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/ CITY OF RENTON August 13, 2008 Steven C. Townsend, PE Supervisor -Land Use InspeCtion . King County . . Department of Development and Environmental Services· . . OAK-DE-OIOO .900 Oaksdale Ave SW Rent()n, WA 98055-1219· Subject: La Fortuna Townhouses'. 80'3 D(",ool Department of Community and . . . Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Dear Mr. Townsend; . . . The City of Renton requests the files for LA FORTUNATO\\'NHOUSES tobe~ed over .. ' to the Community arid Ecoriomic Development Department, Development Services Division . . The City will becompletitig the process to ciese this project and any release of funds or other .' paperwork as needed.. .. .. ". . . .'" -. If you have any questionsregardiilgthis \lCtionorhaveissuesor correspondence illihefutme' . on this project, please contact theassigntldproject manager, Kenneth Glasby at . (425) 430-7288.. .' . . . . .. Sincerely, h~'~~ Kliyr~ KittriCk . Development Engineer Supervisor CED/Development Services Division Cc' Kenneth Glasby' Correspondence File, .. LAND USEINSPECT/ON .. AUG 182008 RECEIVED -'KG 08-017.doc -'-'--===:::'-IO-5-5-S0~U"'-th-Gr-ady'---' ·~w-aY---R-en-t-on'-,-W-asb-in-gt-on-."'-98-0'-57~"---"--R EN TON . ~ 'AHEAD OF THE CU.RVE ~ " thiS paper IXIntains !50% recycled materlal~ 30% post COJ\sumer King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Inspector's Daily Report Project No.: _____________ Activity No.: ___________ _ Project Name: ____________________________ _ Location:. __________________ Deve!oper/Contractor: _____________ _ I Date Signed REPORT Note: Each entry must be dated and signed S\Forms\Current Forms\Ins-DaiI.Fm -01-16-2001 King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055·1219 Karl Best B. J. Properties LLC. P.O. Box 1790 Snohomish, W A 98291 09118/2007 RE: Project Name: La Fortuna Townhomes Project No.: B03DCOOI Activity No.: L05SIl14 Dear Me. Karl Best: An inspection of this development was made by the Land Use Inspection Section. Based on that inspection, the enclosed punch list of construction deficiencies was prepared. Within fifteen (15) working days of the date ofthls letter, please contact the inspector (name and phone number at the bottom of the page) with the schedule for completing these items and indicating when work will begin. When all items are completed, please call fora follow-up inspection. If you have any questions or problems that the inspector cannot resolve, please call me at 296-7234 or write to the Land Use Inspection Section at the address above. Je Pray, Senior Engineer Land Use Inspection Section Enclosures: LUIS Performance Punch List cc: Tenzing Thinley, Engineer Financial Guarantees Management Unit Inspector's Phone No.: 296-7038 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LIST for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities hmch List Date: 09118/2007 Project Name: LA FORTUNA TOWNHOMES Project No.: B03DC001 Activity No.: L05S1114 Location: 12632 SE PETROVITSKY ROAD Activity Type: INSPCT-B The Land Use Services Division has a computer tracking system that uses project and activity numbers. Please refer to both the project and the activity numbers when inquiring about this project. 2 This official punch list is valid for 30 days. Changes will not be made within the 3~-day limit without the expressed review and approval of the Senior Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section. Any extensions to the 30-day limit must be approved by the inspector. Deviations from this policy should be reported to the Senior Engineer at (206) 296-7236. 3 Computer generated punch lists may appear to be missing punch list items because they are not numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6, ... etc. This is not a mistake, but due to the way the computer stores the standard conditions listing. 100 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: 101 Flush all storm drainage lines and clean out all catch basin/manhole sumps, including any retention/detention systems. 102 The compensatory storage pond elevations, layout is not per plans. Either install as per plans or request plan change. 103 Place a riprap pad at the outfall ofpipe(s) at the following location(s): outfall from vault. 104 Install 12" pipe rather than 8" pipe between CBs 1,2 & 3 as per plans. 105 Correct misaligned riser section below CB lid in the following catch basins: CBs # 2, 5, 6,9& 12. 106 Install top hand hold and missing ladder steps in CBs # 7, 11 & 12. 107 The storm drain line between CB # 10 & inlet into vault is bent. Reinstall so that the pipe is straight. 108 A new CB is installed between outlet from vault and outfall. Update plans as per plan change form # I. 109 Provide access road and bollords or fenced gate to the control structure as per 1998 KCSWDM and See plan change # 1. Page 1 of5 Print Date: 09/18/2007 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LIST for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: B03DCOOI Punch List Date: 09/18/2007 112 Add locking bolts to the following catch basins: all CBs except those on rolled curb. 113 At the control structure, correct the following measurements: a) distance between top of restrict or and outlet pipe is 4.75' rather than 4.85'. b) distance between top of restrict or and elbow orifice is 1.65' rather than 1.55'. c) distance between top of restrict or and bottom of vault cover (free board) is measured at 0.3' rather than 0.5' as per plans. 130 Provide verification (per Retention 1 Detention Facilities "In Operation" Requirements by Public Rule) by a licensed surveyor (LS) or professional civil engineer (PE) as follows: a. Dimensions (LS) b. Required and actual volumes (live and dead storage) (LS) c. Elevations (LS) 200 ROADWAYS AND PARKING AREAS: 20 I Install top lift on roadway. 202 Correct ponding in the curb in the following location(s):-appox. Sta 11 +50 12.00' R and Sta 11 +20 12.00' Lon 127" Ave SE. 203 Complete taper at Sta 11+04 19.2'R on 127 th Ave SE as per plans. 204 Install reflectorized markers as per plans on 127th Ave SE. 205 Seal all asphalt joints. 206 Seal around all monuments. 207 Install emergency access gate as per plans at end of 127th Ave SE. At rolled curbs, the gate post needs to be at least 10' away from edge of traveled way as per 1993 KCRS 5.11. 208 Stripe/mark the parking lot, including entrances, exits and handicapped stalls per approved plan. 209 Install handicap symbols on all handicapped parking stalls per the approved plans. 210 Paint fog line per plans on 127'h Ave SE (Sheet C519) 211 The driveway on 127th Ave Se must have a 10' or more radius. Page 2 of5 Print Date: 09/18/2007 /' , '. 10/15/2007 Z :32: 53 PM PAGE 2/0()3 @)i KlnSi CoUntY D.pat1m~nt ~f tlewlopment ""~ f"~runl1lintal, 5tllllt$$ 900 Oak~sdale Aveflue Southwest -Ren'"" \lIas~in~!<ln !/llO5!l-121 9 W6.29e.eeoo. TTY 205-29!!.7<17 For alternate formats, call206-2S6-6600, I " . .,-'i: Permit Numb .. : 15"3 b '(!) 0 I FOR CO~NER: L It ,..,r ... ~ lLL I, :1 ~~ .. ' ... , (print name) herebywrt!1Y lhat I am an/the owner ,,1 :~e prope<1ywhich is the sUbjeet Ofthi$ application for rmit or appro~1I1. If I am no! Iho sole own.,. Of the proP,etfi, I certify lhal I am authorized by any and all other owners oltha property to make this certlfication lind . transrllJi ay an .all nghts l/we have to apply for Ihl. permit or approval to the pelion listed balew, j -.~,"4;:;: 1.1M!eiore:"""1iIY.\1I~.. .... .,;.",;" we ' ee-_, __ ',_ _ •..• " .. (.print name) I, Ihe, __ ~ "app1ica.nl"i fO , this perm~ or appJOVlll and Sban remain the "appUcant' forlne (juration of thl$ permit 01' approval U"IilI.'il'appllcant" Sllliu5 i$ transferred in writing on a 101m provided by Ihi$ department By being !he "applicant: Ihat iM vidual assumes financial reapanelkUlty lor alf fin and wili receive any refunds paid, II I I cartlly ~"'9f' rnslly of p~tjury ~r t~ .. I.w. of the Slale of w...hlngton Ihat the Icr'llolng '" true and eo""el ,!t'-..v& /JL-.. 7-JJ-0 7 !r l SilJ1a!ure of Owner Date Signed ~ "OR I~IJ!QUA!.S' I, n 11 , (print name) he,vby cartily thai I em .,., . "applicani",for this p~lJl1it or "PPfQ'''!. I shall remain the "appl~nr' for the duration 01 lhis pel1l1~ 'If approvel unle •• .!spPlicant" _us is tran&1&n'ed in wtiUng on .. form provided by In'" depal1ri1ent. I .~e.P! f\nanclal, respon$lpjllly for pI! feu atl60cialed wllh this permil or approvel QI1d will reooive Bny relunds, My maHing addr ••• '. is:] I (:e,Hy ~ndef penally 01 P"'jul'j underthe laws Olthe State of Washinglon thallhe foregoing la ,"". IIl1d oorr~t. II .. 'i I' fi Signature of Applicant Oate Signed --! fF:QO-~R~C~~R~: O;!iRA[!A:T!:!lgO~N.§Ii"""!ii!"!jj"~'iil' -~'"tA~' ~Q:' gj'!8!!.9.!' -j§:' QR , ... -----" I, l ('o!!.A , (print name1 hereby certify thaI I am an authorized agent 011 ' , e corporation or o!her bU$lneGS a$.ocia!il,)n,Quthorlz!ld III the Slate of wa.n:ngton and Ihal thl. busine •• 8ssoolallon is the "applicant" fOr thl. , permit or sP,prQ\lal and 10 f1n.nyl.lly .... JPCI!1!!lble for all flo •• and will re<:e/'", sny refundS paid, This asaoelattpn Shall remain the "appliCanf' for the duration of thiS permit or apprOllal unles1l "applicanr' statui 1$ tr."starred in . wfitin~ on a form provided by this department. Tho mailing add, ••• Of this buslnes •••• 000a1ioo is: , I --~4--++---~----~-------------- of ,the ;liate 01 Washington that lI,e (oregcing i. tnJe and corraol, , :81r.;~7 CeMndTranmrN)pncantSl8lusFORM,dOC It-eer-VD:pSlatpctf . :1 I ---,------' -----------_.,----------- -------'---,-----.. _---•.... _-------------_._,---------- CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LIST for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities Punch List Date: 09/18/2007 Project Name: LA FORTUNA TOWNHOMES Project No.: B03DC001 Activity No. L05SI114 Activity Type: INSPECT-B Location: 12632 SE PETROVITSKY ROAD 1. The Land Use Services Division has a computer tracking system that uses project and activity numbers. Please refer to both the project and the activity numbers when inquiring about this project. 2. This official punch list is valid for 30 days. Changes will be made within the 30- day limit without the expressed review and approval of the Senior Engineer at (206) 296-7236. 3. Computer generated punch lists may appear to be missing punch list items because they are not numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... etc. This is not a mistake, but due to the way the computer stores the standard conditions listing. 100. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: 101. Flush all storm drainage lines and clean out all catch basin/manhole sumps, including any retention/ detention systems. PASSED with proof of Receipt 104. Install 12" pipe rather than 8" pipe between CBs 1, 2, & 3 as per plans. Mike Meins to start the "Minor Plan Change" process at King County DR Strong to Submit a "Minor Plan Change" to Mike Meins Need to pay for minor plan change 108. A new CB is installed between outlet from vault and outfall. Update plans as per plan change form # 1. DR Strong will submit with item 104 and submit with "'Minor Plan Change"-Need 1:0 pay for minor plan change 113. At the control structure, correct the following measurements: a) Distance between top of restrictor and outlet pipe is 4.75'. b) Distance between top of restrictor and elbow orifice is 1.65' rather than 1.55'. c) Distance between top of restrictor and bottom of vault cover (free board) is measured at 0.3' rather than 0.5' as per plans. If the volume ofthe tank exceeds the requirement (18,507 CF) then this item is removed 130. Provide verification (per Retention/ Detention Facilities "In Operation" Requirements by Public Rule) by a licensed surveyor (LS) or professional civil engineer (PE) as follows: a. Dimensions (LS) b. Required and actual volumes (live and dead storage) (LS) c. Elevations (LS) Resend Calculations from DRS to Mike Meins with DRS letter head and stamp 1 200. ROADWAYS AND PARKING AREAS: 2 more Handicap ramps missing. Need to add concrete or asphalt pad behind east ramp near play structure location 201. Install top lift on roadway. To complete this work after vertical construction. OK by Mike Meins 202. Correct ponding in the curb in the following location (s): approx. Sta. 11+50 12.00' Rand Sta 11+20 12.00' Lon 127'h Ave. SE as per plans. Mike Meins discussed this with utility contractors (PSE. Poteleo, Qwest ... ) and they agreed that it is their issue 204. Install reflectorized markers as per plans on 127'h Ave. SE. To be completed after vertical construction 205. Seal all asphalt jOints. To be competed after vertical construction 206. Seal around all monuments. To be competed after vertical construction 207. Install emergency access gate as per plans at end of 127'hAve. SE. At rolled curbs, the gate post needs to be at least 10' away from the edge of traveled way as per 1993 KCRS 5.11. To be competed after vertical construction 208. Stripe/ mark the parking lot, including entrances, exits, and handicapped stalls per approved plan. To be competed after vertical construction 209. Install handicap symbols on all handicapped parking stalls per approved plans. To be competed after vertical construction 210. Paint fog line per plans on 127'h Ave. SE (Sheet C5/9) To be competed after vertical construction 212. The area bordering 12705 SE 172nd St. (neighboring property along 127'h Ave. SE) has been raised higher by fill. The property's yd drain and surface water historically flowed south into the open space but is now blocked by fill and is causing the yd drain to fill up and flood the yard and crawl space to the existing house. Provide engineering solution to this problem. See plan change #1. A CD is to be installed to collect the water and tied into the existing CB located in the parking lot. DRS to add to "Minor Plan Change" Submittal 300. SIDEWALK, CURB, AND GUTTER 301. The flow though extruded concrete curbs installed on 127th Ave. SE is not standard. Install as per 1993 KCRS or obtain variance. Possibly replacing extruded curb with solid bottoms. 303. Replace broken sidewalk and/or curb in the following location(s): as marked out in the field. No locations marked by inspector at this Time 2 305. Fill behind all areas of sidewalk to provide a smooth transition. To be competed at vertical construction startup 306. Install mailboxes per the approved plans in the following location(s): as per sheet C5 of 9. To be competed after vertical construction 310. Score the mailbox posts to provide a break-away point that is no greater than 3.5" x 3.5", within twelve inches (12") above the ground or the sidewalk surface. To be competed after vertical construction if necessary 400. OTHER COMMENTS: 407. Outstanding Design Plan Changes must be addressed before Final Construction Approval can be issued. Please address the following outstanding design plan changes: 1. Minor plan change had been submitted 500. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 501. ORDINANCEI HEARING EXAMINER CONDITIONS: The following condition(s) must be addressed before Final Construction Approval: NO ITEMS 800. NON CONSTRUCTION RELATED REQUIREMENTS: 801. FINAL CORRECTED TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT ANDI OR FINAL CORRECT PLANS: The Revised Code of Washington 18.43 and the Washington Administrative Code 196 require all plans, speCifications, plats, and reports (including any changes) be prepared, signed, dated, and stamped by a licensed engineer. Still to be completed by DRS 804. A FINAL CORRECTED TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) REQUIRED: The applicant shall supply two (2) copies of the corrected TIR to this office. The FINAL CORRECTED TIR will reflect any drainage design plan changes. If no drainage design plan changes were approved, copies of the original TIR are acceptable. Copies of the TIR shall be marked "FINAL CORRECTED TIR". One copy will be kept by DDES and one will be forwarded to the King County Department of Natural Resources for permanent record keeping. Still to be completed by DRS 806. A TWO YEAR MAINTENANCE AND DEFECT financial guarantee warranting the successful operation and maintenance of RIGHT-OF-WAY improvements and lor DRAINAGE FACILITIES, and guaranteeing the workmanship, materials, and design used in the construction of the improvements and lor facilities required. Please contact the Financial Guarantee Management Unit (FGMU), at (206)296-7009, to obtain the proper forms. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FINANCIAL GUARANTEE UNTIL ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION PUNCHLIST ITEMS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. THE TWO YEAR MAINTENANCE AND DEFECT PERIOD SHALL NOT BEGIN UNTIL THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL OR RECORDING, WHICHEVER IS LAST. The amount of this guarantee, (25% of the total costs (including a 30% contingency and mobilization factor) for existing right -of -way 3 and future public road improvements and drainage facilities as shown on the financial guarantee worksheet) is: $ 2,211.00. COMPLETE 812. DRAINAGE FACILITY LIABILITY POLICY (KCC 9.04.100) Any person required to construct a drainage facility (except downspout roof drain infiltration systems) shall maintain a liability policy in the amount of $1,000,000 which shall name King County as an additional insured. This policy shall remain in effect until construction approval or acceptance for maintenance, whichever is last. THE POLICY FOR THIS PROJECT MUST NOT EXPIRE BEFORE THE FINANCIAL GUARANTEES ARE RELEASED. THE POLICY MUST BE EXTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE KING COUNTY CODE DESCRIBED ABOVE. K-Best construction requirement 814. INSPECTION FEES: After all other punch list items have been approved by the inspector, a Summary of Charges and Payments will be provided to you. Final Construction Approval can not be granted until the indicated fees are paid. NOTE: The Summary of Charges and Payments is not a final fee determination, additional charges may appear after Final Construction Approval. All outstanding invoices must be paid before any Financial Guarantees can be released. In order to avoid delays in processing. please notify the inspector when fee payment has been made. No inspection fees to date 990. FINAL CORRECTED PLANS: FOR ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Submit a complete set of archival quality mylars. Mylars shall be photo mylar or ink-on- mylar, minimum 4 mil thickness. In addition, one (1) blue-line copy of the complete construction plan set is required. All plans must reflect all Minor and Design Plan Changes. The blue-lines must have all Minor Design Changes highlighted in green. The mylars will not be returned. If the consultant engineer deSires copies for his/her records, copies must be made before submittal. Mylars and blue-line drawings shall not have shading or adhesive additions in any areas. Still to be completed by DRS 990.2 FINAL CORRECTED PLANS: PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS ONLY Two (2) blue-line copies of the complete construction plan set is required. The plans must reflect all Minor and DeSign Plan Changes highlighted in green. The blue-line drawings shall not have any shading or adheSive additions in any areas. Still to be completed by DRS 996. FINAL CORRECTED PLANS, REPLACEMENT MYLARS: When the ori9inally approved mylar is not submitted as the FINAL CORRECTED PLAN, additional review of the replacement mylar will be required. The Plan or "P" number from the original Mylar shall be shown on the replacement Mylar. Still to be completed by DRS 1000. Inspector: TENZING THINLEY PHONE: (206) 296-7038 4 ® King Count) , . Dcp., of Development and EnVironmental ServIces Land Use ServIces DivIsion 900 Oakestlale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washingto1l98055-1219 Karl Best B. J. Properties LLC. P.O. Box 1790 Snohomish, W A 98291 09118/2007 RE: Project Name: La Fortuna Townhomes Project No.: B03DC001 Activity No.: L05SI114 Dear Mr. Karl Best: An inspection ofthis development was made by the Land Use Inspection Section. Based on that inspection, the enclosed punch list of construction deficiencies was prepared. Within fifteen (15) working days of the date of this letter, please contact the inspebor (name and phone number at the bottom of the page) with the schedule for completing these items and indicating when work will begin. When all items are completed, please call [or a follow-up inspection. If you have any questions or problems that the inspector cannot resolve, please call me at 296-7234 or write to the Land Use Inspection Section at the address above. Je Pray, Senior Engineer Land Use Inspection Section Enclosures: LUIS Performance Punch List cc: Tenzing Thinley, Engineer Financial Guarantees Management Unit Inspector's Phone No.: 296-7038 CO_.~ [RUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH L0 r for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities Punch List Date: 09/18/2007 Project Name: LA FORTUNA TOWNHOMES Project No.: B03DCOOI Activity No.: L05SIll4 Activity Type: INSPCT-B Location: 12632 SE PETROVITSKY ROAD 2 3 100 101 The Land Use Services Division has a computer tracking system that uses project and activity numbers. Please refer to both the project and the activity numbers when inquiring about this project. This official punch list is valid for 30 days. Changes will not be made within the 30-day limit without the expressed review and approval of the Senior Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section. Any extensions to the 30-day limit must be approved by the inspector. Deviations from this policy should be reported to the Senior Engineer at (206) 296-7236. Computer generated punch lists may appear to be missing punch list items because they are not numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6, ... etc. This is not a mistake, but due to the way the computer stores the standard conditions listing. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Flush all stann drainage lines and clean out all catch basin/manhole sumps, including any retention/detention systems. F2<f 4"012---1!0 The compensatory storage pond elevations, layout is not per plans. Either install as per plans or request plan change. ~ fClt.-V-I1?-c::r F1 r-.jt>-<--~ p~ vfi53 O'?-Place a riprap pad at the outfall ofpipe(s) at the following location(s): outfall from vault. __ 104 Install 12" pipe rather than 8" pipe between CBs 1, 2 & 3 as per plans. "", ~ MIIVotz--~ ?i-l _ ~ TO ~ :SJ13!>M l ~ -17"'1 f6~ ~~ 105 Correct misaligned riser section below CB lid in tbe following catch basins: CBs # 2, 5, ~ 6, ~ & 12.~LET? .c..e> Z l-a:>(L.S 01<"" /' ' CBS / ~ / \..-J;l6 C\.Jn~~1 top hand hold and missing ladder steps in CBs «y4 V ~\t-Tbe storm drain line between CB # 10 & inlet into vault is bent. Reinstall so that the pipe is straight. ~p ~ L-t"'e, N1', .. n::,J<L 00 1'-" r<Jorz.. p......v GI--l . ~ A new CB is installed between outlet from vault and outfall. Update plans as per plan change form # I. 1f,I,,,,,, ~ 0"; A-i.lrJOit-~C-j-I., /' vM9 Provide access road and bollords or fenced gate to the control structure as per 1998 KCSWDM and See plan change # 1. t-XJf rzaj2 U{ eej? Page 1 of5 Print Date: 09118/2007 CON ~UCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LL. for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: B03DCOO I Punch List Date: 09/1812007 ~ Add locking bolts to the following catch basins: all CBs except those on rolled curb. ~> 113 At the control structure, correct the following measurements: a) distance between top of restrict or and outlet pipe is 4.75' rather than 4.85'. #Z ~) distance between top of restrictor and elbow orifice is 1.65' rather than 1.55'. ~.) ..p-;pIJ,J c) distance between top of restrict or and bottom of vault cover (free board) is measured at ,&'": \ V-' 0.3' rather than 0.5' as per plans. ft:.-TV ~ I t='<-1 ~~\(/ I vr30 Provide verification (per Retention 1 Detention Facilities "In Operation" Requirements by O!,-,Public Rule) by a licensed surveyor (LS) or professional civil engineer (PE) as follows: a. Dimensions (LS) ~ b. Required and actual volumes (live and dead storage) (LS) c. Elevations (LS) 200 ROADWAYS AND PARKING AREAS: --/Jop ~>;?(~ ~~ ~~s ____ 201 Install top lift on roadway. -rA:w<!. for 6.ro DF ?z.o.l~C-i 202 Correct ponding in the curb in the following location(s):-appox. Sta II +50 12.00' Rand Sta 11+20 12.00' Lon 127'h Ave SE. -?H£t-k'-IN/ifn.A f'\G':7 fb>z Wp~ Lq..J IN ~~omplete taper at Sta 11+04 19.2'R on 12ih Ave SE as per plans. 204 - __ 205 206 Install reflectorized markers as per plans on 127'h Ave SE. ~IPe.z.-1'-' I ~L.. vV /r::or Seal all asphalt joints. ~ Seal around all monuments. ~ Install emergency access gate as per plans at end of 1 27th Ave SE. At rolled curbs, the gate post needs to be at least 10' away from edge of traveled way as per 1993 KCRS 5.11. ,. 208 Stripe/mark the parking lot, including entrances, cxits and handicapped stalls per approved plan. (/..Je<:>4 ~wr .~ A,. W'7 ~ pz..o~ ') 209 Install handicap symbols on all handicapped parking stalls per the approved plans. ---H 'L\ 210 Paint fog line per plans on 127th Ave SE (Sheet C5/9) ~--. _ . / -STYZj pea-TO <410£< (\<' wi rA:::!T '17'.Yl_ The driveway on 127th Ave Se must have a 10' or more radius. 1'frJ~ ~ove ?'O.Jc;. CvVZ8TO -Slh-\~ Page 2 of 5 Print Date: 09118/2007 212 300 CON~ ~ ~ ~UCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LL" for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: B03DC001 Punch List Date: 0911812007 The area bordering 12705 SE 172"d St(neighboring propeliy along 127'h Ave SE) has been raised higher by fill. The property's yd drain and surface water historically flowed south into the open space but is now blocked by the fill and is causing the yd drain to fill up and nood the yard and crawl space to the existing hou~ Provide engineering solution to this problem. See plan change # I. p.y.><7.,o "y - f'A\~ SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER: _---., 301 The flow through extruded concrete curbs installed on 127'h Ave SE is not standard. OI<::J I~Install as per 1993 KCRS or obtain variance. IVA-? 1/J'5~ f<'72-~..J 303 305 -----.. 308 - __ 310 Replace broken sidewalk andlor curb in the following location(s): as marked out in the field. Fill behind all areas of sidewalk to provide a smooth transition. ~ Install mailboxes per the approved plans in the following loeation(s): as per sheet C5 of9. Extend the sidewalk behind the mailboxes to provide at least six feet (6') of clearance per Dwg. No. 5~01O, 1993 King County Road Standards in the following location(s): I""'~ ~-e-e. Provide, 12(H):I(V) slope, concrete ramps at the end of the sidewalk to the road shoulder walkway per drawing 4~004, 1993 King County Road Standards near Sta 11 +54 12'R on 127'h Ave SE. f'Jf;,1bC17 TDbEo -c>oJJe...- Score the mailbox posts to provide a break~away point that is no greater than 3.5" X 3.5", within twelve inches (12") above the ground or the sidewalk surface. ~ll£... Extend extruded curb across driveway all the way to the end. of 127'h Ave SE. Reminder, ~ the driveway lip needs to be 1" high. ?l+ v-.lJ~,Jt:.. V>J I" LI P o /, Poo Ey;;-CVI'Yb ~~, Relocate utility pole on east side of 127'h Ave SE near driveway to 12705 SE 172 nd St if D~necessary. The pole needs to be 5' clear from back of extruded curb. &.J""3IN& ""Ii<.-"""n?~ ~~~ 400 OTHER COMMENTS: 407 Outstanding Design Plan Changes must be addressed before Final Construction Approval can be issued. Please address the following outstanding design plan changes: 1. 500 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 501 ORDINANCE! I-IEARING EXAMINER CONDITIONS: The following condition(s) must be addressed before Final Construction Approval: ~~ Stabilize all denuded areas by vegetating, seeding and mulching or better. Page 3 of 5 Print Date: 0911812007 CON~ ... UCT/ON INSPECTION PUNCH LL, for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: B03DCOOI Punch List Date: 09/1812007 800 NON CONSTRUCTION RELATED REQUIREMENTS: 801 FINAL CORRECTED TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT AND/OR FINAL CORRECT PLANS: The Revised Code of Washington 18.43 and the Washington Administrative Code 196 require all plans, specifications, plats and reports (including any changes) be prepared, signed, dated, and stamped by a licensed engineer. 804 A FINAL CORRECTED TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) REQUIRED: The applicant shall supply two (2) copies of the corrected TIR to this office. The FINAL CORRECTED TIR will reflect any drainage design plan changes. Tfno drainage design plan changes were approved, copies of the original TIR are acceptable. Copies of the TIR shall be marked "FINAL CORRECTED TIR". One copy will be kept by DOES and one will be forwarded to the King County Department of Natural Resources for permanent record keeping. 806 A TWO YEAR MAINTENANCE AND DEFECT financial guarantee warranting the successful operation and maintenance of RIGHT -OF-WAY improvements and/or DRAINAGE FACILITIES, and guaranteeing the workmanship, materials and design used in the construction of the improvements and/or facilities is required. Please contact the Financial Guarantee Management Unit (FGMU), at (206) 296-7009, to obtain the proper forms. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FINANCIAL GUARANTEE UNTIL ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION PUNCHLIST ITEMS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. THE TWO YEAR MAINTENANCE AND DEFECT PERIOD SHALL NOT BEGIN UNTIL FINAL CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL OR RECORDING, WHICH EVER IS LAST. The amount of this guarantee, (25% of the total costs (including a 30% contingency and mobilization factor) for existing right-of-way and future public road improvements and drainage facilities as shown on the financial guarantee worksheet) is: $ 2,211.00 812 DRAINAGE FACILITY LIABILITY POLICY (KCC 9.04.100) Any person required to construct a drainage facility (except downspout roof drain infiltration systems) shall maintain a liability policy in the amount of$I,OOO,OOO which shall name King County as an additional insured. This policy shall remain in effect until construction approval or acceptance for maintenance, whichever is last. THE POLICY FOR THIS PROJECT MUST NOT EXPIRE BEFORE THE FINANCIAL GUARANTEES ARE RELEASED. THE POLICY MUST BE EXTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE KING COUNTY CODE DESCRIBED ABOVE. Page40f5 Print Date: 09118/2007 COJ\~ ___ UCTION INSPECTION Pl;NCH LI~ ~ for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: B03DCOOI Punch List Date: 09/18/2007 814 INSPECTION FEES: After all other punch list items have been approved by the inspector, a Summary of Charges and Payments will be provided to you. Final Construction Approval can not be granted until the indicated fees are paid. NOTE: The Summary of Charges and Payments is not a final fee determination, additional charges may appear after Final Construction Approval. All outstanding invoices must be paid before any Financial Guarantees can be released. In order to avoid delays in processing, please notify the inspector when fee payment has been made. 990 FINAL CORRECTED PLANS: FOR ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Submit a complete set of archival quality mylars. Mylars shall be photo mylar or ink-on- mylar, minimum 4 mil thickness. In addition, one (I) blue-line copy of the complete construction plan set is required. All plans must reflect all Minor and Design Plan Changes. The blue-lines must have all Minor and Design Plan Changes highlighted in green. The mylars will not be returned. If the consultant engineer desires copies for hislher records, copies must be made before submittal. Mylars and blue-line drawings shall not have shading or adhesive additions in any areas. 990.2 FINAL CORRECTED PLANS: PRN ATE IMPROVEMENTS ONLY Two (2) blue-line copies of the complete construction plan set is required. The plans must reflect all Minor and Design Plan Changes. The blue-lines must have all Minor and Design Plan Changes highlighted in green. The blue-line drawings shall not have shading or adhesive additions in any areas. 996 FINAL CORRECTED PLANS, REPLACEMENT MYLARS: When the originally approved mylar is not submitted as the FINAL CORRECTED PLAN, additional review of the replacement mylar will be required. The Plan or "P" number from the original mylar shall be shown on the replacement mylar. 1000 Inspector: TENZrNG THINLEY Phone: (206) 296-7038 /---- / (~V1 "/~ (" ! t~J.C<-t Signature: _____ &-t;-I-____ --tL PageSofS Print Date: 09118/2007 D. R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. Engineers Planners Surveyors 10604 NE 38th Place #101 Kirkland WA 98033 PHONE 425-827-3063 FAX 425-827-2423 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Tenzing Thinley ADDRESS: 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 RE: La Fortuna DcoPY OF LETTER o FOR YOUR USE COPIES DATE 1 1 1 1 FROM: KLK for Walter J. Shostak, P.E. DATE: May 2, 2007 PROJECT NUMBER: 05160 rgjPLANS DPRINTS DSPECIFICATIONS o FOR REVIEW 0 FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION Volume Verification Letter Original Bond Quantity Worksheets Bond Reduction Worksheets Storm Drainage asbuilts NOTES/COMMENTS: Please find the above referenced plans attached. Please do not hesitate to call our office with any further questions. Thank you. T: lk05\l \05162\ T070502TenzingThinley.doc AMENDMENT TO VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT TIDS AMENDMENT TO VACANT LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Amendment") is made and is effective as of the __ day of , 2007 (the "Effective Date") by and between K-Best Construction, Inc., a Washington corporation ("Seller") and GMP Homes, Inc., its suceessors or assigns ("Buyer"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer entered into that certain Vacant Land Purchase and Sale Agreement dated and effective as of April 22, 2005, as amended (the "Agreement") a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, regarding the proposed purchase and sale of certain real propelty, improvements, and related property more particularly described therein; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to reaffirm the Agreement, and to provide as a condition to closing the reduction of the purchase price to compensate the Buyer for assuming the responsibility for the completion of the items set forth on the attached Schedule 1. All capitalized terms used in this Amendment shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement, unless otherwise herein defined. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants described below, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: , 1. Reduction of Purchase Price. The purchase price shall be reduced by the sum of $206, 348.D7. 2. Acceptance of Property. The Buyer agrees that it shall purchase the propelty, and the improvements constructed thereon, in its present condition, as is, including but not limited to the existence of fill material on site. Buyer shall assume any and all responsibility for the completion of any and alJ improvements required by King County, DDES, or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the project, including, but not limited to the completion of those items of work identified on the attached Schedule 1. 3. Closing Date. The Closing Date shall be on or before __ '7-'-.----"3::...:..1 _---"'c"-7.L-__ 4. Attorney's Fees. If any party hereto shall bring any suit or action against the other for relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall have and recover against the defaulting party, in addition to court costs and disbursements, such sums as the coult may adjudge to be a reasonable attorney's fee. 5. Miscellaneous. The parties agree that the laws of the State of Washington shall apply to this Agreement. No waiver or modification by any of the parties of any of the terms or conditions hereof shall he effective unless in writing and signed by the party or parties making such waiver or modification. Except as modified by this Amendment, the Agreement is hereby reinstated, ratified and affinned and is in full force and effect. This Amendment may be Amendment to Vacant Land Purchase and Sale Agreement {00548296.DOC;11 - 1 - , executed in mUltiple counterparts and by facsimile, all of which, when taken together shall constitute one original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date. SELLER: K·BEST CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Washington corporation By: ,~ Name: Karl Best Title: President nr;r-(L/ Date Executed:_7L---=:2::..;J=--..:,o,---,7 __ _ Amendment [0 Vacant Land Purchase and Sale Agreement {005482%.DOC;ll BUYER: GMP HOMES, INC., a Washington :4~ Name: eg Prendergast Title: President Date Executed: 7 -(s:--07 -2 - + w '" v: \\ ~ ~~ 0/ w w w ~ --~/ ; \ II .y 'V ~ ~ -V -V ~ / ~ ~ w ~ ~ ./"w ~,..---~ ~ ~, -V -V ~ ',v / -V ~ ~ ~ '" ~ 1 OO-)'R F~ODPLAIN v v v '" '" VOLUME (±229 CU. YDS) TO '" '" B~ ELiMINA . -V W '" w \V'~ , w ., -V .... WOop BO~RD i ~ .. / ~ ArWIORED PLATE FLOW SPREADER wPER tl~~,6.A,~& 6ifW X tg'L FitTER £,TRIP, wS= l~,,4.M IN-.. -JEEE SHEET.£3 FOR w ~ PlJIN N~ RE~UIREM~NTS .1' w -V OU 'IF ALL)fWCK JcININD -V -V " -I-7'Ux1 O'L<sl 'T PER TABLt: 4.2.2.A' -V ~. ~TM 12+23.52 '81.63R \ v v v " ¥ 'V i -I-~ 385;00 IE=384.98 '.1'--~ " " 23Q\12., -( ". ". -I--io' -l, " " IE J '-J/ ,I ". -(., '-/. "\ ! 1· t "4 1. ~-Y.R fLO.ODPLAIN~COM. PENS.A TORY STqRA~I(±31~. CU. YDl2L TO BE 1 AD/ 1 ,'~:;, -I 'J \ l' ,( ) \ Jl J' 1· -1-'-J -J '-l i Ji I -.(. 1 385.15 GSK " ".' I I , .., I '\;! ?.. \!.\ ' vy"1~ '1'V f-'.'" '\\~ ~,-, -.,/ '. • • ..... ~ 0,., ,.' ., " '-I, .J \ > Nlli-I . ,T-,\'1\ .\, ,#'11, , ', __ ': i __ .,,, -\.J"W..... ~\ ,,' ). '--:' " :-........ ........... ........ ~ ..,,<)_~< ,£\~ ~\:' f: .\ \ J ' /~c , " -l " , ',-, " '/ / ,03103 'J90..2 .. ",,/' G8K I \vo #5" VU~. ,I I" STA. 12+84.06 11.83L I ~ RIM~ 390.136391:02 -I- !fE=381l.8138J7.95" I'" '4 .~ " ·1 -l / " -I--I- " " '-I JAN-07-2007 23:48 R. STRONG Jan 08 07 0952a Jay Group • THE.~~ JAY GROUPo", Fax Transmittal To: Karen Kolb@ D.R Strong From: George Kaage cc: Pages: 2 (including cover) Fax: 425~7-2423 Date: 1/612007 Re: LaFortuna o Urgent DForReview o Please Comment o Please Reply Comments: 425 827 2423 P.01/02 351 7252 p1 o Please Recycle 19275"' Street • Marysville, WA 96270 • Phone: (360) 659-8159 Fax: (360) 651-7252 • Email: mail@jaygroopnc.com JAN-07-2007 23:48 D. R. STRONG Jan 08 07 0952a Jay Group 425 827 2423 P.02/02 551 7252 p.2 The Jay Group, Inc. Landscape Archilecfl, Civil fn~ineerl and hvironmen+al COnJuhanh King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 C/O Karen Kolb D. R. Strong 10604 3 Sib Place Suite 101 Klrldand, WA.9S033 LaFortuna -PFN#AOLP0135 To whom it may concern, The new owners ofLaFortuna a Multi-family site in King County have requested a change to the Landscape Plans provided by the Jay Group. The owner would like to eliminate the currant Irrigation Plans and replace them with a Bidder Designed Irrigation System or use other means of Irrigation to ensure plants survivability. S~JereIY, -"\i~v~v GeorJJ ~g(). Landscape Architect 1927 -51~ Slreel • IInVlVille. WI 98270 • (l60) 659-8159 • hI: (360) 651-7252 • e-llI~il: llIail@ianraupllc.colll TOTAL P.02 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ® King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton. Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Crystal Haven II Location: 37517 34th Ave. South Clearing greater than or equal to 5.000 board feet of timber? _______ yes If yes. Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW76.09) Page 1 of 9 x no For alternate formats, cali 206-296-6600. Date: 12-0ct-07 Project No.: L04P0016 Activity No.: L065R001 Note: All prices include labor. equipment. materials. overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database, KC_BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET,xls Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.qovlddes Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 04122/02 Report Date: 10/1212007 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Page2of9 KC_BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETxls ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESC TOTAL: COLUMN: Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.qovlddes $ $ $ A Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 04122102 Report Date: 10/1212007 Page 30f9 -Kec 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC_BOND QUANTITYWORKSHEET.xIs Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 135,608.11 Check out the DOES Web site at www.metr0kc.govlddes 53,684.74 186,845.61 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 1011212007 Page4of9 "Kec 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC_BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xI' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 292.52 26,606.26 Check out the ODES Web site at www,metrokc.qovlddes 26,89B.78 Unit prices updated: Q2112102 Version: 4122102 Report Dale: 10/1212007 Page 5 of 9 *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC_BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 37,512.00 Check. out the DDES Web site at www.meuokc.govlddes 4,223.80 Unit prices updated: 02112/02 Version: 4122102 Report Dale: 10/1212007 PageBofS *Kec VA authorizes only one bond reduction. KC_BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 2,470.09 49,679.73 Check out tile DDES Web .ute at www,metrol!c,govld!te§ 6.781.84 51,489.86 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 10/1212007 Page 7 of 9 -Kec 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC_BOND QUANTITYWORKSHEET.x1s Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 1297.2 23535.4 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrolcc.qovlddes 3519 28351.6 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 1011212007 ---------------------------~------ Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Page8of9 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: B 1,040.00 5,099.81 2n,941.50 1,529.94 81,882.45 6,629.75 354,823.96 C *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC_BOND QUANTITYWORKSHEET.xls Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.qovlddes 68,209.38 293,565,85 20,462.81 88,075.76 88,672.19 381,661.61 D E Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 10/1212007 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Mel L. Daley P. E. Dale: 5/30/2006 PE Registration Number: 13258 Tel. #: 253-333-2200 Firm Name: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. Address: 726 Auburn Way N., Auburn, WA 98002 Project No: L04P0016 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilizalion/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilitie' Private Improvements Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way andlor Site Restoration Bond'/'" (First $7,500 of bond" shall be cash.) Performance Bond' Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond* Total *",* Maintenance/Defect Bond' Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND' REDUCTION: PERFORMANCE BOND' AMOUNT (A) $ (B) $ 6.629.8 (C) $ 354,824.0 (D) $ 88,672.2 (A+B) $ 6.629.8 (T) $ 450,125.9 Minimum bond-amount IS $1 000. Bob Thompson BOND-AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY - (E) $ 381,661.6 TxO.30 $ 135,037.8 OR (T-E) $ 68.464.3 Use larger of Tx30% or (T -E) Date: ... NOTE: The word ~bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. -NOTE: KeC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND' (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 90,363.4 10/12/2007 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESe as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included, Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged. some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. *-NOTE: Per KeC 27A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be 1 $ 61,834.5 I(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES Page 9 of g Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.govlddes KC_BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xls Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 10/1212007 Thinley, Tenzing From: Conyers, Jody Sent: To: Cc: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:01 PM Pray, Jeff; Thinley, Tenzing Townsend, Steve Subject: RE: New Development Here is the inspection number L05S1114. Sorry it is getting late in the day. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jeff, Conyers, Jody Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:00 PM Pray, Jeff; Thinley, Tenzing Townsend, Steve FW: New Development I have just received this drainage complaint from DNR. This appears to be one of yours. so here it is. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Jody! Lew, Tom Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:44 PM Conyers, lody Townsend, Steve FW: New Development I got an auto-reply e-mail from Steve. It said he is out of the office and you are in charge. Can you handle this? Thanks! From: Lew, Tom Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:41 PM To: Townsend, Steve Subject: New Development Hi Steve! FYI. We received a complaint from Jerry Dronen (12705 SE 172 0 ' St. 425-221-1325. parcel #143270-1150). He is concerned about drainage impacts from a new development currently under construction adjacent to the south of his property. Attached are our Drainage Investigation Report and photos. Is this something that your group can follow-up? Thanks! «File: 2007-0471Com.pdf» «File: 2007-0471comphoto.pdf» 1 Complaint 2007-0471 Photos taken by: John Spears 8/24/07 Photo 1: Complaints home. Photo 3: Another look at the porcel to the south. Photo 2: Parcel to the south of the complaints. The are has been filled in so the porcel is now higher then his. Photo 4: Looking from the parcel to the south into the complaints backyard. ti King County FILE NO. NAME ADDRESS 2007-0471 Jerry Dronen 12705 SE 172nd SI 656 F7 Department of Natural Resources Water and Land Resource Division PHONE 425-221-1325 602 TB PAGE ~-----i DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT FIELD INVESTIGATION DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: KROLL PAGE MAINT. DIVISION DATE 8/28/07 4 INITIALS -JRS I was on site August 24,2007. At this time I meet with the complaint Jerry Dronen. NTS Mr. Dronen is concerned with a large development going in on the parcel to the south of him. Looking at the online permit detail it appears that a 41 unit townhome will be going in. So far they have just done the filling and grading, drainage and roadways. Mr. Dronen is concerned because he claims the parcel next to him used to be lower and his property drained on to it, now the parcel is higher and he is getting run off from it. He already has a water problem and is concerned it will only get worse now. I explained this would appear to be under DOES purview as it was still under development but we would look into it. W SKETCH: (/J II) > « '" ;:.. N .- " SE 172nd ST '\ / I I EJ I ~ I I I I I ~ @ ~ Page 1 of 1 Townsend, Steve From: Luay Joudeh [Iuay.joudeh@drstrong.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:15 AM To: Thinley, Tenzing Cc: Townsend, Steve Subject: La Fortuna Dear Tenzing, Karl had asked me to send this to you to remind you that he is no longer responsible for this project. Per the transfer of applicant and the agreement with GMP, he feels that GMP should have posted new bonds and a release of k-best bonds should have taken as of July 31, 2007. Please cal Karl if you have nay questions. Luay 10/17/2007 1/ Hi/2007 ::: 32: 53 PM PAGE ;;., ~03 Fa:'.{ Server .,. \ '. .,: King r::ountY tnpanm:ant ~f Devvlopment .1'11 Environmental StrvlclS 900 Oel<eidale A ..... tIlJO SClo1hwtt$t . -Renton. ,;y..,;,~ HOlSe-I219 2Q8.ZIl6-e6OCI 'TTl' 20&-2911·7217 For altemate formats, call 206-29s.e600. ,r ':[ : Permit Numbe" ]3(J3 b ,<'$1 0 I F T MER: ,.,f<,.v"A lLc:.. I. _-2~ .... (print name) herebY <;er1lff that I am a~ owner 91 tlje properly which is the subject of this application for rmlt or APPlo""l. If I !1m nollllf/ $Ole owner" the proPerly, I eortify that , am aUlhgrlzed by any and all omar own'fJ 01 thtt properly to make this certification roo tranSfer at an.-II tl9ht$ IIwe have to apply for !his parm~ Of apprQV&l to the pet'Soolistld belew, .~. ':Z 1,.M!"lelof<\.cerJiIli.tnal. .. -,. '-~ . -=-#' -.--........ ,prlnl name) Is the" _ - "apj)1.:a,m"(fiir tills parmH or approval and s~all remain Ihe "applicant' for tha ~uration of Ihi. pennit 0/ approval "olns 1japplicllflt" .latus 16 transferred In wilting on a form provided by Ihi. dapartment. By being til. "appllcanl." that individual auum.! fineru;.1ai '''!!!!!1!I!blllsy fpr til aU ancl will receive any ""vnds paid, II , I ... rtII)Tnd9r ron. II)! of 0: /' the IOwa of the Stale of washington tlta, the for$Qoing iO trut and co""cI. i It,""'& A?-7-)1-0 7 . If l Slgnalule of Owner Dale Signed l FOR INbJlOlIAY! I I, ! tl , (p,int nam.) h.reby ceMy thai I em tlo ' ".ppl,carn'"lor this p'lTT1il or "I'P""",I. I .hell remain the "llppl1oant" let the duration of this pe,",~ at approval ' unl .... ".pplleaol" .latus i& lrei>&ferrad in writing 00 Q form provided by this dOpartlitent l,cC.p! flnanc!al, fl!8 POnSlb\!itv for lilt 1m e6l~lat,d with Ihl. penmll or approvel and will reooIva any ref\lnd" My maUing addres!: Is: --~~---------------------------~ ! I cectly Lnder pe.oll)! of p91jwy under the laws of the State of W<>.hlngIQn thlll tile foregoing is lrue 8110 "",,,,,,t, II' 'i R Signalure of ApJlIlll8nt Oal' Signed .- -FOifC6Ri!ORin 'sr-'iits-~c'1A ".QR -~ ...... ---,..".-, .0 ___ --_J I, G«~rt}~?!~r?EtSA:: ,no: . (prInt name) hereby ce!tifythat lam an authonzed agenlol; ~?~_ bC~ ,eCOlJlOflIlion,orolherbuGln .... auociatlon,auttJorlzed In 111. State of Wssh,nQton and that thl. bLl!iness _oelaUon '0 the "applicant' fOr this , permit 01 8llProwi and \, !!n.nc!.l!y rHp9!!t!br. for aU 1$ •• and will reoeIve any refundt paid. This """oell!l!Oo $hell telilaln the "appiCanr lor the ctura'ion Of Ih" parmll or approval un_ "appflcanr ,totlla ItIfranaferred In . writing on a form provided by this departme:'lt. The maUlng addrsis of thIs bUsioen. aasoclwion 1'$: It I FateSlgned P~1 o! 2 --------''----------- " AMENDMENT TO VACANT LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO VACANT LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Amendment") is made and is effective as of the __ day of. , 2007 (the "EtTective Date") by and between K-Best Construction, Inc., a Washington corporation ("Seller") and GMP Homes, Inc., its successors or assigns ("Buyer"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer entered into that certain Vacant Land Purchase and Sale Agreement dated and effective as of April 22, 2005, as amended (the "Agreement") a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, regarding the proposed purchase and sale of certain real property, improvements, and related property more particularly described therein; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to reaffirm the Agreement, and to provide as a condition to closing the reduction of the purchase price to compensate the Buyer for assuming the responsibility for the completion of the items set forth on the attached Schedule 1. All capitalized terms used in this Amendment shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement, unless otherwise herein defined. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants described ; below, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: , 1. Reduction of Purchase Price. The purchase price shall be reduced by the sum of $206, 348.07. 2. Acceptance of Propertv. The Buyer agrees that it shall purchase the property, and the improvements constructed thereon, in its present condition, as is, including but not limited to the existence of fill material on site. Buyer shall assume any and all responsibility for the completion of any and all improvements required by King County, ODES, or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the project, including, but not limited to the completion of those items of work identified on the attached Schedule 1. 3. Closing Date. The Closing Date shall be on or before __ 1.1.---""3:..:',--_0,,,,-71-_ 4. Attorney's Fees. If any party hereto shall bring any suit or action against the other for relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall have and recover against the defaulting party. in addition to court costs and disbursements. such sums as the court may adjudge to be a reasonable attorney's fee. 5. Miscellaneous. The parties agree that the laws of the State of Washington shall apply to this Agreement. No waiver or modification by any of the parties of any of the terms or conditions hereof shall he effective unless in writing and signed by the party or parties making such waiver or modification. Except as modified by this Amendment, the Agreement is hereby reinstated, ratified and affirmed and is in full force and effect. This Amendment may be Amendment to Vacant Land Purchase and Sale Agreement I 0054B296.00C;!} -I - executed in multiple counterparts and by facsimile, all of which, when taken together shall constitute one original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date. SELLER: K.BEST CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Washington corporation By: tJ /2..Y' Name: ' Karl Best Title: President Date Executed: 7-23 -0 7 Amendment to Vacant Land Purchase and Sale Agreement (00548296.DOC;J} BUYER: GMP HOMES, INC., a Washington ~~4~ Nam~PrenderiaSt Title: President Date Executed: "1 -(H' -07 - 2 - Townsend, Steve From: Sent: To: Townsend, Steve Wednesday, October 17, 2007 1 :01 PM 'Luay Joudeh' Cc: Thinley, Tenzing Subject: RE: La Fortuna Luay, Page I of I According to our financial guarantee management group, the new applicant has not replaced the financial guarantees (see attached email). Please forward to Karl since you did not include his email in your email. Steve Townsend, PE Supervisor, Land Use Inspections King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Phone (206)296-7204 New email: Steve.Townsend@KingCounty.gov From: Luay Joudeh [mailto:luay.joudeh@drstrong,com] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10: 15 AM To: Thinley, Tenzing Cc: Townsend, Steve Subject: La Fortuna Dear Tenzing, Karl had asked me to send this to you to remind you that he is no longer responsible for this project. Per the transfer of applicant and the agreement with GMP, he feels that GMP should have posted new bonds and a release of k-best bonds should have taken as of July 31,2007. Please cal Karl if you have nay questions. Luay 10117/2007 Page 1 of 1 Townsend, Steve From: Rogers, Carol on behalf of DOES, FGMU Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 12:58 PM To: Townsend, Steve Cc: Thinley, Tenzing Subject: RE: La Fortuna no, they have not brought in the replacement paperwork. A letter was sent to GMP, Greg Predergast back in August. I have also left him a couple of voice mails. From: Townsend, Steve Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 12:49 PM To: DOES, FGMU Cc: Thinley, Tenzing Subject: FW: La Fortuna Please verify that the new applicants brought in replacement financial guarantees. Thanks Steve Townsend, PE Supervisor, Land Use Inspections King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Phone (206) 296-7204 New email: Steve.Townsend@KingCounty.gov From: Luay Joudeh [mailto:luay.joudeh@drstrong.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10: 15 AM To: Thinley, Tenzing Cc: Townsend, Steve Subject: La Fortuna Dear Tenzing, Karl had asked me to send this to you to remind you that he is no longer responsible for this project. Per the transfer of applicant and the agreement with GMP, he feels that GMP should have posted new bonds and a release of k-best bonds should have taken as of July 31, 2007. Please cal Karl if you have nay questions. Luay 10117/2007 D. R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. Engineers Planners Surveyors 10604 NE 38th Place #101 Kirkland WA 98033 PHONE 425-827-3063 FAX 425-827-2423 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Tenzing Thinley ADDRESS: 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 RE: La Fortuna DcoPY OF LETTER D FOR YOUR USE COPIES DATE 1 1 1 1 FROM: KLK for Walter J. Shostak, P.E. DATE: May 2,2007 PROJECT NUMBER: 05160 ~PLANS DPRINTS DSPECIFICATIONS D FOR REVIEW D FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION Volume Verification Letter Original Bond Quantity Worksheets Bond Reduction Worksheets Storm Drainage asbuilts NOTES/COMMENTS: Please find the above referenced plans attached. Please do not hesitate to call our office with any further questions. Thank you. T: Ik05 \ J \05162 \ TO 705 02 TenzingThinley .doc May 1, 2007 Tenzing Thinley Inspection Services Division King County DOES 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Re: Lafortuna B03DC001 Volume Verification Letter Dear Mr. Thinley: Project No. 01261 This letter is in support of the Storm Water Runoff DetentionlWater Quality pond As-Built obtained by D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers. The volume is based upon an actual field survey of the as-constructed vault. In order to confirm the volumes, we obtained spot elevations at key locations in the vault. The following table is a summary of our findings: Volumes Effective Wetpool Depth Water Quality Detention Storage Depth (Feet) (Cubic Feet) (Cubic Feet) (Feet) Required 4.75 4.0 9,033 18,507 Designed 4.75 4.0 17,927.30 21,288.50 As Constru cted 4.75 4.0 17,647 20,956 We also have verified that orifices were fabricated and installed per design specifications within acceptable tolerances. Considering that the effective storage height, volume and vault dimensions remained virtually unchanged the design and as-built release rates would remain the same as designed. Additionally, the 2, 10, and 1 DO-year stages should also be consistent with the design values. Sincerely, D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Walter J. Shostak, P.E. Project Engineer WJS/sjw .r+ rl E~X~P~IA~E~S-1~O-I-l1-/~O:-:"1::;--"" Planners 10604 N.t, 3t)th Place SUite 101 Kirkland, \/liA 98033-7903 Phone: (425) 1::l21-3U6J Fax: (425) 827-2423 Toll F~ee: (800) %2-1402 www.drst:orlS].com Surveyors D.Ft STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 13, 2007 Mike Meins Inspection Services Division King County DOES 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Re: Lafortuna B03DC001 Vault Volume Verification Letter Dear Mr. Meins: Project No. 06163.500 This letter is in support of the Storm Water Runoff DetentionlWater Quality vault As-Built obtained by 0_ R STRONG Consulting Engineers. The volume is based upon an actual field survey of the as-constructed vault. In order to confirm the volumes, we obtained spot elevations at key locations in the vault. The following table is a summary of our findings: Volumes Effective Wetpool Depth Water Quality Detention Storage Depth (Feet) (Cubic Feet) (Cubic Feet) (Feet) Required 4_75 4.0 9,033 18,507 Designed 4.75 4.0 17,927.30 21,288.50 As Constructed 4.75 4.0 17,647 20,956 We also have verified that orifices were fabricated and installed per design specifications within acceptable tolerances. Considering that the effective storage height, volume and vault dimensions remained virtually unchanged the design and as-built release rates would remain the same as designed. Additionally, the 2, 10, and 100-year stages should also be consistent with the design values. Sincerely, D. R STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Walter J. Shostak, P.E. Project Engineer WJS/sjw T: Ik061] \06] 63'ILetlers \L07l , 13 -volume.doc Engineers I EXPIRES 10/11/09 Planners --T------- 10601 f\J. f. 38th Place SLit~ 101 Kirkland, WA n033 7:)03 Phone: (425) 827-3063 Fax: (425) 827-2'173 Toll F,ee: (800) %2-1402 www.dr-str-ong co:n Surveyors D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 1,2007 Tenzing Thinley Inspection Services Division King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Re: Lafortuna B03DC001 Volume Verification Letter Dear Mr. Thinley: Project No. 01261 This letter is in support of the Storm Water Runoff DetentionlWater Quality pond As-Built obtained by D. R STRONG Consulting Engineers. The volume is based upon an actual field survey of the as-constructed vault In order to confirm the volumes, we obtained spot elevations at key locations in the vaul!. The following table is a summary of our findings: Volumes Effective Wetpool Depth Water Quality Detention Storage Depth (Feet) (Feet) (Cubic Feet) (Cubic Feet) Required 4.75 4.0 9,033 18,507 DesicJned 4.75 4.0 17,927.30 21,288.50 As Constructed 4.75 4.0 18,847 22,381 We also have verified that orifices were fabricated and installed per design specifications within acceptable tolerances. Considering that the effective storage height, volume and vault dimensions remained virtually unchanged the design and as-built release rates would remain the same as designed. Additionally, the 2, 10, and 100-year stages should also be consistent with the design values. Sincerely, D. R STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. Walter J. Shostak, PE Project Engineer WJS/sjw Engineers I EXF'RES 10/11/ or Planners 1060·1 N E 38th PIJec Suite 101 1<lrkl':lI\u, WA 9B033-7903 Pl)on~: (<125) .327-3063 Fax: (-125) 827-2.123 Toll Free: (BOO) 952-].102 1'1\'1\'1 drslrong com Surveyors Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 ® King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Project Name: La Fortuna Location: 12632 SE Petrovitsky Road Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? X yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 Bond Quantity La Fortuna.xls ___ no DOES will provide For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Date: 5/1/2007 Project No.: B03DC001 Activity No.: Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 511/2007 Page 2 of9 Bond Quantity La Fortuna.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESC TOTAL: COLUMN: Web dale: 11121/2005 $ 23,134.48 $ 6,940.34 $ 30,074.82 A Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 511/2007 Page 3 of 9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond Quantity Reduction_1261 ,xis Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 4,482.77 394.13 Web dale: 11/21/2005 154,069.58 154,069.58 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 5/112007 Page 4 of 9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond Quantity Reduction_1261.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 326.70 33,861.51 Web dale: 11/21/2005 33,861.51 Unit prices updated: 02112/02 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 5/1/2007 Page 5 or9 "Kec 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond Quantity Reduction_1261.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL 965.44 Web dale: 11/2112005 45,344.48 45,344.48 Unrt prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 5/1/2007 Page 6 of 9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond Quantity Reduction_1261.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL Web date: 11/2112005 30,869.86 30,869.86 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 5/112007 Page 7 of 9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond Quantity Reduction_1261.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL Web date: 11/2112005 33791.2 33791.2 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4122/02 Report Date: 51112007 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBIUZATION: Page 8 of 9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond Quantity Reduction_1261.xls GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: B 4.45 5,779.36 394.13 1,733.81 118.24 7,513.17 512.37 C Web date: 11/2112005 192,615.40 188,995.00 490,552.03 486,931.63 147,165.61 146,079.49 637,717.64 633,011.12 D E U nit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 51112007 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 1112112005 Original bond computations prepared by: Name: K-Best Construction Oat.: 5/112007 PE Registration Number: 32231 Tol. #: 425-827-3063 Firm Name: D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address: 10604 NE 38th pI. #101 Kirkland, WA 98033 Project No: B03DC001 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE BOND' PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE StabilizationlErosion Sediment Control (ESC) (A) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (B) Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities (C) Private Improvements (D) Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way andlor Site Restoration Bond'r-I (A+B) (First $7,500 of bond' shall be cash.) Performance Bond* Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL I (T) Reduced Performance Bond" Total '" MaintenancelDefect Bond' Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND' REDUCTION: AMOUNT .J. 30.074.8 .J. 7,513.2 .J. 512.4 $ 637,717.6 $ 37,588.0 $ 675,818.0 MInimum bond" amount IS $1000, Walter J. Shostak, PE. BOND' AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY'" (E) $ 633,011.1 T x 0.30 $ 202,745.4 OR (T-E) $ 42,806.9 Use larger of Tx30% or (T -E) Date: .. NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. ** NOTE: KeC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. MAINTENANCEIDEFECT BOND" (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 2,006.4 5/112007 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. "''''''' NOTE: Per KGG 27A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ 5,218.9 I(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES Page 9 of 9 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.qovlddes Bond Quantity Reduction_1261.xls Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version 4122102 Report Date: 51112007 • King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Project Name: La Fortuna Townhouses Location: 12632 SE Petrovitsky road Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board leet 01 timber? X yes II yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 _____________________ no DOES will provide Date: 5/1012005 Project No.: B03DC001 Activity No.: Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. Page 2 of 9 ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESC TOTAL: COLUMN: $ 23,134.48 $ 6,940.34 $ 30,074.82 A Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL $4,482.77 $394.13 $723,315.21 $0.00 Page 4 of9 SUBTOTAL $326.70 $0.00 $33,861.51 $0,00 Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL $965.44 $0.00 $45,344.48 $0.00 Page 6 019 SUBTOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $30,869.86 $0.00 Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL o $0,00 $31,923,60 $0.00 SUBTOTAL $4.45 $0.00 $192,615.40 $0.00 SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): $5,779.36 $394.13 $1,057,930,06 $0,00 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: $1,733.81 $118.24 $317,379,02 $0.00 GRANDTOTAL: $7,513.17 $512.37 $1,375,309,08 __ $0.00 COLUMN: B C D E Page 8 of 9 Original bond computations prepared by: Luay R, Joudeh, P,E, Name: K -Best Construction Date: 10-May-OS PE Registration Number: 32162 Tel. #: (425) 827-3063 FI,m Name: D, R, STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc, Add,. •• : 10604 NE 38th Place, #101; Kirkland, WA 98033 Project No: _____________ _ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) (A) $ EXisting Right-af-Way Improvements (B) J Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Fa (C) J Private Improvements (D) $ Calculated Quantity Completed (A+B) $ PERFORMANCE BOND- AMOUNT 30,074,8 7,513,2 512.4 1,375,309.1 37,588.0 (E) BOND' AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY""" $ Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond", (First $7,500 of bond-shall be cash.) Performance Bond* Arne (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL (T) $ 1,413,409.4 IT x 0,30 $ 424,022.8 Minimum bond* amount is $1000. Reduced Performance Bond" Total **" (T-E) $ 1,413,409.4 Use larger of Tx30% or (T-E) Maintenance/Defect Bond" Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND" REDUCTION _________________________ _ • NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County . .. NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. OR Date: PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND' (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 2,006.4 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requiremenls. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. * .. NOTE: Per KGG 27A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ I(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND-AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES ® Klq COUDI)' Dest&rtmeot of Dev~meDt aDa Environmeatal services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Soulhwest Renton, Washington 98055·1219 Project No.: G' (J; 1)('" elY:> ( Activity No.: . L O')J] ( I q Project Name: [ "'-(vv~ Mu1,j",V/l-(.,O NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. [ 1 Developer; ---:-t&-:/~:-:-_&-:" :-4'_'_---:--:-- (or designated representative) )>'2" ,1g 1/"I:''Sk>tJ....,.<, 'oo.4-$2..'V (4w-)z :If-:zi'JI • 24-hr, Emergency Contact & Tel No: [ 1 Contractor: K ~ (. 0-.. 'He k--h",-,. " (did 2J&.q~Ji ~f::. ;"3. t~ 17'T0 $tJO&'l/,jJA-9f....:L"i!J./ ____ _ [ 1 License #: [ 1 Subcontractor: ________ _ [ 1 License #: [ 1 Engineer: [ 1 Inspector: "7,i/ .. " [ 1 TESC Supervisor: fLO "CG ~1 [ 1 Other: AGENDA FOR MEETING -Check as items are discussed or marked N/A I. Items Required at the Preconstruction Conference [ 1 Applicant transfer form designating contractor to act as the applicant (or owner present) [ 1 Issued permit and approved construction plans (including HPA), [ 1 HP A or Fisheries contact; HP A required _Yes JNo ~ Developer Representative Initials. [ 1 Forest Practice Permit reqnired for > 5,000 board feet of marketable timber, providc;.copy to inspector. ,_ [ 1 Approved sanitary and water utility plans copy to inspector received? _Yes _/_hlNro 7r5 "" ,v-t' {p..c,~ [,} Copy of Certificate of Liability Insurance naming King County as additional insured, required for any drainage facility work. [ 1 Easement(s) for off-site work; provide copy to inspector, [ 1 Contractor's Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) location on-site or provided to King County (WAC 296-62-05409), ( 1 Pre.Issuance Construction Authorization (PICA) letter, signed by King County and Developer 2, Items Required at the Job Site While Under Construction [ 1 Approved plans [ 1 Issued permit (commercials) [ 1 Right-oC-Way Use permit S:Currentform\Preconst.wd.12.28.04 Page lof7 [ 1 Notice of Construction Activity sign (KCC 20.20.060) must be posted prior to any construction. (Required for all formal subdivisions; and any grading and/or building pennit subject to SEPA.) See Notice of Construction Activity flyer. 3. Other Requirements All construction details/procedures ,are not shown on the approved plans, but can be found in the following standards. ['1ApplicationDate 2/: 3/0"> [yKing County Road-:-;:-Stan~d:-:ar'-:dc:,s'::(K:-'C=RS=-=)-71--:;1'-::9C::9::-3;-_1987; _1979; _1969; (check applicable standard) [ 1 WSDOT/ APW A standard specifications and plans; manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Construction /:I'raffic Control. / [,1 Snrface Water Design Manual _1998; _1990; _1979; (check applicable standard) 4. You Are Reqnired to Notify the Inspector at the Following Stages of Construction (KCRS Chapter 9) [ lOne working day prior to site work start-up. [ lOne working day prior to starting any underground utility work. (see Item 8). [ lOne working day prior to placing curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; passing density tests and ''proof rolling" are reqnired. Density tests must be approved prior to proof rolling. (see Item 8). [ lOne working day prior to placing crushed rock. The developer/contractor shall first provide passing density and "proof rolling" test of the native subgrade to verify the subgrade is visibly fmIl, compact, and suitable for snrfacing. [ 1 Three working days prior to paving roadway. [ 1 Three working days prior to start of work on cast-in-place concrete structures. 5. Erosion/Sedimentation Controls (ESC) [ 1 Clearing limits shall be accurately flagged in the field as shown on the plan, prior to clearing. [ 1 Native Growth Protection Easements shall be flagged or fenced as shown on plan. [ 1 Erosion and sediment controls shall be installed as the first step of construction. [ 1 Field conditions may reqnire that erosion and sedimentation measures indicated on the plans be modified or supplemented. [ 1 The developer is responsible for the adequacy of all erosion and sediment controls throughout the life of the project. [ 1 Control mud onto existing streets. I) Install rock pad or truck wash at construction entrances; 2) Wash truck tires if necessary; 3) Keep adjoining roads clean. Don't wash mud and silt into drainage systems. [ 1 All denuded areas must be mulched and seeded or otherwise stabilized to prevent sediment-laden water from leaving the site or entering the storm drainage systems. [ 1 Provide an area on-site for cleaning concrete trucks. Effluent from concrete operations shall not be allowed to enter the stonn drainage systems. [ 1 Projects that fall under the 1990 or 1998 drainage manual require covering within 12 hours from October 1 through March 31. [ 1 TESC Supervisor required per SWM Manual D.5.4 on all sites. [ 1 Highly Sensitive Site (SWM Manual D.5.4.) TESC Supervisor (several years of construction supervision or inspection and background in geology, soil science, or agronomy). Required for this site? Yes __ , No __ . Ifyes, Name & Phone No._-;-____ =--:--:--:---;--;-___ _ [ 1 TESC Supervisor Sign, (name and phone number) required at all primary site entrances. (Can be included on Construction Notice sign.) [ 1 Reconunend obtaining approval for non-standard water quality proposals well in advance of the need. 6. Utilities and Storm Drainage [ 1 All utility construction on KC Right-of-Way requires a construction pennit issued by Property Services (KCC 14.44). [ 1 Copies of approved plans and utility certificate must be provided before utility construction begins. [ 1 Are there any underground crossings on existing County road? (See open cut policy and KC Road Standards Section 8.03). Open cuts are not generally authorized. Parallel cuts in roadway reqnire full width overlay. [ 1 Location conflicts. Notify inspector prior to any relocation. [ 1 Pipe specifications, bands, gaskets, bedding (WSDOTJAPWA) Standard Specifications). [ 1 CPEP (N-12, Hi-Q) pipe reqnires extra care; store on flat snrface to avoid deformation. [ 1 Reconunend locating CBs with at least two survey points to avoid misalignment with curb and gutter. S:CUrrentform\Preconst.wd.12.28.04 Page 2 of7 Compaction Method • Mechanical • Water settling • Regardless of method nsed, density standards mnst be met and documented (see Item 8). [ 1 Finish work on drainage structures • Adjustment sections minimum of one, maximum 16 inches. • Grout • Ladders -extend to within 16 inches from bottom of each catch basin and securely fastened to CD. • Frames, covers, and grates -OUTFALL TO STREAM -DUMP NO POLLUTANTS, PROPERTY OF KING COUNTY, STORM OR DRAIN ("Property of King County" not required for private systems). • Locking covers and grates required outside of traveled roadway. 1993 KCRS projects: all storm drain covers and grates shall be locking (except rolled grates in rolled curb). [ 1 Lot stubouts installed and staked prior to signoff, 2 x 4 painted white and marked "Storm" or "Drain." [ 1 All utilities including vaults, distribution lines, and poles located within road section must be installed prior to fmal construction approval. [ 1 Utility poles and other obstacles must be located per King County standards, generally no closer than 10 feet from edge of traveled way. [ 1 Call ONE-CALL (1-800-424-5555) and locate aU existing utilities prior to starting any work. [ 1 AU road closures must be approved by the King County Department of Transportation, Traffic, in advance. 7. RetentionlDetention Facilities [ 1 Property comers on easements and tracts must be permanently staked, and facilities must be built within the easement/tract as shown on the plans. [ 1 Pond and berm slopes shall be 3:1 or flatter, unless otherwise approved. [ 1 RID facilities shall be constructed and operational prior to any building construction; curbing, paving, or recording of subdivisionIPUDs (KCC 9.04.090). Documentation required per Public Rule. Discuss Public Rule requirements. Control Structures: [ 1 Access road to control structure, pond bottom, vaults, or tanks • Width and surfacing, 12-foot-wide crushed surfacing (15 feet on curves) • Bollards or fence gates [ 1 Restrictor "T" section riser and gate control assembly • Recommend inspection of "T" section prior to installation • Gate and outlet pipe must be watertight • Materials must be similar • Min. 2-foot clearance from ladder and any obstruction • Riser straps and gate chain/rod required • Must be able to open gate from the riser [ 1 Ladders must extend to within 16 inches of bottom of each basin and be securely fastened to the CB wall. [ 1 Covers on restrictor and access manholes must be solid, round, locking lids marked STORM or DRAIN. [ 1 Locking covers shaU be required on all facilities located outside the curb, ditch line, or normal driving surface. 1993 KCRS projects: all storm drain covers and grates shall be locking. 8. Roadway Certification Requirements: The follOwing guidelines will be used by the Department of Development and Environmental Services for minimum test and sample frequency. Additional tests may be required as the inspector deems necessary. Density Tests: WSDOT Sec. 2-03.3(I4)D, KCRS 9.04, 3.03 • 90% or 95%, moisture content ~ 3% above optimum S,Currentform\Preconst,wd.12.28,04 Page 3 of7 [ 1 Compaction control tests • WSDOT method No. 609 (AASHTO T-99/Standard Proctor). For >25% retained on the #4 sieve, use Standard Proctor with Rock Correction Factor. • PE review and approval [ 1 Trenches: See Utility Trench Compaction Rule, November 1983, and KC Road Standards Section 8.03. Sanitary, stonn, water, gas, and power, etc., in the roadway prism: • Minimum one test every trench, and one test every 500 feet of trench length • Test up to 50% trench depth (top 4 feet-95%; below 4 feet-90%) • In-place densities and moisture content shall be determined by the nuclear gauge or Washington densometer method • Test as trench is backfilled • Controlled density fill may be used above bedding [ 1 Cut section: WSDOT Sec. 2-06 • Minimum one test every 500 feet (100 feet, 1993 KCRS) on roadway subgrade, under curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Top 6 inches minimum density 95%. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk 90% • (pre 1993 KCRS projects only): Firm and compacted under sidewalks (WSDOT Sec. 8-14) [ 1 Embankment and fill sections: WSDOT Sec. 2-03.3(14)C • Minimum one test every 500 lineal feet on each foot offill (1,000 cyds., 1993 KCRS) • A minimum of one test per lift • Compaction method B shall be used unless otherwise specified • 95% top 2 feet 90% below 2 feet • Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks minimum density 90% (1993 KCRS) Poor Subgrade: KCRS 4.02 [ 1 Standard material thickness are not acceptable if native subgrade is unstable as shown during the proof roll test. Remedial measures will be subject to review and approval by King County prior to installation [ 1 Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) KCRS 4.04 may be used over isolated areas of unstable subgrade. Six month delay with traffic loading required prior to fmalleft. [ 1 Soil Amendments, Cement Treated Base (CTB) , Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), etc. require King County review and approval prior to use. Concrete Tests: WSDOT Sec. 6-02 [ 1 Developer/contractor must notify inspector for conference prior to beginning work [ 1 Mix to conform to standards and mUst be verified on delivery tickets. State mix desigu (6-02.3(2)C) must be used unless approved by King County. Standard mix does not include fly ash [ 1 Curbs must conform to Drawing No.9. Back must be 12" high and 6" in front. Sidewalks are 4" behind vertical curb, except at driveways where the thickness shall be 5". Sidewalks shall be 5" behind rolled curb [ 1 Joints in curb and gutter shall conform to Drawing No.8 [ 1 Wheelchair ramps shall conform to WSDOT standards [ 1 Slump tests: Max. 3" vibrated concrete, 7" nonvibrated concrete [ 1 Cylinder tests, 7 days, 28-day strength, normally 3,000 psi CO!Jill'ete structures certification: [-1 Bridges, retaining walls, and retention vaults must be designed by a professional structural engineer and may require SP~7 inspections per the Uniform Building Code (see 1701, 1994 UBC). Special inspections required on this job Yes No 9. Surfacing and General Requirements: Review Standards Not Shown on Plans [ 1 Asphalt paving --laydown methods/equipment: WSDOT Sec. 5-04, pavers self-contained, power-propelled units. Truck- mounted pavers shall only be used for paving of irregularly-shaped or minor areas, or (KCRS 4.04): 1. Pavement widths < 8 feet 2. Pavement lengths < 150 feet [ 1 Mailbox locations, conflicts with pedestrian/handicapped access [ 1 Mailbox stands, NDCBUs installed before Final Construction Approval (KCRS 5.04) [ 1 Finish work on cut-and-fill slopes: Sec. 8.05 s:Currentform\Preconat.wd.12.2S.04 Page 4 of7 [ 1 Safety and Traffic hazards (KCRS 9.05) • Traffic control: required for all work in the right-of-way of the traveling public, must comply with the MUTCD • Utility poles or other natural or manmade obstacles higher than 6" • Walls require end design protection • Flaggers must have state flagging cards [ 1 Roadside culverts, beveled ends [ 1 Quarry Spalls: 8 inches minus WSDOT Sec. 9-13.6 [ 1 Barricades--construction: orange and white, stripes sloped downward 45 degree in the direction traffic is to pass • Temporary closures: Type III • Street termination permanent: red and white stripes and end-of-road marker • Plan Change Procedure [ 1 Any changes to the originally approved plan will require a Plan Change and must be reviewed by the inspector prior to construction and approval. Design Plan Changes also require submittal and approval by the King County Department of Development and Enviromnental Services, Land Use Services and/or Building Services Divisions. • 2003 Fee ordinance fees are: (Please note, fees are subject to change yearly) • Land Use Services review fees: $1,654.28 each submittal and $144.90 per hour (deposit required) • Building Services review fees: $ 1,654.28 each submittal and $144.90 per hour (deposit required) Inspection Fees/Additional Financial Guarantees [ 1 Current hourly fee is $ 144.90. [ 1 All inspection charges for this pennit will be hourly. [ 1 Each reinspection (performing the same inspection again on a different day) will be charged a $460 reinspection fee ($212.75 residential single family). [ 1 Supplemental Inspections (inspections after punch list indicates all fieldwork is complete; required if Final Construction Approval is not granted within 30 days of punch list) will be charged a minimum of 1.5 hours (at the current rate). Financial Guarantees [ 1 Public improvements require a maintenance and defect financial guarantee that will guarantee improvements and maintenance for two years. These fmaneial guarantees will be required before Final Construction Approval. Pre 2000 subdivision/short subdivisions [ 1 Plats/short plats without drainage facilities may be recorded before Final Construction Approval after posting a performance financial guarantee and approval by the inspector. Drainage faeilities on plats/short plats must be constructed and in operation prior to recording. (See RID public rule and KCC 9.04.090) Year 2000 and later subdivisions and short subdivision require minimum improvements be constructed prior to recording (KCC 19A.130) [ 1 Commercial pennits require a performance Financial Guarantee for site work if temporary occupancy is requested before Final Construction Approval. 10. Code Compliance IKCC Title 23) [ 1 Construction Deficiency Forms [ 1 Notice of Violation: hourly fee ($460 reinspection fee may apply) [ 1 Stop Work: $500 initial penalty, hourly fee [ 1 Notice and Order: hourly fee [ 1 Civil penalties: Additional $100 to $500 for each: public health risk, envirorunental damage, history, economic benefit [ 1 Citations: $100 penalty II. Bond IFinancial Guarantee) Forfeiture [ 1 Restoration fmancial guarantee S,CUrrentform\Preconst.wd,12,28.04 Page 5 of7 • Can be used at any time after notice by King County [ 1 Performance fmaneial guarantees • All improvements must be approved within two years from recording/six months after occupancy [ 1 Maintenance/defect fmancial guarantees • Two-year warrantee period • Repairs must be completed within 30 days • Inspections/release by DNRiDOT 12. Expiration of Approval [ 1 All projects have ~ expiration date after which the plan approvaVissuanee is null and void. The expiration date for this project is '1.,.'.;4 /c£. Plats and short plats that are recorded do not expire, but must be completed with in 2 years from recording. I [ 1 If the project cannot be completed before the expiration date, you must apply for an extension. Plats • Preliminary plat extensions are not authorized. Short Plats • Preliminary short plat extensions are approved by Land Use Services Division; contact the Engineering Review Section, Platting Unit. Right-of-Way Use Pennits • Right-of-Way Use Pennits extensions are approved by Land Use Inspection, contact the inspector. Building Pennits • Contact the Building Services Division, Inspections Section. Temporary Certificate Of Occupancy (TCO) • Land Use Inspection approval required: Drainage facilities Parking Access Performance Financial Guarantee 13. Final Inspection Process [ 1 Initiated by developer at the time proj ect is completed or request for occupancy certificate [ 1 Allow 30 days to inspect and to prepare punchlist [ 1 Punchlists are good for 30 days and may be subject to revision upon reinspection after 30 days. Otherwise, no changes shall be made to the puncWist unless directed by the inspection Senior Engineer. [ 1 Inspection and punchlist timelines are subject to staffmg level and weather limitations. [ 1 Request reinspection after all punchlist items have been addressed. S:CUrrentform\Preconst.wd.12.28.04 Page 6 of7 14. Specific Notes from Plans 15. Signature As the Owner or Designated Representative (applicant form required), i understand the requirements of King County Land Vse inspection Section procedures and agree to abide by the conditions of the permit and the procedures discussed. Signature Title s:currentform\Preconst.wd.12.28.04 Page 7 of7 , ' l 1 I I.. .J \ '7):~7\' \ ' I .... ~ ... \ ' " , ;~'" .:I'\.J'. """',\ . , ,."IJ'·· I ! \ 1_' • • I ',' ---,~ I .-/ '1 ,: ------------------------- ) ) .> --', /'. ,:---i--)( __ , . " t-j(~ ." j II --, r ", ''',-(i, __ , ~ -r I '. ; ... ~' .. '~' :~.': .. "~ > .... ,1 ,--~ : \_J__I. 'I ' <'/' 'I', -r,,' i;' ~ ·~ __ L~.i'"-,. , I m'·····:··~·F·r .. r:· ... 'lj.:.··. : ~ -----1, __ I .! 1 ',:_ I k iliff ·tC.:". ' III I I [ , _~ ;---( ,( -j, --';.~: .: --. --~--l/ I \ I , \ _L __ _ l .'1, ' ! -"1--=- '. , .. f··.·1 . -i. . ~"'y--i-- . , . I ) I , . )'1" .. '.' :'~r>' II' ~ '--'. -, 'I I i J I r )1 I ,---; ---,-~---,---'/<.:/",., -\'_ '14zryP,1~~ •. '., ...•.... ·.i '." L_ J . 'c~13I'ID AVE.sE.._·· . . rJ=1' "I!j, 1\ I " I , I 1 ,.' ·x'··/ " "I' f-'-~. ~ , -t t-T-~ + --, 1 .. _--: i i _ .. . . ,,' " ...' _ " . i '.'. ' I: ( r-' I 1-1 • ,',' 1 1 --;-~ , : \I! "l..l. ~ '\It en H ' .. '124J1iAVE~_ . " '''-'-'-. --'.1,/ ,. ' l~ r: )I! L_ t-i ,. -, L ___ , -I I ' , , , __ ..... ______ .. :'" i ", -I ;' • • ,_. __ ''''0:0 ___ .. ______________________ / ',' i ::,i : I' Ii. I II J,' I . I I' _ " ' . / .1 ., : -I U ]/1 ('·:1 : I -~ I I 'I ,,! / I I ' TT 1 ,-I I' I, -'7' -~ ( : i-----:.;'t-\,·\ , I 11'1 j',,; ,:", --'1-- :::rH AVt. SE ~'f.ii-\ \' _, \-j L_rl-i '!,_~-\ \ 1/ / ,l'\'.< ' I!j~ .. ··'··1--·-I~""·CIl' -c-' ' ''''-<',''. 1 -;Jj\"I ,J " [!l.. , T-, l/)Z/~)~'./.I ,. __ J '., '.' ','),,-/'j-(c " '. I· 'I 'I I I i~~: J~{«(>;~;)(~:/"y 'i . I '--JII<~ t;Jo;~,~~~~. ~_ . 1_._1 /1 1,. __ 1 • ..L..'--'-i_-_ 129TH A1' . :, "'i! .. ' ........ ~~:~:'d ,--lcD L I I FI" . 1m i ,: -" I:tI:J .,: : ;' ~ .... "-'_ •..•.••... yC/) ........ ' :I~.' ,---"'~~", /', .' ;' ):{JY/:;<" r \ ' ), ~-- i r;:-- [---co / J .' ..•.... // L,Y" 1 I J i , "I Parcel Number: 0739000020 Taxpayer: LA FORTUNA TOWN HOMES LLC Annexation: N/A Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Situs Address: Postal City: Renton, 98058 Plat Name: BENSON HEIGHTS ADD; Rec: nil Lot: 3·5; Block: 1 Kroll Page: 602 E Thomas Bros. Page: 656 1/4·S·T·R: SE·28·23·5 Acres: 4.51 (196507 SqFt.) Current Zoning: R·6·S0, R·8·S0, R·12·S0 Potential Zoning: Comp. Plan Land Use: um Assesso(s Open Space: NI A Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: N/A Mobile Home: N Appraised Land Value: 309000 (2004), 309000 (2005) Appraised Improvements Value: 0 (2004), 0 (2005) Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: N/A School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: 0040 Roads MPS Zone: 336 (S4696.00) Roads rCM Zone: 789 Waterfront: Water Service: Water Service Planning Area: Soos Creek Water And Sewer District Sewer Service: Airport Noise Remedy Program: N/A Bald Eagle Flag: N/A Council District (1996-2001): 6 Rob McKenna (R) Council District (2002): 5 Dwight Pelz Drainage Basin: Soos Creek, WRIA 9 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F3 Service/Finance Strategy Area: Full Service wfTransit Priority Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: NlA TOR Status: N/A TOR Permit Number: N/A Building Inspection Area: S-4 Clearing Inspection Area: Jim Ballweber Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Tenzing Thinley Sens. Areas Notice(s) on Title: NONE Aquatic Areas Buffer: N Basin Condition: Medium Flow Control Area: Conservation Flow Water Quality: Basic Critical Aquifer Recharge Area: None Area of Potential Wetland Influence: Y soc Page 1 of 1 DOES King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 July 25, 2005 Summary of Related Activities/Projects/Dev. Applicant: Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number: LINKPROJ Status: XOOOl279 LINK Activity/Project # CompType Status Fee Charges Hours Charges Payments Balance Due XOOQj219 L1NKPROJ LINK $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 A03BN460 BOND OPEN $15,937.00 $0.00 $15,937.00 A05BN212 BOND RECEIVED $37,588.00 $0.00 $37,588.00 A05BN250 BOND OPEN $155,607.00 $0.00 $155.607.00 B05I0123 LS-MAINT OPEN $537.34 $0.00 $537.34 L05GI081 G-INSPCT PENDING $0.00 $36.23 $0.00 'L05SUl1 INSPECT OPEN $33,574.54 $0.00 $33,574.54 TOTAL: $243,243.88 $36.23 $243,243.88 * Asterisk denotes Pennit under Project Management The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to DOES at the time of application. SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $36.23 $0.00 $36.23 For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before DOES issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.O. Land Use Inspection Section Fee Quote Activity Number: L05SIl14 Page 2 Disclaimer: The above fee quote is for SI (site inspection), PM (project management) and FG (financial guarantee management) time only and is based on historical data collected on projects of similar type, size, scope and costs of construction. Following plan approval/pennit issuance, the fee quote derived from the historical data will be adjusted to reflect the specific infonnation submitted by the applicant during the engineering review process, infonnation disclosed at the pre-construction meeting and any additional infonnation discovered during the adjustment evaluation. After the adjusted fee quote is issued it is subject to re-evaluation and possible re-adjustment under circumstances such as, but not limited to, plan changes, code violations and unusual and/or undisclosed site issues. Below is a comprehensive list of items that may make are-evaluation of the fee quote necessary. Please note that a re-evaluation mayor may not result in a change of the estimate. Disclaimer List The issues listed below are not part of the fee estimate. If any of these issues are encountered after the fee estimate is made, the estimate will need to be re-evaluated and possibly adjusted. • A Design Plan Change is issued. • The Applicant and/or Contractor do not follow or are not familiar with the standard LUIS pre- construction meeting notification requirements, inspection process and prescribed inspector notification procedure. • A Notice of Violation is issued, a Stop Work order is posted or a Notice and Order is initiated. • The Bond Quantity Worksheet does not accurately reflect the pennit's scope of work. • Soil amendments are proposed which were not included in the original design approval. • Hazardous and/or dangerous waste materials are discovered on site. • There are plan notes such as "field design" or "match existing". • There are soil failures (including but not limited to slope instability, rockery failure and subgrade instability). • More than two (2) proof rolls are required for subgrade approval. • More than one punch list and one re-inspection punch list (No Approval) are issued. • Any offsite construction easements required to enter onto adjacent properties is granted prior to permit issuance. • Land Use Inspection Section Preliminary Fee Quote Activity Number: L05S1114 Page 3 Disclaimer List (continued) • If any Special Inspection reports, including, but not limited to, those listed below, are not complete upon first submittal to LUIS or are not provided immediately following the completion of the work. which requires special inspections. Reports shall include all required information and a summary report from the applicant's engineer verifYing completeness, accuracy and compliance. a. Required reports from Erosion Control Supervisor. b. Geotechnical reports for wall and rockery construction c. Placement and compaction reports for Retention Pond berms d. Backfill and compaction reports for large tank installation e. Backfill and compaction reports for utility trench and embankment fill construction' f. Special Inspection reports for concrete structures in compliance with UBC g. ESC supervisor ensures TESC compliance on highly sensitive sites. • If any required construction outside of the road prism, including but not limited to rockeries, retaining walls, trails and drainage systems, has not been completed prior to recording the subdivision. • For Infiltration Facilities: a. If field testing of the facility determines that the actual infiltration rate does not meet the design rate. b. Iffield testing is not possible and a groundwater mounding analysis is required. • The permit is annexed into a city. • It is necessary to involve any other County Department to review and/or resolve design or construction issues. • There are problems related to the bonding and/or insurance requirements. • The permit's inspections exceed the time allowed by County Code and the permit enters into DEFAULT status. By completing and signing below, you acknowledge that you are the APPLICANT, as indicated on the attached Applicant Status form, and have read all pages oftbis document. t£4QL-'il'crf PRINT NAME ».9. I4x I 7'10 ADDRESS ~ ~{) k-io ""'( \s L. CITY STATE ZIP CODE X __ ~~_'~ __ ~I_~_--_________________ 7~;~/ __ O_J __ Applicant Signature LAND USE INSPECTION SE~~N JUL 1 22005 RECEIVED • ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 208-298-6800 TIY 208-296-7217 OeJ!tifiea,tion&',all'lsfer of A.p;plinan't . Status • Alternative formats available upon request Permit Number: 803DC-ClVI/ ')( 07:7D 1279 FOR CURRENT OWNER; I c..o,s-sr Il4 I, , (print name) hereby certify that I am anlthe owner of the property which is the subject of this application for permit or approval. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized by any and all other owners of the property to make this certification and transfer any an all rights l/we have to apply for this permit or approval to the person listed below. I, therefore certify that (print name) is the "applicant" for this permit or approval and shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. By being the . "applicant," that individual assumes financial responsibility for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature of Owner Date Signed FOR INDIVIDUALS; I, , (print name) hereby certify that I am the "applicant" for this permit or approval. I shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this ~[)rtJlSIL 11\I8!!lBqiIIID.aBBilTION responsibility for all fees associated with this permit or approval and will receive any refunds. Mx: mailing address is: JUL 1 2 20u5 RECEIVED I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature of Applicant Date Signed OR FOR CORPORATIONSIBUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS; I, 11.4. (LL /J~ sf , hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of l,1t: f'o 4--+""k1f= lJkL, , a corporation of other business association authorized in the State of Washington and that this business association is the "applicant" for this permit or approval and Is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This association shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant' status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. The mailing address of this business association is: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. ~ fl.-;-"'7-1-S J- Signature of Applicant Date Signed Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.qovlddes Certification & Transfer of Applicant Status Ic-cer·trapstat,pdf 05/30103 Pag.lof2 King County Department 01 Development and Environmental Services 900 OaKesdale Avenue Southwest &:efti'teaO.!I:;··(j),f Ap;plhtant_'~$ Renton. Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 nY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296"6600. Permit Number: B0 3DCP7)1/ j.or::v 12-~ Activity Number: Lo5~::L II 1- PermilName: Lo. ~R.lun J\. TOWNHOtIlFS FOR INDIVIDUALS: I. (print name). hereby certify that I am the/an owner of the property which is the subject of this permit. If I am not the sol.e owner of the property. I certify that I am authorized to represent all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: LAND USE INSPECTION SECTION ----------------------------------------------~~~ --,----''----------------JUL 1 22005 RECEIVED I further certify that I am the "Applicant" for this permit and as such am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "Applicant" for the dUration of this permit unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing on a form provided by DOES. * Signature·of Applicant ·OR- FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: . Date Signed I. __ ----,!I-<-'CeJlvtL::..:.:-=-c'L==--L&..>:I...l&'-<. br=.----------------(print name). hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of l ,14-~ i:.LC-. • a corporation or other business association authorized to do business in the State of Washington. which is the sale owner of the property that is the subject of this permit. If this corporation or business association Is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this corporation/business association is authorited to represent all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this corporation/business association is: I further certify that the above named corporation/business association is the "Applicant" for this permit and as such is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This corporation/business association shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless it transfers its applicant status in writing on a form provided by DOES. * ;0 /1..._;:,-,-/ -D J- Signature of Applicant's Agent Date Signed * By signing as the Applicant or the Applicanfs Agent. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information provided above is true and correct. Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.govlddes Certlflcation of Applicant Status h:-cer-apstat.pdf 01/08104 Page 1 012 - -------• King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 - Project Name: La FortunaTownhouses Location: 12632 SE Petrovitsky road Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? X yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of9 _____________________ no DOES will provide ------- Date: 5/10/2005 Project No.: B03DC001 Activity No.: Note: All prices Include labor, equipment. materials. overhead and profit Prices are from. RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. - of( S-ZD-OS-72-'~ ..... ---- - Page 2 of9 --------- ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESC TOTAL: COLUMN: ---- $ 23,134.48 $ 6,940.34 $ 30,074.82 A --- -- -------------- Page 3 019 SUBTOTAL $4,482.77 $394.13 $723,315.21 $0.00 ••• • •• • • • Page4of9 SUBTOTAL $326.70 $0.00 $33,861.51 $0.00 _ .... -...... - ------------ Page 5 019 SUBTOTAL $965.44 $0.00 $45,344.48 $0.00 ,------••••••••• _--- Page6of9 SUBTOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $30,869.86 $0.00 ••••••••••••••••••• Page 7 or9 SUBTOTAl o $0.00 $31,923.60 $0.00 •• •••• • ••••• • •• • •• • - -- -- -• • • • • • • • • • ••• Original bond computations prepared by: Name~ Date: 10-May-05 PE Registration Number: vL I VL Tel. #: (425) 827-3063 Finn Name: D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address: 10604 NE 38th Place, #101; Kirkland, WA 98033 Project No: _____________ _ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAl. GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS StabilizationiErosion Sediment Conlrol (ESC) (A) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (B) Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Fa (C) Private Improvements (D) Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-olWay and/orSile Restoration Bond"l (A+B) (First $7,500 of bond" shall be cash.) Performance Bond'Amc(A+B+C+D) = TOTAl Reduced P~rformance Bond* Total _ ... MaintenanceiDelect Bond" Total (T) PERFORMANCE BOND' AMOUNT ..1 30,074.8 $ 7,513.2 $ 512.4 $ 1,375.309.1 $ 37,588.0 $ 1,413,409.4 Minimum 'beNld"" amount is $1000. BOND' AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY- (E) $ . T xO.30 $ 424,022.8 OR (T-E) $ 1,413,409.4 Use larger 0/ Tx3O% 0.. (T-E) NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND" REDUCTION _________________________ _ Date: • NOTE: The word "bond-as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County . .. NOTE: Kec 27 A authonzes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCEIDEFECT BOND' (B+C) X 0.25 = $ 2,008.4 The restoration requirement shall indude the total cost for all lESe as a minimum. not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both 00-and off-site needs to be Inducted. Quantities shall r8fied worse case scenarios not just minlmom requirements. For example. If a salmonld stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected In this amount The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. -NOTE: Per KCC 27 A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be Jess than 30% of the original amount m or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: n a bOf1Ci rider is used, minimum addl'lioneJ perfofT!lance bond shall be I $ \(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND" AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet --. ~ , King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Project Name: LA FORTUNA TOWNHOUSES Location: 12632 SE PETROVITSKY ROAD Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? X yes ________ no If yes, Forest Practice Permn Number: L04GF028 (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 li-wks-sbq(3)-2002 Date: 05/10/2005 Project No,: B03DC001 Activity No,: Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profrt. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database J ~ \J\!!:~ Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 04122/02 Report Date: 06/0812005 Page 2 of 9 li-wks-sbq(3)-2002 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESC TOTAL: COLUMN: $ 24,868.72 $ 7,460.62 $ 32,329.34 A Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04122102 Report Date: 06/08/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Page 30f9 SUBTOTAL 4,876.90 "Kec 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. li-wks-sbq(3}-2002 154,857.84 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 06/08/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Page 4 of9 SUBTOTAL 326.70 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. li-wks-sbq(3)-2002 33,861.51 Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 4122/02 Report Date: 06/0812005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Page 5 Df9 SUBTOTAL 1,595.44 "Kec 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. li-wks-sbq(3)-2002 45,344.48 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 06/08/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Page 6 of9 SUBTOTAL "'Kec 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. li-wks-sbq(3)-2002 30.869.86 Unit prices updated: 02112/02 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 06/0812005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Page 7 of9 SUBTOTAL "'KeG 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. li-wks-sbq(3)-2002 31923.6 Unit prices upeated: 02/12102 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 06/08/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30'10 CONTINGENCY & MOBIUZATION: GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: Page 8 efg *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. li-wks-sbq(3)-2002 5.00 6,804.04 2,041.21 8,845.25 B C 201,815.00 498,672.29 149,601.69 848,273.98 0 E Unit prices updated: 02112/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Dale: 06/08/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: LA FORTUNA TOWNHOUSES Date: 05/10/2005 PE Registration Number: 32162 Tel.#: ___________ _ Finn Name: DR STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS Address: 10604 NE 38TH PLACE #101, KIRKLAND, WA 98033 Project No: B03DC001 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS PERFoRMANCE BOND' PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE AMOUNT BOND' AMOUNT MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND' REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) (A) $ 32,329.3 TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY 'H Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (B) -.1 8,845.3 Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities (C) $ Private Improvements (D) $ 648,274.0 Calculated Quantity Completed (E) $ Total Right-ofWay andior Site Restoration Bond'r (A+B) $ 41,174.6 (First $7,500 of bond' shall be cash.) Performance Bond' Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL (T) $ 689,448.6 Minimum bona .. amount IS $1000. IT x 0.30 $ 206,834.6 Reduced Performance Bond' Total ••• (T-E) $ 689,448.6 Use larger of TX3C% or (T -E) Maintenance/Defect Bond' Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND' REDUCTION: * NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. '*'" NOTE: KeC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. OR Date: (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 2,211.3 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included, Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements, For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. *** NOTE: Per KeC 27 A. total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used. minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ 648,274.0 !<C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DDES Page 9 019 li-wks-sbq(3}-2002 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 06/08/2005 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 June 29, 2005 B03DC001. La Fortuna. Permit Conditions: The Commercial Site Development Permit for townhouse development is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. All site development shall be in accordance with approved Commercial Site Development Permit (CSDP) B03DC001. 2. Approval of the commercial site development permit shall not provide the applicant with a vested right to build without regard to subsequent revisions in building and fire codes regulating construction listed in KCC 16.04 and 17.04. Building permits for any approved building envelopes are vested for all site issues and non-building codes at the time the CSDP application was deemed complete. 3. Subsequent building permit applications may contain minor site modifications to the approved CSDP, KCC 21A.41.110. Exceeding revision limits or conditions of approval will require a new commercial site development permit for the entire site. 4. All future buildings approved for this CSDP within the R-8 zoned portion of the site must be a townhouse configuration !vpe only (KCC21A.06.370). Stacked flat units (apartments, KCC 21A.06.355) shall not be allowed within this area. Failure to meet this requirement may result in a substantial reduction in site density, (KCC 21A.08.030 5.b.). 5. This CSDP permit is valid for three (3) years from date of issuance. All subsequent building permit applications corresponding to structures identified within the building envelopes must be received by DDES and deemed complete within this three-year window, Dave Baugh, AICP, Program Manager III KC Dept of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oaksdale Avenue SW Renton WA 98055-1219 Phone: (206) 296-7281 FAX: (206) 296-7225 E-Mail: david.baugh@metrokc.gov <mailto:david.baugb@metrokc.gov> ---, . • King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Date ofIssuancc: Project: Location: King County Permits: SEP A Contact: Permit Contact: Proponent: Zoning: Community Plan: Drainage Basin: State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Filr La Fortuna Townhouses -B03DCOOI May 19,2004 Construction of a 41-unit residential development with associated parking and landscaping, Generally ISO feet south of SE Innd Street and east of 127'11 Avenue SE, Commercial Site Development Permit B03DCOOI Angelica Velasquez Building Permit Center Karl Best La Fortuna LLC PO Box 1790 Snohomish, W A 98291 R-8-S0 & R-12~SO Soos Creek (206) 296-7136 (206) 296-6600 (425) 238-9831 Section/Township/Range: Soos Creek/WRlA 9 SE 28-23-05 ~)otes: A:. This finding is based on review of the revised project site plan dated January 16, 2003 environmental checklist dated February 12,2003, geotechnical engineering study dated April 15, 2003, traffic impact analysis dated April 25, 2003, technical information report dated January 13, 2003, and other documents in the file, B. Issuance of this threshold determination does not constitute approval of the permit. This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes which regulate development activities, including the Uniform Fire and Building Codes, Road Standards, Surface Water Design Manual, and the Sensitive Areas Regulations. Threshold Determination The responsible official finds that the above described proposal does not pose a probable significant adverse impact to the environment, provided the mitigation measures listed below are applied as conditions of permit issuance, This finding is made pursuant to RCW 43,21 C, KCC 20.44 and WAC 197-11 after reviewing the environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and considering mitigation measures which the agency or the applicant will implement as part of the proposal. The responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. MAIN FILE COpy • La Fortuna Townhouses -L ~ _ lLvu 1 Date of issuance: \1ay 19,2004 Page 2 Mitigation List The following mitigation measures shall be attached as conditions of permit issuance, These mitigation measures are consistent with policies, plans, rules or regulations designated by KCC 20.44,080 as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority and in effect when this threshold determination is issued, Key sources of substantive authority for each mitigation measure are in parentheses; however, other sources of substantive authority may exist but are not expressly listed, The increase in pedestrian and vehicular activity on the stub street proposed to serve the development will have an adverse impact on safety for pedestrians walking along the existing section of roadway to the location where paved shoulders exist along SE Innd Street [KCC 14.80.0308]. The app licant shall either: a) extend the urban improvements required for the interior access road to the north, to the southeast comer of the intersection of 127lh Avenue SE at SE Innd Street, including concrete curb, gutters and sidewalks along the easterly side of 127'h Avenue SE, or b) construct a paved walkway with a minimum paved width of five (5) feet, with an extruded curb separating pedestrian traffic from vehicle traffic, Plans for the off-site walkway improvements shall be submitted to King County DOT for review and approval. Comments and Appeals This Mitigated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS) is issued under Washington Administrative c:ode (WAC) 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposallmtil after June 14, 2004, Comments must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services by, June 14, 2004, Since this MDNS is for a Type 1 Permit, there is not a King County Administrative SEPA appeal, according to King County Ordinance 14449, Any appeals to this project must be submitted (0 King County Superior Court. Comment deadline: Address for comment: Responsible Official: Greg-bc~larming Supervisor Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division Date Mailed: May 19, 2004 Juue 14,2004 King County Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, W A 98055-1219 ATTN: Current Planning Section Date Signed CONFORMED COpy 20050510000734 KING COUNTY RE COY 0.00 PAGE001 OF 009 05/10/2005 11:13 KING COUNTY, UA King County Department of Development and Environmental Services LAND USE DIVISION 900 Oaksda\e A venue Southwest Renton, W A 98055-1219 DOCUMENT TITLE(S) (OR TRANSACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN): DECLARA nON OF COVENANT Reference Number(s) of Document assigned or released: __________ _ Additional reference numbers on page _____ of document(s) Grantor (1ast name, first name, initials): K-Best Construction, Inc. Additional names on page ____ of document(s) Grantee(s) (1ast name, first name, initiaIs):King County Additional names on page ____ of document(s) Legal Description (abbreviated): Parcel 'A' KCBLA: LOIL0082 SW Y. of SE Y. of Section: 28 Township: 23 N Range: 5 E Additional legal is on page ~ of documents Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s): 073900-0020 Page J of9 DECLARATION OF COVENANT IN CONSIDERATION of the approved King County commercial building pennit for application No. B03DCOOI relating to real property described as follows: PARCEL 'A' OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LOIL0082 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20021107900008 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. THE UNDERSIGNED AS GRANTOR(S), DECLARES THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS HEREBY SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR A NATURAL OR CONSTRUCTED CONVEYANCE SYSTEM AND HEREBY DEDICATES, COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: I. KING COUNTY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THOSE PORTIONS NOT CONTAINED IN EXHIBITS "A I" AND "A2" TO ACCESS SUCH . EASEMENT AREA FOR INSPECTION OF AND TO REASONABLY MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE, OPERATIONAL FLOWS, OR DEFECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND [AS PRESENTED IN KING COUNTY CODE SECTION 9.04.120]. 2. IF KING COUNTY DETERMINES THAT MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR WORK IS REQUIRED TO BE DONE TO THE SYSTEM, THE MANAGER OF THE WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION OF THE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES SHALL GIVE NOTICE OF THE SPECIFIC MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPAIR WORK REQUIRED PURSUANT TO K.C.C 9.04.030. THE MANAGER SHALL ALSO SET A REASONABLE TIME IN WHICH SUCH WORK IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE GRANTOR(S), ITS HEIRS OR ASSIGNS. IF THE ABOVE REQUIRED Page 2of9 :vtAINTENANCE OR REPAIR IS NOT COMPLETED WlrH THE TIME SET BY THE MANAGER, THE COUNTY MAY PERFORM THE RE'2UIRED MAINTENANCE OF REPAIR. WRITTEN NOTICE WILL DE SENT TO THE GRANTOR(S) STATING THE COUNTY'S INTENTION TO PERFORM SUCH MAIN rENANCE MAINTENANCr: WORK WILL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AT LEAST SEVEN (7) DAYS AfTER SUCH NOTICE IS MAILED. IF, WITHIN THE SOLE DISCRETIO \)" OF THE WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION MANAGER, THERE EXISTS ,\.N IMMINENT OR PRESENT DANGER, SAID SEVEN (7) DAY NOTICE PERlO]) WILL BE WAIVED AND MAINTENANCE ANDIOR REPAIR WORK WILL BEGIN J MMEDIATEL Y. 3. IF AT ANY TIME KING COUNTY REASONABLY DETERMINES THAT ANi' EXISTING RETENTIONIDETENTION SYSTEM CREATI.S ANY OF THE CONDITIOl\S .LISTED IN K.C.C. 9.04.030 AND HEREIN INCORPOIATED BY REFERENCE, TflE WATER AND LAND RESOURCES orVIS ION MANAJER MAY TAKE MEASURES . S?ECIFIED THEREIN. 4. TIlE GRANTOR(S) SHALL ASSUME ALL RE'lPONSIBILITY FOR THE Cm:T OF ANY MAINTENANCE AND FOR REPAIRS TO THE SYSTEM. SUCH RESPONSIBILITY SHALL INCLUDE REIMBURSEMEJJT TO .THE COUNTY WITHN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF THE RECEIPT OF THE INII )ICE FOR ANY SUCH WOF.K PERFORMED. OVERDUE PAYMENTS WILL REQUlR E PAYMENT OF INTEREST !l T THE CURRENT LEGAL RATE AS LIQUIDATED Df.MAGES. IF LEGAL ACTI(IN ENSUES, THE PREV AILING PARTY IS ENTITLED TO ( OSTS OR FEES Page 3 of9 5. TIlE GRANTOR(S) IS (ARE) HEREBY REQUIRED TO OBTAIN WRJTTEN APPROVAL FROM THE WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION MANAGER OF THE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PRJOR TO FILLING, PIPING, CUTTING, OR REMOVING VEGETATION (EXCEPT IN ROUTINE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE) IN OPEN VEGETATED DRAINAGE FACILITIES (SUCH AS SWALES, CHANNELS, DITCHES, PONDS, ETC.), OR PERFORMING ANY ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED WITHIN SAID DRAINt\GE EASEMENT. ANY NOTICE OR CONSENT REQUIRED TO BE GIVEN OR OlIIERW!SE PROVIDED FOR BY THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE UPON PERSONAL DELIVERY, OR THREE (3) DAYS AFTER MAILING BY CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. 6. THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN 1HE PARTIES, AND SUPERCEDES ALL PRIOR DISCUSSIONS, NEGOTIATIONS, AND ALL AGREEMENTS WHATSOEVER WHETHER ORAL OR WRJTTEN. This covenant is intended to protect the value and desirability of the real property described above, and shall insure to the benefit of all the citizens of King County, and shall be binding on all heirs, successors and assigns. Page 4 of9 STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING )ss. On this day personally appeared before me: , OWNER ;<~( Iksd- OWNER kat I &&1 , to me known to be the individual(s) described in 'and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated. Given under my hand and official seal this 25/4 day of IJ/Jr) ,2005. I State of Washington, residing at 5Jzere II j;e. My Commission Expires: lJ-/ -0 7 T \kO J \210/26 J 16001REPORTS\declararlOn _ oL coveni1nt doc Page 5 of9 EXHIBIT 'A-1' STORM DRAIN EASEMENT DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WM., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT A OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER L01 L0082, FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20021107900008; THENCE SOUTH 88°07'55" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT A, A DISTANCE OF 115.61 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°52'05" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 60.74 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 46°45'10" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.27 FEET; THENCE NORTH 22°52'25" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.65 FEET, TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 103.00 FEET, THE RADIAL CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 51°40'31" EAST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06°10'37", A DISTANCE OF 11.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22°52'25" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 19.55 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46°45'10" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 34.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20°44'50" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 6.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°14'50" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 7.63 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 43°14'50" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 21.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°45'10" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43°14'50" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 21.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01°45'10" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 7.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 65°44'50" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 6.68 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. T.V<OII2\OI261\SO·Esmt-A 1._ Page 60f9 P.o.c" MONUMENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT MAP '~~--~~--~51~ ____ -1S~8~8~~r7~'525~.E~ __ ~ ______________________ __ "-115.61' NW CORNER, LOT • A·, KCBLA NO. L01L0082, REC. NO. 20021107900008 SCALE: '"=30· P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING COPYRIGHT @ 2005, O.R. STRONG CONSUL llNG INC. D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. 10604 NE 3Bth PLACE, SUITE 101 KIRKLAND. WA 98033 (~25) 827-3063 1-800-962-1.02 fAX NO: (425) 827-2423 PAGE 7 of 9 ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS . '. EXHIBIT 'A-2' STORM DRAIN EASEMENT DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT A OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER L01L0082, FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20021107900008; THENCE SOUTH 88°07'55" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT A. A DISTANCE OF 254.57 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°52'05" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 246.66 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88°07'55" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 68.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°52'05" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 45.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°07'55"WEST, A DISTANCE OF 17.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°52'05" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 58.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT A; THENCE NORTH 88°07'55" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 51.09 FEET; ,THENCE NORTH 01°52'05" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 103.34 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. T:\k01\2\01261\SD-Esmt-A2.doc Page 8 of9 , ' MONUMENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT MAP 254.57' NW CORNER, LOT 'A', KCBLA NO. lOlL0082, REC. NO. 20021107900008 SCALE: I" = 30' P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING S88"07'55"E ~ UJ(o 0<0 "'I"; ~~ p.O·B.~1 ____ ~'"''''-__ I 68.43' -I I I I D6TENTION 11 I AND ~I;o; IWAft!'. GlrJAl.lf'( VAUt.T~I~ I ill I t:11;,. N8B'07'5S"W I 0.., ~ "'I ri r 17.34' t"o I ol~ z I I 11 I '" . .PIg I N, t"1~ I gl I I I I I I I N88'07'55"W \ 51.09' SOUTH LINE, LOT 'A', KCBLA NO. LOI L0082, REC. NO. 20021107900008 B: COPYRIGHT © 2005, O.R. STRONG CONSUL llNG ENG., INC. -/~,--~ rJlRSJ Po~~iing ~~~?r}t<:. 10604 NE 38th PLACE, SUITE 101 KIRKLAND, WA 98033 PAGE 9 of 9 ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS (425) 827-J063 1-800-962-1402 FAX NO: (425) 827-2423 CONFORMED COPY Return Addre.s: ZW!~0210001225 PAGE001 OF 004 EAS 22.00 D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS ]j 10604 NE 38'h PL. SUITE 101 02/10/2005 11' 38 KING COUNTY, WA KIRKLAND, WA 98033 (425) 827-3063 Project #O\WI.lJ/JiJ please print or type infonnation WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet Document Title(.) (or transactions contained therein)( all areas applicable to you document must be filed in) l.\A.,fvl~~ £-.o,.SG~ 2. 3. 4. Reference Nurnber(s) of Documents assigned or released: . Additional reference #'s on page of document Grantor( s) (Last name first, then fIrst name and initials) l.~~c.... f ~--t:: 2~M.., t:.D 3. 4. Additional names on page of document Grantee(.) (Last name first, then first name and initials) l.\:.-Ov f'~t:L.> ~ 2. 3. 4. Additional names on page of document CJ;t;Sc~~~bbrg\~L~o~~~R-tow~' ra~ Pctctrf101 '5e-J-3-1iv;~ ~\~ ~i<{ (EC\..bl;L('l/ll "I Additional legal is on page / of docum tiL I ... j' ~ "--' Assessor's Property Tax ParceVAccount Number 0-1OC1DDDD2.S Assessor Tax # not yet assi@ed . The AuditorlRecoeder will rely on the infonnation provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verity the accuracy or completeness of the indexing infonnation provided herein. UTILITY EASEMENT This instrument is made this~ day of ~.e.IO. ,2005, by and between Helmet and Lourdes Brodka, husband and wife, and the marital community composed thereof, the owners of the property known as King County Tax Parcel No. 0739000025, herein called the "Grantor", and La Fortuna LLC and other municipalities of King County and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, a municipal corporation of King County, Washington, herein collectively called the "Grantee" . 1. Grantor hereby grants and conveys to Grantee, or successor and assigns, a non- exclusive permanent utility easement with necessary appurtenances over, through, across, and upon the following described real property in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows (the "Real Property"), acknowledging and agreeing that the exact location of said easement in the property may be adjusted as required at or before preliminary or final approval by Soos Creek or other municipalities of King County, and that the Grantor irrevocably guarantees and agrees to such adjustment in location as reasonably determined or required by Soos Creek or other municipalities of King County, provided that the width and all other terms and conditions of this easement remain unchanged. The Grantor also irrevocably guarantees and agrees to cooperate with the process of such adjustment and that such adjustment in location may be recorded by Soos Creek or other municipalities of King County as a revision and the Grantor will sign and acknowledge such adjustment in location as required at no expense to Grantor as reasonably determined or required by Soos Creek or other municipalities of King County. See Exhibit' A' . 2. The easement consists of all that portion of the above described Real Property as follows (The "Easement") or as reasonably modified by Soos Creek or other municipalities of King County based on their requirements at the time of preliminary and/or final plat approval. 3. Grantor also grants to Grantee and to those acting under Grantee the use of the existing gravel road located in the vicinity of the ten (lO) foot strip of land described in Exhibit 'A', said gravel road lying within the above described Real Property. 4. Grantee shall have the right without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at time as may be necessary, to enter upon said property for the purpose of operating, constructing, repairing, altering, or reconstructing said sanitary, water, and storm sewer lines and appurtenances or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, provided that if the area within the easement is disturbed by such operating, constructing, repairing, altering, or reconstructing of said sanitary, water, and storm sewer lines and appurtenances, Grantee shall restore the surface of the easement as nearly as possible to the condition in which it existed prior to the Grantee's entry upon the easement. 5. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of said Easement, so long as such use does not interfere with the installation, operation, and maintenance of the sanitary, water, and storm sewers and appurtenances, and so long as no obstructions or structures such as buildings, rockeries, retaining walls, or similar obstructions are erected within said Easement. 6. This Easement and the covenants herein shall be covenants running with the Real Property described herein and shall be binding upon the successors, heirs, and assignees of both parties hereto. 7. The Grantor warrants that the Grantor has good title to the Real Property and the Easement and warrants the Grantee title to and quiet enjoyment of the Easement conveyed herein. BY~d'Q 04· fBt.od/a , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF ~ 1f\9\ ) On this day personally appeared before me OOrf\\.!;r-~ JLt;l..;to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she signed the same as his/her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. \\\~.lil)Jto my hand and official seal this 2-1"ot! day of~e.W ,2005. :-.\'\:"',. O. :f~ ~ fF";~~;dO;,' ~ ~ ~g .. ~ ~ •• ~ ~~~ . ~ 6 § ",,;.(j ~OlAR,.. \ i Typed or Printer Name:( lX\d..t;ea. \). LLSI,r\.Y'Df....- ::: ;;:;?-: E Notary Public in and for the State of . J ~ ~'. 'UDLlC~' ~ Washington, residing at 'VV\D \(to'rDlvVv ~:{c;.~ 1~'I$.·· ~~ My appointment expires: t:F~C5 -DLP 'Z 0 ...... ..:....' 'II 'f: WA ~" ""mV!II'\'~ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY of\L-\M , ) )ss. ) On this day personally appeared before m~.e:2 6~ to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she signed the same as hislher free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN unto my hand and official seal this -"""-?to.=-~:::.!O...-,-' ,2005. Typed or Printer Name: . \) Notary Public in and for the State of . Washington, residing at';)V\DM tIIlPb- My appointment expires: L1: ~ l5 -DI 0 Grantee(s): ,/ b' By:_--+h--,-... ..--c~_J./L::-=_-__ , By: _________ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON cOUNTYOF~~~lC4~--- ) )ss. ) On this day personally appeared before me ~M-\ S. p;:>-e ~-t-, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she signed the same as hislher free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ~~. y hand and official seal this ?v~ day ofYelo , ,2005. ~~;.lOii.~~% no ~~() ::f: .. '-a~ ~ ~ -~ ;-"t! ~OlARr "r''§. Typed or Printer Name:o::.riC4iii -pI. ©~ ;: -;;;:Z>-B·";; : § Notary Public in and for ~e State of . -;. ~" ~ A .:s~ Washmgton, resldmg at -='c-:=.==-,,~,-'--',,-,?-/,--'Q ~<A'. rv L.,-, ';!!'-" . ?~lr J ~:;6~~. !~~~~,.§' My appointment expires: ~ "/ 1" WAS~ "", "'I/p 'n""\ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day personally appeared before me , to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she signed the same as hislher free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GWEN unto my hand and official seal this ___ day of ___ , 2005. Typed or Printer Name: ______ _ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at ______ _ My appointment expires: ______ _ T: IkOJI210J 261 leasement-040608.doc EXHIBIT 'A' DESCRIPTION FOR UTILITY EASEMENT A STRIP OF LAND 40.00 FEET IN WIDTH IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WITHIN LOT B OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. L01 L0082, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 20021107900008, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT B; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT N 88° 07' 55" W 146.77 FEET; THENCE S01° 04' 22" W 40.00 FEET; THENCE S 88° 07' 55" E 146.21 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT B; THENCE N 01° 52' 05" E 40.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH AND ADJOINING A STRIP OF LAND 10.00 FEET IN WIDTH ALSO .L YING WITHIN SAID LOT B, LYING 5.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT B; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT N 88° 07' 55" W 141.77 FEET; THENCE S 01° 04' 22" W 40.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF SAID DESCRIBED LINE; THENCE CONTINUING S 01 ° 04' 22" W 340.76 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF PETROVISKY ROAD AND THE END OF SAID DESCRIBED LINE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT TO BE SHORTENED OR LENGTHENED TO INTERSECT WITH PROPERTY AND EASEMENT LINES. T:Ik0112101261ILGL-utility-ESMT -40ft.doc UTI LI TY EASEM EN T EXHIBIT MAP .... ,.-.. _ ..... ,~ .... -............. .. _ ..... ~I .... II.\I ...... ·,I~ ...... I .. .. ..... ~I ............ 1.10 .... ' ..... .. ,..... ~.. . .." . tH.'J .... :".. l 4 5 UTILITY EASEMENT \ I I :;:: LOT B , NCO Nr-- ":.to 0 .... KING COUNTY I ;"t'j 0 BLA NO. L01L0082 Ul UTILITY EASEMENT 10' o o ;j -, .~ LOT C - t 200' COPYRIGHT 2004, D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENG., INC. D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers Inc. 10604 NE 38th PLACE. SUITE 101 KIRKLANO. WA 98033 ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS (425) 827-3053 1-800-952-1402 FAX NO, (425) 827-2423