HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 6137Docusign Envelope ID:94A83A3C-DA1 5-476F-AC7F-89AE40609A83 CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.6137 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON,AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEARS 2023/2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO.6088 AND AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NOS.6110,6114,6124, AND 6134 BY INCREASING BUDGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY $1,601,362 AND $2,269,058,RESPECTIVELY;PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,on November 14,2022,the City Council adopted Ordinance No.6088 adopting the City of Renton’s 2023/2024 Biennial Budget;and WHEREAS,on May 1,2023,the City Council adopted Ordinance No.6110 adopting an amended 2023 City of Renton Salary Table and carrying forward funds appropriated in 2022,but not expended in 2022 due to capital project interruptions and delays in invoice payments,which needed to be carried forward and appropriated for expenditure in 2023 requiring an adjustment to the 2023/2024 Biennial Budget;and WHEREAS,on July 17,2023,the City Council adopted Ordinance No.6114 making minor corrections and recognizing grants,contributions and associated costs,and new cost items not previously included in the budget,which required additional adjustments to the 2023/2024 Biennial budget;and WHEREAS,on December 4,2023,the City Council adopted Ordinance No.6124 providing a mid-biennial review pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW,and adopting an amended 2024 City of Renton Salary Table;and 1 Docusign Envelope ID:94A83A3C-DA1 5-476F-AC7F-89AE40609A83 ORDINANCE NO.6137 WHEREAS,on May 6,2024,the City Council adopted Ordinance No.6134 making minor corrections and recognizing grants,contributions and associated costs,and new cost items not previously included in the budget,which required additional adjustments to the 2023/2024 Biennial budget;and WHEREAS,minor corrections and the recognition of grants,contributions and associated costs,and new cost items not previously included in the budget require additional adjustments to the 2023/2024 Biennial Budget;and WHEREAS,the City received payment of $292,000 (“Settlement Proceeds”)as settlement of a code enforcement dispute with a developer that failed to meet requirements of its affordable housing density bonus pursuant to RMC 4-9-065;the City desires to use the Settlement Proceeds to support the development of low-income housing;and WHEREAS,the City expanded its current affordable housing program under RMC 4-9-065 to allow the receipt of additional payments from developers who prefer to contribute financially towards the development of low income housing rather than incorporate such housing within their developments;and WHEREAS,to provide a way to account for the revenue and expenditure of said payments,this budget amendment establishes a special revenue fund that can be used only to support the development of low-income housing,consistent with uses that would be allowed for revenues collected pursuant to RCW 36.70A.540f2)(h);and WHEREAS,the City Council desires to convert one existing Permit Specialist position to a Planning Technician and add one Limited Term Full Time Construction Engineering Inspector to the currently authorized 2023/2024 positions; 2 Docusign Envelope ID:94A83A3C-DA1 5-476F-AC7F-B9AE40609A83 ORDINANCE NO.6137 NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I.The City of Renton’s 2023/2024 Biennial Budget,originally adopted by Ordinance No.6088 and amended by Ordinance Nos.6110,6114,6124 and 6134 is hereby amended to increase revenue by $1,601,362 for an amended total revenue of $793,962,907 over the biennium and increase expenditures by $2,269,058 for total amended expenditures of $1,021,051,149 over the biennium. SECTION II.The City Council hereby adopts the amended 2023/2024 Biennial Budget. The 2024 2d Quarter Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund is attached as Exhibit A and the 2023 Adjusted Budget Summary by Fund is attached as Exhibit B.Detailed lists of adjustments are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk,Renton City Hall. SECTION III.There is hereby established in the City budget a special revenue fund designated the “Affordable Housing Development Fund”for the purpose of segregating revenues that are restricted in use to support the development of low-income housing.The City shall appropriate and use the Affordable Housing Development Fund only to support the development of low-income housing. SECTION IV.If any section,subsection,sentence,clause,phrase,or word of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other section,subsection,sentence,clause,phrase,or word of this ordinance. 3 Docusign Envelope ID:94A83A3C-DA1 5-476F-AC7F-B9AE40609A83 ORDINANCE NO.6137 SECTION V.This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5)days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.The summary shall consist of this ordinance’s title. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL the 15th day of July ,2024. J$?%lerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 15th day of July ,2024. DocuSigned by:t77800723 12t73b0.. Armondo Pavone,Mayor Approved as to form: Shane Moloney,City Attorney Date of Publication:7/18/2024 ORD-FIN :24ORD007:06/20/2024 4 Docusign Envelope ID:94A83A3C-DA15476F-AC7F-B9AE40609A83 ORDINANCE NO.6137 EXHIBIT A 2024 2ND QUARTER BUDGET ADJUSTMENT SUMMARY BY FUND J 1(5)461061*4044133441 30WlUU 34130133h415 14046630*31(1*001 1020 I.g 3024*2)4024 3ud)td 4,*4 2W4Il44e)d 4,,3024443.44344 0382341*1.4 RDnntd/4‘1434 1,1 Fund 80)P.nnu.Lnandin*.E*nod Sun l,’133.313I1n4’Dd SalIne.046400443.371(0 .L411 .,i.ma,s 414334514 544.003 407.432373 14U341 1.342344 1.41.704.106 17331.440 344.3473430 473047463,24 13304I0304-40I45134 .m -3,331 le,-‘5324 ‘.423.444 103.147 117.117127318140054405771044)511511245003 XI..033,321 57144 -51174 37 174 31411 414 413 3213M96045164033350045070030325013.443.147 30.334.147 3.504 -46.421 423.1.4630 14M7 4.4,00.647US471rnCI3004*3.01413 lAos 3*3.114 -724.311 4341 -S 313 4050 4050 173130 1734443M303433402430733.321 -313303 .-214.324 ‘(...Th32I (301433*104104.043)3314 313,577 .163,577 .-113577 -143 577 131 4110304010945310,463E)521365347 ----201.46 442.46 314.46 -202.4621)1000 C61054434410143C3410330 2.412.174 1,442.174 1,154,411 3.151,411 1.344430 2.340.010 1,344.301 (2.1174211 2.047.3204030442413$413747344341M30C7020*AflON 133.333 .113.411 443*1 I5.43550 71,50 525444 243.133 242433314000.e04743402021 .--5046 5046507400043M0445331C31431113043.326713 -2.224.210 113.153 -313.552 10446 -33050 3.134.421 3.454.45346300I110155-4.715.413 13)1150 -3.5050 3 715,403 I 015 153310(0202 3343,005 -4,143.503 2.324,46 .3.30050 4,114,424 -4,117,415 2.213303 3.112.321313101002D)5737171M7*CTMIIIG*TICN 34 .34 530=.404040 4*150 .50530 34 34353664640143.3)07313)21,544.00 -43,341,140 17353,113 46074 17304.444 31.453.104 13,723 30541313 0.031,416 5.044,476iI1431)04)104)S.1k90T 13341417 .13.332,147 33.714,317 -43,713.311 44.31?IOS 3050 45023443 1313112 5.13241135451W353033)Ip43 73003001151310303 3 141,454 .3.3,41 435 ..-‘3 641434 3 1353015043439372474*7303353,03 13.215,037 ‘‘13.171,437 0.322344 -1.323.120 *424.145 3.304 10.333.543 7211.317 (2143210 746.35004134010w13r1071)Th 4121 531 .I 323,533 24.133031 -24,331 471 11043343 27.035143 3013658 (430503 2433.4341(4 £04F00105051573133,C445100 3,443.341 4.140.307 3,017.325 -3,513.451 5.27134*3.773311 3.124421 (134434)4.1*121405WATER7343*7)0343,0*3751 52273.204 .52077404 20143303 12550 20,373.3*1 53.500033 15550 53.331413 13504311 (3)41,714)30 SIN 5050US$04552113033441303040735743.44,203.047 -25.1*2347 33.403307 -13.444,447 34*3.723 24342.753 3.313.113 (3.441343)73301303115031433W*TtR OF{3*710553 043)712 44247100 .21,217344 37413 431 .37,145177 14,143373 30301 333 11127.311 (1044,541)10157.713414051310445113404404,403 -4.505,133 23.733.142 23.733,401 23.314.462 -34.733302 1445,113 )J40.5,46,443103t10193044110401132770)1 .241740fl 1.37044 4,314431 13.331337 41341.357 43.315203 33.334,203)304 740*4603 23302.204 -21,113344 3,214244 3)1034011 146.112 3046 7.310.137 75133424 (25,447,443)3.214.23340313%04114003434%31U 9424103 .1316.421 3543730 04073 4501t3 4,701412 403.304 14.330.573 4333.630 (3.551853)1,113 34431431143003.511355 -4.043,333 7.121,133 43.50 7243,333 7.324,044 15446 7344344 00.114 955,11114311350077071341143333133.437 1,643 117 ‘3.446711 1(03.414 1.323440 403744 411.7334224M*130.014)43043111[4,345,344 5.544.310 17,343324 ‘‘073*341*45.442.073 14,430333 3,441331 (03*414)1,304,22132214003233773110004*030033 44310523 20.110111 90550 ‘*3450 4.474,447 300,50 3,374117 13131 III (11703.331)444 323031150311(00 3233.501 .3.453.307 14450 .241.325 ‘223,473 1.731.327 (3.4*1337)74043Q39 (4443 033.344342 .00304404 103,531344 14646 5054646 *34446.421 744746 00333,047 353450131 3434124444 00041,43*0043.44*33465 30431.030 .10340354400 507333450 231U44 4646 3450 1310314 104.14446 p4.50 (13*1 35550.W331030447304404651*007*301W 1,4147*452 041046 3.441.105131 30(4650 (00.21446 40W4337 5 Docusign Envelope ID:94A83A3C-DA1 5-476F-AC7F-B9AE40609A83 ORDINANCE NO.6137 EXHIBIT B 2023 ADJUSTED BUDGET I •6GWdN*36 7633384126333 SUMMARY BY FUND 83304923 FUND 2*126662 90,4 4419422 2l86 *4101 EndIlg71,,4 : 4E*M.FIJ6D 4384.573 U2633J73 546,513,118 34233.4,05*144,507413 - 1361.234 (33,341,114)13.711,843205996469030..14 952744 712,104 -712.34 441.38 ,4*1.38 479.111 .471,818 713.538 713761127042331064424142C*fl4233 345417931403 433.347 .434,1(7 57,474 -17.674 213.316 253.546 311,237 2332355304431249602633U730831$5514331C62 1,320.330 -6,110,333 4W,38 -4,38 2 -210,38 9,150,324 9,640,3301355flsnG6446owflw04IlW454137454.136 743,978 .262378 20.38 4038 6774661409061335443093.114,614 629.662 136314 -136334 241,38 -“443371 --33 94255!23*M5EIZUFC 332.414 172 204 -.‘571,421 -172304 213 40 *801064 46531617447913.5282,353 9243,653 9250022 3,134,013 3,163,833 5,364,433 7411,997 (3.717523)3,374422103C1344221115519’6(411394111644262500d 1,599,383 -1,596,339 132,373 132,172 3,33038 -2.053,38 137 561 637.56346494140,49003346941*536 3.734,307 -3.224367 131,38 -233.041 3503111 ‘,‘,-3.93431785314384874135340,#40360fl342301 8,544.811 -39(4,511 163,225 -641335 3817,437 ‘‘-5,117417 1417343 1.463419340617135429713.4,241.312 2 096.357 1040 157 3,715,38 3.31538 3 430366 1.41064*3693871 6,017411 -1,319,901 3.353,126 ‘1.12335*5413825 3,403.81 2795,263 3.731062SIISC00300IST9ICIIMP*fl5603*TI09 .38,38 148241 95338 10338 433 0942443.17193133 24,623,324 .34.373,324 13838319 ‘11,638,714 43351,846 41,532642 2.267340 236234011111611!050as919guMnt 32,541,175 .12311.925 45.791239 45733,239 54,179,314 54.975 :34 1 37*231 1,372,131344304112191711657035T36DM10961443,735,241 -1,7*5,219 5,161,670 3106,673 3,833,627 3,633 227 4 146 141 4,141.14148015904701044110656UP3711,633 .2,133,833 7,210414 7353,694 13.341,131 ‘81,514,343 4823,130 (213.29)4,543,36640353110wU31323333233,993.141 -3,331.193 23.334,653 ‘35903.4*5 26.204429 3*332429 3371943 (44638!3,175,9474643CLF004RSE3II23MSC4FITAS2.503917 -3,464,117 3,314,823 ‘2.136,223 4,463,314 ‘4,08,774 1,531,753 (337,471)731414619WUISIOPSF*13397 6C494145 46,261076 .44,231,376 22411361 21653301 51.379.914 31,375964 31343339 13,3411131 34.761,299646W41T0641790212A110469&C*?9!42 11.38.873 .33,831,47*62,753146 12333,29 35,441,19 35143.103 10331,431 (3.614.311)4,303,7544073099*01 WATER OPElATIONS 33C*13T45 21,314,133 -26,314,715 11.383615 19343841 52,783.38 52.76538 14171.740 338 161)12 673 6594110960023323640086,217,142 .6357,163 38,141,116 26,38342 31123,171 28,171323 6326.447 (33138 5,666,497501113119341741331334113,277 435 13,277,613 33,506,633 33,661,130 73,673,330 38473930 62 911 735 161.133135!102 643*91382 23,313.319 .73323,38 3.38.328 .6,826,126 7,461,04 1,461,04 22,479,715 (17,831,124)4,782,847$03 l%141644fl09*62939113 5021,543 -9.3113*3 1.527,443 *517403 34,761,942 14366827 43364*5 2,326393)1 612,709344940*601 *37,822 -937,422 1.146,822 -2331,422 7,341,703 7,3417,746 413021 613,126305331,4*444611*93133 426.724 -424,724 1543,442 ‘1 793 402 1.731.431 3 313 433 294623 13617156200M744246805341443.1 6,519,344 .1,931,644 54,323316 ‘16,335236 12.137,161 15337,3(1 8,033,893 (6359,341)7,394,5935221146131t71333053LNCA4311,326,732 11.931,332 3620341 2644503 1,649,454 3149 814 17399254 139,64141316134117645$933041 4,733793 8,733,791 424,5*6 -434,566 347,275 267423 4.832 242 44.850.1624tIW53herF6,44 231473307 -318,431,29 323,84,757 -07141(717 84418,375 616.308,279 £37,911,571,84,234)19,20,146031*L*6L156409 018,976,141 .331431326 414,438,29 .414,638,29 354,143,821 .624,14329 84343332 (77,Kfl 152,826,332 6