HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Via405_TitleReport25b-9901210221_20170421_v1.4 ca cd M N M Y O' WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Once of the City Clerk Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA M8 — All A ct-TTXTr;-T*nN CTATF RECORDER'S ORDER'S Cover Sheet (RcNti' (,i.rw) 30272 M 94 Q C? 0• AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: MEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Me of the City CiBrk Renton Cfty Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RESCISSION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANT Tl-IlS RESCISSION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANT ("Covenant") is made this _� day A AS of , 1999, by RVA CENTER LLC, successor in interest to RENTON VILLSOCIA ES ("Declarant") and rescinds that certain Covenant for future roadway dedication recorded under King County Recording No. 921029025 1. RECITALS A. Declarant owns certain real property located within the Renton Village Shopping Center in the City of Renton ("City"), which is legally described in Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("Property"). B. In 1992, Declarant, as Renton Village Associates, intended to extend an improved road to be called Lake Avenue South, and legally described on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Roadway"), through its Property in conjunction with the construction of an office building on its Property. The Covenant was recorded to implement a condition of the City's approve of Site Plan rile No. SA -078-90 for future dedication of the Roadway. C. Declarant has since abandoned its office building development. Any Future development on the Property will undergo independent, future review. Since Site Plan file No. SA -078-90 has been abandoned, the covenant also should be rescinded. U. Paragraph 2 of, the Covenant provides that prior to completion of the dedication, this Covenant may be amended and/or terminated upon the consent of the City. 30273 4! 0 NOW, THEREFORE: 1. The Declarant and the City of Renton hereby rescind the Declaration of Covenant filed against the Property under King County Recording No. 9210290251, a copy of which is attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Covenant is executed effective upon the date first written above. Approved: RVA CENTER LLC a Washington limited liability company By: SMG CENTER LLC s It'anaging Member City of Renton J SEAL. 'EO 50 rlayor T: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) Marilyn ,T. )?dtersen, City Clerk } ss. COUNTY OF KING ) J�.q'0�1pt�.� On this day of i�� �(� , 1998, before me personally appeared V (All( } �l ��% � �� J -to Inc known to tic the Managing Member in the Limited Liability Company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that lie was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set niy hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. CHRISTINE A PRIC.F StAlt OI Y;ASHIN(iVI NOTARY • 0101C Mt C09415SiON EVA.'59.2 02 (Seal or stannp) 30273 (Signature) (Name legibly printed or stamped) Notary llubli .in and for the State of Washington, residing at - LAG( fit_rc My appointment expires 2'7 _- 0 Z 2 GJ EXHIBIT r. 2 of 3 Ems.4L ., - �.v 7—,eSeit/S�' That portion of blacks 11,12,14 And 15e C, D. Ulljana EarLIngton r'ar4an Addltian 01vioion No. 1 Aa 9090rde4 Lit YalLwa 17 of Plats, Pagd 74. Rscorda of 1Cittg County, uashinegan, 064110■r with portion# of vacated 9 -4th A"Aws South, Vacated 96th AYenlu South, r;cacad 9th .Avenuo.South, Vacated 9th Flaw South, v&catpd 10th AvvAu■ South Ind ehc vacattd Alleys hatueen 0th Avenue 3ouLh W 9th plaza Smith And also betuevn .t- Flocs South and 10th Avenue Sauttl, all vacacatl under Crditsance 20;t of the City of R+ntort And tMz portion of thr narcheaac quarter of Section 19, Tounahip 23 North, Aange 5 Cast, N.t1. in Una C°unty, Washington. Rare particularly deacribod at falluwal Mr J?T'1nl 'TVAT'1TQQX nnnAq"-i IQ77. 7.Tc At17 T Yi'd A[:rT MIT RR/7.T/T1 CDI=Cnci,ng At the narcneAst cagn4r of the aouthuaat quar;or of said nnrch■aat guarcar; thence S 01 041Q8" W along reg a&aC limy at acid 40uthudsk quaetrr, a 41*ta4ce of 150.fI2 tent; tj]ence N 89044'02" We a distance at 18.29 feet to the TRUt po%VT' OF bFGY�tN�i th+enCe S 610114' 59" K, a dtstae,cr of 258.92 faatj Lh4fTCe $ 00"02-16'. E. A distaner of 248194 feet to the Wtharly mareia of primacy Stat■ NHiGhxay No. 1. Jct. SSH NO. Z -H to =rr. Pah No. 2 in Renton (alae knutrr; as Stxtr Roar! No. 405) aA 4ppr0v■d QttpptY 31, I9GI-t,1a 104004 N J reylalon being kov4mber 7,006; thenca w@ararlyen4>:rhw@¢Gdrly And, ~' norther.y Aland ,said sarsin the following courgari N 899949.09" W, A c.iitanne at 44.72 fast; thanc■ S 53023'09" 12, a alae. aSa of 82.115 fret; thenca H 89054145" k, a diataAco of 241.66 teat to a point on a curve havt,ng a radius of 390.8 floc And having a radial bearing of S 17 03.11" Ht thanSe narthwasterly along aaid Curve through a cwn trzl 4nala of ]2051'06", an arc distahco of 224.19 f■■t; thenceH 40o0.11gIh W a dT,atanCO of 15U.00 feet; thence along a tanBenr cure° t$ rhe Taft With A raulua of Z88.8 feat through A cas7tral 4,iig1■ of 16 15'36"1 Ah AVC Ciatanco of 81.96 foot; thenca aeaviug 4,114 margin, N 14a17'2?" t� a distance of x4d685 (so;; thence 5 70 00104L. F, a dIat;nce of 98,00 feet; thongs N 00 51'26" &, A 41aC4ne4 of 286.26 fast thence alot;g tho Wa" "ly 6XtenttOn AA0 the South line of land d0+cxib■d in lease to N SLAndard nil Com�,any of CAllfarnia dated January 21,I964. N d9°28'131, £, a distance of 139.53 fa■t; ths4cf leaving aaid ■ouch Lia■ M 00931'47,. W, a alstance 181.15 of feet to the southatly margin of Grady Way (also known as Secondary $tate ttighuay No. 1-i,) tying 1Q0 feat V%4V as preastatly ■atabliahadi thenca nortfwAst■rly along gold touthe ly aardln X 77029'26" E, A disti►4g! of 14k.07 talc to the Aorcheagt a9tT>+7r of 1404 444crl,bed In Bald 10&40 to St"&rd 011 Catapa,hy of Ca1j1g plat thence S Qoo31'42" along the OAat 1144 of laid land, A diata.ace of 211.11 fg"r.' Co the 11auth- aatit COrner Of land d■scribed in 4&Id lasa■) theACM 5 89028'13" W along the south 11n0 of said, a distance of 10,09 feet; thano■ leavi" Bald south line S 01033'52" E, a distance of 13,79 foot+to a curve, having a rad'us of 245.00 feet and having A radial bearing of 6 69020'18" yi thence 4QuLneaster1y Alan& aaid curW throu8h t central angle of 11911`18"; an Arc dletAncz of 176,11 feet, [n■nca S 61 63'flp„ E, a dietanc o of 201.41 foot Lo a tAngoat Curve to t1,■ left having a Odlus of 245.Q0 feet; ch„nco .QuthaA%ttrrly alon6 sa4d curve t;irou&h a cpocrsl auSlp of 4S°p1'OT", arc an distance 205.31 f■o;i thenca S 89o4r02" £ a AistA;;cs ftirf to tau "Tit L Pnihrr .�r }r.-,w•uz, p of 111.Q5 Mr J?T'1nl 'TVAT'1TQQX nnnAq"-i IQ77. 7.Tc At17 T Yi'd A[:rT MIT RR/7.T/T1 C' I:XIIInIT n 3 of 3 /Y�s-camo That portion of Block 12, C.ia, fiillman's iarll.aatan Ga,404 AddWotl Uivlaian ua, 1 as Trecoraed in Volume 17 of P1atq, Page 74, RacoV44 AC King County, v;attinatun, together with partiona of vacatsd 96th Avenue Sot;ch, v+►cate4 9tr. lsrlua Sautn and the vacasrd all try baCwe;r. 9th Avenue 5autn and 9th Y:..4a South, all vsestnd ungur Ordiaarrce 2051 of the Litt Of Re11ton and Chit Portion of the aQrCh&Aet quarxar of 3ec"On 14, Township 23 Marin, Range S EAAC, M.H. in KXAS CcLm;7t uast]LWan, morn particularly dtscrilM a¢ fu11RV6e com-RAC .ng at the northeast coiner of Lhs •outhweat quarter of said nocrheaat quarter; Lhenae S 01 44108" H along ClM aLGr- 1 0 of acid sauthsresc quarter, a dLatauce of 250.0= fRoet thaAca ?f 89 44'02,, Wo x 2iatanct of 18.28 fart " the TRUE POIn OF R� UNING= thRaca con- tinuing N 89844'02" W. a tliatance of 111.05 feet A.0 a t4adsAz cum Cha right having a gadius of 243 foot- thenep 4orthmoatarly al'ona said curve throwah a central angle. of 48601'02", an arc diat:aaus of 2C5.32 Coat, thenro N 4104L"G" W, distance of 201.gl fear to 4 tangent cuzvO cu the r'i.gnt having a radius of Z45 faag, thanes norfhorly along Said curve through a cenaral angle of 41°11'1$", am arc 41J1z&qce of 176.12 lose: Lh011cr N 011325' 52" W, d diat;naP of 13,79 feat: to i poxnt on zi,r ioutr ling of ls.nd dancribed. in loos• to Staadslra Oil CamQ,ljsy Of C•+11fornla daCad January 21, 1964; thoncn N 89°28.13" g, along said auutiT lana, a distancr ac 10.09 fedc to the southeaar: Coiner of •old 'and; thence K 00011`47'• k RIORS tho wept line of said land; a di..tanc■ of 2:1.12 feat to Che dourltariy Margin of GCady 'day false knovn ax SecandaTy Scale Highway No. 1-L) ding 100 feet in width AS pre4nncl9 m 4r ablishedl thtncp north♦a4t ally akin$ said south margin, N 77 28'26" T, a distausce of 203.55 felt 1ta i taunt c4tve W rha left having a rAd&Uj of 3869.71 feat; th■ngo 410n6 44id curve r.nraugh a cearral ana1P of 11 14108". an ire 4lacanee of 758.84 feet to a golat On the "set line of land deucribed Ln Exhibit "A" of Quit Clain good uuaar Xing County Ucox4Lng No. 8208270353; thence lnaviag &aid d°uCh mareln of rk4dr K:Sr. S 01°04'09" W along said W64; line, a 4Lst,.acP of 114g.14 fmot to the nortb m4 rain u! Ronton Y411ASe F1aC6 air COAVayed to UN City va Rentvn under Kind County ROCOraing Na. 3475310; thence N 89044'02" we A aiatsac■ of 372.42 fort along the north margin of olid Rancoa yil"Id Flab6 to the oast aA rain of vicatxd said 96th Avenue SvvCh: thunep 5 41 OWN" K xlon6 said Past rargin, a distauo. of 40.01 feet to Cho eoythweat corner of Gaid Renton VL11i6. Place, theuca N 89044'02'• N, a distance of 46.28 toot Co the nLrt POIXT OF sECIVNIMC. ..e mini "VJT'1TV-1W rTnntA`.1VV'1 1077 71C 467 T VVJ Of"C'T nUT 4R/7T/TT w u 0 z vt x w X t ti r_- a J i-+ N� ad n �w w r= Ji y z � w J ti✓ �W e•- x xr xo C- s+. :7 � Q IM11BIT Ik V 7-77 Legal ULScription P npasTad Riqht of -Way That portjon of Lots "8" and "C". City of Renton 1,at Linty Adjustment' No. 001--134 which l-iwn ii. . ho northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North. Range 4 !F;;,t,W.M. as shown in in%trtohent under King County ReCOrdtnq No. 0911139000 dosicriheto as follows. Commenc inia at the northeast Corner of the southwu%t quarter Of old northL14'.' quarter; thence 501.0490@'W along the east Zino of said !AquthwCat gwartwrl a d#t;t.incp of 2So.oZ fast, thence S09444102"E, a diataneo or 54.00 (fret to the southwest coater of South Renton Villager Place as cOr:vtfyed to the City of Renton undier King County Auditorpa filo No. 54753Io; said point Owing the TRUE POINT OF DEGiNNING; thonce N01"0008"E alone} the went line thareof, a distance of 50,01 fret to tho narthwast Corner thereef; thencu N89'4V02-!, a clistante of 160.16 feet to a tangent curve to the right h*ving a radius ar 183 feet; thencR northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 40wol'4g", an arC distancw of 935.04 feet; thence N41043100":4, a distance of 201.41 feet tc A tangent curve to the richt having a, radius of IB5 feet; thence northerly alonri %aid c4r%,e throunh a central apple of 41'11'18', an arc distance or '132.99 feet( thence N0013292131E, a distance of 192.83 feet to a tangent curve to the rknht havinq a radius of 35 feet; thAnce nnrtheastnrly along said curve thro4ch a central angle of 76'MP50", an arc distanco of 73.85 feet to the southerly right of away ling of South Grady Way (Slate Htc;hway filo. 1-L)E thence $77`201%. "W alonq Gatd southerly right of way line, a distance of. 180.42 feet to a point an a curve concaved to thu southwest having a radius of 55 feat, a radial line of said curve through said point hearing N12631+34 -W; thence gcuthe4stiwrly along said curve through a antral "16.0f 100.55$4;?k, an arc distance of 96.eQ feet, thence SOI'35737"E, a distan to of 141.35 fact to an angle point on vaid Lot "C"; thence mouth and southeasterly along thu southwester:iy margin of said Lot "C" the fnalowing Couresr 501":3515214E, a distance of 13,79 feet to a tangent curVe to the left halving a radius of 245 feat; thence 5outheaRterly along said curve through a central angle of 41.110IG", an arc distance of 176.12 fswt, thence S41.43P00"E, a distance of 201.43 feet to i tangent curvy to the lett having a r4diur of 245 (apt thence southeasterly along said curve through a Central anglea of 4H'01102% an arc distance of 705.32 fsRet; thence 889.44+02"8, a disrancQ 15933 fewt to thr TRUE POINT OF AEGINNING. 95-92 D64 do nTnlfi MIX) '1V.TT')Tk111X anniAgvvi /Q77. 7.Tc AL17. I YVA /.6:£T ill? T, QR/7.T/TT C± n 1 * r�•rvr 1 rs,to,roly Rol K v �e in � V IL Uj ce R• ANAL a * y Ir �� 4b �UEn-� s 01 in 03 N r; PQM 1 k �'* s o K in IL Uj ce R• ANAL a * 0 ramX L', cnnZT5 90Z 1 TVA Rt':CT QRL 86/7.T/11 0 fi' Sh-070--90 T111;.DECLVATION o? COMMM (,,Covanaat+) -is XWO thin ;2 15w dby of Ue -dF. K , %992. by AEMN VILUM ASSSpL* TES ("f�eclaxant+'y f[ar a► utura roAdway dedication. fll�4Y'fAItS _ A. Declarant ops certain raAl property located wlt:>b!n the Renton village shopping canter In Lhs City ci Rantm (■city.) . Which ire legally describRd in Uhlbit 8 hereto &xW if►>tcorporated herein by reference (oftapemal. D. fDoclurant intends to eXtand an 1ngprCv*4 road to be caxla4 Lake Avenue South, and leg-U!y daecribsd nni� gg attac %*d ifteto and incorporated bor■la by this refgrafncR ('4Koa4vay' ) , thmugh Lts Proparty is con jrut Uun with Ug conbtruetion of an office bvildirtg On its Property. This Covariant Is rocvrdcd to ispleunt a condition of the Citytp a sits plan Pile Ko. fql" n7� e Roadway. 94 for future detiiSar� atiaof Now, thet0f o rn, br-larant hereby declares, conveya avd eotablLmhee the follovi;; covenant; I. Q)2licZ"jon„f, Q&dirn Peclarant hereby cove4iarctn ar►d ag-reou to dedicate to the Clty the right -or - way and iaprovaxantm conatituting the RRdd+ray to tha City to be uaed and %aintained as a public streat upon a regUast by the, city. 2. with &JI-9-1afrsd and b i bindira u -Lag my"Lm' Upon ddic s CpYBiiafit SI]All to J1A�g1 autaaat Cally without anyerurtharn; action by Declarant or any Other party, Prior to completion sof aueh dadication, thia Covenant may be afaendud andfor terminated only upon the uxpreas co.twent or the City. G7Q.7� 9 toe) ,!►QV 7.1.1 � $�alClf 0- 7.inCZri im-irm ivAmTti,'nw cinnw-im 'i l.ozz 7Tq AA7. T YVA Wr.T MIA. R8/7.T/T m sd C`? C� 6• IS WITHUS goy, this Covet=r iS extuUted 69factive) upon tha Cate first above wittan. Washington geneial partnership OY ICs titi erre Pa Iter Exhibit A. - Legal aaCripti.on of Proporty Skbibit R -- Legal ascription of R+oa+i Right-ot•-Way STATE Op WAS;:? NGT" ) Sub MUM OF KING on thLa I r day at f e. i •6°% 1492, baP+rra w, as Rotary Pubti.c In vend for the tat" ingCon, personally appeared/ � SaZ ya�ehpsraurally kno+dn to five (ur proved to *a on tho baste of sat ata oryr eviftncaj to be the person who executed thL* inatzummt, on atth stated that N was authorized to axe-vto the inatrunant, and ao%now-VidgeO It as the General Partnar Of RV=H VIXJ GP. ASSOrZATZ5 to be the free and voluntary act and deed of vai,d corporatLon Car the uasa ane purpaven mentioned Ln the instrtment, IN WITNESS ltHEMP, x terve hereunto eget my hand" and orricial seal the day and year first above written. '3�t1.i1■ .firr it •� `�L NOTARY PUDLXC in and for the „Sx� ata of 1 a0hingtony reaitling at . �✓ Ry appointment wMLree jc I 2 1.3A0.1 'lYdIDIN11W 00MUMY1 G9ZZ ZT9 90Z T XY3 RFCT f1ILL 86/Zl/TT N G tIorel IL 9-A Ivp I X 11 A •t- �` LAll 7I9 947. T XYa RV'CT MI. RO/ZT/TT •� w K �.IFf0Oviv 9-A Ivp I X 11 A •t- �` LAll 7I9 947. T XYa RV'CT MI. RO/ZT/TT Q N v -J EXiTIDI'1' 11 2 of 3 That por=Lon of Slockit 11, 12, i4 and 15, C. O, Nllla�ns Earlington rarden A441tian nivirian No. 1 as raco;ded 14, Yoltm@ 17 of plata,. Page 74, Records of Xing County, Washinataa, tvgstnatr with portiana Of Vacated 94th Arraaus Souch, w4c;tad 96thAvenue South, +acattd 9th Avanuo ,suuth, vacated Std plata 5put:h� Vacated IOth Avac►us South and the vxcarrd alley4 tvcween 9th Avonue South slut 9th Place 'South an0 also Oetuetn :c, Placa Scuth a;,d 10th AreAY! Scutt;, all vacated natter ar.L quArL 20;s of t1le Clty of Haman and Chat portion of the nnrchea4t nusrt•r of Scceion ,19, Touhship 23 Kurth r •t1• Ln > 1ng Caunt7, Ltachingtan, aarc + $arts; 5 haat, tolivusi Particularly deacriaad as Cemmenct.ng At the northeast Crasnar Of the oouthweas quarter of aalct northeast quarter; thane■ S 41 04'08n W along the •sat line Of sold aguthw"t quxrt•r, i slLatauTce of 250.tiZ fait; a giacathapcf K 590441021, W, ncs�Of 18,Ze (rat Co the TRUZ POINT OF 4E(ZNNjHr; than., S bloat 59' W, a dl4t4.r'ce of 258.92 Cape '. a diltancr of 248.90 Feat to the northerly maergln$afQPrrislacy $LACe Hi6hway No. X. ,sac. $SH No. 2-M to Pali No. 2 io. Renton (alio 1 known an SLata Roast leo. 405, as ztppirovaa Qctoaer 31, 1961�t.�e latgst ' revluian being Novera0ex 7,1984, thence weatarly nQvrh►ra telly and s northarly along sold ma><Sin the f9liosuing coursea, H 59 49'09" W, a cistanet' of 44.?2 feet; th.tnc■ S 93 ,a3'U9" W a a4etance-a( e2. U6' fart; thrncr N rarIjU'r.S" u, a U""Ace of 241.66 feet to a paint on a ?_ curvy having a ra�llut of 390.8 feet and h4vin8 a radial bearl,AS pf S 17 W; seance northwesterly along aald curve through a central anal• of 32052'04", an are; dlstatuca of 22k.19 feet; thrncr H 40002141« k a dtnt3rt" of 150.110 feetC; thence alcag a CAMEp6 cwrva t$ the left With ; radius of 288.8 feat through a, tentXai 4661• of 16 15'3641 An arc CiaCanrr of s1,96 feet; theme �eavin6'H1d a;rbin, h %too17'2�^ E, a dLst3rTcr aY 448685 feet; thence S 70 Q@'Q0' 98,90 tk,a4; thancs N 00 31,26" E. a 4tat4nce of 286.24 feet thence aleab the weeterly Retention A --,d the oQuth line of load 4seerlfled ir► Loa!; to Standard oil Company of Uallfcraia daraq Jslsurary 21, 19641 K 89928' 13" F, a daatanvn of 159.53 feat; thence leavieg •aid souta lin■ R OQ°]l a Ai "n;'e of '_81. 10 (pet t0 the rauthattly s+argia of G'k8'' K, rady Way (1, SO 47 known sr Secondary State Hlahway No. I -L) bIL4 104 feat wide as presently E aataalighsdi thence Rorthaatatarly air t a distance of l4k.OT [set to the aor[h�aatica er oflla grdsscTcibad2p'26" E, in rald lease to Sta►sadard 011 Ccupaay of California;; tAagcs g 00031' kT^ E along the rapt 1iA* of sakd Codd, a digtOAce Of ZII.l2 Seet'tp the aouth- eart corner of land d*scs'llted in 4ALd lease; tAeace 5 89°Z8'i1" h along the a041h ling of Aald, a distance oI 10.09 fret; thence leavi.pg satd 404th line 5 (31o35,S2,, I, a distance of 13.79 fast Ito g cure■ having a ra't1ul of 245.U0 (set and having a +tadiai bAarin8 of 8 89°28'18" Yi an thence 40uth.ast■rlr along raid curve throu�h p central angle ad 41o11'ld"; an sec 41aLyr aI 176.17. fart; rl,enca S 41 43'00" E, a diads of 201.41 fart to a tangout curve to the left having a raCius of z45,gQ fret; th..ncr 404theaRtatxY along bald curry t;lreualT a csatrsl a ., an ace distance 205.32 f eecj tn•nce v " Flo of 48 Q1 U2 . 5 69 44 02 >:, a distance, of 111.05 f tCi to lien '.li! C Pr) I H7 A)C Ml'.-.l'Y' 4.` 7A cTnrbi TK,ln') 'TV.TT)TV11Tt (100ARMV1 1_A7.Z 7.Tq AnZ T YVA R1: i'T it{T.T. RR/7.T/11 z sn ' x r - x d � `r z Vq V1 a -K :m3 i tete W17. s r 1� tete. r. Qlfla A • 3.J ffl3 0a 414, EX111DIT R I or 3 1'nat portion of Block 12, C.F. H1!jman'3 iarlilgcojT Oa.clan Addition pivi.aian Ila. 1 as recorapd in Volume 17 of P;aca, Page 74, RRcovde Of King CouQty. W4A11ingterl, tugother with portionn of vacated 96th AVenut South. vacated 9t2. :ieaue Soucn avj the vacicnd alley tmtuKer. 9th Avenue South and 9th 1%,14c South. all Yacatdd funder Ordinance 2051 Of the City of ReuLon and that poiction of the ftGrChRafit quarter of Section 19, Township 25 Noreh, Kana°'6 fact, K.K. In king Couary? Wasnin6.on, Mora patticuiarly dcscrtbQd as fnllpvaa Commanclrag AC the northaadt Cogner of tha YeuthVIat quarter of said normleait quarter; thence 5 01 04'08" W a1UM5 ChM asst146 of nid a we a 4istxAce of 18.28 (Rat ocf • thsTRUEF>7I T OF BMINHUGB�rboilcm"can" rknuin8 K 89 x4'02" u, a distance of 111.03 feat to a tsz&yaAt QQj;va to th■ right having a radiva of 245 feat, ChRP-ce aortbugaterLy clary said %!u=vo through a central "IC of 4a 01'02", aA Arc disCaxtc• of 205.12 [Rot; thenca H 411143`OG" W, :. !dL"anem of Z01.41 Feet to a taneenc curve to the rienr h4vin8 a radius of 245 Feet; thRnco uorcnarly along saiq curve through a central angle of 41°11'14", an arc diatauc6 Of 175.12 CORE, fence K 01075152" W. a distance of 13,79 fear to i p03,4t as tate Aqua IIAR of land dascrLbcd• iR lease c4 SCsndxrQ 03.1 C'MP4 y Of C..I,ifornia datea January 21, 1964; thencr N B4°28'13" slang acid anuclf line, a discanev o. 10,09 tent to ttte ■outhaaae corner of acid .sad: thence N 00031'47" V alogg C11R oast lin• of said Wad; A dr..eancu ai 211.12 fsec to U18 aouthrrly margin of Bear lay (also Mown as Srcundary 5tite Highusy HQ. 1—I.) beLng LUO fsrt in width is praAsncx6 0 'C"110ed; thsnco norchsagra)rLy along said south margin, K 77 28' 26" K. x d3.A"Ws. of 205.55 feet TO a t"tnt CUrire tQ Uta isft having a VAdiw of 3a6g.71 fast; thanco along acid curve ttlrovgn a central anglt of 11 140081, as arc dlacanCe of 758.84 feet to a point on the Vogt 11rta of land 4eaarlbe4 In Exhibit "A" of Quik Claim Deed ux4ty King County Recording no, 620M U355; tnance laavina said south mar6ln of qp4dy Way, 5 U1 QWUQI' H along said WiLat lint, a 4i.taact of 840.76 foot to the aoxth maKgln of RRntan Village Place as GaAvareq to tha Clty of UnCon under King Couocy Recording No. 5415310; th■nca H 89044'02" N, a diaca-mcR of 372.x1 feat slang tht aartn nargia Of said aantcA Village Pla&O tQ Rha •AAC margin of vacAced said 96th Avmnus $vuth. thanga 5 01 04'08° W alAna said mast margin. A diatauert a( bp.Ql feat tQ the aquthveyt corner of said Rmnton Villa4m Plagw, thsacp H 89 44'02" 4!, a digcanc• of 48.2a fotc Lo the TBUt p4i}rr of 8l:CIttNING_ UT11M `1VATITSMU OnnMRWI L97.7 7.T9 Ann T YVA RL :f:I nH.1. R8/7.T/TI 94 N 1 T n rrh EXHIBIT II 4. 1_Qgal I]e5tripcion PropQ%nd Right of 'Way Ok That portion of Iota "D" and "C", City of Renton Lot Ilea Adjustmwnt No_ 002-13H which 1-iQu I,, :he. northeast quarter o Sect ion 19, To%niuh 1p 23 North, R4ngq b r.st r W.M. ar. shQ Wrlf i f instr►4meht under King County Recordtnq ro. 8911139006 dascr ibed as fol X aw--t Cna►mQenc inq at thti northnast corner of ttim w0uthwu5it quarter Of said narthea-.: quartor; thenCq SQi'04'OE3"W along the east I inu of said southwest quarter, it distanCo of 2:30.02 fwet; thence 689244402"E, i dititanca of 30.04 feret to the southuest Corner or 6uuth Rentgrl Vil lace place as cp!+vgyed to the City o4 Ramon under King COunty Auditor's File No, 5475310; said point being tbO TRUE POINT QF BEGINNING; thence N01.040 08"E along thu went Line thereof, a distance Of 60,01 Brut to the northwest COrnor thervot1 thwncw N89.44.02"W, a dist4r,40 of 1&).16 feet to •a tangent cur%tw to the right having a radius of X65 flint; thancsr northwuatariy along said curve throuyt, :k central angle of 400811,02", an arc diwtanry of 155.04 feet, thence N41•430001W, a dimitanco of 201.41 feet to it tangent Curve to the right leaving a radius of 195 feet; thence north rly along said curve throunh a central anple of 41411Fx8% an arc distanCe of •1:32.99 feet; thence N00133120"E, a, distance. of 192.85 f0pt to a tangent Curvo to the r;pht having a radius of 5a feet; thonce northeasterly along maid curve through a central angle of 76'55"S9", an arC distAnCO of 73.85 fleet to the southerly righb of 'way line of South Grady Way (state Highway No. 1-L); thence S77125':6"W 41onq --aid moutharly right of Way line, d distance of 180.42 fent to a point an a Curve Concaved to the ,outhwest having a radius of b3 lent; A radial line of said curvy through amid point bearing H12931134 -W; th"nce southuasterly along $aid curve through a central a41918.0f IOp"55'42�, an arc distance vaf 96.eg toot, thonce 8011351=7 E, a distancq of 141,55 tact to an angle point on sand Lot "C"; thence south and Southeasterly along thu southuestQr;y margin of said Lot "C" tho following Courast 601'35152"E, a distance of 12.79 feet to a tangent curve to the loft having a radius of 249 feet; thence sauthRAnterly along said curve through m central angle of an arc distance of 176.12 farm; thwics S41"40100"E, a distance of .201.41 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 245 fest; thunco eoutheastarly along said curve through a c¢ntral angl€r of 4U601102*, an arc diotancn of 205.32 flint; thence 809.440`02"E, a dixtancft 155_33 fust to the TRUC POINT IIF' BEBINNINU. 9-1-97 tmon-) ivAi`lT):nw rtnnuativT X64 la7.7 7 -Te an7 T YV4 nC:VT nnT QR/7,T/TT 8T0L31 FILED for RecorU at Request o• i4ml �, V t<I - 1!i 1 •. Lgl. r(ftlC' IM03 'lYdiolmax acorn m LON 319 803 1 XYJ 09 -CT MIT. RR/T•T/TT i • • 1 f 1 1�. FILED for RecorU at Request o• i4ml �, V t<I - 1!i 1 •. Lgl. r(ftlC' IM03 'lYdiolmax acorn m LON 319 803 1 XYJ 09 -CT MIT. RR/T•T/TT