HomeMy WebLinkAboutI.... ,. Cramer Northwest, Inc. o Surveyors oPlanners oEngineers LEVEL 1 DRAINAGE ANALYSIS OF BOB SINGH PLAT 190291201" AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 FOR BQBS!NGH P.O. BOX 98412 DES MOINES, WA 98148 JULY 5, 2007 C.N.I. JOB NO. 2006-186 Prepared by Paul J Nitardy, P.E. 945 N. Central, Suite #104 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 www.cramemw.com E-mail: cniift cramemw.com K.C. D.D.E.S. I. TASK1 II. TASK 2 Ill. TASK 3 IV. TASK4 V. TASK 5 APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS RESOURCE REVIEW FIELD INSPECTION DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT AND PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS TASK1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS TASK1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION This project is located at 19029 120u, Ave SE in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately 2.14 acres. We are proposing that the property be divided into nine residential lots, along with a drainage and recreation tract. Some of the lots will gain access directly from the new road to the south of the property, (Road A). The rest of the lots will gain access from JUD Tracts connected to Road A. The property has an existing home, garage, and concrete pathways, all of which will be removed. The existing house has a few bushes nearby, along with lots of grass, extending to the east property line. West of the existing buildings there is virtually no vegetation due to recent clearing and grading activity. The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the north to the south. There are approximately 3 acres of upstream area that flow to the site. We will plan to allow this flow to bypass our site by providing a separate system for conveyance. MAPS A vicinity map, sensitive areas map, aerial/topo map, and offsite drainage map can be found in the proceeding pages. vfap Output ® King County ) ,, ,I iii :; i ,I .I kl 11 SE 1EIJTtt ST SE 181STST · SE 1a2N0ST SE t&lRDPI. SE 18miPl SINGH -VICINITY MAP SE 179Tt-l ST 1.··1' ' l SE tamt ~ l~' . . I ,, ' •' SE 1l0Tlt ST -- SE 183TH ST ,1 I· ' ,, :1 ,, F // ., l! " SE:200TitST tCI 2005Kin,u County \ Panther Lake \ ~. \ \ SE tflBTH ST 11~AV£.SE Sf.l~Pl- SE19BTHST 0 SE 19!1THST SE 1ffltiCT '., .. Ill ~ ~ ,: S£.20JIU) Sf., . 0 'SE1A1STST ) J ,.) ,~ ,-..:;---· G f' I ( _ _._ __ ..... \ ,<!}"" 'sf..'1fl .. 15221l <J ,ne informatlon·included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and Is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy. completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such Information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages lnduding, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from ~ use or misuse of the infonnatton contained on this map. Any sale of this map or lnfofmatlon on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King .>unty. ,,Jate: 3-5-2007 Source: Kina Countv IMAP -Kina Countv Parks (htto://www.metrokc.aov/GIS/iMAP) http://wwwS.metrokc.gov/servletlcom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiccName=overview&ClientVersion=4.0 ... 3/5/2007 Map Output --i;:,----- (@) King County SE 1a3TiiST Iii ... " ~ !Cl 2005 Km; County ~ Selected Parcets -1 Counly Boundary I_ X Mountain Peak.s CAO Shoreline ConditDn rl •l·g-1 rl \4o:b.i p = Hgh·o\•ays /V lncor;:,orated Area Streets •! g-,,,';li .r· ,:· !\·-e::i'!. SINGH -SENSITIVE AREAS SE 18atlfST 0 Legend Par-:.els. ~ SAO Se is.mic. S.AO Stream SAO Erosbn ~ C/a!'?. 1 Cl~~2='c-CTl.:I ;,/ C:=s2S:srot1'1d ;-/ Cl.::r.:;s) :J:c=.~od D Lakes and Large River.;. /", .. / Streams [%1 Fbodway D 100 Year Floodplain m SAO Wetland ~ SAO Landslide e information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County akes no representations or warranties. express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such infonnation. King County all not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages Including. but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from e use or misuse of the \nfonnation contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map Is prohibited except by written permission of King aunty. te: 3-5-2007 Source: Kin Coun iMAP -Sensitive Areas htt ://wwW.metrokc. ov/GIS/iMAP http://www5.rnetrokc.gov/servlet/corn.esri.esrirnap.Esrirnap?ServiceNarne=overview&ClientVersion=4.0 ... 3/5/2007 Aap Output ® King County e Information Included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is sulJie<;t to change without notice. King County kes no representatiOns or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County hall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, Incidental, or consequential damages incJudlng. but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from ' use or misuse of the Information contained on this map. Any sa,e of this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King unty. ate: 3-5-2007 Source: Kl Coun IMAP -Sensitive Areas hit ://www.metrokc. ov/GISflMAP http://www5.metrokc.gov/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiccName=overview&ClientVersion=4.0 ... 3/5/2007 Map Output @King County he information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County akes no representations or warranties, express or Implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rtghts to the use of such Information. King County hall not be liable for any general. special, indirect, Incidental, or consequential damages including. but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from ~ use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or infonnatlon on this map Is prohibited except by written permission of King unty. ate: 3-5-2007 http://wwwS.metrokc.gov/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview&ClientVersion=4.0... 3/5/2007 iril .u ·-nt-1 i wul AAS I ~ I! I~ [§] ~ -w, r,;;. ~ ~ I I :US 11,; J+..ili. 60 ~ }00 159 ~ I 8S JS , S. E. i 188TH cl al~ I ~ ~ :• . I - I ; I .. ,., I ... _.,. I -'""" I •. ~· f! 11.§!ll~~ I • I - ~ __ L_f-1,o _ ~ -7& •, . --. ----=--.... 5 <L -ijU,n ""'-----. . -,. _ ----c;--· ST. ljJ I:! ,(E I ;;J 1; • i1 IJ i' 3 ~ 3fS.2.8 \ ),._l..,~J(~f;·~~ \ \_ uz-~ \ ~R ~\-1n--l _ 5 ·4::, TERN ,i s _ :--·. . l!!I TRAdfs--:/ 11 ::c }! ~RTi:-0.wEsrERN I GARDEN TRACTS . ~aD .~\m~,-; ~-· ~~ .. OFFS~TE DRAINAGE .MAPr 4 ARDEN 5 orv. 'I No. 4 5 . .:.~---illfs-w~ \ -·~::~:!} . 1,'! = 200' I 1 INO. 15 ' I . N , 6 7 9 '610,11 ll i!!i ,, ~II II !! sen:#t 6 W~E (21 I'-, l ') . I ;1 " l!il ( 11 !~ '~,· ii!: I 12 I I !:.. J~-i I 1 ! I I 1:u If-'9 ll I 81 l (2) ~. "'I t i ! II!~ I >I I - TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW Adopted Basin Plans and Finalized Drainage Studies: The property is located in the Soos Creek Basin Plan. Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports: No known reports are known to exist. Critical Drainage Area Maps: The site is not known to be located in any critical drainage areas. (FEMA) Maps: The site is located outside the 100 year flood plain. Other Offsite Analysis Reports: ESM Consulting Engineers, L.L.C. has produced a TIR for a development named Jessie Glen, part of which occupies the property directly south of our site. One King County related permit number for this project is L05SR054. Sensitive Areas Folio: There are no sensitive areas located on this site. DNR Drainage Problems Maps: Not applicable. Road Drainage Problems: Not applicable. King County Soils Survey: Soils on this site consist of Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slope (AgB). Wetlands Inventory Maps: There are no wetlands located on or near the site. Migrating River Studies: Not applicable. Drainage Complaints: Several reports are included in this level 1, but none of them are believed to be currently applicable. IINlFJILTRA'll'ION TEST & OBSERVATIONS Date: January 25, 2007 Site address: I 9029 120"' Ave. SE. Renton, WA 980S8 Job No. 2006-186 SQILLQGS; P.2 Ali requested, soil log holes were dug at the above referenced parcel of land. The test holes have been flagged and numbered for future inspections. CAUTION: IT IS THE RESPONSlBil..ITY OF THE PROPERTY OWI\'ER. TO COVER mE TEST HOLES TO PREVENT INJURY TO PEOPLE OR ~'f!MALS. Soil logs-#1: 0-12" disturbed/ fill soil, 12'' -23" brown sandy loam, water@ I 7''. #2: O standinil water. WAJER DROP TEST; #3: 0 -24" brown sandy loam, water @ 17". #4: 0 -32" brown sandy loam, water @ 31". #5: 0 -28" brown sandy loam, water @ 27'' · #6: O -25" brown sandy loam, @ 25" gray sandy loam water@ 25" Soil log # l : No water drop test due to only 5" of soil. Soil log fl. 2 : No water drop test due to standing water. Soil log # 3 : No drop. Soil log# 4: 6.0" -21.0" @2.0 MPJ. Soil log# 5 : 7.0" -19.5" @ 2.4 MPI. Soil log# 6: 6.0" -14.S" @3.5 MPI. OBSERVAJJONS; Standing Mier was observed in the area indicated on the attached site map. No other ttigntt'i<;ant storm water iSsucs observed on this rite or Sllfflllllldill properties. Bunon N. Staton ..,.._._. .._...,. .._v.....-uv• _.~, rp,vri, w~1•-,-~~· .~,,- rnm ------. --.:-.. . : ~ ·;rs .a/\V IUOZL "' °" i ~' "! ~ s« ~ -d,,_4,., ~ <'1 .. • -~ 9 7.'. ~ ~ :-d.. ~ ~~· '·~ 'lo ~ ~ ~~ ~ <@, ~ ~ ~ :::2. <f-==' P,3 , I n I ti <D i'tl. -;.., 'r. ~(,:I . .; .,. :; 'I ~ ;; II ,,_ !::i ~ J ~ .. s§ ;:i - ~ ~ ,1•1, 1/, l'JV/ £,'J.JII! !\ ,1111,1 VV, 11 :.1\LJ '\IJ, J\I) i r. ! King County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division 201 S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 FAX To: Pru,J,'-fu·b,~- ;~~~?5\:J~k)"1$h6 Date: <' Num~r·of pages including cover sheet: -"...}"---- From: Cindv Torkelson Wl,R Stormwarer Services Section Phone: 206-296-192.0 Fax Number: 206-296-0192 IMPORT ANJ LEVEL 1 ANALYSIS NOTE: \\' e do not send copies of certain complaint types that are not relevant such as BCW, FI, FIR, FIH and WQA, and we do not send CL and LS types. See key below. Type S 1, S2 and S3 "'ill not be faxed due to size constraints. The followi11g is a list of complaint types received by the Water and Land Resources Stormwater Services Section. Complaint numbers beginniog prior to 1990-:XXXX have been archived and are no longer in our possession. They can still be retrieved, if necessll!'Y, but will take additional time and may not be beneficial to your research due to their age, development which has occuned, etc. If you ~.re interested in reviewing the actual complaints, they can be pulled (time pennitting) for your review. Copies can be obtained for $ .15 per page, and $2.00 per page for plans. &!1l. Jna nf Tr,ve;rif1ntion · C Action ltequtJ.L BCW llusloeS$' l\,rCl<on Wm CCF 11,sponsc Co lnGuiry 'CL C>lm EH elJforcemcnt 011 Ho!~ Er< Enfor~mem R.nicw FCC,FCR,FCS fooilil)' Complailltl Fl SWM foe tnquiry FfR S'Wl.f F~ R.~lt:W FIil SWM F .. on Hold • LS LttWSuit RR Fl!dllty &iJncc;iDg Iteview 1>1JA Nelj;hborhocd Diainap An~,...,. WQC w ... rQualityCOllll)llint WQE Wa~Quality Enforcetn.e111 WQR Water Quality Engin&!,rinJ Rovtcw WQA Wate< Qlla}jty Auu~ WQO Water Qu,llily-OU..r S \ .SZ,SN3 En;ln,<rlnJ Srudics .. /~;f ... ·,'.t .. '' Ire• of Pr.J!l!km DCA l>DM DES DLE OTA lliQ MMA MMF MMG MMM MNM MNW SWF WQB WQD-", WQI Rl'M NWD Oe\·elopm;m/Corutmclior: Drwni.ge • l\fsscell:m«>u., Drainage-Er::,siou/Scdim,;nratfo11 Dnlnagr-Land,lid'1&nn Movewnt D1'1lnageTechni.elM A~isttf!ee llnln'I" ~ Ome,U: lnqsiJy MalntellaAce -A~etlcs Maimt~a.nc!!: -Ploodine: Maintenance • Gcntt3I Mtlnterunct. Mowing Mcintern1ncc -N&edi:: MlilnWDtmct Mnlrrtcnane4>NoXi(ID! WccclJ SWM Fee Qutstious W&er Qu.a.llly-Ucst :Manag-~nt Practict~· Watet Qo.aJity-Dumpin3 W;l!er Qu.Mty .. rJ.icit C<:n!le<.'tion SWM Fee -Retnell.S11rcment SWM f"-Orm,t S'WM FCQ--Ni.w Dh:cuuut ,. ~'t1'I, i), L\J~!/ L:lJJriV :\!!1\.1 1.,v. Y'!:..:w NlJ. ;:_; j I ~· i. WDg l:oDBty Water amt Land Dasouroes Dlllisiun -IJralnaga Servlllll8 Banllea t:onQdalllt search Printed ; 01119/20077:26:45 AM ~ : ijplel'~ Aillti'918 or Pnllllom · lllllDDt8 TllroaPt.ga rlWldl9I' 1975.0076 C FLOG RDWY/FW'D/112TH AVE SEISE 186TH ST 6801:2 1977.0003 C DRNG 12207 SE 192N0ST @ GOLDEN HILLS 686F3 1977~72 C FLOG 12202 SE192ND ST 6B6F2 1978-0028 C DRNG 20206 106TH AVE SE 686E:l 1978-0080 C PONDING 19248 121ST PL SE EAST OF BENSON HWY 6SOF2 1978-0081 C DRNG 19248 121STPLSE 886F2 1~79-0047 C 11403 SE204TH ST SOIL BULLDOZED/P/JJTHER LK AREA 686E2 1981-0081 C DRNG 1S917 122NDPL SE BLOCKED/EAST HILL ~.REA 686F3 1981-0215 C DRNG 19918 122NDPL SE C/9 CAVING IN B86F3 1982.0539 C FLOG 12BCC SE 192N0ST EAST KENT AREA 686F2 1983-0194 C DRNO 1oeTH AVE SE 6S6E::l 1983-0199 C 10860 SE 196TH FILLING & GRACING 1!86E3 1983-0424 X DRNG 12628 Se202NDPL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 68SF3 1964-0095 C FLOG 20204 106TH AVE SE 686E.3 1984-J313 R FLOG 13250 SE 192ND ST TO ROADS DIVA 688F2 1984-0314 C FLDO 13250 SE 192ND ST SE 192ND ST/134TH AVE SE 686F'2 1984--0324 C DRNG SE 204TH ST/124TH AVE 686F,! 1988-0702 C DRNG 12240 .SE 200TH ST MAINTENANCE OF LOT 686F3 1986-1166 C FLOG 11202 SE 1BllTH ST S,ORM OVERFLOW 686E2 19E6-11B5 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST SEE B6-1168 BRYANT, BILL eaae2 1966-1190 C FLDG 11001 SE 186TH ST BASEMENT GEinNG WATER $861::2 1987-0246 C FLOG 202;ie 127TH PL SE WATER FROM NEIGHBORS S7-091e 68SF3 1987-0334 C DRNG 11202 SE 166TH ST CU~VERTS BLOCKED 86-1166, 1195 688E2 1987-0471 C FLOG 11202 SE 188TH ST SPRINGGL::N 8€-1166, 1185 68652 1ee1-os4s C DRNO 18827 109TH AVE SE INADEQUATE SYSTEM 68SE~ 1987-0875 C DITCH 19407 124TH AVE SE DAAINAGE OITCH ON PROl'ER'l"Y ;asf3 1987-1049 C ro RD COORD 04/27/67. 686F2 1968-0238 C FLOG 18431 120TH AVE SE NEW DRIVEWAY WILL n: FLOOD 5BSF2 1988-0238 ER PIPE 18431 120THAVE SE NEED EXTENS!ON OF 42" CULVERT 6B6F2 1988-0551 C DRNG 20002 124TH AVE SE FILL IN WETLANDS 9MF3 1999-0003 C ORNG 18612 120TH AVE SE INCREASED RUNOFF/CHANt;EL 565F2 1989-0019 C DRNG 19400 124TH AVE SE DITCH MAINTENANCE 683,'3 1989-0192 C DRNG 18612 120TH AVE SE X ?IPENOT WORKING 6B6F2 1989-0410 C ORNG 12213 SE 199TH ST PONDING IN DRA'NAGE i:JI.SEMENT 685F3 1989-0650 C DRNG 18631 111n, PL SE .SNV DRNG AND DAMA<3E 685E2 1069-0700 X ORNG 18631 111THPL SE WATER ON S[)EWALK/89-0650 FRITON 666E2 1990-0076 C ORNG 11254 SE 186TH ST PLUGGED CULVERTtiTORM 686E2 J~Y, t,, LV~I · i,VJflV /\! II~ \,'J. 'ftt.,'\V COIDDIBIJJt : r,i::i or Pl'i1lllllm Ul!ro88 or Problem COJnmunl8 TIJl'OS Plll!B ftllmbar 1990--0141 C FLOG 16400 112TH AVE SE POND OVERFLOW/90-0149,235,372/STOR 686E2 1Q9C-0149 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST R/0 POND OVERFLOW,'ROBERT/ STORM E 68BE2 wec-0231 C ORNG 18426 112TH AVE SE IUD PONO OVERFLOW/STORM 90-274,37 58BE2 1990-0235 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST WATER IN BASEMENT/STORM/90•141,149, 686E2 199C-3274 C FLOG 11022 SE 184TH PL R,1J POND FLOODED/STORM 6881:2 19S0-0342 C FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST RID POND/ROBERTI STORM EVENT 685E2 1990-0372 X DRNG 11202 SE 186TH ST RID PONDS OVERFLC-W918(l-141, 149,235,2 685E2 199().()664 Ell M~HOLE 12400 SE 201ST PL FALURE·LINDA CREST ?LAT DIV 1 & 2 eeaFs 1990.0709 CL FLOG 18604 112TH .'WE SE CL#12959 SEE Cl.#13224 DUE DEC!::MBE 66BE2 1990-0884 C DRNG 18427 112THAVE SE RID PONO DRAIN/\GEISTORM 685E2 1GS0-1061 CL FLOG 11202 SE 166TH ST . CL#13224 SEE CL#129S9 OARAGE FLOO 696E2 1Sli0-1063 C ORNG 12025 SE 196TH ST SPRING HILL ONEIOITCH NOT DRAINING 686F3 1990-1186 CL FLOG 11044 SE 186TH ST MEMOii<UDDELLS sru:,y r.:1 ~A 936E2 19SC-1212 C DITCH 11044 se 1813TH ST RD/SIDE DITCH-FILU90-118B 6B6E2 199().1212 E FILUDIT 11044 SE 18SIB ST WILL START WORK 09/20 CHK ON 09,'20193 586E2 199().1212 ER FILUDIT 11044 SE 186TH ST HUDELLS STUDY 666E2 1990-1226 C ORNG 18615 107TH AVE SE FLOOOED BASEMENT/SAO ROADWAY 6S~E2 199().1445 C DRN/3 16427 112TH AVE se Rtt> ?ONO OVERFLOWING TO STUOY/91-1 eaec2 1890-1530 SR FLOG 18427 112THAVE SE STORM EVENT 688E2 1990-1631 SR FLOG 184'.!7 112THAVE SE STORM EVENT NOT NO/\P 6S5E2 1991-01SO C DRNC 18624 112TH AVE SE B88E2 1991-01SO SR ORNG 18824 112THAVE SE NOTNDAP 686E2 1991-0196 C FLOG 1842S 112TH AVE SE 686E2 1991-0195 SR FLOG 18425 112TH AVE SE NOTND/\P 686E2 1991-0253 C DRNG 11254 SE 186TH ST 8861:2 1991-0299 C FLOG 19835 121ST AVE s~ OVERFLOW OFF PIPES 6B6F3 1991-0299 SR FLOG 19835 121ST AVE. SE REFER TO BALC 6a6F3 1WHl338 C FLOG 11214 se 196TH ST LEVEL OF FANTHER L;.KE/STORM EVENT 686E3 1991-0338 SR FLOG 11214 SE 196TH ST STORM EVENT NOT NOAP eese3 1991-0426 C FL01>. 12100 SE 137TH ST WASHOUT OF ROADIDEVELOPEM!afff S86F3 1991-0438 S1 SPK TO FINISH S1 3/4 -62 TO '92 CON 686E2 1991-0667 CL DRNl3 18427 112TH AVE SE SEE 91-0438 SEE RUDDELLS 686E2 1981-0837 C OAMAClECB 19001 116THAVE SE C/B BELOW GRADE 66652 1991-1005 C DRAINAGE 12213 SE 19gTHST PONDING IN YARD/FENCING 6S6F3 1001-1085 C FLOG 11200 sE 166THST liUDDELL POND OVERFLOW 686E2 1991-1120 LS FLOODING 193DO 10BTHAVE SE S86E3 1991-1132 C DRAINAGE 19006 116TH AVE SE INFCTO PM&O 686E2 1991-1149 X FLDGR/C 11200 ss 184TH ST CCF# SWM-1G31 RID PONO CAPICITY 686E2 1991-116~ C DRAINAGE 11007 SE 186Tri ST INFO TO BALO OIU./PARKJN\'.:i LOT EXP.A.NS 686E3 1994-0038 C PONDING 11430 SE 192ND ST FOSS GRADING/FILLING VIOLATION 686E2 Pas• 2 of 4 ·: n V. I 1, I.') VI /., 'JI I 1, I\ J; •tlJ VV, 111. l'.'1 .~V, .)V .) I ~t 'IYll8 ~OfA'OIIIDDI Cllmmlillfa TflraB PtliJU l'l151181' CIIIIB TYJJ8 Of l'i'Olll1IBI 1BS4-0498 C DrTCH 19701 121STAVE SE GRAVEL DUMPED IN ROADSIDE OITi;H 686Eo 1966-0226 WQC MUD F'LOW SE 196TH & 118TH A SE RFDDES GRADING 686E3 1995-tl594 C DITCH 19803 121STAVE se REQUEST TO ENCLOSE R/S DITCH 586E3 1&95-0974 C FLOODING 19701 121STAVE SE APPARENT OSSTRUCTION IN R/S DITCH 665E3 5 1egs..1oe7 C RUNOFF 1!1831 121ST AVE SE EROSION FROM NEW SCHOOc CONST M6E3 0 19!18-0243 C DRNG 19531 121ST AVE SE DOWNSTREAM IMF'ACT SCHOOL OEVEc.O eeae3 "' RUN OFF 19526 122ND PL '< I-19~245 C SE SPRING HILL ELEMENTARY INFO RDS orr 68BF3 "" 1998-0788 C FLOG 12232 SE 200TH ST FLOODING CUE TO STORM ANO SUBSTN SS8F3 !:::! ,I:, "' 1998-0TSS NOA FLOG 12232 se 200TH ST FLOODING DUE TO STO.~M ANO SUBSTN 59SF3 "' Lu :x 1996-0788 R FLOG 12232 Si; 200TH ST FLOODING DUI: TO STORM ANO SUBSTN 685F3 ~ 0 0 1986-0805 C DRNG 19400 120THAVE SE DRAINGE FLOW QUESTIOtJ DEVELOP INF 685E2 '-: _J ::t:- 1896-1233 C FLOG 19910 116TH AVE SE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO PVT PROP 68fiE:_.l h I-1996-1SSO C ORNG 19121 124THAVE SE PLUOOEO 0/W CULVERT IMPACT TO PVT eaeF2 .I.!, " .... ~ 1996-1564 C ORNG 18908 113TH WAY SE PRNA Ti. PROF'ERTY l\ilPACT TO PVT ORN SSSl:2 • 1996-1613 C FLDG 11l910 118TH AVE SE ROOF DRNS PLUGGED PVT PROB 686E3 z . • 11l96-1636 C DRNG 20024 124TH AVE SE HOAO IMPROVEMENT PRO.iECT IMPACT C 686F3 1996-1906 E Ritl POND 12813 SE 232ND PL FENCE ENCROACHMENP INTO TRACT 686F3 1007-1123 C GRADING 18908 113THWAY s"' PVT PROP IMPACT NO DRNG IIISTALLED 686Sl 1997-1123 R GRADING 18808 ·113THWAY SE PVT PROP IMPACT NO DRNG INSTALi.ED 68~!:2 -{~,m C DRAINAGE 19113 121ST PL SE INSTALLATION OF DRNG !N R/W OLD/OFF sss;,2 1997-1179 NOA DRAINAGE 19113 121ST PL SE INSTALLATION OF DRNG :N RJN OLO/C.:F 696F2 1997-1179 R DRAINAC3E 19113 121ST PL SE INSTALLATION OF ORNG :N f'<JI/V OLD/0:F 686F2 1997-1301 C DRAINAGE 19125 121ST PL SE SUBSTANDARD INSTL OF DRNG SYS PVT 686F2 1997-1505 C TREES 12232 SE 200TH ST DANGEROUS TREES ON COUNTY PROP 686F3 1987-1550 C FLOOOINIJ 19631 121STAVE SE PVT PROP IMPACTS UPBASIN DEVELOPM 686E3 1997-1550 R FLOOOING 19631 121STAVE SE PVT PROP IMPACTS UPBASIN 01:VE:LOl'M 686S3 1997-1550 S1 FLOOOINIJ 19631 121ST AVE SE PVT PROP IMPACTS UPBASIN OEVELOPM 686E3 1997-1572 C TREE 12232 SI: 200TH ST REMOVAL OF WINOF/1.LLS REQUIRED 68SF3 1998.0019 C DRA:NAGE 18016 118TH AVE SE NEW GRAVEL RO POSSIBLE ?VT PROP IM 686E2 199S-0058 C DRAINAGE 19820 116THAVE SE SFR CONST IMPACTING ADJACENT F'ROF' 58BE2 1998-0108 woe OILSPLL SE 199ST/124AVE se $PILL OF F'OLc.UTANTS ALONG RD RN/ 6B6F3 1998-0361 C DRAINAGE: 12463 SE 198TH PL ltJFO REQURST l<E WETlAND/OPEN SPAC 686F3 .....;> 19i!B-0926 C DRAINAGE 19133 121STPL SE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION IN ROAD ORNG 686F2 1999-0306 C DRAINAGE 11618 SE 188THST ADJACENT PROP PAVED 2500 SQ FT 686E2 1,39--0503 C FENCE 12455 SE 198TH PL REQUEST FOR FENCE BOLLARDS AT A!X, 686F3 2000-0398 C DOM 12625 SE 192ND ST REQUEST TO ONERT FLOW OISCHARGIN 686P.l ~20D0-0572 C DOM ACROS 19029120TH AVE " F:"'= "'""" ~ '°'""'' ooci<, ™" ~ 2000..0572 R DOM ACROS 19028 120TH AVE SE .'IPPARENT Fil.LING OF ROADSIDE DITC~ 686E2 2000-0i13 C DOM 12232 SE 200TH ST INCREASE FLOW'NS IMPACTING DR41NA 666F3 ?.OQQ .. 0713 NDA· DOM 12232 SE 200TH ST INCREASE FLOWS IMPACTING DRAINAGE 686F3 I rHtt If. £folT "--µ .. r I 111,/1.m,Al'l f,I P•go!of4 2000-0713 R COM 2001-0161 C COM 2001°0360 FCC MMG 2C01°'13BO NOA-MMG 2001-0360 R MMG 2001-041s wac was ·2001-0455 wac waa 2001-0455 WQR WQB 2002-0403 C MMA 2002-0553 C OTA 2002-0S6'0 FCR MNW 2003-0230 C DCA 2003-0230 R DCA 2C03-0645 WQR WQB 2003-0762 WOA WQA! 2003-0847 C DOM 20Co--Oil47 NOA-COM 2003-084 7 R ODM 2002-0909 WQC WQDR ~oo,i-oaa7 SUP REC 2004.03:17 SUPF REC 2004-0389 FCS MNM 2004..()453 WQC WQOR 2004-0536 FCR MNM 2004-0952 C OTA 2005--0107 C RFN 200$-0107 NOA--RFN 2005--0107 R RFN 200&-0180 C RFN 20Qt.;..{J244 C DOM 20!J5.0316 C OTA 2005-0428 C RFN 200$-0448 WQA WQAI 2005-0452 WQA WQAI 2005--0682 FCR MNM 2006,-0012 C RFN 2000-0299 C RFN 2006-0450 C OT A ~11,u v;. n~u SE 200TH ST '.NCREASE FLOWS IM,0 ACTING DRAINAGE 666!'3 12026 12026 12026 12232 12313 12313 12236 1&013 192SO 11456 11456 18601 19433 19230 19230 11l230 1eeo1 12462 12462 12232 12212 19406 12701 19701 19701 19701 19421 18617 12503 19128 12600 19405 1~133 19625 1SS21 1S621 119TH AVE SE & SE 196 SE 196THST GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE OVE:R SIDi= 686E3 OFF'a!TE FLOW ONTO PRIVATE PROPEFiT 6B6E3 OFl"SITE FLOW ONTO PRIVATE PROPERT eeeEs OFFSITE FLOW ONTO PRIVATE PFiOPERT 68eE3 CONCERN OF SOAP SUDS BEING J"JISCMA 686F3 APPARENT LACK OF POLLUTANT CONTR 686F:? APPARENT LACK OF POLLUTANT CONTR 686F3 REQUEST TO REMOVE TREES ON COUNT 666F3 CONCERN REGARDINO POSSIBLE SLO\JG 6!l6E2 REQUEST TO REMOVE TANSY RAGWORT 686E3 JJJ7 -1177 JjJl -/)Jll SE 186TH ST SE: 196TH ST SE 20CTHST SE 198TH ST SE 198TH ST SE 1911TH ST 114TH CT SE 117TH PL Sic SE 195TH ST SE 1Q6TH ST 126TH PLSE VASHON HWY SW 116TH AVE SE 116TH AVE SE 11b"TH AVE: SE 126TH PL SE SE 198TH PL SE 198TH PL SE 200TH ST SE 199THST 116THAVE SE SE 191ST J'>L 121ST AVE 121ST AVE 121ST AVE 116THAVE 1261ll PL. SE 18BTH F'L 11aTHWY SE 192ND ST 120Th AVE 113THWY 116THAVE 11STHAVE 116TI-I AVE 1 '1 g -{} 71J APPARENT DIRT BERM CONSTRUCTION. 686E3 APPARENT DIRT BERM CONSTRUCTION. e&a52 PROBLEM CORREcreo RP MOVED 68SF2 BMPS are ALL IN PlACE BB6F2 APPARENT OBSTRUCTIO~: OF O!'FSITE C 68SE2 APf'>ARENTOeSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C 683!:2 APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE C B85E2 AUTO FLUID RESIDUE ON STREET AS AR 686F2 PARKS REQUEST TO INSTALL TRAIL AND 666F3 ?ARKS REQUEST TO INSTAW. TRAIL AND 686F3 666F3 Possible WQ problam o' gasoline in storms)'S'. 68aF3 moswa:e fil'ed in? lnvestigstim shews no blos 6B6E3 Rofsm,J frorr, KC Road~. Flooding of boek)'ard 68SF2 SE Concem about impact from n•W dovelopn,ent 6S3E3 SE Concern abcut irrpacl from new dowlopmont. 686E3 SE Concern about lmpai.t. from new development. . eases SE Now dnch causing flooding lo aree. lnve'.ltigatio 68Bi;3 SE We>. baei<y!lrd caa,eo by brok•n storm in•? in 636F2 Backup ii KC Rd oomieyar,oo system. lnvestg 636.=2 SE Water flam aomes sidewalk from watGr met1iJr. S8l.3E2 8MPS tMPLi:M5NTEO AS ?ART OF KENT S 636f'2 SE !iMPS IMPLEMENTED AS PAR-;-OF SITE VI 566:S SE Referral frorn KC Hea!th. Roll! in D91698. Inv t 686':'2 SE Woter in basement. Inv did notfind any l(C s1o ~66:'3 SE Bro~an drainage pipa@ Benson HIii Elorn Sch 686:2 SE s~~ool eonst causing water seepage into yard, ese:::2 Pago 4 of~ 'IV, .J-.., .,' It I: King.County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Divisi0.1.1, 20 I S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98.104-3855 FAX Fax: ....,;ti;J.J,J. Phone:-------- Date; ' Number-of pages including cO\•er sheet: _Jj_ • ~· ~' ,, ····" ~ ,<>' • From: Cindy Torkelson .WLR Stormwater Services Se:;tio.n Phone: 206-296-1900 Fax Number: 206-296-0192 ll\fPORTANT L"EVEL 1 ANALYSIS NOTE: We do not send copies of certain complaint tYPes that are not relevant such as BCW, FI, FIR, FIH and WQA, an.cl we do not send CL and LS types. See key below. Type S 1, S2 and S3 will not be faxed due to size constraints. The following is a list of complaint types received by the Water and Lar.d Resource.s Storm.water Services Section. Complaint numbers beginning prior to 1991>-X:XXX have been archived and are n;:, longer in our possession. They can still be retrieved, if necessary, but will take additional time and may not be beneficial to your research due io their age, development which has occurred, etc. If you ate interested in revicwjll8 the actual complahits, they can be pulled (time permitting) for your r2vicw. Copies can be obtained for S .1.5 per page, and $2.00 per page for plans. Kevs: Type ofJpva/mgaticm C Action Rcqum BCW Bm:lne$1' rtrCle1t:1 w~m CC'F R.!l>p-0t1sc. to hq:1iry ~cl Claim CH Etlforc("l:1cnt on Hold er. Euforcanom Rev!e,;v fCC,fCR,FCS Feoillty Comp,alnc. Fl SWl,I F« lllquuy FL'l SWM'FOl!'Revfew f!H SWM Fco on llold •Ls Lawsuit RR FaciHty Bngine.erine Jtet,i(<AA' NDA Ne1gh!,omoodDrnin!l(t Asslst,n;:c WQC Wator O.,JJliity Complahi, WQB w,ror Qcllli.,y B!lfoltt'l1cnt WQ~ W,tor QUO:liy Engin .. rlllll R.cvltw \\"QA Wab!rQuaill)· f.Urllt WOO WartrQuailty-O~r Si,52,SNJ Enalnm1ngSMil<,1 TrpG of Problem DC.A DDM !JES DlE DTA !NQ MM~ MMF ~Oicl . MW,! M1'lM . ?vn'4W SWF WQB wqo· WQI RBM NWD GRT tlcv,,,Jopr!lont1Ccnstrnct.ic.,n DraiM&;C · l,:fisr;<"li&rl~n.lS Ominil$:e-Eroslon/Sidlme:m1.tio:, DJ-ainiljt-L...11!~6.f~'Earlh Mo"ltmt.'lt .Onin~e ·:-cohti!a.1 t\SSi~W>ct Dr1irtD,Ct-Gencc:11 ln.qui!'}' Maht~ir.ce • Ae,t!itr.lcs ~aln.tcnt.nee. · :i=IQ :,..th: Malntrna.nce · <kner.J 1~rwnumm:e -Mowi11e Maintt1Jna.,~,c-Needs Mai,1tc:0111c~ Maint~1r.1ce-~;,i:io,u Wceilii SWM Fe~ Questions W11rer Qu~lty ... Best MrmG5Cllil!n1 Pra1,,'t~c-i..s Wattt' QUt\llt) -Dvr:ipl11g · Watt:r Quttlity-lUh:lt Cvn•.1e.:tio11 S'Wfl.! P" •Rtr.nell.~tnc:nt SWIii f,..,-Omv SV:..'M: Pet-New Di1..-io11m • \,, £.~'VIII!!' L•"T/1" ,\li'\! 'J'./, !IL.1\V • --~ ·~" )"'I" --· KING CoUNIY WATEH mm LAND REsoURCEs DMS10N ° ' DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT •i, L/ I '. "7 7 rv\ Afv'\ PR0DL£M: W1t,.1.Jf!,£ Page 1: lNVESTIOA TION REQ!.i'EST Type (!__ R,Ec,Eir;D ax: / Gg7r,e; Received from: NAME: ,2~7/[F ~QJl-l,$ (Eve) ._( _ _,) ADDRESS: / 9/15 /.2/r-rf"t. f'E City...Ll.=-C:...!.l::.!.::...-State W4 Zip o/i:,5'/ Location of problem, if different Reported Problem: CALL FIRST Cl (Would Like Tu Be Ptesl!llt) ~11.lrt'f.:r \<a.A-':) ..>e-~rVC >e-V~L rJ,vc,iEl-S, ,,/ f/d-'>eS ,(ll,..l ,µ.,,,-r 5!1()~ ""r .R'o.110. fk_eP""'1e-t""f' ()wµo:-'?t. ,J';,o.177:1-01"" C::,,~""u,,.1,-.,.o..,7 #'9$ ~,(_=-"D A-A.e-r/o.,,J tJJ.::= r~ /J;rc..t+ ~ . ,4 ,t0EZ,0 ~~cF Acc1:<"9 , f'#ar /VI-C-<s-V .:?-4 ,_ /&~t<=" .~_s ;f Ji'~ / µ /)1-rt,µ C:,~ (fr/ N../1 N 7' t;:; ,_/~,Jk'D _A-,,; "'.,.J 7 /6-rcl_; 7'/,?t:, )Cu-17 0 1,J~ _,.,.....,r;, /t?.,.-{u..,;c;"7Y. . 1hr ,,,f.,_,;o T"fhu&,e,f'?; j)/1'{-.r.tr., ,+,e.,:::-fao;,. a,c fn::,Oe"c: /f'.,;.pv,~~-r A,-.1_ .fi.,4:,,2,,-r~tr. Lot No: '1 Block No: ,- B~iifVV' Council District _J__ Charge No, _______ _ ~ .......... -. . ... ___ ......... --., .. -..... , .... -, ................ ~···~·------·----·--·· ......... ~ .......... -.. ......... -.. -......... -...... ___ .. _ ... ,-·~----·-·-.. ···•· ................ ~.~····· RESPONSE: Citizen notified on -----by: __ phoac: _. _ letter __ in p:rson · Cn1,~,. 8-1-97 A/o.Q.V,$111i''\,,: VY/+·-:? f-t&~'tJ Mtr-~ DISPOSITION: Tumed to fl on t I {, ~7 by ffiR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency has been notified: __ ".":""~~------------ -Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation ~dresses prcblem -- _ Private problem -NDAP will riot consldet because: Su F1LE # __ _ . __ Water originates ol'-Site and/or on neighboring parcel. __ .Location is outside \VLRD Service Area, _._Other (Spe.cify): DA TE CLOSED: _ _:_I-·-~/ __ By: --- 1\;. /I \J \•'J• "!,, I', -1 Kins' Couuty \Vater .-n.d Land Re:sourca, Division DL-pa.rtmel\t ofNarurol ileeou1'CM ?UO Fif!!l Avtn\.i• Su.I.to 220J Seattlt, WA il:!104.•3'022 (JOII) ,oo .. lN,9 (JOG) 200-<l1921/Jt September 16, 1997 David C':ribson 19125 121" Place SE Renton, WA 98058-7237 RE: NotictofKini: CmmtyYiPlatiao --SWM-Dm 211112 Dear Mr. Gibson: On September 2, 1997, Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division 1 staff investigated i\ drainage problem reported in your neighborhood. Our investigation found that the capacity of the existing storm water facility is being reduct.d by the installation of the drainage system found in the roadside drainage ditch fronting your property. The drainage ditches were established to detain and infiltrate as well as convey 5torm ·water. Filling in the ditches may detract from their ability to control the conveyance of storm water flows, sending water onto the roadway and your !leighbors' properties. This presents a hazard to public safety. You may not be aware that, as property owner, you could be liable for any personal injury or property damage that results from this condition. . We recommend that you remove the closed-pipe conveyance system found in the roadside dilch !rooting your property to help xesolve this condition. This letter is not an enforcement action or a notification of violation of King County law. Its plllpOse is to bring this drainage problem to yonr atte.'ltion so you can take action before it becomes more serious. "Ji you would like more information about tl11s drainage problem, or would like _t.echnical assistance in resolving it, pleue call Jeff Jacobson, WLR Division Lo.cal Drainage Services Unit Engineer, at 296-1953. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, 1UM~-&r Curt W. Crawford, P.E., upervis' g Engine.er Local Drainage ServiCC$> nit CCJJ;inmo cc: Glenn Evans, P.E., Senior Engineer, Local D.ra:nage Services Unit 1 Formerly Surface Wattr Management (SY&) Divuion >!·' .bilii;., ,, -. ~ l !\ iJ i..,;J, \'I~ KV King' Coum;y Water and Land,R.esources Divf.liion nep:i rtl'l'lent · of Na tunl llt1ource! 700 rif'1h Avenue, Su.lte a.200 Searde, WA 981°""?i0ZZ (2o,J) 29$-0$19 (306) 29C-Ot9.a FAX September 16, 1997 GaryVango 19133 121" Place Southeast Renton, WA 98058-7237 RE: Notice of King County Vjo)atjon -SWM-PIB 97-1 W Dear Mr, Vango: On September 2, 1997, Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division' staff investigated a drainage problem reported in your neighborhood. Our investigation found the capacity of the e:dsting storm water facility ha.'! bee.n reduced J:,y the installatlon of the drainage system found in the old roadside ditch system fronting your property, The clrainage ditches were established to detain am1 infiltrate as well as convey storm wat.er. Filling in the ditches detracts from their ability to control the conveyance of storm water flows, sending water onto the roadway and your neighbors' properties. This presents a hazard to public safety. You may not be awa.-e that, as property owner, you could be liable for a.'ly personal injury or property damage that results from this condition. We recommend that you remove the closed-pipe conveyance system fronting your property and re-establish the dralnage ditch system to resolve this condition. This letter is not an enforcement action or a notification of Yiolation of King County law. Its purpose is to bring this drai.'lage problem to your attention :ro you can take action before it becomes more serious. If you would like more information about t.his drainage problem, or would like technical assistance in rewlving it, please call Jeff Jacobson, WLR Divi1lion Local Drainage Se.rvlres Unit Engineer, at 296-1953. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ZIM~ Cwt W. Crawford, P.E.,~gineer Local Dr-..i.nage Setv.i.ces Unit CC:JJ:in1129 cc: Gleru: Evans, P.E., Senior Engineer, Local Drainage Services Unit 1 Formerly Suiface Water Management (5"MI) Division --... ~ i"'I '",• I., L •; V / J.. , JV, iT I\ J 11\1 VV, !I:. 1\..-'1\J, .)\; I J ' ' j( ' ' .. ""' ' --'"' . ~·---K-r-No_C_o_u __ NT_Y ________ F_IL_E_N_o_.-;·-7--1-1_7_9----------, ~ Department of Natural Resources N'Al>IE STEVE SK ALS !S': a:7 Water and Land Resauroe DiVislan ADDllBSS 19113 • 121ST PL. SI! I - I DRAINAGE INVES"ll'IGATION !REPORT PRONE 8$4-4201 Tl) PAGE .§.!!:!~---- DATE ..:z..,.,.2_;;.$·:.u--....j INTTIAI.S • MAM KllOLL PAGE 808W i FIELD INVESTIGATION MAJN't DIVISION _4 _ I I I I I DETAIJ.S OF INVESTIOATION • srre I/ISIT ON 7-24-97. PROPIRTY OWNER AT 101211 -121ST Pl. SE Fil.UNG IN DRAINAG! orroH WIT~ •• PERF. INVEeTIOATION FOUND U1ST PL $E It A PRIVATE ROAD Wlnl AN OPEN DITCH ON THR Wl!ST SID& OF THE STRtET. THE PROPERTY OWNER AT 101U 18 IN THE PROCEes OF INSlAWNQ A •• PEMF PIPe WITH DRAIN 80X1!S IN THE DITCH IN PRONT OF THEIR PROPERTY. TH! !XISTINII DRIVEWAY CULVIR'TS ARE 12• CO"IOAETI:. FURTHER INVESTIGATION FOUND A CONTROL ITRUCTURE WHICH S!RVICBS THE DRAINAGE DITOH. rr APPBARS THE PROPERTY OWNER AT 1&1H • 121ST Pl BE HA9 FILIJID IN HIS PORTION OF DITCH WITH a• PERF PIPE. PRDP!ATY OWN!RS MAY aa REDUCING TH! STORAGE VOLUM! WITHIN TH! Dl'ICH BY PILI.ING. PHOTOS TAKEN# 1 Loo~IN<l NORTH DOWN 1Z1&T Pl SE, # 2 LOOKINO AT TH! e PiRF PIPI IN8TALlEO BY PROP&RTY OWNEII AT Hous• 11103. 'II G $l-lOWINCi U,f9TALLATIO!li CF PIPE IN PAONT OF HOUBl 1912,1. II 4 SHOWING INSTALJ.ATION OP •• P!Rf PIPE IN PRCNT Of House 19128. 116 I.OOr.lfiCl S0U1M OCYIN 101ST PL SE FROM IN FRONT Of HOUSE 1011S, SK6TCf!, I '<1 n iHCCS1!!'-,~.~==~~~ ! 1.1111,,- HO'J!!! ~:,.:;.;;;;.;.;.:a,:;;jf:q ~Q'\.13 OCNT"OL !TJU,'CTIJRE ~ ..I a. Iii .. N ,.. ' ' L I..---"'~-{, SE 192ND ST ··--. __ J 1•1r-1: 1,,i..'.'IJ/ L•.iV.:.;,,P -·--·----. !\ ~ 11... V V, 11 1,. I\ V mn:GllllOIUIOOP llltAl:11:lml llaS:tsT»la ~ CO!lfl:.All!AJrr l!VAI.UATIO~ XIIIIIO DATE, Sept$111ber 2, lS97 TO, FILE •'ROM: JEF!' JACOBSON "'-'' ..J'v '.I V' RE: ENQINEERlNG EVAl.UATION FOR COMPLAINT NO. 97-1179; Skoals COMPLAINT CltRONOI.oGY : ORIG!HAL: FIELD INV: FIELD EVA!.: OLD FILES, BACICGROIJND; 7/21/97 7/24/97 9/03/97 N/A The complainant lives alons a private roadway part of Short Plat 87~082. The original draiilage plans for the short plat ehow the open ditch sy•tam on the west gide of l2lst Place SE was designed for infiltration/retention a$ well as conveyance. The open ditch convey5 runoff to a coatrol structure located at the interaection of 121st PlacQ SE and SE l92n street. 'I'be open ditches have 12-inch driveway C"Ulverts located intermit:tently, connocting th.eni to one another. The co111Plainant is concet'ned with tha recent development in the area and t:ie intrusion upon the open ditch syste:n. Last year the ~esident at 19133 1218 t Placa Si filled in t:he open ditch fronting the property as part of tlleir detached gar11ge addition. A e-inch perforated conveyance pipe was installed before the ditch was filled. According to the complai:uwt surface 1r,,ter.from the open ditchee overt.,pped .:he roadway and flowed ~ast affecting the residents living en the east si:ie of l~lst Place ss. This·sttmmer the residents at 1Sl2S 1:ist Place SE are filling in their open ditch while adding a t•inch perforated eonvli!yanoe line col'.IIlected by a series of la= drains as part of their datache.4 garage construcl;ion. The complainant b8l:Leves the integrity of the drainage ayetem will . be severely compromis•d and future flooding may result trom the~e activities. l!'Dll>tllOlh Since the problem meets all of the NDAP project criteria listej below, it qualifies for and has been investigated u.,der the NDAP program. • The problem site 1s within the S1'M service aroa and dcea not involve a King Coun~y (KC) code violation. 1 /\J I\IJ i.,1J. 1n~.ll 1'i'J. JC I 'J ,. • The problem site shows evicienoe of or rop6rted localized flooding, eroeion an<!ior eedimer.tatio:r.· within the off road drairl<!ge system on private rea:l.<1ential and/or coimnercio.l property due to later 1,1petream deYelopmEWt, • The problem is ca-..sed by surtace water from more i;huJ one adjoining property. son,s, Acc,ording to the KC soiJ.s map, the dta is located in t.he following soil asaocia<ion, r, ,UJ:lSRW'"-.0!1 ASSOCIATION: MOtlerately well drained untl1,1latiI11J to billy eoils that have de~se, very slowly permeable glacial till.at a·depth of 20 to 40 inches; on uplands atld terraces. OP'l:lONS A!lro PlSCUSSlO..~; ~. A:c. enfo~c~.tt.ent letter can be $ent to t::he aforementioned resident.a who filled i.."! the. open ditch O)•,stem. The letter will Mk for their coope:r:atl.cn in removing t:he conveyanoe syst:etnS &o the. open d:.tcbes can be restoi·ed to fun<.!tion as IJ.esilj?led. ~~OPOSBD SOL1J'1'~0N1 ;.n enforeetne....,,t: le,:tter will be eent. SlilJ'OR~ PRIOElTY SCORE~ 40 2 '""''· c. LVJ I i; '1 "'ENG l.''''" cv. "l'V'ERAND LAND RESOURC~SDMSI~~~ ,\" i 1 r. 0.:1.:~7 DRAINAGE l.~VESTIGATION REPORT /VI 1/4 fV\ . Pase l: INVESTIGATIO~ REQUEST Type -(!_ l'RoB1.E;,1:: PM,~_...c ... e;;._'" ____ _ RECEIVEOBY: L, GfiIT'1'Cr:E Date; ¢-;/t;zoK'dby: "D~JLENo. '.:l7-1;;.01 Received from: (Day) ( ) (Eve) ._( --' NA.\,$: ,4 "' c)..J 'i ...,.. dy ,!l PHONE _ _;.., ____ _ ADDRESS:_. __________ City~.-.J SiateW.t Zip 't.f)e,Sf Location of problem, if different: l '1 C 2. 5 l 2-I • 'f' 'If,_ RcpQrtetl PrQh/em: CALL IlRST D (Would Like To Be Presem) s r:::, ( r:,o..v;ci. c... (".?ib:>""1 "R ...... & qgose;-r2'!'7 Platnatne: ,v,We.!?fe.n,7 E;r~evr 11<:~ [).,;.~~ Lot No: '7 Block No: Othe.r agencies involved: ~?-¢' 9 &, _ r;/ No field investigation required_.-.. - =-·-T___ 1mno.1s ~"~t,:'.:~·;.~~,~-:.;::;,;-~ ~~ .t,;ll ~~-.. ~~,-.·. ···.i;:.·-HWW771Wfi 0 2-w._ ?,?> ~ 5 \4 s T R Parcel No. (p Jt/'lop-oJB4: Kroll 4ia5WTh.Bros: New (o ~b F2. Old 42. 85 Basin~DO Council District _j__ Charge No . . ·-~-···-···,.·····"· ......... ,.-··-·-----.. ~ ... ,._,, .................. , ... ____ .. ~ .. , .... _"'"''"''' ... '··-·-··-··· .. -··-·-··~ .. ,-,,---······-······---,-... -, .. --.. , ............. _,,.,-................... ---··-·--,, ........ . RfSl'ONSE, Citizen notified on ------by: __ phone __ . • letter __ in pe1·son Co .... p!..l'\).U·r C.1.-oS<:'I:> 'f"c, ~1-ll1"t ;,.(., ZN!lc'ITTl'i,.rfr"/o,-J l<ca.,'J/'Rl!'i>, DISPOSITION: Turned to_· _ on ·-'''----''---by __ OR: No further action recommended becau!*: __ Lead agency has been notified! __ _ -·-Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior inves.~on ad-diesses problem: . SEE Fn.u "'!'2 -I(, 9 · _ Priv1ue problem • NDAP wi!l riot consider because: · __ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD S~. __ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: 2 I t I f' 7 By: _£Y.' ~'J7-//?? ''1"11\, V, L ,_, ~1 1 /._ , ) : i l' I\ l 11\J vv; !i'L I\LI IH./, JC; 'j r, '! I i : _, ____ _ ···-, •. -· --- KINo C OtJNTY D1:1p111rtmsnt of N111tural Reoourcea Water and Land R1;1souroe Dlvlelon FILBNO. 91•1301 ~- NAME ANONYMOUS ADDRESS 18125 :._ 121ST PL ~"'------., PHONE T.11 PAGE ,2B.1::B611.;·~F2,.__ __ .j DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION KROLL PAGE 806W MAINT. DIVl'SION _!.,_ DATB _7r.:,·-·:SU...---I INITIAI...'.I ·· MAM DETAILS OF INVJlSTIOATION, SITE V!SIT ON 7.u.v1. PROPIRTY'OWNER AT 18111 • 1a1 BT PL SE FIWNQ IN DRAINA<IE DITCH WITH $' PEAF. INVESTl<lATION FOUND 1118T PL Bi IS A PRIVATE ROAD WITH AN OPeN l>ITCH OH Tl1B wesr $ID& OF Tk~ STREET, T>te PROPER'l"Y OWNER AT 111a1 IS IN Tl<E! PROCll$8 OI' INSTAWNG Ao• P&RF PIPI WITH DRAIN B0X£S IN THE DITCH I~ fRONr OP THEIR PROPERYY. T>f! !XIST!NII DRIY&WAY cULVER'IS ARE ... OONORETE. FIJRTHER INVESTIGATION FOUND A CONTR<II-STRUOTURI WHICH SERVlOES TH! DRAINAGE DITCH. If AFPl!ARS THE PROPERTY OWNER AT .... ,• 1U$T PL Sil HAS FILI.ED IN HIS PORTION,,, n1rc11 WITH •• PIRP PIPE, P~O~iATV OWNERS MAV BE REDUCING THE STORA.GI! VOLUMa WITHIN TH! DITCH BY l'ILUNQ. SKETCH: COMPLAINT CLOSED TO 97-1179 HOU8£ 1913) ~I ~' ' I r•-1 w (I) tlRJllri/ DO it 1i"AJn/ In ... N ii':ii?,. ONC .. •w,rn:, Ir, • },. ~! I ! 1-------lt> L-------~--------~~-~~---_-____ s_e_1_9_2N_D~-S--T-------~----_J -· ···· • · --· -• : • Kmc ,::u,.i:~i.i:Y ,i.ATERAND LAND REsoURas orvisio:v" , DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT IY~N-~ PROBLBM: VMJfl! fl-4r£ ~ t. Gb-,rc..c- Type {! ff-9c2b 97-ll7flf;1Jt}/ ?P-,,d Plat name: Ale;_; 1.,u>; .a'a.~ 2:,;,;.., Other agencies involved: No field investigation required.~-RtiB .stv _M _.2:3._ _s__ \4 S . T R Parcel No.t',;,!9'[()t2t2/ {0 Kroll fo(/$/u Th.Bros: New_ 0$7(_;,, f}../:2 Old '/,1 /1$/.85 Basin 5a) Council District_f_ Charge No. ________ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on /-I 2.-~9 '1 by: __ phone __ letter -K... in person l,.';;,r Ct,, 'e-C-AI ){#, W s-.... 1/)f &rt if' Alt:i:"1,) ~ % ~-,,y L'1-1Jl~P l"/Ali> R'!7P°6f«:. n. !ft11'1>.1 P,111~111,,1.1 rl) CHt:'~I< P..:>1;.v,1,91,tF l'JN .sc-.1Pt.v~sr ~tt 'B~e,/1.l}d,, '€. DISPosrnoN: Turned to on by__ OR: No further action rc~ommencled because: )fl_ Lead agency has been :otitied: {? /["?:) , efl47_ ;IV/ QLt./.._4-..__ _____ _ __ . _ ProblM! bas hew =rected. _· _ No problem has been identified. _ Prior investigation addresses problem: _ · Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: Snfu.&# __ · Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Locaticn is outside WLRD scrvi».,.91· __ Othe.-(Specify): DATECLOSED: / / ?!f;,'19 By: ~-·J tf fr:¥J£/)f I I [Vfi".,i, C, L\1;.J/ · L. 'j/..f!V ,\l!\IJ \.1J, l'H ~.LJ ~~--·---------~ -·-..... _l~V. jC I J-·--·,;, ' FII.E NO. 98-0926 _____ _j NAME GARY VANGO APDRESS 19133 -121ST PL SE ' PHONE 1283)894•2849 KROLL !'AGE 806W MAINT. DIVISION _4_ TB PAGE ~8"'8'"6"'•Fc,2;,... ___ -l DATE Ml2·&9 INJTI'.ALS-MAM DETAILS OF INVES11GATION: ~ SIT! VISIT ON 1•12•11. STAHT DRAINAG! aLOCKED CAUSINCI DRAINACIE SYSTEM ON PRIVATE ROAC TO BACK UP. N INVESTIGATION FOUND TH! ORAINAGH SYsrl!M ON !21 ST PL SE HA$ A CONTIIOL STRUCTURE WHICH CRAINS TO A CATCH BASIN IN TH& ROAO RIQHT-OF•WAY. THE SLIDE QATf. FOR n1e SYSTEM WAS OPEN WHICH ,W.QWS FOR WATER NTS TO FLOW INTO smni FaOM STllel!T CATCH BASIN. OLOS!D 9l.lOE QATE AT THIS TIME. INSPf.OTiD STA&ET DMIHAQE ON $2 to•ND ST JUST EAST OF 121 BT PL 81 POR ANY BLOCKAGE. WHeN UNe WM CANDLED LIGHT REFLECTeD BACK. THERE APPEARS 10 SE A METAL OBJ!.OT ASOUT 50' DOWN THI LIN&:. TALKED TO COMPLAINANT IT WAS SUGGES1EO SLIDE OAT! BE KEPT CLOSII.O TO PRiVtNT A BACK WASH INTO ?RIYATE SYsTl!M. MENTJON"!O A MeMO WO~LD Bt SENT TO ROADS TO HAVI! TH!M INVUYIQ,\TR OBJBCT IN PIPE. NO ?HOTOS TAKEN SKETCH: ~ ! w H01JQli 1/) ""' ..J 0. ... Cl) .. N ,- --==-=========~f:::7'--~-.::.:::::=¥=:===========~D~ CAN'Oi.iil:b P!PI MOTUl 80MB Tl~ OP D~OCKAQIZ SE 192ND ST UG.IIT 1!11;:Pl.li'.C,TiD PAC( I I , .... I .. i ! I ' I _J TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION A field inspection was conducted on March 6, 2007, to inspect the onsite drainage system of the site. Offsite drainage systems were also inspected downstream approximately 1/4 mile(s) from the discharge point of the site. The inspection involved investigation of the ten specific items of a Level 1 Inspection per the King County Surface Water Design Manual, 2005. The inspection yielded the following findings: 1. There were no existing or potential problems observed. 2. The existing drainage system capacity was adequate. 3. There were no existing or potential flooding problems. 4. There were no existing or potential sedimentation, scouring or bank sloughing problems. 5. No significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms was noticeable. 6. Qualitative data such as land use, impervious surfaces, topography, and soil types was noted and can be found in Task 4 information. 7. Information was collected on pipes, ditches, and structures. This information is also included in the Task 4 information. 8. Tributary basins delineated in Task 1 were verified. 9. No neighbors were contacted. 10. The weather conditions at the time of the inspection were sunny and mild. ) TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEIVI DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Site Drainage This project is located at 19029 120th Ave SE in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately 2.14 acres. We are proposing that the property be divided into nine residential lots, along with a drainage and recreation tract. Some of the lots will gain access directly from the new road to the south of the property, (Road A). The rest of the lots will gain access from JUD Tracts · connected to Road A. The property has an existing home, garage, and concrete pathways, all of which will be removed. The existing house has a few bushes nearby, along with lots of grass, extending to the east property line. West of the existing buildings there is virtually no vegetation due to recent clearing and grading activity. The existing site drainage mainly sheet flows from the north to the south. There are approximately 3 acres of upstream area that flow to the site. We will plan to allow this flow to bypass our site by providing a separate system for conveyance. Soils on this site consist of Alderwood gravely sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slope (AgB). Offsite Drainage Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Tables are provided on the following pages that describe in detail the offsite drainage components at least Y. mile downstream from the project discharge locations. Please refer to the offsite drainage map in Task 1 because the map symbols listed in the tables correspond to drainage component symbols on the offsite drainage map. (*) = SEE PHOTO Basin: SOOS CREEK Symbol Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size see map Type: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond; Size: diameter, surface area Al 12" CPP w/CB's A2 24" CPP w/CB's A3 18" CPP w/CB + A4 18" CPP w CB's AS 18" CPP w/CB's A6 18" Cone. w CB's A7 18" Cone. w/CB's AS Half 24" Cone. pipe A9 Stream channel 984\inB04 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ll)RAJNAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource Description discharae reviewer, or resident drainage basin, vegetation, % Y. ml= 1,320 ft. constrictions, under capacity, ponding, tributary area, likelihood of problem, cover, depth, type of sensitive overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism overflow pathways, potential impacts area, volume destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, Incision, other erosion Flows south 2.2 0-24' None None No problems observed (*) Flows east to pond 1.6 24'-344' None None No problems observed (*) Pond to control CB NIA 344'-544' None None No problems observed(*) Flows southeast 1.9 544' -585' None None No problems observed(*) Flows south 1.1 585'-893' None None No problems observed (*) Flows east 3.6 893'-1,363' None None No problems observed Flows east 9.4 1,363'-2,013' None None No problems observed (*) Flows east 20 2,013-2,113' None None Ivy over, but free flow(*) 3' to 5' wide, brush 15 2,113'-2,183' None None No problems observed (*) OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURF ACE WATER DESIGN MANuAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 (*) = SEE PHOTO Basin: SOOS CREEK Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Symbol Drainage Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component Type, Component from site Problems Problems Inspector, resource Name, and Size Description discharae reviewer, or resident see map Type: sheet flow, swale, drainage basin, vegetation, % Y. ml = 1,320 ft. constrictions, under capacity, ponding, tributary area, likelihood of problem, stream; channel, pipe; cover, depth, type of sensitive overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism overflow pathways, potential impacts pond; Size: diameter, area, volume destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, surface-area sedimentation, incision, other erosion Bl 12" CPP w/CB Flows south 20 0-21' None None No problems observed 82 12" CPP w/CB's Flows south 1.9 21'-177' None None No problems observed (*) AS 18" CPP w/CB's Flows south 1.1 l 77'-485' None None No problems observed (*) A6 18" Cone. w CB's Flows east 3.6 485'-955' None None No problems observed A7 18" Cone. w/CB's Flows east 9.4 955'-1,605' None None No problems observed(*) A8 Half24" Cone. pipe Flows east 20 1,605-1,705' None None Ivy over, but free flow(*) A9 Stream channel 3' to 5' wide, brush 15 l,705'-1,775' None None No problems observed (*) 98-4\inB04 Pictures showing some of the downstream from the Bob Singh Plat. CB (End of A1 at top, beginning of A2. to the right) Top of picture is towards the north. Looking southeast, pond (A3). .,....,, -+ -.. ~ '" ~ -· "'""' .I,~'>,;,. -. ,, ' i;-J.:,.J,:-.1.,,.4::, .... ;· ;. ,c, {1 CB, top of picture is towards the west The end of A4 is shown in the upper right The end of 82 is partially visible in the bottom right, and the beginning of AS is shown on the left Top of picture is towards the east In the foreground is A8 covered in Ivy. Beyond is A9. TASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS TASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS After a thorough field inspection and a detailed resource review there were no existing or potential problems. The proposed improvements will not produce a significant impact to the existing drainage patterns once the site has been stabilized and the runoff has been controlled via a combined detention-wet vault. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be created at the final design stage to minimize the transport of sediment laden runoff to the downstream conveyance system. APPENDIX THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT AND PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT The below figures represent the impervious surface calculations for this project. Notice that the figures have accounted for future development (13 lots). Net new impervious surface onsite: 13 new homes & driveways @ 2500 each Frontage improvements Joint Use driveways and other onsite improvements Less existing impervious being removed Total 32,500 sf 2,500 sf 7,348 sf -3.503 sf 38,845 sf Per Section 1.1.2, this project qualifies for Full Drainage Review. Both water quality and flow control facilities are required. A combined detention/wet vault will be provided for this project for both flow control and water quality. PREDEVELOPED FLOWS -Land Use Summary Till Forest 2.20 acres Till Pasture 0.00 acres Till Grass 0.00 acres Outwash Forest 0.00 acres Outwash Pasture 0.00 acres Outwash Grass 0.00 acres Wetland o.oo acres Impervious 0.00 acres Total Area : 2.20 acres Scale Factor : 1.00 Hourly Reduced Time Series: predev Compute Time Series Modify User Input Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.139 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.178 1 100.00 0.990 0.037 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.139 2 25.00 0.960 0.103 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.107 3 10.00 0.900 0.004 8 3/24/04 20:00 0.103 4 5.00 0.800 0.061 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.090 5 3.00 0.667 0.107 3 1/18/06 21:00 0.061 6 2.00 0.500 0.090 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.037 7 1.30 0.231 0.178 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.004 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.165 50.00 0.980 DEVELOPED FLOWS r-Lan d Use Sununary Till Forest 0.00 acres Till Pasture 0.00 acres Till Grass 1.23 acres Outwash Forest o.oo acres Outwash Pasture 0.00 acres Outwash Grass o.oo acres Wetland o.oo acres Impervious 0.97 acres Total Area : 2.20 acres Scale Factor : 1. 00 Hourly Reduced Time Series: dev Compute Time Series Modify User Input Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.345 5 2/09/01 2:00 0.719 1 100.00 0.990 0.263 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.419 2 25.00 0.960 0.419 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.384 3 10.00 0.900 0.265 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.364 4 5.00 0.800 0.324 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.345 5 3.00 0.667 0.364 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.324 6 2.00 0.500 0.384 3 10/26/06 0:00 0.265 7 1. 30 o. 231 0. 719 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.263 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.619 50.00 0.980 Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Facility Length: Facility Width: Facility Area: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # Height (ft) 1 0.00 2 3.00 Top Notch Weir: Outflow Rating Curve: Stage Elevation Detention Vault 76.75 ft 76.75 ft 5890. sq. ft 4.00 ft 499.46 ft 23561. PROVIDED 120'X50'X4'=24,000 CF 4. 00 ft 12.00 inches 2 Full Head Pipe Diameter Discharge Diameter (in) (CFS) (in) 0.87 0.041 2.25 0.137 6.0 None None Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 499.46 0. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.01 499.47 59. 0.001 0.002 0.00 0.02 499.48 118. 0.003 0.003 0.00 0.03 499.49 177. 0.004 0.003 0.00 0. 04 499.50 236. 0.005 0.004 0.00 0.05 499.51 295. 0.007 0.005 0.00 0.06 499.52 353. 0.008 0.005 0.00 0.07 499.53 412. 0.009 0.006 0.00 0.17 499.63 1001. 0.023 0.009 0.00 0.27 499.73 1590. 0.037 o. 011 0.00 0.37 499.83 2179. 0.050 0.013 0.00 0.47 499.93 2768. 0.064 0.014 0.00 0.57 500.03 3358. 0.077 0.016 0.00 0.67 500.13 3947. 0.091 0.017 0.00 0.77 500.23 4536. 0.104 0.018 0.00 0.87 500.33 5125. 0.118 o. 019 0.00 0.97 500.43 5714. 0.131 0. 020 0.00 1. 07 500.53 6303. 0.145 0.021 0.00 1.17 500.63 6892. 0.158 0.022 0.00 1.27 500.73 7481. 0.172 0.023 0.00 1. 37 500.83 8070. 0.185 0.024 0.00 1. 47 500.93 8659. 0.199 0.025 0.00 1.57 501.03 9248. 0.212 0.026 0.00 1. 67 501. 13 9837. 0.226 0.027 0.00 1. 77 501.23 10426. 0.239 0. 027 0.00 1. 87 501.33 11015. 0.253 0.028 0.00 1. 97 501. 43 11604. 0. 266 0.029 0.00 2.07 501.53 12193. 0.280 0.030 0.00 2.17 501.63 12782. 0.293 0.030 0.00 2.27 501. 73 13371, 0.307 0.031 0.00 2.37 501.83 13960. 0.320 0.032 0.00 2.47 501. 93 14549. 0.334 0.032 0.00 2.57 502.03 15138. 0.348 0.033 0.00 2. 67 502.13 15727. 0.361 0.034 0.00 2.77 502.23 16316. 0.375 0.034 0.00 2.87 502.33 16905. 0.388 0.035 0.00 2.97 502.43 17494. 0.402 0.035 0.00 3.00 502. 4 6 17671. 0.406 0.036 0.00 3.02 502.48 17789. 0.408 0.037 0.00 3.05 502.51 17965. 0.412 0.041 0.00 3.07 502.53 18083. 0.415 0.048 0.00 3.09 502.55 18201. 0.418 0.057 o.oo 3.12 502.58 18378. 0.422 0.068 0.00 3.14 502.60 18496. 0.425 0.081 0.00 3.16 502.62 18613. 0.427 0.092 0.00 3.19 502.65 18790. 0.431 0.096 0.00 3.21 502.67 18908. 0.434 0.100 0.00 3.31 502. 77 19497. 0.448 0.114 0.00 3.41 502.87 20086. 0. 461 0.126 0.00 3.51 502.97 20675. 0.475 0.136 0.00 3.61 503.07 21264. 0.488 0 .146 0.00 3. 71 503.17 21853. 0.502 0.155 0.00 3.81 503.27 22442. 0.515 0.163 0.00 3.91 503.37 23031. 0.529 0.171 0.00 4.00 503.46 23561. 0.541 0.178 0.00 4.10 503.56 24150. 0.554 0.493 0.00 4.20 503.66 24739. 0.568 1.060 0.00 4.30 503.76 25328. 0.581 1.800 0.00 4.40 503.86 25917. 0.595 2.600 0.00 4.50 503.96 26506. 0.609 2.890 0.00 4.60 504.06 27095. 0.622 3.150 0.00 4.70 504.16 27684. 0.636 3.390 0.00 4.80 504.26 28273. 0.649 3.610 0.00 4.90 504.36 28862. 0.663 3. 820 0.00 5.00 504.46 29451. 0.676 4. 020 0.00 5.10 504.56 30040. 0.690 4.210 0.00 5.20 504.66 30629. 0.703 4.390 0.00 5.30 504. 7 6 31219. o. 717 4.570 0.00 5.40 504.86 31808. 0.730 4. 730 0.00 5.50 504.96 32397. 0.744 4.900 0.00 5.60 505.06 32986. 0.757 5.050 0.00 5.70 505.16 33575. 0. 771 5.210 0.00 5.80 505.26 34164. 0.784 5.350 0.00 5.90 505.36 34753. 0.798 5.500 0.00 6.00 505.46 35342. 0.811 5.640 0.00 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak S~orage Target Cale Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0. 72 0.18 0.18 4.00 503.46 23545. 0.541 2 0.35 ******* 0.15 3.65 503. 11 21483. 0.493 3 0.42 ******* 0.13 3.42 502.88 20169. 0.463 4 0.34 ******* 0.09 3.16 502. 62 18632. 0.428 5 0.36 ******* 0.03 2.85 502.31 16779. 0.385 6 0.21 ******* 0.03 2.37 501.83 13953. 0.320 7 0.26 ******* 0.03 1. 92 501. 38 11291. 0.259 8 0.26 ******* o. 02 1.12 500.58 6601. 0.152 WETPOND CALCULATIONS The following calculation is per Section 6.4.1 of the KCSWDM, Runoff Volume= Vr = (0.9Ai + 0.25Atg + O.lOAtf + O.OlAo) x (R/12) Ai=42400 sf Atg=53560 sf Atf=O Ao=O R=. 47 Vr = [ (0,9) (42400)+(0.25) (53560)+0+0] X (.47/12) Wetpool Volume Vb= f(Vr) f=3 Vr=2019 cf Vb= 3x2019 = 6057 cf 2019 cf Wetpool volume= 13'x120'x4.0' = 6240 cf, thus satisfying the volume required.