HomeMy WebLinkAboutShort Plat File No 023-77we S (B P e n l FI s Hf £4 6 / § By oe r | LV I A M D I G AP Y 7a L0 2 7 LY C H S IP S O I C H PV A L A A S AY Y O S I / I F U A LA I F I L S YA NO M L A U M C E SS H 7 OM ,O F b SS X PM L SO , O B / LS I M BH L SO , BI 22 1 HL O O S FH L SS I 7 ON & mm eZ RL S SI O F 6 MS Y NO L N E Y 95 2 2 “o p OC " OS 0 S - SE Z S? R TD YI U (~ ML I N N S Y VP V I O ? MY PU L SO LS U F , O L G E ! 10 0 d VU N O W s ($ 2 5 b0 C c e é S (V O W OV P O AD LS I U OW FI M L A GA S5 9 7 ON AP P Y I N L , OF MM W O A N PL IO WL O O S UA T , OG LS Y F S8 7 UV M FF U "N E T IL D NC L PR S OF LS H A L Z G Y IK E af bs o m u i n o s PH L 10 BM L N O S BU L A ? GL O S S FH L AT Y HL N O S Dt AP FL S W T Fr L (V O L K AI S A ! ec 2 -_ f eo 7 7 | aN | | | eS o > | * i ’ i. nN a i s ; | Is i Q e | i . LN } } a” | N 2 | re G 5 | g ed me © ey | | ss ny | i | \ | ri n ¢ k le —_ — a _ ma e *, 52 2 i : i“ Ao ae =, OF A a . ‘D i e rf , Ce e - ~ hy , STOP STOP STOP’ STOP © TOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED T0 THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. oT OP! STOP STOP STOP STOP BEGINNING OF FILE Shut Pla 083-77 MICROFILMED “ pes hy, s COVENANT TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF RENTON BROW LY /stea NO ILomeS , hereinafter T referred to as "owners," hereby covenant and agree to sign the necessary petitions for annexation to the city limits of the City of Renton, Washington, for the property herein described and on the terms more fully set forth below. 1. Legal Description. The legal description of the property to which this covenant shall apply is as follows: VY BO’ oF 230' CF NM ILO oF Saco’ OF Nt Vic SGC. 4-TwP23 REE. wp. hereinafter referred to as ''the premises." 2. Basis for Covenant. This covenant to annex is given as a condition to re A being permitted to hook up to .sewer and water service from the City of Renton to serve the premises. 3. Parties Bound. This agreement and the covenant to annex shall be binding on the owner and all persons subsequently acquiring any right, title or interest in or to said property referred to as the premises, and shall be a covenant running with the land. 4. Time for Performance. The owners, their heirs, successors or assigns, agree and covenant to sign a petition to annex the above described premises unto the City of Renton at such time as the assessed valuation of the subject premises is sufficient to qualify under the 75% method pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, together with such other adjoining or contiguous area as the City or other petitioners may determine. The owners further agree, when so notified by the City, to promptly circulate and execute such Petition and to comply with all the requirements of law regarding such annexation. If the owners, their successors were or assigns fail to do so, the City reserves the right to terminate such utility services. 5. Filing. These covenants shall be filed with the King County Auditor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the owners of the premises have signed these covenants this yf ee day of Let 5 1970. Bg zest dba 3 i Pina, Loesoon STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me ke 4 Brow 2 — to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they Signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. f ) GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ae = 4 day of SeteF ; i974 ¥ Pe ol PS pone Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at MM bw Doris 7 2 ne a =<, _ . as REn, os, Affidavit of Publication. 7 SS u ye ; (@) \ STATE OF WASHINGTON . 4 aa ae \j COUNTY OF KING si WAR 1G 367 i \\ ! \ 0, cananneennnnenensenenes = 4 & F ae 7 PNY eee Betby...doe. EAB ging first duly el NE ING DEP ®& ff VG DERE oath, deposes and says that .g.4,@.isthe ...¢j,i6£... Gower... of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four (4) times a week. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four (4) times a week in Kent, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washington. That the annexedisa....-. iWti¢s...Of...P ublic.......... Pac b het: a a tes SeG is Sense Sides oasiansnre oeesaance MaRRRRReS as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period consecutive issues, commencing on the (1) rrr (O00, ee Vide ies day of 2.0.4: Sr ee a ole eee ee eee ,19....7.7.., and ending the a GAG OF cictenesersene: cic ommend bien oa ee AGUe Merge sedion LO omens; DOL Gates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee $2.42. has been paid in fullatthe rateof per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and __ per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. residing at Kent, King Co ty. — Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th, 1955S. — Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER: ‘ RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAM- BERS, CITY HALL, RE- NTON, WASHINGTON, ON MARCH 22, 1977, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. APPLICATION roperty located i of N.E. 2ist St. and Harrington Pi. N.E. 2. WAIVER OF OFF- SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR FOUR LOT SHORT PLAT; file No. W-024-77; NE 20 St. and Harington PI. N.E. 3. APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AP- PROVAL, File No. PP-025- 77; property located on north side of N.E..10th St. bet- ween Monroe Ave. N.E. and Olympia Ave. N.E. 4.. APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AP- PROVAL, File No. PP-026- 77; property located on west side of 138th Ave. S.E. (Duval) between N.E. 20th St. and N.E. 24th St. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A CHURCH FACILITY IN A’G (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONE, File No. SP-003-77; property located just north of Honeydew Elementary School on the east side of Union Ave. N.E. Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department. ‘ ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- SENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 22, 1977 AT 9:00 A.M. TO EX- PRESS THEIR OPINIONS. GORDON Y. ERICKSEN RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR Published in The Renton Record-Chronicle March 11, Invoice No. 617 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 068055 CITY CLERK Department or Division Date... August 19, 1977. Please make checks Mr. Ray Brown payable to Lave MoUNOS Aves Nees Finance Department Renton, Wash. 98055 City of Renton Recording Fees from King County Records Dept. for Restrictive Covenants #7707200920 $3.00 Restrictive Covenants attached (copy) K.C. Receiving Number attached (copy) Total Due _..$3.00 cee ene : cuneate sii si ai ale 7 _ e200 5 43 7707200920 - Lie 5.00 Bate : Serie Ne. (Rece’ VE -g Number?” lassifies Pa Arnauin’ reat ee men eS enor ie ~"s = =p 0237 Reateaty ve Coe tks ar. 5 ae. masrraind 77 0 7 2 0 0 9 2 0 ee RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH RENTON, WASH, 98055 7 i) fr 2 = ; Sir = OAD @Y DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, i im Pe aia ta [\A 4 AS Now n ’ WW) @ Ay uf (Ry Tz “i cS. <” ‘ : \ fi&eomargd “TRAnd ._ SAwpra #¢ SPRAWG _, 2 JB Rew" > 3 3 are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit ‘A’ attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. 7 7 0 7 2 0 0 9 2 0 DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on december Le. 202s. mh at any time improvements are BN a ts instal led "pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be % enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining Subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. 2 : ca) iS BA Boerner ra ’ Pr ve yeu, ade. 1s Drhecen- 7 7 4 yal y" . at jf. (7 %e Leesarel hiss. A a oo: tt lbjae Kf CoM. Ra n e , NY AN Y — STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) On this 13th day of May > 19 77, before me personally appeared — Ray Brown ,» Marguerite Brown , Leonard Strand ’ Sandra L. Strand i ’ > the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ee: eae S a ee ia — — Notafy Public in and for the State F of Washington, residing at hier T0 rilis igi Kecord at Rar OFFICE UF THE CHIY CLERK | ead ee RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. ee Titi 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH RENTON, WASH, 98055 RECORNED Na Been; PERFORMANCE BOND. Bond #NGP 106147 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we BROWN/STRAND HOMES - Ray Brown and Leonard Strand of 1309 Monroe N.E., Renton, Wash. 98055 as Principal, and NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY as Surety, are joinily and severally held and bound unto the CITY OF RENTON, in the penal sum of TEN THOUSAND AND NO/100ths DOLLAXS ($10,000.00) for the payment of which we jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executars, administrators and assigns, and successors and assigns, firmly by these presents, THE OONDITION OF THIS BOND is such that, WHEREAS, on the llth day of June, A.D. 1977, the said RAY BROWN - LEONARD STRAND - Principal herein, executed a certain contract with the CITY OF RENTON, State of Washington, by the terms, conditions and provisions of which contract the said RAY BROWN - LEONARD STRAND Principal herein, agrees to furnish all material and to do certain work, to-wit: That said Principal - RAY BROWN - LEONARD STRAND will undertake and complete installation of Sewer, Streets, Curb and Gutters within City Limits of Renton, Washington. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms, conditions and provisions of said contract in all respects, and shall well and truly and fully do and perform all matters and things by their undertaken to be performed under said contract, upon the terms proposed therein, and within the time prescribed therein, and shall indemnify the CITY OF RENTON, State of Washington against any direct or indirect damages that shall be suffered or claimed, and shall inall respects faithfully perform said contract according to law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. WITNESS our hands this llth day of June 5 LO7?. Ray Brown - Leonard Strand Principal NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY Surety -Fact. Address of local office and Agent of Surety Company Exeter Insurance Agency 2/21 - 65th Ave., N.E., S€attle, Washington 98105 fa) a - POWER-OF-ATTORN TY a NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPAR. NGP N° 106147 3024 HARNEY STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68131 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That this Power-of-Attorney is not valid unless attached to the bond which it authorizes executed. It specifies the LIMIT OF THE AGENTS AUTHORITY AND THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, HEREIN, THE AUTHORITY OF THE ATTORNEY-IN-FACT and THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY “ i eh. ee ¢: S 24 SHALL NOT EXCEED ...0.00.. 0.20. cect aL a DANNY Raed Sa? See BAIS EOS Sel Mae ON ot ceecneceeeees as] fa | USE OF MORE. ‘THAN ‘ONE POWER VOIDS _ BOND = NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, having its principal office in the City of Omaha, & De] vo ° state of Nebraska, does hereby make, constitute and appoint .......... Ormand Kelber cece a2 ¢ nemurameenemeans sanenemsnenencnennnneqmerssinn nsec in sia ssid sla ate Sarna ica seein eotaesc cd 2721 =. 65th. Ave °.2. N E. DW cevacaspssuansrseenci¥ectisladies S g ( fe) in the City of -................ Seattle, » County of 2... King, wy State of _Wash, 98105 eaten a 9 wu its true and lawful attorney-in-fact, at cctv’ .weattle, in the State of ... Washington ® fe) to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed, bonds and undertakings in behalf of Pp} 3 court fiduciaries, who under the jurisdiction of a court, administer property held in trust; public official bonds; license ™ << and permit bonds; tax, lien, and miscellaneous bonds, required by Federal, State, County, Municipal Authority, or other & o obligees, provided that the liability of the company as surety on any such bond executed under this authority shall not © © in any event exceed the sum shown above, 3 c C) a THIS POWER VOID IF ALTERED OR ERASED ° 3 if w= This power not valid unless used before December 31, 1977 iw = ; s The acknowledgement and execution of any such document by the said Attorney-In-Fact shall be as binding upon — ‘td 3 - the Company as if such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. yy oe This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following if i ry Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and gf held on the 15th day of October, 1968: io 3 “RESOLVED, that the President, or any Vice President of the Company, be, and that each of any of them hereby is, 2 Oran authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute in } i! behalf of NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, bonds, undertakings and all contracts of suretyship; and that any iS g i Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be, and that each or any of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any ‘9 @: such Power of Attorney, and to attach thereto the seal of the Company. ie a: FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any in such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate i | bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company when so affixed and in :,,, = the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached.” ict ID In Witness Whereof NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused its eee hi Ne be hereunder ea is S and these presents to be signed by its Vice President and attested by its Secretary this day of June 3 i ATTEST NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY im 8 [o) aa e. ke Cage BY Ke baf va) Death Vice President THIS POWER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT BONDS OR BONDS FOR LOAN GUARANTEES STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF DOUGLAS {§ SS. On this llth day of June 1977, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Roland D. Miller, who being by me duly sworn, “a that he signed the above Power of Attorney as Vice President of said NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY a acknowledged, said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. My Commission expires Aprily#¥, 1978 HERYL ANN MORRISSEY oF ‘ hi, GENERAL NOTAR Q ' Y - State of Nebr: yo, Ni My Commission Expireg--> AMAA NZ MBA April 2. ae Notary Public, Nebraska 1, ONLY ONE POWER- OF- ATTORNEY MAY BE en tatan TO A BO 2. POWER-OF-ATTORNEY MUST NOT BE RETURNED TO ATTORNEY-IN- FACT, BUT SHOULD REMAIN A PERMANENT PART OF THE OBLIGEE’S RECORDS. 3. THIS POWER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF BONDS OF NE EXEAT OR ANY GUARANTEE FOR FAILURE TO PROVIDE PAYMENTS OF ALIMONY SUPPORT OR WAGE LAW CLAIMS, OR BONDS FOR CRIMINAL APPEARANCE, NI 1180f (11-76) A % 2 THE CITY OF RENTON om - MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 — he CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR ® LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER & JAMES L. MAGSTADT, 235-2593 April 13, 1977 Mr. Ray Brown RE: File No. Short Plat #023-77 1309 Monroe Avenue N.E. Waiver #024-77 Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Brown: This is to notify you that the above referenced requests, which were approved subject to conditions as noted on the Examiner's report of March 29, 1977, have not been appealed within the time period set by ordinance, and therefore, this application is considered final and is being submitted to the City Clerk effective this date for permanent filing. Sincerely, ey a ~" James L. Magstadt Hearing .Examiner JLM:mg cc: “Del Mead, City Clerk March 29, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, APPLICANT: Ray Brown FILE NO. Short Plat #023-77 — Waiver #024-77 LOCATION: Property located in the vicinity of N.E. 21st St. and Harrington Place N.E. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed lots consist of approximately 7600 square feet each. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received REPORT: by the Examiner on March 15, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on March 22, 1977, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Letter from Ray Brown, dated February 22, 1977, regarding request for waiver. Exhibit #3: Proposed Short Plat Map. Exhibit #4: Letter from Utilities Division, dated March 2, 1977. Exhibit #5: Letter from Building Division, dated February 25, 1977. Exhibit #6: Letter from Fire Department, dated March 7, 1977. Mr. Brown, the applicant, who had not previously participated in the swearing in ceremony, was sworn in by the Examiner. The Examiner asked the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Mr. Brown indicated his concurrence. Short Plat #023-77 Page Two Waiver #024-77 The Examiner asked for additional testimony in favor of the application. There was no response. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: Mrs. Wayne Oyler 2132 Harrington Place N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Oyler submitted a petition containing 20 signatures from residents residing on the east and west side of Harrington Place N.E., near the proposed site, which she read into the record. The petition stated that adjacent property owners objected to the short plat request for reasons of increased density, increase in traffic, and incompatibility of lot size with the surrounding properties. The petition suggested limiting the number of lots to three instead of the requested four lots. Mrs. Oyler inquired about the minimum lot size requirement in a G-7200 zone and expressed objection to the short plat being related to the duplexes in the adjacent area. Mr. Smith explained that the property in question is not zoned for duplexes, and that G-7200 zoning requires a minimum 7200 square foot lot size. Mrs. Oyler restated her objections to the increased density and lot size. Mr. Smith reported that the applicant must conform to the maximum lot coverage requirement of 35% along with front and rear setback requirements. The Examiner asked for further testimony in opposition to the request. ‘Responding was: Mrs. Clara Monacelli 2200 Harrington Place N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Monacelli inquired if the Traffic Engineering Division had been contacted regarding the increase of traffic on Harrington Place N.E. Mr. Smith reported that the division had no specific comments or objections. Mrs. Monacelli stated that the residents located at 2216 and 2200 Harrington Place N.E. owned half of the easement road, which had not been deeded to the City of Renton, and inquired about access to the subject site through the private easement road. The Examiner stated that because the remaining portion of the access street was public property, it would not be possible to prevent traffic from utilizing the entire width of the street. The Examiner asked for further testimony in opposition to the request. Responding was: Jane Keesecker 2124 Harrington Place N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Keesecker stated that enhancement of the area would not occur with construction of less valuable houses on smaller lots than exist in the neighborhood. She felt that residents of the duplexes in the adjacent area would be encouraged to improve the appearance of the structures if the subject site were limited to three lots. She stated that construction of larger homes would be compatible with the existing homes and would enhance the area. Mrs. Keesecker indicated that the proposed lots were more compatible in size with the duplex zone than with lots in the subject G-7200 zone. The Examiner asked for further comments. There was no response from the audience. Short Plat #023-77 Page Three Waiver #024-77 The Examiner asked Mr. Brown, the applicant, if he had considered a three-lot configuration instead of the requested four lots even though the property were zoned G-7200 with minimum lot size of 7200 square feet. Mr. Brown reported that the cost of the sewer installation would prohibit limiting the number of lots to three and felt that the proposed installation would benefit the adjacent property owners. The Examiner inquired about the size of homes which would be constructed on the lots and Mr. Brown reported a figure of 1,300 to 1,400 square feet. The Examiner asked Mr. Brown if the construction plans allow for sufficient width and depth on the lot for the proposed homes. Mr. Brown reported that he had not had plans drawn for the structures to date. The Examiner referred to Item P.2, of the Planning Department report, regarding departmental approval of all building plans prior to construction and asked the applicant if he concurred in the requirement. Mr. Brown indicated his concurrence. The Examiner asked Mr. Brown if he had considered an alternative configuration for lot layout. Mr. Brown responded that he had not considered another configuration. Mrs. Oyler reported that the property was originally surveyed for 80 foot lots. The Examiner stated that the property may have been originally surveyed for larger lots, but the applicant is only required to meet the requirement in G-7200 zoning which requires 7200 square foot minimum lot size, with 65% open space required on each lot. Mrs. Oyler indicated that the depth of the lots of 122 feet allows conformance to the density requirement, but width was not compatible with neighboring lots. She also reported that sewer installation would not benefit the adjacent property owners because no further undeveloped property is available with the exception of the lot she presently owns. She indicated that she will restrict building on the 80 foot wide lot to one home. Mr. Smith suggested that an alternative for the neighboring property owners would be to form an LID to defray the applicant's sewer costs and benefit the adjacent properties. Mr. Brown anticipated that property owners would allow the latecomer fee deadline to expire and felt that the suggested alternative was not financially feasible. The Examiner noted that the city could only encourage the applicant to consider platting the property to three lots with the possibility of increasing the value, but it was not within the regulations of the city to require this stipulation. The Examiner suggested that an alternative for preventing objections to future development in regard to lot size, although it may be untimely for this particular development, would be to petition the City Council for rezoning to a larger zone classification. Mrs. Oyler responded that no future development in the area in question would occur because no further vacant property exists. The Examiner indicated that his comment referred to all property in the Highlands area, that the problem may reoccur, and rezoning would be an alternative in regulating lot size. Mr. Smith stated that the Planning Department symphathized with the residents to the north of the site and agreed that in field checking the general area and the area immediately surrounding the site, a larger lot size would be more compatible with the area. The Examiner restated that the property owner had a right to develop his property according to minimum code requirements, but encouraged Mr. Brown to review his costs and consider changing the configuration. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item #023-77 and #024-77 was closed by the Examiner at 9:57 a.m. Short Plat #023-77 Page Four Waiver #024-77 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant is requesting approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements that are requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed lots consist of an average of approximately 7600 square feet. The total area of the property is .9 acres. 2. The existing zoning is G-7200, minimum lot size 7200 square feet. This is the same residential category for minimum lot size ina major portion of the Highlands area. 3. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area as single family residential. 4. The subject property abuts duplex zoning, R-2, which is located to the south of the proposed short plat. Existing single family residences are located on the west, east and north of the subject site. 5. An existing 6-inch water main is located along N.E. 2lst Street and an eight-inch sanitary sewer exists at the dead end of Jefferson Avenue N.E. A small sanitary sewer extension will be required from Jefferson Avenue N.E. This extension should be an eight-inch sanitary sewer line with manholes extended across the frontage of the plat to city specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. 6. The City of Renton Planning Department has reviewed the application in regards to Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.2l.c. The subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and E.I.S. requirements of SEPA. However, the city, through various approvals, recommends that the applicant preserve as many Significant trees on the site as possible. 7. The proposed lots exceed the minimum size and dimension requirement of the G-7200 zone and Subdivision Ordinance. The average size of lots in the area range from sizes similar to the subject proposal to parcels containing approximately 10,000 square feet. The majority of the single family residential lots in the area are not served by sewers. 8. The applicant will be extending the sewer line to serve his proposed lots. 9. One-half of N.E. 2lst Street is developed, but it is ina relatively poor state of maintenance and condition. Standard off-site improvements do not exist in the general area. 10. The applicant stated that he has reviewed the Planning Department staff report and concurs in the recommendations of the Planning Department. ll. There were several members of the audience who reside in this area speaking in opposition to the short plat. A petition containing 20 signatures from adjacent residents opposing the short plat was also submitted. The primary objection from adjacent property owners is that the four lots proposed in the short plat, each consisting of approximately 7600 square feet, are not compatible with the larger lot size of property platted adjacent to the subject short plat. 12. The opposition also stated that limiting the proposed short plat to three lots would enhance the area and would allow the construction of larger homes which would be compatible with the existing homes in the area. oma den te THE ANCES EMT SURREY PARITET LSI OY OSA ORR T? D SPER MRE MEI ROT er pan ead ee Ey Lae 14. Short Plat #023-77 Page Five Waiver #024-77 Mr. Brown indicated that limiting the short plat to three lots was not economically feasible due to the cost of extending the sewer line to serve these lots. Mr. Brown maintained that this extension would provide available hookups to adjacent property owners when they require such facility. The opposition maintained that while the depth of the short plat of 122 feet would be in conformance with the depth of lots of adjacent property owners, the width of 62.5 feet was not compatible with the width of the adjacent lots, which exceed 80 feet in size. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, findings of fact, applicable policies and provisions and departmental recommendations in this matter, and this report is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report as set forth in full herein. CONCLUSIONS : Li Ze The proposed short plat exceeds the minimum lot size of 7200 square feet in the zone by approximately 400 square feet. A majority of the properties north of N.E. 2lst Street exceed 10,000 square feet in lot size. However, these lots are not served by sewer and rely on septic tanks for disposal of sewage. Two lots adjacent to the proposed short plat on the western property line and facing Harrington Place N.E. are approximately 7320 square feet. : The existing platted lot on the east side of the proposed short plat is 9680 square feet. With the proposed short plat, there would be seven lots east of Harrington Place N.E. and south of N.E. 2lst Street. Of this number, two existing platted lots would be approximately 7600 square feet. The proposed short plat lots would be approximately 7600 square feet and one lot would be compatible with the majority of the adjacent lots in this half of the block. Lots north of N.E. 21st Street, as previously stated, exceed approximately 10,000 square feet, consist of larger homes, and face lots of compatible size. These lots face Harrington Place N.E. and are located north of the subject short plat. The proposed request by adjacent neighbors to increase the lot sizes from 7600 square feet to 10,000 square feet would be a request that is in excess of the minimum lot size allowed by the underlying zone. The purpose of this zone is to establish a minimum lot size and to allow a variation of lot configurations with a minimum base set at 7200 square feet ranging to several acres. At this time, it would not seem reasonable to request the applicant to increase lot size above the minimum required standard. The alternative would be for residents in this area or other areas in the Highlands who desire larger lot size than 7200 square feet to apply for an area-wide rezone to a larger minimum lot size standard. Without the extension of the sewer line, the applicant would be required to exceed the minimum lot size of 7200 square feet to a size that would accommodate a septic tank. It can be assumed that by extending the sewer line, provision will be made for a facility that can be potentially used by the adjacent property owners in this area when they so desire. The cost of this extension is being borne entirely by the applicant at this time. The waiver as requested by the applicant of off-site improvements should be amended to a deferral of off-site improvements with restrictive covenants signed by the applicant that he would agree to participate in a future LID for installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Short Plat #023-77 Page Six Waiver #024-77 RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval subject to the recommendations of the Planning Department. ORDERED THIS 29th day of March, 1977. Land Use H¢éaring Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of March, 1977 by certified mail to the parties of record: Ray Brown Mrs. Wayne Oyler Mrs. Clara Monacelli Jane Keesecker TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of March, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Don J. Smith, Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3071, Section 4-3015, request for reconsideration or notice of appeal must be filed in writing on or before April 5, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedures, errors or law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of the hearing. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. tn nent meh Ra een Pe RNR AE Soe etna E SOF TMA enrueters RN Fa od iia Lao) an LT Le hs eS FP PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 22, 1977 APPLICANT: FILE NO: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NO. W-024-77 A, SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordi- nance. feet each. B, GENERAL INFORMATION: The proposed lots consist of approximately 7600 square 1. Owner of Record: REBECCA SARGENT 2. Applicant: RAY BROWN 3. Location: Property located in the vicinity of N.E. 21st St. and Harrington Pl. N.E. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is avail- able on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: .9 acres 6. Access: Via N.E. 21st St. 7. Existing Zone: G-7200, General Classification Resi- dential; 7200 square feet minimum lot size. 8. Existing Zoning G-7200; R-2, Two Family Residence in Area: District; P-1, Public Use District. 9. Comprehensive Single Family Residential Land Use Plan: 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing C, PURPOSE OF REQUEST: of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record Chron- icle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. To permit construction of four single family homes on the subject site. D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: None available. E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: i oes Topography: Soils: Indianola (InC). water capacity is moderate. the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. The site is relatively level. Permeability is rapid and available Runoff is slow to medium, and This soil is used for timber and for urban development. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-/7/7 3. Vegetation: Vegetation consists primarily of large Douglas Fir intermixed with deciduous trees with the typical wood- land ground cover. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation may provide suitable habitat for small mammals typical to this region, small rodents, and native birds. 5. Water: No surface water or significant ground water appears to exist on the subject site. 6. Land Use: The subject site is presently undeveloped, con- taining an existing stand of large evergreen trees. Duplex residential units are located directly south of the subject site. Existing single family residences are located west, east, and north of the subject site. The Red Samm surface mining site exists approximately 100 feet east of the sub- ject site. F, NETGHBORHCOD CHARACTERISTICS: The site borders on the northerly boundary of the Highlands duplex area but is surrounded on the remaining three sides by single family residential land uses. The condition of the existing streets in the area is relatively poor. G, PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing 6" water main is located along N.E. 21st St., and an 8" sanitary sewer exists at the dead- end of Jefferson Ave. N.E. An extension to the subject site will be necessary. See attached memorandum from the Utili- ties Division. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Route No. 242F operates along Kirkland Ave. N.E. approximately 1/4 mile south of the subject site. 4. Schools: The subject site is within 1/4 mile of Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. 5. Parks and Recreation: Open space and recreation facilities are provided adjacent to Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. H, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. 4-729, G, General Classification District 2. 4-706, R-1, Residence Single Family T, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR CTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: ip fis City of Renton Subdivision Regulations. Land Use Report, 1965, page 11, Residential. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, Subdivision of Land, pages 5 and 6. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF J. OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-77 IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: Development of the site will remove a certain amount of existing trees and vegetation. However, through proper design and lay- out representative numbers of existing trees may be retained. SOCIAL IMPACTS: Minor. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as amended (RCW 43.21C), the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. However, the City, through various approvals, can work with the applicant to pre- serve as much significant trees on the site as possible. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Department OP Ww W N M r The above departments approved the applications. Copies of memos from certain departments are attached. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The proposed lots exceed the minimum size and dimension requirements of the G-7200 zone and Subdivision Ordinance. The average size of lots in the area ranges from sizes similar to the subject proposal to parcels approximately 10,000 square feet. 2. Many significant evergreen trees exist on the subject site. These should be incorporated as much as possible in the overall ,development of the site. 3. The proposed subdivision is compatible with surrounding single family residences and duplex development. 4. Presently only half of N.E. 21st Street is developed, but it is in very poor condition. Standard off-site improve- ments do not exist in the general area, and N.E. 21st termi- nates approximately 80 feet east of the subject site at the Red Samm surface mining site. It would appear that given these conditions, full street improvements on the entire 60 feet are not justified at this time. However, certain improvements are necessary adjacent to the proposed plat to enhance the new development and general character of the area. 5. The Utilities Division has indicated that sanitary sewer is available to the site from Jefferson Avenue N.E. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-77 P, PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat as proposed subject to: 1. Provision of sanitary sewer as required by the Utilities Division. 2. Site development plans for each lot shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. Retention of as many significant evergreen and deciduous trees shall be encouraged. Trees shall be removed only in accordance with the approval plan. 3. A fire hydrant shall be required within 500 feet of any residence as per Fire Department requirement. Recommend denial of waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of sidewalks only, subject to filing of restrictive covenants running with the land requiring participation of the subject property in any future LID for such improvements. The existing 30+ foot developed portion of N.E. 21st adjacent to the subject site shall be developed in accordance with City requirements, including pavement, curbs, and gutters. This requirement is felt to be compatible with the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance to encourage physical upgrading of residential areas. Utilities has no objections to this subdivision. The site has an existing 6'' steel water main along the frontage on N.E. 2lIst St. The developer should check with the Fire Dept. for any fire hydrant requirements. Water service is available upon payment of the current charges, area assessments and other hookup assessments. Sanitary sewers are not adjacent to the site. A small sanitary sewer extension is required off of the deadend of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This extension should be an 8'' sanitary sewer with manholes, extended across the frontage of the plat to City specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. ) nw” ° it __ / Lf Sf << Tr K Weg hl, if Vv PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235:-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 é . Wen oe pre™ February 25, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: James R. Hanson SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver We have no objection to the Short Plat or Waiver as requested. JCH/mp THE CITY OF RENTON oF Rey o vn CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR bs Se 7 ity" ye FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS eg MUNICIPAL BUILDING « 200 MILL AVE. S. ® RENTON WA. 98055 * 235 2642 ASST. CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER CHIEF. GEORGE H.WILLIAMS March 7, 1977 Planning Department TO: FROM: Fire Department SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver Fire Department requires a fire hydrant to be within 500 feet of any residence. ia a f V4 Ah 0 ff so a 394 x / ‘i £4 L ™ , “= / \ . ~ ‘aor _ ‘ \ 395 / at ! Ky v Prery , “10 / { , ‘ Sr \ f-' . i t 4 t 7) ! . yy 392 A \ ‘ ’ AVE 2 | \ 9 398 402 \, 405 407 409 ' | ' \ \ : \ 1 | bt \ p> | | so ees ri T | | ae ~ ' i] S ; i ! | | [| ia | | | 0 | 1 | [| } \ , 4 397 40s | 404 408 | : i! PO VST Tey Pope! : L po tay | 4 — iat 4 1 4 \ an) wT 7 SE So's er) \ ! 1 ALAN alae \ i CaN | | of" \ea cal AN! \ | \ eis ) sige) ; se] ie te ra La) | BL ue 4a\yt 1 y \ acy Les ise |r) 1 ma ue 112100 [ve |»: Se 100 ef on es veep a [tte pts hele feral = fo Sa —— 7 es | \ulo ¥ = 9 os 5 a ” y MOlEW te eT lae eo aelevee i wewerci entre Py ee cd a Pap SNe tee te” 7 ] 7 | 4 4} 2/5 N a ba l l e d be vi e +N | SHORT PLAT AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND); Appl. Short Plat No. 023-77 and Appl. W-024-77; Four Lot Short Plat and Waiver of Off-site Improvements; property located in the vicinity of N.E. 2lst St. and Harrington Pills NeEs APPLICANT RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND) TOTAL AREA__ +0.93 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 2ist Street EX™'STING ZONING G-7200 EXISTING USE Vacant Property PROPOSED USE Single Family Residential - 4 lots COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS 2+IH CITY LIMITS \% SCALE "2 200' SUBJECT sive [. & BAY BLOWN SHOLT PLAT 023-77 - & NE. CITY OF RENTON PLAT APPLICATION 5 Ved _Xsuorr PLAT oF REVS FILE ee, YY ___MAJOR PLAT a off TED DATE REC'D “-72-77 ___ TENTATIVE i 9 FEB 22 1977 FEE $7e¢ —- = ___ PRELIMINARY | RECEIPT NO. WIRY ___ FINAL \s a SM No. PUD NO. APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7: Wovyens | Straw SG nA Filed san ! >. 2 ad 2. No. Lots 4 Total Acreage Zoning 3. Owner BR6WN /stRAND HOMES Phone 228 - /AIZO Address 1309, Mov RoE AVE NE RENTON F80s Ss 4. Engineer KEWNETH J. OYLER Phone 255 - 5050 Address __ Po_Box 2258 RENTON =F S055" 5. Underground Utilities: Yes No Not Installed 1. Plat Name & Location i a Telephone Electric Street Lights Natural Gas TV Cable 6. Sanitation & Water: /X/ City Water /X/ Sanitary Sewers /_/ Water District No. /_/ Dry Sewers /_/ Septic Tanks 7. Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance 8. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER 9. STAFF ACTION: SHORT PLAT APPROVED DENIED TENTATIVE PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 10. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED LL s CITY COUNCIL ACTION: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 12 DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. & LY PE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. Rev. 12/71 AFFIDAVIT I, KEBECCA SAR GEN 7 , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 4/86 day of “ER 1 1977. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Alero Hon - (Signature of Owndr) otary Public) LOLS: Alor Ave [72 Léewree, LI Do Baro ROl, Eomowos v~_€ We (Address) (Address) kewronw LI ASH tH TO2) j (City) (State) ZUE - RE SK (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that oe ae ana application has been inspected by me and has been found to ame) and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and s of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing/ es o Shs S: anile oo Seta Le Date Received | FEB 22 1937 19 By: tz Zhe Luhdarh—. Heh een Planning Dept. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 22, 1977 APPLICANT: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE FILE NO: IMPROVEMENTS NO. W-024-77 A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordi- nance. feet each. B, GENERAL INFORMATION: The proposed lots consist of approximately 7600 square 1. Owner of Record: REBECCA SARGENT 2. Applicant: RAY BROWN 3. Location: Property located in the vicinity of N.E. 21st St. and Harrington Pl. N.E. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is avail- able on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: .9 acres 6. Access: Via N.E. 21st St. 7. Existing Zone: G-7200, General Classification Resi- dential; 7200 square feet minimum lot size. 8. Existing Zoning G-7200; R-2, Two Family Residence in Area: District; P-1, Public Use District. 9. Comprehensive Single Family Residential Land Use Plan: 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing C. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record Chron- icle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. To permit construction of four single family homes on the subject site. D, HISTORY/BACKGROUND: None available. E, PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: Le - Topography: Soils: Indianola (InC). water capacity is moderate. the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. The site is relatively level. Permeability is rapid and available Runoff is slow to medium, and This soil is used for timber and for urban development. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-/7/7 3. Vegetation: Vegetation consists primarily of large Douglas Fir intermixed with deciduous trees with the typical wood- land ground cover. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation may provide suitable habitat for small mammals typical to this region, small rodents, and native birds. 5. Water: No surface water or significant ground water appears to exist on the subject site. 6. Land Use: The subject site is presently undeveloped, con- taining an existing stand of large evergreen trees. Duplex residential units are located directly south of the subject site. Existing single family residences are located west, east, and north of the subject site. The Red Samm surface mining site exists approximately 100 feet east of the sub- ject site. F, NETGHBORHCOD CHARACTERISTICS: The site borders on the northerly boundary of the Highlands duplex area but is surrounded on the remaining three sides by single family residential land uses. The condition of the existing streets in the area is relatively poor. G, PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing 6" water main is located along N.E. 21st St., and an 8" sanitary sewer exists at the dead- end of Jefferson Ave. N.E. An extension to the subject site will be necessary. See attached memorandum from the Utili- ties Division. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Route No. 242F operates along Kirkland Ave. N.E. approximately 1/4 mile south of the subject site. 4. Schools: The subject site is within 1/4 mile of Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. 5. Parks and Recreation: Open space and recreation facilities are provided adjacent to Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. H, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. 4-729, G, General Classification District 2. 4-706, R-1, Residence Single Family I, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR CTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. City of Renton Subdivision Regulations. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, page 11, Residential. 3. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, Subdivision of Land, pages 5 and 6. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: Ji RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF FF-SITE IMPROVEMENT PPLI N NO. W- - IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: Development of the site will remove a certain amount of existing trees and vegetation. However, through proper design and lay- out representative numbers of existing trees may be retained. SOCIAL IMPACTS: Minor. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as amended (RCW 43.21C), the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. However, the City, through various approvals, can work with the applicant to pre- serve as much significant trees on the site as possible. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Department OR P W N M r H The above departments approved the applications. Copies of memos from certain departments are attached. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The proposed lots exceed the minimum size and dimension requirements of the G-7200 zone and Subdivision Ordinance. The average size of lots in the area ranges from sizes similar to the subject proposal to parcels approximately 10,000 square feet. 2. Many significant evergreen trees exist on the subject site. These should be incorporated as much as possible in the overall development of the site. 3. The proposed subdivision is compatible with surrounding single family residences and duplex development. 4. Presently only half of N.E. 21st Street is developed, but it is in very poor condition. Standard off-site improve- ments do not exist in the general area, and N.E. 21st termi- nates approximately 80 feet east of the subject site at the Red Samm surface mining site. It would appear that given these conditions, full street improvements on the entire 60 feet are not justified at this time. However, certain improvements are necessary adjacent to the proposed plat to enhance the new development and general character of the area. 5. The Utilities Division has indicated that sanitary sewer is available to the site from Jefferson Avenue N.E. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE’: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF P, OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-77 PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat as proposed subject to: 1. Provision of sanitary sewer as required by the Utilities Division. 2. Site development plans for each lot shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. Retention of as many significant evergreen and deciduous trees shall be encouraged. Trees shall be removed only in accordance with the approval plan. 3. A fire hydrant shall be required within 500 feet of any residence as per Fire Department requirement. Recommend denial of waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of sidewalks only, subject to filing of restrictive covenants running with the land requiring participation of the subject property in any future LID for such improvements. The existing 30+ foot developed portion of N.E. 21st adjacent to the subject site shall be developed in accordance with City requirements, including pavement, curbs, and gutters. This requirement is felt to be compatible with the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance to encourage physical upgrading of residential areas. Utilities has no objections to this subdivision. The site has an existing 6'' steel water main along the frontage on N.E. 21st St. The developer should check with the Fire Dept. for any fire hydrant requirements. Water service is available upon payment of the current charges, area assessments and other hookup assessments. Sanitary sewers are not adjacent to the site. A small sanitary sewer extension is required off of the deadend of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This extension should be an 8'' sanitary sewer with manholes, extended across the frontage of the plat to City specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. b . 4 Lf jJ 6 a / i ‘ YL C4 Sf | (F HY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 \e) Wen septe™ February 25, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: James R. Hanson SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver We have no objection to the Short Plat or Waiver as requested. JCH/mp March 7, TO: FROM: SUBJECT: THE CITY OF RENTON CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS MUNICIPAL BUILDING # 200 MILL AVE. S. ® RENTON WA- 98055 © 235 2642 CHIEF: GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST. CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER 1977 Planning Department Fire Department Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver Fire Department requires a fire hydrant to be within 500 feet of any residence, ae if ie ) aA jt SE 83 > sory fe - = 4 rhe an . , y aeoie Fi / cf » or | 372 = SE S65 ST +) | ; a3 ye | F P | Z 7 Vy / beeen ger st r ' rR t | vA) "aor — 395 ‘ ep } 14 315 318 382 | 385 “ag : sv0e 410 LY} ~ , t ' ' (3 an ’ ‘ rt f- rj f ! \ a / J} t fo 392 \ ‘ ae ’ one’? * O ' \ a 4 39% 398 402, \ 405 407 409 3 Pe 286 " \ ry 1 ' L - ‘ Z A J \ ! J. — 368 a= ox ee 7 JA JE \ | uh st | ; ~ PaciFiC COAST. : Sa i” 26 \ oe ah rm | | ibe | | ] | 1 ; | 387 - - \ | ti GS-| ot “ey = ] wot | pi | | | y/ 319 389 | \ , 4 397 | ios 404 s08 =. & " sr] + + : SE (Ga74 ef - i RT RR y : | : 1 | ° a 5 3 i af wet ye poe i ~ i zizo ENTON cit LIMIT: bat cee" Ltt \ \ ] T $ \ ie Ge, 2 Lan \ ' | | @\4 «is RE \ ‘ i . rf . \ ‘ Ya, \ yee ) ; \ | myd . ‘ +t: ~ ‘ | F ts 'y am r ; \ \ } 2 249) _ : . ( i 249 B/ Tr ™ i i e { vee ar \apise) : + Ly AAG oo \ § + wr = 8 B'S : “gS r\\ = grt TT VC 0 rane \ \ \ ‘ au su seleal yt | 7 . ’ Tal Ste 3 I. \@ ‘4 4 Bo Ma w Va 4%) ; i o a4 L 5] \ St orm | 4 ) ) | ' (ce dans: ) 498) , 30g “i- 25% gr 4 ( : : ares fev ise lbtel ‘ite ' i}s[e, iy ; \ I" ae oe ee en a {9 } ' { \ \ \ " (4) |s0jn0 »\" \ / t 4 Bo Le treed AN 3 emai ae: mad i ; \ Lesol Latin \ A ioe J | 7 ; ; — Ls “ . mee ms el tate le Sava ae Sveirt SITE * * Ry ane 2 Aad et fag ta \ I i way A © CO ee Sec ae aT ey Ty “\ 4, \ oa aie een eee | -| \ve aa >» eae sr 8 La ’ } 8 oe DY 92) d) dele ce eri ae 29) 26) eae 2 , Beye st 4 nf bet teged toed 1 Se i n e ZO E E | SHORT PLAT AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND); Appl. Short Plat No. 023-77 and Appl. W-024-77; Four Lot Short Plat and Waiver of Off-site Improvements; property located in the vicinity of N.E. 2lst St. and Harrington Pl. N.E. APPLICANT RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND) TOTAL AREA__ +0.93 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 21st Street EX™S11NG ZONING G-7200 EXISTING USE Vacant Property PROPOSED USE Single Family Residential - 4 lots COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS L) t =\e HA R R I N G T O N FL . N E . 4! CH e © oe @ ee e 6 ee be oo oe ee e oo ee © oe oo oe e SCalg j*2200' BAY BROWN SHORT PLAT 023-77 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR @® PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 & February 25, 1977 Ray Brown 1309 Monroe Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Al tt NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR Short Plat File No. 023-77 and Waiver of Off-site Improvements File No. W-O024-77 0 Gertlemen: Tne Renton Planning Department formally accepted the active mentioned application on __ February 22, 1977. A puz:lic hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner he: be2n set for March 22, 1977 Representatives of the applicant are asked to be pre- All interested persons are invited to attend the int. If you have any further questions, please call Renton Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director LO 7 Michael L. Smith Associate Planner By: wr INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST fam pb oe 2? \ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTO ? \BUILDING DIVISION _S 2 CENGINEERING DIVISION 3 CTRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION ey QITILITIES DIVISION agproke LY’ Gre DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING pepartuent_ Michoel Suith ontact Person RE: Ray Brown — Short plat Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by 3/4/97 with your written Li recommendAtion. Your response will be included as part of the Staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date 2/es/22 INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST ro: @ustic works pirectog> aa CGVUILDING DIVISION ENGINEERING DIVISION RAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION — CUTILITIES DIVISION > Ye FIRE DEPARTMENT » HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Michael Smith Contact Person RE: _ - Coote Ww ements Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by 2/4l72 with your written ” ids recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the Staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date xfes/77 THE CITY OF RENTON CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS 98055 © 235 2642 MUNICIPAL BUILDING © 200 MILL AVE. S. © RENTON WA- ASST.CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER CHIEF: GEORGE H.WILLIAMS March 7, 1977 Planning Department TO: FROM: Fire Department SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver Fire Department requires a fire hydrant to be within 500 feet of any residence. Utilities has no objections to this subdivision. The site has an existing 6'' steel water main along the frontage on N.E. 21st St. The developer should check with the Fire Dept. for any fire hydrant requirements. Water service is available upon payment of the current charges, area assessments and other hookup assessments. Sanitary sewers are not adjacent to the site. A small sanitary sewer extension is required off of the deadend of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This extension should be an 8'' sanitary sewer with manholes, extended across the frontage of the plat to City specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. Date March 1, 1977 TO: Planning Dept. FROM: R. Houghton, Engineering Supervisor SUBJECT : Ray Brown Short Plat and Waiver We have no objections to the short plat or waiver as requested. RB: pmp oe 7 SORA OA OPER eM Ey OO a PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 February 25, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: James R. Hanson SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver We have no objection to the Short Plat or Waiver as requested. JCH/mp Ray Brown 1309- Monroe N.E. Renton, Washington ?3055 February 22, 1975 CITY OF RENTON Re: Ek of S% of Sk of Sk of SWy of NW%, less portion of E 80' ly S$ of N 30 ' thereof less por. ly Woof line Rn 6 S 03-04-25 W from pt 135.70' E of NW cor. Less S 122.14' of W 120' of E 450' less port for street. To Whom It May Concerns I Ray Brown wish to waiver street improvements on the above described property. Reason being, no other improvements in the area. Also I discussed this with the Engineering Department and they did not anticipate any improvements in the near future. me & (A P s . F7 0 2 EE di | So e ) 3 Ga y [V I A D I G AP H | Aa AO O F LU C I D DP S O O C ET PA L GA S AV E O I L I / I F U T $ S 0 9 6 MW S O M MO L Y E Y 99 2 2 %O p 0" [S k e PH L AS O , AP F I Y L S FO S NO M A CY S3 H R 7 T ON O OF OB / LS I BL SP , BI ZZ ! MI N O S FA L SS A I T ON Y We r v y e o l (u ( y PH L AS O AS Y F , OL SE ! A0 0 O d 0 HO U f\ t . , , G E CC E E S OV E OP H FH L CE OF 0 F - GS Z S7 8 7D WU C ML I N N Z Y LO W NC E A AO LS F A GW T (U L I OF S3 9 7 ME N O N PH L JO ML I O S UA T , C@ LE Y F SS x ? “V M "“ F FY NE T CA L D MO U S oY AS A T N L U O N FH L SO EL S A U N M L O O S PH L SO un a s PU L Sd GH L O O S BU L IO 2 HL N O S Wt AP F LW T Fr e d (V H A G A PS A i kK ¥, C E E -_ AN , ST OO Po P | d -~ ia d ne oe ? " F. 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Wi n e p e r . . E X H I B I R ’ NO 22 . 0 oe gs ee ge e , de c r i e d ba t ae PM oe : 3 : : oa fa Ne ee | pg PO R Le s h S i e : UT M NO : di s t i s e ge rt we 28 07 7 oS ae a at e s , ee e ef oo m STOP STOP STOP’ STOP » TOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. o1 OP! STOP STOP STOP- STOP <p ic =< ~ . . 6 oe PS. Affidavit of Publication”. S Fe Sr FE Sie PUB IN CJ 4 STATE OF WASHINGTON sqi sy oye otett | pate DMA E: NTY OF KING 7 huss £0 , } . id \\ RENTON, WASHINGTON \ a J A PUBLIC HEARING ee aecnecsen Psy WILL BE HELD BY THE ae w/ RENTON LAND USE Betty Monde SAB ncemsnereoyecnnenstine -bging first duly s rogn HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING A IN THE COUNCIL CHAM- ER rence e BERS, CITY HALL, RE- published four (4) NTON, WASHINGTON, ON MARCH 22, 1977, AT 9:00 WS ING pers oath, deposes and says that .g.4«.isthe ...ciri« THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper she times a week. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and ; bee ix months prior to the date of publication referred A.M. TO CONSIDER THE eee eae te English language continually as a news- FOLLOWING PETITIONS: paper published four (4) times a week in Kent, King County, Washington, 1. APPLICATION FOR and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained FOUR LOT SHORT PLAT at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the eaten APPROVAL; File No. 023- Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 77; property located in vicini- Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, ty of N.E. 21st St and () Harrington Pl. N.E. no ; “otice of Public 2. WAIVER OF OFF- Washington. That the annexedisa....-.AO0.4G.8...025...: FUSE AG. SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR FOUR LOT_SHOR u ae PLAT; file Ne W-024-77; > 10M Iy Wh BD se xcescsom snare Sh NN Bi ey mais. econ ws ADR SEAR Wen we: sino ree wo sporty located Weert N.E. 21st St. and Harrington Mim OME RRC aawaReY as it was published in regular issues (and PI. N.E. not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period pele ao FOR PROVAL, File No. PP-025- , 77; property located on north OF esieraensranisae OFS ric crintsssiecesiomstncemetareags consecutive issues, commencing on the side of N.E.. 10th St. bet- - ween Monroe Ave. N.E. and : Olympia Ave. N.E. Tide Faroe day of ....... DY 97S Di ciiwsassnnisnmensrnamenanrians ,19....7.77.., and ending the 4. APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AP- PROVAL, File No. PP-026- Gay Of ooo. ceceeeecececccccececeeeeceseceetetsseeeeseceeeeieeeees y 19... , both dates A ee coated an west inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed oO a ab (Duval) co . a tE. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Sh aNE oan oe 20th 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO f oing publication is the sum of $.2.....2.. which CONSTRUCT A CHURCH een or din full at che bate of per folio of one hundred words for the FACILITY IN A G (SINGLE first insertion and __ per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) uigerans ZONE, File No. SP-003-77; property located just north of Honeydew Elementary School on the east side of Union Ave. N.E. Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on ho in the Renton Planning artment. : Subscribed and swornto before me this ......... Rb ty cee day of vot INTERESTED PER- SONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- SENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 22, 1977 AT 9:00 A.M. TO EX- PRESS THEIR OPINIONS. GORDON Y. ERICKSEN RENTON ae DIRECTOR : ul — Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June Recordi Chierise marcrtt 9th, 1955. 1977. R4235 — Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VOC Cane. oF March 29, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. APPLICANT: Ray Brown FILE NO. Short Plat #023-77 os Waiver #024-77 LOCATION: Property located in the vicinity of N.E. 2lst St. and Harrington Place N.E. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed lots consist of approximately 7600 square feet each. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received REPORT: by the Examiner on March 15, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on March 22, 1977, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Letter from Ray Brown, dated February 22, 1977, regarding request for waiver. Exhibit #3: Proposed Short Plat Map. Exhibit #4: Letter from Utilities Division, dated March 2, 1977. Exhibit #5: Letter from Building Division, dated February 25, 1977. Exhibit #6: Letter from Fire Department, dated March 7, 1977. Mr. Brown, the applicant, who had not previously participated in the swearing in ceremony, was sworn in by the Examiner. The Examiner asked the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Mr. Brown indicated his concurrence. C Short Plat #023-77 Page Two Waiver #024-77 The Examiner asked for additional testimony in favor of the application. There was no response. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: Mrs. Wayne Oyler 2132 Harrington Place N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Oyler submitted a petition containing 20 signatures from residents residing on the east and west side of Harrington Place N.E., near the proposed site, which she read into the record. The petition stated that adjacent property owners objected to the short plat request for reasons of increased density, increase in traffic, and incompatibility of lot size with the surrounding properties. The petition suggested limiting the number of lots to three instead of the requested four lots. Mrs. Oyler inquired about the minimum lot size requirement in a G-7200 zone and expressed objection to the short plat being related to the duplexes in the adjacent area. Mr. Smith explained that the property in question is not zoned for duplexes, and that G-7200 zoning requires a minimum 7200 square foot lot size. Mrs. Oyler restated her objections to the increased density and lot size. Mr. Smith reported that the applicant must conform to the maximum lot coverage requirement of 35% along with front and rear setback requirements. The Examiner asked for further testimony in opposition to the request. Responding was: Mrs. Clara Monacelli 2200 Harrington Place N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Monacelli inquired if the Traffic Engineering Division had been contacted regarding the increase of traffic on Harrington Place N.E. Mr. Smith reported that the division had no specific comments or objections. Mrs. Monacelli stated that the residents located at 2216 and 2200 Harrington Place N.E. owned half of the easement road, which had not been deeded to the City of Renton, and inquired about access to the subject site through the private easement road. The Examiner stated that because the remaining portion of the access street was public property, it would not be possible to prevent traffic from utilizing the entire width of the street. The Examiner asked for further testimony in opposition to the request. Responding was: Jane Keesecker 2124 Harrington Place N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Keesecker stated that enhancement of the area would not occur with construction of less valuable houses on smaller lots than exist in the neighborhood. She felt that residents of the duplexes in the adjacent area would be encouraged to improve the appearance of the structures if the subject site were limited to three lots. She stated that construction of larger homes would be compatible with the existing homes and would enhance the area. Mrs. Keesecker indicated that the proposed lots were more compatible in size with the duplex zone than with lots in the subject G-7200 zone. The Examiner asked for further comments. There was no response from the audience. 4 Short Plat #023-77 Page Three Waiver #024-77 The Examiner asked Mr. Brown, the applicant, if he had considered a three-lot configuration instead of the requested four lots even though the property were zoned G-7200 with minimum lot size of 7200 square feet. Mr. Brown reported that the cost of the sewer installation would prohibit limiting the number of lots to three and felt that the proposed installation would benefit the adjacent property owners. The Examiner inquired about the size of homes which would be constructed on the lots and Mr. Brown reported a figure of 1,300 to 1,400 square feet. The Examiner asked Mr. Brown if the construction plans allow for sufficient width and depth on the lot for the proposed homes. Mr. Brown reported that he had not had plans drawn for the structures to date. The Examiner referred to Item P.2, of the Planning Department report, regarding departmental approval of all building plans prior to construction and asked the applicant if he concurred in the requirement. Mr. Brown indicated his concurrence. The Examiner asked Mr. Brown if he had considered an alternative configuration for lot layout. Mr. Brown responded that he had not considered another configuration. Mrs. Oyler reported that the property was originally surveyed for 80 foot lots. The Examiner stated that the property may have been Originally surveyed for larger lots, but the applicant is only required to meet the requirement in G-7200 zoning which requires 7200 square foot minimum lot size, with 65% open space required on each lot. Mrs. Oyler indicated that the depth of the lots of 122 feet allows conformance to the density requirement, but width was not compatible with neighboring lots. She also reported that sewer installation would not benefit the adjacent property owners because no further undeveloped property is available with the exception of the lot she presently owns. She indicated that she will restrict building on the 80 foot wide lot to one home. Mr. Smith suggested that an alternative for the neighboring property owners would be to form an LID to defray the applicant's sewer costs and benefit the adjacent properties. Mr. Brown anticipated that property owners would allow the latecomer fee deadline to expire and felt that the suggested alternative was not financially feasible. The Examiner noted that the city could only encourage the applicant to consider platting the property to three lots with the possibility of increasing the value, but it was not within the regulations of the city to require this stipulation. The Examiner suggested that an alternative for preventing objections to future development in regard to lot size, although it may be untimely for this particular development, would be to petition the City Council for rezoning to a larger zone classification. Mrs. Oyler responded that no future development in the area in question would occur because no further vacant property exists. The Examiner indicated that his comment referred to all property in the Highlands area, that the problem may reoccur, and rezoning would be an alternative in regulating lot size. Mr. Smith stated that the Planning Department symphathized with the residents to the north of the site and agreed that in field checking the general area and the area immediately surrounding the site, a larger lot size would be more compatible with the area. The Examiner restated that the property owner had a right to develop his property according to minimum code requirements, but encouraged Mr. Brown to review his costs and consider changing the configuration. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item #023-77 and #024-77 was closed by the Examiner at 9257 aM. Miabdet % Short Plat #023-77 Page Four Waiver #024-77 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: Ls 10. 11. 2s The applicant is requesting approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements that are requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed lots consist of an average of approximately 7600 square feet. The total area of the property is .9 acres. The existing zoning is G-7200, minimum lot size 7200 square feet. This is the same residential category for minimum lot size ina major portion of the Highlands area. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area as single family residential. The subject property abuts duplex zoning, R-2, which is located to the south of the proposed short plat. Existing single family residences are located on the west, east and north of the subject site. An existing 6-inch water main is located along N.E. 21st Street and an eight-inch sanitary sewer exists at the dead end of Jefferson Avenue N.E. A small Sanitary sewer extension will be required from Jefferson Avenue N.E. This extension should be an eight-inch sanitary sewer line with manholes extended across the frontage of the plat to city specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. The City of Renton Planning Department has reviewed the application in regards to Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.c. The subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and E.I.S. requirements of SEPA. However, the city, through various approvals, recommends that the applicant preserve as many Significant trees on the site as possible. The proposed lots exceed the minimum size and dimension requirement of the G-7200 zone and Subdivision Ordinance. The average size of lots in the area range from sizes similar to the subject proposal to parcels containing approximately 10,000 square feet. The majority of the single family residential lots in the area are not served by sewers. The applicant will be extending the sewer line to serve his proposed lots. One-half of N.E. 21st Street is developed, but it is ina relatively poor state of maintenance and condition. Standard off-site improvements do not exist in the general area. The applicant stated that he has reviewed the Planning Department staff report and concurs in the recommendations of the Planning Department. There were several members of the audience who reside in this area speaking in opposition to the short plat. A petition containing 20 signatures from adjacent residents opposing the short plat was also submitted. The primary objection from adjacent property owners is that the four lots proposed in the short plat, each consisting of approximately 7600 square feet, are not compatible with the larger lot size of property platted adjacent to the subject short plat. The opposition also stated that limiting the proposed short plat to three lots would enhance the area and would allow the construction of larger homes which would be compatible with the existing homes in the area. sinensis AP UNH aN OER AEE CURR HY r . eeyyents P a dsc bacco i eos 4 Short Plat #023-77 Page Five Waiver #024-77 13. Mr. Brown indicated that limiting the short plat to three lots was not economically feasible due to the cost of extending the sewer line to serve these lots. Mr. Brown maintained that this extension would provide available hookups to adjacent property owners when they require such facility. The opposition maintained that while the depth of the short plat of 122 feet would be in conformance with the depth of lots of adjacent property owners, . the width of 62.5 feet was not compatible with the width of the adjacent lots, which exceed 80 feet in size. 14. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, findings of fact, applicable policies and provisions and departmental recommendations in this matter, and this report is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report as set forth in full herein. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed short plat exceeds the minimum lot size of 7200 square feet in the zone by approximately 400 square feet. 2. A majority of the properties north of N.E. 2lst Street exceed 10,000 square feet in lot size. However, these lots are not served by sewer and rely on septic tanks for disposal of sewage. Two lots adjacent to the proposed short plat on the western property line and facing Harrington Place N.E. are approximately 7320 square feet. . 3. The existing platted lot on the east side of the proposed short plat is 9680 square feet. With the proposed short plat, there would be seven lots east of Harrington Place N.E. and south of N.E. 21st Street. Of this number, two existing platted lots would be approximately 7600 square feet. The proposed short plat lots would be approximately 7600 square feet and one lot would be compatible with the majority of the adjacent lots in this half of the block. Lots north of N.E. 21st Street, as previously stated, exceed approximately 10,000 square feet, consist of larger homes, and face lots of compatible size. These lots face Harrington Place N.E. and are located north of the subject short plat. 4. The proposed request by adjacent neighbors to increase the lot sizes from 7600 square feet to 10,000 square feet would be a request that is in excess of the minimum lot size allowed by the underlying zone. The purpose of this zone is to establish a minimum lot size and to allow a variation of lot configurations with a minimum base set at 7200 square feet ranging to several acres. At this time, it would not seem reasonable to request the applicant to increase lot size above the minimum required standard. The alternative would be for residents in this area or other areas in the Highlands who desire larger lot size than 7200 square feet to apply for an area-wide rezone to a larger minimum lot size standard. 5. Without the extension of the sewer line, the applicant would be required to exceed the minimum lot size of 7200 square feet to a size that would accommodate a septic tank. It can be assumed that by extending the sewer line, provision will be made for a facility that can be potentially used by the adjacent property owners in this area when they so desire. The cost of this extension is being borne entirely by the applicant at this time. 6. The waiver as requested by the applicant of off-site improvements should be amended to a deferral of off-site improvements with restrictive covenants signed by the applicant that he would agree to participate in a future LID for installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks. FF ee, Ne a LNT ga RE Set ONT IRE ERR RR TE SI Cm ee one EN a a a eT eT eT 4 Short Plat #023-77 Page Six Waiver #024-77 RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval subject to the recommendations of the Planning Department. ORDERED THIS 29th day of March, 1977. Land Use Hgéaring Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of March, 1977 by certified mail to the parties of record: Ray Brown Mrs. Wayne Oyler Mrs. Clara Monacelli Jane Keesecker TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of March, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Don J. Smith, Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3071, Section 4-3015, request for reconsideration or notice of appeal must be filed in writing on or before April 5, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedures, errors or law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of the hearing. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER MAR @ 21977 PUBLIC HEARING AM PM 71819031112) 1121314156 MARCH 22, 1977 r 4. Bacall APPLICANT: RAY BROWN a , itEM NO. 446.2243-77 Ww 2a477 FILE NO: SHORT PLAT 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NO. W-024-77 A, SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordi- nance. The proposed lots consist of approximately 7600 square feet each. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: REBECCA SARGENT 2. Applicant: RAY BROWN 3. Location: Property located in the vicinity of N.E. 21st St. and Harrington Pl. N.E. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is avail- able on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: .9 acres 6. Access: Via N.E. 21st St. 7. Existing Zone: G-7200, General Classification Resi- dential; 7200 square feet minimum lot size. 8. Existing Zoning G-7200; R-2, Two Family Residence in Area: District; P-1, Public Use District. 9. Comprehensive Single Family Residential Land Use Plan: 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing PURPOSE OF REQUEST: To permit construction of site. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: None available. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: Ls oe Topography: Soils: Indianola (InC). water capacity is moderate. the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record Chron- icle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. four single family homes on the subject The site is relatively level. Permeability is rapid and available Runoff is slow to medium, and This soil is used for timber and for urban development. £ e PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-/77 3. Vegetation: Vegetation consists primarily of large Douglas Fir intermixed with deciduous trees with the typical wood- land ground cover. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation may provide suitable habitat for small mammals typical to this region, small rodents, and native birds. 5. Water: No surface water or significant ground water appears to exist on the subject site. 6. Land Use: The subject site is presently undeveloped, con- taining an existing stand of large evergreen trees. Duplex residential units are located directly south of the subject site. Existing single family residences are located west, east, and north of the subject site. The Red Samm surface mining site exists approximately 100 feet east of the sub- ject site. NETGHBORHCOD CHARACTERISTICS: The site borders on the northerly boundary of the Highlands duplex area but is surrounded on the remaining three sides by single family residential land uses. The condition of the existing streets in the area is relatively poor. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing 6" water main is located along N.E. 21st St., and an 8" sanitary sewer exists at the dead- end of Jefferson Ave. N.E. An extension to the subject site will be necessary. See attached memorandum from the Utili- ties Division. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Route No. 242F operates along Kirkland Ave. N.E. approximately 1/4 mile south of the subject site. 4. Schools: The subject site is within 1/4 mile of Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. 5. Parks and Recreation: Open space and recreation facilities are provided adjacent to Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. 4-729, G, General Classification District 2. 4-706, R-1, Residence Single Family APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR CTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. City of Renton Subdivision Regulations. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, page 11, Residential. 3. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, Subdivision of Land, pages 5 and 6. + PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF Ji OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-77 IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: Development of the site will remove a certain amount of existing trees and vegetation. However, through proper design and lay- out representative numbers of existing trees may be retained. SOCIAL IMPACTS: Minor. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as amended (RCW 43.21C), the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. However, the City, through various approvals, can work with the applicant to pre- serve as much significant trees on the site as possible. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Department OP wW w N r r The above departments approved the applications. Copies of memos from certain departments are attached. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The proposed lots exceed the minimum size and dimension requirements of the G-7200 zone and Subdivision Ordinance. The average size of lots in the area ranges from sizes similar to the subject proposal to parcels approximately 10,000 square feet. 2. Many significant evergreen trees exist on the subject site. These should be incorporated as much as possible in the overall development of the site. 3. The proposed subdivision is compatible with surrounding single family residences and duplex development. 4. Presently only half of N.E. 21st Street is developed, but it is in very poor condition. Standard off-site improve- ments do not exist in the general area, and N.E. 21st termi- nates approximately 80 feet east of the subject site at the Red Samm surface mining site. It would appear that given these conditions, full street improvements on the entire 60 feet are not justified at this time. However, certain improvements are necessary adjacent to the proposed plat to enhance the new development and general character of the area. 5. The Utilities Division has indicated that sanitary sewer is available to the site from Jefferson Avenue N.E. e PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF P, OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-77 PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat as proposed subject to: 1. Provision of sanitary sewer as required by the Utilities Division. 2. Site development plans for each lot shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. Retention of as many significant evergreen and deciduous trees shall be encouraged. Trees shall be removed only in accordance with the approval plan. 3. A fire hydrant shall be required within 500 feet of any residence as per Fire Department requirement. Recommend denial of waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of sidewalks only, subject to filing of restrictive covenants running with the land requiring participation of the subject property in any future LID for such improvements. The existing 30+ foot developed portion of N.E. 21st adjacent to the subject site shall be developed in accordance with City requirements, including pavement, curbs, and gutters. This requirement is felt to be compatible with the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance to encourage physical upgrading of residential areas. Utilities has no objections to this subdivision. The site has an existing 6'' steel water main along the frontage on N.E. 21st St. The developer should check with the Fire Dept. for any fire hydrant requirements. Water service is available upon payment of the current charges, area assessments and other hookup assessments. Sanitary sewers are not adjacent to the site. A small sanitary sewer extension is required off of the deadend of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This extension should be an 8'' sanitary sewer with manholes, extended across the frontage of the plat to City specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. Dy ‘ uf if 7 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TOs FROM: SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 February 25, 1977 Planning Department James R. Hanson Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver We have no objection to the Short Plat or Waiver as requested. JCH/mp ar Ae, A ee re a ? dete * geet 3 wall, ‘y 2 ‘eenenes hep e & 7ED sepve™ March 7, TO: FROM: SUBJECT: % THE CITY OF RENTON CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS MUNICIPAL BUILDING « 200 MILL AVE. S. © RENTON WA. 98055 © 235 2642 CHIEF. GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST.CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER 1977 Planning Department Fire Department Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver Fire Department requires a fire hydrant to be within 500 feet of any residence. fibord ea re L “ SE eo > ; i . xo -. Jy mags ie . “A aa tes e oo sea 88 L é st teu we mi} / j 394 ; a = - 4 ~ sod) 72 SE wr sr | ; 373 ye | y v Z y | ee { | Zh ™ _ ~ / : gi° st 1 r ' i d ‘ ' dee ] | | J aot _ ! 395 / 27. 4 sre a15 318 Be 385 ne sv6e 410 L ~. e? ar t . {/ ‘ ramen Pa ai ‘ # fr 3 t 4 : / 1] \ / \ : 392 \ _ . gone’ \\. , J i oF 4 396 398 402 | 405 407 409 b 286 > \ ' ; \ 508 we x Be, \ \_ au 28) t Ly L.. ge 7 | | 7 ad ee = WEY | ee we ; | | aa 1 | } 387 "| if , ! 1 | \ | 380 ] \ | | | a0 | | , 4 1 | aid | \ i | 397 40% =| 404 408 | 4 _ va i | | } | ! + fe BE Ger" oF - “CSTs he Take + pat yp 4 t - : Pan We ae as \ \vt @\ SE Sore wth iat ° e1 KD sean | i] ) op Mn ‘ i z 44 Mouaa\ ex a \ AA . ‘ I f PEN oh : i! Poy | JD i s | Stolen \ ‘ St og “ ' fur SE Spee ye i \ a '€ as +199) 49 wl %, b4 *~. - “a | 4 \t ) 2 ij <8igg PE DOMS't : \ Ist ef a ee a) j \ \ x ) (4) {40/00 jv je> ) . ‘ : ‘ €eE (Top) | \ (\(°E> Agora - ° 1- 7 7 4 ¢ ss ] bj m| le 46 } an 3 vt 4 = bo o k “e ee - aa fs pi F- 4 8 e o - = vd os Se ae t4 30 a + £p 4 ro b t 5 oe ee f {- P e i t e t 4 ry | fe o ] | | rc | Te ew @ oe Se aw ee a ee Nok REAB ART. 2g [oe oe i vv Toa] Toole afte] is] sel ava i fw a aie he 3 E. t fr . eM : ; = st y ae Oe, at $e: tet 4 ’ hg a 30 99RD as Yet an en ne as nian ees ine boon ee : tapes corel % bl o « Ki“ ‘ aw ‘ | * | “toate fat : ‘ 7 / a SHORT PLAT AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND); Appl. Short Plat No. 023-77 and Appl. W-024-77; Four Lot Short Plat and Waiver of Off-site Improvements; property located in the vicinity of N.E. 21st St. and Harrington Pl. N.E. APPLICANT RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND) TOTAL AREA___+0.93 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 21st Street EXIST {NG ZONING G-7200 EXISTING USE Vacant Property PROPOSED USE Single Family Residential - 4 lots COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS _ ME. a+! >. u® Pelejejaysja SSE 7 i @ | 8 U | | — - ] “ fs] Bet i aa Fd s.6. ; i.) z s [At | BETIS | bee, HA L R I N G SCALE I*2 200! SUBJECT Sie [. ZAY BLOWN SHORT PLAT 023-77 Ray Brown 1309- Monroe N.E. Renton, Washington 98055 February 22, 1975 CITY OF RENTON Re: Es of S% of S54 of Sk of SW% of NW, less portion of E 80' ly § of N 30 ' thereof less por. ly Woof line Rn 6 S 03-04-25 W from pt 135.70' E of NW cor. Less S 122.14' of W 120' of E 450' less port for street. To Whom It May Concern: I Ray Brown wish to waiver street improvements on the above described property. Reason being, no other improvements in the area. Also I discussed this with the Engineering Department and they did not anticipate any improvements in the near future. ra , five ny a LAMY lO art! hi PU 22 Ve A) AY foasxs tvs ] RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON ———. HEARING EXAMINER OF R IN MAR 2 2 1977 ZA ery YS PM fee pf rey ‘ex 71819110, 12s1 1213141516 Qo, Z\ 4 | FEB 22 1977 | \\-9 AS 1 =i EXHIBIT NO. 2 . 2, ey ITEM NO. Ke Mb. #08327 W-b2Y-77 Sao DERee % Utilities has no objections to this subdivision. The site has an existing 6'' steel water main along the frontage on N.E. 21st St. The developer should check with the Fire Dept. for any fire hydrant requirements. Water service is available upon payment of the current charges, area assessments and other hookup assessments. Sanitary sewers are not adjacent to the site. A small sanitary sewer extension is required off of the deadend of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This extension should be an 8'' sanitary sewer with manholes, extended across the frontage of the plat to City specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINA KAR 2 2 1977 “i PM Zi 89124 11213141516 ys oes Lat. Fars PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT va »~ 2 S BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 be MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 Yo) As ”. Se 4ep septe™ February 25, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: James R. Hanson SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver We have no objection to the Short Plat or Waiver as requested. JCH/mp RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AM PM 71891109121 2138141516 L Ls x Z er iodo TIT" : aw SY iudschbbob i : ITEM NO, 44.4. #039-77, Wesey7e'y OF Rey, THE CITY OF RENTON & CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR o> * oh 3 rs oe E; FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS ee > MUNICIPAL BUILDING « 200 MILL AVE. S. ® RENTON WA. 98055 * 235 2642 CHIEF: GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST. CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER March 7, 1977 TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver Fire Department requires a fire hydrant to be within 500 feet of any residence. RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER MAR 2 2 1977 AM PM ZS 9:10 12s 1213141516 _.M NO, & fi de28-11 w 02077 RECEIVEYV - | CITY OF RENTON q , uXHIBIT NO._Z . HEARING EXAMINER Fg Qulds Mar 1213141516 ITEM NO. Mh 4. O22. 27, W/- nike 77 i VAR 2 2 1977 4 We, the undersigned, who are homeowners in the vicinity of Ne Ee 21st St. and Harrington Pl. N. E., object to the request for approval by Applicant, Ray Brown, of a four-lot short plat (Application 023-77) at the aforementioned location, because of the following reasons: We believe four lots (62.5! wide) with the subsequent four homes would make the appearance too dense, increase traffic, look out of place and not fit in esthetically to the surrounding area of homes and lots which are mostly 80! to 100' wide. Contrary to enhancing the beauty and value of our neighborhood, we believe four lots with the subsequent four homes would instead have the opposite effect and that the value of our homes would depreciate. Instead, we believe three lots (83.3! wide) would be better suited and appropriate for our neighborhood. It would make unnecessary po ia down of so many evergreen trees and, thereby, preserve more of the natural beauty of our area, keep the open, quiet and spacious feeling of our neighborhood with the accompanying privacy which are the reasons we, as homeowners y located and bought our homes in this area in the first place. NAME ADDRESS | te Bbdow f Jane Feta. of a7 [arrerg fore Fit Wf, Nig ve 6 Mare Cyby | LIF wan fl. WE, — BL, F2€ BAKE Se ara Boe a al 2g Seveg Zé VE eles et a CoE. Be ALO © "Aad PL he ; ; Clare 7?) OLE lh AAC O MN aeeeses ho Wg Me Ll Meankler Bats Mtn PIBCEZ LATO 6 Save NE. Av" A arene ie ae 167 Hate jee D, we 2207 Darlington re NZ, T Yaspowe KC | Lbei 309 Wa veereplood L ae C, eae boo - 2) Porcine Cre: Mavierg@ Za 2, ie “il O. karen Lev" vz ase sv (th re Ti a e > 4s SF. i Brn Be ra Beene a : NE Shen gee tyre ER oot, ppp GT Pl EN TON CITY OF RENTON PLAT APPLICATION en ti Piz 4 X SHORT PLAT fa aN FILE NO. oi / Tip. “*-5 MAJOR PLAT fer (CM Py O\ DATE REC'D #+ J.4’- 9 i/ ~S ! a) | oh “\\ TENTATIVE pO \ FEE § iz PRELIMINARY FEB 22 191! RECEIPT E ECEIPT NO. ; KR! FINAL Es wen erencecnnoneane ae SM NO. Vy ay PUD NO. “We peeth# APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7: ) » 1. Plat Name & Location [Damn Rivne Stay Beal re ad > T TYPE DAT GRANTED [Uretinmake, af A pi ad Pret ¥ Metter wp MK ALE. 2. No. Lots sf Total Acreage zoning .- Owner Bhewal (672 an HOMES Phone eto = fd’ Address (BOF Meike Ave WE. £2 iran FOSS 4. Engineer RENMEI J OFYLER Phone |H5 - JILO Address ro Box 2258 WENT (tess” 5. Underground Utilities: Yes No Not Installed telephone — — ee ELectric a a oe Street Lights — — ee Natural Gas _ a ee TV Cable _ a ee 6. Sanitation & Water: | /X7 City Water /x/ Sanitary Sewers /_/ Water District No. /_/ Dry Sewers // Septic Tanks 7. Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance 8. DATE REFERRED TO: | ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH | TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER 9. STAFF ACTION: ___ SHORT PLAT APPROVED i DENTED ___ TENTATIVE PLAT APPEALED BXPIRED O. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: ___ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENTED ____ FINAL PLAT APPEALED OEXPITRED is O27" COUNCIL AcrroNs | ___ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED PENIED ___ FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED '2. DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DAN BOND NO. & EXPIRES _ AMOUNT Planning Dept. Rev. 12/71 AFFIDAVIT Ty KeEBECCA SALGENT , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me is_ [G aay of FEL , 19S? 2 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing teh on) en . dicacgn he eS 3 noe (Name p€E ‘ Notary Public) (Signature of Owner) LAUF SL OT 2 f We SE VA 2 Lx COat& CLEOMOvVOS hoc ME (Address) (Address) KEeurou WeASHev$ 7© u (City) (State) — Z2e_ Z2¥se (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has heen inspected by ime and has been found to be trerough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules andy tegulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing et raha apPrieation. cies ir | yy My q ; , a Y ~ \ ( ) a a Va Date Received 1 con 99 1577 19 |} By: fh en. Y gs Shh La-3 ut \ Ke ; ; rs wo Ma fs 3} iz 2 j 4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 22, 1977 APPLICANT: RAY BROWN FILE NO: SHORT PLAT 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NO. W-024-77 A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordi- nance. feet each. GENERAL INFORMATION: Ls 2. cm 10. Owner of Record: Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Size of Property: Access: Existing Zone: Existing Zoning in Area: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Notification: PURPOSE OF REQUEST: To permit construction of site. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: None available. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: iv os Topography: Soils: Indianola (InC). water capacity is moderate. the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. The proposed lots consist of approximately 7600 square REBECCA SARGENT RAY BROWN Property located in the vicinity of N.E. 21st St. and Harrington Pl. N.E. A detailed legal description is avail- able on file in the Renton Planning Department. .9 acres Via N.E. 21st St. G-7200, General Classification Resi- dential; 7200 square feet minimum lot size. G-7200; R-2, Two Family Residence District; P-1, Public Use District. Single Family Residential The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record Chron- icle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. four single family homes on the subject The site is relatively level. Permeability is rapid and available Runoff is slow to medium, and This soil is used for timber and for urban development. . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-/7 3. Vegetation: Vegetation consists primarily of large Douglas Fir intermixed with deciduous trees with the typical wood- land ground cover. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation may provide suitable habitat for small mammals typical to this region, smal] rodents, and native birds. 5. Water: No surface water or significant ground water appears to exist on the subject site. 6. Land Use: The subject site is presently undeveloped, con- taining an existing stand of large evergreen trees. Duplex residential units are located directly south of the subject site. Existing single family residences are located west, east, and north of the subject site. The Red Samm surface mining site exists approximately 100 feet east of the sub- ject site. F, ETGHBORHCOD CHARACTERISTICS: The site borders on the northerly boundary of the Highlands duplex area but is surrounded on the remaining three sides by single family residential land uses. The condition of the existing streets in the area is relatively poor. G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing 6" water main is located along N.E. 21st St., and an 8" sanitary sewer exists at the dead- end of Jefferson Ave. N.E. An extension to the subject site will be necessary. See attached memorandum from the Utili- ties Division. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Route No. 242F operates along Kirkland Ave. N.E. approximately 1/4 mile south of the subject site. 4. Schools: The subject site is within 1/4 mile of Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. 5. Parks and Recreation: Open space and recreation facilities are provided adjacent to Highlands Elementary School and McKnight Junior High School. H, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. 4-729, G, General Classification District 2. 4-706, R-1, Residence Single Family T; APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR CTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. City of Renton Subdivision Regulations. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, page 11, Residential. 3. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, Subdivision of Land, pages 5 and 6. ®% PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF J. OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-77 IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: Development of the site will remove a certain amount of existing trees and vegetation. However, through proper design and lay- out representative numbers of existing trees may be retained. SOCIAL_IMPACTS: Minor. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as amended (RCW 43.21C), the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. However, the City, through various approvals, can work with the applicant to pre- serve as much significant trees on the site as possible. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Department OP wn r r The above departments approved the applications. Copies of memos from certain departments are attached. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The proposed lots exceed the minimum size and dimension requirements of the G-7200 zone and Subdivision Ordinance. The average size of lots in the area ranges from sizes similar to the subject proposal to parcels approximately 10,000 square feet. 2. Many significant evergreen trees exist on the subject site. These should be incorporated as much as possible in the overall development of the site. 3. The proposed subdivision is compatible with surrounding single family residences and duplex development. 4. Presently only half of N.E. 21st Street is developed, but it is in very poor condition. Standard off-site improve- ments do not exist in the general area, and N.E. 21st termi- nates approximately 80 feet east of the subject site at the Red Samm surface mining site. It would appear that given these conditions, full street improvements on the entire 60 feet are not justified at this time. However, certain improvements are necessary adjacent to the proposed plat to enhance the new development and general character of the area. 5. The Utilities Division has indicated that sanitary sewer is available to the site from Jefferson Avenue N.E. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 22, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: RAY BROWN SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 023-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-024-77 P, PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat as proposed subject to: 1. Provision of sanitary sewer as required by the Utilities Division. 2. Site development plans for each lot shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. Retention of as many significant evergreen and deciduous trees shall be encouraged. Trees shall be removed only in accordance with the approval plan. 3. <A fire hydrant shall be required within 500 feet of any residence as per Fire Department requirement. Recommend denial of waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of sidewalks only, subject to filing of restrictive covenants running with the land requiring participation of the subject property in any future LID for such improvements. The existing 30+ foot developed portion of N.E. 21st adjacent to the subject site shall be developed in accordance with City requirements, including pavement, curbs, and gutters. This requirement is felt to be compatible with the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance to encourage physical upgrading of residential areas. % Utilities has no objections to this subdivision. The site has an existing 6'' steel water main along the frontage on N.E. 2Ist St. The developer should check with the Fire Dept. for any fire hydrant requirements. Water service is available upon payment of the current charges, area assessments and other hookup assessments. Sanitary sewers are not adjacent to the site. A small sanitary sewer extension is required off of the deadend of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This extension should be an 8'' sanitary sewer with manholes, extended across the frontage of the plat to City specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 X) ep septe™ February 25, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: James R. Hanson SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver We have no objection to the Short Plat or Waiver as requested. JCH/mp / % R oF NEA, THE CITY OF RENTON SY naam © CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR C nd Ca 7 = ea 7 ~ a) FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS os) : © “Op & MUNICIPAL BUILDING « 200 MILL AVE. S.® RENTON WA. 98055 © 235 2642 IED <a SEP CHIEF. GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST. CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER March 7, 1977 TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver Fire Department requires a fire hydrant to be within 500 feet of any residence. ficbord Maile 394 | 1 Se, ; wre 315 518 se2 385 | Ne aie 410 © ari a ‘ f { , cory a" $ 7 ’ / | 4 392 t ‘ - AVE , gont sl . ei ' P 4 39 398 402? 405 407 409 3 i h pe 386 5 { 1 468 _ ‘ e. A i, ; Le ae "ser At Zz t+ \. 2 | % PaciFic COAST” ; Pa, a se Si ~ tT ie Ld ay | — | | ! 1 f 387 \ : \ GS-| y, ai ] ‘ . | 30 1 1 H VW 319 309 | _— 397 aos | 404 408 Ad. l a oe i I | | + om -: Fu gt - WS Jae Bal ; + b# 1 : = REN TOR CITY. CIMITS | Il SE 2@ 4 Gd te idle oe t i ‘ * \ ~ PSE So Sah \ y Bae | ie 4 ae ee yt | p--| | . gC aa 4 4 | ; x Ava \ ‘ | . t ex yor \ aa tl \ | ‘ : ; * } ’ yf } | / , 2 | ; mo om \ Stel eriepiel : S= e ®t a) s ra <r Y ‘ ri ‘ PT ro a‘ Pe sussleolyt 4 y at dee Ter Teste, ot , ory oar} ja a / z 4 (ve Sore: , 4 oe) \ 213) 48isg, «Ast \eal Y {9 act 34 ibs we tt tA v fay ‘ Tor Ag yee ‘ » 7 Lasiseye ive per Ugo) ' bd !ogrs ari \ = =_—— \ Ay 4 \ ‘ ‘ i r 4 > 4 ‘ 4 « al y > 4\ - + e » “ YT ale “ay ee ry i }\y ee é , ¢ 4 catetts Yr \ ei ‘ ' jad bes oo 8 + i Tt we r e e pe e ee to n - x ar s en e d . se S Nig geAgar. cy Is a. Ba . 4 ‘a ry s N | ‘ - — - 7 mor ni Z at e Fs oe Py os [ar n€ 3 > 2 Zi FA - SHORT PLAT AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND); Appl. Short Plat No. 023-77 and Appl. W-024-77; Four Lot Short Plat and Waiver of Off-site Improvements; property located in the vicinity of N.E. 2lst St. and Harrington Pl. NE. APPLICANT RAY BROWN (BROWN/STRAND) TOTAL AREA +0.93 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 2lst Street EXISTING ZONING G-7200 EXISTING USE Vacant Property PROPOSED USE Single Family Residential - 4 lots COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS & = 24! 5) 1 8 l 8 | 7 J lew we. wy] [Zen ©} [ep | 3] se. y oe : i Fy ‘ay {| SCALE j*2 200 ’ SUBJECT Sive [: SHORT PLAT 023-77 “” mn 2 THE CITY OF RENTON e <a z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ~ S Z CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR @® PLANNING DEPARTMENT = 235-2550 February 25, 1977 Ray Brown 1309 Monroe Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 R=: NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR Short Plat File No. 023-77 and Waiver of Off-site Improvements File No. W-024-77 ee Geitlemen: Tne Renton Planning Department formally accepted the azive mentioned application on February 22, 1977 _. A pu>iic nearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner hes been set for March 22, 1977 Representatives of the applicant are asked to be pre- se7t. All interested persons are invited to attend the hezrint. If you have any further questions, please call re = Reston Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director By: LL Michael L. Smith Associate Planner wr INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST a 70: uBeic works prrectop> al GUILDING DIVISION ENGINEERING DIVISION - RAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION WM GTILITIES DIVISION D VY CFIRE DEPARTMENT > HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Michoel Suaith Contact Person RE: Kay Brown — Wawerv ot ott-«te (mproyements Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by 3/4/77 with your written 7 ce recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date afes/77 INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST TO: SB (PuBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR VK BUILDING DIVISION J 2 CENGINEERING DIVISION ; 3B CTRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION YY QUTILITIES DIVISION agp _y/ IRE DEPARTMENT ; HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING oepartuenT Michel Suacth ontact Person RE: Ray Brown — Short p lat” Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by 3/4/27 with your written am | recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Wahl Bhatt Date 2/25/22 THE CITY OF RENTON CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR ~~ & iy c z 8 FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Bs) a ) & MUNICIPAL BUILDING ¢ 200 MILL AVE. S. © RENTON WA. 98055 * 235 2642 "Eo sept CHIEF: GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST. CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER March 7, 1977 Planning Department TO: FROM: Fire Department SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver Fire Department requires a fire hydrant to be within 500 feet of any residence, Hid beaibe Utilities has no objections to this subdivision. The site has an existing 6'' steel water main along the frontage on N.E. 21st St. The developer should check with the Fire Dept. for any fire hydrant requirements. Water service is available upon payment of the current charges, area assessments and other hookup assessments. Sanitary sewers are not adjacent to the site. A small sanitary sewer extension is required off of the deadend of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This extension should be an 8'' sanitary sewer with manholes, extended across the frontage of the plat to City specifications. Sewer service will also require payment of connection permit fees and area assessments. a, Me LER MACHA cy re | } % Date March 1, 1977 TO: Planning Dept. FROM: R. Houghton, Engineering Supervisor SUBJECT : Ray Brown Short Plat and Waiver We have no objections to the short plat or waiver as requested. a yp % / Pix . #8 ats Je [en ere <5 orm. RB: pmp ea Fos #7 Nes fy ott 2 oN - LIN au | a y i: & 3 bie ae pe CHARLES J. DELAURENT MAYOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 February 25, 1977 Planning Department LO 3 FROM: James R. Hanson SUBJECT: Ray Brown Short Plat & Waiver We have no objection to the Short Plat or Waiver as requested. JCH/mp EA x ENDING OF FILE Pe — 083-77 SEEN rs gh a gig # oe, Reed