HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Tree_Evaluation_Data_20170421_v1Tree Tag #Species DBH Crown Diameter Rating Condition Notes Status 7524 RO/Qr 12 35 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Retained 1 7562 Ch/Ps 6 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7561 Ch/Ps 12 30 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7560 ABP/Pn 8 N/A 4 Dead To be Removed 1 7451 RM/Ar 12 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7448 RM/Ar 12 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7447 RM/Ar 10 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7446 RM/Ar 12 25 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7442 Ch/Ps 8 17 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7441 ABP/Pn 6 12 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7444 ABP/Pn 8 16 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7054 ABP/Pn 12 22 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7056 ABP/Pn 12 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7058 DF/Pm 10 17 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7059 DF/Pm 10 15 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Retained 1 7111 DF/Pm 12 25 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7116 ABP/Pn 10 25 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7132 ABP/Pn 10 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7135 WRC/Tp 6 10 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7138 WRC/Tp 6 12 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Retained 1 7139 DF/Pm 8 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7141 DF/Pm 6 12 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7143 ABP/Pn 6 12 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7150 ABP/Pn 12 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7151 ABP/Pn 12 20 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 8271 DF/Pm 12 15 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 8272 DF/Pm 6 10 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 8273 DF/Pm 8 10 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 8182 DF/Pm 10 16 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 8183 DF/Pm 10 16 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 8184 DF/Pm 12 16 1 Good condition and health, young and vigorous To be Removed 1 7455 BC/Pt 14 18 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7463 RA/Ar 12 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7422 RA/Ar 8 16 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7433 Bc/Pe 10 16 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7414 BC/Pt 12 20 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7457 WRC/Tp 10 20 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7234 RA/Ar mt. 8 50 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7233 RA/Ar mt. 8 38 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7395 BC/Pt 12 18 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7230 BC/Pt 14 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7231 RA/Ar 16 12 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7232 RA/Ar 8 12 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7209 BC/Pt mt. 10 20 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7222 RA/Ar 16 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7223 RA/Ar 14 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7164 RA/Ar 10 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7136 RA/Ar 12 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7193 BC/Pt 8 10 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7194 BC/Pt 8 10 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7186 BC/Pt 12 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7157 RA/Ar mt. 8 20 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7069 RA/Ar 8 10 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7067 RA/Ar 10 16 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7137 RA/Ar 10 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7066 WRC/Tp 6 16 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7061 RA/Ar 12 16 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 TREE EVALUTION DATA RVA-Cinema, LLC 1 Tree Tag #Species DBH Crown Diameter Rating Condition Notes Status 7060 RA/Ar 12 16 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7055 BC/Pt 12 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7057 DF/Pm 8 16 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7053 BC/Pt 8 10 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7108 RA/Ar 16 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 7117 BLM/Am 12 25 3 Topped below power lines To be Retained 1 63 Tree Tag #Number assigned to tree on survey tag Species Species code: ABP/Pn=Austrian black pine (Pinus nigra) BC/Pe=Bittercherry (Prunus emarginata) BC/Pt=Black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) BLM/Am=Bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) Ch/Ps=Cherry (Prunus species) DF/Pm=Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) RA/Ar=Red alder (Alnus rubra) RM/Ar=Red maple (Acer rubrum) RO/Qr=Red oak (Quercus rubra) WRC/Tp=Western red cedar (Thuja plicata) Dbh Diameter at 4.5’ above ground surface Crown diameter Maximum diameter of crown spread in feet Rating Condition rating (1=Excellent condition and health; 2=Generally good condition and health; 3=fair condition and health, minor defects or stress 4=Poor condition and/or health) Condition Notes General notes about health, condition and vigor Status To be Removed or Retained TREE EVALUTION DATA RVA-Cinema, LLC 2