HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport04-SCC588966_20170421_v1Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services LiV TH IOP (:0URT �T THP TN A N 1.) FOR S H I Pe t I C i one r -VS- JUD(,:VFNT AND DECRFF, NIA `AULCy, 1j,,dIVjdUajnY EL nd as Cf Julian T—ocnOF APPRCFRIATION "aL�10r, d-acessed, This cause of ac t i ()I -t -OtT,ing on duL,-, and rc gular ly this day -,-fore LhO U1,), a �•LPjjla tion 0r jLidgff0(1L ZjjjLJ JL'LIL'I' ;-J' ?0C' I t lill,a'C , tho StZaZe J. AL torney C;cnl: 1: t:JIIL '%(,LL)rno.y General, th, responcJciztl?r'm I n a Ptlulon,nd� cuts of tne will Of Juli„n 77 -eon i-lulon, deceased, "i Fearing. by Vorriaey and Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services 2537987481 p,3 and the pint; satisiicd by proof chat 111 parties i itr.restec! in the .Lands real cAtute, I,runrisc,s �r,d ath,=r l,r.�rurt)' dtScrlbNii in Chc petition herein anti ti hc>rcincriiir specifJ.ctll,v sr.L north, nave been duly rand lc -sally served with notice of Ci�,.s }�1'��Cec`cilnc ay re.qui;ad b,• law; �1n4 a.[tc:t consid�rin,; the written stipulation Cilr.j therein con- cerning Clho Lands, reed estate, premise c incl oth�n properly sciuglrt to be approprinCvcf ant'. ,l�.ecl by thr_ S:rni:c: of l•Jar�hinhton, sezid �,r:titi,oner, for highway purposes, anJ haavin; fuUnr. thorefrDm t.hrar Lhe daniayes, including the value of the land zppropri5t.d together with the access rights, including air, view and light of the property abutting the rig!tt of wa.Y being acquired heroin, resulting to all persons and Parties interested therein by reason of such appropriation of the lands, real estate, premises and ether pxoperty hereinafter described, over and above ali offsets Of special benefits frcrc the establishment of the aforesaid highr,,ay accruing to the remainder thereof unappropriated and including respondents` costs are, in accordance with the findings Of the court, in cho sum of ,l_7iiteen Ttousan� F.-,,,++ Flilnrin F1ve and G:'h 00- - - - „ - - _ _ _ .. - proper at*rount and ac,aed to be paid by the pecitinno.i herein. noi, thereupon, 1T IS HEREBY CFDCRED, ADJUDGEr) AND DECIt!:;EL) that compensation be made in money in the sura of ^��}rteen 7'Eto�;snnd c�c�,ur };u;i,;ire3 �ii:;h;, Five and J6/?JO - - - _ - - - - - -Dollars C`r It";, �+8to all owners, tenants, encumbr�jncers, arlu a 11 ocher pe -sons interested therein, for the appropriation and use by said petitioner of the fol lowing described lands, real estate, premises and other prooe;ty, together Faith the access rights, including air, vieW and light of: the property abutting the right of way being acquired herein From said respondents in Klnct County, Washington, to -wit; Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services 2537987481 p.4 •• S T N G L C 4040 Parcel No, 1-503 INTERESTED PARTIES: CAMINA PAULON, individually and as cXecutrix of the will of JULIAN LOON PAUION, decease q- .. , DESCRIPTION: All that 7;z:-- Ems'"OvEng d„scri'bud Tract "X” lying 4esterly of a line drawn parallel with and being 80 feet distant Easterly, when measured at right eagles from the EE Lire Survey o. Primary Scbte Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 in Renton. T1b1CT "x" Block: 13 of G. D. hillman's ,Carlington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of plats, page 74, records of King County; situate in the, City of Renton, County of King; State of' Washington. The lands being herein condemned comcain an area of 1,284 square: feet, more or less, the specific details concerning all of which may be found within that certain map of definite location now of record and on file in the Office of the Directoro£ High- ways at Olympia, Washington,bearing dote of approval October 31, 1961, revised December 27, 1961; and the center line of which is also of record in Volume "2'1 Of Highway Pats, page 187, under Auditor's File No. 5399478. records of King County, State of Washington. TOGETHER WITH all rights of ingress and egress, (including all existiag, future or potential easements of Access, 116ht, view and air) to, from and between said EL Liue (92nd Avenue South) and the remainder of said Tract "K". TOGETHER WETA the right to enter updn the respondents remaining lands, where necessary, to remove improvements located wholly or partially upon the _i gljt of way. Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct, SSA #2-M to Jet. PSH #2 in Renton ( 7-23-62) P - 1 krt e a ., ,jutalN;i,1 t b7 UN ! r �If �+ 'i. {',:... ALL 1 7tfj St) J Oct 31 16, 01:46p Title Support Services 2537987481 p.5 TT I, rL':tT-i Jd C^1-;).v(_L', AX',' Lx; •1 .i,':� :)��S n�.;:U tt: t ufroal �ay�'ur.L :nto titj registry of "i;e s :�ov-:+n.i tied court they SLIM o,f1,_hteen Thousand four iundred :;i'ty-fiv:: Dollsra (,$1" 4S5 ), Logetiior with costa harein tax :d at Ten Dollars (i�iv. ), tilC ;:=tit -loner, the State of Nashi naton, shrC l ba nr;;, . ecorr,e L! f ce .3 ov+n :r in �:la�Ila of :.he lar. ;s, real estll-,r, :runlsos :,nom 3..4,ur•t-nances :jai ou, •r .Lpc,).r+ty spnropri-iters ;;';rein, LUi��Lh?r Wl.tll i,�1e 3CC9aa ri;zilt;3 3ir, 3y Lei ng ac:{ -fired herein from .:e+ld ryrr;,n and �ha:.l he .ntitlea to enter into pos- 3esaion * 13rec^ gni to t, , }roll, ovn 3rut at s:l t: ,,,a t!'Lx,eafter use a:,d ''099©39 the snse, arr:9 L: <rt such psya=nt eFlzil `oo ;n full for tag taking, ccn.i )ronation ina >.rpronr'_lticn a:r Lae of s=:r7a. IT I ADJUDrs sD �},D J :i K.: :D tnat t:,,, re�porra�ants are 2ntitl•,-d to reti:n tt:r: :::pr.w',rr. nLs : r�s,;:ltly 1Jcalted u_ on th:) �cr tion r Of she } r�p,_t t!.rei.z aci;uir�>el, sn.1 to a tie �;a,;,,e '•:: �refrcrn. If, howev.r, said i•r,t r•J'✓"r ,ant', 23 srN nJt reaov•.�d ;:'row thu: or ti on uf' th 2 prop, rty, herein ao.;,uirod .)v or !)e;'c re L!ie i iftc eRr,„; c l 1Jt}1) WRY Of Fo!)?•'..:+rt'V s:,id l:r.pro.���,ent„ s!ra,1 uo _n -i b'ac, :�: Lcie State o; 7sah- ir'Ttcn, and may .+e r.):-oved by ].t in Any I T _:i ^.'�': p ;1.ZD upon cnyraart Of 5!li j 73rd ,?11,1 •I L1lriifi `::1 1nL:) w r9.viut1-V C;,;"t l n '!1S tau se, fila c J • rF: :. :rata ' )� :�: ci to s3tisf sail .dud•:., •nt 'r R3 to ?old such r• . � r'i •!' c,!• Lire. c�x:rG. -�d a 0 f January' lyo3. I rG3d17tc).j v; Attorney Gen'r'rl `�Vu<l, C'dC.�e-�- 11t.iClt,,L.�: tlee'r� i'U: Ot'AS � Asslsta'.: GR',•��;� -- i�)S; ten'.:, rit Ntiul;>n. ' „ay JaRars,l v, I �.. )tiJ, � �, i, • if � t