HomeMy WebLinkAboutShort Plat File No 30-76STOP STOP STOP STOP OTOP! DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS NOTICE HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED. DO NOT REMOVE NOTICE FROM FILE. NEW FILING SHOULD BE ADDED ON TOP OF NOTICE. PAGES REMOVED UNDER THE NOTICE FOR COPYING MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SAME PLACE UNDER THE NOTICE. STOP! STOP STOP STOP STOP BEGINNING OF FILE - MICROFILMED ote. eps |e] ea e ” Se e r a Mee ys — [a a z = ‘ a, . - > WAITER fi — SNE —— SS. CU ! SQ GS-PS aN : Saat < ML TS | | —_ iff a (6% “Ng fam | ey ae aN hs WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: MARK HEGLUND; Appl. No. for a four lot short pla of Thomas Ave. S.W. and 887-76; f-/0; Waiver of off-site property located at the no W. 3rd Pl. improvements rtheast corner = 2 S W t . TOTAL AREA tf 8 CER MARK HEGLUND APPLICANT Thomas Ave. S.W. PRINCIPAL ACCESS EXTSIING ZONING R-1 Single Family Residence and Undeveloped Replat existing 3 lots into 4 lots lying in an east/west orientation. An existing single family residence will remain on one of the lots. EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE COMPREHENSIVE COMMENTS LAND USE PLAN A small sidewalk exists along Thomas Ave. Single Family Residence S -W. with an open ditch between it and the roadway edge. No e T H —— — Th o m a s Ru e S. W i { ( ¢ | ( | f =| * se Pa r ee oe ee ' } vo a ® ry ° ‘ . ® . ‘ ’ 6 ’ ~ ‘ ° ® ‘ pa d a ® Co ee ee ? | a i & [ —— e — bo ’ ie G0 " x A i } yy © Be e ae s & ab ‘ } 5 ‘ s Fs & : : | . ' . . be my i] = an e —_ — «n m —_ a —_ — ao e — sF - «& Ol s 5 . e ‘ 4 ‘ r Qh a n d o r : & . ‘ h , ca s e = 2] : si — i’ ar es o a w oe te 8 vo m — —_ en c e - —_ a B en ch o w (s e lo d el 3 Le t s , to a e h 40 X2 6 " OO O OW ur a g cb t at ou r A Se nt e n e Mo n n ae Sw Th o m s el e Or t a l o p r _ 4 r a ~~ = i” 4 ~ 4 * ‘ ‘S i : On t o 4 _ £ “i < i f O R i 4 . . a x 3 T ™ K T S a e O o x 1 2 o n t e C L - = ? 1 . | — a wr % \ : i ~ Oe “y s i { at e SN ‘a e i ; iF a ~~ 7 s ? sw A* A, Z i 5 r A g a » . ? vi i , F a o é sa k ! yr s + Ww 4 * i la ‘ ao tL . : 1 an ~ yo u é ; ne l ie ” ~ p t y : Re e s ‘e a «< a 4 ae 5 BS ~* £ , ‘ ¥ & # # - ov e r t a e s S e s e r s u n r o n ! O - w a n t , 1 4 a r b te ie ae fae : se y ys wa pat be TQ Guwooioan Be a he te et we we & - her gina. Sd Mark Heglund-Restriclue Gvenarils ¢- SP. 3-76 76 1 2 1 5 0 6 6 8 . "> a ir 2r.! Short Play No. 36-76 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, ’ > 3 kJ ’ 3 > UA the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner (#) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. 76 1 2 1 5 0 6 6 8 DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining Subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) On this Le day of (crew, 19_/G, before me Li ery yp et? = Re . personally appeared i 2 ff) Ah Pee efhtve ude Sa Kis 7 9 bd the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed” my. official seal the day and year first above written. * i « aan K 3 ", / ; wie) cig te os 22 “otary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at-ce. yo ee eee ae § motioned aan 76 1 2 1 5 0 6 6 8 Mark Richard Heglund: LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: -Thé.south' 66 feet of Lots 21, 22;*and 23: in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. PARCEL B: The-north:60-feet of the south 126 feet of Lots 21, 42:,.and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. PARCEL C:..: The north 60 feet of the south 186 feet of Lots 21, 22,;-and 23 in Block 3.of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. PARCEL: :D:.. The north .60-.feet-of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. FILED for Record at Request ot rene LOCO 0. Tybee ie OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (yhtore RENTON Sa eanateT BLDG, 200 MILL AVE, UTH cope RENT ON, WASH. _ 98035 ROO TYE ae. &. yh a Ces. Ke WOK, Ula.. TS ONS I; AA CITY OF RENTON PLAT APPLICATION _X SHORT PLAT A OF REp FILE vo. He. 9b (Zo. SPZ 7 ___MAJOR PLAT a oft ly IBy ‘O) DATE REC'D %-7747-7E TENTATIVE v FEE $70.72 _ sEP 22 1976 o ___ PRELIMINARY RECEIPT NO._ 7777 ___ FINAL SM NO. PUD NO. APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7: 1. Plat Name & Location Mark Richard Heglund . No. Lots 4 Total acreage. 463 acres Zoning R-1 __ 682 - 8750 . Owner Mark R. Heglund Phone_AT 3-7816 (home) Address _ _307 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, Washineton 98109 4. Engineer Phone Address 5. Underground Utilities: Yes No Not Installed Telephone a 2 _ Electric _ _xX. —_—— Street Lights _ _xX i Natural Gas XxX ee —— TV Cable — _X — 6. Sanitation & Water: /X7 City Water LX7 Sanitary Sewers /_/ Water District No. /_/ Dry Sewers /_/ Septic Tanks 7. Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance 8. DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER 9. STAFF ACTION: SHORT PLAT APPROVED ,o-2¢-7¢ DENIED ___ TENTATIVE PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 10. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: ___ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED ___FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED ii. CITY councrL acrror: ____ PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED ___ FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED 12. DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: DATE DATE BOND NO. & TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT Planning Dept. Rev. 12/71 Mark Richard Heglund Lots 21 - 22 - 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington AFFIDAVIT I, Mark R. Heglund , being duly sworn, declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this 22,May of LZ her , 197e, Pa Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing atA¢.-f pw « - Eo D712 6D 7 eer ae G. é . Zz of Notary Public) (Signature of Owner Dee 221 Ae. f LIZ ew 307 Terry Avenue North (Address) (Address) Seattle, Washington 98109 (City) (State) 682 - 8750 (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application. Date Received Yorfy yx 1g By: ve rf Renton Planning Dept. 2-73 (low C2 REAL ESTATE CONTRACT TITLE sn acaatl (FORM A-1964) THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 27 day of September 1976 between Mary A. McDonald ‘seller,’ ond Mark Richard Heglund ~ a single man hereinafter called the hereinafter called the ‘‘purchaser,”’ WITNESSETH: That the seller agrees to sell to the purchaser and the purchaser agrees to purchase from the seller the following described real estate, with the appurtenances, in King County, State of Washington: Lots 21- 22 - and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington Also known as Tax Account No. 214370-0406-09 and Tax Account No. 214370-0405-00 ae) The terms and conditions of this contract are as follows: The purchase price is . % . * r . Lt Me Thirty Five Thousand ($35,000.00 } Dollars, of which > Ten Thousand ($10,000.00 ) dollars have been paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the balance of said purchase price shal be paid as follows: Two Hundred and Iifty (¢ 250. 00 ) Dollars, or more at purchaser's option, on or before the first day of November , 1976 ’ ond ~=© Two Hundred and Fifty . ($ 250.00 ) Dollars, or more at purchaser's option, on or before the first day of each succeeding calendar month until the balance of said purchase price shall have been fully paid. The purchaser further, agrees to pay interest on the diminishing balance of said purchase price at the rate of 9% per cent per annum from the first day of October ,1976 , which interest shall be deducted from each installment payment and the balance of each payment applied in reduction of principal. All payments to be made hereunder shall be made at or at such other place os the seller may direct in writing. Mary A. McDomld c/o Julius Wild 20245 148th S.E, : Kent, Wa. 98031 As referred to in this contract, ‘date of closing’ shall be October 1, 1976 - . 6 (1) The purchaser assumes and agrees to pay before delinquency all taxes ond assessments that may as between grantor and grantee hereafter become a lien on said real estate, and if by the terms of this contract the purchaser has assumed pay- ment of any mortgage, contract or other encumbrance, or has assumed payment of or agreed to purchase subject to, any taxes or assessments now a lien on said real estate, the purchaser agrees to pay the same before delinquency. (2) The purchaser agrees, until the purchase price is fully paid, to keep the buildings now and hereafter placed on said real estate insured to the actual cash value thereof against loss or damage by both fire and windstorm in a company accept- able to the seller and for the seller's benefit, as his interest may appear, and to pay all premiums therefor and to deliver all policies and renewals thereof to the seller. (3) The purchaser agrees that full inspection of said real estate has been made and that neither the seller nor his assigns shall be held to any covenant respecting the condition of any improvements thereon nor shall the purchaser or seller o: the assigns of either be held to any covenant or agreement for alterations, improvements or repairs unless the covenant or ugree- ment relied on is contained herein or ts in writing and attached to and made a part of this contract. (4) The purchaser assumes all hazards of damage to or destruction of any improvements now on said real estate or here- after placed thereon, and of the taking of said real estate or any part thereof for public use; and agrees that no such damage, destruction or taking shall constitute a failure of consideration. In case any part of said real estate is taken for public use, the portren.pf the condemnation award remaining after payment of reasonable expenses of procuring the same shall be paid to “ renee ad w 6 . re ae ae we ee be Ok we 40. & fo se at ~~ ee nha nen nite the murchaear tacaooly alba, i a oe ne TAMER acca tt A Ala a Ti very " ns) i MELANIN IE WIEN T ey MTT eR err se epg tim 9 4 ee : ee ny tae OTR 5) September 22, 1976 Planning Commission City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We are submitting a proposed Mark Richard Heglund Short plat. The proposed short plat is located at the south- west corner of Thomas Avenue S.W. and S.W. Third Place. At this time we would ask for a waiver of the off-site improvements due to the fact that no such similar improvements exist in the contiguous area. Very truly yours, eglund Jr. 307 - Terry Ave. No Seattle, Washington 682-8750 PROPOSED/FINAL .cCLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCL .ON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No. 30-76 (_] Proposed Declaration Environmental Checklist No. ECF-173-76 (x) FINAL Declaration Description of proposal SHORT PLAT - MARK HEGLUND Proponent Mark Heglund Location of Proposal N.E. corner of Thomas Ave. S.W. and S.W. Third Place. Lead Agency Renton Planning Department This proposal has been determined to oO have (J not have a Significant adverse impact upon the environment. An EIS 0) is bis not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental significance: Exempt project under S.E.P.A. Measures, if any, that could be taken to prevent or mitigate the environmental impacts to such an extent that the lead agency would withdraw its declaration of significance and issue a (proposed/final) declaration of non-significance: Responsible Official Michael L. Smith Title Associate -Platner, -— Date October 12, 1976 Signature TL lal Lf ate City of Renton Planning Department CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY " _ Ho, .. , Application No. S%e-4 L407 “Fe - 7b (id -£b7-7t) Environmental Checklist No. 2 ¢4 -473 -7E PROPOSED, date: FINAL, date: [| Declaration of Significance [_]oeciaration of Significance [ ] Declaration of Non-Significance | Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires a’T state and local governmental agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved determine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers are required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision makers, include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if necessary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal, not just to the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- Out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal. if a question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM Les BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent _ Mark R. Heglund 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 3026 - 38th Ave. W., Seattle, Wash. 98199 AT_3-7816 307 Terry Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. 98109 - work 682-8750 3. Date Checklist submitted 4. Agency requiring Checklist Planning Dept. Name of proposal, if applicable: Mark Richard Heglund_ short plat wn 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature): Converting 3 lots each 40' wide by 246' deep to conform to a present day use of 4 lots - 3 of which will be 60' x 120', one will be 66' x 120'. Such new alignment will conform to direction and lot size utilized by other homes in the area and all will meet or exceed the new R-1 square footage requirenents of 7,200 square feet each, ain 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the Proposal, as wel] as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal): Located on the 246 feet running north from the corner of Thomas Ave. S.W. and S.W. Third Place, and running East from the same corner for 120 feet. 8. Estimated date for completion of the proposal: October 30, 1976 9. List of all permits, licenses or government approvals required for the proposal (federal, state and local--including rezones): none 10. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: no 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: no 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- posal; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: none Ls ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) (1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: (a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? Aves (b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or over- covering of the soil? xX 7 for normal placement of home on lot (c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? — oe YES MAYBE ON (d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? _ X (e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? os Ss NO (f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? op s YES MAYBE Explanation: (B) - The only change would be the installation of foundation for_a home or installation of a basement_under a house. Air. (a) Will the proposal result in: Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? xX YES MAYBE NO (b) The creation of objectionable odors? xX YES MAYBE NO (c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, Or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? XK YES MAYBE N Explanation: Water. Will the proposal result in: (a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X YES MAYBE NO (b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? xX YES MAYBE 0 (c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Xx YES MAYBE Nt (d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? XxX YES MAYBE NO (e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE NO (f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? XxX YES MAYBE NO (g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through X interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? at YES MAYBE NO (h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection, or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents, waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? XxX. YES MAYBE NO (i) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Flora Will the proposal result in: (a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? X YES MAYBE NO (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or x endangered species of flora? — A YES MAYBE NO (c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? _ Xv YES MAYBE NO (d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? _* Yes MAYBE NO Explanation: (6) wis Fauna. Will the proposal result in: (a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna)? xX YES MAYBE NO (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? xX YES MAYBE NO (c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of fauna? caren X_ YES MAYBE NO (d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X a YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Addition of families to a family neighborhood. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X_ YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: (a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? x YES MAYBE NO (b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? —_ Xx YES MAYBE NO Explanation: - Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? as xX, YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 5 X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: a (12) (13) (16) ais Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Xx YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: (a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X - YES MAYBE NO (b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X YES MAYBE NO (c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? Xx YES MAYBE NO (d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE NO (e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X YES MAYBE NO (f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X YES MAYBE NO Explanation: (a) Two additional families and their automobiles. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: (a) Fire protection? X YES MAYBE NO (b) Police protection? X YES MAYBE NO (c) Schools? —— xX YES MAYBE NO (d) Parks or other recreational facilities? X YES MAYBE NO (e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? i X YES MAYBE NO (f) Other governmental services? x YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Energy. Will the proposal result in: (a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? ee xX YES MAYBE 0 {b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require x the development of new sources of energy? YES MAYBE NO Explanation: Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: (a) Power or natural gas? xX YES MAYBE NO (b) Communications systems? xX YES MAYBE NO (c) Water? ee xX. YES MAYBE NO (17) (19) (d) Sewer or septic tanks? XX YES MAYBE iO (e) Storm water drainage? ee x YES MAYBE NO (f) Solid waste and disposal? 7 xX E MAYBE NO Explanation: Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? oe YES MAYBE N Explanation: Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? ee X YE MAYBE NO Explanation: Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? _ XX E MAYBE NO Explanation: Archeological/Historical. Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archeological or historical X site, structure, object or building? — SS YES MAYBE NO Explanation: SIGNATURE is true and complete. I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful Proponent: Vneurk Bzheneh (signed) Mark Richarel name printe City of Renton Planning Department 5-76 lack of full disclosure on my part. eg! unof > , | Weg fen NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON OCTOBER 13, 1976! , AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: | 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO FILL AND GRADE IN M-P/G ZONE; file No. SP-822-75; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic Petroleum Distribution Facilities, north of S.W. 43rd Street, and westerly of East Valley Road. | 2. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A THREE LOT SHORT PLAT; file No. W-881-76; property located on the southwest corner of N.E. 12th Street and Aberdeen Avenue N.E.; the east 230 feet of Tract 26. 3. VARIANCE FROM THE SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ; file No. V-880-76; property located in the vicinity of 2700 Mountain View Avenue North. 4. REZONE FROM G TO B-1; file No. R-884-76; property located at 1302 North 30th Street at the corner of North 30th Street and Park Avenue North. 5. REZONE FROM R-4 TO L413 file No. R-885-76; property located at the northwest corner of Seneca Avenue S.W, and S.W. 13th Street. 6. WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A TWO LOT SHORT PLAT; file No. W-886-76; property located at the northwest corner of Aberdeen Avenue N.E. and N.E. 12th Street. ¥ 7, |WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A FOUR LOT SHORT PLAT; file No. W-887-763; property located’ ‘at the northeast corner of Thomas Avenue S.W. and S.W. 3rd Place. 8. TEMPORARY PERMIT EXTENSION FOR MOBILE HOME -TO REMAIN ON CON- STRUCTION SITE FOR ADDITIONAL SIXTY DAYS; file No. TP-858-/6; property located at 416 South 36th Street. | Legal descriptions of all applications noted above on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON OCTOBER 13, 1976 AT 8:00 P.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. SANDRA GIST, SECRETARY PUBLISHED October 3, 1976 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION iy Michael L. Smith , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY ) i J why fe a DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ; ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn Yj ‘ * to before me, a Notary Public, SIGNE Dé af f—, on the 1st day of October bs 1976 uy” epg VL WGEU a A WU s* APP vas Ss ~ ‘N i ' * ie aa n = | \ = a & : 7 E | : . i ia ) i = % = Z “I 3 aa j HS ‘ OG " O o S CO G ' G s : fa ; u “ a | NG \ | { ( A | \ i | S =4 i = 3 N - — ) 5 Ei SS 7 — ie X ny ) LA i Sa i i: = NN ) Di a Ni j x ; YY 9 Re y . +e } ~ ‘ . Ss ~4 9 ; y : +1 Px Re ~ | , N a Y \y N) i c \ = \ x } ; ) ‘ - | ¢ .e $ aj N 2 ai . Q t i) t | , Ni : , ie | _ \ \y EN 7 OS . | “a i e N N ? ‘ we a | a ne S — —— — Sp ' | a4 A & = = | XS IS “ = | ~ ie ‘ \ % Al Ss | a 4 | ~N i “a D es vp | ,; C O C CS ? Ce ' a D "Y e AF CC G ? | } i \ e wy m A — _ oo _ a So Se a) ry “ae ‘» * & —«@o EXHIBIT A Mark Richard Heglund: PARCEL A: PARCEL B: PARCEL C: PARCEL D: LEGAL DESCRIPTION The south 66 feet of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The north 60 feet of the south 126 feet of Lots 21, 11, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The north 60 feet of the south 186 feet of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The north 60 feet of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 4 wwevens. Made Ralhand Ht salud, t ’ > && the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner (#) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergrounding of utilities, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. DURATION These covenants shall run with the land and expire on December 31, 2025. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improve- ments as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) On this el day of oe Pat, , 19 “7:, before me personally appeared _ 62D) Ads a ee ae a a a > bd the person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said person(s) for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. # 1 * Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at.~-.-. eta EXHIBIT A Mark Richard Heglund: PARCEL A: PARCEL B: PARCEL C: PARCEL D: LEGAL DESCRIPTION The south 66 feet of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The north 60 feet of the south 126 feet of Lots 21, 11, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The north 60 feet of the south 186 feet of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The north 60 feet of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Block 3 of Earlington Addition as per plat recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, page 7 records of King County situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. . by “sf ; -— ( & 6 3 > 2 Soul & oO seme ~ 2, Pi Py we EO speptt THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR @ PLANNING DEPARTMEN’ 235-2550 October 19, 1976 Mark R. Heglund 307 Terry Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 Re: Waiver Request, File No. W-887-76 Dear Mr. Heglund: The Renton Planning Commission at its October 13, 1976, public hearing approved an indefinite deferral of the off-site improvement requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance subject to the filing of the enclosed restrictive covenants. Please have all the property owners and their spouses sign the covenants where necessary, notarize them, attach a legal description of the property, and return them to the Planning Department. Once we have received the covenants, we will then have the original of the plat signed and filed with King County together with the restrictive covenants. If you have any further questions, please contact this department. , Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director c jo: Ce earl aw- 7 Heil e@e Cy / Michael L. Smith Associate Planner MLS:1ml enclosure RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 13, 1976 PAGE FOUR APPLICANT: MARK R. HEGLUND APPLICATION: WAIVER OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS; Application File No. W-887-76 FINDINGS AND COMMENTS: 1. Applicant proposes to replat the existing three lots (each 40' x 246') into four lots (60' x 120'). The corner lot will actually be 66' x 120'. 2. A house presently exists on the property and another house has been temporarily placed on the site to occupy one of the future lots. 3. A sidewalk presently exists along the primary frontage of the property facing Thomas Avenue S.W., with a grass drainage swale between the road- way and sidewalk. Standard curb and gutter does not exist anywhere within this established residential area. DECISION CONSIDERATIONS: Recommend approval of request for waiver subject to the filing of restrictive covenants requiring participation in any future LID for such improve- ments. A sidewalk presently exists, together with an adequate drainage swale, and roadway pavement. APPLICANT: LARRY KUPFERER APPLICATION: EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY PERMIT PREVIOUSLY GRANTED FOR AN ADDITIONAL SIXTY DAYS; Application File No. TP-858-/6 FINDINGS AND COMMENTS: 1. The Planning Commission granted a temporary permit to occupy a mobile home on the site on February 25, 1976 for a six month period. 2. Because of initial delays in the financing process the beginning construction date was delayed approximately two months. 3. The house is well under construction and scheduled for completion by the end of November. A sixty day extension appears to be unrealistic for completion of the project. 4. No significant complaints have been received since the granting of the permit. 5. A letter has been submitted by the neighbor across the street in support of the extension. DECISION CONSIDERATIONS: Recommend approval of ninety day extension to insure sufficient time for completion of the project. At such time said permit shall expire and the mobile home shall be removed from the site. ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED PLEASE REVIEW THIS APPLICATION FOR: REZONE Junaor-PLat_ SITE APPROVAL eZee Use (SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT TRIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT os WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE, BEFORE ofa 1 SIGNATURE OR DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE — —~ “. oo fo BUILDING je Jlto pjeFle y ie , Z W, Z 1¥ . Via ENGINEERING — I. a FIRE HEALTH REVIEWER'S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS: PLEASE SIGN THE E.1.W..: - €NDING? OF FILE