HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport05j-3399762_20170421_v1♦ fC Otfd Copy Judt of Taking Jul 10 4l. 3399762 Jul 1 44 In the Distriot Court of the United states for the Western VwtYa=n Distriot ofWashington Northern Division United States of lmerioa, retar No 960 vo Certsin Paroels of Land eitia kow; Catering "oma Yulat; st nl, kempts Voatisg in petitioner a perpetual `fight ofwe7aad pmt iD, to,over, aeross and upon theland dee in Exhibit a hrto attaohed for an else power trsnm lines and ap urtonant signal linea firing gust oompoamationthfor $36209 and posan of ad lends to be dole to the petar Jul 31 44 Ctfd t by alk oaurt under ml Lobe true and oorreot oopy thof -MIBIT •AIN DVS. diPi1-,M (IF L.A.7L IT TO BE Afi.WIRW BX WHRUTATION A striN of lend lou feet in width situated in ming :aunty, 3te.te of irash- in,rton, ..,-x lylaig on the westerly aide of ane adjacent to Bonnuville Pw,er kd=is- tr tion+o 25u font right of stay for the Covington -Seattle transmission Iincs, the boon-t:xi-js of spid strip Using 50 feet distant from, on tither side of, and paural- ltl to the center lane of said otrip, said center ling being more particul-rly do- scribad as follows. - Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary line of the lir fenee Plant Corporation's South Renton Subctaticsa Site, the ssaw being thi ,-oat line of Block 4 of Renton View, according to the recorded plat U&LLaaf, in Section 191 Ta.:nshl.) k3 North, R.aage 5 Fast of the kilUmette UeriOian, said 1 6nU bring 210.8 fact -Tor i' and";'7 . ��et west of the scut quarter corner of said Seetion 19; thence H. 560 12-1 W. a dist:,ncs of 1635.9 feet; thence #. 10 Il- i'+. a distenoe of 1672.7 feet; thence H. 311 25' W. a distenee of 3037.6 feet; thence ti. 430 47' 9.. a distr.ncc of 2601.3 feet: to a point on the south boundary line of the Booneville Parer Ac:�Lnistration's Lprltngton Snsbetation Lite, the same baing the south line of Block 9 of Larlington Acre Tr. cts, accoreing to the recorded plat tin_acof, said point being 620.2 feet south and 3U1.1 f+.et west of the nci t,tesist corner of Section 13, Township 23 Borth, ;tango 4 east of the 113,.mette Veridian, all in King County, Washington. The tracts of land comprising the above described 10.E foot strip of land are more pcfticularly deHcribkd as follcma: TRACT D3,44 That portion of Lot 35 in Block 11 of C. D. Pillman's ELrling too Gardena Addition to the City of Seattle, Division #1, according to the r# corded ;1-t thereof, ia: the N14 of Section 19, Township 43 North, ti..=e 5 La -t, of the iUllamette ,Ieridian, Ring County, S:ashington, i.hich Li.:, southwesterly of the Bonneville Power A=inistration's existing 250 Pout; right of we., for Ow 0 rington-Seattle trvnsrmi3sioa: line, a-nd north- ,. ,t:riy of a line which is 162.5 f-.-a-t southwesterly of ,.nd par411el to tl,L survey line of the Covington -Seattle transmission line #1, s&id aur- ` voy line is p.rticulerly described an follo:+s: Beginning at survey station .496;73.17, a point on the east lin6 3Borth, c 5 LWt of the 1,illamette J;eridian, of ..action 19, To,.nahnip 23,52 �Bt..ncw said Vo int being S. 10 09' 5�0 U. of 39.37 feet from the oar- ` ter section em�:r on the cu --t line of -cid Section 19; thence V. 56 lla 53e 1- a dist, now of 2191.67 fast to auinay station 518=64.$40 thence N. 10 181 53" V. a distance of 1453.99 feet to survey stt.tion 533418-83, a joint an the north lig of as W :;action 19, saki point biting N. 890 17' 37" Z. a diatc,nca, of 3115.1; f.et frcnt the Questar section corner an the north line of said SLction 19. t The above -de eribi6d paircal of 1=0 coat.4ns 0.1 i-C2.e, aor4: or leas. TRAu15 DS -M AND DS-irbL `. Stant portion of Lots 50 6 rand 7 is Plock 11 of C. D. Hil-1— I's ikxlington Gnrdane Additica to Uu; City of ieattic, Divis5ii Ikl, accor- ; iiia to the recorded plat thereof, in the S4' of Suction 19, Taunahiy 23 ::orth, e 5 Fest, of than uaiuwtte Meridir:n, King County, Aaahington, :hil% lits south4 estar"y of th„ Donnavillr: Poe er Adminis cr-tion' a cx-st- ing 250 fust riot of way for the Covington-S�eattic tr..usoUsion line, .:sad uorthe,.attrly of u line ...hick is 162.5 ft,t snuthntieUr•1.� of e:nd ,a .•a11.a1 to the survay ling of the Covington--.,cuttlr, trrnsaisuion lira ;.1, acid auurv.y lint is ?urticul,-.rly de;:cribcd ::a lolloaai b•,glnning c•t survay ytc tion 496:-73.17, :. point on thv a. st line of SooUon 19, Township 23 ttorthL R.-n�a S.L t of tire. Rilleaa tte J ridiL.n, _444.4_ _.. t TRACTS PS46 AND D." -66B (continued) acid point being S. 10 091 52" N. a distance of 39.3"7 feat from the quar- ter section corner on the east lino of said flection 19; thence N. 566 11€ 53" a distance of 2191.67 feet to slsrve3 station 519;64.84; thtnca I- 10 18€ 53" W. s dintan,e of 1453.99 feet to survey station 5331.18.83, a point on the north line of said Section 19, acid ;_olnt being N. 890 174 37" L. a distance of 915.25 feet from the gmrter section corner on the north line of raid Section 19. The above described parcel of land contains 0.2 acre, more or That portion of Lot 12 in Block 11 of C. D. HilLaenls L&rling- tm GFrdens Addition to the City of Seattle, Div a_an -1, according to 'record �Ta ireof, in the .161 of ,miction 192 Zwwhip 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette iieridiar., Kong County, .,ashingtor., which Iles`southwesterly of the Bonneville Posner %imi-nistration's existing 150 foot right of way for the Covington -Seattle tr!'nsmirsion line, and north- easterly of a line Y!hich is 162.5 f.et ncuthweaterly of and d&rallel to tdse survey line of the CovingtonSeattic transmir-strn line #1, said sur- vey lite is partleulnrly described a& follows: Beginning at survey station w96:73.17, a point on the east line of Section 19 To€n-shipA North a East of the „illamette Ileriiian, sat po�ni-Ec ig i7-091 52" W. a distance of 3).37 feet frum the Por- ter section corner on the. east line cf sated Section 19; Vience N. 56 111 53" r. a distance of 2191.67 fast to durvvy statin 518;64.84; thence N. 10 181 53" W. a distance of 1453.99 feet to survey station 533',-1.8.83: a point on the north line of said Sectixn 19, said point ting N. 890 17+ 37" E. a distance of 815.25 feet from the quarter section corner on the north line of said Section 19. The above described parcel of land contrins 0.1 sere, more or leas. TRACT DS -67 That portion of Lots 23, ..4:.5, 26, 27, 20, �9, 30s 31 nd 32 in block 12 of C= A. H1iMan€s Larlington Gardens AGdition to the City of 5-attleDivision All, ac�cor€iing to the recorded plat thereof, in the ti a Section 1T Townsh�2 23 Hort,, Rcr4ge 5 Fest of the kill;.mette Lk-rid- i.u1, ]Ging Zo`€m�y, ^s�ingt� wh3oli I'Sa soot}!+rbsterly of the Eionncville Power Adainistr:,tionfa existing 450 foot right of wry for the tovington- PeMttie Transmission lane and nor#hc:st r2, of line tihich is 162.5 feet soutavesterly of ^_nd perrllel to the sut-vey .line of the Covington-+ tLttle tr.nsrission line 11, scid survey line is p.xticuL rly described as fol- lows: Beginning at survey station 4.96473.17, a point an the enat line of Saction 19, Tm nahi •e3 North, & ngv 5 L ---t of the Ehillamettt dwridisa, s..ic?`, oint being 5 .- 52W 7v. a -dSdt, nc4 of 3).37 fent from the quer- ter scotion corner on the Last line of srid 4tction 19; thence N. 560 111 53" ?'. a dlstoncl. of 2191.67 fe:!t tc sures;; station 518!64.64; th.rce N. 10 1$n 53" W. a distance of 1453.99 fret to survey station 533118.83, a point on the north lin:; of sf.4d Section 19, at id point being N. 390 171 37" S. r distance of 815.25 feet from tha quarter suction corner on the north line of said Section 19. The above described percel of 1"nd cont -ins 0.5 acrts, mor. or s r TRAC`r LS -70 Thz t ;tion of the folloshn6 deserirw-d pro,,trty being that i Lrt y of Lotin otiop 1?3'ng westerly of fric.:_ry St:.t.: Highway i+o. 5, and %.haL po rk of the NE4t Fit of Section 18 lying south a=nd .a:xt of the titre d TRACT DS --70 (continued)!�rt.• of the chr!nnel of Black Fiver, and that part of Lot 16 of Section, 18 lying *eat of the west line of Shrttuck Street in Sxit:.era Firth A rli- tion to Renton, ti•ith the exception of that part of said Lot 16 described as beginning at a point on the :asst line of said Shattuck Street, ..hich i.s 25 feet distant northerly from, when measured at right angl::s to, the northerly line of the right of way of the Pacific Coast RF,ilror.d Com— „w:aiy; thence :xetsterly, pr.relleel tt: said nurtherly line of acid right of wa:•, c distance of 425.00 feet; thence ti:e nterly, in a :,traight lint:, a r -314+4-t.ce of 714 feet, more or less, to t, ^Sint in the :.est line of raid Lot 16, which is 265 feet northerly, me"sured along said pest line, from t1w nootherly line of &*Id right of way; thence scsth, along the west UAL of ^aid Lot 16, to this southerly line of tht right of tray of said Pc.cific Const Rr.ilroad Company; thence c^_aterly, along ani6 southerly line, to a ,point which IS 7a7 feet �:tstcrly, mei f ..red along esic, south- erly line, from the pest line of said Si- ttuek Street; thence southerly, at right an€Les to said southerly line of said rig:it of way, a distance of 50 fact; thence easterly, purallul ;o and so feta distant Southerly from the southerly line of said' rig- t of ray, to the nest line of Shat- tuck Street; thence north, along the; ooL t line of said Shattuck Street, to the poiit of egit.ning;'f And that par' o: suit Lot 16, desvrit*d as boranc.d oe; the northty the right of i; V' of tt,e Chicago, :1il:.nukee and St. Paul and a cific nnilruad Ca4y.ny, on tea *--et by Shr ttuck Street, on the south try 7th Avenue (?i•t dmvd) Lis plotf.cd in the town of itenton, and on the evert by Primr:ry State Highway ..c. ;, all txing in Section 18, To;:.tship 23 North, range 5 Ea:,t of the ?1il14-.jntttc I,leridirx;, King County: ahirgton; which lies southwesterly of the noruzeville For., er Administrt- tirnce: existing 450 foot right of way for the Covington -'.tattle trans- miue.ion line, and northeasterly of a line •..hich is 16-5 feet southwest- erly of and p+rullel to the survi.y line of the Covington -Seattle trana- 1 :isniozi line #1, said s rv.:y lire is particule rly de--critxd as followaz Beginning ^t survey str.tion 533;13.93, o ,aoint on the loath line of Secy A,,_.TVewnip 23 north, Rage 5 Ec.st of tine ;rillrimutte :�tridiLn, said point bring N. 890 17' 37" E. c dist,nca of 815.5 fLut from tint,-_u^.rt&r section corner on the south linr, of said Section 18; UIJ-10e N. 10 18' 53" 11. dist nee: of 190,55 feat to :survey st;.tion 535+09.38 nck ocsuals 53122-0.00 nhe nd; thence N. 310 "e 43" W. z dis- t uc� of 3080.04 fast to survey At:tion 562=00.00; thonce S. 4:0 47' 13" . di6t:xws of 2,'96.32 feet to survey at. tion 5842.%.32, point on the ..est line of srid Section 18, 9,, --id ;point Ding S. 00 D2e 05" a dint. nce of 771.26 f4,; -t from the; north.+e:st corr.;,r of :;-i$ Section 18. Thr; above da: cribed p rc;.l of 1, zee con v ins 4.4 •:cr,s, mor, or lass. TRACT DS -?M That portion of Lot 1L it: 5s ctior. .E, Tu mhip 0 North R,.n b 5 E^.zt of the till:zwtte worirll•:n, Icing Coiatty, �� .r:h3rit ,ort, t ser l,_d as boaaled on the north by the right of o.•:y of thu 1- lie go, llilurukr.. red St. i'eul rare.+ Preific R:•.ilrontl .- Coes -my, on tat =at tq* Sh ttuck Street, on tht: ,:oath by 7th Av rug 4xroduced) ..e pl :ttad in th4 Tu, n of R.,trten, r.:nd on the est by Prim ry 3tr to Iiighwry No. 5, which li.;s .,outhwt:sturIIj of th.. ikku.c.viile. PoFer Adainistr: tion', existing 250 foot right of ixy for the C:ov -4, tt1e. tr• nsmissian lin.: _nal nnrtl:e..st,rly of - line ..hieh is 166.5 f,,t south%.,.sturly of ad ;r r,11.1 to thc- suive:y line of th.. Coving ten ttlt. tr-nsmission lint, #1, s: id survsy line is prrtioul:rly de- scr'.D, d • y follows a 1-. St,ginnins '.t sui-v:.y 4t' tion 5334113.83, n point on th" Nuuth lint of :;. etico� 1§, Tornship ;t3 Horth, h:.ngu 5 E •at of the 19iilnmtte Mridi- n, b ic; point b.:intz tt. 89 17' 37" E. r dist^naC of 815.25 feet from tet gu^rte.r s"tion corner on Wtu south line of ar id Stctton 18; th.nce N. 10 131 53' W- dist: Act of 190.5! f:.t:t to .urvcy at. tion 5351W.38 brck ,gw-Ls 531=20.00 -hi- c:; #h_nc:. S. 310 24, 4_4" i#. n dist: nee of 30813.00 TRACT U70E (continued) 40 feet to survey station 562400.00; thence N. 430 471 13" 0. a distance of 2296.32 feet to survey ste_tion 564=A6.32, a point on the reet lid of said Section 18, said ,mint being S. 00 021 05* d. a dintsnce of 771.;.6 feet from the north -est corner of said Section 18. The above described parcel of land cont, -,ins 0.5 acres, more or let;n. TRACT D3-71 Tisa+portion of Lot3 l sn6 2 of Town and Country Club B=galow Si�te�ss Urlington, :^:ashin­ton, according to .fie recorded plat thireo , f is Lot 11 of "section iA, Township 23 :lorthj Ram jet of the 'nillawette Meridian, Icing County, hashington, which lies soutrn:esterll of the Bonne- ville porter Administration's existing '<5D foot right of rry for the Cov- ingtor,-:_eattle tri-namissiorr line and nort!,Leasterly of a line r:hicE1 is 152.5 feet southwesterly of and pamllel to the survef line of the C0v- ingwn-8eattle transwission line A, 9Lid survey line is pvrtic ALrly de- scribed as follorra s Beginning at 3W-vey stction 5331.1.;.83, a ioint an the south line of Section 1$ T 23..Jorth, .ROW 3 _ L : t of the t 111::."tte :3eriuian, sui�F nie g� N. 8r 171 3711 L. a dist xsce of -81.5.'5 feet from fire quarter section comer'onthe south line of said Section 18; thence U. 10 181 53* TY. a dist-rice of 190.55. feet to survey at4tion 515:09.38 buck e:;uals 531;20.00 ahead; thence 1. 310 241 43' W. a distance of 3044.00 "set to sua•vey station 5622-00.00; thence W. 430 471 13" 7. a distance of 22.94Ct.32 feet to survey st iiou 544;96.32, a point on the wast lid of c._i.d Section 18, said point being S. 00'021 05" W. a distance of 771.26 feet from the northwest corner of said Section 18. The above described parcel of lend contains 0.1 acre, more or leap, TRACY` DS -76 Thct portion of Lot 11 in Block 2 of Cros4 Ht ights, an r-ddition to the City of Fenton, cccording to the recorded plat thereof, is -t-II 6F'aaction ls, Tornehip 23 north, &ln6t 5 G-:st of the ilillamette iJtridlass, Ging _County, Tsshington,' wtich lies south�fe9terly of the Bonneville Porter Adm;-nistretionls existing 2�,v foot right of ar.3 for the Covington-£eattls trrnsmission line and northet-sterl;, of a line wilich is 162.5 feet southr .:e.,terly of and p•.r, llel to the survey lure of the 11'o7ingtob-8e€ttie trnns- mis..ion line #I, s,id survey Ibis is Xr'tic•:1 •rly described ::s follows: Beginning at survey station 5331.14.83, 3 point on the south line of Section 18, Township 23. North, itf nge 5 fr.zt of the 'will matte Lkricann, s: iu point being J. 89'0 i7t 3711 E. a diet:.ice' of &15.25 feet from tho 4uur- tar section corner on the south line of daid Section 18; thtncc N. 10 181 5311 rr. s distr.nce of 190.55 feet to survey st-tion 5352-09.38 bc-ck equrls 531j20.00 uhurd; thence H. 31" 241 4?" J.:.: dist..nce of 3060.00 feet to .survey atstion 562A00.00i thence A. bio 471 13* W. a distcnce of "9u.0 fe:;t to survey str_ticn 9841*.32, a point or. the ..est line of sL id Section 10, or id point being S. 00 021 050 W. a dist.:nce of 771.26 feet from the northwest corner of s: -,id Section lo. The above described ex reel of land cont- ins v.l : crc, rare or less. TRACT D'•.: t-7 Th:�t portion of Lot 2 in Block 2 of Crost�r • FiEifiaits, :.n ; dtliti.ns to the City of Fir:nton, according to the mcorded ,,lr t thereof, in aill of :action iE, Towsishiy 2� 8orth R, e 5 2+tst of the iritl:-matte [acridsnap iiirsg County, �!_,ahiagton, h a sou waterly of tht Bonneville Penner 0 TRACT DS -77 (cont.inred) Administration's existing 250 foot right of tray for the Covington- ntttls trsnamission line and northeasterly of s line -which is 1+62.5 feet soutb- �esterly of and perLllei to the survey line of the Covington -Seattle tr nsniswlon line wl, said survey line is ,iarti.cul&r1y described as fol- lo-'.51 ollo:.ss Beg+ening r . survey station 533-18.83, a , oint on the 00uth lint, of Section 18 Township 13 Nortr►, Range 51ast of the 'Siilemette Uaridian, said, point be lg N. p9 17' 37" L. a diet" ce of 815.25 reet from the quarter section corner on the south line of said Section 322 thence N. 10 S1 ' 53" U. a distence o: 140.55 feet to survey station 535.09.36 back e,usla 5344,00 Eaicad; thence N. 310 f4' 43" W.. G distance of 3080.00 feet to survey stLtion 562-:00.60; thence S. 430 47' 13" W. a distance of 2296.32 feet to survey station 5841.96.32, a ,win's or. the ;:est line of said Section 18, said point being L. Ory 02' 05" 8. a 4istence of 7`:.26 feet fron the nortruwest corner of said Section 18. The atove described parcel of land contains 0.1 acre, more or 14358. TRACT DS --W Th t portion of the c2 M of Sectior: 30* Tor nship :J North, Rams 5 East of the "iliamette i.:cridian, ming CVmt,,-, Uashinror., de- scrMi as beginning at a ;point on the south line of the Cedar Riv_r Pipe Line right of way, ssid point being 1804 fc.et a at end 74 feet north of the rest quarter section corner of said Saction 18; thence northerly at right angles tt the south line of said right of way t distance of 96 feet as to a point 30 feet northerly from the northerly line of said right of way; thence Aesterly along lirke 30 feet distant northerly from and parallel � to the northerly line of said right of :ay a distLnce of 348 feet to the true point of be -ginning for this description; thence from said true point of beginning N. 00 43' 15" E. at right :angles to the norther:Ly line of said right of ray, a distance of 459 faet; thence N. 830 19' T.. par%llel to the northerly line of said right of Wsq, a dist:.Lce of 189 feet; thence t. S. 11.0 05' W. Lt right cngles to the northerly line of sLL d right of war, a Ustauce of 165.17 feet, to a point on th, zoutherly line of the Bonne- v villa Power Administration's existing 254 foot right of way for the Coving- ton--SeLttle Trtnamission Line; thence S. 430 47' 15" E. along the southbrly line of said Transmission Line right of ':7ny, a distance of 37.46 fest; thence S. 10 03' E. a distance of 107.55 faet; thtnce N. 880 571 E. a dis- tance of 7.53 feet; thence S. 00 433 15" W. a distf ee of 161.06 feet to a point 30 feet northrcrly fram the northerly line of the acid ripe Line right of way; thence eLaterly parallel to :.n3 30 feet northerly from the north- asly line of acid Pipe Line right of w --y, a dist-nce of 181.96 f,at to the point of b,ginniag, which lies south%est6rl.y of thj slid existing 450 foot trues^tssion lino right of way, and northeasterly of r: lint which is lbt.5 for Eouth'esterly of and p-rr.11-.1 to the survay lin., of the Covington- .,stle tr nsmission line No. 1, said suxvay line is x rticult:rly described .s fcllos" s : &,ginning ct survey et.-Aion 533-18.83, r. point on the south line of .,action 18, Township 23 North, R'.nge 5"E:�t of the Pill'amtt6 Lkridinn, po�. s 1a nt t6ging rl, 890 17+ 37" t. a dist: nee of 515.25 f,ct from the gwzte,r stiction corner on the south line of said Section 18; thence N. 10 W 53" W. • distrncE of 190.55 f;. t to survey st:.ticn 5354-09.39 beck acual.s 5314,20.00: he:, -d; thence N. 310 243 43" W. a dist_.ncc of 3080.00 fent to survey str,tion 562+70.00; tis:nc, ii. 436-471 13" W. . distmee of 1296.32 fs:.t to survey at tion 584196.32, it point on the Hest l.ne of said Section -� 1:,, s: id paint being S. 00'021 05" IF. r. diet-n_o of 771.26 fLLt from the LJ nortWe6t corner of s -.id Section 18. The -.bov.: described L-A-rcel of I,nd cont - ins 0.6 : crt, sore or r TRACT DS -80A That portion of the Sj HPs of Section 18, Township 23 North, Rome 5 East of the Willamette ideridian,-King Co•anty, Washington, de -- scribed as beginning at a poi -it on the south line of the Cedar iilvcr Pipe Line right of rra;l, said point being 1804 feet cast and 74 That north oT the -.rest quarter section corner of said Section 18; thiince northerly at right angles to the South line of said right of way a iist�nce of 96 feet to a point 30 feat northerly from the northerly line of snid rigret of vay; Vience westerly along a line 30 feet distant nos "Early from and prralle;l to the n:.rtherly line of sari right of way a distrnee of 529.1.18 flet to tlne true point of beginning for this description; thence from 'said true point of beginning N. 00 431 15" E. a distance of 161.06 feet; thence SGO 57' te,t, a distance of 7.53 feet; thence N. 10 031 o. a distance of 107.55 feet to a. point on the southerly line of Bonneville Power Admin- istrction's existing 250 foot right of way for :he Covington -Seattle Trc.nsmission Line; thence H. 430 471 15"'11. along the southerly line of said transmission line right of ray, a disttnce of 37.46 feet; thence S. 110 051 1,. a dist-nee of /1.98 feet; thence N. 770 211 1511 W. a distance of 88.50 feet; thence S. 10 031 E. a distr.nce of 247.12 feet to .# point. 30 f3et northerly from the northerly line of said pipe line right of way; thence S. 770 211 15" E., a distance of 126.16 feet, parallel to and 30 feet northerly from the northerly line of said jipe line right of way to the point of bebinning, which lies south5.esterly of the said existing 250 foot tr. nsmission line right of way, and northa:-sterly of a line which is 162.5 feet z7outhwesterly of andP :8Del to the :purvey line of the :,ovington-Seuttle tr:.nsmiasion line Ertl, said survey 11ne is particularly de..cribed as follows: augiruning at survey station 53318.83, w Point on `re south line of :.action 18�rashU 23 North,ttu Fga 5�East of the "1illamette N,,-idian, said point being N, 890 17' 37" E. a dist::nce of 815.25 f4ut from the quarter SeCt4on corner on the south line of said Section 18, thance N. 10 IQ" 53" W. a distance of 190.55 feet to sin-rey station 535409.38 back equals 531+20.00 ahead; tnence N. 310 241 43" W. t= disttncc of 308U.00 f3i,t to survey station 562400.00; thence N. 430 471 13" Ti. a distance of -296.32 feet to survey stf>tion 584;.96.32, a point an the west line of said ooction 18, u, -.id point axing S. 0° W 1 05" u disUnce of 771.k6 ft;ot fro the northwest corner of said Ss.ctlon 1b. Tht, bone described parcel of land contains 0.2 acre, reort or 1tbS. TRACT D5-35 Thtt portion of Tract 4 in Block 29 of & rlington Acne Tri -eta, according to the recorded pl1 t thar.:rf, in t.:e 5": To%;nship 23 Horth, Rang,- 5 c"¢st of the ;iillamtte i rldian, King County, +ir.shi.ngton, which lies south•.rneterly of the Bonn..vi.la Power Ad-inistrn- tion's existing 250 foot right of =ay for too Covington-5tcattle trtnsais- sion line end northu;sterly of a line Khich is 162.5 f,ct south►:estcrly of and prrullral to the survay line of the Covington -Sc. tt' -, trcnsalssion lin.: ryl, -cid aurvrry line is pertieulrrly described as folloti.s: Beginnin6 tit survey st:.;,ion 5'.3=18.E3, a Ai.nt on the south line of S-metion 18,. Tonrn3hj k3 north, Range 5 *:.est of the irillr nt tte U .ridicn, a.1d ;:eint being F. 89 171 37" L. r dist.u:ce of 815.25 feet from the quar- toi section corner on the south lind of said Sectio: 18; thence N. 10 181 53" . a distnnce of 190.55 feet to survoy station 5351.09.38 back Eq -,i -Is 531t2G.00 thecal, thence. N. 311 241 43" W. r. dist.-zee of 3080.00 f, -.t to s,irvey station 562-00.00; thence 14. 430 ,,71 130 N. a dist ace, of X96.32 fact to survey st•tion 584=96.32, a point on the west lint of s: -id Section 14, srid point being S. 00'021 0511 K. t: dist.mce of 771.26 fret from the northrest corner of sr -id Section 18. Tho c bove describ d rrcel of land cont: ins 0.1 r.crc, mora or lays. x