HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA81-025 { Renton City Council 6/8/81 Page 3 Audience Comment - Continued Travel Request Cheryl Bersch asked denial of travel request, that Council con- Continued tinue to honor commitment that official business travel be limited to those states having ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. Ms. Bersch noted the ERA ratification time limit of one additional year (commitment made 4/78) . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, authorize Fire Marshall to attend conference in Nevada. Discussion ensued. Fire Chief Geissler explained need for attendance. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: ROCKHILL, HUGHES, REED; 3-NO: STREDICKE, CLYMER, AND TRIMM. CHAIR VOTED NO. MOTION FAILED. Maplewood Heights Ray Griffin, 14306 144th SE, claimed storm drain outfall on Erosion SE 4th Pl . is eroding Maplewood Heights community green belt and asked the outfall be relocated. Griffin requested reply in writing. NE 4th Traffic Griffin also requested limited ingress and egress to NE 4th St. (SE 128th) , citing heavy traffic and problems. Councilman Stredicke noted proposed plan for 5th lane (turning lane) . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included: Appeal Appeal has been filed regarding Hearing Examiner's recommendation Earlington of First Cities Equities Rezone R-057-80, property lying east Ind. Park Rezone of the proposed P-1 Channel , rezone request from General "G" R-057-80 to M-P Manufacturing Park District classification for future development of industrial park. Examiner recommended denial . Refer to Planning and Development Committee for recommendation. Special Permit'; Land Use Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman recommended approval ( Stonebridge Co: with conditions for Special Permit SP-025-81 ,Stonebridge Company (Louis Malesis), located NE 16th St. and Kirkland Ave. NE, 30-unit townhouse apartment complex. Council concur. Cedar Ridge Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with special condi- Final PUD tions for Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat FPUD-036-81 and Final Plat and FP-037-81 Cedar Ridge Associates. Property is located on the east side of the Seattle-Cedar River Pipeline, adjacent to Philip Arnold Park and north of Royal Hills Drive. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. (See Resolutions #2405 and #2406) Claim for Damages Claim was filed by Gregory M. Fontaine, 903 NW 6th St. , Damages in amount of $350 'for damage to bicycle, alleging City car backed over bike in Park Department parking lot. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Court Case Superior Court Summons and Complaint has been filed by Scott A. S.A. Jarvis Jarvis against the City (James Phelan, Hugh Darby and Donald Persson) claiming deprivation of his Constitutional rights. Refer to City Attorney. Subdivision Acting Planning Director Clemens requested amendment to the Sub- Ordinance division ordinance to provide alternatives to public streets in some Short Plat applications and to specify procedures for lot line adjustments. Refer to Planning and Development Committee for report and recommendation. Utility Plant Letter from Ted Bennett, Acting Finance Director, advised Utility Value Plant Value as of 12/31/80 is $23,955,083.63; provided to use for 1982 in lieu of tax payment (service charge) paid by the Utility to the Current Fund. One and 1/2 percent of plant value is the maximum which can be Paid ($359,326) . Refer to the Mayor and Council Budget Committee for budget purposes. Latecomer's Letter from Acting Public Works Director Houghton reported Utilities Agreement Committee approval for request for Latecomer's Agreement (S-305) McCaslin Joepete McCaslin, sewer line NE 20th St. (Referred 5/11/81 ) . Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ACCEPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approval PRESENTED. CARRIED. ' ; OF J \ 0y ©,. ° THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o NalL rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR 0 LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9,0 w O P FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235 -2593 9..i, SEP����� June 15, 1981 Ms. Cindy McLaughlin Stonebridge Company 10655 N.E. 4th, Suite 800 Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: File No. SP-025-81 ; Stonebridge Company (Louis Malesis) . Dear Ms. McLaughlin: This is to notify you that the above referenced application was approved by the City Council at their meeting of June 8 , 1981 . If you require further information regarding this matter, please contact this office. Sincerely, "IT7-1:::bi ,VCIAA....4- - Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: .Planning Department rl: E T i:: 0"Y;`'t, 0\\-%) J 4.) 019ai wil • 41) Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. /�iit ri COUNTY OF KING 1 )42 " 05 o2.e�yaS . oQ Michele Roe being first duly sworn(E o o.63 0Z a) t 11 0 ' _ .gy m oasrL'E E�°^° CU she Chief Clerk m gs,_.E(‘I oath,deposes and says that is the w e o o io $ O co THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times 2 c c o 0 0 o't w v cc week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has bee g'a) *CC ti a,2 c:n . for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred t,if- coat 6,h0. z o'. printed and published in the English language continually as a newspap( rn.iis a c N at,•3 a 0=) published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it now and during ail of said time was printed in an office maintained at tt a, 6aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Recor cv 5 0 uj H w a rnN Z • Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superi( 9 c..;Z 6 W a)H z • Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, a o Z > " ttl a 8- zw� m x co `0 d Washington.That the annexed is a..Notice x 0 to 2 O ' 8 o_ 2 Z_R.Y o o 2 v R64.82 EE gos2aao p_ a)0 PiO`000OW 0of >,0 maw o"gzaa1j-E5 as it was published in regular issues(ar E co m m $ -co a not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a perk 8 0 03 i .t om o6)00 c.) iCO 1 ' c.--inC-n W .6 a) of consecutive issues,commencing on th o `6 c t}§ a c N C N 7 20 day of April ,19 81 ,and ending th 3 E o 3¢ w co. ZT,w a c c8aZc Z�(bo 'O • >.__O a� P day of ,19 both date 13 a 3.a N Z_V aq p inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sut o-5 o 2<6 m a W.2 E M scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fe, 02 .c.-c re; c 2=6ocYi z0 mmm24,6.b sW. i charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $39.96 whicic c o 0.cC m o C ' E t c r o 0 O Q O O._ N.., m"M C CL O Z C a) of-^� of-o has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for th,.�ro o O 0 0 as o a 0 _~'o 0 W 2 c c x- -o F w Z e firstinse insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequen o o)• -•oo cc E 0 c m c� 5 u1 12 O E .0-c o iri w cn a > � EaN��rnJaa)0 °o (tay O^oQ0omayiiY Q j��� o�-ro c o = m c_ cc --4 ✓�,Y��C�L V(,,' .t:. .. •.X -Y o . E o >-m o E (4c v ff T X t-Y o) O m 0 I"' O 3�cLu E y C o0 ZLL 8 >.a -.- : cyNm 2 CD 0) UOU > 0 00OOU�S Chief Clerk ~D ~�, = � _ 7.-1g c c- z— o c'(8 0� 8 0)p_ O ll O'UNU 0.E all- br a)~-WOa *E n ".E ›.03m= aca.o- :� w�:° E '>. i 52 2 o a Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23 day of LuOmy0= [1_= cO Z 832 Aril , 19 81 1-oi-(-"�Q.- u� (:4,:_ liy /�.,....Ze...c.."."?.. III Ow¢w�XIiuih WZ� C , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, s" O m Ooz- zi I�� residing att Du ng County.Au Z ZZ- 0aQ, - - sWWI- 0 W�WW CS�m� — Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June s ¢ g b 9th, 1955. "" —Western he Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, G / adopted byy the newspapers of the State. ,y / p c�-tr� erl (k-e/C- � �-1/)V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 C0p75 /// 7 .�.(c)(\‘<,Vi-) I Public Notice 19a1 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF Affidavit of Publication •t 11 Z vM RENTON LAND USE ,.•"'' ,C�r HEARING EXAMINER _,..--'''' RENTON, WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON A A PUBLIC HEARING WILL COUNTY OF KING ss. ,`,9 e�' BE HELD BY THE RENTON 41A. �EQ ; LAND USE HEARING EX- �__ _ 1 ' AMINER AT HTIS REGU- LAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS,CI- Niche1.e...Roe being first duly sworn on TY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON,ON MAY 5, 1981, AT 9:00 A.M. TO oath,deposes and says that..she.is the .Chi ef...01.d$k of .CONSIDER THE FOLLOW- THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a ING PETITIONS: week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been 1. STONEBRIDGE COM- for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, . PANY(LOIS MALESIS) printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper , Application for specia published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is > :-mit approval to construct a now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the F 30-unit townhouse apart- aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record ,ment complex, file SF ^^F Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior ii81; property located c Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit,King County, { .east end of N.E. 16th otteut . and east of Kirkland Ave. Notice of Hearing N.E. Washington.That the annexed is a 2. MAPLE VALLEY HEIGHTS SHORT PLAT R6481 . Applications for approval of four-lot commercial short plat file 033-81, and as it was published in regular issues(and variance from the Subdivi- not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period sion Ordinance to allow two pipestem lots,file V-034-81; property located approm mately 150 feet west of the of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the . northwest corner of Pierce Ave. S.E. and S.E. 6th St. 3. CEDAR RIDGE RESI- 20.day of April ,19.81....,and ending the DENTIAL PARK Application for final Planned , Unit Development approval day of 19 both dates . to permit development of 138 dwelling unit single fam- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- ily attached dwellings, file scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee FPUD-036-81; property lo- cated north of the Bonneville g foregoing publication is the sum of $charged for the fore oin 31.63, which Power Administration/Puget has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Power powerline corridor, first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent south of the Cedar River, insertion. and abutting the east side of the City of Seattle pipeline 'right-of-way. .. 4. BILL HEATH SHORT PLAT Applications for four-lot sing- Chief..Clerk . le family residential short plat, file 039-81, and Subscribed and swo;n to before me this �3 day of variance from the Subdivi- sion Ordinance to allow half- street without curbs and April 19 81 sidewalks, file V-040-81; property located at Park aii. Place north south of North Aiee_44.4.00 . 26th Street. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Legal descriptions of files residing at` King County. . noted above are on file in the Auburn Renton Planning Depart- ' -• ment. ,r10; ALL INTERESTED PER- -Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June .'•SONS TO SAID PETITIONS 9th, 1955. ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- SENT AT THE PUBLIC —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, HEARING ON MAY 5,1981, adopted by the newspapers of the State. AT 9:00 A.M.TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. DAVID R. CLEMENS 1 Acting Planning Director ,� I Published in the Daily Re- /V 1111 cord Chronicle April 20, CitriCtitA-1-Yt(-�JC • 1. R6481 V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 _ SA,r'G/, e 440.pe. OF 1? ' •• - 4. o THE CITY OF RENTON U ♦s • ; -• ` MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,0 235- 2550 9g7,,0 P June 19 , 1981 Beverly L. Kottke "Acting Supervisor - - Processing, Control & Reports Department of Housing and Urban .Development Arcade Plaza Building 1321 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 RE: WA19-P011-005, PINE RIDGE APARTMENTS, RENTON, WASHINGTON Dear Ms. Kottke: Mayor Shinpoch has forwarded to me your correspondence of June 2nd regarding the above application. The subject applica- tion has been reviewed by the City of Renton through the office of the Land Use Hearing Examiner and has been found to be in compliance with applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Renton. Further, the Renton City Council at its meeting of June 15th determined that the proposal, although in conflict with the policies of the City's Housing Action Plan, should be developed at this location due to its proximity to public and private services available in the immediate vicinity. The Council' s action was transmitted to Lynn G. Stowell of your office by Mayor Shinpoch on June 17, 1981 . • The City of Renton supports the above referenced application and would request favorable action by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. If you have any further questions with regard to this matter, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Very t uly .yo , r. lG(eiP4 D id R. Clemens Acting Planning Director DRC:wr cc: Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Richard M. Stredicke, Council President ' q 4ENip�, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT P y ? SEATTLE AREA OFFICE 'o�* -H *`0 ~%s IIIIII cp ARCADE PLAZA BUILDING,1321 SECOND AVENUE o'p, II N,�p'� SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 rnv REGION X r'��� � "'� June 2, 1981 N/PC� IN REPLY REFER TO: s e J// (\c.V\'' • % 10.3HDH r,.e K\ ,.-- �i, JU 1 . ,�-" 0, rl CITY OF RENTON N1NG MAYOR'S OFFICE Honorable Barbara J. Shinpoch Mayor, City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,. Washington • 98055 Dear Mayor Shinpoch: Subject: WA19-PO11-005, Pine. Ridge Apartments, Renton, Washington Enclosed is a copy of the Preliminary Site Report on the above subject Public Housing project for your evaluation and review in accordance with Section 213 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. We would like to have your resonse within 30 days of the date of this letter. An early response will be appreciated as it will expedite the processing of this application. Sincerely, ,,J ,,, ,r,„,,,,e._, Beverly L. Kottke Acting Supervisor Processing, Control & Reports Enclosure cc: State Clearinghouse Area Clearinghouse l� n` ega4gg Agialtogieved ea# °j Reiec" (206) 226-1850 I.O. SOX 2316 • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 Mr. Bob Arbios Mu i-family Housing Representative Department of Housing and Urban Development Arcade Plaza Building 1321 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 Dear Mr. Arbios: Enclosed are the following forms: HUD 52651 Preliminary Site Report by PHA Original plus 3 copies Attachment No. 23 Original plus 3 copies Attachment No. 24 Original plus 3 copies HUD5090 Proposal projects Distrubition Original plus 3 copies Attached to HUD 52651 Foremat - Proposal Evalution System with Proposal Identification numbered 1-7 Original and 3 copies. HUD form No. 51994 part A-D and letter of Comparative Analysis of Utility Cost correspondence attached Original and 3 copies. All proposals have been judges on the over all point system by the prescribed evaluation proceedure, and the Board of Commissioners feel that number (3) .is far superior to the others. See enclosed additional maps for sites numbers 3 and 7 to cover emergency fire protection. In the event you desire any additional information please advice. Sincerely yours, 4 (>1 A. J. dneExecutive Director Housin Aut , Exehority City of Renton AJ1%cmd 4 Form Approved v HUD-52651 (1/77) OMB No.63-R1671 U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT LOW—INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM • PRELIMINARY SITE REPORT BY PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY (Prepare and submit report in accordance with the Public Housing Program-Development Phase Regulations and Handbook;where more space is needed, attach an additional page identifying the numbers of the items being continued.) r 1. NAME OF PHA 3. NUMBER OF UNITS IN PROJECT: Housing Authority city of Renton a. Family 28 b. Elderly/Handicapped 2 2. JEPORT NUMBER 1 OF 1 REPORTS FOR PROJECT NUMBER WA19-P011-005 c. Total -. 30 4' HOUSING = 6.SITE LOCATION 9. TYPE OF SITE: 10. DEMOLITION: AND PROD. I 1 a End of the end N.E. 16th 6 04 Vaeant or ❑ Nonvacant ,;r ya None Involved METHOD as 0 HUD (U-R-,236,etc.) _ .. _ a. Kirkland Ave. N. E. b. 0 Dwelling Units NavJ1 Construction X ❑ Other Fed.(VA,etc.) —_- -__._ Acq. iw/Subst.Rehab. 0 PHA-Owned (No. _-_ _____) 7.CONGRESSIONAL 8, CENSUS TRACT/ c. 0 Nondwelling 4cq.wo/Subst.Rehab DISTRICT ENUMERATION ❑ Non-Fed.Gov't Owned DISTRICT (City,County,State) Structures 5. DATE OF PH ITE (No. —._____ INSPECTION 04/29/81 7 252 -_ __ __ _ _ - -- -_- 11. DWELLING UNIT CHARACTERISTICS PROPOSED FOR THIS SITE: - NUMBER NUMBER OF D.U.'S.BY BEDROOM SIZE BUILDING OF FAMILY AND LARGE FAMILY TOTAL TYPE ELDERLY,HNDCPD OR DISABLED BLDGS. 1 -BR. 2-BR. 3-BR. 4-BR. 5-BR. 6-BR. EFFIC. 1 -BR. 2-BR. D.U,'S ID I SD R 8 18 8 2 z 30 I AW • , AE TOTALS 8 18 8 2 2 30 (D-Detached Single-Family; SD -Semi-Detache , R -Row; AW -Walk-up Apartments; AE -Elevator) 12. AREA OF SITE 13. TENTATIVE GROSS DENSITY 14. SCHOOLS. 16. ZONING: Attach school district letter as to effect of the proposed project on 10 --DU's/Acre current and future school capacities Identify existing zoning for the site and on the racial compositeq4 of a. In acres_3_p 16_ 75 the student population(s). Dec 4 R-2 -.-Total Population/Acre tt l9 15. SITE CONTROL: ' sq.ftl37,tit�(7 No. of Adults/Acre if unsuitable,identify zoning required b. InState evidence of current agree si n- 6 -No. of Minors/Acre trot.WE Purchagegre aree and source of assurance 17. RELOCATION FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DISPLACEMENT ESTIMATE THE NUMBER: WHITE NEGRO/ AMERICAN SPANISH ORIENTAL OTHER TOTAL r a No (Nun-Minority) BLACK INDIAN AMERICAN MINORITIES Displacement Families Individuals bl 0 Temporary Business Concerns NJA Displacement Nonprofit Inst's. R 0 Permanent Eligible for Low Income Housing Displacement Families Individuals 18. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Describe briefly the nature of the site as to topography,subsurface conditions,flooding and related site selection cri- teria(Chapter 5 of the Handbook),includinglthq�se,identif1ed below,,and note any anticipated problems with respect to obtaining compliance therewith (Attach any supporting documentation): UUU NO b YY DD 11 me a. In{ficate the%of area for each site with grades 0 to 5%,6 to 10%, 11 to 15%, 16%and b. For low-lying and flat sites, indicate level of rainfall: above: 0-5% 100, No problems N/A c. Describe known subsurface conditions. Where any problems are known to exist,describe the results of the preliminary examination indicating that the adverse conditions can be overcome: 4' Satisfactory for proposed improvement d. Does the site lie within an area identified by HUD as having special e. State whether the hazard of earthsli�s exists either on the site or on ad- flood hazards? N/A jacent or nearby land: N/A f. State site's exposure to noise(attach letter of advice,if appropriate)and to earthquakes: Minimal 9. Is the situ located within an historic district or other location which may be subject to special treatment pursuant to Section 841.107(b1(2)? \N/A h. Other Comments: (e.g., state or local restrictions on site): N/A 19. ALTERNATE SITES: If alternative sites have been or are to be submitted,identify all sites and indicate order of preference among the alternatives. N/A 20. Attach completed Proposed Project Description (Form HUD-5090). See attached Previous Edition Obsolete HUD 52861 (1/77) A Report,,., of Rations for PROJECT NUMBER • 21. U'PILITIES: a. Check appropriate bon.give else,distance and explain how loch wesmslon will be obtained and financed. DISTANCE • . pN4ITE QFF.BITE gZE TO SITE . Senliery seal, 0 a 8^ 225 Ft. Waterl 0 Zl _fit. 225 Ft. — • -- ass O 0 Ft. —N/A all Electric Electricity 0 150 Ft. *term Sower O at 225 Ft. Ancase Street 0 1) _.204_.Ft. SouIridery Street, ❑ a _152__Fs. Other(ldwom I Ei. Csniperetive analysis of utility cast or PHA statement identifying previously applicable analysis is(Cheek one): (BATMAN' ()Previously submitted. 22. SECTION 213: To facilitate compliance with Section 213 of the HCD Act end OMB Circular A465 Ism Section sd1.111(b) of the Public Housing hagram regulations),wherever possible,the Chief Executive Officer of the unit of"moral local government in which the proposed housing Is to be located should have been requested by the PHA to provide a letter stating his finding as to consistency with the locality's approved-HAP,or in the absence of a HAP as to whether there is or will be available in the area public facilities and services adequate to serve the proposed project. 1. S. ❑I:.Check If letter from Chief Executive Officer is stteched. 4. b. 0 Check if latter from Chief Executive Officer was previously provided. ,2i. LOCALITY MAP: Attach amp of the locality and identify the project site. Where the'select involves more than one site,each site should be idienttfted• Identify on the map the trees of minority concentration end racially mixed areas and provide for each of these areas the percentage of minority residents. Locate on the map(1)the principal inbustriai,commercial,or other areas providing employment opportunities for project residents, (2)public schools serving the project neighborhood Indicating the population attending each school by racial group,(3)public transpor- tation lines serving the project neighborhood. Identify existing and proposed HUD and other assisted housing. (Omit items 1 end 2 for an elderly project.) See attached 23 M. PLAT: Attach a plat showing site boundaries;parcel ownership;use of adjacent property;access roads and boundary streets,Indicating names,width of rights of way and type of surfacing. Where applicable,label unimproved. Include information sufficient to show the specific location of the site in relationship to the nearest points of reference. , 2S. jAREA OF SITE SQUARE FEET ACRES 26. ESTIMATED SITE COSTS Ia. Area to be purchased 137.650 3.16 a. Surveys and maps s 3,000.00 b. Aree to be donated N/A e. Area to be vacated /A b. Appraisals 800.00 d. Total to be acquired '0_ —0_ c. Title information 250.00 NUMBER OF PARCELS d. Option negotiations Inc.in Acquisition VACANT IMPROVED TOTAL e. Relocation of site occupants 0 1 1 Unimproved 1 f. Acquisition 345.00 27. 1 PARCELS COMPRISING SITE _ ASKING OR PAR CEL AREA IMPROVEMENT LISTING PRICE NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OF PARCEL (Sq.Fl.) TYPE CONDITION flfknowq , I End of the end N.E. 16th & E. Kirkland Ave. 137.650 Unimproved Good $300,000 t N. E 1 I 4 ea w t 1 a! Pegs 2 of 3 pages HUO.62651 (1/77) L= -� • ATTACHMENT 4 24 rat. 1118I/••INIPQM,M l••l•ti II WW1' •M q'►fltt •N 11 en 4r111Mt� =='=' .'_'�:' SW 4 - 23 - 5 %1 , .1 21 - s SLAL t '' •aollyird! Ile' ,r, .4.41n..wri..147.3irrcir ia v.....•.7... ..ae.,..„..„. -7-.r.p I I.••• . • , 1 11jj €5 / • 7•P 4 to•ct C .\. • . - ... i f••84 \ • ' • co i ,,, , ‘ . ® \ 1• • `ft\ ' to be s'nproved er,ergency.viechle 1. f eas ement'asement•-'20ft. width I i . ' 1 • • V1 ,l • 1 • , i � • - . r . ,.• Ion--13I ram• • ;: �"" 7 Ii ~ iipay ro , LL I I ••• I. ••0 .1d1._ I .Jam.... ,1 , • •_Iri 1,-` tax lot 141. i ' • E �I �# Looker , ••«� . .. .. . • - . . Ii • ` • ' princ!ple tenant a: 1 I Pine Ridge ( • I h ,. • access xou % •; ••... • Turnkey key Proposa I $�. I 111• • ,, , • . I t -;PR .4.444,,,,'" lk • --- ...IR' .0,4.4:.:: . i \.• 6. '64 . ~ : "'.s::: F • Idid I ' • • r .1 s r1. y� I - • --• — cam.• • .•e _ �. .lai IA fill 4• 'A, I. . I lMt 1.111 ft , I J •� I: • 1 S. "1 r3rho-i•I'.•!r' r'\ I , i"' • 04° . i .arilrl. 'µ if 1 : i • S 1 • 1 •• J•••l I .• .„ j • t oh ..:. v nI 1 1 ba-t-i i•!I' . 'j.. 11 1 •67) • r e •J•41 • •- •i '1' y I r L • • �/ f IIIi • 1" � I. .tt •N1•oil ♦a• /•'• • •s • , . I it2. " 74 .1 / •I •••. • .. 1ai • .I • • / of I •,� 1 c.-_ ATTACHMENT # 20 JD-5090 Form Approv.d R.V. 11/72 OMB No. 63—R1381 • U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT LOW-RENT PUBLIC HOUSING PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION OF PROJECT: The end of N. E. 16th & E. CENSUS TRACT PROJECT NO. of Kirkland Ave. N. E. 252 WA19—PO11-005 1. STREET NUMSIER(S) 2. STREET 3. MUNICIPALITY 4. COUNTY S. STATE Unknown at this time N.E. 16th City of Renton King WA SITE INFORMATION: (If separable sites, separate sheets shall be furnished for each site) 1 parcel S. DIMENSIONS 430 Ft. by 320 Ft. or 137,650 Sq. Ft. "7. z :NG (If recently changed, submit evidence) S. NO. PAR NG SPACES Rezone attached 415 S. U SUAL SITE FEATURES a.i:D Cuts d. EJ Rock Formations g. p Retaining Walls b. jJ Fills or. t High Water Table h. Q Nate c.. Poor Drainage f. 0 Erosion i. J Other(Specify) N/A Flat BUILDING INFORMATION: (In the event that more than one type of structure (see Items 13 and 14)is proposed, a separate sheet shall be furnished for each type) 10. NO. UNITS 11. NO. BUILDINGS 12. NO. STORIES 13. (Check applicable boxes) a. Lx7 Row b. 0 Detached 30 8 2 c. Semi-Detached 14.MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS IS. GROSS FLOOR AREA OF DWELLING UNITS—TOTAL a. J Elevator b. ® Walkup 3,564 sq ft. 16. NONDWELLING BUILDINGS OR SPACES(List uses) ,17. GROSS FLOOR AREA NONDWELLING BUILDINGS OR SPACES—TOTAL Community Center, Office, Maintenance 1846 re.STRUCTURAL SYSTEM IS. EXTERIOR FINISH 20. HEATING—AIR COND. SYSTEM ~ • Frame Cedar Bevel Siding Electric EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY LHA: 21. TYPE a. ® Ranges (Gas or Electric) d. p Disposal g. [] Other(Specify) b. a Refrigerators(Gas or Elec.) e. 0 Drapes H,X Shades and Blocking for drapes c. Es Kitchen Exhaust Fan f. I] Laundry Facilities A. J. ner, ecutive Director Signed Housin Autho ty City of Renton Local Housing Authority Date May 7, 1981 23$200'P Rot. 11/72 HUD•Wash., D.C. • • } Report Nui .;d ____.____ "` -------- ----- _Reports for PROJECT NUMBED - • a 27. PARCELS COMPRISING SITE (Continued) ASKING OR eARCEL AREA IMPROVEMENT LIST STREET ADDRESS OF PARCEL PRICENUMBER (S4•Hl•I TYPE CONDITION a known) • 28. PHA REMARKS: State reason for recommending exclusion of any parcel from site,acquisition difficulties;and conditions,it any,for recommenda- tion of site approval. In addition,cite any state,local or regional plans which served as the basis for selecting the site proposed. N/A Sits Approval Recommended and Requested: I DATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SIGNATURE O I DI R May 7, 1981 A. J. Ladner THE FOLLOWING IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE D FIEL OFFICE 1. CLEARANCES AND SITE VISIT: a. A-95 Clearance completed,dated __________.._._ b. Sec.213 Clearance completed,dated _ e. Environmental CLurance completed,dated _ _-_ _. . d. Site Inspection made,dated ._ ._ . _... . _ .__ . 2. RECOMMENDATIONS AND DISPOSITION: Insert signature and date in the appropriate column; attach comments. TENTATIVE SITE APPROVAL RECOMMENDED RESERVATIONS OR I REVIEWER As With Conditional DISAPPROVAL CONDITIONS Submitted Modifications Approval SATISFIED Appraiser Environmental Clearance Q ficer Chief,Valua.tion Chief,Architectural CPD EO EMAD • HM MHR Director,HPMC • Field Office Director 3. Date PHA advised of Review 4. - Data of Final Site Approval Results Page 3 of 3 pages HUD-52651 (1/77) • irZ • For Use By City Clerk's Office Only • A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER For Agenda Of JUNE 8, 1981 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact MARILYN PETERSEN (Name) • Agenda Status: SUBJECT: FILE NO. SP-025-81 : STONEBRIDGE Consent X Public Hearing COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) ; SPECIAL "��'= � h . • 0t� Correspondence PERMIT `" }' � '•.,.rdinance/Resolution 0‘,mac ~ 'a`' �a `71]d Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Atta. o� `c�G�'a:N�w Business `� 6 �. tudy Session A. EXAMINER'S REPORT, 5-13-81 •c1s'>-, ' . . ;' �� 0 the r 4' B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes_ No_ N/A X • COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: APPROVAL WITH . Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A X CONDITIONS Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ Budgeted S Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) 1 The appeal period for the subject application expired on May 27, 1981 , and the report is hereby forwarded to the City Council for review and approval . • • • PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: See page 4 of the Examiner's report. • SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. OF I u` ° THE CITY OF RENTON tho MUNICIPA. BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 BARBARA`. Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER O Q- FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 9�TED SEPI°s° June 1 , 1981 • Ms. Cindy McLaughlin Stonebridge Company 10655 N.E. 4th, Suite 800 Bellevue, WA 98004 • RE: File No. SP-025-81 ; Stonebridge Company (Louis Malesis) . Dear Ms. McLaughlin: This is to notify you that the above referenced request, which was approved subject to conditions as noted on the Examiner's report of May 13, 1981 , has not been appealed within the time period established by ordinance. Therefore, this application is being submitted to the City Clerk for transmittal to the City Council for final approval . You will receive notification of final approval at a later date. . Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Planning Department AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King ) • Marilyn J . Petersen , being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 13th day of May , 19 81 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Subscribed and sworn this \3 day of PV. y , 19 531 . \kuxru Notary Public in and for tAe State of Washington, residing at Application, Petition or Case: Stonebridge Company; SP-025-81 (The minutes contain a .P,zt of the pA'iti' s o{y necond. ) (' Vt ,t4, t,4 fp/ - May 13, 1981 1 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER wheN 1" CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND' RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: ''VG DEP! Stonebridge Company FILE NO. SP-025-81 (Louis Males is) LOCATION: East end of N.E. 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N.E. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a special permit to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department preliminary report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on April 30, 1981 . PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report , examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows : The hearing was opened on May 5 , 1981 at 9:23 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department preliminary report. Roger Blaylock, Associate Planner, presented the report and entered the following exhibits into the record: Exhibit #1 : Application File containing Planning Department report and other pertinent documents Exhibit #2: Site Plan and Elevation Drawing Packet Exhibit #3: Site Plan with staff comments The Examiner referenced an agreement to grant easement contained in the yellow file, and requested clarification of Condition No. 7 which states that the agreement shall become void 180 days from April 21 , 1981 , and all sums paid are forfeited. He noted that the emergency access on the easement would be required in perpetuity, and the applicant may wish to address the matter in later testimony. The Examiner also requested clarification of the Engineering Division staff comment which requires the applicant to identify methods of sewer service to the area. Mr. Blaylock explained that sewer connection is not immediately available adjacent to the property, and design for sewer construction and connection should be included in the street plans for N.E. 16th Street . The Examiner requested testimony by the applicant. Responding was: Cindy McLaughlin Stonebridge Company 10655 N.E. 4th, Suite 800 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ms. McLaughlin concurred in the Planning Department recommendations contained in the staff report . Responding to earlier testimony regarding the easement agreement, she advised that the Stonebridge Company, as the developer, not the owner, of the property, has applied for financing for the project, but if funding is not received within 180 days , the property will not be developed by the company and the agreement shall become void. Further discussion was held regarding the wording of Condition No. 7, and it was agreed that the language would be clarified in a new agreement to assure that the easement would be granted permanently. Responding to the Examiner's inquiry regarding potential problems in extension of sewers to the site, Ms. McLaughlin indicated that connection would pose no problems. The Examiner inquired regarding sufficiency of parking for the site since N.E. 16th Street is a narrow road and would not be available for off-site parking. Ms. McLaughlin indicated her understanding that the matter would be addressed by the Traffic Engineering Division upon application for a building permit. SP-025-81 Page Two The Examiner requested further testimony in support or opposition to the proposal . There was no response. He then invited final comments from the Planning Department staff. Mr. . Blaylock clarified that approval of the rezone had been conditioned upon improvement of N.E. 16th Street to city standards. Since there were no further comments , the hearing regarding File No. SP-025-81 was closed by the Examiner at 9:42 a.m. FINDINGS , CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS : Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS : 1 . The request is for approval of a special permit to allow the construction of a 30- unit townhouse on +3. 16 acres currently zoned R-2 (Duplex Residential) . 2. The application file containing the application, SEPA documentation, the Planning Department report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1 . 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , R.C.W. 43.21 .C. , as amended, a Declaration of Non-Significance has been issued for the subject proposal by the Environmental Review Committee, responsible official . 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development . 5. The subject property is located at the east end of N. E. 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N. E. 6. The undeveloped site is generally level with a slight slope to the northeast. While some of the site is cleared, the remainder of the site is covered with a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees. 7. The subject property was annexed into the city in February, 1980. The site was originally zoned G (General ; Single Family Residential ; Minimum lot size - 35,000 square feet) but was reclassified to its current R-2 classification in March, 1981 by Ordinance No. 3520. 8. Development in the area is a mix of duplex residential and single family. East of the site is undeveloped property and east of this is the Puget Sound Power and Light Company transmission line. Further east is the Honey Creek Subdivision. 9. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject property is located as suitable for the development of low and medium density multifamily development. 10. Immediately to the south of the site there is an R-3 (Medium Density Multifamily) zone. A large R-2 zone is located west of the subject site and within the R-2 zone is the P-1 (Public/Quasi Public) zone containing the Hillcrest Elementary School and the North Highlands Park. There are some scattered one and two lot R-3 districts west of the subject site. Just north and east the zoning in King County is suburban residential , a single family designation. 11 . N.E. 16th Street deadends in the vicinity of the subject site and is poorly graded and improved. If N. E. 16th were extended directly eastward, it would intersect N.E. 17th Street which currently is an unopened street right-of-way serving the Honey Creek development. 12. The property directly east of the subject site within King County is zoned for residential purposes , but is deprived of access onto a public right-of-way from either the City of Renton or the county. 13. The applicant proposes constructing a 30-unit townhouse complex on the subject site pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-708(3) . This provision permits the establishment of less than 11 townhouse units after approval of a special permit by the Hearing Examiner and subsequent approval of same by the City Council . 14. The applicant proposes eight buildings containing a variety of units, including some units with three and four bedrooms. There will be two units proposed for handicapped persons. The proposal will increase the population by a potential 75 residents (2.5 people per unit) ; increase the school age population by eight students ( .25 students per unit) ; and increase the daily traffic count by about 162 trips (5.4 trips per unit) . SF-ui5-81 Page Three 15. A 15-foot landscape buffer is required on the east to separate the duplex zoned property from the single family zoning district on the east. 16. The Police and Fire Departments have required a secondary emergency access which will be provided from the north. The applicant has acquired an easement for such access but the language of that easement causes it to terminate within 180 days of April 21 , 1981 . In addition, the Planning and Public Works Departments have recommended that access to the landlocked easterly property be provided by the dedication of a 50-foot wide right-of-way along the westerly property line and a 25-foot dedication along the northerly property line and improvement of such right-of-ways to city standards. The 50-foot roadway would also provide a link to the emergency access easement. 17. The applicant will have to submit plans for providing sanitary sewer service to the subject site. 18. The applicant proposes providing 45 parking spaces as required by the Parking and Loading Ordinance. There is limited on-street parking in the vicinity of the subject site. The access streets will eventually deadend in the vicinity of the subject site. 19. The applicant has submitted a conceptual landscaping plan for the subject site. The plan would supplement the required 15-foot buffer along the east property line. CONCLUSIONS: 1 . The subject proposal appears to serve the public use and interest. It is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the area for low and medium density multifamily uses. The proposal will create 30 new residential opportunities in the city and will increase the tax base of the city. Services• in the form of water and sewer mains are available and have the capacity to carry the load generated by the proposal . The applicant will have to provide plans for the proposed method of tying the proposal 's sewer line into the city system. 2. The applicant will have to improve N.E. 16th Street which provides the primary access to the subject site. N.E. 16th is currently in disrepair and must be paved; and curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street lighting at a minimum must be installed. Similarly, the applicant will have to provide a north/south street along the western edge of the subject site to provide secondary emergency access to the site. This street would also provide a method of access via an additional east/west road along the northern boundary of the subject site to the landlocked property east of the subject site. These roads will also have to be improved to city standards. 3. The applicant has acquired an easement to tie the subject property to N.E. 18th Street. The easement will provide for the secondary emergency access to the subject site. The language of that easement will have to be redrafted to provide a perpetual easement in favor of the subject site. 4. The landscaping plan submitted by the applicant appears to meet the requirements of the Parking and Loading Ordinance. The landscape buffer along the east property boundary also appears to provide a sufficient separation of the subject site and its multifamily developments from the single family zoning potential located just east. These plans should be approved by the city's landscape architect. 5. The 'deadend access to the subject property and the property to the east provides very little potential for on-street parking. Therefore, the applicant should increase the number of parking stalls to two per unit for a total of 60 parking spaces. This will tend to lessen the potential impact of traffic and circulation problems on the low density uses currently located west on N.E. 16th and the single family area to the east. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the special permit to allow the construction of a 30-unit townhouse complex on the subject site subject to the following conditions: 1 . The provision by easement or other means of a secondary access to the subject site. Such access must run in favor of the subject property and must be perpetual ; and such access shall be graveled or subject to such other conditions as approved by the Fire and Police Departments. 2. The approval of the general landscape plan and the 15-foot landscape buffer along the east property line by the city's landscape architects. • SP-025-81 .. Page Four 3. The provision of 60 parking spaces on site. 4. The dedication of a 50-foot right-of-way along the western property line. 5. The dedication of a 25-foot right-of-way along the northern property line. 6. The improvement, including but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving and street lighting of the 50-foot right-of-way (Condition No. 4) , the 25-foot right-of-way (Condition No. 5) , and N.E. 16th Street, the primary access. ORDERED THIS 13th day of May, 1981 . Fred J. Ka an Land Use He ing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 13th day of May, 1981 by Affidavit of Mailing to the party of record: Cindy McLaughlin, Stonebridge Co. , 10655 N.E. 4th, Suite 800, Bellevue, WA 98004 TRANSMITTED THIS 13th day of May, 1981 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Acting Public Works Director David Clemens, Acting Planning Director Michael Porter, Planning Commission Chairman Barbara Schellert, Planning Commissioner Ron Nelson, Building Official Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before May 27, 1981 . Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements . Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall , or same may be purchased at cost in said department. . ,, -, 1 i 1 Mit 12- :';'11 i wen . LC Ali _ _ ! 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' Eh or tr,„ lik i :...01 , , !I Wm 11 Mit&ante nia'ai MI di 11114 ,,' !:71erk_int_,==.7z...nimmanimmiiii— it 111.,.," lie 0 , :.4.-4 etli Et g innivinne ihiiii ikepArS . . sivq-Asite FEE .. .'. itz ie A te, 'Ate VII 11111111 Pkill ill na:41 11 1 . . .1.1 ar,,,aorni.iiiii 0 , keor- q -13 ills- ial MEM 111"Pu -: 0. ry vie .- - xi..f.'‘.4• .- 7-1.ifi - k*.•••:-.4b ''' t• . ma.;ttera.Za.7.7-w.411.7dr.GI_Atibb‘.w.:46141- 2: -A STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) SP-025-81 • APPLICANT STONEBRIDGE COMPANY TOTAL AREA ±3. 16 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via N .E. 16th Street EXISTING ZONING R-2 , Residence Multiple Family EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE 30-Unit Townhouse Apartment Complex COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Low and Medium Density Multiple Family • COMMENTS • • . . . . • • • - • . • . 411 Mr. Roger Blaylock Renton Planning Dept. RE; S tOUlk1r#ddq*i r Special Permit Application April , 1981 414 #P" * STONEORIDGE COMPANY A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I , 10655 N.E. 4TH - SUITE BOO BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 90004 12061 455-13B44 April 30 , 1981 Renton Fire Department Att: Jim Mathews RE: Dual Emergency Viechle Access - Pine Ridge Apartment Proposal Malesis Property - 240 ft. East of NE 16th & Kirkland Ave. Int. Dear Mr. Mathews, The attached preliminary easement agreement will serve as evidence that Stonebridge Company has acquired proper dual access to service our proposed Pine Ridge Apartment proposal per the pertinent City of Renton fire codes. Please refer to the attached correspondence to the ORB Or- ganization, a firm partially responsible forlproject financing and review, which delineates our intent with regards to this easement situation. All access routes will be improved to city codes and specifications. If there are any difficulties with regards to proceeding on this basis please call Stonebridge Company (455-0844) with comment. We believe we have anticipated the ordinance correctly and accomadated its intent. Thanks for your time and consideration. Please keep this on . file for future reference as the project gets closer to building permit application. Sincerely, Stonebridge Company, a limited partnership Len Brannen • STONEBRIDGE COMPANY A I IMIILN F•A171 NI Nfl11 I' IUfk' N.E. 4r17 •- tiunC fIUll ULLLCVIIL. WAL IIIN(ITON 9111)1)4 12(l61 49.',•11U44 • April 21, 1981 The ORB Organization Attention: Mr. Hansen • • Suite 510 Evergreen Building Renton , WA 98055 • • RE: Dual Emergency Vehicle Access - Renton Turnkey Site Proposed 30 Unit Family Townhouse Pine Ridge Apartments Dear Mr. Hanson : • • Per your recent request, we have accomodated the need for dual emergency vehicle access to our 16th Street turnkey project pro- posal. In the event of fire or other emergency situations, as. the recently revised Renton fire code mandates, emergency vehicles now have two routes into the Pine Ridge Project. The code requires that an alternate 20 ft. wide improved access be provided into the site area. The improvements must insure that • . emergency vehicles weighing up to 45 ,000 pounds will have safe ,ready access to the project area. Stonebridge Company has contacted the current owners of tax lots • 131 and 143, which lie immediately North of the subject property, about the acquisition of ingress/egress easements running North and South along their westerly property line. As verified by the attached responses, by those current owners, the right of way will be ,granted. This easement road will be designated for emergency . vehicle access only and otherwise will be chained 'off to other un- related traffic. A legal agreement is being prepared by Stonebridge Company and upon mutual s.ignatures 'will be notarized and filed as evidence of the establishment of this easement. Stonebridge Company intends, upon forwarding of this proposal by the Renton Housing Autho- rity, to begin the process of legally recording the casement right. A reasonable mutually agreeable compensation has been worked out between Stonebridge Company and the referred to property owners. The names, mailing address and phone numbers are listed below 'so Housing Authority personel can check the validity of the attached corres- pondences. Mr. Hansen April 21, 1981 . Page 2 Tax Lot 143 George and Yvonne Lucker, a trustee 042305-9143-03 4137 94th SE • Mercer Island, WA 98040 232-8245 Tax Lot 131 William A. Looney 042305-9131-07 P.O. Box 66098 Seattle, WA 98166 829-1149 The cast-west connector drive of 18th Street NE is a public right of way and can be utilized for this purpose. Thus what has been established is a loop road which will. accomodate the dual access mandate outlined by the Renton Fire Code. (Please refer to the shaded sketch attached) Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and we hope your concerns have been alleviated. , Feel free to call at any time if you have additional questions. Sincerely , Stonebridge Company . a Limited partnership Len Brannen • LB:csm enclosures • i r AGREEMENT TO (;RANT EASEMENT TO: Slonehridl;e Co.. 10655 NE 4th Suite 800 Bellevue, WA 98004 Attn : Mr. Len l3rannen RE: Pine Ridge Turnkey Project. Renton Housing Authority For a mutually agreeable consideration, the undersigned agree to grant casemcnt4 for underground utilities and emergency vehicle use only, over and across the Westerly 20 feet of Tax Lots 131, and. 143, in Section 4 , Township 23 N, Range 5, King County, Washington, to the Stunebridge. Co. , Developer, for the sole purpose for the (level- opement of the Pine Ridge Turnkey Project . This agreement is subject to the following conditions : 1. All costs in connection with construction of improvements in the easements shall be at. the sole expense of the Devel- oper. 2 . The Grantors, and or their assigns shall be granted full use at no cost in the future of any utilities in said easements . I . The emergency roadway shall be improved with asphalt paving for its full width. • 9 • 4 . The easements shall not be encumbered by the Developer. S . The Developer shall pay all legal costs in connection with preparation of easement documents, surveying, and recording. 6. The Developer shall hold the Grantors harmless for any Iiabil- i t l es arising from the Pine Ridge Project and said easements. 7 . . This agreement shall become void 180 days from April 21 , 1981, and all sums paid are forfeited. • k /41 G�nvc William Looney, Owned T. ,. 131 Yvni,i,�. 9 .. • • • • In Ott 13 RIM?MAIM tr a1••tatiN 1/Wally' ms:a ti'111t1 d111101 C44'IMO II 1r I 0Ct4111 de...9•D.. • - l1B�� •,��, 2 1'11 er `►+c$�nlr y S t A 1. 1 .Il� ar t I tt ,/. . ` ,PIP" 1 .. I 1 • +-i. • ,l y , / 4" La 11 0: k ,� ?/ ,I I ® 6 •• am i r a, p� , •a• , • • i•a 0 •� i, .•,• { ° itaa(y L. • �,i ,m I • tut, \ • �•I 1 / / ,\, \ ' •4. lard dbi' a..1.,•,. •I'•y;• t..'il� I �. • ,.v , I • .• Ai/IA. 9 I 1 • to be in prcwl\1 c`nk'L1 1: e • k aca,;;�; ;casc�ilx11if'-.20ft, width . 11 •1 1 1 , 1, .1,i1/ 11 11 (9) • • a i i ! • a.4 .�... A I •._ �.'a 1. .mar • a�a I ' i41i tax lot 143I t • Inckcr c•r • ,,,ol rt7.---.,;-7-----r...-r-...------ 4I ...• ( I `. J 1>1'lil(�`rI).](? What1 , r• m 1 ]i1C' Ridge • I 111i 116cy 'ro:o7u '4 o .117�1 • _ d , zsae.. 1.‘ . . l' „0 1 1 • 1 I .1 t1 1.o ' , ,� • C GI m• di '• . 'I . ,•.Ir ,,••a ° J .r., 1. 6• a _-t�_ _ __ • .a. !• 7 HI �•, la ' I pi, I ' •.8 .a•,.g ° i • ��• •. r.••.a, - .... IG3dl M P 'Y r� 1 ® 4•aP I L. a* .011 i II d• J • •:.: . . . ♦ • •.I➢1.1.',•/'.e 0—.-u.r'.,\ r I I 1 ,,.®`` f i • 1 \!mow J • ��yy v + . ��' 4 A I tJ • ar! ra• • Ira i l ! I.. f 4 I'a,l ''I I I ll tD a are. ' a `a I ; r. •11 I ae ,. i. • . • �I ". l It ' •,J• 1 d,• V m 111., PI • t I I • 1.1 a 11 • '. • �r a a I .4 1 e • r; I • I • I 1 t ,r r • i ' � ma ,a.!a1 /al• P1 / I • .. g •.•pill It .I I �W 1 b8 1 + r /7/4 .k. / • . a -; 11 rr;v 1 . U y9�� 1 ,, Affidavit of Publicatio i� ..--•.�;. Public Noce NOTICE OF l''` - PUBLIC HEARING �,� �-t RENTON LAND USE STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. .k, Q� _= HEARING EXAMINER COUNTY OF KING - _ __ RENTON,WASHINGTON ' A public hearing will be held by the Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner at Ns Michele Sp aul ding regular meeting in the Coun- being first duly sworn on d Chambers,City Hal,Re- nton, Washington, on 2.7. 1981, at 9:00 oath,deposes and says that she is the CHI of Clerk of Jowly a.m to consider the following THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been petitions: SOUTH COUNTY for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, RADIO printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper Appl qon for condition- published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is al use permit to Testate now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the two mdio broadcasting aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Daily Record towers(150 feet tail)and Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior s transmitter building Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, for a new radio , File CU-115-80;property Washington.That the annexed is a Notice of Hearing located on the northeast corner of S.E.44th Street ' R6325 and 103rd Avenue S.E. (extended). 2. SEVENTH AVENUE CORPORATION ("THE as it was published in regular issues(and 650 BUILDING") not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Application for site ap- proval. File SA-126-80, to allow construction of of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the 88,000 sq.( )�m office e buNdlnp in the M-P zone 11 January 61 witfhpealtkhgfor 440vehi- day of ,19 ,and ending the :property located In the vithtnity of 650 S.W. 7th Street. day of ,19 both dates 3' LAZZETTUMALESIS inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- (S T O N E B R I D G E scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee COMPANY) Applta lion for rezone from G tD R-2,file R-127- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of 31.63 which 80,to dew use esmulti- has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the family resldentiai apart- first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent merit complex; the ap- insertion. proximate 3.18 acre par- ,i. c� col M located east of J/ .... �{ n L leldind Avenue N.E. at f¢ :: � ��� N.E.18th! 4.L EROY 71 BONWEN Chief Clerk +4ot short plat approval, file 138.60; an i request for Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 4- day of waiver of off-site Irn- psr emanta, file W-002- 81:Jaeauary , 19 81 the r de property b`of ant . Grady Way between Thomas Avenue 'S.W. , :Z. 5. '.- — C: ' arMdLind Avor.uo a.W. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, L+a�l descriptions ci files residing at KrtutbK-ipg_County. narrative h iUZSt''iill Revlon'Planning Depart- _ - - _ ------- -- merit. Ni —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June lull persons to 9th, 1955. acid pa�lions d ions are invited to be poem at the public —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, heartttp- on 'I a.m.ty ex- i adopted by the newspapers of the State. 1aY1" at �00 am. to ex I paid AoYnp David R.Clemens PttbMefndp in the Dully Re- cord Chror;'cis Jon. 11. 1001.RIPPaii V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 '" PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE mrA,RING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MAY 5, 1981 APPLICANT: STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (Louis Malesis) FILE NUMBER: SP-025-81 • A. SUMMARY & FURPOS OF I +r1EST: The applicant ,seeks approval of a Special Permit to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: , 1 . Owner of Record: Louis Malesis 2. Applicant: Lazzetti-Malesis Stonebridge Company 3. -Location: (Vicinity Map Attached) East end of N.E. 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N.E. 4 . Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Planning .Department. 5. Size of Property: +3. 16 acres 6. Access : Via N.E. 16th Street 7. Existing Zoning: R-2, Residence Multiple Family; minimum lot size 7,200 square feet 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: R-2, Residence Two-Family, minimum lot size 7,200 square feet; R-3, Residence Multiple Family, minimum lot size 5,000 square feet; P-1 , Public Use District ; SR, Suburban Residential (King County Zoning) . 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Low Density Multiple Family; Medium Density Multiple Family 10. Notification: The applicant was notified in•writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on April 20, 1981 and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on April 17, 1981 . • PLANNING DEPARTMENT t , PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER • PUBLIC HEARING: MAY 5 981 STONEBRIGE COMPANY: FILE NO. SP-025-81 PAGE TWO C. ;:;ICSTORY/BW GRODD : The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 3401 of February 20, 1980. It was rezoned from "G" to R-2 by Ordinance No. 3520 of March 20, 1981 . D. pPvYSICAL IACKGmtfuND: 1 . Topography: The subject site is relatively level with a slight slope to the northeast. 2. Soils: Indianola Loamy Fine Sand (InC) . Permeability is rapid; available water capacity is moderate; runoff is slow to medium; and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for timber and for urban development. 3. Vegetation: The subject site consists<- of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees , although a portion has been cleared. 4. Wildlife: The existing vegetation provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. • 5. Water: No surface water was observed on the subject site (April 17, 1981 ) . 6. Land Use: The subject site is presently undeveloped as is the land to the east. Properties -to the . north and south contain existing duplexes. Develop- ment to the west is single family residences. E. EI :I:Or:,OOD CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding properties are a combination of some low density multiple family, single family, and undeveloped uses. F. PUBLIC Sr '"\-ICES: 1 . Water and Sewer: A 6-inch water main extends east-west on N.E. 18th Street, and an 8-inch main runs north-south . on Kirkland Avenue N.E. An 8-inch sanitary sewer is also located on Kirkland Avenue N.E. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the Renton Fire Depart- ment as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: Metro Transit is available in close proximity to the area along the major arterials (Route Nos. 107 , 108, and 240) . 4. Schools : Hillcrest Elementary School is within one-fourth mile to the west of the subject site, while McKnight Middle School is approximately the same distance to the southwest, and Hazen High ' • School is approximately one and a half miles to the east. 5. Recreation: The North Highlands Park is within one-fourth mile to the west of the property, while Kennydale Lions .Park is approximately one mile to the northwest. The Hillcrest School facilities also provide certain open space and recreation for the area. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPOF '0 THE HEARING EXAMINER . PUBLIC HEARING: 5, 1981 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY: FILE NO. SP-025-81 PAGE THREE • G. \ PLIC'kTLE SCIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: • 1 . Section 4-708, R-2, Residence Two Family H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS IF THE cump.. AluwsruE PLAN OR OTHER . OFFICIAL CITY ;ANT: • 1 . Land Use Report, 1965 , Residential, Page 11 , and Objectives 4 and 6, Pages 17 - 18. 2. Policies' Element, Comprehensive Plan, 1981 , 4 .C5 and 8, Page 9. I. IMPACT ON THE NATURAL Cr I:( FIi' N Alt; OIVIAINN V: 1 . Natural Systems : Development of the subject site will remove the vegetation, disturb the soils, increase storm water runoff, and have an effect on traffic and noise levels in the area. Through proper development controls and procedures , however, many of these impacts can be mitigated. 2. Population/Employment: Development of the subject site to the maximum permitted in the R-2 zone would result in a population increase of approximately 75 persons (2. 5 persons/unit x 30 .units) . 3. . Schools : School population would increase by approxi- mately eight students with a 30-unit development. 4 . Social: Increased opportunities for social interaction would result for the residents of . the new housing. 5. Traffic : , Approximately 162 additional vehicle trips per. day can be expected on N.E. 12th Street with the proposed development (5.4 trips per unit x 30 units) . This represents a 3 percent increase over present levels on the' nearest street for which traffic counts are available (N.E. 12th Street) . J. ENVImoxilooTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESwOLD DETERMINATION: • Pursuant to the City of Renton' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, the Environmental Review Committee issued a final declaration of non-significance for the subject proposal on April 20, 1981 . K. ICI /DEPA!" I mp:1!oTS CONTACTED: 1 . City of Renton Building Division. 2. City of Renton Engineering Division. 3. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4 . City of Renton Utilities Division. 5. City of Renton Fire Department. L. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1 ._ The subject proposal is consistent with the R-2 zoning and the Comprehensive Plan designations of low and medium density multiple family for the subject site. The proposed townhouse units and installation of a 15-foot landscape/screening buffer should provide a reasonable transition from the subject multiple family area to the single family residential area east of the property. / PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING: MA,. �, 1981 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY: FILE NO. SP-025-81 • PAGE FOUR 2. The proposed development is consistent with the setback requirements and lot coverage limits of the R-2 zone and is compatible with the require- ' ments of Section 4-708 (3) . 3. Parking required for the proposal is 45 stalls. Forty-five stalls have been provided (including two handicapped) . • 4. The access/circulation system as proposed is generally adequate. Concern has been expressed by the Police Department, however, for an additional emergency access. 5. Roadway improvements consisting of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street lighting will be required on N.E. 16th Street as per Traffic Engineering and Engineering Division' s comments. 6. As determined by the Environmental Review Committee, the applicant will supply the following as conditions for a declaration of non-significance. (1 ) The proposal will provide a dedication of a 25-feet wide street right-of-way along its northern property line, which will provide access to the property lying east of the proposal. (2) The proposal will provide a constructed street on a 50-feet wide dedication along the western property line north of N.E. 16th ' Street. Due to these requirements , the site plan will have to be altered (the location of Building No. 1 will require adjustment) in order to meet the setback requirements of the R-2 zone. 7. Storm water retention/detention will be required as per Engineering Division comment. In addition the applicant needs to identify the method of service for sewers in the area. 8. The Utilities Engineering Division advises that approved utility plans are required and that the proposal is subject to all applicable fees. 9. The Fire Department indicates that a preconstruction conference with the Fire Marshall will be necessary. 10. The Police Department has expressed some concerns regarding potential vandalism a-nd nuisance during future construction. A number of preventive measures are recommended. See memorandum for details. 11 . A conceptual landscaping plan has been submitted with the applicant ' s proposal. It appears generally to meet the intent of the Parking and Loading Ordinance requirements and the 15-feet buffer along the east property line as required by the Hearing Examiner in R-127-80. A more detailed plan must be submitted to the Building Department, however, for approval by the City's Landscape Architect. YLHLVLV11V17 LPrSLi1[11LLi1V1 PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING: ' 5, 1981 . STONEBRIDGE COMPP FILE NO. SP-025-81 PAGE FIVE M. DEPARIDECHTAL REC'ONEENDATIONIS Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended to approve the Special Permit request subject to the satisfaction of items L-5 through L-11 . Iffi=W'_, MW •I RV ! r J � � ___\Ng I !A , I , ' Z,4 Z34 2 25 NH .re ' „t-,J. jii. — ldii i es111 ■ 4 I s 9 ••�S•my D,� / i i�" e '1 ides "L . ! °� ' , r—a'ill sy. . 0 ,� 1if milli Z62 253 °'°' f! > _ 1 i.. a��, I SO.Wire �. •pike .' , . im..0.4„). .,, , .. :. is 0- if g rim im zo '52' 245�`n a ..ao iE.!#L ryieMa 0 ar :moilill d Q = n� I ®o'd�.. ■ r- .,., i MI 1 . / IIIIIP 1,1 st,sICI zoo III>I•��q+ ZOO ���� 9 r �a. tj* Itli- / ��a mirth imimmum,gfah ) _ W ye S ea 14 I ,/qr/ .jrj." �� ', 1, :G 9ik, Irkfl4i ' I zfrtirlrztV4 . kx � �,�'!fl Ii,ra�Ti"itM^. j �-' � � ��.✓�� "FI b�e .I�'yAi ..... «.. , ; 1 t i Qf�:;e ZI4 i^' «i,,„1, ,Nit, � v f'�.I/g, .I. 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TY 4 --- - AI � � �°ei©eideme slisE `k x ". .,..: •i�.�iu�..;f. a,�1""5� 4 ��'t �'.�:,'^', '�.? ._- lii ".,_._ ..� _ fla�R +,` ^� I�����f;.�d 3 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) SP-025-81 1 • i r; STONEBRIDGE COMPANY ±3 . 16 acres APPLICANT TOTAL AREA PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via N .E. 16th Street EXISTING ZONING R-2 , Residence Multiple Family EXISTING USE Undeveloped PROPOSED USE 30-Unit Townhouse Apartment Complex COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Low and Medium Density Multiple Family COMMENTS • • �A J L Li - LEicpu5TRy. --,. �5077._ .4, EA R �' Hi -� �1: o t �� . ._ L,0 , , ,FR.,-'Ki : _1 mUig ... caw ,5,4j____zLig_. , ,, mWr M MNI5 NY_ . C,Mr- A EA-11 Ji 6- F.' 14; ...ut.c,..11p ii'y M y • P. �o"Q L • PLA3Li' >� 1 . 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'1 � 4„t' ,./j,q`liO.x—,,'# ,yje1.'�it� N. ..tl► F .,.. 4,5,,41-, p -, `4' °'1. .� '+.,_2 ' 'ir;ridey rr,,, 0414L 0',F;g a t * .�. ® '1 d V 1• "'tr,tw$;.y'� Ff. 4 r.� k "y� 17 ry fi.. 1� �,�' 4 `-.,'R 'xiu' N ` , '-7 .r 'Faiii?t r rfa[ {..a 3 >s.'e' �4C;, �'i"4,sa p 'St 3Wgr''"t < 4 4c ' �'�'',. �ys� hp { t ,'r. ,2y..+•,z. k;,w. o' ri.„ a. • 'E} `,-,' '�znM'...r.s:.:..x7" x A * .:,..f Al „ '� - o,.I' 4` ^ a 5 w v e 7 Vi1 0/ 1 701 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: ' C S ® % 9 Q, ggqq i ,�,pC�y Q;� A'�• ^^yy{ i �1�}jf�� / ,,pp�� p�,+q} (�}� D ��jj®� 'ammo_�4 pY,ppz ,q � �,L'+ .4 •�ry, �t '�� it cquog ---0 emea lY'.i�'A J,�{„� ewe% �^" gg°,"�V� ,'@8 IV r '.�... `may,,6$ i (rp' V Locat__on: � �' � o "' W Applicant. . I '. . r r z e t pary90 'j TO: Lj Pub1 i c Works Department Ej Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: ' egiA Traf ic- Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 176 ti"lities Eng. Division 'Fire Department Parks Department Building Department Police Department Others: ' COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ) jeef- El Approved ;1 approved with Conditions E] Not Approved ALL ex-xec= 57 cs — C �, DATE: i/ile/ Signatu of Director or utho ized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ®Approved 'Approved with Conditions ®Not Approved * eitott. _ Arryt4 17)-1"-- DATE: 3/ 4i Signature Director or Authorized Representative RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: C 'CI A fp,' S®g rot s® gym® Locat-_on: d a �'.-~ i J` ytv Applicant: � e pale ;' 0 .ipaf� y6eack,,A dz~c /J LQ; :Public Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 4/f" ®Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: f1 {,� ®Utilities Eng. Division ®Fire Department Parks,A partment t✓Building Department • Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. OT 5)117181 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: ( LJ) ( :\ y Approved 0 Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved -7 G .�t/ to/=. C_0 Af X.)1, (771 O-t) DATE: - S ign 6i'e of Director or authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: DApproved ElApproved with Conditions ®Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Revision 3/1981 RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: " `� �:! (,,, o' r m' I' ©. /..„: 01, M 'J�1� Jw ,} 6/C{r.t� meet Cz�2a -'A+?'�'J�iN1— ato F""" O e L6fl. " # � 7 /and 4i Locate-on: m � ,� ®� � m ����" f�'� givo Applicant e. yr) xt3:tic ; °; /4 /r, x' ` ) TQ: DPublic Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: 3 D Traffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 1 " '' Utilities Eng. Division El Fire Department ®Parks Department J B i Ming Department k-17 - Police Department ®Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P.M. ON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: POLICE Approved El Approved with Conditions fl Not Approved !e attached sheet • Li i��G R_ r ss n DATE:�P c 3/13/81 _. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Approved ®Approved with Conditions D Not Approved DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative . . aialai RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: ge7i,i , Pk*- fil" . er .#5P- fs,7s--;% i I i4c.' i ).-- , pp ea va kit)011-247?mot et - enDsOT tiVAI e IA A- cazzooe- Locatlon: -.e , (4 A49,a-' ,te,' . e$7?'of ' . nd i i ffi(Ye. - ve Applicant: 64ghlen6 / e 1 -:ACAEly c'et, /9 TO: Dublic Works Department Engineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE: SI _.... _ FTYraffic Eng. Division SCHEDULED HEARING DATE: 9/ Utilities Eng. Division Dire Department • 0 Parks Department El Building Department 0 Police Department 0 Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P .M. 01 17/121 --- REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: /.0 .4-./ F/ /V C,/.///6-,4-74//1( — ['Approved Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved . , /, 'Mai //„.„; / L-/—: ',/ A/c ,---- , ". //,'," _- : ,--/ (i)-• ,,f;':-`t% ) /- --,'• 3- .9'- 7 //u/(/, /i.,/ A/-17 /6Y/12 c, /, //,',-, I i a _ DA fE: Signature of Di rector or uthori zed Representati ve •REva EWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: 0 Approved 0 Approved with Conditions 0 Not Approved DATE: Si gnature of Director or Authorized Representative , alabq RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Application: ( • IV AN Q S"c I ) [ c' 's 'r6, Location: epae ie. ireyeetse, o- 3 e x* '' vvc, Applicant: ,_: F me tp i., } p �' F ° -?44..E r" TO: Public iorkS—Department . irlEngineering Division SCHEDULED ERC DATE:` ®Traffic Eng. Division - SCHEDULED HEARING DATE:• `k' ' [Utilities Eng. Division ®Eire Department ®Parks Department Bui 1 di ng Department Police Department Others: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING. PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY 5 :00 P.M. ON 7b1 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION:} Approved Approved with Conditions ® Not Approved 0!/e-tca- /f" 1cct, �L / 04 he_ sc72,-, .-� -rt7N I�PIGGrtnlO f}ND a5+t A Wi ro U Ay\L St, C . fko ie--L.i rr e- DATE: 3,/,, 7d 7 Signature of Director or Authorized Reprtative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: DApproved [ Approved with Conditions :Not Approved • DATE: Signature of Director or Authorized Representative I O1 1!4) ©, . .i ® THE CITY OF -'' NTO tfo.vk MUNICIPAL BUIL''ING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 n .malL = o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR ® POLICE DEPARTMENT ot co. HUGH R.DARBY. CHIEF O'qp,® SEP� �P To: Planning Dept. From: LT. D.R.Persson Re: Stonebridge Company In reviewing the application I find three areas of concern that need to be addressed prior to the approval of the application. #1) Traffic access to the site: The roadway leading into the site should be upgraded from Kirkland to the project site. There should be emergency access to the site from more than one access point. How will this development affect Kirkland Ave. N.E. which is a well traveled roadway already? Can the intersection of Kirkland & N.E. 12 take this additional burden without a signal or some type of improvement to help the traffic flow in the area? #2) Impact on police services: In this particular area I;e are having a problem with vandalism and burglary due to a group of juveniles that live in the area. While this development would improve the quality of the area it would also possibly become a target for this group of juveniles. Thus the police services could be impacted substantially during the construction phase and even after the development is completed. There are several items that could be included in the building of the development that would mitigate this problem and reduce the impact on the police services. They are: (1) pre-wire the ' units for burglar- alarms ,(2) Install dead bolt locks (3) peep holes on all outside doors (4) Properly located outside lighting (5) Large hot.se numbers on each unit (6) 1&3/4"solid core doors #3) Closeness of the site to senior citizens housing: The South edge of the project would border the Evergreen Terrace housing complex and with the bike path & exercise path running around the outside of the complex I believe that the seniors could be bothered by children playing loudly in the E.rea. Thus I would recommend that a fence as well as a screening hedge be placed along the property line that borders the Evergreen Terrace. AL DECLARATION OF NON-SD ?ICANCE Application No (s) : SP-025-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-"02G-81 Description of Proposal: Request for Special Permit approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex • Proponent: STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (Louis Malesis) Location of Proposal: East end of N.E. 16th St, and east of Kirkland Ave. N.E. Lead Agency: Renton Planning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on March 18, 1981 , and again on April 15 , 1981 , following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings • of the ERC on application ECF-026-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: March 12, 1981 2) Applications : SP-025-81 ; R-127-80 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Planning Department. Building Department Police Department Engineering Division Traffic Engineering Division Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined . this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43. 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: 1 ) The proposal will not adversely impact adjacent properties. 2) The proposal will provide a dedication of a 25-foot wide .street right-of-way along its northern property line, which will provide access to the property lying east of the proposal. • 3) The proposal will provide a constructed street on a 50-foot wide dedication along the western property line north of N.E. 16th Street. Signatures : )2- 'Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens, Acting Building Director Planning Director Ri hard C. Houghton,-;Acting Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION : April 20, 1981 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: . May 4 , 1981 U O F 1? do ',.f.'4"`w THE CITY OF RENTS N mu .ICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. REV TON,WASH. 98055 C o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR ® PLANNING DEPARTMENT 90 co' 235- 2550 O•9:4TFd SEPTET®�Q • April 20, 1981 Mr. Louis Malesis Stonebridge Company 10655 N. E. 4th Suite 800 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Re: Application for special permit approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex, File No. SP-025-81 ; property located on the east end of N.E. 16th .Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N.E. Dear Mr. Malesis : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on March 9, 1981 . A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for May 5, 1981 , at 9 : 00 a.m. Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing. If you have any further questions, please call the Renton Planning Department, 235-2550, Very truly yours , -F4 3 Roger J. Blaylo k Associate Planner RJB:gh • w CITY OF r ENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING • MAY 5, 1981 AGEND COMMENCING AT 9 : 00 a.m. : COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. SP-025-81 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) Application for special permit approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex; property located on the east lend of N.E. 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N.E. Short Plat MAPLE VALLEY HEIGHTS SHORT PLAT File 033-81 ; Applications for approval of four-lot V-034-81 commercial short plat and variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow two pipestem lots; property located approxi- mately 150 feet west of the northwest corner of Pierce Avenue S.E. and S.E. 6th Street. FPUD-036-81 CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PARK Application for final planned unit develop- ment approval to permit development of 138 dwelling unit single family attached dwellings; property located north of the Bonneville Power Administration/Puget Power powerline corridor, south of the Cedar River, and abutting the east side of the City of Seattle pipeline right- of-way. Short Plat BILL HEATH SHORT PLAT File 039-81 ; Applications for four-lot single family V-040-81 residential short plat, and variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow half-street without curbs and sidewalks; property located at Park Place North, south of North 26th Street. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT ?IIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON MAY 5, 1981 , AT 9: 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1 . STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) Application for special permit approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex, file SP-025-81 ; property located on the east end of N.E. 16th Street and east of Kirkland Ave. N.E. 2. MAPLE VALLEY HEIGHTS SHORT PLAT Applications for approval of four-lot commercial short plat file 033-81 , and variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow two pipestem lots, file V-034-81 ; property located approximately 150 feet west of the northwest corner of Pierce Ave. S.E. and S.E. 6th St. 3. CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PARK Application for final Planned Unit Development approval to permit development of 138 dwelling unit single family attached dwellings , file FEUD-036-81 ; property located north of the Bonneville Power Administration/Puget Power powerline corridor, south of the Cedar River, and abutting the east side of the City of Seattle pipeline right-of-way. 4 . BILL HEATH SHORT PLAT Applications for four-lot single family residential short plat, file 039-81 , and variance from the Sub- division Ordinance to allow half-street without curbs and sidewalks, file V-040-81 ; property located at Park Place north south of North 26th Street. Legal descriptions of files noted above are on file in the Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 5, 1981 , AT 9 : 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: April 20 , 1981 DAVID R. CLEMENS ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , STEVE MUNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in King County, on the 17th day of April. ; 1981 . SIGNED: 4'10 ' %‘001-41€1^— \ �\ ;k '� �, _,_` �`� :`cam . . , i , -4.,,,.';;;?‘... ..,i;Li,,,,.,:t"t4,....,:t.,,i"".',- -.,..' ,i,. .-,. •.,,‘.,-,:...,,,, ••,,i,,,,--.1'. , ..'. i vi. : '?.',.•;;,',I, . ...,,,,„.: ....:--';--, ,,,,,,,_,.,... 0..-.,,, . ,... , ,:...„:, ; Nj . `4.',..,:k.,,,.., ; ...- c.:`;',...-- '''',....,.*, -N'.' '',10. , ,... .% ./4, • , ' ' ,. - ' • ' ,' ! I ; Or; , ••:' .4•'; ''',,i.. , i. ' .. . 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LEGAL ' DESCF,11P110(... , ,,,,i, - '..Li: i. , ,•L [,-1 , '.ht' 1' - IN tItr---H'isY OF RENfON PLANNING DEPARTMENT : . 1 ' ; ;• .; ,, ' • ,-, , • ,, , ii i . ! • , ; i , , , • ' NC) ,, • 1k, . , S POW 7,0 TIFY P1:410PEFIT rf OWNERS OF c 1,.:...-...-'6, ' ', H ' Pc•i -lt-':', i',',,, . ,,,,,,,,j.)':Y,,„. .,,,,, ,..,,,,.. ,i,,,,,,. ..4,,,"' ,A, „vs el ,!:"t, '.,,:4.' 1 ' 1,`,4',,,,,,,,r ,,4,-. j• ,,,i ,-.; ,,,,AW.,,,," ',I•,,,,,•...i ,,,•4' tg ,i''./.',":"4'''''1. ''-`,i, Tel.,, ,:•I''t. ' ,,/: , 4 ,,,-' •?4,..,.. ,vrf'', ' "‘:''':, '..,. ',,, •,t'', ... ,. . . •.,;.k.; : .±-:, 1,1 .., ,,,,, . _..., ,. „ , I TO i... E il-1: ELD u, , A, ,, , 1 . ciN r,iTil :ti,,.41i)UhlgL (oilAMBERS, MUNICIPAL ','711ILDING k, S 41i ; ,,•_' ,i l'I 'I, ,. lot, fiviAy. .5.„, 1.98.i. b L. ,„„li T.,,, ;,,,,,%1NNING AT .. .., :q 00 A M mussameau•so A 6 '''''''i . • 1 - 1, . . L,,,,,,,,..v, r ,co, i ,)tri‘4f,Ailc-r4r, iy.....)?N'ONGI 1 i 1---,: Emi i '‘,.v . vzfit.,,,,, is1;,\Abii. . , ." ,41,144, ,c.r:rj,fattta& ., , 4 -, ', ,..' -4 'q .•' 0, .'•,,•,'' -ILE NO. SP-025-81. , .. 1---1 ,,,..,,,J rit-.2 _ .. . . . . , ,,,,-. : ,. ,.,,„: ,,,,, . _ , 1k: ' '':44* 11 E APP'IIJ ,,,,• , ... ,..,. . . . ,. . , 1,---1 , wAl.,,,,, ..::, _.,...1 : I . L il ,' .4 , . , 1 , ,. , '''''''''' , .!,1:r'', ;,'''''..'''4' •:-'2' '''.''til!' '7''''' ; ''4 , ' '.' ' . i:t.'', 'ci r:7'V)4 ''',',, i'''';:. ''''. .,''''.' '‘.„, .,' '' • '' ' '''' ; (I , I , ' I worammimamairOMENO C,,amasio,m* . , I i FCA i-IUN-714,...tri ORIVJATIO-`:4 CALL 235 250 . 1 ry . : ,. : LI ,,,,, Pfz THIS NID7ICE ik,TOT TO nr,E Fik1V-OVM ,,i• 5 ... , ,0 T ''''01' ln AUTHAZtri7.A.TiOVA . . ii+ !: it illi 1 4 P� 4 ri. " z^ sw �;.. s ice#' � �y ? � '" , + v .� , ,, . '` `� .n k. '' �. „ : ,,: bm z :"at��` � " � `s �' fir. 4Yii,,, . .. .. ¢I: 41 xF .S t 0 i �w. k.{• kf 'x'.t - RO — OSED ACTION SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 30-UNIT TOWNHOUSE APARTMENT COMPLEX, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS FILE NO. SP-025-81 GENERAL LOCATIM A ID OR A , DRESS LOCATED ON THE EAST END OF N.E. 16TH STREET AND EAST OF KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. PERS. NS Z1F 'A Q'- •RIME TAL THE CITY OF RE T ii#,N ENVIRDNIVI, AL REVIEW COMMITTEE E E.R.C.3 HAS DETEt' -‘ ,IN THAT THE RCIP •'`'SLED A7T , ODDES - 1 v :I;DEB ;, T AVES - SIGNIFICANT , ' R ! R :T g ! — ME ,vT8 ENVORONMENTAL dM` CT T' TEMENTS 0n 1, L way , E R Ul AN RRE L OF THE ABOVE ETERM! ATE N MAY BE FILE it WITH T E RENT et'N HEARING EXA, ! B ®$ MAY , 1981. m i FOR FURTHER I ATION CONTACT THE. CITY F RE' = A . RLA I' G DEPA"' , ,.-',ENT 235-2560 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT UT PROPER AUTHORIZATION NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a final declara- tion of non-significance for the following projects: 1. BROADACRES, INC. (ECF-032-81) Application for special permit for excavation (10,000 cubic yards) and grading to allow development of training track (20,000 cubic yards) for race horses and construction of pathway within existing barn area for access from barns to training track, file SP-031-81; property located on the northwest corner, north parking lot , and southeast barn area parking lot of Longacres Racetrack facility. 2. CITY OF RENTON (ECF-038-81) Application for environmental review of Adult Entertain- ment Land Use Ordinance The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has furhter issued a final declaration of non-significance for the following projects, subject to conditions: 1. NORTHWEST COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY (AUSTIN COMPANY) (ECF-602-80) Application for site approval for four two-story office building complexes, file SA-092-80; property located on the southwest corner of S.W. Lind Ave. and S.W. 16th St . 2. STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) (ECF-026-81) Application for special permit approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex, file SP-025-81; property located on the east end of N.E. 16th St . and east of Kirkland Ave. N.E. 3. CHAMPION HEIGHTS (LANDMARK ENGINEERING) (ECF-034-81) Application for tentative plat approval of six-lot single family subdivision, file 028-81; property located at No. 26th St. and Pelly Pl. No. Further information regarding these actions is available in the Planning Department , Municipal Building, Renton, Washington , 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by May 4, 1981. Published: April 20, 1981 FINAL DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Alication No (s) : SP-025-81 Environmental Checklist No. : ECF-026-81 Description of Proposal: Request for Special Permit approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex • Proponent: STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (Louis Malesis) Location of Proposal: East end of N.E. 16th St. and east of Kirkland Ave. N.E. Lead Agency: Renton Planning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on March 18, 1981 , and again on April 15 , 1981 , following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department. Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-026-81 are the following: 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet, prepared by: Steve Munson DATED: March 12, 1981 2) Applications : SP-025-81 ; R-127-80 3) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance: Planning Department, Building Department Police Department Engineering Division Traffic Engineering Division Acting as the Responsible Official, the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43. 21C. 030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration of environmental non-significance: 1 ) The proposal will not adversely impact adjacent properties. 2) The proposal will provide a dedication of a 25-foot wide street right-of-way along its northern property line, which will provide access to the property lying east of the proposal. 3) The proposal will provide a constructed street on a 50-foot wide dedication along the western property line north of N.E. 16th Street. Signatures : Vigefit 'Ronald G. Nelson David R. Clemens, Acting Building Director Planning Director Ri hard C. Hou hton,i cting Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION: April 20, 1981 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: May 4 , 1981 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 10655 N.E. 4TH - SUITE BD❑ BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 99004 (206) 455-0844 April 1, 1981 The City of Renton - Municipal Building Planning and Building Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Special Permit Approval Request - Revised Site Plan Submittal Appeal Regarding Special Permit Dear Sirs : We have enclosed a revised copy of our originally submitted site plan for the Pine Ridge Apartment proposal. Per the suggestions of Mr. Roger Blaylock, we have left an area along the site plan' s west border from the north to the south which when called for, can become a dedicated easement to the City of Renton to be used for access to bordering acreage. As can be easily recognized, this involves a total area of 50ft.X 162 ft. or 8 ,100 total square feet. We consider this a reason- able sacrifice and quite accomodating to the city planners ' basic concerns. Our useable site area has been significantly reduced, consequently pushing up project density and reducing project open space. To provide east-west access directly through the site area would be contrary to the intent of the "special per- mit" and would certainly hinder the privacy, safety and overall practicality of the development. The proposed route, we feel, tends to preserve the basic character of the site plan yet also provides a route for vehicle traffic from the properties to the east and north. We suspect, as is normative in such decisions, that adjacent property owners will be required to participate on an equal basis. Thank you for reviewing this revised site plan and we hope our attempt to accomodate city concerns is acceptable.. Please call our architect, Charles Morgan and Associates of Everett, should further clarification be required. (1-353-2888) Your efforts and consideration are appreciated. Sincerely, T�9Y _ �t- Stonebridge Company a limited partnership _ egA4 634-t14141"-4,- : 4 Len Brannen LB:csm .V enclosures f'.� NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON , WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a proposed declaration of non-significance for the following projects : 1. STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (Louis Malesis) (ECF-026-81) Application for special permit for approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment Complex ; File No . SP-025-81 ; property located on the east end of N .E . 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N .E . Further information regarding this action is available in the Planning Department , Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550 . Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Hearing Examiner by April 6, 1981 . Published: March 23 , 1981 t 4, i'. , , 71 r;ra " : .,..7 xyy A+: '' b'. '} •to 'r .AY.F t R I= POSED ACTION PROPOSED DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 30-UNIT TOWNHOUSE APARTMENT COMPLEX SUBJECT TO PROVISION OF ACCESS TO THE EAST OF THE SITE FROM THE WEST (SP-025-81) GENERAL LOCATION ANO OR ADDRESS ' EAST END OF N.E. 16TH STREET AND EAST OF KIRKLAND AVENUE N. E. P ratSTED T{ir NOTIFY INTERESTED ERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANTI : a THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRON,. =:r:'ry NTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE C E.R.C. ] HAS DE ,-. . ;,..r°INED THAT THE PROPOSE`•+ ACTION, ®DOES =µ r DES Not HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPA T ON THE ENVIRON- MENTy. `'y ` A:,., ' EI®IVI k-"ONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, DWILL "r ALI. N DT, SE REQUIRED. - AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., APRIL 6. 1981 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 , DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PROPOSED DECLARATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No (s ) : SP-025-81 Environmental Checklist No . : ECF-026-81 Description of Proposal : Request for Special Permit approval to construct a 30-unit townhouse apartment complex Proponet : Stonebridge Company (Louis Malesis) • Location of Proposal : East end of Northeast 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue Northeast Lead Agency: Planning Department This proposal was reviewed by the ERC on March 18 , 1981 , following a presentation by Roger Blaylock of the Planning Department . Incorporated by reference in the record of the proceedings of the ERC on application ECF-U26-81 are the following : 1 ) Environmental Checklist Review Sheet , prepared by : Steve Munson DATED : March 12 , 1981 2 ) Applications : SP-025-81 ; R-127-80 3 ) Recommendations for a declaration of non-significance : A. Planning B . More Information : Traffic Engineering Police Engineering Building Acting as the Responsible Official , the ERC has determined this development does not have significant adverse impact on the environment . An EIS is not required under RCW 43 .21C .030( 2) (c) . This decision was made after review by the lead agency of a complete environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Reasons for declaration 'of environmental non-significance : Will not adversely affect adjacent properties , and subject to provision of public access to the east of the site from the west . Signatures : • /11 Ronald G . Nelson id R . lemens, Acting Building Director Planning Director Zl Li,'L�:( 11 \.J!�._/.{ Li /• 1/,-I' Richard C . Houghton , ,/Acting' Public Works Director DATE OF PUBLICATION : MARCH 23 , 1981 APRIL 6 1981 EXPIRATION OF APPEAL PERIOD: , 1\ Date circulated : ,10/e 0 Comments due : 3/ 7/e/ ENVIIRONMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIEV SHEET ECF - Od6 - $f APPLICATION No (s ) . II �P—Oas Sf n �A PROPONENT : �Ohe'�pPict eC�#vipay( L /Y ' 0ui.5 MaleSis) PROJECT TITLE : 5 /99 ,Ed /y/? /7- ///// cEc Brief Description of Project : P.., t,es7L7 4:044.4i i ei*/4rry,,•71 /OGp rbel- 3Q_cJPII! 710 eiJbtA0use Q,a r/mc441CO/Nidex j h -. 2ovl e LOCATION : C.cyder N /at4 ' S14o1 l��rlah4 rf(rP. SITE AREA : t 3getcre-� BUILDING AREA (gross )4?/ 3p'7‘ DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : �- IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3 ) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : L� 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : UrtetCtte-top¢.Q east : south : .Uuldie-ucS west : t, Land use conflicts : View obstruction : �f 9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : lj� - 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE ) : /4a thes041-71r epS/day n•Illreps/un if XSOun;4) traffic impacts : 14 ) Public services : L------ 15 ) Energy : !ice 16 ) Utilities :17 ) Human health : 18) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : !/ 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : I°KP rov ennai5 44A40. Or eicisinOedn a '1I - 16 4`f. Aid/hA,r'e 4 be_ rrsfed°• Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information_ Reviewed by : 9e(p MUMS0V1 Title : ASSti t Y4,1%vt@{/� Date : 3 1a-1st FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : 34/?/ / Comments due : :3V/748( ENIVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEH SHEET ECF - ®d6 - Q/ APPLICATION No (s) . PROPONENT : 5/emeAJril e' ( Go&IS �Gt/e®yy..$) f PROJECT TITLE : S/ecCb 16-4)�u7- /� I Brief Description of Project : �' IirS77e� a.�Pieeo e'rc'Qfrgeerim .'7 11 eexA SNet OP,/7474ctiy Ito vs esioa.c#P fce valbA' in Aa c2Aera‹. LOCATION': ertdP old .y st ere rA /z Xur. 04,6— SITE AREA: ri 3. ((Oacveg BUILDING AREA (gross) t171 3a60 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR ! MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : L/ 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : . 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings: 13 ) Trip ends ( I TE ) : used of, 3 8 uk;+5 l3 Vett«Lesy-1Ps, traffic impacts : `M-0 ,),nv- L--.pack o v 2.ve-1 1;6 Kok ac 14) Public services :_ 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities: 17) Human health: 18) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation: v� 20) Archeology/history : (� COMMENTS : 0 Recommendation : DNSI v DOS More Information Reviewed by : (.,.zy `• ), :T tle : C , E Date : ti FORM: ERC-06 1 Date circulated : 3//a/19/ Comments due : 3//:17/8/ ENIVIRONMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIE&i SHEET l ECF - O - 9/ APPLICATION No(s ) . $g do ...S-9/ PROPONENT : 510A e.6 ,ife 4.. ,,1Rr( Zel�r'S A 4,-,0.5) PROJECT TITLE : Sitg-e- g -X04/77" Brief Description of Project :�eleoet 'e . ep., cereerbtgroi+e7e ji A€i t'icf �oe.),11 474 un X..0 0, . gsreoe•4.10.ft id/t-A. in c22.0„,.. LOCATION :4 e..."or/fe "-/g&lc:5Y ea s74 egre&rkia4.4 190e. NE"' SITE AREA : 3.14etCve.. BUILDING AREA (gross, �' DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (o) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR ,1 MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes: 4.---' 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 1f 3) Water & water courses : // s , 4) Plant life : c/ \ 5 ) Animal life : cf 6) Noise : cf 7) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north: east : south: west : Land use conflicts : I' View obstruction : . 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : c 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13) Trip ends (ITE ) : r traffic impacts : 14) Public services : I 1,/���,/-eee- ' 15 ) Energy : 16) Utilities: `mac `"a 17) Human health : r/ 18) Aesthetics : 19) Recreation : v 20) Archeology/history : f COMMENTS : Recommendation: DNSI DOS More Information Reviewed by : 4 Title : Date : -3/ /3/P - IL FORM: ERCa06 Date circulated: 3//c7/ / Comments due : R//7/8/ ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF e c9:? - 9l APPLICATION No(s ) . $°do25 8/ PROPONENT: 510AeAni e' c:: Ml/,Err�C Lc0/5 A/e95V.5) PROJECT TITLE : sitga �/�'f/- Brief Description of Project :feefGls'`!@760114eh, eareerbtgrfrofr'L Atem eh'd gD el,117Z744iim Ao .aelo. .01 i,00a t ewebildtoir ,it • zo,rc LOCATION : eQ.�c�0�/fe /� � S'¢ea e7 kr*t i9c . /V SITE AREA : II '3. (ga.Cv'.s BUILDING AREA (gross,) .e17, , 'c g 9 DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5 ) Animal life : 6) Noise : 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north: east : south: west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : • 9) Natural resources : 10) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends CITE) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : X , 15) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health: '\ 18) Aesthetics : • 3c 19) Recreation : rf 20) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : Recommendation : SI DOS More.' Information Reviewed by : ` Title : Date : _/ -( FORM: ERC-06 Date circulated : 73//a/g/ Comments due : :3///7/S/ ENIVIRONMENITAL CHECKLIST REVIEU SHEET ECF - O - 9/ APPLICATION No(s) . S /O?S-8/ PROPONENT : o/: e.ibn scif c a 4.sHiD.t sir( Lei w s O1cr/e'r/.5 PROJECT TITLE : S/ige/ 06 /r /� 1 De Brief Description of Project :��; ,95-re adz 6 . ,,,se//�p'grife7- 1 To etritenief g®e..1i'i.T 4v.v Lav ac„"icr P10,142.ft eekekiid/o.ic j h c22onc. LOCATION : old/r "/6'55' ee,s7` ere A:rA 1 Ale. /f/C"' SITE AREA : 11 -3Aackeil BUILDING AREA (gross ) /7, ..?a„, DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (96) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR ' MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : vf 3) Water & water courses : 4) Plant life : 5) Animal life: 6) Noise : / 7) Light & glare : 8) Land Use ; north : east : south: west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : ✓ 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : ✓ f 13) Trip ends ( ITE) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services : ✓ 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17) Human health: 18) Aesthetics : 19) Recreation : 20) Archeology/history : ✓ COMMENTS : Recommendation : fUJI, c5i_t____ DOS More Information Reviewed by : Title : Lupo Ct,. Date : /2•51 I FORM: ERC-06 i I Date circulated : ,V4W g, Comments due : a/07/$/ ENVIRONIMEINTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - Ddg - 9/ APPLICATION No (s) . S/O 25.-8/ PROPONENT : on e.46i71 4.44,61, r Ice( Zo1175 ® a/e r,/ PROJECT TITLE : S/-ge, -,4301/7" Brief Description of Project :AufGe. dri /01 _ eretails4I'etef74, (o t/C74- R4eJ/°d/.T ' dt/1 egt-frZe 7ct+2 iico—rav sA I Al c° ,2Q4C L0CATI0N :AeK4gP011/ems16 ea sit ere',,i 'ki d4i' ' SITE AREA: ?� 3. (642cvr.s BUILDING AREA (gross) 2V-7, 4? ' DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE , (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR 1\ MAJOR MORE INFO 1)• Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : v 3) Water & water courses 4) Plant life : r/ 5) • Animal life : 6) Noise : / 7) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north east : south : west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : 9) Natural resources : ,,("v 10 ) Risk of upset : v/ 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends (ITE) : traffic impacts : 14) Public services: 15 ) Energy : 16) Utilities: 17) Human health : 18) Aesthetics : 19) Recreation : 20) Archeology/history : ,/' COMMENTS : Recommendation : W/F/ OS More Information Reviewed by : ✓ Title :t7,67 //VS-f/' 3( Date : FORM: ERC-06 !717 Date circulated : —344/a/8/ Comments due : a//7/Sl ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET ECF - O - 8/ APPLICATION No (s ) . SP-O 25-8/ PROPONENT : cJ/0/M e,bn ldf'e 4ir4,Da rt C LG°i'S A/e'S'4S Y PROJECT TITLE : eg�/j4 -„e/i'/T Brief Description of Project :74G.etr7C76a: stli.�e'r6''abegrolowIT f0 ?OA S rlie 3 •CJi7�T 'T�wti yaws acP.cr pirron t cwerr►d4A1 j /a-ZeyC LOCATION : ege erz`' rkAlt s, )9ue. ,4' SITE AREA: ri 3. (CaCve . BUILDING AREA (gross ) 2f7, 3aO; 4;42. DEVELOPMENTAL COVERAGE (%) : IMPACT REVIEW NONE MINOR MAJOR MORE INFO 1 ) Topographic changes : 2 ) Direct/Indirect air quality : 3) Water & water courses : 4 ) Plant life : 5 ) ' Animal life : 6 ) Noise : 7 ) Light & glare : 8 ) Land Use ; north : east : south: west : Land use conflicts : View obstruction : .9 ) Natural resources : 10 ) Risk of upset : 11 ) Population/Employment : 12 ) Number( of Dwellings : 13 ) Trip ends ( ITE) : traffic impacts : xxxx 14) Public services : xxx 15 ) Energy : 16 ) Utilities : 17 ) Human health : xxxxxxx 18 ) Aesthetics : 19 ) Recreation : 20 ) Archeology/history : COMMENTS : See attached sheet. Recommendation : DNSI DOS More Information xxx Reviewed by : L" . Persson Title : Date : 3/13/81 FORM: ERC-06 OF RA,A 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 siUo rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • POLICE DEPARTMENT 90 o HUGH R RBY, CHIEF 0947..�0 SEPA— (%' , �/..� (��1`,� r fi\ I MEMORANDUM ►�d1f��ti �—f To : Planning Dept. �!Vj� �� / From: LT. D.R.Persson Re: Stonebridge Company In reviewing the application I find three areas of concern that need to be addressed prior to the approval of the application. #1) Traffic access to the site: The roadway leading into the site should be upgraded from Kirkland to the project site. There should be emergency access to the site from more than one access point. How will this development, affect Kirkland Ave. N.E. which is a well traveled roadway . already? Can the intersection of Kirkland & N.E. 12 take this additional burden without a signal or some type of improvement to help the traffic flow in the area? #2) Impact on police services: In this particular area we are having a problem with vandalism and burglary due to a group of juveniles that live in the area. While this development would improve the quality of the area it would also possibly become a target for this group of juveniles. Thus the police services could be impacted substantially during the construction phase and even after the development is completed. There are several items that could be included in the building of the development that would mitigate this problem and reduce the impact on the police services. They are: (1) pre-wire the units for burglar alarms (2) Install dead bolt locks (3) peep holes on all outside doors (4) Properly located outside lighting (5) Large house numbers on each unit (6) 1&3/4"solid core doors #3) Closeness of the site to senior citizens housing: The South edge of the project would border the Evergreen Terrace housing complex and with the bike path & exercise path running around the outside of the complex I believe that the seniors could be bothered by children playing loudly in the area. Thus I would recommend that a fence as well as a screening hedge be placed along the property line that borders the Evergreen Terrace. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMM EE JJ APRIL 8, 1981 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10:00 A.M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM PENDING BUSINESS: FRED BOWSER (ECF-642-80; R-135-80) DAVE BEST (ECF-634-80; R-125-80) NORTHWEST COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY (AUSTIN COMPANY) (ECF-602-80; SA-092-80) OLD BUSINESS: ECF-026-81 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS) SP-025-81 The applicant has submitted a proposal to provide access to the land-locked pieces of property to be reviewed by ERC; property located at intersection of N.E. 16th Street and Kirkland Ave- nue N.E. NEW BUSINESS: ECF-645-80 FANCHER FLYWAYS, INC. CU-035-81 Application for conditional use permit to allow construction of aircraft hangar building to consist oft 13 units of the "T" type hangar; property located on the west side of t e airport south of the Control Tower. ECF-031-81 LeROY A. BOWEN R-030-81 Application for rezone G to L-1 to allow construction of 30,000 sq. ft . office building; property located on S.W. 10th Street between Thomas Ave. S.W. and Lind Ave. S.W. ECF-032-81 BROADACRES, INC. SP-031-81 Application for excavation and grading to allow development of training track for race horses and construction of pathway within existing barn area for access from barns to training track; property located on the northwest corner, north parking lot , and southeast barn area parking lot of Longacres Racetrack facility . ECF-034-81 CHAMPION HEIGHTS (Landmark Engineering) Tentative Plat 028-81 Application for tentative plat approval of six-lot single family subdivision; property located at North 26th Street and Pelly Place North. ECF-545-80 CEDAR RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PARK FPUD-036-81 Application for final planned unit FP-037-81 development permit approval of 138 dwelling unit single family attached P.U.D. and final plat approval of concurrent subdivision; property located directly north of BPA/Puget Power powerline corridor, south of Cedar River, abutting east side of City of Seattle pipeline right-of-way. RE: Bowser Letter from Brady International Hardwoods Best Company requesting ERC review of north- Connell bound traffic from Highway 167 into Orillia Industrial Park via S.W. 43rd • ' CITY OF RENTON "' � II I� ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW U r > _ - . = , COMMITTEEAGENDA I 1 1 -T WEDNESDAY APRIL 8, 1981 I,\ /' -' �� I 1 _ . - ' --- Il.' ,)--. , \ I, INF,e 1 a CHAMP ICV HEIGHTS -' .TENTATIVE PLAT-028-81 i:-...., (ECF-034-81) `y `' ���, — — Th, L. �--� '; STONEBRIDGE CO. SP_-025-81 LAKE n 1 • (ECF-026-81) 11111111kAmbirii \�/ASHINGTON �' ' 1 \ ... mti I, F', CHER FLYWAYS, INC. - CU-035-81 II� r� v).. ,,.„ a - (ECF-645-80) \ 17 .� i/ lam /��1 -,.k - 'I,. ' ;,.L , IiiiUIiR ka .. . - isi 1„,,,, ! / ' .- ' ''''' IdElie T'?.... .0 ..-.'-' . flillillfit —____. .. c_. -j;',,s ‘q140 .11111 ...st.,4 tit" II r L. u,,,_,„ Ini 1 al . Fil (\_______________ -! ---)\ rigrimpasii-J Nor le11111111114414,10.1.- ;._1 ' — ' milint. ~,+ � liq , h CEDAR RIDGE FINAL PUD - FPUD-036-81�•1 1�1'l , - /"1 . ! yel Ii IP 1 FINAL PLAT - FP-037-81�° - l .— (ECF-545-80) �� BOWEN REZONE #2 - R-030 81 ► go I `' (ECF-031-81) .. is 1.��► / AUSTIN COMPANY - SA-• 092-80 (ECF-602-80) \ .__4 \� ' BROADACRES, INC. , ti '. .// , -- — SP-031-81 (BCF-032-81) 5 . 7431111inglittl ''., .44! .,, , RN - BINPIII 'rird ' x — --- I i 14. 4 - , ., i _ _ , _ L___________ , ! 1 ,r 7�i �Ir. �,� BOTv3SER REZONE - R-136-80 (ECF-642-80) I BEST REZONE - R-135-80 (ECF-634-80)- , 1 ( --2 \ F . '- v T / �I // \' (:- (^ V LAKE l/ I YOUNGS ,. __, _, ARCI-IITECTS C HAR LE S M O R G A N & ASSOCIATES 7301 BEVERLY LANE EVERETT, WA. 98203 Phone (206) 353-2888 March 9, 1981 Planning Department . City of Renton Renton, Washington Re: 30 Unit Apartment Project - "Pine Ridge" Gentlemen: The project as proposed is designed to maintina a natural open vegeta- tion barrier to the adjacent properties. Having all the units in buildings no larger than 4-plexes, .keeps the project in the character of the area and allows for more open spaces. The project does have a circular flow of vehicular traffic which makes easier egress for both occupants and emergency equipment. The developers will be able to retain a large number of the existing fir . trees and will leave a large portion of the natural ground cover. The present R-2 zoning would require each building to have required setbacks on individual sites. This would not lend itself to a freer design which allows us to place buildings to retain trees and better fit the topo- graphy. It would also have a more regimental appearance. Sincerely, Lic' P . Charles E. M. •:n CEM/bjm =7=�_� r/�s RE,i- 1-1., q\ ., , itr/k.. -) -- . LICENSED: WASHINGTON . OREGON . IDAHO . UTAH . MONTANA . WYOMING 1 / • Receipt # / • • CITY OF RENTON- PLANNING DEPARTMENT NAME . i S'- 4 CIO . i°' rt 'i%r o A. pi DATE r a ,, /r, rAr y r PROJECT & LOCATION ''�tla.' 1;1 <vw,a <._ r`�r��TA; 'r<,r 1 r' .. .,.P' _. t}., ;i �; 'Y r r r`'t:,. ?t ` F' • Application Type Basic Fee Acreage Fee Total • Environmental Checklist •''%k .' Environmental Checklist Construction Valuation Fee TOTAL FEES •` = Please take this receipt and your payment to the Finance Department on the first floor. Thank vou. • ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MARCH 11 , 1981 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 10 : 00 A. M. : THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM PENDING BUSINESS : NORTHWEST COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY (AUSTIN COMPANY ) (ECF-602-80 ; SA-092-80) FRED BOWSER ( ECF-642-80 ; R-135-80) DAVE BEST (ECF-634-80 ; R- 125-80) H. A . AND JANET BLENCOE (ECF-020-81 ) NEW BUSINESS : ECF-021-81 MICHAEL A. BUMSTEAD CU-019-81 Application for conditional use permit to construct 9600 sq . ft . machine shop with asphalt parking lot and landscaping ; property located at 3500 N . E . 4th Street ECF-022-81 STEAK AND ALE OF WASHINGTON , INC . TP-020-81 (JOLLY OX RESTAURANT) Application for temporary permit to allow a temporary 18 , 000 square foot gravel parking lot for the Jolly Ox Restaurant ; property located on the east side of West Valley Highway at Strander Boulevard ECF-023-81 DOMINIC J . COLASURDO SP-024-81 Application for special permit for fill and grade in B- 1 zone ; property on the south side of N . E . 4th Street approximately 160 feet east of Union Avenue N . E . ECF-024-81 CITY OF RENTON ( UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ) W-613 WATER L . I . D . NO . 317 Application for approval of installa- tion of approximately 1250 lineal feet of 8" D . I . water main and appurtenances in South 132nd Street lying between 8oth Avenue South and 84th Avenue South ECF-025-81 CITY OF RENTON ( UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ) S-293 SANITARY SEWER L . I . D . NO . 321 Application for approval of installa- tion of 750 lineal feet of 8" P . U . C . sanitary sewer pipe together with laterials , side sewers and appurtenances , running from the existing manhole at the intersection of N . E . Sunset Boule- vard and Duvall Avenue N . E . , northerly a distance of 750 feet ECF-026-81 STONEBRIDGE COMPANY (LOUIS MALESIS ) SP-025-81 Application for special permit to construct 30-unit townhouse apartment complex ; property located at the east end of N . E . 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N . E . 1 .• '' ~ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE • l Iik~,wi , 1 Q MARCH 11, 1981 AGENDA i r � I • .___: i 11111rA , ' /19" istelP . 1 / A i led . till • 1,"iit .; -- - - "... ' Ilk _______I ________ .7g al. . . ,_, : t , . : 1 i,.. • \lahrutowwwww_ _:, , \,, • 9 r.,4 LAKE A 1 iV iri ,..4iir! y D .;3_ .; =�1�� ' isi�l>t/7itar ■f.J li,ECF-i _81 . I� �� WASHINGTON ` mill. pridlio - •» al AqiirlarierpiaiN . : = '..... %111711‘44 [II inillEgi a . •=fralpilliiiri; . ` �' IIY i glin ■ , ,...i:':::::...., lfrall,__ ___=.11,11E11111:0! ili ra"AAVA:111.1114181111 ' �t`�'1 'i �.AU SS,. 2 CON ,TIO A_L US]�' �' S k,ioni e AP ... ,, ' tiliglir/OARKI N I ' MO /4.141iii:krlii, „'_2_1:: _iiu,..,,,.....„,,,, . `-**---■ay � �ititil-_,TRAImmira. 0 . l�ilP4 pig h 1 9,,,,,Fr , ���- �1at �.: riii ►, 0111 . ."^ ice: ,�1 , _.,...-,, ,.,-. L.......:, ` it a r __k.-�jillitli. .NV .ristiORIE; Pik._ ‘,. ‹� . , 0 11. P . ..:4:--- --:::._.... /-1*.,.. , Npi ��A n :: ,... _. .._... %tom apiiii; .44.-.:::•.:.-.-.::.- 1 - .. ....... ............. . 11/42„,r.:\ 1-.....,. 111-Z"-bi- ill ...,.___ ' 411F1:_ i_iluillif011i ii illa ...... a • ��`=�.1 1 6 TEAK & A i� �� limis ' "fA .„��►�' `_ EC -0 '.2-8 �f ��a,Mg 674111111MS124 I ��r .7�_... , � �� ,, ■ Ira 1..i 1 i I I I i'Al I Alml�il..�. • IIOW e • rilk ' t. ,,,„ , . ,IILIVo . LI. ... • 1 ; ci 'il • 111 = 1 ► I .— it ,..,\\- •i, a --- / - • ) , • I E rIt „ LAKE 1 I I �!� 'i YOUNGS RCHITECTS CHARLES MORGAN & ASSOCIATES . 7301 BEVERLY LANE EVERETT, WA. 98203 Phone (206) 353-2888 March 9, 1981 . 1 Planning Department - City of Renton • • j Renton, Washington Re: 30 Unit Apartment Project - "Pine Ridge" Gentlemen: 1 The project as proposed is designed to maintina a natural open vegeta- tion barrier to the adjacent properties. . • Having all the units in buildings no larger. than 4-plexes, .keeps the project in the character of the area and allows for more open spaces. The project does have a circular flow of vehicular traffic which makes • easier egress for both occupants and emergency equipment. The developers will be able to retain a large number of the existing fir trees and will leave a large portion of the natural ground cover. The present R-2 zoning would require each building to have required setbacks on individual sites. This would not lend itself to a freer design which allows us to place buildings to retain trees and better fit the topo- graphy. It would also have a more regimental appearance. i Sincerely, d...1/. .C7 Charles E. M n • CEM/bjm ' ''''.::::•* , _I. . '. • ,,I l— • LICENSED: WASFIINGTON . OREGON IDAHO . UTAH MONTANA WYOMING , - ,.t I '•',,c,. •).I...^ . . --•• , I../•i I I:1 I" I 4,1 l'ji. I 111 '''' .". :7: s•-fr:1-1';'; .(•:1•17':-1'17.-1 - ' '. 11-'';•:. Li-- I q`,"1. ..J4"- i• - II .. •-.- -1. .:_:_r" •-- - - --- 4/.-. f•-•_rin . . irl% Q▪.' :-•.r.',p•• . -:11:7 ;4-i'.--.: T,!.•'1.d .11..... ..44 ] •:.., •,.- 141 -- ,.. "..- -- 1 1). t iwi'lli'-1,.0:::-.1..),:i_t, . .1: .i r.. 77,._ .34;". . .. .,,,. :.., .11,iiri, ____. i.: .. . i. ,,, .. II.t.•A. ••.-- - .. . ... ,.1:.,'7. !le-•:•• ''• 7 I- • . . ? 1 .,,.,,7r-, . -. •.- -( Li - zi......1.... _... I, 1 I„.1 -.-1.11Y --) - r' '... .7: -...3 .... . • .14 t4 I I i f:11.:11.- :i':11 ' • 'I..' •.-i.- .i* iiiilit I ' . 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I 1 ....7,7r.,,..,;....7...‘.a: . . . • !. •1lL i ...,1 r; 1;.i 1 l':.1 F.I.4.!1:1 -1 - . i I Vp, __I - `!" if; :t.• ,17.'1 ' . .___ • •-• 7 -...a „..,77„...,s. . :: \ I i [7\ .- i11 ,1KI!5[r•1 : ' '1 ° • I - 'e.. - -- 'I I , ,c., • k , .is)1.. ,, ,I,,,°/., •.i ,.- ..,:j.:.-/'; .,4• , .I? • * "' I . .,.111; 1 'i\'.\!. .., r•ji,.."..."1%.•/:,i,‘,..71: ...-I '11;1-1-1t•%1 1".' ; " -: :___:__: .. t,, J.3. il.%1•1,„!'i •.- -..• ,r.7., .., ,-, ,-;• -\te r:• \ ,: \\ , 0 t cr.* 41-..•fi't/3' ,.1.••.1 :1: .i...'1,'1', ',i'l . ' •- . ' -''I I. I, 1,,,;•;:t.i..'II.41.: I : . .„ . -. .... it.y.tc,ad;',‘' . .. iv_ N. i/.4'0/ v,.,.,.1 41 tr.,...) 4..,. .i ..! 4 .. I • - --.-" -- • .• Al::,Yr4 i' ',':till.'/ '-1Io,.1 ):1...4‘.:.;, ';.:(....., !ejr..P:: . :',., "^a I t '4)i. :o"4,1;''.!il 1, 1-l'i x)P.,t;1.1 *i:•'::,.,; 'f?.',:.•1,;i:V; :,1'.',:. HI i ..... 1 •i, .....,,,„,..,....: ; ii. ' . i I 1 4 ;' '7Zi , ?..t41 1 ':int'i. ilt\.:,t‘;\ Li_\...,',Tr :4 •: , -Avt. xi g.--)- • ' ' 'it', rh-....`--i-J c I-,': *I:17•Rc..ili I:,':.•'4‘:'1!/. • . . ' .I- 1______ • ? c - . -. t-----1-7--7/i-‘"1"--4----1-" ' `..'- -• --- i' `.";. ,.'EfIrF-.1-'1ii'vlii ' ' . • . . ' '' '' ''-' It' ---- _• i i -i I . , \ ,.,, , . .._. • ,. .r•i,• .1 ;.,p p p,;i- -','- '•('?) .1:*)' .-.° - .:' , I , IQ i 10; p.., ' •....• ''. '- 1 I I .i %•‘\ ii , , , !•.i ,..,,- i 1 I ; , ., . 7. 1 „ I . ;I k \- • ,f:t-,...,-.. 1 I . • , 4,, ..I , /;" I r,!) •f It r):,?.,;7.-1 -,P7rt• i I i ADJACENT PROPERTY USE : The attatched diagram will issue city reviewers a look at what the various properties surrounding the subject parcel are in use as. @• • .\5611- 06 Lu . d r y I STONEBRIDGE COMPANY A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP R N\ 10655 N.E. 4TH - SUITE BOO j \ r 0f]/�• BELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 9E1004 �� 6•; 1 �`'�`1_V ,Y ` F/ (2O6) 455-0B44 f se, March 4, 1981 V ; N/NG pr- City of Renton Attention: Zoning and Planning Department - Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Justification for Special Permit Approval Dear Sirs: Per the current guidelines outlined in the Renton zoning code, the subject property, should it be developed per its ' current R-2 zoning status, would involve developing the 4 property tax lots individually with duplex type structures. Stonebridge Company believes that a much more attractive and liveable envi- ronment could be created if we are permitted to forward a clus- tered type site plan. This would involve fewer buildings , per- haps 6 or 7, with more townhouse style units in each seperate building. If developed in this manner, it would allow the project archi- tect to texture the site plan design to the entire land area and topography, rather than be restricted by individual lot limitations. It would also contribute more of the land area to open space and landscaping as opposed to unit construction and blacktopping. An additional benefit of not being restricted to duplexes and the individual tax lot restrictions, would be the architect' s capacity to save a number of the tall evergreens existing on the property through creative land useage. An approval of the special permit referenced herein would allow up to a density of 11 dwelling units per acre. Stonebridge Company has judged that our desire is for no more than 10 units per acre, (30 units total on 3. 16 acres) , so our overall project density would be under allowable limits. We feel this site density is more aesthetically pleasing yet also workable from an economic perspective. Project public access , fire and police protection ease, preserva- tion of existing evergreens, greater open space and landscaping, and a more attractive, liveable site plan would be the direct results of a Special Permit Approval. We hope the architectural City of Renton March 4, 1981 Page 2 renderings will assist you in picturing the proposed develop- ment and that for the above referenced reasons, our request will be approved. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Stonebridge Company, a imited partnership i) tv/ ,...e.er cdiet.,e,L4ik.A.. Len Brannen LB:csm ''''etli% £°c \\Fp o ff, �5 1 kM\� i,, ..llz- �AIr�11�I G �Ge :l`: • CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT ®cc \,cp ‘-//4/ik C� 1g�1 FIR OFFICE USE ONLY • F ' le No . SP-W-qi Date Rec' d. �•� %r A .plication Fee $ 131. 60 Receipt No . !�!1NG Ei vi ronmen tal Review Fee $ j+L. 00 y� APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 : (Louis Malesis) Stonebrid e Com an 455-0844 1 Name g p y, a limited partnership Phone • Address 10655 NE 4th Suite 800 Bellevue WA 98004 2 . Property location200 ft. east of -intersection of NE 16th St, and Kirkland Avenue 3. Legal description (attach additional sheet if necessary) Lazetti Annex f-inn- That portion of the West 1 of the East z of the NE4 of the SW 4 of Section 4 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Beginning at a point N. 01°16 ' 12" E. 1,305 19 ft. and N 88°38 ' 40" from the South corner of said ,section; thence N. 01°5 '22" E. a distance of 430 tt. ; thence S. 88° 8 ' 40"- E. a distance of 320. 01 ft. ;thence S. 01°10 ' 52" W. to South line of said subdivision; thence N. 88°38' 40" W. to point of beginning. (approx.. 137,650 s ,ft. ) R-2 4 . Number of acres or square feet 3. 16 Acres Present Zoning 5 . What do you propose to develop on this property? A 30 unit townhouse apartment project. (refer to attached architectural plans. ' 6 . The following information shall be submitted with this application : • A. Site and access plan (include setbacks , Scale existing structures , easements , and other factors limiting development) 1" = 10 ' or 20 ' B. Parking, landscaping and screening plan 1" = 10 ' C. Vicinity map (include land use and zoning on adjacent parcels) 1" = 200 ' to 800 ' D. Building height and area (existing and proposed) E. A special permit required by the Renton Mining , Excavation and •• Grading Ordinance shall submit the information listed in • Section 4-2307 . 5 in addition to the above. 7 . LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER'S ACTION: Date Approved Date Denied Date Appealed Appeal Action Remarks • Planning Dept. 1-77 OIT'd OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ENVIXNMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM /16c *;7) • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • ` �c Application No. t.� _ Environmental Checklist No. �C -O4;?e-ck/ PROPOSED, date: FINAL , date: \.6,• 4NNING 0 Declaration of Significance 0Declaration of Significance Declaration 'of Non-Significance ® Declaration of Non-Significance COMMENTS: • Introduction The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requires all state and local governmental agencies to consider environmen1,al values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an EIS be prepared for all major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to help the agencies involved d(, termine whether or not a proposal is such a major action. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can with the information presently available to you. Where explanations of your answers re required, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decisipn makers , include your explanation in the space provided, or use additional pages if ne'ressary. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and which are rele- vant to the answers you provide. Complete answers to these questions now will help all agencies involved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review with- out unnecessary delay. The following questions apply to your total proposal , not just tp the license for which you are currently applying or the proposal for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which will be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This will allow all of the agencies which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, with- out duplicating paperwork in the future. NOTE: This is a standard form being used by all state and local agencies in the State of Washington for various types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal . If a question does not apply, just answer it "net" and continue on to the next question. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BACKGROUND • 1. Name of Proponent Stonehridtje Company, a liigj�rr7 partnerRhip • 2. Address and phone number of Proponent: 10655 NE 4th, Suite 800 Seattle Trust Builping , Bellevue, WA 98004 • 3. Date Checklist submitted December. 3, 1.980 (Tuesday) 4. Agency requiring Checklist 5. Name of proposal , if applicable: 6. Nature and brief description of the proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : Proposed is a low density townhouse apartment development • It will involve between 30 and 38 units involving a mixture • of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units ranging in size from 600 square feet to 1153 square feet. 'Three units, spedi;:ically designed for handicapped tenants, will be provided-: En'ercy conservation will be encouraged in the design and 40% of the units will have solar • heat panels. • -2- • 7. Location of proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts , including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environ- mental setting of the proposal ) : The total land area to be developed is apprgximately 137,600 square feet, located in the Renton H}.ghland:}. The property lies within an area conducive to multifamily useqge accord ig to the current Renton comprehensive plan. The property is heavily treed, slopes gently to the South and has access to needed city S �i ceps B. Estimated date for completion of the proposal : 9 months — 11 years from date of rezone approval 9. List of all permits , licenses or government approvals required for the proposal (federal , state and local --including rezones) : Rezone — General to R-2 multi—family/special zoning permit Building permit - City of Renton Utility hook—up permission 10. Do you have any plans for future additions , expansion , or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes , explain: This will be a single phase development 11. Do you know o'f any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: No 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the pro- • posal ; if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: No further City applications are anticipated A financing application will be made prior to project construction II. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) (1) Earth. Will the proposal result in: (a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X YES- MAYBE N • (b) Disruptions , displacements , compaction or over- covering of the soil? X YES MAYBE irT (c) Change in topography or ground surface relief X features? rr - KO B E 0" (d) The destruction,. covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X MAYBE Wi— (e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils , either on or off the site? X YES MAYBE NO (f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands , or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X YES MAYBE' WT— Explanation: (b) grading and site contouring will required to accomodate proposed townhouse development—. T04/ (c) same as (b) above /7U <c,M), AA/1�IIleiPs V. .. • — -3- (2) Air. Will the proposal result in: (a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? ' X 7 MAYBE Wid— (b) The creation of objectionable odors? X Pam- MAYBE NO (c) Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? X SET RAM B E W5— Explanation: (A) Truck emissions during construction • (3) Water. Will the proposal result in: (a) Changes In currents, or the course of 'direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X V! MAYBE NO • (b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns , pr X • the rate and amount of surface water runoff? YES MAYBE F1 . (c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X YES MAYBE NO (d) Change in the amount of surface water in any water X body? `rS MAYBE NO (e) Discharge into surface waters , or in any alteration surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X YES MAYBE N3 (f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? X YES MACE (g) Change in the quantity of ground waters , either through direct additions or withdrawals , or through ' interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X • S MAYBE NO (h) Deterioration in ground water quality, either ttlrough direct injection, or through the seepage of leadhate, phosphates, detergents , waterborne virus or bactieria , X or other substances into the ground waters? l€T- MAYBE Fla (i ) Reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X YES MAYBE fTb— Explanation: (b) Storm water runoff will be funnelled into appropriate storm sewer per building permit requirements. (f) same as (b) above. (i) Proposed development will 11SP ri ty w ttor (4) Flora. Will the proposal result in: (a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of flora (including trees, shrubs , grasp , crops , X microflora and aquatic plants)? MAYBE AU— (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X endangered species of flora? Y MAYBE WU— (c) Introduction of new species of flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing X species? vrr- ATM TO- (d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? X c '\,) YES MAYBE NO -0,- 1- x lanation: (a) Some trees will be. removed to allow cons'tructinn U aid additional landscaping plants will be addcc]. (c) Landmca ink ,Q' i ll involve -addition of new plant types. c)0:1 • -4- - . N (5) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: (a) Changes in the diversity of species , or numbers f any species of fauna (birds , land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms , ' insects or microfauna)? X TM MAYIE NB— (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or X endangered species of fauna? YES MAYBE NO (c) Introduction of new species of fauna into an area , or result in a barrier to the migration or movement X of fauna? FATTE NO (d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X YES MAYBE N(T Explanation: (a) Habitation opportunities for, birds and land animals will be reduced (6) Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? X YES MAYBE NO Traffic during construction and increased tenant Explanation: , traffic will have some noise impact (7) Light and Glare. Will the proposal• produce new light or glare? X VET— MAYBE On site project yard lighting will be Explanation: required. (8) Land Use. Will the proposal result in the alteration of the . present or planned land use of an area? X YE•7 MAYBEWU— Explanation: According to the current comprehensive plan, the area is designated mixed use. Partially low density, multi- family and partially commercial/ light industry (note : recently re—) (zoned to R-2) (9) Natural Resources. ' Will the proposal result in: (a) Increase In the rate of use of any natural resources? X YES MAYBE NO (b) Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? X YE- MAYBE TU— Electricity Explanation: • (10) Risk of Upset. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or' the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil , pesticides , chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X V^ MAYBE S Explanation: /74,01Tiii: � �1) „t..11ation. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- ion, density, or growth rate of the human population r X �0. .rr • ,ian area? ' = Yl — MAYBE (NT ,�(\\\ 5lanatIon: Potentially 30 families of varying size will ove into the proposed •evelopment . -5- • ( 12) Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing , 9r create a demand for additional housing? X Trr MAYBE NO Explanation: It will provide additional rental housing in that way reducing demand (13) Transportation/Circulation, Will the proposal result in: (a) Generation of additional vehicular movement? X • YE MAYBE Nr (b) Effects on existing parking facilities , or demand X for new parking? YES MAYBE NO (c) Impact upon existing transportation systems? X V T N(T (d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X YES MAYBE N3 (e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X YES MAYBE NO (f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists or pedestrians? X YES MAYBE NU— Explanation: (a) tenants are expected to have access to trans- portation which will increase vehicular move ent in G; t „ e )b) Sufficient on site parking per Renton zoning ordinance requirements. (c) Some tenants are expect-fed to iit-i 1 i 71n public trans . ( 14) Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : (a) Fire protection? X YES MAYBEN (b) Police protection? X YU— MAYBE NO • (c) Schools? X YES MAYBE N� (d) Parks or other recreational facilities? X 1TE$ MAYBE NO (e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? X 17E8 MAYBE NO (f) Other governmental services? X Y S MAYBE NO Explanation: It is assumed the above seryi sl s wi 1 1 hp uf-i 1 i ?r✓rl by the above .proposal. No new roadways (public are anticipated. • ( 15) Energy. Will the proposal result in: (a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? X YES MAYBE N (b) Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? X YES MAYBE WU— Explanation: Electricity will provide the principle power source for the p op s�d An�►c�1 ni mF+n+ (he ; ng .. „k jng. l � � etc. ) Now new sources of energy will need be developed. 'RENT utilities. Will the v� ( , proposal result in a need for new (�\��® s '•stems, or ;Iterations to the following utilities : gas?Ir z c (s tY Power or natural X a— MAYBE NO • V Communications systems? X )' YES N- ����"1t4lNIG vc • ;(c) Water? YES MAX BE NO , -6- - (d) Sewer or septic tanks? YES. M NE- (e) Storm water drainage? . X Y-r MAYBE 07 (f) Solid waste and disposal? X YET- MAYBE NO • Explanation: • (17) Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creationof ' any health hazard or potential health hazard (excludin X mental health)? . PET- MAYBE 11� EExplanation: . (18) Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? X YES MAYBE No Explanation: • (19) Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the X quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? YES MAYBE • E• Explanation: New recreational facilities will be available . for, tenant uspaan (20) Archeological Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of/a significant archeological or historical X site, structure, object or building? MAYBE NU- Explanation: III. SIGNATURE I , the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any decla- ration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: (signed) • Kenyon .L. Anderson (name printed) Stonebridge Compan • General Partner C) (OP . c3 °"3. City of Renton Planning Department e . . 5-76 `INNING . • . .. • :y , • . t, syy J • • 1 � • mac • , # CO; • • • • • R - 3 Zoning Evergreen Terrace Above tract 320 ft . X 430 ft. = 137 .600 sq . ft. + -' Formerly owned by Leo Lazetti -- Gave to 3 youngster Namely Anthony Dean Lazetti the north 143. 5 ft. Sharon J. Rozanski Middle 143. ft: Sandra J. Miller South 143. 5 ft. A-9-79 All agreed to sell in one parcel . I�Efj1® Sewers and Water at corner of N . E . 16 'and Kirkland Ave �G�`���� 7/ \\ 1991 . ---;//i • • :C. ‘,. ; i . .1.r. .... 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".4ri7"77-7-e-ral / ...;;;:.,....:::: • • •..... ...- -i 1. . 1 , '7, t : ..t47441 • •l'.' :....1 l .4....lIt :'..:..... t••9.';.:0.3"... •.4 3'` ill , • .1.................t...............................o..t..,.............tt........., . . . • . ' • . LAZZETPI-MALESIS (ST()NEBRIDGE COMPANY) 1:-127-80 i OLIMAIESIG 011ialliM 41101111MIOX . -I- 1' APPLICANT Louis Malesis TOTAL ARLA +3. 16 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS N. E. 16th Street 11 . ., EXISTING ZONING G, General Classification District EXISTING USE VACANT • . !• . PROPOSED USE . 30 Unit Apartment Complex , . COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Low & Medium Density Multiple Family ,. •COMMENTS , 1 , i. 4 „,,,,•••-•-• ---.....•:::::„......, ? . r" ---.1:•-•, _ . , . i • . 7,--\ 4cf.M_D ,......, T,Iu . .. , . . . . , , ... ,.. .. . . . .. . .. , . ( 0 9 -1B1 i gPkg 1 . . ... . • 1 A I G D -.-1? • • AFFIDAVIT /s,°qP ', . �g o-- I , / 0 S 6; /14 i G c l S , being duly der �ae' that I am the owner of the property involved in this application.Gt�a the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of • my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me this: day of�'<s- -,5 0 )/ , 19'/ , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at g- /,JGU al/&Q� /-7)2 / (Name tary Public) (Signature of Owner ;,/� sot /'2Til, (Address)G%fi e � �` 7g (Address) I4 T TZ u/i4 1-4 i (City) (State) 6s 2 7 (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by. me and has been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Renton Planning Department governing the filing of such application . Date Received , 19 By : Renton Planning Dept . 2-73 !ENDING . . OF FILE FILE TITLE