HomeMy WebLinkAboutShort Plat File No 084-77Ay yy hae Mai tte AL Y RA M I ! TI V G IS O tt e ] LY S OP S O N I IP BI A S AL C A N U N I B I A 99 0 8 6 = KB Na I N E Y 99 2 2 “P g oH OG O S S5 2 ST P FO WF I T A O [ ML I N N Z Y GP O L L | OD S , 7 > 19 7 6 2 8 or Go r Lh "G L ee ; N OW A Y TO H E W LO Z 3 Ln i g s c i o r t e g e e : PO M S EN B ; SA Z ~S G Z PE V A G O X Y FO " Me De n f WA Z SA S WI L T La OS wa d ? \ SL F F O L S 2A ! SA O W L I Q LA I I M S ON G OP E LY O N FL GO L D LE A M A De p t , tA I O K A PI LL I M I O D OV I DV 60 0 OF AP I E A nv e d , bN O L D A S to £2 / V BE S O FA Y Hd AP PL S C F WL SO PL S O F FH L SO 2 LS A FA S O , (E G HL V O C H Y EF ad | r~ LV O O U L AI A 22 7 | v| " | Be e 2 Ee ? Z «| / o> Ee | Z / s | aR | e ZI V FA Y FD A of VI M 17 , 9 xa y - : | | gg LO P / : ,O L mA OL ,C E 6. (L e 77 f — a mM X LU O M S NW ] LO Y ) G0 2 72 $ . se N Ny N CH b L B6 L O9 6 . 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NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. oT OP! STOP STOP STOP- STOP _ BEGINNING OF FILE ~~ Dust (Plt 084-17 © ——MICROFILMED Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING S85 THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four (4) times a week. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four (4) times a week in Kent, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washington. That the annexedisa.......0.% Lee...a Dil cvimenadtdiSartuee Ns nsec cesecces as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period OF sscensvsaneed a eee eee consecutive issues, commencing on the ore day Of sscsssanee EET oc ccscmereneevncic ,19..0....,and ending the uaa day of eee ,19........, both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $..d.6.5) which has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and _ per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. PO Ae ee Oe Ot Se PEE Ty 25 residing at Kent, King County. — Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th, 195S. — Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C. Form No. 87 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING _ RENTON LAND US 7, AT BER 18, 1977: ey ue. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING P ONS ARGARET L AND . SA, RE- RAY H. BALL, SR. ZONE FROM GS-| To AL1, File No. B-083-773 F OUR-LOTCSHORT— " AND Fiver OF OFF-SITE iles OVEMENTS, Fi nr 77 and W-085- 77: rty located on between N.E. 12th St. Pierce ave, tor and Ave. N.E- Pagal descriptions on file in the Ser Planning artment. D PER- LL INTERESTE SONS TOSAID ah pod ARE INVITED TO B Se SENT AT THE P 4 M. TO 1977 AT 9:00 A. - EXPRESS THEIR OF! NIONORDON Y. ERICKSEN PLANNING DIRECTOR Published in The Sasa Record-Chronicle Octo 7, 1977. R4587 ° ss ‘ Py al ey . , r 3 SS A by re foe o Pert £ Oda LF - yt ‘ . / Lt Lemme /é . = “es \ Renton City Council 12/19/77 Page 2 Consent Agenda Letter from Floyd Hughes, Sr., President of the Renton Merchants Downtown Association expressed thanks for cooperation in the installation of Christmas new Christmas decorations in downtown Renton, noting praise from Decorations community. Information. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reappointed Peggy Ziebarth, 17020 S.E. 128th St., to the Municipal Arts Commission for three-year term expiring 12/31/80. The letter noted Mrs. Ziebarth first appointed 1/76 completing term of Ethe? Telban, who had resigned, Mrs. Zeibartn wishes to continue to serve. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Claims for Damages Claim for damages was filed by Floyd N. and Geraldine S. Broerfle, F. proeffle 880 Monroe Ave. N.E, in amount $3,743.03 due to backup of sewer. M. Nelson Claim for damages was filed by Michael G. Nelson, 3322 N.E. 6th St., also alleging backup of sewer damaging household. Refer to Cit Attorney and Insurance Carrier. consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECON) BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. MOVED BY Approved STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, THE TWO FOLLOWING ITEMS BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND READ SEPARATEL:. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Cable TV Bonds Letter from City Attorney Warren noted request from Jim Hurd, Office of Cable Communication for the posting of bonds to fuitili require- ments of Cable Television Contracts. The letter stated Mr. Hurd suggested the City set a bond for Clearview Cable TV in the sum of $2,500 and feleprompter, dba Northwest Cablevision inc. in sum of $25,000. Referral to City Department and Counci! committee suggested. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE OFFICE OF CABLF COMMUNICATION AND REFER TO THE PUSLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ATTENTION DEL BENNETT. CARRIED. Legal Publication Legal Publications bid opening 12/15/77, two oids received as shown Bid Award on the attached tabulation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, ~ Ar COUNCLL APPROVE THE LOW BID OF RECURD CHRONICLE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Appeal of Rezone letter from Ray 4. and Margaret L. Ball filed appeal of Land Use Ray &% Mardaret Bal} Hearing Examiner's decision on their rezone application R 083-77 R 083-77 for property ‘ocated on the south side of N.E. 2th st. between Pierce Ave. N.E. and Queen Ave. N.E. The rezone requested change from GS-1 to R-] in order to comply with minimum lot size require- ments for platting and development of a portion of property lying south of the subject rezone site. The Ball appeal claimed misstate- ment of Mr. Ball's testimony, conflict and misstatement of fact in conclusions. The appeal letter did not appeal the Examiner's recom- mendation granting the rezone; but did request the City to make normal sized blocks, that Queen Ave. NE be principal access and Pierce Ave. an alley or limited access street. Appeal Continued Plannng and Development Conmittee Report noted review of the record Ray and Margaret | and Hearing Examiner's written decision as required by City Code Ball R-083-77 Section 4-3017 and recommenced that the City Counci: concur in the Rezone recommendation of the Examiner for Ray and Margaret baii, k-083-//, with changes: (1) Modification of Recommendation #1. Deletion of requirement for dedication of western 20 ft. until dwelling on Tax Lot 205 is removed; 2. Deletion of Item 3 of the Examiner's recom- mendation which was deleted upon reconsideration by the Examiner. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FELOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND REFER TQ THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke noted for the record that the action of the committee was relative to rezoning and planning, dedi- cation of property not properly before the Hearing Examiner at the time of zone change, but would be at time of approval of plat or building permit. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired as to agreement in the recommendation by the Ray Ball's, being advised by Councilwoman Shinpoch that the Ball's were present at the committee meeting and agreement reached. Councilman Perry used map and explained committee's recommendation. Mr. Ray Ball, 3607 N.E. I2th St. noted payment of Vv Renton City Council 12/19/77 Page 3 Correspondence and Rezone Appeal 6 Current Business - Continued $110 fee plus $25 appeal fee. MOTION CARRIED adoptina committee recom-— Ray Ball mendations. Thorpe asked her NO voice vote be recorded. Pa Leslie Adams Letter from Acting City Attorney Warren advised ne appesred in Court Case #828227 McLaughlin Rezone Appeal R 001-77 Traffic Signals - Renton Shopping Center Human Rights urdinance Appointment Fire Chief OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Report Renton Hill Zoning Soutn Renton Comprehensive Plan Area Superior Court on 12/8/77 to argue the Writ of certiorari on the McLaughlin Rezone filed by Leslie Adams, et ux vs City of Renton. The letter explained Judge's decision that the City's actic - were not arbitrary and capricious and therefore dismissed the Wri Copy of trial brief and pertinent documents included. Siete aian Letter from Carl Wyatt, Presidant of the Rentun Sropoing Ceuter, Inc., Merchant's Association, called attention to seven restrictive and unsafe features in the traffic signal control system ad: Beene to the Center. (1) Intersection of Rainier Ave. S. and $. 3rd.3 Tengthen- ing of left turn sianal time and east-west walk signal time requested. (2) Intersection of Sunset Blvd., Langston Rd., and Hardie St.; re- quested jengthing of time for both left turn signal and north-south walk signal. (2) Intersection of Rainier Ave. S. and S. 4th Pl.; requested construction of a Jeft turn storage lane for northbound traffic on Rainier Ave. S. to aliow left turn into Center. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TQ THE ADMINIS- TRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION BACK TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Letter fran Albert ialiey, Chairperson of the Renton Human Rights and Affairs Commission, submitted an ordinance amending Titie Il, Chapter 10 of the City Code setting forth duties and pPracedures ot the Human Rights and Arfairs Commission. The letter expiained the two public hearings hela by the commission, ordinance having been drafted with assistance of former City Attorney Shetian and City Attorney Warren The letter noted the Washinuton s:ate Auman Rights Conmission and attorney nave determined it is sat:siacicry to provide for inter-agency cooperation in the processing of complaints. Refer- ral to the Ways and Means Conmittee recommended. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Richard Geissier to the permanent position of Fire Chief for the City effective 1/1/78, asking confirmation by the City Council. The letter noted successful completion of the six-month probationary period by Chief Geissler as of 1/1/78. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINT- MENT. CARRIED. Motion by Stredicke, second by Shinpoch, for recess, Failed. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry supvitted committee report recommending that the Council] refer the matter of the zoning on Renton Hill to the Planning Department to review the Comprehen- sive Plan changes recently passed hy the Council and tne zoning of the Ranton Hill area to detern ine those parcels of tard bearing different zoning classifications than those portals hane in the amended Comprehensive Plan. The report noted the Pianning Dept. would then initiate rezoning requests where vareeld do not conform with proposed uses of the amended plan and would prepare the necessary reports; the Hearing Examiner to determine, after a public hearing, whether or not the parcels identified by the Planning Department should be rezoned, MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCT. CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF TRE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMTTY:® Uson inquiry by Councilwoman Therpe on areas where application had been made prior to the moratorium, Acting City Attorney Warren advised of prior vested rights. MOTION CARRIED. The committee report recommended Council concurrence in the Planning Commission recommendations for South Penton Comprehensive Planning Area subject to the follow: (1) Designate a lineal greenbelt area along west side of proposed SR 515 extending southerly from S 27th St. to SE 172nd St.; (2) Include buffer of low density multi-family RENTON CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT December 19, 1977 T0¢ Council Members FROM: Planning and Development Committee RE: APPEAL - APPLICATION FOR REZONE APPROVAL, RAY AND MARGARET BALL, FILE NO. R-083-77 The Planning and Development Committee, after examination of the record and the Hearing Examiner's written decision, findings, and conclusions pursuant to Section 4-3017, recommends that the City Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the Hearing Examiner with the following changes: 1. Modification of Recommendation No. 1 of Land Use Hearing Examiner Deletion of the requirement of dedication of the western 20 feet of the subject property. This recom- mendation would retain the requirement that should the dwelling on Tax Lot 205 be demolished or removed that the westerly 20 feet of that parcel be dedicated as special riaht-of-way. 2. Deletion of Item 3 of the recommendations by Land Use Hearing Examiner This item was deleted by the Hearing Examiner upon reconsideration. ——y as é f 2 eile yg At th 2? ; Ko ee CN (FT ff EFT George Perry, Chairman C par Rey qmnaeh Member MD Richard & tifa ‘ y' ¢ 4\\ (| Fékey Member AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) ) County of King ) Marilyn J. Petersen , being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 24thday of October , L977 » ALELant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. Diesctyafs Vn Subscribed and sworn this 16aay of Dctalwer ; 19 M7. \\ age of Nn \ Nase Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Joe Boehme/Ray H. Ball, Sh. Pl. 084-77 W-085-77 (The minutes contain a List of the parties of record) vwutober 24, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, APPLICANT: Joe Boehme/Ray H. Ball FILE NO. Short Plat 084-77 W-085-77 LOCATION: Property located on the south side of N.E. 12th Street between Pierce Avenue N.E. and Queen Avenue N.E. extending southward to approximately N.E. llth Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat for sale of three resulting lots approximately 7,980 square feet each to Mr. Joe Boehme for construction of three single family residences. Applicant also requests waiver of the off-site improvement requirements on Queen Avenue N.E. and deferment of the sidewalk requirements along Pierce Avenue N.E. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Planning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on October 11, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding areas, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on October 18, 1977, at 9:40 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: King County Assessor's Map (by reference: Exhibit #2 in File No. R-083-77) Exhibit #3: Plat Map In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding requirements for improvements, Mr. Smith reported that while an indefinite deferral had been recommended on Queen Avenue N.E., improvements including curbs, gutters and sidewalks were recommended along Pierce Avenue N.E. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith to explain a recommendation from the Traffic Engineering Division for a 60-foot width on Pierce Avenue N.E. as opposed to the 50-foot width recommended by the Planning Department. Mr. Smith advised that the 50-foot width complies with requirements in the Subdivision Ordinance, although both 50-foot and 60-foot wide streets exist in adjacent areas. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding supportive data for requirements to retain existing vegetation, Mr. Smith referred to Section 9-1108.19.B. of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Examiner asked the applicants if they concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: Joe Boehme 2607 Meadow Avenue N. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Boehme questioned Planning Department recommendations regarding deferral of improvements on the east side of Lots B, C, and D on Queen Avenue N.E. and asked if the applicant would be required to participate in an LID for installation of utilities as well as curbs, gutters and sidewalks even though the subject property would not benefit from such utilities. The Examiner called a 15-minute recess at 10:00 a.m. to enable a representative from the Utilities Division to respond to Mr. Boehme's inquiry. Short Plat 084-77 Page Two W-085-77 The meeting was reconvened at 10:15 a.m. The Examiner asked the representative from the Utilities Division to testify. Responding was: Ron Olsen Utilities Division The Examiner reivewed the matter with Mr. Olsen and asked if the applicant would be required to contribute to an LID for utilities. Mr. Olsen advised that since the subject property would not benefit from such an LID, the applicant would not be required to participate. The Examiner asked the other applicant for comments. Responding was: Ray Ball, Sr. 3607 N.E. 12th Street Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Ball stated benefits of granting approval of the short plat request including increased revenue and improved appearance of the subject property. He also indicated that heavy trucks had been utilizing Pierce Avenue N.E. for many years without hazard and future widening of the roadway would provide area for on-street parking. The Examiner asked for testimony in favor of the application. There was no response. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: Norman Abrahamson 3408 N.E. 17th Street Renton, WA 98055 Mr. Abrahamson indicated his agreement with the Planning Department recommendation for installation of sidewalks, but advised the Examiner that Section E.5 of Exhibit #1 regarding surface water on the site was inaccurate because of the existence of standing water on the roadway on the east side of Lots B, C, and D due to the topography of the land. He stressed that a requirement for storm drainage facilities should be imposed. Mr. Smith advised that the Engineering Division in accordance with Section 9-1108.15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires storm water retention facilities in all new developments and would be included as part of the plat improvements to the site. He stated that the provision would be added to Exhibit #1 for purposes of clarification. In response to Mr. Abrahamson's inquiry regarding location of the facilities, the Examiner reviewed alternatives for storm water retention on the site. Mr. Boehme and Mr. Ball questioned time limits, costs, and location of facilities and the Examiner advised that the Utilities Division should be contacted to review the matter and answer any questions the applicants may have. Responding was: Mrs. Charles Shoaf 1104 Queen Avenue N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. Shoaf reported previous problems with standing water and indicated concern regarding availability of utility lines to Queen Avenue N.E. for future connections. The Examiner asked Mrs. Shoaf if she was agreeable to participation in an LID if the applicant was willing to grant an easement between Lots B, C, or D for utilities purposes to allow connection of lines to Pierce Avenue N.E. Mrs. Shoaf indicated her willingness to participate. The Examiner reviewed other alternatives for connection and suggested that the matter be discussed with the Utilities Division for solution. Mr. Boehme objected to the alternative connection to Pierce Avenue N.E. and felt that lines should be connected to N.E. 12th Street along Queen Avenue N.E. The Examiner indicated that the alternative was a possibility but may not be economically feasible and required additional research. Mr. Abrahamson objected to possible difficulties in meeting city requirements for utility lines, installation of fire hydrants, curbs and gutters when negotiating agreements for utility easements on the subject site. The Examiner restated his suggestion to review the matter with the Utilities Division to resolve problems and answer questions relating to the future project. Mr. Smith submitted a clarification to the Planning Department report and comments from the Utilities Division regarding differences between utility improvements and street improvements. He reported that utilities had been installed by the applicant with the exception of Lot A which has not yet been platted and developed; however, street improvements should not be required by the applicant for both Queen Avenue N.E. and Short Plat 084-77 Page Three W-085-77 Pierce Avenue N.E., that Pierce Avenue would provide the main access roadway and would be required to be improved through the LID process. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for additions, modifications or revisions to Exhibit #1. Mr. Smith indicated that the requirement for storm water retention facilities was the only addition to the report. He also encouraged residents to coordinate efforts to resolve problems regarding utilities and street improvements in the area. The Examiner asked for further comments. There was no response. He subsequently reviewed existing situations in the area regarding utilities and street improvements and apprised residents of alternatives for solution and suggested contacting the Utilities Division of the Public Works Department for additional information regarding procedures and costs. The hearing on Item #Short Plat 084-77 and W-085-77 was closed by the Examiner at 10:50 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: FINDINGS: Lie LO The request is for approval of a four-lot short plat and waiver of off-site improvements. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter, and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C., a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development and no adverse comment was expressed. All existing utilities are available and will be gained from Pierce Avenue N.E. The proposal is compatible with the lot coverage requirements of Section 4-706 of Title IV, Code of General Ordinances. Some substantial trees exist on the site which if retained represent an opportunity for enhancement of the site, neighborhood and community. Tax lot 205 ig not a part of this subdivision but is a separate entity having been subdivided previously and in existence so as to constitute a separate lot. Off-site improvements do not exist on Queen Avenue N.E. and are deficient on Pierce Avenue N.E. The applicant applied for a waiver of all off-site improvements on Queen Avenue N.E. since that right-of-way is not intended for the primary access. A deferment of only sidewalk improvements on Pierce Avenue N.E. was requested. Per Section 9-1105.6.A. the deferment request must be reviewed by the Board of Public Works. The Examiner according to Section 9-1105.6.B. must review the requested waiver. The Pierce Avenue N.E. right-of-way is currently 30 feet in width which is 20 feet deficient from the 50-foot right-of-way required in Section 9-1108.7, Table 1. An existing house on tax lot 205 prevents a full dedication of 50 feet of right-of-way adjacent to that lot. However, it seems a reasonable probability that at some future date this structure may be removed in order to accommodate subdivision of the lot in conjunction with Lot A of the proposal. The Queen Avenue N.E. right-of-way is currently 50 feet in width except at the northern portion (30 feet in width) intersecting N.E. 12th Street. However, the narrow lot on the east portion of the right-of-way is owned by the City of Renton and could possibly be used to comprise the required right-of-way of 50 feet. The Utilities Division testified that any benefit to the applicant would be assessed in an LID for improvements in this street. Vehicular circulation appears optimum in the connection of Pierce Avenue N.E. to N.E. llth Place, N.E. llth Street and N.E. 12th Street. On the other hand, Queen Avenue N.E. is a cul-de-sac with very limited potential for connection to another ils Short Plat 084-77 Page Four W-085-77 street, save a possible westerly connection to N.E. llth Street across the property to the south of the proposal. Storm water run-off has been observed collecting at the southeast portions of the proposed Lots C and D. CONCLUSIONS : le The proposed short plat conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and Section 4-706 and Chapter 11 of Title IV, Code of General Ordinances. Due to the potential aesthetic and storm water control impact of removal of the existing substantial trees, every effort should be made to preserve these trees. The applicant should control grading and clearing of the site in order to retain these trees and thereby enhance the proposed development. The Planning Department staff can be of assistance in this matter. Off-site improvements should be installed on Pierce Avenue N.E. since this street will serve as the primary access for the proposed lots. It is up to the Board of Public Works to decide if the installation of sidewalks should be deferred for up to two years. Improvements should begin at the southernmost point of the site and extend to the southernmost point of tax lot 205. Within this portion of Pierce Avenue N.E. the necessary 20-foot right-of-way should be dedicated to the city from Lot A. These improvements will form an acceptable circulation system in conjunction with N.E. llth Place, but will lack sufficient width for an acceptable connection to N.E. 12th Street and N.E. llth Street. At some future time these inadequacies will probably be overcome during subsequent development. Queen Avenue N.E. will probably serve as secondary access, or alley, for the development. Therefore, it appears less imperative for the applicant to install off-site improvements in this right-of-way which currently lacks all improvements. The applicant requested waiver of these off-site improvements especially since utilities to serve the proposal have been provided on Pierce Avenue N.E. It was explained to all in attendance that any LID for improvements on Queen Avenue N.E. could include curbs, gutters, storm sewers, sidewalks and utilities, however, the applicant could only be required to pay his fair share of the improvements shown to be to his benefit. In effect this would mean his participation in the costs of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving and possibly storm sewer. Since none of the improvements exist in the right-of-way (Section 9-1105.6.A.) and requiring the applicant to install such improvements (in effect on both the west and east portions of his single-lot-width property) would produce unreasonable economic obstfacles to development of his property (Section 9-1109.1.A.), the waiver should be granted. However, it is also reasonable to require that the applicant agree to participate on an equitable and fair share basis in the formation of an LID for improvements that are of his benefit. Resolution of the storm water runoff accumulation along the western portion of Queen Avenue N.E. will require coordination by the Public Works Department of the drainage plans of the applicant and the property owners on the east sdie of Queen Avenue N.E. Testimony from residents along Queen Avenue N.E. concerned the lack of utilities on that street to serve them. They were made aware that an LID would probably be necessary to install these utilities and that they may have to bear most, if not all, of the costs since the applicant has already paid for these utilities on Pierce Avenue N.E. and could not reasonably be required to pay for duplicate utilities. However, the future, ultimate configuration of Lot A is uncertain which may affect the prospect of an LID if the future lots need utilities from Queen Avenue N.E. Otherwise, the Examiner's jurisdiction prevented resolution of this dilemma of these residents. The suggestion was made by the Examiner to these residents to pursue with the applicant and property owner south of the proposal the possibility of acquiring a utility easement for connecting to the utilities on Pierce Avenue N.E. This suggestion will require coordination with the Public Works Department. Short Plat 084-77 Page Five W-085-77 DECISION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and conclusions it is the Examiner's decision tor 1. Approve the short plat (Exhibit #3) subject to: a. Provision of all utilities per City of Renton requirements per approval of the Public Works Department. b. Dedication of 20 feet to the City of Renton along the west portion of Lot A to create a 50-foot right-of-way on Pierce Avenue N.E. c. Installation of off-site improvements per Chapter 11 on Pierce Avenue N.E. d. Approval of the storm water retention system by the Public Works Department. e. Retention of as many trees as possible through coordination of clearing and grading with the Planning Department. 2. Approve the waiver of off-site improvements on Queen Avenue N.E. subject to the applicant's agreement to participate in a local improvement district on an equitable and fair share basis for improvements of benefit to the applicants. This decision is furthermore subject to approval by the City Council of the rezone application No. R-083-77 and revision of the short plat (Exhibit #3) according to the aforementioned to include aforesaid Item No. 2 on revised Exhibit #3, per approval of the Planning Department. ORDERED THIS 24th day of October, 1977. AC eee —— L. Rick Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 24th day of October, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Joe Boehme Ray H. Ball, Sr. Mrs. Charles Shoaf r William J. Jackson Jon A. Nelson T. A. Couvion Margaret Taylor TRANSMITTED THIS 24th day of October, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before November 7, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. ‘ & RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NCT 181977 AM PM PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER ‘7 oo gy o94.5.6 PUBLIC HEARING é OCTOBER 18, 1977 EXHIBIT NO. / APPLICANT: JOE BOEHME/RAY H. BALL ITEM NO 44 O§4-77 v) . nine c FILE NO.: 084-77, SHORT PLAT AND W-085-77, WAIVER OF “+ 2SS-77 OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat for sale of three resulting lots approximately 7,980 square feet each to Mr. Joe Boehme for construction of three single family residences. Applicant also requests waiver of the off-site improvement requirements on Queen Avenue N.E. and deferment of the sidewalk requirements along Pierce Avenue N.E. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: RAY H. BALL, SR. 2. Applicant: RAY H. BALL, SR./JOE BOEHME 3. Location: Property located on the south side of N.E 12th Street between Pierce Avenue N.E. and Queen Avenue N.E. extending southward to approxi- mately N.E. llth Street. 4. Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property: Approximately 1.29 acres. 6. Access: Via Pierce Avenue N.E. , N.E. 12th Street or Queen Avenue N.E. 7. Existing Zoning: | R-1, Residence Single family and GS-1, General Classification District. 8. Existing Zoning in R-1, Residence Single family; the Area: GS-1, General Classification District; G-7200, Single Family Residence District; R-3, Multiple Family Residence District. 9. Comprehensive Land Single Family Residential Use Plan: 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record- Chronicle and posted in four places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance. Notice was distri- buted to the surrounding property owners. GC. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: The purpose of the request is to obtain short plat approval for a sale of the southerly 210 feet of the subject site and develop- ment of that portion of the site into three single family PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77 residence lots. Mr. Joe Boehme proposes to construct single family residences on these three lots with primary access from Pierce Avenue N.E. The applicant feels that given the existing physical condition of Queen Avenue N.E. and the fact that it is not a full right-of-way and is a dead-ended street that a require- ment for full improvements along this street should be waived. The applicant has also requested a deferment of the sidewalk improvements along Pierce Avenue N.E. because there are no side- walks along this street in the general area. D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City on May 27, 1959 by Ordinance No. 1965. The southerly 240 feet of the subject site was rezoned to R-1 on August 11, 1971 by Ordinance No. 2650. Tne remaining northerly portion of the property has retained the GS-1 classification to date. However, the proposed short plat would leave Lot 'A' the northerly portion of the site with less square footage than the minimum lot size in the GS-1 zone. The applicant has proposed a rezone to R-1 to rectify this situation and such rezone application is presently being processed. E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site is relatively level. 2. Soils: Arents, Alderwood material, (AmC). Runoff is medium, erosion hazard moderate to severe. This soil is used for urban development. 3. Vegetation: The subject site consists of lawn and some scrub grass and scattered with various deciduous and ever- green trees. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the site may provide some habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No existing streams or surface water are apparent on the subject site. 6. Land Use: There is an existing single family residence located on the northerly portion of the subject site designated as Lot 'A' on the plat map. The remaining southerly portion of the subject site is presently undeveloped. There are single family residences located along Pierce Avenue NwE. west of the subject site and approximately seven single family residences located along the east side of Queen Avenue N.E. The property immediately south of the subject site is owned by the Presbyterian Church and is partially developed for church use with the northerly portion of that site in an undeveloped state. F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The general area is characterized primarily by single family residential uses. G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing six inch water main is located along Pierce Avenue N.E. An eight inch sewer main is located along Pierce Avenue N.E. An existing eight inch storm drain is located in Pierce Avenue at N.E. 11th Street. % PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per Ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Transit route 42 operates along Redmond Avenue N.E. approximately one block east of the subject site. 4. Schools: The site is within one-half mile of Honeydew Elementary School, within three-quarters of a mile of McKnight Middle School, and within two miles of Hazen High School. 5. Parks: The existing Kiwanis Park is located approximately one-half mile south of the subject site. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-706; R-1, Residence Single Family 2. Section 4-729; G, General Classification District IT. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. Subdivision Regulations, Section 9-1105, Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, Residential, page 11, and Objectives, pages 17 and 18. 3. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, 1965, Summary, pages 9 and 10. J. IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: Subdivision of the site and development on a portion of the site will disturb soil and vegetation and increase storm water run- off and have an effect on traffic and noise levels in the area. However, these can be mitigated by proper controls and procedures. KR. SOCIAL IMPACTS: The addition of several single family residences to the subject site will create additional social and interaction within the general neighborhood. L. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43.21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. M. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. N. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 City of Renton Building Division 2 City of Renton Engineering Division 3. City of Renton Utilities Division 4. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division 5 C City of Renton Fire Department opies of certain memoranda and comments are attached. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: SHORT PLAT, File No. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77 0. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Le The subject short plat proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning in the area. The northerly portion of the subject site Lot 'A' (32,364 square feet) would not be sufficient to meet the minimum lot size of the GS-1 zone (minimum 35,000 square feet). Therefore, the applicant has proposed a rezone of Lot 'A' to R-1. Any short plat approval must be subject to approval of the R-1l rezone. The proposed lot sizes are; Lot 'A' = 32,364 square feet, Lots B, C, and D = 7,980 square feet respectively, which exceed the minimum 7,200 square foot lot size of the R-1 zone. Lot 'A' is proposed to be retained by Mr. Ball. Pursuant to state law no further subdividing and develop- ment can occur on Lot 'A; within five years of the date of the subject short plat approval without the filing of a final plat. Depending on whether or not the existing single family residences are retained on Lot ‘A' and Tax Lot 205 an additional four or five lots could be created with Mr. Ball's remaining property north of proposed Lot "Bo ss Lots B, C, and D are proposed to be purchased by Mr. Joe Boehme, a building contractor, for the purpose of constructing single family residences. Adequate utilities are available to the subject site. Adequate access is available to the site from Pierce Avenue N.E., except in the area of the corner of N.E. lith Place and Pierce Avenue N.E. An additional twenty feet of right- of-way should be dedicated as part of the short plat which would extend the full 50 foot right-of-way from N.E. 11th Place to the southerly portion of Tax Lot 205 (not part of the short plat, but owned and described separately for many years by Mr. Ball). This right-of-way should be improved to the northerly line of N.E. 11th Place to facilitate better access, turning movements, traffic safety, and fire and emergency vehicle access at this corner. An existing house located on Tax Lot 205 restricts extension of the additional twenty feet of right-of-way along Pierce Avenue N.E. to N.E. 12th Street at this time. However, at such time as that portion of Mr. Ball's property is further subdivided and developed, additional right-of-way will be necessary. Queen Avenue N.E. is presently a dead-end gravel street, a portion of which is only 30 feet wide. It would not logically be considered a primary access for the proposed development. There is little chance of Queen Avenue N.E. ever extending further southward given the pattern of owner- ship and development in the area. However, because of its present condition, the number of residences that use it (approximately seven dwelling units), and the possibility as a secondary access to the subject site a full waiver should not be granted. The City Council has established a policy of permitting, upon reasonable justification, what can best be termed as an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvement requirements. This requires filing of restrictive covenants stipulating property owner agreement to participate in an LID or other City initiated action for such improve- ments, at any time in the future. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE FIVE RE: SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77 6. The improvements along the portions of Pierce Avenue N.E. and N.E. 12th Street abutting Lot 'A' which is not proposed for development at the present time (there is an existing Single family residence on Lot 'A'), should also be indefinitely deferred until an LID is formed or City action requires them, or when the property is further subdivided and developed (see Item #2 above). 7. The portion of Pierce Avenue N.E. adjacent to Lots B, C, and D, which are proposed to be developed for new single family residences, should be improved to full City standards. No reasonable justification exists to grant a waiver along this portion of the property. 8. The existing significant evergreen and deciduous trees located on the property should be preserved as much as possible and incorporated into the proposed development as per Section 9-1108, 19.B. P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat subject to: 1. Provision of proper utilities per Public Works and Fire Department approval. 2. Provision of full City improvements along the portion of of Pierce Avenue N.E. abutting lots B, C, and D. This includes adequate street lighting per Traffic Engineering Division comments and approval. 3. Retention of as many significant evergreen and deciduous trees as possible and incorporation into development plans. No trees shall be removed or cut without prior Planning Department approval. 4. Dedication as part of plat an additional twenty feet of right-of-way along the east side of Pierce Avenue N.E. (approximately 111 feet) adjacent to Lot 'A‘ and south of Tax Lot 205. Location of the existing house on Tax Lot 205 makes it difficult to require additional right-of-way the entire length of Pierce Avenue N.E. to N.E. 12th Street. However, additional right-of-way and improvements will be required along this property at such time as it is further subdivided and developed. The Planning Department recommends denial of the waiver request and approval per City Council policy of an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvements along Queen Avenue N.E.; N.E. 12th Street, and the portion of Pierce Avenue N.E. abutting Lot 'A' north of N.E. llth Place. Full improvements should be installed along the east side of Pierce Avenue N.E. adjacent to Lots B,C, and D and the portion of Lot 'A' abutting Pierce Avenue N.E. from Lot 'B' northward to a point even with the northerly right- of-way line of N.E. llth Place. MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4, 1977 TO: Mike Smith, Planning Department FROM: Clint Morgan, Traffic Engineering SUBJECT: Short Plat File 084-77 (Ray Ball Property) In addition to curb, gutters, sidewalks and pavement recommended by the Design Engineering Division, we also recommend street lighting provisions as required by the plat ordinance. CEM: ad The. Lelliusivn iJ 1 be eaeenivend )) Cre bs | g tors $f Side Send ie % é Pave se And o~ Queer Ave ME, Pierce. Aven&. 2 NE pest 2) Rf Lem The Sowt& Ine of ht D 4s The MovTK Ire of NE //* PL iste be ¢4! 3) SSAn- 1 of ra inepe Flan Ze com Sa stern St ttitd bs Cal eu [pH yjors eee ee, O GS-| ood 9} \ \ GS-| : a NE l4TH sy a( (Se) Glepton Ox q —— [eee | in| a BR ia \ oy i \\ O\s 0 “cry \ rads] raf] a \ emrs ea “ZT 1 \ O >a] ; O ‘ 28 al ie . a, ila {-3 fa \ 8 s Fo4] |5B re 4\C : on 78 w 29 —— a) Ooo ° \ ean NE NTH - = Cl OI Q ‘\E C1 p40] * = y(O =P <fOlo = ol P= |e VE Tt or ns a q Oo \ 72S) [efohe {|G 7200 ome On oe [4 Yo 2/0 D NE JOTH PL WE a eo o\ Seon) nosy = oa? CJ StS F129 : — ap SUBIECT Sie SCALE re zoo’ BALL AND BOLHME W- 085-77 SHORT PLAy # 084-77 ~ cH \zfx . So C o 3 zi e CA & ; we b s +e im p o © 5 ee) i; @ieovrmview. uw . i | Nop. set ‘ { ot meni 7° oa a r a a ae sag = (= 4 4 a 6 pe yee yey + ty + es es ‘ * ‘4 ee . : 6 "> i] i] ~ rt w ht e oe ry te g = Tw me * om m e d a ge wi e 1 ¢ n Pi k NN 2 a: \ - Pa : pe e s Be + Ce Ke g wr = ES AV E Se k i , \ rt ac a Bi > ie } 4 PE A G) ak P er ] A > \ 0 is = e3 1 7 , =) CO M A AV E @ Ei ie zh es * AE Se e ae | ‘ (o H 3 Jg e = PS o n e av e am a n BS “T Y- . be f “ Se r e SHORT PLAT AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: JOE BOEHME/RAY H. BALL; SHORT PLAT APPLI., FILE NO. 084-77; AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77; property located on the south side of N.E. N.E. 12th Street between Pierce Avenue N.E. extending southward to approximately N.E. and Queen Avenue llth Street. APPLICANT JOE BOEHME/RAY H. BALL, SR. TOTAL AREA + 1.29 Acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Pierce Avenue N.E., N.E. 12th Street or Queen Avenue N.E. EXIS1TING ZONING R-1 and GS-1 EXISTING USE Single Family/Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Single Family COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN COMMENTS Single Family Residential > 4 CITY OF RENTON W - of 3 "SHORT PLAT PLAT Pea TOR FILE NO. Ae: ej gf OFL- 99 , f MAJOR PLAT fir ~ cf ech 1X DATE REC'D. QLGLLI f = a TENTATIVE ie) REL ED a APPLICATION FEE $/24.'— PRELIMINARY | SEP 19 107 \ ENVIRONMENTAL FINAL * 7 } REVIEW FEE §$ a a RECEIPT NO. __§#<77/ Ay av ff Vp, ae SM NO. SWe pepnt ———" PUD NO. APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS HROUGH 2 vad gee L2H. PALL 1. Plat Name & Location SHORT SLAT KLE, (27H S- Bre Beg Preece ~£ Queer Ave. Wel 2. No. Lots Pa Total Acreage 1.29 fe, Zoning 3. owner GQlGlET L.¢ karyt/ Bate xX. Phone Z2S$S-S§2/ Address 3007 VE. /Z py a Leo n MAS /4 GRBSES 5. Underground Utilities: Yes No Not Installed Telephone ( ) ( -) ( ) Electric ( ) ;*) ( ) Street Lights ( ) a? ( ) Natural Gas ( ) ( ) ( ) TV Cable ( ) ( —) ( ) 6. Sanitation & Water: ( “) City Water ( ) Sanitary Sewers ( ) Water District No. ( ) Dry Sewers ( ) Septic Tanks 7. Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance. 8. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER 9. STAFF ACTION: TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVED WWHseEeseseseEesesCéOD=EENTIED APPEALED SC EXPIRED 10. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTION: SHORT PLAT APPROVED DENIED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENTED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED gh -g CLiTY COUNCLL ACTION: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED LD DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. AND TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. Pev, L/77 AFFIDAVIT - y, rT; “ec Bebiae— , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn oe me this / {day of TL 2fie P ae a a 7 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at LEO ‘ A LX Votes ge poet y, any a Public) (Signature of Owner) \ bder- x6 fo. 200) Windex bowel’ (Address) (Address) (City) (State) 2 5A fof Telephone (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that (the foregoing application has been inspected by me f/ a TBS x ‘ and has been found / enth rough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the ant id of such application. ; ~ \ : EP 19 1977 i } ; FAY Date Received Nee geaces ii RNS rah By: Renton Planning Dept. 2=7 3 ® se) PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 18, 1977 084-77, SHORT PLAT AND W-085-77, WAIVER OF APPLICANT: JOE BOEHME/RAY H. BALL FILE NO.; OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests approval of a four-lot short plat for sale of three resulting lots approximately 7,980 square feet each to Mr. residences. Joe Boehme for construction of three single family Applicant also requests waiver of the off-site improvement requirements on Queen Avenue N.E. and deferment of the sidewalk requirements along Pierce Avenue N.E. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. rae Le. Owner of Record: Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Size of Property: Access: Existing Zoning: Existing Zoning in the Area: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Notification: C. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: RAY H. BALL, SR. RAY H. BALL, SR./JOE BOEHME Property located on the south side of N.E 12th Street between Pierce Avenue N.E. and Queen Avenue N.E. extending southward to approxi- mately N.E. 1ilth Street. A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning Department. Approximately 1.29 acres. Via Pierce Avenue N.E. , N.E. 12th Street or Queen Avenue N.E. R-1, Residence Single family and GS-1, General Classification District. R-1, Residence Single family; GS-1, General Classification District; G-7200, Single Family Residence District; R-3, Multiple Family Residence District. Single Family Residential The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Record- Chronicle and posted in four places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance. Notice was distri- buted to the surrounding property owners. The purpose of the request is to obtain short plat approval for a sale of the southerly 210 feet of the subject site and develop- ment of that portion of the site into three single family PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE TWO RE: SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77 residence lots. Mr. Joe Boehme proposes to construct single family residences on these three lots with primary access from Pierce Avenue N.E. The applicant feels that given the existing physical condition of Queen Avenue N.E. and the fact that it is not a full right-of-way and is a dead-ended street that a require- ment for full improvements along this street should be waived. The applicant has also requested a deferment of the sidewalk improvements along Pierce Avenue N.E. because there are no side- walks along this street in the general area. D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City on May 27, 1959 by Ordinance No. 1965. The southerly 240 feet of the subject site was rezoned to R-1 on August 11, 1971 by Ordinance No. 2650. The remaining northerly portion of the property has retained the GS-1 classification to date. However, the proposed short plat would leave Lot 'A' the northerly portion of the site with less square footage than the minimum lot size in the GS-1 zone. The applicant has proposed a rezone to R-1 to rectify this situation and such rezone application is presently being processed. E. PHYSICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Topography: The site is relatively level. 2. Soils: Arents, Alderwood material, (AmC). Runoff is medium, erosion hazard moderate to severe. This soil is used for urban development. 3. Vegetation: The subject site consists of lawn and some scrub grass and scattered with various deciduous and ever- green trees. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the site may provide some habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No existing streams or surface water are apparent on the subject site. 6. Land Use: There is an existing single family residence located on the northerly portion of the subject site designated as Lot 'A' on the plat map. The remaining southerly portion of the subject site is presently undeveloped. There are single family residences located along Pierce Avenue N.E. west of the subject site and approximately seven single family residences located along the east side of Queen Avenue N.E. The property immediately south of the subject site is owned by the Presbyterian Church and is partially developed for church use with the northerly portion of that site in an undeveloped state. F. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The general area is characterized primarily by single family residential uses. G. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An existing six inch water main is located along Pierce Avenue N.E. An eight inch sewer main is located along Pierce Avenue N.E. An existing eight inch storm drain is located in Pierce Avenue at N.E. 11th Street. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE THREE RE: SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per Ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Transit route 42 operates along Redmond Avenue N.E. approximately one block east of the subject site. 4. Schools: The site is within one-half mile of Honeydew Elementary School, within three-quarters of a mile of McKnight Middle School, and within two miles of Hazen High School. 5. Parks: The existing Kiwanis Park is located approximately one-half mile south of the subject site. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-706; R-1, Residence Single Family 2. Section 4-729; G, General Classification District I. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS: 1. Subdivision Regulations, Section 9-1105, Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions. 2. Land Use Report, 1965, Residential, page 11, and Objectives, pages 17 and 18. 3. Policy Statement, Comprehensive Plan, Renton Urban Area, 1965, Summary, pages 9 and 10. J. IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS: Subdivision of the site and development on a portion of the site will disturb soil and vegetation and increase storm water run- off and have an effect on traffic and noise levels in the area. However, these can be mitigated by proper controls and procedures. K. SOCIAL IMPACTS: The addition of several single family residences to the subject site will create additional social and interaction within the general neighborhood. L. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the City of Renton Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43.21C, the subject proposal is exempt from the threshold determination and EIS requirements of SEPA. M. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A vicinity map and site map are attached. N. AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1 City of Renton Building Division 2 City of Renton Engineering Division 3. City of Renton Utilities Division 4. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division 5 C City of Renton Fire Department opies of certain memoranda and comments are attached. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE FOUR RE: SHORT PLAT, File No. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77 0. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Ls. The subject short plat proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning in the area. The northerly portion of the subject site Lot 'A' (32,364 square feet) would not be sufficient to meet the minimum lot size of the GS-1 zone (minimum 35,000 square feet). Therefore, the applicant has proposed a rezone of Lot 'A' to R-1. Any short plat approval must be subject to approval of the R-1 rezone. The proposed lot sizes are; Lot 'A' = 32,364 square feet, Lots B, C, and D = 7,980 square feet respectively, which exceed the minimum 7,200 square foot lot size of the R-1 zone. Lot 'A' is proposed to be retained by Mr. Ball. Pursuant to state law no further subdividing and develop- ment can occur on Lot 'A; within five years of the date of the subject short plat approval without the filing of a final plat. Depending on whether or not the existing single family residences are retained on Lot '‘A' and Tax Lot 205 an additional four or five lots could be created with Mr. Ball's remaining property north of proposed Lot 'B'. Lots B, C, and D are proposed to be purchased by Mr. Joe Boehme, a building contractor, for the purpose of constructing single family residences. Adequate utilities are available to the subject site. Adequate access is available to the site from Pierce Avenue N.E., except in the area of the corner of N.E. 11th Place and Pierce Avenue N.E. An additional twenty feet of right- of-way should be dedicated as part of the short plat which would extend the full 50 foot right-of-way from N.E. 11th Place to the southerly portion of Tax Lot 205 (not part of the short plat, but owned and described separately for many years by Mr. Ball). This right-of-way should be improved to the northerly line of N.E. llth Place to facilitate better access, turning movements, traffic safety, and fire and emergency vehicle access at this corner. An existing house located on Tax Lot 205 restricts extension of the additional twenty feet of right-of-way along Pierce Avenue N.E. to N.E. 12th Street at this time. However, at such time as that portion of Mr. Ball's property is further subdivided and developed, additional right-of-way will be necessary. Queen Avenue N.E. is presently a dead-end gravel street, a portion of which is only 30 feet wide. It would not logically be considered a primary access for the proposed development. There is little chance of Queen Avenue N.E. ever extending further southward given the pattern of owner- ship and development in the area. However, because of its present condition, the number of residences that use it (approximately seven dwelling units), and the possibility as a secondary access to the subject site a full waiver should not be granted. The City Council has established a policy of permitting, upon reasonable justification, what can best be termed as an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvement requirements. This requires filing of restrictive covenants stipulating property owner agreement to participate in an LID or other City initiated action for such improve- ments, at any time in the future. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF OCTOBER 18, 1977 PAGE FIVE RE: SHORT PLAT, FILE NO. 084-77, AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-/77 6. The improvements along the portions of Pierce Avenue N.E. and N.E. 12th Street abutting Lot 'A' which is not proposed for development at the present time (there is an existing single family residence on Lot 'A'), should also be indefinitely deferred until an LID is formed or City action requires them, or when the property is further subdivided and developed (see Item #2 above). 7. The portion of Pierce Avenue N.E. adjacent to Lots B, C, and D, which are proposed to be developed for new single family residences, should be improved to full City standards. No reasonable justification exists to grant a waiver along this portion of the property. 8. The existing significant evergreen and deciduous trees located on the property should be preserved as much as possible and incorporated into the proposed development as per Section 9-1108, 19.B. P. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the short plat subject to: 1. Provision of proper utilities per Public Works and Fire Department approval. 2. Provision of full City improvements along the portion of of Pierce Avenue N.E. abutting lots B, C, and D. This includes adequate street lighting per Traffic Engineering Division comments and approval. 3. Retention of as many significant evergreen and deciduous trees as possible and incorporation into development plans. No trees shall be removed or cut without prior Planning Department approval. 4. Dedication as part of plat an additional twenty feet of right-of-way along the east side of Pierce Avenue N.E. (approximately 111 feet) adjacent to Lot ‘A‘' and south of Tax Lot 205. Location of the existing house on Tax Lot 205 makes it difficult to require additional right-of-way the entire length of Pierce Avenue N.E. to N.E. 12th Street. However, additional right-of-way and improvements will be required along this property at such time as it is further subdivided and developed. The Planning Department recommends denial of the waiver request and approval per City Council policy of an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvements along Queen Avenue N.E., N.E. 12th Street, and the portion of Pierce Avenue N.E. abutting Lot 'A' north of N.E. llth Place. Full improvements should be installed along the east side of Pierce Avenue N.E. adjacent to Lots B, C, and D and the portion of Lot 'A' abutting Pierce Avenue N.E. from Lot 'B' northward to a point even with the northerly right- of-way line of N.E. 11th Place. MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4, 1977 TO: Mike Smith, Planning Department FROM: Clint Morgan, Traffic Engineering SUBJECT: Short Plat File 084-77 (Ray Ball Property) In addition to curb, gutters, sidewalks and pavement recommended by the Design Engineering Division, we also recommend street lighting provisions as required by the plat ordinance. od CEM: ad The. Lallasivnn ost oe een tial !) Cur bs | grttes | Psitewelks € Pvt se Cu o~ Queen Ave ME, Prevee Ave NE. g NE potest 2) Rf from The South Ine of ht D 7 The Nov Ine of NE //™ PL ist be ga! 3) Shor m of rainape 7 lan Ze ye ae So ston Sub stan aH on Cal eu Ve ae oer ta fats. ° zoo’ SUBJECT SHE tp a SCALE Js W- 085-77 BALL AND BOLHME SHORT PLAT * O8F-77 aly a oO ] | — — |g ] pm a s e e e 9 = [f o — ar y ue W _ s —— se A T T so n LI N E _— ~~ Fs C re e ge n e n t RN To RE E | se oF ao -— - 7 OU = io ? 2( oO | a > a oe oo o 0 ® a4 se "1 1 Po e S1 4 (O L 4 Mo o d di l SS ] s) (a e s ) E ; - ‘I N Wd Bo v z I 4 fo ) A CJ “| [J E u da ee e tt a ai f |o 8 Qo ? |! |B “O o o o} a} 4) jo o JI N DA Y VY i d w K 7 O _ a Bb ) j@ U s j d a y j q \ at h OE LL O} . ) 0 Os } 0) > We y om 1G ) js os i 0 CS O wz S Ow IG S y/ o O) = / 0 cy ot” Aer” og, “a % Fe ie = per AAR . «< Re Sass ON 6 sels epretee 7a oo on EN mins spn cay h9 J 8s Jae! Tesi val sataa|s jee > © " Ne vam sy a To m a AV E NE ° {\ eeqriz sete f [s7ace \ . Css , ne a if 1 ey ail J ° ae? um $y aye oo, = zat ‘5 shy avi won ny 3 NOS ey ore 74 ace afi" adel an . Ro ee gt we gat i} \ ' md t Jz Big LP os a ° a: FA. es 1 4 Se Ca | rae a + wTHe Mie g alo Be E 10% MPO gun: ,o ) Pat ai ee yf} Pa |z WE er = mebermedel abe a): ms Pe Sane cats SHORT PLAT AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: JOE BOEHME/RAY H. BALL; SHORT PLAT APPLI., FILE NO. 084-77; AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, FILE NO. W-085-77; property located on the south side of N.E. 12th Strece between Pierce Avenue N.E. and Queen Avenue N.E. extending southward to approximately N.E. 11th Street. APPLICANT JOE BOEHME/RAY H. BALL, SR. TOTAL AREA + 1.29 Acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Pierce Avenue N.E., N.E. 12th Street or Queen Avenue N.E. EXISTING ZONING R-1 and GS-1 EXISTING USE Single Family/Undeveloped PROPOSED USE Single Family COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Single Family Residential COMMENTS eM TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION (A UTILITIES DIVISI MWe FIRE DEPARTMENT 7 HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT Miasac Ssuivit Contact Person RE: «5 DE Poe tue (FP: 4. @ ALL) SMoer f AAT tt 0f$-22 om ai A en Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by ofr wd with your written recommendation. Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you, PLANNING DEPARTMENT > & & ors . THE CITY OF RENTON > a MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 j=) a a CHARLES J. DELAURENT!|, MAYOR @® PLANNING DEPARTMENT By o 235-2550 7ED sepre™ September 27, 1977 itr. Joe Boehme 2607 Meadow Avenue North Renton, Washington 98055 RE: NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF FOUR-LOT SHORT PLAT, File No. 084- 77, AND REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF OFF- SITE IMPROVEMENTS, File No. W-085-77; property located on N.E. 12th Street between Pierce and Queen Avenue N.E. Dear Mr. Boehme: The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on September 27, 1977 . A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for October 18, 1977 at 9:00 a.m.- Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director n (Ip me A i fl By: ike Skip Michael lL. Smith " Associate Planner MLS:wr cc: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ball, Sr. 3607 N.E. 12th Street Renton, Washington 98055 é > 5 oo 3 THE CITY OF RENTON s ll 3S MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 o— 2 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7%, Pu 235-2550 "4 we £0 septt September 27, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Ball, Sr. 3607 N.E. 12th Street Renton, Washington 98055 RE: NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR REZONE APPLICATION NO. R-083-77, GS-1 to R-1; property located on N.E. 12th Street between Pierce Avenue N.E. and Queen Avenue N.E. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ball: The Renton Planning Department reais oy accepted the above mentioned application on September 2 1977 . A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for October 18, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. Ail interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director ULL Uff aac L. rar ssociate Planner MLS:wr cc: Joe Boehme 2607 Meadow Ave. N. Renton, WA 98055 wUTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING aN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON OCTOBER 18 , 1977 , AT 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1. MARGARET L. AND RAY H. BALL, SR., REZONE FROM GS-1 TO R-1, File No. R-083-773; property located on N.E. 12th St. between Pierce Ave. N.E. and Queen Ave. N.E. 2. JOE BOEHME, APPLICATION FOR FOUR-LOT SHORT PLAT APPROVAL AND WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, Files No. 084-77 and W-085-77; property located on N.E. 12th St. between Pierce Ave. N.E. and Queen Ave. N.E. Legal descriptions on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITION THE PUBLIC HEARING ON oc 1 EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT i AT 9:00 A.M. TO GORDON Y. ERICKSEN PUBLISHED October 7, 1977 | RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION l, MICHAEL L. SMITH , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to neTors, me, a Notary, Public, sees cy on the Wh day of OcNolye¢ ; AA 19 SIGNED \ scat ite Nang &. % MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4, 1977 TOE Mike Smith, Planning Department FROM: | Clint Morgan, Traffic Engineering SUBJECT: Short Plat File 084-77 (Ray Ball Property) In addition to curb, gutters, sidewalks and pavement recommended by the Design Engineering Division, we also recommend street lighting provisions as required by the plat ordinance. CEM: ad Fie. folsesinn will be eg uivend )) Cus bs | g Tews J sie ead » é Pavt s¢ ApH Q ur een Ave. ME, Prevee. 2) Ro rene. Tha. South Jrnre of A+ D 7s The Nov IK /sne of NE J/™ PL jE oe ae ¢,!/ 3) SA wm of reine len Ze Tet il. Saste~ oe ee Py Cal en (rH jous ! ree wired | a 9 © Mn OF PIO Kee . LS? . five _— Ww - ods - 77 Let Le eee — Z y | , Ly 3 ss a Ju fitties Ae GOAL Yo Y ag wet WCDPPC MEL ACD? Cer hg RL Metta en oy ‘ YE rs i Lf), Lf PA io — BE / Ke, Keto £2 ted KR Mo 2 PP BL pee a ae i o wee che et RA LED TRY — é-2ce Cle. / Cy LA Cty Lee v ENDING OF FILE “Ohot Le