HomeMy WebLinkAboutl_Via405_TitleReport05b-3163692_20170421_v1uY ivX nu sea nr e1i14 MGM 7 YJJ L116 gaL100 i ]I"& may 8 41 r jq z.3892 Apr 21 41 $50. Joe Pedron as my sap pty ,�t to United States of Amer�a� fp kn g b a and oy to op and its assigns, a permanent esifft and r/w over, upon under and aorose the fdld in kow Tht porta of lot 1 of b11: 12 of C D Hill manIa gsrlington Hardens add to S, Div no, 1 in ago 19, twp 23 nr 5 ewe, kow; woh lies with- in a strip of id 250 ft in width, the bdarien o.` ad strip lying 62.50 ft dist Silly fromand 187.50 ft diOat NZly from , andpllt the surva li of the Covington -Seattle transaLiasion li as now loo end ateke� on the ground over, aoross, and upon the sbT pty, ad survey li being partially d f; Bog at survey stats b 496.73,17 a pt on the Z li of seol9, twj 23 ar 5 ova[, ad pt being S l•o4*52R W a dist of 39.37 ft fromthe quater sea aor on the Z li of ed ase 19; th N 56.11153" W a diet of 2191.67 ft tosurvoy stat 518+64.84; th N 1.18*53" X a dist of 1453.99 ft to survey stat 533418.83 a Pt on the N li of ad sea 1 , ad pt being N 89'17f37" Z a diet of 815.25 ft from the quater seo oor o! the N 1i of ad sgo 19 The alaread---3138856 Toe Pedron kaw Apr 21 41 Joe Pedron oaf Zlmar 0 Varner np for wn ren a t Spana,qay 4� (ns Ja!, /an 16 4S) fila