HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 2,., '. (, King County 1SHORTPLAT . ··,TYPE 2 Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.kingcounty.gov FILE CONTENTS/ .. lOG.-IN SHEET . '. ,,.. _, •' ' FILE NO.: L08S0018 PROJECT/ FILE NAME: MEYER SHORT PLAT OWNER(S): JEFF MEYER REVIEW PLANNER: SHANNON DORR REVIEW ENGINEER: CURT FOSTER AGENT(S): The Concept Group . APPLICATION FILED: FEBRUARY 29, 2008 Related Files: COMPLETE APPLICATION DATE: 02/29/08 ------ A. ACTIONS 1. D PRELIMINARY APPROVAL DATE:---------APPEALED: D YES D NO 2. D REVISION: 3. D RECORDING NO.: _____________ _ B. HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTIONS 1. D PREHEARING CONF. NOTICE date(s): 2. D HEARING NOTICE date(s): 3 D PREHEARING ORDER date(s): 4 D CONTINUATION date(s): 5. D EXAMINER'S REPORT date(s): 6 D RECONSIDERATION date(s): 7. D APPEAL SUMMARY date(s): C. DOES STAFF ACTIONS 1. D PRELIMINARY REPORT/ CONDITIONS date mailed: ---------- 2. D CONTINUATION NOTICE date mailed: ---------- 3. D ADDENDUM REPORT date mailed: ---------- 4. D NOTICE OF APPEAL date received:--------- 5. D APPEAL ARGUMENTS date received:_· ---------- 6. D TRANSMITTAL TO EXAMINER (POR's/DOCS/STUDIES) date sent: ------ (APPEALS ONLY) D. SEPA REQUIREMENTS 1. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: ------DATE ISSUED: ---------- 2. DATE 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/PORS/STAFF SENT: ----------------- 3. APPEAL FILED: DYES ONO a. APPELLANTS: ----------Date Received: ----- -----------Date Received: ----- b. APPEAL ARGUMENTS: Date Received: ---- E. NOTICE REQUIREMENTS 1. NOTICE OF APPLICATION . /. / a. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING/POSTING PACKAGE SENT .3/ql 1/CJJ' REC'D-~---- b. LEGAL ADS: SEATTLE TIMES Date Published: _<-l-'-'/1.-=./,-.:,0::...;~=---- LOCAL (&,n;lon /Jon~rfe1.,) Date Published: _£/-'+/.,.2.J..J/0,..8..._ __ V I , c. 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/POR's/STAFF date(s) sent: __:LIC!..f..,f.2"'--1-/,"'oCl,g,...._ ______ _ I I 2. NOTICE OF DECISION a. 500' RADIUS/AGENCIES/POR's/STAFF date(s) sent: ---------- • L08SOOI8 F. APPLICATION Date received: February 29, 2008 1. D INTAKE CHECKLIST 2. ~ APPLICATION FEE 3. ij. APPLICANT DESIGNATION FORM 4. D LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5. D ASSESSOR'S MAPS:------------------------ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. lp. CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY fl CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY D PRELIMINARY HEAL TH APPROVAL D CERTIFICATE OF FUTURE CONNECTION t FIRE DISTRICT RECEIPT SITE PLAN/PLAT MAP LEGAL LOT PROOF ~ AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING CRITICAL AREAS COMPLIANCE ti ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST ~TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY 'rJ: LEVEL ONE DRAINAGE ANALYSIS -T!l<.J f':/. OTHER JnhdAiJ.~s7}ta,.f'A(r .. D WAIVER(S) ------------------------ C§:) ADDITIONAL PLANS/MAPS (Y CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN DATES RECEIVED: lJ.-/ :)..9 Io f H. 2. WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN I I 3. REVISION NO. 1 4. REVISION NO. 2 5. REVISION NO. 3 6. REVISION NO. 4 7. OTHER MAPS a>---------------------------~ b) __________________________ ~ c>---------------------------~ d)·---------------------------~ e>---------------------------~ f) ___________________________ _ SPECIAL STUDIES DATES RECEIVED 1. WETLAND/STREAM REPORT 2. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 3. TRAFFIC STUDY 4. WILDLIFE STUDY 5. OTHER (document title) _______________________ _ Page 2 of 3 ... I. • L08S0018 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1. d~~ 2. ,:::/;R...v ac.t1,:t we. l/:!u 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _____________________________ _ 11. _____________________________ _ 12. _____________________________ _ 13. _____________________________ _ 14. _____________________________ _ 15. _____________________________ _ 16. _____________________________ _ 17. -----'-------------------------- 18. ------------------------------ 19. ------------------------------ 20. ------------------------------ 21. ------------------------------ 22. ------------------------------23. _____________________________ _ 24. _____________________________ _ 25. _____________________________ _ 26. _____________________________ _ 27. _____________________________ _ 28. _____________________________ _ 29. _____________________________ _ 30. _____________________________ _ 31. ______________________________ _ 32. _____________________________ _ 33. _____________________________ _ 34. ------------------------------ 35. ------------------------------ 36. 37. _____________________________ _ 38. 39. 40. ----------------------------- 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Page 3 of 3 Page I of2 -·. Moe, Judi From: Schafer, Hillary Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 10:08 AM To: 'Han Phan' MAIN FIL E COpy Cc: Dorr, Shannon; Moe, Judi Subject: RE: Application No. L08S0018-Meyer Short Plat Good morning Han, I have reviewed your request for an extension to the July 17, 2008 deadline to submit requested information for the subject application. Please accept this email as confirmation that the deadline, per Shannon Dorr's April 17th letter, has been extended. The new deadline is Se,1tember 17, 2008. Your application will remain on "hold" from today's date, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request, or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. Please let me know if you have any questions prior to Shannon's return. Thank you, Hillary Hillary K. Schafer, Project/Program Manager I King County DOES Current Planning, Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 p: 206.296. 7288 * f: 206.296. 7051 h illary .schafer@ki ngcou nty .gov From: Han Phan [mailto:han@theconceptgrp.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 9:40 AM To: Schafer, Hillary Cc: Dorr, Shannon Subject: Application No. L08S0018-Meyer Short Plat Hello Hillary, I'm writing this email to request the extension of the deadline for the submittal of additional information or studies for the application No. LOBS0018 (Meyer Short Plat). At this moment we don't have all the information requested by ODES with the deadline in July 17, 2008. We are waiting for the approval letter of a variance (intersection spacing) from the transportation/traffic variance section of ODES. We are also waiting from surveyor (Dryco Surveying) to complete their work. We would like to request an extension date to September 17, 2008. Please let me know if this is acceptable to you. Thanks you, Han Phan, P.E. The Concept Group 07/09/2008 650 South Orcas Street I Suite 214 I Seattle, WA 98108 Cell: 206.446.1292 I Office: 206.658.0125 Fax: 206.658.0127 !Website: www.TheConceptGq:,.com Email: han@TheConceptGrp.com Technical and Engineering Consultants 07/09/2008 Page 2 of2 -· Moe, Judi From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Judi, • Schafer, Hillary Wednesday, July 09, 2008 10:12 AM Moe, Judi Dorr, Shannon L08S0018 I'm not familiar with how you handle PP entries for the short plats. I added a comment regarding the subject file and the deadline extension. I copied and pasted the text from my email response into the comments. Hope that's OK! Thanks!! :) 1 ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov April 17, 2008 Jeff Meyer 19100 1161h Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 RE: Notice of Request for Additional Information or Studies Application No. L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat Dear Mr. Meyer: The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Code Title· 20 that the. Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. When submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN.: Shannon Dorr, Project Manager II, Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 If the submittal is hand delivered, submit at the address above. Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the s ,nittal of the necessary informal. ... 1 is July 17, 2008. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which miJy justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. If possible, please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding the additional information or the submittal deadline, please call me at (206) 296-6673. S annon Dorr Program/Project Manager II Current Planning Section CC: Curt Foster, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Trishah Bull, Current Planning Section, LUSD Larry West, Critical Areas Section, LUSD Han Phan, The Concept Group File L07S0068 -Garden Wood Place SP Screening cover letler (1) . tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.goV Plat $crE!ening ;~tJns(1'1ittal; f .. r,,, / · ·• . ,--·;_,\·" '.v,(··_," ... , .. ,,:, .. ·/.··.\>· ,,.· .. ,.,· ,y,,,,1.··.,·· ., :PrelirninaryiShoitPlat,.:;:MeyefStiqrtPlat lliUSD File :Noit~8S00t8 ifi,w Diiif~ ofrl11formii'tioill;Re\ iie~t1,:'J~ riF,17 !20013-.·· . ·· d~ictii11El ta{stifr~1tt~li~fi1tif~~J;tionhiili~f11, 2ooa· Please submit 10 copies of the following required studies and/or preliminary plat map revisions. Access/Roadway -2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards {KCRDCS) 1. The intersection spacing (centerline to centerline) between the proposed on-site road and 1901h Lane SE is less than the minimum 300 feet (KCRS Section 2.10). An approved road is required with the next submittal or, you may submit a revised site plan with an alternate access meeting this requirement. 2. Urban frontage improvements (curb, gutter and sidewalk) are required along the property frontage. The next submittal shall include a revised road plan with a design meeting the arterial classification unless, variance approval is granted for a substandard design (Section 2.03 A, collector arterial classification). 3. If a variance from the· KCRDCS is desired (Section 1.12), the variance must be approved prior to making a decision on the short subdivision application. Multiple issues may be included in the same application. Information on the road variance process (and applications) may be found at: www.metrokc.gov/ddes/perm info.him. Any request for a road variance shall be submitted to ODES on the appropriate form and with the minimum fee deposit. Drainage: 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual {SWDM) 4. Standing water was observed in the back portion of the property (proposed Lot# 3) during· a recent site visit. A soils report including acceptable infiltration rates is required with the next submittal to support the proposed infiltration system. Alternatively, you may submit a revised conceptual plan which is prepared, stamped, and signed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington with one of the other BM P's. Additionally, the conceptual plan shall include BMP's for the front lot, the private access tract and the joint- use driveway. Survey 5. The contours must be based on a field survey per KCC 19A.18.150(B)(2). A statement of how the contours were determined. 6. Need two temporary benchmarks within the application site along with appropriate elevation and datum per KCC 19A.08.150(B)(2). 7. The location of the vertical datum point needs to be stated or plotted per KCC 19A.18. 130. L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat Screening letter (1) Page 1 of2 U:\Short Platsl2008IL08S0018 Meyer SP\Screening\L08S0018 screening ltr(1 ).doc · · 8. The benchmarks shall be tied to King County Control Net""''lrk Benchmark Elevation. School Walkways 9. Provide an inventory map (i.e. existing conditions -widths, surface type, etc.) of the walking routes to the elementary, junior high/middle and high school and/or the appropriate bus stop location associated with each school. Identify any improvements necessary to provide safe walking conditions. For this short plat children will attend the following schools: o Benson Hill Elementary School -The students will walk. o Nelson Middle School -The students will be bussed. The bus stop is located at 1161 h , Avenue SE and SE 119th o Lindbergh High School -The students will be bussed. The buss stop is located at 1161 h Avenue SE and SE 1881h Street. · As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat Screening letter (1) Page 2 of 2 U:\Short Platsl2008\L08S0018 Meyer SP\Screening1L08S0018 screening ltr(1).doc ., '® King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 L08S0018 Meyer Short Plat ODES Project Number 4t4lt\t /y1._~ Co,o,-. l,~-3~e'--'f-_,f:-'--..,,M-,'--'t\'--'(e.'-=c;'-/l,--------'' hereby affirm that I have posted the following: (print name) X Notice of Permit Application o Other--------------- on the 'l n1) day of A-fn I , 2008, in accordance with the Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. Notice was provided at the following location(s): J 1) \"'\\oo \\(,..~ A-ve,. S,6 121'-0±oN 1 Wl'i. C\fos;-'is' 2)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. ~ KingCounty . /·' ,~:,t'· {'. - H\:, Department of Dev~lopri1ent and.Environmental Services OAK-DE-0100 900 Oakesdale A._;enue Southwest Renton, WA 98057 CPLN/JMOE 98057$52iS C · i:.:. ,•~ ·.-;,-:· r-.<. i:; ._ .... , .. ,_.,. "'""'" ..... .'d\·! .Af;··y ... t" 2:t:~:_yg . " ~.P//1, .. ':..'.:!·~~-1: . p.r.:,r ;;,. T KING COu1; TY .JE;,y OF DEVELQpl\1.ENT AND ENVfiio;,;,1':;NTAL SERVICEs 90Q Oakesdale Avenue S0u1hwc 51 Renron, Washing1on 98057-52 J 2 ...:...,,,..-'''·''·'-,,,..·-·· . ~:--.-_.....,.,,.---·-,~-- .,~---~ .~,~--,. ___ ,,,.,-"';· .,,.r"'-..,'-;... ........ ..-:.-,...,...-f . .,... . .,..-'""'"'· ~_,__~-· ?- !'.') 0 b (Tl (1) = :-•/,,;, ii .. ~ lfiru ~ :..{_ :;.... '" .... ~ ir..-: .; <. ,:....· rr~ ,:. J) fil !o" .. _,:.ii c:· -·_ti . ' '1 \l~ ~ II, I,, I,, I, I I,,,, I, I, I,. ,I, I ,I,,, I, I,,, Ill, I,, I, I,. I, I,,, I I,, I ' tQ Kina County King rounty . Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 February 29, 2008 Jeff Meyer 191001161 h Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 RE: Notice of Complete Application for Application Time Periods Application No. L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat Date Filed: February 29, 2008 Dear Mr. Meyer: The purpose of this letter is to notify you that on February 29, 2008, the Land Use Services Division determined that the above-referenced application is complete under current requirements for a complete application. This initial determination is intended only for the purpose of applying the time periods for pennit processing specified in King County Code 19A and 20. Supplemental infonnation may be requested by the Division, as necessary, for the continued review of your application. Our goal is to process your application within 120 days. However, the complexity and level of analysis required to review your project and available staff resources will affect the actual review time. The timeline can also be impacted by one or more of the following: o any request made by the Division for additional information o changes or revisions requested by the applicant o mutually-agreed-upon requests to stop the_time clock · o preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement o failure to post the property o resolution ofland use decisions appeals· If you have any questions about your application or the posting requirements, please contact me at (206) 296-6758. Sincerely, • /)/\(;}/iv-.,)0 6 ~. /\ TCJah Bull, PPM rn Current Planning Section cc: The Concept Group, Han Phan 650 S Orcas ST, Suite 214 Seattle, WA 98108 Sha1mon Dorr, PPM II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Curt Foster, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Application file .~ i ' ® Notice Board & Posting Procedures King County IJ1struction Package Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Notice ofApplication Posting package mailed 3/21/08 to Jeff Meyer 19100 1161h Ave SE, Renton WA 98058 L08S0018 IVIA/N FJLi::- i;; Copy In accordance with King County Code Section 20.20.060, enclosed you will find instructions, specifications, and materials in order to meet the notice of application posting requirements of the County. Please read these instructions carefully and take action quickly to order your notice board sign. The sign must be up and notices posted 14 days from the date of the complete application letter. Your notice board sign can be ordered through a sign painter, using the information supplied on page 2 of the enclosed "Notice Board Requirements." The cost of the sign is the responsibility of the applicant. Further processing of your application is dependent upon fulfilling the notice of application posting requirement. When your sign is in place, attach the colored laminated notice of application along with the · plastic envelope (containing extra copies of the notice of application) to the notice board as depicted on page 1 of the instructions. Maintain a supply of notices within the plastic envelope throughout the comment period. The posting sign/notice board must remain in place throughout the duration of your application. The sign must not obstruct the view of pedestrians or vehicular traffic. Immediately upon completion of the above instructions, complete the enclosed affidavit of posting and return to the Department of Development and Environmental Services, Land Use Division, Current Planning Section, at the address shown above (envelope enclosed). Failure to comply with posting requirements may be cause for a delay in the processing of your application. If you have any questions, please call the Land Use Services Division at (206) 296-6600. Enclosures: Notice Board Requirements-Application Laminated Notice of Application Waterproof Vinyl Envelope containing copies of the Notice of Application Affidavit of Notice of Application Posting form/LUSD return envelope ® King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 L08S0018 Meyer Short Plat ODES Project Number I, ______________ , hereby affirm that I have posted the following: (print name) X Notice of Permit Application D Other _____________ _ on the day of , 2008, in accordance with the Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. Notice was provided at the following location(s): 1) 2) _______________________ _ 3) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. Signature This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. The notice board shall be located and installed to the specifications described below. Number of Notice Boards required for this application: ONE ( 1 ) Notice board shall be located along 1161h Ave SE, and; • Midpoint on the site street frontage or as otherwise directed by LUSD staff to maximize visibility. • At a location 5 feet inside from the street property line; a notice board structurally attached to an existing building shall be exempt from the setback provisions, provided that no notice board is located not more than 5 feet from the property line without approval from LUSD staff. • So that the top of the notice board is between 7 to 9 feet above grade. • So that it is easily accessible and totally visible to pedestrians and does not obstruct the view of pedestrians or vehicular traffic. The applicant shall erect the notice board by solidly setting the post 12 to 18 inches into the ground; or structurally attached it to an existing building. Two 4" x 4" 8-foot-long (minimum) posts and four washers, bolts and nuts (3/8-inch diameter and bolts are 5-inches long) shall be used to install the notice board. Installation Certification The notice board(s) must be installed within 14 days after Land Use Services Division has determined that the application is complete. The enclosed "Affidavit of Posting" must be signed, and returned to the Land Ui.e Services Division within 7 days following the date of posting. Maintenance and Removal of the Notice Board The applicant shall maintain the notice board in good condition throughout the application review period, which shall extend through the time of the final county decision on the proposal and the expiration of any applicable appeal periods. If the notice board is removed, LUSD review of the land use application may be discontinued until the notice board is replaced and has remained in place for the required period of time. TO BE FILLED OUT BY LUSD STAFF =============================================----=====---------------------- NOTICE BOARD TEXT INFORMATION (To Be Given to the Sign Painter) Type of Action: Short Subdivision Proposal: Subdivide .54 acres into 3 lots File No.: L08S0018 NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or for hearing impaired 206-296-7217. Notice Board Requirements-NOA 8/8/01 Pg 2 (} t,: NOTICE BOARD ~EQUIREMENTS- NOJICE OF APPLICATION · King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057·5212 Per King County Code Section 20.20.060, a notice board must be prepared and posted for your land use application. Please prepare and post in the following manner: Notice Board Size and Text Specifications The notice board shall be constructed to the specifications described below. The notice board shall display the information shown in the figure. Board Construction: The notice board shall be constructed with 4' x 4' plywood. Professionally prepared plastic notice board overlays, permanently affixed to the board are permissible. Notice boards may be reused but they must be clean and show no evidence of former wording. 1. Lettering style: Helvetica or similar standard typeface 2. Lettering size: Title should be 3" capital letters (NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION). Other letters should be 2" letters except on the 81/z'' x 14" laminated paper providing the details of the proposal. See illustration below for use of capital and lower case letters, and placement of laminated paper and vinyl jacket. 3. Lettering: Black (permanent ink or silk-screen) 4. Background Color: White 5. Logo: King County emblem, in black 6. Laminated Notice of Application on a legal size sheet which provides information regarding the proposed land use application. TO BE SUPPLIED BY Land Use Services Division (LUSD) (see enclosed). 7. Legal size waterproof vinyl jackets with a fold flap, and wrap string. TO BE SUPPLIED BY LUSD (see enclosed). The applicant must make copies of the Notice, place them in the vinyl jacket, and maintain a supply of copies throughout the posting period. 4 FT ® NOTICE OF PROPOSED lAND USE ACTION King County Department of Development and Environmental Seivices Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton. Washington 98057-5212 Call (206) 296-6600 Type of Action: Proposal: File No.: NOTICE OF APPLICATION 8.5" X 14" LAMINATED 4 FT EXAMPLE COPIES OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN VINYLJACKET Notice Board Requirements-NOA 8/8/01 Pg 1 Moe, Judi From: Sent: To: Subject: Bull, Trishah Friday, March 21, 2008 8:23 AM Moe, Judi RE: NOA -LOBS0018 Meyer Just one board along 116th Avenue SE. Thanks! From: Sent: To: Subject: Moe, Judi Friday, March 21, 2008 8:22 AM Bull, Trlshah RE: NOA -L0850018 Meyer Trishah, any special posting board instructions? From: Sent: To: Subject: Bull, Trishah Thursday, March 20, 2008 2: 16 PM Moe, Judi NOA -L0850018 Meyer. « File: L08S0018N0A.doc » I L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat Number of sign boards required: 1 Location of sign boards: 1 Board on 1161h Avenue SE Formal Plats A. Cities within 1 mile to be notified: Renton B. Airports within 2 miles to be notified: None Mail Notice to: 1) Affected Tribes * 2) Applicant 3) Community Groups* 4) DOT, if adjoins State highway * Always included as a notice recipient (off of the STR list). Planners Posting Board lnstrx.doc ,·-.. Page I of2 Moe, Judi From: Linda Mills [lmills@reporternewspapers.com] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 12:06 PM To: Moe, Judi Subject: Re: Legal Ad Request Good Afternoon, I have received your notice (re: file # L08S0018) to be published in the Renton Reporter on Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Thank you Linda · Linda Mills Legal Advertising/Obituary Representative · Reporter Newspapers -Sound Publishing 19426 68th Ave. So Ste A Kent, Wa 98032 253-234-3506 legals@reporternewspapers.com or paidobits@reporternewspapers.com . From: Moe, Judi [mailto:Judi.Moe@kingcounty.gov] To: legals@seattletimes.com, legals@kcjn.com Sent: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:24:07 -0700 Subject: Legal Ad Request Linda, please publish in the Renton Reporter. Thank you, Judi Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on April 2, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to ODES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. · Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ODES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION REOUES~SHORT Plat File: L08S0018 Applicant: Jeff Meyer . Location: 19100 1161h Ave SE, Postal City Renton Proposal: Subdivide .54 acres into 3 residential lots Project Planner: Shannon Dorr, 206-296-6673 03/21/2008 . . . Page 2 of2 .. COMMENT PROCEDURES: DDES will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day comment period ending on ApJil 25, 2008. Written comments and additional information can be obtained by contacting the planner at the phone number listed above. Published this 2nd day of April, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DOES Application File: L08S0018 S.Times Acct.No.: 078871004 03/21/2008 ' ' Legal Ad Request Page I of2 ....... Moe, Judi From: Legals [legals@seattletimes.com] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 12:29 PM To: Moe, Judi . Subject: RE: Legal Ad Request Importance: High Hi Judi, Your Legal Notice request for Wednesday, 04/02/08 Times only cost is$ 55.04. I will put this on HOLD until I hear back from you for approval. Thanks, Eleanor . covering for Kathy Baldwin "-·-·-··------·---·--·------·-----·-------------·-------·-----------------··-···--------------· From: Moe, Judi [mailto:Judi.Moe@kingcounty.gov] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11 :SO AM To: Legals Subject: RE: Legal Ad Request Yes, thank you. From: Legals [mailto:legals@seattletimes.com] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:40 AM To: Moe, Judi Cc: Legals Subject: RE: Legal Ad Request This notice got sent to The Seattle Times Legals email box. Did you want the notice published in our paper as well? Thanks. ·-------------·--- From: Moe, Judi [mailto:Judi.Moe@kingco'unty.gov] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:24 AM To: Legals; legals@kcjn.com Subject: Legal Ad Request Linda, please publish in the Renton Reporter. Thank you, Judi -------·-----·-- Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on April 2, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to DDES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. 03/21/2008 . . L~al Ad R~ques\. I . Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DDES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF LAND US~PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST: SH-ORT Plat File: L08S0018 Applicant: Jeff Meyer Location: 19100 115th Ave SE, Postal City Renton Proposal: Subdivide .54 acres into 3 residential lots Project Planner: Shannon Dorr, 206-296-6673 Page 2 of2 COMMENT PROCEDURES: ODES will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day comment period ending on April 25, 2008. Written comments and additional information can be obtained by contacting the planner at the phone number listed above. Published this 2nd day of April, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DDES Application File: L08S0018 S.Times Acct.No.: 078871004 03/21/2008 Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on April 2, 2008, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to DDES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for · payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST: SHORT Plat File: LOBS0018 Applicant: Jeff Meyer Location: 19100 1161h Ave SE , Postal City Renton Proposal: Subdivide .54 acres into 3 residential lots Project Planner: Shannon Dorr, 206-296-6673 COMMENT PROCEDURES: DOES will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day comment period ending on April 25. 2008. Written comments and additional information can be obtained by contacting the planner at the phone number listed above. Published this 2nd day of April, 2008 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DDES Application File: L08S0018 S.Times Acct.No.: 078871004 GISMO -Parcel Information Report 1.2.1 0 ., ' ., ti King County DDES Parcel Information Report -Change R1mort- This report was generated: 3/21/2008 12:34:33 PM I ":t'. Print Report I Parcel Number: 6198400141 -Change ReRort Parcels-® 8 Base Info Parcel Number: 6198400141 Tax Payer: MEYER JEFF Property Name: N/A Annexation: Benson Hill (Recent) Jurisdiction: Renton Situs Address: 19100 116TH AVE SE Zip Code: 98058 Postal City 8 Reference Info Page I of2 The lnrormatton Included In this report has been complied by staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change wlthou County makes no representations or warranties, express or lmpl accuracy, completeness, tlmellness, or rights to the use of suet King County shall not be liable for any general, special, Indirect, consequential damages lncludtng, but not llmlted to, lost rev, profits resultlng from the use or misuse of the information con report. Any sale of this report or Information on this report except by written permission of King County. Plat Name: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 04 Plat Recording Date: N/A Plat Lot: 7 Plat Block: 1 Kroll Page: 605 Thomas Brothers Page: 686 1/4-S-T-R: SW-33-23-5 Lot Area: 23,724 SqFt. (0.54 Acres) 13 Planning Info Zoning: R-6 Comprehensive Land Use: um Development Condition: N/A Assessor's Open Space: N/A Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: N/A Appraised Land Value: 2008 -$136,000, 2006 -$120,000, 2007 -$124,000 Appraised Improvements Value: 2008 -$116,000, 2006 -$90,000, 2007 -$102,000 (3 Administrative District Info Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: N/A School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: King County Fire Protection District No. 40 (40) Roads MPS Zone: 342 (Fee N/A) Roads Transportation Concurrency Mitigation Zone: 797, 799 Waterfront: No Water System: WATER DISTRICT http://ddeshome/gis/reports/parcelinfo.aspx?muid=20080321123352000&pin=6198400141 03/21/2008 ~ . GISMO -Parcel Information Report I .2. I . ·, .. .. Water Service Planning Area: N/A Sewer System: PRIVATE Airport Noise Remedy Program: N/A Council District: 5 Julia Patterson Drainage Basin: Soos Creek: WRIA 9 Police Jurisdiction: King County Police Precinct: 3 Police District: F3 Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N Transfer Development Rights Type: N/A Transfer Development Rights Status: N/A Transfer Development Rights Permit Number: N/A 13 Inspection Area Info Building Inspection Area: S-4 Clearing Inspection Area: Richelle Rose Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Mike Meins 13 Sensitive/Critical Area Info Sensitive Areas Notice(s) on Title: None Sensitive Historic Site: None Bald Eagle Data: Bald Eagle Flag: N/A Aquatic Areas Buffer: N Basin Condition: Medium Flow Control Area: N/ A Water Quality: N/A Critical Aquifer Recharge Area: None Area of Potential Wetland Influence: N Shoreline Management Master Program Designation: None GIS Mapplng,Operatlons (GISMO) Versl~,~ 1.2.1 Page 2 of2 http://ddeshome/gis/reports/parcelinfo.aspx?muid=2008032 l I 23352000&pin=6198400141 03/21/2008 USPS -ZIP Code Lookup -Find a City By ZIP Code Results . .. '"• Jj@UNITEO,STll'T:ES POST/JL SERVICE. Find a City by ZIP Code™ Results You Gave Us 98058 Do Another LookuR Page I of I USPS Hom ZIP Code L A\ Cities in a ZIP Code may be referred to by more than one name or spelling. These results indicate the ~ actual city name. ("Not Acceptable" city names are listed for your reference only -do not use.) Actual City name in 98058 RENTON, WA Not Acceptable CASCADE, WA FAIRWOOD, WA Related Links Calculate Postage Calculate postage for your letter or package online! RateSq\_cula19r Contact Us Print Shipping Labels Print shipping labels from your desktop and pay online. j:;lick-N-Shi~ Other Postage Gov~ Services Privacy Policy http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/zc1_3 _results.jsp?zip5=98058 ' Business or Residence Lookup Y.ellow Pa.ae.l! ''Find a business nationwide. White Pages Find a residence nationwide. Terms of Use 03/21/2008 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Applicant: Jeff Meyer 19100 1161h Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 425-890-9798 Ntttice of Application (Type 2) . File No: L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat ODES Project Manager:. Shannon Dorr Telephone No.: 206-296-6673 Email: shannon.dorr@kingcounty.gov Date Application Filed: February 29, 2008 Date Determined Complete: February 29, 2008 Project Location: The site is located at 19100 1161h Avenue SE. The site is approximately 330 feet north of the 1161h Avenue SE and.SE 192nd Street intersection. The postal city is 'I',' Renton. The parcel number is 619840-0141. ·· Project Description: Short subdivision of approximately 0.54 acres (23,724 square feet) into 3 lots for the development of detached single-family residences in the R-6 zone. Permits requested in this application: Short Subdivision Relevant environmental documents are available at the above address: Drainage Study Development regulations to be used for project mitigation, known at this time: KCC 21A, including Critical Area Regulations, Road Standards, and 2005 Surface Water Design Manual. Consistency with applicable Courity plans and regulations: This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes including Roads Standards, Surface Water Design Manual and Critical Areas Codes. Other permits not included in this application, known at this time: None at this time. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on April 25. 2008. Written comments on this application must be submitted to DDES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the DDES decision. However, the DDES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Date of Mailing: April 2, 2008 -------------------------------------------------- If you wish to receive a copy of the DDES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No.: L08S0018-Meyer Short Plat {Please print) Name: ____________________________ _ Address: ____________________________ _ Telephone No.: ------ King County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. Type2 NOA ' .... Nc,,ice King County of Application Department of Development and Environmental Services · Land Use Services Division · 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 (Type 2) MAIN r-11 i:: Applicant: Jeff.Meyer ·•• . .. · 19100 1161h Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 425-890°9798 · ... File Nc(il08S0018 7":Meyer Sh\)r1 Pl~t. -vy~r · il)QE9 Rrtijec;t Manager: Shannon Dorr Telephone:No.:,206•296-6673 . . .... .. Email: shannon'.dorr@kingcounty.gov .. Date Application)filed'. February•29, 2008,: \ ,·., .. · , Date Determined, Coniplete: February 29, 2008 Project Location: . The site is located at t91 OQ 11 ~th Ave.nue SE'.· ;r~~ site is apprnxim~t~i;)33&·"' feet north of the 1161h Avenue SE and SE '192"d Street intersection. The postal city if · Renton. The parcel numb.etis619840-0141. · · ·,. Project Description: Short subdivision of approxiril~tely Q.54 a,cres'(23;724 squar, feet) i'l')~O. 3 lots for the development of detached single-family resid.ences iri the R-6 zone .. , ·. '· ·· ' '' . ' . ·; ,, .. . ._, Permits requested in this application: Short Subdivision Relevant environmental documents are availl3ble at th.e above address: Drainage Study : ' ,!/ Development regulations to be used ,for proj~ct 1rnitig~t 1 i~n; kno"Y~ a(this time: KCC 21A, ir:iclucling• ?! Critical Area Regulations, Road Standardsi,ar:id, ,2005 ~urface Water Design Manijal. . x; · ··! Consistency with applicable County plans and .regulations: · This,proposal will be reviewedJor compliance with all applicable King County codes inc.luding Roads Standards, Surface Water Design Manual and Critical AreafCqcies. ,. · \ , · Other permits not included in this application, known at this time:. None at this time. 1. ,,,. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on April 25. 2008. Written comments on this application must be submitted to DDES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the DDES decision. However, the DDES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services . Date of Mailing: April 2 1 2008 Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 , If you wish to receive a copy of the DDES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : L08S0018-Meyer Short Plat (Please print) Name: ______________________________ _ Address: ------------------------------ Te I e phone No.: -~~--- King County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records Indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. Type2 NOA @ SHORT PLAT NO.=~~ KING COUNTY,. WASHINGTON DEDICATION APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT DF DMl..llPMENT N<ID OMROHMOO.oJ.. SEFMCES t,m,,,;,,e,f---thlt~day"' .200.....- .,._., La>d u.. ~ Oi¥loic,n E-,,lned ---tt,;,, --'°' ·----"'- ,,,_ , .RECORDING ND. I VOL/PAGE GRAPHIC SCAL.£ 1·-40 DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ~------'"'"-----SCALE: " 80 ~....__. PORTION OF KNOW AU. PEllPl£ BT Tl6t P!i:ESEHfS --. 111o ~ ......... I °""""""'" ~ _ ~-~-&196-4-0 0141 I ';;jW 1/4 of ':lW 1/4 I ol --in --'*""' -..-.,..,,. w.ii, --lhil _,..... ' "'-lplottobotho"""'*~°'tllo"'-1-. 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( ......,,, ·-f l..cl/llc wi 0:n;: ~ SE 192nd street ,~.a:m LINE BEARING L1 NOO "36 '36 "E L2 S02 "10 '55 'W L3 S89 "18 '22 "E L4 S49 "39 '28 'W L5 N02 "10 '55 "E L6 S89 "23 '24 "E L7 S89 "23 '24 "E 1-,,_LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1.,,is Short Plot correct!)' represents o •urvey mode by me or under my dlrec:tion in contonnonce with the r,,quirementa of tho cippropriote Stcrte ond County Stotute ond Ordinance In ............ 200 .•.•.. ·.! ~ :. · j i; 1( i' '. i; l ! i '., -: ·:I:· Certif<cOU! No. 34145 ... ....... , .. _ DISTANCE 21.99' 23.00' 19.00' 31.20' 13.50' 19.00' 30.00' \ """' 8 MONUMENT FOONO TIIS SlM.'EY 0 FOUNJ PROPERTY COAl£FI .l5 lf«llC.I. TED O SET REBAR ll CAP LSI 3-4 U5 [iJ POWER l1W(SFORMER ,. """"' """' 'o_ PCIIEJI Fa....E ~ FIIE HYtlV.NT i£I. WATER VAL.VE 'NI' IIAT£R METER @~-SEWER D CATCH ~ OR tlLET .. "'"""' &. CAS VAL.VE OR CAS t.H: liW!ICER ----f'---IM;R t£AD El.£CTRIC I.MS ...,.....-EDGE W PA\'EIIENT --I(-OWN lNC OR WIRE FDIC( -6-GASl...11£ -11-JU,TBI..I1£ -s---SANITARY SEWEA -- DRYCO S . I ---urvey1ng, nc. "12714 VALLEY AVENUE EAST !!<,;~,'.lii SUMNER, WA 98390 Easement PB" Plat of Jessie Glen 2007052,?(XU394 BASIS OF' BEARING KIN& CClJNTY SlRVEY C0NrHCL. 'fiRTl(i#, DATtlM KINS COUNTY BM 580SI B..EV-5U.!IEI REFEROIC£ SURVEYS NORTHWESTEflN GAAOEN TRACTS. OJV • .C. VOi.LiE <17 OF PLATS. PASE 7<1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TIE IIEST 300 FEET W LOT 7. l!LDCK i, NlmlfllES~ 6AREI TRACTS. .l5 PER PU. T AECOArED IN VOl.lJE <17 OF PU. TS. PAGE 7.C. FECIJAJS OF KlNS COlMTY ALl)lTDA. EXCEPT Tl£ JGTii 70 FEET TI£HEOF. Slru.t.TE lN nE CCUlTY OF KINS, STATE OF l1ASHIN6TON. MEYER SHORT PLAT Jeff Meyer 19100 116th Ave SE Rentm WA 98058 w i g OWN. I« Is "'" 12/27/2008 JOO HO. 2007205 CHKO. 8Y """ 5HErr ~ ~ : DRYCO · 253-826-0300 Fax 253-826-9703 hp 1 D_F 1 ) } ' 7932000005/L08SOOI8 AMERICAN ASIAN CONSTRUCTION 9501 S 207TH PL KENT WA 98031 6198400161/L08SOOl8 BILTI SIMION 11624 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 7932000010/L08SOOI8 COOK ERIKA 11637 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 6!98400260/L08SOOl8 EAGLESON RANDOLPH G PO BOX 4156 RENTON WA 98057 0522059152/L08SOOl8 HANS DEVINDER S 11633 SE 163RD PL RENTON WA 98058 SD9/L08SOOl8 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #415 G. ANDERSON, PLANT & FACILITIES 12033 SE 256TH ST KENT WA 98031 9266500020/L08S0018 NGUYEN PHUONG 17252 125TH A VE SE RENTON WA 98058 9266500010/L08SOOl8 PARKS CLAUDE P+LINDA 11435 SE 191ST CT RENTON WA 98055 7932000009/L08SOOI8 ROWE THEODORE J JR I 1619 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 6198400300/L08SOOl8 SINGH BOB I 9029 I 20TH A VE SE RENTON WA 98058 6198400360/L08SOOI8 BALE ROBERT G+KA TIE A 11806 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 ·6198400180/L08SOOl8 CHARTER HOMES INC 60 I UNION ST #5100 SEATTLE WA 98!01 6198400160/L08SOOl8 DANG JEFF HAI 11606 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 9266500050/L08SOOI8 FARAH ALl+SAFIA 11464 SE 191ST CT RENTON WA 98055 9266500090/L08SOOl8 HOANG XE V+ANH-PHUONG T NGU 11440 SE 191ST CT RENTON WA 98055 6198400141/L08S0018 MEYER JEFF 19!00 116TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3223059037/L08S0018 NGUYEN TAM DUY+MAI T PHAM 19139 SE 114TH PL RENTON WA 98055 6198400125/L08SOOI8 PHAMTHINH 326 CEDAR A VE S #2 RENTON WA 98055 3223059348/L08SOOl8 RUSSELL RODNEY D 12350 76TH CTNE KIRKLAND WA 98034 9266500040/L08S0018 SINGH MANMEET 11470SE 191STCT RENTON WA 98055 7932000017/L08SOOl8 BALODIS JURIS L+AMY L 11807 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 RN/L08SOO 18 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 9266500100/L08S0018 DHANOA KASHMIR+SURINDER KAU 11434 SE 191ST CT RENTON WA 98055 7932000007/L08S0018 GANKOV L YUBEN+GANKOV A MALIN 11627 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 3223059036/L08SOOl8 KC HOUSING AUTHORITY 600 ANDOVER PARK W TUKWILA WA 98188 6198400 I 62/L08SOOI 8 NGUYEN MICHAEL+CINDY+DINH 19219 138TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3223059347/L08S0018 NGUYENTAND 19135114THPL SE RENTON WA 98055 SD 13/L08SOO 18 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #403 R. STRACKE, FACILITIES & PLANNING 1220 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98055 9266500070/L08SOOl8 SAETANE CHAI KUE! 11452 SE 191ST CT RENTON WA 98055 9266500080/L08SOOl8 SMITH CHARLEY K+JULLIE H 11446 SE 191ST CT RENTON WA 98055 .-,, . ' 3223059349/L08SOOl8 ,, THANY APORN T SIR! 19130 114TH PL SE RENTON WA 98055 6198400142/L08SOOl8 WILLIAMS KARA PO BOX 1588 RENTON WA 98057 9266500060/L08SOOl8 TO THY H+NGUYEN NGUYEN V 11458 SE 191ST CT RENTON WA 98055 6198400280iL08SOOl8 ZEMANEK GREG J 19003 120TH A VE SE RENTON WA 98058 9266500030/L08SOOl8 TON HAO ANH+PHAM NHAT-THAO 11471 SE 191STCT RENTON WA 98055 !ll !l? < I Vicinity Map N:r.s. !ll !l? !ll !ll < j ! 2 .... :6 i "' .... .... lE .190ti Ii (~ Site p SE 19a1d st SE 184th St SE 188th St :I ~ !ll 2 :5 .... SE 196th st t!f ZONING MAP BOOK PW TECHNICAL SERVICES PRINTED ON 11/13/09 Tl"""""'""'"'""-·---""' ~,:,·~==;:.~;.:,v;-;:~ ..... ~!:;'.,..,_ -~-.. ... ,,... ................ ..... RC -· -··--L . :::--···--IE 112r,c1 111 ···------.. L __ .J ·····7·-: --·- ___ ,.J ..... N ....................... t I5 33 T23N RSE W 1/2 5333 22N R4E '" RESIDENTIAL 0 (RC) Resource Conservation ~ (R-1) Resldentlal 1 du/ac EJ (R-4) Residential 4 du/ac ~ (R-8) ResJdentlal 8 du/ac EJ (RMH) Residential Manufactured Homes ! R-10 I (R-10) Residential 10 du/ac j R-141 (R-14) Resldentlal 14 du/ac I RM·FI (RM-F) Residential Multl-Family jRM-T j (RM-T) Residentlal Multi-Family Traditional IRM-u I (RM-U) Residential MuttJ.Family Urban Center MIXED USE CENTERS ~ {CV) Center VIiiage luc-Nil (UC-Nl) Urban Center· North 1 ~ (UC-N2) Urban Center-North 2 ~ {CO) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL 7 4N ASE INDUSTRIAL ~ (IL) Industrial· Light @] (tM) Industrial. Medium 0 (IH) Industrial-Heavy -----Rent.on City Limits ~ (CCR) Commercial/Office/Residential -----AdjPcent City Limits ~ (CA) Commercial Arterial ~ (CO) Commercial Office KROLL PAGE ~ (CN) Commercial Neighborhood PAGE# INDEX S!'CT/TOWN/RAHGE SW1/4 OF SW1/4, SEC. 33-T23N-R4E, W.M. ·;···... I /F "°";,,'" l ' -i .~-!-~-!,.~~~ -l ~OWDEDIOITJONB'fllflSSHOIITl'UIT \ • j l c;'o,~ ~ \ 's. " II~ '---;,,£1 20.o' Jr-· 9. / -ia11 I I ti \ I LOT 2 •1 I uo.m~n.1 ..-18 ) 10.></""El ~5_1)'1 \I r'o I I ..; \L---~ -----S'S --~ -• I I I -1 E1 ffl1 I I _ _J ,, I !§ -/ t ~~ ,TOBE~OCA~ I , -TO LOT I I I l f ! l j f I ' \ J I . t 'i"""fl~ \ ' 'i' f!OIOV£/RE!V,ct: \ . --514-_.,.. "> I . 't-EX. Oftll£WAT APPRO,l,DI (CJIAl{Lj_ ~ ,! I I/ ' _/ I JO_()' \1,~ I "'-. --PLAN r-~ 1,., ~ iij,,1<1<1 ... Cl!-""ICSCALE 111 ,o a '" :io ··-· • Z0 IL \ .. .--T3 -~~ o,_ I ~~; I I I~ i, --, ""IF I '" ---i ,.J:'l'~, , ___ , " ' '' ,, -~-. ~ S]~j $ ti !l. . ----i ---,""" --' ---;t --, -,, -- ' ' 'j'™' ~ow, ' ., I , . ,.,, -~ ,~, . ~ ___ ! ---~~ ' " . ' _j ' ' ~ -"'lff" , . 12..«I ai ;""-ll•SO . :!1 "11+00 i I Ul+at ill CALL 48 HOURS l BEFORE YOU DIG ! 1-800-424-5555 11>+50 PRORLE MCIOlCfjUI.OIAl'ICSC.ttf 20IOOI020 ',(IJC-11. Ol-""'C 'l;lil U O I.' ~ ]INO.! ~TE i !V a~ I ""'M" A07160 JQ.()8-2008 1-·201t. I-••• -- ; IDESOl:'D!V: H. H. PHAN I '1-e---i-+--------------10!l.lY1f1BY: H.H.PHAN w11m Cl£Cl(WBV: A. T. tfGUYf:N PROJINOt H._l:J.,_PHAN •1--,----+--,----------~ UJ'IR!!<; 07@/ll1! I \ \ \ I '%. \ ; \ j I ~- NOTES• SE£ 9££T rN FOR l{GO() 2. CONlRACTtll SHAU nnD ltRFT AU CJl.ooES PRU! TO CONSTI!IJCTIOH l. SEI Slfil SN1 FOR 1(91; ccum STANJMDS CONSlUCIP HOl£S. 4. SEE 9€.ET llR1 fOR llt .... UG( Pl»!. PRtn..E ,1: D[U,1_5. !>. su 51€ET un FM urun Pl.AM • Pl!<FU. =;.,~- I '-.. ' ~ ' " ' ' EXIST)HG PA\'EYCNT """'Nu< ,s - {', I 1 , .. 11---- 1 -. 2" COMPACl£0 DEPlH CRIJSHEO :!a.lRl"AONG TOP COURSE 4• COMPACl£0 DEPlH CRIJSHEO SURf"A(]M(, 8AS£ 00.~ " 20.o' TltACT A (.l.O) _,,__ ' =-I ... •• """"' ·-~~ii; z" COMPACTED OCFlH HOl .. x ASl'HAl.T a.ASS Ji" SU!!CllfJ'JE SHAU. B[ COMPACl£0 lO 9~MU IJENSH TRACT A (JUD) SECTION B-8 -- """mu< 1.0' \_EJOSltlG CRCU(l .Ji,,_--- ... =mu< 116lH A\'E SC -~-...... "' "12.0' 21.a' ..• ---14.5' ll.5" 1.0· mlllCAL SAWQJT ~I i ... . ··1.r··· "'"" I _,,__ , I i .... """" .,,, ·1 " -. ~ •• : • '\"':: w :·s:0, -\:_~ --------------"' OCUILE 'l'Ell.OW CD11UIUNE , . -1., fU W.lERIM. 4" COMPACTED DCPlH • HOT .. x A9'illlT tu.SS Jf (n.G ,r ur...t 4 COMPACTED DEPIH ,,, CRUffD SURl"ACJ4G BA!£ COORS[ 2" COMPACTED DCPlH . CRUSH[!) SURf"Ac,fG TOP CCUtSl WIIQ!,l,0£ SHAU 9E COIIPACTID lO 95:11: IWt DUISITY nsTH AVE SE SHOULDER IMPROVEMENT SECTION A-A --.; --" ~-- fSD -DD<-.Slft21~ -.w.o.'18108 T(l06)-ll5 ~(l00!)651H1121 --~-°"" MEYER SHORT PLAT 19100 • 116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILE AND SECTIONS ~ -~ PG1 -2 ~ 5 -· SW1/ 4 OF SW1/ 4, SEC. 33-T23N-R4E, W .M. ·-. I I r ~',: ! ' -! -_J ~ •. a'~~ /l +--:· ~I \ ='Ti~_,, -~~,,,,. --r, I 1 J l I j } JO.a' - I ,,ua~ ""° \ \ .. _,,,;; --- 9. ' I ! PLAN HIRZOlfl#ll~.icilt ,0 10 0 "' 20 lllldl•JOL I a I I ( !"f I LOT 2 ':1 E I I ..... ,l"'!,"I ii i I ""'1"""' ~a' I \ l l !l \L---+ j ;; I \ 'I •I u.." !'" ; "\ I r. \ \ \ \ "' l~ I :rFir ; I ii I I I l ·-1-=1 .,. 516 m~===L-+-+=+=--=E=---------~ --::. __ -------~r--'----11-L-t-_]==+===t==E'F""~r=-===- ..... CAll 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 1 ·800-'12+5555 to.I ..,. rt 10.,0 _ .. """'°" ...... U•SO U+GI U+50 PAOf\.E w;az,i)(fll. C1A1MC ~ 01CM. GW'tC ICllll • • o • a , u • u , lflo •21tll , .... , .. jOlll«l l ....... ,. R07160 10-08-2008 !I I t I ·-~ H.H.-~ --! :=~ ~~ .. ~ 2 _ l l'IIOUNJt H.H.- • I i mjm .... mm -~...:.-----~-... ··-=-~ \ % \ I "I ~ t ~- NOTES I . SU: HET CV RR ILQ>lll :Z. CONlRACTOll SHAU flOD \OIFY AU ORMltS ""'1lll TO ()()NSllll)CIIOH J. SEE SH£Il 911 rQR ~ CXUHY STNC>NIOS CCNSlUCllOH NOtES. 4 sa: H[T OR1 rta CRMUa: PUN. PIICfU • DEf M.S. $. $l( 9tttl UTI f'CII UllJTY Pl.AN A-PRCn!.. r =--~- ----~-=' -IYI.K I 20.0' 1IIACT A (.u>) ['-.. \ ~ I.a' I I~~ I n.......: 1---~ - I r CCIIPACl(I) OU'lH CIIUSHID ,....ACM: 11P CIUIS( tr-u~• HOT 1ft All'MAI.I <USS Jr 4• CCIIP.crtl) OU'TH CIIUSHID ,.... AOIOC 8A5C CO...,. SU8GIIMIE $HAU BC CCIIPACtm 10 ISi w.u. OCHS'lrt TRACT A (Jl.O) SECTION B-8 SCAII: NIK ""°""!" I.K "°"' <V<IDILK 1161H ,\\I[ SE: -- Yf 12.o' -- 2LO' t.O' -DQJICA1ION 14S u LO' llS 'OftCM. SAIIOJI o,s1lrfC PA..omtl ., z• CCMPACtm OEPIII CIIU5HCD UW'ACIC TOI' ca..ltK ..... _ ... CM-- t!D ~OCal ... MllJH _ .... _ 1<*)-.0U, '(JOl)l!NU1 -· '11l[DC]P'TQIIP "*" 116TH AVE SE SHOULDER MPAOVEMENT SECTION A-A SCAII: NIK MEYER SHORT PLAT 19100 -116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILE AND SECTIONS ll(flJIEICE HETto. PG1 -2 a, 5 HUI I SE 176TH ST -~~--- in i !; I~ I ... BENSON HILL I ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I I I w ! i~ .-4 <I I I I I I NOTE= LOCATION OF BUS STOP, BENSON HILL ELEMENTARY, AND PROJECT LOCATION ARE APPROXIMATE. .._ _ __.___. .-4 I I I I I LINDBERGH C HIGH SCHOOL o PY l BUSSTOP :; Ii I ... I I I I}) !DDLc-;--::-:-:::----- i---t:tCOL ~S STOP ~I PROJECT I I LOCATION f~[/ ~ If\:, (!I I ~~ \0 -----~ _._____~"""*"""'--oc, ? Q 100\>i SE 192ND ST Land Development and CMI Engineering Olnsutatts 650 South 0rcas Street. Sub 214 Seattle, WA 98108 I T (206) 658-0US F (206) 658-0127 www.THECONCEPTGRP.com ~.c. o.o.e..s. INVENTORY MAP WALKING ROUTES TO SCHOOL AND BUS STOPS FIGURE 1 I ' I tfl King County K,C. O.D.E.S. Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Web date: 06/26/2007 CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT STATUS Renton, Washington 98057-5212 206·296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Permit Number: L08S0018 -==-===-------- Permit Name: Meyer Short Plat -Road Variance FOR INDIVIDUALS: I, Jeff Meyer (print name), hereby certify that I am the/an owner of the property which is the subject of this permit. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized to represent all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: 19100-116th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 I further certify that I am the "Applicant" for this permit and as such am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing on the form provided by DDES. chl~ * Silfr, reofiicant 05/08/08 Date Signed -OR- FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I, (print name), hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of , a corporation or other business association authorized to do business in the State of Washington, which is the sole owner of the property that is the subject of this permit. If this corporation or business association is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this corporation/business association is authorized to represent all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this corporation/business association is: I further certify that the above named corporation/business association is the "Applicant" for this permit and as such is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This corporation/business association shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless it transfers its applicant status in writing on the form provided by DDES. * Signature of Applicant's Agent Date Signed * By signing as the Applicant or the Applicant's Agent, I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information provided above is true and correct. King County Certificate of Applicant Status lc-cer-apstat.pdf 06/26/2007 ' NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: lg] I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: Han Phan, P.E. c/o The Concept Group; 650 South Orcas Street, Suite 214; Seattle, WA 98108 Check out the DDES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits King County Certificate of Applicant Status lc-cer-apstat.pdf 06/28/2007 w King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Meyer Short Plat Project Address and Parcel Number: 19100-116 1 h Ave SE (6198400141) Applicant/Design Engineer Name: Han Phan, P.E. Address: 650 South Orcas Street #214 City, State, ZIP: Seattle, WA 98108 Web Date: 11/27/2007 ROAD STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST TO THE COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. DDES File No.: LOBS0018 Signature: Engineering Firm Name: The Concept Group Telephone: (206) 658-0125 ODES Engineer Initials: D Route Application to LUIS Date: 5/7/08 D Check here if project engineering plans are approved and construction has begun. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Please be sure to include all plans, sketches, photos and maps which may assist in complete review and consideration of your variance request. For a complete list of road variance submittal requirements, refer to separate list from DOES. Failure to provide all pertinent information may result in delayed processing or denial of request. Please submit this request and applicable fee to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) Permit Center at 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212. To make an appointment for permit submittal, please call 206-296-6797. For more information, refer to the ODES Web site, www.kingcounty.gov/permits. 1,: ,, ' '. ,i,:: : REFER .T01SECTION'1 :OB OF THE"KING'COUNTY ROAD' STANDARDS FOR VARIANCES · . DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST: The proposed on-site access road and 1901 h Lane SE is less than the minimum 300 feet. The variance is for the approval of the proposed road to be constructed less than the required minimum spacing from 1901h Lane SE. APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: KCRS Section 2.10 f5) rEte~~W/lE~ lfU MAY 1 6 2008 JUSTIFICATION (see attachments, pages to ): K.C. D.D.E.S. The proposed access road meets the minimum spacing requirement from 192"' Street. However, there is no way to move the proposed access road to meet the minimum spacing. Also, 1901h Lane SE is a minor residential access cul- de-sac with no thru traffic. The proposed access road should be considered a joint use driveway since there are no plans to build on the 3"' "shadow" lot which was created only for the purpose of satifying min. density requirements. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES· ODES STAFF RECOMMENDATION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZATION D Aooroval D Conditioned Annroval D Denied County Design Engineer: Date Development Engineer/Designee: Date County Road Engineer: Date CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Check out the DDES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits King County Road Application le-rqu-rdvar.pdf 11/27/2007 Page 1 of 1 I"• ....... ~ King County ,, Web dat'=: oa, l'M:i007 LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Staff Use Only -Do not write in this box Application LD~soo~ I (We) request the following permit(s) or approval(s): ' D Binding site plan D D Boundary line adjustment D D Building permit D D Conditional use permit D D Critical areas alteration exce~tion D D Linear D ~~ D D Drai~,e?fiart'e'd~ tmeJi D D 1~1lo\ r~~w f~ning sites D D leiat\\i eration D D Plat vacation Public agency & utility exception Reasonable use exception Reuse of public schools Right-of-Way use permit Road variance Shoreline conditional use permit Shoreline exemption Shoreline redesignation Shoreline substantial development permit D P-suffix amendment D Shoreline variance ~@:©@:OW@:@ ~tB t.. Y 7008 K.C. 0.0.E.S. Date Received (stamp) D Site development permit D Site-specific comprehensive plan amendment D Special district overlay removal D Special use permit D Subdivision -Formal ~ Subdivision -Short D Temporary use permit D Urban planned development D Zone reclassification D Zoning variance I, 3E:CFF /::1E.Y~IE:'.. , being duly sworn, state that I am the owner or officer of the corporation owning property described in the legal description filed with this application and that I have reviewed the rules and regulations of the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) regarding the preparation and filing of this application and that all statements, answers and information submitted with this application are in all respects true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. During the review of this application, it may be necessary for DOES staff to make one or more site visits. By signing this application form, you are giving permission for these visits. If it is rental property, the owner hereby agrees to notify tenants of possible site visits. Printed Name _,_.)""'-ff=-'---f-'---'0'---'-E;"'-'1-'l-"Gg...==------- Company Phone 4:J.S: 8et0-q7 'ff] MailingAddress /q/()O -//.(,d STREET E-mail Af/E SE Signature '/?E;NJtv\) WA "'B0.58 CITY ST ZIP If applicable, state below the name, address and telephone number of the authorized applicant for this application as shown on the Certification and Transfer of Application Status form filed with this application. Name Phone E-mail Mailing Address STREET CITY ST ZIP AppForlandUsePermltsFORM.doc 1c-app-luper.pdf 08/14/2007 Page1of2 ~ \ ... ., 3end the posting package for the notic!_9()ard for this application to: D the owner/applicant ~ the consultanUagent (engineer, architect, etc.) Send letters, including those requestin~ditional information for this application, to: D the owner/applicant J£S. the consultanUagent Note: Application forms and submittal requirements are subject to revision without notice. For Formal Subdivisions only: NAME OF SUBDIVISION REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR (COMPANY) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ENGINEER (COMPANY) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP DEVELOPER (COMPANY) STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Land Surveyor's Certification I hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been inspected by me and conforms to all rules and regulations of the platting resolution and standards for King County, Washington. SIGNED DATE NAME (INOIVIOUAL) TELEPHONE E-MAIL NAME (INDIVIDUAL) TELEPHONE E-MAIL NAME (INDIVIDUAL) TELEPHONE E-MAIL Land Surveyor Seal Check out the DDES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits AppForLandUsePermitsFORM.doc lc-app-luper.pdf 08/14/2007 Page 2 of2 soc DDES King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98057-5212 February 29, 2008 Summary of Charges at Application --------·-------· Applicant: MEYER, JEFF 19100 116TH A VE SE RENTON WA 98058 425-890-9798 Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number: Permit Type: Status: Page I of I L08S0018 PRE-SP APPLIED "-----------------------'------------------· Description .Bldg FireFlow.Review Counter Service Fees Deposit Based on Est.Hrs Totals By Category: Total Fees: Due At Application ,$139.00 $284.00 $14,140.00 $14,563.00 Due At Settlement $0.00 $14,563.00 .... -....................... ,, _________ .. __ ,,,,.-----.. -·--·-----------------,-~-----1 The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to DOES at the time of application. For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before DOES Issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.O. \ \ ' ·~ ... ~~ ... ~Ppoo1J~~~~~P_Y~~-W-ebdat_eo~_~oo7 "~ <g) Ln) ~ CERTIFICATION OF Kingcounty JAN L42008 APPLICANT STATUS Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest KC D D E S Renton Washington 98057-5212 • • • • • • 206-296-6600 TTY 206-295-n11 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Permit Number: Activity Number: ------------- Permit Name: FOR INDIVIDUALS: I, .:s:EEE 1:1 E5'"(GR (print name), hereby certify that I am the/an owner of the property which is the subject of this permit. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized to represent all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: Jq/C?O -1/GZ!t A-0z ':Se" I further certify that I am the "Applicant" for this permit and as such am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing on the form provided by DOES. * clfi~Hcant -OR- FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I, (print name), hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of , a corporation or other business association authorized to do business in the State of Washington, which is the sole owner of the property that is the subject of this permit. If this corporation or business association is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this corporation/business association is authorized to represent all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this corporation/business association is: I further certify that the above named corporation/business association is the "Applicant" for this permit and as such is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This corporation/business association ~hall r ~~E\c~icant" for the duration of this permit unless it transfers its applicant status in writ{"' n th for pr ~Ll5y OJ!'.}ES. * lf " (lli rn ©~ow rn@~o _______ _ Signature of Applicant's Agent f tl:l Z 9 ?nnR Date Signed * By signing as the Applicant or the Applicant's Agent,J ~rtjfy ~penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information provided above is t{ile ah~coirecT CertApplicantStatusFORM.doc lc-cer-apstat.pdf 06/28/2007 \ \ • NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: ~ I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: ) PG GSV Check out the ODES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits CertApplicantStatusFORM.doc lc-cer-apstal.pdf 06/28/2007 Page 2 of2 • This certificate p;ivifs · information nece a (0) evaluate deve/o n (Q) Certificate : 5055 proposals. ~~©~HW@@ J~N Z 4 100 ~ SOOS CREEK G~PYl}_SE'\VER DISTRICT '\ K.C. o.o.E.S. CERTIFICA ~~EWER AVAILABILITY Type: Short SubDivision Applicant's Name: Jeff Meyer Proposed Use: 5 Single Family Residences Location: Lot: 7 Parcel: 619840 0141 Block: I Development: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS4 Address: 19100 116TH A VE SE, RENTON In formation: Includes parcel 619840 0142 SE\VER PURVEYOR INFORMATION 1. a =1 Sewer service will be provided by service connection only to an existing sewer main Null feet from the site and the sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed area. b ~ Other (describe): Sewer service to the proposed plat will require the installation of onsite sanitary sewer main. Final sewer layout will be detem1ined based on final site development plans, road, storm, grading,·and waler. Al! plans must be approved by and meet the requirements of KC\VTD and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. a ~ The sewer system is in conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. h D The sewer system improvement will require a sewer comprehensive plan amendment. 3. The proposed project is within the c01voratc limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city. h D Annexation or Duundory Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service. 4. Service is subject to the following: a (.-LJ Connection Charge: Yes, but not limited to Special ~onnection Charge #25 b ~ Easement (s): c ~ Other: Onsite easement required See I b above and conditions below Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to tl1e standards, regulations, requirements and conditions of this District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that it's facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make any required extension of facilities to serve their property. I hereby certify that lhc above sewer purveyor information is true. This certification shall he valid for one ;:;:;:;~~~QB1RICT ______ Lynn Ramsey 12/18/20:'.> 7 u ~ ~~ge~i1ne .Signatory Name Date ____ Devclopm".'.1t Coordmator _ ~.;Yt.,n /(a,~ /;l.?f,i100J TIiie ID) ill © rn D v; rn@ r S,g,rnture o i!af!/0 Soos loeekWa," &s,-,'1,oslncO ",a,Aeaol',ogleCa,"C\ddSow<0 'tl'\J FEB 2 9 zonR JL (0) § s (0) 0 1L §\ lo .1-nnCC:::. This certificate provides @ information necessary to evaluate develop~ rn. @ rn ow rn D ~ l[E proposals. l.n) ,JAN L 4 2008 Certificate : 4257 (C(Q)[p~f A@§Pp@ijlL SOOS d8d~·RlWATER AND SE'\<VER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY Type: Short SubDivision : Applicant's Name: Jeff Meyer Proposed Use: 5 Single Family Residences Location: Lot: 7 Block: Parcel: 619840 0141 Development: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRA Address: 19100 116TH A VE SE, RENTON Information: Includes parcel 619840 0142 \VATER PURVEYOR INFORMATION 1. a O Water will be provided by service connection only to an existing Null inch water main, Null feet from the site. Andi Other b RJ Water service will require an improvemnt to the water system of: Water service for the proposed plat will require the installation of water mainline onsite. Final water requirements and layouts will be based on the final site development plan, road, storm, grading, sewer and King County fire mnrshal requirements. All plans must be approved by and meet the requirements of the KCFM and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. a ~ The water system is in conformance with a County approved water comprehensive plan. b D The water system improvement will require a water comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a ~ The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review 13oard approval for extension of service outside the district or city, or is within the County approved service area o!" a private water purveyor. b :J Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary !O provide service. 4. a R] Water is/or will be available at the rate of flow and duration indicated below at no less than 20 psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant 155 feet from the building/property (or as marked on the attached map): Rate of Flow: 1,000 gpm Duration: 2 hours b D Water systems is not capable of providing fire flow. Cross Connection Control devices must be in conformance with state laws. Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions of this District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that it's facilities will be extended or othetwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make any required extension of facilities to serve their ~~J::):::.y~ert\r!1A~jwater purveyor information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year [~da~J~ture. ~\\0s~CR 0 EEK WAAg:.,E,cRy ,i,~,,:EWER DISTRICT Lynn Ramsey 12/18/2<-"t:?) ~ .. S1gnato1yNamc Date Development Coordinator " ------- Tith.: ~ lg '@;i]t TI''l\1 '~"@'ilSi,gkP""'Ad<lW,,"" 01<,/% fttl 2 \:J ?.008 cx1-l?..o qJtJ,a,7 JAN 2 4 2008 @ King COunty Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Renton, WA 98055-1219 Fire District # __ 4-~(-) __ _ Nam~"1~.$oposal --'~-E'f"'----P'-E(....=,t--(~w~,=W=-'-'-A ~Y~s_s:=~,e___,e.:"---'.:-r--_R.._,,LA"-'------'----T---- Location of Project I Proposal _ _JIL.]°'i~OC,,3,!.]6)....__:_~ _____.\_°iul .... DuO.,__-_\.u:H .... .ic.c-liri..:.:_!.._A,_,v"'e:-'-----'sG'=--',\--\'!,,~~~,e_!IY..lcro...!£...!....:N~ (Address, parcel number, tax account number, legal description)* *One of these required for processing of application SEC __ 3_,_~__,______ TWN 2-51\1 RNG. 4 t. KROLL PAGE ____ _ Name of Applicant H:AN P.\:\AN , LA~o DEVB.o0JB.2t ·~C1v1L-EN.~-~JL:rnD15 Address of Applicant _JL..,,e""'@""Q"'--<;.....__,_. _;Q"""-"'(2C::,.,I_AS._,,,,,"--"~"-'T__..ft...,.2.,,;.;l'-"Y'------''~, S.........,,E°A"-'-'-:rr:r£_._..,,,__.,,,WA"'--'--q-=...c:..~..:.:l0'--'<is":...__ __ Telephone Number __ 2C{.='-'-e"---'{o...,_,,S"---''6''--__,0"-ll'-"Z=S--=--------------------- Description: Type of Project/ Proposal Check appropriate box(es) D Apartment/ Multifamily D Duplex D Conditional Use D Commercial / Industrial D Subdivision D Unconditional Use D Retail ~hart Subdivision/ Short Plat D Planned Unit Development D Residential: Single Family Residence D Rezone D School/ Classroom OOther (describe) ______________________________ _ "f...storz couplings required on Fire Hydrants Issuance of this receipt does not imply an approval, disapproval nor review of referenced project/ proposal. This receipt shall be valid for 30 days from date of signature. Distribution: tr"" 0 ~ v ~~(te~~iclnt (see below) ~\~ King County \' Building Services Division Pink: Fire District Note Applicant: at the time of application to DDES the white copy must be presented with project / P!!'_posal sil@1flk In\ 0178 I""· '"'IBi \s © lg l0 FEB 2 9?nnA Fire District: mail yellow copy to: King County Building Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Renton, WA 98055-1219 Attn: Fire Engineering @ SHORT PLAT NO. KING COUNTY. WA~S~H~IN~G=T=o~N DEDICATION ~ AU. PEOPl[ 8f ™ESE PRESENTS lllal -. -~ - ol -In tt,o land ~-=,' --· ~ --11w ohort plOI to IHI U'HI ..,,,p11ic ,.p,.Mfttction ol u,e ""°rt ""bolmion ..-i...i,,,,anc:ldo"-'11.,,._lo __ ol!Mpoibic:-cll ____ nol __ ¢w,t._anc:l_1"" -171-f / ... GIi pu&k -nol I--,rilh Ule UN tl'>w9CJI fo, pw11o high"")' Pl'._ a!'ld cl• ll>e riljl,t to moko OI ---to,a,band,.uponU'Hllab--in-Ofl;i""l-bl•Qr0"'°'9oloald ____ _ .;..;;...i.tott.o"MolU'Hlpubl;coHU'Hl-,,ent.aadln>cbs-• ..,lhis-1plotto,.,.p,lllk_"" __ __,,in- cludlng M rdhitedto PClf""---utmtia<n:I .,,.._ u....,. -~ _...nts ar tr,,ct. ""' Opecifleclly .,..,lif'"'° on !his -i plot"" bo,l,'Q-odor~ toa _or.,tityolh.- tro, i,,....-_ 1n -.,.... .. ...,...._ clodicato lUCl'I- -...ontt. orln:n:btolhe -r,r...tJty klentiflo<I cnllortM --· Futtr.,the~~oflhe-lw.t>Jllflart oubciwSH WGMI f<>< ~. tfMir....,,, a""--.,. and any -<>< -,lily d.-iwi"'il title fn>m lN u~, ony anc:I all clgmo !or~ agoirtot ICiolv CGunlJ, it, --....... --IHl-l>)'ll,----~O<---· of roodl and/t>t d<GiftOi;,. ~ •llhOI u,;. llhor\ ...r:dvioioo ---rwultin,;iftom~~l>)"Kiig -· Fu--. tho unclersigoe<I .,....,rs of l!lo kmd t...b), 11,o,t out:doidod "II-,.,.-_ thalr ,_,.,, GnCl C891" to lndenwfy --King~. lb ---~ __ ...,. ~•. Including any coat, of def--. oltJwM<! t., ....-,. -<>< wl-t thlo --t aubdMolan to hawe -.....-by ott.rall<>NI ol lhogroo,t'ICl""'1-.~.,._or"""'-oroub-__. no,,,, ,riWn tllio """'1 .,bd'MSion or by_,,,.,~ COft- olnlctian or moio-oo ol thO ...,...,. w;thjn thi• "'-'I oubdMoioo. l'nMded. thlo -----bo conatruod ... ~K'"'9Co,,,nly.ltll~or ........ l"""lobilityfor d""'°'l-. ;r,o1..,i1119 tho =et. ol ,w.,.., f...ttin,,i Tn -or In pg,t lromthon~olKit>')Co<.nl),, lb,w.,~oro""9'0. Thlo~dediartlon.-,,,_-~"' hol<lhonn-lo.-.withthof,-~a,,..b,""'*"'°"°",ollhlho _,,, __ IN fflNESS WHERSJf' .,. Ml a"' honclo and -· f\\..'E. co~-l- ~ ~--~B rn;z· 90 W rn; [Q) r I: ?DOB K.C. D.D.E.S. -·-C""nty °'--------- 1 c.tily Um I -or --actmy -Um "9-d this instrurn.,t and ... ~ ll "' bo (hio/1-) "-• ond -...tc,yoetforlho_and __ inlhoir..trurr.il. ,,...... -')'Public ..... __ .. --- Stat.of~ County of __ s·------- 1 c.ti1y U'>Gt I -or -tatisloaot)I -th<>t ""1"1..:1 thlo -orw:I oektlowle<lljocl ll ta bo (hio/hcr) frM --.r.tari,actforlho._...., __ lnlhoinotri.olftOffl'.. ........ Notary Pul>lie -------- APPROVALS, DEPARTMENT Of ASSESSMENTS I RECORDING NO. I VOL/PAGE DEPN<T\IENT OF DEVELOPMENT A.ND DMRONMENTAL 51::RVICES -------'°>• . =----____ llw_cloJol =----GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "•-40' IIQ<,og,or,landU..-~ -SCALE: ' ____ tlm __ ..,. ·""'----PORTION Of -----819840 OU1 ,_ ~iSE ...... -~=-1 ------ 1:J/ :" 178th Street t 2 R£T 10 IE CElltAlE!l I.JOI FElllmN3 CF nas FUT (9.49 9') (0112 .1aes1 / ~ / I I N----=~==_::... _-f, '--~:=+' -=_-_-,, _/ - -~W_ 1/4 of -~Y,l_ 1/4. S._JJ_ T.Jt_~i'!. R._~__.: EQUIPMENT ,t METHODOLOGY APPLICANT /CML ENGINEER TOPCON mTAI. STAOON ,1: HP 4,11 o,,,n, Han PMn. PE COUECTOR. 6l50 s. Oren St SU1tl f2U :lefNSTTRA=~ ~ ~. EWNICED ::~~~ !l81C8 1HE POSIT10NAI. UNCERTM<m' FOR Nff PHYSICAL POINT ON 1HIS SURI/£'!' REI..AlM lO Nff OTHER ~CAL~i§>~~~~~~ ~ Vicinity Map N.T.$. • • ij ~~==~~~~~~-.,__ \-~K~ /I \ ,,,,,...--~ ...:: ZONED R-6 ! • ! I • ! ~ ,. ! ~ ~-· • ! Ii • '--+- I .• _,..\ ZONED R-6 ( l {~ea,, ,/ !111'11:ln Z!i.CIII j .......,_ ·-r I 'II 7!1.m:--'°1 ~-· t ,~~r _ r-~-;,:--v,.-i ~·-i,: ., . .:::t : t= ,( r , · ~ @.=•LJ ~-=m ~-~] :.j 1 / J:,.;, . In· ~-• ~ ll! L71D" U1 ( · bo.-.,:i !: 'f:.:, 0.2!1Aa'm . ~?J-..c41.m~ ----~ --~~~~~A·~ ---,.,1•A.~ ~ ~ .. ~ • ._._. .,,.,,_-,:1!1 "'· ,. E12CCS, ,ieJI' 6l!IIGl:l!i:! 1;;"22'"11-wn-51$'Zi""~'t 3XI.J7/· -L 2.r:_j' t·,,.,,_.1Gl'191.~ ZONED R-11 .,,__ ~TE ICtei5 15• .m:s5 C ~ ,.,~, .. ~ .,... .. _ ( -; 30' )-;~. f ....,, ·-f -----~ 1:: ;:· EA!Bm \ ,,,_ {\- \ IJI/Tkt10n: ~SE 192nd Street ---"'"" 8 MOHUMEKT FOONO ~ SUIM:Y 0 FtlUNO PROPERTY CORER AS INOICATEO O SET REBAR S CAP LSf 341'!1 ~2 -L-,-,-,t-'er'----~------ Easen:mt: per Plat of Jessie Glen 20070522001394 BASIS OF BEARING KINS COIMTY Sl.RVEY CONlllOL LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 NOD "36 '36 ""E 21.99' L2 . S02"10'55""W 23.00' L3 S89 '18 '22 ""E 19.00' L4 S49 "39 '28 ""W 31.20' L5 N02 "10 '55""E . 13.50" L6 S89 "23 '24 "E 19.00' '~ @ l'CW[R TIWCSFORMER .. """"" """' "-_,.""" c;l FIRE HYDRANT .Qi. WAlER VALVE 'e° IIATER IETER ® W,NHOl£ -S£WER IJ CATCH 8ASIN OR INL£f ti' c.AS METER .t. c.AS VAL.VE OR ~ IJIE MARKER --P-~ t£A0 ELECTRIC LINES ...,.-EDGE OF PA\IEl,IENT --OWN UNI< OR Wfl£ FENC£ -G-SA5l.IhE -II-IIATERLINE -S-SANITM'tY SEWER VERTICAi, DATUM KING CIJI.NTY BM \5809 ELEY-!IU.98 "'""''"' SURY[YS NO!H-51~ GARDEN TRACTS. OIY. "· Ya...\NE "7 DF PUT$, PAGE 7" LEGAL OESCRIF'TION TIE IIEST 300 FEET DF LDT 7. BI...DCI( t. NORTHWESiEFtl 6AACEI TRACTS. AS PEil PLAT AECDAOED IN Ya...UE "7 OF PUTS, PAGE 7"-FECORJS CF KINS CCIU<ITV AI.A'.lITDA. EXCEPT Tl£ NORTH 70 FEET THEREOF. SITW.TE IN Tl£ COt.Nn' OF KING,. STATE CF IIASHIN6TON. w { ..... . . 11 L/ I WO~ C:.:J c:~ I I "'7 ---------- ron • ...,~ ,..., 4 "E 30.00' ...,,.,.,.,.,., BUILDINGS MEYER SHORT Pl.AT ~ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE flied for record thi11 ••••••.. day of .......... ,200 .... crt.. ....... M IL (0) § S (0) 0 j[:_·&:::~~,·-~~·-=:~·~-- r. SupL of Record:ii I ~.·. DRYCO DRYCO Surveying, Inc. -.. 12714 VALLEY AVENUE EAST SUMNER, WA 98390 _ 253-826-0300 Fax 253-826-9703 OWN. 8' -~"' Is hp Jeff Meyer 19100 !16th Ave SE Rentm. WA 98058 "'" [2/27/2008 """ JOB MO. 2007205 '""' L.Qd ---...:.- SW1/4 OF SW1/4, SEC. 33-T23N-A4E, W.M. ·1 . W ,' ~ ... -------,,.. -... l:Ll.'--'--'--'--l.."'"' ~ I / I , I . --•-- ,.,,1,·-t --. " , 10)\1, 1! ---t ----------------,-------------, -'-·~~<-" / ! i I ': : --------------/ ----C~~->--------1./~ :, i . -.-'::-,----~-----------------.;_,·--------c:..::.---;~;,'w ;· / ---,-- 1 i.,;t r !, ! -~,......, " -..__ "'.0 _ .... ' ' "'4,, I . r ' . ~, 1 \' ,,.. i ; I , ,L--r 1 _ ' ~L---·-, :i '\ 1 ........ _ \ , 11 I i / ' ! I -·-: ~ !-'~lff"\-~ / ! '\ \_ ~' i ~f;___ µ.._t_.i.. L.4,....:. 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' 1 ' "-Y PRVT ACCESS (TRACT A) TO 8E Fm.OCATED / /i',. b .~, 0 ,.SQ.JO~ TIGlJHE / CB f\-n1'E 1 , 1 ' " / 'v' d ,-_,:,· @ Elt 90 m 1 19.SO. S.iJ'-m:-l ' i I (1,17aSQ FT) -ej ( • 3 I TO BE REL.OCATED ,,_· 1 · i i 22 Lf tr • ADS SD {d.O;.tCRE) 128 Lf 5• • RO' so ~ ; \ DA3 \ I "-Y, y ;, S--0.5% S-0.4% <>. w \ , I .'i 1 1 fll.F12"tAOSCUL..mT \ I , 1 • I S=\.0% --.,_ Jo' / PLAN ' \ ll(RIZOITAL CRN'KC SCAI.£ \ '---' \ ~ \ BmP!PEENO I j ~ IE CUT•512.78 . ~,' ----~,,..;.---• 'llllH 5' ~ CF 2"-4" ARRY Sf'AI.LS I j ! i _ • _ '" I <l> ·v-I ; t""j"~ni~in:-_____ ...:.· ____ ...'._ _ _:_~0'--'''-----------:....:''---__::::_ _______ • l ! ! '" .. • .. • J 1! 1 Inch• 20 It. I I i LEGEND ' i 11 -------EASEMENT --------PRCf'ERTY l.flE l -------ROAD CENIDILI£ H --------R!QlT-a"-WAY/NW.r:D<T PR<l'OITY I.H S ---·--·--BSBLUNE f \··'· ,-,o:·,··c.-\y/j PROPOSE:D ASPHALT PA'.OIENT t [======J PRCf'OSED INflLTRATl()I TRENQi D PRCf'OSE:D CATCH ~ ! INFLTRAT10N lEST (APPROX. lOCATION) .. ! " I 1NO. om " """""""""""" 0 PROPERlY COO£R FOtJMl IBIS SUR'IEY !"; POM:R POlE ----.. GUY NIOICR M STREET UQlT l>. PO'IIER METER ID PO'IIER TRANSf'ORIIER !Z VAlA. T -UNKNOWN ~ PHCM: MANiCl.E ~ GAS l£TER (1 FIRE H'IDRANT N. WATER V1J..',£ li: WAlEll WETER B CATCH BASIi IF-STCRW MANHCU: © SEVIER WANHCl.E ~ HAHDICAPPED RAMP "'"'· """""' --S'o--__ ,,, __ --,----•-- --c.co-- EDGE if PA'.OIENT ""'"" STCl!M LINE "' "" WATER LIi£ '""' "" --fl--PH()IE UN£ -.,-,-,-FENa: LINE ....,-,-,~Ml)lt(ll.flE --<Oil--CCfHOOR ---""'"" e~~1~m:~ }:){ ==\:.1=:IN01ES it11' ~~) l~Jtl: .... SH~ TOIH INQIES NOTES 0 '111TH STANDARD GRAlE PER KC SID. FlOORE 7-0ll. 0 PER KC STD. FlCURE 7--Q01. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE WEST 300 FEIT if LOT 7, BLOCK 1, NOlmfliES"IERN CAR!lDI TRACTS, AS PER Pl.AT RECORDED 1H VCl.lAIE 47 CF Pl.ATS, P~S) 7~. R£:C(J![)S Of" KING COONlY AUCNTCR, EXCEPT "l'r£ NDR1H 70 FEET THEREOF". 511\JA!E IN T1iE COONlY or KING. STAT£ or WASHINGTttl. I R07160 2-28-2008 """"'~ ...... ~~ ~~ ---AN • r t?'.n:..~, #'dd~'~' H. H. PHAN -~•mu,. H.H.~ _.., A. T. NGUYEN """ """ H.H. PHAN ~=:-=a:- ' 6511 Scuh etas Slrml. Sub! 21~ 5Qllle, WA 98108 T {206) 65H125 F {206) 658-0IV -.THECONCB'TGIV'.a:im 1-1 +--I -+-I -t-1-------t:I:=::::.--:::--.:-· -,_-___ · \~.~-,~I \~d r, , .. , ~ ...u H: . ' Ii , ==! ull• ,, I . /"TmE 1• 11~ ,, ] 3'....!!!!!.... VICINITY MAP m OWNER INFORMATION EIF"""' 19100 -1161ll A'IE SE RENiOI, WA 98058 42':>-890-97!18 TAX PARCEL NUMBER 619B400141 VERTICAL DA TUM KING CCUNlY PONT NO. 5900 {NAW-88). £1.£VAlJON-,,514.98 CONSULTANTS CM.; 1HE Ol'ICEPT <aOOP 650 -SOUlH OROS STRm, SUllE 21'4 SEATTLE. WA 911108 (206) 658-0125 CCWTACT: HAN PHAN, P .E. GENERAL NOTES 9.JlVEYOf> DRYCO SIJR',£1'11G. INC. 12714 VAll.EY A\£NUE EAST SLIINER, WA 983~ • (253} 112&--DJOO CCWTACT: PHll. SARGENT. P.LS. 1. CQlf!RAC~ SHAU. FED \-U!lfY AU. GRAl:ES PRIM TO a»ISlRUCTl()l 2. SU: SHEET DR1 N(J tm fOl ROADWAY 5£0Tl)'5. ORAINA~ PRC1lt.E AND OCTALS. MEYER SHORT PLAT 19100-116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 PRELIMINARY -"""''· DR1 -1 " ii - ' ~1 .... _w ~n~ 3 """ PAVING AND DRAINAGE PLAN I EXPIRES 09(13/09 I EXPIR!S 0?@/09 l: i I ! ! " ; ~ "" .. . " z "'"': . a; .... a,-: ~ I >~~on',_ I -1 1 I I +ori +ori I i i -~ -" -" ' . ' ----' z~S241 =.~·-.. 1.::0j ! ~ j j I I• I I I I ! ,J -~1; if1~! 1 ~l l I I r.;~g= I I I "' -'I'. '""'""'""'' I I I '-• l. I I I f i ! i I I . I l_ __ 4 t ·-1..'l?! [ O.:;m; [\ " I '-~ I ·! 51611 -2.002: I-! i ! I I -119% ·--I i I ' ! I I . ,-----I I I [ ' I I ! ! -i---[ 5121 ! I , ! ---~1 ! I i I I I ·1 I '"""' '"'i"">(rlP) 11 ,-""" (n,>) I ""''" """"' I ~I I I I I I I I I w~ ' ~1~ * ,_ "~ -·~~ u= 11+50 u= PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD PROFILE HORIZOIHAI.. CIIIIPIIC SCA!.£ ;•[!Hl:.01. GK,ll't«; ~ 201001020 52.502.55 I ;nc1, -•~ "· 1.,ct,• 5 ft. • ~ 1· ' ~ ~, ~cl ~ • . " i ·r ~Ni ..; "!~N N;;:;N «>N;;; ~i~ ~ ~f'i' 3,....~ .,!,, g;:- ~53:: ,,,~a i./!;li., B ii<IIIW hr - ~ I, i I ,, I i I ~ ~ I I . I I ~•o . . "'"' 1 FlNl3l Q'W:t: l I ~ ~t I 1 I I I ,,,.a , [----I~,.,,,._ I "i!. I ,) I I . --I I I ! I I . I ! _,.,,. --- 1 I ! ! I ! I ----I I ... I 22 ~I'" """" 0 ""' I I I I -----~ I i 12"fADScpLVERT I I '9'""'""'F°"" I ! ! I -~l I ' I I EXIS"T)IG GROONO I I I ,..., ·~~ ""' 11+50 u ... 12+50 DRAINAGE PROALE HCIIIZOITN.. QWIHIC SCAU: '6~ ~ SCA!.[ 201ao10:io 52.502.55 l net, -'"1'. 1 Inch• 5 II. EASEMENT UNE PR<IPBm "" 1S.O' ACC£SS,'\JllUTY EASOIENT ' PRIVATE ACCESS ,. ' l ,,. 1.0' I 8.0' , J.O' 1.0' ---~~1 ~,,.,.,. I l~LJ_""'""'""" 2" COMPACTED OEJ'TH •.., CW9£ll SURFAClNG Tifl CCURSE 2' CCIIPAC'!EO DE?lH MOT MIX ASPHAI. T CLASS )f" 4' C(U>AC'!EO OO'TH CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COORS( ACCESS EASEMENT ROAD SECTION SCALE: NONE """"" "" 22.0' PRIVATE ACCESS il!ACT ' PRIVATE ACCESS ROA() I '" ... , .. io· PRCPERlY UN( , .. ---~ ~ _ ~ I A.DWUI< ~-lC""'""""" ,~ ,.,..,, "" ~ ::~::."'~~ ~=~~~:::_., ....., . I 2' to,IPACTED DEPTH -"' CRUSHED SURfAONG TOP COVRSE 2' COMPACTED DEPTH HOT WIX ASPHALT Cl.ASS )f 4' ta,PM:TED DEPTH CRUSHED SURF"AONG 8ASt: COORSE Sl8GIWlE SHAU. BE CCU',an) TO SSX MAX. DENSl1Y PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD SECTION SCAL£: Nc»IE """""" ' · -· · MEYER SHORT PLAT =~- ' -~:".'.'.. .,. """ · ,.,._.., 19100-116THAVESE "'~-I R07160 ·, .· . -.... ...-.-RENTON, WA 98058 ~ ;·::;:"'_, . O -.' • ~-;.:.v I PROFILES AND SECTIONS I !:%PIRES 07/Zl,/llli I j &XPIRES 09/13/09 I -· ... ' • . L•LIJ-L!JI.Rj; """"""' H. H. PHAN DRAWNBY: H. H. PHAN """""' A. T. NGUYEJ~ """""' H. H. PHAN DR2 ""' 2 " 3 Mm • !" • < ! i : ' ' ! . ' I ' ' I ! " ' """'""" 6" fflGIO SOUO Pff O 0.()% 6" RIGID PERFORATED PIPE O O.OX (TYP) CmC ______________ J Nfll lllA TION TROl0£S ig----------------,l CB SUIIP lllH Sil.I) LIO L __________________ _) PLAN VIEW "' ['"'"" """"' --+-1 +-J - \'_AB!ES -SEE PL.ANS ELEV A 110N VIEW "' 10.o' WIN """"" """"' l, ~ ... l, io' I~'":':--· 1 ] [ EXISTING GRCllND 11RAP WASHED ROCK '1111H FIL'!Ell FABR!C 11TH A WIN!Ml.11 OVERl..N' Cf' 1.0' ON la> Cf' lHE TREHOi 6" RIGID PERfQ!ATEO PIPE WASHED ROQ( J/4" -I 1/2" DRIVEWAY/ROOF INALTRATION TRENCH DETAIL CD PER KING CCUNTY S'P FlG C.2..H =- ~ INC. DATE I BY """"'"""'-...... I ""'"~ R07160 2-28-2008 DESlGNEDBY: H. H.PHAN IJIAWN8Y. H. H. PHAN """""' A. T. NGUYEN --H. H. PHAN OJS™G GRCIOO\ NOTES 1. MAXIMUM DEPnt fRCM flNISIIUl GRADE TD PIPE IN'.ffiT SHALL BE 5'-0". 2.. CAlOi BASINS TO BE CCWSTRVCTEO IN ACCORDANCE 1111H ASlM C •1s (AASHTO Ill 1991) & ASlM C 890 UM.£SS OTHERJIISE ~ ON PI.NfS OR NOTED IN THE STNIDARO SPEC1FICA1KlNS. J. ll£BAR WEI.OED WIRE fl,BRIC HAWIG A ~ AREA CF 0.12 SQUARE r.lDlES PER FOOT WA.Y BE USED. 'IIEI..OEll WR£ FABRIC 91Al.l CCIIPLY TO ASTII A 497 (AA9110 M 221). DO NOT Pl.ACE lllRE FABRIC fl 1HE KNOCKOJTS. 4. 1HE BOTTO.I CF M PRECAST BASE SECTION WAY BE RCUiOED. PRECAST B"5SE'S 9lAl.l BE ~ED M11' llJTOUTS OR KNOCKOJTS. IOIOCKOOTS SHAU. HAYE A WALL 1HlCXNESS Of" 2" MtNIWl,111. 5. KNOCKOOlS WAY BE ON AU. 4 SIDES NTH IWClMUW !IIAMElER CF 20". KNOCKOJTS MAY BE Elll-0 RCllND OR 'D' SHAPE. PIPE TO BE 'NS!'AWD IN fACltRT Stffl.lED KNOCKOUTS. 6. KNOCKOOT CF arrrur HCl..E SIZE SHAl.l BE EQUAL TO PIPE OOTER DIAMETER PLUS CATOI BASIN WAil. lHICKMESS. 7, THE TAPfR ON n£ SllES CF 1HE PRECAST BASE SECT10f Nm RISER SEC110N SHAl.l NOT EXCEED ~" PER FOOT. a CATO! BASIN FRAME AND GRATE SHAU. BE IN ACCCl!OANCE 'M1H STOOARD SPEaflCAllCJIS Al() MEET THE S1ROIG1H RECMRD,ENTS CF FED£RAL SPECIFICATICJI RR-F-6210. MATING SIJRfACES SHALL BE FINISiED TO ASSlJRE NOi-ROCKiNG RT. 9. FRAME Al() GRATE MAY BE tlSTAUID llllTH FlAHGE DO'ffl OR CAST INTO RIS0t P\'C 90" El.BOW. ROTATE TO ITT (!'IP) FRAME AND GRATE SEE SEC. 7.05 ANO """"" OCTMS. . ___ } ______ _ 6" PVC PIPE lll)ILJNE o o.ox -r-------I I I I 1 I I I~ I I I . I l _____ J r------,-----, I I I I I I I I I L ______ ...J 6" RIGID PERl'ClRA TED PIPE (ma) (!'IP) END CONNECTION ~EN PERFORATED PIPES) 0 . ... ...... • Orcaasi,,-..9.11!1!214 ~~A 911109 F (206) 65&-0W T(206)~1W..cam -· I EXP= 0'1/22100 I I EXPIR!S 0911~/ou t ii ... _o::::..., .. 6" RISER SECTION 12· RSER SECTION PRECAST BASE SECTICN {MEASURDilENT ,'1 THE Ta' CF lHE BASE} CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 ® PER KlHG COONTY ROAD DESIGN a, CONSTRUCTION 2 STANDARDS AG1.llE 7-003 SCALE; NONE MEYER SHORT PLAT 19100-116TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98058 DRAINAGE DETAILS -""'"" DR3 """ 3 " 3 """ ----- ' I ----------_-__J SW1/4 OF SW1/4, SEC. 33-T23N-R4E, W.M. : ~, 1 621.o' [00 45 MPH OESGN SP£EJ c, =----z- 286.0' FOR JO MPH DESIGN SPEED 824.o' FOR 45 WP!, OC5roN SPEED ----------------j_ -----------------------------------------------,/ ": ~6THA·YE S_E_l--_____ , --------------------------------- ---------------1· \ ' -~7{-, ~~~~~~-0 '~-:~~~--1~~-~..:.-:c_;-~?-----------------------------------· I-'@tQ.E CD,IING FRtll SE 192,,ID SlRE(T ' c, ~ } I I ' : (._.,• w ASSN[ 2[},,111PH,SPE£D \_ \ ' '--1 ~ , ,£?: ~i":CU W I L :•' ,\c·---;1~, t-', ,_l:--i\1r\ ' ' i l i i ~ i ' ' ' ! , l ' ! ' i ! ' ~ I NO. I '"" I " """"' ""'"""' ! i • ! ,,, ,,. "' I L I ' i ( \ 1 ii ! ' I \ I a: l '-'G " • -._j-1 I;; i'F-f;,1•_, ~~\~ ~ :,. / J {'. :l_ : ~ :' ~ ~ "' " . \ --_}YI \:\l!_ \ I i j i \ \ ,., I Z ,, I -~ ' . I '· ·-_ .,,--c..,.~ \' "''' L.~ : \ . -~ : l ~tr'~--.\· -, ·\: --(' -, r, u ·= l·-m'"'~--.,. , , I / ~ _I -, ~-• t : 1 , [-;:;_----)~~. , .... -...... ..., I -\-, ', ~ I r I , I~ 1 1 ', -----_ l _____ l{. ~,--------~ , 1 i i lh 1 1 1" L....--,_i lL_"'--_ , ·1____ ~-~--: I!!"-. -.... B~-... ·------~ ;k-i .,,, ..-'I 1,, t \ }':) ~ 1; -; --_I_ · ;..., '·.'. i \ 1/]!I 'l':i. "'\ '--. PLAN HOOZlllTAL GRN'ltC SCALE 50:!SOr..50 1 ..., • :Kl I\. ,11 ~ ,. t:: jCi'° ~!_~~~~ANCE ' .M'._~o_Glif-. :± Er{ ' ! ; ' ' ; ' , s1sE3:J.s'.E:!L~!J __ J_ ___ l1 __ J __ :.. I -j 5121 _-1--1 -j I : . ! I I -i--1 ! I r I 1 ' 0.00 MO ""' S.00 <o+OO 11+00 PROFILE HCHZONTAI. CRAPltC SCAl£ \OlllO,I,. CRAPltC SCN.[ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 5 0 5 10 1 old\ -... '" ! ;nc;i-10 !L -~- ~ r~SI~~~ ---' ' '"' -::L-.d_~~~~ l I I I ' 12+00 '""' 1HOO '"°" ,, .. .,. 1 """" R07160 2-28-2008 DlSI.NED BY; H. H.PHAN DRAWN BY, H. H. PHAN CHEQSIBY: A. T. NGlNEN """""" H. H. PHAN I EXPIRES 07/::i/09 E:lf'Dm;09/!3/0II j ii - ~~c::- 650 Sallll oras si,.r, Sob 214 5-llle,WA lllllOII ~,=.!.!,.1,~ ™127 LEGEND -------PROPERTY LINE -------EASEMENT -------ROAD CENTERUN£ --------RIGHT-CF-WAY/N:JJAC£1H.P!!CHRTY UNE MEYER SHORT PLAT 19100-116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 SIGHT DISTANCES -,,,m,, SSD '""' 1 " 1 '""" ~ !La1!n)(d]Ameo-a,a1 ~· ; io-aJ!n)$i!n)<01too!n) The Concept Group 650 South Orcas Street, #214 Renton, WA 98058 · Attn: Han Phan, P.E. Re: Your No.: Borrower(s): Property Address: 19100 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058 WA FORM -GUARANTEE DATE DOWN ENDORSEMENT Attached to Guarantee No .. 30004459 ISSUED BY Transnation Title Insurance Company The Company hereby assures the Assured that subsequent to the date of the Guarantee issued under the above number, no matters are shown by the public records which would affect the assurances in said guarantee other than the following: NONE This endorsement is issued as part of the guarantee. Except as it expressly states, it does not (i) modify any of the terms and provisions of the guarantee, (ii) modify any prior endorsements, (iii) extend the Date of Guarantee, or (iv) increase the Amount of Insurance. To the extent a provision of the guarantee or a previous endorsement is inconsistent with an express provision of this endorsement, this endorsement controls. Otherwise, this endorsement is subject to all of the terms and provisions of the guarantee and of any prior endorsements. Dated: February 19, 2008 MAIN FILE COPY ~ ~~-·•= <••••"' By ~~-£·110) Authorized Slnture Guarantee Date Down Endorsement K.C. o.o.E.S. ~ LandAmerica .. Transnation The Concept Group 650 South Orcas Street, #214 Renton, WA 98058 REFERENCE NO: / Order No.: 30004459 Liability: Charge: Tax: Total: TRUSTEE'S SALE GUARANTEE $10,000.00 $ 300.00 $ 26.70 $ 326.70 Subject to the Exclusions from Coverage, the limits of liability and other provisions of the Conditions and Stipulations hereto annexed and made a part of this Guarantee, and subject to the further exclusion and llmltatlon that no guarantee Is given nor llablllty assumed with respect to the Identity of any party named or referred to In Schedule A or with respe:t to the· validity, legal effect or prlortty of any matter shown therein. Transnatlon Title Insurance Company a corporation herein called the Company, . GiJARANTEES The Concept Group . the Assured named In Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the ilablllty amount stated herein which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness In the assurances set forth In· Schedule A. 1. The title to the herein described estate or Interest was vested in the vestee named, subject to the matters shown as Exceptions herein, which Exceptions are ·not necessarily shown in the order of their priority; . ' · 2. The names and addresses of persons v.ho have recorded requests, as providaJ by RCW 61.24.040 (d) for a copy Of notke of sale are as shown herein; 3. 4. The names and addresses of addltto.nal perso entitled to receive a copy of notice of sal .The herein described land Is lo~{tj c . newspaper or newspapers~c!i e ,,-uail Dated: January 15, 2008 \.J Transnatlon Title ~nsurance Company who, as provided by RCW 61.24.040 (b) and (c) are s shown herein; and or judi:ial district stated herein and, If designated, the or publication of notice .Pursuant to RCW 65.16.020. Trustee'~ Sale Guarantee GNTOOl K.C. D.D.E.S. Order No.: 30004459 INFORMATION FOR THE ASSURED 1. This Guarantee Is restricted to the use of the Assured solely for the purpose of providing lnformaton to facilitate the foreclosure pursuant to RCW 61.24 of a deed of trust described h Schedule B, affecting the land described In Schedule A. The Company shall have no llablllty for any reliance hereon except for the purpose for which this G.iarantee Is Issued. This Guarantee Is not a commitment nor an obligation by the Company to Issue any policy or policies of title Insurance insuring said land and It is not to be used as a basis fur closing any transaction affecting tlte to said land. 2. Upon request made WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS from the effective date of this Guarantee, the Company will extend the effective date of this Guarantee by endorsement to include the recording of the Notice of Trustee's Sale. SUch an endorsement will show as addltbnal exceptions, and therefore exclude from coverage, those mat!Brs attaching subsequent to the effective date of theGuarantee but prior to the Issuance of the endorsement. · , 3. Upon request, on the 30th day preceding the date sEI: For the trustee's sale, the Company will issue an endorsement Identifying notices offederal tax liens Flied In the public records, If any, affecting the land described In Schedule A. THE RESPONSIBILITY, HOWEVER, FOR DETERMINING THE 30TH DAY BEFORE THE SALE, AND FOR MAKING THE REQUEST ON THAT SAME DAY, 15 BORNE BY THE ASSURED. 4. The Company may, BUT IS NOT OBLIGATED TO, Issue additional endorsements extending the effective date of the Guarantee at the request of the Assured: The fee For such endorsements will be charged according to the Company's flied Rate Schedule for suchendorsements. The Company wlfl not, and accepts no obllgci:lon to, issue an endorserrent·extending the effective date to, or beyond, the date of any sale of the premises, recordatlon of a declaration of forfeiture, trustee's sale ordeed In lieu of foreclosure or forfeiture. Insurance may be provided followlng sale or forfeiture accOrdlng to · the Company's flied Rate Schedule. . · 5. Attention Is called to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Cl~ll Relief Act of 1940 and amend,,;ents thereb and the Military Reservist Relief Act of 1991 (sec. 800 to 810, Mlltary and Veterans Code), which contain Inhibitions against the forfeiture of land under a rml estate contract or the sale of land under a deed of trust If the owner is entitled to the benefits of said-Acts. 6. Attention is called to the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-719) and amendments thereto which, among other things, provides fer the giving of written notice of sale or fcrfeiture In a specified manner to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate as a ·requirement for the discharge or divestment of a federal tax lien In a non-judicial sale or forfeiture, and establist-es with respect to such lien a right in the United States 1D redeem the property within a period of 120 days from the date of any such sale or forfeiture. 7. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the iclantity of any party named or referred to In Schedule B or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. Trustee's Sale Guarantee GNTOOl Page 2 of 6 Order No.: 30004459. PART 2 The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described a referred to covered by this Guarantee Is: A fee simple estate Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is ves.ted In: Jeff Meyer, as his separate estate The land referred to in this Guarartee is situated in the State of Washi~ton, County of King, and is described as follows: · See Exhibit A attached hereto. EXCEPTIONS: 1. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES AND SERVICE CHARGES, AS FOLLOWS, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, PENAL"TY AND STATUTORY FORECLOSURE COSTS, IF ANY, AFTER DELINQUENCY: (1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1) TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 6198400141 YEAR BILLED PAID 2007 $2,774.09 $0.00 BALANCE $2,774.09 . TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, NOT INCLUDING INTEREST AND PENALTY: $2,774.09. LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE LAND: ASSESSED VALUE IMPROVEMENTS: 4250 $136,000.00 $116,000.00 NOTE: TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2008 HAVE NOT BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. . 2. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: REGARDING: JANUARY 30, 1968 6298164 LA TE COMERS CHARGES 3. ALL COVENANTS, CONOITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES, IF ANY, DISCLOSED BY THE RECORDED PLAT OF NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO. 4. . THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE THAT THE LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A IS BENEFITED BY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR OTHER APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THE PLAT OR SURVEY TO BENEFIT OR BURDEN REAL PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID LAND. 4. DEED OF TRUST AND THE.TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: JEFF MEYER, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPER"TY TRUSTEE: DSL SERVICE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BENEFICIARY: DOWNEY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, F.A. ORIGINAL AMOUNT: $248,000.00 DATED: JUNE 16, 2005 RECORDED: JUNE 28, 2005 RECORDING NO.:. 20050628002911 Trustee's Sale Guarantee GNTOOl Page 3 of 6 5. JUDGMENT: AGAINST: IN FAVOR OF: AMOUNT: ENTERED: KING COUNTY JUDGMENT NO.: SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO.: ATTORNEY FOR CREDITOR: JEFFREY MEYER ALICIA PIERCE $19,433.32 DECEMBER 28, 2007 089005068 073012463 SARAH WESSEL BIRKELAND Order No.: 30004459 IDENTITY QUESTION. THE ABOVE JUDGMENT CREATES A LIEN. ON THE. PREMISES ONLY IF JEFF MEYER JS THE SAME PERSON AS THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR. NOTE 1: BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE COMPANY, ON THE DATE OF THIS COMMITMENT IT APPEARS THAT THERE JS LOCATED ON THE LAND: A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE KNOWN AS: 19100 116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 9BOSB NOTE 2: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED, PER AMENDED RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSmUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WITHIN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT. PTN LOT(S) 7, OF NORTHWEST GARDEN TRS DIV 4 Trustee's Sale Guarantee GNTOOl Page 4 of 6 LA4 Enclosures: Sketch Vesting Deed Paragraphs 2-4 Trustee's Sale Guarantee GNT001 Order No .. : 30004459 Page 5 of 6 Order No.: 30004459 EXHIBIT "A" THE WEST 300 FEET LOT 7 JN BLOCK 1 OF NORTHWEST GARDEN TRACTS NO. 4, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; . EXCEPT THE NORTH 70 FEET THEREOF SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, ·STATE OF WASHINGTON. THIS SKETCH IS PROVIDED, WITHOUT CHARGE, FOR YOUR INFORMATION. IT !SNOT INTENDED TO SHOW ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THE PROPERTY INCLUDING, ·BUT NOT LIMITED TO, AREA, DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS OR LOCATIONS OF BOUNDARIES. IT IS NOT A PART OF, NOR DOES IT MODIFY, THE COMMITMENT OR POLICY TO WHICH IT IS ATTACHED. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY MATTER RELATED TO THIS SKETCH.UNLESS SUCH COVERAGE IS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED BY THE COVERED RISKS OF THE·POLICY. REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO AN ACCURATE SURVEY FOR 1:URTHER INFORMATION. SECTION: 33 TOWNSHIP: 23N RANGE: 05E g : ~ " 5 • " . . ~~ = 1 ( -1<-si€ ,., " ' -• I\.\ . OI "" " GOO lV ~' , .. 't\o . ,, ..,,§ -~ ·6 • ' . 1 04 AC • Oil ... " "0 " 0125 '. i ,,, ,a. I -"'" II 89• 5• ~· I ~ \j~\,'\ -' 157&DJ e I ----. '" 0142 ~-ul 1S ... 1 .... " u:i -7 "1 ::: ~ ,, ; ..,~~ 1 ?~ AC ~· = ". mH# ~ .. Oll1 0140 ~ 3n,, ' .,,a., 330 57 ' ;, ~ f" '"" 1 8~ A~ " 'II:,~\ 1mo1 :;; 8D.l8 : . Olll2 ~"grnJ :-.. \~'::' .. J Ill Ila! ,..___ ,,, ,,' g ~J,,,~ ....... g -~'I. ... ~~ 5: '#3 mo, . 'oor,o. " • = : "" ~ 0181 ::; N I '!!"i'~ ' ,, " ' '" ~ ~i • . ... , ,,. ,• ~ -~:,;;-~ ~ .. ~~-. lO ~ ... ,r1 D J; .. ,/• = ,, 1mo1 !Wl&I ~ . 2 H AC ,, 01llO B O'll3 O!!O " ... ... 1,b t1 --,, N •o-~o-5~ r :_;1·~ " r =------~ '20/175 --'Ulri,-------- S.E. 192ND, ST. .... ' • I -0 ""' ,, • 16~ 1n ' .. _, '"' " I ! . ··--··--··---- 20050628002910.001 AFI'BR. RECORDING MAIL TO; Addren l2J0D 116'" AvenueSE ill~ 11 ll~li I ii lltl-1111~ 111~~1\\ ~I 20050628002910 Namp ,TcfrMeyi:r Cjtv. S1a1c, Zip Renton, WA 98058 · "'"'M"''" TI QCD ..... :=91:,i,g: !U u · ICING COUNTV, \.IA ~ol 1.Jso13~ QUIT CLAIM DEED · · THE GRANTOR(S) Cynthin M. Meyer, a. mllJ'dcd woman fi?r.and in considmition Of No Considerat~n (To cr'cateaeparatepropel'ty from co1~munlty properly) convoys nnd quit c:laUJlll to Jeff Meyer, amarl'icd man as bis sole and separate property . the following described real estntc, situat.cd in tM County of King. state of Woe'ninston. together with all l!fter acquired title of the ,pntor(&) therein: The West 300 feet or Lot 7, Block 1, Nortlnveatern Garden Tracts No. 4, according; to the plat 1bereof · rccOrded tn Volume 47 or Plat,, Pnae 74, riu:ard, otKinr Couaty1 Wuhi111to~. Auusor'• Piopcrty Tux ParceVAceo_unt Number: 6l9S40-0141 Dated, <a. ~ \ "l -0 5"' STAT1!0F WASHINGTON_. ______ ) )~ COUNTY OF KING---~,----) ~ -. ".1, : I , ~ i. · PAGE091 OJ: 001 N ;;; J..I ., - 19(,,• 4"::,,n 1d,,n /<? =>o .Y ,,,,, .. , P,/. 19 19 19 19 19 19 . I 12 19 19 - I -f~,lE\ C~PV K.C. D.D.E.$ .. - I. -· ! .. ~§©§OW§@ ,IAIII Z 4 7.008 K.C. D.D.E.S. .,. ! A08PP001 ·-----------·····-·-··-.. ··---··------ . l Add,......,, rmi,,,rt)· ____ j_ j l'cd)"·m•r. Ch $:t:,A \) 6 Oiigjual B"ll,li~ r,,.t 1-~~-.C--O-.·ner-Tcnant Oreupi<><l'-''------ ' Coo"'""" o'1M,·,<•• );}.. '"'"'"' U, """"''"""" J;t. BUILDING .-A o...,. F11mily o .. -.rn.., T...-o 1'11mlly o .. ,,rnn« __ I_ N'y.,,1~1"';.. v~ -,--f-No.o<n,-m, ~ B,,..•mrnt ':..,> ~l'ir,tFlo,,r --:!c«,nd l'i<•>r BAHMEN'T l'llrl~~;. To ~;,/n.>or Joi,\ i--+0'001>0 and C,mrrel-<! &lid \"orrChou11 _____ r,.---11. __ -Choap __ Ccm,·nt Jll,.•k. ___L Modium ·. l'lour ~~~~=·'c•ctirc... _______ lkon.,.lion nnom -""-""~_o_a_w_•_LL_• _______ l,h·_in1t 11 .. ,,n , ... ,,1.1,,t --Ctloi.~ l'ly1t·o,,<l --· C.il,•d K .. l,,,mi,,, l'apo,:n-J __ S.,n·l.,.R0<>m• --GMa~ ___ 1:nf,ni•he<I FOlJNtl,\TION llTUJOR WAI.LB --n,,.,dt •nd ll,o~n 81,ipl~p C'<>,,rn•t<•. -·-· _Tl,iek. ~ (',<,1urnt IH,,oh. _Shi~~I, .. 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Com1,. __ Iw:liant .. \,I .... ~'." --Hot\\"Mtcr ._,._i1f.S.· ---1._ El<rlrir n~, ___ I ATTIC '· --Un!\nishtd I A-.! \'~1,1(! ___ , nu :l' n!fo . ...1...__ ....... , VILl111 Fkw:,r-Wall 11 R,tb 0, C Q1' ,; r;,. rioor-1\'.u __ Gt.., .. t<>r)' I Lt" a a l -c; l -' _ Floor-Wal.~---/ 2 (1 {) • · 1..1.J 0-'!., Flo»r-_W----~ ;/"(00 . ~~;,i--> --i:-Floo~·W•ll-8!,o""'"' ---1-----~--- --Flt,pr-\\'•~ ~~"'"h ___ f· :::~nDrainBoard Stonn ,...1. ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) File Number: PiOY.PPool Application Name: Project Location: l'\ lOO Web date: 06/28/2007 AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING CRITICAL AREAS COMPLIANCE For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. '. ·~. ,. se fleNP N • W,1 The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: , ,>"-~·-~· .,-•. ,-, ' • 1. That the affiant is competent to be a witness herein; 2. That the affiant is the applicant for the above project; 3. That to the best of the affiant's knowledge the critical areas on the development proposal site have not been illegally altered; and 4. That the affiant has not previously been found to be in violation of critical areas regulations for any property in King County, or alternatively, that if there have been any violations, such violations have been/are being resolved to the_satisfactio_n of King County. A~ Date and Place (City and State) .. : .: •. ·,! I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. f\LE cor~ Che5~1W m~ES Web site at www.kingcounty.gov/permits Affidav1tCnt1calAremm.i~6RM doc ~acomp pdf 06/28/2007 ~ t.tl Z 9)00R L tn\ §' S' (0) 0) Jl (Q) K.C. o.o.e.s. \JJJ (Q) Page 1 of 1 State of Washington County of King I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that J"~::H:r~Se,ofr: M-e~e v is the person who appeared before me, and sa( perso11 acknowledged that (he/she) signedJhis instrument bHtJ ''Afbdc.v, \:: [\)'(\te,rn1fl~ Ln hc.':><,/\:rck.! (%(' ltc.flll and acknowledged it to be (his/er) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: .R-~(v10tj.J(.:,1 ;;;>o)Y , -~~~ 0 "' (Signature) eal or stamp No/fa //u,loh~ rrJ,dtA' o.r /ltnlv", 4J.lt--. u ...... 0().... J (·· Title n/' \ :~J · My appointment expires .fev, ~.,. ?-9. l.J-\J/ \ King County Road Services Division Department ofTransportation 201 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104-3856 TYPE OF CERTIFICATE [8:J ORIGINAL 0 CONDITIONAL January 3, 2008 Certificate # 04095 File Number: 07 -12-24-01 Expires: Januarv 3, 2009 o rn; © [g OW ~TIFICATE OF TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY JAN Z 4 2008 D Specific conditions are described on the reverse side of this certificate. Pursuant to King County Code, Chapter 14.70 as amended, this certificate confirms that the level of service K.C. O.~J!!i.@psed in the Transportation Concurrency Mana'gernent program has been satisfied. IMPORTANT: This certificate does not guarantee a development permit. Other transportation improvements and mitigation wiJI be required to comply with Intersection Standards, Mitigation Payment System, King County road standards, and/or safety needs. l. Applicant Name and Address: Han Phan 2. Property Location: 650 S. Orcas St. Seattle, WA 98108 a. Property Address: 19030, 19100 116th Ave. SE b. Development Name: c. Parcel Number: 6198400141, 142 3. Type of Development Permit To Be Requested: Short Plat 4: Pfopoied Land Use: Single Family Residential 5. Zone Location and Reserved Units: a. Concurrency Zone: 799 Community Planning Area: Soos Creek i. Commercial Project -Total Square Feet: 0 ii. Multi-family -Number of Units: 0 iii. Single family -Number of Units: 3 6. This Certific3.te is subject to the following general conditions: a. This Certificate of Concurrency runs with the land and is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same property for the stated development, subject to the terms, conditions and expiration date listed herein. This Certificate of Concurrency is not transferable to any other property and has no commercial value. This Certificate Expires: January 3, 2009 unless you apply for the development permit described above, prior to that date. If this requirement is not met the King County Department of Transportation reserves the option to cancel yotir certificate and capacity reservation. K.C. D.D.E.S. • J H•fi n fo) @: @ @: 0 W @: IQ' ~----------w_e_b_da_te_: 1_1,_za_,2~007 lru ~ SUBDIVISION DENSITY & King County ~ttl L ~7008 DIMENSION CALCULATIONS K.C. 0.0.E.S. Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. i ~ cof?"' File Number f \~~ (To be filled in by ODES) ~-----------------, PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION WORKSHEET RELATING TO DENSITY AND DIMENSIONS Several development regulations play a role in the creation of a subdivision within King County. Determining the allowable density, minimum density, and a lot width on a piece of property can be confusing. This worksheet will assist you in correctly applying specific portions of the code and will be used to determine if a proposed subdivision or short subdivision meets the density and dimensions provisions of the King County Zoning Code (Title 21A).' This worksheet is designed to assist applicants and does not replace compliance with adopted local, state and federal laws. Pre-application conferences are required prior to submittal of a subdivision or short subdivision. These conferences help to clarify issues and answer questions. They may save you both time and money by eliminating delays resulting from requests for additional information and revisions. You may call 206-296-6600 to find out how to arrange for a pre-application conference. Worksheet Prepared By: --~-J-f,'-"-''="=--cN.,,._.....,,f>.,;..,:,'.J../b...=¥"""'"---L::.."-! _____ Date: (Print Name) Subdivision Name: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: UM. {;,n..e.Ar-N ·~!::>tQ,e,.rr',·AI...-l{:-r-z.. "Du [AL Zoning: If more than one Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation or zone classification exists for the property, show the boundary between the land uses or zones and the area within each on the preliminary plat map. If a single lot is divided by a zone boundary, transferring density across zones on that lot may be permitted subject to the provisions of K.C.C. 21A.12.200. PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THE APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THIS FORM I. Site Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.1172) also see (K.C.C. 21A.12.080): Site area (in square feet) is the TOTAL horizontal area of the project site. 00@:©@:0W@:@ JAN Z 4 2008 SubdivDensityDimensionCalcFORM.doc K.C. o.o.E.S. p n n In\ 1 lc-cal-subden.pdf 1',_ 1i)0S )[ \I} \1J · Page 1 of 6 Calculation: -~~~--+-'6~5:i~~~-Gross horizontal area of the project site / _..Z--.0...,3,c,;,_._.i.6'-"S.:"---"';,g,,.__ Site area in square feet NOTE: To continue calculations, convert site area in square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 _ _.,O:...._,S:.,c__4--'------Site area in acres NOTE: When calculating the site area for parcels in the RA Zone, if the site area should result in a fraction of an acre, the following shall apply: Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up to the next whole number and fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. Example: If· the site area in acres is 19.5 acres (less the submerged land and less the area that is required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for public right-of-way) the site area can be rounded up to 20 acres. No further rounding is allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.080) II. Base Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables): The base density is determined by the zone designations(s) for the lot. b du/acre Ill. Allowable Dwelling Units and Rounding (K.C.C. 21A.12.070): The base number of dwelling units is calculated by multiplying the site area by the base density in dwelling units per acre (from K.C.C. 21A.12.030-.040 tables). -~f2~--5'-~4..__ site area in acres (see Section 1.) X ___ {;,__ ___ base density (see Section II) = 3 allowable dwelling units Except as noted below, when calculations result in a fraction, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole number as follows: A. Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up; and B. Fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. NOTE: For parcels in the RA Zone, no rounding is allowed when calculating the allowable number of dwelling units. For example, if the calculation of the number of dwelling units equaled 2. 75, the result would be 2 dwelling units. Rounding up to 3 is not allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.070(E).) IV. Required On-site Recreation Space (K.C,C. 21A.14.180): This section must be completed only if the proposal is a residential development if more than four dwelling units in the UR and R zones, stand-alone townhouses in the NB zone on operty designated Commercial Outside of Center if more than four units, or any mixed use develop t if more than four units. Recreation space must be computed by multiplying the recreation space re · ement per unit type by the proposed number of such dwelling units (K.C.C. 21A.14.180). Note: K County has the discretion to accept a fee in lieu of all or a portion of the required recreation space per .C.C. 21A.14.185. Apartments and town houses developed at a densit realer than eight units per acre, and mixed use must provide recreational space as follows: 90 square feet X 170 square feet X 170 square feet X ____ propose umber of studio and one bedroom units ____ propo d number of two bedroom units ---'---pro osed number of three or more bedroom units Recreation space requirement SubdivDensityDimensionCalcFORM.doc lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 + + = Page 2 of6 Required On-site Recreation Space Continued Residential subdivisions, townhouses and apartments dev ped at a density of eight units or less per acre must provide recreational space as follows: 390 square feet X ______ proposed n ber of units = Mobile home parks shall provide recreationa pace as follows: 260 square feet X posed number of units = V. Net Buildable Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.797): This section is used for computing minimum density and must be completed only if the site is located in the R-4 through R-48 zones and designated Urban by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The net buildable area is the site area (see Section I) less the following areas: + + + -~d-)'IL---areas within a project site which are required to be dedicated for public rights-of-way in r excess of sixty (60') of width --11/LIL----critical areas and their buffers, to the extent they are required by King County to ¢ remain undeveloped -~---areas required for above ground stormwater control facilities including, but not limited to, ? retention/detention ponds, biofiltration swales and setbacks from such ponds and swales __ ,..(IL'---areas required by King County to be dedicated or reserved as on-site recreation areas. / Deduct area within stormwater control facility if requesting recreation space credit as allowed by K.C.C + ,,./, 21A.14.180 (see Section IV) --~+---regional utility corridors, and + = __ {f"r'---other areas, excluding setbacks, required by King County to remain undeveloped __ _,<j> __ Total reductions Calculation: ) 3, (; 5,2, site area in square feet (see Section1) = ~ Total reductions ~2.6':L Net buildable area in square feet NOTE: • = CJ. 2-4 Net buildable area in acres YI. Minimum Urban Residential Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.060): convert site area is square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 The minimum density requirement applies only to the R-4 through R-48 zones. Minimum density is determined by multiplying the base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) by the net buildable area of the site in acres (see Section V) and then multiplying the resulting product by the minimum density percentage from the K.C.C. 21A.12.0.30 table. The minimum density requirements may be phased or waived by King County in certain cases. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.060.) Also, the minimum density requirement does not apply to properties zoned R-4 located within the rural town of Fall City. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.030(B)12.) Calculation: = _ _,,h..c_ __ base density in du/ac (see Section II) X O. 54 Net buildable area in acres (see Section V) --':3,.-i.._4~-X minimum density% set forth in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 or as adjusted in Section VII '8"5' ~ ---=~,...'----minimum dwelling units required /o = SubdivDensityDimensionCalcFORM.doc lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 3 of6 VII. Minimum Density Adjustments for. Moderate Slopes (K.C.C. 21A.12.087): Residential developments in the R-4, R-6 and R-8 zones may modify the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21 A.12.030 based on the weighted average slope of the net build able area of the site (see Section V). To determine the weighted average slope, a topographic survey is required to calculate the net buildable area(s) within each of the 'following slope increments and then multiplying the number of square feet in each slope increment by the median slope value of each slope increment as follows: + + + + + + + _____ sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value= _____ sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value=. _____ sq. ft 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope valu = _____ sq. ft 15-20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope v e = _____ sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slop alue = _____ sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median sl e value= _____ sq. ft 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median ope value= _____ sq. ft 35-40% slope increment X 37.5% medi slope value= _____ Total square feet in net buildable area + , _____ _ J-_____ + ______ + + ------+ ------+ ------______ + ------Total square feet adjusted for slope Calculation: _____ total square feet adjusted for slo divided by total square feet in net buildable area = weighted average slope of ne uildable area = _____ % (Note: multiply by 100 to onvert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Use the table below to determine the mini um density factor. This density is substituted for the mini.mum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table when alculating the minimum density as shown in Section VI of this worksheet. Weighted Average Slop of Net Buildable Area(s) Site: Minimum Density Factor 85% 83%, less 1.5% each 1% of average slope in excess of 5% 66%, less 2.0% for each 1 % of average slope in excess of 15% EXAMPLE CALCUL ION FOR MINIMUM DENSITY ADJUSTMENTS FOR MODERATE SLOPES: + + + + + .+ + = = ----+ sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value= -'-='-'-/-sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value= sq. ft 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope value= --~-1-- -----J'--sq. ft 15-20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope value= __ _,_ __ sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value= _ ___, ___ sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value= _____ sq. ft 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value = _____ sq. ft. 35-40% slope increment X 37.5 % median slope value= __ 3~0~,o~o~o~ Total square feet in net buildable area --'-7~5~0-+ __ .=2"-',5:..:0c:O_ + + --~--_____ + + ----- + -----_____ + ---=3.cc,2:..:5~0-Total square feet adjusted for slope 3,250 Total square feet adju_sted for slope divided by 30,000 Total square feet in net buildable area .108333 Weighted average slope of net buildable area ----'1-'1-'-'%'--(Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent-round up to nearest whole percent) Using the table above, an 11 % weighted average slope of net buildable area falls within the 5% --less than 15% range which has a minimum density factor of 83%, less 1.5% for each 1 % of aver<1ge slope in excess of 5%. Since 11 % is 6% above 5%, multiply 6 times 1.5 which would equal 9%. Subtract 9% from 83% for an adjusted minimum density factor of 74%. This replaces the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. SubdivDensltyDimensionCalcFORM.doc lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 4 of 6 .. VIII. Maximum Dwelling Units Allowed (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040): This section should be completed only if the proposal includes application of residential density incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) or transfer of density rights (K.C.C. 21A.37). Maximum density is calculated by adding the bonus or transfer units authorized to the base units calculated in Section Ill of this worksheet. The maximum density permitted through residential density incentives is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development or 200 percent of the base density for proposals with 100 percent affordable units. The maximum density permitted through Iran er of density rights is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the devel men!. _____ base density in dwelling units per acre see (S ction II) X 150% = maximum density _____ maximum density in dwelling units per acr site area in acres = •maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density ince · es (K.C.C. 21A.34) base density in dwelling units per ere (see Section II) X 200% = maximum density -----maximum density in dwelling u s per acre X site area in acres = -----maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing d sity incentives with 100 percent affordable units (K.C.C. 21A.34) base density in dwelli units per acre (see Section II) X 150% = maximum density -----maximum density in welling units .per acre X site area in acres= -----maximum dwelling units allowe tilizing density transfers (K.C.C. 21A.37) Calculation: + + base allowable dwelling units calculated in Section Ill --~"---bonus units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.34 __ .,,_ ___ transfer units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.37 --'-----total dwelling units (cannot exceed maximum calculated above) IX. Minimum Lot Area For Construction (K.C.C. 21A.12.100): Except as provided for nonconformances in K.C.C. 21A.32: A. In the UR and R zones, no construction shall be permitted on a lot that contains an area of less than 2,500 square feet or that does not comply with the applicable minimum lot width, except for townhouse developments, zero-lot-line subdivisions, or lots created prior to February 2, 1995, in a recorded subdivision or short subdivision which complied with applicable laws, and; B. In the A, F, or RA Zones: 1. Construction shall not be permitted on a lot containing less than 5,000 square feet; and 2. Construction shall be limited to one dwelling unit and residential accessory uses for lots containing greater than 5,000 square feet, but less than 12,500 square feet. (K.C.C. 21A.12.100) SubdivDensityDimensionCalcFORM.doc lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 5 of6 X. Lot Width (K.C.C. 21A.12.050(B)): Lot widths shall be measured by scaling a circle of the applicable diameter within the boundaries of the lot as shown below, provided than an access easement shall not be included within the circle. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.050). . 30 Feet Lot Width Circle l -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--·-·-·-·-· Lot Width Measurement Check out the DDES Web site at www.kinqcounty.gov/permits SubdivDensityDimensionCalcFORM.doc lc-cal-subden.pdf 11/28/2007 Page 6 of 6 , LAND DEVELOPMENT AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS October 3, 2008 Shannon Dorr Program/Project Manager II Current Planning Section Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 lo)~~f UYIIE\D) \Jl} OCT ? O 2008 Subject: Notice of Request for Addltional Information or Studies K. C. D. D. E .S. Application Number L08S0018 (Meyer Short Plat) Location: 19100-116th Avenue SE JL a},) B s t1\ (fl 'i1 c .. 11 Dear Ms. Dorr: IJjJ t\P jJ, C) This letter is written in response to your department's April 17, 2008 review of the submittal for the above referenced project. Please find enclosed with this letter the revised plan sheets and report addressing both Curt Foster's and your comments. Comments from your letter have been addressed below in bold italics: Access/Roadway-2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards {KCRDCSl 1. The intersection spacing (centerline to centerline) between the proposed on-site road and 1901h Lane SE is less than the minimum 300 feet (KCRS Section 2.10). An approved road is required with the next submlttal or, you may submit a revised site plan with an alternate access meeting this requirement. A valiance was applied in /lfay 5, 2008. On September 12, 2008 Holly Johnson and Peter Dye issued a letter stJting that the valiance was denied. On September 29 my client and I met with your team to discuss the valiance. h was decided that the proposed three (3) totals wUI be reduce down to two (2) total lots with a joint use driveway; therehre not requiring the 300 h intersection spacing. 2. Urban frontage improvements ( curb, gutter and sidewalk) are required along the property frontage. The next submittal shall include a revised road plan with a design meeting the arterial classification unless, variance approval is granted for a substandard design (Section 2.03 A, collector arterial classification). The development has changed from three (3) lots to two (2) lots, curb, gutter and sidewalk w,71 not be required. The street is collector arterial; U,erefore U,e revised street improvement design includes a minimum of an eight (B) feet shoulder. 3. If a variance from the KCRDCS is desire (Section 1.12), the variance must be approved prior to making a decision on the short subdivision application. Multiple issues may be included in the same application. Information on the road variance process (and applications) may be found at: www.metrokc. Gov/ddes/perm_info.htm. Any request for a road variance shall be submitted to DOES on the appropriate form A NEW DIMENSION OF DESIGN PERCEPTION ,· ~ r • _,,,. Meyer Comment Response Letter Page I 2 10/03/08 and with the minimum fee deposit. See response for comment #1. An intersection valiance is no longer required for this project Drainage: 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual /SWDM) 4. Standing water was observed in the back portion of the property (proposed lot #3) during a recent sne visit. A soils report including acceptable infiltration rates is required with the next submittal to support the proposed infiltration system. Alternatively, you may submit a revised conceptual plan which is prepared, stamped, and signed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington wnh one of the other BMP's. Additional, the conceptual plan shall include BMP's for the front lot, private access tract and the joint-use driveway. An infiHration test was performed at the proposed infihration trench location. The soil was also analyzed by LabCorp. Results of the infihration test and soils analysis are contained in the Technical Information Report (TIR). The infihration trench for the proposed house is designed in accordance of the KCSWH Appendix C guidelines with a fador safety of 1.25. Furthermore, the KCRTS model shows that the difference in 100-year peak Row rate between the existing conditions (modeled as 100% forested) and the developed conditions is less than 0.10 c/5. Based on the 0.10 c/5 Row control exemption, detention is not required for this site. 5. The contours must be based on a field survey per KCC t 9A.18.150 (B) (2). A statement of how the contours were determined. This statement has been added to the plat map and engineering drawings. 6. Need two temporary benchmarks within the application sne along wnh appropriate elevation and datum per KCC 19A.08.1 50 ( B) ( 2). Two temporary benchmarks have been added to the plat map and engineering drawings. 7. The location of the vertical datum point needs to be stated or plotted per KCC 19A.18.130. Vertical Datum locations have been stated on the plat map and engineering drawings. 8. The benchmarks shall tie to King County Control Network Benchmark Elevation. Two temporary benchmarks with elevations tying to King County Network Benchmark Elevation have been added to the plat map. 9. Provide an inventory map (i.e. existing condition-widths, surface type, etc.) of the walking routes to the elementary, junior high/middle and high school and/or the appropriate bus stop location associated wnh each school. Identify any improvements necessary to provide safe walking conditions. Inventory map is included with this submittal Please see attached We appreciate your assistance with this project. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions regarding this resubmittal. Sincerely, The Concept Group, Inc . .-~/ Han Phan, P.E. J Project Manager The Concept Group, Inc. THE CONCEPT GROUP ' j J -, '\· I \ ' I / ( _OPY I .• ; ',~ I / \ . J C C IOlRAIFT TIECIHINXCAll. XINlfORMATXON RIEIPORT MIEVIER SIHIORT !PD.AT 19100 -116TIHI AVIE SIE RIENTOINI, WA 98058 February 25, 2008 I certify that this technical information report and all attachments were prepared either by me or my technical staff working directly under my supervision. oo@©@OW@[g) r ~ ti t: " ·mnA A N E W D I M E'N SI O N O F D ES I G N P E RC E PT ION . Table of Contents A CRON YM TERM IN OLOG Y .................................................................................................................................... I SECTION 1: PROJECT 0VERVI EW ......................................................................................................................... 1 SITE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. ] DRAINAGE BASIN ............................................................................................................................................... ] SOILS INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 1 SECTION 2: C ONO ITI ON S AND REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 2 EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 2 DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 3: LEV EL 1 0 FFS ITE AN ALYS IS .............................................................................................................. 3 DoWNSTREAM ANALYSJS ................................................................................................................................... 3 DISCHARGE AT NATURAL (EXISTING) LOCATION ............................................................................................... 3 SECTION 4: FLOW CONTROL/ WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS & DESIGN .............................................................. 3 FLOW CONTROL ................................................................................................................................................. 3 • INFILTRATION FACILITY DESIGN ........................................................................................................................ 3 WATER QUALITY ................................................................................................................................................ 3 SECTION 5: CONY EY AN CE SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................... 4 100-YEARFLOOD/OVERFLOW CONDITION ....................................................................................................... .4 SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ....................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 7: 0TH ER PERM ITS ................................................................................................................................ 4 SECTION 8: CS WPP (EROSION CONTROL) ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .................................................................... 4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AND PROCEDURE ................................................................................................... .4 TRAPPING SEDIMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES AND DECLARATIONS OF COVENANTS ................................................................. 5 SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................... 5 Appendices Appendix A: Vicinity Map & Site Photos Appendix B: Soils Information Appendix C: Proposed Drainage Plan Appendix D: Flow Control/ Water Quality Exemption, & Infiltration Facility Design Appendix E: Erosion Control Plans Appendix F: Maintenance Procedures ACRONYM TERMINOLOGY " Inch cf Cubic Feet cfs Cubic Feet per Second CMP Corrugated Metal Pioe DI Ductile Iron HDPE High Density Polvvinvl Ethane JUD Joint Use Driveway KCSWM King County Surface Water Manual PGIS Pollution Generating Impervious Surface PVC Polvvinvl Chloride RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe scs Soi Is Service Conservation Sq Ft Sauare foot General Notes: 1. The information contained in this report is based on a topography and boundary survey prepared by Dryco Surveying, Inc., the King County Assessor's map, and on-site observations and measurements. If any changes are made to these drawings or the site that will affect the calculations in this report, the engineer shall be notified. All construction based on this report shall be stopped and shall not proceed until the impact of the changes can be reflected in a supplement report. 2. This report is based on limited subsurface exploration. During construction, if soils conditions are found that are significantly different from those identified in this report, construction should stop until those items affected by the changed conditions can be identified and adjusted, if needed to reflect the changed conditions. 3. This report is prepared for the sole use of client for the purpose of subdividing the property located at 19100 -1161h Ave SE; Renton, WA 98058 . All other uses are expressly prohibited without prior written approval from the engineer. 4. All construction related to the drainage system for this project will be in accordance with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the 1993 King County Roads Standards unless specifically mentioned in this report and/or approved by King County. Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report February 2008 SECTION 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The property is located at 19100 -116'h Avenue SE in the City of Renton, Washington. There is currently one (1) single family residence on the property. The project proposes to short plat the existing parcel into three (3) single family residential lots. The existing house will remain and the new lots will be located in the front and rear yards. Proposed improvements include the construction of one (1) new single-family structure, a Private Access Tract, associated utilities and stormwater management facilities. Site Information Refer to Appendix A for the Vicinity Map and site photos of this project. Location: 19100 -116'h Avenue SE; Renton, Washington 98058 Sectionfrownship/Range: SW l4 of SW l4 Sec. 33, T.23N, R.4E of W.M. Size: 22,143 sq ft (approximately 0.51 acre) City, County, State: Renton, King County, Washington Governing Agency: King County Design Criteria: 2005 King County Surface Water,Manual Zone: R-6 Water District: Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Sewer District: Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Drainage Basin The entire property drains to one basin with a contributing area of 0.51 acres. The general topography of the site slopes from west to east. Elevations on the site vary from a high point of 518 feet at the western property line to 508 feet at the eastern property line, with grades varying from 4.0% to 7.0%. Soils Information Soi Is Survey The Soil Survey prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service, indicates the soil type within the project as AgB (Alderwood gravelly sandy loam), SCS Hydrologic Soil Group C. This Alderwood soil series contains moderately well drained soils consisting predominately of Arents and Alderwood material with slopes between zero (0) to six (6) percent. Runoff and The Concept Group Page 1 Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report February 2008 erosion hazards from this soil type is medium. This series of soil is suitable for urban development.The KCRTS equivalent soils group, as defined in Table 3.2.2.B of the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual (KCSWM), is Till. A sieve analysis was performed by LabCor Portland, Inc. The soil is categorized to be medium sand. Refer to Appendix 8 for the Soils Survey Map & sieve analysis. SECTION 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Existing Site Hydrology There is currently one (1) single family residence on the property. The site grades generally from west to east. Stormwater runoff presently infiltrates to native soils. During heavy rainfall events, stormwater sheet flows in an easterly direction towards the back yard of the house into a new residential development (Sound Built Homes and Charter Homes) with improved curb, gutter, and stormwater management facilities. Developed Site Hydrology The project proposes to short plat the existing parcel into three (3) single family residential lots. The new residential lots will consist of a total of approximately 4,200 sq ft of new impervious surface with the remainder of the new lots consisting of landscape and lawns. Stormwater for the roof and driveway of the Lot #3 will be infiltrated in an underground infiltration trench. Stormwater from the Private Access Tract will be collected in a new catch basin and conveyed to the proposed 12" reinforced concrete culvert and discharged to the existing drainage ditch along 1161h Ave SE. Refer to the Drainage Plan in Appendix C for the proposed storm drainage design. Design Requirements The 2005 King County Surface Water Manual sets forth the drainage requirements for this project. Since the project adds between 2,000 and 10,000 square feet of new impervious surface, the project is subject to Small Project Drainage Requirements per Appendix C of the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual. Stormwater will infiltrate to native soils. The drainage requirements are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 -Jurisdictional Requirements Peak Run-off Control: NIA -based small proiect BMP's Water Uualitv: NIA -based on surface area exemotion Convevance: NIA -no convevance system designed Downstream Analvsis: Level 1 The Concept Group Page 2 Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report SECTION 3: LEVEL 1 0FFSITE ANALYSIS Downstream Analysis February 2008 Stormwater runoff presently infiltrates to native soils. During heavy rainfall events, stormwater sheet flows in an easterly direction towards the back yard of the house into a new residential development (Sound Built Homes and Charter Homes) with improved curb, gutter, and stormwater management facilities. Stormwater runoff is conveyed in a series of grass-lined ditches and driveway culverts along SE 192"d Street. There is no sign of erosion within a quarter mile of the project. Discharge at Natural (Existing) Location Stormwater presently infiltrations to native soils. During heavy rainfall events, stormwater may sheet flow to the ditches along 116'h Ave SE and SE 192"d Street. SECTION 4: FLOW CONTROL/ WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS & DESIGN Flow Control Since the project adds between 2,000 and 10,000 square feet of impervious surface, the project is subject to Small Project Drainage Requirements per Appendix C of the 2005 King County Surface Water Manual. Flow control facilities are not required since the roof stormwater runoff will be fully infiltrated. Infiltration Facility Design A soils analysis was performed and it was determined that the project soils can be classified as medium sand. Per section C.2.2.3, infiltration trenches must be at least 30 feet in length (60 square feet bottom area) per 1,000 square feet of impervious surface based on a 2 feet wide bottom. The infiltration trenches have been designed with an overflow outlet to sheet flow storm water during heavy rainfall events. Refer to Table 2 and Appendix D for infiltration trench calculations and details. Table 2 -Infiltration Facility Design for New Lot Areas (SF) New Impervious Surface Required Infiltration Provided Infiltration (Roof & Drivewav) Bottom Area Bottom Area 4,218 253 270 Water Quality This project is exempt from Water Quality requirements as defined by Core Requirement #8 based on the surface area exemption. Although the project will create 6,918 square feet of new impervious surface, only 3,918 square feet is pollution- The Concept Group Page 3 Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report February 2008 generating impervious surface (PGIS). PGIS is defined as "an impervious surface considered to be a significant source of pollutants in surface and storm water runoff. Such surfaces include those subject to vehicular use or storage of erodible or leachable materials, wastes, or chemicals, and which receive direct rainfall or the run-on or blow-in of rainfall." Non-metal rooftops are not considered PGIS; therefore, are not included in the PGIS area calculations. Water quality is not required for this project because the project does not create more than 5,000 sq ft of pollution generating impervious surfaces as defined in the KCSWM section 1.2.8. SECTION 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM No conveyance system will be constructed for this project. 100-Year Flood/Overflow Condition Overflow of the stormwater infiltration facility will sheet flow to the eastern properties and eventually discharge to the drainage ditches located along SE 192"d Street. SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES There are no special reports or studies are expected to be prepared for this project. SECTION 7: OTHER PERMITS Permit for this project included: o Short Plat Approval o Building Construction Permit SECTION 8: CSWPP (EROSION CONTROL) ANALYSIS AND DESIGN All erosion and sediment control measures shall be governed by the requirements of King County. An Erosion and Sedimentation Control plan has been prepared to assist the contractor in complying with these requirements and designed to prevent sediment- laden run-off from leaving the site during construction. Refer to Appendix E for Erosion Control plans and details. The erosion potential of the site is influenced by four major factors: soil characteristics, vegetative cover, topography, and climate. Erosion/ sedimentation control is achieved by a combination of structural measures, cover measures, and construction practices that are tailored to fit the specific site. Construction Sequence and Procedure Prior to the start of any grading activity upon the site, all erosion control measures, including installation of a stabilized construction entrance, shall be installed in accordance with the construction documents. The best construction practice will be employed to properly clear and grade the site and to schedule construction activities. The planned construction sequence for the construction of the site is as follows: The Concept Group Page 4 ) t) t) t) () 0 e @ • ,9 :• • Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report February 2008 1. Flag and stake clearing limits. 2. Install erosion control features (silt fence, etc.) 3. Field locate all utilities. 4. Install construction entrance. 5. Clear and grub site. 6. Grade the site. 7. Install infiltration trenches, sanitary sewers, storm, water, and other site utilities; provide catch basin inlet protection at the new inlet locations. 8. Construct building structures. 9. Remove temporary erosion control facility upon stabilization of entire project site, as approved by the City. Trapping Sediment Structural control measures will be used to reduce erosion and retain sediment on the construction site. The control measures wi 11 be selected to fit specific site and seasonal conditions. The following structural items will be used to control erosion and sedimentation processes: o Temporary gravel construction entrance o Filter fabric fences (Silt fences) o Ground cover measures such as straw cover and/or hydroseeding o Inlet protection Vehicle tracking of mud off-site shall be avoided. Installation of a gravel construction entrance will be installed at a location to enter the site. The entrances are a minimum requirement and may be supplemented if tracking of mud onto public streets becomes excessive. SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES AND DECLARATIONS OF COVENANTS None known at the time this report was prepared. SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The owner or operator of the project shall be responsible for maintaining the stormwater facilities in accordance with the requirements as attached in Appendix F . Proper maintenance is important for adequate functioning of the stormwater facilities. If it is unclear whether a problem exists, contact a Professional Engineer. The Concept Group Page 5 t) t) t) ~ t) • i@ • C Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report The Concept Group Appendix A Vicinity Map & Site Photos February 2008 Appendices Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report February 2008 Se 208th The Concept Group Appendices Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Techn ical Information Report February 2008 View of subject property looking west from back yard. View of back yard looking east towards new residential development by Charter Homes. The Concept Group App endices • • • ,-- Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report Typical roadway ditch along SE 192° Street. Typical driveway culvert along SE 192° Street. The Concept Group February 2008 Appendices Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report February 2008 • View of new residential development immediately to the east of the subject property. Stonnwater detention pond for new residential development to the east of the subject property. The Concept Group Appendices Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report The Concept Group Appendix B Soils Information February 2008 Appendices • . 8 w iii ,,,1 " 11 ~ I ~ 1\ 8 N iii OZS£SZS 011 9Z9 ' 1JIJ I ·, , ~' ' .f.-; ~~~ "'ii:1(' I +!' ~ ' -- ·;.~ ·1 ·:. ! ..... -> ' " '·I' j>, I , 09££SZS -1 r.1,1 ,. ' J 'C '' J. ' i ,' ' .. ' -~. , I ' ' t oa, m } ' ' ,if ·,:, j •, •I ,I/II I / ' ' '! ? :v '( ,,, ,, ..... ' "•~ 08Z£SZS oo, m T.¥: ~ TO i "l' ' ,..,.,.,, . ;Jjll il)- •W 1',1r'1t-!ill' ,:,1 -dt 0 N ,, ~ iii I 0 ~ • ii g ~ 8 ~ w ~ e .. • "'~ !? g 0 • .l'8 ~. ~ ' - g N 0 co<') o .. ~ N A Soi l Map-King County Area, Washington (Meyer S hort Plat) -----=====--------~;=======~Meters 200 300 0 50 100 ----------=======-------------============::iFeet 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 N atural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey 1/8/2008 Page 1 of 3 ~ Soil Map-King County Area, Washington (Meyer Short Plat) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils D Soil Map Units Special Point Features "' Blowout IX! Borrow Pit * Clay Spot t Closed Depression ;x; Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot @ Landfill A Lava Flow .i. Marsh ~ Mine or Quarry @ Miscellaneous Water ® Perennial Water V Rock Outcrop + Saline Spot Sandy Spot -=-Severely Eroded Spot 0 Sinkhole 9 Slide or Slip ii Sodic Spot = Spoil Area 0 Stony Spot Natural Resources Conservation Service d) Very Stony Spot 'f Wet Spot .. Other Special Line Features ~ Gully ~ Short Steep Slope ~ Other Political Features Municipalitles G Cities ~ Urban Areas Water Features D Oceans -Streams and Canals Transportation !llE Rails Roads -Interstate Highways -US Routes ~ State Highways ~ Local Roads ~ Other Roads Original soil survey map sheets were prepared at publication scale. Viewing scale and printing scale, however, may vary from the original. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for proper map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 1 ON This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: King County Area, Washington Version 4, Nov 21, 2006 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 7/10/1990; 7/18/1990 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey 1/8/2008 Page2 of3 Soil Ma!rl<ing County Area, Washington Meyer Short Plat Map Unit Legend AgB Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 51.8 94.6% AgC AmB I Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) Natural Resources Conservation Service O to 6 percent slopes Alderwood gravelty sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes Arents, Alderwood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey 0.1 2.9 54.71 0.2% 5.2% ,00.0% 1 1/8/2008 Page 3 of 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • LabCor Portland, Inc . Report to: Anna T. Nguyen, P.E. The Concept Group Seattle, WA Finan Report for: Soil samples submitted for analysis Meyer Short Plat LabCor Portland Job No.: 071936-ROl Particle Sizing and Moisture Content of Soil Samples December 27, 2007 4321 SW Corbett Ave, Ste. A Portland, OR 97239 Tel: (503) 224-5055 Fax: (503) 228-8282 Page 1 of5 ) t) t) • • • • LabCor Portland9 Inc. Part One: Sample Descriptions I. I. Test Method Table of Contents: 1.2. Sample Description and Physical Properties 1.3. Moisture Content Part Two: Sieve Analysis 2.1. Maximum Size of Particles 2.2. Percentage Retaining on Each Sieve 4321 SW Corbett Ave, Ste. A Portland, OR 97239 · Tel: (503) 224-5055 3 3 3 4 4 Fax: (503) 228-8282 Page 2 of5 " LabCor Portland, Inc. 1.1. Test Methods For particle sizing, soils were dried to ambient conditions. After samples were sufficiently dry, the samples were passed through a series of sieves and the fraction remaining on each sieve was weighed. The fraction of the sample that was left in the pan after sieving represents fine silt and clays. To further break down this fraction requires hydrometer analysis at an extra cost. General classification of soil types were as follows: Classification Very coarse sand Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Very fine sand Particle diameter 2.0-1.0mm 1.0-0.5 mm 0.5-0.25 mm 0.25-0.1 mm 0.1-0.05 mm 1.2. Sample Description and Physical Properties ; . ,<;:li~~(,1i ' ; J~.~ti99,t:f'Q)$1::. Sam le.#,,,,;: ·;.,,,.,,Sam le,#1, · .... :' . ,'. '·,---~;·'' .>:/ :,,, - . ·Shar:ie and,hl.;1ri:fness , '-.,. 02 071936-SZ 1.3. Moisture Content •" . '!''•''" H Date ' cnentsample #·: , , 02 Analyst " ,'~, :. •,),, .i , i, ,:. ;t,' ,,,,, d, OM,, ·, Analyzed L.:ibCdr POX sa·mple'# ' 071936-S2 26-Dec NL -,· A ·; ,,,.;, :'-f" t "'.i •, i. I '.., ' lriftial'tv1ass•(g) · '· 1016.0 26-Dec NL . • •» ' ' ' . '• , • . Drietl M~ss·(~} . ;. ; ·, 862.8 26-Dec NL Mass\oss (g) ., 126.8 26-Dec NL . "''' : , ''Moisture Centerit (%)·· . , · '-·· --~ ... _ . ' ' 12.81326 26-Dec NL 4321 SW Corbett Ave, Ste. A Portland, OR 97239 Tel: (503) 224-5055 ,Date · Anal zed 26-Dec-07 NL Fax: (503) 228-8282 Page 3 of5 • 02 JLabCor Portland, Inc. 2.1. Maximum Size of Particles: 02 071936 S2 25 1.0 I 26-Dec NL 2.2. Percentage Retained on Each Sieve 071936- S2 30 G> 25 g' 20 -C 15 ~ 10 ~ 5 0 - - 3/4-in (19-mm) 3/8-in (9.5-mm) 4 (4.75-mm) 10 (2.00-mm) Very coarse sand Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Very fine sand Pan ~ I r 2.3 25.0 2.3 52.8 2.3 78.4 2.3 213.8 2.3 91.8 2.3 65.4 2.3 125.2 2.3 26.2 2.3 15.8 2.3 43.6 TOTAL Sample 2 -I ~ I f-I 118.3 14.19657 26-Dec-07 NL 22.7 2.724109 26-Dec-07 NL 50.5 6.060242 26-Dec-07 NL 76.1 9.132365 26-Dec-07 NL 211.5 25.38102 26-Dec-07 NL 89.5 10.74043 26-Dec-07 NL 63.1 7.572303 26-Dec-07 NL 122.9 14.74859 26-Dec-07 NL 23.9 2.868115 26-Dec-07 NL 13.5 1.620065 26-Dec-07 NL 41.3 4.956198 26-Dec-07 NL 833.3 100 26-Dec-07 NL ~ I I ~f' .,-<" .,-<" .,..,. .,..,. .. b ,i' ;:,b .. b ,l' ~--"' "'"' o,°' ,.., ""' n-"' 4' 4' 4' ti'~ 1• . ~ • .;,. . 4321 SW Corbett Ave, Ste. A Portland, OR 97239 • ~0 ,4' ,Si c:l' <9 ~~ .:,.0~ Particle Size Tel: (503) 224-5055 ~~· ~~ .,..~ Fax: (503) 228-8282 Page 4 of 5 ILabCor Portland, Inc. This test report relates only to the items tested in this report. Results are subject to the variation of field sub sampling, the accuracy of the balance as well as other variations within the procedure. If further clarification of these results is needed, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for allowing the staff at Lab/Cor Portland, Inc. the opportunity to provide you with analytical services. Sincerely, John Harris Laboratory Director 4321 SW Corbett Ave, Ste. A Portland, OR 97239 Tel: (503) 224-5055 Fax: (503) 228-8282 Page 5 of5 8 • Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report The Concept Group Appendix C Proposed Drainage Plan February 2008 Appendices • SW1/4 OF SW1/4, SEC. 33-T23N-R4E, W.M. 7}---f .J• V -i.: / :i I .,,..----'--.!: ( (( , « ll <I 6t Q / -----------------z-------------------=-=-=-----------------~-------------t------: ~~k~ --·"' ______ ':::.--------------------------------"\-------_-----""-::_---JC s-~ --SS -____../---,-- ---' ~""""" """ "'"'"'"'0 \ . --. ; '-.. \\_ ~ N I ,-----... __ _ ,r-~ I! I I I G ===i I /-l--J % I I / l ~ 1 !l J i ~~ O"a>'I'._.. REGRAOEIEX. OITOl FOR POSITM: DRAINAGE "' BE',flll) PIPE ENO WITH 5' ~ ~ 2"-4" QUAJRY SPAU.S IE OUT=51J.4 "I a 19 LF 12· • ADJ rut.van I S-J.OX I I I a,., : '"J. I} ~STAr-,t·~ 'MlH 5' ~ ~ ~ 2"-4· PtPE 00 AARY SPAU.5 IE OUT=512.78 I I ~ ;!' { I I ,_ ! 2 s LEGEND --------PROPERTY UNE ~I -------EASOIENT i5: ii cli ---------ROAD C(HTERlJNE l 1 -----RICHT-~-WAY/AOJAC(HT PROPERTY LINE "' ~ ---·--·--BSBl. LINE I k<?\%h\~)l PRa'OSED ASPHALT PAVEMEMT .,,. c------J ~ ....,.TRA.,,,,.. TRENOf ~ ------r-"v,-v.au, ......... • ...... ~ D PROPOSED CA Tai BASIN I -'-tR.TRAllOH TEST (APPROX. LOCA~) ! (J DEDICATION BY lHIS SHORT Pl.AT (949 SQ. FT.) (O.OZACRE) b ,ri ROOF /FOUNOA 11~ \ INFll TRA 1101 lROIOi {B:cl,~~---,-----,"""=:-+-----,.....,.....-=:e,,,,,..,,~~~~~ ..... ~....----,r--"-,...:...-----,-:-=e:~-+-....J..-----+-~~~-;;:~~·o~;._.,-=~_}2'6YWx~tx2'0) ,-0!.. 72o<Y / -,-·-, ~ )( ~ ··-'""' 12-n1'£ 1 \ \_ _j STA 1o+44.00. 8.0' RT. EX. SHED 0 PRVT. ACCESS (TRACT A) TO BE RELOCAlED / (1.078 SQ. FT.) 22 lF 8" t ADS SO (o.oz .o.E) 128 l.F 6" t RCP ~ S-0.5X S-0.4% \ -514----~ ... --_,../,;; o PROPERTY CORNER FOJNO THIS SUR\£Y ~ POYER PCu: ..._ GIJY ANCHOR * S1REET LIGHT .t. POYER METER [g PO'IIIER TRANSFORMER 1$) VAIA.T -UNl(N()Yltl CD PHONE iw.H0LE 'Ila' GAS MrnR C'l F1RE H'IORAHT A WAlER VIJ..VE 'li1f' WAlER METER • CA TOf 8AS1N @ STORM MANH<l.E © SOD! MANH<l.E "" ---/1, • --------EDGE OF PAVEMENT --ss--SE'iO LINE --so --SlORM I.I£ --G--GAS LINE --w--WAlER LINE --BP--POYER LI£ --BT--PHONE LINE -•-•-•--FENCE LINE "'"' "" """'" BUILDING LI£ --400--CONTOOR e * ,... ":o~· "Y' -DITO!ES OECIOUOOS TREE (NOT SHO'tlN TO SC>,LE) TRUNK DIA SHOWN IN INO£S CONFER TREE (NOT SliOWN TO SCALE) TRUNK DIA SHOWN IN INO£S HW. Y 1REE (NOT ~ TO SCALE) 1RUNK DIA. SHOYIN IN INO£S ~rn I I ~ f. 20.0' ---,. ... -.. LOT3 (12,444 SQ. FT.) (0.29KRE) 5.0' ;2.~· I j /\!_ ~ 13-T'IPE 1 e =7 STA 11+75.00, 8.o' RT. @~-'.I ..... 0 C? ... rv -~~ It) \ i TO BE mre,u, \ @; ~ 8: ~ \ \ "' : PLAN \ H<RZONTAL CRAPHIC SCAl£ ; r 20 10 0 10 20 )y;.ai I J 1 lndl • 20 ft. NOTES: 0 Yirnf STANDARD CRATE PER KC STD. FIGURE 7--013. 0 PER KC SID. FIGURE 7-001. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1l£ YEST JOO FE£T OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1, N~1HVl£STERN CARDEH TRACTS. AS PER PLAT REcalOED IN Ya.UM[ 47 OF PLATS. PACE{S) 74, REOOlOS OF KING COUNTY AUOITal, EXCEPT THE NORTH 70 FEET lHEREOF. Sl1UA TE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STA 1E ~ WASHINGTON. I'-- \ U) 0 "1 \ I I I Ill 91 ~-in~,. I ~ I U ~; Ill ~ I I'" i; .._~St . £1111HST. " ! I! ! ; 90ll..EVAR) _ I..NEPAIIC ·nvvo..;T SrTE Ill ? ~ • ! lO ; VICINITY MAP MTS OWNER INFORMA T10N .£Ff ME'l'ER 19100 -116TH AVE SE ~. WA 98058 4~890-9798 TAX PARCEL NUMBER 6198400141 VERTICAL DA TUM ~C COUNTY POINT NO. 5809 (NAVD-88). El.£VA ~514.98 CONSULTANTS CIVL= THE ~T GROUP 650 -SOOTH MCAS STREET, SUTE 214 SEAT1l£. WA 98108 (206) 658-0125 CO.TACT: HAN PHAN, P.E. GENERAL NOTES: SUM:YOB ORYCO SURVE'IINC, NC. 12714 VALLEY A~ EAST SUMHER. WA 98390 (253) 826-0JOO CONTACT: f'ttl SARGENT, P .LS. 1. CONTRACTOR SHAU. f1EIJ) VERlfY AU. GRADES ~ 10 CONSTRUCllON. 2. SEE SHEET ORI ANO llR2 FOR RO>DWAY SECITO.S, DRAINAGE PR<n.E ANO OETAI..S. ~ ~ t:NO~.T""'"':0-'::':'.JE~r,;:BY;""T'"----;REV=ISION;;;:-;;OE~~;:;;:;::::;-----,r---:JOB::"NO~. -.---::::ISSUE;:::;-;::0:;AJE;---r--':7::------:-::-!----,-------y--------------~---------------------...-REf-ERENCE-_J R07160 2-2&-2008 MEYER SHORT PLAT SIEETNO. [> HNl>ICAPPED RAMP § DESIGNEOBY: H.H.PHAN ~~~ 19100-116THAVESE ~ DRAWN BY: H. H. PHAN RENTON WA 98058 1 Cl£CKE0BY: A. T. NGUYEN ~~08Slrm.,SU1e2l 4 ' ! PROJ .MNGR: H. H. PHAN ~~~ 658-0l 27 PRELIMINARY i , PAVING AND DRAINAGE PLAN DR1 Sl£ET 1 OF 3 SHEETS ~ .... ~~1 ~~ !~ ..., z __) ::J !,I ~I,;;~~~ o--'° ~~524 . -. ,. - b,.O I :c:i~ ~x :C:~--~ ~~ --·r-.,:::: .... "'-;;;~~: I: ~'~ ~ ... ANISH GRADE ...., ,- >-! ~ -1.32% 0 .,,_ 5 16 -~ 512 508 DAff/JI /lllV 60ll00 "' "'!~ ~ !2 Q> "' in .,; 10+00 10+50 i .'.l ¥ ~ z l .'.l ~ 8 '$ oi g ~ ~ '° ~ • u, ...,..,..en bl V, .~ ~;;i~ -"-""!0:.::: "'"''° ~ .. <O ,:;;c,1 "" :;;, '.": I ! I! l')..,.!..W') ~ !..Q. j!: ~ ..... liild ~a; .. ;i!,a ~ CD 520 ,_ -rs Iii? ~!!!!!! i N "' 0 J, ... -z.00% 1.32% o.- 516 I i ;:: 0 I l 512 \ li 0 t :,: I \ -;a Lt II • ""'" :,u 508 '""12"" • NF.> C IJl,'ftJ< I /lllV 00 ~ 0 .. ;:: 0 " I ... i 10 +00 10+50 .. ~ § ; u ~ ~ I NO. ~TE BY REVISION OESCRPOON ~ ~ I ~ N ~ ~ -i,-, ';'° --"° "'~! "'-: -'° +on -SC + '° I I -- ~!~ I I I I 5 5 ...... aci ~,~ r\ a: 10: ii:'~ \ . _,"""' - -1.19% -- EXIS11NG GRI U«> (l'IP)-, 1 F1NISH GR~ bE (l'IP) 11 "'?~ C!~ ~'° ~~ "'~ "'on 11+00 11+50 PAIVA TE ACCESS ROAD PAOALE Ha!IZONTAL GRAPIIC SCALE 'ttR1ICAL CRAPIIC SCAlE 20 10 0 10 20 s ~s o ~ s i"i -• I I i"i -• I I 1 ilch•S1l I' u.:i.o. 1 ilch • 20 fl 8 ori " + - ~ !5? -N ,...; -~~ ~ -i~ ~-- FlNr. H GRADE \ ~ da ::::t \ 0 "'"" _, ,;n,, -I -1.19,i: \ I \ L 121 lF 6° • Ra> SO O Q.4% 11+00 11+50 DRAINAGE PAOALE HCJIIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCAI.E 20 10 0 10 20 ..etllCAL 111APIIC SCAl£ 5~50~55 ..._,_ • I I I M • I I I 1 Inch • 20 fl llnch•Sft. JOB NO. I ISSUE DATE R07160 2-28-2008 OESIGNEDBY: H. H. PHAN DRAWN BY: H. H. PHAN CHECl<EDBY: A. T. NGUYEN PROJ.MNGR: H. H. PHAN -- N ..;. ~ "' 12+00 ---- 12+00 -r------1 -- L EXIST NG GROOND ; "' 12+50 -r----- I -- L EXIST NG GROONI> 12+50 EASalOH Ut£ PRa'ER TY UIE 15.0' ACCESS/\JTIUTY EASnlEHT 2.0' It PRI VATE ACCESS ~ ---~ 12.0' 8.0' 1.0' 3.0' ACCESS EASEMENT ROAD SECTION PRCffRTY LINE 3.0' 2" COIi' ACTED DEPTH CRUSHED SURrAONG TOP COURSE 4• COil' ACTED DEPTH CRUSHED SURFAONG BASE COURSE SCAI.£: NONE 22.0' PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT It PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD I 18.0' 7.0' 3.0' 2% 2" CQilP ACTED DEPTH HOT MIX ASPHALT a.ASS JS" PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD SECTION SCAl£: NONE land Oelll!lcpnert and CM Engineering~ 650 South Orcas ~ SUlb! 214 Seattle, WA 98108 PRa>ERTY UNE 1.0' MEYER SHORT PLAT 19100-116TH AVE SE RENTON , WA 98058 T (206) 658-0125 F (206) 658-0U7 www.TliECXlNCB'TGRI'.am PROFILES AND SECTIONS REFERENCE SHEET NO. DR2 Sl£ET 2 Of 3 SHEETS ) ) • • l .!l • ~ z l .!l r ... ri " 0 t I 0 "' § ~ IL b ;li ~ "' I 0 "' § I !3-... R .... i ... ~ (j r;; ROOF DRAIN 6" RIGID sruD PIPE O 0.0,: 6" RIGID PERFORAlED PIPE O 0.0,: (TYP) --------1 ________________ _) INFILTRATION TRENCHES •Q _________________ l Ii I I L __________________ _J PLAN VIEW NTS [ ElOSTING GROUND 6" RIG10 PERFORA 1ED PIPE O 0.0,: --+--I! f-f <«i CQMD z :i • 1· CD ~ ED ~ ----- ------- VARIES -SEE PLANS ELEVATION VIEW NTS 10.0' MIN ~ ~ I. : ~-.I 1 3.0' CB SUMP 'MlH sruD LJ> 5.0'...., ---- z :i ~ ---_ [f.XJSlNG Q«XJNO j WR>P WASHED ROC1C 'MlH Fil TER FABRIC Vlllll A MINIMUM O'v£Rl.AP ~ 1.0' ON TOP OF n£ TRENCH 6" RIGID PERfORA TED PIPE WASIEl ROCK J/4" -1 1/r' DRNEWAY/ROOF INALTRATION TRENCH DETAIL © PER KING COUNTY S'tlOM FIG C.2.2.A SCAI.£: NOi£ JOB NO. I ISSUE DATE R07160 2-28-2 008 ~ a I NO. DATE BY REVISION DESCRPTION DESIGNED BY: H.H.PHAN DRAWN BY: H.H.PHAN ~ ~ I CIECKED BY: A. T. NGINEN ~ PROJ.MNGR: H.H.PHAN EXPIRES 07~ t!i ! EXISTING GROUND ~ NOTES 1. MAXIM\Jl,I DEP1H FROM FINISHED GRADE TO PIPE IN'v£RT SHAU. BE s·-o·. 2. CATCH BASINS TO BE CONSlRUClED IN ACCORDANCE VlllH AS1U C 478 (AASHTD M 1991) & ASlM C 890 UNl.£SS OlllERWISE SHOYIN ON Pl.ANS OR NOlED IN lHE ST AND ARD SPECIFICATIONS. J . REBAR YiO..DED WIRE F ABRlC HAVING A MINtMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED. WEl..DED WIRE FABRIC SHAU. COMPLY TO ASTM A 497 (AASHTO M 221). DO NOT PLACE 'MRE F ABR1C IN lllE KNOCK OU Ts. 4. lHE BOTIOM OF 1HE PRECAST BASE SECTION MAY BE ROUNDED. PRECAST BASSES SHAU. BE FURNISHED Willi CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUT$. KNOCKOUTS SHAU. HAVE A WAil. lHICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM. 5. KNOCKOUTS MAY BE ON AU. 4 SIDES WllH MAXIMUM DIAMETER OF 20". KNOCKOUTS MAY BE EllHER ROUND OR 'O' SHAPE. PIPE TO BE INSTAU£0 IN FACTORY SUPPi.JED KNOCl<OUTs. 6. KNOCKOUT OF CUTOUT Hru SIZE SHAU. BE EQUAL TO PIPE OUlER DI AMETER PLUS CATCH BASIN WAil. lHICKNESs. 7. lHE TAPER ON lHE SIDES OF THE PRECAST BASE SECTION ANO RISER SECTION SHAU. NOT EXCEED JS;• PER FOOT. 8. CATCH BASlj FRAME ANO GRATE SHAU. BE IN ACCORDANCE WllH ST ANO ARO SPECIFICATIONS ANO MEET 1HE S1RENG1H REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-F-6210. MATING SURFACES SHAU. BE FINSHED TO ASSURE NON-ROCKING FIT. 9. FRAME AND GRATE MAY BE INSTAil.ED 'MlH FLANGE DOYIN OR CAST INTO RISER. PVC 90· ELBOW, ROTATE TO AT (TYP) 6" PVC PIPE llGHUNE O 0.0,: FR.ME AND GRATE SEE SEC. 7.05 ANO APPUCABlE DET Alts. #J BAR EACH CORNER 6' RISER SECTION 12" RISER SECTION ----,----- 1 I I I I I I I I -r------- 1 I I ----r ------,----- 1 I TYPICAL KNOCl(QUT W / 2• MIN WALL THICICNESS ~ L.----- I I I I I I I I L ______ .J 6° RIGIO PERFORA TEO PIPE (LEVEL) (TYP) END CONNECTION ~N PERFORATED PIPES) © Land Development and CM Engineering Consutanls 650 SOlah Orcas Slreel, 5<Jite 214 Seattle, WA 98108 T (206) 65&-0125 F (206) 658--0127 www.THE<X>NCE'TGRP.am J EXPIRES 09 /13/09 ! I I = #JBAR ~ EACH WAY ---,:::;=;----...,. PRECAST BASE SECTION (MEASUREMENT AT n£ TOP CF THE BASE) CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 0 PER KING COUNTY ROAO DESIGN at ca.STRUCTI~ 2 STANDARDS FIGURE 7-003 SCALE: NONE REFERENCE MEYER SHORT PLAT SHEET NO. 19100 -116TH AVE SE DR3 RENTON , WA 98058 SHEET 3 DRAINAGE DETAILS OF 3 SHEETS Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report The Concept Group Appendix D Flow Control Exemption, Water Quality Exemption, & Infiltration Facility Design February 2008 Appendices Meyer Short Plat 19100 -116th AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 House #1 Drivewav #1 House #2 Cone. Pad #2 House #2 Drivewav#2 Shoulder lmnrovement Joint Use Drivewa1 Private Access Road Total Roof Area Total PGIS 1 Total Pervious Area Total Proiect Size new PGIS 1 = area infiltrated = area subject to flow control = Impervious surface= Actual Impervious Area (Sq Ft) Existinn Pronosed 1,145 360 1.145 360 20,638 22,143 sq ft 4,218 sq ft 2,700 sq ft 6,918 sq ft - - 3,000 1,218 2,700 3.000 3,918 15.225 22,143 Infiltration Bottom Area, SF rner KCSWM for medium sand\ Bottom Area= 60 SF/ 1000 SF n/a -existina 253 Ni A -flow to street C.1.3 APPLICATION OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS FIGURE C.1.3.A FLOWCHART FOR DETERMINING APPLICATION OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS Is the project on a site/lot ' Yes Is it feasible and smaller than 22,000 square feet? • applicable to implement full Yes No further BMPs Apply one or more of the following to impervious area dispersion for the required. Note: :2= 10% of site/lot for slteflot sizes <11,000 sf and ::i. 20% of roof area as per Any proposed site/lot for site/lot sizes between 11,000 and 22,000 sf (For Section C.2.1? connection of roof projects located in critical aquifer recharge areas these No-g downspouts to impervious area amounts double}: local drainage 1. Limited Infiltration (Section C.2.3) Is it feasible system must be 2. Basic Dispersion (Section C.2.4) via perforated 3. Rain Garden (Section C.2.5) and applicable pipe connection 4. Permeable Pavement (Section C.2.6) No to implement Yes . per Section 5. Rainwater Harvesting (Section C.2.7) full Infiltration C.2.11. " No 6. Vegetated Roof (Section C.2.8) of the roof 7. Reduced Impervious Service Credit (Section C.2.9) runoff as per 8. Native Growth Retention Credit (Section C.2.10) Section C.2.2? I Notes: No flow control BMPs are required for new pervlous surfaces. Water aualitv lmnacts are adeauatelv addressed with the above flow control BMPs. The project must be a site/lot I Is it feasible greater than or equal to 22,000 square feet? I and applicable to implement full Yes No further BMPs dispersion on required. Note: all target Impervious surface as per Any proposed connection of roof One or more of the followlng BMPs must be implemented Section C.2.1? downspouts to for target Impervious surface not addressed with full Nov local drainage dispersion or with full infiltration of roof runoff: Is it feasible and system must be 1. Full Infiltration (Section C.2.2) No applicable to implement via perforated 2. Limited Infiltration (Section C.2.3) pipe connection 3. Basic Dispersion (Section C.2.4) full Infiltration of the per Section 4. Rain Garden (Section C.2.5) roof runoff as per C.2.11. 5. Permeable Pavement (Section C.2.6) Section C.2.2? 6. Rainwater Harvesting (Section C.2.7} Yes,;, •• 7. Vegetated Roof (Section C.2.8) Is there any remaining target 8. Reduced Impervious Service Credit (Section C.2.9) Yes Impervious surface not addressed No 9. Native Growth Retention Credit tSection C.2.1 Ol with full dispersion or with full I infiltration of roof runoff? r.iote: Flow control BMPs are required for all new pervlous surface when it exceeds 35,000 sf. Flow control BMPs must be applied in the following order of preference: 1. The feasibility and applicability of full dispersion as detailed in Section C.2.1 must be evaluated for all new pervious surfaces. 2. For those pervious surfaces not addressed in Requirement 1 above, one or more of the following BMPs must be implemented: Basic Dispersion (Section C.2.4) Rain Garden !Section C.2.51 Note: The following extra water quality provisions must be Implemented if the project results in 5,000 sf or more of additional pollution generating Impervious surface from which runoff is not fully dispersed in accordance with Section C.2.1: 1. Reduce existing or proposed pollution generating impervious surface so that the 5,000 sf threshold is not triggered. 2. Provide water quality facilities designed by a licensed clvll engineer in accordance with Section 1.2.8 of the SWDM. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C 1/24/2005 C-17 SECTION C.2 PLOW CONTROL BMPs FIGURE C.2.2.A TYPICAL TRENCH INFILTRATION SYSTEM 1/24/2005 PLANVIEW NTS ,· ',• '. .... ' ~\ . . ! ' . . . . ~~ ............................. · .... · .................... ·' infiltration trench PLANVIEW NTS .4• rigid or a· flexible perforated pipe filter fabric I .; SECTION A NTS C-42 4' rigid or a·nexible perforated pipe overflow splash block roof drain sump w/solid lid fine mesh '-CB sump w/solld lid c:l"'roon 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report The Concept Group Appendix E Erosion Control February 2008 Appendices KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, APPENDIX C C.3 JEJROSION AND SJED1MJEN1' CONTROL (JESC) MEASURES This section presents the specifications for the kinds of the ESC measures applicable to small project sites as allowed by the County's ESC Standards (Detached Appendix D of the King County Surface Water Design Manua[). For projects in Small Project Drainage Review, these measures may be used if no more than 3 acres of soil will be disturbed by the project. Other ESC measures may be allowed or required by DOES if these are inappropriate for the project or fail to contain sediment on the project site. A description of other measures and a more detailed description of those included here can be found in the ESC Standards. Projects that disturb 3 acres or more of soil will require an ESC plan developed by a civil engineer under a Targeted Drainage Review. Intent of ESC Measures The intent of ESC measures is to prevent, to the maximum extent practicable, the transport of sediment and other construction-related pollutants to streams, wetlands, lakes, drainage systems, and adjacent properties during and after construction. Erosion of disturbed areas on construction sites can result in excessive sediment transport to adjacent properties and to surface waters. This sediment can result in major adverse impacts, such as flooding due to obstructed drainage ways, smothering of salmonid spawning beds, creation of algal blooms in lakes, and violation of State water quality standards for turbidity. In addition to sediment, other construction-related pollutants can be generated by uncovered waste materials, stockpiles, and demolition debris; de-watering; maintenance and operation of heavy equipment; chemical spills; oil spills; placement of concrete; and application of fertilizers and pesticides. Such pollutants can be toxic to both fish and humans and may violate State water quality standards and the prohibited discharges section of KCC 9.12. Stabilization of the site after construction and prior to the wet season is also important to preventing these impacts. Organization of Section C.3 The ESC measures in this section are divided into two categories, those used during construction and those used after. Those measures used during construction are referred to as temporary ESC measures while those used after construction are referred to as permanent or final stabilization measures. Thus, the section is organized as follows: • Section C.3.1, "Temporary ESC" (p. C-79) • Section C.3.2, "Final Stabilization" (p. C-90) C.3.1 TEMPORARY ESC Temporary ESC measures are used during construction to minimize the amount of sediment mobilized and trap any mobilized sediment before it leaves the project site. This section presents the requirements and specifications for those temporary ESC measures typically applied to projects in Small Project Drainage Review. They include the following: • "Stabilized Construction Entrance," Section C.3.1.1 (p. C-80) • "Mulching," Section C.3.1.2 (p. C-81) • "Nets and Blankets," Section C.3.1.3 (p. C-83) • "Plastic Covering," Section C.3.1.4 (p. C-85) • "Mark Clearing Limits/Minimize Clearing," Section C.3.1.5 (p. C-86) • "Silt Fence," Section C.3.1.6 (p. C-86) • "Vegetated Strip," Section C.3.1.7 (p. C-88) 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-79 1/24/2005 SECTION C.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) MEASURES • "Triangular Silt Dike," Section C.3.1.8 (p. C-89) • "Winter Stabilization," Section C.3.1.9 (p. C-90) The above measures must be implemented as needed to prevent the discharge of sediment-laden water from the construction site. Proposed measures must be shown on the small site ESC plan required to be submitted with the small project drainage plans. Site-specific conditions during construction may require additional measures as deemed necessary by ODES. As noted in Section C.3 above, other temporary ESC measures found in Appendix D of the SWDM may be needed or may be more appropriate for the project site as determined by DOES. C.3.1.1 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Purpose 1/24/2005 Construction entrances are stabilized to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads by motor vehicles or runoff by constructing a stabilized pad of quarry spalls at the entrances to construction sites. Application Construction entrances shall be stabilized wherever traffic will be leaving a construction site and traveling on paved roads or other paved areas within 1,000 feet of the site. Design and Installation Specifications I. See Figure C.3.1.A for details. 2. A separation geotextile shall be placed under the spalls to prevent fine sediment from pumping up into the rock pad. The geotextile shall meet the following standards: Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D4751) 200 psi min. Grab Tensile Elongation (ASTM D4632) 30%max. Mullen Burst Strength (ASTM D3786-80a) 400 psi min. AOS (ASTM D4751) 20-45 (U.S. standard sieve size) 3. Hog fuel (wood based mulch) may be substituted for or combined with quarry spalls in areas that will not be used for permanent roads. The effectiveness of hog fuel is highly variable, but it has been used successfully on many construction sites. It generally requires more maintenance than quarry spalls. Hog fuel is not recommended for entrance stabilization in urban areas. The inspector may at any time require the use of quarry spalls if the hog fuel is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement or if the hog fuel is being carried onto pavement. Hog fuel is prohibited in permanent roadbeds because organics in the subgrade soils cause difficulties with compaction. 4. Whenever possible, the entrance shall be constructed on a firm, compacted subgrade. This can substantially increase the effectiveness of the pad and reduce the need for maintenance. Maintenance 1. Quarry spalls ( or hog fuel) shall be added if the pad is no longer in accordance with the specifications. 2. If the entrance is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement, then alternative measures to keep the streets free of sediment shall be used. This may include street sweeping, an increase in the dimensions of the entrance, or the installation of a wheel wash. If washing is used, it 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-80 C.3.1 TEMPORARY ESC shall be done on an area covered with crushed rock, and wash water shall drain to a sediment trap or pond. 3. Any sediment that is tracked onto pavement shall be removed immediately by sweeping. The sediment collected by sweeping shall be removed or stabilized onsite. The pavement shall not be cleaned by washing down the street, except when sweeping is ineffective and there is a threat to public safety. If it is necessary to wash the streets, a small sump must be constructed. The sediment would then be washed into the sump where it can be controlled and discharged appropriately. 4. Any quarry spalls that are loosened from the pad and end up on the roadway shall be removed immediately. FIGURE C.3.1.A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AS PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS, DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED TO THE EDGE OF R-0-W PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO AVOID DAMAGING OF THE ROADWAY INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERT IF THERE IS A ROADSIDE DITCH PRESENT, AS PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS 4"-8" QUARRY SPALLS--J GEOTEXTILE---' 12" MIN. C.3.1.2 MULCHING Purpose IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE ENTRANCE BE CROWNED SO THAT RUNOFF DRAINS OFF THE PAD The purpose of mulching soils is to provide immediate temporary protection from erosion. Mulch also enhances plant establishment by conserving moisture, holding fertilizer, seed, and topsoil in place, and moderating soil temperatures. There is an enormous variety of mulches that may be used. Only the most common types are discussed in this section. Conditions of Use As a temporary cover measure, mulch should be used: l. On disturbed areas that require cover measures for less than 30 days 2. As a cover for seed during the wet season and during the hot summer months 3. During the wet season on slopes steeper than 3H: IV with more than IO feet of vertical relief. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C 1/24/2005 C-81 SECTION C.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) MEASURES . Mulch Material Straw Wood Fiber Cellulose Compost Hydraulic Matrices Design and Installation Specifications For mulch materials, application rates, and specifications, see Table C.3.1.A. Note: Thicknesses may be increased for disturbed areas in or near critical areas or other areas highly susceptible to erosion. Maintenance Standards I. The thickness of the mulch cover must be maintained. 2. Any areas that experience erosion shall be re-mulched and/or protected with a net or blanket. If the erosion problem is drainage related, then the drainage problem shall be assessed and alternate drainage such as interceptor swales may be needed to fix the problem and the eroded area re-mulched. TABLE (l.J.l ,AMl!.L® STANDAQPS ANP GlJ\llELINES Quality Standards Application Remarks Rates Air-dried; free from 2"-3" thick; 2-3 Cost-effective protection when applied with adequate undesirable seed and bales per 1000 sf thickness. Hand-application generally requires greater coarse material or 2-3 tons per acre thickness than blown straw. Straw should be crimped to avoid wind blow. The thickness of straw may be reduced by half when used in conjunction with seeding. No growth inhibiting Approx. 25-30 lbs Shall be applied with hydromulcher. Shall not be used factors per 1000 sf or without seed and tackifier unless the application rate is 1000-1500 lbs per at least doubled. Some wood fiber with very long fibers acre can be effective at lower application rates and without seed or tackifier. No visible water or dust 2" thick min.; More effective control can be obtained by increasing during handling. Must approx. 1 00 tons thickness to 3". Excellent mulch for protecting final be purchased from per acre (approx. grades until landscaping because it can be directly supplier with Solid BOO lbs per cubic seeded or tilled into soil as an amendment. Sources for Waste Handling Permit. yard) compost are available from the King County Commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials at (206) 296-4439. This mulch category Apply at rates from The BFM shall not be applied immediately before, during includes hydraulic 3,000 lbs per acre or immediately after rainfall so that the matrix will have (Bonded Fiber slurries composed of to 4,000 lbs per an opportunity to dry for 24 hours after installation. Matrix) wood fiber, paper fiber acre and based on Application rates beyond 2,500 pounds may interfere or a combination of the manufacturers with germination and are not usually recommended for two held together by a recommendations turf establishment. BFM is generally a matrix where all binding system. The fiber and binders are in one bag, rather than having to BFM shall be a mixture mix components from various manufacturers to create a of long wood fibers and matrix. BFMs can be installed via helicopter in remote various bonding agents. areas. They are approximately $1,000 per acre cheaper to install. Chipped Site Average size shall be 2" minimum This is a cost-effective way to dispose of debris from Vegetation several inches. thickness clearing and grubbing, and it eliminates the problems associated with burning. Generally, it should not be used on slopes above approx. 10% because of its tendency to be transported by runoff. It is not recommended within 200 feet of surface waters. If seeding is expected shortly after mulch, the decomposition of the chipped vegetation may tie up nutrients important to grass establishment. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-82 C.3.1 TEMPORARY ESC C.3.1.3 NETS AND BLANKETS Purpose Erosion control nets and blankets are intended to prevent erosion and hold seed and mulch in place on steep slopes and in channels so that vegetation can become well established. In addition, some nets and blankets can be used to permanently reinforce turf to protect drainage ways during high flows. Nets are strands of material woven into an open, but high-tensile strength net (for example, jute matting). Blankets are strands of material that are not tightly woven, but instead form a layer of interlocking fibers, typically held together by a biodegradable or photodegradable netting (for example, excelsior or straw blankets). They generally have lower tensile strength than nets, but cover the ground more completely. Coir ( coconut fiber) fabric comes as both nets and blankets. Conditions of Use Erosion control nets and blankets should be used: 1. For permanent stabilization of slopes 2H: 1 V or greater and with more than 10 feet of vertical relief. 2. In conjunction with seed for final stabilization of a slope, not for temporary cover. However, they may be used for temporary applications as long as the product is not damaged by repeated handling. In fact, this method of slope protection is superior to plastic sheeting, which generates high-velocity runoff. 3. For drainage ditches and swales (highly recommended). The application of appropriate netting or blanket to drainage ditches and swales can protect bare soil from channelized runoff while vegetation is established. Nets and blankets also can capture a great deal of sediment due to their open, porous structure. Synthetic nets and blankets may be used to permanently stabilize channels and may provide a cost-effective, environmentally preferable alternative to riprap. Design and Installation Specifications I. See Figure C.3.1.B and Figure C.3.1.C for typical orientation and installation of nettings and blankets. Note: Installation is critical to the effectiveness of these products. If good ground contact is not achieved, runoff can concentrate under the product, resulting in significant erosion. 2. Jute matting must be used in conjunction with mulch. Excelsior, woven straw blankets, and coir (coconut fiber) blankets may be installed without mulch. There are many other types of erosion control nets and blankets on the market that may be appropriate in certain circumstances. Other types of products will have to be evaluated individually. In general, most nets (e.g., jute matting) require mulch in order to prevent erosion because they have a fairly open structure. Blankets typically do not require mulch because they usually provide complete protection of the surface. 3. Purely synthetic blankets are allowed but shall only be used for long-term stabilization of waterways. The organic blankets authorized above are better for slope protection and short-term waterway protection because they retain moisture and provide organic matter to the soil, substantially improving the speed and success of re-vegetation. Maintenance Standards 1. Good contact with the ground must be maintained, and there must not be erosion beneath the net or blanket. 2. Any areas of the net or blanket that are damaged or not in close contact with the ground shall be repaired and stapled. 3. If erosion occurs due to poorly controlled drainage, the problem shall be fixed and the eroded area protected. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C 1/24/2005 C-83 SECTION C.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) MEASURES II FIGURE C.3.1.B WATERWAY INSTALLATION DO NOT STRETCH BLANKETS/MATIINGS TIGHT- ALLOW THE ROLLS TO MOLD TO ANY IRREGULARITIES SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH BEFORE PLACEMENT FOR PROPER SOIL CONTACT ANCHOR, STAPLE. ANO INSTALL CHECK SLOTS AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AVOID JOINING MATERIAL IN THE CENTER OF THE DITCH LIME, FERTILIZE AND SEED BEFORE INSTALLATION MIN. 4" OVERLAP .. , .. ., MIN. 6" OVERLAP FIGURE C.3.1.C SLOPE INSTALLATION SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH BEFORE PLACEMENT FOR PROPER SOIL CONTACT STAPLING PATIERN AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS MIN. 2" OVERLAP DO NOT STRETCH BLANKETS/MATIINGS TIGHT - ALLOW THE ROLLS TO MOLD TO Am IRREGULARITIES FOR SLOPES LESS THAN 3H:1V, ROLLS MAY BE PLACED IN HORIZONTAL STRIPS BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO A LEVEL AREA, TURN THE END UNDER 4" AND STAPLE AT 12" INTERVALS LIME, FERTILIZE AND SEED BEFORE INSTALLATION. PLANTING OF SHRUBS, TREES, ETC. SHOULD OCCUR AFTER INSTALLATION. II 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-84 C.3.1 TEMPORARY ESC C.3.1.4 PLASTIC COVERING Purpose Plastic covering provides immediate, short-term erosion protection to slopes and disturbed areas. Conditions of Use I. Plastic covering may be used on disturbed areas that require cover measures for less than 30 days. 2. Plastic is particularly useful for protecting cut and fill slopes and stockpiles. Note: The relatively rapid breakdown of most polyethylene sheeting makes it unsuitable for long-term applications. 3. Clear plastic sheeting may be used over newly-seeded areas to create a greenhouse effect and encourage grass growth. Clear plastic should not be used for this purpose during the summer months because the resulting high temperatures can kill the grass. 4. Due to rapid runoff caused by plastic sheeting, this method shall not be used upslope of areas that might be adversely impacted by concentrated runoff. Such areas include steep and/or unstable slopes. Note: There have been many problems with plastic, usually attributable to poor installation and maintenance. However, the material itself can cause problems, even when correctly installed and maintained, because it generates high-velocity runoff and breaks down quickly due to ultraviolet radiation. In addition, if the plastic is not completely removed, it can clog drainage system inlets and outlets. It is highly recommended that alternatives to plastic sheeting be used whenever possible and that its use be limited. Design and Installation Specifications I. See Figure C.3.1.D for details. 2. Plastic sheeting shall have a minimum thickness of 0.06 millimeters. 3. If erosion at the toe of a slope is likely, a gravel berm, riprap, or other suitable protection shall be installed at the toe of the slope in order to reduce the velocity of runoff. JI TOE IN SHEETING IN MINIMUM 4")(-4" TRENCH PROVIDE ENERGY DISSIPATION AT TOE "WHEN NEEDED FIGURE C.3.1.D PLASTIC COVERING TIRES, SANDBAGS, OR EQUIVALENT MAY BE USED TO WEIGHT PLASTIC SEAMS BETMEN SHEETS MUST OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 12" ANO BE WEIGHTED OR TAPED 11 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C 1/24/2005 C-85 SECTION C.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) MEASURES Maintenance Standards for Plastic Covering l. Torn sheets must be replaced and open seams repaired. 2. If the plastic begins to deteriorate due to ultraviolet radiation, it must be completely removed and replaced. C.3.1.5 MARK CLEARING LIMITS/MINIMIZE CLEARING Purpose Minimizing clearing is the most effective method of erosion control. Undisturbed vegetation intercepts and slows rainwater. Plant roots hold soil in place, and dead vegetation on the ground acts as a mulch. Applications Clearing limits shaJI be marked and clearing minimized on any site where significant areas of undisturbed vegetation wiJI be retained. Design Specifications Minimizing clearing should be incorporated into the site design. Clearing limits must be marked on the smaJI site ESC plan. On the ground, clearing limits must be clearly marked with brightly colored tape or plastic or metal safety fencing. If tape is used, it should be supported by vegetation or stakes, and should be about 3 to 6 feet high and highly visible. Equipment operators should be informed of areas of vegetation that are to be left undisturbed. Maintenance Fencing shaJI be inspected regularly and repaired or replaced as needed. C.3.1.6 SILT FENCE 1/24/2005 Purpose Use of a silt fence reduces the transport of coarse sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Conditions of Use Silt fence may be used downslope of aJI disturbed areas. Silt fence is not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor is it intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Design and Installation Specifications I. See Figure C.3.1.E and Figure C.3.1.F for details. 2. The geotextile used must meet the standards listed below. A copy of the manufacturer's fabric specifications must be available onsite. AOS (ASTM 04751) 30-100 sieve size (0.60-0.15 mm) for slit film 50-100 sieve size (0.30-0.15 mm) for other fabrics Water Permittivity (ASTM 04491) 0.02 sec·1 minimum Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM 04632) 180 lbs. min. for extra strength fabric 100 lbs. min. for standard strength fabric Grab Tensile Elongation (ASTM 04632) 30%max. Ultraviolet Resistance (ASTM 04355) 70°/o min. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-86 C.3.1 TEMPORARY ESC 3. Standard strength fabric requires wire backing to increase the strength of the fence. Wire backing or closer post spacing may be required for extra strength fabric if field performance warrants a stronger fence. 4. Where the fence is installed, the slope shall be no steeper than 2H: IV. 5. If a typical silt fence (per Figure C.3.1.E) is used, the standard 4 x 4 trench may not be reduced as long as the bottom 8 inches of the silt fence is well buried and secured in a trench that stabilizes the fence and does not allow water to bypass or undermine the silt fence. Maintenance Standards I. Any damage shall be repaired immediately. 2. If concentrated flows are evident uphill of the fence, they must be intercepted and conveyed to a sediment trap or pond. 3. It is important to check the uphill side of the fence for signs of the fence clogging and acting as a barrier to flow and then causing channelization of flows parallel to the fence. If this occurs, replace the fence or remove the trapped sediment. 4. Sediment must be removed when the sediment is 6 inches high. 5. If the filter fabric (geotextile) has deteriorated due to ultraviolet breakdown, it shall be replaced. FIGURE C.3.1.E SILT FENCE JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES, WIRE RINGS, OR EQUIVALENT TO ATIACH FABRIC TO POSTS, 2"x2• BY 14 Ga. WIRE OR d,;=;~==-EQUIVALENT, IF STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC USED I I I I I I I I I I FILTERFABRIC ---1 -,r:,--------:iT-- I I 6' MAX. I ~ MINIMUM 4"x4" TRENCH // U / \ BACKFILL TRENCH WITH NAT1VES0ILOR3W-1.5" / POST SPACING MAY BE INCREASED WASHED GRAVEL TO 8' IF WIRE BACKING IS USED 2"x4" WOOD POSTS, STEEL FENCE NOTE: FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE POSTS, REBAR, OR EQUIVALENT INSTALLED ALONG CONTOUR WHENEVER POSSIBLE II 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C 1/24/2005 C-87 SECTION C.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) MEASURES FIGURE C.3.1.F SILT FENCE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Dig trench Toe-In-fabric Stake Reinforce Monitor Maintain and clean C.3.1.7 VEGETATED STRIP 1/24/2005 Purpose Vegetated strips reduce the transport of coarse sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Conditions of Use Vegetated strips may be used downslope of all disturbed areas. Vegetated strips are not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor are they intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Design and Installation Specifications 1. The vegetated strip shall consist of a 25-foot minimum width continuous strip of dense vegetation with a permeable topsoil. Grass-covered, landscaped areas are generally not adequate because the volume of sediment overwhelms the grass. Ideally, vegetated strips shall consist of undisturbed native growth with a well-developed soil that allows for infiltration of runoff. 2. The slope within the strip shall not exceed 4H:1V. 3. The uphill boundary of the vegetated strip shall be delineated with clearing limits as specified in Section C.3.1.5 (p. C-86). 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-88 C.3.l TEMPORARY ESC Maintenance Standards I. Any areas damaged by erosion or construction activity shall be seeded immediately and protected by mulch. 2. If more than 5 feet of the original vegetated strip width has had vegetation removed or is being eroded, sod must be installed. C.3.1.8 TRIANGULAR SILT DIKE Purpose Triangular silt dikes (TSDs) may be used as check dams, for perimeter protection, for temporary soil stockpile protection, for drop inlet protection, or as a temporary interceptor dike. Silt dikes, if attached to impervious surfaces with tack or other adhesive agent may also be used as temporary wheel wash areas, or concrete washout collection areas. Conditions of Use I. May be used for temporary check dams in ditches. 2. May be used on soil or pavement with adhesive or staples. 3. TSDs have been used to build temporary sediment ponds, diversion ditches, concrete washout facilities, curbing, water bars, level spreaders, and berms. Design and Installation Specifications 1. TSDs must be made of urethane foam sewn into a woven geosynthetic fabric. 2. TSDs are triangular, 10 inches to 14 inches high in the center, with a 20-inch to 28-inch base. A 2- foot apron extends beyond both sides of the triangle along its standard section of 7 feet. A sleeve at one end allows attachment of additional sections as needed 3. Install TSDs with ends curved up to prevent water from flowing around the ends 4. Attach the TSDs and their fabric flaps to the ground with wire staples. Wire staples must be No. 11 gauge wire or stronger and shall be 200 mm to 300 mm in length. 5. When multiple units are installed, the sleeve of fabric at the end of the unit shall overlap the abutting unit and be stapled. 6. TSDs must be located and installed as soon as construction will allow. 7. TSDs must be placed perpendicular to the flow of water. 8. When used as check dams, the leading edge must be secured with rocks, sandbags, or a small key slot and staples. 9. When used in grass-lined ditches and swales, the TSO check dams and accumulated sediment shall be removed when the grass has matured sufficiently to protect the ditch or swale unless the slope of the swale is greater than 4 percent. The area beneath the TSD check dams shall be seeded and mulched immediately after dam removal. Maintenance Standards 1. Triangular silt dikes shall be monitored for performance and sediment accumulation during and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Sediment shall be removed when it reaches one half the height of the silt dike. 2. Anticipate submergence and deposition above the triangular silt dike and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dike/dam. Immediately repair any damage or any undercutting of the dike/dam. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C l/24/2005 C-89 SECTION C.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) MEASURES C.3.1.9 WINTER STABILIZATION Purpose In order to minimize sediment-laden runoff, as much of the bare and disturbed portions of the project site as possible should be covered during any period of precipitation. Once sediment is mobilized, it is much more difficult to effectively control. Application All project sites require winter stabilization between October I and April 30 (the wet season). Design Specifications During the above time frame, slopes and stockpiles 3H: IV or steeper and with more than 10 feet of vertical rise shall be covered if they are to remain unworked for more than 12 hours. Other disturbed areas shall be covered or mulched according to Table C.3.1.A (p. C-82) if they are to remain unworked for more than two days. Cover material sufficient to cover all disturbed areas shall be stockpiled on the site at the beginning of the wet season. Areas that are to be left unworked during the winter shall be seeded prior to September 23. Maintenance The project site should be inspected weekly and immediately before, during, and after storms. Cover and other erosion control measures shall be repaired and enhanced as necessary to prevent or minimize sediment runoff and transport. C.3.2 FINAL STABILIZATION 1/24/2005 Purpose Final stabilization minimizes sediment-laden runoff from the project site after construction has been completed. Application All sites require final stabilization prior to final construction approval. Design Specifications Prior to final construction approval, the project site shall be stabilized to prevent sediment-laden water from leaving the project site after project completion. All disturbed areas of the project site shall be vegetated or otherwise permanently stabilized. At a minimum, disturbed areas must be seeded and mulched to ensure that sufficient cover will develop shortly after final approval. Mulch without seeding is adequate for small areas to be landscaped before October I. All permanent surface water facilities (including catch basins, manholes, pipes, ditches, channels, flow control facilities, and water quality facilities) impacted by sedimentation during construction must be cleaned. Maintenance Permanent erosion control is the responsibility of the owner. The project site must be kept stabilized using landscaping, mulch, or other measures to prevent sediment-laden water from leaving the project site and to prevent sediment from being transported onto adjacent properties and roads. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix C C-90 Meyer Short Plat -DRAFT Technical Information Report The Concept Group Appendix F Maintenance Procedures February 2008 Appendices APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 2 -INFILTRATION FACILITIES Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance Is Perfonned Infiltration Pond Trash & Debris See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 General Poisonous Vegetation See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 or Noxious Weeds Contaminants and See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Pollution Unmowed See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Grass/Ground Cover Rodent Holes See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Insects See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Infiltration Pond Erosion See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Side Slopes Infiltration Pond Tree Growth See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Emergency Overflow Spillway and Berms over 4 feet in height. Infiltration Pond Rock Missing See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Emergency Overflow Spillway Infiltration Facility Sediment A percolation test pit (ponds) or test of facility Sediment is removed and/or facility Storage Area indicates facility is only working at 90% of its is cleaned so that infiltration system designed capabilities. If two inches or more works according to design. Ponds sediment is present, remove. are reseeded if necessary to control erosion. Infiltration Facility Sediment and Debris By visual inspection, little or no water flows Replaced gravel in rock filter. Rock Filters through filter during heavy rain storms. (If Applicable) Infiltration Facility Sump Filled with Any sediment and debris filling vault to 10% of Clean out sump to design depth. Sump Sediment and Debris depth from sump bottom to bottom of outlet pipe (If Applicable) or obstructing flow into the connector pipe. Infiltration Facility Filled with Sediment Sediment and debris fill bag more than 1/2 full. Replaced filter bag or redesign Filter Bags and Debris system. (If Applicable) Infiltration Facility Sediment Remove when 6" or more. Sediment cleaned out to designed Pre-settling Ponds pond shape and depth or sediment and Vaults is removed from vault. Ponds are reseeded if necessary to control erosion. Note: Sediment accumulation of more than 0.25 inches per year may indicate excessive erosion is occurring upstream of the facility or that conveyance systems are not being properly maintained. The contributing drainage area should be checked for erosion problems or inadequate maintenance of conveyance systems if excessive sedimentation is noted in an infiltration facility. Check twice a year during first 2 years of operation; once a year thereafter. Clean manholes/catch basins, repair damaged inlets/outlets, clean trash racks. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A 1/24/2005 A-3 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed General Trash & Debris Trash or debris of more than % cubic foot which No Trash or debris located (Includes Sediment) is located immediately in front of the catch basin immediately in front of catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by opening. more than 10%. Trash or debris (in the basin) that exceeds 1 /3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the basin. lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and outlet pipes free of trash or more than 1/3 of its height. debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases (e.g., methane}. Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would volume. attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Corner of frame extends more than % inch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top curb face into the street (If applicable). Slab Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches Top slab is free of holes and cracks. or cracks wider than ~ inch (intent is to make sure all material is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab. separation of more than % inch of the frame from the top slab. Cracks in Basin Cracks wider than % inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to design Walls/Bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch standards. basin through cracks, or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than 1h inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch wide at at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. Settlement/ Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to design Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards. Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas, oil No flammable chemicals present. and gasoline. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more No vegetation blocking opening to than 10% of the basin opening. basin. Vegetation growing in inlet/outlet pipe joints that No vegetation or root growth is more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches present. apart. Pollution Nonflammable chemicals of more than % cubic No pollution present other than foot per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any Catch basin cover is closed open catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on Mechanism opens with proper tools. Not Working maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less than '% inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 lbs. of lift; intent is keep cover from maintenance person. sealing off access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards and misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges. allows maintenance person safe access. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A A-6 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Metal Grates Unsafe Grate Grate with opening wider than 7/a inch. Grate opening meets design (If Applicable) Opening standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris. of grate surface. Damaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. NO. 6 -DEBRIS BARRIERS (E.G., TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20% Barrier clear to receive capacity of the openings in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more Bars. than% inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% Repair or replace barrier to design deterioration to any part of barrier. standards. NO. 7 -ENERGY DISSIPATERS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. External: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Replace rocks to design standards. Rock area five square feet or larger, or any exposure of native soil. Dispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the Pipe cleaned/flushed so that it Sediment design depth. matches design. Not Discharging Visual evidence of water discharging at Trench must be redesigned or Water Properly concentrated points along trench (normal rebuilt to standards. condition is a "sheet flow" of water along trench). Intent is to prevent erosion damage. Perforations Plugged. Over% of perforations in pipe are plugged with Clean or replace perforated pipe. debris and sediment. Water Flows Out Top Maintenance person observes water flowing out Facility must be rebuilt or of ~Distributor" Catch during any storm less than the design storm or redesigned to standards. Basin. its causing or appears likely to cause damage. Receiving Area Over-Water in receiving area is causing or has No danger of landslides. Saturated potential of causing landslide problems. Internal: Manhole/Chamber Worn or Damaged Structure dissipating flow deteriorates to % or Replace structure to design Post. Baffles, Side of original size or any concentrated worn spot standards. Chamber exceeding one square foot which would make structure unsound. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A 1/24/2005 A-7 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 10 -CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment & Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the Pipe cleaned of all sediment and diameter of the pipe. debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water AU vegetation removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged; rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50% deterioration to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases the cross section area Pipe repaired or replaced. of pipe by more than 20%. Open Ditches Trash & Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of all design depth. sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches. through ditches. Erosion Damage to See uDetention Ponds~ Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds~ Table No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design standards. Place or Missing (If the rock lining. Applicable). NO. 11 -GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance Is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20% of the Weeds present in less than 5% of (Nonpoisonous, not landscaped area (trees and shrubs only). the landscaped area. noxious) Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation present in vegetation. landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper, cans, bottles, totaling more than 1 cubic Area clear of litter. foot within a landscaped area (trees and shrubs only) of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than 5% broken which affect more than 25% of the total of total foliage with split or broken foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of injury. knocked over. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and supported or are leaning over, causing exposure adequately supported; remove any of the roots. dead or diseased trees. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A 1/24/2005 A-9 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 12 -ACCESS ROADS Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway free of debris which could square feet (i.e., trash and debris would fill up damage tires. one standards size garbage can). Blocked Roadway Debris which could damage vehicle tires (glass Roadway free of debris which could or metal). damage tires. Any obstruction which reduces clearance above Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet road surface to less than 14 feet. high. Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10-to Obstruction removed to allow at 12-foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet least a 12-foot access. or any point restricting access to less than a 10- foot width. Road Surface Settlement, Potholes, When any surface defect exceeds 6 inches in Road surface uniformly smooth with Mush Spots, Ruts depth and 6 square feet in area. In general, any no evidence of settlement, potholes, surface defect which hinders or prevents mush spots, or ruts. maintenance access. Vegetation in Road Weeds growing in the road surface that are more Road surface free of weeds taller Surface than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches tall and than 2 inches. less than 6 inches apart within a 400-square foot area. Modular Grid Build-up of sediment mildly contaminated with Removal of sediment and disposal Pavement petroleum hydrocarbons. in keeping with Health Department recommendations for mildly contaminated soils or catch basin sediments. Shoulders and Erosion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erosion and Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. matching the surrounding road. Weeds and Brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches in hinder maintenance access. height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A A-IO APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 22-BAFFLE OIL.NVATER SEPARATOR Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. Vault Area Monitoring Inspection of discharge water for obvious signs Effluent discharge from vault should of poor water quality. be clear with out thick visible sheen. Sediment Sediment depth in bottom of vault exceeds 6 No sediment deposits on vault Accumulation inches in depth. bottom which would impede flow through the vault and separation efficiency. Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulation in vault Trash and debris removed from Accumulation (floatables and non-floatables). vault, and inleUoutlet piping. Oil Accumulation Oil accumulations that exceed 1 inch, at the Extract oil from vault by vactoring. surface of the water Disposal in accordance with state and local rules and regulations. Vault Structure Damage to Wall, Cracks wider than %-inch or evidence of soil Vault replaced or repaired to design Frame, Bottom, particles entering the structure through the specifications. and/or Top Slab cracks, or maintenance/inspection personnel determines that the vault is not structurally sound. Damaged Pipe Joints Cracks wider than %-inch at the joint of any No cracks more than Y4-inch wide at inletfoutlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles the joint of the inletfoutlet pipe. entering the vault through the walls. Baffles Damaged Baffles corroding, cracking, warping and/or Repair or replace baffles to showing signs of failure as determined by specifications. maintenance/inspection person. Inlet/Outlet Pipes Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulation in inletfoutlet Trash and debris removed from Accumulation (floatables and non-floatables). vault, and inletfoutlet piping. Damaged Pipes Inlet or outlet piping damaged or broken and in Pipe repaired or replaced. need of repair. Access Cover Damaged/Not Cover cannot be Opened. Corrosion/deformation Cover repaired to proper working Working of cover. specifications or replaced. Access Ladder Damaged Ladder is corroded or deteriorated, not Ladder replaced or repaired and functioning properly, missing rungs, cracks, and meets specifications, and is safe to misaligned. use as determined by inspection personnel. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A A-18 ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton; WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.kingcounty.gov September 12, 2008 Kayren K. Kittrick Development Engineer Supervisor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Road Variance Recommendation to the City of Renton Meyer Short Subdivision (Files L08S0018 and L08V0052) Dear Ms. Kittrick: Cff'Y OF REN f()N RECEIVED SEP 1 6 2008 BUILDING DIVISION King County is currently reviewing the Meyer preliminary short plat application pursuant to terms of the interlocal agreement between the City of Renton and King County. The project site is located in an area recently annexed by the City of Renton. During our review of the subdivision, the applicant submitted the enclosed road variance application regarding intersection spacing along 116th Ave SE. To continue our review of the preliminary short plat, a decision by the City of Renton is required for the road variance application. The following summary provides a description of the site issues and a recommendation for the road variance. Findings: 1. The proposed short plat is located on the east side of 116th Ave SE which is classified by King County as an urban minor arterial street. As outlined in the 2007 King County Road Standards Section 2.1 OB, the arterial classification requires 500 feet of spacing between intersections. The proposed private access tract s·erving the subdivision is located along the south property line and does not meet the required arterial spacing from both SE 190th Lane and SE 192nd Street. 2. Road access for the subdivision is proposed as a private tract serving 3 lots. The private road entrance is located on the east side of 116th Ave SE and is approximately 53 feet south of the existing intersection at SE 190th Lane and approximately 330 feet north of SE 192nd Street. The property is zoned R-6 and has the potential for serving more than the 3 lots shown on the site plan. 3. The applicant's description of the variance provides an incorrect summary of the spacing standard for 116th Ave SE. The arterial roadway is classified by King County as a minor arterial with a required spacing of 500 feet, rather than 300 feet. A traffic study was not performed by the applicant to evaluate potential traffic conflicts along the arterial. •'. .Kayren K. Kittrick September 12, 2008 Page2 4. Based upon the enclosed site plan, it appears the proposed road serving the lots could be located near the north property line and meet County standards for alignment with SE 190th Lane. The variance application provides no specific evaluation of alternative access locations and the applicant's justification does not satisfy the criteria for approval of a road variance as outlined in the 2007 King County Road Standards Section 1.12. 5. The property located north of the Meyer short plat appears to have subdivision potential with R-6 zoning and may also need road access which complies with intersection spacing and aligns correctly with SE 190th Lane. A road located along the north property line of the subject property may be beneficial for future traffic circulation and avoid additional road variances in the future. Recommendation: King County recommends denial of the variance application for reduced intersection spacing from SE 190th Lane. The road access for the short plat shall be located along the north property line to match the road centerline at SE 190th Lane. At this location, the intersection is located approximately 390 feet from SE 192nd which is acceptable. The enclosed variance application includes a site plan prepared by the applicant. The applicant did not provide a specific traffic analysis for the project. An aerial photo and parcel mapping is also provided by King County. Please review the variance application to determine if you agree with our recommendation. If you have questions or need any additional information regarding the variance, please contact Mr. Peter Dye at (206) 296-71 'ilS or via email at pete.dye@kingcounty.gov. Sincerely, / , ; v Molly Develo Enclosure: Road Variance File L08V0016 cc: Peter Dye Curt Foster .... _ .... ~~ITvvdS+t----"'---_ ~,.,,1'98055-1219 ·~. Gate of Mailing: April 2, 2008 ===============-=-=--=-----=------=-=-=--=-=-=-=-- If you wish to receive a copy of the ODES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No.: L08S0018-Meyer Short Plat ~'::~,-, ~A \~1~J&- Address: \?o b ~ S ~ g 1h \} ) H: MAIN FILE copy Telephone No.: ------ King County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. r', j .P•2 NOA " ~'\-..,.SZ,, Ll!L\-<l~~<l ""'(DIA ,OYJ ~ IJ L.CL!l,o I.,,,\ :'>..sL..-Pr-0~ S..:-:i C\G't) OCL\U') ~"A q''i5(j3S QJJ;-..:~ • til King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 206-296-6601 www.metrokc.gov February 21, 2008 Jeff Meyer 19100 l 16'h Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 RE: Permit Fee Estimate: A08PPOO 1, Meyer Short Plat Permit Type: Preliminary Short Plat Dear Mr. Meyer: The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has implemented a program for managing certain types of permit applications to provide customers with an enhanced level of customer service. The Project Manager Program (PMP) seeks to provide customers with increased predictability for the permit process and better accountability from County review staff. For permit applic,ations using the PMP, a project manager is assigned to the permit to facilitate communication with the applicant and provide a fee estimate to cover the anticipated scope of review. The project manager will also monitor and manage the permit application throughout the review process to ensure revie.w schedules remain in line with performance standards and the overall work hours are within the range of estimated fees for the project. The enclosed information provides a summary of the fee estimate for the anticipated work disciplines associated with the preliminary review phase and fee estimate revisions which may affect the final permit fees. If you have any questions regarding the permit fees, please contact me via e-mail at trishah.bull@kingcounty.gov or by telephone at 206-296-6758. Sincerely~ ~@;@@;OW @;@ T~Bull, Project Manager ,-•" I. !:l 7008 L:~s~ Services Division Enclosure ~ f,CO~ f\\; IA])§ §((})0}1.§ K.C. D.D.E.S. ~ King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Permit Estimate Number: A08PPOOI Date: February 21, 2008 Permit Title: Meyer Short Plat Permit Type: Preliminary Short Plat Based on permit information submitted by the applicant, the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has determined the amount of review fees for the subject application. The fees shown below do not include ancillary permit fees, recording fees, project-related mitigation fees or other fees that are passed through to the applicant from other agencies, or as part of the project's environmental review. Fixed Fees: Bldg Fire Flow Review Counter Service Fee for Application Intake Total Fixed Fees: Estimate for Hourly Fees: ('lQJJI.ge,;.~x $140.00) Total Permit Fee Estimate: Amount Due at Application (I 00% fixed fees plus 50% of hourly fees estimate is due.)· $139.00 $284.00 $423.00 $14,140.00 $14.563.00 $7,493.00 Note: The estimate for hourly fees stated above is based on the total estimated number of hours not to exceed I 01 hours for the disciplines listed below, and is calculated using the department's hourly rate in effect at the time the work is performed. Based upon the attached fee estimate revisions, the number of hours required may be modified. The total estimated hours reflect work performed by some, or all, of the following disciplines: Engineering, Land Survey, Engineering Technical Support, Critical Areas, Traffic, Project Management and Planning. Please see attached Fee Estimate Worksheet for specific fees. Your permit will be billed using a six-month installment plan. Your first Project Management Statement will reflect the installment schedule to be paid for your permit. You may choose to pay the balance in full or make monthly payments. To avoid finance charges, please submit the minimum payment each month. If you have questions about the billing statement, please call Elaine Gregory, Finance Manager, at 206-296-7139 or the Billing Hotline at 206-296-6659. ti King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Acknowledgment Permit Estimate Number: AOSPPOOI Date: February 21, 2008 Permit Title: Meyer Short Plat Permit Type: Preliminary Short Plat Estimated Maximum Hours: Applicant: Jeff Meyer [!!!ll!f"~"ilE!.§JitQQ The following fee estimate revisions are attached and are part of the fee estimate for this permit. The applicant is required to submit a signed copy of this form with their application, acknowledging that the applicant has read the fee estimate revisions stated below,. Fee Estimate Revision Applicants are responsible for all fixed fees, reported hours performed in reviewing submittal materials and processing, up to the fee estimate. Changes in the scope of the project review will result in a revised review fee estimate. Fee estimates are based on information submitted to DOES by the applicant prior to finalization of the permit application. In addition, estimates are determined by utilizing historical data gathered from projects of similar type, size, and scope. The fee estimate will be the maximum fees charged unless the scope of the project changes. Should fewer hours be required to complete the review, the applicant may receive a refund for those hours. If items are identified that are not originally disclosed, a new estimate may be required. Applicants will be responsible for any additional hours identified in a new estimate if: I. The applicant fails to provide accurate, complete, or timely information. 2. The applicant fails to disclose a site or development issue that creates the need for additional review, that could not have been reasonably anticipated by the Project Manager during the preparation of the previous Fee Estimate. 3. The applicant changes the scope or design of the proposal, creating the need for additional review, that could not have been reasonably anticipated by the Project Manager during the preparation of the previous Fee Estimate. 4. The applicant fails to complete the construction of the project in a timely manner, creating the need for additional review, unanticipated by the Project Manager during the preparation of the previous Fee Estimate. 5. The applicant files an appeal and the Fee Estimate did not anticipate an appeal. 6. The applicant makes a request to separate the review of the project into distinct phases. 7. There has been unauthorized construction on the property, including, but not limited to, clearing or grading, or an associated code enforcement case is opened. 8. The King County Council modifies permit fees. 9. The project is modified, such that there is a change in the building valuation and the resulting building valuation fees. ti King County Keeping review fees at or below the fee estimate will depend on the applicant's commitment to complete the process review. This commitment should include submitting materials which address all County codes, policies, previously approved conditions and responding to the County's request for corrections or additional information in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days. The applicant must acknowledge this Fee Estimate and submit this acknowledgement with their application. If the applicant does not acknowledge the Fee Estimate, the Department may deem the application incomplete, place the application on "hold" and stop the Department's review, or "cancel" the application in accordance with K.C.C. 20.20.050. ~ Acknowledged the above 0 Acknowledged but wish to appeal Applicant/Owner Name (print) Date File Number A08PP001 Return to: Trishah Bull -~~~~~---- ' ~ King County PROJECT MANAGEMENT STATEMENTS WITH INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLANS: PLAN REQUIREMENTS AND FINANCE CHARGES. Your application is being "project managed," and thus you will be provided a budget estimate that is based on historic averages and the information you provided with the application. PAYMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Under the ODES Finance Section project management system, you will receive a monthly statement for the total amount due that will include any past due amounts, current fees, or budget adjustments, and any installments due by the first of the following month. Your permit will be billed in installments. You will be required to pay the 'Total Amount Due' as reflected on the "Remittance Advice" page for your Project Management Statement. Any remaining balance will be billed in equal monthly installments on subsequent Project Management Statements. You may make full payment of the 'Total Balance' reflected on the first page of the Project Management Statement at any time; however you must make the amount due on the remittance advice in order to avoid finance (late) charges. If the project is approved before all of the installment payments are billed, all outstanding balances will be billed on the subsequent statement. FINANCE CHARGES:. To avoid finance charges, payment will be required prior to the due date listed on the remittance advice of the statement. Finance charges are assessed on the outstanding delinquent balance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND APPEALS: An appeal process to project management fee estimates is in legislation. The authority and details of the procedures have not yet been finalized. By checking the Acknowledged the above, the applicant/owner consents to the information provided in this letter. However, if you check the Acknowledge but wish to appeal box, the applicant/owner is contesting the estimated cost of the permit and requesting an appeal on said costs. The applicant/owner will be notified of the stipulations and requirements to complete an appeal. Acknowledgement and the required application materials are mandatory prior to the review of the permit application. In addition, you are still required to pay the deposit, current balance and any future installments. Failure to do so will result in finance charges. ' ~ King County PROJECT MANAGEMENT STATEMENTS WITH INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLANS: PLAN REQUIREMENTS AND FINANCE CHARGES. Your application is being "project managed," and thus you will be provided a budget estimate that is based on historic averages and the information you provided with the application. PAYMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Under the ODES Finance Section project management system, you will receive a monthly statement for the total amount due that will include any past due amounts, current fees, or budget adjustments, and any installments due by the first of the following month. Your permit will be billed in installments. You will be required to pay the 'Total Amount Due' as reflected on the "Remittance Advice" page for your Project Management Statement. Any remaining balance will be billed in equal monthly installments on subsequent Project Management Statements. You may make full payment of the 'Total Balance' reflected on the first page of the Project Management Statement at any time; however you must make the amount due on the remittance advice in order to avoid finance (late) charges. If the project is approved before all of the installment payments are billed, all outstanding balances will be billed on the subsequent statement. FINANCE CHARGES: To avoid finance charges, payment will be required prior to the due date listed on the remittance advice of the statement. Finance charges are assessed on the outstanding delinquent balance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND APPEALS: An appeal process to project management fee estimates is in legislation. The authority and details of the procedures have not yet been finalized. By checking the Acknowledged the above, the applicant/owner consents to the information provided in this letter. However, if you check the Acknowledge but wish to appeal box, the applicant/owner is contesting the estimated cost of the permit and requesting an appeal on said costs. The applicant/owner will be notified of the stipulations and requirements to complete an appeal. Acknowledgement and the required application materials are mandatory prior to the review of the permit application. In addition, you are still required to pay the deposit, current balance and any future installments. Failure to do so will result in finance charges. Update Vers/on OIS1107 ~ King County Land Use Services Division Project Management Fee Estimating Worksheet Pennit Type: Pr911mlna,y Short Plat Prepared For. .111Mtffl1111,1a,_ _________ _ FtxedFNI . A. COUnter Service Intake 27.0l.030 Intake Group 3 284.00 B Fire Protection Plan Review 27.10.°'° Type of Permit E Short Subdivisions Permit/PreApp No: AOIPP001 Permit Type: PRE-SP S 284.00 S 139.00 Current Planning Section 35 ~Hrs. S 4 ,900.00 ---------------- I SEPA ThrNhold: (TD) D. Threshold Detemlfna· .10.080 0 Hrs. --- I Pr:ot,c:t .....,....._ F .. : (PIil e.--General servlceiee. 2'7.02'100 ---20 ___ 20_Hrs. s 2,800.00 ----- 8 _i ___ 8 Hrs . s 1,120.00 , ......... ,.(1111 F-. DOT"Suppc>ltSlaff- I Engll1Nl'lng Review: (ER) G . Engineeri 27.1 0.080 34 34 Hrs . s 4 ,760.00 6 _ .. __ 4_Hrs. s 560.00 I Flnal Sumy Review: (FRI H. Survey-Review. ·21.10:200 !Grpdlnp Rplp ,_ (GA) I. Grading Revtew-Estimate-atxMt-Base 3 Hrs. 21;10:1· GO 22 Wl 13 35 0 Hrs. K. Exceptions and Variances 27 .10.140 Estimate: Hrs. ------ L. Other-(ShoreHnes, FPA} 27:10:140 PR Estimate: Hrs. Total Fixed Fees: $423.00 S 423.00 Hourly Fee: $ 14, 140.00 Total EstlrNf9d Review Hours: 101 Total Fee &tlmate: s1,,m .oo Fff Payment to Date: Balance: Numw of Installments: ~- <' ® King County REQUEST FOR SCHOOL INFORMATION PRELIMINARY PLATS Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 DATE: March 20, 2008 TO: Renton School District #403 FM: Trishah Bull, PPMIII RE: Proposed Meyer Short Plat LUSD File No: L0SS0018 The Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision in your District. Enclosed is a copy of the (revised) plat map received by the Land Use Services Division on February 29, 2008. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accurate information to the public, and for LUSD to serve the School District better, please provide us with the following information: Which schools do you anticipate the students living in this subdivision would attend? Elementary __________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle. _______________________ _ Sr. High. ___________________________ _ Will the students walk or be bussed to these schools? Elementary ___________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle. _______________________ _ Sr. High, __________________________ _ If the students will be bussed, where do you anticipate the bus stops will be located? If that information is not available at this time, currently, where are the closest bus stops located to this site? Elementary ___________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle. _______________________ _ Sr. High, __________________________ _ Other Comments:. ___________________________ _ Please complete this form and return it by March 31, 2008 to the address below. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Shannon Dorr at 206-296-6673. Thank you. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN: Shannon Dorr, Project/Program Manager II 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 LUSD/FORMS/CPSFORMS/REQSCHOL.INFO ® King Count{ - Departmen of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division · 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 96057-5212 B\!Jotice ©f Application (Type 2) ~·, Tt'J ::{:{!;: ,;1 ,, . ,;,,:;.:,• Development--reg~lation~t9;~e·usegjfi'>r,,,pt,c5j~§t!rn/lig~tJ~nikr'iov?!;i(~tti6\s; .. tim.~: KCC.21'~;/ir\~l~;tl_ingI}i Critical Area Re ulations ,Roaa Staiid~rds '•an&1,,2005{$'urfa'ce,,Water,rDesi.' ri!Man'u~I: .. } :; . . g ... ; ; '··. ··'.',:",.· · ·;;·.,:·;""':1, '' :"'"·1:: ., (':-'(!:'-!!',:11-1•!_ .. ,., .. ,_, ...... ,.·,i·::t:'··::'\;1::", · .;.,,.,, .. !•' ... :.1;,: .. : · ..• ,.-, ·/ · '' g ·1.· .. ,i,::::1.':.,·: _ _.-_:·,11,.1·1 · < • ··, ::::1:, '' •• ,' :', _! , •• Consistency with applicable County pl1ins and]~l=lgulati~tj·s: · ·Th/#·iM·~~o~~lwill.be reyJ~i~~if;f~I: compliance. with all· a_j:)plicaq!El)~ing. ~O\j_ntycoj:11il\iJri9,I ~cling.· Road,~~'1~~~~'~; . Surface· Water· DesignJVlariual;i~nd Critical Area~:;~gdes; : . • • ·. ,;,;,.)Ji(.· . . . ··, •· . r ,'°'. Other permits not included in this application, known at this time!;Nbrifa~:this time. ."1·' .· .·--.·{ The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on April 25. 2008. Written 'comments on this application must be submitted fo ODES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this a/iplication prior to the ODES decision. However, the ODES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the.appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or la'rge print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services . Date of Mailing: April 2. 2008 Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 ----=---==--====-================================= If you wish to receive a copy of the ODES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat (Please print) Name: ----------------------------- Address: ----------------------------- Te I e phone No.: . . . . · · King County has received an application to develop property at the ~ddress listed above. You.are receiving this notice because our records indicate that you own· property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. Type2 NOA f\\.~co ~ ~©@:OW@:[g) FEB 2 9 2008 K.C. D.D.E.S. L08SOO @ SHORT PLAT NO.=~~- KING COUNTY,. WASHINGTON DEDICATION ICNOW AU PECA.E 8T lHESE PRtS[NIS --. tho ~ ......,. o1 inloral In UN -h«di)' ,,,.,_ OUl>dMded, l>etq, -ti:, -plotlo btUNgn,pt,lo--olthe-- n>aclo .....,._ -""her.t,y-to the .... "' UN p.,t,11o r ...... ou-.--not-•priwr!e'*-"""docicatoUN =--=:::.·=~~in::-:.::-...:: al __,..,_.,.,.o.it.Nfill-UN1ats---lntho orip,al-9f°'*'9ot_.tr...._ ...-:---·tl>o-ol thop..t,iloollhe---- -1h11 -(llot , ..... pubic -.. ...,_ --. .... clldng out""' .... "' parb.----~ ---...--••opedlical)r1<1"'11!1Monl!n o!lortplotoolleinq-.ctotCOffi'0)'8dloo.,.._.oronlityothw lhGl,thopubllo,hl'hichc-. ... >loMr"Oo\'dodicato--.. .......,onto,,,rltoctltotho-oront.'ty.r.rtll!o4ondfwlhe --f'-... ~ .......... ti._...,._ ~ ...... , ... ~tholr--.......... .., _ .. 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DATUM KINB C0MTY 1111 !l80SI ELEV-5U.Q8 REF'ER£NCE SUJMJS HORTHIIESTERN &.\KEN TRACTS. DIY. 4 VOLU!E <17 CF PU.TS. PAGE 71. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tl£ ll£ST 300 FEET CF LOT 7. l'L.llCX 1, NCIATHIIES'Tm<I 6ARDEH TRACTS, AS PER Pl.AT IEOHJEll IN va..UE "7 IF PU.TS. PAGE 7 4 FElDllS OF KIHG CClM'Y AllltTCIR, EXWT T}£ r«IITH 70 FEET THEREOF. SITU.I.TE IN TI£ CClt.NTY IF KING. STATE OF lfASIUNGTON. w ........ I L61 S89"23'24''EI 19.00'1 ~-I L7 S89"23'24''E 30.00' -6-GA!ll.IHE -111........: 11.lTEJLII£ -s--81.NIT.I.RY SElCEA = ........ ; g MEYER SHORT PLAT RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE filad for record ttw .•...•.. day of .. -...... ,200 .... aL ....... t,f .... .at the~ af SupL af Record" LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ,I.I Shart Plat corr.ctty repruuiU, a IIUl'Vey made by me o,r under my dlntetlori in confefT!IOnC'e .,lh the requirement. af the Oppn)p=~ln~-~~ and · 1:di ;l\('.;;i{ ,.:.,F Critlcate No. 34145 ~ DRYCO ~ Surveying, Inc . 12714 VALLEY AVENUE EAST SUMNER, WA 98390 253-826-0300 fax 253-826-9703 OWN. a, Is a<KD. " hp Jeff Meyer 19100 116th Ave SE Rmtoo. WA 98058 "'"' /27L200B = """ N0-2007205 SHEET 1 gr 1 fNJotice ® of Application King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division · 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 Relevant environmentai documents are avail~tHe atthei~bove acldrei~;;: · .-.:?r(:··. -· ·r::;r· · · .,. ;.i (Type 2) ,: , .. , ... i':,:.·, Developmehtregulations to: be'.·Jsedi,.f br ptd]iJtirnitig'atf&hi•~riow'i,i,tt~'ls tirne: KCC .21~)iJ~1UJin~f ;: Critica1• Area•·R13··. Jiiiti(ji'Js·••Rbaa sti!H'ttiii'His a'ntl,,2oos 11s'oH!ice'.Wliiter·/Desi ·· riiiVli:IH'l'.1~1, ·.··.'>J ..... , -g ·-· ,·. ,,,._ ··-r:.:i: . ;\J_--i, .... , .. ,e 'L=:''."'.L·::'~':/··ee·.,., '-'.\(:1~rr::::;t[,_"'.:··-~('';;,•-··,,-.· -·--~.:::-::.r:~~~~.:\·:d-1·· -.,.:,,1., ''J"!,,, 'i' ::>;::-/:;),.,; ', . ' l'"',:.;-.::t ~"!:':} ;:-i:!:{< Consistency.with applicable.· Co.Linty. plans. anlf\f!9gulati;ris: · · Th!i:i~h!Pi>;c1\:will .·be .• r~li,!~~~~(f~~. ;/ ;;1' . ·. compliance w!th,al! a~plicat?l~~!$i11g, ~o.,gp1Y,co~ji!:ii~?,11:1c:1~,tjgCRoadl!l,~,,'),~~:~~,l'~'i:\:~1 Surface Water Des1gn::1V1anua'l)c!nd Crrt1c!ll Area~\podes. ; , , ):Ii;,:.\> · ' · . . ; ,... . '.,, '· . ' . .·,. ·,, :_._,; .. ;.I · '.::!. .. ',.:;: ,.i._r, .·.. • Other permits not included in this application, known althis time::!Ncih~ atthis time. . ' .,. ' .,· ' . The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on April 25, 2008, Written 'comments on this application must be submitted to ODES at the address below. A public hearing is · not required for this application prior to the ODES decision. However, the ODES decision may be appe·aled to the. King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision ori the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be induded in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed .above, You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office, NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TIY), Department of Development and Environmental Services . Date of Mailing: April 2, 2008 Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 --------------=----=------==----===--====----===-- If you wish to receive a copy of the DOES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. : L08S0018 -Meyer Short Plat (Please print) Name: _______________________________ _ Address:._·------------------------------- Telephone No.: . , . . , . . . . . King CounW has received an application"to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because o_ur records indicate that you own· property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal. Type2 NOA @ SHORT PLAT NO. KING COUNTY, WA~S~H=IN~G~T~ON~ DEDICATION APPROVALS, DEPARTMENT Of D£V£l.OPMOO ANO EIMRONMENT~ SERVICES ~---!No-""'"' .lOll._ --· I.and I.Jot --DMoio<, [-.-1 ... --It. -..,. "' 20Q.__ DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Emnined cn:1 --IHI _ "'1 of------°"Pu!r-- ""'--I ·RECORDING NO. I VOL/PAGE GRAPHIC SCALE 1 ·=~0' SCALE: I-f' \ .o,, \ l " 0 ,20 PORTION OF KNIJWAU.PEDPt..Ell'l'THESEl"RESDllSll>ot·••,lhollnd"""J,,.downo<T I ~£....., --819840 0141 I _,., l/"t 01 ...,,. l/"t . ~ ofnlo<nlir,tho.....,"1nb)I-OlbdMdtd.t>er.i,..,..,.llio • • ohott • to IHI UM 9'a;no ,.--ol lhe lhott ..--.., c:w • ,. c:w • ,. s.--M.. i 23N R._~ E -~.--~-·lhe-olhp,,t,lc,........ ol-----ao~MJ-,ond-.:Olotllo ':°-.<A-:: ~al~ =..'":.t~,:' lolhe1na': cl ~ ....... loralloondllill -lhelabi __ ... 11,e o;igi,ol-~dMld.ir..t:.ond--,OM,..._ ~lolhou•'111hopullliocllho---tncb--..,lhlo-plat , ..... Plllt*-•lnclcoled-.-.in- cludiivbutMtllml!od loparb. .,-·---fflinog,o ..-aa-artJvottor•sp,tdflC<llly~antt,;. onarlplat•bos"iJ-otcc,...,....ito,_ .. _,oth., "-tllO (l<lllk, In -.la, cmo -• '*"°"'I'--otTMto. -....,i.,ortrooct.tolho-or...tl!rident/f;ool-fortlle --f,.a,.,,tho~...wnoltllo_.......,._ k<bcMtod -, ... --. llloir lien -"B9'" ---oronllly<1"'"'9lillo,,_tho.....,..........,,.cn1o1 -l<r ..._ .....-Mi-19 c...i,. ill ----"'"'9"' •oi<h "'">' IHI _,-.... by tho -~ eonstruotlo,,, or --to-.co ol -ond/• <1roir>o>9o tJ'llsmo oritlun this lhott ....,_ ---,.-..1nim .....,_ ....w-"1 lc;ng -· f-.11,o~-ollhoknl'*-,- ~-,-~---....... lo~ and -'°"II eo.m~. b -·--........ ~ --dcano,;o.~ ...,.com"'..,__.,,.,..__..,.,.. ... ._ lhlo -..--.1o --___ ,,,_"' lhe ~ ..r-, ~ .-g.. ... -... ------.-..... .... .,,..--_,_ -.. ~ollhofOUlwlthinthla.....-1..-WO.,. ,.,,,._,lhio --~ .... -... _ ... =~~""a..-:::.:=':"..::!."' port '"""11,o"""-'"'"'~~ ... ----.... ™"~-.....-.. --or-,,entlo --lo-dbtholrM-.tondk--....U.U,. -"'--~WITl€SSll'HOID:l',..NI_._..,.._ · ~co1"= f\\..~ , l~1 ~©~OW~[Q) FEB 2 9 7.008 K.C. D.D.E.S. 't::t,"' _........,_ . l<aorllyblotl ___ ...u.toct,,ry..W.-lhrl ..,..i 1No Nln-..t ---..... il WI M (lwo/ho,-)lnoo - -._,. 0d f<><tt... ----i, tho.........__ ·-· -----.. _ ..... 51,;teot~ -·--·-------! cerlil)' u.ot I b,ow ... ..__ac!Dry OYl,j...,.tt,Qt o/.,..i tla """""-'t---...;Ml lo IHI (l,i,/1,o,<) r... - ~ocl.111<1"'"----~--lhoi..tn..,,er,t. -· -----l,ly"""'"""'""'""""'"" RECORDER'S CERTIRCATE fhd for-~ thls ...... ~day of .......... ,200,,,.ot. .•..... M L O 8 SO O l"::Si::::-~~~-~.~·-·:. Mz · SupL of Records ....,, -1SE 178th street ff ... ~,~:1 ---.,,,, -< EQUIPMENT I: METHODOLOGY TOPCCN ll'.ITM. STA:OOH t: fl' 411 D"1:A "'""""' APPUCANT /CML ENGIHEER Han F'tlan. PE ~~= ~ =-IWAACttl Tl£ POSmC:ltW.. IMC6ltQ(ff FOR Nf'f Pffl'SICAL POINT ON THIS SU1MY REIATIVE TO Nff OTHER ~ iru:ss1H1S~[bfrn:r!HCJ:-~ Vicinity Map N.T.S. sso s. Dr'cn St 91,Ute f2U !le•ttl1, 11A 9EUOB 206-65&-0125 ~ / I I ----/ <nf~=:~'1---';"--~----,__ \ -~" ~ \ ,..---j-" S ZONEO R-, ! t • ! I • ! I • J I • ! § ~-· I ~ " RIICI~ ZONED R-I.'. ( l ,':"".:i " !ll!l'r.!2'1 2a..tlil' ' ·-f k. "l!I.IOr--'9 ~-· "~ • f :;.o.~, Ve · V -i -~ . I~ I ( . t ! • . ; ... 11 ••.• ~ ·;.1:,i r~ • . bt-~ b:_.:., : a2i1aa J· !El!Bflst a -II---.=5;;.;. i, ll CJ) --~ \ 12. Sewer' & Jriata' 30• J-';,;, / \ £asemrt P3' Plat ~ tm(ND of .i!ss:ie GlB1 8 WON..WEHT RXN> ntS SllM:Y 2007£622Xl1394 BASIS OF BWHHG BC&DI 0 F'lU(I F'IU'ERTY CCA6I AS UC>ICATED l4'1k m am SE 192nd street o S£T 1EBAA II CAP LSf 3045 1:1!,;mir, 2111 ill POWER TRANSFDRWER LINE BEARING LI NOO "36 '36 .. E L2 . S02 "10'55"W L3 S89 "18 '22 'E L4 S49 "39 '28 "W L5 N02 "10 '55 'E L6 S89 "23 '24 'E L7 S89 "23 '24 'E LLANO SURVEYOR'S CERTIRCATE DISTANCE 21.99' 23.00' 19.00' 3120' . 13.50' " ,;, 19.00' 30.00' ,, """"" """' b, """"""' El ""' """"" A,_ WA'IUI VALVE M WATS! METEl @ MolMtOI..£ -SEWER D ~TCH BASIN OR INtEr ., "' """ £ c.l.S VAi.VE OR G,1.S lH WMICER ---P--IMR l£Ml E1.ECTi!IC I.MES ~EOOt OF P"'ffllEHf ----l(-'-OWt,I UNI( OR WIRE FENCE -&-8Aa.DE -11---' IUTEll.ItE -9--SANnARY SENER ~"'"""' ICING CIJMTY SUIVEY CONTROL. ypmcAl DATUM KIIii Cl'.UfTT BN 590; EL£Y-!IU.98 RmRENCE SURVEYS Nll'llnlltlilEJII &J.REN TRACTS. DIV. 4. VOLUE 47 CF PL.I.TS. PAGE 74 LEGAi, Qrn;srtPJJON THE NEST 300 FEET CF LOT 7. 11..DCIC I, Ntf!THIIESTEAN 6ARCEH TRACTS. AS PER PU.T PECl:lFl£D IN Y11.\IE .t7 OF PU.TS. PASE 7(. FECIRlS OF ICIN6 ctum' AIJJITCill EXCEPT THE NORTH 70 FEET THEREOF. S!TU4TE lH nE ca..tm' OF ICIN6. STATE: CF W.f.SHINSTON. MEYER SHORT PLAT w { _; §? ! 1 nla Short Plat eorr9cily represents II tUl'Ve)I mode by me or unoder my direction In contormonce wflh the r.quiretl'lfflU of the oppropriate Stet. oncl County Statute 11ncl • OnlinC111()e In ............ 200 .... .. .!.!'. J!;l\,i'.);i;i'., .:.~1:, Certificate No. 34145 rq_ ~ ~ ~ Pu~~~~ Inc. ~2714 VALLEY AVENUE EAST SUMNER, WA 98390 253-826-0300 Fox 253-826-9703 ..,._., CHkD. "' Is hp Jeff Meyer 19100 116th Ave SE Renton WA 98058 "'" ~/2?L'.2008 = ,oe NO • 2007205 SHEU 1 OF 1 CITY OF RENTON DJEP ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: July 12, 2010 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office f Project Name: Meyer Short Plat :1 LUA (file) Number: LUA-09-090, SHPL-A I' If Cross-References: King Co. File #LOS0018 : AKA's: '.j Project Manager: Jerry Wasser Acceptance Date: February 29, 2008 Applicant: Jeff Meyer Owner: Same as applicant 11 Contact: Same as applicant ,I PID Number: 6194800141 ,I ERC Decision Date: ,: ERC Appeal Date: ,' I ,I Administrative Approval: June 25, 2010 'i Appeal Period Ends: July 9, 2010 Public Hearing Date: j Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: ' HEX Decision: Date: ,: Date Appealed to Council: , By Whom: Council Decision: Date: I 11 Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Subdivision of a 0.51 acre (23,652 square foot) site into two lots and one Joint Use Driveway Tract (Tract A) for the eventual development of an additional detached single family residence. l Location: 19100 116'" Avenue SE :, Comments: 'I I, le I I I I I I I Denis Law · · Mayoi July 8, 2010 · Jeff Meyer , 19100 1161h Avenue SE -Renton,WA 98058 SUBJECT: Meyer Short Plat Departnient of Community and Economic Development ' . · Alex Pietsch, Administrator LUA09°090, SHPL-A / Klng Co. File #LOS0018 Dear Mr. Meyer: . Please find enclosed,comments fromth~City's Property Services Division. Th.ese comments will guide you in the preparaticm of the. Short Plat for recording.· If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (4.25) 430-7219 ... Sin.cerely, ·. -~~ Gerald C. Wasser · · Associate Planner -Enclosure r , Renton .City Hall O 1055 Soutt-i Grady way O RentOn, Washi~gt'on 98057 0 rentonwa.gov · Denis Law Mayor · July 12, 2010 · Jeff Meyer i9100'116'h Avenue SE Renton; WA 98058 · .. SUBJECT:. . . Meyer Short Plat . . . .• LUALUA09-090; SHPL-A / King to. File #LOS0018 .. D_ear Mr. Meyer: • Thisletteris to inform you that the appeal period endedJuly9; 2010 for the Administrative Short Plat approval. No·appeals were filed. This decision isflnal and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclose,d li~ndout, titled "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for.this process. . · The advisory notes and conditions listed in the City of Renton Report & _Decision dated . June 25;2010must be satisfied before the short plat can.be recorded: If you have any • ·, . -; • • • I • -• , .• questions regarding the report aridcdecision issued for this short plat proposal, please ca11 me at (425l 430-13s2. i=~r questions regarding the recording process for tlie.short · ·•·plat, as well as for submitting revised pla~s, you may contact C~rrie Olson at {425) 430-· . . ' . . . . . ' .. 7235. Sincerely, . ~~ (jerald Wasser. · Associate Planner . Entlosure(s) · cc: . , Km Williams/ Party(les) of ~e-cord _ Renton City Hall o 1 OS~ South Grady Way o R~nton, Washing1:~n 98057 o rentonwa.gov DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 29, 2010 TO: FROM: Jerry Wasser ~ Sonja J. Fesser ~ • C• ~ \. \i SUBJECT: Meyer Short Plat, LUA-09-090°SHPL Format and legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Currently, the dedication of property for street purposes, in a short plat, requires approval by the City Council. Said dedication is achieved via a recorded City of Renton Dedication Deed document. If the dedication is to be recorded with the short plat, the dedication process needs to be timed in such a way that Council approval and all other matters pertaining to the dedication have been taken care of, and said document is ready to record. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit of the dedicated parcel(s). The legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant's surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit. The dedication process requires an updated Plat Certificate dated within the 45 day time period prior to Council approval of said dedication. Talk to the Project Manager if there are questions or further information is needed. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-09-090- SHPL and LND-20-0558, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The legal description of the subject property is incomplete as shown. See the attachment. h:\lilc sys\lnd -land subdivision & surveying records\lnd-20 -short plats\0558\rv100629a.doc • Addressee Name Page 2 of4 Date of Memo Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties have been provided. Provide sufficient information to determine how the short plat boundary was established. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. The lot addresses will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Note said addresses on the short plat drawing. Do note encroachments, if any. Remove from the "LEGEND" block everything from the "POWER TRANSFORMER" down to, and including, the "SANITARY SEWER". These items do not directly impact the subdivision. Do not include the "APPLICANT/CIVIL ENGINEER" block on the final short plat submittal. Remove the "VERTICAL DATUM" block from the submittal. On the final short plat submittal, remove from the drawing all references to utility facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. If the adjacent properties are platted, note the lot numbers, block number and plat name on the drawing. Remove the references to zoning (noted on the properties to the north and south of the subject property). The subject property is also noted as "ZONED R-6". Remove said zoning reference. Provide a short plat title report. Note ill! easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. Note the research resources on the short plat submittal. The City of Renton "APPROVALS" block is signed by the City of Renton Administrator. Department of Public Works. There is no Manager, Land Use Services Division and no Development Engineer at the city. h:\li[e sys\lnd -land subdivision & surveying records\lnd-20 -short plats\0558\rvl00629a.doc I~ Addressee Name Page 3 of4 Date of Memo -"-.-/ • '--..,,. Replace the "DEDICATION" block with a simpler block that better fits the subject short plat. The current dedication block is better suited for a plat. Also, replace the title of said block with "OWNER'S DECLARATION". Include a reference to "KING COUNTY" in the approval block for the Department of Assessments. Provide signature lines as required. All vested owner(s) of the subject short plat, at the time of recording. need to sign the final short plat submittal. Include a title report noting the vested property owner(s) names. Said title report is also needed for City Council approval of the street dedication. There is a "TRACT A" (20' X 54') associated with this short plat (south of proposed Lot 1 and adjacent to the westerly 12' strip that is to be dedicated for streets). Note: who is to own and maintain said Tract? Does the name Michael Nguyen (noted to the south of proposed Lot 2 and next to the reference to "TRACT A") have any significance? Is he the owner of said "Tract A" or just the owner of the property south of the subject property? Make this clear on the final short plat submittal. There is a "PROPOSED 10 FOOT SEWER EASEMENT" noted along the south line of Lot 2. Is said easement public or private? If private, a Declaration of Covenant statement needs to be noted on the short plat submittal. If public, a separate easement document (City form) is required at the time of conveyance of the lots to "others". Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. Reference the associated document(s) on the short plat drawing and provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. If there are new private easement(s) proposed with this short plat, include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easement: "Area for new private (utilities, access, etc.) easement". Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement(s) until such time as the lots are conveyed to others, via conveyance documents. The conveying document(s) need to include a statement about the together with and/or sub;ect to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, lfthe previous paragraph applies: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: h:\Jilc sys\lnd -land suhdivision & surveying rccords\lnd-20 -short plats\0558\rvl00629a.doc Addressee Name Page 3 of4 Date of Memo Replace the "DEDICATION" block with a simpler block that better fits the subject short plat. The current dedication block is better suited for a plat. Also, replace the title of said block with "OWNER'S DECLARATION". Include a reference to "KING COUNTY" in the approval block for the Department of Assessments. Provide signature lines as required. All vested owner(s) of the subject short plat, at the time of recording, need to sign the final short plat submittal. Include a title report noting the vested property owner(s) names. Said title report is also needed for City Council approval of the street dedication. There is a "TRACT A" (20' X 54') associated with this short plat (south of proposed Lot 1 and adjacent to the westerly 12' strip that is to be dedicated for streets). Note: who is to own and maintain said Tract? Does the name Michael Nguyen (noted to the south of proposed Lot 2 and next to the reference to "TRACT A") have any significance? Is he the owner of said "Tract A" or just the owner of the property south of the subject property? Make this clear on the final short plat submittal. There is a "PROPOSED 10 FOOT SEWER EASEMENT" noted along the south line of Lot 2. Is said easement public or private? If private, a Declaration of Covenant statement needs to be noted on the short plat submittal. If public, a separate easement document (City form) is required at the time of conveyance of the lots to "others". Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. Reference the associated document(s) on the short plat drawing and provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. If there are new private easement(s) proposed with this short plat, include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easement: "Area for new private (utilities, access, etc.) easement". Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement(s) until such time as the lots are conveyed to others, via conveyance documents. The conveying document(s) need to include a statement about the together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, it the previous paragraph applies: DE CLARA T/ON OF COVENANT: h:\filc sys\lnd -land subdivision & surveying rccords\lnd-20 -short plats\0558\rv100629a.doc Addressee Name Page 4 of 4 Date of Memo The owner of the land embraced within this short plat, in return far the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. The new private access /utilities easement(s) require(s) a "NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement noted on the short plat drawing. See the attachment. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. h:\file sys\lnd -land subdivision & surveying rccords\lnd-20 -short plats\0558\rvl00629a.doc ,,-I 234.17.' ~ lJ..X.17J / / \ \ \ LEGEND, 0 MONUMENT FOUND THIS SURVEY 0 FOUND PROPERTY CORNER AS INDICATED Q SET REBAR & CAP LS# 34145 II] , POWER ,~RANSFORMER ,£;. ELECTRIC METER a_ POWER fOLE d FIRE Hj(ORANT, /;/:,. WATER VALVE M WATER METER , G) MANHOJE -, SEWER . I . . 8 CATCH BASIN OR INLET I @' GAS METER , I & GAS VA~VE OR GAS LINE MARKER , ---+~ OVER HEAD ELECTRIC LINES , I, 8" 12' Sewer & Water Easement per Plat of Jessie Glen 20070522001394 • BASIS. OF, BEARING, KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL VERTICAL DATUM KING COUNTY BM 5809 ELEV=514.98 ENCASEb 4x4" Conc,Mon with Lead & T~tk at the intersection of SE 192nd & 116th Ave SE DIV. 4, VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 74 PAGE -r,r--EDGE OF PAVEMENT , -, -X-, _,, CHAIN ~INK OR WIRE FENCE "'-n lfil~E IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. -G-GASLINE , I("~ i '\'I \s;, -W-WATER~INE , \Ol ~ \,'v,J ~, -:;-; :,= ~61~6T~GRSY SEWER ~ ~Cl ? G 1GG\\ M E y E R s H O RT , p LAT w (.') ct. " _j f_.'@.RIGINAL Area: 23,652 SF (0.54 Acres) 0, , _ n t 0 > IO~V<C© DRYCO L\)S Surveying, Inc. 12714 VALLEY AVENUE EAST SUMNER, WA 98390 253-826-0300 Fax 253-826-9703 OWN .. BY CHKD. BY K'"' . '-'.> Is hp Jeff Meyer 19100 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058 DATE , JOB NO. 10/9/2008 2007205_r2 SCALE SHEET 1" =20' 1 OF 1 Title for both of the following paragraphs: NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREA TED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT rs PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM June 22, 2010 Sonja Fesser Gerald Wasser@ Meyer Short Plat, LUA09-090, SHPL-A Attached are copies of the survey and 2-lot short plat site plan for your review. This project was originally filed with King County and the City of Renton is processing it according to the lnterlocal Agreement for the Benson Cascade area. Your comments will be sent to the applicant under separate cover from the short plat approval. Please let me know if you need any other information. h:\ced\planning\current planning\projects\09-090.jerry\mcmo to sonja re prop serv comments.doc I I I I I I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION REPORT DATE: Jun~2010 Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: Meyer Short Plat Jeff Meyer, 19100 1161h Avenue SE, Renton, WA Same as above. Same as above. LUA09-090, SHPL-A Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.51 acre (23,652 square foot) site into two lots and one Joint Use Driveway Tract (Tract A) for the eventual development of an additional detached single family residence. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed in the City of Renton. The proposed project is in the King County R-6 zone and has a density of 4 dwelling units per gross acre. [The calculated gross density is 3.7 dwelling units per acre. However, King County Code Section 21A.12.070 specifies that when calculated densities result in a fraction of 0.50 or above, they shall be rounded up to the next whole number.] Proposed Lot 1 would be 11,013 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would be 10,611 square feet in size. Two sheds currently exist on the site. One of these sheds would be relocated on proposed Lot 1 and the other shed would be moved out of the proposed sewer easement and relocated. The existing single family residence would remain on proposed Lot 1. Access to both lots would be from 1161h Avenue SE via a Joint Use Driveway Tract (Tract A). The project is Categorically Exempt from SEPA regulations. 19100 1161h Avenue SE 1,020 sf Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 23,652 sf (0.51 ac) Total Building Area GSF: N/A 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: June 25, 2010 Meyer Short Plat Jeff Meyer, 19100 116th Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98058 Same as above. Same as above. LUA09-090, SHPL-A Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.51 acre (23,652 square foot) site into two lots and one Joint Use Driveway Tract (Tract A) for the eventual development of an additional detached single family residence. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed in the City of Renton. The proposed project is in the King County R-6 zone and has a density of 4 dwelling units per gross acre. [The calculated gross density is 3.7 dwelling units per acre. However, King County Code Section 21A.12.070 specifies that when calculated densities result in a fraction of 0.50 or above, they shall be rounded up to the next whole number.] Proposed Lot 1 would be 11,013 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would be 10,611 square feet in size. Two sheds currently exist on the site. One of these sheds would be relocated on proposed Lot 1 and the other shed would be moved out of the proposed sewer easement and relocated. The existing single family residence would remain on proposed Lot 1. Access to both lots would be from 116'h Avenue SE via a Joint Use Driveway Tract (Tract A). The project is Categorically Exempt from SEPA regulations. 19100 1161h Avenue SE 1,020 sf Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 23,652 sf (0.51 ac) Total Building Area GSF: N/A 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Deportment of Communjtv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT Report of June 25, 2010 09-090Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc -.... 1ministrotive Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Page 2 of 13 City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PIA T ~ 1ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Report of June 25, 2010 Page 3 of 13 ! 8. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the project. Vicinity Map Site Plan Zoning Map 15 WY, Road Variance Denial I c. GENERALINFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Jeff Meyer, 19100 116th Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98058 2. Zoning Designation: King County Residential -6 dwelling units per gross acre (R-6) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Residential (UR) 4-12 du/ac-1994 King County Comprehensive Plan 4. Existing Site Use: Single-family residence (to remain) 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Access: Single-family residence (City R-8 zoning) Single-family residence (City R-4 zoning) Vacant and single-family residence (City R-8 zoning) Multi-family residences (City R-8 zoning) 1161h Avenue SE via a 20-foot driveway and access easement 7. Site Area: 23,652 sf I D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: a. Water: Water supply for this two-lot short plat would be provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Water Availability was issued by the District on December 18, 2007. b. Sewer: Sewage disposal for this short plat would be provided by means of a public sewer system managed by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Sewer Availability was issued by the District on December 18, 2007. c. Surface/Storm Water: The site slopes gently downward from west to east. Currently runoff infiltrates to native soils. During heavy rainfall events, stormwater sheet flows in an easterly direction towards the back yard of the existing house into a residential 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT • -tministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Report of June 25, 2010 Page 4 of 13 development with improved curb, gutter, and stormwater management facilities. Future runoff would infiltrate into an underground infiltration trench. 2. Streets: The proposed short plat is adjacent 1161h Avenue SE which is classified as a collector arterial by King County. Section 2.03A of the 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards require the dedication of an 8-foot shoulder along 1161 h Avenue SE. No curb, gutter, or sidewalk is required. 3. Fire Protection: King County has given preliminary Fire Engineering approval subject to the applicant obtaining approval for the adequacy of fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards. E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE KING COUNTY CODE: 1. King County Code, Title 19A: Land Segregation 2. King County Code, Title 21A: Zoning a. Section 21A.28, Adequacy of Public Facilities and Services (School Adequacy) b. Section 21A.16.050, Landscaping-street frontages c. Section 21A.38.230, Tree Retention 3. 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards (KCRDS) 4. 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM} 5. King County Code 14.70, Transportation Concurrency Management F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan 2. Soos Creek Community Plan I G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Urban Residential (UR) 4-12 du/ac 1. Project Description/Background The applicant is requesting Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of 0.51 acres into two lots and one Joint Use Driveway Tract (Tract A). Lot 1 would be 11,013 square feet, Lot 2 is a pipestem lot which would be 10,611 square feet, and Tract A would be 1,080 square feet. The existing house on proposed Lot 1 would remain and an existing shed would be relocated; and, Lot 2 is proposed for the future development of an additional single-family residence. An existing shed on proposed Lot 2 would be relocated. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed by the City of Renton. The applicant filed a King County Application for Land Use Permits/Short Plat Application on February 29, 2008. The proposed project is within the Benson/Cascade Community. The Benson/Cascade Community annexation was approved by voters in November 2007 and the annexation to the City of Renton became effective on March 1, 2008. As specified in lnterlocal Agreement No. CAG-08-027, the City of Renton will process, using 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT Report of June 25, 2010 "'iministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Page S of 13 King County regulations, those projects vested in King County prior to the effective date of the Benson/Cascade Community annexation. The proposed project is vested to King County Residential-6 zoning and would have a density of 4 dwelling units per acre. [The calculated gross density is 3.7 dwelling units per acre. However, King County Code Section 21A.12.070 specifies that when calculated densities result in a fraction of 0.50 or above, they shall be rounded up to the next whole number.] The site very gently slopes downward from west to east. Because of the topography of the site only light earthwork is anticipated for the construction of an additional single-family residence. Access to both lots would be from 116'h Avenue SE via a Joint Use Driveway Tract (Tract A). A total of 10 trees exist on site. Six of these trees would be removed to accommodate construction of the joint use driveway tract to provide access to proposed Lot 2. The proposed project was originally filed on February 29, 2008 with the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services {DDES}, File No.L0850018, as a 3-lot short plat. The site plan submitted with that 3-lot request indicated that access would be along the southern property line. Because the proposed project is located on 116'h Avenue SE, classified by the King County as an urban minor arterial street, and did not comply with the intersection spacing requirements for projects of that size, a Road Variance (L08VOOS2) from the 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards Section 2.1 B was also filed. The variance requested that the 300-foot intersection spacing for access be reduced. King County recommended denial of that road variance and stated that the road access to the project should be located along the north property line to avoid the necessity of a variance for intersection spacing. Subsequent to that denial recommendation the applicant met with representatives of King County DDES and decided to reduce the project to a 2-lot short plat with a joint use driveway. This smaller project does not require the intersection spacing originally required by the 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800{6){a). This project is exempt from SEPA Environmental Regulations. 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions N/A 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various King County and City of Renton departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. S. Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT Report of June 25, 2010 a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation .. .,,ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Page 6 of 13 The site is designated UR 4-12 du/ac in the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the goals and policies established with this designation. It is also consistent with the Soos Creek Community Plan. b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is vested to King County R-6 zoning (Residential -6 dwelling units per gross acre}. Density: The proposed subdivision meets the King County base density (6 dwelling units per gross acre} and the minimum density of 4 dwelling units per gross acre. King County R- 6 zoning permits the lot sizes proposed. The proposed density is 4-dwelling units per gross acre. [The calculated gross density is 3.7 dwelling units per acre. However, King County Code Section 21A.12.070 specifies that when calculated densities result in a fraction of 0.50 or above, they shall be rounded up to the next whole number.] Lot Dimensions: The proposed subdivision meets the minimum lot width (30 feet} and minimum lot area (none specified} requirements of King County R-6 zoning. King County does not regulate lot depth for R-6 zoned lots. Lot 1 would be approximately 63. 77-feet in width by 213.08-feet in depth. Lot 2 is a pipestem lot; the pipestem is 122.65-feet by 15- feet and the main part of the lot is 111.5-feet by 78.61-feet. In order to maintain the character of the surrounding neighborhood, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the front yard of proposed Lot 2 be oriented toward the west. A note to this effect shall be placed on the face of the short plat. Setbacks: The minimum street setback in the R-6 zone is 10-feet. At least 20 linear feet of driveway must be provided between a garage, carport, or other fenced parking area and the street property line. Interior setbacks in the R-6 zone are 5-feet. Proposed Lot 1 would meet the minimum setback requirements and there is adequate area in proposed Lot 2 to meet the minimum setback requirements. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that both existing sheds indicated on the site plan (Exhibit 3) be demolished or relocated to Lot 1 prior to recording the short plat. Should the sheds be relocated to Lot 1 they shall maintain the 5-foot interior setback. c) Community Assets Vegetation on the proposed project site consists of grasses, shrubs, and evergreen and deciduous trees. There are seven fir trees which range in size from 14-inches to 30-inches in diameter, one 16-inch and one 10-inch diameter apple tree, and one 14-inch diameter cottonwood tree. The applicant proposes to remove six fir trees along the southern property boundary in order to accommodate access to the proposed lots. King County Code specifies that in Zones R-4 through R-48 trees shall be retained at a rate of 10 trees per acre or five percent, whichever is greater. As there are 10 trees on this 0.51 acre site, five trees are required to be retained. A detailed tree retention plan in compliance with King County Code 16.82.156 is required; replacement trees may be provided at a rate of 12-caliper inches (with a minimum tree size of 1 Y, caliper inches per tree} per significant 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PIA T Report of June 25, 2010 • -1ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09·090, SHPL·A Page 7 of 13 tree removed No additional on-site landscaping is proposed at this time. One street tree for every 40-feet of frontage is required as specified in King County Code 21A.16.050 and King County Road Standards 5.03. As specified in King County Code, street trees are owned and maintained by the abutting property owners. Street trees must be installed along 1161h Avenue SE and inspected prior to recording of the short plat. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the 14-inch fir tree and the two apple trees on proposed Lot 1 be retained as a minimum; 24 caliper inches of replacement trees are required (with each tree having no less than 1 Y, caliper inches diameter). The trees to be retained, replacement trees and street trees shall be shown on a detailed landscape plan submitted to the Planning Division project manager prior to recording the short plat. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations The proposed two-lot short plat complies with King County subdivision regulations (King County Title 19A, Land Segregation). e) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: The proposed short plat is adjacent to 1161 h Avenue SE which is classified as a collector arterial by King County. Section 2.03A of the 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards require that an 8-foot shoulder is necessary for a 2-lot subdivision. This shoulder improvement is indicated on the submitted site plan (Exhibit 3) and would take place within the existing right-of-way of 1161 h Avenue SE. Access to both proposed lots would be via a Joint Use Driveway Tract {Tract A). The applicant has proposed that the joint use driveway {Tract A) would have 20-foot wide paving for a length of 54-feet. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a note be placed on the face of the short plat indicating that the Tract A will provide the only access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 and that no other curb cuts would be provided. Fire Department access requires that a 20-foot wide, fully paved access be provided with a turnaround. In lieu of this requirement and in order to provide Fire Department accessibility, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the 15-foot wide pipestem driveway for Lot 2 be paved for an additional 96-feet (for a total pavement length of 150-feet from the western property line) with a turnaround of 25-feet interior and 45-feet exterior turning radii; and a note shall be placed on the face of the short plat that any house constructed on proposed Lot 2 be fire sprinklered. It is anticipated that the eventual development of an additional single-family residence on proposed Lot 2 would generate 9.57 average daily vehicle trips on City of Renton streets. The City's Transportation Mitigation Fee is based on $75.00 per average daily trip and is estimated to be $717.75. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant be required to pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee which is estimated to be $717.75. This fee is payable prior to recording the short plat. Topography: The site slopes downward gently from west to east approximately 4 to 7 percent. Soils consist of Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam (AgB) which contains moderately well drained soils. Minimal grading is anticipated at this time for access drives. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are developed with residential uses. The surrounding properties are zoned Residential-4 dwelling units per net acre {R-4) and Residential-8 dwelling units per net acre in the City of Renton. 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT Report of June 25, 2010 f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) • -lministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Page 8 of 13 Police and Fire: The City of Renton would provide fire and emergency services. The City's Fire Mitigation Fee is based on $488.00 for each new single-family lot. The fee for this project is estimated to be $488.00 and is payable prior to recording the short plat. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant pay a Fire Mitigation Fee estimated to be $488.00 which is payable prior to recording the short plat. In order to provide accessibility for fire apparatus the pipestem portion of proposed Lot 2 shall be paved to 150-feet from the western property line and that any future residence on proposed Lot 2 shall be fire sprinklered due to the length of the access. Schools: Future students from this proposed project would be accommodated at Benson Hill Elementary School, Nelsen Middle School, and Lindbergh High School. A Renton School District Impact Fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. The current fee is $6,310.00 per new single-family residence (with credit given for the existing house). Parks: The nearest public park is Boulevard Lane Park. King County Code 21A.14 requires subdivisions of more than 4-units in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on- site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. This subdivision is for two-lots and is, therefore, exempt from providing on-site recreation space. Storm Water: The site slopes downward gently from west to east approximately 4 to 7 percent. Soils consist of Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam (AgB) which contains moderately well drained soils. The Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by The Concept Group, dated February 25, 2008 states that current runoff infiltrates to native soils. During heavy rainfall events, stormwater sheet flows in an easterly direction towards the backyard of the existing house into a residential development with improved curb, gutter, and stormwater management facilities. Stormwater from the roof runoff for proposed Lot 2 and the driveway would infiltrate into an underground infiltration trench. A Technical Information Report was submitted with calculations that show that the proposed project is exempt from providing detention facilities per the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The proposed project would be served by public water supply and a public sewer system by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. Certificates of Sewer Availability and Water Availability were issued by the District on December 18, 2007. ! H. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant, Jeff Meyer, is requesting Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of a 0.51 acre parcel into 2-lots and a Joint Use Driveway Tract for the future construction of a single-family residence on proposed Lot 2 while retaining the single-family residence on proposed Lot 1. 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT Report of June 25, 2010 · -lministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09·090, SHPL·A Page 9 of 13 2. Application: The short plat application, short plat plan, and other drawings are contained within the official land use file. The King County Notice of Application was mailed on April 2, 2008. The short plat application was originally submitted as a 3-lot short plat proposal and was subsequently changed to a 2-lot short plat proposal. 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject site is located in the UR 4-12 du/ac designation of the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 4. Zoning: The subject property is located within the King County R-6 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with King County Code and conditions of approval. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposed subdivision complies with the subdivision regulations as established by King County Code and state law provided all conditions are complied with. 6. Existing Land Uses: The proposed short plat is compatible with the existing residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. 7. Public Utilities: Certificates of water and sewer availability were issued by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District on December 18, 2007. 8. Streets: The proposed two-lot short plat is required to comply with the 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards including dedication of an 8-foot shoulder along 1161 h Avenue SE. In conjunction with the original 3-lot short plat request, a Road Variance (L08VOOS2) for less than required intersection spacing for access was recommended for denial by King County. I 1. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the UR 4-12 du/ac designation of the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the King County R-6 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with King County Code and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed two-lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by King County Code and state law provided all conditions are complied with. 4. The proposed two-lot short plat complies with the 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards. 5. The proposed two-lot short plat is consistent with residential development in the surrounding area provided that the conditions of approval are complied with. 6. Certificates of water and sewer availability were issued by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District on December 18, 2007. 09·090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT Report of June 25, 2010 I J. DECISION: ~ 1ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Page 10 of 13 The Meyer Short Plat, File No. LUA09-090, SHPL-A (King County File No. L0850018) is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. A note shall be placed on the face of the short plat indicating the front yard of proposed Lot 2 shall be oriented to the west. 2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of King County Code Chapter 16.82, including King County Code 16.82.156 concerning significant trees on short subdivisions. A detailed tree retention plan, which complies with King County Code 16.82.15662 and other applicable requirements, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Planning Division project manager for review and approval prior to issuance of construction permits. At a minimum the applicant shall retain the 14-inch fir tree and the two apple trees on Lot 1; 24 caliper inches of replacement trees are required (with a minimum of 1 Y, caliper inches diameter per tree). The trees to be retained, replacement trees and street trees shall be shown on a landscape plan to be submitted to the Planning Division project manager for review and approval prior to recording the short plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the City of Renton Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per each new average daily trip (estimated to be $717.75) prior to recording the short plat. 4. A note shall be placed on the face of the short plat indicating that Tract A shall provide the only access to both Lots 1 and 2 and no other driveway cuts shall be provided. 5. The 15-foot wide pipestem driveway for Lot 2 shall be paved for an additional 96-feet (for a total pavement length of 150-feet from the western property line) with a turnaround of 25- feet interior and 45-feet exterior turning radii prior to construction permits. 6. A note shall be placed on the face of the short plat that any house constructed on proposed Lot 2 be fire sprinklered. 7. The applicant shall pay the City of Renton Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per each new single- family lot (estimated to be $488.00) prior to recording the short plat. 8. The two existing sheds on the project site shall be demolished or relocated to Lot 1 prior to recording the short plat. If the sheds are to be demolished, a demolition permit would be necessary with final inspection prior to short plat recording. Should the sheds be relocated to Lot 1, they shall maintain the 5-foot interior setback. 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT Report of June 25, 2010 DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: ~ -lministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Page 11 of 13 t; I 2{ /Io Dater I TRANSMITTED this 25• day of June, 2010 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner: Contac/Applicant/Owner: Jeff Meyer 19100 116'• Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 TRANSMITTED this 25'" day of June, 2010 to the Porty(ies) of Record: Kara Williams P.O. Box 1588 Renton, WA 98057 TRANSMITTED this 25'" day of June, 2010 to the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Lorry Meckling, Building Official Kayren Kittrick, Development Services Jon Conklin, Development Services Carrie Olson, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Renton Reporter Land Use Action Appeals, Request for Reconsideration, & Expiration The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on July 9, 2010-An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43-21.C.075(3}; WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, {425) 430-6510. 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PLAT "'ifministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09·090, SHPL·A Report of June 25, 2010 Page 12 of 13 RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that a decision on a short plat be reopened by the Administrator (Decision-maker). The Administrator (Decision-maker) may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator (Decision-maker) finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal timeframe. EXPIRATION: The administrative short plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are nat subject to the appeal process far the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC Section 4-4-030C2 limits haul hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Department of Community & Economic Development. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other non-residential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Protection measures during construction for retained trees shall include: o Applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained; o Applicant shall erect and maintain a 6-foot high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees. Placards shall be placed every SO- feet indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than SO-feet. Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four sides. The applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees; o If the grade level adjoining a tree to be retained is raised, the applicant shall construct a dry rock or rock well around the tree. The diameter of this wall or well must be equal to the tree's drip line; o Applicant may not install any impervious surface material within the area defined by 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc City of Renton Department of Communitv & Economic Development MEYER SHORT PIA T Report of June 25, 2010 the drip line of any tree to be retained; ""'ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-090, SHPL-A Page 13 of 13 o The grade level around any tree to be retained may not be lowered within the area defined by the drip line of the tree or an area around the tree equal to 1 Y, -inches in diameter for each one inch of tree caliper, whichever is greater; o Applicant shall retain a professional arborist or other qualified professional to prune branches and roots, fertilize, and water as appropriate for any trees which are to be retained. Property Services: o To be provided under separate cover. 09-090 Admin. SHPL Rpt.doc EXHIBIT 2 Vicinity Map ·N:T.S. - '~-fE 184th St ~ a, ~ 1c ~ ! ~ a, t ! 1c ...... ~ ~ .. ::; ~- j I~ 9; 188th St ~ Site i .. ~ SE m"d st ~ I ffi 195th st £i ~ .. $-=". ---""' I . , , ~ SVT ~r .. ::~.~ .. ~.] 33-T 2 3 ~-A4E, w i.M. •• ·-. IIOUli"," . i--;J. I ! I I ..•• · •..•. · . \ ,..- ,.rt~ . \ . ; . .J ~ \ -~-r, I 9. I ·1 \ ~ • di [JC.HD ;;, I 10t1t~1E1 \ '"" I f -~ I 0 ... \ __ ;.- t .· ~ ~- NOTES: 1. SU StCE1 CY FOR LCCOI) .. ~ CXllllRAC1llll SHAU. fEII 'otW'I' N.1. CRAOU Plltll 10 ~ 1 sa gur llf1 rOR -autlY STNGMDS CllHSIUCllCI!' N01tS. 4, .sa HCT DR1 rOR c:IUillACC Pl.NI. PRC1U • on...U: $. SU: SHUT un f'QII Ull.lTY F\Nf a PR<R£. Pll(RlUYlK m >< :::c 1-4 0, ~ w -'itt1 " j .. 2 6 I .\ •1 11w ~t~ f <P----· ---.· · I -:_"T -1'. ~ ... . _ ~-.f I · . t'- I ¥W I ~ ss ·-'JAtf 1""CT. 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""'-...- HU fD,llfrlOrtnStPNC.~U4 ........ .,. ~n:=.~~,--. SC.OU: - MEYER SHORT PLAT .19100 -116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILE AND SECTIONS -HEIIO. PG1 H£I 2 "' 5 llftt1 --·---~ .. --. -™ ---~....r--'T'"~-------------~..-: ZON ING MAP BOOK PW TECHN ICAL SERVICES . PRINTED ON 11/13/09 .,,. ............. ~-............. ~-·----...................... ., .... ....... n..-·~-OI'(......, .... .. ___ ., HS -28 .T23N R5E W 1/2 \ \ \ \ \ i \- ,~ I /L, \ ... -·~1, i \ I I j_i \ ~~1 I I I \ 1-------1..,-LL_I -r-\ t--,--~' _I_ I I \_ I 1_] I EXHIBIT 4 • -1 Lf I I ·-: ~ ~-i I ~l~~t-5 tH I/ r , j j I . 15 0 200 400 1-W IFeet 33 T23N RSE W 1/2 1:4,800 5333 ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton; WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.kingcounty.gov September 12, 2008 Kayren K. Kittrick Development Engineer Supervisor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 · fEXIHIXIBJr1J" !5 RE: Road Variance Recommendation to the City of Renton Meyer Short Subdivision (Files L08S0018 and L08VOOS2) Dear Ms. K.ittrick: CllYUr"Ht:l'IIVl~ RECEIVED SEP t 6 2008 BUILDING DIVISION King County is currently reviewing the Meyer preliminary short plat application pursuant to terms of the interlocal agreement between the City of Renton and King County. The project site is located in an area recently annexed by tlie City of Renton. During our review oftlie subdivision, tlie applicant submitted tlie enclosed road variance application regarding intersection spacing along I 16th Ave SE. To continue our review of the preliminary short plat, a decision by the City of Renton is required for the road variance application. The following summary provides a description of the site issues and a reco=endation for the road variance. Findings: I. The proposed short plat is located on the east side of I 16th Ave SE which is classified by King County as an urban minor arterial street. As outlined in the 2007 King County Road Standards Section 2.1 OB, the arterial classification requires 500 feet of spacing between intersections. The proposed private access tract serving the subdivision is located along the south property line and does not meet the required arterial spacing from both SE 190th Lane and SE 192°d Street. · 2. Road access for tlie subdivision is proposed as a private tract serving 3 lots. The private road entrance is located on tlie east side of I 16th Ave SE and is approximately 53 feet south of the existing intersection at SE 190th Lane and approximately 330 feet north of SE 192°d Street. The property is zoned R-6 and htµ; the potential for serving more than the 3 lots shown on the site plan. 3. The applicant's description of the variance provides an incorrect summary of tlie spacing · standard for 116th Ave SE. The arterial roadway is classified by King County as a minor arterial with a required spacing of 500 feet, rather tlian 300 feet. A traffic study was not performed by tlie applicant to evaluate potential traffic conflicts along the arterial. Kayren K. K.ittrick September 12, 2008 Page2 4. Based upon the enclosed site plan, it appears the proposed road serving the lots could be located near the north property line and meet County standards for alignment with SE 190th Lane. The variance application provides no specific evaluation of alternative access locations and the applicant's justification does not satisfy the criteria for approval of a road variance as outlined in the 2007 King County Road Standards Section 1.12. 5. The property located north of the Meyer short plat appears to have subdivision potential with R-6 zoning and may also need road access which complies with intersection spacing and aligns correctly with SE 190th Lane. A road located along the north property line of the subject property may be beneficial for future traffic circulation and avoid additional road variances in the future. · Recommendation: King County recommends denial of the variance application for reduced intersection spacing from SE 190th Lane. The road access for the short plat shall be located along the north property line to match the road centerline at SE 190th Lane. At this location, the intersection is located approximately 390 feet from SE 192nd which is acceptable. The enclosed variance application includes a site plan prepared by the applicant. The applicant did not provide a specific traffic analysis for the project. An aerial photo and parcel mapping is also provided by King County. Please review the variance application to determine if you agree with our recommendation. If you have questions or need any additional information regarding the variance, please contact Mr. Peter Dye at (206) 296-71 'l5 or via email at pete.dye@kingcounty.gov. Sincerely, :U ' Molly Develo Enclosure: Road Variance File L08V0016 cc: Peter Dye Curt Foster DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: M E M O R A N D U June 22, 2010 Sonja Fesser Gerald Wasser@ • M SUBJECT: Meyer Short Plat, LUA09-090, SHPL-A Attached are copies of the survey and 2-lot short plat site plan for your review. This project was originally filed.with King County and the City of Renton is processing it according to the lnterlocal Agreement for the Benson Cascade area. Your comments will be sent to the applicant under separate cover from the short plat approval. Please let me know if you need any other information. h:\ced\planning\current planning\projects\09-090.jerry\memo to sonja re prop serv comments.doc / .. Gerald Wasser From: Gerald Wasser Sent: To: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:52 AM 'tile. repair@comcast.net' Subject: RE: Meyer Short Plat Hello Jeff: I have asked Kayren Kittrick in our office to review your plans, the King County recommendation for denial of the Road Standards Variance Request and your engineer's response to the County's recommendation for denial. When I have her comments back, I will let you know if I need any additional information from you to continue processing your proposal. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: tile.repair@comcast.net [mailto:tile.repair@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:23 PM To: Gerald Wasser Subject: Re: Meyer Short Plat Hi Jerry, Just wanted to check in with you and see how were lookin on my project. Please let me know. Thanks Jeff Meyer GroutPro 425-890-9798 www.2groutpro.com -----Original Message ----- From: "Gerald Wasser'' <GWasser@Rentonwa.gov> To: "tile repair" <tile.repair@comcast.net> Sent: Wedn!3sday, January 20, 2010 8:57:28 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific Subject: RE: Meyer Short Plat Hello Jeff: Thank you for the information. By the way, I got your phone message as well. 1 . . ...... ' Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX(425)430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov -------------- From: tile.repair@comcast.net [mailto:tile.repair@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 1:16 PM To: Gerald Wasser Subject: Meyer Short Plat Gerry, . Thanks for meeting with me today. I called Han Phan who is the engineer for the project and fortunately he is still in business. He said that the piece in question by the road is a joint use track and is required under King County standards for this project. Since this project is being done under King County standards I would like to leave it that way to avoid having the plans re-drawn. Han said that you can call or email him anytime if you have further questions. His email is han@theconceptgrp.com and his phone is 206-229-6422. Thank You again, Jeff Meyer GroutPro 425-890-9798 www.2groutpro.com 2 From: To: CC: Date: Subject: Kayren Kittrick )l,' pete.dye@kingcounty.gov Glasby, Kenneth; Hoffman, Amber 09/17/2008 8:49 AM Meyer Short Subdivision Request for Road Variance The City of Renton agrees with the King County staff recommendation to deny the request for variance as submitted, including the recommended option to move the proposed access to the north property line. If a formal letter is needed, or further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Kayren K. Kittrick Development Eng. Supervisor Permits & Inspections Development Services Division (425) 430-7299 r ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services OAK-DE-0100 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057 6198400 l 60/L08SOO 18 DANG JEFF HAI 11606 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 Ef:~,-..,1::.--::s·t·t :J. '9B0Sd 980.S 7©52 :I. 9 c'" w'" >-j P50 .. ,_ wen "'"' ILii: ~~Pos,-4. a s"',~~-== ! (l ~ --=--== :,) ~ ~ PITNEY 80'\NES 02 1 $ «Jl«Jl.36° 200 APR 02 2008 ~ROM ZIP CODE 98055 ~ ·o 0 i::l "{Tl "CJ) 1'o :::0 0 > ~ © ~ .~ ~. '8, 4 ~ ~ X 900 NCE 1 307I 01 04/03/00 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TC SE:Nt) OANGi'HAI 10922 NE 151ST ST SOTHELL WA 98011-4031 RETURN TO SENDER 11, I , , I,, I , II, ,, , 1, 1 , 1 , , , J , I , I , , , I , I , , , I I I , I , , I , I , , I, I , , , I I , , I ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services OAK-DE-0100 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057 9266500070/LOSSOO 18 SAET~NE HAI KUE! 11452S !91STCT REN·r, N WA 98055 c"' w"' ~s 00 ., ... w"' a:a: n.U:: • ~ Q~t-~~~ •/g~~~~ Z ~ -.a:r:,~rn :J ~ PITNCV BOVio'ES 02 1M $ «Jll[J).J60 0004253200 APR 02 2008 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 98055 c.:::> co ~/u4 --< --··-__ , ) ,. :, ' '. 1 -:...: C0 ·., __, ' };lft,X~<a 9laJc;> ~s: 1 .,;l j. .OS/ 1,"t /,C',)8 !/ &Af·{~.,SN .f. 98,gffl~'i:°.o RETURN TO SENDER NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD ec: S80S7.S.2J.999 *2S89-0;12;1.3-17··20 I I , I II I, , I , I I II II I , I , I 111 I , I , I , II I, I, 11 II I, I , I I , 1 .. I , I 11 , II II I