImJIOt(lllN&El :r~lm21J1. r;. 0_1lI<'IiCt MO. 4m 11lG.'ID~ 5,IH,UR"I' Sl"\IER S£l\'o'({ ~ ~ fl1STlilCl, III) Iff. I£RIoIS I.kll COII!lfll()IIS llIERW". REWiIOOI LfWI' JI!C(II)N) IU&II 1IOOI1MOO:I291. ~. MDlWr.( flO. ~2. t.I4> Ult "It""S IN) C()IotIIDllS lIOlOI' Rl:00I00l UHCO fWJllDltC NlIII81J1 !!I041l8m"(:06D4 DECLM4T1C»1 CI CfJVOOHT III[ O"/otIJIS 17 '..UID EN8R..:tD I'IIIIfH II1lS 5t«lJlT PIAl. IN II(IUTIPI FOR 1M[ Wl/WS TO /oCt1tUE 'lIOI.\ Il-IS su~WISI~fI. Q'T" SIG~KI -lEREON o:;ww.'fT IJoD Uiff m CCtlI[Y Iff. Bf.HEFlCWI'I ~ll:<IBl 11 /lIE "£,1 {.\$DEHfS !I(MIoj tI TIIS SIGTJ PW JD ~ NIO IU fVMI£ ~SEJIS ~ lit: llJfS. IJ! cr lIlY SIi!O'.'N\)lI'i IlUII:tJ. lHS OMI.IHT SIWJ. Pm .~ lH, ~D 16 ~ 0'1 1~1S stO:' P" .JoT. AOUf(Jf PROl(l;fklN NOTtE '/HE lOTS CI1Orro ~~ fN.!. ~1I~ ZOlIE 2 (f RDfJON's ,\(Ill'll\" ptt:)Tmrnt AA£~ II(t IoIi( stN:CI ro lHE Rl:1)U~[lUlIfS (If II-{ CJJY .)1" Il:EIIIW ~ ~~. ,jJIi1},1jil /l'; AlEIIII£O 11 m"OjjCE 110. mil. Ift~ crtl'S 9::l.t soow.t Of DJIIIoKI!C IMlER 15 ~~EIl Jl!Il~ A ~aw I.QUFm UIW1 1ft: CITY SUlrl£E. "fIIE1lf IS I,() MI\oIUII. ""'~~ IIrnoWIII£ "lOR IoIIl.E AND CAO~ 9H.IC£ 00RIlI[ CNI!. 'JtaJlD liE Ermtsmllfli 1\IKt,.; Cf IHIlY.)U{I SlJil5!1.1.n OTHrr;: If(~ *tJI. 10 PltI;lT£Cl ~ CDIIlIC1 IHI]-. Th"E ~D S'..RF.\l:£. IT IS M: HCl£- OIMJI"~ ~E"SP)&aIlY TIl PllQlECT K CI!Y's 1\Rtt(I'(; ""TEll. /ICCESS R£S11IICTION t«>l[ n(1( ~ lIE ~ II:CESS TO IJI fRl)llIllT~ 4 ..... P ~ 10 II( ~ OfHS ~11[ nm~.l!IE ~DIfJ:m mOl: fROUj[F'OIill11I1/El1U( ~E '1Kl~ lars • ,Iff) 8 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE. 11-15 SIiORT PLOT CORR£CIV R(PR[S(WS A, SlIIlV[( w.DC: &t \IE O~ (INOEII \f( OjR;:CTIOII IN C~HFORl.lIoNC[ '/m~ I~E REQlJRE:t.lEffTS or TH[ IIPPROPl'll~fE ST"-lE ANIl cot..t.T"!" sr"-'JT[ ~ND ORDI~E IN MlRCH. 2007 2 ' Sum If ' l1'lV?!!ll 1'1::. Y. STACKHOUSF; CEFrIFlCATE ""0. J4671 18215 nM) AVENUE scum KENT. Y.'A 980J2 {42.'o)251 -6222 i ~2S)2SI -811J~ rAl( CMl ("&II£E"'OI;. l..o\loO 1'UNtINIl. SIJRV["(l~. UN~Ol. SUI\IIC[S SECTION 4, T. 2.3 N., R. 5 L, W.M. LEGAL. DESCRIPTION TI<~l I>IJI01OH Dr J'jE IIOIflH IIAlF Of lIfE SOlIIII IW.F Of THE SOl.ITt'WEST OIJAAl"ER OF THE ~T1i'II~ST OOAA1ER .yI{) or 1"1( ~N ~ Of TtlE SOIJTtI I'~Lr 01' THo $Curff IW.F Cf mE SOlI'l-MF.Sl QUIIInER or r..r N:JIfIliWfST Ol\lIlT!:R OF stC'f1Oll 4. "IOI'II'G-IIP ZJ 'lOATH. RM"CE ~ roT, W.Y., .IS tlES"CRIBE:D AS mUDWS: !lE:GltNNG .0 TH[ WEST CUARIEM CORN[~ Of SAID SECTION 4: THEHtE MORTH In1"O~" E.4ST 609.31 fEET; THENCE SOUTH ""'18"0'" E.o.sT 1010.70 rtEl; THEtlCE SO\ffiI O"Ji':st" \¥ESl 2J8.0Y FEn TO THE TRUE F'OIIIT Of" Brott/NiNG; TH£NCE S"OIJTlI O"w;st" !'I'ES1 2'8.0& FEET: THENCE SOllTH M"lg'03" U.ST 280.23 ;om; llfENCE MOIffil 0"33'38' [..1ST 21789 FEn~ tHENCE NORm B8"18';\8" wrsT 281.011 FEET TO THE TRUE F"OINl or EltOlNlI1I<Q [l(C[PT THoI,T PORlIOl-! ltIEItEDf ~D B"I" D£EDS 9E.CORDED LINDER AECORCIHG NO. 4a9nJ7 ./IV ~J3619; mo E)(~E"f '~""T POimD'l THEREOf CON\I£YEO TO T)jE CITY Of RENTON Bf orw =\ECOFIDEIl lJI.IOOI 'lECORDlM.> I0I0. 5m6J\1 sn""Ti' N u.( OOllHlY 0'" ~NG, "S',,-Tr OF W-'I5I-ING-TJ::M SUfMY INFORfO,TIClN PfIIXEWIII[ I NI.OAJM ~ AElO Wi\UiSE IJStIC ~ \EIC\ Tell: ]OJ" TO'.11. Sl.uljlj. ~ 'O'S fW;I;f.rI" (l,\T~ O;;OUJ(:TlII Slf'Pl.nENlO[l iIIIllt flEUJ IIYn:s WiiS PERfORllro. ESl"AIlJSII.m llt[ 1oIOJI.IR. DlSTAtt:(, 0\1(1 'lUl"0l ~SHPS BrnItDI 1ltE ~ I'ROfIWJ 11(5. N(J I~ f<.lMlS ,IS SIVIIN It:I!(Oll ~ "lim t-2/l" NJiTM'oIK: LC'/El. 1IIIS I.ISEO to C>I£C1< /l1li0 [Sl~SIi III (lfQ1oOH Of 8OtC1IWtkS /oil) CONlIO. PONJt ~ Q.tTH; lilT ... IIU1S OR ~-ros 11£ SW«WI:I)S rtIIlJHl ~QIIIIY SIJIlfYS AS SfT FOJml "'IOl. .l!l-I.»-09I1. ~Tt'« ..." FBJ) SIJIYE"r'ii ElY ~ COt.SlllitoO EtI<MDIS, 1+":. ~ll!tlllCft:D »MJNrI" 2001. JIJ. Io!OUltIlS ~ .IS fD'.I1D"jT£II£ '<ISJlED ~ 11\\1 IIIE. IGITltIIITItL ., \OTItM. Dll.1UN -_ ClJ" II£AII1IIG!J !III) 193J (fll) PER CITY or IlkiCII !oN) 11M) 19M Pl:R (;flY 1$ ,~. COIlIlIfoWES »iil El!Vo\IlOI!S .w: CPS ~~I.EO, MJ A ~ .wl.\"SIS WCl.llDl(; tllY Cf" lI:t:i<lO!I ccrmtl SWIJIIS 51. lU, 1~ II'IP 0llt'JI 1IO'flIIIiNTII"OON1A!i 1'UlfNl1IED. WE: fill! COH1ROL. ~TIfOII ~1 fO'I POSI1JaI. bE 1..1£ E£TWWI Cl:tll1IIlI. srU1(I" $'1 TO C\JI!IltOC STATIDII JII~ rOJ! FlQr~ II'IC CIlIfIROI. STATal 3M r~ EI.1\IIo700. .. , .... TO',I,l ~[) NlEA .. ~2,OOO SQI.WI£ 1'EE1 (o.ge4 ot.CRES) OF lJJ«) AA<A Of" RICIlT_Of_WAY IlfOICATlOII .. 3.lIO~ SQ~E FEO OF" LAIIO ......... 21J2 tt,oAAlJ.litOt! f'\A(:( lIE. SEAT1l£. III,Ii 980~ N£ 271H Sf 'a!!;; NO SCAlf Vto(nlly Map ~I I " WAY CJl€E~ "'" I~~,,,~~~ """\ r.-ORTH .....-HIGHlA'I1"IS -P,IJI~ ; .c$ NG SHORT PLAT CAMIE NG le30 33RO AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98144 O"'~E JOB "10. _/Ia(ZOOJ "'" '''' ---------_ _ ___ 5M'IS':.!I'I: 2M.11' IDU'>/IIUI~ S[(;lQ. 4 --------T ----__ ---_ ---_ -------_1-- IIOC5 IIQ. 2151 NJ!lII ~ CMN£1I 5WI:!I 4 I t+olt1l9U12 Ilitl;SItJ 21fJ8 r.,,~6m2l1 H.IIIJII,o..'1 E_1JCi1!M:ueo , ! ''''' .,,-i;:,"' / f~ ~~rr PlSI ~ I SUBDIVISION or NORTHWEST QUARTER -FROM PUBLISHED COORDINATES; ACCURACY UNKNOWN I f"" ~I-------- , I , / , / , I , ~Imm~~ ------- j!NUI POST , , , , I~ -------------------~~ I~ , , I , / , I , I 100000(l.C ZJIIIT , , , i ~---_ _ 28fD1'LA _---_~ L ___ ~, ' --------,----, 111 ser'~5l"!:IGI01J(r..u:SlmlIolR:rc!lQfUen)lalalll (tUb; ! f!!tINDIKl~ wtJ.I .... '\ .-!i!'.tID'»'l: 'OII),Ji' J!tIi~ TO NQUJ[r/I 1M! lCD" ~ ~.... \ "f~\I:'I~M!li1 1Eai:)81'N!ET --~-------~~~ ~ ... ,ItIiS1' /A\ / 1IIen; J~'';ijiP'!~ ~ _~_ .~/ \ Ii!: r---1: -, r , .. l:1 I ~I I I I \\ ) '~ ! L ..J , '.§ r-'-' ---I /"'i I' '....... I iii .. """ ""., ""~, ~ ,L t";:;..._":!!.:,, : CITY OF RENTON SHORT LUA-07-043-SHPL LND-20-0488 1 ~~. w\ ;E ~r s kif T " ............ "'" ,"0200' P ~IIlAi>~~~:O I I I ,_~-.---L_ i V 1(11'011 M~ut:1If tll Jo5\l, 'ID::'; III), 219l L r=-tE 2IrI" ST. ~ ,~, ., fl iIolfl!m.n;o I~ I \ f.1JlJQ1~" • Mt*-':SHDIItPLloTI I I \ \ I ;II((:.,IO~, I I \ ct~ItlISEC'lOII ------------'-'--~-'--'--"--------, ------'-----~---------+-------' -N8rlY'JO' ~n~' -WI ~ CCRH!II SEC1IDN ~ I ",. IICt5 00. 2rH 1I*1N84tJ,oa E_151141lU41 , .. ~ !~ i .~ ~ I S ~rrn,ND )' IlR"» (lit:/: f'OMDI #H"'(.r~ SDtrnI 0!.:AImlI COI1:O 5OC:"IO'I • frul)fEb.'oSIlfl(W/PJ«)! ~':",,,,,"" ".. '\'. ~.I86ID.:lf.1 [.r»ll7M.ln -, . '8215 721110 AVENUE SOUTH K[NT, WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAX o . o ~ NG SHORT PLAT ,---~. SHT 2 OF t' :~,:"~III~;,~S ~~. O~~ I ~.I~:i2.6f06 \ I (~B:IOI9C.JIe , ..--SO'JII/ tIM ~11/1 SOIJIUt; ~nr:t.:-4----------".' ~ . ' <P.... "'. -c;,. ..,+ 'NOe-NOolllt: [KING COUNTY, WIIS'HINGTONll:j, ~-'- ~ , ~ , • , , ~ ~ ~ " l 8. " ~! -6i c, ~ ~ iii <' ./ ! \.. ~---=--- CITY OF RENTON SHORT LUA--07 -043-SHPI_ LND-2~-0488 PLAT ... ,n '- , I : d I , I -'------------- ""","'"' =i : [JIfM"'"' '" ,,.ell-~ I -~ ..... """\ ",,,, "," ~;, ~ .. ~\,..-- .--:---------r l I I I I I I I ~ ~._... I ~":li. '''~' _ .... r I ' ,.q; , ,,~ 28'.JO\ I I -, ,-""" I 1 ,___ ~",."'oo -, -' I : ""~-""') """'{IIffD) I I , ,,,,,,.:' ~ ~=" r:r"''''''''' . J , I I I I I I c_ I ""","'"' ._ :'I.lll': "~"'OO""'" ~,,"~.-' J _".,.. , ' _m<' I ~, ."", • e "'w.,-;: , _ 3' • ""'"'''' -'F-_~.:I'. '" ___ j' ,~""" ~ 4 - "_ 1--I -, I I I I I I I I I I I ,I ' ",;::'~, l i : • "." i J~ I ,;) 21';_t I$. 94 '0' ""'--, .,. / . ...,: , , ,-ll '" .e-"'". 0' [ ' _ '" ,~--~.n'_ ~, . ." -" ,"'-' ",,'" ~ ~':!, •• 00 _ -I ;-> 0" ' -","' -'.I~ '1t~m: If ~~ , ; :( .. ,'t I [JIfM"'"' ~ • ~p ~ gm..; ~ 5 ~ ~:.: l!lI ~.m ... r II! ~:i ~ """"'" ~ , ~ ~ • S.;KJIs.r I;~ IJ! N ~Ii ~, ~-...... , """ ,,.. ~ .. """'" " ~1""- 124 .00, I _ -5a.s~'_\ S88'WP9"[ I ,;;.. 5Q,OO' J -------'~--~- Ii'" / 1 g 1--; ~L",",-I I ",,,un, Pl.AT ROC, 1«).;7706220930 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I J ' :: .. --L_ ':! 1Q?~").11 ~(J~:rIEfJ,UI Rl'C.ICIl 1m1 R!III(jI 18215 72NO AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 980J2 ( 425}251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAA CML ENGlHE!RIHO. I.ANO PLANNIHO. N J.,,~ W(~jE 'r S 1-JO 40 j eCAL., , ....... l[liEHtl oIP ~liIIOIf fOOM) AS rmto • 1/1' ~EI\QI »10 ColI' I.WIKED "9::£ 34671-~t' NG SHORT PLAT ~,2F NW1I. OF S£C.~T23IHI5E. UI/ SHT ~J. .l\~ QI. SIJR\'E'I1NG. EfNIRONMEHTAL SER'v'ICES II~CT .~_." .... 3 OF 3 • September 12, 2007 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON SEP 1 3 2007 CITY &1=<tf~~E8FFICE Please see attached new plats that have just been addressed. Please add these addresses to your City directories and maps. Amanda Court ShOlt Plat Blakey Townhomes Short Plat Chen Short Plat Garden of Eden LLA Honey Brooke WestiSagecrest Plat Langley Ridge Plat Ng Short Plat Rainier Station LLA Jan Conklin Energy Plans Examiner Development Services Oi vision Telephone: 425-430-7276 #l:platadd Barbee Mill Plat Bretzke Rogers Lotline adjustment Conner Puget Colony Short Plat 2 Highlands Park Plat Houvener Short Plat BrewislMeadow Ave Short Plat Puget Colony I Short Plat Renton Prop Short Plat 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 RE ,.' ;. ---------- \l\\?'J-. \itS) t f...J --------------L \l\\?'J-.\i't.\l ------------ r- \l\\?'J-. \i't.\l ~"-------.J l~ ,~ I~ ,~ IN . , lB, ~I 45100' ~ r~.s:~IZ~ ------------LW~ (J 7-0t/3 ·1. \l \\?'J-. \i 't. \l I : {5 (j'2--?lJ<J q 2/0 I q!3Y I I ~~~\ \J5\ ~ '31.:\ '25f;;WJ1 m.c ~. , FOUND IRON P1P£, I ~ I I I I i W 530'24'58"11 0.72 FROM I :z: 'I CALCULATlJ) CORNER W I __ [ORIGIN tJNj(W)WtI 588'19'42"[ 281,30:(CALC) ~1.00·(DE£I) _ I <..) ft '-0 256.22 , :5 I 25.00' i i-96.22' -, \-55.00' -'05.00' _, \ ._> ~I . ~ .... 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'f' ~ . ~ 0 Co 1:;:.. 0 ....-.. t; eo . . ~ ~ ex) 0 b ..tL L-e~ 9f~;3 ~ ~~ Si ",I)V :'/(\fV1.'t).--1:;111:'")' \l\\?\.h\i't.\l <::)1_-~ 6 6,161 SO FT. ~l1/ 8 cri CD ~ ~ ~u --- --':.:t-s 1C!1::::l COo N~ a, .J= ~ :8 c:: -:..- OS') "1° q~ 0 September 12, 2007 TO WHOM IT MA Y CONCERN: Subject: CIT)F OF R.ENT()' Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON SEP 1 3 2007 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Please see attached new plats that have just been addressed, Plcase add these addresses to your City directories and maps. Amanda Court Short Plat Blakey T ownhomcs Short Plat Chen Short Plat Garden of Eden LLA Honey Brooke West/Sagecrest Plat Langley Ridge Plat Ng Short Plat Rainier Station LLA Jan Conklin Energy Plans Examiner Development Services Division Telephone: 425-430-7276 #l:platadd Barbee Mill Plat Bretzke Rogers Lotline adjustment Conner Puget Colony Short Plat 2 Highlands Park Plat Houvener Short Plat BrewislMeadow Ave Short Plat Puget Colony I Short Plat Renton Prop Short Plat 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 i ~I " .~ , '-~ ! ~1 , 0 I i' £ ~ ~ ~I " '·P·.t-'·'· ,."~."",, "1:< '·<,~>!Il. I·."'" ",;t-I~IlI<1ttf~tc'Ito!""i"~1'irl;;fjH1p~'Iir{li!f*t""<iI\j""'''.~~II.IiIIIi''-'''1t'i -.. / i . ~~__ ~ __ ~ : . ,,,,,,.'. '·>'-''''·'I~.''''' 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H%\o.n 1D~ECIT'r)iAfll1D~ l<; ~ , -~8!1"ZO'C9~1i IJO.ZJ' (DEED) l. o I W I I>iIS PC!111tv; IS Cl!)lCATl:~ TO IHI ru~l~ Ult rc~ ROO F-Z 1--I ptIIl~[siJ'~~TI(I!I:{Of;~aFnlr;SfUrPlAl I ·~ - ! ~ iU,y: BROON 5t-!ORT PL~T 1 I ' , -T ---; , , , REC tm., n06220030 , ~ ~G"""'v 1I,?:4!\. .... ~;E "r S 02040 BO N SCALE, 1w_40' ....... NG SHORT PLAT I -11.01:1 MIA ,....-... /~~;}-i~f--~~t~f:' ~G~.AUI.$\ 18215 72~JD AVE~UE SOUTH ;;_B> JiIS/~~~ SW1I4 OF NWl/4 OF SEC. 4-T23N-R5E, 'N.M. SHT 1"'P~:f:"" "~\ S~~'~· ~ '[tH, WA "OJ, ""'--~ ;""~'" CAMIE NG ,,::; "\," -.,/ '. ,.,. (425;251-6222 SUI.[-I·-.~ 3 ISi\ /f:1 ~'. -'425'251"(3782 ,/IX '.'i[C¥WFr ------:....=. 1530 33RD AVENUE SOUTH ~'~~\~~i%~;/ ~ . ! \ I h5eN'-"-!"~-_-_-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98144 OF ~'~~';?z~fh, > "'v ~ ... ):\ ",c-,-r.I,1L E;J\",IMfE"!',NG, LA,~~ P'J<MMNG \/~OJ 1'1 '~. ("II' ""~~ S')~"/EY·W;, ~N\"'RO~U[NrAl S!:R\',CES p'~.'l:T m KING COUNTY WASHINGTON 3 '-------------------_________ ...Jl [""r, C1EN(,\ 12~~JSP~I~'9. ~ .. ~---t?q 8-1 r,-- July 23. 2007 Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72 0d Ave S Kent, W A 98032 SUBJECT: Renton Properties Short Plat LUA-07-043, SHPL-H Dear Ms. Dorsch: Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman This letter is to inform you that the appeal period has ended for the Hearing Examiner's Renton Properties Short Plat approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout, titled: "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for this process. The conditions listed in the City of Renton Hearing Examiner Report & Decision must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. If you have any questions regarding the recording process or any other matters for the short plat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you may contact Carrie Olsen at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, Nancy Thomp~on Secretary to Hearing Examiner cc: Elizabeth Higgins, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Development Services Carnie Ng, Owner Enclosure ----IO-:-S-S--:-S-ou-th--:-G-r-a-dy-W-ay---R-e-nt-o-n,-W-a-sh-in-g-to-n-9-S-0S-S---(4-Z-S)-4-3-0--6-S1-S----·~ m This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 2nd day of July 2007, affiant deposited via the United States Mail a sealed envelope( s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: SUBSCRIBED ~~ SWORN to before me this j-,J day of~j",'HlA-~--\'[--'lr'-----' 2007 . • > . :", " ;, ,:' '·i,. (." '. :; ".' . " ,.~. f' . " ."' ·'f !," -.;.: . >,,{ -~~ • , ,' •. ' . ;v _ . ~. ~ . Application, Petition or Case No.: N ary Public in and for the State of Washington siding at f/JbH~ , therein. I Renton Properties Short Plat LUA 07-043, SHPL-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARJNG EXAMINER'S REPORT July 2,2007 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT/CONTACT: OWNERS: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72'd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 CamieNg 1530 33,d Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 Renton Properties Short Plat LUA-07-043, SHPL-H 2132 Harrington Place NE Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for the development of a 6-lot subdivision of 2 parcels of land totaling approximately 41,995 sf. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on June 19,2007. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES Thefollowillg mill utes are a summary of the JUlie 26, 2007 hearillg. The legal record is recorded 011 CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, June 26, 2007, at 9:02 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Aerial PhotolITaph Exhibit No.4: Zoning Map Exhibit No.5: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.6: Slope Analysis Map Exhibit No.7: Preliminary Tree Retention Plan Exhibit No.8: Preliminary Landscape Planting Plan Renton Properties Short PO". File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2, 2007 Page 2 I Exhibit No.9: Setbacks Plan ---------~-.- The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The project is located in northeast Renton in an area that is generally developed with single-family residences. Hyde Park Condominiums are located to the east. The proposal is to combine two lots and subdivide them into six new lots and one access tract to the west that would be dedicated for street improvements. The property to the north, west and south is zoned R-8, the same as the subject property, east is zoned R-IO. The property currently has a single-family residence on it, which would be removed prior to recording ofthe final plat. The 6 lots have an average size of approximately 6,000 square feet each, the total area is 35,828 square feet. Following deductions a net density arrives at 7.30 dwelling units per acre, which is within the allowed range of the R-S zone. The east property boundary has some steep slopes, they are within the setback area ofLo! 4, it will not be an issue for this subdivision. The property is covered with mature vegetation and where possible these trees would be retained. A landscape plan has been submitted showing the landscaping that has been planned for the abutting right-of-way, The project meets the objectives and policies ofthe Comprehensive Plan Designation in the Land Use Element and Community Design Element. This project will be denser than the surrounding properties, however, the two lots in the back will be screened by the four lots in the front thereby decreasing the impact on the area. The project further meets the development standards of the R-8 zone in tenus of Density and Lot Dimensions. There are some setbacks that wiIl need to be adjusted. Some setbacks were shown to be larger than actually needed, front setbacks are required to be only IS-feet for primary structure and 20-feet for attached garage. The side setback along the side abutting the private access easement must be 15-feet from the edge of the access tract, it has been suggested that the property line be shifted to the east. Compliance with the building standards will be verified prior to the issuance of building permits. All lots comply with the Subdivision Regulations with regards to Lot Arrangement, Size, Shape, and Orientation of the lots. The Boundaries are reasonable, the access is good for projects with lots in back This project was exempt from Environmental Review, however, as a condition of approval, Traffic, Fire and Parks Mitigation Fees will be required. Tom Barghausen, 18215 72"d Ave S, Kent, W A 98032 stated that the private tract made more sense than private easement. With a private tract, the two properties that benefit from the access are actually responsible for the maintenance and ownership purposes. Those owners have ownership and are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the tract. They do intend to make a shift between Lots 5 and 6, from the 110 feet for those two lots, they intend to shift the line between the two lots by 6-feet, making Lot 5 60-feet wide and Lot 6 50-feet wide. Jane Keesecker, 2124 Harrington Place NE, Renton, WA stated that she was the owner of the small cutout section southwest of this project. She was surprised as to how nice the plans for this project were. Her major concerns include fencing around her property, curbing and sidewalks where will they be placed. She had Renton Properties Short Plat File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2,2007 Page 3 concerns regarding the dedicated ROW that is going to be 20-feet while their property has a 30-foot ROW, how will that affect their property. She wondered why they could not get some of their property back as well. Elizabeth Higgins stated that the original submission showed a 20-foot ROW, however that was an error and it has been corrected to show a 30-foot ROW along NE 21" Street. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated code requirements state that the road must be improved out to Harrington so that the properties can use the road as an access. It must be fire safe (a minimum of 20-feet wide pavement). The "Fee in Lieu of' portion of the code may be applied for by this developer, they can pay the City the amount of money that it would cost the City to put in improvements sometime in the future. If a developer were to re-develop a large section, then the City would take money from that fund and start filling in the area. If frontage improvements were to be put in now, it could disturb the storm drainage that is working in that area. Mr. Barghausen offered to build a 6-foot solid wood fence on two sides of the Keesecker property. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:41 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Alexia Dorsch of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., filed a request for a Short Plat approval. 2. The yellow file containing the staffrcport, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 2132 Harrington Place NE. The subject site is located on the east side of Harrington Place and north ofNE 21st Street as extended. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of detached single-family homes, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family - 8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Or dina nee 1796 enacted in October 1959. 9. The subject site consists of two adjoining parcels that total 0.96 acres. One parcel is 0.31 acres while the second parcel is 0.65 acres. The two parcels combined are L-shaped. The subject site is approximately 281 feet deep (east to west) and approximately 218 feet wide. The frontage along Harrington is 108 feet long while the frontage on what will be the extension ofNE 21 st is 130 feet long. Renton Properties Short Pial File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2,2007 Page 4 10. The proposal would combine the parcels and re-divide them into six (6) lots and two tracts. One tract would be an access roadway for interior lots while the second tract would actually be dedicated for the extension ofNE 21st Street to the eastern edge of the plat. II. The subject site has a slope of approximately 13 percent generally but drops steeply near its northeast comer. The 13 percent grade is not regulated but the slope along the east is regulated but staff noted that the slope falls in a setback area that would not be developed or disturbed. 12. An existing home is located on the western third of the subject site and would be removed if the plat is approved. 13. The eastern two-thirds of the subject site is heavily wooded and a survey found 85 significant trees. The Director determined that 25% of those trees much be retained. The applicant agreed to retain 29% of those trees. In addition, code requires two trees to be planted in the front yards of the new lots. 14. The applicant proposes creating six lots. Proposed Lots I and 2 would be located on and accessed from Harrington. Proposed Lots 5 and 6 would be located on and accessed from NE 21st Street. Proposed Lots 3 and 4 would be interior lots. These two lots would be accessed from Tract B, a private tract that would enter the site from NE 21st Street. 15. Staff noted that a side yard street setback would be required for Proposed Lot 5 adjacent to Tract B. Staff suggested that its common lot line with Proposed Lot 6 be shifted eastward to accommodate a buildable lot and appropriate side yard setback. The applicant agreed it would be appropriate. Appropriate setbacks will also be required on Proposed Lots 3 and 4 from the access tract. 16. As noted, the new lots will be accessed from Harrington and NE 21 st. NE 21 st Street will terminate near the east property line of the subject site since a steep slope east of that location would prevent its extension eastward. A private extension of Jefferson Avenue NE runs north to south just east of the subject site but does directly abut the subject site. In addition, a steep slope separates the subject site from that private right-of-way. Staff has recommended that no access be permitted to the east from Proposed Lots 4 and 6. 17. The density for the plat would be 7.3 dwelling units per acre after subtracting roadways. 18. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to generate approximately 3 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 19. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 50 new trips for the five new single-family homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 5 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. 20. Stormwater systems are located in Harrington. The analysis required by the City shows the site is exempt from detention requirements. Stormwater would be tightlined to the existing system but if the soils are suitable, infiltration may be used. 21. Sewer and water \\~ll be provided by the City. Hookup and special district fees are applicable to this development. Renton Properties Short Plat File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2, 2007 Page 5 22. The applicant agreed to provide a fence along its southern and western property lines to benefit the neighboring property owner. The fence will be subject to City review to assure it does not interfere with sight lines for those on the streets or using the driveways. 23. The City has adopted mitigation fees for transportation improvements, fire services and parks and recreational needs based on an analysis of the needs and costs of those services. These fees are applied to new development to help offset the impacts new homes and residents have on the existing community and the additional demand for services. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed Short Plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The subdivision will create five new building lots for detached single-family homes in keeping with both the zoning and comprehensive plan for this area. 2. The redevelopment ofthe subject site will increase the tax base ofthe City and help offset some of the impacts of the new development. The City has identified specific services that the City provides that are additional, affected by new development. The development will increase the demands on the City's parks, roads and emergency services. The applicant shall therefore help offset those impacts by providing mitigation that matches the fees established by the City. 3. The proposed lots are in the main rectangle with two lots slightly skewed to allow an access tract to gain entry to interior portions of the lot. The creation of a separate access tract will clarify ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the access. 4. The applicant will be preserving the steeper slopes on the site since they will be incorporated into a rear yard setback. The applicant also proposes preserving more than two dozen of the significant trees found on the site while adding new trees to the front yard areas as required by Code. 5. The applicant will have to provide appropriate setbacks from access roads and may shift a lot line as required to provide appropriate lot size or setbacks. 6. In conclusion, the proposed short appears reasonable and is approved. DECISION: The Short Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing structure, including the attached garage, must be removed or demolished prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. The fee is payable prior to the recording of the plat. 3. A Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) shall be required. The TESCP shall be designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements outlined in Volume II of the most recent Department of Ecology Storrnwater Management Manual. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Renton Properties Short PI". File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H. July 2,2007 Page 6 4. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family structure, shall be payable prior to the recording ofthe plat. 5. A Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new single-family residence shall be payable prior to the recording of the plat. 6. The face of the plat shall contain language that prohibits any access to the east from Proposed Lots 4 and 6. ORDERED THIS 2nd day of July 2007 FRED J. KAUF HEARINGEXA TRANSMITTED THIS 2nd day of July 2007 to the parties of record: Elizabeth Higgins 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Jane Keesecker 2124 Harrington Place NE Renton, W A 98056 Don Cochran 2132 Harrington Place NE Renton, W A 98056 Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc 18215 nnd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 CamieNg 1530 33 nl Ave S Seattle, W A 98144 Elizabeth Rogers 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Ste. B-I08 Renton, W A 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 2 nd day of July 2007 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker Mark Peterson, Fire '-~-- Tom Barghausen Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc 18215 nnd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 Suzette Cuizon 2200 Harrington Place NE Renton, W A 98056 Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Renton Reporter Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, reguest for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., July 16,2007. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review Renton Properties Short Plat File No.: LUA-07-043, SHPL-H, July 2, 2007 Page 7 by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies ofthis ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., July 16, 2007. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by Citv Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may OCCur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents ofthe communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: June 26, 2007 Project Name: Owners: Applicant/Contact: File Number: Project Summary: Project Location: Renton Properties Short Plat Camie Ng 1530 -33,d Ave S Seattle WA 98144 Alexia Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 -72 nd Ave S Kent WA 98032 LUA-07-043, SHPL-H Project Manager: Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner The applicant has requested review and approval of a 6-lot subdivision of 2 parcels of land totaling approximately 41,995 sf. The property is zoned Residential 8 (8 dwelling units per net acre). The proposed density is 7.30 du/a. An existing single-family residence would be removed prior to redevelopment into new single-family residential structures. 2132 Harrington Place NE H :\Oivision.s\Develop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\O 7 -043. Elizabeth\Renton Properties HEXRPT. doc 8 R-l h St. R-l t. R-8 .. ·R-B ~ .-'-< R-8CP) 8 ~ R.-IO RM-F ZONING PIBIYW TECHNICAL SBIlVlCES 0Ul8I0'/ RC t::j . In • >-,l ~ ~ co :a ~ In 121 R-l 121 S >, / Iil Z <D :> 0 <t:. .-; <D I o· cr::: '-<. ~, O· ~' 4 T23N R5E W 112 5»4 r "-- i I I I , " ~ ~ , , ~ S ~ ~ ~ , , n II ~ r1 ! I ' d , j ! I : ; ! ! l k ! , ! (:~OC·l:ZC (9Ol) »t.96 'VM '3'1l.lV3S , , , II i!i : 1"1'" I!l !iI' i!PI ! li~ ·H 'II" hq. p I I I 'T r'd",j L ~~ ~ 1 iii Ii ill l! ! .-'" ~ -.. ~ !! :: :' :< ! ~ --- / / ~b _ .... 1 / ! .; ,. ~~j~ II! II!! r'~ .",' !Iii ~il3 l~~~ ~~ ~ I • h~ Ii ~i;~ iE;~ I;~; i'l~ I' I!e;::i: wi "-i~i .-di o ~~~~ ](VJ :w.g-l~ll~!.) ~Zt~-I~l(~I) !,O~6 'rIl .II<J~ kIf'o()$ YW&W ONn ~<liL , ~ ~.!!"i:: ! "" , ~ )----" i H ! ,~ '" , ~ ;1, i w ~ • ;: ~ ~ 8 '6 j :;;:;;::< ! R} J ¥~p ~ i i §ki_~~1 -----•• liii!! Ii Ii --~ ~~ • , ' '2;' "I ~ • t; !! t d • I , ~ I i -n i 1 " . I ..... - I i "~; ! I \r--~;;;;;:;;;:=~--~~~~~~- lllXl5 77II;l 1II'EJoRX sourn mtr. WI.!iISOJ~ (~~)2:S1-UU: (425)251-8782 fAl( SEAm.E. WA 98W4 (:206) 322-3)22 I I fJ----. -.. -----. J FCfI CAMlE NG PROPERTY , . Renton ~:nt~-;;-~itY Limits J Parcels -~ N SCA LE 1 : 1,941 A f< .... -I EXHIBIT 100 0 100 200 300 FEET 3 http://renton net. org/M apGu ide/maps/P a reel. mwf Tuesday , June 19, 2007 9:15 AM ~ ~ ~ :2 8 R-l ~ Q. ~ h St. ro I '" R-8 t. st. ~ 1 o:l 030::::: <=1 .;; R-8 R-IO R-:-8 <=: -0:; R-8(P)Jg RM-F I..",,", ~ IT e st. ;=.-=~ R-10 R-10 iSE 9Bt R-l '" ~ I CV '" 03 i> <C OJ 0 .... <=:. 0 ~ <::) .-< 1 0::::: 1265.3 I I J r - ;" , ,'--±.:=_~=-=C-_" ~:"'+- I T I L !!'.:-; j"j'~1 lI'il i i~~;~ ~!~r ~ ~ ~~~ ~i~i ~~ ;;~ 1-0 I ~ 1~:~ , . ~ liz .~ ~!~~ ~ ~rn !ii "I ~~9~ f~~~ !~!~ -~~. ~~~~ f:~ i,'! ~t~ HI <.~i~ -'I , I ~ m ~i~: !l~i ~ ~ ~=g~ 'IiI ~ ~ "' CAME NO 15:30 laRD AVENUE SOU1H SEA TlLE. WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 ______ 1 __ 'lEl...l.ANARY SHORT PLAT FOIl CAM1E NG PROPERTY I u_ Renton City Limits Parcels I ~ Regulated Slopes >15 <=25 > 25 <= 40 Reg .. ~> 40 <= 90 Reg .. > 90 Regulated Renton Aerial Renton SCALE 1 : 1,024 ~~--~~~==== 50 o 50 100 150 FE ET http ://rentonnet.org /MapGuide/maps /Pa rcel.mwf EXHIBIT 6 N A T uesday, June 19 , 2007 9:51 AM " -...) tTJ >< ::r:: >-< to >-< ...., ,~ . .,. .. """'-«.ou:l /' ''' .... ([(I~I ,,/' -,"-- CAME NO 1530 33RO AVENUE SOUll-l SEATTLE. WA 96144 {zoe] 322.-302.2 " " " 'c -~,,; . I L! m , • ..AMIE NG PROPERTY tTl >< ::c 00 >--< b:I >--< >--l 1 ~:1!5 1:1NO ~lQ«J t SOU!H <00, .~~ 980J2 :',-5)2~1-6212 {'2~m l -87ez ,M ,. .,,~ , I , i L ._ 0 ,I !' ~i • ') 1~ ,. ~I ~1 " ;i ., t'l' , , C'" . I '0 , ~! ! , ~g 't' 11 ~~ ~f 'I " j! ., " .' HAFA~OTON PLJ\CE NE • /'/~ CAMENG 1530 33RO A VENLE SOUTH SEATll..E WA 98144 (206) 322-3022 I II' , ! i , ! ); z 0 • 0 • , m , r • " < >' ~. ~ r r m ~ z 0 ~ . g" ~ • ,.. PfI8..IDWi( l..AN)5CAPE PI...ANTtKl PLAN FOA CAMIE NG PROPERTY \0 ,', " '. " :' '. tTl >< ::r: I--< t:I:I I--< >-3 • fI ---,'I-- !! ~ Jr ;,. .. ~ §~ ~ , r e ~ -,. ! I ~~ \:! , ~ i' -~ ~ .1" -~ • e ~~i ~ , I c • 11U1' n~ ~ WJlli 1\OIf,1IItIO.ga().l2 «1:SJl514m «2!i1r..1 -8182 FU ~ I "" @ • ---- CAMENQ SEA Tl\.E. WA 96144 (206) 322-0022 ., .~, '-.•. .' ~, 'I~"; ,.. FOR CAMIE NG PROPERTY Kathy Keolker, Mayor June 20, 2007 Ms. Alexis Dorsch Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 n"d AvenueS Kent, W A 98032 Subject: Renton Properties Short Plat LUA07-043, SHPL-A Dear Ms. Dorsch: j<-'iA-r-..v /7 Lz..- CITY. RENTON Planning/Bui I ding/Public Works Department Cregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Property Services Section of the City of Renton has submitted the following comments regardin g the above-referenced project: The city's short plat process does not allow for dedication of land for street purposes via the recording of the s hol1 plat. R e move that portion oCthe dedication note (Sheet 3 of 3) that reads: "U PON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT". The dedication of prope11y for street purposes (30 ' wide strip adj accnt to NE 2 1" Street) requires approval by the City Council. Said dedication is achieved via a recorded City of Renton Dedication Deed document. If the dedication is to be recorded with the short plat, the dedication process needs to be timed in such a way that Council approval and all other matters pertaining to the dedicat ion have becn taken care of, and said document is ready to record. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit. Th e legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant's surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit, but no stamp is re quired. The dedication process r equires an updated P lat Certificate dated within the 45 -day time frame prior to Council action on the approval of said dedication. The legal description for the subject short plat properties is incorrect as presented. See the attachment. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-07-043- SHPL and LND-20-0488, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. --------------j-O-SS-S-o-u-t1-1G-r-a-dy--W-a-y---R-e-nt-o-n,-\-V-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-g-0-S7--------------~ ® ThiS paper CXX'Itains 50 % recycled materi<l!. 30 % post consumer AHE ,\U OF TH E CURVE Ms. Alexis Dorsch Ju ne 20, 2007 Page 2 of2 Pro vide shon plat and lot closure calculations. Lots 3 and 4 must be granted an egual and undivided interest in Tract B, running with the land. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lo ts . The city will provide addresses for the proposed lo ts as soon as possible. Note said addresses on the short plat drawing. Because the subject property falls within Zone 2 of the City of Renton Aquifer Protection Area, the Aquifer Protection Not ice needs to be noted on the drawing. See the attachment. Add KING COUNTY to th e approval block for the Depanment of Assessments. Remove al l references to zoning, density, buildin g setbacks, building height maximum and other items not direct ly impacting the subdivision, from the final short plat subm ittal. Do note encroachments, if any. Include the CITY OF RENTON in the list or utilities noted in the "EASEM ENT PROVISION" block (Sheet I o(2). Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part ol'this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat draw ing and the assoc iat ed document(s) are to be g ivcn to th e Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated doculllent(s) are to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof Fee Review Comm e nts: The Fee R ev iew Sheet for this rev iew of the preliminary short plat is provided for yo ur use and inform ation. You will be nOlifi ed ifany additional in f'o rm a tion is required to continue processing your app li cation. Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. Sincerely, . j3fi'~~ ~l!!P""""'~---"- Elizabeth Hig gins, AICP Senior Plann er ~ARIM~NI or ASSESS MENTS K t. I..-U K L) II\Ju I\J U . VUL./ t-'A u C. liN ED AND APPROVED TH1S ____ DAY OF __________ , 2 0 ___ _ :SSOR JTY ASS ESS OR JUNT NUMBERS 0 4 2305-9134 -04 AND 042305 -9210 -01 , WAY FOR NE 21ST STREET BY DEED RECORDED ~ AGREEMENT THE SALE OF LOT S SHOWN ON TH IS SHOR T PlAT. ~I P AND RESPONSIBILITY FO R MAIN TENANCE OF TH E BILI TIES INCLUD E THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANC E OF :I UTIES WITH IN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVAT E SIGNAGE, MAINTE NANCE COS TS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. CIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITI ES . THESE REPAIRS :!TED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREA TE R THAN 28 Y, QWEST, COMCAST, (OTHER PR IVATE UTILITIES), AN D ; OR PRIVATE DR IVES AND TH E EXTERIOR TEN (10) LOTS AND TRACTS. FUR THER EASE MENTS ARE ~T S") ADJACENT TO TH E 10-FOOT WIDE UTILITY JPY UP TO AN ADD IT IONAL ONE (1) FOOT IN WIDTH 1) FOOT FROM EACH END OF THE ASBU ILT E UTI LI TY 'S IN ITIAL INSTALlATIO N OF FACILITIES. THE E AND MAINTA IN UNDERGROUND PIPE, CO NDUIT, 'HE PURPOS E OF SERVING THI S SUBDIVIS ION AN D ~EET LIGH TS AND UTILI TY SERVICE TOGET HER WIT H ,TED. ISLE TO THEIR ORIGIN AL COIJDITION. ISION, TELE CO MM UN ICATIONS OR DATA TRANS MISSION SHALL BE UND ERGROUND. EASEMENT OWNERS. PO RT ION OF SW1/4 of NW1/4, SECT IO N 4 , T. 23 N ., R, 5 E., W,M, LEGAL DESC RIPTI ON THAT PORT ION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOU THWES T QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECT ION 4, TOWNSH IP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST , W.M., AS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEG INNING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4' THENCE NOR TH 0'31 '0 5" EAST 60 9 .36 F.EET; TH ENCE SOUTH 88'18'09" EAST 1010.70 FE ET:-.-q THENCE SOUTH 0'39 '36" WEST 2 3 8.o:~r [ET -TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THE NCE SOUTH 0'39'36" WES T 218.09 FEET; ~ --THENc"E soD I A ~:Q§:l9'03" EAST 280.23 FEE T; :::>0 THENCE NORTH 0'33'38" EAST 217.89 FE ET ; THENCE NORTH 88 '18 '36 " WE ST 281.09 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORT ION THERE OF CO NVEYED BY DEED S RECORD ED UNDER RECORDING NO. 4897237 AND 5333619 ; AN D EXCEPT THAT POR TION TH EREO F CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RE CORDED UND'CR REC ORD ING NO . 535 9639 SITUATE IN TH E COUN TY OF KING, STAT E OF WASHINGTON SURVEY INFORMATION PROCEDURE / NARRATIVE A FIELD TRAVERSE USING A "LEICA TCR 703" TOTAL STATION, AND 'I DS RANGER" DATA CO LLECTOR SUPPLEMENT ED WITH FIELD NOTES WAS PERFORMED, ESTABLISHING THE AN GUlAR, DISTANCE, AND VERTICAl RElATIONSHIPS BmVEEN THE MONU MENTS, PR OP ERTY LIN ES, AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES AS SHOWN HEREON. A "LIETZ B-2A" AUTO MATI C LEVEL WAS USED TO CH ECK AND ESTABLISH THE ELEVATION OF BENCHMARKS AND CONTROL POINTS. THE RESULTING DAT A MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE STANDARDS FOR lAND BOU NOARY SURVEYS AS SET FOR TH IN WA C 332 -130 -090 . DATES OF SURVEYS FIELD SURVEYS BY BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGI NEERS. INC. CONDUC TED JANUARY 2007. ALL MONUMENTS SHO WN AS FOUND WERE VISITED AT THAT TIME. AQUlFER PROTECTION NOTIC~ THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON 'S AQUTFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO . 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO . 4740 . THlS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUTFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE . EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF AN Y LIQUID SUBST ANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONT ACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSlBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. PROPERTY SER S FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS 2007 --",2..,,-,-I~~~ APPLICANT: ~a. Q-,H'IE &:tHACH bJGtlJym,j RECEIVED FROM ----o-;----c-- (date) JOB ADDRESS: 2.1:3 e,~A~~~J~ To~l='--Lb.jg: -1,0 #--+.714r.~5'!LQ ____ - NATURE OF WORK: G.-j ~Hc1j;;\ ~~EbIll:JL I -pFY:>t'E liT Ie:~") LND # 20 -04B8:>--~~~ PRELIMINARY REVIEW 0 SUBUlVlIN BY LONG pt1n, NEED ~lUKh INFORMATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. PID #'s VICINITY MAP FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT I'ID# 042 3D~qc lO.j· -91 31 NEW KING co. TAX ACCT.#(s) are requ ired when assigned by King County. It is the intent o f th is dev el op me nt fee ana lysis !O put the develo per/owne r on notice, that the fees qu oted be low may be app lic abl e [0 the subj ec t site upon developme nt o f the propeny . All quoted fee s are pqtentia l charges that ma y be tlue and payable at th e tiTTl e the constru ction pe rmit is iss ue d to instal! the Oil-site and off-sit e improveme n ts (i.e. underground u til itie~-:, stld improve men ts, etc.) Triggermg mechanism s fo r the SDC fees wi!! be base d on cu rrent City ordina nces and de termined by the a pplicable Uti lity Secl ion . Pl ease note that th ese fees <Ir e subject to change withou t notice. Final fees will be base d on rates in e ffect al time of Building Pe rmiUCo nst ntclion Perm it appl ic atio n. The ex isting house on SP Lot 11 ___ , :Hldressed as has not previously paid SDC fees, due to cOIlllcction to City utilities prior to existancc of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be -s,""',bC'j'-e-c'-t "Cto-;:futurc SDC fee s if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. W e unde rstand th a t th is su bdivisiull i.s in the preliminary s t.lg e a nd that \ .... e will have [h e opportunity to review it a g ain befo re recordatio n. '1 he followlIl u quoted fees do NOT i nclude IlispeCtion fees. s ide .sewe r permits, r w pe rmit fees o r t Ie cos t o f water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSME NT DISTRICTS Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATE R Latecomer Agreement (pvt) \V ASTE\V A TER Latecomer Agreement (pvt ) OTHER DISTRICT PARCEL NO. NO. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT UNITS ASSESSMENT OR FEE -0- -0- -0 - 00 Ie;;. $ 5.aoe. 87)( 1..>1 ... 1'!15 t ~ Special Assess ment IJLstrict/WA TER ~~a'~~ci~~~\~·~ 5 Teo ~ Joint Usc Agreement (METRO) ~ : Local Impro YeIllent Di strict Traffic Benefit Zo n es FUTURE OBLIGATIONS 'I $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATE D BY TRANSPORTATION r. Estimated # OF UNITS / SVSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER i Pd Prey. P :utially Pd (Ltd Exemption) l\"eyer Pel SQ. FTG. * SDC FEE ~1 e-~S~'i~n~gllc~.r~a~lI~li~I'~·r~~~id~e~n~ti~a~I$~I~,~9.~S6~/~"~Il~it~x~ __ ~ __________________________ ~ _____ kLf.) ______ 1-____________ ~$~qrL7'cu,rl~-u .• ~DCl~1 bi Mobile horn e dwelling unit $l ,956!lInit ill park Apartment, Condo $1 ,174!unil nut ill CD or C OR zones x COllullcrcialllndustrial , $O.273 /s q. ft. of propel-t)' (not less than $1 ,956.00) x Bo e ing, by SpeCIal Agrec rn enti r oo rp rllll o t Bldg pl us 15 ft pe rimeter (2.800 CiPM th reshol d ) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARG E -WASTEWATER ·· Estimated Pd Pre v . Partiall y I'd (Ltd Exemption) Never Pd Single famil y resi d e ntial $J ,OI7/unit x 5 Mobile hOllle dwellinu unit $l,Oli/ullit x Apartme nt, Condo $610/unil not in CD or COR zones x C ommercial/Industrial $0.142 /sq. ft. of property x(not less than $1,017.00) SVSTEM DEVELOPMENT CllARC E -S LJ RFACEWATER Estimated Pd Pre". Partially I'd (Lt d Exe mption) Never Pd Si ngle family res idential an d mobile home dwelling lin it $759 /ul1it x 5 $ 3 ,"tq5. 0 All other prope rties SO.265 fs q ft of IH.'W impcn'iulis :lreH of properly X (not less than $759 .00 ) I pRELIM1NARY TOTAL $ ~a~ Q . Ul..oot:)Ud -------~~ .5 I-g./ o::~ Slgllfl[Ur f Rt:v{:fmg Aut /t o[lty I D .:(fE *If subj t propel t y I S n·ithin an LID , it is developers responsibilit} to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. Square footage li gures are taken from the King Co unl y Ass essor 's map and are subject to change. C urrcnt C ity SDe fee charges apply to ____________________ _ EFFECT IVE January 2, 2006 "' '" • 0 • 0 " .... , " ~ • < e· • • " 0 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING June 26 , 2007 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL T he application(s) listed are in order of application number on ly and no t necessar il y the order in which they will be heard . Items wi ll be called fo r hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Grant Ave nue T own ho m es ER C D etermi nation Appeal PROJECT NUMBER: LU A-07-0 18, SA-A, ECF PROJE CT DE SC RIPTI O N : A 36 -unit townh o use proj ec t , located on 2 .11 ac res of la nd in Sou theast Re nt on, was g iven a Determ in a ti o n o f Non-Sign if icance, wi th Mi tiga t io n a nd re ce ived Adm inistrative Site Pl an A pp rova l. A ppea ls of bot h dec is io ns we re s u bseq ue ntl y appealed to th e Ci ty of Re nto n Hearin g Exa min er. PROJECT NAME: R ent on Pr o pe rties S ho rt Pl at PROJECT NUMBER: LU A-0 7-0 43, S HPL-H PROJE CT DE SCRIPTI O N : T he appl ican t has re qu este d review and approva l o f a 6-lot s ubdivisio n o f approxima te ly 4 1,995 sf of la nd . Th e p rocess requires a Hea r ing Exami ner Sho rt P la t. T he p ro perty is zo ne d Res ident ial 8 (8 dwell ing un its pe r net ac re). T he proposed dens it y is 7.1 4 d u/a. HEX Agenda 6-26 -07.doc PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Departmen t o f P lanning / B uilding / P ublic Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: J une 26, 200 7 Project Name: O wners: Applican UCon tact: File Number: Project Summary: Project Lo ca tion. Rent o n Proper ti es Short Plat Cam ie Ng 1530 -33 'd Ave S Seattle WA 98144 Alex ia D o rsch Barghausen Consulting En gi n eers, Inc. 182 15 _72 nd Ave S Ke n t WA 98032 L UA -07 -043, SHPL -H Projec t Manager: Elizabeth Hig gins, Sen io r Pl an ner The ap p lica nt has requested rev iew and app rova l of a 6-lot subd ivi s io n of 2 parcels of land tota li ng approx imate ly 41,995 sf. The property is zoned Re s idential 8 (8 dwelling un it s per ne t ac re ). Th e proposed de n sit y is 7.30 du /a . An exis ti ng si ng le-fa m ily res ide n ce wou ld be removed pri o r to redeve lop ment int o ne w si ng le-fami ly residen li a l s truc tures . 21 32 H a rrington Pla ce NE H :\Oivi sion .s \De velo p.ser\Oe v&p lan. ing\PROJECT S\0 7 -0 43 . Elizabe th \Ren ton Properties HE XRPT .<loc City o f Renton PIBI PW Department RENTON PROPERTIES SHORT PLAT Preliminary Re p o rt (0 the Hearing Examiner LUA07-043, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DA TE JUNE 26. 2007 Page 201 11 B . EXHIBITS: Exh ibit 1: Project file ("y ellow fi le") conta ining the application , reports, staff comments, and other mater ia l pert in ent to the re vie w of the project Exhibit 2: Vicin it y Map Exh ibi t 3 Aeria l Photogr aph Exh ibit 4 Zoning Map (dated February 16, 2006) Exhibit 5 Pre liminary Short Pla t (Sheet 1 of 5, dated 3/9/07) Exhibit 6 : Slope Analysis Map Exh ib it 7 Prelimi nary Tree Retention Plan (Sheet 2 of 5 , dated 3/9/07) Exhibit 8 Prelimi nary Landscape Planting Plan (Sheet L 1 of 2 ) dated 3/9 /07) Exhi bit 9 : Setbacks Plan C . GENERAL INFORMA TION : 1. Owner of Record: 2. Zoning Designation.' 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. Cam ie Ng 153 0 -33 rd Ave S Seattle WA 98144 Residential - 8 Dwelling Un its per Acre (R-8) Residential Sing le-Fami ly (RS F) 4 . E xisting Site Use. 5. Neighborhood Chara c teristics. The site is current ly developed with one single-family structure. N o rth : De veloped as single-fam ily residen ti a l; zoned R-8 East: Deve loped as m ulti-fami ly re side nti a l; zo ned R-10 South : De veloped as sing le -fami ly re siden tia l ; zoned R-8 W es t: De ve loped as sing le-family res idential ; zoned R-8 6. A cc e ss : NE 21 SI St and Harrington PI NE 7. Site Area . 41 ,995 sf (0.96 acre ) D. HIS TORICAUBA CKGROUND : Action Land Use File No. Ordinanc e No . Annexation N/A 1796 Comprehensive Plan N/A 5099 Zoning N/A 5171 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1 . Ch apter 2 l a nd Us e Di stricts Sec t ion 4 -2-0 20 : Pu rp ose and Inte nt of Zo n ing Dis tric ts Sec t io n 4-2-070 : Zoni ng Use Table Sect io n 4-2-110 : Res identia l De velopment Standards 2 . C hapter 4 Property D evel o p ment St an dards Sect ion 4-4-030 : Develop men t Guidel ines and Regu lations Sect ion 4-4-060 : G rading , Ex cavat ion and Mining Regulations Sect ion 4-4 -070 : Landscaping Sect ion 4-4-130 : T ree Cutti ng an d Land Clearing Regu lat io ns Ren lon Prope rt ies HEXRP T.doc Date 10107 /1959 11/01 /2004 12 /05 /2005 City o f Renton P/B/PW Depa rtment RENTON PROPERTIE S SHORT PLAT Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA07-043, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEAR ING OA TE JUN E 26 , 2007 3, Chapter 6 Stree ts and Utility Standards Sect ion 4-6-060 : Stree t Standards 4, Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Page 3 of 11 Sect ion 4-7 -050: General Outline of SubdiVIsion, Sho rt Pla t and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-070 : Deta ile d Procedu res fo r Short Subdivis io ns Sect ion 4-7-120: Compatibi lity with Exis ting Land Use and Pla n-General Requ ir ements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Stree ts -Genera l Req uiremen ts and Min imum Sta ndards Section 4-7-160 : Res ident ial Blocks -Gene ra l Requ irements and Minimum Standards Sect ion 4-7-170 : Resident ia l Lots -General Requ irements and Min imum Standards 5, Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 6. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use El eme nt: ReSidentia l Sing le Fam ily, Ob jectives and Policies. 2. Community Des ign Element: New De velopm en t Objectives and Po licies. G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS : 1. PROJ ECT DE SCR IPT IO N/BACKGROUND T he proposed p roject is lo cated in northeast Renton, in an area an ne xed in 1959 and general ly deve loped in to a si ngle-famil y r es ide ntial neighborh ood between 1959 and the early 1970s. (E xhibit 2) The proposal is t o comb ine a 0.3 1 acre with a 0.65 acr e parce l a nd s ubd ivide the combined acreage into 6 lots and an access tract. Th e 0 .31 acre lot has a single -fami ly house and garage. con st ructed in 1959 , which wou ld be remo ve d . The second lot has remai ned undeveloped. (E xh ib it 3 ) The propert y. and land to the north. wes t , and south , is zoned Res identia l 8, w h ich a llows up to 8 dwelling u n its per net acre (du /a ). A large mul ti-fami ly condomi niu m project is located to the east in a Reside ntial 10 zone. (Exhibit 4 ) The proposed p lan cons is ts o f 6 lo ts with an average size of 5,971 sf each. Lot Size (sf) Access Lot 1 5 ,167 Harringto n P I N E Lo t2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot6 Total 5.114 5 ,600 9,2 16 5,130 5 ,601 35 ,828 Harrington P I NE Priva te Street P riva te Street NE 21 " St NE2 1"St Fo llowi ng deductions for public (3,909 sf) and private (2,259 sf) st ree ts th e net acreage would be 35,82 7 sf (0.82 A) and the net density wou ld be 7 .30 dwelling units per acre . Renton Properties HE XRPT .doc City of Renton PIBIP W Department RENTON PROPERTIES SHOR T PLAT PUBLI C HEARING OA TE JUNE 26 , 2007 Prelimi nary Report to th e He aring Exam ine r LUA07-043, SHPL-H Page 4 0111 There are no known critical areas on the property , although steep slopes are located along the east property edge . Th is area would be within setback areas , however , and not subject to deve lopment. (Ex hibi t 6 ) The topog raphy between Lot s 1 -2 and Lot 3 is sloped at about 13 percent , wh ic h is not regulated. The undeveloped lot is heavily covered with mature evergreen and deciduous trees, Where possible , trees may be retained, (Exh ibit 7) A conceptual landscape plan has been submitted indicating that landscaping would be provided at the fron t of Lots 1, 2, 5, and 6 where they abut the pub li c right-of-way, Tw o trees would be planted in the front of each lot. (Exhibit 7) 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Except when located on lands incl uding critical a reas subject to deve lo pment impac ts, short plats are exempt fr om SEPA Env iron mental Re view pursuant to WAC 197-11- 800(6)(a ). 3. COMPLIANCE W ITH ER C MITIGATION MEASURES N/A 4, STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various ci ty departments have re vi ewed the app lication materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These co mments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments ha ve been incorporated into the appropriate sections of th is report and the Departmenta l Rec omme nda tion at th e e nd of the rep ort. 5, CONSISTENCY WI TH SHORT PLAT CRITERIA Approval of a short plat is based upon several factors. Th e following criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the re view of the subdivision : a. Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map . The objective established by the RSF designation is to protect and enhance single-family neighborhoods. The proposal is co nsistent with the RSF deS ignation in that it wou ld provide fo r the fut ure construction of single-family homes. The proposed plat is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan objectives and polic ies for Residen tia l Single Fam ily Land Use and Community Design Ele ments: Land Use Ele ment Policy LU -147, Net developme nt densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8,0 dwelling units per acre in R esidential Single Family neighborhoods. T he proposed project for 6 lots would have a net density of 7,30 dwelling un its per net acre , which is within the dens ity range required, Ren to n Prope rties HEXRPT.doc Ct ly of Ren to n PI BIPW Departmenr RENTON PROPER TI E S SHO RT PLA T Prelim inary Report 10 tile Hearing Exam iner LUA07-043, SHPL -H PUB LI C HEARING DATE JUNE 26. 2007 Page 5 of 11 Policy LU-148. A minimum lot size of 5,000 sf should be allowed on infill parcels of l ess than one acre in single-family designations . Allow a reduction on lot size to 4,500 sf on parcels greater than one acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The minimum lot size is not intended to se t the standard for density in the design ation, but to provide flexibility in subdivision/plat design and facilitate development within the allowed density range . All of the proposed lots exceed the minimum lot size of 5,000 sf. In addition, land would be aggregated to form the bas is of the s ubdivisi on. Policy LU-152. Single-family lot size, lot width, se tbacks, and impervious surface should be s uffic ie nt t o allow private open space , landscaping to provide buffers/priva cy without extensive fencing , and sufficient area for maintenance activities. The proposed new lots wou ld mee t the required lot size, width , dep th , and setbacks to create sufficient front , rear , and side yard areas . Policy LU-154. Interpret development standards to support new plats and infill project designs incorporating stree t locations, lot co nfigura ti ons, and building envelopes that address privacy and quality o f life for exis ting residents . T he proposed lo ts ar e rectangu lar in shape and or iented such that a ll of the lots wou ld have access to a pub lic right-of-way. Fou r of six lo ts wou ld fr on t public streets, but two lots would be interior to the plat and, therefore, less visible from the existing neighborhood. (Exhibit 5) Approva l of this application wo uld not decrease the quality of life for re sidents in the neighborhood . Community Des ig n El eme nt Policy CO-12 . Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, sho uld be encouraged in order to add varie ty, updated housing s tock , and new vitality to neighborhoods. T he proposed sho rt plat would subd ivide 2 existing parcels into 6 lots. Six ne w residences would be co ns tructed on the new lots, updating the housing stock in the existing ne ighborhood. Policy CD-16. During land division , all lots should front on streets or parks. Discourage single-tier lots with rear yards ba cking onto a street. T wo lots would front on Harr ing ton Ave NE and two on NE 21 51 St, both public st reet s. T wo lots wou ld be accessed by a new private str eet. Policy CO -19 . During development, significant trees, either individually or in sta nds, s hould be preserved. repla ced, or as a las t option, relocated Trees will be preserved whe re poss ib le . Objective COoK : Site plans for new development projects for all uses, including residential s ubdivisions, should include landscape plans. A concep tu a l landscape plan was submitted with the short plat applica t ion. Th e app licant is proposi ng to provide the req uired st reet trees and landscaping a long Ha rrington PI NE a nd NE 21 51 St. Policy CD-50 . Trees should be planted along re side ntial streets, in parking lot s requiring landscaping , and in other pervious areas as the opportunity arises. Trees Ren ton P rope rti e s HEX RPT .doc City of Ren ton PI BIPW Oe pat1me nt RENTON PROPER TI E S SHORT PLAT )reliminary Report to tile HearinQ Exam iner LUA 07-043, SHPL -H PUBLIC HEARING OA TE JUNE 26 . 200 7 sh ould be retain ed whenever po ssible a nd maintain ed using B es t Management Pra ctices as appropriate for each type. Page 6 0 1 11 The Res idential 8 zo ne lots are req uired to have a mi nimum of two trees per lot in the front y ard setback or within the abutting publ ic right-of way of each lot. Trees at the ratio of 2 per lot have bee n proposed for new lots. In addition, all pervious areas of single-family lots are to be landscaped. Twenty-ni ne percent of prote cted trees will be retained. Maintenance would be the responsibil ity of the property owne r. b. Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The 0.96 acre site is zoned Residentia l-8 dwell ing units per net acre . The proposed de velopmen t wo uld allow fo r the future construction of up to 6 new dwelling units and assoc iated plat improvements. Density. T he allowed dens ity ra nge in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 4 .0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre. Net dens ity is calculated after t he deducti o n of sensit ive areas , areas intended for pub lic rights-of-way , and pr iv ate access easeme nts . The re wou ld be two dedu c ti ons necessary for this plat , one for a pub lic street , NE 2 1" St (3,909 sf) and one for the private street in Tract B (2,259). The proposed plat would have a net density of 7.30 dwell ing units per net acre (41,995 sf -3,909 sf -2,259 sf = 35 ,827 (0.82 A); 6 lots / 0.B2 acres = 7.30 du/a), wh ich is within the dens ity range perm itted for the R-B zone. Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot s ize permitted in the R-8 zone is 5,000 sf for parcels less than 1 acre in area . A min imum width of 50 fee t is required for interior lots and lot depth is required to be a min imum of 65 feet. Al l proposed lo ts wou ld m eet o r exceed the min imum lot size and dimen sion requ ir ements. Setbacks. The required setbacks for the R-8 zone a re 15 feet in front for the primary structure and 20 feet for an attached garage accessed from the fron t, 5 feet alo ng interio r side yards, 15 feet for the primary structure for side yards along streets and access easements, and 20 feet for rear yards. Some setbacks show n on the prel iminary plat pla n (Exhibit 5 ) do not meet these requ irements. (Exh ibit 9) The front setbacks fo r Lots 1 - 2 and 5 -6 are shown as 20 feet , but may be red uced to 15 feet for the pr imary structure w ith a 20 foot se t back for the attached garage accessed from the fronting street. Lot 3 does not have a front setback comp letely show n across the front of the lot. Lot 4 does not have a fron t setback shown . Th e side yard setback along the west s ide of Lot 5 must be increased from 5 fee t to 15 feet due to the abutting private s treet. Staff recommends red uc ing the w idth of Lo t 6 by the 6 feet it is ove r the min im um w idth of 50 feet and add ing th is area to Lot 5 to increase the bu ildable a rea of Lot 5. T he corrected setbacks wil l be ver ified at the time of bu ilding perm it rev iew. Building Standards : The R-8 zone permits one single-family residential structure pe r lot. Each of the proposed lo ts would support the construction of one detached un it. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 sf each, or one per lo t at 1,000 sf in size. Re nton P ropert ies HEXRPT.doc City of Rent on PIBJPW Departmen t R EN TO N PRO PER TI ES SH O R T P LA T PUBLIC HEA RIN G D A TE JUNE 26. 2007 -:lrelimifl ary Repo rt to th e Hearing Exa min er LUA07-0 43, SHPL-H Page 7 0 (1 1 T he existing structure would be bisected by th e Lot 1 -Lot 2 pr o pert y line . Since the new Lots 1 and 2 cannot be crea ted w ith setba cks that meet the R-8 de ve lopment standards, the structure. includi ng the attached garage, must be removed or demolished prior to the recording of the Fina l Plat. Staff recommends th at this be made a cond ition of the Final Plat recording. Building hei g ht in the R-8 zone is limited to 2 stories and 30 feet for prim ary structu res and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. Maximum bu ilding co verage is li mited to 35 percent of the lot area or 2,500 sf , whichever is g rea ter , for lots 5 ,00 0 sf and grea ter in size . Compliance with each of these bui lding standards will be verified pr ior to the issuance of bu il d ing pe r mits for each individual stru cture. Parking . Ea ch de tac hed dwell ing un it is requ ired to provide two off-street park ing stalls per unit. Th e proposed building pads appear to be adequately s iz e d for the provision of the requi red parking . However, verif ication of two off-street parking st all s will be ne cessary at the time of building permit review. c . Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangeme nt Side lot lines are to be at right angles to stre e t lines, and each lot must have access to a pub lic street. Access may be by private access ease ment per the requirements of the Stree t Improve m ent Ord ina nce . The side lot lines o f the proposed lots are pr im ar ily at right angles to Harring to n Ave NE or NE 21 " St. All lots would gain access directly or indirectly (via a private street) from pub lic streets . As proposed. lot s comply with arrangement and ac c ess requiremen ts of th e Subdivision Regulati o ns . Lots.' The s ize , shape and o rientation of lots shall meet the min imum area , w idth require me nts of the appli cab le zoning c lassification and shall be approp riate fo r the type of developme nt and us e co ntemplated . Eac h of the p ro posed lots sa ti sfies the minimum lo t area , width , and dep th requ irements of the R-B zo ne . When conS idering the required se tbacks . as well as ac ce ss points for each lot . the pro posed lots appear to have sufficien t building area for the development of su itable detached single-family homes , although Lot 5 may be somewhat narrow. All 0 1 the prop os ed lots are rectangu lar in shape . All of th e lots are o r ien ted to pro vi de thei r front yards l acing to th e access st reet. Property Corners at Intersections.' All lot corners at intersect ions 01 dedicated public rights -of-wa y , except alle ys , shall have m inimum rad i us of 15 fee t. Any property corne rs to be ded icated for right-ol-way purposed as part of th is plat would meet this requirement. d. Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries A ccess and Street Improvements: Ac ce ss would be provided to the proposed lots via residentia l driveways onto public streets or a pr ivate street onto a public street. Renton Prop e rt Jes HE XRPT .doc Cdy of Renton P/B/PW Department RENTON PROPERTIES S HOR T PLAT PUB LIC HEARIN G DATE JUNE 26. 2007 Preliminary Re port to the Hearing Examiner LUA07-043, SHPL-H Page 8 of 11 T here are no street improvements in the existing streets. A 30 foot wi de dedicatio n along NE 21 51 St along Lo ts 5 and 6 is required. Street improveme nts wou ld be requ ired along both Harrington PI NE and NE 21 51 St. Su ch improvements would consist of half street improvements incl uding sidewa lks , curb and gutter, paving , storm drainage, and street signs . Str eet li ght ing is requ ired for this short plat. The project will be required to comply with the City of Renton 's Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirem ents. The proposed short plat is anticipated to generate additiona l tr affic on the Cit y's street system . In order to mi ti gate transportation impacts, staff recommends a conditio n of approval be placed on the project requirin g payment of a Tran sportat ion Mitigation Fee based on $75 .00 per net ne w ave rage daily trip attribu ted to the proJect. Each new lot is expected to generate approx imat ely 9 .57 new ave ra ge weekday trips. Cr edit would be given for the existing structure. The fe e for the proposed short plat is estimated at $3,588.75 ($7500 x 9.57 trip s x 5 lots = $3,58875) and is payable prior to the re cord in g of the Final Plat. Top ographv: Development of the site is expected to generate equal amo unts of cu t and fi ll. If ba lanced cut and fill is not possib le, a sour ce statemen t wou ld be provided if imported fill is required . The Cit y's Cr it ica l A reas maps indicate the presen ce of reg ulated sl o pes along the east property boundary, but no t in an area to be developed. Ther e are no other critica l areas on site . The re may be , how ever , runoff from sto rm water during si te cons truct io n that cou ld impact pub lic streets or ne arby properties . Therefor e , staff recommends as a co ndi tion of approval that the short plat be conditioned to inc lude implementation of a Temporary Eros io n a nd Sediment Control Pl an (T ES CP) and the use of Best Management Practices to mitigate potential erosion and off-site sedimentation impacts . The Tempo rary Eros ion a nd Sedimen ta tion Contro l Plan (TESCP ) sha ll be des igned pu rs ua nt to the Department of Eco logy 's Er os ion and Sed iment Control Requireme nts outlined in Vo lume II of the most recent Department of Ecology Stormwater Ma nagement Manua l. Thi s cond ition sha ll be subject to the review and approval of the Develop ment Services Di vision . Construction Mitigation : A Cons tru ction M iti gation Plan ha s bee n subm itt ed by the applicant and would be subject to final approva l prior to the issuance of construction perm it s for th e project. A Traffi c Contro l Plan , appro ve d by the City, w ill be requ ired for any co ns truc ti on impacting the City right-of-way. Landscaping. RMC 4-4-070 al lows existing tree s and other vegetation to be used to augme nt new plantings for landscapin g where pra c tical and RMC 4-7 -130 requires that a reasonable effort sho uld be made to preserve ex isting trees . A Determ ination was made by the Di rector of Development Se rv ices th at the retent ion or replacement of 25 percent of the existi ng, significant trees is required. Of the 85 existing s ignificant eve rgree n and dec iduous trees , the applicant has proposed to retain 25 trees , Re nton Proper tie s HEXRP T.doc City of Renton PI BI PW Dep art ment R ENTON PROP E RTIES SHORT P LAT P UBLI C HEARING DATE JUNE 26. 2007 )refiminary Report to th e Hea ring Exa min er LUA 07-043 , SHPL-H Page 9 of 11 which is 29 percent of the total existing sig nifi cant trees . An add itional 12 trees (2 per lot) would be planted at th e fro nt of each structure . Relationship to Ex isting Uses. Th e subjec t site is cu rr ently partially developed. The surrounding area includes single-family residences developed with R-8 zoning deve lopment stand a rds or s imilar. T he proposed lo ts would be compatible w ith oth e r ex ist ing lots in this a rea because, a lthough the y may be smaller, 2 of the lots are located interior to the plat and would be screened by the lots be tween th em and the st reet. The proposal is consistent with the int en t of both the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code and wou ld no t be out of c haracter w ith the existing deve lopment in th e area . Community Assets: The City 's landscape regulations require the installation of landscaping within the public righ t-of-w ay. Th e minimum amount of landscaping requ ired for sites abutting a non-arter ial publ ic street is 5 feet, provided th at if the re is additional undeveloped rig ht-of-way in excess of 5 feet, this shall also be landscaped. The landscap ing proposed shall either co nsist of dro ught resis tan t vege tatio n or sha ll be irr igated appropr iately . A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the application. Two trees are proposed for each lot. The proposed trees would be Zelkova serra ta (Japanese ze lkova), a tree sim ila r to the Amer ican elm in size a nd fo rm . A de tailed landscape plan is requ ired to be submitted wi th the build ing perm it app lication and the tr ees are required to be in stal led pr ior to building occupancy. All new electrical. tele phone , and cable service must be underground. Construction of these franch ise u ti lities must be inspected a nd approved by a City of Renton publ ic wo r ks inspector prior to the recording of the Final Plat. e. Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire. Police and Fire Preventi o n staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furn ish services to the proposed deve lopment. subjec t to the co nd ition tha t the app lica nt provide Code required improvements, and mitigat ion fees. T hese fees would help offset any addi ti onal impac ts to emergency services generated from thi s development. A Fire Mitigat ion Fee , based on $48800 per new si ngl e family structure , is recommended in order to m itiga te the proposal's potential impacts to City emergency servic es . Cred it would be gi ven fo r th e ex isting s tru cture . T he fee is estimated at $2,440.00 ($488 x 5 = $2,44000) and is payab le prior to the reco rding of the Final Pl at. A fire hydrant with 100 0 gpm fire flow is required wit hin 300 feet of all new sing le-fam ily stru c tures . If th e bui ld ing square footage exceeds 3,600 sf in area , the min imum fi re fl ow increas es to a m inim um of 1500 gpm and requi res 2 hydran ts with in 300 feet of the st ructure. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved . 20 feet in width. Dead end roadways ove r 150 in length are requi red to have an approved turnaround . A 5-inch quick-disconnect fitti ng w ill be req uir ed to be installed on all new hyd rants (see "Wate r Utility ", below). Any existing hydrant counted as fire protection will require insta llation of a "Storz" qu ick disconnect fitti ng if not already in place. Street addresses must be visi ble from a publ ic street. S c hools. According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Rent on Land Use Eleme nt (January 16, 1992). the City of Rento n has a stu dent generation factor of 0.44 students per si ngle family residential dwe lling. T herefore , it is anticipated Renton Properlles HEXRPT.doc City of Ren ton PIBIP W Departme nt RE N TO N PROPERTI ES SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEA RING DA TE JUNE 26. 2007 Preliminary Repo rt to the Hearin g Exa mine r LUA07-043, SHPL-H Page lOaf 11 that the proposed short plat would resu lt in 3 (0.44 X 6 = 2 .64 ) c hildre n to the local schoo ls . The Renton School Di strict has ind icated the y can accommodate the additional s tuden ts generated by th is proposa l at Sierra He ights Elementa ry Schoo l (transported by bus ), McKnight Mi ddle Schoo l (wa lk ), and Haze n High School (transported by bus). Parks : It is anticipated that the proposed deve lopment would generate future residents that would util ize existing City park and recreat ion facilities a nd programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new s ingle fami ly residence to address these potential impacts . Theref ore, a fee estimated at $3,184.56 ($530.76 X 6 = $3,184.56) would be payable prio r to the recording of the Final Pla t. Storm Wat er: Th ere is a storm system in Harr ingto n Ave NE , bu t no improved drainage fa cil ities fronting the si te in NE 21 Sl St. A Pr el imina ry Technical Information Repo rt prepared by Barghau se n Consulting En gineering , Inc . da ted Apri l 3, 2007, was submitted w ith the project application. The narrative has been rev ie wed by th e City of Renton 's Plan Re view Section. Based on the analys is, th is project is exempt from detentio n and wate r quality as per the ado pted 1990 King County Surface Water Des ign Ma nual. All roof downspout systems must be tightlined to the existing storm system . If this is not feasible, inf iltration trenches or d ry wills may be used if soils are sui tab le fo r infiltration. The Surface Water System Dev e lopm e nt Charges are based on a rate of $759.00 x 5 lots . Est imated fees based on the entire site plan are $3,759.00. Paymen t of these fees will be required prior to issuance of the utility co nstruct ion permit. Water Utilitv' There are 8-in c h wa ter mains in NE 21 " Street and in Harr ingto n PI NE . There is ex isting fire flow in the area of approximate ly 2,500 gpm . The proposed project is located in the 565 Water Pressure Zone and is inside Aquifer Projection Zone 2. Stat ic pressu re in the area is approx imate ly 70 psi , Fire flow requ irement for single -fami ly res idences is 1,000 gpm fr om a hyd ra nt located wi thin 300 feet of th e fur th es t str uc ture. If residences exceed 3 ,600 sf in area (inclu d ing garage area), fire flow increases to 1,500 gpm and an addit ional hyd rant wo uld be required. Extens ion of a 4 inch water main will be required to se rve Lots 3 a nd 4. All short plats shall prov id e a sepa rate water serv ice stub to each building lot prior to recording of the plat. The Wat er System De ve lopmen t Charges are based on a ra te of $1 ,525.00 x 5 undeveloped lo ts. Th e estimated fee based on the entire site plan is $9 ,780.00. Pa yment of th is fee will be required pr io r to the issuance of a u tility constructio n permit. Sanitary Sewer Ut ility: T here are cur re ntly 8-in ch sewer mains in bo th NE 2 1 Sl Stree t a nd in Harr ingto n PI NE . T he Sanitary Sewer Syst e m De velopme nt Charges are based on a rate of $1 ,017.00 x 5 undeve loped lots . T he estimated fee based on the ent i re si te plan is $5,085.00. Payment of th is fee w ill be requ ired pr ior to the iss uan ce of a utility construction permit. There are a ls o two specia l assessment fees for this property . The East Kennyda!e Infill Phase II fee is $5,208.87, plus interest per lot. Th e es timated fee for the 5 lots owing is $30,4 70.00. The East Kennydale SAD is $495.00, plus interest fo r each undeveloped lot. The estimated fee for 5 undeveloped lo ts is $3,093.50. Th ese fees were calcul ated, with interest , through May 30, 2007. R enton P roperti es HEXRP T .doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department RENTO N PR OPERTI ES SHORT PLA T PUB LI C HEARIN G DATE JUNE 26 . 2007 'reliminJry Re port to the Hearing Examiner LUA 07·043, SHPL ·H Pa ge 11 of 11 Dua l side se we rs are no t a ll owe d . Minim um s lo pes shall be 2 percent. All short plats sh a ll pro vi de s eparate sewer stubs to each bui ld ing lo t pri o r to re c ord ing of the short p lat. Separate perm its and fee s for side sewers will be req uired. H. RECOMMENDA TlON : Staff re co mmend s approva l of the Renton Properties Short Plat , Proj e ct File No. LUA -07 -043, SHPL ·H s ub ject to the fol low ing cond itions: 1. Th e ex is ting str uct ure , inclu d ing the atta c hed garag e , mus t be rem ov ed o r d emo lished pri or to the reco rd ing of th e plat. 2. The ap plica nt sh a ll pay a T ra nspo rta ti on Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average dail y trip attr ib ute d to the proj ect. Th e fee is pa yable pr io r to the record ing of the plat. 3. A T empora ry Eros io n and Sed ime ntation Co ntro l Plan (TE SC P) s h all be require d. The TE SC P sha ll be de s igned pu rsuant to th e De partme nt of Ecology 's Eros ion and Sedimen t Contr ol Requ ireme nts outl ined in Vo lume II of the most recent Departm ent of Ecology Stor mwa ter Ma nage m ent Man ua l. T his con d iti o n s hall be subje c t to t he re view a nd appro va l of th e Deve lopm e nt Services Division. 4. A Fire Mitigat ion Fee, based on $488 .00 pe r new sing le fami ly st ructure , sha ll be paya bl e pr io r to the recordi ng of the plat. 5. A Par ks Mitig ati o n Fee of $530.76 pe r each new sing le family reside nc e s hal l be pa yable p ri or to th e rec ord ing of the plat. EXPIRATION PERIODS : Short Pl ats (SHPL): If the short plat is not filed within two years from date of approval (RMC 4·7·070.M). the short plat shall become null and void. Renton Pro pe rti es HEXRPT.doc RENTO N W =-M--.---~ lh1 C rull: rut A TUB 0' 1111. TTL!!: .,.,............--... • ..ou. ..... _ucY.IIIC.UAT'TU' .c.o<1t .~·_Oft'f EXHIBIT 2 """" -,., .. -~ -_ c:J __ --~-- Eli zabeth Higgins -Proposed Land Use Action LUA -043 (2132 Harring ton Pl ace NE) From : To : Date: <rogersea@comcast .net> <eh iggins@c i.renton .wa .us> 06 /19 /20073:3758 PM Subject : Proposed Land Use Ac tio n LUA-043 (2132 Harr ington Place NE ) Ms . Higg ins : Since I wi ll be work ing on June 26th and wi ll not be able to attend the pub lic hearing on the subject land use act ion, I am submi tt in g m y comments by email . This may not be the appropriate venue to submit comments; if it is no t , p lea se let me know the correc t proced ure. My husband and I live In prox im ity to 21 32 Harring ton Place NE an d wou ld be affected by the proposed land use cl1ange . I ob j ect to the propose d land use action fo r the fo ll owing reasons : 1. Large , Old-growth tree s w ill be destroyed . I do understand the need to tri m some trees that are likely to fall on uti lity li nes (we were w itho ut e lectricity for nine days du ri ng las t December's storm). However , I also bel ieve that we need to reta in as many trees as possib le to preserve a ir qua li ty and help mi t igate global cl imate ch a nge . Cutting down trees s imp ly to squeeze in as many houses as poss ible is not good env ironmen tal po li cy in my v iew . 2 I understand that Renton is committed to inc reas ing residentia l dens ity , but I strongly bel ieve that the c ity IS rap idly becoming overbU il t. It seems that lit tle attention has been given to road ca paci ty , water usage and schoo l overcrowding . It IS already very d iff icult to dr ive anywhere in the City of Renton except dUring mid-day hours. If we con t inue to add people with no lim itation, our roads w ill become completely impassable, and our aq u ifer may become dep leted. 3. Specific to LUA-043, the ava ilable land w ill not suppor t s ix separa te houses . They will be crowded together far too cl osely for fire safe ty, pr ivacy or comfort. 4 . Nu merous rece nt developments have been built very qu ic kly , w hich often means that corne r s are cu t and qua lity su ffe r s. Poo rly bu ilt structures do no t last and can become deter iorating housin g stoc k w it h in only a few yea r s. I respectfu ll y request that LU A-043 be cance ll ed o r mod ifi ed to be mo re compat ible wi th the en VIr onm ent and ava ilab le resources . Sin c ere ly , Elizabeth A. Rogers 2300 Jefferson Avenue NE , #6-108 Ren ton, WA 98056 L f- Ms . Eliza be th Il igg in s C ity of Re nt o n Dev e lo p me nt Se rv ic es 1055 So ut h G ra dy Wa y Re nto n. W A 98055 RE : C am ie Ng S hOl1 Plat S ub m itt a l 2 J 32 Harrin gto n Plac e N E O ur J ob No. J 2 6 53 Dea r Ms . I-li gg ins : GIVIL I f\GIN[ERIr-..G LAt-.O PLA.NN I"lG. SJRV?(ING. E'JVIRO NM ENT,l.L SERVIC FS J unc 11,200 7 COU RIER DE LI VERY . C1TYOFREN n. R F. C 1= ~ 1/ e ,. A. j i I BU llDINGIJIVISiUj\J Pe r o ur t e le ph o ne co nve rsa ti o n o n May 3 1,200 7. we ha ve re v is e d th e p re lim ina ry s ho rt p lat to in c lud e a 3 0-foo t r ig ht -o f-way d e di cati o n a lo ng N .E. 21 5t St reet, instead o f 20-feet a s initi a ll y p ropos ed . T he lot a re a ta b le a nd de ns it y c alc u lat io ns hav e al so bee n adj ust ed 10 re nee l thi s re v is io n. 'vVe ar c s ub m ilt in g tw e lve (12) co p ies or t hc rev ised p reli m inary 5h0l1 p lat fo r yo ur co nt inu c d rev iew a nd ro ut ing. P lea se contac t me at thi s o ffi ee if yo u have a ny qu es ti o ns o r require addit io na l in fo rma t io n . ;\D D!pj A lex ia D . Do rsc h Ass istan t Pla nne r I 265 3c.005.doc e ne: As No ted cc: M s . C a mi e Ng (w"/e nc) M r. T ho mas A. fl arg ha usc n. Barghau se n Co nsult in g Eng in ee rs. In c. (IV /e ne) Mr. Ra y mo nd va n de l' Roe st. Bargha use n Co ns ultin g Eng inee rs, Inc. 1821:-) 72ND AVFNUF SOU TH KEN T. W!1 980:!2 14251251 6222 :.125125 1 8782 FAX BRANCH OFF IC:;:S • OlYMP IA WA • TACOM/\. WA • SACRA\~E'JIO C A • T E~"l E ::::::U _4.. cp.. '!<ww.bal"!")h auscn co,." CITY )F RENTON Planning/B uildinglP ublic \V orks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E ., Administrator June 6 , 2007 Alexia Dorsch Barghause n Consultin g Engineers, Inc. 18 2 15 72nd Avenue S Kent, \VA 98032 SUBJECT: Renton Properties Short Plat LUA07-043, SHPL-H Dea r M s . Dorsch: Du e to a mis se d deadline for public no tif ication the public hearing scheduled for June 19 , 2007 for the above subject proj ect has be e n re sc heduled for June 26, 2007. The applicant or rcpresentative(s) of the applicant are req uired to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff repo rt will be mail e d to you prior to the sc hedul ed hearing. II'you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7382. Sincerely, E li z abeth Higgins, AICP Senior Planner cc: Carnie Ng I Owner \Villiam Ke es cckcr, Suze tte Cruizon, Don Cochran I Pal1ies of Rec ord -------------]-O-55-S-o-u-lh-G-r-ad-y-W--ay---R-e-n-to-n,-W--as-h-;n-gt-o-n-9-S0-S-7-------------~ ® T his papercontain5 50% recycled materi al, 30"10 post consume r A HF.A D OF THE CU l{VE REVISED NOTICE OF APPLICATION A MJster App lica ti o n h ~5 b9u n fi le d ane! ~ee e pt ed ",Ith t ho D"n l<>~11'8"t Servkcs Division 0 1 th e C ity of R~"tu" The following b rlet ly due .ibn t h ~ al'p ll c ~t lon and tho noeessary Pubhc Appro v als. PROJECT NAME.'NUM BER Renl01 Prope rtie S :;~cr1 PI~tI LUA07-043 SHPL-H PROJECT DESCRIP TIO N n o ~p~1 can t has re~u .. ~I .. ~ ,,,,,,,,,.,. and a pp'o~~1 ct J 10,'0 1 ~,'ixll.'~lOri of apo'o Xi matc:,y 41 995 sf 01 lan d Th" ~rocflis requ ires ~ lle3 ",rg C.alr"." She ri Plat -'8 praper"! is lored H eS I ~9 "r. ~I 8 Ie d",ePins um:S per net 3:t91 TI ... pro pose:! dilns irl ,S 7 14 du!a PROJECT LO CA nON: 2 132 Hw,ng:or P ~t:<! hE PUBLIC APPROVALS: J.CJnn ; i:x.l'll net :;"\Or. "'t.: ,,~pU)va APPLICA NT/PROJECT CO NTACT PER SO N .lJeu '" D~'!.Ch . ll~r~~~us .. n Ccns~I!"~ E ~91""H' Inc Te l 1425,251'<:222 "ml adcfs=~@b a·!lh ~J "'I\(;(;m PUB LIC HEARIN G: ;:,,1::1 C l\C"f 0' $ IrT""'I'~"~f W"",l led '"' J~"8 I S 2007 x'ore It .. H .. ,'?" &...' .... 11 F • .1mlr.cr In 6&,'or etcu .. ? Ch.""",,~ Hea'l'Ss I>I>Q n a: Ii co A-'" on I·'" ""!IOOI' 0' t~e 'ew ".erlco Cr.~ I1"J 1oGd'"d al 1055 S[}~:r G·a~~ \"/3, Com ments o n th e abo" •• lIp l i c~llon "'1,)$1 be SI,)llrn,Ued III w.~i "y 10 Eliu bcl h Hlg!l ,nS SenIo r P I ~nn ••. 0""81 0p",,,m Serv ic es DovlS".lrl l OSS South Glit d y Way. Rento n WA 980S1 . b y 5:00 PM on J une 14 200 1 Thia ",aU •• '" also len1 lt1ively scnedv letl fur " publi c be all,,!! on JI,)ne 19 . 200 1. ~I g·oo AM Cc .. n~1 :;na""lll<!ls ~e"enl .. FI?o< R,m lOr C I, 4 .. 1 10~~ S~u:" Glad, 'I';ay R ~I 'I ':'1 II IOU ,,·c rteles:"c In 3::~rd'"~ In" tl<I,,''''g I'k;~s.c ton:a<:1 1M De'~el"I'''~rl Se··nes OM"O" ~e OnSLl1i" tril l I"" '·~ .. fl n9 ra~ (lUt be~ .. I~cr.e<:ule<.: a , ~2SI "-,['··21'12 II cc",.,,~ts can!"cl "" "J~mtl,,:1 tn w'I:ln~ t, \l'e d3~ Int:OC<l,,,(1 .. l"~t )'''''' .,.,,,', ~II a~oe3r a: lr .. '."".'.'': ",,:I ~fe~e~~ ·'O~I COI'I')Merl5 or t1.~ p or<.:~" t e torc Inc Heo·rr<; L~~"""'" I' ,~" r ",e q,les:,or~ ~:>O U I tnl~ p'cp~1 01 ... ,~h I:O OO'lT"ildn iI ~ilrty ~, ·c:o,!I 3'e r 'K ~"~ ,.,lel ,.yO;;! ,n'o'""'I;)tlo' ''I m3~ ~~e .. ,~ w'·'ac: ~r ~ P'Of!!C1 mJn,,~e. An\'Q r~ "''':) '~t m,ts ... ·"lIe " ccrr mc n l ~ ..... ,1 au:oma ~:;;;l y ,-,,",::'1""";; r.art·1 o' ,e-ecr<: an:!·,rl t~ nCl I "~" d "~I ~ecl5,,,~,.,n ~nl S ~·OIIXI PLE ASE IN CL U DE THE PROJE C T NUMI;;IOR WH EN CA L LI NG FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLI CATION : Apr i l 24, 20 07 NOTIC E OF COMPLETE APP LIC ATIO N: May 4 , 2007 N:..r/E __ =======_--= M,':"llItJGADD"=SS ______ _ lEUYIIONE ,,0 _______ _ CERTIFICA TlON I , .$Em &ts£IL. , he re by ce rtify thal ~ copies of th e above document we re po s ted by me in --.l co n s pi c uou s places or nearb y the de sc rib e d pro perty R,Q..'\\\\\\\\\tI1 ,,--\,.'I'NN ~// DATE : S·3J-n SIGNED: P4f0~ :::-~:'>'",,';'l"'" ',-:-111 ~-----= =-=~ .: ~~ ~ .. ~~;-.~\ ~"" , C i "'~ 'V', 'Y-~ ~'Ift(".!.' ~.. -i-:..\~~ , ., '. -, ATJ'EST : Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Pu b lic , in and for the Srale of Washington re s idi~ in:v d f · ~ ~ -, ~ ~\f. ..t) v j .. E ->6.""",-' fl,,-1i1.<l<L'-iI __ . on Lh e ~ !H,' "~-~1. ' ~/"'O~ LJ':':='C:3~~~t:L"I':C:'S?·I~'~ E',,;';'~$ day of _II--"rv';,,-,,",,,,~'":I.=~ ___ _ WAST':....~ 111\\\\\\\" CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 31 s1 da y o f Ma y, 2007 , I deposited in the mails o f the Un i ted States , a sealed e n ve lope co nta ining Revised NOA documents. Th is in form ation was sent to: Name Surrou nding Pr ope rt y Owners (Sig nature of Sender): >.4ry. ~ STAT E O F WAS HIN GTON ) ) SS COUNTY O F K IN G ) See Attached Notary (Print): '-"' My appoi ntment expires : d -\ '1-10 Project Name: Renton Properties Short Plat Project Number: LUA07-043 , SHP L-H Representing ~ . 042305932107 ALTMYER BRETT N 28 19 NE 21ST ST RENTON WA 98056 722780002506 CON LEY ALBERT +PEGGY L 2732 S JUDK I NS SEATTLE WA 98144 042305924401 FERRELL 9429 116TH AVE NE KIRKLAND WA 98033 042305919 807 GERBER HAROLD C JR 2717 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98055 042305919906 GUBER EVGENlJ 2725 N E 23RD ST RENTON WA 98056 042305918700 HE I SINGER ERIKA E 280 1 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98056 042305923304 KEESECKER WILLIAM T 2124 HARRINGTON PL NE REN TON WA 98056 04230592520 0 LE STER ET HEL E 2022 HARRINGTON PL NE RENT ON WA 98056 04230592 12 09 MI MS KA THL EEN PO BOX 3072 RE NT ON WA 98056 042305921001 NGUYEN THACH+CAMIE NG 1530 33 RD AVE S SEATTLE WA 981 44 722780000500 CARY KARAN E 2009 HARRINGTON CI RC NE RENTON WA 98056 042305918809 CORMAN CATHERINE L 22 16 HARRINGTON PL NE REN TON WA 98056 722780002001 FJELD DAVID W FJELD KATRINA A 2501 4 89TH AVE E GRAHAM WA 9833 8 722780007505 GOO D MANSEN RON J E 2916 91ST AVE E EDGEWOOD WA 98371 042305932206 HALL EDWIN A+H ELEN M 2825 NE 21ST ST REN T ON WA 98056 9202500 14007 HIRAMATSU RICHARD K+VIRGINI 2805 NE 23RD PL RENTON WA 98056 042305924906 LAM DAN MARN HONG 2807 NE 21ST ST RENTON WA 98056 042305932008 LIV LY 2813 NE 21ST ST RENTON WA 98056 920250016002 MURRAY MITCH ELL D 2813 NE 23RD PL RE NTON WA 98056 042305925408 PASCALE GLORIA V 2032 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98055 722780001003 CASTRO JOSE M 2017 HARRINGTON CIR NE RENTON WA 98056 042305920003 CU I ZON SUZETTE 2200 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 722780001508 FLETC H ER JONATHAN M 2500 8 1ST AVE SE # 104 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 042305930804 D7-0'l3 £-;1 1-07 GOULTER ERIC W+GOU LTER VALER IE P 2167 HARR I NGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 722780003009 HEDRICK RICHARD C JR 2009 HA RR INGTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 920250015004 IMPETT VICTORIA ANN 2809 NE 23RD PL RENTON WA 98056 042305921605 LDK CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 2764 RENTON WA 98056 920250012001 MADDEN I NGRID R JANSSEN+KENNETH D 2713 23RD PL NE RENT ON WA 98056 -8346 722780000 104 NGUYEN LI EN H 2018 HARRINGTON PL S E REN T ON WA 98056 722780000401 QU I NTOR RAFAEL SANCHEZ+JOSE 2020 HA RR IN GTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 920250013009 RAHLFS RICHARD W+SARAH A 2303 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 042305936900 SIMON KIMBER LEE 5 2103 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 042305918502 YOUNG WESLEY 2 125 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 722780008008 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 2316 REN TON WA 98056 042305937106 TATE OBIE III+HELENE 2110 HARRINGTON PL NE REN TON WA 98056 042305921100 SARGENT JOHN J 845 INDEX CT NE REN TON WA 98056 042305937007 WELLS DAVID J 2109 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 REVISED NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application ha s b ee n filed and accepted with the De v elopment Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the applic ation and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME /NUMBER : Renton Properties Short Plat I LU A07-043, SHPL-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The ap plicant has requested rev iew and approval of a 6-101 subdivision of approximately 4 1,995 sf of land T he process requires a Hearing Exam iner Short P lat The properly is zoned Residential 8 (8 dwell ing uni ts per net acre) The proposed densi ty is 7,14 du/a PROJECT LOCATION: 2132 Harrin gton Place NE PUBLIC APPROVALS: Hearing Examine r Short Plat approva l APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON A lexia Do rsch , Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc . PUBLIC HEARING: T e l (425) 251-6222 ; Em l: adorsch@barghausen .com Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for June 19, 2007 before t he Renton Hea ring Examine r in Rento n Council Chambers. He ari ngs beg in at 9:00 AM on t he 7th floo r of t he new Renton Ci ty Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way Comments on t h e above applicatio n must be submitted in writing to Eliz abeth Higgins, Seni o r Plann e r, Developm e nt Services Di v is ion , 1055 So uth Grady Way , Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on June 14 , 2007 . This matter is also tentatively sc he duled for a public hearing on June 19, 2007, at 9:00 AM , Counci l Chambers . Seventh Floo r Ren ton C ity Hall , 1055 South Grady Way, Renton If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the De velopment Services DIvIS ion to ensure t hai the hearing has not been reschedu led at (425) 430-7282. If comme nts cannot be submitted in writing by the date ind icated a bov e, you may still appea r at th e hearing and present your comments on th e proposa l be fo re t he Hearlll g Exam ill er If you have qu es tl ofls about this proposa l, or wish to be mad e a pa rty of reco rd and rece ive add itiona l Info rmation by ma ll, please contact the project manager Anyon e 'Nho submits written comments wi ll au tomatica ll y become a pa rty of record and will be noti f ied of any dec ision on th is p ro ject PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: April 24 , 2007 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: May 4 , 2007 DATE OF NOTICE OF If you would like to be made a pa rty of record to receive further information on this proposed proJect, comp let e th is form an d ret urn to : City of Renton , De velopment Planning, 10 55 Sou th Grady Way . Ren ton, WA 98055 File Na me I No .: Renton Properties Short Plat I LUA07-043, SHPL-H NAME W,ILlNG ADDRESS _______________________________ _ TELE PHONE NO . DATE : TO: FROM: SUB J ECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 23, 2007 E l izab e th Hi ggins Sonja J. Fesse r JSf}5 Renton Properties Short Plat, LUA-07-043-SHI'L Format and Legal Description Reyiew Bob Mac Oni e and I h ave r ev iewed t he above referenced s ho rt plat sub mittal a nd have th e following co mment s: Com m e nt s f o r the A ppli c ant: Th e c it y's s ho rt plat pro cess docs not a ll ow f o r ded ica ti o n of land for s treet purposes v ia th e recor d in g o r th e s ho rt pl at. R e m ove that port io n of t he dedicat io n n ote (S heet 3 o f 3) th a t r ea el s: "U PON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT P LAT'.' T h e d ed ica ti on of pro pe rt y for street purpo ses (20' wi d e s iri p mljacen tt o NE 2 1" St reet) req uires approva l by th e C it y Co un c il. Sa id ded ica ti on is ac hi eved via a re co rde d City of R e nton D e di ca ti on D eed docu m e nt. If th e d e di ca ti on is to be r ecord ed w it h th e sh ort p ia l , th e d e di c ation p rocess n eeds to be time d in s uch a way tha i Co un c il approva l a nel a ll o th e r matte r s pe nainin g t o th e d e d icat io n h ave been tak e n ca re of, and sa id docume n t is read y to reco rd . Th e D eed of Ded ica ti o n d oc ume nt includes b o th a lega l descr ipt io n ex hibit a nd a map ex h ibit. Th e legal d esc ri plion ex hi b il sho uld be pre pare d , 'Iamped, dal ed an d s igned b y th e app lica n t's s ur veyo r. Th e s urveyor s h o uld al so pre pa re th e map ex hibit , but no sta mp is re quire d. Th e d ed icati o n pr ocess re quires an up dated Plat Certifi ca te dat e d wi thin th e 45-da y time fr a m e pri or to Cou nc il act io n o n th e a pprova l of said d edicati o n. Talk to th e Project Nla nage r if t he re a re q ues ti o n s o r furth e r info rmati o n is n eeded. Th e lega l desc ripti o n for th e subj ect s ho rt pla t pro perties is in corr ec t as present ed . See th e att ac hme nt. In f o rmati on nee ded for final sho rt plat approva l in clude s th e f o ll ow in g: \H :\fi!c Sy s\LND -L..nd Subdivision & Su rvey in g: Rccord,,\I.,N D-20 - S ho rt Pl al i\\(I4 ))X \RV 070523 .doc May 3 1, 2007 Page 2 Not e th e C ity of Re nt o n land u sc action number and land re cord num ber, LUA-0 7 -043 -S HPL and LND -20-0488, res pecti ve ly, on th e draw in g s heets in t he spaces already provided. The type size u sed for t he land record numbe r s h o uld he s m a ll er than t h a t use d for th e land u sc action number. Provide s hort plat and lot closure calculations. Lot s 3 and 4 mu s t be gr a nt e d a n e qual and undi vid e d interest in Tract E , running w ith the land . Indi cate what ha s bee n , or is to he, set at the corners of the propo sed 10[s . The c it y will pro v ide addresses fo r t he propo s ed lots as soo n '" poss ib le . No te said addresses o n lh c s h ort p lat drawin g . Becau se the s ubjec t property fa ll s within Zo ne 2 of th e City of R e nton Aq uife r Protec tion Area, the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to he n oted o n th e draw in g . See the attachment. Ad d KING COUNTY to t he a p prova l block for the Department o f Assessme nt s . Re move all refe re nces to lon in g, densit y, buildin g setbacks, bui ldi ng he ight maximum and ot he r it e m s not directl y impacting the subd iv ision , from t h e final s hort p lat s u bm it tal. Do note encroach me nt s, if any. Include th e C IT Y OF RENTON in t he li st of utiliti es no te d in the "EASEMIONT PROVISION" bl oc k (S h eet I of 2 ). N ote that if t he r e are ease m e nts, restrictive covenants or agreeme n ts to others (C ity of Renton, e t c .) as part of thi s s ubdivi s ion, they can be recorded conc urre ntl y w ith th e s h ort plat. The s h ort p lat drawin g a nd the assoc iated doc u m en t (s) are to be g iven to the Projec t f\.1anager a s a package. The recordi n g nllmbe r(s) for th e associated docli me nt (s) are to be refe re n ced o n the s h o rt plat d rmvi n g. P rovide s paces for th e recordi ng numb e rs thereof. Fee R e vi ew Commen t s : The Fcc Re v iew Sheet for thi s r eview of t h e pre limjn a ry s ho rt plat is prov ided fo r yo ur u se a nd info rma ti o n. 1-L\Fik~ Sy:-.\LND -Land S u bd ivi sion & Surv,,-~ying R<.:cords\L ND-20 -Short P1aL~\0488\RV n7n5n.d()c\cor I PARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS REC ORD ING NO. VO L '/PAG E JlNED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF __________ , 20 ___ _ cSSOR UTY ASSESS OR )U NT NUMBERS 0 4 2305 -9134-04 AND 042305 -921 0-01 F WAY FOR NE 21ST STREEl BY DEED RECORD ED E AGREEMENT THE SALE OF LO TS SHOWN ON TH IS SHOR T PIJIT. HIP AND RESPONS IBILI TY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE IBILIT IES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MA INTENANCE OF :ILlTI ES WI THIN TH IS EASEMENT , PR IVATE SIGNAG E, MAIN TENANCE COS TS SHALL BE SHARED EQ UALLY . KIE S OF THE DRAIN AGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS 3ITED, UN LESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 28 IY , QW EST, COM CAST, (OTHE R PRrlATE UTILITIES), AN D ; OR PRIVATE DRIVE S AN D THE EXTER IOR TEN (10) . LOTS AN D TRACTS. FURTHER EASE MENTS ARE NTS") ADJACENT TO THE 1 O-FO OT WI DE UTILI TY UPY UP TO AN ADDI TIO NAL ONE (1) FOO T IN WIDTH : 1) FOOT FROM EACH END OF THE ASBUILT IE UTILITY'S INI TIA L INSTALIJITION OF FACILITIES. THE T AN D MAIN TAIN UNDERGROU ND PIPE, CO NDUI T, [HE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISIO N AND ,EEl LIGH TS AN D UTILITY SERVICE TOGElHER WITH IlED. ;ISLE TO THE IR OR IGI NAL CO NDIT ION. {ISIO N, TELECOMMU NICATIONS OR DATA TRANSM ISSION SHA LL BE UN DERGROUND . EASEM ENT OWNERS. POR TION OF SW1 /4 of NW1 /4 , S ECTION 4, T, 23 N " R. 5 E., W.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT POR TION OF THE NORTH HALF OF TH E SO UTH HALF OF THE SOUTH WE ST QUARTER OF THE NO RTHWEST QUARTER AN D OF THE NOR TH HA LF OF THE SOUTH HA LF OF TH E SOUTH HALF OF THE SOU THW ES T QUARTER OF TH E NORTH WES T QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH , RAN GE 5 EAST , W.M, AS DESCR IBED AS FOLLO WS: BEG INN ING AT TH E WES T QUAR TE R CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE NORTH 0'3 1'05 " EAST 609,36 FEET ; THENCE SOUT H 88'18 '09" EAST 1010.70 FE El; ..... q THENCE SOUTH 0'39 '36" WE ST 238,~i -TO THE TRUE PO INT OF BEG INN ING ; TH ENCE SOU TH 0'39 '3 6" WE ST 21809 FE ET; ~ THENC E SOOIR ";'@ 9 '03" EAST 280.23 FE ET; be THENC E NOR TH Cr 33'38 " EA ST 217.89 FEET; THENC E NORTH 88'18'36" WEST 28 1.09 FEET TO THE TR UE PO INT OF BEG INNING: EXCEPT THA T PO RT ION THEREOF CONVEY EO BY DEEDS RECORDED UND ER RECORD ING NO . 48 97237 AN D 5333619; AND EXCEPT THAT PORT ION THER EOF CO NVE YED TO THE CITY OF RENTO N BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5359639 SITUAT E IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STAT E OF WA SHINGTON SURVEY INFORMATION PROCEDURE I NARRATIVE A FIELD TRAVERS E USIN G A ''LEICA TCR 703" TO TAL STATION, AND '']DS RANGER " DATA COLL ECTOR SUPPLIEM ENTE D WI TH FIELD NOTES WAS PE RFOR MED , ESTABLISH ING THE ANGULAR, DISTAN CE, AND VERT ICAL RELATI ONSH IPS SmVE EN THE MONUM ENT S, PRO PERTY LI NES, AlN D TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES AS SHO IVN HEREON . A "UETZ B-2A" AUT OMATIC LEVE L WA S USEO TO CHECK AND ESTABLISH THE ELEVATI ON OF BEN CHMARKS AND CONTROL POINTS . THE RESULT ING DATA MEETS OR EX CEEDS THE ST AN DARDS FOR IJIND BOU NDAIRY SURVEYS AS SET FORTH IN WAC 332-130 -090 . DATES OF SURVEYS FIELD SURVEYS BY BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS , INC . CONDUCTED JANUARY 2007. ALL MONUMENTS SHOWN AS FOUND WE RE VISI TE D AT THAT TIME. AQUIFER PROTECTiON NOTiCE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON 'S AQUlF E R PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO . 4740 . THlS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKlNG WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE . EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBST ANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSffiILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER " . PROPERTY SEt :ES FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISION S . 2007 ---"2.,,,,1 __ _ API'LI C ANT: 1J 6 , ~MlE be :t1 lA C H bJ~ U y ~__ R ECEIVED FROM (dale) JOB ADDRESS:~ 1.3 e I-! ~~U~ +O-N -'f';>1 WE" _ -'\O C l'll5-0 .... __ NATURE OF WORK: -G.=.Lar' i;:;;;S:t:.:12 A;f (RI::}.J)'bJ • ..L'PJ3O.P.E.RT Ie: ~l LND C~,,-.O ~ __ .. PRELIMINARY REVIEWOk SUBDIVISION BY LONG PLAT, • Nbm ~1UK'. lNFORMATlON: .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, B1NIHNG SITE PLAN, ETC. FINAL REVIEW OF SUllIJ IV ISION, THIS R EVIEW REPLACES PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED ______ _ I'n) d's SQUARE FOOTAGE FRONT FOOTAGE VICINITY MAP OTHER SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PlD #_~_D.~2io.;·. 91 31 N'EW KING C O . TAX ACCT.#(s) arc r equired when a'isigncd hy King County. 11 is tht: inten t of thi s de ve lopment fe t; ana lys is to pUl lh t.! dt:vcl o pcr/o wner on noti ce , th aI th e fee s quo te d be low may he applicable to th e suhject s ile upon deve lo pment o f th e property . All q uolt:d fees arc rxy c nt ial c harge s that ma y be du e and pa ya bl e allhe tim e th e cO ll stm c ti o n perm it is issue d to insla ll the on-silt: and o ff's lle i lTlrrov e1l1 e ll L~ (i.c . und erground u t ili tic ~,":, S'!C I imp ro vements, e tc .) T rigge ri ng mec hani sms fo r th e snc fees willi)\! based Oil current C ity o rd in ances and d etc rmined by Ih e apphca bl(! Util ity Sectioil Please notc thn t th cse fecs a re su hjec t 10 c hange witho ut no ti cc. Fin..1 1 fe es will be ba se l! 0 11 rd tt:s in d fec l at l ime of Duil di ng Pc rm i(/ConsUl.l Cli o n Permi t applicat iu li . The existing house on SP Lot d , addres sed as has not previously paid -c:-;---,-,---;o SD C fe es, du e to connection to Cit y utilities prior to cxi s t a nce of SDC fcc Ord. SP Lotll will be subject to future snc fees if triggering mechanisms arc touched within current C ity Ordinances. We und e rSlal1d th a t lh is s uhdi v is ion is in th e pre liminary s ta ge and that we will have the oppo flunit y to rev ie w it a gaill be fo re recordation . Th e fo llo w in g qu o ted fees do NOT in cl ud e inspec ti on fees , sid e se we r pe rmits , r/w permit fee s o r th e cos t of wal c r me te r s . SPEC IAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS La t ecomer Agreement h)vt) \V ATER La lecomer Agreemenl (Ilvt) W ASTEW ATER Latecomer Agreement(pvl\ OTIIER DISTRICT I'AR C EL NO. NO. METHOD OF ASSES SMEI\'T ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE -0- -0- -0 - j} Special Asse",smenl DistricliW A TER til J§'...~ ~~Ai !;r' 1;Jf1W-'PHI:C. 5 I r~pecial Assessment District/\V ASTE'" A TER . - U Joinl Usc Agreemenl (METRO) Local Improvement Di s trict • Traffic Benefit Zones 1 1 FUTURE OBLIGATIONS ~ $75.00 PER TRIP, C AL CULATED BY TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. ~ Estimated # OF UNITS / I'd Prevo Parlially Pd (LId Excmlllion) Never Pd SQ. FTG. SD C FEE ~1r-~S~"i~ng~ll~e~fu~I~II~i1IL'~r~~s~id~e~n~tia~I~$~I~,9~5~6~/u7n~il~x~ __ ~ ________________________ -+ ____ ~5.L ____ -1 ____________ ~~~)~qrU7"Rcl~'~ll.n~)~'~1 h1. Mobile home dwellin.e unit $( ,956/unit in park Apartment, Condo $1,174/unit not in CD or C OR zones x COlllmerciaillndus lrial, SO.273 /sq. ft. of property (not less lhan $1,956.00) x Bo e ing , by Spec ial A g r~~llIe lltJFoo t pr im of Bld g plu s 15 ft pc=rim e te r (2 ,800 GP M I h r ~s h o ld ) SYS 'mM DEVELOPMENT C HARGE -WASTEWATER' Estimated I'd Prc\,. .. Partiall y I'd (Ltd Exemption) Never Pd Singl e family residential SI ,O 17 /unit x Mobile home dwelling unit Sl ,OI7/unit x AIJarrment, Condo S610/unit not in CD or COR zones x C ommercial/Industrial $0.1421sq. rl. of property x(notless than $1 ,017.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMEI\'T C HARGE -SURFACEWATER Estimated Pd Pre\'o Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Sin.ele family residential .md mobile home dwelling unit $759/unit x All other properties $O.265 /sq ft of new impervious area of property x (nolless lhan $759.00) 5 IPRELIMINARV TOTAl. $ -~tm4'" ) D . ( q., CODE), 1 _ . 5 /4 /01- S lgna tuJ/o f Rc v(eflll g Auth orit y J DATE *If SUb}J property is within an LI[}, it is developers responsibility to check \\ ith the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. Square footage figure s are blkclI from the King County Assessor's map and arc subject to change. C urrent City SO C fcc charges apply t.o ____________________ _ E FFEC TIVE January 2, 2006 '< '" ~ 0 • 0 " .., , " ~ ~ < ~. ~ < ~ 0 Cit yo. .ento n Department of Planning / Building / Pu Vorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT : Pmoev+u SVC, COMMENTS DUE : MAY 18 , 2007 APPLICATI ON NO : LUA07-043, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED : MAY 4,2007 n -'~n:n APPLICANT: Camie No PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgin r a..", ... , --- PROJEC T T ITLE : Rento n Properties Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson MAy I) -1 L007 SITE AREA: 41 ,995 s.quare feet BU IL DING AREA (gross): N/A CITY OF RENTON LOCATION: 2132 Harrington Place NE I WORK ORDER NO : 77750 UTILIT Y SYSTEM::> SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The appl ica nt has requested review a nd approva l of a 6-lot subdivision of approximate ly 41,995 sf of land . The proces s requires an Administ rative Short Plat. The property is zoned Resid ential 8 (8 dwelli ng unit s pe r net acre). The proposed density is 7.14 du /a. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e .g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts I mpacts Necessary Earth HOUSing Air A esthe lics W ater Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Trans alion Environmental Health Public Services Energy! His toricICultvral Na/ural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 F eet B . POLICY-RELA TED CO MMENTS C . CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this applica tion with parlicular attention to those area s in whi ch we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Dire ctor or Authorized Represen tative Date A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS "It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize existing City park and recreation facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530 .76 per each new single family lot to address these potential impacts ." Pa rk s Miti ga ti o n ['ee City o •. enton Department of Planning / Building / Pu 'lark s ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: fOJ"j(s COMMENTS DUE: MAY 18 , 2007 APPLICAT ION NO: LUA 07-0 4 3, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 4, 2007 APPLICANT: Cam i e No PROJ EC T MA NAGER: Elizab eth Higg ins PROJECT TITLE: Re nton Prope rtie s S ho rt Plat PLAN REVIEW : Mike Dotson S ITE AREA: 41 ,9 95 square te et BUILDING AREA (gross): NIA LOCATION: 2 132 Harrington Place NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77750 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Th e applicant has requested review and app roval of a 6-l ot subd ivision of approximately 41 ,995 sf of la nd . Th e process requires an Adm ini strative Short Plat. Th e property is zoned Res idential 8 (8 dwelling unit s per net acre). The proposed density is 7.14 du /a. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of th e Probable Probable More Eleme nt o f the Probable Probable Mo", Envi ronm ent Minor Major In formation Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impa cts Im pacts Necessary Earth Hous;nG Air Water Plants ~ • La nd/Shoreline Use UU/;(;e, Animals Environmental Heafth Pub!;, SeN;,e, Energy! Natural Resources A~~~n ";0. 14 nnn ",e. B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is need to properly assess this proposal, Signature of Director or Authorized Representative DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: .- CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM May 21,2007 Elizabeth Higgins Jan lilian x72IG CAMIE NG SHORT PLAT 2132 -Harrington Plac e NE LUA 07-043 I have reviewed the application for the Camie NG Short Plat located at 2132 -Harrington Ave NE and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER SEWER STOR'VI STREETS There is an 8-inch water main in NE 21" Street and an 8-inch water main in Harrington Ave NE. Existing fire flow in the area is approximately 2,500 gpm. See City water drawing WTR 27-3078. The propo se d project is located in the 565 Water Pre ssure Zone and is inside AquIfer Prot ection Zone II, Static pressure in the area is approximately 70 pSI. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main in NE 21" Street and in Harrington Place NE. There is a stoml syste m in Harrington Ave NE. There arc no improved drainage facilitie s fronting the site in NE 21;t Street. There are no street improvements fronting the s it e in Harrington Ave NE or in NE 21" Street. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER I. The Water System Development Charges are based on a ra te of $1,525.00 x 5 s ingle-family homes. Estimated fees based on the entire sIte plan is $9,780,00. Payment of these fees will be required prior to iss uance of utility construction permit. 2. Fire flow requirement for single-fami ly residences is 1,000 gpm, Hydrant s are requ ired within 30 0 feet of all smlctures. Existing hydrants to be counted as fire protection will be r equ ired to be retrofitted with a 5-ineh st orz quick disconnect fitting. 3, Extension ofa four-inch water mam will be r equ ire d to be extended on si te to serve Lot s 3 & 4. 3. All sh0l1 plats sha ll provide se parate water services to each b ui lding lot prior to recording of the sh ort plat. Separate permits and fees for water meters will be required. SANITARY SEWER I. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Cha rges are based on a rate ofSI ,0 17.00 x 5 s in gle-family homes. Es tim ated fees based on the entire s it e plan is $5,085.00. Payme nt of the se fees wi ll be rc quircd prior to issuan cc of ut ility constr uction pemlit. 2. Thcre are two special asse ssment fee s owing. Ea s t Kennydale lnfill Pha se II is S5,208.87 plu s intere s t per lot. Estimated fee for 5 lot s is $30,470.00. East Kennydale SAD is 5495.00 plus interest per lot. Es t imated fee for 5 lots is $3,093.50. These fees were ca lcu lated with interest through May 30,2007. 3. Dual side sewe rs are not allowed and minimulll slope sha ll be 2%. 3. All short plats shall provide separate sewer stubs to each building lot prior to recording of the short plat. Separa te permits and fees for side sewers will be required. SURFACE WATER I. The Surface Water Sys telll Developme nt C harges are based on a rate of S759.00 x 5 s ingle -family homes. Estima ted fees based on the cntire s ite plan is $3.195.00. Payment of these fees will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. 2. !I. pre liminary drainage plan and drainage report is required with th e site plan application. The report sh all address detention and water quality requ ir ements as outlined in the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. All core and any s pecial requirements shall be contained in the report. If preliminary calculations show detention will be required under the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual, sta ff will re co mmend a condition that th e project comply with the 2005 King Cou nty S urface Water Dc s ign Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control -a.k.a . Level 2) and water quality improvements. The preliminary report indicates the project is exempt from detention and water quality treatment. 3. Applicant will be required to tightlinc all roof downspuut systems to the s torm. If this is not feasible , infiltrat ion trenches or dry wells may be used if soi ls arc su it able for infiltration. 4. A temporary erosion contro l plan will be required and shall be installed and maintained to the sat isfac t ion of the repre se nt a ti ve of the Development Services Divi s ion for the duration of the project. The first order of business shall bc in s tallation of a silt fence a long the perimeter of the site that is to be disturbed. The s ilt fe nce sha ll be in place before clearing and grad in g is initiated. Thi s will be required during the construct ion of both off-site and on-site improvements as we ll a s building construction. TRANSPORTATION 1. Half street improvements including sidewalks, curb and gutter, paving, storm drainage , and street s ign s are required along NE 21 " and lI arr in gton Ave NE 2. Street lighting is required for thi s s hort plat. 3. Applicant will be required to dedicate th irty feet of right-of-way in NE 21 " Street. Minimum ri ght of way widt h per City code is fifty feet. Existin g right of way width is 30 feet. Plan s s how a dedication of 20 feet. Was there prior app ro val to reduce dedication to 20 feet? 4. Applicant will be required to co mpl y w ith th e C ity of Renton 's Tren ch Re s toration and St reet Overlay Requirements. 5. A tr affic contro l plan, approved by th e City will be requi red for any con s truction impacting the City'S right of way. 2 , MISCELLANEOUS 1. Construction plan indic ating haul route and hours, construction hours and a traffic control plan shall be submitted for approval prior to any p cm1 it being issoed . 2. Haul hours shall be re stricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved in advance by the D evelopme nt Services Divi sion . 3. Rocker ies or walls to be constructed greater than 4 feet in height will require a se parate building permit. 4. Separate permits and fees for side sewers, water meters, and sto rm drainage connections will be required. PLAN REVIEW -GENERAL I. All plans shall conform to the Rento n Drafting Standards. 2. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will r eq u ire separate plan submittals prcpared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 3. Whcn plan s arc complete thrce copies of the drawin gs, two copies of the drainage report, a c on str uct ion estimate and application fcc shall be s ubmitte d at th e sixth floor counter. A fee worksheet is attached for your use, but prior to preparing a chec k , it is recommended to call 425- 430-7266 for a fee estimate a s generated by the pem1it syste m. 4. Applicant s hall be responsible for securing all nece ssary private or public easements for utilities and /or street improvements. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS I. Traffic Mitigation Fees are ba sed on a rate of $75.00 x 9.57 trips x 5 si ngle-family home s. Estimated fees based on the s ite plan is $ 3 ,58 8.75. Payment ofthcse fees will be required prior to recording of the plat. 2. Staff recommends a SEPA condition requiring this project to des ign and comply with Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outlined in Volume II of the SlOrmwater Management Manual. cc: Kayrcn Kittrick 3 PROPERTY S ER ES FEE REVmW FOR SU BDIVISIONS . 2007 ---",2.""' __ _ R ECEIVED FROM (date) J O Il ADDRESS:.--2.j-Z> e _1,1 .:r-O.N~l WR _ . ~'o# nT-50 NATURE OF WORK: .G;...:: ;J:..(J3Eb.1~ II 'PF"'pE liiTIE..,5i; 'l LNIJ U IX>:-~ag, __ PR ELIMINARY REVIEW 0 ,-sunDiVI I N BY LONG p(.A1 , NEED ~1 UIili INFORMATION: . I.hGAL DF~~CRIPTION SHO RT PLAT, BINDING S ITE PLAN, ETC. p lD U's VICINITY MAP FINAL REVIEW OF sunm V ISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE OTHER PR E LIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID#...Ma_~D5.=.(j'Cjaj ·· 91 31 NEW KING CO . TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when ass ig ned by King County. II is thl! inte nt of thi s d eve lo pm e nt fee a nalysis to put the dev e loper/owne r u n notice, Iha \ the fees q uoted be low may be app li cable to lhl;! s u hject Silt: upon deve lo pment ofthc propt!rl y. All quoted fees arc pgr,cnTia l charges tha I lIlay be due a nd p<lyable 31 th e lime Ih e cons(nlction perm it is issue d to in s t;tll the Oll-s il e and off-s ite imp rovements (i.e. und e rgro und uliliti e~-:, slle t im provemems. CIC.) Triggeri ng mec hanisms fo r (he SDC fee s w ill be ba se d 011 cu r rellt C il y nrd inances and determi ned by the appli cable U t ilit y Sect ion . Pl ease n OIC that these fe e s are s uhjcct to change w ithout llOl icc . Final fees will be ba sed on rates in effect al lime of Du il ding Pe rm itlCons t ru c ll o n Perm it applicalion. The exis tin g hOll se on SP Lot # ___ • a ddrcssed as has not prcv io us ly paid -:-:---:-c---;; SD C fe es, due to conncction to C it y utiliti es prior t o ex is t 3 nce of SDC fee Orc!. SP Lot ll ,",,"ill be s ubject to futur e SDC fe es if tri gge ring mechanisms are touched within current C it y Ordinancc-'). We under stand (h at thi s s uhd iv is ion is in th e pre liminary st age and that we will have [h e o pp ortunit y to review it ag.1in before recurd.ui on. The fo ll owi ng quoted fees d o NOT in clude in s pt.'C ti oH fe es , s ide sewer perm its , r/w permit fees or Ih e COSI of wa le I' Illete rs. S I'ECI AL ASSESSMENT DI STRICT S Latecomer Agreement (pvt ) \V ATER Latecomer Agreement (I)\'t ) W ASTEW ATER Latecom e r Agreem e nt (JlvI) OTHER DI ~;TRI CT NO. I'ARCEL NO . METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSEss~mNT UN ITS ASSESSMENT OR mE -0- -0 - -0- j} S p ec ia l Assessment Di s trict r W ATER U! ~'::1f ~~61 F'liJf\W-1>HII: . iSpeciai A~sessment Dis tri ct/\VASTE 'VATER I' 5 ~ ~ L "~ Joint Use Agreement (METRO) Local Improve ment Di s trict Trolffic Bcnefit Zones FUTURE OBLIGATIONS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT C H AR GE -WATER .. 00 Ie;. $.485 X Ufo< I,"" ;- 1 . - $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION U OF UNITS! Es tim41ted Never Pd I'd Prev o Partia ll y Pd (Ltd ExelOlltion) SQ. ~TG. • SDC I,'EE ~1r-~S~'i~n~elle~f~a~lI~li~ll~'r~e~S'~'d~e~n~ti~a l~$~I~,9~5~6~!~UI~li~I~X~ __ ~ __________________________ -r _____ MLts ______ +-____________ ~$)~'q rU7F!~~~"C)~;:41 ~ Mobile home dwellin.e unit $1,956/unil in park AI}a rtmcllt, Condo $1 , 174/unit not in CD or COR zo nes x COll unercialllndus trioli , SO.273 /sq. f1. of property (n ot less than $1,956.00) x Boe in g. by Special AgrcclllelltJ Foolprim of Bldg plu s 15 ft perimeter (2.800 GPM thres ho ld) S YSTEM IJEVELOPM EN T C !lARGE -WA STEWATER ' lislimated .. I'd Pre \,. Partiall v Pd (Ltd Exemption) Never Pd S ingl e f~lmil)' resi dcn ti a l $1,0I7/unit x Mobile home dwelling unit $1 ,Ol7 /unit x Apartment, Condo S610 /unit not in CD or COR zones x CommerciaUlndus tria l $0.142 i>q. ft. of prOperly x(nol les s Ihan $1,01 7.00) SYSTEM D EVELOPMENT C HARGE· SURFACEWATER Estimated .. Pd Prev o Partiallv Pd (Ltd Exemption) Neve r Pd Sing le famil)' residential ~md mobile home dwe lling unit S759/unit x All other properties $O.265 /s q ft of new impervious area of propert y x (nol less than $759.00) 5 I PR E LIMINARY TOTAL $ I .AJw 'aLQr,lu.oOE&...', 5#/07 slgna lU[/; t RC"(!j./i li g Aut horit y DATE $ '5 .085. f'll": $3,'QS .O '< tv • 0 • 0 H -J , ·If s ubj)tt property is within an LID, it is dev elop er s r es pons ibility t o c heck with the Fi nance Dept. for paid /ull-p.l id status. Square footage figures are taken from the Kin g County Assessor's m a p and ,lTC s ubj ect to Change. H • < e • < ~ C urrent Cit)' SDC fee c harges appl}' to ____________________ _ , a EFFECTIVE January 2 , 2006 City 0 _. _ nton Department of Planning / Building / Pu Vorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Plnn Q c""lew COMMENTS DUE: MAY 18, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-043, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 4,2007 APPLICANT : Carn ie Nq PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Hiqqins PROJECT TITLE: Renton Properties Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson MAT U 9 2007 SITE AREA: 41,995 square feet BUILDING AREA (qross): NIA BU ILD IN G DIV ISION LOCATION: 2132 Harrington Place NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77750 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applica nt has requested review and approval of a 6-lot subdivision of approximately 41 ,995 sf of land. The process req uires an Administrative Short Plat. The property is zoned Residential 8 (8 dwelling units per net acre). The proposed density is 7.14 du/a. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Ear1h Air Water Plants Land/Shorefine Use Animals Environmental Health Energyl Natural Resources B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS Element of the Env;ronment UrHitie, Public SeNice, Probable Minor Impacts Probable Major Impacts More Information Necessary We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional infor ·on is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or A Date Project Name : Project Address : Contact Person: Permit Number: Project Description: Land Use Type: &Residential D Retail D Non -retail Calculation: LUPI 0"1--043 Method of Calculation: c!d"ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition D Traffic Study D other (2\0) S~U2..-q .)7 /DlA...... \p _ \ -; S y. ~. c;,.~ Yl. BS ~\ '-\l.?:>S, 'f. .'lI 15" ~ 1} 3 ,556.1-5 Transportation Mitigation Fee : Calculated by: U (10 Date: s l:zl~ ~~~~~--------------------i I ~ Date of Payment: __________________________________________________ __ City 0 enton Department of Planning I Building I Pu York s ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: T rM ~O(" -kdi Of) COMMENTS DUE: MAY 18, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-043, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 4 ,2007 APPLICANT: Carnie Ng PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgin s PROJ ECT T ITLE : Renton Propertie s Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike D otso n SITE AREA: 41 ,995 sq ua re feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION. 2132 Harrington Place NE I WORK ORDER NO. 77750 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant h as req uested re view and approval of a 6-lot subdivision 0~~P.D(QIRrtli'!JW \i5QJ!l 5 sf of land. Th e process req uires an Administrative Short Plat. Th e property i s zoned Residential 8 (8 dwellill!)JUrii{~')jer n et acre). Th e proposed density is 7 .14 du/a. A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of th e Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth HouSinq Air Aestfmlics Water Li hI/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Tr ansportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natur8f Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 ,000 Feel B. POLlCY·RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE·RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed (0 properly assess this proposal. Signature of Di r ector or Authorized Representative Date City .enton Department of Planning I Building I Pu . Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Con::"itruc,-t'!rJ\ COMMENTS DUE: MAY 18, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07·043, SHPL-A DATE C IRCULATED: MAY 4, 2007 c",O' HtN 'ON APPLICANT: Ca rnie Ng PROJECT MANAGER: Eli zabe th Higgin s R Eel: I V C U PROJECT T ITLE: Re nt on Properties Short Plat PLAN REVIEW Mike Dotson MAY 0 7 2107 SITE AREA: 41,995 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): NIA ,~,n " LOC AT ION : 2132 Harrington Place NE WORK ORDER NO: 77750 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The app li ca nt has req ues ted review and approva l of a 6-lo t s ubdi vis ion of approximately 41,995 sf of land. The process re quires an Administrative Short Plat. The property is zoned Residential 8 (8 dwelling units per net acre). The proposed density is 7.14 du/a. A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable M",. Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth HousinQ Air Aesthetics Wafer Ught/Glare Plants Recrealion Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cui/ural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feel B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas wh additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date City of ... enton Department of Planning I Building I Pub ,_ Norks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REV IEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: MAY 18, 2007 APPLICATION NO : LUA07-043, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED : MAY 4, 2007 APPLICANT: Carnie No PROJECT TITLE : Renton Prooerties Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: M~ ).../ S ITE AREA: 41 ,995 so uare feet BUILDING AREA (aross): NI A 1 0 ~ L OCATION: 2132 Harrington Place NE I WORK ORD ER NO : 77750 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested review a nd approva l of a 6-lot subdivision of approximately 41,995 sf of land . The process req uires an Administrative Short Plat. The prope rty is zoned Residential 8 (8 dwelling units per net acre). The proposed density is 7 .14 du/a . A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable M",. Element of the Probable Probable More Environment M inor Major I nformation Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water LiohtJGlare P lants Recrea tion LandiShoreline Use Ut ilitie s Animals TransDOl1alton Environmental Heallh Public Services Energy/ Hisloric/Culrural Na/ural Resources Preservation AirfXJrt Environment 10,000 Feet 14.000 Feet B . POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in wh ic h we have expertise and ha ve identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 5 -/-07 Date DATE : TO : FR O M : S U BJE C T: MITIGATION ITEM S : FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RA N 0 U M May 8, 2007 E liza b eth Hi gg in s , Se n io r P la n ne r J a m es G ra y, Assista nt F ire Mars h a l nIl - C arnie Ng Short Plat, 2132 Ha r rin Ut oJl Ave N E I. A fi re miti gation fee o f $488.00 is req ui red fo r a ll n ew si n g le -fa mil y s tr uc tures. FIRE C ODE REQUIREM EN TS: I. A fir e h ydran t wi th 1000 G PM fi re fl ow is re qu ire d wi th in 300 feet of al l new s ingl e - famil y s tru ctures . If t he bu il d ing sq ua re foo tage exceeds 3600 s q uare feet in a rea , the minimum fir e fl ow in c reases to a mi n imum of 1500 G P M a nd requ ire s two h ydralll s w ithin 300 fee t o f th e s tru cture. 2. F ir e depart men t a ccess roads a re required to be paved, 20 feet w ide . D ead e nd road ways over 150 feet in le ng th are required to h ave an ap pr oved t urn a round. See att a ch ed di agram . 3. S tree t addresses s h a ll be v is ible from a pu bl ic s treet. Pl ease fee l free to co nt ac t me i f yo u ha ve any q uestions. i:\camic ngs pcrc .d oc · FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU )( '1~S-1f30-7000 \ City o .. ,en ton Department of Planning / Building / Pu . 'larks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: I-ire COMMENTS DUE: MAY 1.6., 2007 APP LICATION NO: LU A07-043, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 4 ,2007 ---, A PPLIC A NT : Camie Ng PROJ ECT MANAGER: Elizabeth HIee ins - PROJECT TITLE: Renton Prope rties Short Plat PLAN RE V IE W: Mike Dotso n IA AV SITE AREA: 41 ,995 sq uare feet BUILDIN G A REA (gross): NIA '" 'I t.UU1 LOCAT ION: 2132 Harringt on Place NE I WORK ORDER NO : 77750 SUMMARY OF PR OPOSAL: The applicant has reque sted revi ew and approval of a 6-lot subd iv ision' of approximately 41 ,995 sf of ' land . The process requires an Administrative Short Pl at. Th e property is zoned Res id en tial 8 (8 dwelling units per net acr~l '-fhe ' proposed density is 7.14 du /a. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e,g, Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of th e Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environm ent Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Houslno Air Water Plants LandiShoreline Use • Animals Environmental Hearth PuM, SeNi,es Energy/ Natura! Resources M;:;U~ ",., 14 :nnn",./ -f? B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS c; cl-L b"f 1 Co HI I" "1 -t, We have revie d this app/icatio areas where ad itiona! informatio ith particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or needed to properly assess this proposal. ~A 7 Date NOTICE OF APPLICATION PROJECT NAME /NUMB ER-Rer tcn Prnfl"!ri ll!S S~crt Plat IlUAO; 04~ SHPL·;" :~~;~~!I~~~~~~T!?~I'I Hn:l T'le "pploca~·. I>;IS re;::~eSICC re •• "',,, anj 3 pP<rwal 01 a E~~t $~t<l l ',,~;on 0' "<,1 .... ..,'1"9 u~ t~ ~f "'" ,,(;til) \ ~~h~.::;::~sd!.~~;f"': ~"l~~~~~'S lrd l ... e Sh orl 1-"31 T .... p<O~rt, IS lon e" Io!e~.rn.r!'~ e· PROJE CT LOC AT ION PUBLIC APPROVA L S DA TE O F APPLICA TIO N : NO TI CE OF COM PLET E A P PLI CATIO N: DA TE OF NOT IC E OF APPLI CA TIO N : April 24. 2007 M a y 4, 2001 11 )"0" ,/I:QUId hke to b@ ,raU";) parr, 01 · .. :;ord to r«oem. IJrtner ",fOfm811Qn on In s :>rnoos,,1 pro eCl co'n~ e lC In s '01'" an~ '''Iu"n 1 ~ CII) of Renl~n Do-,elop"'ent =I a !\r ln~, 1055 Sourt\ Gr"d)' W3'i. R~nl on WA <}3C'~S ' r ,e Name: No f.(entoo "'Opo!,ues S!lo:'1 P I ~1 1 LU /IC7-V4J, S""L-'. N ... rAE ~:~~-=::::====:-::=============~===== ____ _ MAIL ING AD DR ESS I ELEPf;ON E 1'\0 CERTIFICATION I, km G ElSJ;8., , he re b y ceItl fy th at L c opi es o f th e ab o ve d o c um ent 7 ~ ,-,''''\\"'''., were pos ted b y me in -L-.. co ns p lc uo US pl ace s o r nearb y th e d es c nbed pro p e rt y 'z.~~ ~ DATE ~i-oT SI G N E D : /~; r~~~'\\ A lTEST: Subsc n be d an d sw orn be fo re me , a Not ar y Pu blI c. 10 and fo r the State o f Washm gton re s ld mg lrti "~..o, : ~ A &fI'...f.J ~ : <'::-~7 TI III \\ W .. "" '. CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 4th day of May, 2007, I depos ited in the mails of the United States, a sea led envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Name Darnien Hooper Carnie Ng Don Cochran Surrounding Property Owners (Signature of Sender): ~ ~ STAT E OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF K ING ) Dat ed S -, -u "] Representing Contact Owner Part y of Record See Attached -. -~ , Nota ry (Pri nt) :--!((\..2l:1 ",,-,,-,l .)"'''''--y-'--...bC'+-''ll:::'----.L!!.<--l:ll.!'-'''''-'--'_~~.,..,'''9l~=__A~i~ My appointment expires: Cl-I "1-\ 0 Project Name : Renton Properties Short Plat Project Number: LUA07 -043, SHP L-A 042305932 107 AL TMYER BR ETT N 281 9 NE 2 1ST ST RENTON WA 98056 722780002 506 CON LE Y ALBE RT +PEGGY L 2732 S JUDK I NS S EATTLE WA 98144 04230592440 1 FERR ELL 9429 116T H AV E NE KIRKLAND WA 98033 042305919807 GERBER HA ROLD C JR 2717 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 9 8055 042305919906 GUBER EVGENIJ 2725 NE 23R D ST RENTON WA 98056 042305918700 HEISINGER ERIKA E 2801 NE 23RD ST REN TON WA 98056 042 30592 33 0 4 KEESECKER WILLIAM T 2 1 24 HARR I NGTON PL N E RENTON WA 98056 042305925200 LESTER ETHE L E 2022 HARR I NGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 0 4 230592 1209 MIMS KAT HLEEN PO BOX 3072 RENTON WA 98056 04230592100 1 NGUYEN T HAC H +CAMIE NG 1 530 33RD AVE S SEA TTLE WA 98144 72278 0000500 CARY KA RAN E 2009 HARRINGTON CI RC NE RENTON WA 98056 042305918809 CORMAN CA TH ERIN E L 2216 HARR INGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 72278000 2001 FJELD DAVID W FJELD KA TRI NA A 2 5014 89 TH AVE E GRAHAM WA 98 338 7227800 07505 GOODMANSEN RON J E 2916 91ST AVE E EDGE WOOD WA 98 371 04 23 0 5932206 HALL EDW IN A +HELEN M 2825 NE 21ST ST RENT ON WA 98056 9202500 14 007 HIRAMATSU RI CHARD K+VI RGINI 2805 NE 23 RD PL RENT ON WA 98056 042305924906 LAM DAN MARN HONG 2 807 NE 21ST ST RENTON WA 98056 0 42 305932008 LI V LY 2 813 NE 21ST ST RENTO N WA 98056 920250016002 MURRAY MITCHELL D 2813 NE 23 RD PL RENTON WA 9 80 5 6 042305925 408 PASCA LE GLORIA V 2032 HARRINGTON PL NE RENT ON WA 98 0 55 722780001003 CAS TRO JOS E M 2017 HARR I NGT ON CIR NE RENTON WA 98056 042305920003 CUIZO N SUZETTE 2200 HAR RI NGTON PL N E RENTON WA 98056 72278000150 8 FLETCHER JONAT HA N M 2500 81ST AVE S E # 104 MERC ER I SLAND WA 980 40 042305930804 GOULTER ERIC W+GOULTER VALERIE P 2167 HARRI NGTO N PL NE RE NT ON WA 9 8 056 722780003009 HEDRICK RICHARD C JR 20 09 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 92 0 250 015004 I MPETT VICTORIA ANN 2809 NE 23RD PL RENTON WA 98056 042305921605 LDK CO NSTRU CT I ON IN C PO BOX 2 7 64 RENTON WA 98056 9202500 120 0 1 MADDEN I NGRID R JANSSEN +KENN ET H D 2713 23R D PL N E RENTON WA 98056-8346 722780000104 NG UYEN LIEN H 2018 HARRIN GTON PL SE RENTON WA 98056 7227800004 01 QU INTOR RAFAEL SANCHEZ+JOSE 2 0 20 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 , 920250013009 RAHLFS RICHARD W+SARAH A 2303 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 042305936900 SIMON KIMBERLEE S 2103 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 042305918502 YOUNG WESLEY 2125 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 722780008008 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 2316 RENTON WA 98056 042305937106 TATE OBIE III+HELENE 2110 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 042305921100 SARGENT JOHN J 845 INDEX CT NE RENTON WA 98056 042305937007 WELLS DAVID J 2109 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City o f Renton . The following briefly describes the application and th e necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER; Ren ton Pro perties Short Pla t I L UA07 -043. SHP L-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applican t has requested revie · ..... and app roval of a 6-lot subdivision o f approximately 4 1,995 sf of lan d . The process requires an Adm inistrative Short Pla t The property is zoned Residen ti al 8 (8 dwelling un its per net acre) The propos ed density is 7.14 du /a PROJECT LOCATION; 2132 Harrington Place NE PUBLIC APPROVALS; Administra ti v e Short Plat a pprova l APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Dami e n Hoope r. Barghausen Consulting Eng ineers , Inc ; Tel: (425) 251-6222 : Em l: dhooper@barghausen .com Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner, De v elopment Services Division , 1055 Sou th Grady Way , Renton, WA 98057 , by 5:00 PM on May 18 , 2007 . If you have questions abou t this propos a l, or Wish to be made a pa rty o f record and receive additiona l noti fication by mai l, con ta ct the Project M a nag e r at (425 ) 430 -7382 Anyone who submits written comments w ill automatically become a party of record and wil l be notifi ed of any dec ISion on this project PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION : April 24, 2007 Ma y 4,2007 May 4 , 2007 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive fu rt her informa tion on this proposed project, complete this form and return to City of Ren t on. De velopment Planning , 1055 South Grady Way, R enton, WA 98055. Fil e Name I No Ren ton Pro perti es Short Plat! LUA07 -043 , S H PL -A NAM E· ____________________________________________________________________ _ MAI LI NG ADDRESS· _______________________________ _ TELE PHONE NO .. CIT' . OF RENTON Kathy Kooiker , Mayor Pl a nnin g/B uildin g/Publi c Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 4 , 2007 Damien Hoop er Barg hausen C o n s ulting E n gi neers, Inc . 18215 72 nd A ven ue S Ke nt , W A 98032 Subject: Renton Properties Short Plat L UA 07-043 , SHPL-A Dear Mr. Hooper: The Development Plannin g Section of th e Ci ty of Renton has d e t ermi ned that the s ubject app li cation is complete according to s ubm itta l requirements and , th e refore, is accepted for review. You wi ll be notified if an y add iti ona l infonnation is required to continue process in g your app li cation. Pl ease contac t m e at (425) 4 3 0-7 382 if yo u ha ve any questions. Si nce rel y, £/;i .J:;-Gf£-JJ1J?~;,1--- Eli z abeth Hi ggi ns , Alep Senior Plann e r cc : C amie Ng / Ow n er Do n C oc hr an / Pal1y of Record ---------------------------~ 10 55 Sou th Grady Way -Re nton , Wa s hin gto n 98 0 57 ® This paper containS 50% recycled mateia! 30% post consu mer ;\H E .>\J) OF THE CCRV E CITY .F RENTON Planning/Building /Public Work s Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 4 , 2007 Michael Fort son Department of Transportation Renton School Di strict 1220 N 4 'h Street Renton, W A 98055 S ubject: Renton Properties S hort Plat LUA07-043 , SHPL-A MENT PlANNING DEV~~ OF RENTON MAY' 0 2007 RECEWED The City of Rento n Development Services Divis ion ha s rece ived an application for a 6-lot sin gle-fami ly subdivisi on locat ed at 2132 Harrington Place NE. Plea se see the enclo sed Notice of Application for fu nh er detail s. In order to proce ss thi s application, the Developm ent Service s Di v ision nee ds to know which Renton schools would be attended by chi ldr en li vin g in residences at the locati on indi ca ted above. Plea se till in the appropriat e school s on the li st below and retum thi s letter to my attention , Development Se rvices Division, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98057 by May 18,2007. Elementary School Sl2'-i..:l Ct, ,)if I cJ'~ c ~, h [; S Middle School : lYl e ;{-t, «:f or -t L; ak/<! High School :YOi:"" -~ Will the sc hoo ls yo u have indicated be ab le to handl e the impact of th e additiona l stu dent s estimated to come from the proposed de ve lopm ent" Yes X No __ _ Any COnlment s: _______________________________ _ Thank you for providing thi s import ant infomlation. Ifyoll ha ve any que sti ons rega rding thi s proj ec t, p lease con tac t me at (425) 430-7382. Since re ly, £I;~A-~-d7-JLg -r- Elizabeth Higgin s, AICP Senio r Planner Enc\. -------IO-5-S-S-ou-t-h-G-rn-dY-W-a-Y---Re-n-to-n-,\-V-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-g-0)--7-------~ ® This papercootalfls 50% recycJed matenal . 30%. post consumer A H EAD O F THE CU RVE ! . ! City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT , 1-.; " MASTER APPLICATION PROPE RTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME Ca mi e !\ig ""'..<--rhu;A NJik:JfN.-PROJECT OR DEVE LO PMENT NAME: Rcnton Prop c rti es Short Pla t ADDRESS: 153 0 -33 rd Avenue South PROJECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCAT ION AND Z IP CODE: C ITY: Seattle, \V A Z IP: 981 44 2 132 Harr ingt on Place N.E. K ING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S ) TELEPHONE NUMBE R: (206) 334-8773 0 423 05 -9 2 10,04 23 05-<) 134 APPLICANT (if other than owner) EXISTING LA ND USErS) One s ingl e -family re s iden ce and vac ant land NAME: PROPOSED LAND USE rS) Six sin gle-fa ill ily res id ential lots COMPANY (if app lic able) EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNAT ION: ADDRESS: Re si dent ial Single Fami ly PROPOSED COMPREHE N SIVE PLA N MAP DES IGNATION C ITY : Z IP: (if applicable): No Cha n ge TELEP H ONE NUMBER EXISTING ZON ING: R -8 CONTACT PERSON PROP OSED ZON ING (i f applicable) R-8 NAME: Damien H oope r S ITE AREA (i n square fee !): 4 1,995 sq. n. SQUARE FOOTAGE O F PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPA NY (if applicable): DED IC ATED 2,606 sq . fl. Bargll<-lli se n Cons ult ing E ngin ee rs. In c . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PR IVATE ACCESS EASE MENTS: 2.459sq . f't. ADDRESS 182 I 5 -72 nd A VCIIUC So uth PROPOS ED RES IDE NTIAL DE N S ITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (If appl icable): 7.14 d ulac CITY: Kent. \VA ZIP: 98032 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicab le): Six TE LEP HONE NUMBER AND E-MA IL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF NEW DWELLI NG UNITS (i f app licab le): F i ve (425) cSI-6222 d hoo per:1:D bar gha Lis en .c om n et ne\v hom es, six total O'JiI 9/f)~ , PROJECT INFORMATION continued r----L~~~~~------------- NU M BER OF E X ISTI NG DW ELLI NG UN IT S (if appli ca ble): O ne SQ UARE FO OTAG E OF PR OPOSED RES ID ENTIAL BU ILDI NGS (if app licab le): ± I ,440 sq. flo SQ U A RE FO OTAGE OF E XIS T ING RE S IDENT IAL BU IL DINGS TO REMAIN (if a pplicable ): 0 sq. ft . S Q U A RE FO O TAGE OF PROPO SE D N O N-RESIDENTIAL BUILD INGS (if app li c abl e): NI A SQ UA RE FO OTAGE OF EXISTING NON -RES ID ENTI A L BU ILD INGS TO REMAIN (i f app licable): NIA NET FL OOR A REA O F NON -RE SIDE NTI A L BU ILDI NGS (if appl icabl e): NI A NU MBER OF E M PLOY EE S TO BE EMPLOYED BY T HE NEW PROJECT (i f app licable): N/tl PRO J EC T VA LU E: I S TH E SITE LOCATE D IN AN Y TYPE O F ENV IR ONM ENTA LL Y CR ITI CAL AREA , PLE A SE IN C LUDE SQU A RE FOOT AG E (if applicab le): D A QUIFER PR O TECT ION AREA ONE I2!'l AQ UIFER P RO TEC TI O N AR EA TWO D FLOO D H AZA RD AR EA D GE OLOGIC HAZAR D D HABITAT CONSE RVATIO N D SHOR E I IN E STR E A M S A ND LAKES o WETLANDS ____ sq . ft . ___ sq. ft. ____ sq. ft . ____ sq . ft . _____ sq. ft . LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE No rth wes t QUARTER O F SECTION ....:L, TOWNSH IP 23 , RANGE....L, IN THE CIT Y OF RENTON , KIN G COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES Li st a ll land use applications being appli e d for : 1 . Short Pi a l 3. 2 . 4. .---- I I Staff will ca lculate applic able fee s and po stage : $ _____ __ I AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP \, (Print Namels) Cu rt'he' NO ,declare that I am (p lease check one) ~ th e cu rrent owner of the prop erty involved in th is appl ica tion or ___ th e authorized repr esentative to ac t 101 a corporation (please attc1ch pro of of autho rizati on) all d that tile forego ing sta tements and answers he rein co nta ined and the inf orma tion herewi th are in all respect s true an d correct 10 the best 01 my knowledge and bel ie l. ... / I ce rti fy th at I know or have sat isfactory evidence th at ' ?'I. V'f'" (.... N signed th is in stru ment a nd ac kn owledged it to be hi sll ~e r/their free and \I tary ac t for the uses and purposes men ti oned in th e ins tr umen t. (Signatu re of Ow n er/Rep~~~n ta ti ve) Notary Public in and for the Sta te 01 Wa shingt on (SignatUle of Owner/Rep resen tati ve ) L\"'L~V (IAL'", Not ary (Print) _____________ _ My appoint ment O"l'irc$: ____ ',.:.I_-_1 _-_C_, _~,-I __ _ I 1653.0OJ . .:loc 2 0 9/191Oj I 1 I PROJECTINFORMATrl~O~N~(~,c~on~t~in~u~e~dL-) ____________ -, N UMBER OF EX ISTIN G DWE LLIN G UNI TS (if app licable ): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDEN TIAL BU ILDING S (If a p plica ble ) SQ UARE FOOTAGE OF EX IST IN G RES ID ENTIAL BU ILDING S TO REMA IN (if applicab le I SOUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON -RES IDENTI AL BU ILDIN GS (if a ppl iC<)bl e): SQUARE FOO TAGE OF EX I STI NG NON -RESIDENTI AL BUILD INGS TO REM AI N (If a ppli ca b le) N ET FLOO R AR EA OF NON -RES I DE NTIAL BU ILDIN GS Uf a ppl ica ble) N UMB ER OF EMPLOY EE S TO BE EMPLOYED B Y THE NEW PROJECT (if applIcab le) PROJEC T W,LUE I S THE SITE LOCATED IN A NY T YPE O F ENVIRONMENTAL LY CR ITI CAL AREA, PLE ASE IN CI UDE SQUARE FOOTAGE lif applicable) CJ AQ UI F ER PROTECTIO N AREA ONE o AQUIFER PROTECT IO N AREA TWO o FLOOD HAZARD AR EA o GEOLOGIC HAZARD :J HA BITAT CON SERVAT IO N :J SHORE LIN E ST REA M S AND LAKES :J WE TLA N DS ___ . sq .ft. ___ sq It ___ sq.ft. ___ sq lt ___ 54 II LEGAL DESCRIPTiON OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description 011 separate sheet with the foll owing information included) SITUATE IN T H E ---QUART ER OF SECTION --T OWNS H IP --.RAN G E -,IN TH E C ITY OF R E NTON . KIN G COUNTY , WASHI N G T O N. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES Li st all land use applications bei ng a ppl ied for 1 . 2. 3. 4 . Staff w ill ca lculate app li cab le f ees a nd p os t age: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Pml! Name!::;.) T\-\~c.\-\ __ ~~lA.v\·~N _.____ ,declare th aI I am (plea ~e c h eck on e)! the current owner 01 the property involved Hl Ihls applicahuf! VI __ th e aul!lOfized representnt l w to net fO r "cQrp ow h on (p lease attach proal of authori zat ion ) and th a t th e foregomg sta t e:rn efll~ and i:lnswe rs her em conl £l ined and th (; infor m a ti on hereWIth are in al 'ispec,s true ,~md cor rect to th e best of m y kno'Nledge an d bel ief I certify thaI I k IlJ J, have sal lsf;tc to rl' ewJuw..:e U)Cl\ nL/.fl J"\ I\J {"till q€1\I"\ (S ignature of Owner/Representalive) & ';!g n e d 1:1::':' ::1' ,wm J •. : ,,;;6 (i(:"do .... l~gt::ci 1[1 0 bfoB"I\'er/tneu free and ' .... ol (:fr lla~ act for the ~.-' use :md P p07,e I m enhon ed in th e instru m ent. \\\\U II ""1 ,I . "-""'.. ---. __ . "" G 1 LAA.",,,, " ~~_ •• '''I ~ (Signatul(l 01 O wnerl epresental lve)' ~ 0 /:..."p.IiXPut-:"" ~ ~ ".·01 -~ ~ I :fll ~ ~~ N o t ;:~\F'Ub Il C Qlrn aM for the ::;ta-I~-:f \N:h~~ql0n ---~ ~~ A J j -:. d' ..,..fP' -" -~ ~ " ;. q--" ,:; I _ .. ~ "';:"1; OF 'fI~"" 11 '1if1 U ,. , II""n"'" N o tary (Pnflt)_ V\N1 .-J (]<I, J9 0 5 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS -iabitat Data Report 4 rrigation Plan 4 ~ailing Labe ls fo r Property Owners 4 1aster Application Form 4 l e igil borilood Detail M ap 4 his requirement may be waived by : Property Serv ices Section Pub lic Works Pl an Review Sect ion Building Sectio n Devel opment Planning Section PROJECT N AME ~ N, DATE : \1 \?O 1 6~ I O "\WEI3\Pvv\OE VSERV\ForlTl s\PIJ nning\w;:uvc ro fsu bm itt a lreqs _9-06 .xI5 0 9/06 'ELOPME NT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER Or-SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Nireless: Appli ca nt Agre ement Statem ent 2 AND 3 In ve ntory o f Existin g Sit es 2 AND 3 Lease Ag ree men t, Dra ft 2 AND 3 Map of Ex isting Sit e Cond itions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosi mul a ti on s AND 3 'hi s requ ireme nt may be waived by: Property Services Sec tio n Publ ic Wo r ks Pl an Rev iew Sect ion B ui lding Sec tion P RO J ECT NA ME: (~N p ) kit fr eur DAT E: ___ 1_' -I--I ",-)=-O +/~f-="',--____ _ D eve lop m ent Pl an ning Sec ti on I I Q :\WE8\PI/Y\OEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs_9-06 .xls 09/06 PROJ ECT NARRATIVE for the Ca rnie Ng Short Plat Renton , Washington Prepared by: Barghauscn Consulting Engineers, Inc. A IJril 2007 Our Job No. 12653 The following is a d esc ription of the Ca mi e Ng S hort Plat a s it is proposed, W e have revi ewed th e Rento n Muni ci pal Code and d es igned th e project s uc h that it compli es w ith th e d eve lop m e nt re g ulation s fo und th e re in , Project Description : The p roject proposes a s h o rt s u bd i v isio n of two ex is t in g ta x parce ls to ta ling a pprox imat e ly 0.98 acre into s ix s in g le fami ly res id e nti al lo ts, a nd o ne private access tract. Site Description: The su bj ect prope rt y co ns ist s o f two ex istin g par ce ls w hi c h to tal approx im ately 0 .98 acre in s ize, The property is c urrent ly d eve lo ped wit h o ne s in g le-famil y res id ence and a d e tac he d ga rag e b o th of w hi c h wi ll be d e m o li s h ed in conj u nct ion wi th the construct ion of th e s ho rt plat. The s it e is ge ne rall y nat w ith average s lo pes o f 2 to 5 p e rc e nt. Th e eas te rn portion of th e s it e is undeve lo ped and contains a numbe r of s ig nifi ca nt trees. S urro undin g d eve lopment is d o minat e d by m e dium-d ens it y s in g le-famil y res id e nti a l. Zoning: Th e prope n y is loca ted in th e R-8 zone and is s ubj ec t t o th e fo ll ow in g dimens io nal s tandards: St reet Se t back: Ga r age Setback : S id e Yard Set bac k : Rea r Setback: M inimum L ot Width: M inimum L ot A rea: Maxim u m Building Coverage: Max imum Buildin g He ig h t: 15 feet 20 fee t 5 feet 20 fee t 50 feet 5 ,000 square feet (net) 35 p e rcent 30 feet/two s t ories As d es ig n e d . the pro posed lOIS meel th ese slandard s , T he lo t tabl e prov id ed o n t h e pre limin a r y s hort p la t map indi cates th e g ross, and w he r e app li cab le n e l , lot are a s. Tree Retention and Landsca ping: A deta il ed tree re le nli o n plan has been prepared [or thi s projec t. A ll s ig niti cam Ir ees on the s it e we re s ur veyed, a nd h ave been identifi e d on the Iree r elemi o n plan for retent io n or re m oval. It is und erstood that e ach of t he proposed resi d e nt ia l lots wi ll req uire I WO trees 10 be located wi t hin t he front ya rd a rea of th e lo t. A ll hou g h nOl s hown o n Ih e pre limin ary p la ns a t t hi s t ime, we w ill provide a compl e te landsca pe p lan wi th Ih e civ il p lan s after prelimina ry s h o rt plat a pprova l th a t wi ll s how t he pro posed loc ati ons for th ese req uired trees. Access: Access t o th e si te wi ll be prov id e d v ia t he two existi n g publi c s treel S adjace nt 10 th e sit e. N.E. 21st Street to th e sO llth , a nd H arrington Place N.E . t o th e wes t. Proposed L OIS I a nd 2 w ill provide drivew a y access directl y to Ha rrin g ton Pl ace N.E, Proposed L o ts 3 and 4 wi ll access via a -1-12653 .005.doc 20-foot-wid e s hared dri vew a y connecting to N.E. 21s1 Street. Propos ed L ots 5 and 6 will provide dri veway access direc lly to N.E. 21 st Street. The proj ect will re quire additional right-of-way d e dication along N.E. 21 s t Street. Current standard s for N.E. 21 s t Street require 50 feet of right-of-way. Current existing right-of-way is 30 fe e t, res ulting in th e need for 20 additional feet of ·right-of-way. Fronta ge improve ments for both ex istin g publi c s treets will addressed by payment of a fee-in-li e u of phy s ical impro ve me nt. Stormwater Facilities: Th e proposed shon plat is s ubj ec t to th e 1990 Kin g County, Wa s hington Surface Wat e r Design Manual (KCWSWDM) st andard s. As d cs ign ed , th e proj ect e mploys th e pea k flow exe mption in th e 1990 KCWSWDM given the limited imp e rv io us area propo se d (approximate ly 52 percent of th e s it e). On s it e de tention is not proposed; rather, we propos e to dispe rse roof draina ge w ith s plash block s and vegeta ted flow path s of 25 feet o r mo re. Water quality treatme nt will not be req uire d as th e total new imp e rviou s a reas s ubj ec t to ve hicular use is less than th e 5,000-s quare-fo o t thres ho ld req uirin g stonnwater qualit y control. Water and Sewer Utilities: The s ubj ect pro perty is locate d with th e City of R c nton se rvic e are a for wa te r and sewer. Exi s ting 8-inch water and sewe r lin es are locat e d in both N.E. 231 st Street and Harrin g ton Place N.E . The project will not require th e ex tension of e ith e r water or sewe r mainlines. although individual service lin es w ill be necess ary. Critical Areas: The s it e does not contain mapped or known c ritical or se ns itiv e areas. Construction Mitigation Description: At thi s time, the applicant s have not dete rmined if they will see th e proj ect through th e construction pha se. It is und e rs tood that the City of Renton has construction limitation s for hours of operation, du s t mitigation , nois e mitig ation, and hauling limitation s. Th ese standards and codes will be required 10 be met by th e pany resp o nsible for the s ite development work. -2-1265JOO5d oc Pre-application meeting for the Camie Ng Short Plat 2132 Harrington Place NE PRE06-135 City of Renton Development Services Division Contact information November H, 2006 -30 Pl anner: Eliza b eth Hig gi n s, AICP, (42 5 ) 430 -7382 Pu b li c Works Pl a n Rev iewer: Mike Dotso n, (42 5 ) 43 0-7304 Fi r e Preve ntio n Re v i ewe r : Jam es Gray (4 2 5 ) 430-7023 Building De p a rtm e nt Rev i ew er: Cr ai g Burn e ll , (4 2 5 ) 4 3 0-72 9 0 ~ I •• Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects and contractors who work on the project. Pre-screening: When you have the project ready for submittal, have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. Th e c om men t s provided on t h e pro p osal are based on t he codes and po l icies i n effec t at the ti me o f review. T he applicant is ca u tio ned t hat t he d eve lo p ment regulat io n s a r e regula rl y amended a n d t h e proposa l wi ll be f o r ma ll y reviewed under th e regu lations i n e f fec t at the time of p r oj ect subm i tta l. The informati on con t a in ed in thi s s um ma r y is su bject t o m od i f i ca ti on a n d/o r co ncurrence b y offi c i a l dec is ion -m a k e r s (e.g ., He aring Exam i ner, Zon i ng Adm i nistr ato r , Publ i c Wo r ks Admin i st rator, a n d City Counci l ). DATE: TO : FROM: SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM November 15, 2006 Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner James Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal ;jljJ. Carnie N9 Short Plat , 2132 Harringi~ PI. NE Fire Departm ent Comments: I. A fire h ydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is re quired within 300 feet of all new s ingle- famil y structures . If the building square footag e exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrant s within 300 fe e t of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488 .0 0 is required for all new single-famil y structures. 3. Fire department access roadways require a minimum 20-foot wide p aved roadway. Fire departm ent turnarounds are required for ro ad s over 150 fee t in length . The tumaround shall m ee t the minimum dim ens io ns shown on th e att ac he d diagram. 4. All building addresses sha ll b e visible from a public street. Please feel fr ee to contact me if yo u ha ve any qu es tions. i:\cam ienys p.doc ..... ~ g: C!) .(.) ...... -..J . . ~. Q.. · FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU x '1:1.(;-'130-7000 45' \ TO : FROM: DATE: Eli zab e th Higgin s Jan lil ian Nove mber 28, 2006 CITY OF RENTON MEMO PUBLIC WORKS SUBJE CT: PREAPPLlCATON REVIEW COMMENTS CAMIE NG SHORT PLA T - 6 LOTS PREAPP NO, 05-170 2132 -Harrington Place NE NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAI/liED IN TIDS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues arc based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant The applicant is cantioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjnstment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based 011 site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant WATER I. Th cre is a n e xi s tin g 8-ineh w ater ma in in NE 21 Street, and an exi stin g 8-in c h wat e r m a in in H arrin g ton Pl ace NE. Ex is tin g fire flow in the area is a ppro x im a tel y 2,500 gp m . Sec C ity w a t er draw in g WTR 27- 30 78. 2 . A ll new cons tru cti o n m us t have a fire hydra nt c apa ble of deli ve rin g a minimum o f 1,00 0 g pm and m us t b e locate d wi th in 3 00 fe e t of th e structures . The re is a fire hydrant in the v ici ni ty th a t may b e counte d toward s th e fi re protec ti on of thi s projec t, but is subj ec t t o ve rifi cati on fo r be in g w ithin 300 fcc t of the neares t com er of the building. 3. Ex is t ing hydrant(s ) to be counted as fir e protection will require a 5" st orz quick di sc o nne ct fittin g to be in s tall ed i r not already in place. 4 . Ex te ns io n of a water main may be required o n s ite. 5 . T he pro p os ed project i s locat e d in th e 565 Wat e r Pressure Zo ne and in s ide Aqui fe r P ro tecti o n Zo ne 2 . 6 . T he W a te r System Devel opme nt C ha rges (S DC) is $1,956 per new sin g le -fa mil y lo t. C r ed i t will be g iven to th e ex is tin g home . Thi s is pa yable a t th e t im e the u tili ty cons truction pe rm it is iss ue d . 7. A ll s ho rt plat s s hall pro vid e a s e pa ra te wate r s erv ice to ea c h bu ildin g lot prior to r ecordin g o f th e s ho rt p la t . SANITARY SRWER I. T here is a n e x is tin g 8-inc h s ewe r ma in in NE 2 1" S tree t an d in Ha rr ingto n Plac e N E. 2. Exte n s io n o f a n 8" se w e r main o n s it e ma y be required . 0f:A' <S>'u ~ ':> PasSI '::'vi.. 3. ShOJ1 p la ts s hall provid e a se parate s id e s e we r s tub to ne w buildin g lot prior to re co rd in g o f th e s hort plat. No du a l s ide s e w er s are allow e d . S id e se we r s ha ll be a minimum of 2% g rad e. Cam ie NG Propert y Page 2 4. The Sanitary Se w er Sy s tem Devel o pm e nt Charge (SO C) is $1,017 per ne w single-family lot. Cr e dit will be given for the exi sting home. Thi s is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. This parcel lie s within two Speci a l Assess ments Di s trict s. Ea st Kennydal e Se w er Infill Pha se II S AD #0025 is appro x im a tely $7, I 00 per ne w lot and the Ea st Kennydale SAD #0016 is approximately $620 per new lot. AT TIMiS (':) r i3?? SURFACE WATER /, . preliminary drainage plan and drainage report will be required with the s ite plan application. The report ~'{ "<'0 shall addre ss detention and water quality requirements as outlined in the 1990 King County Surface Water -.! . }J Manual. All c ore and any s pecial requirements s hall be contained in the report. If preliminary cal c ulations ·0 -.)'1-show detention will be required under the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual, staff wi ll recommend ~ .<y<.'? a condition that the project comp ly w ith the 2005 King County Surface Water De s ign Manual to meet both cp "'-,<fJ detention (Con servation Flow control -a.k.a. Level 2) and water quality improvements . _ 0 2. The Surface Water System Development Charge (SOC) is $759 per new bui lding lot. Credit will be given 0:Y~ . for exi sting home . This is payable at the time the utility cons truction pennit is iss ued. o 3. Eros ion control s hall comply with the 200 I Departmcnt of Ecology 's Stonnwater Manua l. TRANSPORTATION 1. Street lighting is ~reqUired ifnot already in place . ~~~. Applicant will be required to dedi cate thirty feet of right-of-way in NE 21 st Street. Minimum ri ght of way width per City cod e is fifty fe e t. E x is ting right of way width is 30 feet. Applicant may submit a letter to the Director of De ve lopment Service s reques ting a modification to th is requirement. The traffic mitigation fee of $75 per additional generate d trip sha ll be asse ssed p er new single family home at a rate of9.57 trip s . ($75 x 9.57 = $717.75). Credit will be given to exi stin g home . Half street improvements including s idewalk, curb , gutter , paving and storm drainage arc rcquired to be installed fronting the site in Harrington Ave NE and NE if not alread y in place per City code . Applicant may submit an a pplication requesting to pay a fee in lieu of in sta ll ing the improvements to Development Services. Private streets are allowed for 6 lots or le ss , provided at lea st two oflhe s ix lot abut a public right of way A ll wire utilitie s shall be in s talled underground per the C ity of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. If three or more pole s are required to be moved by the development de sign , all e x isting overhead utilitie s shall be placed underground. GENERAL COMMENTS I. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standard s 2 When approval of the short plat is granted and utility plans are complete, pl ease submit pemlit application , three (3) copi es o f drawings, two (2) c opics of th e dr ainage report , and an itemi zed cost of con s truction e stimate a nd appl ic ation fee at the counter on the s ix th floor. A fce works heet is attached for your u se, but prior to pre pa rin g a check , it is re comme nd e d to call 425-430-7266 for a fe e es timate a s generated by the pe nnit system . The fee fo r rev ie w and in spe ction of th es e improvem e nt s is 5 % of the fir st $100 ,000 of th e es timated constTuctJon co s ts; 4% of anything over $100 ,000 but le ss than $200,000 , and 3% of anything over S200,000. Half the fcc mu s t be paid upon application . Carnic NG Property Page 3 ceo The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary private utility easements prior to the recording of the short plat. Separate pennits and fees for water meters , side sewers, and stonn drainage connections are required. A cut and cap permit for water and sewer connections to the exist in g home will be required as part of the demolition permit. Kayren Kittrick CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: November 22 , 2006 TO: Pre-Application File No. PR E06 -081 FROM: E li za beth Higgins , Senior Planner, (425) 430-7382 SUBJECT: Carnie Ng Sbort Plat, 2132 Harrington Place NE General: We have completed a preliminary review of th e above-referenced development proposa l. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The ap pli cant is caution ed th at information contained in thi s s ummary may be s ubject to modification and/o r concurrence by official decision-makers (e .g., Hearing Examiner, Zo nin g Administrator, Development Services Direc tor, PlanninglBuilding/Public Works Administrator, and C it y Cou n cil). Review comments may a lso need to be revised based on s it e planning and o th er design changes requir ed by City s ta ff or made by the appl icant. The applican t is e ncouraged to review a ll appl icabl e sec tion s of th e Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulation s are avai lable for purch ase for $50.00 plus tax, from th e Finance Division o n the first flo or of City H a ll and are available on the C it y of Renton website (www.renton.ci.wa.us). Project Proposal: T he s ubj ec t property is located on th e east side of Harrington PI NE and a lso abuts the no rth s id e of NE 2 1 SI Street. NE 2 1 st Street is a h a lf-st r ee t that dead end s at th e sout heas t property co m e r. The propo sa l is to s ubdi v id e the 0.98 acre (42,695 sq uare feet), 2- parcel prop erty into 6 single-family res id en tial lot s an d a tract. The tra c t would have a 20- foot wi d e paved driveway, utilities, and open space. Current Use: The west, 0.3 1 ac r e parcel ha s a single-family residence a nd attached garage, built in 1959 , both of which would be d e mo li shed. The eas t, 0.65 ac re parcel is currently vacant. Co mprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: The property is located within th e Residential Sing le Family Co mpreh ensive Plan land use designation. Zoning: Th e property is loca ted in th e Res ide nti a l 8 (R -8) zone. Single-fam il y re s id enti a l is th e primary use in th e R-8 zo ne . Th e dens ity range in th e R-8 zo ne is bel\veen a minimum of 4 dwe llin g un its pe r n et acre (du /a) and 8 duJa. "N et density" is a ca lculati on of the number o f housing units an dlor lots that would be allowed on a prop e rty afte r critica l areas , pub lic right s-of-way, and legall y recorded priv a te access easemen ts are s ubtracted from th e gross area of th e property. 11:\Div ision.s\DcvcJo p.scr\l)cv &pl an .ing\E RJ l\P rcap pli ca11 on r..:por ts\2006 Pre:lpp Ii C:lli ons\06·13 5 C:.Im !c Ng (R8 . 8 SFR ).d oc Carnie Ng Short Plat Preapplication Meeting November, 2006 Page 2 0[5 JI Environmental Review: The proposed project would be exempt from Washington State ~ Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review due to the number of proposed lots or tracts (nine or fewer lots or tracts are exempt). Six lots and 1 tract are proposed. Critical Areas: The site is located within Aquifer Protection Zone 2, but is otherwise not located in known critical areas. Steep slopes, subject to regulation, may be located along the east property boundary. It is the applicant's responsibility to ascertain whether critical areas, such as landslide-prone areas, are present on the site. If so, the proposal would need to be revised accordingly and the project would be subject to environmental review ofthe critical area. Development Standards: RMC 4-2-11 OA, "Development Standards for Single Family Zoning Designations" apply to new development on the site. A copy of the development standards, RMC 4-2-1 lOA is being provided at the pre-application meeting. Lot size and dimensions -The proposed single-family development narrative indicates that the property will be subdivided into individual lots. The R-8 zone requires a minimum lot size of 5,000 sq. ft. for parcels less than one acre in size prior to subdivision. The minimum width is 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for comer lots. The minimum lot depth is 65 feet. Lots on the conceptual plan appear to be within these limits, with the exception of Lot 4, which is 175 sfbelow the minimum lot size of 5,000 sf. Density: The minimum housing density in the R-8 zone is 4 dwelIing units per net acre (du/a) and the maximum is 8 du/a. Density is calculated based on net density. According to the conceptual plan, the property is 42,695 square feet (0.98 acre). A deduction from the total area is required for the private access easement tract (approximately 6,506 sf). The area to dedicated for public right-of-way (approximately 4,020 for NE 21 5t Street) must also be deducted from the gross area of the 2 parcels. Based on this, it appears that the project, with a density of 8.11 dwelling units per net acre, is overly dense. The applicant should submit revised calculations with the application. If the maximum density can only be achieved by eliminating one lot, then the site plan should be revised accordingly. Lot coverage -The R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% or 2,500 sq. ft. on lots 5,000 sq. ft. or greater. Setbacks -Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. Setbacks are different for the front, side, and rear yards. The fayades fronting on the access street will be considered the front. The front yard setback is required to be a minimum of IS feet for the primary structure and 20 feet for an attached garage accessed from the front or side yard street. The buildable area of Lot 4 would be constrained by the relationship of the front setback to access easement. The minimum required side yard setback is 15 feet for Lot I along the side that abuts NE 21 st Street. The interior lots require 5 foot side yard setbacks. The minimum rear yard setback is 20 feet. Building height -Building height is restricted to 20 feet and 2 stories in the R-8 zone. Carnic Ng Short Plat PreapplicatJon Meeting November, 2006 Page 30[5 Landscaping: The development standards require that all pervious areas be landscaped. Each lot is required to have two street trees at the front of the lot. All landscape areas are to include an underground irrigation system. Please refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4-4- 070) for further general and specific landscape requirements. A conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of application. Access: The access, as proposed from Harrington Place NE for Lots 5 and 6 and by means of a private access easement for Lots 1 through 4 appears to be acceptable. Permit Requirements: Short plats of five or more lots require a public hearing before the Renton Hearing Examiner. After completion ofthe public hearing, the Examiner would make a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the short plat. The process requires approximately six to eight weeks. If the preliminary short plat is approved, the applicant must complete the required improvements and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. The newly created lots may be sold only after the plat has been recorded. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat: • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. Credit would be given for one existing developed lot. • A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 per new unit (single-family). Credit would be given for one existing developed lot. • A park and recreation fee of $530. 76. per new unit (~ Please see the comments from the Fire Prevention plans reviewer and Public Works plans reviewer for a breakdown of the fees. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees is also attached for reference. Expiration: Upon preliminary short plat approval, the preliminary short plat approval is valid for two years with a possible one-year extension. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The existing development is located within the Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The following proposed policies are applicable to the proposal: Land Use Element Objective LU-FF: Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: I. Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth Management targets, 2. Promote expansion and use of public transportation; and 3. Make more efficient usc of urban services and infrastructure. Policy LU-147. Net deVelopment densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. Carnie Ng Short Plat Preapplicatlon Meeting November, 2006 Page4of5 Policy LU-148. A minimum lot size of5,000 square feet should be allowed on in-fill parcels ofless than one acre (43,560 sq. ft.) in single-family designations. Allow a reduction on lot size to 4,500 square feet on parcels greater than one acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The minimum lot size is not intended to set the standard for density in the designation, but to provide flexibility in subdivision/plat design and facilitate development within the allowed density range. Policy LU-149. Lot size should exclude private sidewalks, easements, private road, and driveway easements, except alley easements. Policy LU-ISO. Required setbacks should exclude public or private legal access areas, established through or to a lot, and parking areas. Policy LU-lS2. Single-family lot size, lot width, setbacks, and impervious surface should be sufficient to allow private open space, landscaping to provide buffers/privacy without extensive fencing, and sufficient area for maintenance activities. Policy LU-IS4. Interpret development standards to support new plats and infill project designs incorporating street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes that address privacy and quality oflife for existing residents. Community Design Element Policy CD-12. Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add variety, updated housing stock, and new vitality to neighborhoods. The following policies are advisory and are intended to inform the applicant of the City Council's desired outcome for infill development. Code implementing these policies is on the department's work program and may be adopted prior to formal review of projects now at the pre-application stage. Policy CD-13. Infill development should be reflective of the existing character of established neighborhoods even when designed using different architectural styles, and/or responding to more urban setbacks, height or lot requirements. Infill development should draw on elements of existing development such as placement of structures, vegetation, and location of entries and walkways, to reflect the site planning and scale of existing areas. Policy CD-14. Architecture of new structures in established areas should be visually compatible with other structures on the site and with adjacent development. Visual compatibility should be evaluated using the following criteria: a. Where there are differences in height (e.g., new two-story development adjacent to single-story structures), the architecture of the new structure should include details and elements of design such as window treatment, roof type, entries, or porches that reduce the visual mass of the structure. b. Garages, whether attached or detached, should be constructed using the same pattern of development established in the vicinity. Structures should have entries, windows, and doors located to maintain privacy in neighboring yards and buildings. Carnie Ng Short Plat Preapplication Meeting November, 2006 Page 5 of5 In advance of submitting the full application package, applicants are strongly encouraged to bring in one copy of each application item for a pre-screening to the customer service counter to help ensure that the application is complete prior to making all copies. DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1 . ~_4-,-,-,1.",-9l,,-,95,--_ square feet 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets" Private access easements" Critical Areas' Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 2,606 2,459 0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. square feet square feet square feet 5.065 square feet 36,930 square feet 0.R4 acres 6 units/lots 7.14 = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. *' Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. L"':I~I lIpdall'lJ: II/{lN.I::'OO..f- Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Underwritten by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 3500 188th St. SW, Suite 300 Lynnwood, WA 98037 (425)771-3031 / (425)640-3510 Fax No. (425)670-2109 TO: CAMIE NG 1530 33RD AVE S SEATTLE, WA 98144 Attention: CAMIE NG Your Number: Reference Name: NGUYEN & NG Order No.: 7-07021550 Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We appreciate your business and will strive to merit the confidence you have shown in us. Enclosed: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE DOCUMENT COPIES Please call us whenever we can be of further assistance. Dated: April 17, 2007 Fidelity National Title Company of Washington PDF created with pdf Factory trial version www.pdffactory.com Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Underwritten by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 3500 188th Sf. SW, Suite 300 Lynnwood, WA 98037 (425)771-3031 I Fax No. (425)670-2109 TO: CAMIE NG 1530 33RD AVE S SEATTLE, WA 98144 Attention: CAMIE NG Your Number: Reference Name: NGUYEN & NG OUR NUMBER: 7-07021550 -Short Plat Certificate Dear Sirs: Direct Line: (425)640-3510 Toll Free: 1-800-776-3021 Second Report SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Premium: Sales Tax: 0.00 0.00 In the matter of the above described Short Plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the record of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and from such examination hereby certifies that: TITLE TO the following described land is vested in: THACH NGUYEN and CAMIE NG, husband and wife THE LAND is situated in said King County, and is described as follows: See Attached SUBJECT TO the exceptions shown herein. No search has been made as to the taxes and assessments. THIS CERTIFICATE shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the Certificate applied for. Records examined toApril12, 2007 at 08:00 AM FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON By: PDF created with pdf Factory trial version www.pdffactorycom FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Short Plat Certificate, Page 2 of 4 Title Order Number: 7-07021550 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the North half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter; AND of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. as described as follows: Beginning at the West quarter corner of said Section 4; THENCE North 0 0 31' 05" East 609.36 feet; THENCE South 88 0 18' 09" East 1010.70 feet; THENCE South 00 39' 36" West 238.09 feet to the true point of beginning; THENCE South 00 39' 36' West 218.09 feet; THENCE South 8ao 19' 03" East 280.23 feet; THENCE North 0 0 33' 38" East 217.89 feet; THENCE North 880 18' 36" West 281.09 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed by deeds recorded under Recording No. 4897237 and 5333619; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No. 5359639. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington PDF created with pdf Factory trial version www.pdffactory.com FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Short Plat Certificate, Page 3 of 4 Title Order Number: 7-07021550 EXCEPTIONS 1. GENERAL TAXES PAYABLE AFTER FEBRUARY 15TH: THE FIRST HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO MAY 1ST; THE SECOND HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST: Year: 2007 Amount Billed: $2,385.51 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $2,385.51 Tax Account No.: 042305-9134-04 Levy Code: 2100 Value of Land: $217,000.00 Value of Improvements: $0.00 Affects: Portion of said property To expedite payment of your taxes, you may mail the payment direct to: King County Treasurer 500 4th Ave, Room 600 Seattle, WA 98104 2. GENERAL TAXES PAYABLE AFTER FEBRUARY 15TH: THE FIRST HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO MAY 1ST; THE SECOND HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST: Year: 2007 Amount Billed: $2,658.92 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $2,658.92 Tax Account No.: 042305-9210-01 Levy Code: 2100 Value of Land: $117,000.00 Value of Improvements: $125,000.00 Affects: Remainder of said property To expedite payment of your taxes, you may mail the payment direct to: King County Treasurer 500 4th Ave, Room 600 Seattle, WA 98104 3. EASEMENT AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, AS GRANTED/RESERVED/ DISCLOSED/CONTAINED BY INSTRUMENT: Recorded: Recording No.: In Favor Of: Purpose: Affects: 5018119 City of Renton Water pipe lines Portion lying within street 4. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT: Between: And: Recorded: Recording No.: Rose Oyler City of Renton August 18, 2004 20040818000201 PDF created with pdf Factory trial version www.pdffactory.com FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Short Plat Certificate, Page 4 of 4 Title Order Number: 7-07021550 5. ORDINANCE NO 4824 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Recorded: Recording No. : January 4, 2000 20000104000291 6. ORDINANCE NO. 5082, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Recorded: August 25, 2004 Recording No. : 20040825000604 END OF EXCEPTIONS THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER IF WE MAY BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL PDF created with pdf Factory trial version www.pdffactory.com /2&63 Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Underwritten by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 3500 188fh Sf SW, Suite 300 Lynnwood, WA 98037 (425)771-3031 I (425)640-3510 Fax No. (425)670-2109 CAMIE NG 1530 33RD AVE S SEATTLE, WA 98144 Attn: CAMIE NG RE: NGUYEN & NGI 2132 HARRINGTON PL NE, SEATTLE, WA 98056 Escrow No. TITLE ORDER NUMBER: 7·07021550 Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you We appreciate your business and will strive to merit the confidence you have shown in us Enclosed: PRELIMINARY TITLE COMMITMENT Report Please call us whenever we can be of further assistance Fidelity National Title Company of Washington • Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Underwritten by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 3500 188th St SW, Suite 300 Lynnwood, WA 98037 (425)771-3031 I Fax No, (425)670-2109 TO: CAMIENG 1530 33RD AVE S SEATILE, WA 98144 Attention: CAMIE NG Your Number: Reference Name: NGUYEN & NG OUR NUMBER: 7·07021550 -Short Plat Certificate Dear Sirs: Direct Line (425) 640-3510 Toll Free: 1-800-776-3021 Report SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Premium: Sales Tax: 000 000 In the matter of the above described Short Plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the record of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and from such examination hereby certifies that TITLE TO the following described land is vested in: THACH NGUYEN and CAMIE NG, husband and wife THE LAND is situated in said King County, and is described as follows: See Attached SUBJECT TO the exceptions shown herein No search has been made as to the taxes and assessments THIS CERTIFICATE shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the Certificate applied for Records examined toFebruary 23, 2007 at 08:00 AM FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON By: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Short Plat Certificate, Page 2 of 4 Title Order Number: 7-07021550 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the North half at the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter; AND of the North half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M as described as follows; Beginning at the West quarter corner of said Section 4; THENCE North 0" 31' 05" East 60936 feet; THENCE South 88" 18' 09" East 1010.70 feet; THENCE South 0' 39' 36" West 23809 feet to the true point of beginning; THENCE South 0' 39' 36" West 218.09 feet; THENCE South 88' 19' 03" East 280.23 feet; THENCE North 0" 33' 38" East 21789 feet; THENCE North 88" 18' 36" West 28109 feet to the true point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed by deeds recorded under Recording No 4897237 and 5333619; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under Recording No 5359639 Situate in the County of King, State of Washington FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Short Plat Certificate, Page 3 of 4 Tille Order Number: 7-07021550 EXCEPTIONS GENERAL TAXES PAYABLE AFTER FEBRUARY 15TH: THE FIRST HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO MAY 1ST; THE SECOND HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST: Year: 2007 Amount Billed: $2,385.51 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $2,385.51 Tax Account No : 042305-9134-04 Levy Code: 2100 Value of Land: $217,000.00 Value of Improvements: $0.00 Affects: Portion of said property To expedile payment of your taxes, you may mail the payment direct to: King County Treasurer 500 4th Ave, Room 600 Seattle, WA 98104 2 GENERAL TAXES PAYABLE AFTER FEBRUARY 15TH: THE FIRST HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO MAY 1ST; THE SECOND HALF TAXES ARE DUE PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST: Year: 2007 Amount Billed: $2,658.92 Amount Paid: $0 00 Amount Due: $2,658.92 Tax Account No.: 042305-9210-01 Levy Code: 2100 Value of Land: $117,00000 Value of Improvements: $125,000.00 Affects: Remainder of said property To expedite payment of your taxes, you may mail the payment direct to: King County Treasurer 500 4th Ave, Room 600 Seattle, W A 98 104 3.. EASEMENT AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, AS GRANTED/RESERVED/ DISCLOSED/CONTAINED BY INSTRUMENT: Recorded: Recording No : In Favor Of: Purpose: Affects: 5018119 City of Renton Water pipe lines Portion lying within street 4 ., MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT: Between: And: Recorded: Recording No : Rose Oyler City of Renton August 18,2004 20040818000201 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Short Plat Certificate, Page 4 of 4 Title Order Number: 7-07021550 5. J ORDINANCE NO 4824 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Recorded: January 4, 2000 Recording No : 20000104000291 6 v ORDINANCE NO 5082, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Recorded: August 25, 2004 Recording No 20040825000604 END OF EXCEPTIONS THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER IF WE MAY BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL N 88-20-30 W 13500 SF 9W z :>:\ 28000 957 Short Plat Parcel wt \I Easement ---_.-------------------._------- ~~GCOUNTY­ EPT. of ASSESSMENTS /f NW 04·23'05 St~lo 1:1200!1" ., 100-) PeuH'I"r.",Ll'M ,,~~ J<-t I~I/;j;of ~~';C~ L (2&53 I W))en recorded ret~m 10: Thach Nguyen & Cilmie Ng 1530 3)rd Ave S S~:ijlllc:, WA 98144 The Tnlon Group Escrow Numbtr: (-06ID·]01 E2257885 121211/2006 12:1B KING COUNTY. UA TRl! $11 575 all SALE se80;eaO.D0 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 20061228001482001 PAGE:»OI OF 0131 THE GRANTOR(S) Barbara Oyler, an unmarried individual. DS her sepnrntc estate for and in considt!Tntion often dollars and other good and valuable consideration in band paid, conveys, and warrants 10 Thach Nguyen and Carnic Ng, husband and wife the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington: L~gaJ description uUf!!:!hed hereto and in~9mOTflted herein made reference as exhjhit ~'A II GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES l)-lAI TIlLE ro THE. PROPERTY IS MARKETABLE AT TIlE TIME Dr TillS CONVEYANCE. THE FOLLOWlNO SHALL NOT CAUSE TIlE T1TlETO BE UNMARKETABLE- RJGHTS, RESERVATlONS, COVEt-/ANTS, CONDrTlONS, AND RESTRJCTIONS. PIlESE.NTL Y Of RECORD AND GENERAL TO THE AREAi EASEMENTS AND ENCROACHMENTS, NOT MATERIALLY AFFECTING THE VALUE OF OR UNDUL Y £NTERFf:RlNG W1U! GRANTEFS REASONABLE USE Of THE PROPEJfll'; AND RESERVED OIL ANDfORMINING ruGHTS Abbreviated L-cgal: (Rl"'l.uird iffull1f(l:l1 f\D!'n>ert~ abol·e.) Pin 4.2.~-5_ 1axParcd 10423059134U4 Number(s): 04z}05921001 ------------------------Dated: 1212012006 Barh::I.Ta Oyler STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING INSllRED BY flDELrfY NATIONAL TITLE If V/IG J ?·OCCL(ctf'lIJYl S5. I cenifylhat I know or hn\'e sntisfactory evidence rh\lt~cbllra Oyler ~\e} the pcrson{s} who appeared before me~~. ~id ptTSon(s) acknowledged that {heJQui]thcy} signed this i115!.fUmcni and Ilclmcwlcdged it 10 be (11jsJ~Cir) frcc anu vohmblY ael for the us~ and purposes menlioned in Lhls instrument Dnted: LPB 1 0-05 (i-I) Pugelofl FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY DF WASHINGTON Title Order Number: 2·2006096639 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Thai portion of Ihe Norlh 112 of Ih. SoUlh 1/2 ollhe Soulhwesl114 of Ihe Northwest 114 And of Ihe North 1/2 Df the South 1/2 Df Ihe Saulh 112 ollhe Soulhwesl114 Df Ihe NorlhVlesl 114 of Seelion 4, Township 23 Nonh, Range 5 Eas!, W M 85 described as folfows Begiflfllng al the Wesl1l4 comer of said Seellon 4: THENCE North 0' 31' 05" Eas1609.36 feel: THENCE Soulh BB 'lB' 09' Easll0l0.)0 feel; THENCE Soulh 0' 39' 36" Wes1236.06 feel: THENCE South 0 ' 39' 36' Wesl236 08 feellD Ihe lJue point of beginning: THENCE South 0 ' 39' 36' Wes12l8.09 feet; THENCE Soulh 06" 19' 03" Eas1260.23 feel: THENCE Nonh O· 33' 36" EasI217.B9 feel: THENCE North 86' 10' 36" Wesl2Bl 091eel tD the ~ue poinl of beginning: TOGETHER wilh and SUBJECT 10 a non exclusive ea,ement over a 40 fool roadway described as lollows: Beginning allha W.s11l4 tomer of said Seellon 4: THENCE North O' 31 'W Eas1589.36 feel: THENCE SouIh 36 " 18' 09" Eas1990.70 feel 10 Ihe poinl of beginning: THENCE South O· :19' 36' Wesl436 20 feel: THENCE Soulh BB ' W 03' Eas140.00 feel: THENCE North 0 ' 39' 36" Eas1426.1 B feel: THENCE North BB ' 18' 09' Wesl40 feetlo Ihe poml of beginning: EXCEPT Ihal portion describ£d as IOllows: 20061228001482 002 Thai portion of the Norlh half of Ihe SoUlh half of Ihe Soulhwest quarter of the Northwesl quarter: and Ih' North half of Ihe Soulh half ollhe Soulh half of Ihe Soulhwesl quarl" of Ihe Northwesl quarl,r of Seclion 4, Township 23 North. Range 5 East, W M,ln King Counly Washinglon, described as follo"s: Beginning al Ihe Wesl quarter of the said Section 4; THENCE North 0 • 31' 05" East 609 36 feet: [HENCE South BB • 18' 09' E8s11010.70 feet: THENCE Soulh 0 ' ~9' 36" West 34609 feel 10 Irue poinl of beginning: THENCE eonlinuing Soulh 0 ' 39' 36" West 80 09 feel; THENCE Soulh BB" '19' 03' Eas115000: THENCE North O' 38'36' Easl B007 feet:; THENCE Norlh 8B' 18' 36' Wesl15000 feel 10 the lrue polnlof beginning EXCEPT Ihe West 25 lee! Illereol: AND EXCEPT any purlion lying \\lilhin any roadways of alleys NOTE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents 10 be recorded, per amended RCW 65,04. Said abbreviated legal d8smpuon is nol a subsntuie for a complete legal descnplion within Ihe body of Ihe documenl Pin 4·23-5 This property Is loealed in KING counly , 'I ~ '::> '.-; ." ,~ '" ~. . ,~ -;. ~ .. ~~. : .,' " " i j , . : :.' ," . -'. SlaIUI~r~ ~~rranly~oo·d ..• > ''''I0Il lU -'.' 'tH.E Ck.o\:XTOR 9 HA't' J. ~RDtS:xt.(O aDd 1~L.r:0I O. a.vuJt.53OtfO:, hiJi vi rt, -_. for 1tId In tmudmllon 01 Tnn Ocllar. (111'),1'X) F" ~.6J~l.~'_~· IhI'1o/\a-e-bs dn:::rlhtTt lui utILI, dtt'"vt4, 11\ I"'" Ctnmly "I ;t1Al • !w, of 'i\'~'M'.l por\1~ 'or iba ~t.b b~1r ot t.h~/.outh 'hilt o't th~; ,ou~w-to~ -> ;"'.:~ . (7'0..",0:-ot the ~thT1i1\. lIUlrt.r ~)t.M Ml"t.1'I haH of nl-t toUt-A ult or tb. tle-J\.h hal! or u:1O 10I.Iun;;.,,,t. qu.J1..cr of the Dtlrt.!:nrotrt . IJ'IUrtcr Of .. cHQn Ilt ~lIb1p 2) nortb t rlfltc 5 DAtlt. lf~ X'I tIt .. . . '-I1.~ t:o-Mty, W'uh1n~Q", dH('ribcti .. roliowil CO"T'lMtir,c.t Un ". "U\ qu.r1~ COrD'" of abcUQn itt tovnlh1p 2l north. r.nr,o S Olat~' . Y. M4f t.1'l"lftCIt f\QfUa Oo:nlDS D ell!!t. b<)?,.It.t tutr tholUlel .(1Oth : ooot~ 09'" I: 101,,.70 tut l t.o the point. ot b~lMlncJ ttA,..CO IQlUth I I I " / . .',. . 0 ~9'~· ... t 2)0,'" rut) t.heDe" .wth e!j/)J.~l ~ •• .,t ?Dl.11? f&Glt.1 Vlonot nort.b OOSJ')!"·'''ut. :)].90 tMlt, "bene., aorth ~'1.9t09!' 'Ita'" :?81.e4 ",.fIllO' ~ \he t.rl;'t ,polDt. or bc&Uni..n«J -. . . " r"N' .... .. SALES TAX LIte. . . :';PAI D·' 5T,t,T[ or \\'-\s:W';C:ON, t,.. C0\l'M1ot linc \ Aprll, losa >/I~/J_dJ,,,,,'{'~~ (, .. ,, . t ,';.«.;'.JjdU~~J.<4_(n'" OD IhI:t 411 ptUOI'l""" .. pPd1td br!lIrt ""' JUl J. lUJ!D!:.S3')HO J.l)d !n.irr.N O. at .:..nt:S.~t-IO to II)f IIlrO'Ira 10 bt I~ lr.d1~!dV1" drJ(,,1...d: f" and who hn:t1t"J • d.fIO-kdrd \hit t.b.r ,1rl'W"'J dw WN ,-. \htlr .. ~ &1'.4 P"l'f'I*'llf"tt'l. Nr\IJomo:(, OIVEN ~. ~ and CII'I\d.' lullbla 1958 IN "IIM" .1td fllf!"JOll'I/. irutNl'nml, and Ilot and YGtvnL.-ry J'tI Md 4tt<!. IIW 111, 1/1 i I I I r I ~ .. I . •••• . --.1 "! ,,-c...._--+ _____ 1. __ ., M 1'\ Q ~ .: "'l ." 1 \! 'j I /. I I I .".-., Tltr. GR.-\~TjIRS, WAYH1! NI' crn.rn. ~:i.~d. 'AOOE rr.rt'lndltlt"MlIlt,"Io"'·br n:::N DOL1..A.R3 ($10.00) and o'thcT' good Ilnd valuable onn!! tdoration ,ntalldp.:d ,,,,,wt"yludw.r1lnt'!o \lILLUX R. OH..l.vr:S And KATJU::.'ll!fE E. GnAVE3. Ih, 'nntl.I~~ <.Jtttlll>f.' rr.t ,011'" ~hj,u«l j", It.. C"II"',. ,,4 WVh'''1'' n- (0"'",1 01 hill \l'lf!), lUng • SiAU Ii' . .. - (lr!1~;ld.rrrr,.""ttJII'I",.'tJb~'J~;~;nr WlYNR N. ar[.En.--' .. nd nOSE oYlER,"h1,_ lotito, I I I I I 1 ',-, .' (JIIT CLAD! DEm TillS DIDElmJRE w.rIl/l!.SSETl!, j,o"'o V·., Of' • 1-~ '1 ."1....... , ot King County, State or Waeblfl>ton, tr::rr o.r.d 1n conelderntlon of tho ..... of one ($1.00) Dollar to u. in hand paid and 1n 1\lrther conBiderotion of tho general public ,,,,It&re IIIld the special bone fits aecrul.I18 to UlI theref'rom, Jo, by these preaents grant, OQTtV'e'Y and qui t.claim to the C1 ty of Ronton, n munidpal corporation or the State or'Wuhington, tor 8t.roet, alley and any other public '}SCS -:100 purp0008, the !ollCV1ng lotti,' pieces and parcels or land lying and bcing in [I11id Ung CO\I1\ty, State ot ~Bhingt~, and described a8 follOlf8f -~ ':'·');'1"'" ':'If' ... ,." i'''''rt,~" \~lf.,r ""-t'> dt'\11t'-:-r-'_:t"..,~ +'r ,,",,,"\'-.,,'" "--~i".-:" ., ........ .,. , .,-tl·~ r>.r::t """l.t.PT ftrt~: t'-p !·,.,jt;1-,._,.,. ........ "'-r L)-: r'<{' "...-• ,. !1" .... -O:,. I __ ;;J" "l~ t_' f;' ~",,·th" '!'st. r""rtPT ........ t "'" nrt'-· r-" _. ~-... ~~ ... ...-,.('-.. -: .... -1. .,,' ;."".~_'f1 .')'7 ·'~:r'tr. :: ..... ~.,. f E,..~t ..•. ' \-..... , .... ff," .L').. '.r ~'-.p I"">'--t, ... ~f'I.f'lf). -(',...Pt +;-,.-,.,,"" .... ~,..-··r·;t • .,. ,,"...,~i...,., r ..... ~-·-.. -t'" rr"'-""~"'Ttr_r r., .... t"\ .......... ~ ,,(,-;" ... t...,~..:!. "'-·r~ .. ' "- ')".,.~,-." """ ... , "'l>f''t: +'-~n"" ; ""'01."""'Io··~, \ ..... , ..... ,..., -'""rp .... ~ r ~~~-~~. ~t' t,· • • ?PJn."" .... Frt,~ tn t!'f'" -t.,....-,... ",,,I ... "" ..., .... }p,....inr'l1 ... p. ,j.' r -rr> r:-.-t'-:-'r;j nO~~I"'G"~! ?l e .09 f~,..t.~ t-~-,.. ... ,..", .-; ~o:Jlo:"tn"" f '~--'." -··r.· ..... : ......... I"f' t"ICI?t;\I~j-.1! 1. :'''.00 rl'"Pt.! t'-~., ... n:· ~ .... 0'l"ln~'· "',ror,"') ·t: -"~"'I" 11:'"1.,. .. ,'1':""" j:_ 1~o.0':> -('n .. t.: "'-l,._,..p' Cl~.;"I"'" "r."'-·· t·',.. ~T'" ~ ... -r .... ·~rn~'~'. TG l!.AT"; J..ID 70 HOlD the odd de:scribed premiaen unto tho sDid City or Henton, LtG ~uecc~~or or DU~C06nor5 for the u~ or the publiC forever. lII",,:·::c'.'H OUT ","d, ,nd .eal. tJoisL.ti!5nr of ct'j¢;;.-L.----196L· na instrument, and acknowledged ~1~ fro. and voluntary mt!:n one. State, por.onall:r a. th·~.-r-.frn"'----- III WITIIES:; \ffil!EOI', r hAve horounto .et ,., hAOd ",,1 ntl'ind "" offloW .oal tJoc day and year in thh c:ertificate Cirat above vrltun. ,,?,.1' ..... '6£' wafih~fon~i i'k~' ill hiind pd.d and in .t'urther '.. lIPelcl.~u. 'benefits accruing to UII nru~CO:l9m~1~~oo~~~ r ~~~i~~i~~~:~~a~ito the,City of Renton, ·Chmi1~v as ·:follows!..;'· ,_;·:·,.",:"f,e~1; : .?s·,i,.:f'et-t; t h,,)~cFJ.: "·:·j'er;t .. ttl th!l . ·hp.l1'· o-f' t:'!' :3(1)t.r:~·~[;t... . 'J-rl:l' 6:1' "':10" .S;"i,tb h'l1' tr~ ii: oJ"tT .. !'~t""",,.~,,...i . i.'.~~_:';'?:~ ~ -', :~':'1::Jnr -·,t;.n~l~tt",,, n/L·f'~'''''~·'''~i'; •• ",,,-f'. <'!"$~"'{~!,~ r's,f~1j ~ ... :_i CC'L'. ".,,' ,'c. -: '$~.~f1b~:'4r:f~~;:"ri-~e:_,. -'~ .. ,! . E 1010.'?.o<"'fAPt: t~~",,,,c"--':-1 :~f~6i~~g~P'P:ii~~:';;, .. :\ . . .1L'qoo lr>"O:>"·W 1 ~ e. O()··, . t)'('\'I.N) 11 A801i", :"",".1'; . .,!'. on .' ..J , j TO !1AVI: AllO TO HOlD the add . predoesuntothO said City of Renton, DUeCOO:loror oucce88orsfw the use . ,the publio' fwever •.. ' WITJ!ESSr:rH our ~nndo nnd seals th18ri;~'l;Or6~~. J 1911Lo 'f;r:~ o01"0.1J k · .'hfJ~JI0· ct;,k (SEAL) (SEAL) --1---, , =f=. ,', - ii. "r""\. :KNOW AU. HEN aT nf!:::'llt rn ':'.' " -.-'- "j .-~. .-That .'~' , .. ' YqM Jf~ ,o1~ ... ~.: .... :~ ,_. and .'.:~~.~ .. L.,,>'.1t~It~ Orldr. ,,~.:-"i;h. .._~~ .. __ ~ ... '.] :::I,' htUNflo'I .n<:l .. He, hl!'~ln.n.-' "'~ to b ~ ~)' or 'hI' nu1 rut-for s.r.d In ronJl1~t1Utl7\ lilt Ol'l'X DOt.LAR Il1ld ~ othu ItlO/l .I'Il1 ,.luab1.. mnlllk".ll(>fl. ~Ipt I>f tilth It hUf'h, • .d~l\o""'tt\IIt-d. dO hfftb1 (unt. nll"" an<S ~Ol'Iw1 IInlo lht CITY 0' RXKTOH. a ).fu()klpsJ Cott-<> .,.Uon of lh.f BlAt ... or W:Wlllll;lon, II "Pu"" of lhr M"<"ond part. ~ Dcn turmenlappurnnUot aM P""~J ~~ T(I!' (10) t~t!lt. in to :~~:(~~S:~:g: .". ,.::·~'.::'.:'::~:::·80.~ .,- j G0'f ::1"lon Df.::: Jorth • Dr the ~uth tor th.aouu.v..tt . I [ I t of ~art.hvo .. t. tl an! ot tho Nort.h i or th" Sauth;' or tho;,-,:..~:: -l1) , 5out.h h,bf thi ~:lIt f or t.h" Nortbvut t or S6etlcn_~#_~ .• -:~ . .,-, I ?'L._~ '( T""",hlp ~\\> ... J!"!,.H" ~ ... t Y.M., d .. crll><>d •• !OUov" .'- U Soti1nn1ng .t the Yost fif'.-+'h1lT ot tIrlld Sutlon I.J t.h .. nlHl Nort~ I ,)~ OOJltO~-;,~n 6lY1.)6 rnt, tbeMIll South eaOl~IC'9. tut 1010.'.:~ '.---, 0} Cla'et.J thaneu South 00)9')6" YaJ!lt 23S.~ re ... t to lho truo potnt- l --$' Dr bta:ino.lllftl t.hn"lCO South 00)9 1)6" \lost. 218,C9 fulJ lho-n¢~' I J 5ouU' 88019'0)-tAlJt 200.2) 1c6tJ thl!lllO. NQrth 00))1)l]1I t..et: ,-:', 217 .. 69 tNt) thalnoo )lOTt'" 88018 1)6" \lnt. 281.09 toot tQ tho I """ '''In' or boi:1on.lD,. I. d;t 01 t,.to io u.. Cou:l'7 or ~ln., Sh" or ~ .. hln"" •• I Oper .. UOD Arll, 0"' plott, .lr lll~ ..,('01\<5 pul \.0 ha"... for ttl. p'Llrpouu .,C ~oJulrl1cU"". UPOUl. ~r-tl~" aM m.untltn"n.,. oC v.t l~ plpo U1'IU a.nd 1111)' o(h •• pOlbll, 1,IUlIUr" OU\d Ju"~~J 3l,'. .19"-'. __ IfTATX or WASIUI10"t1.)1'I 1 CoUlITT 0. HI>14 f ... r. lh, Llnd.!"dKTi4"d Mota!7 ~It III .. n<:l 1-"1 UUt Ilulf ell \\'uhlnllton, tuldlnr 11\ Rrnton. Wunln~n, flo JLot. , ,. ,da), •. • t-pH"'" ~ror-r 11'\" W'f\11\'O ?f. fJ:lnr • 1M no~o CYll'lr , hl.l ",If., .... JIU' IIn",.n \LI to. Ihr hldll'lduab a1:' __ rl~d 1/\ .nd wllu • ~"culfd U!. :I.m~ ..., Ihrlr r,", .. nil 'OIUllU,ry ..::\ IU\d 6.l-t:d for I,h. \UI" and pVl)I<) .... ,...~!.n mtl! hontl!. OITnt undtf m, tumd t.nd omrhl";:&1 1Ma .. J14t. dl.t ar _ .. _l'b.rch ~ .. _ _ __ "'_'" 1!I::fi. 4-<,...d.:....-/:-:Y~~¥.... .' ..,.....c.~;;-1"ublle 11'1 'Ild tor lh~ etato Qr W~hl"«\OfI, _ .,~ nddlnl In R-tnlrll\,. . ',; , .~------~------------------~~~. • , ! '. f , i !,. I i I . ~ " I : , I I i I !! i i , ! " : i 'f t i 1f- t I I I , 'L. , I ! I vOl3898 rAd22 ~i\li~iT-'~:~t~ 50J.~n9\::I. '~'.;':-~'~" ___ ~_'_l n~!;:l';" PERPE11JAiFEASMNT KNOW ALL-MEN BY THEBE PRZSlJIT8: Thnl \l8J'llO. N •. 0]:1Cl"_, ,. .. .., ...... I.nd ..... -.. ~. ,_' Jlo.Dtl .. Dtltcr-. ,,_ n."." .. · .. ·····,· ,.--..... ."' \l1I;·t);ll\lt lind wife. hereinafter referred 1.0 IU "pul)' 01 the flnt part. .. ,tpr ~t\ in eonaldnat.lon of ON!. DOLLAR and I::' "",,11 :lnll vn.Jul\blc conaldnntlon. recelpl ot whkh Is hereby Ai:boitltdIOd. du horeb), runt, release and convey 'I,. nTY OF RENTON, D. Munlclpnl CorporaUrm of the et..t.e or WlL4hlnaton, a.r "Party at the .econd part.," " "I .'1\)llIril'nn.nl nnd pt"rp~lul'l.l ,lilt I MA IH;' b b .. If!f'Po 1hiRI*I%!'*gll(aithlUCSmltl:wi: Ton (10) toot in "";" (s) r •• t of lJUoh width being on eaoh .1d. ot rollwin~ d •• oribed oenUir . "'rt-y I .J.~L":'pdpt.iQn The \lest 20 teet of the tol.lov1ng desoribed. ":,' : . n of t.M Horth t. of tho S=th i or tho S=thve.t t . ': i; find of tbe North tot tho South i ot th. ': .. '" 'h"' "t t of tho Nortbll •• t t at Seotion 4. " r:fln~f1 5 En3t W.H., daaorlbad ad .tollolllJl II t eorner or enid Sootlon 4J thonoe Worth fe0tj thenoe South 88°18 109. East 1010.70 ; H,1(111 Wont 2)8.09 teet to the true point '11)1 0039'36" West 218.09 !eetJ thenoe '-j Foot; thonoo North 0°.3J I 38" ta"t. 11J.tl18 136H West 281.09 feet to the , l{lnll, Stnt" of Wnshington. And the pnrly of llll' !1I'1'"nd !Jilt! r" , , We.t{)~ pipe lIlIel! 1111(11111), 01111 r puJol) •. ,1 • OperatilJD 'il.;1 Tuell!)n, repair, Mrvlcr/ ~nd mll.ll1teno.f'le~ 01 IN' WITNESS WIIE:REQf' thl' slllIljUlrtl" 1\;,,·, )" n !JIlin srl tln'lr hnndB Ilnd 1Jl!c.nla thla Jlo.t. dny ot Meroh ,. 1959 ""'" STATE OF WABHINQ'rON 1 at! COtnfTY or KINO ( I, the undentgned Notary Publlc in Qnd for thl!! Bt.a~ or Wo.ahlniton, re~ldlni 1n Renton, Wll-3hlniton. do hereby certlry that on the )l •. t. .dRY· • 19~9. prnonally .d.y Or.... .1i!.r.olI. . ",9- 4..~i,i!.. .. _.-/~~~.t¥ ~~PUb1l0 In AIHI Inr \hll at,,\. or Wll.Ihlnawn, ro.~dln. In Rflnl-un, Relul'll Addres,'} City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 SOUU, Grody Way Renton, WA 98055-3132 20040818000201.001 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT I Parcel Number: 0423059210 I Page 1 Sper.:laj Assessment II 0016 (Ea$.( Ke,,',ydafe Property l.ocatlon 2132 Hamnglon PI NE, Renton, WA 98056 IHterCE'plor) SpecHJi Assessment N0025 (East Kf!lrnydale Sewer brfill Phase /1) Between Owner(s), Rose Oyler And the City of Renton, a municipal corporation LEGAL DESCRlPTION (AbbreVIated orfuillegol must go Iwre AdwllOnallegal on page ) 042305210 POR OF SW 1/4 OF NW 114 BEG AT W 1/4 COR OF SEC TH N 60936 FTTH S 8S-18- 09 E 1010 70 FT TH S 00-39-36 W 23809 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG S 00-39-36 W 108 FT TH S 88- 18-36 E150 FTTH N 00-3U-36 E 108 FT TH N 88-18-36 W 150 FT TO TPOB LESS POR TO CITY WHEREAS the Ctty of Renton has consfructed llllhty faclhtltS that prnVlde bcm:fit to the property owner's property, nnd WHEREAS Speclal Ass~sment D!5tr1ct 0016 WDS estabhshed by Ordinance NO(4824) recorded under Kmg County Recordmg Number 20000 I 04000291 > and WHEREAS Specml Ass~ssment O,stm:t 0025 WDS estabhshcd by Ordmance No(5082) recorded under Kmg County Rccordmg Number Pending WHEREAS the Owner has ilgreed to pay. In annual payments. the amount of the SpecIal Assessments [Of Utlhty conneellon In 'he ongmal amount ()[$5,771 75, and WHEREAS Ihe tlgreement proVides for 11 hen against the property, a penalty and mterest fOT latc payments, and anomey fees and costs for colJecllOn, and WHEREAS the agreement pwvldes that upon sale or re~finance of the property the then remammg balance IS due aTld payable, NOW THEREFORE the Owner and the CIty ofRcnlon hereby proVide notice of then mnlllaJ agrecmcnl For current bnhmce~ and payoffmfomHlhon conlact Rick Knopf, 425~8S5-1G04 Approved By: Owner(s): cDC City of Renton L. /'(~ -il" FA '2-n'......,._ Gregg ;~ fn~:ru::' A'drrumstrator Planrun mJ mg/Pubhc Works Department --,---- No/my Seal musl be WJIIJIII box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) J certify that I know or ~~~~ satlsfaCIOl)' eVIdence that ~J:J... O~, It V CHARLES F. KOKKO NOTARY PUBLIC Signed thIS mstrument and acknowledged It to be hlslher/thelT free ani::l. voluntary aCT for the llses 8p,d purposes menltoncd In the tnstrumenl STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ [1)) "jp __ r'lJl;~ COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCfl19,2006 Notary Pubhc !n(l!.::or 1:5 Srale ofla'!J!!Jton Notary (prmt) j./ j F l ~ ... - My appom1rt) i~lres '371Q 7" r, Daled 'I f:', 0 </ ------~ IOC/::J. d./)Ql -D 2004081B000201,002 -- MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT I Parcel Number: 0423059210 II'age 2 NOfnry &nl must br! 1I'llhrll box Notary Seal must be wlthm bOll - STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KJNG ) I certify that I know or have :=;atlsfactory eVidence Ihat signed this rnstrumen! and fie-knowledged It to be ~JlS/her/[helr free :md voluntary ael for the uses ond purposes ml:n!loncd 10 the m~lmmcnt Notary Pnbhc III and for the Stale of Was lung Ion Notary (PIml) My appointment expires Dated -- STATE OF WASHlNGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify Ihat 1 know or have s::ttJsfactory eVidence that Gregg Zimmerman 10 me known 10 be the AdmlJU5trator ofPl .. nmng/BUlldmg/Pubhc Works Department and acknowledged to me thElt he wa!> authOrized to execute thIs mstrumem, this day appeared before me. and acknowledged that he executed this mstTumcnt a'l a free <md volunlary act for Ihe uses and purposes mentIOned In lhe Instrument en c--" = = = = = = = = C'-> Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton IOS5 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98D55 Please print or type information Documen! Tille(s): ORDINANCE NO. 4824 -Est. Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District RerereDce Number(s) [lo( Documents assigned or released: [on p,gc __ of documcnt(s)} SAD No. 0016 Gr.ntor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials): I CITY OF RENTON 2 J. 4 o Additional names on pagc __ of document Gr.ntee(s) (Last name fust, then first name and initials): L 2. East Kennydale and West Kennydale Sub-basins 3 4. o Additional name:; on p,ge __ o[ document --Legal Descripti4?n (abbreviated: Le lot, block, plat or section, townsrup, range); The lands included within the East Kennydale S~wer Inte~ceptor Special Assessment District for area charge are 1n those portions of Sections 4 and 5, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , City of Renton, o Additional legal is On page 4+ of document Assessor's Property Tnl ParceVAccounI Number: o Additional legal is on page __ of document The AuditorlRecorder will rely on Ill. information provided on Ill. form, The 5taffwill not read the do<umeni 10 verify the accuracY or comoleleness of the indexin. Wormation orovided herein. en r~ = = = --'T = = !.\\\\\\WIII!'!lIII!/JI/~iJJJ(q, *':~; Of Rfly .... ,%, ~A", 'O~0'4.: '%(j.' 1--~ _I ~ .. \ CERTIFICeA,~ SEAL -I, the uo:'r.rsigned, , 7 Clerk of the i* .... J City of ;;20ton, Was~ing~on, certify that this is a true \-~~ il and correct copy of OB.p· l'8~t '%: 0-tf "'",%" TEDsff' #,~lJhscribed and Sea! d this ;?7lj, da of+,"""""-~ 19i.1 'WI/I"IIIIIIIJIIJIII\"\\\~\""CnY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ' ORDINANCE NO 4824 (,1l1dkU4i~~2iz.L AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY or RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT D1STrtICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE IN A PORTION m' TilE EAST KENNYDALE AND WEST KENNYDALE SUlI-BASINS AND ESTAIlI.ISIIlNG TilE AMOUNT OF TilE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. TIlE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON. DO ORDAIN AS fOLLOWS, SECTION r. "[here is hereby creoled a Snnitary Sewer Service Special Assessment Dislrict for the area served by tbe East Kcnnydalc Snnilary Sewer Interceptor in the north qundmnt orllle Ciry of Renton, which area is more particul::trly described in Exhibi, "A" ottachcd hereto. It milp of the service arCil is attached as Exhibit tiD. It The recording of this document js to provide notification ofpotcnti31 connection and interest charges, While this connection charge may be paid III any time, the City docs not require payment until such time <IS the p<U"cel is connected 10 and thus benefiting from the sewer facililies. The property may be sold or in any other w<ly change hands witnout triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges a~socjn!cd with this districi SECTlON lI.l'I!'Tsons connecling to the silIlitory sewer facilities in thi:'> Speci,ll Assessment District and which properties hove-not been charged or assessed with all costs of the East Kcnnydolc Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, as dctililcd in this ordinance, Shill! pay, in .Jddition to the paymcnt of the connection pennil rce and in addition to the system development char!lc, the following odditional fec,: A Per Unit Aren Charge. New connections of rcsidenti(l} dwelling unils or equivalents shall pOly a fee of $485.00 per dwelling unit. Those propcrties indw.lcd within this en '" = = = ~" = = = = = ,~ ORDINANCE 4824 Special Assessment District and which may be assessed il charge thereunder are included within the boundary legally dcscrilx:d in Exhibil "A" and which boundary is shown on thl! map aUached as Exhibit "8 " B Pcr Unit Frontage Charge. There is hereby created a sub-district within the East Kcnnydalc Sewer !ntcrccptor Special Assessment District consisting of properties fronting on the interceptor sewer New connections of residential units. or equivalents shttll pOly i] fce of $3,830.00 per dwelling unit _ T hI.! properties 10 be ilssessr::d for the per unit fronlugc charge urc described in Exhibit I-'A" nl1;:Jched hW:lo A map identifying. the properties within the 5ub·Jis(ricl is attached as Exhibit "B". The properties located within this sub-district ::uc su~jcct to both charges (Area and Fwntngc). SECTION Ill. In <lddition to the aforcstLlled C.hllIgCS1 theTe: shaU be n charge of 3_75% per annum added to the per unit frontage and area charges The mleresl charge shall accrue for no more than ten years from the date this ordinance becomes effectivc. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest SECTION IV, Tlus ordinance shnU be effective upon its pnssage, spprovnJ, anti 30 days after publication PASSED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL Ih;s ~ cl,y 01 Doe __ c"e"m",b"e=, __ , 1999. 2 en '"" = = = ~ ORD[NANCE 4824 APPROVED llY TilE MAYOR Ihis ~ day of_..-:D::e::c::e::m::cb:::o::r ____ • 1999 Approved as I form: Lo'WCnCCJ='~~~ C) Dille of Publication: 2/24/99 (Summary) = = = = c~ ORD 824;1 1/29/99;os J = = = = = ~ EXHIBIT "A" EAST KENN'rllALE SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA CHARGE The lands included within the East Kennydale Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District for arca charge are in those portions of Sections 4 and 5, all in Township 2J North, Range 5 East, W M., City of RenTon, King County, Washington, lying within the following described district boundary line: Beginning at the northeast corner of Aloha Ranch No 2, as recorded in Volume 82 of Plats, Page), Records of King County, Washington, said northeast corner also being a point on the east line of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest qUal1er of said Section 4; Thence southerly. along the cast line of said plat and said section subdivision, to the southeast cornEr of said plat. said southeast cower also being the northeast corner of Weathered wood II, as recorded in Volume 119 of Plats, Pages '12 to 44, inclusive, Records of King County, Washington; Thence southerly, along the east line of said plat and said section subdivision, to the southeast corner of said plat; rhence continuing southerly. along said east line of said section subdivision, crossing NE 23 rd Street, to an intersection with the north line of Parcell of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-12J-LLA, as recorded under King County Recording No 9412059002, Records of King County, Washington; Thence easterly, southeaster~y, southerly and westerly, along the north, east and south lines of said Parcel I in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 4, to the point of intersection of the south line of said Parcell an.d the east line of said Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter; 1hence southerly, along said east line of said section subdivision, to an intersection with the northerly right-or-way line or NE 21st St, as deeded to the City of Renton under King County Recording Nu 7606090715, said right-of-way being)O feet in width; Thence westerly, along said northerly right-of-way line, <l dislance of 130 42 feet, more or less, to Ihe southeast corner of that portion of NE 21st St dedicated 10 the Cit) or Renton under King Count}' Recording No 7606090723: Thence northerly, along the: cast line of said right-or-way dedication, a distance of 30 feet, to the northeast corner thereof; Thence westerly, along the nor1h line of said right-of-way dedication, crossing Harrington PI~ce NEt to the northwest corner of said dedication; H \Fll E SY$\lND\OI\OOL5 dod en '" = = = ->- = = = = = "" Thl.:ncc southerly. nlong the \\"Csi line of said righ!~of*way dedication. a distance of 30 feet. to thc sOllthwest COllll'l thercor· Then-cc weslclly. nlong the northerly right-of-wflY line of silict NE 21 sl 31 <lnd the westerly extension ["If snid righl-0f-wI1Y line. {Q the northeast corner of the West 112 01 the South In of the SOllth \/~ III 11ll' South Ifl. of the SO\llh\\cst qllaner of the Northwesl q\l~U"ter in silid Section 4: Thr:llce southerly, nlollg the enslline 01 said section subdivision, to all intersection \\ith the soulh lillt! ol said Northwest ((liMIer ill said Seclion 4, snld intelsectioll also being tbe northeast corner or tbe Northwest quarter of the Northwest qUurter of the Sotlthwest qu~rter of said Section 4: Thencc soulhedy, along tbe east linc of said section subdivision, to Ihe northeast corner of Huselnnds lSI Addition, CIS recorded;n Vclume 54 ofPtats, Page 26, Records of King COLinly, Washington: Thence southerly, along the east line of said plat and said section subdivision, to lhe southeast corner of soid plat; Thence westerty along the south line of said plat, w the southwest corner of lot 3, Block 2 of said pIal. Thence nonilerly, along the west line of said Lot J, to the southeast corner of Lot I, Block 2 of Said pl;Jl~ Thence westerly, along the south line of said lot I, to the southwest corner thereof. said southwest COrnCr also being a point on the easterly right-or-way line of Edmonds Ave NE; Thence northerly. <llong said easteriy right-of-way line, crossing NE 20th Street, to the nortlw"est comer of Lot I, Block I of said pia.: Thence northwesterly. crossing Edmonds Ave NE, to the southeast corner of Lot 7. [Hock I. df Edendale, itS recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, Page 81, Records of King County, Washington, ill the NOrlheast quarter of rhe South~ilst quarler of said Section 5; Then-ce westerly, nlollg the SQUlh line of suid Lot 7. to the southwest corner [hereof~ Thence llortherl.'r, along Ihe \\cst line of said Lot 7 al1d Lots 6.5.4,) and 2. Block 1. of said pl.,t. to the Ih1111l\~C!"st cnrnel ot said lOI 2. ill the Southeast quartel of the Northeast quarter of said Section 5 Thence easterl). "long. the north line 01 said Lot 2, to the northeast corner tbereof. said northcast corner <lisa beillg. a point 011 the westerly right-of-way linc of Edmonds Ave. NE, Thence northerl,. along said westerly right-of·way line. crossing NE. 22nd St , to the sOlltheast corner of Tract 206. C.D Hillman's L.ake Washington Garden of Eden. Div No 4, as recorded in Volfllne ! l of Plals, Page 82. Records of King COllnly. Washington; 11 "III!.\, S ~'\\I NI)\(t 1\IJllI:> 11111.:' Thence conlilHling nonherly, along thc ef1st line of silid Trnct 206 and said wesleriy right~of-\V<1Y lllle. 10 ,111 il1tclc.cction wilh the l10nh line oftllc sOllth 148 feel oCsaid Tract 206: Thence westerl), !lIang tIle north line orllle south 148 feet of Tracts 206 and 217 of said plat, to;)11 intelscclion with the CClst line of the west 417 of tile south 148 feet of Tract 217; Thence southedy. along sClid enstline, to Illl intersection with the northerly righl-or--way line or NE. 22nd SI _ as dediciltcd to the Cit) of Renton under King COllllty Recolding No 7309130492: Thence wesler I" along said northerly right-of-way line, to an interseclion wilh Ihe easl line of LOI I & of Azalea East, aSlecorded in Volume 115 of PInts, Pages 55 and 56, Records of King County, Washington; Thence SOLltherJy, along rhe east line of said Lot 1 g, to the southeast corner of said lot and sa id plat; Thence weSler!) , along the soulh line of said pliH, [0 the sOlllJH"esl corner thereof, said southwest corllel also being a point on the south line of Tract 242 of said CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Di, No 4: 'I hence cOlltinning westerly. along the south line of said Tract 242., to the southwest corner thereof. said southwest cornel <lIsa being a point 011 the easterly rig.ll1~of~way line of Aberdeen Ave NE; C:J Thence westerly) crossing Aberdeen Ave NE, to the northeast corner of Tract 152 of said plat, in the C:) Southwest quarteT" of the Northeast quarter of said Section 5; = c::::. Thence southerly, along the eas1 line of said Tract 252 and the westerly right~of·way line of Abcrde(~n ~ Ave NE, to an intersection with a line lying 1406 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of said Tract, in the Northwest qllarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 5; Thence \.\cstcrly, along said pLlf<lllelline, a dislance of 75 feet; Thence Ilortilwt'stelly, 10 ;1 point 195 6 feet north ,md 150 fer::[ west of the southeast corner of said I r,Jet 252: Thence southerly, along a line 150 feet west of, and p<lrallel with, the east line of said Tract 252. to an intersection with the northerly right--of-way line of NE 20th S1 , Thence westerly. ~lollg S:lid nortbetly I ight-of-\\ay line. to an intersection with n line 91 5 feet eas1 01" and parallel with, the easlline of said Tract 252; ThellcF.! northerl)". along. silid parallel line, to an intersection \\ ilh a line lying 80 feet North of, and parilllel with. the south line of Soid Tract 2S2~ Thence westerly. along said parallel line, to an imersection with rhe west line of said [ract 252; Thence northerly. (liollg silid west line of Tract 252, to <111 inlersection with the south line of tIle· norlb half (1/2) of Tmci 263 of said pial, ill said SDulhwest quarler Df 1I1e Northeasl quarler of Seclion 5: en N = = = ..j = = = = = c-.< Thence westerly. along said south line, to an intersection with the wesl line of said Tract 263; Thence northerly, along said west linc of Tract 26] Bnd the west line of Tract 262 of said plat, to the Nnrthwe.st (orner of said 1 ract 262) said northwest corner also being a point 011 the southerly right-of- way line ofNE 24th St; Tbence northerly, crossing NE 24th St., to the southwest corner of L·ol 12, Stollenmayer Addition, as recorded in Volume 88 of Plats, Page 87, Records of King County, Washington, in an unnumbered Government Lm in the West half (112) of the Northeast quarter of said Section 5, said southwest corner also being the southwest corner of Tract 261 of said C.D. Hillman's take Washing.ton Garden of Eden, Div 4; Thence northerly, along the westline of said plat of Stollenmayer Addition and of said Tract 261, to the northwest corner of said plat and said Tract, said northwest corner also being;] point on the south line of Tract 255 of said C D Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div No 4; Thence westerly, along the south line of said Tract 255, to the most southwesterly corner thereof, said southwesterly comer also being the most southerly southeast corner of Iract 275 of said plat, said southeast corner also being a point on the south line of Lot 3 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number 86-010, as recorded under Recording Number 8609229011, Records of King County, Washington; Thence continuing westerly, along the south line of said Tract 275 and said Lot 3, to the most southerly sDutnweSl corner of said ~ ... ot 3, said southwest corner also being a point 114.00 feet easterly of the southwest corner of said Tract 275; Thence northerly, along the courses of the west line of said Lot 3, to the most northerly northwest corner of said Lot 3, said corner also being a point on the north line of Tract 277 of said plat, said north line also being the south line of City of Renton Short Plat Number 92-196. as recorded under King County Recording Number 94122(\9001, Records of King County, Washington~ Thence easterly, along the south line of said short plat, to the most southerly southwest corner of Lot 3 of said shon plat; 1hence northerly, along the courses of the west line of said Lot J, to the most northerly northwest corner thereof, said northwest corner also being a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Jones Avenue NE~ Thence eastl:'riy. along the north line of said Lot 3, to the most westerly northwest corner of Lot 4 of said short plat: Thence easterly. along the courses of the north line of said Lol4, to the northeast corner thereof; Thence southerly, along the east line of said Lot 4, to the southeast corner thereof, said southeast corner also being a point on the north line of said Tract 277~ Thence easterly. along said north line of said Tract 277, to the most northeasterly corner thereof, said northeasterly corner also teing the most northerly northwest corner of T ra.ct 257 of said pl::lt; H \F1l E SYS\I ND\f1I\OO 1 5001:\ • en ~" = = = '"'" = = = = = '" Thence easlerly .• dong the Ilorth line of said Tract 257, to the northeast corner thereof, said nOr!he~Ft corner also being (\ point on the westerly right-of-way line of Aberdeen Avenue NF~ Thence e;:}ste.rly, cros.sing s;lid Aberdeen Avenue NE, to the intersection of the west line of Tract 240 (It said plat and a line lying 80 reet south of, and paraliel with, the north line or said Tract 240, said poi"t also bClng on the easterly right-of.way line of said Aberdeen Avenue NE, in an unnumbered Governmellt Lot in tlte East half (112) of the Northeast quarter oFsaid Section 5; Thence soulheasterly, along said parallel line, a dislance of 100 feet, to a point on Ihe west line oFlol of Cily of Re11l0n Short PIO! No 84·020-SHPL, as recorded under King COllnly Recording Nil 840807900 I, Records of King County, Washington; Thence sOtltherly, along said west line of Lot I, a distance of 20 feet. lo the southwest corner of s3id Lot I; Thence easterly, along the ~;outh line of said sbort plat, to the southeast corner of Lot 4 of said short plat, said southeast corner also ~eing a point on a line lying 40 feet westerly of, and parallel with, the cast line ofTracl 2)7 of said CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div No 4; Thence soulllerly, along said parallel line, to an intersection with the south line of said Tract 237, s,]ld south line also being Ihe north line of Tract 236 of said plat~ Thence easterly. along said north line, to the northeast corner of said Tract 236, said northeast corner aho being the nortbw~st corner of Tract 223 of said plat; Thence easterly, along the nonh line of said Tract 223, to the northeast comer thereof, said nortileaSI corner also being the nort}'west corner of the plat of J. R Gatten Addition, as recorded in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 65, Records of King County, Washinglon; Thence easterly, along the north line of said plat, to the northeast corner thcreof~ said northeaSI tOfll~r also being the northwest corner of Tract 205 of said C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Edc'l. Div No 4: Thence easterly, along the north line of said Tract 20S, to an intersection with a line lying 80 feet westerly of, and parallel with, Ihe e"sl line of Tract 204 of said plat; Thence northerly, along s<'Iid parallel Hne. to an intersection wilh the north line of said Tract 204, said north line also being the southerly righl-of-way line ofNE 17th Sireet; Thence southeasterly, alo:lg said north line of Tract 204 and said southerly right-of-way line, to the northeast corner of said Tract 204, said northeast corner also being a point on the westerly right-of.wa) line of Edmonds Avenue NE; Thence easterly, clossing said Edmonds Avenue NF, to the intersection of the easterly right-_Qf-way line of Edmonds Avenue NE ,nd the southerly right·oF-way line ofNE 27lh Streel, in Government Lot ~ of said Secliol1 4; II \Ht f; SYS\lND\OI\OOt5 doc\ en '" = = = --or = = = = = "" Thence easterly, along the courses of the southerly right~of-way line orNE 27th Street, to an intersection wilh a line lying 161 28 feel westerly of, and parnllel with, Ihe eaSiline of said Government lot 4; Thence southerly, along said parallel line, to an intersection with the south line of said Government Lot 4, said 50llth line also being the north line of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 4; Thence conlil\uing southerly. "long the southerly extensron of said p-arallel line:, to an intersection with the north line of said Aloha Ranch No 2 plat; Thence e(]steriy. along said north line, to the northeast corner of said plat. and the point of beginning ]-I \riLE SYS\l ND',[)I\1)1I1:' dllc\ 6 ----------_. en "" = = = ~ = = = = = "" EXHIBIT "A" EAST KENNYDALE SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FRONT AGE CHARGE The lands included within the East Kennydale Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District for the frontage charge are in thOSf' pori ions of Sections 4 and 5, all in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M . City of Renton, King County, Washington, lying within the following described district boundary line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Aloha Ranch No 2, as recorded in Volume 82 of Plats, Page 3, records of King County, Washington in the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 4; Thence southerly, along tin: east line of said plat, to the southeast corner thereof; Thence westerly, along the south line of said plat, to the southwest corner thereof, said sOllthwest corner also being the southeast COl ner of Aloha Ranch, as recorded in Volume 77 of Plats, Page 7, records of King County, Washingron; 1hence continuing westerly, along the south tine of said plat, to the southwest Corner thereof, said southwest corner being a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Edmonds Avenue NE; Thence westerly. crossing said right~of~way. to the southeast cotner of Lot I, Block], Bel-Shane Additioll. as recorded in Volume 63 of Plats, Pages 38 and 39, records of King County, Washington, in the Southeast quarter of lht~ Northeast quarter of said Section 5; Thence westerty, along the south line of Lots I through 5, inclusive, of said Block 1, to the southwest corner of said Lot 5, said southwest comer being a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Dayton Avenue NE; Thence westerly across saiJ right-of-way, to the southeast comer of Lot I, Block 2 of said plat; Thence westerly along the south line of said Lot I, to the southwest cornef thereof; Thence northerly, along the west line of said tot I> to the northwesl corner thereof, said northwest corner being a point on the southerly right-of-way line of NE 24th Street; Thence westerly, along said southerly right~of-way line, crossing Camas Avenue NE and Blaine Avenw! NE, to the northeast corne, of Tract 242 ofeD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden or Eden, Div No 'I, as recorded in Volume II, Page 82, records of King County, Washington; Thence southerly along the east line of said Tract 242, to an intersection with a line lying 37575 feet northerly or, and parallel with, the south line of said Tract 242; Thence westerly, along saId parallel line, to an intersection with the easterly righl~of~way line of Aberdeen Avenue NE.: Thence continuing westerly. along the westerly extension of said parallel !tne, crossing said Aberdeen Avenue NE, to an intersection with the westerly right-of~way line of Aberdeen Avenue NE, said westerly right-of-way line also being the east line of Tract 253 of said plat, in the Southwest quarter of the Northe"l quarter of said Section 5; It \FlLl: SYS\l,ND\{J!\lllJI'f Jo.ll:\ en "" = = = .~ = = = = = C'< Thence southerly. along said westerly Tight-or-way line and said easlllne of Tract 25], to an intersection with the south line of the North hl1lf(1/2) of said Tr.1ct 2S}; Thellce westerly, along said south line, to an intersection with the west line of said T fact 253; Thence northerly, along said west linc, to tbe most southerly southwest corner of l.ot 4, City of Rentoll Shan Pial No 97-08J-SHPL, as recorded under King CounlY Recording No 9805149005, records of King COllnly, Washington; Thence northerly, along the courses of the west line of said tot 4, to the northwest corner thereof, said norlhwes( corner also being a point on the southerly rigbt-of~way line of NE 24th Street; Thence easterly. along the north line of said short ptat and said southerly right-of-way line, to the most nOrlherly northeast corner of Lot 7 of said short p!at~ Thence northeasterly, crossing the intersection of said Aberdeen Avenue NE with s.aid N£ 24th Street, to the soulhwesl corner ofTra"t 241 of said CD. Hillman's L.ake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No 4 ill the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 5; Tilence nonherly, along the wesl lille of said TracI 241 and Ihe easlerly righl-of-way line of said A berdee.n Avenue NE, to the. northwest comer of said 1 ract 241, in an unnllmbered Government Lot in Ihe East Half (112) of the N,)rtheasl quaner of said Seclion 5; Thence westerly. crossing sl3.id Aberdeen Avenue NE, to the southeast corner of Tract 255 of said plat, if! an unnumbered Governmenl Lot in Ihe Wesl half (Ill) of Ihe Nonheast quarter of said Section 5; Thence continuing westerly. along the south line of said Tract 255, to the most southerly southwest corner thereof, said southwest comer also being the most southerly southeast corner of Tract 275 of said ptat, said southeast corner also being a point on the south line of Lot 3 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjoslment No. 86-0 10, as recorded under Recording No. 86092290 II, records of King Counly, Washinglon; Thence continuing westerly. along said south line of said Tract 275 and said Lot3, to the most southerly southwest corner of said Lot 3~ said southwest corner also being a point 114 00 feet easterly of the southwest Corner of said Tnct 275~ Thence northerly, along the courses of the west line of said Lot 3, to the most northerly northwest corner of said Lol J, said northwe,1 comer also being a point on the north line of Tracl 277 of said plat, said north line also being the south line of City of Renton Short Plat No. 92-196, as recorded under King Coonly Recording No. 9411209001, records of King Counly, Washington; Thence easterly, atong tbe !;outh line of said short plat. to the most southerly southwest corner of Lot J of said short plat, Thence northerly, along the courses of [be west line of sClid Lot 3, to the most northerl)1 northwest COrner thereof, said northwest corner also being a point on the easterly right-or-way line of Jones Avenue NE; Thence easterly, along the north line of said Lot J, to the most westerly northwest comer of Lot 4 of said short pial; Thence easterly, along the :ourses of the north line of said Lot 4, to the northeast corner there_of; Thence southerly. along the east line of said Lot 4. to the southeast comer thereof. said southeast corner also being a point on the north line of said T fact 277; II \lltE SYS\!.N()\!\I\I\(I14 Um.;\ 2 en c~ = = = = = = = = C'-' Thence easterly. along said north [ine of said Tract 277, to the most northerly northeast corner thereof. said tlOr1heast corner also bdng the most northerly northwest corner of Tract 257 of said p!;H: Thence easterly. along the north line of said 1 ract 257, to the northeast corner thereof, said northeast corner ,,[so being a point on the westerly right-or-way line of Aberdeen Avenue NE; fhence c:lsterly, crossing sa.id Aberdeen A venue NE, to the intersection of the west line of T met 240 of said pial and a line lying 80 feel soulh of, and parallel with, the north line of said Tmel, said poinl also beillg on the eflslerly right-of-way lille of said Aberdeen Avenue NE, in an unnumbered Governmcn! L-ot ill the East half (1/2) orthe Northeast quarter of said Seclion 5; Thence southeasterly, along said parallel line, a distance of 100 feel, to a point on the west line of LOI J of City or Renton Shorl Pial No. 84-020, as recorded under King Counly Recording No 8408079001, records of King County, Washing1on~ Thellee: soutIH~rly> along said west line of LOI 1, a distance of20 feel, to the southwest corner of said Lot I Thence easterly, along the !,outh line of said short plat, to Ihe soulheast corner of Lot 4 of said short pial, said soulheasl corner also being a point on a line lying 40 feet westerly of and paraliel wilh, the east lint of T racl 2J 7 of said C D Hillman '5 Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div No 4; Thence southerly> along said parallel line, to an intersection with the south line of said Tract 237, said sOllth line also being Ihe north line of Tlacl236 of said plat; Thence easterly, along said north line, to the northeast corner of said Tract 136, said northeast corner also being rhe northwest corner of Tract 223 of said plat; Thence easterly, along the north line of said Tract 223, to the northeast corner thereof, said northeast corner also being tbe northwesl comer of J.R. Galten Addition, as recorded in Volume 66 of Plats, Page 65, records of King Count}, Washington; Thence southerly. along the east line of said Tract 223 and the west line or said plat, to the northwest corner or lot I of said pIaL Thence easterly, along the north line of Lot 1, to the northeast corner thereof. said northeast comer being a point all Dayton A venue NE; Thence continuing easterly, ctossing said Dayton Avenue NE, to the northwest corner of loot 14 of said plat; Thence easterly, along the north line of said Lot 14, to the northeast corner thereof, said northeast comer also being a point on the west line of Tract 205 of CD Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Oi'\' No 4; 1hence northerly, along said west line of said Tract 205. to an intersection \',,-itll a line lying 126 feet northerly of, and parallel v/ith, the south line of said Tract 205; Thence eas.terly, along said paralJelline, to an intersection with a line lying 100 feet westerly of, and parallel with, the east line nfsaid Tract 205; Thence southerly. along said parallel line. to an intersection with a line lying 100 feet nortnerly-of, and parallel wilh, Iho soulh lin' of said Tract 205; Tllence easterly, along said parallel line. to an intersection with the. east line of said Tract 205, said east lillE! also being the westerly right-of-way line of Edmonds Avenue NE; II \F1l.E s YSI! N[)\O non 14 uocl = = = = = '" Thence easterly. crossing s<lid Edmonds Avenue NE. to the northwest corner of said Alahn R<lnch pillt s;\id northwest corner also being iJ. point 011 the easterly right~of~way line of said E.dmonds Avenue NE 111 the Southwest quarter of thr! Northwest quarter of said Section 4~ Thellce continuing easterly, along the north line of said plat, to the northeast corner thereof, said 1l01lhCJSI corner also being the northwest comer of said Aloha Ranch No.2 plat; Thence continuing easterly. along the north line of said plat, to the northeasl corner thereof, and the roinl of beginning II \rIL[ SYS\1. Nmo nDo 14 c.lo~\ 4 20000101,000291 r --------~------~ ~CrJ r(' -~ /(, '1 P , IQ'fi'f hi R' ~ \C/ " "'- -;:~;:::;::;:; AREA ONLY EAST KENNYDALE INTERCEPTOR c:::' " " I FRONTAGE & AREA SPECIAL ASSESSll'lENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY o 500 1000 i,:"~"": ... ,,,,j""3"''"'''fil EXHIBIT _B __ _ 20040825000604001 Return Address: City Clerk's OffIce CIty of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 PI ease prm or yp in , ton I 0 form't WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 65 ()4) --- Document Title(s) (or IriUlSilcllons contamed !.herem) (<III areas applicable lO your document musl be filled m) I Ordmance No 5082 2 -' 4 -._--- Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: AddltlOna~ reference #'5 on pagl! ___ of document Grantor(s) (Last name first name, ImtHlls) 1 CIt~ of Remon , . 2 , Addllion[lj names on page _ of document Grantee(s) a,ost nome firsl. then first name and Initials) I , 2 , Addlllonn] nLlmes on page _ uf document I I Legal description (llbbrevJat{!d 1 c lot block, plat or sccuon, townshtp, mnge) -i The south Vz of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sectwil 4, Townsrup 23 North, Range 5 East, W M m the Cuy of Renton, Kmg County, Washmgton AddltlonOlllcgal IS on pages 3-5 of <:ocument (E).lubn: A) i---... Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number o Assessor Tax # not yet asstgned 3343900203 and others The AudltorlRecorder wlll rely .)n the mformatlon provided on the form The staff w!lJ not read the document to venfv _he accuracy or compleleness of Ole mdeXing mformatton Erovlded herein I am requcstmg an emergency nonstandard recordmg for an addItIOnal fee as provlded m RCW 36 18.010. I understand that the recordmg processmg reqUIrements may cover up or otherWise obscure some pare of the I,)"t on the ongmal document . ______ . ___ . ____ Slgnatme of Requestmg Party , I CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5082 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIDNGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTIUCT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVlCE FOR PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO EDMONDS A VENUE NE, NE 20TH STREET, NE 22N1) STREET, NE 23 RD STREET, NE 21 ST STREET, HARIUNGTON PL NE, GLENWOOD AVENUE NE, AND NE 2570 STREET, AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPOJ\; CONNECTION TO THE FACll,ITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIllNGTON. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS' SECTION I. There IS hereby created a Sanitary Sewer ServIce Special Assessment District for the area served by thc East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase II project in the north gumlrant of the City of Reolno and within King County. which area IS more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. A map oftlJe service area is attached as Exhibit "B" The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges While this cOlmection charge mny be paid at any time, the City does not 20040825000604.002 require payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and, thus. benefiting from the sewer [ac!lllles. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the reqUIrement. by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this dislnct SECTION II. Persons connecting to tlJe sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District, and whose properties have not been charged or assessed WIth all costs of the East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Jnfill Phase II as detailed 10 this ordimmce. shall pay tlJe fOUOW1Og additionnI fees, in addition 10 the payment oftbe connection permit fee and the sy~em development charge: .. " . "\. I(,C j '. CERTIFICATE ,u~.· ...... ".. I, the undersigned City Clo;;tk ofthe...J ..... ~ "--0 City of Renton, Washingtvn, certiF5( : ': ~ that this is a true and correct c6p~}& .' :::, ' QrdiOl?!!ce 'II SOIf:J. . Subscribed :; . and sealed this Ii?'aay of ·:nme,-20 0:"" . ..&au, u'vf W~ City Clerk ORDJNANCE NO 5082 A. Per Unit Cbargc. New connections of residential units shall pay a ree of $5,20K87 per dwelling unil. SECTIONllI. In addition to the afurestated charges, there shall be a charge of 5.93% per aanum added 10 the Special Assessment District charge. The interest cborge slh111 accrue for no more than ten (10) years Ji'om the date this ordimnce becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple mleres! and not compound mlerest SECTIONlV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its pasSIlge, approval and thirty (30) days after publicahon PASSED BY nm CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of_....:J:':un=e. ___ ~, 2004 .f1..ttM n''''/' Wo~ Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 20040625000604.003 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR!lus 14th day of June _~,2004. APpr~~~ Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney Dale of Publication' .. 6/1~/2004 (Surrmary) ORD.l115:5125104.ma 2 Ordinance No. 5082 EXHIRlTA EAST KENNYDALE SANITARY SEWER INFILL PHASE n SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTlON The south one-half (1/2) of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarler of SeellOn 4, Townsillp 23 North, Range 5 East, W M , 1D Ihe CIty of Renton, Kmg Couoly, Washmgton, EXCEPT Ihe east haH (112) of the sOUlh one-half (1I2) of Ihe south one-half (112) of satd subdlvJSlOn, and EXCEPT streets (Edmonds Avenue NE. NE 23'd Streel, NE nnd Street, NE 21" Street and Harrmgton Place NE), TOGETHER WITH that porhon of the Sontheast gUllrler of the Northwest quarter of satd Sectlon 4, descnbed "s follows Commencmg at the southwest comer of srud subdIVISIon, Thence North Oi)" 53' 30" East, along U,C west Ime of Said subdlV1SlOll, a dIstance of 370 77 feet, 10 the southeast comer of a parcel owned by Randal and Catheone 1 Connan per Deed recorded under KIng County Recordmg No 8604040101, satd soulhea,1 coroer being the True Poml of Begmrung of IIll, descoptron, Thence contmumg North ~O" 53' 30" Eust, along the west Ime of saId SubdlVlslon, a distance of 232.90 feel, Thence South 83" 18' 09" East, a dIstance of 4 99 feet, to the begrnnmg of" curve to the fJghl, SaId curve havrng a radms of 2000 feet, Thence southea:;terly wong srud curve, an arc dIstance of 32 74 feel, Thence South 0,·29'49" West, n dlstnncc of 115 64 feot, to the beglllnmg of a curve to the left sard curve havmg a rarllUs of 103000 f""t, Thence southelly along s:ru.d curve, an arc dl.stance of 9622 feeL, Thence North 83° 18' 36" West, a drstance of 12 J3 feet, to tile True Pornt of Begmnmg 20 040B250 00604.004 Oralnance No. 5082 EXHIBIT A EAST KENNYDALE SANITARY SEWER INFlLL PHASE II SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA "B" LEGAL DESCRlPTJON' The north ISIS feet of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of SectIOn 4, fownslnp 23 NOIth, Range 5 East, W M, In the CIty of Renton, Kmg County, Wnsirmgton, EXCEPT the street O:ldmonds Avenue NFl, TOGETHER WITH the plat of Huselands lsr Add,uon, accordmg to the plat thereof, recorded In Volume 54 of Plats, Page 26, Records of Kmg County, Washmgton. EXCEPT Lot 2 thereof, and EXCEPT streets (NE 20'" Street, Glennwood Avenue NE) 20040825000604.005 Orolnance No. 5062 EXHIBIT A EAST KENNYDALE SANITARY SEWER INFILl, PHASE n SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA "C" LEGAL DESCRIPT.ION Lots 2 through 8, mclmave, of Block 1, Edendale, accordmg to the plat tnereof, recorded m Volume 60 of Plats, Page 81, Records of KlDg County, Wasiungton, TOGETHER WITH U,e west 152 feet of the south 100 feet of the north ondlalf (112) of Tract 205, C D Htllrnan's Lake Washmgton Garden of Eden DlvlSlon No 4, accordmg to the plat thereof, le:orded tn Volume II of PIal" Page 82, Records of Kmg County, \Vashmgton, and TOGETHER WITH the north 126 feet of the south 252 feet of SaId Tract 205, EXCEPT the east 101) feel thereof, and TOGETHER WITH Ihe north 120 feet of the south 268 feet of the east 120 feet of Tract 206 of sa:rd plat, and TOGETIlliR WITH the south 90 feet of tile north 265 feet of Tract 208 of sard plat, and TOGETHER WITH the norOll75 feet of the east 13258 feet of said Tract 208; All sltuale In the east one·half (112) of Section 5, Townslup 23 North, Range 5 Eas~ W M., In the CIty of Renton, Kmg County, Waslllngton. 20040825000604.006 ORDINANCE NO. 5082 EXHIBIT "B" Page 1 of] EDMONDS AVE NE ~I ~ o tl ~ iii' If? If? If) rf!? M ro; ro; z a: IN r§'i a:: {}j IL m III li1 'l} "' <>-<::; g I ~ ~ ; ~1'" ~ fR N 'Il",'l Q ~ ;; ''I>~'/,'5 '" ' _--.lri-----L ru ~ -- <> C2305916 r<rff 0423059238 '" "' <> .;y ---"--~" (') 423059171 (\J 0)~1 0423059250 .. ~---~ Q P42305917 ~ , 0. ~17 0423059172 ---~4230591G~ :g r-------(') :J; 0423059159 0423059164 til -------~ 1-----ru 1 '04230591GE ~ 0423059159 ~--1----co ... ?4230591G !CI -0423059160 '" i I "' --<> (') 423059166 ~ I 0423059161 <> I _! L_ -- G059;- 0423059216 -~423059199 0" Iq.. I" 0". Z <"Ii! ~ ~ <"Q! m '& .;" '(s, ;j),f 't> ",J, ---~ ~ ~v ~ '" O',$'I t!I " 0>.:- ~ l'I-HARRIN 0 r ----_. - rr GTN AVE NE r 1------------ I~ o ! I?v ~ '& ~ I <"~ '& <?, "<ll ~ ~ ~ <i> ~ "0 ~-- I I 04,,3059188 0423059134 I 1 I J I I ~-------I i~t AREA "A" Z m - 20040825000604,007 --- -- LU Z 13 z o L o w iI'l I" I I <:> 0 <:> '" '" ru nJ ..,. ..,. In In [') (') ; NE 3542300035 '_-ll ORDINANCE NO. 5082 0423059056 iI'l 0 .... 0 nJ 0 <> 0 <:> '" 0 nJ [') ... (U (f) ... (") In , [') 20th If} ... 0 0 <:> (") ru ..,. \I) M I I I I EXHIBIT "B" Page 2 of 3 In 0 ru (') <:> <> <:> <> 0 0 [') [') (U (U ..,. ..,. If) In [') (") ST C> 0 iI'l tn \I) '"' C> '" C> 0 '" '" 0 (") 0 0 (U (") '" .,. i ru ru tn .,. ... '" If) (f) (') C') i I I AREA "8" 20040825000604.008 ------_.- ---- Ow Oz 3542300085 0 3: zw w> -. ---'<0: 3542300080 19 ~ t'--~542300075 .... " .... ~ , , In " ;]51£! '-" \ll I '" C> 300070' '" [') ru I ..,. If) C') ~ [ L .. ~/ L \ \ I I -----, I-~ --_. 2253,~00OI0 -------------_._- 2253200015 1------------ 2253200020 I -- 2253200025 .-.-- 225321)0030 --"._--------~-. 22532(10035 ---- 2253200040 NE 201H ST .- I 334391)0201 -- -.---- 343900209 334390020~: ORDINANCE NO. 5082 EXHIBIT "8" '" o '" o '" o w w z Page 3 of 3 '_L I , ~ .§> & ~<::i p,<::i ,;? .... "> Iri2 J'.."3 ~. & rg g & IK & !;! '" rl t? '" I , .- --- ~---- I .. - NE 24th Sf J w 'i: )g z 0 '" 0 w AREA "e" w Z Vl o z o 15 w 20040825000604.009 AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) ::s tF'F C LJ f:.J( (6 ___ ~-::--:-___ -:-_______________ " being first duly swom on oath, deposes and says: ?D . 1. On the ... ?" day of "'~l L-,20 0-' ,I Installed public information sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located at 7-1'5Z-HAiZ\Zl"'!:t]bN Pc.. Nt for the following project: Project name Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X' to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code. < ,20 07. Q:\WEB\PW/DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\pubsign.doc 05/2006 00" PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION rYiiiOf ,"diem: (PwtkIed llY AppjIesnt) p,*"NaJlle; g>RlWled bvJ\pp1loanl) SII*AcId-. ~ IlyAPilICanl) TO SUSIMT COMMI!NT8 OR OBTAIN ADDmONAL IN'ORMATION PlJ!AS~ o CONTACT CITY 01' Rl!NTON STAFF AT: Oevoiopmenl_DMsIon 1055 _ Grady way Reale., W8$Illngton - l"25) 430-7200 ,------SrrEMAP------- I I l&ml_ I , : Installed by AAalicant I L _________________ ~~ =CIJ ...uM!4for Oily ptoVIded I PUB1.IC I NOTlCl! PIeRse ref."""", Ill. project ... mIIor. II n •. ~5" J( 14" <> number Is .-...renonce lIle project name. _.. . , .. ta1ler In.tructlors: PI~ase ensure the bOttom or the sIgn doe5 not exclN<! 48' ffCO thio grounil. N01l!S: U$o4"x"'x lZ POSTS U$o'" x 8' x 112"PL YWOOD Uso112" x 3' GAlV.lAG BOlTS. WIWIISHCiRil LETTERING: IJao lEI.VIffiCA \.Im'EI'llNG, IIl.AOK ON wtlTE tJ.1.Cf«)ROU.NO. TInE 3" AU CAPS 0'ni!'R 11/'2" CAPS and 1" LOWER CASE Q:\WEB\PW/DEVSERV\Forms\Pianning'lpubsign.doc o <> OS/2006 Printed: 04-24-2007 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S, Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07 -043 04/24/200709:15 AM Receipt Number: R0701805 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: THACH NGUYEN & CAMIE NG Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #6678 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensi.ve Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00