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LUA-08-140 1 of 2_Nichols Place
I I I ! , 11 J I I I I I I I I· ) . I I I I I I - I ' I I I .,.--.., CORE ~DESIGN FINAL CORRECTED T.I.R. DATE: 10-1r;"-6? APPROVED: ;, Core Design, Inc. 14711 N.E.29thP/ace,Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fox 425.885.7963 www.coredesigninc.com TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (T.I.R.) FOR NICHOLS PLACE KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FINAL CORRECTED TIR Prepared by: Gina R. Brooks, P.E. Date: June 2004 Core No.: 04037 Revised Date: Dec. 21, 2004 Revised By: David E. Cayton, P.E. l E>l'IR!0:•6-12-C!!i ~ fl •?.l•O'f ENGINEERING · PLANNING • SURVEYING ----------------------------------------------- I I ' .) I I I I I I I:) I I I I I I I 1 I ,I I NICHOLS PLACE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Project Overview 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary 3. Off-Site Analysis 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design 6. Special Reports and Studies 7. Other Permits 8. ESC Analysis and Design 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant IO.Operations and Maintenance Manual I I ' ) _., I I I I •• I I I) I I I I I I I ) I I ------------------------------------------------------ I. PROJECT OVERVIEW: Nichols Place is located at 13815 -l 60'h Avenue SE within Section 14, Township 23N, Range SE in King County, Washington. See attached vicinity map. The 3.82-acre property is currently occupied by one single-family residence. Existing ground cover consists of a combination of forest, pasture, lawn, and landscaping. Proposed development of the property will include the demolition of all structures on the property and construction of23 proposed single-family lots along with associated open space, roadway and utilities. Along with site improvements, half street improvements to include street widening and sidewalk addition will be added to 160th Avenue SE along the property's frontage. An existing drainage basin ridge runs north-south through the property separating the onsite drainage into two drainage basins, east and west. The west basin comprises approximately 30% of the site and consists of forest. The east basin comprises approximately 70% of the site and consists of impervious surfaces associated with the residence along with landscaping, lawn, and pasture. On-site generated runoff will be directed to one detention/water quality facility that will be located at the southeast comer of the site. The detention/water quality facility though will only release at a rate equal to the existing rate that is currently released from the existing eastern basin. Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality Treatment will be utilized for mitigation of the developed drainage. I I I I I Ii 1t: 1\?~r 15 1:• I ·. \ . I /. .. "'-< . •••• lf;f; ji'' I I I I 169 NE 4TH ST SE 128TH ST lu "' lu ~ "' lu "' ~ L.i iE. ii: "' :c: "' >-iE "' "' 0 "' "'~<:;; ,~ c,<;.. SE 143RD S '?'-SE 144TH ST CD VICINITYMAP ~ ----"--'M""'v""r'""ro,;,..;;,,sCALE.,,.;.;;;,,;;;;--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ) 2. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY: Listed below are the Hearing Examiner's Conditions. The postmaster approval is included in Section 6 of this report. Attached at the end of this section is a copy of the SWM Adjustment L03V0036. The proposed preliminary plat of Nichols Place, as received May 19, 2003, utilizing up to 8 density credits (transferable density rights) is approved, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: I. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. To be address during final plat. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. To be address during final plat. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. To be address during final plat. b. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density Credit documentation to ODES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of eight density credits. To be address during final plat. 4. The Applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department for abandonment of existing septic systems on-site. Approval will be obtained prior to construction. I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I ) 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). Construction of the roads comply with KCRS. See sheets CJ.OJ and CJ.31 of the civil plan set for road sections and pavement design. 6. The Applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. Approval from the King County Fire Protection Engineer will be obtained prior to engineering approval. 7. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions , of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. Drainage facilities and analysis comply with the 1998 KCSWDM See sheets C4. OJ, C4.21, and C4.Jl of the civil plan set for storm drainage design and T.I.R.for storm drainage calculations. · b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. Plan notes are on sheets C2.0l, CJ.OJ, CJ.Ji, and C4.0l of the civil plan set. I I i I I I I I I I 1 I I) I I I I I I I ' I I I c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # _____ on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." To be addressed during final plat. d. The stormwater detention design shall comply with the Levei 2 Flow Control requirements per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). 0 The drainage facility was sized using Level 2 Flow Control. See T.lR. for detention analysis. e. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21A.14. l 80. The drainage facility is located in a separate tract labeled "Tract E ". The tract will be dedicated to King County during final plat. f. If a sewage lift station is located within the subject property, it shall be placed within a separate tract or easement area, that shall not be counted when computing the provision of onsite recreation area. The sewage life station is located in a separate tract labeled "Tract F". I I \ ) I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) I I g. When engineering plans are submitted for review, the owners of the adjacent property to the southwest (15652 Southeast 139th Place) shall be notified that the plans have been filed with DOES and that they are available for public review. See the end of this section for a copy of the letter sent to the adjacent southwest property notifying them of the engineering plan submittal. 8. The drainage detention facility shall be designed to meet, at a minimum, the Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality menu in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The drainage facility was sized using Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality Treatment. See T.I.R. for detention analysis. 9. (Condition no. 9 is deleted.) No response required. I 0. A surface water adjustment (L03V0036) is approved for this subdivision. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to approval of the engineering plans. All conditions required for the adjustment have been addressed. See the end of this section for a copy of the adjustment. See T.I.R. for detention sizing which includes limiting the release rate to that rate coming off that portion of the site that naturally drains to J 6dh Avenue SE. Sizing of the proposed drainage facility, also, includes collection and treatment of the entire developed site. Level 2 Flow Control is utilized with a I 0% factor of safety. The release rate from the detention facility is not reduced below natural rates since there are no "effective" bypassing areas. See Section 4 TRADING OF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT FOR PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA BYPASSING DETENTION/WATER QUALITY FACILITIES for further explanation. The storm drainage facility is located within a separate tract identified as Tract E. There are no additional SEP A requirements for the storm drainage facility. I I ) I I I I I I I lj I I I I I I I "\ --.) I 11. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): SE 139th St. shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subaccess street standard. See sheets CJ.OJ, C3.31, and C4.21 of the civil plan set for road section, pavement design, and profile. FRONTAGE: The frontage of the site along 160th Ave SE (west side only) shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard. See sheets C3.01 and C3. 31 of the civil plan set for road section and pavement design. Tracts A, Band C shall be improved as joint use driveways per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. These driveways shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and on the final plat map. See sheets C3.01 and C3. 31 of the civil plan set for road section and pavement design. See sheet CJ.OJ for ca/louts regarding ownership and maintenance of Tracts. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. Noted. 12. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 160th Ave. SE from those lots which abut this street. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. See sheet C3. OJ of the civil plan set for callout regarding vehicle access to J 6dh Avenue SE. 13. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. To be addressed during final plat. I I ', I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) I I 14. The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. To be addressed during final plat. 15. Suitable recreation space shall be provided within one tract that may be separate or may be combined with the drainage tract in accordance with KCC 21 A.14.180. Improvements shall be consistent with the requirements of KCC 2 IA.14.180 and KCC 21 A.14.190, including provision of sport court[ s ], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance# 14045. See sheet Cl.OJ of the civil plan set for the Recreational Park Plan. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. · ·, To be addressed during final plat. 16. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). To be addressed during final plat. I I ' ' } I I I I I I I I ·, ) I I I I I I I I) I 17. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC 21A. l 6.050: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. See sheet Cl. 02 of the civil plan set for the Street Tree Planting Notes. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. See sheet C7. 02 of the civil plan set for the Street Tree Planting Notes. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. Noted. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. To be addressed during final plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DOES if located within the right-of- way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit- bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. See sheet C7.02 of the civil plan set for the Street Tree Planting Notes. f. The Applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by ODES prior to engineering plan approval. See sheet C7.02 of the civil plan set for the Street Tree Planting Plan along with tree count quantities. I I I I I I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I I \I g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year ofrecording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subjec!to change based on current County fees. To be addressed during final plat. 18. The following have been established by SEP A as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The Applicant shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast 128th Street at 160th Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left turn lane. The proposed plat of Liberty Grove designed by DMP has proposed frontage improvements along the north side of SE 1361h Street between J 58'h Avenue SE and J 6dh Avenue SE. See attached copy of proposed improvements on the following pages at the end of this section. Revised channelization at the intersection of 1561h Avenue SE and SE 1361h Street has been proposed for the development of Evendell (DDES File No.s LOJPOOJ6A andL03RE038). I I ·, )' I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I ) I School Mitigation Fees 19. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. To be addressed during final plat. School Walkways 20. The Applicant, individually or in conjunction with other developers, shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th Street to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th Street, or via alternative right-of-way and easements that become available and are approved by ODES. One acceptable alternative would be to use future right-of-way of Southeast 136th Street and 162nd Avenue Southeast to connect with the sidewalk improvement of"five lot subdivision," and through the plat of"five lot subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DOES review and approval. Any surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards (KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application. Offsite walkway is currently being constructed by others. 2535390514 July 8, 2004 CR STACHOWIAK 15652 SE 1391h Place Renton, WA. 98055 SOUNDBUILT HOMES RE: Nichols Place Engineering Submittal .Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stachowiak PAGE 01 frth--: 0,-,,( ~I,_ . 0;-, -?"ft) 'p. r- Please let this let serve as your notice that engineering plans for the Nichols Place subdivision have been subutitted to King County ODES for Review. Therefore they are available for review as a public record. This notice shall satisfy condition 7g. of the Hearing Examinas Decision dated March 2"d, 2004. · lfyou have any further questions please do not hesitate to call me in my office at (253) 539-8116. Respectfully, fS:-- Land Acquisition Manager Cc: Jerry Walken, I<C DDES i ,~,,.-,...:~ LE.=495.21 "'"' I \ µw:. . -------~ o-o-0--......:- j 57.8 IF 12" EX. C0HC . 0 4.IITS l @ REMO\/£ \ \ 13+64.26 END l \;t 0126 IMPROVEMENTS oLo-. 496----,-----... t~ GRA ~~~"i, '>.,_ 9 Fl 5' CHAIN UNK FENCE DRIVE I,· -~··. 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OPEN SPACE -- r~611\ ,1 I GAlr: / ! \~ ---f,~ r-,sv-~ -::J • : : v.,~ \--/- 1 .od% ,sa.51.F 12·s1 @ 3.41% 5• PRIVA":ft~TORM DRAINAGSYdE ----- 2s;/ACC~. / itv>'___.1...--EASEMENT S °'v RADIUS ~ 171.li.fgi2·so @ o.64% ACCESS) .!. -I 3 ~j .. -,\9,\_.J 11 r~ \ u ,, . -'D";(, % A & . 15 ~ES , ///. _ csyB~'"S, 5:J'-3.3-LF 12·0.~ ,__ --+l--:.wal'll"llllfi.'t. E. "13 1T ;Pi.~ ~I>~ I I I ·t \~1, , ... 11 I 1.£.-188.74 t,: ~/ V~-__ ...., I 0 0 "' / -1- ~A TE FIRE HYDRANT & GU'lfD I POSTS BEHIND SIDEWA (SEE WATER PL-'IN1) 9 I I I I I I I I ~ "' ,,.,, ~ '"' !.i g I.E.~0.47 ' # / -. g 134.1LF 1s·sn·@2. ~ Q l--t.L-~~-488--li--' 26.5LF 12·0.1. @ 1.00% I/ ...---,. -~~':;Q~.:.....:...;.... ~ 2001..F 0 15"SD @-L65% 6! 0 S.E. 136th ST. (NOT OPEN) •1 0 '-t .J 50 ,- r-~ --' .._I ._.) \ Q "' Ulr le 26.plf 12·0.1. @ 1.00% ~ REMOVE EXISTING --------:-:Ex;.t;,,g-~ - -'-----:;'----~~~:.~·.-:--~J.=:.·.·?:~ .... -= 200LF 15-SD @ 1.65% g g RELOCATE TELEPHONE CABINET COORDINATE W/OWEST 55.2 ---___ __::, 155Lf 1 ,,! .. EX. CB RDl-l96-02 LE."""91-62· LE."""91.72· LE.-ffl.72· EX. C8 RIM 494 01 LE.-.21-S ~.31-N LE.-.36-E EX. CB RIM 488 55 LE.""465.55-'. LE. 48565-1 ~33 -128.5 lF 12" EX. REMOVE AND I 12a.sLF 12"sD LE -~-,: ~~;_;:~~~£ 'S'l.4 IF 12" E 0 , . .mi 217_ 1 ti"-..,.:t @ 11-"'.'44~ C8 ---,----1 t---._ -~ J ' ' --,' ~ ! \ --(-1 \\ ,)0 > 211 LIBERTY GROVE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JUS ,TCH )E 10 1 •. - _J 48 ~- I ! r------' / l / l _ ___/ J }/ I r-1 I :J ! ' I --1 /" i ~- ~ I I \. --1··· All' R-.1/ I AINt Rec. No. I 11 11 i ' I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I 'i ••• I ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 September 4, 2003 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 Eighth Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Haozous Engineering, P .S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 RE: Nichols Place Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment Request (File No. L03V0036) Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Nichols Place subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. 1, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location. Our review of the. information and a site visit provides the following findings: 1. The proposed Nichols Place subdivision is located at 13815 I 60'h Avenue SE in east Renton. The 23 lot, 3.8 acre, proposed Nichols Place subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0015. 2. The Nichols Place subdivision is located in the Orting Hills sub basin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The site is subject to the Level Two .flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3 .. A low, north/south ridge separates the site into eastern and western subbasins. The smaller western subbasin sheetflows to the southwest across the west and south property lines onto adjoining parcels. These flows eventually reach 156th Avenue SE via SE 139th Place. The larger eastern subbasin sheetflows across the south property line and into the roadside ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE where all flows from the eastern subbasin eventually converge. All of the site's runoff would eventually recombine in the Cedar River. The parcel to the north sheetflows onto this site but is also being developed as the proposed Evendell plat. Under developed conditions, the Evendell .plat's contribution of sheetflow to the Nichols Place site w_ould be significantly reduced. I I. ) I I I I I I I I •. ) . I I I I I I I ' ) I I Nichols Place/L03V0036 September 4, 2003 Page 2 of3 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the project site and direct it to a single detention and water quality facility located in the southeast comer of the site. The allowed release would then travel south on the west side of 1601h A venue SE. Nuisance flows across the west and south property line would be significantly reduced. An increase in flow volume would occur in the 160th Avenue SE conveyance path. It is unclear if frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversion. 6. The Level One Drainage Analysis identified downstream drainage complaints associated with the proposed discharge location. Recent conveyance upgrades have been installed along this route presumably to mitigate for these previous complaints. Due the accumulative effect of increased development in this area, more conveyance upgrades are needed. 7. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivision will be more economical in long term maintenance. Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single facility draining to 160th Avenue SE with the following conditions: I. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on only that portion of the site that naturally drains to the location that is being diverted to. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Level Two flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. The onsite drainage facility must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Any additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEPA or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjusiment or the design requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270. I I ', I I I I I I I I ) ; I I I I I I I I ) I \ Nichols Place/L03V0036 September 4, 2003 Page 3 of3 Sincerely, James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division Jim Chan, P.E. Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR Randall Parsons, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD I I I I I () I I I I I I I I) I 3. OFFSITE ANALYSIS: A downstream analysis was completed as part of the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Nichols Place, dated May 18, 2003 by Haozous Engineering during preliminary engineering. A copy of the report is attached in Section 6 of this report. Upstream Tributary Area The upstream drainage currently tributary to the site as described in the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Nichols Place, dated May 18, 2003 by Haozous Engineering will not longer drain to the subject site upon development of the parcel to the north known as Evendell currently under review by the County. Therefore, no upstream area will be considered tributary to the subject site. Downstream Analysis See the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Nichols Place, dated May 18, 2003 by Haozous Engineering for the Level I downstream analysis. I I ·-\ ! I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I ) I 4. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: A. Hydraulic Analysis The drainage analysis was modeled using the King County Runoff Time Series software. The onsite soils are Alderwood (AgC), KCRTS group Till per the Soils Map attached on the following pages. The site is located in the Sea-Tac rainfall region with a location scale factor of 1.0. EXISTING CONDITIONS TRADING OF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT FOR PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA BYPASSING DETENTION/WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Area of road improvements along 1601h Avenue SE will be bypassing the proposed storm drainage facilities. As a trade off, existing asphalt area equal to or more than the bypass area will be collected and treated within the proposed storm drainage facilities. The existing asphalt area will be considered pasture in the existing condition and impervious in the proposed condition. Since the existing impervious surfaces were not treated and/or detained for in the past, the total runoff from the bypass area plus the outflows from the detention/water quality facilities will be the same or less than the outflows as they exist today. See Existing and Developed Conditions Exhibit on the following pages for delineation of the existing impervious areas io be collected and proposed pavement areas to be bypassed. An existing drainage basin ridge runs north-south through the property separating the onsite drainage into two drainage basins, east and west. The west basin comprises approximately 30% of the site and consists of forest. The east basin comprises approximately 70% of the site and consists of impervious surfaces associated with the residence along with landscaping, lawn, and pasture. The detention/water quality facility, per SWM Adjustment L03V0036, will only be allowed to release at that rate of flow associated with the basin that the facility will be discharged to, the east basin. The east basin covers 2.67 acres of the property. A portion of the frontage improvements along 1601h Avenue SE, 0.09 acre, will also be collected. A portion of 1601h Avenue SE south of the proposed storm drainage system will not be included in the existing condition, i.e. not captured in the proposed drainage system, since an equal amount of existing asphalt will be captured in the proposed storm drainage system and treated as pasture in the existing condition. For the reasons stated above, detention does not need to account for the bypass area since existing asphalt will be treated in the place of the bypass impervious surfaces. I' .(/ :p~ ;3 \~:--~--/ ""~' "=,,~~~ -'"/,! // I . 1· :"L \, I ~ -------/ --· J'M' !. I ' ,/, 1\ -1· 1 (/ / \ )._,,,,... .. / • EA0~11ZJ't'01nq i / . I, 0 ( ' -00/ F'W 1Tt. / , ; ' ~,~!;:s.'!'gl'.) .. e,~PA~S 1 .·.1 /~·~1!. •,, \ 111 l'.,A!;\ ()..Y) 0 f__ y I,,. .,,,.. / Im <,t>/. "' ,,; • I '.• (~.9l G) 14 305 9009 / ;.a· 452 4. ·. /II \ --· • L-~-----t+-456--tJ .~· -"" • '" I '\ \I I ·, ,;-·, ·._,,/ y>< X . .X \ . . / 458 '\ i ':~· gy I) _ __. -'?, ' \ . X: ~1·-.x X X --. r "i. . .~ '-. ,/ ' ; . • ",. u"'. ~T----~ ,., 1 · ~\, -~~.~- •. -. ) ., 'c .,, ' ...,.,,__ ' / !)' / / ~ 1 1800.0090 .. . "'· _____ -1,...__ \ / m ~i '-' l --. --' ., ) :,t '' V --------i ' I ·-'" , ~-;r --.. • 1 In ,, • • o,.L + L I ];>! 00,. --,-·' <it I --.. ~" f '"'"' · , , / / · .'t I i ) \ "'5L-.. •. ·, .• "· . / ': ,160 . 'i·f. --1 ~ ~ -.----, ( -~ •; r': -~ ' . ", . "'"' : ' ,.5 ;, ' .. , I ~j·:'" '"j I '' •. I • -C-stoc-::-' ) . '-·.. 1 · --·-l"/ -~ll ,1, 142305 9088 \ \ ./58 . .. -..'\, XX-X '.._ / I • t'9< .Idol,, " , .· · ., I I I b I I ' .. X ' X .. / -... " ' / ; ' --, '," I _145&-----~~· / ~ -........ ---r -~--/ ~ X / ' ' ' . / ~' . . -' , I ---.i .. ~ ·-\:;._ i'' ----------f __. .. --/ ----.------· .--------~'y,:,,. __ ,,/ / 1 . .. .~;;:°' ,,,. ; fu , """" ~.Jv ; (,. ~. I -it , l I ' 142305 9101 / , •. 1..j' i1 \ 1 1, / ~""""" i :· ,1! l'. 1· )-1 \. F / I.,. /..J. 1"='50' ;l l TI 1 1 \1 -· I' EXISTING AND DEVELOPED CONDITIONS NICHOLS PLACE CORE NO. 04037 1" 1' F 14! I I I ) I I I I i I I I I ) I I I I I I I I) I '. The existing coverage is a combination of impervious surfaces associated with the existing residence, pasture, landscaping, and lawn. The existing landscaping and lawn will be considered pasture per Table 3.2.2.C in the 1998 KCSWDM for existing developed areas with densities less than 4 DU/ AC. Existing impervious surfaces from the existing residence cover a total area of 0.27 acre. Per Table 3.2.2.E in the 1998 KCSWDM, the effective impervious fraction for the site is 0.40 for existing rural areas. The effective impervious area is therefore 0.40*0.27 acre= 0.11 acre. Pasture will be utilized for the non-effective impervious surfaces (0.40 acres -0.11 acre= 0.29 acre). The following information was used for generating time series and flow frequencies. EXISTING CONDITIONS Total Area= 2. 76 acres (04037exe) GROUND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Pasture 2.65 Imoervious 0.11 I SHf AGRICULTURE KING colJNT\PN SERVICE (RENT< / KING COUNTY SOIL SURVEY NICHOLS PLACE CORE NO. 04037 / I • I -: I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I ) I I 3.2.2 KCRTS/RUNOFF ALES METHOD-GENERATING TIME SERIES ·:'e';'.-3. ·•.-,. ;:·: :-':,,, .::_.: ·!c,>''.: ·;: ;V:\'t,;::, ·'·.'t'·/··_.' 'IN:+~.:-~.,.,.:·:,!,;,,)i, 'f--.. ~--. ·. _:: . . . • . . ." . , • ... ,_ .... ; ·. . : .. : : . , .. :!>,. TABEE 3:2::lB}EQUIV:ALENCE'BETWEENSCS SOIL TYPES AND"KCRTS S.OIL TYPES .. ·· ·-'"1 ·;., :;;;-· ,, -.,: .... ··~;_ . ~ '"if~,-~~,:;._.o;,~~-·/;.'_,_·,:,· .. ;··,~;;c.5J~:il.::'''"'·':_,.,,,, :,,:, ... : · · . : -.·. · : ·, .: . · . -. , SCS Soil Type scs KCRTS Soil Notes Hydrologic Group Soil Group ....... Alderwood (AgB, AgC, AgD) C (Till1 Arents, Alderwood Material (AmB, AmC) C Till Arents, Everett Material (An) B Outwash 1 Beausite (BeC, BeO, BeF) C Till 2 . Bellingham (Bh) D Till 3 Brisco! (Br) D Till 3 Bucklev (Bu) D Till 4 Earfmont (Ea) D Till 3 Edaewick (Ed) C Till 3 Everett (EvB, EvC, EvD, EwC) A/8 Outwash 1 Indianola (lnC, lnA, lnD) A Outwash 1 Kitsap (KpB, KpC, KpO) C Till Klaus (KsC) C Outwash 1 Neilton (NeC) A Outwash 1 Newberg (Ng) B Till 3 Nooksack (Nk) C Till 3 Norma (No) D Till 3 Orcas (Orf D Wetland Oridia /Os) D Till 3 Ovall (OvC, OvO, OvF) C Till 2 Pilchuck (Pc) C Till 3 Puget (Pu) D Till 3 · Puyallup (Py) B Till 3 Ragnar (Rae, RaD, RaC, RaE) B Outwash 1 Renton (Re) D Till 3 Salal (Sa)· C Till 3 Sammamish (Sh) D Till 3 Seattle (Sk) D Wetland Shalcar (Sm) D Till 3 Si /Sn) C Till 3 Snohomish (So, Sr) D Till 3 Sultan (Su) C Till 3 Tukwila (Tu) D Till 3 Woodinville (Wo) D Till 3 Notes: 1. Where outwash soils are saturated or underlain at shallow depth (<5 feet) by glacial till, they should be treated as till soils. 2. These are bedrock soils, but calibration of HSPF by King County DNA shows bedrock soils to have similar hydrologic response to till soils. 3. These are alluvial soils, some of which are underlain by glacial till or have a seasonally high water table. In the absence of detailed study, these soils should be treated as till soils. 4. Buckley soils are formed on the low-permeability Osceola mudflow. Hydrologic response is assumed to be similar to that of till soils. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 3-25 I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I ST 1.1 ST 1.0 Rainfall Regions and Regional Scale Factors 12:.LJ Incorporated Area .....-River/Lake Major Road LA 1.0 I I I) I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I) I SECTION 3.2 RUNOFFCOMPlJfATION AND ANALYSIS MEIHODS 9/1/98 KCRTS Land Cover Types KCRTS supports four land cover types: forest, pasture, grass, and impervious. These cover types shall be applied as specified in Table 3.2.2.C (below). iilll~ti;~,~ii~;21.s:(~Q~tic,ov~il'9~()UPS\ND,A~EAS.(!FAP.PL~ck;fioNi: .. ···,\. KCRTS APPLICATION Cover Group Predevelopment Post-Development Forest All forest/shrub cover, irrespective of All permanent (e.g., protected by age. covenant or SAO designation) onsite forest/shrub cover, irrespective of age, planted at densities sufficient to ensure 80%+ canopy cover within 5 years. ( Pastur~ ) All grassland, pasture land, lawns, and Unprotected forest in rural residential cultivated or cleared areas, except for development may be considered half lawns in redevelopment ·areas with pasture, half grass. predevelopment densities in excess of 4 DU/GA .. Grass Lawns in redevelopment areas with All post-development grassland and predevelopment densities in excess of landscaping and all onsite forested land 4 DU/GA.. not protected by covenant or SASA designation ( except in rural areas as noted above). Wetland All delineated wetland areas (except All delineated wefland areas (except cultivated/drained farmland). cultivated/drained farmland). Impervious<•> All impervious surfaces, including All impervious surfaces, including heavily compacted gravel and dirt compacted gravel and dirt roads, parking roads, parking areas, etc., and open areas, etc., and open water bodies, water bodies (ponds and lakes). including onsite detention and water quality ponds. (1) Impervious acreage used in KCRTS computations should be the effective impervious area (EIA). This is the gross impervious area multiplied by the effective impervious fraction (see Non-effective impervious areas are considered the same as the Table 3.2.2.E, p. 3·28). surrounding pervious land cover .. The following four factors were considered in specifying the above land cover types to be used in hydrologic analysis with KCRTS: • Cover types are applied to anticipate ultimate land use conditions. For example, probable clearing of woodland after development is nominally complete suggests that the post-development land use be specified as grassland (either pasture or grass) unless the forest cover is protected by covenanL • In areas of redevelopment. there are often significant changes between the predevelopment and post· development efficiencies of the drainage system. For example, in .conversion of low density residential areas to higher density land use, impervious areas prior to redevelopment may not be efficiently connected to a drainage system (e.g., downspouts draining to splash blocks, ditched instead of piped roadway systems). These problems are addressed by defining an "effective impervious fraction" for existing impervious areas and by generally requiring predevelopment grasslands to be modeled as pasture land. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 3-26 I I I I I I • ) I I 1. I I 'I SECTION 3.2 RUNOFF COMPUTATION AND ANALYSIS ME!l!ODS ~l11*i~;.·,¥:';~5i'ii.-'~->t([~i·~-0:7,',;i~:L/'C"i"'.{';~-,1.r::,;·,t",);~,i·,011;:,:•.: ·: :·. ,:.· ·:' . . . . . . . ._ . .. .. :. ;", . ~-,-y;..;,!>;s~:.,.:. i.; ·-:iii.,;'t',1,'; ·,:).~1; __ ;::,-:~..:.r,'.·'·•.'!,Oi >:- 1Jf;;T~B.fP.!,'•;tt:zD)pE;R:(:ENTJU\1PERYJQ_lJS·COVERAGE FOR·EXISTING;JlESIµE;NT~AIJJ\REAS\}• t.'f:.~.\:·l'ffi'~~~;Hf,t·~:-: ... ', '-;·. ';~ •. ~'..E""f;".1''1W_,.•r,\I.:..'~:---i/•.'a_;;..\,~,~~''"C"',,(_ •... ,• ••.. ·· .. .· ·, ··.::-. · .-. 'c-:-::·:..--.\".-·.·. -~ :·, .. ' .. .-. ·. :. · '• :"·>. '< .· .. Dwelling Units/Gross % lmpervious111 .Dwelling Units/Gross % Impervious I : Acre Acre 1.0 DU/GA 1512) 4.5DU/GA 46 1.5 DU/GA 20 5.0DU/GA 48 2.0DU/GA 25 5.5 DU/GA 50 2.5 DU/GA 30 6.0 DU/GA 52 3.0 DU/GA 34 6.5 DU/GA 54 3.5 DU/GA 38 7.0DU/GA 56 4.0DU/GA 42 7.5 DU/GA 58 > For PUDs, condominiums, apartments, commercial businesses, and industrial areas, percent impervious coverage must be computed. Notes: (1) Includes streets and sidewalks. (2) These figures should be adjusted by the effective impervious fraction given in Table 3.2.2.E, if applicable . Values from Table 3.2.2.E may be interpolated as necessary. 1/<.·' ''. '. TABLE 3;2:Z.E ; EFFECTIVE IMPERVIOUS FRACTION(!). ,, ,;, . _._ .. -·· . ' . . . . . ··-·. Land Use Predevelopment Post-Development Commercial, Industrial, or Roads with Collection System 0.95 1.00 Multi-Family or High Density Single Family121 {>4 DU/GA) 0.80 1.00<3> Medium Density Single Family121 (4 DU/GA) 0.66 1.ool31 low Density Single Fami1yl2> (1 DU/GA) 0.50 1.oc:il31 C Rural 121 (< 1 DU/G~ C 0.40 J 1.00131 GraveVDirt Roads and Parking lots, Roads without 0.50 0.50 Collection System Notes: (1) The effective impervious fraction is the fraction of actual total impervious area connected to the drainage system. These figures should be used in the absence of detailed surveys or physical inspection {e.g., via pipe, channel, or short sheet flowpath). (2) Figures for residential areas include roadways. (SJ Where downspout infiltration is used, roofs are not counted as impervious area when sizing the flow control facility. Roofs are considered grass where downspouts are dispersed in rural residential development, or where dispersed flowpaths exceed 50 feet in urban residential development (see Section 5.1.2 for limitations on roof downspout dispersion). 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 3-28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ) Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:04037exe.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.204 2 2/09/01 15,00 0.093 7 1/05/02 16,00 0.198 3 2/28/03 3,00 0. 039 8 8/26/04 2,00 0.112 6 1/05/05 8,oo 0.188 4 1-/18/06 16,00 0.179 5 11/24/06 4,00 0.372 1 1/09/08 6,oo Computed Peaks --------------------------------------------, -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.372 1 100.00 0. 990 0.204 2 25.00 0.960 0.198 3 10.00 0.900 0.188 4 5.00 0.800 0.179 5 3.00 0.667 0 .112 6 2.00 0.500 0.093 7 1.30 0.231 0.039 8 1.10 0.091 0.316 50.0.0 0.980 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I ) ) DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Since an adjustment was required to allow drainage to be directed from the entire site to one detention/water quality facility and released entirely to the east basin discharge location, an automatic 10% safety factor was added to the detention calculations per SWM Adjustment L03V0036. The maximum impervious area per lot was calculated using the criteria in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual page 3-27 and K.C.C.21A.12.030. The proposed development is urban residential. The site is R-6 zoning. The maximum impervious area per lot is 70%. The lots cover a total area of2.47 acres. Maximum Lot Impervious Area= 70%*2.47 acres= 1.73 acres Imnervious Area Delineation Onsite road and sidewalk 0.65 acres 1.73 acres 2.38 acres The input used for the KCRTS analysis is summarized in the table below: DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Total Area= 3.91 acres (04037de) GROUND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Grass (Landscaning) 1.53 Imnervious 2.38 I I 21 A.12.030 A. Denstties and dimensions -residential zones ) I I RESIDENTIAL z RURAL URIWI URBAN 0 • RESERVE -E I s STAIIDAROS RA-2.5 RA-5 RA-10 AA-20 UR R-1 11-4 ... ... R-12 R-18 .... ..... 1171 I Base Density: .. Q.2 Q.1 .... ·~ , • • I 12 11 .. .. -------·-du/ao ------C21) fl) I (15) llmaum Dfflstl¥: u ... • • 12 11 rr 38 72 Dwlmng UnatAcN ----..... ·--·-·-111 (,o) (20) 1221 I --.... .... .... .... 75" -.... C2) 112) (12) 112) (11) (11) 111) (11) (11) (11) (181 I 1231 -Lot 1'Sft 1315ft 1:1/1 ft ·1:ss ft 35ft "'ft. ,Oft 30ft 30 ft 30ft 30ft ,Oft 30ft Wld1h (7) (7) I Pl --,Oft 30ft ... 30ft 30ft 20ft 10ft 10ft 10ft ,Oft 10 ft 10ft 10ft ....... (9) (9) (9) (9) (7) (7) (I) (I) /II (Bl fl) fl) (I) Pl I --5ft 10ft 10ft 10 ft •• •• • ft 5ft 5ft 5ft 5ft 5ft 5ft -(9) (91 (9) (9) (7) (7) (10) {10) (10) (10) (3) 111) I __ ,. 40ft ... ... 40ft 35ft 35ft 35ft "'ft 35ft 80ft .. ft 80ft 80ft 141 45ft 45ft IOft 80ft IOft ,---._ (14) (1.C) (141 114} 11•1 I i,i.;;;.. ... ' . ( .... ,... "" 12.5" '°" '°" .... 70% "" .... -.... ..,. -1111 (11} 1111 (11) (11) (11) f---.--' ...,_, (19) (19) "" 11•1 _,,v I ' / I I I 12-2 (King County 6-00) I I I I ) Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:04037de.tsf I Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis--·----- I Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.714 6 2/09/01 2:00 1.45 1 100.00 0. 990 0.578 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.903 2 25.00 0.960 I 0.859 3 2/21io3 7:00 0.859 3 10.00 0.900 0.622 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.757 4 5.00 0.800 0.749 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.749 5 3.00 0.667 I 0.757 4 1/18/06 16:00 0. 714 6 2.00 0.500 0.903 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.622 7 1.30 0.231 1.45 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.578 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 27 50.00 0.980 I I I I_) I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I l1 I I I I I I I I I B. Detention Routing Calculations To satisfy Hearing Examiner's Conditions 7.d. and 8., a wetpond will be installed to mitigate for increased drainage flows from the developed site utilizing Level 2 Flow Control. The wetpond will be designed according to the 1998 KCSWDM. Since an adjustment was required for discharge of the entire site to the east basin, an automatic l 0% safety factor was added to the detention calculations. The flows entering the wetpond will be from the entire site (3.91 acres) with release restricted to those existing flows that are released from the existing east basin (2.76 acres). The wetpond (04037pnd.rdt) was sized based on the 1998 KCSWDM and KCRTS Computer Software Reference Manual. See attached KCRTS printouts and attached pond volume calculation spreadsheet on the following pages. The stage-storage of the pond produced by KCRTS was utilized to calculate storage values at the elevations used to calculate the proposed wetpond that will actually be constructed onsite. The KCRTS interpolated storage values are listed below. Elevation KCRTS Storage KCRTS Storage * 10% Safety Factor 447.15 0 0 448 7,507 CF 8,258 CF 450 29,805 CF 32,786 CF 451.33 48,641 CF 53,505 CF Per the proposed Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet on the following pages, the storage values at each delineated elevation is more than the required 10% safety factor storage values calculated above. The pond is therefore, adequately sized to accommodate the required 10% safety factor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Retention/Detention Facility o,q.Q~/ pi.ct .do:..., Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Detention Pond 4.05 H:lV 90.50 ft 90.50 ft 8190. sq. ft 17545. sq. ft 0.403 acres 4 .18 ft 447.15 48641. 1.117 4.18 ft cu. ft ac-ft ft 12.00 inches 2 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 1.07 0.064 2 3. 02 1. 70 0.085 4.0 Top Notch Weir: Rectangular Length: 1.00 in Weir Height: 3.68 ft 'Outflow Rating curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation {ft) {ft) {cu. ft) {ac-ft) {cfs) (cfs) 0.00 447.15 0. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.01 447.16 82. 0.002 0.003 0.00 0.02 447.17 164. 0.004 0.005 0.00 0.03 447.18 246. 0.006 0.006 0.00 0.04 447.19 329. 0.008 0.007 0.00 0.06 447.21 494. 0.011 0.007 0.00 0.07 447.22 577. 0.013 0.008 0.00 0.08 447.23 660. 0.015 0.009 0.00 0.09 447.24 743. 0.017 0.009 0.00 0.19 447.34 1583. 0.036 0.014 0.00 0.29 447.44 2437. 0.056 0.017 0.00 0.39 447.54 3307. 0.076 0.019 0.00 0.49 447.64 4192. 0.096 0.022 0.00 0.59 447.74 5092. 0.117 0.024 0.00 0.69 447.84 6008. 0.138 0.026 0.00 0.79 447.94 6939. 0.159 0.028 0.00 0.89 448.04 7885. 0.181 0.029 0.00 0.99 448 .14 8848. 0.203 0.031 0.00 1.09 448.24 9827. 0.226 0.032 0.00 1.19 448.34 10821. 0.248 0.034 0.00 1.29 448.44 11832. 0.272 0.035 0.00 1.39 448.54 12860. 0.295 0.037 0.00 1.49 448.64 13903. 0.319 0.038 o.oo 1.59 448.74 14964. 0.344 0.039 0.00 1.69 448.84 16041. 0.368 0.040 0.00 1. 79 448.94 17135. 0.393 0.042 0.00 Surf Area {sq. ft) 8190. 8205. 8220. 8234. 8249. 8278. 8293. 8308. 8323. 8471. 8621. 8772. 8924. 9078. 9233. 9389. 9547. 9706. 9866. 10028. 10191. 10355. 10520. 10687. 10855. 11025. ------------ I I 1.89 449.04 18246. 0.419 0.043 0.00 11196. ,, ) 1.99 449.14 19374. 0.445 0.044 0.00 11368. / 2.09 449.24 20519. 0.471 0.045 0.00 11541. I 2.19 449.34 21682. 0.498 0.046 0.00 11716. 2.29 449.44 22862. 0.525 0.047 0.00 11892. 2.39 449.54 24061. 0.552 0.048 0.00 12069. I 2.49 449.64 25276. 0.580 0.049 0.00 12248. 2.59 449.74 26510. 0.609 0.050 0.00 12428. 2.69 449.84 27762. 0.637 0.051 0.00 12609. 2.79 449.94 29032. 0.666 0.052 0.00 12791. I 2.89 450.04 30320. 0.696 0.053 0.00 12975. 2.99 450.14 31627. 0.726 0.054 0.00 13160. 3. 02 450.17 32023. 0.735 0.054 0.00 13216. I 3.04 450.19 32287. 0.741 0.055 0.00 13254. 3.06 450.21 32553. 0.747 0.057 0.00 13291. 3.07 450.22 32686. 0.750 0.060 0.00 13310. 3.09 450.24 32952. 0.756 0.064 0.00 13347. I 3.11 450.26 33220. 0.763 0.070 0.00 13384. 3.13 450.28 33488. 0.769 0.076 0.00 13422. 3.14 450.29 33622. 0.772 0.083 0.00 13441. I 3.16 450.31 33891. 0. 778 0.085 0.00 13478. 3.18 450.33 34161. 0.784 0.087 0.00 13516. 3.28 450.43 35522. 0.815 0.096 0.00 13705. 3.38 450.53 36902. 0.847 0.104 0.00 13895. I 3.48 450.63 38301. 0.879 0.111 0.00 14087. 3.58 450.73 39720. 0.912 0.117 0.00 14280. 3.68 450.83 41157. 0.945 0.123 0.00 14474. 3.74 450.89 42029. 0.965 0.130 0.00 14591. I •,, 3.81 450.96 43055. 0.988 0.138 0.00 14728. ' ' 3.87 451.02 43943. 1.009 0.147 0.00 14847. 3.93 451.08 44837. 1.029 0.157 0.00 14965. I 3.99 451.14 45739. 1.050 0.168 0.00 15085. 4.05 451. 20 46647. 1.071 0.180 0.00 15204. 4.12 451. 27 47716. 1.095 0.193 0.00 15344. 4.18 451. 33 48641. 1.117 0.207 0.00 15465. I 4.28 451. 43 50197. 1.152 0.519 0.00 15667. 4.38 451.53 51774. 1.189 1.090 0.00 15870. 4.48 451. 63 53371. 1.225 1.820 0.00 16075. I 4.58 451. 73 54989. 1.262 2.620 0.00 16281. 4.68 451.83 56628. l.300 2.900 0.00 16489. 4.78 451.93 58287. 1.338 3.160 0.00 16697. 4.88 452.03 59967. 1.377 3.400 0.00 16907. I 4.98 452.13 61668. l.416 3.620 0.00 17119. 5.08 452.23 63391. 1.455 3.830 0.00 17331. 5.18 452.33 65135. l.495 4.030 0.00 17545. 5.28 452.43 66900. l.536 4.210 0.00 17760. I 5.38 452.53 68687. 1.577 4.390 0.00 17977. 5.48 452.63 70495. 1.618 4.570 0.00 18195. 5.58 452. 73 72326. l.660 4.730 0.00 18414. I 5.68 452.83 74178. l. 703 4.890 0.00 18634. 5.78 452.93 76053. l. 746 5.050 0.00 18856. 5.88 453.03 77950. l. 789 5.200 0.00 19079. 5.98 453.13 79869. 1.834 5.340 0.00 19304. I 6.08 453.23 81810. l.878 5.490 0.00 19530. 6.18 453.33 83775. 1.923 5.620 0.00 19757. I ) Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage I I I Target Cale Stage Elev (CU-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 1.45 ******* 0.52 4.28 451. 43 50186. 1.152 2 0.71 0.20 0.21 4.18 451.33 48679. 1.118 I 3 0.86 ******* 0.15 3.89 451. 04 44194. 1.015 4 0.90 ******* 0.12 3.69 450.84 41233. 0.947 5 0.76 ******* 0. 08 3.15 450.30 33712. 0. 774 6 0.75 ******* 0.05 2.85 450.00 29813. 0.684 I 7 0.58 ******* 0.05 2.62 449. 77 26829. 0.616 8 0.62 ******* 0.04 1.83 448.98 17574. 0.403 I ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:04037de.tsf I Outflow Time Series File:04037out Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 1.45 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 I Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.517 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 4.28 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 451. 43 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 50186. CU-Ft I 1.152 Ac-Ft I Flow Duration from Time Series File:04037out.tsf cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.003 30990 50.538 50.538 49 .462 0.495E+OO I ) 0.009 5859 9.555 60.093 39.907 0.399E+OO 0.015 4912 8.010 68.103 31.897 0.319E+OO 0.021 5228 8.526 76.629 23. 371 0.234E+OO I 0.027 4243 6.919 83.549 16.451 0.165E+OO 0.033 4193 6.838 90.386 9.614 0.961E-01 0.039 2071 3.377 93.764 6.236 0.624E-01 0.045 1645 2.683 96 .447 3.553 0.355E-Ol I 0.051 1337 2.180 98.627 1. 373 0.137E-01 0.057 462 0.753 99.380 0.620 0.620E-02 0.063 32 0.052 99.432 0.568 0.568E-02 0.069 26 0.042 99.475 0.525 0.525E-02 I 0.075 26 0.042 99.517 0.483 0.483E-02 0.081 13 0.021 99.538 0.462 0.462E-02 0.087 47 0.077 99.615 0.385 0.385E-02 I 0.094 47 0.077 99.692 0.308 0.308E-02 0.100 40 0.065 99.757 0.243 0.243E-02 0.106 17 0.028 99.785 0.215 0.215E-02 0.112 16 0.026 99. 811 0.189 0.189E-02 I 0.118 26 0.042 99.853 0.147 0.147E-02 0.124 25 0.041 99.894 0.106 0.106E-02 0.130 9 0.015 99.909 0.091 0.913E-03 I 0.136 8 0.013 99.922 0.078 0.783E-03 0.142 6 0.010 99.932 0.068 0.685E-03 0.148 7 0.011 99.943 0.057 0.571E-03 0.154 9 0.015 99.958 0.042 0.424E-03 I 0.160 3 0.005 99.962 0.038 0.375E-03 0.166 6 0.010 99. 972 0.028 0.277E-03 ) 0.172 3 0.005 99.977 0.023 0.228E-03 I 0.178 3 0.005 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 I ---------------- I I I I I I I I I I ' ·i 11 I I ' I , I I I I I I 0.184 1 0.002 99.984 0.016 0.163E-03 0.190 3 0.005 99.989 0.011 0.114E-03 0.196 1 0.002 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 0.202 3 0.005 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.208 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.214 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 04037exe.tsf New File: 04037out.tsf cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- cutoff Base New %Change Probability 0.057 0.76E-02 0.62E-02 -18.1 I 0.76E-02 0.068 0.55E-02 0.53E-02 -4.4 I 0.55E-02 0.080 0.43E-02 0.46E-02 7.2 I 0.43E-02 0.091 0.31E-02 0.34E-02 7.3 I 0.31E-02 0.102 0.24E-02 0.23E-02 -4.7 I 0.24E-02 0.114 0.17E-02 0.17E-02 -0.9 I 0. l?E-02 0.125 0.12E-02 0.lOE-02 -14.7 I 0.12E-02 0.136 0.93E-03 0.78E-03 -15.8 I 0.93E-03 0.148 0.65E-03 0.57E-03 -12.5 I 0.65E-03 0.159 0.49E-03 0.38E-03 -23.3 I 0.49E-03 0.171 0.24E-03 0.23E-03 -6.7 I 0.24E-03 0.182 0.15E-03 0.16E-03 11.1 I 0.15E-03 0.193 0.82E-04 0.98E-04 20.0 I 0.82E-04 Maximum positive excursion= 0.006 cfs ( 7.St) occurring at 0.077 cfs on the Base Data:04037exe.tsf and at 0.083 cfs on the New Data:04037out.tsf Maximum negative excursion= 0.007 cfs (-10.4%) occurring at 0.063 cfs on the Base Data:04037exe.tsf and at 0.057 cfs on the New Data:04037out.tsf Base New %Change 0.057 0.054 -5.2 0.068 0.065 -5.5 0.080 0.084 5.3 0.091 0.093 2.2 0.102 0.100 -2.4 0.114 0.113 -0.3 0.125 0.121 -2.9 0.136 0.129 -5.5 0.148 0.145 -1. 7 0.159 0.150 -5.9 0.171 0.168 -1. 7 0.182 0.187 2.5 0.193 0.200 3.5 --- I I I I'- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I ·, ) I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I ) I ASBUILT POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS CORE PROJECT NO. 04037 PROJECT NAME: NICHOLS PLACE SURFACE INCREMENT TOTAL POND POND LIVE CB LNE TOTAL AREA VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME LNE VOL. CF CF CF CF ------~-----~----,J --1 181181 \" .... ;;r>' ~~~~~-454 J:\2004\04037\SUrv\CSt\04037PondAsbl.dwg, 8/25/2005 1:57:04 PM, 1:20 ?-_L \ I I I I ASBUILT POND NICHOLS PLACE CORE NO. 04037 r---I I. I I I I ' I I I ) I I I I I I I I ) I Wetpond Overflow Elevations The primary overflow for the pond is the riser pipe within the control structure. The water surface elevation above the riser for the 100 year developed flow is calculated assuming all orifices are plugged. To pass the .I 00-year return period storm, 1.45 cfs, through a 12" overflow riser will require 0.28 feet of head (From Figure 5.3.4.H in the 1998 KCSWDM: Qweir = 9.739DH3n => 1.45 = 9.739(12/12)H3n => H = 0.28 feet). The primary overflow elevation would therefore, be equal to the elevation of the top of the riser plus the amount of head required to pass the 100-year return period storm, Elev. 451.33 + 0.28 feet= Elev. 451.61. The secondary overflow for the pond is the jailhouse weir located on the control structure catch basin. To pass the 100-year return period storm at an elevation of 451.61, water surface of overflow for primary overflow, a minimum 0.85-foot wide jailhouse weir will be required. The jailhouse weir is analyzed as a notch weir using the following equation: Q = C (L-0.2H)H312 where Q = flow (1.45 cfs) C = 3.27 + 0.40 HIP H = head above weir (0.73' = 451.61-450.88 <= Asbuilt Elev. Of Jailhouse Weir) P = depth of storage at weir (Elev. 450.88-Elev. 443.5 = 7.38 feet) L = length of the riser (ft) An emergency overflow spillway will be installed and constructed also as a 15-foot wide access road to the control structure. The emergency overflow/access road will be surfaced with asphalt. The emergency overflow spillway will be located at elevation 451.61 with a berm located 6" above the spillway at elevation 452.11. The 15' wide spillway can accommodate the JOO-year return period flow of 1.45 cfs at a minimum head of0.2'. Q100 = C (2g)in [(2/3)LH312 + (8/15)(Tan 0)H5n] where Q100 = peak flow (1.45 cfs) C=0.6 G = 32.2 ft/sec 2 H = head above weir L = length of weir (15 ft) 0 = angle of side slopes (Tan 0 = 10) Q = 0.6 (2*32.2)1/2 ((2/3)(15)(0.2)312 + (8/15)(10)(0.2)5n] = 4.77 cfs > Q 100 (1.45 cfs) I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I ' ) ) ; C. Water Quality Volume Calculations To satisfy Hearing Examiner's Condition 8., Basic Water Quality Treatment shall be utilized to mitigate for the developed storm drainage flows. The wet portion of the wetpond will satisfy this requirement. The required volume will be designed per KCSWDM Section 6.4.l.l. The following variables were used in the calculation: Volume Factor (t) = 3 Rainfall= 0.039 feet or 0.47 inches Area = developed basin Where Ai = area of impervious surface (st) A1g = area of till soil covered with grass (st) Atf = area of till soil covered with forest (st) Ao= area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest (st) V, = [0.9Ai + 0.25A,g + 0. lA,r + O.OlAo] * (R/12) Vb =f*Vr Vb= 3*[(0.9)(2.38) + (0.25)(1.53))0.039 * (43560sf/ac) = 12,866 CF The dead storage portion of the wetpond has a volume of 15,471 CF at elevation 447.0 which exceeds the required 12,866 CF. See Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet in Section 4B of this report. I I \ I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I 1-i I I 6.4.1 WETPONDS -BASIC AND LARGE-METHODS OF ANALYSIS FIGURE 6.4.1.A PRECIPITATION FOR MEAN ANNUAL STORM IN INCHES (FEET) ST 1.1 0.54" (0.045') (7?1 Incorporated Area ~ River/lake Major Road 0.47" (0.039') 0.47' ( 0. 03 9' l NOTE: Areas east of the easternmost isopluvial should use 0.65 inches unless rainfall data is available for the location of Interest 2'4 The mean annual storm is a ainoeptual storm found by dMding the annuat ptecipltation by the total number of storm events per year ST LA (0.047') LA 1.0 LA 1.2 Q • 9 •H•o•u o ,;ouo,,, () result, generates large.amounts of runoff. For this application, till soil types include Buckley and bedrock soils, and alluvial and outwash soils that have a seasonally high water table or are underlain at a shallow depth (less than 5 feet) by glacial till. U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) hydrologic soil groups that are classified as till soils include a few B, most C, and all D soils. See Chapter 3 for classification of specific SCS soil types. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 .6-69 ~---------------------------------------------------- I I I ) I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I . ) I I 5. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: ON-SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM The conveyance system for the site was designed for both the 25-year, 24-hour storm and the I 00-year, 24-hour storm. A backwater analysis sheet was generated for both the 25- year and I 00-year return period storms. Total flows from each basin using 15-minute time steps were calculated. The total flows tributary to the pond via the catch basin tightlined system excludes the Storm, Recreation, and Lift Station Tracts, and Lot 23 since these areas do not enter the conveyance system. The Tracis were assumed to be pervious and Lot 23 was assumed to be 70% impervious per the Developed Conditions delineation for lot impervious coverage. The tracts cover 0. 73 acre of pervious area and Lot 23 covers 0.10 acre of which 0.07 acre is impervious and 0.03 acre is pervious. The revised total basin tributary to the conveyance system is summarized in the table below: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM Total Area= 3.08 acres DEVELOPED CONDITIONS 04037d15 GROUND COVER AREA acre) Till-Grass Landsca in 0.77 Im ervious 2.31 The total KCRTS 25-year return period flow and thelOO-year return period flow are 2.25 cfs and 3.12 cfs consecutively. For simplicity, large basin areas going to multiple catch basins were used. Flows for the large areas were simply calculated as a portion of the overall JS-minute flows based on the area ratio. There will be three large basins delineated. See Catch Basin Subbasin Map on the following pages. The flows for each subbasin is calculated below. Subbasin Subbasin Percent 25-year Percent I 00-year Return Area Area/East Basin Return Period Period Flow Flow Basin A 0.29AC 0.29/3.08 = 9.42%*2.25 = 9.42%*3.12 = 0.29 cfs 9.42% 0.21 cfs Basin B 0.39 AC 0.50/3.08 = 16.23%*2.25 = 16.23%*3.12 = 0.51 cfs 16.23% 0.37 cfs Basin C 2.40AC 2.29/3.08 = 74.35%*2.25 = 74.35%*3.12 = 2.32 cfs 74.35% 1.67 cfs Total 3.08AC 3.08/3.08 = 2.25 cfs 3.12cfs 100% The tailwater elevations within the wetpond were derived and calculated based on the storage required for containment of the 25-year return period and I 00-year return period derived from the KCRTS 04037pnd.doc. See Section 48 of this report for KCRTS printout. The storage required for containment of the 25-year and JOO-year return periods l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J are 49,583 CF and 50,904 CF consecutively. The pond to be constructed has been designed with a 10% safety factor therefore, the tail water elevation derived by KCRTS is not the actual tailwater elevation during the 25-year and 100-year return periods. The tailwater elevations were calculated based on the Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet located in Section 4B of this report and the storage values calculated by KCRTS. The tailwater elevations for the 25-year and 100-year return periods are therefore interpolated, at EL 450.66 and EL 450.74 consecutively. The backwater analysis was performed to ensure that during the 25-year design storm, the maximum water surface elevation in each structure did not exceed an elevation equal to 0.5' less the rim and during the 100-year design storm, ensuring that if the maximum water surface elevation does exceed the rim, topography of the basin would allow the overflow to be conveyed to the next downstream catch basin or the topography would allow for ponding without causing structural damage. During the 25-year, the headwater elevations do not exceed 0.5' less the rim. During the 100-year, the headwater elevations do not exceed the rims. The conveyance system is therefore adequately designed per King County standards. I •• ) I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I ., ) ::·-''.,1-..:'.i}[;\j~x q.-r':·is. ~o~~-· r,-- . ' . ·:~1 •, :j P, , ' ; I .,,- I I : i I: I! I' l 1_ '\ ' . '· ,. \ I• \- \\ ' ' \ \ \ \\ '. i\ ti \_ __ f58 r~o ·. / ,i ·-·-··· ~ i::i.~ . -· ,, ,;':._ .,,',: I ) , • I ~ :---;~}---~ --·~_:1 .... ;_1~~.. .L: -.~ . ': ; . > J I I I I I I J ! '! ' . . l i ', I· ' r ! i.·· · ·1 '. ' ' ,_......:!'-- I I CATCH BASIN SUBBASIN AREAS NICHOLS PLACE CORE NO. 04037 I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) •• I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File,04037dl5.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 1.10 6 8/27/01 18,00 0.768 8 9/17/02 17,45 2.25 2 12/08/02 17,15 0.886 7 8/23/04 14,30 1. 21 5 10/28/04 16,00 1. 28 4 10/27/05 10,45 1. 52 3 10/25/06 22,45 3.12 1 1/09/08 6,30 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 3.12 1 100.00 0.990 2.25 2 25.00 0.960 1.52 3 10.00 0.900 1. 28 4 5.00 0.800 1. 21 5 3.00 0.667 1.10 6 2.00 0.500 0.886 7 1. 30 0.231 0.768 8 1.10 0.091 2.83 50.00 0.980 0 - OB NAME: OB NAME: "OB NUMBER: OB NUMBER: FROM TO FROMI TO CB CB CB CB 4A 4A 4 4 4 ' 4 6 6 6 6 7 4 8 8 9 9 8 10 10 IO IO II II 10 10 12 12 12 12 13 13 ' , llA llA 1l 1l ------------------..._/ V __ , ,:,:,;,;.:,;,:,:•:•:•:::::::·=···· ••• . . . . . . . . . . ...... ·. · ':::: 8A:CKWATER:CAliCOLA1'10NS:::: '·. -::,:;B;A;~~~'f:~~t#~T:1@_j_;_\ . ·················-:.:,;,:,:::;:;:;:,:,:• PIPE FLOW LENGTH (CFS) (FE= PIPE FLOW I LENGTH (CFS) (FEF.n 204 2.04 "' "' 1.67 1.67 '4 '4 0.37 0.37 121 121 0.37 0.37 " " 1.67 1.67 ,oo ,oo 1.67 1.67 '4 '4 1.67 1.67 IOl IOl 1.67 1.67 92 92 1.67 1.67 " " 1.67 1.67 " " ~ ,,, 121 86 86 NICHOLS PLACE NICHOLS PLACE 04037 04037 PIPE PIPE DIA- nm DIA-- 18 " 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 MANNING'S MANNING'S • VALUE • VALUE 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0012 0012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.01' 0.0.Q 0.012 0.012 0.012 ' i9t&W OUl'LET OUl'LET INLET INLET PIPE PIPE FLOW FLOW ELEVATION ELEVATION AREA VELOCITY (FE= --,----/SEC) ELEVATIONIELEVATIONI AREA I VELOCITY (FEET) (FEET) (SQ IT) (Ff/SEC) 445.00 447.01 445.oo I 441.01 1.77 1.77 1.15 I.IS 451.87 451.87 452.35 452.35 0.79 0.79 2.13 2.13 447.51 447.51 448.12 448.12 0.79 0.79 0.47 0.47 448.12 448.12 448.27 448.27 0.79 0.79 0.47 0.47 447.51 447.51 450.51 450.51 0.79 0.79 2.13 2.13 455.55 455.55 456 03 456 03 0.79 0.79 2.13 2.13 450.51 450.51 451.04 451.04 0.79 0.79 2.13 2.13 451.04 451.04 459.78 459.78 0.79 0.79 2.13 2.13 451.04 451.04 451.42 451.42 0.79 0.79 2.13 2.13 451.42 .-451.4_2 451.55 451.55 0.79 0.79 2.13 2.13 ~ , 445.00 445.00 453.60 453.60 0.19 0.19 0.27 0.27 VELOCITY TAIi.WATER HEAD ELEVATION ~E--- VELOCITYITAILWATER: HEAD ELEVATION fFEm n;"J/'vr, 0.02 0.02 450.66 450.66 0.07 0.07 450.68 450.68 0.00 0.00 450.68 450.68 0.00 0.00 450.70 450.70 0.0, 0.0, 450.68 450.68 0.07 0.07 <151.59 <151.59 0.07 O.o7 451.59 451.59 0.07 0.07 452-13 452.13 0.07 0.07 452.13 452.13 0.07 o.p1 452.46 452.46 0.00 0.00 450.66 450.66 FRICTION LOSS IFE= FRICTION LOSS fFEETI 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 O.Ql O.QI 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.37 01),1 01),1 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 PREPARED BY: PREPARED BY: G.Brooks G.Brooks DESIGN STORM: DESIGN STORM: " YEAR 25 YEAR ENTRANCE ENTRANCE HGL HEAD ELEVATION LOSS (FE= == ENTRANCE I ENTRANCE HGL HEAD ELEVATION LOSS (FEETl lFEETl 450.68 O.QI 450.68 I O.QI 453.35 453.35 0.0,1 0.04 45069 45069 000 000 450.70 450.70 0.00 0.00 451.51 451.51 0.04 0.04 457 03 457 03 0.1),1 0.1),1 452.04 452.04 0.04 0.04 460.78 460.78 0.04 0.04 452.42 452.42 01),1 0.1),1 452.55 452.5~ 0.04 0.04 454.60 454.60 0.00 0.00 EXIT OUTLET INLET HEAD CONTROL CONTROL LOSS ELEVATION ELEVATION =~ = (FE= EXIT I OUTLET I INLET HEAD CONTROL CONTROL LOSS ELEVATION ELEVATION I IFEETI fFEETI (FEETI 0.02 0.02 450.71 450.71 448.51 448.51 0.07 0.07 453.46 453.46 453.35 453.35 000 000 450.69 450.69 449.12 449.12 0.00 0.00 450.70 450.70 449.27 449.27 0.07 0.07 451.62 451.62 451.51 451.51 0.07 0.07 457.14 457.14 457.03 457.03 O.o? O.o? 452.15 452.15 452.04 452.04 0.07 0.07 460.89 460.89 460.78 460.78 0.07 0.07 452.H 452.H 452.42 452.42 0.0, O.Q7 452.66 -452.66 452.55 452.55 0.00 0.00 454.60 454.60 454.60 454.60 APPROACH VELOCITY HEAD APPROACH VELOCITY HEAD -~ 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 BEND JUNCTION HEAD HEAD LOSS LOSS , __ -- BEND I JUNCTION HEAD HEAD LOSS LOSS .,.,..,....,... l'CTVI'\ O.Q3 O.Q3 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oi o.oi 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.00 .O.QO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HEADWATER ELEVATION -- HEADWATER ELEVATION == 450.68 450.68 RIMEL RIMEL 455.85 455.85 453.46 455.85 453.46 I 455.85 450.70 451.:27 450.10 I 451.21 450.70 451.27 450.10 I 451.21 451.59 459.33 451.59 I 459.33 457.14 459.33 457.14 I 459.33 452.U 460.71 452.U I 460.71 <160.89 463.28 460.89 I 463.28 452.46 459.85 452.46 I 459.85 452.64 458.96 452.~ L 458.96 454.60 <156.97 454.60 I -456.97 I ------·.._:_.,,.-' OB NAME:-NICHOLS PLACE JOB NUMBER: 04037 PIPE PIPE MANNL"lG'S OUTLET INLET FROM TO now LENGTH DIA. • ELEVATION ELEVATION CB CB (CFS\ =--VALUE (FEE'l) <FE- 4A ' 2.S3 60 IS 0.012 445.00 447.01 2.32 24 12 0.012 451.87 452.35 ' l ' l O.:Si 121 12 0.012 447.51 448.12 ' I 7 I 0.51 29 12 0.012 40.12 448.27 I I 2.32 200 12 0.012 447.51 450.51 2.32 " 12 0.0!2 455.55 456.03 IO 2.32 105 12 0.012 450.SI 451.04 10 11 2.32 92 12 0012 451.04 459.78 JO 12 2.32 " 12 0.012 451.04 451.42 12 13 .2.32 --26 12 0.012 451.42 451.55 II \SAT 15 "T 0.2.n 86 11 12 0.012 445,00 453.60 \ pit>t .def«~ ---.. V ------ :::::sACKWATER:CAtttit.:ATlONS::::'· .-.-.,.,.,.,.,.,_,_,_,,,,;c:,. PREPARED BY: G. Brooks DESIGN STORM: 100 YEAR ENTRANCE ENTRANCE EXIT OUTLET INLET APPROACH BEND PIPE now VELOCITY TAILWATER FRICTION HGL HEAD HEAD CONTROL CONTROL VELOCITY HEAD AREA YELOCITV HEAD ELEVATION LOSS ELEVATION LOSS LOSS ELEVATION ELEVATION HEAD LOSS ,so-,.,.../SEC'l --=-=-=-(FE---=---=-=- 1.77 1.6-0 004 450.74 0.04 450.78 0.02 004 450.84 448.51 0.14 0.05 0.79 2.95 0.14 450.78 009 453.35 O.Q7 0.14 453.55 453.3:S 0.00 o.oo 0.79 0.65 0.01 450.78 0.02 450.80 0.00 O.QI 450.81 449.12 0.01 0.01 0.79 0.65 O.Ql 450.81 0.01 450.81 0.00 0.01 450.112 449.27 0.00 0.00 0.79 2.95 0.14 450.78 0.72 45\.5\ 0.07 0.14 451.71 451.Sl 0.14 O.o! 0.79 2.95 0.14 451.66 0.09 457.03 0.07 0.14 457.23 457.03 0.00 0.00 0.79 2.95 0.14 -451.66 0.311 452.04 0.07 0.14 452.24 452.04 0.14 0-03 0.79 2.95 0.14 452.22 0.33 460.78 0.o7 0.14 460.98 460.78 0.00 000 0.79 2.95 0.14 452.22 0.27 452 48 007 0.\4 452.69 452.42 0.14 O.Ql 0.79 2.95 0.14 452.57 0.09 452.66 0,07 0.14 452.86 452,55 0.14 0.11 ' " ... •· 0.79 0.37 0.00 --450.74 o.ool 454.60.1 O,OOl OOOl 454.60 ..1 454 60 ..1 0.001 O.OOJ --- JUNCTION HEAD HEADWATER LOSS ELEVATION =---RIMEL 0.02 450.78 455.85 0.00 -453.55 455.85 000 450.81 451.27 000 450.82 451.27 O.o7 451.66 459.33 0.00 457.23 459.33 0.o7 452.22 460.71 000 460.98 463.28 0.110 452.57 459.85 0.00 452.84 458.96 O.OOJ. 454 601 456.97 I I I I I I I I I I) I I I ,I I I I i I ' I OFF-SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM The existing ditch/culvert system that runs along the subject property's frontage along 1601 h Avenue SE will be replaced with a tightlined system due to frontage improvements required along 1601 h Avenue SE as part of the subject development. The tightlined offsite system along 1601h will convey upstream drainage past the site and discharge the drainage back into the existing ditch/culvert system just downstream of the site. The off-site drainage system was sized to convey the I 00-year flows calculated in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering, dated August 26, 2002. See Section 6 of this report for a copy of the report. The tightlined system that run along the west side of 1601h Avenue SE upstream of the junction catch basin that captures the flows from the subject site was sized based on the 100-year flow rate from tributary areas e 1, e2, and "exeast" delineated in the Level 3 analysis. The 100-year flow rate is 22.46 cfs. The minimum culvert size at a slope of0.9% is a 24". Q(full) = l.49/n*A*R213 *Sli2 = (1.49/0.012)(n/4*22 ) (112)21 3 (0.009)112 = 23.31 cfs > 22.46 cfs. The tightlined system that run along the west side of 1601h Avenue SE downstream of the junction catch basin that captures the flows from the subject site was sized based on the I 00-year flow rate from tributary areas el, e2, e3, and "exeast" delineated in the Level 3 analysis. The 100-year flow rate is 23.38 cfs. The minimum culvert size at a slope of 1.0% is a 24". Q(full) = 1.49/n* A *R213 *S 112 = (1.49/0.012)(n/4*22) (1/2)f!3 (0.01 )112 = 24.57 cfs > 23.38 cfs. I I I I I I I I I ---- I / IIJ ' I I I I 'I I , I I_ ) I I 6. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES: Included in this section are: postmaster approval; Preliminary T.I.R. by Haozous Engineering., dated May 18, 2003; and the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering., dated August 26, 2002. -- • ~ ~ c~ I! -~ E .7§d ~ 4:) C OI O-£. -.,,.- l--~-ii~ J' ~ "0 t ~ £ ~ 771 ~ ~.11u1 ~ OI p;~-jv1~ /, r.1 & ~~::J:r;1 ~ . '?'-'{) .J/) !O_ r c( J)j 'c r -4 t!J.i J '1~(6{) ·rJ3--d ,. . f) I ,-Jo ~ '.· r ~ @·'' ·-~~ ~ « ~ ~-~ ~~ ,j, ;s . :tf ,._ ~ 00 "-, .. , '"'- ~!/' -'.,..(\_,-/ - ,WY - ,K N ,,.. "' ,K 'st ID ,Q ,K r ,>& I!) ,K CJl ~ = ,t<I ~ si ~ ~ 2( ~ ~i ~ Ii, .. ... ! ~ ,~ i ~ .. ~§ ,O<,; ~ !lo ~ caC i> ·"' ~ cl\ •• lb .... ~ ~ 11J ,Q4I Sl ,:::,, . . .,, b .,; ~ 6 .. "' [i r• ""' ~ 0 2 .. . ... 2 ~ .. ~ !l -II I:; :, ~ 2 ... ,,;g !!! ::1 !!:? . ~ ~ ~ ,1 » r .. ,<N ,Ola -/ '\ --- I I I I I I I I I I.) I I I I I I I I I ) Nichols Place Preliminary Technical Information Report Submitted to: King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S:W. Renton WA 98055 , Prepared by: Haozous Engineering; P.S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 Tel. ( 425) 745-5872 Fax (425) 744-0305 I May 18,2003 u ' I I TABLE OF CONTENTS ) I 1. Project Overview ......................................... ~ ..................... : ............................................... 1-1 I 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary .......................................................................... 2-1 3. Off site Analysis ................................................................................................................ 3-1 I 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design ........................................ 4-1 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design ........................................................................ 5-I I 6. Special Reports and Studies ..................................................... : ....................................... 6-1 I 7. Other Permits .................................................................................................................... 7-1 8. ESC Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 8-1 I 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant.. ............................. 9-1 I 10. Operations and Maintenance Manual.. ......................................................................... I 0-1 11. References .. .. .. .. . . .. .... .. . . .... .. . . .. ... . .. .. .. ... . ... . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ..... .. . . .. . . . ... .. . . .... .. I I -1 I) I I Table I. Description of Downstream Conveyance System .................................................. 3-5 Table 2. Existing and.Developed Site Basin Conditions ....... : .............................................. 4~2 1 • Table 3. Summary of Performance Standards ...................................................................... 4°3 ·Table 4. Wet Pond Sizing Calculations .............................................................................. 4-ll I Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies .............................................................. ~l I Table 6. Summary of Other Permits Required ..................................................................... 7° l . Table 7. Summary of Maintenance Requirements for Stormwater Facilities .................... 1 °'-l I I .. ) ... i I I I ) I I I I I I I 1:) I I I I I I I ") I' I LIST OF FIGURES Figure I. TIR Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 1-2 Figure 2. Vicinity Map ................................................. , ........................................................ 1-5 Figure 3. Drainage Basins ..................................................................................................... 1-6 Figure 4. Soils Map ........................................................................................ , ...................... 1-7 Figure 4A. Aerial Photo-1977 ............................................................................................. 1-8 Figure 5. Downstream Conveyance System ......................................................................... 3-4 Figure 6. Stonnwater System Design ................................................................................... 4-6 Figure 7 A Flow Duration Curves for RID & POC -East Basin .......................................... 4-7 Figure 7B. Flow Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin ................................................ 4-9 Figure 7C. Flow Duration Curves for West Basin ................................................................ 4-9 Figure 8. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (For Final Design Only) ....................... 8-2 Figure 9. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet(For Final Design Only) ................ 9-2 Figure I 0. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary ............................................ 9-3 Appendix A. Downstream System Appendix B. Stormwater RID System Design Appendix C. Conveyance Calculations Appendix D. Hydrologic Model Documentation ii. I I I I I I I I I I:) I I I I I I I ) 11 I Project Description A swnmary of the Nichols Place project is provided in the TIR Worksheet (Figure 1). This preliminary technical information report (TIR) addresses the design of stormwater facilities and the offsite drainage analysis for the Nichols Place project. The Nichols Place project is a proposed residential development located within the Renton Highlands area of unincorporated King County (Figure 2). The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres. Road improvements along the frontage of 160th Avenue SE are also proposed. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6 of Section 4. Site Description The site is located within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed (King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1999). The site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the northeast to the southwest. The elevation of the site ranges from about 464 feet (NA VD 88) along the north boundary to 449 feet in the southeast corner. The project is located east of 158th Avenue SE (if extended) and is bordered by 160th Avenue SE on the east and the proposed Evendell plat on the north. Cover types on the site include a single- family residence, pasture, and forest (Photo I in Appendix AJ ). No wetlands have. been identified on the site. Based on King County Soil Survey (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1973) the site consists of Alderwood soils (Figure 4). Drainage from an approximately 2.15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the easterly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3). The easterly basin drains to a conveyance system along 160th Avenue SE. Drainage from an approximately 1.8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the westerly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3). The westerly basin drains to a conveyance system along 156th Avenue SE. Both downstream drainage courses eventually discharge to an unclassified tributary of the-Cedar River (King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990). Stormwater Design Under developed conditions, storm water from the easterly basin of the site and offsite road · improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the stormwater facility in the east basin. Most of the westerly basin will be conveyed to the pond in the easterly basin. A portion of the yards and roofs of lots 14 through 17 will be surface discharged at their respective adjacent property lines. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recomm~nded by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. Natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the surface discharge and the outlet of the proposed stormwater facility. 1-1 I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I .. ) I I Figure I. TIR Worksheet TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (f/R) WORKSHEET Project Owner: U.S. Land Development Associates, Inc. -Address: Clo: Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Phone:\ (425) 486-2563 Project Engineer: Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Company: Haozous Engineering, P.S. Address/Phone: 13428 -45'" Court· Mukilteo, WA 98275 (425)745-5872 '.t3'Itil~iiiiMii,(\\i.Mllll~,,w-,,.,., 'i,~~i~ljcAl?,P,tile'A:YJ~)'lat,,.@!?Rl.;•W, ~ Residential -~ Grading Community: King County ·:iJ{s~~::Jt::::;ij~~~1~¥~~1rtI1·2~I .. : Project Name: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Location: West of 160th Avenue SE and bordered by extension of SE 138th Street onthe north. Township: 23N. Range: 5E Section: 14 Description: The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres. 0 DFWHPA D· Wetlands Is. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit Is Forest Practices Class N General · Draina e Basin: Lower. Cedar River Water.shed· Orti Hills subbasin ,] ]. J I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) I :j I Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS · 0 River: NIA D Stream: N/A D Critical Stream Reach: N/A D Depressions/Swales: N/A 0 Lake: NIA : .·:· .. · .. ·. t . Soil Type Alderwood Slopes Moderate REFERENCE Ch 6 -Water Quality Requirements Ch 5 -Flow Control MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ~ Sedimentation Facilities ~ Stabilized Construction Entrance · ~ Perimeter Runoff Control ~. Cover Practices ~· Construction Sequence D Steep Slopes: N/A 0 Floodplain: N/A D Wetlands: Onsite Class 2 Wetland D Seeps/Springs: N/A D High Groundwater Table: N/A D Groundwater Recharge: NIA Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Onsite treatment -basic standards Level 2 RID standards MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFIER CONSTRUCTION · ~ Stabilize Exposed Surface ~ Remove andRestoreTemporary ESC Facilities ~. Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris. ~· Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities 1-3 11 I ' ) I I I I I I I I> I I I I I I I I ) I Facility Related Site Design Considerations: Reference D Rockery > 4' High D Benns > 6': NIA Facility Design Consideration D Drainage Easement: N/A D Access Easement: N/A D · Native Growth Protection Easement D Sensitive areas ~ Stormwater tracts I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. J-4. Nidrols P6t« P, tli..:b.uy TIR.-May 2{J(J3 I I Figure 2. Vicinity Map I I S,1> I "<>o w v> ~ I ~ S 1361:H ST ~ ~ w v> "' ..; 0 SE 1281H 51 ~ • I 1% I "'"' '':'.9 SITE I I) ,' Scale: 1" = 1 mile I I I I I I I I ) I 1-5 Nidm Pia Preliminary 77R-May 2()()3 I - 8 SNISV8 .· 3:DVNIVHQ DNI.LSIX:3: J.V"Id J..HVNIW:n:i!Hd S'IOH::>IN . . .. (S '01.:1 NI tS. NQl!ll/001) ;V31:lV AWlf181~ ' .:JO '"~ SI , 311S \, t·, .... ,.t ', \. \ \ ::,·;; .. . \ I . . ···::-.... r -.... , ~·. ? ,., .. , __ ,.,.,., ''-,;-.. '.•. / / ------- tol••I• OHY .... .. _ to/v1/g ..... ......... tLVV-0£-lltt SLZ:80 VM *031.1DlnN ·.wnoo K1Sto -81:KI. OHlYDNION:a lUS It ,W:, 'S'd •JaJ.IaaaJla[j snozovg ----- ... DOZ . 0 ------............ n o ,;, .. ---.. -------------, - "·/ - / - ' : > < I I ) I I I I I I I I.) I I I I I I I " I ) I SCALE: 1 :24 000 1" = 2,000' 1TTl.E PAGE Figure 4. Soils Map DATE 1-7 01J03,I01 I I ).) .~-- 1 I I I I I I)" . ~i ,~-'i- i I ' i t I " 0 i i \ I TITLE f'IGURE I HAOZOUS ENGINEERING, p .s:. AERIAL PHOTO OF NICHOLS PLACE SITE -NT1 4A JI' i I I I I I I . I / ' • } I I) I I I I I I I ) ••• I A summary of conditions and requirements for the project are presented in this section. The following is a summary of core and special requirements from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual: Core Requirement 1: Discharge at the Natural Location The natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the outlets of the proposed stormwater facilities. Core Requirement 2: Off-site Analysis A Level 1 downstream drainage analysis is presented in Section 3 . Core Requirement 3: Runoff Control Level 2 RID standards are required for the site. Core Requirement 4: Conveyance System The onsite stormwater conveyance system and offsite improvements will be designed to convey the 25-year storm. Core Requirement 5: Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan Proposed erosion/sedimentation control procedures are described in Section 8. An erosion/sedimentation control plan (ESCP) will be developed for the project during engineering design. Core Requirement 6: Maintenance and Operation The proposed systems for managing stormwater will be maintained and operated by King County. Recommended maintenance activities are provided in Section 10. Core Requirement 7: Bonds and Liability Bonds and liability requirements will be developed for the project during engineering design (Section 9). 2-1 Nrdrols Place Preliminary 11R -May 200J I I I I I ,. I) < ..:..,_ .-.- 1 I I I I I I . ) •... ; I Core Requirement 8: Water Quality As described in Section 5.E, basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide water quality treatment for storrnwater collected from the site's east basin. Stormwater from most of the west basin will be collected and directed to the wetpond serving the east basin. Storrnwater from selected yards and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. A small wetvault near the southeast corner of the site will provide water quality treatment for storrnwater collected from a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. Special Requirement 1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements The site is within the Cedar River Basin. Basin-wide requirements have been recommended by the Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan that apply to the site. These requirements are covered by the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual Applications Maps. Special Requirement 2: Delineation of 100-Y ear Floodplain The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Special Requirement 3: Flood Protection Facilities The project does not contain nor is it adjacent to a flood protection facility. -Special Requirement 4: Source Controls Source controls are not proposed for the development. Special Requirement 5: Oil Control The proposed development does not meet the definition of a high-use site requiring oil control. 2-2 Nidtob F/4" Pr<limmary 11R-May 2003 I I ) I I I I I I I 1:) I. I I I I I I ' ) I I The site and project area are in two separate basins. The majority of the site is in the easterly basin. Topography in this basin slopes primarily from the northwest to the southeast towards 160th Avenue SE. The northwest and southwest comers of the site flow to the southwest and eventually to 156th Avenue SE. A downstream drainage analysis for the site, including drainage routes along both 160th Avenue SE and 156th Avenue SE, is presented in this section. The drainage courses from the site were assessed on April 23, 2003. Light rainfall occurred during the morning prior to the site visit. The downstream conveyance system is described below and iHustrated in Figure 5. Further descriptions of downstream structures are summarized in Table I. Upstream Drainage Drainage from an approximately 2.15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's easterly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. Runoff from the easterly basin is collected in the roadside ditch along 160th Avenue SE (Location 41 in Figure 5). The ditch continues along the east boundary of the site. No scouring or erosion was observed in the grass-lined ditch along this segment. The road embankment on the west side of 160th Avenue SE is steep, but stable. The ditch.continues along the east boundary of the site to the site's southeast comer. Drainage from an approximately 1.8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's westerly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. About one half of the runoff from the westerly basin sheet flows to the roadside ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place and continues to 156th Avenue SE (Location 2 in Figure 5). The remainder of the runoff sheet flows towards a home and pasture area south and west of the site and eventually reaches 156th Avenue SE. Downstream Drainage Course -156th Avenue SE Runoff from the western and southwestern border of the site sheet flows towards the backyards of two homes on the south side of the cul-de-sac at the eastern end of SE 138th Place and two homes at the end of SE 139th Place. This runoff eventually enters the grass-lined ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place at Locations 2, 4, & 6, (Photo 1, Appendix A.2). The grass-lined ditch interrupted with 12" diameter driveway culverts continues to 156th Avenue SE where it enters the pipe conveyance system (Location 21) and turns south. The conveyance system outfalls to a grass-lined ditch at Location 25 (Photo 2, Appendix A.2). Downstream from Location 28, a grass-lined ditch conveys drainage to the south along a pasture (Location 29r At the lower end of the pasture (Location 30) the ditch flattens and it appears that high flow rates could flow onto a portion of the pasture. At Location 31, drainage enters a 12- inch diameter pipe (Photo 3, Appendix A.2). A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 97-0318) was reported at Location 31 by the resident at 14038 -156th Avenue SE (Appendix 3-1 Nidwls Pfllce Prelnninay 11R-May 2003 I I ! . I I I I I I I 1·) •• I I I I I 1 I ' I •• I A.2). The complaint is a claim and was not available from King County. Based on King County's record description, the complaint was related to flooding due to a plugged culvert (Appendix A.2). Downstream from Location 31 a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe conveys flow to a Type I CB (Location 32) that connects to an 18-inch diameter CMP. This pipe continues south to another CB at Location 34 that has a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe stub to the east (Location 33). This stub appears to collect surface drainage from the yard to the east and the fiel.d to the northeast. From this CB flow continues in the 18-inch diameter CMP to another CB approximately 50 north of SE l 43'd Street (Location 36). There is an 18-inch CMP stub in a headwall to the east that picks up flow from a shallow, grass-lined swale extending to the south paralleling 156th A venue SE. Another past drainage problem. (Drainage Complaint No. 91-0954) was reported by the resident at 15606 SE 143th Street (Appendix A.2). This complaint was related to flooding at the culvert that crosses 156th Avenue SE adjacent to the residence. Location 36 is 1,890 feet from the site and represents 2. 7% of the tributary area Downstream Drainage Course -1601h Avenue SE The grass-lined ditch along the eastern boundary of the site continues to the southeast comer of the site where it enters a 12-inch diameter CMP driveway culvert (Location 40). The grass-lined ditch continues southerly for a distance of about 660 feet from .the site (Locations 41) to a recently constructed, 24-inch diameter LCPE pipe that conveys drainage to the east side of 160th Avenue SE (Location42). The site comprises approximately 7 percent of the tributary basin area at this point in the drainage system. Drainage is then conveyed through a recently installed, 30-inch diameter LCPE driveway culvert (Location 43). From Location 43, drainage is conveyed through about 130 feet of recently constructed ditch (Location 44, Photo 5 in Appendix A. I to ' lµ]Other recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe at the residence of 14028 -160th Avenue SE (Location 45, Photo 6 in Appendix A. l ). Past drainage problems (Drainage Complaints No. 97-203 and 2002-0766) were reported at this location. The complaints were related to overflow from the roadside ditch (Appendix A.2) and assumedly were corrected by the recently installed 30-inch LCPE culverts. The recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe is about 130 feet long and discharges to a recently graded earth-lined section of ditch (Location 46, Photo 7 in Appendix A. I). This ditch continues for about 50 feet to a distance of about 1,000 feet from the site where drainage flows away 160th Avenue SE to the east, among trees on a forested parcel (Location 47). The channel is somewhat flat and braided after leaving the roadside ditch and passes through a ponded area (Location 48). The channel then becomes more well-defined (Location 49) and enters a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe (Location 50) located near a horse corral. Drainage is then conveyed through a 12-inch diameter driveway culvert (Location 51) and then to an open channel. The open channel flows south for about 150 feet then turns east along the north boundary of residential lots that are along SE 142°d Place. A segment of the channel has been reinforced with concrete.blocks (Location 52). Drainage then enters a 24-inch diameter CPE pipe that has a trash rack and concrete headwall inlet (Location 53). At Location 54, the channel turns to the south and has significant bank erosion at the bend. The site comprises approximately 2 percent · 3-2 Nkhob Pb:e fufuninary 71R-May 2003 I I I I I ) ! I I I I I) I, I I I I I I .. ) I/: I of the tributary basin area at this point in the drainage system. The channel then flows south down the hill (Location 55) towards SE 144th Street. A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206) was reported at Location 53 (Appendix A.2). The resident at 16046 -SE 142°d Place has had problems from runoff in the channel along his property. The 24-inch diameter pipe has likely been installed since the complaint was filed to reduce groundwater seepage from the ditch that was apparently compromising the performance of the homeowner's onsite sewage treatment system. The homeowner also stated in the complaint that he maintains the ditch long the north and east boundaries of his property by removing accumulations of debris and sediment. King County investigated the problem for the Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Downstream Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream system were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division. Drainage Complaint Nos. 91-0954, 97-0206, 95-0107, and 97-0318, and 2002-0766 are along the drainage route and are described in the narrative above. A map showing the locations of residents that filed drainage complaints is provided in Appendix A.2. Copies of registered drainage complaints are listed in Appendix A.2. A summary of the drainage complaints is provided in Table A. I of Appendix A.2. 3-3 Nidwls l't= P...Innmary 11R-May 2003 I I ) Figure 5. Downstream Conveyance System ,, ~ I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) 1·;· 3-4 I Ndali ""'1¥ l'r<liminary 17R-May 21/0J - :.., ;, ~ , ·, ~ , , ,· ' , , f .(.• .. ........ ------1111!1:• ---------"i.;.~-,, '!·--.. '--' ..... ,-:':·--.:} 'J.tf.·.ir·· -·-----... -·--··---···-·-..... -...... _. __ •••• ., ........ -1-.•• ,,. .• ___ •• ·.t. ·""" I :'il~:"::"!':::;-:~·~ ... 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"~··- '·' '•:.I ..... ·1:','.i"\,. ·y Jr f'".''· t-:.' "wRE 5 ----------------v ---Table I Basin: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _, Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE Sheet flow Roadside ditch Width: 1 ' Depth: 1' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 6' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: l' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 57' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 25' Roadside ditch Width: 1' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 Forested area Grass-lined ditch HW=O.l' Grass area; no distinct flow path HW=l' Grass-lined ditch HW=l.5 Grass-lined ditch ~--· Site visit on: 4/24/03 Weather: Sprinkles -~,,.·{~~~!i~~l~f :~~t~~:;!~~~!~~~!f ~~~'.~:t~!~!~~¥.*i~::~t:. _ ,~i~~~~r~t~1¥1~i f~~·:1f;~~l~t~~?tc~.\t~t~t~:!~t~·~~. 3 3 2 4 5 4 4 4 Southwest comer of site 70 85 91 140 197 245 270 5 Runoff from southwest corner of site sheet flows towards SE 139th Place Collects runoff from slot across concrete driveway ·and directs to ditch on north side of SE 13 9'" Pl. - --·------· .. _ \._,-· Table l(continued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 9 JO 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 12-in diam CP Length= 20' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 25' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Lengt\= 15' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 25' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 50' N,d,ob Plaa Preliminary 11R-May 2003 HW=l' 5 Grass-lined ditch 4 HW=l' 4 Grass-lined ditch 4 HW=l' 4 Grass-lined ditch 4 HW=l' 3 Grass-lined ditch 3 HW=J' 2 -·--.. V . -------'-. ii~i~ti~~~ffsI?tt?1~,~ ; ~~Iiiii ···ector',R'esotiri£\. ,F,.-.. .. ~,<, '···',.1,;'.'"-~,$f'0·-,·-·c•·,,-.s.•;-·•'.>-:;,, )R~ffl"1tof.1tij1ili:nt: ; ·~-;.~ _,, .• ' :-,,:-t _,.-,.~!,.;'~-·f,,·.·,·.·. ':e-J' .. , ,; . ·<· !' .. 11,L111r,a11~111~t~1~~.1 280 300 325 350 360 375 410 435 460 3-6 -1 -------. . '·-,_.,./ Table 1 (continued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Roadside ditch Width: I ' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 55' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2:1 12-in diam CP from east Type I CB -grate inlet 12-in diam Nl2 in 12-in diam CP out 12-in diam CP from east Type I CB -grate inlet Type I CB -grate inlet 12-in diam Nl2 out 12-in diam Nl2 outlet 12-in diam CP 12-in diam CP N,chol, Pfau Prelhninary 11R -May 200J Grass-lined ditch HW=l.5' Grass-lined ditch HW=I' HW=I' I ---u --------'- !),~i 1f ,i,~1'i11t1;~;1i~l~irti1~r;;,111[;~~:Iiifl~it. 3 510 3 545 2 600 2 700 3 706 2 I 740 3 740 3 770 3 910 3 I 920 3 970 3-7 ~;~,w~1~11aiii1,~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~ I I Half-filled with sediment I I ' Collects runoff from SE 139th Place Collects runoff from SE 139th Place I I Collects runoff from SE 139th Place - --------/ Table l (continued) Basin: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE Roadside ditch Width: 1.5' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: 1 Roadside ditch 12-ln diam CP Type 1 CB -grate inlet 12-in diam CP in (N) 12-in diam CP in (NW) 18-in diam CMP out 12-in diam CP from east Type I CB -grate inlet 18-in diam CMP in 18-in diam CMP out Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Ditch flattens out HW=l' HW=0.5' 18-in diam CMP from I HW=l' east Nklrob l'/,za Prelimmary 11R-May W03 ------------\ ! ' __ ....,.,-:' · .. _~ ··t!tf I,~: !!~l1~~~~~!~i1~i~:~t~x1~~f~i;::1~~ :~:~~~!~1~~~1~tt.J .. ,~1I11ll~~t~14ilt~l~J.;yfJ1[t~i~~~i~:_·- 3 1,000-1,200 2-1,200-1,450 2 1,450 2 1,564 2 1,640 2 1,640 1.5 1,890 3-8 Claim for flooding due to plugged culvert. See Complaint No. 97- 0318 Storm event CB overflow. See Complaint No. 91- . 0954 • Water likely spreads out onto adjacent pasture Collects runoff from adjacent pasture & yard Collects runoff from ditch from SE 143th Street - ---------'-_/ Table i (continued) -v --------'-._, Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 15~-t~.~-:.~~!~l"''", '"•"·•+' ,, . ,·,',··•.I :•,f Observ'~tlons of Field. I 36 Type I CB -grate inlet 18-in diam CMP in 18-in diam CMP out Nldwb P/,u:e fullmina,y 11R-May 200J 1,890 3-9 - -' -·--------v --------, _ _.,.; Table 1 (continued) 40 4\ 42 43 44 45 46 12-inch diam CCP Roadside ditch Width: 2' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 24-ln diam CP Length= 40' 30-io diam CMP Length= 20' Roadside ditch Width: 2' Depth!' IS Side slope: 2: I 30-in diam CMP Length = 1.30' Roadside ditch Width: 3' Depth: 3; Side slope: 2: I N'u:lrob l'face l'reiilnina,y 17R-May 2003 HW=L5' <irass-lined ditch HW=l.5' HW=i' Earth-lined ditch HW=I' Earth-lined ditch 11;1r~ii~fJ~t~~t~t;.· ,, __ iii'.~~E-4~~1~•11· 2 0 3 20-280 2 280 2 320 3 340-460 2 460 3 590-640 3-1 Past drainage problem reported at this location; See Drainage Complaint No. 97-0423 ' Culvert crosses from west to east side of road. New 24" LCPE replaced 12" CP New 30" LCPE replaced 24" CMP Recently regraded New 30" LCPE replaced 18" CMP Recently regraded - ----lablel (continued) - 47 I Braided channel 48 I Ponded area 49 I Channel Width: 2.5' Depth:!' Side slope: 2: I 50 I 12-in diani CMP 51 12-in diam ddvert 52 I Channel Widtlt: 2.5' Depth\ 2.5' Side slope: Vertical 53 I 24-in diam cnlvert N/d,ob Pitw J'nlunlnm)l 11R-Ma-J 2d/JJ --- I Forested I ' I Forested, potential wetland area I Earth-lined I I Earih-lined bottom; cortcrete block walls I I -'~ ---------, __ I I 640-740 I I I Water flows east among trees 0.5 740-840 Flow path through middle of ponded area 2 840-990 1-2 I 990 I Water likely backs Culvert passes under up under high flows horse corral 1-2 1,090 Potential Culvert passes under overtopping of driveway driveway 2 1,110-1,240 I 1,240 J Past drainage Culvert has trash rack problem reported at and concrete headwall this location; See inlet Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206 3-2 ---------. ..___..,,· . table 1 ( continued) Westerly Basid Draining_ to 156th Ave SE 54 55 ·channel Width: 3• Depth: 4• Side slope: I: I Channel Width: 3• Depth: 4• Side slope: I : I Mdu,/s Plau Pnlunb1ary 'liR-May 2003 Earth-lined Earth-lined 3 6 -·---------', ... ·'--', 1,240-1,280 l,280~ 1,580 3-3 Highly eroded banks I Erosion likely to continue Eroded banks Erosion likely to continue ~· , • • , Channel heads down hill towards SE 144th Street - I I j ' I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I \ , I, I ------------------------- Part A: Existing Hydrology The.site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the north to the southwest. Cover types on the site include a single-family residence (Photo I in Appendix A. I), forest (Photo 2 in Appendix A. I), and pasture. Cover types and areas used in the stormwater design for existing onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Part B: Developed Site Hydrology The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on about 3.8 acres. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6. Cover type areas for developed onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Under developed conditions, the developed portion of the site, including offsite road improvements, will consist of 1.83 acres of grass and 1.99 acres of . impervious area. Under developed conditions, stormwater from the east basin of the site and road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. Stormwater from a portion of the lots and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. In the east basin, stormwater from the site will be collected and managed in an onsite combined wetpond/detention pond. The outfall of the pond will discharge to the drainage ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE. Stormwater from a 0.11-acre portion of 160th Avenue SE will · bypass the onsite storm water facility, but will be treated to basic water quality standards with a small wetvault located near the south end of the improvements. The stormwater pond in the southeast comer of the site will be designed using a downstream point-of-compliance to account for .the bypass from 1601h Avenue SE. In the west basin, stormwater from the back halves oflots 14 and 16 and all but the front access driveways to lots 15 and 17 will be allowed to sheet flow off the property. Develped peaks for all storm events greater than the 2-year event are fess than existing peaks except for the 2-year peak whick is 0.005 cfs higher than existing. The developed duration curve is less than the existing for alI return periods (See Figure 7C). 4-1 I I / I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) I I Table 2. Existing and Developed Site Basin Conditions .. :· ... . .. ·.i ·.,. EXISTING ,' ,. .. -· : _·. ·-· ,., ~ Subbasins KCRTS Till-ft?rest. T,Jl-pasture . Wetland Tdl-grass lmpt!rV Total ... •·?.f . .· B'asin < ·.·.-: .. _..-::, :.···.-/.'.' .... ·. :·..- . . (AC]. (Acj " '(AC) . iACJ .··_.(Aq_· '(A() West Basin exwest Site 0.28 1.20 . -. 1.48 Subtotal 0.28 1.20 . . . J,48 East Basin exeast Site 2.34 -. -2.34 160th Ave SE Improvements -0.11 0. 11 Subtotal . 2,45 . . . 2.45 Total 0.28 3.65 ---3.93 I'.; -.. ·-. ljfJ;:uc, ._., ,, ' .•. _ _._ :' ., .. ·_· :. , .. ,•-.. .'_DEVELOPE[)·· _,.,.:,-·,·-,,.,,:•':'ii",:_., ... _ · ··\:.'.' KCRTS . Tdl-form .. 1ill-pasmre Weiland Tdl-gras, lmpm ' · ,Total : · . Basin . (AC) . (AC) ·.. '(AC)' JXq (Acj. . (AC, . ',_ West Basin Lots Subtotal East Basin Lots (3) RID - ·, 160th Ave SE Improvements Subtotal Total East Basin devwest 0.14 0.14 deveast 1.37 0.32 1.69 1.83 exwest 0.28 1.20 tkvwest 0.14 ereast 2.45 deveast 1.69 byeast Note: 0.18 acre of impervious of 160thAvenue SE improvements bypass the RID facility in the east basin. % impervious factor= 0.52 fur 6.0 DU/Gross Acre (23/3.82) from SWDM Table 3.2.2.D Total Jot impervious lower of 4000 sf or 70"/o whichever is less. 4-2 N'.,,_ Pft= Pr,/iminaty 11R -May 2003 0.22 0,36 0.22 0,36 1.49 2.86 0.28 0.60 0.11 0.1 I 1.88 3.57 2.10 3.93 1.48 0.22 0.36 2.45 1.77 3.46 0.11 0.1 I I I I / I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) • I I Part C: Performance Standards A summary. of flow control, conveyance, and water quality treatment performance standards for the project is presented in Table 3, below. Table 3. Summary of Performance Standards Flow Control Water Quality Treatment Menu Oil Control .:performance Standard·'· • Level 2 RID • Basic water quality treatment using a wetpond and wetvault in the east basin. • The site does not meet the definition of a high-use site 4-3 ·Source.·:: • 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual; Applications Map • Surface Water Design Manual Section l.2.8. I; Applications Map • Surface Water Design Manual Section 1.3.5 I I I I I I I I I I) I 'I I I I I I ) I'. I Part D: Flow Control System KCRTS was used to design the proposed stonnwater facilities. Procedures and design criteria specified in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual were followed for hydrologic modeling. Descriptions of the stonnwater systems and details of the design analysis are provided below. A plan view of the stormwater systems is provided in Figure 6. For stormwater facility designs, the reduced KCRTS time series data set was used for the Sea- Tac rainfall region with a correction factor of l .O. Documentation of the KCRTS input and output including descriptions of executable files, reservoirs, and times series is provided in Appendices C and D. Under developed conditions, stonnwater from the site and offsite road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention · pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses.the stormwater facility. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. The natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the outlet of the proposed stormwater facilities. It is assumed the existing offsite flows from the north from the 1.80 and 2.15 acre basins will be directed to the proposed Evendell Plat pond for the developed scenario and will not enter the site. Storm water from the development in the easterly basin will be managed with a combined wetpond/detention facility to meet Level 2 RID standards. Stonnwater from the development in the westerly basin will be managed by allowing runoff from selected lots and roofs.to discharge to surface. Runoff from these selected lots and roofs will have a 2-year peak of0.066 cfs versus an existing 2-year peak of0.051 cfs; however; peak values for all higher return periods will be less than existing. The duration curve for the developed west basin will be less than existing for all return periods (See Figure ). The storm water facilities shown in Figure 6 meets Level 2 RID criteria and basic water quality requirements. Flow duration curves at the downstream point-of-compliance are provided in Figures 7 A and 7C. Peak flow rates for the downstream point-of-compliance, under existing and developed site conditions follow Figures 7A and 7B. The downstream point-of~compliance · includes runoff from a portion of-l 60th Avenue SE that bypasses the storm water facilities. The duration curves and peak flow rates shown for existing and developed conditions indicate that Level 2 RID criteria are met. The storm water facility in the east basin requires approximately 42,085 cubic feet oflive storage, .. excluding a factor of safety, to meet Level 2 RID standards. A factor of safety of 10 percent will fuadded to the final design volume: · Part E: Water Q~ility System Basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide treatment for the . site's easterly basin. A small wetvatilt will provide treatment for a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the easterly stormwater facility. . I I ) I I I I I I I 1-) I I I I I I I ·,)' ,,. I The required wetpool volumes for the treatment facilities were determined using equations provided in Chapter 6 of the 1998 !'iurface Water Design Manual. Basin areas, annual runoff volumes, VbNr ratios, and required volume for the wetpond are given in Table 4. • ---~----.;-.... -_ ------------·~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ">f;. -t,,-~, ' \t ~ .~~~: '. Rose ;a,-de"np "*':; ;; ,~ .. -:.-~ 'ii,:c'1~; ,, ' ".·• i l! ,, . } "' .;.,,.,,. ~ "-,.,'= ....... :..., J.,,,./,~. /. •• ,;,_.;.,,.A •. :._.~i.. ).!>_--,._~,;!:_ V,:: ..,, A..,.} ..... A ~ z.._. "':.-. ,; __ .' . I t'-:,(!C:) t \ "' ~· H119 Mru-...._ ! ·'-' l:<!'t>'!'ti \~;.-"' .I F',.,ri-~~ ,,, .,. .PROPOSED EVENDELL PLAT ~;<· .. "byeast" (0.11 AG)_ -.;:-;;;'1-::·i:.;--,·1-"-·-·;;+:-jt:; . : -: .. : : : • : . _·-. : ,, : ,;'~~''\ ! 10 ! 9 ~ iB ! 7 ! \6 I 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 ! 1 - ;; :11:,: c,\ ~ l!~i '411l!JJ -J(l!h~ 4% ~ .... .,)~ " •0 ,c;.-;. -• :--, · -I .f • I · · I ·-I I I I I ' '"il'" \ I I ., . f~, ·';,1:~,, 1 i i ---Lt j_ ··1:·;,LJ.ciev~ast'_'.i_ j_ i i · ~t:::-l~_1,::=:_. -·--r· ·_·_: __ :,:ist'.~_.4p·iAC) ·-· ·-· ·-· ·,. ,.,.,;,,~13 ? -' .L.-.. ~r::Ffhncl1 1R7D •Dec ,;ifg.YiH '~ \ -.~, f / f·vi>' ::.~::~t.-.,-~.-'\l;:;~ I __ ,, i -.. -. "• -.,.. . . -. -('. . · -1 '. it. -1;~.-.·"f&a_ -':-t-_o_ '. ! · 23 ,r, , · f'. -· -r . 1 1 -~f~"i""cf 1 I I .,,... __ J{,,. • ·4 I . ..,.r· -!---1 ,n'.;· . . t' . • . f,~tt~ ~. r' ev~e13 ·: .... ~ ~, -.:L.~ ·.---1.__ ~--'-·.L......,\\, 1 T·"'' 17•, 1,.1 'l 22 ,;, ,,.,,/ • "''"·; i,: "''J:l 0.36 AC L,. ., ~:-r .... , '{J -........_ ___ ~,· ,1' 'i:.(; 'l:'X',"' .,;:i \ ~i. ~-11 -- Haozous Engineering, P .S. CML a, STIE ENGINEERING 13428 -46TH COURT, MUKJLTEO, WA 88275 425-746-5872 NICHOLS PREIJMINARY PLAT SCA1..E '" FEET ......... ------• .. 100 DRA•ll'. .. ,,, RHO ..... . RHO 8/18/lll 8/18/03 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE BASINS ----, ------... ---, 6 J I I I I I I I I I ) I) I I I I I I I ") •• I ·= ";J .OI ,::Q ... ·"' ·« r;i;1 ·1 -u ·o :~ ·~· -~ ... ··"2 :fl :r; ·= .{.) Cl Q ·.c OI .. = ·i:i ·~ ·~ ··-·i:.. j .. .. ,::I a '.o · iro ·IOI) -~ -,. u ',, z ~ .. (S~O) o5JBlj0Sf0 / // .J/ h ,, , , , , , , I; ______ ,., ·/ ' -;t ,,:-:;·\ ,..,.-::,~· :g .. ~ -••---" ~-•::,: ~. :::_ ...... ,:. l I I ' . . · .} I I I I I I I •~) I I I I I I I \ I I I Predeveloped Peak Flow Rates -East Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob· (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.178 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.305 I I 00. 00 0.990 0.066 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.178 2 25.00 0.960 0.162 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.162 3 10.00 0.900 0.017 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.151 4 5.00 0. 800,-..___ 0.091 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.146 5 3.00 0.667 0 .151 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0.091 6 2.00 0.500 0.146 5 11/24/06 4': 00 0. 066 7 1.30 0.231 0.305 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.017 8 1.10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 0 .. 262 50.00 0.980 Developed Peak Flow Rates -East Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---1\nnua.1 Peak Flow Rates.--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0 .. 195 0.071 0.175 0.010 0.067 0.079 0.096 0.174 Computed Peaks 1 6 2 7 8 5 4 3 2/09/01 21:00 1/05/02 16:00 3/06/03 21 :00 8/26/04 2: 00 10/28/04 16:00 1/18/06 16:.00 11/26/06 21: oo. 1/09/08 15:00 co 'iv 'l-1• - z )''-- /(> ,,.,.- ( / . f.> yr 5'-' )' ,-., I"'' r'" -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.1.95 1. 1.00. 00 0.990 0.175 2 25.00 0.960 0.174 3 10. 00 0.900 0.096 4 5.00 0.800 o. 079 5 3.00 o·. 667 0 •. 071 6 2 .. 00 0 .. 500 0-.070 7 1.30 0. 231 0.067 8 1.10 0.091 0'.188 50.00 0.980 1-!:::: -p O ') 1-· ,--- .,,9/ ',,7/ .1r.t. . 11+ .rr: . t1'i ;. (, /... IS fJ . '3~; 'I~) I I I I Figure 7B. Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exeast.tsf New File: poceast.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS I Cutoff \ r, ,JV· -o.045 d, ~ \ 0.049 -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0.87E-02 0.67E-02 -23.0 I 0.87E-02 0.045 0.042 -7 .O 0.73E-02 0.53E-02 -27.0 I 0.73E-02 0.049 0.044 -10.5 0.64E-02 . 0.46E-02 -28.1 J 0.64E-02 0.053 0.045 -14.6 0.57E-02 0.39E-02 -31.1 J 0.57E-02 0.057 0.048 -17.0 0.52E-02 0.36E-02 -31.2 I 0.52E-02 0.062 0.050 -18.6 0.46E-02 0.33E-02 -28.l I 0.46E-02 0.066 0.053 -19.3 0.41E-02 0.32E-02 -22.0 I 0.41E-02 0.-070 0.-056 -19.5 0.37E-02 0.27E-02 -27.2 I 0.37E-02 0.074 0.061 -18.2 0.32E-02 0.23E-02 -26.5 I 0.32E-02 0.078 0.070 -10.7 0.29E-02 0.20E-02 -31.8 I 0.29E-02 0~082 0;073 -11.9 0.27E-02 0.18E-02 -33.5 J 0.27E-02 0.086 0.074 -14.5 so 0.053 I O. 057 0.062 0.066 0.070 I . 0.074 0.078 0. 082 I I I 0.086 0.091 0 •. 095 0.099 0.103 0.107 0 .111 0.116 0 .120 0.124 0.128 0 .. 132 0 .136 0.140 0.145 0.149 0.153 0.157 0.161 0 •. 1.65 0.170 0.23E-02 0.17E-02 -28.2 0.23E-02 0.091 0.079 -12.8 0.20E-02 O.J6E-02 -22.0 0.20E-02 0.095 0 .. 081 -14.2 0.18E-02 0.15E-02 -16.7 0.18E-02 0.099 0.088 -11.5 O.lSE-02 0.13E-02 -14.0 O.lSE-02 0.103 0.097 -6.2 0.14E-02 O.llE-02 -15.7 0.14E-02 0.107 0.102 -4.6 O.llE-02 0.98E-03 -14.3 0.llE-02 0.111 0.108 -3.5 0.99E-03 0.91E-03 -8.2 0~99E-Qj 0~116 0.111 -3.7 0.85E-03 0.85E-03 a.o O.ffSE-03 0.120 0.120 0 .. 0 0.77E-03 0.75E-03 -2.l 0.77E-03 .0.124 0.124 -0.2 0.62E-03 0.67E-03 7.9 0.62E-03 0.128 0.131 2.2 o .. 4.6E,-03 o .. 55E-03 21..4. 0.46E-03 0.13:2 0.13.8 4 .. 5 0.39E-03 0.46E-03 16.7 0.39E-03 0.136 0.142 3.8 0.29E-03 0.39E-03 33.3 0.29E-03 0.140 0.145 3.5 0.21E-03 0.33E-03 53.8 0.21E-03 0.145 0.148 2.2 0.18E-03 0.18E-03 0.0 0.18E-03 0.149 0.150 0.5 0.16E-03 O.lSE-03 -10.0 0.16E-03 0 .. 153 0 .. 153 -0 . .2 O.lSE-03 0.13E-03 -11.1 O.lSE-03 0.157 0.157 -0.3 0.98E-04 O.llE-03 16.7 0.98E-04 0.161 0.162 0.6 0.6SE-04. 0 .. 82E-04 25.0 0.65E-04 0.165 0.168 1.6 o,.33E-04 o.49E-o4 so.a o.33E-04 0.110 0.110 o.3 I I I Maximum positive excursion= 0.006 cfs ( 4.5%) occurring at 0.132 cfs on the Base Data:exeast.tsf and at. 0.138 cfs on the. New Data.:.poceast.tsf Maximum negative excursion= 0.014 cfs. (-20.5%) occurring .at a. 069 cfs arr .t-he Base·. Data::·exeast. tsf- and at· 0.055 cfs on the New Data:poceast.tsf I I ) I I •• I I 'i<I o• re ~ ~~ : ·'• p; :'.;,,, ....... H ~ ·-0 x.r,~ J;f,, I " e I I I) 0 I = ·-.. OS I = -·:i ~ / I .I -~ . . _,_ I -.s "' ... ·t = I u = -.Q ·--"' :·S. I = A -~ e -I -~ ·-U . x-- ) ·f I' &i -' ... _,:::------::t----:±:------::t------±,------:±:-----=t· ti:o .. on, · 9 o o z :o ~ I r,==: I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I . i I Existing Peak Flow Rates· -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0 .102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.165 1 100.00 0.990 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.102 2 25.00 0.960 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0 .. 090 3 10.00 0 .. 900 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:·00 0.084 4 5.00 0.800 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.081 5 3. 00 · 0.667 0. 084 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0.051 6 2.00 0.500 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.036 7 1.30 0.231 0.165 1 1/09/08 6: 00 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.144 50.00 0.980 Developed Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File: devwest. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period. 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.053 8 1/05/02 16: 00 0.083 2 25.00 0. 960 0.079 3 2/27/03 7·:00 0.079 3 10.00 0.900 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5 10/28/04 16:.00. 0.069 5 3.00 0.667 0.070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.066 6 2. 00. 0.500 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.058 7 1.30 0.231 0 •. 134 l 1/09/08 6:.00 0 .. 053 8 1.10 0 .091 Computed Peaks 0 .117 50.00 0.980 I I I I I I I I I j I) I I I I I I I I I Table 4. Wet Pond Sizing CalcuJations East Basin Residential· Lots/Onsite Road 1.37 1.49 2.86 2,872 3.0 8,617 <---'--.._ ____ -'---I i:;R/D=....;:T~ra~ct----L---.1---0=·:::;32:.L. __ ___:0::.:.2:.:8:.i· ___ o;::·=60 ,_ __ 5_66_,__3_._o..._ __ 1..:..,6_9_,9 !Total 0.001 · 1.691 I.771 3,439 j LI _ _..c..lO:,c,3:..;lc.:6..Jj East Basin -160th Avenue SE Improvements ISE 136th Street Improvements I I I o;nl 0.11'1 1691 3 o I 507,. !Total o.ooj 0001 O.Ilj o.11 II 169 i 501 i Mean '1J111Ual storm = 0.47 4-7: I I I i . I I I I I I I I:) I I I I I I I ' ', I I Storm water RID System Conveyance The onsite stonnwater system will be designed to convey the 25-year peak flow rate for conveyance systems upstream of the· stonnwater facility. A conceptual design of the conveyance system is shown in Figure 6 of Section 4. 5-l I I ;. I I I I I I I I)., / I I I I I I I I .) I A summary of special reports and studies conducted for Nichols Place is presented below. Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies Geotechnical/soils Ffoodpfains Anadromous fisheries impacts Water quality 6,.}. riate C~rt~cted NIA -• ',:,_'•-'t',::// ·: : Junl:2oof NIA NIA.·°' NIA •, .··.-. · .. :',.:i.;.,.: ... •,,:·;·r,; . ... ,l.ag~~,·%mi,i:0i•· ····/-'· ;\·:~ifs\it?t~Jf f NIA I I ·, ) •• I I I I I I I). I I I I I I I \ I) I Construction activities required to develop the site will include the following: • clearing and grading, • earthwork (excavation, filling, hauling),.and • pavmg. An erosion and sedimentation. control plan for the project is provided in Figure 8. Construction best management practices (BMPs)have been-selected for each of the particular types of anticipated construction activities. Implementing proven BMPs. at construction locations, such as minimizing exposed soil surfaces, and controlling erosion and sedimentation will reduce potential impacts on surface water. BMPs for the proposed types of construction activities are outlined below. Clearing Limits To prevent disturbance of project areas not designated forconstruction, a construction clearing limits fence or silt fence will be installed by the Contractor. These fences will be installed prior to clearing and grading activities where appropriate. Cover Measures Temporary and permanent cover measures will be provided by the Contractor to protect disturbed areas. Mulching will be used to provide immediate temporary protection from erosion . and to enhance plant growth, Plastic covering may be used in order to protect cut and fill slopes and stockpiles and/or to encourage grass growth innewiy seeded areas. Perimeter Protection In order to reduce the transport'ofsediment off-site, the Contractor will install filter-fences-as. indicated on the drawings prior to grading activities: Equipment. Parking· and Storage of Materials Parking areas for vehicles and equipment on the construction site should be covered with gravel· to prevent erosion and tracking of the underlying soit Machinery and vehicles should be well maintained. .In the event of a spill or leak of toxic materials, the incident should be reported to the Construction Site Supervisor and actions should immediately be taken to-contain and· cleanup the materials. lJ;.J ---------------------------------------------, I I Figure 8; Erosion and Sedimentation Controt Plan. I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I \ I I i I I I l .. "'l, I ) , ,, I I I I I I I), _..:- 1 I I I I I I I) I Traffic Area Stabilization Stabilized pads of quarry spa11s will be insta1led by the Contractor at all egress points from the project site to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads or other off-site areas by motor vehicles: Sediment Retention Sediment retention will be provided by silt fencing at the locations and dimensions ·shown on the drawings and shall be maintained by the Contractor: Wet Season Construction If soils are exposed during the period of October l to March 31, the Contractor will mulch and seed as much disturbed area as possible by the first week of October in order to provide grass cover for the wet season. The Contractor will also conform to the following wet season special provisions: • Apply cover measures to disturbed areas that are to remain unworked for more than two days. • Provide on-site stockpiles of cover materials sufficient to cover all disturbed areas. • Seed all areas that are to be unworked during the wet season by the end of the first week of October. • Apply mulch to all seeded areas for protection. • Provide construction road and parking lot stabilization areas for all sites. Maintenance The Contractor will maintain and review all 1ESC measures on a regular basis. Final Stabilization Prior to obtaining final construction approval, the site shalt be stabilized; the structural TESC measures removed, and drainage facilities cleaned Disturbed areas of the site should be vegetated or otherwise pennanently stabilized.. Ata minimum,. disturbed areas should be seeded and mulched to provide a high· likelihood that sufficient cover will develop shortly after final approval 8-3 r· I I F1 I J I I I I I I I), __ } I I I I I I I ) I : ) -~/ I A summary of permits required for the Nichols Place project is listed in the table below. Table 6. Summary of Other Permits Required Onsite Sewage Disposal Developer/Local Agency Agreement NPDES Stonnwater Section 10,401,404 No No Yes No 7-1 Seattle/King County Department of Health Washington State Department of Transportation Washington State Department ofEcology United States Army Corps of Engineers I I I /) I I I 1. I I 1)1 ... ·,~ I I I I I I I I 1,, LJ I The conveyance and water quality facilities for Nichols Place will not be privately maintained nor do they contain non-standard features. The table below specifies the maintenance requirements for each component of the stormwater facility being constructed. Applicable . maintenance requirements, taken from the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, are referenced to the pages that follow. . Table 7. Summary of Maintenance Requirements for Stormwater Facilities ~~fi:itf:(t\?if }~~~J~iifiB~f~·~f.t{Mfffi.(~{G.~:li!.itllt~~iifiJ\ttJ0:!}'.i,[1hrkt: ·:_.·.·.;?:'.f,:t:i~.\:: .. ;. :t··; .... ;·;_ • No. 1 -Detention Ponds • No. 4 -Control Structure Restrictor • No. 5 -Catch Basins • No. 6 -Debris Barriers • No. 10 -Conveyance Systems • No. 13 -Water Quality Facilities -Wetponds • No. 13-Water Quality Facilities-Wetvaults 10-1 I I ' C 1' I I I I I I I) I I I I I 'I I .• · • , · •:o . ·. , . · •·· · • · ·,: •. ,,.. .. _, ·. -· ·· · ...... _ •. -··.. · •":, ·,·;,, ·. ~,·:1 .. ;-ol\ --~·:~,\.~, •. ,. ,.,..,,,.,~:-·:.-.~•,• ,_,.., :. ,.,~,:, ,· · ,. •:••· ,, ·•r ·• •:-,:, ·.1:· .. '· . 9, · ·Bcnid· Quaiititiesi FacilifySummifries; aiictJJ~~taJfon iif(:;ijy~niilit/ A bond quantities worksheet for the project will be prepared during final engineering for the submittal. A summary of onsite conveyance and water quality facilities is given in Figure 10. None of the facilities will be privately owned or maintained. Therefore a declaration of covenant is not needed ------------------------- I I Figure 9. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ) ' I I I I I -·v· I I 1·) I I I I I I I I ) I I I Figure 10. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary I ) .• I Development: Evendell Plat Date: 5-18-03 I Location: King County.Township 23N, Range SE, Section 14 ENGINEER DEVELOPER I Name: Robert Darrow Name: Mike Romano (representing U.S. Land Develooment, Inc.) Firm: Haozous Engineerin!!: P.S. Firm: U.S. Land Development Associates, Inc. I Address: Address: 13428 -45th j:ourt Clo Centurion Development Services Mukilteo, WA 98275 22617 8th Dr. SE I Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: (425) 745-5872 Phone: (425) 486-2563 . I Developed Site: 3.82 Acres Number oflots: 23 single-family residences Number of detention facilities o~ site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: 0 I I Com),ined Wetpond/R/D I Vault (In ROW for 160th Avenue SE) I) Downstream Drainaee Basins Immediate MaiorBasin Lower Cedar River Orting Hills Cedar River I Number & type of water quality facilities on site: I ___ biofiltration swale (regular/wet/ or ___ sand filter (basic or large?) continuous inflow?) ___ sand filter, linear (basic or large?) _....,___ combined detention/WQ ponds ___ sand filter vault (basic or large?) I ___ flow dispersion trenches -~l~ vault ___ combined detention/wetvault ___ energy dissipation structure(s) ___ compost filter Basic pond (basic or large?) ___ filter strip I ___ landscape management plan ___ oil/water separator (bafile or coalescing plate?) ___ catch basin inserts: Manufacturer _____________ _ I ___ pre-settling pond ___ pre-settling structure: Manufacturer ______________ _ ___ flow-splitter catch basin I I ) I I I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) I , I Figure 10 (continued) DESIGN lNFORMA TION Westerly Basin Easterly Basin Water Quality Design Volume Swface Discharge I 0,316 (CF\ Onsite Area (AC) 0.36 3.46 Offsite Ar,,,.f AC) 0 0 Type of Storage Facility Swface Discharge Combined Wetnond/R/D Required Live Storage Volume 0 42,085 <CFl Existing Runoff Rates 25-year (CFS)* 0.102 0.173 Post-RID Developed Runoff Rates 25-vear ( CFS)* 0.083 0. 167** * Based on KCRTS I-hour peak rates for the proposed developed area. •• Accounts for bypass of runoff from improvements on 160th Avenue 9-4 Ntdlob Pf«e Prdbni.,a,y 11R-May 1003 Bypass 1601 • Avenue SE (Easterly · Basin) 507 0. I I 0 Wetvault NIA 0.008 0.040 I I ,. ,) .~ I I I I I I I I), 1 _ ..... - I I I I I I I \ I \ .i,-' I King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1997. Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan. Seattle. King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. Seattle. · U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. Seattle. 11-1 l I I ) I I I I I I I I). ;,• I I I I I I I \ I ' I I ••App~ric(f:x,A)!''®w~~!~m11~iff~~/(}1!•• Appendix A. I Photographs of the Downstream System Appendix A.2 Drainage Complaints Appendix A.3 Orting Hills Subbasin Map Nkhols Place fullmma,y 17R-May 2003 I I I I I I I I I I-) I I I I I I I I I Appendix A.1 Photographs of the Downstream System Location 5 -Looking west along north side of SE 139th Street Location 31 -Looking south along east side of 160th Avenue SE Ntdrou Pia= ~liminary 11R-May 2003 Location 26 -Looking south along east side of 16061 Avenue SE Location 35 -Looking at headwall on 18" CMP inlet to CB at Location 36. I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I 1 1 I Location 44 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 160• Avenue SE Location 45b -Looking north at outlet on newly installed 30" LCPE along east side of 160• Avenue SE N.dtob Place Preliminary 11R -May 2003 Location 45a -Looking south at entrance to 130 ft length of newly installed 30" LCPE alon east side of 160& Avenue SE Location 46 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 160 ... Avenue SE I I Table A.I. Summary ofDowostream Drainage Complaints i I Complaint· Date Property Owner ... -. Description of Complaint.· ·.;: Ntimiier -.. ··. ., : ......... _:·.,-.:-_·.··· .. · . ..... · ... ·.,::· .. <:····-·:.:/;/·:• \,,.,' __ .· ... ·· ·< .Jt·?\ \: :\;'.·. . . >·:· .. , . :.•·,·· . :.-:-... . "· .... .' ·,:' ~-----·. .... ' I 91.-0954 8/27/91 Earnest Gilcrest 15606 SE 143rd Street Flooding at culvert entrance. I 97-0318 14038 -156"' Avenue Flooding due to plugged culvert. Drainage SE complaint is a claim and is not currently available. I 97-0203 1/7/97 14028 -160"' Avenue Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along SE 160th Avenue SE. I County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 I 2002-0766 11/22/02 14028 -160"' A venue Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along SE 160th Avenue SE. I County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and •. ) regarded ditches in April 2003 I 97-0206 1/10/97 Don Gregg Offsite flows impacting private property. . 16046 SE 142"d Place Backyard flooded with larger storms . Septic system operation impacted. Investigated for I Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Ty12e of Problem: Conveyance System I Nuisance Problem. Chronic channel erosion. Channel erosion is likely to continue in future. I I Onsite mitigation:. Level 2 Flow Control Standards 98-0202 3/19/97 Paul Huff Drainage from neighbor impacting low area 14312 160th Avenue SE of private property. Tvne of Problem: Conveyance System I Nuisance Problem: Not impacted by proposed project I Onsite mitil!ation: N/ A ' I I 1· I I I I I I I I 1·) I I I I I I I I ) I King County Water and Land 8esm1r::as Divisi111 -Drainage Services Section &omplalnt Sean:h Pnnted : 4/24/2003 11:53:46 AM CqlaiJt Type Type of Problem Alltllss of Prmen Clllmmts lll'lls l':IUB NllldJer Cmm 1974-0095 C RIPRAP 15225 JONES RD ROCKS/DIKE/15219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657A4 r . 1974-0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RD ROCK/DIKE/JONES RD/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 ' 1974-0103 C 15631 JONES RD SE W/0 BACKFILUJONES RD 657A4 1974-0106 C DRNG 15005 JONES RD DITCH/ALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST STORM SEWERS/BRIARWOOD S 65784 1976-0084 C 156TH PL SE/JONES RO DAMAGE ALONG RD/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657A4 1976-0091 C DEBRI 15463 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER 657A4 j 1979-0090 C DRNG 14406 162NOAV SE 65783 1981-0316 C 15035 SE JONES RO DIKE JETTY/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH PL BRIAR' .. :OD AREA E5784 1983-0357 C DRNG 14827 SE JONES RO CHNL OVERFLO/MADSEN CRK 657A4 1983-0387 C FLOG 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOD AREA €5783 ' 1964-0224 C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH ST 65784 i '1985-0710 E FILL 15035 SE JONES RO KG CTY NOT RESP-WILLnotENF 657A4 1 I 1986-0372 C VIOLATE 15817 SE JONES RO MOBILE HOME IN FLOOD PtAJN 657A4 I 1986-0372 E ILL DVLT 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALD FOR CM(CHK STAT BY CMDT). 657A4 1986-0437 C CULVERT 15252 SE 142ND PL INSTALLATION-NEED CB 657A3 1986-0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RD SEE 86-07 4S, 1158 657A4 1986-0745 C Fill 15045 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL Fill-CEDAR RIVER 657A4 I 1986-0812 C EROSION 15421 SE JONES RD CED.:~ ?.IVER 657A4 :j 1986-1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES KG SEE: 66-0745 BRAMBLETT 86-0745 657A4 i 1987-1001 X FILL 16861 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL IN FLDPlAIN 6578.i 1988-0377 C DRNG 1.1250 161ST AVE SE 1-{.az_;Roous PONO OH/TO CM. 06/10189 6.:"7E3 1989-0086 C DRNG 14820 1S4TH PL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657A4 1990-0318 C FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITCH/STORM EVENT 657A4 I 1990-0449 C ORNG 14943 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEK/STORM EVENT 657A4 1990-0518 CL FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD CL#12839 657A4 1990-0590 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREEK/STORM 657A4 1990-0702 Cl FLOG 150S9 SE JONES RD CL#12933 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 1990-0748 CL FLOG 15023 SE JONES RD CL#12989 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 ! 1990-0793 CL FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD WASHE DOUT DRIVEWAY/Cl#13019 SEE 657A4 i ; 1990-0956 CL FLOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERT/Cl#1313 657A4 • 1990-1023 C DRNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657A4 I 1990-1101 C EASEMT 16516 SE 149TH ST ON LOT BUILD ADDITION 65784 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149TH ST MET ON SITE Will SUBMIT PROPOSED S 65784 1990-1280 C DRNG 14926 165TH PL SE ONTO D/1/V AT CUL DE SAC 65784 1990-1343 C DRNG 14920 163RD CT SE DAMAGED PVT DRAIN 65784 Page 1 ot4 TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD ,. I }. I Clllnlllaml IYllll Jype or PrulJJem Adlnss flf PrdEm CO!mel!J TbrosPagu Number Code 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 156TH PL SE PIPE OUTFALL TO RIVER 657A4 1990-1509 C EROSION 14250 154TH PLACE SE CULVERT DAMAGE AND SLIDE IN RAVINE 657A4 I 1990-1542 C FLOG 16448 SE JONES RO WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 65784 1990-1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JONES RO OF RIVERBANK/FAILED LEVEE 657A4 1990-1673 C EROSION 14908 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER BANK 657A4 I 1990-1684 C EROSION 17055 SE JONES RO REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 65784 1991-0064 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH RID PLUGGED/NO DRAINAGE 65784 1991-0064 SR FLOG 14:4~5 SE 145TH ROST FM ADO TO OLDS/OFF 65784 1991-0188 C ORNG 16400 SE 143RD PLACE BROKEN PIPE 65783 I 1991-0188 E ORNG 143RD SE 164THAVE SE BROKEN PIPE 65763 1991-0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 65784 1991-0422 C ORNG 16448 SE JONES RO ROCKS ANO DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65784 I 1991-0422 SR ORNG 16448 SE JONES RD OH/RDRNGCM 05111/91 SEE 91-0530 1:57S4 1991-0954 C FLOODING 15606 SE 143RD ST STORM EVENT C/8 OVERFLOW 657A3 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165THAVE SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 I I 1993-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE TURNED TOE 65783 . 1993-0252 E DRNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE CHECK STAT BY CMDT DATE 65783 1993-0752 wac DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RO 65784 I 1993-0752 WQE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD SEDIMENT FROM WELL DRILLING 65784 ' I 1993-1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149TH ST HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 199'-0538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 1.<1~7H S.,.. NEW KC DITCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 65784 . 1995-0107 C CULVERT? 15641 SE 138TH PL POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO S 65783 i l:J I 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148TH ST STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 I 1996-0289 C FLOG 15225 162NDAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996-0289 R FLOG 15225 162NDAVE SE GROUNDWATEF . .;TREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996-0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NOAVE SE SEE 96-0289 OUP 65784 1996-06'6 C RUNOFF · 14301 166TH PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 i 1996-0556 R RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 ' 1996-0869 C FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 J I 1996-0869 NOA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996-0869 R FLOG ~=czs SE :ONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 ' I! ~ •o Ii 1996-0870 C R/DPOND 15XXX SE 143RD ST KIDS USING PONO FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 1996-1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH PL • SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657 A4 1996-1253 C DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1253 NOA ORNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT ORNG INSTALLATION IMPAGT ROAD? 65784 I 1996-1253 R DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1724 C FLOG 14206 164THAVE SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 65783 1996-1762 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RO DAMAGE TO DRNG OUTFALL TO CEDAR R 657A4 ,. . " 1997•0203 C FLOG 14028 .160THAVE SE OVERFLOW FROM 0/W CULV IMPACT PVT 657B3 I 0 ,1 . 1997-0206 C FLOG '16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 Page 2 of4 ! , II ' • , ... -TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING, PS. DRAJNAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILES OF KCWLRD , C .,. .. _ I" I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I CIJITil)faillt Type Type of ProlJlem Aillnlss of Prootem Cmnments Tllrusl'aue I HIBllber Caoo -1997-0206 NOA FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 -1997-0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 -1997-0318 CL CLAIM 14038 56TH AVE SE FLOODING DUE TO PLUGGED CULVERT 657A3 -1997-0423 CL FLOG 14028 160TH AVE SE ROADSIDE DITCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE 65783 -·, ;97 -1)4!!.1 C OR"JNAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT DRNG 657A3 l 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 156TH AVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657A4 1997-0859 FCR VANDALIS 167TH PL SE & SE 144TH VANDALISM TO RID IDENTIFICATION SIGN 65783 199i-091i FCR ORN POND 145TH SE PL a-;wN 150&151 PL NEIGH KIDS DIGGING IN POND SIDE SLOP 657A3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 15405 SE JONES RD STUMPS STOCKPILED FOR CO PROJECT 657A4 1997-1493 FCR POND 16426 SE 145TH ST INFILTRATION POND NOT HANDLING LAR 65784 1998-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145TH PL DOG WASTE SIGN REQUESTED 657A3 -1998-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160TH AVE SE LOW AREA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65703 1998-0322 C TREES 14232 150TH PL SE TREE FALL DAM FENCE. NOT LDSU FACI 657A3 1998-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0475 WQR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0931 woe FILL 12813 163RDAVE SE DUMPING OF CDL ADJ TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 I 1999-0059 CL TREE 14334 166TH PL SE TREE FALL DAMAGED FENCE 65783 1999-0225 woe DUMPING 15921 SE 148TH ST DUMPING ON PVT PROP YARD WASTE/OE 65784 1999-0297 FCR RDMAINT 15006 SE 145TH PL REQUEST TO REPLACE BOLLARDS AND L 657A4 2000-0666 FCR MNM 163X.X SE 145TH ST REQUEST TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL TRAS 65784 2000-0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 ! 2000-0674 R MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 2000-0703 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LID. FENC 65784 2000-0731 FCR MMG 14210 149TH Pl SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOE woo 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 65i'A;; 2000-0731 WOR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2001-0041 FCR DOM 14005 149TH PL SE ALLEGED RAT PROBLEM AS A RESULT N 657A3 2001-0090 FCR MNM 14202 149TH PL SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 2001-0090 R MNM 14202 149TH PL SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 2001-0220 E MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RIO TR 657A4 2001-0220 FCR MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT IN'TO F,/: "' 657A4 2001-0220 R MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 2001-0305 RET BSR 15108 SE 145TH PL 657A4 2001-0332 FCR MMG 14995 SE 142ND ST REQUEST TO REPLACE PONO ID SIGN AN 657A3 2001-0540 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST MOTORCYCLE USE OF RID TRACT. CONT 65784 2001-0805 FCR MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2001-0805 R MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2002-0602 C MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL CONCERN REGARDING LEANING TREE. I 657A4 2002-0629 FCR DOM 14995 SE 142NDTST DEBRIS PICKED UP. FACILITY MOWED 0 657A3 o::: 2002-0766 C OTA 14028 160THAVE SE COMPLAINANT REQUESTED TECHNICAL 6S783 , I ' Page3of4 I l TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FIT.ES OF KCWLRD I I ) CIJmplaiJI Type lYIJl or ProlJlem NlllEBr Coli! Cmtm1111U 1· 2003-.0134 FCR MNM 14005 149TH PL SE REQUEST FROM DDT TO ASSESS FACILIT 657A3 I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I , I HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. I TITLE I L i ' I i ' , Page 4 of 4 DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM.1HE FlllS OF KCWLRD I I I ) I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I \ ' ti;j . . ... . ---. --· . ··-· . . -.. -· -. . -~:-'-0 -~ SURFACE.wAIE..'l MANAGEMENT DIVISION §r11~ COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT a•] ~;r;a~\~l l'j:( NA1URE OF COMPtAINT: \'l.e:o t, \ ..,(,._ . ., SEC J:L lWP 22. AGE ,§. I.OCATION: l2'.~IZ),...::, -/J\U']?t.5-~ . ,r, ~s i<.t., KROLL PG. 81\ ' {a /NF-· ~;.,,r ~,-....~~t: -COUNCIL 01ST. COMPtAINANT: l't<INE.HO. c; ? HOME: o-as. 1' Address lS(d')(o "Se.. t4:>ecros:r;: City ~"-' State~z;<f.:li!O">g-WORK: OETAILS OF COMPtAINT: '"ti"" Ltuci.~ w;: ~-ci;-\h.U.... I','(; ~Ov--C>& \C.0.-1 Un:,tl;. "6,._ ~~\ ' . ~ ...,~ ~"' 'to ~1.)6\~ ~tx..a ~. 0-:lft ~ G!.{)\ CJ( .., v& ~ (Jl>os,s 'nUJi..-.!. E'c.=<IY:, \\!\jl;a,. w.~. ~-tld\S f;'~O:, ~ 61<-c..L. Q"l.. f'~~li., l-\;i,>.-~ 1-50, ~ t,J\\fl"o1-.:,t<f\•"->= 'Tttt'-~- 1Z-: . CtUVl""",vD/01 JO C ;::9Jf'O-O!ltl-0 COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY: ! DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Yes ar" No O Photos: Yes 8'::'.: (, No D °""""' On site 8-28-91. ' ' The Gilcrest residence is located in a low area in a developed neighborhood. Drainage is from NE to S*1nd there is a cross culvert under 156th, adjacent to their property that is said to become clogged at times. Mr Gilcrest is said to use a large pole in an attempt to dislodge debris, and increase flow. The flooding of his property {note Gilcrest photos) is said to have started 3 years ago but now occur quite frequently--heavy rains. They feel that growth in the area has over-taxed the present drainage. system. At the time of investigation it was 'raining, and there was approx one inch of flow in the culverts under 156th and downstream. Observed-no flow from the open ditches to the north on 156th, which were grass lined. CB's .and culverts were clean, and observed no deposits of sediment to restrict flow. R/0 facility two lots east of the Gilcrest's had recently been cleaned, and is said to fill completely during heavy rains. Photo I) Looks north on 156th at drainage area. 2) Looks south on 156th at culverted drainage. 3) Looks north on 156th; Gilcrest house at right. x-culvert is from ditch on right. 4) Looks east on 143rd. Gilcrest house at right. 5) Shows Gilcrest house/yard with sandbags from previous heavy rains in view. 6) R/0 facility on SE 143rd. Note 2 additional photo's provided by the Gilcrest's. COMPlAINT INVESTIGATED BY: /?. · -.& / ~ ••. DATE: 8-zr-<,, ACTION TAKEN: Y-'i'-"1 I • , .. £>." J< vrul' ~·. 11-ju• 6,'{c,,-.rl. ,. 4/ J}yi -;;:~A. rh,,-4'1•-6-. ~<J Phone ~ Letter D /,V!vRD5 Complainant advised of action possible or taken by: Personal Conta;k ./!.IA Complaint Action H.andted By 6'a-,i , ~~, .. -//"1 Closed: 0 1 o~/1/ OK'd: ·-· "~·· '"•••all TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COJ\1PIAINTS -FROM 1HE FIUS OF KCWLRD I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I ' I I -·. -. -. ' TO / /v, ,, ....-""3 /9 ,_,, I' -,.1 ,, ,' ,, r, . II *' _,, t9'f .. f !;I -r, i ! HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P .S. ..... [ 1 •·crf " TITLE ,, Sca,.NoNt': D 0 -- , [,.,,1 c:'&7rl c Q -(/ "1-r- DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILF.S OF KCWLRD I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I I -~ -·-\ ~ :..£.. -·~ lt""""'. KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT 11[2& JNVESTIG~TJON REQUEST LOCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: Type ~ D l't:7f /' , /,)A/_,c.<;' ~ ....... , ) Access Permission Granted Cal/First (WouldLikeToBePTescnt) L.S::i r_.rt..'-r,;,c. 1, U ft> ... ,..,. &Jtt. l. Cl-u.. CS',t-e k. /J ', 1,; 9'.l- ~ 1 ,-,-0<2, c. WA-1N'.+,;-= f,u,:1~ kr6C'r1,J,< ?e..<1P=e.--ry /,,_!tlt?;-r/,;7 "~: /H ,I I ,J-r .rrht-c c...:::- Other agencies involved: /; ..-,d-5.r 1/71-K -r. ,-,I_ ~=. /ls-r L o-r i>JL.-9.,,J.A<.r-kr,, / LotNo: S To BE CoMPLE'l'ED'iiv coMP1.A1Ni'.PaOcRAM·STAFF'··-.. , · BlockNo: 3 5'=" y. s ...zi-2... T R Parcel No. /4£?SO-O/o5 Kroll'Sf/ £ Th.Bros: New & 5 7 tf3 RDP BasinLV/Z Council District / 1, City Charge No. ______ _ REsPONSE: Citizen notified on IZ.!q l O 2... by: ~ phone __ letter __ in person cM-vt'-rt. 4-"'&)c...t> . w..r,. R,t..PlSl<=t ~T ( eof>-h':.) wA<; ~6=iiJu> ~ ~"' UJJ,Jl-t£dl-rl<:.... 61W1t -&+~ i1W, ~ f'.1'J t::, TA . ,lpP..-"111!..S -JY$7~ '?,e,v.1-re• Y h,-r;1-1.-~ DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by __ OR: ·No further action recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified: ________________________ _ _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addre~ses prob!em: L Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: SEE FILE# __ _ --. Water originates onsite an,..d/or}n neighboring parcel. DA TE CLOSED: /ti U tJ'Z... By: -,-/-'-~-'--"j'- __ Other (Specify): TITLE OZOUS ENGINEERING. P.5. DRAJNAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILES OF KCWLRD I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I ® King County g fl ' i ·- File Number 2002-0766 DRAINAGE Name Polfliet INVESTIGATION REPORT Location 14028 1601 h Ave SE \V:2t<!'r and Land R<!'sourc<!' Di\·ision Kroll Page 811 E Sub Basin LCR Storm Water Services Section TB Page 657B3 Date 12/6/02 -._ ---·-. 11 ' .. 00 .\ : \ 0 3 .. ·, ~ \ I \ ; ; ; > C "' i .,, ' ' ' _______ ,.. CD12 RDP \.,, ·,. '· -." Initials RMI N ( I met Mr Polfliet at the site on 12/3/02. The Polfliet residence is an older home. The garage is situated below the grade of 160111 Ave SE. Mr Polffiet alleged that the garage and basement are flooded periodically. He believes the source of the water is the road drainage system. He told me that water runs out of the CB on the wcstsidc of the road, crosses the road and runs onto his property. He also believes be rccCivcs water from the eastern system. Water backs up at the inlet to the 18" ADS pipe and then runs onto his property. "l "' 3 0 0 g. :;; • = > C "' ' The outlet of the western pipe is heavily impacted with sediment and debris. The remaining upstream system appears functional. tr The eastern system appears to have been modified at some point n the past. Both ends of this closed system are 18" ADS pipes, but after looking into the pipe it appean that it downsizes to a 12" pipe at some point on both ends. The pipe also appears to denect away from straight. The sketch is exaggerated to some degree, but it gives the impression of what is 9ecurring. Mr. Polfliet indic:ited the fonner owner installed the pipe and also indicated that that owner may have done so Without the benefit of permits. TITLE · HAOZOUS ENGINEERING, P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM lHE FII.FS OF KCWLRD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUN1Y SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIV1Si0N DRAlliAGE IN"VESTIGATION REPORT ,,-,, Type .......;'-::..c·c..__ Page 1: INVESTIGATION.REQUEST Flo·Na. 97-;)C:- {Day) (Eve) . ~ Received 'fr~m: ·.. {Please pri plain~ tor scanning). . NAME: /?2v!AAIJII lli2tiV#e/JJ • . PHONE 2 77-!?9;J..LJ".5S-t~ ADDRESS: / ill-2 .r ---/(a Otr> () l)r° \ <£ City -#l$ /17/) .state_ Zip. 9:fJ.:. Loca~on of problom. lf different: Plat-~me: C.'ec/ar /u,-fc. Cj oc.r..:-Tv> Other agencies lnv?lved: 5 f. ::_/!f_ ..1:3... !) Parcel No. I 'I ?-7 5'6 ol12C 1/4 S T R Basin L C./r Cauncrr Dist / d._ Charge No: DISPOSfTION: Turned to. ___ · on-----· by __ _ , ;1.,~ Lot No: S-Block No: 3 No .Field Investigation Needed __ _ Kroll 81/ E; Th.Bros: New.<o!/7(5 Old 35F?, OR: No further action recommended becal Lead agency has been notified: -Problem has been corrected. --=-=·N;-:o-p-ro::;:b71e-=m-c-ha-s_b,..e_e_n.,.id,...e-nt"'ifi,-:1ed--,.-----=p....,rio-r....,i-nv-e-=st,-:ig"'at""ioc:n-a""'d0d"·r--e-=-ss-=e-=-s-=p--roblE -Se• File# _____ _ _ Private problem • NDAP will no: consider because: · _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel . Location is outside SWM Se~j zea _·_Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: ) ;_f_/_;..1J.. by-. ~J /1//'fffetf'.6 ) I ,OZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. TITLE DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FII.F5 OF KCWLRD I I I I I I I i. , I I I I) I I I I I I I Complaint 97-203. Marshall Brendon. 14028-16011, Ave SE lm·estigated by Sean Groom on O 1/111'97 Marshall Brendon built his residence located at the above referenced address in I 992. Titis is the first incidc~t of floocling in the house experienced since he moved in, however. reference File No. 97-206 for historic flooding in the neighborhood. The drainage ditch normally in the past years handled the surface water flow during storm events, Brendon said. The garage entrance of Brendon's home is slightly below current drainage ditch bottom elevation. There is a sconn drain adjacent to the garage entrance that is sometimes overwhelmed by the swfacc water flow but this is the first time the basement .floor was flooded. The open ditch immcWatcly up-grade of Brendon's dwelling is heavily vegetated which reduces volwne. Also, the flow is concentrated by combining both sides of 160th Ave SE before his home. Brendon wants potential flooding of his garage and basement to be eliminated. The frequency of water running down his drive toward his garage and basement is high but I.he stonn drain adjacent to the drive is Jess frequently overwhelmed, Brendon said. • t60tb Ave_ S_E_ Culvert inlet area reduced by sediment an gravel build-up Stenn drain I D 140 8 \ i-··--··:,::_·_--·----·-------·-/·---~::g:a;:;~;s~~~~~~----------------··-· ---·· ··-... \ -·; to Open Land .. •... ···< .... .... ······ ....... ······ ' ''i----------------....-----------------------------1 TITLE I 'IAOZOUS ENGINEERING. p S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM lHE FlI.ES OF KCWLRD I I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I ··~ Loca~n of problem: If dtfferont: . , . ' ; '\ ' Plnnamo: /(1c.{ L E,4 C.i?r;T "1.t,1 No: / / . Block No: 0--Jler i!gencies Involved: No .Fleld Investigation Needed __ _ . . • • ; f..«kh.l ~EffiE.~~~l:ST.EO~~:PW!NY:nWJMWJMJsl:¥fu#Pi~~tFltTI?IffW:tit*!u't1?W .2f;_ ff/ 2-3 , ~ Pared No. 7.2 5" 3'7o -0//o Kroll ?J"i;. f:: . Th.Bros: N,-(b.5'7,?, 1/4, 6 .--.. ' Old 3oF, Basin_@ CouncD 01st /Q_ Chargo No: RESPONSE, Chizenn01medon1.-l0-.sn by .J.lphono_ letter _lnper.,on . . · G.-........,,.,~.y,\,,.c.-_ ..R........x ~..4. -r· f;. 8. ,,,,.'-i ~ . ....,/,.~~~~-. .·. 01\.;.....k DISPosmoN: OR: No further action reCOnvnanded bee _ Lead agency has baan notmed: --...;,:.-~~-~-.==:.--C-'-.:,:::,;;====;r.;;;=;-;;;;;; P bl has b cted. ·-b Id lfl-... Prior 1nvestltn1tion addresses prot _ ro em een corre . _ N_o problem I was een ent cu. v- _ Private problem ~ NDAP will not com,tder because..• · · -~aw-or1glnates. orwte and/or on nelghboctng parcel _. LocaUofitls outside SWM Service._Alea.. DATl!CLOSEc:..l.2.J.2..+14-1 by:.../2.. Iv---~ ITTLE -. SHFil•t# • _._ Oth•r (Specify): I' 1 · · • . J t~OJ/· Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I I . ' I ' I I I I I I 1 I IJ I I I I I I I \ I ' I I I Don Greig bu lived: at the above rcf'crcnced IOC8tioa. dncc 1hc early 60s (his house was ICCOnd built in lhe devclopmeaO,. Swfacc stann waccr :Oows be:a,a floading his pra.1c approximately f5.\.·c ycan ago. At his own expense at lhat. tit= be brought a back hoc In to cut a drlinlgc ditch along the: back side of hi.J' property. This open trench p.rovtdt., n:Ucf during IDOCt prcdpltatiou cn-eab ~ warcr moves around hi6 pl"Clpcrty. Stenn water doci bmeh lhc top occasionally. The dildl fills ...u.i.m. up and be clean !he dhch cf ddni• tlm n .. tt doMI and n:duc:es flow. He 'Wilks 11:ie dmnqe ditch durln,s Qnrm nuts (ho 'IVtiZI 'r around for the last storm evcn.c) m observe its tbncuonality as a p.t=aulion as well. He wanu the dminage ta continue do'Wll 160ei. Ave SE insttad or a COIIW)'aDCe syncm aroand his 111d. ndghbm-'1 pt0pcrty. ApparcatJy, as dcvdopmcnt north afhis propcny.Jw incruscd additional l'WI01I' is cancc11uatcd bno the drainage along 160~ Ave SB and sub$cqucntly nans·to his propc:ny. 160"' Ave S.E. St=dias wara, nma.tf fcom J60*' Ave SE dil:chuacs lnt0 lhis atta. Low pcrcotatwn.. Orea said the land cm't be devtioped because they don't have the pem>lation for iDfiltration of $Cptic 5)'StemS. SE 14 2"" Place 11Tl.f ~0017 ~ ~~ , <~~ ---;,~~, i ' Drainage Complaints -From the. Files of KCWLRO I I ) I I I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I ) I I DAT1!!1 3-19-97 COIO>LAIHT SVALDl!.TION MDCO TO: FILll PROH1 Alan Kttyere RB: NDAP SVALUATtON FOR COMPLAlNT NO. 16046 SB 142ND PLACE RENtm, 97-0206 GRAGG :235-0168 COMPLAINT CBRONOLooYc 01\lClNAL 1-10-97 FrBLD INV l-l4w97 WitLO EVAL. 3-7-97 OLD FILES e IIIOYS er SEAN CROOM ar Al.Ml KBYERS --· Please aee the attached drainage complaint inveQtigation report dated 1-14-97 by Sean Groom. P'IHDilfGS: Since the problem ~eta all of tha NDo\.P project criteria liatad below, it qualifie• for lllld has bean inveatigated under the NDAP program, • The problem aite ie ~ithin the SWM aervice area and doea not involve.a King County (XC) coda violation, the problem aite •howa evidence cf or reported localized flooding, eroeion and/or sedimentation within the off road drainage aystem on priv~te reatdontiat and/or co~mercial PCDparty due Ln par~ to later upatream development. • The pi:cblem ie cauaed by. aurtace water from ro.ora tha/1, one adjoining property. SOILS: According to the XC ooila •ap, the eitQ ia located in the following soil association: ALDERWOOD ASSOCIATION: Modera~ely well drained undQl&ting to hilly soil• that have d•~ae, v~ry olowly permaable glacial till at A dapth of 20 to 40 inch••, on uplands and terraces. I met -wLt.h Kr. Gragg on March 7th and toured hia property. Aa development ~ontinu•• int~• appro~imate 60 acra drainage baain north of hie property, moca dra:Lna9a water has been routed •outh into the pond located juet NW of his property which then draina aaat and aouth around the edge of hiB property. 1 mt£ Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I I ' /: I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I \. •• I I I V•'-' ..._, Ha requeated that the drainage r1ow1n9 •outh along tha eaat aid• of 160th Avanua SZ·b• rerouted atraight aautb along tb.e eaet aide of l&oth paot SE !~2nd Plac• rather than th• currant ~out• which rlov• ••st &nd aouth around hi• property. Mt, Cragg atatod that oevaral long tai:vt, reaidanta hav• told hlm the dr•/iD'•o• uaed to flow atraiQht aoutb along tha .... t and •••t aidaa cf 160t all th• way dotn1, to sz 144th. X etated that may be trua but tba exletincJ drainage pattern i• old llf\d cannot ba raviaad bacauee it la coneiderad the eeta.bliaha<I drainage pattern to~ hie area. I rlllViaw,ad hia and hia two neighbor•• dratn.ga ralated impact• and acored the problem at 14 with bi.a gAr&Q• and aapt.ic eyataa impact• a.ad yai:d dnmav• to tvo propertiaa. Al.though t;.he laat ,_ y..a.ra M•• t:>oea eapeciall7 vet and bad, I rated tbe .,,.nt frequency at 10 or oi,ce BVery 2-S year• which 1• my eDti.m&te of tha frequ.ancy of how oft•n hi• •aptic IYHN will be. e9V9.Nily impacted onr tba long term.. Kr. Cragg ,ta.tad that bio pumped effluent ••ptic •yatam ha• work•d fin. fort~ CLrat lS year,. However, ha hae burned up four pumpo within the last tb.rwa yvara dua to tho i.noreaaed 9roqncfvat•r flow• into hi• ••ptic tank/dxainfield Ar6fl.. r.rOUII b.i.a 'tlOt/dry eeaaon obae:rvatlona, hE i• convinced. th&t mo•t ot the groundwater cemoo frOal. the draina9a di~ch looated juet above bia drainfiald. Wa reviewed waya of protecting hia aeptio drainliald from the inovement of groundwater from the uphill pond and drainage ditch. We ctiacueuod waya to aeal the earthen ditch itaalf uaing a pl••t1c l~ner or a Large halt round or full pipo aectioi1a along about SO fet11t of ditch abava hi• drainliold. 1 pointed out that oonaidera.ble groundwater may otill flow from north to aouth b•low tha ditch aeotion po th&t aealing the ditch may not aolve the problam. Depending on tba depth to hardpan, an impervicue vertical layer ot plaotic or btlntonite •lurry located uphill or bi• dr&in!iald between hio draln~ield It.Ad the ditch would probably be the •••i•et and moat effect;i,re aoliation to thi• probl•111. Thi• iaiperviou• layer would run from the qround •u.rf~cu down to the hardpan layer whore it would be keyed dmrm into tbe ba.rdpan la~r. Docauee such a laya~ would restrict the flov.ot·ground water, higher groundwater levele might result .i.n thia part of Gragg•• yard witb mare groundwater aurfacing during tho wet ••••on eapaci&lly near each end of 1uch an i.mperviou• wall roaulting in raore wot eeaeon eurfaca water aoopaga/flowa and icy conditions on porticna of Kr. cragg'a driveway. ror arty work thie cloee to the draintiald, any yard drain or icnporvicua f&c~lity ot thia k.i.nd would ha•e to be reviewed and approved by the King county Rea1th oepat"tma.nt (Wayna OL•en at 296-9737). 2 ITTl.f Drain"age Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I ) OP'l'lOtlS UD DIBCUSS10Jf Kr. Gra99 iu cono•rned a.bout conti.nuing upotraa..m. devalopment ~hicb typicall~ reeulta in more •urfac• water tlgwo thz'ough hia drainag• ditch and occao1.onally into Ju• yacd. I expla..ilMMl that for la.rgai:- dcivalopmen'to where 121oro tban 5,000 •qua.re f••t of .iJupervJ.ou• ourfaca• or• conatructed, the davalopar'o an9lnoe.r i• only r~ to rev1.ew tha ~ainage syatom. • a c•paoity u,p to one gua.rt..r ot • mile dOWQR.ntam trem tha propoaed plat•• outlet pol..Dt. Por aingle bcoeaitea, th•re-ie noau.lly no dowturtream analyeie reqqired aiJ:ice there i• usaallY leH th1111 S, 000 aqua.re t'eat ot' new imper,,ioqa aurfacoe conatructed. I auggeeted that Kr. Gragg look for nevalopmant Signs along 150th north of hi• hOMai. When ha .... nov aigna, be can attand public bearing• and write letter• expr••111ing hi• concerns and outU.nU\g hi11 drainage itapacta •. 140 PROPOSED 50Ltr1'ION1 No •oLution to thia drain~ge problem wae identlfiad. Mr. Cra99 requ••t•d that we claan out hie drain&ga ditch, Wa offered to clean out p~ of hi• ditch L£ oqr contraC't.or can get tha nocaaaary equipmQnt frOCP Graqg'o d~iveway into tha ditch. HO PRIORlrY SCOR.6 WAS CALcULP.!l'ED SINCE NO SOUJTtOH IBS TDEH'l:IFIED 3 TTTl£ Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I I I I I I I I I I':) I I I I I I II ) I I . , .. ,'::: yr, ,luy . . ' J·1Ll:. !'ou • Received from: (Day) ~ (Eve) (._____l NAME: Ytr!'-1 1-h.JfF-PHONE 2'7 I -<7 ?13 2. AOoRESS· l"t?t z_. I c,.c-rn ~G-Si:. Location of problem, if ~crcnt: Ciiy }1E:NrvN s .. t. __ z;pQ&i~ Rept,rted Probl~m: CALL flRST @ (Would Like To B_e P~cnt) -Ne,,01-1--r?mt. c,N Noi:.n~4\t!S 1:;115() .y,aopi::e7Y v\:'''' I), i<-< n~N ·vmE:u ('.l!Gl!-Tl-\1:. l'."1:!.-GJ\. n1-~-'"" 'l'kr-o 1'-0\Al c;.,r·, i,15tt1:7L n-,1\N ~ \-t->.'1::-F's. A-t,.,)D t..U-cPf-n+E::1~. L)~,..,tvAC,c. Ir, 6c•r-J6 0 ._r:ri.i TJ-l·G !·Iv ~F ,.,.., \Y(2-'..'[h°'l2fY { l''(ll)Nr Y'!r--DJ. tJE;c:D Tk. Plat name: &.da,,z ~ SaeJ?;,. Other agencies involved: Lot No: "!/ BJockNo:J No field investigation required __ (initial~) n. ·.. TO BE COl\lPLETED BY COMPLAINT P~OCR.AM STAFF . . . . ~ 4-..d..3.. ::L Y. s :r R PrnlNo.!1".'2190/..2,3 Kron£//E Tb.Bros: New Old CouncU District /.:I.. &J,571/3 c3SF(,;, Charge No .. _______ _ RESPONSE: D1sros1TrON: Turned to __ on _....,_!_....__ by __ OR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency hu been notified:. ______ .;..... ________________ _ _ Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. __ Prior inve.itigation addresses problem: .· \.. SU.FIL(.#---- .-....L\J Privare probx:31 • NDAP wjlJ .oot consjdcr because: · \Vat.er originates onsitc and/or on neighboring parcel. _. __ Location is outside WLRD S~a. __ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: '( I f {, I ff By: ~ . . /1,n/£.(}6 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD . I I I I I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I ·, ) I I \ Basin LCR Council Dist. 12 Initials DCD :>t.11.u:. WA Phone: Day 425-271-9&,:2 Phone: Evening .l.1p ~ N.epon Uatr. "-·l-91 Thomas Bro,. 6J7BJ Slll.SE 14-23•5 fodlky# lnvestiption Date 3-25-91 P~l # 14S1SOOl2l Maintcnm:1ec Div. 4 P\ar Name·. I called oa 3..:ZS.91 ro set up an appobnmezit to invtsfiptc the-complaint. Pam msgcstcd mccdng at 11 1tr11 lb=: morning. I met with hm It bet home to discw1 the cone-ems she had the neighbon filling in the yard for a new tnilo:r. J explained ta Pam that she lives tn a una1l depression dw has DO dra.iuaga fe&nRs a, drain the war.er a, tbt: street drainage:. The aeigt.bor h:u notbrokca. all)' codes for pading md tbc crailer bu been sisned off. I said that 1 would send a copy of a dry wen detail and a conttactel'$ lin. File clo.,cd on.1ite pending the li1cn1mcfortbed,ywell. \ \ t t \ I ltT1..E Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I I I I I I I I I I~) I I I I I I I .. \ I I I " - Maplewood & Orting Hills Subbasin Conditions Cedar River Basin Planning Area Location Mop J3 • • • • • • • • • • Map20 _(!,;!!. Stream & Stream Number -lake/River u • · Stream Mile ®!~ co a 8 ~ Problem location/ Area Areawide Nonpoint Water Quality Problem locally Significant Resource Area Flooding 5 <.:.;=:3 Wetland & Weriand Number • • • • Subbosin Boundary .. _.. -Catchment Boundary MWl Catchment Number Wetland Habitat Problem Stream Habitat Problem ErOsion/Sedimentotion 0 • ·- I I I I I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I I 1_: I Appendix B. l Stormwater Facility Control and Overflow Design Appendix B.2 KCRTS Pond Design ,V-rdtol., Ffaa heliminary 11R-May 2003 I I \ ' I I I I I "-;'-, , .. ~ .. , I r. t' I I) I I I I I 1• ·1 I i 11 Nidwl, Plaa Prelimma,y 11R-May 1003 I I I \ I . I I I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I . \ ') 1, .. I East Basin -Retention/Detention Facility Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility; Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length; Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # Height (ft) 1 0.00 2 3.90 Top Notch Weir: Length: Weir Height: Detention Pond 3.00 H:lV 82.00 ft 71.00 ft 5822. sq. ft 12626. sq. ft 0.290 acres 5. 00 ft 447.00 ft 42085. cu. ft 0.966 ac-ft 5. 00 ft 18.00 inches 2 Full Head Diameter Discharge (in) (CFS) 0.87 0.046 1. 71 0.083 Rectangular 1.00 · in 4 .50 ft .Outflow Rating Curve: ·None Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Storage Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 1.04 0.22 5.01 452.01 42171. 0.968 2 0.52 0.15 4.79 451.79 39768. 0.913 3 0.61 0.14 4. 78 451.78 39615. 0.909 4 0.54 0.08 4.14 451.14 32779. 0.752 5 0.56 0;04 3. 68 450. 68. 28208. 0.648 6 0.42 0.04 3.12 450.12 23032. 0.529 7 0.45 0.03 1.96 448.96 13256. 0.304 8 0.34 o. 04 3.29 450.29 24506. 0. 563 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservoir POC Outflow outflow Inflow Inflow Target Cale 1 0.22 0.05 ******** ******* 0.23 2 0.15 0.03 ******** ******* 0.15 3 0.14 0.03 ******** ******* 0.15 4 0.08 · 0.03 ******** ******* 0.09 5 0.04 0.03 ******** ******* 0.06 6 0.04 0.02 ******** ******* 0.05 7 0.03 0.03 ******** . ******* 0.05 8 0.04 0.02 ******** ******* 0.05 Nidlob Place Preummary 11R-May 2003 I I ) I I I I I I I ,, I) I I 'I I I I I I ) I . 'App~ndix.C. Conveyance'.caicu!~tio11$C' Appendix C. I Stormwater System Conveyance Appendix C.2 KCRTS Time Series Calculations Appendix C.3 KCRTS Peak Flow Rates NiduJls Pu= Preliminary 11R-M'9' 2003 I I I ) I I I I I I I). I I I I I I I I I .····••·· ... ···A.ppe~ilix·c:Lstormwafef:Syst~m..corif~f'ance·· ,,: ·;,. !-: ;;: Ntchob Pia« Pr.limma,y11R-May 10(}3 I I ) I I I I I I I .-) I I I I I I I ) I I . Appenillf'C.f KCRTS T.iineSeries Calculations KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series exwest.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTF60R.rnf Till Forest 0.28 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 1.20 acres Total Area 1.48 acres Peak Discharge: 0.165 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Flow Frequency Analysis Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exwest.tsf --------------------------------------------------------Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exwest.pks Analysis Tools Command ----------------------Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence ------------------------------------ Computing Flow Durations Loading Time Series File:exwest.tsf Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:exwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu ----------------------- KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series ------------------------ Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac N",du,I, Place Prellmmary 71R-May 2003 111 I j I I I I I I I •=) I I I I I I I i , __ : I Computing Series devwest.tsf Regional Scale Factor 1.00 Data Type Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTG60R.rnf Till Grass 0.14 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious 0.22 acres Total Area 0.36 acres Peak Discharge: 0.134 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:devwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Loading Stage/Discharge curve:devwest.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:devwest.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow.DURATION and Exceedence ------------------------------------ Computing Flow Durations Loading Time Series File:devwest.tsf Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:devwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu ----------------------- KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series. Project Location: Computing Series Regional Scale Factor: Production of Sea-Tac exeast.tsf 1.00 Data Type: Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Runoff Time Series Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 2.45 acres Total Area 2.45 acres Peak Discharge: 0.296 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exeast.tsf Nrdwb l'faa Preliminary 17R-May 2003 I I I I I I I I I •. ) I I I I I I I ) I 'I Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exeast.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis ---~---------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:exeast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:exeast.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new· Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location: Sea-Tac Computing Series deveast.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 1.00 Data Type: Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 1.69 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious 1.77 acres Total Area 3.46 acres Peak Discharge: 1.04 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Mdwfs Place fu/aninary 17R-May 2003 Storing Time Series File: deveast. tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies I I ) I ii I I I I I I) I I I I I I I .. ) I , I Loading Stage/Discharge curve:deveast.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea~Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:deveast.pks . Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:deveast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File :deveast .dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location: Sea-Tac Computing Series : ·· byeast. tsf Regional Scale Factor:' 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impe:vious 0.11 acres Total Area 0.11 acres Peak Discharge: 0. 052 CFS· at 6: Oo" on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:byeast.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Loading Stage/Discharge curve:byeast.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis --------------------------------------------------------Time Series File:byeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:byeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence I I \ / I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ' 11 I I Computing Flow Durations Loading Time Series File:byeast.tsf Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:byeast.dur Analysis Tools Command Nrdrob Pia« fuuminary 11R-May 2003 RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command exit KCRTS Program I I ) .· I I I I I I I •.. ) I I I I I I I ) I I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.053 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0 . .058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.069 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.083 2 10/26/06 O: 00 0.134 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.173 2 2/09/01 18:00 0. 064 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.158 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.017 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.088 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.147 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.142 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.296 l 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks N",du,/s Pia« Preliminary 11R-May 2003 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.165 1 100.00 0.990 0.102 2 25.00 0.960 0.090 3 10. 00 · 0.900 0.084 4 5.00 0.800 0.081 5 3.00 0.667 0.051 6 2.00 0.500 0.036 7 1.30 0 .231 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 0.144 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.083 2 25.00 o. 960 0.079 3 10.00 0.900 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5 3.00 0.667 0.066 6 2.00 0.500 0.058 7 1.30 0.231 0.053 8 1.10 0. 091 0.117 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.296 1 100.00 0.173 2 25.00 0.158 3 10.00 0.147 4 5.00 0.142 5 3.00 0.088 6 2.00 0.064 7 1.30 0.017 8 1.10 0.255 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 O. 667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 I I \ I I I I I I I I I), I I I I I I i I ! I) I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.521 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.422 8 1/05/02 16: 00 0.613 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.448 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.536 5 10/28/04 16: 00 0.560 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0.648 2 10/26/06 0:00 1. 04 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed .Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:byeast.tsf Proj.ect Location: Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.027 7 2/09/01 2:00 0.024 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.032 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.027 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.032 4 10/28/04 16:00 0. 02.9 5 1/18/06 16: 00 0.040 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.052 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.171 2 2/09/01 20:00 0.055 6 1/05/02 16:00 0.148 3 3/06/03 21:00 0. 054 7 8/26/04 2:00 o. 049 8 1/05/05 8:00 0. 061 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.086 4 11/26/06 21:00 0.229 1 1/09/08 14:00 Computed Peaks ,· Nidrob Place Preliminary 17R-May 2003 -----Flow Frequency Analysis--------Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 1.04 1 100.00 0.990 o. 648 2 25.00 0.960 0. 613 3 10.00 0.900 0.560 4 5.00 0.800 0.536 5 3.00 0.667 0.521 6 2.00 0.500 0.448 7 1.30 0.231 0.422 8 1.10 0.091 o. 911 50.00 o .. 980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.052 1 100.00 0.990 0.040 2 25.00 0.960 0.032 3 10.00 0.900 0.032 4 5.00 0.800 0.029 5 3.00 0. 667 0.027 6 2.00 0.500 0.027 7 1.30 0.231 0.024 8 1.10 0.091 0.048 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.229 1 100.00 0.171 2 25.00 0.148 3 10.00 0.086 4 5.00 0.061 5 3.00 0.055 6 2.00 0.054 7 1.30 0.049 . 8 1.10 0.210 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0. 667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 I I: J', ' I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) ' I I The following is a description of KCRTS input and output files used in designing the RID facilities and conducting the downstream drainage analysis for Nichols Place. EXECUTABLE FILES basins.exc: This executable file creates time series for all contributing areas to the downstream system. tar.exc: This executable creates target duration files for R/D design. TIME SERIES FILES R/D Design exeast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under existing conditions. Includes area of proposed road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. exwest.tsf: The site's westerly basin under existing conditions. byeast.tsf: The po.rtion of proposed road improvements along 160th Avenue SE in the easterly basin that bypasses the stormwater facility. " deveast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under proposed developed conditions. Includes a portion of the western basin. devwest.tsf: A portion of the site's westerly basin under proposed developed conditions. poceast.tsf: Time series for developed conditions at the site's easterly downstream point-of-compliance. tareast.tsf: Target duration easterly basin. RESERVOIRS rdeast.rdf: curve for the proposed R/D system for the site's Based on the following times series: exeast.tsf. The Nichols Place R/D facility managing stormwater from the easterly basin of the developed site. I I .) I I I I I I I ._) I I I I I I I. : ) I I 7. OTHER PERMITS: Permits from City of Renton and Water District 90 are required for the water and sewer design. Included in this section are: documentation of transfer of development rights, dated 7 /29/04. 09/01/2004 15:04 2535390514 '] SOUNDBUIL T HOMES PAGE 04 I- I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) I I ... ' .. Recording Requested By And · . . When Recorded Mall To:Mark Solllno CONFORftED COP'1 ® 20040811001634 ~l'f' l ~ ~T"ISC e.ee eatt!'2ei• ,.,u t(tNG COUNTY I IJA. King County Transfer of Development Rights Program water and Land Resources Division 201 So. Jackson St., Suite 600 MS: KSC-NR-0600 Seattle, WA 98104 '!'· Transfer of Development Rights Certificate Number: 79 8 URBAN Development Rights Date Issued: Julv 29, 2004 Certificate Issued To: Name: SBI Developing, LLC Address: PO Box 73790 City & Zip: pyyallup, WA 98373 CONFORIIED COPY E2061743 ea/tl/2984 t•:•a "f=" cOUN!:1 ! I 'rs. ee SAL~ s,'5,eee.ee PAGE.Ht OF 901 This development rlght(s) ls/are transferrecHrom the following certified sending site, pursuant to K.C.C. 21A.37: ·-; · ·, Sending site file number: A98V0110 Granter: King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington Parcel Numbers: 332305-9002: 332305-9062:282305-9101 ~ This certifies that SBI Developing, LLC owns eight (8) urban development rights removed from the sending site Identified above, which has been qualified as a transfer of development rights sending site pursuant to K.C.C. 21A.37. Receiving site tax lots: 142305-9058 ODES File # L03P0015 The official record of these development rights is maintained by King County. If there is any discrepancy between the number of rights Identified on this certificate and the official record. the official record shall control. If any of the development rights identified pn this certificate are sold, conveyed or transferred, the person acquiring the rights'shall within ten (10) business days deliver to the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program this original certificate. A new certificate in the buyer's name.shall.then be Issued. ,),'./ The development rights may be us~d only on a receiving slte(s) that has/have been given final approval for additional rE1si,Jentlal density achieved through the transfer of development rights in accordance with King County Zoning Code (K.C.C. 21A.37). Approved by Representative of the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program lnteragency Review Committee n -.~: Slg~tu~ Certificate Number .12 Date ls8UCd 7/ 29/04 " .• ;. .,-_ii: date ~· !:i Page 1 of4 !; I I I I I l I I I I) I I I I I I I I I 09/01/2004 15:04 2535390514 SOUNDBUILT HOMES PAGE 05 ' , STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING )SS. ) l 1 certify that I know or have satlsfactqry evidence that Mark SoJlltto Is ~h-=' person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this mstru,:nent, on oath stated that he Is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Program Manager Transferable Development Rights Program of King County to be the free and voluntary 'act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrument. Dated: 7 /-Z-'7 /p '-1' Tb Redeem Development Rights: · State:of Washington . ·. r,;:· \ ,:~ 'fr ~ilsiding at _,,_6€,='3f'S7'=--'--•--,J _____ _ M,y appointment expires ca/"k'foc,, In applying for receiving site approyal, .the applicant shall provide the Department of Development and Environmental Services witt:, either a copy of this certificate issued in the name cif the applicant or a copy of this cer;liflcate with a signed option to purchase these development rlght(s). For recelvlng,sltcsis within Incorporated municipal jurisdictions, the applicant shall proir,lde thtj aoove documentation to the municipal jurisdiction and shall follow that jurlsctlctlc:>1i's d,evelopment application review process. Before building permit issuance or before final plat or short plat recording, the applicant shall deliver the appropriate TDR certificates Issued In the applicant's name to the Transfer of Development Rights Program. The applicant shall receive an extingulshment document showing that the development rights have been applied to an approved receiving site. The TDR Program. shall confirm for DDES or the municipal jurisdiction that the requirements of K.C.C. 21A.37 have been met. Cenificate Number 79 Date Issued 71 29/04 • 'j Page 2 of4 I I I / I I I I I I I 1:) I I I I I I I ) I I 8. ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Design of the erosion/sedimentation control plan was completed in conformance with Core Requirement #5 per the 1998 KCSWDM. Compliance with the 7 minimum requirements are summarized below. I. Clearing Limits: Clearing limits have been delineated on sheet C2.0l of the civil plans. The clearing limits extend only to those areas that will be disturbed during construction of the subject project. 2. Cover Measures: The Construction Sequence listed on sheet C2.0l of the civil plans specify specific times at which temporary and permanent cover measures will be installed. 3. Perimeter Protection: Per sheet C2.0l of the civil plans, silt fence will be used for perimeter protection. Silt fence will be installed along the perimeters of those areas that will be receiving silt-laden runoff. · 4. Traffic Area Stabilization: A construction entrance will be installed. See sheets C2.0l and C2.3 l for location of construction entrance and detail. 5. Sediment Retention: The wetpond will be used for sediment retention. Sediment retention will be designed per the 1998 KCSWDM Appendix D. Surface Area: East Basin Q 2 (04037de.tst) = 0. 71 cfs SA= 2080 s£'cfs * Q2 SA= 2080 s£'cfs * 0.71 cfs = 1,477 SF Available Wetpond SA (Elev. 448.5) = 12,985 SF> 1,477 SF=> OK Riser Diameter: The same riser diameter, 12", will be used as was designed for the control structure. Emergency Overflow Spillway: The emergency overflow spillway as designed in Section 4B of this report will be installed as part of the erosion/sedimentation pond. Dewatering Orifice: A,= A,(2h)°-5/(10.6*3600Tg05) D = 24(A,/3.14)05 Pond A,= 12,985(2*1.5)°.sl(I0.6*3600*24*32.2°.s) = 0.004 sf Pond D = 24(0.004/3.14)0 5 = 0.89" Use I" I I ) I I I I I I I 1::) I I I I I I I ' ) I I 6. Surface Water Control: Interceptor swales will be used to direct all sediment- laden runoff to the sediment retention facility. See sheets C2.0l and C2.3 l for location of swales and details. 7. Dust Control: A note on sheet C2.0l addresses the procedure for dust control should soils become too dry. ~ ! .J I I I I I I I I .~) I I I I I I I ) I I 9. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT: Attached on the following pages are two separate bond quantities worksheets. One bond quantities worksheet is for the site improvements, the other is for the street trees. The facility summary will be completed upon engineering plan approval. A Declaration of Covenant will be completed prior to engineering plan approval. --------------. V ---~' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet @) King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Plat of Nichols Place Location: 13900 Block & 160th Avenue SE Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 X no For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Date: 23-Dec-04 Project No.: L03P0015 Activity No.: L04SR034 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. - 04037BQW .xis Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - --····-----------------. ' ./ _, -- Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Check dams, 4" minus rock Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minus Ditching Excavation-bulk Fence, silt Fence, Tempora (NGPE) Hydroseeding Jute Mesh Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" deep Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep Piping, tempora , CPP, 6" Piping, tempora , CPP, 8" Piping, tempora , CPP, 12" Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' Rock Construction Entrance, 1OO'x15'x1' Sediment pond riser assembly Sediment trap, 5' high berm Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm section Seeding, b hand Soddin , 1" deep, level ground Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground TESC Supervisor Page 2 of 9 04037BQW .xis SWDM ESC-3 WSDOT 9-03.9(3) ESC-4 ESC-5 ESC-6 SWDM ESC-7 ESC-8 SWDM ESC-9 SWDM ESC-10 SWDM ESC-11 SWDM ESC-12 ESC-13 ESC-14 ESC-15 SWDM ESC-16 WSDOT 9-13.1(2) ESC-17 SWDM ESC-18 SWDM ESC-19 SWDM ESC-20 SWDM ESC-21 SWDM ESC-22 SWDM ESC-23 SWDM ESC-24 SWDM ESC-25 67.51 Each 4 85.45 CY 8.08 CY 80 1.50 CY 1.38 LF 1080 1.38 LF 0.59 SY 1.45 SY 2.01 SY 0.53 SY 12000 10.70 LF 16.10 LF 20.70 LF 2.30 SY 39.08 CY 10 1.464.34 Each 2,928.68 Each 1 1,949.38 Each 1 17.91 LF 68.54 LF 0.51 SY 6.03 SY 7.45 SY 74.75 HR Each ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes c!II ,., . 'li'!'l 41:': -... -. 1 270 1 646 1 1490 1 6360 1 391 1 2929 1 1949 1 224 1 293 ~ .. ~.~~.y~- $ 14,553.20 $ 4,365.96 $ 18,919.16 A Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 ------'.,____.., ~ l~ro~erftoruQu~tit""'orfflier ---',_ ' . --''-Di • s· ---0 .,,,:, ""''1'i!'""'"--<P"F'''''"'"'''''"'""''-"" • . . ... -~·. e,,---GEN ERAl!,.:JiEM , '"""'''"''"'"""""' ~Noc.1 ··'.'!tci,J·;st~~'·'" ,,.,...,~,, .,,,,i:,n"· , ,,,,.,,r,r_1..,,..,w,,,l~Ji'IN./ltii,¥,~,~lifi",Jll!'4lif!iiiMJ,B,,, ,t~""'''""'""·,,,,,,.., ,:,;.,,;.,a_.,, ,,.. Backfill & Compaction-embankment GI -1 $ 5.62 CY 40 224.80 1050 5.!.901.00 4050 22,761.00 Backfill & Comp_action-trench I GI -2 I $ 8.53 I CY Clear/Remove Brush, by hand I GI -3 I $ 0.36 I SY Clearing/Grubbing{fre~ Removal I Gl -41 $ 8,876.16 I Acre 8,876.16 Excavation -bulk I GI -5 I $ 1.50 I CY Excavation -Trench I GI -6 I $ 4.06 I CY 2700 10,962.00 Fencing, cedar, 6' high I GI -7 I $ 18.55 I LF Fencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high I GI -8 I $ 13.44 I LF Fencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated_. 2L GI __ ~ il_~_J.!_271.81 Each Fencing. split rail, 3' high IGI -101 S 12.12 LF Fill & com_e.act -common barrow GI -111 S 22.57 I CY Fill & compact -gravel base GI -121 S 25.48 I CY Fill & compact -screened topsoil GI -131 $ 37.85 I CY Gabion, 12" dee.e_, stone filled mesh Gl-141$ 54.31 I SY Gabion, 18" dee.e_, stone filled mesh GI -151 $ 74.85 I SY Gabion, 36" dee.e_, stone filled mesh GI -161 $ 132.48 SY GradinQ, fine, by hand GI -171 $ 2.02 SY GradinQ, fin_e, with grader GI -181 S 0.95 SY Monuments, 3' long Gl-191$ 135.13 Each 135.13 2 270.26 Sensitive Areas Si£!n Gl-201 $ 2.88 Each Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground Gl-211 $ 7.46 SY Surveying, line & grade Gl-221 $ 788.26 Da 0.5 394.13 0.5 394.13 Surveyin.9.. lot location/lines GI -231 $ 1,556.64 I Acre T raffle control crew ( 2 flaggers ) GI· 241 S 85.181 HR Trail 1 _4" chipped wood GI -251 S 7.59 I SY Trail, 4" crushed cinder GI ·261 $ 8.33 I SY Trail, 4" to.e_ course GI -271 $ 8.191 SY Wall, retainin.9., concrete GI· 281 $ 44.16 I SF Wall, rocke!l'_ GI -291 $ 9.49 I SF Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL 754.06 26,403.55 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 3 0.5 26,628.48 394.13 49,783.61 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - ---~e l~ro:ieffl3o~Q=tit~oifflie~ -·---..... . ..-/· --- ·o-A··· ~--···-·-· ·· ···· _,,,, ••. ...,,.. --~~""' 0 ·-:"'""""'' • ,. "'''"""_"""'_"'""'''"·"--"""'"'"'"""··-····-«• R · D!IMRR0VEMEN;r~~;;;;,;; %N..2.::.~ m-•· 4F' .>,~?;.~::r.~r-~w•:.-/i ~t,~ -...-~~:--:~~~~~x·r'~~~:-~~~~..@i~</Z~~""i-~"~'¥'Jl~~i,.:r~,f:1>a,; AC Grindinl!, 4' wide machine < 1 OOOsy RI -1 $ 23.00 SY IAC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000-200d RI -2 IAC Grinding, 4' wide machine > 2000sv RI· 3 ' RI· 4 Barricade, tvoe I RI· 5 Barricade, type Ill ( Permanent) RI -6 Curb & Gutter, rolled RI -7 Curb & Gutter, vertical RI -8 Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposa RI -9 Curb, extruded asphalt RI -10 Curb, extruded concrete RI -11 Sawcut, asphalt, 3" depth RI -12 Sawcut, concrete, per 1" depth RI -13 Sealant, asphalt RI -14 Shoulder, AC, ( see AC road unit price ) RI -15 Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick RI -16 Sidewalk, 4 .. thick RI, 17 1Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and dispos RI -18 1Sidewalk, 5 .. thick RI -19 Sidewalk, 5• thick, demolition and dispos RI -20 isign, handicap RI -21 1Striping, per stall RI -22 Striping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk ) RI, 23 Striping, 4" reflectorized line Rl-24 Page 4 of 9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW .xis $ 5.75 SY $ 1.38 SY $ 41. 14 SY $ 30.03 LF $ 45.05 LF $ 13.27 LF 1130 14,995.10 $ 9.69 LF 215 2,083.35 $ 13.58 LF $ 2.44 LF $ 2.56 LF s 1.85 LF $ 1.69 LF $ 0.99 LF s -SY $ 7.53 SY $. 30.52 SY $ 27.73 SY $ 34.94 SY 130 4,542.20 350 12,229.00 $ 34.65 SY $ 85.28 Each $ 5.82 Each s 2.38 SF $ 0.25 LF SUBTOTAL 6,625.55 27,224.10 Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes · Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - -----~ l~rov~e~oruQu~tit:,;or~e:r' ---- ···•yc•"~,c==~-,~,<w,1:<t.~A='""-',,:'. -~.Sf . ~~-! .... !--~..,i!!!91~~11~.-lffl ROAD,SURF.,.CING-\4:,[lock =·2,5,0J!"e.'§..a1l5',•topJ:gurse)~or'9~1KCeBSl(,6J.5',,f.l.O<c<;;,5mP".~e1§.11-,5;,;op,;c.ourse) ~'"' . ~ ... -zj ~b0~. ~.~.,. .. J. -""· For KCRS '93, (additional 2.5" base) addl RS -1 I $ 3.60 I SY I 3001 1,080.00I 19701 7,092.00I 3901 . 1,404.00 AC Overlay. 1.5" AC I RS -2 AC Overla~ 2" AC RS-3 AC Road, 2"1. 4N rock, First 2500 SY RS-4 AC Road, 2", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SY I RS -5 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY I RS -6 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SYI RS -7 AC Road, 5", First 2500 SY I RS -8 AC Road 2", Qty. Over 2500 SY AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY AC Road, 6", Qty. Over 2500 SY As.e.halt Treated Base, 4" thick Gravel Road,_ 4" rock, First 2500 SY Gravel Road)£_rock, Qty. over 2500 SY PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY PCC Road, 6", nc, b.:is_~.!. over 2500 SY Thickened Ed2e Page 5 of9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls $ 7.39 $ 8.75 $ 17.24 $ 13.36 $ 19.69 $ 15.81 $ 14.57 $ 13.94 $ 16.76 s 16. 12 $ 9.21 $ 11.41 $ 7.53 $ 21.51 $ 21 .87 s 6.89 SUBTOTAL SY SY SY 1970 33,962.80 SY SY l 300 5,907.00 SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY LF 6,987.00 41,054.80 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 390 220 6,723.60 1,515.80 9,643.40 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - -----ffl l~ov~erftoruQuantity~orffleeff" -----\,~ •• ? , .• : ...... ;$ ""'\Rl'!W-"'1<' ""·~--. '~""11"'"'-;'11l'•'fllelc1siTi'ig." ' .•.. ' -F.u~ubllc\ii.i,,,n. Private-~ •• -¥ ~Boni:IJRedilctioi\'f,IO:'. ."f';f"/eO,O lz .: ·i_, .... -~ ·:··. •s ..:~'-1v:~' fli_' ·:<9'-:ctJ-11,..;.·_-_·~ ,' <~ •.,:,>;~!~-~J , --~~-'.;ff' ",-,.< "l@~;·.;,.....,. . _ · -·"!JI: -~-lf;~~!(,'l-i_ 2',.~:~,_-jt_"~ ~~-, -'•"tf'.y•J}>;,,: i{ .it '_ '_ :;, __ ''_:·" \'._•,i~: ;;11:1 ;-~· <' •:;':,, ~ __ ., "Rlght!'of-wa;, •? ·.. ~o'fflimprovementsc:; '' •• · IT~rov•"l•nts. :,_. · j'i~-:.'f:&i;:,;'"n,,~J.11 · ._, . .,, ,i,•,,,, .. ·•·~ A:• -•, •.. • · · -~ii::.il!,",u,;;, '''"" a--~i.,;;;, . -~--,·· . ~ _ . ___ _ _ ~r. , __ 1,1¥·,;1r:<&-~~,.,.~i t~··. --~~?~::'.z;s-~~ .; ."' "i .,.'" ·: _ ... ,?.' __ : _&1DralnayeJFaclllties .. ~?~~~~'-Wf ~,. · uant-.1 •'· "' --~~;~, ·,.,;f~J,:;~;-'t1L!:&~ll1}7t•t.·:ff;:0.,?:: ~-:ii ·lifi -;:-;:; tun1t·erice1i; iUiiitlltauarit!l ~~r-rcost~::$1~':tOu'aift~ FJ7:f~.-,.ft'e0Sf'.~~m Iei.iaiit~ !l.'f.::-'l'./~~cOst'4-:.iW.J'l~te ~ffost~ . .-;I . "'"-"'f'M~---er-.,-·-"::''""''"''·'~~~"~,""'"'~··'''ti:i>~""'~.''W<'i'~W'!~••'lli.W~Pfic{;~ JI-!5 VffiJ .JI.ts_; _rcttUl\lil~·~fl ,a a ~~~r~-~~ DRAINAGE;.7:(§.Bf;;~iCon:ug~tea,P,!;as~~:E•P.E?;'i,N,~1?r9~{Equ1v_a\~!H)J#.'•~lF~,~:;m.~_;z;F,OfeBulV8rfpl'iOO~'.'.'.A"1erage:oL4tcover,,;:l'as'assumed!l'Assume,peiforat8(tBve::~s same Prtce.as,,solidipfpe:>~~4$,.'.!\~~~'.:~~ Access Road, RID D. 1 $ 16.74 SY 170 2,845.80 Bollards· fixed D. 2 $ 240.74 Each 2 481.48 Bollards -removable 0-3 $ 452.34 Each 5 2,261.70 • (CBs include frame and lid) CB Type I D • 4 $ 1,257.64 Each 1 1,257.64 4 5,030.56 3 3,772.92 CBTvnelL D-5 $ 1.433.59 Each CBTvnell,48"diameter D-6 $2,033.57 Each 4 8,134.28 1 2,033.57 for additional depth over 4' D • 7 $ 436.52 FT 20 8,730.40 4 1,746.08 CBTypell,54"diameter D-8 $2,192.54 Each 1 2,192.54 for additional depth over 4' D -9 $ 486.53 FT 3 1,459.59 CB Tvpe II, 60" diameter D · 1 O $ 2,351.52 Each for additional depth over 4' D -11 $ 536.54 FT CB Tvne II, 72" diameter D · 12 $ 3,212.64 Each for additional depth over 4' 0 -13 $ 692.21 FT Through-curb Inlet Framework (Add) D · 14 $ 366.09 Each Cleanout, PVC, 4" D • 15 $ 130.55 Each Cleanout, PVC, 6" D. 16 $ 174.90 Each 23 4,022.70 Cleanout, PVC, 8" D • 17 $ 224.19 Each Culvert, PVC, 4" D · 18 $ 8.64 LF Culvert, PVC, 6" D • 19 $ 12.60 LF Culvert, PVC, 8" D · 20 $ 13.33 LF Culvert, PVC, 12" D • 21 $ 21.77 LF Culvert, CMP, 8" D • 22 $ 17.25 LF Culvert, CMP, 12" D • 23 $ 26.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 15" D • 24 $ 32.73 LF Culvert, CMP, 18" D • 25 $ 37.74 LF Culvert, CMP, 24" D • 26 $ 53.33 LF Culvert, CMP, 30" D • 27 $ 71 .45 LF Culvert, CMP, 36" D • 28 $ 112.11 LF Culvert, CMP, 48" D • 29 $ 140.83 LF Culvert, CMP, 60" D • 30 $ 235.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 72" D • 31 $ 302.58 LF Page 6 of9 SUBTOTAL 1,257.64 31,136.35 ~Kee 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 11,575.27 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - ----- Culvert, Concrete, 12" D • 33 Culvert, Concrete, 15" D • 34 Culvert, Concrete, 18" D • 35 Culvert, Concrete, 24" D • 36 Culvert, Concrete, 30" D • 37 Culvert, Concrete, 36" D • 38 Culvert, Concrete, 42" D • 39 Culvert, Concrete, 48" D • 40 Culvert, CPP, 6" D • 41 Culvert, CPP, 8" D • 42 Culvert, CPP, 12" D • 43 Culvert, CPP, 15" D -44 Culvert, CPP, 18" D -45 Culvert, CPP, 24" D -46 Culvert, CPP, 30" D -47 D -48 D • 49 Flow Disoersal Trench (1,436 base+) D • 50 French Drain (3' depth) D • 51 Geotextile, laid in trench, polvnropvlene D -52 Infiltration pond testing D • 53 Mid~tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep D • 54 Pond Overflow Spillway D -55 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 12" D • 56 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15" D • 57 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 18" D • 58 Riprap, placed D • 59 Tank End Reducer (36" diameter) D -60 Trash Rack, 12" D -61 Trash Rack, 15" D • 62 Trash Rack, 18" D -63 Trash Rack, 21" D • 64 Page 7 of 9 ·Kee 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW.xls ~ l~rov~eftoruauTntitri,t,orffliem" $ 30.05 LF $ 37.34 LF $ 44.51 LF $ 61.07 LF $ 104.18 LF $ 137.63 LF $ 158.42 LF $ 175.94 LF $ 10.70 LF I I I I I 6751 $ 16.10 LF $ 20.70 LF I 121 248.41 7501 155251 1201 $ 23.00 LF $ 27.60 LF I I I 601 1656 $ 36.80 LF $ 48.30 LF $ 55.20 LF $ 8.08 CY $ 25.99 LF $ 22.60 LF s 2.40 SY $ 74.75 HR $ 1,605.40 Each $ 14.01 SY I I I I I 251 $ 1,045.19 Each J I I I I 11 $ 1,095.56 Each $ 1,146.16 Each $ 39.08 CY I 71 273.561 41 156.32 $ 1,000.50 Each $ 211.97 Each I I I 11 211.97 $ 237.27 Each $ 268.89 Each $ 306.84 Each SUBTOTAL 521.96 17549.29 Check out the DDES Web site.at www.metrokc.gov/ddes ----,~ 7222.5 2484 350.25 1045.19 11101.94 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - -----ffl l~ov~e~or~Qu~tity~orfflier '.__/ Pi\RKINi3!1!0iTlSCJREA~1NGllitq.,lllll!i4~~~-!IIIJ[!IJlll!Milfll No, 2" AC, 2" top course rock & 4" borrow PL-1 $ 15,84 SY 2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base cou PL-2 $ 17-24 SY 4" select borrow PL-3 $ 4,55 SY 1 S top course rock & 2.5" base course PL-4 _! 11 .41 SY lllliiliii ~ l(Such as detention/water qualitv vaults.) No, !School Walkwav Wl-1 Each Concrete Sidewalk Wl-2 $ 30,52 SY I Grading Wl-3 $ 5,000,00 LS Concrete Stairs Wl-4 $ 5,00MO LS Metal Handrail Wl-5 $ 50,00 FT Wl-6 Wl-7 Wl-8 Wl-9 Wl-10 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: Page 8 of 9 140 4272_8 4,272.80 20,419.01 6,125.70 26,544.71 B 500 15,260.00 5,000.00 20,260.00 163,628.09 49,088.43 212,716.52 C ·KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW .xis Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes 50 60 ---- 1,526.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 9,526.00 91,630.22 27,489.07 119,119.29 D E Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - --------------------'·,. _,, ~·: . ,;) ~ ·-. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Plat of Nichols Place Date: 1 O-Nov-04 PE Registration Number: 33713 Tel.#: 425-885-7877 Firm Name: Core Desi~ Inc. Address: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite #101 Project No: L03P0015 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities Private Improvements Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond"/" (First $7,500 of bond' shall be cash.) Performance Bond' Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond' Total••• Maintenance/Defect Bond' Total PERFORMANCE BOND' AMOUNT (A) $ 18,919.2 (B) $ 26,544.7 (C) $ 212,716.5 (D) $ 119.119.3 (A+B) $ 45,463.9 (T) $ 377,299.7 Minimum bond* amount is $1000. BOND' AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY'" (E) $ TX 0.30 $ 113,189.9 (T-E) $ 377,299.7 Use larger of Tx3o% or (T-E) OR PUBLIC ROAD &. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND" (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 59,815.3 NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND' REDUCTION: Date: * NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. ** NOTE: KCC 27 A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmon id stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity . ... NOTE: Per KCC 27 A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be Jess than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ 331,835.8 l(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY ODES Page 9 of 9 04037BQW.xls Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 - ----\ .-~ ------------u ---,...._ __ . Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Project Name: Location: . Plat of Nichols Place (Street Trees Only) 13900 Block & 160th Ave SE Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? ~~~~~~~yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 04037BQW TREES.xis X no Date: 28-Dec-04 Project No.: L03P0015 Activity No.: L04SR034 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/28/2004 --··· -----------------t ~ ..._,, Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Backfill & com.e_action-embankment Check dams, 4" minus rock Crushed surfacin_g_ 1 1/4" minus Ditchin.9. Excavation-bulk Fence, silt Fence, Temporary (NGPE) Hydroseeding Jute Mesh Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" dee.e_ Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep Piping, temporary, CPP, 6" Piping, temporary,_CPP, 8" Piping, temporary,_(;PP, 12" Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' Rock Construction Entrance, 1OO'x15'x1' Sediment .e_ond riser assembl Sediment trap, 5' hi_g_h berm Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway benn section Seedin_g_, by hand Sodding, 1" deep, level ground Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground TESC Su.e_ervisor Water truck, dust control WRliliE~l"f.illilil:MS-seeipaqel9)' Page 2 of 9 04037BQW TREES.xis 5.62 CY SWDM $ 67.51 Each WSDOT 9-03.9(3) $ 85.45 CY 8.08 CY 1.50 CY SWDM · J $ 1.38 LF SWDM SWDM SWDM SWDM SWDM WSDOT 9-13.1 (2) SWDM SWDM SWDM SWDM SWDM SWDM SWDM SWDM 1.38 LF $ 0.59 SY $ 1.45 SY $ 2.01 SY $ 0.53 SY 10.70 LF 16.10 LF 20.70 LF $ 2.30 SY $ 39.08 CY $ 1,464.34 Each $ 2,928.68 Each $ 1,949.38 Each $ 17.91 LF $ 68.54 LF $ 0.51 SY $ 6.03 SY $ 7.45 SY 74.75 Each ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: ~· 11&'9!"1118 . ·. I ~-- $ $ $ A Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 04/22102 Report Date: 12/23/2004 - -----~ l~ro:ieffl3or,Q=tit~o~he':r Backfill & Compaction-embankment $ 5.62 Backfill & Compaction-trench $ 8.53 Clear/Remove Brush, by hand $ 0.36 Clearing/Grubbing/Tree Removal $ 8,876.16 Excavation -bulk $ 1.50 Excavation -Trench $ 4.06 Fencing, cedar, 6' high $ 18.55 Fencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high $ 13.44 Fencing, chain link, gate, vinvl coated, 20' $ 1,271.81 Fencing, split rail, 3' high $ 12.12 Fill & compact -common barrow $ 22.57 Fill & compact -gravel base $ 25.48 Fill & compact -screened topsoil $ 37.85 Gabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh $ 54.31 Gabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh $ 74.85 Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh $ 132.48 Grading, fine, by hand $ 2.02 Grading, fine, with grader $ 0.95 Monuments, 3' long s 135.13 Sensitive Areas Sign s 2.88 Sodding, 1R deep, sloped ground $ 7.46 Surveying, line & grade $ 788.26 Surveying, lot location/lines $ 1,556.64 Traffic control crew ( 2 flaggers ) $ 85.18 Trail, 4" chipped wood $ 7.59 Trail, 4" crushed cinder $ 8.33 Trail, 4" top course $ 8.19 Wall, retaining, concrete $ 44.16 Wall, rockery $ 9.49 Page 3of9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis CY CY SY Acre CY CY LF LF Each LF CY CY CY SY SY SY SY SY Each Each SY Day Acre HR SY SY SY SF SF ----'·-- Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 - ------ffl l~ro:ieffl3o~otfflitit~o~he'ffl' ----, ..... / ,!Jt,Wal:11'1 !I, ilif111lillPS~1f---ffl'!'~ AC Grinding, 4' wide machine< 1000sy $ 23.00 SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000-2000sy $ 5.75 SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine> 2000sy $ 1.38 SY AC Removal/Disposal/Repair $ 41.14 SY Barricade, type I $ 30.03 LF Barricade, type Ill ( Pennanent) $ 45.05 LF Curb & Gutter, rolled $ 13.27 LF Curb & Gutter, vertical $ 9.69 LF Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposal $ 13.58 LF Curb, extruded asphalt $ 2.44 LF Curb, extruded concrete $ 2.56 LF Sawcut, asphalt, 3N depth $ 1.85 LF Sawcut, concrete, per 1" depth $ 1.69 LF Sealant, asphalt $ 0.99 LF Shoulder, AC, ( see AC road unit price ) $ -SY Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick $ 7.53 SY Sidewalk, 4" thick $ 30.52 SY Sidewalk, 4n thick, demolition and disposal $ 27.73 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick $ 34.94 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and disposal $ 34.65 SY Sign, handicap $ 85.28 Each Striping, per stall $ 5.82 Each Striping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk ) $ 2.38 SF Striping, 4" reflectorized line $ 0.25 LF Page 4 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. 0403780W TREES.xis Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 - ----/ --------------~1te Improvement l::3010Quantity worksheet ---- .sonaJReaucuon~ :~1:1~1i~\,~ . '1t.~ .. I. '!{. 1:;;,.-._n j;,;.,; :5i'..~i~~v:~;.j ,\i Cost:W•m:li~ RciAl:)l'"s·0R:1;1i:eft:iqlll<l:1>Bif'~12fst~,\f&-~1fa,'l'ol',rc~ell~ii:i"'KGRsi".i;"ffi~Rf~i;~~"~~'l~~$.&.'®.&Wii1.bl .iltR'M&JIC&I ~~!II· For KCRS '93, (additional 2.5" base1 add: I $ 3.60 I SY AC Overlay, 1.5" AC $ 7.39 AC Overlay, 2" AC $ 8.75 AC Road. 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY $ 17.24 AC Road, 2", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SY s 13.36 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY $ 19.69 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY $ 15.81 AC Road, 5", First 2500 SY $ 14.57 AC Road, 5", Qty. Over 2500 SY $ 13.94 AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY $ 16.76 AC Road, 6", Qty. Over 2500 SY $ 16.12 Asphalt Treated Base, 4" thick $ 9.21 Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY s 11.41 Gravel Road, 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY s 7.53 PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY s 21.51 PCC Road, 6", no base, over 2500 SY $ 21.87 Thickened Edge $ 6.89 Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY LF Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 - --····---~e l~ro~meffl"Bo" Qi,:nti~orkshe'ffl' ----·'-...~-· O~IN:b;GE:@~fi;.?],~rru9aJ8J~r$~~P,_!(i~tt~Q@i~_qqtijfil$J:)M{~~,~~;~e~=m2Jrag~-~f~4re!¢enwasMss8~SQ:rAs\ffl=rate00&6~J~ai~Jil~~~j2~r~ Access Road, RID I $ 16.74 I SY I I J I I I I I Bollards -fixed I $ 240.74 I Each Bollards -removable J$ 452.34 I Each * (CBs include frame and lid) CB Type I $ 1,257.64 CB Type IL $ 1,433.59 CB Type II, 48" diameter $ 2,033.57 for additional depth over 4' $ 436.52 CB Type II, 54" diameter $ 2,192.54 for additional depth over 4' $ 486.53 CB Type II, 60" diameter $ 2,351.52 for additional depth over 4' $ 536.54 CB Type ll, 72" diameter $ 3,212.64 for additional depth over 4' $ 692.21 Through-curb Inlet Framework (Add) $ 366.09 Cleanout, PVC, 4" $ 130.55 Cleanout, PVC, 6" $ 174.90 Cleanout, PVC, 8" $ 224.19 Culvert, PVC, 4" $ 8.64 Culvert, PVC, 6" $ 12.60 Culvert, PVC, 8" $ 13.33 Culvert, PVC, 12" $ 21.77 Culvert, CMP, 8" $ 17.25 Culvert, CMP, 12" $ 26.45 Culvert, CMP, 15" $ 32.73 Culvert, CMP, 18" $ 37.74 Culvert, CMP, 24" $ 53.33 Culvert. CMP, 30" $ 71.45 Culvert. CMP, 36" $ 112.11 Culvert, CMP, 48" $ 140.83 Culvert, CMP, 60" $ 235.45 Culvert, CMP, 72" $ 302.58 Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis Each Each Each FT Each FT Each FT Each FT Each Each Each Each LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 - -----ffl I ~ro=,effl3o~ Oifflitit~orkshe'ffl' Culvert, Concrete, 12" $ 30.05 Culvert, Concrete, 15" $ 37.34 Culvert, Concrete, 18" $ 44.51 Culvert, Concrete, 24" $ 61.07 Culvert, Concrete, 30" s 104.18 Culvert, Concrete, 36" $ 137.63 Culvert, Concrete, 42" $ 158.42 Culvert, Concrete, 48" $ 175.94 Culvert, CPP, 6" s 10.70 Culvert, CPP, 8" s 16.10 Culvert, CPP, 12" s 20.70 Culvert, CPP, 15" s 23.00 Culvert, CPP, 18" s 27.60 Culvert, CPP, 24• s 36.80 Culvert, CPP, 30" s 48.30 Culvert, CPP, 36" $ 55.20 Ditching s 8.08 Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) s 25.99 French Drain (3' depth) s 22.60 Geotextile, laid in trench, polypropylene s 2.40 Infiltration pond testing $ 74.75 Mid·tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep $ 1,605.40 Pond Overflow Spillway s 14.01 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 12" $ 1,045.19 Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15" $ 1,095.56 Restrictor/Oil Separator. 18" $ 1,146.16 Riprap, placed s 39.08 Tank End Reducer (36" diameter) $ 1,000.50 Trash Rack, 12" $ 211.97 Trash Rack, 15ft $ 237.27 Trash Rack, 1 BR $ 268.89 Trash Rack, 21" $ 306.84 Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reducUon. 0403780W TREES.xis LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF CY LF LF SY HR Each SY Each Each Each CY Each Each Each Each Each ---- Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 12123/2004 - --·-.'-.___/ --ffl l~roremefto"Offltit~o~he'ffl' ---·- ~l!lli!it;KGIN~\ii!!!8iidill!ll!ITt)!-.:IJl!!.!!ftill!\1'.,!/IIB:~,,,*. :.,ii ~? • .';; ;·:>l~;:{~1"~ 2" AC, 2" top course rock & 4" borrow $ 15.84 SY 2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base course $ 17.24 SY 4" select borrow $ 4.55 SY 1.5" to_e course rock & 2.5" base course $ 11 .41 SY IIVBl\f;E!iN!Jifr~ivis&,.J!U&,U;;;JJ)i#;·~,·.~~llLi,.~Q.J!!e'b'{~;'3Ji"e1~~1~,l~$L.G,,. l :w.art •. Jl}:i;;~~·,~~i!~~~·,~ 2.0" Cali_e.er Deciduous Street Trees $ 238.00 I EA I EA LF EA EA. EA. LF SF LF LF SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: Page8of9 *KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. 04037BQW TREES.xis GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: 2 476 16 476.00 476.00 142.80 618.80 B C 3,808.00 3,808.00 3,808.00 1,142.40 4,950.40 D E Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 - --·--------,-------·-~ _, 'I. . '·1 .._ ----.-· Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Plat of Nichols Place (Street Trees Only) Date: 1 O-Nov-04 PE Registration Number: 33713 Tel. #: 425-885-7877 Firm Name: Core Desi.9.n, Inc. Address: 14711 NE 29th Place2uite 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 Project No: L03P0015 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities Private Improvements Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond•r (First $7,500 of bond• shall be cash.) Performance Bond• Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Perfonmance Bond• Total ••• Maintenance/Defect Bond• Total PERFORMANCE BOND· AMOUNT (A) $ (B) $ 618.8 (C) $ 4,950.4 (D) $ (A+B) $ 618.8 (T) $ 5,569.2 Minimum bond* amount 1s $1000. BOND· AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY ••• (E) $ TX 0.30 $ 1,670.8 (T-E) $ 5,569.2 Use larger of T x30% or (T-E) OR PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND• (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 1,392.3 NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND· REDUCTION: Date: " NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. ** NOTE: KCC 27 A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity . ... NOTE: Per KCC 27 A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ 4,950.4 !(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND· AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY ODES Page 9 of9 04037BOW TREES.xis Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/23/2004 - I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I \ , ,, I 10. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL: A maintenance and operations manual is not required since all drainage facilities will be public. I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I '\ I I Evendell Plat Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis Submilled to: · King CountyDDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S. W. Renton, WA 98055 Prepared by: Haozous·Engirieering. P.S. 9957 171" Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 Tel. (425) 235-2707 Fax ( 425) 254-0579 August 26, 2002 . -:' r ·I I I I I I I I I I 1·) I I I I I I I I I \ ) I!{/ II . O ::: 0 " " /E,,g/,at1arl,ag, 9957 17/~ Avenue SE fax (425} 254-0579 August 26, 2002 Mr. Michael Romano Renton. WA 98059 (425) 235-]707 Centurion Development Services 226 I 7 8th Drive SE Bothell, WA 9802 I Re: Evendell Plat-Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis DOES File No. Dear Mr. Romano: P.S. This letter report documents the methods and results of a Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis requested by DDES for the Evendell Plat. · Separate analyses were conducted for the two drainage courses from the Evendell site. Project Description The Evendell Plat is a proposed residential development located within theRenton Highlands area of unincorporated King County (Figure I). The proposal for development includes building single-family dwellings on approximately 12 acres (Haozous Engineering, June 200 I). Road improvements along SE J 361h Street are also proposed. Level 2 RID standards are being proposed for the onsite stormwater facility as is required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basinand Nonpoint Action Plan. Site Description The site is located within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed (King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1999). The site is located east ofl561h Avenue SE and is bordered by SE I 36th Street on the north and by 160th Avenue SE on the east. Cover types on the site include a single-family residence, pasture; and forest. A Class2 wetland has been identified in the northeast portion of the site. The site consists of two basins with most of the project area draining to the easterly basin. The easterly basin drains to a conveyance system along. 160th A venue SE. The westerly basin drains to a conveyance system along 156th Avenue SE. Both downstream drainage courses eventually discharge to an unclassified tributary of the Cedar River (King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990). .I I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I \ ----------- Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream systems ~ere investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division as part of the Level l Downstream Drainage Analysis submitted with the project's preliminary technical information report (TIR)(Haozous Engineering, June 2001); Since the preliminary TIR was prepared, neighborhood comment forms, collected by C.A.R.E., have been reviewed for information about drainage-related problems in the basins. Of particular note, flooding from the ditch on the east boundary of the Evendell site has been observed by Mr. Bret Bowden, a resident at 13814 160th Avenue SE. When flooding occurs, water crosses the road and flows onto Mr. Bowden's property. Mr. Don Gregg, a resident at 16046 SE 142°d Place, has also observed portions of 160th A venue SE inundated by flooding during the past S years. - Methodology A hydraulic analysis was conducted for conveyance systems along both 1601h Avenue SE and 156th Avenue SE. The conveyance system along 1601h Avenue SE was evaluated from the east boundary of the site for a distance of 2,300 feet. The conveyance system along 156th Avenue SE was evaluated from a location due west of the site for a distance of 1,900 feet. Both systems consist of driveway culverts, pipe segments, and open channel. The model Stormshed™ was used to predict runoff rates from contributing basins and to model the hydraulics of the conveyance systems. Stormshed™ is widely applied in similar projects and has been adopted by Washington State Department of Transportation for assessing and designing highway conveyance systems. A field survey of the downstream systems was conducted by a licensed surveyor. Ditch cross sections, pipe inverts, catch basin rims, and road surface elevations were surveyed to obtain data for the Stormshed™ hydraulic model. A summary of each structure surveyed is provided in Table I. Basin boundaries contributing to the conveyance system were based on aerial topography and the Cedar River Basin Plan. The basin boundaries were field-verified and divided into subbasins contributing to various branches of the conveyance system (Figure 2). The easterly basin was divided into seven subbasins (el -e7), ranging from 1.1 to 33.9 acres in size (Table 2). The westerly basin was divided into eight subbasins (wl -w8), ranging from l.2 to 16.3 acres in size. · Cover types and land uses in the subbasins were based on a 1990 aerial photograph and updated for recent development by conducting a field reconnaissance. The basins consist of mostly single-family residential land use with housing densities ranging from about I to 6 dwelling units per acre. Land uses and cover types are shown in Figure 3. The east basin was estimated to have a total of 124.4 acres, with 35.6 acres in forest, 20.2 in 2 I I I I I I I I I I~) I I I I I I I .. '\ I I ' ; pasture, and 68. 7 acres in single-family residential land use (Table 3), The west basin was estimated to have a total of48.3 acres. with 6.5 acres in forest, 7.0 in.pasture, and 33.4 acres in single-family residential land use, and l .4 acres occupied by a church. Based on King County Soil Survey (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1973) soil types in the basins consist of Alderwood soils. The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) model was used to model the runoff from each of the subbasins contributing to the conveyance systems. Curve numbers for the subbasins were based on the weighted averages of the various land uses in the watershed (Table 4). Hydrographs for the 2-, I 0-, 25-, 50-; and I 00-year storms were routed through the Stormshed™ hydraulic model of the conveyance systems to determine flooding. locations and their approximate return periods. The Evendell site and other contributing areas in the basins were modeled under their existing land use conditions: Travel paths for each subbasin were based on aerial topography. The type of flow, flow length, and slope used to calculate time-of-concentrations are summarized in Table 5. Rainfall amounts of2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.75, and 4.0 inches were used for the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and JOO-year storms design storms in the SBUH model. Modeling Results Details of each subbasin modeled in Stormshed are presented in Appendix A. I for the easterly basin and in Appendix A.2 for the westerly basin. Model results for routing the design storm hydrographs through the drainage networks are presented in Tables B. I through B.12 of Appendix B. Table 6 presents a summary of flow rates at key locations in each of the conveyance systems. Asummary of predicted flooding, for all surveyed structures, including open channels, is provided in Table B.6 for the easterly basin and in Table B.12 for the westerly basin.· The locations and return periods of flooding related to pipes and culverts are identified in Figure 4. Many ofthe driveway culverts and pipes along 160th Avenue SE flood at a return period of2-years (Table B.6 and Figure 4). Several reaches of ditch also overtop at this return period, likely as a result ofconstrictions in the pipe capacities. Modeling results are consistent with drainage complaints from residents along this reach of the drainage course. Similar.modeling results were obtained for the westerly drainage course, where several . culverts and catch basins were predicted to overtop at 2-year or I 0-year return periods (Table B.12 and Figure 4). Conclusions Severalflooding locations with return periods of2°years were identified in the downstream conveyance systems. Flooding in the east basin that overtops and inundates 160th Avenue SE is considered a severe road flooding problem by the King County 3 .·I I I I I I I I I 11 I I) I I I I I I ,1 I I ) Surface Water Drainage Manual. Residential structures have been flooded at 14028 160th Avenue SE and at 16046 SE 14200 Place. If the finished space or the electrical/heating components of these residential structures were flooded in the past, the flooding would be classified as a severe problem. Otherwise, flooding that occurs at these residences is . considered a nuisance problem. Channel erosion observed along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 142nd Place, downstream from Pipe P-110, has been a persistent problem over the past several years and would likely be considered a severe erosion problem. Continued bank erosion is likely at this location, with potential for reducing the capacity-of channel sections further downstream where sediment is deposited. The flooding that occurs at the adjacent residence is likely related to the reduction in channel capacity due to sediment deposition from the eroded banks. Based on modeling results and information available, flooding problems in the westerly basin would likely be classified as nuisance problems by the King County Surface Water Drainage Mmma/ (1998). We found no documentation indicating that 156th Avenue SE or residential structures along the westerly drainage course have flooded in the past. However, a drainage complaint (Complaint No. 97-0318) related to flooding due to a plugged culvert, was not available for review (Haozous Engineering, June 2001 ). · Proposed Mitigations Level 2 RID standards are currently being proposed for new development in the westerly basin of the Evendell Plat. No additional flow control or other mitigations are therefore required in this basin to reduce project impacts to nuisance flooding problems. Level 2 RID standards are also currently being proposed for new development in the easterly basin of the Evendell Plat. With severe flooding and severe erosion problems located in the downstream drainage course, additional measures to mitigate drainage impacts could be required. For the severe road flooding problem along 160th Avenue SE either of the following mitigations could be required: • Providing Level 3 detention in the easterly basin, OR • Upgrading the downstream conveyance system along 160th Avenue SE to eliminate road flooding. This would likely entail replacing driveway culverts P-117 and P- 116 on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, cross culvert P-115, and pipes P-ll4 and P-113 on the east side of 160th Avenue SE (Figure 4). For the severe erosion problem.along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 142nd Place, the Level 2 RID standards provide the mitigation required by code. Other types of . mitigations to reduce erosion at this location, such as bank stabilization in the eroded section of channel or Level 3 RID standards, can be imposed through the King County Surface Water Drainage Maimal under certain circumstances. It is our opinion that either stabilizing the eroding section of channel or the use of Level 3 RID standards would mitigate project-related drainage impacts that occur at this location. 4 . -I I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I If you have questions regarding these analyses or need additional documentation, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Edward McCarthy, Ph.D. P.E. Hydrologist 5 I I J I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ) I I References Haozous Engineering, June 15, 200 I. Evende/1 Plat -Prelirriinary Technical fnfonnation Report. Renton, Wash. · · King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1997. Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan. Seattle. King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. Seattle. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. Seattle. 6 I I Table I. Sumary of Surveyed Structures in Downstream System Reach ID Reach Pipe Dia. Manning's Length Upstr IE Dwnst IE Slope_ I Type (IN) n (FT) .. -(FT) (FT) . (%) East Basin D-110 X-Section 0.035 48 408.54 407.59 1,99 I D-111 X-Section 0.035 58 -409.57 408.54 1.78 D-112 X-Section 0.035 20 411.25 409.57 8.57 D-113 X-Section 0.035 12 411.86 411.25 5.28 D-114 X-Section 0.035 48 412.96 411.86 2.31 I P-110 Circular 24 0.010 60 413.6 412.96 1.06 D-115 X-Section 0.035 3 414.27 413.6 25.24 D-116 X-Section 0.035 33 415.l 414.27 2.48 I D-117 X-Sectioo 0.035 24 415.34 415.l 1.01 . D~ll8 X-Section 0.035 25 417.07 415.34 7.01 D-119 X-Section 0.035 48 419.77 417.07 5.61 I D-120 X-Section 0.035 79 420.05 . 419.77 0.35 P-111 Circular 18 0.013 29 419.3 420.05 -2.56 D-121 X-Section 0.035 6 421.94 419.3 45.68 I D-122 X-Section 0.035 24 422.17 421.94 0.96 P-112 Circular 12 0.013 85 423.42 422.17 1.47 D-123. X-Section 0:035 43 424.16 423.42 1.73 D-124 X-Section 0.065 90 424.6 424.16 0.49 I D-125 X-Section 0.065 107 426.13 424.6 1.43 D-126 X-Section 0.065 48 428.17 426.13 4.27 D-127 X-Section 0.035 79 429.74 428.17 1.99 1·) D-128 X-Section 0.035 56 431.36 429.74 2.87 P-113 Circular 18 0.01 124 434.95 43L36 2.91 D-129 X-Section 0.035 12. 434.81 434.95 cl.21 I D-130 X-Section 0.035 61 436.28 434.81 2.40 D-131 X-Section 0.035 66 439.1 436.28 4.30 · P-ll4 Circular 24 0.024 21 439.59 439.1 2.37 I D-132 X-Section 0035 10 440.26 439.59 7.02 - P-115 Circular 12 0.013 45 441.31 439.59 3.78 D-133 X-Section 0.035 2 441.15 441.31 · -7.30 D-133A X-Section 0.035 35 442.14 441.15 2.80 I D-134 X-Section 0.035 50 443.4 442.14 2.53 D-135 X-Section 0.035 !06 444.67 443.4· · 1.20 D-136 X-Section 0.035 54 445.89. 444.67 2.25 I P-116 Circular 18 0.024 28 446.34 445.89 1.62 D-137 X-Section 0.035 3 . 446.6 446.34 I0.15 D-138 X-Section 0.035 88 448.4 446.6 2.04 I D-139 X-Section 0.035 106 451.13 448.4 2.58 D-140 X-Section 0.035 55 452.3 451.13 2.15 P-117 Circular 12 0.013 18 452.9 452.3 3.39 I D-141 X-Section 0.035 3 452.65 452.9 -9.42 D-142 X-Section 0.035 102 454.76 452.65 2.07 D-143 X-Section 0.035 160 459.46 454.76 2.93 D-144 X-Section 0.035 103 462.79 459.46 3.24 I D-145 X-Section 0.035 IOO 466.72 462.79 3.92 . .) I • I ' I .I I Table 1 (continued) I Reach ID Reach Pipe Dia. Manning's Length Upstr IE Dwnst IE Slope Type (IN) n (FT) (FT) (FT) (%) j West Basin I P-OOJ Circular, 12 0,013 113 378,62 372.66 5,27 D-001 X-Section 0,035 3 379.22 378,62 20.00 D-002 X-Section 0,035 114 381.68 379.22 2,16 I D-003 X-Section 0.035 153 388.9 381.68 4.72 D-004 X-Sectiori 0.035 157 397.4 388.9 5.41 D-005 X-Section 0,035 2 396,77 397.4 -3l.50 I P-002 Circular 12 0.013 25 397.51 396,77 2,96 D-006 X-Section 0.035 3 398.49 397.51 32.67 D-007 X-Section 0.035 35 399.58 398.49 3. I I I P-003 Circular 12 0.013 19 400.17 399.58 3.11 D-008 X-Section 0,035 2 400.4 400.17 11.50 D-009 X-Section 0,035 36 400.91 400.4 1.42 I P-004 Circular 12 0.013 59 403.71 400.91 4.75 P-005 Circular 12 0.013 9 404.21 403.51 7:78 P-006 Circular 12 0.013 42 406.09 · 404.26 4.36 P-007 Circular 12 0.013 150 41 l.17 406.34 3.22 I P-008 Circular · 12 0.013 157 417.58 411.77 3.70 P-008A Circular 12 0.013 28 418.1 417.58 l.86 P-009 Circular 12 0.013 142 427.25 420.75 4.58 I P-OIO Circular 12 0.013 86 431.9 427.35 5.29 P-0]] Circular 12 0.013 62 '434.34 432 3,77 P-012 Circular 12 0.013 33 435.68 434.39 3,91 Ir.) D-o10 X-Section 0.035 3 436.07 435.68 13.00 D-OJJ X-Section 0.035 48 438;87 436.07 5.83 D-012 X-Section 0.035 53 442,78 438.87 7.38 P-013 Circular 12 0.013 19 444.46 442.78 8,84 I D-014 X-Section 0.035 3 ·. 444.63 444.46 5.67 D-015 X-Section 0.035 43 446.52 444.63 4AO P-014 Circular 12 0,013 23 447.67 446.52 5.00 I D-016 X-Section 0.035 3 448.08 447.67 · 13.67 D-017 X-Section 0.035 57 450.3 448.08 3.89 P-015 Circular 12 0.013 22 451.33 450.3 4.68 I D-018 X-Section 0,035 3 451.83 451.33 16.67 D-019 X-Section 0.035 52 454.6 451.83 5.33 P-016 . Circular 12 0.013 34 457.55 454.6 . 8.68 I n-020 X-Section 0.035 3 457.71 457:55 5.33 D-021 X-Section 0.035 !07 465.05 457.71 6.86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I I I Table 2. Summary of Existing Basin Cover Types by Subbasin Curve Number= Subbasin East Basin el e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 Site -Eas Subtotal West Basin wl w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 . w7 w8 Site - West Subtotal 81 0 85 0 Ti/I-forest Till-pasture (AC} (AC) -5.8 6.0 5.2 -1.7 -- 4.0 1.8 14.9 3.5 I.& - 8.9 2.2 35.6 20.2 -- -0.7 -- -- -- 0.8 - 1.6 - 3.8 4:9 0.4 1.4 6.6 7.0 98 0. 86 0 98 0 Cover Type Wetland Ti/I-grass lmperv (AC) (AC) (AC} 12.0 1.9 15.6 7.0 0.7 0.1 0.9 0.2 12.3 5.4 9.8 2.3 -- 0.4 -0.1 . 0.4 51.4 16.9 2.3 0.6 13.8 1.8 1.0 0.2 2.7 0.5 1.8 0.4 1.8 1.3 3.8 2.4 0.4 0.0 --0.1 -27.6 7.2 ----~--------~-----, Total (AC) 19.7 33.9 2.4 I .I 23.5 30.4 1.8 11.6 124.5 2.9 16.3 1.2 3.2 2.2 3.8 7.8 9,1 1.9 48.4 .·I --··.--------:0 ·. __ _.:, Table 3. Summary of Land Uses by Sub basin Subbasin East Basin el e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 Site -East Total West Basin wl w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 Site -West Total % Grass % lmgerv Forest Pasture (AC) (AC) -5.8 6.0 5.2 -1.7 -- 4.0 1.8 14.9 3.5 1.8 - 8.9 2.2 35.6 . 20.2 . -- -0.7 -- -- -- 0.8 - 1.6 . - 3.8 4.9 0.4 1.4 6.5 7.0 92.5% 7.5% SFJ. (AC) 4.5 2.1 0.8 - - 4.7 - 0.1 12.1 - 14.5 - - - - 0.6 0.4 0.1 15.6 83.5% 16.5% SF2 (AC) 9.5 . 6.7 - 1.1 7.9 4.5 - 29.8 2.6 - 1.2 3.2 2.2 - - - 9.2 58.4% 41.6% SF6 (AC) - 13.8 - - 9.8 2.8 - 26.4 - - - - - 3.0 5.6 - 8.6 --- 0.0% 100.0°/c Wetland (AC) 0.4 36.0% 64 Church (AC) - - - - - - - - 0.3 1.1 - - - - - - 1.4 Notes: SF!= Single-family residential wit_h I DU/Ac; SF2 = 2 DU/Ac; SF6 = 6 DU/Ac . ..:... ------ Total (AC) 19.7 33.9 2.4 I. I 23.5 30.4 1.8 11.6 124.4 2.9 16.3 1.2 3.2 2.2 3.8 7.8 9.1 1.9 48.3 I I Table 4. Curve Numbers for Subbasins I I ) I I I I I I) I I I I I I I ', I' I Suhhasin East Basin el e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 · Site -East West Basin wl w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 Site -· West Pervious CN 85.7 84.7 85.3 86.0 84.8 83.2 81.0 81.8 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 84.5 84.5 83.4 84.0 Pen·i.ous Imper,, (AC) (AC) 17.8 1.9 26.9 7.0 2.3 0.1 0.9 0.2 18.I 5.4 28.1 2.3 1.8 - I I. I 0.5 2.3 0.6 14.5 1.8 1.0 0.2 2.7 0.5 1.8 0.4 2.5 1.3 5.4 2.4 9.0 0.0 1.8 0.1 ... l i --··---~--·/ ----· --'v Table 5. Travel Path Distances and Slopes for Pervious Land Areas Sheet Flow · Delta Shallow Flow Delta· Subbasin .· Distance Elev. Slope Distance Elev.· (FI) (FI) (FT/FT) (FT) (F1) East Basin el 300.0 5.0 0.017 1,484.0 20.0 e2 300.0 5.0 0.017 922.0 15.0 e3 300.0 5.0 0.017 264.0 3.0 . e4 300.0 5.0 0.017 e5 300.0 8.0 0.027 1,248.0 23.0 e6 300.0 3.0 0.010 1,777.0 35.0. e7 300.0 3.0 0.010 Site -East 300.0 3.0 0.010 876.0 13.0 West Basin . wl w2 300.0 5.0 0.017 585.0 70.0 w3 300.0 32.0 0.107 w4 300.0 JO.O 0.033 292.0 22.0 w5. 300.0 30.0 0.100 322.0 22.0 w6 300.0 2.0 0.007 613.0 40.0 w7 300.0 20.0 0.067 655.0 40.0 w8 300.0 20.0 0.067 1,020.0 70.0 Site - West 210.0 10.0 0.048 ..... -------·--'·· Channel Flow . Delta · Slope Distance Elev. Slope (FT/FT) (FI) (FT) (FT/FT) 0.013 950.0 10.0 0.011 0.016 1,824.0 18.0 0.010 0.011 106.0 3.0 0.028 200.0 4.0 0.020 0.018 705.0 10.0 0.014 0.020 0.015 . . .2,610.0 70.0 .0.027 0.120 272.0 13.0 0.048 0.075 0.068 0.065 0.061 0.069 I I Table 6. Peak Flow Rates at Selected Locations. i Storm Return Period I Location 2-Year JO-year 25-Year 50-Year JOO-Year (CFS) (CFS)' . (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) I East Basin P-110 12.0 24.5 31.6 35.3 38.9 P-t 11 12. t 24.9 32.0 · .. 35.6 39.4 I P-112 9.9 20.0 25.5 28.3 31.2 P-113 10.2 20.3 25.9 28.7 31.6 I P-114 10.2 20.4 25.9 28.8 31.7 P-115 7.4 15.2 19.4 21.6 23.8 P-116 7.3 14.9 19.1 21.2 23.4 I West Basin P-001 6.8 13.7 17.5 19.4 21.2 I P~002 6.2 12.2 15.4 17.0 18.6 P-006 4.8 9.6 12.2 13_5 I 14.7 P-008A . 4.1 8.4 10.8 . 11.9 13.1 I P-009 3.8 7.7 9.8 10.9 11.9 P.013 3.2 6.7 8.5 9.4 10.4 P-015 3.0 6.2 8.0 8.8 9.7 1:~) P-016 2.8 5.7 7.3 8.1 8.9 Note: Flow rates are those predicted by Stonnshed using the SBUHmethod. I I I I I I I ' I ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOURCE: USGS 7 .5 x 15 Minute Series -Renton, Washington SCALE: 1 :25 000 M"OZO\IJ CNQINCCRINQ. , .S. PAGE Figure 1. 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Haozous Engineering CIVIL ENGH:ERING EVENDELL PLAT ., 14816 SE U6TH ST, RENTON, VA 980:19 ~23S-2707 DDIGNDI I'll 114'111 [Jt,I 8/12/02 DM•l'II [JM 11,t,TII 8/12/02 OUR Drainage Basins 2 -------- 200 400 SCALt IN rttT --·/-\ ... / -- Haozous Engineering CIVIL ENGD£ERING 14816 SE U6TH ST, RENTON, VA ,eo:s, 42:5-235-2707 IICWHD9" 114111 £JW 11/12/02 OIIAWI rr'I EJM D41t, 11/12/02 - Land --- EVENDELL PLAT -- PROJECT NO. AGURE Use/Cover Typesl 3 ------------------- ) i . • .. Pl JI !; I• ~ i, ,, } ... ·,. '"" 1 1 '· ~.. t • I • ,: ·:.-: .. ',(!· .. i ·. ' . !·1 :.-1 ! .; ·- 0 IOO 400 SCM.t JH nn .. ' LEGEND c Cn tch Bnsln P5 Pipe ID f10-Ye4r-! Flooding Retur-n Per-lod ·-··}J ""!/'·:=: :::-: .. •' !' j ;! I{""·· -.... ~.:. .... ti r-· ......... .. 1 r .... ·-····-· ..j i : • ,;r -~":1'1 1~ I .. ,,. j. ..\ .:~l~. •· l. ........ . ... ,t;,, ,.;: .. • :1-·..1 .·,• ft · "·'·' {~ .... !iV•''' ,, ~ . "' : .. ::J" '''"'',\· .. 'i. 'i' I:' i , ........ . ' .. ~, ! . 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EVENDEIL PLAT Flooding Locations PR OJECT · NO . FICUll( 4 I I I I I I I I I I) I I ! I I I I I ') I I Appendix A. Stormshed Model Input/Output Design Storm Rainfall Amounts Return. Rainfall Period Amount (YRS) (IN) 2 2.00 IO 3.00 25 3,50 50 3.75 100 4.00 , ,, I I I I I I I I I I~) I I I I I I I I I Appendix A.I. Subbasin Summary-East Basin DrainageArea:·e-OOl Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area. Pervious 17.8000 ac Impervious 1.9000 ac Total 19. 7000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-00 I Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin e I Imperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet e I sheet Shallow e I shallow Channel el channel Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered CN 85.70 98.00 85.70 98.00 Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min TC 0.98 hrs 0.17 hrs 17.8000 ac 1.9000 ac Length: Slope: 300.00 ft 1.70% 1484.00 ft 1.50% 950, 00 ft 1.100/o Length: Slope: 0.00 ft 0.00% Coeff: Travel Time 0.1500 31.85 min 11.0000 18.36 min 17.0000 8.88 min Coeff: Travel Time 10.0000 10.00 min ' ... I I I I I I I I I I.) I I I I I I I I I Drainage Area: e-002 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 26.9000 ac Impervious 7.0000ac Total 33.9000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-002 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin el lmperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet e2 sheet Shallow e2 shallow Channel e2 channel Impervious TC Data: · Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered CN 84.70 98.00 84.70 98.00 Loss Method: SCS·CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 lntv: 10.00 min TC LOI hrs 0.17 hrs 26.9000 ac 7.0000ac Length: Slope: 300.00ft 1.70% 922.00 ft 1.60% Coeff: Travel Time 0.1500 31.85min 11. 0000 11. 04 min 1824.00 ft 1.00% · 11.0000 17.88 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min I I Drainage Area: e-003 I HydMethod: SBUHHyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 I Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min I Area CN TC Pervious 2.3000ac 85.30 0.60 hrs I Impervious 0.1000 ac 98.00 0.17 hrs I Total 2.4000ac Pervious CN Data: I Subbasin e-003 Perv 85.30 2.3000 ac I Impervious CN Data: Subbasin e3 Imperv 98.00 O.IOOOac I~) Pervious TC Data: I Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time I Sheet e3 sheet 300.00 ft 1.70% 0.1500 31.85 min Shallow e3 shallow 264.00 ft 1.10% 11.0000 3.81 min I Channel e3 channel 106.00 ft 2.80% 17.0000 0.62 min I Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel I Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min I I ·; I ., I .\ I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I Drainage Area: e--004 Hyd Method: SBVHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 · Stonn Dur: 24:00 hrs Area Pervious 0.9000ac Impervious 0.2000ac Total 1.1000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-004 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin e4 Imperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet e4 sheet Channel e4 channel Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered CN 86.00 98.00 86.00 98.00. Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: Intv: TC 0.55 hrs 0. 17 hrs 0.9000ac 0.2000ac Length: Slope: 300.00 ft · I. 70% 200.00 ft 2.00% Length: Slope: 0.00 ft 0.00% • 0.20 10.00 min Coeff: Travel Time 0.1500 3I.85min l 70000 l.39 min Coeff: Travel Time 10.0000 10.00 min I I I I I I I I I 1·) I I I I I I I i I) --~ Drainage Area: e-005 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 18. J 000 ac Impervious 5.4000 ac Total 23.5000 ac · Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-005 Perv Impervious CN Data: CN 84.80 98.00 84.80 Subbasin e5 Imperv Pervious TC Data: 98.00 Flow type: Description: 'Sheet ·e5 sheet · Shallow · e5 shallow Sheet e5 channel Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered ------- Loss Method: SCS Abs: Intv: TC 1.81 hrs 0.17 hrs 18.JOOO ac 5.4000 ac Length: Slope: 300.00 fl 2. 70% 1248.00 fl 1.80% 705. 00 fl 1.40% Length: Slope: 0.00 fl . 0.00% SCS .CN Number 0.20 10.00 min Coeff: 0.1500 Travel Time 26.47 min 11.0000 14.09 min 0.1500 68.19 min Coeff: Travel Time 10.0000 10.00 min ------, I I ' .) I I I I I I 1--.,) I I :1 I I I I ... I I ' I ' .. Drainage Area: e-006 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Stonn Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 28.IOOO ac Impervious 2.3000 ac Total 30.4000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin e-006 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin e5 Imperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet e6 sheet Shallow e6 shallow Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min CN TC 83.20 1.35 hrs 98.00 0.17 hrs 83.20 28. !000 ac 98.00 2.3000ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 300.00 ft 1.00% 0.1500 39.38 min 1777.00 ft 2.00% 5.0000 41.88 min Length: Slope: Coeff Travel Time 0.00 ft -0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min ~----------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I·) I I I I I I I I • I Drainage Area: e-007 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Stonn Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious I. 8000 ac Impervious 0.0000 ac Total I. 8000 ac . Pervious CN Data: . Subbasin e-007 Perv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet e7 sheet CN . 81.00 98.00 81.00 . Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: Intv: TC l.44 hrs 0.00 hrs 1.8000 ac 0.20 10.00 min Length: Slope: 300.00 ft 1.00% Coeff: · • Travel Tinie 0.4000 86.31 min , '1 I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I Drainage Area: ex_ east Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 11.1000 ac Impervious 0.5000 ac Total 11.6000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin ex_ east Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin ex_east Imperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet ex east sheet Shallow .. ex east shallow Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min CN TC 81.80 2.10 hi-s 98.00 0.17 hrs 81.80 11.1000 ac 98.00 0.5000 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 300.00 ft 1.00% 0.4000 86.31 min 876.00 ft 1.50% 3.0000 39.74 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00 ft 0.00% I0.0000 10.00 min I I I I I I I I I ' I ./ I) I I I I I I I I ) I Appendix A.2. Subbasin Summary -West Basin Drainage Area: w-001 . · Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factoc 484.00 Storm Dur: 24. 00 hrs · Area Pervious 2.3000 ac Impervious 0.6000 ac Total 2.9000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin wl Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin wl Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time· Channel. wl Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed wl CN 86.00 98.00 86.00 98.00 · Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min TC 0.26 hrs 0.17 hrs 2.3000.ac 0.6000 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 2610.00 ft 2.70% 17.0000 15.57 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min :f I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I 11 I I I ) I Drainage Area: w-002 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00. StonnDur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 14.5000 ac. Impervious 1.8000 ac Total 16.3000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w2 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w2 Imperv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet . None Entered Shallow None Entered Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed None Entered Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min CN TC 86.00 0.57 hrs 98.00 0.17 hrs 86.00 14.5000 ac 98.00 1.8000 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 300.00 ft I. 700/o 0. 1.500 31.85 min 585.00 ft 12.00% 11.0000 2.56 min Length: Slope: ·coeff: Travel 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min ,; I I I I I I I I I I) I I I I I I I I I Drainage Area: w-003 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Stonn Dur: 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 1.0000 ac 86.00 Impervious 0.2000ac 98.00 Total 1.2000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w3 Perv 86.00 Im[!ervious CN Data: Subbasin w3 Imperv . 98.00 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet w3 sheet Channel. w3 channel Im[!ervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed None Entered Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: I0.00 min re 0.27 hrs 0.17 hrs 1.0000 ac · 0.2000 ac Length: Slope: Coetf Travel 300 00 ft 10 70% 0.1500 15.26 min 272.00 ft 4.80% 11.0000 1.22 min Length: Slope: Coetf Travel 0.00 ft 0.00% J0.0000 10.00 min I I I I I I I I . l ' I I) I I I I I I I I I ) Drainage Area: w-004 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 2.7000 ac Impervious 0.5000 ac Total 3.2000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w4 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w4 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet w4 sheet Shallow w4 shallow Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed None Entered Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min CN TC 86.00 0.43 hrs 98.00 0.17 hrs 86.00 2.7000 ac 98.00 0.5000 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 300.00 ft 3.30"/o 0.1500 24.43 min 292.00 ft 7.50% 11.0000 1.62 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min , ., I I I I I I I I I •. ) I I I I I I I I I Drainage Area: w-005 Hyd Method SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 1.8000 ac Impervious 0.4000 ac Total 2.2000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w5 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w5 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Sheet w5 sheet Shallow w5 shallow Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed None Entered Loss Method: SCS·CN Number SCS Abs: 0.20 Intv: 10.00 min CN TC 86.00 0.29 hrs 98.00 0.17hrs 86.00 1.8000 ac 98.00 0.4000 ac Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 300.00 ft 10.00% 0.1500 15.68min 322.00 ft 6.80% 11.0000 1.87 min Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel 0.00 ft 0.00% 10.0000 10.00 min .. , I I Drainage Area: w-006 I Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Loss Method: scs·cN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 I Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs . Intv: 10:00 min I Area CN TC Pervious 2.5000ac 84.50 0.82 hrs I Impervious 1.3000 ilc 98.00 0.17hrs I Total· 3.8000 ac Pervious CN Data: I Subbasin w6 Perv 84.50 · 2.5000 ac I Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w6 98.00 I:3000 ac I'> Pervious TC Data: I Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time I Sheet w6 sheet 300.00 ft 0.70% 0.1500 45.42 min Shallow w6 shallow 613.00 ft 6.50% 11.0.000 3.64 min I Impervious TC Data: · I Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time I Fixed None Entered 0.00 ft 0.00% I0.0000 10.00 min I I ) I I ., I I I I I I I I I I:) I I I I I I I I I Drainage Area: ws007 HydMethod: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00. Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 5.4000 ac Impervious 2.4000ac Total 7.8000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w7 Perv Impervious CN Data: Subbasin w7 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet w7 sheet Shallow w7 shallow Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed None Entered CN 84.50 98.00 84.50 98.00 Loss Method: SCS Abs: Intv: TC 0.53 hrs ' 0.17hrs 5.4000 ac 2.4000 ac Length: Slope: 300.00 ft 6.10% 655.00 ft 6.10% Length: Slope: 0.00 fl 0.00% .. SCS CN Number · 0.20 10.00 min Coeff: Travel 0.2400 27.83 min 11.0000 4.02 min Coeff: Travel 10.0000 10.00 min ., I I •• I I I I I I ) ·~) I I I I I I I ( ') •• I Drainage Area: w-008 Hyd Method: SBUHHyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00.hrs Area · Pervious 9.0000 ac Impervious 0.0000 ac Total 9.0000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin w8 Perv Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time. Sheet . w8 sheet Shallow · w8 shallow Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time . Fixed None Entered CN 83.40. 0.00 83.40 Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: Intv: TC 0.79 hrs 0.17 hrs 9.0000 ac Length: Slope: 300.00ft 6.70% 1020.00 ft 6.90% Length: Slope: 0.00 ft 0.00°/c, 0.20 10.00 min Coeff: Travel 0.4000 40.33 min 9.0000 7.19min Coeff:: Travel 10.0000 10.00 min , ., I I I I I I I I : I 'I) I I I I I I I I I Drainage Area: ex_ west Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious J. 8000 ac 84. 00 Impervious 0.1000 ac . 98.00 Total I. 9000 ac Pervious CN Data: Subbasin ex_west Perv 84.00 Impervious CN Data: Subbasin ex west Imperv 98.00 Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Sheet ex west sheet Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Time Fixed wl Loss Method: SCS CN Number SCS Abs: Intv: TC 0.38 hrs 0.17 hrs 1.8000 ac 0.1000 ac Length: Slope: 210.00 fl 4.80"/o Length: Slope: 0.00 fl 0.00% 0.20 10.00 min Coeff: Travel 0.2400 23:02 min Coeff: Travel 10.0000 10.00 min I I Table B.1. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -2-Year Stonn I ROUTEHYD [] THRU [Existing East] USING TYPE1A AND [2 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q · % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin / Hyd ac cfs cfs ratio ft ... ft/s ft/s ---------- D-Dum2 19.7 2.1303 122.33 0.02 0.3312 X-Sect 3.0688 ----e-001 I D-Dum1 53.6 6.625 122.33 0.05 0:5728 X-Sect 4.4532 ----e-002 D-145 53.6 6.5953 121.12 · 0.05 0.5744 X-Sect 4.4169 -- D-144 53.6 6.5642 117.92 0.06 0.6659 X-Sect 4.3432 -- I D-143 53.6 6.5478 122.41 0.05 0.6381 X-Sect 4.0213 - D-142 53.6 6.5467 82.3869 0.08 0.6881 X-Sect 3.5759 -- D-141 53.6 6.5465 10.3949 0,63 1.6141 X-Sect 1.1146 - I p,117 65.2 7.0246. 6.5804 1.07 0.9037 12· Diam 9.4073 8.3784 ex_east D-140 65.2 7.0224 124.5 0.06 0.4782 X-Sect 3.1305 - D-139 65.2 7.018 117.81 0.06 0.4685 X-Sect 3.4675- I D-138 65.2 7.013 94.8108 0.07 0.6314 X-Sect . 3.4413 --- D-137 67.6 7.2807 279 0.03 0.4113 X-Sect 5:3323-e-003 P-116 67.6 7.2787 7.2535 1 1 .2342 18" Diam 4.6787 4.1046 I D-136 67.6 7.2745 61.7242 0.12 0.6832 X-Sect 3.5858- D-135 67.6 7.2645 66.6905 0.11 0. 7836 X-Sect 2.9393- 0-134 67.6 7.2596 70.9939 0.1 0.5719 X-Sect 3.6244- 0-133A 67.6 7.2557 93.7984 0.08 0.6719 X-Sect 3.6325·- I D-133 67.6 7.2549 26.6671 0.27 1.4156 X-Sect · 1.1841 - P-115 68.7 7.4254 6.9473 1.07 0.9067 12" Diam 9.9203 8.8456 e-004 0-132 68.7 7.4237 226.87 0.03 0.5902 X-Sect 5.7063 ---- 1:1 P-114 92.2 10.2247 18.9199 0.54 1.0474 24"Diam 6.1392 6.0224 e-005 0-131 92.2 10.2216 338.51 0.03 0.5631 X-Sect 4.9185- D-130 92.2 10.2183 33,2703 0.31 0.8395 X-Sect _4.3224- I D-129 92.2 10.2164 8.6723 1.18 -1 X-Sect 1.178.--- P-113 92.2 10.212 23.5738 0.43 0.6902 18" Diam 12.8615 13.34 0-128 92.2 10.2081 266.41 0.04 0.6392 X-Sect 4.3565 --- I 0-127 92.2 10.1973 1354.11 0.01 0:6263 X-Sect 2.0863.- D-126 92.2 10.1853 491.48 0.02 0.3323 X-Sect 1.4977 -- D-125 92.2 10.132 3470.27 0 0.3539 X-Sect 0.8642- I 0-124 92.2 9.9841 549.84 0.02 0.2991 x:sect 0.5983- 0-123 92.2 9.9643 3827.85 0 0.4105 X-Sect 1.9.46- P-112 92.2 9.9216 4.3371 2.29 -1 12" Diam 2.2876 5.5221 D-122 92.2 9.9128 50.2681 0:2 0.904 X-Sect 2.771 - I 0-121 122.6 12.0698 594.02 0.02 0.2893 X-Sect 10.2968-· e-006 P-111 122.6 12.0648 15.3148 0.79 1.0036 18" Diam 9.6013 8.6664 0-120 122.6 12.0245 18:2879 0.66 1.4658 X-Sect · 2.1936 --- I D-119 .122.6 12.0107 17.5281 0.69 0.6067 X-Sect 4.6997- D-118 122.6 12.0027 179.94 0.07 0.4436 X-Sect 5.2531 - D-117 122.6 11.9926 61.1492 0.2 1.0638 X-Sect 2.9017- I D-116 122.6 11.9823 27.9865 0.43 1.096 X-Sect 4~2499- D-115 122.6 11.9814 78.2241 0:15 1 .2007 X-Sect 4.2155 --- P-110 122.6 11.972 30.6525 0.39 0.868 24" Diam 9.156 9.757 I 0-114 122.6 11.9572 47.75 0.25 1.1715 X-Sect 4.2164 - 0-113 124.4 12.0112 319.76 0.04 0.6751 X-Sect 5.8978-e-007 .) D-112 124.4 12.0055 1134.16 0.01 0.5548 X-Sect 5.7484- I 0-111 124.4 11.9853 413.21 0:03 0.7639 X-Sect 3.7479- I -1 I I D-110 124.4 11.9689 241.55 0.05 0.698 X-Sect 3.9096 --- I Reh App Bend June! HW Max El/ Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node ft ft . ft ft ft ft N-110 408.288 I N-111 N-110 409.238 -na----na---na-409.238 411.92 N-112 N-111 409.9703 -0 na---na---na-409.9703. 414.13 N-113 N-112 411.6608 --na--na----na--411.6607 415.64 I N-114 Ns113 412.5349 -na---na-· -na--412.5349 415.67 N-115 N-114 414.1314 -na--na--na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 415.5033 -na-· -na--na-415.5033 416.5 I N-117 N-116 415.5562 -na--na--na-.-415.5562 416,39 N-118 N-117 416.3861 -na--na--na--416.3861 416.39 N-119 N-118 416.626 --na--na---na-416.71 416.61 I N-120 N-119 418.44 -na--na--na-418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420.9399 -na--na----na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.5157 --na---na---na--421.5157 422.69 I N-123 N-122 422.9861 --na---na----na--422.9861 423.31 N-124 N-123 425.626 -na--na---na-423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.64 -na--na--na-423.64 424.05 N-126 N-125 433.8967 -na--na---na--424.9 424.8 I N-127 N-126 425.6399 --na--na---na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 Ns127 426.0798 -na--na---na-426.0798 426.52 N'129 N-128 427.6098 -na--na---na-427.6097 428.27 I_) N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na-. -na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 430.9699 -na--na~ -na-430.83 430.73 · N-132 N-131 432.4499 -na--na--na-432.45 432.79 I N-133 N-132 437.2623 -na--na---na--436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na--na--na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.4999 -na--na---na-437.57 437.47 I N-136 N-135 440:3899 -na--na--na--440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 441.418 -na--na----na-441.418 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.088 --na---na----na--441.99 441.89 I N-138 N-137A 445 .5185 --na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-139 N-138 442.9019 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.8899 --na---na---na--443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.3999 -na--. -na----na-444.3999 444.84 I N-142 N-141 445.6699 --na---na---na--445.6699 446.11 N-143 N-142 446 .8898 --na--na--na-446.8898 447.71 N-144 N'143 448.3436 -na--na---na-448.2 448.1 I N-145 N-144 448.4599 --na--na--na--' · 447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 --na--na--na--449.6399 449.84 . N-147 N-146 452.3699 --na---na--na-452.3698 452.71 I N-148 N-147 453.5398 --na---na--na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 456.7368 -na--na--na-454.3 454.2 N-150 N-149 454.303 --na--na---na-454.3029 454.65 I N-151 N-150 456.4129 -na--na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.5699 -na--na---na-460.56 460.46 ' N-153 N-152 463.89 -na--na---na-463.89 464.17 I ' N-154 N-153 467.8199 -na--na--na-467:44 467.34 I ' :I I I Table 8.2. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -10-Year Stonn \ ROUTEHYD O THRU (Existing East) USING TYPE1A AND (10 yr) NOTZERO ACTUAL I Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd ac els els ratio ft ft/s !Us ·-------- D-Dum2 19.7 4.4884 122.33 0.04 0.4719 X-Sect 3.935 -----e-001 I D-Dum1 53.6 13.1058 122.33 0.11 0.81 X-Sect 5.5304 -e-002 D-145 53.6 13.1051 121.12 0.11 0.8142 X-Sect 5.4927- D-144 53.6 13.1036 117.92 0.11 0.9649 X-Sect 5.2679 -- I D-143 53.6 13.1 122.41 0.11 0.9032 X-Sect 4.856 -- D-142 53.6 13.0953 82.3869 0.16 0.9821 X-Sect 4.3102- D-141 53.6 13.0948 10.3949 1.26 -1 X-Sect 1.2597 -- P-117 65.2 14.3238 6.5804 2.18 -1 12" Diam 2.1767 8.3784 ex_east I D-140 65.2 14.3181 124.5 0.12 0.6926 X-Sect 3.9913 --- D-139 65.2 14.3076 117.81 0.12 0.6891 X-Sect 4.3262- D-138 65.2 14.2973 94.8108 0.15 0.9065 X-Sect 4.2086 -- I D-137 67:6 14.8971 279 0.05 0.5622 X-Sect 6.5644-e-003 P-116 67.6 14.8875 7.2535 2.05 -1 18" Diam 2.0525 4.1046 D-136 67.6 14.8791 . 61.7242 0.24 0.9641 X-Sect 4.5155 -- I D-135 67.6 14.86 66.6905 0.22 1.1209 X-Sect 3.6062- D-134 67.6 14.8509 70.9939 0.21 0.8189 X-Sect 4.472- D-133A 67.6 14.8437 93.7984 0.16 0.899 X-Sect 4.4767 ---- I D-133 67.6 14.8424 26.6671 0.56 1.9795 X-Sect 1.4503 -. - P-115 68.7 15.1643 6.9473 2.18 -1 12" Diam 2.1828 8.8456 e-004 D-132 68.7 15.1617 226.87 0.07 0.8315 X-Sect 7.0313 -·- I) P-114 92.2 20.3817 18,9199 1.08 -1 24" Diam 1.0773 6.0224 e-005 D-131 92.2 20.3728 338.51 0.06 0.8183 X-Sect 6.0985- D-130 92.2 20.3642 33.2703 0.61 1.2093 X-Sect 5.2653- D-129 92.2 20.3511 8.6723 2.35 -1 X-Sect 2.3467 -- \I P-113 92.2 20.3415 23.5738 0.86 · 1.0749 18" Diam 15.0091 13.34 D-128 92.2 . 20.3328 266.41 0.08 0.9398 X-Sect 5.4109 -- D-127 92.2 _20.3088. 1354.11 0.01 o. 7502 X-Sect 2.4283 ---- ' I D-126 92.2 20.2866 491.48 0.04 0.428 X-Sect 1.9106 --· I .D-125 92.2 20.1873 3470.27 0.01 0.4582 X-Sect 1.0267 ----- I D-124 92.2 20.03 549.84 0.04 0.4223 X-Sect 0.7679 -- I D-123 92.2 19.9985 3827.85 0.01 0.5331 X-Sect 2.3162- P-112 92.2 19.9587 4.3371 4.6 -1 12" Diam 4.6019 5.5221 D-122 92.2 19.9456 50.2681 0.4 .1.2487 X-Sect · 3.3192 - I D-121 122.6 24.93 594.02 0.04 0.4161 X-Sect 13.223-e-006 P-111 122.6 24.8832 15.3148 1.62 -1 18" Diam 1.6248 8.6664 D-120 122.6 24.6416 18.2879 1.35 -1 X-Sect 1.3474 - I D-119 122.6 24.5438 17.5281 1.4 . -1 X-Sect .1.4002 - D-118 122.6 24.5308 179.94 0.14 0,6339 X-Sect 6.562- D-117 122.6 24.51_44 61.1492-0.4 1 .4223 X-Sect 3.6544- D-116 122.6 24.4971 27.9865 0.88 1.4271 X-Sect 5.1474- I D-115 122.6 24.4955 78.2241 0.31 1.6574 X-Sect 5.1522- P-110 122.6 24.4801 30.6525 0.8 1.3515 24" Diam 10.8367 9.757 D-114 122.6 24.4557 47.75 0.51 1.5399 X-Sect 5.2816 - I D-113 124.4 24.6393 319.76 0.08 1.0057 X-Sect 7.2971 -e-007 D-112 124.4 24.6301 1134.16 0,02 0. 74_2 X-Sect 7.4221 - ·, D-111 124.4 24.5979 413.21 0.06 1. 1252 X-Sect 4.6448- I ) I ,\ I I D-110 124.4 24.5719 241.55 0.1 1.0455 X-Sect 4.8977- . ! Reh App Bend Junct HW Max El/ I Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node ft ft ' ft ft ft . . ft N-110 408.6355 I N-111 N-110 409.5854 -na---na--na-409.5854 411.92 N,112 N-111 410.6952 --na--na---na-410.6952 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.3751 --na---na---na~ 412.3751 415.64 I N-114 N-113 412.985 -na--na---na-412.985 415.67 N-115 N-114 414.5504 -na--na---na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 417 .346 -na--na--na-416.6 416.5 I N-117 N-116 416.6529 -na--na--na-416.49 416.39 N-118 N-117 417.3199 -na--na-. -na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 416.7623 -na-.. -na--na-416.71 416.61 I N-120 N-119 418.4399 --na-.:..na--na-418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420.9399 -na---na--na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.3322 --na---na---na-421.3322 422.69 N-123 N-122 427.5867 -na--na--na--423.41 423.31 I N-124 N-123 · 426.0499 -na--na--,na--423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.6399 -na----na--na--423.64 424.05 N-126 N-125 465.1461 -na---na---na-424.9 424.8 I N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na---na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 N-127 426.0798 -na--na--na-426.0798 426.52 N-129 N-128 427 .6098 -na--na--na-427.6097 428.27 I') N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 430.9699 -na--na--na-430.83 430.73 N'132 N-131 432.4499 -na--na--na-432.45 432.79 I N-133 N-132 441.2068 -na--na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na--na---na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.4999 -na--na---na-437.57 437.47 I N-136 N-135 440.3899 -na--na---na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 442.9103 -na---na---na-442.2 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.87 -na----na---na--441.99 441.89 N-138· N-137A 458.8658 -na----na--na-442.9 442.8 I N-139 N-138 443.1294 -na--na-. -na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.89-na--na--na-443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.3999 -na---na--na-444.3999 444.84 I N-142 N-141 445.7908 -na--na--na-445.7908 446.11 N-143 N-142 447.0108 -na---na---na-447.0107 447.71 N-144 N-143 451.3791 -na---na-. -na-448.2 448.1 I N-145 N-144 448.46 -na--na--na-447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na--na-449.6399 449.84 N,147 N-146 452.3698 -na--na--na-452.3698 452.71 I N-148 N-147 453.5397 -na--na--na-453.5397 453.89 N-149 N-148 464.129 -na---na--na-454.3 454.2 N-150 N-149 454.3029 -na-. --na---na-454.3029 454.85 I N-151 N-150 456.4128 --na--na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.5699 -na----na--na-460.56 460.46 N-153 N-152 . 463.8899 -na--na---na-463.89 464.17 ) N-154 N-153 467.8199 -na---na---na-467.44 467.34 I I :-1 I I \ \ I I \I I I I I ,, ' ' I I I I I I I I '1 Table B.3. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin· 25-Year Storm ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing East) USING TYPE1A AND {25 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL nVel Nel CBasin / Reach O-Durn2 .O-Durn1 0-145 0-144 0-143 0-142 0~141 P-117 D-140 0-139 Q'.138 D-137 P-116 D-136 D-135 0-134 D-133A D-133 P-115 D-132 P-114 D-131 D-130 D-129 P-113 D-128 0-127 D-126 D0 125 D-124 D-123 P-112 D-122 D-121 P-111 . D-120 0·119 D-118 0-117 D-116 D-115 P-110 D-114 D-113 0-112 D-111 Area ac Flow Full Q cfs cfs . 19.7 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.6 65.2 65.2 65.2 65.2 67.6. 67.6 · 67.6 67.6 67.6 67.6 67.6 68.7 68.7 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 122.6 122.6 · 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6 124.4 124.4 124.4 5.7736 122.33 16.6641 122,33 16.6623 121.12 16.6597 117.92 16.6543 122.41 16.6481 82.3869 16.6444 10.3949 18.3188 6.5804 18.3118 124.5 18.2992 117.81 18.2868 94.8108 19.0686 279 19.0592 7.2535 19.0493 61.7242 19.0273 .66.6905 19.0167 70.9939 19.0082 93.7984 19.0069 \26.6671 19.4194 6.9473 19.4163 226.87 25.943 18.9199 25.9323 338.51 25.9219 33.2703 25.9106. 8.6723 25.8992 23.5738 25.8888 266.41 25.8608 1354.11 25.8358 . 491.48 25. 7224 3470.27 25.5489 549.84 25.5134 3827.85 25.4763 4.3371 25.4617 50.2681 32.0486. 594.02 32.0049 15.3148 31.7866 18.2879 31.6961 17.5281 31.6812. 179.94 31.6627 · 61.1492 31.6418 27,9865 31.64 78.2241 31.6228 30J~525 31.5955 47.75 31.8576 319.76 31.8471 1134.16 31.8116 413.21 % Full nDepth Size ratio ft 0.05 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.2 1.6 2.78 0.15 0.16 0.19 0.07 2.63 0.31 0.29. 0.27 0.2 0.71 0.5347 X-Sect 0.9204 X-Sect 0.9253 X-Sect 1.095 X-Sect 1.0158 X-Sect 1.1029 X-Sect -1 X-Sect -1 12· Diam 0. 7894 X-Sect 0.786 X-Sect 1.0247 X-Seci 0.6269 X-Sect -1 18" Diam 1.0913 X-Sect 1.2672 X-Sect 0.926 X-Sect 0.9908 X-Sect 2.2289 X-Sect 2.8 -1 12" Diam 0.09 0.9372 X-Sect 1.37 0.08 0.78 2.99 1.1 0.1 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.01 5.87 0.51 0.05 2.09 1.74 1.81 0.18 0.52 1.13 0.4 1.03 0.66 0.1 0.03 0.08 -1 24" Diam 0.9321 X-Sect 1.3721 X-Seci ·1 X-Sect -1 18" Diam 1.076 X·Sect 0.8003 X-Sect 0.4713 X-Sect 0.5018 X-Sect 0.478 X-Sect 0.584 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 1 .3879 X-Sect 0.4735 X-Sect -1 18" Diam -1 X-Sect -1 X-Sect 0.7203 X-Sect . 1.5908 X-Sect -1 X-Sect 1.866 X-Sect 1.7027 24" Diam 1. 7176 X-Sect 1.1584 X-Sect 0.8307 X-Sect 1.2906 X-Sect ft/s ft/s 4.2649- 5.9522- 5.911 - 5.6189 -- 5.1748 - 4.6242- 1.6012 - e-001 e-002 2.7838 8.3784 ex_east 4.3271 --· 4.6556- 4.5015 - 7.0354 -e-003 2.6276 4.1046 4.8719- 3.86 --· 4;7959_ 4.8691 - 1.5584- 2.7952 8.8456 e-004 7.5367- 1.3712 6.0224 e-005 6.5545- 5.6512 - 2.9877- 1.0986 13.34 5.818 - 2.5676- 2.076 -· 1.0908 ··- 0.836 - 2.4616.:.....,. . 5.8741 5.5221 3.5601 - 14.376 -e-006 2.0898 8.6664 1.7381 - 1.8083- 7.0837- 3.9591 -· 1.1306- 5.5186 - 11.096 9,757 5.6991 - 7.8462- 8.1092 - 4.9987 -- e-007 -=-' -----------~~~-- .\ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I I I 0..110 124.4 31.7828 241.55 0.13 1.207 X-Sect 5.2894- I Reh App Bend Junct HW Max El/ Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node ft ft ft ft ft ft N-110 408.797 I N-111 N-110 409. 747 -na----na---na-409.747 411.92 N-112 N-111 410.8606 -na----na---na-410.8606 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.5405 -na----na----na--412.5405 415.64 I N'114 N-113 413.1504 -na---na---na-413.1505 415.67 N-115 N-114 414.8065 -na---na---na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 418.962 -na--na--na-416.6 416.5 I N-117 N-116 416.6529 -na---na---na-416.49 416.39 N-118 N-117 · 417.3199 -na--na--na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 416.9307 -na--na--na-416.71 416.61 I N-120. N-119 418.4399 -na---na--na-418.24 418.14 N-121. N-120 420.9399 -na--na--na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421 .5229 -na--na--na-. 421.5229 422.69 I N-123 N-122 431.8698 -na--na--na-423.41 · 423.31 i N-124 N-123 426.0499 -na--na--na-423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.64 -na--na--na--423.64 424.05 I N-126 N-125 491 .2671 --na---na--na-424,9 424.8 N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na----na--425.6399 426:02 N-128 N-127 426.0798 -na---na--na-426.0798 426.52 1'1-129 . N-128 427 .6098 -na--na--na-427.6097 428.27 •=) N-130 . N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N,131 N-130 430.9699 -na"." -na--na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.45 -na--na--na-432.45 432.79 I N-133 N-132 437.2202 -na--na---na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na--na--na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.85-na--na--na-437.57 437.47 I N-136 N-135 440.39 -na--na--na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 444.033 -na--na--na-442.2 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.8699 -na--na---na-441.99 441.89 I N-138 N-137A 469.665 -na---na--.-na-442:9 442.8 N-139 N-138 443.3789 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.89 --na----na----na-443.14 443.04 I N-141 N-140 444.3999 -na---na----na-444.3999 444~84 N-142 N-141 445.9371 --na---na---na-445.9371 446.11 N-143 N-142 447.157 --na---na--na-447.157 447.71 N-144 N-143 453.928 -na---na--na-448.2 448.1 I N-145 N-144 448.46 -na--na--na-447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na---na-449.6399 449.84 N-147 N-146 452.3699 -na--na--na-452.3699 452.71 I N-148 N-147 453.5398 -na--na--na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 470.8597 -na--na--na-454.3 4542 N-150 N-149 454.3029 -na--na---na-454,3029 454.65 I N-151 N-150 456.4129 -na--na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.5699 -na--na--na-460.56 460.46 ·. N-153 N-152 463.8981 -na---na---na-463.8981 464.17 I lr\1-154 N-153 467.828 --na---na---na-467.44 467.34 I , ., . I / I I Table 8.4. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -SO-Year Stonn I ROUTEHYD aTHRU [Existirig East] USING TYPE1A AND [SO yr] NOTZEROACTUAL I Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full . · nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin / Hyd ac cfs cfs ratio ft ft/s ft/S ------------ D-Dum2 19.7 6.4328 122.33 0.05 0. 5644 X-Sect 4.4125 -----e-001 I D-Dum1 53.6 18.4875 122.33 0.15 0.9737 X-Sect 6.1401 -----e-002 D-145 53.6 18.4851 121.12 0.15 0.9789 X-Sect 6.0973 - D-144 53.6 18.482 117.92 0.16 1.1561 X-Sect 5.7757 _. - I D-143 53.6 18.4757 122.41 0.15 1.0682 X-Sect 5.3178 --- oa142 53.6 18.4689 82.3869 0.22 1.16 X-Sect 4.7688 --- D-141 53.6 18.4652 10.3949 1.78 -1 X-Sect 1.7764- I P-117 65.2 20.3744 6.5804 3.1 -1 12" Diam 3.0962 8.3784 ex_east D-140 65.2 20.3667 124.5 0.16 0.8355 X-Sect 4.4786- 0-139 65.2 20.3531 117 .81 0.17 0.8317 X-Sect 4.8035 -- I D-138 65.2 20.3398 94.8108 0.21 t.0799 X-Sect 4.6329 --- D-137 67.6 21.2149 279 0.08 0.6572 X-Sect 7.2468-e-003 p,115 67.6 21.2056 7.2535 2.92 -1 18"Diam 2.9235 4.1046 I D-136 67.6 21.1949 61.7242 0.34 1.152 X-Sect 5.0314 -- D-135 67.6 21.1716 66.6905 0.32 1.3357 X-Sect 3.9737- 0-134 67.6 21.1602 70.9939 0.3 0.9762 X-Sect 4.9411 ---- o,133A 67.6 21.1511 93.7984 0.23 1.035 X-Sect 5.0466-- I 0-133 67.6 21.1496 26.6671 0.79 2.3487 X-Sect 1.6064- P-115 68.7 21.6082 6.9473 3.11 -1 12" Diam 3.1103 8.8456 e-004 D-132 68.7 21.605 226.87 0.1 0.9869 X-Sect 7.7628- I) P-114 92.2 28.7909 18.9199 1.52 -1 24" Diam 1.5217 6.0224 e-005 0-131 92.2 28.7784 338.51 0.09 0.9857 X-Sect 6.7585-- D-130 92.2 28.7663 33.2703 0.86 1 .4508 X-Sect 5.8219 - I D-129 92.2 28.7555 8.6723 3.32 -1 X-Sect 3.3158- · P-113 · 92.2 28.7428 23.5738 1.22 -1 18" Diam 1.2193 13.34 D-128 92.2 28.731 266.41 0.11 1.1405 X-Sect 5.9997 -- I D-127 92.2 28.699 1354.11 0.02 0.8231 X-Sect 2.6309-- D-126 ·92.2 28.6712 491A8 0.06 0.4918'X-Sect 2.1506 -- D-125 92.2 28.5445 3470.27 0.01 0.5218 X-Sect 1.1196 -- I D-124 92.2 28.3566 549.84 0.05 0.5043 X-Sect 0.8666 --- D-123 92.2 28.3183 3827.85 0.01 0.6073 X-Sect 2.5267- P-112 92.2 28.2813 4.3371 6.52 -1 12'.' Diam 6.5208 5.5221 D-122 92.2 28.2656 50.2681 0.56 1.4497 X-Sect 3.6834 --- I D-121 122.6 35.6853 594.02 0.06 0.5006 X-Sect 14.8923 --e-006 P-111 122.6 35.6419 15.3148 2.33 -1 18" Diam 2.3273 8.6664 D-120 122.6 35.4329 18.2879 1:94 -1 X-Sect 1.9375 -- I D-119 122.6 35.3437 17.5281 2.02 -1 X-Sect 2.0164 --- D-118 122.6 35.3278 179.94 0.2 0.7605 X-Sect 7.315 -- D,117 122.6 35.308 · 61.1492 0.58 1.6707 X-Sect 4.0938 -·- I . D-116 122.6 35.2852 27.9865 1.26 -1 X-Sect 1.2608- D-115 122.6 35.2833 78.2241 0.45 1.9632 X-Sect 5.68- P-110 122.6 35.2651 30.6525 1.15 -124" Diam 1.1505 9.757 I D-114 122.6 35.2359 47.75 0.74 1.8022 X-Sect 5.8823 -- D-113 124.4 35.5397 319.76 0.11 1 .2299 X-Sect 8.0881 ---e-007 · · D-112 124.4 35.5284 1134.16 0.03 0.8726 X-Sect 8.4163 -- • ) D-111 124.4 35.4908 413.21 0.09 1.3677 X-Sect 5.1548 -- I :·'t I I D-110 124.4 35.4602 241.55 0.15 1 .2828 X-Sect 5.4622 --- Reh App Bend Junct HW Max El/ I Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node fl fl . , fl fl fl fl N-110 · 408.8728 I N-111 N-.110 409.8228 --na---na---na-409.8228 411.92 N-112 N~111 .410.9377 -na----na---na-410.9377 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.6176 -na--na---na-412.6176 415.64 I N-114 · N-113. 413.2275 -na--na--na-413.2275 415.67 N-115 N-114 414.9305 -na--na--na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 415.8377 -na--na--na-415.8377 416.5. I N-117 N-116 416.2331 --na~ -na--na-416.2331 416.39 N-118 N-117 417.0631 -na--na---na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 417.0166 -na--.-na--na-416.71 416.61 I N-120 N-119 418.4399 -na---na--na--418.24 418.14 N-121 N-120 420.9399 --na--na--na-420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.6109 -na--na--na-421.6109 422.69 N-123 N-122 434.4431 -na---na--na-423.41 423.31 I N-124 N-123 426:0499 -na--na-,--na--423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.6399 -na-'-na--na-423.6399 424.05 N-126 N-125 506.9789 -na--na--na-424.9 424.8 I N~127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na--na-425.6399 426.02 N-128 N-127 426.0798 -na--na--na-426.0798 426.52 N-129 N-128 427.6098 -na-~na--na-427.6097 428.27 I) N-130 N-129 429.6497 --na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 · 430.9699 -na--na--na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.5004 -na--na--na-432.5004 432.79 I N-133 N-132 438.2302 -na-. -na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N,133 436.5119 -na--na--na~ 436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.85 -na---na--na-437.57 437.47 I N-136 N-135 440.3899 -na~ -na-· --na-440.25 440.15 N-137 N-136 444.7122 --na--na---na-442.2 442.1. N-137A N-137 442:8699 ..:..na--na..,. -na-441.99 441.89 N-138 N-137A 476.2553 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 I N-139 N-138 443.4986 -"na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N~139 443.8899 -na~ -na--na-443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.3999 --na---na--sna--444.3999 444.84 I N-142 N-141 446:0057 -na--na--na-446.0057 446.11. N-143 N-142 44 7 .2256 -na---na---na-447.2256 447.71 N-144 N-143 455.4835 -na--na--na-448.2 448.1 I N-145 N-144 · 448.46 -na--na--na-· 447.84 447.74 N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na--na-449.6399 449.84 N-147 N-146 452.3699 -na--na--na-452.3698 452.71 I N-148 N-147 453.5398 -na--,na--na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 474.9647 -na--na--na-454.3 454.2 N-150 N-149 454.3029 -na--na--na-454.3029 454.65 I N-151 N-150 456.4129 -na--na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.5836 -ria--na--na-460.56 460.46 N-153 N-152 463.9726 -na--na--na-463.9726 464.17 \ N-154 N-153 467.9025 -na---na--na-467.44 467.34 I I :1 I I Table 8.5. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -100-Year Storm ' ·, ROUTEHYD O THRU {Existing East] USING TYPE 1 A AND {100 yr} NOTZERO ACTUAL I I Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Net CBasin /Hyd ac cfs cfs ratio ft ft/S ft/s --------- D-Dum2 19.7 7.1007 122.33 0.06 0.5932 X-Sect 4.5504 ----e-001 I D-Dum1 53.6 20.334 122.33 0.17 1.0256 X-Sect 6.3154 ----e-002 D-145 53.6 20.3311 121.12. 0.17 1.0311 X-Sect 6.2711·-- D-144 53.6 20.3274 117.92 0.17 1.2148 X,Sect 5.9225 ---- D-143 53.6 20.3204 122.41 0:17 1.1183 X-Sect 5.4519 -- I D-142 53.6 20.3129 82.3869 0.25 1.2157 X,Sect 4.9037 -- D-141 53.6 20.3094 10.3949 1.95 -1 X-Sect 1.9538 - P-117 65.2 22.46 6.5804 3.41 -1 12" Diam 3.4132 8.3784 ex_east I D-140 65.2 22.4518 124.5 0.18 0.8802 X-Sect 4.6208- D-139 65.2 22.4372 117.81 0.19 0.8757 X-Sect 4.9419 --- D-138 65.2 22.4229 94.8108 0.24 1.1329 X-Sect 4.756.-- I D-137 67.6 23.3927 279 0.08 0.6862 X-Sect 7.4448 ---e-003 P-116 67.6 23.3835 7.2535 3.22 -1 18" Diam 3.2238 4.1046 D-136 . 67.6 23.3721 61.7242 0.38 1.2109 X-Sect 5.1605 ----- I D-135 67.6 23.3475 66.6905 0.35 1.4016 X-Sect 4.08-·- D-134 67.6 23.3353 70.9939 0.33 1.0244 X-Sect 5.0771 ----- 0-133A 67.6 23.3254 93.7984 0.25 1.0782 X-Sect 5.2133 - I D-133 67.6 23.3239 26.6671 0.87 2.4653 X-Sect 1.6511 -- P-115 68.7 23.829 6.9473 3.43 -1 12" Diam 3.43 8.8456 e-004 D-132 68.7 23.8256 226.87 0.11 1.0347 X-Sect 7.9743 -- I) P-114 92;2 31.6894 18.9199 1.67 -1 24" Diam 1.6749 6.0224 e-005 0-131 92.2 31.6761 338.51 0.09 1.0378 X-Sect 6.9502- D-130 92.2 31.6628 33.2703 0.95 1.5281 X-Sect 5.9813- D-129 92.2 31.6529 8.6723 3.65 -1 X-Sect 3.6499 --- I P-113 92.2 31.6395 23.5738 1.34 . -1 18"Diam 1.3421 13.34 D-128 92.2 31.627 266.41 0.12 1.2034 X-Sect 6.1704- D-127 92.2 31.5932 1354.11 0.02 0.6449 X-Sect 2,6909 -- I D-126 92.2 31.5642 491.46 0.06 0.5117 X-Sect 2.2214 ---- D-125 92.2 31.4314 3470.27 0.01 0.541 X-Sect 1.1469 ---- D-124 92.2 31.2367 549.84 0.06 0.5301 X-Sect 0.8959 --- I D-123 92.2 31.1967 3827.85 0.01 0.6298 X-Sect 2.5886- P-112 92.2 31.1607 4.3371 7.18 -1 12" Diam 7.1847 5.5221 D-122 92.2 31.1444 50.2681 0.62 1.5106X-Sect 3.6005 --- I D-121 122.6 39,4139 594.02 0.07 0. 527 X-Sect 15.3819 ---e-006 . P-111 122.6 39.3717 15.3148 2.57 -1 18" Diam 2.5708 8.6664 0-120 122.6 39.1738 18.2879 2.14 -1 X-Sect 2.1421 - I D-119 122.6 39.0873 17.5281 2.23 . -1 X-Secl 2.23-- D-118 122.6 39.0705 179.94 0.22 0. 7996 X-Sect 7.5336 -- D-117 122.6 39.0498 . 61.1492 0.64 1.7492 X-Sect 4.2208 ---- D-116 122.6 38.9434 27.9865 · 1.39 -1 X-Sect 1.3915 - I D-115 122.6 38.9414 78.2241 0.5 2.0557 X-Sect 5.829 -- P-110 122.6 38.9219 30.6525 1.27 -1 24" Diam 1.2698 9.757 D-114 122.6 38.8904 47.75 0.81 1.8638 X-Secl 6.0508 -- I D-113 124.4 39.2371 319.76 0.12 1.298 X-Secl 8.3113 -e-007 D-112 124.4 39.225 1134.16 0.03 0.9129 X-Sect 8.7019 - D-111 124.4 39.1846 413.21 0.09 1.4411 X-Sect · 5.2991 --- I I , ., I I D-110 124.4 39.1518 241.55 0.16 1 .3552 X-Sect 5.6219 --- Reh App Bend Junct HW Max Ell I Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El Fr Node To Node ft ft . ft ft ft ft N-110 408.9452 I N-111 N-110 409.8951 --na--na---na--409.8951 411.92 N-112 N-111 411.0111 --na----na---na-411.0111 414.13 N-113 N-112 412.691 -na---na----na--412.691 415.64 I N-114 N-113 413.3009 --na--na--na-413.3009 415.67 N-115 N-114 415.03 -na--na---na-414.18 414.08 N-116 N-115 416.0292 -na--'-na--na-416.0292 416.5 I N-117 N-116 416.3256 -na--na---na-416.3256 416.39 N-118 N-117 417.1555 -na--na---na-416.49 416.39 N-119 N-118 417.1629 --na--na--na-416.71 416.61 N-120 N-119 418.4399 --na--na-;-na-418.24 418.14 I N-121 N-120 420.9399 -na-' -na---na-· 420.43 420.33 N-122 N-121 421.696 -na--na---na-421.696 422.69 N-123 N-122 437.3544 -na--na---na-423.41 · 423.31 I N-124 N-123 426.0499 -na--na---na--423.41 423.31 N-125 N-124 423.6805 --na--na--na-423.6805 424.05 N-126 N-125 524.8533 -ria--na--na-424.9 424.8 I N-127 N-126 425.6399 -na--na--na-425.6399 426.02 N-128' N-127 426.0798 -na-· -na--na-426.0798 426.52 Ns129 N-128 427 .6098 -na--na---na-427.6097 428.27 1·) N-130 N-129 429.6497 -na--na--na-429.4 429.3 N-131 N-130 430.9699 -na--na---na-430.83 430.73 N-132 N-131 432.5633 -na---na-. -na--432.5633 432.79 I Nc133 N-132 439.3671 -na--na--na-436.5 436.4 N-134 N-133 436.5119 -na--na--na-436.03 435.93 N-135 N-134 437.85 -na--na~ -na-437.57 437.47 N-136 N-135 440.3899 -na--na--na-440.25 440.15 I N-137 N-136 445.4762 -na--na--. --na--442.2 442.1 N-137A N-137 442.8699 --na---na---na-441.99 441.89 N-138 N-137A 483:6605 -na---na--na-442.9 442.8 I N-139 N-138 443.6152 -na--na--na-442.9 442.8 N-140 N-139 443.8899 -'na--na--na-. 443.14 443.04 N-141 N-140 444.4243 -na--na---na-444.4243 444.84 I N-142 N-141 446.0716 -na--na---na-446.0716 446.11 N-143 N-142 447.2915 -na--na---na--447.2915 447.71 N-144 N-143 4 57.2313 -na---na--na-448.2 448.1 I N-145 N-144 448.4599 -na-·-na--na-447.84 447.74 · N-146 N-145 449.6399 -na--na--na-449.6399 449.84 N-.147 N-146 452.3698 -na--:-na--na-452.3698 452.71 · I N-148 N,147 . 453.5398 -na--na-~na-453.5398 453.89 N-149 N-148 479.5756 --na--na--na-454.3 454.2 N-150' N-149 454.3031 --na-:--na---na-454.3031 454.65 I N-151 N°150 456.413 -na---na--na-455.87 455.77 N-152 N-151 460.6481 -na--na--na-460.56 460.46 N-153 N-152 464.0445 -na--na--na-464.0445 464.17 '>N-154 N-153 467.9954 -na--na--na-467.44 467.34 I I , ., -------------------------------------------- I Table B.6. Hydrograph Routing -East Basin -Summary Table 2-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year I Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard _ Reach ID From Node To Node (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) I N-110 D-110 N-111 N-110 2.68 2.33 2.17 2.10 2.02 - D-111 N-112 N-111 4.16 3.43 3.27 3,19 3.12 I D-112 N-113 N-112 3.98 3.26 3.10 3.02 2.95 D-113 N-114 -N-113 3.14 2.69 2.52 2.44 2.37 D-114 N-115 N-114 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I P-110 N-116 N-115 1.00 Overtop Overtop 0.66 0.47 D-115 N-117 N-116 0.83 Overtop Overtop 0.1_6 0.06 D-116 N-118 N-117 0.00 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I D-117 N-119 N-118 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop 0-118 N-120 N-119 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-119 N-121 -N-120 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I D-120 N-122 N-121 1.17 1.36 1.17 1.08 0.99 P-111 N-123 N-122 0.32 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-121 N-124 N-123 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-122 N-125 N-124 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.37 I P-112 N-126 N-125 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-123 N-127 N-126 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0:.124 N-128 N-127 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 I D-125 N-129 N-128 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 D-126 N-130 N-129 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop 0-127 N-131 N-130 ·Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I) 0-128 N-132 N-131 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.29 -0.23 P-113 N-133 N-132 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop 0-129 N-134 N-133 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I 0-130 N-135 N-134 Overtop _ Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop 0-131 N-136 N-135 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop -P-114 N-137 N-136 0.68 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I D-132 N-137A N-137 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop OVertop P-115 N-138 N-137A Overtop Overtop-Overtop Overtop Overtop D-133 N-139 N-138 Overtop overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I I D-133A N-140 N-139 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop ' D-134 N-141 N-140 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.42 \ D-135 N-142 N-141 0.44 0.32 0.17 0.10 0.04 0-136 N-143 N-142 0.82 0.70 0.55 0.48 0.42 I P-116 N-144 N-143 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop \ 0-137 N-145 N-144 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop 0-138 N-146 N-145 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 \ I 0-139 N--147 N-146 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 D-140 N-148 N-147 0.35 0.35 0.35 0;35 0.35 \ P-117 N-149 N-148 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I D-141 N-150 N-149 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 \ D-142 N-151 N-150 Overtop overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-143 N-152 N-151 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop \ I 0-144 N-153 N-152 0.28 -0.28 0.27 0.20 0.13 D-145 N-154 N-153 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop \ "'1 I \ I I I Table B.7. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -2-Year Stonn ROUTEHYD [] THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [2 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL. Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel ) CBasin / Hyd I I I I I I I I) I I 0-021 . 0-020 P-016 0-019 . 0-018 P-015 0-017 0-016 P-014 0-015 0-014 P-013 0-012 0-011 0-010 . P-012 P~011 P-010 P-009 P-008A P-008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P-004 0-009 0-008 P-003 D-007 0-006 I . P-002 0-005 I I 0-004 0-003 0-002 0-001 P-001 ac cfs cts. , ratio ft ft/s ft/s 2.9 0.5767 215.99 0 0.3321 X-Sect 3.0535 --w-001 2.9 0.5766 75.0242. 0.01 0.3244 X-Sect 2.7143 ---- 19.2 2.8102 10.5228 0.27 0.3529 12" Diam 11.3425 13.398 w-002 19.2 2.8096 212.76 0.01 0.6667 X-Sect 4.1816 ---- 21.1 3.0333 251.93 0.01 0.2382 X-Sect· 5.8108 -ex_west 21.1 3.0325 7.7298 0.39 0.4351 12" Diam 9.2462 · 9.8418 21.1 3.0318 138.18 0.02 0.3561 X-Sect 3.5277 - 21.1 3.0316 452.04 0.01 0.254 X-Sect 5.0894 - 22.3 3.2439 7.9881 0.41 0.4436 12" Diam 9.6423 10.1708 w-003 22.3 3.2432 160.64 0.02 0.451 X-Sect 3.7541 - 22.3 3.2429 200 0.02 0.6317 X-Sect 4.3238 - 22.3 3.2423 10.6228 0.31 0.3791 12" Diam 11.8787 13.5253 22.3 3.2413 290.67 0.01 0.6234 X-Sect 4.8101 - 22.3 3.2403 320.43 0.01 0.3609 X-Sect 4.0339 - 25.5 3.7564 1040.88 O 0.5771 X-Sect 6.1421 ---w-004 25.5 3.7551 7.0631 0.53 0.5186 12" Diam 9.1309 8.9931 25.5 3.7536 6.9402 0.54 0.5239 12" Diam 9.0097 8.8365 · 25.5 3.7521 8.217 0.46 0.4742 12" Diam 10.2249 10.4623 · 25.5 3.7507 7.6431 0.49 0.4945 12" Diam 9.6859 9.7315 27.7 4.1444 4.8684 0.85 0.709 12" Diam 6.9597 6.1986 w-005 31.5 4.8063 6.8722 0.7 0.6161 12" Diam 9.4657 8.75 w-006 31.5 4.8057 6.4104 0.75 0.6459 12" Diam 8.9569 8.162 31.5 4.8039 7.4569 0.64 0.5839 12" Diam 10.0875 9.4945 39.3 6.248 9.9629 0.63 0.574 12" Diam 13.3954 12.6852 w-007 39,3 6.2406 7.7824 0.8 0.677812" Diam 11.0133 9.9088 39.3 6.2233 93.993 0.07 0.6278 X-Sect 2.79 - 39.3 · 6.2231 112:96 0.06 0.414 X-Sect 6.2056 - 39.3 6.2205. 6.2952 0.99 0.8091 12" Diam 9.1373 8.0153 39.3 6.2079 107.57 0.06 0.5256 X-Sect 3.8357 ---- 39.3 · 6.2077 964.56 0.01 0.3936 X-Sect 8.1166 - 39.3 6.204 6.1462 1.01 0.8284 12" Diam 8.9179 7.8256 39.3 62035 -0 0.915 X-Sect 2.1497 - 39.3 6.1864 44.3354 0.14 0.5256 X-Sect 4.8288 - 39.3 6.1853 313.41 0.02 0.5341 X-Sect 4.3358 - 39.3 6.1799 770.99 0.01 0.6454 X-Sect 1.5651 -- 39.3 6.1797 146.32 0.04 0.4209 X-Sect 7.1705 -- .48.3 6.7994 8.2043 0.83 0.6946 12" Diam 11.6778 10.4461 w-008 Reh Loss I From Nod To Node ft App. Head ft Bend Loss ft · Junct Loss ft HW Elev ft Max EV Rim El ft N-002 I N-003 '\ N-004 I N-005 I I N-001 373.6321 N-001 382.2466 -na-- N-002 381.0999 -na- N-003 382.8899 -na- N-004 389.8769 -na- --na--na- -na--na- --na--na- -na--na- 380.5 380.43 382.3 389.8769 . 380.4 380.33 382.2 390.25 , ., I I N-006 N-005 398.3768 -na---na---na--398.3768 398.68 . N-007 N-006 397. 7699 -na---na--na--397.7699 398.68 I · N-008 N-007 400.6486 --na-399.4 .399.3 / --na:---na-I N-010 N-008 400.3799 -na----na---na--399.4 399.3 N-011 N-010 400.4899 --na~ --na----na--400.32 400.22 N-012 N-011 403.3211 --na---na----na-401.7 401.6 I N-014 . N-012 401.9299 :-na---na---na-401.9 401.8 N-015 N-014 402.4099 -na---.-na----na-402.4099 402.6 N-016 N-015 406.8691 0.9827 0.0089 ----. 405.8952 406.01 I N-017 N-016 407.6445 0.5809 0.0075 ----. 406.41 406.31 N-018 N-017 408.2272 0.5814 0.0023 ---407.6481 408.14 N-019 N,018 411.1539-411.1539 413.72 I N-019A N-019 419.722 0.4324 0,0032 --419.2928 420.68 N-020 N-019A 420,102 --420.102 422.5. N-021 N-020 428:8048 0.3544 0.0039 -----428.4543 429.85 I N-022 N-021 431.8735 1.2605 0.0049 --'----430.6179 434 N-023 N-022 435.9002 0.355 0.0013 --435:5465 436.59 N-024 N-023 437.2402 --na----na---na--437.2402 438.2 I N-025 N-024 437.6302 --na---na--na-437.6302 438.9 N-026 N-025 440.4301 -na---na---na-440.4301 441.52 N-028 N-026 444.3401 --na---na,-0 -na--444.3401 444.82 · N-029 N-028 445.7641 -na--na---na--445.764 . 446.2 I N-031 N-029 445.934 -na-· -na-· -na-445.934 446.47 N-032 N-031 447.8239 -na--na--na-447.8239 449.01 N-033 N-032 448.994 --na---na--na-448.994 450.1 I) N-035 N-033 449.4039 -na---na----na--449.4039 451.24 N-036 N-035 451.6238 -na---na---na--451.6238 452.98 N-037 N-036 452.5651 --na---na--na--452.5651 453.8 I N-039 N-037 453.065 --na---na--na-453.065 · 454.27 N-040 N-039 455.835 --na-----na~ -na-455.835 457.02 · N-041 N-040 458.6864 -na----na---na-458.6864 459.3 I N-043 N-041 458.8464 --na----na---na 0 -458.8463 · 459.71 N~044 N-043 466.1862 -na----na--na--466.1862 467.86 I I I I I I I :; I I Table 8.8. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -10-Year Stonn I ROUTEHYD [] THRU [Existing West) USING TYPE1A AND [10 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin I Hyd I I I I I I I) D-021 D-020 P-016 D-019 D-018 P-015 D-017 D-016 P-014 D-015 D-014 P-013 D-012 D-011 D-010 P-012 P-011 P-010 P-009 P-OOBA P-008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P-004 D-009 D-008 P-003 D-007 D-006 P-002 D-005 D-004 D-003 0-002 · D-001 P-001 ac cfs cfs ratio ft '!Us tus 2.9 1.1262 215.99 0.01 0.4269 X-Sect 3.6099 ----w-001 2.9 1.126 75.0242 0.02 0.417 X-Sect 3.2085 -- 19.2 5.7252 10.5228 0.54 0.5258 12" Diam 13.6802 13.398 w-002 19.2 5.7243 212.76 0.03 0.8706 X-Sect 4.9958 --- 21.1 6.2369 251.93 0.02 0.3597 X-Sect 7.2932 -ex_west 21.1 6.2355 7.7298 0.81 0.6807 12" Diam 10.9508 9.8418 21.1 6.2346 138.18 0.05 0.5336 X-Sect 4.3923 - 21.1 62343 452.04 0.01 0.3664 X-Sect 6.4244 - 22.3 6.6546 7.9881 0.83 0.6973 12" Diam 11.3797 10.1708 w-003. 22.3 6.6534 160.64 0.04 0.6285 X-Sect 4.6707 - 22.3 6.653 200 0.03 0.827. X-Sect 5.1746 - 22.3 6.652 10.6228 0.63 0.5735 12" Diam 14.2771 13.5253 22.3 6.6504 290.67 0.02 · 0.8162 X-Sect 5.757 - 22.3 6.6488 320.43 0.02 0.516 X-Sect 5.0632 - 25.5 7.6794 1040.88 0.01 0.7546 X-Sect 7.3444 -w-004 25.5 7.6772 7:0631 1.09 -1 12" Diam 1.0869 8.9931 25.5 7.6747 6.9402 1.11 -1 12" Diam 1.1058 8.8365 25.5 7.6721 8.217 0.93 0.7657 12" Diam 11.8884 10.4623 25.5 7.6702 7.6431 1 0.8229 12" Diam 11.0927 9.7315 27.7 8.4447 4.8684 1.73 -1 12" Diam 1.7346 6.1986 w-005 31.5 9.6483 6.8722 1.4 -1 12" Diam 1.404 8.75 w-006 31.5 9.6459 6.4104 .1.5 -1 12" Diam 1.5047 8.162 31.5 9.6425 7.4569 1.29 -1 12" Diam 1.2931 9.4945 39.3 12.2397 9.9629 1.23 -1 12" Diam 1.2285 12.6852 w,007 39.3 12.2337 7.7824 1.57 -1 12" Diam 1.572 9.9088 39.3 12.2305 93.993 0.13 0.867X-Sect 3.43- 39.3 12.2302 112.96 0.11 0.5807X-Sect 7.6019 - 39.3 12.2269 6.2952 1.94 -1 12" Diam 1.9423 8.0153 39.3 12.2225 107.57 0.11 0.7439 X-Sect 4.7079 -- 39.3 12.2223 964.56 0.01 . 0.5074 X-Sect 9.6143 -- 39.3 12.2172 6.1462 1.99 -1 12" Diam 1.9878 7.8256 39.3 12.2169 ---0 0.915 X-Sect 4.2335 -- 39.3 12.207. 44.3354 0.28 0.7349 X-Sect 5.8637 --- 39.3 12.1945 313.41 0.04 0.7226 X-Sect 5.3815 - 39.3 12.1624 770.99 0.02 0.7234 X-Sect 1.7335 - 39.3 12.1621 146.32 0.08 0,5527 X-Sect 8.9201 -- .48.3 13.7386 8.2043 1.67 ,1 12" Diam 1.6746 10.4461 w-008 Reh Loss I I I I I I From Nod To Node ft App Head ft Bend Loss ft Junct · Loss ft HW Elev ft Max EV Rim El ft I N-002 N-003 \ N-004 1. · N-005 I N-001 N-001 N-002 N-003 N-004 373.66 397.4953 -na- 381.0999 -na" 382.8899 -na- 390.363 --na-- -na--na- --na--na- -na--na-- -na--na- 380.5 380.43 382.3 390.35 380.4 380.33 382.2 390.25 I I N-006 N-005 398.8499 -na----na----na--398.78 398.68 N-007 N-006 398.1499 --na----na----na--398.1499 398.68 N-008 N-007 406. 7091 -na----na----na--399.4 399.3 I N-010 N-008 400.3799 --na----na----na-399.4 399.3 N-011 N-010 400.4899 --na---na----na--400."32 400.22 N-012 N-011 402.893 --na----na----na-401.7 401.6 I N-014 N-012 401.9299 -na---na---na--40.1.9. 401.8 N-015 N-014 402.4099 ,-na---na--na--402.4099 402.6 N-016 N-015 414.9783 3.7712 0.0341 -----406.11 406.01 I N-017 N-016 412.823 2.3405 0.0303 ------406.41 406.31 N-018 N-017 412.9798 2.3422 0.0092 ------408.24 408.14 N-019 N-018 421.5153 -· 413.82 413.72 I N-019A N-019 428.7839 1.7952 0.0134 -----420.78 420.68 N-020 N-019A 424.1394 -422.6 422.5 N-021 N-020 431.693 1.4817 0.0162 -----429.95 429.85 I N-022 N-021 431.8735 1.4827 0.0057-430.3965 434 N-023 N-022 438.0848 1.4837 0. 0053 -----436.69 436.59 N-024 N-023 440.4391 --na----na---na--438.3 438.2 N-025 N-024 438.69 --na----na----na--438.69 438.9 I N-026 N-025 441.4899 -na--na---na-441.4899 441.52 N-028· N-026 445.3998 -na----na---na-444.92 444.82 N-029 N-028 447.9408 --na----na----na--446.3 446.2 I N-031 N-029 446.47 --na--na---na-446.47 446.47 N-032 N-031 448.3599 -na---na----na-448.3599 449.01 N-033 N-032 451.1722 -na--na--na-450.2 450.1 I) N-035 N-033 450.6099 -na---na--·-na-450.6099 451.24 N-036 N-035 452.8299 -na--na~ -na-452.8299 452.98 N-037 N-036 454.9681 -na---na---na-453.9 453.8 I N-039 N-037 454:3999 -na--na---na--454.37 454.27 N-040 N-039 457.14 -na--na----na-457.12 457.02 N-041 N-040 460.2915 -na---na----na-459.4 459.3 I N-043 N-041 459.5599 -na-· --na----na-459.5599 459.71 N-044 . N-043 466.8998 --na--· --na----na--466.8998 467.86 I I I I I \ I I I ·, I I I I I I I I I I:) I I I I I I I I I Table B.9. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin -25-Year Storm ROUTEHYD D THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [25 yr] NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin / Hyd D-021 D-020 P-016 D-019 D-018 P-015 0-017 D-016 P-014 0-015 D-014 P-013 D-012 D-011 D-010 · P-012 P-011 . P-010 P-009 P-008A P-008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P-004 0-009 D-008 P-003 0-007 0-006 P-002 D-005 D-004 0-003 0-002 0-001 p,001 ac cfs cfs . ratio ft · IVs ftis 2.9 L4193 215.99 0.01 0.4655 X-Sect 3.8249 - 2.9 1.419 75.0242 0.02 0.4548 X-Sect 3.3995 -- 19.2 7.2941 10.5228 0.69 0.6125 12" Diam 14.4658 13.398 w-002 19.2 7.2903 · 212.76 0.03 0.9533 X-Sect 5.3071 --- 21.1 7.9622 251.93 0.03 0.4124 X-Sect 7.8517 ---ex_west 21.1 7.9606 7.7298 1.03 0.8494 12" Diam 11.1952 9.8418 w-001 21.1 7.9596 138.18 0.06 0.6103 X-Sect 4.7161 - 21.1 7.9593 452.04 0.02 0.4154 X-Sect 6.9302- 22.3 8.4903 7.9881 1.06 0.8943 12" Diam 11.4571 10.1708 w-003 22.3 8.4889 160.64 0.05 0.7052 X-Sect 5.0142 - 22.3 8.4884 200 0.04 0.9062 X-Sect 5.4996 - 22.3 8.4872 10.6228 0.8 0.676 12" Diam 15.0227 13.5253 22.3 8.4854 290.67 0.03 0.8943 X-Sect 6.1186 -- 22.3 8.4835 320.43 0.03 0.5836 X-Sect 5.4511 - 25.5 9.7892 1040.88 0.01 0.8265 X-Sect 7.8039 -w-004 25.5 9.7867 7.0631 1.39 -1 12" Diam 1.3856 8.9931 25.5 9.7842 6.9402 1.41 -1 12" Diam 1.4098 8.8365 25.5 9.7811 8.217 1.19 -1 12" Diam 1.1903 10.4623 . 25.5 9.7791 7.6431 1.28 -1 12" Diam 1.2795 9.7315 27.7 10.7564 4.8684 2.21 -1 12" Diam 2.2095 6.1986 w-005 31.5 12.2532 6.8722 1.78 -1 12" Diam 1.783 8.75 w-006 31.5 . 12.2295 6.4104 1.91 -1 12" Diam 1.9077 8.162 31.5 12.214 7.4569 1.64 -1 12" Diam 1.6379 9.4945 39.3 15.4537 9.9629 1.55 -1 12" Diam 1.5511 12.6852 w-007 39.3 15.439 7.7824 1.98 -1 12" Diam 1.9838 9.9088 39.3 15.4332 93.993 0.16 0.9703 X-Sect 3.6728 --- 39.3 15.4329 112.96 0.14 0.6524 X-Sect 8.1307 - 39.3 15.4277 6.2952 2.45 -1 12" Diam 2.4507 8.0153 39.3 15.4211 107.57 0.14 0.8378 X-Sect 5.0372 ---- 39.3 15.4209 964.56 0.02 0.5537 X-Sect 10.1896 --- 39.3 15.4136 6.1462 2.51 -1 12" Diam 2.5078 7.8256 39.3 15.4133 --0 0.915 X-Sect 5.3412 -- 39.3 15.3973 44.3354 0.35 0.8232 X-Sect 6.2522 --- 39.3 15.3784 313.41 0.05 0.8043 X-Sect 5.7771 ---- 39.3 15.3305 770.99 0.02 0.749 X-Sect 1.8482 -- 39.3 15.3302 146.32 0.1 0.61 X-Sect 9,5841 --- 48.3 17.4789 8.2043 2.13 · -1 12" Diam 2.1304 10.4461 w-008 Reh Loss From Nod To Node ft App Head ft Bend Loss ft Junct Loss ft HW Elev ft Max Ell Rim El ft N-002 N-003 N-004 i N-005 N-001 N-001 N-002 N-003 N-004 373.68 412.2399 -na- 381.1 --na- 382.8899 -na- 390.6017 --na- -na-- -na- -na- -na- --na- -na- -na- --na- 380.5 380.43 382.3 390.35 380.4 380.33 382.2 390.25 ' ., I I ) I I I I I I I 1·) I I I 1 • I I I I ) I N-006 N~oo5 398.85 --na-- 398.1499 --na-- 411. 7735 --na-- 400.3799 --na-- 400.4899 --na-- 404.2625 --na-- N-007 N-006 N-008 N-007 N-010 N-008 N-011 N-010 N-012 N-011 N-014 N-012 N-015 N-014 N-016 · N-015 N-017 N-016 N-018 N-017 N-019 N-018 . N-019A N-019 N-020 N-019A N-021 N-020 N-022 N-021 · N-023 N-022 N-024 N-023 N-025 N-024 N-026 N-025 N-028 N-026 N-029 N-028 N-031 N-029 N-032 N-031 N-033 N-032 N-035 N-033 N~036 N-035 N-037 N-036 N-039 N-037 N-040 N-039 N-041 N-040 N-043 · N-041 -na---na- -na--na-- -na----na-- --na----na-- -'na----na-- 401.9299 --na----na--··na-- 402.4099 -na---na---na •• --na-~ ··na- 422.4271 6.0118 0.0544 ••••·• 416.8114 3.7554 0.0486 ••·••• · 416.9514 3.7649 0.0148 ·--- 429.5789 -···· - 437.9548 2.9125 0.0218 •••••• 426.2303 -- 436.8487 2.4083 0.0264 ··-·· 438.8036 2.4098 0.0093 ---- 442.3643 2.4111 0.0087 -·-· 442. 7826 -na-- 438.69 -na- 441.4899 -na-- 445.3998 -na-- 449. 7335 -na-- --na-- -na-- ··na-- --na-- --na- -na-- -na- -na- -na-- -na- ·-na- --na- --na- --na,... ··na-- -na- --na- --n.a-- -na-- ··na-- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na-- --na-c -na- --na-- 398.78 398.68 398.1499 398.68 399.4 399.3 399.4 399.3 400.32 400.22 401.7 401.6 401.9 401.8 402.4099 402.6 406.11 406.01 406.41 406.31 408.24 408.14 413.82 413.72 420.78 420.68 422.6 422.5 429.95 429.85 434.1 434 436.69 436.59 438.3 438.2 438.69 438.9 441.4899 441.52 444.92 444.82 446.3 446.2 446.47 446.47 448.3599 449.01 450.2 450.1 450.6099 451.24 452.8299 452.98 453.9 453.8 454.37 454.27 457.12 457.02 459.4 N-044. N-043 446.47 --na- 448.3599 -na- 452. 966 --na-- 450. 6099 -na-- 452.8299 -na- 456.3.148 --na-- 454.3999 -na-- 457.1399 -na- 461.6094 --na-- 459.5599 -na- .466.8998 --na----na •. -na-- -na-459.3 459.5599 459.71 :·na-~66.8998 467.86 I I Table 8.10. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin· 50-Year Storm ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing West) USING TYPE1A AND [50 yr) NOTZERO ACTUAL·. I I I I I I I / I I) I I I I I I I I I Reach Area Flow Full a ac cfs cts. · D-021 2.9 1.5685 215.99 D-020 2.9 1.5683 75.0242 P-016 19.2 8.0999 10.5228 D-019 19.2 8.0896 212.76 D-018 21.1 8.8435 251.93 P-015 21.1 8.8417 7.7298 D-017 21.1 8.8407 138.18 D-016 21.1 8.8404 452.04 P-014 22.3 9.434 7.9881 D-015 22.3 9.4262 160.64 D-014 22.3 9.4257 200 P-013 22.3 9.4245 10.6228 D-012 22.3 9.4224 290.67 D-011 22.3 9.4204 320.43 D-010 25.5 10,8663 1040.88 P-012 25.5 10.8659 7.0631 P-011 25.5 10.8622 6.9402 P-010 25.5 10.8581 8.217 P-009 25.5 10.8544 7.6431 P-008A 27.7 11.9326 4.8684 P-008 31.5 13.5621 6,8722 P-007 31.5 13.5297 6.4104 P-006 31.5 13.5123 7.4569 P-005 39.3 17.0801 9.9629 P-004 39.3 17.0634 7.7824 D-009 39.3 17.0568 93.993 D-008 39.3 17.0564 112.96 P-003 39.3 17.0509 6.2952 D-007 39.3 17.0435 107.57 D-006 39.3 17.0432 964.56 P-002 39.3 · 17.0355 6.1462 D-005 39.3 17.0353 - D-004 39.3 17.0172 44.3354 D-003 39.3 16.9961 313.41 D-002 39.3 16.9427 770.99 D-001 39.3 16.9424 146.32 P-001 48.3 19.3916 8.2043 Reh App Loss Head From Nod To Node fl fl N-001 373.66 N:.002 N-001 421.1453 -na-- N-003 N-002 381.1 -na-- N-004 N-003 382.8899 -na- ) N-005 N-004 390.6621 --na- % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel . CBasin / Hyd ratio ft .. ft/s ft/s -----· 0.01 0.4833 X-Sect 3.9215 -· w-001 0.02 0.4722 X-Sect 3.4853 -· 0.77 0.6581 12" Diam 14.7787 13.398 w-002 0.04 0.9912 X-Sect · 5.4469-. 0.04 0.4372 X-Sect 8.1008 -ex_west 1.14 -1 12" Diam 1.1439 9.8418 0.06 0.6463 X-Sect 4.8603-- 0.02 0.4384. X-Sect 7.156 -- 1.18 -1 12" Diam 1 :181 10.1708 w-003 0.06 0.7412 X-Sect 5.1673 - 0.05 0.9425 X-Sect 5.6454- 0.89 0.7329 12· Diam 15.2781 13.5253 0.03 0.9301 X-Sect 6.2809 ·-- 0.03 0.6154 X-Sect 5.6241 ---· 0.01 0.8595 X-Sect 8.0101 -· w-004 1.54 -1 12· Diam 1.5384 8,9931 1.57 -1 12" Diam 1.5651 8.8365 1.32 -1 12" Diam 1.3214 10.4623 1.42 -1 12" Diam 1.4201 9.7315 2.45 -1 12" Diam 2.4511 6.1986 w-005 .1.97 -1 12" Diam 1.9735 8.75 w-006 2.11 -1 12· Diam 2.1106 · 8.162 1.81 -1 12" Diam 1.8121 9.4945 1.71 . -1 12" Diam 1.7144 12 .6852 w-001 2.19 -1 12" Diam 2.1926 9.9088 0.18 1.0185 X-Sect 3.7809 - 0.15 0.6858 X-Sect 8.366_-· 2.71 -1. 12• Diam 2.7086 8.0153 0.16 0.8816 X-Sect 5.1838 - 0.02 0.5748 X-Sect 10.4477- 2.77 -1 12" Diam 2.7717 7.8256 0 0.915 X-Sect 5.9032.- 0.38 0.8642 X-Sect 6.4254- 0.05 0.8428 X-Sect 5.9539- 0.02 0. 7591 X-Sect 1.9232- 0.12 0.6369 X-Sect 9.8817-- 2.36 · -1 12" Diam 2.3636 10.4461 w-008 Bend Junct HW Max El/· Loss Loss Elev Rim El ft fl fl fl -na----na-380.5 380.4 -na--na-380.43 380.33 -na---na-'-382.3 382.2 -na---na-390.35 390,25 ' :! I I N-006 N-005 .. ; N-007 N-006 N-008 N-007 I N-010 N-008 N-011 N-010 N-012 N-011 I N-014 N-012 . N-015 N-014 N-016 N-015 I N-017 N-016 N-018 N-017 N-019 N-018 I N-019A N-019 N-020 N-019A N-021 N-020 I N-022 N-021 N-023 N-022 N-024 N-023 N-025 N-024 I N-026 N-025 N-028 N-026 N-029 N°028 I N-031 N-029 N-032 N-031 N-033 N-032 398.8499 --na--na---na-- 398.1499 --na----na----na-- 414.7916 --na----na-, --na-- 400.3799 --na----na--.--na-- 400.5191 --na-' -na----na-- 405.0781 --na----na----na-- 401.9299 --na----na----na-- 402.4099 --na----na---na-- 426.8611 7.3437 0.0665 ------ 419.1824 4.5962 0.0595 ------ 419.3115 4.6079 0.0181 - 434.3575 -· 443.3864 3.5843 . 0.0268 -- 427.4875 ---- 440.1545 2.9679 0.0325 --- 440.8607 2.9701 0.0115 ------ 444.2857 2.9721 0.0107 ------ 444.2004 --na'---na-c --na-- 438.6899 --na---na----na-- 441.4899 -na--na---na-- 445.3998 --na----na----na-- 450.8166 -na--na----na-- 446.47 --na--na---na- 448.3599 -na---na---na- 453.324 --na----na--na-- 398.78 398.68 398.1499 398.68 399.4 -399.3 399.4 399.3 400.32 400.22 401.7 401.6 401.9 401.8 402.4099 402.6 406.11 406.01 406.41 406.31 408.24 408.14 413.82 413.72 420.78 420.68 422.6 422.5 429.95 429.85 .434.1 434 436.69 436.59 438.3 438.2 438.6899 438.9. 441.4899 441.52 444.92 444.82 446.3 446.2 446.47 446.47 448.3599 449.01 450.2 450.1 1 I:) N-035 N-033 N-036 N-035 N-037 N-036 I N-039 N-037 N-040 . N-039 N-041 . N-040 450.6099 --na---na--na-- 452.8299 -na--na--na- 457 .129 --na--na----na-- 454.3999 --na----na----na-- 457.1399 -na---na----na-:- 462.4097 -na--na---na-- 450.6099 451.24 452.8299 452.98 453.9 453.8 . 454.37 454.27 457.12 457.02 459.4 459.3 I N-043 N-041 N-044-N-043 459.5599 --na---na----na-- 466.8998 --na----na---na-- 459.5599 459.71 466.8998 467.86 I I I I I ") I I I I Table B.11. Hydrograph Routing -West Basin~ 100-Year Storm ) I I I I I I I ROUTEHYD O THRU [Existing West] USING TYPE1A AND [100 yr) NOTZERO ACTUAL Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin i Hyd w-001 0-021 0-020 P-016 0-019 0-018 P-015 0-017 0-016 pco14 0-015 . 0-014 P-013 0-012 0-011 0-010 P-012 P-011 P-010 P-009 P-008A P~008 P-007 P-006 P-005 P~004 0-009 0-008 P-003 D-007 D-006 P-002 D-005 D-004 0-003 D-002 0-001 P-001 ac cfs cfs ratio ft · ftls ftls 2.9 1.7191 215.99 0.01 0.5002 X-Sect 4.0124 --- 2.9 1. 7188 75.0242 0.02 0.4887 X-Sect 3.5662 -- 19.2 · 8.9147 19.2 8.8982 21.1 9.7341 21.1 9.7323 21.1 9.7313 21.1 9.7309 22.3 10.3918 22.3 10.3745 22.3 10.3736 22.3 10.3718 22.3 10.3694 22.3 10.3672 25.5 11.9547 25.5 11.9546 25.5 11.9518 25.5 11.9391 25.5 11.8994 27.7 13.0768 31.5 14:8216 31.5 14.7641 31.5 14.7397 39.3 18.6376 39.3 18.6131 39.3 18.6037 39.3 18.6034 39.3 18.5959 39.3 18.5866 39.3 18.5863 39.3 18.5762 10.5228 212:76 251.93 7.7298 138.18 452.04 7.9881 160.64 200 10.6228 290.67 320.43 1040,88 7.0631 6.9402 8.217 7.6431 4.8684 6.8722 6.4104 7.4569 9.9629' 7.7824 . 93;993 112.96 6.2952 107.57 964.56 6.1462 39.3 18.576 - 39.3 · 18.5514 44.3354 39.3 18.5234 313.41 39.3 18.4536 770.99 39.3 18.4532 146.32 ·48.3 21.1994 8.2043 Reh Loss 0.85 0.04 0.04 1.26. .0.07 0.02 1.3 0.06 0.05 0.98 0.04 0.03 0.01 1.69 1.72 1.45 1.56 2.69. 2.16 2.3 1.98 1.87 2.39 0.2 0.16 2.95 0.17 0.02 3.02 0 0.42 0.06 0.02 0.13 2.58 0:7064 12" Diam 1.0212 x,sect 0.4611 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 0.6809 X-Sect 0.4605 X0 Sect -1 12· Diam . 0. 7757 X-Sect 0.977 X-Sect o. 7991 12" Diam 0.9642 x,sect 0.6459 X-Sect 0.8908 X-Sect -1 12" Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12· Diam -112" Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12" Diam -1 12· Diam ~1 12" Diam -112" Diam 1.0612 X-Sect ·· 0. 7161 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 0.9214 X-Sect 0.5938 X-Sect -1 12" Diam 0.915 X-Sect 0.9012 X-Sect 0.8774 X-Sect 0.7682 X-Sect 0.6611 X-Sect -1 12· Diam 15.0315 13.398 w-002 5.5783 - 8.3334 --ex_west 1.2591 9.8418 4.9949- 7.3672-· · 1.3009 10.1708 w-003 5.3102- 5.7823 - 15.4151 13.5253 6.4331 -- 5.7856 -- 8.2036 -· w-004 1.6925 8.9931 . 1. 7221 8.8365 1.453 10.4623 1.5569 9:7315 2.6861 6.1986 w-005 2.1567 8.75 w-006 2.3031 8.162 1.9766 9.4945 1.8707 12.6852 w-007 2.3917 9.9088 3.8828- 8.5744- 2.954 8.0153 5.3133 --- 10.6766 ---- 3.0224 7.8256 6.4371 -- 6.5778-· 6.1089- 1.9897 _._ 10.141 - 2.5839 10.4461. w-008 I I I I I From Nod To Node fl App Head ft Bend Loss ft · Junct· Loss ft HW Elev fl Max El/ Rim El fl I N-002 N-003 \ N-004 I 'N-005 I N-001 N-001 N-002 N-003 N-004 373.66 430.4121 -na-- 381 . 0999 -na-'- 382.8899 -na- 390.6975 -na-- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na-- -na- --na~ -na- 380.5 · 380.43 382.3 390.35 380.4 380.33 382.2 390.25 .-1 I I N-006 N-005 398.8499 -na---na----na--398.78 398.68 N-007 N-006 398.1499 -na---na----na-398,1499 398.68 I N-008 N-010 N,011 N-007 417.9379 --na---cna----na--399.4 399.3 N-008 400.3799 --na----na-----na-399.4 399.3 N-010 400.5711 --na----na--.--na--400.32" .. 400.22 I N-012 N-014 N-015 N-011 405.9302 --na---na----na-401.7 401.6 N-012 401.9299 --na----na----na-401.9 401.8 N-014 402.4099 ·-na--. --na---na-402.4099 402.6 N-016 I N-017 N-018 N-015 431.5039 8.7441 0.0791 -----406.11 406.01 N-016 421.6752 5.469 0.0707 --406.41 406.31 N-017 421.7617 5.4872 0.0216 ----408.24 408.14 N-019 N-018 439.3409--413.82 413.72 I Ns019A Ns020 N-019 449.133 4.3046 0.0322 ----420.78 420.68 N-019A · 428.8355 --422.6 422.5 N-021 N-020 443.6975 3.5882 0.0393 ----429.95 429.85 I N-022 N-023 N-021 443.1411 3.5959 0.0139 ----434.1 434 N-022 446.4317 3.5976 0.0129 ------436.69 436.59 N-024 N-023 445. 7808 -na---na----na--438.3 438.2 I N-025 N-026 N-028 N-024 438.6899 --na----na---na-438.6899 438.9 N-025 441 . 4899 -na-. 0 -na---na-441.4899 441.52 N-026 445.3998 --na---na----na--444.92 444.82 I N-029 N-031 N-032 N-028 452.0266 -na----na--na-446.3 446.2 N-029 446.47 --na----na----na-446.47 446.47 N-031. 448.3599 -na--na--na-448.3599 449.01 N-033 I) N-035 ,-N-036 N-032 454.3832 -na----na---na-450.2 450.1 N-033 450.6099 --na--na--na-450.6099. 451.24 N-035 452.8299 --na--na--na-452.8299 452.98 N-037 N-036 458.0387 -na--na--na-453.9 453.8 I N-039 NC040 N-037 454.3999 -na-,-na----na--454.37 454:27 N-039 457 .1399 --na---na----na-457.12 457.02 N-041 N-040 463.3042 --na---na---na-459.4 459.3 I N-043 N-044 N-041 459.5599 --na----na---na-459.5599 459.71 N-043 466.8998 --na----na----na-466.8998 . 467.86 I I I I I -, I I ,1 --------~------ I I Table B.12. Hydrograph 'Routing -West Basin -Summary Table 25-Year 2-Year 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year I Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Freeboard Reach ID From Node To Node ft ft ft ft ft . N-001 I p,001 N-002 N-001 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-001 N-003 N,002 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-002 N~004 N-003 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I ·QC003 N-005 N-004 0.37 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Oca04 ·N-006 N-005. 0.30 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-005 N-007 N-006 0.91 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 I P-002 N-008 N-007 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop. Overtop D-006 N-010 N-008. Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Oca07 N-011 Nc010 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop . Overtop I P-003 N-012 N~011 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-008 N-014 N-012 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop· Overtop D-009 N-015 ·N-014 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 I P-004 N-016 N-015 0.11 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-005 .N-017 N-016 overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-006 N-018 N-017 0.49 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I P-007 N-019 N-018 . 2.57 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-008 N-019A Nc019 1.39 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-008A N-020 ~019A 2.40 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-009 N-021 N-020 1.40 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I:) P-010 . N-022 N-021 3.38 3.60 Overtop · Overtop .· Overtop P-011 N-023 N-022 1.04 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-012 · N'024 N-023 0.96 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I 0-010. N-025 N-024 1.27 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 D-011 N-026 N-025 1.09' 0,03 0.03 0:03 . 0.03 D-012 · N-028 N-026 · 0.48 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I P-013 N-029 N-028 0.44 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-014 N-031 N-029 0.54 · 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D-015 N-032 N-031 1.19 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 I P-014 N-033 N-032 1.11 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-016 N-035 N-033 1.84 0.63 0.63 0.63 · 0.63 D-017 N-036 N-035 1.36 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 I P-015 N-037 . N-036 1.23 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-018 N'039 N-037 1.20 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop D-019 N-040 N-039 1.19 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop P-016 N-041 N-040 0.61 Overtop Overtop Overtop Overtop I D-020 N-043 N-041 0.86 0.15 · 0.15 0.15 0.15 D-021 N-044 N-043 1.67 . 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 I I ' . I / I , ., King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 •• To Be Completed by Land Use Inspection Section D within the City of: Plan Change No. 1 Plan Change Activity No. J-.D 5"'P~ I 11- Applicant: Engineer & License No.: David Eric Cayton 33713 SB! Developing LLC Core Design, Inc Address: P.O. Box 73790 Address: 14711 NE 29th Pl # IOI Puyallup, WA 9837J Bellevue. WA 98007 Project Name:N "-""ic,,,h...,,o"'ls'--'P'--'l"'ac"'e'-----------~·· Project No. ,,,L,c03"'P'--'O'-'O'-"l-"-5----- Site Address: 13815 160 1h Ave SE· Renton WA Inspect Activity No. L05Sil06 On August 10. 2005 , th.e following plan change to the approved plan was: (flFe!!:e>eemmHm'lteffiBiae6iee:1-bi3')V-' tJD>±cD1£J;',l'S;.t)-1(CJ\feettl1tllmiFeeet1-e .-lla¥y-bD1±D,1JJ;,.;;Ss-i) ( reg uested by applicant) Change CB 2 from a Type I to a curb inlet drain. ( sump will be handled by 48" Type II that inlet will drain tof ). Reason for Change/Code Citation: Utility conflict with forced main, unable to achieve separation from main to type 1 cb. This Plan Change involves: D Roadway Plan & Profile 1:8:J Drainage D Materials Lab LandUs~yBroje~tsOnly ·. ·. .·. ... . ! Ilroject is: E] recorded' . ~J not rei':ordeci• ·· .. D Traffic D Platting D Planner D Site Development Services (Grading) D Other: ______ _ The proposed change does not require engineering review for approval. All changes agreed herein must be shown on the "Final Corrected Plan" drawings prior to construction approval. Developer Representative date S:Forms/current form/Minor Plan Change.doc· 02-10-05 ® ••• King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 ' September 4, 2003 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 Eighth Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 RE: Nichols Place Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment Request (File No. L03V0036) Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Nichols Place subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. I, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: I. The proposed Nichols Place subdivision is located at 13815 1601h Avenue SE in east Renton. The 23 lot, 3.8 acre, proposed Nichols Place subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0015. 2. The Nichols Place subdivision is located in the Orting Hills subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The site is subject to the Level Two flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. A low, north/south ridge separates the site into eastern and western subbasins. The smaller western subbasin sheetflows to the southwest across the west and south property lines onto adjoining parcels. These flows eventually reach 1561h Avenue SE via SE 139th Place. The larger eastern subbasin sheetflows across the south property line and into the roadside ditch on the west side of 1601h Avenue SE where all flows from the eastern subbasin eventually converge. All of the site's runoff would eventually recombine in the Cedar River. The parcel to the north sheetflows onto this site but is also being developed as the proposed Evendell plat. Under developed conditions, the Evendell plat's contribution of sheetflow to the Nichols Place site would be significantly reduced. Nichols Place/L03V0036. September 4, 2003 Page 2 of3 • 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the project site and direct it to a single detention and water quality facility located in the southeast comer of the site. The allowed release would then travel south on the west side of 1601 h Avenue SE. Nuisance flows across the west and south property line would be significantly reduced. An increase in flow volume would occur in the 1601 h Avenue SE conveyance path. It is unclear if frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversion. 6. The Level One Drainage Analysis identified downstream drainage complaints associated with the proposed discharge location. Recent conveyance upgrades have been installed along this route presumably to mitigate for these previous complaints. Due the accumulative effect of increased development in this area, more conveyance upgrades are needed. 7. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivision will be more economical in long term maintenance. Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single facility draining to 1601h Avenue SE with the following conditions: I. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on only that portion of the site that naturally drains to the location that is being diverted to. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Level Two flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. The onsite drainage facility must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Any additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEPA or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270. / Nichols Place/L03V0036. September 4, 2003 Page 3 of3 James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division • ~ Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR' Randall Parsons, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD • King County Department of Development And Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale A venue SW Renton, WA 98055~1219 Project Name: Nichols Place Plat Project Address: SE \I, of Section 14, T23N, R5E Applicant: Mr. Mike Romano Signah.Jre: Address: Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell WA 98021 Phone: (425) 486-2563 Date: • DOES File No. DOES Engineer/Planned Name: A03P0063 Bruce Whittaker, P.E. Design Engineer (submitting variance): Phone: Robert H. Darrow, P.E. /425\ 745-5872 Si~~ Date: 5/18/03 Engineering Firm Name: Haozous Engineering, P.S. Address: 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REQUEST: !._Standard Request We request that the design of the stonnwater facility that manages stonnwater from developed portions of Nichols Place be allowed to divert drainage from a net area of 1.12 acres from the west basin to the east basin on the site. APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: The adjustment request is applicable to Core Requirement# I: Discharge at the Natural Location, Section 1.2.1 of the Surface Water Design Manual (King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1998). JUSTIFICATION (see one-page attachment): AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: DOES Director/Designee Determination: _ Approval Denial )!l DDES Approval Signed: Date: f• '/-~3 CONDmONS OF APPROVAL: 21 See attached memo dated: f ' 1{ 03 ODES, Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Supervisor: ODES, Bldg. Serv. Div., Site Engineering & Planning Supervisor: Signed: L03V0036 MAY 19 2003 K.C. D,D.E.S. • King County Department of Development And Envirorunental Services 900 Oakesdale A venue SW Renton, WA 98055·1219 • Nichols Place -Diversion of Drainage -Adjustment Request JUSTIFICATION: Description of Site The Nichols Place Plat project is a proposed residential development located within the Renton Highlands area of unincorporated King County. The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres. Offsite road improvements along 160th Avenue SE are also proposed. The site is located within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed (King County Department of Natural Resources, 1999). The site and area of off site improvements consist of two basins. The east onsite basin consists of2.34 acres under existing conditions and the offsite improvements consist of 0.11 acre. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast. The west basin consists of 1.48 acres under existing conditions. The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the north to the southwest. Runoff from the west basin sheet flows to adjacent yards of single-family residences to the southwest and pasture to the south. Stormwater Design Under developed conditions, stormwater from the east basin will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards with a combined wetpond/detention pond. Detention will be sized with a I 0% factor of safety and will accommodate the flow transferred from the west basin and bypass of runoff from the offsite road improvements. Stormwater from the offsite road improvements will be treated with a separate wet vault in the right-of-way near the southeast comer of the site. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and are recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. Under developed conditions, 1.12-acres in the west basin will be routed to the wetpond/detention pond in the east basin. To compensate for this diversion of drainage, an area of0.36 acre of roofs and yards in the southwest portion of the site will be allowed to sheet flow off the site without detention. The area of the developed area was adjusted to approximate runoff amounts from the existing westerly basin (See Figures 2 & 3). The following areas would contribute to the developed westerly basin: ?. • • Lot Descriotion of Contributine Flow 14 Backvard and back half of roof 15 Frontvard, backvard, entire roof, but not access drive. 16 Backvard and back half of roof 17 Frontvard, backvard, entire roof, but not access drive. Runoff from roofs in the developed west basin will be spread using downspout dispersion systems. Runoff from yards will not be collected, but allowed to infiltrate or continue to flow through the grass. The lots selected for downspout dispersion abut the property line and dispersion approximate the discharge location of the existing flow pattern. Managing runoff with the proposed diversion results in the following features: • A larger combined wetpond/detention pond with a 10% factor of safety will manage runoff in the easterly basin and will discharge to. the ditch system along 160th Avenue SE. • The discharge from the developed west basin will approximate the runoff from the existing westerly basin, although it will be somewhat less. • Considering that flow from the east basin is matching existing and flow from the west basin is somewhat less than existing, the combined developed discharge is expected to be less than the existing basins. • Facilities to be maintained by King County for this plat will be adjacent to the plat entrance along 160th Avenue SE. References King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. King County Environmental Division, 1990. Wetlands Inventory Notebook Volume 2 East. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. Surface Water Design Manual. King County Surface Water Management Division, 1993a. Cedar River Current and Future Conditions Report. 1 f "-l ~/_:;p-' "-_..,.,,,c ~--~-i I ,., .. , ':;· p'/ ,,/ ... / .--~_,.,,.,. ' ..-/' \ F'""' ,,,~, A~~'~:~5<:ebst" "Z'.3'll- l foot .. 'h1..._ ..•.. 1 AC ·.·i,,-.,, ,• "byeast" ' (0.11 AC)~ c·-v., •C>.!J.' t<~ ... ?'\i- '' ,, -,-·t(" ~ ~c:.'< •!"" • ,) k---. -. -, -::_<~i~f '.~11~;4J.::r: ; ~); .,,;,;,; :!~?gA 7, 1~.·I 1 . . I ••. ·, ·.,~. 2 · "<'-": • 1 I ,-'°' \J_,. . o~-.. ...... __ <;:<,('. ,; S~'l<>1*i< 112.).1~ $~ I i uevwes9~ -~ ~~(fJ.-36 A · )'' -~· -~ -._ --17~-- .t· .. ; ";·~ ' dXl r I ""'''' "' ' ~ I 21 · "'\, '\_ /4· H,;9 'K:ro-/· ·,___ ~ \ ~ . --, ,,,.,,.,. I ' ··,o \.,, ---9CM! 1M Fm - . ,t'·. 112:l;."l M• f;'""'''"" Haozous Engineering, P .S .. CML & SITE ENGINEERING 13'28 -45TH. COURT, MUKILTEO, WA 9827S ,t.25-745-5872 ......,.,, ..... oun IIJ'1:Jllh\'II ·.}) .. ~i'. .... , ... ll; : " :ti ! : j~l... -~ .;r,:~"<)•;· ,,, <:.' ' t NICHOLS PLACE PREIJMINARY PLAT n"R A Tl\T A r..li' A n.TTT<:::1'T'lA'li'l\T'T' • ,', .• _ .. ------------------~ • • :xi ¢. '1t'{ ~ " :I11 li:ii' fJ<~ i't'I, 1:i1 ii ~j isf' I ~' ;i ~ " ,v', 'O<·' ' ti " I : i ' . ; ' i'' j~ ti " 'f-~ ''g /' " 1 ~l,2 "' /' ii!; ' /' ,'lil jf/:' .:,, o/..,:.' ,ff/' Uiff .:i ,, . ,.,q z,"l /' ,. ·~ ' = ~' oc,j{- ·;; /' ,. {!~, .. / .0 Ii = ~v 7' t -/;; I l· ,, i " ~l " ' I r· i .'181 ~~ .. I ~6 .s vj 1 [!l ffi i: ( Li = u ' ' " = I 0 I ~4 ·--I .. .. = I ~ I . ~ 0 -""' f,1!1 M ,ml .. • ~ .. z~ ·o oro • ·o 9 ·o ·o t ·o oo· " I = .!:fl ""' (S~:J) g6Je4::>SJO Ill • - Existing Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac - ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.165 1 100.00 0.990 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.102 2 25.00 o. 960 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.090 3 10.00 0.900 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.084 4 5.00 0.800 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.081 5 3.00 o. 667 0.084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.051 6 2.00 0.500 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.036 7 1.30 0.231 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.144 50.00 0.980 Developed Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak. Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow.Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.053 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.083 2 25.00 0.960 0.079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.079•1 3 10.00 0.900 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5 10/28/04 16: 00 0.069 5 3.00 0.667 0.070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.066 6 2.00 0.500 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.058 7 1.30 0.231 0.134 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.053 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.117 50.00 0.980 I\ ~ ;; . .:.: ·. ~ " ! C / > < -:-:· .. ~- -r·· \~ ,,__,.-' .l~.:-·······t\\ ;;~·;~~ ·~;, .... -~,--·=-"1!1:~;,;:,:,·:~-..... -~:r=,;..l\~,-:--"'1~\o,\~-7;..'7;.'f. ·s~·-::·::.,) ·; ":::~-:: '. · .•. :~ ~ ~ ~ --" --~·":~' ••nrj-"".::-~'! -, ~ ~ II ~1;:o;.,,:::,v'1(;D,;''.c. \~i'! r•\ u·i">i , . .C:ii ·, -;(, ·.. ,., .v . .:J o -.... .... # · l ~· \ t. t ., ·id~ .~:_ ~ ... , ;: ,. I , i 1f I ~:::> ..-r,--. . '] • .... 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RHO 5/15/03 .. ... 5/15/03 EXISTING DRAINAGE BASINS 3 0 200 - ~, • • ------------------------------- • King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave. Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 June 5, 2003 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 Eighth Drive SE -Bothell, WA 98021 • Robert H. Darrow, PE Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 RE: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat, L03P0015: 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment No. L03V0036 Notice of Complete Application Dear Applicant/Engineer: The purpose of this notice is to inform you that on June 5, 2003 the Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section staff has determined this September 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) adjustment application is COMPLETE under the requirements of King County Code (KCC) Title 20. This determination establishes the beginning of the 120- day time period for your application processing. Supplemental information may be required by the Engineering Review Section staff for the continued review and processing of this September 1998 KCSWDM adjustment request. Our goal is to process your application within 120 days. However, the complexity of your project, level of analysis required, the quality of your submittal and available resources will affect the actual review time. The time line can be impacted by one or more of the following actions that will stop the 120-day clock: • Any request made by the Engineering Review Section staff for additional information. • Changes or revisions requested by the applicant(s). • Mutually agreed upon request to stop the 120-day clock. -Should you have any questions, please contact me at (206)-296-7270 and FAX (206)-296-6613. s~ ~ Mark J. B!~nior Engineer Engineering Review Section/Land Use Services Division • • Bergam, Mark · To: Whittaker, Bruce Subject: Nichols Place SWM Adjustment L03V0036 Bruce, Your inbox contains the draft adjustment written up and nearly ready to go. Since the downstream path is in that area which has experienced conveyance problems, I wanted you to have a chance to look this over before I had the committee sign it. I have taken a trip to the field and have seen recent conveyance improvements installed, and was also wondering if Nichols Place will receive the benefit of potentially more improvements from Evendell which is ahead schedule-wise. This area is already Level Two flow control, which is mitigation in itself. The only issue I am trying to deal with is whether the plat gets predeveloped release credit for the entire site including the diverted area (which we allowed for Evendell) or if they should be restricted to a predeveloped release rate based on only that part of the site that already drains east, and not include the diverted area. This choice is evident in the option left open in Condition #1. This issue is usually very dependent on the downstream conveyance issues. I will be back from a short vacation on Wednesday, the 13th, so its no rush. Mark I • Dep;utmen! of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton. Washrngton 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 FORCURRtN I .:;;, .. ci<: - CertifictMon & Transfer of ApJfficant Status Alternative formats available upon request Permit Number: ------------ I. /IFJ;t!:t: £. 1\/,Ctf-Qt ~ , (print name) hereby certify that I am an/the owner of the property which is the subject of this application for permit or approval. If I am not the sole owner of the property,. I certify that I am authorized by any and all other owners of the property to make this certification and transfer any an all rights I/we have to apply for this permit or approval to the person listed below. I, therefore certify that_{/.!{. {A,.,() 0£1/E:lV/'LltN, Ai;.so,:;,..n6 (A f';ie,i..,,,,~Jprint name) is the "app!ica~t" !'Jr !h!s pe~~i! or 0pp12v2! and :-;haH re;-nnin the "app!::::ailt" for tho c!:..;ratio~ cf this pe;-;-;.it vr app;crv·o: unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. By being the "applicant," that individual assumes financial responsibility for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I certify under penalty of periury u..nder the laws of the State of Washington that the. fore oing is true and correct. ~Jt1&vt4-:1A (jj,J;L ~· ---4---f----/.~) "'------- [ Signal'.!£ of Owner Date Signed FOR INDIVIDUALS: I, , (print name) hereby certify that I am the "applicant" for this permit or approval I shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant" status 1s transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. I accept financial resoonsibility for all fees associated with this permit or approval and will receive any refunds. My mailing address is: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature of Applicant OR FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: K.C. D.D.E.S. I, J/avftY{) E, $7':N'.5'L5u4V: , hereb~ certify that I am an authorized agent of ti. >, L&Je> 0/J.ll:UJl'ML>.i" Ai'.ro,;,~ (A I.JI. ,:J,.,1,.,.,, 1.,;,,) , a corporation of other business association authorized in the State of Washington and that this business association is the "applicant" for this permit or approval and is financially resoonsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This association shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless "applicant" status is transferred in writing on a form provided by this department. The mailing address of this business association is: i ;~er penalty of periury under the laws of the State of Washington ;:;i;ego1ng 1s true and corr:~t Llll3~ "·-'""""' ~""' Da<e s,, (E ~f~ :03 ~ ~ K.C. D.D.E.S. • • • • NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law. this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If. however. you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer. architect. or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections. please designate below: ~uthorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections. as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: Centurion Development Services 22617 · 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 L03V0036 Certification & Transfer of Applicant Status lc-cer-trapstat 08127102 K.C. D.D.E.S'.•ge 2 ot 2 .. " •• APPLICATION KING FOR ZONE RECLASSIFICATION FILE NO. cL08TYN4Q4 .c.. Owner• s Name or Company: ·. *******~***************** do not write above this line********************** I .(we), the undersigned owner (s} of property numbered opposite my (our) name (s}, hereby petition for a zone'reclassification of property described herein from STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ., ) Z-b I~ H('(tb £. /Jiqol~ ,t $9(Q8'>'1 A. l{/e~LS. , being duly sworn, depose and say that I· am a property owner or officer of the corporation owning property shown on Parcel 1#1 on Assessor's map and that. I have familiarized myself with the rules and regulations of the Department of Development and Environmental Services with respect to preparing and fiHng this application and ·that the following statements, answers, and information submitted prese.nt the argument in behalf of this application and are in all respects true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. /3tbl£ -/t,o-lL ~ ~E city l'fz!>} address· state __ ............ ,,,,,, telephone_--.. icE A. c ,,1 -:5.~ . . . . .. -</,e,, I 1 .f'~.-:.:.:_ss1oi.;··.:~ 11 ., Qj • . ....... «-_,_ • • <s> ' " /O'°NOT. T-<) •• 0 11 ~}/tr.kl--: Xfjp. _ Q"' .t_"tti corp~any na~ subscribed and sworn ·to me ?.~~~ this ~ day .of • ~~ , 'MQQ., 1~e1a«: e ~ aa,n0 73ec,..-h-,' e<. 'ff, 0.rLsot1 Notary Public in and for the 1-:o 4,9y:f,:-z.~ l ~ : -m: l notary sea ~, tll. \ '°Uauc "'/ ! I~• . ,,, I "S'A'•,t-.t.Q& /~ ~ . \'~o~··········G-o-..:- State of _ _,/,U'-""-_f}~-· -------and residing at _....r..~==.<--------- . 11,, WASH\~---- Other property·owners inc1\ldeo·"f'n this .application must be listed.below opposite a parcel number which is .also shown on the Assessor's map .and indicates the property owned by each applicant. Parcel 2 Parcel 3 name address name address Signature City/State---------zip Phone Signature City/State zip Phone State below· the name, address, and phone number of person or persons to be· contacted for further details Oij this application. · .Ce:Nrv'ICAON 0E.V&uJl"Ml:Nr·.$~VltJ;!;!. ,U 1'c.t.A,;£l. .:r. ,e:q,.,,....;" ,!Z'3/-, -8 b ~,e $ /!:' name address City/St ate __,,C'--'c'--'-',n/"--"'E,'-''t.'-'L=-....,.4)"'A"---'· · Zip '/ fOZ. / ITS) [E ~ [E ~ w [E rry [nl MAY 19 2003 lW L03TY404 K.C. D.D.E.S. rH\1pn\UO, lp\Zonc·Ac·c.Po•' Feb U; l,,,. •t 1~h111/dj Page 6 of 9 ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPLICATION INFORMATION· AND JUSTIFICATION QUESfl~IRE 'rr'1E NO. . J.,O 3TY4u4 Hearing Date STll. Zone Exist Zone Request-------~ Zone Granted-------~ Ordinance# Kroll & Book No. ____ ;.._;_ ____ ~ Acreage F.H.B./C.D.A. Ref. File# Sensitive Area Shoreline Desig·----------------------~---~ Ag. District. Land Use Design Comm. Plan Area Area Location ************************* Do not write above this line******************* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Acreage: --------'3"-'-. 8=2 __ Water District: King Co Dist #90 Fire District: x c #25 6. Sec.-Twp.-R.: SE~ 14-23-05 7.Sewer District:City of Renton __ 8.School District: ISSI\QUAII 9.. Has an environmental impact statement (EIS) been prepared for the proposed development ( . ) Yes ( X I No. 10. List all buildings and land uses which are.present on the property. The property contains a house, a barn and a l.arge shed with attached garage. Most 0£ the l.and is in pasture. 11. Describe existing land uses on adjoining properties. The surrounding area is in transition :from primaril.y l.arger l.ot suburban residential. uses to higher density urban residential. devel.opment. Directl.y north 0£ the subject site is a mostl.y undevel.oped 11.4-acre site containing the approved 46 l.ot prel.iminary pl.at 0£ Evendel.l.. In addition, as 0£ l:he date 0£ this document, the Evendel.l. proposal. is the subject 0£ an appeal. 0£ the King County Examiners decision to deny recl.assi:fication 0£ the site to R-6 zoning and an associated 70 l.ot plat. Page I of9 . ~ ~ ~Y ~ J 2!3~ ·~· L03TY404 K.C. D.D.E.S. ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPLICATION INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE CONTINUES .Immediately south of the site is a single home located on 2 separate tax parcels measuring just over 1.8 acres each. Across 160~ Ave. SE to the east are large lots ranging in size from just over .75 acres to 2.25 acres. Finally, to the west are single family homes located on platted lots with on-site septic systems ranging from just over 10,000 square feet to over 16,000 square feet. There are several properties in the immediate neighborhood in addition to the Evendell project that are the subjects of County land use applications for platting to urban densities including the use of Transferable Development Credits and/or rezones to achieve R-6 densities. 12. What is the proposed use of the property under the requested zone? The project proposal is to subdivide the property into 23 lots for single family detached homes on 3.82 acres at an average density of 5.87 lots per acre. 13. Have you made this request or your planned development known to interested community groups or neighboring property owners? I I Yes IX I No. If yes, whom have you notified and what were their reactions? 14. What effect will the proposed zoning and contemplated use of the subject property have on adjoining or neighboring properties? Locally increased traffic and population; altered views from primarily pasture and scrub to urban residential homes, streets and landscaping; existing substandard improvements in county road right of way will be upgraded to public road standards; extension of gravity sewers within close proximity to surrounding properties. 15. How can the uses permitted within the proposed zone be made ·compatible with uses permitted on abutting property or dissimilar zoning? Land uses permitted within the existing. and proposed zones are the same and are, therefore, COJJJpatible. 16. Is this a logical expansion of any existing adjacent zone? Yes. The surrounding properties are al.l. designated Urban Residential./4-12 Lots per acre. The density proposed for the subject application is in conformance with and is-, COJJJpatible with L03TY404 Page 2 of9 rB) [E ~ [E ~ \\7 [E rmo !Jl} MAY 1 9 2003 l1!J K.C. D.D.E.S. ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPLICATION INFOlUCAT.ION AND JUSTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE CONTINUES .. ,•,: -.... the King County-Comprehensive Plan designation and generally con£orms to the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan as implemented by the City's zoning code. City of Renton long-range Planning staff reviewed this application for conformance ·with City of Renton Comprehensive Plans prior to the City's issuance of a Sewer Availab~lity Letter (copy attached) 17. To the best of your knowledge, was a reclassification request made on this property at the time of the last area zoning or at any other time in the past? NO. 18. Since the last area zoning of th~ subject property, have authorized public improvements, private development, or other circumstances materially or significantly affected the property? _(X) Yes ( ) No. If yes, what are the changed circumstances and how have they affected the property? _The site was last rezoned in 1995 when the County adopted the King County Comprehensive Plan and implementing zoning as required by the 1990 Growth Management Act. At that time the site was rezoned from SR-15000 to R-4. Since then several changed conditions have occurred including: a. The King County Council has adopted significant amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. b. The County Council adopted the 2000 Comprehensive Plan c. As of 2000 Comprehensive Plan adoption all new urban development must be served by sewer. Prior to the 2000 update new urban lots could be served by onsite septic systems as long as d%y sewer systems were provided. d. Sewer service was not available to the site in 1995. Since then new development at Maplewood Estates in the City of Renton, Highland Estates in King County and several pending preliminary plat applications have/will make sewer service available. K.C. D.D.E.S. ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPLICATION INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE CONTINUES neighborhood since 1995. Specifically, on June 11~, 2001 the County approve.d a reclassification from R-4 to R-8 £or the p lat of Highland Estates. Highland Estates has been developed at an average density of 6.9 units per acre. This rezone was not anticipat~_by the County's 1995 area-wide rezone. £. The subject property is located immediately adjacent to the approved 4 6 lot prelim.iruu:y plat of Evendell . The Evendell proposal is the subject of an appeal of the King County Examjners decision to deny reclassification of the site to R-6 zoning and an associated 70 lot plat. In the event the appeal prevails and the Hearing Examiners' decision is reversed the subject property would be adjacent to R-6 zoning. g. The City of Renton recently annexed a portion·of the East Renton Potential Annexation Area. Since the annexation the Maplewood Estates subdivision has been rezoned and developed under R-8 zoning. This annexation and rezone was not anticipated in the 1995 area-wide rezone. h. The City of Renton concurs that R-6 density £or the Nichols · Place site is consistent with its Comprehensive Plan. 19. Public roads and/or other means, i.e., easements, by which access would be provided to the site. Access to the County Road. meeting King Collector. site is provided by 160'h Ave. SE, an improved King Road frontage improvements would be constructed County Road Standards for an Urban Neighborhood Internal plat access would be provided by a public road meeting King County Road Standards for ,a Residential Subaccess Street constructed in association with plat development. 20. The attached forms concerning sewer and water availability must be completed by the appropriate agency (sewer district, water district, city, water company, or water association) whether or not public water or sewer service is planned for the proposed development, unless the site is to be served by an on-site waste disposal system or private well, and is located in the Rural Area as defined by the 'King County Comprehensive Plan. If a waste disposal system other .than public sewers is proposed, explain what type of system ,will be utilized. If water service is planned to be provided by some means other than an existing wate~ purveyor, explain how it will be provided. The required forms are included in the development application. L03TY404 Page 4 of9 fo)(E~~~W~['· /JlJ MAY 1 9 2GCJ '.) K.C. D.D.E.S. --------------------------------------------------- ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPLICATION INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE CONTINUES 21. Which King County Comprehensive Plan and relevant community plan principles and policies regarding appropriate land use, access, utilities, etc., support this request? Will an amendment to the King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map be required to support this request? The King County Comprehensive Land Use Map designates the subject property as Urban Residential./4-12 DU per acre. The incident request is to rezone the property £rom R-4 to R-6. Since R-6 is within the density range 0£ the Land Use Designation an amendment to the King County Comprehensive Land Use Map wil.1. not be required to support this request. This rezone request is supported by several. King County Comprehensive Pl.an principl.es and pol.icies, e.g. U-114 King County shall seek to achieve through future planning efforts over the next twenty years, an average zoning density of al least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities and housing types. A lower density zone may be used to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment. The proposal. woul.d achieve an average density 0£ 5.87. units per acre, an increase 0£ 1 . 8 7 uni ts per acre over the =rent zoning. U-120 The County shall not approve proposed zoning changes to increase density within. the Urban Growth Area unless: a. The development will be compatible with the character and scale of the surrounding neighborhood. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Pl.an designation £or the .. existing neighborhood 0£ Urban Residential./4-12 Units per Acre and is, therefore compatibl.e with the seal.a and character 0£ the surrounding neighborhood. U-122 King County supports increases in urban residential density through a rezone or a proposal to increase density through the density transfer or density incentive programs when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. Devel.opment 0£ Nichol.s pl.ace wil.1. extend the gravity sewer and sewer 1.i£t station served area 0£ the neighborhood to the south making sewer service accessibl.e to a 1.arge area 0£ the existing neighborhood. L03TY404 Page 5 of9 fiS) [E ~ [E ~ w [E rty ln} MAY 19 2003 U:d) K.C. D.D.E.S. ZONE INFORNAT+ON .. AND RECLASSIFICATION APPLICATION JUSTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE CONTINUES 22. Which of the additional Examiner findings list below (e.g., A, B, C, or D) apply to the zone reclassification request. Explain the_ relevant circumstance(s). Note: If you are requesting a reclassi- fication to the M Zone, the additional Examiner findings does not apply to it. KCC 20.24.190 Additional examiner findings -Reclassifications ~nd shoreline redesignations. When the examiner issues a recommendation regarding an application for a reclassification of property or for a shoreline environment redesignation, the recommendation ·shall. include additional findings which support the conclusion that at least one of the following circumstances applies: A. The property is pote.ntially zoned for the reclassification being requested and conditions have been met which indicate the reclassification is appropriate; or B. An adopted community plan or area zoning specifies that the· property shall be subsequently considered through an individual reclassification application; or C. Where a community plan has been adopted but zoning has not been adopted, that reclassification or shoreline redesignation is the adopted community plan; or subsequent area the proposed consistent with D. The applicant has demonstrated with substantial evidence that: 1. Since the last previous area zoning or shoreline environment designation of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other conditions or circumstances affecting the subjedt prop~rty have undergone substantial and material .change not anticipated or contemplated in the community plan or area zoning; 2. The impacts from the changed conditions or circumstances affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different from other properties in the vicinity such that rezoning or redesignation is not appropriate (for these other properties); and 3 The requested reclassification or redesignation is required in the public interest. (Please provide your response, if lengthy, on an attached sheet of paper.) See response attached. L03TY404 Page 6 of9 ITS)~~~~w~r~ lfll MAY 1 9 2003 !W K.C. D.D.E.S. ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPLICATION INFORNATIO~ AND JUSTIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE CONTINUES 23. If you are specifically requesting a p-suffix designation as part of your reclassification request, provide detailed and specific language describing the P-suffix limitation you ~re requesting King County to approve. Not app.licab.le 24. You may submit any additional information (sketches, site plans, engineering reports, petitions, photographs, etc.) which you believe will justify, clarify, or assist in the review of your requested zone reclassification. The Department of Development and Environmental Services or the Zoning and Subdivision Examiner may at any time request further information or studies for this purposes. P.lease find a.l.l re.levant proposa.l information attached as part of the overa.l.l project subm.itta.l package. L03TY404 Page 7 of9 [i5) [E (G [E ~ w [E f[Y lf\l MAY 19 2003 lW K.C. D.D.E.S .. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF NICHOLS PLACE REQUEST FOR ZONE RECLASSIFICATION RESPONSE TO QUESTION 22 ~tional exarnjner £inding D. is appropriate £or the subject request. D. l. S.ince the last previous area zoning or shoreline environment designation of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other conditions or circumstan,;;es affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change not anticipated or contemplated in the community plan or area zoning; The site was last rezoned in 1995 when the County adopted the King County COIJ!Prehensive Plan and i.rnplernent;ing zoning as required by the 1990 Growth Management Act. At that time the site was rezoned from SR-15000 to R-4. Since then several changed conditions have occurred including; a. The King County Council has adopted significant amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. b. The County Council adopted the 2000 Comprehensive Plan c. As 0£ 2000 Comprehensive Plan adoption all new urban development must be served by sewer. Prior to the 2000 update new urban .lots couid be served by onsite septic systems as long as cb:y sewer systems were provided. d. Sewer service was not available to the site in 1995. Since then new development at Maplewood Estates in the City of Renton, Highland Estates in King County and several pending preliminary plat applications have/will :make sewer service available. e. Increases in density have been approved and housing constructed within the urban area 0£ the East Renton neighborhood since 1995. Specifically, on June ll~, 2001 the County approved a reclassification £ram R-4 to R-8 for the p lat of Highland Estates. Highland Estates has been developed at an average density 0£ 6.9 units per acre. This rezone was not anticipated by the County's 1995 area-wide rezone. f. The subject property is located immediately adjacent to the approved 46 lot preliminary plat of Evendell. The Evendell proposal is the subject of an appeal of the King County Examiners decision to deny reclassification 0£ the site to R-6· zoning and an associated 70 lot plat. In the event the appeal prevai1s and the Hearing Examiners' decision is reversed the subject property would be adjacent to R-6 zoning. [B) [E ~ [E ~ \\/1 [E rrr lfll MAY 1 9 2003 [W L03TY404 Page 8 of9 K.C. D.D.E.S. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF NICHOLS PLACE REQUEST FOR ZONE RECLASSIFICATION RESPONSE TO QUESTION 22 CONTINUES g. The City 0£ Renton recently annexed a portion 0£ the East Renton Potential Annexation Area. Since the annexation the Maplewood Estates subdivision has been rezoned and developed under R-8 zoning. This annexation and rezone was not anticipate~ in the l995 area-wide rezone. i. The City 0£ Renton concurs that.R-6 density £or the Nichols Place site is consistent with.it's Comprehensive Plan. D.2. The impacts from the changed conditions or circumstances affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different from other properties in the vicinity such that rezoning or redesignation is not appropriate (for these other properties); The subject property is located immediately adjacent to the approved pre.limiruu:y plat 0£ Evendell. The Evendell proposal is the subject 0£ an appeal 0£ the King County Examiners decision to deny reclassi£ication 0£ the site to R-6 zoning and an associated 70 lot plat. In the event the appeal prevails and the Hearing Examiners' decision is reversed the subject property wou.ld be adjacent to R-6 zoning. · D.3. The requested reclassification or redesignation is required in the public interest. The requested reclassi£ication is in the public interest because it: 1. Serves to achieve the residential density goals set £orth in the King County Comprehensive Plan, 2. Alleviates an urban service ·deficiency in a significant area 0£ King .. County zoned for residential density but unable to develop to those densities due to the lack of avai1ab1e sewer service, 3. Mitigates the shortage 0£ available single family detached housing in King County. L03TY404 Page 9 of9 fB) ~ (G ~ ~ \W ~ IRlij lf11 MAY 1 9 2003 [!2) K.C. D.D.E.S. 1 Purpose of Checklist: King County Executive Ron Sims ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Chapter 43.21 RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applications: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." In ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D.). For non project actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. -1- K.C. D.D.E.S. SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Nichols Place 2. Name of applicant: U.S. Land Development Associates 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 4. C/0 CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 22617-STH DR. SE. BOTHELL, WA 98021 (425) 486-2563 ATTN: Michael J. Romano Date checklist prepared: May 18, 2001 5. Agency requesting checklist: KING COUNTY 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Land deYelopment is planned to occur in Spring/Summer 2005. Building construction will occur fall of 2005 through 2006. ·7_ Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. NO. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Wetland reconnaissance, traffic studies, drainage studies. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for government approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Zone reclassification request concurrent with plat submittal. 1 O. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Preliminary Plat Approval, rezone approval, Engineering Approval, Forest Practices, Final Plat Approval. 11. Give a brief, complete.description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. Nichols Place is a proposed 23 lot single family detached plat; The subject property is zoned R-4 and contains an area of approximately 3.82 acres. The site is located in the East Renton area of King County in the NewcasUe planning area. ·2· [Ch. 1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of our proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with ariy permit applications related to this checklist. The subject site is located in the SE Y. of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington west of 1601" Ave. SE between 158'" Ave. SE (if extended) and 160'" Ave. SE at about SE 139'" Street (if extended). B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. Rolling b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 10% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification as agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Site soils consist of Alderwood series (AgB). d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. NO. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Approximately 7,500 CY cut/fill with onsite soils. It is anticipated that the site earthwork quantities will balance. f. Could erosion occur as a result clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. There will be the potential for erosion due to construction of the project. This potential will be mitigated through implementation of an erosion control/water management plan using Best Management Practices. -3- [Ch.197-1 1 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 50 -60%. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any. Use of Best Management Practices including: temporary swales with sumps and check-dams, mulching, seeding, visqueen sheeting, sediment traps and ponds, silt fence. Storm water detention and treatment facilities will be designed and constructed in accordance with the King County Drainage Manual and Department of Ecology standards. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from ttie proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. Dust and combustion engine exhaust during construction. Automobile exhaust and wood smoke from fireplaces after home building. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Unknown c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Modern construction machinery will be employed in the performance of the work. Watering will be used to control dust during construction. Wood stoves, if used, will be of modern make and will meet cunent regulatory standards 3. Water a. Surface: 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No. 2. Will the project require any work over. in. or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes. please describe and attach available plans. No 3. Estimate in the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. -4- [Ch. 197-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities. if known. No. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Pollutants associated with typical urban residential developments may eventually make their way to surface waters. b. Ground: 1. Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No ground water will be withdrawn. Storm water discharged from the onsite detention/water quality facility may eventually recharge ground water. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any, (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following of _the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Pollutants in storm water discharges from onsite treabnent facilities typical for residential developments may. eventually reach ground water. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1 . Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (including quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? .If so, describe. Storm water run-off from roofs, yards, driveways and streets will be directed by street gutters and yard drainage systems to catch basins and underground storm pipes. Run-off collected by the underground storm water pipes will be conveyed to an onsite detention pond and water quality tieabnent facility.· Storm flows will be discharged at the natural points of the discharge. -5- [Ch. 197-11 RCW-p.40) (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe: Typical pollutants associated with urban residential developments could eventually reach surface or ground waters. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: A stonn water system will be constructed to collect, convey and treat run-off generated from the site. The stonn water detention and treatment facilities will be designed and constructed in accordance with the King County Drainage Manual and Department of Ecology standards. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X X X X X X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: fruit trees, cottonwood, evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other: shrubs grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation (landscaping) b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Land clearing typically associated with urban residential development activity will occur on the site including areas of typical Western Washington recent growth forest and pasture. This will include tree · cutting, stump and undergrowth grubbing and removal and stripping of sod. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Previous studies of nearby and/or adjacent sites have not found any threatened or endangered species. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Yards will be landscaped using typical Pacific Northwest plantings. -6- [Ch.197-1 1 RCW-p.40) (1983 Laws) SEPA RULIES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: mammals: fish: hawks, heron, eagle, songbirds, other -woodpeckers. deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: rodents, coyotes, raccoons bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other. b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None are known. Recent site specific reconnaissance and studies on nearby si1es have not indicated the presence of threatened or endangered species. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Do not know. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. Yard landscaping will provide habitat opportunities for birds and tree loving mammals. Typical landscaping is likely to include combinations of lawn, landscape plants, shrubs and trees that thrive in the maritime environment of western Washington and various annual and perennial flowers. Typical shrubs might include rhododendron, azalea, Japanese maple, boxwood, juniper, pyramidalis etc. Trees might include dogwood, magnolia, cedar, blue spruce, cherry, plum and ash. In addition, street trees are required which will also provide habitat opportunities. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric and natural gas service will provide the primary sources of energy. Wood stoves and solar may be used as supplemental energy sources. b. Would the project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Land clearing may improve solar access by adjoining properties. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Modem home construction methods and materials will be employed to conserve energy. -7- [Ch.197-11 RCW-p.40) (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Not applicable. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic on adjacent streets, barking dogs, EMV sirens, other noises typical to an urban residential environment. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. During land development there will be heavy equipment engine noise and noises associated with equipment maintenance. During home building there will be delivery truck traffic, nail guns and saws. After build-out there will be traffic noise on the internal streets and other noises typical to an urban residential environment. Construction noise will be limited to the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Monday through Friday and 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Saturdays. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Construction equipment will be fitted with modem exhaust muffling devices and will be maintained in good working order. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties. Residential and pasture. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Unknown c. Describe any structures on the sites. One large home and several outbuildings. -8- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? All of the existing structures will be demolished. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-4 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation for the site? Urban ResidentiaU4-12 Units per Acre. g. If applicable. what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area9 If so. specify. No. 1. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed Project. Approximately 63 people. J. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? 2. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. Those to be displaced are the current property owners. It is anticipated that they will use the profits generated by the sale of the property with land use approvals to relocate to a home of their choice. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any. The proposal complies with current comprehensive plans and is in character with future development proximate to the site. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income building. 23 units of middle income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. One unit of middle income housing. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: When completed the project will provide 23 new single family detached middle income homes. -9- [Ch.197-11 RCW-p.40) (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 1 O. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? 35 feet. Wood, brick, stucco. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Views over or inward to the project site will be altered from forest and pasture to modern, well designed homes and landscaped yards. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. The project proposes 23 new, modern, well-designed homes and landscaped yards 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Automobile headlights and streetlights at night. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Glare from streetlights may interfere with the view of nearby residents of the night sky. Automobile headlights may cause temporary discomfort for oncoming drivers. c. What existing off-site source of light or glare may affect your proposal? Automobile headlights and street lights from adjacent streets. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. Street lighting in conformance with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) standards will be provided. Typically this would include a streetlight at the end of the cul-de-sac road and other locations as deemed appropriate to provide a safe nighttime driving and walking environment. Typical streetlights would consist of a 1 SO-att flat lens luminaire located atop a 25' light standard. Streetlights will be designed to minimize glare. -10- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPARULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Undeveloped King County partc land lies approximately 2000' west of the site. Maplewood Partc is about 1 mile southwest of the site. Maplewood Heights partc is .4 miles southeast of the site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. A minimum of 8,970 square feet of active and passive recreation space will be provided in conjunction with the project including a tot lot, large play apparatus and sport court. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No with regard to the subject site. Unknown with regard to adjoining properties. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. Not applicable. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site is bounded on the east by 160'" Ave. SE. Plat access is proposed from 160111 Ave. SE by provision of a King County Standard Subaccess Street from a single access point. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? King County/Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128111 Street, SE 144111 Street and 144111 Avenue SE. The nearest bus stop to the proposed project is located on the southeast comer of 160111 Ave. SE./SE. 128111 Street. -11- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Approximately 92 off-street spaces would be provided for the single family homes utilizing driv-ays and garages. 4 existing spaces would be eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to the existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally ,describe (indicate whether public or private). Yes. A public interior plat road will be required to provide neighborhood traffic circulation and access to the proposed residential units. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f_ How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. According to the traffic report prepared for this project approximately 210 - trips per day would be generated. Peak volumes would occur during the AM and PM commutes with approximately 16 AM peak hour trips and 22 PM peak hour trips. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. Interior plat roads !Meting King County Road Standards will be constructed to provide interior circulation. County Mitigation Payment System Fees (MPS) will be paid for each lot to mitigate offsite impacts to the regional County road infrastructure. Transit service to the site may reduce overall future traffic impacts. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so generally describe. Yes. Population growth in the immediate vicinity due to the proposed project will require additional fire, police and emergency health protection. It is likely that some of the n-homes will contain families with school-age children resulting in increased demand for education services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Mitigation fees, if required, will be paid on each individual unit. Portions of the property taxes paid by the home/lot owners will be targeted to the various public service providers. [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 1 6. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site; electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. Cable TV. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. C. SIGNATURE Electricity and Natural Gas will be provided by Puget Sound Energy: Cabte TV service will be provided by Comcast: Telephone service will be provided by Qwest. Sewer service will be provided by the City of Renton. Water service will be provided by King County Water District #90. Connections to the various service mains will be made at the project frontage on 160th Ave. SE. A sewer lift station and associated force main will be required. Underground service will be constructed in conjunction with road and storm drainage construction activities. the best of knowledge. I n them to make its decision. Date Submitted: __ $"~-~/~1_-_tJ_3 ______ _ -13- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) .. ------. l _1-z. L'B / 03 ?>I:-~. I w:<!...,~ \.~ 2 \ c::>..c..R.. I Re -~c., ~eo: I "' ~~~'Ile'. ~ ..:...J . o:,\)\9·\,· . t --.D .... ~,~~~ 'P...e.:z..o "'-A.. ~-± . . ' _I . ""-..__._,-<;> °'-6. ll"-e$.-S,. ~ o..J. l d.~"'-°' JL l~..S,. ~ ·L<VJ-=-l '2... Fl.:,....:, ~"'--~ 0 ""- . ~ " . . . d~!C\~~ OLA.:>~"' u.::::>Clwr-'-.~ ±i,.~ vd. \.'-N , ~ -cx.:, . .J ~<>..>J'_c..12.,./\ . V\ tS ;,___od--I. 0 :,.~ bf~ I, -z_ \ ~-~~~-±i,..:., . • c.~t-.~~ . J .. \ .. l ~ \.--~c...· ~=~~:'?..., -==-7 S 0S ""'-Lt-\~ ~~~~ I l """'-. ~ U--0 tie.--• • 7\ ~~- nee..J. CL~II'C.S-s ~~ s~\2-.s_/_tk,e-ffh ·:tt. A.~L ·. ·@E:PA j ~ ~ C..C::,~~O""\ {. l~ ~ /,.L.c~~ Je~~-c::,_::hu-=~ .. . . . ' ' 11 • I I '. Scharer, Karen Subject: Location: Start: End: Show Time As: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Required Attendees: Resources: L03P0015 -Nichols Place RR, DOES C1 Mon 12/08/2003 10:00 AM Mon 12/08/2003 11 :00 AM Tentative (none) Not yet responded Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen RR, DOES C1 ---------------------- Additional information was received 11/12 & will be routed to you today. 1 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 August12,2003 Howard Stansbury U.S. Land Development Association CO/Centurion Development Services 22617 a" Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Request for Additional Information/ Studies for Applications. L03TY404 & L03P0015 Dear Mr. Stansbury: The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Co~e Title 20, that the Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. When submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN: Karen Scharer, PPM II, Current Planning Section 900 Oaksdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request, or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the submittal of the necessary information is November 12, 2003. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which may justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. Please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding this letter or the submittal deadline, please call me at (206) 296-7114. Sincerely, Karen J. Scharer, PPM II Current Planning Section cc Kim Claussen, PPM Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT ® Screening Transmittal Rezone & Preliminary Plat Application of Nichols Place Application Files -L03"TY404 & L03PQ015 King County Department of Development Date of Information Request:. August 12, 2003 and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Deadline for Submittal of Information: November 12, 2003 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 1. Property Description, Engineering & Surveying: a. Proof of legal lot has been verified as the subject being established by Statutory Warranty Deed dated April 23'", 1963 and recorded under recording number 7412130033. Based on the legal descriptions between the subject lot and the property adjoining, there is the possibility of a gap or overlap due to the descriptions coming from two different directions. The boundary line adjustment submitted on the "Evendell" property with other property (file no. L03L0013) possibly could be revised to include the subject lot and correct any hiatus. b. Note that the boundary survey discloses a barn encroachment over the north line of the subject property. This adjoining lot is the proposed plat of "Evendell" which has already received preliminary approval. The survey also disclosed several fences meandering along the property lines. These fences will need to be removed prior to final plat approval. Please contact Mike Meins at (206) 296-7201 should you have questions regarding the comments above. 2. a. b. C. d. Drainage: / /Location ID. 50 and 51 are shown in the Level 1 Analysis to be two 12-inch culverts, downstream from much larger culverts. These culverts appear to have capacity limitations. Please investigate ,r the feasibility of replacing the culverts. A letter of intent from the property owner is required to 1· allow replacement of the culverts. Note that this item has also been requested from the applicant \ of Liberty Grove L03P0006. Please review Location ID. 40; we field measured this culvert to be 18-inch vs. 12-inch as shown in the Level 1 Analysis. The drainage adjustment for the site (L03V0036) is currently being reviewed. Please provide ten (10) copies of documents noted above. Page 1 -------------------~---- 3. Traffic Study: Please provide a revised traffic study, which evaluates the following items: a. Although the information in Tables 1 and 4 are not specifically indicated as being an AM or PM peak hour analysis, it is presumed to be a PM peak hour. Please provide an AM peak hour analysis of the intersections analyzed in the TIA submitted with the plat application. b. In the section identified as Accidents, please add a reference to the inclusion of SE 1281 " StreeU 1601 " Avenue SE on the updated High Accident Location list (July 2003), and that at least one (1) trip end (in the PM peak) and an estimated two or three trip-ends in the morning peak (based upon 'reversing' the PM peak hour volumes) will be benefited by the proposed correction of the HAL. The County's consultant has identified the mitigation as the construction of center turn lanes at this location. Please provide an estimated pro-rata share of the correction of the HAL -based upon the percentage of the project trips relative to the overall number of left turn trip ends (eastbound and westbound, combined) in these proposed turn lanes. c. An alternatives analysis that addresses the Hearings' Examiners decision for the plat of Evendell, specifically, the denial of the rezone request (and, reduction of the permitted number of lots to 46), together with elimination of the requirement of off-site construction of the SE 136'" Street (156 1 " Avenue SE to 158'" Avenue SE) connection. d. The distribution south along 1601" Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 136th Street" scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142"' Place SE/SE 1561 " is nearly substantially further along that travel path as compared to that using an extended SE 1361 " Street. e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. f. Perform a travel time analysis to comrare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the 1601 " Avenue to SE 1441 " Street to SE 1561 Street trip versus a theoretical SE 1361 " Street to 1561 " Avenue SE, with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left turn to proceed southbound on 1561 " Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 1361 " Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left turn across 1561h Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along the portion of 156'" Avenue SE, between SE 1281 " and SE 142"' Place. Please provide ten (10) copies of submittals. For more detailed information regarding the traffic study, please contact Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT at (206) 263-6102 or (206) 296-7155 (or kristen.langley@metrokc.gov. 4. Road Improvements: Please submit a conceptual frontage road improvement plan, including the proposed drainage concept for detention and water quality. Page 2 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the gate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. b. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (Liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. 6. Wetland/Stream/Wildlife: A site visit was made & staff verified there are no wetlands on this property. Further, wildlife that would be regulated under the King County Comprehensive Plan in the Urban Area was not observed on site. · 7. Revised Preliminary Plat(s): Provide 15 copies of each revised preliminary plat, as necessary, as a result of above-referenced requests for additional information and 4 copies of any special study requested for each plat unless otherwise noted. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later dale. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. 8. Rezone: Based on the information submitted, ODES staff finds insufficient justification to recommend reclassification of either rezone request, see Comprehensive Plan Policy U-122. You may choose to submit further information, which addresses this policy as it applies to this site. Please provide four copies. Page 3 ---------------------- GARRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. Memorandum 3150 Richards Road, Suite I 00 Bellevue, WA 98005-4446 ( 425) 519-0300 (phone) (425) 519-0309 (fax) Date: February 24, 2004 Project Name: Nichols Place To: King County Hearing Examiner From: Gary A. Norris, P.E. Subject: Nichols Place File Number L033TY 404; L03POO 15 -Errata Memo Project No.: P: T: Upon review of the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared for Nichols Place dated May 14. 2003 and Revised November 6, 2003 some discrepancies in the traffic volumes and resultant level of service were discovered. The changes are noted below: Traffic Volumes Adjustments Figure 4: 2006 Without Project Volumes. SE I 28'h Street/160'" Avenue SE. • PM peak hour eastbound through should be 696 not 703 • PM peak hour westbound through should be 695 not 699 • PM peak hour westbound left tum should be 59 not 48 • PM peak hour northbound left turn should be IO not 33 • PM peak hour northbound right turn should be 35 not 29. Revisions are presented in the attached Figure 4. Figure 6: 2006 With Project Volumes. SE 128'h Street/160'h Avenue SE. • PM peak hour eastbound through should be 696 not 703 • PM peak hour westbound through should be 695 not 699 • PM peak hour westbound left tum should be 60 not 49 • PM peak hour northbound left turn should be IO not 36 • PM peak hour northbound right tum should be 38 not 29. Revisions are presented in the attached Figure 6. \\gsamain_O\eng\2003 projects\03002.07 nichols place\errata for tia-2-24-04.doc 2/24/04 (g) Memorandum February 24. 2004 Page 2 Level of Service Adjustments The level of service tables 4 and 6 presented on page 13 and 14 in the report should be revised as follows: The PM peak hour level of service for the 2006 without project condition at the SE I 28'h Street/160'h Avenue SE intersection should be LOS D with 33.3 seconds of delay for the southbound movement not LOS D with 34. 7 seconds of delay in the northbound movement. This change is reflected in the following table. Table 4. 2006 Without Project Level of Service (Revised) Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project LOS Unsignalize<l AM PM AM PM Standard SE 128'h St/160'" Ave SE SB 1 0(27.4) 0(33.3) E NB' C(2 l.9) C( 17.6) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. The PM peak hour level of service for the 2006 with project condition at the SE I 28'h Street/ 160'1' Avenue SE intersection should be LOS D with 33.7 seconds of delay in the southbound direction. not LOS D with 37.1 seconds of delay in the northbound direction. This change is reflected in the following table. Table 6. 2006 With Project Level of Service (Revised) Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project 2006 With Project LOS AM PM AM PM AM PM Standard Unsignalizcd SE 128'" Street/160'" Avenue SE SB 1 0(27.4) D (33.3) 0(33.7) NB 1 C(2 I .8) C(l7.6) C( 17.7) (xx) seconds of delay per vch1c\e I -Level of service fur the two-way stop controlled intcrscction rcpresems the nHJvement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptahlc level. The above noted level of service adjustments do not change the conclusions of the report. Revised JI-litigation Based on the traffic volume adjustments presented above the pro-rata share of potential mitigation at the SE 128'" Street/160'" Avenue SE intersection would be revised as follows: King County requested Nichols Place contributes a pro-rata share to the proposed improvement at the SE 128'" Street/ 160'" Avenue SE intersection. The report identified a pro-rata share of 2 percent based on I project generated PM peak hour trip divided by a total of 49 PM peak hour trips \\gsamain_O\eng\2003 projects\03002.07 nichols ptace\errata for tia-2-24-04.doc 2/24/04 (g) E HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 PM Peak With Project Traffic Volumes -t Movement,: ,,,,,ii:""l'i,,,~--',~"EB~EElT-:'.'3EBRTW.-Bi:'."lWBT:f!iWBF.i1t~NBl::.~.·1\1B~-'i'NBfil,,,•SB~SBJ:7SBR Lane Configurations Sign Control ~ ~ . . Grade ·-... Free Free . _ ~top Stop Volume (veh/hf o PeakHour F;ctor' 0.92 Hourly flow rate (veh/h) , 0 Pedestrians -----.. LaneWidtfi'(tt) ··-···· Walkirig Speed (filsj PerceiifEil6ckage' " ·. · . Rigtii -tG,ii'iia,e· (vetii' · Mediafrtype' -: . ,, .;, :_ • ;i Median storage veh) · vc; confliding volume. , .. 757. • · ~c( stage ·1 coni vol--.. , . , vc2: stage2confvcil ' , -• : •. tc, singie lsi"'--.... -,;_ 1· IC, 2 siai1e· (s)" -" iF (s) --... pO qUE\Ue.f_r'ee,0/~;_ /, , .. cM capacity (veh/h) 2.2 100 850 0% 696 0.92 757 Volume Total 378 438 VolumeJ<i!L:, ,,: :. ······o·. 0 Volume Right O 60 cSH . . -' . BciCl · 1700 Volumeio C~-p~city , 0.00 0.26 Queue L~ngth, (ft) : .• ' _ -~··' . '(i,' . 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 LaniiLos·:·: --,·,' :·:-";:-' .( .·- Appro~cti Del~y fot ., o.o Approacli LOS ··-· · t· ~'. . --~ ... "....,;,,., , Average Delay-, , , ' ,:.· Intersection ·capacity ·utilization garrysbell-st51 55 0.92 60 443 65 0 . ~07 0.08 7 2.3 1. 1.3 1.3 "' '-, 59.0% 60 0.92 . :'.6.5' ",' '·, 0% 695 1. 0.92 0.92 .755 ,-'1 . , ... --· . ,,,,1,. ,, __ ,, ,,_. ' -. : :. ' . '816-.. -··;; :.,.,! 19 0.92 11 0% , ·. ,o' 38,._ 0.92 0.92 o" 41 • h ,. ' ... __ _, • .. • None ' ,., .. ,.,.,,., •• -.,,, .. _,J.r:. 1296-1673,·-• .408' - , .... ,-., ..•.... ,, 0°/o 3. 0 j 0.92 0.92 0.92 3· 0 1 .1, •. None 'f306 1703 378 . '" .. ·{_-,_~•· --' .,,.:_ ·. :· . .l. L <!,.,,,, 4.1 2.2 · 92 807 ., 4 7.5 -,1 3.5 '90 112 379 . ::,9 52 11 .. : 3_,_: i.: ... 1 41 1700 313' 0.22 0.17 ··. O .•. 15 , 1 130 0.03 .. !~,.:} , ... 0.0 18.8 33.7 .C' ·-c·o ·. 18.8 . 033.7 c; 6.5 , I" 4.0 ,100 87 ,··· - .... 1cT.i Levei ofservice· -· 6.9 3.3 93 592 A 7.5 6.5 6.9 3.5 4.0 3.3 97 100 100 103 83 619 Synchro 5 Report Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ I PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................. 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................. 3 Roadways ... , ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 SE 128th Street... ........................................................................................................................................... 3 . 160th Ave SE ................................................................................................................................................ 3 148th Avenue SE ........................................................................................................................................... 6 SR-900 .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 164th Avenue SE ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities ..................................................................................................................... 6 .Transit ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Traffic Volumes ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Level of Service ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Definition ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Accidents .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Planned and Programmed Improvements ......................................................................................................... 9 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT ............................................................................................. 10 Background Traffic Volumes ......................................................................................................................... l 0 Pipeline Projects ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Level of Service .................................................................................................................... : ........................ 13 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 13 Traffic Volumes ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Project Trip Generation .............................................................................................................................. 13 Trip Distributiontrraffic Assigrunent ............................................................................................................. 14 Level of Service ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Sight Distance Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 15 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 21 TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION .................................................................................................................. 22 Garry Struthers Associates, inc. II ,I I ii I 11 I :1 I ii ii I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place INTRODUCTION The following report was prepared in response to King County Land Use Services Division's request for additional information and studies to complete the review of Nichols Place: King County Application files L03TY404 and L03P0015. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) for Nichol's Place was submitted on May 14, 2003. A plat screening letter dated August 12, 2003 was sent to the applicant requesting the following additional traffic related information: 3. Traffic Study a. Although the information in Tables 1 and 4 are not specifically indicated as being an AM or PM peak hour analysis, it is presumed to be a PM peak hour. Please provide an AM peak hour analysis of the intersections analyzed in the TIA submitted with the plat application. b. In the section identified as Accidents, please add a reference to the inclusion of SE 128th Street/160'h Avenue SE on the updated High Accident Location list (July 2003), and that at least one(!) trip end (in the PM peak) and an estimated two or three trip-ends in the morning peak (based upon 'reversing' the PM peak hour volumes) will be benefited by the proposed correction of the HAL:. The County's consultant has identified the mitigation as the construction of center tum lanes at this location. Please provide an estimated pro-rata share of the correction of the HAL-based upon the percentage of the project trips relative to the overall number of left tum trip ends ( eastbound and westbound, combined) in these proposed tum lanes. c. An alternatives analysis that addresses the Hearing Examiners decision for the plat of Evendell, specifically the denial of the rezone request and, reduction of the permitted number of lots to 46), together with elimination of the requirement of off-sit construction of the SE 136'h Street (156th Avenue SE to !58'h Avenue SE) connection. d. The distribution south along 160'h Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 136th Street". scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142nd Place SE/SE l 56'h is substantially further along that travel path as compared to using an extended SE 136'h Street. e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. f Perform a travel time analysis to compare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the 160'h Avenue to SE 144th Street to SE 156'h Street trip versus a theoretical SE 136th Street to 156th Avenue SE with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left tum to proceed southbound on 156th Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 136'h Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left tum across 156th Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. · Page 1 '.I ' I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place 5. the portion of 156 1h Avenue SE, between SE 128 1h and SE 142"d Place may be used as well. (text added). Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the agate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. b. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. To address the comments noted above, the applicant requested a revised TIA be prepared to address the issues identified in the plat screening letter. In regards to the request for an analysis reflecting the Hearing Examiners recommendation for Evendell, the applicant, who is also the applicant for Evendell, requested the TIA reflect a 70-lot Evendell with SE 136 1h Street since Evendell is under reconsideration. The previous TIA presented the Hearing Examiners recommendation for a reduced lot configuration for Evendell and elimination of the proposed SE 136'h Street extension. Therefore, that analysis has already been provided. The current TIA will provide an analysis of Nichols Place with a 70 unit Evendell and extension of SE 1361h Street from 1561h Avenue SE to 1601h Avenue SE. King County Code Title 14 requires a traffic analysis of the project impact at all intersections that receive 20 percent and 30 peak hour project generated trips. In addition, the Code requires a safety evaluation at locations where the project could impact an existing safety hazard. Based on the transportation concurrency model distribution for this site, it appears that Nichols Place does not meet intersection level of service impact threshold at any location. However, the project will impact safety by virtue of the high accident locations (HALS) in the vicinity of the site. King County staff concurs with the conclusion that the 30 peak hour trip threshold will not be met at any intersection; however, they requested an evaluation of the following intersections: ~ SE 128 1h Street/! 601h Avenue SE ~ SR-900/148 1h Avenue SE ~ SR-900/1641h Avenue SE An evaluation of project impacts at the SR-900/1481h Avenue SE and the SR-900/164'h Avenue SE intersection is limited to a trip distribution analysis. This analysis is required because of the SEPA condition placed on the plat of Aster Park for the SR-900/!481h Avenue SE intersection and the designation of the SR-900/1641h Avenue SE intersection as a High Accident Location (HAL). This report summarizes the process, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the traffic analysis. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place PROJECT DESCRIPTION Nichols Place is a preliminary plat consisting of 23 single family detached homes located on the west side of l 60'h Avenue SE south of SE 136'h Street extended in the Renton Highlands area of King County. The plat is expected to be fully occupied by 2006, which for the purposes of this analysis is assumed to be the horizon year. The proposed plat is comprised of 3.82 acres. Two alternative zoning concepts are being considered for the site. The first alternative is for a rezone to an R-6 density whlch allows 23 single family lots. The second alternative is for an R-4 zoning with transfer of density credits to allow R-6 density which also allows 23 lots. Therefore, both zoning alternatives yield a 23 lot preliminary plat. As a result, the zoning decision will not have an impact of the traffic related impacts of the project. Nichols Place will offer a single point of access to 160th Ave SE. _A preliminary site plan reflecting this access is presented in Figure 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Existing Conditions analysis provides a statement of the traffic-related conditions withln the study area at the time of the writing of this report. The statement includes a discussion of the existing roadway, transit, pedestrian and bicycle facilities serving the site; identification of existing peak hour traffic volumes and accident history at the analysis intersections; and identification of proposed transportation improvements in this area. Roadways The roadways directly impacted by the proposed development include SE 12s'h Street, 160'h Avenue SE, 148'h Avenue SE, SR-900, and 164'h Ave SE. These roadways are discussed in the following section. SE 128'" Street SE 128'h Street is a 4-lane principal arterial which runs east-west from 1-405 in downtown Renton to 196'h Avenue SE. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway is approximately 60 feet wide with two lanes in each direction and left-tum lanes at the intersections with 156'h Avenue SE and 148'h Avenue SE. There is also curb, gutter and sidewalk at the intersection with 156'h Avenue SE and asphalt paved shoulders at the intersection with l 4s'h Avenue SE. Traffic control includes stop signs on the minor side streets such as 148th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE and traffic signals at the major intersections of 156th Avenue SE and 164th Avenue SE. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. 16o'h Ave SE 160'h Avenue SE is a neighborhood collector that runs north and south from SE 128'h Street to SE 144th Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway width is approximately 20 feet with little or no shoulder and ditches on both sides. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOT .TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 3150 Richan:!• Road, Sui. 100 BellaW<II, WA 98005-4Wt! Phona: {42S) 519-0300 Fax: (425) !119-0309 E-mall: g ... 0gsauoc-1nc.com http:/,,,.,,_ gaa .. oc-1nc.com VICINITY MAP FIGURE j NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I NOT TO SCALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ARRYSTRUTHERSASSOCLATES. lNC. • 3150R1er,..,aa Roacl. Suite 100 A, Ballavua, WA 118005-4-UEI ~ Phone:{425)519"<1300 I . Fu: (425) 519-0309 E-,mall: gu@oaauoc~ric.com hrtp:l....._.gHuoc~nc.o:m'I • SITE MAP FIGURE 2 ·,.., I I I •. I ''· I I I I I I I I I : II I vi1 ~ I "' - I~ I ~ I • ::: I :.9, I I -I I NiCHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic lmpacr Analysis Nichols Place Traffic control includes stop signs at SE 128 1h Street and SE 1441h Street. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. 14ffh Avenue SE 148'h Avenue SE is a collector arterial that runs north-south from SE May Valley Road to SE 136th Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway width is approximately 24 feet with 4-foot shoulders on both sides. Traffic control includes a stop sign at SE 128th Street and SR-900. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. SR-900 SR-900 is a two-to five-lane principal arterial that runs east-west from SR 167 in downtown Renton to I-90 in Issaquah. In the vicinity of I48'h Avenue SE, the pavement width is approximately 32 feet wide with two 11-foot travel lanes and 5-foot shoulders on both sides. Traffic control includes signals at 138th Avenue SE and 164th Avenue SE and stop signs on the minor side streets. The posted speed limit is 35 mph west of 148th Avenue SE and 40 mph east of 148th A venue SE. 164'h Avenue SE 1641h Avenue SE is a collector arterial that runs north-south from SE May Valley Road to SE 128'h Street. At the SR-900 intersection, there is a left-tum lane for southbound traffic. The roadway is approximately 24 feet wide and has 4-foot gravel shoulders on both sides. Traffic control includes stop signs on the minor side streets and traffic signals at SE 128 1h Avenue SE and SR-900. The posted speed limit is 35 mph south ofSR-900 and 30 mph north of SR-900. Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities Transit King County Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128 1h Street, SE 1441h Street and 1441h Avenue SE. The nearest bus stop to the proposed plat is located on the southeast corner of 160'h Ave SE and Se 128th Street. During the week, service for Route 111 runs from 5:15 AM to 7:35 AM from 4:45 PM to 7:00 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. Service for Route 114 runs from 6:45 AM to 9:00 AM and from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. In addition, there is DART service along SE 128th Street, Lake Kathleen Drive, SE 1441h Street, and 1561h Avenue SE Monday through Friday . . Non-Motorized Facilities There are currently no non-motorized facilities in the vicinity of the plat. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 6 11 I I ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Traffic Volumes Existing peak hour traffic volumes at the analysis intersections were determined from turning movement counts collected January 28, 2003 (PM Peak) and July 15, 2003 (AM Peak). The existing peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 3. Level of Service Definition Level of service (LOS) is used to qualify the degree of traffic congestion and driver comfort on streets or at intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) describes the methodologies for calculating LOS on street segments and at signalized and unsignalized intersections. According to the 1997 HCM (TRB Special Report #209), there are six levels of service by which the operational performance of the roadway system may be described. These levels of service range from LOS A, which indicates a relatively free-flowing condition, to LOS F which indicates operational breakdown. The level of service for a two-way stop controlled (TWSC) intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Average control delay less than or equal to 10 seconds per vehicle is defined as LOS A. For LOS F the average control delay is greater than 50 seconds per vehicle. The LOS for signalized intersections is defined in terms of average control delay per vehicle. The criterion for LOS A is an average control delay of less than or equal to 10 seconds per vehicle. The criterion for LOS F is an average control delay of greater than 80 seconds. King County has adopted a level of service E as the county road capacity standard. According to King County Code Title 14.80 any development that impacts an intersection with 20 percent of the peak hour project generated trips and 30 project generated peak hour trips must provide a . level of service E with full development of the project. If the level of service is below LOS E for the without project condition, the developer is responsible to maintain the existing level of service. As stated previously, no intersection meets the impact criteria. However, a LOS analysis was requested by the County at the SEI28th Street/160'h Ave SE intersection. Level of service for the analysis intersection was calculated using the Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The result of the existing condition level of service analysis at the intersection is shown in Table I. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page? II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SE 116 ST w "' w ::: iE "' ;! SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES. INC. 31:IORlchllrtloAoad,Sulle100 Bellawe. WA 113D05-44<IG "'--'(~2!1)51M300 e.....:::0(4.: ~1~3: ...... nnp:1-.IJO"""""""'·cam o--,::.2..~ -0"' JIL 0 (0) _) 651 (599) - 48 (7)1 L, c1> -655 (506) I 44 (7) 111 ---"'0"' ~-~ 0 m "' -"' w "' S 136TH ST 1----'------t-- 2003 EXISTING VOLUMES FIGURE 3 w "' w ::: ~ ~ PROJECT SITE (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE 11 .I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I :1 I I I I 11 Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Table 1 2003 Level of Service 2003 Existing Intersection Traffic Control AM PM LOS Standard Unsignalized SE !28th Street/160th Ave SE Two-Way Stop SB' D(27.4) E NB' C(21.8) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. As shown in Table 1, the analysis intersection currently operates at an acceptable level of service during both the AM and PM peak hours. Accidents The latest three-year accident history data at the analysis intersections were obtained from King County. The latest three-year accident history included the period ·from January I, 2000 to December 31, 2002. A summary of the three-year accident history is presented in Table 2. Table 2 Three-Year Accident Historv Number of Accidents Intersection 2000 PDO I fNJ SE 128'° Street/160th Avenue SE 1 I I 1 -Accident rate per million entering vehicles 2 -Average accident rate for type of intersection per WSDOT PDO -Property Damage Only fNJ -Injury 2001 2002 PDO 1 fNJ PDO I fNJ I I 3 2 · I 3 Accident Average Rate' Rate' 0.70 0.90 As shown in Table 2, the accident rate for the SE 128 1h Street/160'h Avenue SE intersection is below the state average for similar intersections. However, according to King County staff, the SE 1281h Street/l 60'h Avenue SE intersection has been identified as a high accident location (HAL) in King County's most recent HAL report, July 2003. The report recommended installation of center left tum lanes as a remedial action for the HAL. Planned and Programmed Improvements A review of King County's Planned and Programmed Transportation Improvements indicate the following transportation improvement projects planned in the study area. · King County's 1999 Transportation Needs Report (TNR) .• SE May Valley Road (Coal Creek Parkway to SR-900), NC-42. This project includes widening travel lanes and paving shoulders. In addition, this project would also include the construction of equestrian facilities. Both King County and the City of Newcastle would fund this low priority project. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place • Coal Creek Parkway at SE May Valley Road, NC-101. This project includes widening the north and south legs of this intersection to provide additional channelization. King County would fund this high priority project. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT The future conditions without project analysis provide a discussion of the traffic-related conditions in the horizon year without the proposed project. This section includes a discussion of background traffic volumes and level of service at the analysis intersections. · Nichols Place is expected to be fully occupied by 2006, market permitting. Therefore, 2006 for the purposes of this analysis is considered to be the horizon year. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes for the 2006 without project condition include the 2003 existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes, plus known pipeline projects in the vicinity of the site, plus area-wide traffic growth. A growth factor of 1.0 percent per year was used based on the area- wide historical growth provided by the County. Pipeline Projects Pipeline projects are defined as proposed development, which is expected to be fully developed and impact the transportation system within the horizon year of Nichols Place. According to King County and the City of Renton, there are several proposed projects in the general vicinity of Nichols Place. Trip generation for the proposed projects is presented in Table 3. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Table 3 Pipeline Projects AM Peak PM Peak Location Land Use Total In Out Total In Out Kino Coun'" SR-900/148th Ave SE (Aster Park) 37 sfdu's 28 7 21 37 24 13 SE 124th St/!49th Ave SE /Edenwood) 14 sfdu's 11 3 8 14 9 5 13715 SE I 16th St 3 sfdu's 2 0 2 3 2 I 12013 148th Ave SE (East Renton) 60 sfdu's 45 11 34 61 39 22 SE 128th St & 146th Ave SE 140 sfdu's. 105 26 79 141 90 51 126XX 148"' Ave SE 27 sfdu's 20 5 15 27 17 10 13025 144m Ave SE 11 sfdu's 8 2 6 11 7 4 15217/15221 SE 128"' St 28 sfdu's 21 5 16 28 18 10 13401 156., Ave SE 65 sfdu's 49 12 37 66 42 24 SE 128m St/148'" Ave SE (transfer from 300 sfdu's 225 56 169 303 194 109 Renton) 13615 154"' Ave SE 69 sfdu's 52 13 39 70 45 25 158., Ave SE and SE 136"' St. /Evendem 75 lots 56 14 42 75 48 27 160"' Ave SE and 136'" Ave SE /Lib~) 36 lots 27 7 20 36 23 13 162'' Ave SE and Liberty Lane 50 lots 38 9 29 51 32 19 (Dickinson, Shadow, and Liberty Gardens) Citv of Renton 980 Hoauiam A venue NE (Wedgewood) 16 sfdu's 12 3 9 19 10 6 5107 NE 5m Pl (Pie le Plat) 8 sfdu's 6 I 5 8 5 3 5200 NE 4th St !Honevbrooke Final Plat) 25 sfdu's 19 5 14 25 16 9 5300 NE 4m St (Honevbrooke Phase 2\ 10 sfdu's 8 2 6 10 6 4 5200 NE 4th St /Honevbrooke Phase 4) 8 sfdu's 6 l 5 8 5 3 466 Nile Ave {Morgan Court III\ 3 sfdu's 2 0 2 3 2 I 5410 NE 2" St /Sienna) 62 sfdu's 47 12 35 63 40 23 SE 128th St/Nile Ave NE (Maplewood 116 sfdu's 87 22 65 117 75 42 Estates) 6001 NE 4th St (Amberwood) 18 sfdu's 14 3 11 18 12 6 West of Duvall Ave, North of NE 4"' St 22,568 sf 23 14 9 33 6 27 (Renton Highlands Plaza) 3800 NE 4"' St (Widmere Office) 7,289 sf 11 10 18 11 2 9 550 Union Ave NE /Vinevards) 42 sfdu's 32 8 24 42 27 15 I 050 Hoquiam Ave NE /Brookfield) 47 sfdu's 35 9 26 47 30 17 As shown in Table 3, there are sixteen pipeline projects identified by King County and thirteen identified by the City of Renton in the vicinity of the project site. PM peak. hour trip distribution/traffic assignments for the pipeline projects were determined from King County Concurrency Distributions provided for previous projects in the area. AM peak hour trip distribution percentages were obtained by reversing the PM peak. Figure 4 presents a summary of the distributed background growth and pipeline trips for 2006 without the Nichols Place project. A summary of the background traffic volumes is summarized in the Technical Appendix. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SE 116 ST "' "' ~ ; SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASS.OCIATES, INC. 31SOFUcnwd1ROI0,-100 Ballavu•. WA 980()5...4.,141 F'harl<O: (425) 511H)3!10 Fax: (425) 519-0309 I!--gaaQg.-ooc-,nc.cam ntt;,J,-.IJO&UO<Hnc.com o---o ... ---L1 <1> -o"' )IL -699 (539) ! 48 (16) 0 (0) _) 111 703 (631) -r=:'S'N 53 (10)1 .::.-.:!.. 0 "' m "' N i----------'---+----'S---'.:136TH ST 2006 WITHOUT PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 4 "' "' "' '< cc ... ~ PROJECT SITE (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place LEVEL OF SERVICE The 2006 background without project AM and PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing level of service is shown for comparison purposes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. Table 4 2006 Without Project Level of Service Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project LOS Standard U nsignalized AM PM AM PM SE !28th St/160,. Ave SE SB 1 D(27.4) E NB 1 C/21.9\ . C/l?.6) D(34.7) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle 1 -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. As shown in Table 4, the analysis intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service in 2006 without project. In fact with the opening of SE 1361 h Street, a part of the Evendell project, the AM peak hour LOS at the SE 128 1h Street/1601 h Avenue SE intersection improves. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT The future condition with project analysis provides a statement of what traffic related conditions will be like in the horizon year with the project. The analysis simply adds anticipated project impacts to the horizon year background conditions. The analysis defines anticipated project trip generation and evaluates impact through a level of service analysis at each of the analysis intersections. Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes for 2006 with project condition include 2006 without project volumes discussed above plus expected traffic to be generated by Nichols Place. Project Trip Generation Trip generation for Nichols Place was calculated using the trip generation rates for Single-Family Dwelling Units, Land Use Code 210 presented in the Sixth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report, 1997. A summary of the anticipated trip generation for Nichols Place is presented in Table 5. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 13 l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Table 5 Trip Generation AM Peak PM Peak Land Use AWDT Total In Out Total In Out Nichols Place 15 8 23 sfdu's 220 17 5 12 23 Existing Residential Units I 0 I sfdu IO I I I Net lmnact 210 16 5 II 22 14 8 As shown in Table 5, Nichols Place is estimated to generate 220 daily, 16 AM and 23 PM peak hour trips in the 2006 horizon year. The net impact of the project, calculated by deducting the existing site trips, generated from the existing single family dwelling units from the total project trip generation, is 210 daily, 16 AM and 22 PM peak hour trips in 2006. Trip Distribution/J'raffic Assignment Trip distribution percentages for Nichols Place were based on the traffic assignment provided by King County Transportation Planning as part of the Transportation Concurrency Analysis and AM/PM peak period turning movement counts in the vicinity of the project. Trip distribution percentages for the pipeline projects were derived from the percentages determined for the Nichols Place analysis. The results of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process for project-generated trips are presented in Figure 5. A summary of the 2006 with project peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 6. Level of Service The 2006 with project peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing condition and 2006 without project· peak hour level of service are provided for comparison. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6. Table 6 2006 With Project Level of Service Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project 2006 With Project LOS Standard AM PM AM PM AM PM Unsignalized SE 128'' Street/ 160'' Avenue SE E SB' D(27.4) NB' C/21.8) Cl 17.6) D(34.7) C(l7.7) D/37.1) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest . delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. As shown in Table 6, the analysis intersections will operate at an acceptable level of service in Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place 2006 with the project_ for both the AM and PM peak hour volume scenarios. Sight Distance Analysis A field study of stopping and entering sight distance was conducted on May 7, 2003. The proposed access to the plat is approximately 115 feet south of the north property line where extended it would intersect 1601h Ave SE. The posted speed limit on 1601h Avenue SE is 25 mph. The King County Road Standards (KCRS) does not stipulate the design speed used to calculate sight distance. However, King County has administratively chosen to use the posted speed plus 10 mph for the design speed. Therefore, the design speed for the sight distance analysis is 35 mph. Entering sight distance (EDS) was measured from a point IO feet from the edge ofroadway at the proposed site access road at a height of 3.5 feet to an object height of 4.25 feet on 160th Avenue SE. The measured entering sight distance looking to the north is 490+ feet.· Looking to the south, a stand of trees lining the ditch currently obstructs the sight the entering sight distance. Project plans indicate these trees will be removed prior to project completion. The entering sight distance to the south will then be 490+ feet. According to King County Road Standards (KCRS), the minimum required entering sight distance is 490 feet using a design speed of 35 mph. Stopping sight distance (SSD) is measured from a height of 3.5 feet on 1601 h Avenue SE as it approaches a specific location to an object at a height of 0.5 feet on 1601 h Avenue SE. Based upon a 35 mph design speed, a SSD of 250 feet would be required for northbound and southbound vehicles under the KCRS. King County requires the minimum SSD be met along the entire plat frontage. The measured stopping sight distance (SSD) at the site driveway is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. At the north property line, the SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. At the south property line, the SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. Table 8 summarizes the sight distance measurements. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o I Io SE 116 ST w "' ~ " ~ 3-2_) 2 (1) SE 128 ST AM PEAK TOTAL: 16 IN: 4 OUT: 12 PM PEAK . TOTAL: 22 IN: 14 OUT: 8 (XX) -AM PEAK xx -PM PEAK NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 31~ Ri<;N,rd1 Road, Sul!1 100 6'"11....,1, WA 98005-4448 Phor>1; (425) 519-0300 F1•: (425)51&-0309 e...-: i,o,aOguuoc-lr>G"""' hllll~-...gaaasoc--lnc.com o I Io 1_<_?) 3 (2) w "' ~ ~ (1) 3 j I <2> 3 ~ S 1.36TH ST w . (7) 21 / 11 (3) "' ~ w "' I w ta '1 ~ § :" PROJECT-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 5 o I Io w "' w '1 ~ :" 1 (0) -3 (2) PROJECT SITE 6 (5) 3 (l)j 11 (3) j 2 (7) NICHOLS. PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;I I I I SE 116 ST w "' SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 31~ Fliehllr<!o Road, Sulla 100 B•n.-. WA ~•Cl Pnot>o· ('2.5) 51ll-0300 F,..: (•25) 51~309 E-~= ga,a@goap..,...nc.com ~np:llwNw.go..-Jnc.com o~~ .::..S..:!.. -o"' L, (7) j I l -699 (539) ! 49 (20) 0 (0) _) 703 (631) - 55 (12)1 11( t--_J_-----l____::__S __.:.:136TH ST 2006 WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 6 w "' PROJECT SITE (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Table 8 Sight Distance Analysis Si~ht Distance Field Measured Entering Sight Distance -looking south -looking north Stopping Sight Distance > Site Access Driveway • from the south -from the north > North Property Line -from the south -from the north > South Property Line -from the south • from the north 490+ ft 49o+ ft 250+ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250 ft 250 ft KCRS Min. Required 490 ft 490 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft Nichols Place As shown in Table 8, ESD at the proposed site access driveway looking to the north and south exceed the KCRS required ESD of 490 feet. The measured stopping sight distances exceed KCRS requirements at the north property line from both the north and south. The measured SSD at the south property line exceeded the KCRS requirements of 250 feet from the south and from the north, respectively. At the site access, the required SSD of 250 feet is exceeded from the north and the south. OTHER ISSUES 3. Traffic Study Response to comments 3a, 3b, and 3c, were incorporated into the rewriting of this report. A response to comments 3d, 3e, and 3f are provided below. 3d. The distribution south along J6dh Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 1361h Street·· scenario. The travel path to· the intersection of 142"d Place SEISE 1561h is substantially further along that travel path as compared to using an extended SE 1361h Street. There are several factors that lead to a particular traffic assignment including trip orientation, travel time, stops along the way, and desirability of route. The particular distribution applied to the Nichols Place TIA was derived from recent intersection turning movement counts collected along the corridor. This issue is explored in greater depth in item 3fbelow. 3e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place The trip distribution came from two sources, the King County Concurrency Model runs and peak hour turning movement counts at the 160th Avenue SE/SE 136'h Street and 160'h Avenue SE/SE 135th Street intersections. The counts are attached in the Technical Appendix. 3f. Perform a travel time analysis to compare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the J6o'h Avenue to SE 1441h Street to SE 1561h Street trip versus a theoretical SE 136'h Street to 15 61h Avenue SE with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left turn to proceed southbound on 1561h Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 1361h Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left turn across 1561h Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along the portion of 1561h Avenue SE, between SE 128'h and SE 142nd Place may be used as well. (text added). Although the statement requested a "morning peak hour travel time" analysis, it was assumed the motivation for the request came from the comment 3d above which indicated the distribution south along 160'h Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 1361h Street" scenario. Since the distribution represented in the report was a PM peak hour distribution, a PM peak hour travel time analysis was conducted. The travel time analysis was conducted to evaluate the propensity for traffic to use the two alternative routes, i.e. 160'h Avenue SE/SE 1441h Street/156'h Avenue SE to the 156th Avenue SE/142"d Place intersection versus the SE 136'h Street/156'h Avenue SE route. The travel time analysis was conducted on Wednesday afternoon July 23, 2003 between 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM. The study involved three runs in each direction on each route. Travel time recorded on the l 60'h Avenue SE route was consistent in each direction at an average of 2.03 minutes. For the 1561h Avenue SE route, there was a 10 second difference in the average travel time between the north bound and south bound runs. The northbound run average 46 seconds whereas the southbound run averaged 56 seconds. This was a result of the additional delay created by the southbound platoon coming from the signal on 156'h Avenue SE at SE 128 1h Street. The additional delay resulted from the stop sign at the l 42"d Place intersection. In addition to the travel time runs, an analysis of the vehicular delay associated with vehicles waiting to enter the southbound flow from the side streets was also made. To estimate the delay, three left turn maneuvers were made from the side streets along 156 1h A venue SE to 156'h Avenue SE. Because of the extensive platoon of vehicles coming from the signal at SE 128'h Street, the average vehicular delay was 26.7 seconds with the measured delay for each attempt ranging from 7 seconds to 38 seconds. A two vehicle queue waiting to enter 1561h Avenue SE was also observed on one of the dead end side streets. The travel time across a constructed SE 136'h 'Street was estimated using the distance and assumed travel speed consistent with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. The results of this calculation yielded a travel time of35.9 seconds. Adding the various travel time elements associated with traffic from the 160'h Avenue SE corridor using SE 1361h Street and l 56'h Avenue for trips bound to the south yielded a travel time of 1.88 minutes (51 seconds + 26.7 seconds+ 35.9 seconds = 1.88 minutes) for the SE 1361h Street/156'h Avenue SE route compared to 2.03 minutes for the 1601h Avenue SE/144'h Avenue SE/156'h Avenue SE route. Garry Struthers Associates, 1nc. Page 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Another factor in the trip assignment issue is the orientation of the traffic. To estimate this factor, a 10 minute turning movement count was conducted at the 160 1h Avenue SE/SE 144 1h Street intersection during the same peak hour as the travel time analysis. The purpose of the count was to determine the orientation of 1601h Avenue SE ·traffic at the SE 1441h Street intersection. The result of the traffic count indicated that 20 percent of the traffic was oriented to/from the west, 73 percent to/from the east, and 7 percent to/from the south. The conclusion is that the overwhelming majority of the traffic to and from the south on 1601h Avenue SE is not destined to the I56'h Avenue SE/I42"d Place intersection but rather to the east on SE 144'h Street. Furthermore, the percentage of trips oriented to the east from 1601h Avenue SE could be significantly higher when school begins as Liberty High School is located east of 160 1h Avenue SE and would be accessed using SE 144th Street. The conclusion of the analysis is that with the opening of SE 1361h Street it is unlikely there will be a significant reassignment of the 1601h Avenue SE traffic oriented to the south to the 156 1h Avenue SE corridor. Therefore, the assignment represented in the report is reasonable with or without SE 1361h Street. 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the gate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. According to a recent survey by DMP, Inc. there is no gate. The report states that at one time access to the Liberty High School athletic fields could be achieved by walking south on 162nd Avenue SE approximately one block and continuing east on 137 1h Place to the end of the cul-de- sac and onto the high school's upper fields. However, according to children living adjacent to the walking path, the gate has been blocked by a fence and access is no longer accessible. The report states that the walking path was likely the original access road for a storm water pond. c. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (Liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. The following information was obtained from a report prepared by DMP, Inc. and is summarized as follows: There are no safe walking pathways from the proposed plat of Nichols Place to the educational facilities serving the plat. According to the Issaquah School District, all students in this area are bussed and will continue to be bussed until safe walking routes are provided. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Liberty High School: Liberty High School is the closest school to the plat. In the past there was a walking path from l 60'h Avenue SE to the High School, however, this has been blocked by a fence. The path was along 162nd Avenue SE for approximately one block continuing east on 137th Place to the end of the cul-de-sac at that point the path went through the gate and or to the High School site. Sidewalks were constructed on 137th Place as part of the Liberty Lane Plat. Maywood Middle School: Maywood Middle School is several blocks south of Liberty High School on !68'h Avenue SE. An 8 foot asphalt shoulder with fog line extends west from the Maywood entrance along SE 144'h Street to 1601h Avenue SE. A combination of asphalt and cement sidewalk extend north on !60'h Avenue SE from the intersection towards Nichols Place. The improvements terminate at approximately 142nd Place, approximately five blocks south of the plat. Safe access, however, could be provided if students were allowed access to Liberty High School as previously provided. Maywood students would exit the high school grounds and continue south on 168'h Avenue SE. Shoulder improvements on this roadway vary from four to five feet of asphalt and/or compact gravel with a fog line. Preferred improvements would be an 8 foot asphalt shoulder with fog line or extruded curb. If access to the high school is not possible, a safe walking route from the site to Maywood does not exist. Briarwood Elementary: Briarwood Elementary is located approximately 3 blocks northeast of Liberty High School. An 8 · ~s th foot asphalt shoulder with C curb extends from the school entrance on SE 134 treet to e intersection with I 68'h Avenue SE. An 8 foot asphalt shoulder, with fog line, continues south from that intersection towards the entrance of Liberty High School. Again if safe access can be provided from Nichols Place to the high school, by removing the fence, safe access can be provided to Briarwood. A review of the field conditions and conversations with Issaquah School District indicate there are limited possibilities to provide safe walking routes to the area schools. Since safe walking routes don't exist, the Issaquah School District will bus all students. To facilitate bussing, the District has identified a combined bus stop for all grades at the !60'h Avenue SE/SE 136'h Street intersection. CONCLUSIONS · The plat of Nichols Place will not create any significant adverse conditions on the surrounding transportation network. The plat will generate approximately 210 daily, 16 AM and 22 PM peak hour new vehicle trips to the transportation network. As determined from the analysis, the requested intersection of SE 128 1h Street/160'h Avenue SE does not meet the King County threshold definition for project impact conditions. This would require 30 PM peak hour project generated trips and 20 percent of the project generated peak Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 21 -~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place hour trips. The analysis intersection was determined to operate at an acceptable level of service for the existing, 2006 with and 2006 without project conditions. Since Nichols Place contributes traffic to the existing HAL located at 160'h Avenue SE/SE 128th Street a proportionate share of the cost is legitimate. Nichols Place proportionate share based is based on project generated PM peak hour left turns versus total PM peak hour left turns. Nichols Place is pro-rata share is 2 percent (1 project generated PM peak hour left tum (westbound) divided by 49 total PM peak hour left turns = 0.020). Please note there are not eastbound left turns. ' TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION Nichols Place will be required to pay a MPS mitigation fee of$49,197 based on $2,139 per unit (23 units) for concurrency zone 452. Nichols Place shall contribute 2 percent to the cost of providing a left tum pocket on SE 128 1h Street. No other traffic mitigation is deemed necessary. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 22 I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place I I I I I TECHNICAL APPENDIX I for I NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. -------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Nichols Place with 70 Lot Evendell and SE 136th Street Extended SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE AM Peak Hour: 6:45 AM • 7:45 AM Date Collected: 07/15/03 EBLT EBT EBRT WBLT WBT WBRT NBLT NBT NBRT SBLT SBT SBRT Cl C ~ ·x w "' 0 0 N 0 599 7 15~6 I P,q btJ 11~0 I 1199 .c j e (!l "O C :, e Cl -" (.J "' al 0 18 0 0 15 0 C/) u a, ·e a. a, ·" ai 0. a: 0 14 3 ~. 00 37 44 -u a, 'i5' ~ a. :5 0 a, (.J "' u a, 'i5' ~ a. ~ ~ "' LL ~ = ~ "' 0 O· N a: C/) 0 .c .I< z .c ~ "' 0 0 N :, 0 I -" "' a, a. 0 0 0 631 0 631 0.89 .....!Q_ 2 12 11~0 I 11~0 I 1280 1285 C/) a, C/) C/) :, -al c- a, J:l !:c (.J :, a, ~ a. r 4.80 ~------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Nichols Place With 70 Lot Evendell and SE 136th Street Extended SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 4:15 PM -5:15 PM Date Collected: 01/28/03 01 C ~ ·x w M 0 0 "' EBLT 0 EBT 651 EBRT 48 WBLT~4 WBT 655 WBRT 1 NBLT 009 NBT 0 NBRT 22 SBLT rn SBT 0 SBRT 1 1444 .c ~ 0 ~ ('.) -0 C ::, 0 ~ 01 .:.: " "' CD 0 20 44 <fl 13 Q) ·a ~ a. Q) .S ai a. a: 0 25 4 65 13 Q) ·e a. :5 0 Q) " "' £ a: ~ (!) 0 0 "' <fl 0 .c " z 0 696 53 2 1553 6 13 Q) 'i5' ~ a. £ ~ (!) 0 0 "' 0 696 55 1559 ~ B " "' lL ~ ::, 0 :r: .:.: "' Q) a. 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.50 0.50 0.50 <fl Q) <fl <fl ::, CD -<fl .:.: " ::, ~ f- c Q) ~ Q) a. 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis -- Direction;Larie # .. ·.;,;,;;. Volume Total garrysbell-st51 SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2003 Existing Volumes t + Synchro 5 Report Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------------------------- HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 Without Project Traffic Volumes Pir.e·ction.~:Lane;,#J ,.,~. J;,,_;Eet'L;:":JEEt2.' iWB 1:1P::~ws,.2, "tNB!~1 1 ·'·~-,_S8·'•1h \ ,'..,\t',,\J,~ ';:;"·';_<id,~:~:, ·~'·•_3JJ ~.)',.:,,'.,\'w:·;~,~~-,-!,~ ;,:;' ~ ~"":~.-.:; .;,_. ,,;_.·! Volume Total 354 366 327 314 73 17 garrysbell-st51 Synchro 5 Report Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis -- Volume Total 354 368 329 314 74 17 garrysbell-st51 SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 With Project Traffic Volumes t Synchro 5 Report Page 1 I I I I I ;ii I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I Location: 160th SE & SE136th Checker: DN Weather: Cloudy Date: 16-Jul-03 Start Time: 6:30 AM 15 Min. Adj Factor; F(adj)= 1.0714 (15min/#ofminutescounted) END .TIME 6:45AM 7:00AM 7:15AM 7:30AM 7:45AM 8:00AM 8:15AM 8:30AM RIGHT 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 FROM: NORTH THRU LEFT 0 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 TOTAL TRUCKS RIGHT 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 3 2 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 0 -City/Town: King Co. Job: Libe Grove Pk Hr: 6:30 AM 7:30 AM FROM: EAST THRU LEFT TOTAL TRUCKS 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 PKHR ....-~o~.,.....~s--~~~o~~~~s~...-~1---~~~s~.,.....~o--~~~3~~~s-=-_,.~~o,._~ Adj HR ~~0~~~9~_.__~0~~~9~~~-1~~~5~~~0~~~-3~~~8~_.__~0~~ END TIME 6:45AM 7:00AM 7:15AM 7:30AM 7:45AM 8:00AM 8:15AM 8:30AM RIGHT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 FROM: SOUTH THRU LEFT TOTAL 13 0 13 8 0 8 3 0 3 12 0 13 2 0 2 7 0 7 4 0 4 4 0 4 FROM: WEST TRUCKS RIGHT THRU LEFT TOTAL TRUCKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PK HR 1 36 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 AdjHR ~~1~_.__----'3_9~~~o~~~4_o~..,__---'o ___ _._~-o~_._~o~~~-o~~~o~~~-o~~ END .15 Min TIME TOTALS 6:45 15 Time 7:00 13 Start -End hr vol pk hr? 7:15 10 6:30 7:30 57 YES 7:30 19 6:45 7:45 46 no 7:45 4 7:00 8:00 44 no 8:00 11 7:15 8:15 41 no 8:15 7 7:30 8:30 29 no 8:30 7 DN Traffic Enterprises I I I I I I ;I I :1 ! . I .I I I I I INTERSECTION: PEAK HOUR: DATE: SOURCE: 0 0 0 0 Peak Hour Factors: Percent Trucks & Buses: 160th SE & SE136th 6:30 AM 7:30 AM 16-Jul-03 ON Traffic PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL LEG VOLUMES 9 44 0 8 0 1 12 40 PEAK HOUR APPROACH VOLUME MOVEMENTS 9 0 9 0 RIGHT THRU LEFT LEFT NORTH RIGHT THRU WEST EAST THRU RIGHT SOUTH LEFT LEFT THRU RIGHT 0 39 1 40 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS DERIVED FROM COUNT From North: 0.53 SB From South: 0.72 NB From East: 0.47 WB From West: n/a EB Total 0.75 From North: 11.1% SB From South: 0.0% NB From East: 0.0% WB From West: n/a EB 5 0 8 3 ON Traffic Enterprises -------------------· I VT frm ;;;.73,~ . I t 136'*-- \ .,:,ff '/~~uf CULAR VOLUME COUNf SHEET I J/:, ~ I ~ . I cJ.. 73c;3 '\) ~ I , ' LOCATION ::fi £ Lat ... ~ ii::;~ Lt." ~J-( 2 t--INT 11 illYi~ CHECKER J)_L/1.) WEA::: t;~ PROJECTNAME ol~ ,e!:;.,~~ DATE 1,/41/:200,3 PROJECT NUMBER PHASFJTASK FROM: iy North FROM: Easl '(--FROM: S011lh f FROM: ~ RECORD RIOIIT THRU LEFT TRUCK am RIOHT THRU Lf:FT TRUCK iiil RIOIIT TilRU LEFT TRUCK lal RIOIIT TilRU LEFT TRUCK T01 . TfMf: • ( ) <':,;; f,11 <T ( ) ( ) / ( ) :IS 1U :z. ( ) ,:] ( ) -::i,. 4 ( ) ( ( ) :30 R t.j (. ) __fl_ ( ) l..j ( . ) \ ( ) :4S :::in /) ( ) l I ( ) R ( ) ., ( ) ' :00 \(4 .a ( ) I ( ) I~ ( / ) ' ( ) ' ~~1::-~ ~ ( ) :IS "1 \ 3 ( ) /J 3 ( ) ( ) :30 i3 I ( ) _'} t:t ( ) "1 ,_ ( ) / ( ) :4S /Pi 3 ( ) -t I ( ) _J_ I~ ( ) / ( ) :00 /?-! s: ( ) ".'.l.. ( . ) .J!2_ ( ) ( ) ·------ :IS ( ) ( ) ( ) \ ( ) :30 ( ) ( ) ( ) "' ( ) :45 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) :00 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) / . NOTES: NOTES: ,NOTES: NOTES: . \ ' •·r--~~~,~''t' 1-~---~~~------~ 114.l / I I I I I I I I ,----------------- ii :1 ~j 7' I ~ "' J ~ -..3 - I v t I f I J ro -~ s...J 1-d Jl ~ .~~ 9 j· ~ ~ - I r" - I I i I{ ~~ ...J. m ~ " o£ ~ ~ J.. -£_ ~ -I .,./. I I ~ I <¥, r I ' King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 ' August12,2003 Howard Stansbury U.S. Land Development Association CO/Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Request for Additional Information/ Studies for Applications. L03TY404 & L03P0015 Dear Mr. Stansbury: The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Code Title 20, that the Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. When submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a . copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: · King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division A TIN: Karen Scharer, PPM II, Current Planning Section 900 Oaksdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request, or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the submittal of the necessary information is November 12, 2003. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which may justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. Please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding this letter or the submittal deadline, please call me at (206) 296-7114. 4eiy, .)vL __ Kar=J.rer, PPM U Current Planning Section cc Kim Claussen, PPM Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 1. Property Description, Engineering & Surveying: a. Proof of legal lot has been verified as the subject being established by Statutory Warranty Deed dated April 23"', 1963 and recorded under recording number 7412130033. Based on the legal descriptions between the subject lot and the property adjoining. there is the possibility of a gap or overlap due to the descriptions coming from two different directions. The boundary line adjustment submitted on the "Evendell" property with other property (file no. L03L0013) possibly could be revised to include the subject lot and correct any hiatus. b. Note that the boundary survey discloses a barn encroachment over the north line of the subject property. This adjoining lot is the proposed plat of "Evendell" which has already received preliminary approval. The survey also disclosed several fences meandering along the property lines. These fences will need to be removed prior to final plat approval. Please contact Mike Meins at (206) 296-7201 should you have questions regarding the comments above. 2. Drainage: a. Location ID. 50 and 51 are shown in the Level 1 Analysis to be two 12-inch culverts, downstream from much larger culverts. These culverts appear to have capacity limitations. Please investigate the feasibility of replacing the culverts. A letter of intent from the property owner is required to allow replacement of the culverts. Note that this item has also been requested from the applicant of Liberty Grove L03P0006. b. Please review Location ID. 40; we field measured this culvert to be 18-inch vs. 12-inch as shown in the Level 1 Analysis. c. The drainage adjustment for the site (L03V0036) is currently being reviewed. d. Please provide ten (10) copies of documents noted above. Page 1 3. Traffic Study: Please provide a revised traffic study, which evaluates the following items: a. Although the information in Tables 1 and 4 are not specifically indicated as being an AM or PM peak hour analysis, it is presumed to be a PM peak hour. Please provide an AM peak hour analysis of the intersections analyzed in the TIA submitted with the plat application. b. In the section identified as Accidents, please add a reference to the .inclusion of SE 128'" Street/ 1601 h Avenue SE on the updated High Accident Location list (July 2003), and that at least one (1) trip end (in the PM peak) and an estimated two or three trip-ends in the morning peak (based upon 'reversing' the PM peak hour volumes) will be benefited by the proposed correction of the HAL. The County's consultant has identified the mitigation as the construction of center turn lanes at this location. Please provide an estimated pro-rata share of the correction of the HAL -based upon the percentage of the project trips relative to the overall number of left turn trip ends (eastbound and westbound, combined) in these proposed turn lanes. c: An alternatives analysis that addresses the Hearings' Examiners decision for the plat of Evendell, specifically, the denial of the rezone request (and, reduction of the permitted number of lots to 46), together with elimination of the requirement of off-site construction of the SE 136'" Street (156th Avenue SE to 1581h Avenue SE) connection. · d. The distribution south along 160'" Avenue SE may be excessive under a ''with SE 1361h Street" scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142"' Place SE/SE 156th is nearly substantially further along that travel path as compared to that using an extended SE 1361h Street. e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. f. Perform a travel time analysis to comrare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the 160'" Avenue to SE 1441 h Street to SE 1561 Street trip versus a theoretical SE 136'" Street to 156'" Avenue SE, with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left turn to proceed southbound ili . ili on 156 Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 136 Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the.delays required to complete a left turn across 1561h Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along the portion of 1561h Avenue SE, between SE 128'" and SE 142"" Place. · Please provide ten (10) copies of submittals. For more detailed information regarding the traffic study, please contact Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT at (206) 263-6102 or (206) 296-7155 (or kristen.lanqley@metrokc.gov. · 4. Road 1.mprovements: Please submit a conceptual frontage road improvement plan, including the proposed drainage concept for detention and water quality. Page2 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for· access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the gate. Identify the conditions along the route.· Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. b. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (Liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. 6. Wetland/Stream/Wildlife: A site visit was made & staff verified there are no wetlands on this property. Further, wildlife that would be regulated under the King County Comprehensive Plan in the Urban Area was not observed on site. 7. Revised Preliminary Plat(s): Provide 15 copies of each revised preliminary plat, as necessary, as a result of above-referenced requests for additional information and 4 copies of any special study requested for each plat unless otherwise noted. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. 8. Rezone: Based on the information submitted, DDES staff finds insufficient justification to recommend reclassification of either rezone request, see Comprehensive Plan Policy U-122. You may choose to submit further information, which addresses this policy as it applies to this site. Please provide four copies. Page 3 Whittaker, Bruce From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Casey, Laura Thursday, July 10, 2003 5:58 PM Scharer, Karen: Whittaker, Bruce Bottheim, Steve L03P0015, Nichols Place I did a quick check of Nichols Place this afternoon. Based on that, the information in the file including the "Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance by Habitat Technologies (10/11/02), and Beth Cheshier•s field report, there are no wetlands on this property. Neither Beth nor I observed any wildlife that would be regulated under the King County Comprehensive Plan in the Urban Area. I would like a condition placed on the plat similar to that of Evendell that addresses any downstream drainage work that may impact wetlands or streams. I think Bruce is familiar with that condition. If you have any questions, give me a call or send email. Laura Casey Environmental Scientist III -Ecologist DDES LUSD Critical Areas Section 206-296-7291 1 Nichols Place L03P0015 Screening Comments Bruce Whittaker 7/10/2003 Drainage: Location ID. 50 and 51 are shown in the Level 1 Analysis to be two 12-inch culverts, downstream from much larger culverts. These culverts appear to have capacity limitations. Please investigate the feasibility ofreplacing the culverts. A letter of intent from the property owner is required to allow replacement of the culverts. Note that this item has also been requested from the applicant of Liberty Grove L03P0006. Please review Location ID. 40; we field measured this culvert to be 18-inch vs. 12-inch as shown in the Level 1 Analysis. It is noted that a drainage adjustment for the site(L03V0036) has been submitted and is being reviewed. Roads: Please submit a conceptual frontage road improvement plan, including the proposed drainage concept for detention and water quality. 1~{03 I I • I ~ ' I I ~\-L.;..\= El:ll .!! t,,Q -r\.! /\ ' . .. ,, LJ iiI:) ' . , _ ~,no~~ . sc/s, ILo C..C:,.....,~\~ -;-.t:, _ -n r ;) ' .r--. c......--d =~ h~-e...-ei:::.~ n ' -~a::r l'=::> 1'M c-\-'.l 'd~ '") . ' ,_ CCJ-t O d, <!!. \ -{2 c:,\<.. J I \ , ' ~c:.1 "'2.. F. c:-., --~, ~ne.r--~ . ' . -. l I I lJc.~ '\ VW': eo :; t.;r<? J. ., ~ c::, \."'--;- £1 i \.~ ~ l\:Q ~~-\~ ~-. ---I ' . I j~ ~1/V".:. • :s.u6~ ... tk.J_ c._Lr:i~V ~~) ' \.bur\..~ ·u . ' ~---I~ . . • 0 ~tG::.c~A~ ~E-No ...._ .... ----~ '"'re>\,/\~~.& \ " ,_ . CE..ie.r.~O Q). . ·-«e. )( 0 MN"\\\~ It _.,..._ ~-Q,)Qr-, "--,,... (\ .t ~ le:.· --• ' \ --.. ~ .. --t-l ' ., \. V"\--J c_..,,..,..._ .. >~H....R ~..l..,.. -' '~ •• ~-\'L~~~ 'T""",\ -\ q - t - ' ' ' . I I I a: w ID :i: :, z w .J -.. w C 0 u 0 w C, ~ r-- lf) ' I. King County Departnient of Development and Environmental Services 900 Onkt-sd,1le A\'enueSouthwest Renton, \\'A 98055-1.219 MEMORANDUM Date Co • I 1 · 3 FlaD CI-IECK (., · '=>· 03 FROM: Site Investigator BETI--1 CHESHIER TO: Engineer 'BR \X'E Wt\ J TTA KE'l<. ( J< &:HJ RE: Field Check Observations I, PROJECT NUMBER / NAME L03PCOl5 fNIOfOLS PLACE I Address/ Location \ 3R\ 5 \ (QQTH A'\/E SE Related Project#/ Name A03PCC03. L03JYL.[04. L03\/0Q3/o • Thomas Map Page (new) lo 57 B3 Thomas Guide Page (old) _______ _ l, SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSAL Su'.B'.f)J\/1 DE L.\.O ACRES INTO 2. 3 LOTS. w/'REZONE 01< TOR'S. FLOvJ CONTROL L.1-\DA'S WATER G;>u.:\L/TY 3, SIERRA FILE INFORMATION Parcel#(s) IL\2.305 -90Se; LEYEL 2. ¢ ON·SrTE '8AS1C. S-T-R SE IY ·23-0S Kroll Map l'l 11 E Acres / Feet' Lj · 0 A Current Zoning _·_,R__,__-_y,__ ____ _ Community Plan NE.WCASTLE Comprehensive Plan --'""-L'--'------'-------~--------- Limited Text Ehtry P-suFFl X -NO COND11lQNS FOJIJD PAGE I 4. SENSITIVE AREAS INFORMATION MAP FOLIO PAGE# SIJECQNTA!NS SITE ABUTS YES NO YES NO COMMENTS • Wetlands ____ 0 ~ D ug Wetland# Wetland Class ----~Drainage Basin Sub Basin LQWEB, c.~ ·1<1VFR =...:.r::::,__.=..!..:!_.!e,_!:::,,_ ________ Critical Basin? ITl ffil • Streams D ~ D IBI Stream Class Stream Name • I 00-year Floodplain _0 1251_0 [Zl • Erosion Hazard __ 0 ~-D 00 • Landslide Hazard _0 oo_o [29 • Seismic Hazard __ 0 ~-D (lj • Coal Mine Hazard _0 ~-D ~ • Other known SA's _. 0 o_o D Class I or 2 Stream or Class I Wetland within one mile downstream of project site? _Y,._,,E":..:S:,,_, ___ _ CEJJAR l-<1'1ER ~ I MILf 'DOWNSD2E?s!:'1 FEMA FIRM number · 'b 30 33C 09 BZ f In FEMA Floodplain! ITJ (El Soils Mapped · ' A B C. Map # ---''-'-) ___ _ Best available Topographical MapC r!'f of f?.EISrbl,J 199<.:, 1 "e: zoo'/ USE:! s #= 25 . 7 S. SITE DESCRIPTION MATCHES T.I.R. DESCRIPTION! I$ Mosn...y PA'5J"..1?E WJTJ:t AN '8CISDN2 1+ous.E, BA1l2..N f\J,..10 OVT13v1kD1t,J6 S. ACCE:S'SED 6'< A L01'.lb bgA\/8.. DgN£ WOCQS w/DENSE Ul--l061ZBl2..uSH'. ~ IN 11;E NuJCcJ2i.JElZ . p . A-r,.,10 $CA]T'e]Zt::0 m Me TI:/12DUg ti our THE s 11J=' PAGE 2 IS-. EXISTING SITE FEATURES Unmapped Sensitive Areas: _ _,N..:,..,,D,.,IJ:,,u;E;_____,S....,.E9'1;..s._C::L---,------------------ Soils types seen and evidence of soil movement, slides, slumps, erosion, or deposition: ------- f\..,10 SOIL 1-'\Q)' 0-1 a.JT SE'E}J . · Ground Cover: PASTu/2£ • w OOOEl) ON WfST EU6 E, · • Existing Utilities (hydrants. signs, poles, etc.) shown on site plan? _ _,'{c.,E:c.S.,.,_ __________ _ Wildlife and habitats: SONb B lf2.D S · Water Wells: NONE S~I Work started on site? --'Nc=O=<-------------------------- Closed depression >5000 foet2? W lfil Steep slopes? W [[] ·------------- 7,· DRAINAGE Drainage complaint records __,S:c.· ,:E,.,E=---;:::6:::lc.:S=-_,Mc..:.,.A_,_P,__ _______________ _ Proposal will add >5000ft2 of new impervious surface? [I) l!!l Approximate Area ______ _ Proposal will collect and concentrate surface and storm water runoff from an upland and site drainage area of over 5000 ft'? [I) l!!l Approximate Area ______ _ • I Upland Drainage Basin (draining directly onto site): fl.OW$ fi201 THE.· J::-10!2.T)-I E}JIER TJ:IE. srn:, oN 1/tE EJ..s.T S1DE ewws eJ,.t1Bl. A om.H Awi-J<g 'THE IJ9?Jrl $1DE of !HE: b,?A\/8-'De,VE Pl}JD P<f2.Ec o,'2.R',J"E'D EASf, al :THE WE$T SlDt h..ows c@)$? ::n:tE srn~. On-site Drainage: ""THE ~ . 1:: 'Z./~ FLOu..l Sq.mi Eb5I -rc,..,..)~DS t loo11-1 . A\./E. SE. 1}-IE WES[E"gN ~ 1/?, FLOWS .';,C)YJJ:l wF'S.T Th1...utnz.D<; SE. t39 PL Downstream Drainage (minimum 1/4 mile distance): EAS:r:£121.J ft.OW';;, D12A:1 rs.I · Sc::;,..JT], ON t!DOnf Ay~ SE' A"";, pcx..urvrq[TID IN -n-lE.' 5-18·3 1112. . . WE:sTW2:N FLou.lS D!?t5JN WEs-r CN 'SE 13q PL tn,ID S0UTJ± orJ 1 surrn Ml'? ";;£' A~ oo{...Vmwrro Lr-.\ we: s· 18. s -r112. L,o..b\ed @ 12.''c MP PAGE 3 B. EXISTI.NG ROAD NETWORK Adjacent Roads l(aQT}J A'-J£ SE ALC:N~ !;]\ST 'i3oyNDAj?'( ('P12.cP0'5.E'D Access) · Closest Transit Stop---------------------------- B. ESTIMATE OF PR.OJ EC T IMPACTS ON SO IL AND WATER 9. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PAGE 4 ---1 10 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS WITHIN 500 FEET AND ADJACENT USE 1'IDl2TI-I E\IE}.IDELL Nol2JJ:l E:Asr L1e,E12,:Y €:if?.GNE ·'-- o,sr SF LoTS Lkg.6£ 5oYD::I SF L.PTS L.AJ?.q~ we:sr SF LOTS ~ S 1-'1 f.l. LL 11 NUMBER OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN , PAGE 5 ATTACHMENT TO MEMORANDUM PROJECT NUMBER: FIELD/OFFICE SKETCH WORK: Drainage systems, features, channels within the upland site plan areas, on the development site, and in the downstream receiving areas: SKETCHED BY: SCALE I"=~·----Notes:-----------------------------0 PAGE , ,-------------------- Friday, Jun 13, 2003 09:59 AM King County· DDES i 1 ·, 142305-9058 !.1:1!:: 142305-9058 142305-9058 l'i'' 142305-9058 . ,., ' , r·• 142305-9058 /' I' 142305-9058 Friday, Jun 13, 2003 10:01 AM King County • DOES LAND L03P0015 PRE-PLA L03TY404 LU-TYPE L03V0036 SUBVAR R9104192 R-MECH X0001202 LINKDEV LAND 05/19/2003 PRE-PLAT 05/19/2003 REZONE 05/19/2003 SWM-VAR 05/19/2003 R-MECH 06/06/1991 D 05/28/2003 Record: 1 of 7 APPLIED APPLIED PENDING FINALED LINK US LAND DEVELOPMElsT US LAND DEVELOPMENT A US LAND DEVELOPMENT US LAND DEVELOPMENT A WASHINGTON NATURAL G. NICHOLS MARKE & BARBti. ' r r J ,': .; !I 1'·! / ·:)., • ,-:,•,,r. ·-• ' ·-·-"-~ .. '. -.• -• ••. . •••. __ , • .:.;·-·. -••• • ... __ -• ~~--••• --~-- ~D~l:S'Custom Parcel ~~reen : · , ' . ' ' ' ' . 1 ', • 1!100 l3 Friday, Jun 13, 2003 10:01 AM King County -ODES ;;•,,r.[!, ... l• [ii·-················---------------·-----------------·-------·····-····. ,/;;;~ Relationships for L03P0015 , · ', ' ' , .. , . El ' ' I· ,, I• Friday, Jun 13, 2003 10:01 AM King County -DDES ', BDOA KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11260-Sl REAL PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS 06/13/03 10:03:06.8 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A QSTR: SE 14 23 05 LOT: BLK: PLAT: JURS: KING CO * L A ND ZONE ACTUAL DATA* I I * * B U I L D I N G BLDG SQ FOOTAGE DATA FIRST FLOOR D A T A * * BLDG 1 OF 1 .* * MISC BLDG INFO JURISDICTION ACRES KING co I 4.oo 1 1/2 FLOOR WATER SYSTEM WTR DIST I 2ND FLOOR SEWER PRIVATE I UPPER FLOOR VIEW OPEN SPACE NO I TOTAL BSMT I FIN BSMT I BSMT GARAGE 1870 650 TIDELANDS I TOTAL LIVING AREA 2520 WATERFRONT FEET I ATTACHED GARAGE WFT LOCATION I WFT BANK I ROOMS YEAR BUILT #STORIES #LIVING UNITS DAYLIGHT BSMT HEAT SOURCE HEAT SYSTEM ACCESSORY IMPS POOL AREA POOL CONSTR DET GARAGE AREA CARPORT AREA WFT RIGHTS ONLY I BEDROOMS 4 MOBILE HOME ================================================================= ( CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, 1949 2.0 1 OIL FLR-WAL 0. 5) == <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BDOA KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION BDOl PAI11280-Sl 06/13/03 10:03:11.3 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A QSTR: SE 14 23 05 KING CO LEGAL DESCRIPTION -PAGE l LOT BLOCK BEG AT PT 135.66 FT S OF NE COR N 88-07-58 W PLT N LN TOW LN OF E TOE LN OF SD SUBD TH N 267 FT * END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION* PLAT: JURS: OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 TH SD SUBD TH S 267 FT TH S 88-07-58 TO BEG LESS CO RD 0 .1) =============================================================================== CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE LEGALS, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BDOA KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 06/13/03 10:03:37.5 ACCOUNT: 142305-9058-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A LOT: BLK: PLAT: QSTR: SE 14 23 OS JURS: KING CO * ASSESSED ,v ALU E HISTORY *I* SALES HISTORY* YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON I DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS 03 110,000 174,000 07/02 REVALUE I 01/88 145,000 DEED 02 104,000 156,000 04/01 REVALUE I 01 93,000 144,000 05/00 REVALUE I 00 90,000 114,000 07/99 REVALUE I 99 147,000 94,000 10/98 REVALUE I 99 129,000 83,000 04/98 EXTENSION I 98 129,000 83,000 09/97 REVALUE I 97 129,600 71,200 09/96 REVALUE I 95 129,600 71,200 08/94 REVALUE I 93 67,200 113,000 04/92 REVALUE I 91 56,000 94,200 08/90 REVALUE I * * * CONTINUED * * * I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 0.6) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BDOA KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 06/13/03 10:03:40.9 ACCOUNT: 142305-905.8-0 SITUS: 13815 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: NICHOLS MARK E & BARBARA A LOT: BLK: PLAT: * A S s E S S E D VAL U E H I S T 0 YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON 89 42,800 62,000 03/88 REVALUE 87 43,200 53,400 06/86 REVALUE 85 43,600 46,900 03/84 REVALUE 83 40,000 51,500 03/82 REVALUE R y *I* s AL I DATE I 01/8s I I I I I I I I I I QSTR: SE 14 23 05 JURS: KING co E S H I S T 0 R y * SALES PRICE REMARKS 145,000 DEED * END OF VALUE HISTORY * I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 4.1) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington Page I of I ® King County 11:mm.m mmrmlll •i§hi34W Comments Wi¥ii3,M No P-Suffix Conditions Found The Parcel Number you entered "1423059058" does not have any Development Conditions. To start over click on the New Query link below. Updated: December 29, 1998 King County I DOES Pag!z I DDES/GIS Page I New Query I News I Services I Comments I Search Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. Ihe..i!ol.ai!.o. http://appsOl.metrokc.gov/www6/ddes/new _ direct.cfm 06/13/2003 Parcel Number: 1423059058 Taxpayer: NICHOLS MARKE & BARBARA A Annexation: N/A Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Situs Address: 13815160TH AVE SE Postal City: Renton. 98059 Plat Name: ; Rec: nil Lot: N/A; Block:' N/A Kroll Page: 811 E Thomas Bros. Page: 657 1/4-S-T-R: SE-14-23-5 Acres: 4.00 (174240 Sq Ft.) Current Zoning: R-4 Potential Zoning: Comp. Plan Land Use: um Assessor's Open Space: NIA Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: NIA Mobile Home: N Land Value: 104000 Improvements Value: 156000 Community Plan Area: Newcastle Unincorporated Area Council: Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council School District: Renton 411 Fire District: 25 Roads MPS Zone: 452 ($2128.00) Waterfront: PRIVATE Water Service: WATER DISTRICT Water Service Planning Area: King County Water District 90 Sewer Service: PRIVATE Airport Noise Remedy Program: NIA Bald Eagle Flag: NIA Council District (1996-2001): 12 David Irons Jr. (R) Council District (2002): 12 David Irons (R) Drainage Basin: Lower Cedar River, WRIA 8 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F2 Service/Finance Strategy Area: Service Planning Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: N/A TOR Status: N/A TOR Permit Number: N/A Building Inspection Area: Keller Rockey Clearing Inspection Area: Bruce Engell Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Jeri Breazeal ESA Inspection Area: Greg Sutton Grading Inspection Area: Bruce Engell Land Use Inspection Area: Jay Young Sens. Areas Notice(s) on Title: NONE 0 'a; Q) .c (/) u.i (/) ... J, 0 cl, "' "' "' d:, "' "' ~ fl ., C, C " E KC. 54 I :306.74 I 36 Ti-' ,q, ST ", ,';, "~ I J~ }! ,_ -~ " ~ ) ~3 II'" q l" a-. ..~ ~ 1\1., / . .., q • u ,~,~· SE 14-23-5 I I j SCALE J" -100' * /L.--, --~.,;..:, --C (. ,,f'G.vT2e.u Avl'.) .•JC' ~-.9z 6::> •. ., •. ~J ~..,-?.::1l.37 ~ . ·\ I "l c,01, ti I' , 0 .• 17• .. ~ , L __ :._ ... '" .. ,-,1 ---- H, t 1' 1 I .. .. "' .JO "'' -.~\:l ~I ~-~ fi.:10,. w ... " ;:,, . ~rJ <( ~ :c' ,_ st Ul • ,,. ' .,, \·~ '\~\ I.\ ·\' I I • l)Jk'' I·' t."(l 1, I lt' r • 'l,"fu () 'l,'>J. /1)? -;; .. .. .., . ,, ,. :u-.. "' wt,,;I.'; "' •• d.' L < ~-:;u ..fO) .$" 2~)_-1'"."> ,I; I Vl ,1,,,1 c, ..1,w 8~ .;:J ~1/PJ ". '7~ J, "' " " t .•• w ' ' " ,, ~' w w ' ' ,, ., '• "' . .. v~' I .,_, "" ... " ., 2 • ~ ... ~v ~ -~ ; '"' :r:... i" 4 . ~ 5 ~\~ --.,, ~I~ 3 t\,,:: fi . ., .. ~ . " w k {It· •• I" l ,, .. !) 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DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 7 .5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY )",l. t'''UUU ~ -\-- -,1 ' t ~ ~ ' i I ' t · t ' t ; ~ SE -·- • I ™ r~~ a:: 1 °' ' ' I ' I " ... ~ . ' ' ' . . ' ' ' .. -..... ) .. ·,· .. \ + 228TH L03P0015 NICHOLS PLA ZONING NT""' l Schooll/SchOOI Faclllles A,T~Unes ·s.f~ ~ 'OSUNES ~SECUNES ~NE$ ,._...N_ waw- ...;J Road~w., O P ..... c:JParb Cities ~10. AgllaAnl, one DU per 10 acres • A-35 -~. one DU per 35 acres -F-Forest -M-~ AA2.5 • Rini Area. one DU per 5 aaes ~ci~~~"':.~1=- UR· Urban Reserve, one DU per 5 acres R-1 . -· one DU per acre R-4 • Raidonllal, 4 DU per acre R-8 . R-. 8 DU per acre =~2 ~~1~ ol7" :9acre R-18. Rtsldlnllal, 18 DU per acre -R-24. R•-. 24 DU per acre -R-48 · R-. 48 DU per acre NB • Nelghboct,ood 8'alness -CB. ComnuvtyBt.mess RB • Reglonll liusiness 0 · Office 1-lndlatrlal NClty- 0 500 1000 Feet ,-..1000- ®King County i,,.._..__°""*""",_._,..._l>V l<lrv Counly-'"'"' • ..-Yd ............ Mljod"' ---O<JrvCounly-no ~«wan.-..~«~.-btta -·~-.. ,... ...... _., :::....-=:-.:..~~""V ---.... ...... -....... _ ...... mt¥...-..:,rn.nh-or.-o1hlrlomalon °""*"""' ,,,,_"'"*""""'lrlomalon m,plo pnH,lacl-t,v-.....-ol . Plot-: J\Jl118, ZOO:,; \-«)1\x01\glslr,_deV,projects\base2.apr L ~~ ' ~n ... --~ • "---- \ "' * 1 L03P0015 NICHOLS PLAOE ARTERIALS /\v Townohlp Lkles S-T-R /'\ /' QSUNES 'A•/ / -V. SECUNES '/':,/ TWPUNES /V -w--D Partels /V Clly lbrdarles Cltles 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Feel 1 .. 3333fe411 ® King COla1ty n..-..--.... _ .. __ by IGrv O>lny-ftlffl o-,d-n:111 ~ ID -...--~ou,ty-ro --o,--or"'1111od.•IDU. et:1f:AJTOD/,~-orftGt*IDIN,_d ~--=..~::.=:.""' --~~~...-~---"'-~,-.ftlvftlfflh_., __ .,,._ -.... _ Mr_ .... _ .. _ °""'"-·~"*'""'by_..,_., O>lny. Plot -Jun 18, 2003; llddel001\x01'cllala¥_~-· :5 ! ii !j! !u~ i ~ Ji2fajt1,bt I Cl. 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I I I I I ' T ~nde --+r---1-48 I l I I ',IH Vo ~ Typ e {nknoym IZ. _, ' LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION ROUTINGfTRANSMITTAL FORM May 23, 2003 TO: Trudy Hintz, Office Technician Site Development Services, ATTN: WETL REVIEW FM: Kim Claussen, Planner Ill, Current Planning Section ~ RE: Proposed Plat of Nichols Place LUSD File No. L03P001~& L03TY404 . '!' . Screening Meeting: f,A.Jf/J. 7/y /:~t1 ,()"/~ Location: Planner: Karen Scharer Attached are the following items for your review: Preliminary Plat Maps (rezone/R-6 & R-4 w/TDR) Environmental Checklist Level One Drainage Analysis & conceptual drainage plan Wetland Study Cover ,letter -Centurion Development If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact the assigned planner. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please forward written comments, requests for additional info to the planner, prior to this meeting. Thanks. Attachments Cc: Bruce Whittaker LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION ROUTING/TRANSMITTAL FORM May 23, 2003 TO: Trudy Hintz, Office Technician Site Development Services, ATIN: GEO REVIEW FM: Kim Claussen, Planner Ill, Current Planning Section,UJ' RE: Proposed Plat of Nichols Place LUSD File No. L03P001f& L03TY404 & TDR proposal Screening Meeting: u}~,(). Location: 7 /9 /,.'1)'1 /.},Y~ Planner: Karen Scharer Attached are the following items for your review: Preliminary Plat Maps (rezone/R-6 & R-4 w/TDR) Environmental Checklist Level One Drainage Analysis & conceptual drainage plan Wetland Study Cover letter -Centurion Development If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact the assigned planner. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please forward written comments, requests for additional info to the planner, prior to this meeting. Thanks. Attachments Cc: Bruce Whittaker LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION ROUTING/TRANSMITTAL FORM May 23, 2003 TO: Steve Foley, SEPA Coordinator Regulations Program, Water & Land Resources Division FM: Kim Claussen, Planner Ill, Current Planning Section ~ RE: Proposed Plat of Nichols Place LUSD File No. L03P001f& L03TY404 Screening Meeting: ?<}£.1.J-7/9 /,~t:1 ,O"/~ Location: Planner: Karen Scharer Attached are the following items for your review: Preliminary Plat Maps (rezone/R-6 & R-4 w/TDR) Environmental Checklist Level One Drainage Analysis & conceptual drainage plan Wetland Study Cover letter -Centurion Development If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact the assigned planner. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please forward written comments, requests for additional info to the planner, prior to this meeting. Thanks. Attachments Cc: Bruce Whittaker LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION ROUTING/TRANSMITTAL FORM May 23, 2003 TO: Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering Section, KCDOT FM: Kim Claussen, Planner Ill, Current Planning Section ,0.-/ RE: Proposed Plat of Nichols Place LUSD File No. L03POO'IA-& L03TY404 . 'b . /, Screening Meeting: uJtJ). 7 /7 /tJt:1 Location: Planner: Karen Scharer Attached are the following items for your review: Preliminary Plat Maps (rezone/R-6 & R-4 w/TDR) Environmental Checklist Traffic Study Cover letter -Centurion Development If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact the assigned planner. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please forward written comments, requests for additional info to the planner, prior to this meeting. Thanks. Attachments Cc: Bruce Whittaker LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION ROUTING/TRANSMITTAL FORM May 23, 2003 TO: Ray Florent, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section FM: Kim Claussen, Planner Ill, Current Planning Section J}J RE: Proposed Plat of Nichols Place LUSD File No. L03P001}& L03TY404 Screening Meeting: Location: Planner: Karen Scharer Attached are the following items for your review: Preliminary Plat Maps (rezone/R-6 & R-4 w/TDR) Assessors Maps Title Report Deed Legal Description Please forward written comments, requests for additional info to the planner, prior to June 16, 2003. Thanks. Attachments Cc: Bruce Whittaker Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place -"'------'--~-----------------------'-= INTRODUCTION .............. . PROJECT DESCRIPTION .. EXISTING CONDITIONS ..... Roadways ................................. . SE I 28'h Street .................... . 160'" Ave SE ........................ . TABLE OF CONTENTS Transit/Non~Motorizcd Facilities ........ .. Transit .............................................. . Non~Motorized Facilities ................ . Traffic Volumes ................ . Level of Service .. Definition ....... . Accidents ........... .. Planned and Programmed Improvements ...... FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT... BackgrounJ Traffic Volumes Pipeline Projects ... Level of Service ........................ . FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT .......... Traffic Volumes ............... . Project Trip Generation .. Trip Distributionn'raffic Assignment ..... Lcvci ,:,.:'Service .............. . Sight Distance Analysis ... .. CONCLUSIONS TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION ... Gt1n~\' Strwhers Associates. Inc. .. .. I .. I .. ........... 4 .4 ..4 .. ..... 4 . .... 4 .. .. 4 ...4 .. .. 6 ..... 6 .. ..... 7 .. 7 .. ... 7 .7 .. .... 8 .. ......... 9 .. ....... 9 .. ....... 9 .... 9 .. ... 11 .. II .. 14 ............. 15 .. ........ 15 Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place INTRODUCTION The following report was prepared to address the traffic impact analysis guidelines of King County for the Preliminary Plat of Nichols Place located at 13815 160'h Avenue SE in the Renton area of King County. A vicinity map is presented in Figure I. King County Ordinance # I 1617 requires a traffic analysis of the project impact at all intersections that receive 20 percent and 30 peak hour project generated trips. Based on the trip distribution/traffic assignment for this site, no intersections are impacted by the project. Although King County staff acknowledged the threshold of 30 peak hour project-generated trips will not be met, they requested an evaluation of the SE 128'h Street/160'h Avenue SE intersection. In addition, the County requested an assignment of project-generated PM peak hour trips to the SR-900/148'h Avenue SE and SR-900/164'h Avenue SE intersections. Traffic assignment for the two intersections on SR-900 was requested to determine the Nichols Place impact, if any. to the deficient level of service condition at the SR-900/148'h Avenue SE intersection and safety deficiency at the SR-900/l 64'h Avenue SE intersection which has been designated as a high accident location (HAL) by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Previous developments impacting these intersections have been given a SEPA requirement to participate in the funding of a new signal at the SR-900/148'h Avenue SE intersection. This report summarizes the process, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the traffic analysis. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Nichols Place is a preliminary plat consisting of 23 single-family detached homes. The plat is expected to be fully occupied by 2006, which for the purposes of this analysis is assumed to be the horizon year. The proposed plat is located on 3.82 acres in the Renton Highlands area of King County. The property is located on the western side of I 60'h Avenue SE at approximateiy SE I 39'h Street if extended. Nichols Place will offer a single point of access to I 60'h Ave SE. A preliminary site plan is presented in Figure The parcel is being studied in preparation for submittal of a rezone application requesting redesignation to R-6 density concunent with a 23-lot preliminary plat. In addition, the applicant is proposing to submit to the County for concurrent review, a plat meeting County requirements under the current R-4 zoning with transfer of density credits to R-6 density. Under this scenario. 23-lots will also be proposed. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Existing Conditions analysis provides a statement of the traffic-related conditions within the study area at the time of the writing of this report. The statement includes a discussion of the existing roadway, transit. pedestrian and bicycle facilities serving the site: identification of existing peak hour traffic volumes and accident history at the analysis intersections: and identification of proposed transportation improvements in this area. Gllrry Srmthers Associmes, Inc. Page I NOT TO SCALE ARRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 3150Rld'O•rdf. Ro.<!, Sul1-100 B<lll•Y1Je, WA 96005-44411 Phone: (42!1) !119--0300 e~'7~.~~.!!:!~:.com h1tp·/lwww.guuoc-lnc.com VICINITY MAP FIGURE NICHOLS PLACE ------------------------------ . :::-:; I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I NOT TO SCALE ARRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATE$, INC. 3150 Rld1arm. Reed, s~1i. 100 Ball•"'-'•• WA 98005-4440 Phan•: (425) 519--0300 Fu: (425) 519-0309 E-mall: goa@gsauoc-lnc.com htrp:ltwww gHuoc--lnc.com SITE MAP FIGURE 2 NICHOLS PLACE Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Roadways The roadways directly impacted by the proposed development include SE 128'h Street and 1601h Avenue SE. These roadways are discussed in the following section. SE 128'" Street SE 128 1h Street is a 4-lane principal arterial which runs east-west from approximately 142°" Avenue SE to SE May Valley Road. West of 142°d Avenue SE, SE 128 1h Street becomes NE 4th Street within the City of Renton and continues west to Jefferson Avenue NE where it becomes NE 3'" Street to 1-405. In the vicinity of the plat, the roadway is approximately 60 feet wide. There is asphalt paved shoulders at the intersection with 160th Avenue NE. There are left-turn lanes at the intersections of 156'h Avenue SE and 148 1h Avenue SE. Traffic control includes signals at 148th Avenue SE and 1561h Avenue SE and stop signs on the minor intersecting streets including I 60'h Avenue SE. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. /60'" Ave SE I 60'h Avenue SE is a two-lane neighborhood collector that runs north-south from approximately SE 128 1h Street to SE 144'h Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway width is approximately 20 feet with little or no shoulder. In some locations, the roadway has drainage ditches on both sides. Traffic control includes stop signs at SE 128 1h Street, SE 144'h Street. and the minor side streets along the corridor. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. TransiUNon-Motorized Facilities Transit King County Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128'h Street. SE 144'h Street and 144'h Awnue SE. The nearest bus stop to the proposed plat is located on the southeast corner of I 60'h Ave SE and SE 128 1h Street. During the week. service for Route 111 runs from 5: 15 AM to 7:35 AM and from 4:4:5 PM to 7:00 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. Service for Route 114 runs from 6:45 AM to 9:00 AM and from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. In addition, there is DART service along SE 128'h Street, Lake Kathleen Drive. SE 144'h Street, and !56'h Avenue SE Monday through Friday. Non-Motorized Facilities There are currently no non-motorized facilities in the vicinity of the plat. Traffic Volumes The existing PM peak hour traffic volume at the analysis intersection was determined from a PM peak hour turning movement count collected January 28. 2003. The existing PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 3. Garry Struthers Associ{lfl'S. Inc. Page 4 SE 116 ST SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS Ass. OC!ATES, INC. 3150 Rlcl>•r<I• Road, Sv,te 100 t:leli;,vue. WI>. 96')()5-4446 "'"""" ••is) 519--0300 F ... : (425) 519-0309 E·mall: g1a@gsaHoc--1nc.com http:ltwww 0 ~,.~.oc.,nc.com -o"' JIL 0 _) 651- 48 -----, L1 -655 ,•• ( 11, m N -ON V I I I I S 136TH ST f--------'---+--- 2003 EXISTING VOLUMES FIGURE 3 '" V, ~ :,: ~ .. ~ PROJECT SITE XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Level of Service Definition Level of service (LOS) is used to qualify the degree of traffic congestion and driver comfort on streets or at intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) describes the methodologies for calculating LOS on street segments and at signalized and unsignalized intersections. According to the 1997 HCM (TRB Special Report #209), there are six levels of service by which the operational performance of the roadway system may be described. These levels of service range from LOS A. which indicates a relatively free-flowing condition, to LOS F that indicates operational breakdown. The level of service for a two-way stop controlled (TWSC) intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Average control delay Jess than or equal to I 0 seconds per vehicle is defined as LOS A. For LOS F the average control delay is greater than 50 seconds per vehicle. The LOS for signalized intersections is defined in terms of average control delay per vehicle. The criterion for LOS A is an average control delay of Jess than or equal to 10 seconds per vehicle. The criterion for LOS Fis an average control delay of greater than 80 seconds. King County has adopted a level of service E as the county road capacity standard. According to Ordinance #11617 any development that impacts an intersection with 20 percent of the peak hour project generated trips and 30 project generated peak hour trips must provide a level of service E with full development of the project. If the level of service is below LOS E for the without project condition, the developer is responsible to maintain the existing level of service. As stated previously, no intersections meet the impact criteria. However, LOS analysis was requested at the SE I 28th Street/160'h Ave SE intersection. Level of service for the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchrorn 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The result of the existing condition level of service analysis is shown in Table 1. Table l 2003 Level of Service Intersection Traffic Control 2003 Existing LOS Standard Unsi!!nalizcd SE I 28'h Strcet/160'h Ave SE SB' (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle Two-Way Stop D 127.4) E I -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. As shown in Table 1, the analysis intersection currently operates at an acceptable level of service. Gan~,· Struthers Associates. Inc. P(lge 6 Trafji'c Impact Analysis Nichols Place Accidents The latest three-year accident history data at the analysis intersections were obtained from King County. The latest three-year accident history included the period from January I, 2000 to December 31, 2002. A summary of the three-year accident history is presented in Table 2. Table 2 Three-Year Accident Historv Number of Accidents 2000 2001 Intersection PDO INJ PDO INJ SE 128'" St/160'" Ave SE 3 I -Acddcnt rate per million entcnng vehicles 2 -Average accident rate for type of intersection per WSDOT 2002 PDO INJ 2 3 Accident Rate' 0. 70 Average Rate 2 0.90 As shown in Table 2. a total of eleven accidents have occurred at the SE 128 1 h Street/ 1601 h Avenue SE intersection during the three-year period. However, the accident rate for the analysis intersection is below the state average for similar intersections. Planned and Programmed Improvements A review of King County's Planned and Programmed Transportation Improvements indicate the following transportation improvement projects planned in the study area. King County's 1999 Transportation Needs Report (TNR) • SE May Valley Road (Coal Creek Parkway to SR-900), NC-42. This project includes widening travel lanes and paving shoulders. In addition. this project would also include the construction of equestrian facilities. Both King County and the City of Newcastle would fund this low priority project. • Coal Creek Parkway at SE May Valley Road, NC-IOI. This project includes widening the north and south legs of this intersection to provide additional channelization. King County would fund this high priority project. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT The future conditions without project analysis provides a discussion of the traffic-related conditions in the horizon year without the proposed project. This section includes a discussion of background traffic volumes and level of service at the analysis intersection. Nichols Place is expected to be fully occupied by 2006, market permitting. Therefore. 2006 for the purposes of this analysis is considered to be the horizon year. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes for the 2006 without project condition include the 2003 existing PM peak hour traffic volumes. plus known pipeline projects in the vicinity of the site. plus area-wide G(/rry Stmtltcrs Associates. Inc. Page 7 Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place traffic growth. A growth factor of 1.0 percent per year was used based on a review of recent PM peak hour traffic counts in the study area. Pipeline Projects Pipeline projects are defined as proposed development, which is expected to be fully developed and impact the transportation system within the horizon year of Nichols Place. According to King County and the City of Renton, there are numerous pipeline projects in the vicinity of Nichols Place. Trip generation for the pipeline projects is presented in Table 3. Table 3 Pipeline Projects PM Peak Hour Trips Location Land Use Total In Out King Countv SR-900/148th Ave SE (Aster Park) 37 sfdu's 37 24 13 SE I 24th St/149th Ave SE (Edcnwood) 14 sfdu's 14 9 5 13715SE I 16th St 3 sfctu·s 3 2 12013 148th Ave SE (East Renton) 60 sfctu·s 61 39 22 SE 128th St & 146'h Ave SE 140 sfdu's. 141 90 51 126XX 148'h Ave SE 27 sldu's 27 17 10 13025 144'h Ave SE 11 sfdu's 11 7 4 15217/15221 SE 128'hSt 28 sfdu·s 28 18 10 13401 156'" Ave SE 65 sfdu·s 66 42 24 SE 128'h St/148'h Ave SE (translcr from Renton) 300 sfdu's 303 194 109 13615 154'h Ave SE 69 sfdu·s 70 45 15 158'h Ave SE and SE 136'h St. (Evendell) 75 sfdu·s 76 49 27 160'h Ave SE and I 36'h Ave SE (Liherty) 36 sldu·s 36 23 13 162ml A vc SE and Liberty Lane (Dickinson. 50 sldu·s 51 33 18 Shadow. and Liberty Gardens) City of Renton 980 Hoquiam Avenue NE (Wedgewood) 16sfdu's 16 10 6 5107 NE s'" Pl (Pie le Plat) 8 sfdu·s 8 5 3 5200 NE 4'" St (Honeybrooke Final Plat) 25 sf<lu·s 25 16 9 5300 NE 4'h St (Honeyl,cooke Phase 2) IOsfdu's 10 6 4 5200 NE 4<h St (Honeybrooke Phase 4) 8 sldu·s 8 5 3 466 Nile Ave (Morgan Court III) 3 sfdu's 3 2 5410 NE 2'"' St (Sienna) 62 sfdu·s 63 40 23 SE I 28th St/Nile Ave NE (Maplewood Estates) 116sfdu·s 117 75 42 6001 NE 4•h St (Amherwood) 18 s\du's 18 12 6 West of Duvall Ave, North of NE 4'h St 22.568 sf 33 6 27 (Renton Highlands Plaza) 3800 NE 4'h St (Widcrmere Oflice) 7.289 sf 11 2 9 550 Union Ave NE (Vineyards) 42 sldu's 42 27 15 I 050 Hoquiam Ave NE (Brookfield) 47 sfdu's 47 30 17 As shown in Table 3, there are fourteen pipeline projects identified by King County and thirteen identified by the City of Renton in the vicinity of the project site. Trip distribution/traffic assignments for the pipeline projects were determined based upon recent turning movement counts in the vicinity of the project. Garry Srruth£'rs Associcltes. Inc. Page X Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Figure 4 presents a summary of the distributed background growth and pipeline trips for 2006 without the Nichols Place project. Level of Service The 2006 background without project PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing level of service is shown for comparison purposes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. Table 4 2006 Without Project Level of Service Intersection Unsienalizcd SE 128'h St/160'h Ave SE SB' NB 1 (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle 2003 Existing D (27.4) 2006 Without Project LOS Standard E D 134.7) 1 -level of service for the two-way stop controlled Intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. As shown in Table 4. the analysis intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service in 2006 without the project. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT The future condition with project analysis provides a statement of what traffic related conditions will be like in the horizon year with the project. The analysis simply adds anticipated project impacts to the horizon year background conditions. The analysis defines anticipated project trip generation and evaluates impact through a level of service analysis at each of the analysis intersections. Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes for 2006 with project condition include 2006 without project volumes discussed above plus expected traffic to be generated by Nichols Place. Project Trip Generation Trip generation for Nichols Place was calculated using the trip generation rates for Single-Family Dwelling Units. Land Use Code 210 presented in the Sixth Edition or the Institute ol' Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report. 1997. A summary of the anticipated trip generation for Nichols Place is presented in Table 5. Gnrry Struthers Associmes. Inc. Pnge 9 SE 116 ST w V, w ~ ~ ;': SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRU.THERS ASSOCIATES, INC 31';0 R,chan:ls Road, Suite 100 Q9llttvuc., WA 96005,4446 Pnone. 1-iisJ ,';19-0300 Fa~. (425) 519-0309 E-ma,I: gsa@gHuoe-inc.com http"/!Www gs,ossoc-i<><: com L1 -0"> )IL -699 ,48 _) 111 0 703- 531 ,,, "' ">ON ,--~----+_:c___S _c_:136TH ST w V, w ~ w "' ,: w ... ~ m ~ ,: ... 0 ~ 2006 WITHOUT PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 4 w V, w ~ ,: ~ ~ PROJECT SITE XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Table 5 Trip Generation AM Peak PM Peak Land Use AWDT Total In Out Total In Out Nichols Place 23 sfdu's 220 17 4 13 23 15 8 Exisling Rcsidcnlial Units I sfdu JO 0 0 Net Impact 210 16 4 12 22 14 8 As shown in Table 5. Nichols Place is estimated to generate 220 daily, 17 AM peak hour and 23 PM peak hour trips in the 2006 horizon year. The net impact of the project, calculated by deducting the existing site trips generated from the existing single family dwelling unit from the total project trip generation, is 210 daily. 16 AM peak and 22 PM peak hour trips in 2006. Trip Distribution/Traffic Assignment Trip distribution percentages for Nichols Place were based upon recent turning movement counts in the vicinity of the project. ·The results of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process for PM peak hour project-generated trips are presented in Figure 5. A summary of the 2006 with project PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 6. As requested by the County, trip distribution/traffic assignment was extended to the SR- 900/148'h Avenue SE and the SR-900/l 641h Avenue SE intersections. Results of this analysis indicate that no project-generated trips will impact either intersection. Level of Service The 2006 with project PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchro TM 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing condition and 2006 without project PM peak hour level of service are provided for comparison. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6. Table 6 2006 With Project Level of Service Intersection Unsignalizcd SE 128'" Street/ 160'" A venue SE SB 1 NB' (xx) seconds of delay per vch1cle 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project 2006 With Project LOS Standard D 127.41 E D 134.7) D(37.l) I -level of service for the two-\vay slOp cnnlrolled intcrscclion represents the movement with the highest delay. As shown in Table 6. the analysis intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service in 2006 with the project. Ci(1rry Srrnthers Associutcs, Inc. Page I I -' ' . ,.., llilil SR-900 V I~ Io --. -·,: o/~ ·- SE 116 ST w "' w '< r w r V, ., w '.£ '< I /~ r "' ;': I 0 I•/ 0 3 3 1 1 -SE 128 ST --2 2 3 3 w V, w '< r lo '.':> I PM PEAK I S 136TH ST TOTAL: 22 3 / • / s IN: 14 ~ PROJECT SITE OUT: 8 w V, w '< w V, r w r '< ~ '.':> r 5 ~ NOT TO SCALE XX -PM PEAK ~"""-·"-='< PROJECT-GENERATED NICHOLS 3150 R1ch .. rua Roa<I. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 9800!>-44-46 PMne: (425) 519-0300 TRAFFIC VOLUMES PLACE E·m:t:i's~~~.!:::~! =n Mtp:ll'WwW 11sauoc.,nc com FIGURE 5 SE 1~6 ST w "' w "' :i: iii ! SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES. INC. 3150 R1ch11rds Ro~d, Sult• 100 0.11 ......... w,. 98005-4"'6 Ptmne: (425) 519·0300 Fax: (425) 519-0309 E-ma,1: g•a@g•assoc•inc.com http://wwwgussoc•lnc.com -o" JIL 0 _) 703- ss, w "' ~ :i: >-<O ~ L, -699 ,•9 11( <O "' ')0 N w "' w "' :i: ~ r----'-------"I---S'----'-'136TH ST w "' w "' :i: >-0 ~ 2006 WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 6 w "' ~ :i: " ~ PROJECT SITE XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE Traffic lmpl1ct Analysis Nichols Place Sight Distance Analysis A field study of stopping and entering sight distance was conducted on May 7, 2003. The proposed access to the plat is approximately 1 15 feet south of the north property line. The posted speed limit on 1601h Avenue SE is 25 mph. The King County Road Standards (KCRS) do not stipulate the design speed used to calculate sight distance. However, King County has administratively chosen to use the posted speed plus IO mph for the design speed. Therefore. the design speed for the sight distance analysis is 35 mph. Entering sight distance (EDS) was measured from a point IO feet from the edge of roadway at the proposed site access road at a height of 3.5 feet to an object height of 4.25 feet on 160th Avenue SE. The measured entering sight distance looking to the north is 490+ feet. Looking to the south. a stand of trees lining the ditch currently obstructs the sight the entering sight distance. Project plans indicate these trees will be removed prior to project completion. The entering sight distance to the south will then be 490+ feet. According to King County Road Standards (KCRS), the minimum required entering sight distance is 490 feet using a design speed of 35 mph. Stopping sight distance (SSD) is measured from a height of 3.5 feet on l 60rh Avenue SE as it approaches a specific location to an object at a height of0.5 feet on 1601h Avenue SE. Based upon a 35 mph design speed, a SSD of 250 feet would be required for northbound and southbound vehicles under the KCRS. King County requires the minimum SSD be met along the entire plat frontage. The measured SSD at the site driveway is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. At the north property line, the SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. The SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north at the south property line. Table 8 summarizes the sight distance measurements. Table 8 Sight Distance Analysis Si!!ht Distance Entering Sight Distance · looking soulh -luoking north Stopping Sight Distance > Site Access Driveway -from the south -from the north > Nonh Properly Linc -from the south -from the north > Snuth Property Linc -from the south -from the north G(lrrT Strnthers Associmcs. Ille. Field Measured 490+ fl 490+ ft 250+ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250+ fl 250+ fl KCRS ~fin. Reouired 490 fl 490 fl 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 Ii 250 fl Page 14 Traffic Impact Analysis Nichois Pince As shown in Table 8, ESD at the proposed site access driveway looking to the north and south exceeds the KCRS required ESD of 490 feet. The measured stopping sight distances exceed KCRS requirements at the north and south property lines and from the site access driveway from both the north and south. CONCLUSIONS The plat of Nichols Place will not create any significant adverse conditions on the surrounding transportation network. The plat will generate approximately 210 daily. 16 AM peak hour and 22 PM peak hour new vehicle trips to the transportation network. As determined from the analysis, the intersection of SE 128 1h Street/I 601h Avenue SE does not meet the King County threshold definition for project impact conditions. This would require 30 PM peak hour project generated trips and 20 percent of the project generated peak hour trips. The analysis intersection was determined to operate at an acceptable level of service for the existing. 2006 without, and 2006 with project conditions. An analysis of the traffic assignment for Nichols Place indicated the proposed plat will not have any impact at either the SR-900/148 1h Avenue SE or SR-900/1641h Avenue SE intersections. Therefore. the Nichols Plat will not be required to participate in the funding of the proposed signal at SR-900/ I 48'h Avenue SE. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION Nichols Place will be required to pay a MPS mitigation fee of $49,197 based on $2,139 per unit (23 units) for concurrency zone 452. No other traffic mitigation is deemed necessary. Gurry Struthers Associotcs. Inc. Page 15 Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place TECHNICAL APPENDIX for NICHOLS PLACE Garry Srruthers Associates. Ille. Nichols Place SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 4:15 PM -5:15 PM Date Collected: 01/28/03 EBLT EBT EBRT Cl C ~ ·x w "' 0 0 N 0 651 48 WBLT~ WBT 655 WBRT 1 NBLT rn NBT 0 NBRT 22 r. j 0 ~ Cl <J) ti (l) "C C :, ·e a. 0 Cl (l) .£; .>: () "' OJ <ii a. a: 0 0 20 32 1 4 12:0 I 12:41 ~ 11~31 <J) (l) u (l) ·e a. :i 0 £ ~ (0 0 0 N (l) () "' a: <J) 0 r. () z u (l) ·e a. £ ~ (0 0 0 N ~ 0 u "' LL ~ :, 0 I .>: "' (l) a. <J) <J) :, OJ -<J) .>: () :, t= c (l) le (l) a. 0 0 703 703 53 2 55 ~ 9 § 9 ~ §§ ~ 9 Ed rn 2 §§ SBLT rn ffiffiE§§jE§§§ SBT 0 SBRT 1 1444 44 82 1570 9 1579 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis -t f - SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2003 Existing Volumes t Movement':.:,/: ,l!©:•,,_J:i'fl !EBCJ:li:Eff:,E.$.EBR h\ WBIT'.3,WBt~WBF'f"l~Ntfi}f,")ll!B1-:::,:fflli3FiWss~SstWSI3R Lane Configurations .ff. .ff. .;. .;. Sign· Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Volume (veh/h) 0 651 48 44 655 1 19 o 22 3 O 1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (veh/h) O 708 52 · 48 712 1 21 O 24 3 0 · 1 Pedestrians·· Lane Widtti (ft) Walking-Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type · Median stor~ge veh) yC, con.flicti~g volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol tC, single (s) .. tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) . pO queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) 713 4.1 2.2 100 883 760 1186 4.1 i.5 2.2 3.5 94 85 848 138 None None 1542 380 .1186 1568 357 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.5 6.9 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 100 96 98 100 100 108 618 133 104 640 OireciiQriJ[a'rIBryr-:,.~.!EEf"f;~~EB?~,~itff~.\Jv'EF21;:'NEf'f.f".SB1:P?r.-":'.?~·~r~1~~??:~~;~0~:J Volume Total 354 406 404 357 45 4 Volume Left · O O 48 0 21 3 Volume Right O 52 0 1 24 1 cSH . 883 1700 848 1700 236 165 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.24 0.06 0.21 0.19 0.03 Queue Length (ft) 0 o 4 O 17 2 Control Delay (s) o.o o.o 1.7 0.0 23.8 27.4 Lane LOS· A C D Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.9 23.8 27.4 Approach, LOS . . C . D fme~Sutnmary~,~iy~· ,·~r-·.;,:·'"/ .. i\;,'._~i;,,··/',:_... ·ti'., ,?d":''~>: ~4-f. ,, -~N·,,S-~-~~ ::-<:'T.J\,, J4' ·._-_.f.;.;..#;·.-_ ;_!!! :.:<.-,, '.;,-~.~:?,•.,, ",,; ·. ::J Average Delay -1.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.8% ICU Level of Service·· A GARRYSBELL-ST51 Synchro 5 Report Page 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 Without Project Traffic Volumes -t lv191/ern~li1h':.~\t,tl,;,~,.i:,1EB1i:~EBT~R .. (•WB~WBT~BR· 2c:ffB~NEIJi~NB~SBL,'!"''$BJ:~S8R Lane Configurations 4'i+ 4'i+ +f> +f> Sign Control Free Free . Stop · Stop G~e .. ~ ~ ~ ~ Volume (veh/h) 0 703 53 48 699 .1 33 0 29 3 0 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (veh/h) 0 764 58 52 760 1 36 d 32 3 . 0 Pedestrians · Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn fiare (veh) ly1!3dia!) type, . .. _ Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume . 761 vC 1 , stage 1 cont vol vC2, stage 2 cont vol IC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) 4.1 822 4.1 IF (s) 2.2 2.2 pO queue free % 100 94 cM capacity (veh/h) 847 803 None 1~.?.8 1658 7.5 3.5 69 117 6.5 4.0 100 90 411 6.9 3.3 95' 590 Dir~tion,.lane,1/,~ .·:;'*~EE! t .,EBT.WB.~ .,;Wi32''7 i'fB.K SB 1 :,,.,-"""-;-,. _:·., · .. Volume Total 382 440 432 381 67 4 Volume Left O O 52 O 36 _ 3 Volume Right O 58 0 1 32 1 cSH -847 1700 803 1700 187. 139 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.26 0.06 0.22 0.36 0.03 Queue t.:ength (ft) • o o 5 o 38 · 2 ControlDelay(s) 0.0 o.o 1.9 o.o 34.7 31.7 Lane LOS . A D D Approach Delay (s) 0.0 1.0 34.7 31.7 Approach .LOS . D D Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization 48.7% ICU Level of Service A None 1278 1686 7.5 3.5 97 111 6.5 4.0 100 87 1 0.92 1 .380 6.9 3.3 100 617 Synchro 5 Report Page 1 GARRYSBELL-ST51 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis -+. f - SE 128th StreeV160th Ave SE 2006 With Project Traffic Volumes t f.lovem'ehiJ',:~'!~?.,;U/1!EBt::l:t\EBTPliEBR,~~WBt;iJ1WB'iHIWBFil·••NBL<ir,,l.,,f,IB1W'~NBR~ASB!:.~,..'i!!SBiH:.:,,~.ss1'l Lane Configurations .ft+ .ft+ 4-4- Sign Control Free Free Stop -Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Volume (veh/h) 0 703 55 49 699 1 36 0 29 3 .0 1 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow _rate (veh/h) 0 764 60 53 760 1 39 0 32 3 0 1 Pedestrians Lane Width_ (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Pe_rcent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Medi_an typi,_. None None Median storage veh) vC._conflictingvolume 761 824 1282 1661 412 1280 1691 380 vC1, stage 1 cont vol vC2, stage 2 cont vol tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.5 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.5 6.9 tC. 2 stage (s) . tF(s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 pO queue free % 100 93 66 100 95 97 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 847 802 116 90 589 110 86 617 l51(Eiciion.Caiieff"J"'.'.:"::1El:I':i--;,;):::B·:2:WB:'T":wi=f:f7'"Nsli:''$13f'f"lil'lR:i"TI'~-i.,. ,,·,:f ;,y; · 0t·f4:-:,ll:'. ·· .. ,, :;~ Volume Total 382 442 433 381 71 4 Volume Left · 0 0 53 0 39 . 3 Volume Right O 60 0 1 32 1 cSH 847 1700 802 1700 181 139 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.26 0.07 0.22 0.39 0.03 Queue Length (ft) 0 O 5 O 43 2 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.0 37.1 31.8 Lane LO$ A E D Approach Delay (s) 0.0 1.0 37.1 31.8 Approach LOS E D Average Delay 2.1. Intersection Capacity Utilization 50.1 % ICU Level of Service GARRYSBELL-ST51 A Synchro 5 Report Page 1 .. ,. HABITAT TECHNOLOGIES October 11, 2002 Mr. Mike Romano @ Centurion Development Corp. 22617 -81h Drive SE Bothell, Washington 98021 Fax 1-425-486-3273 pages __ RE: Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel #1423059058, King County Dear Mr. Romano, Following your request Habitat Technologies has completed an onsite reconnaissance assessment of the 4-acre site located at along 1601h Avenue SE, King County, Washington. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as defined within the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987 Manual), the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Wash. Manual), the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forest Practice Rules., and King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. Please keep in mind that this letter report is not intended to meet the King County standard requirements of a formal wetland delineation report. BACKGROUND INFORMATIO~ National Wetland Inventory Mapping The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. State ot'Washington Priority Habitats and Species The State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Mapping was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify IPifiot;RY re n !/ill re · habitats or priority species within or adjacent to the project site. ls \\D LC; LI V!i LC; · . . MAY 1 9 2003 State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog . . K.C. D.D.E.S. The State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identified any streams within or adjacent to the project site. wetlands, streams, fisheries, wlldllfe -mitigation and permitting solutions L O 3 P O O Jtpk~ox 1088, Puyallup, Washington 98371 1 vrc::,3-845-5119 fax 253-841-1942 Evendell South 02170 King County Wetland Inventory The King County Wetland Inventory was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. Soil Mapping The soil mapping inventory completed by the Soils Conservation Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping identified the soils throughout the project site as Alderwood gravelly sand loam. Alderwood soil is moderately well drained, formed in glacial till, and is not listed as "hydric." Review of Adjacent Wetland Assessment Wetland assessments recently completed by Habitat Technologies for adjacent parcels were reviewed as a part of this assessment. The assessment of the parcel directly to the north identified a King County Class 2 Wetland located within the northeastern corner of the parcel. As defined by survey neither the offsite wetland nor its associated 50 foot buffer encroach onto the project site. The assessment of the parcels directly to the east, across 1601 h Avenue SE also identified that no wetland or its associated buffer would encroach onto the project site. ONSITE EVALUATION· Evaluation Methodologies Onsite wetland reconnaissance assessment was completed on October 8, 2002. This reconnaissance followed the methodologies and procedures defined in the 1987 Manual, the Wash. Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and King County wetland and drainage corridor regulations. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Cowardin, et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined within land use regulations as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (1987 Manual). Wetlands exhibit three essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the Wash. Manual and the 1987 Manual. These essential characteristics are: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: A predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2 Evendell South 02170 2. Hydric Soil: A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons. 3. Wetland Hydrology: Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Field Observations Onsite reconnaissance activities encompassed the entire project site. The project site had been greatly manipulated by prior onsite and offsite land development. The project site included a single family homesite, associated outbuildings, and managed pasture areas. The project site was bounded by existing residential development to the west, by 1601 h Avenue SE to the east, and similar single family homesites on larger lots to the north and south. • The project site gently sloped from northwest to southeast. The entire project site had been developed into a single family homesite and associated outbuildings and pasture areas. • With the exception of the area around the homesite, the project site was dominated by a managed pasture plant community. This plant community was well grazed and included seeded and invasive grasses, and a variety of herbs. Scattered along the western site boundary were a numberof mature second growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. A large black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) tree was present in the southeastern corner of the project site. The onsite plant community was identified as non-hydrophytic in character (i.e. typical of uplands). As identified at sample plots throughout the project site the soil was a mixed gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam and did not exhibit redoximorphic features. Field indicators of wetland hydrology were absent. • The areas directly offsite to the north and south were dominated by similar plant communities as identified within the project site. • As defined within the assessment of the parcel to the north, seasonal surface water runoff was confined within the roadside ditch along the western edge of 1601h Avenue SE. Surface water within this roadside ditch did not appear to enter the project site. In addition, the enter project site appeared to drain well following seasonal storm events with a majority of the onsite surface water runoff entering this roadside ditch. 3 Evendell South 02170 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Onsite assessment was completed on October 8, 2002 following the methods and procedures defined within the Wash. Manual, the 1987 Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and the King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The project site had been modified by prior and ongoing land use actions onsite and offsite. As defined by this assessment no area within or immediately adjacent to the project site exhibited all three of the established criteria for designation as "wetland." In addition, no area was identified onsite or immediately adjacent to the project site to exhibit characteristics of a "stream." Thank you for allowing Habitat Technologies the opportunity to assist with this project. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance please call me at 253- 845-5119. Sincere!~-~\"---. ( ~vv--,-·uO\-Y-~'-'~ Thomas D. Deming . ~ 4 Evendell South 02170 22617-S•h Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 King County DOES Land Use Services 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW. Renton, WA 98055 ~ CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES May 19, 2003 (425) 486-2563 OFF (425\ 486-3273 FAX . RE: Zoning Reclassification and Proposed Plat of Nichols Place Dear Land Use Services Review Team: Attached please find the .submittal package for zoning reclassification and the proposed plat of Nichols Place. The following provides an overview of the site and a general description of the project proposal. I. OVERVIEW The subject property is located between 1581h Ave. SE (if extended) and 1601 h Ave. SE at about SE 1391h Street (if extended) in the SE 1/4 of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the East Renton area of King County, Washington. The property proposed for development consists of tax parcel 142305-9058 measuring approximately 3.82 acres. The property is designated Urban Residential/4-12 Units per Acre in the King.County Comprehensive Plan and is zoned R-4 (4 units to the acre density). The applicant proposes to reclassify the property from R-4 to R-6 and subdivide the property into 23 single family detached lots. In addition, we wish to concurrently process a 23-lot application meeting the requirements of the existing R-4 zone with transfer of development credits to nearly achieve the maximum density allowed by code of 6 units per acre. This approach requires the transfer of 8 development unit credits. II. TOPOGRAPHY AND EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is relatively flat sloping down to the south. A north-south trending ridge crosses the property about 1 /3 of the way west to east creating a smaller west drainage basin and a larger east drainage basin. The entire site has been developed for a home, outbuildings, landscaping and horse pasture. The plant community consists of a managed pasture with several large Douglas Firs located along the western boundary. In addition there is a large cottonwood in the SE corner. Scattered throughout the site are several more Douglas Firs and a large Elm. f5l~~~~w~~- L03P0015 ··Let us take the load.·· ln1 MAY 19 2003 l!:lf1 q·,..- K.C. D.D.E.S. King County DOES May 19, 2003 Page 2 of 5 Site soils consist primarily of Alderwood Series tills (AgC) according to the SCS soils survey maps. Alderwood soils consist mainly of silty sands and gravel compacted by glacial ice sheets (hardpan). These soils are suitable for land development but are sensitive to moisture and can be difficult to excavate below the uppermost weathered 18" to 36". Ill. ABUTTING PROPERTIES The surrounding area is in transition from primarily larger lot suburban/rural residential uses to higher density urban residential development. Directly north of the subject site is a mostly undeveloped 11.4-acre site containing the approved 46 lot preliminary plat of Evendell. In addition, as of the date of this document, the Evendell proposal is the subject of an appeal of the King County Examiners' decision to deny reclassification of the site to R-6 zoning and an associated 70 lot plat. Immediately south of the site is a single home located on 2 separate tax parcels measuring just over 1.8 acres each. Across 1601h Ave. SE to the east are large lots ranging in size from just over . 75 acres to 2.25 acres. Finally, to the west are single family homes located on platted lots with on-site septic systems ranging from just over 10,000 square feet to over 16,000 square feet. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS Attached please find a report titled "Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel# 1423059058. King County" dated October 11, 2002 prepared by Habitat Technologies. No wetland areas were identified on the site. No streams, steep slopes, coal mines or other sensitive areas are identified on the site. V. DRAINAGE The site is tributary to two drainage basins, west and east. The smaller westerly basin discharges in a southwesterly direction through a residential neighborhood to a confluence with the drainage ditch along the east side of SE 155th Street. The larger eastern basin discharges from the SE corner of the site to the drainage ditch along the west side of SE 1601h Street. According to the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual the site is located in an area required to provide Level 2 Peak Rate Flow Controls and Basic Water Quality treatment. Reconnaissance of the downstream drainage basins confirmed the presence of various undersized culverts and associated downstream flooding problems identified in earlier studies conducted during the Evendell plat review. ·' let us take the load. .. King County ODES May 19, 2003 Page 3 of 5 Recently, several of the undersized culverts associated with past flooding in the eastern drainage basin were replaced with larger culverts by King County maintenance crews including a new 24" cross-culvert under SE 1601h Street south of the subject site and two 30" driveway culverts along the east side of SE 1601 h Street south of the above mentioned 24" cross culvert. ' The remaining east basin undersized culverts as well as an area of erosion within the downstream drainage course identified in the Evendell plat review are to be . upsized/stabilized in association with the Evendell project. Onsite mitigation consisting of provision of Level 2 flow controls is proposed. Storm flows from the eastern 2.34-acre basin discharge primarily at the southeast corner. Flows from the western 1.48-acre basin discharge at the southwest corner. A detention/wet pond is proposed at the southeast corner of the site. Diversion of flows from the developed paved portion of the western basin to the eastern basin detention pond is proposed in order to consolidate detention facilities and avoid a point discharge to the residential area southwest of the site. Predeveloped flows to the western basin will be maintained by discharge of undetained sheet flows from roof and footing drains within the western basin. Detention and water quality treatment are also provided for planned frontage improvements along 1601h Ave. SE Please see the report titled "Nichols Place Preliminary Technical Information Report" dated May 18. 2003 prepared by Haozous Engineers for further detailed discussion. The referenced report contains a level one downstream reconnaissance, conceptual drainage plan and preliminary drainage/detention system calculations. In addition, a Drainage Adjustment Request has been submitted requesting approval of the proposed drainage diversion as part of this application package. V. UTILITIES Water service to the site is available and will be provided by King County Water District #90. A water availability letter is included in the plat submittal package. Sanitary sewer service is available and will be provided by the City of Renton. A sewer availability letter is included in the plat submittal package. Please note that compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan was required in order to obtain sewer availability. ·'Let us take the load." King County DOES May 19, 2003 Page 4 of 5 VII. ACCESS/TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS A. OVERVIEW The site is bounded on the east by 160th Ave. SE. 160th Ave. SE is a paved County maintained road consisting primarily of an approximately 20' asphalt paved roadway with narrow or no shoulders and open ditch drainage. In some locations the east side of 160th has culverted drainage and relatively wide paved or gravel shoulders. It is our understanding that 160TH Ave. SE is classified by King County as a neighborhood collector .. B. OFFSITE IMPACTS 1. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS King County code requires that any proposed development generating 30 or more peak hour trips must do a traffic impact analysis to determine the extent of offsite traffic impacts. The subject proposal does not generate 30 peak hour trips. However, at the County's request a traffic study was performed by Garry Struthers Associates the results of which are presented in a report titled "Traffic Impact Analysis for Nichols Place" dated May 14, 2003 in order to address concerns regarding the level of service at the intersection of 160th Ave. SE with SE 128th Street and to determine if any project generated trips affect the intersections of 148th Ave. SE and 154th Ave. SE with SR 900. According to the report the 23 lot proposal and 23 lot alternative generates 16 AM peak hour trips and 22 PM peak hour trips at full build-out. Analysis of all King County intersections reviewed at the County's request indicates that the intersection of 160th Ave. SE at SE 128th Street will operate at LOS Din the With Project future condition with all known pipeline projects accounted for and that no project generated trips will affect the relevant SR 900 intersections. 2. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS-160th Ave. Under both the R-6 rezone proposal and R-4 with Transferable Development Credits alternative plat access is proposed via 160th Ave. SE. The applicants propose providing frontage improvements meeting Urban Neighborhood Collector standards on the west Y:, of 160th Ave. SE along the project frontage. We anticipate this will include pavement widening to 16' with vertical concrete curb, gutter, concrete sidewalk and street trees. "let us take the load. .. King County DOES May 19, 2003 Page 5 of 5 C. NEIGHBORHOOD CIRCULATION Under both the R-6 rezone proposal and R-4 with Transferable Development Credits alternative plat access consisting of a single cul-de-sac road (Subaccess) is proposed to provide internal circulation and access to 23 interior lots. Joint Use Driveways are used to provide access to lots 12 & 13, 15 & 16 and 22 & 23. VIII. RECREATION Recreation space in the amount of 390 square feet per development unit is required by King County code. Accordingly 8,970 square feet of recreation space is required and is provided. Per County code up to 50% of the total recreation space requirement may be provided by area contained within stormwater treatment facility tracts as long as that area is located outside of the 100-year water surface level and 3:1 H:V internal pond slopes are provided. ' Accordingly, a pond tract containing a pond meeting County requirements for proposals for using pond area as recreation space is provided along with an adjacent recreation space tract measuring approximately 4,950 square feet. As indicated in the submittal documents all correspondence regarding this project as well as invoices for staff review should be sent to: U.S. Land Development Associates Clo Centurion Development Services 22617-81h Dr. SE. Bothell, WA 98021 Attn: Mike Romano Please call me at (425) 486-2563 if you have any questions. I look forward to working with the ODES Development Review Team on this new residential project. Thank you. Enclosures Sincerely, CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Michael J. Romano Project Consultant ··Let us take the load. ·· King County Executive Ron Sims ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide inforniation to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applications. This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." In ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D.). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. · -1-fo)[E(G[E~W[E~ lJll MAY 1 9 2003 li)~~ 983 Laws) K.C. D.D.E.S. · [Ch.197 -11 RCWp.40) L03P0015 SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT A BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Nichols Place 2. Name of applicant: U.S. Land Development Associates 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 4. C/0 CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 22617-STH DR. SE. BOTHELL, WA 98021 (425) 486-2563 ATIN: Michael J. Romano Date checklist prepared: May 18, 2001 5. Agency requesting checklist: KING COUNTY 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Land development is planned to occur in Spring/Summer 2005. Building construction will occur fall of 2005 through 2006. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. NO. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Wetland reconnaissance, traffic studies, drainage studies. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for government approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Zone reclassification request concurrent with plat submittal. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Preliminary Plat Approval, rezone approval, Engineering Approval, Forest Practices, Final Plat Approval. 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of·the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. Nichols Place is a proposed 23 lot single family detached plat. The subject property is zoned R-4 and contains an area of approximately 3.82 acres. The site is located in the East Renton area of King County in the NewcasUe planning area. -2- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40) (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of our pro'posed project. including a street address. if any, and section, township,_ and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The subject site is located in the SE Y, of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington west of 1601" Ave. SE between 158'" Ave. SE (if extended) and 1601" Ave. SE at about SE 139'" Street (if extended). · B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description·of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. Rolling b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 10% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification as agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Site soils consist of Alderwood series (AgB). d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. NO. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Approximately 7,500 CY cut/fill with onsite soils. It is anticipated that the site earthwork quantities will balance. f. Could erosion occur as a result clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. There will be the potential for erosion due to construction of the project. This potential will be mitigated through implementation of an erosion control/water management plan using Best Management Practices. -3- [Ch.197-1 1 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMf'LETED BY APPLICANT g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 50 -60%. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth. if any. Use of Best Management Practices including: temporary swales with sumps and check-dams, mulching, seeding, visqueen sheeting, sediment traps and ponds, silt fence. Stonn water detention and treatment facilities will be designed and constructed in accordance with the King County Drainage Manual and Deparbnent of Ecology standards. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal .(i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. Dust and combustion engine exhaust during construction. Automobile exhaust and wood smoke from fireplaces after home building. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Unknown c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Modern construction machinery will be employed in the performance of the work. Watering will be used to control dust during construction. Wood stoves, if used, will be of modern make and will meet current regulatory standards 3. Water a. Surface: 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, . lakes, ponds, wetlands}? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No. 2. Will the project require any work over. in. or adjacent to (within 200'feet) the described waters? If yes. please describe and attach available plans. No 3. Estimate in the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. -4- [Ch.197-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description. purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Pollutants associated with typical urban residential developments may eventually make their way to surface waters. b. Ground: 1. Will ground water be withdrawn. or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No ground water will be withdrawn. Storm water discharged from the onsite detention/water quality facility may eventually recharge ground water. -2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any, (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Pollutants in storm water discharges from onsite treatment facilities typical for residential developments may eventually reach ground water. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1. Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (including quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Storm water run-off from roofs, yards, driveways and streets will be directed by street gutters and yard drainage systems to catch basins and underground storm pipes. Run-off collected by the underground storm water pipes will be conveyed to an onsite detention pond and water quality treatment facility. Storm flows will be discharged at the natural points of the discharge. -5- [Ch.197-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 2. Could w_aste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe: Typical pollutants associated with urban residential developments could eventually reach surface or ground waters. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: A storm water system will be constructed to collect, convey and treat run-off generated from the site. The storm water detention and treabnent facilities will be designed and constructed in accordance· with the King County Drainage Manual and Department of Ecology standards. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X X X X X X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: fruit trees, cottonwood, evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other: shrubs grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation (landscaping) b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Land clearing typically associated with urban residential development activity will occur on the site including areas of typical Western Washington recent growth forest and pasture. This will include tree cutting, stump and undergrowth grubbing and removal and stripping of sod. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Previous studies of nearby and/or adjacent sites have not found any threatened or endangered species. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Yards will be landscaped using typical Pacific Northwest plantings. -6- [Ch.197-1 1 RCW-p.40) (1983 Laws) SEPA RULIES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawks, heron, eagle, songbirds, other -woodpeckers. mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver. other: . rodents, coyotes, raccoons fish: bass. salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other. b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None are known. Recent site specific reconnaissance and studies on nearby sites have not indicated the presence of threatened or endangered species. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Do not know. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife. if any. Yard landscaping will provide habitat opportunities for birds and tree loving mammals. Typical landscaping is likely to include combinations of 1-n, landscape plants, shrubs and trees that thrive in the maritime environment of western Washington and various annual and perennial flowers. Typical shrubs might include rhododendron 1 azalea, Japanese maple, boxwood, juniper, pyramidalis etc. Trees might include dogwood, magnolia, cedar, blue spruce, cherry, plum and ash. In addition, street trees are required which will also provide habitat opportunities. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric and natural gas service will provide the primary sources of energy. Wood stoves and solar may be used as supplemental energy sources. b. Would the project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Land clearing may improve solar access by adjoining properties. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Modern home construction methods and materials will be employed to conserve energy. -7- [Ch.197-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT • 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Not applicable. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. · b. Noise 1 . What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic on adjacent streets, barking dogs, EMV sirens, other noises typical to an urban residential environment. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or'associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. During land development there will be heavy equipment engine noise and noises associated with equipment maintenance. During home building there will be delivery truck traffic, nail guns and saws. After build-out there will be traffic noise on the imemal streets and other noises typical to an urban residential environment. Construction noise will be limited to the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Monday through Friday and 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Saturdays. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or. control noise impacts, if any: Construction equipment will be fitted with modem exhaust muffling devices and will be maintained in good working order. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties. Residential and pasture. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Unknown c. Describe any structures on the sites. One large home and several outbuildings. -8- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? All of the existing structures will be demolished. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-4 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation for the site? Urban ResidentiaU4-12 Units per Acre. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area0 If so. specify. No. 1. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed Project. Approximately 63 people. J. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? 2. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. Those to be displaced are the current property owners. It is anticipated that they will use the profits generated by the sale of the property with land use approvals to relocate to a home of their choice. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any. The proposal complies with current comprehensive plans and is in character with future development proximate to the site. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income building. 23 units of middle income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. One unit of middle income housing. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: When completed the project will provide 23 new single family detached middle income homes. -9- [Ch.197 -11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? 35 feet. Wood, brick, stucco. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Views over or inward to the project site will be altered from forest and pasture to modem, well designed homes and landscaped yards. · c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. The project proposes 23 new, modern, well-designed homes and landscaped yards 11 . Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Automobile headlights and streetlights at night. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Glare from streetlights may interfere with the view of nearby residents of the night sky. Automobile headlights may cause temporary discomfort for oncoming drivers. c. What existing off-site source of light or glare may affect your proposal? Automobile headlights and street lights from adjacent streets. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. Street lighting in conformance with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) standards will be provided. Typically this would include a streetlight at the end of the cul-de-sac road and other locations as deemed appropriate to provide a safe nighttime driving and walking environment. Typical streetlights would consist of a 150-watt flat lens luminaire located atop a 25' light standard. Streetlights will be designed to minimize glare. -10- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40) (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Undeveloped King County park land lies approximately 2000' west of the site. Maplewood Park is about 1 mile southwest of the site. Maplewood Heights park is .4 miles southeast of the site. ·b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. A minimum of 8,970 square feet of active and passive recreation space will be provided in conjunction with the project including a tot lot, large play apparatus and sport court. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or nex1 to the site? If so, generally describe. No with regard to the subject site. Unknown with regard to adjoining properties. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or nex1 to the site. None known. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. Not applicable. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site is bounded on the east by 1601" Ave. SE. Plat access is proposed from 160th Ave. SE by provision of a King County Standard Subaccess Street from a single access point. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? King County/Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128th Street, SE 144th Street and·144t11 Avenue SE. The nearest bus stop to the proposed project is located on the southeast corner of 160th Ave. SE./SE. 128th Street. -11- [Ch. 1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Approximately 92 off-street spaces would be provided for the single family homes utilizing driveways and garages. 4 existing spaces would be eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to the existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Yes. A public interior plat road will be required to provide neighborhood traffic circulation and access to the proposed residential units. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. According to the traffic report prepared for this project approximately 210 new trips per day would be generated. Peak volumes would occur during the AM and PM commutes with approximately 16 AM peak hour trips and 22 PM peak hour trips. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. Interior plat roads !Meting King County Road Standards will be constructed to provide interior. circulation. County Mitigation Payment System Fees (MPS) will be paid for each lot to mitigate offsite impacts to the regional County road infrastructure. Transit service to the site may reduce overall future traffic impacts. 15. Public Services a. Would the' project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so generally describe. Yes. Population growth in the immediate vicinity due to the proposed project will require additional fire, police and emergency health protection. It is likely that some of the new homes will contain families with school-age children resulting in increased demand for education services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Mitigation fees, if required, will be paid on each individual unit. Portions of the property taxes paid by the home/lot owners will be targeted to the various public service providers. -12- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) SEPA RULES TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 1 6. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site; electricity 1 natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. Cable TV. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. C. SIGNATURE Electricity and Natural Gas will be provided by Puget Sound Energy; cable TV service will be provided by Comcast Telephone service will be provided by Qwest. Sewer service will be provided by the City of Renton. Water service will be provided by King County Water District #90. Connections to the various service mains will be made at the project frontage on 160tli Ave. SE. A sewer lift station and associated force main will be required. Underground service will be constructed in conjunction with road and storm drainage construction activities. The above answers are true and compl the best of knowledge. I understand that the lead g n them to make its decision. Date Submitted: __ $"~-~/~1_-_t:J_.3 _______ _ -13- [Ch.1 97-11 RCW-p.40] (1983 Laws) Nichols Place Preliminary Technical Information Report I EXPIRES, 3/04/05 L03P0015 Submitted to: King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Renton, WA 98055 Prepared by: Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 Tel. ( 425) 745-5872 Fax ( 425) 744-0305 May 18, 2003 K.C. D.D.E.S. Nichols Place Preliminary Technical Information Report \ EXPIRES, 3/04/05 L03P0015 Submitted to: King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S~W. Renton; WA 98055- Prepared by: Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 Tel. ( 425) 745-5872 Fax (425) 744-0305 May 18,2003 fo)~~lE~W~rrJ' lnl MAY 19 2003 l1l) K.C. D.D.E.S •. ·~/ ·-I. Project Overview ............................................................... : .............................................. 1-1 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary .......................................................................... 2-1 3. Off site Analysis ................................................................................................................ 3-1 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design ........................................ 4-1 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design ........................................................................ 5-1 6. Special Reports and Studies .............................................................................................. 6-1 7. Other Permits .................................................................................................................... 7-1 8. ESC Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 8-1 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant ............................... 9-1 10. Operations and Maintenance Manual ........................................................................... 10-1 11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 Table 1. Description of Downstream Conveyance System .................................................. 3-5 Table 2. Existing and.Developed Site Basin Conditions ...................................................... 4-2 Table 3. Summary of Performance Standards ...................................................................... 4°3 Table 4. Wet Pond Sizing Calculations .............................................................................. 4-U. Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies .............................................................. 6-1 Table 6. Summary o( Other Permits Required ..................................................................... 7° l Table 7. Summary of Maintenance Requirements for Stormwater Facilities .................... I 0-l • e LIST OF FIGURES Figure I. TIR Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 1-2 Figure 2. Vicinity Map ......................................................................... ; ................................ 1-5 Figure 3. Drainage Basins ..................................................................................................... 1-6 Figure 4. Soils Map ............................................................................................................... 1-7 Figure 4A. Aerial Photo -1977 ............................................................................................. 1-8 Figure 5. Downstream Conveyance System ......................................................................... 3-4 Figure 6. Stormwater System Design .................................................. : ................................ 4-6· Figure 7 A. Flow Duration Curves for RID & POC -East Basin .......................................... 4-7 Figure 7B. Flow Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin ................................................ 4-9 Figure 7C. Flow Duration Curves for West Basin ................................................................ 4-9 Figure 8. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (For Final Design Only) ....................... 8-2 Figure 9. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet (For Final Design Only) ................ 9-2 Figure 10. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary ............................................ 9-3 Appendix A. Downstream System Appendix B. Stormwater RID System Design Appendix C. Conveyance Calculations Appendix D. Hydrologic Model Documentation ii ··- • Project Description A summary of the Nichols Place project is provided in the TIR Worksheet (Figure 1). This preliminary technical information report (TIR) addresses the design of stormwater facilities and the offsite drainage analysis for the Nichols Place project. The Nichols Place project is a proposed residential development located within the Renton Highlands area of unincorporated King County (Figure 2). The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3. 8 acres. Road improvements along the frontage of 160th Avenue SE are also proposed. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6 of Section 4. Site Description The site-is located within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed (King County Department of Natural Resources, 1999). The site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the northeast to the southwest. The elevation of the site ranges from about 464 feet (NA VD 88) along the north boundary to 449 feet in the southeast comer. The project is located east of 158th Avenue SE (if extended) and is bordered by 160th Avenue SE on the east and the proposed Evendell plat on the north. Cover types on the site include a: single- family residence, pasture, and forest (Photo I in Appendix A. I). No wetlands have been identified on the site. Based on King County Soil Survey (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1973) the site consists of Alderwood soils(Figure 4). Drainage from an approximately 2.15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the easterly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3). The easterly basin drains to a conveyance system along 160th Avenue SE. Drainage from an approximately 1. 8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the westerly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3). The westerly basin drains to a conveyance system along 156th Avenue SE. Both downstream drainage courses eventually discharge to an unclassified tributary of the Cedar River (King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990). Storm water Design Under developed conditions, stormwater from the easterly basin of the site and offsite road. improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the storm water facility in the east basin. Most of the westerly basin will be conveyed to the pond in the easterly basin. A portion of the yards and roofs of lots 14 through 17 will be surface discharged at their respective adjacent property lines. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. Natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the surface discharge and the outlet of the proposed stormwater facility . 1-1 Nichols Pl«e !'r,/imma,y 77R-May 1003 • Figure I. TIR Worksheet TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Project Owner: U.S. Land Development Associates, Inc. Address: C/o: Mike Romano Centurion Development Services. 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 . Phone: (425) 486-2563 Project Engineer: Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Company: Haozous Engineering, P.S. Address/Phone: 13428 -45"' Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 ( 425) 7 45-5872 ~ Residential ~ Grading Community: King County . Project Name: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Location: West of 160th Avenue SE and bordered by extension of SE 138th Street onthe north. Township: 23N Range: 5E Section: 14 Description: The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres . 0 DFWHPA D Wetlands !&I. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination· System (NPDES) Storrnwater Permit !&I Forest Practices Class IV General Draina e Basin: Lower Cedar River Watershed· Orti Hills subbasin Niclrok Pfau Preliminary 11R'-May 2003· • . Part 6 · SITE CHARACTERISTICl?. 0 River: NIA D Stream: N/A D Critical Stream Reach: N/A D Depressions/Swales: N/A D Lake: NIA Soil Type Alderwood REFERENCE Slopes Moderate Ch 6 -Water Quality Requirements Ch 5 -Flow Control MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ~ Sedimentation Facilities ~ Stabilized Construction Entrance ~ Perimeter Runoff Control ~ Cover Practices ~ Construction Sequence D Steep Slopes: N/A D Floodplain: NIA D Wetlands: Onsite Class 2 Wetland D Seeps/Springs: NIA D High Groundwater Table: NIA D Groundwater Recharge: N/A Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Onsite treatment -basic standards Level 2 RID standards MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION ~ Stabilize Exposed Surface ~ Remove andRestoreTemporary ESC Facilities ~. Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris. ~ Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities J-3 • • • Facility Related Site Design Considerations: Reference Facility {;{,::]i;'.;;,;·;~~Js:,~T,f ~,?]~~f':.}. :r D Rockery > 4' High 0 Berms > 6': NIA Design Consideration : t{Iif~;:/:iiiJJ.;;~~'~M,~,1i~iX:fJ~ii~11i D Drainage Easement: NIA D Access Easement: NIA D Native Growth Protection Easement D Sensitive areas 00 Stormwater tracts I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate . 1-4 NiduJI, Pitta Preliminary 11R-May 2003 Figure 2. Vicinity Map • w v> ~ i:; S 1 361H Sl ro • SE 128TH ST Scale: I" = I mile 1-5 w v> ~ TH Sl ·e L-----·\,.-- > -. ~- ,:-: .. ' ' I I _., .. ......._ .· / -~ •.. ;,./ 0 U ' ' l _,,.,..,. -------0 ... ... ·"····· \ ....•... , .. ''i' ,•' fJ _;. 'f? .. -· OFFSITE ' TRIBUTARY, AREA . (2.15 AC)' Haozous Engineering, P.S. aw. a, STIE ENGINEERING 13428 46TH CO\JRT, MUKILTEO, WA 98275 425-74!5-e872 _ .. .. ,.. RHO 5/10/03 ....... -.. ,., 5/15/03 • ,',i.·. •' 1,, '• r \, j \i. \ .· I { :., __ ";:yi:·~-- ' --,, ~l 1. ' \ \ ' • ' \ \ SITE\IS 2% OF \ TRIBUTARY AREAi (LOCATl()N ·54 IN . FIG. 5) . . NICHOLS PRELIMINARY PLAT EXISTING DRAINAGE BASINS 3 • • • SCALE : 1 :24 000 1" = 2 ,000' Tm.E Figure 4. Soils Map PAGE OATE 1-7 01J03I01 • • g "' 0, ... ,:; .., ,;; 0 .., 0 0 N ;;;;- ' ... 0 .. • '! 0 ~ ~ 0 "' I TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P .S. AERIAL PHOTO OF NICHOIS PLACE SITE -1971 f'IGURE 4A • •• A summary of conditions and requirements for the project are presented in this section. The following is a summary of core and special requirements from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual: Core Requirement 1: Discharge at the Natural Location The natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the outlets of the proposed stormwater facilities. Core Requirement 2: Off-site Analysis A Level I downstream drainage analysis is presented in Section 3. Core Requirement 3: Runoff Control Level 2 RID standards are required for the site. Core Requirement 4: Conveyance System The onsite stormwater conveyance system and offsite improvements will be designed to convey the 25-year storm. Core Requirement 5: Erosion/Sedimentation Control Piao Proposed erosion/sedimentation control procedures are described in Section 8. An erosion/sedimentation control plan (ESCP) will be developed for the project during engineering design. Core Requirement 6: Maintenance and Operation The proposed systems for managing stormwater will be maintained and operated by King County. Recommended maintenance activities are provided in Section I 0. Core Requirement 7: Bonds and Liability Bonds and liability requirements will be developed for the project during engineering design (Section 9) . 2-1 Nldw/s Pfaa Pr-eliminary 17R -May 2003 • • Core Requirement 8: Water Quality As described in Section 5.E, basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide water quality treatment for stormwater collected from the site's east basin. Stormwater from most of the west basin will be collected and directed to the wetpond serving the east basin. Stormwater from selected yards and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. A small wetvault near the southeast comer of the site will provide water quality treatment for stormwater collected from a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. Special Requirement 1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements The site is within the Cedar River Basin. Basin-wide requirements have been recommended by the Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan that apply to the site. These requirements are covered by the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual Applications Maps. Special Requirement 2: Delineation oflOO-Year Floodplain The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Special Requirement 3: Flood Protection Facilities The project does not contain nor is it adjacent to a flood protection facility. Special Requirement 4: Source Controls Source controls are hot proposed for the development. Special Requirement 5: Oil Control The proposed development does not meet the definition of a high-use site requiring oil control. 2-2 Mdwls Pl= Pn:liminary 17R -May 2003 • The site and project area are in two separate basins. The majority of the site is in the easterly basin. Topography in this basin slopes primarily from the northwest to the southeast towards 160th Avenue SE. The northwest and southwest corners of the site flow to the southwest and eventually to 156th Avenue SE. A downstream drainage analysis for the site, including drainage routes along both 160th Avenue SE and 1561h Avenue SE, is presented in this section. The drainage courses from the site were assessed on April 23, 2003. Light rainfall occurred during the morning prior to the site visit. The downstream conveyance system is described below and illustrated in Figure 5. Further descriptions of downstream structures are summarized in Table I. Upstream Drainage Drainage from an approximately 2.15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's easterly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. Runoff from the easterly basin is collected in the roadside ditch along 160th Avenue SE (Location 41 in Figure 5). The ditch continues along the east boundary of the site. No scouring or erosion was observed in the grass-lined ditch along this segment. The road embankment on the west side of 160th Avenue SE is steep, but stable. The ditch continues along the east boundary of the site to the site's southeast corner. • Drainage from an approximately 1.8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's westerly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. About one half of the runoff from the westerly basin sheet flows to the roadside ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place and continues to 156th Avenue SE (Location 2 in Figure 5). The remainder of the runoff sheet flows towards a home and pasture area south and west of the site and eventually reaches 156th Avenue SE. . ~ Downstream Drainage Course -156 Avenue SE Runoff from the western and southwestern border of the site sheet flows towards the backyards of two homes on the south side of the cul-de-sac at the eastern end of SE 138th Place and two homes at the end of SE 139th Place. This runoff eventually enters the grass-lined ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place at Locations 2, 4, & 6, (Photo I, Appendix A.2). The grass-lined ditch interrupted with 12" diameter driveway culverts continues to 156th Avenue SE where it enters the pipe conveyance system (Location 21) and turns south. The conveyance system outfalls to a grass-lined ditch at Location 25 (Photo 2, Appendix A.2). Downstream from Location 28, a grass-lined ditch conveys drainage to the south along a pasture (Location 29). At the lower end of the pasture (Location 30) the ditch flattens and it appears that high flow rates could flow onto a portion of the pasture. At Location 31, drainage enters a 12- inch diameter pipe (Photo 3, Appendix A.2). A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 97-0318) was reported at Location 31 by the resident at 14038 -156th Avenue SE (Appendix 3-1 N"u:hols Place Preliminary 17R-May 2003 I • A.2). The complaint is a claim and was not available from King County. Based on King County's record description, the complaint was related to flooding due to a plugged culvert (Appendix A.2). Downstream from Location 31 a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe conveys flow to ·a Type I CB (Location 32) that connects to an 18-inch diameter CMP. This pipe continues south to another CB at Location 34 that has a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe stub to the east (Location 33). This stub appears to collect surface drainage from the yard to the east and the field to the northeast. From this CB flow continues in the 18-inch diameter CMP to another CB approximately 50 north of SE 143'd Street (Location 36). There is an 18-inch CMP stub in a headwall to the east that picks up flow from a shallow, grass-lined swale extending to the _south paralleling 156th Avenue SE. Another past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 91-0954) was reported by the resident at 15606 SE 143th Street (Appendix A.2). This complaint was related to flooding at the culvert that crosses 156th A venue SE adjacent to the residence. Location 36 is 1,890 feet from the site and represents 2. 7% of the tributary area. Downstream Drainage Course -1601h Avenue SE The grass-lined ditch along the eastern boundary of the site continues to the southeast comer of the site where it enters a 12-inch diameter CMP driveway culvert (Location 40). The grass-lined ditch continues southerly for a distance of about 660 feet from the site (Locations 41) to a recently constructed, 24-inch diameter LCPE pipe that conveys drainage to the east side of 160th Avenue SE (Location 42). The site comprises approximately 7 percent of the tributary basin area at this point in the drainage system. Drainage is then conveyed through a recently installed, 30-inch diameter LCPE driveway culvert (Location 43). From Location 43, drainage is conveyed through about 130 feet ofrecently constructed ditch (Location 44, Photo 5 in Appendix A. I to another recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe at the residence of 14028 -160th Avenue SE (Location 45, Photo 6 in Appendix A. I). Past drainage problems (Drainage Complaints No. 97-203 and 2002-0766) were reported at this location. The complaints were related to overflow from the roadside ditch (Appendix A.2) and assume<;lly were corrected by the recently installed 30-inch LCPE culverts. The recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe is about 130 feet long and discharges to a recently graded earth-lined section of ditch (Location 46, Photo 7 in Appendix A. I). This ditch continues for about 50 feet to a distance of about 1,000 feet from the site where drainage flows away 160th Avenue SE to the east, among trees on a forested parcel (Location 47). The channel is somewhat flat and braided after leaving the roadside ditch and passes through a ponded area (Location 48). The channel then becomes more well-defined (Location 49) and enters a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe (Location 50) located near a horse corral. Drainage is then conveyed through a 12-inch diameter driveway culvert (Location 51) and then to an open channel. The open channel flows south for about 150 feet then turns east along the north boundary of residential lots that are along SE 142nd Place. A segment of the channel has been reinforced with concrete blocks (Location'52). Drainage then enters a 24-inch diameter CPE pipe that has a trash rack and concrete headwall inlet (Location 53). At Location 54, the channel turns to the south and has significant bank erosion at the bend. The site comprises approximately 2 percent 3-2 N'rdwb Pl= Prelbnmary 11R -May 20()3 • • • ) of the tributary basin area at this point in the drainage system. The channel then flows south down the hill (Location 55) towards SE 144th Street. A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206) was reported at Location 53 (Appendix A.2). The resident at 16046 -SE 142°d Place has had problems from runoff in the channel along his property. The 24-inch diameter pipe has likely been installed since the complaint was filed to reduce groundwater seepage from the ditch that was apparently compromising the performance of the homeowner's onsite sewage treatment system. The homeowner also stated in the complaint that he maintains the ditch long the north and east boundaries of his property by removing accumulations of debris and sediment. King County investigated the problem for the Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Downstream Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream system were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division. Drainage Complaint Nos. 91-0954, 97-0206, 95-0107, and 97-0318, and 2002-0766 are along the drainage route and are described in the narrative above. A map showing the locations of residents that filed drainage complaints is provided in Appendix A.2. Copies of registered drainage complaints are listed in Appendix A.2. A summary of the drainage complaints is provided in Table A. I of Appendix A.2 . 3-3 ; .; . ' ., ' ! / > f ..... e ~ I I rCJ. it er" •·-~-~,.,-~•-,-v·~~.-----1'.:,• ~, ··.~ l \~, \ ft; l ,.St.,=,l,""{;fl~.} ..... '. 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RHI) 0/18/0J 10M•lffl """ .. ,.. 0/18/0J NICHOLS PRELIMINARY PLAT DOWNSTREAM CONVEYANCE SYSTEM _!·'.::.:·:· i,.;: FIGURE 5 Tabl~ Basin: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE Sheet flow Roadside ditch Width: 1 ' Depth: l' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 6' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: l' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 57' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 25' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I Forested area Grass-lined ditch HW=O.l' Grass area; no distinct flow path HW=.l' Grass-lined ditch HW=l.5 Grass-lined ditch 3 3 2 4 5 4 4 4 e Southwest comer of site 70 85 91 140 197 245 270 5 • Site visit on: 4/24/03 Weather: Sprinkles \[ :.li":f{]~i'ii\j,':;if:;;~t>( ,~;g,i,:1~r. f .~·u;t; ·J)bsel'.Vattons:of;,lf1eld,:' · -·:~t'&.7'~~.J/\{{!$v'·ao:~-'.iR!i.\·iftfgc}P::+ t.?'} nspector'•Resource,J::' .~14f,1 • ..Jl'PiJ:~:,,kfe:,,_1o.-.~.t>;·-~6,·,£Ii,t~ ,.~~~~e.w.er;,qrJ!est.d.enJ:' -,-,>,,-,_,.,,.:,i,<,•f-:""=" .~~. ·>--"'-· n,-.,~_.-.,,_,,, J~let_t_~~fl~i.~~il~~~-f L_::_;i6b:~,~i~~-i~_•_l::~th~JZtl oppl!!l!·scounngw ..... swu,,.,..,g ·,,:,np;; ,,pro en,:,ovecuow,pa ways, ' .i~~WtWii~!~Z:~~~~~~lt1ti1 ~}!i~!iP8~~1~~!1J~;:~J;f:} Runoff from southwest comer of site sheet flows towards SE 13 9th Place Collects runoff from slot across concrete driveway and directs to ditch on north side of SE 1391h Pl. e Table 1 (continued) e e Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE u-,, l~1l.i!~t~!;~~~ii~~lk~~~il 9 I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I 5 I 280 Length= 20' 10 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 4 I 300 Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I II I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I 4 I 325 Length= 25' 12 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 4 I 350 Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 13 I 12-io diam CP I HW=l' I 4 I 360 Length= 15' 14 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 4 I 375 Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 15 I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I 3 I 410 Length= 25' 16 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 3 I 435 Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 17 I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I 2 I 460 Length= 50' 3-6 N",du,/s Place Preliminary 1IR -May 2003 ---~ Table,ontinued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Roadside ditch Width: I ' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP Length= 55' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP from east Type I CB -grate inlet 12-in diam Nl2 in 12-in diam CP out 12-in diam CP from east TY.Pe I CB -grate inlet Type I CB -grate inlet 12-in diam N12 out 12-in diam Nl2 outlet 12-in diam CP 12-in diam CP Nichols Place Prelimina,y 11R-May 2003 =··=·.·= ... ·=--=,., Grass-lined ditch 3 HW=l.5' 3 Grass-lined ditch 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 HW= l' I 3 HW=l' 3 • 510 545 600 700 706 I 740 740 770 910 I 920 970 3-7 • i;~~tlitli ~11t,\1~1:i~~ ~~~t~~~~~~~-h~i~~ll~~&~~~i~li~~,r.~~~ I I Half-filled with sediment Collects runoff from SE 139th Place Collects runoff from SE 139th Place I Collects runoff from SE 139th Place ~ Tabl!o~tinued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Roadside ditch Width: 1.5' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: 1 Roadside ditch 12-in diam CP Type I CB -grate inlet 12-in diam CP in (N) 12-in diam CP in (NW) 18-in diam CMP out 12-in diam CP from east Type l CB -grate inlet 18-in diam CMP in 18-in diam CMP out 18-in diam CMP from east Nichols Pl= Preliminary UR-May 2003 Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Ditch flattens out HW=l' HW~.5' HW=l' 3 2 2 2 2 2 l.5 e e .,~l,Jg1I ~ill!lililtlifftl~~lt~J,1,1~ 1,000-1,200 1,200-1,450 1,450 1,564 1,640 1,640 1,890 3-8 Claim for flooding due to plugged culvert. See Complaint No. 97- 03 l 8 Storm event CB overflow. See Complaint No. 91- 0954 Water likely spreads out onto adjacent pasture Collects runoff from adjacent pasture & yard Collects runoff from ditch from SE 143th Street ~ Table,ontinued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 36 Type I CB -grate inlet 18-in diam CMP in · J 8-in diam CMP out N,ci,ols P/;J;:e Preliminary TIR-May 2003 e • ~~?~~~~ii,:~~~~] 1,890 3-9 I(?. {~ ' l,e 1 (continued) Basin. Draining to 156th Ave SE 42 43 44 45 46 Roadside ditch Width• 2' Depth, 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 24-in diam CP Length= 40' 30-in diam CMP Length= 20' Roadside ditch Width' 2' Depth: IS Side slope: 2: 1 30Cin diam CMP Length = 1.30' Roadside ditch Width• 3' Depth: 3' Side slope: 2: I N"'1wfs Place Preliminary TIR-May 2003 ;;::;:;:g Q -UJ.t X [ .,,,<.;,,;,;,;!,,,,,,., 3 HW=l.5' 2 HW=I' 2 Earth-lined ditch 3 HW=i' 2 Earth-lined ditch 3 e 20-280 280 320 340-460 460 590-640 3-1 Past drainage problem reported ai this location; See Drainage Complaint No. 97-0423 • w. ,.~ .. •' Culvert crosses from west to east side of road. New 24" LCPE replaced 12" CP New 30" LCPE replaced 24" CMP Recently regraded New 30" LCPE replaced 18" CMP Recently regraded le 1 (continued) e • Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 47 I Braided channel I Forested I I I 640-740 I I I Water flows east among trees 48 I Ponded area I Forested, potential 0.5 740-840 Flow path through I I wetland area middle of ponded area 49 I Channel I Earih-liiled 2 840-990 Width: 2.5' Depth; I' Side slope: 2:.J 50 I 12-in diani CMP I I ,,2 I 990 I Water likely backs Culvert passes under up under high flows horse corral 51 I 12-in diani clilvert I I 1-2 I 1,090 I Potential Culvert passes under overtopping of driveway driveway 52 I Channel I Earih-lined bottom; I 2 I 1,110-1,240 I Width: 2.5' concrete block walls Depth: 2.5' Side slope: Vertical 5:i I 24-in diam culvert I I I 1,240 I Past drainage Culvert has trash rack problem reported at and concrete headwall this location; See inlet Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206 3-2 N1dwls Piaa Preliminary TIR -May 2003 le 1 (continued) Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 54 55 Channel Width: 3' Depth: 4' Side slope: I: I Channel Width: 3' Depth: 4' . Side slope:_!: I Nidwls Pfau Preliminary TiR-May 2003 Earth-lined Earth-lined e 3 1,240-1,280 6 1,280-1,580 3-3 Highly eroded banks I Erosion likely to continue • -.~lit Eroded banks Erosion likely to I Channel heads down hill continue towards SE 144th Street Part A: Existing Hydrology The site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from. the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the north to the southwest. Cover types on the site include a single-family residence (Photo I in Appendix A. I), forest (Photo 2 in Appendix A. I), and pasture. Cover types and areas used in the stormwater design for existing onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Part B: Developed Site Hydrology The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on about 3.8 acres. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6. Cover type areas for developed onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Under developed conditions, the developed portion of the site, including off site road improvements, will consist of I. 83 acres of grass and I. 99 acres of impervious area. Under developed conditions, stormwater from the east basin of the site and road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. Stormwater from a portion of the lots and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. In the east basin, stormwater from the site will be collected and managed in an onsite combined wet pond/detention pond. The outfall of the pond will discharge to the drainage ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE. Stormwater from a 0.11-acre portion of 160th Avenue SE will bypass the onsite stormwater facility, but will be treated to basic water quality standards with a small wetvault located near the south end of the improvements. The stormwater pond in the southeast corner of the site will be designed using a downstream point-of-compliance to account for the bypass from I 60th A venue SE. In the west basin, stormwater from the back halves oflots 14 and 16 and all but the front access driveways to lots 15 and 17 will be allowed to sheet flow off the property. Develped peaks for alt storm events greater than the 2-year event are less than existing peaks except for the 2-year peak whick is 0.005 cfs higheF than existing. The developed duration curve is less than the existing for all return periods (See Figure 7C). 4-1 • I Table 2. Existing and Developed Site Basin Conditions . . i ' . Subbasins . West Basin Site Subtotal East Basin Site 160th Ave SE Improvements Subtotal Total West Basin Lots Subtotal East Basin Lots (3) RID 160th Ave SE Improvements Subtotal Total West Basin East Basin KCRTS exwest exeast devwest deveasl exwest devwes/ exeast deveas/ byeasl <: ·?<> '' ':. EXISTING• i , · ·.···,. < :. · i' C ' Till.forest; Till-pasture :Wetfand Till-grass 0Imperv 'Total. (AG'::'! ::·\;(AC,;J. ,::;(AG)\· . (AC) ·. (AC). ·.,. (AQ ' 0.28 0.28 0.28 1.20 1.20 2.34 0.11 2.45 3.65 0.14 0.22 0.14 0.22 1.37 1.49 0.32 0.28 0.11 1.69 1.88 1.83 2.10 1.48 1.48 2.34 0.11 2.45 3.93 0.36 0.36 2.86 0.60 0.11 3.57 3.93 .lJJ!}f$.fl~VYti:~t,t:tt'.}rlliJ1:ift:;{f{\~Xl%f~tiJttl~ ~wiiitii,iit1 .r.tfiiffiiis }f;tiJiar!!i;r;i Il}Ji~j:~~~ ~J:(lQ'.;1:~! _ I" ~f:iffA~1i1'. 1.W IM 0.14 2.45 1.69 0.22 1.77 0.11 0.36 2.45 3.46 0.11 Note: 0.18 acre of impervious of160thAvenue SE improvements bypass the RID facility in the east basin. % impervious factor-0.52 for 6.0 DU/Gross Acre (23/3.82) from SWDM Table 3.2.2.D Total lot impervious lower of 4000 sf or 70% whichever is less. 4-2 N'>dwb Ph= Prebmmary TlR -May 2003 • • Part C: Performance Standards A summary of flow control, conveyance, and water quality treatment performance standards for the project is presented in Table 3, below. Table 3. Summary of Performa~ce Standards Flow Control Water Quality Treatment Menu Oil Control Nkhols Pl«e Preliminary UR-May 2{)1)3 • Level 2 RID • 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual; Applications Map • Basic water quality treatment • using a wetpond and wetvault in the east basin. Surface Water Design Manual Section; Applications Map • The site does not meet the definition of a high-use site 4-3 • Surface Water Design Manual Section 1.3.5 ~-------------------------------------------- • • Part D: Flow Control System KCRTS was used to design the proposed stonnwater facilities. Procedures and design criteria specified in the· 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual were followed for hydro logic modeling. Descriptions of the stonnwater systems and details of the design analysis are provided below. A plan view of the stonnwater systems is provided in Figure 6. For stonnwater facility designs, the reduced KCRTS time series data set was used for the Sea- Tac rainfall region with a correction factor of l.O. Documentation of the KCRTS input and output including descriptions of executable files, reservoirs, and times series is provided in Appendices C and D, Under developed conditions, stonnwater from the site and offsite road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the stonnwater facility. Level 2 .RID standards are required by the King County Flow ApplicationMaps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. The natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the outlet of the proposed stonnwater facilities. It is assumed the existing offsite flows from the north from the 1 .80 and 2.15 acre basins will be directed to the proposed Evendell Plat pond for the developed scenario and will not enter the site. Stonnwater from the development in the easterly basin will be managed with a combined wetpond/detention facility to meet Level 2 RID standards. Stonnwater from the development in the westerly basin will be managed by allowing runoff from selected lots and roofs to discharge to surface. Runoff from these selected lots and roofs will have a 2:year peak of0.066 cfs versus an existing 2-year peak of0.051 cfs, however, peak values for all higher return periods will be less than existing. The duration curve for the developed west basin will be less than existing for . all return periods (See Figure ). The stormwater facilities shown in Figure 6 meets Level 2 RID criteria and basic water quality requirements. Flow duration curves at the downstream point-of~compliance are provided in Figures 7 A and 7C. Peak flow rates for the downstream point-of-compliance, under existing and developed site conditions follow Figures 7A and 7B. The downstream point-of~compliance includes runoff from a portion ofl60th Avenue SE that bypasses the stonnwaterfacilities. The duration curves and peak flow rates shown for existing and developed conditions indicate that Levei 2 RID criteria are met. The stonnwater facility in the east basin requires approximately 42,085 cubic feet oflive storage, excluding a factor of safety, to meet Level 2 RID standards. A factor of safety of l O percent will be added to the final design volume: · Part E: Water Quality System Basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide treatment for the · site's easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide treatment for a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the easterly stonnwater facility . • e The required wetpool volumes for the treatment facilities were determined using equations provided in Chapter 6 of the 1998Surface Water Design Manual. Basin areas, annual runoff volumes, VbNr ratios, and required volume for the wetpond are given in Table 4. ·- ; ' ·~ ,,,;.,.,-\ "' ~ \ ·~ \ ,· ' ,, .. ~,-a. ,Rose ;arrle'hf -1!:q i ~t $ •• '"!-lll<JO OG~ "' '\,. i,v ., l •'" \ ·'" ~<P ' iimbt;.·OO ·"""" ~ ~',,;) i.-...'....h"""~"".,,.'1. .... !..~.·4. ... h,. /:-..... '.. .. _.,} ....),,, ~-~l, .. A,,_ '-~4-.....,',..,)\,·-"-·.fl.. ,;,.~ i., I . ' .. ,\ .. ~'·c. .. ' ' l rcr:cti / :».!{ 1 :~~¢~ ','{,m,J .~ 0, .. , .f?ROPOSED EVENDELL PLAT .• " ,{:-" I ... byeast ' I &' 1-+ng Wit~\ ~ li\li·.w :~i..3:iJ 'iiM ~A~·?Yn'";' 1)3.C:'.;' / · .:'rt·~ -:.-,n: ( o . 1 1 AC.),,;:::_ ,,--------.--"'--1,.J I J. I I '--J-,--·-1---·--1·:__:--·--1p..---'·'----,-.,, ,.--r __ ,. .. ,-)<-.. --~,c---;:t:-. , ___ .-~ _ · · -~ __ /_::.: --·~---=.-,.. --=--·. ---~.,fy _.~.~:-~:A.-_-1.t:s~ ,1...:~~~ ~,,, ;~·. 1'£1., "" -... I I 1 ,.-I I .---,_-·-1 -_,.,,·-,1:-"'" ----1-· I I · --" . : - 3 ~.:.', "" I 10 -g ., is . 7,-. ,6 . 5·; . 4 . 3 . 2 ---y-1 ! *.-fJ:1::-,,:. I' ,, -,~,,· -~ .,.~ I • I ' ' ' I ' I I I I '• ., ' -------.--I ' I · I · · ' I< -Ji,~ I ' I ' ,, ' I f,H ,... fr -' , /, ,,.J!l,•. """'"--" .,. ''d' , tH• . . , -°F~ '~"' ·:,-,:~.,\I j_,,-·--V:1 ___ l~)1::d!.,:ev1as _l ___ l ___ l ___ l_ --:. ~i! § 12Z",,;c;J,-~· ·.-/:--,--·---; · ,,._01'--zi 46'·t:AC) ·;, f --,~~-~-. ,,_ w \V;. :c,,~~"" .. ~ 1 1-[~~ I .k---=i,,, ?+~-':TI .lR' , zo ', ~ 'j ~·ri. 1~ . "'° ~ 1 t~ \!,~i:t 1!{",j 11n~_1J _. ~ -~ .-111 ~n, -( : . , '1~1, , "'I"'' li , I I \ ». ,.T, -· -' h ,-, '.-;<l l',J ., 'w''-' , . -1 1sl~19 ·] 20, ' -. 23 I: " , ),. ---r · '"I;;.,'"'~' --·I•, I I ' ""''' 4 I I r ·-,--'I · ,, · , •,-~"'f,'."' • • ,;-\ii'. . • .. ·~-'. -~ . ' • . . -'< • • t ! '·'"'""' ~ , _ 1: _ . -1_ L.-'--,,, ,-""~""' ·;" evwe~ 'f.: : ~ ~ , ,i J1' i ,. :; ;~N =;,;i ~w,,1, -rt:1 1? _,_, __ 1, 22 --~.;:-_--, -1 =t: 0.36 C . · 1 ""'"'''°''' __ ,__ .','-,_,,_.;; .. ,"--· ~--~ . •-', ' 'l'i_, re.~ f -,\~{l;~' :,~;',:, . >ij'[ ;: :; . r; t ; ~ ', ; ( '. ~. . ·r,, -.·,:., ~-~,~ -,~ '!.'-1.f'"' ,,:_,~'(:~~- ,~, ,_,, <'.•,</> ,,s ..,, -,, .. ~.,~.,-.... ~ Haozous Engineering, P .S.I NICHOLS CML a, S11E ENGINEERING PRELIMINARY PI.AT 13428 -451H COURr, MUl<ILTEO, WA 98275 425-745-5872 .......... "'"' DEVELOPED RHO 0/18/l):l ,,,.._. IN ,m -----0 .... 100 DRAW4 8'I': RHD ..., 5/18/l):l DRAINAGE BASINS I 6 -= ·;; OI = .... ·"' -o: ..;i I -\,) 0 ~ -~ -~ .... .s -~ t ·::I u = 0 ·.;: OI ... ::s Q -~ ·Q ---r.. < t-z . 8 .. ... -::s 8-..-0 "J.l'O 6('(1 C 0 -~ ... (S::I:>) 96J8lf0Sf(J Predeveloped Peak Flow Rates -East Basin • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File: ex east. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis-------. Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Proh (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.178 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.305 1 100.00 0.990 0.066 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.178 2 25.00 0.960 0.162 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.162 3 10.00 0.900 0.017 8 3/24/04 19:·00 0.151 4 5 .. 00 0 .. 800 0.091 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.146 5 3.00 0.667 0.151 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.091 6 2.00 0.500. 0.146 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.066 7 1.30 0.231 0.305 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.017 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0 .. 262 50.00 0.980 Developed Peak Flow Rates -East Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates.--------Flow Frequency Analysis.------~ Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.195 l 2/09/01. 21.:00 0 .1.95 L 1.00. 00 0.990 0.071 6 1/05/02 16:00 0 .175 2 25.00 0.960 0 .175 2 3/06/03 21:00 0.174 3 10.00 0.900 0.070 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.096 4 5.00 0.800 o. 067 8 10/28/04 16:00 0.079 5 3.00 0.667 0.079 5 1/18/06 16 :.00 0.071 6 2 .. 00 0 . .500 0.096 4 11/26/06 21:00 0.070 7 1.30 0.231 0.174 3 1/09/08 15:00 0. 067 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks: 0.188 50.00 0.980 Figure 7B. Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exeast.tsf New File: poceast.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0.045 0.87E-02 0.67E-02 -23.0 I 0.87E-D2 0.045 0.042 -7 .0 0.049 0.73E-02 0.53E-02 -27.0 I 0.73E-02 0.049 0.044 -10.5 0.053 0.64E-02 0. 46E-02 -28.1 I 0.64E-02' 0.053 0.045 -14.6 0.057 0.57E-02 0.39E-02 -31.1 I 0.57E-02 0.057 0.048 -17.0 0.062 0. 52E-02 0.36E-02 -31.2 I 0.52E-02 0.062 0.050 -18.6 0.066 0.46E-02 0.33E-02 -28.1 I 0.46E-02 0.066 0.053 -19.3 0.070 0 . .41E-02 0.32E-02 -22.0 I 0 . .41E-02 0 .. 070 0.056 -19.5 0.074 0.37E-02 0.27E-02 -27.2 I 0.37E-02 0,074 0.061 .-18.2 0.078 0.32E-02 0.23E-02 -26.5 I 0.32E~o2 0.078 0.070 -10.7 0.082 O·. 29E-02 o·.20E-02 -31.8 I 0;29E-02 0.082 0.073 -11.9 0.086 0.27E~02 0 .18E-02 -33.5 I 0.27E-02 0. 086. 0.074 -14.5 0.091 0.23E-02 0 .17E-02 -28.2 I 0.23E-02 0.091 0.079 -12.8 0.095 0.20E-02 0.16E-02 -22 .. o I 0.20E-02 0.095 0.081 -14.2 0.099 0.18E-02 0.15E-02 -16.7 I 0.18E-02 0.099 0.088 -11.5 0.103 0.15E-02 0.13E-02 -14.0 I 0 .15E-02 0.103 0.097 -6.2 0.107 0.14E-02 0. llE-02 -15.7 I 0.14E-02 0.107 0.102 -4.6 0 .111 0. llE-02 0.98E-03 -14.3 I O. IlE-02 0.111 0.108 -3.5 0.116 0.99E-03 o·. 91E~o3 -8.2 I 0.99E-03 0.1'16 0.111 -3.7 0.120 0.85E-03 0.85E-03 0.0 0.85E-03 0.120 0.120 0.0 0.124 0.77E-03 0.75E-03 -2.1 0.77E-03 0.124 0.124 -0.2 0.128 0.62E-03 0.67E~03 7.9 0.62E-03 0.128 0.131 2.2 0 .132 0 . .4.6E-03 0 •. 55E-03 21..4. 0 .. 46E703 0.132 .. 0 .138. 4.5 0 .136 0.39E-03 o·.46E-03·. 16.7 0.39E-03 0.136 0.142 3.8 0.140 0.29E-03 0.39E-03 33.3 0.29E-03 0.140 0 .145 3,5 0.145 0.21E-03 0.33E-03 53.8 0.21E-03 0.145 0.148 2.2 0.149 0.18E-03 O.lBE-03 0.0 0.18E-03 0.149 0.150 0.5 0.153 0 .l6E-03 0 .. lSE-03 -10 .. 0 O .. l6E-03 0 .. 153 0 .. 153 -0 .. 2 0.157 0 .15E-03 0.13E-03 -11.1 0 .15E-03 0.157 0 .157 -0.3 0.161 0 .. 98E-04 0. llE-03 16. 7 0.98E704 0.161 0.162 0.6 0 . 1.6.5 o. 65E-04, 0 .. 82E-04 25.0 0.65E-04 0.165 0.168 l. 6 0.170 0.33E-04 0. 49E-04 50.0 0.33E-04 0.170 0.170 0.3 Maximum_positive ,, excu"rsion = 0.006 cfs ( 4.5%) occurring at 0.132.cfs on the Base Data:exeast.tsf and at. 0.138 cfs on the New Data:.poceast .. tsf Maximun\ negative excursion·= o.·014, cfs (-20. 5%) · occurring at O. 069 cfs: on .the Base.·Data:·exeast. tsf and at O. 055 cfs on the New Data:'poceast. tsf • ! = ·;; .. = -"' "' ~ . I ~· ... .s "' "' ·. t ::s u = C> -~ -f ::s i:i - .~ C> -·i:.. 'U ¢ I r-- ·~ n·o ·.:S ,,:;:-----:o:fi:::-0-----:,± .• :----::!,,!::.,----, . .,±:-o---c:-,!c .• ----,,oo+·o; bJl -~ .... Existing· Peak Flow Rates--West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest .. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks (CFS) (CFS) 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.165 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.102 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0 .. 090 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.084 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.081 0.084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.051 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.036 0 .165 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.009 Computed Peaks 0.144 Developed Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks (CFS) (CFS) 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0 .134 0.053 8 1/05/02 16: 00 0.083 0.079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.079 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.070 -0.069 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.069 o. 070 4 1/18/06 16: oo. o .. 066 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.058 0 .. 134 1 1/09/08 6::00 0 .. 053 Computed· Peaks 0.117 Nidiah Plita Preliminary 11R:..May. 20(/3 Frequency·Analysis------- Rank Return Prob Period 1 100.00 0.990 2 25.00 0.960 3 10.00 0.900 4 5.00 0.800 5 3.00 0. 667 6 2.00 0.500 7 1.30 0.231 8 1.10 0.091 50.00 0 .. 980 Frequency Analysis------- Rank Return Prob Period. 1 100.00 0.990 2 25.00 0.960 3 10.00 0;900 4 5.00 0.800 5 3.00 0.667 6 2.00 0.500 7 1.30 0.231 8 1.10· 0,.091 50.00 0.980 • Table 4. Wet Pond Sizing Calculations East Basin Residential. Lots/Onsite Road 1.37 1.49 2.86 2,872 3.0 8,617 .· RID Tract 0.32, 0.28. 0.60. 566 3.0 1,699 ... !T_otal _____ ~ __ o_.oo__,_I __ 1_.6_.9!'--___ L_77~1 ___ 3._46__,jj~ __ 3~,4_39~j 10,316 I East Basin -160th Avenue SE Improvements : Improvements ISE 136th Street I I I 0.lll onll 1691 301 5071 !Total o.ool 0.001 0 Ill o nl i 169 i I 501 i Mean annual storm = 0.47 4-2 blldtab.l!tatt Preliminary 11R.-May.2fl()1 • Storm water RID System Conveyance The onsite stormwater system will be designed to convey the 25-year peak flow rate for conveyance systems upstreamofthestormwater facility. A conceptual design of the-conveyance system is shown in Figure 6 of Section 4 . 5-1 Nidtob 1'111« Ptdimmary 11R-Mo/ 2003 • A summary of special reports and studies conducted for Nichols Place is presented below. Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies .r,t:"-~~:·}S\?}i?_{;if:'.··\_'.f \ff 'f-1};~ti~~:;~{i~i~1~4§.il~·tt.ti~~ti~~-;~ .. ?;~i,i(, :t_~:,~~;f\'. :.~: ~, :~,i: '&Ll--. ·, ·;<i~~t~:¢01fd~~~f i Geotecbnical/soils N/ A Floodplains NIA Anadromous fisheries impacts NIA Water quality N/A • 6-1 Nidiol/lJ?fi,a. P><liminary 11R.-May 2003 e • • A summary of permits required for the Nichols Place project is listed in the table below. Table 6. Summary of Other Permits Required Onsite Sewage Disposal Developer/Local Agency Agreement NPDES Stormwater Section 10, 401,.404 No No Yes No 7-1 Seattle/King County Department of Health Washington State· Department of Transportation Washington State Department of Ecology United. States Army Corps of Engineers • Construction activities required to develop the site will-include the following: • clearing and grading, • • earthwork ( excavation, filling,. hauling),. and pavmg. An erosion and sedimentation control plan for the project is provided in Figure 8. Construction best management practices (BMPs) have· been selected for each of the particular types of anticipated construction activities. Implementing proven BMPs at construction locations, such as minimizing exposed soil surfaces, and controlling erosion and sedimentation will reduce potential impacts on surface water. BMPs for the proposed types of construction activities are outlined below. Clearing Limits To prevent disturbance of project areas not designated for construction, a construction clearing limits fence or silt fence will be installed by the Contractor. These fences will be installed prior to clearing and grading activities where appropriate. Cover Measures Temporary and permanent cover measures will be provided by the Contractor to protect disturbed areas. Mulching will be usedto provide immediate temporary protection from erosion and to enhance plant growth. Plastic covering may be used in order to protect cut and fill slopes and stockpiles and/or to encourage grass growth in newly seeded areas. Perimeter Protection In order to reduce the transport of sediment off-site, the Contractor will install filter fences-as indicated on the drawings prior to grading activities. Equipment. Parking and Storage of Materials Parking areas for vehicles and equipment on the construction site should be covered with gravel· to prevent erosion and tracking of the underlying soil, Machinery and vehicles should be well maintained. In the event of a spill or leak of toxic materials, the incident should be reported to the Construction Site Supervisor and actions should immediately be taken to-contain and cleanup the materials . 8-1 Figure 8. Erosion and. Sedimentation Control Plan. e • e Traffic Area Stabilization Stabilized pads of quany spalls will be installed by the Contractor at all egress points from the project site to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads or other off-site areas by motor vehicles. Sediment Retention Sediment retention will be provided by silt fencing at the locations and dimensions shown on the drawings and shall be maintained by the Contractor. Wet Season Construction If soils are exposed during the period of October I to March 31, the Contractor will mulch and seed as much disturbed area as possible by the first week of October in order to provide grass cover for the wet season. The Contractor will also conform to the following wet season special prov1s10ns: • Apply cover measures to disturbed areas that are to remain unworked for more than two days. • Provide on-site stockpiles of cover materials sufficient to cover all disturbed areas. • Seed all areas that are to be unworked during the wet season by the end of the first week of October. • Apply mulch to all seeded areas for protection. • Provide construction road and parking lot stabilization areas for all sites. Maintenance The Contractor will maintain and review all TESC measures on a regular basis. Final Stabilization Prior to obtaining final construction approval, the site shalt be stabilized, the structural TESC measures removed, and drainage facilities cleaned. Disturbed areas of the site should be vegetated or otherwise permanently stabilized. At a minimum, disturbed· areas should. be seeded and mulched to provide a high likelihood that sufficient cover will develop shortly after final approval .. 8-3 • A bond quantities worksheet for the project will be prepared during final engineering for the submittal. A summary of onsite conveyance and water quality facilities. is given in Figure I 0. None of the facilities will be privately owned or maintained. Therefore a declaration of covenant is not needed . 9-1 ,, • Figure 9. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Figure 10. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Development: Evendell Plat Date: 5-18-03 Location: King County Township 23N, Range 5E, Section 14 ENGINEER DEVELOPER Name: Robert Darrow Name: Mike Romano (representing U.S. Land Develooment, Inc.) Firm: Haozous Enoineerino P.S. Firm: U.S. Land Develooment Associates, Inc. Address: Address: 13428 -45th Court Clo Centurion Development Services Mukilteo, WA 98275 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: (425) 745-5872 Phone: (425) 486-2563 Developed Site: 3.82 Acres Number oflots: 23 single-family residences Number of detention facilities on site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: 0 I Combined Wetpond/R/D I Vault (In ROW.for 160th Avenue SE) Downstream Drainage Basins Immediate Maior Basin Lower Cedar River Orting Hills Cedar River Number & type of water quality facilities on site: ___ biofiltration swale (regular/wet/ or ___ sand filter (basic or large?) continuous inflow?) ___ sand filter, linear (basic or large?) -~!'---combined detentioo/WQ ponds ___ sand filter vault (basic or large?) ___ flow dispersion trenches _ _,I,__ vault ___ combined detention/wetvault ___ energy dissipation structure(s) ___ compost filter Basic pond (basic or large?) ___ filter strip ___ landscape management plan ___ oil/water separator (baffle or coalescing plate?) ___ catch basin inserts: Manufacturer, ______________ _ ___ pre-settling pond ___ pre-settling structure: Manufacturer--------------- ---flow-splitter catch basin 9-3 Nichol,Pl«e/'reliminary11R-May2fl()3 • • Figure to ( continued) DESIGN INFORMATION Westerly Basin Easterly Basin Water Quality Design Volume Surface Discharge 10,316 (CF) Onsite Area (AC) 0.36 3.46 Offsite Area(AC) 0 0 Type of Storage Facility Surface Discharge Combined Wetnond/R/D Required Live Storage Volume 0 42,085 (CF) Existing Runoff Rates 25-year (CFS)* 0.102 0.173 Post-RID Developed Runoff Rates 25-vear (CFS)* 0.083 0.167** • Based on KCRTS I-hour peak rates for the proposed developed area. •• Accounts for bypass of runoff from improvements on 1601h Avenue 9-4 Nidwb Place Prellminory TIR-May 20()3 Bypass 160'" Avenue SE (Easterly Basin) 507 0.11 0 Wetvault NIA 0.008 0.040 e • The conveyance and water quality facilities for Nichols Place will not be privately maintained nor do they contain non-standard features. The table below specifies the maintenance requirements for each component of the stormwater facility being constructed. Applicable maintenance requirements, taken from the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, are referenced to the pages that follow. Table 7. Summary of Maintenance Requirements for Stormwater Facilities • No. 1 -Detention Ponds • No. 4 -Control Structure Restrictor • No. 5 -Catch Basins • No. 6 -Debris Barriers • No. 10 -Conveyance Systems • No. 13 -Water Quality Facilities -Wetponds • No. 13 -Water Quality Facilities -Wetvaults 10-1 N',d,ols Pl«e Pre/on/nary TIR-May 2003 King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1997. Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan. Seattle. ' King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. Seattle. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. Seattle. 11-1 • • Appendix A. I Photographs of the Downstream System Appendix A.2 Drainage Complaints Appendix A.3 Orting Hills Subbasin Map N"dwb Plau fuliminary 11R-May 2003 • • • Appendix A.1 Photographs of the Downstream System Location 5 -Looking west along north side of SE 139th Street Location 31 -Looking south along east side of 160dt Avenue SE Nldwl.s Pfaa Preliminary 1TR -May 2003 Location 26 -Looking south along east side of 160th Avenue SE Location JS -Looking at headwall on 18" CMP inlet to CB at Location 36 • • • • Location 44 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 160th Avenue SE Location 45b -Looking north at outlet on newly installed 30" LCPE along east side of 160fll Avenue SE Ntehols Place Preliminary T1R -May 2003 Location 45a -Looking south at entrance to 130 ft length of newly installed 30" LCPE alon east side of 160• Avenue SE Location 46 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 1601h Avenue SE • Table A.I. Summary ofDowustream Drainage Complaints ~~~~~ii{! ~'~~~{t[i{~ ·tt::::f ~r;~~:~~~ez:_~~"!, '.:1~'}/l::;I~!jti.~E~~~l~~~~~i]i~[~·~,~!,::.~V~!~ 91-0954 8/27/91 Earnest Gilcrest Flooding at culvert entrance. 15606 SE 143'd Street 97-0318 97-0203 1/7/97 14038-156th Avenue SE 14028 -160th Avenue SE 2002-0766 11/22/02 14028 -160th Avenue SE 97-0206 1/10/97 Don Gregg 16046 SE 142°d Place Flooding due to plugged culvert. Drainage complaint is a claim and is not currently available. Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along 160th Avenue SE. County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along 160th A venue SE. County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 Offsite flows impacting private property. Backyard flooded with larger storms. Septic system operation impacted. Investigated for Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem. Chronic channel erosion. Channel erosion is likely to continue in future. Onsite mitigation: Level 2 Flow Control Standards 98-0202 3/19/97 ·Paul Huff Drainage from neighbor impacting low area 14312 160th Avenue SE of private property. N"°"""' Pl4a Prelimma,y 11R-May 2003 Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem: Not impacted by proposed project. Onsite miti<>ation: NI A King County Water and Land Resoun:as Division -Drainage Services SecUon Complaint Searnh Printed 4/24/2003 11 :53:46 AM ClllQllairt TYJl8 Type of Pr1lblem Aml'ess of Pr1tiem Cormllllts 11rosPage NilldJer Clldo 1974-0095 C RIPRAP 15225 JONES RD ROCKS/DIKE/15219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657A4 1974-0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RD ROCK/DIKE/JONES RD/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1974-0103 C 15631 JONES RD SE WIO BACKFILUJONES RD 657A4 1974-0106 C DRNG 15005 JONES RD DITCH/ALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST STORM SEWERS/BRIARWOOD S 65784 1976-0084 C 156TH Pl SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RD/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657A4 1976-0091 C DEBRI 15463 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1979-0090 C DRNG 14406 162ND AV SE 65783 1981-0316 C 15035 SE JONES RD DIKE JETIY/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH PL BRIAR' .. :·OD AREA 65784 1983-0357 C DRNG 14827 SE JONES RD CHNL OVERFLO/MADSEN CRK 657A4 1983-0387 C FLOG 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOD AREA 65783 I 1984-0224 C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH ST 65784 i 1985~0710 E FILL 15035 SE JONES RD KG CTY NOT RESP-WILLnotENF 657A4 I 1986-0372 C VIOLATE 15817 SE JONES RD MO~ILE HOME IN FLOOD PLAIN 657A4 I 1986-0372 E ILL DVL T 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALD FOR CM(CHK STAT BY CMOT). 657A4 1986-0437 C CULVERT 15252 SE 142ND PL INSTALLATION-NEED CB 657A3 1986-0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RD SEE 86-0745, 1158 657A4 1986-0745 C F!LL 15045 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL-CEDAR RIVER 657A4 n 1986-0812 C EROSION 15421 SE JONES RD CEO,t -:-. ?JVER 657A4 e 1986-1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES KC SEE: 66-0745 BRAMBLETT 86-0745 657A4 1987-1001 X FILL 16861 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL IN FLDPLAIN 65784 1988-0377 C DRNG 14250 161ST AVE SE H.•:;ROOUS POND OH/TO CM. 06110189 657~3 1989-0086 C DRNG 14820 154TH PL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657A4 1990-0318 C FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITCH/STORM EVENT 657A4 I 1990-0449 C DRNG 14943 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEK/STORM EVENT 657A4 1990-0518 CL FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD CL#12839 657A4 1990-0590 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREEK/STORM 657A4 1990-0702 CL FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD CL#12933 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 ' ~ ! ' 1990-0748 CL FLOG 15023 SE JONES RD CL#12989 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 0 5 1990-0793 CL FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD WASHE DOUT DRIVEWAY/CL#13019 SEE 657A4 '" 1990-0956 CL FLOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERT/CL#1313 657A4 > ., 1990-1023 C ORNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657A4 z 149TH ST ON LOT BUILD ADDITION 65784 0 1990-1101 C EASEM'T 16516 SE 0 :; 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149TH ST MET ON SITE WILL SUBMIT PROPOSED S 65784 ; • 1990-1280 C DRNG 14926 165TH PL SE ONTO 0/W AT CUL DE SAC 65784 C, " 1990-1343 C DRNG 14920 0 163RD CT SE DAMAGED PVT DRAIN 65784 0 ~ ;.,~ Page 1 of4 0 0 ' 0 E ~ " ' ~ TITLE 0 HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILF5 OF KCWLRD " " c, 3 z • ,-'7". o- • I CDml]lainl Type Type of Problam Alllnlss of PmBn Cmmmts lll'1JS Paae N1lnlJer Com 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 156TH Pl ' SE PIPE OUTFALL TO RIVER 657A4 I ' 1990-1509 C EROSION 14250 154TH PLACE SE CULVERT DAMAGE ANO SLIDE IN RAVINE 657A4 i 1990-1542 C FLOG 16448 SE JONES RO WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 65784 1990-1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JONES RO OF RIVERBANK/FAILED LEVEE 657A4 1990-1673 C EROSION 14908 SE JONES RO CEDAR RIVER SANK 657A4 1990-1684 C EROSION 17055 SE JONES RD REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 65794 1991-0064 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH RID PLUGGED/NO DRAINAGE 65784 1991-0064 SR FLOG 1/:-'.'.25 SE 145TH ROST FM ADO TO OLDS/OFF 65784 1991-0188 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RD PLACE BROKEN PIPE 65783 1991-0188 E DRNG 143RD SE 164TH AVE SE BROKEN PIPE 65783 1991-0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 65784 1991-0422 C ORNG 16448 SE . JONES RO ROCKS AND DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65784 1991-0422 SR DRNG 16448 SE JONES RO OH/RDRNGCM 05/11/91 SEE 91-0530 '::5784 1991-0954 C FLOODING 15606 SE 143RD ST STORM EVENT C/B OVERFLOW 657A3 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165TH AVE SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 1993-0252 C ORNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE TURNED TOE 65783 1993-0252 E ORNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE CHECK STAT BY CMOT DATE 65783 1993-0752 WQC DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD 65784 ! 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD SEDIMENT FROM WELL DRILLING 65784 ' 1993-1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149TH ST HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 i ! 199.4-0538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 1.:1S.7H S' NEW KC DITCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 65784 ' 1995-0107 C CULVERT? 15641 SE 138TH PL POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO S 65783 i e 1995-1070 C CREEK .15915 SE 148TH ST STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 I 1996-0289 C FLOG 15225 162ND AVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996-0289 R FLOG 15225 162ND AVE SE GROUNDWATEF. 3TREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996-0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NOAVE SE SEE 96-0289 DUP 65784 1996-0556 C RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 ! 1996-0556 R RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 i 1996-0869 C FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 l 1996-0869 NOA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996-0869 R FLOG '..SC25 c--C CONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996-0870 C R/0 PONO 15)()()( SE 143RD ST KIDS USING POND FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 1996-1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH PL SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657A4 1996-1253 C ORNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT ORNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1253 NOA DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 ' 1996-1253 R DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1724 C FLOG 14206 164TH AVE SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 65783 1996-1762 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD DAMAGE TO DRNG OUTFALL TO CEDAR R 657A4 . 1997-0203 C FLOG 14028 160THAVE SE OVERFLOW FROM OMI CULV IMPACT PVT 65783 1997-0206 C FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 Page 2 of 4 I ' TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FILFS OF KCWLRD c- • ClJrnJ)laint Jypa. IYlll of l'r1lblem Amniss ol l'r:iJfml commmts IIJrus 1'3!18 I Numb8r Com -1997-0206 NDA FLDG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65763 1997-0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSJTE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65763 1997-0318 CL CLAIM 14038 56TH AVE SE FLOODING DUE TO PLUGGED CUL VERT 657A3 1997-0423 CL FLOG 14028 160TH AVE SE ROADSIDE DITCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE 65783 ·-',.:l97-048J. C !JR.A.INAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT DRNG 657A3 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 156THAVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657A4 1997-0859 FCR VANDALIS 167TH PL SE & SE 144TH VANDALISM TO RID IDENTIFICATION SIGN 65783 1997-0917 FCR ORN POND 145TH SE PL 61WN 150&151 PL NEIGH KIDS DIGGING IN POND SIDE SLOP 657A3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 15405 SE JONES RD STUMPS STOCKPILED FOR CO PROJECT 657A4 1997-1493 FCR PONO 16426 SE 145TH ST INFILTRATION POND NOT HANDLING LAR 65784 1998-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145TH PL DOG WASTE SIGN REQUESTED 657A3 1998-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160TH AVE SE LOW AREA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65783 1998-0322 C TREES 14232 150TH PL SE TREE FALL DAM FENCE. NOT LDSU FACI 657A3 1998-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0475 WOR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0931 woe FILL 12813 163ROAVE SE DUMPING OF COL ADJ TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 I 1999-0059 CL TREE 14334 166TH PL SE TREE FALL DAMAGED FENCE 65763 1999-0225 woe DUMPING 15921 SE 148TH ST DUMPING ON PVT PROP YARD WASTE/DE 65704 1999-0297 FCR RD MAINT 15006 SE 145TH Pl REQUEST TO REPLACE BOLLARDS AND L 657A4 2000-0666 FCR MNM 163XX SE 145TH ST REQUEST TO INSTALL ADDfTIONAL TRAS 65784 2000-0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 I 20D0-0674 R MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 2000-0703 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LID. FENC 65784 2000•0731 FCR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOE woo 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOR MMG 14210 149TH Pl SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2001-0041 FCR DOM 14005 149TH Pl SE ALLEGED RAT PROBLEM AS A RESULT N 657A3 2001-0090 FCR MNM 14202 149TH Pl SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 2001-0090 R MNM 14202 149TH Pl SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 2001-0220 E MNM 15006 SE 145TH Pl APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO R/0 TR 657A4 2001-0220 FCR MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO FJD T~ 657A4 ' 2001-0220 R MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 C 2001-0305 RET BSR 15108 SE 145TH Pl 657A4 J ' 2001-0332 FCR MMG 14995 SE 142ND ST REQUEST TO REPLACE POND ID SIGN AN 657A3 s 2001-0540 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST MOTORCYCLE USE OF RID TRACT. CONT 65784 I , 2001-0805 FCR MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 ~ '" 2001-0805 R MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 z 0 C 2002-D602 C MNM 15D06 SE 145TH P.L CONCERN REGARDING LEANING TREE. I 657A4 ~ , 2002-0629 FCR DOM 14995 SE 142NDT ST DEBRIS PICKED UP. FACILITY MOWED 0 657A3 " , "'20D2·0766 C OTA 14028 160TH AVE SE COMPLAINANT REQUESTED TECHNICAL 65763 .f ., ' z 0 a ~ Page 3 of4 £ ~ I j ' TITLE 0 ~ HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAJNAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILF5 OF KCWLRD 3 " C ci .:.. C--'""'I I ~·-· ype iYlll of Problem Adllruss of Prmlem Nllnlmr Code TbrosPage 2003-0134 FCR MNM 14005 149TH PL SE REQUEST FROM DOT TO ASSESS FACILIT 657A3 ' ! J ' ' Page 4 of 4 TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING, P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAJNTS -FROM THE Flll5 OF KCWLRD • .~ . ,., . ------· ,. -· ' . -. ...... --. -.;.._...,'-() SURFACE .\tilll.I.E8 MANAGEMENT DIVISION §I' COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT §V' ~~ ~Ii fc.co D \ >c>&-• Oa~::~\ U.l NATIJRE OF COMPLAINT: l2,..'"¥.:,'IZ)t-', - v SEC 1.1... lWP _3..2.. AGE dS l_.OCATION: /J\~L.<£'\I~. '"' ~s "-L, KROLL PG. 8\\ ' In COMPLAINANT: INF-. ~~r ~t'L-.~':>i -COUNCIL DIST. ""'°NE 00 2~. <;°<i? HOME: Address lS~~ -;a_ l 4 '>:, ~o:, -; J.;: City ~"-' s1ate~z;o'3fiO">g-WORK: DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: '"'CT> l{,\,JQ'?..::;. II"-f=t· ct. ~W... AT,. ' Ben0v--C,/i \<'.;.(9&>' !Jn)~ "<k-, (i\US4,T ~ ..,~ l?&u..<,, to ~t.,6\~ tt,.,,.., b:..C:z. ~-(.9..:,6'1~ lz-0\ q .. ., u B Ito c=ss "Cl.Uli-.:.i.. ~\I)':, \\l\J>'!. fd~' ~-tl<l\:S f;>lrt=c;-o, ~ uM:-L. &'i.. Fl~<'i, ls;i,,-~ iso, ~ (>J\tt,-,,-.,"ttf\•"->= "Tl;Q" ~- 0 '\':.- ccurr""'PvofoT 10 COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY: '\Z-. • ;;:9JS-O-O///l·O DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Yes ar' No D Photos: Yes e::: V No D 0.-my On site 8-28-91. The Gilcrest residence is located in a low area in a developed neighborhood. Drainage is from NE to S~nd there is a cross culvert under 156th, adjacent to their property that is said to become clogged at times. Mr Gilcrest is said to use a large pole in an attempt to dislodge debris, and increase flow. The flooding of his property (note Gilcrest photos) is said to have started 3 years ago but· now occur quite frequently--heavy rains. They feel e that growth in the area has over-taxed the present drainage. system. At the time of investigation it was raining, and there was approx one inch of flow in the culverts under 156th and downstream. Observed no flow from the open ditches to the north on 156th, which were grass lined. CB's and culverts were clean, and observed no deposits of sediment to restrict flow. R/D facility two lots east of the Gilcrest's had recently been cleaned, and is said to fill completely during heavy rains. Photo I) Looks north on 156th at drainage area. 2) Looks south on 156th at culverted drainage. 3) Looks north on 156th; Gilcrest house at right. x-culvert is from ditch on right. 4) Looks east on 143rd. Gilcrest house at right. 5) Shows Gilcrest house/yard with sandbags from previous heavy 6) R/D facility on SE l.43rd. Note 2 additional photo's provided by the Gilcrest's. rains in view. COMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: /?. / ,::;;:_ I ._.,.h , DATE: 8 zr -"" ACTION TAKEN: ~-'i'-"I I • ...Pi.Jt!,JJ'~ -·· Tl-lo-<• (;.:(cv-.rl. r.; /!/ JJ~7 -;;:-4. rh,.--4t;,I"-, ... :fr. ,S<;.f Phone 6 Letter D /,1//VRD5 Complainant advised of action possible or taken by: Personal Conta;k OK'd:~A Complaint Action Handled By 6'~ , ():{,~-Closed: 0 1 O ;1h/ .,~ .... , 'J~·~ •n,tialS TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD • ' ., TO / :~ ,I .....-"ij- /i t""t' I ' -. I ,, ,' ,, ff II \1 -'1 ,g'~ ... , .... i I } l r!J ,2-"co•' lt• ---11~ 'I~ " " i, , , 19'"""" tJ.1 C ~ 'i :t: i ! TITLE Scale NON I:: D - ' HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD ~---------------------- '~ \ ~ ~ -,V V""""". -~ -KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT ''{:i& INVESTIG~TION REQUEST Type C: RECEIVED BY: C. 6 Date: / OK'd b : PAA-FILE No. 2002 -7, ,h Received from: .::t:; ..-(Day) ~ 12a£} NAME: ,)A-so.,; RLE//.£,L-PHoNE2.5"S:~Cs/ 6fo_?tf7/ ADDRESS: l4:02R /{Or#$< S:e'"" City K=,,rr:P,/ State~Zip,1'P-PS:.9 LOCATION OF PROBLEM; IF DIFFERENT: Access Permission Granted D Call First (Would Like To Be Present) IE' Crt... L /3,.te .=rt? 0 k O ,./ lJt~ L C,,U, <$'.R--ek. It ',i, 9'J· i-t I h"dR r c. W-A-I ,v' #t<; ,:' f 11.d~ '-<rY'? 11-f"?:::G"Cr,,._) 4 ?-e..a ;P =e.-ry /,vv'iF;-,/,;,+7 ""' : ;ti I 1.v-r dA-c c..<=" Other a encies involved: /'z-.r -r:3'-K.=-r4. AY= Ps-r Lo-r UJL9.,,J~ /,vl''"d , LotNo: S To BECOMPLETEn:11Y coMPLAINTPROGRAM STAFF··.· . BlockNo: 3 5<:' . y. s ..Z:2 -5... T R Parcel No. /4J:7S0-0(a5 Krcll'5ff G Tb.Bros: New ~ 5 7 tf3 RDP Basinl.6/e... Council District I;)... City ___ Charge No. _______ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on IZ.!':3 ) 0 ~ by: ~ phone __ letter __ in person cM-l,t',-'l> 4-~ '-!> \,\,\.~ R,L..6"1.._«~ /;:t)T ( 1?,:rf>-h":, J ';-.. I(V., N/l7ti 6" \,Jz.p 6(5. ~-.,, LJ51,Ju;..i,/<:... 6fW>£ H-~ ~ "t:l fy..l t, TA. ApP..-"ll"e . .s -5 y~-.~ ~lv.H"eL y M-ot-<--L~ DISPOSITION: Turned to on I I by __ OR: No further action recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified: ________________________ _ _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: X Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: SEE FILE# __ _ · __ Wate_r originates onsite and/or}n neighboring parcel. DATE CLOSED: lt,U tJ'Z-By: -~~~~j~ __ Other (Specify): I;.; ro /'e,, Jt!)~ TITLE .ZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS-FROM 1HEFILFS OF KCWLRD \ ® DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT W:i.ter ;ind Land R<"sourct: Division Stonn Water Services Section King County tL "; 3 0 0 s-g • g, > t:J "' ·,. TITLE ·-- File Number 2002-0766 Name Polfliet Location 14028 1601 h Ave SE Kroll Page SI IE Sub Basin LCR TB Page 657B3 CD 12 Date 12/6/02 RDP Initials RMT N NTS ! ' .. '· -·-·---... I met Mr Polfliet at the site on 12/3/02. The Polfliet residence is an older home. The garage is siruated below the grade of 160th Ave SE. Mr Polfliet alleged that the garage and basement are flooded periodically. He believes the source of the water is the road drainage system. He told me that water runs ou1 of the CB on the westside of the road, crosses the road and runs onto his property. He also believes he receives water from the eastern system. Water backs up at the inlet to the 18" ADS pipe and then runs onto his property. The outlet of the western pipe is heavily impacted with sediment and debris. The remaining upstream system appears functional. The eastern system appears to have been modified al some point n the past. Both ends of this closed system arc 18" ADS pipes, but after looking into the pipe it appears that it downsizes to a 12" pipe at some point on both ends. The pipe also appears to deflect away from straight. The sketch iS exaggerated to some degree, but it gives the impression of what is occurring. Mr. Polfliet indicated the former owner installed the pipe and also indicated that that owner may have done so without the benefit of permits. HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAJNTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD e e KING COUN1Y SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIV1Si0t,J DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT {/, Type __ _ Page 1: INVESTIGATION.REQUEST Date: File No. 9 7-;;o:: (Eve) -Received from: {Please prl plaln tor $C31'1ninQ). (Day) NAME:._..L,@z.:..LLJ.L..!.'/?"'-"£}A==1;2/l"'---'-&.I..L<..d1'-""112'+de~ff:J'-L...l-~-: --PHONE ;? 7 7--g9 ;J.!_ d.5,,-t; ADDRESS: ·///(},-) ,f ----I/a Ofi) {};y \ st: Cfy ePkr/tm) .State_ z;p Rfv~ Loca~on of problom, tf dtffarent: . . '.a(!/ . . . ' /)j_L/~ -I Plat name: {.·ec/or /ur{. q ou~ T,$ 0-..her agencies Involved: Lot No: J Block No: 3 No .Fleld Investigation Needed __ _ (ln/U&J~) C~f:ttJ'tr~:~~¥;2.t1::~;,2;,~:,¥l~f$T:tH'3E~f;gETETJ~B:r~COM.~CAlftriBJ~O<mANfT$TJ:.:i3E#M4fff~~UJA~tt~::~l1tfc;f:.tJf:,.\~~ Kron 81/ [i Th.Bros: New 0!JJ6 Old 3 r -/ :Jr~, 5 f': _:_!!i..!:::]__fi_ Parcel No. /I/ 5'75'6-Qlb<:: 1/4 S T R Basin I.. C/P Council mst / d, Charge No: RESPONSE: Cltize~ notified on 1 · 1 t ~ 77 by t--1 phone Jetter In person . _ . /(; '·,, • , ,_ I _;t'{ . AC ; ,-',;/7 -,.' -/, ...:_ . ,I. (~ '2c, v<.,__, zt~· .A. ,../-k.~,. ff'-."". ~'-l<....:•'\. t... 1 -(..&-v-c.:-.. ...... "'='..... ,--,_.,,.,,.. \t-.; . "''-~-··-l-i. tt< •. . ·r - ., .. ·.,,;_, t., • , ,:. .: . ,· . ·r·~-·1.,..f/ton,A,-. .t....~-:> .L~ ,.l..L./~~._. L>'L{ .._-,'\..(""'J· /!J·l..'-t'.<'l. .• ;f.,!:.1::..•Vf.'··._..I 1.'l:;;&A..'<•'-jL..j. -C. (;_ l'-·'--~'\..( • ·.-, •'- ·,:."-_;.1:ti "tt!t. J,~-J-t' ~-:A!t. -...4 .... jJ.#» .... -1.'.:_ ,1:,_~· nlr ,.,. ........... ,:r/-f-;.,., ,:---.....<. .lu..-......... "-'-t..i ( cl,.. c;. ,.._ '1: <1;<~'-.. ->., c'<-··-··. DISPOSfT/ON: Turned to ___ ' On-----· by __ _ OR: No further action recommended beca1 _ Lead agency has been notffied: --.;.,..-~~-~-~=--'--~~~---~---. Problem has been corrected. No problem has been identrfied. _ Prior investigation addresses problt · Sae File# ____ _ _ Priva.te problem. ND.AP will nor consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel -. LocaUon Is outs;de $WM Se~;}Jea. _._ Other (Specrry): DATE CLOSED: _±.1 _ilJ .11. by: :_j1/fJ f j!;/P ,f /) TITLE eozous ENGrNEERlNG. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAJNTS -FROM 1HE FILF.5 OF KCWLRD Complaint 97.203, Marshall Brendori. 14028·160th Ave SE Investigated by Sean Groom on 01/lt,'97 Marshall Brendon built his residence located at the above referenced address io 1992. Tiris is the first incident of flooding in the house experienced since he moved in, however, reference File No. 97·206 for historic flooding in the neighborhood. The drainage ditch normaJly in the past years handled the surface water flow during stonn events, Brendon said. The garage entrance of Brendon's home is slightly below current drainage ditch bottom elevation. There is a stonn drain adjacent to the garage entrance that is sometimes overwhelmed by the surface water flow but this is the first time the basement floor was flooded. The open ditch immediately up-grade of Brendon's dwelling is heavily vegetated which reduces volwne. Also, the flow is concentrated by combining both sides of 160d. Ave SE before his home. Brendon wants potential flooding of his garage and basement to be eliminated. The frequency of water running down his drive toward his garage and basement is hlgh but the storm drain adjacent to the drive is less frequently overwhelmed. Brendon said: • 2 • i··\: ... ··· t60th Ave. S.E. Culvert inlet area reduced by sediment an gravel build-up Storm drain I D 140 8 ..,·· . .... Standing Water Surface Water Discharges to Open Land ··················· ...... TITLE AOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILES OF KCWLRD Recolved by: @k Uate: l/1(jY / OK'o _by: ~f.?On of problem.' ff diffaront LotNo: // _ Block No: Other agericr~s lnv~ed: No .Fleld ln\lestfgaUon Needed--:-- . : ·~l "¥l~W¥i'Wl'Ilff:?1?Wl!/m'Mllm:.m:!ll'll7ilGW;wJ!'(i!&Jl'..Jil~~IJg,~·::wl"it"?ftmrtli .2I;_ -ff/ :Z.3. ~ Parce!No. 7.2 5:~7o-<>II<> Kro112i'°~·E . Th.Bros:Newb57,6 ,,.. • -T---R--. Old 2/5F, Basin~· · Councl Dist /:}__ Charge No: RESPONSE: Chlze,; notified' on1,-l-0 • 9 '1 by .JL phon8 _ letter _ In person . . · G-_ ....... ~.1""'-~ ~-~~ +,---~~ . ~.J'~~~-_. .·_ _ ,t,:b.c; A: ,, ~ ., ) _ /l,,,.t n'\,c~,1-. DISPOsmoN: TUmed to_/_•_' on_/ ... ;/-'J?. J1y . ...-ffAI Oft No hJrtherecllon roCOmmended bee -Lead agency has been notfflad: --'ic:-========;:;-----'--'-" -;p,;,001,;r.i1;;;nv;;;e~st:r,:1-iittkiornn~aeldcl;3,cees,ssieesscipr'oo1t _. Probfem llas been corrected._ _ N_o problem has been identified. u- -. S.11 Fil•-• Private problem • NDAP Wt71 no~ cansldiJr b•caU$L" --.--Watar originates orwte arvJ/or on neighboring parcel -"".'"'Locat10~.1s outside SWM Servicc._Area.. OA TE CLOSED: ..L2.J 2+J-=,.::L by: -f-2... /l.,;>..,-~ · Othor (Specify): · -_ f t.O~j rm.e Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD e Don Greig bu lived at the above rcfetcnced loca.tiOA since the early 60s (his house was socond built in the . development). Surface &totm wareJ flows beian flooding his garaxe approximately fi..-c yun ago. At his own C'Xl)Cnse at \hat time M l)rOUght a back booln to cut a dn.inage ditch alon& the back side ofbu: property. This open trench provide, relief during ID05l p.recipltttion O't'Cat3 IIUl'face watl!t movCJ around his property. Stonn waler docs breech the top occasionally. 'The clilc.h fills~ up and he cle.ars the ditch ofdcbri, that floatt down and reduces :Dow. He walks the drainaJe ditch durln.r GPnn events (ht wasn't volind far the last stonn ~nt:) to observe its flll\ctionality 8.$ a pmanuion as well. He wants the dntln.aac to continue down 15011> Avt. SE instead or a coqwyimce system arourad. his a.ad ndghbor'1 property. A~. as development north of his pmperty_har ~ additional runoff is c::onccntralcd into the drainage along 160"" Ave SB and sut,$cqucntly rum·to his property. 160"' Ave S.E. Stmdins wau:r, nmtJlf &om 160• A~ SE di&cbal p blto this atea. Lo~ percolation. ~g said the land can't be developed · bc:a.we they don't have the percolation for infiltration of septic systtuis:. SE 142nd Place ml£ .• Drainage Co;.,plaints -From the Files of KCWLRD bA'l'E1 3-l9-i7 COMPLJl.nr.r lrVALUATION ta:MO TO: FILB 'RX: NDJ\P EVALUATION P'OR OOMPLAl.NT N'O. 15046 SB 142ND PLACE' RJ:Ntou COMPLAINT OHRONOLOOY1 ORIQlHAL l-10-i7 FIBI.D INV J-14-97 BY HAN CROOM 97-0206 GRAGG 235-0168 J'IU,.D EVA!.. l-7-97 BY Al.Jill MBYE.Ju;. OLD PILES I NOR Pleaaa see the attacbod drainaga complaint inV&etigaticn report dat•d 1-14-97 by Sean Groom. PINDDIGS; Since the problem meats all of th• llDJ\P project criteria liotad below, it quallfiee for and haa been inv~atigated under the NDAP progrll!II. The problem aite i• within the SWM oervice are• and doee not involvo a King County jKC) coda violation. • The problem aito •hows evidence of or reported localized flooding, eroeion and/or Be<timentation within the off _road drainage ayatem on private raaidential and/or coa,marcial prope,rty due in part to later upatream dovelopnent. SOILS: ,The pi:cblcm ia caueed by 11urfaca water from raor• th"-fl one adjoining property. According to tha ~c ooils map. tho 11ite ia 1ocated in the following soil aaeoci11tion: ALD~RWOOD ASSOCIATIONz Moderately -11-d.rllined umtulatin9 to hilly aoil• that have danae, very &lowly pormaable 9lacial till at a dapth of 20 to 40 incha•; on upland~ and terraceu. I met wi~h Mr. Gragg on March ;th and toured hie property. A• development oontinu•• in th• approximate 60 acra drainage baain north of hie property~ 11\0re drainaga water hao boen routed aouth into the pond located juet NW of hia property which thon d~aino •aet and aouth around the adgo of his property, l ffil.E Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • He requeated that tha drainage flowing aouth along tho eaat aid• of 160th Avenue SI b• ra.t"Outed atraight aoutb along the eaat aide of 160th paot SE 142nd ~l-c• rather than the currant rout• which ~low• ea,st and aouth around hia prop.rty. Mr. Qragg atatad that eava~al long te~ reaidenta have told him th.e dra:1.nago ueed to Clow atraight aoutb along tha waat and •••t aidoa ot 160th all th• way down to SI 144th. i atat•d that may b~ true but tba •xiating draioage pattern ia old and cannot b• raviaad bacauoo it ia conaiderad the eet&bliohed drainage pattern for hia nrea. I revi•w•d hie and hia two neighbor•• dra.tn..ga ralat.cl i.mpacta and ecored th~ problem at 14 with bia 9~a9a a.cd ••ptic ayatear. impact• a.nd yard damaga to two propertiaa. Although tho laet ,_ para h,.• bean especially -t and Dad, I rated tho evant traquoncy at 10 Ol:' one• ff4ry 2-5 year• which i• my oatima.to of tha frequency of how often hi• •ept:.io ayatOID will b• •ever.ly impact•d ovvr tho long term. Mr. ara99 atatod that hia pwvpod effluent aepti~ ayatam ha• work•d fine, for the f1rat 15 ye&ra. HOWeVar, h• baa buraed up four pumpa withi.n the laat three para due to the inoreaoed 9roundwat•r tlowa into hi• aeptic tank/dra~nfield ar&a. ~rom hiq wct/d.ry aeaeon obacrvationa, he i• conv1.ncod that mo•t of the ground.water comea from the drainage ditch located just above hia drainfi•ld. Wa ravi•wvd wayo ot protecting his septic drainliald from the movement of groundwater from the uphill pond and drainage ditch. We diecuaaod ways to eeal the earthen ditch iteelf uaing a pla•tic liner or a large hal~ round or full pipe oectiono alon9 about SO feet of ditch abova hi• drainfield. I pointed out that con11ide_r&.ble groundwater mar •till flow rrom north tO aouth below tha ditch section eo that aealing the ditch may not solve tho problam. Depending on the depth to hardpan, an irnpervioue vertical layer ot plastic or bentonite Mlurry located uphill ot hi• drainfield be~ween hiD drainfield a.nd tho ditch would probably be th• •••i••t and moot effective solution to thi• pz-obl•m. Thi• imperviou• layer would run from th9 9round aurfaca down to the hardpan layer where it would be kayed dm.m into the h&rdpan layer. becauae such a layer would reatrict the flow of ground water, higher groundwater levola might reault in thi11 part of Gragg'• yard with 11\0re groundwater eurfacing during the wet aaaaon eepscially near each end of •uch an imperviou1 wall reaulting in more wet aeaaon aurface water aoepago/flowa and icy conditions on portiona of Mr. Cragg'a driveway. Por any work thie cloee to the draintiald, any yard drain or impervioua facility of thia kind would have to be reviewed and approved by the King county Health Departui•nt (Wayne O!sen at 2~6-9737). 2 mLE Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD V OPTIOIIB JUfD DJBCUSSIO" Kr. Cragg ia concerned about continuing upatrema dev•lopment which typically reeulto in more aurfaca w&t•r tlgws through hia drainag• ditch and occaa~onally lnta hia ya.rd. I explained that for larga~ dovolopmente where more than 5,000 equare f••t ct impervioua aurtacaa ar• conatructed, the davolopar•a engi.nee.r ia only required to revi8'ol tha drain•ge ~•tom•a c~paoity up to one quarter ot a mile downatreA.lfl from the propoaed plat·e outlet point. For single bcmeaitea, there ia normally no dovnrtream a.nalyeia required •ince there ia usually leaa than 5,000 aqua.ro teat ct new impervioqe aurface&1 conatructed. I •ugqestad that Hr. Gra.qg lo~k for Devalopmant Signo along 160th north, of hie home. Whan he seee now aigna, be can attend public bearini• and writ• let.tere expraaaing hi• concerns Al'ld outlining bio drainage impact•. PROPOSED SOLtr.rlO•t IMPACT SCORE "" 140 No •olution to thi• drain~ge problem waa identifi•d. Hr. Cra99 requaated that we claan out hia drainage dLtch. We offered to clean out part of hi• ditch if o~r contractor c&n get the necaaaary equipment from Gragq'a driveway Lnto th• dLtch. NO PRXORITY SCORE WAS CALcULArftD 6IHCE NO SOLUTION WAS TDE!UIFIED 3 nm Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD v1·, ,; u·1 • ' ' !·1Lt. {',o. Received from: NAME: Yf'J'c1 Htl F'F- (Day) L'l:221 (Eve) (___) PHONE 2, f .. <1l?':J2. ADoRESS: \ '\ .. '?, /.-I Ceo ,-n ~1.:G-S(;. Location of problem, if different: Ciry \2E:N n.ir:,J State __ Zip Q&;> '::Pi RepDrte.d Problem: CALL FIRST (I] (Would Like To B_e P~sent) ·NE,1G>H&.>Y1... ON \'Jt>i:.n~">\tlS 1:,·,161) :pi201~r:e.TV v\:>T,4 1.n t<--• T\-\-1:,N ·vi<vEXJ 01u!. n.;s "'"--GA. n>·(: .. , "'---< "'"--D l'--X."clJ <.cT"-i-hjtl:"l.'.... P-,1\N i1-tf: 1-t->ol"F't;. A,0D l>.L,L cPF T\+B:I!'.'.. 1)1:.,.....,ivACo'c ,~, (:,o\'J6 O>J'.TV 11-l·G l·h; f.'F' ~., \)12.C'fh-12,-Y ( r-',loNr 1/-'!r .. -D). tJE:£0 Tk. Platname: ~-~ Sae~ LotNo: J' BlockNo:J Other agencies involved: No field investigation required __ , . ·, TO BE COMPLETED BY CO~PJ.AINT PROGRAM STAFF . . . ~ 14-..d3.. 3:: Y. S T R ParcelNo./±'.$7'3'!,70/,,,2J KroUJ//£ Tb.Bros: New Old Council District /2 h571/3 3SF{., Charge No. ________ _ DISPOSlTlON: Turned to __ on _...,__.,__ by __ OR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency has been notified: ______ -'------------------- --Prot,lem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: . \... SttFIU II --,L\l Priva1e prob!x:51 • NOAP will not consider because: · · Water originates onsitc and/or on neighboring parcel. · ___ Location is outside WLRD S~~_Jf"ea. __ Qther (Specif)·): DATE CLOSED: i I f (, I ff By: "_!!::!__ . . _,___;Jv'r(£.fJ6 - TITLE Drainage Complaints .. From the Files of KCWLRD • • Buio LCR Couocil Dist. 12 Initial& DCD ~1>11.: WA Phone: Day 425-271-91!12 Phone: Evening Lip~ Repon Uo1tt 4-l-98 Thoma.!I BtOJ. 6S7BJ STR S:E 14-23-S Facllliy,, lnveitiption Date 3-25-91 Parcel# 14S7S00123 Mainttnm:!.ct Div. 4 'Plat N~: I calla:! on l-25-98 lO set up an appointment JD in"flripte l1lC' complaint. Pam 5Uii::tstod meeting at 11 am that morning. J met "'1th Pam 11 her home to discuss the concerns she had the neighbori ftllill; in the yard for a new trailar. 1 cxplain!d to Pam 1hat lhe lives in a small depression that bas no drainage features to drain the water to dil: SUffl drainage. 1be aeighbor has not-broken &JO' codes for irad1ng and the trailer hu been signed off. I said that I would send a copy of a dry well detail and a conttact0rs list. File clo,ed onsite peudlng the ·-•fmthedrywell. \ \ J J \ I t TITLE Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • e e ,. I \~ J 1 1 I I Location Map J3 • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••• Maplewood & Orting Hills Subbasin Conditions Cedar River Basin Planning Area Map20 .4!;~!. Stream & Stream Number .. lake/River "• Stream Mile 5 ~ Werland & Werland Number • • • • Subbosin Boundary ... --Catchment Boundary MWl Catchment Number 0/E::;3 m ~ 8 ~ Problem Location/ Area Areawide Nonpoint Woter Quality Problem Werlond Habitat Problem Stream Habitat Problem Erosion/Sedimentation [=i @ Locally Signific1;mt Resource Area ~ Flooding • • Appendix 8.1 Stormwater Facility Control and Overflow Design Appendix B.2 KCRTS Pond Design Mclwl. Place PreUminary 17R -May 2003 • • N'dwb Pl= PreUminary 77R-May 2003 • East Basin -Retention/Detention Facility Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # Height (ft) 1 0.00 2 3.90 Top Notch Weir: Length: Weir Height: Outflow Rating Curve: Hyd Inflow Outflow Detention Pond 3.00 H:lV 82.00 ft 71. 00 ft 5822. sq. ft 12626. sq. ft 0.290 acres 5. 00 ft 447.00 ft 42085. cu. ft 0. 966 ac-ft 5. 00 ft 18.00 inches 2 Full Head Diameter Discharge (in) (CFS) 0.87 0.046 1. 71 0.083 Rectangular 1. 00 in 4.50 ft None Peak Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Storage Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 1. 04 0.22 5.01 452.01 42171. o. 968 2 0.52 0.15 4.79 451. 79 39768. 0.913 3 0.61 0.14 4.78 451.78 39615. 0.909 4 0.54 0.08 4 .14 451.14 32779. 0.752 5 0.56 0.04 3. 68 450.68 28208. 0.648 6 0.42 0.04 3.12 450.12 23032. 0.529 7 0.45 0.03 1. 96 448.96 13256. 0.304 8 0.34 0.04 3.29 450.29 24506. 0.563 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservoir POC Outflow Outflow Inflow Inflow Target Cale 1 0.22 0.05 ******** ******* 0.23 2 0.15 0.03 ******** ******* 0.15 3 0.14 0.03 ******** ******* 0.15 4 0.08 0.03 ******** ******* 0.09 5 0.04 0.03 ******** ******* 0.06 6 0.04 0.02 ******** ******* 0.05 7 0.03 0.03 ******** ******* 0.05 8 0.04 0.02 ******** ******* 0.05 Mdwb Pf=, Pr<limina,y llR-May 2003 • • Appendix C.1 Stormwater System Conveyance Appendix C.2 KCRTS Time Series Calculations Appendix C.3 KCRTS Peak Flow Rates N,du,/s Plaa heliminary 11R-May 2003 ----~ e • N,du,b Place Prelimmmy 11R -May 2003 • Project Location: Computing Series Regional Scale Factor : KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series sea-:-Tac exwest.tsf 1. 00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTF60R.rnf --Till Forest 0.28 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTP60R.rnf --Till Pasture 1. 20 acres Total Area 1.48 acres Peak Discharge: 0.165 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and 1 Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exwest.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exwest.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:exwest.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:exwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location: Sea-Tac Nicho& Place Preliminary 71R -May 2003 Computing Series Regional Scale Factor devwest. tsf 1. 00 Data Type Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series Till Grass O .14 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTG60R.rnf File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STEI60R.rnf --Impervious O. 22 acres Total Area 0.36 acres Peak Discharge: 0.134 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 iri Year 8 Storing Time Series File:devwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:devwest.tsf Flow Frequency Jmalysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:devwest.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:devwest.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:devwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series exeast.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTP60R.rnf --Till Pasture 2. 45 acres Total Area 2.45 Peak Discharge: 0.296 CFS at Nu:lw& Plaa Preliminary 17R -May 2003 acres 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exeast.tsf • e Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exeast.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:exeast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File·: exeast. dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series deveast.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 1.00 Data Type: Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series Till Pasture 1.69 acres Loading Time Series Impervious 1. 77 acres Total Area 3.46 acres File:C:\KC SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STEI60R.rnf -- Peak Discharge: 1.04 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Nic1w1s Plaa PreUmmary T1R-May 2003 Storing Time Series File:deveast.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Loading Stage/Discharge curve:deveast.tsf Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:deveast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:deveast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:deveast.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location: Sea-Tac Computing Series byeast.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious O .11 acres Total Area 0.11 acres Peak Discharge: 0.052 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:byeast.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:byeast.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:byeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:byeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Ndwls Platt Prefiminory 17R-May 20()3 e Loading Time Series File:byeast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:byeast.dur N,dwl, Place Prelbnmary TJR -May 2003 Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command eXit KCRTS Program • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Lo~ation:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.053 8 1/05/02 16:00 0. 079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.069 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.134 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.173 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.064 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.158 3 2/28/03 3:00 0. 017 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.088 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.147 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.142 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.296 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Mdwls Place Preluninary 77R-May 2003 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.165 1 100.00 0.102 2 25.00 0.090 3 10.00 0.084 4 5.00 0.081 5 3.00 0.051 6 2.00 0.036 7 1.30 0.009 8 1.10 0.144 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0. 667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.083 2 25.00 o. 960 0.079 3 10.00 0.900 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5 3.00 0.667 0.066 6 2.00 0.500 0.058 7 1. 30 0.231 0.053 8 1.10 0.091 0.117 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.296 1 100.00 0.173 2 25.00 0.158 3 10.00 0.147 4 5.00 0.142 5 3.00 0.088 6 2.00 0.064 7 1.30 0.017 8 1.10 0.255 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0. 667 0.500 0.231 0. 091 0.980 • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annuai Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.521 6 2/09/01 2:00 1.04 1 100.00 0.990 0.422 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.648 2 25.00 0.960 0.613 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.613 3 10.00 0.900 0.448 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.560 4 5.00 0.800 0.536 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.536 5 3.00 0.667 0.560 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0.521 6 2.00 0.500 0.648 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.448 7 1. 30 0.231 1. 04 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.422 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0. 911 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:byeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.027 7 2/09/01 2:00 0.052 1 100.00 0.990 0. 024 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.040 2 25.00 0.960 0.032 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.032 3 10. 00 0.900 0.027 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.032 4 5.00 0.800 0.032 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.029 5 3.00 0.667 0.029 5 1/18/06 16: 00 0.027 6 2.00 0.500 0.040 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.027 7 1.30 0.231 0.052 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.024 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.048 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.171 2 2/09/01 20:00 0.229 1 100.00 0.990 0.055 6 1/05/02 16:00 0.171 2. 25.00 0.960 0.148 3 3/06/03 21:00 0.148 3 10.00 0.900 0.054 7 8/26/04 2:00 o. 086 4 5.00 0.800 0.049 8 1/05/05 8:00 0.061 5 3.00 0.667 0. 061 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.055 6 2.00 0.500 0.086 4 11/26/06 21:00 0.054 7 1.30 0.231 0.229 1 1/09/08 14:00 0. 049 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.210 50.00 0.980 • Mdwb Platt Pn,/unmary 17R-May 2003 • The following is a description of KCRTS input and output files used in designing the R/D facilities and conducting the downstream drainage analysis for Nichol~ Place. EXECUTABLE FILES basins.exc: This executable file creates time series for all contributing areas to the downstream system. tar.exc: This executable creates target duration files for R/D design. TIME SERIES FILES R/D Design exeast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under existing conditions. Includes area of proposed road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. exwest.tsf: The site's westerly basin under existing conditions. byeast. tsf: The portion of proposed road improvements along 160th Avenue SE in the easterly basin that bypasses the stormwater facility. deveast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under proposed developed conditions. Includes a portion of the western basin. devwest.tsf: A portion of the site's westerly basin under proposed developed conditions. poceast.tsf: Time series for developed conditions at the site's easterly downstream point-of-compliance. tareast. tsf: Target duration curve for the proposed R/D system for the site's easterly basin. Based on the following times series: exeast.tsf. RESERVOIRS rdeast.rdf: The Nichols Place R/D facility managing stormwater from the easterly basin of the developed site. N,du,b Place P,../iminary 77R -May 2003 ~ GENERAL NOTES • 1. Seatac regional rainfall runoff files with a scale factor of 1.0 were used in the hydrologic simulations. 2. R/D facilities were designed with the 8-year data set. 1-hour peak flow rates were used for detention calculations. 3. 15-minute peak flow rates were used for conveyance calculations.· 4. Gravel areas were modeled in KCRTS by assuming that.50 percent of the area is impervious and the remaining 50 percent are the same cover type as that surrounding the gravel area . N,du,b /'laa Preliminary 71R-May 2003 ) .I ·--(,.. #---·\a ! • ' ' -~ • I ' i1 tJlj I !: '1~i1 I If ,!,I f t. I • § I. ' ' i , • · , r fi I ' :,. •, I· I i , .. , ( • .,,., !ii t~Hlt •1i.1i!I ii i! i i I I f l !l ~ I I !:!l·l·l, ,-11~, li1 I 11 . , i I I• L H I • , (rS) ™ C"') ~ = = c-J = 0) ™ ..... ~ ~ ::c ™ @=; --- 0 ""''· ~ I I """ l · f t r I l . . . • • . : · 11 I . .. I 1 1 rr r . hal,. IJ~i,. I•· . ,1111 U· ~-.,. , . htil IHia :, .... H1 11nl • l l I 1 •1 • ·. r . i r r1 1•h11 • , · I I n, 1 hn!hn ~ ~: . ~I i' .I "1 ~f !,ia.~!11!..!,,c..__-: 1 / ------_.,. I I / j ttt ~· 1·· I ftitfr fl "t ., I 1tt1 :t 1, t 1 ,,11o . •1 11 · •1• I ii£•! J l t _ . . iJ , ! fin I !! •. ll . l I i , ,ill( r l•i-l i . i !' I t nit i . 1Ii ;Uj · h ·· i I ·r f ! u111il i il 1il t , , ! d t i 1 1111.~ 1 1-hi',t' l tt 1h, u [ I ~ l • • u I I .J I l! I' L,· J. I ti, ... :! :• /l r. =,· { ·1-i.··1 11 ,1.11 • .1,-·1 uu 1 i, ,-•• i i1 11.1 11 1 r11i 1.1 i~~~ ! 1 •1r1 :u jJ .t •I, 1·,1 1 1 I Ill t I ,, 1•1fl Ii,• I 1 I !h, iii f i1 •' 111 111· . ... . I . 111 111 I .... I ' I ,.,, •11 I i• i~ Hi i 1 t'l, ,i! i1iii I i I i I 1il ·/ 1 l/ ~ ·I ·I ll I l'.,i., l.jJ 11•11-. .IIU•l1 I l .111 ··· ··· I,, hj·f 111·•1 I I il! I .·lit,11J·· • fl 1 I • ,i,hi II Ii f • uJ l ' en w Cl Cl c3 :,:: ... , .. ,'~·····-·"""'"-···-···-<:; •, • OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 March 2, 2004 REPORT AND DECISION SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L03P0015 Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0013 NICHOLS PLACE Proposed Preliminary Plat and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits Location: Applicant: Intervenor: West of 160"' Avenue Southeast, south of Southeast 138"' Street (if extended) at 13815 -160"' Avenue Southeast U.S. Land Development Associates, represented by Michael J. Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 -8"' Drive Southeast Bothell, Washington 98021 Telephone: (425) 486-2563 C.A.R.E., represented by Gwendolyn High 13405-158"' Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington 98059 King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services, represented by Karen Scharer 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-7114 Facsimile: (206) 296-6613 SUMMARY OF DECISION/RECOMMENDATION: Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner's Decision: Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions (modified) Approve, subject to conditions (modified) L03POOJ5-Nicho1sP1ace Page 2 of 14 JSSUES/fOPJCS ADDRESSED: • Transfer of density credits • Surface water drainage • Road improvements • Safe walking conditions • Tree preservation SUMMARY: Application for a transfer of a maximum of eight density credits, and approval of a preliminary plat to subdivide approximately 3.82 acres into 23 lots in the urban area, are granted preliminary approval. EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing Opened: Hearing Closed: February 24, 2004 February 24, 2004 Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the King County Hearing Examiner. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. General Information: Proponent: Representative: Location: Section/Township/Range: Acreage Plat: Current Zoning: Number of Lots: U.S. Land Development Association P.O. Box 22200 Seattle, WA 98122 Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE, Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: 425-486-2563 Facsimile: (425) 486-3273 Einail: Michael.romano@verizon.net The site is located west of 160th Ave. SE, south of SE 138th Street (if extended) at 13815 160th Ave. SE SE 14-23-05 3.82 acres R-4 Parcels # 142305 9058 23 proposed using 8 TDR's L03POOl5-Nichols Place Density: Lot Size: Proposed Use: Sewage Disposal: Water Supply: Fire Distric.t: School District: Community Plan: Drainage Subbasin: King County Permits: Complete Application Date: Threshold Determination: Date oflssuance: KC Permit Contact: 6 dwellings per acre 4,320 square feet single family City of Renton Water District #90 King County Fire District # 25 Issaquah Newcastle Lower Cedar River Subdivision June 19, 2003 Mitigated Determination ofNonsignificance (MDNS) December 23, 2003 Karen Scharer, Project Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Page3 of 14 Phone no. (206) 296-7114 or email at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 2. Except as modified herein, the facts set forth in the King County DDES preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner for the February 24, 2004, public hearing are found to be correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Said report is exhibit no. 2 in the hearing record. The drainage detention area planned to serve the subject property will be sized to accommodate surface water drainage from the proposed development of Nichols Place only. The proposed plat ofEvendell, adjacent to the north, will have a separate surface water detention facility. 3. On February 4, 2004 the King County Hearing Examiner issued his report and decision granting preliminary approval for the revised plat of Evendell, based upon transfer of 20 density credits that would allow for development of70 lots on 12.43 acres. This would provide a density of 5.6 dwelling units per acre on the Evendell property, which is adjacent to the north of the subject property. The maximum density permitted in the R4 zone classification is 6 dwelling units per acre, utilizing density incentives or transferred development rights. The Examiner's decision approving the Evendell plat revision, file no. LO I POO 16, is incorporated by reference in the hearing record of this proceeding. 4. To the east, south and west of the subject property are larger lots and parcels, ranging from approximately 12,600 square feet to 2.25 acres in size. 5. King County's ."Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)" program is governed by Chapter 21A.37 of the King County Code. The IDR program establishes a property right which is separable from the fee-simple title to certain lands within King County, and provides a method for the transfer and utilization of that new right, which is colloquially. known as a development right or "density credit." A density credit has a substantial market value. The underlying purpose of the TDR program is to allow for the movement of residential density from rural areas to urban areas of King County. The code is intended to provide, " ... an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other County goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of each receiving site." KCC 21A.37.0I0.2. L03POOI 5 -Nichols Place Page4 of 14 Receiving sites are required to meet the provisions ofKCC 21A.37.030. Those requirements are that the receiving site: I. be within an unincorporated urban area, zoned R-4 or higher, or be within a potential annexation area; 2. be within a city where new growth is or will be encouraged, and where facilities and services exist or public investments in facilities and services will be made; or 3. be within RA-2.5 and RA-5 zoned parcels, subject to stringent criteria. The subject property is within the first category of eligible receiving sites listed in KCC 21A.37.030. Sites within the unincorporated urban growth area are not required to have any specific level of available facilities and services. Development approvals that utilize density credits must meet only those service criteria that apply generally to development of the number of dwelling units proposed on the site. King County Code chapter 2IA.12 governs densities and development standards in residential zones. The R-4 zone in the urban residential area allows for a maximum density of six dwelling units per acre, which may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives or transfers of development rights. KCC 21 A.12.030.A. and B. l. When density credits are used, development shall comply with dimensional standards of the zone having a base density most comparable to the total approved density. KCC 21A.37.030.B. 6. The foregoing provisions of the King County Zoning Code are generally consistent with policies • of the King County Comprehensive Plan governing residential land use. In particular, the Zoning Code provisions are generally consistent with: Policy U-113, that new residential development in the Urban Growth Area should occur where facilities and services can be provided at the lowest public cost and in a timely fashion; Policy U-114, that the County seek to achieve an average zoning density of at least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities, allowing for lower density zones to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment; Policy U-122, that supports increases in urban density through a rezone or a proposal to utilize density transfer, when the proposal will help resolve traffic, utility, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. This proposal will extend sewer service further into the urban area, and will provide recreation facilities and open space available to future residents on the subject property. 7. The subject property is in the City ofRenton's potential annexation area. The City is considering modifications to its comprehensive plan that would limit density on property in this area to a maximum of 4 dwelling units per acre. However, those plan changes were not in effect at the time a complete application for this subdivision was submitted, and the property is not presently within the City ofRenton's jurisdiction. 8. ODES, this Applicant and the developers of other properties in the vicinity have agreed upon right-of-way dedications and road improvements to mitigate the impact of traffic which this 1 L03POOl 5 -Nichols Place Page 5 of 14 proposal will generate adjacent to and in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development. The dedications and improvements to be provided by this proposal will include the west side of 160th Avenue Southeast. Improvements that will be made to Southeast 1361h Street, from 1561h Avenue Southeast to 1601h Avenue Southeast, will result in a new east-west route that will divert traffic from the high accident intersection of Southeast 1281h Street and 1601h Avenue Southeast. Those Southeast 1361 h Street improvements may be made by other developers prior to the development of Nichols Place, or may be made jointly by this plat in cooperation with other developers. 9. The Issaquah School District plans to operate a school bus stop for elementary school children at the intersection of Southeast 136th Street and 160th Avenue Southeast. The internal road improvements and frontage improvements on 160th Avenue Southeast will provide a safe route for children to use between the lots of this subdivision and that bus stop. Additionally, the Applicant will provide school walkway improvements pursuant to the requirements of condition no. 22 below, to provide safe walking conditions to the high school and middle school serving the area. I 0. Surface water from the adjacent property to the north (Evendell) sheetflows onto the subject property, which is divided into an easterly and westerly basin. The west basin is approximately 1.48 acres in area. Surface water from this basin currently sheetflows over the west and south boundaries, creating nuisance conditions on adjacent properties. A surface water drainage adjustment has been approved to divert surface water flow from the west basin to the east basin, where surface water detention will be sized to provide level 2 flow control. It is proposed to allow some undetained runoff from the southwest portion of the subject property to continue to sheetflow over the west and south property boundaries to maintain, but not increase, existing flows. The development of the plat of Evendell, together with Nichols Place, will control and divert surface water runoff away from Southeast 139th Place and 156th Avenue Southeast, where severe conveyance problems exist. Improvements that already have been made to the conveyance system on 160th Avenue Southeast, and additional improvements required as conditions of this and other developments in the area, are expected to provide adequately for the conveyance of surface flow as far as lot 6 of Cedar Park 5-acre tracts. Lot 6 of Cedar Park 5-acre tracts has undersized culverts, identified as locations 50 and 51 in the level 3 offsite drainage analysis prepared for the plat ofEvendell. Surface water backs up within a depressed area on that property where it causes nuisance flooding. However, the owner of that property has advised the Applicant that he will not grant permission to improve the existing conveyance channel through lot 6, and King County has advised the Applicant that it would not approve relocating that channel. The requirement of the surface water drainage adjustment that level 2 flow control be provided is sufficient mitigation, according to the King County Surface Water Drainage Manual, for the nuisance flooding impact that this development will have on lot 6 of Cedar Park 5-acre tracts. I L It is anticipated that a sewage lift station will be located within the plat of Nichols Place. This facility is likely to be located in the southeast comer of the plat, within the area now identified as LOJPOOl 5 -Nichols Place Page6ofl4 "detention/recreation." A separate tract may be required for the lift station. No part of the lift station tract will count toward the requirement for provision of onsite recreation area . . 12. The size of the lots proposed by the Applicant generally does not allow for the retention of existing trees within the plat. Removal of trees from property being developed commonly subjects trees on adjacent properties to stress and increases the windthrow hazard. Trees that remain in an area which is substantially cleared present an increased risk to persons and property on and off the site of the remaining trees. However, there is no King County regulation applicable to the subject property that restricts clearing or tree removal to protect trees on adjacent properties from increased stress or risk ofwindthrow. The environmental review of this proposal did not identify impacts of clearing or tree removal as a significant adverse environmental impact of the proposal. CONCLUSIONS: I. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan, subdivision and zoning codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King County. 2. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare, and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supply, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds and safe walking conditions for students who only walk to school; and it will serve the public use and interest. 3. The conditions for final plat approval required below are in the public interest and are reasonable requirements to mitigate the impacts of the development upon the environment. 4. The dedications of land or easements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as required for final plat approval or as shown on the proposed preliminary plat submitted by the Applicant on May 19, 2003, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts of the development. 5. The Applicant has negotiated for the purchase of development rights that would allow for an increase in the number oflots to be developed on the subject property to a total of 23. The development of 23 lots on the subject property will be within the maximum density of 6 dwelling un.its per acre permitted in the R4 zone classification in the urban area. The proposed development of the subject property, utilizing up to 8 density rights, is consistent with all applicable development standards and other provisions of the king county code. Provisions of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan concerning density of development on this property are not applicable to this proposal. 6. The road improvements proposed and agreed to by the Applicant, including those shown on the May 19, 2003 preliminary plat and set forth in the conditions below, will reasonably mitigate the impacts of traffic generated by the proposed development. •' L03P0015-Nichols Place Page7 of 14 7. Safe walking conditions for children who walk to school from the subject property will be provided by using one of the alternatives for improvements incorporated into this proposal and set forth in condition no. 20 below. 8. The conditions of approval of the surface water drainage adjustment L03V0036, and the conditions recommended by ODES and agreed to by the Applicant, incorporated into the conditions below, adequately mitigate the impacts of surface water drainage from this proposed development in accordance with adopted King County standards. 9 There is no applicable provision of the King County Code to restrict the removal of trees in the course of the development of the subject property, or to protect trees on neighboring properties from increased stress and risk ofwindthrow. DECISION: The proposed preliminary plat ofNichols Place, as received May 19, 2003, utilizing up to 8 density credits (transferable density rights) is approved, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: I. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density Credit documentation to ODES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of eight density credits. 4. The Applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health,Department for abandonment of existing septic systems on-site. 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). 6. The Applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 7. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other L03P001S -Nichols Place Page 8 of 14 applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. ODES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DOES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with ODES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual Jot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." d. The stormwater detention design shall comply with the Level 2 Flow Control requirements per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). e. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 2JA.14.180. f. If a sewage lift station is located within the subject property, it shall be placed within a separate tract or easement area, that shall not be counted when computing the provision of onsite recreation area. g. When engineering plans are submitted for review, the owners of the adjacent property to the southwest (15652 Southeast 139th Place) shall be notified that the plans have been filed with DOES and that they are available for public review. 8. The drainage detention facility shall be designed to meet, at a minimum, the Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality menu in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). 9. (Condition no. 9 is deleted.) I 0. A surface water adjustment (L03V0036) is approved for this subdivision. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to approval of the engineering plans. I 1. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the I 993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): L03P0015 -Nichols Place Page 9of 14 a. SE 139th St. shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subaccess street standard. b. FRONTAGE: The frontage of the site along 160th Ave SE (west side only) shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard. c. Tracts A, B and C shall be improved as joint use driveways per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. These driveways shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and on the final plat map. d. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 12. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 160th Ave. SE from those lots which abut this street. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. 13. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 14. The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 15. Suitable recreation space shall be provided within one tract that may be separate or may be combined with the drainage tract in accordance with KCC 21A.14.180. Improvements shall be consistent with the requirements ofKCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190, including provision of sport court[ s ], children's play equipment, picnic table[ s ], benches, etc. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance# 14045. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 16. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 17. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC 21A.16.050: L03P001S-Nicho1sP1acc Page JO ofl4 a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shalJ be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DOES iflocated within the right-of-way, and shalJ not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The Applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DOES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after ODES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. 18. The following have been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The Applicant shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. lndividuaJJy, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast I 28th Street at 160th Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional L03POOl 5 -Nichols Place Page II of 14 paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left turn lane. School Mitigation Fees 19. Lots within this subdivision are subject to l(jng County Code 2IA.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final · approval, fifty percent {50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. School Walkways 20. The Applicant, individually or in conjunction with other developers, shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE I 35th Street to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th Street, or via alternative right-of-way and easements that become available and are approved by ODES. One acceptable alternative would be to use future right-of-way of Southeast I 36th Street and I 62nd Avenue Southeast to connect with the sidewalk improvement of"five lot subdivision," and through the plat of"five lot subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DOES review and approval. Any surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards {KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application. ORDERED this 2nd day of March, 2004. es . O'Connor . County Hearing Examiner pro tern TRANSMITTED this 2nd day of March, 2004, to the parties and interested persons of record: Marshall Brenden 18225 SE I 28th Renton WA 98059 Robert Darrow Haozous Engineering 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo WA 98275 Ronda Bryant I 5406 SE 136th Street Renton WA 98059 Shirley Day 14412 -167th PI. SE Renton WA 98059-6828 Carolyn Ann Buckett I 6524 SE I 45th St. Renton WA 98059 Edward June & Kristy Hill 13527 156th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 L03POO 15 -Nichols Place Kathy Graves 13020-160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Rebecca Lind City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Mark & Barbara Nichols 13815 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Roger Paulsen 15657 SE 139th Place Renton WA 98059 Seattle KC Health Dept. E. Dist. Environ. Health 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue WA 98007 Penny Thorbeck 15650 SE 138th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Laura Casey DDES/LUSD Wetland Review MS OAK-DE-0100 Karen Scharer DDES/LUSD Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 Bruce Whittaker DDES/LUSD Pre!. Review Engineer MS OAK-DE-0100 Victor & Gwendolyn High . 13405 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 James Mahoney 14011 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Gary Norris Gary Struthers & Associates 3150 Richards Road #200 Bellevue WA 98005 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell WA 98021 Claude & Eloise Stachowiak 15652 SE 139th Pl. Renton WA 98059-7422 Kevin M. Wyman 16540 SE 149th St. Renton WA 98059 Kristen Langley DDES/LUSD Land Use Traffic MS OAK-DE-0100 Steve Townsend DDES/LUSD Land Use Inspections MS OAK-DE-0100 Page 12 of 14 Don & Diane Kezele 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Kathy Nelson Transportation Dept. 805 -2nd Ave. S. Issaquah WA 98027 Richard & Anita Oliphant 16519 SE 145th St. Renton WA 98059 Vicki & Dale Roppe 14005 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Howard Stansbury Centurion Development 22617 -8th Dr. SE Bothell WA 98021 Greg Borba DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Carol Rogers DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Larry West DDES/LUSD Geo Review MS OAK-DE-0100 In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of$250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before March 16, 2004. If a notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies of a written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the L03P001S-Nicho1s Place Page 13ofl4 Clerk of the King County Council on or before March 23, 2004. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in the hearing record; new facts may not be presented on appeal. Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room I 025, King County Courthouse, 516 3•• Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. Ifa written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of this report, or if a written appeal statement and argument are not filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for further action by the Council. MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 24, 2004, PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NO. L03POOl5. James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Karen Scharer, Bruce Whittaker and Kristen Langley, representing the Department; Michael Romano and Duana Koluskova representing the Applicant; and Gwendolyn High, Kristy Hill, Claude Stachowiak, Gary Noris, Diane Kezele, Ronda Bryant, and Robert Darrow. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I Exhibit No. 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Exhibit No. 3 Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 Exhibit No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. I 0 Exhibit No. 11 Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 Exhibit No. 15 Exhibit No. 16 DOES file no. L03POO 15 DOES preliminary report for L03POOl5, with the following attachments: Lot plat design Density calculations (R-4 with 8 TDRs), dated 5/29/03 Memo from Issaquah School District, dated 5/23/03 Certificate of water availability, dated 6/18/03 City of Renton letters, dated 6/15/01, 1/15/03 and 1/14/04 City of Renton sewer certificate, dated 5/18/01 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency, dated 5/22/02 Corrections/revisions to the 2/24/04 Preliminary Staff Report Application for land use permit (no. L03TY 404}-Nichols Place zone reclassification, received 5/19/2003 Environmental checklist, received 5/19/2003 SEP A mitigated determination of non-significance, issued 12/23/2003 Affidavit of posting indicating a posting date of 6/30/2003, received 7/02/2003 Site plan (23 lot preliminary plat map), received 5/19/2003 Assessors map (1) SE 14-23-05, revised 12/03/2000 Density Credit Transfer Agreement for 5 TDRs, dated 2/20/2004 Density Credit Transfer Agreement for 3 TDRs, dated 2/20/2004 Traffic Impact Analysis by Garry Struthers Assoc., received 5/19/2003 Revised Traffic Impact Analysis, received 11/12/2003 Walkway study prepared by dmp, inc., dated 8/18/2003 Walking Route Analysis, annotated by DOES, prepared 2/23/2004 Email from Issaquah School District re: school walkways as related to plat conditions ofLOOP0023, dated 3/10/2003 L03POOl5 -Nichols Place Exhibit No. 17 Exhibit No. 18 Exhibit No. 19 Exhibit No. 20 Exhibit No. 21 Exhibit No. 22 Exhibit No. 23 Exhibit No. 24 Exhibit No. 25 Exhibit No. 26 Exhibit No. 27 Exhibit No. 28 Exhibit No. 29 Exhibit No. 30 Exhibit No. 31 Exhibit No. 32 Exhibit No. 33 Exhibit No. 34 Exhibit No. 35 Exhibit No. 36 JNO:ms L03POOl5 RPT Page 14ofl4 TIR by Haozous Engineering, PS, dated 5/18/2003 King County SWDM adjustment, no. L03V0036, dated 9/04/2003 Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment by Habitat Technologies, dated I 0/11/2002 Tributruy area map, annotations by DDES, prepared 2/2004 Haozous Engineering update/response to screening letter, dated 10/27/2003 Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for Evendell (file no. L03RE038), dated 2/04/2004 Email from Shirley Day, dated 2/03/2004 Letter from Gwendolyn High for CARE, dated 1/26/2004 Email from James Mahoney, dated 7/09/2003 Email from Claude & Eloise Stachowiak, dated 11/16/2003 Letter from Bill & Dona Mokin, dated 2/07/2004 Letter from Anita & Richard Oliphant, dated 1/29/2004 Statement from Diane Kezele, dated 2/09/2004 Statement from Anita & Rich Oliphant, dated 2/24/2004 CARE response, dated 2/24/2004 CARE updated household list Not used Sign-in sheet for 2/24/2004 hearing Revisions to traffic study from Gary Norris of Garry Struthers Assoc., dated 2/24/2004 Statement from Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak, dated 2/23/2004 • I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Proposed No. 2004-0013. l KING COUNTY Signature Report May 10, 2004 Ordinance 14903 Sponsors Phillips 1200 King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 · AN ORDINANCE authorizing a subdivision on certain property located west of 160th Ave SE, south of SE 138th St (if extended) at 13815 160th Ave SE, Howard Stansbury, US Land Development Assoc agent for Mark & Barbara Nichols; department of development and environmental services file no. L03P0015. 9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: IO SECTION 1. This ordinance does hereby adopt and incorporate the findings and 11 conclusions contained in the March 2, 2004, report and decision·:by the hearing examiner · 12 and adopts as the decision of the council the decision by the hearing examiner to approve 13 the transfer of eight density credits and to grant the app_Jication for preliminary approval, 14 subject to the conditions recommended by the examiner, of the proposed twenty-three-lot 15 plat of Nichols Place, received May 19, 2003, in department of development and 16 environmental services file no. L03P0015. I Ordinance 14903 17 SECTION 2. The appeal of the March 2, 2004, decision of the hearing'examiner 18 by Citizens for a Responsible EvendeH ("C.A.R.E.") is denied. 19 Ordinance 14903 was introduced oil 1/12/2004 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 5/10/2004, by the following vote: ATTEST: Yes: 10 -Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague and Mr. Constantine No:O . Excused: 3 -Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING CO , W ASIIlNGTON Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council Attachments None 2 ,· 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Proposed No. 2004..()()13.1 KING COUNTY Signature Report May 10, 2004 Ordinance 14903 Sponsors Phillips 1200 King County Courthouse · 516 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 · AN ORDINANCE authorizing a subdivision on certain property located west of 160th Ave SE, south of SE 138th St (if extended) at 13815 160th Ave SE, Howard Stansbury, US Land Development Assoc agent for Mark & Barbara Nichols, department of development and environmental services file no. L03P0015. 9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 10 SECTION I. This ordinance does hereby adopt and incorporate the findings and 11 conclusions contained in the March 2, 2004, report and decision by the hearing examiner 12 and adopts as the decision of the council the decision by the hearing examiner to approve 13 the transfer of eight density credits and to grant the application for preliminary approval, 14 subject to the conditions recommended by the examiner, of the proposed twenty-three-lot 15 plat of Nichols Place, received May 19, 2003, in department of development and 16 environmental services file no. L03P0015. 1 Ordinance 14903 17 SECTION 2. The appeal of the March 2, 2004, decision of the hearing 'examiner 18 by Citizens for a Responsible EvendeH ("C.A.R.E.") is denied. 19 Ordinance 14903 was introduced oh 1/12/2004 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 5/10/2004, by the following vote: Yes: 10-Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague and Mr. Constantine No:O . Excused: 3 -Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson . KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING CO Y, WASHINGTON ATTEST: ~- Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council Attachments None 2. , . ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 ·oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 March 25, 2005 TO: Wylie Wong, Engineer, Engineering Review Section From: Fereshteh Dehkordi, Project Manager, Current Planning Section RE: Nichols Place Conceptual Recreation Plan. KC FileL04SR034 KC File L03P0015 t-..... -t \.,), _,,_ I have reviewed the conceptual recreation tract received January 24, 2005. The applicant proposes a combined recreation and drainage tract. Pursuant to KCC 21A.14.180E, the proposed tract must meet the following: 1. The stormwater tract and any on-site recreation tract shall be contiguously located. The tract shall be owned and maintained by the homeowner' s association. Please revise the site plan to show one tract for both uses. 2. The stormwater facilities shall be constructed to meet the following conditions: a. The side slopes of the stormwater facilities shall not exceed thirty three percent unless slopes are existing, natural, and covered with vegetation; b. A bypass system or emergency overflow pathway shall be designed to handle flow exceeding the facility design and located so that it does not pass through active recreation areas or present a safety hazard; c. The storm facilities shalJ be landscaped and developed for passive recreation opportunities such as trails, picnic areas and aesthetic viewing. Additional landscaping can be provided adjacent to lot 23; d. The stormewater facilities shall be designed so they do not require fencing pursuant to the SWDM. The side slopes of the storm facilities appear to exceed 33%. Additionally, no recreation amenities are proposed on the strormwater portion of the tract. Please revise to meet these standards. 3. Additional landscaping (trees, shrubs, ground cover) shalJ be provided along the west and south property line of the tract and within a minimum 5-footwide landscaping strip. It is recommended that a 4-foot talJ split rail, fence be provided along the west and south perimeter of the recreation tract. A 5-foot wide landscape strip with a type III landscaping shall be provided along the tract frontage with SE 139th Street. 4. The proposed halfbasketball court shall be 74' by 42' to accommodate a standard size court for junior high school children and be fully fenced. The applicant may locate the court in the southeast corner of the tract to make a better use of the space and provide a usable open space within the recreation tract. 5. The landscaping plan for the entire tract shall be prepared in accordance with 21A.16.085 through 21A.16.115 and by a professional landscape architect. It is recommended that the entire tract (both recreation & drainage parts) be considered as one unit and be designed as a usable park for this plat community. 6. Additional play equipment ( e.g .. , rockers at least two) for small children shall be provided. 7. A picnic table and benches shall be provided. The applicant must apply for a final recreation plan review and approval. The applicant must submit the following prior to the final plat approval: 1. Five copies of a final recreation plan addressing the issues described above. 2. Five copies of a Bond Quantity Worksheets (see attached) 3. Five copies ofthe·toy facility, picnic table and bench specifications. The equipment (play structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards. 4. Final Recreation Plan Review Fee 5. A copy of this memo. If you have any questions regarding this memo please contact me at 296-7173. Cc: SBI Developing, LLC Citizens' Alliance for a Rlons;ble Evendell P.O. Box 2936 Renton, WA 98056 highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com Mr. Stafford Smith Hearing Examiner King County Hearing Examiner's Office 400 Yesler Way -Suite 404 Seattle WA 981 04 Fax: 206.296.1654 January 26, 2004 RE: NICHOLS PLACE Applications L0300008 and L03TY404 Dear Mr. Examiner, • RECEIVED JAN ! 8 2004 I\INl:i .;UUNTY HEARING EXAMINER With this letter, Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell (C.A.R.E.), a Washington State non-profit corporation, petitions the King County Hearing Examiner's Office to intervene on behalf of the community in the matter of the NICHOLS PLACE Applications L03D0008 and L03TY404. Ms. High will speak for C.A.R.E. in this matter. If a Pre-Hearing Conference is necessary to formally submit and decide this petition, please consider this correspondence a request of a Pre-Hearing Conference. We anticipate the ability to accommodate scheduling of your convenience. C.A.R.E. and its members would be dir_e,ctly and adversely affected if U.S. Land's application to achieve the density they r.(l,quest, either through Transfer of Density Rights (TOR) or a zone reclassification, is approved. We are primarily interested in ensuring coordinated and responsible development of the community consistent with state and local laws and regulations aimed at ensuring that development does not exceed infrastructure capacity, including transportation capacity. C.A.R.E. and its members are further concerned with preserving the character and scale of the community, which the County has consistently zoned R-4, in recognition of the many physical difficulties that would go along with providing increased infrastructure capacity to serve higher density development in the area. We oppose the requested increase in density, but in the event that such increased density may be approved, we hope to ensure that the resulting impacts are balanced with other county goals and policies, and are adjusted tot.he specific conditions of the site. Of particular concern is the precedent a decision approving this significant increased density might set, in our neighborhood. C.A.R.E. and its members are also concerned with protecting against physical damage to existing residences and properties as a result of site preparation, construction, and use associated with the Evendell development; including the avoidance of potential downstream flooding as a result of the prooosed development and the appropriate mitigation of traffic impacts. Such impacts would harm C.A.R.E. members' interests in protecting their property values, along with their privacy and the quiet enjoyment of their property. The original of this document is being forwarded to your office today via US Mail. Thank you for your time and attention. ~tlt'4ft'itfa_ # ztL Gwendolyn High President soc • Scharer, Karen· From: sday [srday2@mindspring.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 9:13 PM To: karen.scharer@metrokc.gov Cc: Highlands Neighbors Subject: L03P0005 & L03P0015 Karen .Scharer Project/Program Manager DDESILUSD -Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Ste JOO Renton, WA 98055 Re: Liberty Grove Hearing on 2/10/04 and Nichols Place Hearing on 2/24/04 • Page I of I I would like to go on record as against the use of densit transfer credits for the above projects. It has been established that density above R4 i~not comRa I e wit the area. ra fie and flooding problems are not being addressed due to. the huge • =>=;' -~ • ---•• ~--;:r.--..:..:..,_. "' =-::,, growth m our area. To use density credits to get around clec1s10ns already made, makes no sense. · ------. ·- I find it hard to believe that the developers can not build better homes with an R4 density and realize equal or greater profit. Do they no longer take pride in homes they build? There have been too many unattractive box houses recently built in the area. It is time for some thought about future development.· Thank you for giving this matter your attention. I hope Renton continues to be a place I want to Jive. Sincerely, Shirley Day I4412-167th. Place SE Renton, WA 98059 (425) 255-7005 02/19/2004 Citizens' Alliance for a Re,onsible Evendell P.O. Box2936 Renton, WA 98056 highlands_nelghbors@hotmall.com Mr. Stafford Smith Hearing Examiner King County Hearing Examiner's Office 400 Yesler Way -Suite 404 Seattle WA 98104 Fax: 206.296.1654 January 26, 2004 RE: NICHOLS PLACE Applications L03D0008 and L03TY404 Dear Mr. Examiner, • RECEIVED JAN ! 8 2004 I\INu vUUNTY HEARING EXAMINER With this letter, Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell (C.A.R.E.), a Washington State non-profit corporation, petitions the King County Hearing Examiner's Office to intervene on behalf of the community in the matter of the NICHOLS PLACE Applications L03D0008 and L03TY404. Ms. High will speak for C.A.R.E. in this matter. If a Pre-Hearing Conference is necessary to formally submit and decide this petition, please consider this correspondence a request of a Pre-Hearing Conference. We anticipate the ability to accommodate scheduling of your convenience. C.A.R.E. and its members would be directly and adversely affected if U.S. Land's application to achieve the density they r.e.quas.t, either through Transfer of Density Rights (TDR) or a zone reclassification, is approved. We are primarily interested in ensuring coordinated and responsible development of the community consistent with state and local laws and regulations aimed at ensuring that development does not exceed infrastructure capacity, including transportation capacity. C.A.R.E. and its members are further concerned with preserving the character and scale of the community, which the County has consistently zoned R-4, in recognition of the many physical difficulties that would go along with providing increased infrastructure capacity to serve higher density development in the area. We oppose the requested increase in dens~y. but in the event that such increased density may be approved, we hope to ensure that the resulting impacts are balanced with other county goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of the site. Of particular concern is the precedent a decision approving this significant increased density might set, in our neighborhood. C.A.R.E. and its members are also concerned with protecting against physical damage to existing residences and properties as a result of site preparation, construction, and use associated with the Evendell development; including the avoidance of potential downstream flooding as a result of the proposed development and the appropriate mitigation of traffic impacts. Such impacts would harm C.A.R.E. members' interests in protecting their property values, along with their privacy and the quiet enjoyment of their property. The original of this document is being forwarded to your office today via US Mail. Thank you for your time and attention. ~#1!t:ffe/j;r #~ Gwendolyn High President y/ Scharer, Karen From: Sent: To: Subject: 9 July 2003 Dear ·Karen, • Mahoney James [mahoneyjames@yahoo.com] Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:43 AM Karen.scharer@metrokc.gov Nichols Place plat rezone comments I appreciate you take time out of your busy day, yesterday to explain to me the status of the zoning requirement (s) and terminology. Regarding Evendell and proposed rezone of Nichol Place on 160th Ave SE Renton. The status proposed Evendell help me since I never heard the out come of the rezone meeting several months ago. Thank you once again. May you have a wonderful day. Sincerely, James Mahoney Below I have included some of my concerns and comments of the rezone To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing this letter r~garding the proposed Nichols Place plat Rezone and housing development in my neighborhood (File# L03P0015 & L03TY404). I believe that this plan will lack drainage issues. It has been my observation over the last 7 years living in this area that the drainage ditch on the west side of 160th Ave SE filled to capacity during a rainy period. This of course e.._rior to any development in this area. I have seen water seeping up through and near asphalt driveway this in summer type weather condition (s) .· Another concern is a portion of my property has a l?wer elevation. This could prevent me from future developing and-/or using portion of my property. My neighbor, who was the water commissioner of water district# 90 several years ago, tells me that this piece property would probably never perk do to water content of the soil. Also I have experienced A high volume of traffic when corning home in the morning on 149th Ave SE, 154th Pl., ...gE_ 142nd, 156th Ave SE. This adds considerable amount time on my commute. This proposed development doesn't have roads to support it. I work grave yard shift and go to school this well disturb my sleep as well as the natural rural atmosphere in this neighborhood. Which is one of the reasons why I choose to move out here 7 Years ago. This also cause a dramatic increase in property taxes. Which will force people out of there houses. 1 --------, • I find this troubling tha~eople who make these ~ rezone decisions don't live out in this area. One things .in life when I make a poor decisions I have to live with it. I strongly oppose this rezone. Sincerely, James Mahoney , 14011 160th Ave SE Renton, WA 98059, (425) 271-9048 Tax# 1423059028 Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL -Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com 2 Scharer Karen From: Sent: To: • miltfd41@comcast.net Sunday, November 16, 2003 11 :23 AM karen.scharer@metrokc.gov • Subject: Plat and Rezone, File #?s: L03P0015 & L03TY404 November 16, 2003 To: From: Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak 15652 SE 139th Place Renton, Washington 98059-7422 Karen Scharer, Permit Manager Department of Development·and Environmental Services Land Use Service Division 900 Oaksdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 References: Nichols Place Plat and Rezone, File #'s, L03P0015 & L03TY404 Dear Ms. Scharer, We currently reside in our home of 35 years located on property a~jacent to the western boundary and within the 100 foot offset of the property proposed for rezone. We are opposed to the rezone and formal plat as follows, Rezone 1. The adjacent properties are zoned R-4 and in most cases the building density is even less. For example our lot size is 17,000 square feet not including right-of-ways which equates to less than an R-3 zoning. The proposed R-6 zoning density is not compatible with existing development in the area. We are cOncerned it will result in a reduction of resale value for our property. Formal Plat 1. Approximately 1/3 of the proposed plat slopes to the southwest. The formal plat has a surface water retention basin at the southeast corner of the plat but does not address surface water run-off to the southwest direction. 2. The plat indicates deciduous trees in the southwest corner. In reality there is a cluster of three large fir trees on the western ,...property line .. One of the trees is on my lot within 6 feet of the property line, the second straddles the property line and the third is within 2 feet of the property line on the. Nichol's property .. The formal plat map does not address these trees or a plan to avoid damage to their root structure that could occur during grading and construction on lots 15 and 16. In closing, we would like to state that in addition to our concern about property value, our observation of surface water run-off across our property during medium and heavy rainfall with the adjacent property as a grassland and available information that the root structure of trees -extends 2 to 4 times their limb diameter, we believe the issues of 1 ·surface water run-off an~ossible damage to these trees ~l in a category that must be addressed in the development and permitting process for this property regardless of the zoning d~nsity. major If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, we can be contac'ted at the following telephone numbers: (Home) 425-226-3408, (Work) 206-544-8203 or via e-mail at "miltfd41@comcast.net". Sincerely, Claude R. Stachowiak Eloise M. Stachowiak 2 v•1 .._.._, •VU"I VU, y.._ • 04t. •vv •vv .L.,u, n, v,u._.1,u .._uo ._.,,..,...,.._U'-"• 'l!:J "V• • • Post-11• Fax Note 7671 Datez.h11..... ltatesl> I To~\~~~ From 61' ~ u:)ln..~ . February 7, 2.004 · ' Karen Scharer • Co. e:.~ Co./Dept. . · 0 0 •.. • Project/Program Manager II DDES/LUSD -Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Ste. 100 Renton, WA 98055-1219 \ Phone# . Phone# 24>~-UQ.-,_W Fax# 47!.li>-48~-:!,"Z.13 Fax# ~-~.-<.G..\.?I ' ' Fa....,,c.e.!. ~ K,~ ~c, . RE: Z/t l/e>tti-13. ~. ,t . L03POOOS -Liberty Grove Contiguous (east of Evendell on 160th ~·· hearing on Feb 10) . LD3POD06 -Liberty Grove (north of Evenclell on 160th • hearing on Feb 10) . L03P0015 ' Nichols Place (south of Evendell on 160th -hearing on Feb 24) Dear Ms. Scharer: to,\ I c:i' l!:.c..uee, ~ I t-1,; c:.c... R. .f" .. ~ • I am writing to ask that you submit the written comments we made for the publi.!; record for tbe EveodeH re-zone application into the public record for the above- listed. Liberty Grove applications. Our major concerns regarding increased. density are: Character of our neighborhood Increased traffic Water runoff problems As I write this (less than one year since our letter registering opposition to the Evendell rezone application) my wife and I have witnessed nothing that would cause us to lessen our concerns in these three areas. In particular, we see the damage from water runoff as potentially very serious. The liberty Grove and Evendell subdivisions represent a significant percentage or the total area directly uphill from our house in the. Cedar River watershed .... As these developments go in, we are extreme! concerned that to ether, the will have an adve unanttcipate · impact on drajflage above, around and through our property. There has been testimony in the public reco.rd. documenting problems already occurring with drainage and runoff in our neighborhood. What assurances do we have that these new developments will not make the problem worse? Sincerely, Bill and Dona Mokin 14404 162nd Ave. SE , Renton, WA 98059 (425) 430 2446 email; zlgsterdog@mac.com ·/ • Karen Scharer Project /Program Mgr II DDES/LUSD -Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Ste. 100 Renton, Wa. 98055-1219 Re: L03P0005 -Liberty Grove L03P0006 -Liberty Grove L03P0015 -Nichols Place • January 29, 2004 My husband and I (Richard and Anita Oliphant) are requesting that our comments regarding L01P0016 and L03RE038, Plat ofEvendell, be submitted under the above named applications. Any further comments to be made will be done so at the public hearings February 10th-Liberty Grove and February 24th -Nichols Place. Thank you, Anita and Richard Oliphant 16519 SE 145th Street Renton, Wa. 98059 ( 425-271-9825) MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 24, 2004, PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NO. L03P0015. James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Karen Scharer, Bruce Whittaker and Kristen Langley, representing the Department; Michael Romano and Duana Koluskova representing the Applicant; and Gwendolyn High, Kristy Hill, Claude Stachowiak, Gary Noris, Diane Kezele, Rhonda Braun, and Robert Darrow. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: FJS.dti~it Ne 1 ~Xilibit No. 2 "8Xliibit NG. Jr t!Xliibit NO. 4 -DDES file no. L03P0015 DDES preliminary report for L03POOl5, with the following attachments: 2.1 Lot plat design 2.2 Density calculations (R-4 with 8 TDRs), dated 5/29/03 2.3 Memo from Issaquah School District, dated 5/23/03 2.4 Certificate of water availability, dated 6/18/03 2.5 City of Renton letters, dated 6/15/01, 1/15/03 and 1/14/04 2.6 City of Renton sewer certificate, dated 5/18/0 I 2.7 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency, dated 5/22/02 Corrections/revisions to the 2/24/04 Preliminary Staff Report Application for land use permit (no. L03TY404)-Nichols Place zone reclassification, received 5/19/2003 .H hibit J lo. 3 Environmental checklist, received 5/19/2003 {!inhibit J le. 6 SEP A mitigated determination of non-significance, issued 12/23/2003 Exhibit Np 7 Affidavit of posting indicating a posting date of6/30/2003, received 7/02/2003 l'!Xhibit Ho. 8 z. Site plan (23 lot preliminary plat map), received 5/19/2003 Exhiblt Ho. 9 Assessors map (I) SE 14-23-05, revised 12/03/2000 -llnl:ieil No 10 Density Credit Transfer Agreement for 5 TDRs, dated 2/20/2004 •ElMilm:iihb#itoiOl~fl-.lJ,l,J-.. Density Credit Transfer Agreement for 3 TDRs, dated 2/20/2004 Exhibit l lo. 13 Traffic Impact Analysis by Garry Struthers Assoc., received 5/19/2003 i±xhibit NO. IS-Revised Traffic Impact Analysis, received 11/12/2003 Exhibit 1 la: 11 ,. Walkway study prepared by dmp, inc., dated 8/18/2003 Exhibit I lo. I§ Walking Route Analysis, annotated by DDES, prepared 2/23/2004 Exhibit Nb. 16 Email from Issaquah School District re: school walkways as related to plat conditions of LOOP0023, Exhibit tic J 7 -Exhibit l fa: 18 • 13xhlblt I fa J 9 I!Xhibit H 89 'Exhibit J Te 21 Rnhibitl lo. 'i!!! Exhibit l Jc 22 R.thibit l Jc 21 Exhibit l lo. !J Exhibit N: 26 .,,ELchih it No 27 Exhibit No. 28- l!Lthibit 1 fo. £9 Bxhibit l h 39. rfLl:ihilNa 31 Exhibit ltlo 32 Exhibit No. 33 Exhibit f L 34- Bnhib it l Jc. Jf Jt:nhib it r h 3 6 dated 3/10/2003 TIR by Haozous Engineering, PS, dated 5/18/2003 King County SWDM adjustment, no. L03V0036, dated 9/04/2003 Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment by Habitat Technologies, dated 10/11/2002 Tributary area map, annotations by DOES, prepared 2/2004 Haozous Engineering update/response to screening Jetter, dated I 0/27 /2003 Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for EvendeII (file no. L03RE038), dated 2/04/2004 Email from Shirley Day, dated 2/03/2004 Letter from Gwendolyn High for CARE, dated 1/26/2004 Email from James Mahoney, dated 7/09/2003 Email from Claude & Eloise Stachowiak, dated 11/16/2003 Letter from Bill & Dona Mokin, dated 2/07/2004 Letter from Anita & Richard Oliphant, dated 1/29/2004 Statement from Diane Kezele, dated 2/09/2004 Statement from Anita & Rich Oliphant, dated 2/24/2004 CARE response, dated 2/24/2004 CARE updated household list Not used Sign-in sheet for 2/24/2004 hearing Revisions to traffic study from Gary Norris of Garry Struthers Assoc., dated 2/24/2004 Statement from Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak, dated 2/23/2004 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER February 24, 2004 -PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:30 AM Hearing Room at DDES 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 CORRECTIONS TO THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF NICHOLS PLACE FILE NO: L03P0015 PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO: #2004-0013 A. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: This is a request for preliminary plat approval of Nichols Place to allow 23 lots through use of density credit transfer (TOR). The 23 lots would mostly be 4,320 square feet in area and have a width of 45 feet. As part of the plat, a recreation area serving the plat is proposed. +he draiAage deteAtioA area plaAAed will serve Niehols Plaee aAd be sized to aeeommodate draiAage for the Plat of eveAdell immediately to the Aorth. Access to the Nichols Place lots is proposed via l 60'h Ave. SE. See Attachment I. H. SUBDIVISION DESIGN FEATURES: 3. Roadway Section: As proposed by the applicant, 1601h Ave. SE frontage would be improved with urban improvements, including curd!:!, gutter and sidewalks. 0. RECOMMENDATIONS: L03POOl5 -Grant preliminary approval of the May 19, 2003 preliminary plat of Nichols Place with the transfer of eight density credits, subject to the following conditions of final approval: 11. b. FRONTAGE: The frontage of the site along 1601h Ave SE (west side only) shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard. Exhibit No. ___,3......._ ___ _ Item No. LC'.) ~eoo t.S Received 2 · 2,4-~ S King County Hearing Examiner EXHIBITS Plat of Nichols Place/ FILE NO. -L03P0015 Exhibit No. I DDES file L03POOI5 Exhibit No. 2 DDES preliminary report for L03POOl5, prepared 02/05/2004 with attachments as follow: Exhibit No. 3 Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 Exhibit No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. I 0 Exhibit No. 11 2.1. 23 Lot Plat Design 2.2. Density Calculations R-4 w/ 8 TDR's 2.3. Issaquah School District 2.4. Certificate of water availability 2.5. City of Renton letters 2.6. City of Renton Sewer Certificate 2. 7. Certificate of Transportation Concurrency Corrections/Revision to Preliminary Staff Reports dated 2/24/2004 Application for land use permit/plat L03POOl 5 received 5/19/2003 Environmental checklist received 5/19/2003 Mitigated determination ofnon-significance dated 12/23/2003 Affidavit of posting indicating posting date of 6/30/03 & & rec'd 7 /2/03 Site plan (23 lot preliminary plat map) received 5/19/2003 Assessors map (I) SE 14-23-05 revised 12/3/2000 Density Credit Transfer Agreement for 5 TDR's, Dated 2/20/04 Density Credit Transfer Agreement for 3 TDR's, Dated 2/20/04 Exhibit No. 12 Traffic Impact Analysis by Gary Struthers Associates, date rec'd 5/19/2003 Exhibit No. 13 Revised Traffic Impact Analysis, date rec'd 11/12/2003 Exhibit No. 14 Walkway Study prepared by dmp, inc., dated 8/18/03 Exhibit No. 15 Walkway Study Map Annotated by DDES, prepared 2/23/04 Exhibit No. 16 3/10/03 e-mail from Issaquah School District regarding school walkways to Liberty High, Maywood Middle, and Briarwood Elementary School for plat conditions of LOOP0023 Exhibit No. 17 TIR dated 5/18/2003 by Haozous Engineering, PS Exhibit No. 18 King County SWDM Adjustment L03V0036 Exhibit No. 19 Wetland & Drainage Corridor Reconnaissance Assessment by Habitat Technologies 10/11/2001 Exhibit No. 20 Tributary Area Map annotations by DDES staff prepared 2/2004 Exhibit No. 21 Haozous Eng. Update/Response to Screening letter, dated I 0/27/03 Exhibit No. 22 Hearing Examiner Report & Decision for Evendell/L03RE038, issued 2/4/2004 Exhibit No. 23 E-mail letter from Shirley Day -14412 167'" Place SE 02/03/2004 Exhibit No. 24 Gwendolyn High, Pres. of CARE, PO BOX 2936, Renton, WA 98056, letter dated I /26/04 Exhibit No. 25 E-mail letter from James Mahoney-14011 160'" Ave. SE 7/9/2003 Exhibit No. 26 E-mail letter from Claude & Eloise Stachowiak -15652 SE 1391 " Place 11/16/2003 Exhibit No. 27 Bill and Dona Mokin -14404 162"' Ave. SE, letter 2/7/2004 Exhibit No. 28 Anita and Richard Oilphant-16519 SE 145'" St., Letter 1/29/2004 ., Scharer, Karen Subject: Location: Start: End: Show Time As: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Required Attendees: Resources: L03P0015 -Nichols Place RR, DOES C1 Mon 12/08/2003 10:00 AM Mon 12/08/2003 11 :00 AM Tentative (none) Not yet responded Whittaker, Bruce; Langley, Kristen RR, DOES C1 Additional information was received 11/12 & will be routed to you today. 1 • MAIN FfLIE COPV • ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 August12,2003 Howard Stansbury U.S. Land Development Association CO/Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 • RE: Request for Additional Information/ Studies for Applications. L03TY404 & L03P0015 Dear Mr. Stansbury: The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Code Title 20, that the Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. When submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATIN: Karen Scharer, PPM II, Current Planning Section 900 Oaksdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are advised that the additional information satisfies this request, or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the submittal of the necessary information is November 12, 2003. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which may justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. Please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding this letter or the submittal deadline, please call me at (206) 296-7114. Sincerely, Karen J. Scharer, PPM II Current Planning Section cc Kim Claussen, PPM Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT • • • Screening Transmittal Rez~ne _& Pr~~=~pplicationof N. i. chols Place Apphcat1on Fil · . 12 L 03P0015 Date of Information Request: August 12, 2003 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Deadline for Submittal of Information: November 12, 2003 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 1. Property Description, Engineering & Surveying: a. Proof of legal lot has been verified as the subject being established by Statutory Warranty Deed dated April 23"', 1963 and recorded under recording number 7412130033. Based on the legal descriptions between the subject lot and the property adjoining, there is the possibility of a gap or overlap due to the descriptions coming from two different directions. The boundary line adjustment submitted on the "Evendell" property with other property (file no. L03L0013) possibly could be revised to include the subject lot and correct any hiatus. b. Note that the boundary survey discloses a barn encroachment over the north line of the subject property. This adjoining lot is the proposed plat of "Evendell" which has already received preliminary approval. The survey also disclosed several fences meandering along the property lines. These fences will need to be removed prior to final plat approval. Please contact Mike Meins at (206) 296-7201 should you have questions regarding the comments above. 2. Drainage: a. Location ID. 50 and 51 are shown in the Level 1 Analysis to be two 12-inch culverts, downstream 1 from much larger culverts. These culverts appear to have capacity limitations. Please investigate the feasibility of replacing the culverts. A letter of intent from the property owner is required to allow replacement of the culverts. Note that this item has also been requested from the applicant of Liberty Grove L03P0006. b. Please review Location ID. 40; we field measured this culvert to be 18-inch vs. 12-inch as shown . in the Level 1 Analysis. c. The drainage adjustment for the site (L03V0036) is currently being reviewed. -v/ d. Please provide ten (10) copies of documents noted above. Page 1 .. • • 3. Traffic Study: Please provide a revised traffic study, which evaluates the following items: a. Although the information in Tables 1 and 4 are not specifically indicated as being an AM or PM peak hour analysis .. it is presumed to be a PM peak hour. Please provide an AM peak hour analysis of the intersections analyzed in the TIA submitted with the plat application. b. In the section identified as Accidents, please add a reference to the inclusion of SE 1281 " StreeV 1601 " Avenue SE on the updated High Accident Location list (July 2003), and that at least one (1) trip end (in the PM peak) and an estimated two or three trip-ends in the morning peak {based upon 'reversing' the PM peak hour volumes) will be benefited by the proposed correction of the HAL. The County's consultant has identified the mitigation as the construction of center turn lanes at this location. Please provide an estimated pro-rata share of the correction of the HAL -based upon the percentage of the project trips relative to the overall number of left turn trip ends (eastbound and westbound, combined) in these proposed turn lanes. c. An alternatives analysis that addresses the Hearings' Examiners decision for the plat of Evendell, specifically, the denial of the rezone request (and, reduction of the permitted number of lots to 46), together with elimination of the requirement of off-site construction of the SE 1361 " Street (1561 " Avenue SE to 1581 " Avenue SE) connection. d. The distribution south along 1601" Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 1361 " Street" scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142"• Place SE/SE 1561 " is nearly substantially further along that travel path as compared to that using an extended SE 1361 " Street. e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. f. Perform a travel time analysis to comrare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the 1601 " Avenue to SE 1441 " Street to SE 1561 Street trip versus a theoretical SE 1361 " Street to 1561 " Avenue SE, with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left turn to proceed southbound on 156'" Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 1361 " Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left turn across 1561 " Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along the portion of 1561 " Avenue SE, between SE 1281 " and SE 142nd Place. Please provide ten (10) copies of submittals. For more detailed information· regarding the traffic study, please contact Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT at (206) 263-6102 or (206) 296-7155 (or kristen.lanqley@metrokc.gov. 4. Road Improvements: Please submit a conceptual frontage road improvement plan, including the proposed drainage concept for detention and water quality. Page 2 • • 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the gate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. b. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (Liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. 6. Wetland/Stream/Wildlife: A site visit was made & staff verified there are no wetlands on this property. Further, wildlife that would be regulated under the King County Comprehensive Plan in the Urban Area was not observed on site. 7. Revised Preliminary Plat(s): Provide 15 copies of each revised preliminary plat, as necessary, as a result of above-referenced requests for additional information and 4 copies of any special study requested for each plat unless otherwise noted. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further. evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. 8. Rezone: Based on the information submitted, DDES staff finds insufficient justification to recommend reclassification of either rezone request, see Comprehensive Plan Policy U-122. You may choose to submit further information, which addresses this policy as it applies to this site. Please provide four copies. Page 3 / • Karen Scharer Project /Program Mgr II DDES/LUSD -Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Ste. 100 Renton, Wa. 98055-1219 Re: • January 29, 2004 L03P0005 -Liberty Grove ;L03P0006 -Liberty Grove V L03P0015 -Nichols Place My husband and I (Richard and Anita Oliphant) are requesting that our comments regarding L01P0016 and L03RE038, Plat ofEvendell, be submitted under the above named applications. Any further comments to be made will be done so at the public hearings February 10th -Liberty Grove and February 24th~ Nichols Place. Thank you, Anita and Richard Oliphant 16519 SE 145th Street Renton, Wa. 98059 ( 425-271-9825) -' Rogers, Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: FYI • Scharer, Karen Monday, November 17, 2003 7:46 AM Whittaker, Bruce; Rogers, Carol FW: Plat and Rezone, File #?s: L03P0015 & L03TY404 -----Original Message----- From: miltfd4l@comcast.net [mailto:miltfd4l@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:23 AM To: karen.scharer@metrokc.gov Subject: Plat and Rezone, File #?s: L03P0015 & L03TY404 November 16, 2003 ·To: From: Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak 15652 SE 139th Place Renton, Washington 98059-7422 Karen Scharer, Permit Manager Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Service Division 900 Oaksdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 References: Nichols Place Plat and Rezone, File #'s: L03P0015 & L03TY404 Dear Ms. Scharer, • We currently reside in our home of 35 years located on property adjacent to the western boundary and within the 100 foot offset of the property proposed for rezone. We are opposed to the rezone and formal plat as follows: Rezone. 1. The adjacent properties are zoned R-4 and in most cases the building density is even less. For example our lot size is 17,000 square feet not including right~of-ways which equates to less than an R-3 zoning. The proposed R-6 zoning density is not compatible with existing development in the area. We are concerned it will result in a reduction of resale value for our property. Formal Plat 1. Approximately 1/3 of the proposed plat slopes to the southwest. The formal plat has a surface water retention basin at the southeast corner of the plat but does not address surface water run-off to the southwest direction. 2. The plat indicates de~iduous trees in the southwest corner. In reality there is a cluster of three large fir trees on the western property line .. One of the trees is on my lot within 6 feet of the property line, the second straddles the property line and the third is within 2 feet of the property line on the Nichol's property .. The MAIN FILE COPY formal plat map does not addres~hese trees or a plan to avoid ~age to their root structure that could occur during grading and construction on lots 15 and 16. In closing, we would like to state that in addition to our concern about property value, our observation of surface water run-off across our property during medium and heavy rainfall with the adjacent property as a grassland and available information that the root structure of trees extends 2 to 4 times their limb diameter, we believe the issues of surface water run-off and possible damage to these trees fall in a major category that must be addressed in the development and permitting process for this property regardless of the zoning density. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, we can be contacted at the following telephone numbers, (Home) 425-226-3408, (Work) 206-544-8203 or via e-mail at •miltfd41@comcast.net". Sincerely, Claude R. Stachowiak Eloise M. Stachowiak 2 -I· • /}{/ .· /3418-45 11 ' Court Afllkifreo. !VA 98]i5 tax (425) 745.5114 (425) 745~5872 robert@haozous.com October 27. 2003 U.S. Land Development Associates Clo Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 -8th Drive SE Bothell. WA 98021 • FILE CO~Yce,v,m Nov 7 2 2001 LANt'0~f-~EU1Vry RVICES Re: Response to King County Screening Transmittal Nichols Place Plat Dear Mr Romano: This report provides information to address items 2.a. 2.b. and 4 as requested by King County in their Screening Transmittal dated August 12. 2003. ltem 2.a asked for an investigation of the feasibility of replacing culverts shown at locations 50 and 51 in the Level I Analysis for Nichols Plat. ltem 2.b asked for a review of the culvert at location 40 .. ltem 4 asks for a conceptual frontage road improvement plan that includes related drainage improvements. Item 2.a-Culvert Replacement Investigation We designed new culverts to replace the existing 12-inch concrete pipe at location 50 and the 18-inch corrugated metal pipe ( CMP) at location 51. The Evendell Plat Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering. P.S. was reviewed to confinn the basin assumptions and obtain peak flow rates for the 25-year and I 00-year events for these existing culverts. These flow rates are: Storm Return Period ! ! 25 year 100 year I Location Description : (cfs) (cfs) Culvert 50 12-inch 25.5 31.2 concrete ! Culvert 51 18-inch CMP 32.0 39.4 The level 3 downstream analysis assumed existing conditions for the basin when ca'tculating these peak flows. If a level 2 detention pond is used for the Nichols site it would match durations. but not the peak flows for the 25-year storm event. Additionally. a lev"el 2 pond would not match durations or peak flows for the I 00-year storm event. This usually means the 25-year and I 00-year peak flows from the developed site would be somewhat higher than I of 14 • • those calculated for the level 3 downstream analysis. For the Nichols site. however. the Preliminary T.l.R. indicated that the developed 25-year peak flow from the pond would match the existing rate of 0.18 cfs and the developed I 00-year peak flow would be 0.20 cfs versus 0.31 cfs for the existing. This situation is probably due to the increase of the pond volume to account for the bypass of runoff from I 60'h Avenue SE. When the bypass flow is relatively large compared to main basin the pond volume can increase disproportionately. The I 0% factor of safety would magnify that effect. An analysis using XP-Culvert2000 indicated that replacing the existing culverts with 30-inch lined. corrugated polyethylene pipe (LCPE). lowering the pipe inverts and regrading ditches would allow the design flows up to the I 00-year event to pass through satisfactorily. Figure A shows a plan view of these improvements and the backup calculations arc included in appendix A. These improvements were then discussed with the property owner. Jerry Smith to get his permission. however. Mr. Smith said he would not allow any work to be done on the existing culverts. Mr. Smith said his reason was that he thought the improvements would not improve the situation of substantial runoff from l 60'h Avenue SE flowing across his property and flooding his barn. He said he would be agreeable to drainage improvements on his property if the flow from I 60'h A venue SE were piped completely across the north or south boundary of the Jot. Item 2.b. -Culvert at Location 40 The existing culvert at location 40 was measured in the field as an I 8-inch CMP. This matches the size measured by the county. Item 4. Conceptual Frontage Road Improvement A conceptual design was prepared for the road and drainage improvements on the west side of 160'" Avenue SE along the frontage of the proposed Nichols plat. This design is presented as Exhibit 8. The concrete vault shown provides treatment for water quality only for flows entering the street collection system. The proposed onsite detention pond was sized to accommodate bypass of runoff from the right-of-way improvements so a separate detention facility was not required (see Nichols Place Preliminary TIR). We hope this information helps with the evaluation of the project and please contact me with any questions. Sincerely. µ:ff/~~ Robert H. Darrow. P. E. Principal Engineer 1 of 14 \ 2;; \ QJ.I I I • \ \ ., Lf Yf' DWI. LlH • I JERRY SMITH \ \ PROPERTY 0 t:I • / / / / l1fflJI / n 'fl/rl s15 I I I \ I 3Lf4'11Qt Sl!llllEHTM.WAIL 37.3 IF Yf' DWI. LlH 01.Mtl SCALE IN F'EET NICHOlS PLAT ElCHIIIIT ~ l(ING COUNTY, WASHINGTON i'-------------------oat •.• ,_1;,,;0~1s;:.;03;;;.i. __ cut.: __ VERT,;;INVESTl==REPLACEMENT,;;GA=Tl;.;O;.N;,;· ___ _._A_._ <.'-;: o- 3 ofl4 t • i • • I t ' I I t I I t l/) rr1 ........... ~ z ~ ~ l/) rr1 ........... ~ l/) (t) () ~ ..... N () () ~ ~ ~ ..... ...J e ~ ~ (,j (0 ~ e "~ CB 1Y1 ~ RIM 448.9 ~ "' IE #5.9 :"9 N 0 () ~ ~ ~ ~ (,j ~t 26 LF ~ _(!!~ :g 0 l~ WEST. ROW CB TY1 RIM 448.56 IE #6.56 C ::::, Cl. <11 -, IQ -, 0 C ::::, Cl. Cl. ROW 160TH ~\,£ S£ L------JO.a• -----i 8.5' j 5.5· ~ ts .a· ~ . . . . . . . . . . · · · J · · · L 42':f:-• I !aft 45() r • • . . • . • I r:::::: 1-.,u ·CC: PVll1: . .usl H 'I 11~n,-b-,...... ~ 144.5 i ......... 1 440 (.,,;....;..;.. I\.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 1440 IMl!R· OUALlfY -~tT· · · · · · · · .......................................... SECTION A-A e CB 1Y1 RIM 450.6 IE 447.6 CB 1Y1 RIM 450.15 IE 447.23 Vs~ ·-\· ~-> -, 0 ~~ 0 - N ~ 0 N 0 d () ~ .. U1 ..... ~ (JI ~ ..... ~ <D NOTES: -~ (.Tl ;-;:! (/) - 6 C ::::, a. ;o (II co 0 .., fTl ;:o () N ~r CD 2 ·· I~ (/) Ul .. ~ ...... ~m (Jl -!" O'> " "'-.rs~ ~ (JI -!" co N "" 1. EXl5nNG TOPOGRAPHY IS 8Y DRYCO SURVEYING & MAPPING, JOB NO . 2003016, FEBRUARY, 2003. 2. THIS 15 A SCHEMATIC DRAWING SHOWING ANTICIPATED ROAD AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 160TH AVENUE SE ACROSS THE FRONTAGE OF THE PROPOSED NICHOLS PLAT. Haozous Engineering, P.S. PRE L/ M /NARY 13428-451,Qut .....,, WA 88275 425.74M114 flX 425.746.5872 phone alaem•can Date: 10/17 /03 NICHOLS PLAT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ROW IMPROVEMENTS. 180TH AVENUE SE AGURE B • APPENDIX A CUL VERT 50 -25 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 50 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 1.000 Input Units: Output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: Length: 91. 800 Slope (%): 0.54 Roughness (n) : US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: 0. 0130 421.0500 420.5500 Projecting Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 25.5006 5.1825 2.2333 424.1546 423.0061 Inlet Control 5.1825 25.5006 2.4333 424.1546 423.0061 Inlet Control 25.4998 5.1823 424.1546 423.0061 Inlet control Weir Details: -============ Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: Output Units: Approach Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: ROAD #1 US Unit US Unit 0.100 0.100 3.300 4 ofl4 • --------- • Weir Disch Coeff: Road Width: Weir Low Point: Gravel (FHWA) 65.000 425.000 Maximum Flow: Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max ... Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 422.7568 423.6927 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 422.7568 423.6927 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 424.1546 423.0061 0.0000 Nomograph Details: Inlet<----------- Type Material Nomograph Data ----------> Shape Inlet Description 6 Corrugated Metal Circular Projecting Culvert Time Series Details: ============================ Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time (hrs) Flow/Brrl Velocity (ftA3/s) (ft/s) Culv 50 Depth (ft) Critical (ft) Normal (ft) • HW (ft) TW Control (ft) 2.083 25.500 5.18 3.105 1. 720 1. 7 59 424 .155 423. 006 Inlet Weir Details: --=========== Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum Flow over this Weir Culvert Rating Curve: --=================== Flow (ftA3/s) Depth (ft) HW (ft) 25.408 3.096 424.146 ROAD #1 0.0 5 ofl4 • CULVERT 50 -100 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 50 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 1.000 Input Units: Output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: Length: 91. 800 Slope (%): 0.54, Roughness (n): US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: 0. 0130 421.0500 420.5500 Projecting Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max •. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW .. at Max .. Velocity:. Cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 31.2002 6.3621 2.1000 424.6273 423.0093 Inlet Control 6.3621 31.2002 2.1000 424.6273 423.0093 Inlet Control 31. 2002 6.3621 424.6273 423.0093 Inlet Control Weir Details: -======== Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: Output Units: Approach.Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: Weir Disch Coeff: ROAD#l US Unit US Unit 0.100 0.100 3.300 Gravel (FHWA)· 6 of 14 • • Road Width: 65.000 Weir Low Point: 425.000 Maximum Flow: Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth Nomograph Details: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 423.2634 423.5374 0,0000 0.0000 0.0333 423.2634 423.5374 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 424.6273 423.0093 0.0000 Inlet<----------- Type Material Nomograph Data ----------> Shape Inlet Description 6 Corrugated Metal Circular Projecting Culvert Time Series Details: --===========-----========-- Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time (hrs) Flow/Brrl Velocity (ft'3/s) (ft/s) Culv 50 Depth (ft) Critical (ft) Normal (ft) • HW (ft) TW Control (ft) 2.083 31. 200 6.36 3.577 1.903 2.129 424.627 423.009 Inlet Weir Details: -============ Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum Flow over thi-s Weir Culvert Rating Curve: Flow (ft'3/s) 31. 053 Depth (ft) HW. (ft) 3.557 424.607 ROAD #1 0.0 7 of14 • CULVERT 51 -25 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 51 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 1.000 Input Units: Output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: Length: Slope (%): Roughness (n) : US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 37.300 1.34 o. 0130 419.3000 418.8000 Headwall 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max .. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 32.0005 8.0747 2.0833 422.6188 420.1863 Inlet Control 8.0747 32.0005 2.0833 422.6188 420.1863 Inlet Control 32.0005 8.0747 422.6188 420.1863 Inlet Control Weir Details·: ============ Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: Output Units: Approach Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: Weir Disch Coeff: ROAD #2 US Unit US Unit 0.100 0.100 3.300 Gravel (FHWA) 8 ofl4 • • Road Width: Weir Low Point: Maximum Flow: 13.000 423.520 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth Nomograph Details: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.3970 418.8236 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.3970 418.8236 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 422.6188 420.1863 0.0000 Inlet<----------- Type Material Nomograph Data ----------> Shape Inlet Description -------------------------------------------------------- 4 Corrugated Metal Circular Headwall Culvert Time Series Details: ===========================- Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time (hrs) Flow/Brrl Velocity (ftA3/s) (ft/s) Culv 51 Depth (ft) Critical (ft) Normal (ft) • HW (ft) TW Control (ft) 2.050 32 .'ooo 8.07 3.319 1.925 1.503 422.619 420.186 Inlet Weir Details: ========== Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum Flow over this Weir Culvert Rating Curve: ===================== Flow (ftA3/s) Depth (ft) HW (ft) 31. 881 3.308 422.608 ROAD #2 0.0 9 of 14 • CULVERT 51 -100 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 51 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 1.000 Input Units: Output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: Length: Slope (%): Roughness (n) : US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 37.300 1.34 0.0130 419.3000 418.8000 Headwall 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 39.4006 9.5350 2 .1667 423:4500 420.3343 Inlet Control 9.5350 39.4006 2 .1167 423.4500 420.3343 Inlet Control 39.4006 9.5350 423.4500 420.3343 Inlet Control Weir Details: --========== Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: Output Units: Approach Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: Weir Disch Coeff: Road Width: ROAD #2 US Unit us unfr 0.100 0.100 3.300 Gravel (FHWA) 13.000 JOofl4 • • Weir Low Point: 423.520 Maximum Flow: Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth Nomograph Details: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.4168 418.8349 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.4168 418.8349 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 423.4500 420.3343 0.0000 Inlet<----------- Type Material Nomograph Data ----------> Shape Inlet Description -------------------------------------------------------- 4 Corrugated Metal Circular Headwall Culvert Time Series Details: =-========================== Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time Flow/Brrl Velocity (hrs) (ft'3/s) (ft/s) Culv 51 Depth (ft) Critical (ft) Normal (ft) • HW (ft) TW Control (ft) ---------------------------------- 2.067 39.400 9.53 Weir Details: ============= Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum Flow over this Weir Culvert Rating Curve: =-=================== Depth (ft) HW (ft) 39.395 4.149 423.449 4.150 2 .114 ROAD #2 0.0 II of 14 1.739 423.450 420.334 Inlet V\brksheet Clleh ~stream ( FkMI Element T,-pe::zoidC Q\a Method Maining's Forme. Solve Fer O\amel Depth Mannings Co, 0.035 Slope :)5400 Mt Ctrpth 1.62 ft Left Side SI~ 200 H: I Right Side Sit 2.CJJ H : ' Bottom Wdfl 3. 00 ft Clsdiwve" 31.:ZO· ds • DITCH UPSTREAM OF CULV 50 Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel ----,3.00 n----< • v:1C::,. H:1 NTS Pn>Ject Eliglrit,Etr.. Rilbort. H. DiffllW d:'1:)rofw1idulls'nlchds a.itwtrt.ftn2 Haozom ~ P.S.. AowMaster....S.1 (81,4oJ 10l27103 t9:56:.04AM O"Haeclad Mll!thOdG, Inc. 37 Broaks:de Road W!derbury;Cr'f;s708 USA. (203)-75,S.1666 Page-1'at' 1 12 of 14 Prqect Oesaiptia'I ~ Cltd't Upstrean c Flow Element Trapezoidal Ola Method Manning's Fonm Solve Fa-O'lannel Depth Section Data Mamlngs Co 0.035 Slope 54300 Mt Dl!Jl:I, 1.02 ft Left Side SICS: 2.00 H : ' Rir;1ht Side Sh 2.00 H : \ BottlOm WcHh 3.00 ft Osdls'ge 39.40 cfs DITCH UPSTREAM UPSTREAM OF CULV 51 Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel 1-------:3 .00 ft------< v:1b,. H:.1 NTS Prujed Englneer:·Robert H .. t)arrow· d:"fnql'\lchots'nidtds.wtvert.fm2 Haamus Enc,neering. P.S. At:M'Master v6. t 161.tiaJ 1007Al3 D9:5257.AM OH&madMelhOds,lnc. 37BmokGideRoad Watmbury,·CT--06708.USA. {203)755-16ee ~1d1 13of14 I 22617-S<h Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Karen Scharer King County ODES Land Use Services 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW. Renton, WA 98055 • f.4 CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES November 12, 2003 RECFIV~"} NOV 1 2 2003 KING COUNTY LAND USE SERVICES RE: Plat of Nichols Place (KCDDES File #L03P0015) • (425) 486-2563 OFF 1425} 486-3273 FAX F~lE COPY In response to your Request for Additional Information dated 8/12/03 please find enclosed the following materials: ;;.. 10 sets of a report titled "Response to King County Screening Comments Transmittal" dated October 27, 2003 prepared by Haozous Engineering , 10 sets of a report titled "Traffic Impact Analysis for Nichols Place -Revised November 6, 2003" prepared by Garry Struthers Associates Below please find our response to the specific comments contained within your 8/12/03 screening letter. County comments are indicated in italics with responses in bold. 1. Property Description, Engineering & Surveying: a. Proof of legal lot has been verified as the subject being established by Statutory Warranty Deed dated April 2:rci. 1963 and recorded under recording number 7412130033. Based on the legal descriptions between the subject lot and the property adjoining, there is the possibility of a gap or overlap due to the descriptions coming from two different directions. The boundary line adjustment submitted on the "Evende/1" property with other property (file no. L03L0013) possibly could be revised to include the subject lot and correct any hiatus. RESPONSE: Review by our surveyor indicated that there is a .07' (718") gap between the legal descriptions of the Evendell property and the subject property. In order to rectify this issue a revised Boundary Line Adjustment related to the Evendell property (DOES File #L03L0013) has been submitted to Mike Meins for review. The revision results in elimination of the .07' gap. ""Let us wke 1he load." MAIN !FIil.iE co~v Karen Scharer November 12, 2003 Page 2 of 6 • • b. Note that the boundary survey discloses a barn encroachment over the north line of the subject property. This adjoining lot is the proposed plat of "Evendell" which has already received preliminary approval. The survey also disclosed several fences meandering along the property lines. These fences will need to be removed prior to final plat approval. RESPONSE: Comment noted. Please contact Mike Meins at (206) 296-7201 should you have questions regarding the comments above. RESPONSE: We have been in contact with Mr. Meins resulting in submittal of the revised Evendell BLA map and legal description mentioned above. 2. Drainage: a. Location ID. 50 and 51 are shown in the Level 1 Analysis to be two 12-inch culverts, downstream from much larger culverts. These culverts appear to have capacity limitations. Please investigate the feasibility of replacing the culverts. A letter of intent from the property owner is required to allow replacement of the culverts. Note that this item has also been requested from the applicant of Liberty Grove L03P0006. RESPONSE: Enclosed please find 10 copies of a report prepared by Haozous Engineers. Per the report the existing culverts are undersized for the current flow conditions. In order to freely convey the existing flows 30" culverts are required. Although replacement of the existing culverts can physically be accomplished the property owner (Mr. Jerry Smith) has indicated in conversations with Robert Darrow of Haozous Engineering that he is unwilling to allow culvert replacement. It should be noted that flooding on the Smith property meets the 1998 KCSWDM definition of "Type 1 Conveyance System Nuisance Problem" as opposed to "Severe Flooding" since there are no habitable structures impacted by the flooding (pages 1-20 & 1-211998 KCSWDM). Per Table 1.2.3.A. Level 2 flow controls are indicated for mitigation of this condition. Since Level 2 flow controls are required for all proposed projects in this area of King County and are proposed for the subject application no additional mitigation is indicated. In addition, review of the hydraulic calculations contained in the preliminary TIR indicate that 25-year developed peak rates match the existing rate of 0.18 CFS and that developed 100 year peak rates will be .2 CFS as opposed to the existing rate of .31 CFS, a reduction of about 35%. "Ler us rake rhe load. .. ,------------------- . ' Karen Scharer November 12, 2003 Page 3 of 6 • • Based on the above information the proposed Level 2 flow controls adequately mitigate project related downstream stormwater impacts. No additional mitigation is required. b. Please review Location ID. 40; we field measured this culvert to be 18-inch vs. 12-inch as shown in the Level 1 Analysis. RESPONSE: The culvert measures 18" in diameter. Please see the attached report containing the engineers' commentary. c. The drainage adjustment for the site (L03V0036) is currently being reviewed. RESPONSE: Please note that the referenced drainage adjustment was approved by King County on September 4, 2003. d. Please provide ten (10) copies of documents noted above. RESPONSE: Please find 10 copies of the referenced report attached. Traffic Study: Please provide a revised traffic study, which evaluates the following items: a. Although the information in Tables 1 and 4 are not specifically indicated as being an AM or PM peak hour analysis, it is presumed to be a PM peak hour. Please provide an AM peak hour analysis of the intersections analyzed in the TIA submitted with the plat application. b. In the section identified as Accidents, please add a reference to the inclusion of SE 12B1h Street! 16dh Avenue SE on the updated High Accident Location list (July 2003), and that at least one (1) trip end (in the PM peak) and an estimated two or three trip-ends in the morning peak (based upon 'reversing' the PM peak hour volumes) will be benefited by the proposed correction of the HAL. The County's consultant has identified the mitigation as the construction of center turn lanes at this location. Please provide an estimated pro-rata share of the correction of the HAL -based upon the percentage of the project trips relative to the overall number of left turn trip ends (eastbound and westbound, combined) in these proposed turn lanes. ..Lei us lake the load. .. Karen Scharer November 12, 2003 Page 4 of 6 • • c. An alternatives analysis that addresses the Hearings' Examiners decision for the plat of Evendell. specifically, the denial of the rezone request (and, reduction of the permitted number of lots to 46), together with elimination of the requirement of off-site construction of the SE 1361h Street (15ffh Avenue SE to 158h Avenue SE) connection. d. The distribution south along 16dh Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 13(jh Street" scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142"d Place SEISE 15(fh is nearly substantially further along that travel path as compared to that using an extended SE 13(fh Street. e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. f Perform a travel time analysis to compare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the 16dh Avenue to SE 144th Street to SE 15(fh Street trip versus a theoretical SE 1361h Street to 15(fh A venue SE, with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left tum to proceed southbound on 15(fh Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 13(jh Avenue SE may seNe as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left tum across 15(jh Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along the portion of 15(jh Avenue SE, between SE 128h and SE 142"d Place. Please provide ten (10) copies of submittals. For more detailed information regarding the traffic study, please contact Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT at (206) 263-6102 or (206) 296-7155 (or kristen.langley@metrokc.gov. RESPONSE: Attached please find 10 copies of report titled "Traffic Impact Analysis for Nichols Place -Revised November 6, 2003" prepared by Garry Struthers Associates. This report redoes the original TIA in order to address comments 3a, 3b and 3c above and provides additional information in response to items 3d, 3e and 3f. In reference to comment 3b please note that the study concludes Nichols Place contributes 1 left turn or 2% of the left turns at the HAL at SE 1281h Street and 1601h Ave. SE intersection. ··Let us 1ake the load. .. Karen Scharer November 12, 2003 Page 5 of 6 4. Road Improvements: • • Please submit a conceptual frontage road improvement plan, including the proposed drainage concept for detention and water quality. RESPONSE: Please see the Haozous Engineers study attached. · 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the gate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. RESPONSE: Please see the Garry Struthers report attached. According to a recent study conducted by DMP, Inc. in conjunction with the Liberty Grove plats there is no gate at the referenced location. Therefore there is no relevant walking route. Pedestrian activity along the frontage of the property will be accommodated by provision of half street improvements meeting urban neighborhood collector standards. b. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (Liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. RESPONSE: Please see the Garry Struthers report attached. According to a recent study conducted by DMP, Inc. in conjunction with the Liberty Grove plats there are no safe walking routes to the schools serving Nichols Place. Per the Issaquah School District all students will be bussed. 6. Wetland/Stream/Wildlife: A site visit was made & staff verified there are no wetlands on this property. Further, wildlife that would be regulated under the King County Comprehensive Plan in the Urban Area was not observed on site. RESPONSE: Comment noted. "ler us rake rhe load.·· ·. ' ., Karen Scharer November 12, 2003 Page 6 of 6 • 7. Revised Preliminary Plat(s): • Provide 15 copies of each revised preliminary plat, as necessary, as a result of above-referenced requests for additional information and 4 copies of any special study requested for each plat unless otherwise noted. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or loss of lots. RESPONSE: Comment noted. Since responding to the County's comments did not require revisions to the plat no additional plat maps have been provided. 8. Rezone: Based on the information submitted, ODES staff finds insufficient justification to recommend reclassification of either rezone request, see Comprehensive Plan Policy U-122. You may choose to submit further information. which addresses this policy as it applies to this site. Please provide four copies. RESPONSE: Comment noted. We have no further information to submit at this time. Please note that there is only one rezone request associated with this project. Please call me at (425) 486-2563 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Enclosures Sincerely, CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1flLl}7~ Michael J. Romano Project Consultant ··Let us take lht' load.·· • .·, ., .. ·- J•-;, ,~ ,\~ .•·•' • 1• ,• ., l .. ' • ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Divlsloo 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 August 12, 200·3 Howard Stal)sbury U.S. Land Development Association CO/Centurion Development Services 22617 81h Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 • RE: Request for Additional Information/ Studies for Applications, L03TY404 & L03P0015 Dear Mr. Stansbury: . The purpose of this letter is to notify you pursuant to King County Code Title 20, that the Land Use Services Division is requesting additional information and/or studies to complete the review of your project. The information is described on the enclosed plat screening transmittal. When submitting the requested information, include a copy of the plat screening transmittal and retain a . copy for your records. Provide a cover letter, which lists how each item, was addressed. Any clarification or explanation of the submittal can also be included in the cover letter. Please submit the information to: King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division · ATIN: Karen Scharer, PPM II, Current Planning Section 900 Oaksdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Your application is on "hold" from the date of this notice, until the date you are ·advised that the additional information satisfies this request, or 14 days after the date the information has been provided. You will be notified if the Division determines that the information is insufficient. Please note that the supplemental information required after vesting of a complete application shall not affect the validity of such application. The deadline for the submittal of the necessary Information Is November 12, 2003. In the event you feel extenuating circumstances exist, which may justify an extension of this date, you may submit such request, in writing, for consideration by this Department. Failure to meet the deadline shall be cause for the Department to cancel or deny the application. Please submit all of the information in one package. If you have any questions, regarding this letter or the submittal deadline, please call me at (206) 296-7114. · 4e1y, )vL __ Kar=:2rer, PPM U Current Planning Section cc Kim Claussen, PPM Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT MAIN FILE COPY King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 • 1. Property Description, Engineering & Surveying: • a. Proof of legal lot has been verified as the subject being established by Statutory Warranty Deed dated April 23"', 1963 and recorded under recording number 7 412130033. Based on the legal descriptions between the subject lot and the property adjoining, there is the possibility of a gap or overlap due to the descriptions coming from two different directions. The boundary line adjustment submitted on the "Evendell" property with other property {file no. L03L0013) possibly could be revised to include the subject lot and correct any hiatus. b. Note that the boundary survey discloses a barn encroachment over the north line of the subject property. This adjoining lot is the proposed plat of "Evendell" which has already received preliminary approval. The survey also disclosed several fences meandering along the property lines. These fences will heed to be removed prior to final plat approval. Please contact Mike Mains at (206) 296-7201 sh.ould you have questions regarding the comments above. 2.. Drainage: a. Location ID. 50 and 51 are shown in the Level 1 Analysis to be two 12-inch culverts, downstream from much larger culverts. These culverts appear to have capacity limitations. Please investigate the feasibility of replacing the culverts. A letter of intent from the property owner is required to allow replacement of the culverts. Note that this item has also been requested from the applicant of Liberty Grove L03P0006. b. Please review Location ID. 40; we field measured this culvert to be 18-inch vs. 12-inch as shown in the Level 1 Analysis. c. The drainage adjustment for the site {L03V0036) is currently being reviewed. d. Please provide ten (10) copies of documents noted above. Page 1 . ; I • • 3. Traffic Study: Please provide a revised traffic study, which evaluates the following items: a. Although the information in Tables 1 and 4 are not specifically indicated as being an AM or PM peak hour analysis, it is presumed to be a PM peak hour. Please provide an AM peak hour analysis of the intersections analyzed in the TIA submitted with the plat application. b. In the section identified as Accidents, please add a reference to the .inclusion of SE 128th StreeV 1601 h Avenue SE on the updated High Accident Location list (July 2003), and that at least one (1) trip end (in the PM peak) and an estimated two or three trip-ends in the morning peak (based upon 'reversing' the PM peak hour volumes) will be benefited by the proposed correction of the HAL. The County's consultant has identified the mitigation as the construction of center turn lanes at this location. Please provide an estimated pro-rata share of the correction of the HAL -based upon the percentage of the project trips relative to the overall number of left turn trip ends (eastbound and westbound, combined) in these proposed turn lanes. c. An alternatives analysis that addresses the Hearings' Examiners decision for the plat of Evendell, . specifically, the denial of the rezone request (and, reduction of the permitted number of lots to 46), together with elimination of the requirement of off,site construction of the SE 1361h Street (156th Avenue SE to 1581h Avenue SE) connection. · d. The distribution south along 160th Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 136th Street" scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142"' Place SE/SE 156'" is nearly substantially further along that travel path as compared to that using an extended SE 136th Street. e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. f. Perform a travel time analysis to comrare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the 160th Avenue to SE 1441h Street to SE 1561 Street trip versus a theoretical SE 1361h Street to 156th Avenue SE, with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left turn to proceed southbound on 156th Avenue SE: The newly constructed west leg of SE 1361h Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left turn across 1561h Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along the portion of 156th Avenue SE, between SE 128th and SE 142"" Place. Please provide ten (10) copies of submittals. For more detailed information regarding the traffic study, . please contact Kris Langley, Senior Engineer, Traffic & Engineering, KCDOT at (206) 263-6102 or (206) 296-7155 (or kristen.langley@metrokc.gov. · 4. Road Improvements: Please submit a conceptual frontage road improvement plan, including the proposed drainage concept for detention and water quality. Page2 ,. ' I , • • 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for· access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the gate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. b. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (Liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. 6. Wetland/Stream/Wildlife: A site visit was made & staff verified there are no wetlands on this property. Further, wildlife that would be regulated under the King County Comprehensive Plan in the Urban Area was not observed on site. 7. Revised Preliminary Plat(s): Provide 15 copies of each revised preliminary plat, as necessary, as a result of above-referenced requests for additional information and 4 copies of any special study requested for each plat unless otherwise noted. As a result of the review of the information, additional information (studies, revisions, etc.) may be requested at a later date. Further evaluation of these issues may result in the reconfiguration and/or Joss of lots. 8. Rezone: Based on the information submitted, DDES staff finds insufficient justification to recommend reclassification of either rezone request, see Comprehensive Plan Policy U-122. You may choose to submit further information, which addresses this policy as ii applies to this site. Please provide four copies. Page 3 .r' • • ··.· ·'·····"•:«, .. , ... , .... ,.·· . I King County Dept. of Development and Envirorunental Services Land Use Services Division · 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 DATE: May 23, 2003 805. 2ND A VENUE SE • ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 TO: Issaquah School District. ATIN: ___ _ FM: Kim Claussen. PcoJect[prgram Manager m RE: Proposed Plat & Rezone of Nichols Place (File Nos. L03P0015 & L03TY404) The Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision In your District. Enclosed Is a copy of the plat maps received by the Land Use Services Division on May 15, 2003. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accurate information to the public, and for LUSD to serve the School District better, please provide us with the following Information: Which schools do you anticipate the students living In this subdivision would attend? k'E1ementary 5 R-\ ewcx::d WO':) . $:~r.High/Mlddle t'_O°t)Li)c:::c:ri. O\gM\-e. • *'~r. High G b ea.,~ lske:b . ~ill the students walk or be bussed to these schools? e d . ~ · ·tElementary _OS<; '~~ Jr. Hlgh/Mld~le fa':>$fil t . Sr. High ~$<:eQ If the students will be bussed, where do you anticipate the bus stops will be located? If that Information Is not available at this time, currently, where are the closest bus stops located to this site? Elementary __ --:.f.:e:H)::::.-l_b...,~:,:-IJ-Q=--'&:::..,,'C..:c._i/2=-'S=.z.-· _J-"~-=--h_s-r_-=---- Jr. High/Middle I ':S ~ i.b AI.W S 'L ~ 'E:, "c_ I ?::, I g ST Sr. High · 15~ fl@ S· t '3 S. 'c... \ 31 ~ S, ~er Comments: ,fle,z& at,J~1X.I' (,~,£(,Na/ /1'7rer#e ,17Jt: • /..t ~ l-6:J4 M ! / W /1(/c P Sclvv-v / t,,v fiR-n... /t;, 0 ,f-zJ .5,6- ~ ~ =m:1r117s:; ,AS w# 1t1: -.S1fc. W/1-/Kw,,fp_s-· ci)o 5!._1 ff S1 ' / -. Please complete this form and return It by June 18, 2003 to the address below. If you have question~ regarding this proposal, please call Karen Scharer, at (206) 296-7114. Thank you. ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN: Karen Scharer, Planner 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Post-II° Fax Note 7671 To Phone# . Fax# ( F [: i ! . z .. ·• •. ··J/1 • • *: c;~ /Y)~ 5~*. ~ :J7;{~6~ J)r-57Y1Cr CV,// hulc tvf f....ur//rp.. ~ sfu~ µ If //c. fo tl h s c;-/o /7 1i"~ I ~ <j' 'ft f L c( S £. ( ~t/ ~ : Jx ~ ~ b44. ~ I' -4 -.,,J-s; 4 :#-< • · µ,u5 ~ r ~ > £;.-,~ ( !A/.l µ1,// rz,c"~. sp::--... ·. F-< n d, '? f-_ 1,v ss, ") 1 sfa M· d ~ (ocJzM ,) fl /l . --. :-·--, . .' . " ·-· ... • • PRELIMINARY PLAT OF NICHOLS PLACE Permit Approval Conditions Document Fire System Review Tracking Number: L03P0015 The following conditions apply to the Fire Engineering approval of the above referenced preliminary plat: AA02 MUDD Any questions regarding the fire review of this plan should be directed to: Bill Mudd, Fire Engineer Telephone: (206) 296-6785. NOTE: Joint-use driveway tract 'C' shall has to have a minimum 20-foot wide driving surface; or the residences serv·ed by it may have to be sprinklered NFPA 13D. FHOI FIRE HYDRANT WATERMAIN PERMITS A separate permit is required for the installation of water mains and/or fire hydrants. Submit three (3) copies of drawings and specifications to DOES Building Services Division Permit Service Center for a permit application. Review and approval by Fire Engineering Section is required prior to installation. Plans shall include, but are not limited to; pipe sizes, pipe type, valves/fittings, thrust blocks and/or rodding and material listings. Fire hydrants shall be installed per K.C.C. Title 17 Watermains shall be installed and tested per AWWA standards and/or NFPA#24 (ST AND ARDS FOR PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS AND W ATERMAINS); as applicable. Ref. 1001.4 UFC NOTE: UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED, ANY WATERMAIN OR FIRE HYDRANT DETAILS ON BUILDING PLANS/DRAWINGS HAVE NOT BEEN REVIEWED OR APPROVED. FH74 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL Preliminary Fire Engineering approval has been granted based upon the following information provided. To obtain final Fire Engineering approval, the following item(s) must' be submitted, reviewed and approved: I. Certificate of Water Availability. (Provided by appropriate water purveyor). Valid one year from date of signature. Minimum acceptance flow shall be 1000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure. II. Three copies of plans indicating: A. Fire hydrant(s) location -measured by vehicular travel distance. (K.C.C. Title 17) Residential 1. 700 ft. maximum spacing. Fire Systems Review Approval Conditions Page I of2 • 2. Not more than 350 ft. from each Jot. B. Watermain placement (K.C.C. Title 17) I. Source (i.e.) supply connection. 2. Main sizes identified. C. Fire access roads Ref. UFC 902.2 • I. Minimum 20 ft. wide unobstructed-13'6" vertical clearance, unobstructed. All-weather surface, able to withstand 25 tons. 2. Fire access roads in excess of 150 feet (dead-ends), must have a tum-around area. Required tum-arounds must be a minimum SO-foot diameter. 3. Fire access roads must provide 20-foot minimum inside turning radius and 40 outside turning radius when said roads change direction. 4. Fire access roads shall not exceed 15% grade. 5. The required width of any fire apparatus access road shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles. Minimum required widths and clearances established under this section shall be maintained at all times. D. Marking when required, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or both. Ref. UFC 902.2 FH77 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Final plat approval requires an inspection and approval of the fire hydrant and water main installation by a King County Fire Inspector, prior to recording. Call (206)296-6615; after a permit to install has bee obntained from DDES; Fire Protection Engineering. Fire Systems Review Approval Conditions Page 2 of2 ,, ' • ClTY @IF RENTON ' Jesse Tanner, Mayor July 16, 2003 Department of Development and Environmental Services . Land Use Services Division Attn: Karen Scharer 900 Oakesdale Ave. s:w. Renton, WA 98055-.1219 Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: NICHOLS .PLACE PLAT & REZONE; FILE NO. L03P0015 & L03TY404 Dear Ms. Scharer: Thank you for the opportunity of reviewirig'and commenting on this project proposal. . Renti:m 's Phmning/Building/Public :Works Departme~t comments are as follows: . - 1. The proposed project is within Water District #90 and has existing sewer availability from the City of Renton. 2. This development is located within Renton's Potential Annexation Area. Therefore, we request that any improvements (roadway widening and pavement section, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, etc.) to existing 160th Ave. S.E., abutting the development site and the· new street within the development site, be constructed to City of Renton standards. Sincerely, " J!}P'/1 ?/II~ - Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator -- Planning/Building/Public Works Dept.. cc: . · Neil 'watts Jennifer 1:1Cnning Lys HO_~sby Siindra MeYer. MAIN FILE COPY \ ' . If tl'lle SysiADM ~,~!fs~t1i1t11~~~vw:~ --O~~~r~~:w~igfii~T6:i' ~-1ni•gg• Whelm NoB03C0059do& E N T O.' , . ~ . . . . . . . . . AHEAD OP THE CURVE '=" !his paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer · • • • DATE: TO: CC: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 8, 2003 Jim Gray/Fire Department Lys Hornsby/Utility Systems Sandra Meyer/Transportation Lesley Betlach/Parks Director Gregg Zimmerman; P/B/PW Administrator Jennifer Henning; Development Planning-:$-'\~~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Notice of Application File#: L03P0015 & L03TY404 Nichols Place Plat & Rezone Enclosed is a copy of the subject notice. Comments may be submitted in writing to King County Department of Development and Environmental Services two weeks prior to the public hearing. Please refer to the notice for details. Please provide comments to Gregg's office in a timely manner in order to meet the due date. Enclosure r '---• DATE: TO: CC: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 8, 2003 Jim Gray/Fire Department Lys Hornsby/Utility Systems Sandra Meyer/Transportation Lesley Betlach/Parks Director Gregg Zimmerman; P/B/PW Administrator Jennifer Henning; Development Planning ,S-'\. ~~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Notice of Application File#: L03P001S & L03TY404 Nichols Place Plat & Rezone • Enclosed is a copy of the subject notice, Comments may be submitted in writing to King County Department of Development and Environmental Services two weeks prior to the public hearing. Please refer to the notice for details. • Please provide comments to Gregg's office in a timely manner in order to meet the due date. Enclosure c.-o i,,,,, file"' ..f.- Tht 5 f'rof">~ dtvefotn,,.e~f 1s /oc..a]cJ_,,,.,,,.H..1111. /:.e,,,,,f,o.-.'s . Poter.fr,)( A1u1t'.\'.2, hv111. A-,..e-a, ,'Vl.trtfa,~1 ·we refwq'T -f-t...61-aYiy 1ihlpro-.1el'l4-e,.-.,ts v,;d-lw<>y w,cf=,~ ... J pa.vu,,c.tt ~t:c~/,o"!_; (.UY~)~ "'+fer1 S1Jt1,,v_.(/c.1 >fr'~e+ /:;/r..f-1':J /~fc.) fo CJ(1s+tK_J 11.,0~ Avt11(.U SE ;a.b"./1'!'!'1-k,..t A~'l~l,p111e,,.,+ 5, 4, ,-~ ..n..t-n tw sfY'ee-+ w ,.({'.,.., -Ht. c Jeve(~p""'~i".+ sH·e bt (..()i,._s+t-~c.+eJ ~ l,ty of f<.UtftJ"'-, f=.i.11.Jcl~ir. 6rJr ?'t1~ ?/10/"3 • DATE: TO: CC: FROM: VAv.e'r~~CY\ • 1,~/0} /J1;dDLv/ tB-0f G._;;;;.I•,+-'--) - \ll11)1i \.l WO ,tt ' D \!J~ WM c6 (>,(l€tc • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 8, 2003 Jim Gray/Fire Department Lys Hornsby/Utility Systems Sandra Meyerffransportation Lesley Betlach/Parks Director Gregg Zimmerman; P/B/PW Administrator Jennifer Henning; Development Planning ,SX... '<IJ\\ RECEIVED JUL 8 ~ 2003 CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTEMS SUBJECT: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Notice of Application File#: L03P0015 & L03TY 404 Nichols Place Plat & Rezone • Enclosed is a copy of the subject notice. Comments may be submitted in writing to King County Department of J?ev_eJQP.ment and Environmental S~ces-two-weeks.prior-to.the.public-hearingc-i ~.:!fil'~the notice for details, -· · · -------- Please provide comments to Gregg's office in a timely manner in order to meet the due date. Enclosure ~ )<M;{ll aAJ~b;L(7 81N 7{ 10/03 • -~® ',.-· oeVelopment and Environmental Services ..'and Use Services Division Oakesdale A venue Southwest enton, Washington 98055~1219 · Applicant: Howard Stansbury • • Notice of Application U.S, Land Development Associates C/0 Centurion Development Services 22617 81h Dr. SE File #'s: L03P0015 & L03TY404 Nichols Place Plat & Rezone Permit Manager DDES : Karen Scharer Telephone No.· (206)296-7114 Bothell, WA 98021 425-486-2563 karen.scharer@metrokc.gov Date Applications Filed: May 19, 2003 Date Applications Determined Complete: June -19, 2003 ,'· '' ····· ' . '. Project Location:. The site .is located west of 1601h Ave. SE, south of SE 1381h Street (if extt:lnded) at 13815 1601h Ave. SE Project Description: Proposed is a rezone of 4 acres from R-4 to R-6 and subdivision the site .into.'23 .lots for detached single family residences w/ tract for recreation and drainage. As a·n alternative,. the ~pplicant proposes to use Density Credit Transfers to plat 23 lots should the rezone ,be denied .. Permits .requf;)sted inth_i_s application: Rezone -L03TY404, FormaLPla; ~-L03P0015 - Relevant environmental documents are available at the address below: Environmental checklist, drainage study & traffic impact analysis. _ Development regulations _to be used fcir project mitigation, known at this time: KCC 19A, 20, 21A, including sensitive area regulations, road standards and 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. Consistency.with applicable County plans and regulations: This proposal will be reviewed fo( compliance with all applicable King County Codes, including those noted above.· · Other Permits not included in this application, known at this time: None at this time A public hearing before the King County Hearing Examiner is required for this application. Notification of the public hearing date will occur approximately 30 days prior to the scheduled hearing. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) will issue a report and recommendation to the Hearing Examiner two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing. Following the close of the public hearing, the · · Hearing Examiner will issue a written recommendation which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. The Council will make the final decision on the rezone. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of recommendation . . Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact ODES at the address and/or Alephone number listed below. Written comments may also be submitted to DDES. You may review the 'lllilft'pplication and any environmental documents or studies in-our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call (206) 296-6600 (voice) or (206) 296-7217 (TIY). \NG 1'1-ANN Department of Development and Environmental Services o1c\JlcL~1t,f~1c~ON Land Use Services Division Cl '\?, 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest _ \_ -i 10'u _ Renton, Washington 98055-1219 l\l co \ 206-_296-6600 occ~\\J~ aailing Date: July 3, 2003 f'~ •================================================ Please send me notification of the public hearing and other official notices concerning this application. _ ' File No's: L03P0015 & L03TY404 Nichols Place ( please print ) Name:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Address:· ·------------------------------- Telephone No.: ------------ ALTERNATIVE FORMATS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST • • • I . --;me--' i ~~l@ CITY OF RENTON_ 'oo11. ki~ .· Pla1,1ning/Building/Public Works ·~ ~ . . 15 South Grady Way -Renton Washington 98055 4'; ' t! •= ... Qi! 0? 18 Attn: Karen Scharer Dept. of Develop." & Environ. Svcs. Land Use Svcs. Div. 900 Oakesdale Ave. S.W. Renton, WA 98055-1219 7-. '-.~- 0 ' N 0 - 0 -0 rn :z <fl ;::-... N co . . . FGALSMP 980SS n., .. r .. 1.11 •••• ,., •• , ., .... , , •• , • , ••• , 1 •• , .111 ... 11 '"',,, 11 (i) This -~oontains 50% recycled paper, 30% pc,st-consumer ; ,(~"/", --,t<C!.~· -~ n. 0 ~- T~•• "· I I Rogers, Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: L03P0015 • Scharer, Karen Wednesday, July 09, 2003 8:57 AM 'Mahoney James' RE: Nichols Place plat rezone comments • Your comments will be added to the file for consideration by staff & the hearing examiner. Your name was added to our Interested Party list & you will receive copies of future notices & decisions. -----Original Message----- From: Mahoney James [mailto:mahoney_james@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:43 AM To: Karen. scharer@metrokc .. gov Subject: .Nichols Place plat rezone comments 9 July 2003 Dear Karen, I appreciate you take time out of your busy day, yesterday to explain to me the status of the zoning requirement (s) and terminology. Regarding Evendell and proposed rezone of Nichol Place on 160th Ave SE Renton. The status proposed Eyendell help me since I never heard the out come of the rezone meeting several months ago. Thank you once again. May you have a wonderful day. Sincerely, James Mahoney Below I have included some of my concerns and comments of the rezone To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing this letter regarding the proposed Nichols Place plat Rezone and housing development in my neighborhood (File# L03P0015 & L03TY404). I believe that this plan will lack drainage issues. It has been my observation over the last 7 years living in this area that the drainage ditch on the west side of 160th Ave SE filled to capacity during a rainy period. This of course prior to any development in this area. I have seen water seeping up through and near asphalt driveway this in summer type weather condition (s). Another concern is a portion of my property has a lower elevation. This could prevent me from future developing and /or using portion of my property. My neighbor, who was the water commissioner of water district# 90 several years ago, tells me that this piece property would probably never perk do to water content of the soil. Also I have experienced A high volume of traffic when 1 MAIN FILE COPY /J w ·:~~=~: home in the morning on ~th Ave SE, 154th Pl., SE, 142nd, 156th Ave SE. This adds considerable amount time on my commute. This proposed development doesn't have roads to support it. I work grave yard shift and go to school this well disturb my sleep as well as the natural rural atmosphere in this neighborhood. Which is one of the reasons why I choose to move out here 7 Years ago. This also cause a dramatic increase in property taxes. Which will force people out of there houses.· I find this troubling that people who make these rezone decisions don't live out in this area. One things in life when I make a poor decisions I.have to live with it. I strongly oppose this rezone. Sincerely, James Mahoney 14011 160th Ave SE. Renton, WA 98059, (425) 271-9048 Tax# 1423059028 Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL -Now only $29.95 per month! http:/ /sbc. yahoo. com· 2 • ® • King County Department of Development and Environmental Senices Land Use Services Di.vision 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055~1219 June 19, 2003 Howard Stansbury U.S. Land Development Association C/0 Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Notice of Complete Application for Application of Time Periods • Application No. L03TY404 & L03P0015 / Date Filed: May 19, 2003 Dear Mr. Stansbury: The purpose ofthis letter is to notify you that on Jone 19, 2003, the Land Use Services Division determined that the above-referenced application is complete under current requirements for a complete application.· This initial determination is intended only for the purpose of applying the time periods for permit processing specified in Ordinance 12196. Our goal is to process your application within 120 days. However, the complexity and level of analysis required to review your project and available staff resources will affect the actual review time. One or more of the following can also impact the timeline: • any request made by the Division for additional information • changes or revisions requested by the applicant • mutually-agreed-upon requests to stop the time clock • preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement • resolution ofland use decisions appeals Once review of the legal description and legal lot status for the site is complete, we will notify you whether further documentation is needed. If you have any questions about your application, please contact me at (206) 296-7114 or e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov. · Sincerely, ~.PPMil/ ____ _ Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division cc: Application File Kim Claussen, PPM III, LUSD/DDES Mike Romano, Centurion Development Services ® • Klng County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 June 17, 2003 Howard Stansbury U.S. Land Development Association CO/Centurion Development Services 22617 gm Dr. SE · Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Notice of Incomplete Application for Application of Time Periods Application No. L03TY404 & L03P00_15 / Date Filed: May 19, 2003 Dear Mr. Stansbury: • The purpose of this letter is to notify you that on June 17, 2003, the Land Use Services Division determined that the above-referenced application is incomplete under current requirements for a complete application. This initial determination is intended only for the purpose of applying the time periods for permit processing specified in Ordinance 12196. At this time your deadline for submittal of documentation is 90 days from the date of this.letter to respond with information. If you fail to submit the required information on or before this date, your application will be canceled. No time extensions will be granted. Should the application be canceled, you will be required to submit a new application to process a variance. The following information is needed for this application to be determined complete: • Certificate of Water Availability for the proposed plat (as shown the Certificate is instead for a building permit. When your application is deemed complete after submittal of this information, our goal is to process your application within 120 days. However, the complexity and level of analysis required to review your project and available staff resources will affect the actual review time. One or more of the following can also impact the timeline: • any request made by the Division for additional information • changes or revisions requested by the applicant • mutually-agreed-upon requests to stop the time clock • preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement • resolution ofland use decisions appeals If you have any questions about your application, please contact me at (206) 296-7114 or e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov. ::;?_·~ . Karen J. Sch;~M II Current Plannt:ction Land Use Services Division cc: Application File Kim Claussen, PPM III, LUSD/DDES Mike Romano, Centurion Development Services MAIN fiLE COPY I~ ""·---• King County Dept. of Development and Environmentlll Services Land Use Serrices Div151oo 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton. WA 98055-1219 DATE: May 23, 2003 TO: Renton School District, ATTN:, ___ _ FM: Kim Claussen, Proiect!Prgram Manager m RE: Proposed Plat & Rezone of Nichols Place (File Nos. L03P0015 & L03TY404) The Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision in your District. Enclosed is a copy of the plat maps received by the Land Use Services Division on May 15, 2003. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accurate information to the public, and for LUSD to serve the School District better, please provide us with the following Information: Which schools do you anticipate Iha students living in this subdivision would attend? Elementary-------------------------- Jr. High/Middle, ____________________ _ Sr. High ________________________ _ Will the students walk or be bussed to these schools? Elementary _________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle, ____________________ _ Sr. Hlgh'-------------------,------ lf the students will be bussed, .where do you anticipate the bus stops will be located? If that information is not available at this time, currently, where are the closest bus stops located to this site? Elementary,.--------------------------- Jr. High/Middle, ____________________ _ Sr. High'------------------------- Other Comments:·-------------------------- Please complete this form and return it by June 18, 2003 to the address below. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Karen Scharer, at (206) 296-7114. Thank you. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATTN: Karen Scharer, Planner 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 MAIN IFll!.IE COl?V Form96/SPRS/ReqSchol,Inf' clc 1/6/2000 • King County Dept. of Development and Envirorunental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 DATE: May 23. 2003 TO: Issaquah School District, ATTN:. ___ _ FM: Kim Claussen. Peolect!Prgram Manager m RE: Proposed Plat & Rezone of Nichols Place (File Nos. L03P0015 & L03TY404) .The Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision in your District. Enclosed is a copy of the plat maps received by the Land Use Services Division on May 15, 2003. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accurate information to the public, and for LUSD to serve the School District better, please provide us with the following information: Which schools do you anticipate the students living in this subdivision would attend? Elementary _________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle. ______________________ _ Sr. High-----------,-------------- Will the students walk or be bussed to these schools? Elementary ________________________ _ Jr. High/Middle. ____________________ _ Sr. High'------------------------- lf the students will be bussed, where do you anticipate the bus stops will be located? If that information is not available at this lime, currently, where are the closest bus stops located to this site? Elementary·-------------------------- Jr. High/Middle, ____________________ _ Sr. High'------------------------ Other Comments:. _________________________ _ Please complete this form and return it by June 18, 2003 to the address below. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Karen Scharer, at (206) 296-7114. Thank you. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division ATIN: Karen Scharer, Planner 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Form96/SPRS/ReqSchol.Inf clc 1/6/2000 ,., 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael Utt DENSITY CREDIT TRANSFER AGREEMENT nus AGREEMENT is entered into this 20 day of February, 2004, between 4A Development Corporation, a Washinb'lon corporation (hereafter referred to as "Transferor") and U.S. Land Development Associates (hereafter referred to as "Transferee"). Transferor and Transferee are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, Transferor is the legal owner of certain "transfer of development credits" removed from the parcel(s) for which the tax parcel identification number(s) and legal description(s) are set forth in Exhibit "A" to the "Transfer of Development Credit Sending Site Certificate", Certificate Number 0002, DDES File Number A98V0110, issued by King County (hereafter the "Certificate"); and WHEREAS, the Transferee is developing certain real property located in King County, State of Washington legally described as Nichols Place tax no. 142305-9058 DDES file no L03P0015 (the "Receiving Site"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Certificate, the Transferring Site bas been qualified to use, sell or otherwise transfer residential density credits pursuant to Chapter 21A.55 of the King County Code to qualifying properties such as the Receiving Site; and WHEREAS, the Parties have reached agreement whereby Transferee shall purchase from Transferor cenain residential density credits ("RDC") for use by Transferee in conjunction with the development of the Receiving Site which purchase shall be made pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration including the covenants and promises herein contained, the Parties agree as follows; l. Purchase and S3le of RDC"s. Transferor sells to Transferee and Transferee purchases from Transfer~~ ~otal of live (5) RDC's as defined in Chapter 21A.06 of the King County Code. ;eu.Jrr4:1._ M , trJJ-2e'frice and Non-Refundable Deposit. The purchase price to be paid by Transferee ~ · ...I s.hall be ;;;-Dollars (US $7,000.00) per density credit purchased hereunder for a total of thrity 1"1,,tll'"'fiVC\Dollars (US S3S,OOO.OO). Payment of the purchase price shall be made in cash or other certified funds at the date of closing set forth hereafter in paragraph 3. If paid within ninety (90) days balance due is thi.rty one thousand five hundred dollars (US S31,500). If paid after ninety (90) days balance due is thirty six thousand five hundred dollars (US $36,500) Simultaneous with the execution of this Agreement, Transferee shall deposit the sum of three thousand five hum:b:ed Dollars (US$3,500.00) representing non-refundable deposit for the purchase ofRDC's hereunder. Check should be made out to 4A Development Corporation. Uron closing, the deposited money shall be applied toward the purchase price. ~02 Page I of S Exhibit No. _\_t> ___ _ Item No. Lt)i",f~t)J5 Received __::2=-·_,2,..4,=;,:_-_.0._L/.___ King County Hearing Examiner 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael Utt 3. Clo,ing. The closing of the sale and purchase transaction hcrcumlcr shall occur within ninety (90) days from the signing of this agreement. If the buyer dose not closes within ninety (90) days the above purchase price will increase to Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) per unit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if closing docs not occur within nine (9) months from the date hereof, this Agreement shall tenninate unless extended in writing by the mutual agreement of the Parties. Upon termination, Transferee shall have no further right to or claims upon the RDC's., which arc the subject of this Agreement. 4. Representation~ of Tran~fcror. Tnm.sfcror represents and warrants to Transferee that it is the legal owner of the Transferring Site and that the Transferring Site has been certified for the sale or transfer of RDC's as set forth in the Certificate. Transferor makes no other .representations and warranties of any type to Transferee relative to the.RDC's or the Transferring Site. 5. Representntiong of Transferee. Transferee represents and warrantg to Transferor that Transferee is duly organized and existing pursuant 10 the lows of the State of Washington and is qualified to enter into the transaction contemplated herein. Transferee further represents and warrants that the Receiving Site qualifies or is eligible to qualify for receipt of the RDC's pursuant to the King County Zoning Code (K.C.C. 2 lA). 6. Responsibilities of the Parties. Transferor and Transferee shall cooperate with each other and act in good faith in obtaining approval for the transfer of the RDC's to the Receiving Site, provided that all costs related to the approval of and the transfer of the RDC's hereunder, including the preparation and recordation of Jocwm::nts required to consummate said transfer, shall he.borne solely by Transferee. Transferor shall execute such documents as may be required by any examiner or other official representing King County to finalize the transfer of the RDC's, provided Transferor shall not be required to execute any documents which would convey any interests in the Transferring Site other than the RDC's. 7. Miscellaneous. 7. l Successors and Assil!lls. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties, their respective agents, representatives, affiliates and successors and a.~signs. 7 .2 Waiver and Modi fieations. The provisions of this Agreement may not be waived or changed except by a writing signed by the Party against whom such waiver or change is asserted. No waiver of breach shall constitute a subsequent waiver of any subsequent breach, and if any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provision§ shall remain enforceable. 7.3 Notices. All notices or other communications provided for in this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally, by certified mail return receipt requested, or by facsimile to the address or facsimile number of the receiVlllg Party set forth in this Agreement (or such different address or facsimile number as either Party shall have specified in writing to the other). Notices personally delivered or sent by facsimile shall be effective upon their receipt; notices sent by mail shall be effective three (3) days after mailing. 7.4 Governing Law· Arbitration· Anomeys Fees. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and the King Pace l or s ~03 ., 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 M1cllael Utt County Code. In the event a dispute arises between the parties hereto, said dispute shall first be submitted to arbitration in King County, State of Washington, which arbitration shall be governed by the rules of the American Arbitration Association. An independent arbitrator shall be selected by the Panieg hereto or, if an arbitrator jg not agreed upon by 1hc Parties within twenty (20) days from the point the arbitration is filed, an arbitrator shall be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The decision of said arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties and enforceable by a court of Jaw. 7.5 Headings. The headings, subheadings, and other captions in this Agreement arc for convenience and reference only and shall not be used in interpreting, construing, or enforcing any of the provisions of this Agreement. 7.6 TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, understand it, agree to be bound by its tenns and conditions, and have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. 7.8 EXCISE TAX Seller agrees 10 pay excise lax at time that balance of the agreement is paid. DATED this 20 day ofFebruary, 2004. "Transferor" Page3 of S ~04 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael lltt Corporate Acknowledgements STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KJNG ) On this Q{)day of\:f hrt !a,~ , 2004, before me the undersigned, a Notary Pu ic, perso ally appeared .(!:f:X~W. ::Iru'.JtC,,fy) , to me known to be the ___c~~.4,'SJ...,-----of 4A Development Corporation, the corporation that executed the within oing instrument, and ocknowledged that it was signed as a free and voluntory act ond deed o said corporation. Witness my hand and official scal~)"&IW~car , _..-~ ,I. ~..O~I ,. ········ ,:' ~~•·:i.s\ON i/~. I $0-~ ~ ... I f'o t10TAA1-11': w ~ :o --ll:: , l \. . , ,. \ .«>uauc : , ·,~ .-, ,, ····-1·2~~./ $ •, ,,;.·-·--·· .r ,, ..... -,, --,,,,,,_ ...... - Page 4 or 5 \ ~05 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 ll1chael lltt EXHIBIT A PARCEL A: Tax No. 332305-9002-08 The south half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of secrion 33, township 23 north, range 5 east, w.m. in king county, Washington. PARCEL B: Tax No. 282305-9 IO I -05 The west 5 I 5 feet of the east 715 fee of that portion of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 28, township 23 north, range 5 east, w.m. in king county, Washington, lying southerly of petrovitsky road extension as conveyed to king county by deed recorded under recording number 2565920; PARCEL C: Tax No. 332305-9062-05 The west 515 feet of the east 715 feet of the north halfofthe northeast quarter oflhe Norlhcas, quarter of section 33, township 23 north, range 5 east, w.m. in king county, Wa9hing1on; EXCEPT the north 30 feet thereof heretofore conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under recording number 1064196 records of King County. Page S of 5 ~06 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael Utt DENSITY CREDIT TRANSFER AGREEMENT THJS AGREEMENT is entered into this 20 day of February, 2004, between Merrick Lcnt2, an individual (hereafter· referred to as "Transferor") and U.S. Land Development Associates (hereafter referred to as "Transferee"). Transferor and Transferee are collectively referred to herein as the ''Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, Transferor is the legal owner of certain "transfer of development credits" removed from the parcel(s) for which the tax parcel identification number(s) and legal description(s) are set forth in hhibit "A" to the "Transfer of Devel~pment Credit Sending Site Certificate", Certificate Number 0002, DOES File Number A98VOJ JO, issued by King County (hereafter the "Certificate"); and WHEREAS, the Transferee is developing certain real property located in King County, State of Washington legally described as Nichols Place till< no. 142305-9058 DDES file no. L03POOJ 5 (the "Receiving Site"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Certificate, the Transferring Site has been qualified lo use, sell or otherwise transfer residential density credits pursuant to Chapter 21 A.55 of the King County C_ode to qualifying properties such as the Receiving Site; and WHEREAS, the Parties have reached agreement whereby Transferee shall purchase from Transferor certain residential densi_ty credits ("RDC") for use hy Transferee in conjunction with the development of the Receiving Site which purchose sJ.all be made pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration including the covenants and promises herein contained, the Parties agree as follows: I. Purchase and Sale of RDC's. Transferor sells to Transferee and Transferee purchases from Transferor a of three (3) RDC's as defined in Chapter 2 IA.06 of the King · County Code. C f!!!J} ,C/Uft{ 2. #' ~i dable e osi . The purchose price to be paid by Transferee shall be Severi Dollars {US $7,000.00) per density credit purchased hereunder for a total of twenty one thousand Dollars (US $21,000.00). Payment of the purchase price shall be made in cash or other certified funds at the date of closing set forth hereafter in paragraph 3. If paid within ninety (90) days balance due is eighteen thousand nine hundred dollars (US $18,900). If paid after ninety (90) days balance due is tw~me Dousan~ine hundred dollars (US $21,900) · I' r , I · 'J.O o'-t' Z-/ z11 ht Simultaneous with the e~t n o this Agreem , Transferee shall deposit the sum of twenty one hundred Dollars (USS2=£!~8:i} reprcscnling non-refundable deposit for the purchase of RDC's hereunder. Check should be made out to Merrick Lentz. Upon closing, the deposited money shall be applied toward the purchase price. ~07 P•g• 1 of 5 Exhibit No._\_\ ___ _ Item No. L<:)~f~~,s Received 2 · 2.4 ~ ~1 King County Hearing Examiner 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael litt 3. Closing. The closing of the ,ale and purchase transaction hereunder shall occur within ninety (90) days from the signing of this agreement. If the buyer dose not closes within ninety (90) days the above purchase price will increase to Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) per unit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if closing does not occur within nine (9) months from the date hereof, this Agreement shall terminate unless extended in writing by the mutual agreement of the Parties. Upon termination, Transferee shall have no further right to or claims upon the RDC's,, which arc the subject of this Agreement. 4. Rcprcscntation9 of Transferor. Transferor represents and warrants to Transferee that it is the legal owner of the Transferring Site and that the Transferring Site has been certified for the sale or transfer of RDC's as set forth in the Certificate. Transferor makes no other representations and warranties of any type to Transferee relative to the RDC', or the Transferring Site. 5. Representations of Transfc-rcc. Transferee represents and warrants to Transferor that Transferee is duly organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State ofWashi.cgton and is qualified to enter into the transaction contemplated herein. Transferee further represents and warrants that' the Receiving Site qualifies or is eligible to qualify for receipt of the RDC's pursuant to the King County Zoning Code (K.C.C. 2 lA). 6. Responsibilities of the Parties. Transferor and Transferee shall cooperate with each other and act in good faith in obtaining approval for the transfer of the RDC's to the Receiving Site, provided that all costs related to the approval of and the transfer of the RDC's hereunder, including the preparation and record•tion of documents required to consummate said transfer, shall be borne solely by Transferee. Transferor shall execute such documents as may be required by any examiner or other official representing King County to finalize the tran,fcr of the RDC's, provided Transferor shall not be required to execute any documents which would convey any interests in the Transferring Site other than the RDC's. 7. Miscellaneous. 7.1 Successors and Assjgns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Pa.rtics, their respective agents, representatives, affiliates and successor~ and assigns. 7.2 Waiver and Modifications. The provisions of this Agreement may not be waived or changed except by a writing signed by the Party against whom such waiver or change is asserted. No waiver of breach shall constitute a subsequent waiver of any subsequent breach, and if any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain enforceable. 7.3 Norice,. All notices or other communications provided for in this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered .Personally, by certified mail return receipt requested, or by facsimile to the address or facsimile number of the receiving Party set forth in this Agreement (or such different address or facsimile number as either Party shall have specified in writing to the other). Notices personally delivered or sent by facsimile shall be effective upon their receipt; notices sent by mail shnll be effective three (3) days after mailing. 7.4 Governing Law· Arbitration; Attorneys Fees. This Agreement •hall be governed by and construed in •ccordance with lhe laws of the State of Washinb'lon and the King Page 2 or 5 ~08 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael Utt County Code. In the event a dispute arises between the parties hereto, said dispute shall first be submitted to arbitration in King County, State of Washington, which arbitration shall be governed by the rules of the American Arbitration Association. An independent arbitrator shall be selected by the Parties hereto or, if an arbitrator is not agreed upon by the Parties within twenty (20) days from the point the arbitration is filed, an arbitrator shall be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The decision of said arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties and enforceable by a court of law. 7.5 Headings. The headings, subheadings, and other captions in this Agreement ore for convenience and reference only and shall not be used in interpreting, construing, or enforcing any of the provisions of this Agreement. 7.6 TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS AGREEMENT IN WITNESS ·.WHEREOF, the undersigned acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, understand it, agree to be bound by its terms and conditions, and have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. 7.8 EXCISE TAX Seller agrees to pay excise tax at time that balance of the agreement is paid. DATED this 20 day of February, 2004. "Transferor" "Transferee" Page 3 of S ~09 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael lltt Corporale Acknowledi:ements STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KJNG ) On this~ day of ?~Cl{Ll, , 2004, before me the undersigned, a Notary lie, personally appeared :r:~~ J('lfj' siJy\ , to me known to be the ,...J:::!!'if.~L-,------;--of Merrick Lentz, the corporation t~at executed the-within ·and foregoing instn.l nt, and acknowledged tho! it wos signed •s • free and volunt,ry act and deed of said corporation. Page 4 or S {© 10 02/20/04 16:02 FAX 206 726 9417 Michael lltt EXHIBITA PARCEL A: Tax No. 332305-9002-08 The south half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 33, township 23 north, range 5 east, w.m. in king coWlty, Washington. PARCEL B· Tax No. 282305-9101-05 The west 515 feet of the cast 715 fee of that portion of the southeast quarter of the southeast _quarter of section 28, township 23 north, range 5 cast, w.m. in king county, Washington, lying southerly of pctrovitsl..-y road extension as conveyed to king county by deed recorded under recording number 2565920; PARCEL C: Tax No. 332305-9062-05 The west 515 feet of the cast 715 feet of the north half of the northeast quarter oftlic Northeast quarter of section 33, township 23 north, range 5 cast, w.m. in king county, Washington: EXCEPT the north 30 feet thereof heretofore conveyed to King County for road pul])o,e, by deed . recorded W1dcr rccordin~ number I 064196 records of King Cowity. Page S of S ~11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ I PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................. 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................. 3 Roadways ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 SE I 28th Street.. ............................................................................................................................................ 3 160th Ave SE ................................................................................................................................................ 3 148th A venue SE ........................................................................................................................................... 6 SR-900 ............................................................................................... : .......................................................... 6 164th Avenue SE ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities ..................................................................................................................... 6 Transit .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Traffic Volumes ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Level of Service ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Definition ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Accidents .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Planned and Programmed Improvements ......................................................................................................... 9 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT ............................................................................................. 10 . Background Traffic Volumes ......................................................................................................................... I 0 Pipeline Projects ......................................................................................................................................... I 0 Figure ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Level of Service ............................................................................................................................................. 13 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 13 Traffic Volumes ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Project Trip Generation .............................................................................................................................. 13 Trip Distribution/f raffic Assignment... .......................................................................................................... 14 Level of Service ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Sight Distance Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 15 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 21 TRAFF! C IMP ACT. MITIGATION .................................................................................................................. 22 Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place INTRODUCTION The following report was prepared in response to King County Land Use Services Division's request for additional information and studies to complete the review of Nichols Place: King County Application files L03TY404 and L03P0015. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) for Nichol's Place was submitted on May 14, 2003. A plat screening letter dated August 12, 2003 was sent to the applicant requesting the following additional traffic related information: 3. Traffic Study a. Although the information in Tables I and 4 are not specifically indicated as being an AM or PM peak hour analysis, it is presumed to be a PM peak hour. Please provide an AM peak hour analysis of the intersections analyzed in the TIA submitted with the plat application. b .. In the section identified as Accidents, please add a reference to the inclusion of SE 128 1h Street/1601h Avenue SE on the updated High Accident Location list (July 2003), and that at least one(!) trip end (in the PM peak) and an estimated two or three trip-ends in the morning peak (based upon 'reversing' the PM peak hour volumes) will be benefited by the proposed correction of the HAL:. The County's consultant has identified the mitigation as the construction of center turn lanes at this location. Please provide an estimated pro-rata share of the correction of the HAL-based upon the percentage of the project trips relative to the overall number of left tum trip ends ( eastbound and westbound, combined) in these proposed tum lanes. c. An alternatives analysis that addresses the Hearing Examiners decision for the plat of Evendell, specifically the denial of the rezone request and, reduction of the permitted number of lots to 46), together with elimination of the requirement of off-sit construction of the SE 1361h Street (156 1h Avenue SE to !5s'h Avenue SE) connection. d. The distribution south along 1601h Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 1361h Street" scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142nd Place SE/SE 1561h is substantially further along that travel path as compared to using an extended SE 1361h Street. e. Please identify the location (i.e. address, intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution. f Perform a travel time analysis to compare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the !60'h Avenue to SE 1441h Street to SE 156 1h Street trip versus a theoretical SE 1361h Street to 1561h Avenue SE with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left tum to proceed southbound on 1561h Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 136 1h Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left tum across 1561h Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis -------, Nichols Place , the portion of 156'h Avenue SE, between SE 128th and SE 142nd Place may .be used as well. (text added). 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the agate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage · and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. b. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. To address the comments noted above, the applicant requested a revised TIA be prepared to address the issues identified in the plat screening letter. In regards to the request for an analysis reflecting the Hearing Examiners recommendation for Evendell, the applicant, who is also the applicant for Evendell, requested the TIA reflect a 70-lot Evendell with SE 136'h Street since Evendell is under reconsideration. The previous TIA presented the Hearing Examiners recommendation for a reduced lot configuration for Evendell and elimination of the proposed SE 136th Street extension. Therefore, that analysis has already been provided. The current TIA will provide an analysis of Nichols Place with a 70 unit Evendell and extension of SE 136'h Street from 156'h Avenue SE to 160'h Avenue SE. King County Code Title 14 requires a traffic analysis of the project impact at all intersections that receive 20 percent and 30 peak hour project generated trips. In addition, the Code requires a safety evaluation at locations where the project could impact an existing safety hazard. Based on the transportation concurrency model distribution for this site, it appears that Nichols Place does not meet intersection level of service impact threshold at any location. However, the project will impact safety by virtue of the high accident locations (HALS) in the vicinity of the site. King County staff concurs with the conclusion that the 30 peak hour trip threshold will not be met at any intersection; however, they requested an evaluation of the following intersections: » SE 128'h Street/160'h Avenue SE » SR-900/148'h Avenue SE » SR-900/164'h Avenue SE An evaluation of project impacts at the SR-900/148 1h Avenue SE and the SR-900/164'h Avenue SE intersection is limited to a trip distribution analysis. This analysis is required because of the SEPA condition placed on the plat of Aster Park for the SR-900/1481h Avenue SE intersection and the designation of the SR-900/l 64 1h Avenue SE intersection as a High Accident Location (HAL). This report summarizes the process, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the traffic analysis. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place PROJECT DESCRIPTION Nichols Place is a preliminary plat consisting of 23 single family detached homes located on the west side of 160th Avenue SE south of SE 136'h Street extended in the Renton Highlands area of King County. The plat is expected to be fully occupied by 2006, which for the purposes of this analysis is assumed to be the horizon year. The proposed plat is comprised of 3.82 acres. Two alternative zoning concepts are being considered for the site. The first alternative is for a rezone to an R-6 density which allows 23 single family lots. The second alternative is for an R-4 zoning with transfer of density credits to allow R-6 density which also allows 23 lots. Therefore, both zoning alternatives yield a 23 lot preliminary plat. As a result, the zoning decision will not have an impact of the traffic related impacts of the project. Nichols Place will offer a single point of access to 160th Ave SE. A preliminary site plan reflecting this access is presented in Figure 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Existing Conditions analysis provides a statement of the traffic-related conditions within the study area at the time of the writing of this report. The statement includes a discussion of the existing roadway, transit, pedestrian and bicycle facilities serving the site; identification of existing peak hour traffic volumes and accident history at the analysis intersections; and identification of proposed transportation improvements in this area. Roadways The roadways directly impacted by the proposed development include SE 128th Street, 160'h Avenue SE, 148th Avenue SE, SR-900, and 164th Ave SE. These roadways are discussed in the following section. SE 12B'h Street SE 12s'h Street is a 4-lane principal arterial which runs east-west from 1-405 in downtown Renton to l 96'h Avenue SE. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway is approximately 60 feet wide with two Janes in each direction and left-tum Janes at the intersections with 156'h Avenue SE and 148th Avenue SE. There is also curb, gutter and sidewalk at the intersection with 156th Avenue SE and asphalt paved shoulders at the intersection with 148th Avenue SE. Traffic control includes stop signs on the minor side streets such as 148th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE and traffic signals at the major intersections of 156'h Avenue SE and 164th Avenue SE. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. J6dh Ave SE 160'h Avenue SE is a neighborhood collector that runs north and south from SE 128'h Street to SE 144'h Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway width is approximately 20 feet with little or no shoulder and ditches on both sides. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES. INC. 3150 F\lctu,rda Road, Sull9 100 B•ll•vua, WA 98005-4448 Phone: (425) 519-0300 Fu: (425)519'-03011 E-majj: gsa@gsauoc-inc.com t>ttp:/IWWw.g..auoc-lnc.oom VICINITY MAP FIGURE .4'.//J,-.. ,, .• ····"Y "•> 0:(i .,, " • NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ·i: I NOT TO SCALE J- I I I I I • :a,,; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 3150 Richard• Road, Suite 100 Belle"'-'"· WA 980054448 Phone: {425) 518-0300 I Fax: (425) 519-0309 E;.,naM: gaa@gunoc-inc.com hllp:/fwww.gHUOC-lnc,o:,m SITE MAP FIGURE 2 NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Traffic control includes stop signs at SE 128'h Street and SE 144 1h Street. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. 148'h Avenue SE 148'h Avenue SE is a collector arterial that runs north-south from SE May Valley Road to SE 1361h Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway width is approximately 24 feet with 4-foot shoulders on both sides. Traffic control includes a stop sign at SE 128'h Street and SR-900. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. SR-900 SR-900 is a two-to five-lane principal arterial that runs east-west from SR 167 in downtown Renton to I-90 in Issaquah. In the vicinity of 148 1h Avenue SE, the pavement width is approximately 32 feet wide with two 11-foot travel lanes and 5-foot shoulders on both sides. Traffic control includes signals at 138th Avenue SE and 164th Avenue SE and stop signs on the minor side streets. The posted speed limit is 35 mph west of 148th Avenue SE and 40 mph east of 148th Avenue SE. 1641h Avenue SE 1641h Avenue SE is a collector arterial that runs north-south from SE May Valley Road to SE 128th Street. At the SR-900 intersection, there is a left-tum lane for southbound traffic. The roadway is approximately 24 feet wide and has 4-foot gravel shoulders on both sides. Traffic control includes stop signs on the minor side streets and traffic signals at SE 128 1 h Avenue SE and SR-900. The posted speed limit is 35 mph south ofSR-900 and 30 mph north of SR-900. Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities Transit King County Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128'h Street, SE 1441h Street and 144 1 h Avenue SE. The nearest bus stop to the proposed plat is located on the southeast comer of 160 1 h Ave SE and Se ·!28th Street. During the week, service for Route 111 runs from 5:15 AM to 7:35 AM from 4:45 PM to 7:00 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. Service for Route 114 runs from 6:45 AM to 9:00 AM and from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. In addition, there is DART service along SE 128 1h Street, Lake Kathleen Drive, SE 1441h Street, and 156 1h Avenue SE Monday through Friday. Non-Motorized Facilities There are currently no non-motorized facilities in the vicinity of the plat. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Traffic Volumes Existing peak hour traffic volumes at the analysis intersections were determined from turning movement counts collected January 28, 2003 (PM Peak) and July 15, 2003 (AM Peak). The existing peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 3. Level of Service Definition Level of service (LOS) is used to qualify the degree of traffic congestion and driver comfort on streets or at intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) describes the methodologies for calculating LOS on street segments and at signalized and unsignalized intersections. According to the 1997 HCM (TRB Special Report #209), there are six levels of service by which the operational performance of the roadway system may be described. These levels of service range from LOS A, which indicates a relatively free-flowing condition, to LOS F which indicates operational breakdown. The level of service for a two-way stop controlled (TWSC) intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Average control delay. less than or equal to 10 seconds per vehicle is defined as LOS A. For LOS F the average control delay is greater than 50 seconds per vehicle. The LOS for signalized intersections is defined in terms of average control delay per vehicle. The criterion for LOS A is an average control delay of less than or equal to 10 seconds per vehicle. The criterion for LOS F is an average control delay of greater than 80 seconds. King County has adopted a level of service E as the county road capacity standard. According to King County Code Title 14.80 any development that impacts an intersection with 20 percent of the peak hour project generated trips and 30 project generated peak hour trips must provide a level of service E with full development of the project. If the level of service is below LOS E for the without project condition, the. developer is responsible to maintain the existing level of service. As stated previously: no intersection meets the impact criteria. However, a LOS analysis was requested by the County at the SE128th Street/160'h Ave SE intersection. Level of service for the analysis intersection was calculated using the Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The result of the existing condition level of service analysis at the intersection is shown in Table 1. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SE 116 ST '" "' '" ~ " ~ ! SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES. INC. 31~ Rlch11tds Road, Sult• ,oo Oall..,ue WA 91100-MI F'h<>n•: (42S) 519-0JOO Fa.: (425) 5\ll-0309 II-~: goa~C-COffl hrt;,:Jt-.ipauoc·onc.com o--.::,2,-!, -o"' JIL 0 (0) _) 651 (599) - •a cw-1 '" "' '-1 (7) -655 (506) I 44 (7) 111 ---..,ow c.-t!. 0 ~ N -N S 136TH ST f--_L------1----=-- 2003 EXISTING VOLUMES FIGURE 3 '" "' ~ ,: !;: ~ PROJECT SITE (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE ~···-··----· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Table 1 . 2003 Level of Service 2003 Existing Intersection Traffic Control AM PM LOS Standard Unsignalized SE !28th Street/1601h Ave SE Two-Way Stop SB 1 D(27.4) E NB! C(2 l.8) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. As shown in Table I, the analysis intersection currently operates at an acceptable level of service during both the AM and PM peak hours. Accidents The latest three-year accident history data at the analysis intersections were obtained from King County. The latest three-year accident history included the period from January I, 2000 to December 31, 2002. A summary of the three-year accident history is presented in Table 2. Table 2 Three-Year Accident Historv Number of Accidents Intersection 2000 2001 2002 Accident Average PDO l INJ PDO I INJ PDO I INJ Rate' Rate' SE 128" Street/160 .. Avenue SE I I I I I 3 2 I 3 0.70 0.90 .. I -Accident rate per nulhon entenng vehicles 2 -Average accident rate for type of intersection per WSDOT PDO -Property Damage Only INJ -Injury As shown in Table 2, the accident rate for the SE 128 1h Street/160'h Avenue SE intersection is below the state average for similar intersections. However, according to King County staff, the SE 128 1h Street/1601h Avenue SE intersection has been identified as a high accident location (HAL) in King County's most recent HAL report, July 2003. The report recommended installation of center left turn lanes as a remedial action for the HAL. Planned and Programmed Improvements A review of King County's Planned and Programmed Transportation hnprovements indicate the following transportation improvement projects planned in the study area. King County's 1999 Transportation Needs Report (TNR) • SE May Valley Road (Coal Creek Parkway to SR-900), NC-42. This project includes widening travel lanes and paving shoulders. In addition, this project would also include the construction of equestrian facilities. Both King County and the City of Newcastle would fund this low priority project. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place • Coal Creek Parkway at SE May Valley Road, NC-101. This project includes widening the north and south legs of this intersection to provide additional channelization. King County would fund this high priority project. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT _The future conditions without project analysis provide a discussion of the traffic-related conditions in the horizon year without the proposed project. This section includes a discussion of background traffic volumes and level of service at the analysis intersections. Nichols Place is expected to be fully occupied by 2006, market permitting. Therefore, 2006 for the purposes of this analysis is considered to be the horizon year. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes for the 2006 without project condition include the 2003 existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes, plus known pipeline projects in the vicinity of the site, plus area-wide traffic growth. A growth factor of 1.0 percent per year was used based on the area- wide historical growth provided by the County. Pipeline Projects Pipeline projects are defined as proposed development, which is expected to be fully developed and impact the transportation system within the horizon year of Nichols Place. According to King County and the City of Renton, there are several proposed projects in the general vicinity of Nichols Place. Trip generation for the proposed projects is presented in Table 3. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 10 ,------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Table 3 Pipeline Projects AM Peak PM Peak Location Land Use Total In Out Total In Out Kino Counn, SR-900/148th Ave SE (Aster Park\ 37 sfdu's 28 7 21 37 24 13 SE !24th St/149th Ave SE !Edenwood) 14 sfdu's 11 3 8 14 9 5 13715 SE I 16th St 3 sfdu's 2 0 2 3 2 I 12013 148th Ave SE /East Renton) 60 sfdu's 45 II 34 61 39 22 SE !28th St & 146th Ave SE 140 sfdu' s. 105 26 79 141 90 51 126X.X 148" Ave SE 27 sfdu's 20 5 15 27 17 10 13025 144th Ave SE 11 sfdu's 8 2 6 11 7 4 15217/15221 SE 128" St 28 sfdu's 21 5 16 28 18 10 13401 156th Ave SE 65 sfdu's 49 12 37 66 42 24 SE 128"' St/148" Ave SE (transfer from 300 sfdu's 225 56 169 303 194 109 Renton) 13615 154'" Ave SE 69 sfdu's 52 13 39 70 45 25 158" Ave SE and SE 136"' St. /Evendell) 75 lots 56 14 42 75 48 27 160'" Ave SE and 136'' Ave SE (Libertv) 36 lots 27 7 20 36 23 13 162"" Ave SE and Liberty Lane 50 lots 38 9 29 51 32 19 (Dickinson, Shadow, and Liberty Gardens) Citv of Renton 980 Hoquiam Avenue NE /Wedoewood) 16 sfdu's 12 3 9 19 10 6 5107 NE 5th Pl /Pie le Plat) 8 sfdu's 6 I 5 8 5 3 5200 NE 4'" St /Honevbrooke Final Plat) 25 sfdu's 19 5 14 25 16 9 5300 NE 4 rn St /Honevbrooke Phase 2) 10 sfdu's 8 2 6 10 6 4 5200 NE 4'" St /Honevbrooke Phase 4) 8 sfdu's 6 I 5 8 5 3 466 Nile Ave /Morean Court III) 3 sfdu's 2 0 2 3 2 I 5410 NE 2"' St /Sienna) 62 sfdu's 47 12 35 63 40 23 SE !28th St/Nile Ave NE (Maplewood !16sfdu's 87 22 65 117 75 42 Estates) 6001 NE 4" St (Amberwood) 18 sfdu's 14 3 II 18 12 6 West of Duvall Ave, North of NE 4th St 22,568 sf 23 14 9 33 6 27 (Renton Highlands Plaza) 3800 NE 4" St /Widmere Office) 7,289 sf II 10 18 11 2 9 550 Union Ave NE /Vinevards) 42 sfdu's 32 8 24 42 27 15 I 050 Hoauiam Ave NE /Brookfield) 47 sfdu's 35 9 26 47 30 17 As shown in Table 3, there are sixteen pipeline projects identified by King County and thirteen identified by the City of Renton in the vicinity of the project site. PM peak hour trip distribution/traffic assignments for the pipeline proj eels were determined from King County Concurrency Distributions provided for previous projects in the area. AM peak hour trip distribution percentages were obtained by reversing the PM peak. Figure 4 presents a summary of the distributed background growth and pipeline trips for 2006 without the Nichols Place project. A summary of the background traffic volumes is summarized in the Technical Appendix. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SE 116 ST w V> SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 31SO RlchlOt<I• Ro.d, Sulta 100 -:::: (:'2~)~ Fa><: (425) ~1&.03D9 e ...... 11· go.a@v ... •.oc,-loc.com l>lf!>:1,-.g .. uoc--lne.cam o---o .. ::;;:;-'-1 (7) j I L -699 {539) I 48 (18) 0 {O) _) 703 {631) - 53 {10)1 11, w V> i---------'------+--'S'-"1 36TH ST 2006 WITHOUT PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 4 w V> PROJECT SITE· (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place LEVEL OF SERVICE The 2006 background without project AM and PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchro ™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing level of service is shown for comparison purposes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. Table 4 2006 Without Project Level of Service Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project LOS Standard Unsignalized AM PM AM PM SE 128th St/l60th Ave SE SB' D(27.4) E NB' C/21.9) C(I7.6) D/34.7) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. As shown in Table 4, the analysis intersections will continue tci operate at an acceptable level of service in 2006 without project. In fact with the opening of SE 136 1h Street, a part of the Evendell project, the AM peak hour LOS at the SE 128 1 h Street/1601 h Avenue SE intersection improves. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT The future condition with project analysis provides a statement of what traffic related conditions will be like in the horizon year with the project. The analysis simply adds anticipated project impacts to the horizon year background conditions. The analysis defines anticipated project trip generation and evaluates. impact through a level of service analysis at each of the analysis intersections. Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes for 2006 with project condition include 2006 without project volumes discussed above plus expected traffic to be generated by Nichols Place. Project Trip Generation Trip generation for Nichols Place was calculated using the trip generation rates for Single-Family Dwelling Units, Land Use Code 210 presented in the Sixth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report, 1997. A summary of the anticipated trip generation for Nichols Place is.presented in Table 5. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Table 5 Trip Generation AM Peak PM Peak Land Use AWDT Total In Out Total In Out Nichols Place 15 8 23 sfdu's 220 17 5 12 23 Existing Residential Units I 0 I sfdu 10 I I I Net lmnact 210 16 5 11 22 14 8 As shown in Table 5, Nichols Place is estimated to generate 220 daily, 16 AM and 23 PM peak hour trips in the 2006 horizon year. The net impact of the project, calculated by deducting the existing site trips, generated from the existing single family dwelling units from the total project trip generation, is 210 daily,· 16 AM and 22 PM peak hour trips in 2006. Trip Distributionffraffic Assignment Trip distribution percentages for Nichols Place were based on the traffic assignment provided by King County Transportation Planning as part of the Transportation Concurrency Analysis and AM/PM peak period turning movement counts in the vicinity of the project Trip distribution percentages for the pipeline projects were derived from the percentages determined for the Nichols Place analysis. The results of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process for project-generated trips are presented in Figure 5. A summary of the 2006 with project peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 6. Level of Service The 2006 with project peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchro™ 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing condition and 2006 without project peak hour level of service are provided for comparison. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6. Table 6 2006 With Project Level of Service Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project 2006 With Project LOS Standard AM PM AM PM AM PM Unsignalized SE 128 1h Street/160'h Avenue SE E SB' D(27.4) NB 1 C(2 I.8) C(I 7.6) D(34.7) C!l 7.7) D/37.1) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. As shown in Table 6, the analysis intersections will operate at an acceptable level of service in Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place 2006 with the project for both the AM and PM peak hour volume scenarios. Sight Distance Analysis A field study of stopping and entering sight distance was conducted on May 7, 2003. The proposed access to the plat is approximately 115 feet south of the north property line where extended it would intersect 1601h Ave SE. The posted speed limit on 1601h Avenue SE is 25 mph. The King County Road Standards (KCRS) does not stipulate the design speed used to calculate sight distance. However, King County has administratively chosen to use the posted speed plus 10 mph for the design speed. Therefore, the design speed for the sight distance analysis is 35 mph. Entering sight distance (EDS) was measured from a point 10 feet from the edge of roadway at the proposed site access road at a height of 3.5 feet to an object height of 4.25 feet on 160th Avenue SE. The measured entering sight distance looking to the north is 490+ feet. Looking to the south, a stand of trees lining the ditch currently obstructs the sight the entering sight distance. Project plans indicate these trees will be removed prior to project completion. The entering sight distance to the south will then be 490+ feet. According to King County Road Standards (KCRS), the minimum required entering sight distance is 490 feet using a design speed of35 mph. Stopping sight distance (SSD) is measured from a height of 3.5 feet on 160 1 h Avenue SE as it approaches a specific location to an object at a height of 0.5 feet on 160th Avenue SE. Based upon a 35 mph design speed, a SSD of 250 feet would be required for northbound and southbound vehicles under the KCRS. King County requires the minimum SSD be met along the entire plat frontage. The measured stopping sight distance (SSD) at the site driveway is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. At the north property line, the SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. At the south property line, the SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. Table 8 summarizes the sight distance measurements. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I a SE 116 ST 3.J:) 2 (1) SE 128 ST AM PEAK TOTAL: 16 IN: 4 OUT: 12 PM PEAK TOTAL: 22 IN: 14 OUT: 8 (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 3150 Rlchat<la Road, Suite 100 B~=: ;-:2~)~.e Faw: /42S) 519-0309 E-mail: go.a(Dgsauc,c.-inc.com hnpJ/www.guuoc~nc.oom o/ I a 0 (0) 3 2 1-J:') 7c1) l r 3 (2) 2 1 "' (1) (0) "' ~ " c1) 31 I c2) 3 "' ~ S 136TH ST "' (7) 2/ / 11 (3) "' ~ "' "' " "' t; " ~ ~ ~ PROJECT-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 5 a I I a 1 (0) ~ 3 (2) PROJECT SITE 6 (5) 3 (1)J 11 (3) l 2 (7) NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SE 116 ST SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 3150 Rlcllarda Road, Suit. 100 s.:; ;:'2~) ~5:,"a Fu: (425) 51a-0309 E·mall: i,oaetg-.corn hltPJ-.g,.aaaoo-;rc.corn o--.::..S~ -o" L, (1) j I L -699 (539) 149 (20) 0 (0) _) 703 (631) - 55 (12) 1 111 f-----~__j__~--l-_::S~136TH ST 2006 WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 6 w "' PROJECT SITE (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Table 8 Sight Distance Analysis Si~ht Distance Entering Sight Distance -looking south -looking north Stopping Sight Distance > Site Access Driveway -from the south -from the north > North Property Line -from the south -from the north > South Property Line -from the south -from.the north Field Measured 490+ ft 490+ ft 250+ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250 ft 250 ft KCRS Min. Reauired 490 ft 490 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft Nichols Place As shown in Table 8, ESD at the proposed site access driveway looking to the north and south exceed the KCRS required ESD of 490 feet. The measured stopping · sight distances exceed KCRS requirements at the north property line from both the north and 'south. The measured SSD at the south property line exceeded the KCRS requirements of 250 feet from the south and from the north, respectively. At the site access, the required SSD of 250 feet is exceeded from the north and the south. OTHER ISSUES 3. Traffic Study Response to comments 3a, 3b, and 3c, were incorporated into the rewriting of this report. A response to comments 3d, 3e, and 3f are provided below. 3d. The distribution south along J6dh Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 1361 h Street'" scenario. The travel path to the intersection of 142nd Place SEISE 1561 h is substantially farther along that travel path as compared to using an extended SE 1361 h Street. There are several factors that lead to a particular traffic assignment including trip orientation, travel time, stops along the way, and desirability of route. The particular distribution applied to the Nichols Place TIA was derived from recent intersection turning movement counts collected along the corridor. This issue is explored in greater depth in item 3fbelow. . 3e. Please identify the location (i.e. address. intersection, etc.) at which the turning movement counts were performed that were the source of the trip distribution. Provide the back-up data (counts) that were the source of this distribution .. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place The trip distribution came from two sources, the King County Concurrency Model runs and peak hour turning movement counts at the 1601h Avenue SE/SE 1361 h Street and 1601h Avenue SE/SE 135th Street intersections. The counts are attached in the Technical Appendix. 3£ Perform a travel time analysis to compare an actual morning peak hour travel time along the 16dh Avenue to SE 1441h Street to SE 15 61h Street trip versus a theoretical SE 13 61h Street to 1561h Avenue SE with appropriate delays factored into the westbound left turn to proceed southbound on 1561h Avenue SE. The newly constructed west leg of SE 1361h Avenue SE may serve as a reasonably accurate source of data on the delays required to complete a left turn across 156'h Avenue SE. Other single lane approach "STOP" controlled intersections along the portion of 1561h Avenue SE, between SE 1281h and SE 142nd Place may be used as well. (text added). Although the statement requested a "morning peak hour travel time" analysis, it was assumed the motivation for the request came from the comment 3d above which indicated the distribution south along 1601h Avenue SE may be excessive under a "with SE 1361h Street" scenario. Since the distribution represented in the report was a PM peak hour distribution, a PM peak hour travel time analysis was conducted. The travel time analysis was conducted to evaluate the propensity for traffic to use the two alternative routes, i.e. 160th Avenue SE/SE 1441h Street/1561h Avenue SE to the 156 1h Avenue SE/142"d Place intersection versus the SE 1361 h Street/1561h Avenue SE route. The travel time analysis was conducted on Wednesday afternoon July 23, 2003 between 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM. The study involved three runs in each direction on each route. Travel time recorded on the 1601h Avenue SE route was consistent in each direction at an average of 2.03 minutes. For the 1561 h A venue SE route, there was a 10 second difference in the average travel time between the north bound and south bound nins. The northbound run average 46 seconds whereas the southbound run averaged 56 seconds. This was a result of the additional delay created by the southbound platoon coming from the signal on 1561 h Avenue SE at SE 128 1h Street. The additional delay resulted from the stop sign at the 142"d Place intersection. In addition to the travel time runs, an analysis of the vehicular delay associated with vehicles waiting to enter the southbound flow from the side streets was also made. To estimate the delay, three left tum maneuvers were made from the side streets along 156 1h Avenue SE to 156 1h Avenue SE. Because of the extensive platoon of vehicles coming from the signal at SE 128 1 h Street, the average vehicular delay was 26.7 seconds with the measured delay for each attempt ranging from 7 seconds to 38 seconds. A two vehicle queue waiting to enter 156 1 h Avenue SE was also observed on one of the dead end side streets. The travel time across a constructed SE 136 1h Street was estimated using the distance and assumed travel speed consistent with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. The results of this calculation yielded a travel time of35.9 seconds .. Adding the various travel time elements associated with traffic from the 1601 h Avenue SE corridor using SE 1361h Street and 156 1h Avenue for trips bound to the south yielded a travel time of 1.88 minutes (51 seconds+ 26.7 seconds+ 35.9 seconds= 1.88 minutes) for the SE 1361h Street/1561h Avenue SE route compared to 2.03 minutes for the 1601h Avenue SE/1441h Avenue SE/l 56 1h Avenue SE route. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Another factor in the trip assignment issue is the orientation of the traffic. To estimate this factor, a 10 minute turning movement count was conducted at the 1601h Avenue SE/SE 144 th Street intersection during the same peak hour as the travel time analysis. The purpose of the count was to determine the orientation of 1601h Avenue SE traffic at the SE 1441h Street intersection. The result of the traffic count indicated that 20 percent of the traffic was oriente.d to/from the west, 73 percent to/from the east, and 7 percent to/from the south. The conclusion is that the overwhelming majority of the traffic to and from the south on 160'h Avenue SE is not destined to the 1561h Avenue SE/142"d Place intersection but rather to the east on SE 1441h Street. Furthermore, the percentage of trips oriented to the east from 1601h A venue SE could be significantly higher when school begins as Liberty High School is located east of 1601h Avenue SE and would be accessed using SE 1441h Street. The conclusion of the analysis is that with the opening of SE 136'h Street it is unlikely there will be a significant reassignment of the 1601h Avenue SE traffic oriented to the south to the 1561h Avenue SE corridor. Therefore, the assignment represented in the report is reasonable with or without SE 1361h Street. 5. Pedestrian Connectivity/School Walkways: a. Information has been provided in the past that school age pedestrians have a gate available for access to the west side of the Liberty High School. Identify the walking routes from Nichol's Place to the location of the gate. Identify the conditions along the route. Where abutting the boundary of the plat, and, if not otherwise required, provide frontage and off-frontage improvements to accommodate this pedestrian activity. According to a recent survey by DMP, Inc. there is no gate. The report states that at one time access to the Liberty High School athletic fields could be achieved by walking south on 162"d · Avenue SE approximately one block and continuing east on 137'h Place to the end of the cul-de- sac and onto the high school's upper fields. However, according to children living adjacent to the walking path, the gate has been blocked by a fence and access is no longer accessible. The report states that the walking path was likely the original access road for a storm water pond. c. Provide an analysis of walkway access to schools serving the plat (Liberty High School, Maywood Middle School, and Briarwood Elementary). See the attached comments from the Issaquah School District. The following information was obtained from a report prepared by DMP, Inc. and is summarized as follows: There are no safe walking pathways from the proposed plat of Nichols Place to the educational facilities serving the plat. According to the Issaquah School District, all students in this area are bussed and will continue to be bussed until safe walking routes are provided. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place Liberty High School: Liberty High School is the closest school to the plat. In the past there was a walking path from 1601h Avenue SE to the High School, however, this has been blocked by a fence. The path was along 162"d Avenue SE for approximately one block continuing east on 137 1h Place to the end of the cul-de-sac at that point the path went through the gate and or to the High School site. Sidewalks were constructed on 1371h Place as part of the Liberty Lane Plat. Maywood Middle School: Maywood Middle School is several blocks south of Liberty High School on l 6s'h Avenue SE. An 8 foot asphalt shoulder with fog line extends west from the Maywood entrance along SE 1441h Street to 1601h Avenue SE. A combination of asphalt and cement sidewalk extend north on 1601h Avenue SE from the intersection towards Nichols Place. The improvements terminate at approximately 142"d Place, approximately five blocks south of the plat. Safe access, however, could be provided if students were allowed access to Liberty High School as previously provided. Maywood students would exit the high school grounds and continue south on l 6s'h Avenue SE. Shoulder improvements on this roadway vary from four to five feet of asphalt and/or compact gravel with a fog line. Preferred improvements would be an 8 foot asphalt shoulder with fog line or extruded curb. If access to the high school is not possible, a safe walking route from the site to Maywood does not exist. Briarwood Elementary: Briarwood Elementary is located approximately 3 blocks northeast of Liberty High School. An 8 foot asphalt shoulder with C curb extends from the -school entrance on SE 134th Street to the intersection with 1681h Avenue SE. An 8 foot asphalt shoulder, with fog line, continues south from that intersection towards the entrance of Liberty High School. Again if safe access can be provided from Nichols Place to the high school, by removing the fence, safe access can be provided to Briarwood. A review of the field conditions and conversations with Issaquah School District indicate there are limited possibilities to provide safe walking routes to the area schools. Since safe walking routes don't exist, the Issaquah School District will bus all students. To facilitate bussing; the District has identified a combined bus stop for all grades at the 1601h Avenue SE/SE 1361h Street intersection. CONCLUSIONS The plat of Nichols Place will not create any significant adverse conditions on the surrounding transportation network. The plat will generate approximately 210 daily, 16 AM and 22 PM peak hour new vehicle trips to the transportation network. As determined from the analysis, the requested intersection of SE 1281h Street/l 60 1h A ;enue SE does not meet the King County threshold definition for project impact conditions. This would require 30 PM peak hour project generated trips and 20 percent of the project generated peak Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place hour trips. The analysis intersection was determined to operate at an acceptable level of service for the existing, 2006 with and 2006 without project conditions. Since Nichols Place contributes traffic to the existing HAL located at 1601 h Avenue SE/SE 128 1 h Street a proportionate share of the cost is legitimate. Nichols Place proportionate share based is based on project generated PM peak hour left turns versus total PM peak hour left turns. Nichols Place is pro-rata share is 2 percent (1 project generated PM peak hour left tum (westbound) divided by 49 total PM peak hour left turns = 0.020). Please note there are not eastbound left turns. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION Nichols Place will be required to pay a MPS mitigation fee of$49,197 based on $2,139 per unit (23 units) for concurrency zone 452. Nichols Place shall contribute 2 percent to the cost of providing a left tum pocket on S.E I281 h Street. No other traffic mitigation is deemed necessary. Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page 22 I Traffic Impact Analysis Nichols Place I ,I I I I TECHNICAL APPENDIX. I for I NICHOLS PLACE I I I I I I I I I I I Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Nichols Place with 70 Lot Evendell and SE 136th Street Extended SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE AM Peak Hour: 6:45 AM • 7:45 AM Date Collected: 07/15/03 EBLT EBT EBRT WBLT WBT WBRT NBLT NBT NBRT SBLT SBT SBRT C) .!: vi ·x w M 0 0 N 0 599 7 15~6 I rn 11~0 I 1199 .c ~ e (cl -0 C :, 0 ~ C) .,. () "' [Il 0 18 0 0 15 0 "' t3 Q) ·e CL Q) .!: ai a. i:i: 0 14 3 t3 Q) ·e CL 3 0 .c ~ CD 0 0 N 0 631 10 ~ CD Q) () "' a: "' .~ .!.2 z 0 0 2 t3 Q) ·e CL :5 3: CD 0 0 N 0 631 12 ~ CD ~ 0 t3 "' u.. ~ :, 0 I .,. "' Q) CL 0.89 "' Q) "' "' :, -[Il c- Q) ~ 2 () :, Q) ~ CL f- 4.80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Nichols Place With 70 Lot Evendell and SE 136th Street Extended SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 4:15 PM· 5:15 PM Date Collected: 01/28/03 EBLT EBT EBRT Cl .S '" ·x LU "' 0 0 C\J 0 651 48 WBLT~4 WBT 655 WBRT 1 NBLT 009 NBT 0 NBRT 22 ·sBLT rn SBT 0 SBRT 1 1444 .c: j 0 ~ ('.) "O C ::, e Cl -"' u ro Cl "' ti OJ ·e 0.. OJ .S ai CL a: ti OJ ·e 0.. :5 0 £ ~ CD 0 0 C\J OJ u ro ii: "' 0 .c: u z ti OJ ·o ~ 0.. £ ~ CD 0 0 C\J 0 0 0 0 20 25 696 696 1 4 53 2 55 rnrn~a~ rnrnoowoo rnrnrn~rn 44 65 1553 6 1559 ~ 0 ti ro LJ.. ~ :, 0 I -"' ro OJ 0.. 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 o:97 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.50 0.50 0.50 "' OJ "' "' :, Cl -"' -"' u ::, i=: c OJ 2 OJ 0.. 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis -- SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2003 Existing Volumes t + .M.o'.vem· e·nt hi,, •:,,,, ••. •.'~,,.····.·E··sL··.· .. • E··s-T''r".· ;E···s·R· L w"'s'L:< .. w··.·s·ii'.m,·w·-s···R'"."'tl, .. ·/N'~s·~ .. ,_,N's'r""!.f-NBR'.•:·_»SB"" .. '"l"S_B,Ti''c~S-8'? , , , ,cs"•'',!, .•. ,,,,-,,,,/_,, b'<.) , ,,, , , .. ,. • 1 ~I ;c ;, , . ,_, , 1L: .'fl' ... ~l •. , ~-_ L ,,", ,_, Fl Volume Total 337 344 295 295 73 17 garrysbell-st51 .. ' ~" .f, ,!!_;, ·"" :· I Synchro 5 Report Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis -- garrysbell-st51 SE-128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 Without Project Traffic Volumes t + Synchro 5 Report Page 1 I I HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis --I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I garrysbell-st51 SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 With Project Traffic Volumes t + Synchro 5 Report Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Location: 160th SE & SE136th Checker: DN Date: 16-Jul-03 Weather: Cloudy Start Time: 6:30 AM 15 Min. Adj Factor; F(adj)= 1.0714 (15 mini# of minutes counted) END TIME 6:45AM 7:00AM 7:15AM 7:30AM 7:45AM 8:00AM 8:15AM 8:30AM PKHR Adj HR END TIME 6:45AM 7:00AM 7:15 AM 7:30AM 7:45AM 8:00AM 8:15AM 8:30AM PKHR Adj HR RIGHT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 END TIME 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 FROM: NORTH THRU LEFT 0 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 8 0 g 0 FROM: SOUTH THRU LEFT 13 0 8 0 3 0 12 0 2 0 7 0 4 0 4 0 36 0 39 0 15 Min TOTALS 15 13 10 19 4 11 7 7 TOTAL TRUCKS RIGHT 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 3 2 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 0 8 1 5 g 1 5 TOTAL TRUCKS RIGHT 13 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 0 13 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 37 0 0 40 0 0 Time Start -End 6:30 7:30 6:45 7:45 7:00 8:00 7:15 8:15 7:30 8:30 City/Town: King Co. Job: Liberty Grove Pk Hr: ! 6:30 AM 7:30 AM FROM: EAST THRU LEFT TOTAL TRUCKS 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0 3 8 0 FROM: WEST THRU LEFT TOTAL TRUCKS 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 hr vol pk hr? 57 YES 46 no 44 no 41 no 29 no ON Traffic Enterprises I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERSECTION: PEAK HOUR: DATE: SOURCE: 0 0 0 0 Peak Hour Factors: Percent Trucks & Buses: 160th SE & SE136th 6:30 AM 7:30 AM 16-Jul-03 DN Traffic PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL LEG VOLUMES 9 44 0 8 0 1 12 40 PEAK HOUR APPROACH VOLUME MOVEMENTS 9 0 9 0 RIGHT THRU LEFT LEFT NORTH RIGHT THRU WEST EAST THRU RIGHT SOUTH LEFT LEFT THRU RIGHT· 0 39 1 40 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS DERIVED FROM COUNT From North: 0.53 SB From South: 0.72 NB From East: 0.47 WB From West: n/a EB Total 0.75 From North: 11.1% SB From South: 0.0% NB From East: 0.0% WB From West: n/a EB 5 0 8 3 DN Traffic Enterprises -------------------,~ #J'11 ;;;.78t,,t) { t I 36'*--I '/J/..7J 77 I .,_.ff.. VEIDCULAR VOLUME COUNf SHEET .~ ~· '\) . I cJ... 73c; 3 . ,~ _ I , LOCATION 1i£ ,::'.i3t,~:S~~ f..t.d~H 2~-™;# JITYl.~ CHECKER };).LIU WEA:::~" PROJBCTNAME g7....& £.!;~ DATE ~!4..Li:J.oa.3 PROJECT NUMBER PHASF/TASK FROM: J,, North FROM: East~ FROM: 8011th f FROM: 1& RECORD RIOIIT TIIRU LEFT TRUCK •• 1 RIOHT THRU Lf:FT TRUCK NI RIOIIT THRU LEFT TRUCK TOTAL RIOIIT lllRU LEFT TRUCK T01 TIME II ( ) <:..r:. 1;::,. I <r ( ) ( ) / ( ) :IS I LJ 2. ( ) 'I ( ) ?, 4 ( ) I ( ) :30 ~ <-I (. ) _{)_ ( ) 4 ( ) \ ( ) :4S 0n /) ( ) 1 I ( ) 9-.. ( ) '\. ( ) --' :00 1a .!) ( ) l ( ) {,. . ( I ) ( ) . ) '~ '9,f::-~ 76F I :15 ..0 \ 3 ( ( ) /) 3 ( ) ( ) :30 i3 I ( ) .., ,!# ( ) '] l-. ( . ) / ( ) :45 /Pi 3 ( ) r I ( ) _j_ I~ ( ) / ( ) :00 /?1 ,5"" ( ) /} ( ) __m_ ( ) ( ) :IS ( ) ( ) ( ) \ ( ) :30 ( ) ( ) ( ) '\_ ( ) :4S ( ) ( ) . ( ) ( ) :00 ( ) ( ) ( ) l ( ) / NOTES: NOTES: NOTES: NOTES: - I I I I I I I I I I 1111 . ! .. ~J ((.' ~ \ '\ ' fJd-' \ I I ~j ~ I ~ '.) J ~ --9 - I \....I l I r J ,I I ('() -~ <,,_) 1-') 'Ji ... • ~~ 9 ~. ~ ~ -~ I -- I ,l I i I{ ~ --l c::..c " o£ ~ <J. ~ cit ...J ..../.. I I ~ I ..t. I t--t---t-~-'--11-:--f------f.!:.-l----- l - dmp, inc. (FORMERLY DALEY ENGINEERING CO.) MBE -DBE ·-yr~idjf§~}L?2rff[tlli!#KifiI1lI~":2::?.\-':]J[~;f;~~~c:t.i,t~t.•·.~;.·.:~:~:c£~]"~~c~;~:~J~:t?:~.~~.~T:t:\1:C(::~f;?,:~:;.;:'.:.' .. ~~,: August 18, 2003 Karen Scharer King County DOES 900 Oaks Dale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE,INC. ENGINEERING-PLANNING-SURVEYING COPY 1 Ol 3 POl Ol O!ii L03P0006 7;~b~~~~~IVEO (253)333-2200 FAX (253)333-2206 SEP O 3 2003 l\11i~ l,;ULJNTY LAND USE SERVICES RE: Liberty Grove (LG) & Liberty Grove Contiguous (LGC) L03P005 -006 Dear Ms. Scharer. A survey of the walking conditions in and around the proposed preliminary plats of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous was conducted on Wednesday, July 2, 2003. The survey of walking routes was based on information provided by the Issaquah School District Transportation Department, regarding probable walking routes for school children. Other information included the current location of bus stops for each of the three grade levels. The information gathered has been categorized by grade level. Some photographs are available as examples of described conditions. Not every segment of the surrounding road network was photographed. The breakdown is as follows: Liberty High School: Of all the schools providing educational services to the proposed plats, Liberty High School is the closest institution. Access to the upper fields of the High School was achieved at one time by walking south on 162"d Ave. SE, approximately one block, and continuing east on 137'h Place, to the end of the cul-de-sac. This route assumes that frontage improvements will be completed as part of the Liberty Grove (LG) and Liberty Grove Contiguous (LGC) plats. Both sides of 137th Place have sidewalks that were constructed as part of the nearby Liberty Lane subdivision. In recent years, a fence has been constructed at the end of the 137th Place cul-de-sac which separates the existing walking path and the upper fields of the High School. Tract "A" of the Liberty Lane Plat was not originally designated as a walking path. It was originally established as a Storm Water facility and the walking path likely grew out of the original access road to the pond. The removal of that fence and the construction of a gate would facilitate safe walking to and from the school. However, the existing Tract "A" would have to be modified to provide for public access over the existing storm water tract. No other safe walking routes exist between the proposed development and the High School. Maywood Middle School: Maywood is located several blocks south of Liberty High School, on 168th Ave. SE. An 8' asphalt shoulder with fog line extends west from the school entrance, along SE 144'" Street to 1601h Ave SE. A combination of asphalt and cement sidewalk extend north from the intersection, towards LG & LGC. Unfortunately, the improvements terminate at the top of the hill, at ~ approximately SE 142nd Place. From that point north, there are no notable improvements. Safe access is possible however, from 1681h Ave. SE, if children were allowed to travel through Liberty Exhibit No. -~1_1.__ __ _ Item No. l-~~~~ l5 Receiveo .. 2. · 2-'4 · O«-t. King County Hearing Examiner High School as described above. Assuming access to the High School grounds, Maywood student could then exit the High Schools east gate, onto 1681" Ave SE. and travel south. The shoulder improvements on 168th Ave. SE vary from 4 to 5 feet of asphalt and/or compact gravel, with a fo~ line. During the site visi~ several area children of varying ages were observed traveling along 168 Ave. SE. While children are currently using the existing improvements along 168th Ave. SE, they do not meet the approved safe walking route standards preferred by the School District sand the King County Roads Division. Preferred improvements include an 8' paved shoulder with fog line or extruded curb. If access to the High School grounds is not possible, then no safe walking route to and from Maywood Middle School is possible. Briarwood Elementary: Briarwood Elementary is located northeast of Liberty High School, approximately 3 blocks. An 8' asphalt shoulder with C-curb extends from the school entrance on SE 134th Street to the intersection with 168th Ave. SE. An 8' asphalt shoulder, with fog line, continues south from that intersection towards the entrance of Liberty High School. From that poin~ there are no safe walking routes connecting the proposed plats and the school. Assuming access to the High School grounds, Briarwood student could then exit the High Schools main entrance or east gate, onto 168th Ave SE. and travel north. If access to the High School grounds is not possible, then no safe walking route to and from Elementary School is possible. Bus Stop: The Issaquah School District has identified an existing Elementary bus stop at the intersection of 160th Ave SE and SE 136th Street. The nearest High and JR High School stops are located at 162"a Ave. SE and SE 130'" Street. Both busses for the High and JR High School pass through the intersection at 160th Ave SE and SE 136th Street. Given the proposed development of LG & LGC, combined with the approved plat of Evendale and the proposed plat of Hamilton Place, one block to the north, the School District has agreea to establish a combination bus stop for all three grade levels at 160'" Ave SE and SE 136'" Street A combined bus stop at this location would provide safe access to transportation for all four proposed projects and the existing children in the Derryhurst neighborhood. The applicant is willing to work with the School District to provide whatever additional improvements are necessary to accommodate the proposed combination bus stop. Requested Improvements: In several conversations with representatives of the Issaquah School District, at no time has the District indicated that they would require off-site improvements to be constructed as part of the LG or LGC proposal. The focus of all conversations to this point has been the location and design of the proposed combination bus stop. Conclusions: After reviewing the available information, conducting a site visit and communicating with representatives of the Issaquah School Distri~ we have found that there are limited possibilities to provide safe walking routes for school children in the area surrounding the proposed plats. There is, however, an opportunity to work with the school district to develop a combination bus stop at the intersection of 160'" Ave SE and SE 136'" Street that will service several adjacent projects in addition to the proposed preliminary plats of LG and LGC. If you have any questions, please contact me at (253) 333-2200. Hans Korve Planning Manager DMP Inc. LIBERTY GROVE & LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS School Walking Route Analysis A field reconnaissance was conducted on July 2 , 2003 to determine the existing condition of likely school walking routes . The attached photographs represent a sample of the existing conditions surrounding the proposed preliminary px Goand LGPC. y LO 8 p O o o a \..., LD3POo o 6 Entrance to Elementary School. Note 8' Asphalt Shoulder LG & LGC School Walking Route Pictures 1 LIBERTY GROVE & LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS School Walking Route Analysis View south of 8 ' shoulder on 168th Ave . SE LG & LGC Sc hool Walking Rout e P ictures LIBERTY GROVE & LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS School Walking Route Analysis ------ -----~ Intersection of 160th Ave . SE and SE244th Street looking North. The existing 5 ' shoulder terminates at the top of the hill. LG & LGC Sch ool Wa lking Route P ictures 3 LIBERTY GROVE & LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS School Walking Route Analysis Several Street segments have only gravel surfacing and grass shoulders. LG & LGC School Walking Route Pictures 4 LIBERTY GROVE & LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS School Walking Route Analysis View West on SE 135th Street. Road Terminates. LG & LGC Sch ool Walking Route Pictures 5 .. LIBERTY GROVE & LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS School Walking Route Analysis View East on SE 135th Street, at 163rd Ave . SE . Road Terminates. LG & LGC School Walking Route Pictures 6 ' .. LIBERTY GROVE & LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS School Walking Route ~nalysis View West on SE 144th Street. 8' Asphalt Shoulder LO & LOC Sch ool Walking Route Pictures 7 ... Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ted, L02SRo7B Jeremy S. Febus Ueremy.febus@drstrong.com] Monday, March 10, 2003 3:30 PM ted.cooper@metrokc.gov mark.bergam@metrokc.gov FW: Dickinson Subdivision I received the following correspondence from the Issaquah School District regarding the. bus stop and pedestrian path issue. The District is requesting that the Plat use an existing trail south rather than north, and that modest improvements be made to this trail. We will specify these improvements on our plans. Their memo specifically states that the gravel pathway improvements to the north are not necessary, thereby satisfying. the hearing examiner 1 s condition. I will include a hard copy of this email with our next submittal, which should be very soon. Please let me know if you have any questions, the Issaquah School District transportation director 1 s email is also below if you· have any questi~ns for her. Thank you, Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph, (425) 827-3063 fx, (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com -----Original Message-----, From, Porter, Jo TRANS-Director (mailto,PORTERJ@issaquah.wednet.edu] Sent, Monday, March 10, 2003 3,16 PM To: 1 jeremy.febus@drstrong.com 1 Cc, McCoy, Connie TRANS-Staff; Nilsen, Kathy TRANS-Staff Subject: RE: Dickinson Subdivision March 10, 2003 To, Jeremy S. Febus Re: Dickinson Subdivision Issaquah Transportation Supervisor, Connie McCoy, and I reviewed the existing bus stop for Briarwood Elementary school at 164th Ave SE and SE 144th .st, Renton. There is a current walking path from the proposed Dickinson Subdivision, north of this bus stop which accesses this Exhibit No. ~(_lo=---- ltem No. L.~~f~\~ Received ~ • 2-\,\ • 0~ current stop. This pedestrian walking pathway is safe and acceptable if it improved: 1. The path needs to be widened of overhanging shrubbery and is King County Hearing Examiner branches. 2. There is a need to add gravel to the dirt pathway. 3. There is no need for a gravel pathway to 160th Ave SE because the designated bus stop for elementary students will be at 164th Ave SE@ SE 144th St. 4. The middle school students will be walking to Maywood using the same existing pathway to SE 144th ST that the elementary students will be using. 5. The high school students will be walking on an acceptable existing pathway from the east end of the Dickinson Subdivision to Liberty High. Please feel free to call me with any further questions qr concerns at 425 837.-6325. Sincerely, Jo Porter Director of Transportation Issaquah School District -----Original Message----- From: Jeremy s. Febus [mailto:jeremy.febus@drstrong.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:33 AM To: porterj@issaquah.wednet.edu Cc: Donita Dickinson; luay.joudeh@drstrong.com Subject: RE: Dickinson Subdivision I would like to make a correction to the first point in my last email. I understand that a new bus stop will not be created at 162nd and 139th, but rather at 164th Avenue SE and SE 144th. Therefore, please indicate this location in your email or letter, and please state that an acceptable pedestrian route exists to this bus stop location. We still need a statement regarding points two and three as well. I apologize for any confusion. Again, thank you for your help. Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph: (425) 827-3063 fx: (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com · -----Original Message----- From: Jeremy S. Febus [mailto:jeremy.febus@drstrong.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:35 PM To: porterj@issaquah.wednet.edu Cc: Donita Dickinson; luay.joudeh@drstrong.com Subject: Dickinson Subdivision Ms. Porter, 2 • Thank you for taking the time to meet with Donita regarding your district 1 s approval of the proposed plat. Based on your meeting with Donita today, and the drawings she showed you, we simply need an email or letter from you that states the following three things: 1.· New bus stops for the middle and elementary school buses will be created at the intersection of 162nd Avenue SE and the newly created SE 139th Place. 2. A gravel pedestrian walkway is not necessary from the Plat to 160th Avenue SE. 3. The engineering plans show an acceptable Pedestrian route to Liberty High School. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38t.h Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph: (425) 827-3063 fx: (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com 3 Nichols Place Preliminary Technical Information Report I EXPIRES: 3/04/05 L03P0015 L03P0015 Submitted to: King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Renton, WA 98055 Prepared by: Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 Tel. ( 425) 745-5872 Fax ( 425) 744-0305 MAIN Fil"" .. copy I -, May I 8, 2003 Exhibit No. I ~ re: (i) 1\em No. L-~,;,,tlb I S: ~ ~ ~ ~ WJ ~ rry .,,.;,\lP Received 2.-2.<-!-~':f MAY 19 2003 lW X'l King County Hearing Examiner K.C. D.D.E.S. Nichols Place Preliminary Technical Information Report [ EXPIRES: 3/04/05 L03P0015 Submitted to: King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Avenue S:W. Renton, WA 98055 Prepared by: Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 Tel. ( 425) 745-5872 Fax (425) 744-0305 May 18, 2003 fo)~~LE~W~f[)' lf1} MAY 19 2003 [1l} K.C. D.D.E.S. I. Project Overview ............................................................... : .............................................. 1-1 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary .......................................................................... 2-1 3. Off site Analysis ................................................................................................................ 3-1 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design ........................................ 4-1 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design ........................................................................ 5-1 6. Special Reports and Studies ............................................................................................. 6-1 7. Other Permits .................................................................................................................... 7-1 8. ESC Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 8-1 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant ........................ , ...... 9-1 10. Operations and Maintenance Manual ........................................................................... I 0-1 11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 Table I. Description of Downstream Conveyance System .......... , ....................................... 3-5 Table 2. Existing and Developed Site Basin Conditions ...................................................... 4-2 Table 3. Summary of Performance Standards ...................................................................... 4°3 Table 4. Wet Pond Sizing Calculations ............................................................................... 4-ll Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies .............................................................. 6-1 Table 6. Summary of Other Permits Required ..................................................................... 7s l Table 7. Summary of Maintenance Requirements for Stormwater Facilities .................... I 0-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. TIR Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 1-2 Figure 2. Vicinity Map .......................................................................................................... 1-5 Figure 3. Drainage Basins ............................................................................ : ........................ 1-6 Figure 4. Soils Map ............................................................................................................... 1-7 Figure 4A. Aerial Photo -1.977 ............................................................................................. 1-8 Figure 5. Downstream Conveyance System ......................................................................... 3-4 Figure 6. Stormwater System Design ................................................................................... 4-6 Figure 7 A Flow Duration Curves for RID & POC -East Basin .......................................... 4-7 Figure 7B. Flow Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin ................................................ 4~9 Figure 7C. Flow Duration Curves for West Basin ................................................................ 4-9 Figure 8. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (For Final Design Only) ....................... 8-2 Figure 9. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet (For Final Design Only) ................ 9-2 Figure 10. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary ............................................ 9-3 Appendix A Downstream System Appendix B. Stormwater RID System Design Appendix C. Conveyance Calculations Appendix D. Hydrologic Model Documentation ii • ,1;~;_P,f9J~ci:<l~~ryiew:i:;, .. • •• Project Description A summary of the Nichols Place project is provided in the TIR Worksheet (Figure I). This preliminary technical information report (TIR) addresses the design of stormwater facilities and the offsite drainage analysis for the Nichols Place project. The Nichols Place project is a proposed residential development located within the Renton Highlands area of unincorporated King County (Figure 2). The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres. Road improvements along the frontage of 160th_Avenue SE are also proposed. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6 of Section 4. Site Description The site·is located within the Orting Hills subbasin of the Cedar River watershed (King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1999). The site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3 ). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the northeast to the southwest. The elevation of the site ranges from about 464 feet (NA VD 88) along the north boundary to 449 feet in the southeast comer. The project is located east of 158th Avenue SE (if extended) and is bordered by 160th Avenue SE on the east and the proposed Evendell plat on the north. Cover types on the site include a single- family residence, pasture, and forest (Photo I in Appendix A. I). No wetlands have been identified on the site. Based on King County Soil Survey (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1973) the site consists of Alderwood soils.(Figure 4). Drainage from an approximately 2.15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the easterly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3), The easterly basin drains to a conveyance system along 160th Avenue SE. Drainage from an approximately 1.8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the north boundary of the westerly basin sheet flows onto the site (Figure 3). The westerly basin drains to a conveyance system along 156th Avenue SE. Both downstream drainage courses eventually discharge to an unclassified tributary of the Cedar River (King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990). Stormwater Design Under developed conditions, storm water from the easterly basin of the site and off site road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the stormwater facility in the east basin. Most of the westerly basin.will be conveyed to the pond in the easterly basin. A portion of the yards and roofs oflots 14 through 17 will be surface discharged at their respective adjacent property lines. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. Natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the surface discharge and the outlet of the proposed stormwater facility . 1-1 Ni<hob l'face Prelimma,y 1111-May 2()()3 • e Figure I. TIR Worksheet TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Project Owner: U.S. Land Development Associates, Inc. Address: C/o: Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: (425)486-2563 Project Engineer: Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Company: Haozous Engineering, P.S. Address/Phone: 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 (425) 745-5872 00 Residential 00 Grading Community: King County Project Name: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Location: West of 160th Avenue SE and bordered by extension of SE 138th Street·on-the north. Township: 23N. Range: 5E Section: 14 Description: The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres. 0 DFWHPA D· Wetlands l~J National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storrnwater Permit · . l~l Forest Practices Class IV General Draina e Basin: Lower Cedar River Watershed· Orti Hills subbasin Nidwl, Place1'rdiminary 17R'-May ](J()J e • '.; / · ... t~~ ~ ~ITE CHARA<;:T:ERISTICS 0 River: NIA 0 Stream: NIA D Critical Stream Reach: N/A D Depressions/Swales: N/A D Lake: NIA Soil Type Alderwood REFERENCE Slopes Moderate Ch 6 -Water Quality Reguirements Ch 5 -Flow Control MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION gg Sedimentation Facilities gg Stabili~ed Construction Entrance gg Perimeter Runoff Control gg Cover Practices gg · Construction Sequence Basin East West Nidwb Placr 17'/immary 11R-May 2(//)J •' .. , ., · .. . 0 Steep Slopes: NIA 0 Floodplain: NIA ,::··-··,. D Wetlands: Onsite Class 2 Wetland D Seeps/Springs: NIA D High Groundwater Table: N/A D Groundwater Recharge: N/A Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Onsite treatment -basic standards Level 2 RID standards MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION gg Stabilize Exposed Surface l!J Remove andRestoreTemporary ESC Facilities l!J Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris gg Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Surface Discher e 1-3 • Facility Related Site Design Considerations: Reference Facility trtJ;;;1Jl!~irJ;i~~~a~~1t1~~;x~?~?::fJ: D Rockery > 4' High 0 Berms > 6': NIA Design Consideration ·'·' r" ····" Part 1 :ii EASEMENTSffRACTS _.~ _, ,·,~ '-. ;.,'~ ::.~;:,;.-.·~~:,-,·~"; '·Jt:-J.·;;..;.':-~.,-,.:;: D Drainage Easement: NIA D Access Easement: NIA D Native Growth Protection Easement D Sensitive areas ~ Stormwater tracts I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. 1-4 Nk1w1s l'tra Pielimbrory TlR -May 2003 Figure 2. Vicinity Map N"-Pfa« Premninary 11R-May 2003 :c S 136TH ST ~ SE 1281H ST SITE Scale: 1" = 1 mile 1-5 ~ w ~ ~ W S TH Sl ~ ~ lo ~ ' ' , - ~ ! C / ' < /, l ___ _ • e • .1,., ~'"·'"~i;i.-\ . ··"• ·:····: .' / \ ' ,·· 1 ," ... ~ ,-·~ I ,-~· .. _., \ 1 1 \\~s;::.:;:~;:, \':.','-/ !'~-, I " \I' .. , L",J ~ f .... ' • ,:. .. ~ ir1 \ \ c::) \ 'w\.c..::-.1 \\/\'{:, (.,. :"······,.' '.· .. \. r \ \ I ' ) ' ' \ ' \\:~,/ / \ \ n , .... ~~-->ll'"' !.I -... -.,. f') u '·•' ::,< -· --,sz:,::r::~i:, ,9 :i1[ , , ·, ,-:~:~F-1r, '1 ' I" • .,. .. , .. ·· . .. . .. 'r ··'~',1;, ,, ,, l -....... I i,f, I /"•, / -......... . V ,,, ., .• -.,;;~,1~ ;1) H '.i 'e'\ . ' \ ' ''""''--'"'WT·• ' I ! '· ! , . ..._ !· I ,J \' \ \ , 1' ,t.,t -·->,. , .. ( •,, ,· [ ( ~, i'· ',,,. 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": .. ::/ .. ~ "-t ,:,j~.; ·, ,:.:;:\;_;:/::;.;,:~,;.. -;.::; -.,; ,,:'.,,~:::~ 'i,:~c:,:,:;;;;;;: : ,:~':::,'.;',::= 1:/~:;f ;_ '::: : ,, ... :./~:: : · •1~'.':: ' ,.' ...... :-' ... ,.~1 '• ··.:. ':-·.':.:.:: ... ~-'"·'" Haozous Engineering, P .S.I NICHOLS CMl. ... STIE ENGINEERING PRELIMINARY PLAT 13428 -4S1H COURT, MUl<ILTEO, WA 98270 42&-745-S872 ......... . ., .. EXISTING RHO 0/10/03 SOU:N,m ........ .. ... DRAINAGE BASINS RHO 5/10/03 ------D ... 2DD I // ' 3 • • • SCALE : 1 :24 000 1" = 2,000' TITlE Figure 4. Soils Map PAGE ~TE 1-7 0 1/03/01 • • g "' "' ... ,;; .., ,;; 0 .., 0 0 ... ' IC) ' ... 0 • HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. a er Q. /-0~ TITLE AERIAL PH010 OF NIOIOIS PLACE SilE -19Tl . ,,l,f FIGURE 4A A summary of conditions and requirements for the project are presented in this section. The following is a summary of core and special requirements from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual: Core Requirement 1: Discharge at the Natural Location The natural discharge locations from the site will be maintained at the outlets of the proposed stormwater facilities. Core Requirement 2: Off-site Analysis A Level I downstream drainage analysis is presented in Section 3. Core Requirement 3: Runoff Control Level 2 RID standards are required for the site. Core Requirement 4: Conveyance System The onsite stormwater conveyance system and offsite improvements will be designed to convey the 25-year storm. Core Requirement 5: Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan Proposed erosion/sedimentation control procedures are described in Section 8. An erosion/sedimentation control plan (ESCP) will be developed for the project during engineering design. Core Requirement 6: Maintenance and Operation The proposed systems for managing stormwater will be maintained and operated by King County. Recommended maintenance activities are provided in Section 10. Core Requirement 7: Bonds and Liability Bonds and liability requirements will be developed for the project during engineering design (Section 9). 2-1 N"tdwls Pia« Preliminary 77R -May 2003 Core Requirement 8: Water Quality As described in Section 5.E, basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide water quality treatment for stormwater collected from the site's east basin. Stormwater from most of the west basin will be collected and directed to the wetpond serving the east basin. Stormwater from selected yards and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. A small wetvault near the southeast corner of the site will provide water quality treatment for stormwater collected from a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. Special Requirement 1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements The site is within the Cedar River Basin. Basin-wide requirements have been recommended by the Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan that apply to the site. These requirements are covered by the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual Applications Maps. Special Requirement 2: Delineation of 100-Year Floodplain The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Special Requirement 3: Flood Protection Facilities • The project does not contain nor is it adjacent to a flood protection facility. • Special Requirement 4: Source Controls Source controls are not proposed for the development. Special Requirement 5: Oil Control The proposed development does not meet the definition of a higb-use site requiring oil control. 2-2 Nichols Place Preliminary 17R-May 2003 ~-------- • The site and project area are in two separate basins. The majority of the site is in the easterly basin. Topography in this basin slopes primarily from the northwest to the southeast towards 160th A venue SE. The northwest and southwest comers of the site flow to the southwest and eventually to 156th Avenue SE. A downstream drainage analysis for the site, including drainage routes along both 160th Avenue SE and 1561h A venue SE, is presented in this section. The drainage courses from the site were assessed on April 23, 2003. Light rainfall occurred during the morning prior to the site visit. The downstream conveyance system is described below and illustrated in Figure 5. Further descriptions of downstream structures are summarized in Table I. Upstream Drainage Drainage from an approximately 2. 15-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's easterly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. Runoff from the easterly basin is collected in the roadside ditch along I 60th Avenue SE (Location 4 I in Figure 5). The ditch continues along the east boundary of the site. No scouring or erosion was observed in the grass-lined ditch along this segment. The road embankment on the west side of 160th Avenue SE is steep, but stable. The ditch continues along the east boundary of the site to the site's southeast comer. Drainage from an approximately 1.8-acre tributary subbasin adjacent to the site's northern boundary sheet flows onto the site's westerly basin (Figure 3). The groundcover of the tributary basin is mostly forest with some pasture. About one half of the runoff from the westerly basin sheet flows to the roadside ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place and continues to 156th Avenue SE (Location 2 in Figure 5). The remainder of the runoff sheet flows towards a home and pasture area south and west of the site and eventually reaches 156th Avenue SE. Downstream Drainage Course -156th Avenue SE Runoff from the western and southwestern border of the site sheet flows towards the backyards of two homes on the south side of the cul-de-sac at the eastern end of SE 138th Place and two homes at the end of SE 139th Place. This runoff eventually enters the grass-lined ditch along the north side of SE 139th Place at Locations 2, 4, & 6, (Photo I, Appendix A.2). The grass-lined ditch interrupted with 12" diameter driveway culverts continues to 156th Avenue SE where it enters the pipe conveyance system (Location 21) and turns south. The conveyance system outfalls to a grass-lined ditch at Location 25 (Photo 2, Appendix A.2). Downstream from Location 28, a grass-lined ditch conveys drainage to the south along a pasture (Location 29). At the lower end of the pasture (Location 30) the ditch flattens and it appears that high flow rates could flow onto a portion of the pasture. At Location 31, drainage enters a 12- inch diameter pipe (Photo 3, Appendix A.2). A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 97-0318) was reported at Location 31 by the resident at 14038 -156th Avenue SE (Appendix 3-1 N"IChols .PfJzce Preliminary 17R -May 2003 • • • A2). The complaint is a claim and was not available from King County. Based on King County's record description, the complaint was related.to flooding due to a plugged culvert (Appendix A2). Downstream from Location 31 a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe conveys flow to a Type I CB (Location 32) that connects to an 18-inch diameter CMP. This pipe continues south to another CB at Location 34 that has a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe stub to the east (Location 33). This stub appears to collect surface drainage from the yard to the east and the field to the northeast. From this CB flow continues in the 18-inch diameter CMP to another CB approximately 50 north of SE 143'd Street (Location 36). There is an 18-inch CMP stub in a headwall to the east that picks up flow from a shallow, grass-lined swale extending to the south paralleling 156th Avenue SE. Another past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 91-0954) was reported by the resident at 15606 SE 143th Street (Appendix A2). This complaint was related to flooding at the culvert that crosses 156th Avenue SE adjacent to the residence. Location 36 is 1,890 feet from the site and represents 2. 7% of the tributary area. Downstream Drainage Course -160'h Avenue SE The grass-lined ditch along the eastern boundary of the site continues to the southeast comer of the site where it enters a 12-inch diameter CMP driveway culvert (Location 40). The grass-lined ditch continues southerly for a distance of about 660 feet from the site (Locations 41) to a recently constructed, 24-inch diameter LCPE pipe that conveys drainage to the east side of 160th Avenue SE (Location 42). The site comprises approximately 7 percent of the tributary basin . area at this point in the drainage system. Drainage is then conveyed through a recently installed, 30-inch diameter LCPE driveway culvert (Location 43). From Location 43, drainage is conveyed through about 130 feet of recently constructed ditch (Location 44, Photo 5 in Appendix A 1 to another recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe at the residence of 14028 -160th Avenue SE (Location 45, Photo 6 in Appendix Al). Past drainage problems (Drainage Complaints No. 97-203 and 2002-0766) were reported at this location. The complaints were related to overflow from the roadside ditch (Appendix A2) and assumedly were corrected by the recently installed 30-inch LCPE culverts. The recently installed 30-inch diameter LCPE pipe is about 130 feet long and discharges to a recently graded earth-lined section of ditch (Location 46, Photo 7 in Appendix A 1 ). This ditch continues for about 50 feet to a distance of about 1,000 feet from the site where drainage flows away 160th Avenue SE to the east, among trees on a forested parcel (Location 4 7). The channel is somewhat flat and braided after leaving the roadside ditch and passes through a ponded area (Location 48). The channel then becomes more well-defined (Location 49) and enters a 12-inch diameter concrete pipe (Location 50) located near a horse corral. Drainage is then conveyed through a 12-inch diameter driveway culvert (Location 51) and then to an open channel. The open channel flows south for about 150 feet then turns east along the north boundary of residential lots that are along SE 142nd Place. A segment of the channel has been reinforced with concrete blocks (Location 52). Drainage then enters a 24-inch diameter CPE pipe that has a trash rack and concrete headwall inlet (Location 53). At Location 54, the channel turns to the south and has significant bank erosion at the bend. The site comprises approximately 2 percent 3-2 NKlwls Pu= Preliminary 'l7R -May 2003 • of the tributary basin area at this point in the drainage system. The channel then flows south down the hill (Location 55) towards SE 144th Street. A past drainage problem (Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206) was reported at Location 53 (Appendix A.2). The resident at 16046 -SE l 42"d Place has had problems from runoff in the channel along his property. The 24-inch diameter pipe has likely been installed since the complaint was filed to reduce groundwater seepage from the ditch that was apparently compromising the performance of the homeowner's onsite sewage treatment system. The homeowner also stated in the complaint that he maintains the ditch long the north and east boundaries of his property by removing accumulations of debris and sediment. King County investigated the problem for the Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Downstream Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream system were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division. Drainage Complaint Nos. 91-0954, 97-0206, 95-0107, and 97-0318, and 2002-0766 are along the drainage route and are described in the narrative above. A map showing the locations of residents that filed drainage complaints is provided in Appendix A.2. Copies of registered drainage complaints are listed in Appendix A.2. A summary of the drainage complaints is provided in Table A. l of Appendix A.2 . 3-3 Nidwl, Place Prelmrina,y 71R -May 2003 ; > ' ,, > a / I > I 5' -:-·· • • • '" p,. ' .. :~ -· L )!ti! .:,J:1'"'.fCH itti"il:'!. 'i.. • ....-111 H! _,,~:cf· ,---""" ·-~ ,_, '.'i!!J..,;,:. .... !·,., lg I ·_·] " '"f ,, -' :i .. I ·:-;;; .st ''\ ' ··r ,,,/ ;-,t ;" L .. ___ , --···--~-'~':;_;;:i;_;;·(~.~~C!'.Y.1-i.:.I:-· t·~-~· :';(~ r,i) ; "" •t ~ ---"1 ' {I~: i ' .. ,, 1 SP. Pfig.''.',:, i'.t.t)l ,';'.:,:·;; ..,, .. 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L,.:,1: .,.J. _ _\}~;L·-: · ... · .. <\.,~·;:,~" !_., .. ·r.~ ,..,. J. ~;•,.: •.z;~,.--,~;JJ....J_~:~.:~~ .. ,Ji,;;-,.).j;:~.'; .. .,.,l':.~'.-~i;,,:t')~.~-*-:~ •. .,,A· LEGEND LOCATION ID j ~'.':· '" :;; ,. i.'. ',,~:-· @ @) DRAINAGE COMPLAINT LOCATION 0 IZ5 2:SO SCALE IN f'EET Haozous Engineering, P .S. NICHOLS CML le STIE ENGINEERING PREIJMINARY PLAT 1 J42e -45TH COURT, MUKILTEO, WA 9827:5 I 4'25-746-6872 ......... .. ,.. DOWNSTREAM RHO 0/18/00 ........ ..... CONVEYANCE SYSTEM RHO 0/18/00 . e:f I.~,,;-', FICURE 5 Table, Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sheet flow Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: l' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 6' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: l' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 57' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Lengtb=25' Roadside ditch Width: l' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 Forested area Grass-lined ditch HW=O.l' Grass area; no distinct flow path HW=l' Grass-lined ditch HW=l.5 Grass-lined ditch 3 3 2 4 5 4 4 4 e Southwest comer of site 70 85 91 140 197 245 270 5 Site visit on: 413 Weather: Sprinkles ,j 1~1Jj!lf1l!;ILitJiJJf_ ·li{difspector;~ResourceJr:.! ~ ""~•¥S ~:,:~,e':!\:fic.>-""'-~>-"'.;,,::,,Y.,'c"'""' >-,~.i~;c,; cvRevimet·,o,a:Resioent\i ,,;,.,p/· 1·:".,..,.,-,\;, .. s,.;<_ ·,, ·,c·t· ·,-,•.-_.·0 .'' ,t1i\W~ll~f~ Runoff from southwest comer of site sheet flows towards SE 139th Place Collects runoff from slot across concrete driveway and directs to ditch on north side of SE 13 9"' Pl. Tablelontinued) e • Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 9 I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I s I 280 Length= 20' 10 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 4 I 300 Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 11 I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I 4 I 325 Length= 25' 12 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 4 I 350 Width: l' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 13 I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I 4 I 360 Length= 15' 14 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 4 I 375 Width: l' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I IS I 12-in diam CP I HW=I' I 3 I 410 Length=25' 16 I Roadside ditch I Grass-lined ditch I 3 I 435 Width: 1' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 17 I 12-in diam CP I HW=l' I 2 I 460 Length= SO' 3-6 Ntdiob Pi,,a lnlimmory 11R-May 2003 Table,ontinued) Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE 1.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: 1 12-in diam CP Length= 55' Roadside ditch Width: I' Depth: 1.5' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diam CP from east Type 1 CB -grate inlet 12-in diam Nl2 in 12-in diam CP out 12-in diam CP from east Type 1 CB -grate inlet Type l CB -grate inlet 12-in diam Nl2 out 12-in diam Nl2 outlet 12-in diam CP 12-in diam CP N',cho/s Pia,,, Prebminary TIR -May 2003 Grass-lined ditch HW=l.5' Grass-lined ditch HW=l' HW=l' I e 3 510 3 545 2 600 2 700 3 706 2 740 3 740 3 770 3 910 3 I 920 I 3 970 3-7 Half-filled with sediment e i~f~111a1i~&!Jiil!Ji-, c •• ,T .. ooectlir·~Resource~; -~~,~,w,,J!]r;!!~l[~~ij£~iJ. 1 iiliiii)11l 1 Collects runoff from SE 139th Place Collects runoff from SE 139th Place Collects runoff from SE 139th Place Table,ontinued) Basin: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE Roadside ditch Width: 1.5' Depth: 2' Side slope: 2: I Roadside ditch 12-in diam CP Type 1 CB -grate inlet 12-in diam CP in (N) 12-in diam CP in (NW) 18-in diam CMP out 12-in diam CP from east Type I CB -grate inlet 18-in diam CMP in 18-in diam CMP out Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Grass-lined sides Earth bottom Ditch flattens out HW=l' HW=0.5' 18-in diam CMP from I HW=l' east N,d,ob Pl=4 PrehminaTy 11R-May 1003 e 3 1,000-1,200 2 1,200-1,450 2 1,450 2 1,564 2 1,640 2 1,640 1.5 1,890 3-8 Claim for flooding due to plugged culvert. See Complaint No. 97- 0318 Storm event CB .overflow. See Complaint No. 91- 0954 e Jlf l~ll~!~~~~~ .,lllli1l Water likely spreads out onto adjacent pasture Collects runoff from adjacent pasture & yard Collects runoff from ditch from SE 143th Street Table lontinued) Basin: 36 Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE Type I CB -grate inlet 18-in diam CMP in 18-in diam CMP out N,dwls Pb= Prelimmary T1R-May 20()3 e e 3-9 .. _ .. _ ,,. :~~;i 11r11111111~,~ . _7~0""' .-, ~°%'!"-><>'';,, y.· ~ v·.: ~/•"""-, • .i>.t§J{>i"-"M,-,<C,£-Y~=.~')'/.,-•,<:-<z;.-,. i" •-,i.· .r~·> .J: ....... /!a"."-'~,+.,<_.;-,,-.,,,_·: --,'' -" '.' "320'/C' •\Far"' '•·•• '''"C",r • ,.,;,,_,~,,,"din;,,, -,e•, "}''•1,'ilin!''"''' "'lik lincioo' 'f ;, , .· · } .. '.~ (;iJ~RTtiilltltiliti,litlliI~t~t~Jl 1,890 .e 1 (continued) e e ·Basin: Westerly Basin Draining to 156th Ave SE Ill! ,_•·.•~r·_, .. ,,,'?~C-·• • >.-,.~_,_,, 40 12-inch diam CCP HW=l.5' 2 0 41 Roadside ditch Grass-lined ditch 3 20-280 Width' 2' Depth: LS' Side slope: 2: 1 42 I 24-in diam CP I HW=l.5' I 2 1280 I I I Culvert crosses from Length= 40' west to east side of • road. New 24" LCPE replaced 12" CP 43 I 30-'in diam CMP HW=1' 2 320 New 30" LCPE Length.= 20' replaced 24" CMP .44 I Roadside ditch Earth-lined ditch j 340-460 Recently regraded Width' 2' Depth: IS Side slope: 2: I 45 I 30-'in diam CMP I HW=1' I 2 1460 I Past drainage I I New 30" LCPE · Length = 1.30' problem reported at replaced 18" CMP this location; See Drainage Complaint No. 97-0423 46 I Roadside ditch I Earth-lined ditch I 3 1590-640 I I I Recently regraded · Width: 3' Depth: 3; Side slope: 2: I 3-1 Nu:lrob P/aa Ptelilninary TlR-May 20!J3 le 1 (continued) 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 I Braided channel I Ponded area I Channel Width: 2.5' Depth: I' Side slope: 2: I 12-in diani CMP 12-in diani culvert Channel Width: 2.5' Depth: 2.5' Side slope: Vertical 24-in diam culvert N'idools Plaa Pteluninary 11R-May 2/)(J3 J Forested Forested, potential wetland area I Earih-lined Earth-lined bottom; concrete block walls 0.5 2 1-2 1-2 2 e 640-740 740-840 840-990 I 990 I 1,090 I 1,110.J,240 1,240 3-2 e •·'S~ii-"1.i:~#ij;·f.i:*"f>J·,.,,<,·~,ti.!,:"'11; a11sen1anons~f::\'!~ . 'lft~~, Iii :~~~~~t~l~~~s~~.)?~.' ~Ji:~iji;probl~overtlow-~'h.:¥, ,,., "''"'?'''""'""";" '"' '''li~~l~lw~~(!~~ I Water likely backs up under high flows I Potential I overtopping of driveway Past drainage problem reported at this location; See Drainage Complaint No. 97-0206 Water flows east among trees Flow path through middle of ponded area Culvert passes under horse corral Culvert passes under driveway Culvert has trash rack and concrete headwall inlet lie 1 (continued) • • 54 I Channel· I Earth-lined I 3 J 1,240-1,280 I Highly eroded banks I Eros.ion likely to Width: 3• co~tmue Depth: 4' Side slope: 1:1 55 I Channel I Earth-lined I 6 11,280'1,580 I Eroded banks I Erosion likely to I Channel heads down hill Width: 3• continue towards SE 144th Street Depth: 4' Side slope: I: I 3-3 Nidwb Plaa Preliminary TiR-May 2003 ··-·---·------- Part A: Existing Hydrology The site consists of two basins. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 3). The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the north to the southwest. Cover types on the site include a single-family residence (Photo I in Appendix A. I), forest (Photo 2 in Appendix A. I), and pasture. Cover types and areas used in the stormwater design for existing onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Part B: Developed Site Hydrology The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on about 3.8 acres. The proposed site plan is provided in Figure 6. Cover type areas for developed onsite conditions are summarized in Table 2. Under developed conditions, the developed portion of the site, including offsite road improvements, will consist of 1.83 acres of grass and l.99 acres of impervious area. Under developed conditions, stormwater from the east basin of the site and road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. Stormwater from a portion of the lots and roofs in the west basin will be surface discharged. In the east basin, stormwater from the site will be collected and managed in an onsite combined wetpond/detention pond. The outfall of the pond will discharge to the drainage ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE. Stormwater from a 0.11-acre portion of 160th Avenue SE will · bypass the onsite stormwater facility, but will be treated to basic water quality standards with a small wetvault located near the south end of the improvements. The storm water pond in the southeast comer of the site will be designed using a downstream point-of-compliance to account for the bypass from 160th Avenue SE. In the west basin, stormwater from the back halves oflots 14 and 16 and all but the front access driveways to lots 15 and 17 will be allowed to sheet flow off the property. Develped peaks for all storm events greater than the 2-year event are fess than existing peaks except for the 2-year peak whick is 0. 005 cfs higher than existing. The developed duration curve is less than the existing for all return periods (See Figure 7C). 4-1 • Table 2. Existing and Developed Site Basin Conditions > · ·, ·· ··· ·. · ,.·· ·.. .. ·. . · EXJSTJ/1/G::,';:' . , ,, ' < ; ' /:" ... •.•. _ ... :_ •••.••. ·.· ... :_ .. ·.· ••... ·.,_· .. ••.·.·.·.,_:s_.·· .. ·,·.".·.···b.,·· .. ··.b,.·· •. ·.a ·,,;i·n· ... ·(_·.,. , ..•... ';.,_._· .. ·,·.·_:,.·.·.·.K···:· .. ·.·'BfasfT. 1 ·n··~ .. ·".· .• ·.·.'· Till-forest nnspasture • Wetland Tul-grass; lmperv•. .,, Toial . , .•.... · ..... · .... ··· .. · .•....• .c.c<.t . . (AC);> >'<Ad\ . ::: <Aos~i fs<Aci ->JAeJ:;: \)<16::) West Basin exwest Site Subtotal East Basin exeast Site 160th Ave SE Improvements Subtotal Total . 0.28 1.20 0.28 1.20 2.34 0.11 2.45 0.28 3.65 1.48 1.48 2.34 0.11 2.45 3.93 •• ·•1·:' •• ··1,t,' ,j ·, ,: , .,-.;!'/\',,'/,, ';','.iDE/IEEOPED',;}i''•;i!.!t!:;{'(;, .;\·) ·. ;·Subb~i~,,•C"-;', ·,: :·1 KCRTS ·, Till"{orest Till{itisil,ii,. ;Wetlaiiil'. !fl/1-ifii:ss •.;. lnipuv,'. .. , . ·Total ,, · . i/(,i ,.·, . •. , ·/: .. i· .·Basin',' ,/ {,,lq,)•• ,; i '{:4.q'.)/';;' .,N,JdJI)ti iftiXG't'. ?.{i40.:i: \'.'J(AC)•,:, · West Basin devwest Lots 0.14 0.22 0.36 Subtouu East Basin Lots (3) RID 160th Ave SE Improvements Subtotal Total East Basin deveast erwest devwest exeast deveast byeast 0.14 1.37 0.32 1.69 1.83 0.28 l'.20 0.14 2.45 1.69 Note: 0.18 acre of impervious of 160thAvenue SE improvements bypass the RID facility in the east basin. % impervious factor= 0.52 for 6.0 DU/Gross Acre (23/3.82) from SWDM Table 3.2.2.D Total lot impervious lower of 4000 sf or 70"/o whichever is less. 4-2 N,d,d, Place Prelimmary 11R -May 2003 0.22 0.36 1.49 2.86 0.28 0.60 0.11 0.11 1.88 3.57 2.10 3.93 1.48 0.22 0.36 2.45 1.77 3.46 0.11 0.11 • Part C: Performance Standards A summary of flow control, conveyance, and water quality treatment performance standards for the project is presented in Table 3, below. Table 3. Summary of Performance Standards Flow Control Water Quality Treatment Menu Oil Control Nichols Plau Preliminary 'l1R -May 2(}()3 • Level 2 RID • 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual; Applications Map • Basic water quality treatment • Surface Water Design Manual Section; Applications Map using a wetpond and wetvault in the east basin. • The site does not meet the • definition of a high-use site 4-3 Surface Water Design Manual Section 1.3.5 • •• Part D: Flow Control System KCRTS was used to design the proposed stormwater facilities. Procedures and design criteria specified in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual were followed for hydrologic modeling. Descriptions of the stormwater systems and details of the design analysis are provided below: A plan view of the storm water systems is provided in Figure 6. For stormwater facility designs, the reduced KCRTS time series data set was used for the Sea- Tac rainfall region with a correction factor of 1.0, Documentation of the· KCRTS input and output including descriptions of executable files, reservoirs, and times series is provided in Appendices C and D: Under developed conditions, stormwater from the site and offsite road improvements will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards. A combined wetpond/detention pond will be used to manage runoff in the easterly basin. A small wetvault will. provide water quality treatment to a portion of 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the stormwater facility. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. The natural discharge locations from the ·site will be maintained at the outlet of the proposed stormwater facilities. It is assumed the existing offsite flows from the north from· the 1.80 and 2.15 acre basins will be directed to the proposed Evendell Plat pond for the developed scenario and will not enter the site. Stormwater from the development in the easterly basin will be managed with a combined wetpond/detention facility to meet Level 2 RID standards. Stormwater from the development in the westerly basin will be managed by allowing runoff from selected lots and roofs.to discharge to surface. Runofffrom these selected lots.and roofs will have ·a 2cyear peak of0:066 cfs versus an existing2-year peak of0.051 cfs; however, peak values-for all higher return periods will be less than existing. The duration curve for the developed west basin will be less than existing for . all return periods (See Figure ). The stormwater-facilities shown in Figure 6 meets Level 2 RID criteria and basic water quality requirements .. Flow duration curves at the downstream point-of~compliance are provided in Figures 7 A and 7C. Peak flow rates for the downstream point-of-compliance, under existing and developed site conditions follow Figures 7A and 7B. The downstream point-of:compliance includes iunofffrom a portion·ofl60th Avenue SE that bypasses the stormwaterfacilities. The duration curves and peak flow rates shown for existing and developed conditions indicate that Level 2 RID criteria are met. · The storm water facility in the east basin requires approximately . 42,085 cubic feet oflive storage, excluding a factor of safety, to meet Level 2 RID standards. A factor· of safety of l O pel'cent will he added to the final design volume: . Part E: Water'Qualitj'System Basic water quality standards apply to the site. A basic wetpond will provide treatment for the site's easterly basin. A small wetvault will provide treatment for a portion of road improvements along 160th Avenue SE that bypasses the easterly stormwater facility. N,d,ob l'loa Prelmrma,y TlR-May 2003 • The required wetpool volumes for the treatment facilities were determined using equations provided in Chapter 6 of the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. Basin areas, annual runoff volumes, VbNr ratios, and required volume for the wetpond are given in Table 4 . "' " ,;-;<"'-<; \ ,, ' 71. ;2 ' 7 " "\ c~-'-._c.C>"3 i?OS'G ~:.trrdo'1Ij~" ~ :/ :,.t ~ Hl!t ,.,_~;;no W'Ui ~~ -, .,.v'' ,, l l ' ,.,'1> ~' --"' ,-0 -' ,1~ ;? t1.'T1b<t:P"ffi! k<:><i !i{.A..,..~.A,,,..\..,..."--<,.t,.....J,,..J....,.\..,.J......}.-....4-A,fl.._"...-~J:.-~~""'!i...-~.~A_, ~,,_.! .• ~·\-._.\ .• ",'.,..,J .... ,~.,A~-.>.,,,A ... l,._"\.,,.\c ···'-.,./, .. .l~, .\ ... ,'-, _ _)·.,,/.~~,\ ... \,, ''·-,,-~. '; I ! ,, --;- . F'~nco r ,JI, , '~'~"' : t ,,,,,. ..... 1 ,,, .. , J?ROPOSED I ""'"'.;" . ! -,~ EVENDELL PLAT ' f " ,;: u byeast (0.11 AC.),,."'::-, ,f 1--'-::>g Wlre-, ~-~...,,,:7 .".1}/{ ,.~ ,:,.,~-; ,·~ . .., , __ , ~-------1,--~I-J _l_tJ,:::'. L::. \'f · -cc''.· I~,:-: _: _ . _ o, --·-·i·:.\. ~· ·1 ., .. --· ·1 --·1---.--, .. ,,1 •• ,nn1;··,; '",-1, ,, I ,I 'f1: t: -i: :.~"ll,-I I I ,· V ~ ' }"r' ,··" ' 3 ,.~,,-""" I , o . 9 : : B . 7.-• . , s . 5/ . 4 . I -,'w,10:~ I ·,, .-1· I I I ;l . ..;:!\_. ,_,; . I / .• _ I~ V'-1~ \: j ! ) '•,.),,--, •.. ,,. ,,, i , It• · ' ~"' "t1:~ : 1 • /. -• l._i': l. _ . l >-:-;,x1c;l,ev1a st J_ __ . l. _ . l -~,,.,, * 1-.}'t,_, __ ,_, ;_,},,:JJ(·:J 46'·~,:AC) -+;'t-Jt, ~'c~. ; 1-. "'~~ r '';•;;£;, ,, . _,,_ .. ·,;·.'.:_-.:'..'.;_,-.!.t}\f ~,. 2 1 f \i' ' : !- w· ' ,, ii 1j ,, .~ !; ;~ .. ,1 ' .,: J' 1-~-!- ·~·;-,.• -..·,;, ~'-'/' ,., .... :·,.;o- <·'.·•• <;Sf<!'.~'<!~ ,,~~ ·~ MJ,fa I , T'"~""r:: ;(J Ji, 11 nc11 lRZD --~ • .... J i I i~ :i..:'li..,i--}~1t"i _;. __ .,, ·---·· ~ ·-~ -· -"· ""I~~ I . ~-r. .1·' \a=iliti'"'~111'·20'. II !I 23 . . -. -r ,' . 'l\;'l'"""'~=,11 ; I r'·t·-•J . . ,, . . . "' . "'" ' I L ·; I i -;j ,·-·1---::t·: , ·:-_.___ . -"-. .L......all ~-,~~ I t, ·'I "' a~. ••• 'J> ,,, .i~ ~, ,• '• "' P' SOU: IN Fm -------• .. 100 ' I l a.l"::t •!.~ Hi.JOS'l•.:. S.mi!'Jt/$n,1 ',, . ., ,!/' ,· .. ,, .. , j,i,·.')00 ~j,~ f:=·,,.,--. 22 Haozous Engineering, P .S.I CML a, SIIE ENCINEERlltG . 13428 -45TH COURI', MUKILTEO, WA. 98275 425-745-5872 ......... .. ,,, RHO 5/18/03 DRA• Im RHD ..,.. 6/18/03 ·----··.-;'1",; ::~;,, l '-' -·-··'·· __ J;iY L~! i l 1- i._, i NICHOLS .. ,,,.,, ... -,,-0 PRELlMINARY PLAT DEVELOPED DRAINAGE BASINS :· . .:. 16 I ~.:_: t ~ .~ -- g - - - z 8 ' fWO ·g '(I ~---->----->----->----->----->------+" ·no· S? · u·o Predeveloped Peak Flow Rates -East Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac -~-Annual Peak Flow· Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks (CFS) (CFS) 0.178 2 2/09/01 18:.00 0.305 · 0.066 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.178 0 .162 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.162 0.017 8 3/24/04 19 ::00 0.151 0.091 · 6 1/05/05 8:00 0 .. 146 o·.151 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.091 0 .146 5 11/24/06 4·, 00 0.066 0.305 1 1/09/08 6: oo· 0.017 Computed Peaks 0 . .262 Developed Peak Flow Rates -East Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annua.l Peak Flow Rates.--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0 .. 195 1 2/09/01 21:·oo 0. 071 6 1/05/02 16:·00 0.175 2 3/06/03 21:00 0:010 7 8/2 6/04 2:00 0. 067 8 10/28/04 16:00 0.079 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.096 4 11/26/06 21:00 0.174 3 1/09/08 15:00 Computed Peaks: -----Flow --Peaks (CFS) 0 .. 1.95 0.175 0.174 0.096 0.079 0 .. 071 0.070 0.067 0.188 Rank Return Prob· Period 1 100.00 0.990 2 25.00 0.96!) 3 10.00 0.900 4 5.00 0 .. 800 5 3.00 0. 667 6 2.00 0.500. 7 1.30 0.231 8 1.10 0. 091 \ 50 .. 00 a .. 980 Frequency Analysis------- Rank Return Prob Period L 100.00 0.990 2 25.00 0.960 3 10.00 0.900 4 5.00 0.800 5 3.00 0. 667 6 2 ... 00 0 .. 500 7 1.30 0.231 8 1.10 0.091 50.00 0.980 • Figure 7B . Duration Comparison at POC -East Basin Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exeast.tsf New File: poceast.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fr/3.ction of Time------------~-check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0.045 I 0.87E-02 0.67E-02 -23.0 I 0.87E-02 0.045 0.042 -7.0 0.049 I 0.73E-02 0.53E-02 ~21. 0 I 0.73E-02 0.049 0.044 -10.5 0.053 I. 0.64E-02 0.46E-02 -28.1 I 0.64E-02 0.053 0.045 -14.6 0.057 I 0.57E-02 0 .. 39E-02 -31.1 I 0.57E-02 0.057 0 .. 048 -17.0 0.062 I 0.52E-02 0 .36E-02 -31.2 I 0.52E-02 0.062 0.050 -18.6 0.066 I 0.46E-02 0.33E-02 -28.1 I 0. 46E-02 0.066 0.053 -19.3 0.070 I 0.41E-02 0.32E-02 -22.0 I o .Arn~o2 0•.070 0.056 -19.5 0.074 I 0.37E-02 0.27E-02 -27.2 I 0.37E-02 0.074 o. 061 -18.2 0.078 I 0.32E~02 0. 23E~.02 -26.5 I 0.32E~o2 0.078 0.070 -10.7 0.082 I 0.29E~02 0.20E-02 -31. 8 I 0.29E-02 o·; 002 o. 073 -11. 9 0.086 I 0.27E-02 0.18E~02 -33.5 I 0.27E-02 0.086 0.074 -14.5 0.091 I 0.23E-02 0.17E-02 -28.2 I 0.23E-02 0.091 0.079 -12.8 0 .. 095 I 0.20E-02 0.16E-02 -22.0 I 0.20E-02 0.095 0.081 -14.2 0.099 I 0.18E-02 0.15E-02 -16 .. 7 I 0 .. 18E-02 0.099 0.088 -11.5 0.103 I 0.15E-02 0 .13E-02 -14.0 I 0.15E-02 0.103 0.097 -6.2 0.107 I 0.14E-02 0. llE-02 -15.7 I 0.14E-02 0.107 0.102 -4.6 0 .111 I O.llE-02 0.98E-03 -14.3 I 0. llE-02 0.111 0.108 -3.5 0 .116 I 0.99E-03 0.91E~03 -8.2 I 0.99E~03 0.1I6 0.111 -3.7 0.120 I 0.85E-03 0.85E-03 0 .. 0 I 0 .. ffSE-03 0.120 0.120 0.0 0.124 I 0.77E-03 0.75E-03 -2.1 I 0.77E-03 0.124 0.124 -0.2 0.128 I 0.62E-03 0.67E-03 7.9 I 0. 62E-03 0.128 0.131 2.2 0.132 I 0.46E-03 0 .. SSE-03 21..4 I O•.A6E-03 0.132 0.13.8 4. 5 0.136 I 0.39E-03 0.46E-03-16. 7 I 0.39E-03 0.136 0.142 3.8 0.140 I 0.29E-03 0.39E-03 33.3 I 0 .29E-03 0.140 0.145 3,5 0.145 I 0.21E-03 0.33E-03 53.8 I 0.21E-03 0.145 0.148 2.2 0.149 I 0.18E-03 0.18E-03 0.0 I 0 .18E-03 0.149 0.150 0.5 0.153 I 0.16E-03 0 .. 15E-03 -10.0 I 0 .. 16E-03 0 .. 153 0.153 -0 . .2 0.157 I 0.15E-03 0-.13E-03 -11.1 I 0.15E-03 0.157 0.157 -0.3 0.161 I 0.98E-04 0. llE-03 16.7 I 0.98E-04 0.161 0.162 0.6 0 .165. I 0.65.E-04 0.82E-04 25.0 I 0. 65E-04· 0.165 0.168 1. 6 0.170 I 0.33E-04 0.49E-04 · 50. 0 I 0.33E~04 0.170 0.170 0.3 Maximum .Posi tfve· excursion = 0.006 cfs ( 4. 5%) occurring at 0.132 cfs on the Base Data:exeast.tsf and at 0.138 c£s. on the New Data:.poceast .. tsf Maximum, negative excursion = 0.014 cfs (--20. 5%) . _occurring _ at 0.069 cfs: on the Base ·Data: exeast·. brr and at 0.055 cfs. on the New Data:poceast.tsf • 4>2 = ·;; = J:ll -"' ... . ~ .I i ... -_.g "' ... t = {;,) 1'I ·C> ·--= ... = A ~ Q -... I,) . t-. ... .. • ·C::, bl) -... i 0 , I v" I I , , , f I ! I 0 / ( 0 0 ?t"O .... r:;:----±,-----:b---.-:,± .• :------:.1'0"±0:-'----:,± .• =-----:-:+'1 • Existing Peak Flow Rates· -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File: exwest..tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks (CFS) (CFS) 0.102 2 2/09/0l · 18:00 0 .165 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.102 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.090 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.084 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.081 0.084 4 l/18/06 16:00 0.051 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.036 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.009 Computed Peaks 0.144 Developed Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.053 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.069 5 10/28/04 16:00 0. 070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.134 l 1/09/08 6::00 Computed· Peaks -----Flow -~. Peaks (CFS) 0.134 0.083 0;079 0.070 0.069 o. 066 0.058 0 .. 053 o·.111 Frequency Analysis------- Rank Return Prob Period 1 100.00 0.990 2 25.00 0.960 3 10.00 0.900 4 5.00 0.800 5 3.00 0 .667 6 2.00 0.500 7 1.30 0.231 8 1.10 0.091 50.00 0 .. 980 Frequency Analysis------- Rank Return Prob Period 1 100.00 0'.990 2 25.00 0.960 3 10.00 0.900 4 5.00 · 0. 800 5 3.00 0.667 6 2.00 0.500 7 1.30 0.231 8 1.10 0,.091 50.00 0·.980 • Table 4. Wet Pond. Sizing Calculations East Basin Residential: I Lots/Onsite Road 1.37 1.49 2.86 2,872 3.0 8,617 RID Tract 0.32, 0.28. 0.60 566 . 3.0 1,699 !Total 0.001 1.77! 34611~· __ 3~,4_3_9~1 10,316 I' East Basin -160th Avenue SE Improvements ISE 136th Street Improvements I I I 0.111 onll 1691 301 5071 jTotal o.ooj o.ooj O.ll! 0 111! 169 I 501 I Mean annual storm = 0.47 4-Z Nidtob l'fat:e Preliminary Tm.-liiay.21)()3 ~------------------------------------- • Stormwater RID System Conveyance The onsite stormwater system will be designed to convey the 25-year peak flow rate for conveyance systems upstream-ofthestormwater facility. A conceptual design of the conveyance system is shown in Figure 6 of Section 4. 5-1 · Ndlob PfDa Preliminary TIR.-Moy 2003 A summary of special reports and studies conducted for Nichols Place is presented below. Table 5. Summary of Special Reports and Studies [';~'~ifti':<Y~taJJijtJ; Geotechnical/soils NIA Flood plains NIA Anadromous fisheries impacts NIA Water quality NIA 6-l Mdiols1!1ilce. Preliminary 'IJJl.: ~ May 2D(J3 • A summary of permits required for the Nichols.Place project is listed in the table below. Table 6. Summary of Other Permits Required Onsite Sewage Disposal Developer/Local Agency Agreement NPDES Stormwater Section 10,401,404 No No Yes No 7-1 Seattle/King County Department of Health Washington State Department of Transportation United States Army Corps of Engineers • ,s,ii:¥.$ii~ii'.~i;~J?J~ii)i~¥i~(/'.. • • Construction activities required to develop the site will include the following: ' • clearing and grading, • • earthwork ( excavation, filling, hauling), and pavmg. An erosion and. sedimentation control plan for the project.is provided in Figure 8. Construction best management practices (BMPs) have· been selected for each of the particular types of anticipated construction activities. Implementing proven BMPs at construction locations, such as minimizing exposed soil surfaces, and controlling erosion and sedimentation will reduce potential impacts on surface water. BMPs for the proposed types of construction activities are outlined below. · Clearing Limits To prevent disturbance of project areas not designated for construction, a construction clearing limits fence or silt fence will be installed by the Contractor. These fences will.be installed prior to clearing and grading activities where appropriate. Cover Measures Temporary and permanent cover measures will be provided by the Contractor to protect disturbed areas. Mulching will be used to provide immediate temporary .protection from erosion and to enhance plant growth, Plastic covering may be used in order to protect cut and fill slopes and stockpiles and/or to encourage grass growth in newly seeded areas. Perimeter Protection In order to reduce the transport of sediment off-site, the Contractor will instaU: filter fences-as- indicated on the drawings priorto grading activities. Equipment Parking and Storage of Materials Parking areas for vehicles and equipment on the construction site should be covered with gravel to prevent erosion and tracking of the underlying soiL Machinery and vehicles shouJd·be well maintained. In the event of a spill or leak of toxic materials, the incident should be reported to . the Construction Site Supervisor and actions should immediately be taken to-contain and· cleanup the materials.· 8-1 ~---------------------------------------- • Figure 8 .. Erosion and. Sedimentation Control Plan. . (t-·· 'l( '.t: e e • Traffic Area Stabilization Stabilized pads of quarry spalls will be installed by the Contractor at all egress points from the project site to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads or other off-site areas by motor vehicles. Sediment Retention Sediment retention will be provided by silt fencing at the locations.and dimensions shown on the drawings and shall be maintained by the Contractor. Wet Season Construction If soils are exposed during the period of October I to March 31, the Contractor will mulch and seed as much disturbed area as possible by the first week of October in order to provide grass cover for the wet season. The Contractor will also conform to the following wet season special prov1s10ns: • Apply cover measures to disturbed areas that are to remain unworked for more than two days. • Provide on-site stockpiles of cover materials sufficient to cover all disturbed areas. • Seed all areas that are to be unworked during the wet season by the end of the first week of October. • Apply mulch to all seeded areas for protection. • Provide construction road and parking lot stabilization areas for all sites. Maintenance The Contractor will maintain and review all TESC measures on a regular basis. Final Stabilization Prior to obtaining final construction approval, the site shall be stabilized, the structural TESC measures removed, and drainage facilities cleaned. Disturbed areas of the site·should be vegetated or otherwise permanently stabilized. At a minimum, disturbed areas should be seeded and mulched to provide a high likelihood that sufficient cover will develop shortly after final approval. . 8-3 A bond quantities worksheet for the project will be prepared during final engineering for the submittal. A summary of onsite conveyance and.water quality facilities is given in Figure 10. None of the facilities will be privately owned or maintained. Therefore a declaration of covenant is not needed. 9-1 • Figure 9. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ..Q;"""f{'I, .l ·( .. Ji 9-2 • • Figure 10. Flow Control and Water ,Quality Facility Summary . Development: Evendell Plat Date: 5-18-03 Location: King County Township 23N, Range SE, Section 14 ENGINEER DEVELOPER Name: Robert Darrow Name: Mike Romano (representing U.S. Land Develooment, Inc.) Firm: Haozous Ern!ineering, P.S. Firm: U.S. Land Development Associates, Inc. Address: Address: 13428 -45th Court C/o Centurion Development Services Mukilteo, WA 98275 22617 8th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: (425) 745-5872 Phone: (425) 486-2563 Developed Site: 3.82 Acres Number oflots: 23 single-family residences Number of detention facilities on site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: 0 I Combined Wetpond/R/D I Vault (In ROW for 1601h Avenue SE) Downstream Drainru,e Basins. Immediate Maior Basin Lower Cedar River Orting Hills · Cedar River Number & type of water quality facilities on site: ___ biofiltration swale (regular/wet/ or ___ sand filter (basic or large?) continuous inflow?) ___ sand filter, linear (basic or large?) -~!~ combined detention/WQ ponds ___ sand filter vault (basic or large?) ___ flow dispersion trenches l vault ___ combined detention/wetvault energy dissipation structure(s) ___ compost filter Basic pond (basic or large?) ___ filter strip ___ landscape management plan ___ oil/water separator (baffle or coalescing plate?) ___ catch basin inserts: Manufacturer ______________ _ ___ pre-settling pond ___ pre-settling structure: Manufacturer--------------- ---flow-splitter catch basin . 9-3 • • Figure 10 (continued) DESIGN INFORMATION Westerly Basin Easterly Basin Water Quality Design Volume Surface Discharge 10,316 (CF) Onsite Area (AC) 0.36 3.46 Offsite Areru AC) . 0 0 Type of Storage Facility Surface Discharge Combined Wetnond/R/D Required Live Storage Volume 0 42,085 (CF) Existing Runoff Rates 25-year (CFS)* 0.102 0.173 Post-RID Developed Runoff Rates 25-year (CFS)* 0.083 0.167** • Based on KCRTS I-hour peak rates for the proposed developed area. •• Accounts for bypass of runoff from improvements on 160"' Avenue 9-4 Nidwls Plaee Pmmnnary 17R -May 2003 Bypass 160'" Avenue SE (Easterly Basin) 507 0.11 0 Wetvault N/A 0.008 0.040 • The conveyance and water quality facilities for Nichols Place will not be privately maintained nor do they contain non-standard features. The table below specifies the maintenance requirements for each component of the storm water facility being constructed. Applicable maintenance requirements, taken from the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, are referenced to the pages that follow. · Table 7. Summary of Maintenance.Requirements for Stormwater Facilities • No. I -Detention Ponds • No. 4 -Control Structure Restrictor • No. 5 -Catch Basins • No. 6 -Debris Barriers • No. IO -Conveyance Systems • No. 13 -Water Quality Facilities -Wetponds • No. 13-Water Quality Facilities -Wetvaults 10-1 Ndob Plott Pre~ TJR-May 2{)()3 • King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1997. Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan. Seattle. King County Department of Parks; Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. Seattle. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. Seattle. 11-1 N",d,ob Pl«,, Preluninary 11R-'May 21XJ3 • Appendix A. I Photographs of the Downstream System Appendix A.2 Drainage Complaints Appendix A.3 Orting Hills Subbasin Map N'rdwls Platt Preliminary 11R-May 2003 • • • Appendix A.1 Photographs of the Downstream System Location 5 -Looking west along north side of SE 13911i Street Location 31 -Looking south along east side of 160th Avenue SE Nichol., PIDce Preliminary TlR. -May 2003 Location 26 -Looking south along east side of 160th Avenue SE Location 35 -Looking at headwall on 18" CMP inlet to CB at Location 36 • • • • Location 44 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 160di Avenue SE Location 45b -Looking north at outlet on newly installed 30" LCPE along east side of 160th Avenue SE Ndiol.r Place Preliminary 11R -May 2003 Location 45a -Looking south at entrance to 130 ft length of newly installed 30" LCPE alon east side of 160th Avenue SE Location 46 -Looking south at newly graded ditch along east side of 160th Avenue SE • Table A.I. Summary of Downstream Drainage Complaints Complaint Date Property Owner Description of Complaint .Nu~ber ' ,1 ';,l' 91-0954 8/27/9 1 Earnest Gilcrest 15606 SE 143rd Street Flooding at culvert entrance. 97-0318 14038 -156th Avenue Flooding due to plugged culvert. Drainage SE complaint is a claim and is not currently available. 97-0203 1/7/97 14028 -160th Avenue Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along SE 160th A venue SE. County replaced existing 12 " diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 2002-0766 11/22/02 14028 -160th A venue Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along SE 160th A venue SE. County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and • regarded ditches in April 2003 97-0206 1/10/97 Don Gregg Offsite flows impacting private property. 16046 SE 142°d Place Backyard flooded with larger storms. Septic system operation impacted. Investigated for Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem. Chronic channel erosion. Channel erosion is likely to continue in futme. Onsite mitigation: Level 2 Flow Control Standards 98-0202 3/19/97 Paul Huff Drainage from neighbor impacting low area 14312 160th Avenue SE of private property. Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem : Not impacted by proposed project. Onsite mitigation: N/ A • Nidtol.J 1'111« Preliminary.17R -May 2003 • King County Water and Land Reso urces DIYlskll -DraJna1111 services Sootlon COmplalnt Search Printed 4/24/2003 11 :53 :46 AM ~ Typi lYIII Df PrmBn bm' CIOI A-.ufPl'da ClllnlttJ TlnlPage 1974-0095 C RIPRAP 152.25 JONES RD ROCKS/OIKE/15219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657A4 1974-0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RD ROCK/DIKE/JONES RD/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1974-0103 C 15631 JONES RD SE W/0 BACKFILi/JONES RD 657A4 1974-0106 C DRNG 15005 JONES RD DITCH/ALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FL OG 16418 SE 145TH ST STORM SEWERS/BRI ARWOOD S 65784 1976-0084 C 156TH PL SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RD/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657A4 1976-0091 C DEBR I 15463 S E JONES RD CE DAR RIVER 657A4 1979-0090 C DR NG 14406 162NDAV SE 65783 1981-0316 C 15035 SE J ONES RD DIKE JETIY/CEDAR RI VER 657A4 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 S E 145TH PL BRIAR' •• :OD AREA 65784 1983-0357 C DRNG 14827 SE JONES RD CHNL OVERFLO/MADSEN CRK 657A4 1983-0387 C FLOG 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOD AREA 65783 1984-0224 C FLOG 16211 S E 145TH ST 65784 1985-0710 E FILL 15035 SE JONES RD KG CTY NOT RESP-WILLnotENF 657A4 1986-0372 C VIOLATE 15817 SE JONES RD MOBILE H OME IN FLOOD PLAIN 657A4 1986-0372 E ILL DVLT 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALD FOR CM(CHK STAT BY CMDl). 657A4 1986-0437 C CULVERT 15252 SE 142ND PL IN STALLATION -NE ED CB 657A3 1986-0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RD SEE 86-0745.1158 657A4 1986-0745 C FILL 15045 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL-CEDAR RIVER 657A4 ~ 1986-081 2 C EROS IO N 15421 SE JONES RD CEo.i -?.IVER 657A4 1 • 1986-1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD SEE: 66-0745 BRAMBLETT 86-0745 657A4 1987-1001 X FILL 16861 SE JONES RD ILLE GAL FILL IN FLDPLAIN 65784 1988-0377 C DRNG 14 250 161ST AVE SE H.A Z,;Roous POND OH/TO CM. 06/10/89 6 37!:3 1989-0086 C DRNG 14820 154TH PL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657A4 1990-0318 C FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITCH/STORM EVENT 657A4 i 1990-0449 C DRNG 14943 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEK/STORM EVENT 657A4 I 1990-0518 CL FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD C L#12839 657A4 1990-0590 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREEK/STORM 657A4 .-j 1990-0702 CL FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD CL#12933 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 a: 1990-0748 CL FLOG 15023 SE JONES RD CL#12989 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A 4 "' I 0 j 5 1990-0793 CL FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD WASHE DOUT DRIVEWAY/Cl#1 3019 SEE 657A4 u ; . 1990-0956 C L FLOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERT/CL#1313 657A4 ' > "" .;; 1990-1023 C DRNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657A4 ~ 1990-1101 C EASEM'T 16516 S E 149TH ST ON LOT BUILD ADDITION 65784 ~ 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149TH ST MET ON SITE WILL SUBMIT PROPOSED S 65784 ~ Q. 1990-1 280 C DRN G 14926 165TH PL SE ONTO 0/W AT CUL DE SAC 65784 C"> ':'! 1990-1343 C DRNG 14920 163RD CT SE DAMAGED PVT DRAIN 65784 . '!'! ;; ; r., ,, ' ·.o Page 1 of4 ;; 0 ,;. . ., l ~ " ... I TITLE "' HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S . DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD ., " :;.-a "' Q. /-ci..: • • " ... I • 1 c.. o - . - - C~t Type Ty111 or Prlllmn Amrea of Prmilrn Hmeer CIOI 1990-1503 C DRN G 15025 156TH PL 1990-1509 C ERO S ION 14250 154TH PLACE 1990-1542 C FLOG 16448 SE JONES RD 1990-1625 C ERO S ION 15633 SE JONES RD 1990-167 3 C ERO SION 14908 SE JONES RD 1990-1684 C EROSI ON 17055 SE JONES RD 1991-0064 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH 1991 -0064 SR FLOG 1':-'.~6 SE 145TH 1991 -0188 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RD PLACE 1991 -0 188 E DRN G 143RD SE 164THAVE SE 1991 -0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST 1991 -0422 C D RN G 16448 S E JONES RD 1991-0422 SR D RNG 16448 SE JOMES RD 1991 -0954 C FL OODING 15606 SE 143RD ST 1991 -1147 C DRAINA GE 14506 165THAVE 1993-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE 1993-0252 E DRNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE 1993-0752 woe DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD 1993-1063 C H OLE 16519 SE 149TH ST 1994-0 538 C HAZA RD 1651 9 S E 1..i ~7 H S.,.. 1995-0107 C CULVERT? 15641 SE 138TH PL 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148TH ST 1996-0289 C FLOG 15 225 162ND AVE 1996-0289 R F LO G 15225 162NDAVE 1996-0376 CD SEEPA GE 15225 162NDAVE 1996-0556 C RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL 1996-0556 R RUNOF F 14301 166TH PL 1996-0869 C FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD 1996-0869 NOA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD 1996-0869 R FLOG :5CZ5 c::~ -C: ,.'O NES RD 1996-0870 C RID POND 15XXX SE 143RDST 1996-1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH PL 1996-1253 C DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE 1996-1253 NOA DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE 1996-1253 R DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE 1996-1724 C FLOG 14206 164THAVE 1996-1762 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES 1997-0203 C FLOG 14028 160THAVE 1997-0206 C FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING, P.S. Clmlatts T11'11s~ f SE PIPE OUTFALL TO RIVER 657A4 I I SE CULVERT DAMAGE AND SLIDE IN RAVINE 657A4 WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 65784 I OF RIVERBANK/FAILED LEVEE 657A4 I CEDAR RIVER BANK 657A4 REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 65784 RID PLUGGED/NO DRAINAGE 65784 RQST FM ADD TO OLDS/OFF 65784 BROKEN PIPE 65783 BROKEN PIPE 65783 PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 65784 ROCKS AND DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65784 OH/RDRNGCM 05/11/91 SEE 9 1-0530 S5 7!:?4 STORM EVENT C/B OVERFLOW 657A3 SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 TURNED TOE 65783 CHECK STAT BY CMDT DATE 65783 65784 SEDIMENT FROM WELL DRILLING 65784 I HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 6 5784 I ' NEW KC DITCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 65784 . POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO S 65783 f STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 SE GROUNDWATEF. 3TREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 SE SEE 96-0289 DUP 65784 SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 l HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 HIG H FLOW POND ING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 KIDS USING POND FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657A4 SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 65783 RD DAMAGE TO DRNG OUTFALL TO CEDAR R 657A4 SE OVERFLOW FROM D/\N CULV IMPACT PVT 65783 OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 Page 2 of 4 I I . DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FILE5 OF KCWLRD • • 0 .., 0 ,:;: '· "' ,, w I o- ~t Jypa lYIII of Problem Alll'8ss of Pr-.0 Coomllts 11ros 113') ' lblDr ta -1997-0206 NOA FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 -> 1997-0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSJTE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 -1997-0318 CL CLAIM 14038 56THAVE SE FLOODING DUE TO PLUGGED CULVERT 657A3 -1997-0423 CL FLOG 14028 160THAVE SE ROADSIDE DITCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE 65783 I -;;97.1J4e.1 C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT DRNG 657A3 I I 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 156TH AVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657A4 I 1997-0859 FCR VANDALIS 167TH PL SE & SE 144TH VANDALISM TO RID IDENTIFICATION SIGN 65783 1997-0917 FCR DRN POND 145TH SE PL 6TWN 150&151 PL NEIGH KIDS DIGGING IN POND SIDE SLOP 657A3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 15405 S E JONES RD STUMPS STOCKPILED FOR CO PROJECT 657A4 1997-1493 FCR POND 16426 SE 145TH ST INFILTRATION POND NOT HANDLING LAR 65784 1998-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145TH PL DOG WASTE SIGN REQUESTED 657A3 -1998-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160TH AVE SE LOW AREA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65783 1998-0322 C TREES 14232 150TH PL SE TREE FALL DAM FENCE. NOT LDSU FACI 657A3 1998-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0475 WOR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0931 woe Fill 12813 163RD AVE SE DUMPING OF COL ADJ TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 ; 1999-0059 CL TREE 14334 166TH PL SE TREE FALL DAMAGED FENCE 65783 1999-0225 woe DUMPING 15921 SE 148TH ST DUMPING ON PVT PROP YARD WASTE/DE 65784 1999-0297 FCR RDMAINT 15006 SE 145TH PL REQUEST TO REPLACE BOLLARDS AND L 657A4 i i 2000-0666 FCR MNM 163XX SE 145TH ST REQUEST TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL TRAS 65784 . 2000-0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ON T 65784 2000-0674 R MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ON T 65784 2000-0703 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LID. FENC 65784 2000-0731 FCR MMG 14210 149TH Pl SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOE WOD 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 65iA3 2000-0731 WOR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2001-0041 FCR DOM 14005 149TH PL SE ALLEGED RAT PROBLEM AS A RESULT N 657A3 2001-0090 FCR MNM 14202 149TH PL SE. REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 I 2001 -0090 R MNM 14202 149TH PL SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 2001-0220 E MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 2001-0220 FCR MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID IC\ 657A4 2001-0220 R MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 2001-0305 RET BSR 15108 SE 145TH PL 657A4 2001-0332 FCR MMG 14995 SE 142ND ST REQUEST TO REPLACE POND ID SIGN AN 657A3 2001 -0540 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST MOTORCYCLE USE OF RID TRACT. CONT 65784 2001-0805 FCR MMF 14005 S E 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2001-0805 R MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2002-0602 C MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL CONCERN REGARDING L.EANING TREE. I 657A4 2002-0629 FCR DOM 14995 SE 142NDT ST DEBRIS PICKED UP. FACILITY MOWED 0 657A3 -.:: 2002-0766 C OTA 14028 160THAVE SE COMPLAINANT REQUESTED TECHNI CAL 65783 I I Page 3 of 4 TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE mFS OF KCWLRD C~t Type Tyrmor-NIIIDI' Com .,.. n..-u Amress of PrnBn TbroaPage 2003-0134 FCR MNM 14005 149TH PLSE REQUEST FROM DOT TO ASSESS FACILIT 657A3 Page 4 of 4 TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPIAINTS -FROM mE FILfS OF KCWLRD • • . , ., :; .~. SURFACE .WAlER MANAGEMENT DIVISION r .. OCATION: COMPLAINANT: DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: LC.\..J<n-'.:, ~ tcot cir-~!J.... I~~ ~Ov--O& \C..(9~\ ~~ ~. ~~T ~ ..-..r~ ~'::, i'o ~l.)6\~ ~tt...o:. ~. ~~ eo,Ck'') u& ~ 6>'os5. "ttUli--i-~o)':> \~ bd~~ ~. t\6\-S ~!.bc,o:, ~ c.cM.-L. &·"'i... rle~ c~~ }So, ~ t,.J\tfl,.r-.:>~l"-3~ ""("ttl.~ ~. COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY : i2. ~_D -°""'- cc,M..-,vol,oT 10 !59JFO-0110-0 DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Yes Ill" No O Photos: Yes (3".'.: (; No 0 Quantity On site 8-28-91 . The Gilcrest re s idence is located in a low area in a developed neighborhood. Drainage i s from NE to S*1nd there is a cross culvert under 156th, ad jacent to their property that i s said to become cl ogged at time s . Mr Gilcrest i s said to use a large pole in an attempt to dislodge debris, and increase flow. The flooding of hi s property (note Gilcrest photo s ) i s said to hav e started 3 years ago but now occur quite frequently--heavy rain s. They feel that growth in the area ha s over-taxed the present drainage. system. At the time of inv est i gation it was raining, and there was approx one inch of flow in the culv erts under 156th and downstream. Observed no flow from the open ditc hes to the north on 156th, which were gra ss lined. CB 's and culverts were c lean, and observed no depo s its of se diment t o restrict flow. R/0 facility two lot s east of the Gilcrest's had recently been c leaned, and is sa id to fill completely during heavy rains. Photo 1) Loo ks north on 156th at drainage area. 2) Looks south on 156 th at cu lverted drainage. 3) Looks nor t h on 156 t h; Gilcrest house at right. x-culvert i s from ditch on right . 4) Looks east on 143rd. Gilcrest house at right . 5) Shows Gilcrest house/yard with sa ndb ags from previous heavy rains in view. 6) R/D facility on SE 143rd. Note 2 additiona l photo's provided by the Gilcrest's. COMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: /?. _,, ~_/ ~ , .• DATE: 8 -Z 1 -'i' / ACTIONTAKEN: 'i -9-'" . .....e>;s ,v.rul. ,.;,\1-/.k" (;.,'(C/...rf . /;V/fJRD5 Comp1 a;rn,otad'1s,d of ,cuoo po,s;blo o,tokoo b)r. Phooo e( L,rt,. D Pe,sooal Coot:: . /},I;,, _eo_m_p,_a,_·n_t A_c_t,_o_n_H_a_nd_1_ec1_ey_~ __ ~ ___ ,_~ ___ ~_ ... _. ________ c_,o_sec1_:_ 0_1_,_6_o_Y..;..'~(i..;.'•-/ ___ o_K_'_d_: _ __,,_,._., F .. _ .. f_J..., TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P .S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FlllS OF KCWLRD • .: T • .. " 0 -. ,. """'. '-"" .. ){, ,, i t l j ScateNoNC «> .. co•' ,i. 't' ~ JI~ ''"' 11 , , 1•1 D c·~"J ---- ~€. l'f P"'./ J"r II ~I fl, •• ,,,. ~·, ,g'f,..I'-. ~ i ! TO .... .. ' II TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE F1LE5 OF KCWLRD .. • • --=--• -\ --:. ~ -.~ V """ . KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT , ~t-:2& INVESTIGATION REQUEST PROBLEM : .P&:Wl!-<t:T Type ~ RECEIVED BY : L. Date: OK'd b : ~ FILE No. 2002 - Received from : ~ _ (Day) ~ (Z:;,~} NAME: JAs o,.; PoL o u£T PHONE 2ST4~s:I l,fo _ G 4z/ ADDRESS: /t/-02 g /{0(1,I 4,/<: 5'.t::f"" City Kc-wr:PA,/ State~ Zip fJ>tJ ~,,9 LOCATION OF PR OBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: Access Permission Granted D Call First (Would Like To Be Present) l2J Cn.. ~ /1,-,e ~.,_ J ~ ",/ · t..11t...l vu., e1t-ek. /t ',1$~- r4,1H"oR,c. ~JNkc fl'UJ-1l-u-Y'? A-rr~1,...Jt(" ?~a~~-ry Plat name: C...--C> A .e ?MK. fl vi:: -Ac,<; ~ r.r. Other a encies involved: LotNo: S TO BE COMPLETED BY COMPLAINT PROGRAM STAFF BlockNo: .3 --Z:.2-2.. T R Parcel No. /4-.£7So-O/oS K.roll'3f( G Th.Bros : New & 5 7 d.3 RDP BasinLut?.. Council District / '.l, City ___ Charge No. _______ _ REsPONSE: Citizen notified on IZ.lq \ 0}... by: ~-phone __ letter __ in person cM..tifr'b 4-"1P<-t> ""'-tz. R'>'-Pl«~ b!>'f ( ~l'i~) ,, .. i~S ,,~vrH==\"2.4> t1J5. ~'\ Lm,.J~c:.. . G~\J£. ,i.+~ ~ -t:l /J.N ~ 'TA . ApP...-""lW..s -5'1'~--r~ ~rvJ-re«. Y M-ot-L-L.~ DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by __ OR: No further action recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified :. _______________________ _ _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: _£_ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: SEE FILE# __ _ __ Water ori ginates onsite and/or 1 7" neighboring parcel. DATE CLOSED: /t,U d'l; By: ~ __ Other (Specify): TITLE DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM THE FILFS OF KCWLRD .ZOUS ENGINEERING, P.S. • e Table A.I. Summary of Downstream Drainage Complaints 91-0954 97-0318 97-0203 8/27 /91 Earnest Gilcrest 15606 SE 143'd Street 14038 -156th Avenue SE 1/7/97 14028 -160th Avenue SE 2002-0766 11/22/02 14028 -160th Avenue SE 97-0206 1/10/97 Don Gregg 16046 SE 142"d Place Flooding at culvert entrance. Flooding due to plugged culvert. Drainage complaint is a claim and is not currently available. Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along 160th Avenue SE. County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 Roadside flooding -overflow of ditch along 160th A venue SE. County replaced existing 12" diam and 18" diam. culverts with 30" diam LCPE and regarded ditches in April 2003 Offsite flows impacting private property. Backyard flooded with larger storms. Septic system operation impacted. Investigated for Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program. Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem. Chronic channel erosion. Channel erosion is likely to continue in future. Onsite mitigation:. Level 2 Flow Control Standards 98-0202 3/19/97 Paul Huff Drainage from neighbor impacting low area 14312 160th Avenue SE of private property. N,d,o/s Place J'Felimmary 11R -May 2003 Type of Problem: Conveyance System Nuisance Problem: Not impacted by proposed project. Onsite miti11ation: NIA King County Water and Land Resaun:es Dlvislm -Dralna1111 Services Section Complaint Searoh Printed: 4124/200311:53:46AM ~ Typu TYIII of Prublem AM'8II of Prmm Cmmmts l1l'Us Pago NlmJber Com 1974-0095 C RIPRAP 15225 JONES RD ROCKSIDIKE/15219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657A4 1974-0096 C R!PRAP 15224 JONES RD ROCK/DIKE/JONES RD/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1974-0103 C 15631 JONES RD SE W/0 BACKFJLUJONES RO 657A4 1974-0106 C DRNG 15005 JONES RD DITCH/ALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST STORM SEWERS/BRIARWOOD S 65784 1976-0084 C 156TH PL SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RD/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657A4 1976-0091 C DEBRI 15463 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER 657A4 i I 1979-0090 C DRNG 14406 162NDAV SE 65783 I 1981-0316 C 15035 SE JONES RO DIKE JETIY/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH PL BRIAR'.". :,oo AREA 65784 1983-0357 C DRNG 14827 SE JONES RD CHNL OVERFLO/MADSEN CRK 657A4 1983-0387 C FLOG 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOD AREA 65783 I 1984-0224 C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH ST 65784 I 1985-0710 E Fill 15035 SE JONES RD KG CTY NOT RESP-WlllnotENF 657A4 I 1986-0372 C VIOLATE 15817 SE JONES RD MOBILE HOME IN FLOOD PLAIN 657A4 j 1986-0372 E ILL OVLT 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALO FOR CM(CHK STAT BY CMOT). 657A4 1986-0437 C CULVERT 1S2S2 SE 142ND PL INSTALLATION-NEED CB 657A3 1986-0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RD SEE 86-07 45, 1158 657A4 1986-0745 C FILL 15045 · SE JONES RO ILLEGAL FILL-CEDAR RIVER 657A4 I 1986-0812 c. EROSION 15421 SE JONES RD CED.~ '7. ?JVER B57A4 1986-1158 C FLOG 1S059 SE JONES RC SEE: 66-0745 BRAMBLETT 86-0745 657A4 1987-1001 X FILL 16861 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL IN FLDPLAIN 65784 1988-0377 C DRNG 14250 161ST AVE SE H/1-Z.!,RDOUS POND OH!TO CM. 06/10/89 6~7!:3 1989-0086 C DRNG 14820 154TH PL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657A4 1990-0318 C FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITCH/STORM EVENT 657A4 I 1990-0449 C DRNG 14943 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEK/STORM EVENT 657A4 1990-0518 CL FLOG 15225 SE JONES RD CL#12839 657A4 1990-0590 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREEK/STORM 657A4 ,-: 1990-0702 CL FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD CL#12933 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 " ,, 1990-0748 CL FLOG 15023 SE JONES RD CL#12989 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 657A4 • ' 0 1990-0793 CL FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD WASHE DOUT DRIVEWAY/CL#13019 SEE 657A4 5 '" 1990-0956 CL FLOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERT/CL#1313 657A4 .~ 1990-1023 C DRNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657A4 z 149TH ST ON LOT BUILD ADDITION 6S784 0 1990-1101 C EASEM'T 16516 SE " :; 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149TH ST MET ON SITE WILL SUBMIT PROPOSED S 65784 , • 1990-1280 C DRNG 14926 165TH PL SE ONTO DNV AT CUL DE SAC 65784 0 " 1990-1343 C DRNG 14920 163RD CT SE DAMAGED PVT DRAIN 65784 . ~ ;; ~ Page 1 of4 ', .• > 0 t 1 0 ' TITLE " HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S . DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD . . :; 3 if ,._ o.:.: • e ,. " ' 3 - - Complaint Jyps Type of Problam Adm'ess DI Prmmm -Cooo 1990-1503 C ORNG 15025 156TH PL 1990-1509 C EROSION 14250 154TH PLACE 1990-1542 C FLOG 16448 SE JONES RD 1990-1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JONES RD 1990-1673 C EROSION 14908 SE JONES RD 1990-1684 C EROSION 17055 SE JONES RD 1991-0064 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH 1991-0064 SR FLOG 1':-~~6 SE 145TH 1991-0188 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RD PLACE 1991-0188 E DRNG 143RD SE 164TH AVE SE 1991-0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST 1991-0422 C DRNG 16448 SE JONES RD 1991-0422 SR DRNG 16448 SE JONES RD L-1991-0954 C FLOODING 15606 SE 143RD ST 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165TH AVE 1993-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE 1993-0252 E · DRNG 16410 SE 143RD PLACE 1993-0752 WQC DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD 1993-1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149TH ST 1994-0538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 1.1:c-;-H ST 1995-0107 C CULVERT? 15641 SE 138TH Pl 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148TH ST 1996-0289 C FLOG 15225 162ND AVE 1996-0289 R FLOG 15225 162NDAVE 1996-0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NDAVE 1996-0556 C RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL 1996-0556 R RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL 1996-0869 C FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD 1996-0869 NOA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD 1996-0869 R FLOG :e:c::5 c--C .:ONES RD 1996-0870 C R/D POND 15XXX SE 143RD ST 1996-1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH Pl 1996-1253 C DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE 1996-1253 NOA DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE 1996-1253 R DRNG/PJP 15226 162ND AVE 1996-1724 C FLOG 14206 164TH AVE 1996-1762 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES 1997-0203 C FLOG 14028 160THAVE 1997-0206 C FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING, P.S. Clllllllllllll Tll'1ls PaQ8 I ' SE PIPE OUTFALL TO RIVER 657A4 I ! SE CULVERT DAMAGE AND SLIDE IN RAVINE 657A4 ' WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 65784 OF RIVERBANK/FAILED LEVEE 657A4 CEDAR RIVER BANK 657A4 REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 65784 RID PLUGGED/NO DRAINAGE 65784 ROST FM ADD TO OLDS/OFF 65794 BROKEN PIPE 65783 BROKEN PIPE 65783 PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 65794 ROCKS AND DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65784 OH/RDRNGCM 05/11/91 SEE 91-0530 S5784 STORM EVENT C/8 OVERFLOW 657A3 SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 TURNED TOE 65783 CHECK STAT BY CMDT DATE 65783 65784 SEDIMENT FROM WELL DRILLING 65784 HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 NEW KC DITCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 65784 POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO S 65783 ! STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 j SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 SE GROUNDWATEF. 5TREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 SE SEE 96-0289 DUP 65784 SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 ! SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 i HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 I HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 I HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 ' KIDS USING PONO FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK JN 657A4 SE PVT ORNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 ' SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65764 SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 65783 RD DAMAGE TO DRNG OUTFALL TO CEDAR R 657A4 SE OVERFLOW FROM ON/ CULV IMPACT PVT 65783 OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 Page2of4 I DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILFS OF KCWLRD e e . " o- ClJJTil)lalJII IYIIB IYIII of Pr1lblem ' Amruss or PrOOlem COlllllllllts !bros P3!18 I NIBnber Com -1997-0206 NOA FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSlTE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 ~ 1997-0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 -1997-0318 CL CLAIM 14038 56TH AVE SE FLOODING DUE TO PLUGGED CULVERT 657A3 -1997-0423 CL FLOG 1'4028 160TH AVE SE ROADSIDE DlTCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE 65783 ' -•. 397 -tJ48.J C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT DRNG 657A3 ' ' 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 15BTHAVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657A4 1997-0859 FCR VANDAUS 167TH PL SE & SE 144TH VANDALISM TO RIO IDENT1F1CATION SIGN 65783 1997-0911 FCR ORN PONO 145TH SE PL OTWN 150&151 PL NEIGH KIDS DIGGING IN POND SIDE SLOP 657A3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 15405 SE JONES RD STUMPS STOCKPILED FOR CO PROJECT 657A4 1997-1493 FCR POND 16426 SE 145TH ST INFILTRATION PONO NOT HANDLING LAR 65784 ' 1998-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145TH PL DOG WASTE SIGN REQUESTED 657A3 -1998-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160TH AVE SE LOW AREA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65783 1998·0322 C TREES 14232 150TH PL SE TREE FALL DAM FENCE. NOT LDSU FACI 657A3 1998-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998·0475 WOR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998·0931 woe FILL 12813 163RD AVE SE DUMPING OF COL ADJ TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 ' 1999·0059 CL TREE 14334 166TH PL SE TREE FALL DAMAGED FENCE 65783 1999·0225 woe DUMPING 15921 SE 148TH ST DUMPING ON PVT PROP YARD WASTE/DE 65784 1999·0297 FCR RDMAINT 15006 SE 145TH PL REQUEST TO REPLACE BOLLARDS ANO L 657A4 2000·0666 FCR MNM 163XX SE 145TH ST REQUEST TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL TRAS 65784 2000·0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 2000·0674 R MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ONT 65784 2000-0703 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LID. FENC 65784 2000-0731 FCR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 ' 2000-0731 WOE woo 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A$ 2000-0731 WOR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE DEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2001·0041 FCR DOM i4005 149TH PL SE ALLEGED RAT PROBLEM AS A RESULT N 657A3 ' 2001·0090 FCR MNM 14202 149TH PL SE. REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 ' 2001-0090 R MNM 14202 149TH PL SE REQUEST TO REPLACE FACILITY AND NO 657A3 2001·0220 E MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 i 2001.0220 FCR MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RlD 17' 657A4 2001-0220 R MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL APPARENT ENCROACHMENT INTO RID TR 657A4 2001-0305 RET BSR 15108 SE 145TH PL 657A4 2001-0332 FCR MMG 14995 SE 142ND ST REQUEST TO REPLACE POND ID SIGN AN 657A3 2001.0540 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145TH ST MOTORCYCLE USE OF R/0 TRACT. CONT 65784 2001·0805 FCR MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2001-0805 R MMF 14005 SE 149TH PL STREET AND PROPERTY FLOODING. PO 657A3 2002-0602 C MNM 15006 SE 145TH PL CONCERN REGARDING LEANING TREE. I 657A4 2002-0629 FCR DOM 14995 SE 142NDT ST DEBRIS PICKED UP. FACILITY MOWED 0 657A3 -o:: 2002•0766 C OTA 14028 . 160TH AVE SE COMPLAINANT REQUESTED TECHNICAL 65783 : :i ' Page3of4 l TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAJNAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE m.FS OF KCWLRD Complaint Type Jym 01 ........,m Number Cooo ... n ~" Alll'ess of Proolem Colrmmts 2003-0134 FCR MNM 14005 149TH PL SE REQUEST FROM DOT TO ASSESS FACIUT 657A3 Page 4 of 4 TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPIAlNTS -FROM 1HE FILES OF KCWLRD . ~ . ... ' ----.. --·. '·-· ' . .. ---· -. . ·--,'() e SURFACE.\UAIER MANAGEMENT DIVISION §I' COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT ~LA~~ :I~ o~rda~\ a.~ I~ NATURE OF COMPLAINT: fv:o <> I ,-,1,._ • v SEC.!£ TWP 22.RGE Cf'; 1_.0CATION: 1.2-<.~12)~ -/J\ l!::Jl:Ui-·111.K.L%, · ,re. a.s e.. t.> KROLL PG. 8\' MIF-. ~..,,, ~<1-<.0bS, ... CCUNCIL DIST. In COMPLAIN,ANT: PHONE HO. 2 -a,,, -,;-1 --n, HOME: Address lS~!.! ":,d__ \ 4-.,, ii!cC> s r;: City ~"' State~z;,tl!lif>g. WORK: DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: 'l"ty, L(,\,Jo'z..~ "' ~· d;-\h.!.l... A,; ' ~Ov-6/i \C.0.-, \Jn;lk. ~-f?U~T ~ ..,~ ~S, "to ~l)C\~ ~t-uz_ ~. (.o..,6\~ iz_o\ q . ..., u& ~ (.oo S'.:> -C,. (.l1i. ...l-~o)'S 1\l\Jl2.-Q~r ~-t{6\S ~f.t=c;-o s ~ C;M..(... • &'i.. FGG~ C'Cll'-,, iso, ~ ~tft-,i-.>\<1\1"-'!>0> Tt;tl.'> ~- -'Y-- CC1.m,,.,_,vofoT 10 COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY: 1Z-. 1::'/l;0-0/IV-O i DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Yes at No D Photos: Yes C9"'.'.: & No D ' """"" On site 8-28-91. ' e The Gilcrest residence is located in a low area in a developed neighborhood. Drainage is j from NE to S~nd there is a cross culvert under 156th, adjacent to their property that is ' said to become clogged at times. Mr Gilcrest is said to use a large pole in an attempt to dislodge debris, and increase flow. The flooding of his property (note Gi.lcrest photos)· is said to have started 3 years ago but now occur quite frequently--heavy rains. They feel ; that growth in the area has over-taxed the present drainage. system. At the time of investigation it was raining, and there was app"rox one inch of flow in the culverts under 156th and downstream. Observed no flow from the open ditches to the north on 156th, which were grass lined. CB's and culverts were clean, and observed no deposits of sediment to restrict flow. R/0 facility two lots east of the Gilcrest's had recently been cleaned, and is said to fill completely during heavy rains. Photo I) Looks north on 156th at drainage area. 2) Looks south on 156th at culverted drainage. 3) Looks north on 156th; Gilcrest house at right. x-culvert is from ditch on right. 4) Looks east on 143rd. Gilcrest house at right. 5) Shows Gilcrest house/yard with sandbags from previous heavy rains in view. 6) RID facility on SE 143rd. Note 2 additional photo's provided by the. Gilcrest's. COMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: ,('>, . r ~ I ..._.h. " DATE: 8 z•-c.-, ACTION TAKEN: ~-'i'-"l I . ...C>,'Jc v.rd w·, \1. ... -c;:;( c,,--.rl. fo 4/ JJ~7 -:;;:~4. rh,.---4v•-f:r. ~,:J Phone ~ Letter D /;V/fJRD5 Complainant advised of action possible or taken by: Personal Conta/0 OK'd: ~Iii Complaint Action Handled ByC,~ , ~-"<· Closed: 0 1 O ;;h/ .,.,... , .,~·~ ,,.,,ia1t TITLE HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILES OF KCWLRD • . -. -. ' TO II jl ... '1 ! l © ,i-"co•' 11;~ "., " I I ,., I 1 19 1 ~" i.1 ~ •I :£: r'J-•"CI'" tg'( .. f--+ 1 i ! TITLE Sca1eN0NC oO -?> --- • HAOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FJLFS OF KCWLRD ~----------------------------- -,_\? ~ -.. .,. V,.....,... ,z.:m • ~ KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION -DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT ''("l& TNVESTIGA TION REQUEST Type C: PROBLB1: i2M W .4-.<!:7 RECEIVED BY: L. G~L= Date: I I /z.:24 7 OK'd bv: J;(2¥r FILE No. 2002 -n76h Received from: I ~ -R L F,c._ L£,Z- (Day)~ (Zo~) NAME: J.+s ou PHONE zss:-<?t:s/ ~iO-G 4z,f ADDRESS: L 4-a2 g_ / ,t O 0, &/.c:_ 2'.d"" City R=vrll;./ State~ Zip frtJ £ J; LOCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: Access Permission Granted D Call First (Would Like To Be Present) ~ W-t-t. -/%,c=<? 01k: o,/ /,J/t., l.. C,,u. &'A--c-k. /1 ', 15" 9'1- ?.e..<11"=-r'f ~ 19-roR,c. 'v,e..+, ,,; k.E f ,U,1 t.u-,,-, kr~',J" /JA-s d,J R .F '? v G'>-rm/<; -r;;-c t'rl'VI c-9-L, A,...-/5:''i? ,._, ,=,;-/0 s:,,_ ve-- fi._ t)_f,~ 1/' /?er--Ot:..C.u.t!!.~S ! /,vv't?,-,/ <:A-7 "'"' : /'z-.,,-,?,/,K.:-r..d. 4-t--7!. & ,-,rAJt-c r""' r ?'"'-:T j VJL.9.,,J~ /,v,?J . .., # ,fJ Al'r .,rJA-e '-,:::-.4s--r, io--r ' e - Plat name: C.--DA'<'. °?Ml< (IV,;: -Ac.e .;-7'</!-c r.r. Lot No: 5 Block No: 3 Other agencies involved: No field investie:ation reauired i ,· .Toe&·COMPLETED·'·BvCOMPLAINT.fROGRAMSTAFf~Y .. --.. ::·/<:. ~\ .-,. -I ' 5 ,:= __f_!f: -k-2 --2.. Parcel No. /4,['7S0-0/oS Kroll'5fl G ~5 7 63 ' y. s T R Th.Bros: New RDP --BasinLC,r<_ Council District I '.l.. City Charge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on 12-(cq J O I!.. by: ~ phone __ letter __ in person cf<-<.,\,"' I> 4-°lP<..I> =rz. l-OL..6"l5f<:t i.:l?T ( euf'-1'>',,) wA<. N&ri I" \tlz.p ~ jTJ'<, Lor->l..<14irl "-. . 6~\1'£ t-+~ -n¥,, ~ f>.N I> TA A pP..-"llt-S -,r~-r~ ~1v>-re1.. Y M-0,--,..L~ DISPOSITION: Turned to -on I I by __ OR: 'No further action recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified: _ Problem has been cOrrected. _ No problem has been identified, __ Prior investigation addresses problem: _£_ Private problem -'NDAP will not consider because: SEE FILE# __ Water originates onsite and/odn neighboring parcel. DATE CLOSED: lt1U dZ... By: ~/f!.J __ Other (Specify): /1Jro l'e..vt£)~ .ZOUS ENGrNEERING, P.S. TITLE DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FII.FS OF KCWLRD ® King County fl ' ' Q '· '· ·, DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT W:i.ter and L:i.nd Resomcc Division ·,. '· Storm Water Services Secrion '· '· \ -· --·-.. File Number 2002-0766 Name Poiniet Location 14028 1601 h Ave SE Kroll Page 8 I IE Sub Basin LCR TB Page 657B3 CD 12 Date 12/6/02 RDP Initials RMI N NTS ----(-~ ----~ '·-,.,. 'l .,, if C fl > " "' ' ; fr TITLE I met Mr Polfliet at the site on 12/3/02. The Polfliet residence is an older home. The garage is situated below the grade of I60rti Ave SE. Mr Polfliet alleged that the garage and basement are flooded periodically. He believes the source of the water is the road drainage system. He told me that water runs out of the CB on the westside of the road, crosses the road and runs onto his property. He also believes he receives water from the eastern system. Water backs up at the inlet to the 18" ADS pipe and then runs onto his property. The outlet of the western pipe is heavily impacted with sediment and debris. The remaining upstream system appears functional. The eastern system appears to have been modified al some point n the past. Both ends of this closed system are 18" ADS pipes, but after looking into the pipe it appears that it downsizes to a 12" pipe at some point on both ends. The pipe also appears to deflect away from straight. The sketch is exaggerated to some degree, but it gives the impression of what is occurring. Mr. Polfliet indicated the former owner installed the pipe and also indicated that that owner may have done so without the benefit ofpennits. HAOZOUS ENGINEERING, P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM TI:IE FILFS OF KCWLRD • KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISiCt, C ·- DRAINAGE JNVESTIGATION - REPORT ('. Paga 1: INVESTIGATION .REQUEST Type .-1/7!f7 97-JC:. Received by: {d:m_.; Date: OK'd by: File·No. . R9Caived fr~m: ·.. (Please prl,,/plaint{ tor ;canning). ·. {Day) (Eva) NAME: '/J/M/Jit1_# &2.//J7~![J • PHONE;; 77-£9:J.Ld:;.,,--t;; ADDRESS, 1//0,.J/: --1 r:,o--1$) uIJ'° 1 <£. t/!bTw1) . . City .state __ Zip ;??J,; Loca~on of problom, ff' different . . . . , 11Z'~ Reported Problem: /(C. ~uM -0'.-VY) /~:;~·~»_M). , ' c/d/@,%1,~»?.-<',C,/,J (d)__,v/ Z6 :Jo d~ ~ ... ~~ q( ~~ ~ /?/,(/72~ ortfe ""'~ ~ • cy AL ,0,.~~. had.6---0.//?._//('./_f{) d:aJJ, m-<'/ cy r-2'h/,e;,no . -d ~...Q...4Y),, ~-/ .12/X:P 4"1/.'J-T CM?l_tfr_,/'_k_, ~ ~ i/, Ci<zL/J)"}ftcff/1.c~d l/7/91f/'. ! e /ur( Plat·name: / ct,_ Cj CIC. ry_-' .J Block No": 3 : L-e, Cd Tv> Lot No: j Other agencies Involved: No .Fleld Investigation Needed ! ; (ln/tla.ls) ;;!t:;¥;t~Ai\':~:f~~~~§fg:iiiJ~{~:eE~C(5Mf;~r~coJ~FtG\1NTiPf10GftA1~fSTA8ff:~;:ft:~:u;~;!§f;~tt;t;~::;.;:p:,~;?~~ .2.L~-1::l· !i lt_f7~c,-Ql!2~ 8!_ E (£J L:- Parcel No. Kroll Th.Bros: New J Z6 1/4 s T R Old 35F?, Basin !..Cir CcuncD Dist ;;;__ Charge No: .. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on 1 · 1 C1 -'}7 by ,/ phone letter In person _ . . , _ /It. ~;'7:~,t..1. ;tt ... 1'-,~tk'.-:: ,,,.el' ~.,'J" 't' r:: ... -~ ,~ . ~ ..• ~ f<.:..,.":' .-a" .,,,..,~-k.~. ).'....t~ -:~ A,,v1~'1A... _tel.{ -l'.'l..(1-J,, "'·V'C',1... .. :~t ... ~·i.,'C'··,,,t-\·-t~,,c'-'-:jL'+ -Clt:. l .. ·-:.-T ..J.<-J.(<--f lt-.O; At...: ·t'"~i:t~. tt~ J"<\.·J-r-~-J..t . ..J..,,,,._ _..-,_.,.~I\,.:!.'.'. ,T..,t.-·--<-Li' t:1.l/ ,.,_._ ....... :.,..·ff-·;.,-.. C'"..,,._r. .l u."-....... t.i 1'. cl.. L<> l. 11-'-1< '"'-(' . ', ., ... { .... , . -. DISPOSrT/ON: Turned to 'on . by OR: No further action recommended becat _ lead agency has been notified: -Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. _ Prior Investigation addresses proble- See File # _ Private problem -NDAP will no! consider because: _ Water originates onslte and/or on neighboring parcel DATE CLOSED: L)ca~io~,~~utt1s:;3eea f)y'!/'R~JJ _·_Other (Specify): TITLE eozous ENGINEERING, P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINfS -FROM 1HE FII.F5 OF KCWLRD Complaint 97-203, Marshall Brendon, 14028-160th Ave SE ln\'CStigated by Sean Groom on 0111'11'97 Marshall Brendon built his residence located at the above referenced address in I 992. This is the first incident of flooding in the house experienced since be moved in, however, reference File No. 97-206 for historic flooding in the neighborhood. The drainage ditch normally in the past years handled the surface water flow during storm events, Brendon said. The garage entrance of Brendon's home is slightly below current drainage Wtch bottom elevation. There is a stonn drain adjacent to the garage entrance that is sometimes overwhelmed by the surface water flow but thls is the first time the basement floor was flooded. The open ditch immediately up-grade of Brendon's dwelling is heavily vegetated which reduces volume. Also, the flow is concentrated by combining both sides of 160th Ave SE before his home. Brendon wants potential flooding of his garage and basement to be eliminated. The frequency of water running doMl his drive toward his garage and basement is high but the storm drain adjacent to the drive is less frequently overwhelmed, Brendon said. • t60th Ave. S.E. Culvert inlet area reduced by sediment an gravel build-up Storm drain I D 140 8 ., . .. . .......... . Standing Water Swface Water Discharges ..... to_c:)pen Land .... ./"" TITLE AOZOUS ENGINEERING. P.S. DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS -FROM 1HE FILfS OF KCWLRD ~----------------------- • I ,IY" / OK'd L>y; RecOM:d by: ~ uau,: ;'/'f.. / Loca·~n af problem.' If dlffaront: ; / ,, ' Plat·oamo: · ~,<-{ L E.,4 C../<~iT LotNo: // . Glock No: • RESPONSE: CltlzeMno2medon1-s-0-.9i by .J.lphon'e_ Jetter _In person , . · o-........ ~~· . ...e.......t-G>...4.r·~~ 1-v.J/.. ._f·~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . ' . . vb.,; ~ .; •. , , ,;1,,,J 0~1- o,sPosmoN, Turned to~ on. ef '/ /' 7 .7. b~ . 'ff" OR: No fulther ectlon reoomrnondod bee _ Lead agetu;iy has bun nctlfJed: ---i,-=======aa=.--'---'-.,..;;;;;:;;;-;;i,;;ir,;;;-;;;i;r...;;;;;;--;;;;; Problem has been corrected. _ No problam has been identified. Prfur Investigation addresses pro!: -. Se• Fil!-• _ Pr/vat~ problem • NDAP Will no: cons.ldiJr b•eouse.: ·: Watar or\glna.tea on;?te atd/or on nalghbortng parcel -:-Locauo~\ls outside SWM Service·.Area. DATECLOSEo:.i.JJJ.2.!::µ42 by:-t:2-- -· Oth•r (Specify): f /ci7 ff· . TITLE Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD e e Don G1ei; bu lived at the above rd'eroriced locatio.n since lhc early 60s (his house was sccond built in the dcvelopmenl). Swf.ac:e stotm watc1 flows bc:an floodins his gan.ac a.pp1oxima.tl!;ly flyc ycais ago. At his own expense at lhattime. he. brought a back bocln to cut a dninage ditch aloni the back ri4e afhis property, This open tlench provt&, Id.Id during mm,: pzccipltation cweuts sumoo w.a~r moves around .b.is property. Stonn water docs breech the top OCteSiona.Uy. The ditch fills sed!nwus up and be clears the ditch of dt:bri, thaJ. floats down and reduct.a f!r,w, He walks the drainqc ditch durlns Qorm event:11 (ho wasn't around far the last storm ~nt) to observe iu fb.nc:tionality as a ~n as well. He wanu lhc drainaac to continue down 160111 Ave SE instead or a COJlWylUICC system arouQd hl$ and. ndghbor'1 ptopcrty. Appar=Uy, 81 devdopmcot north of.his prnpeny.h.u fncreased additional nmofffs conccDtratcd into the dninage along 16041 Ave SE and subsequently ru.nS'to his property. 160"' Ave S.E. StandiQ8water,l\mQtf£rom J60"' Aw SE discbalps Into this area. Lo~ percolation. Oreg said the land can't be developed · bc:t:ausc they don't have the pcrcolaion for infiltration of septic ~stems. llialnag~ .. 11 Duch o.,1 SE 14 2nd Place IDLE • Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD DATE1 l-19-97 COKPt.Anrr SVAWATJOllf MENO TO; ll'ILB FROM, Alan Mayer• RB: NDAP l!VALUATION l'OR COMPLAlNT NO. 16046 SB 142ND PLACE' RJ:NTCQI OOMPLAINT os:RONOLOOY1 OlUC.lHAL 1-10-97 97-0206 GRAGO 235-0168 FIBLD ZNV l-14-97 Bl' SEAN CROOM l'IILD £VJ.I.. l-7-5J7 BY AlAlil HBYERS. OLD PlLKS1 NOQ Pleaoe ••• the attached dra~naga oompl~int invaeti9ation report dat•d 1-i4-97 by Sean Grootn. P'IHDilmSi Since the problem me•ta all of th• m>AP project criteria lietad below, it guallfi•• for and haa bean inveat19ated undor the NDAP progr11U11. Xha problem aite i• wi~hin the SWH aervicc eroa and does not involve a Kin9 county !KC) coda violation. • the probLem aite •howa evidence of or reported localizad r1oodin9, eroaion and/or ea<timentation within the off road drainage ayetem on private re•identloL and/or coa.marcial propart~ due in par~ to lat~r upstream devclopnent. • SOILS: The prcblem ie caused by_aurface water from mor• tha/l, one adjoining property. According to tha !tC &oila map. the qitv 1a located in the following soil aseocl~tion: ALDERWOOD ASSOClATIONz Moderately well drained undulating to hilly •oil• that have danae, very elowly permeable glacial till at• dapth of 20 to 40 incha•1 on uplands and terraces. I met with Kr. ora99 on March ;th •nd tourad hie property. A• dovelop:nont continua• in th• approKimate GO acra draina9~ baain north of hie property~ inori& dl:"al.nage water has boen routed •outh into the pond loc&t•d juat NW of hlu property which thon drain• aaat and •outh around the edgo of his prope~ty, l Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRO • e He requeated that th• d.rain•g• flowing •outh •lon9 the eaet eide of 160th Avenue SI be ra~ted etralght aouth along tbe aeat aide or 160th p.aat SE 142nd Pl•ce rather than the qurrant route which tlow• ••rt and aouth around hi• prope,rty. Mr. Cragg atatad that eavaral lon<J teqp. realdenta have told hi.in the dra1;nao• uaed to flow straight aouth along the woat and eaat aidea of 160t all the way down to SK 144th. I atated that may be true but tbe exlatino drainage pattern la old and cannct be raviaed becauae it le coneidarad the eatahliahOCI drainage pattern tor hia •rea. I revi•wed hie and hie two neighbor'• d.raI..n.9• relat~ impactD and &eorfld the problem at 14 with bin garage and ••ptic eyatem impacta and yard damage to two l)rOplt.rtiea. Although tho laet ~_, yaa.r• MY• been eapecially -t -.nd bad, I ratod tho event frequency at JO or oac• ev•ry 2-5 year• which i• my o•tia1ato of the frequency of how often hi• eaptio •ystom will ~ ••varely impacted onr the lon9 term. Kr, c;:ragg •tat.ad that hie pumped effluent aeptic ayatlilllll ha• wo~k•d ti11e for the fLrat 15 year•, HOWevar, h• hae burned up four pwupll withJ.n the last thrve par• due to the J.noreaoed groundwatar flow• into hi• eaptio tank/drainfiold ar&a. from hia ~t/d.ry aeaaon obaervatione, he i• convinced that rr.oet of the gr0undwAtar cocaea from the drainage ditch looatod juot above hia dr.ainfi•ld. We r•vi•wed waya of protecting his a~ptio drainfiald fro,r,. the tnOVement of groundwater !re~ the uphill pond and d.r.ainage ditch, we diacuee$d ways to aeal the earthen ditch iteelf u•ing a plaat1o liner or a large hal~ round or full pipe aectiona alOll9 a.bout SO feet of ditoh abova hie dr&inf iold. I point ad out that· conaiderablo groundwater m&y a till flow trom north to eouth beloY th• ditcn aection ao that ••al:Ln9 tho ditch may not eolve the problam. Depending on th& depth to hardpan, an impervious vertical layer ot plastic or bantonlte alurry located uphill ot hi• drainfield between hia drainfield a.nd the ditch would probably be th• •••i•at and moat effective aolutlon to thia problem. Thi• imperviou• layer would run from th• ground •urfaca down to tha hardpan layer where it would be kayad dO\ffl into the hardpan layer, Dacau•• auch a layer llfOuld reatrict th• tlo,,,, of ground water, higher 9ro~ndwater level• ~ight roault in thi• part of Gragg•a yard with more groundwater eurfacing during tho wet uaaaon oapaciallY near each end of •uch an impervioua wall roaulting in more wet ••••on eurfaco water •oopage/flowa and icy condltione en portion• of Kr. cragg'a driveway. For &ny work tbia olooa to tho drainfi•ld, any yard drain or impervioua facility of thia kind would have to be reviewed and •~~oved by the Xing County R•aLth Dapartmant (Wayne Olsen at 296-9737), 2 TITLE Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD DPTlOllS AXD D18CUSSIDN Mr. Cragg ia concarnad about continuing upotr•aD11 devalopment which typically raeulte in mOra aurfaca wat•r flqwa thrO'IJgh hi• drainaga ditch and occaeionally into bia yard. I expl&.1.Dad that for la..rgar devalopmenta where moro than 5,000 aquare f••t cf i.nipervioua uurfac•• ara conatructed, the davolopar•e anglnoer ia only required to revLe,.,,tb» drainage ayatom• a capacity up to one qua.rt.or o~ a mile downatream from tho prOPQoed plat•a outlet po.l.nt. 7or aingla hocneaitea, thare ia not111all7 no downstream analyaie required ainoe there i• usually leaa than S,000 aquaro teat of new !mparvioua •urfacoa conatructed~ z auggeatad that Kr. Gra.gq look for Devalopment Signa along 150th DOrtb or hia homa. Whan ha•••• now signa, ha can attend public bearing• and writ• l~tere expreaaing hi• concarna and outlining hia drainage i.mpacta. PROPOBKD 50LU'1'IOX't INPJ.CT BCOltE = U,O No eolution to th~• drelnage problem waa idcntifi•d. Mr. Gra99 requaat.S that we clean out bis drainage ditch. We ottered to clean out part of hia ditch 1£ o~r contractor can get the naceaaary equipment from Gr&qg'a driveway into the ditch. NO PRIORITY SCORE WAS CALcULA!t'EO SINCE HO SOLUTION WAS TDEkrIPIED 3 TITl£ Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • ·'·••',: v,·, ,il>'/ • ' -l'lL~ r,,o. Received from: (Day) L:l:22.l (Eve) L-.....J NAME: YAJ'c1 1-nJ f'F PHONE 21 I -<7 2'l? 2. ADDRESS: \ 4:'?I z._ I (cQ -,-n JrVG. S,{:_ City \J{:N t,;r::J St4te_ Zip Q~ 'cPJ ~oca.tion of problem. if different: Reported Problem: CALL nRST fIJ (Would Like To B.e P~sent) N12,,bH&.>1c ON Nt>i:.,it">0S \'1115() .p2opr:E-TY 'v'l.:'T"\4 \>1 ie-, T\-\-1:;N 'Vm£D ()JU!. n-tt: I'<"!..{;;/\. n,·~-' '"-'!' ,><r.:..D N..,vJ <;.,T', i--h<jl1="1".... .... ~ ntf, \-t-,_,,::-F 't;. _A,..oD 11.L-'--CPI" n+E: 11".. l)IZ.,"4 "->A(:,E ,~, 60 N6 ol>JTV rJ.l·G i-l,;/CF'~.., \)'l2-l.)[)1:l2ry(f·'f<DNTY>lJ<.·fJ). tJeE:D T)'s-. Pletname, ~ ~ Sae~ Other agencies involved: Lot No: <;;J ,1 BlockNo:J No field investigation required __ , .. , • . TOB'tC0111PLETD>BYC0MPLA1NT}'.ROCRAMSTAFF . . . . · (illilials) ~ 14-__,ll 3:: v. s T R Parcel No.!-:$<'5Zfu'0! ,,2,3 Kroll tiff Th.Bros: New Old Basin·.lg Council District /.:I., 6,57/j.5 35F4, Charge No. _______ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified OD by: --phone __ letter --m·person .Q1._..,_ l_..k-o,1 O"".'-k l>'..,,vvL__ p~,(.,1.-__ <;,,--..) d-y=~U ~-k'(. c...lt,,s--cd). ~~ DISPOSITION: Turned to on _....L._..,__ by __ OR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency has been notified: ______ '------------------ -Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation Addresses problem: . \., St.r.FILl ti --4} Priva1e prob~ -NDAP wjlJ not consider because: Water originates onsitc and/or on neighboring pa.reel. __ Location is outside WLRD S~~a. __ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: f1 fb I ff 8y: ~ __,.__;Jt!1",I L..(J 6 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • Basin LCR Council Dist. 12 Initials OCD \..l{f lU:.N I UN Phone: Day 425-271•9&52 Phone: Evening '?)8-2 oz Thomu Brot. 6j7B) Sllt SE 14-23-S FadJlty 'I Investiption Date 3-25-91 Parc:el # 145"1500123 Maintcnanc.e Div. -I 'Plal Nanx: I called oi,, :l-25-98 to set up ui appohnmem to im>ufi&lle the comp!aJnL Pam 11Um;estod meeting at J l em tbist mom.iDg. J met with Pam at her home to dbcuu lbt eonccrm she had the neighbon fillin.u, in the yard for a new traitor. I explained to Pam dw. she lives In• wall deprenion that bas no drain111gtt featura to drain the waicr to ~ ~ drainage. The Deighbor has not broken aey codes for ,radfn6 end lhc niter bu been signed off. I said that I would send e. oo-py of 11. dry well detail and a conttactON lin. File closed onsitl!l pending the li-· '°' the dcywcll. \ \ L l \ I t Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • e • " I \~ .-c-' Location Mop If Maplewood & Orting Hills Subbasin Conditions Map20 Cedar River Basin Planning Area · .~~!. Stream & Stream Number 0/123 Problem Location/ Area ... Lake/River m Areawide Nonpoint Water "• Stream Mile Quality Problem 5s,,3 Wetland & Wetland Number 1i) Wetland Habitat Problem ..... Subbosin Boundary 8 Stream Habitat Problem -; -Catchment Boundary MWl Catchment Number ~ Erosion/Sedimentation c::::::J @ locally Significant Resource Area ~ Flooding • Appendix B. l Stormwater Facility Control and Overflow Design Appendix B.2 KCRTS Pond Design N,d,o/s Place Preliminary 11R-May 2003 1------------------- e N,du,/s /'fgce Preluninary TlR-May 2003 • • East Basin -Retention/Detention Facility Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # Height (ft) 1 o.oo 2 3.90 Top Notch Weir: Length: Weir Height: Outflow Rating Curve: Hyd Inflow Outflow Detention Pond 3.00 H:lV 82.00 ft 71.00 ft 5822. sq. ft 12626. sq. ft 0.290 acres 5.00 ft 447.00 ft 42085. cu. ft 0.966 ac-ft 5. 00 ft 18.00 inches 2 Full Head Diameter Discharge (in) (CFS) 0.87 0.046 1. 71 0.083 Rectangular 1.00 in 4.50 ft None Peak Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Storage Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 1.04 0.22 5.01 452.01 42171. 0.968 2 0.52 0.15 4.79 451.79 39768. 0.913 3 0.61 0.14 4.78 451. 78 39615. 0.909 4 0.54 0.08 4.14 451.14 32779. 0.752 5 0.56 0.04 3. 68 450.68 28208. 0.648 6 0.42 0.04 3.12 450.12 23032. 0.529 7 0.45 0.03 1.96 448.96 13256. 0.304 8 0.34 0.04 3.29 450.29 24506. 0.563 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservoir POC Outflow Outflow Inflow Inflow Target Cale 1 0.22 0.05 ******** ******* 0.23 2 0.15 0.03 ******** ******* 0.15 3 0.14 0.03 *******"* ******* 0.15 4 0.08 0.03 ******** ******* 0.09 5 0.04 0.03 ******** ******* 0.06 6 0.04 0.02 ******** ******* 0.05 7 0.03 0.03 ******** ******* 0.05 8 0.04 0.02 ******** ******* 0.05 Nidwb Pl= PreHminary 11R -May 2003 • • Appendix C. I Stormwater System Conveyance Appendix C.2 KCRTS Time Series Calculations Appendix C.3 KCRTS Peak Flow Rates Nulwb Place Prellmmary 11R-May 2003 ·e e Mdwls n-Prelunmary 11R -May 2003 • • KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location: Sea-Tac Computing Series exwest.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1. 00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series Till Forest O. 28 acres Loading Time Series Till Pasture 1. 20 acres Total Area 1.48 acres File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTF60R.rnf File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTP60R.rnf -- Peak Discharge: 0.165 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exwest.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exwest.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:exwest.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:exwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac N,c/wb Plaa Pre/immary 77R-May 2003 • • Computing Series Regional Scale Factor devwest.tsf 1.00 Data Type Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTG60R.rnf Till Grass O .14 acres Impervious Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf 0.22 acres Total Area 0.36 acres Peak Discharge: 0.134 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 i~ Year 8 Storing Time Series File:devwest.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:devwest.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:devwest.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:devwest.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:devwest.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location: Sea-Tac Computing Series exeast.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1 .. 00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 2. 45 acres Total Area 2.45 Peak Discharge: 0.296 CFS at Mdw& Place Prelimu=y 17R -May 2003 acres 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exeast.tsf e • • Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exeast.tsf Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:exeast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:exeast.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series deveast.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1. 00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf Till Pasture 1. 69 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious 1. 77 acres - Total Area 3.46 acres Peak Discharge: 1.04 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:deveast.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Ndo& Plaa Preliminary 77R-May 2003 • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Loading Stage/Discharge curve:deveast.tsf Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:deveast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:deveast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:deveast.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series byeast.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious O. 11 acres Total Area 0.11 acres Peak Discharge: 0.052 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:byeast.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:byeast.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:byeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:byeast.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence N"rdwb Pl= Preliminary 11R-May :l(J()3 • Loading Time Series File:byeast.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:byeast.dur N,dwb ~ fuliminary T1R-May 2003 Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command eXit KCRTS Program • • • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.053 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.069 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.134 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.173 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.064 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.158 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.017 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.088 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.147 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.142 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.296 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks N,d,o/s Place Prelimmary 11R-May 2003 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.165 1 100.00 0.990 0.102 2 25.00 0.960 0.090 3 10.00 0.900 0.084 4 5.00 0.800 0.081 5 3.00 0.667 0.051 6 2.00 0.500 0.036 7 1.30 0.231 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 0.144 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.083 2 25.00 0.960 0.079 3 10.00 0.900 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5 3.00 0.667 0.066 6 2.00 0.500 0.058 7 1.30 0.231 0.053 8 1.10 0. 091 0.117 50.00 0.980 ---~-Flow Frequency Analysis---------Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.296 1 100.00 0.990 0.173 2 25.00 0.960 0.158 3 10.00 0.900 0.147 4 5.00 0.800 0.142 5 3.00 0.667 0.088 6 2.00 0.500 0.064 7 1.30 0.231 0.017 8 1.10 0.091 0.255 50.00 0.980 e Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:deveast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.521 6 2/09/01 2:00 1. 04 1 100.00 0.990 0.422 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.648 2 25.00 0.960 0. 613 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.613 3 10.00 0.900 0.448 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.560 4 5.00 0.800 0.536 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.536 5 3.00 0.667 0.560 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.521 6 2.00 0.500 0. 64 8 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.448 7 1.30 0.231 1. 04 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.422 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks o. 911 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time ,Series File:byeast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.027 7 2/09/01 2:00 0.052 1 100.00 0.990 0.024 8 1/05/02 16: 00 0.040 2 25.00 0.960 0.032 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.032 3 10.00 0.900 0.027 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.032 4 5.00 0.800 • 0.032 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.029 5 3.00 0.667 0.029 5 1/18/06 16: 00 0.027 6 2.00 0.500 0.040 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.027 7 1.30 0.231 0.052 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.024 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.048 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:poceast.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak .,-Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period, 0.171 2 2/09/01 20: 00 0.229 1 100.00 0.990 0.055 6 1/05/02 16:00 0.171 2 25.00 0.960 0.148 3 3/06/03 21:00 0.148 3 10.00 0.900 0.054 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.086 4 5.00 0.800 0.049 8 1/05/05 8:00 0.061 5 3.00 0.667 0. 061 5 1/18/06 16: 00 0.055 6 2.00 0.500 0.086 4 11/26/06 21:00 0.054 7 1.30 0.231 0.229 1 1/09/08 14:00 0.049 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.210 50.00 0.980 Nidwls Plaa Preliminary 17R -May 2003 • The following is a description of KCRTS input and output files used in designing the R/D facilities and conducting the downstream drainage analysis for Nichols Place. · EXECUTABLE FILES basins.exc: This executable file creates time series for all contributing areas to the downstream system. tar.exc: This executable creates target duration files for R/D design. TIME SERIES FILES R/D Design exeast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under existing conditions. proposed road improvements along 160th Avenue SE. exwest.tsf: The site's westerly basin under existing conditions. byeast.tsf: Includes area of ' The portion of proposed road improvements along 160'h Avenue SE in the easterly basin that bypasses the stormwater facility. deveast.tsf: The site's easterly basin under proposed developed conditions. Includes a portion of the western basin. devwest.tsf: A portion of the site's westerly basin under proposed developed conditions. poceast.tsf: Time series for developed conditions at the site's easterly downstream point-of-compliance. tareast.tsf: Target duration curve for the proposed R/D system for the site's easterly basin. Based on the following times series: exeast.tsf. RESERVOIRS rdeast.rdf: The Nichols Place R/D facility managing stormwater from the easterly basin of the developed site . N,d,ob Place Prelwinary 17R-May 2003 • • GENERAL NOTES 1. Seatac regional rainfall runoff files with a scale factor of 1.0 were used in the hydrologic simulations. 2. R/D facilities were designed with the 8-year data set. 1-hour peak flow rates were used for detention calculations. 3. 15-minute peak flow rates were used for conveyance calculations. 4. Gravel areas were modeled in KCRTS by assuming that 50 percent of the area is impervious and the remaining 50 percent are the same cover type as that surrounding the gravel area . Nichols Place Preliminary 11R-May 2003 ® King County Department of Development .and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 September 4, 2003 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 Eighth Drive SE . Bothell, WA 98021 Robert H. Darrow, P.E. Haozous Engineering, P.S. 13428 -45th Court . Mukilteo, WA 98275. RE: Nichols Place Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment Request (File No. L03V0036} Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section; has completed review of the · adjustment request for the Nichols Place subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. I, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: 1. The proposed Nichols Place subdivision is located at 13815 160th Avenue SE in east Renton. The 23 lot, 3.8 acre, proposed Nichols Place subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0015. 2. The Nichols Place subdivision is located in the Orting Hills subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The site is subject to the Level Two flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. A low, north/south ridge separates the site into eastern and western subbasins. The smaller western subbasin sheetflows to the southwest across the west and south • property lines onto adjoining parcels. These flows eventually reach 156m Avenue SE via SE 139th Place. The larger eastern subbasin sheetflows across the south property line and into the roadside ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE where all flows from the eastern subbasin eventually converge. All of the site's runoff would eventually recombine in the Cedar River. The parcel to the north sheetflows onto this · site but 1s also bemg developed as the proposed Evendell plat. Under developed conditions, the Evendell lat's contribution of sheetflow to the'Ntchols Place site woul e significantly reduced. Exhibit No.--='~~--- Item No. L~~P~,r Received Z • 2.tf • Gcf King County Hearing Examiner · Nichols Place/L03V0036 September 4, 2003 Page 2 of3 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the project site and direct it to a single detention and water quality facility located in the southeast comer of the site. The allowed release would then travel south on the west side of 160th Avenue SE . • Nuisance flows across the west and south property line would be significantly reduced. An increase in flow volume would occur in the 160ffi Avenue SE conveyance path. It is unclear if frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversion. · 6. The Level One Drainage Anal sis identified downstream drainage complaints associated with the proposed discharge location. ecent conveyance upgra es have been installed along this route presumably to mitigate for these prev10us complaints. • Due the accumulative effect of increased development in this area, more conveyan.g_e upgrades are needed. 7. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivision will be more economical in long term maintenance. Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single facility draining to 160th Avenue SE with the following conditions: I. The.release rates for the detention.facility will be based on only that portion of the site that naturally drains to the location that is being diverted to. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be ased on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will e reduce y any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Level Two flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. The onsite drainage facility must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Any additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEP A or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270. Nichols Place/L03V0036. September 4, 2003 Page 3 of3 Sincerely, James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division Jim Chan, P.E. Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division · cc: Curt Crawford, P.E.; Managing·Engineer, Stonnwater Services Section, KCDNR Randall Parsons, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD . . C) King County · Dep.artment of Development And Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale A venue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Project Name: Nichols Place Plat Project Address: SE \4 of Section 14. T23N R5E Applicant: Mr. Mike Romano Signature: Address: Centurion Development Services 22617 gth Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: ( 425) 486-2563 Date: (; DDES File No. DDES Engineer/PlaMed Name: A03P0063 Bruce Whittaker P.E. Design. Englneer(submitting variance): Phone: Robert H. Darrow .. P.E. (425) 745-5872 81~/J_J Date: 5/18/03 Engineering Finn Name: . Haozous Engineering, P.S. Address: 13428 -45th Court · Mukilteo, WA 98275 DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REQUEST: !_Standard Request We request that the design of the stonnwater facility that manages stonnwater from developed portions of Nichols Place be allowed to divert drainage from a net area of L 12 acres from the west basin to the east basin on the site. APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: The adjustment request is applicable to Core Requirement #I: Discharge at the Natural Location, Section 1.2.1 of the Surface Water Design Manual (King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998). JUSTIFICATION (see one-page attachment): AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: DOES Dlrector/Deslgnee Determination: _ Approval Denial "--DOES Approval Signed: Date: f · 1,f,'t):$ CONDITIONS .OF APPROVAL: .)! See attached memo dated: __ q_. _,.'f....:·0:.c!,:::__ __ DOES, ':"'1d U.. Services DIYtsion, Engineering Review s_.,isor: DOES, Bldg. Sefv. Div., Sita Engineering & Planning Super,laor; MAY 19 2003 K.C. n.n.F.S. King County Departtnent of Development And Enviromnenta1 Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Nichols Place -Diversion of Drainage" Adjustment Request JUSTIFICATION: Description of Site · The Nichols Place Plat project is a proposed residential deveiopment located within the Renton Highlands area of unincorporated King County. The proposal for development includes building 23 single-family dwellings on approximately 3.8 acres .. Offsite road improvements along 160th Avenue SE are also proposed. The site is located within the Orting Hills subbasin <if the Cedar River watershed (King County Department of Natural Resources, 1999). The site and area of offsite · improvements consist of two basins. The east onsite basin consists of2.34 acres under existing conditions and the offsite improvements consist of 0. I I acre. The topography of the east basin generally slopes from the northwest to .the southeast. The west basin consists of 1.48 acres under existing conditions. The topography of the west basin generally slopes from the north to the southwest. Runoff frcim the west basin sheet flows to adjacent yards of single-family residences to the southwest and pasture to the south. Stormwater Design Under developed conditions, stormwater from the east basin will be collected and treated onsite to basic water quality standards with a combined wetpond/detention pond. Detention will be sized with a I 0% factor of safety and will accommodate the flow transferred from the west basin and bypass of runoff from the offsite road improvements. Stormwater from the offsite road improvements will be treated with a separate wet vault in the right-of-way near the southeast comer of the site. Level 2 RID standards are required by the King County Flow Application Maps and are recommended by Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. Under developed conditions, 1.12-acres in the west basin will be routed to the ·· · wetpond/detention pond in the east basin. To compensate for this diversion of drainage, an area of0.36 acre of roofs arid yards in the southwest portion of the site will be allowed to sheet flow off the site without detention. The area of the developed area was adjusted to approximate runoff amounts from the existing westerly basin (See Figures 2 & 3). The . following areas would contribute to the developed westerly basin: · ,. Lot Descrintion of Contributin11: Flow 14 Backvard and back half of roof 15 Frontvard, backvard, entire roof, but not access drive. 16 Backvard and back half of roof 17 Frontvard, backvard, entire roof. but not access drive. · Runoff from roofs in the developed west basin will be spread using downspout dispersion systems. Runoff from yards will not.be collected, but allowed to infiltrate or continue to flow through the grass. The fots selected for downspout dispersion abut the property line and dispersion approximate the discharge location of the existing flow pattern. Managing runoff with the proposed diversion results in the following features: • A larger combined wetpond/detention pond with a 10% factor of safety will manage runoff in the easterly basin arid will discharge to the ditch system along 160th Avenue SE. · • The discharge from the developed west basin will approximate the runoff from the existing westerly basin, although it will be somewhat less. • Considering that flow from the east basin is matching existil\g and flow from the west basin is somewhat less than existing, the combined developed discharge is expected to be less than the existing basins. • Facilities to be maintained by King County for this plat will be adjacent to the plat entrance along 160th Avenue SE. References King County Department of Parks, Planning, and Resources, 1990. Sensitive Areas Map Folio. King County Environmental Division, 1990. Wetlands Inventory Notebook Volume 2 East. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. Surface Water Design Manual. King County Surface Water Management Division, 1993a. Cedar River Current and Future Conditions Report. 1 ~----l~,.,..,.,.,...--,. ,/' ,;;, ; .q/',..,.. ...... :t ,\ x · __ ._,,..,.._,..,.--t1mWtWt A.,11 ,( ~ ~~-----~~----:__-~-----. .. / ./ ,,/ s."-"c-J,.h.-";:'~--"·'···"-·'·'·,,.L:-u. : .. ,_,.'i,~ ... ',./,-!.,,\,\.,' . ~. ~ I ''""' j _,,/ PROP9SED : ~ .·. '---+---____ !:o::_::_.~",., o..Jl'E~QELL PLAT , :\ ::,,.: """\ , ,./ . . "byeast" , :: '. , n. i '-\ t "exw~t" •t:t:::.::1.st" ·~4 ,.A6 . (0.1 ~ AC) ~ i Hl~1 J. 1 ,o ~,\_T '4.liog .""\ loot ~ ,_, -·,-n:,· ,-..... -"N:,rJ , -....... ?.lof•:~~-, lf:?-.'~1--r~, -,<;'.;.:; ·-, i! 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Flow Duration Curves for RID -West Basin .. d' :;!+---"'~-=,------------------.,; ii, u. g .. ~ c; I -----.. -, r, :,i i5 .0 " 0 :ii 10. 10• 10 .~ 10 ·2 10 ·1 5 tarw&st (II.Ir o d......-est.dur • 10' . .--"'\_ ~_J ~ .-~~) ~j l Existing Peak Flow·Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ,,,,---.\ : ) \ .-, . ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis---~--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.102 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.036 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.090 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.009 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.051 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.084 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.081 5 11/24/06 4:oo· 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Developed Peak Flow Rates -West Basin Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:devwest.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.165 ·1 100.00 0.990 0 .102 2 25.00 0.960 0.090 3 10.00 0.900 0.084 4 5.00 0.800 0.081 5 3.00 0.667 0.051 6 2.00 0.500 0.036 7 1.30 0.231 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 0.144 50.00 0.980 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.066 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.134 1 100.00 0.990 0.053 8 1/05/02 16:00 0 .. 083 2 25.00 0.960 0.079 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.079 3 10.00 0.900 0.058 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.070 4 5.00 0.800 0.069 5· 10/28/04 16:00 0.069 5 . 3.00 0.667 0.070 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.066 6 2.00 0.500 0.083 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.058 7 1.30 0.231 0.134 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.053 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.117 50.00 0.980 " .~ :..; ' i" . 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I ---... ~-----.. :::-·~·-····,. \.. ~/ · ' ... ~,. /i \ ' ' ~1 (L . ~N 36 IN FlG ··,,, ......... ·,, ·,<~ , . ...-··-.... · 0 ,.. •• /..-, \ [ l ,~. 5)• -~ t . · · ···:-:,, , "">· ,_, ... / '····-, \ ,\1 -\ .,...,,.,,,'\ 'vdo 'i., · ............... ./ i ·,.,\ Ji\ \ 1 -I:, ... £~ l..i!i--"4,.''l"t~!·,..'D'C ~--.. j \\. --__:fL...,,~.t::..:_-::;:::_-~::;;;;:>z?., f,., c,., ::;.::~'-;;~{~:;;,:,.:;_,;:ff;'::::I.~-.;;.:1.:.:f!.!,~::2,:;1~:' .. ~:::'2..'.:~.:~ :.:~<:,~,~c:\"£..~·2.:•2'··,,--.. --· ·-....... ... •• ~- -· Haozous En;ineering, P .S.I NICHOLS aw. a, STIE ENGINEERING PRELIMINARY PLAT 13428 -45111 COURT, MUIGLlEO, WA 9827S 42!5-7411-01172 ------0 ... .... -"' RHO 1: I EXISTING 5/10/03 I 3 , -"' 0/111/0J DRAINAGE aASINS RHO . _,, .. ,m • • -HABITAT TECHNOLOGIES October 11, 2002 Mr. Mike Romano @ Centurion Development Corp. 22617 -81h Drive SE Bothell, Washington 98021 Fax 1-425-486-3273 . . •• pages __ RE: Wetland and Drainage Corridor Site Reconnaissance Assessment Parcel #1423059058, King County Dear Mr. Romano, . Following you_r request Habitat Technologies has completed an onsite reconnaissance assessment of the 4-acre site located at along 1601h Avenue SE, King County, Washington. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as defined within the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987 Manual), the . Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Wash. Manual), the Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forest Practice Rules, and King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. Please keep in mind that this letter report is not intended to meet the King County standard reguirements of a formal wetland delineation report. BACKGROUND INFORMATION National Wetland Inventory Mapping Exhibit No. _,LI CJ_._ __ _ Item No. Lt\3f\,~ IS Received z. . zq . O"f King County Hearing Examiner The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping completed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species The State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Mapping was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify aiffi P.riority fE habitats or priority species within or adjacent to the project site. D (E ~ \E ~ VJ ~ State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog MAY 1 9 2003 The State of Washington Department of Fisheries Stream Catalog was revie~M ~.&J.E.S. part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identified any streams within or adjacent to the project site. wetlands, streams, fisheries, wildlife -mitigation and permitting solutions @ L O 3 n O O l ~-Box 10881 Puyallup, Washington 98371 1 if' .,.,..1~53-845-5119 fax 253-841-1942 Evendell South 02170 . MAUN IFUl!..\E COl?V • • King County Wetland Inventory The King County Wetland Inventory was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping resource did not identify any wetlands or drainage corridors within or adjacent to the project site. Soil Mapping The soil mapping inventory completed by the Soils Conservation Service was reviewed as a part of this assessment. This mapping identified the soils throughout the project site as Alderwood gravelly sand loam. Alderwood soil is moderately well drained, formed in glacial till, and is not listed as "hydric." · Review of Adjacent Wetland Assessment Wetland assessments recently completed by Habitat Technologies for adjacent parcels were reviewed as a part of this assessment. The assessment of the parcel directly to the north identified a King County Class 2 Wetland located within the northeastern corner of the parcel. As defined by survey neither the offsite wetland nor its associated 50 foot buffer encroach onto the project site. The assessment of the parcels directly to the east, across 1601 h Avenue SE also identified that no wetland or its associated buffer would encroach onto the project site. . ONSITE EVALUATION Evaluation Methodologies Onsite wetland reconnaissance assessment was completed on October 8, 2002. This reconnaissance followed the methodologies and procedures defined in the 1987 Manual, the Wash. Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and King County wetland and drainage corridor regulations. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Cowardin, et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined within land use regulations as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (1987 Manual). Wetlands exhibit three essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the Wash. Manual and the 1987 Manual. These essential characteristics are: 1. Hydrophytic Vegetation: A predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils. 2 Evendell South 02170 • • 2. Hydric Soil: A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons. 3. Wetland Hydrology: Permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Field Observations Onsite reconnaissance activities encompassed the entire project site. The project site had been greatly manipulated by prior onsite and offsite land development. The project site included a single family homesite, associated outbuildings, and managed pasture areas. The project site was bounded by existing residential development to the west, by 160th Avenue SE to the east, and similar single family homesites on larger lots to the north and south. • The project site gently sloped from northwest to southeast. The entire project site had been developed into a single family homesite and associated outbuildings and ' pasture areas. • With the exception of the area around the homesite, the project site was dominated by a managed pasture plant community. This plant community was well grazed and included seeded and invasive grasses, and a variety of herbs. Scattered along the western site boundary were a number of mature second growth Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. A large black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) tree was present in the southeastern corner of the project site. The onsite plant community was identified as non-hydrophytic in character (i.e. typical of uplands). As identified at sample plots throughout the project site the soil was a mixed gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam and did not exhibit redoximorphic features. Field indicators of wetland hydrology were absent. • The areas directly offsite to the north and south were dominated by similar plant communities as identified within the project site. • As defined within the assessment of the parcel to the north, seasonal surface water runoff was confined within the roadside ditch along the western edge of 160th Avenue SE. Surface water within this roadside ditch did not appear to enter the project site. In addition, the enter project site appeared to drain well following seasonal storm events with a majority of the onsite surface water runoff entering this roadside ditch. 3 Evendell South 02170 • • FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Onsite assessment was completed on October 8, 2002 following the methods and procedures defined within the Wash. Manual, the 1987 Manual, the WDNR Forest Practice Rules, and the King County Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The project site had been modified by prior and ongoing land use actions onsite and offsite. As defined by this assessment no area within or immediately adjacent to the project site exhibited all three of the established criteria for designation as "wetland." In addition, no area was identified onsite or immediately adjacent to the project site to exhibit characteristics of a "stream." Thank you for allowing Habitat Technologies the opportunity to assist with this project. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance please call me at 253- 845-5119. Siricerel~--~~ ( ~vv-·ul) \_')z.'v'-'~ Thomas D. Deming -· ~ 4 Evendell South 02170 Traffic lm{'aCI Analysis • • Nichols Place --"'---'---~~------------------------------ INTRODUCTION ............ .. PROJECT DESCRIPTION EXISTING CONDITIONS .. Roadways ........................ . SE I 28'h Street ............. . 160'h Ave SE .......... . Transit/Non-Motorized Fa..:ililies Transit.. ..... Non-Motorized Facilities Traffic Volumes ............. . Level of Service ... . Definition Accidents ..... TABLE OF CONTENTS Planned and Programmed Improvements .. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT ....... . Background Traffic Volumes Pipt.::linc Projects .... Level of Service. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT Trame Volumes .. Project Trip Generation Trip Distributionffraffic Assignment ... Level of Service .. Sight Distance Analysis CONCLUSIONS ........... . TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION Cnrry Strwhers Associates, Inc. ············· I ..... I . .. I ..4 ..4 . ........ 4 ..... 4 ............. 4 ............. 4 .4 .... 6 . ..... 6 ....... 7 . ........ 7 . ............ 7 ........ 7 . ........... X ........ 9 . .... 9 ......... 9 . ........... 9 ..... 11 . ... 11 ............. 14 . ....... 15 ............. 15 Traffic Impact Analysis • • Nichols Place INTRODUCTION The following report was prepared to address the traffic impact analysis guidelines of King County for the Preliminary Plat of Nichols Place located at 13815 I 60'h Avenue SE in the Renton area of King County. A vicinity map is presented in Figure I. King County Ordinance #11617 requires a traffic analysis of the project impact at all intersections that receive 20 percent and 30 peak hour project generated trips. Based on the trip distribution/traffic assignment for this site, no intersections are impacted by the project. Although King County staff acknowledged the threshold of 30 peak hour project-generated trips will not be met, they requested an evaluation of the SE 128'h Street/160'h Avenue SE intersection. In addition, the County requested an assignment of project-generated PM peak hour trips to the SR-900/148'h Avenue SE and SR-900/164'h Avenue SE intersections. Traffic assignment for the two intersections on SR-900 was requested to determine the Nichols Place impact, if any, to the deficient level of service condition at the SR-900/148'h Avenue SE intersection and safety deficiency at the SR-900/164'h Avenue SE intersection which has been designated as a high accident location (HAL) by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Previous developments impacting these intersections have been given a SEPA requirement to participate in the funding of a new signal at the SR-900/148'h Avenue SE intersection. This report summarizes the process. findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the traffic analysis. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Nichols Place is a preliminary plat consisting of 23 single-family detached homes. The plat is expected to be fully occupied by 2006, which for the purposes of this analysis is assumed to be the horizon year. The proposed plat is located on 3.82 acres in the Renton Highlands area of King County. The property is located on the western side of 160'h Avenue SE at approximately SE 1391h Street if extended. Nichols Place will offer a single point of access to I 60'h Ave SE. A preliminary site plan is presented in Figure The parcel is being studied in preparation for submittal of a rezone application requesting redesignation to R-6 density concurrent with a 23-lot preliminary plat. In addition, the applicant is proposing to submit to the County for concurrent review, a plat meeting County requirements under the current R-4 zoning with transfer of density credits to R-6 density. Under this scenario. 23-lots will also be proposed. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Existing Conditions analysis provides a statement of the traffic-related conditions within the study area at the time of the writing of this report. The statement includes a discussion of the existing roadway, transit. pedestrian and bicycle facilities serving the site: identification of existing peak hour traffic volumes and accident history at the analysis intersections: and identification of proposed transportation improvements in this area. Gurry Struthers Associates, Inc. Page I NOT TO SCALE ARRY STRUTHEr~s AsSOCIATES, INC. 3150 Rlcnard• Road, Sulla ,oo B•lliwue, WA 98005-4446 Phone: (425) 519-1)300 F&X: (<125) 519-0309 E-.,..11: gaa~nc.com htt;,./,.,,._,; ... noc-lnc.com • VICINITY MAP FIGURE 0 . __ _j NICHOLS PLACE • '7tnP!; I I I i I I ·I I I I I I I I I I NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS A5SOC1ATES, INC. 3150 Rlc:t,ard• Road, Suite 100 ~~:;(~~)~~ Fax, c•2S) !119-0309 E-mail: 11 .. @u........,_loc,oom http:IIWww.gHno<:>lnc.oom • SITE MAP • ,-:.:· . :i.:J,.·~~--~?.:::...:. r: ... \---------l - · 1, '! ' I ---.. ·;., _ 1 .; I .; ··, ~ I · •. X h l. I FIGURE 2 I .,. , I I I I I I ,,, • C 5- ·i NICHOLS PLACE ,----- Traffic Impact Analysis • 0 Nichols Place Roadways The roadways directly impacted by the proposed development include SE I 28'h Street and i 60'h Avenue SE. These roadways are discussed in the following section. SE 128'" Street SE 128'h Street is a 4-lane principal arterial which runs east-west from approximately 142"" Avenue SE to SE May Valley Road. West of 142"" Avenue SE, SE 128 1h Street becomes NE 4'h Street within the City of Renton and continues west to Jefferson Avenue NE where it becomes NE 3'" Street to 1-405. In the vicinity of the plat, the roadway is approximately 60 feet wide. There is asphalt paved shoulders at the intersection with 160th Avenue NE. There are left-turn lanes at the intersections of 156'h Avenue SE and 148 1h Avenue SE. Traffic control includes signals at 148th Avenue SE and 156'h Avenue SE and stop signs on the minor intersecting streets including 1601h Avenue SE. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. /60r1 1 Ave SE !60'h Avenue SE is a two-lane neighborhood collector that runs north-south from approximately SE ! 28'h Street to SE 1441h Street. In the vicinity of the site. the roadway width is approximately 20 feet with little or no shoulder. In some locations, the roadway has drainage ditches on both sides. Traffic control includes stop signs at SE 128'h Street, SE 144 1h Street, and the minor side streets along the corridor. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. Transit/Non-Motorized Facilities Transit King County Metro provides transit service in the vicinity of the site. Routes 111 and 114 provide service along SE 128'h Street. SE 144'h Street aild i44'h Avenue SE. The nearest bus stop to the proposed plat is located on the southeast corner of ! 60'h Ave SE and SE 128 1h Street. During the week, service for Route 111 runs from 5: 15 AM to 7:35 AM and from 4:45 PM to 7:00 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. Service for Route 114 runs from 6:45 AM to 9:00 AM and from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM with approximate 30-minute headways. In addition, there is DART service along SE 128 1h Street, Lake Kathleen Drive. SE 144'h Street. and !56'h Avenue SE Monday through Friday. Non-Motorized Facilities There are currently no non-motorized facilities in the vicinity of the plat. Traffic Volumes The existing PM peak hour traffic volume at the analysis intersection was determined from a PM peak hour turning movement count collectecl January 28, 2003. The existing PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 3. Gl1rry Srrur//ers Associares, Inc. Poge 4 SE 116 ST w "' w :l' :c .... "' ! SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE • -on JIL 0 _) 651- 481 w V, w :l' ~ "' L1 -655 ,44 1!1 m "' -ON w "' • S 136TH ST f-----L---+--- w V, w :l' 2003 EXISTING VOLUMES FIGURE 3 w V, w :l' :c .... ., ~ PROJECT SITE XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE ,------------ Traffic lmpacr Analysis • • Nichols Place Level of Service Definition Level of service (LOS) is used to qualify the degree of traffic congestion and driver comfort on streets or at intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) describes the methodologies for calculating LOS on street segments and at signalized and unsignalized intersections. According to the 1997 HCM (TRB Special Report #209), there are six levels of service by which the operational performance of the roadway system may be described. These levels of service range from LOS A, which indicates a relatively free-flowing condition, to LOS F that indicates operational breakdown. The level of service for a two-way stop controlled (TWSC) intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Average control delay less than or equal to I 0 seconds per vehicle is defined as LOS A. For LOS F the average control delay is greater than 50 seconds per vehicle. The LOS for signalized intersections is defined in terms of average control delay per vehicle. The criterion for LOS A is an average control delay of less than or equal to IO seconds per vehicle. The criterion for LOS Fis an average control delay of greater than 80 seconds. King County has adopted a level of service E as the county road capacity standard. According to Ordinance #11617 any development that impacts an intersection with 20 percent of the peak hour project generated trips and 30 project generated peak hour trips must provide a level of service E with full development of the project. If the level of service is below LOS E for the without project condition. the developer is responsible to maintain the existing level of service. As stated previously, no intersections meet the impact criteria. However, LOS analysis was requested at the SE I 28th Street/I 601h Ave SE intersection. Level of service for the analysis intersection was calculated using SynchroTM 5.0 computer software program bused on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The result of the existing condition level of service analysis is shown in Table I. Table 1 2003 Level of Service Intersection Traffic Control 2003 Existing LOS Standard Unsignalized SE 128'h Strcet/!60'h Ave SE SB 1 (xx) SC(.;Onds of delay per vehicle Two-Way Stop D 127.4) E 1 -level of service for the two.way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with 1hi.; highest delay. As shown in Table I. the analysis intersection currently operates at an acceptable level of service. Gon~r Srruthers Associwes, Inc. Page 6 Traffic Impact Analysis • • Nichols Place Accidents The latest three-year accident history data at the analysis intersections were obtained from King County. The latest three-year accident history included the period from January I. 2000 to December 31, 2002. A summary of the three-year accident history is presented in Table 2. Table 2 Three-Year Accident History Number of Accidents 2000 2001 2002 Accident Average Intersection PDO !NJ PDO !NJ PDO !NJ Rate' Rate2 SE 128'" St/160'" Ave SE . I 3 2 3 0.70 0.90 I -Accident rate per million entering vehicles 2 -Average accident rate for type of intersection per WSDOT As shown in Table 2, a total of eleven accidents have occurred at the SE 128 1h Street/I 60'h Avenue SE intersection during the three-year period. However, the accident rate for the analysis intersection is below the state average for similar intersections. Planned and Programmed Improvements A review of King County's Planned and Programmed Transportation Improvements indicate the following transportation improvement projects planned in the study area. King Countv's 1999 Transportation Needs Report (TNR) • SE May Valley Road (Coal Creek Parkway to SR-900). NC-42. This project includes widening travel lanes and paving shoulders. In addition, this project would also include the construction of equestrian facilities. Both King County and the City of Newcastle would fund this low priority project. • Coal Creek Parkway at SE May Valley Road, NC-IOI. This project includes widening the north and south legs of' this intersection to provide additional channelization. King County would fund this high priority project. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT The future conditions without project analysis provides a discussion of the traffic-related conditions in the horizon year without the proposed project. This section includes a discussion of background traffic volumes and level of service at the analysis intersection. Nichols Place is exp~cted to be fully occupied by 2006. market permitting. Therefore. 2006 for the purposes of this analysis is considered to be the horizon year. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes for the 2006 without project condition include the 2003 existing PM peak hour traffic volumes. plus known pipeline projects in the vicinity of the site. plus area-wide G(lrn-Srrurl1crs Associates. Inc. Poge 7 Traffic Impact Analysis • • Nichols Place traffic growth. A growth factor of 1.0 percent per year was used based on a review of recent PM peak hour traffic counts in the study area. Pipeline Projects Pipeline projects are defined as proposed development, which is expected to be fully developed and impact the transportation system within the horizon year of Nichols Place. According to King County and the City of Renton. there are numerous pipeline projects in the vicinity of Nichols Place. Trip generation for the pipeline projects is presented in Table 3. Table 3 Pipeline Projects PM Peak Hour Trips Location Land Use Total In Out Kin2: Countv SR-900/148th Ave SE (Aster Park) 37 sfdu·s 37 24 13 SE 124th St/149th Ave SE (Edenwood) 14 sfdu's 14 9 5 13715 SE I 16th St 3 sfdu·s 3 2 12013 148th Ave SE (East Renton) 60 sfdu·s 61 39 22 SE 128th St & 146'" Ave SE 140 sfdu·s. 141 90 51 126XX 148'" Ave SE 27 sfdu·s 27 17 10 13025 144'" Ave SE 11 sfdu's 11 7 4 15217/15221 SE 128'"St 28 sfdu's 28 18 10 13401 156'" Ave SE 65 sfdu's 66 42 24 SE 128'" St/148'" Ave SE (transfer from Renton) 300 sfdu·s 303 194 109 13615 154'" Ave SE 69 sfdu·s 70 45 25 l 58'h Ave SE and SE 1361h St. (Evendell) 75 sfdu's 76 49 27 160'" Ave SE and 136'" Ave SE (Liberty) 36 sfdu·s 36 23 13 I 6zt1d Ave SE and Liberty Lane (Dickinson. 50 sfdu's 51 33 18 Shadow, and Liberty Gardens) Citv of Renton 980 Hoquiam Avenue NE (Wedgewood) 16sfdu's 16 10 6 5107 NE 5'" Pl (Piclc Plat) 8 sfdu·s 8 5 3 5200 NE 4'" St (Honeybrookc Final Plat) 25 sldu's 25 16 9 5300 NE 4th St (Honeybrooke Phase 2) !Osfdu·s 10 6 4 5200 NE 4'" St (Honeyhrookc Phase 4) 8 sfdu's 8 5 3 466 Nile Ave (Morgan Court III) 3 sfdu·s 3 2 I 5410 NE 2'"1 St (Sienna) 62 sldu' s 63 40 23 SE 128th St/Nile Ave NE (Maplewood Estates) 116sfdu·s 117 75 42 600 I NE 4'" St (Arnberwood) 18 sfdu's 18 12 6 West of Duvall Ave, North of NE 4'" St 22,568 sf 33 6 27 (Renton Highlands Plaza) 3800 NE 4'" St (Widermcre Office) 7,289 sf 11 2 9 550 Union Ave NE (Vineyards) 42 sldu·s 42 27 15 1050 Hoquiam Ave NE (Brookfield) 47 sfdu·s 47 30 17 As shown in Table 3. there are fourteen pipeline projects identified by King County and thirteen identified hy the City of Renton in the vicinity of the project site. Trip distribution/traffic assignments for the pipeline projects were determined based upon recent turning movement counts in the vicinity of the project. Garry Struthers Associates. Inc. Page 8 Traffic Impact Analysis • Nichols Place Figure 4 presents a summary of the distributed background growth and pipeline trips for 2006 without the Nichols Place project. Level of Service The 2006 background without project PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using SynchroTM 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The existing level of service is shown for comparison purposes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. Table 4 2006 Without Project Level of Service Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project LOS Standard Unsignalized SE 128'h St/!60'h Ave SE SB' D (27.4) E NB' D (34.7) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement \.Vith the highest delay. As shown in Table 4, the analysis intersection will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service in 2006 without the project. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT The future condition with project analysis provides a statement of what traffic related conditions will be like in the horizon year with the project. The analysis simply adds anticipated project impacts to the horizon year background conditions. The analysis defines anticipated project trip generation and evaluates impact through a level of service analysis at each of the analysis intersections. Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes for 2006 with project condition include 2006 without project volumes discussed above plus expected traffic to be generated by Nichols Place. Project Trip Generation Trip generation for Nichols Place was calculated using the trip generation rates for Single-Family Dwelling Units, Land Use Code 210 presented in the Sixth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report, 1997. A summary of the anticipated trip generation for Nichols Place is presented in Table 5. Corry Srmrl1as Associates. Inc. /J(lg(' 9 SE 116 ST w "' w '< I >-"' ;': SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATE$, INC. 3150 R•cl>arda Ro;od. s.,,u, \00 8<1il&vue, WA 9800~8 Pt>one: (425) 519--0300 Fu: (425) 519--0309 E·ma,I: gaa@gunoc-ir,c.com http.1/www gsanoc-,nc com • • i__, -o"' )IL -699 148 ( _) l\1 0 703- 531 "' "' "lON V r---~---l------=S_136TH ST w V, w '< w V, I w >-'< <O ~ I b ~ 2006 WITHOUT PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 4 w "' w '< I >-.,. ~ PROJECT SITE XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE ------------------------ Traffic Impact Analysis • • Nichols Place Table 5 Trip Generation AM Peak PM Peak Land Use AWDT Total In Out Total In Out Nichols Place 23 sfdu's 220 17 4 13 23 15 8 Existing Residential Units I sfdu 10 0 0 Net lrnoact 210 16 4 12 22 14 8 As shown in Table 5, Nichols Place is estimated to generate 220 daily, 17 AM peak hour and 23 PM peak hour trips in the 2006 horizon year. The net impact of the project, calculated by deducting the existing site trips generated from the existing single family dwelling unit from the total project trip generation, is 210 daily, 16 AM peak and 22 PM peak hour trips in 2006. Trip Distribution/Traffic Assignment Trip distribution percentages for Nichols Place were based upon recent turning movement counts in the vicinity of the project. The results of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process for PM peak hour project-generated trips are presented in Figure 5. A summary of the 2006 with project PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 6. As requested by the County, trip distribution/traffic assignment was extended to the SR- 900/148'h Avenue SE and the SR-900/164'h Avenue SE intersections. Results of this analysis indicate that no project-generated trips will impact either intersection. Level of Service The 2006 with project PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersection was calculated using Synchron1 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 High,vay Capacity Manual. The existing condition and 2006 without project PM peak hour level of service are provided for comparison. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6. Table 6 2006 With Project Level of Service Intersection Unsi~malizc<l SE 128'h Strcct/160'" Avenue SE SB' NB' (xx) seconds ot delay per vehicle 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project 2006 With Project LOS Standard D 127.41 E D (34 7) D (37.1) I -level or service for the two-way stop controlled intcrsc<.:tion represents the movement with the highest delay. As shown in Table 6, the analysis intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service in 2006 with the project. G(lny Struthers As.rncimes. Inc. • • o I• Io SE 116 ST w "' w " r w ... "' ~ w ~ " ;!: <O ! o I• Io 3 3 -•::__i ___ ~S~E~1£2B~S~T---------~--~-•---j-----~-~----~------2 PM PEAK TOTAL: 22 IN: 14 OUT: 8 NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES. JNC. 3150 R1C1>8td5 Road, Su,te 100 BellO\fUO, WA 98005--4445 Phone: (425) 519-0300 E-m:1~'.<.,";1.!!:!~.com Mtp /lwww gs11Hoc-lnc com 2 3 3 w "' w " ~ "' S 136TH ST i----~--+--- 3 / i / s 2 I / 11 w "' w " r 6 ~ PROJECT-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 5 PROJECT SITE XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE SE 116 ST w V> w " I "" "' :': SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS Ass. OCIATES. INC. 315-0 Rlcherd• Road, Sulle 100 B-::~:::: (~~) ~~6 Fa•: (425) 5111-0JO!l E-mail: gH@li~as:ooc-,ne.com hl!p:IM'WW gmasaoc-,nc.com • -o"' )IL 0 _) 703- 551 L1 -699 I 49 l!( <O m "'ON w V> w " ~ "' w V> w " I ~ ~ S 136TH ST t----~---'-----'--~ PROJECT SITE w V> w " ~ "' 2006 w V, w "' ~ <O VVITH PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 6 XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE Traffic Impact Analysis • • Nichols Place Sight Distance Analysis A field study of stopping and entering sight distance was conducted on May 7, 2003. The proposed access to the plat is approximately 115 feet south of the north property line. The posted speed limit on I 60'h Avenue SE is 25 mph. The King County Road Standards (KCRS) do not stipulate the design speed used to calculate sight distance. However, King County has administratively chosen to use the posted speed plus IO mph for the design speed. Therefore, the design speed for the sight distance analysis is 35 mph. Entering sight distance (EDS) was measured from a point IO feet from the edge of roadway at the proposed site access road at a height of 3.5 feet to an object height of 4.25 feet on 160th Avenue SE. The measured entering sight distance looking to the north is 490+ feet. Looking to the south. a stand of trees lining the ditch currently obstructs the sight the entering sight distance. Project plans indicate these trees will be removed prior to project completion. The entering sight distance to the south will then be 490+ feet. According to King County Road Standards (KCRS), the minimum required entering sight distance is 490 feet using a design speed of 35 mph. Stopping sight distance (SSD) is measured from a height of 3.5 feet on 160'h Avenue SE as it approaches a specific location to an object at a height of 0.5 feet on I 60'h Avenue SE. Based upon a 35 mph design speed, a SSD of 250 feet would be required for northbound and southbound vehicles under the KCRS. King County requires the minimum SSD be met along the entire plat frontage. The measured SSD at the site driveway is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. At the north property line. the SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north. The SSD is 250+ feet from the south and 250+ feet from the north at the south property line. Table 8 summarizes the sight distance measurements. Table 8 Sight Distance Analysis Sight Distance Entering Sight Distance -looking south -looking nonh Stopping Sight Distance > Site Accc..:s Driveway -from the south -from the north > North Property Linc -from the south -from the north > South Property Linc -from the south -from the norlh Garry Srmrhers Associmes, Inc. Field Measured 490+ ft 490+ ft 250+ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250+ ft 250+ ft KCRS Min. ReQuired 490 ft 490 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft Page 14 Traffic Impact Analysis • Nichols Place As shown in Table 8, ESD at the proposed site access driveway looking to the north and south exceeds the KCRS required ESD of 490 feet. The measured stopping sight distances exceed KCRS requirements at the north and south property lines and from the site access driveway from both the north and south. CONCLUSIONS The plat of Nichols Place will not create any significant adverse conditions on the surrounding transportation network. The plat will generate approximately 210 daily, 16 AM peak hour and 22 PM peak hour new vehicle trips to the transportation network. As determined from the analysis, the intersection of SE 128'h Street/160'h Avenue SE does not meet the King County threshold definition for project impact conditions. This would require 30 PM peak hour project generated trips and 20 percent of the project generated peak hour trips. The analysis intersection was determined to operate at an acceptable level of service for the existing, 2006 without, and 2006 with project conditions. An analysis of the traffic assignment for Nichols Place indicated the proposed plat will not have any impact at either the SR-900/148'h Avenue SE orSR-900/164'h Avenue SE intersections. Therefore, the Nichols Plat will not be required to participate in the funding of the proposed signal at SR-900/148'h Avenue SE. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION Nichols Place will be required to pay a MPS mitigation fee of $49,197 based on $2,139 per unit (23 units) for concurrency zone 452. No other traffic mitigation is deemed necessary. Corry Struthers Associates. Inc. Page 15 l I Traffic Impact Analysis • • Nichois Place --"'----'----'---------------------------- TECHNICAL APPENDIX for NICHOLS PLACE Carry Strnthers Associates. Inc. Nichols Place SE 128th Street/160th Avenue SE PM Peak Hour: 4:15 PM -5:15 PM Date Collected: 01/28/03 EBLT EBT EBRT °' .£ w ·x w C') 0 0 N 0 651 48 WBLT~4 WBT 655 WBRT 1 NBLT Efdg NBT 0 NBRT 22 SBLT rn SBT 0 SBRT 1 1444 .c j 0 ~ (!) "' t, (1) "Cl C :, ·e a. e °' (1) .£ -"' () <1l (!l w C. a: 0 0 20 32 1 4 44 82 • • "' (1) t, (1) ·e a. :5 0 £ ~ (0 0 0 N (1) () <1l a: "' 0 .c () z t, (1) 0 ~ a. £ ~ (0 0 0 N ~ <1l LL ~ :, 0 :r: -"' <1l (1) a. "' "' :, (!l -"' -"' () 2 f- c (1) " (1) a. 0 0 703 703 53 2 55 1570 9 1579, ~-----------------------·------ HCM Unsignalized lntersectio.apacity Analysis S~8th Street/160th Ave SE 2003 Existing Volumes -t MovemefitE_;~~!;~!@.1E~EB.t~EBR--;JJ.WB~WBf~BBJ~,)~;f;fa~ll[~~NBF,l~SBl::!'1:J!'SBJ?:JfSBR Lane Configurations Sign Control n n • • Free Free Si9p . Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Volume (veh/h) 0 651 48 44 655 1 19 0 22 3 0 •, ' ' ' ~ Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate.(veh/h) Pedestrians· ·· . 0 708 52 48 712 · 1 21 0 . 24 3 o. Lane W.idth (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage · ·· · Right turn flare (veh) Median type ... Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 cont vol v.C2, stage 2 cont vol: .. tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) pO queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) 713 760 4.1 4. 1 2.2 2.2 100 94 883 848 Volume Total 354 406 404 357 45 4 Volume Left · 0 0 48 O 21 3 Volume Right O 52 O 1 24 1 cSH . 883 1700 848 1700 236 · 165 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.24 0.06 0.21 0. 19 0.03 Queue Length (ft) O O 4 0 17 2 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 23.8 27.4 Lane LOS . . A C D Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS . ·. 0.0 0.9 Average D_elay 1.2 23.8 27.4 C ' D· 1186 '' 7.5 3.5 85 138 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.8% ICU Level of Service ·None None 1542 .. 380 .1186 1568 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 100 96 98 100 108 618 133 104 A 1 0.92 1 357 6.9 3.3 100 640 Synchro 5 Report Page 1 GARRYSBELL-ST51 HCM Unsignalized lntersectio.apacity Analysis S~Bth Street/160th Ave SE 2006 Without Project Traffic Volumes f -t + Mo)(ement~'::{a'fw:~1{~EBl::~'iJEBJ:i!;,E:Baa;,•,WBL"!i!W.BJ1E,;WBB~~fNBIE¥~i'JBJ~NBi\16i>'iSBL1£'iiffSB:t~Si3i;i Lane Configurations +ff. Sign Control Free Grade 0% Volume (veh/h) 0 703 53 : Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (veh/h) 0 764 58 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blc/9kage_ . Right turn flare (veh) Median ty!)e Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume 761 vC 1, stage 1 cont vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol tC, single (s) . 4.1 IC, 2 stage (s) IF (s) 2.2 pO queue free % 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 847 Volume Total 382 440 432 Volume Left 0 0 52 Volume Right 0 58 0 cSH ',,' 847 1700 803 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.26 0.06 a_ueue L.,;mgth (ft) 0 0 5 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 1.9 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 1.0 Approach .LOS intersectfor'("Summa~· ·•. · "<' ,'j'p'>. ~:~~·' : ,;,::, Average Delay · 1.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 48.7% GARRYSBELL-ST51 +ff. .;. .;. Free Stop Stop 0°/o 0% 0°/o 48 699 1 33 0 29 3 0 1 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 52 760 1 36 0 32 3 0 1 None_. None 822 1278 165!! . 411 1278 1686 380 4.1 7.5 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.5 6.9 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 94 69 100 95 97 100 100 803 117 90 590 111 87 617 381 67 4 0 36 3 1 32 1 1700 187 139 0.22 0.36 0.03 0 38 2 0.0 34.7 31.7 D D 34.7 31.7 D .D !,./'.../ (,;;!N,t ,~(:~r:~-:::~j,,//i,,~ ~',\" ~."';\~"%. J ,,1 ICU Level of Service A Synchro 5 Report Page 1 HCM Unsignalized lntersectio.apacity Analysis S~8th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 With Project Traffic Volumes -t + Movemei'it'l"•1~"!if'~Q:.'E~EBNEBR~'#Bli';t4WBJii1WBR~~'.~1NBt\\i,'NlNB't~~SB.l!..gilSBJ;E'JSB1:i Lane Configurations Sign. Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (veh/h) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speeci (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Mecji.an .type · , Median storage veh) vC, conflicting volume vC 1, siage 1 cont voi vC2, siage 2 cont vol tC, single (s) IC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) pO queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Oir~tion,,Lane it.•,..; Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS n n • • Free Free Stop Stop 0% 0% 0% 0% 703 55 49 699 1 36 . 0 29 3 0 1 0 0.92 0 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 764 60 53 760 1 39 0 · 32 3 0 1 761 824 4. 1 4. 1 2.2 2.2 100 93 847 802 382 442 433 381 71 4 0 0. 53 . 0 39 .3 0 60 0 1 32 1 847 ·1100 802 1700 181 139 0.00 0.26 0.07 0.22 0.39 0.03 0 0 5 0 43 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 A 1.0 0.0 37. 1 31.8 E D 37.1 31.8 E D 1282 7.5 3.5 66 116 None None 1661 412 1280 1691 380 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.5 6.9 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 100 95 97 100 100 90 589 110 86 617 Intersection Summary,.·.~ .:;, : " Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization GARRYSBELL-ST51 2. 1 50.1% ICU Level of Service A Synchro 5 Report Page 1 1======i• GARRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. Dedicated to Excellence www.gsassoc-inc.com I I ~· ~ l 1 [1 i ~1 ' COPY 13428--15'1' Courl A1ukifreo. WA 98275 tax (425) 745-5114 (4251 745-5872 robert@haozous.l'om October 27. 2003 U.S. Land Development Associates Clo Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 226 I 7 -8th Drive SE Bothell. WA 9802 I Re: Response to King County Screening Transmittal _Nichols Place Plat Dear Mr. Romano: NOV 12 ?AA3 h,,'H..t V\JUl'V i 1· LAND USE SERV1cts This report provides information to address items 2.a. 2.b. and 4 as requested by King County in their Screening Transmittal dated August 12. 2003. Item 2.a asked for an investigation of the feasibility of replacing culverts shown at locations 50 and 51 in the Level I Analysis for Nichols Plat. Item 2.b asked for a review of the culvert at location 40. Item 4 asks for a conceptual frontage road improvement plan that includes related drainage improvements. Item 2.a. -Culvert Replacement Investigation We designed new culverts to replace the existing 12-inch concrete pipe at location 50 and the 18-inch corrugated metal pipe (CMP) at location 51. The Evendell Plat Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering, P.S. was reviewed to confirm the basin assumptions and obtain peak flow rates for the 25-ycar and 100-year events for these existing culverts. These flow rates are: Storm Return Period ' ' i 25 year 100 year Location Description (cfs) (cfs) i 12-inch 25.5 31.2 ' Culvert 50 concrete ' Culvert 51 18-inch CMP 32.0 39.4 The level 3 downstream analysis assumed existing conditions for the basin when calculating these peak flows. lf a level 2 detention pond is used for the Nichols site it would match durations. but not the peak flows for the 25-year storm event. Additionally. a Jev·el 2 pond would not match durations or peak flows for the I 00-year stonn event. This usually means the 25-year and 100-year peak flows from the developed site would be somewhat higher than I of 14 Exhibit No .. --'--2-.-c:--'-/ ___ _ Item No. L <;).'.\ ,0 t)t') IS Received l.·2.4-C\4 King County Hearing Examiner those calculated for the level 3 downstream analysis. For the Nichols site. however. the Preliminary T.I.R. indicated that the developed 25-year peak flow from the pond would match the existing rate of 0.18 cfs and the developed I 00-year peak flow would be 0.20 cfs versus 0.31 cfs for the existing. This situation is probably due to the increase of the pond volume to account for the bypass of runoff from ! 60'h Avenue SE. When the bypass flow is relatively large compared to main basin the pond volume can increase disproportionately. The I 0% factor of safety would magnify that effect. An analysis using XP-Culvert2000 indicated that replacing the existing culverts with 30-inch lined. corrugated polyethylene pipe (LCPE). lowering the pipe inverts and regrading ditches would allow the design flows up to the I 00-year event to pass through satisfactorily. Figure A shows a plan view of these improvements and the backup calculations are included in appendix A. These improvements were then discussed with the property owner. Jerry Smith to get his permission. however. Mr. Smith said he would not allow any work to be done on the existing culverts. Mr. Smith said his reason was that he thought the improvements would not improve the situation of substantial runoff from I 60'h Avenue SE flowing across his property and flooding his barn. He said he would be agreeable to drainage improvements on his property if the flow from 160'h Avenue SE were piped completely across the north or south boundary of the lot. Item 2.b. -Culvert at Location 40 The existing culvert at location 40 was measured in the field as an 18-inch CMP. This matches the size measured by the county. Item 4. Conceptual Front,ige Road Improvement A conceptual design was prepared for the road and drainage improvements on the west side of 160" Avenue SE along the frontage of the proposed Nichols plat. This design is presented as Exhibit B. The concrete vault shown provides treatment for water quality only for flows entering the street collection system. The proposed onsite detention pond was sized to accommodate bypass of runoff from the right-of-way improvements so a separate detention facility was not required (see Nichols Place Preliminary TIR). We hope this information helps with the evaluation of the project and please contact me with any questions. Sincerely. /6#/lbwv~ Robert H. Darrow. P.E. Principal Engineer 2 of 14 .t \ \ I JERRY SMITH PROPERTY \ \ I I I I I / / / / l O 15 30 f NICHOLS PLAT 1 SCALE IN rE[T l<JNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXHIBIT ~ CULVERT REPLACEMENT A f .... ________________ ...;;.Dal=•:~1.o..,;.15.,;03;;;.i, ___ ....;;1NVEST1==~GA=:n-o=N~---'-,,.... .... <.-:: ·- 3 of14 i • • j I ; i I 1 l ! t L l/) ,..., ~ z 1 ~ ~ l/) (I) (") ~ -4--~ ~~--- At},, -N d n ... ... N -" .... 6\ ... ... (,J <£) ... w "'0 ' fii RIM 448.9d. "'"'~ CB TY1"$ IE 445.9~ "' N d n ... ... !ft ... u ~ t 26 LF ~-DJ~~ @1~ MH2 TY3::J60• RIM ~56 IE ~.79 C: C :, C: " ;:. :, 0 :e :, CB 1Y1 RIM 448.56 IE 446.56 C :, C. Cl) , "' , 0 C :, C. WEST. ROW CL ROW ltsarH AVE: SE: I------J-0.0' ---·----i 450 ...... •·. -~~·.j. ~-~:. ~ 16.:~.d::--t 1450 ·DC: PVt/T .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4451 II IJ 11-.-·"E;......-: =. 1445 : : {..; cs :w, ·CB-TV!· ........ . ""t I -'\.._ UALFTY ·VAtJtT· · · · · ... j440 ....., ............ · · · · ~ WA'l'ER·~ .............. · · ........................ SECTION A-A CB 1Y1 RIM 450.15 '\ ·-\~-> , 0 -.l. :e 0 - ~@;% 6' NOTES: N n' n ... U1 -... N d n ... U1 -... <£) " ;;i C: :, C. ;o Cl) !D C , "'-.,s' ~ ---\. ;-- rl ;;o () ;;:; 3· rn z,·· I .i,. (fJ u, • • cl>- ~ .i,. OJ ~ u, (J1 ~ ;-;:! (/J 0) ::0 0 } CD .i,. (J1 .i,. co N "' 1. EXl5nNG TOPOGRAPHY IS BY DRYCO SURVEYING & MAPPING, JOB NO. 2003016, FEBRUARY, 2003. 2. THIS IS A SCHEMATIC DRAWING SHOWING ANTICIPATED ROAD AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 160TH AVENUE SE ACROSS THE FRONTAGE OF THE PROPOSED NICHOLS PLAT. Haozous Engineering, P.S. PRELIMINARY 13428-451hCmt I.IJklllao,WA 98275 1 I I NICHOLS PLAT ~7~114 fax ~745.li872phone d&tftlw mwrs a Dote: 10/17 /03 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ROW IMPROVEMENTS. 160TH AVENUE SE FIGURE B APPENDIX A CUL VERT 50 -25 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 50 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 Input Units: Output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: 1. 000 Length: 91.800 Slope (%): 0.54 Roughness (n): US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: 0. 0130 421.0500 420.5500 Projecting Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow:· Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 25.5006 5.1825 2.2333 424.1546 423.0061 Inlet Control 5.1825 25.5006 2.4333 424 .1546 423.0061 Inlet Control 25.4998 5.1823 424.1546 423.0061 Inlet Control Weir Details: ============= Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: Output Units: Approach Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: ROAD #1 US Unit US Unit 0.100 0.100 3.300 4 of 14 • Weir Disch Coeff: Road Width: Weir Low Point: Gravel (FHWA) 65.000 425.000 Maximum Flow: Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max ... Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth Nomograph Details: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 422.7568 423.6927 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 422.7568 423.6927 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 424.1546 423.0061 0. 0000· Nomograph Data ----------> Inlet<----------- Type Material Shape Inlet Description 6 Corrugated Metal Circular Projecting Culvert Time Series Details: ============================ Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time Flow/Brrl Velocity (hrs) (ftA3/s) (ft/s) ----------------------- 2.083 25.500 5.18 Weir Details: Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum F-low over this· Wei-r Culvert Rating Curve: ===================== Flow (ftA3/s) Depth (ft) HW (ft) 25.408 3.096 424.146 Culv 50 Depth Critical (ft) (ft) -------- 3.105 1. 720 ROAD #1 0.0 5 ofl4 Normal (ft) ------ 1. 759 HW· (ft) ------ 424.155 TW Control (ft) -------------- 423.006 Inlet CULVERT 50 -100 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 50 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 1.000 Input Units: Output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: Length: 91. 800 Slope (%): Roughness (n): US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: 0.54 0.0130 421.0500 420.5500 Projecting Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW. at Max .. Velocity.:' cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 31.2002 6.3621 2.1000 424 •. 62-73. 423.0093 Inlet Control· 6.3621 31. 2002 2.1000 424. 6273 423.0093 Inlet Control 31.2002 6.3621 424.6273 . 423. 0093. Inlet Control Weir Details: --==--==== Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: Output Units: Approach Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: Weir Disch Coe ff:· ROAD #1 US Unit US Unit 0.100 0.100 3.300 Gravel (FHWA) 6ofl4 ,- Road Width: Weir Low Point: Maximum Flow: 65.000 425.000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth Nomograph Details: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 423.2634 423.5374 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 423.2634 423.5374 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 424.6273 423.0093 0.0000 Inlet<----------- Type Material Nornograph Data ----------> Shape Inlet Description 6 Corrugated Metal Circular Projecting Culvert Time Series Details: -------======----======----- Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time (hrs) Flow/Brrl Velocity (ft'3/s) (ft/s) Culv 50 Depth (ft) Critical (ft) Normal (ft) HW (ft) TW (ft) 2.083 31. 200 6.36 3.577 1.903 2.129 424.627 423.009 Weir Details: ============= Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum Flow over this Weir Culvert Rating Curve: ===================== Flow (ft'3/s) Depth (ft) HW (ft) 31. 053 3.557 424.607 ROAD #1 0.0 7 of14 Control Inlet CULVERT 51 -25 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 51 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 1.000 Input Units: Output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: Length: Slope (%): Roughness (n) : US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 37.300 1.34 0. 0130 419.3000 418.8000 Headwall 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max .. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 32.0005 8.0747 2.0833 422.6188 420.1863 Inlet Control 8.0747 32.0005 2.0833 422.6188 420.1863 Inlet Control 32.0005 8.0747 422. 6188, 420.1863 Inlet Control Weir Details: =========== Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: output Units: Approach Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: Weir Disch Coeff: ROAD #2 US Uhit US Unit 0.100 0.100 3.300 Gravel (FHWA) 8ofl4 Road Width: Weir Low Point: Maximum Flow: 13.000 423.520 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth Nomograph Details: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.3970 418.8236 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.3970 418.8236 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 422.6188 420.1863 0.0000 Inlet<----------- Type Material Nornograph Data ----------> Shape Inlet Description -------------------------------------------------------- 4 Corrugated Metal Circular Headwall Culvert Time Series Details: ============================ Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time Flow/Brrl Velocity (hrs) (ft~3/s) (ft/s) Culv 51 Depth (ft) Critical (ft) Normal ( ft) HW (ft) TW Control (ft) 2.050 32.000 8.07 3.319 1.925 1.503 422.619 420.186 Inlet Weir Details: ============ Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum Flow over this Weir Culvert Rating Curve: ===================== Depth (ft) HW (ft) 31. 881 3.308 422.608 ROAD #2 0.0 9of14 CULVERT 51 -100 YEAR Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Culv 51 US Unit US Unit Circular 2.500 2.500 1.000 Input Units: output Units: Culvert Shape: Height: Width: Barrels: Length: Slope (%): Roughness (n) : US Invert Elev: DS Invert Elev: Entrance Type: Entrance Loss: Exit Loss: Exp/Contr Loss: Maximum Flow: 37.300 1.34 0.0130 419.3000 418.8000 Headwall 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Cntrl Type at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Cntrl Type at Max. Vel.: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Cntrl Type: 39.4006 9.5350 2.1667 423.4500 420.3343 Inlet Control 9.5350 39.4006 2.1167 423.4500 420.3343 Inlet Control 39.4006 9.5350 423.4500- 420.3343 Inlet Control Weir Details: =============::; Weir #1: Weir Name: Input Units: Output Units: Approach Grade: Departure Grade: VC Length: Weir Disch Coeff: Road Width: ROAD #2 US Unit US Unit 0.100 0.100 3.300 Gravel (FHWA) 13.000 JO ofl4 •' Weir Low Point: 423.520 Maximum Flow: · Velocity at Max. Flow: Time at Max. Flow: Headwater at Max. Flow: Tailwater at Max. Flow: Max. Velocity: Flow at Max. Velocity: Time at Max. Velocity: HW at Max. Velocity: TW at Max. Velocity: Max. Velocity x Depth: Ending Flow: Ending Velocity: Ending Headwater: Ending Tailwater: Ending Velocity x Depth Nomograph Details: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.4168 418.8349 0.0000 0.0000 0.0333 419.4168 418.8349 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 423.4500 420.3343 0.0000 Inlet<----------- Type Material Nomograph Data ----------> Shape Inlet Description -------------------------------------------------------- 4 Corrugated Metal Circular Headwall Culvert Time Series Details: =========================--= Culvert #1: Conduit Name: Time Flow/Brrl Velocity (hrs) (ft"3/s) (ft/s) Culv 51 Depth (ft) Critical (ft) Normal (ft) HW (ft) TW Control (ft) 2. 067 39.400 9.53 4.150 2.114 1.739 423.450 420.334 Inlet Weir Details:· ============= Weir #1: Weir Name: Maximum Flow over this Weir Culvert Rating curve: ===================== Flow (ftA3/S) Depth (ft) HW (ft) 39.395 4.149 423.449 ROAD #2 0.0 11 of 14 -1 Project OesaipOcn V\brk!lheet oom Upslream < Flo# Bement Trapezoidal O\al Method Ma!ning'a FCll'ffll Solve Fa O'l.amel Depth Mannlnga 0:), 0.035 Slope 05400 Ml Depth 1.62 fl ~eft Sictf: Slq: 200 H: \ Right &de Sic 2 00 H : ' Bottt>m Wdlh 3.00 ft Oisc:harge' 31.20 cfs DITCH UPSTREAM OF CULV 50 Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel ,_---:3.00 n----< v:11:::,. H:1 NTS PR,Ject Eriglneer:. ftober1_ H. Oam,w d:'f),aj'nk:hcilmk:hals cu1Yert.fm2 Haazous ~ P.a. AowMaster-"'8.:1 E814o) 1Qt'27~ D9:58:04AM OHaes&adMethOds..lne. 37BrookDdeRoad 'Mllerbury.CTCJ6708USA (2Q3)7S&1666 Page1'd1 12 of 14 •• Prc:jed: Oeeaiptlcn W:lrksheet Dtch Upst'eam < Flo.-Element Trapezoidal Ola Method Manning's Fann SdY9 Fer o,annel Depth Sadlon Da1a M8"1nlnga Co, D.035 Slope 54300 Mt Dep'h 1. 02 ft_ Laft Stde Slct 2.00 H:' ~ghl S\de Sh 2.00 H : \ Bottom Wdlh 3.00 ft Osdl.-ge 39.40 d's DITCH UPSTREAM UPSTREAM OF CULV 51 Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel ------3.00 fr------! v:1l:::,. H:1 NTS Project Engineer: Robert H. _oam,w d:~a'Mlls~khds. wtvert.ftn2 . Haozous EJvneering,, P.S. FlowMaster v6..11814al 1<Y27413 09:52:57 AM O Haestad MethOds. Inc. 37 Br"oclksde Road 'Wrterbury;CT-06708 USA• (203) 75S-1etie Page 1 d 1 13 of 14 •' Vt.t:,ri(sheef: Downstream C FlOW' Element Trapezoidal C Method Manning's Fer Sotve For Otamet Dept! Section Dala M....,lngs eo, 0.035 5'ope 13000 Mt Oep1h 1.21 ft Lafl Side~ 2.00 H:' Right Side Sic 2.00 H:' Bottom Wctth 5. OD ft Disd'large 39.40 cts DITCH DOWNSTREAM OF CULV 51 Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel '"'-------5.00 11--------; 1.21 n _l V:1 t::,_ H:1 NTS f:'rej:eot Eriginoer:.R,obtsrt H. ~ · d:"f)rt>)'nlct,ds'Qdials.a.11vert.fm2· H;aozous ~ P.S. FklwMastl!r"6.1.f814oj 10/27/03 D9:55:D2AM OHaesaadMelhods.,lnc. 37BrockstdeRoad VVatefbury.·CTD6708USA (203)~1666 Page1d1 14 of 14 L01P0016A Karen Scharer ' DDES/LUSD Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 February 4, 2004 REPORT AND DECISION SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services file nos. L01P0016A and L03RE038 Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0490 EVENDELL Preliminary Plat Revision and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits Location: Lying South of Southeast 136th Street, between 1561 • Avenue Southeast And 160th Avenue Southeast Applicant: U.S. Land Development Association/Centurion, represented by Michael Romano 22617 -8th Drive Southeast Bothell, Washington 98021 Telephone: (425) 486-2563 Facsimile: (425) 486-3273 King County: Land Use Services Division, represented by Karen Scharer 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Telephone: (206) 296-7114 Facsimile: (206) 296-7055 SUMMARY OF DECISION/RECOMMENDATION: Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner's Decision: EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing Opened: Hearing Closed: Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions (modified) Approve, subject to conditions (modified) January 22, 2004 January 22, 2004 Exhibit No. _2_2. ___ _ Item No. L03PC>01S lleceived z -2.1 -o'/ King County Hearing Examiner LOJPOOJ6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 2 of21 Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the King County Hearing Examiner. ISSUES/TOPICS ADDRESSED: • Transfer of density credits • Road improvements • Safe walking conditions • Wetland buffer averaging • Tree protection SUMMARY: Application for approval of transfer of20 density credits and revision ofa preliminary plat, to subdivide 12.43 acres into 70 lots in the urban area, is granted preliminary approval. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. General Information: Owner: Representative: Location: Sectionffownship/Range: Acreage Plat: Zoning: Number of Lots: Density: Lot Size: Proposed Use: Sewage Disposal: Water Supply: U.S. Land Development Association P.O. Box 22200 Seattle, WA 98122 Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 81 • Dr. SE, Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: 425-486-2563 Facsimile: (425) 486-3273 e-mail: Michael.romano@verizon.net Lying south of SE 136th Street between 156th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE. SE 14-23-05 12.43 acres R-4 Parcels # 142305 9022 & 9009 Proposed: 70 (previously approved: 46) 5.6 dwellings per acre 3,900 to 6,600 square feet single family City of Renton Water District #90 LOJPOOl6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Fire District: King County Fire District # 25 School Districts: Renton & Issaquah Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Subbasin: Lower Cedar River King County Permits: Subdivision Complete Application Date: October 27, 2003 Tirreshold Determination: Mitigated Determination ofNonsignificance (MDNS) Date oflssuance: December 23, 2002 (Adoption Notice Nov. I 0, 2003) Page 3 of2l KC Permit Contact: Karen Scharer, Project Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Phone # 296-7114 or e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 2. Except as modified below, the facts set forth in the King County Land Use Services Division's preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner for the January 22, 2004, public hearing are found to be correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Said report is exhibit no. 60a in the hearing record. 3. Directly north, east and south of the eastern 11 acres of the subject property (proposed lot nos. 12-70) are three parcels proposed to be subdivided pursuant to the R-4 zoning classification. Those parcels are the subject ofDDES application nos. L03P0006 (Liberty Grove), L03P0005 (Liberty Grove Contiguous) and L03P0015 (Nichols Place). The adjacent property to the west is developed with single-family residences on larger lots. There is no currently proposed or anticipated development of the property to the west. 4. King County's "Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)" program is governed by Chapter 21A.37 of the King County Code. The TDR program establishes a property right which is separable from the fee-simple title to certain lands within King County, and provides a method for the transfer and utilization of that new right, which is colloquially known as a development right or "density credit." A density credit has a substantial market value. The underlying purpose of the TDR program is to allow for the movement of residential density from rural areas to urban areas of King County. The code is intended to provide, " ... an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other County goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of each receiving site." KCC 2 lA.37.010.2. Receiving sites are required to meet the provisions ofKCC 21A.37.030. Those requirements are that the receiving site: 1. be within an unincorporated urban area, zoned R-4 or higher, or be within a potential annexation area; 2. be within a city where new growth is or will be encouraged, and where facilities and services exist or public investments in facilities and services will be made; or 3. be within RA-2.5 and RA-5 zoned parcels, subject to stringent criteria. The subject property is within the first category of eligible receiving sites listed in KCC 2IA.37.030. Sites within the unincorporated urban growth area are not required to have LOIP0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page4of21 any specific level of available facilities and services. Development approvals that utilize density credits must meet only those service criteria that apply generally to development of the number of dwelling units proposed on the site. King County Code chapter 21 A.12 governs densities and development standards in residential zones. The R-4 zone in the urban residential area allows for a maximum density of six dwelling units per acre, which may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives or transfers of development rights. KCC 21A.12.030.A. and B.I. When density credits are used, development shall comply with dimensional standards of the zone having a base density most comparable to the total approved density. KCC 21A.37.030.B. 5. The foregoing provisions of the King County Zoning Code are generally consistent with policies of the King County Comprehensive Plan governing residential land use. In particular, the Zoning Code provisions are generally consistent with: Policy U-113, that new residential development in the Urban Growth Area should occur where facilities and services can be provided at the lowest public cost and in a timely fashion; Policy U-114, that the County seek to achieve an average zoning density ofat least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities, allowing for lower density zones to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment; Policy U-122 that supports increases in urban density through a rezone or a proposal to utilize density transfer, when the proposal will help resolve traffic, utility, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. This proposal will improve traffic circulation in the area, will extend sewer service further into the urban area, and will provide recreation facilities and open space available to future residents on the subject property. Comprehensive Plan Policy U-120 addresses zoning changes to increase density, and is not material to this application for use of density credits consistent with the existing zone classification. Likewise, policy U-121 applies to the evaluation of rezone requests, and is not material to this application. 6. DOES and the Applicant have agreed upon right-of-way dedications and road improvements to mitigate the impacts of traffic which the Applicant's proposal will generate adjacent to and in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development. The dedications and improvements include additional right-of-way and construction on Southeast 136th Street, from 156th Avenue Southeast to 160th A venue Southeast, and shoulder improvements along the site frontage of 160th Avenue Southeast. 7. In order to provide safe walking conditions for students from this subdivision who will walk to school, improvements are necessary along existing right-of-way or upon right-of-way anticipated to become available through the development of subdivisions to the east of the subject property. The existing available right-of-way that can accommodate children walking to school is on 160th LOIPOOl6A & L03RE03S-Evendell Revision Page 5 of21 Avenue Southeast to Southeast 135th Street, then east to 166th Avenue Southeast, and then south to the north boundary of the Liberty High School property. Alternatively, a route within future right-of-way may become available along Southeast 136th Street east from 160th Avenue Southeast to 162nd Avenue Southeast, then south to "5-lot subdivision" (a.k.a. Dickenson Plat), that would enable a connection to the southwest comer of the Liberty High School property. Improvements to either route could accomplish the provision of safe walking conditions for students who will walk to school from the subject property. 8. Removal of trees from this or other property being developed commonly subjects trees on adjacent properties to stress and increases the windthrow hazard. Trees that remain in an area which is substantially cleared present an increased risk to persons and property on and off the site of the remaining trees. There is no King County regulation applicable to the subject property that restricts clearing or tree removal to protect trees on adjacent properties from increased stress or risk of wind throw. The environmental review of this proposal did not identify impacts of clearing or tree removal as a significant adverse environmental impact of the proposal. 9. The Applicant's proposal includes wetland buffer averaging to enable proposed road construction and possibly facilitate lot development. The area shown for the provision of additional buffer to mitigate impacts oflost buffer is in the northeast comer of the plat, adjacent to 160th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street. Replacement buffer is proposed at approximately a 2:1 ratio to lost buffer area. This would provide additional protection to the class 2 wetland, as required by KCC 21A.24.320.B. · CONCLUSIONS: I. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision and Zoning Codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King County. 2. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, for drainage ways, streets, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supply, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and safe walking conditions for students who only walk to school; and it will serve the public use and interest. 3. The conditions for final plat approval recommended below are in t\u, public interest and are reasonable requirements to mitigate the impacts of this development upon the environment. 4. The dedications ofland or easements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as recommended by the conditions for final plat approval or as shown on the proposed preliminary plat submitted by the Applicant, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts of the development. 5. This proposal is subject to the mitigated determination of environmental non-significance issued December 23;2002 and adopted November IO, 2003. There was no appeal of the MONS or of its adoption for this proposal. Therefore, the conditions of that MDNS must be implemented as conditions of this preliminary plat approval. LOIP0016A & L03RE038-Evende11 Revision Page 6 of21 The conditions of the MONS require substantial downstream drainage improvements (see condition no. I 9). Culvert and channel improvements required in the east drainage basin for a distance approximately I, 700 downstream from the plat, together with the change in flow volume resulting from development of the subject property, should be analyzed by the Applicant and reviewed by DOES to determine the impacts, if any, downstream from the improvements. Any such impacts should be addressed if it is necessary to do so to prevent flooding or other damage from occurring as a consequence of the required improvements. 6. The Applicant has negotiated for the purchase of 20 development rights, which would allow for an increase in the number oflots to be developed on the subject property to a total of 70. This development will be within the maximum density of 6 dwelling units per acre permitted in the R- 4 zone classification in the urban area, although it will be most comparable to the base density of the R-6 zone classification. The proposed development of the subject property, utilizing 20 density rights, is consistent with all applicable development standards and other provisions of the King County Code. 7. The road improvements proposed and agreed to by the Applicant, including those shown in the 70-lot preliminary plat revision received October I, 2003, as modified by the conditions recommended below, will reasonably mitigate the impacts of traffic generated by the proposed development. Due to the diversion of substantial additional traffic to the east leg of the intersection of Southeast 136th Street and 156th Avenue Southeast, substantial improvements to that intersection are necessary, and have been agreed to by the Applicant. 8. Safe walking conditions for children who walk to school from the subject property will be provided by using one of the alternatives for improvements incorporated into this proposal, set forth in finding no. 7 and reflected in the conditions of final plat approval. 9. There is no applicable provision of the King County Code to restrict the removal of trees in the course of the development of the subject property, or to protect trees on neighboring properties from increased stress and risk ofwindthrow. I 0. The proposed wetland mitigation, and buffer averaging for the class 2 wetland at an approximate 2: 1 ratio for replacement buffer, meet the requirements of the King County code. The proposed replacement buffer area gives additional protection to the wetland. DECISION: The preliminary plat revision ofEvendell, as received October I, 2003, is APPROVED, subject to the following conditions for final plat approval: I. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the L01P0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 7 of21 R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. The Applicant shall provide transfer of density credit documentation to ODES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of 20 density credits to achieve a maximum of 70 Jots on the subject property. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS), subject to any variances that may be approved by the King County Road Engineer. 5. A Boundary Line Adjustment (BLA) shall be completed prior to final plat approval to except from the plat that portion of the 200 (approximate) feet on the far west that is not part of the proposed plat. Documentation demonstrating the resolution of boundary issues with the property to the south (Nichols Place) also shall be provided to DOES. 6. The Applicant must obtain the approval from the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17 .08 of the King County Code. Joint Use Development Tract H as shown on the plat will provide access to Lots 28 and 29. Additionally, it is a future emergency vehicle access tract to and from 160th Avenue SE, which the Applicant proposes to create in response to concerns raised by the City of Renton. The Applicant shall include proposed protocols for the construction and maintenance of Tract H, plus any related plat notes, with its engineering plans submittal, meeting the following standards: The emergency vehicle access to I 60'h Avenue SE shall have a minimum driving surface width of 20 feet, with an all-weather surface capable of supporting 25 tons. Any Jocking device shall be approved by the Renton Fire Department (KCFD # 25). Chains, cable or bollards will not be permitted. The gate shall be located at least 50 feet from l 60'h A venue SE to allow space for fire apparatus to stop while opening the gate or to wait before entering the public roadway. If these conditions are not met any future residence constructed on Lots 28 and 29 will have to be sprinklered NFPA l3D. These requirements concerning adequate fire and emergency access may be modified in a manner approved by the King County Fire Protection Engineer and King County Fire District no. 25. 7. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. L01POOl6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 8 of22 a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DOES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by ODES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the perrnanent storrn drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings# on file with ODES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building perrnit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building perrnit and shall comply with plans on file." d. The storrnwater detention design shall comply with the Level 2 or Level 3 Flow Control requirements, as applicable, per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). (See SEPA conditions in condition no. 19.) e. The storrn water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21 A.14.180. 8. Drainage adjustment L02V0024 is approved for this project. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met upon submittal of the engineering plans. 9. A drainage easement for the conveyance from the Tract N drainage facility to 156th Ave SE shall be provided upon engineering plan submittal. 10. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): a. The internal access road from SE 136th Street to the beginning of the internal loop road shall be improved to the urban subcollector standard, except that portion on the west side between Lot 11 and Lot 12 is not required to be improved with a sidewalk. b. The internal loop road shall be improved to the urban subaccess road standard with sidewalks on the outside frontage of the loop road. c. SE 136'h Street (frontage and offsite) shall be dedicated, designed and improved in general conforrnance with the Preliminary Road Improvement Plan received 3/26/2002 with the Plat ofEvendell: L01P0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 9 of22 The frontage from 158" Ave NE to 1601h Ave NE shall be improved to the urban one·-half street standard. Eighteen feet of additional right-of way shall be dedicated for this improvement. SE 1361h Street frontage from the west side of J.U.D.T. 'A' boundary to 158" Ave NE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard; EXCEPT that no sidewalk construction is required on the north side. Twenty feet of additional right-of-way shall be dedicated for this improvement. SE 136th Street from 1561h Ave SE to J.U.D.T. 'A' shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard; EXCEPT that no sidewalk construction is required on the north side. Twenty-six feet of additional right-of-way shall be provided for this improvement. An additional 25-foot right-of-way radius is required at the southeast comer of 1561h Ave SE and SE 1361h Street. Striping for a second westbound lane shall be provided within the 150-foot widened section approaching 156th Avenue SE, in a manner to be worked out at the time of submission of engineering plans. d. 1601 h Ave SE FRONTAGE: The 160th Ave SE frontage shall be improved with an 8-foot paved shoulder on the west side. Adequate provisions for road drainage shall be provided. e. Tracts A,C,F,G,H, and I shall be improved to the joint use driveway standard per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. Tract A shall include an easement to King County for the maintenance of the Tract N drainage facility. Tract A shall be owned and maintained by the owners of Lots I and 2. f. Tracts B, D and E shall be improved to the private access tract standard per Section 2.09 of theKCRS. g. The Applicant shall revise the channelization that has been constructed in conjunction with the plat of Highland Estates (LOOP0009). These modifications to the channelization shall incorporate a revision of the current proposed painted 'island' to a southbound left turn lane with at least 60 feet of storage for left turning vehicles to (a) encourage the use of 156th Avenue SE in lieu of 158th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and (b) mitigate the potential deficient condition that would result from southbound left turning vehicles making left turns from the southbound through lane, or using the painted island as a deceleration and refuge area while waiting for gaps in northbound traffic. Channelization and illumination plans must be submitted to King County Traffic Engineering Section for review and approval of the turn lane channelization. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 11. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 1601h A venue SE from those lots which abut this street. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. LOIP0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page IO of22 12. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 13. The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The Applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 14. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21A.24. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21 A.24 shall also be addressed by the Applicant. a. This site contains a Class 2 wetland. The majority of the wetland will be protected from alteration during and after construction, with a 50-foot wide buffer around the wetland boundary. An additional 15-foot building setback is required beyond the edge ofthe'bi,ffer. b. A maximum of 200 square feet of wetland will be filled for construction of SE 136th Street. Mitigation shall consist of at least 400 square feet of wetland enhancement to degraded portions of the existing wetland. c. Road improvements for SE 136th Street and 160th A venue SE will eliminate 6,989 square feet of wetland buffer. Mitigation shall consist of providing replacement buffer in the northeast portion of the site at approximately a 2: I ratio to provide additional protection for the wetland pursuant to KCC 21A.24.320B. Reduced impact will result in reduced mitigation. d. The proposed sewer main within the SE 136th Street right-of-way will intrude into the wetland buffer along with the road improvements. In order to protect wetland hydrology: (I) the sewer line shall be installed during the dry season (June through September), and (2) the design shall incorporate the use of pipe bed dams ofbentonite or other material at intervals to preclude draining possible subsurface water flows through the gravel pipe bedding. e. Downstream drainage improvements to existing culverts and stormwatcr conveyances required through the SEP A MONS shall cause no adverse alteration to existing wetlands or streams in the vicinity of the drainage improvements. f. Critical Areas staff shall review engineering plans for the plat and sewer main for conformance with these requirements. 15. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: LOIP0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Page 11 of22 Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. _ No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. 16. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements KCC 21A.14.!80 and KCC 21A.14.190 in providing sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc .. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by ODES and King County.Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall COl)lply with Ordinance# 14045. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 17. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction of DOES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 18. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC ZIA.16.050: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. LOIP0016A & L03RE038-Evende11 Revision Page 12 of22 b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES iflocated within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The Applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DOES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DOES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. 19. The following have been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The Applicants shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. a. East Drainage Basin: The 160th Ave SE downstream conveyance system shall be upgraded to provide for the 100- year storm capacity. Downstream driveway culverts/ditches and a cross-culvert under 160th A venue SE shall be improved as follows: Culverts P-117 and P-116 on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, cross-culvert P-115, and culverts P-114 and P-113 on the east side of 160th Avenue SE shall be improved as needed. The culvert designations are according to the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering dated August 26, 2002. To address a related localized flooding condition, bank and channel stabilization are also required in the unopened right-of-way for 162"d Avenue SE, in the vicinity of the easterly line of Lot 12, Rich Lea Crest (address 16046 SE 142"• Street). It is estimated that stabilizing and LOJP0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 13 of21 re-grading approximately 50 to I 00 feet of channel, east of 16046 SE 142"d Street, will be adequate to resolve flooding that has occurred in the past location. The culverts and channel described are located from the south site boundary to a distance of approximately I, 700 feet downstream. Level 2 Flow Control design is required for the proposed stormwater detention facility. · A factor of safety of 5 to 15 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. b. West Drainage Basin: The stormwater detention facilities shall be designed to the Level 3 Flow Control Standard as described in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). As an option, Level 2 Flow Control with downstream improvements can be proposed according to Core Requirement 2 of the KCSWDM. The minimum Flow Control Standard shall be Level 2. A factor of safety of 5 to 15 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. The downstream impacts of the I, 700 feet of conveyance improvements shall be reviewed by the developer's engineer, and any recommendations necessary to prevent flooding or other damage from occurring as a consequence of the required conveyance improvements shall be included with the plans for review by DOES. School Mitigation Fees 20. Lots within this subdivision east of 158th Avenue SE are subject to King County Code 21 A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior,to building permit issuance. School Walkways 21. A pedestrian access easement between 1581h Place SE and 160th Avenue SE shall be provided over either Tract Hor L (as shown in Exhibit 62). The easement shall have a minimum IO foot width and be improved with a 5 foot wide paved surface. 22. The Applicant, individually or in conjunction with other developers, shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th Street to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th Street, or via alternative right-of-way and easements that become available and are approved by ODES. One acceptable alternative would be to use future right-of-way of Southeast 136th Street and 162nd Avenue Southeast to connect with the sidewalk improvement of"five lot subdivision," and through the plat of"five lot subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in LO I P0016A & L03RE038 -Evendell Revision Page 14 of22 accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DOES review and approval. Any surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards (KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application. ORDERED this 4th day of February, 2004. TRANSMITTED this 4th day of February, 2004, to the following parties and interested persons of record: 4 Creeks UAC Scott D. Baker Marshall Brenden Attn: Claudia Donnelly 7018 47th Ave. NE 18225 SE I 28th P.O. Box 3501 Seattle WA 98115 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98056 Ronda Bryant Marilyn Carlson Ronald Coffin 15406 SE 136th Street 13616 -156th Avae. SE 16015 SE 135th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059-6828 Michael Rae Cooke Mark Costello Robert Darrow 13125 158th Ave. SE 13012158thAvenueSE Haozous Engineering Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo WA 98275 Shirlene Day Roger Dorstad Kathy Graves 14412-167th PL SE Evergreen East Realty I 3020 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 PO Box 375 Renton WA 98059 Redmond WA 98073 Michelle Hagerman Stephen & Yvonne Hanson Valerie Hemnes 13710 156th Ave. SE 15611 SE 138thPI. 15627 SE I 39th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059-7422 Victor & Gwendolyn High Edward & June Hill Edward & Nancy Hilton I 3405 -158th Ave. SE 13527 156th St. SE 13414 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Kurt Hughes Fred & Helga Jaques Leonard J. Johnston 19112 NE 146th Way 13114-158thAve. SE 16016 SE 135th Woodinville WA 98072-6361 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 LOIP0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Diane Kazele 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Lakeridge Development Inc. Attn: Wayne Jones Jr. P.O. Box 146 Renton WA 98057-0146 Rebecca Lind City of Renton, EDNSP 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98056 Fred & Gloria Martin 13019 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Bill Mokin 14404 -162nd Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 John Nanney 16169 SE 146th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Gary Norris Gary Struthers & Associates 3150 Richards Road # 100 Bellevue WA 98005 Richard & Anita Oliphant 16519SE 145thSt. Renton WA 98059 David Rockabrand Four Creeks UAC 11427 162nd Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Geneva Scholes 12924 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Don & Diane Kezele 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Joann Lee 13802 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Steve Lyman 14505 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Linda Matlock WA State Ecol. Dept.lWQSW Unit PO Box 47696 Olympia WA 98504-7696 Eleanor Moon KC Executive Horse Council 12230 NE 61st Kirkland WA 98033 Kathy Nelson Transportation Dept. 805 -2nd Ave. S. Issaquah WA 98027 Florence Nott 15915 SE 134th Pl. Renton WA 98059-6832 David Petrie 811 S. 273rd Ct. Des Moines WA 98198 Marsha Rollinger 15646 SE 138th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Curtis Schuster KBS lll,LLC 12320 NE 8th St., Ste. I 00 Bellevue WA 98005 Page 15 of22 Duana Kolouskova Johns Monroe Mitsunga PLLC 1500-114th Avenue SE, #102 Bellevue WA 98004 Tim & Gina Lex 13116-158thAve.SE Renton WA 98059 Jerry Marcy P.O. Box 575 Seattle WA 98111 Jim McDougal 14502 167th Pl. SE Renton WA 98059 Steven & Peri Muhich 13420 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Sally Nipert 14004 -156th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 DaveNyblom PMB 129 4820 NE 4th St., Ste. IO I :Renton WA 98059-4845 David & Georgia Platt 510 Panoramic Dr. Camano Island WA 98282 Mike.Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell WA 98021 Charles & Viola Scoby 13112 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059-8531 L01P0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 16 of22 Seattle KC Health Dept. Karen & Jeffrey Sidebotham Daniel B. Slaton E. Dist. Environ. Health 13004 -158th Ave. SE 15315 SE 133rd Court 14350 SE Eastgate Way Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Bellevue WA 98007 Howard Stansbury Peggy Streit Penny Thorbeck Centurion Development 13512 -160th Ave. SE 15650 SE 138th Pl. 22617 -8th Dr. SE Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Bothell WA 98021 David Watler Alex Weitz Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wilmot 15635 SE 138th Pl. 15646 SE 138th Pl. 13900 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Kurt Wilson Alvin Walberg Harold & Eleanor Zeek Harbour Homes 16021 SE 136th St. 16612 SE 145th St. 1010 South 336th Street #305 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Federal Way WA 98003 Greg Borba Laura Casey Kim Claussen DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Wetland Review Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Kristen Langley Anne Noris Carol Rogers DDES/LUSD Clerk of Council LUSD/CPLN Land Use Traffic MS KCC-CC-1025 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Karen Scharer Richard Warren Larry West DDES/LUSD Transportation Planner DDES/LUSD Current Planning King Co. Dept of Transportation Geo Review MS OAK-DE-0100 MS KSC-TR-0317 MS OAK-DE-0100 Bruce Whittaker DDES/LUSD Pre!. Review Engineer MS OAK-DE-0100 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of $250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before February 18, 2004. lfa notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies ofa written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before February 25, 2004. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in the hearing record; new facts may not be presented on appeal. LOIPOOI6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 17 of22 Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room I 025, King County Courthouse, 516 3'• Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. If a written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen ( 14) calendar days of the date of this report, or if a written appeal statement and argument are not filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for further action by the Council. MINUTES OF THE MARCH 6 and I 0, 2003 AND JANUARY 22, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NO. LOIPOOl6 AND LOITY401; L03RE038 James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Karen Scharer, Kristin Langley, Bruce Whittaker and Laura Casey, representing the Department; Mike Romano, representing the Applicant; Marsha Rollinger and Gwendolyn High, representing the Intervenors; and Mark Heckert, Gary Norris, Scott Baker, Michael Rae Cooke, David Rockabrand, Dave Petry, Michelle Hagerman, Sally Nipert, Diane Kazele, Alex Weitz, Fred Jaques, Jim McDougal, John Nanney, Bill Mokin, Anita Oliphant, Vanessa Burris, June Hill, Rhonda Bryant, and Kristy Hill. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I Exhibit No. 2A 2B Exhibit No. 3A 3B Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 ODES combined file LOITY401 & LOIPOOJ6, application filed and dated July 6, 2001 · ODES application for land use permit(s) LOITY401 & LOIPOOJ6, application dated July 6, 2001 Zone reclassification application and justification questionnaire with revision received September 6, 2001 ODES preliminary report prepared 02/20/03 with attachments as follow: I. Map ofrezone from R-4 to R-6 2. Reduced copy ofR-6-70 lot preliminary plat 3. Reduced copy ofR-4 -alternative 46 Jot plat 4. Density calculations for R-6 plat 5. City of Renton January 20, 2003, letter 6. City of Renton June 15, 2001 letter 7. Certificate of water availability dated May 30, 200 I . 8. School information dated July 12, 200 I 9. SWM adjustment approval for L02V0024 dated October 17, 2002 DOES addendum report with corrections and additional information regarding schools serving the property, prepared 02/27/03 Revised environmental checklist received October 14, 2002 Mitigated determination of non-significance dated December 23, 2002 Affidavit of posting indicating posting dates of October 3 and 4, 2001. LOI POO 16A & L03RE038 -Evendell Revision Page 18 of22 Exhibit No. 7 A 7B Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. I 0 Exhibit No. 11 Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 Exhibit No. 15 Exhibit No. 16 Exhibit No. 17 Exhibit No. 18 Exhibit No. 19 Exhibit No. 20 Exhibit No. 21 Exhibit No. 22 Exhibit No. 23 Exhibit No. 24 Exhibit No. 25 Exhibit No. 26 Exhibit No. 27 Exhibit No. 28 Exhibit No. 29 Exhibit No. 30 Exhibit No. 31 Exhibit No. 32 Exhibit No. 33 Exhibit No. 34 Exhibit No. 35 Exhibit No. 36 Exhibit No. 37 Exhibit No. 38 Exhibit No. 39 Exhibit No. 40 Exhibit No. 41 Exhibit No. 42 a b Site plan (70 lot preliminary plat map) received March 26, 2002 Alternative site plan (46 lot preliminary plat map) received March 26, 2002 Assessors maps (4) for SE 14-23-05 revised 02/23/95, NE 14-23-05 revised 04/05/93, NW 14-23-05 revised 10/92, and SW 14-23-05 revised 07/07/97 Traffic impact analysis by Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. dated June 28, 200 I Traffic memo dated January 29, 2002, from Garry Struthers Assoc., Inc. Preliminary technical information report dated June, 2001, by Haozous Eng., P.S. Level 3 downstream drainage analysis by Haozous Eng., P .S., dated August 26, 2002 Addendum (6 pages plus cover) to the level-three study dated December 5, 2002 Wetland evaluation and delineation report, wildlife habitat evaluation and compensatory wetland mitigation plan by Habitat Technologies, dated May 15, 2001 Addendum to wetland/stream/wildlife report dated October 28, 2002 City of Renton three-page certificate of sewer availability dated 6/15/01 Jaques, Fred & Helga email dated November I, 200 I Carlson, Marilynn letter dated November 7, 2001 Revised alternative R-4 plat density calculations received 3/26/02 Petition from Gwendolyn High (8 pg.+ cover), received September 23, 2002 City of Renton letter received January 22, 2003, with attachments (4 pgs.) Letter from G. High & M. Rollinger for Citizens Alliance for a Responsible Evendell (CARE) dated April 5, 2002 with attachments (60 pgs. + cover) G. High and M. Rollinger, CARE petition to intervene filed on 2/18/03 DDES planning map ( created 7 /I /2003) prepared 2/20/2003 showing new development planned in the immediate vicinity Letter from Greg Zimmerman, City of Renton, dated March 05, 2003 (2/12/03 memo attached) Certificate of Transportation Concurrency received July 6, 200 I Topographic map provided by City of Renton (aerial photography taken Winter, 1996) subject property in conjunction with Highland Estates Article from King County Journal, "Give Us Some Space, Firefighters Say ... " 02/27/2003 Transportation service areas 2000 map -KCDDES, February, 2001 Community action strategies sub-area priority ranking map -KCDOT, February, 2001 Assessors map of East Renton/Briarwood area with coloring Proposed but not entered into the record -area map showing nesting sites Online permit details -DDES website printouts (18 pgs.) Notice of application for the Bales Annexation and pre-zone application, dated January 15, 2003-City of Renton Letter from Scott D. Baker, Consulting Arborist dated 2/8/03 Tree retention/protection buffer site plan alternatives C.A.R.E. households list (2 pg) Letter from Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council dated March 5, 2003 Tree loss and possible ground water contamination depiction Sign-in and time donation sheet (3 pg) dated March 6, 2003 Transportation concurrency diagrams for 200 I, 2002 & 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Don & Janice Milbrath dated March 3, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Kristy J. Hill dated March 6, 2003 LO I POO 16A & L03RE038 -Evendell Revision Page 19 of22 Exhibit No. 43 C d e f g h j Exhibit No. 44 a b C d e f. Exhibit No. 45 a b C d e Letter (2 pg) from Edward and June Hill dated March 6, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Charles W. Scoby, Viola M. Scoby, and Geneva D. Scholes dated March I, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Laurie A. Hindes dated February 26, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Mark Costello dated March 4, 2003 Letter ( I pg) from Eloise and Claude Stchowiak dated March 6, 2003 Letter (3 pg) from Bruce and Joyce Osgoodby dated Feb. 21, 2003, and Mar, 6, 2003 Letter ( I pg) from Richard Savage (undated) Letter (I pg) from Dan & Lynn Peterson, also signed by Fred & Helga Jaques (undated) Letter (I pg) from John Nanney dated March 6, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Linda Williams dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Rodney S. Stewart dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Edward A. Schultz dated March 4, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Joseph Matsudaira dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Brenda Matsudaira dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Richard & Anita Oliphant dated March 5, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Mark Costello dated March 4, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Jeff & Karen Sidebotham (undated) Letter (I pg) signed by Nancy & Edward Hilton dated March 6, 2003 Memo (4 pg) from Michael Rae Cooke dated March 4, 2003, with attached resident survey sheet, error notes, and April 3, 2002, memo and attachments (8 pg) to King County Surface Water and Land Management The following items were entered at the March I 0, 2003, continued hearing: Exhibit No. 46 Exhibit No. 47 Exhibit No. 48 Exhibit No. 49 Exhibit No. 50 Exhibit No. 51 Exhibit No. 52 Exhibit No. 53 Exhibit No. 54 Exhibit No. 55 Exhibit No. 56 a b C d e f g Photos (9) provided by Anita Oliphant with commentary (undated) Letter (3 pg) from Bruce and Joyce Osgoody dated February 21, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Marilynn Carlson dated March 9, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Kristy Hill dated March 6, 2003 Letter ( I pg) from Marsha Rollinger (undated) Letter (I pg) from Joseph Bostjancic dated March 5, 2003 Memo (I pg) from Nick Gillen dated March 7, 2003 Copy of table #3 from the 2002 Issaquah school plan showing "Projected Capacity to House Sudents" Memo (I pg) from Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, dated March 10, 2003 Gwendolyn High's testimony of March 6, 2003 with cover letter dated March 10, 2003 noting correction Letters from: Donald & Diane Kezelle (2 pg) -undated Vanessa Burris ( I pg) Carolyn Ann Buckett (I pg) Ronda Bryant (3 pg) dated March I 0, 2003 Michael Rae Cooke (7 pg) dated 3/8/02 Marsha Rollinger ( I pg) undated Sally Nipert ( I pg) dated March 6, 2003 LOJP0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page20of21 h i Exhibit No. 57 Exhibit No. 58 Shirley Day ( I pg) dated March 6, 2003 Bill and Donna Mokin (2 pg) dated March 6, 2003 Photos of hawk (2) DOES revised recommendation/additional conditions dated 3/10/03 The following exhibits were entered into the record at the January 22, 2004, hearing for the Evendell Revision: Exhibit No. 59 Exhibit No. 60a Exhibit No. 61 Exhibit No. 62 Exhibit No. 63 Exhibit No. 64 Exhibit No. 65 Exhibit No. 66 Exhibit No. 67 Exhibit No. 68 Exhibit No. 69 Exhibit No. 70 Exhibit No. 71 Exhibit No. 72 Exhibit No. 73 Exhibit No. 74 Exhibit No. 75 Exhibit No. 76 Exhibit No. 77 Department of Development and Environmental Services Application for major plat revision, filed 10/1/03 Department of Development and Environmental Services preliminary report for the January 22, 2004, public hearing on file no. L03RE038, with attachments: I. 70-lot plat layout 2. Density calculations 3. Intent to sell and purchase density credits, dated 11/26/03 4. SEPA Adoption Notice, dated 11/10/03 5. Inquiry to Issaquah School District, dated 05/23/03 6. Certificate of Water Availability, dated 9/18/03 7. Letter from City of Renton, dated 11/19/03 8. Letter from City of Renton re: Sewer Extension, dated 11/26/03 9. Transportation Concurrency (e-mail of9/03/03 & Certificate# 01305) I 0. SWM adjustment approval for file no. L02V0024, dated I 0/17/02 Department of Development and Environmental Services corrections to the Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner, dated 1/22/04 Site Plan (plat map) for 70 lots, received October I, 2003. Notice of Application, Hearing & Recommendation, 11/10/03 Affidavit of Posting indicating November 3, 2003 as date of posting and November 6, 2003, as the date the affidavit was received by the Department of Development and Environmental Services Walkway study prepared by dmp, inc., dated 8/18/03 School walking route analysis, annotated by DOES, prepared 1/21/04 3/10/03 and 3/04/03 emails from Issaquah School District and Jeremy Febus re: LOOP0023 plat conditions for school walkways Examiner's recommendation to the Council-LOITY401 & LOI POOi 6, dated 3/28/03 Ordinance no. 14694 denying reclassification to R-6 under file LO I TY 40 I Ordinance no. 14695 approving the 46 lot plat ofEvendell Jaques, Fred & Helga, e-mail regarding density, traffic, and infrastructure inadequate to support increase in density, received 1/20/04 Shirley A. Gaunt-Smith, note re: concerns, received 1/20/04 Colored copy of plat map SEPA MONS for Liberty Grove Contiguous, file no. L03TY401 & L03P0005, dated 12/16/03 SEPA MONS application for Liberty Grove, file no. L03TY 403 & L03P0006, dated 12/16/03 C.A.R.E. response: Evendell plat revision, L03RE038, dated 1/22/04 C.A.R.E. households list L01POOI6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 21 of21 Exhibit No. 78 Exhibit No. 79 Exhibit No. 80 Exhibit No. 81 Exhibit No. 82 Exhibit No. 83 Exhibit No. 84 Exhibit No. 85 Exhibit No. 86 Exhibit No. 87 Exhibit No. 88 Exhibit No. 89 Exhibit No. 90 Exhibit No. 91 Exhibit No. 92 Exhibit No. 93 Exhibit No. 94 Exhibit No. 95 Exhibit No. 96 Exhibit No. 97 Exhibit No. 98 Exhibit No. 99 Exhibit No. I 00 Exhibit No. IO I Exhibit No. 102 Exhibit No. I 03 3/28 and 4/10/00 press releases re: Transfer of Development Credits Six-year transit development plan showing urban centers, dated February, 2002 King County General Government Budget Advisory Task Force report, dated 6/25/03 A Joint City Position statement for the King County Budget Advisory Task Force Message to employees from King County Executive Ron Sims, re: budget advisory task force, dated 6/09/03 King County Council, Budget & Fiscal Management Committee Capital Budget Panel -2004 CIP Budget Overview Article entitled "Facing the Challenges -In Transportation" by Harold Taniguchi dated I 1.94 Transportation Service Areas 2000 High accident locations report no. 16, dated July 2003 King County transportation concurrency maps 2001, 2002 and 2003 Transportation concurrency map, level of service standards status, dated 3/07/02 2003 Annual Growth Report -excerpts King County Benchmarks Report 2003: Land Use -excerpts Buildab]e Lands Report of 8/29/02 -excerpts State, county, city populations report from OFM Forecasting, State of Washington Renton Strategic Planning Department-staff reports of6/03, 9/23, 10/01 and I 0/10/03 Renton Planning Commission recommendation of October 22, 2003 Renton Ordinance no. 5026 Renton City Council regular meeting minutes of November 24, 2003 DOES revised recommendations/additional conditions for file no. LOIP0016, 70-lot plat, dated 3/10/03 Photographs (5 color copies) of tree damage to Kezele and Thorbeck Homes No exhibit entered Photographs (4 color copies) taken by Diane Kezele Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Edward and June Hill (undated) Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Kristy J. Hill dated January 21, 2004 Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Anita and Richard Oliphant dated 01/22/04 JOC:ms/gao LOIPOOI6A-L03RE038 RPT soc Page I of I Scharer, Karen ~ --~--·----------------------------- From: sday [srday2@mindspring.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 9:13 PM To: karen.scharer@metrokc.gov Cc: Highlands Neighbors Subject: L03P0005 & L03P0015 Karen Scharer Project/Program Manager DDES/LUSD -Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Ste 100 Renton, WA 98055 Re: Liberty Grove Hearing on 2/10/04 and Nichols Place Hearing on 2/24/04 I would like to go on record as against the use of density transfer credits for the above projects. It has been established that density above R4 is not compatible with the area. Traffic and flooding problems are not being addressed due to the huge growth in our area. To use density credits to get around decisions already made, makes no sense. I find it hard to believe that the developers can not build better homes with an R4 density and realize equal or greater profit. Do they no longer take pride in homes they build? There have been too many unattractive box houses recently built in the area. It is time for some thought about future development.· Thank you for giving this matter your attention. I hope Renton continues to be a place I want to live. Sincerely, Shirley Day l 4412-l 67th. Place SE Renton, WA 98059 (425) 255-7005 02/19/2004 Exhibit No. -=Zc:..3:,,,;-__ _ Item No. Lo3eoo1S Received Zrztl~ 04 King County Hearing Examiner Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell P.O. Box 2936 Renton, WA 98056 highlands_neighbors@hotmail.com Mr. Stafford Smith Hearing Examiner King County Hearing Examiner's Office 400 Yesler Way -Suite 404 Seattle WA 98104 Fax: 206.296.1654 January 26, 2004 RE: NICHOLS PLACE Applications L03D0008 and L03TY404 Dear Mr. Examiner, RECEIVED JAN 2 8 2004 1\11~1:i (;OUNlY HEARING EXAMINER With this letter, Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell (C.A.R.E.), a Washington State non-profit corporation, petitions the King County Hearing Examiner's Office to intervene on behalf of the community in the matter of the NICHOLS PLACE Applications L03D0008 and L03TY404. Ms. High will speak for C.A.R.E. in this matter. If a Pre-Hearing Conference is necessary to formally submit and decide this petition, please consider this correspondence a request of a Pre-Hearing Conference. We anticipate the ability to accommodate scheduling of your convenience. C.A.R.E. and its members would be directly and adversely affected if U.S. Land's application to achieve the density they ~a.quest, either through Transfer of Density Rights (TDR) or a zone reclassification, is approved. We are primarily interested in ensuring coordinated and responsible development of the community consistent with state and local laws and regulations aimed at ensuring that development does not exceed infrastructure capacity, including transportation capacity. C.A.R.E. and its members are further concerned with preserving the character and scale of the community, which the County has consistently zoned R-4, in recognition of the many physical difficulties that would go along with providing increased infrastructure capacity to serve higher density development in the area. We oppose the requested increase in density, but in the event that such increased density may be approved, we hope to ensure that the resulting impacts are balanced with other county goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of the site. Of particular concern is the precedent a decision approving this significant increased density might set, in our neighborhood. C.A.R.E. and its members are also concerned with protecting against physical damage to existing residences and properties as a result of site preparation, construction, and use associated with the Evendell development; including the avoidance cf potential downstream flooding as a result of the prooosed development and the appropriate mitigation of traffic impacts. Such impacts would harm C.A.R.E. members' interests in protecting their property values, along with their privacy and the quiet enjoyment of their property. The original of this document is being forwarded to your office today via US Mail. Thank you for your time and attention. ~t#~Jiejr ;</~ Gwendolyn High President Exhibit No. ~2.J=-f/-:c----- ltem No. LMB:>o,:s: Received Z ~ 2 .c/ :CC/ King County Hearing Examiner y/ Scharer, Karen From: Sent: To: Subject: 9 July 2003 Dear Karen, Mahoney James [mahoneyjames@yahoo.com] Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:43 AM Karen.scharer@metrokc.gov Nichols Place plat rezone comments I appreciate you take time out of your busy day, yesterday to explain to me the status of the zoning requirement (s) and terminology. Regarding Evendell and proposed rezone of Nichol Place on 160th Ave SE Renton. The status proposed Evendell help me since I never heard the out come of the rezone meeting several months ago. Thank you once again. May you have a wonderful day. Sincerely, James Mahoney Below I have included some of my concerns and comments of the rezone To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing this letter regarding the proposed Nichols Place plat Rezone and housing development in my neighborhood (File# L03P0015 & L03TY404). I believe that this plan will lack drainage issues. It has been my observation over the last 7 years living in this area that the drainage ditch on the west side of 160th Ave SE filled to capacity during a rainy period. This of course prior to any development in this area. I have seen water seeping up through and near asphalt driveway this in summer type weather condition (s) .· Another concern is a portion of my property has a lower elevation. This could prevent me from future developing and /or using portion of my property. My neighbor, who was the water commissioner of water district# 90 several years ago, tells me that this piece property would probably never perk do to water content of the soil. Also I have experienced A high volume of traffic when coming home in the morning on 149th Ave SE, 154th Pl., SE 142nd, 156th Ave SE. This adds considerable amount time on my commute. This proposed development doesn't have roads to support it. I work grave yard shift and go to school this well disturb my sleep as well as the natural rural atmosphere in this neighborhood. Which is one of the reasons why I choose to move out here 7 Years ago. This also cause a dramatic increase in property taxes. Which will force people out of there houses. 1 Exhibit No. -=Z::;;..'-=5'----- ltem No. LO~JOOOI.S Received f. -2.4-C'/ King County Hearing Examiner I find this troubling that people who make these rezone decisions don't live out in this area. One things in life when I make a poor decisions I have to live with it. I strongly oppose this rezone. Sincerely, James Mahoney 14011 160th Ave SE. Renton, WA 98059, (425) 271-9048 Tax# 1423059028 Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL -Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com 2 Scharer, Karen From: miltfd41@comcast.net Sent: .. ./ To: Sunday, November 16, 2003 11 :23 AM karen .scharer@metrokc.gov Subject: Plat and Rezone, File #?s: L03P0015 & L03TY404 November 16, 2003 To: From: Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak 15652 SE 139th Place Renton, Washington 98059-7422 Karen Scharer, Permit Manager Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Service Division 900 Oaksdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 References: Nichols Place Plat and Rezone, File #'s, L03P0015 & L03TY404 Dear Ms. Scharer, We currently reside in our home of 35 years located on property adjacent to the western boundary and within the 100 foot offset of the property proposed for rezone. We are opposed to the rezone and formal plat as follows, Rezone 1. The adjacent properties are zoned R-4 and in most cases the building density is even less. For example our lot size is 17,000 square feet not including right-of-ways which equates to less than an R-3 zoning. The proposed R-6 zoning density is not compatible with existing development in the area. We are concerned it will result in a reduction of resale value for our property. r Formal Plat 1. Approximately 1/3 of the proposed plat slopes to the southwest. The formal plat has a surface water retention basin at the southeast corner of the plat but does not address surface water run-off to the southwest direction. 2. The plat indicates deciduous trees in the southwest corner. In reality there is a cluster of three large fir trees on the western property line .. One of the trees is on my lot within 6 feet of the property line, the second straddles the property line and the third is within 2 feet of the property line on the. Nichol's property .. The formal plat map does not address these trees or a plan to avoid damage to their root structure that could occur during grading and construction on lots 15 and 16. In closing, we would like to state that in addition to our concern about property value, our observation of surface water run-off across our property during medium and heavy rainfall with the adjacent property as a grassland and available information that the root structure of trees extends 2 to 4 times their limb diameter, we believe the issues of l ~ Q) c:: .E "' X LU Cl c:: ·;::: "' Q) ::i:: >, -C: ci 'C ::, Q) 0 -:c z ·== (.) :c: E Q) Cl '-' c:: X Q) Q) LU .::: c:: ;.:: ' surface water run-off and possible damage to these trees fall in a major category that must be addressed in the development and permitting process for this property regardless of the zoning density. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, we can be contacted at the following telephone numbers, (Home) 425-226-3408, (Work) 206-544-8203 or via e-mail at "miltfd41@comcast.net". Sincerely, Claude R. Stachowiak Eloise M. Stachowiak 2 ..... , ...... , .......... "'" ......... n.,~ ......................... ... H, v,u ... ._., .LUO W.11,..111.L&&'-'• ~ ........ , February 7, 2004 Karen Scharer Project/Program Manager II DDES/LUSD -Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Ste. 100 Renton, WA 98055-1219 ( Post-It" Fax Note 7671 Dat•z, \I.lo+ 1/.gk,1> 1 To~\11:e. ~o~ From a~= u:l~•~ Co./Oept. · . Co. · C> 0 E:.;!!>. Phone# Phone# 2.¢>~-~-,.~ Fax# 4,'l.':.-.d,i!'--:3"2.,~ Fax# ~-25\b-<...C..l!. ' Fa...,ced. "\--c:> H., ~ ~o RE: . Z./ll lo+ /3 . .,L. ,t L03P0005 -Liberty Grove Contiguous (east of Evendell on 160th -hearing on Feb 10) L03P0006 -Liberty Grove (north of Evendell on 160th. • hearing on Feb 10) L03P0015 ' Nichols Place (south of Evendell on 160th -hearing <m Feb 24) IA.), l l d. \ ~c..uee = I I"\; c.c... R. ..(' .. ~. Dear Ms. Scharer: I am writing to ask that you submit the written comments we made for the public record for the Evendell re-zone application into the public record for the above- listed. Liberty Grove applications. Our major concerns regarding increased. density are: Character of our neighborhood Increased traffic Water runoff problems As I write this (less than one yea·r since our letter registering opposition to the Evendell rezone application) my wife and I have witnessed nothing that would cause us to lessen our concerns in these three areas. In particular, we see the damage from water runoff as potentially very serious. The Liberty Grove and Evendell subdivisions represent a significant percentage of the total area directly uphill from our house in the Cedar River watershed ... As these developments go in, we are extremely concerned that, together, they will have an adverse and unanticipated impact on drajflage above, around and through our property. There has been testimony in the public record documenting problems already occurring with drainage and runoff in our neighborhood. 'what assurances do we have that these new developments will not make the problem worse? Sincerely, Bill and Dona Mokin 14404 162nd Ave. SE Renton, WA 98059 (425) 430 2446 email: zigsterdog@mac.com Exhibit No. _Z.._1-':c---- ltem No. Lt:)3 eoo lS Received Z · 24~ 04 King County Hearing Examiner Karen Scharer Project /Program Mgr II DDES/LUSD -Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Ste. 100 Renton, Wa. 98055-1219 Re: L03P0005 -Liberty Grove L03P0006 -Liberty Grove L03P0015 -Nichols Place January 29, 2004 My husband and I (Richard and Anita Oliphant) are requesting that our comments regarding LOIP0016 and L03RE038, Plat ofEvendell, be submitted under the above named applications. Any further comments to be made will be done so at the public hearings February 10th -Liberty Grove and February 24'h -Nichols Place. Thank you, Anita and Richard Oliphant 16519 SE 145th Street Renton, Wa. 98059 (425-271-9825) Exhibit No. --"'?::......,,!B..__ __ _ Item No. LDJPCO/S Received Z -2,4 -pt./ King County Hearing Examiner February 9,2004 I am appalled at the blatant disregard that the DDES and it seems King County as a whole, has for the well being and peace of mind of the people currently residing within the urban boundary area east of the city of Renton. Looks like public opinion just doesn't count. The DDES seems to care only about getting more taxable housing and permit fees for King County, by satisfying any request of the developers. The area has been designated R4 by King County. The developers wanted to have the zoning changed to R6 and the DDES agreed. When the rezone could not be accomplish due to a public hearing, appeal to the King County Council and a court judgement, developers applied for density transfer credits and DDES agrees. The DDES seems to side with developers and builders and ignore or dismiss as insignificant every concern that the community presents. Many people that live in the area have voiced concerns on the impact to their propriety, lifestyle and privacy. All houses built in the new developments are two stories, very close to the property line and loom over once private backyards, destroying any and all views and changing the microclimates within that adjacent property. The clearing of trees on developing property bordering a current resident's property will affect the root structure of the mature trees left standing. These trees could topple over during windstorm and damage homes and or their inhabitants (pictures confirming property damage were presented at the density credit transfer hearing for Evendell). Does King County care if private property is damaged or if the current resident will have to take down their own trees to protect their home due to careless developments? Wet lands are being minimized. New drainage problems are appearing in an area that is riddled with underground springs. There are drastic increases in traffic that will affect the safety of everyone who lives in the area. The folks that represent the community have explained time and time again what they feel is needed in the area as far as transportation precautions. The DDES is quick to explain that they are the professionals. For instance, the 70 houses being built at the Evendell project will only produce additional 16 vehicles on SE 156th Ave during peak hours, eight will go south and eight will head north per the experts. The professionals also say statistics presented at the hearings by the public, have been interpreted incorrectly and proceed to give their interpretation of what those statistics really mean. Photographs taken by DDES for the Liberty Grove density transfer credit hearing, and presented as evidence that you can clearly see the traffic signal at the 128th and 156th intersection from 160th and 128th intersection, could not have been taken while sitting in a car. You can not see the 156th 128th traffic signal from your car while stopped on 160th at the intersection. We usually don't get out of our vehicle to check traffic before interring an intersection. DDES does not seem to take into consideration that there are more developments scheduled for the area. It would be prudent for King County to look to the future; our transportation systems due seem to be in disarray. When one developer representative was asked why they level good homes to build new, he stated that houses have a life span of only 30 years. I find that a ridiculous statement, but if this is how they think, are they knowingly building future slums or houses that will full down at the end of the homebuyer's contract? This same representative has also stated that they (developers) will determine the character of the neighborhoods, not the people who are already living there. Again I would like to stress that we live in this neighborhood and hate to see it destroyed by greed. Diane Kezele 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton, WA 98059 Exhibit No. l z., ltemNo. L.~3P®15 Received L · 2'-1-04f . King County Hearing Examiner Public Hearing -Nichols Place Feb 24, 2004 In the Comprehensive Plan under Urban Communities on page 9, under item #3, Increases of Zone Density it states, "While King County supports higher density in the urban areas, increased densities that would be incompatible with existing neighborhoods or cause significant impacts on roads, services and the environment are discouraged. The following policies will guide decisions on applications of density and proposed rezones". These policies run from U-119 to U-124. some are for specific areas and not applicable to our area, however, U-120 specifically states, King County shall not approve proposed zoning changes to increase density within the Urban Area unless: The development will be compatible with the character and scale of the surrounding neighborhood. The developers themselves have shown us in writing that their developments are neither compatible or in scale with the surrounding neighborhood. They state under neighborhood characteristics that the surrounding lots range from 9000 to 30,000 sq ft, their development lots range in size from 3900 to 6600 sq ft with several lots exceeding this with one or two Jots larger. The average size of Nichols Place is 4230 sq ft. This is hardly in scale with a 9000 sq ft lot that is in the surrounding area. Each developer also states the area is rapidly changing. This is a very false statement. They refer to each others developments as being these rapid changes when in fact not one of these developments has been approved as a factual happening. If you check the entire urban area of the East Renton Plateau, today, right this minute, you will see how it has looked for decades. We have experienced no change, rapid or otherwise. The majority of homes on the Plateau were built int the mid 60's and before. A small development was built north of SE 144th at 164th SE about 12 years ago. This development fits in with the surrounding community with lots at R-4 or larger. One house was remodeled on 160th SE to a larger size, which sits on the proposed development of Liberty Grove. This does not seem like rapid changes to any ofus. The City of Renton, with any new developers will only be issuing sewer permits at the R-4 zoning, and these high density areas will always remain an eyesore. High density is not compatible at the present time and will never be compatible in the future. Density credits are also to be discouraged if there will be a significant impact on the roads. Using the developers figures, Evendell will generate 700 trips, Liberty Grove 560, Liberty Grove Contiguous 240, and Nichols Place 230. This is a total of 1530 trips per day. It is also evident, the intentions of these developers from the very beginning, has been to run SE 136th from 156th SE to 160th SE. This sudden influx of vehicles is going to cause more than a significant impact on the roads in the existing neighborhood. The most significant road to be impacted is 156th SE. This is the only road used from a north to south route for those using Maple Valley Hwy and heading to SR 900. The residences south and east, including Sky Fire Ridge, So Briarwood, and Lake Kathleen use SE 144th west and north on 156th SE in the mornings. With the additional impact of all the vehicles coming from the new developments using SE 136th on to 156th SE is going to be an enormous inconvenience for all who want to use the signal at SE 128th and 156th SE turning west. This is a major impact on neighborhood roads with no road improvements by King County in sight. The additional TDR credits the developers are asking for are 400 trips per day. Over a year period oftime,just from Monday thru Friday, a 5 day period, is 104,000 trips Exhibit No. _3._~==------ ltem No. L.o3P"'1' r Received 2 · 2'/· 0~ King County Hearing Examiner ------------------------------- just from TOR Credits. The whole picture of the combined developments is staggering. Once again the county is not willing to improve any road conditions, to improve the problems we are already experiencing, how are we suppose to live with an additional influx of so many cars. DOES need to follow it's own guide lines. Paragraph 3, on page 9 of Chapter 2 on Urban Communities says it all, and they need to follow their own policies. Under section U-120 section D the proposed density increases will be consistent with or contribute to achieving the goal and policies of this Comprehensive Plan, and subarea plan, if applicable. The developers keep referring to policy# U-122 that their developments are going to resolve the problems of traffic, sewer and water, which is the open door to Chapter 21A.37, which is rezoning by TOR credits. This is in direct violation with King Counties own Comprehensive Plan .. Policy U-122 is not even applicable to this area of the East Renton Plateau. After meeting with some the City ofRenton's council members and members of their Planning Department last Friday it was brought to our attention that the City would not look favorably towards annexing an area higher than an R-4. which means the residences of the East Renton Plateau will remain under the jurisdiction of King County, which the county does not want to happen. There needs to be a resolution between King County, the City of Renton and the existing residences of the Plateau. We are all aware that progress is going to happen and nobody is trying to prevent the developers from building in the area. We are only asking that they do it within the guide lines of the King County Comprehensive Plan, which is Chapter 2, Urban Communities, page 9, paragraph 3 -and U-120. We are only asking that the new developers follow the guide lines that have already been established. Anita and Rich Oliphant 16519 SE 145th Street Renton, Wa. 98059 425-271-9825 C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015 February 24, 2004 Who We Are Since November 2001, Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell has been meeting with and recording the concerns of the neighbors who will be most impacted by the subject and adjacent applications. C.A.R.E., a Washington state non-profit corporation, represents over BO households and over 150 individuals whose residencies in our community range from one year to more than sixty years. Their contact information, including parcel numbers, is attached. (C.A.R.E. Households List and Community Map) Gwendolyn High presents this documentation and will speak for C.A.R.E. in this hearing. She is a data analyst, programmer and information technology project manager. She is the elected district representative for this neighborhood on the Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council, where she serves as Secretary and Transportation Committee Chair. In October 2002 she was appointed the only citizen representative on the King County Transportation Concurrency Advisory Committee. Ms. High is co-founder and current president of C.A.R.E. What We Have Accomplished Since Aprils'", 2002, with the delivery of our first Response to the original Evendell applications, C.A.R.E. has respectfully and effectively communicated the concerns of this community, related to the Evendell, Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous and Nichols Place applications, to DOES staff, the King County Hearing Examiner, the King County Council and King County Superior Court. Our initially reported concerns over drainage impacts were further investigated and found to be factual. Applicants have been required to perform Level Ill Downstream Analyses and additional drainage mitigation has been subsequently required. A southbound left turn lane was also required as part of the Revised Evendell application at the intersection of SE 136'" St. and 1561h Ave. SE. As a result of our participation and efforts, increased density through zone reclassification has been proven to be inappropriate in this community and consistently rejected -by the King County Hearing Examiner, the King County Council and King County Superior Court. This unequivocal rejection of the Evendell zone reclassification application has resulted in the withdrawal of the zone reclassification applications originally filed for Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous and Nichols Place applications. The requested density increase, under the Transfer of Development Rights (TOR) program, is identical to the original zone reclassification applications and equally inappropriate for this community. What We Hope To Achieve The request for increased density under the subject application through the utilization of Transfer of Development Rights (TOR) is identical to the density originally requested under the untenable (and withdrawn) zone reclassification application. KCC 21A.37.010 states that the TOR program is "intended to supplement land use regulations ... and to encourage increased residential development density ... where it can best be accommodated with the least impacts on the natural environment and public services ... " KCC 21A.37.010 (2) further requires that the use of TOR must be" ... balanced with other county goals and policies, and ... adjusted to the specific conditions of each receiving site." We oppose the approval of the application to utilize Transfer of Density Rights for these proposed subdivisions. The same Comprehensive Plan and Countywide Planning Policies that require rejection of a rezone equally apply to the use of TOR. Additionally, data from the King County Department of Transportation, the Issaquah School District and the City of Renton strengthen the body of evidence submitted and conclusively indicates the state of infrastructure deficit in this community. The local infrastructure can not support the requested density and there is no indication that improvements will ever be constructed to support it. We strongly urge the denial of the Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015. Exhibit No. -=3=-i...l ~-,--- Item No. LO ~PO~ J 5 Received Z ~ 2. ti~ 0 Y t<ing County Hearing Examiner P::1nA 1 nfQ C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0016 February 24, 2004 Introduction The argument has been made that the impacts on C.A.R.E .• its members and our entire community are no different under the requested increased density (equivalent to R-6(gross)) than they are under the current R-4(gross) density designation. This argument ignores reality. There is a difference between R-4(gross) and R-6(gross) and that difference is approximately 50% more newly constructed houses in an area that is the same size. The additional houses will mean, among other things, approximately 50% more traffic, and 50% more impervious surfaces, as well as additional emergency responses, pollution and noise. In particular, C.A.R.E. and its members are interested in ensuring, in compliance with Countywide Planning Policies, coordinated and responsible development of our community consistent with state and local zoning laws and regulations that are aimed at ensuring that development does not exceed infrastructure capacity, and does not damage current owners' properties or the character of our neighborhood. C.A. R. E. has serious concerns about the ability of King County and the City of Renton to provide adequate police and fire protection services for this area, either immediately or in the longer term, in the face of rampant new and denser development such as that proposed. C.A.R.E. and its members are also concerned with protecting against physical damage to existing residences and properties as a result of site preparation, construction, and use associated with the proposed development. Such impacts would harm C.A.R.E. members' interests in protecting their property values, along with their privacy and the quiet enjoyment of their property. Any one or more of these interests may be negatively impacted if increased density is allowed for the proposed Nichols Place development. KCC 21A.37.010 Transfer of development rights (TDR) program -purpose. A. The purpose of the transfer of development rights program Is to provide a voluntary, incentive-based process for permanently preserving the rural resource and Urban Separator lands that provide a public benefit. The TDR provisions are intended to supplement lands use regulations, resource protection efforts and open space acquisition programs and to encourage increased residential development density, especially inside cities, where It can best be accommodated with the least impacts on the natural environment and public services by: 1. Providing an effective and predictable incentive process for rural, resource and Urban Separator land property owners to preserve lands with public benefit as describes in K.C.C. 21A.37.020; and 2. Providing an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other county goals and olicies and are ad"usted to the s ecific conditions of each receivin site. Though the legislation regulating the TDR program allows increased density within the entire area of the Urban Growth Boundary such allowance is not without restriction. The statement of purpose acknowledges that not all parcels within that area are equally capable of supporting such increased density. With this documentation, C.A.R.E. will show that the subject parcel is not capable of supporting the requested increased density and that approval of the requested increased density will violate multiple King County Comprehensive Plan and Countywide Planning policies that are mandated to be balanced when evaluating applications for utilization of the TDR program. "Best" and "least" are absolute superlatives. There is no legislative justification for approval of Increase density in areas that cannot "best' accommodate its negative consequences with the "least" impacts. PAnA? nf q C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015 February 24, 2004 Infrastructure Capacity The attached press releases from King Counly highlight the appropriate application of TOR by setting the receiving sites inside adopted Urban Centers. (March and April 2000 Press Releases) The subject parcel is neither in nor near any urban center with the established capacity to meet the needs of the proposed development. (Six Year Plan Map showing Urban Centers) In July of 2003, the King County General Government Budget Advisory Task Force issued a Recommendations Report. (Report of the King County General Government Budget Advisory Task Force) The Task Force report repeatedly cites the major impediment to cities' enthusiasm for annexation to be the critical infrastructure deficit in urban unincorporated areas. The Suburban Cities Association responded with a White Paper (A Joint City Position) which also emphasizes the infrastructure deficit in Potential Annexation Areas such as the one in which the proposed developments are located. Despite the mutually acknowledged existence of significant infrastructure deficit, the Task Force has proposed, and the King County Executive has agreed, that not only should the unincorporated area property tax levy, which has always been dedicated to roads and transportation, be redirected to other uses; but that services in the Urban Unincorporated Areas should be reduced or eliminated. The Task Force Conclusions state (in part): "Despite several years of aggressive budget cuts by the County, unless continued steps are taken to trim programs, streamline operations, apply greater management rigor, challenge traditional service delivery mechanisms, shed remaining urban unincorporated areas to cities, and successfully lobby the state for additional revenue tools, a steady decline in the quality of County government services is unavoidable. Even if the County is able to make major progress in terms of efficiencies, ultimately it cannot achieve long-term financial stability without the assistance of the state and local governments in this region (particularly those who are stakeholders In annexation)." The King County Executive's Office and the DOT have issued several statements in support of limiting and/or eliminating expenditures within the Urban Unincorporated Areas. In fact, the proposed 2004 Budget includes the initial steps in that direction -specifically the deferral of four major roads projects in the PAAs totaling $5.7 million in 2004 alone. (July 2003 Message to Employees; Budget & Fiscal Management Committee Capital Budget Panel -2004 CIP Budget Overview; In Transportation -Facing the Challenges) According to the KCDOT (Community Action Strategies -Subarea Priority Ranking Map), our area is in line behind at least four high priority areas and one medium priority area for any retrofit or new capacity improvements. Additionally, neither the Urban Retrofit nor the Capacity Improvements indicated on the Subarea Priority Ranking Map are either scheduled or funded. This indicates that even with the least impact from the implementation of the Task Force's recommendation, our bad situation will continue to get far worse before there is any attempt at correction. The intersection of SE 128 St at 1601• Avenue SE has been on the KCDOT High Accident Locations Report since 1995. (High Accident Locations Report) In July 2003, this intersection was reprioritized from #98 on the HAL to #16, though the DOES report incorrectly states this date as that at which the intersection was added to the list.. This is an alarming elevation. C.A.R.E. members passionately testified at the Public Hearing for the Evendell application in March 2003 concerning the current conditions at this intersection. These dangerous conditions exist today -before the impacts of the Evendell (70 units), Hamilton Place (26 units), Liberty Grove I & II (60 units), or Nichols Place (25 units) applications -which all access 160"' Ave SE and will all contribute traffic to this intersection. The issuance of transportation concurrency certificates for densities in excess of the current zoning has artificially pushed the zone out of compliance and prevents any application for development in compliance with current zoning. (King County Concurrency Maps 2001, 2002 and 2003; Concurrency Detail Comparison Graphic) The entire area from the City Limits of Renton to the City Limits of Issaquah; from May Valley to the Cedar River Valley has been out of compliance with King County Transportation Concurrency standards since spring 2002. The current Concurrency Status Map shows no improvement, even with the introduction of averaging factors to prevent a single critical link from driving a zone out of compliance. The Issaquah School District's School Concurrency Certificate records the simple fact that there are no safe walkways between the subject parcels and any of the local schools (Briarwood Elementary, Maywood Middle School or Liberty High School) even though they are only blocks away. Even after the theoretical construction of walkways to Liberty PAnA ~ nfQ C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015 February 24, 2004 High School and Maywood Middle School, there will be no safe walkway to Briarwood Elementary. As a consequence, the District will be required to bus these children. Worse than that, the proposed development falls outside the standard radius of bus service, so additional funds, at taxpayer expense, are to be provided by the State. Development Density King County Comprehensive Plan Policy U-113 New residential development In the Urban Growth Area should occur where facilities and services can be provided at the lowest public cost and in a timely fashion. The Urban Growth Area should have a variety of housing types and prices, including mobile home parks, multi-family development, townhouses and small-lot, single- family development. Once again, the superlative requirement of "lowest public cost" is clear. The requirement for additional taxpayer funds to bus school children from Nichols Place to schools merely blocks away clearly violates the "lowest public cost' requirement. K1119 County Countywide Planning Polley Phasing Development within the Urban Growth Area Development in the Urban Area will be phased to promote efficient use of the land, add certainty to Infrastructure planning, and to ensure that urban services can be provided to urban development ... LU-28 Within the Urban Growth Area, growth should be directed as follows: a) first, to Centers and urbanized areas with existing Infrastructure capacity; b) second, to areas which are already urbanized such that infrastructure improvements can be easily extended; and c) last, to areas requiring major infrastructure improvements. LU-29 All jurisdictions shall develop growth phasing plans consistent with applicable capital facilities plans to maintain an Urban Area served with adequate public facilities and services to meet at least the six-year intermediate household and employment target ranges consistent with LU-67 and LU-68. These growth phasing plans shall be based on locally adopted definitions, service levels, and financing commitments, consistent with State Growth Management Act requirements. The phasing plans for cities shall not extend beyond their potential annexation areas. Jnterlocal agreements shall be developed that specify the applicable minimum zoning, development standards, impact mitigation and future annexation for the potential annexation areas. LU-30 Where urban services cannot be provided within the next ten years, jurisdictions should develop policies and regulations to: a. Phase and limit development such that planning, siting, density and infrastructure decisions will support future urban development when urban services become available; and b. Establish a process for converting land to urban densities and uses once services are available. LU-33 Land within a city's potential annexation area shall be developed according to that city's and King County's growth phasing plans. Undeveloped lands adjacent to that city should be annexed at the time development is proposed to receive a full range of urban services. Subsequent to establishing a potential annexation area, infill lands within the potential annexation area which are not adjacent or which are not practical to annex shall be developed pursuant to intertocal agreements between the County and the affected city. The interlocal agreement shall establish the type of development allowed in the potential annexation area and standards for that development so that the area is developed in a manner consistent with its future annexation potential. The lntertocal agreement shall specify at a minimum the applicable zoning, development standards, Im act miti ation and future annexation within the otentlal annexation area. Approval of increased density violates expectations of the community and the City of Renton, in whose PAA the subject parcels are located, for the for the final build-out density we had all expected over the long term. LU-28 again employs the superlative "first" in directing that growth should be directed where services and infrastructure currently exist in adequate levels to accommodate new growth. The closest Urban Center is in downtown Renton and is not full, neither have the areas inside the Renton City Limits been developed to the point of depleting capacity. Therefore, there is no justification for increasing density in the unincorporated area where major infrastructure improvements, such as significant construction of new sewer system network and liftstations, are required. Such areas are specifically designated by LU-28 to develop "last'. PAnA 4 nf Q C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015 February 24, 2004 On-site sewer lift/pump stations are not the only alternative to bring sewer infrastructure to this area. (Renton Long Range Wastewater Management Plan Excerpts) City of Renton Long Range Waste Water Management Plan/ East Cedar River Basin Sewer Collection Report states that Option A (gravity lift station at the Elliot Bridge) is the best option for the following reasons: • Least requirement for force main pipe of all options considered • Lowest cost of all options considered -for both construction and maintenance • Better performance than pump lift station systems • More reliable than pump lift station systems -less chance of environmental damage due to failure If our community must bear an unequal burden in the name of the public interest that would be served by the provision of sewer infrastructure, we are entitled to a system that does not subject us to the potential consequences of an inferior infrastructure. King County is in violation of the Countywide Planning Policies articulated in LU-29, LU-30 and LU-33. Ten years after ratification of the CPP by all the municipal jurisdictions of King County, and despite the repeated pleas from the citizens of the East Renton Plateau PAA and their representatives on the Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council, thera is not a single interlocal agreement to fulfill the mandate of these policies in the East Renton Plateau PAA. As a result, all plat and related land use applications have been, and continue to ba, processed in violation of these fundamental legislative requirements. King County is not allowed the option to neglect to negotiate and adopt interlocal agreements 'that specify the applicable minimum zoning, development standards, impact mitigation and future annexation for the potential annexation areas" at its discretion. This is a fundamental legislative requirement. Neighborhood Compatibility King County Comprehensive Plan Polley U-122 " ... King County supports increases in urban residential density through a rezone or a proposal to incraase density through the density transfer or the density incentive programs when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water arks or o en s ace deficiencies in the immediate nei hborhood." In his recommendations for the original Evendell applications, the King County Hearing Examiner recorded the following in regard to U-122: " ... Most of the same improvements also would be built to support the 46 lot alternative plat proposed under the existing R-4 zone classification. The impacts from the development of 46 lots require similar sewer and surface water drainage improvements .. ." C.A.R.E. supports this finding and finds it directly applicable to the current application for the use of TOR. King County Countywide Planning Policy Infill Development Urban growth occurs both in new neighborhoods and in existing neighborhoods. Existing neighborhoods have a history of development patterns which have created a sense of identity. At the same time a vital neighborhood adapts to change and develops its own image. New development in these neighborhoods should build on the existing patterns In a manner which respects and enriches the neighborhood ... LU-69 All jurisdictions shall develop neighborhood planning and design processes to encourage infill development and enhance the existin communit character and mix of uses. Approval of the requested increased density violates LU-69. Increased density has been proven to be incompatible with the existing community character. The issue here is the difference between Rural Character and Rural Zoning. This area may now be zoned Urban, but there are still such rural infrastructural configurations as mailboxes at the street -or worse -along only a single side of arterials. The U.S. Post Office refuses to allow any change to the current configuration. Within a two block radius of the subject parcel there are multiple flocks of ducks, geese, and goats as well as at least twenty (20) horses, six (6) cows, two (2) llamas, and at least three (3) roosts of chickens. The proposed development site is completely surrounded by an existing well established neighborhood with a definite rural character. Many of the members of CARE. have purchased their homes fairly recently, as compared to our neighbors of thirty or more years. The most consistent factor in their decision criteria has been that this community is one of the last places in King County that offers housing on large lots with large trees. Not only will the proposed development be PAnA ii nf !l C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015 February 24, 2004 immediately incompatible with the character of the existing neighborhood, but the site plan itself completely prevents the possibility of growth of the species or scale of trees to ever mask its presence or mitigate its impact. It will remain an expanse of rooftops and blacktop forever. The development pattern of the wider surrounding neighborhood indicates a well defined scale of not greater than R-4 development that has been in place since the early 1960s. In his recommendations for the original Evendell applications, the King County Hearing Examiner recorded his acknowledgment of these conditions: "Existing development in the area surrounding Evendell is generally on lots ranging from 15,000 square feet to 1 14 acres, with a few smaller and a few larger. Redevelopment and infill will occur over time in much of the area, creating smaller lots, but a substantial portion of the area will remain as currently developed for the indefinite future. The general character of existing development is individually built homes, with yards, gardens, trees and some pasture area and outbuildings, generating an overall impression of a suburban or somewhat rural area." The Evendell parcel is adjacent to the Nichols Place parcel. These findings still characterize the surrounding area. Potential Annexation Area Issues King County Countywide Planning Policy RF-4 Each city with a potential annexation area shall enter into an intertocal agreement with the County for defining service delivery responsibilities. A financing plan for investments in the annexation areas shall be included in the interlocal agreement for capital facilities and service delivery. Level-of-service standards and financial capacity should be considered for each area, together with density issues and phasing of developments. RF-5 In order to transition governmental roles so that the cities become the provider of local urban services and the County becomes the regional government providing Countywide and rural services, unincorporated Urban Growth Areas are encouraged to annex or incorporate within the 20-year timeframe of these Policies. To achieve this goal, all cities that have Identified potential annexation areas shall enter into lntertocal agreements with King County that Includes a plan for development standards and financing of capital and operating expenditures durin the erlod rtor to annexation. King County is in violation of the Countywide Planning Policies articulated in RF-4 and RF-5. Ten years after ratification of the CPP by all the municipal jurisdictions of King County, and despite the repeated pleas from the citizens of the East Renton Plateau PAA and their representatives on the Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council, there is not a single interlocal agreement to fulfill the mandate of these policies in the East Renton Plateau PAA. As a result, all plat and related land use applications have been and continue to be processed in violation of these fundamental legislative requirements. King County and the cities shall collaboratively address level-of-service standards and costs. King County and the cities may share the costs of needed capital improvement programs and other services. The city of Renton specifically identified the need for roadway widening, pavement section, curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, internal street system (including right-of-way width) to be constructed to City of Renton standards in their letter of January 14, 2004. ODES failed to fulfill the requirement to "collaboratively address level-of, service standards and costs". In fact, they failed to even acknowledge the issues raised by Renton. I • If a city desires a level-of-service higher than King County's service standard, the city should be responsible for a in all of the incremental costs of the hi her level-of-service above what the Count would rovide. Since DOES failed to engage with the City of Renton in any way, Renton was not afforded to opportunity to pay any incremental cost associated with their higher design and construction standards. Thus, the recommendations proposed by staff are in violation of KC Comprehensive Plan Policy U-209 and must not be approved. Additionally, the City of Renton provides fire protection services for this area of unincorporated King County. This constitutes a kind of functional interlocal agreement for which consideration of Renton's standards for the accommodation of emergency vehicles and zoning must be included in the evaluation of these applications. Renton requires additional site access and road network connectivity, wider and thicker road surfaces with larger turning radii. In the absence of the interlocal agreements required by the Countywide Planning Policies, the requirement of KC Comprehensive Plan Policies U-208 and 209 carry all the more weight. It is not an option for King County to address these issues, or not, at its discretion. King County is required to address the issues raised by the City of Renton. C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0016 February 24, 2004 ODES utterly failed to do so, and thus the recommendations proposed by staff are in violation of KC Comprehensive Plan Policy U-208 and must not be approved. Failure to coordinate the standards to which infrastructure improvements are to be constructed with the jurisdiction in whose PAA the subject parcels are found violates LU-28, LU-29, LU-30, LU-33 U-208and U-209. Required mitigation must be modified to the negotiated satisfaction of both King County and the City of Renton. King County Countywide Planning Policy Urban Areas Designated for Growth Beyond 2002 In Urban Areas designated for growth beyond 2002, there will be a mix of existing services which may or may not be at urban service levels. The appropriate infrastructure improvements for sewer and water systems will vary according to existing site conditions. New developments should occur contiguous to existing, fully-developed areas so that extension of services occurs in an orderly and cost-effective manner. Phased and Cost Effective Extension of Urban Water and Sewer Systems C0-11 To the extent practicable, all new plats shall be contiguous to the areas identified for growth for the next ten years. The phased expansion should respect basin boundaries or other natural landscape features. The proposed Evendell, Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous and Nichols Place developments are completely and without exception isolated from any fully-developed areas. Approval of any of these applications would violate KC Countywide Planning Policy C0-11. Comp Plan Chapter 2 -8. Residential Land Use 1. Residential Densities The density of eight homes per acre expressed below Is a long-term goal and would be an average density of single-family and multifamily developments. The latest data from King County illustrates that all growth targets throughout the county are being met. (2003 Annual Growth Report -excerpts) 50% of the anticipated growth in King County for the entire 20 year planning cycle has been achieved in the first 38% of that cycle. Even more telling, the Unincorporated Area of the South Subregion, in which the proposed Evendell is located, has achieved 37% of its total 20 year goal in the last 2 years (9% of the total period). (King County Benchmark Report 2003: Land Use -excerpts) This rate far exceeds the anticipated and planned rate of growth, and the impacts are sorely felt in our community. Achieved Density on New Plats and Achieved Density on New Permits far exceeded the Average Planned Density for areas, such as ours, currently zoned 3-5 DU/acre in the South Subregion. Our area is more than meeting its growth targets and fulfilling the goals of the Comprehensive Plan for urban densities inside the UGB. There is no shortage of housing or of housing capacity. The Buildable Lands Evaluation Report 2002 has indicated no such shortage now or in the foreseeable future. (Buildable Lands Evaluation Report 2002 -excerpts) On page 183, the Residential Capacity Analysis for the South County urban unincorporated area, in which the proposed Evendell site is located, states: "The South County Urban Unincorporated Area has a total residential capacity of 17,283 units. Its remaining target to 2012 is 4,935 households. This amounts to a surplus capacity of 12,384 units greater than its target. It has achieved 53% of its target in the first eight years of the twenty year planning period." On page 9 the following summary conclusions are reported for the entire County: • King County has well over the capacity needed to accommodate the growth that is expected to occur by 2012. • Sufficient capacity exists to accommodate further growth beyond the 2012 planning horizon. • All the sub-areas of King County show adequate capacity for the target period through 2012, and beyond. The data clearly shows that wa have much more than sufficient capacity in this area, and in all of King County, to meet all mandated targets -without approval of any application for densities higher than the current base densities anywhere in the County or at any time within the planning period. To achieve an average density within the Urban Zone, county wide, of up to eight houses per acre, there must be areas with density lower than that average. Where circumstances in a specific area, such as ours, make higher density inappropriate, this provision for the allowance of lower density makes it not only possible, but necessary to allow that lower density to be maintained. PAnA 7 nf q • -,. ' " .·. { I,,, ., ' ' , '. , .. ,_ ·,- ,. ·"· .. , '' . , . . ' .. , ' '. ·-' . ' 11_, ••1 .. , : ' I ~ t{;.1,' ,, ._.,,. _,,11 , . •' ,._"'i ' . C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015 February 24, 2004 The Washington State Office of Financial Management sets the projected growth targets for all local governments. Its 2003 reports show that the rate of population increase has slowed sharply. There is a significant probability that all growth targets inside King County will be lowered as a result of these trends. (State, County, City Populations) In 2003 the City of Renton conducted a major study of the East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area in which the proposed Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous developments are located. Like King County's, Renton's Comprehensive Plan is a relatively recent legislative development -the result of the requirement of the Growth Management Act for local jurisdictions to plan for their share of anticipated growth. In 2003, Renton completed a review and update to its Comprehensive Plan. Interestingly, the Evendell, Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous and Nichols Place applications were critical motivations for these studies. These applications brought to staffs attention the need to refine the zoning and development standards for this area to provide sufficient authority to ensure that the development of Renton's PAA would allow the achievement of core Comprehensive Plan Polices. (Renton Strategic Planning Department -Staff Reports of June 3, September 23, October 1, October 1 O; Renton Planning Commission Recommendation of October 22; Ordinance 5026; and Renton City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2003) As the acknowledged future local government for the East Renton Plateau PAA, the City of Renton is best qualified to evaluate the long term potential for development and the associated costs of such development. The results of their research were dramatic. The assumptions at the start of the process included the option of either confirming the extension of the city's standard base density of R-8(net) throughout the PAA or setting aside 2 limited bonus areas of up to R-6(net) within an area-wide designation of R-4(net). Ultimately, Renton determined that either standard would critically impede the implementation of other of its Comprehensive Plan Policies. The final action resulted in the entire PAA being designated as R-4(net) and new, more stringent, site and building design restrictions being added. Traffic Issues King County Comprehensive Plan Policy T-321 King County should seek to improve pedestrian safety both within residential areas and at arterials near pedestrian activity centers such as schools, retail centers, concentrations of housing, transit facilities and trails .... To foster safe walkin conditions for students Kin Count should continue the School Walkwa Pro ram. As stated above, the Issaquah School District has determined that there is no safe walkway for students between Nichols Place site and any of the local schools (Briarwood Elementary, Maywood Middle School or Liberty High r School) even though they are only blocks away. On page 7 of the DOES Recommendations Report, the Issaquah School districts requirements are clearly articulated. " ... there new developments nearby should provide acceptable walking facilities to the local schools ... The district views this bus service as temporary only and requests that with construction of new nearby housing developments, safe walking access to schools be provided." DOES has recommended a condition that requires additional facilities to accommodate school children. C.A.R.E. supports this recommendation. However, even these recommendations are inadequate, as there is no possibility of constructing a safe walkway to the elementary school and all those children will still have to be bussed at taxpayer expense under exceptional arrangements. Staff recommendations have not be.en updated to reflect the fact that Evendell has been required to make the left tum lane improvements at the intersection of SE 136'" St. and 156'" Ave SE. Therefore, these improvements are no longer an appropriate alternative to the mitigation at the dangerous intersection at SE 128th St. and 160th Ave SE. The alternate mitigation recommendation -the curbs, gutters, etc. -along Se 136'" St. can not actually be required of this development because there is no frontage and no direct traffic impact. On the other hand, the intersection of SE 128'" St and 160'" Ave SE is a known and currently existing danger. We object to the offer for cosmetic improvements to SE 136'" St. as a wholly inappropriate alternate mitigation. The applicant, alone or in cooperation with other developments, must be required to fully mitigate the dangerous intersection at SE 128th St. and 160th Ave SE. Drainage Issues There are significant know drainage issues at several properties on 160'" Ave SE. While the applicant repeatedly asserts that property owners have agreed to conveyance upgrades or flow crossing into these properties, not a single letter of consent has been presented. Approval of this application must not be granted without guarantee that these owners have agreed to these impacts, and alternately, that in the case that such consent letters can not be obtained the alternate mitigation sufficient to prevent off-site drainage impacts are fully specified in the conditions of these P"'n"' R nf !Cl C.A.R.E. Response: Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015 February 24, 2004 applications. We refer specifically to the recommendation #9 on page 12 of the DDES report. This recommendation states that if permission can not be obtained, that the recommended mitigation "is not required." This is absurd. If the recommended improvements are not feasible, alternate mitigation which will indeed prevent damage to downstream properties must be required. At the Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous Hearing on February 1 O~e heard testimony from Nick Gillan, a water quality expert witness testifying on behalf of DDES, that there are significant regulatory obstacles to the improvements that the owner of the referenced Lot #6 Cedar Park Five Acre Tracts prefers to have constructed as well as little likelihood that owner will grant permission for the improvements that can be allowed. Mr. Gillan's testimony is confirmed in the letter of October 27, 2003 from Robert H. Darrow, P.E. to Michael Romano. Mr. Darrow states "Mr. Smith said he will not allow any work on the existing culverts." We request Level Ill detention facilities as is being provided by the Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous for exactly the same permission issues on exactly the same parcel. Protection of adjacent properties and residents from damage and injury: KCC 20.24.070(6) The examiner's recommendation may be to grant or deny the application or appeal, or the examiner may recommend that the council adopt the application or appeal with such conditions, modifications and restrictions as the examiner finds necessary to carry out the applicable state laws and regulations and the regulations, including chapter 43.21C RCW ... RCW 43.21C.020(2) In order to carry out the policy set forth in this chapter, it is the continuing responsibility of the state of Washington and all agencies of the state to use all practicable means, consistent with other essential considerations of state policy, to improve and coordinate plans, functions, programs, and resources to the end that the state and its citizens may: (a) Fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as trustee of the environment for succeeding generations; (b) Assure for all people of Washington safe, healthful, productive, and aesthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings; ' (c) Attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degradation, risk to health or safety, or other undesirable and unintended conse uences· ... During the summer and fall of 2003, the owner of the Evendell parcel removed several significant maples and firs in the vicinity of the west border. In the wind storm of December 2003, events transpired exactly as predicted by C.A.R.E. and its expert witness, arborist Scott Baker at the Evendell Hearing. Several trees growing on both the Evendell and the Nichols Place parcels fell on and caused several thousands of dollars of damage to the homes on adjacent parcels. (Tree Damage to Kezele and Thorbeck Hornes) Diane Kezele reports that in 30 years of residency there has never been an instance of trees falling is this area, much less precipitating damage on the homes. Nothing but random luck saved the occupants from injury or death. These County and State regulations guarantee protection of citizens. We request that the adjacent parcels be protected from further damage through adequate mitigation requirements. Conclusions The Nichols Place proposal for increased density is not in the public interest. On the contrary, the proposed higher density development will cause the destruction of the character of the existing and established surrounding neighborhood while burdening the community with increased noise, traffic and pollution. Approval of the subject application per the recommendations of staff would not only violate the specific requirements and limitations of KCC 21A.37.010, the Comprehensive Plans of both King County (U-113, U-122, U-208, U-2og and T-321) and the City of Renton, as well as the Countywide Planning Policies (LU-28, LU-29, LU-30, LU-33, LU-69, RF- 4, RF-5 and C0-11) but jeopardizes King County's interests and its stated goal of accelerated annexations of the Urban Unincorporated Areas by exacerbating the existing infrastructure deficit. We are the Public. Our interest is in protecting our homes, preserving the character of our existing neighborhood, promoting fair and reasonable use of property for all land owners and preventing harm to our community. We strongly urge the denial of the Nichols Place Preliminary Plat Application -L03P0015. ___ __J CARE Households List Nu'rnbef' '!:'!'!f!!/!'i!llfii;!c;,\•Fu11Namet'i7eW , ' •'0t1::, ~ess1t' '" ,,_,,i.l, . ,,,., ·-,,. . <· '' • ~-,. • 1 Tim and Gina Lex 13116 158th Ave SE 2 Danielle and Davis Eckstrom 156th Ave SE 3 Ronda Brvant 15406 SE 136th 4 Garv Stanford 13111160th Ave SE 5 Laurie Hindes 14115160 Ave SE 6 Rene and Lilly Threadwell 14005 133rd ST 7 Marv Ann Huniu 15642 SE 139 PL 8 Debbie Erickson 16031 SE 135th ST 9 Bob Elwell 16020 SE 130th St 10 Roaer & Judv Paulson 15657 SE 139 PL 11 Randy and Bonnie Horner 13404 160 Ave SE 12 Sallv Nioert 14004156th Ave SE 13 Eloise Stachowiak 15652 SE 139th PL 14 Leonard & Linda Johnston 16016 SE 135th ST 15 Rav Conwell 13006158th Ave SE 16 Bruce Osaoodbv Sr. 13456 156 Ave Se 17 Esther Delo 12820 156th Ave SE 18 Wendy Downs 13825 156th Avenue SE 19 Shirlene Dav 14412 167th Pl SE 20 Kathleen Ouimet 14038156th Ave SE 21 Kerrie and Bill Mason 13111156th Ave SE 22 Don and Diane Kezele 15657 SE 137 PL 23 Charles and Viola Scoby 13112158th Ave SE 24 Neal Soeer 12914 158th Ave SE 25 Bud, June and Kris Hill 13527 156th Ave SE 26 Mark and Gail Costello 13012 158th Ave SE 27 Jeff and Karen Sidebotham 13004158th Ave SE 28 Ed and Nancy Hilton 13414 158th Ave SE 29 David Kuocho 13110 158th Ave SE 30 Fredv and Helaa Jaaues 13114158th Ave Se 31 Michael Cooke 13125 158th Ave SE 32 Marilynn Carlson 13616 156th Ave SE 33 K. Sarauist 14204 160th Ave SE 34 Jan Milbrath 15624 SE 137th PL 35 Richard Savaae 12909 158th Ave SE 36 Geneva D. Scholes 12924 158th Ave SE 37 Dale and Don Fisher 13155 158th Ave SE 38 Bret Bowden 13814 160th Ave SE 39 Gloria Peters 13025 158th Ave SE 40 Pennv, Dave and DJ Thorbeck 15650 SE 138th PL 41 Dan and Lynn Peterson 13118 158th Ave SE 42 Dorothv Rilev 14525 167th Pl SE 43 Martha Newton 14518 167th Pl SE 44 Delores Menkin!l 13415163rd Ave SE 45 Terri A. Williams 13421 163rd Ave SE 46 Alice Lee 16304 SE 135th 47 Robin and Donna Allred 13412 163rd Ave SE 48 Roxi and J.S. Greider 13420 163rd Ave SE 49 Warren and Sara Paoe 13420 162nd Ave SE 50 Constance and Richard Allen 13411168rd Ave SE 51 Kenneth and Dorothy Olson 16210 SE 134th St 52 Dave Olson 16206 SE 134th 53 Donald Helms 13404 162nd Ave SE 54 Bill & Donna Makin 14404162nd Ave SE 55 John and Sharon Nannev 16169 SE 146th Pl 56 Albert Krush 14103 160th Ave SE 57 Roaer and Shirlev Anderson 15813 SE 141st '$1 :state: il!Zlb:,, Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 mm~iliiir.cetl!lumben,"'''' 3664500068 1423059006 3664500062 1423059056 6928000170 1423059090 2006000210 1457500054 9425200080 2006000030 1423059057 1423059088 2006000150 3664500281 3664500165 1463400057 1081200580 1423059023 1423059073 1423059051 3664500071 3664500006 1423059059 3664500041 3664500043 3664500135 3664500064 3664500069 3664500210 1423059019 1457500115 1423059043 3664500160 3664500009 3664500215 1457500096 3664500190 7418000080 3664500073 1081200330 1081200540 ' - 3590000030 ~ 35900000401• ' l 359000001 o•· • .,. 1457500034 ~ - 3590000020 lT I 1457500037 C .. ...... 1457500025 ci 1457500026-0 1457500036,e ~ 108131019n.>, Q) -1081320090 1423059011 1423059048 ~ Q) C: E "' X UJ C) C: ·.::: "' Q) :,;: ;:, C: :::, 0 (_") C) C: '"' CARE Households List 58 Bill and Bonnie Kina 17011SE136th Renton WA 98059 7229800340 59 Jackie Blanchard 13007 162nd Ave SE Renton WA 98059 3243000080 60 Fred and Gloria A. Martin 13019160th Ave SE Renton WA 98059 3664500047 61 Harold and Roxaine Revnolds 13016156th Ave SE Renton WA 98059 3664500205 62 Jeff Casebeer 14051 156th Ave SE Renton WA 98059 5336700015 63 David Stevens 15910 SE 142nd St Renton WA 98059 1423059052 64 Kathryn Monroe 14131 160th Ave SE Renton WA 98059 1423059078 65 Carolvn Ann Buckett 16524 SE 145 ST Renton WA 98059 1081200080 66 Sallv and Garv Williams 13204 156th Ave SE Renton WA 98059 3664500220 67 Lon A. Crosslin 15430 SE 132nd ST Renton WA 98059 1423059115 68 Sam Tacher 15514 SE 132nd ST Renton WA 98059 1423059116 69 Brent Flatau and Dorvan Jarcell 11453163rd Ave SE Renton WA 98059 1656500430 70 Russ Waterhouse 12925 158th Ave SE Renton WA 98059 3664500161 71 Gerald Smith 8524 s. 125th Renton WA 98055 7961500020 72 Calvin and Barbara Chin 14517 157th Pl SE Renton WA 98059 73 Harold and Eleanor Zeek 16621 SE 145th Renton WA 98059 1081200310 74 Jennifer Armstrona 16613 SE 145th ST Renton WA 98059 1081200300 75 Garv and J.Y. Smith 14504 166th Pl SE Renton WA 98059 1081200290 76 Michael S. Otis 14521 166th Pl SE Renton WA 98059 1081200140 77 Barbara J. Thomas 14537 166th Pl SE Renton WA 98059 1081200160 78 Richard and Anita Oliohant 16519 SE 145th Renton WA 98059 1081200120 79 David Rozvmalski 16511 SE 145th St Renton WA 98059 1081200110 80 James and Patricia McDouaal 14502 167th Pl SE Renton WA 98059 1081200560 81 Paula Chipman 14210 171st Ave SE Renton WA 98059 7229800495 82 Ed and Dorthea Haaaarman 13710 156TH AVE SE Renton WA 98059 1423059012 83 Don and Eilleen Ehlert 15502 SE 136TH ST Renton WA 98059 1423059033 84 David Michalski 15635 SE 139th PL Renton WA 98059 9425200050 85 Victor and Gwendolvn Hiah 13405 158th Ave SE Renton WA 98059 3664500245 86 Marsha Rollinaer 15646 SE 138th Place Renton WA 98059 7418000070 87 Robert Graves 14034180th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 7230100170 88 Lvnda Cords 15900 SE 142nd St. Renton WA 98055 1423059113 89 Lvnda and Mike Voiat 15713 SE 148th St. Renton WA 98055 1081800360 ----------------- -- ---------_ _:_ -------------1 -----------·----------,------; ~ ----------·--~ ------------·---- -----------------3-y---- Exhibit No. --==,,~-1-----Ii~~ No. -L~2)l?t\t)\S'---- -------Received -z~2y-D'f __________________ King County Hearing Examiner ______ _ . ' ---------------------- GARRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. Memorandum 3150 Richards Road, Suite I 00 Bellevue, WA 98005-4446 ( 425) 5 19-0300 (phone) (425) 519-0309 (fax) Date: February 24, 2004 Project Name: Nichols Place To: King County Hearing Examiner From: Gary A. Norris, P.E. Subject: Nichols Place File Number L033TY 404; L03POO 15 -Errata Memo Project No.: P: T: Upon review of the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared for Nichols Place dated May 14, 2003 and Revised November 6. 2003 some discrepancies in the traffic volumes and resultant level of service were discovered. The changes are noted below: Traffic Volumes Adjustments Figure 4: 2006 Without Project Volumes. SE 128'" Street/160'h Avenue SE. • PM peak hour eastbound through should be 696 not 703 • PM peak hour westbound through should be 695 not 699 • PM peak hour westbound left turn should be 59 not 48 • PM peak hour northbound left turn should be IO not 33 • PM peak hour northbound right turn should be 35 not 29. Revisions are presented in the attached Figure 4. Figure 6: 2006 With Project Volumes. SE 128'h Street/160'h Avenue SE. • PM peak hour eastbound through should be 696 not 703 • PM peak hour westbound through should be 695 not 699 • PM peak hour westbound left turn should be 60 not 49 • PM peak hour northbound left turn should be IO not 36 • PM peak hour northbound right turn should be 38 not 29. Revisions are presented in the attached Figure 6. l\gsamain_Oleng\2003 projects\03002.07 nichols placelerrata for tia-2-24-04.doc 2/24/04 (g) Exhibit No. ___:3=:...;:5~-~ Item No. Lo&f t>Sll s 2 ~zu·o'-' Received_:=-::;..:::::! ... ~_. ..... _ King County Hearing Examiner Memorandum February 24, 2004 Page 2 Level of Service Adjustments The level of service tables 4 and 6 presented on page 13 and 14 in the report should be revised as follows: The PM peak hour level of service for the 2006 without project condition at the SE I 28'h Street/160'h Avenue SE intersection should be LOS D with 33.3 seconds of delay for the southbound movement not LOS D with 34. 7 seconds of delay in the northbound movement. This change is reflected in the following table. Table 4. 2006 Without Project Level of Service (Revised) Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project LOS Unsignalized AM PM AM PM Standard SE 128'h St/160'h Ave SE SB' 0(27.4) 0(33.3) E NB' ((21.9) C( 17.6) (xx) seconds of delay per vehicle I -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersection represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an acceptable level. The PM peak hour level of service for the 2006 with project condition at the SE I 28'h Street/I 60'h Avenue SE intersection should be LOS D with 33.7 seconds of delay in the southbound direction. not LOS D with 37.1 seconds of delay in the northbound direction. This change is reflected in the following table. Table 6. 2006 With Project Level of Service (Revised) Intersection 2003 Existing 2006 Without Project 2006 With Project LOS AM PM Ai\il PM AM PM Standard Unsignalized SE 128'" Street/160'" Avenue SE SB' 0(27.4) D (33.3) 0(33.7) NB' ((21.8) ((17.6) C(l7.7) (xx) sc1,;onds of delay per vchide I -Level of service for the two-way stop controlled imcrscction represents the movement with the highest delay. The remaining movements operate at an a<.:ccptahle level. The above noted level of service adjustments do not change the conclusions of the report. Revised Mitigation Based on the traffic volume adjustments presented above the pro-rata share of potential mitigation at the SE 128'" Strect/160'" Avenue SE intersection would be revised as follows: King County requested Nichols Place contributes a pro-rata share to the proposed improvement at the SE I 28'h Street/160'" A venue SE intersection. The report identified a pro-rata share of 2 percent based on I project generated PM peak hour trip divided by a total of 49 PM peak hour trips \\gsamaln_O\eng\2003 projects\03002.07 nichols ptace\errata for tia-2-24-04.doc 2/24/04 (g) E Memorandum February 24, 2004 Page 3 benefiting from the westbound left turn. The revised total left turns is now 60 with I project generated trip resulting in a pro-rata share of 1.67 percent. ( I project generated PM peak hour left turn (westbound) divided by 60 total westbound PM peak hour left turns =0.0167). \\gsamain_O\eng\2003 projects\03002.07 nichols place\errata for tia-2-24-04.doc 2/24/04 (g) SE 116 ST w "' w " iE "' ! SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 31 50 R1ch•cd• Road, Suite tDO Bellevue, WA 99005-4'148 Phone. (425) 519--0300 Fu: (425) 51!,.(JJ09 E-ma,1· gsa@gsauoc-.ne com """'1-.gsaosoc-,nc.= o-- -0" ---L1 c1) -o..., JIL -695 (539) I 59 (18) ll[ 0 (0) _) 696 (631) ----53 (10)1 <-ON .:::. ........ ,!. 0 0 "' -..., f--~~__L~~~\--.:'.5_::136TH ST w "' w " w "' :I: w t;; " ~ iE 0 :" 2006 WITHOUT PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 4 w "' w " iE " ~ PROJECT SITE (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE SE 116 ST w "' w ,:, "' "' ! SE 128 ST NOT TO SCALE RRY STRUTHERS ASSOCIATES, INC. 3150 Rlch•rd• Ro~d. su,ta 100 Betlav~•. WA 98005.....,,e Pr-.ono. (•25) S!9"-0300 Fa.: (•25) 519---0309 E--mall· go .. QQHHOC-"'C com nrq,.llwww.gouooc-1nc com o---o .. ---L1 (1) -0" )IL -695 (539) I 60 (20) 11, 0 (0) _) 696 (631) -r::-on 55 (12) l .::.-.!. 0 0 "' -" f---l_-_\____:S'..___'._:136TH ST 2006 WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 6 w "' ~ ~ ~ PROJECT SITE (XX) -AM PEAK XX -PM PEAK NICHOLS PLACE HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 PM Peak Without Project Traffic Volumes Lane Configurations ,tf., ,tf., . . 4 4 Sign Control · · Free ):rEl!cl . . S\!)P Stop Graae·· .... . 0% 0% 0% 0% Volu.n:ie (vell/h) §~ · 695. 1 · · 1 o · O · 35 3 O 0 696 . 53 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourlyflowrate (veh/h) 64 ',.755 1 :;·: 11 · 0 38 3' 0 Pedestrian·;·· . ., d 757' '-58 Cane Wiaiti:(tt) . '. .. Walking Speed (ft/s) Percefifs1ac1<age ;, · Rigtit.iurn.iiare (v~ii) .. .--,· .-.. ·-: M~9J~ffJYRi ~~.:.:.:_~£.L, ~~ .· .. ",;':~ :=··. _;: ·.· · Median storage veh) . "l ' , ,,~L';;.'_' ... df/fr. · .. ,: .. J,' •. , vC:;,g~Qfl!~tirfa\9lurne . · .. 757 vC1, stage 1 cont vol .Y ,.1_292 1670 vc2:sfage-:2°contv61 ._ tC, single (s) tC,'2 silige'(s)·, .•. tF (s) . . . .. . . . .. . pO queue free '% : . cM ci,_"pacity (veh/h) 4.1 4.1 7.5 6.5 ., I_'•• ·- 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 100 ,92 ·go , 100 850 809 113 88 birect1on, Lane # .. . /• EB 1F EB2:-Wl3TWl3 2 .. NE! 1 :s"•SEl-,'fll~c;c' ,;,. Volume Total Volu°rrie'Leff .. ;· Volume Right CSH't' :,' :·'" "/Sif;;;/·~· Volume to°c:;pacity g_u_iiJ.e ~~~nJ@J(ttf/ ' Control Delay (s) ~~.r~: ~2,~·i.·::~:i:,.!~ /::,.i~;;':.: Approach Delay (s) A~pro<!s.h t,Q:s. ·. ·• 378 436 442 379 49 4 o ·o 1 · • ·s4 · · ·: ·. 10 ·· ··rr:· .. · ·c ·3 · •. , · 6 58 ' . () . ---1 -38.. 1 • . - 850 1700 )' 809 '1700 • 305 Pl'. 0 132·-• · ·-• .' .~ .. ,!,;._,_. ___ :L.. . -. " 0.00 0.26 0.08 0.22 0.16 0.03 :-:. q, .: ./Q :,. :;· .. ~:-§ -~ ·_ ·";~~J.f '.,~~-.~..-: !A":Lf.,. '-~Fi~. --,,.,,Z:::~::.-!:·: H. 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.0 19.1 33.3 0.0 None 407 . 1301 1698 6.9 ., . 7.5 :,, .. 6.5 3.3 94 593 3.5 97. 104 4.0 .. 10() 84 1 0.92 1 378 6.9 3.3 100_ 619 foters8Ctl0r\SU1nmary Y?.,~7~.t·>_F'!.' 4 -':;~r<T~~~~~~~l~~~~r~~:~tJrr_~w"7:1 A~!.~9~1JI~}~Y1.L/(::.:. 31. . :., ' ·. __ ,,,-, . ' ,, .. : . ~· :.,_.i. ~--.? _ '( .. '. .;~/· ,, -./:·., .. , .,.',.'~' ;. 1, .. :.c_ '·"·: ... \. Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.9% ICU Level of Service A garrysbell-st51 Synchro 5 Report Page 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis SE 128th Street/160th Ave SE 2006 PM Peak With Project Traffic Volumes Lane Configurations Sign Confrol ·.· . Grade --· · 0% ','.olume. (veti/h) i o. 696 Peak Ho~r Facior" • ~ci.92 Hourly flow rate.(vefi/h) · •• 0 Pedestrians (aneWidth:(tt) ··::. ·-· Walking i:i"peecf(ttls)-·-- Percent Blockage .~ ... '.o, .. Right turn flare (veh) 0.92 757 0% ;55, 6!°(' 6~5". _'.L._.19 ,.:,,o: 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 . 69,. -~ 1ss _: · 1_ .:: ,11 , o_ T'•·,'I"' 38 0.92 '·.41 3 0.92 3 + 4- . },top. 0% o· 0.92 o· 1 0.92 1 Me~8ri:fy~8~~:::·::,1 ,~~7,;:;,-· ·1:"" :~·_:·::~ Median storage veh) .. -, .. -,.,,,' ,, I-_._ >1.No·ne .· ... -~~:::' . , " vC, conflicting,volume··;-}757 vci: stage i coiit~or· ·• . vC2-"stag~,<;on(vol:> ··., tC, single (s) 4.1 !9 .. ? stage)s[ ... ··:..-,.~,' .'w .•. " 816 -'""""'"'··--, 4.1 -, --· -----, -u ••• ' 7.5 6.5 ~ -;···· .~"'.• ·i--~ ..... -,·. tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 pb ·queue freeNo' .. ,cc ·;100 '· 92°- cM capacfry ·(ve11if,) • s5o 807 : . '··· ~p ·· -1cio · · '. 93. 112 87 592 Direction; Lane#' · +., . ~-i?°EB.2 WB.•1 · ,Ws 2', ;NB•,1.J,,,§9 r·: Volume Total 378 438 443 379 52 4 Volume(eft"'i""''' .. 111 :·.;•:,v o· . 'O : :65'. ··:.Cl .•. : J\_2:'./3-,i; .. ifoiume Rigiit·--. ---··· o 60 . _._ . ci 1 41 1 cSH • ;·:·:'"1'.,~-;. -----:;:aso. 11100>· :~_07_ · 1.7.99 1 _ 313·:, ,)}Pf,:. Volume 0 to Capacity ., .. ·o:oo. 0.26 . 0.08 0.22 0.17 0.03 ' .,;; _.:.,._.,,] .. ";'\,, g~eq,e~~~gtff(~)?,::~.: .. : 0 '.··Q: .•. • 7 ·~o.. 15 •. } .... , .. Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.0 18.8 33.7 Larie·Los· ... ;. ·;~ · ~-:·.•~· ·. · · A c . ·1y· Approach Delay (s) . 0.0 1.3 18.8. 33.7. .. "· Appioactj~L0~9L _ .,.. •·C:~ _ D. ~· . Average Delay .(' , . : '··· ·_ '' _c 1.3 ' ' · .. Intersection ·capacity Uti!ization .. 'sifo% ICU Lev~I of Service . . .. ··,: .:,.'?· ··-__ :, ~·:. j' .... ·:· ... J..., A garrysbell-st51 6.9 3.5 4.0 3.3 97 · 106' 100 103 83 619 • ,.,:;,.·;:• :.;.'';;$' . Synchro 5 Report Page 1