HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport19-8811090770_20170421_v1O ti M- O co i 1- R3.*--.F.);::-.'Y E 9 1109 C A60 THIS DECLIRATION OF ROADWAY COVENANT ("Covenant") is made this c271P day of OCT'obrk , 1933, by RE117'011 VILLi:GE ;,SSOCIATES ( Dec aunt ) for construction of a roadway segmen-t7gas7:herein provided. R E C I T A L S A. Declarant is the owner of certain real property located within the Renton Village Shopping Center in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Declarant's property is legally described in Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Property") . B. This Covenant is recorded for the purpose: of confirming the future obligation of the Declarant, or any successor or assign, to install a roadway segment over a portion of the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares, conveys and establishes a roadway covenant as follows• 1. Obligation to Construct Road. As a condition of any site plan approval granted by the Czty of Renton for any additional buildings or structures, or as a condition of approval of any building permit for a) any additional buildings, or b) expansion of any existing building(s) upon all or any portion of the property subsequent to the City's approval of Site Plan Application No. SA -103-87, the owner of the portion of the Property to be improved (including Declarant or successor owners of the Property) and any applicant for such future site plan or building permit approval shall construct a roadway segment connecting S. Renton Village Place and South Grady Way. If the application for site plan or building permit approval is for a portion but not all of the Property, then the applicant and any other owners of the remaining portions of the Property may mutually agree to share costs. The roadway segment shall be constructed in the location shown on Exhibit II, with the final roadway design to be approved by the City of Renton as part of the future site plan or building permit approval. 2. Covenant to Run With Land. This Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon any future owner of all or any portion of the Property. Upon completion of the construction of the roadway segment required under this Covenant, this Covenant shall terminate automatically without any further action by Declarant or any other party. Prior to completion of construction of the roadway segment, this Covenant may be amended and/or terminated only upon the express consent of the City of Renton. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, this Co7enant is executed effective upon the date first above wrMcn. RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES, a Washington general partnership .f By LLr,-- ItsGe4ierai i rtner Exhibit A - Legal Description of Property Exhibit B - Map Depicting Roadway Segment D STATE OF WASHINGTON ) '~ ) s s . ~ COUNTY OF KING ) u G On this a�7tf day of before me, a c0 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, personally OD appeared YAtat all- �NDoeif /V , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of'satisfactory evidence) to be the person who signed this instrument; on oath stated that big was authorized to execute the instrument as partner of RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES; and acknowledged the said instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed, as partner, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for thState � of Washington, residing at N O My appointment expires 10"1yo gr 0894L 2 �J �1 i l�• m - m Y'J• V1 C _� r > / 1 �� � r� ../ice .-..-_ •��� .. t_ G: in ;piu.. 17 n: I !at s, J.. .. 7.., ft�'C(iM Q Lih, LuuLt: , L,.•.._. ,,.o:., toCetnccr With PC•rLiOnL O: vacated 9"th t\'enno South, vLwli .. ' LU Avenue South, vacated t.. Av nuc :.,_:t!., :acct., 2 01" .:oc, Inat.L, .acatet I{lt!: Avcn e oath aLj the wcatei alle r beLwuun 4U nLunuc Muth an:: 9th Pl:.t_ South ant also between YLL .'lace SOUL . . ! a , ll`t , Ati�c:;ur.• South, "1 tc-Ci:tell under Ordinance 201 of the City cf hcnton and that portion of the C)� nnrthcast quarte; ci 4cL.i, . 23 North, Lange 5 P. last: I:. .. i). KIM Qun!.-, l,._.:,_... , roru Vartic�__arl� describes as .02loan - C.) COMMUNE at the nor thca: , corner o: thv southwest quarter of said nor tlleast quarter; thence' . U.l u-' vt— L aloe • the east line of said c0 southwest quarter, a distance C: 25002 feet; thence h K044'02" di Vance of 1; .2 � j!:7 ,.,_ i eet t� tli I'� _. OF F%CrI I _,; thence C (1 " 2'50- F0002116 - G J- )i, distance c,: 2:,:.. �: feet silence S U(+ U2 • lE," L, a dkLance of 24b.K jept to Uo northerly margin of Primary Etate WhWaY Nu. 1, Jct. SSI: I,c.. _-V to Jct, i sh to. 2 in Renton (also 1:1101:77 as State UK No. 405) ,.: approvcd October 31, 1161- the latest revision being November 7, 39 , theNcc wc'stcrly northwesterly and northerly along said mar6in the follOwInr courses: is 89049' 09" 4, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence 5 F3c'230" i., a distance of 52.06 feet; thence N 69054'45" l:, a sistance of 241.66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.4 feet and having a radial bearing of U 1 27 {)5'13" Uli; thence v0rtAveKq: y a:lonh said curve through a central ' a:,!" Of 32 a. (1(", an dIC L1S:.e.:,c)rf of 224.19 feet; thenceN 400 (12'4in a 41"ance Of - 150.Uu feet; thOnce L10%k a tah6ent curve to the left 1::t:. ._ radius of 2K,.6 fect tarot:;}: a central anpip of c - 11,01:'3f O ", •-.• 'C distance Of E1.96 ]a_E:t LnC:iCti leaving margin, IN 11+ 17'27" Oistunce of 24 k; feet; Mw%ce 5 76C00*00" E, a dis_ance of 95M IuOt; thence N 00 51'26" L, a distance cf 43o.32 feet to the southerly 004 in of Grady h;.• (also known as ecoodary state Highway Lo. 1-L) IOU feet in Width as presently CoLablished; thence northeasterly ala:.;: the south marVin of said Grawv f.;,:.•, N 775 Ur" E, a distance 0: 222-Sh feet to a tanEent curve 0 t!it' MUM havin: - racius of 50 feet; thence leaving, said soutL •.ry in, southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 1LIr,U 3'25", an arc distance of 97.02 feet; thence 5 01027'0+" E, a distance of 179.62 feet to a curve to the left having a radius of lbu feet and haying•, a radial bearing Of N 890AM" E; thence SOutheastc=ly along said curve through a central angle of 41011'18", an arc distance of 129.40 feet; thence r �10u3'00" E, a distance of 2;".71 feet to a tangent curve to the left l.a:i1,g a radius of 05 feet; tt,ence LOutheasterly along said curve through a central an;•le of 4F061'02", an are distance of 150.85 lees; then[(- 85044'U2" E, a distance of 1• -Ou fMet to the il:i;L POINT OI' MINNIN.. . i ; . W E, EXHIBIT -A io _:gat jortioh of Mock 12, C,k L.1..,..:a'.. LL: 1inntO" Gard -w Aa. ;1.,.. _•. isian to. 1 as recorder in VQ L- . 17 Cf I l,_ts, l arp 7", ;.vvv . L: }: LE County, Nashinrto:,, tort P, . 14 th I+or tic:,_ of vac:_.wO Avenue South, vacated Mh Avenut South aQ the vacates: a11e'•' Avenue South and 9th Place !V :.:: vacate' under Ur yin._.,. .11'. . Of the City of Renton and LIM ; _ ..� .. c:. Lt,c nor.t:east du: r Le: vction 19, Township 23 North, !an; .+ WL, V.X. in ME Count'. Whinrton, more particularly de: r:.;wd as fullown: ConnencinC, at the northeast corne: Q the southwest quarter of snit' northeast quarter; thencr I VA+..'i " L alonr the east line of sai.: nouthuest quarter, a disLZwCV c,: _ ,:+.!: feet; thence N 890+.'0�"' t., a distance of 18.2h feet to the T:,... WINT OF LEGINNINS; thence co:.- t inuinr N 890 44'02" L, a eistanc, of 106.00 feet to a tanrent curve to tin right having a radio_ e: 34- fr_ thence northwesLerly alon,- said curve through a central ancle of "I"W 02", an arc dtstancv of 15005 feet; thence h 420-YUv" L, a .!i:tante of 254,71 QVL tc u tangent curve to the right I:avinp L :a;i:us of 1bU feet; thence Lort:,cri'•- along said curve through a central c%ju of u1ol:'18", an arc dist..UM of 129.40 feet; thence I: U1027'09" L, a distance of 179.62 feet to tangent curve to the left havinc L rLd iu: of 55 feet; Lhence north- westerly along said curve through L ce taral angle of 101OU4' 25", ar: arc distance or 97.02 feet to the southerly margin of Grad.: I! -- (also known as Secondary State lliQxLy ::o. I-1.) being 100 feet i:; wioth as presently established; theNce• northeasterly along said south margin, N 77028'26" L, a distance of 20.07 feet to a tangent curve to the left having, a radius of 3169.71 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 120IWO!", aL a:c distance of M.S. Inut Lo a point on the West line of lane: 6unCriwed in ixhiG:t of Quit Clain meed under ling Count: Eucrordin,; No. 820.5270355; thence leaving said south margin of Grad- LzA , 5 01004'08" 1; alone saiC West line, a distance of 840.76 fact to tt,c north margin of l.r:.to:. Village Place as conveyed to the City of Eenton under Kinn Coon: hecordinp No. 5475310; thence G W4002" l:, a distance of 37Z. -Z f Vut along the north mazgin of said WLon Village Place to til(- cast margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence S 0100" '01-" l: along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence N 890P4'02" l:, a distance of 4$.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF bLAINNIN3. EXHIBIT i .z 3� V^' me/ MM rW W _:gat jortioh of Mock 12, C,k L.1..,..:a'.. LL: 1inntO" Gard -w Aa. ;1.,.. _•. isian to. 1 as recorder in VQ L- . 17 Cf I l,_ts, l arp 7", ;.vvv . L: }: LE County, Nashinrto:,, tort P, . 14 th I+or tic:,_ of vac:_.wO Avenue South, vacated Mh Avenut South aQ the vacates: a11e'•' Avenue South and 9th Place !V :.:: vacate' under Ur yin._.,. .11'. . Of the City of Renton and LIM ; _ ..� .. c:. Lt,c nor.t:east du: r Le: vction 19, Township 23 North, !an; .+ WL, V.X. in ME Count'. Whinrton, more particularly de: r:.;wd as fullown: ConnencinC, at the northeast corne: Q the southwest quarter of snit' northeast quarter; thencr I VA+..'i " L alonr the east line of sai.: nouthuest quarter, a disLZwCV c,: _ ,:+.!: feet; thence N 890+.'0�"' t., a distance of 18.2h feet to the T:,... WINT OF LEGINNINS; thence co:.- t inuinr N 890 44'02" L, a eistanc, of 106.00 feet to a tanrent curve to tin right having a radio_ e: 34- fr_ thence northwesLerly alon,- said curve through a central ancle of "I"W 02", an arc dtstancv of 15005 feet; thence h 420-YUv" L, a .!i:tante of 254,71 QVL tc u tangent curve to the right I:avinp L :a;i:us of 1bU feet; thence Lort:,cri'•- along said curve through a central c%ju of u1ol:'18", an arc dist..UM of 129.40 feet; thence I: U1027'09" L, a distance of 179.62 feet to tangent curve to the left havinc L rLd iu: of 55 feet; Lhence north- westerly along said curve through L ce taral angle of 101OU4' 25", ar: arc distance or 97.02 feet to the southerly margin of Grad.: I! -- (also known as Secondary State lliQxLy ::o. I-1.) being 100 feet i:; wioth as presently established; theNce• northeasterly along said south margin, N 77028'26" L, a distance of 20.07 feet to a tangent curve to the left having, a radius of 3169.71 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 120IWO!", aL a:c distance of M.S. Inut Lo a point on the West line of lane: 6unCriwed in ixhiG:t of Quit Clain meed under ling Count: Eucrordin,; No. 820.5270355; thence leaving said south margin of Grad- LzA , 5 01004'08" 1; alone saiC West line, a distance of 840.76 fact to tt,c north margin of l.r:.to:. Village Place as conveyed to the City of Eenton under Kinn Coon: hecordinp No. 5475310; thence G W4002" l:, a distance of 37Z. -Z f Vut along the north mazgin of said WLon Village Place to til(- cast margin of vacated said 96th Avenue South; thence S 0100" '01-" l: along said east margin, a distance of 60.01 feet to the southwest corner of said Renton Village Place; thence N 890P4'02" l:, a distance of 4$.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF bLAINNIN3. EXHIBIT i .z 3� UP 40i l � 73.� hIr |a � \ |! HEIEFI / VAN DE VANTER GROW pD . —4M* D+dgn Derw6we � (JIHIIIIINIIffIJIfH{{}gyp, �I�II I1�IIIIIIIII� -MV ♦r• I.M rY•M �•. A 1 ^AJ/•ML �• •�� I /FFM Mtal . , ! t ! 1 , a � y C P CT t HEIEFI / VAN DE VANTER GROW pD . —4M* D+dgn Derw6we � (JIHIIIIINIIffIJIfH{{}gyp, �I�II I1�IIIIIIIII� -MV ♦r• I.M rY•M �•. A 1 ^AJ/•ML �• •�� I /FFM Mtal . ,