HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport22-9005080690_20170421_v1. � ►�7ssu ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON } COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for. the State of Was}rinH;ton, hereby certify that or► this� day of 199 , personally appoured befo):o. me Morris h. Muscatel and Cynthia Muscatel, husband and wife, to me known to be the Individual,,; described in and who signed the above certificate, and acknowledge that they signed and boaled the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses arid Purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at s STATE OF WASHHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this day of 199 , personally appeared before me Michael Goldfarb, to me known to be the individual described in and who signed the above certificate, and acknowledge that he signed and sealed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) S� On this day of ,b 19th, before me personally appeared _ .. __to me known to be the of Renton Hlospitality, a Washington Corporation that exacutsd the within instrument, and acknowledged the bald instrument to be,the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the use►s and purposes therein Mentioned, and each on oath affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. 'r IN EREOk1 I have hereunto set my hard and affixed my offr_c' i arid year ill this certificate first above written. r' TARY'��` UBt. . lir "". �% 20 • �� E 0 STATE~0 tSN ) COUNTY OF KING ) Notary Public in and for the�St,ate Of WAj1JLr1F;tun, residint, at 5eatt.lc+ On this'day of ,. - before me personally appeared �to me kr►own to be the of 405Renton,Ir1c., a Washington Corporation that execute the within iristru►I►ent, and acknowledged the said instru►►►ent to be the free and voluntary act and dead of said corporation, for the useb and purposes therein mentioned, and each or -r oath affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 110r punto set r►iy hand arid affixed nay Official seal the day and ye.ar in this certificate first above written. �pAS,A(ST. �+y��`l° ��sION F�A�� Notary PL►1,lie in and fc,r the State of j'4y f.� �,�'• ` Washington, residing at Seattle :a� J,SZ'"Ut31.�C'��,: ,, •. C�� boy : • p�i Nr—UF We the undersigned owners in Fee Simple arid/or Mortgage of the property shown, hereby daclare this Binding'Si.te,Plan represented by this map3 In witness Hrsreof we have set our hands and seals; Renton Village Associates, A Washington General Partnership Mica el odor fy, sband Henrika Sandotffy, wife B Morris v. Musoatel, husband By Cynthia Muscatel, wife BY Michael Goldfarb Renton Joi - 13ospitalit By Rentor► os By -- 4D5 Rang Venture, a Washington joint venture composed of Renton Inc. and 405 Renton, Inc., both Washington Corporations. to 11c. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this 11.0:aday of j(„ 1990 , personally appeared before me Michael Sandorffy and Henrika Sandorf'fy hua;band jenci wif, , to rue known to be the individuals described in and who signed the above ("ertificate, and acknowledge that they signed and sealed the ,same ab their free and voluntary act and d ed, for the mases and % purposes therein mentioned. �� r / HARSTAD CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEERS• LANDSURVEYQRS 2024 W. Luka :.orr.m, f wy. frE f%"dm„nd, Wu. .)LL. 2 (206) 747.8338 �.Vdvt y ruullc Inv and or the Stat4 of Washington esiding at,� CITY BINDING 152/2 VILLAGE.-_.. ASSOCIANTES OFRENTON S I rE PLAN ._ �q JOB Na 0- DATESCALE SCALE DRAWING BY CHECKED BY APPROVED 111560 APPROVALS —ce ify -that- current -taxes--have been paid and there is e---riepo jL-4-rte a sufficient amount to pay taxes for the following year. Examined and Approved this day of A.D. 19 Recording No. 00D 6,0p a 'qD Filed for Record this 019 day of 14#1y A.D. 19 At R • Mt in Vol.lg'� of Sy;;Wys on page s at the request of Jeffrey R. flarstad — S Manager Supt. of Iter c.►td.s D6 -PAR -7C MENT OP A 55�y' m NiS 4�-KAsAlA►Eb 44ab APpROJ 1) TI -11:5 DAtl kwe. GaG+J?q A!s6 O R ASSEssoR. ACCOUNT NUMf Ep- I certify that the property is subject.to no delinquent special assessments. Examined and Approved thif3_1�4 day of— &MIL , A. D. AO W�.. City Finance Director SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This neap correctly represents a survey made by aake. or under any direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request of RtWTON VI6�46,C550G /47' A It. In ALH14 2 f 1990 �� WAS*/. ffre R. Harstad LS No. 13737 t�f �' '"-V L had i 11 .. ► "' "" ; "Development or construction of any improvements upon the real property herein described shall be in accordance with t e Bindi Site Plan approved by the City of Renton on r ,1 This Binding Site Plan and all of its requirements shall be legally enforceable on any purchaser or other person acquiring an interest in the within-describod real property." iOY" 5 Ove Fr", -f' 'O "W- rk0 je1jejv%,7 wC /[Glfl l 6':'6d+6"a tv 1%-5 Qrkk-cletl ..iki �kn1 di :i Icne. 4s0r <o OecA-1 A c. ,"d 44AIXk ail ��r2[l ( �1,6c,55vAevt+5 Cer +t --u 04(iC..0 4,1- to f�@Gf10✓1 Q,^ a�,H o�C 7'1ne- -pro ff ey fAerCiK Car-tatW)PJJ Li ed i � 4 6� ; hr� f•�� c� l � e u s air cor otkt I P (A "seg are pa 4 k ti HARSTAP qM CONOULTANTS JE CIVIL ENGINEERS* LAND SURVEYORS ?024 W. LA99 SAMMAM16H PARMWAY K REDMOND, Wr>:MIwaToo 8ii432 (206) 747-9336 RENTON VILLAGE AS OCIA`C'ES CITY E PENTON BINDING SITE PLAN e."".o0 JAB NO, 87021 DATEFg8• 1890A SCAE f)HAWING eY KLR C)ir:cj<Eu By APPROVED �_. .. 511559 ENTIRE PARCEL Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. I.LA--001--88, recorded under King County Recording No. 8911139006, described as followa: That portion of Blocks 11,12,14 and 15, C.D. liillmans Larlington Garden Addition Division No. I as recorded in Volume 17 of flats, Page 74, Records of King County, Washi.ngton, together with portions of vacated 94th Avenue South, vacated 96th Avenue South, vacated 9th Avenue South, vacated 901 Place south, vacated 10th Avenue South and the vacated alleys between 9th Avenue South and 9th Place South and also between 9th Place South and 10th Avenue South, all vacated under Ordinance 2051 of the City o� Renton and that portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter; thence S 01004'08" W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet.; thence N 89044'02" W, a distance of 18.28 feet to the '.CRUZ POINT 01' BEGINNING; thence S 61042'59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence S 00002.'16" I:, a distance of 248.94 feet to the nort.herl.y margin of Primary State. 'Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M-toJct. P511 No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 -Che latest rovision being Novembe.r'7, 1986; thence. westerly, northwesterly and n6rtherly along said margin the following courses: N.89049'09" W, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence S 83023'09" W, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence N 89054'45" W, a distance of 241..66 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 390.8 feet and having a radial bearing of S 17005'13" W; thence northwesterly alpug; said curve through a central angle of 32052106", an arc distance of 224.19 feet; thence N 40002'41" W, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 288.8 feet through a central angle of 16015'36", an arc distance of 81.96 feet; thence leaving said margin, N 14017'27" k:, a distance of 248.85 feet; thence S 10000'00" E, a distance of 98.00 feet; thence N 00051'26" L, a distance of 286.24 feet; thence aloiq,, the westerly extension and the south line of land described in lease to Standard Oil Company of CAlifoi:nia dated January 21, 1964, N 89028'13" El a distance of 159.53 feet; thence leaving said south line N 00031'47" W, a distance of 181.18 feet to the southerly [nargin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary State highway No. I --L) being 100 feet wide as presently established; thence northeasterly along said southerly margin N 77028'26" 1:, a distance of 144.07 feet to the northeast corner of land described in said lease to Standard Oil Company of California; thence S 00031'47" E along the east line of said land, a distance of 21.1.12 feeet to the south east corner of land described in said lease; thence S 89028'13" W along the south line of said, a distance of: 10.09 feet; tlw nce leaving; said south line S 01035'52" E, a distance of 13.79 feet to a curve leaving; a radius of 245.00 feet and having a radial bearing of S 89018'18" W; thence southeasterly along; said curve through a central are;;le of 41011.'18", an are distance of 176.12 feet; thence S 41 43'00" E, a distance of 201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 145,00 feet.; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 48001`07.", axi arc distance 205.31 feet; thence S 89044'02" 1, a distance of 111.05 feet to the TME POINT OF BEGINNING. LOT I That portion of Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LI,A--001-88, recorded under King County Recording No. 8911139006, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the north-- east quarter; of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, thence S 010 04' 08" W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 890 44' 02" 44, a distance of 18.28 feet; thence S 610 42' 59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" E, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. SSII No. 2-M to Jct. Psh No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 --the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly along said margin the following; courses: N 890 49' 09" W, a distance of 44.72 feet; thence S 830 23' 09" W, a distance of 82.06 feet; thence N 890 54' 45" W, a distance of 231.16 feet; thence leaving said northerly margin,.N 000 01' 57" W, a distance of 196.55 feet; thence N 500 52' 05" E, a distance of 25.35 feet; thence N 000 07' 54" W, a distance of 124.89 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 40 feet and having a radial bearing of S 460 03' 12" W, thence easterly along basic[ curve through a central angle of 460 06' 4611, an arc distance of 32.19 feet; thence N 890 56' 26" F, a distance of 309.07 feet to a point which lies N 000 02' 16" W froia the TRUE POINT 01' BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" Ie., a distaru;e of 67.61 fees to the TRUE POINT OF BEGTNNI:NG. I Lot B r City of Renton I..ot Line Adjustment No. LLA -•001-88, recorded under King County Recording No. 8911139006, excel)t that portion of said Lot B described as follows: Conunencil.ng; at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the north- east quarter; of Section 19, Township 23 North, flange 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, thence S 010 04' 08" W along the east line of said southwest quarter, a distance of 250.02 feet; thence N 890 44' 02" W, a distance of 18.28 feet; thence S 610 42' 59" W, a distance of 258.92 feet TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" E, a distance of 248.94 feet to the northerly margin, of Primary State Highway No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-M to Jct. Psh No. 2 in Renton (also known as State Road No. 405) as approved October 31, 1961 --the latest revision being November 7, 1986; thence westerly along said margin the following courses: N 890 49' 09" W, a distance'of 44.72 feet; thence S 830 23' 09" W, a distance of 82.06 feat, thence N 890 54' 45" W, a distance of 231.16 feet; thence leaving said northerly margin, N 000 01' 57" W, a distance of 196.55 feet; thence N 500 52' 05" E, a distance of 25.35 feet] thence N 000 07' 54" Lq, a distance of 124.89 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 40 feet and having a radial bearing of S 460 03' 12" W, thence easterly along; said cui ve through a central angle of 460 06' 46", an arc distance of 32.19 feat; thence N 890 56' 26" E, a distance of 309.07 feet to a point which lies N 000 02' lb" W from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 000 02' 16" E, a distance of 67.61 foot to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. HAr,1RSTAD CONSULTANTS CIVIL, ENGINEERS • LAND SURVEYORS <<^ I W. lake Samm. Pwy. WE Redmond, Wa (20$) 747.8335 13 RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES DATE°-- 1} SCALE NONE DRAWING BY KLR CITY OF RENTOR APPROVE By -Jam---: PPf�OWaD -__... BINDING BSP `/.�'/ I~'y�LAN ������+. � NO w B S 4 - Y 2 6 - �M 0 (*" -------'!±� IV f SE'C-f IUN IJ, I'Wf). ?3N., 16,-)L.. ;)I.:., Wl-,t r ' 1`0UN1) tvi0A IN CA"if _ FOUND MON 'u, IN CASE: << �7/ y NA xd" - RCC:. NO. 8911139006 E. LA -001 •-88 RLC. NO. 891113 )006 0 DIV I 100' MERIDIAN: K.C.A.S. Xi. UA LOT 2 0 a cv o u) cv C y i Z_ SO. F T. C` ACHES x CIVILfiNGINEENS iANDSURVEYOR ,c) G � 2024 W. UM4 Samm. ('viy. t4i° liadr)7und, Wa. 04AI L0� IN CASC' ACRES :t Izoef 747-6336 i 1 Wo w r, u? i] 1_.I.WA- 001---da,v, c� - �) REC. NO. c; t.) p I I 1 ../ o) K; d W (] It N 01'3b',)2"W tV 13.79 LLQ— 001-14A xd" - RCC:. NO. 8911139006 E. LA -001 •-88 RLC. NO. 891113 )006 0 DIV I 100' MERIDIAN: K.C.A.S. Xi. UA LOT 2 0 a cv o u) cv C y i Z_ SO. F T. C` ACHES x CIVILfiNGINEENS iANDSURVEYOR ,c) G � 2024 W. UM4 Samm. ('viy. t4i° liadr)7und, Wa. 04AI L0� �Gz ACRES :t Izoef 747-6336 i Wo w r, u? i] R- 40.00 A- 46'06'=46" Lw 32.19 N Ej:>'' 5G' 26" E 1.2' C1, o �0 �?$15 0�. L- 205.32 N 89'44'02"W 8 Q 3U9.0i�v o S. m Q N Al 89' J4I.' 46" W 2,11.66 HIGHWAY ' Yi) UJ Ci s2.Ut� X44.72 N ti §' 43 ou W N0RTHEAST CORNER SW 1/4 NF 1/4 SECTION 19, TW P. 23N., RGE. SF., W.M. EA6T L 1NL SW 1/4 NG 114 SCCTION W SOUTH RLNTON VILLAGE PLACE A.F.N. 5,175310 I". 800'± ZNcr ca v kE*N'4*QN VIL.LAG PLACE � � �.,... ,— ___ .�_...: 1t 405 v _.S.— ltitf) CIT. I I VICINITYAr--' NOTE: SES. SHEETS 5 AND 6 FOR LISTING OF EASEMENTS AREAS: LOT 2 HALMSTAD C(aN9sULYANY'S SO. F T. 2.6009 ACHES x CIVILfiNGINEENS iANDSURVEYOR 332,232 2024 W. UM4 Samm. ('viy. t4i° liadr)7und, Wa. 04AI L0� Y.6270 ACRES :t Izoef 747-6336 I". 800'± ZNcr ca v kE*N'4*QN VIL.LAG PLACE � � �.,... ,— ___ .�_...: 1t 405 v _.S.— ltitf) CIT. I I VICINITYAr--' NOTE: SES. SHEETS 5 AND 6 FOR LISTING OF EASEMENTS AREAS: LOT 2 4JOB NO 87021 TCS VILLAGE A '. CCI D ATE -F1' R ----I 'j li()_ � SCALE AWING BY CITY OF E 1 � � p (AAPfA0FC7 BY�r1�4I ._..._. �1� yF1CJVF BINDING SITE LA ® S — 020 .— t 11'5,?94 SO. F T. 2.6009 ACHES x 332,232 60. FT. t �i Y.6270 ACRES :t 4JOB NO 87021 TCS VILLAGE A '. CCI D ATE -F1' R ----I 'j li()_ � SCALE AWING BY CITY OF E 1 � � p (AAPfA0FC7 BY�r1�4I ._..._. �1� yF1CJVF BINDING SITE LA ® S — 020 .— t 1. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING TETE PORTION OF SAID PREMISsS AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, ANIS INCIDENTAL, PURPOSES: FOR. IN FAVOR'OF: Electric power transmission lines United States of America RECORDING NUMBERS: 3664559, 3165254, 31.76514, 3196045, 3171112, 3386405, 3664560, 3361858, 3364197, 3443062, USDC 960, and 3399762 AFFECTS: Portions of the subject premises By instrument recorded October 30, 1972 under Recording Number 7210300117 and under Recording Number 72.1030011.8, all property lying northeasterly of the following described line is released from said easements: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said 350 foot strip of land with the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 19; thence west along said south line 1.00 feet; thence south 1018'53" east 26.29 feet; thence south S402846" east x356.95 feet to the north margin of Primary State Highway (SR 405) No. 1, Jct. Secondary State Hingway No. 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2; thence easterly along the northerly margin of said highway to the termination of said line in the northeasterly margin of said 350 foot strip of land. And all property lying southwesterly of the following described line is released from said easements: Beginning at the intersection of the south right -of -wiry line of Secondary State Highway No. 1-L (Grady Way in the city of Renton, Washington) with the west line of. said 350 -foot strip of land; thence south 1°18'53" east 492..32 feet to the true point of beginning of said line; thence south 52°55'09" east 739.54 feet to the point of terminus of said line in the southwesterly lane of said 350 -foot strip of land. 2. Easement for sewer installation lying within the former 5hattuck Street and 9th Avenue South, as disclosed by Ordinance 2051 of the City of Renton. AFFECTS: Subject premises and other property 3. An unrecorded crossing permit for transmission line or lines 350 feet wide in favor of Seattle City Light, over a portion of said premises lying within the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 east, W.M., in Kang County, Washington, as disclosed in Deed recorded January 16, 1964 under King County Recording Number 5687617. AFFECTS: Subject premA se s and other property 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF': GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: City of Renton Sanitary sewer Strips of land 10 feet wide within the subject premises and other. property March 20, 1970 6631804 5. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE;: City of Renton PURPOSE: Water main AREA AFFECTED: Strips of land 10 feet wide within the subject premises and other property RECORDED: March 20, 1970 RECORDING NUMBER: 6631805 • -.—.1 i. — -n.-...w... . 1-- ".--44— -. .i -.n.1 j....11-11". 6. EASEMENT AND TETE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: 7 8 GRANTEE: Puget: sound Power and Light Company, a Wasl-hington corporation PURPOSE: Electric transmission and/or distribution lines AREA AFFECTED: Portion of subject p emises nno otter r property RECORDED: September- 21, 1979 RECORDING NUMBER: 79092103721. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: City of Renton, a municipal corporation Sewer- main AREA AFFECTED: 5 feet in width on each side of the centerline within the subject premises and other property hereinafter described: Beginning at a point on the southerly margin of Grady Way (S.S.H. W -L) said point being 5 feet westerly of the easterly right-of-way line of the Seattle City Light Skagit River transmission lines and measured perpendicular thereto; thence southerly parallel with anti 5 feet westerly of said easterly right-of-way line to the northerly right-of-way line of 7th Avenue (South 148th Street). Also extended northerly from said point of beginning to the nor-t.l-i line of P.S.F. right -of --way less Grady Way (S.S.H. #1-L). RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: June 7, 1961 52,92273 DECLARATION OF EASEMENT (ROADWAY AND PARKING EASEMENT) RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER, December 31, 1986 8612 31.1.880 AFFECTS: The subject premises and other property `I. EASEMENT AND THE E TIERMS ANI) CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Puget- Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation To construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge an underground electric transmission and/or distribution system Por. ti ons of the subject prema ne 5 and other property August 10, 19A7 8708100374 s(,RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES trE HAF5'rAJ CoMSuYANTS nf..- NCPr�rg 3�_ _. �"' ,j DnAWiNG AY KLfv' CITY1 �1 Al N 1 1W [:he:C:KFDRy /� Civil- ENGINEPRS*LAND SURVEYORS APPOOVrD... -- 1 ". I-ak• Snmm. f Wy. 0. F—Immd. Wn. UP1 .',2 BINDING SITE PLAN sae 747-8336 131550 10, EASEMENT ANI.) THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE': EASEMENTS AND SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS (CONTINUED) Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a Washington corporation PURPOSE.: Operating, inspecting, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing and using a communication line with all connections and appurtenances thereto AREA AL'FECTE;D: Strips of land 10 feet wide within the subject premises and other property RECORDED: August 10, 1987 RECORDING NUMBER: 8708100375 11. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS `l'HEREOF: GRAN'1EF: Renton Village Associates, a Washington general partnership, and Renton .Joint Venture, a Washington joint: venture PURPOSE': Irigress, ecjres: and reciprocal parking AREA AFFECTED: The bub ject premises and other property .RECORDED: August 21, 1987 RECORDING NUMBER: 8708210528 1.2. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT, AND THE TERMS, AND CONDITIONS 'THEREOF: GRANTEE: Puget Soured Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation PURPOSE: To construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and enlarge an underground electric transmission and/or distribution system AREA AF1:'ECT:D: A portion of the subject premises within Block 11, C.D. Hillman's Farlington Garden Addition Division 1 RECO11'DED: .lune 19, 1989 RECORDING NUMBER: 8906190529 Contains covenant prohibiting structures over said easement or other activity which might endanger the underground system. 13. DECLARATION OF ROADWAY COVENANT DATED: October 27, 1988 RECORDED: November 9, 198€1 RECORDING NUMBER: 8811090770 AFFECTS: Svibject premises and other property 14. CONDEMNATION BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON OF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT, VIEW, AND AIR BY DECREE: ENTERED: CASE NUMBER: August 21, 1962 SC --588966 15. RELINQUISHMENT OF RIGHT OF ACCESS `1'O STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT, VIEW, AND AIR UNDER TERMS OF' DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDING NUMBERS: 5440059, 5433614, 5424489, 5428428 and 8708140475 16. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: Pacific Coast Homes, a California corporation PURPOSE: A perpetual, non-exclusive easement over and across the Roadway Areas for pedestrian and vehicular ingress to and egress from, and for repair and maintenance of the Roadway Areas; and a perpetual, non --exclusive easement and right of use and access to eight vehicle parking places located on the Parking Area ARE,A AFFEC TF.D: A portion of t;aid premises and other property RECORDED- November 17, 1989 TZECORDINb NUMBER: 6911 "1703 64 HARSTAD I CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGIN EERSe LAND SURVEYORS (206) 747-8336 CITY LL�r.�r0 I 1 JO f.3NC� UAYEi FEf� IJ i(l .. SGALF OF RENTON 011AWING BYCHECKED Y Af'l 'ROVED BINDING SITE PLAN No BSP — 0226 — 90