HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc 8.... Site Development Associates, LLC , J 1 : / l,,a,n s,roet. 8otl,ell. Wmlu1gtcn 9i3Cll I -··------- WW\0:.5:..:J::ieri,;-1ir1:._;c's ccrn August2,2007 Jim Sanders Kind County ODES 900 Oaksdale Avenue Renton, WA 98028 RE: Sandhu -File# L06SR020 Response to Comments Dear Ted: The following letter is in response to Pete Dye comments regarding the final Sandhu plans dated 07/27/2007. Each item below addresses the corresponding comment in the letter: SHEET C4.3 • For Road Section A, label the sidewalk easement as a public road easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. We have updated the section and plans to reflect the requested changes. • Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. We have updated road section C to show curb on both sides. • For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 184'" is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We have updated the plans to clearly note the sawcut location. • For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01 C (3a) for design requirements. Cross section has been updated to match KCRS 3.01C. • Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in Drawing 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. RECEIVED AUG O 3 2007 KING COUN:rY LAND USE SERVICES We were unable to use the requested turnpike section at this location. There is an existing 8" waterline that runs under this section of sidewalk. This existing water line would be in conflict with the drain for the turnpike section.. The design that we have shown on the plans has been coordinated with Ted Cooper and the water district. Both patties have agreed to the design. Page 1 Office ~25.486.6533 Fax 425.486.6593 SHEETC4.0 • Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.10A. Property line radii has been updated. • Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Setbacks updated. A note has been added as well. • Provide the following note on the plans: Plan Note: Per KCRS Section 4.01F, a 1 inch full width overlay shall be required. Appropriate repairs lo the existing subgrade, base material, surfacing and pre-level may be required prior to placing the overlay. The overlay may be waived only upon written request and after an evaluation of pavement conditions and/or channelization requirements has been completed and approved by the County Road Engineer or Development Engineer. Note added to plans. • King County has recently changed the design standards for curb ramps. All intersections now require two ramps at each corner and the standard ramp widths are 4 feet rather than 3 feet. You can update the plans after reviewing the new memo from the County Road Engineer, or show the following note on the plans: Regards, "Curb ramps shown on these plans shall be revised in accordance with design standards outlined in memo dated 7/13/07 from the King County Road Engineer." We have added the additional curb ramps per the new KC standards. ment Associates, LLC Scott Mesic, P.E. Page2 \ ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 July 16, 2007 Kristen Davis Davis & Kurth Sandhu Properties LLC 1201 Monster Road SW, Suite 320 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Plat of Sandhu (DOES File No. L03P0027) Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L07MI035 Dear Ms. Davis: This is in response to your request for approval of the landscape and recreation space plan associated with the plat of Sandhu. We have reviewed your submittal and with the following conditions, approve it as submitted: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Street trees and tree retention plans shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the performance bond has been established at $38,587. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount also includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. At the time of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced. Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-6758. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please contact the Finance billing hotline at 206-296-6659 or email fgmu.ddes@kingcounty.gov. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. Sincerely, Trishah Bull, ProjecUProgram Manager II Current Planning Section, LUSD Cc: Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/encs FGMU w/encs File w/encs Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cooper, Ted Friday, July 27, 2007 2:50 PM 'Johnathan Kurth'; Dye, Pete Page I of I Cc: bhelsley@sdaengineers.com; Offe Engineers; Scott Mesic; joe@frontierconstructioninc.com; Mike Davis; Harvey Adams Subject: RE: Sandhu: tweaks to sheets Attachments: LD6SR020SandhuP1atReview1 .doc Johnathan, Here are our revised comments, in the attached document. I will be out of the office until August 6th. Please contact Pete Dye for questions. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 2:23 PM To: Dye, Pete Cc: Cooper, Ted; bhelsley@sdaengineers.com; Offe Engineers; Scott Mesic; joe@frontierconstructioninc.com; Mike Davis; Harvey Adams Subject: Sandhu: tweaks to sheets Importance: High Pete Thanks for the call back. Please send you thoughts to us asap and we will make the revisions right away and submit the sheets to you late on Monday as we talked about. I appreciate you helping us get these small items resolved so we can call a pre-con. Thanks Again! Johnathan Kurth 425.264.1966 (o) 4/5 ?46 5200 (c) 425 226 9227 lfi 1201 Monster Road SW #320 Renton. WA 98057 lm:loavis-"Kurth www .davis-ku rth .com 07/27/2007 l. Sandhu Plat L06SR020 Sheet C4.3 July 27, 2007 For Road Section A, label the sidewalk easement as a public road easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 184th is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01 C (3a) for design requirements. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in Drawing 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3 ',5 ') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. Sheet C4.0 Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.IOA. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Provide the following note on the plans: Plan Note: PerKCRS Section 4.01F, a 1 inch full width overlay shall be required. Appropriate repairs to the existing subgrade, base material, surfacing and pre-level may be required prior to placing the overlay. The overlay may be waived only upon written request and after an evaluation of pavement conditions and/or channelization requirements has been completed and approved by the County Road Engineer or Development Engineer. King County has recently changed the design standards for curb ramps. All intersections now require two ramps at each comer and the standard ramp widths are 4 feet rather than 3 feet. You can update the plans after reviewing the new memo from the County Road Engineer, or show the following note on the plans: " Curb ramps shown on these plans shall be revised in accordance with design standards outlined in memo dated 7 /13/07 from the King County Road Engineer." Page I of6 Cooper, Ted From: Cooper, Ted Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:41 AM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott, Please notice that the C4.3 sheet PDF you sent me has not been revised to address our latest list of concerns. It is identical to the one you submitted to us last week (with some issues unaddressed). In order to be useful we need to receive a revised sheet C4.3 that addresses our latest concerns and is consistent with the other PDF sheets you e-mailed. One additional item that is not completely clear is the exact horizontal and vertical location of the 8"-waterline relative to the center of the 8'-wide shoulder/walkway al_lhe proposed turni,ike_ CB. We need this information to clearly understand your design issues with the waterline. Clarification of this issue will also minimize the need for an additional avoidable review. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:30 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Here is Sheet C4.3. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:58 PM To: Scott Mesic; Bill Helsley; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott, I've taken a brief (but incomplete) look at the PDF's. Pete & I agreed we need to talk to Jim Sanders (hopefully tomorrow) 08/09/2007 Page 2 of6 about the location of the "V" of the turnpike before we comment on your PDF's. We will send our comments to you as soon as we have Jim's input. Please send a PDF of revised sheet C4.3 now. If we can look at this sheet tomorrow, it should further minimize the chance of more plan revisions. Please notice that our e-mail storage can become overfilled rapidly if you send files larger than 1 MB (a limit recommended by our our computer support staff). E-mail boxes that reach their limits may be unable to receive additional e-mails. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:31 PM To: 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu {L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Have you had a chance to review the PDFs that we sent earlier? Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott From: Bill Helsley [mailto:bhelsley@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:13 AM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: Sandhu {L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete, Attached are the PDF's that Scott was referring to. Please address any comments you may have to Scott. Bill Helsley, f-.L Site Development Associates, LLC 01 'l 7 t-.J,o·n Sirccr, Boih\;,. '0//\ 9B01' C'licc: 4?5.4fJ6.6533 x IO C..: eli: ')J6_,;B1; .3492 i :·1,'<: 1; 2 ;) . -1 CV;, 6 .'.> ';<~ 08/09/2007 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:28 PM To: 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted'; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 3 of6 I am revising the items that we talked about on the phone earlier this afternoon. I will send you PDFs first thing in the morning to review. Thanks, Scott From: Dye, Pete[mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: 5andhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues, I added numbers as shown below. 1. OK 2. The revised plans label Tract B as a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT B) on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve ........ You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff control and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please 08/09/2007 Page 4 of6 review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 1. Fet Reaci Seetien 1'\,, l~el the sittee,allc easetnent as a pttelie tett.~ easen1ent. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 1841h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01 C (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.01 C -cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3' ,5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. Sec response to comments. Sheet C4.0 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (se~ lot_14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. Pt e , ieie the K,lle, ,, ing ne.te 6ft the }'Ian:,: ,0Ja11 ,•Jat:e: ,c>.er ,!4GR8 Saa~ieR 4.Q1F, a 1 ,'ReR H:JN rn•EitR ai.'Bfi.ay BRa!I Jae ffJf,fbli,-=eel. A~f9!,r.'ate ,r:epairs te #le 8J(iB~iR~ 8HB§FBEl8, BBBB ff/Bffaria,I, BblffBBiR§ aRei 13,r:s f.e•,ce/ fl'l8)' Be •"Bffl:J;i{'t,f/ ~Fisr te ~!es.iFJ~ #le s,•sFla;i. TRe eveFf.ay fi'lS,' Be waive& eR.'f r:Jf:JBR \WitteR :ceff&est aR9 aRer BR eva}t.•a#eR eff:)aveffleRt eaRr:i.itiaRB BR9l-ar eFlaRReJ.izatlaR ,"'Bfft:.i.feffleRfB Rae BeeR eaFRfJi'eteEI BREI af)13ra;;,e€1 By #:le Gat:JRt)• Reae ER§iReer er eeve~f)ffleRt ER§iReer. 9. King Cet1Bey htts reeentl} eftftflgeflthe flesign Mttn6m6s Mr ettt:1' lttfflt'S. /rdl ifttetseeti6ns ll6n 1eqtti1e tn6 1an1r,s ttt each eemer ftl16 tire stttntlm6 tm,lf' ,,i6ths me 4 feet rfttfter th.ftft 3 feet. Yett eMt ttr,elate the r,lftfts after 1e, ie ,,ing the ne ,, meme frem the Cet1Bey Reftft Engineer, et she,, tfte Mlle,, ing nete efl the f'lflfls: Cttrlil IMl'lf'S she, 11\ en theeie rihtHei stttlll ee re, ieieel ifl aeeerelftflee ,, itlr 6esign sffltttimfls et1tline6 in ffletne ila.tefl 7/13}97 f1em tfte IGng Cettt'ttry R6tt6 Engii,eet." 08/09/2007 From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, Page 5 of6 I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Could you connect and see if all is good with your's and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. 08/09/2007 Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at ODES??? Thanks JK 08/09/2007 Page 6 of6 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Scott Mesic [smesic@sdaengineers.com] Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:30 PM Cooper, Ted; 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Attachments: SD-drdt03-Layout1 .pdf Ted: Here is Sheet C4.3. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:58 PM To: Scott Mesic; Bill Helsley; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com SUbject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott, Page 1 of 5 I've taken a brief (but incomplete) look at the PDF's. Pete & I agreed we need to talk to Jim Sanders (hopefully tomorrow) about the location of the "V" of the turnpike before we comment on your PD F's. We will send our comments to you as soon as we have Jim's input. Please send a PDF of revised sheet C4.3 now. If we can look at this sheet tomorrow, it should further minimize the chance of more plan revisions. Please notice that our e-mail storage can become overfilled rapidly if you send files larger than 1 MB (a limit recommended by our our computer support staff). E-mail boxes that reach their limits may be unable to receive additional e-mails. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:31 PM To: 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments 08/09/2007 Pete: Have you had a chance to review the PDFs that we sent earlier? Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott From: Bill Helsley [mailto:bhelsley@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:13 AM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete, Attached are the PDF's that Scott was referring to. Please address any comments you may have to Scott. Bill Helsley, F ~;e 0 1i(y c:,,i:1 ·, ... ,"'""i"r:u·inni Site Development Associates, LLC From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:28 PM To: 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted'; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 2 of5 I am revising the items that we talked about on the phone earlier this afternoon. I will send you PDFs first thing in the morning to review. Thanks, Scott From: Dye, Pete [mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues, I added numbers as shown below. 1. OK 08/09/2007 Page 3 of 5 2. The revised plans label Tract Bas a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT BJ on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve.. You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff control and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 1. Fat Re.Ml Seetieri l.:, lttl,el the side ,,ttllc easen1ent ttJ tt l'ttblie 1eatt ettttement. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 184 1h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at foglinc, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0lC -cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3 ',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from 08/09/2007 Page 4 of5 outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. Sec response to comments. Sheet C4.0 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lot 14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. Pts,itle tfle Mlle,,ing nate en fits f'lttns: P!s" Nate: ,Der !4CR£ See#eR 4. Q1F, a 1 ,WeR klN •Nie#J averf.ay sf:la/l Be ffJ€ftJiF88. A~Fst,Fiate Fef)airs te Ef:te f>JfistiR§ s1:1/,~e/e 1 Bass FRaff>ffB.', Bt:Jffae.•R§ aREi fJFB level iWay Be FBEfl::liFBel f}fier te fJ,'ee.i,qg #le sver.'er. TRs e•,•erl-ay ff1Bf Be Y.i<aivefl aRlJ• ~BR wri#eR ,"8f!t:Jest aR8 a#er BR et..•al1:1ah•aR efJ3B\18FRBRt eeREl.itier::rs aREiier eRaRReNratieR rer:,1:1ifBffi8Rt8 Raa BeeR 88ff1~,teleel BREI B~ffJVBEl By #ie Get:1Rf)• Reas ER§iReer er Betrele{aff1BRt eR§iReer. 9. Kin~ Cettftt) htts 1eeefttl) ehmJgetl the d.esign stttnd.ttteb fe1 etn1' tttn,ris. 2\:ll iMe1seetie.ns ne,, tectttire t,,e tmnr,s ttt etteh: ee1ne1 ftflcl th:e stftflcltttcl Ifttflf' ,,iclth:s me ~ feet tfttfter thtttt 3 feet. Yatt ean t11'tiftte tfte J'lftfls after re , ie •• ing the ne ,, meffte fretl\ the Cattnt) Rea6: E11ginee1, a1 ska , , tfle fella , , i:ng; tt6te an the f'lttt1s: Ctttb ttttllf'S sha ,, n an these l"hms sltttll be t e, isecl in tteeet clfttlee ,, ith. design :ffltftffmcls atttlinecl in 1t1e111a tltttecl 7/13,£97 f1arr1 tfle King Catttlt) Raat:i Engi11ee1." From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 08/09/2007 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August OS, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Page 5 of5 Could you connect and see if all is good with your's and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:lS AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at DDES??? Thanks JK 08/09/2007 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Bill Helsley [bhelsley@sdaengineers.com] Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11 :13 AM 'Scott Mesic'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Attachments: SD-drdt02-Layout1 .pdf; SD-hc01-Layout1 .pdf; SD-dr01-Layout1 .pdf Pete, Attached are the PDF's that Scott was referring to. Please address any comments you may have to Scott. Bill Helsley,, f. ~)(·.nkY C!/1 , ·rE>~_:;, Site Development Associates, LLC From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:28 PM To: 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted'; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 1 of 4 I am revising the items that we talked about on the phone earlier this afternoon. I will send you PDFs first thing in the morning to review. Thanks, Scott From: Dye, Pete [mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues, I added numbers as shown below. 1. OK 2. The revised plans label Tract B as a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT B) on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, 08/08/2007 Page 2 of4 otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve ........ You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff control and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 1. fe,1 ~ttti Seetie,tt i\., lttbel the sifle n alk ettsement as a l'lffllie rettcl ea::,ement. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 184 1h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0lC-cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnn.lk!.' shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3' ,5 ') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. See response to comments. Sheet C4.0 08/08/2007 Page 3 of 4 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see loL14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. Pta, icle the felle, ,, ing fl.ate an the plm,:s: ,"left ,•Jete: Per KCR8 Ses~iBR 4.Q1.£, a 1 ,'ReR fM.'J •.rl.'Eith a•,ce/46r BRBH 13e f8€ft.'if8€i. Af=)-J3,"8j3ri8te Fef3ahr8 t6 #Re e~t.iBtiR§ at:1/:Jgraee, Base FRate.r=ia.', s1:1Ffae.iR§ BREI 19re J.evel FRBf Be FBEfHiFeel 13r.ier te J3laeiRg #re ever/.a;<. +.J,e e•,'8t4ar FRa;• 8e wait.'88 BRlj' f:J,/3SR 'ATitt-eR •"8f/l:IBBf BREI a#er 8R 8~'8.fMaffBR Bff3BVBR'IBRt 88REi.ftieRB BRS/er eRBRRekca~ieR ffJ(tt:IA"BFRBRfB Aas BeeR 881Rf,1'.eff1EI BReJ 8f>fJ;?:S•ie€1 Br #re GBl:IRf)' RaaEi ER§iReer er eeve.'Bf)FRBRt ERgiRBBf. 9. K:iHg Cettfli) haJ 1eeerttl, ehttflgea the 6.esigft Mftfldtt:t6J fer ett1l, tBfflf'S. 2\ll inte13eetie1t3 na,, tettttire t,,a IftfflJ'::! at eaeft eertter ftflti. the Mtttlti.ftfti. ttlffl}' ,,iati1::1 Me 4 feet tattler tlifttl 3 feet. Yett eftfl tt}'ti.ate The l'lans after re, ie ,, ing the tte ,, meMa ftam the Caturt, H:aati E11ginee1, at sha ,, the fella•• irtg nete en the r,lat1J: Ctt11' rfttflr,s 3fte,m en tfle3e l'lftfls shall l,e re, iseti in aeeertianee ,,itll 6e3igH 3tantiat6s atttlineti ift met11a dateti 7,IIJ/Q? f1at11 tke KiHg Catlftt) Raati. E:HgiHeer.'' From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu 08/08/2007 Page 4 of 4 Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Could you connect and see if all is good with your's and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to ccordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the ccordination and just send two ccpies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at DDES??? Thanks JK 08/08/2007 Jl?f', """""" l ~ ,, start ~ "'., ~;-: II tp !!) s'.i r II Inbo," • Pl;:: s"' ii c,, d ' g·:,,,Q'J "· ~ L c~PM iii SO dr01 L.iyout1 .pdf r,dobe Rlwder ~~;~ File Edit View Document Tools Window Help j 1a% __ J"' Wednesday, Aug 08, 2007 12:32 PM -··-... ,, ........ --.. .. ._ IITIIW. .......... ...........,. l ---·-------------............. ,-.. ..... ._ ....... -.......... ,.,.. ................. _ .. ____ __ • ..... :t."UU ..... YDU' ......... ..,.,,W1l' ' K'lallllll:llllillllllllllM"'V.,._ . ___ ,.,... ____________ _ ·~~ ....... "Sll'II.I:::::~~_,..~,---·--- .. ·-------·--·------· ll --------·----. a.waawwa--··-----· - "' ---------.. -. -------------------·-----• _.-.AGF:PIISll"!illll1Pat.-,. -----~ - ----·- - lt C4.0 ~ ¥\'1AftF k! -"""'"'-~ ,: start gl -:, i\'r: II ~ a ~ • 11 Jr,bc , • • RE s... d ·c j , '# l;Re... II :.t, [1J ". l'.ill I 1$F"' d SD dr01 l <1yout1 .pdt AdolH' Re<1der ~-J~.J~ File Edit View Document Tools Window Help RGE. 5 E., W.M. OSAINMI HQlll 1, W~~=~~10DCIISPRlltTD .. ll.'i:'l: :o~:r,,..uio,.: :=o .... -:r.i~ =.r:tiffi"/1\'! =.:"'"..:...~~~ UNf'Oll&1 C8dC \INWfl.DIIC ...... .. I& fVt IWU. 1£ •'WliNRtO #ID WK ASPtW.T "IWt41M9lt f1 OI: llffltll: INIIII£ HCI CIIIIIM (kCIS J,OS). 4. NJ. OlliWll,QI: S1RUCl\MII,, ll,ll;M /IS. CQOt __, MID MIG.El. lilOI" u:,c;q;p 111n11Jif A TMIELID ~ OIi IIDmMJC HU. HINE ICIJD Loc:tOMO l»I. ML 0tWMGE ftM:I.ICI IISSOCl'lll» Wlf i\ "8IMW)IIJ' ti:~ FlOUIY :IWiLL ~ 8CI.D ~ LIDI OOCflS 1.ol). .._ .U.. Cffl:H INM GM1lfl 1KtU ~ '10 ICM ~ M.llilllM :t-01:J,, 1-0tl. 2-0tt, 0A 1-COO. Ml> IHW. NCUJDI TH£ ~ "OUrMJ. lO fflEM. tM» lfl:) ~ MD ~ or ICI..C: OOliff1"r"' (MCM 1.a6}. ~ ...__ ........ ---.....,., ,__., __ ......... "' --........ , . -~· --11£ -<IF t1fi; ON\l9liWI' 10 t!C I01'toN cF '1ME Olf'CM. Qll.911; t~L llm'. l[l;Q1l) 0C, ~ TO WMCH 1il: HI£ IL.O'£ (ICCJII. 7.oJ(U. IWMING IIOa 2--«11). 7. tllOC:I: Kilt UOIION HOfEl:.'l'Xlrt, Of cnc:a. WMll£ fltcll.llli8I. WUIT It Of' $O!M) CMIM'r l!OQ(, PUrCa lO A 0EPTH ~ (IN{ A'.IIJf -U'l. IMO WIT' IU:f "&flt 1'0IUMNO tfV:lfltimN: 100& WST FMI "TIC r. $aw. tQII: ...... CMI MS n« f" SM itHO ,. liW(lllifW CM ,_ Till v•· SI¥, ~ 1HlU,. II 1M MXlOIIWIC[ 1fl'M w;,:s 7.caitl). Dl'lliWG till). JwQH, I. ..._ Qffl.PS mulMIUTS) tKtU.. • flfllOIMIID rOIII DOI ~ LO't. DalJII" fll'JII: THOII LmS ~ 111:11 INl'ILfllllfflOlt 9" KM COM'l'r. su-,ou1I ttwJ. ~ n;i 1IC ~ .. DiCH ouna IMtU. • IU'Vill'f 1J3CalD "' nc LGllll1' ll£'VaCII ON M WT. SD JIS tO K#MCI MJ. ntA.111 MX/1' ~ MC) KIOltG ____ ..,...,..,.._..,. .. _.,,. __ ,._...., ..... .....,..,..n .. .._. USl. WM Oll1l.n IWU. WWC: RG-tl.ONIQ. POlflM ..... 1'tl AH l#'fl#I01'D SJQMIIW,D Q:INCWHCE M1QI Olt lO AN ~ OIMIU -II. ocm.£11" OM rR:;JI Uft ll-tlJJ.. 11£ U)CIQ'8) 'dH A f:M:-A)Cj'j"-1.fGH, :r" X ,.• ITC 1IWICtO "lf'QIIIW'"' Olli "IJMN". n,c ~ 111tU Dt'l9rCI ..aow1t ll#U LM:.. ac ...._ • • $IQIIIQ t0 nc STMt- c. =-~~ 10 ~ SPtanr.M'IJNS C£SCU£0 1H Mc:tlS f,04. tF Mllf-M'1'Jlil..lC, M: fV£ SWU ~ WIIIIE Oil D. awtN£ ~ 111£ ft{CIUIIIS) RII: r!M*GE: SYll'tMS O£IIGNtO TO COlriliEY R.M '1HflOUGH ~ L.«1. IL 1Hl ~~ • aa,a ••LI' ,. COQIIIDIWd14G 1HE LOOUl3HI o, a sn.a-GI.I" OClif'4YillM:I wa: tlffll IKlflltT 'IQ , ... -. ................ -. .... i ,. ALI. N)Ml)l,W. n»,,,OJ'll 1HCJ, • """'8L-Y ~ #JD ....... "' '1H[ LOI' ~ t.. ~ JIPl INDI ....., 'IC ~ JIIDIM: lllmlD DfOo su:IONfl NA l«:tlS 1.Ut. _. O.C. J-aoi. 10. Cfllltl'fd' M9lllT' 83-6-131) lif UiMI" 2-0ltfS 8'R:IIIE: Nit ~ SOIPINO. I , 36.00 X 24.00 in < ~ . J ' f.-'· 'I-' . . ' . : ; ·, Wednesday, Aug 08, 2007 01:15 PM 4,0 I !.> .. ,Jstart. ~ ·J~-~ l!l~ FIJ!r.bo•-M;,;,. .·.RE:Sar,dh i,[··d61l,. lll':1,,[J;]",l'l§t',J'Pt1 iii SO dr01 l <1yo11t1 .pdt Ado hp Reade1 []~I~ C 1 SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) STA. 11+29.$4 (15.48' RT) Wednesday, Aug 08, 2007 12:47 PM "' N ... " It " II n II • ! • n " " 1 • [f) IL '" •• Ir II ···!!ii a • . ·, .. • OS I \ I .Y > .. 1'!'I =--0Y --,J start ~ -: ":" II ~ ~ '~ r II lnb,' ' II RE:"' iii : ! .. 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Sandhu Plat L06SR020 Sheet C4.3 List #2 July 27, 2007 August 6, 2007 '! , Fer Read SeetieH A, label the sisewalk easement as a publie reas easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. : i /r'i, /') . i'lf1 · R~vi~e Road Se.ction C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 1841h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3 ',5 ') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. Sheet C4.0 Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.10A. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lot 14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. Previse the fellewing nete eH Ille plaes: Plan Nate: .DfcJr KCRS Seotion 4. ()1F, a 1 i11oh full 1•.efdth ovena,, shaN be roquired, Appropria/e4efHJiFs-le4he-ex15/ing subgrade, base mateFia!, sUFfaoinq ami pre lel'ol may ho required prior to p/asing tho overlay. The 01,erlay may be wail'ed on/y upon written request and after an ew1/uation of pavement send/lions and/Br ohanneim,tion roquirfHoofikrha&beeR--Oompleted and approved by tho County Road Enqinoor or Oevek)flment Engineer. KiHg Cetmty has reeeHtly ehaeges the sesigH stoosarss fer ellfb ramps. All iHterseetieHs Hew retjuire twe ramps at eaeh eemer aes the staesars ramp wiaths are 4 feet rather thae 3 feet. Yeu eae HjlSate the plaes after reviewiHg the Hew meme frem the CeuHty Reas EHgineer, er shew the fellewing nete en the ploos: " C!lfb ramps shewR en these plans shall be revises in aeeersooee v,~th sesign staHsarss eutliHes in meme sates 7/13/Q7 frnm the KiHg Ceullty Reas EngiHeer." Sandhu Plat L06SR020 11 bQJ~~·"" \ •, J..' (· ,j\,.,,. <:; r'-\,", ,;. Sheet C4.3 '.t,T'! ~ July 27, 2007 ~ For Road Section A, label the sidewalk easement as a public road easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. / ·---~~ pu} ?~.!:1.: Revise _Road Section C to include _standard curb designs on both s!des of road. This . ~t b~~~ .. design 1s a pnvate access tract which must meet standards for a mmor access street. la'!-. (For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 184th is at fog line location or ~-Lequivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". , / For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section V design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. !, I O'k /'Jlevise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As ~.( . noted in Drawing 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is D :l ~ · ·· required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3 ',5 ') / to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. Sheet C4.0 "' Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS tjj,0(, 2.10A. ~-----. __ . ----/ Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. ~~ , / Provide the following note on the plans: ~({-f"'\ 1/c< L-L ,t Plan Note: Per KCRS Section 4. 01 F, a 1 inch full width overlay shall be required. C. \ .i \ " 0 ' ~ppropriate repairs to the existing subgrade, base material, surfacing and pre-level may l,;1' 14' be reqwred prior to placing the overlay. The overlay may be waived only upon written request and after an evaluation of pavement condtlions and/or channelization o /( • reqwrements has been completed and approved by the County Road Engineer or Nu 1 £ 1 I ~ Development Engineer. <; i\f-c. 4-.0 ing County has recently changed the design standards for curb ramps. All intersections ow require two ramps at each comer and the standard ramp widths are 4 feet rather than feet. You can update the plans after reviewing the new memo from the County Road Engineer, or show the following note on the plans: " Curb ramps shown on these plans shall be revised in accordance with design standards outlined in memo dated 7/13/07 from the King County Road Engineer." ., Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Cooper, Ted Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04_ PM 'Johnathan Kurth' Scott Mesic (smesic@sdaengineers.com); Dye, Pete (Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV) RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Attachments: L06SR020SandhuPlatReview2.doc Johnathan, Page 1 of2 I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Could you connect and see if all is good with you(s and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Otte Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. 08/06/2007 , Page 2 of2 The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Otte Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at ODES??? Thanks JK 08/06/2007 ,. .... Sandhu Plat L06SR020 Sheet C4.3 List #2 July 27, 2007 August 6, 2007 Fer Read 8eetieH A, label the sieewalk easement as a 1311blie read easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 1841h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3 ',5 ') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. Sheet C4.0 Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.lOA. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lot 14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. Previee the fellewiHg Hete eH the fllEllis: Plan Nate: PerKCRS SeelieR 4.01.C, a 1 ineh fut! width over/a,' sha.'I ee rer,!lired. /\filfJFefJl'iale Fefi)airs lo /he e-xiating suegraf/e, ease malel'ia.1, slJffaeing and pre !eve/ may ee rer,uired f}Fior to p!ueing /he eveFiay. The ever/a,' may ee waived only IJfJOR •.vfitton rer,uoat and after an o,,a!ua/ion off}a·;emonl eom:lilions and/er ehanne!imtioR rer,uimmon/6 has soon eompleted and afi)fi)FB\'ed ey tho County Road Engineer or Dovo.'opmont Engineer. KiHg Ce11nty has reeeHtly ehElflgeEI the ElesigH staHElards fer elffil ramjls. All interseetiens Hew req11ire twe ram13s at eaeh eemer Ellie the stanElarEI ram13 widths are 1 feet rather than 3 feet. Ye11 ean 1113date the 13lans after reviewiHg the Hew meme frnm the Cellllty Reas Bngineer, er shew the fellewing nete en the 13laHs: " CIIFll FaffijlS she'M'l eH these fllEllis shall be revises in aeeereanee woith desigH staHElarEls elltliHeEI iH meme Elated 7/13/()7 frem the KiHg Cel!llt)' Reas Bngineer." • August2,2007 Jim Sanders Kind County DOES 900 Oaksdale Avenue Renton, WA 98028 RE: Sandhu -File # L06SR020 Response to Comments Dear Ted: The following letter is in response to Pete Dye comments regarding the final Sandhu plans dated 0712712007. Each item below addresses the corresponding comment in the letter: SHEETC4.3 • For Road Section A, label the sidewalk easement as a public road easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. We have updated the section and plans to reflect the requested changes. • Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. We have updated road section C to show curb on both sides. • For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 1841 " is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We have updated the plans to clearly note the sawcut location. • For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01 C (3a) for design requirements. Cross section has been updated to match KCRS 3.01C. • Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in Drawing 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. We were unable to use the requested turnpike section at this location. There is an existing 8" waterline that runs under this section of sidewalk. This existing water line would be in conflict with the drain for the turnpike section.. The design that we have shown on the plans has been coordinated with Ted Cooper and the water district. Both parties have agreed to the design. Page 1 SHEETC4.0 • Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 DA. Property line radii has been updated. • Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract Setbacks updated. A note has been added as well. • Provide the following note on the plans: Plan Note: Per KCRS Section 4.01F, a 1 inch full width overlay shall be required. Appropriate repairs to the existing subgrade, base material, surfacing and pre-level may be required prior to placing the overlay. The overlay may be waived only upon written request and after an evaluation of pavement conditions and/or channelization requirements has been completed and approved by the County Road Engineer or Development Engineer. Note added to plans. • King County has recently changed the design standards for curb ramps. All intersections now require two ramps at each corner and the standard ramp widths are 4 feet rather than 3 feet. You can update the plans after reviewing the new memo from the County Road Engineer, or show the following note on the plans: Regards, "Curb ramps shown on these plans shall be revised in accordance with design standards outlined in memo dated 7/13/07 from the King County Road Engineer." We have added the additional curb ramps per the new KC standards. Site Development Associates, LLC Scott Mesic, P .E. Page 2 August 2, 2007 Jim Sanders Kind County DDES 900 Oaksdale Avenue Renton, WA 98028 RE: Sandhu -File# L06SR020 Response to Comments Dear Ted: The following letter is in response to Pete Dye comments regarding the final Sandhu plans dated 07/27/2007. Each item below addresses the corresponding comment in the letter: SHEETC4.3 • For Road Section A, label the sidewalk easement as a public road easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. We have updated the section and plans to reflect the requested changes. • Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. We have updated road section C to show curb on both sides. • For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 1841h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We have updated the plans to clearly note the sawcut location. • For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01C (3a) for design requirements. Cross section has been updated to match KCRS 3. 01 C. • Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in Drawing 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. We were unable to use the requested turnpike section at this location. There is an existing 8" waterline that runs under this section of sidewalk. This existing water line would be in conflict with the drain for the turnpike section.. The design that we have shown on the plans has been coordinated with Ted Cooper and the water district. Both parties have agreed to the design. Page 1 -• SHEETC4.0 • Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.10A. Property line radii has been updated. • Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Setbacks updated. A note has been added as well. • Provide the following note on the plans: Plan Note: Per KCRS Section 4. 01 F, a 1 inch full width overlay shall be required. Appropriate repairs to the existing subgrade. base material, surfacing and pre-level may be required prior to placing the overlay. The overlay may be waived only upon written request and after an evaluation of pavement conditions and/or channelization requirements has been completed and approved by the County Road Engineer or Development Engineer. Note added to plans. • King County has recently changed the design standards for curb ramps. All intersections now require two ramps at each corner and the standard ramp widths are 4 feet rather than 3 feet. You can update the plans after reviewing the new memo from the County Road Engineer, or show the following note on the plans: Regards, "Curb ramps shown on these plans shall be revised in accordance with design standards outlined in memo dated 7113/07 from the King County Road Engineer." We have added the additional curb ramps per the new KC standards. Site Development Associates, LLC Scott Mesic, P.E. Page 2 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Scott Mesic [smesic@sdaengineers.com] Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Attachments: 4th Response Letter.doc Ted: Page I of3 Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 FtH Rattd: Seetiafl A::, la1'el the sicienallt easemeHt as a f'tt1'lie I6tt6 easerne1tt. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE J g4th is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0IC (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0lC-cross sloped with curb on one side. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. See response to comments. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lot 14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 08/07/2007 Page 2 of3 Pre,, iele the fe,He, *' ittf; ttete an tl1e r,lttns: ,'Vtln nete: Perf<cGR£ Seetfr~JR 1.g1r, a 1 lReR R:IH •N.ie#t aver:f.ay sRaH Be FBEft:li,"ee/. ,o,fJfJ,"8f)Fiate FBfJak=s ffJ f.Re eHistiR§ BJ:J/a§FBEle, laase R'-laf.eFia.', st1FlaeiR§ BREI .1'FB level R-?ey Be ,'k8f:/t:1i:••ee/ 13risr te 13laeiR§ #re ever.'ay. TRe everf.ay R-1ay Be wai't<1eei eR,';• l:JfJBR wri#eR F8Efl:lest aREI a#er BR eval1:1a#eR ef13a 1,'BFRBRf eeR9.ifieRs aRB/er 8RaRRe!iratieR .r:e(ft-1i,"8ff1BRt-8 Ras aeeR eeFRfJkit88 aR€i af}r,re•,•e8 laJ• #Ye Cet:1Rty Fleae ER§ir.:ieerer Qe~•e,'efJFRSRt ER§,it,eer. K:ing Cettffl, h:B.s reeetrtl) eftm1geel the eiesigfl stH:ntlttt eh fat ettt1' 1 flfflf'S. fill i1rte1 seetie11::1 na" retJ:tti1 e t., a 1tu,4's at etteh ean1e1 ftflel the stflfleltttel Ittflll' ,,iaths ate 1 feet rfttfter thaft 3 feet. Ystt eat1 tlf'elate the fJhttts af~er re,ie,,in~ the ne,, men1e, f1e,n1 the Cattnt, Ratt6 En~ii,eer, e,r sh:e,v, the falla,,ing n6te an tl1e rilans: '' Ctu1' 1Ml1f'S sha ,:r11 e,11 these f'ltttls sftttll 1'e re, ise6 il'l aeeareianee ,, ith. 6esign Mttnatlf 621 6tttline6 in mema 6ttteti 7/13/87 fi an1 the King Cattttt, Raaci Etiginee1." From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Could you connect and see if all is good with you~s and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks 08/07/2007 JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. Page 3 of 3 The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at DOES??? Thanks JK 08/07/2007 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Scott Mesic [smesic@sdaengineers.com] Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' RE Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Attachments: 4th Response Letter.doc Ted: Page 1 of3 Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 Fer Rett6 8eetien 2r>1, lal,el tke sicle,,tM:lt easetneftt as a fJtt1'1ie reati ettseffl:eftt. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE J g4th is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add mo plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0IC-cross sloped with curb on one side. Revise Section E to show a tunmike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. See response to comments. Sheet C4.0 Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal S' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lot 14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 08/07/2007 Page 2 of3 Pta f i6e the Mlle ,.in~ nate at\ the f'lttn:,: 10Jeff ,t.fete: Per KGR8 SeetieR 1. 91F, 8 1 iReR F:;l/ l\ifel#I G'lBFl6f aRaJ.U,e R3fft:JiffJ8. Af)f)f8fJtfate ffJf)BifB te fRe e;cistiR§ st:Jla§raEie, Base fflateFial, SHFfaeir,g eRE1 ~re /eyrel fflB;' Be FBEftJi,reB f)rier te fJ,'aeiR§ fRe BlBFt8J•. 1=Re 9~'8r4a)' R'l8f Be 1/,'8h1 1e8 BR{f l:JfJBR 11.'.'fifleR ,reffl:JB8f 8R8 a#er BR 8 1,'B,4:fatieR Sff,8 1,:SFABRf 6BReffieRS 8Rti/8f eRaRRe!-iza#eR rBEft:Jk:e1r1eRf8 Ras BeeR eefflf).'eteeJ aRS BfJfJ.r:t=Jvee 13,r tl-1e Gee1r,ty Fiea9 ERt,fReer er Deve!ef)fflBRt ER§iReer. Kit1g C6l:tfl~ has reeefltl) el1a:nge6 the design sfflnfiatcis fat etH1' IaH'iflS. }di iflte1seetie11s fl6Y, tettttire t,,a 1am:f'S ttt etteh ea111e1 m1ci tlte stm1tlMtl rttfflf' ,,ichhs tue 1 feet rather t-hMt 3 feet. Yett eMt tlf'eltlte tfte rilm1s after 1e;ieni1tg the ne" tne1na f1ern the G6ttrtt, at",tul EttgiH:eer, er shan the f5llening n5te en the r,ltms: '' Ctttl, 1mt1r,s she ,m e11 these l'ltttts shall be te, isecl it1 aeee1flttt1ee ,,it:h flesi~n stftft6at6s 01:ttlinefl in rneme fltttefl 7-/13,'97 f1otn th:e K:iHg Cotfflt5 R-attfl En~it1ee1.'' From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Could you connect and see if all is good with you(s and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks 08/07/2007 JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. Page 3 of3 The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at ODES??? Thanks JK 08/07/2007 Page 1 of 4 Cooper, Ted From: Scott Mesic [smesic@sdaengineers.com) Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 2:54 PM To: 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: I just talked to Jim Sanders and it sounds like the Turnpike section that we are proposing will be acceptable. The last little thing that we need to get clarified is the right-of-way radii on the PAT. Please let me know ASAP if the design that we showed in the PDFs is acceptable. We are very close ... Thanks, Scott From: Bill Helsley [mailto:bhelsley@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:13 AM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete, Attached are the PDF's that Scott was referring to. Please address any comments you may have to Scott. Bill Helsley, FE. Site Development Associates, LLC From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:28 PM To: 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted'; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: I am revising the items that we talked about on the phone earlier this afternoon. I will send you PDFs first thing in the morning to review. Thanks, Scott From: Dye,Pete[mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] 08/13/2007 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Page 2 of 4 Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues. I added numbers as shown below. 1. OK 2. The revised plans label Tract Bas a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT B) on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve ........ You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff control and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. 1. Fe1 R.ea6 Seetie,n A:, lft'bel the side nttllc easement tttt a )'ttelie rsaa easement. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rol_led curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 184 1h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also 08/13/2007 Page 3 of 4 revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at foglinc, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0lC-cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3' ,5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. See response to comments. Sheet C4.0 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lot 14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. Pres, itle tlte fells.; ing nete e.11 the 1'htt1s: Plen Nale: Per ~CR8 8aaffaR 1.Q1.£! a 1 ,'ReR lbiN wh#R evet48y sJ:isH Be F8€fWiFBEI. AfJfJFSfJriate FB13ai.r=s te #le 8JtM1MR§ 8eJ8g,r:aEl6, 8888 fflBtBFial, BblrifaeiR§ BREI f3FB Jetrsl fflB}' Se FB€fbl.',-a8 jifier te f)lae!R§ tRe avefl.a)'. J:Re averl6y ffl8j' Be Vltii\ 86 BR.If elfJBR "l.'FitleR 1"8€fH88t BREI a#er BR eva.!1:1Bti8R ef/38'u'8ffl8Rt BBRElil.iBR8 8R8/ar eRaRRelizatieR ,r:e€ft:JiFBFRBRt6 Ras BeeR ee~,'ete9 aHel 8fJf3FBVBEI B)• Y.:,e Gee1Rt)• ReaEi ER~Ree.r er fJevaJ.st3ffleRt ERgiReer. 9. King Cettnt, h~ 1eeentl) ehangefl the flesig11 stttt1d.tt1cls fat em1' rftfflps. }dl ittteraeetiena ne ,, reqttire t,,e tal'ftl'S at eaeh eerrtet ftlld. the Jtftflclttrtl f8ftll' *' icltfls are 4 :feet 1athe1 tflan 3 :feet. Y att ettu tfl'8.Me t·he J'lftflJ after re, ie., iHg tfle He., meme :fr en1 the Cel::ffley ~tt8. Bt1giflee1, st she ,, the :falls "ing nete en tfle f'lftfl:s: Cm 1' fMftl'a r,he , ;n en these ]'lana shttll "be t e , isea in aeeer tlttttee , , it+t tie sign atanelarfla etttlitletl in metYr6 d.ttfed. 7/13/97 f1a1a the l(ing Cett1tt, aetttl Engineer." From: Cooper,Ted[mailto:Ted.Cooper@Ml:TROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@Ml:TROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, 08/13/2007 Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Page 4 of 4 Could you connect and see if all is good with your's and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Otte Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Otte Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at DDES??? Thanks JK 08/13/2007 Page I of5 Cooper, Ted From: Scott Mesic [smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 3:12 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Thanks Ted. I will forward a PDF copy of sheet C4.3 later this afternoon. When you talk to Jim Sanders tomorrow please stress that the location of the "V" is constrained by the existing water main. We have pushed the "V" as far as possible given our 3' separation requirement that the Water District has granted us. We can move the "V" closer to the travel lane, but not in the other direction. Please let me know if you have any additional questions that you would like clarified before your meeting tomorrow. Thanks, Scott From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:58 PM To: Scott Mesic; Bill Helsley; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott, I've taken a brief (but incomplete) look at the PDF's. Pete & I agreed we need to talk to Jim Sanders (hopefully tomorrow) about the location of the "V" of the turnpike before we comment on your PDF's. We will send our comments to you as soon as we have Jim's input. Please send a PDF of revised sheet C4.3 now. If we can look at this sheet tomorrow, it should further minimize the chance of more plan revisions. Please notice that our e-mail storage can become overfilled rapidly if you send files larger than 1 MB (a limit recommended by our our computer support staff). E-mail boxes that reach their limits may be unable to receive additional e-mails. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:31 PM To: 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted 08/09/2007 Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Have you had a chance to review the PDFs that we sent earlier? Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott From: Bill Helsley [mailto:bhelsley@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:13 AM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete. Attached are the PDF's that Scott was referring to. Please address any comments you may have to Scott. Bill Helsley. : .: sc~-1ior Ci\,il Site Development Associates, LLC f}l l / tv,cin Slrce::, Bolhe ,, \/YA. 98(}1 · From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:28 PM To: 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted'; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 2 of 5 I am revising the items that we talked about on the phone earlier this afternoon. I will send you PDFs first thing in the morning to review. Thanks, Scott From: Dye,Pete[mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues, I added numbers as shown below. 08/09/2007 Page 3 of 5 1. OK 2. The revised plans label Tract Bas a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT B) on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve ........ You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff control and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 1. Frn Raaa Seetian A, Jal,el the si6:e ,,alk easetnel'lt as tt r,tffllie 1aacl ea:,emeffl. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section 8, indicate that the saw cut line along SE J g4th is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class 8 asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01 C (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0tC -cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for 08/09/2007 Page 4 of 5 turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. See response to comments. Sheet C4.0 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lot_J_4). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. Pte, i6e the falle ,, ing nete Oft the: r,lans: fll81t a\lefe: Psr 1"<-GJZl& beath,R 1. 91F! a 1 iRePI fuN rdf#R ar,'8r4af a/:ta.'l Be fBEJt:1.iFBEi. AfJfJ,'BfJR·ate ,~airs ta #re e;flBtiR§ s1:1B§ra9e, Base FRaferla/, swFfaefR§ aRr:i /3f8 ,f.sva.' FRBf Be FB€feJh"Bel f)tiar te f)faeiR§ f-Re ever4ar. -,;J:,e ar.reffBr ,nay 88 ioa.ive8 BR{j' HfJBR Vll'itleFJ FEIEft:IBBf BFlel a#ar Bli e•,'B.ft;afiBR aft,BV8RiBRt BBREktieRa BREI/a; eRaRRe."izaHeR ;C8Eft::liffJff18Rlf; Rae BeeR 88fflf)!etee BRfl BfJfJ.CBVBEI s,, tRe GeNRly ReaEI ~~Rear er fJeva{-8fJFRBRf eR§iReer. 9. K:ing Cettttt, ha::, 1eeentl) eftangecl the clesign tttm16tt16s far ettre Itttllf'S. fdl ittterseetians ne •• 1eett1i1e to,a tftlltf"S ttt eaek ea111e1 ttt"l:d tk:e st~dttt8 tftfttf, ,,icitks Me 1 feet 1&t11e1 th~ 3 feet. Yett eftft l'.tl'dftte the plftfts aifet te, ie ,,iftg the ne ,, mem:a fram the Ca~ H:aatl Engineet, er she,, the falla ,, ing nate eft tile plftfts: Ctt:11' tttt\tr,S she,, n en these f"lttt1s sh.all 1'e t e, ised in aeeat d.ttnee ,, ith d.e.:tign .:ttttnd.ttt d.s etttlined. in 1Hen11a dtri:ed. 7/13/.e? fiam tile King Catt!tey Raa6 Engineet." From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOVJ Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 08/09/2007 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Page 5 of 5 Could you connect and see if all is good with your's and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11: 15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at ODES??? Thanks JK 08/09/2007 Page 1 of6 Cooper, Ted From: Cooper, Ted Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:24 PM To: 'Scott Mesic' Cc: Dye, Pete Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Tracking: Recipient Delivery 'Scott Mesic' Dye, Pete Delivered: 08/14/2007 2:24 PM Scott, Pete and I discussed the remaining issues for the Sandhu Plat and agreed that the following items need to be addressed: I. PAT "B" must be designed to meet the requirements in 2.098. This says the roadway must be designed as an urban minor access roadway (per KCRS 2.03 and 2.06). Currently, its design fails to comply with the following: I. KCRS 2.03D, which requires compliance with KCRS 2.1 O (See all items in 2.1 OA). 2. The geometric description of the PAT roadway's horizontal centerline alignment must be provided on the plans. It must be defined using STA's, bearings, PC, PT, ending STA for tract. The PAT "B" roadway centerline alignment must also extend to the Road "A" centerline stationing (Use bearings and stationing). 2. All of the PAT "B" roadway improvements must be at least 1' from Lot 13. This is currently a problem along the PAT "B" curve. 3. At the entrance to PAT "B", the 10' PUBLIC ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT should be constructed as follows: I. Connect the 52' outer radius of this easement to the PAT with 25'-radii on each side of the PAT. 2. Extend this 1 O'-wide easement arc across the tract entrance using a 52' radius arc centered at the cul-de- sac's center. 4. Correct the titlE! of Roadway Section "C" for PAT "B". It should be labeled as a a PAT and not as a JUD. 5. Correct the title of Roadway Section "E" for SE 184th St. Shoulder. It shouldn't say "W/ THICKENED EDGE" (below the main title). 6. Please modify the offsite plan view for sheet C4.1 (SE 184th St) as follows to show missing details and resolve some issues: I. Why are you providing two identical roadway sections? See roadway sections "D" and "E". 2. Provide a profile, with pipe and ditch data (including but not limited to elevations) for all proposed and existing roadway and drainage features. It is missing from your latest PDF. We need to check it. 3. Add stations and offsets for all pipe inlets, outfalls, and drainage structures. We can't use or check descriptions limited to northings and eastings. 4. For proposed CB178, resolve the following: I. Why is this not in conflict with the 8"-waterline? This appears to contradict your statement that a standard 8'-wide turnpike (with its low point in the center) would be in conflict with this waterline. The waterline appears to be parallel to the "V"-channel of the proposed turnpike .. 5. From STA 22+50 (LT) to STA 23+50 (LT), provide complete details of the work you propose in the R/W here so we can understand how all of the proposed road and drainage improvements will match into the existing ones. 6. At STA 23+10 (LT), why does the proposed pipe inlet (in the existing ditch) appear to be buried? What is the proposed grading design at this pipe inlet? 08/15/2007 Please submit regular sized plan sheets for all future reviews. It is not very practical for me to review PDF's of full-sized plan sheets. They are too small to see the entire sheet on my 17" monitor. They frequently leave out too much information. They also fill up my mailbox too quickly. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 Current E-Mail: ted.cooper@kingcounty.gov OLD(expires '08): ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:56 PM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 2 of6 Here are the last changes that you requested. Please review and let me know if we are good to submit the final plans for approval. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 2:54 PM To: 'Bill Helsley'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: 'johnathank@davis-kurth.com'; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: I just talked to Jim Sanders and it sounds like the Turnpike section that we are proposing will be acceptable. The last little thing that we need to get clarified is the right-of-way radii on the PAT. Please let me know ASAP if the design that we showed in the PDFs is acceptable. We are very close ... Thanks, Scott From: Bill Helsley [mailto:bhelsley@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11: 13 AM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete, Attached are the PDF's that Scott was referring to. Please address any comments you may have to Scott. Bill Helsley, P.L Se1ic1 C::ivi! 08/15/2007 ....... ,,--.: -I..,;, Site Development Associates, LLC From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:28 PM To: 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted'; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 3 of6 I am revising the items that we talked about on the phone earlier this afternoon. I will send you PDFs first thing in the morning to review. Thanks, Scott From: Dye, Pete[mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues, I added numbers as shown below. 1. OK 2. The revised plans label Tract Bas a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT B) on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve ........ You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff control and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5 :06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' 08/15/2007 Page 4 of6 Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE 184th Street Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 1. Fet Read Seetieft l\, lffflel the siclenalk easetneftt as a )'tt1'lie rettcl ettsemettt. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 1841h is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01 C (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0IC -cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3 ',5 ') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. See response to comments. Sheet C4.0 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (Sell lot 14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. P1 e , iele tfte :fella , , ing nete efl: the l'lfffls: P.'-&,. Nefe. Perl4GRS Sea#BR 1.Q1.C, a 1 {ReR ft;.'{ •NielR 0 1,'8.r.',ar BRBH Bs ffJE(f:liJ-Sf/. Af,'i,,-=ef3•"iate fB~Bht:B Ee tRe eu.fakr1g Bl:l8ffFBEle, Base fftaffJffB.', Bf:IFiaeiR§ ar:rf/ f3t'B te~1e! R'IB}' J3e FBEJHi,r.eel f)rfef t-e fJ1'ee,'R§ !lie e,•eFlef. +Re ever:f.a;r fflB)' Be WB.i\'89 eR.'y hlfJBR writ#eR F8'ift:l88t BREI a#:er BR 8V8li:i8#8R eff}B 1;19FR8Rt BBREi}FleRB BR9,<er eRBRReHzakeR i"8EfM5,reffleRtB Ras BaeR BBFRfJ.'etec4 BREI a1919ra,reEI B;• tRe Cee1Rt;' Fieafl ER§iReer er Qe1'8.'e13ffleRt eR~iReer. 08/15/2007 Page 5 of6 9. Ki1'g Ca1:t11t, haJ teeentl) ehm,geti the design stttftelmel::i f6t ettt1' IftftlJ.'S. lrll intetseeffett:J nen teeJ:ttire h,a ttttt'lf,J at eaeh eatner anel the Jtttt1d.a1el ttm.1il' .,,iatfts me q feet 1ttthe1 tftMI 3 feet. Yett eftf.l ttl'elate the r,ltttts aftet tee ie "' i11g tl1e 11e ,, n1e111a f1a1n the Gattftt) R:aati Enginee1, at she,. the fflHa ,wing nate aft the i,IMls: Cttr1' tB.fflJ.'3 sft6 •, n ei, these l'lfffls sh.all 1'e re, iseel itt tteeeteiftflee ,, ith: elesi~fl: 3tfttteiat els a tttline6 in 1tteft1e tiateel 7/13/87 fren1 the King Cattnty Rettel Engit1ee1.'' From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Could you connect and see if all is good with your's and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu 08/15/2007 Page 6 of 6 Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at DDES??? Thanks JK 08/15/2007 Page I of6 Cooper, Ted From: Cooper, Ted Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:24 PM To: 'Scott Mesic' Cc: Dye, Pete Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) • August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott, Pete and I discussed the remaining issues for the Sandhu Plat and agreed that the following items need to be addressed: I. PAT "B" must be designed to meet the requirements in 2.098. This says the roadway must be designed as an urban minor access roadway (per KCRS 2.03 and 2.06). Currently, its design fails to comply with the following: I. KCRS 2.03D, which requires compliance with KCRS 2.10 (See all items in 2.1QP,). 2. The geometric description of the PAT roadway's horizontal centerline alignment must be provided on the plans. It must be defined using STA's, bearings, PC, PT, ending STA for tract. The PAT "B" roadway centerline alignment must also extend to the Road "A" centerline stationing (Use bearings and stationing). 2. All of the PAT "B" roadway improvements must be at least 1' from Lot 13. This is currently a problem along the PAT "B" curve. 3. At the entrance to PAT "B", the 10' PUBLIC ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT should be constructed as follows: I. Connect the 52' outer radius of this easement to the PAT with 25'-radii on each side of the PAT. 2. Extend this 1 O'-wide easement arc across the tract entrance using a 52' radius arc centered at the cul-de- sac's center. 4. Correct the title of Roadway Section "C" for PAT "B". It should be labeled as a a PAT and not as a JUD. 5. Correct the title of Roadway Section "E" for SE 184th St. Shoulder. It shouldn't say "W/ THICKENED EDGE" (below the main title). 6. Please modify the offsite plan view for sheet C4.1 (SE 184th St) as follows to show missing details and resolve some issues: I. Why are you providing two identical roadway sections? See roadway sections "D" and "E". 2. Provide a profile, with pipe and ditch data (including but not limited to elevations) for all proposed and existing roadway and drainage features. It is missing from your latest PDf. We need to check it. 3. Add stations and offsets for all pipe inlets, outfalls, and drainage structures. We can't use or check descriptions limited to northings and eastings. 4. For proposed CB17B, resolve the following: I. Why is this not in conflict with the 8"-waterline? This appears to contradict your statement that a standard 8'-wide turnpike (with its low point in the center) would be in conflict with this waterline. The waterline appears to be parallel to the "V'-channel of the proposed turnpike .. 5. From STA 22+50 (LT) to STA 23+50 (LT), provide complete details of the work you propose in the R/W here so we can understand how all of the proposed road and drainage improvements will match into the existing ones. 6. At STA 23+10 (LT}, why does the proposed pipe inlet (in the existing ditch) appear to be buried? What is the proposed grading design at this pipe inlet? 08/14/2007 Please submit regular sized plan sheets for all future reviews. It is not very practical for me to review PDF's of full-sized plan sheets. They are too small to see the entire sheet on my 17" monitor. They frequently leave out too much information. They also fill up my mailbox too quickly. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 Current E-Mail: ted.cooper@kingcounty.gov OLD(expires '08): ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:56 PM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Bill Helsley'; Dye, Pete Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 2 of 6 Here are the last changes that you requested. Please review and let me know ifwe are good to submit the final plans for approval. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 2:54 PM To: 'Bill Helsley'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: 'johnathank@davis-kurth.com'; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: 5andhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: I just talked to Jim Sanders and it sounds like the Turnpike section that we are proposing will be acceptable. The last little thing that we need to get clarified is the right-of-way radii on the PAT. Please let me know ASAP if the design that we showed in the PDFs is acceptable. We are very close ... Thanks, Scott From: Bill Helsley [mailto:bhelsley@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:13 AM To: 'Scott Mesic'; 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete, Attached are the PDF's that Scott was referring to. Please address any comments you may have to Scott. Bill Helsley, F F Site Development Associates, LLC 10; 17 t,h,.1in Stree:. l3ot'!eL, VVA 9BGl, 08/14/2007 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:28 PM To: 'Dye, Pete' Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; 'Cooper, Ted'; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Pete: Page 3 of6 I am revising the items that we talked about on the phone earlier this afternoon. I will send you PDFs first thing in the morning to review. Thanks, Scott . . .. .. .. .... . .................. ·-.................. ----·---· ...................................................................................................................................................... . From: Dye,Pete[mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020} -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues, I added numbers as shown below. 1. OK 2. The revised plans label Tract B as a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT B) on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve ........ You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff ccntrol and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: 08/14/2007 Page 4 of 6 Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. 1. Fer R.attei Seetian 11\, ltteel the siflenttlk ett.:teffl:eftt tt::t a i,tt1'lie I6ttei ea.:temellt. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb-the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 1 g4th is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.0lC (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0lC-cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3 ',5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. See response to comments. Sheet C4.0 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see l!!.t.14). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. Pia .ide the Mlla nift~ rtete an 1:l1e i,lttfts: J2.'"61t Nale. Per,'4GFlS Seei•eR 1.Q1F, a 1 iRBFI ft:t!J •Nie#l e•,•et4ay 8.f.18.'I Be ,"B'={f:Jifefl. Af)fJ:r:f>f)ffB.te ffJfo)Bk=B le #le ex.iBtiR§ BMB§FBEIB, 8888 fRBieFia.', s1::1Flae]R§ BRB f,Fe le•lel fflBY Be FB(:/J:Jh=e913Fier te f)/.aeiR§ the B'.'Shlay. 7+1e 0 1,•entar J'R8}' l:Je wait•e,J BR!y f:J/38R Wfi#BR ,"8f[H88t 8Fl8 B#8r 8R evaf1:1ati8R eff)8V8J'R8Rf 88REl.i&aR8 BREl.'er BRBRRe.'fzatieR F8ffl::l,1'BR'1SRts Ras BeeR 88fflt)f.steE1 BRfi 8f)f),"8VBEi By the Gee1Rfy Rea& ER§.iReer er fJetre,'efJJ'RBRf ER§fflBBf. 9. l(iftg Cetttw, Ms reeeffH) eftttftge6 the 6e21igfl .:frftnilm621 far ett11' Iftffll'S. ldl inte1seetien21 ne,, 1ecitti1e t,,e tftH4'S at etteh e6me1 mtti the stMtcimcl rtttnl' .s•iaths Me ~ feet rather thtm:. 3 feet. Ye,tt eMt ttl'ffitte tlte r,lttfls after te, ie ,, irtg the rte,, meffl:e fiem the Cettnt, Rettfl Engineet, e.1 she,, the falle ,, ing nete en the l'lftf.ls: 08/14/2007 Page 5 of6 Cttr1' Iflfflf'S sfte ,,n 6It these }'lttH:s shall 1'e re, isefl in tteeerflttl'lee ,, ith flesig11 sttm:flm:fl:, etttliHefl in H1e1t1e fltttefl 7/13/87 f1eH1 the Kiftg Cet1ftt, lte.ttfl E11gi11ee1." From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3 :04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: F'W: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Could you connect and see if all is good with you(s and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. 08/14/2007 -----·-·--·---······--·-·-····-·········" Page 6 of 6 The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at DDES??? Thanks JK 08/14/2007 Page I of4 Cooper, Ted From: Dye, Pete Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 PM To: Scott Mesic Cc: johnathank@davis-kurth.com; Cooper, Ted Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Scott- Ted and I have discussed the design issues and provide the following comments. For referencing the design issues, I added numbers as shown below. 1. OK 2. The revised plans label Tract B as a JUD tract which is incorrect since it serves more than 2 lots. Tract B must be labeled as a Private Access Tract (PAT B) on all applicable sheets. The cross section should be revised to show the pavement width of 22' measured between the face of curbs. We also recommend using rolled curb instead of vertical, otherwise the vertical curb will need to be broken out in the future for driveway cuts which is not the best procedure. If your client knows the home designs for these lots, you could show the curb cuts now, otherwise rolled curb would be a better choice. 3. Revise asphalt thickness to 3 inch for neighborhood collector. 4. For the JUD road section (Tract A), show the 18 foot width measured to face of curb. 5. The walkway design appears to be the most difficult issue to resolve ........ You'll need to reconsider the design since our standards do not allow thickened edge on a neighborhood collector. Revise Section E to turnpike design with 5% slopes. Please re-evaluate the walkway design with proper drainage controls and change all reference notes which indicate thickened edge. The current design showing a revised catch basin location does not look effective for capturing surface water. Please evaluate relocating the catch basin for runoff control and show the water line on the profile to allow evaluation of design options. 6. Property line radii for Tract B at entrance to right-of-way (25') must be shown on plans. 7. The storm vault is still too close to the property line. In the drainage manual, the setback for locating a storm vault is 5 feet. 8. Overlay note on sheet 4.0 is OK, however, revise the typo -"1.01 F" (Should be 4.01 F) 9. OK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:06 PM To: Cooper, Ted; 'Johnathan Kurth' Cc: Dye, Pete; 'Bill Helsley' Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020} -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Ted: Attached is our response to comments letter. I will also attempt to clarify the location of the responses below (in RED). It looks like the only "old" comment that we missed was the revision to the pavement depth along SE184th Street. Please review this list and the attached response to comments letter and call me ASAP. I would like to get this resolved in the morning. Sheet C4.3 1. Fat aafl6 8eetiafl A, lttl,el the si6:e c.alk ea.semei'l't as a }'tt61ie 1aatl ettsement. Also label on the plan view sheet. This note is located on Sheet C2.0 2. Revise Road Section C to include standard curb designs on both sides of road. This design is a private 08/07/2007 Page 2 of4 access tract which must meet standards for a minor access street. Use KCRS DWG 1-003 (note its rolled curbs and traveled way at the curb centerline). We had previously addressed this with vertical curb -the portion about the rolled curb is new. 3. For Road Section B, indicate that the saw cut line along SE 184th is at fog line location or equivalent. Also revise the minimum class B asphalt to 3". We included the note on Section B "Saw cut 2' beyond edge of asphalt or at fogline, whichever is greater." We missed the 3" Asphalt update. 4. For "Tract A" (serving lots 5-6), add JUD plan view details and roadway cross section design details. See KCRS 3.01 C (3a) for design requirements. We updated this section per KCRS 3.0lC -cross sloped with curb on one side. 5. Revise Section E to show a turnpike shoulder as shown in KCRS drawing 2-024. As noted in DWG 1-005 for thickened edge, Note 7 indicates that turnpike shoulder is required for neighborhood collectors. Invert for turnpike can be nonsymmetrical (3' ,5') to match your CB location ( i.e., Put low point of turnpike 3' from outside edge of pavement). Note 5% cross slopes. Sec response to comments. Sheet 01.Q 6. Access Tract B requires property line radii, the same as a normal street -25' per KCRS 2.1 OA. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 7. Lots 14, 15, 16 require a 10' building setback line from the vault tract. Note that this 10' BSBL can be reduced to the normal 5' BSBL for all parts of the property line that are more than 7'-1" from the boundaries of the vault tract. The vault must also have a 5'-setback from its drainage tract boundary (see lotJ_4). See SWDM Setbacks on page 5-38. Setback must be shown, dimensioned and labeled in plan view. This has been addressed on sheet C2.0 8. Pte, ift.e the falls ni11g: nete en the J'lftfls: P.ta,, .• .. •ale: Per ,'4GFib beeHeR 1.e1r, a 11R8R fM!l ·.vie#t aver.'6y aRah' Be re€ft-1h=eEI. Af1f,FSf8Fiate ,r:ef:Ja,Y:a te t/ie B)flB#R§ Bf:IB§F8Ele, Base fflak3ff8!, s1:1ff8e-iR§ BREI 13,1:S .'e~·et R'1Bj' Be :"8E/t:Jh=e€l J3Fie1 k3 f8,'eeiR§ #re everJa;•. TRe ever4a;c ffl8)1 Be WBi\'BEI BR.';c eJf)BR 'Nfi#eR F8€fl!l88t BREi after BR 81.'BM:Ja#eR ef13a•lBffl8Rt 8BREJ.if?ieR8 BRei/er e/:JaRReNratieR ,'"Btft:Ji."'efHBRt-8 Ras BeeR BBFRf)f.ete8 BR€/ a~ra•.se€/ Jay fRe Get1Rty Rea€/ ERF]iReer er fJe•Jce,'ef)FReRt ER§iReer. 9. l(ittg Cettnt, h:as 1eeentiy eh:ttngefl ttte flesig:11 sttttt6tt16s :fet etttb Iflfft]'S. }di iftterseetiens ne;, 1eqtti1e tv,e ttttttrs flt etteh ee111e1 ttttd ffxe stftltdtttel tttrnl' .s,idths Me 1 feet ratfte1 tftttt1 3 feet. Yett ettt1 ttl'flttte tbe 1'lttt1s a-.ae1 1e, ie •• ing the ne ,, meme fiem tfte Cettn+, Re,ttel Engi11ee1, at she,,, Hie faHa ,, ing nete en the }'latts: Ctt11' tafftf'S she,,, l'l e.tt these }'lttns sftt\11 1'e 1e, ise6 itt tteee.16ftftee ,, itft 6esigft stftfttittt6s atttliHeti in meme tittteS 7/13,lB? :f161n the l<!iflg Cettnt:, R.ettti Bflgifteer.'' From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:04 PM To: Johnathan Kurth Cc: smesic@sdaengineers.com; Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV Subject: RE: Sandhu (L06SR020) -August 6, 2007 Review Comments Johnathan, I reviewed the revised plans you submitted last Friday. They reached my desk today. Most of the items on the prrevious list weren't addressed. My review comments are in the attached list. Comments that are crossed out have been 08/07/2007 addressed. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:31 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: FW: Sandhu Ted Hope you had a good vacation. Page 3 of4 Could you connect and see if all is good with your's and the others comments and help get the final sigs so we can start construction. Two sets of plans addressing your guy's comments have been sent to Jim. Please let him know that we have sent them. I want to make sure he has them. Thanks JK From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11: 15 AM To: Johnathan Kurth; 'Bill Helsley' Cc: 'Offe Engineers'; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: RE: Sandhu Johnathan: The plans were sent to Jim Sanders this morning. He should have them by now. The hold up was in the coordination effort with Jim Sanders. With no luck, we were attempting to coordinate the number of copies and what all needed to be submitted. After no word back from Jim this morning we decided to cut bait on the coordination and just send two copies of the plans. Thanks, Scott From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:49 PM To: Bill Helsley; smesic@sdaengineers.com Cc: Offe Engineers; Harvey Adams; Kristen Davis Subject: Sandhu Importance: High 08/07/2007 Bill/Scott Was Sandhu resubmitted as planned to Jim Sanders at ODES??? Thanks JK 08/07/2007 Page 4 of 4 ®~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Drop-Off Cover Sheet for LUSD ONLY 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No. ~i==!=(f 0 / \ · L' I ,f\J \ , r Project Name ~ \/\l'I \A lA , .)\A tlL ' V<, oD v\ FROM ~IA6 v."' o ·\Jr's CL<--~\Av~i1,«xV1 Date Received by LUSD Cc any Na~/ Contact Person l'l~t.t. Telephone No L-\ Z,t'S,t z_zg-595"1 I. 1 d , . K.C. D.D.E.S. TO /JJIAC\ l.A$e._ t,jy"()l It/\~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESD BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat/ Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: (J:v--~ t\':-r C\. \ '"'""' ct. --- Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: \ x='_:_Q ,jo\\\\ffi -SC\\,j ---------------~,()\~,:,, \':co. ~;,,C j~\1~ _'p 0vY"-'i '--.z Right of Way Permit Please specify ,tem(s) dropped-off' Clearing / Grading Permit -Additional information requested. Please specify 1tem(s) dropped-off: Other: PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project numb•, can be provided by speaking to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Drop-Off Cover Sheet-LU SD Only lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf L<:::J lo,SR_u ~_:) LoGs'R~5 11-03-2004 Page 1 of 1 ® Web date: 09/0912005 King County Deparbnent of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats. call 206-296-6600. I '2.~~4 SE 18~ St R~ "71o"\PermltNumber: Lol£G:ffitc:':s l.~'5 f?CTo ~7 I, J. , .l. , C., , (print name) hereby certify that I am an/the · owner of the property which is the subj of this application for pennit or approval. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized by any and all other owners of the property to make this certification and transfer any an all rights I/we have to apply for this permit or approval to the person listed below. I, therefore certify that ~ \?-.....rt-"" (print name) is the "applicant" for this pennit or approval and shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this pennit or approval unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. By being the "applicant," that individual assumes fina clal res onslbil' for II fees and will receive any refunds paid. e State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Lt?(g lofe • Date Signed / F INDIVIDUALS: () L ,_c_ "'I I, S"f) rv .D H u r "Yf p~"'±t . (print name) hereby certify that I am the "applicant" for this pennit or approval. I shall remain the "applicant'' for the duration of this pennit or approval unless "applicant'' statlk is transferred in writing on a fonn provided by this department. I accept financial responslbllity for all fees associated with this pennit or approval and will receive any refunds. My mailing address is: \-z_..o \ ~16"2:t:e!f' \So, s;;\,.J ~-}.,,"" W~, 9"']$' O!p of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct . ., &, ... Ere ~o,4/0f:, Date Signed ·OR. ORPORATIONSIBUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I, , (print name) hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of , a corporation or other business association authorized in the State of Washington and that this business association is the "applicant'' for this permit or approval and Is flnanclally responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This association shall remain the "applicant'' for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a fonn provided by this department. The mailing address of this business association is: I certify under penalty of petjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature of Applicant Date Signed . CertAndTransferApplicantStatusFORM.doc lc-cer-trapstat.pdf 09/09/2005 Page 1 of2 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: D I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections, as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes CertAndTransferAppllcantStatusFORM.doc lc-cer-trapstalpdf 09/09/2005 Page 2 of 2 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dye, Pete Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:53 AM 'Johnathan Kurth' Bergam, Mark; Cooper, Ted RE: Sandhu Reviewing Update?? Attachments: Stormfilter.pdf In regard to your previous email, here are a few more updates regarding the Sandu plat: Page 1 of2 1. Our office previously issued a blanket adjustment which allows the use of storm filters for water quality treatment; therefore, a new variance will not be required as long as the design criteria is satisfied. The attachment shows the storm filter requirements. 2. Your project has been assigned for review to Mr. Ted Cooper and the project manager will be Mark Bergam. Please let us know if you expect to submit the early start plans in the coming weeks. 3. As noted in my previous fee estimate letter dated April 26, 2006, your recreation plan must be submitted as a separate permit to the planning section. Please make this submittal as soon as possible. Based upon your current engineering plan, the site layout does not provide adequate rec space since the pond area is designed with a wall and fence. You should call the project planner Trisha Bull at 206-296-6758 to discuss the rec space design requirements and procedure for submitting plans. From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davisreg.com] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:43 PM To: Dye, Pete Subject: RE: Sandhu Reviewing Update?? Thanks Pete ... ' I would like to pull an early start Clearing and Grading Permit for Sandhu. What do you need from me to accomplish this? So, are you not the one reviewing the drawings now? Further update would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Again, Johnathan Kurth From: Dye, Pete [mailto:Pete.Dye@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:04 AM To: Johnathan Kurth Subject: RE: Sandhu Reviewing Update?? The plans will be assigned next week and I'll let you know later who the contact person is to discuss design issues. From: Johnathan Kurth [mailto:johnathank@davisreg.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:45 PM To: Dye, Pete Subject: Sandhu Reviewing Update?? Pete, I'm sad to hear you've been pretty sick! Could you connect with me in regards to how things are coming along with the reviewing on the Eng. Drawings and when I might receive a set of red lines back. 05/30/2006 November 2, 2005 KCSWDM Blanket Adjustment L05V0057 KCSWDM BLANKET ADJUSTMENT: L05V0067 Blanket Adjustment to allow the use of The Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) containing ZPG™ (zeolite/perlite/granular activated carbon) media mix to meet the Basic water quality treatment requirement. APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: 1998 KCSWDM: Section 1.2.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality Section Area-Specific Water Quality Menus; Basic WQ Menu 2005 KCSWDM: Section 1.2.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality Section Basic Water Quality Treatment Areas JUSTIFICATION PER KCSWDM SECTION 1.4.2: The StormFilter meets the pollutant removal goal of 80% TSS for Basic water quality treatment. The Washington Department of Ecology (DOE) has given the StormFilter, using ZPG media and operating at 7 .5 gpm per cartridge, a General Use Level Designation for Basic (TSS) treatment: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwaterlnewtech/use designations/stormfilter g uld.pdf. CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THIS BLANKET ADJUSTMENT: 1. The StormFilter shall be sized as follows: • The maximum flow rate per cartridge shall be 7.5 gpm. • The water quality design flow shall be defined as follows: Preceding detention: 35% of the developed two-year peak flow rate, as determined using the KCRTS model with 15-minute time steps calibrated to site conditions. Downstream of detention: The full 2-year release rate from the detention facility. • The StormFilter shall be sized using both the flow-based and mass-based methods as described in.the Product Design Manual Version 3.1 (February 2004), or most current version, and the designer shall select the result yielding the larger number of cartridges. 2. Presettling shall be provided per KCSWDM Section 6.5.1 General Requirements for Media Filtration Facilities. 3. StormFilter systems shall be installed in such a manner that the flows exceeding 7 .5 gpm per cartridge are bypassed or will not suspend captured sediments. StormFilter systems shall be designed in accordance with the performance goals of the KCSWDM and Stormwater Management Inc.'s Product Design Manual Version 3.1 (February 2004), or most current version, unless otherwise specified. 4. Design Criteria. Design criteria in KCSWDM Section shall apply, unless otherwise specified in these conditions. November 2, 2005 KCSWDM Blanket Adjustment L05V0057 5. Access Requirements shall be the same as for detention vaults (KCSWDM Section 5.3.3), and Stormfilters® (KCSWDM Section 6.5.5) except for the following modification: • Access shall be provided by a minimum of one 3' X 9' access door. All cartridges shall be within ten feet of an access door. Additional 3' X 9' access doors shall be provided to meet the ten foot distance requirement. 6. ZPG media used shall conform to the following specifications. Verification that these specifications are met shall be required. • Each cartridge contains a total of approximately 2.6 cubic feet of media. The ZPG cartridge consists of an outer layer of perlite that is approximately 1.3 cubic feet in volume and an inner layer, consisting of a mixture of 90% zeolite and I 0% granular activated carbon, which is approximately 1.3 cubic feet in volume. • Perlite Media: Perlite media shall be made of natural siliceous volcanic rock free of any debris or foreign matter. The expanded per lite shall have a bulk density ranging from 6.5 to 8.5 lbs per cubic foot and particle size ranging from 0.09" (#8 mesh) to 0.38 (3/8" mesh). • Zeolite media: Zeolite media shall be made of naturally occurring clinoptilolite. The zeolite media shall have a bulk density ranging from 44 to 50 lbs per cubic foot and particle sizes ranging from 0.13" (#6 mesh) to 0.19" (#4 mesh). Additionally, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of zeolite shall range from approximately 1.0 to 2.2 meq/g. • Granular Activated Carbon: Granular activated carbon (GAC) shall be made of lignite coal that has been steam-activated. The GAC media shall have a bulk density ranging from 28 to 31 lbs per cubic foot and particle sizes ranging from a 0.09" (#8) mesh to 0.19" (#4 mesh). I Ii, . ( -· ·, __ ;' , __ ,/ I J I , '/ Type: I Comment Enhies ma,ked by ~ are currenlly in elfecL Text: Revision approved: subject lo conditions. Approval letter and copy of the plan ,ent 2/28 to applicant; copies routed to cc's. File can be found in L03P0027. Entered By:;::::=::::::::::::::::::=::::;-----,:===:=:: u,.,, Id:!:::===::::----' Effective:! 3/1/2006 Entered: LI ---'---' Thnd 12/31/2020 Monday, Sep 25, 2006 10:17 AM ., ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Serviqes 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 February 2 8, 2 006 John Tamburelli Davis Real Estate Group, Inc. 1201 Monster Road SW Renton, WA 98055 RE: Sandhu Subdivision (DOES File No. L03P0027) Revision Activity No. L05RE043 Dear Mr. Tamburelli: The Subdivision Technical Committee has reviewed your revised plat and finds that the revision is minor and within the spirit and intent of the preliminary approval. Based upon our findings, approval is granted to the revised preliminary plat received December 22, 2005, subject to all original conditions of approval and the following: 1. Tract F shall be improved as a private joint use driveway serving lots 5 and 6. The serving lots shall have undivided ownership of the tract and be responsible for its maintenance. As specified in KCRS 3 .0 IC, improvements shall include an 18 foot paved surface and a minimum tract width of 20 feet. Drainage control shall include a curb or thickened edge on one side. 2. Tract E shall be improved as a private access tract serving lots 9 through 12. The tract width shall be widened to 26-feet as specified in KCRS 2.03. The lots being served shall have undivided ownership of the tract and be responsible for its maintenance. Improvements shall conform to KCRS 2.03 for urban minor access roads including a paved width of 22 feet. 3. The road right-of-way for the proposed cul-de-sac shall be widened as necessary to provide a minimum of one foot right-of-way behind the curb and/or sidewalk. 4. The property frontage for lot 7 shall be widened to 20-feet to accommodate the driveway setbacks specified in KCRS 3.01C3. Please note that a 15-foot-BSBL is required from the wetland setback line, this will affect lots 5-12 and Tract "D." The BSBL must be shown on all future plans. Enclosed is a copy of the approved revision for your records. If you have any questioi:is, please call me at (206) 296-6758. Sincerely, Cc: Kenneth R. Anderson and Associates, Inc. 1720 S 341" Place, Suite C-4 Federal Way, WA 98003 Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/enc Steve Townsend, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section w/enc Joanne Carlson, Administrative Specialist II, ERS, LUSD w/enc Kim Claussen, Planner III, Current Planning Section, LUSD File Page 1 of 1 Cooper, Ted From: Johnathan Kurth uohnathank@davisreg.com] Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 2:40 PM To: Offe Engineers Cc: Cooper, Ted; Mike Davis; Harvey Adams; joe@frontierconstructioninc.com; Tom Mcloughlin Subject: Sandhu KC Engineering Review Meeting Hey Darrell, I spoke with Ted Cooper at KC about reviewing our project and he is now working on Sandhu which is great! He was originally slated to review the Early Start Plans and give us comments. I told him that the Early Start Plans were intended for starting us back in mid August before he was leaving on his vacation and that we are very much desiring comments on his review of the roads and drainage plans and less concerned about clearing a grading at this time, especially since there really is none or very little. Ted will meet with us this Wednesday at 1 :30 at DOES to discuss his review of the Engineering Plans. He will have items that we will need to revise and fix for him that he sees issues with. At that meeting I will plan to cancel the Early Start Plans so that Ted can continue to get his sign offs from the other KC Engineers and stay focused on reviewing the Entire Engineering Plans. Ted, please email Darrell any thoughts or questions that you have about the Engineering Plans so that we can accomplish and catch up as much lost time as possible at the meeting. We look forward to meeting up with you to discuss your review and comments of the Sandhu Engineering Plans. Thank You, Johnathan Kurth 09/25/2006 f/af \ & . ' ~'""""' t o:r----' 1; start IS ,: ll il'l':l ~' ~ ,. • II Inbo; . r· ' il l05SP061,,. •:.: rnES .;;:; " ' 11 ·:1,, ": 0 ~ 10 24 AM • ,:r., • • • • I • • • • yj LIDAR Topo lnde:x ,I; Township Lines ... N "L $, T·R ·"• : OSLIN ES /'.v'.SECLIIIES NTWPUNES ..{; Alt• ria Ir C olkrntor Art• Ii.a /\/F1e~,ay & High /\ / Min.o1 Arte ii.II /'v P1inClpal A1tuia V'. Stre: ets N ~ SAO Strum N.1 /.'V'.2P N2S /V3 ,:'-.__: u ,{_ SAO W •tlaod (1QQ8) EZ?.J Pdge 2 Sec t 2/9 Friday, Sep 22, 2006 10:24 AM • ' Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property King County, Washington For Davis Consulting, Inc. Cornerstone • Geotechnical, Inc. August 18, 2005 Mr. Mike Davis Davis Consulting, Inc. 27013 Pacific Highway South, #353 Des Moines, Washington 98198 Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property King County, Washington CG File No. 1928 Dear Mr. Davis: INTRODUCTION 17625-13Qth Ave. NE, C102, Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone: 425-844-1977 Fax: 425-844-1987 This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering investigation at the proposed 16-lot residential project in the Renton area of King County, Washington. The site is located at 12044 SE 184"' Street, as shown on the Vicinity Map in Figure I. You have requested that we complete this report to evaluate subsurface conditions and provide recommendations for site development. For our use in preparing this report, we have been provided with a copy of the planned site layout that shows the locations of the proposed lots, roadway, and stormwater detention system. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The irregularly-shaped property is 6.27 acres in size. Much of this area consists of wetlands, delineated by others, and the eastern half of the site is a Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) utility tract. The area slated for development is predominantly located at the southwestern portion of the property and is planned for 16 single-family residences and a small access road that ends in a cul-de-sac, as shown in Figure 2. We have not been provided with details of the proposed detention system, but understand that the currently planned storm water detention system includes a concrete vault. We understand that site grading will include minor cuts and fills. We understand that you plan to demolish all existing buildings prior to construction of the new residential development. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 2 SCOPE The purpose of this study is to explore and characterize the subsurface conditions and present recommendations for site development. Specifically, our scope of services as outlined in our Services Agreement, dated July 26, 2005, includes the following; I. Review available geologic maps of the area. 2. Explore the subsurface conditions at the site with backhoe-excavated test pits. 3. Provide recommendations for building foundations. 4. Provide recommendations for site preparation and grading. 5. Provide general recommendations for site drainage. 6. Prepare a written report to document our conclusions and recommendations. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The overall property is 6.27 acres in size and has maximum dimensions of approximately 600 feet in the east-west direction and 580 feet in the north-south direction, with the proposed developed area consisting of a roughly 300-foot-square area extending from the southwest comer of the property. Access to the site is provided by SE 184th Street, which runs along the southern edge of the site. Single-family residences border the western property line, and BP A powerlines trend roughly north-south through the eastern portion of the property. The project site is bordered to the north by wooded land. A proposed layout of the main development area is shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2. The site is mostly flat lying to gently sloping downward to the east. Two single-family residences are currently located near to the southern property line, along with a few outbuildings and several vehicles. We understand that all structures are to be removed. We observed a partially open pit near to the westernmost residence that contained buried household debris. The area around the easternmost residence is mostly grass covered with small-to medium-sized trees. Much of the property outside of this area consists of an open grassy field with a few trees along the north and west borders of the planned developed area. We understand that this open field area had previously been graded for the purposes of creating a motocross track. Wetlands, delineated by others, are located to the north and east of the planned developed area. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 3 Geology Most of the Puget Sound Region was affected by past intrusion of continental glaciation. The last period of glaciation, the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, ended approximately 11,000 years ago. Many of the geomorphic features seen today are a result of scouring and overriding by glacial ice. During the Vashon Stade, much of the Puget Sound region was overridden by over 3,000 feet of ice. Soil layers overridden by the ice sheet were compacted to a much greater extent than those that were not. Part of a typical glacial sequence includes recessional outwash sand over glacial till. Glacial till is an unsorted mixture of sand, silt, and gravel that is deposited at the bottom of the glacier, which is commonly referred to as "hardpan". Glacial drift, similar to glacial till, will display better sorting and is typically used as a more general term. Some glacial drift is deposited directly from the melting ice during glacial retreat. The geologic unit mapped for this area is shown on the Surficial Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington, by D.R. Mullineaux (U.S.G.S., 1965). The site is shown to be underlain by glacial till. Our site explorations encountered glacial till and glacial drift, along with recessional outwash. Recessional outwash generally consists of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams during glacial retreat. At glacial margins, it is not unusual to find interbedded sands and gravels with glacial drift, suggesting a fluctuating glacial margin. The glacial drift/till has been consolidated under the weight of the continental glaciers. The drift/till exhibits both high strength and low permeability. Explorations Subsurface conditions were explored at the site on August 11, 2005, by excavating a total of four test pits. The test pits were excavated to depths of 6.0 to 13.0 feet below the ground surface. The explorations were located in the field by a geologist from this firm who also examined the soils and geologic conditions encountered, and maintained logs of the test pits. The approximate locations of the explorations are shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2. The soils were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System, a copy of which is presented as Figure 3. Subsurface Conditions A brief description of the conditions encountered in our explorations is included below. For a more detailed description of the soils encountered, review the test pit logs in Figure 4. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page4 All of our explorations encountered roughly 2.0 to 2.5 feet of fill material, presumably placed during the construction, and subsequent removal, of the relict motocross track. This fill displayed a weakly- cemented "till-like" appearance. In Test Pit 4, this fill included assorted household debris. At Test Pits 1 and 4, the fill overlies a buried layer of topsoil, consisting of dark brown silty sand with roots and organics. Below the topsoil, we encountered a weathered zone of loose to medium dense, red- brown silty fine to medium sand with occasional gravel, approximately 1.0 to 3.0 feet in thickness. Below this weathered zone, we encountered medium dense to dense, slightly rust-stained gray fine to medium sand with gravel, interpreted as recessional outwash, that extended to roughly 5 .0 to 6.0 feet below the ground surface. Underlying this outwash, Test Pit 1 encountered dense to very dense, gray silty sand with gravel, interpreted as glacial till, to the depth explored. At Test Pit 4, the material underlying the outwash consisted of gray silty fine to medium sand with gravel, with a somewhat sandier zone between 7.5 and 11.0 feet below the ground surface. We interpret this material as glacial drift deposited during glacial ablation that can vary in thickness and density. Test Pit 4 was completed in this drift. At Test Pits 2 and 3, the fill zone directly overlies dense to very dense silty sand with gravel, with the soil at Test Pit 3 being somewhat sandier than that found at Test Pit 2. We have interpreted the soil encountered at Test Pit 2 to be glacial till and the soil encountered at Test Pit 3 to be glacial drift. Due to access constraints, we were unable to perform a test pit at the planned vault location. However, we advanced Test Pit 4 to a depth of 13.0 feet near to the planned vault area, We expect that the soil conditions at the planned vault area will be similar to those encountered in Test Pit 4. This should be verified during construction. Hydrologic Conditions We encountered ground water seepage in Test Pit 4 at 11.0 feet. We consider this water to be perched within a sandier portion of the drift. We also encountered rust staining in the recessional outwash overlying the till or drift. This mottled zone is also a sign of perched water during the wet season. The thickness of the mottled layer does not indicate full saturation of the unit. The dense to very dense drift/till below this mottled zone is considered poorly draining. During the wetter times of the year, we expect perched water conditions will occur as pockets of water on top of the till layer. Perched water does not represent a regional ground water "table" within the upper soil horizons. Volumes of perched ground water vary depending upon the time of year and the upslope recharge conditions. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 5 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Landslide Hazards The subject site is underlain by dense to very dense glacial soils at shallow depths. These materials typically exhibit very high shear strength and have a high resistance to slope failure. The terrain within the site is flat-lying to gently sloping, posing little risk of slope failure. Erosion Hazard The erosion hazard criteria used for determination of affected areas includes soil type, slope gradient, vegetation cover, and ground water conditions. The erosion potential is related to vegetative cover and the specific surface soil types (group classification), which are related to the underlying geologic units. The Soil Survey of King County Area Washington by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) was reviewed to determine the erosion hazard of the on-site soils. The site surface soils were classified using the SCS classification system as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgB). The corresponding geologic unit for these soils is till, which is in general agreement with the soils encountered in our site explorations. The erosion hazard for the soil is listed as being slight for the generally flat-lying to gently sloping conditions at the site. Seismic Hazard The site is classified based on its overall soil profile using Table 1615.1.1 of the 2003 International Building Code (IBC). It is our opinion, based on our subsurface explorations, that the soil profile in accordance with Table 1615.1.1 of the 2003 IBC is Site Class C. We referenced the 2002 map from the US Geological Survey website to obtain the following seismic parameters. The USGS website includes the most updated published data on seismic conditions. The seismic design parameters are: S, 135.16% g F, Fv 46.06% g 1.0 1.3 Based on Table 1615.1.2(1) of the 2003 IBC Based on Table 1615.1.2(2) of the 2003 IBC Site specific coefficients and adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration parameters apply as shown in Section 1615.1 of the IBC. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 6 Additional seismic considerations include liquefaction potential and amplification of ground motions by soft soil deposits. The liquefaction potential is highest for loose sand with a high ground water table. The underlying dense soil is considered to have a very low potential for liquefaction and amplification of ground motion. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General It is our opinion that the site is compatible with the planned development. The underlying dense to very dense, silty sands are capable of supporting the planned structures and pavements. We recommend that the foundations for the structures extend through any topsoil, fill, loose, or disturbed soils, and bear on the underlying medium dense to very dense, native soils, or on structural fill extending to these soils. Given the known history of previous grading at the site, we expect that there may be areas with deeper fill wnes than those encountered by our explorations. Also, based on our observations of household debris at the site, it should be anticipated that one or more "garbage pits" may exist at the site. The soils likely to be exposed during construction are highly moisture sensitive and will disturb easily when wet or during wet conditions. We recommend that construction take place during the drier summer months, if possible. If construction takes place during the wet season, additional expenses and delays should be expected due to the wet conditions. Additional expenses could include additional depth of site stripping, export of on-site soil, the import of clean granular soil for fill, and the need to place a blanket of rock spalls in the access roads and paved areas prior to placing structural fill. Site Preparations and Grading The first step of site preparation should be to strip the vegetation, topsoil, fill or loose soils to expose medium dense to very dense native soils in pavement and building areas. A geotechnical engineer should evaluate the subgrade to confirm bearing soils. Additional explorations may be needed during construction to confirm native bearing soils. This material should be removed from the site, or stockpiled for later use as landscaping fill. The resulting subgrade should be compacted to a firm, non-yielding condition. Areas observed to pump or weave should be repaired prior to placing hard surfaces. The on-site soil likely to be exposed during construction is considered moisture sensitive, and the surface will disturb easily when wet. We expect these soils would be difficult, if not impossible, to compact to Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 7 structural fill specifications in wet weather. We recommend that earthwork be conducted during the drier months. The sand deposit will be slightly moisture sensitive. Additional expenses of wet weather or winter construction would include extra excavation and use of imported fill or rock spalls. During wet weather, alternative site preparation methods may be necessary. These methods may include utilizing a smooth-bucket trackhoe to complete site stripping and diverting construction traffic around prepared subgrades. Disturbance to the prepared subgrade may be minimized by placing a blanket of rock spalls or imported sand and gravel in traffic and roadway areas. Cutoff drains or ditches can also be helpful in reducing grading costs during the wet season. These methods can be evaluated at the time of construction. Structural Fill General: All fill placed beneath buildings, pavements or other settlement sensitive features should be placed as structural fill. Structural fill, by definition, is placed in accordance with prescribed methods and standards, and is monitored by an experienced geotechnical professional or soils technician. Field- monitoring procedures would include the performance of a representative number of in-place density tests to document the attainment of the desired degree of relative compaction. Materials: Imported structural fill should consist of a good quality, free-draining granular soil, free of organics and other deleterious material, and be well graded to a maximum size of about 3 inches. Imported, all-weather structural fill should contain no more than 5 percent fines (soil finer than a Standard U.S. No. 200 sieve), based on that fraction passing the U.S. 3/4-inch sieve. The use of on-site soil as structural fill will be dependent on moisture content control. Some drying of the native soils may be necessary in order to achieve compaction. During warm, sunny days this could be accomplished by spreading the material in thin lifts and compacting. Some aeration and/or addition of moisture may also be necessary. We expect that compaction of the native soils to structural fill specifications would be difficult, if not impossible, during wet weather. Fill Placement: Following subgrade preparation, placement of the structural fill may proceed. Fill should be placed in 8-to 10-inch-thick uniform lifts, and each lift should be spread evenly and be thoroughly compacted prior to placement of subsequent lifts. All structural fill underlying building areas, and within a depth of 2 feet below pavement and sidewalk subgrade, should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum dry density. Maximum dry density, in this report, refers to that density as Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 8 determined by the ASTM D 1557 compaction test procedure. Fill more than 2 feet beneath sidewalks and pavement subgrades should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density. The moisture content of the soil to be compacted should be within about 2 percent of optimum so that a readily compactable condition exists. It may be necessary to overexcavate and remove wet surficial soils in cases where drying to a compactable condition is not feasible. All compaction should be accomplished by equipment of a type and size sufficient to attain the desired degree of compaction. Temporary and Permanent Slopes Temporary cut slope stability is a function of many factors, such as the type and consistency of soils, depth of the cut, surcharge loads adjacent to the excavation, length of time a cut remains open, and the presence of surface or ground water. It is exceedingly difficult under these variable conditions to estimate a stable temporary cut slope geometry. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain safe slope configurations, since the contractor is continuously at the job site, able to observe the nature and condition of the cut slopes, and able to monitor the subsurface materials and ground water conditions encountered. We anticipate temporary cuts for installation of utilities. For planning purposes, we recommend that temporary cuts in the fill or near-surface weathered soils be no greater than 1.5 Horizontal to I Vertical (l.5H:IV). Cuts in dense to very dense soil may stand at a IH:lV inclination or possibly steeper. If ground water seepage is encountered, we would expect that flatter inclinations would be necessary. We recommend that cut slopes be protected from erosion. Measures taken may include covering cut slopes with plastic sheeting and diverting surface runoff away from the top of cut slopes. We do not recommend vertical slopes for cuts deeper than 4 feet, if worker access is necessary. We recommend that cut slope heights and inclinations conform to local and WISHNOSHA standards. Final slope inclinations for structural fill and the cuts in the native soils should be no steeper than 2H: 1 V. Lightly compacted fills or common fills should be no steeper than 3H: IV. Common fills are defined as fill material with some organics that are "trackrolled" into place. They would not meet the compaction specification of structural fill. Final slopes should be vegetated and covered with straw or jute netting. The vegetation should be maintained until it is established. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 9 Foundations Conventional, shallow spread foundations should be founded on undisturbed, medium dense to very dense, native soils, or be supported on structural fill extending to those soils. If the soil at the planned bottom of footing elevation is not medium dense to very dense, it should be overexcavated to expose suitable bearing soil, and the excavation should be filled with structural fill, or the footing may be overpoured with extra concrete. Footings should extend at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished ground surface for frost protection and bearing capacity considerations. International Building Code (IBC) guidelines for minimum foundation widths should be followed for both continuous and isolated spread footings. Standing water should not be allowed to accumulate in footing trenches. All loose or disturbed soil should be removed from the foundation excavation prior to placing concrete. For foundations constructed as outlined above, we recommend an allowable design bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) be used for the footing design. International Building Code (IBC) guidelines should be followed when considering short-term transitory wind or seismic loads. Potential foundation settlement using the recommended allowable bearing pressure is estimated to be less than !- inch total and \!,-inch differential between footings or across a distance of about 30 feet. Higher soil bearing values may be appropriate for footings founded on the unweathered drift/till, and with wider footings. These higher values can be determined after a review of a specific design. Lateral loads can be resisted by fiiction between the foundation and subgrade soil, and by passive soil resistance acting on the below-grade portion of the foundation. For the latter, the foundation must be poured "neat" against undisturbed soil or backfilled with clean, free-draining, compacted structural fill. Passive resistance may be calculated as a triangular equivalent fluid pressure distribution. We recommend that an equivalent fluid density of 225 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) be used to calculate the allowable lateral passive resistance for the case of a level ground surface adjacent to the footing. An allowable coefficient of fiiction between footings and soil of 0.45 may be used, and should be applied to the vertical dead load only. A factor of safety of 2.0 has been applied to the passive pressure to account for required movements to generate these pressures. The friction coefficient does not include a factor of safety. Cornerstone Geotechnical. Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 10 Slabs-On-Grade Slab-on-grade areas should be prepared as recommended in the Site Preparation and Grading subsection. Slabs should be supported on medium dense to very dense native soils, or on structural fill extending to these soils. Where moisture control is a concern, we recommend that slabs be underlain by 6 inches of free-draining coarse sand or pea gravel for use as a capillary break. A suitable vapor barrier, such as heavy plastic sheeting, should be placed over the capillary break. Drainage We recommend that runoff from impervious surfaces, such as roofs, driveway and access roadways, be collected and routed to an appropriate storm water discharge system. Final site grades should allow for drainage away from any buildings. We suggest that the finished ground surface be sloped at a gradient of 3 percent minimum for a distance of at least 10 feet away from the buildings. Surface water should be collected by permanent catch basins and drain lines, and be discharged into a storm drain system. We recommend that footing drains be used around all of the structures where moisture control is important. The underlying silty sand will pond water that accumulates in the crawl space. It is good practice to use footing drains installed at least I foot below the planned finished floor slab or crawl space elevation to provide drainage for the crawl space. At a minimum, the crawl space should be sloped to drain to an outlet tied to the drainage system. If drains are omitted around slab-on-grade floors where moisture control is important, the slab should be a minimum of I foot above surrounding grades. Where used, footing drains should consist of 4-inch-diameter, perforated PVC pipe that is surrounded by free-draining material, such as pea gravel. Footing drains should discharge into tightlines leading to an appropriate collection and discharge point. Crawl spaces should be sloped to drain, and a positive connection should be made into the foundation drainage system. For slabs-on-grade, a drainage path should be provided from the capillary break material to the footing drain system. Roof drains should not be connected to wall or footing drains. Detention Vault If a concrete detention vault is to be constructed, the concrete walls of the vault may be supported on footing foundations bearing on the underlying dense to very dense glacial soils. The allowable soil bearing pressure should not exceed 4,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for the design of the wall footings poured on undisturbed glacial soil. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 11 We recommend that footing drains be installed on the outside of perimeter footings. The footing drains should be at least 4 inches in diameter and should consist of perforated or slotted, rigid, smooth-walled PVC pipe, laid at the bottom of the footings. The drain line should be surrounded with free-draining pea gravel or coarse sand and wrapped with a layer of non-woven filter fabric. A vertical drainage blanket at least 12 inches thick, consisting of compacted pea gravel or other free-draining granular soils, should be placed against the walls. A vertical drain mat, such as Miradrain 6000 by Mirafi Inc., may be placed against the walls in lieu of the vertical drainage blanket. Structural fill is then placed behind the vertical drainage blanket or drain mat to backfill the walls. The vertical drainage blanket or drain mat should be hydraulically connected to the drain line at the base of the walls. Sufficient number of cleanouts at strategic locations should be installed for periodical cleaning of the wall drain line to prevent clogging. The perimeter walls of the concrete vault with a lid would be restrained at their top from horizontal movement and should be designed for at-rest lateral soil pressure, while the perimeter walls of a vault without a lid would be unrestrained at the top and may be designed for active lateral soil pressure. Active earth pressure and at-rest earth pressure can be calculated based on equivalent fluid density. Equivalent fluid densities for active and at-rest earth pressure of 35 pcf and 55 pcf, respectively, may be used for design for a level backslope. These values assume that the on-site soils are used for backfill, and that the wall backfill is drained. The preceding values do not include the effects of surcharges due to foundation loads, traffic or other surface loads. Surcharge effects should be considered where appropriate. For undrained soil conditions, the active and at-rest pressures should be increased to 80 pcf and 90 pcf, respectively. Undrained conditions may occur in the lower portion of the vault if there is not suitable fall to place a wall drain at the footing elevation. All wall backfill should be well compacted. Care should be taken to prevent the buildup of excess lateral soil pressures due to overcompaction of the wall backfill. This can be accomplished by placing wall backfill in 8-inch loose lifts and compacting with small, hand-operated compactors. We recommend that an equivalent fluid density of 225 pcf be used to calculate the allowable lateral passive resistance for the case of a level ground surface adjacent to the footing. An allowable coefficient of friction between footings and soil of 0.45 may be used, and should be applied to the vertical dead load only. A factor of safety of 2.0 has been applied to the passive pressure to account for required movements to generate these pressures. The friction coefficient does not include a factor of safety. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 12 Utilities Our explorations indicate that specific deep dewatering will not be needed to install utilities. Anticipated ground water is expected to be handled with pumps in the trenches. We also expect that some ground water seepage may develop during and following the wetter times of the year. We expect this seepage to mostly occur in pockets. We do not expect significant volumes of water in these excavations. The soils likely to be exposed in utility trenches after site stripping are considered highly moisture sensitive. We recommend that they be considered for trench backfill during the drier portions of the year. Provided these soils are within 2 percent of their optimum moisture content, they should be suitable to meet compaction specifications. During the wet season, it may be difficult to achieve compaction specifications; therefore, soil amendment with kiln dust or cement may be needed to achieve proper compaction with the on-site materials. Pavement The performance of roadway pavement is critically related to the conditions of the underlying subgrade. We recommend that the subgrade soils within the roadways be treated and prepared as described in the Site Preparation and Grading subsection of this report. Prior to placing base material, the subgrade soils should be compacted to a non-yielding state with a vibratory roller compactor and then proof-rolled with a piece of heavy construction equipment, such as a fully-loaded dump truck. Any areas with excessive weaving or flexing should be overexcavated and recompacted or replaced with a structural fill or crushed rock placed and compacted in accordance with recommendations provided in the Structural Fill subsection ofthis report. MONITORING We should be retained to provide monitoring and consultation services during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, and to provide recommendations for design changes, should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated. As part of our services, we would also evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 13 USE OF THIS REPORT We have prepared this report for Davis Consulting, Inc., and its agents, for use in planning and design of this project. The data and report should be provided to prospective contractors for their bidding and estimating purposes, but our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions. The scope of our work does not include services related to construction safety precautions, and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractors' methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report, for consideration in design. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions. We recommend that project planning include contingencies in budget and schedule, should areas be found with conditions that vary from those described in this report. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget for our work, we have strived to take care that our work has been completed in accordance with generally accepted practices followed in this area at the time this report was prepared. No other conditions, expressed or implied, should be understood. oOo Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Sandhu Property August 18, 2005 CG File No. 1928 Page 14 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If there are any questions concerning this report or ifwe can provide additional services, please call. Sincerely, Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. c;l·U/ Jeff Laub, LG Project Geologist Rick B. Powell, PE Principal JPL:RBP:nt Three Copies Submitted Four Figures Information about this Geotechnical Engineering Report Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Vicinity Map N Cornerstone Phone: (425) 844-1977 Geotechnical, Inc. Fax ( 425 ) 844 - 1987 ... 17625-130\h Ave NE, C-102 • Woodinville, WA• 98072 Davis -Sandhu Property 1928 Figure 1 File Number Site Plan - so' <. ~i,§ ~ LOT l~ / Reference: Site Plan based on a scanned version of Topographic Site Survey prepared by Cramer Northwest, Inc. and dated June 2005 Cornerstone Phone (425) 844-1977 -Geotechnical, Inc. Fax ' 425 )84 4-1987 17625·130th Ave NE, C-102 • Woodinville, WA• 98072 File Number 0 N LEGEND Number and Approximate Location of Test Pit 60 120 I Scale 1" = 60' Davis -Sandhu Property Figure 1928 2 Unified Soil Classification System COARSE- GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% RETAINED ON number 200 SIEVE FINE- GRAINED SOILS MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAVEL MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE SAND MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSES NO. 4 SIEVE SILT AND CLAY LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50% MORE THAN 50% SILT AND CLAY PASSES NO. 200 SIEVE LIQUID LIMIT 50%0RMORE CLEAN GRAVEL GRAVEL WITH FINES CLEAN SAND SAND WITH FINES INORGANIC ORGANIC INORGANIC ORGANIC HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS NOTES: 1) Field classification is based on visual examination of soil in general accordance with ASTM D 2488-83. 2) Soil classification using laboratory tests is based on ASTM D 2487-83. 3) Descriptions of soil density or consistency are based on interpretation of blowcount data. visual appearance of soils. and/or test data. GROUP SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT GROUP NAME WELL-GRADED GRAVEL, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL SILTY GRAVEL CLAYEY GRAVEL WELL-GRADED SAND, FINE TO COARSE SAND POORLY-GRADED SAND SILTY SAND CLAYEY SAND SILT CLAY ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY ORGANIC CLAY, ORGANIC SILT PEAT SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS Dry-Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Moist-Damp, but no visible water Wet-Visible free water or saturated, usually soil is obtained from below water table Phone: (425) 844-1977 Fax: (425) 844-1987 Unified Soil Classification System Cornerstone Ill Geotechnical, Inc. 17625-130thAve NE, C-102 • Woodinville, WA" 98072 Figure 3 DEPTH TEST PITONE 0.0-1.2 1.2-2.5 2.5-3.0 3.0-6.0 6.0-8.0 8.0-8.5 TEST PIT TWO 0.0-2.0 2.0-6.0 TEST PIT THREE 0.0-2.5 2.5-7.5 TEST PIT FOUR 0.0-2.0 2.0-2.5 2.5-3.5 3.5-5.0 5.0-13.0 USC SM SP SM SM SP SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SP SM LOG OF EXPLORATION SOIL DESCRIPTION GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL (LOOSE, DRY) (FILL) BROWN-GRAY GRAVELY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (LOOSE, DRY TO MOIST) (FILL) DARK BROWN SIL TY SAND WITH ORGANICS AND ROOTS (LOOSE, MOIST) (TOPSOIL) RED-BROWN SIL TY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED OUTWASH) SLIGHTY RUST-STAINED GRAY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, MOIST) (RECESSIONAL OUTWASH) GRAY SIL TY SAND WITH GRAVEL (VERY DENSE, MOIST) (TILL) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.5, 7.0 AND 8.5 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED SLIGHT TEST PIT CAVING WAS ENCOUNTERD FROM 5.0 TO 7.0 FEET TEST PITWAS COMPLETED AT 8.5 FEET ON 8111/05 GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL (LOOSE, DRY) (FILL) GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (TILL) NO SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 6.0 FEET ON 8111/05 GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL (LOOSE, DRY) (FILUMODIFIED GROUND) GRAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (DRIFT) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 7.5 FEET GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 7.5 FEET ON 8111/05 GRAY SIL TY SAND WITH GRAVEL AND ASSORTED DEBRIS (LOOSE, DRY) (FILL) DARK BROWN SIL TY SAND WITH ORGANICS AND ROOTS (LOOSE, MOIST) (TOPSOIL) RED-BROWN SIL TY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED OUTWASH) SLIGHTY RUST-STAINED GRAY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, MOIST) (RECESSIONAL OUTWASH) GRAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST (wet from 7.5 to 11.0 feet)) (DRIFn -somewhat sandier from 7. 5 to 11. O feet NO SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 11.0 FEET TEST PIT CAVING WAS ENCOUNTERED FROM 7.5 TO 12.0 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 13.0 FEET ON 8111/05 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1928 FIGURE 4 Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering RepOrt Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engi- neer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because Bach geotechnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical engineering report is unique, prepared solelyfor the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one -not even you-should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Based on A Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique, project-specific fac- tors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved. its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates oth- erwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, • not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, • elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes--ilven minor ones--and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechmcal engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was pertormed. Do not rely on a geotechnica/ engineer- ing report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man-made.events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctua- tions. Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurtace conditions only at those points where subsurtace tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engi- neers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurtace conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurtace conditions may differ-sometimes significantly- from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engi- neers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurtace conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geo- technical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review perti- nent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurtace conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give con- tractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, bu/preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contrac- tors have su/fic1ent time to pertorm additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring tnem to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disci- plines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes: To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations" many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsi- bilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to pertorm a geoenviron- mental study differ significantly from those used to pertorm a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoen- vironmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk man- agement guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared tor someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surtaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of maid prevention, integrated into a com- prehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, a num- ber of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building surtaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services per- formed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold preven- tion. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely, on Your ASFE-Member Geotechncial Engmeer for Additional Assistance Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with you ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. ASFE TIit lesl reopln an Earih / 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone: 301/565-2733 Facsimile: 301/589-2017 / ' e-mail: info@asfe.org www.asfe.org Copyright 2004 by ASFE, Inc. Duplication, reproduction, or copying of tnis aocumenr. in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with ASFE's specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express wn"tten permission of ASFE, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only membsrs of ASFE may use this document as a complement to or as an element of & geotechfiical engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being an ASFE member could be committing negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. IIGER06045.0M . j) ' I , I, ' ',(·· L 1. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14 , 2 O O 7 Provide a structural design package for the vault that matches the civil plans . i I I I' , ..._-I .· ~ -I '.J 1 2. Make the following revisions to the TIR: A. Revise the drainage detention and conveyance calculations as follows: 1) The mapped basin boundaries and calculations based on them appear to be inconsistent with the actual and bypass areas for the pond, the vault and the bypass system. Correct this for both the pre- development and post development analyses. 2) Describe and show how your drainage analysis and design comply with Hearing Examiner's Condition 6.d. According to the TIR, nuisance flooding exists downstream. In the SWDM, "Conveyance System Nuisance Problems (Type l)", Table l.2.3A appears to apply. This SWDM section requires that this problem be addressed per the "Problem Specific Mitigation Requirements" on page 1-23. 3) It is unclear what design storm was used for any of the drainage calculations. Provide more documentation. Provide a backwater analysis using the SWDM method (which begins on page 4-19). For other programs, we can't tell if they meet our standards because we can't tell what factors were considered and how the calculations were done. B. Correct the vault calculations so none of them, including their basins, are wrongly specified for a pond. .. 3. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 2 C. Provide documentation from government agencies other than King County describing how this project will be constructed to comply with the following Examiner's Conditions: 6.J, 7.F. and 8. The proposed design doesn't provide the bus stop that is required by the school district and specified in Conditions 7.F. and 8. A~ess the following major concerns now: ~ On the plans, provide the 100-year floodplain/floodway delineation on the plans for both the site and the closed depression immediately downstream of the site, per SWDM Special Requirement #2, in Section 1.3.2 (on SWDM page 1-60). In the "Application of This Requirement" an analysis is required. Also, in the TIR, analyze and comment on the impacts of flooding here. 4. Make the following revisions to the cover sheet: A. Add the following numbers to the blanks in the title /n' J.. j block: Lo ts o~O f; •. '/ ---31>''":l) Activity Number*06RE020 2) Project Number L03P0027. V In the block titled "AGREEMENTS, PLAN REFERENCES, ... ", fill in the blanks with the information requested here. (e.g., BPA Agreement Number & date, ESC sensitive site, etc.) . (;,,:/ Add the stamp of a Washington State licensed Professional Land Surveyor to plan sheet C2.0 for the sole purpose of certifying the boundaries of this site. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 3 6. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C3.0: ('.A-; Revise the construction sequence as follows: ?·· The first step must require that a pre- construction conference be held with the DDES site inspector be scheduled by calling (206) 296-6642. tcr· Make it site specific and address the necessary sequence of drainage construction (e.g., begin at the bottom and work upward). t,B'~--Reference detail for CB protection on sheet C3. 1. 7. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C3.l: ~-Replace the filter fabric protection detail and its surrounding rock with the catch basin insert from SWDM Fig. D.3.5.F(page D-53). Debris falls into the CB when the fabric is torn for removal because a hook is typically poked through the fabric to remove the grate. 8. On plan sheets C3.l and 3.2, address the following: ;,)<'.. In order to avoid confusion, we recommend that you combine Section D from sheet C4.3 with the wall/walkway details on sheet C3.2. Currently, both sections conflict (see wall location). fo: Remove the following irrelevant wall details because all walls are against cuts and others add contradictory information: 'i) Detail 1 (Typical Block Facing) Remove "Fill Section" detail only . . :2) Details 3, 4, 6 and 8 . (p: Add proposed grading contours for the R/W. \\ ' I \{ ' '\ \\ \ Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 4 y·. Modify the "Cut Section" in Detail 1 as follows (and to be similar to KCRS DWG NO. 5-004): 4, Show and dimension the maximum allowable wall height to be 4'. Otherwise, a structural wall design must be submitted for review/approval. ~ Show and dimension the bottom row of blocks keyed into the existing soil a distance of 12" below the bottom of the future walkway. Show and dimension the bottom l'-6" of gravel backfill for drain as follows: ca.)· Completely wrapped with filter fabric. ,'&) Located the gravel backfill behind but not beneath the wall to agree with "PROFILE - WALL SECTIONS A AND B". Specify the type of material (concrete?) used in the "blocks" and its "cap". Materials other than concrete may not be acceptable. i".!'-~· In both the plan view (sheet C4 .1) and the profile view on this sheet, label the beginning and ending stations and offsets for the proposed wall faces. The rockery face location can't conflict with the proposed walkway. I;;,..:· In the wall profiles, add and label the existing ground profile along the northern R/W line. 41 .. ·· Add stations & offsets for wall corresponding to the elevations specified in the profiles. 9. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.0: !J;v.· Add a CB in the proposed gutter of SE 184th Street, to comply with the maximum CB spacing in KCRS 7.04A. 1 ' ! ·~ I' .. .. I• Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 5 i;k Redesign the access roadway to have a crown and - C . controlled drainage per KCRS minor access requirements. Notice that this roadway's drainage must be collected before it crosses the sidewalk. I Provide a detailed plan view of CB#/, its pipes and its ,s 1-access. This CB may have to be larger to comply with the requirements in KCRS DWG NO'S 2-005 and 2-006. Transitions from vertical curb to rolled curb should occur at the sidewalk ramps located on the corners of the entrance. I. Design the drainage collection for the site's sag per d\ ·;3.fl ( r«•' cw-b._r~ ) KCRS Section 7.058. It is located at CB#3 and CB~. · Lot drain pipes should all enter the vault close to the main inlet pipe to avoid creating turbulence (which negates sedimentation). All inlet pipes need to enter the vault below the top of the dead storage elevation to avoid the creation of turbulence Revise the (which negates s ·mentation). flaw c.E*'9' alignment for CB#l3 o its outfall doesn't terminate immediately adjacent to the existing utility pole, aiming directly at it. This pole is currently shown surrounded by the pipe's proposed rip rap outfall. Correct the following in the note at the very bottom of this sheet: ffe Infiltration is not feasible and should not be mentioned in this note. L2) Correct the spelling of the word "STPORM". Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 6 ~· Move the pond's control structure and its outflow pipe as far as possible from inlet pipe to maximize the flow path. K. Bollards aren't needed because there is a fence instead, at the pond. L. The pond's overflow birdcage must be immediately adjacent to the pond's access roadway. Notice that this is also true for the control structure (which will need to be moved) . M. Show and specify all proposed pavement sawcut locations on this sheet and sheet C4.l. N. Within the existing R/W, pave behind all proposed concrete driveways driveway sections. (with ACP pavement) per KCRS (B PA Ae:.c,:..l::S r,;.a4) 10. Address the following items on plan sheet C4.l: -----·;J.t A. Where is the required bus stop? How do you propose to _. Io' "'1 ._l ~,.,~ have school kids cross the ditch here? ""-~ ~ (1,'·' ,./ o'i:-·s;:,/~. Add grading details, contours. There appear to be ./· problems with the proposed pipe inlet and the adjacent final grading (e.g., pipe cover, side slopes, etc.). 11. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.2: A. Show the outlet pipe from CB16 in the profile for CB#15 and CB#16. Is there a pipe crossing conflict? Specify all pipe materials. Some have different cover requirements and flow capacities. Justify, in the TIR, the elevation you chose to collect drainage from the existing onsite wetland. The existing wetland hydrology needs to be maintained. The proposed Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 invert appears to be above the existing one to be removed. 7 D. The inlet to the vault must be submerged below the dead storage level. 12. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.3: A. All proposed roadway sections must have a normal crown, to comply with the KCRS minor access design requirements. B. Revise Section D (walkway/wall) so it is clearly compatible with existing conditions. These sections must also dimension the relationship between the offsite northern R/W line and these improvements proposed adjacent to the R/W line. Specify the street tree species, planting details and required root barriers. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.4: A. Provide a 4'-minimum dead storage depth per SWDM. B. Provide the minimum required grate area (4% of total vault area) and an access door through the grate per SWDM Access Requirements on page 6-86. C. The flow path around/through the vault's internal walls must have a constant width to minimize turbulence. These openings must also minimize dead spots. D. The vault access detail should show the access riser connected directly to the vault. It is also unclear what is proposed. r'"' .~~ E. The vault doesn't~access within 50' of all parts of the vault, as required by the SWDM. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 8 F. Per OSHA, a ventilation opening at least 12" in diameter must be located within 3' of ever corner within the vault (e.g., 2-on each side of the proposed baffle wall). Ventilation openings that also serve as access openings must have round locking lids. G. The bottom 1-section of the tee section must be attached with a watertight removable gasket. Show and specify it this way. H. The restrictor elbow must be designed per the SWDM. Its diameter is too small. (6 '',...,;) I. In the control structure detail, the WSE and the OF elevations should match. 14. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.5: A. The pond doesn't provide the required 3:1 length to width ration at mid-depth, for WQ design requirements. B. Add the required pond depth for sediment storage below the designed dead storage, as required by the SWDM. C. The bottom I-section of the tee section must be attached with a watertight removable gasket. Show and specify it this way. D, ,4J d c, J a~ llv,.....S\> W <c_lV- 15. On plan sheet C4.7, use the KCRS design for the driveway entrance instead of your non-standard proposed detail. 16. After all project issues are addressed satisfactorily, the following items will be needed for plan approval: A. Two sets of as follows: 1) A set revised plans that have the original signature on PE stamps (either paper or mylar) Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 2) A paper copy of the revised plan set. B. Two copies of the Bond Quantity Worksheets. 9 • .. A Site Development Associates, LLC l 0117 ~Joi,...., '."ltl"tc"e-. L3o~hel, V\\..ish1."gtun Y8011 -----~ v,-',o/'N ;due1'uir1ccr:1.,. OT1 July 11, 2007 Ted Cooper King County DOES 900 Oaksdale Avenue Renton, WA 98028 RE: Sandhu Subdivision -File# L06~~~tE!VEO Response to Comments ' JL:L 1 l ZJOI Dear Ted: riii;; CULJ.N i I, , kMHl USi ti~R'/IOES The following letter is in response to your plan mark-ups dated 06/25/2007. Each item below addresses the corresponding comment in the letter: GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Add the stamp of a Washington State licensed Professional Land Surveyor to plan sheet C2.0 for the sole purpose of certifying the boundaries of this site. The PLS stamp and signature have been added to sheet C2.0. SHEET C4.1 and C4.2: 1. Specify all pipe materials. Some have different cover requirements and flow capacities. PVC pipe is not acceptable for most of the proposed pipes because it requires 3'- minimum cover (SWDM Pipe Cover item 4 on page 4-9). Specify it as "PVC SOR 35" or better with flexible bedding (KCRS 7.03G). We have updated the pipe to CEPE per recommendations from King County. 2. Add the following plan note: "Contact Henry Perrin (206-263-6138) at least 2-days before any roadway striping." Note added. SHEETC4.3: 1. Reverse the directions of the cross slope arrows in Section "C" to show a normal crown roadway (to match the proposed design). This Cross Section has been updated. Page 1 Office 4:>5.486.6533 rax: 425.486.6593 2. Revise Sections "D" and "E" so they specify the proposed materials for the roadway and its subgrade. Use the SE 184th pavement design (because a bus will drive on the shoulder). These sections must also dimension the relationship between the offsite northern R/W line and these improvements proposed adjacent to the R/W line. Paving section has been updated. SHEETC4.4: 1. Provide a 2'x2' access door through the grates per SWDM Access Requirements on page 6-86. Note specifying the 2'x2' access door has been added. 2. Provide details of the OSHA-required ventilation openings that are at least 12" in diameter and located within 3' of ever corner. Ventilation openings that also serve as access openings must have round locking lids. A detail for the ventilation openings has been added to the vault sheet. Regards, Page2 Page 1 of2 Cooper, Ted From: Cooper, Ted Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 11 :34 AM To: 'Scott Mesic' Cc: 'Johnathan Kurth' Subject: RE: Sandhu L03P0027 constructability review -final plans Scott, I couldn't find Jeff Pray when I went upstairs to talk to him. Please resolve the questions you had as follows: I. Provide us with a copy of the recorded drainage easement covering all work on private property (as mentioned below). 2. In a manner consistent with the structural plans, revise plan sheet C4.4 to show and specify the sizes and locations of all 4 of the 2'-6" by 2'-3" hinged access lids in all 4 grates. Currently, these lids are missing from the civil plans. This should resolve Jeffs concern. 3. CB & mailbox designs are OK if they are revised to match KCRS and SWDM. Instead of picking up the plans, submit only the plan sheets you revise (to address the review list items). I will replace the outdated sheets with the revised sheets. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Scott Mesic [mailto:smesic@sdaengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:55 AM To: Cooper, Ted Cc: 'Johnathan Kurth' Subject: RE: Sandhu L03P0027 constructability review -final plans Ted: I understand that there are a few minor issues that we need to address on the Sandhu plans based on the constructability review. Here is how we are planning on addressing these -Please let me know if this will work: • An easement has been obtained for the work within the private property along the south side of SE184th Street. • We have added 2'x2' access hatches at each of the vault corners per your pervious comment. Do these adequately satisfy Jeff's comments? • We will update the CB type 2 and mail box detail. Unfortunately we submitted the revised plans this morning that addressed your comments. Rather than print a new set of drawings I would propose that we only re-print the changed sheets and rebind the set for your approval. Please let me know how I can pickup the plans. 07/11/2007 , . ·, Thanks, Scott From: Cooper, Ted [mailto:Ted.Cooper@METROKCGOV] Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:17 AM To: Johnathan Kurth Subject: PW: Sandhu L03P0027 constructability review -final plans Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Pray, Jeff Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 4:51 PM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: Sandhu L03P0027 constructability review -final plans Hi Ted, My notes: Page 2 of2 Please assure H.E.Conditions 6E, 6J and 7C are addressed prior to plan approval. 1 The recorded easement for work within private property along the south side of SE 184th St (see Sheet C4.0) needs to be obtained prior to plan approval. Only one personnel access is provided for the vault. The vault grates will be too heavy for lifting should the one access be unavailable. The CB Type 2 detail (Sheet C4.6) and the mailbox detail (Sheet C4. 7) are not per KCRS. Thanks. Jeff Pray, P.E. Engineer Ill I Project Manager Land Use Inspections Section King County ODES, Land Use SeNices Division ph 206-296-7234 fax 206-296-7174 07/11/2007 Project No. / ).1 .. / /,!~~·-'"; f ·l (J /: • I / . /Y ci'"f\c '· , (' V V; Sandhu Plat L03P0027 (Activity Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 No. L06SR020) .:, c.~ r 1. Provide a structural design package for the vault that matches the civil plans. 2. Make the following revisions to the TIR: A. Revise the drainage detention and conveyance calculations as follows: 1 1) The mapped basin boundaries and calculations based on them appear to be inconsistent with the actual and bypass areas for the pond, the vault and the bypass system. Correct this for both the pre- development and post development analyses. 2) Describe and show how your drainage analysis and design comply with Hearing Examiner's Condition 6.d. According to the TIR, nuisance flooding exists downstream. In the SWDM, "Conveyance System Nuisance Problems (Type l)", Table l.2.3A appears to apply. This SWDM section requires that this problem be addressed per the "Problem Specific Mitigation Requirements" on page 1-23. 3) It is unclear what design storm was used for any of the drainage calculations. Provide more documentation. 4) Provide a backwater analysis using the SWDM method (which begins on page 4-19). For other programs, we can't tell if they meet our standards because we can't tell what factors were considered and how the calculations were done. B. Correct the vault calculations so none of them, including their basins, are wrongly specified for a pond. 3. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 2 C. Provide documentation from government agencies other than King County describing how this project will be constructed to comply with the following Examiner's Conditions: 6.J, 7.F. and 8. The proposed design doesn't provide the bus stop that is required by the school district and specified in Conditions 7.F. and 8. A~ess the following major concerns now: l}<-On the plans, provide the 100-year floodplain/floodway delineation on the plans for both the site and the closed depression immediately downstream of the site, per SWDM Special Requirement #2, in Section 1.3.2 (on SWDM page 1-60). In the "Application of This Requirement" an analysis is required. Also, in the TIR, analyze and comment on the impacts of flooding here. 4. Make the following revisions to the cover sheet: A. Add the following numbers to the blanks in the title block: 1) Activity Number L06RE020 2) Project Number L03P0027. B. In the block titled "AGREEMENTS, PLAN REFERENCES, ... ", fill in the blanks with the information requested here. (e.g., BPA Agreement Number & date, ESC sensitive site, etc.) . 5. Add the stamp of a Washington State licensed Professional Land Surveyor to plan sheet C2.0 for the sole purpose of certifying the boundaries of this site. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 6. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C3.0: A. Revise the construction sequence as follows: 3 1) The first step must require that a pre- construction conference be held with the DDES site inspector be scheduled by calling (206) 296-6642. 2) Make it site specific and address the necessary sequence of drainage construction (e.g., begin at the bottom and work upward). B. Reference detail for CB protection on sheet C3.l. 7. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C3.1: A. Replace the filter fabric protection detail and its surrounding rock with the catch basin insert from SWDM Fig. D.3.5.F(page D-53). Debris falls into the CB when the fabric is torn for removal because a hook is typically poked through the fabric to remove the grate. 8. On plan sheets C3.l and 3.2, address the following: A. In order to avoid confusion, we recommend that you combine Section D from sheet C4.3 with the wall/walkway details on sheet C3.2. Currently, both sections conflict (see wall location). B. Remove the following irrelevant wall details because all walls are against cuts and others add contradictory information: 1) Detail 1 (Typical Block Facing) Section" detail only. 2) Details 3, 4, 6 and 8. Remove "Fill C. Add proposed grading contours for the R/W. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 4 D. Modify the •cut Section" in Detail 1 as follows (and to be similar to KCRS DWG NO. 5-004): 1) Show and dimension the maximum allowable wall height to be 4'. Otherwise, a structural wall design must be submitted for review/approval. 2) Show and dimension the bottom row of blocks keyed into the existing soil a distance of 12" below the bottom of the future walkway. 3) Show and dimension the bottom l'-6" of gravel backfill for drain as follows: a) Completely wrapped with filter fabric. b) Located the gravel backfill behind but not beneath the wall to agree with ·PROFILE - WALL SECTIONS A AND B". E. Specify the type of material (concrete?) used in the "blocks" and its •cap". Materials other than concrete may not be acceptable. F. In both the plan view (sheet C4.l) and the profile view on this sheet, label the beginning and ending stations and offsets for the proposed wall faces. The rockery face location can't conflict with the proposed walkway. G. In the wall profiles, add and label the existing ground profile along the northern R/W line. H. Add stations & offsets for wall corresponding to the elevations specified in the profiles. 9. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.0: A. Add a CB in the proposed gutter of SE 184th Street, to comply with the maximum CB spacing in KCRS 7.04A. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 5 B. Redesign the access roadway to have a crown and controlled drainage per KCRS minor access requirements. Notice that this roadway's drainage must be collected before it crosses the sidewalk. C. Provide a detailed plan view of CB#2, its pipes and its access. This CB may have to be larger to comply with the requirements in KCRS DWG NO'S 2-005 and 2-006. D. Transitions from vertical curb to rolled curb should occur at the sidewalk ramps located on the corners of the entrance. E. Design the drainage collection for the site's sag per KCRS Section 7.05B. It is located at CB#3 and CB#4. F. Lot drain pipes should all enter the vault close to the main inlet pipe to avoid creating turbulence (which negates sedimentation). G. All inlet pipes need to enter the vault below the top of the dead storage elevation to avoid the creation of turbulence (which negates sedimentation). H. Revise the alignment for CB#l3 so its outfall doesn't terminate immediately adjacent to the existing utility pole, aiming directly at it. This pole is currently shown surrounded by the pipe's proposed rip rap outfall. I. Correct the following in the note at the very bottom of this sheet: 1) Infiltration is not feasible and should not be mentioned in this note. 2) Correct the spelling of the word "STPORM". Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 6 J. Move the pond's control structure and its outflow pipe as far as possible from inlet pipe to maximize the flow path. K. Bollards aren't needed because there is a fence instead, at the pond. L. The pond's overflow birdcage must be immediately adjacent to the pond's access roadway. Notice that this is also true for the control structure (which will need to be moved) . M. Show and specify all proposed pavement sawcut locations on this sheet and sheet C4.l. N. Within the existing R/W, pave behind all proposed concrete driveways driveway sections. (with ACP pavement) per KCRS (3 rA Accc . .<,s r<:>=I) 10. Address the following items on plan sheet C4.l: Where is the required bus stop? How do you propose to have school kids cross the ditch here? Add grading details, contours. There appear to be problems with the proposed pipe inlet and the adjacent final grading (e.g., pipe cover, side slopes, etc.). 11. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.2: A. Show the outlet pipe from CB16 in the profile for CB#l5 and CB#16. Is there a pipe crossing conflict? B. Specify all pipe materials. Some have different cover requirements and flow capacities. Justify, in the TIR, the elevation you chose to collect drainage from the existing onsite wetland. The existing wetland hydrology needs to be maintained. The proposed Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 invert appears to be above the existing one to be removed. 7 D. The inlet to the vault must be submerged below the dead storage level. 12. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.3: A. All proposed roadway sections must have a normal crown, to comply with the KCRS minor access design requirements. B. Revise Section D (walkway/wall) so it is clearly compatible with existing conditions. These sections must also dimension the relationship between the offsite northern R/W line and these improvements proposed adjacent to the R/W line. Specify the street tree species, planting details and required root barriers. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.4: A. Provide a 4'-minimum dead storage depth per SWDM. B. Provide the minimum required grate area (4% of total vault area) and an access door through the grate per SWDM Access Requirements on page 6-86. C. The flow path around/through the vault's internal walls must have a constant width to minimize turbulence. These openings must also minimize dead spots. D. The vault access detail should show the access riser connected directly to the vault. It is also unclear what is proposed. ..,'• pro. o E. The vault doesn't~access within 50' of all parts of the vault, as required by the SWDM. Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 8 F. Per OSHA, a ventilation opening at least 12" in diameter must be located within 3' of ever corner within the vault (e.g., 2-on each side of the proposed baffle wall). Ventilation openings that also serve as access openings must have round locking lids. G. The bottom 1-section of the tee section must be attached with a watertight removable gasket. Show and specify it this way. H. The restrictor elbow must be designed per the SWDM. Its diameter is too small. (6 '\,_.,; } I. In the control structure detail, the WSE and the OF elevations should match. 14. Make the following revisions to plan sheet C4.5: A. The pond doesn't provide the required 3:1 length to width ration at mid-depth, for WQ design requirements. B. Add the required pond depth for sediment storage below the designed dead storage, as required by the SWDM. C. The bottom 1-section of the tee section must be attached with a watertight removable gasket. Show and specify it this way. J), fl)d q ..J a~lk"'--'"\:' w<:1'r 15. On plan sheet C4.7, use the KCRS design for the driveway entrance instead of your non-standard proposed detail. 16. After all project issues are addressed satisfactorily, the following items will be needed for plan approval: A. Two sets of as follows: 1) A set revised plans that have the original signature on PE stamps (either paper or mylar) Sandhu Plat Project No. L03P0027 (Activity No. L06SR020) Plan Review #1 March 14, 2007 2) A paper copy of the revised plan set. B. Two copies of the Bond Quantity Worksheets. 9 Page 1 of 1 Cooper, Ted From: Cooper, Ted Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:57 AM To: Johnathan Kurth Uohnathank@davisreg.com); Bill Helsley (bhelsley@sdaengineers.com); Scott Mesic (smesic@sdaengineers.com); Kristen Davis (kristend@davis-kurth.com) Cc: Mark Bergam Subject: FW: Sandhu L06SR020 -Special Requirement #2 Correction Importance: High Gentlemen and Kristen, Mark Bergam looked closer at Special Requirement #2 (100-year floodplain mapping) and found that it does apply. Please see his e-mail (below) that I am forwarding to you. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Bergam, Mark Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:47 AM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: Sandhu L06SR020 -Special Requirement #2 Correction Ted, Jim Sanders pulled my into a conversation about the manual's Special #2 Requirement where Steve VanPatten was imposing the definition of the 100-year fiood plain for a site that had a wetland. I was under the impression that the requirement had to be imposed during preliminary through a plat condition in order to be imposed. (This is where it should naturally be acknowledged). After discussions with Sensitive Area staff for the SAO code update and relooking at definitions in the 2005 manual, it is appropriate that Special Requirement #2 is imposed for all wetlands that occur on plat sites. This issue will get raised at final recording if it is not dealt with sooner. (Of course, a preliminary plat condition is the best place). I stand corrected. Your issue #3 for the 3/14/07 issue list #1 for Sandhu is appropriate and required. You can forward this email to the consultants. Sorry I over-ruled you in front of the applicant. Mark 03/15/2007 Page 1 of2 Cooper, Ted From: Cooper, Ted Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 9:17 AM To: 'Kalen Peters' Cc: Johnathan Kurth; Darrell Offe (darrell.offe@comcast.net) Subject: RE: Sandhu ES Approvals Hello Kalen, I received the BPA agreement that was signed by BPA and the property owner. I also received the e-mails from METRO and the Renton School District. Although METRO doesn't have or plan to put a bus route there, the school district does want a bus stop per the Hearing Examiner's Conditions for a safe walkway to a safe bus stop pad located on the northeast corner of 184th/20th Ave SE. Notice that the Renton School District's e-mail sets the design parameters but it doesn't appLove a design. We still need to review and approve your designs for the school walkway and the bus stop pad. At a glance, the plans I received in late January 2007 don't show a proposed accessible school bus pad proposed at the required location. Kids can't be expected to walk from a proposed walkway through a roadside ditch to board the bus (which is what the current plans propose). There are also design requirements for school bus pads which have to be met. Please address these concerns in the next set of plans so we can review them. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Kalen Peters [mailto:KalenP@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 8:26 AM To: Cooper, Ted Cc: Johnathan Kurth Subject: Sandhu ES Approvals Hello Ted, I am just wanting to confirm that you have received both emails from Metro and Renton School District regarding their approval of our design. Also, I was just wanting to make sure that you have received a copy of the BPA land use agreement I dropped off late last week. Thank you. K'.3!en Peters F.x:ecut!·.;e Ac.sistarit !Jev,s a11,J Kurth :},.)', f':'lcns!t:r Hd S'N ct??D c?t;r:tJ'<. '.;\'~, 98057 <h-:?Ct-1'.ltl'f(u) ;:,y; J:Ji-·,/;,G \r:1) 03/15/2007 Page I of2 Cooper, Ted From: Cooper, Ted Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 9: 17 AM To: 'Kalen Peters' Cc: Johnathan Kurth; Darrell Offe (darrell.offe@comcast.net) Subject: RE: Sandhu ES Approvals Hello Kalen, I received the BPA agreement that was signed by BPA and the property owner. I also received the e-mails from METRO and the Renton School District. Although METRO doesn't have or plan to put a bus route there, the school district does want a bus stop per the Hearing Examiner's Conditions for a safe walkway to a safe bus stop pad located on the northeast corner of 184th/20th Ave SE. ~otice that the Renton School District's e-mail sets the desigtJ.J)J3J"<!metel§...ll_ut it doesn't approve a cJesign. We still need to review and approve your designs for the school walkway and the bus stop pad. At a glance, the plans I received in late January 2007 don't show a proposed accessible school bus pad proposed at the required location. Kids can't be expected to walk from a proposed walkway through a roadside ditch to board the bus (which is what the current plans propose). There are also design requirements for school bus pads which have to be met. Please address these concerns in the next set of plans so we can review them. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Kalen Peters [mailto:KalenP@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 8:26 AM To: Cooper, Ted Cc: Johnathan Kurth Subject: Sandhu ES Approvals Hello Ted, I am just wanting to confirm that you have received both emails from Metro and Renton School District regarding their approval of our design. Also, I was just wanting to make sure that you have received a copy of the BPA land use agreement I dropped off late last week. Thank you. <:-H-:'\ f-J;w.:::rs Exr::cvtivo /\ssis!8n! 03/15/2007 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kalen Peters [KalenP@davis-kurth.com] Thursday, February 08, 2007 2:43 PM Cooper, Ted Johnathan Kurth; DARRELL.OFFE@COMCAST.NET Renton School Ost. Bus Pad Attachments: Renton School Ost. Transit Approval.PDF OK Ted, Pagelofl I apologize for all the confusion. I made this unbelievably more difficult than it needed to be. I believe this is what you are looking for. It is our most recent offsite improvement plan, marked with an x at the corner of 184th and 120th, along with Michael Fortson's signature and Renton School District stamp. Let me know if we need anything else with this. Thanks for your assistance and patience. K8.!Ul PGt(;fS ;::xe1.::utive Assist,111t :.>'.1,.;;, and Kurth i'.,")-)Q.j,'.'.j(37 (')) ,··';l".;/>,-f,.,) /(j (!ti) 02/09/2007 '. .o, ·e. '""' -"'"·" "" "'"'' e,-"""" a.~,,.,. I I I Oli a, l1l q ~ l • i5 ii z ~ .~ . I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ Q ~ ~ ~ !1 ~ I ~ [ Sandhu --- 0 Subdivision ==----•=c•=•~--.s:.. -w•-= ....L OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS ---f~~~~~~s,uc L Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Cooper, Ted Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:06 PM 'Kristen Davis' Johnathan Kurth Uohnathank@davisreg.com); Offe Engineers Subject: RE: Sandhu • Engineering Importance: High Hi Kristen, Page 1 of2 Please notice that the two plan sets and two TIR's I received today don't address the remaining 2-critical path items (which have never been submitted). These items, which must be approved before I can approve the engineering plans are as follows: I. Detention vault's structural submittal and approval. We need 3-sets of l'l_ach of the following for DOES structural review/approval: Structural plans, structural calculations and a supporting soil report . 2. Recreation Space Plans (per Condition 16) need to be reviewed/approved by Trisha Bull. Also, please send me on_e separate copy of ll_s!_Ch of the above items so I can verify there aren't any conflicts with the civil plans. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer/I Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Kristen Davis [mailto:kristend@davis-kurth.com] sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:49 AM To: Cooper, Ted Subject: Sandhu • Engineering Hi Ted, I hope your trip went well :) I just wanted to let you know that I will be dropping off the Sandhu re-submittal package at around 12:30 for your review. If you could let me know when these are approved as soon as possible that would be great. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else from me. Thank you, Kristen Davis 1201 Monster Rd. SW #320 Renton, WA 98057 425.264.1962 (o) 206.718.1525 (c) 04/10/2007 Page 1 of2 Cooper, Ted From: Kalen Peters [KalenP@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 2:56 PM To: Cooper. Ted Cc: Johnathan Kurth; DARRELL.OFFE@COMCAST.NET; bhelsley@sdaengineers.com Subject: FW: Sandhu Olfsite Design Ted. I've followed up again this morning with Michael Fortson at the Renton School District Dpt. of Transportation. He reviewed the plan and design for the olfsite school walkway connection and confirmed that it meets their design criteria for approval. Attached is the school walkway connection showing his approval/signature for the location and design for where the students will wait for the bus. Also, the correspondence below is his verbal approval for the walkway and waiting area design. Thank you <2k,n PelerJ :-·xt.'r_:u'.iv,1 Assisl:ln! :)3v;s anci Kur'ltl ,·.::;f,:r--lnn, W;\_ 9b'/::i"/ ::>::.-2,::::.E,;};' ('.)j From: Michael Fortson [mailto:michael.fortson@renton.wednet.edu] Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 10:56 AM To: Kalen Peters Subject: RE: Sandhu Offsite Design Hey Kalen, Thanks for bringing the plans by yesterday. The plans meet the requirement of the Renton School District Transportation department. MBF From: Kalen Peters [mailto:KalenP@davis-kurth.com] Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 9:08 AM To: Michael Fortson Cc: Johnathan Kurth Subject: Sandhu Offsite Design Hello Michael, It was good to finally meet you in person yesterday. I was wanting to make sure that our olfsite improvement design which I showed you yesterday (and is attached) is approved and meets the needs of the Renton School District Dpt. of Transportation. Thanks Michael, have a great weekend. 03/15/2007 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Gentlemen and Kristen, CooRer, Ted Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:44 PM 'Johnathan Kurth Uohnathank@davisreg.com)'; 'Scott Mesic (smesic@sdaengineers.com)'; 'Bill Helsley (bhelsley@sdaengineers.com)'; 'Kristen Davis (kristend@davis-kurth.com)' Mark Bergam Sandhu Plat (L06SR020) -Review List #1 L06SR020 Sandhu Plat -List 1.doc I'm sending you the review list we discussed in today's meeting (in the below attached MS Word document). L06SR020 Sandhu Plat -List 1... As we discussed in our meeting, a jailhouse weir needs to be added to the pond's control structure per the SWDM. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted.cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 1 Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cooper, Ted Friday, March 16, 2007 10:12 AM Rose, Richelle Subject: RE: L06SR020 -NO REVIEW IS NEEDED (EARLY START COVERED IT) Richelle, I believe that no review is required for the main plat {L06SR020) because you determined that none was required for Early Start L06SR045 (for this same plat). I verified that your Early Start review covered all areas proposed tree clearing for both the Early Start and the main plat. I came to this conclusion after comparing aerial photos, the approved Early Start L06SR045 plans and the pending plat plans {L06SR020). Sincerely, Ted Cooper, P.E. Engineer II Phone: (206) 296-7163 FAX: (206) 296-6613 E-Mail: ted-cooper@metrokc.gov M.S. OAK-DE-0100 From: Sent: To: Subject: Rose, Richelle Friday, March 16, 2007 9:21 AM Cooper, Ted L06SR020 Do you have a set of plans? plans to review. I am routed but have no info??? I updated my status to wait other until you get me a set of Thanks, Richelle Tracking: Recipient Rose, Richelle Delivery Delivered: 03/1612007 10:12 AM 1 Web date· 10/10/2005 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ENGINEERING REVIEW CHECKLIST 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 1993 King County Road Standards 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Activity Number Project Number :~-J~'N.D\~ \\ Development Number DOES Review Engineer Notes OK Date D Hearing Examine~s Report ........ Date _______ Revised Report ..... Date D Plat Ordinance Number Date D Preliminary Plat Map .......... Date Approved by Hearing Examiner D Revised Preliminary Plat Map ....... Date Approved by DDES ----------------- D 5-year Expiration ....... Date (Show on engineering cover sheet) ROUTING TO OTHER KING COUNTY SECTIONS OK D Wetland Report/ Plans Route Date ------------ D Geotechnical Report/ Plans Route Date ___________ _ D Grading Report / Plans Route Date ___________ _ Response Date ____________ _ Response Date ___________ _ Response Date ___________ _ D Structural Designs/ Calculations/ Civil Plans/ Soils Report (Vaults, Retaining Walls, Bridges) Route Date Response Date ___________ _ D Landscape / Recreation / Street Tree I Plan Route Date ___________ _ Response Date ------------- EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck. pdf 10/10/2005 1 of 16 Activity Number: ____________ _ (Continued} D Traffic Improvement Plan/ R.eport Route Date ____________ _ Response Date ------------- D Tree Retention I Forestry I Plan Route Date ____________ _ Response Date ------------- D Other Report / Plan Route Date ____________ _ Response date ------------- D All required routing stations shown and updated on PRMS Notes GENERAL SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS D Site plan layout matches preliminary plat approved by Hearing Examiner (Check for same lot count, tract configuration, road alignments, etc.) D Compliance with conditions of preliminary approval D Compliance with Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance D Tract Table if three or more tracts. Identify name, size and purpose. D Show and label all SAO tracts, buffers, and 15' BSBL D Review maximum height of 6-feet for rockeries and retaining walls per KCC 21A.12.030, 110-170, 220) Also show standard note per policy on Web site. D D D Use updated cover sheet showing designation for highly critical sites per Appendix, D44. Determine if HPA fisheries permit required -contact CAO staff. Tree Retention Plans -Show standard plan note (see section policies). SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL (1998) CORE AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OK SWDM D 1.2.1 D 1.2.2 D 1.2.3 D 1.2.6 D 1.2.8 D 1.3.1 D 1.3.2 Core #1 -Evaluate diversion of drainage within subbasins and/or tightline requirements for landslide hazard drainage areas. Core #2 -Off-site analysis. Evaluate adequacy and conclusions. Core #3 -Flow control. Determine design standard based upon mapping and/or off-site analysis. Evaluate exemptions from flow control if applicable. Core #6 -All drainage facilities and road access shall be located in public tracts, right-of-way and/or drainage easements dedicated to King County. For private facilities, specify the required Declaration of Covenant and drainage easements for final recording. Core #8 -Water Quality. Determine design standard based upon mapping and/or off-site analysis. Evaluate exemptions if applicable and untreated areas per page 1-57. Special #1 -Area specific requirements. Perform P-suffix search on computer, evaluate grading code restrictions, and review for shared facility drainage plan. Special #2 -Floodplain boundaries shown on plans. EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc 10/10/2005 2 of 16 Activity Number: ____________ _ DRAINAGE VARIANCES OK SWDM D 1.4 Activity No. _________ Approval Date Design Issuers _____________________________ ___ TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT OK SWDM D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Section 1 -Project Overview Figure 1: TIR Worksheet Figure 2: Site Location Figure 3: Drainage Basins a. Acreage of subbasins b. Identify all site characteristics c. Show existing discharge points to and from the site d. Show routes of existing, construction, and future flows at all discharge points and downstream hydraulic structures. e. Use a minimum USGS 1 :2400 topographic map as a base f. Show and cite the length of travel from the farthest upstream end of a proposed storm system in the development to any proposed flow control facility. Figure 4: Soils a. Show the project site b. The area draining to the site c. The drainage system downstream for the distance of the downstream analysis Section 2 -Preliminary Conditions Summary with responses Section 3 -Off-Site Analysis Section 4 -Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design Existing Site Hydrology (Part A) Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) Performance Standards (Part C) Flow Control System (Part D) Water Quality System (Part E) Section 5 -Conveyance System Design and Analysis Section 6 -Special Reports and Studies -Geo, Wetlands, Floodplain analysis (4.4.2) Section 7 -Other Permits (HPA, Special Use, WSDOT, etc.) Section 8 -Erosion / Sedimentation Control Design Section 9 -Bond Quantities Worksheet and RID Facility Summary Section 1 O -Maintenance and Operations Manual (Section 10 for privately maintained or special non-standard features EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck. pdf 10/1012005 3 of 16 \ ( .. \I, I Activity Number: '· .:. ~-\ • ·. ,...i\' • 1..-) SITE IMPROVEMENT PLANS OK SWDM D D Vertical Datum NAVD 1988 -show benchmark D Horizontal Control NAD 1983191 D General Plan Format (1) Sheet size 24" x 36"; quality reproducibles (2) King Co. Standard Map Symbols; existing I proposed (Reference 7 A) (3) Project Information I Cover Sheet a. Title: Project name and DDES file number b. Table of Contents if more than 3 plan sheets c. Vicinity Map D D D D D D D d. Name & Phone of Utility field contacts and One Call Number: 1-800-424-5555 (water, sewer, gas, power) D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D e. Preconstruction I Inspection notification requirements f. Name & Phone of erosion control supervisor g. Name & Phone of Surveyor h. Name & Phone of Owner I Agent i. Name & Phone of Applicant j. Legal description k. Plan approval block for DDES I. Name & Phone of engineering firm preparing plans m. Fire Marshal's approval stamp (if required) n. Mailbox location approval by U.S. Postal Service o. List of conditions of preliminary approval on all site improvements (4) An overall site plan if more than three plan sheets are used a. The complete property area development b. Right-of-way information c. Street names and road classification d. All project phasing and proposed division boundaries e. All natural and proposed drainage collection and conveyance systems with catch basin numbers shown (5) Each sheet and TIR is stamped, signed, and dated by a Professional Engineer licensed in Washington State (6) Detail Sheets Provided (7) Title block on each sheet a. Development title b. Name, address and phone number of engineering firm c. Revision block d. Page numbering e. Sheet title (e.g., road and drainage, grading, etc.) (8) King County approval block on each plan sheet (9) The location and label for each section or other detail shall be provided (10) Critical Area Setbacks per K.C.C. 21A.24 ( 11) All match lines correspond to the sheet reference (12) Division phase lines with limits of construction (13) Standard Plan Notes-General, Drainage & Structural notes (Reference 78) (14) Survey control plan sheet stamped by licensed PLS in Washington State EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/10/2005 4 of 16 Activity Number: ------------- SITE IMPROVEMENT PLANS lcontlnuedl OK SWDM D Plan View: Site Plan and Roadway Elements (1) Property Lines, R/W lines, roadway widths shown D D (2) Existing I Proposed road features; CL, edge pavement, edge shoulder, ditches, curb, sidewalk & D D D D D D access pis (3) Existing/ Proposed topographic contours@2', 5'>15% slope, 10-'>40% slope (4) All affected utilities are shown; utility poles marked (5) All roads and adjoining subdivisions identified (6) Existing / Proposed R/W dimensioned and shown (7) Existing / Proposed surfacing shown (8) Scale generally 1'=50' (1"=100' for lots >1 Acre) D Plan View: Drainage Conveyance D D D D D D Sequentially number all catch basins and curb inlets Show length, diameter, and material for all pipes, culverts, and stubouts Label catch basin size and type Show stubout locations for roof drains Label all drainage easements, access easements, tracts, and building setbacks Provide flow arrows for drainage direction D Plan View: Other Show all buildings, property lines, streets, alleys, and easements Verify condition of public right-of-way Show structures on abutting properties within 50 feet Identify fencing for drainage facilities Provide section details of all retaining walls and rockeries D D D D D D Show all wells on-site and within 100-feet of site. For well abandonment, include notes referencing DOE procedures. D Profiles: Roadway and Drainage D D D D D D D D D D D Existing / proposed roadway centerline (CL) at 50' stations increasing, reading from left to right. Show stationing of points of smooth vertical curve, with elevations Show vertical curve data including stopping sight distance Show all pipes and detention tanks with slope, length, size and type Show all pipe inverts and elevations of catch basins or lids Minimum cover dimensions if less than 2.0' Indicate roadway stationing and offset for all catchbasins Show vertical and horizontal scales (vertical 1 "=5') Label all profiles with street names and reference numbers to plan sheet Show all property boundaries and match line locations Provide profiles for conveyance systems of 12" and larger pipes or channels other than roadway ditches Catch basin lids are flush with ground line EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/10/2005 5 of 16 Activity Number: ____________ _ SITE IMPROVEMENT PLANS lcontlnuedl OK SWDM D Plan Details D Provide scale drawing of each pond, vault, or water quality facility. Include all pipe details for size, type, slope, length, etc. D D Show existing and final grade contours at 2-foot intervals. Show maximum design water elevation. Dimension all berm widths D D D D D D D D D D D Notes: Provide two cross sections through pond, including one section through restrictor Specify soils and compaction requirements Show location and detail of emergency overflows, spillways, and bypasses Specify rock protection / energy dissipation details Provide inverts for all pipes, grates, etc., and spot elevations on pond bottom Show location of access roads to control manholes and pond / forebay bottoms Provide plan and section views of all energy dissipaters. Specify size and thickness of rock. Show bollard locations (Typically at entrance to drainage facility and walking trails) Restrictor and control structures must have section and plan view drawn to scale Structural Plan Details Verify that designer is a licensed structural P.E. for vaults or bridges EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL !SWDM Appendix Dl OK D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D SWDM D.4.1 General Specifications Separate plan sheet showing entire site w/features Show critical areas and buffers in separate tracts Show existing contours and final grades if scope or work includes grading Pertinent infonnation from soils report is added to plans Drainage features identified (streams, wetlands, bogs, springs, seeps, swales, ditches, pipes & depressions) Utility corridors other than roads shown Show drainage divides and flow directions Specify best management practices Show cut and fill slopes with catch lines indicated Sufficient conceptual details to convey design intent Standard ESC plan notes shown on plans (Page D-69) For grading and structural fill within lot areas -show standard notes for gee hazards (see section policies for gee notes) Clearing Limits (1) Delineate clearing limits -colored survey tape may be used. Critical areas require plastic/ metal safety fence or stake and wire fences. (2) Provide detail of fencing EnglneeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/10/2005 Bof 16 Activity Number: ____________ _ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL fSWDM Appendix Dl lcontlnuedl OK SWDM D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D.4.2 D.4.3 D.4.4 D.4.5 D.4.6 Cover Measures (1) Specify the type and location of temporary and permanent cover measures. (Mulch. erosion control nets, blankets, plastic, seeding and sodding) (2) Specify the seed mixes, fertilizers and soil amendments to be used and application rates (3) Areas receiving special treatment are specified Uute netting, rock lining or sod) (4) Soil cover practices and locations of disturbed areas Perimeter Protection (1) Specify the location and type of perimeter protection to be used -silt fence, brush barriers, and/or vegetated strips (2) Provide details and specify type of fabric for silt fence Traffic Area Stablllzatlon (1) Show construction entrance with detail (Figure D.4.G) (2) Show proposed construction roads and parking areas. Specify details for stabilization. Sediment Retention (1) Show location of sediment pond or sediment trap. Very small areas can be treated with only perimeter protection (see D.4.3). (2) Sediment Trap -Can be used for drainage areas of 3 acres or less. Calculate surface area using 2-year design storm. Show detail per Figure D.4.H. (3) Sediment Pond -Determine pond geometry and show details on plan for required storage, depth, length and width (4) Show sediment pond cross section and detail (Figures D.4.J and K) (5) Provide details of cell dividers and stabilization techniques for inlet / outlet (6) Specify mulch or recommended cover of berms & slopes (7) Specify the 1-foot marker for sediment removal (8) Indicate catch basins for protection and show design details (Figures D.4.L and M) Surface Water Control (1) Show conveyance of all surface water to a sediment pond or trap (2) Discharge location shall be downslope from disturbed areas (3) Show details for conveyance with interceptor dike, swales (Figures D.4.0, P). (4) For ditches, determine capacity for 10-year storm with 0.5 feet freeboard. Show details for check dams (Figure D.4.R). Determine check dam spacing and as needed, show inverts and minimum slopes of open channels. Also show direction of open channel fiow. (5) For pipe slope drains, determine capacity for 10-year storm. Show details per Figure D.4.Q. (6) Determine level of protection for outlet (rock pad, outfall design, or level spreader). See requirements in D-38 through D-40. (7) Evaluate off-site flows entering the site and assure bypass of disturbed areas EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/10/2005 7 of 16 -""i C -, ·.·~c--.. Activity Number: -'='"---''...,,\ '-d'--'·.:~~)'-'.i(_,.~~ '-J~~"~-~>'-'~~-__ _ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL {SWDM Appendix D) (continued! OK SWDM D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D.5.1 D.5.2 D.5.3 D.5.4 D.5.7 D.5.8 ESC Report (1) Show detailed construction sequence (page D-70) (2) All required calculations and soils reports contained in TIR Wet Season Requirements (1) Provide a list of all applicable wet season requirements (details on page D-42) Critical Area Restrictions (1) Consider phased construction during the dry season. See special recommendations on page D- 43. Maintenance (1) Plans shall list the name, address and phone number of the ESC Supervisor. A sign shall also be posted on the construction site with information for contacting the ESC supervisor. (2) Determine if site is Highly Critical (Soil Types C or D, 5 acres of disturbance, large areas with slopes >10%, proximity to streams, wetlands, or lakes) (3) On cover sheet of engineering plans, designate if highly critical site NPDES Requirements (1) Determine if project will disturb more than 5 acres (2) If disturbed area is greater the 5 acres, show the following note on the plans: "No construction or site disturbance for this project may begin before the applicant first obtains a General Permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity permit from the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE). For more information or application form, please visit DOE's website at http:/lwww.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/ecy02085.html" Forest Practices Permit (1) Determine if project needs FPA permit. Contact ODES grading section. (2) Provide a reference note on the cover sheet indicating whether or not an FPA permit has been obtained. Early Start Plan Review (1) Standard cover sheet included with Title for Phased Early Start (2) List the scope of work for early start (scope of work will vary for each project -evaluate clearing, grading for roads, lot grading, utility installation, vault construction, off-site work) (3) Update the sheet index to identify all plans with updated page numbers (4) Include standard ESC plan prepared in accordance with all requirements listed above for erosion and sediment control (5) Include detailed construction sequence and identify ESC supervisor (6) Show standard erosion control notes (7) Show early start activity number on all plain sheets EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le~ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/1012005 8 of 16 Activity Number: ------------~ DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OK SWDM D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 3.2 3.27 3.3.6 3.3.7 4.0 4.5 4.7 4.9 4.9 4.10 4.27 4.35 4.51 4.69 4.53 5.0 5.3 5.9 5.11 Runoff Computation Rational Method required for on-site conveyance (See Table 3.2) KCRTS used for flow control design Evaluate correct data: Rainfall region, scale factor, time step, record type, acreages, soil cover groups, and percent impervious For urban areas, unprotected forest modeled as pasture or grass For rural areas, unprotected forest assumes 50% grass, 50% pasture All pre-developed grassland modeled as pasture All post developed grassland modeled as grass Impervious coverage calculated based upon specific project -clearly summarize types and amounts of impervious For urban development, impervious for each lot, >= 4,000 sq ft or maximum allowed in zoning code For rural development, impervious for each lot, >= 8,000 sq ft or maximum allowed in zoning code Evaluate requirements for modeling with effective impervious area Point of compliance -evaluate for on-site bypass and off-site closed depression On-site closed depressions and ponding areas Conveyance System Analysis and Design Conveyance systems are in easements with BSBLs Off-site easements must be recorded using standard forms (Reference 8H) Determine which easements are public and private, label and dimension Pipes are parallel to and alongside property lines Minimum pipe size 12-inch, for private systems may allow 8 inch Easements for pipes outside of right of way For connecting pipes at structures, match crowns, 80% diameter, or inverts Minimum velocity at full flow 3.0 feet per second Minimum cover for pipes 2 feet Debris barrier for pipes 18-36 inch Outfall design criteria Surcharges (backwater analysis may be required) Maximum headwater allowed for culverts Bridge design Floodplain analysis Open channels Flow Control Design Mandatory requirements for roof downspouts in order of preference. Must evaluate feasibility of each. • Infiltration • Dispersion • Perforated stubouts Dispersion system criteria including vegetated flow path Perforated stub out, if used show detail per Fig. 5.1.3.A EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 1011012005 9 of 16 Activity Number: ____________ _ DESIGN REQUIREMENTS !contlnuedl OK SWDM D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 5.14 5.15 5.17 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 Forested open space flow control BMPs • Show tracts or easements for FOS • Show required notes on plan for plat recording Roadway dispersion BMPs, check design criteria BMPs for reducing facility size. Note: Facility sizing credit allowed for dispersion only if flowpath from roofs ultimately drain to RID facility. Detention Facilities Emergency overflow -Evaluate flow path for safe and adequate conveyance Setbacks Flow-through system Detention Ponds Dam Safety Compliance Two cross-sections through pond (one x-section to include control structure) Review pond details in Figures 5.3.1.A and B Designed as flow-through system Side slopes interior 3H: 1V or fenced Vertical interior retaining walls Stamped by licensed structural civil engineer For pond walls, min. 25% of perimeter vegetated and no steeper than 3: 1 Berms greater than 4 feet require key excavation Minimum berm width of 6 feet Primary overflow (control structure with riser). Secondary Inlet to the control structure Emergency Overflow Spillway, 100 year developed peak flow Soil and compaction requirements described (95% modified proctor) Access road min. turning radius, maximum grade, min. width, fences or gates Pond sign (Figure 5.3.1.D) Fencing and planting requirements Setbacks -5 feet from tow of exterior slope or 5 feet from water surface for cut slope Detention Tanks Flow-through system required 6" of dead storage in tank bottom Minimum pipe diameter of 36" Materials and structural stability Control structure per Section 5.3.4 Buoyancy Access risers and CBs are spaced properly with max. depth from finished grade to tank invert shall be 20 feet and accessible by maintenance vehicles EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/10/2005 10 of 16 Activity Number: ____________ _ DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (continued) OK SWDM D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.4 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2.2A 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.1 6.3.4 Detention Vaults structural package submitted for approval Flow-through system required Review design details per Fig. 5.3.3.A. Note: Grate over sump with 2' x 2' hinged access door Access positioned a maximum of 50 feet from any location. (if over 3 foot cover use cone riser) Access required to inlet pipe and outlet Removable 5x10 panel if vault greater than 1250 sq. ft. floor area Maximum depth from finished grade to vault invert to be 20 feet Minimum internal height shall be 7 feet, min. width shall be 4 feet min Ventilation pipes provided in all four corners Control Structures Section and plan view shown to scale Orifice size and elevation on plans match calculations. Minimum orifice 0.5". (Note: Information Plate details are no longer required -see policy on Web site.) lnflltratlon Facllltles Appropriate soils logs and testing procedures in TIR Pond bottom at least 3 feet above seasonal high water Permeable soil extends minimum 3 feet below bottom of pond Geotechnical report states suitability and determines design infiltration rate Overflow route identified with 100-yr overflow conveyance Spill Control device upstream of facility Presettling Review setback requirements, page 5-60. Design water surface setback of 20 feet from external tract, easement or property lines Show the standard note regarding public rule for in operation facility (see section policies) Water Quality Design Water Quality Menus Water Quality facilities Water Quality Sequencing Setbacks, slopes and embankments Facility Liners Flow Splitter Designs Blofiltration Facility Biofiltration swales and soil amendments Methods of Analysis Swale geometry, plantings, flow conveyance, high flows, velocity Road access requirements, page 6-43 Filter strip geometry (slopes) EngineeringReviewCheddistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/1012005 11 of16 Activity Number: ------------~ DESIGN REQUIREMENTS {continued} OK SWDM D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Notes: 6.4 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 Wetpool Facility Designs Wetpool geometry, 2 cells, minimum depth of first cell 4 feet Flowpath length to width ratio 3:1. Note: If flow path achieved with berms or walls, top of berm must be at 2-year water surface elevation. Berms, Baffles, Slopes Inlet/Outlet Design Access, setbacks, and plantings Wetvaults Sizing basic or large Berms, Baffles, Slopes Two cells separated by wall or removable baffle Vault bottom forms a broad 'V" with 5% sideslopes Inlet is submerged and outlet pipe designed for 100-year overflow Gravity drain provided if grade allows Minimum 50 square feet of grate over second cell Stormwater Wetlands Methods of Analysis Design Criteria -Wetland geometry, liners, access, plantings Combination Detention and Wetpool facilities Methods of Analysis Design Criteria -Detention and wetpool geometry, berms, baffles, slopes Access and plantings Media FIitration Facility Designs Presettling/pretreatment Sandfilters -Basic and Large Methods of analysis Design Criteria -Geometry, overflow/bypass, underdrain, and access Sandfilter Vaults Design Criteria -geometry, pretreatment, flow-spreading, energy dissipation Overflow/bypass, underdrain and access EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ck.1-ercheck.pdf 10/1012005 12 of 16 Act·1v·1ty Number·. ___ ;_· _:_·\°"('--'-~...:-,,·J'-'-\'---'~-"-('"---J---'. •~-').___·"--'"',-,L--_ --..' -~/ >'-' "'-\,_ \ < ' • • KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS (1993) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS KCRS 1.03 A, B 1.03 D Off-site and frontage improvements determined by reviewing agency Note: For grading permits, the required extent of road improvements must be determined during engineering review. For subdivisions, the requirements are determined during preliminary review. Subdivisions must have recorded public access except for private roads DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1.08 Road Variances Activity No. Approval Date ---------~ Design Issues ROAD CLASSIFICATION TABLE Name of Roadwav KCRS Classification OK KCRS D 2.03C Maximum Superelevation (2.05) D 2.03D Horizontal curvature (2.05) D 2.03E Maximum grade (2.11) D 2.03F Stopping Sight Distance (2.05, 2.12) D 2.03G Entering Sight Distance (2.05, 2.13) EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le--ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/1012005 130116 Activity Number: ____________ _ KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS (1993) DESIGN REQUIREMENTS !continued) OK KCRS D 2.03H D 2.031 D 2.03J D 2.03J D 2.03K D 2.03L D 2.06 D 2.0667 D 2.07 D 2.08A D 2.086 D 2.08E D 2.08F D 2.09 D 2.096 D 2.10A D 2.10A D 2.10A D 2.106 D 2.10C D 2.10E D 2.11A D 2.116 D 2.12D D 2.16 D 2.18 D 2.20 D 3.01 D 3.01 D 3.02A D 3.026 D 3.05 Minimum pavement width (Note: Footnote 9 -Neighborhood collectors require 36-feet at approach to intersections with arterials) Minimum roadway width Minimum R/Wwidth Min. R/W width (Footnote 12 and 2.196 -include 1 foot extra ROW behind curb or sidewalk) Curb or shoulder type road (2.01) Minimum Half-Street width Private Street Design Standards Verify maximum potential of 16 lots Half Streets Minimum Cul-de-Sac diameters Maximum Cul-de-Sac length Maximum Cross Slope 6% Bulb island shall be offset 2-feet Alleys Private Access Tracts (Note: Must meet all standards for minor access street, except curb cut driveway design is allowed with property line radii dedication) Angle of intersection between 85 and 95 degrees Intersection curb radius Intersection right-of-way radius Intersection spacing Intersection landing Low Speed Curves Maximum Grade -Use AC for grades >12%, Use PCC for grades >20% Grade Brakes -maximum 1 % at intersections Intersection stopping sight distance (125' SSD allowed for local access streets) Bus zones -For arterials and neigh. collectors, the designer shall contact metro Intersections with State Highways Single access serving more than 100 lots Driveways Joint Use Driveways Sidewalks (both sides for subcollectors and higher classification) Location and width Handicapped access ramp (Use updated detail from KC Road Engineer, 3/26/04) EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/10/2005 14 of 16 Activity Number: -------~----- KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS (1993) DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1cont1nuedl OK KCRS D 3.09 D 3.10 D 3.11 D 4.01 D 4.01F D 4.01F D 4.02 D 4.02 D 4.03 D 4.05 D 5.01 D 5.02 D 5.03 D 5.04 D 505 D 5.06 D 5.07 D 5.08 D 5.11 D 6.00 D 7.02A-D D 7.03A D 7.03L D 7.04A D 7.04E D 7.05A D 7.05B D 7.05E D 8.02 D 8.03B School Access -asphalt walkway, sidewalk, or delineated shoulder Bikeways Equestrian Facilities Road Section and Surfacing (drawings 1-001 -1-006) Note: Neighborhood collectors require 3-inch asphalt concrete. Perform saw cut of pavement at fog line Pavement ove~ay for widening and channelization (show special note as approved by Development Engineer -see section policies) Residential street design Poor subgrade evaluation Arterial pavement design Pavement markings, channelization, and tapers (Requires DOT review) Rock facings (Dwg. Nos. 5-004 -5-007) Side slopes, generally 2H:1V Street trees and landscaping Mail boxes (Dwg. Nos. 5-010 -5-012) Street illumination Survey Monuments to be disturbed are shown Roadway Barricades Bollards for walkways or maintenance roads Roadside obstacles (Note: If variance required for utility pole, the utility company must apply for the variance.) Bridges (minimum width 28-feet) Grass-lined, pipe or rock lined, special designed ditch Minimum pipe size 12-inch diameter Beveled ends for culverts in ROW Maximum spacing between catch basins CBs taller than 5' (grate to invert) are Type II, Max. depth 12-feet per Dwg. 2-005 Vaned grates Through curb inlet frames for sag curves and intersections> 4%. Notes: a) Through curb inlet not used on rolled curb b) See section policies for policy on three flanking inlets All covers and grates shall be locking Utility pole locations and other obstacles Open cuts on existing roadways, patch requirements EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ck.1-ercheck.pdf 10/1012005 15 of 16 Activity Number: ------------- KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS (1993) DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (continued! Notes: Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes EngineeringReviewChecklistFORM.doc le-ckl-ercheck.pdf 10/10/2005 16 of 16 ' ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Drop-Off C er Sheet for LUSD ONLY 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division **************************** IM PORT ANT *************************** Date Received by LUSD Project No.: !PJ ~ (C;; ~ ff. ~1. fE::~ Ard 1 ~ . LJ " dJUO K.c. D.D.E.s. FROM:. Corzny Name I Cont t Person Telephone No: J_c(,) 'JZ.O -2,.22.-D ;}'e,a. •c""2... (j,,z.J ', C ~J ~DDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Jhort Plat / Plats 'lease specify item( s) d rapped-off: ·7.. (" ,, . ) Cop,c:, c~·t c.,_!Oc1u>r(l'•'·1 Ii (1ct1~t'tei-e "'~ U()f/,b"+ Lot Line Adjustment Permit 1 Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing/ Grading Permit -Additional information reque~ted. Please specify item( s) dropped-off: 'f, ' · PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Drop-Off Cover Sheet-LUSD Only lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 11-03-2004 Page 1 of 1 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Sandhu Subdivision Project Address and Parcel Number: 619960-0282 and 619960-0320 ApplicanVDesign Engineer Name: Scott Mesic, PE Address: 10117 Main Street City, State, ZIP: Bothell, WA 98011 Web Dale: 09/28/2005 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. E me ring Firm Name: Site Development Associates Telephone: 425.486.6533 ODES Engineer lnltials: D Route Application to LUIS Date: OCI. 0'1. C) D Check here if project engineering plans are approved and construction has begun. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Please be sure to include all plans, sketches, photos and maps which may assist in complete review and consideration of your variance request. For a complete list of road variance submittal requirements, refer to separate list from DOES. Failure to provide all pertinent information may result in delayed processing or denial of request. Please submit this request and applicable fee to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) Permit Center at 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Renton, WA 98055-1219. To make an appointment for penmit submittal, please call 206-296-6797. For more information, refer to the ODES Web site, www.metrokc.gov/ddes. ~$sdW~®mOOW.M@Elll!ll@lmitfflim188Wi2t$/'1l£$!J/!ilt$JF.ffiatV.fil&mii DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST: We are proposing a 55 foot centerline radius for a private access tract (PAT) that will serve 4 of the proposed lots The delta for the curve is 48 degrees. APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: King County Road Standards Section 2-10. The minimum centerline radius for a PAT with a delta angle of up to 75 degrees is 100 feet. We are proposing a 55 foot radius. JUSTIFICATION (see attachments, pages to ): The proposed PAT will serve four lots and is approximately 100 feet in length. Both volumes and speed on this facility would be very low. The intersection with the plat road for this PAT would be on a cul-de-sac. A condition of the variance would be to install a standard curb and gutter section driveway per KCRS standard detail 3-004 rather than the standard curb wraps. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES: DDESSTAFF RECOMMENDATION DEP,ARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZATION A roval O Conditioned A roval D Denied County Design Engineer: Date Date RECEIVED PAT-Radii.doc Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov!-coUNlY 1e-req-rovar.pc1t 0912812005 LAND USE SERVICES Page 1 of 1 Web date: 05/24/2007 King County Department of Development and Environmental services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206·296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 EXPEDITED PERMIT REVIEW REQUEST FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. This form will be used for screening your application for expedited review. If your request Is denied, this form will be returned to you with an explanation of the denial. APPLICANT INFORMATION: Name .\obOrubo O 'blftY.J Address \'2'01 ooaostec Rd 81,,J & 3a£2 Rfil:bO LU~reet q'3I d-0 Phone /,.j d-'0 -d;:).'.z) -Sq SCf lj 0 S -c) J-G -qa,'J-. 7 Fax City tate Zip I am requesting expedited review for project number L-OG5RO~O I understand I will be charged at the department's current hourly rate, in addition to normal review fees. "If the normal review fee is an hourly fee, then the rate shall equal 200% of the department's current hourly fee" per KCC 27.02.090 (see page two for more information). I am requesting expedited review for the following stations: D B · · echanicai etlan D Entire Permit D e OOther Date STAFF USE ONLY -DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX •• •••••• ••• ••••• D Expedited review is approved for: D Building/ Mechanical D Wetlands D Entire Permit 0 Drainage D Geotechnical D Other D Expedited review is denied for the following reason(s): Manager's (or Designee) Signature Date ExpedltedPermltReviewReqFORM.doc b-req-expedite.pdf 05/24/2007 Page 1 of 2 • Return Address: Jolms Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC ATTN: Duana Kolouskovil 1601 114th Ave. SE, Suite 110 Bellevue, WA 98004 L 03 POo:27 1111111111111111 ··· 20070711001606 DAVIS EAS 36. 09 PAGiH\ OF 095 97/\\/2997 14:52 KING COUNTY, !.IA AUDITOR/RECORDER'S INDEXING FORM : Document Title(s): I. Easements for Drainage Reference Number(s} of Documents assigned or released: Grantor(s): I. Darcy C. Szigety and Lauren D. Szigety [J Additional names on page of document. ·- Grantee(s): I. Sandhu Property, LLC [] Additional names on page of document. Legal Description: See page l and Exhibit A. (abbreviated) Qg Additional legal is on page See attachments of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number: 332305-9036 - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT This Easement is hereby entered into by and between Darcy C. Szigety and Lauren D. Szigety ("Grantor") and Sandhu Property, LLC, a Washington limited liability corporation and its heirs, successors and assigns ("Grantee"). WHEREAS, Grantor is also the owner of certain real property which is legally described as follows (hereinafter, the "Subject Property"): That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington described as folJows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said subdivision; Thence North 88°50'11" West along the north line thereof, a distance of 230 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the Tract herein described; Thence South O I 0 03' 14" West, parallel to the east line of said subdivision, RECEIVEBdistance of280 feet; JUL 1 3 2007 Kllfil COUNlY LAND USE SERVICES Page 1 of5 . and Thence North 88°50'11" West, parallel to the north line of said subdivision, a distance of 317.49, more or less, to the westerly margin of the Covington Grand Coules Transmission Line Easement as conveyed to the United States of America by instrument recorded July 18, 1941 under Recording Number 3178820, records of King County, Washington; Thence North 15°22'40" West, along westerly margin, a distance of 291.80 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter; Thence South 88°50' 11" East, along said north line, 401.48 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning. WHEREAS, Grantee owns certain real property, legally described on Exhibit A (hereinafter, "Grantee's Property"); and WHEREAS, both the Subject Property and Grantees Property will be directly benefited and burdened by the following Easements and Covenants; and WHEREAS, this Easement is supported by good and valuable consideration not disclosed herein. NOW THEREFORE, Grantee and Grantor hereby agree as follows: 1. That Grantor, its heirs, successors, and assigns, and the Subject Property, grants to Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, and to the Cottages property, the following EASEMENT: a. A temporary, non-exclusive easement for design, construction/installation, maintenance and repair of storm drainage facilities to be shown on civil engineering plans reviewed and approved by King County for the Sandhu proposed subdivision, together with the right by King County to maintenance and repair such facilities if the King County so requests. b. Grantor understands and agrees that within the easement area, no structure, planting or other materials shall be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation or maintenance of utilities or improvements constructed within the easements. Grantee shall have the right to remove any structure or vegetation that may damage or interfere with the Page 2 of5 installation or maintenance of utilities or improvements constructed within the easements c. In the event Grantee constructs improvements as described herein, it shall be Grantee's responsibility to ensure that all disturbed areas are stabilized and revegetated, except any trees removed during construction shall not be replaced or require restoration and Grantee shall not be required to compensate Grantor for any trees removed during construction. 2. The easements, covenants and all other rights contained herein shall run with and bind the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. EXECUTED this ___ day of ______ ,, 2007. GRANTOR: GRANTOR: GRANTEE: Page 3 of5 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Darcy C. Szigety is the person who appeared before me, and that said person acknowledged signing this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: JL~ 3 ~tzrJ Notary Seal llllftOF~ NOTARY PUBLIC MY C(lle ISSION EXf IRES 07-28-10 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) COUNTY OF KING ) ss. ~Z ~ (PrintName) Notary Public Residing at L.,,-,£_/,~ J.. tU,1 My appointment expires: ? ,.+,V 4 i> I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Lauren D. Szigety is the person who appeared before me, and that said person acknowledged signing this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: -=-J-=l/.-'-'/~+-' _2,.,_.-"'µ'--·;.....7 __ _ J ~ Notary Seal DAWN R. MCCANN STATE Of ~TON NOTARY PUBLIC MY COYIIISSION EXPIRES 07-28-10 ;zJ;:.. IZ '7-'<-(PrintName) Notary Public Residing at /{... ,,(,:..,/,-,....,1 t,;.././f My appointment expires: 1-.J--;f<-fu Page 4 of5 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Mike Davis is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Managing Member of Grantee Cottages at Honey Creek, LLC, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: 7 / q I aoo7 I Ji~fz0Atl11.J--. \'Ji:i5\-e(l D'.JViS (Print Name) Notary Public Residing at Sfa.\:±\e, Li,) % , My appointment expires: / 0-'&: / d,()[0 ' Page 5 of5 Return Address: Johns Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC ATTN: Duana Kolou!kova 1601 I 14'h Ave. SE, Suite 110 Bellevue, WA 98004 AUDITOR/RECORDER'S INDEXING FORM Document Title(s): I. Easements for Drainage L03Poo2-7 1111111 lllllllllll 20070711001606 DAVIS EAS 36 .00 PAGE00 I OF 005 07/11/2007 14:52 KING COUNTY , WA Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: ~---·-------------================1 Grantor(s): I. Darcy C. Szigety and Lauren D. Szigety [J Additional names on page Grantee(s): 1. Sandhu Property, LLC [J Additional names on page :__:::_:__r=--=== Legal Description: See page I and Exhibit A. ( abbreviated) of document. of document. IBJ Additional legal is on page See attachments of document. ==------------------~· Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number: 332305-9036 -------=================::J TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT This Easement is hereby entered into by and between Darcy C. Szigety and Lauren D. Szigety ("Grantor") and Sandhu Property, LLC, a Washington limited liability corporation and its heirs, successors and assigns ("Grantee"). WHEREAS, Grantor is also the owner of certain real property which is legally described as follows (hereinafter, the "Subject Property"): That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said subdivision; Thence North 88°50' 11" West along the north line thereof, a distance of 230 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the Tract herein described; Thence South 01 °03'14" West, parallel to the east line of said subdivision, RECEIVEt,ice of280 feet; JUL 1 3 2007 KING COUNTY LAND USE SEFMCES Page 1 of5 and Thence North 88°50' 11" West, parallel to the north line of said subdivision, a distance of 317 .49, more or less, to the westerly margin of the Covington Grand Coules Transmission Line Easement as conveyed to the United States of America by instrument recorded July 18, 1941 under Recording Number 3178820, records of King County, Washington; Thence North 15°22'40" West, along westerly margin, a distance of 291.80 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter; Thence South 88°50' 11" East, along said north line, 401.48 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning. WHEREAS, Grantee owns certain real property, legally described on Exhibit A (hereinafter, "Grantee's Property"); and WHEREAS, both the Subject Property and Grantees Property will be directly benefited and burdened by the following Easements and Covenants; and WHEREAS, this Easement is supported by good and valuable consideration not disclosed herein. NOW THEREFORE, Grantee and Grantor hereby agree as follows: I. That Grantor, its heirs, successors, and assigns, and the Subject Property, grants to Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, and to the Cottages property, the following EASEMENT: a. A temporary, non-exclusive easement for design, construction/installation, maintenance and repair of storm drainage facilities to be shown on civil engineering plans reviewed and approved by King County for the Sandhu proposed subdivision, together with the right by King County to maintenance and repair such facilities if the King County so requests. b. Grantor understands and agrees that within the easement area, no structure, planting or other materials shall be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation or maintenance of utilities or improvements constructed within the easements. Grantee shall have the right to remove any structure or vegetation that may damage or interfere with the Page 2 of5 installation or maintenance of utilities or improvements constructed within the easements c. In the event Grantee constructs improvements as described herein, it shall be Grantee's responsibility to ensure that all disturbed areas are stabilized and revegetated, except any trees removed during construction shall not be replaced or require restoration and Grantee shall not be required to compensate Grantor for any trees removed during construction. 2. The easements, covenants and all other rights contained herein shall run with and bind the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. EXECUTED this ___ day of ______ ,, 2007. GRANTOR: GRANTOR: GRANTEE: Page 3 of5 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Darcy C. Szigety is the person who appeared before me, and that said person acknowledged signing this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: JI.-~ 3 ..)t/Z!'J Notary Seal ... o:w::= NOTARY PUBLIC MV ccra•SION EA NIEi 07-21-10 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) COUNTY OF KING ) (Print Name) Notary Public Residing at /::.1,l/..,. ..l tUri My appointment expires: '2 -d-Y-t'. 0 ss. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Lauren D. Szigety is the person who appeared before me, and that said person acknowledged signing this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Seal DAWN R. MCCANN STATE OF Wi\SI NIIGTON NOTARY PUBLIC ,.., co .. aSION EXPIRES 07-21-10 ~ i? ---r<"----(Print Name) Notary Public Residing at /L,r/G,k-..--1 t-<./,1 My appointment expires: 7-J--;f>/u Page 4 of5 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Mike Davis is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Managing Member of Grantee Cottages at Honey Creek, LLC, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: 1/qjaoo7 wfle~~ (PrintN Notary Public Residing at Sea\:He, ID % My appointment expires: I ai I a.oio Page 5 of5 Return Address: Johns Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC A TfN: Duana Kolouskova Los Poo27 1601 114th Ave. SE, Suite 110 Bellevue, WA 98004 11·11111111111111· ..... 20070711001606 DAVIS EAS 36 .111111 PAGElll0t OF 905 07/tt/2007 t4:5Z KING COUNTY, WA AUDITOR/RECORDER'S INDEXING FORM ~-------------------------------------~ ' Document Title(s): l. Easements for Drainage Reference Number{s) of Documents assigned or released: Grantor(s): 1. Darcy C. Szigety and Lauren D. Szigety 0 Additional names on page of document. j Grantee(s): 1. Sandhu Property, LLC I L'[J=_:A:_::::_dd:::it..:_io:::na::::_l n..:_arn_:e..:_s..:_o_n,.._p _ __:ag:_e__::======:__o:::f_:d..:_o:::cu:::m::.:e::.:n:::t. _______________ 1 Legal Description: See page l and Exhibit A. (abbreviated) , [Kl Additional legal is on page See attachme~ of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number: 332305-9036 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT This Easement is hereby entered into by and between Darcy C. Szigety and Lauren D. Szigety ("Grantor") and Sandhu Property, LLC, a Washington limited liability corporation and its heirs, successors and assigns ("Grantee"). WHEREAS, Grantor is also the o'-"'Uer of certain real property which is legally described as follows (hereinafter, the "Subject Property"): That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said subdivision; Thence North 88°50'11" West along the north line thereof, a distance of 230 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the Tract herein described; Thence South 01°03'14" West, parallel to the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 280 feet; RECEIVED JUL 1 3 2007 KING COUNTY LANO USE SERVICES Page I of5 d and Thence North 88°50'11" West, parallel to the north line of said subdivision, a distance of 317.49, more or less, to the westerly margin of the Covington Grand Coules Transmission Line Easement as conveyed to the United States of America by instrument recorded July 18, 1941 under Recording Number 3178820, records of King County, Washington; Thence North 15°22'40" West, along westerly margin, a distance of 291.80 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter; Thence South 88°50'11" East, along said north line, 401.48 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning. WHEREAS, Grantee owns certain real property, legally described on Exhibit A (hereinafter, "Grantee's Property"); and WHEREAS, both the Subject Property and Grantees Property will be directly benefited and burdened by the following Easements and Covenants; and WHEREAS, this Easement is supported by good and valuable consideration not disclosed herein. NOW THEREFORE, Grantee and Grantor hereby agree as follows: 1. That Grantor, its heirs, successors, and assigns, and the Subject Property, grants to Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, and to the Cottages property, the following EASEMENT: a. A temporary, non-exclusive easement for design, construction/installation, maintenance and repair of storm drainage facilities to be shown on civil engineering plans reviewed and approved by King County for the Sandhu proposed subdivision, together with the right by King County to maintenance and repair such facilities if the King County so requests. b. Grantor understands and agrees that within the easement area, no structure, planting or other materials shall be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation or maintenance of utilities or improvements constructed within the easements. Grantee shall have the right to remove any structure or vegetation that may damage or interfere with the Page 2 of5 installation or maintenance of utilities or improvements constructed within the easements c. In the event Grantee constructs improvements as described herein, it shall be Grantee's responsibility to ensure that all disturbed areas are stabilized and revegetated, except any trees removed during construction shall not be replaced or require restoration and Grantee shall not be required to compensate Granter for any trees removed during construction. 2. The easements, covenants and all other rights contained herein shall run with and bind the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. EXECUTED this ___ day of _______ , 2007. GRANTOR: GRANTOR: GRANTEE: By:~.k. ·yis.· /-.. // ,' .,/ / / / .' Its: aging,Mefnber Page 3 of5 ST ATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactol)' evidence that Darcy C. Szigety is the person who appeared before me, and that said person acknowledged signing this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: JL.<:L, 3 ,,,.)t-0/ Notary Seal R.MC(:ANN SWd£ Of WIUll•iGlON NOTARY PUBLIC uv caasffl$!10N ElCPIRES 07-2ll-10 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) COUNTY OF KING ) ss. ~:£ ~ (PrintName) Notary Public Residing at L, r l /,~ .,L t.J ,1 My appointment expires: '} ,+:Y-LV I certify that I know or have satisfactol)' evidence that Lauren D. Szigety is the person who appeared before me, and that said person acknowledged signing this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: _]_l_/i_,..y-• ..-,-~ _,;>t:1;_7 __ _ Notary Seal DAWN R. MCCANN STATE Of 1*81 IIIIGTON NOTARY PUBLIC w, COMMISSION EXPIRES 07-28-10 ;zJ;.:. a r<----(PrintName) Notary Public Residing at /c,,,L/~ t,J/f My appointment expires: 7 -d)j-// u Page 4 ofS STATE OF WASHING TON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Mike Davis is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Managing Member of Grantee Cottages at Honey Creek, LLC, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: 7 /q f aoo7 ITiS-te(I QJ,\/\S (Print Name) Notary Public Residing at SfaA}k-: du a My appointment expires: 910$ I &)iu I l Page 5 ofS •• ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 July 16, 2007 Kristen Davis Davis & Kurth Sandhu Properties LLC 1201 Monster Road SW, Suite 320 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Plat of Sandhu {ODES File No. L03P0027) Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L07MI035 Dear Ms. Davis: This is in response to your request for approval of the landscape and recreation space plan associated with the plat of Sandhu. We have reviewed your submittal and with the following conditions, approve it as submitted: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Street trees and tree retention plans shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the performance bond has been established at $38,587. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount also includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. At the lime of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced. Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-6758. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please contact the Finance billing hotline at 206-296-6659 or email fgmu.ddes@kingcounty.gov. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. Sincer:~~ Tzh Bull, P-rogram Manag~ II Current Planning Section, LUSD Cc: Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/encs FGMU w/encs File w/encs ' .. I f ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Sot.Jthwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Web date· 1111612005 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. PROJECT NAME: ~,;,o(.l..w, .,;'..,).,.(~,r,,~ ODES PROJECT#: L01 PC>oi..__ "1- ADDRESS: 17.0"it.\ 5 c t3L{~ Sf. £<-+-.. PREPARED BY: ~'.:)'--( , )o:r\..;?•Jo ~ PHONE: ~-@·J-3L?38 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface pal1<ing area landscaping, (KCC 21A.16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review. The maintenance period Is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduoed to 30% ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the site the bond v,;11 be releasad if the site has been properly maintained (21 A.16.160). A landscape maintenance Inspection deposit ls required prior to permit Issuance to cowr the cos1s of the 2-year maintenance Inspection. Landscape Inspections are billed at the current hourly !ala once the Initial deposit Is -exhausted. If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond v,;11 be held until the deficiencies are co,Tec".ed. UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) ,-_J ;,,....__ ~ HYDROSEEDING $50.00 MSF (1000 SO. FT) 8.~(>":.> ~-. ·r', '\\ ,\-JS (X..> ' .-.. -/,.\,., ··, SOIL PREPARATION A. TOPSOIL (6 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) '.),). --;-(,_;-{ ti, ,S.,L,;;,c; r:i(_J B. MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) $4.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) --~4~-; :'·-< -l\ l,'Jf",p_O{) C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) µ/°'\ ' \1'\.. D. COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) ,_) t'-, ~F, E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) w~ 0f\. ·fs'.--,X-, ·,·-.,.::·_·,., ... > ,-.~.;,:-\" -:-·:.' ,. ··''" .,,.,,,,,:, .-.,, ,,,,~: ·:< ,-•• ·.-. --~+.··,":;--:,·.··----,· s.•· :,, ·-.. . c~-·.-.,:.;.·., ",<'.~:-:\;':,,c•", PLANT MATERIALS A. DECIDUOUS TREES 1.75 -2.00" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $250.00 EACH ·--., COST&LABOR ~-, PERIMETER & PARKING AREAS ..,J. l "J~-' 1.5 -1.75" CALIPER $225.00 EACH COST&LABOR 5 <\t, 111.?·5. C>~~ INTERIOft Lf.tESCN'ING OR OTlER RBlllll:ED LN+DSCN'NG B. EVERGREEN TREES FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $150.00 EACH COST&LABOR 3 ~ /J.4'-J . I'.>,".) C.SHRUBS $35.00 EACH COST&LABOR 6-S -\\, ;) ,qo 5. c,c, D. GROUND COVER $4.00 EACH COST&LABOR ;;>::>-, <i\. "'\;) Os'.> SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: 12002.. ,. c'lilif ~ my ~~~ C~f~ LandscapeBondOuantityFORM.doc: b-wks-landscapebq .pelf 11/16/2005 /D~ @:©~OW@:~ , "J ~ 1of2 ', I ---APR I 3 2007 ·' L07MI035 >\.C U.O.Es UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE .. MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES $2.65 EACH PER STAKE & LABOR ,::: ::i ~.., -\\ \ ",c:.:, .. ~c; FENCING: LINEAR FOOT !-JI"\..... i---)G SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28.50 INCLUDES LABOR BERMING $17.50 LINEAR FOOT ,_)?, ),,Ji', INCLUDES LABOR IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUARE FOOT \l:,) '7,"_;,('.) 0t'" {\. I">. 6 4-D . s")('> -' RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36" BALL $260.00 EACH ....:, "" ~ "". 60" BALL $920.00 EACH µ~ ,._) 1', RELOCATING SHRUBS ON SITE 12" BALI. $26.00 EACH u~ ~-~ 24" BALI. $33.00 EACH ),,..l ·ts.... ~;,...., ADDITIONAL ITEMS: l oD Onsite recreation facilities l\-1 SOl'>. SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND SUB$T~c!2s 1'?, Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Contingency in accordance 30%CON:Nm~ with Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. . ~, F TOTAL BOND PRICE TOTAL BOND PRICE: $ • • - '· r Revised U!QW 11/13/2002 Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuantityFORM.doc b-wks-landscapebq.pdf 11/16/2005 Page2of2 Materials Specifications Adventure Series Common Components Plastisteel Deck Steel Posts Hardware Components Access Ladder Looped Pole Hand Over Hand HIii Climber Ships Ladder Reinforced 12 ga. perforated steel. Plastisol dipped to ASTM requirements. The deck measurements are 36" x 36' Constructed of 3" x 3" 11 ga. inline galvanized steel tubing (wall thickness .120", yield strength shall be minimum 50,000psi) Stainless steel inserts are installed in posts only where required for component attachment. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Complete with injection molded polyethylene caps. Primary hardware consists of stainless steel security tip button head bolts and stainless steel flat washers. Vandal resistant. The safety pipe is 1.315' 0.0. x 0.125"wall pipe with flattened attachment tabs at ends. Finished with polyester powdercoat. The handgrips are 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe welded frame with 3/4" vertical pipes. Finished with polyester powdercoat. The top rail is 1.5" O.D. tubing. 1.315" 0.0. x 0.100' wall pipe welded safety rails with 3/4" welded vertical rails. The Looped Pole is 1.5" O.D. x 1 ga. wall pipe with a 90 degree bend at the top at a radius of 6", bolted at the top to a one-piece safety rail. Rungs welded to pole at 12.5" intervals. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Hand Over Hand is 1.9" 0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe main frames with 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe welded rungs. Finished with polyester powdercoat. 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe welded climber. The 0-shape hand grip is 1.315' 0.0. x 0.125" waft pipe. Bent to shape. Finished with polyester powdercoat. The chain is 5/0 coil chain. Rungs 1.125" O.D. x 0.065 wall pipe. Chains and rungs plastisol dipped. The safety rail is 1.315" O.D. x 0.100" wall bent to shape. Finished with polyester powdercoat. The chain climber bottom leg is 3/16" flat chain attachment plate. Welded 2" x 2" x 0.125" tubing to anchor the chain climber. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Romperland Playsystems L07MI035 ~ rnA~~~~:~ Ir\ Talk Tubes The cone is constructed of 16 ga. metal which is powdercoated and is welded to a 1.9" x 0.125" wall. The support pipe is welded to the talk tube so it can be cemented into the ground. The buried poly pipe is made of 11/2" flexible construction. This pipe attaches to the talk tube. The flexible pipe is anchored so that children can not pull It up. All the metal parts are polyester powdercoated. Scramble Wall 42"x116"x20" actual size, constructed from 1.5" OD x 11 ga. wall welded frame and 1.315" x 0.125" wall welded rungs. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Transfer Station Triangular shaped deck; 12 ga. punched steel, reinforced and platisol dipped. Large finished hand holds for transfer. Stairs are constructed of 12 ga., perforated reinforced steel, plastisol dipped. Stairs have a 6" rise. Step constructed of 12 ga. perferated steel, finished with polyester powdercoat. Rail is 1.315" OD x 0.125" wall pipe with 3/4" O.D. vertical railing. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Rall Mounted The Steering Wheel is 1/2" O.D. bar bent into a 11-3/4" 0.0. circle Steering Wheel and a 8-5/16" 0.0. circle inside the other connected~ (3) 1/2" O.D. bars. Plastisol dipped. The steering wheel mounting bracket is 2" square tubing welded in the center of the vertical rail It attaches to. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Transition Stairs Transition stairs are constructed of 12 ga. perforated steel with plastisol dipped coating. Stairs are 6" rise per stair with 1.315" O.D. x 0.125" wall powdercoated double railing with 3/4" O.D. vertical guard rails. Vertical Rall The rail is 1.315"0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe welded main frame with 3/4" 0.0. vertical welded rails. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Rock Ramp The Rock Ramp is constructed of 12 ga. reinforced perferated steel, plastisol coated. Pre-assembled bolt on climbing hand holds. Hand holds constructed of high density compression molded polyethylene. Deck to Deck FIiier Panels 14 ga. sheet metal. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Playcounter/Bench 12 ga. sheet metal, laser cut and formed. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Stainless Steel Slides Slide bed constructed of 16 ga. stainless steel sheet with 1" O.D. top pipe cap. Slide rail constructed of 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125"walt pipe. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Romperland Playsystems • 90 Degree Stationary Rings Main frame of ring beam is constructed of 2" sch. 80 pipe with 2"x2"x0.125" wall end beams. Rings are constructed of 1.315" 0.0. pipe rolled into loop. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Glide Ride Track 3 1/2" x 31/2" x 10 ga. steel. 118' long. Pre-assembled with trolly constructed of 1112" x 3" tubing with 1' 0.0. pipe handle welded to tubing. Rides on four rubber wheels with steel bearings. End beam 2" x 4" x 0.125" wall tubing with attachement tabs welded to ends. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Pods Pod constructed of U.V. stabalized rotationally moded polyethylene with steel inserts molded onto bottom for attachment to leg. Pod leg constructed of 1.9" 0.0. x 0.125"wall pipe and topped with 1/4" plate for pod attachment Pod leg finished with polyester powdercoat. Rotating Ring Welded frame constructed of rolled 2" sch. 40 pipe with 1.315" 0.0. support ring. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Ring constructed of rolled 1.315" x 0.125" wall pipe with welded 1" 0.0. spokes. Brass bushings top and bottom with stainless steel collars to hold ring in place. Romperland Playsystems ® King County Department of Deve.lopment and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division **************************** IMPORT ANT *************************** Date Received by LUSD PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No 5$1/P,!U-i-o'3(7MZ-7 Project Name: ?~=1.J,cc~LC-.'--------------·-- FROM tJ/IV6 +' ~ ~~A/if-,Z£.6,7'bv · Company Name I Contact Person .>4V!5"- Telephone No: _ -~-7,{;?-15.Z? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat/ Plats Please specify ilem(s) dropped-off Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify ilern(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify ilem(s) dropped-off --· --·----- Clearing I Grading Permit -Addit1011c1I information requested Please specify item{s) drnppl::!d-ofi Other: ------.. ,. -- -------·---·---- ----·-------------- SITE ENGINEERING & PLANNING STRUCTURAL REVIEW TRANSMITTAL TO: Hou-Ching Chow, Plan Review Services *FM: Ted Cooper, Review Engineer :;;Jc_, * R,E: Sandhu Plat (L03P0027) * Activity/Charge #L06SR020 (Project) * DATE: April 26. 2007 Please accept and review the attached Structural Review Package. The Engineering Review Section has begun reviewing the engineering plans for the road and storm system; we anticipate completion by June 2007. Your efforts in assisting us with this deadline are greatly appreciated. Please contact me at (206) 296-7163 when your review begins or at any time you require additional information. Upon structural approval, please return the plans and approval documentation to the Site Engineering and Planning Section with an approval memo stating any required fees. *Description of Structures: 1) Wetvault (Detention and water quality). , ,' I i/ -.. .· i J·1/ . i I I ;.,_.,. ! / / : , .. IMPORTANT NOTES: * Locations of Structures (Page # and/or describe location): On civil plan sheet C4.0, the vault is located in "Tract A" (drainage and recreation space tract), east of the plat entrance. Public ROW: Public Tracts: Private Tracts: Easement (Joint-Use Driveway) (Type) Existing ______ _ Existing ______ _ Existing ______ _ Existing ______ _ Restrictions/Requirements Related to the Structure: (e.g. other approvals (HPA, DOT), ordinances, elevations) * Submittal Package Includes: Engineering Plans (Road/Drainage) Structural Drawings and Plans Manufacturing Specifications (if necessary) Design Calculations Soils Report List of Key Contacts: 1 2 2 2 2 Future ______ _ Future ___ X,....,__ ___ _ Future -------Future ______ _ minimum: copies (1) copies (2) copies (2) copies (2) copies (1) King County Sensitive Area Staff: _ _,_N.,_,i.,,,ck"--"'G"'il,.,,le,.,n _____________ _ Design Engineer: Structural: -----'B=--ry-=a'-'n-=L"-. -=C'-"o=llo"'n"'s"------------- Eng ineering Plans:-=S~c=o=tt~A~-~M=e=s~ic~----------- Other:----------------------------- Installation/Inspection Inspection Responsibility of Commercials: ________________ _ Contractor License # (if needed) ____ _ Structural Value$ =2-=-35=-=-0-=-00"------ Attachments ----------------------------- REVISION DATE:-------------- SIGNATURE:. ______________ _ *REQUIRED s:\bsd\site_eng\fonns\hou chow's structual.doc 10/23/02 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Friday, April 13, 2007 I Acti~-ity Number: L07MI035 I Project Number: L03P0027 I I FEE RECEIPT Applicant: SANDHU PROPERTY LLC -------------------- CHARGES Description Checklog Check# Payee Deposit Based on Est Hrs Date Entered Amount $579.60 -------- Counter Service Fees -----$102.64 ================~=~----------------- SUBTOTAL: $682.24 PA Yl\IENTS Description ------------------- Check Checklog Check # Payee Date Entered ---1=0~66=g=7~-5-1_0_8 ----S~A_N_D_H_U_P_R __ O_P_E_R_T_Y_L_L_C _____ 04/13/2007 Amount __ ($2)76.14) SUB TOTAL: ($2,276.14) CHANGE GIVEN: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: ($1,593.90) The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to ODES at the time of application. ODES permit fees were restructured effective March 4th, 1999. Many fees previously assessed a flat fee, now are assessed as hourly charges. Because of this change, and to ensure that our customers secure permits as quickly as possible, pennits may be issued prior to all hourly charges being recorded into our billing system. For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before DOES issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.O. Printed on: Friday, April 13, 2007 at 3:07: 15 PM Page I of I ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Web date: 09/09/2005 CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT STATUS For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Permit Number: Activity Number: ------------- Permit Name: .C.A7f,i,P5,::;ff.7£ /!u ,PL-1/?V n,L 5~,&.-5u$P/V/.>/ON FOR INDIVIDUALS: I, (print name), hereby certify that I am the/an owner of the property which is the subject of this permit. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized to represent all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: ----·-~----·-------------------------- I further certify that I am the "Applicant" for this permit and as such am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing on a form provided by DOES. * Signature of Applicant -OR- FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I, %~ //-Mhf//t:-t./ Date Signed (print name), hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of , a corporation or other business association authorized to do business in the State of Washington, which is the sole owner of the property that is the subject of this permit. If this corporation or business association is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this corporation/business association is authorized to represent all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this corporation/business association is: ___ L?v I /lt~M~ ,(..~IV l</A- I further certify that the above named corporation/business association is the "Applicant" for this permit and as such is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This corporation/business association shall remain the "Applicant" f the duration of this permit unless it transfers its applicant status in writin form provided by DOES. * --~~~-~-b~~~~~~- S1gnatur fAp Ii ant's Agent 11~rn'.@l~IWJ~ I,·~', * I r, , L/ j By ig 1ng as the Applicant or the Applicant's Agent, I certify under penalty of periury uMer t~ftN"I elf t~m~tale.of Wa h·ngton that the information provided above 1s true and correct. CertApplicantstLcOda7 liiclaO.p3 509/09/2005 Page 1 of 2 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: D I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes CertApplicantStatusFORM.doc lc-cer-apstatpdf 09/0912005 Page2of2 @) King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 July 16, 2007 Kristen Davis Davis & Kurth Sandhu Properties LLC 1201 Monster Road SW, Suite 320 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Plat of Sandhu (DOES File No. L03P0027) Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L07MI035 Dear Ms. Davis: This is in response to your request for approval of the landscape and recreation space plan associated with the plat of Sandhu. We have reviewed your submittal and with the following conditions, approve it as submitted: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Street trees and tree retention plans shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the performance bond has been established at $38,587. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount also includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. At the time of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced. Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-6758. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please contact the Finance billing hotline at 206-296-6659 or email fgmu.ddes@kingcounty.gov. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. Sincerely, ~ T~~mgram MMagocll Current Planning Section, LUSD Cc: Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supeivising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/encs FGMU w/encs File w/encs Materials Specifications Adventure Series Common Components Plastlsteel Deck Steel Posts Hardware Components Reinforced 12 ga. perforated steel. Plastisol dipped to ASTM requirements. The deck measurements are 36" x 36" Constructed of 3" x 3" 11 ga. inline galvanized steel tubing (wall thickness .120", yield strength shall be minimum 50,000psi) Stainless steel inserts are installed in posts only where required for component attachment. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Complete with injection molded polyethylene caps. Primary hardware consists of stainless steel security tip button head bolts and stainless steel flat washers. Vandal resistant Access Ladder The safety pipe is 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe with flattened attachment tabs at ends. Finished with polyester powdercoat. The handgrips are 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe welded frame with 3/4" vertical pipes. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Looped Pole The top rail is 1.5" 0.0. tubing. 1.315" 0.0. x 0.100" wall pipe welded safety rails with 3/4" welded vertical rails. The Looped Pole is 1.5" 0.0. x 1 ga. wall pipe with a 90 degree bend at the top at a radius of 6", bolted at the top to a one-piece safety rail. Rungs welded to pole at 12.5" intervals. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Hand Over Hand Hand Over Hand is 1.9" 0.0. x 0.125" wall pipe main frames with 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125"wall pipe wekled rungs. Finished with polyester powdercoat. HIii Climber 1.315" 0.0. x 0.125"wall pipe welded climber. The D-shape hand grip is 1.315" o.o. x 0.125" wan pipe. Bent to shape. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Ships Ladder The chain is 5/0 coil chain. Rungs 1.125" 0.0. x 0.065 wall pipe. Chains and rungs plastisol dipped. The safety rail is 1.315" 0.0. x 0.100" waU bent to shape. Finished with polyester powdlercoat. The chain climber bottom leg is 3/16" flat chain attachment plate. Welded 2" x 2" x 0.125" tubing to anchor the chain climber. Finished with polyester ,rn © rn O w rn ["'i, L07MI ()35-lfll APR 132007 [0 K.C. D.D 1::S Talk Tubes Scramble Wall Transfer Station Rail Mounted Stearlng Wheal Transition Stairs Vertical Rall Rock Ramp Deck to Deck Filler Panels Play counter/Bench Stainless Steel Slldes The cone is constructed of 16 ga. metal which is powdercoated and is welded to a 1.9" x O .125" wall. The support pipe is welded to the talk tube so it can be cemented into the ground. The buried poly pipe is made of 1 1/2" flexible construction. This pipe attaches to the talk tube. The flexible pipe is anchored so that children can not pull ii up. All the metal parts are polyester powdercoated. 42"x116"x20" actual size, constructed from 1.5" OD x 11 ga. wall welded frame and 1.315" x O .125" wall welded rungs. Finished with polyester powder coat. Triangular shaped deck; 12 ga. punched steel, reinforced and platisol dipped. Large finished hand holds for transfer. Stairs are constructed of 12 ga., perforated reinforced steel, plastisol dipped. Stairs have a 6' rise. Step constructed of 12 ga. perferated steel, finished with polyester powdercoat. Rail is 1.315"0D x 0.125"wall pipe with 3/4" O.D. vertical railing. Finished with polyester powdercoat. The Steering Wheel is 1/2" O.D. bar bent into a 11-3/4' O.D. circie and a 8-5/16" O.D. circie inside the other connected with (3) 1/2" O.D. bars. Plaslisol dipped. The steering wheel mounting bracket is 2" square tubing welded in the center of the vertical rail it attaches to. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Transition stairs are constructed of 12 ga. perforated steel with plaslisol dipped coating. Stairs are 6" rise per stair with 1.315" O.D. x 0.125" wall powdercoated double railing with 3/4" O.D. vertical guard rails. The rail is 1.315"0.D. x 0.125" wall pipe welded main frame with 3/4" O.D. vertical welded rails. Finished with polyester powdercoat. The Rock Ramp is constructed of 12 ga. reinforced perferated steel, plastisol coated. Pre-assembled bolt on climbing hand holds. Hand holds constructed of high density compression molded polyethylene. 14 ga. sheet metal. Finished with polyester powdercoat. 12 ga. sheet metal, laser cut and formed. Finished with polyester powdercoat SHde bed constructed of 16 ga. stainless steel sheet with 1" O.D. top pipe cap. Slide rail constructed of 1.315' O.D. x 0.125" wall pipe. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Romperland Playsystems 90 Degree Stationary Rings Main frame of ring beam is constructed of 2· sch. 80 pipe with 2·x2·xo.125• wal! end beams. Rings are constructed of 1.315" O.D. pipe rolled into loop. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Glide Ride Track 3 112" x 3 112" x 10 ga. steel. 118" long. Pre-assembled with trolly constructed of 1 1/2" x 3" tubing with 1" O.D. pipe handle welded to tubing. Rides on four rubber wheels with steel bearings. End beam 2" x 4" x 0.125" wall tubing with attachement tabs welded to ends. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Pods Pod constructed of U.V. stabalized rotationally moded polyethylene with steel inserts molded onto bottom for attachment to leg. Pod leg constructed of 1.9" O.D. x 0.125"wall pipe and topped with 114" plate for pod attachment Pod leg finished with polyester powdercoat. Rotating Ring Welded frame constructed of rolled 2" sch. 40 pipe with 1.315• O.D. support ring. Finished with polyester powdercoat. Ring constructed of rolled 1.315" x 0.125" wall pipe with welded 1" O .D. spokes. Brass bushings top and bottom with stainless steel collars to hold ring in place. Romperland Playsystems ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Web date· 11/16/2005 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. PROJECT NAME: $o_...,o(,,l,...'II <;',.J.,J~ .. t1,'&y). ODES PROJECT#; LO'J PC>0'2..._ ~ ADDRESS; j-Z,O"ii.{ SE. 18Lf+I-. 5f. /<.-+-._ PREPARED BY; ---@o·-< , )od..::>·Jo ,.j PHONE; 30'.>-GQJ -3l.o':JB Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and wiH be posted for perfoonance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A.16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review. The maintenance period Is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduced to 30% ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the site the bond will be released W the site has been property maintained (21 A. 16.180). A landscape maintenance Inspection deposit Is required prior to pennit lsauance to covar the costs of the 2-year maintenance Inspection. Landscape Inspections are biUed at the current hourly rate once the initial deposit Is · exhausted. If the project has not been maintained and then, are dead trees, shrubs, ground oover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the delleler,cies are corrected. UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF ( 1000 SQ. FT) ,-..) ;,..._ .,.::,A. HYDROSEEDING $50.00 MSF ( 1000 SQ. FT) 8: ,;{j'J ,. i, -\\ <\JS o,-_, r;:· .. --,c""'. ,!-::C\it,;;,,-;-;.';;''~';'>1+,:··_s_;-,., . .· .'' _.,.-, • --:,,;;-.<;:•c;:i,· :., ,-,: ' SOIL PREPARATION A. TOPSOIL (6 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) '"l_-, .~ •J' ' c--< ~ '5 ,L,;;.5 (">,~_J B. MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) $4.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) -::..,4,:;) f,-( ~ l,3BO al? C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) ,-.,1'\_ 0,1\.... D. COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) ,._) i'-, i-)A. E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) w~ i-)F\ ~M,•il!i.-\.'.'<i<f:<:<•G'"o.. '--·•.-.:i'.'_;,;,J,,'. '-i:f,;.;.:.:i'<i ;tj('-(' ... ., ·:.~·-a, ' 0·'. -~ _._;:,.;,.·-.-]~"-,,.·--· (-!:,c v,o',',.·,;,.,\~:.~,>_;'::,'..l;'·i<s':'!,;;+7~ "'• ' '"'> ,·""•",'•\·,:c:./.-h, .• · :·.;, .~:i,-, ,,-..1 PLANT MATERIALS A. DECIDUOUS TREES 1.75-2.00" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $250.00 EACH COST&LABOR -~ ,c ,. ,.., PERIMETER & PARKING AREAS ~ ..Jt l':)'--' 1.5 -1.75" CALIPER $225.00 EACH COST&LABOR 5 * I i J,S. (::,,-:'.> IKTERIOR LANDSCAPING OR OTlER REQUIRED LANDSCAPING ) B. EVERGREEN TREES FIVE ( 5) FEET OR ABOVE $150.00 EACH COST&LABOR 2 :::, ~ 11: .t::,t'..:) . ~..><":> C. SHRUBS $35.00 EACH COST&LABOR [':,"::, ~ .d,G\05.oC> D. GROUND COVER $4.00 EACH COST &LABOR ;;i.·., -i\. "\) (:) .:.:> _, SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: ' --12002. ~ ' ' I I LandscapeBondQuantttyFORM.doc b-wks~landscapebq.pdf 11/16/2005 /~ @©@OW~ inJ,012 -APR I 3 2007 /E:J KC.DD.ES L07MI035 UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE ,·.;-I '•,-,'c,,,/·:,J,,'•' ~,-,. ,•·,·-.,.,;,,_<,.'· ;t::,·; '( ,;~-~·-O';o'..a-::r:-:i ·.''. ;_, .. , . ,.•,---., .-,1. j/i/<;t,·,,,,,_,.,.., _,,, MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES $2.65 EACH PER STAKE& LABOR L'::) ~, '\\ \ ~() /'( '7 FENCING: LINEAR FOOT ~J"-,._)f'..._ SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28.50 INCLUDES LABOR BERMING $17.50 LINEAR FOOT ,_)f>--, i-Jk. INCLUDES LABOR IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUARE FOOT ltol·~c,C) ~'t': ~ I :,0 ot\-D .= RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36" BALL $260.00 EACH >..J~ ~f'\ 60" BALL $920.00 EACH µ~ ,._) k. RELOCATING SHRUBS ON SITE . 12" BALL $26.00 EACH i-::>~ ,-)t---.., 24" BALL $33.00 EACH ,-.l·t<.... ~;,..., ADDITIONAL ITEMS: i <\-, soo oCJ Onsite recreation facilities SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND SUB $T~~~ ~~? ./ ~ ....... . Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Contingency in accordance 30% CON:N•;,. with Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. • TOTAL BOND PRICE TOTAL BOND PRICE: $ . . .,.., ' . -' Revised LBQW 11/13/2002 Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuan!lyFORM.doc b-wks·landscapebq.pdf 11/16/2005 Paga 2 of 2 ~ Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ' " \ ' (®) King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Sandhu Subdivision Date: 11-Jun-07 Location: Renton, Washin.9.ton Project No.: L03P0027 Activity No.: LQ6SR9-'I& l.0"-5~0:ZO Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means de1ta adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. ~~~~~~~yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 KC bond quantities worksheet.xis x no {) 1l,:J I Vl._0-f (' --, --t--o r- I 1 ' ~ -IV : O.I {i\ i I ' E... ' t:;P'\ '({~ dJ Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 6/19/2007 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Backfill & compaction-embankment Check dams, 4" minus rock Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minus Ditching Excavation-bulk Fence, silt Fence, Temporary (NGPE) Hydroseeding - Jute Mesh Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" deep Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep Piping, temporary, CPP, 6" Piping, temporary, CPP, 8" Piping, temporary, CPP, 12" Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' Sediment pond riser assembly Sediment trap, 5' high berm Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm section Seeding, by hand Sodding, 1·• deep, level ground Sodding, 1" deep, sloped around TESC Supervisor Page 2 of 9 kc bond quantities worksheet.xis ESC-2 SWDM ESC-3 WSDOT 9-03.9(3) ESC-4 ESC-5 ESC-6 SWDM ESC-7 ESC-8 SWDM ESC-9 SWDM ESC-10 SWDM ESC-11 SWDM ESC-12 ESC-13 ESC-14 ESC-15 SWDM ESC-16 WSDOT 9-13.1 (2) ESC-17 SWDM ESC-18 SWDM ESC-19 SWDM ESC-20 SWDM ESC-21 SWDM ESC-22 SWDM ESC-23 SWDM ESC-24 SWDM ESC-25 $ 67.51 Each I Bl $ 85.45 CY $ 8.08 CY I 1001 --- $ 1.50 CY $ 1.38 LF l 12151 $ 1.38 LF I --_ 58aj $ 0.59 SY $ 1.45 SY $ 2.01 SY $ 0.53 SY $ 10.70 LF $ 16.10 LF $ 20.70 LF I 1161 $ 2.30 SY $ 39.08 CY $ 1,464.34 Each $ 2,928.68 Each I 11 $ 1,949.38 Each $ 17.91 LF 1 2001 $ 68.54 LF l 6J $ 0.51 SY $ 6.03 SY $ 7.45 SY $ 74.75 HR I 201 $ ~!_,,,_,,,=-;= -~-1a Each ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc .. gov/ddes 11 540 11 808 ~ I 16771 80~ 11 2401 11 2929 11 3582 11 411 1 I 1495 $ 16,605.20 $ 4,981.56 $ 21,586.76 A Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 .version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 6/19/2007 -':,: ~:: !Backfill & Compaction-trench [Excavation -bulk Excavation -Trench Fencina, cedar, 6' high Fencino, chain link, vin'II coated, 6' hioh Fencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 2 Fencing, split rail,' 3' high Fill & compact -common barrow FUJ & compact -gravel base Fill & compact -screened topsoil Gabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh Gabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh Grading, fine, by hand Grading, fine, with grader Monuments! 3' long Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground Surveyin~, line & grade SurveyinQ, lot location/lines Traffic control crew ( 2 flaQgers ) ITraH, 4" crushed cinder Trail, 4" top course Wall. retaining, concrete Wall, rockery Page 3 of9 I GI -2 GI -3 GI -4 GI -5 GI -6 Gl-7 GI -8 GI -9 GI -10 GI -11 Gl-12 GI -13 GI -14 GI -15 GI -16 GI -17 GI -18 GI -19 GI -20 GI -21 GI -22 GI -23 Gl-24 GI -25 GI -26 GI -27 GI -28 GI -29 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC bond quantities worksheet.xis -----------~~~~~~ Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet $ M3 $ 0.36 $ 8,876.16 $ 1.50 $ 4.06 $ 18.55 $ 13.44 $ 1,271.81 $ 12.12 $ 22.57 $ 25.48 $ 37.85 $ 54.31 $ 74.85 $ 132.48 $ 2.02 $ 0.95 $ 135.13 $ 2.88 $ 7.46 s 788.26 $ 1,556.64 $ 85.18 $ 7.59 $ 8.33 $ 8.19 $ 44.16 $ 9.49 SUBTOTAL CY SY Acre 0.25 2,219.04 CY I 1361 204.ool CY LF LF J __ _§±[_ -____ll5.76j Each LF I I I CY J 42aj -_g,614"3zj CY CY I I I SY SY SY SY SY 1233 1.171.35 Each Each SY .oav 2 1,576.52 Acre HR 40 _3,_407._0 SY SY SY SF SF 18,918.69 0.23 2,041.521 1.721 15,267.00 35121 5.2~8.0gj 98gj 1,483.50 __7§_5j__ --1..Q_,281.60 I I 6601 7,999.20 _naj _ _5,371661 2221 5,010.54 I I 4501 17,032.50 1111 ----51-, ---1,055.45 10042 9,539.90 2 270.26 4 3,153.04 ____i2 --__ 3,407.20 __3_0,848. 73 I 61 I uid 17.28 2,677.42 59,027.34 Unit prices updated: 02112102 Version: 4/22/02 Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Report o'ate: 6/19/2007 ............................................. AC Removal/Disposal/Repair RI -4 Barricade, type I RI -5 Barricade, tvpe Ill (Permanent) RI -6 Curb & Gutter, rolled RI -7 Curb & Gutter, vertiGal RI -8 Curb and Gutter, demolition and d!sposa RI -9 Curb, extruded asphalt RI -10 Curb, extruded concrete RI -11 Sawcut, asphalt, 3" depth RI -12 Sawcut, concrete, per 1" dei:th RI -13 Sealant, asphalt RI -14 Shoulder, AC, { see AC road unit price ) RI -15 Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick RI -16 Sidewalk, 4" thick RI -17 Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disoos RI -18 Sidewalk, 5" thick RI -19 Sidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and dispos RI -20 RI -21 RI -22 RI -23 rstriping, 4" reftectorized line RI -24 Page 4 of 9 *KCC_ 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC bond quantities worksheet.xis Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet 23.00 SY 310 7,130.00 5.75 SY $ 1.38 SY $ 41.14 SY $ 30.03 LF $ 45.05 LF $ 13.27 LF 411 5,453.97 $ 9.69 LF 350 3.391.50 $ 13.58 LF $ 2.44 LF $ 2.56 LF $ 1.85 LF 350 647.50 $ 1.69 LF $ 0.99 LF 350 346.50 $ -SY $ 7.53 SY $ 30.52 SY $ 27.73 SY $ 34.94 SY 200 6,988.00 365 12,753.10 $ 34.65 SY $ 85.28 Each $ 5.82 Each $ 2.38 SF $ 0.25 LF SUBTOTAL 18,503.50 18,207.07 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes , E.t~!t~f[f:~~i'Rri~?.··i·'<;,: Cost Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 · Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 6/19/2007 ,ffefir~T~tthp;:;;tB~nd Qu~~fy W;k~h~et • • • ,. • • •., • • • • IFor KCRS '93, (additional 2.5" base) add RS -1 IAc Ove~av, 1.5" AC RS-2 $ 7.39 IAC OveMv, 2" AC RS -3 $ 8.75 1AC Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS-4 $ 17.24 IAC Road, 2", 4" rock, Qtv. over 2500SY RS-5 $ 13.36 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS-6 $ 19.69 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, Qtv. over 2500 SY RS -7 $ 15.81 AC Road, 5", First 2500 SY RS -8 $ 14.57 AC Road, 5", Qtv. Over 2500 SY RS -9 $ 13.94 1AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY RS -1 $ 16.76 IAC Road, 6", Qtv. Over 2500 SY RS -1 1 $ 16.12 Asphalt Treated Base, 4" thick ,s -1 Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS -1 Gravel Road, 4" rock, Qtv. over 2500 SY RS -1• PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY RS -1 PCC Road, 6", no base, over 2500 SY RS-1, Thickened Edge RS -1 Page 5 of 9 "KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC bond q·uantities worksheet.xJs $ 9.21 $ 11.41 $ 7.53 $ 21.51 $ 21.87 $ 6.89 SUBTOTAL SY SY 310 2,712.50 SY 780 13,447.20 837 14,429.88 SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY ----SY SY SY SY LF 16,159.70 14,429.88 Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 345 . a&nii R~lloc:tifln"" c: , -,---r,,-._·_·'.;;_w.:r~rf'rc'" ,. ;. ' - Cost 5,947.80 5,947.80 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 · Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 6/19/2007 , __________________________________________ _ Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet r\s·Ori~··Red~~~.iOhl!f~_>· Cb·st·,, Access Road, RJD D • 1 $ 16.74 SY I I I 55 Bollards • fixed D-2 $ 240.74 Each Bollards • removable D-3 $ 452.34 Each 6 2.714.04j * (CBs include frame and lid) CB Type I D-4 $ 1,257.64 Each I 51. 6.288.201 71 8,803 481_ 2J __ _s515.28 - CB Type IL D-5 $ 1,433.59 Each CB Type ll. 48" diameter -----·---i1 2,033.57 D-6 $ 2.033.57 Each 4 8,134.28 1 2,033.57 for additional denth over 4' D-7 $ 436.52 FT 6 2,619.12 5 2,182.60 51 2,182.60 CB Type II, 54" diameter D-8 $ 2.192.54 Each 1 2,192.54 for additional depth over 4' D-9 $ 486.53 FT 3 1,459.59 CB Tvpe II, 60" diameter D -10 $ 2,351.52 Each for additional depth over 4' D • '11 $ 536.54 FT CB Tvpe ll, 72" diameter D -12 $ 3,212.64 Each i i 1 11 3,212.64 for additional depth over 4' D -13 $ 692.21 FT] J J 2J 1,384.42 (Through-curb Inlet Framework (Add) D -14 $ 366.09 Each ICleanout, PVC, 4" D -15 $ 130.55 Each kleanout, PVC, 6" D -16 $ 174.90 Each I I J J --~ [:::_ ___iL_ 1,574.10 Cleanout, PVC, 8" D • 17 $ 224.19 Each Culvert, PVC, 4" D -18 $ 8.64 LF Culvert, PVC, 6" D -19 $ 12.60 LF I I ~-I I 901 ---1,134.00 Culvert. PVC, 8" D • 20 $ 13.33 LF Culvert. PVC, 12" D -21 $ 21.77 LF j 46~ 10,035.97[--4401 ~.578.80 Culvert, CMP, 3n D -22 $ 17.25 LF Culvert, CMP, 12" D • 23 $ 26.45 LF ~ 17~ 4,708.1Q. Culvert, CMP, 15" D -24 $ 32.73 LF Culvert, CMP, 18" D -25 $ 37.74 LF Culvert, CMP, 24" D • 26 '$ 53.33 LF Culvert, CMP, 30" D -27 $ 71.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 36" D • 28 $ 112.11 LF Culvert, CMP, 48" D • 29 $ 140.83 LF ,culvert, CMP, 60" D -30 $ 235.45 LF (Culvert, CMP, 72" D -31 $ 302.58 LF Page 6 of9 SUBTOTAL 31,785.67 34,482.38 9,439.55 Unit prices updated: 02/12102 *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 4122/02 KC bond quantities worksheet.xis Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Report Date: 6/19/2007 .,, . .,, ................... , ........................ , · Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ""'"""·,"• l;i~_ • , •. ,,,.,,:;;••s•::,w-;,,;•,-sr,,:it,a'~··.; .,.,. · B d" R d . ··:·.,.C, ·-····· W""'!W~~~'+o'?~~~T:.;,1\':".:pc,-Y,:;.:<':;;;7 ~.-·~,-;,"-c.f,://\.·!i · on e uctlon•· ·· \f5}(q ,_· __ ,_;,(ff::·.::-'~'.(·<_-;".--.. ~_f't<:-,· '. ·-:' ., -,'.S:}6 .. · _: -.·\.< :\ . ' -::-_,;.'" DRAINAGE CONTINUED ··c.:t, ::J, Quant. No. ·uriit Price Unit Ouaiit. Cost Quant: · Cost ·Qua[fr.-C:Ost Co~letel Cost Culvert, Concrete. 8" D -32 Culvert, Concrete. 12" D -33 Culvert, Concrete. 15" D -34 Culvert, Concrete, 18" D · 35 Culvert, Concrete, 24" D -36 Culvert, Concrete, 30'.' D -37 Culvert, Concrete, 36" D -38 Culvert, Concrete, 42" D -39 Culvert, Concrete, 48" D -40 Culvert, CPP, 6" D -41 Culvert, CPP, 8" D • 42 Culvert, CPP, 12" D -43 Culvert, CPP, 15" D -44 Culvert, CPP, 18" D -45 Culvert, CPP, 24" D -46 Culvert, CPP, 30" D -47 Culvert, CPP, 36" D -48 Ditchina D -49 Flow Disoersa! Trench (1,436 base+) D -50 French Drain (3' depth) D -51 Geotextile, laid in trench, polypropylene D -52 Infiltration pond testing D -53 Mid-tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep D • 54 Pond Overflow Soillwav D -55 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 12" D -56 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15" D • 57 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 1 B" D · 58 Riorap, placed D -59 Tank End Reducer (36" diameter) D -60 Trash Rack, 12" D -61 Trash Rack, 15" D -62 Trash Rack, 18" D • 63 Trash Rack, 21" D -64 Page 7 of9 *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC bond quantities worksheet.xis $ 21.02 $ 30.05 $ 37.34 $ 44.51 $ 61.07 s 104.18 s 137.63 s 158.42 $ 175.94 s 10.70 s 16.10 $ 20.70 $ 23.00 $ 27.60 $ 36.80 $ 48.30 $ 55.20 $ 8.08 $ 25.99 $ 22.60 $ 2.40 s 74.75 $ 1,605.40 $ 14.01 $ 1,045.19 $ 1,095.56 $ 1,146.16 $ 39.08 $ 1,000.50 $ 211.97 $ 237.27 $ 268.89 $ 306.84 SUBTOTAL LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF CY LF I I I I I LF SY HR Each SY Each Each Each I I I 21 2292.321 CY I 11 39.DBI 11 39.08j Each Each Each Each Each 39.08 2331.4 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 161 I 5620.39 5620.39 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date, 611912007 ,5;,.,;,."'4"~ .. , ........... s1teinw~:;;e~ts~nd ou~~t; wo~k:'h:et • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ·~ 1 • 12~ AC, 2" top course rock & 4" borrow PL· 1 $ 15.84 SY 12" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base cour PL -2 $ 17.24 SY 4" select borrow PL -3 $ 4.55 SY 1.5" to_e_ i:;ours~--~9_ck & 2.5" base course PL -4 $ 11.41 SY ,ll;~~~~~~~~:1Yt{ij~~~P~i(£t3'' No. Bird Ca_2e WI -2 $ 1,000.00 EA 1,000.00 Detention Vault Wl-3 $235,000 LS Wl-4 Wl-5 Wl-6 Wl-7 Wl-8 Wl-9 Wl-10 SUBTOTAL 1,000.00 SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 85,406.64 101,299.46 JO% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: 25,621.99 30.389.84 GRANDT OT AL: 111,028.63 131,689.29 COLUMN: B C Page 8 of9 *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. KC bond quantities worksheet.xis Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 235,000.00 235,000.00 315,035.08 94,510.52 409,545.60 D E Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 611912007 IA~.ilJ"r,_~,.;;ptJj!il··,.,,, ..... <c,A;.f4(111!i'~:-·····~-~{-'8!'(,:~~~f.!iii~i\"",..r,w--~ .... ,.,,,., ':illlll' .,., ..... ,., ., ... ., ~ ... .,. ..._, ..... .,, .,, ., .... ~,' .·· Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Scott Mesic Date: 11-Jun-07 PE Registration Number: 39377 Tel.#: 425-486-6533 Firm Name: Site Develoe_ment Associates, LLC Address: 10117 Main Street, Bothell, WA 98011 Project No: L03P0027 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities Private Improvements Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond•r (First $7,500 of bond* shall be cash.) Performance Bond• Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond• Total ... Maintenance/Defect Bond• Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND• REDUCTION: PERFORMANCE BOND' AMOUNT (A) $ 21,586.8 (B) $ 111,028.6 (C) $ 131,689.3 (D) $ 409,545.6 (A+B) $ 132,615.4 (T) $ 673,850.3 Minimum bond' amount is $1000. BOND' AMOUNT. REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY••• (E) $ TX 0.30 $ 202,1!55.1 (T-E) $ 673,8!50.3 Use larger of Tx30% or (T-E) ""NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County . .,,,._, NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. OR Date: PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND• (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 60,679.5 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. -· NOTE: Per KCC 27 A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ 541,234.9 I (C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DDES Page 9 of 9 Check out the DDES Web site at www metrokc.goy!ddes KC bond quantities worksheet.xis Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Yersion: 4/22102 Report Date: 6/19/2007 PERMITS SENT TO IMAGING IN JULY 2008 FR: B04C0191 TO: B08M1140 BOXNO.: 234 THESE DOCUMENT CAN BE DESTROYED AFTER IMAGING B04C 0191 B06L 0806 B07F 0571 0572 0658 B07I 0142 B07L 0839 0876 1247 B07M 1028 1379 1411 1444 1824 B08F 0285 B08L 0051 B08M 0415 0877 1140 THESE DOCUMENTS TYPE IS INSP •• ' ' -tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov DATE: 6/18/2007 Permit Approval Conditions Document This plan reviewed to 2003 International codes updated to the State of Washington and King County Codes Structural Plan Review Tracking Number: L06SR020 Location: Sandhu Plat Parcel #619960-0282 Concrete Detention Vault The following conditions apply to the above referenced permit: 0001 GENERAL This correction sheet is an abridged version of code requirements and is a review aid only. It shall not be used in lieu of the International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, or any King County regulation or state law. Please note that there are quite a few differences between the International Codes and the Uniform codes which King County previously adopted. For continued code compliance, carefully review the new provisions. Corrections noted below are part of the approved plans and shall remain attached to them at all times. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any section of the International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fire Code, or any King County regulation or state law. Corrections as indicated below, along with the unchanged information shown on the drawings, must be complied with. In addition, since this correction sheet is a review aid, it shall not be used in lieu of the above mentioned codes, regulations, and laws. Therefore, code compliance with all noted applicable code sections on this correction sheet, as well as other applicable code sections not specifically noted, shall be required. The approved plans shall not be changed, modified, or altered without authorization from the building official. The approved plans are required to be on the job site. Section 106.3.1 International Building Code 0348 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS A. Approval of Special Inspection Service shall be obtained from the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit, prior to construction. Section I.B.C. as amended by King County Code B. Submit field inspection reports, test lab reports and final reports to the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit, in compliance with Section I.B.C. as amended by King County Code C. Provide the following special inspections (to comply with Section 1709, I.B.C.): 2003 1BC permit condition items Last saved by Hou-Ching Chow 06/18/2007 Page 1 of 2 . . ' •, 1) Concrete work. 2) Concrete reinforcing steel placing. 3) Grout filling of all concrete panel joints. 0350 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Provide special inspection by Geotechnical Engineer of Record for compliance with soil report recommendations. Submit field inspection reports, test lab reports and final reports to the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit, in compliance with Section 1704, I.B.C. The following items shall have special inspection: I) Excavation and foundation subgrade preparation; and soil bearing load capacity confirmation 2) Wall lateral load design soil parameters confirmation. 3) Backfill soil materials selection and compaction. 4) Drainage systems installation behind walls. 0357 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS--COMP ACTED FILL MATERIAL Any fill emplaced under footings, slab, or other foundation systems must be certified by a special inspection as having been compacted to at least 95% of ASTM D-1557. 0366 SHOP ORA WINGS Engineer of record shall review and approve all shop drawings. An approved copy shall be submitted to the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit. I) Concrete mix designs 2) Reinforcing steel. 3) Precast Prestressed concrete hoolow core panels, design and reinforcing details. 4) Structural steel and grating. 2003 IBC permit condition items Last saved by Hou-Ching Chow 06/18/2007 Page 2 of 2 ___ ... / --"~·------_...,,,. • . . .I PASTVP-E: . . .. ·~ ~ -----______ g_ ___________ 0 la,;;. llT ____ -er' ____ _ • I 'Q • I • . ~ *.··.1 .. ~ ~1~ 9 -/ .::• 1 J5o r.···· 3 . .1, 1 . 16 • ~--~1!J: 0 r IJS ~ ~,s<1 . fl."13.Mc. . IBBTH l 4._4 I . f~..,....,,._, ' -;" ( \\ IS7 . ,, \\. , .. zo O ,; 218.51 9 4510 ) 315 1-z-.:..-53 ·" ft+~ /.OBJr, ._ 1S .@- 'v,i. r. 6c19Jey V P/'..rtuR.E ·WOODS . .l ' .:·:: : .• / I l t 1 I \ \ \ \ \ \ ' I I \ \ ! ' ' \ I I I I I I I r f ; /. f ! I 1 I .__J I t ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' I I ' I ' ,, ' ' .......... "-.. ... ',. \ ' I ,,., .. ..} 1b eoos "f!t'f%'>C- 'u (; ,' / ~ ~·- "-.... -\ .:..:. ) ) ( I \\33230$9009 \ . \ "'-, / \ ( \_ \ \ #..JA>JAAABQ I I .• \ I \ \____l ( (r // ... '-...:::.-.:XS"" 7< 7f I CZ::._ I / I / I I ' I I / I / I ' \ Parcei Number. 3323059042 Taxpayer: MARGULLIS GOMON & SUSAN Anne"8tlon: NIA Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Situs Address: Partal City: Renton, 9805B /! ( Plat Name: ; Rec: 1111 Lot: NIA; Block: NIA Kroll Page: 605 W ThomaS Bro$. Page: 686 1/4-S-T-R: NW-33-23-5 Aaes: 4.32 (1B8179 SqFt.) current Zoning: R-6-SO Pclentlel Zoning: Comp. Plan Lal'ld Use: um A.ssef,sOr"s Open Spece: NIA Co,mlerclal Use: NIA Nurnbel' d Units: NIA Mobile Home: N Land Value: 28000 ~entt. Value-. O CoJTmUnity Plan Area: Soos Cntel( Unmc;orpo111ied Area Council: NIA SchoOl Olsb'lct: Renton School District 403 Are District: 40 Roads MPS Zone: 342 ($3730.00) Waterfront: Water Service: Water SeN\Ce Planning Area: Soos Creek water And Sewer District &Mer Service: AitpOl'I Noise Remedy Program: NIA Bald Eagle Rag: NIA Comcll District (1996-2001 ): 9 Kent N'.er; (R) Coundl D18trlcl (2002): 5 C)Nlg,t Pel% Drainage Basin: Soos Creek. WRtA 9 Police: King County, Pd: 3, Olst: F3 Serv\CeJflnance SU'a\e9;f ArM: Full S&rvite Snowload z.one: Standard Pqtcultlnl Producllon District: N Fore&! Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: NIA TOR Status: NIA TDR Permit Number: NIA Bulldlng Inspection Area: Cleo Rubalcaba CleerinQ Inspection Area: Jim Ball'Nebef Code enrorcement lnspectlon Area; Sheryl Lux ESA tnspeetion Area: Kathy Newtx>m Grading Inspection Area: Ram:in Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Tenzlng Thlnley Sens, NUS Nottce(s) on TitJe·. NONE 0 100 200 Foot 1·• 200feet ®King County ni.~Jn;:i.ldldonlhl,IITIIJlhabNn~l1V ~OM,Cyll:al'lfl'Offl•v~ollDll'DNR'-~lo ~wllho,,rtl'll:lllca l(ln;Ci:luNyffllllallD ,.,.w.-...ccr-,wt..,..:pwor!rr'1111d,•lotti. _,.;v, ~ ~lnllNN. orrti,Qtoh .-of =-~~:eo~=~.,, """""9 ~. but ID llrnlldll:I, loll .....,._or.._ =::::.~1111~.:.n:::~~ gr,INI, mapi. flT.H)bd-. by'Mtu.n ~ofl(l,-Q .....,. PIOt dlta: Oct 17, 2003: \\ddel001\)((11'4Pl\&Y_OfVIPl'O)rcla\bea-2.apr "' w .. I: :, z w .., IL w C 0 u 0 w ·,:, -...31 "' w .. I: c'1i 9 1-u w 0 "' .. King County Department ofDevelopment and Environmental Services 900 Oakf'scfale Avenue Sou1hwest Ren1on, \\'A 98055-1219 MEMORANDUM FROM: Site Investigator B8J:I CJ±ESJ--1 / £R TO: Engineer Pf: IE DYE (TBULj RE: Field Check Observations I. PROJECT NUMBER/ NAME !_03Poo2,/ SANDHU RAT I Address/ Location I 2()!..J Y SE I BYT}J ST Date l O · 2 L\ · 3 FIELD CHEU. IO•ZI· 3. Related Project#, Name Ao 3 Po 2..3 7 (LO 2.Cq Y oB/LO 3 E:i I lCdo) Thomas Map Page (new) Co 5Co F'1 Thomas Guide Page (old) _______ _ 2. SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSAL SuBDivtDE Co, Z."1 ACRES INTO I] LOTS FLOW CONTROL L8JEL l LHOA'S 3. SIERRA FILE INFORMATION Parcel#(s) (el990Q 0262/0?-/2.0 S-T-R NVJ 33·2;,·5 J Kroll Map (£)C6W Acres / Feet2 Current Zoning Q -Co -SC) Community Plan SQ:)$ C/< EE}(,. Comprehensive Plan--""-'-'-'---------------------- Limited Text Entry __._p_. -S=u~E~E~I X.,.__~K~C.=C_-_l~/o=·~6~'.2"'-c.-. '~s~o~D=+, ~5=C.~-~P~3""',-, ~$~0~-_z_z.~o~ PAGE I 4. SENSITIVE AREAS INFORMATION MAP FOLIO PAGE# SITECQNTAINS SITE ABUTS YES NO YES NO COMMENTS •Wetlands ___ ,r&J 0 ~ D Wetland# Wetland Class ____ Drainage Basin -------- Sub Basin 3CX)S Cf;EFK. Critical Basin? [I) ffil • Streams O 0 0 (ZJ Stream Class Stream Name • I 00-year Floodplain _0 12{] __ 0 IZl • Erosion Hazard __ 0 fRI_O ~ • Landslide Hazard _0 rgj_O ~ • Seismic Hazard __ 0 fZJ_O ~ • Coal Mine Hazard _0 ~----D ~ • Other known SA's _0 o_o D Class I or 2 Stream or Class I Wetland within one mile downstream of project site? SC()$ · CJ2EFK. (2S) FEMA FIRM number . 5 30 33 C O Cj B,3 F In FEMA Floodplain? [I) fa Soils Mapped · 'A§ J72 1 A.a c_ Map# ~~--- Best available Topographical Map _,,.C"-'1'-'TY-'--'O'-"LF__,,(2,,.,8-t...i::,,'-'-:n::i..l-""""---------"U,..,'S""'=i='-=S'--#,.,__7..._S.___ 5. SITE DESCRIPTION MATCHES T.I.R. DESCRIPTION/ J1:l E G;,. '2.7 AC.f< E ":::>1TE I 5 t-'\ AOE \JP Of 'Z PA12.C.EL$ Jl:IE 'PARCEL U)CATB) . IN 11:JE SY..,/ C OQNE'R QE TI:IE S I IT (rL O 3 2.0) I S :J1::1 E H Al N DEvacf?l;Yl:aJr q2CCr)SA L Af2.£A. :n±E SECCl'-.l.D PA:f2C-Et.. (TL o'2.B2) IS Pi2-1Mfsl2.IL':( · wffik}JD. WED-PSND BuFF82, A}.JD BPA 1]ZAl\l5Hl$'.S.lDtu UNE ' E;J\SE:M8J.I' J:\iVO ttDtJSES, A E:;zA12Af:tE kND A 8-JED Af2E ON --rt...\t:: sw P!'s:f?.Cfl.;'.JJ-jl:'.: g8\/\klt-,.i I tJ C-;;i Poi:zn 01\J I 'S c,isQ..£ DiJ2..T N2.. E::if2ASS, PA~Q.g A12-P,S. AW)blb TI:!~ --n-1~ Wn1....Al-..l DS 1--\Avi;. P.wN KE?Z-B,.J[U( DsTv12B8D e;H l><. Ql\2,.-::B\ ~ CoVl2.S£ I o2C<i=:J YPB ftAS @)12.J3.Sf:D TI:l IS ' . VIO\...knl?l--l. PAGE 1 6. EXISTING SITE FEATURES OF"1"12.A IL: e>r,.1 Sou-n-t s, D~, AI...S.O ALotJti SE 184nl s-r IN SE: Cc,ji!IJ= Soils types seen and evidence of soil movement, slides, slumps, erosion, or deposition:------ f;rt.al I D151VCZ.P.t\:N CE -SEE LO ZC§ YOB Ground Cover: (;::l1?AS$ES. 0,..A:(.IC.Bel?©r'. $CAJTI;?l?ffi ]]2EFS, wg"[U\1,tO \JEq Existing Utilities (hydrants, signs, poles, etc.) shown on site plan? Dlffl CULT TD IPa,IJ] Fr: CN ..., fl"P~ Wildlife and habitats: $112-DS, f::(2.0q S Water Wells: N.Ol:,l E S°£'€b\ Work started on site? · SE:\::: L02 C.6 4Q?, Closed depression >5000foet2? [!] ~ Steep slopes? @ @· ___________ _ 7.· DRAINAGE Drainage complaint records __.SE'E.,,..."----'~=-:.\-S.,__ _________________ _ Proposal will add >5000ft2 of new impervious surface? Ill ll!I Approximate Area ______ _ Proposal will collect and concentrate surface and storm water runoff from an upland and site drainage area of over 5000 ft21 Ill ll!I Approximate Area ______ _ ' Upland Drainage Basin (draining directly onto site): Z I. 5 Ad2E$ WEST OF THE SITE Df2/QNS TD TI:IE l?f2cfE,sro LOT" A\2-'Ei\. x 2 AC!2.ES Wl;:$T CfI}lE sn""E: DM1t:,1S TQ-rHE. Wnt.t(IJO, kND A Sl~Nlf"IC/S:NTLY LA12.b02.. ' AA@ Wt:-$T OF THE SITE 012/QNS. TQTHE RDA'DSIOE D11ctt A 1.-pN!:!I SE:° 1 '3~n-\ ST. / '\ On-Site Drainage: -n-1 E s IT£ ,,_B?-cposm I DIS) D@.!'CTN.,$ t;;AST 1b 'Tl-IE WEI\.-lruD og $Q..)J]j EAST IQ 1}-1 E; l?-DtsDS1D£' DrIT..-H ALotJ6 SE JBYIJ-j ST: Downstream Drainage (minimum 1/4 mile distance): E:oTH THE W ~D /ls1\l D Ill E &tisD'::::I D f;, D CR-1:J fs:8?£7sJ2. 'JD Dt:?JsJ N SCU7J::1 V N DER SE J'.64ill ST :IJ:IJ2DVC;JH A 12." R(P. TI::)E 8,ct? OUTLET'S TD AN £}\'ST :P.,D,..JND POZJ-\ · All)'\)E::i :Ill E 5c0Q-\ $JG. Of SE i'?f:@ST. THE 'DtJl.J-l HAS A zy·'cPEP /1r?;D,J:' MJDWA::'( -ro Wtw:12-E :THE DITLH ":n,.,'2.t:,..I '$11 /><;b.,ID 02.A:JNS .5aJQ:I '.ID A 'SHALL-\/8;;:Jff7\1:'ED B)l\.10. TJ:\ E. 'PDND D12/sl NS SW h,c e c&S ::Cl:\ E-P~ N.S" fJ'sSruru, /f;:12.AS'S 1DY>AJ2-0s :JJtE' ~£" Dr '11-1£ ~~ (s11Errfu:w -~D ct-11ct-J1,a:1..,),0a01<PlN.q Tb JljE.,. co.,r \?"''"I ... Drainage Description Matches T.I.R.I ____________________ _ PA GE 3 8. EXISTING ROAD NETWORK Adjacent Roads SE I 5411-1 ST -20· Ac 1<0A1) -KC gcx..u 0,)DS AT 'BPA ~ W IW f,A-::-~T Al-JD ?uR-tc ~:S. Closest Transit Stop----------------------- 8. ESTIMATE OF PROJECT IMPACTS ON SOIL AND WATER 9. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Dou lN$Jx'F:;2rM cot,JC,., SCIF PLou.,)S 0...)f" S.Dl.l'n-\ ALDI-lb ::JJ:\E EJ)bE O'F H:IS. :D:\'0(1...DAS WO 12.Ra:>T B\.)(Ql?l,..)Ct:::: OF :fLOw TI:\120-h t1 :ntE r?.." CUL-Ue)Z.T lb 11-JOlc..A'}E \ f I I hoE'S E:°A"E>T IN :lli 8 Dl1Lt\ C€-SQ0D:I :::D:]2o.)6H WE tt:ro:,~ cF 12,J,.Aa...e,ff.0'1'. !n.o"-..G :Il:I E: Pt@Yl?E. wo ~c~ og J1;:JPoE::tel';01Y 1No1~ SOLJll-1 A,Q.N s. '.f'(?:01,0 · '11:tf; CLL-U E'(Z.:-1 . IT Is PC6!:Si Bl£ TI:1:K'f 'Tl-1~ Q\2-lsl I\JKbE;' IS S~lil-Jt:::1 (£;,f.J ,cw~ S~ !nJD c OM 1 µ b OU\ kt ~ {aJQ O'F '.111£" 'B'E"f.e.-'r' BusltB. FJ2N:1 ni~ conmw PcHJt~ ~~~~™) J):1£ D WA-E;, t:o 'r'1--0-Us: UJL ~S ~ 6 ~A-55 CJ::rroJNc?L m-c.(2QSS, Tilf. P/sf2C£L 10 'T1tE. :st0J:t OF -n+te. S.rTE A]\JD I f\JTD TJ-1£ CLASS 7]I '51J2:@1:'.I CJ::\:ro-?UR. 01-J THE Dvf'<J OF ffi)r2-IA L00DDS. 1}:IE C...L.ASS ttr sr?£ktvl '?\.owS a.rm V:J i;:: BPA ~\9:::1a.Tr 1&JID PA::zIY?ff: l tJ A 1,0fil.L D!2:l 1Jl2Q CA:tA::JV~l?L. Ple.. A Sl.-lce...T S'TI2t:JZ.t:\ -rH i:; ™1U'::'.l IS u1'JD~ IJffi [WD z f:l::E?:rr:pu)UJS d?... PLPDU3 N.'i.-6SS. THE: PAS:n-r?t? B~ rr f<.:{;,llnl'J 13~8::::. A ~ O"E?FTAJt:a) tt:fAvk>n. :n:v2Q,JE:tl AcOllE: ~ t'Th.ID ttJIP <fl-lE PAGE 4 10 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS WITHIN SOO FEET AND ADJACENT USE I I NUMBER OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN ,A'DD1T1oJAL C..OH'{M8Jf':; : • T12-kNSt-11SSl 01'.J L-1NG:S C.{<.OSS o-JSl<. ?::, ~O'S.ED l..DTS., • Row/ROAD ow~82S.rhP ISSUES. ALONCJ sovn-1 SIDE ( RC)I...() t.N D S fO.lD B'ECct·-H:. 'S. P12.JVA ~ 6\'S.B-fEWt) PAGE S ATTACHMENT TO MEMORANDUM PROJECT NUMBER: FIELD/OFFICE SKETCH WORK: Drainage systems, features, channels within the upland site plan areas, on the development site, and in the downstream receiving areas: SKETCHED BY: SC A LE I"= ___ _ Notes:-----------------------------0 PAGE & ~.·.I .. ···.:····· 1: ]iflii I '~' s'i i;1j1>.~PL;~~ .:i -<,---J~ii'ill>'•,,. ____ . . I; ::\0 PlatName:'!SANDHU K,ULWANT SUBDIVISION ,,} , ' , , ,', ',,, •" '• o • SC >'O 1 •·. Djisc;~I PRELll:,jlf:il,l},l;!'(!'?l..<l,T 17 uns, ,, · ,, , fior&l 11N'olts19960;9~~~ .:.. ·.. :.. . ,t' · ;,,, .~ ~.... , ., ,,,, Localion:jNW.1/4 33·2.3N-5E WM City /Zip: 0"'1er 1'"'ls"'"AN"'. D'"'H"""U""K""U"'LW'""'AN'"T""'S,...+""sA"'N""'T;.,,O.,.,KH""."'K"'":c1,--- Applicant: [SANDHU, KtJLWANT Planner: l TBU L Rev. Engr.:JPDYE Occupancy: ~---- Acres: j~o-.o""o __ _ Amount Paid: J $17,221.25 Develop: Balance Due: I $0.00 SEF'A[Y/NJfT f'pplied:J10/1312003 D~p!j!~,9 Complelo:I_I _/ __ Vested:]_; _I __ SEPA TD: J_I_I_ Report: J_I _I_ Open Hearing: l~I _/ __ Decision:J_I _I __ E•pires:J_/ _/ __ Recorded:J_/ _/ __ Complete:J_I _/ __ Last Statui Chango: j 10/13/2003 Entered by: f PINTNMAG Dale Entered:l10/1312003 !'~-------~-------------~---=--• . ~------------------,-----------------.,.... --I ; Licensee, KING COUNTY, WA I Serial Number: 6136 Users: 150 : Version, v. 4. 7.24 iit!Start!IJ I'~~ @.;I l!!il IJ ~'PERMITS'Plus ! @toDES GIS-Basev j ESlllnbox-MicrosoflO ... J ;;~12)!~s{ ~ 332 PM Monday, Oct 20, 2003 03132 PM King County -DOES Parcel Number: 6199600282 Taxpayer: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K Annexation: NIA Jurisdiction: Unincorpcrated King County Situs Address: Postal City: Renton, 98058 -------------------- Plat Name: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 0 Rec: nil Lot: 5; Block: 2 Kroll Page: 605 W Thomas Bros. Page: 686 114-S-T-R: NW-33-23-5 Acres: 4.31 (187743 SqFt.) --------------------- Current Zoning: R-6-SO Potential Zoning: Comp. Plan Land Use: um Assessor's Open Space: NIA Commercial Use: NIA Number of Units: NIA Mobile Home: N Land Value: 101000 Improvements Value: 0 --------------------- Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: NIA School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: 40 Roads MPS Zone: 342 ($3730.00) Waterfront: Water Service: Water Service Planning Area: Soos Creek Water And Sewer District Sewer Service: Airpcrt Noise Remedy Program: NIA Bald Eagle Flag: NIA Council District (1996-2001): 9 Kent Pullen (R) Council District (2002): 5 Dwight Pelz Drainage Basin: Soos Creek, WRIA 9 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F3 Service/Finance Strategy Area: Full Service Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: NIA TOR Status: NIA TOR Permit Number: NIA -------------------- Building Inspection Area: Cleo Rubalcaba Clearing Inspection Area: Jim Ballweber Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Sheryl Lux ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Tenzing Thinley -------------------- Sens. Areas Notice(s) on Title: Parcel Number: 6199600320 Taxpayer: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K Annexation: NIA Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Situs Address: 12044 SE 184TH ST Postal City: Renton, 98058 ---------------- Plat Name: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 0 Rec: nil Lot: 7; Block: 2 Kroll Page: 605 W Thomas Bros. Page: 686 114-S-T-R: NW-33-23-5 Acres: 1.96 (85377 SqFt.) ------------------- Current Zoning: R-6-SO Potential Zoning: Comp. Plan Land Use: um Assessofs Open Space: NI A Commercial Use: NIA Number of Units: NIA Mobile Home: N Land Value: 107000 Improvements Value: 86000 ---------------------- Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: NIA School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: 40 Roads MPS Zone: 342 ($3730.00) Waterfront: Water Service: Water Service Planning Area: Soos Creek Water And Sewer District Sewer Service: Airport Noise Remedy Program: NIA Bald Eagle Flag: NIA Council District (1996-2001): 9 Kent Pullen (R) Council District (2002): 5 Dwight Pelz Drainage Basin: Soos Creek, WRIA 9 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F3 Service/Finance Strategy Area: Full Service Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: NIA TOR Status: NIA TOR Permit Number: NIA ----------------- Building Inspection Area: Cleo Rubalcaba Clearing Inspection Area: Jim Ballweber Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Sheryl Lux ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Tenzing Thinley ------------------- Sens~ Areas Notice(s) on Title: Situs Primary Owner lnformatioo H_ame: jsANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K Address 1: J13989 SE 159TH PL Aildres~2'!RENTON WA Addtess): Address 4::.-------------- Zip: !98058 Phone 1: Phone 2: Notation: Monday, Oct 20. 2003 03:35 PM King County -DDES .. . §~t~ lrifo!J,1l~l)~II ·· Lotl Area:-l--18-7-.7-4-3-.0-0 Acres:! 4.31 Zoning: I R-6 Census Tract X Coard Cen Block:! Y Coor d: ,----- !=L~eg,i:aa;I !:::D~es~c:!rip~t~io~n-------------, d · · UseCode:I 31 -----TRA: Status:lACTIVE Exempt: r Govt Owned: r 619960-0282 E0200446 (,,' 619960-0282 E02G0016 619960-0282 E02G0184 ;,,,-, 619960-0282 E9800531 619960-0282 E9800888 .. 619960-0282 L03P0027 619960-0282 L98G0091 h l?ol:iiBai Oiae,? ·· 1.Dl+1,a· Monday, Oct 20. 2003 03:35 PM King County-DDES GENFOR GENFOR ENFORCI ENFORCI PRE-PLA GRADE 05/02/2002 CLOSED GENFORCE p 01/3112002 CLOSED SANDHU. KULWANT S+SA GENFORCE p 05/02/2002 CLOSED SANDHU KULWANT S+SAN ENFORCE p 05/19/1998 CLOSED SANDHU. KULWANT & SAN ENFORCE p 09/04/1998 CLOSED SANDHU. KULWANT & SAN PRE-PLAT p 10/13/2003 APPLIED SANDHU. KULWANT GRADE p 05/22/1998 COMPLETE KULWANT SANDHU • Record: 1 of 8 ' ' ' ,' 'i![w:u11Jii;! ilill 1;;t~( :jb . 1<;<<1~<1~~!'!1!J9/!0<!tio!')>>~>> i ··· .;if:];· :1il)h~illtiif::ttfii>;11iu:: i:111:· ,;--., · ·•·•. · · ·· ···· } iii' 1~ Jtt:11(~(~pe.,velopment Information>»» V4,Sec,J:.V!/Rr8.l\lg ii !NW-33-23-05 .. . . ..• · FIEtJlo .. P1&Namll ilNoRTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV No. o Lo&N~! i5 . . . .i 1fBl~No,,.,.j2 ___ _ Acres .· iii 4. 31 .,i; ~ ••11" .y•s . FtrJ 1 s? 743 ..... . '. ., .< -~',!h11:,.,_. .~ ... , Kro)I Pg j605 ,!;!1Q!J'4ilP.No, Traffic Mil Zone !342 ·· Vol./Pg. '"'lo'""4s-1~,o-o-- SchoorDistrict Fire D isbict Waler District Sewer District Monday. Oct 20, 2003 03;35 PM King County -DOES j403 (Renton) 140 ,. jsoos Creek !Soos Creek Zone 1 IR:6-SO · Zone2 Zone3 ZonihgiEffecliye Date: LandUse Code Comprehensive Plan Community Plan Public Water Avail? Public Sewer Avail? Vacancy. Code ,_,_,_ !Soos Cre fT IN IA soc Page 1 of 1 ® King County llllmlllll lll:mmlll Ki§bid¥W Comments Wi¥il3,M Development Condition Query Results - Parcel Search Parcel Number: 6199600282 Listed below are both Post-Conversion and Pre-Conversion development conditions which are associated with the parcel you entered. To view text for a development condition, choose a condition code in either box below and click on a Get Text button. Otherwise click on 'New Query' at the bottom of this page to perform another parcel search. Post-Conversion Conditions Pre-Conversion Conditions (Effective August 18, 1997) (Prior to August 18, 1997) KCC-16.82.lSOD SCP-P17 SC-P3 SCP-P3 50-220 SCP-P4 SCP-P7 . . , , I "jt-<~~'iltt'.. <;Getc;J"ext; I ,,/1, P,,, "'f''' 1 :L/lill >. Updated: December 29, 1998 King County I DOES Page I DDES/GIS Page I New Query I News I Services I Comments I Search Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details soc Page 1 of 1 @) King County llmlmllll lErmllll 4143144¥ Comments Wi¥U4,M Development Condition Query Results - Parcel Search Parcel Number: 6199600320 Listed below are both Post-Conversion and Pre-Conversion development conditions which are associated with the parcel you entered. To view text for a development condition, choose a condition code in either box below and click on a Get Text button. Otherwise click on 'New Query' at the bottom of this page to perform another parcel search. Post-Conversion Conditions Pre-Conversion Conditions (Effective August 18, 1997) (Prior to August 18, 1997) KCC-16.82. lSOD SCP-Pl? SC-P3 SCP-P3 S0-220 SCP-P4 SCP-P7 ·~~1-.. ,,, .. 1;;"·, •. ,f ;,.,n_:,)> 0 0~l!~lllm · ··· i~ ··.·,,,,,,f.~'I!! Updated: December 29, 1998 King County I ODES Page I DDES/GIS Page I New Query I News I Services I Comments I Search Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by tenns and conditions of the site. The details. Name: jsANDHU KUL\IIANT S+SANTOKH K Address 1: j13989 SE 159TH PL Address 2: jRENTON WA Address 3: :....--------------Address 4: Zip: ;...j9-80_5_8 __ Phone 1: ',, i;;-q;ii"+ ,<:iL!<r, Phone 2: :.,... ________ _ _,_ _______ _ Notation: Monday, Oct 20, 2003 04:00 PM King County -DDES .:11 Use_Code:j TRA:.----- ,Status:I ACT IVE 1.96 Cen Block:! .:I y Coard: ,---- ~I E~empt: 1 Govt Owned: I <<<<<Location Information>?~>,> . 1/4-Sec-Twp-Rng INW-33-23-05 Ref:No. Plat Name !NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 0 Lot No. 7 Acres I t96 Kroll Pg ! 605 Traffic M ~-Zone School District Fire District .• H" • . Water Distribt S ewei District -----Blk No.J2 -----·. Sq, Ft. I 85.377 · ·.: ::,E·,:,,.,..:M· N :·· ,n~l::,,~P ... 0 ------ '342 Vof./Pg. J 046/1 00 l~4-03_(_R-en-t-on-J-'-""'=""- !40 r---'------------x,;;·,;,,;,_,/:··.,., IS oos C_reek 1..-S-o-os-C""r-ee..,.k _________ .,,< Monday, Oct 20, 2003 04:01 PM King County -DOES 4~~iPt~r · q~,tfEntered Last1 Up~i,,te' ! 11/23/1998 10911512000 <<<<<Development Information>>>>> Zone 1 IR-6-SO Zone2 ...----------- Zone3 Zoning Effective Date: Land Use Code Gomprehensive Plan Gommunity Plan Public WaterAva.il? Public Sewer Avail? Vacancy Code 1_1_1_ lsoos Cre fT IN Ii 619960-0320 61 9960-0320 619960-0320 619960-0320 : 619960-0320 Monday, Oct 20, 2003 04:00 PM King County-DOES A03BN352 E0000646 E0200161 E02G0016 E9800888 E9901657 L02CG408 L03Gl166 L03P0027 f·s·i/V': BOND ENFORCI ENFORCI GENFOR ENFORCI ENFORCI GRADE G-INSPc· PRE-PLA , 1 L .-i··1 ··':,::,,: :·.- MNTR ENFORCE 04/21/2000 ENFORCE p 03/05/2002 GENFORCE p 01/31/2002 ENFORCE p 09/04/1998 ENFORCE p 12/15/1999 GRADING p 12/02/2002 INSPSENS A 07/10/2003 PRE-PLAT p 10/13/2003 Record: 1 of 10 I : CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED ISSUED PENDING APPLIED $14.778WETL PERF SANDHU.KULWANT S & SA SANDHU KULWANT S+SAN SANDHU. KULWANT S+SA SANDHU. KULWANT & SAN SANDHU. KULWANT & SAN SANDHU. KULWANT SANDHU. KULWANT SANDHU. KULWANT ' ~·~ipies &M~kei!ictivitySet r I 1ttachments r ,11:::- IBaqK~top r BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11260-Sl REAL PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS 10/20/03 16:05:51.5 ACCOUNT: 619960-0282-0 SITUS: TAXPAYER: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 LOT: 5 BLK: 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 JURS: KING co * L AND D A TA * I * * BU I L D I N G DA TA * * BLDG OF * * ZONE ACTUAL I BLDG SQ FOOTAGE DATA MISC BLDG INFO JURISDICTION KING CO I FIRST FLOOR YEAR BUILT ACRES 4.31 I 1/2 FLOOR #STORIES WATER SYSTEM WTR DIST I 2ND FLOOR #LIVING UNITS SEWER I UPPER FLOOR DAYLIGHT BSMT VIEW NO I TOTAL BSMT HEAT SOURCE OPEN SPACE I FIN BSMT HEAT SYSTEM I BSMT GARAGE ACCESSORY IMPS TIDELANDS I TOTAL LIVING AREA POOL AREA WATERFRONT FEET I ATTACHED GARAGE POOL CONSTR WFT LOCATION I DET GARAGE AREA WFT BANK I ROOMS CARPORT AREA WFT RIGHTS ONLY I BEDROOMS MOBILE HOME ================================================================= ( 0.0) == CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PFB> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11280-Sl REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 10/20/03 16:05:57.8 ACCOUNT: 619960-0282-0 SITUS: TAXPAYER: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 JURS: KING CO LEGAL DESCRIPTION -PAGE 1 LOT 5 BLOCK 2 NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRS DIV NO 6 R/W ACROSS SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF TRACT 4 & N OF S LN OF TRACT 7 * END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION* PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 TRACT 5 LESS W 300 FT TGW 250 FT SEC 33-23-05 LY S OF N LN OF PROD ELY -SUBJ TO TRANS LN ESMT 0. 0) =======================================================================---===== CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE LEGALS, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PFB> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-S1 REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 10/20/03 16:06:20.5 ACCOUNT: 619960-0282-0 SITUS: TAXPAYER: SANDHU KlJLWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 LOT: 5 BLK: 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 JURS: KING co • A s s E S S E D VAL U IMPS E H I S T 0 Ry •J• SAL E S H I S T 0 R y • YEAR LAND DATE REASON DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS 04 101,000 07/03 REVALUE 05/97 112,200 SEE AFF M 03 98,000 09/02 REVALUE 02 94,000 07/01 REVALUE 01 90,000 05/00 REVALUE 00 72,000 08/99 REVALUE 99 68,000 10/98 REVALUE 99 62,700 04/98 EXTENSION 99 62,700 11/97 REVALUE 98 62,700 11/97 REVALUE 98 2,150 09/97 REVALUE 97 2,150 09/96 OPEN SPACE • • * • * * CONTINUED * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 0.1) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 BDOl PAI11270-Sl 10/20/03 16:06,24.0 ACCOUNT: 619960-0282-0 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY HISTORY SITUS: TAXPAYER: LOT: 5 * A s s YEAR 97 95 95 93 93 91 91 89 89 89 87 SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 TRACTS DIV NO. 06 JURS : KING CO BLK: 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN E S S E D LAND 62,700 2,150 62,700 2,150 58,000 1,720 33,700 1,720 27,000 1,720 V A L U E HISTORY *l*SAL IMPS DATE REASON I DATE 09/96 REVALUE I 05/97 10/94 OPEN SPACE I 10/94 REVALUE I 03/92 OPEN SPACE I 03/92 REVALUE I 07/90 OPEN SPACE I 06/90 REVALUE I 02/88 OPEN SPACE I 02/88 LEVY CODE CHN I 01/88 REVALUE I 08/86 OPEN SPACE I E S H I S T O R Y • SALES PRICE REMARKS 112,200 SEE AFF M • * * CONTINUED *.. I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 3.7) CHOOSE ONE OPTION, PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY HISTORY BDOl PAI11270-Sl 10/20/03 16:06:48.8 ACCOUNT: 619960-0282-0 SITUS: TAXPAYER: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 LOT: 5 BLK: 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 JURS: KING co * A s s E S S E D VAL U E H I S T 0 Ry * * S A L E S H I S T 0 R y * YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS 87 20,700 07/86 REVALUE 05/97 112,200 SEE AFF M 87 1,290 02/86 SEGREGATION 86 1,290 02/86 SEGREGATION * END OF VALUE HISTORY * * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 1.1) == CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. RPCI 619960028204 DOC, SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K 972338 13989 SE 159TH PL RENTON WA 98058 07/29/03 REVALUE ST:CURNT ACTIVE NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRS DIV NO 6 10/20/03 TRACT 5 LESS W 300 FT TGW 250 FT R/W ACROSS SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SEC 33-23-05 LY S OF N LN OF LOT:5 BLOCK:2 LAST LEGAL TRACT 4 & N OF S LN OF TRACT 7 IS 6 PROD ELY -SUBJ TO TRANS LN ESMT RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM-LV LAND IMPS BILLED PAID P A 04 T 4250 101,000 .oo .00 03 T 4250 98,000 1,072.54 536.27 H 02 T 4250 94,000 1, 05"3. 90 1,053.90 01 T 4250 90,000 1,062.69 1,062.69 00 T 4250 72,000 904.66 904.66 TOTAL DUE: 539.70 YEAR RECEIVABLE TYPE LEVY BILLED AMT PAID AMT ACRE BENEFIT 03 NOXIOUS WEED 9420 1. 86 .93 03 CONSERVATION 9430 5.00 2.50 02 NOXIOUS WEED 9420 1. 86 1. 86 02 CONSERVATION 9430 5.00 5.00 01 NOXIOUS WEED 9420 1.21 1.21 01 CONSERVATION 9430 5.00 5.00 RPCI 619960028204 JUMP CODE: ADDITIONAL DATA P/N BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS BDOl PAI11260-Sl ACCOUNT: 619960-0320-0 TAXPAYER: SANDHU ICULWANT LOT: 7 BLK: 2 • L AND D A TA ZONE ACTUAL JURISDICTION KING CO ACRES 1. 96 WATER SYSTEM WTR DIST SEWER VIEW OPEN SPACE TIDELANDS WATERFRONT FEET WFT LOCATION PRIVATE NO • 10/20/03 16:04:01.6 SITUS: 12044 SE 184TH ST 98055 S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 JURS : KING CO * * B U I L D I N G BLDG SQ FOOTAGE DATA FIRST FLOOR DAT A * * BLDG MISC BLDG INFO 1 OF 2 * * 1/2 FLOOR 2ND FLOOR UPPER FLOOR TOTAL BSMT FIN BSMT BSMT GARAGE 1210 YEAR BUILT #STORIES #LIVING UNITS DAYLIGHT BSMT HEAT SOURCE HEAT SYSTEM ACCESSORY IMPS TOTAL LIVING AREA 1210 POOL AREA POOL CONSTR ATTACHED GARAGE DET GARAGE AREA 1949 1.0 1 OIL GRAVITY WFT BANK ROOMS CARPORT AREA WFT RIGHTS ONLY BEDROOMS 2 MOBILE HOME ================================================================= ( 0. 4) == CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR NEXT BUILDING, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 ACCOUNT: TAXPAYER: KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 619960-0320-0 SITUS: 12044 SE 184TH ST 98055 SANDHU KOLWANT S+SANTOKH K LEGAL DESCRIPTION -PAGE 1 BDOl PAI11280-Sl 10/20/03 16:04:07.6 QSTR: NW 33 23 05 JURS: KING CO LOT 7 BLOCK 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRS DIV #6 * END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION* 0 .1) =============================================================================== CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE LEGALS, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 10/20/03 16:04:33.7 ACCOUNT: 619960-0320-0 SITUS: 12044 SE 184TH ST 98055 TAXPAYER: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 LOT: 7 BLK: 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 JURS: KING CO * ASSESSED VALUE HISTORY *I* SAL YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON I DATE E S H I S T O R Y * SALES PRICE REMARKS 04 107,000 86,000 07 /03 REVALUE I 05/97 112,200 SEE AFF M 03 103,000 83,000 09/02 REVALUE I 02 99,000 77,000 07/01 REVALUE I 01 95,000 72,000 05/00 REVALUE I 00 84,000 82,000 08/99 REVALUE I 99 79,000 46,000 10/98 REVALUE I 99 72,000 43,000 04/98 EXTENSION I 99 72,000 43,000 11/97 REVALUE I 98 72,000 43,000 11/97 REVALUE I 98 50,000 43,000 09/97 REVALUE I 98 50,580 40,800 07/97 LEGAL CHANGE I * * * CONTINUED * * * I * END OF SALES HISTORY • ================================================================= ( 0.8) == CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 10/20/03 16:04:38.1 ACCOUNT: 619960-0320-0 SITUS: 12044 SE 184TH ST 98055 TAXPAYER: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 LOT: 7 BLK: 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 JURS: KING CO * ASSESSED VALUE HISTORY *I* SAL YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON I DATE E S H I S T O R Y * SALES PRICE REMARKS 97 97 95 95 93 93 91 91 89 89 89 50,580 72,000 50,580 72,000 50,580 94,800 30,380 55,100 22,380 40,800 09/96 OPEN SPACE I 05/97 40,800 09/96 REVALUE I 40,800 10/94 OPEN SPACE I 40,800 10/94 REVALUE I 40,800 03/92 OPEN SPACE I 40,800 03/92 REVALUE I 40,800 07/90 OPEN SPACE I 40,800 06/90 REVALUE I 36,000 02/88 OPEN SPACE I 02/88 LEVY CODE CHN I 36,900 36,000 01/88 REVALUE I 112,200 SEE AFF M * * * CONTINUED * * * I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 5.2) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 10/20/03 16:05:02.6 ACCOUNT: 619960-0320-0 SITUS: 12044 SE 184TH ST 98055 TAXPAYER: SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K QSTR: NW 33 23 05 LOT: 7 BLK: 2 PLAT: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 06 * A s s YEAR 87 87 85 85 85 83 E S S E D VAL u LAND IMPS 20,400 27,600 27,000 27,600 20,400 24,300 20,400 24,300 28,500 24,300 28,500 24,300 E H I STORY DATE REASON 08/86 OPEN SPACE 07/86 REVALUE 07/84 LEGAL CHANGE 06/84 OPEN SPACE 04/84 REVALUE 05/82 REVALUE JURS : KING CO *I* SALES HISTORY* I DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS I 05/97 112,200 SEE AFF M I I I I I I I I I I * END OF VALUE HISTORY * I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 2.1) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. RPCI 619960032008 DOC: 07/29/03 REVALUE ST:CURNT ACTIVE SANDHU KULWANT S+SANTOKH K 972338 NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRS DIV #6 10/20/03 13989 SE 159TH PL RENTON WA LOT:7 BLOCK:2 RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM-LV 04 T 4250 03 T 4250 02 T 4250 01 T 4250 00 T 4250 YEAR RECEIVABLE TYPE 03 FIRE DISTRICT 03 SURFACE WATER 03 SWM BOND 03 NOXIOUS WEED 03 CONSERVATION 02 FIRE DISTRICT RPCI 619960032008 98058 LAST LEGAL IS 1 IMPS 86,000 83,000 77,000 72,000 BILLED .oo 2,035.64 1,973.25 1,971.89 LAND 107,000 103,000 99,000 95,000 84,000 82,000 2,085.74 LEVY BILLED AMT 9340 135. 43 9440 91. 43 9470 10.57 9420 1.68 9430 5.00 9340 111.73 TOTAL DUE: PAID AMT 67. 71 45. 71 5.29 .84 2.51 111. 73 PAID PA .oo 1,017.82 H 1,973.25 1,971.89 2,085.74 1,139.87 ACRE BENEFIT JUMP CODE: ADDITIONAL DATA P/N r 8 I -=-•••••••• SEE ~-~ MAP L '7 p"300G:, 687 •• t ~t;, " • " ~ 00,' 3S " " ~ , " ~ l'i V IULl'l i- <,I ~ " <fl. er ~-~ ~ "' ~ 0 C) Ill ~ s ~; ~ ,wl ~I;; " ~i "' ,, • -~ • •• .. • • ., .. • -~ • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • '>"•.4'. . ...... 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S>!l7Jnl.Pl 16400 I ., ... • l ! ,,,,,..,.!t> " 15171 16310 • i • ! • l l ..<) ~ • ~ ,...~ '" • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • I . r'it······ ! : . ~-• . . . • • / • • , i SOUTHEAST OF STUDY ZONE X 122ND PLACE SOUTHEAST IEAST 180TH STREET ~ w I t-:, 8 w :, z ~ ~ ~ I SOUTHEAST !~174TH LANE 2,0UTHEAsT 17Sl_!:! w :, z w ;)' ~ '8 :=:; r sou1HEAsT 11,1S'i sTIIEE1, 'ii; =-~__, t- ~ I 33 5 0 V, w :, z ~ ~ ~~ ~5 ro t--V, w ;:, "H STREET ~ I I SOUTHEAST 184TH STREET JOINS PANEL 0991 ...... ;)' I ~ SOUTHEAST 182ND STREET 111 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 983 OF 1725 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX KING COUNTY. UNINCORPORATED AREAS 530071 0983 RENTON. CITY OF 530088 0983 MAP NUMBER 53033C0983 F MAP REVISED: MAY 16, 1995 Federal Emergency Management Agency L03P0027 SANDHU P LAT 1998 MANUAL N rownshlp Lines S-T-R /\/ OSLINES N SEC LI NES '/1(/TWPLINES N Streets Water Bodies 1 1 Parcels N City Boundaries Cities sensitive Slope Level 2 Areas c::::a DA IIJ ERS Landslide Haza,d Level 2 Areas DA LND Atea Specific Flow Control Requirements Level 1 FC Area -Level 2 FC Alea -Level 3 FC Area Basir>-wlde Flow Control Req uirements c::J Level 1 FC Area l!I Level 2 FC Area 0 ~00 800 1200 Feet 1·= 935 f eet ® King COUnty Th& Information io:too.d on thd map hN: bMn ~ed by ll King County 91:aff from a vaiel:y of eouroes and It ~ to cna,,ge "'""°"' ""'"°· K;,,g c.ur.y "*"' no re~ahons or wan-•nUes, eXl)l'HS « Implied . • to the eco.l'ICj, ~nHS, tJmelinMe. Of rights lo the UN of MJeh Information. Khg County ahall 004 be JiatMe '°' arr; general . epec:i.al. indlr.ct, k'lcldertll. or conaequenli.i dMT'IIQ9S lnclucirQ . bul no< limited to. lost revenues °' loat profits re9U ting from the VM « ml1Use of the lrlom\ll6on oortaiMd on tNI rnap. My sale ol lhie mt1p or lnformalbn on tl'u m41P is prohibited except by Vffltten permitefon of King Ooue<y Plot date: Oct 23, 2003; llddes001\x01\gls\av_devlprojectslbase2.ap< · .61 99600320 ~ 3323059036 3323059009 Parcel Number: 3323059042 Taxpayer: MARGULLIS GORDON & SUSAN Annexation: NIA Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Sltus Address: Postal City: Renton, 9fl058 ------------- Plat Name: : Rec: nil lot: NIA : Block : NIA Kroll Page: 605 W Thomas Bros. Page: 686 1/4-S-T-R: NW-33-23-5 Aetes : 4.32 (188179 SqFl.) -------------------- Current Zoning: R-6-SO Potential Zoning : Cool>. Plan Land Use: um Assessot's Open Space: NIA Coomercial Use: NIA Number of Units: NIA Mobile Home: N Land Value: 28000 Improvements Value: o ----------------- Community Plan A rea: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: N /A School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: 40 Roads MPS Zone: 342 ($3730.00) Waterfront: Water Service: Waler Service Planning Area: Soos Creek Water And Sewer District Sewer Service: A irport Noise Remedy Program: NIA Bald Eagle Flag: NIA Council Distri ct (1996-2001): 9 Kent Pullen (R) Council District (2002): 5 C>Nlght Pelz Drainage Basin : Soos Creek, WRIA 9 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F 3 Service/Finance Strategy Area: F ull Service Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: NIA TOR Status: NIA TOR Permit Number: N/A -.. --··-··--· Building Inspection Area: Cleo Rubalcaba Clearing Inspection Area: J im Ballweber Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Shef)1 lux ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsi n Land Use Inspection Area : Tenzing Thinley -----···----- Sens. Areas Notice(s) on T itle: NONE 100 200 Feet 1·• 200 feet @King County The information included on this map hu been compied by King County slaf1 from a v.tety of IOll'099 end ts Sl.Ojec:I to change 'Mthout notice. King County mekea no repruenl.elions or w.-r•rt•s. expreu or implied. • to !he t/lXUat;y, COffl)letene111, tim10n1e1. or rights to ti-. UN of -..ch Information. Ksng County shall not be Ii.able f04" •rr.t general. epec.1,1, ird1recl, incktenlal. or conaeq...-,,ciel damages lnduding, but not limrled -,, lo8:I rev.....,.a or losl prdrts rHulting from 1h11 UN or rni....-.. cf u,. lrtonnMJOn contained on this map. Arri sale cf thit map or inform.Ilion on 1Nt map is ,:rohibMed eXC11pt by wrillen permlSSk>n of King C'.ourty. Plot date: Oct 17. 2003: l\ddes001\x01\llislav_devlp<0jectslbase2 .apr •· ~ L03P0027 SANDHU PLAT NTra.ls ,t Schools/S<:hool FaclUties ~ownst-;p Lines 5-T-R ' 'OSLINES ~SECLINES W TWPLINES N Streets water Bodies Road Rights-of-Way c:::J Parcels c:JParks Cities Zoning • A-10-Agricultural. one OU per 10 acres -A-35 -Agricultural . one OU per 35 acres • F-Foresl •M -Mineral RA-2 .5 . Rural Area , one OU per 5 acres RA-5 -Rural Area. one OU per 5 acres RA-10 -Rural Area. one DU per 10 acres UR -Urban Reserve, one DU per 5 acres R -1 -Residential, one DU per acre R-4 -Residential, 4 DU per acre R-6 -Residential, 6 DU per acre R-8 -Residential. 8 DU per acre R -12 -Residential, 12 DU per acre • R-18 -R esldentlal, 18DU per acre • R-24 -Residential, 24 OU per acre -R-48 -Residential, 48 DU per acre NB -Nelghbomood Business • CB -Corrmunl1y Business RB -Regional Business 0-0fflce I -Industrial NCityBovndanes O 500 1000 1500 Feel 1"= 1333 feel ® King County The irtormation irduded on ttit map hat been ~ed by King County st.aft from a var1ety of scuces and ls subject to ehanoe 'lllithout nodoe. King C.OUnty make, no repreeent.1'°1"11 or warari:~s. express or irnf)ll«t, as to the IICQ..ll"aCY. ~t.nese. trrnelineM, or nght, to lt'ie u,e of such informabon. Kmg County ""'811 nol be liable f« art; general, speo•. iridirecl. lrddenl•. °' coneequenllal damag9' irdudiog, but nol !imlted to. lo3t revenues 0< klst profit, r1t81Jllng from the u,e ot ml9UN or the lrtormeOon contained on this h'llp. Arr; SM, of thi8 '"'P or rrform•hon on th13 map ii l)n)ht,lled •xc.p( by written P9(TT'ission of KJng County. Plot date : Oct 17 , 2003; \\ddes0011x01\gis\av_devlprojectslbase2.apr L03P0027 SANDHU PLAT 2000 PHOTO N Township lines S-T-R ,,•,..,, OSLINES "N,.s ECUNES N TWPLINES Water Bodies Aertal Photos • 2000 Cities 100 1"• 200 feet 200 Feet ® King County The inl()(fflfllloo inciuded on thie map has been eompied ~ KJng County staff trom a veoety of SOU"<* and ti abJecl v;i change without nollc:t-. KJng Courty makes no repre&entttlions or w.ranlies. express or implted, m to thl aoc::llllq, compfleneN, timellnns. or right& lo the UN of 1UCh informllion Kr,g County w n not be MIitie '°' art/ gtMral, 1pecial, nctired. •nciderttll . or CONeQU8nllal damages including, bul nee hnited lo. k>at nwel'lJts o, lost p-ofrtll reaAl1ng from the uee or ni1UN of the irtormation cortained on lnis map My ule of 1tn map or Information on ttis map is Pf(>nbiled except by 'Millen J*'ffli •kin ot KJng C.OUnly. Plot date: OCt 17, 2003: llddes001\x01\glslav_devlproJec,s11>ase2.apr i---,--~ I l_l _J ,- \ \- \ i I l I I I I I I L03P0027 SANDHU PLAT 19960RTHO Water Bodies Cities 0 100 200 300 Feet 1"• 300 feet ® King County The Wormetion irckxled on 1h11 map has been eotnphd by King County staff from • variety of aouroee and Jt Slb)ect lo c:hlil'l1f wil hOUI rotice. King County makes no rw?"991tntaUOns or 'NWT'ariies. express or mP'led, as lo lhe ,auacy, ~teneN. Umelinns, or nghts lo the UM or .x:h information. King Cooriy lhllll no! be Hable for arr,, general, special, lt-.di~ lnckJtnl:111, ~ c::onNqWnlial damages n::ludi~. but rw;,t limited to, loet reveruea or losl ~Is re:91.Jti'lg from u,. u. or tn1UN of the irlormatlon contained on this rn.p. Arly sMt of this map or lnformaifion on this map Is p-ohibl1ed hcepl by 'Mitlen permi:IIIMOnof Ki~ Cour«y. Plot date: Oct 17, 2003; llddes001\x01\glslav_de,;\p(o)eclslbase2.apr 9 L03P0027 SANDHU PLAT HYDRO&GE O TopoC4 5 A~20 ~100 N Flsh and Ditch Data Bald Eagle Nests NT=Np l lnes §•• Wildlffe Networl< Basins -R • ·asLINES ~SECLINES 71ii'TWPLINES N Streets ~;ream ~r ,",, u t'Jii'!SAOWelland 121 SAO Landslide BB SAO Ccal Mine ISi SAO Se ismic CJ SAO Erosion Water Bodies D WLRD Drainage Ccmplalnts Parcels Parcels near Eagle Hat:wtat ~ WOFW1 WDFW2 OR TREES1 WOFW2 OR TREES3 TREES2 N City Boundaries ~ FEMA Cross Sections FEMA Floodway FEMA 100.yr . Floodp lain Cities 0 500 1000 1·z 1333 feet 1500 Feet d ®King County The information in::luded on thle map hat been oomplled by Ki~ County stsl'f from • variety ot IOU'Oes ald 19 kbfecl to d :;:::1!!r~.~~~:;ied, asto tri& ar;o.n,q. completeresa. Umetir.u. « rights to the use o1 euch irlormetion KJng Counly shlK not be lllble tor af't,J g1109flll. •~• ndirect. inc:ldenllll. or ooneeqoential d~a rdudi~. but not limited lo. knt revenues Of' \oat -=~ :=~~~~~he~~~r'::~~C:,~~n on thl:1 map ii prohibited except bpillilten pe,niasion ~ King Coonl y. Plo t date : Oct 17 , 2003 : \\ddes00 1\x0 1\glslav_devlpro)ects\base2 .ap< '- L03P0027 SANDHU PLAT 1998 MANUAL N Townshlp L ines S-T-R /\/ QSLINES ~SEC LI NES '/'ii/TWPLINES N streets Water Bodies Parcels N City Bound811es Cltles Bog~s BOG DA oww f:21 Sole Source Aquifer Area Speclflc Water Quality Requirements Basic WO Treatment Areas (TA ) -Sensitive Lake TA -Regionally SIOnlncant Stream TA Basin,.wide Water Quality Requirements CJ BasicWQTA m Sensa11ve Lake TA 0 500 1000 1500 Feet 1"z 1333 feet ® King County ~lg Theinfonnoliononcludedonthl>maphasbeen~by King Cour«y stef'f from a variety of IOll"C89 and II subject to change 'Mlhout notice. King Courty makes no ~ rep-eNnl'9:ions Of' wsrantles, e,cpresa or impl*'. t11 lo lhlt t/llXillflC'J, complelenese. timelrMa.s. or rights to the UN of IUCh infocmation. King County shell not be 1iac,. for w:ry ge.-.ral, 1peclal , itidnd. lnc1dentail, or eon-.qu.nllal damages in::ludlng, but nae llmiled lo, lo ll ,.~, °" lolirt ! p-dits re aAl1ng from the UN or miSUN of lhe lrtorrn811ion oorialned on this rn,ip. Any SM of nu map or lnlormalllon i on Iris map is prototed except by wri tten perrnl•ion of King eo..r,y. Plot date: Oct 17, 2003 ; llddes001\x0 1\glslav_devlproJects\base2 .apr • ' April 12, 2005 To: Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Re: L05P0001-Goss Subdivision I would like to express great concern regarding the Goss Subdivision; specifically it's proximity to the class 3 stream that runs behind it. I am basing my concerns on our experience the last two years with the development of the 5 acres known as Auria Woods that lays adjacent to the Goss property. The placement of the storm drainage space on the Goss property I believe will only make more of a problem for our property. Our property lays south east of the Goss property and our western property line is against the sensitive area behind the Goss property. The class three stream hits at the midpoint of our property, then follows the property line south in a man made ditch installed by the previous owner of ow-·property. At the hearing for Auria Woods, we expressed our concerns over the placement of their storm water drainage vault that was in the original plans that it was, along with part of the last four lots, intruding into the 100 year flood plain; an area that we stated both to the surveyors and at the hearing, fills with water from the stream and is a natural drain field. Once winter rains start and the ground in that area gets saturated, the stream would flow very hard and in heavier rains would over flow part of the ditch and flow across our pasture, effecting approx 10% ofit. We were assured at the hearing that the plans for Auria Woods would not effect the stream and would help alleviate some of the water and stream over flow and that the overflow outlet for the pond would rarely flow. This is NOT what has happened, it has gotten worse. First of all, the planned underground vault for Auria Woods was abandoned and a large two section drainage pond was installed, removing all the trees and natural drainage area. The trees left 'around the stream are all half dead and very top heavy. The area that the last for lots (12-15) intruded into the flood plain has been turned into what I believe you call a swell. During the winter of 03-04, we watched as the ground became water saturated around the drainage pond and sensitive area That winter was an average to below average winter for rain, yet we watched as the pond filled with water to the point that the two sections were one large pond, with no filtration happening before it overflowed and poured back into the stream on the property two lots down from I.ls where it flows directly into the Soos Creek watershed. The pond stayed full most of the winter months. This was with out ANY homes having been built, only the street in place. We could see the water trickling in through the form tie holes in the concrete from the saturated ground around the pond. I believe that much of the water in the pond is from ground water rising up in the pond. The swell also filled and remained full most of the time and even watched as the developers used pumps to drain it into the storm water pond to get the water level down in the swell. At one point during a week of generally heavy rains, the stream flowed so full that it overflowed its banks all through the sensitive area and proceeded to sheet across our pasture land to a depth of I to 2 inches effecting approx 50% or our pasture. We had already moved a building from the north west corner of our property where we had never had flooding before but an existing older building that we had hoped to restore was completely surrounded by this water and undermined by it. At this time two trees flanking the stream right at the point behind this building where the stream hits our property line fell over. These were not blown down but over a two day period during this flooding proceeded to lean and just uproot and fall over from the major ground saturation taking place, and one of the root balls damaged the building making it unable to be restored. These trees blocked the stream making the flooding of our property even worse. At this time we contacted your offices and a gentleman came out a number of days later. I pointed all the problems with the flooding and trees out to him. He said the trees were two far over from the Auria Woods project that they should do anything about them. We walked back into the sensitive area and I showed him where sand and gravel had washed down from the project filling in the streambed, making the flooding worse. He stated that they would have to clean that out. They never did. We then looked at the swell, which was full and a small ditch had been dug at the corner where it met the drainage pond wall so it would drain back into the sensitive area. He said the swell was supposed to be draining into the pond and not the sensitive area and needs to be fixed. This also has never been done. I then asked about the restrictions on us for clearing anything from the stream, as I understood now that it was classified as a class three stream that we could not touch it. He said we could and basically put it hack on us to fix it. So it is our problem and we needed to fix it? Where does King County's responsibility come in to play? In December of 04, we spent two days along our property line doing what we could. We removed the fallen trees and cleared the path of the stream between them. We also started to dig the streambed along our property line deeper with plans to deepen it even more and add additional dirt to the side along our property to try to contain it in the future. We also cleared as much debris as we could approx 60 feet back into the sensitive area. I do not feel we should have to be doing and am concerned that I am doing something illegal, but we need to protect our property since it is obviol.lS that King County is doing nothing to protect our interests in the development of the property around us. The current winter has been extremely well below average for rainfall. This year we have not seen the normal ground saturation take place as in the past. What we have observed though twice in January, that after only a few days of decent rain, the drainage pond filled again to the pqint the two sections of it became one large pond and overflowed through the outlet. The second time this happened the pond has not yet fully drained and here we are on April 12, after only a few more days ofrain with it almost full again and about to flow through the outlet. This mind you with only 20 of the planned 30 homes in Auria Woods constructed with the gutters installed. We have also observed that the contractor has had to pump out the swell at least once and lt has never been connected / in to the storm pond, as we understood it was supposed to be. I do feel sorry for those people that purchase those last four homes. The height of the water in the swell is about the same as their foundations and after watching them landscape the yards over inches of muck, the next normal winter, those homeowners are going to have major water problems in their yards and under their homes. I am sorry for the long letter, but it has been very frustrating the last two years with our experience with King County Land Use Division, the hearing process and watching the Auria Woods development happen. We expressed all of our concerns to the surveyors during that process. We came in good faith to express our concerns at the hearing for Auria Woods where we were assured that we would have less water problems than in the past. We left the hearing trusting that we were heard; yet now feeling that we don't even matter. What we were told was going to be constructed did not happen. Instead all the trees were taken out and a storm pond was built in a flood plain, the natural drainage area for the water in the area, instead of an underground vault. And a swell was put in that only drains back into the sensitive area. The pond over flow was only supposed to flow on rare occasions, yet it has flowed many times with no filtration taking place in the pond because it can not handle the ground water and the run off from the homes and street. We have had MORE water on our property than before and this during two winters of less rain than average. It is our believe now that if we get a normal winter of rain for this area, we are going to have much more flooding that ever before on our property, effecting the use of it for our livestock. And now another project is being planned for the Goss property, placing a storm drainage pond on the other side of the stream. This pond will only add to our existing water problems by delivering the water faster directly to the area and creating a bottle neck for the stream, forcing the water faster and deeper onto our property. With this greater and faster ground saturation, we are also expecting more trees to uproot in this area and either falling on our fencing or buildings or even worse hitting the power lines through this area. Your formulas are NOT working for this location!!!! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to the hearing on the Goss property. am 18451124 Ave SE Renton, Washington 98058 425-255-5350 I / ------ 19 23 r;:::··=·--=·-:::;;, =:::-=· ·--·------·-=-·=:;'; ===:==-·=-=·::=-====·==;===-=·=·-··=-·==-=·=-·=·-:.:··:;';:-==---·--_-::; __ -__ -::::-:::.:::::.::.::-:::-=-::::··=·-=-====·-:;·:-=·-=-=·-=·=--=--=-=·-·:=-==-=-===;:-=·-·=·-·=--=-·=···=· ::::-===,====,-=:.: == =· =:·=·=··=···=::::::::;.::· ·=:·=::"": =:.:::=='.---'···_---·------_-------=====::=:=:====·=:·:·=··;·:··=· ::;------------·-_----·-·=· =···:···: =··:;·""==-===::=:=::=::-··=· =··:::.·--=··::··=· ·=·-··=··=· ·:::·::· =···=···=·-=· ,---------·_-_-__ ._-·_· -_--,_--_·-:::;:._==-=·::=;:"'-, I s. E. 1 /4, N. w 1 /14, SEC' TJ 10N --'~ TVVP. 2,J N., RGE. 6 ,E.,, w. M. ' I I I::: a J, ;3, .!'I .M. . J!. 1- 1 "' I~ ',-, I • I -e I .~ !J IWWNEQRMtillQfl: (!VINER:: PEVELQPER: (:ONTAl;T: lNGIN~[R: !.llE AODRESS: PARCEi, NUl,IIIER: i!ONING: f'ROPO:JED USE: )iCflOOI. DISlRICT: FIRE DISTRIC'I: 'l'OTAL Sl1E ~REA: IIROPOSEO N©. Cf LOTS: LOT AllEAS: LOT 1: LOT 2: (.OT 3: I.OT 4: l.OT 5: LOT 6: l.OT 7: LOT 8: l,OT 9: l,OT 10: l.OT 11: l,OT 12: LOT 13: l,OT 14: LOT 1~: LOT 16: TRACT 'A': 'IRACT •e": lRACT "C": lRACT "O': 1RACT 'E': lRACT 'F": !:!h£MS'ffl: (VlS!TY PRQPOS£ll: [:ENS!1Y PERMllliO: ~1REET SETEIACK: IWTERIOR SE1BACK; S. E. 1 B(ITH ST. ___ ,,., S,E. 180TH ST. MR. KULWl!NT SJI\NDHV 13989 S,E, 151/TI-I Pl.ACE R~TO!l, WA 98058 ( 41!5} 269-7270 SANDHU ~ROPERTY, lLC. 1201 MONSTER ROAi)< S.W. R(~TOtl, WA 96055 DAV1$ REAL. ESTATE GROUP, INC. J{);IN TAM6UR!'LU 12111 MONSTER ROA!l S.\V, RENTO!l, WA 98055 (4:15} 2:,!8-5909 OFFE ENGINEERS 13,132 S,E. 15~TH PLACE RENTO!l, WA 98058,,78>2 (4i5) 260-3412 KENNETH R. ANIJERSl)N & ASSO(IATES, INC., PS 17.20 S. 34151 PLACE, SUITE C-4 FEOERAL WAY, WA ~800-l (2153) 8;18-11~9 120•14 S.£. 184TH S!IIEET RoNTOII, WA ~8058 PAHCEL 'A': PI\RCEL "B': 619960 0262 619960 0320 R-6; RES1(IEN11A1., 6 frWElUNG UNITS PfR ACflE SJN(:LE FAMILY ~ DETACflE01 FIEN!rOO SCHOOL DISTl't/CT NO. 403 KING CO\.INTY FIRE OISTRICl NO. 40 272,636 $0. FT., 6.25i9 ACflES 16 J, 464 SQ, FT. l,tOO S(i, FT. J,l(J-0 S(i. FT. J,eoo s(1. FT. 4,050 SQ. FT 3,041 S(l FT 3,176 S(,I FT 3,543 S(I. FT 3,.~15 S(,! FT 3,103 S(). FT 4,~85 SC). FT 5,890 S(I, FT 3,-l72 S(). fT 3,134 Sil. FT 3,200 SQ. FT 3,464 Sil. FT 167~626 SiQ, FT 16,056 SQ1 FT 5,603 SQ, FT 12,i1J SQ1 FT 2,042 SQ. FT 1,067 SQ. FT 10,0ll so. fT 8 (,UjAC 6 O\J/AC lltltllM~M, 9 OU/AC MAXIMUM 10 FEET 5 FtET S.E .. 182ND SJ. VICINITY MAP SCAL}~: 1" = 1/ 4 MIILE LEGAL Of.SCRIPT/ON: PARCEL II: (Pi:R S1"ATUT0RY WARRANTY DEED Rf:CORDEI) UNDER RECORD NO. l/7052:21296, R(;[COR()S or KING COl)NfY, WASHINGTON.) LOT -5, 81,0CK 2, NORTHiVESTl;RN ~'ARDt;.N TRACTS, DIVl/ilON NO. Ii, ACCORDING TO THE Pl.AT THERfOf REGORD!:D IN VOLUME •16 or Pl.ATS, PAGE(S) 1 (10, Rf CORDS 0!' KING COUNTY, WAS1'//NG1'0N; l:XCE/>T THE WEST 3()0 FEET THEREOF: AND T/;AT POF/TION OF !HE SOUTHl:AST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF tlECTION 3;!, TOWNSf/.fP 23 NOF/TH, /IANGS: 5 l;AST, W.M., LYING Bl:TWEfN THE f"ASTER(.Y AND WE;'S1ERI.Y Lil/ES OF "ff,'£ BONN[VII.I.E Tl1ANSM/SS1(i!N LINE R1,1JHT-OF-WAY, AS DE'SCRl/1ED IN INSTRUMq'NT REC011DED VND[R AUl~/TOR'S Fil.£ N(I. 3178821), ANV LYING BE;TWEEN Ttll" NOl!JH LJNE;' OF LOT ,i, AND THE SOUTN LINE OF tOT i', IN BLOCK 2, NORlHWE)iT GARDEN TRACTS /)/VISION N(). 6, ACCORDING TO TH£ P'LAT fHER!:OF RECORDED IN VOLUM/i: 46 OF PLATS:: PAO£(S) 100, RECORD$ OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, £XTliNDE/) £A$T£RLV. PAi~CEL B: n~ACT 7, BiLOCK 2, N0{(/1/W[ST[RII GAi/DEN TRACTS, 01VISIQN NQ. I>, ACCQRDIN(, TO THE PLAT' TflE1~EOF REC0RDEQ IN VOLUME 41> OF PLA'l'S, PAGE(S1l 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 8C>TH $/TUA!:[ IN THE COUNTY OF KING, $TATE OF WASHINGTON. N0f£S: 1. MON~IMENTS LAST V/$/TE:D 06-13-02. 2. UfFflrENCI: SU/1VEY VOLUME: 67, PAGE 2B7, SY ESM INC. BASIS Of BEARINGS: 8/c,IRINGS SHOWN HEREiON ARE BASED ON '[HE SOUTH UNI[ OF THI: N. W. 1 /4 OF SECffON JJ, TOWNSHIP 2J N()RT/1, RAN<1[ 5 £A:;T, W.M .. 11£/NG NORTH s~·o2·~19" WEST, AS 5/HOWN ON TtlAT RECORD OF :5URVl:Y FIi.ED !N VO/.UME 67 IJF SVRVEYS AT PAGI;: 287, UNDER RECG'RD NO. 800901'9020, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHING,TON. VERY/CAI. l~WM: NORlll AMi:RICAi'/ VfflTl,rAL CMTUM tlF 1988 BENCHMARK: w.s.~.o.r. MONUMENT IQ /511.4 KINI,: COUli/Y BR!SS Di'SK s,r IN TH£ SOUTf/WE.ST COIINER or A SIGNAL /'OLE //ASE AT TH£ NORT/f.VEST OUA,DFWIT OF 108fH AVE. S.li'. It S.E. 19.?NO SI. ELE\t = 456.13 US. FEIT CONTOUR INTER'll,L: 2.0(! U.S, FEE( -·----------.--::,V, 1<-,1. sa:g·51•-11·E ,217J!4' ,_, .. ,,~ Nt, PR01 ... ----- ',. " .. ,..... -' _,,,··· .. W LINE,-.,_ . ·· LOT'.!,-··\ i;:;, ·1 ,.••' , .. \ ... -·-.......... ----""""~ ::, ......... ,. ;/:" ....... ..... . .... { ,-· ..,c ' ' •.: ' .-·· - .... .. "' ,-----···-··:-·7~ .. -: N. LINE, ,__.; LOT 5 WETLi~ND ... --, ·_ .. ,• ' . ., ' _,,,., • r ,.,,,.,.--, J . -'i-" -,. '' ' ' \ ,.,_ ""' \ I I . ., ' ., '' '.", '-..... ", -., ,: , ) J l'y.. / \ ,,J.,~/ ,-'~~ Ii '1'-1'1/ ):~-~r -rr,·r:i m1n7i . ,. . .. \\,, , ' ' • ' \ I , -, . . ' , ' ' ' " , , .. ,(llfl.1~/ i I ~ 1 _,_.-, S. llNE; · -. -. ''/ii' C'k · .. ·. 'j.1 ;61.17' / ' ' ' :, , -, ,/ :, 50' "'i;zd,J,.µ., -·. ----· ..... ·· ... ·-.. L()T 5 -~·~ -._ J...L.L.. -,.__ ~---,----+ ,__,_,. S88'5f'07"E 4!61 .Jli' _,. --,,~ "'---~ :r-7-· , . ' __ ., ... .... -·-' 6 -·· -, .• 7 ... ' \ ... , .. -- 8\ . .,_. 9 ,,, :J 10 , 11 \ OPEN SPACE TH~CT /i OP£N SPACE;1 """" " "'" '""' ·" '"' ,r ' "!. •:,-• ,-.'.'''' :·,_-. ' ; ' , ' : :· 'c' ·, ... .... , ,.- -' ,., ............. , .. ,. ,-· ,_. ...... •,. --~ ------,._ _,, __ _ -·-----_._ ··--·--·-\ ... """.<f.,:.:.:1;;;-;,::.--:, .. ,_.~: ';-\ _,_ --·--·-_: - ' 1' .,•' ,.,~---.J_ ; !~ S,E. IPLAt,.!T 5CHE!D~JLE: J;YMBOI.. BOTA~NIC:AL/COMHON NA~11: 61ZE REt1AF.:K5 --------•---·----------------------------- + r1.;:EEi6 Acfll 1olorloum / Tatorioom 1.1,opl• Thujq pllco\o/ W~,t,m lted C(jdor P,oodotsugo men;olesll/ Dougl"s fir 5!-IRUB5 Clstu, / R1ickra01,, GROUNC1COVEF25 GuuU,eria ,;ilmlon / sa1,,1 2' CAUPjtR 10'·-12' fl:T, 6' -,,,5• HT, 2' CALIPiR 10'•12' flT. 5 GAL. 1 GAL \\£LL ERAN!~ED. STRAIIJIIT TFIUNK \\£LL BRAN(:HEO, STRAIGHT T~UHK l\£l.l. BRAN~ED. STRAltliT lltl/NK FlJLL HEAil, \\ELL BRANCHED, STRAfli/lT '~tUNJ<; FlJll., 36' Q,C. lRIANCUL.AR SPACING FUil SH"1't" 18' 0.C. NOTE& --~--------------------------------------- 1. INSTAU.AllllN OF PLANT MAlEl<IAL PIOl PLAN, AOJJST FOR tor A(:CESS AS Nl;EDED. 2. ~1REET TREllS Af.10, LAN£1SCAPlllG SH~LL OE OWNED AliD MAINTAINED B'f THE ABUf11NG LOT 011/NERS. J. (:ALL ~EFOR~ YOU DIG S'fREEf • SCALE IN FEET !'-1~-~ ~--~ 20 10 D W 40 $CAL~ : 1" = 20' • ' • •• \~------------·--------------·-·-------------·-______ , ______ . ------------------------------==---._-_-_-__ -_::_·-.=.'-.::::_-__ -__ :::-.--==--·:::__-_-__ .·-__ -__ -_ --------. ----=----==----'---------·====-==-==-=--=-·=-=---=-==-=::.==-=.:::::=-===-=·-··-=---===-=--=-==-==-==-·=-·=--=--=--=----=---=---=--=-·-=-·: ............ , ____________________ .=:::. :.=--=-=-=--=---=--==---:=--=---:,: =--=---=·-=-=-=-=--:.: ==-=-=--=---·-__:::_-. -_-__ -___ -___ -__ -____ -___ ,-___ -__ -.. --=---------------------__ -_-__ -__ -___ -___ ::__-__ --__:::_::,,_· ______ -___ -__ -_ -_-__ -_._--__ -___ -__ ·-__ -_-_._-_-_-_-.:.:-._-__ -____ -___ -__ .-_____ -______ c:_::;::-___ -_-_·---_-----------=---=---------=--------------------=--.::'· , .... , I,! c1i ·- 2' c:i V'I 5., ~1 0:: ·-~ ' c:i ' :a:: •• . '\t.' , ... . ., .... ,,. -----·--·---""'-.• .. .,., S'icATEOF WM!!INGTON RE(.';ISTil.]IBD IM~~5cr BlllA}f?~ CJlll'f'lllJCA'l'.llNO. 827 ~----.--,-,-;•--·--A'hN. BY: C~lECKEQ1 BY; '\ - BTS 8'TS -----+-·---~----SG!A.\.E: i " "' 4(}' 03/13/06 ' . ' ' J08 1Cl5-0 77 !--,----·------· st-/1£ET 1 of 1 .----------------------------T'"'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. --.,,."", ___ ....,.~,,,"'1!."'-"'"~"'"""" ___ , .... _, ________ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT PLAT KING NO . ___ L03P002 7 __ _ COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTE: FOR KULWANT SANDHU (BENSON TRAILS) LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1 /4, OF THE N. W. 1 /4, OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I \ W.M., SURROUNDING HOUSES SCALED FROM D.D.£.S. W[B SIT£. I I \ J\Z.@,32, -- I . . - sr 1/4 ORNER WE C 1313.16' (MEAS.) 1313.42 · /ES/./) 1313.33' (PLAT) S £ 180TH ST .. cl v; ,;! "' ;s "' -- cl v; ,;! "' ;s a " - s.£. 186TH sr. R-6-SO I I I JO' _L__ \ SITE S.£. 184TH ST. VICINITY MAP '-I q ;::-u ~ I --J -.J ,, Q I !'....J ..__. -1. a I~~ I .a o, 10 ,, -1~ R-6-SO 426- I I L _______ ~ __ _ _ _ 29"1.82. (CALC D.) 300.00' (OEELJ) I ~ -----------------4M Cl I u I ;;/, I S'. ~ S.£. cl v; 's' "' ;s ~ " - )J CENTER OF SECTION 182ND ST. -J('- N. T.S l'\; ____________ , ~ -' I ....,I~ I ~ . ~ :31Cr) LJ ~ ~ LOTS 4 THRU 13 SHALL HAVE INDl~DUAL ONSITE ROOFDRAIN COLL'CTION SYSTEMS CONNECTED TO A DR,JN PIPE FOR DIRECT DISCHARGE TO ", :E WETLAND BUFFER ARS\ FOR REChARGING THE WETLANDS. R-6-SO R-6-SO ARi:A SUMMARY: (A) TOTAL SITE AREA LE ·"S· ;, . WETLAND AREA BUFFER AREA SUB-TOTAL = = = STORM OflAIN TRACTS = ONSITE RECREATION = (8) SUB-TOTAL REDUCTIONS - NET BUILDABLE AREA (A-B) = ~i • C, ~o lOTo HOUSE 273,120 S.F. (6.27 ACRES) 76,558 S.F. 84,818 S.F. 161,376 S.F. 21,422 S.F. 6,630 S.F. 189,428 S.F. 83,692 S.F. \ 1.76 ACRES) 1.95 ACRES) 3.71 ACRES) (0.49 ACRES) (D.15 ACRES) (4.35 ACRES) (1.92 ACRES) ZONING: R-6-SO (6DU/ACRE) = 12 LOTS 16 DU/AC , 1.92 ACRES) MINIMUM DENSITY (85%) -10 LOTS 0.85 • 12 LOTS) MAXIMUM DENSITY -56 LOTS 9 DU/AC • 6.27AC) OPEN SPACE TRANSFER CREDITS = 2 LOTS (3.72AC • 0.5 DU/AC) 0240 025'1 S88'05'34''E 217.81' (CALCD.) 4' HIGH WIRE F[NC[ CORN[(~ IS 0.66' SOUTH & f.51' [AST OF PROPERJY CONNER & CONrtNUES WESTERLY .z ' * I~ 21 "' >' ~R'i.', \· <<O V 4 7l. 3' ~ 86' / 'o LDT? 1 2" r,cP El.~430A9 WETLAND I I CORN[R IN WAT[!? (NOT SET) \ I I \ \ I \ I \ R-6-SO \ \ \ REGIONAL UTILITY CORRIDOR TRACT \ \ """7?7:777,\,I \ ~~ / / JIP~-' \',\ '\ , 2::· % (/,0~ ,h--;\ '7'7777• ;,;,7,, '~ 0 /// ,, ~/'. "'-.. ... ___ _ ' "--:_, N' ~ ' 53,14' I ', OPEN SPACE , I I , ; ~ ;,; I . . ~,, t /) PROPOSED DENSITY: J UNITS PER ACRE PROPOSED USE: SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CODE ANALYSIS: (R-6-SO) MINIMUM LOT WIDTH MINIMUM STREET SETBACK MINIMUM INTERIOR YARD SETBACK BASE BUILDING HEIGHT = 30 FT = 10 FT = 5 Ff MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS SURFACE PERCENTAGE (PER LOT) ROAD WIDTH (MINIMUM) EASEMENT WIDTH (BOTH SIDES) LOT AREAS (LOTS 1-17) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS: PAVEMENT AREA (ONSITE) PAVEMENT AREA (OFFSITE) SIDEWALK AREA (70% OF LOT AREAS) SUB-TOTAL NEW IMPERVIOUS EXISTING IMPERVIOUS (REMOVAL) TOTAL INCREASED IMPERVIOUS = 35 FT = 70% = 22 FT = 10 FT = 59,639 S.F. (1.37 ACRES) 3,508 S.F. (AVERAGE LOT AREA) = 10,653 S.F. = 3,096 S.F. = 6,462 S.F. = 41,747 S.F. = 61,958 S.F. ( 1.42 ACRES! = 9,204 S.F. (0.21 ACRES = 52,754 S.F. (1.21 ACRES I I I I I I I ooq2 y·-------------------------------· I I f/0US£ ' ' \ ' I ' ' ' I ' I \ \ I I , ; ooq9 ', ----__ 1.--,. ______________ _ , --------- ~ R-6-SO REGIONAL UTILITY CORRIDOR TRACT SCHOOL DISTRICT: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 403 (425) 204-2300 FIRE DISTRICT: DISTRICT 40 CASCADE VISTA (425) 255-0931 POLICE SERVICE: KING COUNTY SHERRIFF, PRECINCT #3 (206) 296-3883 TELEPHONE: QWEST (253) 372-5368 ELECTRIC SERVICE• PUGET SOUND ENERGY (253) 395-6909 NATURAL GAS SERVICE: PUGET SOUND ENERGY (253) 395-6909 WATER SERVICE: SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT (253) 630-9900 SEWER SERVICE: SOOS CREEK WATER CABLE SERVICE: AT&T BROADBAND & SEWER DISTRICT (253) (253) 437-6886 630-9900 PFOJECT OWNER: GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BAS[O ON TH[ SOUTH LIN[ OF THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION JJ, TOWNSHIP 2J NORTH, RANG£ 5 EAST, W.M., BEING NORTH 8i!'02'J9" WEST, AS SHOWN ON THAT RECORD OF SURVIT FILED IN VOLUME 67 OF SURVEYS AT PAGE 287, UNO£R RECORD NO. 8909019020, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. BENCHMARK: W.S.D.O. T. MONUMENT ID #5124 KING COUNTY BRASS DISK SET IN TH£ SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A SIGNAL POLE BAS[ AT TH[ NORTHWE:ST QUADRANT OF 108TH AV£. S.£. & $.E:. 192ND ST. ELEV. = 456. 1 J U.S. F£F:T. CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 U.S. FEET . PRORATION NOTE: BLOCK 2 H4S BEEN PRORATED BASED ON MEASURED AND CALCULATED DIMENSIONS. ALTHOUGH THE DEED FOR PARCEL "A" CALLS OUT "EXCEPT THE WEST JOO FEET OF LOT 5, PRORATED DIMENSIONS OF LOTS 5, 6 AND 7 WERE HELD IN ORDER TO KEEP THE WESTERLY LJNES OF PARCELS "A" AND "B" CONS/STENT. LEGEND: FOUND MONUMENT A$ DESCRIBED. SET 1/2" REBAR W/ CAP "LS 18898/J754o" I> * ~ ~ ~ FOUND REBAR OR JRON PIPE: AS DESCRIBED . UTILITY POLE TEL£PHON£ RJSER WATER MCTER FIR£ HYDRANT $££ TREE LEGEND 5££ TR££ '..£GENO DATA POINT FLAG WEJ'I..ANO D£l/N£ATl0N FLAG STREAM EDGE DELINEATION Fl.AG UTIUTY PAINT LEGEND: --G:-- --r~- -w- GAS LJNE PAINT TELEPHONE UN£ PAINT WATER UN£ PAINT TREE LEGEND: T-1: JO" PIN£ T-2: 30" FIR T-3: 1 O" SPRUC[ T-4: 20" COTTONWOODS (2) T-5: 2/J' ALDER T-6: 24" HOLLY T-7: 20" HOLLY T-8: 24" HOLLY T-9: 20" ALDER T-10: J4" FIR T-11: 26" FIR T-12: 32" FIR T-13: 18" FIR T-14: 22" FIR T-15: 18" HOLLY T-16: 24" FIR T-17: 22" FIR T-18: 36" FIR T-19: J6" CEDAR T-20: 18" SPRUCE T-21: 20" CEDAR T-22: 18" SPRUCE MR. KULWANT SANDHU 13989 SE 1 59TH PLACE RENTON, WA 98058 ( 425) 269-7270 SURVEYOR : OWEN 8. HILLE, P.L.S. CRAMER NORTHWEST, INC. 945 NORTH CENTRAL, SUITE KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 (253) 852-4880 WETLAND SCIENTIST: MS. DARCY MILLER 8-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 104 11 03 W. MEEKER STREET, SUITE C KENT, WA 98032 REVfSfON (253) 859-0515 RE(.:: E' l VE:[) or:c J s 2~u,, KING COUNTY LAND USE SERVICES U) • VI ... Q) Q) C ·-Ol C w VI ... Q) C C 0 0... r 0 >- Q) "> ... :i (/) "' "' C1> ... I "' "' IX) ,...., "' I") I") "' 0 "' IX) ...... C1> 0 IX) IX) ... I "' "' .,, ~ "' "' "' ...... -0 ~ • a ~ 5 -L,,. -§ u • VI ...l • ll.. • • II) ~ i • PROJECT NAM£: KUL'IIANT R.O.S. c/o JOHN RUTLAND/)CR£AT£0: Mon Jun 17 ba:09:34 2002 /PREV. PLOT: Mon Oct 11 10:32:42 200 PLOITED: Tue., Dec. 7, 2004, 14:20:41 C: TModel\Projects 2002\2002-088P-12-07-04.prc • ,;, ' ' ' ' i I ' I :1 : ) 1 I 1 '· ) I I -------I I I I 4' HOG'MRE f~CE / S88'51 '07"E 0.19'- / ,- 1 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 w ' "' "' ">. I!) ..,. /' :J' 0 0 z " -- -. \ 4' BARBED 'MRE fEHCE: / - STEVEN A. & CONNIE L FIALA 61996G 2260 -- S88'51 '11 "E 217.84' WETLAND ~I-_-"" WETLAND S.E. I I \ . •, I 1 / 4, N.W. 1/4, SECTION I' GDRDDN & SUSAN MARGULL!S 3323D5 9D42 S88'51 '17"E 260.80' A/ OPEN SPACE I \ ' \ I 4' BARBED 'RIRE FENCE "'-._ I ' )" -, I . ' .- I TWP. 23 N., .... 9-.,, ',', ,-',', 'f'. LDT 3 'g K.C.~.P. 781064 \J, FRANK S. & SHIRLEY L. LATAINZID 332305 9D93 RGE. \IILLIAM F, BAGLEY 3323,5 9DD9 '--- I Al 0 ,..,_ PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PERPOSES AFN 4416152 5 E., TAX LOT 9042 W.M. LEGEl~D: -0-FOUND MONUMENT (AS NOTED) 0 FOUND REBAR (AS NOTED) ·-··BATV---CABLE TV LINES -OHE~--OVERHEAD ELEVTRIC LINES ---SS--·· SANITARY SEWER LINES ·--SD··---STORM DRAIN LINES --TELE---TELEPHONE LINES ·-··-W·---·-WATER LINES )( )( $. @ i A .... EE \ FENCE (AS NOTED) UTILITY POLE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM DRAIN CA ICH BASIN FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER VALVE MAIL BOX ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING ----- ---- SCALE IN FEET ~'--ml 40 20 0 40 80 • PROJECT INFORMATION: ~ TE ADDRESS: , PARCEL NUMBER: ' ZONING: PROPOSED USE: I SCHOOL DISTRICT: I ' FlRE DISTRICT: ! TOTAL SITE AREA: PARCEL "A": SCALE : 1'' = 40' 12044 S.E. 184TH STREET RENTON, WA 98058 PARCEL 'A": PARCEL "B': 619960 0282 619960 0320 R-6; RE~DENTIAL, 6 DWEWNG UNITS PER ACRE SINGLE FAMILY -DETACHED RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 KING COUNTY FlRE DISTRICT NO. 40 272,636 SQ. FT., 6.259 ACRES , 1 I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: . (PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORD NO. 9705221296, RECORDS OF KING \ COUNTY, WASHINGTON.) LOT 5, BLOCK 2, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, D1"1~0N NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT , THE WEST JOO FEET THEREOF; ANO THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .. L 'tlNG BETWEEN THE EASTERLY ', ANO WESTERLY LINES OF THE BONNE"1WE TRANSMl~ON LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY, AS DESCRIBED IN , INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FlLE NO. 3178820, AND L'tlNG BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 4, AND THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 7, IN BLOCK 2, NORTHWEST GARDEN TRACTS D1"1SION NO. 6, I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RECORDS OF , KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXTENDED EASTERLY. \ ' PARCEL "B': , TRACT 7, BLOCK 2, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, Dl"1~0N NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT • THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . i BOTH SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STA TE OF WASHINGTON. ' TITI.E REPORT: ' DUE TO THE ABSENCE OF CURRENT TITLE REPORT, EASEMENTS OF RECORD MAY EXIST, \IHICH ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. MERIDIAN: ' PLAT NORTH: PER PLAT OF NORTHWEST GRADEN TRACTS, D1"1SION NO. 1; REC. NO. 3788397. I BASIS OF BEARINGS: BASED UPON 'fljE MONUMENTED WEST LINE OF NORTHWEST GARDEN TRACTS, Ol"1~0N NO. 1. ; BEARING: N00'28' l(J"E I VERTICAL DATIDI; ' KING COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM (NAVO 1988) BENCHMARK: ENTER BENCHMARK INFORMATION HERE , ELEVATION = xxxxx'. CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2 FOOT DATE OF FIEJ.D SURVEY: NOVEMBER 22, 2005 REFERENCES: KING COUNTY ASSESSORS MAPS OF SECTION 33, T. 23 N., R. 5 E .. W.M. PLAT OF NORTHWEST GARDEN TRACTS D1"1~0N NO. 6; VOL. 46, PG. 100. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, SURVEY BRANCH, GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM, MONUMENT INFORMATION DATABASE. UNDERGROUND NOTE: UNDERGROUND WATER, SEWER, STORM, ANO GAS UTILITIES ANO STRUCTURAL APPURTENANCES ARE SHOWN AS INDICATED ON RECORDS MAPS FURNISHED BY OTHERS ANO VERIFIED \\HERE PO~BLE BY FOUND SURFACE FEATURES LOCATED IN THE FIELD. WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE RECORDS. FOR FINAL LOCATION OF THESE ANO OTHER EXISTING UTILITIES IN AREAS CRITICAL TO DESIGN, CONTACT THE UTILITY 01\NER / AGENCY. UTILlTY PROVIDERS: CABLE TELE"1~0N: COMCAST CABLE ELECTRICITY: PUGET SOUND ENERGY GAS: PUGET SOUND ENERGY SANITARY SEWER: SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT STORM DRAIN: KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT TELEPHONE: QWEST WATER: SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT S.E. 180TH ST. w <n w ~ SITE-~ 425-398-6131 888-225-5773 888-225-5773 253-630-9900 425-255-6370 800-573-1311 253-630-9900 S.E. 182ND ST. ~ S.E. 184 TH~ST°'. - S.E. 186TH ST. VICINITY NIAP SCALE: 1"= 1/4 MILE LL 0 >-w > 0::: ::i U) (/) >-_J -I <( o._ ~ <( 0::: ('.) z 0 o._ 0 0 (/) I-z " w >-m 0::: <( 0 z ::i 0 co ORAWN BY: CJS SCALE: 1" = 40' 0 _J _J ' >-I- 0::: w o._ 0 0::: o._ ::i I 0 z <( U) 0::: 0 LL CHECKED BY: I-. 6 ~ ~ L,j ~ §:! ~ I-. (:, "' " i::: -0 z z 0 I- (.'.) z -I (/) <( 3: >-I-z :::i 0 u (.'.) z -:,,: KRA DATE: 02/02/06 JOSNOS-077 SHEET 1 of 1 FOUND ALUMINUM SURFACE MON IN CASE 'MTH PUNCHMARK, 1.65' DOWN, ,,---AT INTERS!'CTION OF S.E. 184HI STREET ANO 116TH AVENUE SOUTH. VISITED 11-21-2005. 1313.18' -------·-----------·-·· E. LINE. W. JOO', LOT 5 '' ' '·' '.' I t ; , ! '·' i ''' ' .. _:, '/ ' [ ' T • 1·.1., 'I, ' ! 'i ' ' S8B'5J'Of;f 0. 19' ' " ' W. LINE, --l;_J0 LO[ 7 \ TBACI "F" ACCESS & UTILITY TflACT / r " ------ '" •·I .. ' ' ' l,\ I ;- ... , ' .. _,., ,j '" ' 1· .• ' ' ''' I., I --------.. "' m -- \ FOUND 1/2" Fi[BAR W/ CAP~.-- "01?\'CO # 34145" ------ / -I::: --- -- WETLAND S88'51'1 i "E 217.84' 4J4 .. o-·,c:· :. _-_---~=:~-§~-~·._ ~-~~:.):.~ ...... ~.:~~~·-·::.~~.:~ --- • 0 f<) ~, . _J29.86,_' ____ ~1 -I -+ / 97.QO' -/ / S88'51'06" ~?,0 . 'f' ·1\J' ~ ~~ ------__ -----"'C/1.:.:EJ:=.L.E_IX .£/JNT & POWER PAINT Lif\£S..-/ S.E. · 4J2 1 / 4, N. W. 1 / 4, SECTION 33, \ \ \ --Gm:'JJOH :), :~.US:AM HAl?i':ilJU.J:S: -·--.. \ ··---------:~:428'"0-5-.!"JQA;~·-··--·--·-- S88'51 '17"E 2GO.BO;-·-.• -. 128 ·--- "' \ OPEN SPACE " .. NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION TRACT TWP. 23 N., RGE.-5 LOT 3 FRAl·l/c " '' ···,11·1·11·•1 I I \·r•1·11•11·1 , ·.). •., .:;. · .·;_. _. .. / h.' I ... , :Ju. '.J:3?~::::5 9'.)'.;1:;J \./II..L IN1 I-". B1\1JLfY I TRACJ "B: STORM DRAINAGE TRACT I I I \ E., W.M. P80JECT INFORMATlON: OWNER; DEVELOPER, CCtlTACTc ENGINEER: SURVEYOR, SITE ADDR[SSc PARCEL NUMBER, ZONING, PROPOSED USE: SCHOOL DISTRICL FIRE DISTRICT, TOTAL SIT( ARE:A: PROPOSED NO. OF LOTS, LOT AREAS, LOT 1: LOT 2c LOT Jc LOT 4: LOT 5; LOT 6c LOT /; LOT 8; LOT 9, LOT 10c LOT 1 lc LOT 12: LOT Ix LOT H: LOT 15: LOT 16: TRACT "A"c TRACT "B": ffiACT "C": TRACT "O"c TRACT "E"; fRACT "F"; SffiEET RIGHT OF WAY DENSITY PROPOSEOc DENSITY PERMITTED: SffiEET SETBACK: INTERIOR 5EIBACKc -- MR. KULWANT SANOfllJ 13989 5.E. 159TH PLACE RENTON, WA 98058 ( 425) 269-7270 SANDHU PROPERTY. LLC. 1201 MONSTER ROAD S.W. REN TON, WA 98055 DAVIS REAL [STATE GROUP, INC. JOHN T AM8URELU 1201 MONSfER ROAD 5.W. RENTON, WA 98055 ( 425) 228-5959 OHT ENCINEER'.i 13932 5.L 159TH PLACE RENTON, WA 98058-7832 (425) 260-3412 KENNETH R. ANDERSON II< ASSOCIATES, INC., PS 1720 S. 341ST PLACE, SUITE C-4 FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 (25J) 838-1199 12D44 5.L 164TH STREET REN TON, WA 96056 PARCEL 'A'c PARCEL ·e·, 619960 0282 619960 0320 R-6; RESIDENTIAL. 6 DWELLING UNITS PER ACR[ SINGLE FAMILY -DE TACH[O RENTON SCl100l OISffilCT NO. 403 KING COUNTY r1R[ DISTRICT NO. 40 272,636 SQ. FT., 6.259 ACRES 16 3.464 SO. FT. 3,200 SQ. FT. J,200 SO. FT. 3,600 SO. FT. 4,050 SQ, FT 3,041 SQ. FT J,176 SQ, FT J.543 SO. FT J,515 SQ. FT J, 10.l 50. FT 4.J85 50. FT 5,890 50. FT .},372 SO. FT ... ,---·-·3,734 SQ. FT J.200 SO. FT J,464 SQ. FT 167,626 50. FT 16,056 SQ. FT 5,603 SQ. FT 12,2/J SO. FT 2,042 SO. FT 1,067 SQ. FT 10,033 50. FT 6 OU/AC 6 DU/AC MINIMUM, 9 OU/AC MAXIMUM 10 FEET 5 FEET --.--.. 370.53' -r33 • 0 I"') I f 11:.~~Jlli;. PA~C[L "A"c SCALE IN FEET 20 SCALE 1 • = 20' (P[~ STATUTORY WARRANTY D[[O RECORDED UNDER RECORD NO. 9705221296, RECORDS Of KING COl(NTY, WASHINGTON.) LO\ 5, DLOCt< 2, NORTHWESTERN GARO(N TRACTS, DIVISION NO. 6, ACCORO!NG TO THE PLAT THEREOF' RECpROfO IN VOi.UM£ 46 Of PLATS, PAGE{S) 100, RECOllOS OF KING COIJNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THq WEST 300 FEET THEREOr: AND THAT PORTION or THE SOUTH[ASI QIJART[R or THE NORTHM:ST QIJ/,µTER or SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING BETWEEN TH[ EASTERLY ANO, WESTERLY UN[S OF TH( BCtlNEVILLE 1RANSMISS10N LINE RIGHT-Of-WAY, AS DESCRIBED IN INSljlUM[NT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FIL[ NO. 3178620, ANO LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE Of L0fl4, ANO THE SOUTH LINE Of LOT 7, IN BLOCK 2, NORTHll!:ST GARDEN TRACTS OIVIS,00 NO. 6, ACC\JlllllNG 10 TH[ PLAT THEREOf R[CORO[O IN VOlUM[ 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXTENDED EASTERLY. I PARCEL "B"; TRAGT 7. BLOCK 2, NORTH\\l:STERN GARDEN TRACTS, DIVISION NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEfiEOF RECORDtD IN VlltUME 46 Of PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RF.CORDS Of KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 8011/ SITUATt IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. . I!IlJ;_fil;P!IBI; OUE jTO fHE ABSENCE or CIJRRENT TITLE REPORT, EASEMENTS OF RECORD MAY EXIST, WHICH ARE NOT SHO')N HEREON. ' M.ll!{!.PlAft PlAT,>NORTH: PER PLAT OF NORTHl\l:ST GRADEN TRACTS, DIVISION NO. 1: REC. NO. 3786397. .D.~l,S..J!.f.Jl.M.l\!/'IGS.; BASEp UPON TH[ MONUMENTED 111:ST LINE OF NORTHWEST GARDEN TRACTS, OIVISICtl NO. 1. BEARING• NO<Y28'10"E I VE:ll)'.l~QL.Jl.aIU.M: KING ,COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM {NAVO 1988) JJE!:!t;llMA.RK. KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT NO. 3809: 3" X ',J" CONCRET( MONUMENT "'TH NAIL, SET 0.50' BELOW GRAOE, IN A SATHER MONUMENT CASE. £L£V1:T10N • 448.119 FEET WBTOUR !NJ]JlYAL: 2 FOOT J?ATI·\_(lf_fJO,D S:JRVE)'_. iNQ\/E~BER 22, 2005 !!m/l!ENCES.: .. KING COUNTY ASSt'iSORS MAPS OF SECTICN 33, 1. 2J N., R. 5 E., W.M. PLAT Of NORTHl\l:51 GAAOEN TRACTS Dl,1SJQN NO. 6; Vllt. 46, PG. 100. \ KING COUNTY or.PARTMtNT OF PUBLIC WORKS, SURVEY BRANCH, GEOGRAPHIC INrORMATION SYSTEM, MONU,.ENT INFORMATION DATABASE. !JNQE/ill.80_~ NOTE; UNDERj1'.0UNO WATER, Sl'WER, STORM, ANO GAS UTIUTIES ANO STRUCTURAL APPURTENANCES ARE SHOWN AS INDICATED ON RECORDS MAPS FURNISHED BY OTHERS ANO VERIFIED WHERE POSSIBLE BY rouNoisURFACE FEATURES LOCATEO IN THE FIELD. WE ASSUME ,10 UABILIT'f FOR THF. ACCURACY Cf THESE fECORDS. FOR FINAL LOCA !ION Of THESE ANO OTHER EXISTING UTILITIES IN AREAS CRITICAL TO 0!'S/GN 1 CONTACT THE UTILITY OWNER / AGENCY. '· lITUJ:1'.X PROVIDER~ CABLE /ELEVISION; COMCAST CABLE 425-J98-61J1 886-225-5773 888-225-5773 253-6.J0-9900 425-255-6370 800-573-1311 25J-6.J0-9900 ' ELECTR:CITY: PUCE T SOUND ENERGY GAS, PUGET SOUND ENERGY SANITAfl,Y SEl'IER: ' ' STQflM IJRAINc ' l[LEPHONEc WA TERc ! ' ' i i t ' ' SOOS CREEK WATER II< SEWER DISTRICT KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 01\1:51 SOOS CREEK WATER II< S[l\l:R DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT & ENI/IRONiVIENTAL SERVICES Land Use SerJices Division REVISED PRELl~AINJ\RY PLAT APPROVAL Planning Unit -----Health Dept. -----------·----- rOUNO 4•x4· MON IN CASE WITH LEAD & 1 ACK,_lLl'._DOl'il'J,_l,L INTERSEf TION '--OF .E. 181 HI STREEf ANO 120fH ARE a.a· APART ----------------------.Jr-------..... _ -S.E. 184TH STREET 1 -------------- FOUND 1-1/2" IRON P!PE IN PLANTING AREA, AT INT[RSECTIOO OF 5.E. 164TH STREET ANO 124TH AVENUE SOUTH, 526'28'49"£, 1.77' FROM CALCULATED CENT[R OF SECTION. \ i A NU[ SOU fH. VISITED 11-21-2005. 1/0USf 10/!ili ··-·-·-· --------- ----·-------------------------- \ I \ RE\'ISIOH N01£: TrlE PURPOSE OF THIS PRELIMINARY PLAT REVISION IS TO RE-ALIGN THE PROPOSED STREET RIGHT OF WAY, LOTS AND TRACTS LAYOUT GEOMETRY, LYING SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE 50-FOOT WETLAND SET-BACK. \ h "' • • "" • ... VISll[D 11-22-2005. CATCH BASIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE WATER VALVE GAS VALV[ FIR[ HYDRANT WATER METER WATER FAUCET POWfR METER UTILITY POLE IE • • * SIGN POST MAIL BOX ' ' \ ' FOUND REBA£/ I FOUND MONUMENT IN CONCRETE' CONIFER TRE[ \ w v; SE. 180fll 51. - w vi ~ r- 0 N - SI f[ SE. s.c 1s6rH sr. 5.E. 182ND SL w v; ~ -< r-.,. N 1-a1 i~.,..1 "'s r". ·- ' ----. . -·"·\ !r·l,c \o; L.fl\ -OEC 2 i ::;35 \i" , VICINITY MAP K.C. D.D.E.~if l!!·,', SC ALE: 1" = 1 / 4 MILE ii' ' . '!! ·I c I • ;,/ LL 0 z 0 (/) > w Cl:'. f- <( _J Q_ >- Cl:'. <( z ~ _J w Cl:'. Q_ ORA'M'l BY: t- <( ..J a.. :) :c C z <( Cl) CJS SCALE: u _J _J • >--f- Cl:'. w CL 0 Cl:'. Q_ :) l: 0 z <( (/) Cl:'. 0 LL z 0 , 1- 0 z •I U) <{ 3: >-1-z ::::, 0 u c:> z ::c CHECKED BY: KRA DATE: w ~ < 0 d z 1 .. -40' 12/05/05 JOB·os-077 SHEET .... 1 of 1 -:) ' -¥: '~ ' ,1,;,' ',(•" ,,, _. 'I . i ' .,. ' " ' • VOLUME/PAGE Ki.ng County BENSON TRAILS A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4, OF THE N. W. 1 / 4. SEC. 33, TWP. 23 N.. RNG. 5 E., W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY KING COUNTY. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: SANDHU PROPERTY, LLC BY: -------------- 1 TS: --------------1201 MONSTER ROAD S. W., SUITE 320 RENTON, WA 98057 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 s ss. COUNTY OF -·----- VIKING BANK BY: --------------1 TS: _____________ _ 1 CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE OF TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED: --------- SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC: __ PRINTED NAME: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT: ·--, 20 __ ·---·- ·---- MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: -----------·-- STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 5 ss. COUNTY OF ------- 1 CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE _ OF TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED: ----------------__ , 20 __ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC:-------------- PRINTED NAME: --·-- NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE ST A TE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT: -------------·------ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: -------- D.D.E.S. FILE No. XXXXXXXX KENNETH R. ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Surveying, Mapping and Land Planning 1720 South 341st Place, Suite C-4, Federal Way, WA 98003 Telephone: (253) 838-1199 Fax: (253) 838-8164 E-1,lail: infoOandersonsurveyors.com APPROVALS DEPARTMEN.T OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ____ ,, 20 __ DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ____ 20 __ DIVISION DIRECTOR, LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION KING COUNTY COUNCIL EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF _____ , 20 __ CHAIRPERSON, KING COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: ------------ CLERK OF THE COUNCIL KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS -·---DAY OF ----· 20 __ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER 619960-0282 AND 619960-0320 FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS, OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 20 ·- MANAGER, FINANCE DIVISION DEPUTY LAND SURVEYORS CER]FICA TE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF BENSON TRAILS IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON; THAT THE MONUMENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS ~LL BE STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND AS CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THAT I HAVE FULLY COMPLIED ISIONS OF THE PLATTING REGULA Tl EXPIRES: 9 24/ KENNETH R. ANDERSON, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE No. 29267 KENNETH R. ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC., P.S. 1720 SOUTH 341ST PLACE, SUITE C-4, FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 TELEPHONE: (253) 838-1199 RECORDING CERTIFICATE RECORDING No.---------- FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE KING COUNTY THIS -----DAY OF ------------------• 20 ___ , AT -------MINUTES PAST ____ M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME -----------OF PLATS, PAGE(S) -------------------• RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. R!.W.l.~J:~N OF RECORDS AND ELEC 1~&~AfNTENDENT OF RECORDS 1- /J) a. :::;; a. A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON [m&@l:S:UW1°/o' ~ -NOV 2 B 20U ... _,,,) ! f(,C., D.D,E, 3. ~ JOB# 05-077 SHEET 1 OF 5 7 R.OEPJ -------------- . •. VOLUME/PAGE King County BENSON TRAILS A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4, OF TI-IE N. W. 1 / 4, SEC. 33, TWP. 23 N., RNG. 5 E... W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL "A": (PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORD NO. 9705221296, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.) LOT 5, BLOCK 2, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, DIVISION NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 300 FEET THEREOF; AND THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING BETWEEN THE EASTERLY AND WESTERLY LINES OF THE BONNEVILLE TRANSMISSION LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY, AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 3178820, AND LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 4, AND THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 7, IN BLOCK 2, NORTHWEST GARDEN TRACTS DIVISION NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXTENDED EASTERLY. PARCEL "B": TRACT 7, BLOCK 2, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, DIVISION NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 100, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BOTH SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. TITLE REPORT NOTES AND SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: THE HEREINABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPllON AND THIS SURVEY SUBDIVISION PLAT ARE BASED UPON THAT CERTAIN PLAT CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC., TITLE ORDER NO. 205124925, CERTIFICATE FOR FILING THE PROPOSED PLAT OF BENSON TRAILS, RECORDS EXAMINED TO NOVEMBER 6, 2007 AT 12: 00 A.M. SAID HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO PUBLICLY RECORDED ITEMS RELATING TO REAL ESTATE TITLE SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, BEING DISCLOSED ON SCHEDULE B OF SAID CERTIFICATE AND FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 1. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF GRANTED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION, TELEPHONE, AND TELEGRAPH LINES, INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER REC. NO. 3178820. 2. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF GRANTED TO PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER REC. NO. 3919394. 3. RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, DEDICATIONS, NOTES, EASEMENTS, AND PROVISIONS DELINEATED AND/OR DESCRIBED ON THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 100 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 4. NON-TRANSFERABLE LAND USE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRA 110N AND: SANDHU PROPERTY, LLC RECORDED: JUNE 1, 2007 RECORDING NUMBER: 20070601000687 SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL REAR LOT AND TRACT CORNERS WILL BE STAKED WITH 5/8 INCH DIAMETER REBAR, 24 INCHES IN LENGTH, WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "ANDERSON" "PLS-29267" AS THE SUBDIVISION ROAD & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. ACTUAL FRONT LOT AND TRACT CORNERS WILL NOT BE SET. SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOT AND TRACT WILL BE REFERENCED FROM STAKED REAR CORNERS TO THE ADJOINING STREET-WARD PROJECTION FROM THE ACTUAL FRONT CORNERS, A VARIABLE DISTANCE TO THE TOP OF THE CONSTRUCTED CURBS AND MARKED WITH A "BERNTSEN BRAND" 1-1/2 INCH DIAMETER COPPER DISK SET FLUSH WITH SURFACE AND MARKED "ANDERSON-PLS 29267". 2. BASIS OF BEARING: RECORD NORTH; BASED UPON THE MONUMENTED WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33 PER KING COUNTY AERIAL SURVEY; BEARING: NORTH 00'27' 49" EAST. 3. ALL DISTANCE UNITS SHOWN HEREIN ARE GROUND DISTANCES EXPRESSED IN U.S. SURVEY FEET, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 4. A GEODIMETER 600, 3 SECOND DIRECT READING ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS EMPLOYED TO CONDUCT FIELD TRAVERSE CONTROL OBSERVATIONS FOR ESTABLISHING PROPERTY LINES DELINEATED UPON THIS PLAT. FINAL PRECISION RESULTS MEETS OR EXCEEDS STANDARDS FOR LAND BOUNDARY SURVEYS AS SET FORTH IN WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE UNDER WAC 332-130-090. D.D.E.S. FILE No. XXXXXXXX . _,..,,, . GENERAL N.OTES: 1. THERE SHALL BE NO VEHICULAR INGRESS OR EGRESS DIRECTLY ONTO S.E. 184TH STREET FROM LOTS 1 AND 16. 2. THE BENSON TRAILS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION WAS ESTABLISHED ON __________ ___, THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARE ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA. 3. TRACT(S) A, 8, C, D, AND E IS(ARE) CONSIDERED A "TRACT(S)" PURSUANT TO KCC 19A.04.330; A "TRACT" IS LAND RESERVED FOR SPECIFIED PURPOSES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, RESERVE TRACTS, RECREATION, OPEN SPACE, SENSITIVE AREAS, SURFACE WATER RETENTION, UTILITY FACILITIES AND ACCESS. TRACTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED LOTS OR BUILDING SITES FOR PURPOSES OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLING CONSTRUCTION. 4. TRACT "A" IS A SENSITIVE AREA TRACT (S.A.T.) CONTAINING WETLANDS AND IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION FOR TI-HS SUBDIVISION AND IDENTIFIED MORE PARTICULARLY IN THE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED NOTE 2, FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. 5. TRACT "B" IS A STORM DRAINAGE TRACT (S.D.T.) AND IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE SANDHU PROPERTY, LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. 6. TRACT "c" IS A RECREATION TRACT FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL LOT OWNERS IN THIS PLAT. EACH OWNERSHIP OF A LOT IN THIS PLAT (LOTS 1 THROUGH 16, INCLUSIVE) INCLUDES AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT "C". THE BENSON TRAILS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACT "C". HOWEVER, SHOULD THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION FAIL TO PROPERLY MAINTAIN TRACT "C", THEN THE LOT OWNERS OF ALL LOTS 1 THROUGH 16 SHALL BE EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACT." 7. TRACT "D" IS A PRIVATE JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, PRIVATE DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNERS OF LOTS 5 AND 6. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 5 AND LOT 6 WITHIN THIS PLAT INCLUDES AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT "D", AND AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACT. 8. TRACT "E" IS A PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, PRIVATE DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES FOR THE BENEFIT OF TI-IE OWNERS OF LOTS 9, 10, 11, 12, AND 13. OWNERSHIP OF LOTS 9, 10, 11, 12, AND 13 Wl°IHIN THIS PLAT INCLUDES AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT "E", AND AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACT. 9. THE HOUSE ADDRESS SYSTEM FOR THIS PLAT SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: ADDRESSES SHALL BE ASSIGNED FOR THE NORTH -SOUTH ROADS WITHIN THE RANGE OF TO AND WITHIN THE RANGE OF TO FOR THE EAST -WEST ROADS. INDIVIDUAL ADDRESSES WILL BE ASSIGNED TO THE PRINCIPAL ENTRANCE OF EACH RESIDENCE OR BUILDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH KING COUNTY CODE 16.08. 10. THE ROAD AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN AND PROFILE, PLAN NO. P#4193 ON FILE WITH KING COUNTY DEP.ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES). ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED PLANS WILL REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE PROPER AGENCY, CURRENTLY ODES. 11. THIS PORTION IS DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC USE FOR ROAD PURPOSES UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. 12. THE STREET TREES SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION UNLESS AND UNTIL KING COUNTY OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY HAS ADOPTED A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. 13. A PLANTER ISLAND, IF PROPOSED WITHIN THE CUL-DE-SAC BULBS, SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME- OWNERS ASSOCIATION FOR THIS SUBDIVISION AND IDENTIFIED MORE PARTICULARLY IN THE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED NOTE 2, FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. 14. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO KING COUNTY CODE 14.75, KING COUNTY ROAD MITIGATION PAYMENT SYSTEM (MPS). THE MPS FEES PLUS THE MPS ADMINISTRATIVE FEE SHALL BE PAID AT THE TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION THE RATE IN EFFECT AT THAT TIME. 15. ROAD MPS FEES PER K.C. CODE 14.75 FOR LOT : ONE RESIDENTIAL UNIT WAS EXISTING, OCCUPIED AND DEMOLISHED WITHIN THE THREE YEARS PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SUBDIVISION. LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL BE EXEMPT FROM THE PAYMENT OF FEES REQUIRED BY KING COUNTY CODE 14.75, MITIGATION PAYMENT SYSTEM. SEE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC RULE 16. FIFTY PERCENT OF SCHOOL IMPACT FEES WERE PAID AT THE TIME OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH KING COUNTY CODE 21A.43.050. THE BALANCE OF THE ASSESSED FEE, $_ _ PER LOT, TOGETHER WITH THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION FEE, MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. 17. SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT : ONE RESIDENTIAL UNIT WAS EXISTING AND DEMOLISHED PRIOR TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SUBDIVISION. IF THE ISSUANCE OF A NEW BUILDING PERMIT FOR LOT OCCURS ON OR PRIOR TO --------(THREE YEARS AFTER DATE OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE DEMOLITION PERMIT), THEN SAID LOTS SHALL BE EXEMPT FROM THE PAYMENT OF THE SCHOOL IMPACT FEES. IF THE ISSUANCE OF A NEW BUILDING PERMIT FOR SAID LOT OCCURS AFTER , THEN THE FULL ASSESSED FEE, $ PER LOT, TOGETHER WITH THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION FEE, MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. SEE K.C. CODE 21 A.43.070.A.2. 18. THE 10.00 FOOT PRIVATE ROAD, STORM, AND UTILITIES EASEMENT (PSRUE), SHOWN HEREIN, IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY, OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING MAINTAINING, AND REPAIRING THE UTILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. 19. AN OVERLYING EASEMENT IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY, OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, OVER, UNDER, ACROSS, AND UPON TRACT "B" FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING, MAINTAINING, AND REPAIRING THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. 20. AN OVERLYING EASEMENT IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY, OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, OVER, UNDER, ACROSS, AND UPON TRACT "C" FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING, MAINTAINING, AND REPAIRING THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. 21. THE 10.00 FOOT POWER EASEMENT, SHOWN HEREIN, IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY, OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING MAINTAINING, AND REPAIRING THE UTILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. 22. THE 10.00 FOOT GUY ANCHOR EASEMENT, SHOWN HEREIN, IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY, OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING MAINTAINING, AND REPAIRING THE UTILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. ~ ~-------------------P--....... KENNETH R. ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Surveying, Mapping and Land Planning 1720 South 341st Place, Suite C-4, Federal Way, WA 98003 Telephone: (253) 838-1199 Fax: (253) 838-8164 E-Mail: info@andersonsurveyors.com S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4, SEC. 33, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., JOB# 05-077 SHEET 2 OF 6 VOLUME/PAGE King County BENSON TRAILS A PORTION OF THE S .. E. 1 / 4, OF TI-IE N. W. 1 / 4, SEC. 33, TWP. 23 N., RNG. 5 E... W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENTS WITHIN THIS PLAT, NOT SHOWN AS " PRIVATE", ARE HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING, STORING, MANAGING AND FACILITATING STORM AND SURFACE WATER PER THE ENGINEERING PLANS APPROVED FOR THIS PLAT BY KING COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF REASONABLE ACCESS (INGRESS AND EGRESS), TO ENTER SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING AND IMPROVING THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. NOTE THAT EXCEPT FOR THE FACILITIES WHICH HAVE BEEN FORMALLY ACCEPTED FOR MAINTENANCE BY KING COUNTY, MAINTENANCE OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER. THE OWNERS OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN PRIOR WRITIEN APPROVAL FROM KING COUNTY REAL ESTATE SERVICES, AND ANY REQUIRED PERMITS FROM THE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEARING AND GRADING, PRIOR TO FILLING, PIPING, CUTTING OR REMOVING VEGETATION (EXCEPT FOR ROUTINE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUCH AS LAWN MOWING) IN OPEN VEGETATED DRAINAGE FACILITIES (SUCH AS SWALES, CHANNELS, DITCHES, PONDS, ETC.), OR PERFORMING ANY ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES, CONTAINED WITHIN SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT. THIS EASEMENT IS INTENDED TO FACILITATE REASONABLE ACCESS TO THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THIS EASEMENT AND COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND IS BINDING UPON THE OWNERS OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT FOR RECREATION TRACTS: A DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT OVER TRACT "C", IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING, STORING, MANAGING AND FACILITATING STORM AND SURFACE WATER PER THE ENGINEERING PLANS APPROVED FOR THIS PLAT BY KING COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT FOR KING COUNTY ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS TO ENTER SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING AND IMPROVING THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED HEREIN. ONLY THE FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITIES CONTAINED WITHIN THE TRACT WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR FORMAL ACCEPTANCE AND MAINTENANCE BY KING COUNTY. MAINTENANCE OF ALL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ON THIS PROPERTY SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER. THE PROPERTY OWNER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST FOR THE RESTORATION OF ANY NON-DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS REMOVED OR ALTERED AS THE RESULT OF THE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. THE OWNERS OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ANY REQUIRED PERMITS FROM THE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, FOR ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEARING AND GRADING, PRIOR TO FILLING, PIPING, CUTTING OR REMOVING VEGETATION (EXCEPT FOR ROUTINE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUCH AS LAWN MOWING) IN OPEN VEGETATED DRAINAGE FACILITIES (SUCH AS SWALES, CHANNELS, DITCHES, PONDS, ETC.), OR PERFORMING ANY ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES, CONTAINED WITHIN SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT. THIS EASEMENT AND COVENANT IS INTENDED TO FACILITATE REASONABLE ACCESS FOR THE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THIS EASEMENT AND COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AND IS BINDING UPON THE OWNERS OF SAID PRIVATE PROPERTY, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. DOWNSPOUT NOTE: ALL BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS, FOOTING DRAINS, AND DRAINS FROM ALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE PERMANENT STORM DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS NO. P#4193 ON FILE WITH KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES {DOES) AND/OR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. THIS PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITIED WITH THE APPLICATION FOR ANY BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONNECTIONS OF THE DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL. FOR THOSE LOTS THAT ARE DESIGNATED FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS, THE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TIME OF THE BUILDING PERMIT AND SHALL COMPLY WITH SAID PLANS. ALL INDIVIDUAL STUB-OUTS AND INFILTRATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE LOT OWNER. EASEMENT PROVISIONS: AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, QWEST COMMUNICATIONS, COMCAST CABLE, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITIED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATIACHED TO A BUILDING. PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS: STRUCTURES, FILL, OR OBSTRUCTIONS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DECKS, PAllOS, OUTBUILDINGS, OR OVERHANGS) SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED BEYOND THE BUILDING SETBACK LINE OF THE PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. ADDITIONALLY, GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF FENCING SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT MAP UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY KING COUNTY ODES OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY. D.D.E.S. FILE No. XXXXXXXX REFERENCES: KING COUNTY ASSESSORS MAPS OF SECTION 33, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. PLAT OF NORTHWEST GARDEN TRACTS DIVISION NO. 6; VOL. 46, PG. 100. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, SURVEY BRANCH, GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM, MONUMENT INFORMATION DATABASE. RESTRICTIO.MS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS: DEDICATION OF A SENSITIVE AREA TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER CONVEYS TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER. THIS INTEREST INCLUDES THE PRESERVATION OF NATIVE VEGETATION FOR ALL PURPOSES THAT BENEFIT THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE, INCLUDING CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER AND EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE STABILITY, AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE SENSITIVE AREA TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE LAND SUBJECT TO THE TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER THE OBLIGATION, ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC BY KING COUNTY, TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER. THE VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT APPROVAL IN WRITING FROM THE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW. THE COMMON BOUNDARY BETWEEN TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER AND THE AREA OF DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY MUST BE MARKED OR OTHERWISE FLAGGED TO THE SATISFACTION OF KING COUNTY PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, OR OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY ON A LOT SUBJECT TO THE SENSITIVE AREA TRACT / SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER. THE REQUIRED MARKING OR FLAGGING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL ACTIVITIES IN THE VICINITY OF THE SENSITIVE AREA ARE COMPLETED. NO BUILDING FOUNDATIONS ARE ALLOWED BEYOND THE 15-FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW. KENNETH R. ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Survaylng, Mapping and Land Planning 1720 South 341st Place, Suite C-4, Federal Way, WA 98003 Telephone: (253) 838-1199 Fax: (253) 838-8164 E-MaO: info@andersonsurveyors.com S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4, SEC. 33, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., JOB# 05-077 SHEET 3 OF 6 King County FOUND 4"x4" MON IN CASE, 0.2'± DOWN, AT INTERSECTION OF S.E. 180TH STREET AND 180TH AVENUE SOUTH. V1SITED 11-21-2005. BENSON TRAILS A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4,, OF llHE N. W. 1 / 4, SEC. 33, TWP. 23 N.. RNG. 5 E.. W.M •• KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FOUND 4"x4" MON IN CASE WITH BRASS PIN, 1.1'± DOWN, -AT INTERSECTION OF S.E. 180TH STREET AND 120TH AVENUE SOUTH. VISITED 11-21-2005. --------· -- VOLUME/PAGE Nse·49•30•w 659.B7'(M) ------...:!>"<lllt,,..""" ~S__. ....;;;;;E;..;;_ .. _;._1 ~ 0 TH ~TREET .. ---0 ~ f") 0 30' ,_;.....J<'------------~~~ FOUND CENTER OF TRANSMISSION LINE TOWER. VISITED 11-22-2005. 60 1" = 60' FOUND MON IN CASE, 4"X4" CONC. W/ BRASS PIN, 0.50'± DOWN AT INTERSECTION OF S.E. 176TH STREET AND S.E. PETROVITSKY ROAD. VlSITED 3-15-2005. FOUND 4"x4" MON IN CASE WITH LEAD & TACK, 0.3'± DOWN, AT INTERSECTION OF _ S.E. 184TH STREET AND - • U)I w :.> z w, > <( I 120TH AVENUE SOUTH. 130 , VISITED 11-21-2005. I I I I I I I I LOT J LOT 4 2260 0259 1-----~~,---........ -~S8~8'5~1:..!'1.!...1•=.E ~21~7~.63~'-..WLU.-.J LOT 300' I - E. LINE, c___ w. 300', LOT 5 \ PARCEL "A" I I saa-s1 ·01•E 0.19' / r- , -I z 261.17' ___ LOT 5 saa·s1 ·01·E LOT 7 261.36'(C) 261.52'(P) PARCEL "8" --; I I SEE SHEET 5 OF 6 1....;r,111,. -343.34' P .17' C .. ,. UNPLATTED 9042 S88"51'17"E 260.80' • \ \ TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT EASTERLY _.-EXTENSION, N. LINE. LOT 4 LDT 3 K.C.S.P. 781G64 (SEE ·nm REPORT NOTE 1, SH T 2 OF 6) \ lJNPLATTED 9009 t" ~ G, ii. " ~. rt' a, s \ SEE SHEET 6 OF \6 \ \ \ \ 100 YEAR W TER SURFACE --(ELEVATION P R '\ ENGINEER \ '--. \ \ PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES AFN 4416152 PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR ~ ROADWAY AND UTILITY PURPOSES AFN 3919394 \ ~ 1£ ~ EASTERLY ---'I'-" EX TEN SI ON, S. LINE. LOT -g /~ 682.b4'(P) 681.74'(C) 603.98'(C) ~ _l29.86'(C) / _ ----_l ~1.BB'(C) _ ---- 0 S88'51'06•E 1994.92'(C) - UNPLATTED 9042 \ .. 0~ I") ,O~ FOUND ALUMINUM SURFACE MON IN CASE WITH PUNCHMARK, 1.65' DOWN, ~ AT INTERSECTION OF S.E. 184'fH STREET AND 116TH AVENUE SOUTH. VISITED 11-21-2005. D.D.E.S. FILE No. XXXXXXXX I") S88-S0'11•E(P) -----------------S.E. 184 THSTREET __ _ \ EASTERLY EXTENSI 01'1 .-~-" S.E. 184TH ST. EXPIRES: 130.40'(C) 6 .20 C Q 1 I") \ ------------------------1------· UMPLATTED 9036 \ \ FOUND 3"1/1 BERNSTEN MARKER AT CENTERLINE OF EASEMENT. VISITED 11-22-2005. I \ I \ \ I I KENNETH R. ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Survt1ylng, Mapping and Land Planning 1720 South 341st Place, Suite C-4, Federal Way, WA 98003 Telephone: (253) 838-1199 Fax: (253) 838-8164 E-Mall: lnfo@andersonsurveyors.com S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4, SEC. 33, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., JOB# 05-077 SHEET 4 OF 6 .. ~ 0 ~ Ol 3: "O . 0 0 0 I .... 0 a. r,.. r,.. 0 I ~ OI 3: ";;- ::> :c 0 ~ I (I) ·;;; 0 0 r,.. r,.. 0 I LC) " +' 0 .gi, e a. LC) 0 ~ (I) .... 0 QJ ·~ e ;J, <ii VOLUME/PAGE King County BENSON TRAILS A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE N.W. 1/4, SEC. 33. TWP. 23 N •• RNG. 5 E., W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 28.18 N 87'21'32"' W L2 21.57 S 74"26'57"' W L3 20.19 S 42"18'4~t W L4 20.95 N 83"58'33" W L5 14.43 S 68'01 '42" W L6 16.98 S 89'10'30" E L7 3.81 S 66°09'35" E L8 7.15 S 87'21'32" E L9 10.83 N 42"18' 49"' E L10 9.36 N 4218'49" E L11 8.61 N 68'01 '42" E L12 5.81 N 68'01'42"' E L13 2.67 N 8849'03"' W L14 7.93 S 57'26'18" E L15 37.67 S 88"49'03" E L16 2.31 S 57"26'18" E L17 7.73 S 04•4a•17" E L18 15.15 S 08'20'34" W L19 16.65 S 24'04'22" W L20 5.47 S 08'20'34" W L21 9.68 S 08'20'34" W L22 12.09 N 40'52'54" E L23 8.70 S 18"33' 40" E L24 24.43 S 39'34'22" W L25 7.94 N 00'45'22" E L26 0.19 S 88'51'07"' W CURVE l"ABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 CB C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 LEGEND; (C) (M) (KCCS) @ © ® ® 0 ® @ @ @ @ 13.69 13.69 13.30 20.19 18.40 15.32 54.00 11.35 8.06 12.16 12.63 54.57 29.86 25.48 23.02 18.55 CALCULATED MEASURED 25.00 25.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 42.00 25.00 42.00 25.00 25.00 KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL (RECORD INFORMATION) 31"22'46" 31'22'46" 18'08'58" 2T3t54" 25"06'11" 20'54'0()'9 73"39'56" 15'29'20" 18'28'44" 27'52'42" 28"56'38" 74'26'42· 68'25'27"' 34•45•10- 52'45'SS- 42"30'50· SET STANDARD KING COUNTY MON. IN CASE (SET AS CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLffiD) SENSETIVE AREA TRACT (SEE NOTE 4, SHEET 2 OF 6) STORM DRAINAGE TRACT (SEE NOTE 5, SHEET 2 OF 6) STORM DRAINAGE AND RECREATIONAL TRACT (SEE NOTE 6, SHEET 2 OF 6) JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT (SEE NOTE 7, SHEET 2 OF 6) PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT (SEE NOTE B, SHEET 2 OF 6) RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION AREAS (SEE NOiE 11, SHEET 2 OF 6) 10' PUBLIC ROAD, STORM, AND UTILITIES EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 18, SHEET 2 OF 6) 1 O' POWER EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 20, SHEET 2 OF 6) 10' GUY ANCHOR EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 21, SHEET 2 OF 6) D.D.E.S. FILE No. XXXXXXXX SEl8'51 '07'"E 0.19'-. S88"51 '11 "E 217.63' TRACT "A" SENSITIVE AREA TRACT 173,052 SQ. FT. © 3.973 ACRES LI 21.0J' LB CLASS II WETI.AND & 50' BUFFER 8 \ \ \ \ \ l!J\ ~ <P. ~ ~-' '4, ~ ~., {!l q "',~ C, s, (JI ~ ·~-,~ \ 0, ~ \ :,' .,, ;,'~,'o , ":JO "" ,.,, S85'07'54"E 49.91' l_-, 15.53' 34.38' ,ri.<o a 'o,. ~1 5 '/; . \'o,'o -rcr- ~ 3,092 SQ. FT. :s: 0.071 ACRESf" 337 h. ~o , 1 SQ. FT. -LO ;,., ~ 11 4,091 SQ. FT. 0.094 ACRES 6 3,042 SQ. FL --7 0.077 ACRES ~ ~ IXXXXXI ~ ~ • OC> 0 8 Ul !XXXXX! u, !XXXXX! :;= 3: h .. . -t") 4,314 SQ. FT. 0.099 ACRES . -~ 1xxxxx1 0.070 ACRES 3: !XXXXXI r-,... .. .. rn ,-<.c, I""). ~ 1'11 1--... 0 t") -. -D 3= 0) 'h -,xx-xx-x1 • ,-.. L() ,-.. .,, . o' en • ~ ;..., . ,-.. t") . L() L() a co 0 LO 0, D CXJ o 0 (/) (/) 3,522 SQ. FT. 0.081 ACRES (/) 3,237 SQ. FT. 0.074 ACRES r-- c11 21.65' / s; 10' POWER ['_EASEMENT 35.02'@ N89'10'53"E 84.32' !XXXXXI N89'10'53"E 62.17' 34.51' \ SCALE IN FEET 1" = 40' \ 15' BUILDING SETBACK LINE \ TRACT "E" PRIVATE ACCESS \ TRACT "D" 3,052 SQ. FT. ® 0.070 ACRES \ ~ S89'10'53"W C. 47.96' 0 o. JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT - 1,063 SQ. FT. 0.024 ACRES D 0 ~ !XXXXXI 4 3,600 SQ. FT. 0.083 ACRES ~ r-----S...;;8.;..8'4...;;9...;;'0;;-3"-=-E ---1---l • ao.15· (.":;\_I a:i IXXXXXI 3 & N O I . - t,;ll.!..I ~ 3,208 SQ. FT. II ~,- It) 0.07 4 ACRES ~ I ~. S88'49'03"E Obr-------'-=-.;;:._--,-~~ z 80.23' · !XXXXX! 2 3,211 SQ. FT. 0.074 ACRES I ,~ ,~ oo· (/l 10,000 SQ. FT. 0.230 ACRES !XXXXX! 13 3,498 SQ. FT. 0.080 ACRES . b 0 0 0 . • <O L() - ,q' - w 12 •,-.. 5,548 SQ. FT. L-..L--......;S~8.;;..9'1..;;.0..;;.'53-:-".;.;.W __ -1 i 0.127 ACRES 80.92' 0 14 4,205 SQ. FT. 0.097 ACRES !XXXXXf 0 0 ~ ~ !XXXXX! 15' BUILDING SETBACK LINE d s}\ ~~:....::--,~:_ __ 1~2~4.3~2=·~~:7:":;-;-;::;-;;---..J.-~-'-'"'-'-r-;;to~ \ ~ S89'10'53"W 174.05' :1 r::, l--1' 10' BUILDING SETBACK ~~ -'~FROM VAULT TRACT .~ \ 1/). I ~<§> • \ '1\ I- ® .~ ,/9 en. VJ ~ ,y' \ ':I., CL TRACT "C" ~ C-j ~ i, ~ 5: ~II ; r@ 15 ~ ~ 0 I 4,066 SQ. FT. "' ~ ~ 0.093 ACRES ~ ;i. g N ~ I ~ STORM DRAINAGE ~ -~ '/!! q, 'd\ tSt 100 YEAR WATER~ 2 a t:;, c:P•l ov SURFACE -RECREATION TRACT t:? C\/ ri\ ~ i:_~ ELEVATION PER ~ 10,569 SQ. FT. r;, ~ , •• ~l ENGINEER 0.243 ACRES \ i ·iJ "\\ ! z (0~ I !XXXXXI ~ SBB' 49 '03"E 1 I 11 7' 1""_-+-___;N.;.:B:::_8·5:.:1..:::.' 0~6"::..W _ _J!._,j ·-~ 80 . .31' I ·v I 80.00· ~ -IXXXXXI 1 I ~ @ ~ I 1 6 !XXXXX! § I ~ ... ~~ I 8 .... CJ). ' ;: 3,405 SQ. FT. L=39 49' I I L=39.05' 3,469 SQ. FT. g :;:I: 0.078 ACRES R=25:oo· I R=25.oo· 0.080 ACRES ~ 6=90'30'36" 6=89'29'25" ~ ~ • ---------t---~5~5.~17..,' __ ..1...,,_4~2~.2~2'.....j.~4J..1,7~8~'. ~ IO.oo'~ 55.22' 96.43' ... ~·l2t-~-..i.... ............. __ ~~---~~~-----~1~5.~02~' O'I 3: 'U 0 ti. \_1•22 ' 603.98' N"'\ ~ I ~ 1 o· GUY ANCHOR '21' 1· J ------4t")r------E:EN-T--\t.!/---------------.i.--... 0 I"') ------------------------- S8B'51'00"E 1994.92' ------- ----'!"-~--S. E. 184THSTREET-- KENNETH R. ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Surveying, Mapping and Land Planning 1720 South 341st Place, Suite C-4, Federal Way, WA 98003 Telephone: (253) 838-1199 Fax: (253) 838-8164 E-Mail: lnfo@andersonsurveyors.com \ S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4, SEC. 33, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., EXPIRES: JOB# 05-077 SHEET 5 OF 6 2 0 J, 0 i:[ r--r-- 0 Ji ~ c,, 3: ~ :::, J: 0 ~ VJ I rn '> a Cl i::: 0 I lC} ~ rn ..., 0 .91, e CL lC} 0 ~ rn .... 0 .!!!., e _;;, cii . ' King County LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 28.18 N 87"21'32" W L2 21.57 S 74'26'5-r W L3 20.19 S 42'18'49" W L4 20.95 N 83'58'33" W L5 14.43 S 68-01'42" W L6 16.98 S 8910'30" E L7 3.81 S 66"09'35" E LB 7.15 S 8721'32" E L9 10.83 N 42"18'49" E L10 9.:56 N 4218'49" E L11 8.61 N 68'01 '42" E L12 5.81 N 68"01'42" E L13 2.67 N 88491 03" W L14 7.93 S 5726'18" E L15 37.67 S aa•49•03" E L16 2.31 S 57"26'18" E L17 7.73 S 04•4a•1-r E L18 15.15 S 08'20'34" W L19 16.65 S 24'04'22" W L20 5.47 S 08'20'34" W L21 9.68 S 08"20'34· W L22 12.09 N 40'52'54" E L23 8.70 S 18°33' 40" E L24 24.43 S 39"34'22" W L25 7.94 N 00•45'22" E L26 0.19 S 88'51'01' W CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 ca C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 LEGEND: (C) (M) (KCCS) 13.69 -13-.69 13.30 20.19 18.40 15.32 54.00 11.35 8.06 12.16 12.63 54.57 29.86 25.48 23.02 18.55 CALCULATED MEASURED 25.00 25.00 - 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 42.00 25.00 42.00 25.00 25.00 KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL (RECORD INFORMATION) 31'22'46" 31'22'46"' 181)8'58" "732'54" 25"06'11'" 20"54'00'" 73"39'56'" 15'29'20'" 18'28'44'" 27'52'42"' 28'56'38" 74'26'42" 68'25'27" 34•45•10· !\?' '!VI" 42"30'50" SET STANDARD KING COUNTY MON. IN CASE (SET AS CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED) SENSETIVE AREA TRACT (SEE NOTE 4, SHEET 2 OF 6) STORM DRAINAGE TRACT (SEE NOTE 5, SHEET 2 OF 6) STORM DRAINAGE AND RECREATIONAL TRACT (SEE NOTE 6, SHEET 2 OF 6) JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT (SEE NOTE 7, SHEET 2 OF 6) PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT (SEE NOTE 8, SHEET 2 OF 6) RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION AREAS (SEE NOTE 11, SHEET 2 OF 6) , • J ~ BENSON TRAILS A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4. OF Tl-iE N. W. 1 / 4, SEC. 33, TWP. 23 N., RNG. 5 E .. , W.M •• KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 3,092 SQ. FT. :;: 0.071 ACRES.3' \ ' r--• FT ,-.. ~o • • ..-l{) tr) 0 :RES ~ ~ 1xxxxx1 b ~ 0 co 0 v1 0 (/) !\I (/) 10' POYIER _[_EASEMENT ·----- \ 11 ~ 4,314 SQ. FT. ·....1 0. 099 ACRES "'· 1xxxxx1 l1.65' 35.02' N89'10'53"E 62.17' N89"10'53"E 84.32' 34.51' 3,052 SQ. FT. @ 0.070 ACRES S89'1 O' 53"W 47.96' !XXXXXI 13 Cl g 0 \ \ 3,498 SQ. FT. ID ~ ~ \ 0.080 ACRES ~ 12 ~ \ :,, S89'10'53"W I 80.92' I 14 1xxxxx1 I 4,205 SQ. FT. I 0.097 ACRES 124.32' r. 5 1xxxxx1 SQ. FT. ACRES 22' ANCHOR ~T S89'10'53"W 174.05' w r-- 0 "a, ;d" 0 0 (./) Cl 0 <D ..,. 96.43' 5,548 SQ. FT. 0.127 ACRES 1xxxxx1 132ND AVENUE S.E. \ \ \ \ \ TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT (SEE TITI.E REPORT NOTE 1, SHEET 2 OF 6) \ \ TRACT "E" PRIVATE ACCESS \ 603.98 \ \ TRACT "A" \ SENSITIVE AREA TRACT 173,052 SQ. FT. © 3.973 ACRES \ CLASS II WETLAND & 50' BUFFER S88'05'55"E 63.54' -- PRIVATE EASEMEN FOR ROADWAY PURPOS AFN 4416152 .___.._ 20 \ \ \ TRACT "B" ® STORM DRAINAGE TRAC 16,255 SQ. FT. 0.373 ACRES 198.13' GORDON & SUSAN MA~ULLIS 332305 9042 VOLUME/PAGE @ © ® ® 0 ® ® @) -------------10' PUBLIC ROAD, STORM, AND UTILITIES EASEMENT ------\--------+----------------+--- @ (SEE NOTE 18, SHEET 2 OF 6) 101 POWER EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 20, SHEET 2 OF 6) 10' GUY ANCHOR EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 21, SHEET 2 OF 6) D.D.E.S. FILE No. XXXXXXXX \ PRIVATE EAS MENT FOR ROADWAY AN~ UTILITY PURPOSES AFl'\3919394 --------------\ S88'51'06•E 1994.92' --___ __,_\_ ------ T\ EXPIRES: \ \ \ -----DARCYcf~uR0PGETY------~,--- 3323,;5 9;.;3b KENNETH R. ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Survsylng, Mapping and Land Planning 1720 South 341st Place, Suite C-4, Federal Way, WA 98003 Telephone: (253) 838-1199 Fax: (253) 838-8164 E-Mail: info@andersansurveyors.com S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4, SEC. 33, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M., JOB# 05-077 SHEET 6 OF 6 1- (1) a. :::!, 0. .. ~ 0 ~ • ill tj) • ~ -<:[ :r I- 0 N - -<{ w "' 0 <D .,. "' n -~ - C: w Cl' n c- st "' n w OC) 0 n . 0 z / 1 I \ C: w O' "' 0, "' .,. I i ( \ \ 30.00 30' 30' 0 n - SE. l84TI-I ST. \;\ . N88"50'11 "W ~ ~ 681.80 REF. 1 (682.04 REF. 2) 449.87 CAUC (450.00 fsEFJ 2) 660. 76 CALC. ~-FOUND 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT lf~TH 1" LEAD PLUG ANO TACK DOWN D.J' IN CASE "· : ' '': ,' ' . ·; : i :, ·. ' ' ·! ,:''• '.)-'' ' ' 450.06 CALC. (450.00 REF. 2) ,, .. ~ ' ' .. .,,,, .. .;···· ,,,, ........ ,,. .;· . .,, . ,-1 ------'-------.,,-:: •• , . ' ..•. ,.,•.\.," :-_·,;·: ,, ' ' . ' !, ., ' . ·, ' • . ' ' . ' ',"/'" ·'..'· iL;., ' i ' . " : .. : i' . • '. ' ' • -... · • . . : . ' . . '"- ~ . 10' . . .• ~OUND 1 /2'" IRON PIPE 0.1' EAST OF PROP. CORNE\ Se. 186Tl-l ST. I \ I ( SE. l88TI-I ST. ~ 1·ouND 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1'' LEAD PLUG AND TACK DOWN 1.9' IN CASE "' :"·; '"' ·-' ,,.· ,,-'!' ·-_ :.\ ' . ; '', ... . . '' ,.,.,.,,,,,,, ""•••·-,: ···········,i .. , .-· ~ . .,.. " SEC. 33, TWP. 23 N., RGE 5 E, WM ,,- 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 2651 5.F. ~-lo' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT 2481.5!'. ., ... --,- -. 792.17 REF. 1(79;!,.08 REF. 2) -._,,l:JBB"SQ'll"W , .:la,l ~· -" " ·' i ' ,,,~ --=-. ~~~~~;~~~5~' - . ,,, ' . " . ,.•,-,; U PROPERTY CORNER n \. ----··-~ !.i '\ --- I I I I I I I \, ~ ·.-' . ,_;'.'\,".'' ,'o ,,,;c.,,;:.: ~-100-YR FLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARY PER AURIA WOODS FLOOD PLAIN ANAllYSIS SCALE: 1 '' --40 1 0 20 40 80 t--·~ Basie of Bearin e ~---------------NOl"l3'08"E 6ETWEEN THE MONUMENTS F UND IN PLACE ALONG THE CENTEl'<LINI: OF 120TH AVENUE S.E. Fl:Fs THE FLAT OF AUFslA WOODS, RECOl'<DED IN VOLUME 220 OF FLATS. PAGES 18 THFsOI.IGH 62, UNDEFs KING COUNTY RECOFsD ING NO. 2004030";001448, (REFERENCE IJ. Datum KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTFsOL (K.c.6.CJ NAYD 88 Benchmark KING COUNTY CONTFsOL POINT • F6A 3" 6FsA55 DleK WITH PUNCH 6TAMFl=D "KING COUNTY KC-F-6A J'al<;3" LOCATED AT SOUTJ.lllJE6T COIONEFs OF INTERSECTION OF S.E. l~ND 5TREET AND 120TH AVE S.E. IN TJ.lE NOFsTHWEST CORNER OF THE WESTEl'<L Y OF TU.O FOlUEFs VAULTS IN THE FAFsKING LOT OF THE FI.IGET SOUND FANTHEI'< LAKE FOWEFs 6U66TATION ELEVATION • 4";6.82 (ISl.43IM/ Lega I Description LOT 3, 6LOCK I OF NORTHWESTERN GAFsDEN TFsACTS DIVl610N NO. 6, ACCOFsDING TO THE FLAT THEFsEOF RECOFsDED IN VOLUME 46 OF FLATS, PAGE 100, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Notes I. ALL TITLE INFOF<l'"tATION SHOWN ON THIS MAF HAS 6EEN EXTFsACTED FFsOM PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY AL TA COMMITMENT TITLE OFsPEI'< NUM6EFs !:>81616 DATED NOVEM6EI'< 2004. IN FREPAFslNG THl5 MAF, CORE DE51c;N HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT TITLE SEAF<CH NOR 16 CORE DESIGN AWARE OF ANY TITLE ISSUES AFFECTING THE 6UFsVEYED Fl'<OPEFsTY OTHEFs THAN THOSE 5HOU.N ON THE MAF AND DISCLOSED 6Y THE REFERENCED PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMMITMENT. CORE DESIGN HA& RELIED WHOLLY ON PACIFIC NORTHWEST'S FsEPRE5ENTATION6 OF THE TITLE'S CONDITION TO FREFAFsE THIS SUl'<VEY AND THEFsEFOf<E COf<E DE&IGN QUALIFIES THE MAF'6 ACCUFsACY AND COMFLETENE66 TO THAT EXTENT. 2. THIS SUFsVEY REPRESENT& VISl6LE PHYSICAL IMFl'<OVEMENT CONDITIONS EXISTING ON DECEM6l=Fs 14, 2004. ALL SUl'<VEY CONTFsOL INDICATED A5 "FOUND" WAS f<ECOVEf<ED FOR THI& Fl'<OJECT IN DECEM6El's, 2004. 3. Ff<OFl:RTY AREA • 121,635± SQUARE FEET (2.1924± ACRES/. 4. ALL Dl6TANCE6 Af<E IN FEET. &. THI& 16 A FIELD TFsAVEFsSE SURVEY. A 60KKIA FIVE SECOND COM61NED ELECTFsONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAFs AND DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS 6ET'1.1,EN THI= CONTFsOLLING MONUMENTATION AS SHOILN. CLOSURE FsATI06 OF THE TFsAVEFsSE MET OFs EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WAC 332-130-090. DISTANCE MEA6Ul'<ING EQUIPMENT HAS 6EEN COMPARED TO AN N.G.6. 6ASELINE WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. 6. UTILITIES OTHEFs THAN THOSE 5HOWN MAY EX15T ON THIS 61TE. ONLY THOSE UTILITIES WITH EVIDENCE OF TI-IEII'< INSTALLATION VISl6LE AT Gf<OUND SUF<!'ACE ARE 6HOILN HEREON. UNDERGFsOUND UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOiu-1 ARE AFPFsOXIMATE ONLY. UNDERGFsOUND CONNECTIONS ARE 61-IOWN AS 5TFsAIGHT LINES EIETUIEEN 5UFirACE UTILITY LOCATIONS a!T MAY CONTAIN 6ENDS OR CURVES NOT 5Hou.N. 60ME UNDERGFsOUND LOCATION& 6HOU.N HEREON MAY HAVE 6EEN TAKEN FFsOM Fli6LIC RECOFsDS. CORE DESIGN ASSUMES NO LIAEllLITY FOFs THE ACCUl'sACY OF FliEILIC RECOFsD5. References I. FLAT OF AURIA WOODS, RECOl'<DED IN VOLUME 220 OF FLAT6, FAGl=S 10 THl'sOUGH 62, UNDER KING COUNTY FsECOFsDING NO. 20040309001448. 2. FLAT OF NORTHWE5TERN GAFsDEN TFsACTS DIVISION NO. 6, RECOFsDED IN VOLUME 46 OF FLATS, FAGEG 100. \ '- ~ - lli Owner/Applicant VINEY ARP CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 2401 KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON ':18080-2401 CONTACT, CLIFF WILLIAMS PHONE, (206) 114-1161 En9 ineer /Flanner !Surve~or CORE DESIGN INC . 14111 N.E. 2':lTH PL., SUITE IOI BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON ':lB001 CONTACT, ROBERT STEVENS, FE. -ENG,INEER MICHAEL CHEN -FLANNER STEPHEN J. 5CHREI, P.L.5. -SURVEYOR PHONE, ( 42&) 88&-1811 Tax Parcel/Site Addreee Tax Parcel Site Aclclreee Slte Statistics Site Area Number of Lot• Proposed Penslt~ Existing Zonlng Classification Proposed Uoe Sanitar~ Sewer Provider Water Suppl~ School District Fire Pletrlct Telephone 6ervice Eleclricit~ Provider Natura I Gas Provrder Setbaclc.s Recreation area recquired Recreatlon area provlded (i12-"'Cr B) Legend 0: FIRE HYDFsANT "' WATEFs VALVE EE WATEFs METEFs • 60LLAFsD BWF 6AR!3ED WIEl's FENCE CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE OHP OVEl'<HEAD P0'1.l,I'< r ( \ 6 l':l':l600060 12041 5.E. 184TH ST. RENTON, WASHINGTON ':l80S8 121,63&± o.f. (2.1':l± Acre•) 11 S.6S d.u/acre R-6 Srngle Famll~ Reeidential Sooe Creek Water and Sewer Dlstrlct Sooe Creek Water and Sewer Dlotrlct Renton School Diotrict King Count~ Fire District 40 Qweet Puget Sound Energ~ Puget Sound Energ~ Front -10 feet Side -S feet Rear -B feet Street oide~ard -10 feet Garage -20 feet 11 lot• X 3':lO ocq. Ft. • 6,630 ocq. Ft. -le;4eS-ocq. Ft. 9, \0\ 'lie 0 Y AFsD DFsAIN -1>-AREA LIGHT Ee HOSE 616 " SFFslNKLEFs VAL VE (,--GUY ANCHOI'< • F0'1.l,Fs POLE 8 TE5T FIT I SE 116TH ST '--- SE PETRO~IT&K"Y RD I ~ ~ I I I \ I ~- I I lli CSITE ; _J \._ " ./ <fl 51= 184TI--! 6T / ~ ~ '{ ,-'{ w I <O :r I '" ~ / J ~ .... -t--"' I () <!) "" c..__ er ' . .... ~ G I 7-/ -~ '< ,...__ I ( 5E 186 Tf.l ST ' -~ ~ -- C-,--.---' ' -~ I--- ii SE l':l2ND ST VICINITY MAP fm fg@~uW[g'rJ' FEB 1 0 2D05 /__l:V N.T£>. L05P0001 K,C. D.D.E.S, w f-- <( 0 (fl z 0 (J) > w O:" 0 z • ~ c:i "J )._ a:: :::; 83 ~ w f-- <( 0 -0 -* ~- V .2 0.. £ "' "' ow z - " "" - c..i ~ 0 w z 0 (j) w 0 12, 0 oO c,. C 0 ~ 0, .E ... ~ ~-~ > ~ "' b "' ~ --.J z ::; <( n:: 0 SHEET 1. PROJECT "' "' °' " ~ oO oO ~ "" ' 0 IL f;:: ~ ~ oO (X) ~ "' "" --" 0 "' st NN ' X C0 a '" [!] 0 . co O°' ~~ c..i ~ 0 w > 0 n:: D_ D_ <( D :z ->- u., ::. <>: :) V, • D :z -:z :z "'< __, "- -<>: u., u., :z -D :z u., " co r--. 0) l cr\ ' ' (0 (") m "' a) w -~ ~-1.,() tD NN "" 7 ill X 0 (lj ~ LL 0 L,j c:( ltJ' (l" w as ('.) <( s z f.:! <( ::" VJ f- ::i:= u w -, f-... 0 [;j (l" [L ~ a:: OF 1. NUMBER 041.27 . ' ·, a•> o/WY'iil&ml W?ftW't"11111" · w,urre'is .r . •w:ur w n ~ I ~ I I I " . ~ J ' .'. ', .1, ' I I I .1 i' . ,\ 1· ; ,· .. . ' . • • 'I· , .. , .· !' © © 0 G) . . ,.f'i'I.·. ·. -,: ·.· ·. ,1 ·V '·, ' ·. '· l ' ' • • . . . ' ' ' .. S.E. 18DTtl ST, :;! ~ ill -- S.E. 1681H ST. VICINITY MAP 5.£. 182ND ST. • .. (j) ,, ' " l I ,. . ' ' . .. ' . . ' . ' i' .. ! G) ' ' 0 , ' @ ® ,----...L----_j __ -,-__ Ccq,'--k\f;-\7 NL.'bb~., 1-\Ps._,,-L-r\ --, c:,r:.<11., m'<. 4- tie..i--.iw-1 • dG' 2. ··. -~-... P-1 o&>Z.. r-061ql'-\i'..Dk\l i-l6:16 fof..Nal c,v-11--\ iA-·0 c.\\o06t---<'.'..Dc.0¢--- i'.-. '::, \JIN-I \?i..,P<e,;y--\2-01.,\.l.-Vv / ovf;..f2,6t2'.-e--v !Z-1'-'~ cot)~f;:., ,\ . @ ':>' 1'..CJt-i,:..it-M t,., \"'!'<lr\ l '0(?:; ® "· \/"'l,,11.:1 k{_;c..U:,':, -----11'~ rlYoieo0~W W-.vYN L -fYf',J --r,..,."", I-'-'~ c,; r .. ... • ,, ... ' ,. . . . ' ...... ... • • . ' 4 ' @ I I • , I • ;· .. ' ) P~ANf ~~af Nt? 5YM130l !?Of ANICAL-NAMf • • • I • + 0 ® 8 G) NOre5: frees Acer clrclna-tum Calocedrus decurrens Cerctdtphyllum japonlcum Prunus serrluata 'Snowcioose' P4rus Calleryana 'Chanticleer' Shrubs Carex Morrowll Camus stolon If era Mtscanthus sin, 'Morntn0 l1ejht' Spiraea Japonlca I aoldfiame I Viburnum dav1d11 Viburnum tlnus '5prln0 bouejuet' COMMON NAMf Vtne Maple Incense Cedar Katsura 5nowcioose Cherr4 . Chanticleer Pear Var, Japanese se00e ' Redt~110 l7ociwood ! Stiver i'.1rass uddfiame spiraea l7avtd' s Viburnum ': : 5prtn0 l?ouejuet Vtbumum 2 14 9 25 B 0 21 20 24 51Zf B' Ht. 6' hl,, 2 11 Cal. 2 11 Cal. 2 11 Cal. I 0allon 2 0allon 2 0allon 2 0allon 2 0allon 2 0allon Sub0rade Io be thorou0hl4 scarified and 0raded so that the4 are 4 11 below finis 0rade In all proposed landscape areas A mlnlmurn of 411 depth of Pacific fopsolls 5-wa4 mlK In all proposed landscape areas or approved eejual 2 11 dept~ bark mulch for :J' dta, !?ark r1n0s and proposed landscape beds , ' Installation of plant material and 0rass per plan, Ad.Just plant material and eliminate crass as needed for lot access Acirtf orm, !?est, or eejulvalent plant tabs in pits Plantln0 / stak1n0 per detail ?JI plant tnatertal ls to conform to 11 American Standard for Nurser4 5tock 11 \ Plan ls d1a0ramatlc and field adjustments ma4 appl4 See manufactures recommendations for Installation of play eejulptment, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG (1-800-424-5555) Ft:RT, TABS NOTtS1 -TRE!i: PIT SliAU. Bli: EX~AVATED TO A MINIMUM or TWO TIMES '!Ha'. DIAMEttR or ROOTSALt. OR CONTAINffi -TRE~ CROVM SHAU. B~R TH! SAME REI.AllONSHIP TO FINJSHED GRADE AS IT 010 IN CONTAINER OR NURSERY -PLACE AGRIF'ORM PLANT TAl!LETS ALONllSIOE': lM!i: ROOTBAU. PER MANUF'ACTURER'S RECOMM[NOATIONS (1) 2X2'8' wooo S1'Al<E, 12 GAGE 'MRt ANO 3/4~ RUBBER HOSE. TO PROTECT TRUNI( MULCH LAYER: DE':PTH AS SPECIFIEO (2" MIN,) FEA11'1ER FROM' C:ROl'M REMOVE eURt.AP FROM TOP 1/3 OF' ROOnlAt.1., Cl.IT Yv!RE BASKETS BACKFILL MIX1 e,o,i; SPECIFIED IMPORT SO)t. & 50% ON SITE SOIL, \\£LL MIXED MAl<E SURE BOTTOM OF '---PLANT PIT JS W::LL COMPACTED TO AVOID SETTtlNG NOTES: "TREE PIT SHALL BE O:~AVAttO TO met THE: D!M!ElER er ROOTEIAU. OR CONTAINER. mEE CJlOl'oN SHAU. e™ THE SAME RELATIONSHIP TO FINISHED ORADE AS ft DID IN, CDHTAIIIEfl Ori MUA9£RY. ~ Pt.ACI AGRIFQM PJ..ANT Ti\e\.US A~ONl)SJOE THE. A001ill,U. PER MANUFAO'RJRER'S REC:OMtdENOATIONS, I c,i ""'" '""'' ! . !n'AkES, 12 GAGE WIRE ANO J/4" : · RIJSSER HOSE TO I PROTKOT TRUNI< MUI.CH LAYER: DEPTH AS SPECIFIF.:D (2" M!N,) REMOVE: BllRl.l\P FROM lOJ:> 1/3 CF ROOTBA~l, ~cc CUT W,RE BAS'i<ETS I EIACKFJU. MIX1 so:; SPE:ClnEO IMPORT SO!L & so~ ON SITE SOIL, V.ELL MIXED MAI<~ SUR! BOTTOM or -PLANT PIT tS WELL COMPACTt:) 10 A'w'OIO SEffilNG FERT. TABS ' tlOt.:S: PLANT P!T SHALL SE EKCA\/ATED TD 'l'MCE THE DIAMETER Df' RDOTBALL Ofl CONTAlttER, PLANT CROWN SHALL BEAR TH! SAM£ RElATIONSHIP TO flNtSHED ORADE AS JT DIO ltf THE CONTAINER OR NURS£RY, PLACE MRIFORM PLANT TAl!l.£TS ALDNOSICE "THE ROOTBALL P£R ' MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, MULCH LA 'l'cR: OEPlH AS SPECIFIED {:2.~ MIit) ~EMOVE SURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 Of ROOTEIALL (REMOVE NON ORGANIC BUl.:LAP COMPU:1?1. Y) & SOARIFY SIDES BACKFILL MIX: ~% SPE:CU'JO> IMPORT TOPSOIL & 50% DN SIT£ SOIL -\'/al MIXED Coniferous Tree Staking Detail No Scale Deciduous Tree Staking Detail No Scale Shrub Planting Detail No Scale _...,__;,;;..-e.;.,.c....., __________ __, . ..... ~.· . ·, ... . ' • .. a:-,,.·:, 0 0 g . w. . . . . . , . L07MI035 \ IQAU\1 \ II~ 2.b' .. ·01• 0 APPRc.iVlltfllY1 OAYU, Dr /ID/67 \ D KING COIJNTY RECREATION PLAN APPROVED -~YpuQ}, -1 -/ lo ·O] DATE STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT -~kJ'--- ·=i~:::a (VliUD ONLY WITH SIGNATURE) DAAWNBY-("ef. DAAWJNci NUMBBFi . L ~ l , ___________________________________________ ,_ I I i I I I I I I I I .. , ® 0 CD > •• , • • " " -- © 0 (j) (' 4" ) ' . • 2-" --·-~-- -~.:- e @) &t¢-K1W N:L-,,(3.-S::, (.--0<'1',') ~,~, hr- 0_~ ' . ,. --- ,, ---1 I .,_ -~-. .-. .... -- @ I ' ' I \ \ I I ' I f j _, ------- ,r,z ('!Ill.:.± IC Ml ,ILl"ft mm rmmrn w:,rrm .. ,,. rr ••m:rr n nsrz '*'tit?i&ti1 7 ,.,.., w•171er-rn re r nrr:w , MA11:RIAJ., ~~Ci~Nt? IRRICiAflON NW5: 01"( 5YM, t?r5CRIPflON 15 (1' Rainbird 1800-0,8,10,10 Ouar-1:er 125 ~ Rainbird 1800-0,8,10,10 Half 2 <l Ra1nb1rd 1800-0,8,I0,1011i1rd ~ Ra1nb1rd 1800-0,8,10,10 fhree Ouar-1:er 2 0 Ra1nb1rd 1800-0,8,10,10 full wr E9 Ra1nb1rd IB00-10-55f wr (9 Ra1nbird 1800-10-r5f all 5pra4 head5 to be Ra1nb1rd 1804 1 Ill Hunter P CiP Rotor 5pra4 head5 P.O,C, 11/ 2"" e-iate valve P.O.C. W11ken5 I I/ 2" t7ruble check valve P.O.C. Ralnbird ::>RC Quick Crupler ----Schedule 40 Mainline ( 11/ 2") ---Class 200 lateral lines ( sized per note belo.v) Clas5 200 pipe slzlne-i: 0-10 CiPM "' 7 I 4' ', 10-16 CiPM "' I", 17-24 CiPM "' 11/ 4" = = =: = 5ch, 40 51eevine-i ( 5ee slzlne-i on plan) 7 l$l Rainb1rd 11/ 2" PE:B and I" t?V-P 100 control valves Multi wand control wire Carson Valve Boxes ( size as necessar4) Valves to be operated via bat-ter4 operated solenoid VAJ.,Vf 5CHft?Ulf # CiPM fYPr I 50.49 l-AWN SPRAY 2 29.62 L-AWN SPRAY -,; ? 21.92 BE:17 5PPAY 4 IB.46 l-AWN ROrOR 0. 11.91 Brr SPRAY 6 Wt7 l-A\A/~I 5PRA Y 1 wr L-AWN 5PRAY r _______________ ,,,....,,. -~ NOTE: I CHECK \VllH LOCAL WATER PURVE:YOR FOR METER REQUIREMENTS. UTILIZE · OEOUCT METER IF RECOGNIZED. STUB F"OR IRRlOATION >y' ~ SYSTEM OR TEE FROM ~ I "'-(IF APPLICABLE) - e<mmOl l'IIRES ! EX. SERVICE LINE ~ I. W· OEOUCT WATER METER I I 1~1~A~6~ 8AY8g;fRS PVC UNION GATt: VALVE /f DOUBLE CHEC!I ~VALVE MANUAL DRAIM t::J U\TERAL VALVE BOX TO BE fWSH IN LA\IIM AREAS OR t• ASOVE MULCH STANDARO VALVE Bo:< VALVE ----._t--..·l QUICK COUPLING ~~VALVE m<Al.E AOAPTER 4" DEPTH OF/ PEA GRA"1;1.. PVC NIPPLES .. l. TO VALVES~~ ' Point of Connection Not to Scale 1--· ,: VALVE BOX TO BE FLUSH W/ /LAWM OR 1" ABOVE ~IULCH I OUICI{ COUPLER -SIZE @':• -~i------1\S SPE:ClFIED -bJ, • TI!ml PVC NIPPLE TO MAINLINE SlU8 Irrigation Control Valve Installation Detail -No Scale POP-UP SPRAY HEAD /1/2" l,IARLi::X -Pl-AN 15 t?IMIWAMAflC IN NAfURt:: -Al?JU5'rM'f-N-r5 MAY Br RrOUIRt::t? fO rN5URt:: fUL-l-COV'f-RM'f, Of ,AJ,l-t?r51CiNAtrr AP'f-A5 fO RrC'f-lV'f-IRRICiAflON, • Al?JU5f NOZZL-'f-5 ANr RADII Of H'f-At?5 A5 R'f-0, fO AVOID OVrR5PRAY -5Y5frM t?'f-51CiN'f-t? 15 BA5'f-t? UPON A I" Mrf'f-R WlfH 60 P51@ P,O.C. • MAINL-IN'f, 5H,AJ,L-B'f-IN5f,A!,L-rr Af A rrPfH Of 18'' -l-Af'f-RAL-L-IN'f-5 5H/\l,l-Br IN5f/\l,L-rr Af A rrPfH Of 12'' -,AJ,l, PIPr fO Br IN5f,AJ,l, WlfH FACfORY PRINflNCi fACINCi UP -Ufll-lZ'f-5rl-rCf BACKfll-l-IN MNCH'f-5 C NO ROCKS Al?JACrN-r fO PIPr • ,AJ,l, WIRr 5Pl-1Cr5 5H,Al,l-Br MArr Wlf}I 't?RY 5Pl-1Cr5' AND Br L-OCAf'f-t? IN JUNCflON BOXl:5 C UNL-r55 Af V,AJ,Vr5) -CONfP~CfOR 5H,Al,l-INCL-Ut?r INlfl/\l, 5Y5f'f-M WINf'f-RIZAflON -PROVID'f-ACCURAf'f-'A5-BLIIL-f' rRAWINCi fO OWNrR • VrRlfY ,AJ,l, Ufll-lTY L-OCAnON5 PRIOR fO COMMrNCINCi WORK • CONfP~CfOR Will-rr·rt:RMINr PIPr 5IZINCi -V ,AL, Vt: tt-'5 6 ANr 7 Ci,AJ,L-ON Mr Will-Br t?rf'f-RMINrt? ONCr fHr t?RIVfWAY5 ARr L-OCAf'f-r -ro l-Of5 -5l-rrVr5 ARr fO Br IN5f,A!,L-rr UNrrR ,Aj,l, PAVrt? 5LIRFACr5 -5HAPINCi -rRrNCHr5 FOR IRRICiATION PIPr 15 'f-NCOURMrr. 50Mr PIPr5 APJ; SHOWN ON PAVrr ARrA5. fHl515170Nf ONL-Y P OR Cl-APITY • C,AJ,L-BrfORt:: YOU t?ICi tt-1-800-424-0000 PVC SO EU. t/2' s1·nrm 'FUNWI"' PIPE, 12" kliNlkM,I LEl>IGTI-l 1· 1-.,.' ' I I i ,/ i,14 f<E!lAR -:J..1" LWCil"I / W/ TWO (2) SS CL/11.+PS- \ PVC SCH 4Cl -~E OR ELL i~~"'-·'""-·-,---~~-~~~~~~---~--~----~J · jC),_1;ck Couplinq \/al\/S ! ·1, i Ho Sc.ale , -"··· .-----'-··-~, .. ·~·==-~·-,~=,=~~-=·-----~.,..,., .......... -_.._,.,_.,, -. 0 \ \ QI.I O 00 (<-,-0.::..1>,17~ , 1.,\,.1'.;.. STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHI CT -~----;-L (TRO '1}1 N$OH CEA FICATE NO. 990 (VALID ONLY WITH SIGNATURE) RaVl81!D DRAWINQ NUMBER f.o. fqp'I. 11.."I.I,, e..-lk-llil'-'--1'.w, i.,.;,Aco,eo-i.i., 'll.....--------------------------------------------------------------------•m-----U-hlll ... .__f>~------------------------------------------------------------...11 • w (f) • ~ -<:{ :r I- 0 N --"' w 2 0 00 .,. co n ~ ~ ~ Cc w ()'. "' ~ " OC) n ~ w co 0 n . ~ 0 z / 1 I I ~ c_ w er m a, "' .,. I I I \ \ 30.00 30' 30' 0 "' SE. 184Tl-l ST. ~ . Nsa·so·11 "w ~ ~ 681.80 flEF. 1 (682.04 REF. 2) """""""'' ·"· ~ FOUND 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1" LEAD PLUG AND TACK DOWN 0.3' IN CASE . ". _, ,- ' , ' '}°-, . ; ; ' ' ' " ' ', (V',;' , ' ',', ' " " ,---- E,' WIDE GRA55-LINED _...- 51DE-LOT INTERCEPTOR SWALE (TYF) ON Tf-lE LOWER LINE OF LOT& "-·'3 AND 14-11 450.06 CALC. ( 450.00 REF. 2) " ' ';. '' :, ' ' ',. ·.,'' ..... :' SE. l8bTl-l 5T. \ I \ I 5E. 188Tl-l ST. ~ f OUND 4" CONCRETE MONUME11T '111TH I" LEAD PLUG AND fACK UOWN 1.9' IN CASE SEC. 33, TWP. 23 N., RGE 5 £, W.M ',·· '. C"><" ', .. \, . -.. , ,r : - ' i?;\-_:·: ' ' ;_ , ' ' .. , . ··;···· RIGf-lT OF WAY c&_ " ·' " . ' CON&TRUCTION c&_ ...... ,, .,,,. ·-.. ,,, .. , .. -, ·············,s . . " f;0;;E~ •• ;,~;:;=;.;~~:~;;;:z;\;;• " I I I \ L " I .''~ . • "'-..... · .. ·.. . ,:7\ -----... . --:, TRACT A-... \OPEN ePAcE ···"'-. "' ·."' . . . . \ . . . ,"'}' ,, ' . •. "' "' ·:,, ... ~., . :--. n:· . '· ', .. ~OUND 1 /2'' IRON PIPE .. 192 17 REF. 1(792,08 Rf'.F. 2) 0.1' EAST OF PROP. CORNE\ : . -"---- ----~ -------.,. ···-,;/,: -,.-------,,, .. ;, . -. .......... ' ' • . ,, . n , -- ' , ' . ,;,· ..... "'j,'" 18" OFF&ITE . 6YFA55 ROUTE EMD &IDEWALK AT LOT 12 PROPERTY LINE : ' : \ ' • . 10' FUElLIC 5TOfilM DRAIN E6M'T '' ,,,_:,,,,"rn"; ~COMBINED WET VAULT/ DETENTION VAULT · 4,400 &q. Ft. NORMAL W.5. EL. 381.0 MAXIMUM W.5. EL. 395.5 6YFA55 OUTFALL FOUND 3/4" RBR/YPC SfAMPFD '~' 1445" __..:...-o.1S o.1' w •' ··• >" · ··: PROPERTY CORNER ' '' ' -- -~--, I I I I I I I "' . • "'--100-YR FLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARY PER AURIA WOODS FLOOD PLAIN ANALYSIS . . .· .. : '"' -"· ; ' SCALE: 1 '' 'r\ -40' 5' Basie of Bearin9e NOi "13 '0B"E .OE TWEEN THE MONUME,,TS FOUND IN PLACE ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF 120TH AVENUE SE. PER THE PLAT OF AURIA WOODS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 82, UNDER KING COUNTY F<=CORDING NO. 20040309001448, <REFERENCE 1/. Datum KING, COUNTY 6URVEY CONTROL (K.C.S.CJ NAYD 88 Benchmark KING COUNTY CONTROL POINT '~A 3" BRASS Dl5K WITH P\JNCH STAMFlED "KING COUNTY Kc-F·&A 1993" LOCATED AT SOUTHWEST CORNER'.OF INTERSECTION OF SE. 192ND STREET AND 120TH AYE SE. IN THE NORTHWEST '.'ORNEF< OF THE WESTERLY OF TWO PCWEF< VAULTS IN THE PARKING LOT OF T~E PUGET SOUND PANTHEF< LAKE POWER SUEl5T A TION ELEVATION • 49&.82 (151.431MJ Leg a I DeecriAtion LOT 3, 6LOCK I OF NORTHWEflTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIVISION NO.&, ACCOl'<DING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDEO IN VOLUME 4& OF PLAT6, PAGE 100, IN KING COUNTY, WASHING TON. 35' R. 0. W. RICH T OF WA Y f ----....... . 2.(i' 12· 12' r-r------------t-~·1-------------1 ---2' ---1' CONSTRUCllON f I~ . . -. ~~'/-J 5• THICK CONC. SIDEWALK (TYP) . ,-... CEMENT CONC. ROLLED CURB & CUTTER. URBAN SUB ACCE5~ STREET R1?ADA NO SCALE 20' TRACT WIDTH 18' PAVEMENT WIDTH g' g' --------1' --TRACT/, .. J' -1' 1'- <·7 ,4/"'-1: ~ ASPHALT THICKENED EDGE TRACTC JOINT USE DRIVEWAY SECTION NO Sl'ALE 60' R.O. W. ROW{; 9'± 4' 5' 1-------------1---------.+-----10'± ------~= -------------------,,, --------------------- EXISTING EDGE J OF PA 1/EJJENT URBAN SUB COLLECTOR STREET S.£ 184TH ST. NO SCALE ~ r , 1'--1--~ . ,._ >· -· . .- 5• THICK CONC. SIDEWALK (TYP) ;I_ \ ' SE 116TH ST '- 6E F'ETROVITSKY RD Notes: I. LOT IMFERVIOUS AREA TO ElE KEPT TO A MAXIMUM OF &0% OF LOT AREA BY COVENANT RECOl'<DED WITH FINAL PLAT. 2. LOTS &·'o AND 14-11 SHALL I-IAVE REAR LOT 5PLA5H ElLOCK6 FOR ElA51C D1SPER5ION. 50% OF EACH LOTS IMPEF<YIOUS 5Uis!'ACE SHALL ElE DISCHAF<GED TO THE f<EAR YAl'<D fNTERCEPTOR SWALE. 3. CONNECT ALL LOT FOOTING DF<AIN5 AND LOTS f-5 AND 10-13 ROOF DRAIN& AND SO% OF Lore &·SAND 14-11 TO IMPERVIOUS AREA TO TIGHT-LINED STOF<M STUE:15. ~ ' I I wl tl)/ _J L ~ \\' <( -I ~0--· "' 0 l ~ . ~ - / 6E IS:l2ND ST ~ r - I I ... - ~ I I I I w tl) 5E f84TH ST ·1i' ,, w <( "' :r <!/ ... tl) <{ I ... 0 ~ 6E 186TH GT - . /0' OPY . I ~ .,--r SITE I J -f-- ~ I ~ ' /..__ I I "'< >--"' ~ ~ .P Cl ,--L':: le:'., L':: VICINITY MAE JL 0 w ~@ FEB 1 U 2005 · N.T.5. ' L05P0001 w f- <( 0 U1 z 0 U1 > w a: 0 z le) Cc, Cc, C\J >-. Cl:: ::3 ~ ~ w f- <( 0 - - - 0 w z (') [/) w 0 ls 0 co "' C 0 -"' .s ..; ~ ~- > ~ ~ "' &! --I z 5 <( fl' 0 SHEET 1 PROJECT "' '() "' I-.; co "' ~ " ' cl' ~ ~ .; co co .; "' " ~ ~ 0 0 .,. "" ~, N ' X "' 0 ro (!) 0 . '° 0 o, ~~ . "/J C ro -"' ~ ':Z (._) ~ 0 w > 0 fl' D. D. <( ~ ~ sl-J-o 0 I cl, ~ 0 ~ z ->- UJ > "' ::i "' • ~ z -z z <( _, "- • () z -"' UJ UJ z -~ z UJ ro ro c-o, '" "" co '° • ' Cl Cl °' °' OJ Cf) --en ,0 N N 'Ct q- " X <.) ,, tj::" u.. 0 u i-.l i-.l ... i:: 0 l,j 0.: V) [l'. w ~ ('] <( :s z ~ <( 2 VJ I- :J:' u w .., f.... 0 es [l'. D. ~ Cl:: OF 1 NUMBER 04127