HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Stormwater_TIR_240621_v2 Civil Engineers ● Structural Engineers ● Landscape Architects ● Community Planners ● Land Surveyors ● Neighbors Technical Information Report PREPARED FOR: Renton School District Andrew Hollenback 300 SW 7th St Renton, WA 98057 PROJECT: Talbot Hill Elementary School 2300 Talbot Rd S Renton, WA 98055 2230870.10 PREPARED BY: James Daley Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: David Nason, PE Principal DATE: April 2024 Revised June 2024 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SAMorman 07/05/2024 Surface Water Enginering JFarah 07/10/2024 Technical Information Report PREPARED FOR: Renton School District Andrew Hollenback 7812 S 124th St Renton, WA 98178 PROJECT: Talbot Hill Elementary School 2300 Talbot Rd S Renton, WA 98055 2230870.10 PREPARED BY: James Daley Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: David Nason, PE Principal DATE: April 2024 Revised June 2024 I hereby state that this Technical Information Report for the Providence Renton Campus project has been prepared by me or under my supervision, and meets the standard of care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers. I understand that City of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities prepared by me. 06/21/2024 0 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Existing Conditions.............................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Post-Development Conditions ............................................................................................ 1 1.4 Drainage Basins .................................................................................................................. 2 1.5 Sensitive Areas ................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary .................................................................................... 2 2.1 CR 1 – Discharge at the Natural Location .......................................................................... 2 2.2 CR 2 – Offsite Analysis ....................................................................................................... 2 2.3 CR 3 – Flow Control ............................................................................................................ 2 2.4 CR 4 – Conveyance System ............................................................................................... 3 2.5 CR 5 – Erosion and Sediment Control ................................................................................ 3 2.6 CR 6 – Maintenance and Operations.................................................................................. 3 2.7 CR 7 – Financial Guarantees and Liability ......................................................................... 3 2.8 CR 8 – Water Quality .......................................................................................................... 3 2.9 CR 9 – Onsite BMPs ........................................................................................................... 3 2.10 SR 1 – Other Adopted Requirements ................................................................................. 4 2.11 SR 2 – Flood Hazard Delineation ....................................................................................... 4 2.12 SR 3 – Flood Protection Facilities ....................................................................................... 4 2.13 SR 4 – Source Control ........................................................................................................ 4 2.14 SR 5 – Oil Control ............................................................................................................... 4 2.15 SR 6 – Aquifer Protection Area ........................................................................................... 4 3.0 Off-Site Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 4 4.0 Flow Control, Low Impact Development (LID), and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design ............................................................................................................................................. 5 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design .................................................................................. 5 6.0 Special Reports and Studies ........................................................................................................ 5 7.0 Other Permits ................................................................................................................................. 5 8.0 CSWPPP Analysis and Design ..................................................................................................... 5 8.1 ESC Plan Analysis and Design ........................................................................................... 5 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 8.2 SWPPS Plan Design ........................................................................................................... 6 9.0 Bond Qualities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant .......................................... 7 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual .......................................................................................... 7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Appendices Appendix A Figures 1-1 ............. TIR Worksheet 1-2 ............. Vicinity Map 1-3 ............. Soil Map 3-1 ............. Erosion Hazards Map 3-2 ............. Steep Slopes Map 3-3 ............. Slide Hazard Map 3-4 ............. Flood Hazard Map 3-5 ............. Coal Mine Hazard Map 3-6 ............. Aquifer Protection Map 3-7 ............. Wetland and Water Classifications Map 3-8 ............. FEMA Flood Hazard Map Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 1 2230870.10 1.0 Project Overview 1.1 Purpose and Scope This report accompanies the civil engineering plans and documents for the Talbot Hill Elementary School located at 2300 talbot Road S in Renton, Washington. The project site encompasses Tax Parcel 3023059073 in the city of Renton, King County, Washington. The parcel is located within the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, of the Willamette Meridian. See Figure 1-2 for a Site Vicinity Map. The Renton School District is proposing improvements to the Talbot Hill Elementary School. The project proposes to repair areas of the existing parking lot effected by sink holes, to update ADA ramps in the parking lot, to relocate the front entrance flagpole, to replace the existing flagpole base with concrete walk, to repair damaged asphalt and concrete throughout the site, to install new fencing at the parent drop-off area, to replace damaged fencing, and to replace downspouts at the ground connection. Additionally, the School District proposes to install two area drains to address stormwater ponding at the rubber matted play area, and to reconnect an existing damaged drainpipe to an existing catch basin. The rubber matting covers an existing catch basin impeding the surface flow of stormwater runoff from entering the existing stormwater system. The damage drainpipe is currently outlets to the adjacent landscaped area causing erosion. The project site is bound by S 23rd Street to the North, Thomas Teasdale Park to the east, private residences to the south, and Talbot Road S to the west. There are no proposed revisions to any portion of the frontage and no proposed changes to the wet or dry utilities apart from the area drain connection to the existing onsite stormwater system. The 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (CORSWDM) establishes the methodology and design criteria used for the project. 1.2 Existing Conditions The site is the current location for the Talbot Hill Elementary School. The school was constructed in 1970 with a total building area of 88,379 square feet. Since the construction of the school the Renton School District has added an additional three classroom portables with a total area of 4,495 square feet of space for staff and students. The site which the school resides on has a total area of 472,699 square feet (10.85 Acres). 1.3 Post-Development Conditions The Renton School District is proposing several improvements to the Talbot Hill Elementary School. Upon project completion the site will have repaired portions of the parking lot damaged by sink holes, updated all existing onsite ramps to meet current ADA standards, relocated the front entrance flagpole, replaced flagpole foundation with cement concrete walk, replaced damaged asphalt and cement concrete pavements, replaced downspout ground connections, installed new 6-foot and 4-foot fencing at the parent drop-off location, installed area drains in the parking lot to solve ponding issues, and reconnected an existing drainpipe to the existing stormwater system to solve erosion issues. The proposed improvements will replace 4,290 square feet (0.01 ac) of hard surfaces. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2 2230870.10 1.4 Drainage Basins The site is located within the Lower Green River Subwatershed per the King County Green/Duwamish River Watershed map, as delineated by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division. The total area of work is 0.25 acres. The proposed improvements of 0.002 acres of new impervious surfaces will sheet flow and drain to the existing onsite stormwater system. The proposed improvements will create 0.03 acres of new pervious surfaces which will drain to the existing onsite stormwater system. There are no proposed changes to the existing onsite stormwater drainage system. 1.5 Sensitive Areas The Sensitive Area maps provided by the City of Renton were reviewed and it was determined portions of the site have Steep Slope, Landslide, and Coal Mine hazards. The Steep Slope and Landslide hazards are located at a small portion of the site in the south/southwest corner of the site. There is no work proposed in these areas, and these areas will not be impacted by proposed project. The Coal Mine hazard is located in the north/northeast portion of the site where the existing front parking lot is located. The coal mines are creating sink holes which are impacting the existing parking. The project proposes repairs to the front parking lot to address these issues and reduce future impacts to the parking lot. 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary The project triggers Full Drainage Review because it results in more than 2,000 square feet of new and/or replaced impervious surface. Below is a summary of how the proposed project will meet the Core Requirements (CR) and how it will meet applicable Special Requirements (SR). 2.1 CR 1 – Discharge at the Natural Location Talbot Hill E.S. has a single discharge point from a catch basin located on the west property. This point discharges to a public catch basin located on the east side of Talbot Road S. The discharge point will be maintained by this project. There are no proposed changes to the existing storm system. 2.2 CR 2 – Offsite Analysis The project is exempt from providing an offsite analysis. The project does not change the rate, volume, duration, or location of discharge to and from the project site. 2.3 CR 3 – Flow Control This project is exempt from providing flow control. The proposed work for this project is adding less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced impervious surface and less than 3.4 acres of new pervious surface. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 3 2230870.10 Work performed at the existing front parking lot impacted by sink holes is classified as maintenance and therefore is exempt from providing flow control as well as not included in the 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced impervious surface total. 2.4 CR 4 – Conveyance System The conveyance system is not required to be analyzed for conveyance capacity. The existing onsite conveyance system will not experience a change in flow characteristics as a result of the proposed project. 2.5 CR 5 – Erosion and Sediment Control Onsite land disturbance will consist of clearing the work site and the demolition of damaged fencing. Erosion and sediment control will be provided with the use of catch basin inlet protection. See Section 8.0 for Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) analysis and design. 2.6 CR 6 – Maintenance and Operations Maintenance and operations of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the Renton School District. The project does not propose any changes to the existing storm system. The existing Operation and Maintenance Manual will apply to the system. 2.7 CR 7 – Financial Guarantees and Liability This project will provide financial guarantees and liability per City of Renton requirements. See the City of Renton Bond Quantities Worksheet in Figure 9-1. 2.8 CR 8 – Water Quality This project is exempt from providing water quality. The proposed work for this project is adding less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced pollution generating impervious surfaces. Work performed at the existing front parking lot impacted by sink holes is classified as maintenance and therefore is exempt from providing water quality as well as not included in the 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced impervious surface total. 2.9 CR 9 – Onsite BMPs This project proposes work on an Individual Lot that is classified as a Large Lot as the site is larger than 22,000 square feet. Therefore, for CR 9, it must meet the requirements for Large Lot BMPs, as described in Section in the CORSWDM. Due to the existing developed site conditions, meeting the LID performance requirement is not feasible. The onsite BMPs required by the City are listed below: 1. Full Infiltration: Existing developed area is designed to drain into the onsite stormwater system. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 2. Limited Infiltration: Existing developed area is designed to drain into the onsite stormwater system. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 4 2230870.10 3. Bioretention: Existing developed area is designed to drain into the onsite stormwater system. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 4. Permeable Pavement: Existing developed area is designed to drain into the onsite stormwater system. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 5. Basic Dispersion: Existing developed area is designed to drain into the onsite stormwater system. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 6. Reduced Impervious Surface Credit: Existing developed area is designed to drain into the onsite stormwater system. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 7. Native Growth Retention Credit: There is no new impervious surface that could be mitigated by the native vegetated surface. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 8. Tree Retention Credit: There is no new impervious surface proposed that could be mitigated by tree retention. It is not feasible to meet this BMP. 2.10 SR 1 – Other Adopted Requirements The project is included in the Lower Green River Drainage Basin. City and County basin requirements will be followed where applicable. 2.11 SR 2 – Flood Hazard Delineation The proposed project is not in or adjacent to the 100-year floodplain. See Figure 3-8 for the FEMA National Flood Hazard map. 2.12 SR 3 – Flood Protection Facilities This project does not rely on existing flood protection facilities, nor will it modify or construct new flood protection facilities. 2.13 SR 4 – Source Control The project proposes the replacement of existing ramps to meet ADA requirements and a new cement concrete walkways that will not be exposed to any vehicles. Therefore, it does not meet the requirements for source control purposes. Work performed at the existing parking lot impacted by sink holes is classified as maintenance and therefore is exempt from providing source control. 2.14 SR 5 – Oil Control The site does not meet high use criteria and is not subject to oil control measures. 2.15 SR 6 – Aquifer Protection Area The site is not located within any of the Groundwater Protection Areas. 3.0 Off-Site Analysis The project is exempt from providing an Off-Site Analysis. Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 5 2230870.10 Per Section 1.2.2 Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis under the Exemption From Core Requirement #2 this project does not change the rate, volume, duration, or location of discharges to and from the project site (e.g., where existing impervious surface is replaced with other impervious surface having similar runoff-generating characteristics, or where pipe/ditch modification do not change existing discharge characteristics). 4.0 Flow Control, Low Impact Development (LID), and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design The project is not proposing any changes to the existing storm system. Per Section 1.2.3 Core Requirements #3: Flow Control Facilities under Exemption From Core Requirement #3 this project has less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced impervious surfaces proposed and less than ¾ acres of new pervious surfaces added. Therefore, the project is exempt from providing any Flow Control Facilities Per Section 1.2.8 Core Requirements #8: Water Quality Facilities under Exemption From Core Requirement #8 this project has less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced impervious surfaces proposed and less than ¾ acres of new pervious surfaces added. Therefore, the project is exempt from providing a Water Quality Facility. Work performed at the existing front parking lot impacted by sink holes is classified as maintenance and therefore is exempt from providing flow control or water quality as well as not included in the 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced impervious surface total. There are no Low Impact Developments (LID) proposed for this project. 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design There are no proposed changes to the existing storm system. The existing conveyance system will be protected and maintained throughout this project. 6.0 Special Reports and Studies The project does not propose any changes to the existing storm system. A Geotechnical Report was not necessary for the scope of the site improvements. The nearest wetland to the site is more than 500 feet to the west. The site stormwater is collected on site and discharges on the west side of the site and does not drain towards the wetland. A Wetland Report was not necessary for the scope of the improvements. No other reports and/or studies were needed for the proposed site improvements. 7.0 Other Permits No other permits are required for the proposed site improvements. 8.0 CSWPPP Analysis and Design 8.1 ESC Plan Analysis and Design The proposed development shall comply with guidelines set forth in City of Renton drainage requirements. The plan will include erosion/sedimentation control features designed to prevent Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 6 2230870.10 sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site or adversely affecting critical water resources during construction. A construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) is provided in a separate document. The following measures will be shown on the ESC plans and will be used to control sedimentation/erosion processes: 1. Clearing Limits – All areas to remain undisturbed during the construction of the project will be delineated prior to any site clearing or grading. 2. Cover Measures – Cover measures will be implemented for the disturbed areas. 3. Perimeter Protection – Filter fabric fences for site runoff protection will be provided at the downstream site perimeter. 4. Traffic Area Stabilization – Traffic area stabilization is not applicable for this project. 5. Sediment Retention – Inlet sediment protection will be utilized as part of this project. 6. Surface Water Collection – Catch basins and conveyance pipes will provide surface water collection. 7. Dewatering Control – Water from dewatering operations should be discharged to a well- vegetated area or to a temporary sediment control facility. 8. Dust Control – Dust control measures, including sweeping and water truck, will be implemented when exposed soils are dry to the point that wind transport is possible; and roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely to be impacted. 9. Flow Control – Flow control is not required for this project. 10. Control Pollutants – Stormwater pollution prevention measures will be implemented to prevent, reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to onsite or adjacent stormwater systems. 11. Protect Existing and Proposed Stormwater Facilities and On-site BMPs – Contractor shall inspect and maintained protective measures at all times until the completion of the project. 12. Maintain Protective BMPs – All protective BMPs used during construction will be properly monitored and maintained until the completion of the project. 13. Manage the Project – Contractor shall coordinate in a timely manner all inspection. 8.2 SWPPS Plan Design The project is proposing the replacement of pedestrian ramps to meet current ADA requirements, replacement of cement concrete walkways, and parking lot asphalt maintenance. In addition, there will be some minor work in existing grassy areas that will have the potential for dirt and debris to collect in paved areas. Below is a list BMPs from the King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual dated July 2021, that will be applied throughout the extent of the project. · A-20: Concrete and Asphalt Application · A-26: Landscaping Activities, Vegetation Management, and Irrigation Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 7 2230870.10 · A-27: Clearing and Grading of Land for Small Construction Projects · A-32: Sidewalk Maintenance 9.0 Bond Qualities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant Bond Quantities – A Site Improvement Bond Quantities Worksheet has been completed and submitted along with Site Plans and this TIR. Facility Summaries – This project is exempt from Flow Control and Water Quality. A flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch is not needed for this project. Declaration of Covenant – There are no proposed changes to the existing stormwater system. A Declaration of Covenant is not required for this project. 10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual Maintenance and operations of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the owner. The existing Operations and Maintenance Manual shall be referred to for the existing system. The proposed area drains at the play area to address ponding issues in that location will be connected to the existing system and will be covered by the existing Operations and Maintenance Manual for the existing system whi9ch covers maintenance to catch basins and drainage pipes. Conclusion This site has been designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (CORSWDM). This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared using procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. AHBL, Inc. James Daley Project Engineer April 2024 Revised June 2024 Q:\2023\2230870\10_CIV\NON_CAD\REPORTS\Storm - Site\Permit Sub 2\20240401 Rpt (TIR) 2230870.docx Technical Information Report Talbot Hill Elementary School 2230870.10 Appendix A Figures 1-1 .................... TIR Worksheet 1-2 .................... Vicinity Map 1-3 .................... Soil Map 3-1 .................... Erosion Hazards Map 3-2 .................... Steep Slopes Map 3-3 .................... Slide Hazard Map 3-4 .................... Flood Hazard Map 3-5 .................... Coal Mine Hazard Map 3-6 .................... Aquifer Protection Map 3-7 .................... Wetland and Water Classifications Map 3-8 .................... FEMA Flood Hazard Map CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 8-A-1 REFERENCE 8-A TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Owner _____________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Address __________________________________ _________________________________________ Project Engineer ___________________________ Company _________________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Project Name __________________________ CED Permit # ________________________ Location Township ________________ Range __________________ Section _________________ Site Address __________________________ _____________________________________ Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS  Land Use (e.g., Subdivision / Short Subd.)  Building (e.g., M/F / Commercial / SFR)  Grading  Right-of-Way Use  Other _______________________  DFW HPA  COE 404  DOE Dam Safety  FEMA Floodplain  COE Wetlands  Other ________  Shoreline Management  Structural Rockery/Vault/_____  ESA Section 7 Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type of Drainage Review (check one): Date (include revision dates): Date of Final:  Full  Targeted  Simplified  Large Project  Directed __________________ __________________ __________________ Plan Type (check one): Date (include revision dates): Date of Final:  Full  Modified  Simplified __________________ __________________ __________________ Renton School District 253-383-2422 7812 S 124th Street Renton, WA 98178 James Daley AHBL Inc. 253-383-2422 Talbot Hill Elementary School 23 N 5 E 30 2300 Talbot Rd S Renton, WA 98055 X X April 2024 X Revised June 2024 April 2024 Revised June 2024 REFERENCE 8: PLAN REVIEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 6/22/2022 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-2 Part 6 SWDM ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Type (circle one): Standard / Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Approved Adjustment No. ______________________ Date of Approval: _______________________ Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Yes / No Start Date: _______________________ Completion Date: _______________________ Describe: _________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Re: SWDM Adjustment No. ________________ Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Plan: ____________________________________________________________________ Special District Overlays: ______________________________________________________________ Drainage Basin: _____________________________________________________________________ Stormwater Requirements: _____________________________________________________________ Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS  River/Stream ________________________  Lake ______________________________  Wetlands ____________________________  Closed Depression ____________________  Floodplain ___________________________  Other _______________________________ _______________________________  Steep Slope __________________________  Erosion Hazard _______________________  Landslide Hazard ______________________  Coal Mine Hazard ______________________  Seismic Hazard _______________________  Habitat Protection ______________________  _____________________________________ Cedar River - Lake Washington south/southwest portion of siteX south/southwest portion of site north/northeast portion of site X X REFERENCE 8-A: TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 Ref 8-A-3 Part 10 SOILS Soil Type ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Slopes ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Erosion Potential _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________  High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet)  Other ________________________________  Sole Source Aquifer  Seeps/Springs  Additional Sheets Attached Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE  Core 2 – Offsite Analysis_________________  Sensitive/Critical Areas__________________  SEPA________________________________  LID Infeasibility________________________  Other________________________________  _____________________________________ LIMITATION / SITE CONSTRAINT _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________  Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) Threshold Discharge Area: (name or description) Core Requirements (all 9 apply): Discharge at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharge Locations: Offsite Analysis Level: 1 / 2 / 3 dated:__________________ Flow Control (include facility summary sheet) Standard: _______________________________ or Exemption Number: ____________ Conveyance System Spill containment located at: _____________________________ Erosion and Sediment Control / Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention CSWPP/CESCL/ESC Site Supervisor: _____________________ Contact Phone: _________________________ After Hours Phone: _________________________ Maintenance and Operation Responsibility (circle one): Private / Public If Private, Maintenance Log Required: Yes / No Financial Guarantees and Liability Provided: Yes / No Alderwood gravelly sandy loam 8 - 15 %None 1 Not Required Not Required 1 & 2 N/A To be determined Beausite gravelly sandy loam 6 - 15 % REFERENCE 8: PLAN REVIEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 6/22/2022 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-4 Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) Water Quality (include facility summary sheet) Type (circle one): Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basic / Bog or Exemption No. _______________________ On-site BMPs Describe: Special Requirements (as applicable): Area Specific Drainage Requirements Type: SDO / MDP / BP / Shared Fac. / None Name: ________________________ Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type (circle one): Major / Minor / Exemption / None 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): _______________ Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: Source Control (commercial / industrial land use) Describe land use: Describe any structural controls: Oil Control High-Use Site: Yes / No Treatment BMP: _________________________________ Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? _____________________________________ Other Drainage Structures Describe: 1 Catch Basin Inlet Protection None Required Commercial None None Required None REFERENCE 8-A: TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 6/22/2022 Ref 8-A-5 Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION  Clearing Limits  Cover Measures  Perimeter Protection  Traffic Area Stabilization  Sediment Retention  Surface Water Collection  Dewatering Control  Dust Control  Flow Control  Control Pollutants  Protect Existing and Proposed BMPs/Facilities  Maintain Protective BMPs / Manage Project MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION  Stabilize exposed surfaces  Remove and restore Temporary ESC Facilities  Clean and remove all silt and debris, ensure operation of Permanent BMPs/Facilities, restore operation of BMPs/Facilities as necessary  Flag limits of sensitive areas and open space preservation areas  Other _______________________ Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS (Note: Include Facility Summary and Sketch) Flow Control Description Water Quality Description On-site BMPs Description  Detention  Infiltration  Regional Facility  Shared Facility  Other _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________  Vegetated Flowpath  Wetpool  Filtration  Oil Control  Spill Control  Other _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________  Full Dispersion  Full Infiltration  Limited Infiltration  Rain Gardens  Bioretention  Permeable Pavement  Basic Dispersion  Soil Amendment  Perforated Pipe Connection  Other _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ X X X X X X X None Required None Required REFERENCE 8: PLAN REVIEW FORMS AND WORKSHEET TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET 6/22/2022 2022 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 8-A-6 Part 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS  Drainage Easement  Covenant  Native Growth Protection Covenant  Tract  Other ____________________________  Cast in Place Vault  Retaining Wall  Rockery > 4′ High  Structural on Steep Slope  Other _______________________________ Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Signed/Date X XNone None June 20, 2024 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX Talbot Hill Elementary School Vicinity Map Figure 1-2 N Project Site N Project Site Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School Talbot Hill Elementary School