HomeMy WebLinkAboutShort Plat File No 044-77 STOP STOP STOP- STOP S TOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED, DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE, PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. >] OP! STOP STOP STOP’ STOP BEGINNING OF FILE < Shust (Plt MICROFILMED 044-77 MEMORANDUM TO _ . Jenifer, Clerk's Office DATE 10/10/78 FROM Willis, Planning SUBJECT This should be made a part of your Pearl A. Ank Short Plat file, No. 044-77 (or wherever you would keep it).. I understand it was recorded as number 7797050534 along with the plat. Thank you. lo 29-77 uf i. ; _p- OFF 77 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, 27 a, : 3 3 are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit ‘A’ attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby acree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and Sireet lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Titte IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. | —_—> ) os % a _ flee ff ry 2! 2 J“ go--- ad f Foetd ie , JL ttt . ’ (20 Abo Ss a ‘ Ja t STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) ry On this ed day of Abad 7 ig ff% » before me a A ) P 4 Ag Dy han 74 bait personally appeared. LZAR 6 AE fA WA , tAtKeiend 1. AUR. ; ’ > the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein nentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. a 2 7 a A. timed yy C7 fA SOE v aa . Notary ge in and for the _$tate of Washing » residing at @U7tf7t-——T CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH Invoice No 614 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 CITY CLERK Department or Division Date_. July 6, 1977 Pearl A. Ank 2400 N.E. 16th St. Renton, Wash. 98055 L Please make checks payable to Finance Department City of Renton Recording of Short Plat #SP-044-77 and Restrictive Covenants $6.00 with King County Records & Elections Department Recording #7707050534 (copy attached) Restrictive Covenants and Short Plat to follow once back from King County Total Due $6.00 MGT! see os 6 1707650534 ar, ae 6.60 Date! Saris'Nc. (ReceivingNumberf ‘asian? | Amain Sher? Yidd - Poa vim Auk wen VE Ss. = a at = Year|” Ank DY EP -oy 7?) ING COUNTY REC JRDS & ELECTIONS Restric IF Coveng nts _ erm : SU--8-77 © 00636 TISTOCOSSu om Ba: Cc A pt im ene > Sirs S THE CITY OF RENTON pelle ed Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 a fs) wit | w & CHARLES J. DELAURENT!, MAYOR @ LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ¢ L. RICK BEELER, 235-2593 June 16, 1977 Mrs. Pearl A. Ank RE: File No. Sh. Pl. 044-77 2400 N.E. 16th Street W-045-77 Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mrs. Ank: This is to notify you that the above referenced requests, one which was approved subject to conditions and the other which was denied with an indefinite deferral of off-site improvements, as noted in the Examiner's report of June l, 1977, have not been appealed within the time period set by ordinance, and therefore, this application is considered final and is being submitted to the City Clerk effective this date for permanent filing. Sincerely, L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner LRB:mp ce: “City Clerk Planning Director AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) ) County of King ) Marilyn J. Petersen , being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 1Stday of June , 19 77, affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. ay, i} Dy . 7 © A L771 LAL hd “a y A Siceil 7 / TU Subscribed and sworn this BS aay of Aone ; —= { 19 (7. Voce Sy \aee Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Pearl A, Ank, Sh. Pl. 044-77, wW-045-77 (The minutes contain a List of the parties of record) June 1, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USF HEARING EXAMINER REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, APPLICANT: Pearl A. Ank FILE NO. Sh. Pl. 044-77 W-045-77 LOCATION: Approximately 250 feet west of Edmonds Avenue N.E. and approximately 100 feet east of Camas Avenue N.E. and north of N.E. 16th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a proposed two- lot short plat together with approval of a request for a waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Recommend approval of the short RECOMMENDATION : plat request with conditions; recommend denial of waiver request. Hearing Examiner: Recommend approval of the short plat request with conditions; recommend denial of waiver request. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on May 24, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on May 31, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the representative for the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Short Plat Map. Exhibit #3: Letter dated May 27, 1977 to Planning Department from Engineering Division. The Examiner asked the representative for the applicant if she concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Patricia M. Ank 2400 N.E. 16th Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Ank indicated her concurrence, but questioned the Planning Department regarding removal of large maple trees on Lot B if they interfered with proposed building envelopes. Mrs. Ank reported her intent to retain as many trees as possible but requested the option to remove them. Mr. Smith responded that the Planning Department would cooperate with the builder in this regard. The Examiner asked Mrs. Ank if she objected to the recommendation of the Planning Department to deny the waiver request in lieu of a deferral of off site improvements to a future date. Mrs. Ank indicated that although she had reservations about the recommendation, she accepted it. Mr. Smith reported that the deferral excluded sewer requirements and recommended that the applicant contact the Engineering Division regarding the requirement to extend sewers to the east property line. Mrs. Ank indicated her objection to the sewer extension and stated that she would contact the Engineering Division. -2- Short Plat 044-77 W-045-77 In response to the Examiner's question regarding the sale date of Lot C, Mrs. Ank estimated that the lot was sold approximately 15 years ago prior to the adoption of the Subdivision Ordinance in 1971. The Examiner asked for further comments in support or opposition to the application, There was no response. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for additional comments or information, Mr. Smith indicated he had no additional comments other than proposing discussions between the applicant and the Utilities Division regarding sewers, and that the applicant was informed that the Planning Department would work with the developer for future development on the property. The Examiner asked for further comments. Since there were none, the hearing on Item #Short Plat 044-77 and #W-045-77 was closed at 9:27 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: Ts 10. x ed Pr The request is for approval of a two lot short plat and waiver of off site improvements per the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, is uncontested, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full herein. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W, 43.21.C, the applications were found to be exempt from the requirements of the Ordinance and Act. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. There was no opposition to the proposal expressed. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. The extent of a sewer line installation would require consultation with the Utilities Division, The proposal is compatible with the lot coverage and other applicable requirements of Sections 4-7294 and A-706 and Chapter 11 of the Code and conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Report. Approximately 15 years ago, another parcel was subdivided from this property, which action preceded the State Subdivision Act and City Subdivision Ordinance. Therefore, this parcel is not required to be considered with the application. Three large deciduous trees exist on Parcel B which the applicant's representative stated would be saved if at all possible. However, at least one large tree may have to be removed in order to accommodate a proposed single family structure on Parcel B. The applicant's representative expressed the willingness to consult with the Planning Department staff in the location of this residence in order to attempt to save the tree. The Planning Department and applicant have through previous discussions of the short plat configuration and access considered future subdivision of the remainder of the property (Parcel A) and access to the past subdivided parcel. Adjacent to the east property line of Parcel B, an access road cul-de-sac can be created to serve the total property in question. N.E. 16th Street is currently improved with only paving and shoulders in the area surrounding the subject property. A final grade has not yet been established by the Public Works Department. The applicant's representative stated preference for waiver of off site improvements on N.E. 16th Street but expressed no objection to deferral of these improvements as recommended by the Planning staff. . ¢. =3= Short Plat 044-77 W-045-77 CONCLUSIONS: l. Having reviewed the complete record and testimony concerning the request for Short Plat No. 044-77, it is the conclusion of the Examiner to approve the request subject to consultation with city staff regarding the extent of the required sewer line extension and the retention of the existing large deciduous trees. 2. Based upon the same record and testimony, it is the conclusion of the Examiner that the request for waiver of off site improvements No. W-045-77 be denied. N.E. 16th Street will be improved at some future time and probably through a local improvement district. It appears unreasonable to exempt only one property abutting the street from contributing its fair share to the improvements for which a benefit will be derived. 3. However, it is the conclusion of the Examiner that improvements to N.E. 16th Street shall be deferred until such time as an LID is formed affecting the subject property. This decision is conditioned upon the applicant's agreement in covenants and restrictions to not protest the LID affecting the total property (Parcels A and B). RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the short plat and deny the waiver of off site improvements. 2. Grant an indefinite deferral of off site improvements subject to an agreement by the applicant and other owners of Parcels A & B that they would not protest the formation of an LID for improvement of N,E. 16th Street. 3. The applicant is instructed to coordinate installation of the required sewer connection, location of the structure on Parcel B, and future access for retention of as much of the existing vegetation as possible with city staff. ORDERED THIS lst day of June, 1977. Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS lst day of June, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Pearl A. Ank Patricia M. Ank TRANSMITTED THIS lst day of June, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3071, Section 4-3015, request for reconsideration or notice of appeal must be filed in writing on or before June 15, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedures, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision, This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date May 31, 1977 TO: Mike Smith, Planning Department FROM: Richard Houghton, Utilities Division SUBJECT: Pearl Ank - Short Plat Mrs. Ank came by this a.m. to clarify her request for deferral of off site improvements with regard to the sewer. After she gave me the background on her request, we concurred with her request and would recommend that the sewer need only be extended to the southwest corner of proposed Lot ''B'' at this time. eee 2 ae . K Wren lb, og RCH: pmp INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE pate. May 27,.1977 TO: Mike Smith, Planning FROM: Dick Houghton, Engineering SUBJECT : Off Site Improvements Deferral, Pearl Ank, Short Plat The Public Works Department has no objections to a deferral of off-site improvements however, if either by formation of an LID or City requirement in the future, these improvements will be put in. Further, a covenance should be filed against the property to this effect. RCH: pmp RECELVED CITY OF RENTO fa OF R Wags Examen fx arf H ly F; Y MAY 3.11977. f WUIVED “O 789A? |, MY 27 sr 4 eas Seam \ APPLICANT: PEARL A. ANK RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAY 211977 PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER ay J BiG Mls 2 21341516 PUBLIC HEARING “es MAY 31, 1977 RYUOTIRIT BT / it ie Vr. Se See Le 6 ITEM NO. & 407477 Li Guivi FILE NO.: SHORT PLAT 044-77 AND WAIVER OF i -24Y5-77 A, OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NO. W-045-77 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a proposed two-lot Short plat together with approval of a request for a waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: PEARL A. ANK AND PATRICIA M. ANK 2. Applicant: PEARL A. ANK 3S. Legation: Approximately 250 feet west of Edmonds Avenue N.E. and approximately 100 feet east of Camas Avenue N.E. and north of N.E. 16th Street. | 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is avail- able on file in the Renton Planning Department. | 5. Size of Property: Approximately 2.5 acres. 6. Access: Via N.E. 16th Street er ee approxi- mately 250 feet of frontage along N.E. 16th Street. ) 7. Existing Zone: G-7200, General Classification Resi- dential; 7200 square feet minimum lot size. 8. Existing Zoning G-7200; R-1, Residence Single Family; in Area: R-2, Two Family Residence District; R-3, Residence Multi-Family. 9. Comprehensive Single Family Residential. Land Use Plan: 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record Chronicle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The applicant requests approval of a two lot short plat to allow for the subsequent sale of Lot "B," a 15,000 square foot parcel located in the southwest corner of the subject property. The applicant also requests a waiver of the off-site improvements (curb, gutter, and sidewalk ) along N.E. 16th Street because no similar improvements exist along the street in the area of the subject property. HISTORY/BACKGROUND : The subject site was annexed into the City on March 31, 1960, by Ordinance 1822. It has retained the G-7200 single family residence classification since that time, as per City policy. Three single family structures have been built on the single piece of property PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-O45-77 Prior to the City's Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A .9 acre parcel of property near the northwest corner of the site was deeded to Mrs. Ank's daughter prior to the City's Subdivision Ordinance and is not a part of the proposed subdivision. E, PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site rises from N.E. 16th toward the north and east. 2. Soils: Indianola (InC). Permeability is rapid, Runoff is slow to medium, and erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for urban development and timber. 3. Vegetation: The southerly 200'+ is generally cleared with scrub grass and scattered deciduous and evergreen trees and scrub. The remaining northerly portion of the property is wooded and contains many significant deciduous and evergreen trees. Lot "B" contains several large deciduous trees, which should be retained as much as possible in the site development. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the site provides suit- able habitat for birds and small mammals characteristic of Northwest woodland and field areas. 5. Water: Surface water and streams are not apparent on the site. 6. Land Use: The subject site is generally undeveloped with large stands of trees toward the northerly portion of the site. There are, however, three existing single family residences located on the site. All three are owned by the applicant. However, the applicant resides at the northernmost structure. The remaining two structures near N.E. 16th Street are rental units and have a pre-existing, nonconforming status in terms of zoning and the Subdivision Ordinance. The general vicinity around the site consists of single family residential uses located on lots of varying size and dimension. F, NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The area consists of a mixture of platted and large lot single family residences. G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: There are a 16" water main located along N.E. 16th Street and an 8" sanitary sewer located along N.E. 16th Street west of the subject site and extending approxi- mately to its southwest corner. An 18" storm sewer also exists at the southwest corner of the subject site and extends west along N.E. 16th Street. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirement. Any future development will be subject to City of Renton standards. 3. Transit: Metro Transit Route 242F operates along Edmonds Avenue N.E. north of N.E. 16th Street. 4. Schools: The subject site is within four blocks of Hillcrest Elementary School and within one block of McKnight Junior High School and within two miles of Hazen High School. The proposed short plat will not have a significant effect on schools within the area. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: N, PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER 5. Parks: The subject site is located within four blocks of Hill- crest Park and within one block of the recreational open space area of the McKnight Junior High School complex. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: 1. 4-729G, General Classification District. 2. R-706, R-1, Residence, Single Family. 3. Renton Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105, Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions; 9-1108, Plat Improvements and Development Standards; and 9-1108.19.B, Community Assets. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. Land Use Report, 1965, page 11, Residential. 2. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, 1965, page 4. IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: The subject short plat should not have a significant impact on the natural systems, if retention of the natural characteristics is provided in the site development. A minor increase in storm water runoff, traffic, and noise levels will occur as the result of an additional single family residence on Lot "B." No additional struc- tures can be built on Lot "A," as there are three structures already existing on this portion of the property. SOCIAL IMPACTS: The subject request will have minimal social impacts. Construction of one additional single family residence will be compatible with existing development in the area. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43.21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. However, the City, through various approvals, can work with the applicant to preserve as much signifi- cant trees on the site as possible. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. AGENCTES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Departments OW r- e The above departments approved the applications. Copies of memos from certain departments are attached. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: 0, PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-045-77 DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Ls LU. The proposed two lot short plat conforms to ordinance require- ments for lot size and dimensions. Lot "A" -- 2.2 acres Lot "B" -- 15,150 square feet + The applicant proposes to retain Lot "A" with the previously constructed houses and seli Lot "B." The applicant has been informed that she cannot further sub- divide the property within five years, unless it is subdivided as a major plat. Through consultation and review by the Planning Department and the applicant's engineer, the lot which is to be sold (Lot "B") has been located in such a manner so as to allow for future development of a cul-de-sac road into the interior of the property. This will allow for proper future access and reduce potential problems for further subdivision and develop- ment of the remaining property (Lot "A"). It will also provide for the proper development of the seemingly landlocked parcel of property north and west of the subject site. This property is presently owned by Mrs. Ank's daughter, but is unbuildable because of the access question. The Public Works Department has reviewed and approved the pro- posed plat. Granting of the proposed plat will not substantially impact the area. Several significant trees exist on Lot "B" and Lot "A" is fairly heavily wooded. Any approval of the plat should be conditional, so as to preserve the significant natural character- istics of the site. Utilities are available to the site. The Utilities Division has required extension of the sewer from its existing location near the southwest corner of Lot "B" along N.E. 16th Street to the easterly property line of Lot "A." Also, a sewer con- nection charge will be required at the time of construction of any buildings. Presently curb, gutter, and sidewalks are not present in the area along N.E. 16th Street. The existing subdivision immedi- ately west of the subject site has these improvements within the plat but not along N.E. 16th Street. The proper time for installation of the off-site improvements would be at the time the entire property is subdivided and developed. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat application subject to: Retention of the significant trees on the site. No trees shall be removed without prior approval of the Renton Planning Depart- ment. Placement of any structures on Lot "B" shall conform to future street location as recommended in 0.4 above. Recommend denial of waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements, subject to the PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE FIVE RE: PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-045-77 Signing and filing of restrictive covenants running with the land, agreeing to participate in any future LID or City initiated action for installation of said improvements. Sewers shall be extended as per ordinance and Public Works Department requirements. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235:'*2 540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 May 12, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO: Planning Department FROM: Building Division SUBJECT: Pearl Ank Waiver & Short Plat We have no objections to the proposed Short Plat and Waiver. JCH/mp / | e SOREN = et a OY Owes “iON TS i NK J» & \ $} lo bs \ rs {— = | Al 4} 4 aon wai yy INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE pate May 13, 1977 TO: Mike Smith FROM: Richard Houghton SUBJECT: Pearl Ank - Short Plat 044-77 Sanitary sewers will be required to be extended to the east line of Tract 214. There is a sanitary sewer system development charge, that Bening <01¢ per sq. ft., due at the time of connection. A sixteen inch line (water) exists in N.E. 16th St. System development charges for water are .Ol¢ per sq. ft. Also, there will be a latecomer fee due on said water line at time of connection. Curb, gutter and otheroffsite improvements are required by ordinance; however, a variance has been requested by the owner. RCH: pmp May 13, 1977 Date TOs Mike Smith FROM: R. Houghton SUBJECT : Waiver Request #W-045-77 We concur in the request and suggest that a covenant be recorded with the records that the offsite improvements will be put in by L.1.D. or when direc- ted by the City. RCH: pmp May 24, TO: FROM: SUBJECT: THE CITY OF RENTON CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS MUNICIPAL BUILDING ¢ 200 MILL AVE. S. ® RENTON WA- 98055 ¢ 235 2642 CHIEF: GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST.CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER 1977 Planning Department Fire Department Pearl Ank Waiver & Short Plat We have no objections to the proposed Short Plat and Waiver. Jack McLaughlin Inspector NG 4 A pe e Ve “x e : NE @Ang §T. : ae th oe gede ar ~~ N rl t G r i t A WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: PEARL ANK; Appli. No. W-045-77; waiver of off-site impreovements for a_two-lot short plat; property located in the Vinicity of 2400 N.E. loth Street. PEARL ANK TOTAL AREA +2.54 acres APPLICANT PRINCIPAL Access N-E. 16th Street EXISTING ZONING 4%-/200 EXISTING USE Single family residences and undeveloped PROPOSED USE Single family residence COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single family residential COMMENTS L _ l . [ ] = _ 7 qr =e = V4) lololo : [ = NE. IGTH Sf. ‘| {8 = I en i o,ayoyoO jo ] ) 241 ey $0 a WT T. sl Oj}O oO ol fy) 10 le ; NE. 181# ES L]) (4 ba w{O oc 7 Bis re] | «tO | Yo LJ . iq? | . BN a = a[o Pe _ Sy O S q \\ Ae a iA} o ah bafih GA7R00 a a aL a | G-7200 Ul {o ot 1 | {0 ) ot aaee DAYTON AYE NE. L- ~é a3 ap SCALE !"=200' SYBIECT SITE PEARL. A. ANK Stoke PLAT: 044-77 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING SS: Bee ates? being first duly swornon oath, deposes and says tha§.s. he.isthe chi.ef...clerk.........0... of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four (4) times a week. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four (4) times a week in Kent, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the : Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, ; NOTICE OF is Be pane HEARING Washington. That the annexedisa............... Application by i: ape bre “RENTON, WASHINGTON veevtevetteeesseses POAC) AM ic ccccccccccccscessescessessesststesteseessessess ; A PUBLIC HEARING “WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE ‘cain Sh stamens a eRNR RNa aa MENECEES as it was published in regular issues (and “HEARING EXAMINER AT not in-supptement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period IN THE COUNCIL CHAM- BERS, CITY HALL, RE- NTON, WASHINGTON, ON of cceesseeeseetl ee ee consecutive issues, commencing on the MAY 31, 1977,,AT 9:00 A.M. .TO CONSIDER THE FOL- noseed 2Q.. day OF ...... Mayen eects, 19......7-7 and ending the LeEAML A Ria Koes: , CATION FOR TWO LOT SHORT PLAT APPROV- pennesTeclte GAY OF noice cidinninsicnnis anstibKasianenaaeaereCnnwsdimenensnseenetaarey LDiaesean.y DOU Gates: AL; FILE NO. 044-77: inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- PROPERTY LOCATED scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee IN VICINITY OF 2400 N.E. 16TH ST. charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of g..21 = 9@nich me aN ee APPLI- has been paid in fullatthe rate of per folio of one hundred words for the OF OF R_WAIVER first insertion and _ per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent F-SITE IM- insertion. ‘i PROVEMENTS FOR TWO LOT SHORT PLAT; File No. W-045-77; prop- erty located in vicinity of 2400 N.E. 16th St. Legal description of appli- Cations noted above on file in the Renton Planning De- | oA partment: Subscribed and sworn to before me this..............4 Bic.ceccccceeceeeee eee day of ALL INTERESTED PER- SONS TOSAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- SENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 31, y ren aries A.M. TO EX- 4 : HEIR OPINIONS. Notary Publi \ , GORDON Y. ERICKSEN RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR Published in The Renton Record-Chronicle May 20, 1977. R4357 _— 24y¥..May,, 19.7.7... — Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th, 1955S. — Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the St«‘e. CITY OF RENTON PLAT APPLICATION Fy _ SYyort /Vat __ SHORT PLAT mae . FILE NO. d7¥-77 ___ MAJOR PLAT VAN ~e City “Cc DATE REC'D <fyl12 ___ TENTATIVE (s RLULITLY €N FEE_$ [So ____ PRELIMINARY | way 9 . } RECEIPT NO. I28 ___ FINAL nes =] SM NO. \e, RY PUD NO. ng pees ———__—— APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7: l. Plat Name & Location 2. No. Lots 2 Total Acreage 2. zoning @-2700 3. Owner PPA RC 4. fats Phone @A- G-OF72 Address 2400 ME. /6™ Sr, Metro, WASH GOOES 4. Engineer KAD LER Phone _ @S§-°S0EO Address DOB 2256 _KEMTOW", WASH FES 5 5. Underground Utilities: Yes No Not Installed Telephone caean lls —— ELectric oF _ Street Lights _. —”% _ Natural Gas eee _ TV Cable ne —— 6. Sanitation & Water: [9 city Water /_/ Sanitary Sewers /_/ Water District No. /_/ Dry Sewers /7 Septic Tanks 7. Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance 8. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER 9. STAFF ACTION: ___ SHORT PLAT APPROVED DENIED ___TENTATIVE PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 10. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: ____ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED ___ FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED ii. cy?Y covrcrn acrror: ___ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED ___ FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 12. DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. & TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. Rev. 12/71 AFFIDAVIT ad A A oo! ZL Le ZB Cts Wy , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of _— Saas involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this “5? aay of Laer = , i9 wag Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at CY 7 LH = (Lal Le. (ore Zc S LECCE Gadecwin Ut (Baik e& Z (Name of Notary Public) (Signature of Owner) 7 a _ ; Bent ia LLLL. BLO 0/ME vera (Address) (Address) VALS filed {CLty) ff (State) EN EOL (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to Sereeey 2 “bet foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been cous worough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rd og ations of the Renton Planning Department governing the as rete, ey plication. MAY 9 1977 Date neceiveall , 19 By: eS 1 Ke Y \s —- = z, &y Vp & We perty nent ———— enton Planning Dept. 2-73 KENNETH J. OYLER CIVIL ENGINEER & LAND SURVEYOR P.O. Box 2258 « Renton, Wa 98055 255-5050 May 9, 1977 Plannins Jonmission sity of tenton, Wosh. rn an onl te:)«6 Waiver of OFF-STTH improvemebs Centlemens At this time a waiver of the o°f site improvements is requested. The only strect improvements at this time are curb and cutter returcs on the north side of N.EY 14th. at Blaine and Camas Avenues N.E. The “nsineevin: deptartreat hasn't establ shed an official crade for [.u. 16th street. WUTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON MAY 31 . , 19.77_, AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. PEARL A. ANK; APPLICATION FOR TWO LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL; File No. 044-77; property located in vicinity of 2400 N.E. 16th St. 2. PEARL A. ANK, APPLICATION FOR WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TWO LOT SHORT PLAT; File No. W-045-77; property located in vicinity of 2400 N.E. 16th St. Legal description of applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON _ MAY 31, 1977 AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. GORDON Y. ERICKSEN PUBLISHED May 20, 1977 RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I, Michael L. Smith » HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed’ and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, on che _faeday of ABS. ; - of 19 97 SIGNED a / t ewes za ' dode wr cc: THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 Pearl A. Ank 2400 N.E. 16th Street Renton, WA 98055 Ank: May 16, 1977 Dear Ms. RE: NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE ae OOS ioe At ABP ROVAE AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. 044-77 AND NO. W-045-77...._. Gentlemen: The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on has been set for May 9, 1977 —. OA public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner May 31, 1977 __ 4 Representatives of the applicant are asked to be pre- sent. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please cal] the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director By: Associate Planner K. J. Oyler PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PEARL A. ANK APPLICANT: FILE NO.: A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: PUBLIC HEARING MAY 31, 1977 SHORT PLAT 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NO. W-045-77 The applicant is requesting approval of a proposed two-lot short plat together with approval of a request for a waiver of off-site improvements requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. GENERAL INFORMATION: he Ca 10. Owner of Record: Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Size of Property: Access: Existing Zone: Existing Zoning in Area: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Notification: PURPOSE OF REQUEST: PEARL A. ANK AND PATRICIA M. ANK PEARL A. ANK Approximately 250 feet west of Edmonds Avenue N.E. and approximately 100 feet east of Camas Avenue N.E. and north of N.E. l6th Street. A detailed legal description is avail- able on file in the Renton Planning Department. Approximately 2.5 acres. Via N.E. 16th Street (There are approxi- mately 250 feet of frontage along N.E. 16th Street. ) G-7200, General Classification Resi- dential; 7200 square feet minimum lot size. Two Family Residence District; G-7200; R-1, Residence Single Family; R-2, R-3, Residence Multi-Family. Single Family Residential. The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record Chronicle and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City ordinance. The applicant requests approval of a two lot short plat to allow for the subsequent sale of Lot "B," a 15,000 square foot parcel located in the southwest corner of the subject property. The applicant also requests a waiver of the off-site improvements (curb, gutter, and sidewalk ) along N.E. 16th Street because no similar improvements exist along the street in the area of the subject property. HISTORY/BACKGROUND : The subject site was annexed into the City on March 31, 1960, by Ordinance 1822. anc : It has retained the G-7200 single family residence classification since that time, as per City policy. Three single family structures have been built on the single piece of property ” PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-045-77 Prior to the City's Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A .9 acre parcel of property near the northwest corner of the site was deeded to Mrs. Ank's daughter prior to the City's Subdivision Ordinance and is not a part of the proposed subdivision. E, PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site rises from N.E. 16th toward the north and east. 2. Soils: Indianola (InC). Permeability is rapid, Runoff is slow to medium, and erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for urban development and timber. 3. Vegetation: The southerly 200'+ is generally cleared with scrub grass and scattered deciduous and evergreen trees and scrub. The remaining northerly portion of the property is wooded and contains many significant deciduous and evergreen trees. Lot "B" contains several large deciduous trees, which should be retained as much as possible in the site development. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the site provides suit- able habitat for birds and small mammals characteristic of Northwest woodland and field areas. 5. Water: Surface water and streams are not apparent on the site. 6. Land Use: The subject site is generally undeveloped with large stands of trees toward the northerly portion of the site. There are, however, three existing single family residences located on the site. All three are owned by the applicant. However, the applicant resides at the northernmost structure. The remaining two structures near N.E. 16th Street are rental units and have a pre-existing, nonconforming status in terms of zoning and the Subdivision Ordinance. The general vicinity around the site consists of single family residential uses located on lots of varying size and dimension. F, NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The area consists of a mixture of platted and large lot single family residences. G, PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: There are a 16" water main located along N.E. 16th Street and an 8" sanitary sewer located along N.E. 16th Street west of the subject site and extending approxi- mately to its southwest corner. An 18" storm sewer also exists at the southwest corner of the subject site and extends west along N.E. 16th Street. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirement. Any future development will be subject to City of Renton standards. 3. Transit: Metro Transit Route 242F operates along Edmonds Avenue N.E. north of N.E. 16th Street. 4. Schools: The subject site is within four blocks of Hillcrest Elementary School and within one block of McKnight Junior High School and within two miles of Hazen High School. The proposed ee plat will not have a significant effect on schools within the area. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-045-77 5. Parks: The subject site is located within four blocks of Hill- crest Park and within one block of the recreational open space area of the McKnight Junior High School complex. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: 1. 4-729G, General Classification District. 2. R-706, R-1, Residence, Single Family. 3. Renton Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105, Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions; 9-1108, Plat Improvements and Development Standards; and 9-1108.19.B, Community Assets. I, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. Land Use Report, 1965, page 11, Residential. 2. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, 1965, page 4. J. IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: The subject short plat should not have a significant impact on the natural systems, if retention of the natural characteristics is provided in the site development. A minor increase in storm water runoff, traffic, and noise levels will occur as the result of an additional single family residence on Lot "B." No additional struc- tures can be built on Lot "A," as there are three structures already existing on this portion of the property. K. SOCIAL IMPACTS: The subject request will have minimal social impacts. Construction of one additional single family residence will be compatible with existing development in the area. L. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43.21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. However, the City, through various approvals, can work with the applicant to preserve as much signifi- cant trees on the site as possible. M. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. N, AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: City of Renton Engineering Division City of Renton Utilities Division City of Renton Building Division City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton Fire Departments mR WP re The above departments approved the applications. Copies of memos from certain departments are attached. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: 0, PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-045-77 DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The proposed two lot short plat conforms to ordinance require- ments for lot size and dimensions. Lot "A" -- 2.2 acres Lot "B" -- 15,150 square feet + 2. The applicant proposes to retain Lot "A" with the previously constructed houses and sel? Lot "B." 3. The applicant has been informed that she cannot further sub- divide the property within five years, unless it is subdivided as a major plat. 4. Through consultation and review by the Planning Department and the applicant's engineer, the lot which is to be sold (Lot "B") has been located in such a manner so as to allow for future development of a cul-de-sac road into the interior of the property. This will allow for proper future access and reduce potential problems for further subdivision and develop- ment of the remaining property (Lot "A"). It will also provide for the proper development of the seemingly landlocked parcel of property north and west of the subject site. This property is presently owned by Mrs. Ank's daughter, but is unbuildable because of the access question. 5. The Public Works Department has reviewed and approved the pro- posed plat. 6. Granting of the proposed plat will not substantially impact the area. 7. Several significant trees exist on Lot "B" and Lot "A" is fairly heavily wooded. Any approval of the plat should be conditional, so as to preserve the significant natural character- istics of the site. 8. Utilities are available to the site. The Utilities Division has required extension of the sewer from its existing location near the southwest corner of Lot "B" along N.E. 16th Street to the easterly property line of Lot "A." Also, a sewer con- nection charge will be required at the time of construction of any buildings. 9. Presently curb, gutter, and sidewalks are not present in the area along N.E. 16th Street. The existing subdivision immedi- ately west of the subject site has these improvements within the plat but not along N.E. 16th Street. 10. The proper time for installation of the off-site improvements would be at the time the entire property is subdivided and developed. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat application subject to: Retention of the significant trees on the site. No trees shall be removed without prior approval of the Renton Planning Depart- ment. Placement of any structures on Lot "B" shall conform to future street location as recommended in 0.4 above. Recommend denial of waiver request and approval of an indefinite deferral of curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements, subject to the “PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF MAY 31, 1977 PAGE FIVE RE: PEARL A. ANK SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 044-77 AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION NO. W-045-77 Signing and filing of restrictive covenants running with the land, agreeing to participate in any future LID or City initiated action for installation of said improvements. Sewers shall be extended as per ordinance and Public Works Department requirements. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 235-2540 BUILDING DIVISION MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 May 12, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR Planning Department TO: FROM: Building Division SUBJECT: Pearl Ank Waiver & Short Plat We have no objections to the proposed Short Plat and Waiver. JCH/mp 4 INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE pate May 13, 1977 TO: Mike Smith FROM: Richard. Houghton SUBJECT : Pearl Ank - Short Plat 044-77 Sanitary sewers will be required to be extended to the east line of Tract 214. There is a sanitary sewer system development charge, that being «O1¢ per sq. ft., due at the time of connection. A sixteen inch line (water) exists in N.E. 16th St. System development charges for water are .Ol¢ per sq. ft. Also, there will be a latecomer fee due on said water line at time of connection. Curb, gutter and otheroffsite improvements are required by ordinance; however, a variance has been requested by the owner. RCH: pmp INTEROFFICE CORRESPOMSER CE pate _ May 13, 1977 TO: Mike Smith FROM: R. Houghton SUBJECT : Waiver Request #W-045-77 We concur in the request and suggest that a covenant be recorded with the records that the offsite improvements will be put in by L.1.D. or when direc- ted by the City. Me, Zo ~7% CPD et 4 AS RCH: pmp THE CITY OF RENTON CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS MUNICIPAL BUILDING © 200 MILL AVE. S. ® RENTON WA. 98055 © 235 2642 CHIEF: GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST.CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER May 24, 1977 TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department SUBJECT: Pearl Ank Waiver & Short Plat We have no objections to the proposed Short Plat and Waiver. Jack McLaughlin Inspector NG - sia , 4 | ~ | 7 | | ELS | \ } | | ! | | J il a eX \\ | : | | dE sl | | { bacail i (Jad § * a) | L NE i 2a™ ; $T F a fe sf | yo || ee eT 3 i TRE |} ona 4d zea 273 , oe | “a | 24 3 ais eae 7 ; | | i> (4) 7 { \, és | if ‘ it 5 er . t 1 1 wi) 16 i aT \ ! I 203 2e4! 2h2) 263, poz | 243 1 1 i | eeaaeemeee St e a l pa n e i 264 | 2 251 id 244 | ae | Sw i c k AV E N E AA I N G T /~ | z a [ = . - re c t ws , - J X WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: PEARL ANK; Appli. No. W-045-773; waiver of off-site impreovements for a_two-lot short plat; property located in the Vinicity of 2400 N.E. loth Street. APPLICANT PEARL ANK TOTAL AREA $2.54 acres PRINCIPAL Access N-E. 16th Street EXISTING ZONING &-7200 EXISTING USE Single family residences and undeveloped PROPOSED USE Single family residence COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single family residential COMMENTS PO tat so po pd I. [| r} Fe -~S [s&s Oloid r a) mn = NE. 19TH SF. J = oa o;o0)j0 (y | | (= $O a NE 187TH _ ST. alolo job CL] Oo 1.@ 71 L NE. 18TH 57. CJ) (4 La «{[ofoyo/oye LJ |s Als x +————4 170 Ww OT weg w UO} Yo LI) * ra . | | W n LJ RS well] x g | | +/ O : S x . | a fo) [o]2 : \\s J [J (] -ED exe pagil B o do a i o h i o ~ 7200 | *' ' £ [ | oe BATH oy DAYTON AYE NE. L- wd a3 op SCALE 12200! SYBIECT SITE PEARL. A. ANK. Stoker PAT: 044-77 INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW REQUEST ee —— “ __ a TO: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BUILDING DIVISION Sa a, NGINEER DIVISION ) RAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION > ——— ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT _~ HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT Wichae| Sith Contact Person RE: Pear | Auk. Shevt plat 4f 044-77 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by </ 5/22 with your written 7 1 recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT THE CITY OF RENTON — * CHARLES J. DELAURENT! , MAYOR Cc > 7. 2 wl § FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Q ™ o "O & MUNICIPAL BUILDING ¢ 200 MILL AVE. S.® RENTON WA. 98055 © 235 2642 ep sepre™ CHIEF. GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST.CHIEF: DICK GEISSLER May 24, 1977 TOs Planning Department FROM: Fire Department SUBJECT: Pearl Ank Waiver & Short Plat We have no objections to the proposed Short Plat and Waiver. Jack McLaughlin Inspector NS INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE cate ‘May 13, 1977 TO: Mike Smith FROM: Richard. Houghton SUBJECT: Pearl Ank - Short Plat 044-77 Sanitary sewers will be required to be extended to the east line of Tract 214. There is a sanitary sewer system development charge, that being -Ol¢ per sq. ft., due at the time of connection. A sixteen inch line (water) exists in N.E. 16th St. System development charges for water are .Ol¢ per sq. ft. Also, there will be a latecomer fee due on said water line at time of connection. Curb, gutter and otheroffsite improvements are required by ordinance; however, a variance has been requested by the owner. RCH: pmp INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE pate ‘May 13, 1977 TO: Mike Smith FROM: R. Houghton SUBJECT : Waiver Request #W-045-77 We concur in the request and suggest that a covenant be recorded with the records that the offsite improvements will be put in by L.1I.D. or when direc- ted by the City. af , __ Kithack N) RCH: pmp PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235"2 540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 May 12, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENT! MAYOR TO Planning Department FROM: Building Division SUBJECT: Pearl Ank Waiver & Short Plat We have no objections to the proposed Short Plat and Waiver. JCH/mp N A ENDING OF FILE