HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscBranch :STJ(,User :!792 Comment: Station Id :MMTM 1- 't~' t!; '? ::~!l1t~W'1''r' ~, iaentoO • C{\'J . D\\J\5\0f\ . r1ann1n9 • UEC ?, II W!i~ .... M ··--- K.ING,WA Document: LSE 1996.05071276 Filhl fllrftconl tlC thcnqai:st ~ ASccr ftaftbt n:tDn ti: -c.-..... -........ mo ...... , ... 3lmltnt Nt11U11i lilttdDO Satlk, WA ffllI _.,,s.,,c<.__~,1m, _____ _ BONNfl.t 'FAMILYU.C..a WottinglG lmfk:d .&.h!Iit,y~ WAL-MAKTITORES,!Nt..aDcfawmCOlpQIIIDDII. 1. ~1 esmraad!.me11bvc-..1ata 11-mlBia OINxl.1.cac 4ud ~21, l •Lcui:"). btbtl-ort1a1.catl!Ul?ailptQJIClb'S,.,,..,. ta. Us.o. ~ ofDa&, Simco lcplly dr:scdhl!l!l .. l:d:dhl1A. lll:llldied bnm wl ~ hmm. }rlfiis~oalbttm11adcodliallsdc$:dbed iallic ~ whk:11 rd:mlalld ~-~klda.byllfs~ ~ lllld~oaGlilnlt:livc aullcn of.di!, Lcax, ilDtd it In DO wayll11kGfic; llt IIJICDds ~ ~....,Mc:rn'!'Pll'bem. TI:mMctaiu~b.ptql&IO!lordlc:~11r 1k' kms imd mi.,ollbc Lase. DATeD111mf&P'1curd~fiatab,n:~ LESSOR: •• i:; , 'l\ '3.,-,J/; f. l1lk tfNM, &1 p;,.'t)l.1',r I.ESSl!ll: WAL-MAI.TSTOBES,00:. I i • i I I I l ·G .. ,., I .. . , - Page I of3 Printed on &/5/2009 I 2: 12:39 PM Branch :STK,U"" :8792 Commcn!! S1ation Id :MMTM • • • ]- ~ -· • II, ---·· ........... ----I ~ jf l ·1 I KING,WA Document lSE 1996.05071276 STATE OE 'WASRlNGTON ) , .. OOUKIY OF 01G ) """"'"" ___ ... &,.,1, e, h..it..9. ~... 1·· ll!OMl10 bC1 IM1111111FoflbeMNNEU. F.AMII..Yf..l.C..llmm~'lbat o.ecmd. ts wfdib:l.till4 ~ lm1nmm.D AIIO'lll'lqcdthc. kuuulmt1o mtm ice sad~ actand deed. of'wd COIIIIPXlr r«tl&-s -pwpllQ lh:rdll mai.tiaacd,.IZIII n I llril mtcd lblihc l'II! dtll)'udtodml la GCQIII: Jald. ~ Ol ldidf' otdil OillllpUlf• • IN ~WHEREOF.I t.w bDamlt IICtmyad.GAd sal flllLdqof __JJ-""''-----~ 1'9< &To\I'E.OPAIUW<SAS ) ) "' COUNTYOFBENTON ) .,...,..,,.....,...,...."""-::R"m'\. M]'.,cl,,sl, .~- bl$Dtobelkb!,...,lr. ~ :::P ofWAL-MABJ'STOaES.lNC .. dit ~rpol'UIO. lhlt dlecllttd 1htwtbiD md lxcpllf& ~ md ~ 1h: insmlolmrt ID b: i= he 111d voluatm)' :,;a and deed of'suid corpa(Dlioa ror tic Im ad psfN*lth=la mai~ mdan~ths!MIDII liittbcr.isdilfy' ~ ID czcaaraulimlna'DI OU 1'dia1fof ... ...,.,...,... IN WllNESS WHEREOF. t bA.'°1-1-milO 5dr,,tllllldaadxaJ 111b /..t-dDy of Ap,J .1.... - im,J1v;JJ . ,. ---.. ' .. Plige2 of3 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:12:40 PM Branch :STK,Usor :8792 1- - KING,WA ii ii ;, l Document: LSE 1996.05071276 Comment: Stlrtion Id :MMTM :~· •• -r .~· • -• ---~ ______ ..., ....... _'"_~-- '''""'". "fm-"1' lt'OJiTiatt 'lf' CCYDWCDIT UT l • .stt:T.loti' lV, ~Im' :t2 1m1f 1W1« -Z EU'S', ll,lf., or J:TIIC cctlltt't. ~liTDlf, Dt$ClUCO It. ........,., c:ctllltQIC.tlfG A.'t. 'rt&£. HDClTllrt,ST COARCII or 0,.111 J,tJllll('l[$JCIU, i'fftllC .atrtll Ol"Jl'U:• t,£ff 17),U Fcc:t .uo!1G "fllJf CUT Ulft 1111Um' TCI 'TH llORTHNESTDt.1 UJU OP 'mt. n,au;n lfOltfflDel ,,.anc p,p.µ..-o~ RCKT o,~,.,., 'l"lmfCC sotml n•t1•1t• war n.si ,m ~ u.in IICMmlllll31'tllL't LlH 't'tl '1'1lE vtlf KUla'Df OT JU.UCUR J.vann:. 8'00Dl"t 'ftlDCE ~c catmt ,1•21•2.111 ll't&T 1,.u rm-: 'Nl'DfCS JtOaffl u•a:i•u11 Ei5T ~.oo ni::r, TKElfCI lftlll!lt 11•u 1,,• 11tn-h,00 l'ffl: Tff1ll« ~ 111.•u•u• IM'l" n.n tu:r m 'C'at 'l1IU£ PCUi1 ar ·-· fflDf'Cr aiomr u•1c•CN1 .. W&S1' :u,.n l"RS't T~D1C% tOlfftl 111•5,•)p V!ST 105.J'll !'Pt; 1'11'Altt ~ 11•05•51• 'llr.n 1.,:z n:E:l'J TIDIU 110Rt11 n•tl•l;i.• ~ 5U.Q5 n:1:r; 'DDl'CC IICIMK 111,•u '-17" EAIT !111 .Sl f£1:tl TllDIU &Gtmt u•.tJ:1 .:t-t:• .P.ff HJ.02 F'El."l'1 TlfQIC:C Ka11$11 t1J.•1S•U• P.$T d,11 nu; t'8lffCC aaur11 n•u•2~· .u.n u:r.. H rter; 11ttlf(:%.1tDH'H Ol""U'~~· :r.uT 30,04 ti:ICI'; tlfUfC:t" $11)111f1 .... l.':IJ" £An 2tn.l:I: FaS; ntna::r: soim, n•u '"" Wi.n ll<C,4'4 rcrr; fflttta: $Dt1tll: ll·~s·u• tAST l&l.u FEE'l'1'CJ "r1{E WEST u1n: er 1'\t£ t.A$T lO,DD na ar SA.U OGvt:IIMIIDIT I#r l; 'l'MDICZ :iOffll Cl1'"U 1 u• WEST :t~5.H rccr M.o.llC UST 5,\fl) 5/UT Lttn· 'IC! A ,OP!!' WKidt IE'AU JIIOltffl Ol.'2!1'1l11 EMT lU. ll Rd' MlO Jgtfl1j •••3,•,.•• IA$T a1,~ :nJ.r naa,i TM.:: 'rlWr l'Olln' or s:muu,n:c, 'tflDlcr JIIJtttK 11•:ia•u.-Ila!' 1n.02 Tttl'f 1;lll:ffl% .sultffl 01-u•u• Mtn• 12,.n n:£r 'I'll '1111. Tl1Nt PC1nrr or lectllf{:[)IC. SlTW.ff VI 1jl[ Off DF IIDl'rOII, J;I,-C: aJIIJIT't, VAs!IJ~. ~·· • Fog• 3 of3 Printed on 8/512009 12:12:40 PM ( B1'1111cb :STK.User :&792 Comment: · ... , l ~ = ..J. \ ., " ' VI -L~· .J --Tmoce r. Labar ......... _ 120! TMrd AWllUo lulloJ 2$!00' -'411o. VIA. 91.JOI ...... t. ••• \ Ml!MOltA.NDtJJ,f OP LEAS! ~Qllmbqsdidattd~: ..... ..... ,w, ,· Schedule e ,, Section __ J:_,. __ _ Ell~~n -..:.--,§.-+--- . .. \ • 1. aonnaa .PamllY w..c., • w~ llmlla:I lllWli!t ~. P, o. soii: £!Slit6, Solk¥ta, WA $11:112$,2'1411 Gdo*(lj: I. BWy Mllllllit's Coipomkc\, 11 Wfl:tlilqtaQ c:orptif1tloa, '5:1 &ualllkt e.mikmd, Sulle &.201, ntwlll, WA 911111 ....,,,_... 1. Sou111 1so oo of the north 1111 kt1 ar 111D "'"' 120 fed cI ~~ Hil m rsct .. r p~lnt I in.i.iPR JS,t,Wilthlp2J nordi. ndje.ltml, W, M. 2, AddWinal kpl *'crp!on !.teq pqe _ ol'dacmncll o\!YISDf's Pro,at,'J'll!(. iPllrecl A.ccOIUII H~c): 117nl)$..Wll.4JJ Station Id :MMfM ' - •, .. , I· • .}i.!."::'i ., ~·-~· {.,_t .. ~. KJNG,WA Page I of5 Printed on 8/5/2009 [2:07:37 PM Document:. LSE 1997.06240595 Branch :STK,User :8792 Comment: ,. .1 ,! ' I ·' /· l/) a, ii) 0 "' N "' ~ a, ·'"·-: e KING,WA -.. ,• ... ,· I I ·.~; \ ( ,• I . •• . -_____ .. ____ ,_~·-·· MEM()l(ANDtJMOFLEASE TBIS MEMORANDUM OF LB,\SS b Ulll4e GI!~ lnlJ ~"'11°ofMad,, 199'1, by ml 'bmftc Jloaadl Plialli)' LL,C., I Wasltlrip:qi llabllhf CDmpalQ' {Ole .,.._.) tad Bil~-·· Cmp,ntio,I.. -"""""" I"" •to,....,, L, Tim Is a ~ ar a lease cCdffld Jida mt ~ A, l99fi, as ll'll&Jmd, by Nld MIWldl. die: Laser and i.a= ~ mltmd m a the ·uaR•), plldlWl( ID whJchi PS "'1l"pl. to tb laltSl vt wbld1. 12111 J..,=au hM 'Ike. rtS,hl 10 cccsp)' tJ1A "'1 -lqoUy -11 Mlbll A --oi,, "11"1 1-"/ "" t,.......prndr:d t,y lliJs prc.ia. •• Tbt l!:lm ;flbD l.oJt~ oa111r~MRJ 11 '20!7, 3. TJis Lm,c piaricb dial Ilic LcsRC bu lbc. dpt et 1opns,, c,rm lllN)UJh mi """' .., .... ·-..... "'°'"" "" _.,. ml .... "" -..-. Cllfl(IIDCff, JnvlnG1 awl~ ollbcl.Wer;taft lhedafitto ~rt Oll,llte: Rell~ on pardoca ofdw: adjGmln,g: ~ ~. •• Llolllltiobs. DtC. hnposcd gn uslpmcat. .tili5tlag a ~~nB the~ ...... t.=t,,, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1hc part(es berdO haw: 11d lhd.C .baadJ IIJld feGic Ille dn)' and y,:ar lint i!bon written. LllSSOJ<, BONN:EtLFAMJLYW...C . • , .. .9-,.,...t:; fl « .... ·¥ F1wak BOMtll, MJmll, I.Jl.SSl!B, DIU..Y MClMl..B'S CORPORATION '"~i:/.1- Document LSE 1997.06240595 StaHon Jd :MMTM ; ~.· '-;. \ r, '' - ·• ., •I I • • \. Branch :STK,User :3792 Comment Station Id :MMTM ~;J~f i1r~t:imf ltf ~1~:i:z;1{~t_ -,,, ---··· .. . , .. 1. . _.,. . ...•. ,_ •. ; • :_r,; • \ ,. I 1' •' BrA'l'E OF WASBJNG'roN) ) ... COUNl'Y Of lCNC1 ) l ait1tJ 1h11. I •w or \&W; ntllfactor, moidci:11:t !ht P.mk B. Bmmd1 la Ilic pcrlDII wlM> appared wroni ma:. JDd ll1cl pcncm ~ lbnt lit 2'pd 111k ~t. on 011t&. .5tllld tbic i.:: was m11m1m1 ,.. cX¢tlte Iha 5satrumcat •!Id mmowkdpd It • tLti ~ oe • Jiallld PatnUy w..c. 1o bo die; m llnll toJuotar 1t.1 or c:odl Pk1Y tor lbi!: U!lU aad. pmpom mallODCdhJ di fmtattticnr. NOTAII.Y PUB1JC In and ror l:!_ie SUI!. ofWasfdagton. !kfJdUlf&t !7!!!,-,.J,,. eWN p; r,.,:r~li (Pdnled or Bumped Name. O[Notlt)") kf~•~ NM, l'Jj( ·---------,--------,--------:·icr;i· '--·,,. ' ... ,~, .. -.. KJNG,WA Page3 of5 Document LSE 1997.06240595 .. ... \ ·• I . . Branch :STK,User :8792 Comment Station ld :MMTM •,r~?,1,>c""W./*.~!\.~"'1~~"\'l'.fo?(!'."11~"· ,~.' •-· r "'ij" ~, ..... , .... ,. • ·• . "" " ' ..... ,.. . . . :·~;1 /}tr~)f~~~1i~~ . .f1ij~t~~'i:;i~l~4~r!*48~~3f3~ti!t:~ ·~){'f:lt' }. ;;:-::<.;:.~>~;;. ·::.:< .. ;·~~:':~~~; :' = •• •·• · ••• •• ... ;-: •• ;: . . , ., ~~- { '..L. , . •• .... . ·~, . ., .. .t -••. · • ... 1 · :·:-.:~.-,: "\ ·,.·,. ;·· .. :_:_. . :-i : , • ., STATE OF WASHINGTON) l "· COUNTY OF KING } lP:dlfJ' tbat:l~or hm ~ ~ PlittJobnl. }ioch(. Jr, If 1hc ~n wbo JW=&d \alotc m:, 1114 uld PlffOll ~ 1h11. M "8mcl !hi, buLrulDlml, oai oaAh mlad llllt hli was mllmdad ui cr.=,.1o Iba ~ 111d ~d&ed b. u dto , ....... .rDllly>loll .... c.,,,&J,ilau ....... ,... ... _ ... ., .... ,..,"" ... mi:s. Nii pmpolC$ ~ In the lmel'mDcal:. DATQl: ~ r1 tM . ......... -·-·~ --· -.... -~-..... . . (Prfmed or Sllo:iped NbVI ct NOW)') My~ciqilrca , .. ,;~fl \ ... ,., -~ ~-., i "·· •' ., I . . .... _ ':· •. , ?-\~. KING,WA Printed on 8/5!2009 12:07:38 PM Document ),SE 1997.06240595 Branch :STK.User :8792 Comment: . ! 1 I • \ .l ,. I ' ·1 ·~ • . _ ... 3:J .. ~J..!..~ ...... -..:..-· . .., .. , . ~ ~-· ..... KING,WA Dncurnent LSE 1997 .06240595 P&,U!C · TN~ 150(1111 otlko'10l'ln ltoica: 0Fthcwlllt l2.0&q1:ot Qi. ~1, :z.w r.111. arlJK' aovcmmen, lcrc 1 In 1Cdloa t lJ, T9Wnsblp :0 nmtll,, RltQO:, RSJ, WJl.f. Bxclpl: thG aortb tOJ'od. tltueoru calM)'lllllo U\11 rn, arll.tatoa ror UM s~ 1,u, ~ raconlkaa no. 60!1149" Slau1to la 1'tc Cltt' t\f'RcnlO!I, COldtl)' ofXhia, !ibte. nrwuhln,IM , . Page 5 of5 S!Rtion Id :MMTM '.'I •• : . , .. \ i !.. ! . ' ., I . . . ;,_.. Branch :STK,User :8792 I KING.WA Document: IDD 1997.08150410 Comme.nt Schedule B -::r::. sectlon~~~~~~- Exceptlon -~9+---- Wbml Jl:C01dod n::tmlt lO: --Uft,--1U 111,tl-Da-. IA $0.!9l-1360 AT'ffl:' "Jdflloldmf JNV.atEQo,lor ~JlY:M-u:D ,,i,61> _...., """"'l'Nll,~-""-"""" """"""°' ...... .....,1.1.c.,,w..._ ...... __ -f· _ .. _,lllo--....... .,..,._ ...... __ , ........... .., ........ -->·-B. .,,..of......_lot ... ~No.L!JA#l1).LIA. ___ No. 96'8~ tda:J apaitioa.of~ Latl, Scedoa 19, T"8Shlp 23 Nanh., 1tariF 5 -WM..lllxi..""""'w- .MdftJmiJ lQa1 is OIi Elbltll A Wtclled. so 11111 ~. __ ,.. __ "'"""'""' -·· ,,_ ............. _ ................ --.. -"._.... ................ .... Station Jd :MMTM Page 1 of43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:32 PM Branch :STI<,User :8792 KING,WA •.. .. , .. "'· 0 I 0) Document: TDD 1997 .08150410 Commem: '· RIXICld u:i J'CD:lrJI i:o: --1Jle--1ltlllp- J>,ea Molle(, IA S03!1'1.-1300 ATJN: JdfKo1dmt )l(Y -"""Omlq PBSI> Of TR.UST, .sECUlUIY" AGIBBMBNT AMI> ASSKiNM6HT OF RENTS 111lSP1!2DOP'DWff,Jm41uaf ~1';: ,lM.~ .BONNm.l. F.WILY LL.C.. l Wldtlqlun UaltDy ~, haviag I priadpal Ji-»oflmlaca mf ,pcmoffll:e llldnu u tnl S1111, ~. ~ ~ u Oramor, ancAOO '1TltltlNSURANC&:CXJMPANY Gf101 lll A~ JID Clltlmldl &dlttt oma-, ScuJc. WlllabrllDe IHII041 u 1'nt*I. ml tRINCCPALMUfOAL 1H ~ OOMPANY, an [11111 ~ hnllii. ill pilt,cfpal ptaca-ot lmbaca: ul pot1. oftb,idil-, ll 111 flill S'tlcci1 l)N: ~ fowa 303ti, II Bem&Jar:y", wmmsmm: TmTOruiauc hjllllb' ~ IO~ fllr A10M1 ~ 1D. Cbc prlrqai swm. of 'nin:c Mltlla,n &\Im Huah4 'Jbcltllald" lllll 00/JOII J>otim (S3,70D,OOO.oo), cvllkm:cd ., Gtmtot°l ~ 111111 (lmSHI ralJtd Iha Nale) o'( nc# 11m ha.with, sn,de p()'DJo U4 4diw:red ID llclc:fidlr1, In wtdcb.Noti OllGtol'~ tD pl)' 1D Bm!llcmy die Aid pdidpal.aam or ao am. lkscor u mq bo IUl•&IIOed: .hm time, tD lllneb)'bftda17, iogetliel'wllh~mOMl tm, attbe.WIICI. md lD~as ID ~ ·, Station Id :MMTM Page2of43 Printed on 8/512009 12:02:32 l'M Branch :STK,Uscr :8792 ,. KING,WA Commeot: ... -......... -........ """"' ......... -.................. .., Cffllt. dlC! pi11c:1pJ bsJm:D (If ant) 1lllllllaq; Ible an dill Nall idllll be IS and pip.We ao Mar 1', :zm, __ ,_ NOW, 'lHBllBfDIW. 1ti w:GII! tk 11J111G1t Of. Ulo N:k! ladcbtlcblul In accordr.- 9/ltb. iana -ccmdblcabcwol' aarl fl.h Note. Iii! Ill ...... JDOdlfioadoas. .... ~ 1bffll:of .... ~of lllccoftlllllS. tna ~ cmalml" hadn, 111d 'Ibo ta~ Iha papm oCu,aad1'1 Cllhcr" la~rttdJ'tU. ~orCOlllhtQcd, 11m my mw or .lm:mflar becotDa UOll hm a.ta' &o 8cmlfidlq, end io ncnsMemtioa of Tml>ollam b,hmd,.Jd."""" ct-b~ ............... --1,yllles, ~ pm. bupin, .a ul ttllllt,J, ja; 1nd., W"hh powcl"Oflde aaronumio, h1s amoema'IIII Ullpafomvcr, dalca.rn.-taa1ellll.Ut1Clalllot"1eata1 J1plt. tide. ... --· _ ..... """'o(Kioa,_o(_ --· dclc:r1b:d ut Edutii1 A ut&dxd: ~ namea,.a t.naf; nbillnal .-.. ~ •ilb t!Je f~ de5c,W pcvpcrl)', riJllband irlaals. llcalkdlwdy ~ Jllictci4 • tbc "'PRPllses. •• o,. Top:thcr wilh ~11*ri:11 • lcaot loud to all ** of lhl a.Id J'mmcs, or od' ail)' part tbereof'. llemoC,x,c or laa&r JnW IDCl UBfflld inlo by 8nalor doriag the lire or 0 !bk Det4 otTIUStormt"~m:~kmlfandaDftlltl, &w:ouic, mus, Ill ~ proccc,ds at>d proBu -=uina: vr m &'tnlt hDI itll= ~ (Wbicl!, uc pdaed PrimlrilY .and 1;111 • parky wlfh die ml~ llld. llQI: ll!O(IJlddy). 0 ~ TOi,Ctl:IUWllh Ill m11 .... lba lmaxulr, bcrcdllamcms, c:uemeall, --....., pcap. watm. WIIDtceane&. dpldlA ,.., dibls to tzadr: mrACI, gQicr dam. .llbcnks Uld pd,Ueptdielcol orji:i ..,-WI'/ nDW • Jami«~ illchmq ~ 0 m, Cllhardaia 11 llw ariDtqrii!J Mwell u my .,_.-&Cflllml dik, ftaocttl6c. or ~ lod 1k mcmDII and.mlmOIII uai ~ 111d l'fllPIDdo:cs -· 'rOfdhlr wkh • rlpl 1na1evt~ hmiw*rtf't11t ~ pmpm::J ror .8allficWJ 10 rm ..i.111t the mmt,"-.tidllllll wPdkip ml all ~~11 riruarecl on &he Pnumer m COIILMlfy mPIJI 1:114 lbr. ~ ta mamp ml apouto * Mid buildillp IIMtl' a,y such mme and ,ariw lftcRt:IC. Topl!JH willl &II rllbt, lilk= ud llllltffl ar Omalor lll ,,,, llf1i .aD INdJdinp ud impui--=lltl of cmy klDd ud ~-mw or hcnll:ftcr mdcd: er plccd 11D Ille add ml ectaio aacl Ill awml1r. tnlcadcd fur~ tcCDIIICl"ICI., a1ttnlfoo a.nd n:paia otlR!dl. llllihfUIP .m.1.1mpnncmcn11 mw ort-aftuaa:tai lhl:am. allotv,blda mccrilll .U ~ dMrlCll m be frcfudcid wihm ~Ptt.Clbcl: lmma:lllldy tlpOII tb..c 4dlvCl)' thetear 1o the Pmlibd, tmdall fimrcs DDW Brbcrw'Js ow:nr.d bJ Otutm"mf. attullcd. '° Station Id :MMTM Page 3 of43 P,illtcd on 8/5(1009 12:02:32 PM DocumeTT!: TDD 1997.081504!0 Branch :STK,User :8792 .KlNG,WA Document: TDD 1997.0SJ50410 Commmt .,- Tb&e*r wflh au frntl1 mw ar hi:Raftrr bdcl by BcldkmJ md;r a, ucrow K'COriiy ~or...-aii, rd lbe lmll!i llt.rGa[, Jac:h&dbt bat 11111.litdtd to lur.11 hdd _,a,,,........,,........,....._ TO HAVE AND 1'0 BOLDOe sammo1'1llne, "l)doe•s 8itCDolllld Ind ,-Ip&, llpar! lbolnls!S, ODfflllldl ml ~'Jia*~. On.alor n:prcacrdl" lh&l ii " Ult. .11:t&ollu IMl»l'in fbe: limp. of lbc l'tcmllc, dolcnbcd ID l!::cbl,jt A. "6i:fl. flmiret HC1 N 11111 dear-of IQ' Dem nr enr:.'llllffllt m:cp1 u fr;( mm lh:Jdlib..B •uat:bi:d Jim10, lbd -. ror raa 1lit!lata ani :ao1. pt ctMt ar ~ Omuct aball fomu1hffalt ml dQdlf daie &le ID ~ hwlcl llp!lll.&IJ. cWm, mt dtawldl of all pa:a:a ~ IDd will .. dtn)awl Utcll14 ~, addllimlal lttstnlmtat Uk:b 111117 kieqqhd IO 8M Tmloc. 1 Yt!Uf!Jsl llo*I ot.dl. D/diCPn:llm, Clill:lpl 1,1, Aul m Eulbh B. Sh>tion Jd :MMTM Page4of43 Prinh>d on 815/2009 12:02:32 PM Branch :STK,Vser :3792 KING,WA _.; f· I> ' ' ' ,. Docwnent TDD 1997.081504!0 Comment: .... Qmdof AirtbcT nprams lbll.l (i) die Pn.m1m k not lllbjl::d: lo ., an.il1b' ~i (IQ~ a dlmlllltd ildlal PIWe t ~ Siu:: Aui:mlalf.lmllla:ti=d 1" ___ .,. __ ,.,,.,,.{11,o.,._1,-koo ._._.Maltdd (a ~ddlaed) Clll 11:m ...a.., 111lial UJ Hua,dan Mldalal bi:a.dllciwl(ld fmm Ulo,._,.. or~ Plfmnt'-c:.-~rlwn tit_.... C1r01Q1' arl4jaiaq: h.Pnadltr Cltdlo ~~ tkl'rtmbel;; and (Hll_ .. ....,... ............. -.. _ .... oll -in, (Q ~ *11:DoG) MJU11s IDd:m PlmnillNI, '"lla:udam.MdcridW" • a:d lo &h(f Docd ofnu.t .-m mt blzMloul m lmmm&abl. lllblcmoo. polb;llqt. a;mlllllhmlt, or wa111 • llmllu ics-t ddliDcd Cir or mpllCld u IUCII: lllllcr 1111 &ukowiltrii,LII J.n,a, WI. m!l .not ... 00 ~ for o1lmf, ml Jl:IIJsltmaa la 'COIIIIIICICldJ a,oable amallll!Snquil.a --iltlboodlriltj'mmtot~ pmrddc4 a!I.Jll:ml m: ID::Heltll tolfai:,."dt al'dia~ lbd ,Ill: ... ml ..... ~ Wltllllll Elfl.h t I Int&. (b) suO.ald db &lqlllilm #I commm:b.ly rmimblcamDlltdS mpabl fwUllt fa 1his o,dirmy Dom. of~ plO'ridcd wall 11am B lll:ldeafal lo lbc me oflbe h:mia uli -.llaRd 111d \I.sod bl Glal(llla.acic ...tl:h.lD ~ Law.a, or (c.) td&U =mta' imlmlo,J" pomfbi bdd rwiem: la.a ~sbtglllg mer, pmYldcd !IQ~ Is tlOted ml: mid la ~ w(di. Ea¥lrfmlllalllt Law, (lli:IIIIJ p:ifa:nd ta In clums" (a), -00 aDd (c) ~ immidmcll Jd'cmd lD u "lb:dDdcd lfazlm:m MalaW"). ~LaW(1t MW!Dd [a.tliklJecd:atTnat--11!1)' lcdcnl, l'*- ot JocaI lllw, wbctbcr COGU11D11 b.w1 comtorildntlalatauw dedalm1, ~ n,u1atloli, ride, CXllll1.«dcr «dlctl:c. or~lm~ ot QY ~ire pole,f ar plcl::llbl ......,.._i..,,,.,, ___ .. ,,,,_pot,& biQli, llllJ H.mnflnll..Mllcm:I «11111 Emironmca1ll A.clMtJ orComffdo:d(UJlmduftu defined} oa, ..-or .._ Ibo Pnmbec. Jo. df&ct hm 6-to time. JrdDdio&. but ;aae Jlmftec! ID (111) the Pedesal Wakl"Polltdfoa.Coatrol. kl. allllCllllml (33 U.S.C. f12SI 01,...i: (x)rl,c-eo...m,;.,, .• ,fll_...,. "'1,., """""(" U.S.C. §!001 ~ .... t 00 """""""""'" --~""-""' a &INllded (<fl U.S.C. psot ct 11:q,); 1:1T(I) U.. Nnl CIEaa Afr kt., a lllDIW. ('a tU.C. §1401 cta,q.). ·~~Ot Cbid.ida'" ulllllla(llifDccd af Tm:!. mt.aN tlio p(IIND.. 11~ ~ ~ )lfOdacdtm. plOOWDI, IWIIIC, ---. .. -... ......... -"-"'"" IUWdau ~ Gil,, alllo, lza. lladcr, on:r ei-&oli lhe Piotmsa, or tt,c; flOllllon or aey &fjmaplcnW 1nli' btalllcl or die condldon of, or acdvlty at, UID' Pnmlaet, Station Id :MMTM ,· .. r Page5 of 43 Printed on 8/5/1009 12:02:32 PM Branch :STK,User :8792 Commont Station Id :MMTM I. ---. (I) ..,. ....... .,_ ............. Dool of __ ... acaanl'bicW l!Hillllmlllllccotud d'lboKote:. (b) ..,.,...,_..,.,~ ... ...-c...si"'""..,...."'- ................... -."' ............ '5)..,. _ ... due dale; lkn:d'IO ~tbe aptlllCI fnYOlltd bi. lwdllDa: ndi.--fll P*Y m1: arbcrmrc lb: due due ~1111 ~ 'llbklo PIIJbl RQlllll llyaJlea.ordmpUlll lhc ~ (cxccpC farl!ICdmm;', liam, -,,.,..,..... _,.....,,,. 1(1) ha,ol), ... __ of _, ____ ., ... __ (d) compli:lti wlllibt a ~ CIDc I& IUISlnli;elan ol. l.llf huildq aa,w or Ill 11D] time Iii flrOlltls fL camtmfflml; IIJM 1bc n:af male; (~ mbjei.:L to die tcnn1 ui ClllldUIDJis Q( 1h: ~ (a! defined b:R:iaiclow), R\.lh; pg mttt:rld afrmlim ID k Prvmbl$ wiO!ool lk: prim' wtllll:II. ~Of~. tmpl~Af DI:~ byllllr'armdimDDo: (I) mllCM ordaR.oUA lP1 IMldlDa or oll!a' U!Qffilvemai at 1111 mt; a. pan or ... _ ... ...,, ....... --... --fmpmn:m:D!&, in pod=di@a uf tt,palt, dJclal wutc, ud (RO m,d mcdmdci' b Ill' dba' lit¥ orc:bbus iir ra:::na ud f Tb""$ w comp!f, U114all 9= k;f.tfl'cn; IOCIIIICI ll&Cfl. lmoc 1:11' o61:l'"IC' of Im: Prembel ID comply, wnh ,u ~ or a.w ID:I: OJdlaDc:c. ud whh all nUei and R!pllltiam, DOIi' or 1*1:def m=:d, i,, aualmlllclhnlaJ Juriadilll'-Oftllil J'nmSsu ad IMu.e. lhellOOl, 1111 Pl\1!t1 ml dlJecdcu: Ill' 1k NadomJ Plff: Pftllt.aiaci Alsocladon or :amil&!" bcdf, ud aU COVCDW6, OOlldlliOII cd ~ odf teCllld pctblnlla" to (be Pm,p:&, irdadm,s the bulldqand ~. lnll Iha 1IIC! lbm:iot, (b) aut,Ja:t or is 11:Dll!i ml oi;uld.J.doll5 or 1K Leuc, caua or pmnJl 110 dla-,.: lo be i:n.-k la. sr.i 1.nJ wor lhtPrul!Jel wNiuBaiiincwy'• pdar writlcll oaue:t!l; . ~ , '":"3" ·'" ... r .• , , 1 --~~,,.~·V:c1! KTNG,WA Page 6 of 43 Prinledon 8/51.200912:02:33 PM Document 1DD !997.08150·HO Branch :STJ(,User :8792 Comment ..... ~:·· ., ~ :~t;:~t-{ ·: ~:.:i~ n-lr;'"-".1.1·~~--';:i·. --~ . :.]=·t>;(~~ .. ~~:t f• ... (1) lfllddn ar acq11Iuce ill ao %Ol1btc nchnlftcdmt I'll" Jmlrlrbl dlllllC ht ---·· ..... --(D 11111b or pmall ao u ofdlc Pcalsa. t!ill cmd. w.ldl tllE: JllllllC ottlm rNldt m ... a,a&n or 1111)' "81:d: df.111a,, or-. c1m1 al '4VPa pcumk>a or Clltalllllt-. ID or q:nmC 1D1 p.u. of Im PxmllCl 111.fmlr of 1D,Y peaoa or cha~ (1c) •al!Jlcl 1a lba pmlldmlr or pm.afll!hSCc) 11mor ad im-twa: 1.:1 -at .. Lou,, ,..,,.,.,. ,.,.ir, -......... ""lolldh,p or~ tOfl or liciuftt:t a pan af.6' Prmma Wlddl. lDIY' becocDe ..,..iorbo~ l,y ..ytlWC-~IO ilbat.llJIDG ~o.ttmxpair~ BIIOnldml.mlfflxllldlq dhbDfbfifll aad ~. ~• 'ho oo llailoflll)' ldlrl tdl:q: aat otlbt camlmCdaa ud di& Plallba: will be cf lltlhelul:idfy lmaa. dandrl' Jlld will i.vc 1 ~1 nluea1 liwt III lffllll. u the comntlCial ...iuo IIICRICl!p:dor11111K dlfUFm ~ (I) ,a:, dbu:IJy or ln4ln:ci1y, diJe 10 assia:mae«ofbmD5claJ iJltmrt ll!lde1' I avlt, JJ11111m1ti lsakn:st ID a~. or~ aaearpcsnlil lllf Alo, IRAd'cr « toQve)'lllC& ot''lhe Ptmilzs or aeatB. suffer ,,r ~ my ~ Gl' JleD Ob die PrmJG Olba' 1bm die lieu bclwf. atiB ... ollho Pranba mlpd to Bencflci-," ..i otla"~ ~ rdCl::im IOtleffln (w:q,t 1:S'mcdmalc', Dem, wiMm arc ,......., ..... _,ro•-··--,........, 11W !be-~tl'ridcacci4 by die Nra Ind lb ecr.. ~~ lo Ommorltll:lb~--~lw'Rilcdq1Qt'Wllaiil ~ If .the wiU..-, Del lblJiCt G{ Oidtlll' IO pcdotra its ablJ.plm:lmewdcr, lmk:t ..... ml'1:1 lciisoc-Ul'lde:I' ~llflbc Pmal,:s; Be~ -, eomeai to a salt., nnd'or, CCIIM)'lll2 ar ~m:I qeaJy w1lve lllili ~ln"'1ifiq ta<kudor bDwmt IIO' llmll O)cual and "1m' nll DX ~ Ill.)' couccl ot Wlfva' afthls pmkloa IS ID Kn)' Ilk, 11amfa:, aJll'llle1ID2-or ~ aihertbm lbalfarwhJch 1h11 CDllllCd m! WIM:I" WU «1~11' puiW; ~s ablHIJ to COlll8III to 1111 ll&lii; tnmd'er, ~ or m:umblUClll lllli watwt ftllspavbian lq:Cb"110 swdud afn:aaollllblaas 1n lllmmlinlma '9lbdber at 110tmcb.CGIRJll 8bllllll! lffl*'d IDd 111K lllllflDll1 be bucd ...... ~ lllkJ,Y ~ to be it. ill bat talt:R;U; widJoat limi1111c Bmtt5elar)"', ~ 11'.111'l'dlhold bl cons:ctl1 and whwcnlireJ)', mtdl CODlall ao:I Wllta' IIJIY t,eCODd{dom:I. ~ 'ltl la:mto bi, aio nm of .lalOM 'l'*1 ~ Nam m:I. tba lmpodlioo of ., -. tt~ .•. Station Id :MMTM .. KJ:NG,WA Page 7 of43 Printed on 815/2009 12:02:33 PM Document: IDD 1997.08]50410 Branch :STK,User ,6792 KlNG,WA Document: TDD 1997.061504!0 Comment _,_ olb!!I' llttml ad ctmdlUtlllf ~er~ a.-Ille, taamrcr. cot!VqlflCO or ~ ~ GCllllld cir papalt&cid la Yiollllon Glitik pro,ldo,""'111o""1w""' .,.r,_.,"" ...,....,.. ... ~ a\llllddl lo Bmldkllq lic:mni.1or, &mt6Dlaq aball lllw 0G .,.,...,_.,. ___ oldlc __ .,., .u acawd _, a,pfd Jotcrca. ,-iba. • 1IIIY aid .lllCllbtt am-aM dmpsetida:ied lbc:rcby OIDWJl,l)cmmdcr, im.Jaedmd)' 11b: mid ---.. ......... .....rd,,ywlll allow.··-o!"" P.n:mlml Gd lll1IDVJdoa or 1k Chulat'J ~ lllller dlD LolD Doi:IIIDf:l'llr wkb .n or 111,c: CliJdns; sm::im 1111. comldom, 1111,joc:t le ~·-ii:w ao:l iPPf0\111 of!W; ptapoSlld! ~ad Bcnc:6cnQ"t rccdpt d ... ~ -ff lbitafo lioned nmfl:r tJtbt P.n:mbcs Ind a:uaplloa 1' CM Gr.anlor's o!iUpl,lool ocmn: prior 1U Sq,rc.mber J51 2007, lhci ~ fell ahdl bs sepal tDl,C t4 de 1krl OIi~ prim:ipaI blluec lfihe N*. U is~ IIUlfu of 1hc PnJf&bC &lld uaimpdo:n o( .. GrlG&or'• obllplblr m= subscqueal 10 iepffltlbei' 15, 2001, otlbe. Lou tam, Om aaumptioD b wll lie~ ICI JJ; of~aa. ~ priDclplI bawlcc of~ Kotr:. Bcncfidaty'i m:vlt.Woflk:ptoJIO'IC(I pdJd.dlblil~ nrlom fEIOrl,. b:dnd1og-bat 1ml limlttld ID, ~ ~. ftmncial sfmlglb, and n:tl e1t1te mampmtt. ~ At tflc tillC 'Oftt.e lftlllfer, BeldicllJy ~IUklWIIJ !ionaf1bcobllplimoldll:I ~ ltlldu tJM: Otwucr otffl:lldltc bmmlh or mamptkm af b. obJl,plit:ui (If &be: 0-.mn ~ IC lndhicW(f) ot m!W>'f~ accq,tu(l, lo lbdiciuy, in hi dl5traiua. In lie eftlX OIII oli1\p1Jom of~ Guaalllnn 1~.&DUDDI bJu ibdMdlurl(I) or~ ICOCpllll!l!IO~, bi Ia;" ,ola dist:te(IOn,, t.beD.. 10 lcaJ II AO dcflllJt Jw DCClllffld Ulldc,' Ila l.oac Docwncau, Ute Gu.rultlCI wWdi baw: ba:n ~ lhlll be eompkl6';y tollew:ddall lialillil)' llllderClael.Oan~, f.l(IIIII foray ponooal JtabWcy umcr Panpaphs-M(b)(iO lDdl'or~c)(lQ .bai:dd:.tow. ORmoi- shlD ,.,. Bar.rdu)' • tt,m> tee roe !bc; IIUldUn; of ti11 trmactian, Fcther~ lbeabcm. lkadlcl'ary willlllowllllllld 1rWfU(:r) or pft(t) ot lhata kl 8omd Pnily L.LC. fbc c,IMe p~ purpo1e1 10 irnmmiuc lamU)' JIIClllbea (i.a., lp(IIIK(I), cb1tda, anmchlJdtm. Md .&lbUnp) ar.Pnnt.lL BmmcU, Jr., Ftlnk:ll BanKU m, Peter p. Bomdl. uO Olmf(!e Bonll Aobblnt, pJOYldlit (I) Bmsflciu)' mce1vu llll documcnlWQQ ~mm, 1:1 ~ ttU ttwl't:t(I) or rlftCs> 11. Just 30 ID)" ptiot to 1M pn,pc,W d*o!-11 trlmfet(j,I or SiftOO:, which ~ Station ld :MMTI~ ' Page 8of43 P1intoo an &15/2009 12:02:33 PM Branch ;STK,User :8192 KING,WA DocuJnent TDD 1997.08150410 Comment: {Ill) mt QIUODI' pcallll&ll)' 'Humdaal~ ID q;bion.or dlstbri* fraal ... -. ""OOJilY ood ...... -.. ""'Plf-all l3:awli I l...t#i &1111 prompdr, ro M 1111 dab apimt Chudar ar ~ Piemlla daR to aa Bn.vlftm.1111111 w.icr 0r OcmDllal, tad'. (U) Rd\Wt:""'1*PffJica.,_tlcPsmlmdDslOU~ Actl¥hJ orormioo11111: (II) not Cl1IIC orp:nall*'}' Hawdol&l:Malerlal lo at aa. cr dlschartt; from arq Jlopl:!Q' D-.d or UNi bf CJnmDr w*1 WOUid n:sull iD any c111rp or lia ~ thcs Prcmbcs; (o) IIQtHf Bm:ficl.,-or Inf JJazar4IAI$ Mari11 lhlt ~ Oil or &. dllCharpl fi'Dm !Is Pftiml:scis-.jdll:p. kn 00) cilYJ ~ Grudar 11m Im btnriadFof such~or d"lldwJc; (1} lt OIW" .lhlll. a meum PfflDII, 1o p,cww, ambep m run fQl'C9: ao11 dbl m ~. ~ rli1IU tnd pdrilqcslltm' lbll JaWf ar~ ctll(e or ks &ndln ud, lfOlllllf I.ban iu ... of{vnnltb:I, * ~ wb=lbo Pmtim ii: Iocalcd: (q) do ~ 1blnp n:tc:11A1Y to Pff*M', and belt la ft!D fOIIX m:.1 d&ict Beeficlaly'• m1c .Imm.-cow,qe l&mtaa: lht. Dm ar llm Ilml ur 1'mll u • me ml piClr nc-. lllbjer;t or,y t) 111G" gcq,dom. llilld :la. &hibi"t Bud. .ny olbcl"ca:cpdom dctUso• efibll Dd al'Trtla. ..................... -.----... IO Btccfitlltr)' GUI k1s lblu 30 -dayt JCiar to lbD cP6:dh'e date tJl CJ3 me a.cij1111me11t, rnodifadcmDrcMdlSiorl dlhl Nm orllbis Deed of'I'nm. IUlY JlC.11' p(lllay otador:selalllll which nay be~ t:,:i, .-re &nmc:mt or IUCh comlaubta: cavmp: (tJ mt, cUn:ctly w i.lJ'.lin:aly, -commit VtUlt; atd SU!lion Id :MMTM Page 9 of 43 Printed OJ\ 8/512009 12:02:33 PM · Branch :STK,User ;8792 K1NG1WA 0 ... g ; R a, Pocllment: TDD 1997.08!50410 Cormnent: C() ~ llpod ralpl frllll. lhDpq,or~ llllliorillu Uldl11r qeodu.. JIIO'Adc iii ... d : cu ll) Bolliftdlry nJamdl 1o Che pvaod Wlla'"CO#llrtintf'lon eamtlml form a. USA. pdL'alem. • :t (I) Owdor ml ~ot amc rabc pdd'WIIOI Illa 111d td"Dlllflf palty llllda lltbdtn:ilt ICCrlll:t all ,caon2 aua. iptdl1 IIUI, lllmmlW (blcludllla----lbf bemb: l'OIII, pab)IC-.ilb nr Jmpn:,m:r!r Wkneverilep:i otcomplellil!). w.-oau,es, .... ..,_ !Slrpl, CAN..._ it..,, l'D11 • .,-clmaa llilld d. ..-mz cblqes aoiml or~ b-~« qalnst any·pq,e:r!J' or~ located cm Um~ OJ'Mliafl .rq:1u bclcxum I lielftl lhtl ~ an::l lball. wkhlsi Ul dq,; follawblglk:ncficillr.)"• ~. tua.bh"' Bcidlclar)' • dllpllcue ..x:fpi of lldl p:,tacat. .I! any ndl tn, l:&litS!llal ar cbal)c. lRlf 1cp[11 k peid. ta itmalmaa, Osnar 1111y, ai: its option, J11Y Mldl in. •~ or dta(Jl:I Ill lmulmmt&. M T'1 prcvca1 dc&alt hctt:olli:lr:r Oradar" al pa'/ kl foll, ,nw ~ In tbt muincrpm¥ided by kw, aa,-. --Of c:lil:rgic: widCb GtMl!Otl»IJ' lksire tD COCIClll Jlmllsl, ~ dllt (i} ifllOAIIISI.Df1111JIIX.~ori:barp1D1YbeJJIO'Prllbcllttbc ~ lliaoof, aa:I (ii) 111dl ~ 11a11 1ir,z lbi= .rrea.ar pmvcneq the: calkcllan or111c: 181., mecsmr;at ordiaa:p,0~'811CkaleorAiddtwootllJ6 J>n;.mbes at 111' pllt llmof « aey lirt=d tbeRiP Ill lltWl' die ..... lln Chmxur may If lllqidao llld.ld. hr ~ud llfOll 111'! a!lfstg af wrincu aollce '° BemOclacy 1111' la lmcmdod -=-aacl llflOR lhe Atmbhq IDBmdidarJ Df'u::11 IID:llrl!rutboat:a.Jlmcflciar)' my.f'llqllb,CCJllat n, .sud! m. Ulllllll1,tlll or l:bqi: la pad f'lkl ml ill b mwcr pru\'idl:d. llj law. Ail OOS11 ad C11J1C11K1 ~ IO wab QOIIIIMI. dllD. he. rld bf Grbllor. It! tkcvcot Dfw. iuUn, ar~ ldVCflO ta anator, GIUllOt WU p,m:lljldy PV u::h.tu, ~ oratmp. 0mnor lhlU lodaa:al(J Im IIWI hmnfea die Jlcmtldat:, ao:! l2lt:: l'mnhei flllm I.DJ' lFJA <Ir dllaqll ad1tq fmm .nu' IUch COlltllft aod Iba.II, if beCt:IDJf to pievenl .ie., ~ ar di Glhu Joss or 4lmqe tD the ' ,-I Jis\liil:'~-.. S!lltion Jd !MMTM Page 10 of43 Printed on B/512009 12:02:33 PM Branch :STK,Uscr :8792 KING,WA Document: TDD !997.08150410 Comment ., .. Pn:mllcl at 1lle ~. pay lldi 11.l,, IDCUJA$Cll Wolw:ic orllkc whllenr IClbn If 'IOCaKIJ' to pmtlld.111Y Ille, ~ 111 ti.s. 3, c-) OralllAt abaU at all lfmCrl DCJ1 IA !OR.:c ar e111111o bc:f la bi:e (0 ad,jca ti lbe asnm: .and r.ccllfdam Gt'tla Lcuc, prapc:rtf IDntrme lllll.ldaa all. blllldfqs -~ wbldi.lld m or berclftcr ~ 1 pat or tJie P1mslau forpd1 cnffld by a dl-rilk wmim palicJ tor111halbJ bodi.~ coc ml qrotd rmCllldm.icumli • optom,o. l1l) --ll,l,llllr---.. -· --~o ...... -..i,._"""' _ ....... ,k>Jl>'I' .. ___ ...... ,,_ co lbo PfUllla In coamadalff ~ IIIQllltl; (W) alljm. io Ille 1mm am ~ltfau or111c L:as:c, baUcramd achlncq 1asianec fl eic. propcrf¥ la a boll!r or )I m cffice lndldlas; (W) in lbc: M::111. lie-I.caa h fl!> IGbp' In tun 11,fm ml eft'ed: er tbtm k: • demJt WIIW ftll!: I.ale or 1111 fflltus PIJ1lble•er1bt: l.ta~ lfoo;to tht ~oframky dunl8c er &. luw un&r die Lea£ Ila Jlic lichl la mm ZClllllC dl1e to casmltf dluagc, m1111 nnae. ~ rvc • pcr15 spcdticd nm roc oae huadflld pcrco1 (100S:) oraie. iems (mcb[inr: qxmi,. ·~· Jal atlfl: axa, ~ Cid~ com Ydllch uc fr.ace'• lhibJiliy) lof a ptrlodcitnioc:tvc (ll} maths: Bid(¥} IAlhJt,et.to I.ht mm ml amdilkw a{ tbeleue, lnMance. :aplmt.dl Olbtt .buam:s:;1:511:1y be """"'''1_'1_,_w.....,Jlmbdo,, ~ aphln brorUmage by DDod 11.Dd eatdrqu,b. (b) SIJtiicct to Ille: 1am and ~ of lie I.cue., Ill mllll'IIIDC :sbill be. at r11n11, contalml.unooall.appnmd ltJ 11:oe&:iaQ' and 1llriaco by an: tmumcc E01ap111y ar ampaab alrd A-, cbir.t &WI vm nr hDlim' ID. Che motteumit ~ ofhl.1. LHaan:.-. ~-11/hkh h. ~ to Gt! busuas ID lb: 5'* In Mich t1ie PmMai -b:acaf 1114 dcmiellcd W b Ualacd swa or a affllUllftlll apaq or inllnlmaltlUiy approved t.7 lk.a,e;Acwy. nci jlOllcfa ror aicr, lllmmti: llhall.n altadlcd lbtacu daAdud ~dlllla lnfawtcfl!lli peinlCliaJ lbtfkhiy &omllei::1; Ill' Ind .lilt plVCCDds,-,.blc ihcmadu'1ld 111111 kdu4Da 30da)' ~ ror~at,iaakn. Aw1*hcue. a 10151,y) Do&eor ~on dl85C Ill ft¥1X'of3-ficllly. Allpolkia orccnl~ af J:nmma mall be ddlftlCld UI nd bd4 by B::nmdu)' U fur1bcr ICCllri1)' for u. MlJICRl or lbB Nm 111d ay Olha' olillplkm .trlrlni ld1dtr M 1.-nl)oe\lJDmU, wkb~offmB#U~dell\lawlO BcoeBcWJ' 11 least JO tbyJ Ware lht upirll.lon lkie ofan, JJ01.ic1. Not mo-re~ lban OIIC(' ~ Im yan. lf'Bendid.a), bll s < ~ ~.-~~r ,:.,,_#( Sration Id :MMTM Page ll of43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:33 PM Branch :STK,U,cr :8792 KING,WA Document TDD 1997.08150410 Commellt ·JI· nllmllble brlieldllt lbc n::pla:clRod.«llt wJoo Jc. DOI'~ hlha!l. ~ Brimm" ml Gmmar, 11.lb cqas, wm litllP 1leldimerJ' w.-Z. an ~ oflbt Ml launldtnplm:maitCIDIC '\'Ult afdlt l'Jaam, mde bfr .. 111uan:e_.._,.llodWuy .. .,.,__ -....,.u, ...... ,.._ ........... -........ dKl.ooR-lnlu!l""' ... _"""""h"--.., ,ppllctlilo 111111 «docatld Cllts,-iod llioul&:r, dim llmcftdary .... ,.,. ................... .,._ ....... __ _ coo:a:nmt l» klld or bm 111d ~ la 111Bffll!I d Jail, whh UU' -"'l'lml "'""'· 4. (I) Upocb.~of• de!awk,yond.t~pctornoll~and au~ J)Criodf P:b' Cb: I.ale, m: ht Ole ntal lhe leuc 11 DO IOlllCf is fa1J fot= and effcd, 'l'lffl l"Clll.Dl!:lf. fl~ I Onallo, ,mil dqia:il_ wflh m1 Jl*I W Beadid-,, on ta p)'llll:IIII t1au: fllldfied i111E Ntc,ccu,cd ""ltm Dc,c,d D1Trus1 •• nRl ~ lkr. (l) 'da lUB anil.uaammts aRaCd Dr km! aplmt od ~ disc OI die-Prmlta dh'ldcd bf dz lllillDb¢r ofp;ycuc11 ii.t. wll ba:omtdut l.lld payibleabftrlbc Note ti.fore. tbr. -wla Hdl J;IJe' ~~will blD!inedi& md p,JlbJe, UA ro lbc:-pnm]Pm 1111t wil IIQt bcc:oR • IUld ~ for ~ ttqlUAd 11)1 ails Deed of'Tmst I) be funmhcd 1iY Ckmor &vlded by 1be AOlllbet rt pa,mmu: -will llco:Jm di& lad Jll)IMe. midcr Ilic: Nctc ~ * 11a1e wmi 111a JttllDllml wm bcmme dim a:Dd ptpble. Bcndk:wy hll PC 5'ICb dtp:lll1s CD pay de lam, ll5USCllQU illld premium, wbcG lbc .. becat due. Bmdicm)' .ablll mlbl:i 6iible fOr ii\ltffll ml IIIIChdrpcdl. Gnaror I~ p!CQKa U., .U.W~, lnadva:nce, _...._ for sudl.daarp,. If !he tolll P1Ja1m1J m# ti,' Otao.1m' ll!IIW-1111 JJIJllhlJIA cma1 die IDlDIIIIIII atpymcm acmaJly lllldc by Btasficf»y' far aaxu. llllUanCi mt lmurance-pnmhnr, ILICb ezceu m1J be~ "1 Bc:IEf'n:kQ' Oft~~ ID le made bJ Otmar. Ir, llowcYcr, tbe ... lte ADltf6cfed lo r-1' Ille talccs, ~ Ud ilMarm:e pmafmm: wa.ea 'lk am l!idl k ~ am P';1able. Otllltllr wll N kl llucf£c1lq Jn1 IIDOlllll ~ IQ ~ 'PP !bo_,,.,IIJ""""'""'bclu<""""'_..,._.,..,. tur.a, ~ atld. Dllfllltil Jftll1hlm lhall tit: M. IC II. 1111 time Omtor s.lllll llllliet 1okadldaJy, lna:coldm:ewflhU. (JfOYkleimor tbc NOU: ~ bf tJi1s Dm:I of'I'nlst, full pq111t11 rll lbc c:adrc lndcbtcd!ZIS n:prui:ullid dieRtiJ, ~ ..... in c:orr,pudDg h:: mt011n.t of lllCh bi4cl,~ mdil 1b b aoacamt of GnllfGI' 11117 ~ n:mdllhla la Iha &Inds ICCWllllmd IZlll ldd.t,y lkodklaJ under1hc: pnivldona o!lhk p&m&,f1flh. lfDff-111 a EwmotDdll:dl uadu anr or u:.;:-... ~.-:. Station ld :MMTM u _, Page 12 of43 Printed on 8/512009 12:02:33 PM Branch :STK,User :8792 " KTNG,WA Document TDD 1997.08l5D4l0 Comment: ·12- lbe Pffl'l&loPs. ordi.k Oeell oCTnlll ~ lo a publle U.ofa.c llmllm. or K"llcnc&:iuJ'~lla acqulrol; lbe Pl:emilel:aft:l:r III Evcat ,, __ 11"'1...,,,ot ... tlmoaf """" pl'IXlllllllinJ O[" U die 'dlnf Ibo~ It olbnJle: ~I (lie 'bllaDc:e llllaR taDlinlni 11.1111:: fllu~ llllla'dih-paap:aph•• ctcdir on hl .ldtrzd ICDDICd mil m.-M 111d lbt blllaCe IO Jbc pdnclpal dim ---·-............. """',........._ ml.lffid dtc Clllon:ublllJ' oflk CIOmllSI sdadJii IO 1IUI. ~ ...i _ _.,.,.._ .. , .. 1111sl1Md.r-.....,. !Odo _ ... _ fbt .. _""' bccJJ """"'""" ~ wllh ... _ (b) ~ ~ lldd. llD4cr 1h11 pu:aJnPh duill DOI. camdmat Ill)' *J,o4it 01' ICQ)ll(II of 1111: GnnlDr ar 110DDYi 1:1 W!lttl lht Gnneur II tUhkd apon d~ or ,ipoa *' mm pamp or lhDc. t1t mim: IO -dlcll CbDtDt' Jr adiClm ta atf kwut ormdfeiogof~ by YR'IDC Q(~·~ mm: p;!SliZSSiOD al mch 4c:podll:. ~ Jball 11111. be ftqllJmi to ~ mcb dcpodu ar bold Jlldl dtposbs 111 any si;pmCc m::c.cmt !'bi' 1be b=dit of'Gmlor'. Baldlcwy IUf'tdd n:d!.dcposb hrlt.1.paml acw1m or ~ Olbi:r' eccan and. may llU.lllllllqle Aldi. OCpcMII! wiu. .ao, otkr IDDDC!)'I of~ ct mctne)'I wJw!h \!Qicr..., h. hoJdirla Oil khalf af In)' Olb:rpcmq IDT entity. CJtan1m hereby ~ II) 1M SI.VCIID!tlllt tJ! aucb. dq,cnllf by BomfiGiary • Oldlinld hmln. .5. rn tbcCfflll ct ID1 dmlJIF 1u «deatruotioa ot the birildiap or llllJlfflWIZMlltl whicb.Mec a put of lbc Pn:111.1-. CU\llhy pnx::i:cd5-w0l behuldlocl lo~ nil lht Lale so Dli, as t1rc LcaN. i=a1m m foll ~ .ml c&'cd,, wllaout lallualtiaa, abmml:Dt ict ttdllCl.loa,, and Iliac mm :&¥calf of. Defid: wbJcb llt r.oatmailll lloder Uc lAttl. l)pcuQw:~ OlborWile, Iha CUd:11'1 pnx:ecds lblU be ....... .,.........., .. ~-·(o)-h{c)-. (a) Du1'tor wW lmmodPteJ,f ~ 8me:fiamy dloreo! lo die IBltllerpnmx:d 1n. tb3s Deed wnusc eor• sio/lli.r: ataodccs. llalc&lu7 IIAl' 1n ks dl,cmltm (anf ilk,._.~ to)dtbcJ aetlleUldldjlm.1111 cltim under II.di lram:aooc pqfitfcl, or allow Craal« IO tpee: WfCb ._ iDlanncc co.mpaay orcompnlcs mi Ille lirllXlnl: kl k pad. llpOD II» bs:. J11 eflbcr ....... -...u .. ,.id10""'6<"'1 ... _b IUtbarlzgd ID COll=t. ud. 111 Jive ~ 1be:rdot. la &bi Miil .BenlfielaJY elects 10 dlher ttldt Of adjut In)' dlim wll&:r .ucll. iuwlDl:c policlcs, .aDCI ~" ,, \ .. ., ·, Station Id :MMTM Page 13 of 43 Printed on 11/5/2009 12:02:33 PM Bm11ch :STK,User :8792. Comment St,tion Id :MMTM ·13· ' " ~od dim ll ao£¥alofI>maltc,r~ "11aicJ1, wHI lb& ,_..,.of time 11t aodm ac lxllll .aY c::GRllf(Q: u Bt.taDI OfDd'lull 'lti:k Ml __. ... k........,_wll_ ........ _Jn aid --Ill' ldJmimac;:prcmd,m, ~. dllllaay .comm err v, .. _'""'"'_ ............. _ .. __ , (b) -..-. ""' __ ,,,, __ .... _____ ....... _ ...... , """"' .... _ Ofll,d,luf .......... "" .. _ ... _ .. "'11...,..,.-... i.""""""'or .. • > s ~~M'dlfwbdbcr'orlllldlelldllem!lJIYlbk; ~ l:IOWD¥a', Chit Jf"' e.uto!. l>d'all Im Cll:IIQJl;d •ad 8adda)' .. JIOC g o&buw.impa{Dlu!J'~ lbJwb*or PJp:t ~fllc lD:lcWl:dD::a ~ .. IIICURld lzmf, mch Jeductlctn llha1l be-~ Mab WJdc 1'fcmiaD. > 16 hty l!llall proct,cdl. -iiml: ... u.(d indcbtldl:lest Is "11)' paid .lhlll be pJ:.'alZIJlll7 :i:md"'4 la Orulm. 0 ;l ... ., (') JtqudlcK ~die mmofdlc duRqe. or~or lalnllilllcr Gt -af-1""""'"'1ll"1 ___ .... be t'IIDy pid, lkudtlJ idid hi: cMipb:d la lq!l)r, lataRI ml ,cbalW: aay buildJop or hriJrOYClllall:C JO~ ord~ pnmdml htlWmr, lhat IT UJf bisarm:C ~ haft: ken pdd to BcsfidarJ 'IIIXla aDf _,..... ......... ., ........ ....., .. ...,..,.. .. _ 3, Oramor lblll be: 11:1 fJbil;ucd oaly" U'~ dccl5. 111 lfl'l1 uh poc:ea:11 kt6o=-tof.~ ud~ Eqlaft:1114~ or 111e bllllJiDp m1 ~shalJ t11 CG1111DCDCX111 ptGmlltJy *' 1hr. o:cant:PDe fl 1M Joa .-1 ,WI 12. prmeaitr.d 111 campkliGa "1!ip:ady, ml die' \IUlldiapml ~ llwl hc:'6 ,an:m:d llldl nhlaltu to leaf ai lall cqml fflt1t 111D ~Ja]ly tbe lllft8 IDhmClcr II prim 10 mcb da.mq:c mi clcmlatlall. bllhe ...ad ballmalf4 l*b olrebulWfac IUd. 1111lonioaucccd. H'S af64~ l!a aiaadq IIBpll.d. a __ .... _ ... __ ,.._ ..... rcbulldari ad nnondcm llhall bo. lllbj?a to lbe prkir wrtlca. lJ:!Pf0¥'l ti BenericW,. (d) la 1&c CYm !nil Omilllr It to b: nlmbWsld M Df 1llfl tmmm::,i; 1roccicdl., AtCb pro;oed!. lb.di ~ IDl:ft: m1llbk, ft-. tia lo lmlc ~ ~ I funah1dDa to &ndlcbr)' oflliblll:lory cwldmtel or the~ o:11ttJf coatpJdlon dmniaf' Ibid u:11. ll.Cbiled'a ~. 'dfYffl or !tea. , .. u,nln$lr"s 1WOJ11 tlJkmellll;, ml Dtbcrmdc:Dr;e of~-.f atpa1mc.a1. ud orb ooarim.1 prilffliy Gfthr. lb bmof ovu '1l1~ lDS at KING.WA Page 14 of43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:33 PM Document TDD 1997 .08150410 Branch :STK,User :8792 ' ; I KJNG,WA Docament: ASR 1997.08150411 Comment: 5dledule B -:i:.. section _ _.:..c,1r"1-- 1:Xce!ltlon --/1-bl--- .............. _ .. ._....._ ................. -..... -·---.......... ·- oovmtBl!SET --'-"'-""-rulllp ..... Ild ~ 1A .5035'2--l'!GO A.TDJ: Jdl'Hofdmf INV-CIIRcbOo _ ... " ...._.,r.w.,..,,._ G~I BrmlU Fmll)'LJ...C., 1.Wu2iqlooJimllcd.Ho1JiO'caquj -""""'1"""" u,.......,..,.,_, mlon°"""""' Lop! __ ..._ ......... ,....,_..., ___ ., """'-...... _No.WMS-1'13-!LJ., ___ No. Wi03119QQS; 1ldai a pmk:11.ofpMnllllllliltli &d1on 1'. Tcwmlqp D N'Olfh. la,c 5 Eat, W.M.,la-C....,W~ Adiftdcllll lepl Js ulddWtA dlcfm ta aid ~). ,._,.,..•~Tn:Pmdf~N\llllllU(l)J; 1tzm.90C84 'lk.~ ww rel)' on.1118 lofOrmda:a pruridclf 11t1 die rom. 'lllc mir.utuot ll:llf the~ IO wrif)' lb: KCUnCYwcompldtllNI rJft&itJalb.lq lnt'omilkmpioridod ...... --........ --·-··-·---··-·-"'" ....... ~-·-.-........... -............................ _.,...,.,_ .. __ ~ .... .... Station Id :MMTh1 Page 1 of12 Pxinled on 815/2009 12:02:37 PM Branch :STK,User :8792 .. KING,WA Document ASR 1997.08150411 Comment ___ ,., PriaCli,.I Mllllill Life JlllllmlOt Oimpanf '1JJ.Sip5i=t Dec Jrito)a6S, L\ $0.192.-1360 ATTN: Jdflloldorf nus A!SIGtOIENT. mldc: jQ; t1 OtYf:t~ • 19'1, b1 BOHNBU. F.AMILY L.L.C., • W:uhlopil dalii:d lil\mil;J ~. ~ a pDl1 o!lirm a&ire,s • !1631 SB ldt, Bcllmle, WUfppm. !8004, ar ,b&tga« (" J.qmr• to ~ bc:coaatnaed u "Aatpo:rs" lflmcommctm mp-c:,). JO nINCIPAL.IWJVM.LtllE ~ lNSURANCBCOMP/dlT, .,_....,......... •,i,oll<pdodpd ............... C arid post: af6r:e 11fdra al:711 Hipl.sirmt. DIIII MoiDe.t, low SOJ9l. a .I\RJpl; I __ T, WBER:EA1. A&s!IID, 111 mdcnoc &Dd NCIIUl t..bm lndcbRdaml, 111s madt aod dcllweird 1D Awpc,e • ~ IICICc. of tteu dltl blrnlCh {lbi: "NO!it"") bl ~ pn,iofp11 U1GWC of'Dlret MIUlm SMa H'lllldRd 'l'b:Jlllml ud OOllOl Dotlm ($3,100,IXJO.CO., pqabh= u protided iJr 1n ~ Na,s ll'lll .ftaaDy 1111C1ttioS (lbNGI Ill)' ~dmaladly as lbQta Jl(lll,ldod} Qd. May U, 2021, 'Wirh ldanar.111hemll apm1C14. IIII IIII aCUlfd afld il!ldlYamd 1. Deed ICIJ'Tnllt. &cmilJ ~ W ~ l'.lfRldll (It kins IP*! Oi.f. "lfortpp" :u: hatalWla'maS lblJll,a COIIICnlid ID mm, "dcoi of tnat' ar 9trll:ilt deed" at -1Slied 10 -..a debt" Ir ct. CCIIKll se .roq11irtt) )cariQJ ~ UOff$dd d,Ja ID ~ '& NOie, IIDd. ttmio,: a lion 1111 S!Btion Id :MMTM Pago2 of!2 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:37 PM Branch :STK,Use< :879;! .•, KJNG,WA Document: ASR 1997.08150411 Commcat _,_.1n""""""'-'""'c...,,o1n., .... o1w- morc ~ lklcrfbcd. ta BrblWt A al&ldlcd bar1S1D nl macle• put~. 1Dcb.111fQa dm tmpe, men, aow or bateetlcr ~ and. lb& IIAIIIIIIK. tt,ID IQd tppm'CQ!DCU lbmDzag bomliPJ. all af ..w11lc1* • ~ oalJ~ 11m •~; "" WHEUAS. .Alltsnm 1s tbe kuat "*' e.t oena1n. ~ tcu::or111e 11m1sa JUdl: Ulldll'M otl'cbmlry 21, 1"6. ID Wd..alat RalS.-DllllaalTmt. ~1oW1I-MartSli>ma.laa .• aDIII\IICt~.llldAnlpor .may t.uea:fter.Cllbodlc( Jcuec oflk ~or~ lhlRof: and WHSREAS. Alllpeo hn nqufn:d tLn aslplutolMdlftcr JDll1aas a~ u, muiag &he ~ dt.SCl'ibed laUti NOW, 11mlEPORB, ..wtgnor, rot ,ood. lllld" 'IOWllcccw14craUoni Ult t=elpl ... _ ........ -,., ••• ,. ..... ._ .... __ ... dlnclly (miaolmadl' to]lm.rall1) ..._ liuplll,, .U. mmf«-, ~t ctovcrff dctim- mo Alslg:al=c, ill ri,aW of de-kuor under Jbc abaft dacribal bsi:.(I) IRS all oilier ltae1, teGPCiM, n,illl ~ ~ afld J1mMlr:cl afdic pemnmaocc. Qf ob1fptkms r,f U: tt;autts: lbeleu:Ql!cr affectfDJ tis l'P::illls:a. or Pf part dieniuf', lltlW ~ 01'" wtdcl:i 11111 • a«.1lled. *' lQJ' tGC io • t'o!we 4llJUII lhc ure or ads. ~ 111111 di amieafrncslll. ~ lolld JallCWlh of ail ka:s, 11:Jbkuol. ml puamcc, ...s av oftbem, an ar wtucllm-bawlnda' callo1 an. ·t.aa.. • m1 a1 niau or other umnc ar PJ11KClll5, ~ orlfpc or aaarcc: of PQomait (kdidbi& lnltwol tim1Wd to CAM ebqa. bse lmDinalloa paymears. ~ op!lm.~ l1lfands otaa, type.~ ofsm. KllJemam: afndplloo(lf~ o1 pa dvc IUtl) 'llifdcll ..y-aow or .weaA=' hewm:milf: Doz: nq.'llllkil:Ule lam. Ud 1111 of Ute:m. or oa aa:oonr I.If •-or the Pn:aahm. lt is ilMe:nded aa, io l!ltlbliu • prucat 1111d ~ traum, md dlnlCl nd lllllWII: UllplDtll or d lbc Las4 m1 All dJbll oflllc. ~ 1bcralllClm' ml all 1bt ,au,. 11111 asbcr pmr,:llll adalit; lhroauldar 11:11 aa:oum .tds\lK of lblr PJmfses t111to Asll,allee. wifl lhe np,, bllt widloul Ila Dbllpdoa, 1:1 Cl2llecl all of MIO rtml 1 m:Gm IOI odlR'plJ:llll!ldlS wlllc:lr.1M;y ~ dw: dwinE Ille l:i&: oflhls JJl(pmnt. A.alpar ~ID~ wJtb AD!pic:ccq,b of d lclsel of all or &DY ,ndln of'lbe Jla:m.lsal-, l. Asspor ~1 tppabu ~ tbc lrtt 111d lnfLll ,aamo., ol .Aai,aor wllh fall powcrot'UltlllBLDn ad w.l!b pl'.l'lnll' Car JI. ml .ii. kli mme, plse u:! lrftd, lo dc:mml, c:o11cd,. ~ lad pt: 121111plut acq~ b 11J1 al!d .U#IU ml~ lm(IWIII: ~ Ollp,d wltlchnsy be o:rbocomc di. an:I Pl1abk by IJic: kmet ad otbcr"«capllltl; of lbCJ Predict, pd llt ill ,......_.... .......... \~~ Sra~on Id :MMTM •' ~ ,. ,' Page3 ofl2 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:37 PM Brancb :STK,User :8792 KING,WA -· J'i-i. ... ... .,. 0 LO ... ID !; "' Document ASR 1997.08150411 ~ta1ilc.myclllnlorllkauyomel'aalalll.ar~at .. Ut1 ~cf. aa, ddDll, dllia'bt.HJowomaor la dle:mm& aJ' .i\alpll" or odiawhc, Hi1i1i ~ ny di:at D!llWIJY art 4cdrahk: in mder tD ooUcat. ud .ron:ic lb: P1711S al 1111 alMI II rmll d oCbm' amuv.all JlerelD. uslpcd. l.ca:el. cf tt. Pm:lilca. or any Jllll lbc:rmf, • ~ ClJllC9'1 ~ 11111 cfimclad ID Pl ldl teali lM olha'~ ilacm111ipcd.co Asslpco111 llld:I IICDtllrlNu Alilll* m17 4edaU1C In wriuna cldi.-1 to ud ffCClftd bf ncb lascct."' upJUll;v rellawd r4 aey ami aD dlity, Dlbflity aroldlpllaa m Anlpor In sap«:C ot 10 ..,.,... .. -. 2. Auigaoc if bcrdl,J" Yc:sttd wl6 full l"""'" 'll)we allmwons, lqll 11111 cqubabla, deemed bJ' it IICICCIIIIJ ·~ Ill CDt'm= mis Asuga:nimland Ill coUa;t Ille mdl md arb=r' alOCll!ldS mlp:d JlcRUafor. lo:lud1al the rll)lf 1G mt=" npan rhc ~. or ~ JW1 tblMf. mil Ilk posa:siion. lktCAf focdiwilb totk cxtat ~ toatrec:I de cure oflll)' ddm:dt OI UK p&ct of Al.sipil" a ~ ill uy 41 l1lr: J.aRs. J.mpiur 1itabJ graa15 fi.111 pawcr ... _ .. .._ ................. .,i_ ... __ J'811[m.ttur,and all llm(!s lmm:r, dJOIIIIIOdcc10J.a!por, Yid& l\dl. powcrCDusaud 1.pplyafl QfllsRt11samlolkt'UMIUUmilJll:d huulodcr 10 lht ~of thtam:s or~ m1 opaa15ni 111e Pa:mhzs and or tflY lnddJll::tocss or 1labWq of AmJ• to .AsdpN, hdJdlaa bllC not limed to Gilt plO'll)e.QI or tm1, 1pKfll t:atmn~ ln5ilim::c Pff'GINl'I'. -........... _.,.........,, _ ... ,.,,, ............ tbe lm~ oa tbePmai:a at ol mllkia;( tu111 JCGll'bk. 1111131:m)' l'co5 Uld COSU im1md lncalllllldlo:a 'Nllb elm~ IIDdlG" ~of lbb Auipmrt, and ol priJlc\JI] ud. bdaal. paymellb ,amSfor 11DJ O(liaJ' p11mtta IIB l'to,r!, Amp)I' m ~-Iha NCC. the~ Dr,:JJ at Ilic ol!Et LMn. DocunieAtS (I&: dtllml JD lie ICol1olo). ID 11 ~·, akcdoll lbd UI.SIICh CN'1k:rat AafPN IIDI)' ~ Aulpice :llhll1 be l1llder DO oblliJtkua CO pmi!U,IGrdie dpai orolaiP!s mfaaad &o II. JittctLtJdcr or co porfonn. nr CIIIJ' GI( uy d. dlt: ~ of dae Jmo.r lmdur my otlhri Lar,cs am doe1 DC11.U111aC1 IDf ora. llabflltkl 1111 ~ witfi fJI .arililq or JJOW1'1J WI ol' tlKl m'fCaUis ..t qtUme!lU cf Al,lpor ID the. Lum; and Aulemr IXl'l'tiaatli ancl lp,c:lli dlll ll ~· fill?lfufl)' perfonll llD. cf the ablpllom ~ 1IQlkr rt1f Old iaD or lhtl Lta.m IDCI lambY ~ IO btdannif)' ~ m,d IO ldd ft lwmlas fEoll 111¥ Uhl', 1tco=i1 (cc:5, cosfsi Jc,sr; or dimlJt wbidi D11Y w mlsbl 'be~ bf iL~ tht Luaei vey rcuo11 oFtbb ~r, n hm any a Ill da1all US. j_ , .. ---~·-=·-=~J 111:t•~ .. -..;(:i,-.~_,,. ... k.,~~··· Station Id :MMTM Page 4 of 12 Printed on 815/2009 12:02:37 PM Branch ;STK, User :8792 IUNG,WA Document: ASR.1997.08150411 Comment llluiJa1 Gblip:doas or~ 0tibf&tt to perform ordhdwJe"ur, 111 ~1mm,mMIDCl~1SrtemtDIUG11uk1td~~-~laldac,:pth iWft.)', IIUQnlO)"'• rm, ieom, 1ou "' UDfC dae 111U111o ~·· ,,_ 110j:1i&f,nce or wJllM llUC(llll!uct, 1'ldJ AISlpmul lbdl 1IUf. OJ*!'* CD pllo: ~lUY rat die mmrdt an, .......--ar npa.lr olo.t Pn::ralMa, or pam lkff:tlf, 1IJIOG AlSipM .. lhlll k .. ta mike Aafpii; Hable foe Cbo c:ueytoa: DIil al.,, d tbt. mm&lid COlll!ldam d' IDf ol lhl l.aRr, or r..r 1111 "*' or 0ie, PJanbu bl' a 1sm::e. Pldlll' DJ" Dr 1k t.eaa • aay odli!r party. ar for 1111dln&enm«dcf'cd\tll madldGII. aflJ>t;~ar for an'/~ ln,ihcpn1a Pl,.-,, tt:pllrotamlntJ dll,n,;d'~ ill lraot 11:!JuQ' or ,cdl to P1Y aea-, lklmcrc, ~ or maap:. The naarm=t" of the sppticl:tit.al or mtab, !be nreecn tr of che cott1 u4 dwF$ tti whk:h 11w: ramle 11t tppfccd RMl di,; hm. ar 11am wbltb lhab b:. ~ ~ lhdbc:widtirtda::Uad USLlim11D1d"-=tkm<Jf ~ lllll hi~ w!lh tM. Loa,i.JmHntms. !I. ProY(ded tfaed. Mt becrl DO ddokti,' .4mdpor-ia lhc ~ of any ~ ICCtited ~ or Ink ~of SD)' d:illpdoa. CD'Wdllt or ~ ,gf AsalJQor ClllltilMd )lc#in or in Ille Nate ar M~ or in MY af the .l.t:a::I, llJl11mDIUUI-collctod llcmllldd' by ~ wbleh-. rn ~ Df!DC-app!I~ '° pqto. Ul u idixadd ~and indclllalncu a1 the WdR lhlll be"~lllpdy paid IDAnlpr; pro,Wcd, hcrnWr~ t!lll. dus pt0Yia4wll .IIDt be app&able lo 1111 pymmlf uodcr lb; ~ Jo: Arta al~ almlllarDIOAlb ln IMIIIZ. iDC1&Lclmg. bll!. uot lilnlled lo, b.11: tel'lllinlUDn.-,,taU, Plltdme ..,iioa.excroke t-,)'lll.lms, m\nllb: or....,.~ J11Cf1J111Cft ot#dl:, Utlpthm ICU!menu or .sctck:DQtf tifput u rcnu (Ill orl'llkh dllll tt-~ 111 coUc,;an,d,r hffliai 11S !he. •E.xtraord(naq Rca1Jlfl;,sncalt.$•j, alJ ofwbic:ih ml)' be Jmillcd 01 ;,,,.-_. .............. -. 4, Auijlll)r .bm:by ,qmma p1 ._.. to AJslpcc 1ba1 QE:CPl fix &lie 111hllaor'1 iD1lcff4t UIIUblcucl. ifan,, ii Is thuole owni:roftbc IIDUft le:s&or'11Dk:iat. ID iCll!b. al~ J..asu: dill Ille UIIII: 1R not !ndef11lkmd ue '1111d sad~ and banoot kQ abtied., IDOdll"ted °' ~ lo • .., m,nDl!I" ~Mcepl." bm:ill t:IJlfCIII)' Glallloleil;. tbat all r.otdi&>m pn,;edm1 10 Ole cffcx:tim.:.a ,tif tbl. Lcaacr ba'ft. ibo(lr! lldlf"ic,d; lhlltAsslpor NS ,iot~ore. ~ or eul.pa1 the. Lcmu or Ill)' Df lbt N1III lbcmadcr w ey ri,hl or ~ tlaclo,. :IIOI' Jw: It collcc:11!:C! Sri ~ ar aaiJe4,llllo1 any oftM IClllf ~ US: AIClpor ~ Page 5 ofl2 1;, f. )ic ·" .,. S1"tion Jd :MMTM Bran.ch :STK,Uscr ~8792 KING.WA ~. , . . ,, .. · Document: J\SR 1997.08)5041! Comment aoo ~ ~ ti: b mi bldill!d m ma &aeesmkrtbc UQIS bl 11'1)' 111111111:1~ au m pc mo to aa, rig1II; oflCUllfaplmr, or ~or. lh=nata p&Jlblc ltlldor Cbo ~. .s. Aafpm' lllMQIIIIII .Dal IIQ, *=', modll)r, JQIOQd tit t:la:Dac-lhc -pf* UIICJorP"° IIO' aimul 1)t pamhdcmor ~ UIY qidoa ~ or pa:mkl&d IIJ b' IIQ1DI lbcrml' •WIM-,. ~ rcqulbd 1c1 be pmmllCld ti,. any leuCIII -~ CIDl:Cl or_._..,. ot15111 Lcuca or ICOrJll a ldl'nllldm-lLm:af' ar catcc Imo kucll lllbr,' flD 11D .bmd wlluiul pdoc-"""""-.., ....... .w ..... ..., ...... lnllfi:i"Ol'UllpMIII thmoof, ar IUlllp kl pkqe, mip or e,,caml!er at1)' Dldv:. Lcuaf at KM or odlc:r ~ pqabki ~, or cam, 01 tnmfcr or diet a conyq,uice crtrurfcrofdle Pramltetoto! DJ lmerat thea:m 10 '5 lo Dft'clct. dkDclly or ln4imclly, 1. merp cf la: CSCl1cli ud rlsfm or, Ill" a 1tm1illmoa or diWDUllo:II ofdit obliJl'KIIII of, my ftssce ~. Aulpr ti&tlbet ~ m dcl.lYCa" 10 Aaipcc. prum¢)' \lJXIII nmpt tllcmnf', coplcs ar ar, amc1 an damal'.lm:, dalmJ llid mm or dmult melffdli,ir btia 11Q'lcace-Ull4crtA.Y oflk t.emcmlpcd ~-Jr _...., __ .... _ "'"""" ..... - available lo Auipta-qaiml & lttKC& tbmmla" Ill~ Qf 4ldlull U:fllkr die lllll$U: bf ICAOC5. ,_ UpOll ~io l'uD or~ priDcipalJlltll. l.ttm.&t 11111 adilr ~ a:curcd kreby, .IJld Ly Dlf ctb« dllClmlCldi ~ mm-.,_ NOii:, 11m /LsSl,pllDWlhlU f1c:·p tcmic d ml 'JOid; ~ 1t•nNIIWJI !n fiiD fon:eand ef&ctullerda.proYidod 11111. Vllll lhe~. ~ mi pawu Bf .altOmc:J kn:ln conlmlid. ,bdl uw,e to !ht bae.ftt of Aaigme ..,...,--ari>cNo1<,mdlfllllb< ___ ' m:1 lls bc{n:, lcpl ttprucatatfws, 111:CmcDi aml utljd!I, a:dd. ~ amsaqam DWllet or w Psmum- 1. ~ with dw: •ccudoa of~ lelJc eov"1ftJ tbe Prcllwc:a, Ai,lp.x' will »otltf tie lmec. by u. s. Catifio(I Matt, otcha alataacc ofdlk Aaslpmalt aod wut dtlivm-an u.tCll&ld topy cf lhlsJ.sslamnat[ 1o aicb k:o:e, ~ ad --N> ab dpe)'JDCall md:c ltll l:we IC Asdpne GTitl: 111JU1biee ill ~whh.lllc 1am1 of Ibis~ 8. It :ii ll:tldentaod IDd q=tf. Ow dill Ampmot lhaU bocoma err«:two ~, wkb w No10 and she Monpp. ms .Aalpmmdllll i,., i 1 i NwmnaJ Station Id :MMTM Page 6 of 12 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:38 PM Braneh :S11(,User :8792 Order: 9M88l Title Officer: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM KlNG,WA Schedule B :/:" section __ __;:; 1 :,;1..,/~-excep~on __ u __ i..:_:......-- l'ILEFOR RECORD AND REJ"URN TO: William E. Hal! Gooloo. Tbomo,.Hoooywoll, M-. -&DoboimlLP P.O. Box 1157 Toooma,WA9Wll GROUND LEASE• SHORT FORM Gmmor: Bonnell Fmnily T T G a Washinm;m1 Hmfud Hahilihr P2DlPflDY Grantee: Calum)>ja S!JtuBanl: 20071251001261.001 Lopl~(&bbmiatod): ________________ _ Addillco,allopl(s)on ___ • AHossoc'a TaxPm:o!JDI': -cc-,--.,---,---,---,-------------- Rc!oreaooNos. ofDoomnentaRd....d or AJ,,Jgned: ------------- Tll!S SH011.T FORM GROUND L1!ASB 1B made as of the ~day of F le, , • '1tffl, by and between llONNELL FAMILY L.L.C, a Washington !hnitod liability compaoy ("Landloro"). awl COLlJMBU STATE BANK, a Woshlngton ~ coq,oratioo ("T-"). BAClCGROUND Landloro and Tenant bav,, entcrod into a Lo,,o dated as of jt;h. \$:!:: . 2007 (the r.-o") lfflh ,c:,pcct to ihc =I property descdbed on Erlnbif A bctoto (ihc "Proj)Q1;y") and lhe Prem!= is outlinod on the Ille map .-o, E:drll,it B. Landla<d and Tenant oow wi,h to give DDtioe of!ho X...... Ao<ord!ngly. thoy agree: I. Lease. Laadlonl leases to Tenant and Tooant leases from Lendlonl thc l'l=ises on the tams and condlUoos sot lbrth in the Oroand Leaso<latadwron ti'"::) I 6";-2oo1. l. Term. The term of the Lene oonuncmcea February 11 2008. 1be initial 1eon. is for Twcmy (20) y.ar, and Six (6) months. 3. )!,•"11'•1 Opllons. Punuant to the Imm of the Oround Lem. Tmant has the oPtioo to """""1 thc fcmi of Ibis Loase for !bur (4) additioual porioda of five (5) yem ea<h on thc i= and OOJ>dilwns 8<1 forlhm thc Ground Loue. 4. Exduil\ity. Lalldlor<l agrees that lt will nD\ Jeaso aay portion of the balanoo of the Propcrty for pu,po,os of operating a COJllI!IC[ob,J bank, aayb,ga and loan usaciaUOll, ctodit w,JOll. mortgase ®lllJl"llY or chccl< cll!lblng company (colltotivcJr "Flnmclal lnstlftttlons") for the duration of this Lcuo. Slmllady. Landlord -that U ,vlll lnelnde Jn /UJy ooovoyacoo or lease of aoch pareeh mado subsequent to lho da~ of this Loose a rosmct!on p,:owntiog the••• of such parcels fur .j. Page I of7 Printed on 8/412009 6:24:48 AM Document LSE 2007 .12J 1001261 Branch :STK,User :8792 Order. 954881 Title Offi«:r: 6 Comment Statl011 Id :MMTM .. l ,, KJNG,WA 20071231001261.002 plllJIOKS of a Fmonclil lllstltut!ot, dod1111 lh• lonn of 1hi, Lease. The pnmslons of 1hi, subteotlon only apply to Ibo l'ropc,fy and not., tho""' oflbo Shopping Ceotor, S, OtberTenm. Olhor tcrmsofthoLea,c.,.bll,cupa,1necll1ercln by lhi, reCermtce. DATBDthls~of ~('lwU.. ,2007. <f llONNELLFAMILYL.L.C,a W..i.ing1on linn'tm U.billiy-,, Br-. .J~-1{ 1,§M "''ti.If :FnnkB. Bonnell, Jr., -- -2- Page 2 of7 Printed on B/4/2009 6:24;4! AM Document LSE 2007 .1231001261 Branch :STK,User :8792 Order: 964881 Ti~e Officer: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTh1 K!NG,WA STATB OF W ASlllNOTON ) )13. 20071231001281.003 c..u,iy of.Kl.. .-;>iJ ) Onfmii tJiK day of ,r.;jlff{( ,2007,bolbrcmo,tho'1lldc"1gncd,aNolmyPu1>lloln and mt tho Stale of W~;;.;; COIDJDlasionoci and -pmonally appea,od FrHk Jl. lJonu.U,.Jr, tom• known to be lboMllllagOr ofBONmll.:FAMILYL.L,C., a Wmhinglcn limlt<:d liab!li1)r -· tho compacy !bot executed the furegoing !nstrumont, aod aobiowlodgod tho said m"1umeol to be the ll-ei, md Voluntary aot ml de<d of said co,po,ttlon, for the uaes and p1Up00es th&ein meotJMed, and on oath mated that he ii authorized to ext.CUlc the said iostmmmt, WITNESS JDY hand and official ,cal hereto .3. Page 3 of7 Printed on 8/412009 6:24:48 AM Document: LSE 2007.1231001261 Branch :STK,User :8792 Order. 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: Snnion Id :MMTM 20071231001261,004 .•. ,. ', KJNG,WA Page 4 of? Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Document: LSE 2007.1231001261 Branch :STK,User :8792 Order. 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: EXBlBll' A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPlllO'l.' LOT !, CITY OFl\l!NTON SHORT PLAT LUA-o4-027-SHl'L (BILLY McllALS'S SHORT PLA'!j RECORDFD UNDER RECOllDlNG NO, 20040503900002, Rl!CORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON .5 • Station Id :MMTM , 20071231001261.005 .KING,WA Page 5 of? Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Document LSE2007.123!001261 Branch :STK,User :8792 KING.WA I ' Document: LSE2007.12Jl00l261 Order: 964881 Tille Officer: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM llXH!Jll'l'B S1TEMAP 20071231001261.IXli 111 = i;;-~;$~ I ( xNVa YJSWn"io51ft'.I! h hil :.i: l ' 1 t;;I ~; ~-11>· ,,; ~J ~; en! / . i i I I 1 I ~ •.i 1 . : •,a ' 1· _ _J ; -' ,-' ,... 1 r I 1· ! ! ll '' r' I -_..,_,_. !..'·CL• • I I I ' • .. ....... -----· I/ . "' :,..( j j ! ! ; :l l --.. -··----.......i Page 6 of? Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Branch :STK,User :8792 Order: 964 88 l Title Officer: 6 Comment Starion Id :MMTM KING.WA 20071231001261.007 ,. EXHlBITQ COLUMBIA BANK {RENTON-BONNEJ..L\ LEASE RABCEL.PE§CRIPI/ON (IHISi'"ARCel.~PTIONDESCRtBESA.f'ORTIONOFMURVEY&",.EASePARCELDESCRlPTION'Z'AS . ~BY~YORBUSH,ROED,&llroHINGS.lNC.WlW1) . lHAT POR'Jl\)N OF LOT 1, CITY OF REtlTON SHORT PIAT LUA-04-027-SHPl,(BILL Y MCljALE'S SHORT PlA'llRECOROED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20040503000002, REGORDS Of KING COUNTY, WASIIIIIGTPN', QESCRJBED AS FOLLOWS: · : . COMMENCING AlTHE NORlHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT~. THENCES0Ulr(89'10'2S' EAST° 99.14 FEET ALONG THE NORTH UNI; THEREOJ: TO THE TRUErolNT OF .BEGINNING; . THENCE COllnNUING SOUTH 89'10:29' EASJ' 305.43-FmALONG SAID NORTH LINE; THENCE SOUIH 00'56'07" WEST 138.53 FEE'J'; · · . '· . THENCE NORJH88'45'24"Wl:ST·306.13FEET; . ' . THENCE NDIUH01'13~ EAST 13l;.S0.FEETTO THE TRUE POINl',OF BEGINNING. lllE PARCEL ~SCRIBED NY:NE CONTAINS'42,01S SQUARE FEET (0.96 A9~), MORE OR LESS. . , . srr~ATE 1N T1£N6aTHWEST QUARTER oF·secTioN 111, rDWNst11P 23 r:io~TH. 'i'v.NGE'6 EAST, W.1!.; IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNlY, WASHING'fON: , . · . -·, Page7 of7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Docwnent LSE 2007 .1231001261 -· Schedule B. '"t- sectlon _·~· -...1-.~~--- Exception _ __./"'.A-"'<----, PEBPETtJAL EASEMENT .-'i:i.:. :.::-•· ·:· ~ '• ,, ~ .. ···.-. Ii,, · .. , \ '· ,: ,·-·-;· . ·~ ', ' ...... -·-·---· ----.. --~7-.----.. Scheduie B ' T Section .'.. _ ___:::;.~~--,- E><cePtion ··-. __;_:_?1...,.,§=,-_ -- ,-, ' ·j 'j j· i ~:· • O· Eo:capl lli~·be DlhenbtHI i.,hi.-i,. C'.mdff's 4Mm:tll Ii-.~ tlpl'ID. lhailp,,rilcwirJctwPrapt.rtrl(l,e;'"t~t- ,l WI)"' .... klj ~ ,is f..rh,m:, '_. -• Alt(,lik,l-\bf l,O _kc,rinriflbb/1\U!( ---~--~-Jeiil''1i'st.J.Kidu,411~~.idr,c,1•-cr-:..~111lo11Da: . ' . ':be ~terlille o! ~~ a ·.ncu1tJ.es u: presently ooa.SUUcted or to be coDJSt:rncl:ed, extended ot raloczrtcd, lyinq wi.1;.hiJI l:.be. ·~·~P~f:.J'-.· . • ·'· ~O-·lt,•:-: ~~r • . C~-' "'.i;.-.) --1-..c'1,C,,!) 1, ~n...d>-IPL '11M:-~,a11d.!lbt,,~11,...,fJlw,911r' ,islwD i:mro· },ob.-ho11>1.ftluf """'1,,Jnri:lint"J""11h111r Nl .... im-~l'fld;,IQITIJ. Jtan3 . Al.ED FO~ ,tECORD AT Ri:QUEST OF; XJl/4-4 P'.JGn PC0"."FR R-1319 REA!. tol •• :F. DM!~otl . rU!K\ f~"'f.:cP. tll.L..i. t3iau.E'.'Uf. W~HDtGTQN B8009 ... .»,II!> 2· j/74 "' 1_,__.;_,;; ____ .... .,.. ___ ATIEN:i('IN: WArnE 8RESSLER .. ·------- =~,.,._ .;--: .. -· 'lmlll, •. .i._. ! : .. _. -.. '· : .. tt\. ' ; . ·'' .De.script.ion: Kiog 1 1i'11.. Docwae.at - ~er: 964881a Ccm:rment; Year.Month.Day.DooID 1980.1016.469 PBga; 1 0£ 4 "·· ·;.~. ··--·--·-----·-------------·------····· -- . ';::' ··~-.. ,t;: ·.-·-:.. '··i\'..· . ' ( ,. . ~-. . .• sr~Of'WMHt:.cl'OS 1 .. 0::,U,.'l'J)"CIP ! . °" tits ib,_\·re-Or'..pparat t..b.. Jlle -'---,--...!-.----'------------~-~ k>bcfiel:1dM8ul-desaibedlnandN~lbe:'Plilhili ad~~~~ ----.;i,lllll1Ae~ u ____ lNead~aar:;a:d d'9li lar ai...-• ~~ CIY&\'~mrhai.4ndll!r~~J!>l~-.-·-·~of '.)q It llhs 9k~. ST'Att' ',Sl-ID,."CT().~ 1 ss CORl'OJtATa~ . . rou:--.Ttor King-• 1 • • . --~~-fEt:::>Jj7·i-·. t-.: ·.~-~~-~-Cfll,\MllD.,.,.:..,__~.-- t,.-t;llh.'fllnbll,... SO-,; ~rn4 .c -__ .ml)edlfttr.of _PJ;()PLES HA'l'ItJMAL PMlLJ)f lhc.~alkllla.--..llll~~WlnP~•· -i~in11...r~1u1wi.•Ct., .. .,,~,umia,rit1ui1.dndd•ld~rorlbco:,asnd~1&N.1Q . .... ;:.,.4 imd llN fPlt,.,t,1~1! lb;,l , .J._•".'\,.,;_.:.. -• ••,, IU~d lo-*b-.ld IMlns,ulll ... 'llf rlial lhe ...,.,, aff"P"!l h 11r, .,....,...... f":WI .. r ~ m1pnr~Jlnri · t'I"~ lll)'b;111tr 11ru:l.ifiici.il ~,.,11o:ft'111 .•JfiUal ihirdlir;ir>d ~fit,, aJx,,,11 lffllWL. ;. -·· _ · ,C., __ .L:.. .... .fu~1.; 'v~i; f'lll•lt.!P aad _l,,r 1hr 611111• of \!atih~p. ~-·iili,,11,ti -~!..e..L-.. ~/ "-Y· l)esc;ciption: King, li'1l. DocWDQnt Order: 9Ei4.86:J.a CO!ltlllent: -l'cia.r.Honth,Da.y,DoclD ·:;;-1980.10l6,469 Page: 2 oz 4 ., J. . :• ·,:; :. t, ,. . ,· ·.-. 'l; -·· .~ "' . "' ~ D' 0 a, -'~•' • .. ·--a • ---- .. ·' . . ... SD.JEDI~ .·) . amin Gr-~~ n. Oil 1'[IS bU ~~lly appr.ariul Ntw". •' 1i. "t. tiipb,tt:, .Jr., to "oc bou.11 ~ k t.hc :tadividaull dNClf",lbf;d .bl aa vt.o UK1;W l:ht. 111thiJI ·11,Jld !orc- geiq. ... K~C. .and acknawJ.e4Jlod. dl•t: fie. :slg11Cd an"d Haled 11:hf; SAIIII! N }IJ.s - . ' ;.... viilimtay aet. al\4. ~d,. f~ lhe. 'tl.s~ pd pu.rpocos durcd.n P811UO.e.d. . -~!YEii ~ w:, un4, 11MI oH:tct.i ~~i i:hlJJ ~A_ ~ ~f-·· : ·. *o/ ; ,;,.,__ . . .. ' . ~-~a~it#;~~ / !fotaty-il'ul>l1.e'i.tL Cd fo1:t::&:1t •• , •• • • V Btate of Oi:eJOll • · • • .... ~ . 31:y Ciic..lulC!S!. ~CYI jur,.,. Joj:.i~ :-' ' ., . . : : '··..z·::·' .,, .-_j~ ;; Da:;c:z:iptio-D.: fiDg,WA DocumenC -r:~.Mont:h.Day . .PocID 1980.1016. 469 O.rde.r: 964881a Comment; ~- Pag"~ 3 o:£ 4 ·'< -:,-: .. :'-··:: . : -· . ' .. . i.~' ' .. ,'i • ~· 1.· .} ~· I ~'~ i~.,.;:: • ·:< ,, ' . ·-.......... ----·· ·-----·-------·---·--··---------- .. -~---·.·· ·'· . ,. •,; "· .. ,., .• ·, . .. Dascti.;ptio.tt: Ki.ng,D DocPlllent' -Yea.r~l!ol:it:h.D.!:y,DoaID order: 964881a ~nt: -=-~, ·-·?¥ · • ----·----·-· 1.980:_ 1016. 4.ti9 ~aga: 4 of 4.. ... "· .. = . > ._ .. ; Sch"Ci!le 8 Se, -_,on · -::r: Exception-;;-----"-'-;7,;-:-14--- \ i J "' .. .... c> .. ... '° = C .. .. "'· "' ., "' ~ " .. .. .. " C ... .. ~ • " .. a, ' :,, ' l···•lll•····· 11111111111111 11 i1 lill11 I l·I Ill ,, "' "' ~ .. " .. .. .. 0 ... " "' "' ' "' .. .. .... C, .. .. "' C, C .... "' ., "' ., . / t\~/ .. -.. -... 1,,.. •• ,, ..... ~=} ·' _;: 1t··· _:' "' "' ~ .. .. .. '° .. .. .. « "' "' ' 0 .. -.. ::i :I: .J "' <ll ji ra-a:! ;r: 3' I-• '" 1: _z f.!8 "' .. li ~ § 3' z .:!$" w z I i I J it ~1 :, 'li .... ~:..,.,_l;',..,f::.-:1' • ' ,, \ 0 • M'TER REX:ORI!INB .REt'IJltN 'l'O: Michael D. :,tunt:%. ~aster J?epper & ShBfelttlan llll !l'bitd Avenue. Suite 3,oo Seattle, Wa6~1ngtcn ,~101 0 • AGltEE:MEIQT tro PROVIDE EASEHDff' 'l'nh ~reeinent is isiede tllls~S~y cf Much. Robert P. Greenwell Compaoy L~P, ( "Gr:eenwall" > Horbach d/b/a !&H Properties t"Hotbat:h'"), RECITALS: 1!191, between and E:ugvne A, Greenwall ia the owner of the Pt-operty coiu.rnonly known au Renton Ronda and legally desC'ribed. on Exhibit A attached hereto {1 Aentan Hollda•). 8. Horbacb !c the hccee ot ee.rtaiti pr,operty iamRdiately north of Rent ob. Robdill COflllllOnly known as the PayLesa Site uid lllg'ally daa~rihed on Exhibit B attached hereto ("PayLess Site"), C. Hotbacb baii requested the :ci9ht to consttw:t a priva.te roa~ mttenSion of Hapb 6tceet acrc&s Rsnton Kenda from Sauttrwesc: Qndy way to the PayLess Site to prov1c.l.e acces.s for ingress anc.l egress to tbe PayLHS" si'ca. D. Gteenwell bas agreed to grant b perpetual non-exclu&ive ea&eaent for ingress and. egres& for the benefit of the Paytes~ Site to allow develoitDent of the priVjte road extenslQn, all on tne terms and conditions ~et forth herein. NOW, 'l'REREFORE,. for good and valuable t:DJ11iidi'radon, the receipt of ~ich is hereby acknowledged, Gre~vell and Ko.rbach agree ac follows: 1. Aqraelll8nt to Geant Els:eme11t:, Upoo the certns and conditions &et forth herein, ~orbai;h. shall heve tbe tiqht to tetUita Greanwall to grant a perpetu&l, non-excluuiv@ ease11Bnt for ingl::'esa and egress acron Renton. Hobdll to develDt;, the prlvite ,:oad extension of Maple Street. Th.a easelli'nt would be fort~& benefit of tb~ PayLess Site (or such portion tharaof a~ designated by Horbacb). The logjtton of the easement ~ould be as IIIU.t~ally a9reEttl by Greenwell, Horbat:h, the current tenant of ReDtan Honda and tl!.e City of ll:entoh, but shell genez:ally be located as shown on the map •tt~hed hereto as Exhibit C. D,1/:,S/92 -1- A :. a .I. .I I of.} \ ll ~\ '\ ..• l '-<> 0 .. 2, Conditions t'O GJ:ant of Ea&~pt. Greenwell &lu1ll be obl:lgated to grant tht1 ea.saient: onl}tf the portions gf l:{enton Honda not 11\lbject to the etUIUtllt utidy all land 1.u;e .and zoning requirements applicable to the then-current use of :Rt!-nton HCUMb.f inoludlng rainimiim parking tequirenenti:: hOtW).thlltn-ding tJu! loss of pu:kitig within the easemebt are,., In additio11~ Gnenvell shall be obliga.~d.t.o grant th~ Easement only upon 30 dayG ,prior written 11otice of Hor:baeh, 3, Wid.tlt of' Easement. It is presently ccntempleted that the width of th9 easement vould be approxU!lil.t:lti'l:y 36 feet. ttove"Yet, tbs 11,ctual width of tha eu:era:ent shall be .a greater lo'ldth if reguieed. by the City of Renton, not to exceed .f.D Ieet. 4, rfim of Buament, ~e cwner-of the P«y:r..ess Bite shall have ~h&Ull and eornpiate responsll:iility and shaU beat all co,ts and e,cpenaea to obtain th• approvals and p8ttl\its required by the City of Renton. and other tJDv«Amlntil ·entities with ju:tisdietton to develop the private road extension of Jtaple St-reet within the aasenaent area, The owner of the Pa}'LellB Site ..ar improve the Hternct .arga wlth curbs, curb cuta. ,gutters, ut lities* li.qh.t1ng aQd other iarprcivaments as d&tennined by suc:li owner OC' ;u; t'B!iUited in tbt pennit'tinq prcicen, 'l'h.e pdvata road exten.siOll must be de\relt1t:ie4 to provide reasonable ac:ces& to the porr!.ous of Renton Koiida inmedhtely tu:t gnd wart of the private road extension, 'l'he plant; and spedfieationE for the develo:PrJl!:nt ot the prlv:ate road enension ( including the location of curb cuts, lishts and. related improvem.enu) sh.all be subject to the prior .appr:oval of OreenwelL tbe cuuent tenant of Renton. Honda. and the City of Renton, such approval net co be unreasonably vithheld ar dele.yed. 1'he tetntS and cohditioru;: af the. easement shall be as reat;onably deteodned by Oteenwell, .and may include provisions far the benefit and protaction of Greim"'ell {and any tenants a£ Rento11 Honda.) 1wh.ich a.re cw;tOlllu:y ot reasonable ~u: such citeuto.statu::e,. Without litliting the fongoing, the easement shall requite the ovne.c of the fayLess Site to indemnify, defend Jllc'I hoU Or:HnWi!ll and th& aurrerit ten.ant of Renton H®d.a hat:tnle~6 frOJI all loss. damage ao..d. claias ati&ing out of the uge of tn& easement. 'lh.e easement shall also ['equite tlli owner of the Payt,u!I Sit& to maintain insurance C0\1Gt'lg&,; and ondorsements as naaon.ably required bY Gr:eenwell. including insura.1::11:ie dur:ing any aonstrucrion acti11lti11.&. s. Del!dline. if Horbacb bas bot provided evidence 03/25/92 The rights of Horbaeh hereup:der ahall expire 11ade the requltSt for th.e euenient and ntidac:tot')" to Greenwell that tM _,_ t .c. ;µ o() \ ., . ·' 0 • rGqUinmen.1.& Qf Action. 1 above will bv oat on er bl!Cote ,7enua.ey l, :ZOOD1 6, }tights el:ld Benefit&, Th.e dghts-of Horbeoh bereundor 1ilall be peram:iai ta Harbach, al)d may not be uli'P'ed, ti::-a11.sfarred or ccinveyed without "Che expron wdtten. aonneQt o! Greenwell, which consent may be with!lield •t tbft sole diDc:etion cf Greenwell, fte oblig1tlcn:i• of (keenvell heteU!:td.ar shall conv-tl tut a covenants aqdnlft aentqo Honda which ,;h1 l l run vi th th• land i.nd shall bw bindlu.g l.'lpoh onenwell •nd its 1ucceuoc1 nhd au:ignr. 7, c.ounurnrt, Thie Aqr861Wnt lllJY bo &kecu.te4 in &1;1veral counterparts, oic: of 'Jhieh Jbell be deemed an oiiginel, but tll of Which ahall cana:tit\lte one agnaent, notv:lthctand.ing the. fact that all tt! tho Pt-tties ,na not a:lgnatorlH to the llil!JIIG COWl.tac-part, l>A'l'SV this: JJ day of til"arch, uu, l«l1!£1U l, 0""2<WE!.r. COMPmY r.. >, Eu.9ent ~orbach d/b/a E&H Propertl&s CON SERT OF l'..AA'PHElt.E EN'IERfR16ES OP' WASHINGTON, INC, Lar.ph~re Entsrpt't,ei; of Wi11GhingtJ.1n, Inc,, th& c.\lrrent tenant of .Renton Hotl(UI put'GUant to the Lotr,; 1, 2 Ind J .Lusa datl!!d June '* 1990, a.a amended, Cth~ •tee.15e"), hvceby conaenu to and approvOG tho foregoing Agreement ~c Provide B1oen8At, Lanphere tnurpdset of Wuhin9tan, Inc. fvrthe:r consvm:s to the r;iun.t cf the euemant by oraanwel 1 pur"uanit to the terms of th.t Agre9lllE!n~ to PtOY"idB taaement, 1~d 1gre&1 tb1t the Lo6Dt will be l\lbject to the eus~en,: once the eueanmt h granted. t.an1thece Ente.rpriae1 of Washington, tno. agreH to GK11cute a111::h tddit!onal doeWllilnts, convent• or e1to~pe-l certi!icate ag may ba re1&onal:tly req\S~~tad by Gteenvall, Horbaeh and/or the ~er oE 03/2S/'2 \ . ' ;\ .\ w u i \ 0 0 • requic-eaents of section 2 above vill be met OD or befoi-e Janue.ry 1, 2000. 6, Rights and Benefits, the dgbts cf _lforbaab hereunder shall be pei:sona.l ta Horhich, llbd ,aay not be assigned, teus£erred or conveyed wi tbOUt t:be express: wd tten consent ot Gt"eenwell, 'Which consent may be witbb.rdd at the scle discretion of Gtl!envell. The cbllgations 1t1! Greenwell hereundn shell i:cnatltute Dolfenants aqainst Renton .Honda which sba.11 run with the land and 6htll be bind.ing opon Oreen'lntll and its successors and. .assJgn,s. , • Counterpart, This Agr:eenet1.t rar be executed in uvetal counterparts, eacl) 0£ wbicb. ~hall b1 deea.d an criglnal, but all of 'Whiah. Slxlll conat1tute rme agreement, notwith11ta.nding the fact that .. u ot the partiu are not si-9natoriH to the same ocunt&rpart , ,,11, n,:ren thi.sct:7\J"' Day of Karch, usia. R08ER'1' F. GREENHEU, Cct1PANY L.P. Eugene CONSENT OF LANPHERE ENTERPRI&ES OF WASfllNBTON, INC. J..aa~bere Ent&r~rlses cf washiiigton. ltJoC,. the curren~ tan•nt of aenton Honda pucsuaot to the Lots 1. 2 ~nd J Lease dated June .t, 1990., as an1'!hdRd1 (the ·Lease~)1 herRhy COD&entli to and Jppioves the foregoing Agreeme~t to PtoYlde Easenient. Lanph~re EnterpriseG o~ Washington, Inc. fUr:the~ consents to the ~rant of the eaaement by Greenwell pursuant t~ the tecas of the A9ree111ent to Pcovide Easement. and agrees that the teaae vill be $ubject to the e1111esm&nt once the easement. is gi:anted. t.anphere Eoterpdn& cf Washini:rtoni Inc-, 1gcees to Pecute :such additionnl (iocUl'lents, consents or astcppel oartifio•ta ac ,na.y bu reasonably t"eqll&Sted by Green\.lell, Hotbach and/or the owner of 03/Zs/,z -3- C '. of.) \ '\ ' 7 \ • I ... ,Ji ::J i; 3 .. ~ ~ K ~i ai ~c ,-l .. C -w "" ~;cl ..., .; LI'; t• ~ N ~t:; ~ ~~ 0 .;~ N w fl') >-% ~.- ~le Cw c= C !!! .. >->- !:!:; t: ,;; ~ >- C z \. 0 • STATE OF W11.SHI»G"lON ) ) 111i, COIJNTY OF ) TlllS ls iro CERl'Iit'Y t:bJt on this day of , 1990, bafote taa, the unc1&rl1gnod, a bOtary publie 1n and for tho stil.te of VUhington, duly comaisdoned and sworn, p&rsona.lly a.pt19,uld , t:o me >.nown to be the of RObu,:t :F, Gteenwell Company L. P •• the putnenh!p that executed the vithi.A and foreg-oing tnstrl.n:!nt. and. 11.cktlciwledged the satd inrtnim:ent to be the free end voluntary act and deed of said part11ership for the uses and pucposes: therein ID&ntianed, illfld on oath stated that said individ111.l was autho~i2ed to ~ecute sald !nstrurpent. WITtn:ss my hand and oEffoill seal the day and year in this certificate first above written, 03/2.5/92 N"otal:'y publlc 1n arid for the $tate cf washia.gtonf residiD9 at~~~~~~ My appoihtment ,expiras ~~~~~~- -•- • of.J \ C .. , I ·-r • I . i p ;\ ."\ . i .:.J ll .: -. ' ' . ~ . ' . . .:-----=--:. _.,:). ' l \. WWWA.i 0 0 • STATE OF WASHINGTOJJ ) , ,./ ) SE, COUNTYOF.'.).:..5 I l?i'.t. fKIS IS 'lO-CER'l'IFY that OD thls c})"V dq of~ .. ~ , J..'9PO-, baf-ore ma~ the undersigned., a not.aey public Yna Oftbe st;at& of ffas:bington, duly cDmrnhdoned aDd sworn, pei:scme.11y appeared Eugene Rorbach, to_ m& known to be t:he · ihdividUal described in and who executed the within thd foregoihg inst.rurnerit, and acitnowledged to 11:1 that &aid individual lligne.d the n111e as said :l11dividual' c. bee •nd vcluntary ect ahd del!(i tor tbEI use, ahd ;purposes therein mentioned. Notary state of Wallhiogton, l:!esi.dlbg My appointment expires ~ · ,;k,_. J 3 s,. TKI6 ts TO CEB.TlFY that 00 this~)~ day of ~---<::-, 1990, before me, t.he uoder$ignecl, a notacy public in i!.nd fot: the &tat:e of Na&hwg"t:oo., du)r COfflltlis&ioned and swocn, persoMlly appe1u:ed :1~ k:'.?cJI"?:'< , to tne "know:\ to be the ~-...-&.,.'ill of Leinphe.re Enterprise& of Watihington, Inc, .ii corpoUF on thilt executed the wicitin and. foregoi.Jtg instrument, and .ectnowledged the 11aid instrWNnt 'tO be tbe free and v-olUnt:a.ry act ancl tliffd of se.1d. ecrporattt:1n for the uses and purpose& th9rein mentiot:ied, and on cath stated that nid indlvid:ual was authorized. to ex-e<:Utie Hid inis:trumerrt, Wlt'HESS my hand and offic:id seal the day and year in this ctu:tific11.te first 11.bov& vz:itt:en, -=--=; ~lkeo..~ /de,••, · .,, ~~ /?, Y ~ ~~JQM1:i,t.e-.,-.?. liotary pub{Fo'Uiaid.Tor the state af :::;.,Ji \:•,-;C,\ Washingtnn, residing at ;;:;!:. ,"l'f".'i#.:: ~!:t ~,OiAllJ, "'\ .p ( ~ ;,_8 ••• c. "'>;_,~ Ky appoi11t11ent exph:ea 4-.?R-P'j * 0 7.:Pt.HI\.,; 3;.:~ ,,.._\:.,O ,.:~~ .-...:: -.~JL 2.0,...•· :Cs IIK-tJl ~.,,/", .. ·-••..v,.$ ~°" Of W~;:,iJi" --03/25/92 -5- " .. : .a 14•:li . o{.J ·\ ) '\ n \. • . ' ; . ·•-:-- ... ~ 0 0 • S'J'A'l'E 0'1 ltMfAII ... Cil'Y AND comm: Of' llONOLUL.U on this 26th day of March 19!ilt, before 11e appHred PSTER F, R, GREEkWEt.L, to 'IH pe:nona.lly known, who, b&in; by aa duly a'li'orn, dld say that he 1s the general putnar c,f ROB&R'l' F, CR.EmaWELL COMPANY L. p., a Delaware limited ~artnercbip, that the fct"ogoir19 inat"rumcmt vaa stvnad in the l'WIM and in bebdl eot n . .id l!Jlited parthership, end isaid PET&R r. R. GJu:EHWELt 11c1tnowled9ad tbat. he e1te.~t111:d. t.l,.11 ea•• a~ hJs trae act and daed and u the tree act and dned of seid ll~itad. partner&hip • • ~~~.u- ni'/ COllllllis&ion expires: U-.Jz-'?.:t. 0 n \ ., I ·, " ~··.) \ / 0 • I .-·l: I E X H I :ft I 'l "A" Lc~al Qe,;cdpticn IDl'S l, :z: MO l, DtCLUSIVE OF CITY OF REtfTOti SHORT PU'l' m1Hll£R 100- BD RECORDED UNDER RECO:RDIHG flUHBER 1204079001 1 SAIC SHORT PLAT LYING RITHXN' .SEC1'10lf 19, TOm.l~HIP :Zl NORTH:, RAH'Cil! S E.\S1', WILLAMETTE liERlDIAA, IJf J:CIHG c~, 10.SHlHG'l'ONi gkO:J .-'-, .QUE .X of-} 0 \ ., I ·• • I ' ' .: t....! •.• 1 ::J ~ z ~ % .. ! .. ~~ ::~ Wu ~=-.,,a: M ... , wi!c ~~ ifO ~.:: l;J ~;} w ~p J~ 0 ... :.: ,!::'.! ~ .. MM a ~ \ 0 • .}:~}J:1:1 .... ...; --· .• - ,-! ,-! . ;.l_ . {'- N ·"' 0 N en 0 •' rhnt portinn of 9ov=rn.~ent !ot l lying north ot lfD:rt.h-cxn PeicJ.fie Rtilt,;ll.j Cor.iPz:ny :dgl'lt of \16Y in sc:o.tio:i .19, towns11i_p 2.:3 nort'tl •. ;r;i.igo 5 u:t, 11..H •• in King" Count!f, 1i'aE1tingtonr • i:xcz:r'l" the nort.b 300 £oat C:hareof:; ~ Al?D J::,t<:£.P"l' po:rticn. in :92n(I. 1w~nuc 6ou.tb llnd Pri»ory state· ,lU.gb\;'"3y Ro, 51 ANJ) EXCEP'l pox ti Oh ~asc.ribad .GS" follD-'• t , ' :Beginning-at th:I' nortl::il!:btrt. corner of the no,:tb'test quarter of aoetion 19, to\/n3hip 2J north, ::m,ge 5 en~t. U.H., in JU.ri, county, \'1a1hingtcm1 t'hcncQ wektorly rilon.s the north line· of z:dd 11e!llction 19 • diEi:Dnca af 9'10 bet, tl:ui!:nee southe:ly en.! ,p1u:allcl to the uest Una of ffOVll~ent. lot l 11 illstnncc of .300 taet to the true point of besiriainc;1 t'hencc continc:109 ~outberly and parallel u:i ,the. WIH't. U11e. . of gov~t .lot; 1., 790 :l.:~t, ,nO.tG DX' le~Jr,' t!o !ii point. en t:ha no~th .margin of tbe lfortPe!:'11 .. '11ci.!ic: 11.ciil\lJy CM!y.iny xi9ht ~ way; thsnce ue:ste.tlY along tlle. Northern h.dfio Railtroy CONJ>ai1Y noz-thorly :right: o:: way line t.o the ffl!it. line ot 13ov~-t lot 1, thence ncrt.hetly ~long "oie&t Hne of governQe'nt l.ot l to ill point th~t lies JtJO :feet :s:out'h cf the north lin: Of 5&.id seetion 19; thon~e ea~terly to the tru~ point 0£ begihni.n.9.. • ~Mmm WI~ om ciuet:Ul;n t for izlg:rus and ~rl!.ls ovet the: ;G.tlo-.fing-: The eaH .t!D fee~ cf thl!: wt.st :375 fe.et.,. the eel.Ft ,;o teeti!::li:i the l.,e.st 40 fee.t of t:'ho fDllovi.ng duc::ib!!d Jl:t:'~rty: · :,rhe uoutl1 2'70 teat ol; ~he nwt.h 300 feet Qf tlia eut.f17D f••t. of gov0%r,roe;nt .lot l., :O:t'l't'')n l:', 1;c:nmah.ip 23 notth, range. S ea.mt, tt.K.~ ·in Xing eo1.1nty4 Uesh,f.:n;ton; EXCBPi' tlie c11at; :.to feel: the.rcot. , ~i: e:ciuth :nc Le-et o! tl'!Q "c.t't.b 300 tciot o, ,;chi, oust 97n toot o! 90venWtDt lot 1, .a.1:1ction. U, town:i:hip 23 110:-th, t-tm!.f!;!-5 oa.s.t, 11~H, j lll lting coun1:y. Wetb!.ngt.oni ::_,;:&!17 ::he eri::it 170 foe'(: ~a:~00!1 ;:.:, [!.\'CSrT tha nc.,~t'ti lD ~Mt tba::ce! conveyor.:: to the Ci,ty r:! Rt:~tor, !c: s:::i:ot c.m'! ut:!l!tl' y~r;e&, ~l' c?r.-cd. x:c .. cc::a1:•= ~-;t~r t1uctito: '& !il.• :,?c, ~051494, Ji .. z.; '\ \ \ •' .... • .... EXHIBIT C \ ..,,. r, ... 11111 1 !Ii ... iii I Ill I J. ~ ' )- '> !' ~ " :. ~ <I " l .. , •• r-.,; <? ' 0 ., N = 0 .:: N ~j r- 0 N 11) ~ ~ ~ 0 . ' J • • Schedule B ._,_ Section --h. Exception ___ ,,_11J.,.,,_ __ _ -0 • ·,· ).?>- MSEMENT AGR1lEM1:IOT FOR EXTENSION OF MAPLE STREET ~ : nns Et\SEMENT AGIIBEM:ENT ls w::cu&ed and entered iato l>y and llfflOITg ! llOBERT F. GREENWELL COMPANY L.P,, n lld,...., Umil<d partnc15hlp ('GreenwcU'J; ~ EUGEN& ffORIIACH nod JOYC& HOIUIME (hcn:inaflc,-colla-Jlvdy 'Ho-');~ DONNELL FAMILY P/\RTNllRSHIP, a WashioglOo general partaonlllp 111d DAIUIARil JOAN DIOLT) DONNEIL {lmclnaflor wll,cdvcly 'Bo11noll'); 411d UlVPHllRFa ENTllRPRISE:S OF WASHlNGTON, INC., a Wuhl111ton co,pora!l<>II, d/b/, _ Hood:(:; Aulllrnobl~s (herclnallcr 'Lnopheie'), g RECITALS: A. Greenwdt ls lhc owricr of thnt ~naln real property comrno11ty kmwn m llea10l£ Hooda und le1~Uy described mi ~hlbic A atladled lte~o (EM ·Ren1oa Hoodn Prvpcrtf':} Lanpbcto. ls lhc: currcm h:ssec of <he Remon HoDlf:1. Property, and opcratet an aulOmoblfi! dc,1.lenhlp d1crccri commonly known m; •Renton HO!Kla AUCOmoblles. • JJ. &nncU is 1he owner of lhat certain ~ propcny immedlalely to the north er l ftc11I011 Honda Propcr1)' and couunonly known as dte Paylen Site and JcgaJ]y described on E.x'1ibi1 nattachtd here10(1he 'Pay]cssSitej, Harbach h rtlecnnentktsee of die hy\c!sSite. nnd i:J ~ly mblc:ilsing si3111fic:mc ponlons of the PayJm Site lD wrlcd ;ind as:sortc.d tenmts. Lnnphert: tm rui option vr'ilb Horoach 10 sublease a j10L'l1Dn of ttie. Pn.yiess slle lying 1Q the ncrth of nod lmmcdi:itc!y ndj;iccnl ,o the F.oscmClll Arca dcscn"bod below, Said suble.m: area is leg.n!Iy de£C:ribcd on fu;hibic C and is f1creinal1cr ref crud to as ·Facility Propcrcy' • C. Bonnell 11:5 rC4uesrcd the ritht lo ctrlStlUCI a p,iYaI~ road a..tcoslon of Mnpt~ Slrct?t :icrcll II~ Rcciron l!onda Property from S.W. Grady Way ta tho Payless Sili,; lo provide for underground utilities and publi<1 acoas:s Car ingress: '100 egress to ll!ld from the Po.yless Site. D, Oreca11,,ct( has ;igreed w granl a pel1JC1.1cil 1100-1:xeludva east:IIICllt for :;uch undct1rouncl utilities: and poblfc acctss fot iilgnl$S llnd cgrus to and Crum 1bc Payim Siic, all in a,;cordilfiee wilh lhc. ttnns, condilfons wid provuians. set forth below. NO\V1 1'lIEREfOR£. for ,good :1t\d \lalu.!>Je congidcrado11, tlu: recelpL or whit.hi, J1crcby ocknowlt!dgcd, the panics hetc10 ngree .is follows: J. Gmm ttC F.nsemenl~ Orecnwcll lterdiy gives, graalS nnc1. cOJ1vc.yu non-uclusivc peq,c1Ui11 easem~t to Blllncll for Ille bencfll cf 1be Payless Sile over, udder, nnd acro!i lhc Easi:mcn1 Arca for the purposes of: (i) con:s1rucll.ng, iraprovfog rutt1 mu'ltainlng a. roadway (including ,;urbs, Ctlrb CIIIS ud gutters), &idewalla, lf ~ by the City of &nlon, and untl~rgtt11nd utilities (includillg, OOl not o~y lliniled lo, decuicity 1 Wil.li:t, sewer, drainage, u.ituraJ gu, tolcphone, CATV and sireci llgbdng, provided dml die slnlet lighting poles and li11ure l.hcmse\yes 1h11.11 be above ground)i and (ii) providing public accc.ss ,,1a in:ress Md egress 10 am from Ille P.iy\css. Sile !or pcdi!Sirlans and vehicular traffic:. 7lle e:imnenl iivcn and t,mmed pursuant 10 lhis Agreerncn1 {the '"Easement·) is appUnenarn 10 nnd for the F,l!>MS\W1L\00074'U5 07116/0l • I • EXCISE T/1:J< NOT REOUlRED sy~°"~' l ' j ' I ' I I 1 n • = tr::a .as 0 • benefit of die Payless Sile wJlieb i5 !he clamimurt eslale t111d 'Will be dceme.d. tt> be a benefit running. with Uie !;ind. Notwi1hstnndir&g the fact thal. lhe E3scmcnt dcst:ribm bcn.in U non-exduslve. Greenwell, 1-fotbach ruid 1..Mph«e, ~d their rcspcclive bc:irs, s:uccessws and a.sslgDS ll!ldcrmnd and agree th.:11 lhc fastmcnl is intt:ndcd to provide 24 hours n day, 1 days a week, pennan~ JJ1gttU, cglt:55 Wld_aa:eu 10 the Pay!~ Siile. Farther, Gtca,.wdlj Horbilch and Lmplletu. and dicir rcspoctl\'11 heirs, .successors and assigns .m::.11 not undem.ke or m,ga&c in any activlty whtch woukl imp.air, Umit or otherwise n:strict the scope or use ot rhC raemcnt. 2. J;memcnt Am, 11tc legnI description or 1nc ponlon of me: Renton Kcinda Propc<1y which ~ 1hc,ubjoc:t n,au.r ollhc -.ient (!~rein tho 'Eo>emont Area') i," ""forth lIB!ow. h ,trip of tond J6.00 fc,t wi<k: !yin& 18.00 feel " ""'1 ride of Iii> following llcscrlbcd C\:nlcrtim=: Conunending at the Southl'ICSl comer of lAI 3 of Cty of Jt:eatoo Shon Pim No. loo-80 as: tccnrdcd under King Cuunty Recording No. 8'204019001; thence N011h 17"28 '02 • East al°"' the Socnh line of said tot 3 a dlslalCe of 108.38-feet co tbe Northerly proJoognlioa of 1bc cootcrline or M!qlle AYCrn,e South~ 111cl 1hc 1rue point or begl1t11ing; thence Nonh Ol ~3'41" ·East. Jl]ong said Northerly prolongation IS1.29 (cot IO a curve hBv\ng a radius or 53.00 rcc..t; theacc Northerly nnd Northt1;1S1crly :alOfll Wtl cum an arc Scriglh of'2S.3J rce1. through a cenlJ1ll angle or27e23•16" to Ute Nonh li11c o! sutl Lot 3 and the wrmlnlll or !his a:nterlil'lc de:SC:'ipiion.. A tt.1phk ill~ralion of the c:1sane,ru arcn is aWl.ched berer:c w: E!hllm....Q. The. width or !he lzemen1 AR3 may be tnm:nscd if required by the City or RunkXl, not le w=cm a k1tlll width Qf 40 fL'CJ. 3. lmwmrrnrnt n( F..nR1Utnt A,n,a. The fcUcwinr, provisioru. shall appl}' in conm:ctlon whh 1nc improvemeat ot lb: Easement Arct. 3.1 Cosl of lumw:mrnt-v. EXccpt u alherw!se provided in P.i.mgnph 3..4 below, the owner or lbc Jilytess Sll~ shall bnvi::: the full and winplele responsibilily for and WU bca:r nll luiuro CQSLS ill1d expenses In connec1ioo wl~l lhe im9rovemc.1n nnd .ronslrUClion of lh.e E.ucmcra Au.i ror the purpo=; and wm described herein including all costs BJ1d ~scs nceeswy IO obt3in the 11pproir.tls and permits required by ~ O(Y o( IlCnCOJ\ II.lid othu go11ernmeni:tl ;1utl1orltics bnvtnc Jurisdlction in connt!Ctlon wilh such lmpruvemcnt. In this rngu.rd, the owner of 111,: P,1yJcss .Site agrees 10 lndcmnify ud 51.w: Grccnwcil Zind Lallpllem ud !heir ~'CllW! succcssorS" and ns.rigDS harmlw from a.ny nnd .all N:h costs or cx.penw. 3.2 Plnus Md SnrclfJcotlnus rw lmnJ:Pvemmt or P-Osmem Arne. Toe dCS1,gn or ond 1tre plans und 5PCCifia11!ans n:llding lo lhc 11cU1al construction <if saW improvements within 1he E:u;cment /t.rrr.:J .!ihnll ln; the ~mibllity of and paid for by BOOD!!ll: • 2 - . .istP • I ..... .. • [', g ~ ~ :, j cl ., ~ -· ., ..: :, ,: ..:; ~ ., J ' • • provided, however, ·lbt rtn: final working drmrin,;$ Md spcciflCil.dORs llmn:forethall be subjec.l to ttac advmccd writleft approval or Oreeawell and Unp!JC~. whidi approval wm not be antilll!ly or unreasonably wlthhl:lld. The bUliaJ design w be :submitted lO lhe City or Ro11on in conjurw:lion with tbe propcscd improvoomtt or~ En.mm~ Art$ mmt provide for reasonable acccu (or ingtc5:s i!nd qrns to and Crom 1be mnt\lniag pm1lorls or the Ken1011 Honda Property lmmcdl:ucly cast and we,:t or lhe EascmC11t Arca. 6"epl far the approval or ~eh plons and ipecUic;.tion$ am! malCrial modificidons lhec:eta,. l)onnctl Jhall llaye tht full right. power and aull10rll, LO crrcetu11:1e Md complete the: l111pr0vcm&us for lhc: Eiscmcnr Area wltbo\Jt the rurchcr written or olher coasent or authorb:alkm from any of \he panios to lhls Agrmmcnl. For purpascs of lhUi P.a.~ 3.21 • rnodlff..uion ID tho ,pprove<I p1..,. ,,d spcoificwons ""11 be deemed ID be nuuorl~ I! Ille nMNlirlCll.lioncliangeslJtcgradcor lhe level oflhc.improvemcals ln reliliion ro die RcatonHcnda l'nlpcny, or If any c,rt, lllltsprovidjag"""" u,,ny poi-lion of the Remon Honda Pn,pcny an, moved. rdCICilled or l!iimlnntm. TIie matten fisted abow nre. 1101 necessarily exclusive. but uwcl)' .spedfy nui.ucrs t11a1 will bl? caasldered 10 be; ma1criDl Jr lhi=y ocrur. 3.3 QunliLY or Work. AU DJ' the wort performed In connc:cti011 wilh die co.,stna:tian or the improvcmerKs lill'ithin \tu: EascUlent Area. .shall be S:u~Ulllly in accord with lhc ... dong plans a,d ,p<dllcailons approved a, provillell In l'>ragr.lph l,l :il>ove, inl shall a:impf)' wilh ~l of tbe )aw.s, rules and rtgUlallons lhe City of Renton 1111d c:11.tm gov~m~ nuthorilies having jnrisdielio11 over .such work. Nof.withstMCilPg the pnnies rigb1S under Oiis Agrccracnt to the coatrar)' (including, bu1 •ot ~rfly Umil(!d to, lllcappro~I rle,hts relating to the ruw worldng drawings and siicclr1tatlons), 1he parties :gree to compJy wilh an of 1be mi_uiromen1.5 of lhe Cilf of RmlOl:I Md other goYemrnoital outhorilies in coimection wbh the. d:sign ad wn:;1ruclion or lilt: tmp(Uv:cments in the Easement Area. Funhar, and prior lo commcnclag any work ii, colWCtion with the imprtWO'!Wlt of lhc Easc1:,ent Arca, BcxmcU shall rwma IO Gncnwell Jatislictory evidence lhn1 the R.tnton Honda DUlomohlle dcl.lenhip busil'less 1hen cturently cDQdll(:ted by Lanphere alt>ng Lois 11 l, aid 3 of the. Ren.Ion Honda Property, ctclusive of the E.ucntenl Arca. will no1, ,13 a result of 1he ulili~lion o11hc Eueme:nt,. rendet" 1be then cumnt me by ]'..pnphcrc as no1 it1 compJ[ance wid1, applicz:blc ioning regulalioo.J :as Ln clTect as-of June 4, J9!)(1. In this rcgan1 1 Greenwell av,ees lhal sa.Usractory evidenee woutd include 11. lei~ from Ille City nf Rc1:1Lon ~n1 1lle property l.s nDl, as 1. result of ttm S:wuncnl, nol in compJlanc:e wilh applicable zonin& ~atiDll5 in d(ecl. as cf J1tne 4, 1990: provided, howcvcr, that Boancll ls permitted lo fumisb other evidtnee tonflrmlag such conformillg use ~QC! Greenwell will no1 unremonably withhold his satJsramion or such Olher evidence. Prior IO commeo...-.Jng: nny work ln QQlUl,:ciiori witb lhc: ifI!PtOvemcnl of I.he Ea5Cmcnl Atca.1 .Bol!nell shall deth1c:r '° Orffl!well a Set-Aside letter rrom the comuuctlon lcodcrilr 51t:lll po!I. a. Pcr(crrm.ace Bond in ravor or Orecnwi:11 cvklcneiaii; s.tid party's flmmcial :lbllll,Y to pccform tbc proposed work (i11 il.[I amouht uf ,., least 125 S Gf lhti cstlmaicd cort to compkic the improW!fflc:nlt.i, and otherwbc rcttson:ibly snlis(c(:r.ory 10 Gmmwtll). Addldmally, Bonnell or Lanphm:, gs ilie <:2SC may be, shall keep the pwpert)' free and r:lw or ;my and all til!fls arising put of or ,eJrulng 10 lh!!. work for lmprovcmc11t of the E.uement Arc:\, ....... -··; -· ·- = j t I• <'l 0 ~ N ,. ~ R ., " 0 .. N • fll ' ~ ~ ., ~ , j ~· ~ ~ !! ·1 )' ' 0 • 3.4 'l'(mjng qt \Vndf~ The pwcs hereto urNicr.tand ud acknowJqc ~ 11,crc is no p.uticatar time by which ·Bomell must commence: and complr.lc the impmmnc:nts ID lhe &semcn1 Areil: provlml, howcire,, that o~;i~a:I cocmniclioo ls commeaccd, Bonnell agrees ro complclc the tmptOVM1ents as SDDII as n:asorr.lbly posslble thm:a{ter ta a ioomcr so :u lo minimize the bnpatl on !he re,md11.dcr of the Rc:alon Honda Property and the faa'llty l'roperty. Notwilhstmfing lhc forccolns:. Bonll!ll and Laaphere untknbnd .ind ac;ru that if Boot>e.11 nu not undcrta.kcn m comp!= the impro~r,utnLS tr> th~ 6aseR1ent Area. thert L:mphere in conncctkm with IU coastruc!Jaa and complc-1ion or at lcu! Sl.000,000 or improVCmetlU IO the F:icUfty Properly and wtlh Ille prior written constnl of Grmnv~lf may lnitialC, construe! and complt:ie tbe lmpravcn\Cf\lJ IO lhc &sement Area provided that lhc: plans .mnd spccifnllons rdallt11 to S1:ICh improvements ,hall full be approved by Bonnell, wh.ich ,pprovul "'°"Id nol ll< .. ....,,..i,ty willlheld. If Llnpllete sliould delinal,,• lo pt,,....i aod compl,!lc s,id lmprovamon~. lhcn all cosu olld"""""" n:l;ilffll lhCRIO llwl be paltl onc-~ird [1131 by l..m!phcn, nnd IW<Hhlrds (2/3) by Bonno!!. -i. MnTt11m1am:e, Reoolr nnd Slm:I Ut'hfinc. Fram mid arter com pied.on or the improvements IO the E.ISClnotT Aree., the maintcnaooc wl rqmir of the. same. shall be 1he 11blip1ion or 1111.! owner or lhc l1il)'1ess Sile. The: coociooint: tililin:.u~n11ncc or the F.nsemen1 An:nsflaJl include, bu1 ool be limited IO, keeping the roru:hrny surface clean (and striped, ff rcquirl!d.)1 wpln1: the ro.idw.iy and sidevr.ilks (Ir My) clcun and free of debris, din, rocks. Wttl:b, .snow, kc and olbe-r rn,Uct.s, k!!eplns:; .dl light 11:imircs ~. pa.insed 1m(l in run opcraUng condition, and olhcrwig mintlining the EaSll1IlCQt Area UI a nca1: :snd clc:lr. a,Adilian coDSlstcsll wkh stanoord, set b)' lite Ck)' of Renton in conncc:tlon with its pu~ic ru~ 1n .ndclidon, lhe OWQCr of die Payless SW: shall bd: rar,onsiblc.. :a.t itr: sole cost and expcn~. far lhi: continuing a.ad cmtlinuou:s repair of1he i"l'rovcmenu within £he Eascmct11 Area, which shall include:. bu1 no1 be. limited 101 repairing pOlhok:s ot buclding within the road lllrtbce, rcp:\lrinG crai:ka:I c,r blaeklcd concrc1e, lqWring damage. light standim, keeping storm dr.ria~ JY,ilctll' in full oper.iUng coadillon and simUar ,cp<!in. fn the c¥C111 lhe owner er 1he Payless Sile does not perform its mainttnMCe l!ld repair oblir,itlons ;u set forth above, the owner of the Renton Honda P1t1pcrty shall bave the ri£.hl (blrt not llle obligation) to perform such oblip.ttOM on 'ocbalf of the D\Yilct' cif lhc Payless Sita. in which CVCClt the owner or lhe P,11ylcss She shnll lmmcdiDICly Rlimburx. the owner of the Renton Honda Propcny ror all com ood ~J)lmSU ln~ by lhe owner of liw Renton Hancin Property co do so, Any tlfflount requirotl IO be paid to Ulc owner of t)le; Renton Honda Propcr1y Jr nol paid when due ~hall bc:i.r l11te~ lt lhe rate or l55 per annum fi:om the due. dale until paid. Any .ut:h monies due end owing by llac owner of the Payless Site lO $e Renton Honda Property sh1.ll ..-onstilulr: tL llcB on the Puylass She, mld my be enfolced by Che owner of the Renton ltcmda P,open-y in lhe same marut<1.r n appllc! 10 mangagei cf rt.al propc:rty, Wl1hou1 Jimlllng thi: responsibillly or the owrtet or the Pa)'IC'S She for the c:ost. or maintenance~ repairs~ tli:scrlbed above lJl lhii Parngraph .ii, 10 long 11.1.Lan.phere (or any P:\OMS\WIL\0007462.0J 07116192 • 4 - . -· ...... ,• • .1 "'' = J I [" I':> 0 f:l ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 0 • N -, a) ., ;l ~ C a 3 J e • pcnon « entity affiliated wftb l.anpl1m:), leastS the Renton Honda Property, then lnDpbtrc or such affiliate 1gra:s 10 rcimbtlrst lheowncrof lhe hyls Site forontHlalf (l~) o!aJI casrs of maintcnanoe and rcpalr rdaling lo 1he Eascmcalt ~ and required 10 be paid by lJie owner of the Paylcn Sile to lbe owner of lhc RenlOJl Honda PJqltrty. s. Cowrntion. Ortt.nwdl~ ~and Horbacb aw= toco:>pcrate with Boiu:idl in caRncction with allalning permits for and lhc aeun.l constrUatioa ~ lhelmprovcmems withm lhe &sancnl Arca inct11dlfll, but ROI limlted to, dm ceculion Qlld delivery of lily md all doolments or other wrillllg$ .6$ may rwollilbly be requesi:ed b.)' BclMell or~ req11ired by ltlc C11y of Renton or Olhcr gove:mncncnl aulbori1lcs Jiaving judsdidlon over .such wort. Neithi:r Lanphcte, Horbac:b nor Or=1wdt fba]l lie obligated to lncUr any Jiabilltf, ccist or obtfpion in C011ncction whh $udl eoopcnrtion cxccpl for COSlS and Clq)ell.k.S to be paid: b7 1.3,pbans as provldcd ~ Par;zraph 3.4 uovt in !he rnnl Lanphcn: dc""'1tn.. to proa:al with aod cornplot< lhc imp!U'/Clflonts IO l!Jc Eo,omcn< Arca. TIie pnrtii:s-a,rre. to coopcmto with one anolher 10 prcscnc ~ right.s or tho varioot parties 10 this AgrccmerJ'I. 6. S11bordhmlfon Q[ T::Mlfl'S, By l!ttallillf this Agrecmcnl, Horlmch, as lessee or lhc Payless s.ite, a!ld U!flphcre as lessee or ;he Rco1on Honda prc~y hereby $Ubonlffllle ilOO subject their respective k:siea' llKUCSU under $.Ud lcasc:s 10 Ille IUml, condition!, and pt0vislcms of this EascaKltd, ln tbit r1:gffll, Lanpbm hereby m:knowledge.s and conseau lCI tM !Cmpor.uy diuupiron of his bttSincsscs tondijcled Df1 llc. RenlOn Honda aDd Fadlity J"ropet1lcs as l'll3)' be tc:lSOnllbly ~uill!(] in CDMCcilon with the construction~ die improvcrPeIUs to the &se,ncm Arc:i -as da:ribcd in P:Q.ragmph 3 above, Bonnell agrm' to IISC hls best efforts IO mirumire the disruption of Unphere's buii.ne:sses to 1hr: fullest extent reason&bly possible during 1he tourse of such cOllStruction. 7. Rrlrttw nnd Jndro::mlr)', Bonnell does Mrcby rele&. indcmniry Qd promise to defClld and s:we Gre.enwcll and l..aPphcrc ilDd lhelr ~live su«CSSOl'S, as.9gns, aaents and cmplDycc.i: ha(m.less ffom and apiru:t llllY and all liiitii&1y~ loss, damag,e, eipense, ~dons and dalms (jR&:ludiog cosl& and reasomable auomcf$1 fees) Jri,dng out o! or in conocctlon wit!l; {i) ~ntll's Md Bormcll's eaip[oyccs, agcncs or amlr.lCIOl'S COJ1Itructioh of tmprow=rnems ~ the l:25cmeru A~ fll) ltlc use or the Euemcnt Area, lncblding the UJO oflhe F.2sement Area by the gencml p11blie; provided, however. thll 1bts pDJ11[1pb doe:1 not purpon 10 indemnify Grcaiwt:11 or Lanphere oguinM liabilily for OOmqcs arislnJ out of bodily lajury !O pmoos or dnll11lF to property to lhc ~tent caused by or tcilllling ftoltl the negllgcncc or Greeawell or Lanphere:, or their ageAIS, or employees. 8. ilW!lllDtt, So long tis this: ~ntcoDtinucs in e((ci:t, lbc. owner of the Payless S~ shnll be. required lO purcl,ase rand m!Unw.in i:omprettwive ptiblic liabillty insurance relating to rhe constl'\ICliotJ or irnprovemenls and use of the Improvements within lbe F.tucmeat Area. :i:lid Insurance shall n;ime lhe owoer o( lhc .Renion Honda Property and wphcre as additfonal insureds, ilnd Ccrtifico1es cvidene.ing such insurance eovcragc :shall be furnished u tcaJonably miut!.Sted rrom UJ11e 10 tl me by the owner of tltc PA)'less She w the owner or lhe Renton Honda . 5. . ..• , ..... ,···· .. , ~ .. ' • = = I r,. 0:, 0 Ill 0 Ill 5 r,. i 0 Ill ~ Q) ' :1 •• = J l j l ~ , •, ' 0 • Pmpcrty and 1a Lunp~. Said inwrance si.zn be: placed witb an insurer 1Uldloriud ui dd bmim:n in Uie Stnte er Washington. and acccplabJe ro I.he owrim" of the Renton H~ P.ropeny. which ace~ will nol be URRl:lmnabfy wichhcld. The initic1l arno.mt of sueh Insurance shclt be as follow,; Dodlly lnjury U.bm,y ?rnpcny Damogo Llabilily The amount of Hth insurance, lbc ~ or co1n:ragcs and Cftdorsemen<s, ~d lhc illSllnlJtCecD:trier RllLY be cbansed rrom tlmc to tlmcas J"CDSombly rcqpe51Cd by lheowncroflhe Rentoll Hooda Propcn:y t;U:ing into actiOUnl the dsts: .woclaled wlth tho use of tbc Easement A"", and po1cntbl llabllity npoa,rc. Wllhoul Jlmltla: 1)10 Risponslblllt)' af 1he owner of lhc Pay~ S'de ta purchase Md maintain insiwncc ns provided aOO\IC in thb lfflgraph a, ro long as Lanphere or o. PfflOII or erui1y amtiated with Lanpl)crc bses the lteAIDII aoada Prop:rty~ then Lanphere or sucli ntullilte agreci 10 rclrnb'llrsc the awner of 1bc Payk!ss Si1~ rar one-hair (1/2) ar the cost of any sadl insumic,:. F"urttaer. In the event lhe owner of dlC .Pn)'lcss Sllc tails Kl purclwc a11d/or maintain t1,:, insurani:e cowir:iges as required by Utk PD.ragraph 8. 1llcn lllc. owner of the Rcnloo Honda Propu1y 5hall haw-lhe fitht {but oot the abUgation) lO purclrue nnd maintain Sllcb iasuran~ coven:ige1 In which event lhc owr,er o( the Payless Sile thall Ullllled.laltly n:itr1bucS&! tbeciwncr o( the. Rcntan Honcb Property fonll cosss and ex~ ineurted by lltB owner af llle Rcn.&on Honda Property In ci;;iorn:ction Ulcgwidi. Any amDllnt requ.lred to be pa.id. .to the owner of lhe RcnlOtl Hcmda Propi!rty hcmundcr If net pilld when due shalt bear infcrul al the. rate or 15,:; per amurn !ror:n 1hedu.ed;.!r: until paid, Saidnmount shaU CORStitute II Jlen on Iha Payless Sile, aAd may Oc cnrorc:td by the owner of lhe Reniw Honda Ptopcrty iri die s.une manner as appf,es 10 mortguges of n:ul property. 9, t,!llID'!flnn@HS· 9.1 Jrx:omllr1rti9n hY B,:fmlltt. Toe ~Its auacbed bcn:to arc incorporated herein by dlis reference aad fCJrm a part hereof :u if SCI forth in 11111. 9.2 Rinding EOCccl. 111is Agreerntr\t sha11 b8 Wndin& upon J.(ld hlurc lo the: bcncli.l of tht! pariks hereto Md their reip<!CUve halrs, successors, .sublcssecs and assigns. 9.3 Pfsouf! Co~:!§ nod ixmmm:, In the eveftt of .my c:onnict.i cluim or dispule between the pllrlics hcn:10 Md t1risi11g ou1 or ot relating IO Iii£ .$11bJect mauu lcrcor, whclhcrr ot n(I( soeh conflict, claim or dispwe tm its basls in Jm, or In equity, the pn:vailfog p:my 5h~l be vttllled 10 receive fr.om the non-prevaWng: part)'(lcs) all reasonable costs .ud cxpCQS'CS of every lort whar.,ocvcr lnc:ludir% but nor limited to, mtl!ln fccs 1 mcdI;a.tioa fees, deposltioo c.vru, expert witness (et!$, :i.ccounling expcam reln!lng lhrfdo, :ind actual auomcys' fc& incurred or expended whclhcr or not cour1 or nrbttralio.a ~Rti :JR. initialed, und . 6- \ .• • I ' ' r- I':) 0 <11 ' ' 0 ~ 5 0 :s ~ .. ~ ., .. " 3 : ~ -t d ~ ~. -. j • • includimg; all such colt$ or ~pi:oscs: iacurred Or upenttd in arbJtnuian, In trial, on: appeal Of in 1my banktuptcy or receivership proc:miing:. 9.4 F.fltnflon or Remhr,n Threurh PnJ'lw sue Horb.icll Md Lanphere u.ndcnlatld ud acknowledge: toot lbo roadway and ulllilm to be conSlnlcled wl1hin lln: S.a,ent Arca an: Cot the bendil of tht. Paylffl Sile, aad ihal sucll roadway ud ulilllic.s wiD conlinueon rrom the, RC!llOl'I Jioada Property lhrouth a ponioo or ltlC Pa,leas site wlricb lncludc:s a portion of 1be F>clfity l'nlpcl1J', In lhls r,garc!, Hocbocb and U,,phue he,eby """ 10 uoh ..,....,. owr and acru.s:s Ille Paylc!i:s site app,anmme.ly as ih°"'11 on Ike drawing auzcl!cd bemo a., E<hlbll I>, or when, olh<rwue r,qu1Jd lO be 1-od wilhln U,. Paylou Sile by !he City of Renton In coanecdoo wi1h iu approval of 1b lmprov~m.s co lhc Ea!emcnt /1.rea. 9.S Qmnternar:h ond FD£dmll1 TnmRDkdon nu Ag=cnent may be =k>d In ,.va,l "'""'torpart, ,nd by mmmn, ,ruwntmoo. Ench -,aqwt wll b, dccmcd un origum11 but all COWllapans shall constitute oac q:rcemcnt, no1.whhstmldi111 Ult fact I hat all o( \lie pmdc:s AIC not JigamdCS to tl= same cOWllelpart. 9.6 No PnbDt PrdfC81fon. Natwilhslandlng lhnt a purpose orlhts Easomc:at Is to provide public OC<tSt fnlm S,W, Grady Way to the Payle!s She, IIO!llmg lo !his Ea!ema11 shall be deemed ID constftulc. a pubUc dediauian ar the~ Area. or lo cm1te :an watnent for lhe public, Md 1b.e Easemenl sbaU ooly consiliute 11 priva.lC Easement for die b;:aem. of lhe Payt..s She. 9~ 1 Bithts Nql A.(Tected. This E.lmnct1I it being gran<ed by Gt=well pursu.nl to lhe. terms of the Agreement to ProvWe Rrserncnl dated Mnn:h 25 1 1991 bctwccn Greenw,11 and Eugcoe Bcmacb, d/b/a.E &. H Propc:nlos, This E=me,n siall JIOI be COIISlnied to interfere wi"th llit rigbU of Wl)hece IO require an ClSCft'lCfU pinuanl kt Section 2. or the First Amcndmcnl lD LOIS I, 2 and 3 Lease bc!WCCn GrcenweU and l.:inphen: did.cd Mwth 26, l992. IN wrnmss WHEREOF, the ~eshtl'eto havt aecutcd lhh: Agrecmeal on lhe:dalcS lndiealed below. GREENWELL: ROBERT F, GREENWELL CO. L.P., a OclaWllJ'e D111i1ed parun:r.shlp ay, __________ _ Pele< F.R. 0""'1well, General Par!Der • 7 • .. . '' r- M 0 N 0 N r- ~ 0 s N ·' a:, , 0 ·J . , a -~ J • ; 1 ' • \ Ill I ~ ..... ' 9.$ CmtnWVDCU sad F4eatmfl1t Tnnenlntn 'l111, -11\ffll m11 Lo ~ in HVffll co~ .. ~ by ""'1illll• IJlnfflda<IOJO. w "'""t,q,lll lhlll bo cfetma1 RII tmglr.&f, but~ Ulllfll~ WU ~•111.Uhita;: uaa _..,.:11111nem. IIOlfAlbl&,i\dlitt tho faol Iha! all of lloo i,l:d,t ... >ot litMIO~CI lo !~ ...,. CW.ltipllll. u Na MUc Nrmlon NOIIY!duWllJ !It! & p-of Ibis &,.....,t i, lo pro,ldo pllbJr.,-.,, r-S,W, °"'9y W1y lo UN l'a7leu Sitt, noJltlnjl In lflLI _, Jlull llf lloomt<l tn m111ttrurupubllo dodl""1 .. .t lb• r-.""" Am or,..,.. .. ,n -Z:!po1111n, •1111 fl,,, r;!!!!l!!!!! !!!J!!! !'.n!t i~'1@11< • 1wl~,e tlrlemr.or ''" 111• o, • .., Bl 14 "i'ilUl • 111ffl'Dl,... lfl •••• .... • f'l'1nll•tl l":111111 p11111ur 1.t Ill<""'"' uf mo AJ""""'11 !0 Provide. -..i doled Mardi 25, l91l1 bch!"" 0-wdl and llupnc H..-, Wa B & ll Proponlu. 'lbir -..11hall 1101 bo °'"ttniod lo Ill~ ll'llh ll,ul1hls of W!)1lfle to ~lteotl """""41 l'""Ul!II !O S..UOll 2 of lheF'rnt Alllmdmeot to 1.ot, 1, 2 iOd 3 ua .. betw..,, o'"'1Well ...i Lat>phlnl lhiled Maa:h 21, 1m !NWtl'NE$S Wl!BRBOF, tn<j!8/l~I bl!IIIO ha,oe~~tol lbi> A-Ml On the dilel in~catcd below, G~ ROSS!IT P. OllBiiNIYE.LL CO. l.P., ~/ GcnOQI Pwcr . 7. , . l I • •· ., ... ·.: ... · } .. ' • :·.··~. : . ... ·' ... . • ....... -· ·-. r- I") 0 ~ N I' :'; ~ ~ Cl ., , 0 1 ; ~ • •· -! • , 2, I t Ft.D.\.fS\WIL\IJ007~6'2.0S 01fl6/92 ·-I ·-· • BONNELL: BONNELL FAMILY PARTNERSIDP, a Wlshifttton ie,,Clll pill'lllCl>llip Byl.'.i ....... ,6, f/~ ~ F.rai,k Benmd BoNicU, Jr., Mwgirtg CA'I {a,;;;J:• :• 04,~--, Mlh BARBARA (HOLT) BO LANPl!ERE: AS!IDfGTON, • B • ,.. . = ' r- C'J ~ 0 ai ~ 3 0 .. N " VI J .. ~ L " ~ t ... s ~ ~ ' • . I • ! S'rM'E OP BAWUI ••• ciff AND aKIN'l'Y OF HONOLULU J On this /£ d;al' Df ..1Ulr 19Sl:il1 ~tore 110: appeared P£l'ER F. Ila GREEH\fELL.1 tD me personal y ).:IJ.own1 wbo,. :be:Lng by •• ®ly svcrn, dld day that. he 1a the general pllrl.nar of ROBBR!I' F, CR!ENW!!Lli COMPANt r.,. P., a l)alavare lialted pu-tnet'abip, that. the foregoing iatsb:um•nt: waa 111ignti1d in the Jltt-.e and ifl PGb,e,lt ot said lbnited. P4rtl'\ete:hip1 and. aa!.4 PETER. F. R. GREBHW8Lt. 11.ck:newl.e.dged thBt ba executed tho 1111.u u hi11 free act and !Seed arid as th• t'ree aot and daed ot said limitad pntrlenbJp. ~~- •Y commiaoian expi<ea ,d • /1. 7 -j>J{' ' •, I' . ·:~~~':~:..i?.,.:, '-"~J.,r.tw;;~c;:1-·~ ,• •· -.· .. ;, ' • .... ., .,: ' ., -I ... 5 . ;-. J • ' ~ g • 1111 STATE OF WASf!INOTON ) ) ss. COUHrY OF KING ) I «rtl(y llia< I know or lmvo :satilfattory ,vulcnco lllllt l'El'ER F .B. GREENWELL h tJu, i=cn "'1lo appeared befffl me, nnd said -aeknowledg,d llul lit .., audiodzed m execuie lh• !n11lllmeot a, the Geooml Parmer on bdmlf of ROBl!RT F, GRllENWELL CO,, L.P,, a Ddawm Umlled l'tulnenhip pommnt to tbe pro,,;...,. or 11m panne,,bip 111:"''"'<nt of Ai<! llmlled parm,r,bip m,d ,tb,owledg,d ,aid illswmcnt to b, the rm, .. d WlomlaJJ' ac( o( sald c.....i p;u1nC!lhip f01 lhe uses and P'll'"" mentioned 1n "1tl Jn,trumenL Nowy Ptlbl~ In and for the S18IO of Washing10n 1 res!diaJ at _____ _ My App,lnlmcn< 6>:pln:, _____ _ ~ O STATE OF WASl!INGTON (II ) ) "· ) l7l CO!JNl'Y OF ICINO • 9 - l I I ' - < r- "' :a I ~ ~ _, :l ;J :;; :: :J 'j ~ l ~ 5 .., .., J ' • . \ - GroN COU/iTY OI' !ONO I c:ei!lfy U>al ! loiow or htve ,atis!u,tcry cvldenoo Uia< /DYCE BORBA """"' who IIJlil"IICd IJcfora ~ and ,.Jd pmon aclnowl<:dgcd lliat Jhe • ibis !nstnm,c,,t and IIO!atowledged I< to be l<r froc >UK! l'Dlunta,y ao, lot iiid purpose, m"'11onod In Ilic irtstromeDL D•""----------- Ncwy Public. in and far lhe Slate or Washington,~ at _____ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) l s~ COUNTY OF KING J I "'rtify lh,. l looow or have satisractocy evidence !hat PRANl( BERNARD DONNELL, JR. Is lhe peclOO who aw,ared befott-me, illlcl SIi.id per.son actnowlt.dg.ed shat be was authtirhtd lo Q.t:CUIC the UlsLtunienl a, a Man;;ging Partner on behalf of BONNELL FAMILY PAR'INSRSRIP puauanl to the provisions Df the partnmllp agre,emeot of said genr:rai p,rnu,,,hlp and w:lalowlt<lged said lnstrumtnt lO ho Ille r..., .,.1 wlunlaf)' at:t of .,Jd ~ partntrshlp for the llSCS and purposes m~tiontd in ,aid lnsttumcnL ~,,~~;~ (}a'°" ~4 17 199.z.__. t.t"~~~i \ 1--. a..,,,_ 1 2 r (~( · ~ li~j ~o~::,,m:;:~. "-,.,~, )'> i My Appolntmonl Elpites :::r:9{ ·~.0,..7:,~'.'!.!)._o;;._.t,1 ~,,,,74'S~·"" ... , ........ l~" F:\DMS\WJU000?-461.05 C111&19i -10 - • ··, ... 5 ~ ~ .. .. ; J ' ·. . ' STATIS OP WJ\SHINOTON COUNTY OF KING "· • • ·······-- l o:ni(y ,w I kaow or ha,e ,.u,ra<10JJ' el'ldem,o that IIARBJ\RJ\ lOJ\N (HOL1J .BONNELL 1' 1be P"'"" who appeared bcfo<< me, aod said ...-,cbowlcdgod !hot sht signed lllb 1mUumct11 and aclcnow!cdgcd ii to be he, ~ .. ,.d Wllunwy act for tlie ""' and ~ ~oncd in d\6 lnstn1meaL I ccn:lfy lhal 1 know or Jmvc .m1isfactory cvlde0te chat DANlEL HIXSON is the pc:CIOO who appeared bcfure me. nnd sa1d person actnowledg.ed. l1'at he: signed lhis instru.ment1 on Dallt stated 1bal he was nuthoriud IO execute Ole instnlmenl and acblo\Wledged It as dte President or LANPHER6 ENTERPRISES OF WASHINGTON, INC. lo be lho m:e and volulllaly act of 1uch anporalion fur the uses ;uid ,l>UfJKllttl menthined In die tnstrurtltlll. f;\DMS\W1L'W007~&l,05 07116.r,z • 1 l • •·. .. · '• ' ' f. -~~~,g~~~@.'}~?-..r.,t-?~f!r -__;.·: ::,-_.,, ... r,. M 0 .a ~ ~ N ;I r-~ , 0 ~ N , l en • i • • ~ ~ ' • ·. I • I L0'.11> l, 2, ), /\ND 4 lNCI.USIVEOFCITY OI' Rl!>IION SHORTFLATNm!l!Ell 100-110 RECORDED UNDl!R RECORDING NUMBER lll0407900I, SAID SHORT FLAT L'ilNCl WITHIN SECTlotl 11, TOWNS!lll' 23 NOR!II', IIANGE 5 EAST, W1LI..AMSl'l'1! MERJD1"N, IN KINO COUNI'Y, WASHINGTON. F4\DMS\.WJU.OOI 1625.WP 07/l S/92 '- 1 ' .... , .. ":. ~ . . :-... ...,, .. ~:,\ /··· ·· .. · ,. i = .~:c ['" M 0 N 0 ~ ~ ., 0 ;j ., N ~ a, _, ., ..:: ' ., ~ .:; ,j ~ ., = :, ~ J • • { EXHIBlT"B" TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT \)at portLon Qf Go1Jarrwrient Lot. 1 Jy:li.g nartb af Hotthe.rn :vacUic •&Jlvay CO?Dpany right af w•f in Seetion U, Tow,-hiP 23 North, J.111911 s Eaat., "·"~, in Sing cca.aty, Waah:lngtoa1 l!XCBPT tbe north 3<JD feet the~•ofr fnd EXCEPT' ~rtion in 92m! Avenu11 ScaU1 and Priur)' St.ate Hlvhwoy lllOb•r : 1 ~od CXCEP: poi-tian de11cribe1i u follOll'Bf BegibniatJ at the no:tht:Ht c:arner of t:.he nort.hweat guartar of Se(:t::ian Ht, Township 23 North, RDge .!i Eaat, ff.H., in Kin9 COWltf, Wa.shingtonr · l:heheia_ liestedy ol.an9 the north Une of ~aid Si!G-tian 19 • di:!lta.nce of 910 feet, thence &OUtherly .and parallel to the we:at line of GQverM•Qt Lot I 1:1 diaunce of 300 feet to the t-,:-ua point of be9i.Ming1 thence eont.inuing aoutherlY and p,a.:c.allel ta tbe weat line ot GDverJU11ent Lot. t f 790 Eeet, mare or le:Ut to a po.int on t:he nortb 11Ar9in of tbe Northern Pac:lt"ic Railway Co!Dpany right of way, thence veet.erly along the Northern Pacific aail'IIIIY Com.p,i;ny oct"thnly d9ht of wo.y line ta t:bE west line of Cov.erni;.aa.t. Lot I~ ~ theni:t susrt.he,rly alcng wel!ft line cif novernraent t,ot t to "a :point that Ueli 3C>O feet south of t.bt nortb Um: of said Secticn 191 thencl! euterly ~ tbe true point of beginninca ~ l '.""'"'. ~. ,_':-.. ·-·-,;; ..... _.~ ...... _, . ., ;.-.• ;..., • .... .. ~ ~ ~ ' s l • , i , ~ , ~ • "'·= ['- M 0 N 0 ~ 0 N en • . I • ( ··-. -. TAAt tort%1:1JI or covu,omn t.01' I 11 natou n. 'IWlf5HU n 1G1t111 1 .....,..ci: s usr. "·"·· ti! U"'1 CiDWJt. '1.U'Jtltlc.tON, PUC:tUCO ,Ml rn.UNS1 ~Jim At ~ JrDUlh.St ~U. M' Ttit 8HT1h¢11 QitJAl,.•U, CW Rt;rlnN 1'1 ~ 1101111 u•.u•,a• wttt ALOMD 1"11l t1011111: lJi»t 11, a.tD ,a:nt1t1 tv l. uurAHct: or no.on rr.n, TIINl;1 &1,1UJIC 1•u•1P nn tAU.LUL 10 TIIS: IIUT I.Ult~ a, COvt111'Ml.'lrf ~ I ,1 MltANU DI' ~OO.UO f1.':T 'M TUC: IDUJI J.tlfC 01 fur: tae:'a ::1100,0Q JUT or IUD ~Pnt' WI' I ... fir '.RUl n,n rt7 •tc1'11tltl;S fftN'C:t •1111W ll's,ffU" Hn ~ ,U.ID &ar.'a .&,JU 2,,.,. nu, nacz HU1JI. t·~·i,-.i •n r,w.J,l,Za. fCI l'.ti11 111.rr 1,uc or ~ &.O'S' 1 , oi,1~ cir ""o.H rm 'Z'O 'tKl IID11Ht1Lr KAiC.ir Of' 111, MDa'rMIMI PACltlC: MUIIJ,I' Q:llff",l!Jlf 1rcnr...or .. 1,1A,r1 "flllllU IPUn\ n•a.7'1'" m:sT IJ,OMC .uu, AW?EUY lldGll/ 257.16 Utt 10 J. nihtt me1 attJ.I soi:t_a i•u•u• war fl.Ol'I 'flt mi NJJwr ~ a.tu:uurc 1 TJU:11:c& 1rt1t.:H 1'U'Jf" '""' J»,,U.1.IL TO ,UZ:. ,r;;l"t J.19' Dr COV&.IJIWllrT &.DT J A DIIT""" ct Kt,,, Hit tO m ffDI ~UT or l&:Gllc,IIIIG, • DI~ .. ,.i.s.aL i=n,ueg. in,,1, &.QlY.U" •m-e1 , •• uu ,rus. ... · .. , • ( I =-···-~-.,, .. 1~ : ------..,...__. ---- ---... ------...... ---~--... _ "" Locat:J.011 of i'litple Str..,et extension E.a.seJllent 1'hrDbyb R<!"nt:on Hon.cli1t Pro_pttty. ,., Proposed 1.oc.-:,iuo,, ot Maple Str&et f:}(t:erisJon l:as-ement ~hrou9h the P~cLl!ty ProPerty and the Pay1es$ Site. a. Rs. • • ;. .. ,,..,.,_ . a. • I I· I • I I j 1..., ·"' = ..;•. J ' .. • Schedule e Section .::t:" Exception _ __,1.eff+--- AGltEEMENT RE HAZARDOUS WASTE AND REMOVAL OF TANKS This. ls an Agreement 11lilde os o( July a_.~9'2. bmYeun EUGEN£ HOllftACH a11d JOYCE HORBACK, flllSband and wife (ht(cioa:ller coUecthety mmedmcs referred to es 'Hol1>adi"J andllOl!NW..FAMILY PARTNERS!ll1', a Wastllngt01gencral par1oer1hip and BARBARA JOAN !HOLT) BONNEU.. (hereinafter collO<:\lvely i,/crred lo a, 'BDJ1nell'). Ho.rbaeh afld BonncU 11i:ree u folloW5: ~ Horbiltt leases CMain real property from Bonnell whlch is local~ in Renton, Kille Count)', Wastiing1on (the "Pilylm Propcri.y~} pursuant to thei acrms or lhnt cartwn lease descrilted In Elchlbit .! rPaylcu 1..casc•). B. 1111um, Harbach leases pan otlhe Paylcs Properly ("'USA Pi:lTillcum Propctt)'~) to USA P"d.role:1111 Carporatlcm purstJ:int to 1he 1CtinS of that cer1aln ltm: desen'bcd ln E1:hlbit 2. rusA Pciroleum tease•). The USA Pctroleuni .WSC will le~ 1!5 of July :H, l99l pur:su~ to lh~ notice or tcrminatkm leuer whiclt is Exhibit 3 hereto. C. USA Pclrofoum has utilized oo the USA Petroleum Property cem.111 fuel tanks (the: "Tonks') nnd !1 is ,n,,..,i tlla1 USA Pe~ol""' hos pcnnlll<d or caUSOI! =m gasoUqc and hazatdou$ substmces: (collectlvcly, O(Hllllftlous Sllb.&iances"') lO be spilled upon the USA Peu-olcum P.-opmy wl 01hcr pans of U1e P.aylc5.s Propmy. Ramnious substnuccs and applicable-Jaws, shtlfl, ror purpo10: of !his A.,g;n:emcnt mean and (flCl11de any subsmncc or maletial defined or d,!signa1ed ;:is n hnlltd or mlc waste; lm.aro:>tls or roic.ie 0t1Lcrial: hazard, toxic or radloaclivc subltancc, or 01bcr .similar wm by :any appJic:ble c:nvironmcnbu lawi includin; rqula1ion 1 Fe(J'Cf111 1 State or inunicipaltty, presently in eff~ or 1hat may be 11romulcai.ed ln lhe future cbrou,gb dlrtl: of complete pcrform.mce. or Ibis Agrmmant\ BIid ITIY term used haci11 $halt have the meaning ascn"bed 10 such term Jo said bnvs, ru~. regulaaJcms, ordinoncc: or decision. D. USA 1'L'U'tl!enat hai, to dam, 11ot nceep1cd responslbUlty for lhe removal of the Tanks from the lJSA Petroleum Property .am! the disposal of such Tanks. ID 11CCOrd:ulce with appUcable Jaws and regulations. However, USA Petwleum has prOl'idcd :n Je1.ter io Boooell which Is J;,rhibit 4 horeco r0onrn:!l l.o!1cr") Md I IC1lor ID llorbllch wMeh Is Exhibit 5 hct<to t•Horbach lc-Uer"), The Hcrb:u:h Louer illld the Bonnell Letter purport to be USA PetroJC11m'.s acccptru1cc or thtobllgat.on 10 elean up the Hllardo11S Sl1b$t.aiwes ta accord.lnce with applicable , laws 11nd regulations. E. Horbach and Bonnell nreeotering into UllsAgrc~CQl IO:sctdown lheiragrccmeTit wJtb rospi,c1 lO the Trufks and the H.i.1.11.rdcllS Sutntmc:es. 1, Litthili1y of USA P.:rmle11m. Hotbach and B0r1nell ague tha1 PS between Horbach anc.J US~ Pctroieum, iht obllgatlori 10 remove lhe T",inkl f@fll th~ USA Pelrolc:um Propcrcy and lo R.move the Haz.ardous Sub5WAces rrom th~ Pn.ylcss Property is tile ob!l.gtdion F:\DMS\EENX1ll2.25,0Z 07117192 n. r:-·- ~ ·, ; f I a i ?I i !; 11 ' > In .. .. ·""' Ol N 0 N 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ N ~ <1l " ., ., ., ..;: .'::i !: _:; ' J ) 1AA:.J 0 • of USA Pdrol~m, hOWCYCrt this Pan.;tilph is no! i111ended to 11odify lac oblfplion of Horbach lo Doonell under di;: 1enns of Che Paylcs,-Lease, und nothirlg ainaained bcmln .sha1J nsgatc Hotb3Ch's obligation under the Payless I.we 10 dmely comply wltb aay and all Fndetal. Slal_c or local 1:11\llronmtmtaJ 11\n. rules. regulations. ordiiwy pcmlt.s or order; applic.tblc lo dle hylcu Pmperty or tht bnlncss colldu1;tcd lhcn:Oll, 2. &mromJ or Toala bY HMbilCb. NotwitbsWdiq 111c provhJoru or Pamgrapll 1, tlorboch shrJl promptly <ah ,n ~•I"""""'>' IO"""" Ille Taal<, IO be """°"cd from lhe USA P~U'OleutJ Property as !Dan as practicably po11iblll ancr lhc dlltC ar this Agrce111eru a., his; expens:. When Horba.di hn.s completed the n:mcwal and n:riuwzl is appwvai by City o/ Re-. Bo!uiel1 sn,,ll P'IY Hllll>ach Flve lboa,a,,d D~lon ($3',000), as BoMell's cmitritnnkul to 1he reioawt. Horbach ma.y suc USI. Pclrofeum ld an effort to came USA Pctroklml io ~ 1hc Tanks al lls expense, or kl obtain re:lmburscmem of die.cost of removing 1be Tanks, HOfbac:h WU complete lbe removal of Im tanb in slriet nc~ wllh an applicable b.ws, including. bul IXlt limhcd IO, all cnvinxtmen\Dl laws and rqu!aliDMt G! defined l-1n. J. kooYDI of H;nanlous StthSmx;n,. Prior to but 1101 lalet lhiQ two y,ms prior Lo lb: remination of lhc Payless Leam, or at such time. as any munic!JXl(hy. Stale or Fcdcnl ~pcy brings legal or twf mi11i.s1r1tivc acLion IO have the same n:movc:d. Hmbaah shall cause lhe Hal.lrdo11S substances to be rcmavrd from 1hr: Payless P!Openy al hl.s cxpellSC. However, promptly followini 1bcdnto ollhis Agreement, Horfi.lch mllusebcstefforts lo cause. USA Pwoleum 10 begin .removal of 1be HmrdollS Sublitaoccs and lO J)l'Q$0Ctllt Ute rcmOYBl 10 completion with due cllli;tnce. ff USA PelrOk:tm has not conum::nted lhc: removal of 1hc Hmn!o"''""""'= by Dcaembo< JI, 1992, pn,~pllylhen:1/l,r, Horl,,ctuball commmee.ruit IO cawc USA Petmle,nn to remove the H'mrdous Substances and shall prosceu1e. tb. law.suit 10 compJeticm with due dlUgcnce at his .50le a>it and cwe,nsc, NotwiWl4ndlng BnY other provision of this Agreemen'I, die lfazanlou, S1bstantts shall tie removed from the Paylt.n l11opurty in suicl IICCOrdanm wiib a.II ippicable L1ws, incJuding1 but n~ limited to, all applable environmental laws and rqulatiollS, as defined hetcin. 4. CoPPf!@linn and Aniromsn1 9£ Rleh11. To tlM! eJCtcnt reasonably required by Horba<b, Donnoll •haill fully coupernle willl 11c>rll,c11 ~noludllllJ ,m!gnm""' olulms lo Hotb,ch nndlor joining: ia any Jawsult by Horbach) to ca.11.si: TJSA Petro\mun io a:move the Tanks and/or rclilOVi! lhc Hazardou1 Substances :n na expense IO Bonnen. Horbach lhillll Jclmbum:: Bonnell any 001-of-poclcct expenses which Bonne\! rcmonebly ineun in cooper.Ulng with Horbru:ih. .Priot 10 c~ing oul•of-pod:d f11nds, 8.onnell sfuill advise Horbac:h or such proposed expet1ditu~ ~d obgJn Korb.I.Ch's specific agreement 10 relmburscmCJll or in the okcmatlv.; l3onntll llt.Cd no1 incur illlf out-of-pockc1u;pe~ unluspaid inodnnce lherel'oJ'cby Horbacli. Horbach.sbll inde11miry ~d SllYe homiress Bonnell from 1my f1t1.blll1y l1cluding any tirou-cltim by USA if Eoortell is umcd in nny Uligntloa brough1 by Hofb11.ch. S. J&fru!ll, Ir Hmbacli llcfa11lu; 1Jndcr this Agrcanc,u EonneU -fhall provide written notia: to Korb.ic:b :ffld permit Horbad;i a period of lhtny (30) days withUI which to aire the dcfattlt(or to comnittJec to cure lhe dcfaul1, iflhcdcfauJtCilM01 be ~nnbly cured wilhin a period rl ttiirLy days. A dcfillllt by Horbicll under lbfs Agreemcat and fa..t1k!rc to cun. lhc F:\.DMS\EEl\OOt l 225.0l 01JJ'1/9l . 2. ' . -,-.-... ·. ., :, ... .. .t.. 4J .... Ni ., ' f I ! In ·' • • . ' ~ _, :l ., ::: -? ; .,i,&A&.4 • • dcfllml wilhl• !he permlued cu"' period lhall be a ddawt under the Paylw Lease a, ff 11,;, A~llt were a tcnn thereof. Nc:dhitlJ ln ltt1s Agrcemont shall be COJ11tru::d lO a!Delld Dr linut NorlJoch's obliaamw under lhe Pl.yf..,, ia,., includiog bu! nol Umllcd 10, !!ori,aen', oblipcioo ondcr thc Payfw Ltnsc 10 ruttyoomply wilh ,pplloablo Jaw,, lncludlog envm,,-bll i,w,;. 6. Pcfmilt and CPm and E1nc;n,:cs. tr e.itller party 10 thts A,ttt.ement de&.ults, lheocher J)il.11.)' shall be entitled .Im addition to remedies It law or in equi:Ly, lo all costs at1d ~ (includlag act11al le»I t'ctS and coirrts costs, cnrironmcaral, auditor'& engl.ncc:rint and conS11ltzmt cxpc11ses1 arbltcn: fees urJ costs} whlck ll lncur6" bccivso or the dcfaulL The OOll!llllonl of lhe parlfes shall be Sfl"'irlOllly ..Con:eoble. 7. Ameodmmt, Thk Agtecmcrtt shall 110t bt amcncJed e.xoepa by a wrlt\ell bS1,11m•01 1/gnol by Ill• pa!ll"' si>bloqlltlll 1o 1"1: dttc or !hb Agra:men1. (HORBACII) (BONNELL) BonneU Fantily PKJtnershi,P, a W~lngaon Cotpoialion F;UJMS\l!l'!l\00Jll1S.02 Ol/17192 -J • .. ., ·,. ... = a ~ !l , .. ~ ' , :; J • l ~· l ~ • • ~ f. ; a, N < 0 N 0 ~ N a, ------ ' ' • • EXl!Il!lT 1 JO'ID£""rfl1111E or L~S"E TKJS fflIJENTUIU!: OF LEASE, mad11 ,11,nd C!IC1teutcd In dopUco.u: ::r.a cl t>ic Jl'lt-•1 cb7 .t M:LJ", Ui.l&, \y •nd bnwititn P.EOPLES l'(A'l10NAL BA!tK or \VASJltNaroN, " WiD.lhln(lan carpttrl1Wm, u ~r ol the Eiatate ot tT4nela B. Bon=ll: •nd F.RAHIC BJ!:ILNARO .BOlfMELJ., JR. and BA1lBIJlA ,l'Oli.N flO.t.T j JNU11u or Ha linit f'lrt, herctna.Rer ~ti 11 Leuoz,'t~ :1:1111 6'1l!S10N SUPPLY CO,, a corpbri!.tltia., pm rty o! tilt .at'Oand t,af1, iznlDafle-J" ~d *Le•••~'. WITKE5BETXI The le••°'°• fOf' ud Ill con,ld1ni.Ua.i oC lho .tani. M,('1111\aQu• re.tcrvird atld of Ill• a,i,.in1nlt1 1Uld' a~cAls N!nlnano:r mtnUOrMd h, 1H:! k•Jll :i.nd parlorAUi.d by lhe lu1n, dGca b1 thun: prcaei,l,I !use troni t11e JalJlg.t, UWIC ecru.kl pan:el of r!!al e,.tala, tciplJnrr with Improoremmibl tl:lunn .u11;[ app11rter1a11\COII 1/1Ar1tc (Jneh,dlttg any t11Be .. Qlellld for lilgr"eR, rsrua. rlgt,is ol w1,1 ud n-1.01:G.re d,rlit..11 which Iii.re or ma)' be 1.ppurtc.no.nt \h.e:relol, all l.. , i,~ l,11 slluated In or nelU' !be CJl)' (If 11en1on. and ltl the County or ttlnf, 5l:1tc of WHhlC11 .. Lon (bal'dn.«c=-r Cl.l.Ll!d Iha "111atelfJ U'd Whlui I1 more particularly dai;edb11d hi kxhillit A o~u.elllld IM!lnto 11.nd m).dO o Frl hie.Nol, IUlll 11 ltorclnan._-a1i1n.1.m•• toll-ectJ'loly rallod Ula "Laucd pro.m'9H 11, Th, variou ttc.i:tt.01.r ti.Rd nvmlHl'.:J ll•rein. 11Gd the ti;O'll;fllDI • of ~ pl"CIVUiOna or 1.hl• 1 ..... :into Hpu:ate J.11J.t:l11• •nd para.rrapli• :;:;. .... L~e.~:~=:..~=TL'I 71-y;,,- IU.?n~ UIM - .. . = ·' -· J h .:a:.iic • • f 'r ... 111'1! (ar lhe_ pvqtoir• of ,:o,wcnl'l:01..:e Dnlf 111.nd ahDb .ll.lll bt DCl!lllJdlred II pD.1:1 hsreoC., /1.!1.l'ICL.E D, 'J'IZRN OP W:ABltl ~10.~ f.ERIODS Tht titrm or lltlll Jt11110 •t,ul caDUnallCo on \lie .FtrGt dii,1 ol No111unb•:r, 11£1, 41111 irha.!J cD11t1Im.oe du:rlnll' th11 tall.itwtur :p111rfo<ll1 I. A prlm1n1 torm c0111m-t11ClftC on Ibo Fll'1t Aa.r uJ' J'a!l'Mlr.1, l\.'f J 4A l :a. No1 r:ttoi"• \h11on tll'O IIUIIHllllTII nnnal 'lenn1 cl lfrb ~II ue~. ii.I lbt: vpllDtl 11( ~ \Nlllit, Lhlr cir.; l'OBOW.0.l t<ir.m to C(H1UUIIIIH wllh 1h11 11xpJ.nUon or the prlml,.Q t11rm, 'Ibe li:r11ce •1*11 cnrcJH ouch aplloA by (lvlna •ride!l notl~• th11r,ial lo lh11 141Hor, llll .t.A•~ h•dwi {l2J P'ltUilh• bcl(CIJ'f! oxplraUOrt or lblt prlrnar,l' torm Gl' lh• h~111t'" ARTICLE UL JU<NTAL l, The lusee 11grcea to pa.y a.ul the! Jn.11vr 1.pee1 to 11.ccepl a.o ;rual !or lhc luaod pn:mf:at, tht /allowiiq o.111out110: ,. IIIJ Jlcnl fgr ,11~ land, 'e:cctllSITa OC Ibo bvUcH,~ga 11:1d/or Jmp.Nl.,"Cllltnla lo be cot111tr11ctad ,11ez;,11on, 11hall be Tt,lrly-5tr«l1 ~u•sd Pollara {$31,DOD.iD) pal' yr,nr, bll,rbutlrl11 thrv.:unt.ier l, tlllUi, ~ lor 1he tJnit li:.11 )'@t'a or lho ~Cflt)"-!l'rl! year ltllllD tonn bq:lnn.ln( J'o.nuaey l. lH67, 11.lld lhn-.~r ~ U:ie M!llbl.1 (or th-e Jani(, c,rclustH 41' lb• balldt"(I, oC f'wty-,lnca. Tbuusalld Dolb.ni (4'l7, ooa. ijOJ per .)'~Ill'" fot U111 haal il!l~ea J'lJllff d lhls prlm,u7 lero,. S11IG rc11:1al 5ha.U. barcnr, N Pllld m~ in 11dvaPco prloi-:•, lbtt~ dly or n.ch mDl'llh.. ln ocimil momlli¥ p;tymOt)la, ' Ccl Oalr.1,ig nny r1mrwlll pe,:rlod or lbla k1u, PLU'MJl\rll 1o the pra'fillOft.11 (or lll'D IIBC.COUh'O n.neval 1erm11 DC \tin y=l'.11 11t~lt, Lhfl mciriuuy rci11l11l sb,U bl!. 1:1egatl.i.ki:d bf miatual. 94NU1.•llf, or LYGmL 111,1, .. .»!0 A ~\'C.a1D! uonu.•·-••'"""-,u,n~••--' -?7' .. • ,., .. ,,/ ... ·1 ~ e) ~ ., ., , :; ~ ., l ,t M ~ ~ ~ > ) •, I'·. Ol !:::l l'l 0 ~ 0 Cit <I) • • -I ~ attat U.~ \lie tllri.1811 Cl!Nlot »illt.H11,y llgnc: 'OIi tht mWMY rmllll. ip.Jd modllf J'Ulo.l 1h0.ll bi! detennJnoo: b7 Ub~ =eh puty acled.i111 •n .arbllzV.lor1 WM •ll be .ll moalltfud rcoUar. 11.P lM lwo ngiptzied nellon ,o .1d111et<Jd •Ju.ll aelec:t • lbJrod Arnltra.tor, trtd Ut11 Ul:r-Cfl artdJralonl_, or a mnjorlt.,y th11niot. •hall thq - l'3c IJul iwatal f.¢ die eo11111Wlf k-llN Lotm/ p""1dlfd, "°"'"' tYllr, UM.l au1:• rm&al lllnlll kl no e'l"!lrat be .la&• thin lb 1:r .. hlliq rMlal hing paid "1' tha 1....... In 1h11 ~tnQI: u.e pa1'Un clMCII. •ene MpOfl a lbh-d arbltnilor. ,ho IU'bUn.tlaR praucl11n fl!llll be OOMllatad JQ •i:r:ordsnc1111 wnh \lia .rbnr"" Uoa lrl'lfll ol t1111 ,tale or Wa1hintto,1. 1. J.U NMAl. pa.ymen,e 1natt' !lib: loaa!. •hl.11 ba .ri1Mle 1ft " JawM .rqr:iAt)' Gt 1h11 UnlUd Sin.t• a.nd ah,ll be paid gnc~ k,D J'.rculk; DIU'Alnl lkwloll, Jt-, In &dlk., 1VUbiagllln, arut. ihe alllot oriMIUf ar 11~~ roQ~l peym~~~~-:_:.~~~~-~-~l~~ W~ or al &vch -olhr:r lllilfru1 •• tha ln•or •lialJ. dcalaiiaW ARt'JCl.E lV', ADIIUION9, CaAf'ICi§ AND .A])J'EM T!ON'S • lna.d 1 i:ind ~11,y make c,.ddtUonal lmpronm:i.11111:1 an lli• lt!ailild kM, provldad thh (n.) lfuch t1d>UUotu1, cha.n~. DlteratJon1 or !mpi-ovt!-riltl'III lht.ll not halll•rlraU~· /niJIO.h' ~ st:raa,ui or ~.a.lui! af the J.nipt"Wllma,aUI 11t Ut• 11mc ;UC11ed on lhc lllHI.Hd ~nil ·iind 11lia1\ b, .In contotml(y wJ th all 11.1111Ucal1I• la,;1,, bullJUoa' DrdiMai:c.a and nifllla!JOMJ i.nd (bJ 'l'.hlrt1ntr tho ,;oii.h1mplati1d. cotl ot a'llch 11.ddiUOIIJI,. rJui.f\P'•• demolition., .QU~nllonl or Jmp~11UI CXOHdD $10,.IOO,OD, 1h11: laHU 1d111.U rint 001...i. th• wrlttc11 c11nac111t ol Lt:,11. 1 ... ,or. wbkh cooannl ahD.11 DDt bfl \1.1:1.n:lll~ 'll'lt!w!ld, AR'l'lCI.£ V, JltCONSTBUCTIDN OJ:!' .DAMACiEO, DU'!IIO'YEO Oft RBMOf..ED IMPBO\'£M£NTS: MPAIB AND WJHl'EN'ANCE ~~,(, llll.l.H-1> • STI.¥DTDI. . '"" ___ ,_ 1unuH .. , . ' -7"'i'·-;·r + --.-• ••• ' .,· • •, ,1 --- .. • Q) ' * C ~ 0 N Q) ii g ~ -· .. = :; ::: .:l .~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ • • ,. l11nd Ybkh I• {IIJ damo.1ed or dNlrD)'l!li ~ ilre Dr CICbC" 1:11.•\alty; {bJ ~Ill~ or rQIOVed by lb,i;i lGIIO'llt! .. permkled ki.r fRfl p.MI• vi..toa. .C tld, lean: "r (,:J r•qulrod lll ti& nu1111tal( Ot" raoomrt~ocf bt •'11 ,IVVWl!mcintlll or mlll16rJ' u.lbctl'u.r, Stich rcpalr, rsp1aeelnt!nt or r•e111"'1l"llcll.""1. eull be a.cc:111ripU.lled wU,l1ln. •uch Um• IJI imtf bl re6.IIGJ111blcl uader the clrcu11udR11CH '11hr 1Uow!r:i1 Cm-dclaya cauaed OT atrib&, aclwnta, •i::t• ol: Ol)d, nn:i, 11a1vallaJ,llll7 or n.t.lll'JAla or bbor, o:r oy olhor cn.uut or eu.uAUy boy(lad tilt rcio.aan;.bla contnu ol IHtaa, 'Iba doalt;u end 1Pedtlca.Uom ol 1l.Cb rq,.o.lr, ropk.oemcn\ ot-r11.c11111tructk1J\ •hclll be LI dlthlrmlruld II)' dio l1u111et, dbJ1fl. to \he na.oaadile a.ppt1MLl of Iha 1,uDr, and iweh wm-k llball r~ &ha 11altn leued pnmtna lo aiot l••• 0-. lbdr-an:at -rll..lue !zcu:•adla.11119' pdor 2, Tllo 1ea11ee, 11t u, Jolt, •XJnAlkl, "m kHp apd 11JLlnl&Jn u.~ lc.11R J11;"tn1i1c11 un« lhti .ddtJ.1'1'11.ll!,s and fWIP.li:cP•,-. (lo U,e axknt \hwetg. Ul flXld rcpA.U' 11nd 1n 1&!~ 11.11d BH1.U.uy i::rwflllDD.,.onilna:cy 111'Hl' l!-ll-!; \car and daprtc!allon osceptt.d1 IUld wW at 11a a<ilo icxpttlae mske all 111:c01aGry rapdra, roplaG•!Slonla a.nd :rcmewalt;, Tho htJIBICO "tu ermipiy with, iw•n')' n.Ud kw-, rerui.tLDr., ordcl' .and :r~lrt.tnent or 11-ny gonrnml!nlll c1111hod\y rt>ll:IUn1 tc lltl hi.bad ,Ptcrnda.i,1 and wW hold lillld lllVII ibe lOA.ll'or (rea-l.lld t.um.ta111 ,:iC llli e.KptMCI, cJelou: or UablllUoa In IJiHUlt'~lon tllON!W!i.b. Tha l11a11oz-atna.ll nbl ba roq11iritd Lo ropalr u .-m1a1n lhc Jn.eed prvllllrln in 11r.y ~·1~ .Af!'IlCLE VL IJSE 01' Ul.LYAG'&D r.IA'tERrA~1 NEW lM:PROVmaiN'l'S TH leant? may convert lo 11• awn 1110 1dl old n~tor.la.11! ro~vod or clllv•pd bt 11 In n'lllk1n1 a.lt11nHOM, cha.t.lpt1, JJiifrOYel'dCIIUI cir atfd1- Uooo lEI Iii,: loeaed premh101, or In <Sem(jlCllhirlf or rnnonn, 11nr Jmprove~ maBI• u llie lhno loi:a.tud l\ucon. All 1\lali ~lterauom., Chfle••, ~-·t•l·ll---.... ,,uu ... -··-= ""-:.. ' • ·, ' C7l N 0 N 0 ~ 0 e,i '1l " ~ "' . ' " ~ " ~ ~ ~ 1 f f ~ ~ " " "• ; • • Jm~al:l dd 11dd.lliCNIIII AM •117' npi.«:em-. lbRttaf 'ltll.11 !11lon, kl ih• leno,-,:1. akldl beeom" s-r.t: at 'th• Jnud pnmlu•. ARTICLE' VJt. USE OF fffr!lfJSES 1, '11111 lcuicd Pt'On1i1111111 lho.11 lKi 1111ed tor • dap11rtmcm at.QM, 11. dt1iacnr.t .hl!Ql:e i,:o II merc.antU..t N111.b1Jati1n111&, !nelhldLDt r1lall or wbolq11la. -..n4/11r warehow:lnQ: ul ULPie~odlQ1 u any •lirilkr or nila.lo.d liu!Aea, vpeN1.tio11, •Dd CM luHe RD.U not ,utror nar pormlt. •P1 penon w upe: the aame IDr 117 pan. lhertoC ror 11n1 _ptQ'pOlle ot, l1Sfl In <rlolo.tlua of t.lle hl•s i:il 1h11 lJruttd &tah!a or o( th.a. 11t11to « cI the crdlrm.11e;u ot any poUtJCAl nbdlvlllon ot ibG slue, nw Lor II.II)' fnlfflONI or '11\laWC'lll PDl'PGH Wbll&OOY1r. fo I.he lllftnt. Uu1.t th prOPl!il'tJ' covenid bf thla l1t11sf! ~ • .ao ~b,u1r:id b,1 c::011dUlon1 th;,1 1t fM nol eaOIIOhtfco.llJr roaaD>l•-tor lb• l11.11~ W cciMlrulc tha uaa al tlut pr=nlau tor llu: ~1u•pq,se l'oT which R 11:lrtc-J lllll uto tiaa. Ill !hi! aa~, lh,n. Uic!· lessee ma.y "'P•st o. ch~ Kl ae ta.Ge or Rid. pcemi1111111 and tlJO lcetl!l' •srrcO!' IIOI lti lllU"1111.1u1I11ih1)" wlthhold ble: con .. IC!lll to Ill¥ change ln tho "'9C I)! cu!d premiae,. ARTICLE Vm. CONSt'RUc:nott l,.,U;;NS •, 1111!uro, tl'llich n111:r a,1.1111 ltt cd111M1CllOG 1t'Jli-iiay work p"1C!nned 1111 aid pr1ui:1J11t1Q by or at Uie dlra~liDn or 1w'!tt11nc.t: ol tht: lu:111:CO prt1viclcd, J101'ft:ver,tblt lb l~He 111l1iul llllva thl!I rtght ti:, contcet lTI11 w.J.tdlty rir thn a.mo11nt ar a.ny ,1ltb I.Lea. Ot' clahu.d lton. l( the 104:l.aeti .iuul flY11 to lha )etsi:.r aut:t,. ru111~b1'! .ae1111rU7 u ,n;iy bti dt:m11ni:k!ld tty the le .. or to !ngure p11yn,11m or .Ullh lien lli:id Pf'fflttd any 1111l11, fQfll!'C'lQsu.:r111 al' taL'.a reuuro or th• prem.lllc.e b:y :"IIH1m or 11uch flOl!JliJfflenl.. On tUn1.l ®tar- \.!'CTIT(. Ol#.Moff:o • ,n&.vntttt ............ --~" U4U'l.lffNH. -' . .• • = 5 ' ; l • • • - aJ?J' JUcfJmC1K ;renda.nid, wnh •ll p~er ceata and d1111'11°'• al,d •';Wl tipn Um Ilea .relftri:d ar -Judgmelll ... u .. Uad al Uir: le,111ne'• C'IYII eicpcua1c. :S:llould. &n,y •uch U~ ht" pb.c~ 'ZI .IJll.ld. pRtniRm •ad lhe Htal! r'5-a lnW a Jdg- mcild whlch bu baecime OIWLI, 1.1\e: louor a\ Ila Dpthin 010.7 PA1 o.ny euch rimJ Jlldsm...i and daar •llld prcad,ea Uicrat'rom, aAcl 1Ul1 inoaita .o p:t,ld O\ll by thd!IUQI' OQ .acc04Qlt. Gf a117 IIUab. Jlldpnent 11ba.ll ha Npaid bJ U., hi111rca to 1ho Ju•or 41. u.e ~ aziwlnfr rm day and •hill dnw lnlonat at tbe. r,i10 oC 1a1-p11r 1Um111S1 !Nm umo or paymiint "7 \ha lc111a" unl.D. ~W 2, 1n &ha cvsnl aq Um it tiled A11.lnal the la.1111:d pumltr•• QI' .anr 11.cUo,i, La GOfllffltt11C1td .nUaclln-1 Uro UU• 'l.bo19la1 th• laaan ahall i1vo to Ure JDUCIJ' prompl wrlll.cu1. notlct! dlcrut. /UITICLE IX. 'l'A.Xf::S, .r\SSJ::SSN!Nff A.N.O UTII..I.TY CHAflGltS 1, no luaco w w P31, ill IUl.tlillon ID 11U O\htr IIIIAII roqu.Jnd lo b~ pa.Id 1:17 n \lncllr thii!: prt1vblo11.J m: dtla lm;3a, ,.u tuu, :nn1,t111mot1.tl' and 1111 w110:Uu,1-sencflll or •pec-:10.1., ol'dW,,11,ry or ~h::11ordlnll.ry, o{ ~ry W1!1>rc o, II: wtllJUr;i!Vllt, iadndlne traler, ,u And electrlc n.tu. whlcli mar be t.xed, eharlM, 11.sacsucl, levied or lmpo1ed at UIT Ume or Cnim ~ tD 1111111 dill'; • 11111 Uw term oI tbb ka.u Oi.:ludlqg laxea for UH! u.x .rear/In Which aach tetrn bcgJ..n~l by th~ .ia1, or :i.,q pDllticlll 11:1bdlvtdoa. thereg(" 11pon or llg&1iisl (a} tll.irl 1CD.H; (bl 1hO Ul1u11!d PN'ffll.111• cir tbe CIIHlupl~J'~ 11U ff' poa#OHiOfl Ui,or, or (t:) "AY t:=rC:atc, rh::hl, litla 11r lnWareat or l·uaor o.tld rl lessee er o{ 1:"lllw. •· aaae&J1cd durJng thl! u.11-rn o/ Ulla ht11H bill pa.)'llb11' lq whol1 or 1n ltu1to.llmcuu o.Iler Iba tc~lan tbcroot a:hall bit prorAi~td, o.rul leso11 •ball be re(flllrPXI lo pay CHU)' U. J,l'H"O;ted ahate tor lh.e lanith or 1bae whid1 lf}ll.ll ha.WI c.1.1.pae• d th, time or ,uch tcrmlno.1[oa: cznd (li) the lHclUI •ball not. he obllpt~ «i p!I) IIIQ' laato.llrnoAl or any •flHIAl 0.HHSmant whkll OIIIY Ila' ltriccl, llUIIIHe'd or eonllrnr,o.d ifprilur 1h11 tmn ~ thhi lH&e, IJIH 1"hlcb. dou 1101 fail duo 1.ll.d nol io be p.a..l.d uoUl after lhi: 1-ormln1.Uon. 2, Nothlng h!:!roln ean.111.\p;td 1Mll ho co~trutd to rtquh·a Unt 11.'r~cnc.. i,~ a ln.V<snn u,....4•t•lol•r-•111& u:a'l"l'H HIN ... . . - ( -1;;.'.:i.ffi:i-Y~~~~:;:r~;,.:"t,·-~;,.""! .. I·....,..; . -., · ... = <. ; i , ' ' a • ' < l t 5 ' ' ' Cl N 0 N 0 ~ 0 C\I a, • • .• ldllaGI' or ru 1111eeeUlml dr 11.ll•l.fdt: .lat W Iu,rcd prti.al1,t11, Ml' II.Iii)' .i.Qooam 1Q: lmJac1cd In 1upect ol thu kaaol"'• l.rii:gine CJ;vm lllCh prcmJ.,.oa~ exnpt H 11ta.tcd ln pancroph .:i d'lhla ti.ruo!.UI • .3, 1l •P. lncom,ci bLl lho)J. b• le'tJod.-IIHC!'8Hd Gt' lmpo•od by \h.1 :1b.l11 or Dnf pcllUc&l 111fbdM11c:n Uiu•111[ lfPlffl UUJ !Acoma arlliag !r11e1:1 Ui1 re-ntn pay.ti.Le heNUat:lor, in 11" r,l or aa a. nh•Utllte for 11. prapDriJ" ta:< upgri ,i,. Jusad pradhfl~ UIC' lHnc aad Mt Ille lnaor- pay !dt' au, 1~ 411f 1ruior •mwnt b:' WOJ' ol' ~ 1ukUhtted lm:cim11 twi: lh11t wovJd. Ila.*' bu11 im,tbJ.e b.,Y lb11 ioaaor by wa.y Gt a11cl:l 1Jub11UIL11td h1aim1t cu h&d ltJe n,rt.al vpon wtllch such llLlt •.116 £mpo.ed bHa Ula aullr tlll:lllil, WP-ml' ot \M !aeaor Col" lh• 7r.u-to q\l•.ttl.an, «. Eu:apt u pLn"mtuecl bJ pa.nignph 6 ti1' thl1 ArtJcilcl, th1J the )HHI! shall. be paid. halon. IIJQ'" d•llnqo1t1cr cu oocur th1rdn or in any put or ~1.llmcJt ,iu;eafj in the at.~UI of Ula o,raor o{ Uw 11111, and ellfflf:Lcatea al plyJl)tnt 1hd1 bD di,Uverrd pro~ptly lo lb1t le.1or, 5, The lnuen sb.U IIAT8 1hc rl11bt to cor,te-at thll lcglLlliy vr valld.lty at at17 of the 1,-xo11, HSC1lnu11d11 w-ctlar lmpodU0111 hltrdn. pt"O\'lded lo bo pa.{ir ':.J.-r 11, 1111.11 110 INOh COdtlttllt 1JIJI.U 111 eurleil an D!' eticb 10.X111., AUQen,cnt,; o:r-other lm,po11U~ to;ell1ar wnb 11.U pena.lU .. l Jnta:;r111t, cli*II nwl o:pepl!ln, b1 1, d•poalt a.t 11. A11WcI~11l in,m 11! UIDJll!T or by 1uct, u.nde.rlQ.klnJ u m,;,.y bl! required Ok' pctmJ~lod by l&w ,.., accoinpluh Hr.It 11U1r, or (cl 6'hliU d1po11ll wllh the leuor, ,z.-n•1.H ... • T • .. ~ .... .i:J>l,l~ ·-·-·--~- • •' = m _, 3 .. ~ . ':i l :·1 ) ,·. ...... ---.. ·= • • • ' pa;ynullt at 8'ldl colda•lt!d ta-•• •aa111u11~c:satt or i:dbr l.!npc:i1tUazu1 nd all 5"!111.ltt.11,, llltr:J"~t. ~1• Q,.d cp,i:i1u which ai11,. ao~ durinC thl pfti.Dtl ot lhc contut. In lbl:I H•nt Dilf :1uc:h cord.et b: 11111.da by 1h11 loamac, 1bct:1 wllhm Wrtr dD.Y• Alter nns.J dtterail.i:i,l.tleia. Uwreal, K u#ll t,illy po.,-sind dJ.aahlLrgci 1hei t.tn~ dtlft'm!.ntd In or ti: •111 auc:h am,ltr.!Jlo toplhar wiUI •U p11•ltlu, tl1111a, Juto~ eofl• or apflllH Uial mq ldtt 1cc:l'\U,ld tllurcon Ill' tho.t mar l'Olull lll'aai. any pch ai:tloo hy the luaoo, llrba~11 tb• 1nHo:r .1bl.ll rmltrii io the l•1uo Ul a111ioud•, U' ant, depo»Ued by tho luaeo. ta. 11ce~nce with the pro:viakipa tie,nc,(', bJ' th1a lc:11a aull llwayo be 11aaeued for \!it purpoee .~ laJclUon In tbe rm~ of \be ownei;" of th• fR, il' pe:r,nlllad uml.er Ua law• or n~111cu1 relaUAg 1h~o. • Sbould ~ le111111e lul,, wilh!n the lline 9ravidR o~, 10 ~Y any or tht tll.lll!A Ill' u1anmaal1 pn1Yibd to be paid q the laurc, lrtel\lll.lnl all peq11IU.O•, '1M1, 1Rta.N!11t,. -cnl• C::OllJpl)'f.nr ll'lth tho comJLUon, oC PAnLJnph 15 al lhl, .Arttd•, 1h11 lHaOr muy1 ltv.~ elaU. nol IJc d,,llp~ad to, p1y, dJ«C.rt1:t c<MQF9111.la• ar adJ111rl the ,ay.manL ct U)C obUpUon 1nvoly11d or a.a," po.rt tb~ ~ \ha n·oat ol &1111111.lll er Hk• to ~nfarca tu"" cglhat the sam•, &ha ht!laor ru, aadt and e!loi:t any rcdcmplicn ib•l'drc.m H it blty dei:t11 dlLaJ'&e. .. loiy, and \he lOSRo fh;i.U r,PQt lo th11: 1uaor the lull Al'DOUD.t 11> pAld br UM: loaar, .lllchl.dlnt" an1 c-onzi, upauae .r.nd rtuonabl.e attctrnC!pl 1 1i=<1aP.lnS co.l.1111da.r month. toa:clhtr With lnl,erU:t l,Mr,IGD. a.t tha :rah1 4..Yt:C'T'lt. oi.MOl,lp: 11 l'l'1.IIOfgi l,,QrOUl••""~llllU.,, .... ""~e·:·'" . ~ ,·. .. - ·, ' :i " ~ _, ~ ~ " r "' ~ Cl ~ -, -· 4 --,t ~ 5 " J- ) • • -I - o1 10,:. ,-r-~ f.rtxn tbo 1fut' o! pu.ymul bJ' lhl 1ouor. lb &bf auch .,..at. the lq.UI: aad -...lJ.dJfy' or All)' 1ueb ~t by the W110.r. and ~ N1pl&rUy or .u JH'Ol:f;11linr1 lad .In r.ap!IO) thl!.Nof' m-wward. th. Clll'PntemMl tho:rcot' •bt.ll be concht1ly,ly "-•med to ialllt, nu- the JIUrpoP at th1a Artkla.. T, A• bc1wn11 U. parilu bar•ID.. 1h11 1 ..... •IDA• •ha.Ulan• the dlllJ Of a.tttndfnf tc tlw rall.lllnJ: «1.ttd rJJ.41 of IMlJ' 11ta.laman1 or l'epan wltlell J:IISJ' M pi'OYlded ot" titqub-ed b7 1AW U a "'" OC OZ' ;la c1mn111;it,fon with U.t tumlnaUan, fllll~ raiycl[on, ,a1mcnt or llbaleDMll'IL or ea.eh d:il(ptfon whlm1 11 to 111 bOZ'IU: or-pdd b,:r dl.11 tci .. 1111 J.a; aocoi,:!&nc:e wt\b Ulla ArU.ch:,. ~apt po.rq:~'1 a IM&c~ 'I'htl !.Hin-•hill nOt btt er b1ocin1t r ... Jlonnfbk 1/wra!H·, nor for the e~mtl ot •I\Y .aul!Jl .t.Atemc11I or Nporl. 'Tb.e louor 1h&ll IIIJI. be llb!t,ated to m~. Joli; Ia or be a. pui;r to any proUlllt or C>bJccllOII to Ally 111.w, oric!r, PNI· tm.v,;, RM Iha lcu,n-hc:roby J~c..bly rnuitB t.o u. tbe nnuuary p.o.-oi- lUl.d a111hciril;)r to act llleftl..11. ip ~ IUIJl:l.11 ti! tho lca11111r wha:rtur the IADII .Am:JCLE X, PUDl,,IC t.tA!III..IrY ANO PJ\OPEJ\TY CAAiAGE 1. n., ll!A'H .... m lndl'IDllf!'y •rtd MYIJ hora:iku lh. .lu•Ol' ..id \f)CI 111uccl 1troml11n trOU'I 11Dlf •SUMt "'11 nAd all Joaa, ,lau3ag11, czpenn, ll•bW.tla•, drmaJ>dit tJ.c:id ct.uad ot actle;in,. 11.n,l df1¥ ~· tn.c.ido.a~ Lo Ut.o dele11.a1 lboteaC by lli~ ltHUJ', r1t111k!flf !Nltl J:AJdl7 ar dut.h ri pcr•~rui or d'At!t.t.ltt to prvpart)' o«iutTirlt: oi:i Ula laaud prtUDiea ar oo UUl adJ111a1n1 •JdU'l"l"•l.lallT:~t,, ,:~n't~,:i~;a, or 1n ur maaner , ...... ';:;:,:~i":!.,"" '/i" ·--;·Y -. A"? •11f!g,t tjt:Mi'llllf ~-·--- ' .• --.-: ' • • • • '•, ' • • • ~ .,_. I • ~ • . ' r •· -I C1) Cl! 0 Cl! 0 ~ ~ 0 Cl! ' en ' J 5 :: ,; -· . • 5 ~ -. > . ,. • • dlti=ctl1 or lacfirecily Cl'OW'iq out ol or Ill l:'CIMlciflCIII w1t.b. Ula Ultl Dftd IPCi:upcaney ar d~•~ D! lb~ ltued ptUJllaea Gl" •11)' p1,1;1 \hermd bf Ula bHff cir mi,, t111111aL botdine11nller U11 k!l•eoi )rtorld~d, h°'"""ar, \bd tht lc.1.1111 1biall .aot ao ln.i:lcmn&rr aad a.1..~1111 b11.rn.lAH 1bc !b!l11n-Crom lhc CGIIISOIIJ.nllC:U ot •IQ' tcrtJ.01111 DI' ll<llfllpnl 11.at af lhe lolOOI" llr' its :111ea11 ar empUI¥"!••• f:. TIie. 14••ee. wW kelp la ,tr~. at Jt1 1ale 'Ufn1110, e IPllbl .. lacl<D')' riolJl{!MhauiTII 1tnenl HabWlf petliq aavtr!Jlg lb• llUad pranlau &bd provJdlllg 1:ttYB111e wllh irwdmum Um1b ot Ullbll.U7. ol •°'-lnu U.n ,5300, OCHl lw bod Uy lr!Jury ,a qi1: pll'lliM, SGOO, 00JJ for b~lly blJlqy u, aey 1roup or pEr,UN a, a ni,.U of ClllR 1.ooidll'flt,.. o.nd iso, 000 for pr,oport.7 dn1Mg11, 8ullh policy shall IWQD 1ba lc .. or u lll1 l 1. ARTlCU Xl,, J'lRE J!ISURANCE / AM ll:clp,owmor-.ta l)Ol1 or h&nia!lllr k1C11.ted cm lM kiued P:t'11ndt:H / J,ne\U'ct, 1gilM\ loira by fu:"4! (Willl mended ~ayenigf4 ,..lth .n.n Wur11nc.1 c:vmpiuv-11c;i:;ephlblo \D 1h11 lcnor b an l.ml1Ufl1 cquat lo 1.1;1t lvua ~ pos. «: tbo I11ll lllll!.li"V,bla upja,ci=i,nt. \IIU,i,e, lhueof, uch11J1"" or ~e&- UICI 1evi:n.\ 11lti:tn111a at tb.e lueot o.ml Ill• te1t11H, .. i:u! .itlLll. proridc \ll11t :ln c:11ac-ol Jou ar dam11:c 'lllfU!l:iKl.'.!dt1Jpu1ol ~wll bu..~]!. 1,g lho luacar, \o be hl!ld b;y l {ode)ll t,• 11.eridnallll" l!J)t!C~ e i J. --.. __ ·:'."': .. ~IJ.: t~·•,;.j ·~.if_" ~~~ ... 1,ur,c,,; i.. ,.114 nt!Wrlly tor U,1pi:=r!ormant:ci by 1he 1H1111:1 Ol J:ta cab!laallan \o ropatr!· r.-.bV.lld or rei:tQat.:nu:t, iu pNV'idod Mrel.n, ,:-,-· -.. ·-. .. . t:Z..Ab# .. • ,.,~· - · 1 Ql -· f:l N 0 ~ 0 N l1l ~ J ., , ., ., ~ ~ j 1 ,i " , , ~ > ' • • reqidrc:d Mnbyi, I.be ln111Aaefl Pl'OGHda coUctcd bf nae lq1ur nu bl!. pcld If,)" It t.o Uu1 lHHC ill rnon&Jy lntlU.llmenla LI (a repair or rcb~Ud1!1f ~SJ 1M ln•t 4IICh ~)'mtill\ «i be 111a.H Whim m1ch l,"Oplllr or nihlllldinir llha.11 hl.w bnn. c~ll4., Craa ot I.Cena. All CHU vt IUcb Npllr Cit' ret,lllldlng lll IDCCttll al lbc !Mu~ PJ'OCIUlda .ahaU. ff ,-.10 by lh.111 laall!o, 11. All ol 111tdl np1dn •ml rabu!ld~r 1ha.ll b, d11111 llr!do:r tb• 1ov.pctnJaion DI an 1.f"dl1t•ct M an(fa.Hr dcdgnatad by Ue lune ll.(1d ••tll&.cta,y ti) tM lu1or~ l'fD lnata11mtn1 of KW UlturQCI p:O(l:Ud9 NIBll bet f!llld \ti Oi1111 lQsae u11Ul lhera bu beeu lll•d 11'1th the ~Har • •!Mo~ Id tba: -.nh!ltct Ol' ~ ••Lint k.it'ih the czlant. ol. the repG,1:1" OTmbuildU\J" .i.ctuall¥ nuida, And •• t11 all pyramlt after tbt l'1r,il pa.rm111nt., \hat Oil .i.lJIOUllt eqv&l to a.ll lnJnmncc prpeeela prcrlGl.l6ly pllld 10 Ule IOHl!fl by lh111 lonor ho..11 lnmn ;1.11ll&IIIU., 11xpc:'1dul: bJr lliu IH11ec tonNI Uu: c:.ost o£ .auch rq,all:a or ndiuildlnr, 4. 'l'be ~)' ar pollalae ctTJ.dl!llclnc All lrnl1U1Ai:c wh.ld1 tho foa&ot le required le pn,fldt: "•Rd ffllllnla!n in ett"J, hDMllllldeJ> aht.ll , ~"-•t..V•.\-t.JO '·/$ "'" 'fU-\,(. .. ,,..u 1j b,:. t:h,ll•-•d,to thr l11111•o:r trom(tlnii'io U.,~~u~,.. tlffiflpt u:i:;,<C,JL'l.,•Ji cc~ ol .!!'•uiranc:111 maT be 11Dh1Ututcd Ior •IXlh policy ILi' FgJjclU. Should Iba li!iaae~ 1•U. 10 11riwJcf•, mer.tat.a.la or :pg,f IoJ" m.r i,t' tbe lnlur• '"'\ 11 , '' . . ' ~k· ituah lm1vni..ru:c:. Ai::,, JllmJ 111.td DUt by 11,. llHor {Ol" •iv 1111:c:b W=,,...,- IM! be npAld bJ' 11111 h!HUI to the l1i11or op, th Clrt1 R)' 'Of \h;J!. ... ' -::~ cn.ll:,n6u' mO:DU\ n1IJ!:I. IaUuwin, paymonl lhor•OC by lh• UGaor, 101.U..ar :( i wUb J.nterut Uicr~ 11.\ Ulll r.1.11. cf IOf. per annum. Crom lli111 dU• ol : i'· 1 "?',,. p!IJ'ffll!llt by tho h111ar unW upald b1 l:bo laua&, ,(.,4. cYu ,..;,.,x ,•: ,'°1~~' .J,4 V'l•--1-~ ....... j / 6,All lm111r11nc .. procacd1 tg uuf' MMI ot the 1ti1•or a.t b.e t.lina i.e.nnl!:iaUon « tohlllno.UOn of thte: 11111.ac, or/at tM rl1hls ttC "Ule lenu b.9NUndar. 11.nd 1..ll Wal'AOCl:I proc11od8 th,arc11fior nu;::slvcd by Uu: leHor UQ.dol;' l.rlJI' -.. ,._,_. • ... ,:•, ·1 0) N 0 N 0 ~ 0 ~ N 0) . ' ~ ., ., '" ~ :J ~ ·e -·' .. 5 ".! )- ' • • polley Ill' CJ.re .lna"na= 11tlall tic the •ok •n>J 11 .. clw,1,,. property ct 1h11 lca&Ol'. Aa·r?CLE XU, .DESrllVcnON OF nE"MISES eu=aco lei 11.r .d11atrlicUoa o! u:, portion or-.c.ll D! th• bU1Wingo. •l~ or llrllll"h 11pon Sha lco.aad )Nnlht.1 'b1 Clt-0". Ulm nlami~\.11 ar •ny otbar HVH, WhoUlur Ol' net wtlhout !I.ult on Ute pu1 ot Uln lcHoe1 1bd1 not l.drmtn1te thin i.e...11 11r 111.llttn lb11 l11aoce (o •ux~11r 1,11a a! U:c 11:Holl 'flrcmlau1 Col" any pirpo11c 111 p:rDbJbited by law 11r gn!ICMulcn er otltt!z' l!OVCU'rlnlln~l ;r.uthol'L1y. or b11 pC'PT11nr.ud b)' lnjane- UDSJ or olhel' local lntcdc,nmcc L)' O.Df prh·alc p!!:r&on., Unu 111r corpaC'll~ Uan,, thi!I llu e shall nol bu thereby 111r1111ollted rt0r sttllU the l11u1ee· 'bit Al'\T.(O!JI: XDI. .. ASSICNtlENTB ~D MORl'O.AGES laua lo ,0,uble!. 111 or II portion oI the ln .. 111d ptt1ml11111 DI' ID uBlllll at iAS IAl11.10J", txccpl ~I '1h11 lu1ce t!lllf e('le.r J.ato conceaalon11 a, Hblcue. a.~n1n1nl• Ccir & 9ort.tC1A oC t1111 pr11rn1llH lti t.out'Uncii wlUi. u .. lH\1111 .:lflt'&UoA ~ lhl dlllpu'truulll IICff bu1lllt1Ht 11.nd f,O 11Kfu .uhl11Uhog or-D.Hlpuamll. ahail ia 1.n,y nan\ raloMic th.a luau !rem ur DI' the oblipUons wtdtr the tonr1e oC \bla luaa, and Our loHdr oholl at a.U ~Im~ ./11.v-ttu, l'lflll to look 111 01a kll1111a Jur ui.11 pa.rrMfl'lllJI< or all of lb• c:OV11na.11t.s lo ba p~rtoMUad on \h1. :p<>.rt ot UK l11uH. I.Y<:m-t.. 1MAfotDl\l'O O; 0'11.Vl:HLII .......... ~ .. DCl'h-l!;"i.~:;r· _~ ... .• • ', ' ... I ; ) .. • l)lalD! Ww-ot 1111N!Ut1Jmhlf •.tthbol.d" tta,,fflttlllt ~tDo-1.1:r, aa9ip-, NP or tlllbll:!Ulrar:· Di U\d 1n'C11d1ca, A!mCLZ XIV. COODEMNATJON 1. In Uui cveni tin= lt'ncd premitce, or 11n}' pi,ri 1hen:ol or- fottll"ul lharelp. .a. tal:tu1 o.r condatnn11d ror II puiilll; or qwa1t-pub1Jc u111:1 fttc:lrol!l'lftf!r •11m11.tnu:• rdoncd lo u ;,. t1c11ndem~Uon.1'J,. then \ha: onUre eonilom11AUoa 11Uon.nae or llWllnl. wllelher nllOlfcd or ht:nd•d tCI lll.a lmi,i,r Dr tbe 11111cc, lnclullinl &IA)' W.nr·os1 rcca!wd Ulerc:ln (•-eUIILOll bcrvin n1tcrred I.O u the "cond41M&Uon proc:eoda".) aht,11 be appUed !lr,1 itl. •o.lWr:u:iUon and rJLlduirs:c or D.11 lllDmqa tcras, cat• nlllt Oxplffll'CB lm•ol~cd ln tho cot11kmn11.Uon pra~edtnga, and aeco9'd ill ultaACUOQ nnd dli;ch;irge ar a.Jl aue1:1n1it:nt1, iJ any, bor.h prlnclPQ.l -.nd .i.nLtrc:&1, levied on tha leut:d premJau o:r aJQ' Jll'n \hctrtDC for b11ndll,a t"r1411hhli;: lt-0111 1he tmpt-cncmu~ Tor _.hick or la COfll'IIH!llGII wllb tl'hkti the-eon~IMJ\IOn V1Llt 11U11cled, o.ntf the rcmdnlne: balOIIClt' l!bo.U be hcltl iu 11 \NSt UCl.nk 11CCDU.a1 In Ibo nn.me ot UN: k:'leor 1ml, u,c loHIOC until tbc pllrlJU henrto 111:roe tipilln ,• pras,1u· 11'.MsiOJI oC U\a cimdornnathm pn:,- Cl!Clb. or in I.he-Cl'Dlll lhe p:i.rtlos tu•a. 11mibJ1, to 111:~ .. lh•n lb!!'. dJvJ.sk,. l• oondl:11ncm! •" 11111 lhv J11.:1H11 LIi (u1ariamtaall)' 11rcbl11 ta ~ntlmle wl\11 its bc1BJnc110 ln lhls-loc:i.Uett, \hen and In i;lldt HUil thla loan nmy bo Cll.ncdlrd by lhe 111111cc C!Vlrlf lll!S.IIOt'" nalico wllhin Ulb1y dP111 al Che r.tt.k{nt c! 1111 IAtcnUtin lo :so C1111ccl a.od let>ntbJnt« Ille 1-caec, ld:111111c 11hl.ll nol1 how~rur, hlTII' lho-rJgh\ to co.~I 11ad tamiln11le IUlle•• the lll_kin.f I~ Sllb• a'l.llnl)ol 11ad doua 111 ta.el proven! tho leHl!I from ecaaarnlcany oper.nlor '-lCO'IT. 111-0IOND a ~.l,'l(SIU ~,.... ... ,...,,.-.;...,.LaMa fl,n .. , NI .. • 13 - .. . . Q') N 0 N ~ 0 ~ N ::; Q') _, , _, ., " ~ :l ~ 0 -. ; \ 0 - J\.RTJCLE XV, DEFAUL'IS l. U mut or' motl! tit: IIH! Ii:,l1owh1f C:Vbf\l,ll (hanfo oea.U.cd "ichtulta"J db.U .h;J.ppen and " 1tClfU.lsa.Jt,q, namol,)': (a) Tlui lNHI! j'aJhi J..a IBJ.kll Jlllfl'Ctl.PJ. pa,yml!nt tJ1. lln,,' l'8111. huolzl 11,rttd to \le poJd., and pall fnilurr. ~Unui!.a CM a period 111 tn cf~111 altzl" 11oUco lJiGrCOI: bt Ute l1u11r to the lCHHJ {b) 'l'i111 laa11N mkn 11n ••Jilnrne11,t fot' th• bcml!Cit o( oreditortii (e) Th• lcuoa IUea D. pr.UlloD m bAnknpRC7 or D. pelltloa or 1u,.111wer 1allllln1 rm>rpnkoJ:ton. ..ado.r \M Fadsntl Ban1tna11tcy La.w Iii" 11n1 othar app~ et•lOtD; (di An 1ttuchm1H1L or acr.u09n fa lcvh,d upon U. lcutc'a pntper11 £n or klt.t:rHl undar lbJ11 t•Gaa wlllch fa net mtlslled or ralcucid or 1L1)'CII wWiln tblrl:r d0;)'11 tber't!•CU.r; (d Ao 11rdor ta cm.11rr.d ndJltdical!n( (h11 tcHee I budtrupt or 1pprovta1 1111 in,oluntAJ'.r paCitlon aciak1ng A roor,piµ:~11 of the luatfl 11~ier the Fa.dttD.l B~p1cy 1.a.-or any Dtbcr a,ppllcabh! IICalul« ar app,offlllllt: 1 rec.t.lW!r CII" lrut-tee for 1U or any 1n1b1111uinu:i1 put or llie p~rty or lllR prupcrtJ' 1:11 tha ln11i::c, and sucll 11t"ISC!I" hi nal. na11lerl' or 15t11,yr.d within .bixty d.o.1i,-11Chr l!le c~· lhrraal; (Q ~ h•1111: rou. 10 pisdorm or obHrtti :tl'Q' 111.btr c!Ji11n11n1~ afl"ft1m!nt or r:wdlU:on ta be pedormed or kept by th£ l11N111e under lhf. t.el'Jll!I and J:irovl:elool ot lhltl tuu;e, aml 1UI$ ta.51.un i:ontlMIOll ltrr thb:tf d•t11 •Rir.t ncitlpi ot w1"1U.u. 11Dtiff lhltrw! !,I.)'" tbfl ltll&OI!' !rom lb(! lHBGri . ...... ~, 1;ho11 and ln 6'11ct,. (!'Rill UN: Ltia11:or 11:hall ,hay,: lbe right, at 1111 op1lan., Uioa or i:it ;,II)' lime lheudll!C' .:i.nc{ wbUa 1uch dlUattlt alldl eonU111.1e, 10 r.-cn1c.r· tind l;t,ko l11i:,1 111eia i:it'ld JHIHC~l pci.Ho.calo.11 or lhf: 1eH1cd prcml.sel Gnd declare tbUI h:::iso forrd1ed 11.11d. (ha lenn ttKIN!or QM11d, imd. w:Wi or wllhNl praceH or law rcmOft 1.U penciD• \llutC.rvm, 'l'bo lusea la 111clt neat 1ball f)caCCU:ulJ.v and ,;,,u[cUr 1leld up 11.nd Nl'~ndo.r CM lui1cd pre111l1u 11;1 Uio io.a1or 11.ml cxecu.t! 1~d delber 10 tbe lHEir 11:uch :lllatrunttn 11T tn1trt1a,ant1 111 '1101 proporly ovii!cnC1' 1nniln11.lion ~ llul lane.1•• rl1htll 11,nd hlltr-oat llndel' 1h11 iea.ae, and ia5 m:i.y be r,:iqu)J:"OCi by '11 lts,or. letiiu: by the h-Hor, lbe 1ea•or .1baU b1r enttued io rcr.over f~ ~ tenu 1,Yi:mic.. OIM,IC>lfO a HI.Yt:STOI '-""nflt·-lrllll.lth1> ~"·~·ic-.r~~ .:'• ~~i;..';..t'l;..;~~~\;~{[fu,f~~:: .. ~:·:·i::l ~- .• ,/ ij; ~ ,: " ;l ) .J -t •. ,t ~ ~ ~ " ~ J ) ;, a .. c:z '' a) C\l ~ 0 ~ 0 N a) .. • .NI u~ aqw.L al UIC Ume or lllffll.lrwiofl QC Uilr l&ae~ \0 the lhcn. ~ ot Ui.e exeeH, Jl aey, m lhtl •ur11~\CI ot ret&t. a.a.cl ciut.J'gff eqptm~ !Olll to nnt rercrnd lit th1-lua11 !or lhe lwilam:e rzt the pt'imu1 ~. OKr 1111• then r•1-W.e rciu.al wl.uc nl !hit I.au~ prtmiaH ror Ut.11- hll.lanca of lhe primary lCll'm. Sllci!. r1:cwecy llhaU complcteJ,y dlacbl:I~ t.ha IHne or 11U obllplllll'II hen,indu, noLW.ltbst.11.o!llag ua, «her siriwttion11 or U,ls lc11.11Co At lb• opilon IP! 1M l•UNIM' ai,d ln. Uru,.ol f(lriaJUng 11111 .leaci• u abovri provld1d, lht loncir -inay re~enu.r lhe. detlWlltd prenilSn u ritcno!d 11 .. 1111 u \ha arau ot thA luaee rciaicn-e thcii-etrom OIi)' pru[IGK,Y' QI" Ule lMaH, uid m•r IAA!let .nnd rtlel uid ptemle .. 01' •b1" pan lhateo! (nm Hm• a.o dma for 1m7 11111xpir1cl pa,?1. ol lhe prlla.aQ' tu-m, 1"4 th<e \1:1Bt1r DRl)' 001l11ci the rel'lta lhorct'or, ripplyJng U11 •11me-Itrat \,0 lhlll ~rnutl\l of OEPnM'1!1 o( Heh 2"'1:-ulry D.!111 :reh11tto.g 1111.d Uan lo lht. psymvnt of lhe rcu.l ilwt tir lb become ~ UtldC" \hla I.HH, 11ad 1he laul!U hereby lesff• !rarn its c-,.ii:r,nta to ~ ron!Al.a 1:u:uf ot.h~ chaqfll!I prorldcd (or horcln, 1md It 1, "''recd lh:r.t,' ,e,ceopt in,orar u thll br J.ncoru1t1lent. 1ritb or cimt.r.:l~ Lo Any provision or tbla loo.n. 110 r1ghl ar remedy )lerdn canferre<I upon or .res.arvil'd to lh1J lu:r• la lnt.cndod to be Q.el~dvn or •n.r other ri1M or rl!mody. o{K! ctich 1.nd every 1'1J11!t and remcdt ~ b,i: C\D!Nlll1l\-o :,n,l tz, 1:1dclitfon ta IIPf cQ10.r right or remudf ,i:lton Iha luso:r 1.s D(ONnW, IOI! lea11H •1.bu. lle\J" and 1U rJahti to :reit.em UM! laG.:Jcd p.rcmf111111 ellhar Giver. b7 1ny 11tn.lulo naf ln e![ect or-be.rteRcr cUe.~l1d, b\ll lht leuor !!Wl nol bl' dacm:i:d to b,a.H. i.rral.M.Ulcl Ulit" la~a or lhll llab.lllly Df tht icuee lo po.y rent ttiu-,mldar ur it( lltlbW\:, /or duno.11:a by 11,u,-11ur.h ontry ar by ;i,ny ~"Uoa. Jn unlin'lt,,il. de~inv Dr lY«nc. ~°"',. HI..YUTER ~'IWUHol!O-,.-....ia 11UfT\1:1•11< -I& ~ -: ... ~; : •, .. .: . . . .:. . . . ' - / a, N 0 N 0 N I' 0 N ~ a, ~ ~ ., ~ ., • ~ ' ., 4 J 1 --., 5 :1 :1 J ) ·- , ave • .. I - lhD,t 1t 114S tl!ICWd ID 1,1!.rmhm.tl!: Chia lD:DIC. ARTICLE XVI. 0Wtt£89lt1P ANO POSS'ESSJON WAJtHAHTY U tJw llDIIW 1ladl poriol'l'Q. all er "· COVIIStalll ~ &penttiDOla aitd atllpUaoa aor111,1n4arj 11:111 lo••or-c~narno aQd a(l"ONI that t111 letno llhaU lllavt Ille pao.c.c-M uni 11111cst onjoyA1CAl ot ur., lctUld ~~• ~oal lb~ l•nzi of W• lene, 10 l.on.1 H dMt lnl!lh b Mil Iii d'WluU heralUldtt, ..-1.Quml lot Of' bbid""nco 1Nl O.e ~tt Dl' Ute b4ar. T111 1'11gr-dDtla ~rcby wo..rn.M lD dttf11nd the lc111n tn tht pet,edul •rul quiot cnj!Q'ttlelllt or the Juacd. pnmiau 1111,du, ~ leaaor, ARTICLE XVII. H0i.D1NG QVEft BY LESS££ If 1he le11t11 J:l<tldll oTer or n:ma!iu. ln paHn11UJn or ~eupo.llCJ' d cbo l~sl!d pNmJlsl!'t. nltln" the cxplr.tUJl'I r,I Ola primary tann 11W' ,,11y ~tLl k'l'M w ll(1cr any ~r ,e~- srtlrAHOD Qt ,he i.,,, ,..., wnt,OU1 :anr wrlium le:i.sa cf old FlmWJcl 'being -autually 111,:rn .. • ;;nd 011\1!:red falo by th!:! liUsar and lbl lOllt:t, 115u,cll bi:oldinC' olll!r ar 1;1:1nUm111d pas11111•l~ ar accuparu;:y, 1f rt!II. la pald Q lht hute P.ncl Acd-epte-d liJ thf liiuor lor or durin& .c.n1 pcJic4 ot ttma h •oilu:dda: aver Ol' nmo.!DIJ irl PoffGB8b\ or oecup::incy, 11hall c:~1• oraly I uoaru:r from monlh to mDfllh. al lftl! lllet tt1onthly rimtll &Ail gpon Ibo tcrtn1 (othar lN-11 le1t1!11l ol t11tmJ 110.reln •P•i:llled., wMcb rney 11.1 •11Y 1-u,nu••11~ -1B - ' _; - ' ., = "' ., ( ...... • AnTJCLE l\VUI • W/1.JVE'RS E:xctp& to die cxtc:-nt 1.h:il the buor fflll)' li&n -oUientin ClJt'N(I lQ w.rillng, ao wolV'llr b)' tlM W•a:r Cl1 t.ey lnwu:h l:ry the llll'Ut: O( oay-d M, ob.UpUOM, 111rumeru, CU' .CPffllllOW' ba.t'I!:• lQ!dDr ahllll 'lt• ~«I lo h .. WAIVll.r ~ on, ,allkoqqm& bt"U.eh o( U11 ,.me or lll\f ot'hu i.ovena.nu:, 11.gnicfflC!:nla or oblJ.irca.thme. nar ahnll a.nr torw11r.111eo by (ho le:i10:' to t~k v ntmedy tor J:1.IIY breucb by 1h11 h!sHe b.c deemed 11.· w11Jn.r-bf 1h11 Juutt,.l" MITICLE xvtx. TEnl\11NATJON 1. At lht 1umina.ll0a ol lhla kuc:: rcw 11.111 r11U1ort, Iha Jaa.Oi! a.ad the: ~ 11:11d s11b,tam.m. 11nd1111r 1he lo11u, D.ad 1u1y and ;i.ll persona holclluS: or clUmioQ" UQ!le:r dl11 .lttpH, 11tall a'W' .. reMcl' pt)turn.idan ,11 ::K:. la:i.sed premJ111s 10 llil!: leuw, ma.lntunect Jl!I bcuv1n p~vlded i-..· (11nHn1rr llroo.l' aQd tut' 11Dd deprocisl!.OU cxi:uptiedl au! lt'ltC ,if :111y •nd 11JJ elA1ma then-to by tlul luue or HU' p'-rt)' h~.lcliJ\s uw.lcr dio laq11. 2, A1 tb.c Hrtnluutoo or tbLI lau11. tor any c11.u::i•1 'I.ho luaOfl a Md UH len:i.n111 llnd 11blen.i.al1, undo.,:, th~ h:aaee, 11ml 111\Y Arni all por1on.u -l'r .. ' ' ·'·' ., . ·-~;-::?;!~''":~~-. ...,·.·:'I.-,, • ;, J,. j _, ~ ~ ~ -" !::: .:: ,i -· .I =I => -:: J ) • . i • .• from, a.Id lc.11tti!i ptTltllaes 1111 pomOp:1.t pn1911'r17, loob1 i.i .. dwl"'7 and" lnlh flXIUN!I &nd 1qulpme~~ Lneld.lC!d by U.ct laanetr or 1.-,. of 11dd PU80U •l JID or lhell'" OWJI tXpr;rn-«i. pro'fided. bOIIOftl', lbt.\ lu1eo 111haU .r1pa.lr IISlo1" dai.11:111,iu Ji;, llle lec.aed p.rem.ta111i: c.11Ltkd by thl!-rau.o\ltl. c( •tLcl.1. pJ'Oparty. AR'I'ICLE ;x X. COV£NANTS RCJN WlTH L&ND ta.11:ted 1hAll. b1 COAll'tned u connantu tlllla'lng wi1h th.1 1-d, and .au .rJ.atbl.l rtven. ,o at1d abllpUocu ~ud vptiw. U)II rqp~tve pa..rliae ahall ba oonalntad u ln'!Uin1 to I.Ad bJndlag Up!III Uie su~aa~ ARTIC'I..E XXJ. GHOST F0BM Oll' LE'ASE 1hort !ot-ui m leu• !or rc.cONtn, pttt-poau, •!Hi. th& term~ .lh11t"eof con1Ht1,nct a JUI.rt b,oi-uor 11, lhuuah rad1ed .ol lencUi hc:reJn, .t\RTIC't.:2 XXJL lforll!ES AA,-11cUc.c provld.rd f« huc-ln ~ll:f IHI fin" b;r e~:r1Ulod or ro,tlh,nd Oa!Ect Slair.:11 m11ll. pc,tta ge pn_pid, 111UU'11Hcd tu th• Ul1111or H !oll~11 lUf Ile" 5torae, Inc. l HI s. E, Thin! Avcnac Pc:rrtland, 0nl(ltl .. ' = 5 :,; ,l ·' ., = '; J 5 ; \ • • ARTICLE XXUI, CO,.UUSSIOII .. Uaatte aarect 111 hold Ilic kuor h:afftllfl!S rr0m. a11y ..d all obl!g:11.llaa.a lot aJI)· re:il e•l4te commia:~ or-ft'll Wbieh may k-cldlncd b1 Hl!lu7 Bi-odv:rkk, Inc, or 1.111 oC lllJ ,:uiapcJalee lor .111r:n1cu or either• vlae J11 contiectJoa with ll1ta ICt.1.H or tho prDpt!rty cov11tnd '1:11 Lhh, .kaat=, ARTICLE XXlV. UdPROVEMiE:N"l'S Tlut. hnpnil'CmelU lo Um p1"'1pnrty dinU ":lo ~•i;nd, con11u-uc,r!cl aod 11upcrdud bytm Jenee; provWtrd. how1vcr, the 1-Nor. d\.follati tho le••ot"'a o~hl_tac:1, 1h11.11 &Jlff'ON all pJaM and e~c,,i.t(Qllfl UH-d .ln lbe DMgiul 111(111flrucUon Of' tba rmnod•Ua11 ol •IIY"bll.Udlllp O(' fllh~ stAl!tlol lnipa,iyomt~ CJJ1 Ole Ju1f!d preml10J. "l'he cidgtn&l mprove~ :j&~ I I • meo11 as Pnl¥W~ hin"Ct,1 aba.ll .bet al lhc r.Ofit al' 11at lo ~ctod $1;100, DOO .,.; ~h, t~ Ult! lc1n1or, lll:lll Jn brlol sbo.ll i:011Slfl or o bulldUli of 11pprv;iau.t.eiy ... 1,,.1 ~"" , ., .... •· ,:., Jj(j iL t , )·•-,r.-t<l';llD<f li"l'fll.re t~k. INeludlng t.t IIOI llmlled 111 ;an:JrilE:C1,a and ~1.lllfft-s ,,.--~ Cus, ='lurveya, .&a:lu 111.:ir, permlt11, comructs Q.nd eoni;U"'U~llon tQl\1t, •nd u mucli oC the b11lucc o1 the.pll'Oflerly u ls pr.:ic:1.ioo.bl.-: will bl! 01phalt p:ivln!J, 11-rid p~rty ll~ «nd ci;n:nplel.ed (l)!" p11,l'klnr. Th@ lalthlUI, slr111;t\lH·a 11.tld p;,,.rilhll! will bi: !lmll;.r la Ute Burl1111. GDY .. l'llal'I !lan.1r dt:p:i.rtment. alorc anti cupcrmo.rlu;tl iu rllWIIHW!ly pouil>le. ~ddllJon, lh!! k:,&Qe Wlij bbc.l:llJjt.aDd tnllfnCA.ba tb, :1.WO~J..'fiy,.!tJO~·~J'!.:11'fJ'lrom "n• A RTICt,E XXV, FIN/1.~C!NQ or IMPROVENEHTS t?.:t;:- 11~ LassLtG ww )lraridt nll cl lha Inartin fil\Sneitlf naceanrr to compl~tc alt .. o~Jff P~I.Cotemcntt~ imprravemenla for tbe lc&.a11r and -'1001,\:_.,., .. · ..... 4~,9·:-1-. to :110 ~nt ol $l,!Oo,oDO·or eo ~lleh ,hiroot' u ma.y be ncceHor, lcr \ho =t ol Rid lhlfroNlnueni., ond Jl S. (\lrth41'J" imd:ntoud. 1r,,d ogreed 1tui.t Ibo k111sot will not bl! rt11porwible ril'r 111,wo tt,ui tho .. ~"19 -:••• ' ' .. '· • = '1l N ~ 0 5 N _,; s ·' ~ N ., ai .. ::: '; ?. ., l J ' ~ ~ ~ J. ,, ____ ... • • t1m.DGflt Id" a ll.r1t morifl:111 dial. •ct.n bo oblo.lned en. file pNmilN IUJd tlOT 1um1.nqulre.d 09'&r and flbo\re IJlf,Or 0C •Aki ltr1t lll."t•r .... ~ .Sro :, mortpgo or $l~OCl~"illKI wnl bo bit .uapana llU1 Ill •111.d ~rA11lled by U!o ~~He... ll ill WldaNlalll!I CMt tho louor-11\.rt.ll nl1t. 1ltl a,wq~trcd to 11utp~d Q10re tht.n the ~um at fflllflll!f flin.t e11t1 ti.11 blllTOW1.cl o.i 11 l.Jrat mortptt• ill a,n;:on:laACa 'WWI Iba hlrms Mr•j;ttor Ht !oiolh, 'It, ..•. · .. , • .. ,~1~66 \·~ &Dd fl ~ONI lmll s1,...100,ooo cen bt1 bWNWd DD t.tnt. lr!Orip.~ ~~(~ JI:!: P.ftY 11:nnL Iha h:niw-1ho.ll. llllt bit l"C11P11M*'l11 .tcir mw• lb1111 it~"i00,--000,. ! of aald conlltl"UcUon. 4.1\TJCl,E XXV I, mot"tf:l'le 1oaP eammum,nt to CUffr thse i:a1l ci! ~e builtfinp r111.d lm- pravcimmW. U poulblci, ~,rma Ill :H yt"&ra aqd 2 monlhc at sip;. wlll· ff o'bt#!MCL 'l'hle 'l'W PJ'OYldo III con1t11;nt po:YffiC!nl or 87,, on Che mOrllfllp la;m. 1n 11g i;:wqt wm nu, )o!iSn~ be llnble. tor llit.er111t lh. 4:iCCCN O{ .s~ JIU' a.nnlltll, IIO, decU~ ba.111.n~•-Art)' ACl~lttonal iatueal ~Ind '1llill be tm! Dbllpllon ot Ow IH.5"c'1. U .11:!cb a l~ con:r!.G( the tb.llll -Dr tbl! •~mcQtJI c11onmit be Dblahilld, 011 lcHcc 1hn.ll rt Ibo lldc:11UcmrJ. coot iar l1ZD11.nt Jmpr'd1'11tmrn11 \rliich p~7111111m.l VRC111.fb .t(I Ur..t Liu:: 1rouhd' renui.l u provided ror J,c,inil" 1h11.U bo Cru: 11,11d dou· 111 "A<lrll •nd n 11su the tnt•rti1t i:.011 or tho rnortp.111 wlll pol 'tM: ln uc~on of ,,. per 11.nnum c,.ir, dr.cUn1n1 l11huicea to Iha. lHIDI", tr, in. lM aptnJDCI cf the }CIIJIM, tba tr.on• oC lhc murt1o.ac commllmctit i'tm:ltr Ult pro,lco't anacoa.cira1c1I, the.n. 1h11. lCA10 ,11a1u ta.rmln11.ti,1 prov.ll'lted1 hawonr, 1hJt Iha lca1ea noUllca IM lu•or thtil lho proJ101, in tl, .• cplnlCl:I, 11 UM1111ftomiQll.1 Wl\llln :OUH~I ..... .. 217 w leuoe e-ba:U ~ bl.lWld •;•/ .,. ,/· ' '· • • ... ,, I l -· .f _J • ) .. • b.1 Ibo 'lutdl Md pr-o,,llllofw o, dull la•e. lr1ortpge lo:.n dot:umlf:llbl •ball bv aubjeat la hl's111on • IIIPf'"'"d, AnTIC't.!: XXVtL Rcnta.1. ,a.:r.co.ant11 lor the b1Jlld'ln1 11..nd lmprovemtoui •Noli coni1J1encit 111111n the 4-111 of 11111 gpslU(l1 oI the .alorc or In •nr c:ver1i pct W.Gr r[,.., 1 l'l~I ,.-··' 'l'!i. u...n .r1.tmur·1, ,n. f ... " ::-\ .11.Ktic1.,s xxvm ZOtU.NO Laa.at" 11dd..Juan "W p~cod promptly 1a mrllln prap.-r- ionlng tor Uac prc,ltl'ty, U procier 1:1»\lll& ctuiMI: cic vbtruncd by July 1. 1S!J6 1 Ulen thh ®llU'oct dull be rr,dl 111'1!1 l'l:lld o.tiO' 1110 Uil.• bllUy 11b1ll a.c.i=n1.11 i'.l'Dtll imc to t~ athcr bv1.wc~ the-Jet:i:1or anal ltHH. .ARTICLE XX UC. . ll.EltTAL P.A. l'J4ENT6 Rtt1l11ls wlU Pe p11ld Jn e~val monthly lnHlllllmente, 111 11.dvnncl!.. 111 addition, h!stoe ... 111 pay all ta)[.es, Jns11rance •acf maintir.ln the b111lduip n.• pt"OYhft:d for heroin. 111 aU.u want.i.., lite .reirt.aJ or $31,0DO,OCJ (f.'7,000,00 11.R.cr IM 1enn) plus 8~ GI I.he COi:\ ol h:ilpr1Wemenw u pr,3n\Nld f= hcnln, am.11 Uc nfll lo tbs l11aa11;r (t~!l'Pl f,or t\m!r g:m ·~n,uud lncomt UL'IZl!l ll11.d p;i)'ID.tAII on tJH! mortpccrl ducinC ll1c-.,.,~we, tetrm ol UU, lcuuae, -~--... ......, .• • ,.. en N 0 N 0 N 3 r-;; 0 > N ~ (1) ., ' - 5 :; < , -~ " I . I htlll, Uliloilll llllld~Utillkl Jla~l&ll1AlbitlDUtt~ 0,:,. Nol ~ts IC "IRr .,...., ll it ..-.:a.ii or""*" aff',1111, • • M~ SUPPLY CO. By-f.<•= .... ,.!·. .,.__') l ., ___________ _ STATE OP'" .c°':'1c":'."-=---- COUtn'Y OF H"' t f..._e,.,L l , ... I On lllla IJ.K.d.:ay 11t :J'--.. J9U6, beflU'"CI nie jMltTOMll.Y ElpPUri!d u~'-fT"'"·rl,H)t, ;and---------~ to mu UOWTI ltl bQ 1110 ;~J llnd -------- ne~.;.:i.,.. Df 'Ml56f0N SUPPLY CO •• a Wasblnf!Ulll cor,pon,u«i, ~nd o~k11owlt'lll,pd to .111.1!' 11.:i.t tMIJ eccutlltd lbe """' for a..nd on i,,ehalf O:I' wk! cnrpar.;aUon, hr.hi( o.utlwrlnd so lo ch); 11nd 111'1 D11..QI .ata\ed th:rt lhll 111001 althcd lll 1h11 c11q.or.11n •eal c,f i.;i.ld co,por-allon. IN W tl'!U!S..; ortlold 1u~ the Ur Ul'll:Dn. IIU.MGNII I IJ'fl,,.Vll'IUI ........... ---"· oi~t1~ l~ID• . n. ' .. ... I = :. ~ ~ -· ~ _, ·• ::: . . , .:: ;j 4 ~ J ~ 5 -:: J ) "' ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ i I ' i • . \ • 5.TATF: OF WASJ:IIHGI'ON j J 11.11. COUNT'YOFKING l ~ n OJI lhlll // fl.if ot "4Hd .. , 1066, bcfort!I 111~ penooan,, 11.PP~Nl:d FRAtm DmlNAaO BONNELL, .JR., ID me kaowta. tot,e th11 pt'l"SCln. d11:11ullJe,d fp and wbo axecv.ttd lhe •bh.111 Ctld (111.'elf~ 1Q3Cl'\l~ m11111t, RAd llckttowlt=cl,cd ,c me tltttt be s1.&ned the aunt 11• hl• fri:t aml whilllUy ~cl ind da&d. for lho llJle.111 •!Id l'llJ'podl thuelt. me1t'" Uetntd, 1N \YITNESS 'llflIEQ£OF, I tA.•11 h1rouo1.0 Hl nr1 hone:! and llf!lcW. 111al Uit Cly •ftd ,rou Jn lhla c•rtltlc11t• ll.bore wttttu, tJi1 a~·C-:'I.J Hob.cy hbllC" In a'nd {Dr-th lltll\e o{ Wa1hln11ot1, l'llllldll\lf II~ S,:QJl.l.e STATE .rut \VASUt.-.:c.:rox ) I ••• COUNTY Ol" .IC11Hi l On Ibis ~ ,J.,1 or • , , , _, \HB, belore .rno pu-:1on1.lly apf"'11nr~ lr'a ~---·· •,• ... ~ -~· •.· and .-.:_ r '· •• ~ :,··« , l.o-mci known t'O 'di 11J:J' E·.r troimi aJld f!El-~tt)!'1fftiwnOJJD'iF! napac:llvdy, Ill PEOPLES NATtOtal. SANK OF AfiHlNOTON, a WO,.lhltlJUln ,c,orp11rt1tlort, and aa.hnawkdpd to 1:1e tbl~ ll1•1 •a11111od th, ,:imo rm aud un bl.!Mlt al uhl ~rponlli)~ het"g auuhorbed 10 1,o d01 a.nd an ori.th •to.lod lh~t th!! saa.1 aalnd 111 the corpon.te 1111al Dl 11111.ld corpcin.Uon. No1.:1.ry P11blfc It& ud Io; Ul!! 61.l)to of W:uihl11rt-on., uc~!;!,= :=:!""" ru:Id1111 lilt Sc:11\.ll.e .. ,. .. t .. , .... , ., Z:J -/./' .... ,;/ , • I ,· " = J ;: J' ) ,· • • liXIIUff "A'' 'm t.rliSE -Ntll&t,L .. tllH[GN &tfPPl.:t CO. '1'hrl kpl clHcrlpOon ,d the Ptll'pec-tr, t4llch tlto: 1 .... 11r hn 1,...-4· ta t" 1-••• IUn ibf• le•n, <:1>HJ.1u of 11pnrxl_.i119}1 H, •eras, .q,,I U l'.nuU1c,I .u f•U111111 hrtbn et Coff~t Lot 1, lyta; ,iorth ,t l'wlllun .P.ac:UJ.i: .. tlw-, Clo. d1}11: of .iay In Su.el• 17 1 "t'wn-, 1hilp Jl 11".rtll, I.ii,_ S twtl; iltCU't tl14. IOtch lOO f1U1tf uan tlur vH1 lHl r•cc1 ncr;n .,.oruon hi n..s A..,.... sou,th. •111!1 t,s.u. &i • .,,, d.tm.tei t11 die CJ.ct ot 1t111:e111. 1::-t:, ef lC.111&, S.t.ata 1f 1/u.hJtisc-. '7;,\f:. 1.N .. n•II lt2i q( Thill lUHll1 111 ud!~t-ta Ult' IIIH Di"cllc 11.bovo. 4e,,citti•d p~e,, •-u.r. tairtfl ln tfig 1"n ot 'loflh:h dib h , piatt, 1h11.U how •• .. ata:iat fat th uni d dlia 111110 41>11 i:.i, .i1Ullel1on d1ount, CV PO f,:ir tu.rcor• a4l<I C1J11'C!n1, 11,11r TllfJ ~Cl {Mf "'10,, •ft U111 io l» fa111t {l'OII die tfa!li 11.ftt= or tbla ptopcnf •llll "'11 GIUl"t "' foiei od ~tu 1/CJI 40 teat of tb!! lallwlRJ lllu.crlbcnl pl'OfcTtr: 2 IMt -c• Z10 (fft or the. ~· NO h•t llf ~ .. ,1 t hn: ot· C.YU...,..Qt L.cir. l 1 B~"'-1.., Jt, 't11~•Hhb U nor~ ~ !I Pl:1, hl"ll 111 J.l•;,: c.aonr:r, Uaa11.J.111um; attn tha c.nt 110 fcu tklrcof, or 11l'llct ;ll Mrd 1urfatt ..v11r tlia. pnp•rcy w•u1'11 b)' tht cuCfflll!.c, 1111cl 1ilall c11: 4U t~ ol11t 111&: tb.i unii 111! th.b 111:1..111 .,,.J 4111 CJ!(ou11 clu~i:llilf, ct l,aas.1111'• l:%!"l...-11, kflll' ap a.ad S1.1lnt11in 1rll1I th~ lrO h •~:J..pa at ,ita,i:rty. oUld t.l,ti l11<CW11'e alld Lu 11gaat1 1111d CIIICCft<I.-U ,i,,, ba.YI! tha rhllt to 11,11, lllllJ en-au !.Ir !.r11nu ,11111! c1u111, ilq)d at •11 ti-il11rifl1 1::I~ L..rfl 11t tllh 1IHIH AM ~, IIIUe.nil.otl. thcno( t c:ba l.n111c,r, 1t~ ,ccat.o, lm1111t11, cu1t11<1u11 11nil 111,,.ltr1111 oliall ha•r. W r:lsht 11£ tr..gru.11 on,l 111c« .. llr\'Ct •ud 'l'n,pc.rtJH Cll"l'cid l>r tl!.L.1 caneuont, illel'lldlll,g lhl 1'1.dit t; Rdntu11 11 nllra;ol Ifill' 1crt1111 t!:111. >tcllt 'O (ooc tlitn111', .tnv:ltn.11 any ptoptictat; tntn1n •I' owncnhlt ill the tJn'« "O Co..t 1tcJ..po of J.w • .1.lld thr lu,ar ar he h\YJ.tt!U ,>ui.ll oni, hua th tipl • •' • ... C'l N 0 N ~ 0 N C'l ;;: -, 3 ~ ~ ;! s J < " ' ... I " I " ~ ' • • ta p ..:to•• tllrc11: •Jd 60 foot ,trlpa for "'"*'' It!> U11t Ju.Nd ,r.,-ny 1l1<1.u:dllod hrd111 ,iid. at it. t,rsmfqo,c.._ ,,I ltiU '-" a,: ""f itUc1u1.UC.. tll-f, tlla -at he~ ~r1u1tm1. JA 1mit ta Pid lkn• ,o hoc ,m,. ~( f'f..,111fty •11-dl. CHM •i.:f 141.SM.t.. ta chc 11 .. BCc t!:11 ie.. .. tdla t.. hip 11p ..-4 Nll!Udll ttl• 1tnfac:q .r tlla l:t!Na ,o lffr ltdpa d 11._.i:1 tl'lu afuT" th i.,111r bu 11- 111'1 wu llatt i..:1.1-1 tD do n irfdda t.41ny •,n •ri:cr tm.ttu 1lllU~ ci,. th Ju,.... It)' cl&il J,uN:r. tbl! la11oir IIIIIIU ba.Ve UII dpt t, tsnd111tt1 • Uld •• .. otnb, - .. .. • ...=-.:· ·, .. ., ; ·~:;.:~:-~:·:\ .. : l:{._.'. ·I - i Cl I (II 0 I (II I 0 (II • s .! (II }I Cl ,1 ~I -1 ' ~j 3J ! -1 • • • ' -, ;· .. • GUAR.AtfTY WHEBEAS, D!G "C" STORES, DrC,, 11.11 ONpn carwn,uon, '4 Utt pt'lhd.po.l 11:lot:kboldt:r or .nAl.A.1i OF WASHJNOT()N', i.i."q-C,. D \YulilnllWrt corporulo11, ind WHEnZAS, DAZAB OF WASHINGTON, INC', IHl1 purcha,:,e.d Rll a{ U,O QlpJW 1t1;1ak or MISSION SUPPLY co •• !I, Wu:tllll:~CIP. corpo111Uom, a,ut WIU;REAS, fil.lSijlON SUPJ'J.,Y CO, G~Nlf !Ata I leho:: wlUI P.BO!'L.!S NATIOl'illlL llANK DF WASHlNG'lONf • W.ulltllglon eor~ pvralkln. 41 ~or of lilt JCl:ta'U! er Fronce• 1. Soimelli :lnd FMHK. DlmNARD HON'NEU., JR, And .BAASARI,.. JOIJtt HOL.T, y1tar1 wllti lwo t:IM:Ct:'1a:in rea.ewal opUon lcrm:s oC lei. ,cianr 1!11.rh,. c:ommem:Jog on \hi Firtrt •1 ot J•mtmrr, 19n, oJIU - WHERE.AS, BlC "C" STORES, rnc. uid BAZAR OF WASHDIGTO~. lca.oc IIJ F.EO.f'l.E:S NJ\TlONAJ... BA,NK OU WASHINGTON, o. Wnhlnfton cDrfOfftlrlfto 1u1 F.ucutor i>f the E!lb.te or Fnl¥!1!1 B, .Dan.natl,, arui FRANK BElt;>:,\1;11 lJO:fNJ::J..t.. 1ft. ~ml BAIIDMtA JOAd HOt.T, u BAZJJI. OP WA6UlMGTON, JNC,, ~ Waehblpn eorptin.llon, h"'te~ D.Jlt'e of ;U oC ~ C!OHUIIW ... d 4fl'ffmclD.I.JI b1 !hi 1t1u111, MlSstON SUPPLY CC),, It• l:lok1, c-aitor:,, admiltilln.i.tors ~r o,a.l~,U., ~on~ tv.lncd In sald Ic,uu:1 In the mcrr.rmcr 11.rul !"r;u"m PNlvlded 1A 111lld leoH, .. - t ,· \ . \· -· J ) • • , . ! .• CIXll'ClU.tcd lh].I (knu"lnt," 1hi11 _::::: day of/Ma,-, 11lt6, -. •• ,;<". •. ,·)/ Prcddu~ .:,/ B.llAfl O.E' WAmlJNOTON, INC~ 87 -:;• '.'\:, J,J!I • ~.; )1 ,r' S'tATE OF 0111!:Got,I COUNTY oti'"°"'~ )H, I Pruldellt /.1 On lhl1-_._. d<11' or t.111,: UIH, boron m11 p1t1"BDflAUy opp1111red Wfl.J .. IAM C, TnIPLJtTl\ JR,. to mdnOOffn ta lto tha P.a'a1Jldc11tt oI El£ nc" SLonis, Inc,, lbe corponatJwi Iha& ~oclltod tht: 'A' Ubln 111-d hmqolnz-tn!lrument. and 11.t'lcnmfledcod lo IIDf: lhnl be 1i1"ned IIIG nmc ... hlA (nf!: and flt1111il6t.)' act o.:lld deed C11r ond. on bdtall 111t 1111d corponl111n. IUlCI on oa.U. 1t1t11d l,b:it he 11\'al 11.utborJzt!d 10 uo.:ute the 111u1e ind UIU th• eorpcM<t• ae1.t d!ixed ls 1h11, uul or e11.1d corponUot1, lN W It«E55 WHEREOF. r tow JMireuru.o .aet my lm.nd and orricial 1Jcol ll111 day nnd ,YCDr In . .hla: IMll'U!i~llle uboVo wr-J.Uan, STATE OF o;.;:c;;u;'4 ,t .t_ )H, COUNTY Of'/l,.,.."nw."f" ) On lhlll 1111.y oCJ=t.b.r:-lsGS, bcCore ma p1tr.10d&Ily 111ppe11rcd IVlLUAM C. fiffi:,t£TT; J11,. to roe: known 10 n-tho Pruldant of Banr of Wuhl11p~ Inc., [M COTJIDt'll.tfOtl lhat UltCUtod Lhe WUbl.11 and rorreao.iut ln51rumt1nl 1 ud &eknorledsml 10 m1t lli,llt aiii algnrd lhe .ais:se aa hls: rroo And volurila..t"f .11.cl 1nd dud Cot And on behalf uC uld cOl'por.a.UOA, o.nd on CM;lh 1talrcl Uta, hi wa, au.1hor.l.111d to ~,e the lllaie lli\d l~t U10 .:orporale nal .,rtbtd la \he 11tt.l c,f 11.ld curp<1nllcin, • SN wrrm:ss WH.Ent:ov, 1 i. clllcJILl It-al the dii.1 11.nd ym:r In .. -. / ... = '•, tr, ~ 0 N [" 0 , N ~ C7l ., , ., • a ; :l < ' .~ J ~ , ~ • • ( • 1 fllUI A;aandmant; ;ro. l to tho Loua ("th,j.s llfflena..at" bercb) aadc 11, ,;il thii:. lbt day of Octokr, l9611 l:iatwe.en li'l!Ol>LES ~'l'J:ffll,L ~f( OJ' lfMdXJtGTQII .. bllcvtor i,f tbtt Ea.t:111:e of :tZ:IUIOh a, Bvruldl, f'UiQK D!.IUfPJUI BO;Rl£Lt., Jtl.. :uld »JUIAU ,r~ HOLT (•1,onara" harab,J and JfXSSJ:o:f sont.Y co •• D c:m:poJ:a- tl.Gri (-i..HH .. 'ba!reln). !L'his AMndinenf: 11Ntlllh' tllat ct!L"td.n.lc=tiu l"tMI lauct• l)l!fain) bl!bilami. LHh~II' IUld r...111ee euc:\&.tcd U oi: May 1. lJil!i&. ll'I conztidtt.atloa 0111 the IIIU.tual boaailta ,icrcru1n9 to )lotla i.N:nr• f.ad 1,e:u.ce ttllrla1' tb1t lollll!: hd. bm:aln, Ul• p11rU.a1 AgtOII. U fQll"""'J 1. !he! &tsc:d,ptlcin of tho laued iu:e-.La1t.1 o.:a ut forfb in Bldl:ib.Lt ~ attachod to and Jlllld.o a put 0£ t:l,I! 14.uci 111 )IU:®y M10.t1Md to rand •:ii sat evrth J.ri £:xhibit i\ at.t.acbod h!!rC!to Dnd J:llldQ tt. p1ttt bn:CKJl. 2:. hbJ:l"lrll.gt'llph flrl al! paz:ftgi'a9b l of AJ:t.iela DI 1a )ia.rcl:17 1-=ondad to z:olld DI: i:o).l.r,w1u • (b) ~ti\l ~ tbe bull(~· rand otllex h,pro'A!mc~t• a:h111l :ba Ci7ht..y Pill'it 'fllouaami nallau ($85,DOOl ;pl!".t' yea.r,• l. PAriMJJ:';ripb z ol Articlci Ill UI hctnlly IUIIGI\Cled to PZ-d all fol.lows t "rhc rcnL:11.l pt1.,mi11.U "f\6Q,!:: this U:11.sie aba.11 ba Ji!,11.d.1! in ~,u1 QOAC.!f H the. llniti!d Stllt:iu.. Recitit.l ~t:11 :'.tJ:: the hnd, u Gpl!CIJ,fic4 .br pangruph 1{:a] 1.o.,:oo.t, .c~ ·.: 1 l>e paid lJy I.~.tet:t, onCl-"b.:alf to Er1.nk BGrrwu::d c~.:,ll, Jr • .aad. ilia otlleJ: ~lf t:c aac11c,11, , lloanall 1:4:. r.c: tha llddt••i.e11, GClt lottb in Articltt X>al. l\ent.al. tc: : .. .,:, huilctingi ~acl j111provmK"nt•~ H apa,c:U'iod in p6t'&9t:'a:,!~ l(b) 'hei;coof~ u Almldi=. 1holl bet pdd. J;iy Lcinaa. to Jo;ff1u::D011 .llt~&J:d Life IM<m:bbae' COl!lpttnf (",J'ctforGon SJ,;11.n=ra• ber•i.1J), GJ:CCJIRD"to, J(arcb cuolina, 2)42.0. Att11ntion1 t:ortga'l1' 1,a11n su:"•iao DlviaJ.oq, and 11pl'Uc4 taW&.r&: 1>1-}'TRent: ot t.ho Note di.hi! IJovenbu l, ;L!tlS?, " ,.._ • ·- .I ..... · , ... a, ~ 3 0 ~ 0 Sl ~ ' ~ 1 ; :l ' • ' . , ~ • ~ • rr'r1tb¥-...t I • • i•~4 )f:J La:a.a.e.ro t.c. JC!J!lcraon stana.xd. i'..ny dua bni, 1:1-.pdd. lnatal.lllcnt.P of ouch nntal• lhlll.1 bQ.U" illtm:"cal. 111t l:)H1 r~te Q,f 1W pa imawn .. " ..• •• 'tho third. u:ntoll.eo ol P4J;'II~ J. o.E ArtJ.cia XV b hoxabf ,a~ to rein! .b.D" .follows, •ta thci cvont af any •tll;lh ,il.ot:oalt ana the co:- fduro Mid tam.i.Mtloo ol tbUI !nR bf tb11 tnuoN* .14.ffatnn St:and.llrd Dtu! tho. Lu11on ,hall b11 011~UIII) to teooflt' t'r:am t:111 L•••ea &llo ~t: C(llhll, at;. tha t:ia11 oi:: tatcdnation ol t'bb 10111 1 t;0 tha t1ff1;11P,I.& o:C ~t •!Iii chal!!JC* agclnl•nl:. l;o Z'Oltt i:autyall ll\ t'bi• . loHa fol' tb4I bo.~a Of the pd_llllt'Y t.i,:m. ~ l!ho 1YCnt . ~, 1uch .torhlit:ura and. tominlt.ton, L111neir1 1111&11, ln ii.ny 11-ctiCNI ta antarcc, ~ir dght• tc PCO\ll!lr uy •!ISi h11u:cnmdc.r1 ot tbQ opt.LM of .:Jdfll''A"" .St1~d a.laa en..fare41 the rii;hU of .:rcf".ffl'UCn Un;nlki:t'd to rocovor l\oNiWKlor, If ;Jc,f!orsoa ltlndard doet uaraht:1 .ll:.I 11,d!II O!IUan, •uch ox:crclH al\ll,11 in no ~ bi: d.G'!*Clll ,1;1 waive.t of. .3'ollo:noa St11Sldard's. J'Jfhtll to a pnpa,Y-' 111tmt .bounder the: tors, i,f lb Xol:l!i vitl'I t.ctHar, wbJ.ch fo ttl bo .aoall"C"ocl by tin en.sip1a.nt ut i:2111 Laun:." s. irt:icle XV 1• hc:re!:b)' turthtr 21111mded bx ~ddJ.tti a new ll.Ubp.rairllPU t.o poni,;toilph 1 ;i;I!. fGlllllJ.ll "(,g) Any du.fo11l.t by Lcuaa u (fofi.ned hi an.Ii llf14" 1:1\D lea.mo dat.d. .:runa 20, l.ffG, lwWHi:1 Frank BIUJ)Ard ~!11 J~., L!Ull"or, t,,:id Ml1lliOJJ .Supply Company~ taar:eu.• 16. 11.rUcle XY.ll is he:r,aby ol!H!M!ed bY adding tba follA~-- lng .:111Jdnocu. tor the Le•111or111 ·r~•nk B, BGNJoll, :,~. 211 -109 s. ~. BcUav\lo, lfa6hln.gtvn DB004" ~narb;u:a boniM!ll Holt. 61'1 -1:18 s • .£. llollaivuo, tlaahlngttl?I, 9ao04" -2- ,. ! I I ... . ···~ . • . ... l ... .. = ) -' • • • 7, l\l'ti.cll.a ~U J.i;: b~rolty llfflllded 1iy changing tbe / dab!! Jan1.n1ry l, 1'&7, ta JfoYIIPlnbm; 1, 1967. o. 'l'ho ~kd r.cnten.c:o of ~ticle JO-:IX is ha1:1;by tl/lllU\dri to ,:Gd iii; foll.,.,sct •111o at'hc!i= vordi:., th1t ~couru:I rental ot i:n, 000 Ut.7.~D<t (l:fl:..cr l.tt yao.1:11) ;plua .ns.ooo for buildini t11ntill Q11 prcvide:ci 11C1%c1n tih&ll. b11 net ta tlut Les.:1on1 (11xc;i;•pt foe their !Mrl peroon11..l tnco..o t11XH and tho pay,i,.arit• on t11e »ot.o ,b&ued to Jeflin:a.ot1 S tllnde.~ U4 .C:t!ct1t1'd by tho l>ecd r:,f trust on tho lu11d prellli.:J11,l d\11:1119 the antita lcffl c:,f ~h• lo.a.ao." st. l..naaro An4 IAl;1101t furthlll." &gtDQ ~ut: DO l.o,rg H tho ltot,c :Li, 11111K t,y Ll:!.1u1()n to Jof!oraan Stonllard abd ncurod by II Dct0d of Tl\UJt OOY<11dng tho lnaod ~aa raam.111i1 ~d. or any otbelr oblJ.yat:ion awed .:Jolfu.,um S~nbd; by :Leuoi-a "ar.du nid i:lod of Tcusl: t~ins ~!111:fllloO:. te:1111111 1 4 C>l::IUf!!.tloQ under .PC'l'Q91"1:p}I l of l\rtit:le: V lic-re,of to ~pdr, ni,1.oet or noon.5Uoc; ;oiiy }Juildi:i,ga OC' !Xho,; ..b.pic:o,w .. ont. vn tho laoaml promicoa s-hAll bo •QJ,joat bl thct pd.or wrlttl!tl n.pprovnl. of Jcl.tcc-SttU14Ud rind all .io.011:i:;11,cc peoeaeda pD.y.tiblc tc r:iithur Leu:or:a ,or Lcucc PlJC'.IIUllnt to ltrtlc:le XI ~ecf bnd o.ny 11.Llllll~ anccis ot aw.A~d:r ptl"Jnb'lc 'to teS£DrD or ktli.e1: by J:'Oa.aoc al 11, pn:i:t:iti.l or Wbl r:oRdl::llflat:iOtl of t'hc lc~oa prcmi&c.c par5Wlnt to Az:ot icle. X.:V hereof A-l\bll bG .i;,;i.J.4 to W\d tlpplied by Jeflcttinn Strlnd:t.rd in lilCOOt"lllAcCl with the p.-aviDillflll i:lE 1'il:~ol'3C'a.ph A. a of' .onid 11,f~ (If 'l"t'Wltr l'l'he 1!8$ ~ut11s tl1ia N':WI£S lll\TIO~.t. llANJ< or t11,S1U.;~o::-1, doc1J.1.1ent in its tC!!)t'tlllcn~ l!G £J«ieut:or of tho £:1<tat:.~ of tut:i.vci ~pkity only 11.ud. Fi:llncas' .B. JloMcll L-w.ura nG ,:a .. ,PQni.ibiUtll' -::1 ,./ .O:..i · tJt it:.ll indh·J..1U111l. ~,ora.te 11Y. ;),L.\"'l/t. t.c.t.•: .. cc ca~iey,) /.I ..,~: / . q. ___ ,.1 e;..,_ ,_l.s/ FMHX bUNil.lUI llOlll."BLL, JR. , .KIS5:CON JitrPPLY CO. • : ... /1) N 0 g ~ a N , 17) ~ ~ t ;; , ' a -t , , , , .. ~ • • . ,. OlWI'!'~ OP~ • On thia f do.&, :f Dac•biu:. llO, bcfon 11111: pu~ll.lly .tf;o•red ERm tl A to JIC Ji:~ t;C l:ta the WUWI. IIIIIU lturut of l'EOft.t:6' Kl\'tlORAL l3.#IHK 91' WIS!lDIGTON, • 1'a.hiJ!9tc1ft ~oo.tlon. and .1dalowhilgad. t:o JIIO. 'that bll QacUtad tha tor0;90in, i.t1•!;rW11ant lot .nil OA btihal£·of aold. corj/Ont:£.on. bai.ttg •1.1thori1ted to GO JIOJ and rm o~th •ta.tad that t:b.o oee.l affhod b tha aoi:poro:t111 Mal of .o.Ld corpcr.aUon. W'tn1£SB m :ruuiro o.pd citflaid 1011.l th.a day and r.oo..r in thie. eGrtifie:o.t.11 tJlJoW! wdt~h. STM'l:i Of WASUI~ aJllmi' OF ~ ... O.n ttio // 'a;w o:f Dilc,mber, 1967, bab:U:'Q no par,:onolly ypa.:ircd flUU:IJ{emH."IJI.I) l.lOW!ELL, JR,1 to WI krloWn to bo tho .PO%'t;Ofl itoi.cribod ln bnd Who oY..c:cutcd tlli:i w.i.tbl.n ancl fam'll'oing LblltrltA.:lnt, .and ockn.owl.1149'od to 111a tba.t ho 1.ignad th111 Cil!MI 118 l!J.a fl:'ea nc1 volm:it.ury aot imd deed. £at th• \I.St1C and ;putpotr11a tbe:,U) IDGntionod, w:nzss 8Y J:11\L'.ll aod ot;1c111l. 11mi.l tll,11 tUit and ye.ir in thla cortj.U.cnto f.b<OVfl '-'l:'i.'ttcn. · • • ., • <• . . . ...,. -~'.. ' ;' -· :. -' ~;ff//-: - r:i g !-: N 0 ~ 0 '. ., N 111 ~ :'i ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; • \ • .. &l'A1:£ DP WA&BIWTOR ) ) .s.,;. ('ODllff' OJ' la'1l6 } Dn thUi r d11,y of lloco,,bl!lr, 1967, }Q£cre IIC pl!lrC:tinally ~paullld .IIAllllaU .to.Mf UOLT, to IIO known to bi, tbo ~ dclfrc2tl.bo.d .1n .a.na 1,11bo exoc:11tod tJ\I) wu111.n DM fo:r:egt1lt1U" i.fl.btrU1Rar1t, ,l,Qld .11GJtiltWl,4:u19" to fllCI that aho ,1rS.,:riad. tb• 11&11,11 a• bi,.r .tr.a. &nc1 Vol1.11m,,:y zict 111n4 daod .fat' ttia UJ"Dlr a11d P\111:l'OSH, the:i:61.n .. llt::f.or.o4. lfI'l'tlaS ti){ ,wrn 11nc ottJ.r.hl !HIil. th c\cly .,,n4 y~.u J.n thiB cortUi~t.te 11bovc:i writtDJJ .. S1'11'l'E OF ffl.611XNll'l'Oll ·o:rulttf or Xnm ••• On thi11 dll.y ct l)qc~bcr1 l,ij7, bo!"ora nie. pc~ot1ally ~Pil811rlld. '.(. •.:!,,tF C.J./.i.•_. t<, D4 kno'aQI to lio tha N..f::C.«at:!:C-'-·~· -.... Qf: JllSSIOM SUtft,Y Q),, " oox_iM,n~~. !Ind, ~clc.1101111~ tr;, •o t:ht1t: ho o;,,;.11~tad the foro- qo1nq tnr;tri.mant .foe-110d on bahaU ol Q.id 1xu:pgntlon1 bd.lllJ au.thorlz'lld to ao scr iltld on i;i,ll.th B"t.\b!c:1 that tho su.l affixed i.s tho cvi:pru:oiltB 5eill. of :ru;l.d coQ>DrGt::I.DJ1. ttI!l:lrnSS IN ftANtl .i.hd odiciiil .seal thA day 11.rxt yo.ar in this 001:t:1.fic:a.tc ubcwo writ-tan • .,. .. ... .• :-/.' ·~·-· :.=;~,::a;.~§;1l:~~i~~e;;mi~M·':· -~· •Y.;7 "" 5 -· ; • • . ... ·- 'l'hllt porticn of ,on:rrnao:nt lot l ly.l.Qg no:rtl;I of lktnhani f;icU.t.c R.Ul'WDf Co,lpAAf rLJbt ot way 111 scu:tlori 19 1 toWst.!bi.r,, :23. north, r11-v-c 5 a11•t., ti .a., ill llilig County, lfallhiAgtCII\) tX<XP1' thG AOUl'I lOO fDDt t:1111.tll(lfJ ~ EICSP'f ponlon ia 92114 ~vami11 &ouch nnd P:d11uy SR!tl! Highway No, !h 11.Hb mtc$l''r pDrt.ion 4u.ci:,ll,c,4 &a: .C0Uow11:, Bc9!mllnv at. the notthaUI: c:ornu at tho 110:rt:hwcaat prter Of ICladon. l.'11, town.1}1ip l] nor~, nnga ! •a•t, 11,Mu J.,i 1ti11f Collflt)', ttoahinvt;ca, tbcqca wmet.rlt alonq ~ !IOl:t:h lino of add &-ecUGfl. l'!' a dbtancc D! '10 ,_t, tbQnee aouthitrl.y and 114rAllel to tlW:, 1'0J-t. lin• of 9ov.U111Mt. lot l o d.hta"' of 300 faac tu tba. true poif)t. of J;,o;inni.a:1111 tba:i:IGG uontinui.Jl9 a,;ru.tlluly llnd pu:1;111lol tel ~ WQ1t. lh1• o.f gCWo.rJ1'1!1Cnt lot 1, 790 eG•t, oaro or laH, to .a poU!t. on th1;1 north 11&rg,in ot the )ftn:-thn11 Pacl.fi,c: l!a.ilWilll' CO.,._pM)' d;bt. o:t. 'WIYJ thcmc11 ~te:d,Y bl.Om;, tha 11ortll11:m P1ci.fic: :RIIU."'ay CD11'9'1ny llortht:lrJ.y rivht of \11'1.Y illKI to thci ~Jlt: Una Of VCIYtU:r,AOP,t lot: l, tba ... 4-.0 1101:tbcirly l;loiig' 1'1C.$t lino Of 510V11~nt. 1.ot l to • JIOint. tbnt liH JOO foot soath ot t.ha no1~ Unv ol ,:u1la a1u;:Uap. 1!lJ thcnoe aut.e:rly to the t.r1LO · pDint of llcginni.nt,. 'roGt1'ilEII 1il'["'if itll ci;11.eM011t fol' iogt:eu 11.od e.,;ri:c.u over tblCI following: 'fha. 114St; 4D feat O! the Woli"t :J"/5 fllOC, tho o.a~t 40 f,:!at.iii,11 tho wa&t '1D fmit. of t.ho tollawing cll!!1cr1Plld ' propc.:t.y: '!'ha sCG.th 2.10 feot of ~)la .noi:d\ :ioo to.at of the 01u1t 970 £.oat of 'JGVC!.VUIEDt lot l, IICU~tittll 1$, t.:Olr'tl:d1ip 23 no:a:th, tall9"II 5 OHt, H.l'lu in Ki~ CDllfllf, ffae!'Jingtoni l:Xc:£ff tliu. 111<111t. 170 fllot t:lior-DOl. ..... ~ ·-·f r-- 1 - .I • • - :e.t& "C" STOBI, :t:JC. au. JIUNl OF wriae:tNcnor,, nra,. ,:,~ 0,Sa?antan: of tha p11Jm1ftll:. d :rant Atfd the poitto:nrui.ac:11 of n1l t:ha OOYO!llll'ltl 01:14! a9tOlillWfflb bf NU&t.OH st!P.Pd" co., it:D ho.ix•, oxcu.t~4 .DlllDba.btraton crs: uaighl• DNtdnsd ia thli.t IAIH °"cute.It u at >11.r l, 195', ~ aad brilll••n Paoplas HIICU\11111 J!l;;i.nk of WHh~ton, a. ExeCIUli.o:a: of thll J!8tate of F:r:ar.1t .. B, !loMol.1.1 and tn'°' I, BoMaU, '"• aaa .SAYM:ra. .nin.n 1lolt1 J.es-on, am. Mlui.on SUpPly co., kJ:1UlCI, har:-by &lp'e:e ta 1111 pi:ovhiwui: o.l thii ,.._bd.91>1: flo, l. t.o .suc:h r.aa.ao ecui iicknt1W-le4QG ttia~ th,d.:i: parp.nty H ut :ft:irth 1n such LellllO tba.11 cont.Luia aa.d: ruid.n lb tull. fordl •a:.d d.fset widl ro1peet:. to ,um, 1,a110 u IIOH 11:aendail by thia A•hdlllHt. lfo, l. t1,atod a• ot thia ll.«t dGy o:: OCtobet, 1967. lnO "c" .&'loll.l::S, INC. Bt { f",. '~ch-r- 11.a xi:. I\, .. r'-·P· ~ Cll' Hi\snmn;cm. lftC'. B.r. Jr •.. n ..... ~ "'"' tt, ,r._ •• y.-.i'. _,_ !/, ' ' I --' •' ... = en N 0 N 0 ~ C 0 ~ N ' en , , ~ ~ J ~ , , , " •, I j. -"""---.. --~ ...... • . . i • 8~/JEI OF \iASHtWO:ro)I' ) ) H COUftr 00 KtMC } On. thia _J/_ d.:iy ol ~. U'7. btitaro ,io: .11ighCII!, • Notaey fv.blic: in ~ to: t.he St:at• of i111s d::= cPaaicde>Md and awar:tt, RC1rDOt111Uy •PP"lll' ~1!:.c:1:1 • t.Q -JmtM'I to 1" 1;ho c.,. of Dig •c• Stl0im1, :Cnc •• t:hll co19on,.ticm. 1-t •1t•Nted t:ha foto'jOilllJ ln11tr1Htcnt.. aM1 ockli,Dt/ledifod the alli.a iutz:1111\flnt to ~ tho. f~H •nd vciluntil~ a1;t IIUld do.ad of ..U c:cn:pitr•t10n, ftJr tlla aH• an4 pu.r_pcu:iaa ~to1n. 11CU1Uoneo.. •r.4 on oath •tutui th11t. be i• aathOti&o.d to executa tha s:i.U. 1Dtttwunt and tha on:i a.tfJ.xd ii the co:r,ont. t1oel of .a:11.id eotpontion. • lttGU:Sli n,y hand abd ctfiolal n.ol ltoreto eUJ.xad t;b.o. dlly 4tl4 yur tiut ;iibovo '111.d.t " · s~m or, W\SWt«itoa ) In cttlR: or:.~_/ 4a: of Doc:oaiber, l.91il, babi~ ~. th.I'; andlt .. :;:;tg11;od. ~ lki~11blic j.n :!Ad fgz: U\ll SF:&YI CIE Will • ton, I d~r ~iHiOIKlc1 nM! ~, pur5ci11~lly appearod ,!_. ";t.7., e".i-1:d::::!:::::. 1 to •a ~1,1n to b11 tbo :J,1..,._.~,.1.. of llu:a:i:: of l-l.1£hinytoa, "lac:,. tha CD.i:por.ition tbat IIXOCllt:Jd. tha. .fO:cf:190inq inliltrumcnt, .i.nd ackn°"l111dg'i>d tbo aaltl i.A11U'Wllatlt to l>II tba ft~ 011a voluntary oct ua damd of Hid corpot:uic11., for the '"11lG Pnd p1u:p0JJN thornln 11A11dotx14,, a114 on oath utatcd that. ho ii; a11tkodud: t:ll oxacoto t?lc u'4 irui:1:~inent •Ml tho .1111al .nt:tixad U ithc ccn:por11u. ~;.l oi 1111d cm:por1idon. WL'm!:SS ~ hnncl t.ad (lffic:i;Jl llobl kroto .b.ft.Ll(4d "t:he da)' arul ycallr,.fi111t rJiova wl:'i.t1::a:n., -•- , • • .. ........ ·.~ . ·- -:i ', = rn N 0 N 0 ~ 0 ~ ..: = ~ .;; "' ~ '-' .. •e ..> ... ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ;, .• a J ) • • .. 1'DI:. 282 t!£'!51i1 TllIS IWElmJU, d,11=,d i:bu 4 day of D~ambe.-..., 1967. by 1111d ber.vc'tn Fl.NIX li£AMRl'l Da2IHELl., JU~, hen:inat'tor cal.lc!d MIA:5e;Ot;-1• }:t ,-:1 mad' ;MIStmN SUPt't't CD., .it eco~t-ati111r1,1 hl:nin.afttr ~.cllcd "Lctnac11 1 f1 ~ WlfflES:SEl11; 'ffHrn!AS 1 that co tho lOtQ day Df Novmb•r, l.9f7. th!! p11tti,ns. hatlto l!:ntorad into 4 1hort toE11 buo deuroiq: antaio ptopo.i:-t:1 thocdn, nnd contimcd ct1d, ruifid c:ba CtQal mil i:1;1od!tion11 1>E ctmt cc~.nJ.21 ,rz:(ctu Luua qncaent:1 d41Ced ttiy 20, 1$166 1 b1u:w111a tho p~~tiC!'.f hcntcq Md wntii:EAS, it is thi;i inrontiol'I ot thU. ill.l.lOIWl'M!ut to npp.tnY'e .nrnl to .t1Qand the 1.-=a by l!ddit!.on ol oea.:ti:iia euemcmc tights t.!1e 5i1121 .iu. [:'t".:lntl'.l-d to li.i!aicn Suppl' to. io t::ti.at: cett:ain l.i,!;1111! d,111:ad Hay 1. 19$61 and 1.'!!:t:CJtdcd 11idl the lCins County Auditor wdH .nudito~ na-ctJ.vtr.Q Ka, 0060f.li'i 1 in vo.luoo i20 of lc~c.s, pa_ge EUO; too, Tff~II.EFOltE, in ,::op:d.duqtion ct. t:ht! 111;Utu11.l 1riwtti.snt11 and advitntaies, it b hatoby agrN!d that sai.d lease of HQyOllba.t 101 196'1, :i:afar.eid 1:0 .:3?:Jo.ye 1.s hcret111'1111!~ed to pt:Oll!de and Lm:ludl! th~ Hi:rli"ion S1..:;:;~l;t Co,1 ii curparat1im 1 .ls llt!reb1 ,gr.ontod tha followinn oaa~...:.;;.::;: ::!;:'ht• ovi!r1 abcivo.and upon th prop~t"t)' ti.:u:cdhcd in snic! l~::::sc far sucrh piu:iocl of ti.mo tl:S lfiuioa Suppl1 Co,, a corpor4t1on U a ll!Ut!I!-uridcr that cartai..ri. leatc. dnt11d Hay 1, l.966, the short tom of u.iO Liue bein.g .file~ vi~h tha lioJ County Auditot un<l'or lluditor'a rec.oiv!ns Ho, 60li081fi 1 in ·;.:,lui:ia 22:D at leASas, P-'.IS• 611D 1 or any txtontlioii; of uid lo11sa, • ' ' .. • = = :i :i a) ' , N , ' 0 -N 0 3 f:! 0 "' N ~ a) ! --1 g , ... i, ' • -I • '1ba la•.rco, in aith!U111n to the t1u of cl1at ce1;t:ab; pi:opCJ:tJ di!.sc:,:-1.l>ed la i:aid lil!Au, sl:11111 h.ive a1:1. .aasr:,,0ot fer too CIU'III of OVC:' the 4,0 l13ett. llb~e '1V:St line!' I.:;: 3:15 feet ho111 t:b1t ~irt line of th11 propc.ct)' 4nd the l!Mt 40 fHc c.nd thl! wast liO ltet of tho. £olla1d.q dtccdbod' propel:'"~)'; 'J.'bat aouth UO h:!.at of the nortb JOO tHt of tbe u1t 970 f'ot: ol Gwar•cnit Lot 11 S1ctf.0D lS', fo\lni,hip U DOtr:h., lhu,!e .5 ElfK1 lying in King county, N.o.sb.. , intcan; EXCl!:PT tha o,c::t U"O f•ot thGreof, IN \1%1HESS Hll[!&-OF1 the pantee hotel» )in~ axC!C!t.1Ud t.hi.s instrututnt. " ._":,• ,I ,;.:• -• ',r .·''·· I•,,,. 'X'Lt1a ~---·-:_~~· ~"---- Stl.tt OF U>.Sf:It.'Gl'O~) ) .. COUNTY OF KING ,J ,I On this...::._ dilf o.f DacCAbec 1 19G7a bC!fore me parsonUl.Y awcai:-ed FRAP.:< nr.:.~:U> .D0~1 JR..J C:ll 1111! know to bet tbl! puso:n clciu;rib«id UI anc! t.:l;o l!>:~c-utod the t1itbiti mu) for~t,oing la,tl.'Ut:.>:!ni:, c.nd tu:kncwll!ll,SCd co :,:(! chat ~ ,if;no.d the .i:;oa.e u hls £roe and voltuit!GE"J act 1.;11! e":.i::-d foi: tha \IG"Cs .11ad purpollll& ther.::l.n 1:111.ncioned, \-ttr/.Q:iS ;..·;" :. ·~.;: ud of.fiicf.d ua.l ttt<? day and }"QW.:-fa thic . e_erci&att. i.~vc ··.:!.tt.cn. , . . ./ . .-.;,.· · .-. ..i:t0 ··? .'tl.l'~/t. . f ~!\ }t l:) . -~ ·:zb:;!!:.1~~1:' .~h:.!:~:. ~~: . .er;~(':~~ or l1ASllml'ON) ~t.\'~,.. ~, V , J S(I ' .. ~ comtl'Y OF lTJC _/ ) on th!r _._ day of Dae:Elhu, 1!161, bt~OJ'll 114 PIH'Ht111U1 I ll(«pll'1r~d }~(lf CGlintl'1 to uekncnm t:~ bn tbt, -'· .J.,.,.,. , ... .,. Q1. NISSIOH SUPPL.Y co,• 0 COl'PO:ratM>n, acuf ~l:.nowledged ta l!Q t1i:i.1: L.T~ DW-1,0NI) 6 CIYl..'V~JER ~ ..... t~,--· .... -..... tur.~i '"°' • ' • I . ' ·' l1l ! : ! ·.' 3 ~ 0 ., N ~ • l1l ~ ' ' 5 ~ •· • • - W11. 232 wdi65 , he e:r.ccuted ,the f.orc;a!aK lm!:~lllt foi: aall' on bahalf of Hid ,.car:pantiM, boihg ®ttwrb:ad-, ttl do sc;: .ar,d otl octh •t1t11d that ' th~ Hal &tfixd i=i tbo co'rpotnt~ •Hl of said caz:por1ttion, LYCi:'ITE. Oll,.'ilCl!fO ti •TL»C5TICr u.l'JTl'.llll• llll"°MIUIIIII I .i:'C4Tn.( NI~~ ! •• , • ;· / ., ' ·., = g -· ~ _, ., ~ . :i J ) • • I Ri;'.CEIVEl:l MAY 15 ijlllZ swu:,.si: h!:o /.SSi:t' PollClll\.Slt I\OllECltiCUT ~UI.FE,llll;ST. (T Ill TU15 .S:VDi:CA&K AUD .lllift l'DnCJINiiB ~"' (heuino.:t:t:er i-etc.t'ttt1! to u '"Lcoui•J J.1 11..ta bfld c:rttancl fnb Lbo.:c'f'M'ilay r,:( t7uly, ltl75, by ind bct~ll tl?SSlOH :;UPPJ..Y cc.• o \f.ashltlC)tr\t'I ~oritor.ad.Oti lhetoU!dt.cr callad "LaHDZ"~!! .~tdl ls 1111 wholly own.:!d 1ubddlnry 1l ano.r, lric, 1 am! '.U, s. A, PtrAOU°" ~,nON, ~ ,a CaUhmia o~por&tlan ihua~fl:11r allad~·~uu•);--· \fflJ;N,,'r.G LIJlmClr leouo• tad prop! £ol1il, ttontcn, .11111nilc:o ~nl;1Jc 11:ho "••_nr!ca eant1u:wl ond • g-uia,Uno statlon On e potUOA of H1d 10.l. praporty ,ao!d pDl'tlon ;h J1a:ra; pudcul.ul.y dll"&cribod in EJ.hibit 11. attll.chad Mrat:o and by t,hi.S refahu~ce Jncorporatad in~ and 1111.do • part ~ thb in,iuu•on.t. and la, h-cninllftot' n-ro.rxet to 11,11 "lot.a.Ucm" or •pnmin1"l ond :t.c•sor deairo=i ta icloca tho loeatlon: arid HUERCr,S i.e«IIOQ dcoiz:cn to ollbl.41.511!! tho J.O~llilCJt from LaSIIPC" .aru:I a.f.,ar .a parioa ot t1lawr11 t:o use tho Hffl# n.-an aut..t1- 11Uttfc: 511lt-11c:rvice autoaotivc Ctlol cel\ter al\CI 11. .1111bbuod o.utn1110tl'.ie Notil, TJIEltFO[l,£, Jii, 1:0A•.ich:int.U:,11 of tha mutual t:0Vl!n11nt.a hc:ra.inllft11r J:QI: fDtth, to:11:lur lum:iby &t.1blH.Bt1• the prlBIDUIJI to J.1?111ec upoJ"J t.tui t"o.llowin1 tom• ind coru:Ht.lanu J,, !!m• 'l'l'la-t.cu1..1«1 i;IUlll. b~ ·tot 11 t:Gm COl!lllltln"CU\f ~11at 3, ,1$1$ {or, if liec:11,a ta>:w po1111:uion pdor to tha.t d,nt:e, on the d11t:a i,c::ii'ICC µkc-o pe1111c:~t1Lun) • and 11nding .llccmbQ,: .3l 1 lfll., -l - .• ' • : I .7. ... s ~ ., " ~ ., ~ ~ ::; 1 ~ ~ " " :'.! J ) a, N 0 N 0 ~ 0 N a, ·-.~v·•••====•mw • \ • I U1) A ao1tthlY rent ot Sl,Sll.~4 th6l.l bo ·poya.blAI ihn:inf tht:!i: pcrtioa cif t;bo tGaa Udill9" .,uly •a. H!Dt 1R e4vanc:o cm tho fil'llt day of aach l!OntJt \rii:h tho if,l\t fOr th11 .tint Hcl U1t. 11onlh cf auch J?ortion c,f the ter11 tO be pd:ll •t tba Uo of d1JJJln9 thn r.o1u::•, SAl.d. nnt tball be fot the prend.aa •nd Ula Uxtu.i:a1, •ntl 0~1.1ipunt ownad ~ laa.-lld. bf toHar &nd lbted on bhl~1t i ti) ho:nto. nent. fc:r 4 portion of any 11.onth at.all. be prorabi.11. f (bl Ari •"itJ.owl ror.t.al 11h&U 0 ba pdd In.thin H da.y'? anar tha. Dnd af .cu.ch U:•month perJOd: ei.U1:1g J1,1ly :n.. dU"illg th• tam of \ht. J.tu11 •q:uaJ. to I P•"'i=at a;r: opy 9raan nv111utaa J.n e.uieH a-£ nao.oog: dorJr.g ~ .u-ririont11 11 tuo !ro11 Hlo.a of autci •oitY).G-, tu .. end pu:h 1111d -.11: 0Uu1r it.a11r. cold 1,.t ~• "HtYlc• coiita~. I,HIIH eha11 11111.:Lntaip. p:rtipez· roet¢.d.1. of tb,:, rGH:11.IH of f:1111 aarvJ.~11 Cl!IDtor im4 t1tCh raco:d1, sbllll lie cub:,jcct tc, in~ptu;:tlon and vorHi·ro.ticin by Le•sor nnd its 49ent.u at 11.ny X'QA1cmebla tifluh (cl 'l'ha ioin.ilWIII 111onthfy .rent:. •hall be 4djust..a u gf ht19\loi 1, tslC~ 111\d u Df }Lug11o•t 1, UIS, 'Dl• t;Lin~ lllbttt:hll' rtint. c.?flll.Dlll=1~ H cf ~C'b cuch adj\ll''t.lllant; d&ta shall llo ~n lUHZ' of (il llii •IROU!lt vhi'cl! bi;,.ra t:h11 •MO r.a~ to s1,sn.:,:.4 At 1::ho con.111:111111.r-:Prica Indak Pllb11.&Jl.ad 1,y t:bG Unitoa sutc, J.Abor Dap.ai:tmant.'• Bux~au: of LahDr s"t.lb- tie• fg'I: t.h11 J1Cmth ol IStiy pna!i4Uf .cu.di a4jntmanl:. da.ta: boai:t-to Hid lndax tor this 11.Qflth af Jtay, U15, or ti.i.l lU " ' ' ..... I ' . ' .--:-,~::(.-// :~ ' . . -:---·· . ·: . : ...... '~ ',.~ :· ·f.t;~~~i:1'iiti:™M~~;~· ·~:~~·:;~_:_)· 1 5 • • • pal'~ftt ot t:ht? aootlllY tCflt payable for th11 JIIOfl.'lh JIM!Odia~ly preccdintJ audi 111l1jU1it.Dnc c.h.~1 PJ"OVided, hOUfflr('J·~ t:Mt Sn tKll c,,..-c.,nt sb:tll the 1110n!.li.ly _rimt. b(t l1n:s tbon SI,SBJ.l4 •i:. ony ti11111. (d) If sdd consu.or .Pr:lc:c lndede J.i:: dhcctltinursd~ LOHOI' ~od l.&sHG: chillll aalcct aa nauly COCllfJb.t'Dbl.a Dtlltl.Ji 1::it:#, rotlcciting tho parcb~dng po11ar of t.ho 'Cloll.r J:n tbv hDnllr; ot' ,1 co,u,w.cr P1:1n;1'1Hill9 e'*"Odlt:iH tit rot.dl All t:hon NY Jta p:ul:ilbba4 in GOM rolr>Ollaibln finu,C'Ld pododiicd, af t'o~n,lUlil -.i.tUtttrl.tf _or Ls theft otbo.Nlle ,v,.1ll.b1a'.. and ncb 1tcit11t.1ea 1haU ba u1od tllor;oa!to.r 111. 1hb of .. 14 001i.1DHr Pdeo lndu in cSratoraini.ng tha acljut~ • .. 1n1w.un t"O:n~l. :i. !rel'Jl'linaticn J'>di::ir t~ £11.d ot teen 7:,::,.rcn. (OJ 'lbCI Lllfl.54; may :bD tol'Jllin41.tu.d cifliti.ilvo uf'OQ notli:11 by DJ.tiler party vpon tha b11,nkrupti;y of the other p111rty. (b) ln tba sv•nt. kHOG is btvDLVl!ld in llllY l.~i:: di&p\lt.• vhich inva).VH p.foltat.ing or handbilllN,I' at ~ in the vicinity of the p:c-endus, .Le:saot: NY upon l::t1.nu dn:yll t notice t.coa.l.n:ii~ the! .Lc.1111!111 unlct.Blf LaoJoo .:rea,a(IJS to condw::-t. b1u;:ineu U:. thti lobat;.Ian until the la,X,~ disputa ls Z"Clca1va~ and &IICh pictutin; or h&ndbillinw (~J 'rho [.c:.111:e 11111)" ba tu,(!IJ.Htad by L11tnc.l' if it.a leau .gf I.ho !)~embes !.s tc-ra.l.nn.tod Cl' o!IG&i9~ad~ 'l'birt.y die:ya' pdor noc1Co .alltl.ll bet nqylrad lot' .ufJY tormin.:;;r;t.1.cn unier thia 1ubport1gr41p)1 le). 'tf'lt- tCtmin.ation aba1l th~n !lCI ot!o~t1Ya 8t. tho and oC .cudl JO-dn1• JH:d~. -l ' .-----,._ ,··1·-~ .·.· ···.· t ,. •· ·, ·, . ·./ , -· . ! . ' -. • • r {d) If\ thf! ewnt tho Laoso b tendnrit:itd by i:ou.o~ p\1S:ta1ut. to •11bp11r,-ropb (c) aboVc, tt}(;I pl"ovbit1::1c ot p!nwuiph J7 )11:i:nof ·.11.o.11 bo •wUcQl111 tipd l.oaiil.N:' o>i•ll pcy t.os;:sao an 'll!!Ollnt l!!llliil to t.e.uce1 • C1J:.t. of .all t1otu:C11CVoblo iin.provoa,.cmts ccmstrUct:od DI;' Sni:t:allad by i..s.,aoa rit thu 1oca.t.ian by Al.l!,lllSt 1 1 19761 witb th., 1,pttc.if.h: opprovol o.f l,cd~o,r, lose daprcci&tiofl D'ler an u·INll'lru, lD~yoar q1p£ul. Ufo tt,oroo".r, L11 .. DO •h~ll. !urni1h l,.4u:J;eir capl1111 r;,l involca.a or ot.hu •'lillVnc:0.1 ai i.or:a!'•' 1 coat of ~11 •81.'h 11:C*I, •• J!Yl'.£h!lnl' pf lhVGntg(lH, (a) !rho invo11tcey ltlllUI Ust.od. U El('blbit Jl(l) ch:ill he purchuad by Lu•aa• for L J)l'ico equal to Lo:nor1• ccct, lloprci-:im't.G.tiVC!'s ol L1Raot' 11nd Let..&ee shnll jo:l.Mly t11k• k ph)'skel inVfllf;ory u-ll)f tha close cf busines; on h\l'illal: a. 197,S, ancl Li:no.t1 .&haU t•k11 pe4coss:l-on of the lc:ic~~on tho followl.Jlg driy. Le11nao &-ha.U. p.D.)' for cu~ :l.rwunt.M"io.a wlthlri 11uvan dOl'$ t1:Cter t"iiJr.i.'1'1 lk)1a-slon at thu l.ocat.ion. :Ctenu; ~hich tho partia11 .o,gree 11r11 cl'e.fect;.ivl! lu)d H,am which ho.\'e bt:ftl !11 t.auor• 11 inveP:tW)' dncc priciC' to 1!Ui.O sbaU be ruc11:l11dod fi:e,t11, ~e b.vont.ory 'tel bll p1,1~cha.sod. .an.d s.h.:ill bo rclQQVcd fl"aai t>l11 pn=N.•cs ~ r.csaor Oh o:r:' b11fora t~c lnvantory aa.~. fb) l..011Por horat,y .rot.a.tu II pun:)111t1a 81\fflG}' u~i;:w::-it.y !nt11~11.:,t ;in all. 1,,11.i:saa 111 bvant!.adea and 1qulp1ru1.t la- c.1tod ond ta ha loc.atad 41.t I.ho p:arab=• ~W tha pu:r-, ' ehn11a prli:t1 for ti~ alota1.a:td 1.nvontcr:5.ao bn boan 10.i~ ,{n lull, Lrur.~oa DIJ~II tp jol.n 'Ill.th Lca11or 1n t'ha f'J.Cl'i.-.ttion a!'ld UUnu of 11.ll Uni!'offl Comuurdal C:odc !l.1nni:inu i.l:.itf'3c11;1i1:.u th.:i.t J.ct"r 11haU 110:ridl3:11J:' nccna- l'IHl'Y 11• ur..\t.•\: lo f'1'\ [cut 11,1,1cli i,1:t1:1u.·J.t.y l11twrt1at. -' - .. '·, • ,' ... • • .. t 5. U.~D of l>tsl#IU:U;. Les.SQ!! Aall not:., \littlout l.QH11::irls p\'.'.i.OZ: cciiJf!ttt. uac etr 1111!.fcr th:i, u~a at: tllD pterA.111.~1 cir Ml)' p11.rt tMJ:raof Eor ptn;'J;IOMIII ot:h~~ ttmn o !Ul!L contl:r 111K1 a1.1t0111Ct:I.Vl:l sa.tvi.;o ccnto:, 1,uaC111 MY PO:t<hct ,prOfllOtionr. .b]" glv:ln9 ~WDY or !lcllinu -..a.riou:1 it1J1S11 to itG c-u.t:C111anrJ providN that. ,i.C in J,111n11n·1• s-a.a•caMbla tipinle>n AnY 11ucti prPJIIOdon ia ,da.t.r1IIIC11t11,l to the l:>udncs» ol l.o&111-0i: ttr or tll')' uut,lcui.uo ut' Ll!!J11;,~ f.n tho .1-dilr,tc v!.af.pll:f of ch11 loci11tl.on, Le•sa• 11h«1U, VJKIII naUct!i fro11. Ln•cr, torni:nia.t. .v.cb p1"Cllit0t.J.im., J,aosc,,s-1h&ll have tlil! right. to approvo tho. cg1orr. 11111d d",iin of LU111c• 11 p1int1Jl9 oru:l r111111odolini of t.ho im,pr11>vt1Hnt.a an4 U.~t\U"II• at tha lci=tion, G. rixtureir .aP'i Egu!p,nent, (ft) "111.o 1h:tn:z:os J.inM on bchiblt :0(2) _,t-.o,ll. ba 5\lbj,ect to t~15" ~1u1e 11ofH). .shrr.ll. ha. rat.urned by L11ull'a tcr LoHot .nt. tbl!l Ot!piranon or t:0:rN.nnti»n cf thll .t.aiuc tnai. :tn u gtied condit .. fon a,;; 11.t~the. be- 9ir.n.ifi9 of tM tai:n, ordinaq """r .and ha.r alonl! ~111.(fJ:'t.ca., Jtri1;1r t:o takir,,g ;po~Ho-ion, ~aaoc c:l',all fuxnS.sh Lo~.rror o boJhi tor 11. period o! Dtlo ;yao:t i:n t:h11 c,.mD\fflt c,£ H5, OIHI. Wh1CJ\ is hcroby &,rood t.i:i bo t.hct fllini- 1',\ml v11lu0 ol 1.vdi .fi>:tu.rcsr. 1,1pgn such tuma_ W wr:Lttan b-.)' .51le_h btrt.ding COl'llptlny u are •u::~l.e to i,u.uoa:-. 111 g111'ja:n1.l th4 boro! shDll pn,t,ect J.c1u:or .n,gaiMt Jco:• or 611.00-c fr-11;11 '1ny ronovo.1, thllf"t. ur lou of atiy si,oh U.:r::• turc:i. {b} 'llla cg,\Upc~t; lbtoa in Bxh~H 11 [3) •lio).l. 1>t: purcli.a111td by t.<:.Hco: tcr too .roap"Uvo prk<la St11t r01:L!.h if) ncb om!b.H. 1,o.i:.i;ac 11h•1l pi,.y fer .ouch OJ?U~ Jl\l!nt ur,on ta.I.in{! ronou11icn o! t.ho ;z.oc.:ition, • s - I .. • l i ' ' .. ' . •• ', ·' .-,....,::-•. ,. ....... , •,, \ • • I' '1 • 1.1t.UftJo;; l}m1 f.i:.xc,. - h) l,o>sceo •tran 'to paJ ai:-raillbw:"k J.l! .. ot' -roe ou • -pllblio \IUllUc.11 whiab ahllll ba urcd in m: c:~ed lll'!lbitLS.t. ~• location dlll'ing ~ tani ~ this Laa~n. Lua;ox 1nul Lca•ee sl1oU UH rao.Hnlll:ile offc,rl:a; ta h:t,ra t:hn Ut.1.Ut11!'£ furnla.hol! ta tihct loc:;sUon r;gpu•taly a.ot~u:d ANl w.iU ::rba.Z'll. cqunll:r Uill 11icpo1uro of· MtaliliJ\9 ony :Mt.or& rQ9Uiritll1 to e!foct:. tilkb iapa.n,to .atc'rJ.ng: (b) :Z.C•uo ahQll ~y dl Hc:im•t i11nd othct' fao,, clnr~·:;QU bl' t:1ny vavcr.ocnt auttioa:-U,y 111 Z'CltlNJll of t;M ua o:f or tho l'lu~J.IIUU bcint t;rGtr.i.~ O'IIC o .. tb• ttrmd.111a, (c) i..no_r arro(III to PIil' oll S'DU. prep.rt.:.,, ~lllOII ora thlll Proll\1.JH, ~pt. thot t.iJJHO p\oU ru.l1~l111r•111 Lcuao~ t"vr Zlf'lY i~ar&til in tbe uount of ~uch 'tll.lca& cpP01:"tltm .. able W tJl,a pl'cmiia:ca fK •nY yur ovor tba 11-t. 'ot tAXea p&}'llhlr! dud119 ca111i:ridair Yr:14 U'7S -.,lilah \ttlra t!nt. flllfO.&:so.d il'•nuory 1, 1'74, 1\11 J.nOhtiSH bdcd. gn :h,,pt"Ovem.onl;s b1 l,oH•l!JI, pl,u; (U inc-reasoa bu'od .M h.n4 '¥'<1!l'llll in tbci p~QJ>O.r tin t.hilt the ua11 of lba. prcrd,:i:;"11 :bc.Dui ~ tho tcttcl arn le.sad by l-ll~•or ir~ Pr.ank l!e.J:nU'd Donrullll, Jr,, anid C!il 111Cl"i=l'l:lilfl blu1ad 1m illprovan'lllnt1r U the. propc:rtic.n. t!'.:.b~ t.'rn aqi,ue focitD.',IC of iflproYCDent.11: 0~ the p.uJ.5,a5 ba.i,n to tho S<J~U1t-d .footage of oU hiprcv~ont.o on tho., t:ot:ol '"'r11• lcaa;cli bf 1.'l,:.11ar b:0111 FAM ~.i:d llohnoll, ;Jz., aho.11 bci 1,pport!on.00. t.o tho prc:nl.r;mh 'l'ha }:MU't:loa: will u.11a r•11acmllhio affarta to obU;ln UD!)ttltll tbX .c:it11t.aaanU for tit• promi.1111!1•• (di t,oc:.a:(J agra1:1 ta :pcy rn: rahtn:in:0: liallfiOr. tar 0 P • p.1:":'::~::111 V'"ci:,!"~t)' ti\.-:QU ilUoH"4 up;in !:he trodc n ,cttu·, -' - ' I (7) N 0 Cl! 0 Cl! ;;: [' 0 ~ N ' (7) ~ _, :l 5 -_, ~ ~ ~ _, , , • -. ·' , AU • • :inVt,ntOJ:"y, .-rid ell ,othcn· pc:rsand FDpt:tty l.Dciltad at \ht= p:-Nu.i:o:s. 'li'ltll thO p1r.rsllllQl pt"QPQr,t:Y t:O;iecs \l"Ylllil:," darlti,g c:"lond~r flQ.Dr 19'7!i t1h!ch were tlr,:,.t oncuai\ Joaua.ey 1, HIH, t.c bo p,i:1:1utcd .tit: of tho data Loaccio l::.ake$ po1r1tet1Rloo. 8, CP@!!tlDg Qf Prllllli.GOlrf 11.opa.ir:11. t.usaa \11,rl':lntc thiat i.t h:l.s !nupa.etod tho: -prON.se, .t1.nd all in1tbU.:it;i..:in1, f11allit:Los a.lid crqi:iip1111nt tl\.llrcion ond iD-OGl!pts tha, •1111111 ht tha!:r pns°"t etin41UOI\ D.fld 9Uta cf ri,paS.r. AU i:;tructvnl pi1~1:::i. 1:1! t.ho !.aipt'OYCJOOAb on,t:ho pruil.saos ,1;b11.U bu 1vdntainod 1n qooll cirdin-anti Cttl)irir by Loa1U1ct1, Ll:ssJJ.o a.fha. to ~.iitltdn th11 pr-.iai:is in a neut, c1Qlla oad unitA&-y oon4J.t:Jon, 11nd t11-raictu.J.n U10 prm:d~as 111ii,; ill,Provctrlc::nts .ln 9~ X"Pll.ir ;,.L oU tlr,ct; durlflg th~ t:i:Yfll of thin f.cnaa, crdiinaey woor eind taar glat1D. cu(c:eptod, 51, tnpro\l~ts; Tr.ii.di!! Pikt'Jnrl ahd F.q1tiP!)e9I:.. 1\11 irap:t0v~t1a to ttie prc•i~•1 fldd!U.on:. to ;taprovo• ~cntl. ~nd replae<!:/IICllt i.DprtJVCJIQnt~, cxeoj)t Leasoc's niin•, ;pa alipeMoorc and nl;lite.d rcmott: c,;uip,icnt. and a !l.a'3}'0!a ~ ha in- f;t.illlml W 1.0UC'll, 1:1h.ill ba l:lnd. rl!llltin° tha prapeu,y cit J.c;,;"°;i:. Louu thalJ_ not JPDtcn::lUly di.er-, d~oli&h or Z:-IJIIIOVO cny hlprt!IKI- IOO.,ts -wlthout the pr.iar con.s.mit eil LnHtir-~ Luaea ah;::lll not '"'!tho\it. tllo pda~ t;:OMwi.t. cf LQ:,;sor 111t1:!:c ;s.'1y r.iot.ar.hl rcpl1u:Gl!IOnll:. o.t f!Jtl:ura1h ntto.ch lJ.xtutCA to l,:lpt'oveacnu or •t.ta"''tl or -o:i:-oct any 11Lvn 11:1n any ~tii:ttt. af l:.llc prcalc.aa, 10. Qc,:;v1)f\nCYf KovrD, • Lf:'DIIDI! Dhllll not .. V.aHt,o OX° !lbl~ th~ prmrJ.alUI el: DI!,)' t11!',c c\1irir.o the h:rm cxcopt tllt:1.t: J.,c:1111oq ,uy 'olona .tho fllc.l. can.tar 1ludn9 pc,ri.nds o[ tf.U110Uno atl~rt:Qgor proviilod U1al:. l.i*D"oe 11 renl:o.1 -, - -- .• " ( r, = (1) N 0 N 0 ~ 0 N (1) ~ g . , ., _, •• C -~ ..'.l ~ ., ! -· ,l ~ ~ ~ J J .r.s:. ,µ • - i• ftnd 11ft!n1tcru11"tCC! ohUIIJll'l:Jl».'1.D 1dt.h l'OSpi=ct to th• pratni111• 1ho.ll -ntinu~ l!llring any pedod a! clo~ure, subject to t.h11 lCll'lltoiAg, J.CGH'11 mJrc:1111 t.O !loop tJio fDCrl ccnt:CI' c,pcn ftU buc:Lna.aa D-\ laa.at G<I hcilJl"s par veftk. includ:.Ln1 not leH th.a.n t:1111 taa,us on GA.ch h1.t1cd11~• and hnd•Y• 1,l, Ctys• usn. LclHIIHI and i ti l:ll•t.g1an11 cad lnvit.l!H £hall. hava l:?la .aJno r1~t ·o.t ln9i;-11aa ,and e9r01111 aver 11ad. .croH p,11rldng 11~ athor CQlllll,Cln areaa ol any •15:lcicent pcoperty u t.aHr;:ir no\l' hu. wic.h .rHeect to tha loaeti.on. '!'ha euHDrd:i'I •nc!. invit•H at: •n!I •tor" or ahap opcratoli er a~luo•111d by Leasor im a\lCJa a.djoi:.nt JJl'OJilUl:.y shli.11 hna th• right. DJ: ing.roH ud •vrou 011,11:c, and 111:ro:ia pal'ki"f and oUiu ODIIII\Oll AHU cf the. pz"ud11ea, No1Uiel' pArtY ahnll co,ist.t'liC:t f•hc•• or b~ic•at:~ J.,:itcr£or~.kl~ such Jngraa~ and~·· r.1 Llla.su ,1.f:11111 lildeinnify J.auor and a:c.ve it htr11len from and agd.n•c •fl)' and all c:ldta.s. ti.ct.ion,, dinnaoe•, 11.abUity, ii.nd e.•pantn1 in contu1ct.io,, idt:.h lo•ll of Ufo, t>or.aan.i,,l .£nj11ry • oml/or dPlllga to ptOf11:-t'tf &riain9 t:r:Ofll er Ollt. <1 [ ~n)' occu"imco u.pWI tha pniaj~n • lJ. 1nsur.11na,.. J;i) tcssoe ..lihall ~arry and DP.int11in pubU.c :U.abiUty insurance in ;i, foz11 anrl vltk a co~•l'IY ud.&lACtory ta 1Aa1D't' itu1uriaq l.esaat and La••~••• co-inaur~a '9'liat liDbiUty .i.n the. n.lnilnum O,IIIOUltti. a( UO,COD pro,pa.ct:r d•-v•, ssoa,ooo ta cny DflO parsaft and ~1.oco,100 tar any tnio .:ic:~ld•nt. arisiAIJ ,Lp at ~baut th• pr-.in,. (bl Leu.or .chall kiwp all builtU .. ,ig1, iap:r:av1runt11 upon the proa!n• and 111 Cbtures ond nqulp11nt at tha pl"MliHa ownud -.. ; I ! ' I J .• I • / ... j -· -5 ; 3,, 71 e . \ • I {• ar lo«ucai by .ii: .u J.u,::AG 1ns.orird with 11, coapany o, COlll- pnnicn mtld1:t1:ti,q; _to J.on::ar for ).0.,111 rc11u11tiog froe:i fi• ~ athl't:: e111uolty covcr:od h)' i;;tonaani Eeti:111 Ure: on4 ":;- tcm41ffl cov~ava inou'l',1u,cG :i.t no't lHs th4n po pcrcant o.f tho full J.ncu:&"ntila ropl.~11:(l~nt vcluc: thereof. J.,?11uo Vill ro.it,bur111:1 :x.a-.::or fer J1d11 in'lourlmcc wffllll blllod. Lc:isca akdl. bll 11~ illl JUI addition.11,l int.cn;ed.. (c:) Tho po~t)' nqulrcd t.a cat'l'Y 1n~ranca t:i.11 llfm'O .. G.Caid dlall 1 upon nq11ut, t'ara.hh thll' otbOZ' paz-ty caztil- iat.e• c.ldendn9 t:ttu-inn:anH, (.!) t.asao.r &Nll 11,ava "° ro11pondbillty t~ obtain er 11ta.intdn J.:r:intiit11DD as,cm b:"ada fb:toE"e:, Cia:" •LFJl*Cnt at t.l,a locotfon uJ,idi. ,11.ro tllo propo~t.)' r,f· L1Una, 1-4, Cbi.Dolty Out:J!uct.!an t,f Jl~.he.:r, (ti.) :In tho: Q'111nt tbli Pl:'(Ull1CH .ne. 01,troyita Ct:' doniagK\ ~ 11.111:thqUM ~ c,Hu&lt)' nol:. cc,verad by 11t.b.ntl1u;'"d fem U.rD and cxt.11niSEtd cov11r11,9u 1TI11wrunco to st1ch .:in 1:1<1:Cnt. .a.c i.o rew1tlnr the lfilCl!I untg,n;mtnblc in whole ct' in a aWtsto11l:.hl p.,1r~ thor11of • .U, 11olldl 'bU: opt101u,l with t111.-&.c:r to declrs~ tbe LHSO tomlnatod by ,iotica BOn'd' upon t.c11::111t.1l. IE LCUO%" dQc.-.nPI:. $ torid.n:iti:. thl~ Lan.so, it a.hall. :tU'llild or rusto.ni th• pr1J111.in• t.o ~bPtilntial.ll' the conAHLD11 \,.h1mti:if at: tha beginning-Qt l:hll bn:m~ l.uR(l:t° ,1,Mll huo not .. o:ro t:hon 60 iloy1 Dft.iu: d11l::a ctl 11uch cuu111t)' to not!~y Lf!111~0 ill wddn; ol l,onor'• .tntaril:J.ons to tarAinato end if Lt:uor a)oeU ,iot to t.a0Un11t.a it. 1,hdl -· pr(nJorut:.i: tha wod: of :tabuild!ng Qr ra,tarinv tha p:-CIUur ' , wJ tbO'llt 'Ollnoc1t11:111ry 1h11ti.y. V ~var JfhtLll fa..ll tr;i ra. .. i~ort? 01.• r<!'bulld tl)C' pr.Wu• .n, .:iforelltd,d, t,auaci 1rholl -0 - .. . . ··, ' ...... = C'l C\I 0 N 0 ~ C N ai . i c, "l .. ~ "' . ~ i -· .. 5 .,, ' ; ) • • ( r Ju:N:t Lite ::d,gJ1t: IIIPPfl ~ritt~ llQticn to declare 8UCh J.cr»~ tuo:dnor.1!11 er ti:, Tcbllild Jincl ri.ictot:o 1:t)G p.tcr:altum at 1.cu:s-1K"1 1J i:olu c,cponset 111 whict1 ovcmt t:tlQ Llt4~ !mull ~I! tc=bi,itc.. Jn the. .:t11eat tho ~&.ea arc clttsno.gcd to an c>!t.e:nt ,wh.li:h doou: a1ot render UNI &Qillc Ul\tet1umtriblu ln vhol.o or in a .1u)J.st:11111:ial part. UtDroot i:,r ru:o dm.tcD)'cd c~ '1.ana'!IDd n ri rairolt. cif•a Cll».1a covau4 :ti:r Io0Jl'.1or•t Frt11 d.o:rd fc,ni flrti .:ind 011:t:c:i11dbid covuc,pc inau:ronac, l",11(.Wr ,5h11.ll bo obll91u:Qd tG :rob11.l.14 ond r11.atm-11 t.ha iir,prOl'Q .. ont.11 t?ioroon uJtbi:IUt uaroua,u:ibl .. dalayJ prov14ct.\ thot:1 i.auor rhi:ill 11ot .ba 1''"1U.rod to zc.1tora r,r ro.plao.11. Arty 1:r.11411 !btt.aes ore oqnip;nent which u-a tlli:i r,ropo:rt:y or I.tin••· lb} Durlnlil •ta' period tltDt: tb# pra.iau are prti&ll.y IPI" t:.otnlly WlUHbla b)' LSHH, u.. .-mthlf llli.nilNIIII rcnhl w:Lll :l:Co ~ull.nbly a(l1n~Dd fa.: 111ch po.rJ.ocl, Hi, Jl,UiC(hllMt •1114 &ublat:U~.· 111.J tos:co11 fl.!'/ :not. .aft19n or c.ublct it:«t inteni.t undtr this Loa.co vll:boYt t>111 prior QOf!&pnt. at Lu.11ai: "Which canaonl:. "4'i.J.l not. be unrau,wu:ibly withhold. It is "nd•i::st.col th•t Les&citi intarnJs t.Q ;iz.bloa&e the .Hnolcc cantor P~M11t ta .. o lublo,u:io whi~ sh11ll Oo au'bot'diR!LM to t..111.o loo.oo 11.nd: thca t:c=u; ~~d pxov.1.:::icinG of t.:.hich shill.I.. Im £ulr,}o=t to waor' ~ .ipprovail. rh!.• L'1M<t oholl bo l;,itldlin$J 11pon 11114 fQt ~h<! benefit or l..e~w:r l!nd i.ess!L'C' 11fld thcit r-cspa!i*iVCI' &.\IIC:I.E.l'ora ond a&JI.L,_:ns. M n,1.a oor~t. b c~d1tiancd ~pon Anl! auJdGr:t to l',cSllca '.r. ubtllinin9 --the pr!cir -wri t.t.cn pet11ia•ion of !U Louot ttt tllc 1u'blcfl.H1 of t'ha l"tlllflhioi.. -10 - .' ' ' ,• • = = ,:r, N 0 N 0 ..., ~ 5 0 ;', N ::l C1l ~., 1 .:; :'.; . ~ ~ '::..~ j ~· ·l .., :, :, 'I )' ) \ e \ • I u. ~· Lesan 119J'OOi5 'rltlt: ta eonlfflJt. Ol' Pemil: ~nY \,l'Gllttl.t ilGSAD'Ot or ln;ur:i to t.liv pt'cmii:-os: or a[\(>Ul"tffl'l4n"i:,ea. ill~ ~ koa\:i t.ho 9:oa:X.1 Jn. rood OTdt:r, and iwt '° lat.~ po:Wt: •flY rubb1ah to he d'1PDS.ltc:d thorc:Of!, and l:c, COJ1pl)' wJ.th ~U low-", ordinancos, And rot~Ut.l.q111 relating to fJ:ro _prDVcnt:i.im and ~c11iUt.ion. 17, :t,rpirat.ion or Taiininat:lon. Upon o:cph:t11tian t1I thh•I.o.Nm ci: 11pot1 t.11minot10A b)" rcraacn-al 1.o-pq1& i1.,~11uJ,t. a! brn•ch or pvrau•ftt 't1' p.11ray1:.epb .S hbrflDf, J.asiica sliAU. .-a=ve f~ t.ho-Pt'P:rl.iaM All :Lt.u, P'.rlmort, U11el1Mli 11u tnvmtarios nnd ~tida .nuv""' r.mt cqui)lllCnl:J, "'a t.bDt. 1n t'be caaa o1 ~na•L1m by Lcuor 1w:,1Knt; ~ paro.lj!U\)h :t CcJ hervof t.osaan &hall not c-a!IIOVI: J.tam1 to :b& purcha!,d by i..ao •• E1o1cept !.n tbo case a! t•nllin11ticn by l.e:iaar pi1n1,1tltll:. ta parag:rupb 14 (a), L~sll:O shall rGt1afr 11,ny i!u1a1Ja to tha pn,ll'U.aitu1, '!aprova• IIKlnt..s arul Uxtv.rn and uq11lp111111t: owned o~ lo,.1184 i>f :Lcru.or.which a:ro •t1bj cet. to Ulic Lu:11.a11 tmii::h J"Q.ault.a fl:0111 0111 ~~b i:~vol •net .:hbl.l. l.a;MJ the p::e.-:ti.505, all lblprovuauta ttuu:m)fl nncl o.ll &dd :5.t.era h: at. laatt. 111.a good candit.b::11, and 11t11-t.e tit" i::-csp•ir a'II the condition oizd ct.at.a of z:opili thai::cof al t:.hc. ti'Fi~iog at the ~ ot · tbb t..aae, ordb1n)' WCllX lln4 tam: a11cJ ,daQll.v• ~ the elefllcnt.5 dona ~ca;:,11;af 0 o:l(CIOpt. 11.a otbc&Viaa p;i:~l.d-cul hcr:ain, l&, p~feult., Ir, tile RVCllt. af ldlute by LclHOG t.o ,..kt lliiy payiattnt cf ront \.Ill@ tt1• ni:io •hall bCtCOl'I• d.\.111 iu: in tho 11von.t. of ht.ult. or bX'iiru:;:b by a.DOMa-in tho potfot(IID.'tlcta m: cbseno.tin of tiny of tlUl g,ther covcn!lritG, t19roc:1111Cliif •tipclil.tlona mo ~t!J,tianli: ho:raln cont.<1!ngd, J..naaor f.li:)• i;ive not:Lc:tt l:o Lcuci•.~ ~e~r.oa'~ tJ11bult. er t>i·t.::e11. H nil)'~=:, !diura lJ}• Lt.,:;r.ao tv J11N:o ·,~~ p=i.1,'IACfll:! ~ 11 - ~· .... --,.~ ........ -: ... ·.-·::· .... :i~ -·--. , J. • l .. .•..: • . , ; -• • ! - I' of runt ls not ctu'GC withh1 t.Ol'1 days: aftvr not.ico th~~f ls :given ta LaHCIO or it D~)' dctlAult "cir ~ch by LllGDIHI ol .,,, auiu ~vcno•t, agni~nt, m:.t.4'U1Dt.1..on or cor,ditia:n hnridn cc,pt,11.lu::d U noc clO:ad .,,!tbip )Cl dby• •Etcr noticll tt,•ii:-oat ill ,si11a1.I to X.oueo Ot' wi't:hin ~ch ,J..angor }la"iod dn-J.119 'Wb!dl Lr.He.a b ln I.o•aor 111 rc1.11Dmll',lo :J_vd9aan.t: »rDC.adlt19 with dtia dili,rcncc:i ~o cu,:o: ,;:1111<1, Lo,uor nholl hayn tha i-.caGl.cito dght to pcnuuion ol tho prffl.111&0 Dm'I ffi1'Y oitbb:l' (ol tllfldnatc thU t.aaa11 and racovel' lc1C1111 f,oaaaa oll ,11111qu J.a'UCJr may incq"" l)y' NHOG at auch det..ul.t. en: b:raac;h and be ,:evut111cl. ..-ith Lo1111or' 1 f9nuir .. t4t.a in t;.'IJo pranim.es .CXa-e ond clear ot 11ll. clat.a a.r>ll a.cnaaaa ot (1•) ll"OIII ti.N.tr I.P Uld, tit. Le.1or•11 cp~.n, .~.d.J:hout t:.em.inatinv this X..,11..1111, ,=olat t-bo t11;:mniul• fw: &11 Qr on PQrt!c,n 1>~ tho, %'am•ifldcr of th• tll-'""111 of tbU Le~a, c; any l.ot:19m; po:rio3., to J. lcu•H ct 1Nbl.e.11S1:1e. 111.t:1.11fac~ to Lonar, ;ind Lea-.., .di,11.1.l Jl&Y to Louor, ·upon aeaitsnd, t.hD .11110unt ~t' t.,;ipi;:o::-'.u cMptt11¥0D i.Rr:uri-cd 111 •Vch ~c- J.ot.tJ.ntr, i;hOuld any p1ontbly rant. 11Ftu1.~ rocoived lCCIIII' ,:i;ny 11:m=h l,:sou or allbli:HIUI Ior aqy 1:101:1th b& 1e,11 tl,an tho monthly ~C!l'at 'Which :t.onea a.po*• h11C"dn to· Pay, Lau,eo shall ~y t.(l L«aeor upori demand th., llllldUf\t o.E t\lch dciftcioi:icy. natuk!n; af S)oaa11aa!tm *1!cl :a:alatting c[ tho prm.i1a• by ta1uior .al1°o.U not. ba mi1:1•~a u 4lfl olc:tPtJ.cin by it to -tcrJ:fflUJ1-1.11 t:hit X.ouo unlou. A riot:.iCll ot tendnuUon ia gJ.vcm to r..oa•oe~ Nohl:l:.h,,ta.mU.ng .:iny 11:uah: nl111tting vitbout ta.cmino.t.ion, L'8uor -u - ,, • l1l N 0 N 0 ~ :§ 0 N ~ l1l -· "' J ,, ,C . . , .:; 'l ~ ., 5 ~ ~, J ) .............. "'""' =illj • • ... MY a,t ,my tirle tharae.ft:u cloc:t ta taminata thh Leb:rut .far ·~ s.ueb _Prft'IIJ.ou. tlct'avll: or braadl. 111. l~itJ: , Lcl.,.oa •gnea l:o tndt!llmif'y, dDfcm.4 .all4 hold I.aHbr hct:M- lon from nay «nd o.U iillll!ICLflll", liatiil.ity, cvst;, b.S\,11 aq:ios,111:1 1.nc:11Jdi11g ntomo:rs' .f11.c111, .susui.incad .bl' t,c1•=, ti1 t:1osiori at Losa:oe 1 • dof•ult gr larutu1h of 1n.y of tho ta:riat1_,. f'g'Z'illmf!ent.a, topruun~UJ>~. and war:c•11t.:ht1 •i-~ font. honJ.JI. i.onor Dl1%'UCll' ta indOIUli!)·, dafti:na: an.a ho~ i.c,;uu h1u:11Ucu11 r:ron. llnf 01\6 .. u. ~o. lia\l.U.1ty, i;oat •fl!!. ~~01UC1, incl.'bdi04 &ttDtMYI' fitu, 1u1t11in1d by r.e.ncn by ruuon of' J.a:aor'.a. da:tault. tik' _..;,ch of th• taau, D9"h'llm0iit•, rept:c· oental:.!on,, i11M \IUTantio.o set fort.h twra.inr 2Q.. ,.rliiUat!on, JuW dls:pur.e: 111d.&111g \111.~ t)Jis x.o.eea 'WJlich cannot M s:attlod b)•. ogrcallk)At o[ t.hc putJ,cm. l1l!rot.o 1ball be 1el:Uod by &rbitr.,,tion.. Bo.iii nrbitrat.io11 ahlll. bo hc1d. in h•hh, U11.'114-n;tot1, and conduc:tad 111 ~ceord1mca with tho coi-:i,cc.lb.l J\i:h!Lrat:ion lluJ,u: ot tbo ~edctan Arbib:otio11 ~;.01:!ot!On, l'be c:01t.s. and opon • oi amJ.tro.t~vn •hrtµ be bci=-n• qua.Uy by tbQ pti.:ttios,. •rid tho l\,;u:!idCIII of t:ha ar:bi,t.l;at.ot Eluill bit ;final, conclud.vu, ttttd binding upon tbG paxtimL tharato • :u,. puolino All9e11tiads;, t£hctiYe Aufu•t J, 19751 :t.oHoi= Rhtill u-Mlllfar t.o Lur.ama l,e-1111or'• t:ransfOl"(lblo. ~0:-11,uatal ouo;U.no a.U.oo11tian z-ight:s, U rariy. 11ppl.icRbh to t:.hc loo.ti.op and. Lca•ea sbldl truu:l!u SU~ • c-J,aht hacl;. to LaCCO.t' or o'a .. Clthcarwbo :aaay ):ui: dizoscil:ad Py La.uoi-- upari tal'111.Inut1io11 of t.ho r.~oo. 22. ~11d911c4' r;:-.opart\'• 1.£ :r..ua:aoo oh;ill t1b:i.l\do21 t.J10 pl'CIDlsmi at ,tJAf t~lflllll 'dlirJng tht! tr-m or tr i~ .aho.ll .i:n:"r~ilo.r l:110 pi:c1111ucv,. ~l:' lio 1.'li1:1po.n-.:e11uud -13 - .' ' ' . . .. '•, ·, • ! I I I i I I I i ! ·"? (1) g g ~ 0 N ~ (1) ,.; :., -' ~ _, _, ~ :,; ~ ~ 1 -· ... ~ "' ~ ~. ; ' • • r f by ptoccn DE l~w, or r.,thervlce, 1111,}' par.i;onol pr~ty brJlongittg t.a :t,cis~o 111"6 lcf::. on thet p:rCIPli.11c:ur sba:U. ba: d.co,ncd tD be .ahDhdonod, 23. ftclbtloekhlP• l!ach party ag:t-5 that, 1.n tho perf'omancc of H:s: ~05:0-ai::- ~ive. Db.J.if:itions h!!'roundcr, and 1n Ue nas-d.:i.o of it1 dghb, nolt:la&r ,boll hold iUrrll out to lie l:hlt: o.;:cnt m. tn.Plotnn of tha H. ~. >.ny .noUce, cOMiont! or 1:1thvr cmM111nicatJ.ot1 r,:iq,ii~R to bo DocrVm Jn DCC:CV~i'll!.CO 1111'1\ tl\O toom DE U\ic t.CIUO r?iall bi, .-cnt b)' c:c.rti!J.od IIUl, if fram LIHl.aorj, to be •on.t t.o i.u.illlo 111: l.UJ: J6th Stroot, hnta koriicll, C•lUo!:J\h! •n~. ll £.tc,lll Lt!.4He., t.o bo sent to L•no: at 1''4:S s. t:. 'rhW Av~l.la, PDrl:lnnd, oi::-a,gn. AU~At:iaru prvcidll!nl, or t.o such ot'ui:: oldccasu whidh ~ .PQ"t)' hert1lti uhall £.tOJII t:lJ:11!: to tJ.MO provid11: to !!1!11 othu-part)' in wd t.h:19. the tl!Ql'J: of -givlng at1y notictl s~ll. couaaoe upon dcpolil: in tb111 United. Sta.to-h111li, pl;l'&.tage pr-opA:ld, 26, Otlict: Enjoysment:., .&o long ,;i~ Lus~ ls not: in breach er dl!f.ault o( any of itl tt);ilig11tiorua: hcraundar, t.a;:s:H 11:hi!Lll pucctably .and qu:S.ll!tlY hcJ' and 1111;oy Uu1. prt!r:dir;o~ !or t.hO t.en horccif ~it.}IDUI: hi.Jllkiini:•: inhittupticn by Laaaor or any l:11!.1:IOn cla:L11hq by I throuvh or under-LeJ11:ior • .11uhjoctj howovo.:,, to sill ttU'IID ~~ or,ndiUon• of tl\1,;: i.c:uua, :z,. contmnatit.irf, [.a) Ii t:Hl• tc .nll l:ha prtl9li1a.a ii: talk.an Cor "l!_uy ~bllt: 1.u. 1ivc,d-puU-l.lu uau tlJI 11t J:ll>1~1lt ll( flL'VuUu.i:ion -H - I I .. < • I ..... , ... \ a, N ~ 0 • ~ " a, " ' 5 1 ; :; • I , , • ' "• ' ;.a;rtffll 1 Tl • • I - or ~~ruh~;..n4t:i.on pr1C1:tedlr19, o:i: il th.le t.a DO •ucb of tho rtNtUCJI 111 110 tbkcli t1u1t 1;ha p~i•~11 ~ no 10~1 a11lt-- ~blc w-1tbiZI tho re1uon.obltt J11dg111111nt. of LvU,:.c .fi;,,r La..ua•s eonUnued o=p,anqo t.:or the "1•1!• oii,d purposes £or wl1.kh thl! pi-eiai50a a,:,o h.UK!r U131, \lpOllo t.hr, ~IIU"lilnce ot e.l'c:~c of t.hc afouSAi.d cvent1:1, thb, LoC11H 11h11.11 t•bdn.111t.11 on thcl d•t.e po.$HHhm of t.he proai11as o.r •uch port the.r .. o( .h tUOn, 69 tbo coo lllily ho. (bJ r, ~ny Pll"t Of tho p~a~L•m• aho11 :ba ~o l:.lik•h o.nd lhll rU1Giniq-put of tho f¢9'11loe:• i• auit.Dbla vlt.hin /I~ tho riu1~•bl• judr-iit. 'tf LHHD: for t.aaoo's ca1:1Unu.d /v';!.111. cecupano.r lD-r i:1'111 puJ:',pctH• •nil 11.11:• fol' wbkh tha J:lhllJ,.1u .,-. 11ro louad, the Eat !ot t.h11 prai.l•es 111:!&ll co11tinu, without ohatciUIQnt •nd LHJ••r Ul aca:ir.dana -wlt.b P~llll aM •paclf.Load.ons e.ppt'oV'ed by ~&o~4 aha.11 p.ro,aptly na.t4>ro th111 rts.11dhi.tr9 pc;,,rtioa of th1111 pna!•u so that a;ucb (>Ol'.tion vi11 ~i;l:itot,: a ~.Pl•t• .rtrahltacti.u:-11.l mi.it, al'ld, 11pon C0111Pl<1t.ion ot such wrk and upon paftlleftt o! t:hri aw-.im:. ot co::ipan,4t!i:1~, LG.ai;ot !lh~U .:ruinbcu:~o LQ.asua lot: r::cisu •o ax-porwh::il ta tlie extent of the port.ion of tha ~tell IWILrd- oquitably appci.tt.io~ t.o the prod.Gu.. {cl t,eUH ahAU. b•VIII r.D ,:ifht t.o ox int.1rHt in .&Ay cnJlPcm;.u.U.on n.'IAllrdd or pa.Id \lpoll. • ~t.al or padio.l tcl::ing- of lh111: preir,i,:(rll or 11:1y •1.t:Ate t)la~tU ~YS.dl'd i:h111r. LatuJlii:8 ahdl be. &cle.ly entitled W i111n~ av,1rd ina.d• to J..~11-.i: for lass o.E bllslr.ia.st, 1cu ol ,aood1dllt o::-d•preci.-t:ion to ""'1 l!Dntll of .t'CIIPOval or. {nY•ti.b)rica, ~•d• f.l.xt.uc-a• a.nd. ~ Mnt wtilt:h art!. thll!! pro_part:y ol J.HHe. 27. LJllln•. [Al l.Auee ... 111 keep ttie pruniiHI fi:oe and plaar of Mchal\k.11 1 , l•bonr1• rir 1111.terU.l1un 1 11 J.icin•, and oth•r ' I " • ;, f = / a, (II 0 (II 0 ~ 0 N ;;j .a, .!i ,l _, ., ~ ~ ~ :J " ·s ! ~· J " " ~ •, J ' ,A.=- 0 • l.ianu of 1 :;1,dlor natura, 11hieh 1aay ;sriae: in ccnnaet:ion 1.1.it.h any wor:: porforJRd Dfl tbo Jl'C'mnbtts by or-at taio cH:reie- tion or nttutu,cc Of Lfl:SlteOF p1:cwidc41 hcwevci:-, that i.assita ahl:111 hDVt! tho rJ.9ht to 'c;ont.ast the vaU.:l(ey ar t.ha ll1P01,1nl. pf any SUcll .UM or aJ.ttilm:d lien.-if :r.aaao• no.U. g':1Vct t.G LDS5« such .c11G11;K14blc acu::µdt)' H J141.Y bci 'L1mn4ndiad by it ta an.•ur.11 paym.imt ~l z:11ch Han and. prllY-v:nt stlY u1111.- forcclo111m1 or f~fcJ.t11ra af t.tio nbi•u b)'" re·Hon qJ. .~!:!h nonp11)'1flent., On tinllll dt1t.aflllinat:tan of the liGfl; or c-:t..:iimd lbn., £.ura:1111 shdl t.u.RJ&t:clf p")" •ht jd,pumt J'l!Jldlt'l'oc\.-\11th all prtipar ea1tm 11.nd eh,btfe!f, ,.ttd •"-ll lH1\f.t1 it.ha 1:h:in r·cloaao.! or judptint i:atbrJ.d At l,uaeo'• own ~·· shoul4 IJlf 1uch Hati, a,o placed on ~ prardo•• f,n!I the, nu ripen into a jullp11t.ati. 1Jbi<lti hU .b&CKlllla f!1U1l1 t,aa,-01: at: lt?I o~Hon _, pay nny au~h .£b.bl. ~od~ and clo-.ir I.hit prm}..l;as. t.llcrofrom, and ~1 J110ney1 110 piiii;J 'i.,ut. b:r Loa.or on accoutit. uf 11ny suc:h :lu&jpao:ml: aholl bo rqc1..l.ill 'by Lcac~a tco Ute payar 1ot tba nD)II:. aasub.9 'rent day .a.nd thall dl:-civ :l.ntMHt .at t-.C r.a.to of 10 perceiit. P,l!l' &btnllQ frDlll tbc of ~t by LoUOI.': unUJ. rep,;1id h:, X-.i:;•o, (llJ In 1:he ev.i:nt H)' U.Bn U filccS •vaf.m;.t. the premtsc.c: or 11.ny ec:tian i• CORlllancod aftoc-ti.ni: tb.D iltla t~ci:o, Lo&£ctt eh&ll ;lvo L.i.s11111r prccpt nPl:ice tli11roof. ie. U~ldlng Ov~r. Acy ,hold1nv ovvr by rr0sacco ti.f'te: th11i expin.tion ct tho t,(affl; Qf t.'tu.11 J,casa 1bolll .ba c11ns~od. to bo .a t,v;uanc:y ln:a month to J110nth nt tlia rvt3tal het;c!.tl i,poc:ifia6 A.nd. .sha.11 c-thDntbo. -;,.ri .. . ... !& i(L.&jiil.\. -~,::'.i::t°.~::~.·~!:";F,-:"f:.~:,:7'.';~·: .. -:1·:· .. • ' , , ... CT.I Cll 0 f:§ ~ 0 N 5 CT.I • , ~ • ,, " ' , :I. ! •. .. i " , , " ... ; ' • • I lro tin UK! t.t:YN1,1 -111111 eo,µli Ucir,• li~tol,i. ap11~:-1011 ln11gfoz iu; •ppllc:tb1e. D l:J:fflESS tn:Dltm' tha t,,art1'C'S lw~•to h•'lo exoC\:ltad thla iiu,tt"i.::llic.At t.n .i.upUcci~, the: 1ht:1111 uJ1Jt •.~ve ~t~· MISSt0H SVP1'L's' CO. -· -l'7 - ·- {(;· • .r;. ,, i~: .' . '. ' • •, -. : ... • • . \ f "" ··~· ..... -~- f, ' ' en N 0 ·' N 0 N ~ r-. 0 , N ·' , en ., l s . , ~ • I I • . I • I = •. 1. .$dK:dulcr of in.'Vdttlt:J.H 1nclvd11'19 pdr::os. 2. s;t:hed11l.e of .lixtlll'N tiO l:ia• lcoed bJ' Ln$ot to I r ' I w :r r : '! a4 • r •• ., .... ~, -~,-..... -....... cxz&S ., ~ ., ...... Jilly 1, UD2 Mt", Daniel Hbcaon RENTON l!ONDA AU\!OlfOIIIU:S 200 s. W. Grady Way Ranton, wasningtQn 96055 Re: us~ statiOll /115 Rentcint WJ\. De,ar Mr. Hixson: 0 • - ~th regard to the! ebove prope~ anc2. tlui:t: ce::toin SUbleP.uo • 1,greelbnt 4ated .:ruJ.y 2il, 197S bat.w1;1•n Mission S\Jl)ply company AS toss or and USA Petrol cu.rm ~P?r11.U1:1n ~r: Le:le:(la with auch SUble:ase bding assigned t1J E&K tirc:,iiortiac :1nd whored such subleaGe ~s: again asn1gnud to LBnphen F;nbilrprises ot W:u1h1ugton., pleae,i l:le. lld.vlsed th.at l:.b.1s Notice to QOJ.t sptacifically tarJAi.nataa any oral/t.a'rittan agreunmt b11twm J;,e:Seer and Le11sae witb respect to tha said prcaai$as. Sinea th• SW,la.at1a ·had 11.n ex.p£raticn data cc oeccllber 31, l9il, ah~ aUJ;!l .sublease is now on a month•to•mcm.th i,asis 'With the roquit"ement that aitbar par,:y 1118~ 9ivs thirty deya notice tQ tenine.te such S12bleasci, plee.sa be ad\l'isad th&C USA. petroleum iB gi vf.ng t6nphare EntuPriaaa thiity C JD) da.ya net.ice !t.11 cf tl\1a date,. July l., 199%. USA ?ett'olClum 1baU v.acato tbe pre111i,s11& on or betcre midn.1.g"bt, J'uly 30. 1'992. Jf you have any gue11:t:.ions CCJ!\Cl&tning tha Bbove, pl.ease eohtaot t11, undersigned.. vz·iifJ ft>L tUllinJO. c. Stawa:r:t liCS:jp ' . ~-:-,:, .~ ...... ~.-.... . ,..., / • • f = .. -t ····----·----~:;--·· ... --:-: ..... ::-:-···-·- I .~ ft~e~ I lif(l.tij Cl ~ •r:'"'( ILHr N Ji~I! • rl I1ttl :::, ~ = !.' !I' • 1H 0 ( ~ '1 j i ?11 1iJ \ l in , I i i ··i: &flr ·' t o fl ' I . ' i .. . \i • I ~ " .H ef({i. 1tl C .. ! , :l r Ji ~€ ~ .. ~ 'J- ~ I f aa!J !t'i o o t ·~: r~1 0: i I !~: .. ~J r ~ ~, ~rif ;l· ~-· ·~! ·--.. ·-~ . • --. :\ •••. -·· f .. . J 5 .. . . "· I I \ . I ' I . ~ 0 RIB ' kQI f 1i,l+,QJOC21 : , j"O\l do not ?i'..lrrcnder p:::i:;so~!:';.I.Cn o: these pre.::.u·c:. an ar bafon 'the d.:ite s111t ;uc1.c:a:: proccc:lir-9s ".fill t-e !ne~i.tut.ed f:::r yce;r ev(ctic:1. DI\";:"!!) th!s .f'~ d;!t.y of ~ay, 1'992, • ~ " ,, ~ ., .. " .. . , ., I . , 5 I ., -. j . • • EXBIBI"f 4 Q U~c!!,~f!f111ox~!!3~!!DR 6 12.j.31..,__ FAXl21'J""IMOOO jlO M 111'f AUgust 6, 1991 Kr. Pr11nk .&onnal.l. 9&3l E.E. 7th street Ballavue, WA '98004 Re: USA Station 1115 Renton, Wash • t>aar Frank; With regard to the above s@ject and our convusation of last week, please ba advised t:llat: l) In the event any gasoline contmai'nation .i.$ e111.it1:ed 1.nt:o tl'le unde~ as a t"etsUlt af the op.eration cf tb.e .station by USA Petroleum, we will indmmliry and hold you hn:rnless tram 1uch liability~ 2} Per Section 16 cf the t.ease, if such contami~tion is discovered to exi~t we ~111 bim1Hliately take at.aps tc clean the site up in compli~ca with whatever qovern~antal agency is in charge • J) With regard. ta the site, USA b also in compliance "1itll all state and federal regulations which. include but are not limited to ca) ha.ving all tanks and product lines t:eat:Gd for tightness at )..east. anoe a tear, (b) havinq leaJc. detectors on All produ~ linea and di.spenaan:, (cl havit19 :aonitorin9 wll.S Qfl. tho preaises for the purpose of cbecJcinq for contmdhation f and, (d.) havin; aver--spill covers for aach O:f tb.e und~ound tank fill bOX.es in order to prevent spillage • I &111 not aware of nny proPlam a~ ~ha site now but if one occurs, we will be sure to let you know ~nd, in turn, take 6te-1>5 to rac:tify 1 t. ~ery tX'Uly yours, -4°k--~~ William c. Stewart l<CSljp · .. · . . I j I . . • = - ~ .., ,j '-' _, ~, ,, "" L _, ~ .J ~ 4 .., is -~ J l .. - • - f mmmt-2oi us 5101:1 t TD 1~1'1S:Z P,12 EXllIJll'r 5 l,ISA PE"i'HWrBUDI CUHPUHA'MIJR lfflOooM_IW,,_210,IQ ... ,. __ Cl_ !fflt-m<(IIOJ- .7111Y' 7, Uta l!illiu C. 81:tt&rt ., .... IICS1jp ... -~--.. : :-. . . . . . ' . · . '• , ' , • ' ----e---------------~-·- I -.--. -._,:,. .• · ,, "~ ·:, ..... --.,. .... -. ,_ --------------------------------------~ . . ;r"-:..... • $ ~~ ... 1 l J; .i f .... ~ i· I ; .-.,, / / / / f / / / 7.3 NnPnhHellf.dlcatlpn. NotwitbslandingtbatapwposcofthisEasement ' f f ifto.illtQvide public access from S.W. Grady Way to lhe Payless Site, nothing In this Basement i •' .~ ~ to coootllute a public dedication of the Easement Area or to create an easemem ·,, • ./ !fri: tbe"'publlt and the F.ascmem shall only const!tllte a private Easement for the benefit of the , ..:. I ~..,,.~ ~ / JRYip;SS '!?""·; -, • •• ..._..,.-: J l f ,,, ·--•• { / :JN.ro"fu~ ~i>-;"'partic:$ herew hav~ e,i;ecuted thi, Agrermem on the dates ·---~-li<;Tow ~ ! ; .f'J ,..... · 1,,_ 1 t l l 1 l., 7'". · .,.......,,JC· · ..... .; :: i,,. 1 .. r..t J .. ~ ! ""' / l f~.I ~ .\ • f !" f. ~i . LFAMILY L.L.C., a Washington limited "'.....,J .f f /] ; A>.". ity comnomv ' f /''-i !-"} ..... -, I.rt/ft f'.. ~ "'··. I , f f ,-a··~--·-~ lS-~, /,t, « ,. ; ; A.a "•• / ,; I l'D.1# .... .. ·· !tht:tlA' , ... "·, . ./ f f ! F.¢ik~'BQJ 'll, Jr., Genaral ~ger C:\DOCS\03151\009\01021151.02 •.-;t/J.' f ',-.. ·:·'/' ~ .. ~::! '.:.J/; ··~ ;(:OJiiom.l'ffln' MID~ TO: ,,, ,. ~:-7 , { ,,. / ... k~~~o~w l ! GTON, 01/05196 JNC.,aw~~co 1 ~Honda ·.,.i.1/ . i ... :-:,:, ; ;; ! "l ! -3- • lit, 'ill ., C:\DOCS\<13151 \009\0 lil:2161. 02 ... ..,. .......... ......,...,.. .. .• ~ .. ) ) BS: ) 01/05196 ·.: ... -4- EXHIBIT"A" Legal Descdptjon Qf 'PayIµs 511• • Pago 1 of 5 ·,:. . .,.,~ .. EXHIBIT "A" • ; ... :., ..-:, ··-. · .. ·-·-~ ..... ' .--..... , E,n!IBJT"A" LegaJ Descriptior, Qf •;sen.on Honda Property' L..__ .. . ..., ~ ... ,. ' -~· . . . ,-. Page 3 of5 EXHIBIT "A" Leaal PwriPtion Qf "Easement Area• Page 4 of 5 ·~ . . ..... . . .--... ;: r EXHIBIT "A" >sea" . of "F.asement n· DJustI&UAA Gran ic 1·---! ~t.. . Page 5 of 5 • ~_;_ ·-:: 'f: ~--· .... . ' f I; ~ E-;::;: ~ i~ :g C .2 t;l -c,) tJ § 0 u 'D ti " ;l !E 0 "" ... " 0 .:l I \:::: ~ en 00 00 "<:I" 'D 0\ ~ 'O 0 -Iii N 0\ ,-- '!'! I, "' ::>, :,,: E- ':".J ..c <.) ; ' "' "' .!;; Schedule B +-Section Exception bl " ... • ' - I a.-n FamilyJ.L.C. 1 c;. ,J!,.,_~ Ate.FAd.¥'-4 ,$, i; /I• -11aJl-;f,,~ /1/G "'¥a ~ .6 • e e.-,,.,.._ IAoo/DEC!-AB.AnON ar ACpESs EASEI.W<T i Cl,~ "-1'c,.,-~ . . j 7l,j,-icmol,._,..._,.;,n,..i,>ys""""1P>ndl,.U.C..a w~. II lfmBe<\llablllly._r»o,,,,eJr}. Donao111u1,e""""""""'""l""l'Jo-mthoCll7 I ~.~.!.,"':1"'.,;.~~·:::1=-c~!'n!-' -"I>aOll bJ,plly.....,_.,s!l,;l,iisa...r,.dh.-Baf.,..,.Cilfor""""" 5 ,.;u._,,.,ucblollino•~--,...w. ...i-.r--'na<tl lo ~er A~ ~in~kmof.ctty".ssppmialof,•ld:lotll=~ ·· s:; •"'-"'""""-.i ........ n ... 1,s....n,"'""'"""'""who£"'""........,. " l. f$J1iofnt'rOMJ, B11mnll~ pia!s wd.con,,~,u Tnc;t'3 a11~w ~~ 11Cblallat .111d pcdmrlan ~ mid ..aifftks owr. lllldcrand amm.~ pottlo.os aflhcS-UP,opal)'u.,.;6odS.""1dM1C_o!_utlio-.......,~. Th< .ACCi1:R1 &mr:iemm-, 'kffiOC!ZJte4 by Wal~ SW:cs,.I:nc. tiimok~IJIWit...M'ad1 J <boo,fa& (lrW-1, lllo .,....i J...,, o£Cbal"""" "'"" llono<n .... _°"'""""tho Atic:as'Easmlmnlslaattd) lnardl{lou:co~ WaJ.Mait':1 ~ Aric\opmqt otles ~ provldetf lhu Slfi41'doc:&tea ~slJaJI~ 10 }D'Ol'ldUtl ICCeG'°1ndotof notJ,..a,,.2!:{_t,,,1lu mdlh '""'1 T"43 to,.._A...,..Swth. :z.. C'IDft»TZ1 BPD1:Mlb tba:1 nd. 'JlJis Easenatnl:A•H hi binmne upcmaod W!rl:I \g ,.,.,_.ofiheporlie,,lhdr~IIQQ.~llldwllbc111~t'\JNN:1g\\,ilh1hi:. B""""1 P,op,rty. 3, APllllMblclAW 1111s AJiroemf:111 diallK constnled in~ w!'lh tlii:: b.wi o!die Smb ofWu&ingtoti. 4. Compls,1Arw::ros:n1 Thls~#tsfrilh1t.0mpldetltid~ hc:twan 'JI,.,: partits. lll1d Jl:ll.f 12D! ~ l.tzllJalicd ~ ti, an Wlnlrtlmt. i11 Mltlnf l!x"11ted..by .... pu11c1i..,,,o. . P~thi• ~3~yo(ft:mlU'j.19$16. BO),,')IJEL.L}'AMll'...YL.L.C..,• I WHhin111m Jimh~ liat,ilfty compan)' _, . ·- .. ' . ' . i !- ·• - . .. ·; - STA'IBOPWASP.INGTON . COUNTY OF s:ING l )a. l . 2 , I . '·. ,. 111!1.· ii' ' • ,. . .,.:. . . . -..,:_~,';.·;~·.: : ·> :';i".-._' . ·• • 1 II • • Alilll?•. l';l,lca,. Al 'TIP ~ HO nt:S' W 1>1J. u.it 110 18' fll" J _., l#f' l.. ~ U. ~ » m. b'lrlCS a; ~-~ MS::laDS»t. ur 1Cl1ICI CCQlnY'. u:,,c,rr nc:tn ,wt: JO&ml. 1741 n:s:f .or TISI ~ :n.a nll!'1 JIIIII ptfl't 1'P l!Mt'll 4G .al1' ~--1 • ,,,_ .. • 'Jltll.'l' l'Oa'J'"ICIII &II' ~ I.Ct 1. a,.~ u~ 1'0Mlml1li tl JIOlfll,. »11C1: J l:UT, · -~ llblflIDI. JII UtlD COtw.r'Y, ~. ~ ~y c, 'Dt ~ ,N:tnC: »i.w,,1' ~ ~ t:l!t ... ,.., • J:a(:Qf nr. smlA lOG f'£fl 11C1a10,1 ~ -!W .. %XCff7 m.~ JmTl'GN i..nPG lltlllJJi ,um Msm: ,otm11 Ax.I a:t:UT <QP.,. ~ LY1JIO Wl'.Qflll nSIN1 tm.'d 1ffG1151Q ~ s, am. ;atCDT TakT ~OM DH,g.tn2) ~ PGLIIJW~ ~ /.? '1211. ~ cmo,n OJ 'ntl ~ WlaT1511 or ncuc:,r J.J 1DEOI0- 1# ,oant£U:J aww:x ot S,.:11 00'41J.ll:llml'! SM U l " flWICJl WSffiiO,lf &JAI/J ,nm ,oana lofQ or c.uD RCrt.CIII, a. 1:llU.~ 'o, ,-n )1;:C'f1 " nmact ~Y ~ W]'nl o:ntt: ~ ~CMJ a:r ,a,.,T :toniair or ne ,-saT LDJ: °' .µp ~ JH.t s t,p,o t,tz ~ t3C or ~ 11m ~ a rw. D1'D Qef:tflll UI Ml 'l!lff,ll,ifPKD U JVIWf:t •Y ~ ~., ~. 115n1HU1. Ud, ». ~tS Dr 1,UI JDJ' 'JO TJS "l"llUI I~ Ot ,im~t 'l"UMCS ectminntfil ~,a,~ nff ~ l..llll a·Phf»la·Gl': ,so nn, ,.az n tJU.•, ,-"Q JI toitff aa a: ~:r.Y Hlltailf or • ~ ~.t.exnc ~ CCl1'Jdff wtG!ft or w.1', • , flltl,r% .,UfU,1.Y Al.OW M,ID 'MoAl'ltDVJ ~:V f'O, 'ZIii 1Zm' Ulrlt DT sm> ~ .t.Ot , I • nrern:s-~ .ALOH'O 11,\D llnT LUlt TO lo 7CDln' Jll1CI[ 'LDS i~ fU't $OWII 01 'flll ~ w.-, C1I •).ff SSCl'Ullf L•J ' 'lVUCI ~ ~ -:rxt nrvt J'OlX'1 I),)' »£GDHlHO. $'J.l;t::t.L-Ci 'nU.T PQ11!'11!11:' D't' ~, LOt l. :nl ucnm, u. 'tO',IMSIID' 'I) MOSIZI, :ll,JIJIT,;t $ v.si. 1<111.~ K?,Xll2»i, Dr kl)IG eou,,,r, -.s1U1.0JU1, i,q.cun:.a as~. ~tt!m ;.T nr!: }lo;t.~ COltlltt OJ SAltt JIX'f.1$1 :1.111 1la:Hc:I 50CTII u•10•;11;• P.l't ~ T.lh ~ 1.Pll 07 81,tJI' SEC:r.lCM >, D~ CJ' . 4 (:Ht~"Jffl!:ll:IUIUJlldo:»ir.MY .. n,a .... .r,u,,.,.hC ! .. • •1?!~ zo s91d a:JIG>,IJ!;il;Df~·-.· 'il~-'l"9~ n::,t !s&1nr,m ·¥'lh,wi11 lH'lllfl~~,~,vm11m111llll(AIIP .. .:,I. -~:.::,,,., , m, '"'' ;,1,, ,, .. ,,:~ •. • -1- ,_ .t. - ..., fa § 0 (.) '° L: ., (,) !El • 0 .!l ·1 :t: I-< ..... co QO 'q' '° °' L: ., 1? 0 "' °' t- 00 ... a> "' ::> :l f- ~ f ,::; <.> ,:; "' ~ o:i a P4 0 ~ ~ OI IIIS .... •• •• 1.20A~t:JOall'I' (hnpqli. el'SWllltl,~) 1.•H,lt fffl 'l'CI trlC v.ff U)l1 cl loDD .\W>l'llt ~-N COM:Q:CI ft fflt..tlff or 11111f$11 IV D1tD HCOIJlEII tlPal9I lll!l!OQtYI .... «•M1~1, ~ IPllnl n•u•u• lll:lfl.l.bllr4 ~ an s.nia a DZnAXr::s w •u..o nn"' ~ ._'l'IIUlf a:GPi OJI' 'nlA'f CIUAtll, p.,.ct OI UilD ~ 'DV Olla QAltt RD ZJICtl •~ Jtlll'llllltN', ntc,, '4 JCalDIIZ, R~, ia:camtD 'IDl:a ~ ~ lHffltuh " . 'J'aDCI Ptttlf ,, .. n•u• P*t ~ "Da Wll.n: wa ra :auo Ka.,ZUICS 2*cr .a. llllrMC:a DI' IJ,,11 rat' TO SIii ~ Clfl.lrf;ll DI'-~ tQ,..._'bl ~ Of LUO COfflrSnO IY ~ ZIQO PJIGII ~ JIVfl1IEIOI'. Z*t. TD 'JIIIOII •• ~ »m n.Jrr:: A, ~• ua=1ci 1IIDh nmm,tllO llnDlaD 'r.lUUDU1., »lll flll. ,ad 1QU2' or UOJPIIINDJ ' flDCI. (Oll1:nm:a;, ,oanr ,,.,.,.;u;• BCT ~a 'fflll llOln:B lol'l!k or SAm ~ naJ:T .1. n.amic: or u.21 nno m DI-D..!ln:M.Y' i.a11 o, ml'" l2l'tAlff' ~ o, ~ ~ llY JI~ ~ Pin flOlf. ""°"' I. IO*U1, NII) .-x.u ~ m.aoc t>,, ~ D .CDtttl 'SO p.c:no Oil.\S"t ~ mct!.Ult, ~ D10D iu.mult:1111 ~ IU'IS1.\.1 • nu= -=saw'™ "ffll TK1: ~~OJ' .QtP oo J.J mn tor 1 Alfll,WCf • QJII ~ WJJE MO :tn IQ!.~ ~ .It. 'DDDll¢III. Qr JGl n:a, PCJtC di sau, ~ "ZC" &Clll11f loUS or-soimnrur aVitlm! nuo :a,s ~ 'l'O "1"11 an' ~ .ainat, tr #m> JtC!!:112ll:JP 1Z!ilPD" lllUDll:!IZIIIO WIDQ~ nl<IUIJ.J-' 'l"Kblct JIOltt.lf •••u•:ar nsT N.CNC n111 soini; Lii,q: A ztX&7JUa « n n:n.. '10ltl" Cl;ll; .a.ta, 1o 'In~ cm.mi 0, .:::IN' ~-~ at' ta:11> ~ k ~ =Cl!~ru:~~~=~~ ~,.. QJIOI,~ ~ ~ u•n·:i.o• MU1' ~ nm .tAff wn or •UII' cm:c:;:: lu.cT .N'III ns .ltllmmll.T ~ A II~ ti# »0&,• QCr "IO 'ID bUll 5Qnff Ot N#bW~r .. ·~ : .. .. ,· ~ ~ ~ J- 'Cl -c:, i 0 1 --· '· ~ ~ (.) "' ti " IE 0 ~ E- ..... 00 "" ;$ °' ij ~ 'Cl ... 0 '. . N °' t- 00 lil £ ::5 • ~ ' E- ~ ! ,§ ~ ~ @ ... ll'.I " I ,.,i a) .. ,.,i 0 ~ 0 t.O g) •• • 1fiCll'Clll:D ~ --~ ~ POR1I011' o, foOVJ:IIIMD!f lo'l' 1. IACT%Oll n. fllWfflJ11 u 'IIDltffl; ~~ s::u:t, '11.11., 1M IQJO CVOlft'Y, ~. JJSSQ1~b As COflll&.ICXIIO A; ff\1 llalilnlDM COUl:l ot a,,.n $11iDtl'Utat, fflQ'Cl &clVZII a;•n •u• ~ IIH.4S nn lulM:i ~ DSII' L1IG '!llau:Dr ff IMll n ,~r • iw.,r u,a:,m nz .rcaa JltlaiBDJI PM:Int JliUL&OJ.D Jl?Qf- o,,,.m.11, • • ~ &tlb!5f 71~l1'~t• 11?.Sf Ill.ti mt at.rm" s>.JD llUII.Ji!Wii!S'TIRL'I l.:I,Z- 'IC'O flei dST .... °' &UJCl:GI Al'~ l5CIUTlf DID'CI ~ 11GW:11 12•a1~at" ll'Df" "·" tU1 to 'l3I!: 'fltlQ; l'C!Iff w~:· 1ZBEIICS 1llllttK Gl•;a;t13• Dff u.w nEI'; flmk:t IIICla1f ,tt•_:,141t1 Naff Sl.00 l'P'l'I 'DIQ&CI 1COltftl ntii'U" mt' 11.:ii nets 'iBl!II~ ~ ,..,..°'. an-ut. n riff: nlkcl IJOll!H u•ot5i•,,11 IP1' io,,.at 1'1:tt; ll1WfCa IIOltffl u-,,, .. ,. ~ , .• , 1ffllill • • ~ ~ tU•\f.'t1' 1'Eff UI.&:I Ra'"~ ~'""'"""""-"""iba.""Y ,.,,.., 'tUltCI MOll2II n•n•111,• a,: ,v,.@ ntt ~ SUD-~ UR m th ~ iODl'I' or •.miNIIIIC• flM'l'I DI' IBII .lttfl or ltPTCII, J;DrG c:own. R.Umcro¥0 \ . ~ ! ) ~ 0 0 :t :, " ;; :, 5 "' " -,0 ... "' "' ;::, L (.! ,:: - --' ' ' " •• • I I . . I - ·• ' ' !z E ~t ~ g~~ ~ ij ~. Y' .. ' F "' '"-.f~=\ .• ;:;:.~i.,-:-.L.-.~."'-11. ----~-::-----:------------------~· j)> ···,r·-.• -- ~ ... --z ""\\: ~ ..... ~ ~<~,~f' .... ,...,~~J . I.I' l i Branci; :STK,User :8792 - ·- KJNG,WA Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: SChedule S $ Sectlon~~__...,·,:;:,~~- J:xteptlon ~. -.;;.r,:;9;;--- WtTNE-SBB'TII: 'WitElW. ~ b dEPm1fiffetl I, 2 31M 3 c-T(Z(I"'}, mlarllalpcth r'OP"l'"lA. I, C 111d D ~-l(qdcllld «1 Exfdbi: A audal Uld dmd '° mtin .,~ 1111! lcpl ~ ofaii:l:Ti:;m aa:I. Oatp;u=s. u: ldenti&c:dml 11:tbt&OD Ellibk 8 ~ I.mi wa:ERW. W41-Mut ba:rcmatd Imo ;i lme wld:I D:w:lap::r flX' the .lmJ;i, bf W.d-Ma:t of'!\,tt,.L...,..,._...,_&. ,,,._.,,.,...,,......,,_ .... ksU&c ~ l:J. "!.&&a"; 111d Wl!Elll!AS. w°""""""'"'.__..,..,"""",.""'"""'"'""""""" "*e:ach OUla'fmumd.lCI 1. ps:Qal plra Of\rapm'ltle(l1ta loan acuantidal =al sbapplna caier, Atd. Trtea a Clatpcclll boilg: ~ l'Cfaftd Ill li!nlil. U 4 Sb:iwkil Cam"', m::t 11nu ~ dal 111c or,ud l'IKll 1ic-~ totb: CIIClDCDb, mCDld:I, ~ uc1 ~.11 tppUe:able tu mid Tt=Sard~ ~ bmda!ltr RI. forth: ud -... .......,u,-.-.1111-... fbftll-lmll nm Mlhm:l tm 1.l!i:idtl tv or burdcll up,t1 lbc Tni= ud OUqllRds. as pioylmf km, l!ld lhdl be ar II durUbi mf sbJil be dJtdhc '1r such tilm H 111:: lmK iJ c.lli:i::ti'tc; 111d WltEREAS. &l:&ibirsA lJlli B llncbemilJli:IW by ~-1 ~ard dll2d 1/Jth lhc: IIDIC 4ie U ~ cfb.ti~ dac; llcrmf; ;ml WHeltF.AS. dm,Ag:rmmtllf. mf tc td'crRd Ill J,erdn.and in du: ~.tt lb,:; "ECR. •• ·n·~· CII' 'ECRaJ", m:l •h ~shall idu hm:rO = -£:dilbilli!S ~ot ......,......, ... NOW, 11U!R£f'QP1:.. {ncansid::twm, ofdlc ~ cascmr:;iKS. cowcmts, l:Ulliltlom, ~ :1111~ ~ kfflD. IS ia coosidemion rll:lld [tat.. .,._., ____ ..,.w..._...,°'"'°"'·"' ~ ll£IU,. gr;d. UJA'fcf alll1 WDtnr.i., IS rat~ L l!dilul!mls< .2. "Bl&Oi:fm,g ~ mURd h(!.ma mzU ~d:Lnpotdoclo/rbe Ti;.ia5 an:t 0.npmcls as Jb:Jwn·<m Edlibil A, Iha:. have ckawa. llld. ~ imlOa 1p1a: ldldtd I! "lllllhlma Ara•, Said."~ Atas' lqJfal:llf UIC phpial 1p1C rib:ka waidl. buB6lp QI cwt IIOW, or litRder, cm::pt lotapamirm a;s pawided ~ Canopla: may mGdl hmdll: llllildin&" Atal!l vm dw.Camma AKfd ~ Wcmpll" da Kt ildd::re wilh Ilic p: oflb: Com!Oo ARB. ui lllf .tr~ cmqla dllll. lDI. 11, ~dpt. of~ C1H:IIIIIOA ~ u, lmpm'RlDCIII.I 11/ilhill ibc ~.\re. br, sh:dl tie~ u~or ................... -..-. b. ·Cooimc1a. Mm. a:1 l!Sed hte(a sbail ~ d( or lt,t: Tncu Incl -c..iD. _,..., __ .. ...,....,,_ and ~ M£I ~ dlccdi;um Ifie lead de:t;::dpdoa. of~ pcmii);IS or Tmctt J ui l lkt ~ IIOW lllhJD,:t ID cbo-tcnJl!i <If 1ml c:aain ~ ~ bJ" Bmmd! Famlly ~•eoeYdaF bclnr ~ ~ 1o T I r Smtion ld :MMTM I Pagel of19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:05 AM Documeot; CCR EAS t996.0S07l277 • ' Branch :STI(,lJser :&792 - ·- I' I' .. t 0 ~ !J) f <ll i ' KJNG,WA Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: • .C.. ~IOCo.mmml ;,;rm• .stmJ .lo pr;ir1itn: eflba BmJdilc haupo11.wlick~arsti:aanms~be~ lbra, msoD..ml •Wl* ~. • tespec[ ID Tma 2.llld Jam Ouq,m,cb"C mil>, am~ 'tlflh JHpa:m TncL l. cie!Eflllml!S 10 COllYCll m Commn. Am. by~ld ~ IO lfE Apaaell: _ ... __ ., ... l>dllmg_lD°""""" .. ,. r. ~ Al'ca.. Jrlk Cam:,:u::m io C:ozmlm. Am. Cl:Clm" ~ Lt limt m ma mae m J)mJaptr iqnves: a=: Olmmbll. ~. as pmided bcfem. "=udM!aaefUIC~lodm~,a.~hrt,..IO ""'"""'""'""""" --·-U.-...... "1'"' l"'ll' Ellll...ertidl$1ldllC:t. T~m:g(llla:ca aa.limlbilA b!ud 8wldfris NU located oo.1'tlcl 1 u III ma. wClllfa 'lllfdcb, fJcolela{l!r my _.,,..... .. ......,..,r_..,__,,""'1,.......,. ·-1111 C-.Arm. ~ wall~ .V J!ftr111 It.I oaJe uflcc a!a ..an ora ldllaa or a PrW:Wc~ttl • WLl1q (ea::dadinf; ~) ~ Wllhin. ""--"S)loppbi(CtalQ" 1b3D l'llttr to de arm alCOlllplWII& Tram l, 21111 l aad~ClllldD . "MlmLt CGM:lf:' sbzll rdcr ID ~ISCni IO die xaiYity or matw", rahx= u, wct4w, c1c::Da1q ao:1 Eling rarm. me m1zr commr,1 to wld: d:miy ........ .,~ ... w.i-Mat. -~· ;11. um m:e&i jtwl -= • CIIIIEW:lm m:11:bUc io the Sboppiag c:mcr tb G lnktidi:d 111 ~ oet:apird. tb:IW. er bclaW ,gr.lde. by pct.SOUS ~fCZSOGl prapeny !lcidca.l ao lb& vs: rar ~ 1k ~ wi1hlo.tlltpcdmcla' Yo'3ll5 ofdt:: !tt\D\Ut !s imadcd ID be IStd. 2. IJa: Jbilldlap ICJI be limlu:d ro COClllllaCi:II ze ud ptl1]IORS of a rcull. IQGIClnlilc ~ ~ ,:ypc otmc dw: wlmtllawtiml. fo:Jadcs ftri&a:I iml:iJuliolg, ofticel..~aio,s,IIDll.rttrillll!IS. ~dicpo:!nlltyordet.fbJCAJdthl: fgtlowiq mes ah1lJ :!IOI be pcam*d ~ "P2II aadUal~ ~ dub or~ lbc.mi:: bOWlbi&~tJ: 'tiieo pmc-orbl!llznl p.u:lor or .dmlbr "Pim: r,laamcm:ai; er rqlttc:lub. N.mfcb:'Otor~,balGCQapy' lll'f bddlbe:spacc, whlch.s:pu;e Is 100.r.a:1 wWn two MJDdnd lc:ctoflflcpcriamr wall oCU. IIIIIBdlr:lc~ b}' W&I-Mffl oa Trua. l, cu;q,r 11m Build'.q .An::a.Oll OqllladD {b:11:llltiaga 10" Ap:msloa otwd BuiJ4iQI Alai mt Ibo ~IE11P'IIO$l e.tldq ARI tm 1htl 2 .m QOI subja:t IO 'hlf te:ndcllGA. l'f& ~ ar=:=i= ccc::;r=; b12=qpqa,; IQlm ttlllli ti-..: ~ squahi f= crux 8uiJdlni Ami Gn. T,m 3, « mmr dm4IOO 11CJW1: kt tm Oulparcd C ot ma~dm6400,qu;ut, rcctou.OurpwdD (lncflldbta I Ul'li e;ipwlOQOf.sdd :eui!diqkus m1 OP C uJ OP 0) .ti.I be 11bed 'llli~auml CUWl!lll. NntwkhsWl:fhc illl)'lhltis-, 'lbc tnQU1 apmll!d btrcln, it b ~ m,dcmood lbitt t:iOlbin& ~ill~ ~,ml( btcoastNed.111 ez1uttil:La..conmlll. dlber aprm or Jmpllm. lhac Wll-.Mul will amtiJill!l 1&:1 apem: 1. bllstoess Ott Tru:r. 1, ~ Station Id :MMTM r \.. . t ·fflfii'--W!t¥kt, ',~.:: : =·, Page 2 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:05 AM Document CCREAS 1996.05071277 Branch :STK.,User :8792 ,-.. l- Order: 964&8 l Title Officer: 6 Comment .· ·:-:::·'/ .... :~:i11frqi1/tY~:ff?:·· !i··. ; ": '·' -. ~----~~ .... -... -~ .... , .. · r Wal-Mm docs apc.tmltlll'll.PIIUIIIIISII ;raid. lase.---= aldlJd[mg. ~ q,p.nmm: stftlt;lma.. nCIPl'ffl I b one 1mmP:d ~ lb:llaaa:l lmfec lmraiUef ~ ii!(. 'ka.11:4 wilml lb:!. Bllbdlq:Alu m Trut l. __ ... _ ... __ .,,,,.ot ___ _ Mac. 'IIIIJ', • iessalo-~ ~ lllc:ap:Pllioo.afk bilsiidsouTnctl, mtllrMlop:z- ~ WIM!I P9' ~ &CD:ll. r« damap«b:: r:qqMk idicf1!hi:li mfpt lie: miilibfc IO __ ot....,_ot __ ,, .......... 3. Crnire:tiv,; ftrrinm •M tmrkm pf A,,,....,,.,,: 0neioper COWIIUIS Ihm ts lmJ& c; W&Man. ara Sllbdiliuf w dfill'ae.tf\VII-Mat r.lliiaro IIIClllalllS Ill~ dat.is d'lled.50K or~ btW'll-lllrO, iraSu\.Lesree or Anlpxetl{Wu,16:d.Wlffldln ~ wilb. lht. u:am rl. lk.lease.. nc:aiplcs nl q:mm: a &ml:JCIID dqlumlcar.amrc wahrt1 lo a=. *Plmd-11 BC1i16ia Ara. 1111 Tnct l: a.. Tim De¥dopcrwl IIGl dcwlap 111f llvJl;llilpe Tnct. 2 or 3, or OP A. B, Cw D., or 111p1111 llf 1111 pnipcrty M It camfg:dOllf w Iba ~ """"""'" """"" ........... _,,_ "'"""' anf" Giber tD!i!f « pmGll t$ a lllCO:llm. N:1111 depnmm mm: lllm. El fbacr'lbaD 4QJD) .. k D'md:i IIZ cf dz lluBdlaa Arc:! ml Tac:t I II II d illseGaf dq,amar aim lmafma r«I eoarfmlam pcdod Of iir;-.ava (2) ~or k lasek laZlimd acmmpl!lb:d kmy -·-........ -_ ... .,._),loll lapse ut ~ lUld be of DO lim:c ml cfict. ... ..._ ..... __ ... _ ... ,11 lclml lcR:of. di&& bi:. la.Ul bee: ulll dliG upaa die dcQldoa.t Ibo Lrasc. lJbot!l parlla. lraul lmc ll:nlillll::II: ae-11 mlapldicd.r«~ ftUOQ ~-Ulls ~Ind lbee:ascm:fdl. lUtltdom, ... ..---.... mlo,l,,a,bhudsbl!t. olo, fi= ......... .. - . ----,-· II, Demr:,1rdCnosrne::rh:tJ lbc~c.astnic(o;llYkJm~lb.liJdllls Mm .sball be: 4cdgnm md connnict:d iltl lb:u: ~ mcdor-dmdon al QCll4lUl!lbe ~rand~~ lllimtml. _ ... _ ... ___ ,.,_.,....,. cc:raadl &1:lm ~ Tract or OlllpSICd Qa!Q IDCJdler net« Oltplnel. protllkd !hit (i) caimutdon ol''dle Wal.Mau: lluldlza& u 'met l. :ia ~ wilh plm wbcllml:I to tk ~ of lklllaU. Is tad,y ilpllra,i:d, aod (ii} ia lbc aQII.Wdiag wl fc,aCiap lltw.lu. DISt fram a det411l llld cmmmlall ~ m:nllCh ca ll!Odw:r"Trztor Q,j~ cbptk: ~c:l"olu 1t1.noildmoci;amm:. Ilic tmY" ,...,.afdn..or-.....-bpoa--m "'°" &hb, ta lf&mq: 111. m 7 ai,umii ar ~ to dz plltJ wlimc liUBdJllg wall rcatGgC or 1ll&llS ll:IQOICb,, ta lbs mcm: rbc llillllC doc5.1mt ~ brufuc-wil:h lht:~ea die Tat:t i;irOstptn:t.l ............. (1) Dtdp.ml.~G.tta!J b: o!ligbqi.alt:y 111lQCU!Ptd., tbe BaiJdlD&. Cl:llldrllctm ao Tmt l. t2.) No Bmlmla 111111 acted llllsty.ftva frd iD. ldgbt m:mwa!. trr=. lb: m::a.a. mdsbocl da.¥UIDa ofllbl! ptmlll atai ot the Shoppq "'°"'· --u1<1 ""1J,1.....,ioo...t...- -· -"'-""<(!IVACl~"" =cllllt dbhc:s Oil, akl&ibdlng lk"pmpcl « ad:a wall$ Emcmo:I co icieawtHVAC~ No~ sh,.U aceal OJE; SlCIJ'y or frdudc 1. m:::zzmiDc. Station Id :MMTM ,· -· <· KJNG,WA Page3 ofl9 Prinred on 8/42009 7:33:05 AM Document CCREAS 1996.050717.77 Branch :STK,l1;01· :8792 Order: 96488) Title Officer: 6 Commont: Station Id :MMTM J • 1--------------·· ·-... r 1- KING,WA Document CCR EAS 1996.0507127? Cl) No 1kdldhl& lbll..b.,;,c :m e:=::r:ilil" 'fad:d smfia or• mar iairtm.l Df uaW afG datll wli1c flt pedcRdm; w{tWa 1iie "'°PPllf: emu that 1m a mmr mcdac'~ to: llahlag mmrid •Jib ..m be paialed. Cl ftlUll!d. mrda dcal!nol" --~ (4) NtJ lUOfti1p Sip draU be -=d' OD t. !aiI&g. 'Im::~ ID Ttaa ~ tbalbe pemdual to ct111mm.a Sddlkie dis.I:. Olldc mo( af aid Blliilag or~c 1bcf J. ~ CmnmoA iJas mJ l:e of ... Dr alllftlC mrfaoc, GT or:icr, appaa,ed_llr_"_·-·"""'"""' ----.---... gaam-llQQm de piaacltlr-m/or" rllhtia&: stadlrd IMS, ~ dtslp:d :ml. JCI: fm::th 119,lb:tdbk A. fm"llic Camm:m. Aas. II' iD" ~ b: alam:d b::rcaftcr 'fly mm.I mllltlt. (6) JJI ............ ,,, _ _.... .............. -.......... ,,.,,"'""lillapel,(C>lllcr tlaJl .. .- 111 lladlm'ply liada m:I. lbcpmfesdalll ~m,p:mte """1""""""""8"' ... __ .... ,.,. .,,,.....,.,,_.,,.,.... ... l'l=li>rdoalmldqm be CIIISmClfld oa Ttlct2. Ill llm"1ammc dll1 die Baildiq lldrtD:II mf~ IDcmllG for -~dautlmrfm. ftli II! eatmx aid pd:hl& lilt d:1111 tl(iJ.Mart l'tidlcll!a m Ta::t. l, A1 kiri( U IIICI 4cmolidaa GtQIP&C ill BaJldill& fQOqdal: is: pmpm,ed IO ocm In CCXIIICICtlDa tbnnldi, lhl,UanlbJI. aify be -....... -. ....... , .... dcd .. (- partq-bl. plusl foa:b81111dibp ai b: ctlQStnlClcll Dll Tni:LJ 1111:1 ~ C and D: 1:iU1 WIHdct"s pdoC' Q)QIIQll.tblJ b: _,,, ... ~ ..... r;,,T1,u3 ""'°""""" C a.rd D 1h11: ~ dcadtiml er chu&c& DI Bddlda: Fuotprml. In th!! emir. !be ~r4W.Mut k ~ Lcttmdr:r. WIHdart .sb:i.D be Rqlnd'. lo ~Id IO t ltqUcsl far a;ipcMl widM 1fih:tr" (]DJ dnJli o!rccdpt: or m R11pJ13mitv.ch comm wD.111:it 1ie '1DCUClllllblywuhbckl. N'acnid.i. rc9ntaa,dl,mt bcnla lD lhl axlltil[)', 6ml. duuminalhia arlb: 1bm m1 dtsigll ror u Buildq ID be coUlhCUd wbhia. tile 8alldiDg: Am. ofl'=d l shall be atlllll na ~timaf~ ~ l<>oulaa: "'""""" """"'""""""'"""" ... """""'=· t!:l~;as fJlml DIGSbUCQOD m::ldmtapD!fltw ~~ ~ wftbki lb:; Wldiog A!l:as: ml IJJ ~ Of all:::iadDm'Wblch ""' Sll"b:sullti:llly rm.. 1basc lhawn 111. Exhibit A or p:tmhlcd 1ZDder 1hls Acrrr-m 111.1r k ltlldr: widmw: ~ priar-.rltrcn COtdiCllf. ol W;I-Man: .... .....,.... C. EJrt f'mtmimr Af!f Bwlling CZIBltrlmd la lbc ,5bDppmg Ccma" :sl;m.Jl b: CCXIMNdld ml~ fa ,ud& I~ wbld, wil p'rc:lem: lhc ~-oalflt:lllb:tUd'mpialbe~~ d. -All--byO,,""""'GlfC""ml"°ECB."' all)' BddlD3 w.11 iie locu:1 acliLdvdy OG lb: Tl'Al.'l or~ oe. -.mfcli -.u. bllildma q; Jocaem, la lbc ~ Oil me otths 'tnat wl_( ___ ofOPA""'B-bwmog ._., -ofald I"""'>"'"-"°""""""'" ~ proridc ai:d imimam :a. pd:iaa: mo mi f'ltll n.cs: ar Oztp,wd(a;)equal '° ~ M&llc ~ I -• Page4ofl9 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:05 AM ' " llrancb :STK,User :8792 l- i-• Order: 96488 l Title OIDoer: 6 Comment: • {I)_,....,..._ ... ___ _ lpb" & lrJJ rmtmlllm. or ae briaa" a ,._ Pmtt: bl~ tl"IM lbaa$lld.aq1119 foct. 'Dle-QIIIO.IUII dd k,iori&dJor,Jrfclbldl'l~Jt.twtl d'q;a ....... ,,. ............... _ruo;!BJ ....... li>< r,ay ane. lkom!d aqare Ji:d:a(Blaldial(" filr di iami,u er me · -. b::I: 'llllll Gte lllmmiarpa: li:d(sll,jcct~ le 1llllC Mi:Donald's:GQ:Pdoa.si:t bth fn 0) lbm:; er(lli) lift .-=s:fCt'GIICI ...,.-S(la lctll[Bdlliag fllruy oit.,'IA ta:,wkk:d. tfm. IIS llNIJ IS Ill: lld5da m 'lntt l k Dll:apm:laf. ar trmrmrtnl m.dCltf. • ii:dak a sw mca&IIIDtGC' cn1tTt1&:,nr;: ue.. * UIC!i Jn N Buldllg :dall be p:muaai ta ~ illldllfi~ :11 lliall&ZI puldlg adD r,{4.l JplCIS" p:r om 1llousao:I :sqaua bl o(Ba61.og). 5. Qgp;u::o;f(s\~,r. !aaddidan.1a1k~1Ctblhdsc:wbcso!a ... a::a. .. _ ...... ..._ _ .... "" .... - .:a. ~ Ais ~ ~ 111d imet km,ebyDe,eq:cr~ U.S.A.htiofetml.Wat-MatCCD&dS101bc p,ESl:lt mt auf~ vr ~ DIIJJdJap ms 111UC111m lll=cd 11am11.11 ot • b:m{ un UIJ'il:ielUu 41atc:audioziudta be.lllle laCJPAlykirmm pcard. m said ta CPJOW*l 1111tl>c¥dapcr sba1J. DXlffll')'I' lb:. ~ of-, lllpfldlna l1'tllU lbu taaay-.D:w: foel Uid OOW101Y IA .......... ,i.r. .. _ ...... __ .. __ tbruy=sati. Ihm ay ~-lfmo[sl:IID coqltwilk lbl:s:c fllldrJba. accpc.lM:llrlf ~-lllbscamlaUy dat: amas11c. amcot11m of'OP 1,.15::q,pmnd '1 WII-MlrL l,tA.llSta! I plOlnc =i11111. lite 1tm: 11111 rcliltd. lUCI. bc:kdfag &erall rad:d.sals b:idkntal '° 1111: If t psQfb mdoo). b. -B•---taLi-."-<,- Hnob} by tkvdaper 1111:1. lk-lalmltd 'UC: Uldcc' said ~ a-fil( Q:W ard wal ~~ .Id 11kt. whi:h pctmbaf 1:0i:tblll am le~ or apam:d "1-illm: 111: pilOt ttracu1rL1hl-Mm.. Wll-Maittm" ~ itd-apprcmd lht pm1ac: pE;m. '1r ~ 2 z: sll:!wn.m Exhlbic A. c. BuidiDp beater co~ m1. op A lhitt mot =zed a SUJry illd tllll!rltJ-(ive fttt !:nb:tp aDi llai:lmgs ~~DD OJ>B diall IOI ~ 011ft Sll!:r)' Ull l! ftet il kia:hr. ED12J1m! IP:m lfl: l:!IC3l1 rllli:sl:oldmduaof!k~ Ala p;uttig hx otl!t: Sq;,pwa Cmltt. Ht> tofllap sip mill be COMtrKilCd oa. slll:b.Bullcllq D1' 1luiidmp :mt q moftop~mllbc.sacen:d ID• maam ~ ta Detdapcr. ~ kip\ tatrlctiomshl!I not lpl'l\yto IDJ mafaiGUllrm, !fV AC or .1CIIICCI eamaac.ud IO .:ffCD sail RV AC e:pipm:m QC IO roof.. ----ti. lldl.dilp t:ai:,;i&r COIISCnll;fr!d OP. !lie. CJutpui:ds thlll be kall:d ia Ille: ,...... ,.... .............. ,-1 ... """'--imilaa Ol-sbJn~wbb.sa:dan-4(d). c. Ho~ ldcadfk:atica lfpmay kmekdn Ol''t A IDIB 'litb::w: ~ er~. 911 b!l!tl im!ll tbill llm ldcndfiQtinn situ """'"' i.r,irta( .. st,,ppl,gC-., ....... -""" !!:I:~ C!l°lk BulhflD! ~ by Wal•MlrtGD '\'nc; 1. k bdDs _ ... ___ ... __ a( .. """"" """""""'--'"""""'"1-•· -u,cc to,q,o!q.~s/pl ca &:ilirltc Ille fteeJlo,wc,.J'ti;.ftie.. rm lDum::dJ1'ft.lcct lnbel&,bl, o!a IDOuillllAlt~ mu~ Sllbjci;:f. "'tbc~ a!D=wclope:r. ---·· Station Id :MMlM r ' I i KING,WA Page 5 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:06AM Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071277 . . Branch :STK.User :&792 1- 1- 1 J ,. Order: 964881 Title Of!icor: 6 Comment: • I. lk,llolldilg,lhd!bo__,,. .. _.,_~-.... -·" ____ ... _"""' _ _ ... _____ ... _ _ .... _ .......... _.,_. __ -" DP~a!-Jabl"!kOPJI, "-*"""' GIi !Dlbk A.. •'lpPIO'ftd 'li'ldlolll fRda" aaimar aubmlalh 111 'Dewklper. ltddlllflr:wklm lllicOolputdl" slRll aattllml bqmd dir: """"""""""" &:· IA Ille.~ m1 sso!llc Oolpitcds" ~ maipa-.Gf OPA'"'B_m __ ., __ OCsoidp,l<d,), ach Owpmd. ttalt llllatalllDDSIJ' ~ ud mmtaia • partiD,g aria 0d mi Cdipap:ds(sJ cqtal ll)gof-~ (0 Rlidfc ~ f«'a'a)' an: lfm:llld ~ 1:1.!f ofBufklm{ ,pm: ftxllllJ' lallamQl: ot~IK:bll.\lmla sq&ff: f'oobac kl, e=ssoflw: ~siprc au. Tll!amc ndo shall tie -··-~--·-Dl'lm tb:aa &w: b:laaa::I Sl[lil,lltfctt; (ii) lm.rpat::a far e¥tQ' OIIII' lhomn:f. ,quur. tct. otadtdq: llrta)' aatamm ar t:aletllbmd:11:kl I= tam flff lbollsm! ~ Jid:(mlljcct ID t!ici DIIICMl:Docm!'li a:q,tio&Sd (llllb ID (I) 'Ull'l!C; DJ' OU) fhc ~ per am dlaomd J.ttUUt rrict ofBaildlllg for IISlf Cll:!a-DL ~llalJ ~~ mmmbfl indll:kd.11)1Ul maid --...-.. -w1i ... -.. -..,..,._....,._m .. ""'"""'~~lbotlmp,cd,m~ ~ DO Dcwl::Copcr mil CIDK lbc IIIIIC Jg be, b:ft • llfdmt, lld lflatdsc::sp,1 IO lll.1b.tafa d lta:(sc:apt aa:aul pDif IJC:l II pill b:ffllfta be'lrimmed d dewlap:d 'Wbb 8.llldb!;t:r at Gk 1tn1r:1n. b. ~me,ball.1!11:p:1 ca prior 'lft'ldm.mr!R:m af~. wb 1U)XCl Ill UJ Bmldq; Qr impto'Clld. ~ lie t1mJltd la lmlJ DC __ ..,,_. IOll,ldlogur...,._...daJIO. IIICd 1br' lbcmr •• club, toWliq anq,. 111:ahh ,pa, pr bUli&rd ~ No Build«II: an dii:i Ol1lpll(d ..a~ asaf. as a di.,m,im. lfq,lnmtal. •~ or mit1y, or 'dollzr~· tr~~md..ml te1I. thoasmi ~ lea "-· i. 1111:-~loper Uldl« ~d tile ~ (Or ll:DIIII dlucot' tr..,. ,_.,.,.,.....,...,,_.....,_,__ ilRJn::c. ~ damp: &ad all mt llllanl 1AWaa;I: .-fdi rupeci 111 .. ~~--.. ---"" olbcc lmpiowwww Jac:aied lbnoL &di iasw"aDtz JUI (i) be cmicd wldi. rqmhk mmpms llccascd b"" bmDc:ssi 1a die -or w~ (1ij h:nc: limhr oruk:111 ~ mtmacdctlas::l ful'ddi -,--. bodily q,ey ... ___ [61) ail DOI bo sutpt. ra i::bmlp. ~ ottmdmlbl wi1bOui :u; lml dlin)' 'lbyr;' priot wria,cn. Jm1b IO~. J. Dndop« lhal a1 its cxpeo. WtaD lliid IIWlllllhl cadtll& aid lllbi:r i.11:po:i\'daii W pm'Rt~~.~~oralaeB aillllCICll:d illuJ1~ •tibll:C~~ witllYb!di ~ ,a.:; or a q-11= ==:i:ild t=~m 11::1)' loed,c ha tbt ~ Ccm.ttodadim0l'B. tr,~~1-~llliooot:su.di ~. W;t..Mau ~ llmad. YCbldcs umia!cd 11th OP B = pld:iDa Oil TACI l. lb:t. Wa1-Mmt cay l=(,ul:rc. bm:kipcr IO ab -ldditiQaal rcaxmblrt -. ~ mnc:4r Glc. ~ ·•· Station Id :MMTM r i ~ -. , . -. ' ·_ . . . . --' ----. . --. -. ·-.... -. K!NG,WA Page6 ofl9 Printed on &/412009 7:33:06 AM Document CCR EAS !996.05071277 Branch :STK,User :&792 , 1- 1- ,. KING,WA Docume.at: CCR E.AS 1996.0507]277 Order. 964S8i Title Officer. 6 Comment • .· ·--··· ·-··- b. Oowo(FastOnJ!s-Or(IE!!'d5• WII-WmaOtamm"d!lbdm!afin l.csli;,c'I lmftlt b'l'mct 1.11111 ~. as Qlllml" rLTPau J, 1 lllllll 3 ""'°'-A, ,,c. a!D,,,.,.....,,do __ a! mun:y a, DaYdoper.am u,; ~ udauipl. irlbe badlt d a.cp,.,,b A, B, Caod D,ai a.W'1-IM<\""1-. """'• mcacor IDli wfgm. l':oi''lirit; bemfit tLnact., 1, '1 am 1. ml .u en e:ua::m= dctrimml '° 1bt Shoppiag ~ md Qllt[IMIZh. 1. DCZIK%dmia:: ICISUlltllt.for'wlllmbr arid pemsufmaccm. qRSl. cpm, lad lor ~o(~ g(lll(ufl:b IO If-= u=t dicaa=da UK imaf= "Mibcomuucricm u(~, willli:lldir: Bui1dlc NDS. subjcttlD 1i1e ~irtmcm:Dt Jlli:. dllf (:111:111:111:4,c,a: IXltbPl'~w itq..o m abllYe .lfGIIJd., ~ ID Ulc.-cr&dllcuuls ;ml ~ u Sd. b\1h ial*'Mla. .alme. for the lm:lif. and meof. TTRM 1, l:llld.3 ud.OlqmcdA. B.Cmi D .. all;ltllJ, ~ ln\'UClcl, ~ mo:mn, cmeJo1=s-M ocaiputs. ,n! ix,:upuu or --Imp,,, ·-""'-"""'"""' ~ PJIOVIDl!D ROWFNal. lD co, ........... Qllda! ptrmm~pmle,;bcs&lal~~~~pcmi~~-~ ........ c,,.,, ... ...-......... -"'-- 0(" uy l:llm' ~ lldccb:m Ille IQPS5 ml ~ aad.olbtt rliw :i.~piDledumbd&lt.llab~lt. ,. (lrAA;:v4."i7El:'f;;;;;;n;p!7-D=dap:td'WlHltm.!!l!ll~ ............... ---· gmml,fof,p,;lblly '"""" caa:mcm flill' th(: Jmalla!iaa. rqiair, ~· .. ~ 01 raroo&JCla. o! lfOl1'tt dn.im, :scwm. lWEl" lilEi, pJibac' liocs, camplllU lmc:ii, ,=trbJ lliaml "nllb. ,i:Jr::.-udliiic!r. a:id GJb::r purpcrRYic:s ~ ~lhc onlal7 dm:li:ipeu ml ~a of the~ Station Id :MMTM r I I Page 7 of19 Printed on 8/412009 7:33:06 AM Branch :STK,User :8792 Order. 964881 Title Officr.: 6 CommCJII: Station Id :MMTM ., ·•• !.{ • • :---------------...... -· --... KING,WA 1-- Document: CCR EAS !996.05071277 C>ua"amllk-_ ... _ ... _aim! ICSpa:IJ9II: palli$. lldmz 1'1m'iat.dlbds-11>c:aatta:. ~ oe mcla ~ ml srni:t. &a. u llm:I, m-occurprb' • ,-t.,,:ml IWll>lo< o(°""""' ..... _ ... Slooef,c,_,, ,,. __ .. ___ .. _____ """""' .. -A-m-*< ..... _. In ~ 1kvdQf.,el'l:lll Y.al-16lttbaD.use~ cllCR151o maan:tlal~ .. ~ .lbaD. llllbcpmdltDd.11 pair: '""'"""-'"""at'"' ...... °*'--sfiaepiac ar mmmlq lialaca:4111. ibi:a J.. l :mll l. IDd. DctdopEr.m o.wmrafQaprcds A. a. Cm! D1 t&aD mlulY ae~dbrtl. ml dlllaua hml, dSIDmcts ad ilY9ca aflhi: Q.llplll;dCq·tu iJ pllkaa. llle<lmmla hd. 1%1 __ ... _""" __ dll>I< to eacm. mempb)o!l tit=IJIIS o1111111 SliopJIQa: <==r:r-or or -crW1M611, M ""l"'X-.. "'°""" h<A m:cpt ta.mas ...... ._alllltA.s ~ l*ildzc ._.., 1f IDI'· V GOit mdcilipml Glea llld mp1ay1es lm1l ba aqa.bad 11(1 smt•• ~-cllllllil • • Bultdba' -· .... -c.nw .... _ .... _ _ ... ____ ,, .... ,_,,, m!p,oo.., -IDwridll(, ~ ""'Pl"'Pll:mi -·~uan-~k~~CQIIU~ OUl:pCds A, B,, C and D m, am:• dli!: Cwmoa A1cu Gt 1k ........ c-.-11..,llmL p) llr:cal: Noaseahallbcmaikaf'lllcOxmDcll.NUCWt'lba.n.iu ,..........,_,,~ ..................... ""1 .. ........ .,,.... ... ___ ,.._ ... ""_,, __ ......, __ ... -............ "'"""""""npplji,i .c- .......... -... I>) wthplor -ID W,I.Mxt ml -... ..i,,,,.--.................... pAipCa. and caqi(im:& wilfl llmm-O( lllfml~ ~ em be: ipmi:dto 1bi:: 1E!J1Ct$af'Tdl2.12 udl IOl* Ille Cammao. Ara. cra:.a. liai:l:d'Jll" ldd lime basil: IO kaa al tlir: f(my pup:s Ulial: CaammAn:a.lllllCb Dlilt~ wilL. og. fee k dmp!d.1!icin:fmc, aad: Ille: map dlslpad Ba dos ax uialy limfm: iac. 'llitlll h Cm:nm1m. Arr.i.aap aC'Tm:t: I cmnpaml n Tnct2am3 ac di: KRll&tb:zmf; I.Iii (b) WIJ. 1&r( ,di;dJ lie emi6ed. wfdlmc pf;ir-,m!Lz,. IDopmte ~1)' •!door als aa:a. lJld Ql,ldQoc ~ WIS mu Oil Ille eaamcm: >.m of'Tmt 1. or mn ilm:IC 111 ii-1111.1 lal:lporlly" bub, put m-rab Dll.lbt CmnmoQ Alc&Of'rrm. l tie' lb fUPCIR r:1-. of KIIIDOl.l cacrcbudiress Imig as lift ICD· UMffl dD mtlllack\lkws fnlmlllcldjaatJtl'MII ofattmss SO .... _ ..... _em.,_ •• ~ /my 1llc;;lbi la lb: =mr;d lloa' === ===~ wtdcb lll&J omir • ammn.l.~ orlbe c:mwudonlCdwy -"'---=--"' ~ wilbiq die Ommtol)41Q. ~ tD CIIBIIIIZCC[gga{ ~as~ ml•diacdn EdiitiitA ill pc:mdllal, whdbcrdm IO Btdldb,p, uplU)ll.Dl'Bufkilop am)' be llltJarmd, Cliltbs. ~. dd~ .a.r:d ,.. •• r I Page 8 ofl9 Printed on 8/412009 7:33:06 AM Brench :STK,User :8792 i- ]- 1· J KING.WA , Order: 964381 Title Officer: 6 Comment ··' • :·· ~ .. ... ~ .. -------'---·· -.. ----···· ,. DmJormnc M . _ __,...., . L DDIIBlqh-• (l) MforhrARldcn Wal-Klrtad"~ap,elbltll:dl tim::tdr:red,alll:ef I I I 17 millimd.mcmlof"lntU, l ml 3 illlldcecpad.ic Itta JD D bla"ltllll fft carspaca fbrescll. eac llms:ml .,._, m cflldlJng 1oce:I' oa. ....... 1-..-.... -.................... 1,o ,...,.... """ EtR. .. - lll Slm1aal1' """"_"........ .. .. ~wflhlri. 111: earama Nm. aaJuc!Ctto i.unm:or ""1-W,i.M,,tmlllndopor,ld-11,:1,,.....i.. ~ OflkComalal.Anl 0.... Val-Mztt.a; bOnrmaa. ND tocattdCIIL Tlld J afllf~dh Ellp:C.IO Ol:mAalAm tocG:dca TllGtll ll!lll.l D Odpm:lb:;..,, I. CllldD, la.lood' omdldoaad·,a,d--..... ~all-____ ..,...11,,Jq,o •"""' --"""""'-""""""'"" -• lo-UNII. diamf; md. a!I' l:llimm tbl .... Nl:alilma: la ia:::lmc.. bat sa: m·llmltcd. to: (eJ __ lo._ .......... .., ........ ....----·""""· (d1 _ ... _mUJ.-_ .. __ ... .,. scp,ua mfK.. Im rcpuq ud l'tpla:blJ, wtKff ml whtd ci:ci:ss:tq. i.b mt flpnfq llmltcs fwanifial llpr W.. as ..... ......., __ (<)-~·--·--· ..._... .. ___ ...,""""'._... Coama.Aicl , ..i: m:ufas sucb.equcmr:ra: D(thn!bs 1111 Gila' ~ ti l:s lltCcS&ll1'· '2).. Jl;rlmr1m: w,nu WaJ..Mair.11 m BlliWqs im 'TM. t -.al OnclDpcr. a: IC lf.tlldlDp la:aR,:I. OIi. 'nm,; 2 uid. 3 mi -CmlD,lb>ll,u.., .... __ <bo. ----.-...... -... -_... ______ _ ,,.,....,. ........... -. C-~ Wal,.Jdm U IC TICE I U4 tlnl!iopet P la Taca: t al 3 IDd Ollepmc:(SA,B. CNd D,*8CICb.pq, m ml"1a.4le.qyudall cq,case.-. feel, plftllls. tbt~o!~ir~l'ni:rs, l'ROVIDED fildhcr !Ml."° usmal tgltaDt:llt of m! pri:s. ,1 dlild pn;y Station Jd :MMTM r ['-·._ i· ' --. Page9 of )9 Printed on 8/4/2009 ?:33:06 AM Document CCREAS 1996.05071277 Branch :STI(,Usei· :87lli ·- - Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: • mlJ be lpplllmd,, by IXlllrlC(, 11 m.qmtol'bQltJ.. ptb, IO llllmla 'Ills Ccxmioa.~ 11 lClfdird. lada. .._amidcndmr af'1. lb: for aid ___ ....... ..,1r ... _.....,..,..,..._ --.... --.._ ............... pd!byW-lr-L'"1-lrTnc<l"'4>._, ~ A. 8. Cad D. UflMI 11:mlS IICI amdicha Ill sat l"9rlb: ta.afd: CCllllnlilX katd am=. mac[ ... .,_.,.. ora wam • Ttla:l_.lS lbu:amdda;ai die ltDlllllR ~atdli! bt.1tt2 ....... -...c.u.-.,..,.w_, __ Jblll lc ll(Ghla:1cd.a,.s&.4'1), D4 thc _..foolqc: GClb:::-kad um m Toa lm:l l WOmpucdl C aml D. ulll::~ Ian-ID~ lald. __ o( .. lad ........... _""""· ........... .,.,,.,,........,., ..................... ,..$J,-,r Ifie. spcdlicuaa ... lbclloppila: Cmkt~ DO filtll'lildl lhc c:q,,=e .. fpmfi:apcax U!I ln:mm1. d. rms: Wil-Mmll'&D pay..wtatmt.dlltllllll.:unoumtlln:al ~ taC:S, rar laod. lQllflor mp,11 , mid..._..., ar-., l)tlt.. tiDd er tm1111t 11m a knd ap.last Tm:t L dua;df .,dlolllliiq: -·--""'""'--lk-wtdl _., ... ,_kbdnc-"""""'' ......... . ....,.,. ... 1oc. ___ .m..,.-........ ""'_ af'Nlillpllpffly lml. ilbl'tlllll llm ~. aid.a ........ of .mylJll'.lda4or11111ftkmDlellq.rmin.asi..rim1 ~ Cad D difctlJ' 11 dm r&mlt0ny"ar11111Dnmrui mlr ,,,,iy_,r __ .. -~ .............. 1- 1....r 3 :and Oolpara:k Cad D will l9dl bcl::omie .a kflllCJfa 11r.10t. mlhcr' pt1J' my h pd r.alm CGmlt Ill)' a:b. llX OIi ... PIQ(, pmpecg, ad~wildd payuw:mrL.u:ll. lalll!I., 1t1 laq aso:b _.. ..... -111 ... _o/_"'"""--...... ,..,..,. t. Sllb:liJhm; WaJ.M'maii ~ ~ dd.t appllcaklc. wiJC be nadc rm a.~th: adjman,:lt rar Dmqu\' 1m-propcny, mamq or 'Tm:ts I. 2 llld'.1 ud ~ A. B, C nf D. ml adi vi ml Tmu aad"Oaqmmfs my i1$ll tlldi---llM•..,a m J• mfpmm 1aM.:n.a~ 1'13Ct I mil me,apoctab:~). 'lllc: Cffl gf abbkq..aid, bcmbly ft ad)mml s:ball I» tmlll:d IS .a cost of Jmpmaatm.dlm Omma An.a. Said loamLuy UIJ:l~Jll*llclt lbAI b!.cii:=ed.ilRlrG-Ved b)' Wv-M:lrt:Mbl&'.a 4be llllDC ca=a die lats '1111 icpam: W-lots brTmt t;Tia::t1 m:I.OP Cbd.D;.Tra:tl: OP A: ml Of' D. all • sd h1b. and ~ oa.Eld6il. A. a. Siem: lfoli;atl811 lio.lacdmWltllia.lmiC...lin:t, aftms l.lm1 lCl' ltf Ollqma:b C aad D-CXIZpf sip.1 ~ or lisdac limlDasa; (Q&ldamd Wida lbe- Sbowiinl o.t. Thcas&d be mi mare lb:iQnwot(gm wWlk Colmloa.Nr:t low:d oa Toa l. lMI • withm Ult o=mnAIEI. ~ oa Tract$ ..r lMl J;lps-wlilml. tbc. Common Ara Ioc:aled lrilllill TM. l u4 Oatp:zmls. C 1.11d D Ilka taacda, Sl;mc lhlU be mloJ ad pf:aced sou DOt II abstmalht! 1lcnss lad t:am'"tacaoa to piblk mas, a :wnm en Ed:111111 A. No 'WltakllOATACIS l tild:, or Oulpm:d Cot D-,, mb5tallda.lly Wed me ffllbl:lky o111,: BulJlat mmnmd ~ Wal-Man. OG Tml 1. mt cmcd w ldlhl or thl AQppkla 0::im-P.YbJ. • tr W-MmCOdftl:U • P1foa • oa. 'J"tll;t , m uzon1aDaJ Yrilb the rum ar lbe Lase 11111 UDcYdoplmll ~ ta. Wil-Mllt sballbaWi ndiul~ use-of Aicl ff'°° ,tffa Ud IOO!kt' ..-or11SCr iAdat ~ Ccmrr IIDll. hur. miyriJkm b:all: llll -il p)'l«I Jiip.. ,. lmkmnlfis?cimllommn: a. Iok:tttffhr1or:r Wai-Mut dlall llCll krapcllWblc (or iD5r • dum&e., ~pmonor~~lnoraballl'~lml3ml Station Id :MM'IM r • h, '. . il!Qllifill ' ' ~m;-,1··· ~· ·. =··-·-~·-1 KING,Wi\ Page 10 of 19 Printed on 8/412009 7;33:06 AM Document: CCR EAS !996.050712TI Branch :STK,User :8792 Order, 964881 Title Ollicor: 6 Commom: Station ld :MMTM • . ;- r _C ... Da-mD•bo-lo<loo,"' dBaFmpmtm.or~~korlbaal'Om:ltoal«rll ~~~:ad.ID 6ct:aa:t1bat.sadlilillp;y, diazslec. or lou&"""4hrWJl.11at .. _....,,__ ........... J-mm.a 11.;by. dlmql: or m 11. an:d 'oJ '* Jllll1'.s.aqllsm:c., cam pmfl/ n11.~ --n(lllh:a:it.adm-)1111J' &am.q llldltl ________ ....... ~---~.-.. --wWiaruldaa fxal.-d'Npq"crtald ,._...._~ .-. ..-ar ffAI, G:lllllmlll oa« m tdell ..w. 1ap;ct m Wal-_.. __ .«Tno2m1i..i-c..in .... _ .. _.. ___ K..-r.,c ... --...... _ .... _......,..ota!d pama 11rpczsoa. far wbam. I, Jllll1' Is ablprll_ lDJIID'rik. ml F 11:,rinn 'l!llidl~~---tlil!JIKYlll:'drm!l 10pciaDarpn11a171 dallx:~~a,il:d!ll:laify, 15,er bib. b::zdD. .dall k. lmkd la lie aim.Of aid pmy'I ~ n,-'""-"'fi>dll_ .... "' .. -.. .,,, wadcmc:mpe,w,tb tcl6II ar6abDilylafd, Pl,U lidwml. Wal-_ ... ___ ..,_""l' ....... """' ... lDdllmfll Imm-= lo.. Tktl SJ.. « amlmm --Cl!' .limDlr laws befdu'«lldldllmlarw 'WCICbrl' a..«&.~ or I .... faws u ... clist. -allch,JJ',lflxff. «1111-. arlrlat-- I" _ ..................... ld,Lfo(flSllat.'"1!'--· r, ..... --~-.... -..... -~ N ~ -....,. ....... -..... -ot..t4,....,_ ......... -.... .:.w, ................ ol __ C c:lda O&I«, lbr 1111)' fnidr, lmtat" mllF n &ff/ pcaDD. ~. " :::, --....... «"""aib'e..-.l<'l"IIY, -"' due ll) ~ GT q'ulllcr lmad came. wduc. ro l c:as 1llU is .sc:U:-< ., iAmRd(id--lcll,lt .......... i,,,, .. -·-.. .,,,""""'"'_""_by, ____ ra __ ,..p,dl& ... -:,;..._,_m1w,1- ""'1 • ldf-""" ,.._ or"' p;,lqorpolld<$amol by ~ :dllll. u bmlea. Ulipanfcs. be deamdco sct:!Gdllbe ~ ~ ~ 1Dicadlam Gfl&scpar!J Tulara:cu:ritr pcdky .1 lflPBc,bfc IO &bl-dalm Gf' km. ~ -Tho-obll--W-mlll,,clape< m set lbnb Ill. die I.me ~ su1 pri:&.. ml m IDl=rpcatai kRiD by~-Widi ~16 Tn=Iazd J aad ~A. B. Cud 1 n. ~ ... pzo:mic, cad_.. m III um.ac•aQpai:c1 ...... __ .... ___ .....,_ .. ' ptmllltl. llpy,dudlar pctlpttlJ ._ .. ~ 11pm. barwbam.lhe-'i ~ iaifmb:s DfDOtlm lm.6'e.~~-ID)uf orda6 afm,glc.pcnoa. ml lo dN: lbmt ~-Im: ilm:I ~·-~ accurn:am. ml IQ U. llmk otar,ia IIIIIIEac:i !or~damlga. .,........-.,...,;,.1ow,1.1,1m-..,1u1<...,_...., 11:D:: 1D dm:l llpOA ~ 1'lQIOit to flidaislbltald. iamrace II la fOR:C" 1rk1utiip:di1T1~'2.W 3 mi Dr J.., 2, Cd D. ~ I . ........ "'l' .. _., ___ .. .,, """'policy ol __ ., __ .., __ I ~ ID tddiliml111 D Oilqm'Cllll:m11"ma. Suell ~llmll ,, pmri:le 11m lbcmsma:y 111tbocaw:lrd Tfl!be:Nllllkly dip' prior wriuan1t:1tia111WII-Mld. n.twtwa:.ofcalmlpdad.,ai~ Ptllfisbis -ftintl bl ~ I, IOOff slall applf Iii' lb:; burm:ic: ------- KINO,WA Page 11 ofl9 Printed on 814/2009 7:33 :06 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Brand, :STI{,User :8792 ,- ;_ . i ;, • ' ·, KJNG,WA Onler: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: . -, • 10. fndnmr omrn· new :mdf«R'ida llilllq llD a rmizleal lf/JQIQO.k:su.es' -at Gd. fa~ Laue --ptnb. ml .. lllcoapmral l:aa!fa. ., -u. B1rhr::s mt nhlirzrtm,; e/ rm1m::: 111: 1c1m 11i1 pmridim:xprdq dabs or --pn>ri<l'olllm ... -..... 11,ob """'1'=-........ m::lm~Mdabya::fi:reaJc.. ll. nprmipn af Sbnlpnf Cntcr;: 1be. ,-. ape im:D dlct:ormt 1:bs ~ Ccim-fl llmaftct ~ tlbrdlec' bf om:af cni.atnr ap:c:alll: wfdl. a.lhfrd pmr, .IIJ of .. _ ..... _ ... _ ..... ....., .......... -......... ado ii. bl c:xpmh:d ma.lfldl fllll.bc Im lllm 1W. )laP'ikd • ~ 'Taffl. u. ftr:m f hMf1Y· All/ smoa ll:a6iraapddc toe or ltutliold lidcc 1a i:mc.u 1. 2 er 3 or O:llpaCds Cc D, crel)I apmm orme Slqipills Ct:arer plnUllli ID Pmppb 12 Cit' llt/ paniaa lbmaf; Dill b: k:1111111:1 "7 lldr AIICCDCal Olllf IS kl * 111d. ar ,.....o1 ...... .._.,.am_.. _,.... .. .,.....,1,y..,...,..._ .. , _.,.pc,1ad...,,,.....&.,.6,,or-....,otadl""'"'"""""'""- ll!mJl1'BlD oblf ... Wka dt Mj 7 llkfctdll: ~ ctPtiDJ~fl'kd ~-...,... ..... _.,. -1(611-'IIIII .. Dmlop,t. __ "" .. ri:lmldf. uadff Ws 1*lllffPI, die a,::mcma.,, ClnlCllllll¥S ad JaUt::m,m ii dlb Asm=mt sfa.11 c:aalfmlc t:1 fit blMfitl: IO llllf IIJ\'lmll!=t 11!pOD tailf 8*Ui llallmlS'withillo 1UiL ... -"'"""""'""""""--otdl!...-.oOlyall ~ ~ork:mtb:,Jd. dlk 11M1CrSotTma l ., ,~ otlD. m:mdowma o!Tma 2 1nd3 a a p:q,. Dt W'lf-Wlff III bJa:,s ill« NI)' IIIIIUl.llt aalllluea. arO'ta'Del' or lesse,e. or ~ •~ n, t>ocklpc:f so lcm(a k«ur ~-• kllaatu CIIIIIC[',ar less= afTmi:c l. 1...ilw!lbo_ .. __ for"'ml-Rllcl-lbo CCIIUClflalCtS afafd lm:dl w'lla::all:ll!ld bre=b. 'lbt1111S1Cr,K11.!.&1 ~ a-, lmlll lball ~ 11> the pmaJlq: ,mt t rwomblc RIil ftlr ~ [eles. Mlich lllaD ~ deemed 10 lttWl ~ Jo acmie Oil Ille dRIUdl IClJao 'ftffkd. IS. JUehts: n( & 0:: 'tbh-~ .rhall b~ n:I him: IIO die bi:iittt ot lbt pan1;s ktml, Ihde R:;p:mc n:p....sutuiw.s., k:sscc. acmcm 1.11d WP blJt 1101.1mia mn=la:d bcn::in 1!1 la:imcd Co mnaw or blOllb lktiptt. &ab" al pidcga rclltini ID ............... """""" .. "' bd,i,d,oi..o. '11,o--b,ol ...... ph,,,I Di the IIWtUlmc: ~iar:torlcs ibc bmhmlllcUb:l' • 16.. Dmwn::PE futlP'UP Mcrtifiirnb:,; trd r-1r:rtlkri10 It k mdmraat .md ~ llua: llmdl.11m hmua1l k Adly aa:lll!d by bC1111. D!.~ af Wd-1.wt lhth!: k 110t Md GI ox. hi: :m apcmclll vr ur W b::ol'cca lb,mi:s kR:COapm wbic:b wq '. Lill' ~ Ill' abUplon an. bl: lb.nded. tbls Apllllllllllt(iaddnr mlla&I) -,, be lDocl&d ar cm:zl:d Om)' b)' lbe llllllml~ of(&) WaM&.cta lalll!I as l« h! IIUhmar)' ar ;af5l1* b:l'S JJJ'( iatauL a& ckbcr an 01lilm or l.&um d'TDCI: 1. w lu 11,1:a:AGU iD iDltlat ud lb) 'lk:w:lapa, as bl!I( ail&: orb &ffilla! li:as--, laD:a:a • ciltm'OIDI' or L:sscirTnct L. l or ] ar • mcccs.socs bi. loael'CfL. l7. ~ SQ loll& u Wal-Nan, fLs MdJ owsd .ubsidl:u)' or lrl: lJfiJlm. owmd .SOS by WaJ.Mut, Jt 11::i.set nC'T~ 1, 1bb ~llaD m.b:.tll..lb)ct ID dk: ~ufllklr,a:t. II. ~ Thb A;R:i::m=m:! fl: man:m. rl:Jm,, tludes. ..r ('Jirik&• .&&J. tanh bml». s1ul. caod for OC. mA'llkm afthi:! lam tio::iadlor u:b: thm cbia, whkll WIil· )6.n. 1111.f Ill COBlacqi • urmiaaliao oruplmlGa Dl'lic-Uilllll}, AJ)d If aid Laso ii filt Ji11f 1al5DD lmlli&11Dl ot e:q,m wlioul Wai-Mlle Cllldeainc raeb litn:ldaltlo& Of~ ... Ap:cbSllltblll llplc: Uld tie iaaD. mt YOid.aiopdanortkwlap:r. ra Cho na,;WIIHifan cotlltStl 111th ti:nnmllioaor ~ lbco dlls ~-.11 IIOI. u:mwD: IIDlil lfiml -12- Station Id :MMTM r i .I Page 12 of 19 Printed on 8/412009 7:33:07 AM Document CCR E.AS 1996.05071277 . . Branch :STJ(,User :8792 - 1- 1· I 1 KING,WA "i ·i ~ g 0 "' ~ Order: %48Sl Title Officer; 6 CoJDment: --"------• • • ••• :. ... ,-:.ti.>. .. ·.~-• .:-.: ...... .i..., · •• 1 "· 8'alills: 'lb,JaliDBs bclda..-bei1Dil Dlltyu I~ aJ' colftlelim:c 11111 l'or ldbaa:,ud ii IXI ..,. dlfbl:. lmll.ar dcJelCbe 6e.taipe Gt mlt::ll£.oldik ~-la uy wr l&ct.C.:, 1i:IIIM' w pniwts1am b:nof. 20. :Fzrkr: A 1k pcdcl • • rdf llpCIG.IIZlf ma:mcm. prmlle ar ....... -~~apamdtcKtlxdi. Uldic ta.. aud. .. Ap,r:mmlm= lll"-1liDd. m:I 111:Gftr dan tlDl be l:IIOll&iil. or.-. iD.q mpeo.Cl:p( \f'a ~ .mamd. ad d::ht$al 11.b SIIIIC tmm:c' II~ l;iJ' 111k do:amait,. 21. &lsici::r. AD IClil:aJ, di::mllllb • alllct aaplRd otdcslmlw.D ~ ddI'/ll:IM 1U --otlal'PIIIJ' by bm.. IN' ,cmaupt:CGIP:f"tbar. ot,rab a: ~crirm:iQc «limy0 11t\ldld-Ceaffled.Mal or Us apiqbt. ~ Ml ~otW.t.·Man. ................... .., .. __ ..,..r._.,...r._ ... ... """""' -l!o,mlll'omllyU.C. A.i=tlotc Fc:a*Snrdl.lr,,Ocnml~ 96:!1-&.6. 11:hllrMt -~--!lal,l,flli; w.w.rms.m.,L<. 1021W--Bumavile. Ammu 127Ui --· Wicha COPfll!,: Wal-Mart Smee, ID:. .AJlcddcm: Wal,Mm.l'nlpcnr t,{l.mgcr lOl lkt.llll. WalU:mlkMnuil --= IN wnNESS WQRBOF. 'lb; ~ »vc ma&lcd lflil Agra::mcat die di;" 11111 ~ lln1 writicu &hot'c. Station Id :MMTM r- ,. •. : .•. , Page 13 of 19 Printed on 8/4/l009 7:33:07 AM Document CCR BAS 1996.050712n Branch :STK,U.er :8792 !- KING.WA Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: $1"A.1E OF'WASHIIIG11l!I ) )a. COIIIIIY Of1CIIIG l t~ lbltlbd ct -~aldm:mdialPaalc B. '8om:ll. Jt. ls.pmaa wfio ~ betcim-w., uii dpnaaad I \ 1 dm.lc lfpal. dik ~ CD Clllh mlDt 111111: 1c: • mfmlllll *' eacme CIIC ilaln:a:II. 11d amlfbfp:I It II the: = ?:::: ar &:m:nl!1I 1:tmBJ L.LC:tD k k = aod nbmJ m or .sm:11 ~~'mci-~ ~••11smaa:tt. nn..c ;J-ta..1--Ste (l'd,<ll,mo) --In ml "' ... sr,,. " ... _ . -.-61-8::'lr . -14- Station Id :MMTM . -··~·· '• ... . . · .... ·.··. --· .... ·-,·. ~· · . :-,-:\· -..-·--···· -----· _ ...... __ , ... _~-· .. ·-"'-·"··-· Page 14 ofl9 Printed on 8/412009 7:33:07 AM Document CCREAS 1996.05071277 aranci,":sn:,uscr :8792 i- KING,WA Order: 954881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: Sl'AllSOFAIIJ[ANl!AS l 1 ... COUlllY OF Bl!N'tCN ) t ~ k 1 lmw or la1C •ll:lm:J' aidc:m: Ol:d. ~, 1-. .... -... """'"' -............... :i..C1t ft:.:ra&ibe si&Wd tis flmnml:III. rm d »*1:1 1111111e "MS odicdlod • rm:iE 11ae tdsC1'1111ea wxt ~ itu Dt: Asmtlllt Vb~ Gf'WIJ.l(an. &ml. JD:, a, 1* -b: ml 'ftlllmmy ltt o( .. torpCKa!iaa. fm: dm 1ISCS :in:I ~ ~ \I d:ic ------1,,alli>r ... _!_ o..duklll-'l.f •1~ ( • NOTARY iBeAJ..111 l(nallWII.N*YN:11112 ~~.--a,...,.. U,~&*-.ttw.1111115 Station Id :MMTM . . . Page 15 ofl9 Printod on 8/4!2009 7:33:07 AM Document: CCREAS 1996.05071277 Branch ~TK,User :87!12 KING,WA . ·- DocumcrC CCREAS 1996.05071277 Order: %4881 Title Officer: 6 Commcnc • • • Page 16 of19 Station Id :MMTM 1 I I ., . ,•.",,'V':'./ Printed on 814/2009 7:33:07 AM Branch :STK,User :8792 1- )- XlNG,WA Order; 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM . ·•. . ~-! ·'1-' ,;~.:mr~. 1~~1~t.1 ~·~_·;.: :r ~ .1: ~ .·\ ·~-· ': ... • •• : ·-- I '\ ' i J I ! ,r-lllj:~ I I 11 OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIHIIIII ·~ __ _J ,, Page !7 of 19 ,., --· ·I J.~.41-t!f · r I -.:;... •. -: . : . . . . Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM Documenc CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch :STK,User :8792 Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Cmnment; ·- ]- ;.:, -~. ·,;;_ ·,::: ,;-·,, .. ·:..; • --=-·~·-------··------1 l ~.ua&.A, NT0: 111*1'8 llCI nrt Ill IIIE D.n' fNli ftl:f Of GCIWIDIHDn' 10T 1, ~ P, ,:oatsBll ;:!" hn[, t.UIU J aff, lln..t»a."nr Jtaal)lllf. :rx Illa cntn', ~' gac&n TIIE IOl1lf 2.,0 RC' Of 'ID SU'lal.Y JU ftftl .I# O ~ 'IRI IUl:d 40 Pat" m:ator, ~ ,.uai. at ':IIA'! MllT10M Cf" liOUUlllaJllr wt 1, ISCl10II u. ~Ill' ll :IICl:flt, ~ $ E.VT, ~ IU:IWJt»I'., tJ;I ,:JK: raoHff, ~. LYDU tro,.flDI.T tlF 'DD; "°'"11DN tt.cJ:Hc ~1' ~ m:i:K'I' or IQ'l°J ~ U-1111' ~ a.HEI DP um: IO&tllllat" GOUnR cir~ U PIEDli nit~~ or :sl\Dl CIOVl:lllllall' I.Of l.l, 'alblCE lolD':m,'f AUl!ll: TH& NOlttlt s.aa; ot u.m ncaot, .A ~ OF no ncr, ~ ~ MMUIL w,:TII ,. JCmURLY nTD!&Ullt OF 'ID:' taa.nall or 'pg: 'IIUT UWE Cf' 8m ~ UJI' l .t11UG""DD:; D.st' t.UIS OF mftlllOaal1' tDT 2 OI :U.Jn a:crmil Ul ,-& ~ at SftYn: IT GMCIIQ.. GdDallt 5 llffCICIG, ~. 15":I, a. II~ OF HO FISZ' "11:1 'tJ,11: 'ntUI l'Clltirr Gf ~l ~~~Am~ MnW sUll LID a-~ o, 1,io tmt, llDll ta loW. 10 11. l'Qllff Gtt Tc: ~ K:utGJlf a,-Ill& fJ0&1llDK JACinC AAW0.t CIIKl'llMr .lltlll'i' Gt JWt, UDlo: IIIZnu.l.1' ~ 5am IIOll'ZUILY IIUCDI 'lO 'lU 111.11' W1IC Cit l.t.ID Gl7llmllmlT wr" 'ftlblCE ~ W:tlKI 9,1ll Tlst ~ ta I. 10Xttl' IIIPCB LUii )QO PSI' fCHffll Of Tm: llQfml U3II: DI IUD IL'tTlQrl 1'1 1lmlCII a,nau;t w m. nm ,m,a or nammra. 'tD1' IPOJlTtDff' or ~ LOr l DI .a:01m,r u, 1'(MIIIKlP ZJ. llmml, '-1t I tu't, II~ N!:UDDllf, lJf JD1G mmll'I', ~. D&SC2Dal ll IOf.UIIII: ~ }j DE )IQATlfJll:$t ~ CIF PD aa:i:tall' :tlJ nmlCll aami: 1t•1.o·u~ DST A1.l3lllil 10 11i:a-:,1 wn or D.m IISCrlOlil' 11. mn:MCJ; ur l ! I Station Id :MMTM -· •--' KING,WA Page 18 ofl9 Printed on 8/412009 7:33:08 AM Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Brancll :STK,User :8792 . Order: 964881 Title Officer. 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM ·. ! .-··; •i: .. ;: :s ':· .. ~~~ \!! i~f~~f~~~:'.::--?{:.;:-:fi .•. h~1~tf .: . ''~:'•;:;J~~V'·'t'<~:--a:: --.:·:·<-.-:':"'·.:.:_ ; [ . ,.. -.. -a·.-.• ·.-,,·,·,,.·~----------:.---------~---- 1- > <· t ' 1.,•11 •• u. ,ur w ':Ill: Dn" L%n a, :r.nm :a.vaa ~ ,q: CIIIIIW'QZ) n1 '11!11: ~ • u,nmr n Da:D JSCl)lbED ...._ ucocmm ... •214.,1,r, n:t11C11: amm 111.•U•'J.t• VQT ,.zac ,SlUI 114' LDC j. ~ Of t.u,.e I'm' tD 'QI. ~ ~ • ~ c:s:amt 1RACI' or wia arrnm n qm tt.l.IK ~ nmt r-~ ll!Ol'tlillllll, 11tc .. -TO Hl:t,lUlcll:, :DIC,, lll:CIDZD: IIHCIP, lac:oll:IDra WIIQII. f" 'l'•OT1N-1oH1 :t nr::ta: SOo,:11: 1••:tD•:tP 'U&f ~ 'ID 1'0l1I t.SIZ -or SUII Ml:l.llDIB 1'aAC" A ... DUTt,,'NCI; OF UT,I Parr 10 "Eld: .roabll.U'1' COZND. 07 'rlP,"l' CDl'aDI T*T or 1.-.m t,.cotffE'RD IY ~ Dl2ZI rmt ~ l'QCllalt, 1VC:,, l'O atlQR a. nltOOIOll .QIP o.nac .11.. ~. w;oimm Qllpq. ~in: 10C1a. nuu.Dn •• MD l:U nai. 1'0Dtt lnOF lmllllm'f01 ~flDt:11'. ~ ICUIK 111•1.11•u• WT ~ m: .u. z.IHS Cl' Ulll l'IUJlltlO;: rtl ~ A D:tSTAlftS 0.-.\l,21 Rlii' W 'H;i:: PC1ZU,Y l.Dl2 OF UAT aRD,DI' 'l'1UC!" 0, 1.aH1J ~ " s~ ~ '*ID F1IQ4 rum: •, 1Qlllli:u. »ID fCOlltR D.flOIDiL aunt or~ 'DI~ -m ~c ~ Wt.aaMI ~. ~ 'DKDlll HOmJtJq tMebl. S"ffllJ 1:llllllZ lt)llt9ll0.Y BDLtEL 1nm '* 1mn t.m or h.DI IIO'IZRIQID"l' rm 1 ;am ALCffa 5',m f;AffZIIUf Ulli. .PD :SU~~ I. m:&'ZllalS ctf' Hl. taT, ,CU OR u;u, 'W 'l1fE samJ c.DE. at llOIIIIIIO:S'r nftlfflf ftaDT M ec.n,m::11 to 'lEI cw Of Jl£lffOal' 'S't UEm UWftCD lQIIJDI m;J;IIUll'1i auraa. •~S4U6r ffEIICS' JmD1I ll:1•l0'1S"' IIJi:St' Nomlll Am IOlmt s.DIE II, p:cn,,eia; or JI n:cr, ~ OIL u::ss, w -.m: llalCtllEA.liJ' [JIIIIWl or 'tll1lT Cat?UK ma or I.AMI> cmNt'tUI u 'IWIDHtf DEED ft04' l'M:ll'IC ccasT ~ maur N IWIIJI IIJIKl ~ ~ OJ!ot. mmus:l:I OUC!II:. UCCltDIII) UIIIXJl ~Im' .._ ll)ot:W.;1 • ':KDCI'. m1n1t 01•u•u:i· IIES"I,' .u.ora TD "OSt" c.lll!l ot u..m uu::x. u.,,cr MU m ~y ~ A Otn)Ma: DI' ni...o ra:rm fll:E fllVE" POUITOr ~- , . ',tif, . :i,-.:- ·'. KJNG,WA Page 19 ofl9 Printed on 814/2009 7:33:08 AM Document CCREAS 1996.05071277 - ., I • I • ... .. 0 Schedule B, --,--.. , Sectlorl __ -h....:..~--- Exceptl~n __ ii!5.,_..._,_ __ _ lmDI' UCot1JBD ltffllllll m: :tnllee, llee.t, uo.ld• 4 a.,d.ar M:t::n I treido ff. PoVeU klaiu Ila~, .IU!ta i.,tDO 1TT :108tb Aveuu.a Jf.E. Deilli111ru&t WA HcH .. .101' ~· . . · " r.~ .·' • \ . ·---·· ...... .... Cfll_9AOOTITLB INSURANC6 COMPANY I I.I ;Qot![JNIHr irtt1.R!,t1] 2. ~Mt ta L"oYClll.ftU Ir I.Olltrictiou Otde:rNmab!r: 000,f,6)102 a 3 C -~ NUMBER(,) OF DO<llM!!NT ASSIGNED OR REL£A8al: ••osono,, Cl J\ddit:idnal refnrence. ia~rll on p.aga __ gf ~t. OliAR'l'OR '" ~ : l Bbm.tl Fn:lly LLC ~ lll!El/lS, 00. a Wal-Hilrt Storce tnc::. • R!I'# fl&?-"' -'- c:l Addit:l.011•1 n.uaea en page __ of doC11Mdt.. GRARl'BB fa!: 1 pubJ.Jc ~ s c:l Additionll.l. 1111a1es on ~ --ol dOCllmimt ZIURJVD.TBD ,mt. ~R£B;i;c~ lol.un!I: flf0"11: • Paga: Socdblt .2,9 Townlhp: 23N ~I: 5B Portion: it.n 11ov• 1: Lot 1 PlatNaJ111: 151 cc1111pl.et11 ltigal ducrip~cm ;la Oll pa~ L-of docUID4nt A.BBUSOgts PJU>PBRff ~AX 1'.M.mu, AC'CODN'l' NDMBS'R(s) I l.!l::ZlOS--,D-4B'"412 Mdltlmlnl 'l'.ax Ac"°Wltll am i:m Patt --tif dacn:itae:nt. No1a:Tlll,""""'Gh08I ~ prepared lo-lO lbtrequhman,, of Cheplor ,.., Low,, of-. N::R on tills ffi8G[ 8111m Um names, taga.J d~on 01 other lnf0nnlllltl11 In tho dacUd doeurrmt. The= aftils, DOWr sheot la to isdct theaucllor In lndsldng-the document In com WIUI iltltute. The f\acl;nttlr MIi ralyon Iha infarmallon rrovkled Oil llil. loim. The-aiaf{wl! ~ !ho dlXUIIlQn1 tovertfylllaacc.imnyor complelanfiea Uuilodexfrrg lnformaUonpx,yldedh C11 ·'M-~71"1- \ l J J l ,. ·, '· • ,:,;! ~ ...... ·- '. :/::· '. i~_'/}'./>,::;.·::·:_ :::::::,:,-:_.~··:·;~ . ·, ,. . ·,, . ' ..... . ·. ~~::~·-t: ,:". I • -.~ :'::. ·:{·-=.-··\. ··. ·, · . .: ·.· .. :· : ' .... . ..... ' .. • • . -.. •,, . ,' •• \ , M>DEN0UM TO J1ASllMBN'l' WlTll COVEIIANTS AND lll!STRlCTIONS Ell1l!CTlllG LAND ("ECII.'' NOTIClllS llBIUlBY GIVEN by llollndl PNllllyU.C, bet<llfter refcrr,d 10 os •DeYetoptr•, dtl1: the ccnain docmncat end inmmncat mtldtd 1 J3asements wilh Covenants and ReattlcQou l!ffccllllg Land ("JICR"), iecooled •odor Kh,g Cololl)' Alldhot'• fll• ···- no. 9605071m bQ bun -by ......... botwuen Boimcll FlmllyLLC H DC'loloper ,nd -Wal-M>rt Sfore, l11e, u W"1-Mott, ..rei..c. being made u, aid IOCOldOII doown<nt a, If lncarpmaa,d Ml llorehl. The ammlnmnts"' nid -Ill-->.ndllDr'c lilo !l151ml71277.,. ....,heel h=lo oiotl<td _,, ..,, .. -llo1111 OIIIC!o lfJmla as ifmcolJIOlalcd ill ftlll berdll, said J!ulbk >, !mv!ng been duly ~ by 11onno11 Fmnlly 1LC ull Wal-Mut llcal l:srale Bllloon T<11III, "'CD!fO' 111111ormd lo c..-tho nmo on h<llalf of Wal-Mart Sto,es Inc. Dml 11,b 2!!1JI Day ofMaidt, 1997, BONNlllL F>.MILY LLC STATE OFWASBINGTON ) ) ss: COUNTY OF KING ) I =1lfy Iba! I know or bavc ..,i.rllC!Oly ,..;dOIICC Iba! Frnnlt Jl. Bonndl, Jr, ~ the pc,sD11 who oppoan,d belinl: °"' and ,aid pmon aclnowlc:<laod thllt lie s!pod Ibis lnstrUmont, on ooth £blled mat he l'U authnriud It>.,...., Ille imlrumclll m MIUIJJ!og Fan= m, l>ollalf of Bolmcll fbmily !LC, • Jlmieod U.bll!ty ._, lllllf m:tnow!ed!led aid -.n, io h< llto r= and voJunlliJJ a<1 nld lma..t llllbUlty con'ljlOny nr, 1110 """ and purpo,esmmlfloood m ald i..uwneat, Wuhlnglon. ~ ,. """""' Nol4r)' Pllbll, ~=• of Cammlssio4 Expires: • o t "" ' ~ \ 'f /. l l ~ ' C!IODCS\031$1\DlWtm~J .01 I ~----"'--~-~ . .. ' :, ' 1··. --.. · '. .. ' .. • : . •, ·:' . • • . · .. ·. \ I • ... ,.l ·-....... -~ -~--~ ., ..... ~ ......... -·-· ·--·-,.· -----. ,. ;., C KOEHLER McOO)YEN .,col'/12ANY John c. MoCllllouih FMllpsMcClllhlugh W&o,,mll & Fllt,o s.'le 1130 21!5FhstA._ E.onl~ Wa,hiuglon !1!121~100 Ile: ECA Ag......,.I W,1-M,,,tSh>ns/ll"""ell FR1D11y I.LC. Reoton,Wa,hmgton 0-Jll<k: EXHIBIT A •• P« our disc.-,, ,cganlln< tbe ECR Agn:e,natt, Mr. aonntll would like'> ....tvc slgned ic~ ti'om Wal-Mm regarding !he 1t<1•C51c<l dmifkalion, 10 thoECRAjp<tm<nt Thc-.iis wilh Covonan1s and RemcdD111A1f<e1U1i Lmul ("ECR.i d.._.i dotcd, F ..,.:"'*>' 21, t 996. covers uuemeru: agreements iorparidng and acct$$ beMm 1M v.,ria,U$ F :o:ls. On Pagc6,SccliooSJ., o:ovcc,parfdniibetwccnOvljlll!Ceh ("OPj B {Hollda)andTtact I (Wal- Mat1). Wol-ld1111"""°""""1hat""l'i•Y=liom Honda, oufilime ICnSJll,aaOP B will use the fifty (SO) spms dcmgnatcd for cmplayc, paricii,s. whlch!s localed on T.act2, al the rear of the Wal•Martbullmng. These spaces wac always dc,lg,,oled2S OP B cmp(O)lccparidl1J, ""'1 do oot avetl111> !be pOiklog couot fut ""'' on lb<"""' pa«b. The lllty {50) ,pee, me ""'1<cd oa the -ElddbitA IO the ECRAg=eot The leg,I description of thls .,..and a mare spcoifi• dn,.wiag urthc puling area aR also attached. Oo P...,7, Scc1lon6.o. 1D1d 6.b., "'""" ppddngandlt«$$b<M= all oflh<T...,DDd the Outp.veels. Thesi: m:liom stat: that ffldC w-c aon-d<Chffl.vc uciprocol usemcms for po.ddng and sc:ccss between n.ct 1 {Wal-Man) and lhcotbcrTratll aad nim-::xcludve rceipwcal t:Mc:mo:m; for pccc.u uni)' &etwem TtDCl J nnd the Oulpmei:ls. Spcaifienlly, _th~ is oo reclprocaf easement far parldng bdwccn Oo1par;cb C and D, and T1'1Ct I. 01"p,rccls C ,nd D "'"'" 11,c pmfdng ratio,; as r<qulred by W.aH,!ao. which me twelve (ll) coo por !,ODO squ= r,« on 0.,p,u<CI D and lcn (10) cars per 1,000 .sq1J1rc !=ton, Outp.ucel C. Wat-Mnrt WldQstUflds ~t non-<i~luclve rec.iproc.1l parking Is allowed botW= Traci l Md Outp,<t<ls C :uu! D. Traol l, ineludill& Ou!j!-IS C Md 0, is a se:pac:,.tc ta~ paici:I from Tmtl I (Wut~Mtlli), Sec the EKhibit A rrom Ifie ECR Agreement, which is llllacbccl \ ·- --~------------· ··----............... -.....--.,..........,, ... ~~ ' ·-.-! . .. · .~ .... • ! ·:· . · ... ,. •.':. ( :•• • <. Pf-hawWol,M,rt~gelhiJfc11crl41hospocepmvldodb<low. Tllookyoa.lb<yo,rcoopeiallon. Slna,p,ly, ~~l?..~ Dougla< R. Mcfadyen Boandl llamRy LLC. B)" lb: .;;i.,,., {, tfl ~!/ Famk B. B....U.1< ar Mam,gi,,a- llnb::_..,31:·:,f:.:,'1t.,,Jfc.,'l,_ __ _ \ . •' t··· .... , .. ~-•,.~J ...... ;,-,>..._~:;.-, ...... uJ._J ,.:,,, . .., ..... ...,,..t, ·~~~, .•.•• -~, ... *··-". --.· .-~~ .. "-~.--,-.,..:~:-;· - .. , ' .,. I . I• .. ~.~.··.: ,, ... i ;'.'· • . -• \ .. .... ··-··--·---- 9704250174 \ ----.. ---···· I i I ,,......-,~ •IIW•IU W,111.-oHIII .J,OIII • t:.:.'.-·--.. v-.ir,1m ., r .. , .. .., ' '""'Q • 'Ill• :mtt ... 1/#A., ·r:· . ·-. ·~ •fll:/d,I• -~·1' -~-•li,t,o,,tJ -·• _._.., .... -~-. .., .... , ~~~~'.~:~:?1~~:1~~-:-~r,;iir, ,,,x,; · ~-<;:·'·· .-·=·\<~ ··1· .:.-.-· \. _: .. =~: . .-:._•r ... ; ,_":'< ~- '·. .. ·-,. I • ,. { . ,. 9704250174 ,r18tl'36• E m:--__J a.oo·----, uru: 1'11111 or • / __ ,.... __ ... _ ' IIQNJIIIO -" WAL·MAAT \ ,ur---. S BD'~~ll" C ---• '. - ...... MIIO QIIPI -· ..... . ... ••. , •.. '"'"" .. :;"· ... .,,.,,,,,MP .. ~-~ ,,, • .,,_,_,.,....:! (~.~.;:-~ .. ---:·· :r.--:=~\.:.:,".;q-, .... 1=$:-r,.;:it~.;tci~~~~:;~:1,i'~~~~.·.-:_i~~ ..... ,..ii.:f.";""~~~1.:'.':···.·: .~~ · .. ·• ·, ;, ..• ..-•• ••. • . • • · . ·' . -· • I . ..... ~· :.·. · .. .. ~· a . . . . -; ... -... .,: . :'·,'; ' ., .. .. :. ::: ·.:· .. :· .\:_:· :• ·. . . . :. •. -~ . . . ~ -~-,·,~·. . . ~ ,· '·' . ' J •. . , ____ .,.._ ___ .,_ __ _ -- . ' . lHA.1 POllTIOA OFCi0'4l~NT LOT t.,.sECTION 11, 'TOWNSl,(lf' 23 NOfl,TH., RliNC& 5 u.st, W.M... IN ICINCi COUNTY, WASklNGlCN, DfSCRlBEO AS fCU.OW5:: =-~~~!:l~~~'fr:'°~==y 1N Of THE. FORMS\ tlOtl1JWlH MQFICRAILRDAD RfGfQ'.Of.WA '1': THENCE50unt7P'J12rW1:ST st..51 RET AI.CNC:WO NCIRTHWmmU.Y LIN! TO THI: wm""""'"' OF JIAIIIElJ\YfNUl! 50UIH; nelCf CDffflNU~G SOU'ftf 7rV"U' WESTl9.661EET. il<ENCE NOll'HOl"Z!'U'fA!Tl!.00 RE1) 1HBG NOlt1H IPJH48"' WU't 5l10D fEET; 1ltfNt! HOrrli 01"2>'12" 1!<51'19.21 flEli THENCE MOkl'H WS6'lr W!SUJ9.7J FEET; TH£Ha sount cm•sa'3r W!51' 105.l1 n:E1- '7lf!Ntt HOflTH 19'05'S7" WIST7,"2 Em, lff9aNDRTH 88'SB'31,.1NE5T$19.05 FEET, iO TH&J'NlQ5ialON' OFPAACEU"'18, N<DC, tHENa ftlQffli arn•u·wtsT 12.52 fftTTOlHtllUEPOUiT Of BEGINNIN~ lltclQ t,lORTH er.sal.f.4• WEST 1BJIO fEE'f; ~ Noan-1' ot•14SG,• EA.ST -411!.St! Fni; TH8lltl:SOU1'H ea•o•.vi· E.-.sT 1a.o1>f£EI': 111fNCE sot.rrH 01 1 T4'36• WEST -U6$ Ptlr TOTH!: tRU1 POltfl' Of BE0INN1NG. SITUATI! °''* Cl1V Of' .. NTON, IONGcoumv. WA5Hlr«:!ON. • . ;;;;,t.,.,.,=·"""w'" .. =~·==-=------------- \ ... I '.• •· . •" .. ; .. . ~ ... .. i! ·s I . " g E • !! " s !! i , -· ·• .. • • \ schedule s "I.,. section _-=,i:;:.:;i!.!:'./%~---EXcePtlon -, clqr of Liitou 2.00 Hill .We I kenton, 11A HCISS-iib ~ u, ~w.ASmNGTON'STAttkECOlU>n•s Cr,uSbeci-1 ,icw~ DommealTIUc!(s) {wu:mcacsda:bd.lDlff!Al: fl,ll-.llfflalll1 io ,--=:aa 11111llt: ~ "' //i'J.,OOC L L 1 4 Ut.Uity l'od•HH'llt .. • .. I ~ 1-G~.,.-,-orl>~l-<1-=----~-°"'--¢-,e-.,,-_--,,,-,.-;..,-,.-,--------.".1"'~:"'·-'si"-ij-: ~ L 1n ':-Bonnnll Fardly Lt.C rJ ~ ~: ~ i o~~•i:;=r-__ o{de<'=did. -~~ ~ CrutK{I) ~lla\ll bl. cbci:biom•wi~) l. :!. CltJ ol"'bnla'- l ,. i.<i•I clts<ripcion 1,,,....,..., Ca'"~""-pl,<"•""~-....,, oq,I t.ot,i k-t-C o.od D of City o! loQton lot Unc AdjuaULant 9S-li3, 19-1'·' ~ kp. ll lkl. ,ar~ol 6:cmlc:a.. """""'' P,opcrlY T"" hmllA"j'"' 1-1,m .. , 192lD5--fG2.!H "l'9Z'JO,_.;.ti){ei l 2JQHibU.- ~~rT:u ~,iol'l'ti:ti:31-mtd ;hf; A~W.mi~wi!lftl)' 111a~iDCM:rH111p~ua ~ furm. 'Ibt mt!".711l1101n~lt~ t.::c-Jmc:I ~ tt:'.f/ th: ~.Z-..C"J or c:mplcu:w of 'ltr: ~·.!Qi Witcr.:o.Q~ ;,IO~~:::::. \ ' ; ' •l i • l ( ' ! ! 1. I I I I I • ,:: .. .. ! I l,J.t~1f Jt:~";''M./J,ec~,~, ..... -... ~: .·. . .. .. ' 1 • - ; ' ,, .. . ;:--· -.. ' . . -~ . • • \, ·~ . \ . ' . "r .. ;;,.:.a,;l·· 4, • • •. J;;~,;:~~,-ir:..,;,.., ..• '~· ···-~: __ ,._. ... ~ ,. :"!·.~.,. ,. t, '• .- ( \ THIS lNnn.UMiltn", maikthhi .&,_,fay af ,Zla;a,. mdd l>Y""-~Y.Jilaf ,;.,;.. c.. "" lad and lad lacldmf'W' ailed ·oran1or00,.. and lhc CltY OP ru!NTON, I Municipal Cotytondmi. or Ki~ County. W•dtfa.stoa:. baeta,1rCI:(' c.illcd •an.a.· 1'bn a1d Gtzmct(•), far and !ri..ceodcle~ ::et~ bMl:au, dCI by lf•Pmcnts. arin<. lt;iqarn,, tell, wmrq, .Qd ~ unto Ibo "'4 Onmlce.. W. ws :md 1utgm, ati ~muw. for pilbf£c u.titltJcs (11:ir::ludln, Wder, ~&Sllft'l,fet, Bd r:Hfaco wacorJ with tlcCcW.lf ~ aror, mfor1 UUwp!, .::ross ,ot up0n the !oUoMt,g dacrtbcd: prcipc:ny(lhc rlghl~f-way) llll JOn; Count)', W:ubln&{Gll. DWm 11udcv.t.vly dUtribcd ~ - \ ' . • J : I. I ----··-~--~· . ---------.... ,.. :• - Cl -• \ .. _.....,_ ..'..J . . ~--·· • • o::r 11 '516 1.e,31A1 ~ UKJ r:itstffi P.a • ' 'l I .. \ . ,._;. ·~ ... I, 'the Otl=< ,lol\, up<1> ..... klo O(IJIY...,,kw!lhln oho --b)l 1m...:...., ,...,. !be : Mace D[ lht. cmn,t:Dl. am a, JJrlYatc lmplOVStllb dkmrhtd w 4*tc11J1d. 4\ldaa cllCtldau or the-'net. u l fltK{y u p~ 1q lht co,dlllon UtEY weic ttl JJRIAtdlaSdy bcflil!a comm~ of du: work. ot '1111 by 'lhc! \ °'""""'· , I i. Orantm sldli tmlill lk tlgh[ lei UIC 0.C Jll\'fACC a('tbc. cucmc4I U long: 1$ such IUD~ 11111 lnk:rfqo 'l'Sth ~ ~ rtgbtt patad. co-lhri 0~ OClllklr ,hill amt. hbWG\'a, hffl. 1fic, tqltl UI:. i a. l<rcclor-..,-bulldl..,w""''"'"'-.1,fw,dooomm""'ar {ieviM-a.,_, 1 b. 1'taat trtu. Jllndd ar ~wi baYIO& =P rQOC pauo.m, wlltll imr u11~ i:iinii.ac 1D ar t~er~ wldi +c udlldcl IO be plta:d tdlhf1t lb:: antnC8l bf llfl ORl!t:er at • c. DCTdgp..111.Ddsca,fc. « bhullfy U1C tllCftKftl 1r1& lei '#11.'J fl.)' 'wbldi IWlllld llMA1llnl'ol)' lauuni rb ICIUb: I cL Dig, tumd nt pertocm. olht, fortnJ; ore~ actl"1W-Oll lho p,~ wlllclt would dtaunb the eorns,uttoa. er unearth o~·, bcl1ldu on Uu: riJbt.,o(-way, ot endugcr h ta&cal IIIJlpoll ~l\lc,r. ..... -or.....i.s ......................... _ ..,,.,.......__ I c. Blffl wWl!n ~ (U) li:et or aac ri.tht-of..\fay. -----~-U;ltlr..~ si.,:z.u 1n11.w...i~ ,.: . ~:, :· ' . ' . _,. . . ' ~; . .· . . . ' -. -. ] I • ' .• ··-..:..J_. ------------------ .: . ·• • • \ llAHRLUB :lUBHEfrf D:asCR't'H'XOlf nARlt B. aomm&L n. PltaPb.ff A .S'!fflXP OF UNO 1!i Fl~ I!I 1itmB BEmtO 7 • &0 FE'Bf Dfl ~OH SIDI DF mE !'OuUlffZHG OB!ICRDBO Cffl4U!U,rNE: OVER LO'l'S A, B, c, AND O, Of C1TY OP REtrrolf IDT LJHE Ab31'SfflFJff MO, LUA-t5-l'73-Lt.A., AUD HORE JIAA'!Icou.iu.Y: .DESISU:B!D AS P<ILLOWSI ~ M ffl£ JWM'R QUAR'J'ER CORNER DP &'J:orlQJf J~, !VWNSIIIP 23 HORTH, IWICB S ~' 11',lC,, IJIHJ§ICB IODTM 01"23 1 !211 1f!ST !.H.U P~ J\LQIIG '1'RB Cl!IITDLIIIE 01 SAID BIIC'rION 1• 1 fllBKCB ~ 111':I& 1 41• MIB't 3G I VO fEr': 'tO t'HEI WlftBRLY KABitK Of' JWIO:IB A\tl:KUE IOU'l'fflf:!ST AND 'ffl2 'lJlUE PO:m'l' 0, BEG:IIIK7NG OP fflJ:S C£H".BkLDIB DESCRIP'nON; TJIBHC!E HDR'1'l 8''21 1 .S• H'E&!P ,o.:r4 FIST/ 'lltBHCE .HOR'llt 8"'13'08" KEST 142,72 FIBT ~ POitrr 11Aoi; Tf021°' NCltrk 1Wl)1Df!11 'WEST 2.:12,~f F1E't' '1'0 PDXlrr "B"J 'DIBMCS BOtl'l!H 00•:11•:,9• NEST 1311,1' Fltft 'ro _.oXUT •c11 J "l'HEHcE 80UTB 00':11' 3911 Wrs'1' 77, EiO FBBT TO POilrl' 11 Dn f 'l'f{DICE SOUTH 00'31 1 3911 WES'l' 9S,S8 H'E'I'I '!t'HEHOB SOU'1'U 51'16 1 31" WJIS'l' 28,17 nst'l "lft:Elfct EQU<m: 7:,•31•23 11 lliS'7 ::17,71 FUT; lfflElfCE SOUTH 1,•311451• WUT B!i.;Il FBS'f; ~BkCR 50\l'Dl 12'27':351' lleS'1' 1U,S5 PJ:ETJ 'DIBNCE SOU'l'H "11'03 1 37"' ffES'l' 57 ,:13 FEE:r; 'lHEHCt' BOOTH 75•35,;(1" WBS'f' 103,ll ~.EJ:r TD POIHT 1tt1t; 'lfftlfCE SOU'l'II 7S'3Ei 1 20· WCS'l' 1,42 r.em, 'lHWCE NORTH 18'"05 1 2.&· WEm' 96.'17 Ft:E'rr fflEH'<:E MOR.!m 21°S1•51• WES'r 56.38 rEm 'I'O PoDiT 11 ra: 'lHEHCE HOR'l'II za·:12•55• WEST n.81 FB£'1"1 '1'fl£kC£ NOJ\ff 04'52'09 11 EAST 17 ,.S7 PEEl'r 'l'Rf:tfC:fl POlt'l'ft D1"15'lt* D.ST 11.21 FE'E'l' TO Pon,r "'G"; !'l'ffEHCE lfOHS 01'15'19" l:AS'l' U4.5' FEJ:'1' ~ POiff'l' "H'"i !111:H'CE NDR!l'll o:i•u, 251 • EAST-1s,. ao PEE'l' i _ ...... /fflENCE SOUTH 81'1112-'41~ EAST' 141.24 Ftt'l' TO POINT "J"t ~'fflEKCE SOV'l'II e1•42• .. 1P D,ST u.,, r~; -m£Ncs sotl'.rlf t8'36'32." l'.1.S'l' H,sa ,emi, ~Tf{ENCB Sotl'tll 81'53 1 :lB" EAS'l" 186,BO F&ET "TO POIHT "K"; o~KENCE SOU'lll 88'U 1 35'" EU~ 24,tlJ FEtT/ r,..~NCE sotrrK ,00•57•0, .. WU'r Ul.H F!:ET; Q'l'l'H!~~ SOUTH 2l'1B'!l7"' WB$'1;' -60.3, PB!tt 41'0 PD:CN'l' "LN; 'ftliNCE SOUTH 11·:,3 '11" N&S'L' H, 11' F.IU.1't fflENC't 60CJ'rH 114•32•,011 ~ 136,75 HE"l' '1'0 !HE PlUNJ.QUSLY DESCRIBED POIN'l' .. B" ANb THE: lfEJUlllfUS OF SAU! S'lRIP1 At.SO :St:GrNHlNC 11/I! Jl'REV'XDOSL'l DESCBBED pOJN'I •A11 J TKDIC'!: NOR$ 00"116'!12" EAST 25,t, ~U'l' TO 'l11F.: T.!'fUUNUS Of' SAI.D STRIPt ALSO BEGIHN!IIG AT PREVIOUSLY Dl!:SC1l:IBF.D POUl'f •c• i 'J'HE.H~B SOUTH D9'2St2l"' £Ii.St' 48.43 FtET 'I'O TffE 1-~INUS or SP.ID S'l'RIP; l/2 I t"· ~; ·.' : : . ' . , J • • ' •• '-. . . . - l \ • \. I ' j I ! 1 I ! .i l I J ! I • -" ·- -----.----- . ·- .•·. ;. .. , : t : : . . -. -~ ,, • • \ ALSO DEG?NHDl'G Alf P.REVICUSirY DESC!U:BRD ponr.r •pa 1 'L'HEHCt HDRm BS'Zll'21" ~ 115.,18 FlHrl'f '!."HENCE SOU'l'U 02·1e 1 ,s• HEM! 20,39 FBff 'l'O 't'HE 'l'.EBHIHUS er SUD ffllll>; ALSO BEGINNING A'r PP.tVlOU81''V OESCRIB'ED POlH'l' "Eu I ~CB SOtl'lH t):l.'211'11" Wlff 38.U J'BE'l' l'D '1'ftt NORffll:RLY !Wlalf gt '1'RE GU) NO~ PACIFIC RAlt.llOAD Jttotff-0:P-HAY, 'l'!IB !l"ERHIHUS OF SAIJl STRIP] ins SlDIL1HES or SAID nRIP BIIll'G SHOlU'BHEI) oa L'ECHGffliRBD SO AB ® 'l'Bl'OllHATE Jl'r THE HOR'l'HEI\LY Mi.RGllt OP "l'HE OLD NOJmfBJUJ PAmn:c aAILR.QI.D JU:CJHT...aF•lfAl!I ALSO JIIGlNHllro A~ FRMOUBL? DBS<l!USIC POIH1' •r<; TPNClt NDln'H 71•1t5,l511 EAS'l 100,H nm' lfO 'l'l[E 'l'BJt.MIWS OF S"10 SftUP/ ALSO B.EQI'HHlff(i1 AT PUVI00'Bt.,? 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']. } .. ,, ·:: :r .• ...1., -- ' . , - /-,e,,., Schedule B ~~=--'*-~i-Jt:::R.J-- g ' PUOET £ASEMENT FOR UNOERGROUND ELECT21CRYffiM POWER Eo< ""' J.n conoJdarotion of One Dollar ($1. DO) and other Wl.llllble co~Uon, t:IJ8 receipt cl' lthJch j.s hermy .ackn:¥1.edged, i BONNEI,L FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, a washinqton Ge.ner1l Partnership bY PR,tiK.,8.~ aONN:ett, JR., genoral p,r,.rtner "t r,t:mqlor'"' hudn}. ,i,tnts. ~ Allli W.ffl1111l1 la PUC£r .SOUND. PO\nsl. .., 1.ICHT COMPNll', II Wulilnp11 cot'• O pamtiott. ("'r.1"'fli.c'" luir.rfnt, ror 1lnr p11rpe,111 J1mh111irar 11ict1 lcll'dl 11 ~ •Mlfflllfll UQder, ai:a. ....t pc,-lie Jlf. ..a ltwlllfC daJmlml rmil pn:llpct1Y (too "PID(M!fly"' IICINIIIII) kfnq ONtafy, Wobl,izton. Tile South VD feet of the Nortfl JOO feet of the E .. t 970 feet of Goveffllll!nt Lot l in Section 19~ tmm,hip 23 Hwt-h, Range 5 Eas~, N.H.;. Elca>T the Eost 110 feet; EXCEPT tlie Horth 10 reet thereof es c<1nveyed to the City of Renton for Southwest 7th Street ooder Rl!e:ord1ng NUlllber 6D5l494i bet119 a porUo~ of tht-.Rortlltrest quorter or Se:ctfon 19. Township 2J Morth? Range s £i!st, w.~. . Thf! Herth JD feet of the Hast 25 feet Df the East 295 fett or the abo\te dascr1bed property, -1. C,aatof, UH.Gt Rlihki•Wty.Cr.antot rete1Tt,lho n,hl aomc lhe Rlahl-of·W•yforu1purpo1e Dll[la=sllklnlwtlh 1h11 rlshll htrdn,lfG:*ccl pfO"Wed: 111111 GnlNDt Jh!IQ ,_,.eon.llrochlr mafhtOln a:r,' huildlns o,edi,r 11ruc1uruci lh Rlth!- d•W11y which woa1d 1,1111,Jofll wl1h lhc! uarcl"' of th, rf&htr llerslll 11anttd: tb111 at dlakta, ti,1Mfleirorolbr /«111 of can- ffllll:I.IQfl 11dhiJ1y mall I» dona on 1h11 Prape11f whkti. WlluW dbrorb 1M cvmpldlon or unnrlh CAllffla', r1cmdm on 1h11 Rfa:bkJ,.WOf. lltdldal'OJIE" Ibo lnrnml auppar1 IO •id fndJHres: •rid lliiDI pa llolitnr~11n bd dan11 lrilhln 15 tflloflbci iRlRhkf• w.,, Ii, lncfon>llky. ByamipU,., andnamllna lbb ttUOfltOlli, ticwnlDll .llflllN la 1Dd1111111ry 111\d liold.btmleoSfCrt.f\lrK(MA ,ny aod.1lldullll' (or lnjurl111aocilardamqos lllff,rad byoiiyp,pon whldl 1aqbta:i111tcl t,yih1Cr1fflal"1V1tdJa rllhG tlillt:1 hueln ,gr1nta,i; sirovld•._ tba.t Gn1Ma11 lhaU ml ha rupam!bSo to c:rn111or tot IIQr raJutta, a.ndlot damqo! ,a any pen«i Clll!ffd "by 1c1,.,. ombllllllt a( GrunltJr, d, Abtndmlhlllnl. Tbc d,tm hcrrclog111n11!d:itiall tu11Hm111 tznUl"ch lfme ASCtanWil:t!hOI IOWG Iha lllftd-ot".Wayfor, pcrfod of fkci fSI aua:t!itlvo. yet1CI. l11 whldi IIVCfd lJi,lacnsit1111fll ah.tl l11tn1lnla 1ml 111 rfahtl h11rotndor 1halJ nml 111 C1111-- to.t, providnl thl111t1 111,ondawl!.llt tholl bt deqod IO hdve occumd by nuan of Cniatco'# rlrill'rll lD lnldllly lnS!all 11, r1ctlHrct1 on IIUJ Ri,hklr·W•)' mlhln on,-puled ,r tt1110 lrt11t 1M dl•e: hereof. 7. Sui:oou;n llJNI Alllip;, 1be rJ.ghlil nQd gblJ8Qllomof lhi: parllu ,b11lf Inure lo lhc bcno.n1 ,r •nd lil! blsM!lns uporr 1halr J"UJX'Cl1YI!" ,llltcinscm, aail as:rlanJ, f'IUJl1 N R313D SIOOG21 KJ-ACODI 2JS-14 ORIGINAL .iFS;,J.'if.,§(k.4 ,4£.@., •. L ( 01? i.&L .. .. .. .. ' .. " ' .. .. ' j ' J ' I ! I l ;j !; . i! Bn ~ ' • II -2J,-r ... coum OF l:Uttl 1 .cert try tbil t l knov or h4v• catl•.favtl:ICJ' ov ldanct!-th.at FRMK B. BOfiNCU., JR, 1• th4 ptit.on whci 11,ppaarod batoro •0 1 11qd .so.1d p.r•on aoknuul~od du,t hi!' dzDed thh iru:trucitent., on oath .s:OI~ Chat: ho wac autbori11:Gc! to BXll~t:e. tho .lntm.nant aml .aclcnowllldglld it a.1. t:he GENERAL PARTNl!!l OF .BONNEI.L F.Al,([LY l'AR:l'RWHIP. a llaGblnaton -Gea•rnl Pat'tiMtliht.p ta b1. th!!. froo a.nd <voluntacy net of 1ucb corporat!oQ for the was ud purpos:111,11: Jllallitlona.d tn chit iru:t1'111Gnt, Jlllc.d: October 2, 1'91 ~*' 4 %a e<.t..- Hocar1 ~lLc in m\d fot' tho _§~at:o of W.uhlngr:an, r41:icU11i 11.t ~1..1 Hy Apix,lnblont: ~plrD5 IJ,. I( ... trh Jo !Pe known loOOlh.ohadi'lhhld-ddCl'fboli In ltldtrilo ••cwaJ Iha wiwn armz-... -u-nr.-i-__ ., _ _... ----.tlinul Ill. sr,1111 111 frH and wluni.rr •d and dnd IGJ' lb• s,111 •lid purpc,w lhor,ln runllcm°'. ClVEN 1.tndw my t.iid 11nit ol(li;kl snal lbh---dof al -------------·"--· Hotal'J PIIN!c In INRI rn Iba 81&11 al WHhloglon. midlq 1111. ---------------l<y ll:mllaion Jl><pin,o, ________ ......:c_: c!:, STi\T2 OF WASHINGTON c:!i COUNTY OF .. I -Oil tW, cloy penonotly uppauad bo(oni me cT. lo m111 known lo b111 Uui lndwldu,11-doambod In 1.iul. who c:rmitad1ba wllhln ind flll"afiflS ~RlnlCIIIS. 11ml 1d:n1n,rlcdtfd lbnl ----s!g7ted lho saim:i ., f«n1 u:nd wol~nttl'Y m and daed ror Ilia ~111111.tld. purpo.1t11 l:hef'Aln mcalfi!Nllld, GIVEN ,m,ll!r qo htNd aNI Dflk:lltt seal !hb --tlay nl -------------·"'--· ST'AT!OFWASHINCTON I .. COUNTVOF I """"'--d1ylll{ Notary ~II: fn and IP 1h111 8'alll of Washlflalon. mldla,11 ----------------l<y o:mnlsaion E>cpjre,, _________ _ , ,. __ , b,r~ ltMI, Ulo urxl11rUJ111d. panomtl(J llpi-i-d '""-----------------fc mo bown lo bt lh, ----------Ancl , n1plCIWIII)', Bf ----,----------:-:--::-:----:--. Ill• cwpot11tloll 1h11 oxotUtod lh.o lllfCIIOlfll l~1nl, and od:nowl,cdied thuald 1nstr1t111H1l la bn Iba~ md \'Olu111aey Dd' and deod ohald mrpataUoa. fot 1111 use, and purpma1Jhcre!n lfltnlSOaad and tin 1111h tlllllld 1h111 wdwriud ID aQQl:kl !he 11\d liulnlmctnl 1MI 11\11 lho 3-,J lllrt,::ed J1 lb mrporole 1001 ol iald mtJUltallon. WUnn:ii my hand and 11fll:dd ,col llcnito stlllteG 1h11 d1y 11t1d )'elf Rr.,111brw" wthten. Notvy Pde: In and Wr thi Sr.kl cf Wubfrig1ol1. midlne: DI ---------------l<y o:.mlRsion E<pirea. _________ _ ... ;.: C ZSitt IS;tQ{i!SL .&:.. ,. a_ µ \ ' ' ~t. ~J IC! 0 "' ~ ' g i :L' :I'" n! 3c C ~ :~ h ~ ~~ E~ ... =~ ·~ ;~ ~~ C ~~ ;t:; _; ~ a ·; . ~ . - , Cl .... c5 ~ en • • BXU.CSIT 1 1\ • Notwlthstondlng the fa~egoing, uo st..ructure-or impravem~nt of any type, ktnd o~ natu~e shall be aaruitructad on or upon the easeaent having an elevation in excess of live feet above existing 9r~de surrounding ~he ea~eaent ana no guiae wires of anchor wires shall extend above said elevation or cross grantor's property that is not subject of this easement. -,chedule B ;ection ___ >=,,~~-- ,::xception -~4w6(=--- 1111mllBIIS llllDIIOF, 1:ba 'a.u.•. -C&IIHA 'aia i,;..~at to llo euo,a-t,y. ita pzopu offln,,a aa4 I.to. ---Hal to be beze- •to dUud thL• :Ji:!±. d!Q'. of ;i?KM•fl , UH, . Schedule B .::p Section _ __,,'""'""-- Exception _~~;J<+--- • en Initial Report of _ .. -. ,,r,-:.-1 \r~·, ,-,-,~ \\\\ii l :c.i LJ, ~. > \'. c, /,(' , r,, , 1 \J '"" 1 • .:, 1c..,~ 1-~-~ ./) 1S1i.: Geotechnical Engineering Evaluatio'R .. ~" - Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion Project 743 Rainier Avenue South Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 Terracon Project No. 81095071A Prepared for: Pacland Seattle, Washington Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Mountlake Terrace, Washington November 30, 2009 Pacland 1505 Westlake Avenue N., Suite 305 Seattle, Washington 98109 Attn: Mr. Jeff Chambers, P.E. Re: Initial Report of Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store# 2516-05 Expansion Project 743 Rainier Avenue South Renton, Washington Terracon Project No. 81095071A Dear Mr. Chambers: lrerracon Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has completed a Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation for the above referenced project. These services were performed in general accordance with our proposal number P81090190 which was authorized by Pacland by written contract on September 21, 2009. Evaluation of the site was completed in two phases with the results of the preliminary phase presented in a report dated September 3, 2009. This initial geotechnical engineering report presents the results of the subsurface explorations completed in both phases and provides geotechnical recommendations concerning earthwork and the design and construction of the proposed building and parking lot additions. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Thomas A. Jones Principal (l~/A;:~ 'Y._cf John E. Zipper, P.E. Senior Principal 4y:'Ai •,..Ji Terracon Consultants, Inc. 21905 -64'" Avenue West, Suite 100 Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043 P 14251 771 3304 F 14251 771 3549 terracon.com Geotechnical • Environmental • Construction Materials a Facilities lrerracon TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................ 1 ····························· 1 ···································· 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION .............................. . 2.1 Project Description ................................... . 2.2 Site Location and Description .................. . . ............................ 2 2.3 Previous Geotechnical Investigations .. . .................................................................. 3 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ... . ................ 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Site Geology ................................................................................ . . ................. 3 Natural Resource Conservation Service -Soil Maps.... . .................... 3 Typical Subsurface Profile...... . ................................................................................. 3 Groundwater ........................ . .................................................... : ........................... 4 3.5 Seismicity ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.5 Faulting........................................................ . ................................................... 5 3.7 Laboratory Testing.................................. . ..................................................... 5 3.8 pH and Resistivity Testing... . .................................................................................. 6 3.9 Climate Data........... . ......................................................................................... 7 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS...................... . . ................................................ 7 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations ........................................................................................... 7 4.1.1 Liquefaction Analysis....................................................... . ........................... 8 4.2 Earthwork........................................................ . ......................................................... 9 4.2.1 Existing Structure and Utility Removal ................................................................. 9 4.2.2 Site Drainage ...................................................................................................... 9 4.2.3 Dewatering ............................................................... . ....................... 10 4.2.4 Site Stripping................................. . ............................................................. 1 O 4.2.5 Subgrade Preparation ...................................................................................... 10 4.2.6 Structural Fill Materials, Placement and Compaction...... . ............................. 11 4.3 Underground Utilities............. . ............................................................. 13 4.4 Foundations ........................................................................................................ 16 4.4.1 Design Recommendations.................................. . .................................. 16 4.4 Floor Slabs................................................... . ...................................................... 18 4.4.1 Design Recommendations ................................................................................ 19 4.5 Cast-in-Place Backfilled Walls.............................................................. . ......... 20 4.6 Drainage.................................................................................... . ...................... 22 4.7 Pavements .................................................................................................................. 23 4.7.1 Asphalt Overlays ............................................................................................... 26 4.7.2 Construction Considerations.............................................. . ........... 27 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS.............................. . ............................................................... 28 Appendix A -Figures Figure A 1: Site and Exploration Plan Figure A2: · Footing Drain Detail Figure A3: Figure A4: Typical Asphalt Pavement Section Typical Concrete Pavement Section Appendix B -Field Explorations Field Exploration Description Coordinates and Elevations of Borings Boring Logs General Notes Unified Soil Classification System Appendix C -Laboratory Testing Laboratory Test Description Test Results Appendix D -Required Attachments Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheet Foundation Design Criteria Foundation Subsurface Preparation Notes AASHTO Pavement Design Appendix E -Previous Geotechnical Investigation Report lrerracon Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Report by AGRA Earth & Environmental Initial Report of Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion Project 743 Rainier Avenue South 1.0 INTRODUCTION Renton, Washington Terracon Project No. 81095071 November 30, 2009 This initial report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering services performed for the geotechnical evaluation of the proposed expansion of Walmart Store #2516-05, located at 743 Rainier Avenue South in Renton, Washington. The report addresses the following site development topics: subsurface soil conditions earthwork and grading underground utilities floor slabs .. " m " groundwater conditions drainage foundations pavements The scope of services for this project is referenced to the Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements by Wal mart dated September 10, 2009. Our field geotechnical engineering scope of services for this project has been completed in two phases and included the following: • A preliminary subsurface evaluation consisting of 12 borings advanced to depths of 16 to 54 feet below existing site grades. • A final subsurface evaluation consisting of 40 borings advanced to depths of 11 Y, to 49 feet below existing site grades. The Site and Exploration Plan (Exhibit A-1) is presented in Appendix A of this report while the logs of the explorations are presented in Appendix B. The result.s of the laboratory testing performed on representative soil samples obtained from the site during the field exploration are presented in Appendix C. Descriptions of the field exploration and laboratory testing procedures are included in their respective appendices. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2;1 Project Description ITEM ! DESCRIPTION Site layout I Refer to the Site and Exploration Plan 1 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation lrerracon Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No, 81095071 ITEM Structures Pavements DESCRIPTION 15,892 square foot expansion to existing 134,352 square foot building. The existing building will be expanded to the north and east. New pavement north of building in existing soil and gravel covered area and possible overlay of existing pavement or replacement. -------------+----~--~~ Not provided. We have assumed existing parking lot grades will Grading Detention/infiltration remain essentially unchanged and that new cuts and fills will be less than 2 feet. Not applicable Note: Some assumptions were made regarding the proposed site improvements while preparing this report and are listed above. These assumptions were necessary in cases where specific project information was not provided to us. These assumptions should be verified by the owner and/or designers and any deviations from these assumptions should be brought to our attention. We anticipate that site grading would be minimal in the building expansion areas, as well as in the existing asphalt covered areas. Some minor filling or cutting may be necessary in the existing undeveloped areas. For purposes of preparing this report, we have assumed that site grading will be limited. For purposes of preparing this report, the following structural loads are anticipated: Interior column gravity load Estimated maximum gravity load due to severe live loading Exterior column gravity load 85 kips 150 kips 50 kips 30 kips 1.5-2.0 kips/lin ft 4 0-6.0 kips/lin ft 125 psf Maximum Column uplift forces from wind Masonry wall gravity loads, non load-bearing wall Masonry wall gravity loads, load-bearing wall Maximum uniform floor slab live load Maximum floor slab concentrated load 5.0 kips 2.2 Site Location and Description ITEM Location Section, Township, Range Existing site features (site interior) Surrounding streets and/or developments DESCRIPTION 743 Rainier Avenue South, Renton, Washington -------- Northwest Quarter of Section 16, T 23 N, R 5 E -------------~ Currently developed Walmart site with associated asphalt parking areas and driveways, expansion areas include undeveloped soil- covered area north of existing building and single-story wood- framed building in future parking area. North: Bank building and 7m Street SW beyond South: Honda automobile dealership and parking lot East: Commercial/Retail developments and Rainier Ave. S. and Hardie Avenue SW beyond West: Honda automobile dealership and commercial developments 2 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon ------------------·· ----Asphalt and concrete pavements and small area of bare soil and Current ground cover gravel surfacing Existing topography Relatively flat 2.3 Previous Geotechnical Investigations Terracon prepared a Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation report dated September 3, 2009. A geotechnical engineering report was prepared for the original Walmart development by AGRA Earth & Environmental in October 1995. A copy of the AGRA report is included with this report and is presented in Appendix E. Additionally, we reviewed the Preload Plan dated 1/17/96 by Washington Land Design for the original site development by Wal mart. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Geology According to the Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington (1965) by the U.S. Geological Survey, the surficial geologic conditions mapped at the site consist of Recent Alluvial Deposits. The alluvium is described as sand and gravel deposited by the Cedar River and associated thin beds of silt, clay and peat. Our borings encountered similar materials to that described on the map. 3.2 Natural Resource Conservation Service -Soil Maps According to the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Soil Survey for King County Area, Washington, the site is mapped as Urban land (Ur). Urban land is soil that has been modified by disturbance of the natural layers with additions of fill material several feet thick to accommodate development. Therefore, no soil characteristics were provided. 3.3 Typical Subsurface Profile Soil descriptions presented in this report are based on the subsurface conditions encountered at specific exploration locations across the site. Variations in subsurface conditions may exist between the exploration locations and the nature and extent of variations between the explorations may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear, it may be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations presented in this report. Specific conditions encountered at each boring location are presented on the individual logs. Stratification boundaries on the logs represent the approximate location of changes in soil types; in situ, the transition between materials may be gradual. Details for each of the borings can be found on the logs included in Appendix B of this report. Variations at each specific boring location are presented on the logs. However, the subsurface conditions on the project site can be generalized as follows: 3 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion • Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracan -----~-~-------~--------···----~--------- Material Encountered I Description Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Approximate Depth to Bottom of Stratum 6 to 7 inches Asphalt pavement and crushed I aggregate base course --------+----" SY, to 16-19 feet lnterbedded clays, silts, sands and I gravels 1 Consistency/Density Dense Soft/very loose to stiff/dense ------f---------·----+-----~--------+!-~------- Stratum 3 16-19 to >54 feet Sandy gravel and gravelly sand I Med. dense to very dense Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples and the test results are presented 1n Appendix C 3.4 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in all but three of the borings at the time of drilling at depths of about 9 to 14 feet below grade. Groundwater was not observed in borings B-16, B-19 and B-22 at the time of drilling. As part of a concurrent Phase II Environmental LSI, permanent groundwater monitor wells were installed in borings B-37 through B-43 between October 7 and 9, 2009. On October 12, 2009, water level readings were taken by Terracon with the following results: Groundwater Levels Boring Number Groundwater Depth at Groundwater Depth on Time of Drilling (ft) October 12, 2009 (ft) B-37 9.5 9.45 B-38 10 9.6 B-39 9 9.0 B-40 9 ' 9.25 B-41 12 12.6 B-42 11 12.1 B-43 9.5 9.05 A single well was also installed during the September 1995 evaluation by AGRA and a water level of 9.2 feet was measured. Additional well information obtained from the Washington State Department of Ecology for nearby projects at the USA Petro Mart and Renton Honda indicate that groundwater levels of 8 to 10 feet below grade were measured in monitor wells at those sites. Groundwater conditions can change with varying seasonal and weather conditions and other factors. 3.5 Seismicity Based on the liquefaction potential of the site soils, the I BC requires a determination of Site Class F. However, ground motions may be estimated on the basis of Site Class D provided that the fundamental period of the new structure will be 0.5 seconds or less. 4 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracan DESCRIPTION VALUE 2006 International Building Code Site Classification (IBC) 1 ------+------ F' Site Latitude N 47° 28' 25" Site Longitude W 122° 13' 04" S, Spectral Acceleration for a Short Period 1.42g ------------·-··--- s, Spectral Acceleration for a 1-Second Period 0.49g F, Site Coefficient for a Short Period 1.00 ---------+----------------- F,Site Coefficient for a 1-Second Period 1.51 1 Note: In general accordance with the 2006 fniemationa/ Building Code, Table 1613.5.2, IBC Site Class is based on the average characteristics of the upper 100 feet of the subsurface profile. 'Note: The 2006 International Building Code (IBC) requires a site soil profile determination extending to a depth of 100 feet for seismic site classification. The current scope does not include the required 100 foot soil profile determination. Borings extended to a maximum depth of 54 feet, and this seismic site class definition considers that dense to very dense soil continues below the maximum depth of the subslirface exploration. 3.6 Faulting According to the United States Geological Survey, Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States, the nearest mapped faults to the project site are the following: Seattle Fault Zone; The Seattle fault zone is 4 to 7 kilometers wide and is described as extending from the Cascade Range on the east to Hood Canal to the west. The zone consists of 3 or more south-dipping thrust faults. It has an average strike of N85°W, dip direction to the south, and is in a slip-rate category between 0.2 to 1.0 mm/yr. It appears that the southern extent of the fault zone is approximately 5.5 kilometers to the north of the project site. The risk of fault rupture and other geologic hazards at the site is considered to be very low. In our opinion, a supplemental site specific seismic investigation and evaluation is not considered to be necessary. 3.7 Laboratory Testing Samples retrieved during the field exploration were returned to the laboratory for observation by the project geotechnical engineer and were visually or manually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in Appendix C. At that time, the field descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Boring logs were prepared and are presented in Appendix B. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples and many of the results are presented on the boring logs and in Appendix B. The test results were used for the geotechnical 5 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon engineering analyses, and the development of foundation and earthwork recommendations. Laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable local standards or other accepted standards. Selected soil samples were tested for one or more of the following engineering properties: , Moisture Content , California Bearing Ratio , Grain Size Distribution , Natural density , Proctor Moisture-Density Relationship , Atterberg Limits Testing referenced in the project scope but not completed for this project included the following: • Topsoil Testing -No topsoil was encountered. • Unconfined compression -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. • Consolidation -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. • Swell -Swell tests were not completed as no soil potentially expansive clay layers were encountered. • BTEX -No BTEX testing was completed as we are not aware of any gas station proposed as part of the expansion project. However, other environmental sampling and testing has been completed by Terracon for this project as part of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, the results of which have been submitted under separate cover. 3.8 pH and Resistivity Testing Three representative soil samples were submitted to AMTEST Laboratories for pH and resistivity testing Soil samples were also collected during the 1995 evaluation of the site and were tested for pH, and resistivity. The results of the tests are presented below in the following table: Boring and Sample Depth (ft) pH Resistivity (ohm-cm) Numbers B-14, S-2 5-6% 7.0 12,000 B-17, S-1 2%-4 7.2 9,400 B-33, S-2 5-6% 6.5 8,900 B-7, S-1 (1995) 0 -1% 6.5 10,000 B-19, S-1 (1995) 5-6% 6.3 6,400 The electrical resistivity of each sample listed above was measured in the laboratory with distilled water added to create a standardized condition of saturation. Resistivities are at about their lowest value when the soil is saturated. Electrical Resistivities of soils are a measure of their resistance to the flow of corrosion currents. Corrosion currents tend to be lower in high 6 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 1 rerracon resistivity soils. The electrical resistivity of the soils varies primarily with its chemical and moisture contents. Typically, the lower the resistivity of native soils, the more likely that galvanic currents may develop and increase the possibility of corrosion. Based on laboratory test results, resistivity values for the near surface native soils ranged from 6,400 to 12,000 ohm-cm. Soils with resistivity values between 5,000 and 10,000 ohm-cm are generally associated with soils classified as "moderately corrosive" towards buried metal objects while soils with a pH between 10,000 and 20,000 ohm-cm are generally associated with soils classified as "mildly corrosive". The pH of the soils tested ranges from 6.3 to 7.0 and could to be insignificant in evaluating corrosivity of buried metal pipes. It is our opinion that Type I cement is suitable for this project. With respect to the need for protection of buried metal pipes, we recommend that the design engineers consult with the manufacturers of specific products in order to determine the need for protection. 3.9 Climate Data According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Climatic Atlas of the United States, the project site lies within the Puget Sound Lowlands Region of Washington. Mean monthly rainfall varies from a low of 0.96 inches in July to a high of 5.56 inches in December. Between November and March, there are about 20 per month where 0.01 inches or more of rainfall occurs. Average daily minimum temperatures are above freezing throughout the year. Mean annual total snowfall is about 12 inches. The mean total precipitation and snowfall (in inches), and the average minimum temperature (in degrees F) for each month at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport weather station since 1948 are: Month Precipitation Snowfall Avg. Min. Month Precipitation Snowfall Avg. Min. (in.) (in.) Temp. (F') (in.) (in.) Temp. (F') January 5.74 5.05 35.0 July 0.76 0.00 54.7 February 3.95 1.72 36.6 August 1.10 0.00 55.0 March 3.72 1.34 38.1 September 1.74 0.00 51.4 April 2.54 0.06 41.2 October 3.35 0.04 45.4 May 1.77 0.00 46.5 November 6.10 0.93 39.6 June 1.45 0.00 51.4 December 5.86 2.82 35.9 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations In our opinion, development of the site as proposed is feasible from the geotechnical perspective, based upon subsurface conditions encountered in the borings for this evaluation. Our design recommendations are based on our geotechnical engineering analyses, the subsurface explorations and laboratory test results. Most of the proposed additions appear to be underlain by variable thicknesses of very loose to medium dense sand with varying proportions of silt and gravel that are susceptible to liquefaction during a design earthquake. Our analysis indicates that settlements due to liquefaction could range from as much as 5 inches beneath the southern portion of the existing building and 1 'h inches beneath the 7 I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion • Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 a Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracan proposed addition. For this reason, the existing building foundations are supported on augercast piles. Although isolated lenses of limited thickness of silt were encountered, our analysis indicates that potential consolidation settlement will be less than the maximum allowable settlement for soils supporting interior floor slabs of 0. 75 inch total or 0.96 inches in 40 feet as required in the Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements. Further investigation of the consolidation potential is not considered to be necessary based on the limited additional loading planned above the compressible soils. Geotechnical engineering recommendations for earthwork-related phases of the project are presented below. The recommendations are based upon the results of limited field and laboratory testing (which are presented in Appendices B and C), engineering analyses, and our current understanding of the proposed project. 4.1.1 Liquefaction Analysis Liquefaction is a phenomenon where cyclic stresses, which are produced by earthquake- induced ground motions, create excess pore pressures in cohesionless soils. As a result, the soils may acquire a high degree of mobility, which can lead to consolidation and settlement of loose sediments, ground oscillation, flow failure, loss of bearing strength, ground fissuring, sand boils, and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table, but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non-saturated soil as excess pore water escapes. Our analysis was based on International Building Code 2006 guidelines for seismic analysis. Based upon those guidelines we determined that a peak ground acceleration produced by an earthquake of Richter magnitude 7.0 to 7.5 will be about 0.34g at the subject site. Based on the depth to groundwater and the relative density of the soils encountered, we performed a liquefaction analysis on representative soil profiles encountered in boring B-7. The soils encountered in boring B-7 consisted of unsaturated, medium dense granular fill over medium stiff silt and loose silty sand over saturated gravelly sand and sandy gravel with trace silt. Dense gravelly sand and sandy gravel was generally encountered between 28 and 49 feet below existing grades. Based on the results of our analysis, it appears that seismic related total and differential settlement on the order of 1 inch within the zone of liquefaction while in boring B- 8, the settlement could be on the order of 5 inches. Our analysis indicates that the vertical extent of the liquefiable soils extend to a depth of up to approximately 30 feet. The report with maps titled Liquefaction Susceptibility for the Des Moines and Renton 7. 5- minute Quadrangles, Washington, (Geologic Map GM-41), prepared by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, delineates the site as being underlain by Category I soil deposits. A Category I soil deposit is defined having a high susceptibility to liquefaction. The report presents a written communication after the 1965, Richter magnitude 6.5, Seattle-Tacoma 8 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon earthquake. Reportedly, a house about 2,000 feet west of the project site experienced settlement of about 2Y, inches. It is our experience that many property owners elect to accept the potential risks associated with settlements induced during an earthquake rather than incur the additional expense associated with the available foundation and ground improvement options to mitigate these settlements. We understand that the structure can be designed to withstand the estimated settlements from a life-safety standpoint. However, cosmetic and/or architectural damage should be expected with or without deep foundations. Because the existing structure is supported on augercast piles, we recommend the additions also be supported on piles in order for the additions to perform similarly to the existing structure during a seismic event. 4.2 Earthwork 4.2.1 Existing Structure and Utility Removal All existing underground structures (e.g., wells, foundations, utilities, etc.) within the building expansion footprint should be relocated or abandoned in order to completely remove them from the building expansion area. Utilities should be abandoned in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. Localized excavations made for removal of structures, utilities, and the removal of unsuitable trench backfill materials (if encountered) should be prepared in accordance with the Subgrade Preparation section of this report and the resulting excavations backfilled with structural fill material placed and compacted in accordance with the Fill Placement and Compaction sections of this report. Utilities outside the building envelope could be abandoned in place, provided they are fully grouted with controlled density fill (GDF) and the trench backfill is density tested to verify that it meets the compaction levels specified in this report. 4.2.2 Site Drainage Stripping, excavation, grading, and subgrade preparation should be performed in a manner and sequence that will provide drainage and control of stormwater runoff and erosion at all times in accordance with the project plans and local requirements. If prolonged or substantial precipitation is anticipated, the site should be graded to prevent water from ponding in construction areas and/or flowing into excavations. Sand bags or asphalt berms/curbing should be considered to divert surface runoff away from the building addition excavations. Exposed grades should be crowned, sloped, and smooth-drum rolled at the end of each day to facilitate drainage if inclement weather is forecasted. Accumulated water should be removed from subgrades and work areas immediately and prior to performing further work in the area. Loose, disturbed soils and soils subjected to repeated construction traffic that are exposed to wet weather will degrade and possibly become unstable. Equipment access may be limited and the amount of soil rendered unfit for use as structural fill may be greatly increased if drainage efforts are not accomplished in a timely manner. 9 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 4.2.3 Dewatering 1rerracan Dewatering is not anticipated to be necessary within the foundation depths based on the conditions encountered at the time of drilling. However, some localized dewatering of perched groundwater may be necessary in deeper excavations. We anticipate that this type of condition could be managed with shallow pumped sumps installed where it is necessary. 4.2.4 Site Stripping Organic-rich topsoil was not encountered in our explorations or observed at the site, except for small landscape areas. In general, site stripping of organic-rich materials will be limited to these existing landscape areas. This should produce a relatively small amount of topsoil and vegetation. Organic topsoil material is not considered suitable for use as "structural fill". Therefore, topsoil materials should be disposed of off-site or used for landscaping purposes. Asphalt pavement and concrete flatwork will need to be stripped from the building expansion areas. These materials should be removed from the site unless they are crushed/milled to a one-inch minus product. In this case, the products could be mixed with the recommended pavement subbase. The crushed concrete could be substituted for aggregate at a one to one ratio, while the asphalt should not exceed 20 percent by volume in the subbase mix. 4.2.5 Subgrade Preparation After stripping and removing asphalt pavement, base course, and concrete flatwork, the exposed subgrade would likely consist of a variety of fill soils such as gravelly sand with silt, silty sand with gravel, silt, sandy silt, or silty sand. Subgrade preparation and initial construction activities should be planned to reduce disturbance to the exposed ground surface. Therefore, some consideration regarding the methods of stripping and filling without disturbing the soils will be necessary, particularly if the earthwork is completed during periods of extended wet weather. Subgrade soils that become disturbed due to elevated moisture conditions should be overexcavated and backfilled with compacted structural fill. Wet season earthwork may require additional mitigative measures to protect the subgrade beyond those that would be expected during the drier summer and fall months. We recommend that the exposed subgrades within the expansion areas that are at grade or will receive structural fill be density tested and then proofrolled with heavy rubber-tired construction equipment, such as a fully-loaded tandem-axle dump truck, to detect soft and/or yielding soils. The exposed subgrade soils should be firm, unyielding, and meet a minimum compaction of 95 percent of the maximum laboratory density, as determined by ASTM D-1557. In the event that compaction fails to meet the specified criteria, the upper 12 inches of subgrade should be scarified and moisture conditioned, as necessary to obtain at least 95 percent of the maximum laboratory density. Those soils which are soft, yielding, or unable to be compacted to the specified criteria should be overexcavated and replaced with structural fill material. Alternatively, wet soils that cannot be dried to a suitable moisture content could be cement treated. Overexcavations should be backfilled with structural fill material placed and compacted in accordance with the Structural Fill section of this report. Subgrade preparation and selection, 10 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracan placement, and compaction of structural fill should be pertormed under engineering controlled conditions in accordance with the project specifications. In our opinion, earthwork should be completed during periods bf the year when the moisture content can be controlled by aeration and drying. If earthwork or construction activities take place during extended periods of wet weather, or if the in-situ moisture conditions are elevated above the optimum moisture content, the soils could become unstable or not be compactable. In the event the exposed subgrade becomes unstable, yielding, or unable to be compacted due to high moisture conditions, we recommend that the materials be removed to a sufficient depth in order to develop stable subgrade soils that can be compacted to the minimum recommended levels. The severity of construction problems will be dependent, in part, on the precautions that are taken by the contractor to protect the subgrade soils. Subgrade Protection: If it becomes necessary to protect the subgrade from wet weather, we recommend that dedicated haul roads or lay down areas be constructed with a minimum of 12 inches of 2-to 4-inch quarry spalls, free-draining crushed ballast, shoulder ballast, or crushed recycled concrete of equivalent gradation. Ballast and shoulder ballast are defined by Section 9-03.9(1) and 9-03.9(2), respectively, of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) 2008 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction (Publication M 41-10). The level of floor lab subgrade protection will be a function of the type and magnitude of traffic over the work areas and the effectiveness of draining precipitation or other runoff from the excavations. Frozen Subgrade Soils: If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, all exposed subgrades should be allowed to thaw and then be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill or foundation components. Alternatively, the frozen material could be stripped from the subgrade to reveal unfrozen soil prior to placing subsequent lifts of fill or foundation . components. The frozen soil should not be reused as structural fill until allowed to thaw and adjusted to the proper moisture content, which may not be possible during winter months. 4.2.6 Structural Fill Materials, Placement and Compaction Structural fill includes any fill material placed under footings, pavements, or other permanent structures or facilities. Materials typically used for structural fill include pit-run sand and gravel, various mixtures of sand, silt and gravel, and crushed recycled concrete. Recycled concrete is suitable for structural fill. Structural fill materials should be free of deleterious, organic, or frozen matter and should contain no chemicals that may result in the material being classified as "contaminated". We recommend that all fill materials have less than 5 percent organics, and then only if the organic materials are relatively fine and disseminated throughout the soil. Soils with roots or other woody debris should have all pieces larger than Y, inch in diameter removed before compaction. Subgrade Verification and Compaction Testing: Regardless of material or location, all fill material should be placed over properly compacted subgrades in accordance with the Subgrade 11 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion o Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 1rerracon Preparation ·section of this report. The condition of all subgrades should be verified by the owner's on-site representative before fill placement or earthwork grading begins. Earthwork monitoring and field density testing should be performed during grading to provide a basis for opinions concerning the degree of soil compaction attained. Structural fill should be placed over a properly prepared subgrade in which the material below the upper foot is compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Structural fill should be placed in 8-inch maximum loose lifts. Placing the initial lifts of fill over the clayey subgrade may require thin lifts that are statically rolled in order to reduce the risk of disturbing the subgrade. Reuse of On-Site Soils: It is our opinion that the native granular soils encountered on the site are suitable for reuse as structural fill from a compositional standpoint provided it is placed and compacted in accordance with the compaction recommendations presented in this report. We recommend that all fine grained silts encountered at the site only be used for non-structural applications. Depending on the time of year that earthwork is completed, some drying of on- site soils may be necessary at the time of earthwork and the feasibility of grading with on-site soils will depend on whether adequate drying time occurs. Typically, drying is difficult or impossible during cold and wet winter and spring months. Recompaction problems should be expected in periods of extended wet weather, or after thawing of frozen soils, due to the moisture sensitivity of the soil. The ability to use the existing fill soils from site excavations as structural fill will depend on their moisture content at the time of earthwork and the prevailing weather conditions when site grading activities take place. Imported Structural Fill Material: Imported structural fill should consist of granular soils that are not susceptible to degradation and weakening if they become wet. Materials typically used for structural fill include clean pit-run sand and gravel and crushed recycled concrete. Recycled concrete is suitable for structural fill provided the material is thoroughly crushed to a well- graded, 2-inch minus product. We do not recommend that silt or clay soils be used for structural fill on this project. During wet weather conditions or if the native soils are unsuitable for reuse, "select" granular fill may be necessary. Select fill consists of free-draining naturally occurring sand and gravel, crushed aggregate, or crushed recycled concrete. Select structural fill should meet the requirements of the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 9-03.14(1), for Gravel Borrow. Fill Placement: Fill material should be moisture conditioned and compacted in controlled horizontal layers not exceeding 10 inches in loose thickness, and each layer should be thoroughly compacted with suitable equipment for the soil conditions. Compaction Criteria: Each layer of fill should be compacted to the minimum recommended level based on the maximum laboratory dry density as determined by the ASTM D 1557 Modified 12 I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 a Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon Proctor Compaction Test. Where the moisture content of the fill or density testing yields compaction results less than the recommended levels, additional compactive effort and/or moisture conditioning should be performed until the fill material is in accordance with the compaction requirements. In the case of roadway and utility trench filling in municipal rights-of- way, the backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with current codes and standards. Our recommendations for soil compaction as a function of location are summarized in the table below. RECOMMENDED SOIL COMPACTION LEVELS Recommended Minimum Location Percent Compaction* Subgrade and Fill Below Structures, Pavements and 95 Outparcels Subgrade and Fill in All Other Areas 95 * ASTM D 1557 Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density .. Soil Moisture Content: All fill material placed must be moisture conditioned, as necessary, to within ±2 percent of the optimum moisture content for compaction. If excessive moisture in the fill results in failing results or an unacceptable "pumping" or yielding condition, then the fill should be allowed to dry until the moisture content is within the necessary range to meet the required compaction requirements or reworked until acceptable conditions are obtained. Some drying of on-site soils may be necessary at the time of earthwork and the feasibility of grading with on-site soils will depend on whether adequate drying time occurs. Typically, drying is difficult or impossible during cold and wet fall, winter and spring months. Recompaction problems should be expected in wet weather, or after thawing of frozen soils, due to the moisture sensitivity of the soil. Laboratory Testing: Representative samples of materials to be utilized as compacted fill should be analyzed in a laboratory to determine their physical properties and Proctor density. Imported and native samples should be submitted for laboratory testing at least 5 days prior to using on the site. 4.3 Underground Utilities Underground utilities may extend into the soft, native silty soils. Structures such as manholes and catch basins which extend into soft soils should be underlain by at least 12 inches of compacted crushed aggregate. Railroad ballast or quarry spalls may be necessary to create a firm subgrade in the trenches. Coarse crushed concrete would also be a suitable bridging material. Where water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. It may be necessary to place a geotextile fabric (such as Mirafi 600X or equivalent) over the trench subgrade soils if they are too soft, to provide a separation between the bedding and subgrade soils. 13 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Wasr:ngton November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracon After firm subgrades have been achieved, the utilities should be bedded for protection. Backfilling for the remainder of the trenches should be completed utilizing granular, non-plastic soil that is free of organics and other deleterious materials. Utility Trenching: We recommend that utility trenching, installation, and backfilling conform to all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, such as OSHA and WISHA for open excavations. Some excavation bank stability problems during utility construction should be expected where excavations extend into zones of perched groundwater. Flatter temporary slopes, temporary bracing or conventional trench box shoring will likely be necessary to support the utility excavations. Utility Excavations and Dewaterinq: Deeper excavations such as utilities may encounter groundwater during wetter periods of the year. The appropriate type of dewatering system should be determined by the contractor based on the conditions encountered. Some caving of utility trench sidewalls should be anticipated excavation depth and where groundwater seepage is encountered. We recommend that any excavations within groundwater seepage zones be undertaken only when suitable dewatering equipment and temporary excavation shoring are available. Depending on the season of the work, groundwater seepage elevations may be higher than that encountered in our borings. It is possible that pumped sumps or well points may be necessary for excavations that penetrate into the groundwater table. Pipe Bedding: We recommend that a minimum of 4 inches of bedding material be placed above and below all utilities that are supported on gravelly and cobbly soils or in general accordance with the utility manufacturer's recommendations and local ordinances. We recommend that pipe bedding conform to Section 9-03.12(3), Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. All trenches should be wide enough to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe or materials such as pea gravel or CDF should be used below the spring line of the pipes to eliminate the need for mechanical compaction in this portion of the trenches. If water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. Alternatively, quarry spalls could be used for backfill below the water level. Re-Use of On-Site Soil for Backfill Material: The granular native soils are considered suitable for utility trench backfill, provided the moisture content of the soil is within ±2 percent of the optimum moisture content and the utilities are adequately bedded for protection. Trench Backfill Placement: Approved on-site or imported fill material should be evenly placed, moisture conditioned, and compacted in controlled horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, and each layer should be thoroughly compacted with approved equipment. However, initial lift thickness could be increased to levels recommended by the manufacturer to protect utilities from damage by compacting equipment. The initial lift thickness should not 14 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion • Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon exceed one foot over the utility. All fill material should be moisture conditioned, as necessary, to within ±2 percent of the optimum moisture. All trench backfill above the initial lift should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Temporary and Permanent Slopes Safety: Construction site safety generally is the sole responsibility of the Contractor, who selects and directs the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations. Temporary excavation slope stability is a function of many factors, including: • • • • • The presence and abundance of groundwater; The type and density of the various soil strata; The depth of cut; Surcharge loadings adjacent to the excavation; and The length of time the excavation remains open . As the cut is deepened, or as the length of time an excavation is open, the likelihood of bank failure increases; therefore, maintenance of safe slopes and worker safety should remain the responsibility of the contractor, who is present at the site, able to observe changes in the soil conditions, and monitor the performance of the excavation. Temporary Cut Slope Inclinations: It is exceedingly difficult under the variable circumstances to pre-establish a safe and "maintenance-free" temporary cut slope angle. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain safe temporary slope configurations since the contractor is continuously at the job site, able to observe the nature and condition of the cut slopes, and able to monitor the subsurface materials and groundwater conditions encountered. Unsupported vertical slopes or cuts deeper than 4 feet are not recommended if worker access is necessary. The cuts should be adequately sloped, shored, or supported to prevent injury to personnel from local sloughing and spalling. The excavation should conform to applicable Federal, State, and Local regulations. Temporary slopes should be constructed in accordance with Chapter 296-155 of the Washington Administrative Code 0fVAC). Temporary cuts will need to be constructed at flatter angles based upon the soil moisture and groundwater conditions at the time of construction. Adjustments to the slope angles should be determined by the contractor at that time. For planning purposes, we recommend that temporary excavations be set back from property lines, building foundations or other settlement sensitive structures a minimum distance equal to two times the excavation depth. Permanent c:;ut and _Fill Slope Inclinations: We do not anticipate that new permanent slopes will be constructed as part of the expansion project. However, if it occurs, slopes on the order of 2H: 1V are recommended in those areas where groundwater seepage is not present. 15 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion n Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 1rerracon 4.4 Foundations The Geotechnica/ Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements limits total and differential settlements to the following: Maximum allowable differential settlement for soils supporting masonry walls -0.53 inches in 40 feet; Maximum allowable differential settlement for soils supporting interior floor slabs and interior isolated footings -0.96 inches in 40 feet; Maximum allowable total settlement -3/4 inch. Based on our field explorations and preliminary analyses, it is our opinion that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Because the results of our liquefaction analysis and the fact that the existing building is supported on augercast piles, we recommend the building addition foundations be supported on augercast pile (ACP) or small-diameter driven pipe pile foundations. Grade beams would likely be necessary to tie the perimeter piles, and possibly the interior column pile caps together, although this would need to be determined by the structural engineer. Design recommendations for pile foundations are presented in the following paragraphs. 4.4.1 Design Recommendations Augercast Piles: The design recommendations listed below for building foundations are based on the limiting settlement to tolerable limits. If the estimated settlements are considered to be tolerable, we can provide design recommendations for conventional shallow foundations. DESCRIPTION Foundation Type ------·------ Structure Bearing Material ----· ---- Minimum Embedment Depth Below Finished Grade Pile Diameter Allowable Compressive Capacity ----~----------- Allowable Uplift Capacity ··--·-·· Allowable Fixed-Head Lateral Capacity -Estimated Total Settlement -- Estimated Differential Settlement VALUE Augercast piles and grade beams Single-story building addition Dense to very dense soils below 28 feet 25 feet on the north to 50 feet on the south -·-- 16 inches 35 tons 14 tons 6 tons -----~ Less than % inch --- Y, inch in 40 feet under walls (Less than the . maximum allowable Walmart criteria of 0. 53 inches over 40 feet in length for walls) % inch between columns (Less than the 16 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 m Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracon DESCRIPTION VALUE maximum allowable Walmart criteria of 0.96 inches over 40 feet in length for interior slabs and between isolated interior footings) -----'"-'------ The allowable capacities may be increased by one-third to resist short-term transient forces. If the piles are spaced closer than three pile diameters, the allowable capacities should be reduced. The reduction factor will be based on the actual center to center pile spacing and the configuration of the group. An augercast pile is formed by drilling to an appropriate pre-determined depth with a continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger. Cement grout is then pumped down the stem of the auger under high pressure as the auger is withdrawn. The final result is a cast-in-place pile. Reinforcing can be lowered into the unset concrete column to provide lateral and/or tension capabilities. Pressure grouting methods such as this typically result in a grout column diameter in excess of the nominal diameter of the drilled hole. We anticipate grout volumes within the soil column could average about 1.2 to 1.5 times the theoretical volume of drilled holes. The contractor should be required to stagger the pile grouting and drilling operations, such that all completed piles within 10 feet of the pile being drilled have set for at least 24 hours. Augercast piles would gain their vertical compressive capacity from side friction between the pile and the native soils and from end bearing. Vertical uplift pile capacity will develop as a result of side friction between the pile and the adjacent soil, along with the weight of the pile. Due to the depth of the potentially liquefiable soils, we recommend that augercast piles with 35- ton allowable capacities extend to a depth of 40 feet below the ground surface. The vertical pile capacity presented assumes that adjacent piles are located at least 3 pile diameters apart. If piles are located closer together, a reduced pile capacity should be used to account for pile group effects. We would be pleased to provide capacities for specific pile group arrangements, if requested. The allowable lateral capacities are based on fixed head conditions and limiting the lateral deflection to Y, inch. The recommended vertical compressive capacity is based on limiting total and differential settlements to % inch and Y, inch (over 40 feet), respectively. Based on an assumed modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction of 3 pci in the loose and soft near-surface soils, the stiffness factor (T) for a fixed-head, 16-inch diameter auger-cast pile was calculated to be 80 inches. In order to limit the lateral deflection to 0.5 inch, we recommend using an allowable lateral capacity of 9,900 pounds per pile. For grade beams, we recommend using an allowable passive pressure of 275 pcf for that portion of the beam that is more than 12 inches below finished grade. This value incorporates a 17 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion • Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No, 81095071 lrerracon static safety factor of at least 1,5, The recommended passive pressure is based on the assumption that at least one foot of structural fill will be placed on each side of the footing/grade beam and will be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density, Except for drain rock around drainpipes, we do not recommend allowing pea gravel or washed rock adjacent to foundations, Pipe Piles: In lieu of augercast piles, the walls and columns could be supported on small-diameter steel pipe piles, This size of pile is driven with an excavator-mounted hydraulic hammer, The advantage of using this size of pile is primarily a lower mobilization cost and a lower price per foot of about $20/foot versus about $48/foot for augercast piles, Pile Type and Size: We recommend utilizing 6-inch inside diameter, Schedule 40, steel pipe for the project. These piles are installed with small trackhoe-mounted drivers, The piles should be driven to "refusal", which is defined as one inch or less of penetration into the ground over about 10 seconds of sustained driving. Determination of the depth to suitable bearing soils and the resultant pile capacities and depths will require field engineering decisions. Pile Axial Compressive Capacity: An allowable 15 ton axial compressive load for each 6-inch inside-diameter, Schedule 40 steel pile driven to refusal as described herein may be utilized for design. Although piles driven to the designated refusal criteria could provide greater axial compressive capacity, it would be necessary to load test the piles if higher capacities are to be assessed. It will not be necessary to load test the 6-inch piles provided that they are designed for a maximum axial compressive load of 15 tons. Pile Lengths: The piles should be driven such that they penetrate through the very loose to medium dense soils and into the dense to very dense alluvial soils. The depth to the dense soils ranges from approximately 17 feet in boring B-5, 45 feet in boring B-8, 28 feet in boring B- 7, and 17 feet in boring B-13. The piles should be expected to penetrate at least a few feet into the dense soils. We recommend that the contractor drive several test piles at the start of pile driving in order to further assess driving characteristics and depths. If necessary to predetermine pile lengths, it would be prudent to drive test piles prior to finalizing cost estimates or bids for the piles. Lateral Capacity: In order to develop lateral resistance, the piles should be continuous or have welded splices, and possess adequate strength to accommodate the bending moments. Based on an assumed modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction of 3 pci in the loose and medium stiff near-surface soils, the stiffness factor (T) for a fixed-head, 6-inch diameter pipe pile is calculated to be 54 inches. In order to limit the lateral deflection to 0.5 inch, we recommend using an allowable lateral capacity of 4,500 pounds per pile. 4.5 Floor Slabs 18 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon The site is generally underlain by lacustrine and alluvial deposits consisting of soft to medium stiff silts and loose to very dense gravelly sand, sandy gravel and sand soils, with varying proportions of silt. A portion of the main expansion area was preloaded during the original site development. However, based on the Preload Plan dated 1 /17 /96, only about 50 to 60 percent of the main addition was preloaded. The northeast vestibule addition is also supported on partially preloaded soil but the native soils appear to be suitable for slab support. The vestibule addition appears to have been entirely preloaded and is suitable for slab support: Based on borings B-5, B-7, B-8, B-13, and B-14, it appears the existing slab is underlain by 21h to 41/, feet of granular structural fill. Dense native soils underlie the fill in boring B-5 while B-13 is immediately underlain by medium dense soils. In the other building borings, the fill is underlain by approximately 41h to 6 feet of loose silty sand to sand with trace silt. Based on the conditions encountered, and the anticipated dead plus live loads of the floor of about 200 psf, our analyses indicate that the floor settlements will not exceed the maximum allowable total settlement of % inch or differential settlement for soils supporting interior floor slabs of 0. 96 inches in 40 feet. 4.5.1 Design Recommendations Subgrade Preparation: Slab-on-grade floors should be prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation and Structural Fifi and Compaction sections of this report. Floor Slab Section: We recommend that the floor slab be underlain by a 6-inch thick layer of granular material consisting of crushed aggregate top course conforming to the gradation requirements of Section 9-03.9(3), Crushed Surfacing Top Course, with the modification that 5 to 7.5 percent of the material passes the U.S. No 200 sieve, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. Vapor Barrier: From a geotechnical standpoint, it is our opinion that a vapor barrier is not necessary for the proposed addition. However, we anticipate that moisture will develop beneath the slab as a result vapor migration through the soil. We recommend that the floor slab designer determine if the moisture collection beneath the slab will adversely affect the performance of the floor and the various floor coverings that may be placed on the floors. If a vapor barrier is used, we recommend using a puncture-resistant proprietary product such as RUFCO 3000B, Vapor Block VB 10, Stego Wrap, or an approved equivalent that is classified as a Class A vapor retarder in accordance with ASTM E 1745. To avoid puncturing of the vapor barrier, construction equipment should not be allowed to drive over any vapor retarder material. The slab designer and slab contractor should refer to ACI 302 for procedures and cautions regarding the use and placement of a vapor retarder. Floor Joints: In areas of exposed concrete, control joints should be saw cut into the slab after concrete placement in accordance with ACI Design Manual, Section 302.1 R-37 8.3.12 (tooled control joints are not recommended). Additionally, dowels should be placed at the location of proposed construction joints. 19 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon Positive separations and/or isolation joints should be provided between slabs and all foundations, columns or utility lines to allow independent movement. Interior trench backfill placed beneath slabs should be compacted in accordance with recommendations outlined in the Earthwork section of this report. Other design and construction considerations, as outlined in the AC! Design Manual, Section 302.1 R are recommended. 4.6 Cast-in-Place Backfilled Walls The following parameters are recommended for the design of rigid, laterally loaded retaining structures, such as loading dock walls. Based on the plans provided to us, it does not appear that retaining walls other than the possible loading dock walls will be necessary. If new loading dock walls are constructed, we recommend they be pile foundation supported. The lateral soil pressure acting on backfilled walls will primarily depend on the degree of compaction and the amount of lateral movement permitted at the top of the wall during backfilling operations. Footings: Backfilled walls associated with the building should be supported on pile foundations in order to limit static settlements to the specified limits in the Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements. Wall Drainage: To preclude the build-up of hydrostatic pressure, we recommend that a minimum width of 2 feet of clean, granular, free-draining material should extend from the footing drain at the base of the wall to the ground surface, to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. Wall drain aggregate should conform to the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.12(2), Gravel Backfill for Walls. It should be realized that the primary purpose of the free draining material is reduction in hydrostatic pressures. Some potential for moisture to contact the back face in the wall may exist even with this treatment, which may require more extensive water proofing be specified for walls which require interior moisture sensitive finishes. Backfill Soil: Native or imported soils could be used for wall backfill behind the drainage course. Soils with more than 10 percent fines should be separated from the drainage aggregate with a non-woven filter fabric such as Mirafi 140N, or equivalent. If granular material with less than 10 percent fines is used for wall backfill, the filter fabric may be deleted. Backfill Compaction: To prevent the build-up of lateral soil pressures in excess of the recommended design pressures, over-compaction of the fill behind the wall should be avoided; however, a lesser degree of compaction may permit excessive post-construction settlements. In order to limit wall pressures resulting from over-compaction of wall backfill, we recommend that backfill within 5 feet of a wall be compacted by small, hand-operated compaction equipment to 90 to 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Remaining backfill should be compacted in accordance with the compaction recommendations provided in the Structural Fifi and Compaction section of this report. Grading and Capping: To retard the infiltration of surface water into the wall backfill soils, the backfill surface of exterior walls should be adequately sloped to drain away from the wall. We 20 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation lrerracon Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion n Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 also recommend that the backfill surface directly behind the wall be capped with asphalt, concrete, or one foot of low-permeability soil. If low permeability soils are used as a cap, we recommend that a separation fabric (similar to Mirafi 140N) be placed above the drainage aggregate prior to placing the cap material. Applied Loads: Overturning and sliding loads applied to retaining walls can be classified as active, at-rest, surcharge, and hydrostatic pressures. Our recommended methods of calculating design pressures are discussed in the following paragraphs. • • • • Active and At-Rest Pressures: Yielding (cantilever) retaining walls should be designed to withstand an appropriate active lateral earth pressure, whereas non-yielding (restrained) walls should be designed to withstand an appropriate at-rest lateral earth pressure. The at- rest case is applicable where retaining wall movement is confined to less than 0.005 H, where H is the wall height. If greater movement is possible, the active case applies. A wall movement of about 0.02 H will be required to develop the full passive pressure. These pressures act over the entire back of the wall and vary with the backslope inclination. For retaining walls up to 12 feet in height with a level backslope, we recommend using an active and at-rest pressure (given as equivalent fluid unit weights) provided in the following table. RECOMMENDED RETAINING PRESSURES UP TO 12 FEET IN HEIGHT Backslope Angle Active Pressure At-Rest Pressure (pcf) (pcf) Level 35 50 Surcharge Pressures: The above equivalent fluid pressures are based on the assumption of a uniform horizontal backfill and no buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Surcharge pressures due to sloping ground, adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment, etc. must be added to these values. For traffic loads, we recommend using an equivalent two foot soil surcharge. For loading docks, point, continuous or evenly distributed loads above the dock will result in horizontal pressure on the wall. The appropriate loading conditions should be incorporated into the loading dock wall design, or we can provide surcharge criteria for loading conditions behind the loading dock wall, if requested. Seismic Pressures: For level backfill conditions, we recommend that a uniformly distributed pressure of 4.5H psf, where H is the height of the wall, be applied to the walls. Hydrostatic Pressures: If groundwater is allowed to saturate the backfill soils, hydrostatic pressures will act against a retaining wall; however, if the recommended drainage system is included with each retaining wall, we do not expect that hydrostatic pressures will develop. 21 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion g Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracan Resisting Forces: Active and at-rest pressures for conventional concrete cantilever retaining wall foundations are resisted by a combination of passive lateral earth pressure, base friction, subgrade bearing capacity, and weight of soil above buried portions of the foundations. Passive pressure acts over that portion of the embedded of the walls more than 18 inches below the finished surface grade. For retaining walls with a level foreslope and zero hydrostatic pressure behind the wall, we recommend the resisting design values presented in the following table, which incorporates a static safety factor of at least 1.5. A soil unit weight of 130 pcf is recommended when calculating the total weight of soil above buried portions of foundations . .. --. RECOMMENDED RESISTING FORCES Design Parameters Allowable Value Bearing Capacity On pile foundations 275 pcf, neglecting the upper Passive Pressure 12 inches of embedment plus lateral resistance of pile foundations. " -·- Utility Penetrations through Backfilled Walls: Care should be taken where utilities penetrate through backfilled walls. Minor settlement of the wall backfill soils can impart significant soil loading on utilities, and some form of flexible connection may be appropriate at backfilled wall penetrations. 4.7 Drainage Footing Drains: A perimeter footing drain system is recommended around the proposed addition. Drains are also recommended behind all retaining and loading dock walls. Footing drains should consist of a minimum 4-inch diameter, Schedule 40, rigid, perforated PVC pipe placed at the base of the heel of the footing with the perforations facing down. The pipe should be underlain and surrounded by a minimum of 4 inches of clean free-draining granular material. We recommend placing a non-woven geotextile, such as Mirafi 140N, or equivalent, between the free draining backfill and the surrounding fill material. Footing drains should be directed toward appropriate storm water drainage facilities. Water from downspouts and surface water should be independently collected and routed to a suitable discharge location. Perimeter Building Grades: Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage from the building areas at all times. Water must not be allowed to pond or to collect adjacent to foundations or within the immediate building area. We recommend that a gradient of at least 3 percent for a minimum distance of 10 feet from the building perimeter be provided, except in paved locations. In paved areas, a minimum gradient of one percent should be provided. Infiltration: We understand that no infiltration systems are planned for this project. 22 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion • Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 m Terracon Project No. 81095071 4.8 Pavements Asphalt Pavements lrerracon Pavement Life and Maintenance: It should be realized that asphaltic pavements are not maintenance-free. The following pavement sections represent our minimum recommendations for an average level of performance during a 20 year design life. Thicker asphalt, base, and subbase courses would offer better long-term performance, but would cost more initially; thinner courses would be more susceptible to "alligator" cracking and other failure modes. As such, pavement design can be considered a compromise between a high initial cost and low maintenance costs versus a low initial cost and higher maintenance costs. Soil Design Values: A California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test was completed on a composite sample of the native sandy silt soil collected from borings B-4, B-7, B-10, and B-11. The material has a CBR value of about 17 percent when compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D 1557) maximum dry density. At 95 percent compaction, the unit weight of the soil is approximately 113 pcf. A sample collected in boring B-4 between 2% and 4 feet had a dry unit weight of 81.2 pcf and a moisture content of about 26 percent. The optimum moisture content of the Proctor sample was about 14 percent. At the in-situ moisture content level measured, a CBR value of about 2 percent would be more suitable for pavement design purposes. Given the wet nature of this soil sample, it appears that compaction of the soils will be difficult to impossible, For all new asphalt pavement sections, we recommend placing a layer of Tensar BX 1100 below the pit-run subbase. We recommend the subbase material have a CBR value of 30 or more. It should be noted that the recommended pavement sections presented in this report are different than the originally-recommended pavement sections by AGRA, primarily due to the higher traffic loading contained in the scope of services for this project. Traffic Design Values: Traffic loading provided for heavy-duty pavements consists of 335,800 18-kip ESALs over 20 years and 109,500 18-kip ESALs for standard-duty pavements. Other design parameters used in the design included initial serviceability = 4.2, terminal serviceability = 2.0, reliability = 85%, and standard deviation = 0.45 for flexible pavements and 0.35 for rigid pavements. Subgrade Preparation: Prior to placement of the pavement section materials (subbase, base, or asphalt), the subgrade should be prepared as recommended in Site Preparation section of this report. Subgrade Compaction: The subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density and be firm and unyielding when proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck or other suitable heavy equipment. General Fill: All fill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the materials modified Proctor maximum dry density. Given the moisture condition of the subgrade soils, this may be 23 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracon difficult to achieve except during the drier summer months when the subgrade would likely be more stable. If imported soils are used to grade areas that will support pavement, we recommend that a sample be submitted to the owner's CTL for laboratory testing to determine the Proctor and CSR values of the material. Base and Asphalt Materials: The manufacturing and placement of pavements and crushed base course should conform to specifications presented in Divisions 5 and 4, respectively, of the 2008 Washington State Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges, and Municipal Construction, as well as the project plans and specifications. Specific recommendations for asphalt concrete, crushed base course, and asphalt treated base are provided below. Based on contacting local aggregate and asphalt suppliers, these materials are expected to be locally available and are considered suitable and economical materials for construction of pavements. • Asphalt Concrete: We recommend that the asphalt concrete conform to Section 9-02.1 ( 4) for PG 64-22 Performance Grade Asphalt Cement as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. We recommend that the gradation of the aggregate conform to the aggregate gradation control points for Y,-inch mixes as presented in Section 9-03.8(6), HMA Proportions of Materials. • Crushed Aggregate Base Course: We recommend that the crushed aggregate base conform to Section 9-03.9(3), Crushed Surfacing Base Course, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. • Pit-Run Subbase: Where subgrades are below design elevations, we recommend that the subbase course consist of pit-run sand and gravel that has a minimum CSR value of 30 when compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend that the material conform to Section 9-03.14(1 ), Gravel Borrow, of the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. • Asphalt Treated Base: In lieu of crushed gravel base, asphalt-treated base (ATS) can be substituted. The A TB would provide a more durable wearing surface if the pavement subgrade areas will be exposed to construction traffic prior to final paving with hot-mix asphalt. ATS should be prepared and placed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification 4-06 for Asphalt Treated Base. • Compaction -Asphalt, Base, and Subbase: All subbase and base materials should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM: D-1557. We recommend that all subgrade and base courses be proofrolled with a loaded dump truck prior to placing the following lift of material. We recommend that asphalt be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the Rice (theoretical maximum) density or 96 percent of Marshall (Maximum laboratory) density. ATS should be compacted to a minimum of 80 percent of the maximum theoretical density. 24 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion • Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon Asphalt Pavement Sections: The following table presents recommended pavement sections for anticipated standard-and heavy-duty traffic levels. ---. RECOMMENDED ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTIONS 20-YEAR LIEFESPAN -~- Minimum Thickness (in.) Pavement Section Standard-Duty Traffic Heavy-Duty Traffic 109,500 ESALs 335,800 ESALs - Asphalt Pavement 3 4 Crushed Aggregate Base (CAB) 5 5 Pit-Run Subbase 7 7 ATB Substitute for CAB 2.5 2.5 Concrete Pavements Concrete Properties and Thickness: Cement concrete pavement should be produced and placed in accordance with 5-05, Cement Concrete Pavement, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. Concrete pavement design recommendations are based on an assumed modulus of rupture of 600 psi and a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi for the concrete. The concrete should have a minimum air entrainment of 3 percent and a maximum of 7 percent. We recommend that the aggregate grade conform to WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.1 (5)B, Grading, for maximum nominal aggregate size of 1 inch. It is our opinion that concrete pavements should have relatively closely spaced control joints on the order of 12 to 14 feet. Reinforcing is not required. Reinforcement consisting of 6x6- W2.0xW2.0 welded wire could be used if additional interlock is desired across cracks that could develop in the pavement. We recommend that, at a minimum, loading dock pavements be reinforced with #3 bars on 15 inch centers, each direction. Given the relatively thin section of standard-duty concrete pavements, we recommend that load transfer dowels be omitted. In heavy-duty sections, we recommend using 1-inch diameter dowels placed 24 inches on center on all joints. The dowels should be placed at mid-height in the slabs. We recommend that all contraction joints be cut to a depth of T/4, where T = thickness of the concrete slab. In this case, the contraction joints should be cut to depths of 1-3/8 inch and 1-5/8 inch in 5.5 and 6.5 inch thick slabs. All contraction joints should be sawed as soon as practical to control cracking. The contraction joints should be sealed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification Section 5-05.3(8)C, Sealing Sawed Contraction Joints. Joint filler properties should be in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification Section 9-04 .. 2, Joint Sealants. Concrete pavements should be protected from construction traffic until a compressive strength of 3,000 25 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation 1 r: Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington 1erracon November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 psi has been achieved. The following table presents recommended concrete pavement sections for anticipated standard-and heavy-duty traffic levels. I. .. -RECOMMENDED CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTIONS Minimum Thickness (in.) avement Course Standard-Duty Traffic Heavy-Duty Traffic ,~~~ --- Concrete Pavement Crushed Aggregate Top Course Pit-Run Subbase 4.8.1 Asphalt Overlays 5.5 6.5 4 5 4 5 Based upon our visual reconnaissance of the existing pavement, it appears that the existing asphalt is in fair condition. Areas of observed alligatored cracking should be completely removed and replaced with the recommended sections for new pavement. Without proper crack repairs, reflective cracking in the overlay should be anticipated. The primary goal of patching linear cracks or removing severely alligatored areas is to reduce the risk of reflection cracks and the associated degradation of the new overlay. The basic mechanism of reflection cracking is strain concentration in the overlay due to movement in the area of cracks in the original pavement. This movement may be bending or shear induced by loads or contraction created by temperature changes. Pre-overlay repair may help delay the occurrence of reflection cracks. Paving fabrics may also help to control reflection cracking. Reflection cracks have a considerable influence on the life of an overlay. They require frequent maintenance such as sealing and patching. Reflection cracks allow water to enter the pavement structure that may result in a loss of bond between the layers of asphalt. We recommend that the entire existing pavement surface be thoroughly cleaned and the cracks pressure washed to remove debris. After drying, the cracks should be sealed with an emulsified or cut-back asphalt. Immediately after, the cracks should be overlain with a paving fabric such Tensar GlasPave 25 or approved equivalent. We recommend that the cracks be covered with minimum 1-foot wide strips of the fabric or the minimum recommended by the manufacturer, whichever is greatest. In general, the fabric should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. Additional surface preparations such as tack-coating the existing asphalt should be completed in accordance with applicable subsections of Section 5-04.3 of the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. Because the original pavements were designed for significantly less traffic than the current requirements, we recommend the following minimum asphalt overlay sections: • Standard-duty over existing standard-duty: 2 inches • Standard-duty over existing heavy-duty: 1 Y, inches • Heavy-duty over existing heavy-duty: 3 inches • Heavy-duty over existing standard-duty: 4 inches 26 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Wal111art Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon If the recommended overlay thicknesses are too great to tie into existing grades, we recommend removing the existing sections and replacing with new sections as recommended in Section 4.7 above. Alligator Cracks: Alligator cracks are usually associated with granular base that has failed or soft, unstable subgrades. Severe alligator cracking requires removal of the distressed asphalt, overexcavating and replacing the unstable soils, patching, and a structural overlay to prevent this distress from reoccurring. In areas where the asphalt is removed, we recommend that the owner's on-site geotechnical representative determine the need for repairing the base course and subgrade. Moderately severe alligator cracking should also be replaced unless a paving fabric is used to control reflective cracking. Areas of alligator cracking were observed during our evaluation. Therefore, we recommend that shallow subsurface explorations be completed in those areas after the asphalt is removed in order to determine the appropriate level of subgrade repair. Linear Cracks: Cracks in traffic lanes that are parallel to the flow of traffic are referred to as longitudinal cracks. Those that are perpendicular to the flow of traffic are referred to as transverse cracks. Linear cracks can be caused by shrinkage of the asphalt over time or at the joints between successive paving runs where a poor bond was developed. Other linear cracks are sometimes created by settling utility trench backfill, the location of construction joints, or possibly soft subgrades. For severe linear cracks that are open more than 0.25 inch, we recommend that they be filled with a sand-asphalt mixture or other suitable crack filler. A paving fabric should be placed over all filled linear cracks and cracks less than 0.25 inch to control reflective cracking. 4.8.2 Construction Considerations Materials and construction methods for pavements should be in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Washington State Department of Transportation, or other approved local governing specification. Surface drainage should be provided away from the edge of paved areas to minimize lateral moisture transmission into the subgrade. Preventative maintenance should be planned and provided for through an on-going pavement management program in order to enhance future pavement performance. Preventative maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration, and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventative maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g. crack sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g. surface sealing). Preventative maintenance is usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest return on investment for pavements. 27 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion • Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS lrerracon The preliminary conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on review, our surface reconnaissance and the explorations accomplished for this study. The number, location, and depth of the explorations for this study were completed within the site and scope constraints of the project so as to yield the preliminary information necessary to formulate our conclusions and recommendations. The integrity and performance of the foundation systems at this site depend greatly on proper design, site preparation and construction procedures. The wide spacing of explorations for the current study introduces a higher risk of unanticipated variations between the exploration locations. We recommend that the widely-spaced explorations completed for this preliminary evaluation be supplemented by additional borings. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the explorations performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations that may occur between explorations, across the site, or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. If variations appear, a qualified geotechnical engineer should be immediately notified so that further evaluation and supplemental recommendations can be provided as necessary. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Pacland and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site safety and excavation support are the responsibility of others. After the site layout has been determined, we recommend completing additional subsurface explorations in order to satisfy the Walmart requirements. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report can then be modified and expanded as necessary for design purposes. 28 ~ ZONE, (CA) COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL USE• COMMERCIAL 77- -----sE¥eNTH STREITT SW -,---~w I Ill ·, I' "= SANK NOT A FART OF PROJECT ~ ' JSTRIAL MEOOM ,L/COMMERCIAL !, !' i; '--,> ,/ I ;·>.ta., 1 · f_B-21 1-~r~D~ ~ ! G~JI 1111 I ih1l~ _,,,, EXFA~8!1 8·14 I"~ 1 il't=l I' P\.! 1: 'Pf" o,F-w. B-42 l~l:: ;-1\.. \ '-COMPACTOR ""F-µil ' FOUR SAY ~L : 5 · TRUCK DOCK <t:-O' 0 __ a:; z,-"". o,-u I--::::11 · cii:=~ i'eF=i O)_ - DSDDOOR Walmart :::: l><t-l11,1B-J ~E~li:1 "SLIDE" EXPANSION it:: I I ll§F-I .. -- --t= E::I t=, c: ' t:: 11 . E::I t= E: SlORE 12516--05 LR-129-0HfrEXJSllNG 134,352 SF 150 MODIFIED GROCERY {SHORTENED) TOTAL AREA: 150,244 SF ADDITIONAL AREA ~ 15,892 SF C-150E-CR-NO HONDA DEALERSHIP NOT A FART OF PROJECT 13..1g_J1" ]]1 ~ i 7 ~· Pmjed ~rq: TAJ Project.No Drawn By: ""' JD Checked&,-"""' TAJ _,, ... TAJ _p 1,,, -""~ ! ' --- -~ 81095071 AS SHOWN Fig1.DWG Nov., 2009 ii '" '! il [QQQJ • iSS.'.l"" ~ ~ ' ' -1ill I !;) _J 6 "' < ll ,~~ - ~I~ ::~ ~ I i~ !s1 w Gft ~ o::~ w::; ::;o 5 () () w -a, g~ w 2 11 '%,Jf~ I ~g l I I I N I I I 1W 1W SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: S B-1 BORING NUMBER AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION (AUG. 2009) • B-13 BORING NUMBER AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION (OCT. 2009) Basemap PDF file provided by PACLAND INC., dated Aug. 20,_2_009 and mo_clifie_db_y TERRACON. lrerracon SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN II FIG No Renton Wal-Mart Expansion Consulting Engineers and Scientists Renton, Washington II A1 21905 641h Awrua W., Sta 100 MoonU3'a T arraca, 'NA 9!lOO Prepared for: Pacland, Inc. PH. (425) m-:rot fr,:/._ (~25) 771.3549 TIGHTLINE ROOF DRAIN (Do not connect to footing drain) FREE-DRAINING BACKFILL (See text for requirements) ·~ ~ ~ NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC V .~ V V V V V ...J ...J st: 6 s vz 'v V Q i= '<( ~ 0 vZ V V ::::, 0 u. V V V V _ V 7· V V ~ ;-0 ~ WASHED ROCK OR PEA GRAVEL, MIN. 4" ENVELOPE 4" PERFORATED SMOOTH PVC OR CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE NOTE: (Invert elevation to coincide with bottom of footing) REFER TO REPORT TEXT FOR ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND WATERPROOFING CONSIDERATIONS. Project M,q: TAJ PmjociNo llerracon 81095071A ~""'nBy ,.~ JD AS SHOWN Choc!edB'( File No Consulting Engineers and ScienUsts TAJ Fig2.DWG 6" COARSE AGGREGATE COMPACTED SUBGRADE Proposed Wal-Mart Expansion FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL IF'G '"·I Renton, Washington A2 , ~--------~·---~~--~• ,,,,,__ ""'"''"'''~ 1 Prepared for: Pacland i Approwd81 °'' ~~-~~!':_~onue W., Sia 100 MouoUake Tecraoo. i"/A98043 TAJ Nov, 2009 PH (42c' '"' ""' c•~ "~'~' ""'" rtq..:t Mrq: TAJ Projedflo. Dr>MnB)': -JD Cl1(1<;.<e<l8y: "'"' TAJ Awrovoci(ly. -L TAJ OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. HEAVY DUTY -OR- < ' STANDARD -DUTY ' ' f . . ASPHALT (4 INCHES) BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. • ' , • , " • ASPHALT (3 INCHES) . . ' -OR- NOTES: BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 1. ASPHALT TO CONFORM WITH 2008 WSDOT SECTION 5-04, HOT MIX ASPHALT. 2. CRUSHED BASE COURSE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SPECIFICATION 9-03.9 (3), CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE. 3. ASPHALT TREATED BASE SHOULD BE WSDOT APPROVED MIX DESIGN CONFORM ING TO 2008 WSDOT SECTION 4-06, ASPHALT TREATED BASE. 4. SUBBASE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SECTION 9-03.14 (1) GRAVEL BORROW WITH MIN. CBR = 30. 81095071A llerracon TYP. ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION FIG. No. Proposed Wal-Mart Expansion AS SHOWN Consulting Engineers and Scientists Renton, Washington FiaJ 4.DWG A3 21905 64th A\'81100 W .. Ste 100 f.lOU11~al;~ T ooare, WA 900() Prepared for: Pacland Nov., 2009 Pl-:.(4ZS)n1-3.l'.M FM (425) m-3549 l ~Mn;;,r. TAJ Proje,::INn Drawn By: '""" JD '""""'" "'" TAJ ~By: -TAJ HEAVY DUTY WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT (W2xW2 -6x6) ~ ' ~~·· s ~· 4 ;j 4 ., CONCRETE (6.5 INCHES) Ll 4' 4 STANDARD DUTY CRUSHED BASE COURSE (4 INCHES) PIT-RUN SUBBASE (5 INCHES) TENSAR BX 1100 BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT (mxM. S~} ~'i • ~ _ CONCS~ • , ., ·. · • (5.5 INCHES) NOTES: CRUSHED BASE COURSE (4 INCHES) L2./+zi/-/=..z-/¥/~/=/ PIT-RUN SUBBASE , / / / < <_// (5 INCHES) "\___ TEN SAR BX 1100 BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 1. CONCRETE TO CONFORM WITH 2008 WSDOT SECTION 5-05, CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT. 2. WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT TO CONFORM WITH 2008 WSDOT SECTION 9-07.9, COLD DRAWN WIRE. 3. CRUSHED BASE COURSE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SPECIFICATION 9-03.9 (3), CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE. 4. SUBBASE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SPECIFICATION 9-03.14 (1) GRAVEL BORROW WITH MIN. CBR = 30. 81095071A 11erracon TYP. CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION Proposed Wal-Mart Expansion AS SHOWN Consulting Engineers and Scienlists Renton, Washington Fig3_4.DWG 21905 64111 Av!lnoo W., S~ 100 t.lountlaka T ...,.aca, WA 90043 Prepared for: Pacland Nov., 2009 PH 1425) 771-3.?04 FAX. (42'5) 771-""49 FIG. No. A4 APPENDIX B FIELD EXPLORATION Initial Geolechnical Engineering Report Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071A Field Exploration Description lrerracon Between August 10 and 12, 2009, a total of 12 borings were drilled as part of a preliminary subsurface evaluation to depths between approximately 16 and 54 feet below the ground surface. Subsequently, a total of 40 additional borings were completed as part of our final geotechnical evaluation. These were completed between October 2 and 9, 2009. The approximate locations are shown on the attached Site and Exploration Plan, Figure A 1. During both evaluations, the borings were completed using a truck-mounted drill rig operated by Environmental Drilling, Inc. under subcontract to our firm. The explorations were located in the field by using the proposed site plan and survey of the site and measuring from existing site features with steel tapes and by pacing. The accuracy of exploration locations should only be assumed to the degree implied by the method used. Subsequent to their completion, the borings were surveyed by the project surveyor. Continuous lithologic logs of each boring were recorded by the field geologist during the exploration. Groundwater conditions were evaluated in each boring at the time of site exploration. Groundwaterwas encountered in the explorations at the time of drilling. -- Approximate Coordinates and Elevations of Explorations -- Easting/Northing I Approximate Exploration Easting/Northing Approximate Exploration Number Elevation (ft1 Number I Elevation (ft) -- 8-1 E= 1297090.83 26.0 B-27 E= 1297520.34 24.9 N= 174894.08 N= 175217.34 --· B-2 E= 1297071.20 27.4 8-28 E= 1297602.16 24.4 N= 175061.00 N= 175096.97 --- 8-3 E= 1297055.02 27.4 8-29 E= 1297516.37 25.5 N= 175319.74 N= 175313.18 B-4 I E= 1297066.14 24.6 B-30 E= 1297516.78 24.7 N= 175775.80 N= 175411.06 8-5 E= 1297154.11 27.3 B-31 E= 1297518.08 25.2 I N= 175578.97 N= 175512.15 8-6 E= 1297286.34 26.9 B-32 E= 1297605.34 25.1 N= 175041.46 N= 175504.22 B-7 E= 1297413.67 26.0 B-33 E= 1297723.69 25.1 N= 175549.14 N= 175500.36 8-8 E= 556,563.64 26.9 B-34 E= 1297793.60 25.2 N= 193,464.01 N= 175463.85 8-9 E= 1297606.83 24.6 B-35 E= 1297725.84 24.7 N= 175399.84 N= 175604.13 B-10 E= 1297635.22 25.4 B-36 E= 1297495.00 25.4 N= 17 5826 .23 N= 175100.40 B-11 E= 1297700.11 24.7 B-37 E= 1297785.58 24.9 N= 175214.97 N= 175155.45 B-12 E= 1297913.24 24.5 B-38 E= 1297768.22 25.5 N= 175532.98 N= 175276.99 B-13 E= 1297412.76 26.4 B-39 E= 1297876.86 25.2 N= 175354.96 N= 175469.46 B-14 E=1297300.52 26.5 B-40 E= 1297605.43 24.7 N= 175547.88 N= 175219.11 B-15 E= 1297362.52 25.0 B-41 E= 1297051.12 27.4 N= 175619.04 N= 175174.29 B-16 E= 1297217.44 26.1 B-42 E= 1297048.47 27.0 N= 175623.79 N= 175479.07 B-17 E= 1297180.96 24.6 B-43 E= 1297540.99 25.4 N= 175687.38 N= 175836 09 B-18 E= 1297234.72 24.8 B-44 E= 1297893.91 24.4 N= 175688.54 N= 175357.08 B-19 E= 1297422.85 26.3 B-45 E= 1297792.94 24.9 N= 175242.31 N= 175380.34 B-20 E= 1297201.68 27.4 B-46 E= 1297712.76 24.6 N= 175059.25 N= 175413.80 B-21 E= 556,713.99 26.1 B-47 E= 1297 456.34 24.4 N= 193, 102.92 N= 175716.60 B-22 E= 1297099.80 25.5 B-48 E= 1297 462.56 25.5 N= 175682. 70 N= 175594.54 B-23 E= 1297554.22 24.5 B-49 E= 1297454.50 25.1 N= 175570.89 N= 175821.48 B-24 E= 1297651.36 25.2 B-50 E= 1297608.77 25.1 N= 175559.32 N= 175315.95 B-25 E= 1297664.37 25.3 B-51 E= 1297710.60 25.0 N= 175672.63 N= 175310.73 B-26 E= 1297559.63 24.9 B-52 E= 1297718.56 24.5 N= 175690.57 N= 175093.28 m 0 C " m 0 ~ ro 00 " 0 ~ " z " 0 • ' ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Page 1 of 1 ·---- CLIENT PacLand -. SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -~ ~r I SAMPLES TESTS i I I I I ' ' ...J 1;; l? ! I I 0 .S ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION I "' >' "' w . ...J :;; ,; zI ,2 i ,; er ,.: '= -f-->-"' w -z "-l? I I. (/) w > (/) erw z Zz (l_ f--(/) Cl w 0 :a::s Wf--:::, Ow ~ "-0 :;; (l_ 0 f--0 f--z >-Oer UJ (/) ::, >-UJ (l_...J !8 er 13 Z,- C9 0 :::, z f--er (/) Cl 0 0. :::)(/) ti.;:.'·-;.:: 2.5 inches Asphalt over 5 inches crushed -I I ;qi gravel over GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, - - brown, dense, moist to wet - :c:-·:·:-:· -SP S-1 ss 32 ~.04 -SM SILT, trace fine sand, gray, soft to - medium stiff, moist 5 ML S-2 ss 4 36 - - ·7 - SILT, with fine sand, mottled gray and :·-.\ ::·. brown, very loose, wet -ML S-3 ss 3 34 200WASH - - 10 SM S-4 ss 1 - - 'Sl. - ·. · · \ 13 - - ::.. ·. SAND, with silt, trace gravel, gray, loose - ... to medium dense, saturated - .... - 15 -SP S-5 ss 10 .. 16.5 -SM Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/12/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-12-09 WL 'Sl. 12 WO :f_ BORING COMPLETED 8-12-09 WL 'l ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-2 Page 1 of 1 ···--. CLIENT Pacland ---· -- SITE PROJECT . Renton, Washington Renton Retail ----------------~------------- SAMPLES I TESTS : '--' ..., -~ "' 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION co ,-: t' w . ..., 2 ,; zI ,; a'. ,.: t: -f-Se >-a'. w -z "-'--' I I (f) w > :a;~ a::w z Zz tl. f-(f) co w 0 Wf-:, Ow ~ tl. 0 2 tl. 0 f-0 f-Z >-ua:: w (f) :, >-w n__, ~8 a::-Zr '--' 0 :, z f-a'. U)"' 0 g_ ::, U) Approximately 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 - inches crushed gravel over SIL TY - - GRAVELLY SAND, gray, dense, moist - (POSSIBLE GLACIAL TILL FILL) -SM S-1 ss 42 10 SIEVE - - 5 SM S-2 ss 31 10 SIEVE - - - · 8.2 -CL S-3 ss 6 36 ATTERBERG SILT, trace clay, gray with Iron Oxide -ML LIMITS mottling, medium stiff, wet - Pl=13, LL=41 10 ML S-4 ss 3 11 - - SILT, trace fine sand and clay, - 13 yellow-gray, soft, wet - -< . FINE SAND, with silt, gray, very loose, . ¥ - saturated - < -- .. 15 SP S-5 ss 2 .... -.. 16.5 -SM Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 14 feet while drilling. 0 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL ¥ 14 WO ~ BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL "l-.l7 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 ' LOG OF BORING NO. 8-3 Page 1 of 1 ----·· -- CLIENT Pacland -·--- SITE PROJECT '.1.enton, __ Washington Renton Retail ' --------. SAMPLES ! TESTS ' ! ' (') __, _s; 'ti 0 ~ 0 "- 0 l!l >' "' w -__, DESCRIPTION 2 .; zI .; O'. ,..: !:: -f-~ >-O'. w -z "-(') I :r: <J) w > C/) O'.W z Zz Cl_ f-<J) (D w 0 :a::s Wf-:::, Ow ~ Cl_ 0 " Cl_ 0 f-0 f-Z >-0 O'. w C/) :0 >-w a__, ~8 oc-Zf- (') 0 :0 z f-O'. C/) l!l 0 g_ :0 C/) Approximately 3 inches Asphalt over 5 - inches crushed gravel over SIL TY SAND, - - with gravel, gray, loose, moist to wet - (POSSIBLE GLACIAL TILL FILL) -SM S-1 ss 9 13 - - SILT, brown, medium stiff to stiff, wet 5 ML S-2 ss 10 37 - - 7 - - SILT, with fine sand, trace clay, brown, -8.5 soft, wet -ML S-3 ssl 6 41 - FINE SAND, with silt, brown, loose, wet ' 'ii'--i 10 ss1 --·: 11 -SP S-4 6 -SM « C SIL TY CLAY, blue-gray, medium stiff, wet ' -FINE SAND, with silt, gray, very loose, ~ wet grading to saturated -Ii ____ - -I - I<·•-15 --SP S-51 SS 3 --- -_.----16.5 -SM Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. m § The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerraccn BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL 'ii'-10 WO _f_ BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL 51--1". 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 Page 1 of 1 .•. - CLIENT PacLand SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -~ --. SAMPLES TESTS ..., ·" i ':;; CJ 0 a" I ~ D o. 0 DESCRIPTION ca >-w . ..., 2 " zI " er: f-t: -f-S2 >-er: w -z u. CJ I I. (/) w > Cl) cr:w z Zz a. f-(/) ca w 0 :a;: 5 Wf-:::, Ow ~ a. (.) 2 a. (.) f-0 f-Z >-Ucr: w (/) :, >-w a...., ~8 er: -Z,- CJ D :::, z f-er: UHil D g_ :::, {/) ·-Approximately 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 - inches crushed gravel over CLAYEY - - SILT, with sand, trace gravel, brown, soft, - wet. Dry unit wt.=81.57 pcf. -ML S-1 ss 4 37 unit wt. - - 5.5 5 SM S-2 ss 14 39 - ....... , SIL TY FINE SAND, orange-brown, - medium dense, moist - ••···•••r8.5 -SP S-3 ss 5 29 -SM FINE SAND, with silt, gray, loose, wet - <":·· 10 SP S-4 ss 4 -.. > -SM .:·-,· ¥ -.. >. .. 13.5 - - - <ri GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown-gray, - medium dense, saturated - 15 -SP S-5 ss 12 :r;>:. •. :· 16.5 - Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be grad~al. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL ¥ 12 WO .J. BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL "l. l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Page 1 of 2 ---~---------------·-·-------'-'==----=--=--1 CLIENT 1-------- SITE PacLand PROJECT Renton, Washingto11 ___________ 1--~--.-- -·-< ~-.:.~:: /c; I.'--/ 12 .=." I.; ,[:l° lot/ ,ac 0 e:,, tr/ ~ Or ~ \..,: · of;:t· -, ): . -< 0-o· -D. g -q-~ ~rD\ ro o .D IB ,(l C s ~-Qt g b t, ~ ,QC £ o.0o.· . )" l,.) -~ § o"-D. ~ /2!·'(. Sl 0:[':)°". ..... ) . ·< § o·.D. ~ oc ~ o-Q,O: g (:.r/ DESCRIPTION 3.5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed gravel over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, tan-gray, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, yellow-gray, dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, dense, moist GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, dense, damp SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown, medium dense, saturated SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, very dense, saturated _, 0 [ll :;; "' >-Cl'. :i: Cf) w f-Cf) Ol [L 0 :;; UJ Cf) ::, 0 ::, z - - - - -SM S-1 - - 5 GP S-2 - - - -GP S-3 - - 10 SP S-4 - - - -GP S-5 -GM - 15-- - - - -GP S-6 - - 20-- - - - -GP S-7 - - 25- - - - - -GP S-8 - - 30-- - - - - ---- Renton Retail ----~-------- SAMPLES TESTS --- -~ 1;; ~ o~ ,.: ;fe w - Cl'. "' ... -zI t: -f-w -z "-l? > Cf) o:w z Zz UJ 0 'fs UJ f-::, Ow [L 0 f-0 f-Z >-Oo: >-UJ [L _, is 0: 13 Ze- f-Cl'. C/)[ll 0~ ::, Cf) ss 26 7 SIEVE ss 40 3 ss 35 3 SIEVE ss 33 ss 26 9 SIEVE ss 50/5" ss 50/4" ss 59 E._-L-_____ ....;c;,,;o;,,;n.;;t;,,;in.;;u;;;e;,,;d;.;.N;,;;e;;;xt;.;.P.;;aa1,,;;~'e------..1.--.... -1-..i.-.... _.__ .... _..,. _ _. __ ....1, ___ --I w The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines ~ between soil and rock types: ~-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~ .... ..;...;....;...;..;._ __ ;,;,,,._...;._;._ ___ 'T"..,,,,,,..,,;,,,,...----------.,-----------------1 llerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 z w ~ 0 I w ~ 0 m o' a WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft WL 'ii' 12 WD :J_ WL :c[_ l' WL BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck I CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ I JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 ro 00 " s " z ~ 0 ro ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Page 2 of 2 -- I CLIENT Pacland ----- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington I Renton Retail --SAMPLES TESTS ·------~-- Cl _, .~ 1n 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION ro ,-: "' w -_, :a; "' zI "' "' e.: t: -f- " >-"' w -z lL(!) I r (/) w > (/) O'.W z Zz [)._ f-(/) a] w 0 'fs Wf-::, Ow i?. [)._ 0 :a; [)._ 0 f-0 ~z >-One w (/) ::, >-w [l_ _, s8 Cl'. TI Zf- Cl 0 ::, z f-Cl'. Cl) ro 0 "-::, (/) yC)'(; SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, very -S-9 ss 30 ,{y dense, saturated -)_ -< 0·.!)_ -oc 35- C:/ -t.· ·( - 0 .!): - 0 c D O· o. GP i-1 C ss 65 i: -' - o· .!)_ 39 - 0-17 Boring completed at 39 feet on 8/11/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while - drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL Si' 12 WD !'. BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL 'l. ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-6 Page 1 of 1 --- CLIENT PacLand -------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ----SAMPLES TESTS ---- ' I _, I .S ! -(') w 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION ro ,: se. w -_, :, "' zI "' er: I--' t:: -f--"' >-er: w -z u. l9 I :c (/) w > (/) cr:w z Zz [L f--(/) [!] UJ 0 :a;,s: Wf--::, Ow c? [L () :, [L () f--0 f--Z >-() er: w (/) ::, >-w [L _, ~8 o:c-Z,- (0 0 ::, z f--er: (/) <l'.l 0 g_ ::,(/) 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed - gravel over SANDY SILT to SIL TY SAND, - - -.: ·. brown and gray, very stiff, moist - . ': ML S-1 ss 17 13 - ·: 4.5 - SANDY SILT, brown and gray, medium 5 ~ ML stiff, moist S-2 ss 6 . ·. 7 -t ·-·.· SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, gray, dense, moist to wet -SM S-3 ss 41 - .: 9.5 - :i·/'(· GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, gray, dense, 10 -SP S-4 ss 38 /G wet -SM ,_c.·:_:: :o:· .. --.ff 13 ~ -- (·_-:: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, - /C:'J medium dense, saturated - - D ·.·.-:: 15 SP S-5 ss 15 .o·· .. - ,: j\.· 16.5 -SM Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/12/09. Groundwater observed at 13 feet while drilling. :, The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerraccn BORING STARTED 8-12-09 WL :sz 13 WD :J: BORING COMPLETED 8-12-09 WL 'I-le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste.100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ~-Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 Page 1 of 2 ---·-- CLIENT PacLand ~·--··--. - SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS ------------ ' I c., _, .~ 1n 0 ~ 0 a. 0 DESCRIPTION 0:, >' * w -_, 2 ,; zI ,; a: ,-: t: -f-~ >-a: w -z LL C., I I-(/) w > '\'.~ a:w z Zz [\. f-(/) 0:, w 0 Wf-:::, Ow ~ [\. u 2 [\. u f-0 f-Z >-Ua: w (/) :::, >-w [\. _, ~8 a:-Zr c., 0 :::, z f-a: (/) 0:, 0 :l. :::)(/) 2 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches crushed - gravel over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, - - 2.5 gray, medium dense, wet (PROBABLE - \FILL) I -ML S-1 ss 4 34 CLAYEY SILT, trace fine sand and gravel; - 4.5 orange-brown and gray-brown, medium - \stiff, wet . I 5 SM S-2 ss 5 18 - SIL TY FINE SAND, orange-brown and - gray-brown, loose grading to medium - dense, moist SM S-3 ss 14 8 ., .: 8.5 - - ~--·· · .. GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, brown-gray, ·o dense, wet - ,•." . 10 SP S-4 ss 32 :-.··.·::-:: - ."(;)."· ... ·. -SM ·o 2 O& Grades to gray, medium dense, saturated -SP S-5 ss 20 -SM :-.:.·.-..:-: -:o::.· -'ls 15-- - : •. :. ·.-.-:: Grades to trace silt -SP S-6 ss 26 11 SIEVE :~::-:.:· - ':£ - - - _:J./:::. 20-- ;0. - -I '.>c, - :-.· •. · ... -:: -SP S-7 ss 17 -~::·:-:· .. a -,, 25-/6; - -:-_:.":_.:: - .c,:· .. -<a Grades to dense SP S-8 ss 35 :-.·. :.-.· - /6 - _.:;;/:::. - 30- ,(') - - -·o - - Continued Next Paae The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTEO 8-10-09 WL 2 12 WD ~ BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL "I. l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. . EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 ~ ~ g ~ z ~ 0 rn ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 Page 2 of 2 ------- I CLIENT Pacland ---I ------.. SITE I PROJECT Renton, Wa,;hington I Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS ' G _, -~ ;; 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION al >-' ;;S w . _, :, "' zI u "' >-CT'. ,.: t:: -f-CT'. w -z LL(!) r :r: (/) w > ,; ~ CT'.W z Zz a.. f-(/) (!l w 0 Wf-::, Ow ~ a.. u :, a.. u f-0 f-Z >-Ucr: w (/) ::, >-w a.._, ~8 CT'.t; Zf- "' D ::, z f-CT'. U) al D "-::, (/) :i.":_:.:: GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, brown-gray, -SP S-9 ss 22 {6 dense, wet - :..··.·:_:· Grades to medium dense -:o::·:-:· 35- ;() - - -<u - ,Jt Grades to dense -SP ,-1 C ss 31 - - 40-- :,_:.":_.:: - :o:· .. - •b - ~-. ·• . ~>ei Grades to orange-brown, with silt -SP ,-11 ss 38 -SM _}./::: - b9 45-- - "o -l):-.. :_-:-·o-·:-.· Grades to very dense, gray -SP ,-1 ss 50/6" ~9 49 -SM Boring completed at 49 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. I The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL ',Z 12 WO _,. BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL 'I-l7. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 Page 1 of2 -~-- CLIENT PacLand -·--- SITE PROJECT Re_r1ton, Washington Renton Retail -SAMPLES TESTS ---·-- ('J _J C ';;; 0 ,f!_ ~ 0 Q_ 0 DESCRIPTION a, >' llJ - _J 2 "' zI "' O'. f--' C: -f--- Se >-O'. w -z "-('J I :r' CJ) llJ > CJ) o::w z Zz n. f---CJ) a, w 0 <cs Wf---:, Ow ~ n. 0 2 n. 0 f---0 f---Z )--Oci: w CJ) :, )--w n. _J ~3 O'. 'o Zf--- ('J 0 :, z f---O'. ''"" 0 "-:, (j) I,, 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed -- gravel over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, - - brown, medium dense to dense, damp - (PROBABLE FILL) SM S-1 ss 50 - - SIL TY FINE SAND, trace gravel, 5 orange-brown, loose, moist SM S-2 ss 7 24 - -L -SM S-3 ss 8 25 - -·_-: ·. 10.5 10 GP S-4 ss 26 7 - ·.--: ~ SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, gray, medium -_Q_M ,ct 12 dense, wet ~ - - SAND, with silt and gravel, gray, loose, .. -_-. __ .· -SP S-5 ss 7 30 SIEVE .. saturated -SM ji .· .. - 15- I .: 16 - - Ci' SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, dense, - O·. Q saturated - I}.· ·i o·-D. -GP S-6 ss 38 0( - 0{Y\ -~.'.D: 20-.ac -,_:c-,,· - . ·< 22 - SILT, with fine sand, gray, medium stiff, -ML S-7 ss 5 wet - .. _-25 25- ~ ' GRAVEL, trace sand and silt, brown-gray, - o{:)o< medium dense, saturated - o D - ac ' [')°, -GP S-8 ss 12 5 SIEVE - o D ac - , G', 30- - o D -ac - of'Y~ - - Continued Next Pa!le The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaiy lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL Si' 12 WD .!: BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL °'I-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-8 Page 2 of 2 -~------·--·--·~-----------~- CLIENT Pacland . ----·-.. - SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -. ! SAMPLES TESTS I CJ _, -~ I ';;; 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION "' >' "' w . _, 2 "' zI "' Cl'. ,-: t: ->-S2 >-Cl'. w -z LL CJ I I. VJ w > ,;~ O'.W z Zz "->-VJ O'.l w 0 Wr ::, Ow c2 "-0 2 "-0 >-0 >-z >-On: w VJ ::, >-w "-_, f8 o:-Zr CJ 0 ::, z >-Cl'. VJ"' 0 g_ ::, VJ -' GRAVEL, trace sand and silt, brown-gray, -GP S-9 ss 23 , Ct medium dense, saturated - ' < o D -0( 35-,[y - ' ' -o D -0( - ,[y -GP ,-1[ ss 27 I) < o D -ac -,[y 40-I) < o D -ac - -,[y - I) ' o D -GP ,-11 ss 29 ac -,[y o D - ac 45-- ,[y - ) < - o D -ac Grades to very dense --· ,[y -GP ,-1 ss 68 ) < - o D ac - ,[y 50--) < -o D ac - -,[y ) < -GP ,-1 ss 54 o D Or 54 - Boring completed at 54 feet on 8/11 /09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL 2 12 WD ~ BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL ~ ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 1 DO RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-9 Page 1 of 1 - CLIENT PacLand ------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -----~· SAMPLES TESTS ~---·----·-- -' -~ 't; (') 0 ~ 0 n. 0 DESCRIPTION a, >' ,r. w - -' 2 ,; zI ,; (l'. >-' t: -f-Se >-(l'. w -z "-(') I :r' "' w > "' tl'.w z Zz 0. f-"' a, 0 :a::s Wf-:::, Ow w ~ 0. () 2 0. () f-0 f-Z >-() (l'. w "' :, r: w 0.-' ~8 tl'.-Zr (') 0 :, z (l'. <f)[!] 0 1i =><fl ·_.....,· ~; 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed - 0:{Y·, gravel over SANDY GRAVEL to - -o' .D GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, tan-gray, -QC medium dense, damp (PROBABLE FILL) - I ,C:,> -GP S-1 ss 30 3 .. ' -o·.(:, .C\.·. . 4.5 -I :· · . .-1.-. SIL TY FINE SAND, orange-brown, loose, 5 ·' damp -SM S-2 ss 9 4 - . .".· ·7 - /9 GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, orange-brown, medium dense, damp -GP S-3 ss 20 4 - 9.5 -~, SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, 10 of;/· GP S-4 ss 22 .. _, medium dense, wet to saturated ";I. - o" .D: - oc - ofj''· 13 - ·< -~-:·.~.-: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, - ?0 saturated - - 15 SP S-5 ss 6 .. c .. :.·.:·. - :.:re;. . 16.5 -. Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8111109. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerraccn BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL ";I. 11 WD .!. BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL "l. le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste.100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-10 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT T------~----~----- Pacland SITE I PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ' SAMPLES TESTS ' (!) _, -~ ';;; 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION OJ ,: 'if' w -_, 2 "' zI ~ "' O'. ,__-'::: ->-->-O'. w -z LL(!) I :r: Cf) w > ~~ O'.w z Zz [L I >--<f) Cil w 0 Wf--:, Ow ~ I [L 0 2 [L 0 >--0 >--z >-00'. w <f) :, >-w [L _, ~8 0: -Z>-- (.? 0 :, z >--O'. CJ) Cil 0 g_ :, CJ) 1.5 inches Asphalt over 4.5 inches - crushed gravel over SILT, with fine sand, - - orange-brown, soft, wet - --ML-S-1 ss 4 39 - 4.5 - FINE SANDY SILT, orange-brown, very 5 6 soft, wet -ML S-2 ss 13 39 - o-0," SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, D . s with silt, orange-brown and gray, medium - o· .t}_ dense, moist -GP S-3 ss 22 5 oc -GM ,0,0 9.5 -Ki-:·._-::: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, 10 <t medium dense, wet ----i SP S-4 ss 26 12 11.5 V -0 ' ~:-:·-.:.:: GRAVELLY SAND to SANDY GRAVEL, - /ls trace silt, gray, loose, saturated - - lJ~t65 - - - 15 SP S-5 ss 10 - - Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 11.5 feet while drilling. . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-1 0-09 WL ¥ 11.5 WD .?: BORING COMPLETED 8-1 0-09 WL l". l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-11 Page 1 of 1 1-C-L-IE_N_T ___________________ I _____________ ----'--='-'--=--'--I PacLand l------------'-===-----------+-----------~--~------------1 PROJECT ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 w ~ B SITE Renton, Washington DESCRIPTION 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed gravel over FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, damp SAND, trace silt and gravel, brown-gray, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, gray-brown, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, wet to saturated Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. "' :r: >-0.. w 0 - - - - - -- - 5 - - - - - 10 - - - - - - - - 15 - - _, 0 "' 2 >-0: <J) w <J) "' 0 2 <J) :::, :::, z SP S-1 SP S-2 GP S-3 GM GP S-4 GP S-5 Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS -~ ';; ~ 0 Q. ,_-;fl w - "' zI 0: ,.: t: ->-w -z u. CJ > <J) O'.W z Zz w 0 ~s Wr :::, Ow 0.. 0 r-0 r-Z >-Oo: >-w 0.. _, ~8 0: 'tJ Zr >-Cl'. <J)"' 0 Q. :::, <J) ss 8 5 ss 13 5 ss 26 7 ss 10 ss 6 E1-------------------------'--------....__..__.___ .... _ _.. _____ _. ___ --1 u..1 The stratification !ines represent the approximate boundary lines 0 c::: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~1---------.... -------............ .,,,,-----------,..----------------f ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft l lerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 ~ WL 5l. 12 WD !'. wl---!=~-----+-~------1 ~ WL i'l-l'. c' WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-12 Page 1 of 1 1--------------------------------------------------~ CLIENT PacLand -t------------'-'===-------------+-------------------------1 PROJECT SITE Renton, Washing~t~o'--n~-------+-------~-----R~e_n,to_n-'-'-R'--e'--ta'--i_l ________ 1 SAMPLES TESTS >--------------···· ·-~-~-----,--~----~----- ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 i 0 ~ . :._ . ---·. ·._· .-: --_-- --4.5 ;-:>.-: ;c; _:;.·.-:-::: ) () /C,9_5 ·.---:"'(; ,_0, . I..;,.)·< o"-D: 0( ,[:)~ 13 _:_( Ii - --16.5 DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed gravel over SIL TY FINE SAND, trace gravel, gray, loose, moist GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, medium dense, moist Grades to with silt SIL TY SANDY GRAVEL, gray, loose, saturated SIL TY FINE SAND, trace fine organics, gray, very loose, saturated Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/11 /09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. _, 0 OJ "' 2 >-O'. :i U) L1J f-U) OJ L1J Cl. u 2 Cl. L1J U) :, >-0 :, z f- - - - - -SM S-1' SS - 5 SP S-2 ss - - -SP S-31 SS -SM - 10 -GM S-4 SS - - - - - - 15 -SM S-5 SS - c "' " ~ 0 n_ ,.: L1J "' zI O'. >-' t: -f- L1J -z u_ C) > ~~ O'.LlJ z Zz 0 L1J f-:, ollJ u f-0 f-Z >-Uoc L1J Cl._, ~8 oc-Zf- O'. C/JOJ 0 g_ :, Cl) I ! 6 13 SIEVE - 21 3 -- 12 8 6 ~ .... _ .... ____________________ _._ __ .__ ........ _ .... _ .... _...;.._...1,_"""' __ ...1, ___ --4 w The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines 0 c:: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~1-------.,,;,;.,.---------,..-,,,~,,,....------------------1 lrerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft gwL'Sl-10 wDl' Wt--+=-------1---------1 ~ WL 'l Ji'. m 0-----+--------+--------' ~ WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-13 Page 1 of 2 -- CLIENT -Pacland -----------------------------+--------------- SITE b·."· .. "'--;";; ~>& D•: . :o:.-: .. 3 :·· .... ·.:· .. ·.: 5_5 Renton, Washington DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed rock over GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, brown, medium dense, moist (PROBABLE FILL) SANDY SILT, trace gravel, brown, medium dense, wet SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, trace to with silt, brown, medium dense, moist grades to loose SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, loose, saturated SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, dense, saturated GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown-gray, very dense, saturated SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown, dense, saturated 0 :--<. '-:: SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown-gray, ! ~--D .. \ very dense, saturated - . PROJECT Renton Retail SAMPLES I TESTS I ---' .~ ;, 0 ~ 0 "- al ,.: t' w -:a; "' zI "' "' ,..: t: -f->-"' w -z LL (9 :r' <f) w > ~~ "' UJ z Zz ti: <f) "' 0 UJ f-:::, Ow w () :a a. () f-0 >-Z >-()"' w <f) :::, >-UJ a.---' <CQ "' -Zr 0 :::, z f-"' <f)(D so 0 g_ :::)<f) - - - - -SP S-1 ss 18 24 -SM - 5 SM S-2 ss -26 7 -+--+---+-+--+----+--f-·----l------_______j - -SP S-3 ss - 20 +--+---+-+--+----+----+---<---------; - 10 SP S-4 ss -9 - - -GP S-5 ss 5 11 - - 15- - - - - -GP S-6 ss 43 - - 20-- - - - -SP S-7 ss 61 - - 25- - - - - -GP S-8 ss 50/5" -GM - 30-- - - - - SIEVE SIEVE ~~-._ _____ ...;c;.;o;.;n.;;t;;;in.;;u;;;e;.;d;;.;.N;.;e;;;xt;;,,;.P.;a...;!l'e...; _____ ..1, __ ...__ ........ _...__.__..1, _ _. __ ._ _ _. ____ ~ w The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines 0 o:: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. sJ--------;.;..-------"T"-:::=""::::::,-----------,i----------------~ ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft l r.:erracon 10-2-09 BORING STARTED g WL cii'-11.5 WD y II gt-W-L-----+'L=_~--------+=l'.~--------< m ::~ -------j-------~------------0 ~ WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 RIG Truck co_ EDI LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-13 Page 2 of 2 --·------- CLIENT Pacland . SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail I I SAMPLES . TESTS I . 1;; I 0 -' .~ 0 ~ 0 Q. 0 DESCRIPTION "' ,.: ~ w . -' 2 " zI " ll:'. r' t: ->-S< >-ll:'. w -z z u. (!) I :r: ,,., w > ,,., ll:'.W Zz Cl. >-,,., "' w 0 "cs Wr :, Ow .: Cl. 0 2 Cl. 0 >-0 rz >-01>'. ll:'. w ,,., :, >-w !l.-' 18 ll:'. 'o Zr 0 0 :, z >-ll:'. ,,., "' 0 Q. :, ,,., ·.-.....:'(, -GP S-9 ss 81 ~fY 34 -GM Boring completed at 34 feet on 10/2/09. Groundwater observed at 11.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soi! and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 1 0-2-09 WL Si'. 11.5 WO .Y. BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL "l. .le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 I LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 Paae 1 of?. CLIENT PacLand ~ S-IT--E-----------'--------'-----='-=·----------____j-P_R_O_J_E_C_T __ ------------------- Rentc:>n, Washington Renton Retail ________ , I---~-------SAMPLES TESTS .· ·_ .... -:-·. .· .• . I:·--_·-·: 3 I\.··· ... :: .. .: 7 6<:.~- /t:i .. .-: 12 ··_"'-!.· § ·?}~~- ~ _.:;.:::-::: '° .-_o-·. § -~/:6_ 26 ~ ":"<'( ~ ~-0~ cc_ o"-tY ~ oc § o.{)~ ~ o·-~: DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed rock over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, brown, medium dense, moist SIL TY FINE SAND, with silt, orange-brown and gray, medium dense grading to loose, moist SAND, trace silt and gravel, yellow-brown, loose, moist SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, gray-brown, medium dense, wet SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, saturated grades to dense GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, very dense, saturated SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray-brown, very dense, saturated ~ ·8·s: 31 §~.~~H .. ~q_.=-~s~A~N~D~Y=G~RA=v7.E~L-.-w~it~h-s~il~t.~b-ro_w_n_, _____ ___, * ,.-0_0 , medium dense, saturated _, 0 a, "' 2 >-:r lf) f--lf) o._ 0 w lf) 0 :, - - - - -SM - - 5 SP - -SM - -SP - - 10 SP - -SM - -GP -GM - 15-- - - - -GP - - 20-- - - - -SP - 25-- - - -- -GP - - 30-- - - - - ~----• a: w a, w 2 o._ :, >-z f-- -~ ;;; ~ 0 Q_ >' "' w- .; zI 0: r' t: -f--w -z "-(9 > Cf) o:w z Zz 0 'cs Wf--:, Ow 0 f--0 f--z >-oo: w o._ _, ~8 0: 1:3 z f-- 0: Cf) "' 0 Q_ ::, (fJ S-1 ss 15 17 SIEVE S-2 ss 7 S-3 ss 6 S-4 ss 26 7 SIEVE S-5 ss 8 S-6 ss 31 S-7 ss 62 S-8 ss 50/5" § ~a.,._.._ _____ ....;c;.;o;.;n.t.in.u.e.d;;..N.;e.xt;..;.P.;aaig.;e ______ ...., __ ..,__i......:.-..... -i....-..:.-_. __ .._ _ _. ____ ~ w The stratification fines represent the approximate boundary lines 3 er:: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. , .... ______ .._;;,,. _______ "T"-ei!:==,-----------.,----------------t ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft l r:erracan BORING STARTED 10-2-09 g WL ciZ 12 WD ·~ II ~J--W-L--+7=_~------!.17=_~------1 m 0---+-------~-------< c' WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 Page 2 of 2 . CLIENT Pacland -----~------' SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS . _, .S -0 ~ 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION CD ,-: ;f'. L1J • _, 2 "' zI "' Cl'. "" t: -f-,:, >-Cl'. L1J -z "-o I :r: (/) L1J > (/) O'.LlJ z Zz a. f-(/) CD L1J 0 ~s L1J f-:::, Ow J a. 0 2 a. 0 f-0 f-Z >-00'. ill (/) :::, >-w a._, ~8 (l'.-z,- 0 0 :, z f-Cl'. (J) CD 0 g_ :, (/) . .....-.·..:,· SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown, -GP S-9 ss 24 ,-C:/ medium dense, saturated -GM .. ·( o·.tY Q(: -. 35-,_-C:,o - ti' - 0 .. -,oc - , Ll1 grades to dense -GP ,-1 ss 35 o' .1.;.: -GM oc -,.e:,o· D . < 40- o· .b,. - QC - o_/]/ - D . < - o" -'D. grades to very dense GP ,-111ss 53 oc - o C:,o - t D( - oc 45-- '· C:,q - Do D( - -oc 'Ll1 -GP S-1: ss 62 49 - Boring completed at 49 feet on 10/2/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in~situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL ¥ 12 WO ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL ~ -l7 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-15 Page 1 of 1 --·-------~------· CLIENT Pacland -------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington _____ Renton Retail ----~~- I SAMPLES TESTS I c------,·~1 ------------ _., -(!) -~ 00 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION "' >' "" w " _., :;; ,; zI S2 ,; >-O'. ,_: t: -f--O'. w -z "-(!) I I (J) w > (J) O'.W z Zz "-f--(J) "' w 0 ',5 Wf--:::J Ow ~ "-0 :;; "-0 f--0 f--Z >-OQ'. w U) :::J >-w "---' ~8 o:-Zr CJ 0 ::, z f--O'. (J)aJ 0 g_ ::, (J) ·- Surface gravel over SILT, with trace clay - and sand, brown, soft to medium stiff, wet, - - low plasticity - LL=48, Pl=16 -ML S-1 ss 4 36 90 200WASH -ATIERBERG - 5.5 5 SM S-2 ss 11 23 SIEVE - SIL TY SAND, with trace gravel, brown, ~ : · .. 1· .. medium dense grading to loose, wet - \l -SP S-3 ss 9 12 SIEVE -SM ·. 10 <;J - SAND, with gravel, trace silt, brown, -10 SP S-4 ss 9 <i - . · 11.5 loose, wet to saturated - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 1012109. Groundwater observed at 1 0 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL 'ii' 10 WD :?-BORING COMPLETED 1 0-2-09 WL :c,_ l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-16 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand ------~--·-"" ----------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ! I SAMPLES TESTS ' I -Cl -' .~ m 0 0 "' ~ 0 Q. DESCRIPTION "' >' LU --' 2 "' zI " "' 0:: ,..: t: -f->-0:: LU -z LL C) I :i: U) LU > ~~ 0:: LU z Zz CL f-U) "' LU 0 LU f-:::, Ow <( CL () 2 CL () f-0 f-Z >-() 0:: 0:: w U) :::, >-w a.-' ~8 o::-Zf-Cl 0 :::, z f-0:: U)"' 0 g_ :::, U) ·.: -_. Surface gravel over SIL TY SAND, trace -.. · gravel, brown, medium dense, moist - - - -.. : .. -SM S-1 ss 14 13 SIEVE - · 4.5 -~::>.:: SAND, with gravel, trace silt, brown, 5 /CJ medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 18 4 SIEVE - D:C· ·.:. :~::·:· - f9 -SP S-3 ss 19 - "D 9.5 -·.-:>.. SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, o{s:i· 10 GP S-4 ss 22 medium dense, wet -D .. , ·'. 11.5 -o·.D. Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 1012109. No groundwater observed while drilling. . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracan BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL 'Q .Y BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL ':l-.le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-17 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland ·~---- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -~. L SAMPLES TESTS _, ~ CJ -~ ~ 0 ~ 0 a. 0 DESCRIPTION Cil >' se UJ . _, 2 "' zI <,! "' Cr'. >-' t:: -r-:,. Cr'. UJ -z u. CJ I :r: (/) UJ > (/) Cr'. UJ z Zz D.. r-(/) Cil UJ 0 "rs UJ r-:::, OUJ ;:; CL () 2 D.. () r-0 >-z :,. () Cr'. UJ (/) :::, :,. UJ CL_, ~8 Cr'.-Zr-CJ 0 :::, z r-Cr'. C/) co 0 g_ :::, U) Surface gravel over SILT, with sand, trace - gravel, mottled gray and brown, medium - - stiff to stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 8 - ·: 4.5 - ~/ :..: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, 5 <ti medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 25 - D::iC::: :r::,:_-... - ~ Qi grades to loose, wet -SP S-3 ss 7 ..... _.f"\·· 9 CT - :---:_·\: SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, --of')" medium dense, wet to saturated 10 I. t/ -GP S-4 ss 21 0 .. 0.F. 11.5 - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/2/09. Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. I The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL 'ii'. 9 WO !'. BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL '-1. l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 -------- LOG OF BORING NO. B-18 PagE!_!of 'I_ CLIENT Pacland ---· ~- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ~ SAMPLES TESTS j ':,; Cl _, -~ 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION al ,-: 'if' w -_, 2 "' zI "' a: ,..: t::: ->--,1 >-a: w -z "-Cl I :r: Cf) w > ,;~ a:w z Zz Cl. r-Cf) al w 0 Wr-:, Ow ~ Cl. u 2 Cl. u >--0 >--z >-Ua: w Cf) :, >-w Cl._, ~8 a:-Zr '-' 0 :, z r-a: C/Jal 0 g_ :, (/) Surface gravel over SANDY SILT, trace - gravel, mottled gray and brown, stiff, moist - - - -ML S-1 ss 13 17 SIEVE - . 4.5 - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose, 5 moist -SM S-2 ss 6 - Driller reports cobbles at 6.5 feet. -I .. 8 ---1 -SP S-3 ss 24 ~-.':_~ .. : GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray-brown, - /6 medium dense, moist -~.··,/ 10 SP S-4 ss 26 :o::.-.·. ']_ - :.:6' 11.5 - ,grades to saturated ' Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL i'l-11 WO y_ BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL 'l l:'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ·' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-19 Page 1 of 1 ~--·------- CLIENT Pacland SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS -- -' .S ~ 0 w 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION "' >' a" w --' 2 ,; zI S! ,; 0:: ,--t:: -f-->-0:: w -z "-o I :i U) w > a;~ o::w z Zz o_ f--U) "' w 0 Wf--:::, Ow <{ o_ 0 2 o_ 0 f--0 f--Z >-0 0:: 0:: w U) :::, >-UJ o_-' ~8 a:-z f--0 0 :::, z f--0:: U)"' 0 g_ :::, U) I <-3.5 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed - rock over SAND, with gravel and silt, - - trace concrete debris, gray-brown, very - dense, moist (FILL) -SP S-1 ss 5014" -SM 4.5 - SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, brown-gray, 5 SM S-2 ss 5 loose, moist - .. - . _. ·.1-: - ... -. _.· grades to very loose -SM S-3 ss 2 - .. 9.5 -SAND, with silt and gravel, brown, ··1 ., 10 SP S-4 ss 13 J_· medium dense, moist to wet - . 11.5 -SM Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 1015/09. No groundwater observed while drilling_ The stratffication lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL '2 .!-BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL '1-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co_ EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-20 Page 1 of 1 ·-· -------- CLIENT Pacland SITE I -~-------- PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ·-- SAMPLES TESTS I I ' CJ _J .~ 00 0 ~ 0 Q. 0 DESCRIPTION "' >' "' w -_J 2 "' zI "' 0:: c-: t:: ->-S< >-O:'. UJ -z "-l'l I a: "' w > "' 0:: UJ z Zz a. r "' "' UJ 0 :a:=s Wr ::, Ow ~-(L 0 2 (L 0 rO rZ >-Oo:: w "' ::, >-UJ (L _J ~8 o::-Zr ('.) 0 :::, z >-0:: "'{D 0 g_ :::, "' SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, gray-brown, - medium dense, moist - - · .. - .· -:.· . SM S-1 ss 23 i> - -I _": 5.5 5 ML S-2 ss 6 39 ATIERBERG - SILT, with trace clay, sand and gravel, -LIMITS gray, medium stiff, wet -LL=41, Pl=13 ML S-3 ss 7 35 - - - 10.5 " 10 ML S-4 ss 2 39 -- · 11.5 SANDY SILT, trace gravel, gray, very soft - , to soft, wet to saturated I Boring completed at 11.o teet on 1 u,o,u9. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL "l-10.5 WO 1-Y BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL ~ !.lZ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI ,- WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-21 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand . SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ·--:-------·-·-· . ·--·---~ SAMPLES TESTS ___, -" ·" ID 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION "' >--;fe w . ___, 2 "' zI "' 0: ,.: t: -f-() >-0: w -z u. "' 5: :r' "' w > "' o:w z Zz n. f-"' "' w 0 'cs Wf-::, Ow ~ n. () 2 0.. 0 f-0 f-Z >-Oo: w "' ::, >-w "'----' 18 0: 1l Zc- " 0 ::, z f-0: "'tll 0 0. ::, "' 7.5 inches Asphalt over 6 inches crushed - rock over SANDY SILT, trace gravel, - - gray, very stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 21 - ·: 4.5 - SILT, with trace clay and sand, mottled 5 brown and gray, medium stiff, moist to wet -ML S-2 ss 7 37 ATTERBERG -LIMITS LL=40, Pl=12 - -ML S-3 SH 9 - - It SIL TY SAND, brown, loose to medium 10 SM S-4 ss 10 .... 11 7 - dense, wet - •••• ,c . SAND, with silt and gravel, brown, wet to saturated tlormg completed at 11.0 reet on 1 u101u~. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soi! and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL I"¥ 11 WO .!. BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL i-'l .le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL I Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-22 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland ---~-···---· ---- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -------------- SAMPLES TESTS CJ ..., -~ I 1n 0 ~ 0 C. 0 DESCRIPTION <D ,: #-I UJ -..., 2 ¢! zI ¢! a: ,_-C: -f-,, >-a: UJ -z "-CJ I :r: "' UJ > ,;: ~ a: w z Zz a. f-"' <D w 0 Wf-::, Ow ~ a. u 2 a. u f-0 f-Z >-UQ:'. UJ "' ::, >-w a...., ~8 a: -z,- CJ 0 :, z f-a: "' <D 0 g_ :, "' 3 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed - rock over SILT, with sand, trace organics, - - gray, stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 11 23 200WASH - 4.5 - SANDY SILT, trace gravel, gray and 5 brown, stiff to very stiff, moist -ML S-2 ss 16 - . ·. 7 - 1)····· SAND, with silt, trace gravel, brown, loose, moist -SP S-3 ss 7 ..... -SM 9.5 - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, medium 10 dense, moist -SM S-4 ss 13 11.5 - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 1015109. No groundwater observed while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL ';]. ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL 7 l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck j CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS I JOB# 81095071 T (425) 771-3304 F• (425) 771-3549 . CLIENT LOG OF BORING NO. 8-23 ---~------~------~-------~-T"" I Page 1 of 1 Pacland SITE PROJECT Renton Retail f---~=S~A'i-M~P=LE=-Sr----+-~--,T"E~S~T~S _______ _ ' g @ • ~ @ I 0 0 ...J " I a.. ;;;; 0 .:} Ii . ·.· 5 DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose, moist (PROBABLE FILL) \ Drilled through 6-8 inch empty concrete \pipe at 4.5-5 feet. h'f"_f'_t-'7-~=S::cA::cN;,:--:D, with silt and gravel, brown, ·_ -, \medium dense, moist 0 D~ SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray and Q-~ brown, dense, wet to saturated O·(\Q -Ll., o" -D. :nc 11.5 grades to medium dense Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. I I "' I >--a.. w 0 - - - - ...J 0 "' :;; >-O'. VJ w VJ "' 0 :;; VJ :, :, z w a.. >->--- -SM S-1 SS - - 5 -SP S-2 SS -SM - -GP S-3 SS - - 10 -GP S-4 SS - ,-: O'. w 6 0 w O'. VJ 'i's >---0 a.. ...J VJ"' 6 22 43 26 ;f!. ~ f--' z O'. w Wr-r-Z ~8 6 t: z :, >- 0'. -0 g_ -~ 0 0. w . zI ->---"-0 Zz Ow 0 O'. Z;-- :, VJ E1----------------------------..__ ........ _ .... _.__ .... _ _. __ ._ _ _. ____ ., 3 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines o:: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~t--------.... --------r-===~----------,~---------------1 z WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon w ~ 0 ~ " 0 X Ll a WL sz 9 WL 'l- WL WD .?. . l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-5-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-24 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS ' ~ 8 ii ~ 8 ~ 8 g :.l·:. ........ < ..•. .. . ·. 9.5 /0, . · . 11.5 DESCRIPTION 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose, moist SAND, with silt and gravel, brown and gray, loose, moist GRAVELL y SAND, with silt, gray, medium dense, wet to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. Groundwater observed at 1 O feet while drilling. _, 0 Cil 2 "' >- I <J) f-<J) [L 0 w <J) 0 :::, - - - - -SM - - 5 SM - - - -SP -SM - 10 SP - -SM ------- -~ ~ w ~ 0 C. ,-: ,I'-w - "' zI Cl'.'. ,: t: -f-Cl'.'. w -z LL l'.) w > ~~ Cl'.'.W z Zz [D w 0 Wf-:::, Ow 2 [L 0 f-0 f-Z >-Oc,: :::, >-w [L _, ~8 a:~ Ze-z f-Cl'.'. <JJC!l 0 g_ :::, <J) S-1 ss 7 S-2 ss 6 S-3 ss 6 S-4 ss 18 Gl--"----------------------"-_...,_._ ..... _..__.__ .... _ _. __ ._ _ _. ____ -1 !::; The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines ~ between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~1-----------------........... ,,,,, .... ----------..-----------------1 [1-W-WL_AT~,:-~-~E_V_E_L O_:_SD_ER_;_A_TI_ON_S_, ft_-1 , lerr aeon ~1-W--L-+'L-_-------+-l'.--------1 ~ ''l----+--------+--------1 ~ WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-5-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED RMS JOB # 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-25 -·--Page 1_o_f~ CLIENT PacLand --a-- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail I SAMPLES TESTS i I ' " _, .~ ;; 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION en I >' ,f!. w -_, 2 ¢' zI ¢' Cl'. ,_: t:: -f-,! >-Cl'. w -z LL C., I :r (/) w > (/) Cl'.W z Zz ·"-f-(/) "' w 0 ',5 Wf-:::J Ow ;;i "-u 2 "-u f-0 f-Z >-Uo: w (/) :::J >-w "-_, ~8 a:-Zf- " 0 :::J z f-Cl'. (/)"' 0 g_ :::J (/) 2_5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SILT, with trace sand, - - mottled brown and gray, medium stiff, - moist -ML S-1 ss 5 32 200WASH - 4.5 - SANDY SILT, mottled brown and gray, 5 very soft to soft, wet -ML S-2 ss 2 - . 7 -~ > GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray-brown, ~G dense, wet -SP S-3 ss 43 4 - D:.:-0\ : 9.5 - ·.'°".·~ SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, sz 10-,{:t medium dense, wet to saturated -GP S-4 ss 18 D . ·. -o"·D. 11.5 Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. I I The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL 1sz 10 WD .l'. BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL !'!-],;'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' WL I Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-26 Page 1 of 1 ---------------------···-·------ CLIENT PacLand -·---- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Reta ii ~------ SAMPLES I TESTS (9 _, .~ I ---~--- 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION "' ,.: ~ w -_, :; "' zI "' O'. r' r--r-g >-O'. w -z z u. (9 I I en w > en O'.W Zz [l_ r-en "' w 0 'f5 We-::, Ow .,: [l_ u :; [l_ u r-0 r-Z >-Do: a: w en ::, >-w [l_ _, ~8 O'. -Zr (9 0 ::, z r-a: en"' 0 g_ ::, en 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SILT, with sand, - - mottled brown and gray, soft to medium - stiff, wet -ML S-1 ss 4 33 - 4.5 - SAND, with gravel and silt, brown, 5 medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 13 -SM ·? - ~ .... < GRAVELLY SAND to SANDY GRAVEL, Ou trace silt, brown, dense, moist to wet -SP S-3 ss 32 - ti:-.·-:.-_.:: -I :o·:-·. . 10 ·.--:· \: SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, ¥ 10 GP S-4 ss 20 -,{y . 11.5 medium dense, wet to saturated - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. I The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL 5l. 10.5 WD .!. BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL 'l l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-27 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland ·------·--~-----------" ·-----------~----~----- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS - CJ _, .~ 1;; 0 ~ 0 Q. 0 DESCRIPTION al ,.: ;, w . _, :, ¢' zI ¢' "' >-" t: -f-~ >-"' w -z u.. CJ I :c <I) w > (f) O:'.w z Zz a. f-<I) al w 0 ,;: s Wf-:, Ow ~ a. u :, CL u f-0 f-Z >-U(l:'. w <I) :, >-LU a._, ~8 0:'.1:, Z;- CJ 0 :, z f-"' r/) al 0 Q. :, r/) 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, trace - gravel, brown, medium dense, moist - - -SM S-1 ss 14 - ' ·.4_5 -· .. .....: __ . GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, 5 f-..-----~>i loose to medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 10 .•.: .. - . ·. ·• ::.· :o.·· .. · - •o grades to medium dense -SP S-3 ss 26 )8 - -:-_:.·:.-:: 10 -:J?:_··:· ¥ -SP S-4 ss 15 ·::9: : 11.5 grades to saturated - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 1 0-6-09 WL ¥ 10.5 WO il'. BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL :'l. I.le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 " " 8 ~ m ~ " 0 " z " 0 m LOG OF BORING NO. B-28 Page 1 of 1 -- CLIENT PacLand ·--- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ·----··----- SAMPLES TESTS "---~- C) _; -~ 'ti 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION m ,: ;f. w - _; 2 "' zI "' n'. " !:: -f-S2 >-n'. w -z LL CJ I :r: (/) w > (/) n'. w z Zz 0. f-Cf) m w 0 :a::s w f-::::, Ow <( 0. 0 2 0. 0 f-0 f-z >-Orr: n'. w Cf) ::::, >-w 0. _; ~8 rr:-Zr CJ 0 ::::, z f-n'. C/JCD 0 g_ ::::, U) 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed - rock over SILT, trace sand, gravel and - - organics, dark brown, medium stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 5 22 200WASH 3.75 - SIL TY SAND, brown, loose, moist -.. -. ·. 5 5 , ......... ·. SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, GP S-2 ss 17 t:,' - O· -a. medium dense, moist to wet -.. •( o· .t) :7 - ~ •. :.:.:: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray-brown, /(s medium dense, wet -SP S-3 ss 14 - . · .. ·.-.-: ·. 9.5 - E"' SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, "l-i 10 O· -o. medium dense, wet to saturated (STRONG I -GP S-4 ss 19 ... , I o" .l) : 11.5 I - PETROLEUM ODOR) Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 1 O feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL "l-10 WO .!. BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL 'Cf_ ~ 21905 64th Avenue West. Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 § ~ ~ § 8 i LOG OF BORING NO. B-29 Page 1 of 1 l--------·-·-~---------------~------------------~~---1 CLIENT Pacland $1TE PROJECT Renton Retail Renton, Washington ---~-----~ ·------~--~---------~--~~-------~----------- ('.) '3 DESCRIPTION S< I "-<( 0: ('.) ::1·. i-" :··--.-i·.· ... :· .. ::··:·:·. :.· 5.5 ',' : : 7 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose to medium dense, moist SAND, with silt, light brown, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, medium dense, moist grades to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling, ,; I' >-"-w 0 5 10 __, 0 ro 2 >-0: (f) w (f) ro 0 2 (f) :J :J z - - - - -SM S-1 - - -SP S-2 ,_ SM - -SP S-3 - - -GP S-4 - SAMPLES TESTS -'~ 00 ~ 0 Q, ,: ;ft, w - 0: ,; >-' t: zI ->-w -z "-('.) > (f) o:w z Zz w 0 'l's w;-:J Ow "-0 >-0 f-Z >-Oo: >-w "-__, i8 0: 'tl Z;- >-0: (f) "' 0 Q, :::, (f) ss 10 ss 12 ss 24 ss 19 --···-- ~ "1----------------------------------------------'--'"---'----,t 3 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines Sf between soil and rock types: in~situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL :IZ 11 WO ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL 5l-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 ~ " m 0 0 00 m " 0 ~ " z ~ 0 m ~ ~ ~ ; ~ 0 ~ ~ § ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-30 0--------------------------- CLIENT PacLand 1----------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail --·-· ---~------·---- 4.5 DESCRIPTION 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, mottled gray and brown, medium stiff, moist SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, dense, moist grades to medium dense, wet grades to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. "' :r' f-n. w D 5 10 i _., 0 [[] 2 >-I U) w U) "' 0 2 U) :::, :::, z - - -- - -ML S-1 - - -GP S-2 - - ~GP S-3 - -GP S-4 - SAMPLES -~ ~ ,: ,;e "' I ,-: t: w -z > U) Cl'.W z w 0 :.,;;: Wf-:::, n. 0 f-0 f-Z >->-w n. _., is I- f-I U)"' D g_ ss 5 24 ss 32 . ss 29 ss 36 TESTS -------- 00 D c. w . zI -f-lL C) Zz Ow OC( Zr :::, U) --- 200WASH t;l--"----------------------"--"--"----"'--._ _ _._ _ _. __ ._ _______ i 3 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines ::r: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~1-----------------................... ----------,,-----------------1 ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft l r~rracon ~ WL 'l-10 WD !' II;; :S WL 'l- ~ 1-----t-------~--------1 i='. WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-6-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-31 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand --·------~-·-----·---·--·-·- SITE PROJECT Renton Retail Renton, Washington ----------~--~----------+--~~~-------~ SAMPLES TESTS ~ @ ~ ~ @ (9 0 ..., u I CL ~ (9 3.75 :4.75 ·. :-1:. .·. 7 DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with trace gravel, dark brown, medium stiff, moist SAND, with silt, light brown, loose, moist SANDY SILT, gray, loose, wet Medium to coarse SAND, with gravel, trace silt, gray and brown, loose, wet grades to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 1016109. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. ..., 0 "' 2 "' >-O'. I-(fJ w f--(fJ <Il w CL u 2 CL LJ.J (fJ ::, >-0 ::, z f-- - - - -ML S-1 SS - - 5 -SM S-2 SS - - -SP S-3 SS - - 10 -SP S-4 SS - -~ ';;; ~ 0 0. :,: ,I' w - O'. "' "' zI I t: -f--w -z "-(9 > CJ) O'. w z Zz 0 ~s Wf--::, Ow u f--0 f--z >-Uoc w CL_, ~8 O'. 'o Z,- O'. (fJ"' 0 0. ::, (fJ 6 24 200WASH 5 48 6 7 ili ~ t,l------------------------.... --..__ ........ _..__ .... _ ..... _....,1 __ .__....,1 ____ ,4 ~ The stratification lines represent the approximate_ boundary lines n::: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~1----------------_. ............... ------------,,-----------------1 llerracon z w ~ 0 I w ~ 0 m " ' WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft WL 'Z 11.5 WO .Y WL '1-~ WL BORING STARTED 10-6-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-32 Page 1 of 1 ---------- CLIENT Pacland ·---- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail --I SAMPLES TESTS I : Cl _, -~ ";;; 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION "' ,_-"t' UJ -_, 2 ¢! zI ¢! a'. f--f--f-"' >-a'. UJ -z z w.. Cl I :i: V) w > <f) a'. UJ Zz 0. f-<f) "' w 0 'i' 5 UJ f-:::, Ow ~ 0. 0 2 0. 0 f-0 f-Z >-0 a'. UJ <f) :::, >-UJ (l_ _, ~8 a:-Zf- Cl 0 :::, z f-a'. <f)"' 0 g_ :::, Cf) 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches -I I crushed rock over SANDY SILT, gray, -I - medium stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 6 1 inch gray SAND seam at 3 feet -. - 5.5 5 SP S-2 ss 19 - ?6 GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, - medium dense, moist - -:·~::\:· grades to dense, wet -SP S-3 ss 31 P: 0 9.5 - -·.-:(: SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, loose, 10 ll[Yi wet to saturated 'SJ_ -GP S-4 ss 9 o·.D. 11.5 - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL 'SJ-10.5 wDI.'!-BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL 'l Ile 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI I Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-33 .. ____ .. __ Page 1 of 1 --------·-·-·-~-----····-- CLIENT PacLand SITE· PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS I ..J -0 .~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION Ol >' " W· ..J 2 "' zI " "' 0: r' C: -f->-0: w -z LLQ I I' U) w > :a;~ o:w z Zz 0.. f-U) Ol w 0 Wf-:::, Ow ~ 0.. 0 2 0.. u f-0 f-Z >-Uo: w U) :::, >-w 0....J ~8 o:-Zr 0 0 :::, z f-0: <fl Ol 0 8. :, <fl 3.5 inches Asphalt over 5 inches crushed - rock over SILT, with trace sand, mottled - -brown and gray, soft to medium stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 4 31 2DDWASH - - grades to stiff 5 ML S-2 ss 9 35 . : 6.25 - - SAND, with silt, light brown, loose, moist ·- : 7.25 -. ..... 8 GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, -SP S-3 ss 6 ::·· .· \loose, moist I -1· SAND, with silt, gray, loose, wet ¥ - grades to with gravel, saturated 10 SP S-4 ss 7 ·,: ·.· . -.. 11.5 -SM Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. m § - The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL ciZ 95 WD .!: BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL 51. ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 • LOG OF BORING NO. B-34 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ··--SAMPLES TESTS C!J ..J .~ ';,; 0 ~ D o. D DESCRIPTION "' ,-: "' w -..J 2 "' zI " "' O'. >--' t:: ->-->-O'. w -z "-C!J I I (/) w > ,::~ O'.w z Zz D. r (/) "' w 0 Wr ::, Ow ~ D. 0 :; D. 0 r-0 rZ >-00'. w (/) ::, >-w D. _, ~8 oc-Zr C!J D ::, z >--O'. (/) Cl D g_ ::, (/) 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SILT, with sand, gray, - - stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 9 28 I - 4.5 -·._. SAND, with silt and gravel, light brown, 5 <····· loose, moist -SP S-2 ss 6 -SM ·: 7 - SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, gray, loose, wet -SM S-3 ss 9 - . ·: _ _. 10 - < SAND, with gravel, trace silt, gray, loose, J 10 SP S-4 ss 5 I I 11 5 - wet - SILT, with clay, trace sand, gray, medium stiff, wet to saturated l>onng completed at 11 .5 teet on , u101u~. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary·!ines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL SZ 10.5 WD 1-Y BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL "l-1~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-35 Page 1 of 1 -·· -· CLIENT I PacLand r ------------ SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ·- SAMPLES TESTS -- ('.) -' C "in 0 ,F. 3 oo. 0 DESCRIPTION (D >' w --' 2 "' zI "' O'. f--t: ->-g >-O'. w -z "-('.) I :r' U) w > U) o::w z Zz (l_ f-U) "' w 0 ~s Wr :, Ow <( (l_ '-' 2 (l_ '-' f-0 f-Z >-'-'o: O'. w U) :, >-w (l_-' ~8 0'.1:, Zr ('.) D :, z >-O'. U)"' 0 "-::, U) i 4 inches Asphalt over 1.5 inches crushed - rock over SILT, with sand, gray, soft to - - medium stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 4 37 - 4.5 - i': :·.'. SIL TY SAND to SANDY SILT, gray, 5 loose, moist -SM S-2 ss 5 33 - ... : 7 - ! ·.··:·:.· SAND, with gravel, trace silt, gray, medium dense, wet -SP S-3 ss 14 -,. i 9.5 'Cl - 6·.":_":':: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, 10 /Ci 11.5 medium dense, saturated -SP S-4 ss 17 - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 1 0-6-09 WL 'SJ-9.5 WD ~ BORING COMPLETED 1 0-6-09 WL cl-l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-36 Page 1 of 1 ------·----· ---.. ----·· CLIENT Pacland -·-·---- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washing_to_11_ Renton Retail ·---- SAMPLES TESTS l9 ..., C ';;; 0 ~ 0 "-0 ' DESCRIPTION a:, >' ;f' w . ..., 2 '" >-' zI '-2 i '" !l'. t:: -f-->-!l'. w -z "-l9 I :r (f) w > u, !l'.W z Zz n. f--(/) "' w 0 ,::=s: Wf--::, Ow ~ n. 0 2 n. 0 f--0 f--Z >-On: w I u, ::, ?:: w n...., ~8 a:-Zf--0 0 ::J z !l'. u,"' D g_ ::, U) -r·• 3 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace - -gravel, moist, brown, stiff - I ·. -ML S-1 ss 6 9 - ·5 - 5 SILT WITH SAND, moist, brown, soft, -ML S-2 ss 9 4 slight weathering - 7.5 - ;.:-:.: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, moist, -SW S-3 ss 9 32 ···rs brown, dense -:: : : . : -,, .. grades to saturated, medium dense 'Sl. 10 SW S-4 ss 6 28 '>i;i. - b.· .. · 11.5 - B-36 completed at 11.5 feet on 1017/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. m ~ ~ " m 9 0 ~ '" " '3 " z ~ 0 ro - 0 . The stratification llnes represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-7-09 WL 'Sl. 10.5 WO .!'. BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 WL 'l. ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL i Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 8 § ~ i LOG OF BORING NO. B-37 ~CLIENT Pacland 1---------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail Cl 0 _, S! I 0.. ~ -MW-1 DESCRIPTION - WELL DETAIL Cl WELL DIA: 2in ··-. ·. 4.5 l" :::-:-: ,:-5 2 inches of asphalt over 2.5 inches of crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, moist, brown, loose GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, moist to wet, brown, loose ~-: ~~- }~-f- ,:.Gi 2 :_;~I: c,·.·. ~ -:i:;i. 11 _ 5 No recovery due to rock stuck in sampler ii:§ :/ l'++-"l-'--'--'"--~s=1~L TY=~s~A~N=D~.-s-at-u-ra~t-e-d.-b-1-ue_l_g-ra_y_, ______ ,: -~ ._ :. :. ' : 19 medium dense grades to GRAVELLY ()~ SAND, trace silt, saturated, gray, medium f- dense, ODORS ··:-·E > :::.J::· .. ·'. No odors B-37 completed on 1017109 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA904) Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. /]~_:;:-: ···':.t:::::·· •. SAMPLES --·- _, C 0 "' ,.- "' :;, O'. "' >-O'. UJ -:r: <f) UJ > <f) f--<f) "' UJ 0 ~s 0.. I 0 :;, 0.. 0 f--0 UJ <f) ::, >-UJ 0.. _, D ::, z f--O'. (/) "' - - - - -SM S-1 ss 14 8 - - 5 SP S-2 ss 6 9 - - - -SP is-3 ss 10 21 - - 10 SM S-4 ss 0 8 - - - -SM S-5 SS 11 22 - - 15- - - - - -SM S-6 SS 9 27 - Page 1 of 1 TESTS ;J!. O'.. o- >-' o..:;, z <: 0.. O'. UJ >ec. UJ f--Of-f--Z _, (/) ~8 ~UJ u. f-- 18 10 SIEVE ND 20 360 35 §1-_._ ____________________ ...., __ ..., __ ._..,1_...,_._..,1 .... _.,1,._ ..... _ ... ____ .. g The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit ~t--b_e_tw_e_e_n_s_o1_1 a_n_d_r_oc_k_ty_p_e_,:_in--s-it_u._1_he_1_,a_n_s_iti_on .... m_a_y_be_g,_a_du_a_1. ______ (_F_D_L)_o_f_o~ne-(1_) _P•_rt_P_•_r_m_11_1io_n_i_so_b_u1_y_1e_ne_eq_u_1v_a_1e_n_1s_(_PP_m_i_).~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft WL 29_5 WDIY WL cl-Ile I WL llerracon 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-7-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-38 l Page 1 of 21 I .. CLIENT Pacland l SITE I PROJECT Renton, Washinoton Renton Retail ~T -" --------------- SAMPLES TESTS I I -·- WELL DESCRIPTION DETAIL -' -~ 0 "' ~ m ,,: "' 2 O'. "' r' t: >-O'. w -z I :r' <f) w > <f) O'.W z Q. >-<f) m w 0 ",5 We-::, ;;; IMW-2 Q. 0 2 Q. 0 >-0 >-z >-w <f) ::, >-w Q.-' !8 O'. 'G Cl WELL DIA.: 2in 0 ::, z >-O'. <f)O, 0 0. ·. ··."I: 3 inches of asphalt over 2.5 inches - crushed rock over SAND, with silt, trace - - gravel, moist, brown, medium dense - -SM S-1 ss 10 17 5 SIEVE - ::.:."_.. ·. 4.5 - )" ·_.! • . GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, 5 ;::5 moist, loose -SP S-2 ss 8 6 - 6· .• ,: ~ '. -"'· .·. I= '. ·<::, .... ' •. I= ::-·. -SP S-3 ss 3 9 o.· .. 1-.·.· :·_:: I= :::> -,,: -Gs I= • 1 D 'v ·';. I= .:."· - No recovery due to rock stuck in sampler . ::· I= -':· · . 10 SM S-4 ss 0 6 :. :., (:'~ ~ ::; - - : .... -.. ):-:: SIL TY SAND, wet to saturated, brown, i ·:·. -SM S-5 ss 12 15 medium dense grades to GRAVELLY .. -'·· SAND, saturated, medium dense ::>: ):·i -. -15-.-.--=. '. - ··:·.:=:::·· - -·-·:-=······ - -SM S-6 ss 17 21 ·-: 19 - - B-38 completed at 19 feet on 10/7/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA905) Groundwater observed at 1 O feet while drilling. Continued Next Paiie The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-7-09 WL .I/'. 10 WD .Y. BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 WL 't. .'l,' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 ; 0 ~ m ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ m 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ' 0 ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-39 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand --- SITE PROJECT Renton Retail 1-......----------Renton, Washington--------'-----------~---'---.---------' ('.) 0 _, "' I (l_ [2 MW-3 DESCRIPTION WELL DETAIL ('.) WELL DIA.: 2in 2 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches of crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace gravel, moist, gray, soft grades to no gravel, medium stiff SILT WITH SAND, wet, gray, soft . . -:<= :('.: .· .. -::·.: 'Si-.::-:-= ' ... 10 i?·. ~ :(: µ,.4L.µs ____________________ -1 .. _ ... SIL TY SAND, saturated, gray, very loose . ··= ·,. ·: '··= ..... -_ :'·-.t= .. L.l:.Li!1L.<2~.5t_ __________________ __J' :· :t= ):-:: SILT WITH SAND, moist to wet, gray, soft ·t= 19 grades to SIL TY SAND, wet, gray, loose B-39 completed at 19 feet on 10/7/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA906) Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. ~ '· ·:f= ::... -~ ·I ... . . 1--... . ·.·-1 ·:.-t= ::·,: ·-. t:: :: · .. f-· .. ·; _, 0 co "' 2 >-I-(/) f-(/) (l_ 0 w (/) 0 :::, - - - - ML - - 5 ML - - ML - - 10 SM - - ML - - - 15--- - - -ML - SAMPLES TESTS --------- .~ Cl'. ,_-,,, o'-- Cl'. "' f--' o_:2' Cl'. w -z «"- w > (/) O'.w >eo "' w 0 'rs Wf-Of-2 (l_ 0 f-0 f-Z _, (/) :::, r'= w (l_ _, ~8 L!!w z Cl'. (/)"' "-f- S-1 ss 15 8 21 ND S-2 ss 14 7 ND S-3 ss 16 3 35 ND 200WASH S-4 ss 10 4 ND S-5 ss 16 4 ND S-6 ss 15 10 ND The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerraccn BORING STARTED 10-7-09 WL ~9 WO -'-BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 WL 'l-l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-40 _P_age 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand ·-· SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail . . I SAMPLES TESTS I I WELL DETAIL -' -~ Q DESCRIPTION 0 [l'. ' 0 <D ,-: "cf'. o--' 2 [l'. ,; >-' o._2 S1 ,; >-[l'. w -z <( Q_ I I. (f) w > >;: ~ O'. w >fl,, Q_ f-(f) <D w 0 Wf-0,- ~ MW-4 Q_ u 2 Q_ u f-0 f-Z -' (f) w U) :::, >-w Q_-' ~8 ~w Q WELL DIA.: 2in 0 :::, z f-[l'. (f) ID u_ f-- 2.5 inches asphalt over 3.5 inches of - crushed rock over SIL TY FINE SAND/ - -SANDY SILT, trace gravel, moist, - brown/gray, medium stiff, mottled -SM S-1 ss 12 6 ND weathering - ·.·: .. 4.5 - .SIL TY SAND, moist, brown, stiff : .... 5 SM S-2 ss 11 15 ND - --.. -:: 7 ;:=,·: I= .=,·: =.,':t= . - SAND WITH SILT, moist, brown, medium .': c--. :>-- SW S-3 ss 13 26 ND stiff grades to GRAVELLY SAND, moist ~ --~ .. 1o:: ¥ /:= I -SM 9.5 to wet, brown, medium dense Ii\' ,(i= SIL TY SAND, with gravel, saturated, - ·,:_. _·.· 10 brown, medium dense ,,,, .. ;_: ': -SM S-4 ss 4 21 ND -. I= ·.· . .. I= /: I= 1\ -SM S-5 ss 14 18 ND grades to trace gravel, gray/brown I= - I= I= ... - =_: :, I= ... - .. I= 15- ,'=.·t:: ,'= - - > 17.5 - - J. :-COARSE SAND, with silt, with gravel, -SW S-6 ss 14 44 ND 19 saturated, gray, dense -SM B-40 completed at 19 feet on 10/8/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA907) Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. {FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppml). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerraccn BORING STARTED 10-8-09 WL ¥9 WD _y: BORING COMPLETED 10-8-09 WL "!-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-41 CLIENT Pacland !-------------------------+---------------------------- PROJECT SITE Renton, Washington Renton Retail ---~-------~--~~----------------~----~---'-===-=::;:c--------- SAMPLES TESTS CJ 0 __, DESCRIPTION WELL DETAIL ~ ~ I I ~ ~ c?_ MW-5 w __, 0 CD :e >-a:: "' w "' CD w C) :e ~ "' ::::, .~ "' a:: ' ,.:: o-a:: "' >-' ~:e w -z ~l > "' a:: w 0 :a:=s Wf---Of-- C) f---0 f---Z -'<fl w ~__, ~w hCJ;--!-'W=ELc,L:_:Dc,:lc:A"'-_:-;-_-;--c-c--;c--:-;;-cc--;;c--;c-c--;----;------'2~in _o_-+--+---f~+-+----f--t--+-----1 :-1-: 3 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches of >-~8 ::::, z f---a:: <fl CD LL e- ' ~ ~ ;; ' ~ ~ s .,. 1 _. crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with :.: gravel, brown, dense (PROBABLE FILL) .. ,_· -1- :_ .. .1."-. grades to gray, medium dense h'+c:1"7--=~=~~==~~=---~-------1<~ -.. ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND, trace clay >§ _:. I I 17.5 and gravel, wet, brown, medium stiff, ----~ mottled weathering : ~)= : '. grades to soft, no gravel LL=50, Pl=21 grades to gray, very soft SIL TY FINE SAND, moist gray, loose 8-41 completed at 19 feet on 10/8/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA908) Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. \I•·· )_.:_-:_··-·-~ _~:.:::- : __ ·:~\-:: .-::-:-~:::.: ·:·'·=--: · .. ·:.=····· :::i ~ -SM S-1 ss 12 31 ND - - 5 SM S-2 ss 6 -11 ND - -ML S-3 SS 8 5 ND - - - 10 -ML S-4 SS 9 3 45 ND ATTERBERG -LIMITS -ML S-5 SS 8 1 ND -J I l - - I 15-- - - -ML S-6 SS 12 10 ND - - § ............ ____________________ .... __ ..._ _ _. ........ _ .... _._..,. __ ...,_ .... ______ -I "ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection Jimlt (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi). g The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines t; between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. w 0 ~ s z ~ ~ -WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft WL 2 12 WO ~ WL '5[_ l' WL llerracon 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-8-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-8-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 ~ w " s " z ~ 0 ro LOG OF BORING NO. 8-42 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand ---- SITE PROJECT Renton, WashinQton Renton Retail -· I SAMPLES TESTS WELL ' Cl DESCRIPTION DETAIL _, 0 .~ rr 0 al ,,.-;f'. o>-_, 2 rr "' >'" (L 2 S2 "' >-rr w -z <( (L I :r' U) w > U) rrw >eo (L 2inl f-U) al w 0 :a;;;: Wf-Of-<( MW-6 (L 0 2 (L 0 f-0 f-Z _, U) rr w "' ::, >-w (L _, !8 ~w CJ WELL DIA.: D ::, z f-rr U) al "-f- 3.5 inches of asphalt over 3 inches of - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace - - gravel, moist, brown, medium stiff - -ML S-1 ss 7 8 14 ND - - grades to no gravel, mottled weathering 5 ML S-2 ss 14 7 32 ND - -·• :.,:.: -,.: -= . grades to moist to wet = ..... -ML S-3 ss 13 5 34 ND ::::·i I r~ - .'.· .'.· -·:.:·. ···, .·· .. 10 grades to stiff, wet to saturated ':;l. : : :\:: -ML S-4 ss 8 9 60 - ::::.·· . . : 12.5 ):-: -SM S-5 ss 11 4 26 25 SIEVE SAND, with silt, trace gravel, wet to ·:· .. - saturated, brown, very loose .',· = ..... ·:.:·.= -= -.. . -.. ·:· .. = .. 15-..... '. = .-_: - >.::~\.:·. - - grades to gray, medum dense -SM S-6 ss 12 16 30 ··: >'. 19 - -. B-42 completed at 19 feet on 10/8/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA909) Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerraccn BORING STARTED 10-8-09 WL ':;l. 11 WO y BORING COMPLETED 10-8-09 WL ':[_ lZ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. . EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-43 Page 1 of 1 L-----------------···-----------------~-----------------_:_-='-=---'----"'----'--I CLIENT PacLand SITE ------------------------1 PROJECT Renton, Washington <---------~=='-'----'- 0 0 __, S! I a. c? MW-7 DESCRIPTION 0 WELL DIA.: 6.5 :. ·.' .... 3.5 inches of asphalt over 3_5 inches of crushed rock over SANDY SILT, moist to wet, brown/gray, medium stiff, mottled weathering grades to moist, trace gravel SIL TY SAND, moist to wet, brown, loose, slight organics grades to with gravel, saturated, and dense 2in WELL DETAIL .. ~I--- ' .L_. '. !:)[) ::·-.t::: .:-: :·t= r ~ .. :: 12 ::·.--:I::::.:'.·· "F"-':c-<;. 4--'--"-----S-IL_TY_G_RA_V_E_L_L_Y_S_A_N_D_,_b_ro_w_n_,--------1 .• :· g -.•• __ ~-/G saturated, medium dense ::: :·C -:6?-..-::: :· F9 ·Ci ·:_·.,: 17.5 Ill :--_::: 19 grades to SIL TY COARSE SAND, with gravel, brown, saturated, very dense B-43 completed at 19 feet on 10/9/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA 910) Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling_ •• • •l •• • ."·· -1--.-... ·i·)-·:··:: ,·· 1----,·· ;:~> "' r f--a. w 0 - - - . - - - 5 - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - 15-- -- - - - Renton Retai I ---------- SAMPLES TESTS -----~-'c-----+---=~~--_, __, -~ 0 "' >--2 Cl'. >-Cl'. UJ (I) UJ > (I) "' w 0 u 2 a. u (I) :, i'= w :, z Cl'. " Cl'. • o-"' >-' a.2 -z <( a. (I) o:w >~ ";:: Wf--o,_ f--0 f--Z __, (/) a. __, 18 !o! w (I)"' u. f-- ML S-1 ss 14 6 29 ND ML S-2 ss 13 4 24 ND SM S-3 ss 9 6 ND SM S-4 ss 7 32 ND SP S-5 ss 8 24 ND SM S-6 ss 9 50/6" ND §1--l---------------------...1.--..1..--J...-.... ..:.-i..._.__ .... _ ..... _ .... ___ ~ ~ The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit t; between soi! and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi) . .... _______ ;.;.. _______ .... .,.. .......... ------------,,.;.-------------;.;..-'-I 0 rr s z ~ ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft WL ¥ 9.5 WD -?- WL 5l-~ WL llerracon 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-9-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-44 Page 1 of 1 - CLIENT Pacland -- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail i SAMPLES TESTS I I------~ ('.) _, I .5 1;; 0 ~ 0 "- 0 al I ,-: ;f w -_, DESCRIPTION 2 "' zI "' O'. f--' t: -f-0 >-O'. w -z "-('.) r :i: Cf) w > Cf) O'.W z Zz a. f-Cf) "' w 0 "cs Wf-:, Ow ~ a. 0 2 a. 0 f-0 f-Z >-0 O'. w Cf) :, >-w a. _, ~8 oc 13 z f- ('.) 0 :, z f-O'. Cf)"' 0 "-:, en 2.5 inches asphalt over 3 inches crushed - I rock over SILT WITH SAND, trace clay, - I - moist to wet, gray, stiff - LL=40, Pl=11 -ML S-1 ss 12 10 35 ATIERBERG -LIMITS - grades to wet, medium stiff 5 ML S-2 ss 14 5 44 - - 7.5 -·. > SIL TY FINE SAND, wet to saturated, -SM S-3 ss 13 2 gray, very loose - 10 ciZ -. .-.·. 10 grades to SANDY SILT, saturated, gray, -ML S-4 ss 6 3 . 11.5 soft - B-44 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. The stratification fines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL ciZ 9.5 WD _y BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL ~ le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI I Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 0 ii: • ~ ii: I u w ~ ' z ~ 0 I " " 0 0 0 c ' LOG OF BORING NO. 8-45 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland ... --~-·-- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -----~- ! SAMPLES TESTS ' -,--------- I (') __J C 'ti 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION "' ,.:-a'-w - __J 2 "' zI ~ "' a:'. ,-: t: -I->-ll'. w -z u_ (') I :r' U) w > U) a:'.W z Zz [L I-U) "' UJ 0 a:=s WI-:, Ow ~ [L 0 2 [L 0 1---0 1---Z >-Oac w U) :, >-w [L __J ~8 ll'.1, Zi--- C) 0 :, z I-a:'. U)"' 0 "-::, U) 3 inches of asphalt over 2.5 inches of - crushed rock over SILT, with sand, moist, - - brown, medium stiff - -ML S-1 ss 8 6 27 200WASH - - grades to moist to wet, brown/gray 5 ML S-2 ss 8 7 45 - - - grades to wet, trace gravel -ML S-3 ss 7 3 -2 - grades to moist 10 ML S-4 ss 10 2 .. - ·. · 11.5 - B-45 completed at 11 _5 feet on 1019109. Excess moisture observed on the sampler at 9_5 feet. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 12 9 WO _y_ BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL '!-l" 2190564thAvenueWest, Ste.100 RIG Truck co_ EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-46 Page 1 of 1 -·----------- CLIENT Pacland - SITE PROJECT Renton. Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS I ..., ' _:; ':,; '-' I 0 0 ' ;;< ~ 0 "- DESCRIPTION [(l ,._-w -..., :a' ¢! zI ¢! 0: >-' t: -f--2 >-0: w -z lL '-' I :r: Cf) w > ,;~ tt'.w z Zz n. f--Cf) [(l w 0 Wf--::, Ow ~ n. u 2 n. u f--0 f--Z >-Uo: w Cf) ::, >-w n...., ~8 o:~ Zf-- " 0 ::, z f--Ct'. Cf)(I] 0 g_ ::, Cf) 2.5 inches asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace - - gravel, brown, moist, medium stiff - -ML S-1 ss 12 6 - 5 - ;..--. GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, damp, 5 -SW S-2 ss 6 15 ){S brown, medium dense - . :-:-7.5 - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, saturated, -SM S-3 ss 8 7 brown, loose °Sf. - - grades to wet, without gravel 10 SM S-4 ss 14 5 -... 11.5 - B-46 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL I-sf. 9 WD ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 ··- WL i'l le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL I T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-47 Page 1 of 1 ---- CLIENT PacLand SITE I PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail --~- SAMPLES TESTS ------- I 0 __, .S 1;; I 0 ~ 0 Q_ 0 DESCRIPTION ro ,_-;f!. w -__, 2 Ct'. "' e-: zI "' C: -f--(,2 >-Ct'. w -z LL CJ I I' Cl) w > Cl) ccw z Zz 11-f--Cl) "' w 0 a:: 's: w f--::, Ow ~ 11-0 2 11-0 f--0 f--Z >-Occ w Cl) ::, >-w 11-__, ~8 cc~ Zf-- " 0 ::, z f--Ct'. Cl) "' 0 g_ ::, (/) 3 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SILT, with sand, moist, - - brown, medium stiff, mottled weathering - -ML S-1 ss 11 6 28 200WASH - ·5 - 5 :::·. : SIL TY FINE SAND, moist, brown, loose, -SM S-2 ss 14 9 mottled weathering - ·. 7 - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, wet to i .. SM S-3 ss 10 32 ·.·. saturated, brown, dense - ,.: ··- 'SJ_ - 10 SM S-4 ss 0 33 / 115 No recovery - - B-47 completed at 11.5 feet on 1019109. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL SZ 9 5 WO y: BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL '!I-.le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-48 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland >--------------------------·--~-----------------------------, SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS f-~-~-~---+-~-~--~------.. ~ ~ G 8 ~ • w ~ 0 ~ ~ z ~ 0 w ~ 0 • ' ~ 0 i 0 0 ·,. ·.1_·. -:-_ 10 6: ~-:: b 11.5 DESCRIPTION SANDY SILT, trace gravel, moist, brown, stiff SANDY SILT, brown, moist, very stiff grades to SIL TY FINE SAND, moist, brown, medium dense SIL TY SAND, with gravel, moist to wet, brown, medium dense SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, saturated, brown, medium dense B-48 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. ,; :r' f--- (l,_ w 0 5 10 ---' 0 "' :a >- (/) (/) l) (/) ::, - - - - -ML - - -ML - - -SM - - -SP - _s; 'ts ~ 0 "-,: ?I'-w -,; zI (l'. >-' t: -f---(l'. w -z LL l'.) w > :.;~ Cl'.w z Zz "' w 0 Wf---::, Ow :a (l,_ l) f---0 f---Z >-l) Cl'. ::, >-w 0.---' ~8 Cl'. 'u Zf--- z f---Cl'. (/)a) 0 "-::, (/) S-1 ss 6 10 S-2 ss 13 20 - S-3 ss 8 13 s-4 ss 5 26 ~ ... _ .... ________________________ ..__ ......... _ .... ____ ...... _ _._ .... .._ _ _. ___ _, LU The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines 3 o:: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual ~1----------------.............. ------------,---------------- llerracon z w ~ 0 I w ~ 0 w ~ , WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft WL "l-10.5 WO .!- WL 'L l'. WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-9-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 RIG Truck co. EDI LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 m 0 § ~ ~ " m 0 0 C 0 LOG OF BORING NO. B-49 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT I PacLand ···------------ SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -·---- I SAMPLES TESTS I "' _, I -~ Cl 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION a, ,: "' w -_, 2 "' zI "' O'. e: t:: -f-,2 >-O'. w -z LL C) I :r: en w > ,;~ ocw z Zz [L f-en a, w 0 Wf-:, Ow c2 [L 0 2 [L 0 f-0 f-Z >-OQ'. w en :, >-w [L _, ~8 O'.-Zf- Cl 0 :, z f-O'. en a, 0 g_ :, en 4 inches of asphalt over 3_5 inches - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, moist, - - I brown, soft - -ML S-1 ss 4 3 - --_-5 - 5 SIL TY SAND, with gravel, moist, brown, -SM S-2 ss 5 4 very loose - . [: .·· 7 -. . . SAND WITH SILT, trace gravel, moist to SM S-3 ss 55 wet, brown, very dense -5 . -. . . 'SJ_ -. • 10 10 i: ---SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, saturated, -SP S-4 ss 13 I 42 -·~.-::0 11.5 brown, dense - I B-49 completed at 11 _5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 9_5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL _'g_ 9_5 WD -~ BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL 'I l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste.100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. B-50 Page 1 of 1 ---------- CLIENT PacLand ---------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington -------Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS I CJ _, .~ 'ti 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION "' ,-: * w-_, :a ,; zI ,; [l'. >--' t: -f--\2 >-[l'. w -z "-CJ I :i: U) w > '('~ Cl'.W z Zz o._ f--U) "' w ,0 Wf--::, Ow r2 o._ 0 :a o._ 0 f--0 f--Z >-OQ'. w U) ::, ['.: w o._ _, ~8 o:-Zf-- CJ 0 ::, z Cl'. U)I]) 0 g_ ::, U) 2 inches of asphalt over 3 inches of - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, with - - gravel, damp, brown, very stiff grades to - SIL TY SAND, damp, brown, medium -ML S-1 ss 7 17 dense - ·: 4.5 - SANDY SILT, trace gravel, moist, 5 brown/gray, medium stiff -ML S-2 ss 3 6 - ·. 7 - · ..... SILTY SAND, with gravel, brown, moist, medium dense -SM S-3 ss 4 30 - .·. 9.5 - p SIL TY GRAVEL, with sand, saturated, 10 ' brown, medium dense s;z -GM S-4 ss 8 14 po 11.5 - B-50 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater was observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 'iZ 10.5 WO .!' BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL 51-.lZ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste.100 RIG Truck CO. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 Page 1 of 1 -----------------------------------------~----· LOG OF BORING NO. B-51 ~ ~ • § ~ t----· ------- CLIENT Pacland ------------f------- SITE Renton, Washington DESCRIPTION 2 inches of asphalt over 3 inches of crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, moist, brown, medium stiff No recovery due to rock stuck in sampler SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, brown, moist, loose grades to trace gravel, moist to wet SIL TY SANDY GRAVEL, saturated, brown, medium dense B-51 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling_ --·- PROJECT Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS _, c ';;; 0 t'-~ 0 "-a:, ;,: w - 2 "' zI "' >-n'. f--t: -f-n'. w -z LL C) I (f) w > (f) n::w z Zz f-(f) a, w 0 ,:: ;: Wf-::, Ow (l_ 0 2 o_ 0 f-0 f-Z >-On:: w (f) ::, i'.: w o_ _, ~8 n'. 1:3 Zr 0 ::, z n'. (f) a, 0 "-C:,(f) - - - - --~----ll---l---1--'-----1-----1---l-----l -ML S-1 SS 0 5 - - 5 -_--1--s_P-,_s_-2----1-s-s-'---5---'--s---1---'---l------ - - -SP S-3 SS 8 9 - 10 -GP S-4 SS 8 26 - ~t--"------,-------------------.... -'-.... _.__.__ .... _ ..... _ _. __ _. ___ -4 w The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines ~ between soil and rock types: inwsitu, the transition may be gradual. ~1-----------------..-.;,,,,,.,;,,,,,-----------.----------------4 ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft l r:err aeon 2wL'Z10 wD'! II gl-W-L--+"Z-~_~-------+ccl'~------f m ''~ --t----------1-------f ~ WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING STARTED 10-9-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 LOG OF BORING NO. B-52 Page 1 of 1 ------------ CLIENT Pacland . ----------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS --, --- CJ _J c 'ti 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION m >' ;fl w - _J 2 " zI i " C'. f-' t: -f-g >-C'. w -z "-C, I :i: (fJ w > (fJ Cl'. w z Zz a_ f-(fJ <ll w 0 ';';; Wf-:, Ow ~ a_ 0 2 a_ 0 f-0 f-Z >-Oc:: w (fJ ::, >-w a_ _J ~8 Cl'. 't3 Z,- C, 0 ::, z f-C'. (fJ aJ 0 "-::, (fJ 2.5 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches of - crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with - -: __ .-trace gravel, moist, gray, loose, slight -· .. 1:-. odors .·r-· -SM S-1 ss 10 6 22 SIEVE :/l - . · .. · 4.5 -?; SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, moist, gray, 5 medium dense -SP S-2 ss 3 18 -SM 7 - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, moist to wet, SM S-3 ss 7 14 gray, medium dense, strong odors - - -¥ 10 :_·1_. grades to without gravel, wet to saturated -SM S-4 ss 12 18 11.5 - 8-52 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. - The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL ''J_ 10 WD ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 ·----- WL .'l l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste.100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 GENERAL NOTES DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: SS: Split Spoon -1-3/8" I.D., 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted ST: Thin-Walled Tube -2" O.D., unless otherwise noted RS: Ring Sampler-2.42" I.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise noted DB: Diamond Bit Coring -4", N, B BS: Bulk Sample or Auger Sample HS: PA: HA: RB: WB: Hollow Stem Auger Power Auger Hand Auger Rock Bit Wash Boring or Mud Rotary The number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch O.D. split-spoon sampler (SS) the last 12 inches of the total 18-inch penetration with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or "N-value". WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL: Water Level WS: While Sampling N/E: Not Encountered WCI: Wet Cave in WD: While Drilling DCI: Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal AB: After Boring ACR: After Casing Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times indicated. Groundwater levels at other times and other locations across the site could vary. ln pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible with only short-term observations: DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Classification System. Coarse Grained Soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse-grained soils are defined on the basis of their in-place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency. CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS Unconfined Compressive Strength. Qu, psf < 500 500 -1,000 1,000 -2,000 2,000 -4,000 4,000 -8,000 8,000+ Standard Penetration or N-value (SS) Blows/Ft. 0-1 2-4 4-8 8 -15 15 -30 > 30 Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVEL Descriptive Term(sl of other constituents Trace With Modifier Percent of Dry Weight <15 15-29 > 30 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINES Descriptive Term(sl of other constituents Trace With Modifiers Percent of Dry Weight <5 5-12 > 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE-GRAINED SOILS Standard Penetration or N-value (SS) Blows/Ft. 0-3 4-9 10-29 30-49 > 50 Relative Density Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense GRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGY Major Component of Sample Particle Size Over 12 in. (300mm) 12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75 mm) Boulders Cobbles Gravel Sand Silt or Clay 3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4. 75 mm) #4 to#200 sieve (4.75mm to 0.075mm) Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm) PLASTICITY DESCRIPTION Term Plasticity Index Non-plastic Low Medium High 0 1-10 11-30 > 30 lrerracan ~------------------------------------------------------·-- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests" Soil Classification Group Symbol Group Name8 Coarse Grained Soils Gravels Clean Gravels Cu ~. 4 and 1 ::: Cc:;:; 3~ GW We!l-graded graveJf More than 50% retained More than 50% of coarse Less than 5% finesc Cu < 4 and/or 1 > Cc> 3~ fraction retained on GP Poorly graded gravelf on No. 200 sieve No. 4 sieve Gravels with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravelF.G.H More than 12% finesc Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravelf.G.>I Sands Clean Sands Cu e>: 6 and 1 ::: Cc::: 3E SW Well-graded sand 1 50% or more of coarse Less than 5% fines 0 Cu < 6 and/or 1 > Cc> 3E fraction passes SP Poorly graded sand' No. 4 sieve Sands with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sandi:..H.r More than 12% fines 0 Fines Classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sandGJ-1.1 Fine-Grained Soils Silts and Clays inorganic Pl > 7 and plots on or above "A" lineJ CL Lean c!ayK.1..t.1 50% or more passes the Liquid limit less than 50 Pl < 4 or plots below "A" lineJ No. 200 sieve ML SiltK.lM organic Liquid limit -oven dried < 0.75 OL Organic clayK.L,M,N Liquid limit -not dried Organic siltK.1..t.1.o Silts and Clays inorganic Pl plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clayK.LM Liquid limit 50 or more Pl plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt"·'-t.l organic Liquid limit -oven dried < 0.75 OH Organic clayK.L.t.1.P Liquid limit -not dried Organic siltK.l'-'·0 Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter, dark. in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve Hlf fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. 8 1f field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. 1 If soil contains 2 15% gravel, add ''with grave!" to-group name. J If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel," whichever is predominant. cGravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-graded gravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay. L If soil contains 2 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. 0 sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-graded sand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay M If soi! contains ~ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. ' (Dao) Cc= Orn X Dso Np124 and plots on or above "A» line. 0 Pl < 4 or plots below "A" line. F If soil contains~ 15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. P Pl plots on or above "A" line. Glf fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. 0 Pl plots below "A" line. 60 ,-----,,---,,----,,---,,------,/--"7f,.---,--,~-,---,----c~--, For classification of fine-grained / I _./'1 soils and fine-grained fraction ... V I 50 -::~=:~:~;~~~:: soils / ,.,$ ~f~~ ,,~ 'Y I Horizontal at Pl=4 to LL=25.5. ,./ ·'"'-_/( 40 -then Pl=0.73 (LL-20) ./ r--··__.:1. Q..,._ ... _ i-v-"----4'-----l---+----I Equation of "U" -line ... ... X' c / : Vertical at Ll=16 to Pl=7 ,./ Ci / 30 -then Pl=0.9 (L/L-8} ;r-,-/-,v· 0 -lv----lv-----J,L----j1---+--+--I·--··-- , o< 20 / r'v-----,,/~--t-----i------t---t------t----1 / ,' V 10 1---//-----c,· +---+,---7" /=-I 7 / CL -11 "/ ML or OL 4 / ! ' I 0 ~--~~~--~---~--· ·-- MH or OH -------+-------+----+---+---~ --· -----·· I ·------~----~ 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ....__ _________ ,rerracon_ Form 111-6/98 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING Initial Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095057A lrerracan Laboratory Testing Samples retrieved during the field exploration were taken to the laboratory for further observation by the project geotechnical engineer and were classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described in Appendix A. At that time, the field descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples and the test results are presented in this appendix. The laboratory test results were used for the geotechnical engineering analyses and the development of foundation, infiltration and earthwork recommendations. Laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM, local or other accepted standards. Representative soil samples obtained from the site were tested for the following properties: " " " Sieve Analysis Unit Weight Modified Proctor " pH and Resistivity Moisture Content Determinations " " .. Moisture Content California Bearing Ratio Atterberg Limits Moisture content determinations were performed on representative samples obtained from the explorations in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. The determinations were made in general accordance with the test procedures described in ASTM D 2216. The results are shown on the grain size distribution curves in this appendix. Sieve Analysis Sieve analysis indicates the range in diameter of soil particles included in a particular sample. Sieve analyses were performed on representative samples in general accordance with ASTM D 422. The results of the grain size determinations for the samples were used in classification of the soils and are presented in this appendix. Atterberg Limits Atterberg limits are used primarily for classification and indexing of cohesive soils. The liquid and plastic limits are two of the five Atterberg limits and are defined as the moisture content of a cohesive soil at arbitrarily established limits for liquid and plastic behavior, respectively. Liquid and plastic limits were established for selected samples in general accordance with ASTM: D- 423 and ASTM: D-424, respectively. The results of the Atterberg limit tests are presented on the exploration logs in Appendix A. Initial Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095057A Unit Weight -Natural Density lrerracon Wet and dry unit weights were determined on representative samples obtained from relatively undisturbed ring samples in general accordance with the procedures outlined in ASTM D 2166. Laboratory Maximum Density Test The laboratory maximum density represents the highest degree of density that can be obtained from a particular soil type by imparting a predetermined compaction effort. The test determines the "optimum" moisture content of the soil at the laboratory maximum density. The laboratory maximum density test was performed on a bulk sample of material in general accordance with ASTM: D-1557. The test result is shown in this appendix and presented as a curve where the soil dry density is compared to the moisture content. California Bearing Ratio Test A California Bearing Ratio test was performed on a sample of the site soils in general accordance with ASTM: D-1883, to provide an evaluation of the relative quality and support characteristics of subgrade soils. Representative portions from the sample were compacted in a mold, in general accordance with ASTM: D-1557 to provide a moisture-density relationship curve. Following compaction, a 64 psf surcharge was applied to each sample which was then totally immersed in water and allowed to soak for a period of time, during which, it was monitored for swell. At the end of this period, the sample was removed, drained and a vertical load applied to the surcharged soil with a penetration piston at a constant rate of strain. Measurements of the applied vertical load were obtained at selected penetration depths. CBR test results and moisture-density relationships plotted in terms of percent water content versus percent corrected CBR and dry density are presented in this appendix. pH and Resistivity Tests Soil chemical analytical tests were completed on two representative soil samples by AMTEST Laboratories in Kirkland, Washington. The results of the pH and resistivity tests were used to assess the corrosion potential to concrete and unprotected steel. Testing not Completed for this Project Topsoil Testing -No topsoil was encountered. Unconfined compression -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. Consolidation -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. Swell -Swell tests were not completed as no soil potentially expansive clay layers were encountered. BTEX -No BTEX testing was completed as we are not aware of any gas station proposed as part of the expansion project. I CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO ASTM o 1ss3 Exploration: Soil Description: brown clayey SILT with sand, trace gravel Sample No.: B-4, B-7, B-10, B-11 composite Depth: 2-5.0 Tested By: ARC Comments: As received moisture = 26.2 % 10 Blows/Lift Condition of Sample: soaked Dry Density Before Soaking: 108 pcf Dry Density After Soaking: 106 pcf Moisture Content: Before Compaction: 11.9 % After Compaction: 12.6 % Top 1-in Layer After Soaking: 20.5 % Average After Soaking: 17.6 % Swell: 1. 1 % Surcharge Amount: 64.8 psf Compaction Curve ASTM D 1557 B 125 I I 120 <=-~ u E, I -" ~ II " 115 C: .. 0 ~ 0 110 105 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Moisture Content(%) Max. Dry Density (MOD)*= Optimum Moisture• = ''Rock Corrected Values 119.5 pcf 13.8 % PROJECT NO: 25 Blows/Lift 56 Blows/Lift soaked soaked 116 pcf 120 pcf 113 pcf 116 pcf 11.5 % 12.0 % 12.8 % 12.7 % 17.4 % 14.8 % 1.3 % 0.4 % 64.8 psf 64.8 psf CBR Curve 70 • • • • • I ~ ~ _._Lab Data Points 60 ... ... I-I-0 CBR at 95% MOD 50 I • I 40 • 30 20 . . .. . . . ..... I - 10 I • I I . . 0 105 110 115 120 Dry Density (pct) 95% of MOD= CBR at 95% of MDD = 113.5 pcf 17 81095071 PROJECT NAME: llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/2712009 Renton Wal-Mart Expansion Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting , I 125 60 I ' I I PLASTICITY CHART ASTM D 4318 / / / , , I r_•· / / ---'---~I ______ / .,, ...... _,,_ -~-------50 ' -----~---~J- i 40 ~ ------ ~ • >< '" "C 30 -= !Low pfasf1 inorganic c!av"s· san 1" and z, ' '" . ·.:; :;:, . ., .. 20 a: ' , ., " ' / c,oycy ..... ,/ and sa ds , ' ' 10 "-::7 7 ------- UL-lYIL ~/ ///// 4 , / 0 , / 0 10 20 30 uses / / , / / ' / I / 7 / . / "'" -,. / -.. / 7 , 17 / IWl<:>\,,111,.tfT] / plastic / --+----- / , '7 / , / OL -;:- " ' ga ,u II e sanas 40 50 Liquid Limit% 60 Received Liquid Plastic Svmbol Barino Sample Descriotion M.C. !%\ Limit Limit • B-2 S-3 ML 36 41 28 Remarks: llerracon PROJECT NO: 81095071 DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Geotec'hnical and Environmental Consulting ' , ----- 1, / ---··-------, / / , , , . -, """ " uo .. ,u ... .,, ,,oyo, o"u "'v· ciays--- OH -- .... -.• , u, -, 70 80 90 100 Plasticity Index Comments 13 gray SILT, trace to with sand PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM D 422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 10 0 -I 90 1-:c 80 (!) - -w ~ 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z -u.. I-50 z w - (.) 0:: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - ' ' I I I i I I I i 0 1000.000 r r 3" 2" , , Q·r· 3/4" 3/8" I ' ! I I I ' ! I ' I ---+-sieve _ -•-. hydrometer I 100.000 10.000 4 ~r"" I U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 10 r 1' 0 ro 200 I I ' I -+-----' ··-·-·-~-~~ -· -·-·-- ~ -... I I ' I I". I l I ' I. ' I i' ' : I I I .. • I 'I . . ]··· 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine Silt lc1ay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) Fines(%) Description B-4, B-7, B-10, B-11 composite 2-5.0 26 74 clayey SILT with sand, trace gravel lrerracon PROJECT NO: 81095071 PROJECT NAME: DATE OF TESTING: 8/21/2009 Renton Wal-Mart Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-::c 80 (!) - - -w ~ 70 ~ - ffi 60 z -u.. I-50 z w (.) et: 40 w 0.. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 36' I I I i . , -0 1000.000 . ·- i2" 6' 3" 1(" I I ! I ' I \ I ' I i ' I 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3/4" 318" 4 10 20 40 610 140 200 I I I I I ' \ I ' \i ' ! I ' ' \. ~ ~ I \ ... ~ I 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-2 S-1 & S-2 2.5-4 & 5-6.5 10 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/1812009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I I ' I ' I I I ' i '.' I I I ---- ' I ----, ' I i I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 12.5 silty gravelly SAND PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- :i:: 80 Cl - - -w S: 70 >-Ill - ffi 60 z ii: - I-50 z w (.) 0:: 40 w a. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 36" ' 0 1000.000 12" 6'' 3" 1112" r· 3/8" I ' I',! \ j I .. ..__ ·- ' i I i I I I 100.000 10.000 US. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I ' ' ' ' ! • ' [\ \ ~ I'\ 'a ~I 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medlum I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-5 S-1 2.5-4 7 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER i I I ' ' I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 12.1 silty gravelly SAND PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 10 9 1-:c 8 C) 0 - 0 - 0 -w :!:' 70 ~ - ffi 60 z ii: - I-50 z w -u 0::: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36'' . 0 1000.000 12" ff' 3" 1 1/2" I j I ,'\' \ I 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3/4" 3/8'' 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I • \ \ I \ \ ' "" \ .... ~ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-5 S-3 7.5-9 3 JOB NO: 81095071 . lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 811812009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D422 HYDROMETER I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 2.8 sandy GRAVEL, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 10 9 1- J: 8 (.') 0 - 0 - 0 -w :s: 7 0 iii - ffi 60 z ii: - I-50 z w -u 0:: 40 w D.. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" I 0 1000.000 12" 6"" 3" 1 1/2" I . 100.000 \ \ U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3/4" 3/B" 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I I I i • I \ \ • 1, "' ''\ "' ~ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) 8-5 S-5 12.5-14 9 JOB NO: 81095071 llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 811812009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM 0422 HYDROMETER , I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 5.8 sandy GRAVEL with silt . PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-::c 80 (!) - - w - ~ 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z ii: - I-50 z w u ct: 40 w D. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 36" ' 0 1000.000 12" , .. 3" 1 1/2" I 100.000 3/4" U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 318" 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I j I ._ I ~ i I I ' 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-7 S-1 2.5-4 34 JOB NO: 81095071 llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER ! I I I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 87.2 SILT, trace sand and gravet PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-:r: 80 (!) - iii - S: 70 >-II] - ffi 60 z u:: - I-50 z w u 0:: 40 w D. 30 20 - - 10 - 36" 0 1000.000 12" r 3" 11/2" I i ~ \ 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 314" 318'' 4 10 20 40 610 140 200 I \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ r-."' !-... f--.._ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse l Fine Coarse J Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-7 S-6 17.5-19 11 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/1812009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM 0422 HYDROMETER 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 1.5 gravelly SAND, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 10 0 9 0 1- J: 8 (!) 0 - - iii s: 7 >-ID - 0 - ffi 60 z u:: - I-50 z LU -u 0:: 40 LU D.. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" 0 1000.000 12" r 3" 1 112" j I ' I ......... 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3/4" 318" i 10 20 40 610 140 200 i ~ ~-l's ' I"- I \ \ ~ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-8 S-5 12.5-14 30 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I ' I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 5.5 SAND with gravel and silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 10 0 90 1- ::i: 80 C> w S: 70 >- - - ID - ffi 60 z u:: - I-50 z w - CJ it: 40 w c.. - 30 - 20 - 10 - GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 36" 12" r 3" 1 1/2" 314" 318" 4 10 20 40 610 140 200 ' \ ' .. ~ I l's I'-.... 0 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1:000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Sample smaller than specified by ASTM D2216 Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-8 S-8 27.5-29 5 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Geotechnica! and Environmental Consulting ASTM D422 HYDROMETER I I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 0.5 GRAVEL, trace sand and silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- J: 80 (!) - - jjj - ~ 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z -u. I-50 z w (J 0:: 40 w II. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 36" 0 1000.000 12" 6" 3'' '1 1/2" I I : I ' ,! ' 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3f4'' 319" 4 10 20 40 'i° 140 200 ........... ' ' - I I I I\ \ \ \ ' 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-12 S-1 2.5-4 13 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER 0.010 0.001 Silt j Clay FINE GRAINED . Fines(%) Description 18.7 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion ., GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- J: 8 C) 0 - - -w S: 70 ~ - ffi 60 z -u. I-50 z w - (J 0:: 40 w D.. - ' -30 - 20 - 10 - 36" 0 1000.000 12" ff' 3" 1 1/2" I ! I I I I 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE r· 3/8" 4 10 20 40 'i° 14() 200 ' ! --~ I i I ~~ ' 1, ' \ \ I 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-13 S-1 2.5-4 24 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnica! and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I I ! I I ' ' I I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 67.3 sandy SILT, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 10 0 - 9 0 - 0 1-::c 8 <.!) iij - ~ 70 >-CD - ffi 60 z u:: - I-50 z w (.) et:: 40 w c.. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 36" i ! 0 1000.000 12" 6' , .. 11/2" I 100.000 3/4" 3/8" I I \ • \ \ 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I -- I ' . ' \ \ ~ ~ I \ -., ~ 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) 8-13 S-5 12.5-14 11 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I -- 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 2.9 sandy GRAVEL, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 100 - I --90 t- J: 80 c., - -w S: 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z U: - t-50 z w - () 0:: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 0 1000.000 12" ... 3" 1 1/2" I ' I i I I 100.000 3/4" U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 318" 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I I• ~ i ' i I '\ \ I \ • I 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-14 S-1 2.5-4 17 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER ' I I ! I I I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 48.5 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 100 '' ! I -1.: I -J_i 90 1-::c 80 (!) - -w :S: 70 >-IXI - ffi 60 z -u. I-50 z w -(J a:: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - I I ' I i 0 1000.000 12" I 6" 3" 1 112" 3/4" 318" I j ' I \I I ! \ ' \ I ~ I I 100.000 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE ' 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I ' i ' ! I ! ' ' "" ' \ I\ ,-._ ~ 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SANO Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-14 S-4 10-11.5 .7 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D422 HYDROMETER ! 11 -- 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay F!NE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 6.3 sandy GRAVEL with silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- J: 80 (!) - - -UJ S: 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z -u.. I-50 z UJ () a:: 40 UJ c.. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 36" i I ' I 0 1000.000 12" , .. 3" 11/2'' I ' ! 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 314" 3/8'' 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I 11 I : ' ' I I \ \ I \ \ • . 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-15 S-2 5-6.5 23 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I . . I 0.010 0.001 Slit I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 42.2 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- J: 80 (!) - - iii - ~ 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z U:: - I-50 z w u 0:: 40 w 0.. 30 20 - - - 10 - 36' I 0 1000.000 12" r 3" '( 11 I I I I 1 i 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3/4" 3/8" 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I \ I k .. I 1---"--, h_ I I ' ' ~ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse l Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND · Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-15 S-3 7.5-9 12 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D422 HYDROMETER I' I 'I ! I' Ii 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FlNE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 24.5 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-:c 80 (.!) - - iii - :i: 70 >- 36" I lD -, ffi 60 z u: - I-50 z w - (.) 0:: 40 w D.. - 30 - - 20 - 10 - 0 1000.000 12" I I I 6" 3" 1 112" 314" 3/8'' I j . i----. .. . i I ' I 100.000 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I -i---. ... I I 1 • i',, \ ' ' i . I ' \ 1 \ ' • I 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-16 S-1 2.5-4 13 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I --- 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 39.2 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail 10 9 1- J: 8 Cl w s: 7 >-co 0 - o 0 - o - ffi 6 0 z u:: I-5 z w (.) - 0 - 0:: 40 w a. - 30 - 2 0 - 0 - 0 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 12" r 3" 1,~· 3/4" 3/8" 4 I : I ""' ' ' ! ' -' : : ' ' ' i I I Test Results Summary U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 11 20 40 60 140 200 I ! i \ I \ I \ ' \ 'I. !",I ' 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse ] Medium l Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-16 S-2 5-6.5 4 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/912009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D422 HYDROMETER I I ' ' 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 4.2 SAND with gravel, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail 60 50 40 ;,,:: 0 )( I LOW p1asu inorganic cla"s· san .. and ., 'O 30 -= ~ ... ----:--- ·.::; :;::: . " en 20 "' a: ., c, ' / u,oyoJ 01110 ,,, ann sa s / "· ' 10 ,7 7 ------jo'/// ///// 4 , / 0 ~ / 0 10 20 uses PLASTICITY CHART ASTMD4318 I I I / / ---- / / / -- / / / - / =• / / / -/ / . / I / --- I I~"·-- ' i / / -' / / / / .. / l>IUUIUIII 7 u OUOHIU omo, ,,o,o, / / I/ / / 30 plastic / j / / / / / OL , ' -;::- '-' ·U II e sanas or 40 50 Liquid Limit% . 60 Received Liquid Plastic -· -- .... ., u, -, 70 80 Plasticity I / / / . ,, __ -· / , __ ,, 90 100 Svmbol Barino Sample Descri ction M.C. /%\ Limit Limit Index Comments • B-20 S-2 ML 39 41 28 13 dark gray SILT f'::. B-21 S-2 ML 37 40 28 12 brown SILT • B-41 S-4 MH 45 50 29 21 brown ELASTIC SILT 0 B-44 S-1 ML 35 40 29 11 dark gray SILT Remarks: PROJECT NO: 81095071 PROJECT NAME: llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/27/2009 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting APPENDIX D REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FACT SHEET PROJECT LOCATION: 743 Rainier Avenue South Renton, Washington Engineer: Thomas Jones, P.E. Phone No: 425-771-3304 Email: tajones@terracon.com Geotechnical Engineering Co.: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Report Date: November 30, 2009 Ground Water Elevation: 9 to 12 feet below grade Date Groundwater Measured: 10/12/09 Fill Soil Characteristics: Maximum Liquid Limit: 30 Maximum Plasticity Index: Q Topsoil/Stripping Depth: N/A Undercut: 2 feet for <4-foot tall retaining walls supported on shallow foundations Specified Compaction: 95% Max. Proctor Density Moisture Content Range: Granular soils -2 to +2 Modified Proctor Results: See Appendix B pH: 6.3 -7.0 Resistivity: 6 400 -12 000 ohm-cm Cement Type:~I __ _ Recommended Compaction Control Tests: 1 Test for Each 10 000 Sq. Ft. each Lift (Bldg. Area) 1 Test for Each 25 000 Sq. Ft. each Lift (Parking Area) Engineered/Structural Fill Maximum Lift Thickness 10 inches Subgrade Design CBR-value =_=2 __ (Measured loose) i';,,fficArea Standard-Duty Pavements 109,500 ESALs Heavy-Duty Pavements 335,800 ESALs A B A B Concrete. •• Thickness (in). 3 4 · Portland Cement · · <: : ctincr~ie > .. ·_rhl2kri~s;{in) : 5.5 6.5 Base :Cou"rse • Thickness (inJ 5 4 5 4 7 5 7 5 •·• }~[ckness • .:;;: (in) 15 14.5 16 15.5 All new asphalt pavement sections should be underlain with Tensar BX 1100. For areas subject to concentrated and repetitive loading conditions such as dumpster pads, truck delivery docks and ingress/egress aprons, we recommend using a Portland cement concrete pavement with a thickness of at least 7 inches underlain by at least 4 inches of crushed aggregate base course and 5 inches subbase. This information shall not be used separately from the Geotechnical Report FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA PROJECT LOCATION: 743 Rainier Avenue South Renton. Washington Engineer: Thomas Jones P.E. Phone No: 425-771-3304 Email: tajones@terracon.com Geotechnical Engineering Co.: Terracon Consultants Inc. Report Date: November 30 2009 Foundation Type: · 16-inch dia. augercast piles or 6-inch dia. pipe piles Allowable Bearing Capacity: AC piles: 35 tons. 6-in. pipe piles: 15 tons Factor of Safety: 2 Frost Depth: 18" "Maximum Foundation Movements: Total: o/." Differential:_~Y.~2" __ Slab: Potential Vertical Rise: < Y. inch Capillary Break: 6 inches coarse base aggregate Subgrade Reaction Modulus: 200 psi/in Method Obtained: CBR with 6" granular layer below slab Active Equivalent Fluid Pressures: 35 pcf Passive Equivalent Fluid Pressures: 275 pcf Perimeter Drains: Retaining Wall: Building: 4" dia. rigid. perforated PVC pipe at base of footings Retaining Walls: 4" dia. rigid. perforated PVC pipe at base of wall At-rest pressure: 50 pcf Coefficient of friction: 0.33 allowable COMMENTS: This information shall not be used separately from the Geotechnical Report I FOUNDATION SUBSURFACE PREPARATION NOTES RENTON, WASHINGTON 11/30/09 UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED OTHERWISE IN THE DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS, THE LIMITS OF THIS SUBSURFACE PREPARATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE THAT PORTION OF THE SITE DIRECTLY BENEATH AND 5 FEET BEYOND THE BUILDING AND APPURTENANCES. APPURTENANCES ARE THOSE ITEMS ATTACHED TO THE BUILDING PROPER (REFER TO DRAWING SHEET SP1) TYPICALLY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE BUILDING SIDEWALKS, GARDEN CENTER, PORCHES, RAMPS, STOOPS, TRUCK WELLS/DOCKS, CONCRETE APRONS AT THE AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, COMPACTOR PAD, ETC. THE BASE AND THE VAPOR BARRIER, WHERE REQUIRED, DOES NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THE ACTUAL BUILDING AND THE APPURTENANCES. ESTABLISH THE FINAL SUBGRADE ELEVATION TO ALLOW FOR THE CONCRETE SLAB, CHOKER COURSE AND BASE. REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REQUIRED SLAB THICKNESS. THE 6 INCH THICK BASE MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO __ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS FOR ALL CUT AND FILL DEPTHS REQUIRED ANY PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE BASE MATERIAL MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT. ANY EQUIVALENT ALTERNATIVE SHALL ONLY BE USED IF APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE CEC AND AOR. EXISTING FOUNDATIONS, SLABS, PAVEMENTS, AND BELOW GRADE STRUCTURES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BUILDING AREA. REMOVE SURFACE VEGETATION, TOPSOIL, ROOT SYSTEMS, ORGANIC MATERIAL, EXISTING FILL, AND SOFT OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL FROM THE BUILDING AREA. PROOFROLL EXPOSED SUBGRADE. REMOVE AND REPLACE UNSUITABLE AREAS WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL. SUBGRADE MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE OF ORGANIC AND OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIALS AND SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: LOCATION WITH RESPECT TO FINAL GRADE BUILIDNG AREA, BELOW UPPER 4 FEET BUILIDNG AREA, UPPER 4 FEET P.I. 10 MAX. 0 MAX. L.L. 40 MAX. 30 MAX. SUBGRADE MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN LOOSE LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 10 INCHES IN THICKNESS AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95 PERCENT OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (ASTM D-1557) AT A MOISTURE CONTENT WITHIN 2 PERCENT BELOW TO 2 PERCENT ABOVE THE OPTIMUM. THE FOUNDATION SYSTEM SHALL BE AUGERCAST PILES OR DRIVEN PIPE PILES AND GRADE BEAMS. THIS FOUNDATION SUBSURFACE PREPARATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A COMPLETE SITE WORK SPECIFICATION. IN CASE OF CONFLICT, INFORMATION . COVERED IN THIS PREPARATION SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE WAL-MART SPECIFICATIONS. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION NOT COVERED IN THIS PREPARATION. THIS INFORMATION WAS TAKEN FROM A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC. DATED 11/30/09. (GEOTECHNICAL REPORT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND IS NOT A CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS EMAIL ADDRESS: TAJONES@TERRACON.COM AASHTO 1993 METHOD FOR DESIGN OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT STRUCTURES FOR: PROPOSED RETAIL DEVELOPMENT, RENTON, WASHINGTON DESIGN LIFE:20 YEARS DESIGN CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO 2% INPUT VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL NUMBER (SN) 18-kip ESAL (20 yrs) = 109,500 (Std.), 335,800 (Hvy.) Reliability (R) = 85% Standard Normal Deviation (Z,) = 1.037 Overall Standard Deviation (S 0 ) = 0.45 Resilient Modulus (MR) = 3,000 psi Effective Resilient Modulus (MR, seasonally adjusted) = 3,000 psi Initial Serviceability (P 0 ) = 4.2 Terminal Serviceability (P,) = 2.0 Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) = 2.2 Structural Number (SN)= 3.5 (Hvy.), 3.1 (Std.) Input values for thickness calculations Asphalt layer coefficient (a 1) = 0.42 Base course layer coefficient (a 2 ) = 0.14 Base course drainage coefficient (m 2 ) = 1.30 Subbase layer coefficient (a3) = 0.11 Subbase drainage coefficient (m3) = 1.20 Recommended Pavement Section Thicknesses (inches) REFERENCE Specified Specified 1-62 Specified 1-14 11-15 Specified Specified 11-10 11-35 11-18 11-19 11-25 11-21 11-25 Asphalt Concrete Crushed Base Course Pit-Run Subbase Standard Heavy 3 4 5 5 Note: Subbase should have a minimum CBR value of 30% when compacted. 7 7 AASHTO 1993 METHOD FOR DESIGN OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT STRUCTURES FOR: PROPOSED RETAIL DEVELOPMENT, RENTON, WASHINGTON DESIGN LIFE: 20 YEARS DESIGN CBR-VALUE: 2% INPUT VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL NUMBER (SN) Estimated ESAL (20 yrs) = 109,500 (standard duty), 338,500 (heavy duty) Reliability (R) = 85% Standard Normal Deviation (Z,) = 1.037 Overall Standard Deviation (S 0 ) = 0.35 Resilient Modulus (MR) = 18,000 psi Effective Resilient Modulus (MR, seasonally adjusted) = 3,000 psi Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction = 250 pci Initial Serviceability (Po)= 4.2 Terminal Serviceability (P 1) = 2.0 Design Serviceability Loss (PSI)= 2.2 Input values for thickness calculations: Mean Concrete Modulus of Rupture = 600 psi Base Modulus (E 8 ) = 30,000 psi Subbase Modulus (E 58) = 15,000 psi Recommended Concrete Pavement Section Thicknesses (inches) REFERENCE Specified Specified 1-62 Specified 11-21 11-15 11-39 Specified Specified 11-10 Recommended 11-19 11-21 Concrete Crushed Base Course Pit-Run Subbase Standard Heavy 5.5 6.5 4 4 5 5 Note: Subgrade and subbase should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Subbase should have a minimum CBR value of 30 when compacted. APPENDIX E PREVIOUS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT @AGRA Earth & Environmental 1 7 October 199 5 Washington Land Design 10700 Meridian Avenue North, Suite 503 Seattle, Washington 98133 Attention: Mr. Jim Towslee AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland. Washington USA) ~6~~1 !-00 Tel (206) 820-4669 Fax (206) 821-3914 Subject: Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Renton Retail Store SW 7th Street and Hardie Avenue SW Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Towslee: This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above referenced project. The scope of services for this project consisted of field exploration, geotechnical engineering analyses, laboratory testing, and preparation of this report. The scope of work for this report was performed in accordance with our Proposal for Geotechnical and Phase I Environmental Studies dated 12 September 1995. Written authorization to proceed with this project was provided by Washington Land Design in your letter dated 15 September 1995. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnica\ engineering practices for the exclusive use of Washington Land Design and their agents for specific application to this project. In the event of any changes in the nature of the project which may affect conclusions and recommendations presented in this report, we should be allowed to review and modify them, as necessary, to reflect those changes. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you, and are available to answer any questions you have regarding this report or other geotechnical aspects of the project. Respectfully submitted, AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. Thomas A. Jones Senior Project Engin r ~· ,~ Engineering & Env,ronmcnta! Services Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Renton Retail Store SW 7th Street and Hardie Avenue SW Renton, Washington Prepared For Washington Land Design 10700 Meridian Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98133 Prepared by, AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034 October 1995 11-10521-00 @AGRA Earth & Environmental I- 1.0 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS 11-10521-00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.0 3.1 Site Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.2 Surface Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.3 Subsurface Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.4 Groundwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ . 5 5 6 4. 1 Liquefaction Analysis .................................. : . 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 Site Preparation ....................................... . Structural Fill ......................................... . 7 Utility Trenching and Backfilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Foundations . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 4.5.1 Shallow Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.5.2 Pile Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Slab-On-Grade Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Backfilled Walls and Retaining Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Drainage Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Temporary and Permanent Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Seismic Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5.0 PAVEMENT DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6.0 CLOSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 Figure 1 -Site and Exploration Plan Appendix A -Field Exploration Procedures and Logs Appendix B -Laboratory Test Procedures end Results Appendix C -AASHTO Pavement Design Appendix D -Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheet and Foundation Design Criteria SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION PROPOSED RENTON RETAIL STORE SW 7TH STREET AND HARDIE AVENUE SW RENTON, WASHINGTON 1.0 SUMMARY 11-10521-00 The proposed project is considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint with respect to the subsurface conditions encountered at the site. A brief summary of project geotechnical considerations is presented below: • The subsurface exploration program for this project consisted of advancing 19 hollow-stem auger soil borings across the site. Subsurface soil conditions encountered in the borings were somewhat variable, but generally consisted of interlayered loose to medium dense sand and gravel, with varying silt content, and some layers of silty sand and silt. Looser surficial soils were generally underlain by medium dense to very dense sand and gravel deposits below about 20 feet depth. Much of the site was covered with about 2 inches of asphalt paving, with varying thicknesses of paving base course and granular fill material immediately beneath the pavement section. A significant portion of the site was covered with an existing concrete masonry building, located mostly in planned parking areas east of the proposed retail building, but covering a narrow strip of the proposed building along its eastern side. No explorations were completed within the footprint of the existing building. • Groundwater was encountered in several of our explorations at depths ranging from 7 Y, to 14 feet, and was measured in one groundwater monitoring well on the site at a depth of 9. 2 feet. Borings which did not encounter groundwater were shallow and were terminated at or slightly above the groundwater table • Due to the very loose to loose density and grain-size distribution of the near- surface soils, there is a high likelihood of liquefaction within these soils during an earthquake of moderate size and duration which is typically used in design in the Puget Sound area. • The soils within the proposed building pad vary substantially and include soft compressible silts and liquefaction susceptible soils. Therefore, we recommend that the proposed building foundations be supported on drilled, augercast piles. Slab on grade floors could be supported on a mat of compacted structural fill. Geotechnical design parameters are presented in the text of this report. • Relatively shallow groundwater levels were encountered across the site, even though the explorations were completed during the late summer when seasonal groundwater levels are likely near seasonal lows. It is therefore likely that excavations on the site, such as for the installation of sewers and other buried Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 11-10521-00 Page 2 • utilities, and for other areas such as vehicle maintenance pits, will encounter groundwater seepage. Excavation dewatering will most likely be required to facilitate such installations and permanent drainage and/or water-proofing measures will be necessary for a vehicle maintenance pit. Due to the condition of the soils encountered within the proposed building pad, we recommend that a mat of structural fill be constructed beneath all slab on grade floors in order to provide more uniform support. The mat of structural fill should be a minimum of 18 inches in thickness and consist of pit-run sand and gravel or crushed recycled concrete which can be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Above the mat, we recommend placing an additional 2 feet of surcharge fill which is nearly equivalent to the design floor loads in order to preconsolidate the settlement sensitive soils encountered in some of our borings. The mat and surcharge soils should be completed at least 30 days prior to construction of the floor slabs. Above the structural mat, a 6-inch thick layer of capillary break material should be placed. A vapor barrier is not required. • Much of the planned paved parking and driveway areas are covered by existing asphalt paving which is approximately 2 inches thick and underlain by about O to 1 8 inches of crushed rock pavement base course and\or granular fill. The existing pavement is in relatively poor condition. An overlay is suitable at the site, provided remedial measures are used to remove excessively damaged asphalt, replace inadequate subgrade soils, and possibly use an overlay geotextile between the new and old pavement sections. We recommend standard and heavy section overlays of 2 and 3 inches, respectively. • Many of our borings encountered near-surface silty soils which are considered to be moisture sensitive. Earthwork performed during or immediately after extended periods of wet weather will be difficult or impossible if the soils are over optimum in moisture content. On-site soils would not be compactible if the moisture content is more than about 2 to 3 percent over optimum. Imported structural fill or soil admixtures such as dry cement or lime may be necessary for earthwork to proceed during these periods. This summary is presented for introductory purposes only, and should be used in conjunction with the full text of this report. The project description, site conditions, and our specific geotechnical design recommendations are presented in the following report sections. The field exploration procedures and logs are included with this report as Appendix A. Laboratory testing procedures and results are included in Appendix B, while AASHTO pavement design Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 3 calculations are presented in Appendix C. The Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheet and Design Criteria are presented in Appendix D. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the proposed project would consist of removing the existing retail building on the site, and constructing a new retail store which includes the main building along with associated parking areas, access driveways, utilities and landscaping. Possible future retail space is identified north of the proposed building. The currently proposed site layout is presented in our Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 1, included with this report. The planned configuration would include a 133,000 square foot building with a vehicle maintenance center and garden center on the north side. A finished floor elevation for the planned building has not yet been determined, however we anticipate that the new building will closely match existing grades. The purpose of this evaluation was to establish general subsurface conditions at this site from which conclusions and recommendations for foundation design, pavement design, and general earthwork construction recommendations for the project could be formulated. The scope of work consisted of a field exploration program, laboratory testing, geotechnical engineering analyses, and preparation of this report. In the event that there are any changes in the nature, design, elevation, or location of the proposed structure, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report should be reviewed by AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. (AEE) and modified, as necessary, to reflect those changes. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice for the exclusive use of Washington Land Design and their agents for specific application to this project. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS Site conditions for this study were evaluated between 21 and 25 September 1995. The surface and subsurface conditions are described below, while the exploration procedures and interpretive logs of the explorations are presented in Appendix A. The laboratory procedures and results are presented in Appendix Band on the exploration Jogs, where appropriate. The location of the proposed building and parking areas, as well as the approximate locations of the explorations, are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 1. 3. 1 Site Description The proposed project site is located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of SW 7th Street and Hardie Avenue SW in Renton, Washington. The site is currently developed and consists of a partially vacated retail building surrounded by asphalt paving with several smaller structures surrounding the main building. An unpaved area covered with brush and trees was present to the west of the existing building, in the area of the proposed new retail building. Estimated vertical relief across the site was on the order of 7 feet or less, with Jess than about 4 feet in the planned building area. The site is bordered on all sides by public roads or developed commercial building property. Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 3.2 Surface Conditions 11-10521-00 Page 4 Site topography was relatively flat, with previously engineered contours in most paved areas to facilitate surface water drainage. The undeveloped area west of the existing building was also relatively flat with the exception of a linear fill embankment that runs north-south along the east side of this area. This fill embankment reportedly is the remaining portion of an old railroad bed, and is generally about 3 feet higher than surrounding grades. The majority of the site was covered by asphalt pavement and a retail building. The pavment was about 2 inches thick, and in relatively poor condition, with widespread alligator cracking and potholes in some areas. We observed existing groundwater monitoring well monuments in the parking area near the southeast part of the site, and these appeared to be related to an active remediation system on the neighboring service station site near Rainier Avenue South. The wells were locked and we were unable to measure the groundwater levels within. The undeveloped area west of the existing building, in the area of the proposed new building, is generally characterized by dense blackberry undergrowth and numerous trees up to about 30 inches in butt diameter. Surface water was not observed on the site at any time during our exploration program, though our work was completed during seasonal dry weather. 3.3 Subsurface Conditions Our exploration program consisted of drilling 19 hollow-stem auger soil borings in the building and paving areas. In our opinion, the number of explorations was sufficient to address the Geotechnical Investigation Requirements provided to us. The borings were advanced with a truck-mounted drill by a local drilling company under subcontract to our firm. The approximate locations of the explorations are presented on Figure 1, Site and Exploration Plan, included at the end of this report. Detailed, interpretive logs of each exploration are included in Appendix A. The near surface soil conditions generally consisted of very loose to medium dense sand and gravel with varying silt content, and with occasional layers of soft silt. In borings B-1 and B- 1 0, relatively thick layers of soft silt were encountered between depths of 1 to 10 feet and 7 to 1 2 feet, respectively. These surficial conditions typically graded to medium dense to very dense sand and sandy gravel at depths below about 1 5 to 20 feet. Some sandy soils encountered in the borings had low density, uniform grain-size distribution, and were saturated, which makes them prone to loss of shear strength due to liquefaction during a design seismic event. Potentially liquefiable soils were encountered in all of the borings completed within the proposed building pad at depths between 7 and 22 feet beneath the existing ground surface. Liquefaction is discussed in a subsequent section of this report. Washington Land Design 1 7 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 5 Asphalt pavement covered a significant portion of the site, and generally consisted of 2 inches of pavement above O to 1 Y, feet of crushed aggregate base and/or granular fill material. Undeveloped portions of the site were covered with organics and topsoil generally about 6 to 1 0 inches thick. Deeper topsoil should be expected around and beneath tree root balls and. in areas of particularly dense vegetation. 3.4 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in several of our borings at depths ranging from about 7.5 to 14 feet, and was measured in one groundwater well on the site at a depth of 9.2 feet. Changes in groundwater conditions should be anticipated in response to fluctuations in seasonal precipitation, on and off site land usage, and other factors. When interpreting groundwater observations noted in this report and on exploration logs, one should note that all of our explorations and groundwater observations were completed late in the summer at the end of a long period of seasonal dry weather, and presumably when groundwater levels were at or near seasonal lows. Based on our experience on a long-term project a few blocks away, it appears that the seasonal high groundwater levels are about 1 Y, feet above the seasonal low levels. Therefore, it appears that seasonal high groundwater levels should be anticipated to be about 6 feet beneath existing ground elevations. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our field exploration and laboratory testing programs were developed in order to adequately address the Geotechnical Investigation Report Requirements presented to us by Washington Land Design. Exploration procedures and subsurface logs are presented in Appendix A, while Appendix B presents the laboratory test procedures and test results. Appendix C presents AASHTO pavement design information and Appendix D presents the Foundation Design Criteria and Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheets. In our opinion, development as proposed is feasible from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. However, variable near-surface soil conditions, including soft compressible silts and the high potential for seismically induced loss of shear strength in saturated sandy soils provide significant performance risk to conventional shallow foundation systems. In our opinion, the use of drilled augercast piles to support foundation loads for the new building would minimize the risk of excessive post-construction settlement and transmit foundation loads through liquefaction susceptible soils. Due to the topography of the site, we anticipate that relatively minor grading will be required to prepare the site for construction of the building and peripheral structures. A significant portion of the site soils should be adequate for use in project fills, with proper moisture conditioning. 4.1 Liquefaction Analysis As a part of this study, we performed a site specific and detailed liquefaction analysis for the soil conditions revealed in our borings. Liquefaction may be described as a sudden loss of shear strength due to the sudden increase in porewater pressure caused by shear waves Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 11-10521-00 Page 6 associated with earthquakes. Based on our liquefaction analysis, we estimate that there is a risk that liquefaction would occur between a depth ranging from roughly 7 to 22 feet below the existing ground surface during a design level earthquake event, as discussed below. Laboratory testing was completed as a part of this liquefaction analysis, the results of which are attached or indicated on the boring logs, as appropriate. Based on the Uniform Building Code (UBC) guidelines, seismic analysis should be based on an event having a return period of approximately 500 years. According to available historical data, this return period within the Seattle area would be associated with an earthquake of approximate Richter magnitude 7.5. The peak ground surface acceleration produced by an earthquake of this magnitude was assumed to be 0.20g at the subject site, which corresponds with the locally accepted acceleration values for fill or alluvial material. Using these seismic parameters, we computed safety factors against liquefaction for the various soil layers below the water table using an analysis method developed by Seed and Idriss. Our analyses revealed a high probability of liquefaction (safety factors ranging from < 1 to 1 .25) within the silty sands, sands, and sandy gravels between 7 feet to 22 feet in depth. The deeper gravel and sand soils were found to be non-susceptible to liquefaction owing to their higher density and coarser gradation. Based on our liquefaction analysis, there appears to be a high risk of liquefaction occurring within the loose silty sands and sands below anticipated high groundwater levels (approximately 6 feet in depth). Liquefaction within these soils could produce surface disturbance in the form of lateral spreading, subsidence, fissuring, or heaving of the ground surface, which could result in cracking, settling or tilting of the building or other structures. Volumetric strain on the order of 2 percent could be possible which correlates the potential settlements of about 1 Y, to 3 inches of settlement, depending on the thickness of liquefiable soils. Due to the potential for liquefaction, as well as the relatively high settlement potential for foundations constructed above the shallow site soils, augercast pile foundation systems am recommended which transmit foundation loads to more competent soil units at depth. 4.:? Site Preparation PriDr to site grading, provisions should be made to intercept and remove surface water during construction, including maintaining the existing surface water management features in wcrking order to the greatest extent possible. Once surface runoff and any groundwater seepage are controlled, all vegetated areas of the site to be developed should be stripped of topsoil, and vegetation. We estimate that stripping depths will vary from approximately 6 inches to 10 inches in undeveloped portions of the site. Deeper topsoil and roots should be anticipated and removed around and beneath tree rootballs, and in other relatively heavily ve~1etated parts of the site. Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 11-10521-00 Page 7 We recommend that the existing paving be left intact to provide all weather construction surface, except where it will interfere with other construction activities. Demolition of buildings on the site should include.removal of all walls, floors, foundations, and buried utilities within the footprint of the new building or in footprint areas of any other permanent structures. All utility work, including demolition or decommissioning, should be performed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. Localized excavations below finished excavation grades made for demolition or removal of utilities should be backfilled with structural fill as outlined in the following section of this report. After stripping, the exposed soils should be graded and compacted as outlined in the following sections of this report. We recommend that the building pad and paving subgrade areas be scarified, moisture conditioned, pre-rolled and compacted with a roller or other suitable heavy equipment to a firm and non-yielding condition in order to achieve a minimum compaction level of at least 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (in accordance with ASTM:D-1557 test procedure) in the upper one foot of exposed subgrade soils. The suitability of prepared subgrades should be evaluated during pre-rolling by a representative of AEE. Soils which become disturbed due to the removal of buried utilities or other items should be moisture conditioned and recompacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density to the full depth of disturbance. Because of the high silt content of some of the soils, the bulk of the near surface site soils are moisture sensitive. The silty soils are highly prone to disturbance when wet. To reduce site disturbance, the contractor should minimize traffic above the prepared subgrade areas. During wet site conditions, the use of a working surface of quarry spalls or sand and gravel may be required to protect the subgrade, especially from vehicular traffic. Earthwork during wet site conditions may result in disturbance of the site soils and may require imported backfill or soil drying and recompaction to repair the disturbed areas. If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, we recommend that the exposed subgrade be allowed to thaw and be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill. 4.3 Structural Fill All structural fill placed in the building area as well as under parking and sidewalk areas, and for backfill of subsurface utility trenches should be placed in accordance with the recommendations herein for structural fill. Prior to the placement of structural fill, all surfaces to receive fill should be prepared as previously recommended. Structural fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. Individual lifts should be compacted such that a density of at least 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density is achieved. We recommend that a representative from our firm be present during the placement of structural fill to observe the work and perform a representative number of in place density tests. In this way, the adequacy of earth work may be evaluated as grading progresses. Washington Land Design 1 7 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 8 Due to the condition of the soils encountered within the proposed building pad, we recommend that a mat of structural fill be constructed beneath all slab on grade floors in order to provide more uniform support. The mat of structural fill should be a minimum of 1 8 inches in thickness and consist of pit-run sand and gravel or crushed recycled concrete which can be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Above the mat, we recommend placing an additional 2 feet of surcharge fill which is nearly equivalent to the design floor loads in order to preconsolidate the settlement sensitive soils encountered in some of our borings. The mat and surcharge soils should be completed at least 30 days prior to construction of the floor slabs. In our opinion, the most of on-site soils are suitable for structural fill use provided moisture is adjusted for compaction to a minimum of 92 percent of their modified Proctor maximum dry density. An exception would be silty soils encountered in boring B-1 which consists of soft silt. The remainder of the site soils would be difficult to use for structural fill except during drier periods of the year when the moisture content can be carefully controlled. Even during the summer, delays in grading can occur due to excessively high or low moisture conditions of the soils or due to precipitation. Scarifying and watering or drying of the soils may be required for filling with the site soils. If wet weather occurs, the upper wetted portion of the site soils may need to be scarified and allowed to dry prior to further earthwork. Soil used for structural fill should contain no particles greater than 6 inches in diameter and be free of organics and other deleterious materials. The suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on the gradation and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the fines content (that portion passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve) of a soil increases, it becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content, and adequate compaction becomes more difficult or impossible to achieve. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines by weight, such as the majority of the site soils, cannot be consistently compacted to the recommended degree when the moisture content is more than approximately 2 percent above or below optimum. Drying of the site soils may only be accomplished during favorable dry weather. We therefore recommend that grading on this site be scheduled for the driest time of the year, if at all possible. We also recommend that the contractor anticipate significant, but unavoidable commitment of effort to adjust the moisture content of site soils for reuse in compacted fills. If it is not possible to complete the earthwork during dry weather, the design team and general contractor should anticipate that a significant portion of the site soils will not be available for reuse as fill for utility backfill or mass grading. When moisture conditioning of the soils is required, we recommend that the soils be blended to provide a uniform moisture content throughout the affected soils. 4.4 Utility Trenching and Backfilling We recommend that utility trenching, installation, and backfilling conform to all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations such as WISHA and OSHA regulations for open excavations. Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-1 0521-00 Page 9 In order to maintain the function of any existing utilities, we recommend that temporary excavations do not encroach upon the bearing splay of existing utilities. Likewise, utility excavation should not encroach on the bearing splay of footings or floor slabs. This bearing splay should be considered to begin 3 feet away from the widest point of the pipe or foundation and extending downward at a 1 H: 1 V slope. If, due to space constraints, an open excavation cannot be completed without encroaching on a utility, we recommend shoring the new utility excavation with a slip box or other suitable equipment. We recommend that all utility subgrades be firm and unyielding and free of all soils which are loose, disturbed or pumping. Such soils should be removed and replaced, if necessary. All structural fill used to replace overexcavation soils should be compacted as recommended in the structural fill section of this report. We anticipate that the majority of excavations for underground utilities would be within wet soils of varying composition. Consequently, most of the soils will not likely be suitable for reuse as structural fill due to their composition and/or moisture content. Structures such as manholes and catch basins which extend into soft soils should be underlain by 1 2 inches of granular fill soil compacted to 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density . This granular material could consist of either crushed rock, sand and gravel pit-run, quarry spells, or coarse crushed concrete. Where water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. Alternatively, quarry spalls or pea gravel could be used until above the water level. It may be necessary to place a geotextile fabric over the native subgrade soils if they are too soft, to provide a separation between the bedding and subgrade soils. Moderate groundwater seepage with associated soil caving should be anticipated for excavations extending into the wet fill and native soils. Dewatering should be designed and maintained by the contractor. Temporary dewatering appears necessary for deeper excavations. Depending on the season of the work, groundwater seepage elevations may be higher than those encountered in our borings. During winter and spring, it is likely that dewatering will be required for most excavations below 5 or 6 feet. After firm subgrades have been achieved, we recommend that a minimum of 6 inches of bedding material be placed in the trench bottom. Bedding material for rigid and flexible pipe conform with Sections 9-03.15 and 9-03.16, respectively, of the 1994 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. All trenches should be wide enough to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe. Otherwise, materials such as controlled density fill or pea gravel could be used to eliminate the compaction required. Backfilling for the remainder of the trenches could be completed utilizing select granular fill. Compaction of backfill material should be accomplished with soils within ± 2 percent of their Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 10 optimum moisture content in order to achieve the minimum compaction levels recommended within this report. In addition, we recommend that a representative of AGRA be allowed to perform field inspections and density tests on all backfill to verify compliance with the recommendations contained within this report. 4.5 Foundations We recommend that foundation loads for the new building be supported on a system of drilled augercast piles. This is due to the occurrence of soft, compressible soils beneath portions of the proposed building, the susceptibility of loose, saturated sands to liquefaction during a design earthquake, and the general variability of the soils across the site. Slab-on-grade floors can be supported on site soils with proper remedial preparation. Small, ancillary structures, such as landscape retaining walls shorter than about 5 feet could be supported on shallow foundations. 4.5.1 Shallow Foundations The following shallow foundation recommendations pertain to non-building foundations. All footing subgrades should be compacted to at least 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density, which may require scarifying the upper 6-inches and drying the soils. If soft fine grain soils are encountered, it may be necessary to overexcavate the subgrade in order to provide a more uniform bearing surface. We anticipate that overexcavations on the order of 18 inches would be suitable to provide uniform support of foundation elements. We recommend that foundations be designed for maximum allowable bearing pressures of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf). This pertains to footings that are a minimum of 18 inches wide, bear on undisturbed native soil or structural fill, and are a minimum of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished exterior grade for frost protection. The recommended allowable bearing pressure may be increased by one-third to resist transient, dynamic loads such as wind or seismic forces. We recommend that all footing excavations be observed by a representative of AEE prior to concrete placement, to confirm the condition of bearing soils. Assuming the foundation elements are founded in the recommended bearing soils, we estimate that total settlement would be less than 3/4 inch with differential settlement on the order of 1 /2 inch or less. The majority of the settlement should occur during the initial loading of the foundation, however, if any undisturbed or soft soils are left within the footing area prior to concrete placement, settlements may be increased substantially. Based upon the nature of the soil, and laboratory tests, it is our opinion that the subgrade soils exhibit a low potential for swelling. 4.5.2 Pile Foundations We recommend that building footings be supported on augercast piles. An augercast pile is formed by drilling to an appropriate pre-determined depth with a continuous-flight, hollow- stem auger. Cement grout is then pumped down the stem of the auger under high pressure Washington Land Des,gn 1 7 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 11 as the auger is withdrawn. The final result is a cast-in-place pile. Reinforcing can be lowered into the unset concr,ete column to provided lateral and/or tension capabilities. Pressure grouting methods typically result in a grout column diameter in excess of the nominal diameter of the drilled hole. The soft and loose soils on the site could provide difficulty to augercast pile construction due to grout loss into the loose soil strata. In order to prevent grout loss and excessive grout volumes, we recommend that the contractor be prepared to provide temporary casing, if required by soil conditions encountered during pile installation. We anticipate grout volumes within the bearing soil to be on the order of 1 Y, times the nominal volume of drilled holes or more. The contractor should be required to stagger the pile grouting and drilling operations, such that all completed piles within 10 feet of the pile being drilled have set for at least 24 hours. Augercast piles would gain their vertical compressive capacity mainly from side friction between the pile and the native soils with contribution from end-bearing. Vertical uplift pile capacity will develop as a result of side friction between the pile and the adjacent soil, along with the weight of the pile. Augercast piles should extend a minimum of 1 O feet into suitable native soils with a SPT N-value of 20 or more, and have a minimum length of 27 feet. Augercast pile unit ce1pacities for skin friction and endbearing are presented in Table 1 below. The vertical pile capacities presented assume that adjacent piles are located at least seven pile diameters apart. If piles are located closer together, a reduced pile capacity should be used to account for pile group effects. We would be pleased to provide capacities for specific pile group arrangements, if requested. Lateral augercast pile capacities are also presented in Table 1 for some of the possible diameters. The allowable lateral capacities are based on fixed head conditions and limiting the deflection to Y, inch. Because augercast piles are drilled, obstacles such as concrete or rocks in the subsurface can cause difficult installation conditions. The contractor should anticipate that some larger rocks will be encountered in gravelly horizons, and concrete rubble could be encountered within the footprint of the existing building to be demolished. It is possible that obstacles encountered during drilling the piles would require relocation of piles at the time of construction if impenetrable obstacles are encountered at planned pile locations. It will be necessary to periodically remove the pile auger from the holes during drilling in order to verify depths of the various soil types, and penetration into the bearing soil layer. We understand that the proposed building will be designed for the following typical structural loads as presented to AEE in the Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements. Based upon these values, we have developed allowable compressive capacities for augercast piles. The recommended pile lengths and associated allowable capacities are presented in Table 1 . The allowable capacities and associated pile lengths presented have been developed to minimize the number of piles and the amount of material used in construction of the pile foundation system. Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 TABLE 1 ALLOWABLE CAPACITIES OF AUGERCAST PILES Pile Diameter Pile Length Allowable Allowable (Inches) (feet) Compressive Uplift Capacity Capacity (tons) (tons) 12 29 21 5 12 33 25 8 12 39 27 10 16 27 25 7 16 37 32Y, 11 16 40 35 14 4.6 Slab-On-Gradt~ Floors 11-10521-00 Page 12 Allowable Lateral Capacity (tons) 4 4 4 6 6 6 Slab-on-grade floors can be constructed above a layer of compacted structural fill placed above properly prepared native soil. Slab-on-grade floors should be founded on compacted structural fill construGted in accordance with our recommendations outlined in the structural fill section of this report. We recommend that the floor slab be underlain by a minimum thickness of at least 18 inches of compacted granular fill. To minimize post-construction settlement of a slab on grade floor, we recommend placing an additional 2 feet of temporary surcharge fill (which is nearly equivalent to the design floor loads of 125 psf) in order to preconsolidate the settlement sensitive soils encountered in some of our borings within the building pad. Construction of the mat and surcharge soils should be completed at least 30 days prior to construction of the floor slabs. Once the surcharge fill is removed, we recommend that 6 inches of free-draining granular material be placed over the building pad to serve as a capillary break. The fines content of the capillary break material should be limited to 3 percent or less, by weight, when measured on that portion passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve. We further recommend that at least 50 percent of the capillary break material be retained on the No. 4 sieve. Aggregates similar to those specified in WSDOT 1994 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, listed under specifications 9-03.12(4). 9-03.15 or 9-03.16 can be used for capillary break material provided they are modified to meet the fines content recommendation. If possible, the capillary break material could be incorporated into the 2 foot thick surcharge layer. A vapor barrier between the capillary break and floor slab is not necessary provided the recommended gravel section is constructed below the floor slabs. Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 4. 7 Backfilled Wcills and Retaining Structures 11-10521-00 Page 13 The lateral soil pressure acting on backfilled walls will primarily depend on the degree of compaction and the amount of lateral movement permitted at the top of the wall during backfilling operations. If the wall is free to yield at the top an amount equal to at least 0. 1 percent of the height of the wall, the soil pressure will be less than if the wall structurally restrained from lateral movement at the top. We recommend that an equivalent active fluid pressure of 35 pcf be used for yielding walls and an at rest equivalent fluid pressure of 55 pcf be used for non-yielding backfilled walls. These equivalent fluid pressures assume the backfill is compacted to approximately 92 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend that we be allowed to review the design values and modify them, if necessary, if they are to be applied to walls greater than 12 feet in height. The above equivalent fluid pressures are based on the assumption of a uniform horizontal backfill and no buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Surcharge pressures due to sloping ground, adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment, etc. must be added to these values. For loading docks, surcharge loading on the floor slab above the dock will result in a horizontal, uniformly distributed surcharge on the wall equal to 40-percent of the distributed vertical loading. We can provide surcharge criteria for other loading conditions behind the loading dock wall, if requested. We recommend a minimum width of 2 feet of clean, granular, free-draining material should extend from footing drains at the base of the wall to the ground surfaco, to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. It should be realized that the primary purpose of the free draining material is reduction in hydrostatic pressures. Some potential for moisture to contact the back face in the wall may exist even with this treatment, which may require more extensive water proofing be specified for walls which require interior moisture sensitive finishes. Care should be taken where utilities penetrate through backfilled walls. Minor settlement of the wall backfill soils can impart significant soil loading on utilities, and some form of flexible connection may be appropriate at backfilled wall penetrations. 4.8 Drainage Considerations Some of the site soils have a high silt content and are therefore highly susceptible to disturbance when wet. Any accumulated surface water on the site should be routed away from the construction and building areas as much as possible before construction takes place. Surface runoff should be collected and routed to a suitable discharge point or detention basin. Deeper excavations on the site, such as for deeper utilities and service pits in automobile service centers, will encounter groundwater seepage. Due to the granular nature of some of the subsurface soils, seepage into deep excavations will likely be accompanied by heaving excavation bases, and spalling of excavation sidewalls. We recommend that any excavations below groundwater seepage depths be undertaken only when suitable dewatering equipment and temporary excavation shoring, such as sump pumps and trench slip boxes are available. All applicable safety regulations regarding shoring or sloping of excavations when worker Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 14 access is necessary should be followed. Deep excavations should be kept free of water and kept open no longer than required to complete the foundation or utility work at hand. We recommend that the building be provided with a perimeter footing drain system consisting . of a 4-inch diameter perforated PVC or ADS pipe, fully enveloped in pea gravel or washed round drain rock. This pipe should be placed at the footing subgrade elevation or below the lowest subfloor utilities which might be affected if seepage comes in contact with them and should drain by gravity to a suitable discharge. Runoff generated from the roof of the building and from paved surfaces should not be routed into the footing drain system. Instead, they should be routed via tightline to a suitable discharge location. We recommend that finished grades around the site route surface drainage away from the building. 4.9 Temporary and Permanent Slopes Slope stability during1 excavation is a function of many factors, including: the presence and abundance of surface and groundwater; type and density of various soil strata; the depth of the cut; surcharge loading adjacent to the excavation; and the length of time the excavation; and the length of time the excavation remains open. Consequently, it is exceeding difficult to preestablish safe aind maintenance free temporary slope angles. Temporary slope stability should be made the responsibility of the contractor, who is continuously on the job site and able to observe changes in the site soil and groundwater conditions and monitor the performance of the excavation. We recommend that excavations be adequately sloped or braced to prevent injury of workmen from local sloughing and spalling. All cuts should be . completed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local safety provisions and codes. For preliminary planning, temporary cuts may be sloped at about 1.5H: 1 V (Horizontal:Vertical). Because of the variables involved, these slope angles should be considered preliminary values for the project planning only. If loose fills, caving conditions, or groundwater seepage or surface water runoff is present on the slopes, flatter slopes may be necessary. Permanent slopes above the water table should be planned at an inclination of 2H: 1 V or flatter. For slopes exposed to periodic saturation and rapid drawdown, such as stormwater detention ponds, we recommend that the interior slopes be configured at a 3H: 1 V angle. 4. 1 0 Seismic Criteria Seismic design of the structure requires the selection of numerical coefficient of soil structure interaction, designated "S" of the 1994 addition of the Uniform Building Code, Table No. 16- J. Based on the soil conditions encountered in the borings at the site and published geologic mapping, we recommend using an S-factor equalling 1.5 as specified for soil profile type S,. Soil profile type S3 , applies where 20 to 40 feet of soft to medium stiff clay is present. The 1994 UBC, Figure 16-2, classifies the site as being within Seismic Zone 3. Commercial buildings are categorized as standard occupancy structures with seismic and wind importance factors (II of 1.00. Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 5.0 PAVEMENT [)ESIGN 11-10521-00 Page 15 Due to the limited area of new asphalt to be constructed, we have based our pavement recommendations on our experience with similar soils on other projects. It is our experience that the effective subgrade support for the soils encountered on the site is primarily dependent on compaction and moisture content of the subgrade. Based on the recommended subgrade compaction, we rece>mmend designing for the following: Relative Compaction 92% modified CBR 5% Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 140 pci Effective Resilient Modulus (psi) 4500 We have alternate pavement designs for both asphalt and portland cement concrete. All designs have been prepared in accordance with the widely accepted AASHTO design methods. We have provided pavement designs for the specified equivalent single axle loads (ESAL's) presented in the Geotechnical Investigation Report Requirements. These pavement sections are provided! in Table 2, Pavement Design Recommendations. Our design assumes that the subgrade will be prepared in accordance with Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this report. The top 12 inches be,neath the pavement surface should be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent relative compaction, using AASHTO T-180 (ASTM D-1557) as a standard. Specifications for pavements and crushed base/top course should conform to specifications presented in Division 9, Materials, of the 1994 Washington State Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. In lieu of crushed gravel base/top course, 3 inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) can be substituted. The A TB would provide a more durable wearing surface if the pavement subgrade areas will be completed prior tc, the building construction phase. The following pavement designs are based on AASHTO methods with the preceding assumptions and address the specifically requested traffic loadings. TABLE 2 PAVEMENT DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 1 • 2 Approx. Numb13r of Trucks per Day (each wa)'.l Standard Heavy 2 7 Approx. Number of 18 kip design axles (1000) 14.6 51.1 Asphalt Concrete Thickness ilill 2 3 Crushed Pit-run or Rock crushed Base concrete Thickness Subbase ilill ilill 4 6 4 8 ,- Washington Land Desi.in 17 October 1995 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 3 • 4 Approx. Number of Trucks per Day (each way) Standard 2 Heavy 7 Approx. Number of 1 8 kip design axles {1000) 14.6 51.1 P.C.C. Thickness iin.l 5 6 Crushed Rock Base Thickness iin.l 4 4 Notes: 1 ) All pavement sections were designed using AASHTO design methods. 11-10521-00 Page 16 Pit-run or Crushed Concrete Subbase iin.l 6 8 2) All pavement sections assume an AASHTO reliability level (R) of 85% with a terminal serviceability 3) -.. of 2.0 for asphalt concrete, and 2.0 for cement concrete. Concrete design based on a modulus of rupture equal to 500 psi, and a compressive strength of 4000 psi. 4) Concrete sections assume plain jointed or jointed reinforced sections with no load transfer deviceis at the shoulder. A sample of our design parameters for AC/BASE course section are attached to this report in Appendix C. If possible, construction traffic should be limited to unpaved and untreated roadways, or specially constructed haul roads. If this is not possible, the pavement design selected from Table 5.0 should include an allowance for construction traffic. Stabilizing the subgrade with a fabric such as Mirafi 500x or 600x may be necessary during wet weather construction. Proper geotextile fabrics will maintain segregation of the subgrade soil and base course materials. If the subgrade soils are allowed to migrate upwards into the base course, the result would be decreased pavement support. The use of stabilization fabric will not reduce the necessary base rock thickness, as fabric does not provide structural strength at such shallow depths. If the subgrade is disturbed when wet, overexcavation may be required and backfill with import fill. We anticipate that most of the existing pavement will be overlayed with new asphalt. Due to the poor condition of the existing asphalt, we recommend a 3 inch thick overly for heavy sections and a 2 inch thick overlay for standard sections. There will most likely be areas where the pavement has alligatored significantly to warrant removal or use of an asphalt fabric to minimize reflective cracking. Products such similar to Amoco Petromat or Petrotac would be suitable in these areas. Other areas of significant distress may have been caused by degradation of the subgrade soils due to insufficient crushed aggregate beneath the asphalt or excessive heavy traffic. In either case, it may be necessary to repair subgrade soils in some areas. Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 6.0 CLOSURE 11-10521-00 Page 17 The recommendations contained in this report are based on information gathered during our field studies and on information provided by Washington Land Design. In order to correlate soil data with the actual soil conditions encountered during construction, and to check for construction conformance to our report, we recommend that AEE be retained for construction observation services during stripping, grading, compaction, foundation excavating and other soils related portions of this project. At the time this report was written, project planning was in progress, and complete plans and specifications were not available. We recommend that we be provided an opportunity to review the final plans and specifications when they are completed, to ensure that our recommendations have been adequately interpreted and incorporated into the final project documents. We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to you on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this report. Respectfully submitted, AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. Bruce W. Guenzler Senior Staff Geologist Thomas A. Jones Senior Project Engineer APPENDIX A SUEISURFACE EXPLORATION PROCEDURES AND LOGS FIELD EXPLORATION APPENDIX A 11-10521-00 The field exploration program conducted for this study consisted of advancing 19 hollow - stem auger soil borings at locations within proposed building and parking lot areas. The approximate locations of the explorations are presented on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 1. The locations were obtained in the field by hand taping from existing site features shown on the site plan provided to us. Locations shown should be considered accurate to the degree implied by the method used. Interpretive soil logs of the borings and test pits are presented in this Appendix. Hollow Stem Auger Borings The borings were drilled on 21, 22, and 25 September 1994 by a local exploration drilling company under subcontract to our firm. The borings consisted of advancing a 4-inch outside diameter, hollow-stem auger with a truck drilling system. During the drilling process, samples were obtained at generally 5 foot depth intervals. The borings were continuously observed and logged by an engineering geologist from our firm. Disturbed samples were obtained by using the Standard Penetration Test procedure as described in ASTM:D-1586. This test and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2- inch outside diameter split barrel sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140- pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch interval is recorded. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") or blow count. The blow count is presented graphically on the boring logs in this app_endix. If a total of 50 blows is recorded within one 6-inch interval, the blow count is recorded as 50 blows for the number of inches of penetration. The resistance, or "N" value, provides a measure of relative density of granular soils or the rnlative consistency of cohesive soils. The soil samples obtained from the split barrel sampler were classified in the field and representative portions placed in watertight containers. The samples were then transported to our laboratory for further visual classification. Samples area generally saved for a period of 30 days unless special arrangements are made. The boring logs presented in this appendix are based on the drilling action, inspection of the samples secured, laboiratory results and field logs. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the soils or characteristics of the soils changed. It should be noted that these changes may have been gradual, and if the changes occurred between sample intervals, they were interpreted. The groundwater conditions observed during the exploration program are indicated on the borings logs. These subsurface water conditions were evaluated by observing the moisture condition of the sample, or the free water on the sampling rods. The depths to static water f -- should be considered approximate due to the relatively short period of time that the borings remain open, and because drilling conditions required that water be added to each of the borings to facilitate completion of the holes. PROJECT: Renton RE:tail Site .. 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown ,...._2· Asphalt Pavement ______________ ....,,...,,.. 1------t Saturated, brown, fin,g to coarse, sandy GRAVEL ' / -5 - -15 - '"2C • -25 - , with sames/It (RID (cuttings) ___________ / Soft, saturated, mott/,,cf gray and brown, fine sanely SILT (RI/?) Grades to dense Grades to fine to me,1/um sanely GRAVEL with trace to some silt Grades to very dense• Boring terminated at approximately 24.5 feet Note: Moisture contents noted are not representative due to 'wer drilling method. - - w.o. NIE ll 5-1 - -- S-2 ll S-3 - [ S-4 _L ~- S-5 7 7-7052 7-00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... 6 8-7 Page I of! S<andard 10 Blows per foot 20 30 Other 40 so TESTING ...... ! ....... ----------··-· -------:---·-..... .l ....... ····-··. ------· ' ! i ····-··.·····-·······. -................ . ....... ! ............ ..i ............... 1······· . L .... . ' .-~ ....... ! ......... ..!-···-· ·-··l·-· ··t----- ....... ! .............. i .............. 1 ............. ..1 ......... ~= ..... . .... -+ ....... _ ..... !...... I ! i\ .. --~·-J······ ·--~··1···-~ ·······!····· ····!····· ~ = L .......... i ............. ..i ............. .1. ...... J ............. L ............. L. ............ ! .............. !.. ..... . ....... 1 .............. l. ............. ; ............... ! .............. ; ....... . ........ i ......... ·······;···-··· ; ; : ...... ) .......... _ ... ) .............. L ..... . - - - - . - - - . . -3C ...L.-------------------'--..L--..L--~-'---'--'---'----'-"--'----'---+---t 0 20 40 60 BO 100 " .s .. ~ C e I LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split-spoons.ample MOISTURE CONTENT . . . -' Plastic limit Natural liquid limit ! 0AGRA ! ~ 0roundwauor1evc1attim,ofdrilling Earth & Environmental l "~ 11335 NE 122nd Wcr-t, Suite l 00 < ,v... No groundwater encountcxed a: Kirkland. Washington 98034-6918 :i!L------------------------------------------------' Drilling method: Ruid Rotary llimmer type: Automofic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I u -" .-E ~ C e ·s C w ~ C • ~ ~ • w I PROJECT: Renton RE~tail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parkin,, Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -0 ,~2· Asphalt Pavement--------------~,,,· 1-----1 Saturated, brown, ffn,~ to coarse, sandy GRAVEL ' / , with somes//1 (RID (cuttings) ___________ / Medium dense, wet, 9ray and brown, ffne to coarse sandy GRAVEL (RI/?) . ... 5 • !---+-·--·----------------------------- Very loose, wet to saturated, brown, ffne SAND with gray, s/1/y stringers .. 10 - . . !---+----·-·--·-·------------------------------- >-15 • -20 • -25 · Dense, saturated, gray, ffne to coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace silt Grades to medium dense, w/lh more relatively more sand Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet w.o. -~ LL s-, [ J_ -- . S-3 + S-4 - 11-1052 1-00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... l:o. 8-2 Page 1 of I Standard 10 Blows per foot 20 JO Other 40 50 TES11NG ....... ! .............. .!.. ..... . -···---:------- ..... ..1 ............. J...... i --------f--------------! ............... : ............... ; ............ ) ...... . _______ ( _______ -------'.---------------!---------------!--------------L------ =!=#1:::i=+ [/ + i ' . _____ _) ____ _ -------.---···- ------f------- ....... ! .............. ! ... (.J ........ 1 ....... __ ., ...... . -------~-.. ···· ------!-------------.. !------------···: -----· _______ j _______ _ ! -------+--------------:-------·-------!---------------:-------·····--!-----· ------'---------··-·· i ····---______ __[_ _______ ....... i ··--·---------!------· ___ ! ______ _ _______ J ______ _ i ·······'·· ...•.•. _______ J ______________ L_ ____________ _[ ________ -·--· L ____ _ ; : : ····-···!·-······ _____ ___i _____________ \ _____________ ..[ __ _ _______ J _____________ ! ________ , ...... !.___ i : ·········-:--------······1----···· .- . - . - - - • 3C -'--------------------"--_._ _ _.__+--'--'--..... --':-'--.J-.--'--'------lcc----t 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 100 LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample Grain size analysis .Y. AID Groundwater level at time of drilling NIE No groundwater cnc:ountc;rcd MOISTURE CONTENT ' . . -' Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 .__ _______________________________________ __, Logged by: BWG Drilling method: HSA Hammertype: Automatic Date dtilled: 21 September 1995 u .a :;, i C e -~ w ~ C • -" ~ • w ~ PROJECT: Renton R6!tOil Site w.o. 11-10521-00 BORING NO. 8-3 5 ffi ~"' PENETRATION RESISTANCE Page 1 8~ ~ 6 of! Standard Other SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parklnu Lot i~ ~! "' "' Blows per foot "' " 0 50 'IESTING ,a 20 ,o •o Approximate ground swface elevation: Unknown ... 0 ,,2' Asphalt Pavement---------------/ 1-----~--Road Base (5/8' Crust,ed Rock) (cuff/nus) ___ _ ,-5 • -10 • Medium dense, moist .. brown and uray. flne to coarse sandy GRA VEI. with /Toce to some slit 1----+---·--------- Grades to dense ,-15 • ,-20 - Boring terminated of approximately 21.5 feet I S-7 [ _L S-2 _ . . ·ll S-3 -L . I S-4 -- S-5. ---25 - ....... i,-............... i._..... ! I ........ ! ....... ---···-'······· ' ; : .. ··-! t : - ::::::t::: :: t;:::::::J~::::::::::::!:: :::]:::::: ' .... i.--~---1 ....... ;1 ...... -·---!-----·-___ J __ . -·---·-f ----·-------j; ------\--·----· -----l-----C ---!----·-· :~:::::I:::::: ::: t :::::::[:::::::: ::::::l-:::::: :~:::l :::: ---·--·!------_____ L_ ________ j_.' ·--t-------1--- --·····+······--------:---···· ........ ; ........ ------·-·· ....... J. _____ _ ....... + ............. .l ............... : ........ -----··'······· ··--·-·' ------- ________ I _____________ ._I ________________ I._______ ' ! ------·!----··· -------'.-------- -······'-------·-· _______ ] _______ , ____ . __ , ___ ·--·-' ------.l ________ -----·-·I---·-· ··------f---------------+----····----··-'---·----' -----.- '.! _______ -·-----'-'--··-· ' . ----···-t-------· -------+-------l--------'-·-·----1 -·---.. r--------------:---··· --------:---------------:-------"-·------·---·----' - - . . - . - . . - . - . . '-30 ..l...------------------1..-..1.--..1.---l--~-l-.. ...... ~-l-....1.-~-l-..-'--l-----l D 20 40 60 BC 100 LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample .Y. ATP Groundwater level at time of drilling NIE No groundwater rncounlcrcd MOISTURE CONTENT . . . -• Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Su~e 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6916 "' <._ ______________________________________________ ..., Logged by: BWG Drilling method: HSA Ha,nrneriype: Automatic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 u s -" ~ C e -~ w ~ ~ ~ t • w ~ PROJECT: Renton Retail Site ... 0 SOIL DE.SCRlPTION Location: Existing Patklno Lot Approximate ground swface elevation: Unknown , 2.s· Asphalt Pavement / 1-----1 ~Brown. sandy GRA VEl. (RID (cuttings) - !----+----------------------------- Gray, silty, gravelly SAND (RID (cuttings) ~-·+--·-·--------------------------Soft, wet, brown, nne sandy SILT, non plastic -5 • w.o. LL S-1 7 7-70527-00 BORJNG NO. 8-4 PENETRATION RESISTANCE • 6 Page 1 ofl Standard Blows per foot Other 10 20 E 40 so TESTING i i ....... .L ...... -----··; ····-· _____________ .,. _____ ------:------- ....... ! .............. 1..... .j ...... , .. ________ [_ _____ -------i ··-· -...... ..!---------------!-----·· _____ j ______ _ ........ ! ......... ·······-'····· ! ; :, ••••••••• ! _______________ ; _______ ....... · ..•.••• =ti·t·1··t • ~ ·······!···· \ f·-··· ····+····· ·····t······· ···+-···· -10 • -Medium dense, wet to saturated, gray, flne to --- ~---l coarse sandy GRAVEL wffh trace slit ~ 15 • '-20 • ~ 25 - Baring terminat,9d at approximately n.5 feet - - . S-2 + . ... l ...... --~·········1 ............. 1 ............ ! ...... . ..... : .............. +------........ j .••••... ····--·+·····------·: ...... . --------~-----· _ ..... ! .............. .] _______________ l_ ... ___ -------!----·-· I i -------f--------------+---------------!-----··· ------·+--------------+------- ; _____ _) _______ _ ______ l_ _____________ J _______ ---·-·· : ····--------! ------- ______ ) ______ -------!--------------!---------------i-----·· _______ ) ______________ ! _____________ .) _______________ ; ______ _ ------! -----·· ··-···· i ·····-· ______ _) ________ ····---!----··· _______ l _______ _ _____ J ____________ J _____________ _l_______ ----- _______ L ____________ ! ______________ J ______________ I ______ _ _______ ! _______ ------!-------------..1.-------------! _____ _ ! ...•.••. !,_ .. · .......... 1. ······· ···-··· i _______ ------!---·-- _______ l ______________ ( _______________ ! _______________ j ______ _ ______ \ _____________ l _____________ J _____________ J _____ _ _______ / .•••••. -------t ·------________ [. _______ -------L------ -------L-----______ J ____________ J _____________ .!_ _____ _ . . . - . . . - . ~ 30 ..,_ __________________ __,_ _ _,_ _ __,__-!--'--:-'c-~-'--'--,J,--'--...,....-'--!,..,..----t 0 20 40 60 BO 100 I ~ AlD NIE LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample Grain size analysis Groundwater level at time •:Jf drilling No groundwater encountered MOISTURE CONTENT . . ' Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 "' "''---·--------------------------'--------------------' Logged by: BWG Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 • "E ~ C e -~ w ~ • ~ ~ • w ~ PROJECT: Renton Retail Site t': <> SOIL DESCRlPTION ;~ ~ Ji Location: Existing Parkln.7 Lot Cl " Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown "' -0 --......._2.s· Asphalt Pavement _____________ ,,/· -5 . -10 - >-15 • ~ 20 · >-25 • Medium dense. damp, gray and brown, tine to coarse sandy GRA VEl. with trace to some sift Boring terminated at approximately 9feet [ - f-- - . - . . - . - w.o. ::'.l ili ~~ !la!~ 8< ;:i z gl "' N/E S-7 -~ S-2 -- -- 11-10521-00 BORING NO. 8-5 0 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... le,, Other Page 1 of l Stand.a.rd Blows per foot 10 20 30 -40 50 TESTING ·-·····.· _\ ______________ ! ______ _ I f i I ....... :.--------------1----··-·······-t······· ···----:----·-· ....... ! -------_______ j ............... l. .. _ .. ______ l_ _____ _ i ~ .. i ---------:-------....... ; ............... 1-------....... .;.. ...... . \ ' i ' : ·······T·········---··!········ ·······1"······· ....... : .•..... ....... ; .............. = ............... ( .............. L ..... . ------f .............. ~-··-· ·-····.! ............. ! .............. + .... -- i i i i .. ..J-........ L ............ t ............. i....... , " i i : ···-+···· ....... J .............. + ....... ···-···1········ ...... .l ..... _ ....... ! ····-· ! t l ~ : ; ; t -+ + ....... ! ....... --···+ .............. .L. ...... ·-·--· ! ....... 1---···! ...... . . ...... ! ....... 1-.•••• ! .............. -1-............. .L ............. !.. ..... . . ...... 1 ....... ···-· ! ............... 1 ............... ! .............. ! .... -.. ..•. : ••..... ·······+······· .••..... ( •••••.......... : ...... . ' ······· ! ............... ! .............. .1 .......... . ...... ..l .............. !-............. !.. ............. ! .............. , ...... . ·····-~-······ ···-··t------· ........ ! ............. ..1 .............. ! ...... . ·····-:··-··· ....... ! .............. J .............. ! .............. f ···-·· ........ [ .............. : ............. ..! ............... ! ...... . ....... :--····· ....... ! ............. .J ............... ! ....... ·······. ······· ....... ; .............. +---·-· ........ / ........ ·······+----··· ....... : ...... . -·····:···············!---······--···-+---···· ..... ) ...... . - - . - - >-30 .,1-__________________ ..1.._..1...._..1...._+-..1..-,J,.....--'--.l,,-'--,l,---'--''---'-+:-----l 0 20 40 60 so 100 I .Y. AID NIE LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample Groundwater level at time of drilling No groundl,1/llter encountcrc:,d MOISTURE CONTENT . -. • • Plastic limit Natural Uquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite l 00 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 "' "'L..----------------------------------------------...J Logged by: BWG Drillin:! method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 0 E ~ PROJECT: Renton R6'tail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: E.xlsflng Parklna Lal Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -0 ,....._Asphalt Pavement _________________ .,,,. 1----·-1 Brown, sandy GRAVEL with same sift (RIO (cuttings) ~-~--~----=~---------------------. ... 5 ' -10 • >-15 • >-20 - -25 • Gray, wet, silty SAND (cuttings) - ----------------------------- Medium dense, damp, gray, gravelly, fine to medium SAND with trace sift Dense, mo/sf, gray, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with some sift Boring tenninated at approximately 7 7.5 feet ll . . - - w.o. N/E 5-7 S-2 . - . -- 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-6 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... 6 Page 1 of 1 Standard Blows per fool Other 10 20 )0 -40 50 TESTING ....... ! .. : .... -.-i ....... ! ...... . i +----···'···----<··------!-------...... .;. _______ , ______ _ ______ ) _______ +-··-····"--·---+-·····__I_ _______ -------! ....... _____ J _____ _ • . i +-·-····•-···-·+ .. J _____ -__ J _.. -··· J __ _ ·--~---------+··--·-·-······!-----·--------!--·-· .. ! ···-·· --------'.-----· ....... } ....... -------1--------______ .;. ....... ···--· !------ ! ! ! --------:--------------t--------------!---····· ·······+······· ·······!·-···· ---···-i-···---··----:--------------!-······· ··---·I···-·-------t--···- ....... i .............. !. ...... ··-····f·-····· ..... J._ ......... ..! ... -.. ! ....... t ............. , ............. ..l ............... l. ...... ··-···; ....... . l ! ••••••• 1 ••••••• ·······'······· ••••••• .l---·--· ·······'······· ...... .J---·-· .......... ! ............. J .............. ! .............. : ...... . --····!·-····· ·······1··············-l-·············) .............. ; ...... . ..... -L ............. ! ............. ..1·-····· ....... I ............ _L ..... . . ...... L. ........... ! .... -....... ..!. .............. ! .............. [ ...... . ______ ! .............. ! .............. .l._ ............ 1 ....... · ...... ] ....... . , ______ i .. _' _______________ 1.,_·_ ..... -i ] ....... ~....... . ..... ! .............. ! ...... . l ·-----·•1:------· ·-···--·;_:,________ : ! ....... L...... . ..... ! .............. : ....... . ....... 1 ............ ! ............... L. ............. l. ......... ., .. ] ...... . ······-~···· ...... ! ............. ..!.-·-··· ....... ]. __ ........ J ...... . - - - - - - -30 ..L--------·---------....L..-..l.---..l.----l----'-.l.-..-'----'----'....l...---'----'....1...-+----1 o 20 40 so ao 100 I _y_ ATO NIE LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample Gr01.m.dwater level at time of drilling No groundwater encountered MOISTURE CONTENT . . . • Pla.stic limit Natural Ilquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Sutte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 " <L...--------------------------------------------------' Logged by: BWG Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 22 September 7 995 PROJECT: Renton Retail Site w.o. 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-7 :'l gj " PENETRATION RESISTANCE Page I .. ~ g~ ... 6 of I ~ :, Standard Other :,: ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION "' ~.li -'o, 0 ::o Location: Existing Parking Lot ~ ~ 19 .. Blows per foot ~z 0 10 20 ,o 40 so TESTING Approximate ground surface devation: Unknown v:i ~o·r-~~=~--~-----------+~~-+=+~-~~~r~~~~~-~~~~-,-l 1----1.'~~~~::~:;r:;,~:~-:dneto-coarse-:sandy--~" l_ s-7 NIE .. L~ ... L ... I .. .... .;. -;J:/s 1- ---1.'' GRAVEL_{R/1) __________________ _// [ [ i ! Medium stiff to stiff. wet. gray. fine sandy SILT ··-----'·-··-· -·-··---'-----·--······ ,·-·---·-····-···"-·· with low plasticity to non plastic _____ __!_ ____________ _)_______ _ _____ J ___________ _J ·-·--· ...... : ....... -------:------· .. ----.1,---.. -_______ !_-·-·--· ' -5 • - !--·+--,~------------~-----------------Medium dense. moist. fine to coarse sandY ······-:--------· --··: ....... ------+------· --·--: ....... -------t------ -10 · -15 • ~ 20 • -25 · GRAVEL with trace to some slit Boring terminated of approximately 9feet >-- S-2 --r --- --- + ....... / .......... ---1---------------l---···-····---+-------.... ...J ...... . -----f---·--.~-----------1--------··--l·-----------1--··- •••••••• / ....... _____ i: ------···-----!---------------!------....... i.----- ' ______ j __________ .J _____________ ) _______ -------t--------------! ------- -------:-----·-______ , _______ --------r--------_______ L ______ -------;------- _______ !_______ ; i ; i i ; i 1 i ------'------_______ J _____________ __] ________ ··-··-·'··-·----------'---···-· _______ ! ____________ __l _______ ------· :[ ___________ ___1 ______ .. ___ __j ______ _ i i _______ , ______________ ) ....... -------! ___________ ) ______ _ _______ ! ______ _ l i : / ------+--------------i------·· -------! _______ -------!-----·· -------:---------------!---·----------:----···· ________ [ _______ -------:·--------------:-----·· ....... :--------------:-------- -------'··--·--_______ : ______________ ( ______ -------.l.------- i ------------'.-------_______ ) ________ ------' ----·---------·-------- --------'-------_____ __l _______________ !---------------1----·--..... J ______ _ -------:--------------~------· --------[---------------:-------------+------- ···----!-------------·'·------------)---------------!--------------!----···· . - . - - - . - - - - -30 -'---------------------"---'--...... --+o-'--.J20::--'---':,o~.._-::60'c--'--::'•o::-----,:l:coc-o ---1 ~ MOISTIJRE CONTENT ;,/ LEGEND I e -~ w 1" • ,5 • w "' a: "' I .Y.. ATD NIE 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample ~1.D Groundwater level at time Df drilling No groundwater encountered Soil pH test Resistivity test . . . . Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit 0AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Su~e 100 Kirkland. Washington 98034-6918 "''---·-------------------------------------------~ Drillir,g method: HSA Hairurertype: Automatic Date drilled: 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground swfac., elevation: Unknown ...... ....__Asphalt Pavement _______________ _,,/· ~--1 Loose, mo/st, brown, fine SAND with some gravel and trace to some slit w.o. N/E I S-1 1------------------------------ -5 • Medium dense, wet, gray, silty, fine SAND with _ _ '"" 10 • >-15 · -20 - '-25 · some gravel Boring terminafod at approximately 9teet . -- S-2 -+ -- --C- -+ 7 7 -1052 1-00 BORING NO. 8-8 PENETRATION RESISTANCE .... 6 Other Page 1 of I Standard Blows per foot 10 20 30 40 50 'IESTING ..)_ _____________ ! ....... ----I i ·······+······· -------:-· ..... ) -------..... ) ....... --------1------·-...... .l....... _______ j ______ _ ~f-··,I ~i--1~~+ ::~::.l:: :: :::: J\ ~::::::i::::: :::::::t:::~:: ::::J::::: I I ~! i i .... ) ............ ; .......... 1 ............ ~ ............. : ...... . _______ ; ·····--------~------....... -! ........ ______ .,;.______ ....... ! •..•.•. . . ... ! ······ ··-·· }·-· . ·······1······ ·····-! ······· ·······I······ . ; ------! ----·· ...... J .. ___ ..... J....... . ..... .L...... . ...... ! ...... . ....... \ ------------· i ······· _____ J_ _______ ....... \--·-··· -------~ ------· ! .•..... .]. •...... -------'.······· --------~--------------:------· --------1------- ...... J ............ .l ............ ...i .............. ! ...... . i ....... !. _____ ....... 1 ....... _______ .[__ ______ .... ..! .............. ] ...... . ....... l. ............. ! ....... _______ ) ________ ------! ....... _______ j ______ _ ....... L ...... _______ : ___________ __; _______________ : _______ ....... L ..... . _______ ; ______________ ; ____________ ..[ ________ ....... ! .............. i ...... . ' . . ! . ···-----~------------·· : ...... . ...... ) ........ ·-···· i ······· ....... l-·-··· ······· ! ............ J ............ ..[. ............ ..! .............. ! ·-··· ....... ! ............... 1 ...... . -····-·-i········ ..••.•• .;. ..•••.. ·······'-······ - - . . - . . - ....... ! .......... 1 ........... 1 ........... l ......... .! ...... . >-30 ..L-----------------..L.-...l....-...1....--l-....l.-l---'-....l.-l.-...1......L.-l.-...1....~----I 0 20 40 60 BO 100 cl' I .Y. AID NIE LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample Groundwater level at time of drilling No ground.water cncounti~IN MOISTURE CONTENT . -. ' -' Plastic limit Narural Liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite l 00 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 " <L----------------------------------------------' Logged by: BWG Date drilled: 22 September 1995 Drilling method: HSA Hiunirer type: Automatic PROJECT: Renton Retail Site ... 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Porklng Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown ,~Asphalt Pavement ________________ ,,,, ·_1_ ~--l_, Rne to coarse, sandy GRAVEL (RIO _______ _. Loose to medium dense, damp, brown, silty, fine SAND with some fine gravel w.o. S-1 NIE -5 . -_,... -10 - >-15 • >-20 • -25 - -----------------------------Dense, damp, brown, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with some silt Boring terminated at approximately 9 feet -- - - - . . - . . S-2 -- I I -1052 I -00 BORING NO. 8-9 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... 6. Page 1 of! Standard Blows per foot 10 20 30 Other '° so TESTING ! --+-·- ' i ! 1-·· ' ' : ________ ....... \.------------+-----....... ; ...... . ....... .! ....... ------· 1 .. ---........ ! ........ -······) ............. .l ...... . ·······)······· -------:---·--· ······-\----------·---!-------...... ) ....... . \! _______ j ______ -------! ······· ...... ) ........ ------! ....... . ...... l---·· ;-i 1 t 1 .••••.•. • ....••• -------+-------········!··-···· ·······+······· ······-:---···· _ ..... !_....... i . ·-··1·········+--·····+·--· ..... ) ...... . i i j l i i ·-···!_ ...... . ·······:······· ·······r··············r···········-·1······· ···----1---··· ....... ! ............... ~ .. -.... ··-----~---··· ···-··; ....... . i ••••••• -l, •••••••••••••• ~ .............. .! ............... l. ...... ····-·.;. ...... . ....... ! .............. t .............. J .............. ! .............. ! ..... .. ....... · ....... ·······+······· ········!········ ·······+······· ...... J ...... ······· ! ....... ··-·--'········ ······· ! ............ ) ...... . ........ : ....... ······· ! ....... ········!········ ....... : ....... ······-: ...... . = ! I = = --···-:-·--·--···:···············t···············'!"·····-·······i····--·· J __ [l. Ll·······'-·······1 ........ : .............. : ............. ..; ........ . .. [ .............. : ............. ..i .... -......... ! .............. = ...... .. . - - - . . - - - -30 .,L __________________ ...1.._..1..._.J..._..j.......;._1..._...__;,_1...-..1...~-L.-.J...-+,----I 0 W ~ ~ M 100 0 E MOISTURE CONTENT LEGEND . 2.00-inch OD split-spoon s.limple ' Plastic limit • 1e ~ C 2 ~ _y @AGRA ~ AID Groundwatorlovolattim,ofdrilling Earth & Environmental ~ NIE 11335 NE 122nd Way, SUtte 100 ;:; No groundwatc< on,ounter<<i Klr\cland, Washington 96034-691 B -. ' liquid limit I Natural ;i<.._ ________________________________________________ .J Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Dare drilled: 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG i - u -" ~ PROJECT: Renton Retail Site ... 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surfacf) elevation: Unknown ,,2" Asphalt Pavement -------------~/· 1----l._ Crushed Gravel Pavement Base_{RID ______ _ Very loose, wet, browr, silty, fine SAND !--+·-------------------------------Very soft, saturated, gray, fine sandy SILT, moderately di/a/ant w.o. I S-1 --1 S-2 7 1-1052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-10 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... 6. Page 1 of! Standard Blows per foot Other ,a 20 30 40 50 'IESTING 1--------·------+-------!---------------i-------_i ...... . 1--------'-------+-------'.-------·----··!··-···· i T . --{:::::: _____ ! _______ l ____ _J ______ J ___ _ ~.J _______ ------!-------______ .J.. ______ ....... !....... . ...... ! ...... . ! ! ....... : .•••••. ------:---------------:-----··· ....... ( .••..•. ·······+------· -..... ( ....... ··-----+---------------!-------------·!---·-·· ····---!·-····· ~ '-----!------____ _.L ____________ J _______ ) ·---_____ ! ___ _ -10 . ll S-3 1---+------------------------------------- Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to caar,e sandy GRAVEL with s/Jt -15 - -20 - 1--4--------------- -25 · Grades to dense Boring terminated at approximately 26.5 feet - -1 S-4 -1 S-5 S-6 - -' ' ' ' .._ J .............. 1 ··-·-· ....... .!·-····· ····-· i .............. l. .. -.. ••1\ ::~::l::::: :::~:::!:~::: :::::::l:::~:: :::::::! :::~:: -------1-----\( ·---·-----:-------------: ....... -··-·· ; ______ _ -- :::::~ ! ~::~ ~:~-~ :::::J::::~~ :::::i::~::: :::::::l.::: :::::::j::::::: :::::~t~::::\-: :::::r::: ___ !_ -- -- . I ! -------C-------t-------0 -------I ....... L. ............ ! ............. ..!. ... ' ..... -! ...... . ....... L ......... -1 ............. ..l. j ___ J ___ , ---l---------/--------\ )____ ' - i -____ l __________ ! _______ _I_ _______ .lL ... _______ ! ...••.......•. L .. ----________ ( ________ ....... L ............. i ______ _ ------- 1 _____________ [ _____ , ! ! ! ·······+···········--·+······· ······-;·-····· ····--·'····-· ....... 1·-···· .!.--·· .... ...! ······· - - - - - - -30 .,L _________________ ....L,._.J....._.J.....--+---'----'--'---'---'---'---'-_J---'--+-----1 0 20 '40 60 80 100 LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample _y_ AID Gm1.D1dwa~ level at time of drilling NIE No groundwater cncounterc:ii MOISTURE CONTENT . . • -. Plastic limit Natural Uquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way. SUtte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 " <L------------·----------------------------------' Drilling method: Fluid Rotary Hammer type: Automatic Dato drilled: 22 September 1995 logged by: BWG 0 -" . - E ~ C ·~ w ~ • ~ t • w ~ "' PROJECT: Renton Retail Site w.o. I I -I 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-11 SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 Location: Existing Undev"loped Area at SW part of Site ~ ~ Approximate ground swface elevation: Unknown ~ 5 i:l ~~ PENETRATION RESISTANCE Page 1 !l1 § i5 . .... 6 of I ~ ;a: ~: Standard Blows per foot Other 0 10 20 30 ,o 50 'IE.STING -0 _ Grass Surface and Topsoll ____________ _ +·····--+-------!--------:--------------------------------- +------+------1--------L ............ .L .... .. ! 1 --: i ------·+·-----· 1---1 Loose, mo/st, tan, silty, fine SAND with trace fine - gravel +-----·--"-------!--------'--------------'----- --5 -l S-1 ··--~~ ~ -------1-----------+·-····· ------+...... .. .... + .... .. - 1--+-------·--------------------------- Loose, saturated, gray, fine SAND with trace slit • 10 - -15 - -20 - '"25 · Boring terminafod at approximately 11.5 feet - - - - - - ........ [ ------------;--------------:--------....... ! .............. L. ..... . -------· -----------: --------------:--------______ I_______ ....... : ------ ··--··· -----· ··----.l----·-· ........ : .......•..•.... ! -----· ·-·-·· 1----·· ; -~ 1 i i i S2 i I i ! --• A; ~ ••• ••·-•+••m• ••••-••[•••m•• •-m• ! ····--------+--·--- --------:--------------1-··--·· ··-···-+--------------:---------:------ -' . ------..!------------t---------------1--------------+-------·------:----- --------.i _______________ !.______ : i : --------i-----------···+-----·· ....... : ...... . - ------1--------------1------· _______ _[ ________ ------\--------------! ·····-- 1 ! ! 1 ! -------:-------···-···-t·---------------t------- -------!:-------i ---:--------+---------'--- . -------~--------------+---------------~---··--· --·----:------· ··-----: ------· -- ··-!-----·· ---·---! _______ --------L-------______ _i _____ .. ------..l.-------_______ ; ______________ _; _______________ ; ______ _ ________ [_ _____________ 1 _____________ .)_ ______________ ! _______ ·------!------- ··-·---j ·····-· -----· ! _____________ __! _______________ ! ------· ______ J ______ _ - _______ ! _____________ __! ______________ i ______________ ]._ _____ _ ______ J ____________ J ______________ ! ______________ / ______ _ _______ f _______ -____ ..;. _______________ [ ________ -------l-----·· _I ___ I _________ J ______________ I _____ _ - - - - . - - - - - -30 ..J... __________________ ...J.._...J..._...J.._4_;_...J..._._...__c_,L_...J...-'--'--l-----1 D 20 -40 60 80 100 I _y_ ATD NIE LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split-spoon samplo Groundwater love! at~ of drilling No groundwater oncounterod MOISTURE CONTENT . . . Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Sutte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 "'----------------------------------------------' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Dare drilled: 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG 0 .a " ~ C e > C w ~ C • ~ ~ • w ~ PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing ParklnQ Loi Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -._!<seJ,alt Pavement--·-------------~/ 1----1 Very loose, damp, grc,y, nne SAND with trace to some slit w.o. NIE I ~7 -5 ---- . . -- Grades with thin sl/fy stringers S-2 '" 10 • Boring terminated at approximately -+ 9feet '"15 • - • 20 • - . . -25 · --'- . 77-70521-00 BORING NO. 8-12 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... 6. Page 1 of 1 Standard 10 Blows per foot 20 30 Other 40 sa TESTING : ' .!.. ............. ! ..... ·······-····--· --------·----··-_______ ! ______________ ; _______________ l_ ______ -------!------ ' ·.{ .......... i ...... .i .......... i ........ L ___ J _____________ i -----_______ _!_ ___________ j ______________ ! ______ _ --· J _______ -·-----:---------------·-------· ...... -! ___________ J ______ _ ···; ~--·-· ..... J .... ·····:····· .... 1 ........ J ... . -------l-------------!----· -------!-----··· --··-·· ! -----·· -------+----·-· i ______ J ______ ··----+------~-----+---··· ··-··-· ! --------------! ---··-- _____ ) --------------+-------_______ j _____________ J._______ ···-·-· ! ··-···· ________ : -------_______ l_ ____________ j ______________ J______ ------t---···- ... -.. !........ ; : : : --·----+------------·-·!·--·--·· _______ ( _______ ------! --····· -------+---···· ·---·: ---------·····+--·--·· -------+------· -------l ·····-- _____ _J _______ ...... _1 ______________ J ______________ , ______________ ]___ ____ _ _____ J ______________ i _______________ l _______________ l ______________ L_ ____ _ ______ I ____________ J _____________ ._[ _____________ J ______________ ! ______ _ ______ J _____________ ! ______________ J ______________ 1 ______________ ! ______ _ ··-··---!---···· -------+---------·-----1---------------!-------···----!---··-· .•••..• .= .••.•......... ! .......•...... .( ...••..• ------l-----·· ·······'······-- ........ ! ....... -------!---------------! _______________ I _______ -------!------- - . - . - . . - , i 1-30 ..l...------------------....l..-..l....-..l....--l--'--.l-._..._...!._.I-...J....-l.-.l-...J....-+----1 o 20 40 aa aa 100 LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample .Y. ATD Groundwater level at time of drilling N/E No groundwater encountered MOISTURE CONTENT . . ' . Plastic limit Nallllal Uquidlimit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Sutte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 " "'----------------------------------------------' Date drilled: 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG Drilling method: HSA Hammertype: Automatic " .a ]~ ~ C e -~ w ~ C • ~ ~ • w ;,; PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Dozer Traff, West edge of Site Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown ,~2· Asphalt Pavement -------------~/ 1---l Loose, moist, brown, silty, fine SAND with some , gravel to gravelly (cuttings) / 1---l --------------------------- f-5 . Very loose, damp, brown, gravelly, fine to medium SAND with some sift w.o. Ll S-1 f- 7 7-70527-00 BORING NO. 8-/ 3 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... 6 Page 1 of 1 Standard Blows per foot 10 20 30 Other " 50 'IFSIING ... ; .............. : -----·· ........ ! ........ , ....... , ....... ; ........ , .............. ' -------........ [ ........ , ....... , ....... l------.------- ..... J ....... _______ ! ______________ ! ...... , ...... < ....... ; ••••••• .;. ••••••• ..... ...l ........ ______ 1.· ............ ...!.-··-··· ·······.···-··· . ' ..... .J ... ·······I············'-·············:······· ..... L .... ---l---·-· -----: -------····----'.------· ------!------------+--·-··· . 1---+--·-·--·----------·-·--·------------·--·---- Very loose, saturated, brown and gray, fine . ~ ..... l ...... --·-l-·-· ..... i ...... ··--!.. ......... ! .... . -10 - • 15 • -20 • .. 25 · SAND with trace to some sift, very dl/atant --ll S-2 . --LL S-3 Medium dense, saturated, gray and brown, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace sift Grades to dense with relatively more sand Boring terminats,d at approximately 26.5 feet I S-4 - -1- S-5 , "!--··· ....... !·-·-·······+···········-! ..... ····[ ····· -··-··-------------<-------------··]·····-·--------'.--------------!---···· -------'--· -----·-'····-·-··-----i--------_______ :,. _______ ....... :.------ ··-·.·· ..... f ........ L... .J.. . .. 1 ..... _ ... -... :.•:,........ : : : _ _j __________ ___[ _______ ···-··-! ·-·---· ·-·· --·.--------------1,---------······.--····· ------,·.----··---------~--··-· ______ __i _______ ···----: ______________ J_ ______________ i _____________ _j ______ _ ______ __[ ______________ j _____________ l _______________ i ______________ ! _______ _ ! l l) ' ' ···'······· ···-··:.· . ·······.--·-··---------.----···· .. --····· ....... t ............... ( ........ 1--·····c········+ ·····' •••···· '······'·······•------.!.'-··-··· -------·,:-----·· -------:---------------!----····•·- !. ______ J ______ --····· ! ······· --------'---------------~ -···-·· . . - - - - . - - - - . . ~ 30 ...L..---------------,,-----....1..--'---'--+-...... --',---'--,L,---'-"c---'--:',----+,----t o 20 •o 60 BO ,oo LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split~spoon. sample .Y. AID Groundwater le'Vcl at time. of drilling NIE No groundwatu cncountere<II MOISTURE CONTENT • Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 "' "''------------·----------------------------------' Drilling method: HSA Hammertype: Automatic Date drilled: 22 September 7 995 Logged by: BWG PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRJPTION Location: Dozer Trail, South edge of Site Approximate ground surfac,e elevation: Unknown -0 _ Grass(Topso/1 -----·--------------- 1----l Very loose to loose, damp, 1/ght brown, silty, fine SAND ,-5 • 1---4-----------------------------. ,-l O • Loose, wet to saturated, brown, fine SAND with trace to some slit. moderately lo very dllatant 1---4----------------- Loose, saturated, gray, fine to medium SAND with trace silt ,-15 • I--~------------------------------ -20 - Medium dense to dense, saturated, gray, fine to medium GRAVEL wllh some fine to coarse sand and trace to some silt Grades to dense Boring terminated at approximately 26.5 feet LL LL LL ll - w.o. .L S-7 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-14 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ~ 6. Page 1 of! Standard Blows per foal 10 20 JO Other 40 so 1ESTING J ............. !. ____________ J ______ _ i : . ' ! ; ' : .;. -------'.----··· -------!--------------!---············!---····· -----:---···· ....... .;. .. -.. . I . ________ [. _____________ i _______________ i ______________ r ______________ : _____ _ . ____. "-----·-·-: ·-------____ L. ___ -__ J _______ .. L ... • _______ j -----_______ ! ______________ _!_ ______________ ! _____________ j ______ _ ;t-:~::::I __ ::: :::::::l:~::: ::::::t::~:: :::::l:::::: :::::i ::::~ .L S-2 -------l ' -----·: --------------:-------·-··-·· !------· -------t------ ________ i ----·-______ : ______ ---·-···I····-·---·····-~------------i ·-····- ______ ) _____ _ - S-3 ··--·· , ______________ , _______ _ S-4 ····!----______ ! ···---! ~ ------t---· ·--!--. ==r= =1~~=~i =r S-5 --_____ J ____________ f ______________ J ____________ _ i i 1 • ._ i ,-··· t -·-···· !---···· ------l.--------------1----···--------'.------· -------:------· _______ 1 _______ ------! -------________ [__ _____________ _L _____ _ . __ __:_____ -----' -----·-. --'-·-· -------1-----. --!-·-··-· - - . - - - - . . . ,-30 ...L..-----------------....!..-..L...-..L...--I-...J..-l.--'-...J..--'-'--..L......J.._..J_..L...-4-----1 D 20 40 60 BO 100 0 .s • E ~ LEGEND Grain size analysis MOISTURE CONTENT . . • • Plastic limit Natural Uquid limit 2 2.00-inch OD split~spoon sample e ! @AGRA ; ~ G,oundwatc<1,vcia,tim,,,fdrilling Earth & Environmental ~ .:: M 11335 NE 122nd Woy, SUlte 100 < '""' No groundwater encountered "' Klndand, Washington 98034-6918 ~'---------------------------------------------------' Dtilling method: HSA Hammertype: Automatic Date drilled: 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG '~ 0 .s :,; ~ C 0 -~ w u • ~ a w ;:; PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surfaa: elevation: Unknown ... 0 ...... ..._Asphalt Pavement ________________ ,..,,~ ,__... Brown. gravelly SAND (RID ... 5 . Very loose, wet to saturated, gray. silty, fine to medium SAND with twee fine gravel (OVM Oppm) ll 1---f---·~-·-·--·-·--·~~----·--------------· Loose, saturated. gray, gravelly, fine to coarse -10 - '" 15 • '"20 • -25 • SAND with some silt with silty stringers (OVM O ppm) Boring tenninatE,d at approximately 11.5 feet - . - . . . - . . . w.o. -1- 5-7 11-1052 7 -00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE .... 6 Other 8-15 Page 1 of 1 Standard ,a Blows per foot 20 JO 50 TESTING ....... i_ ............... i_..... i ! ··------1------· ....... : ...... . ! -------.--------------:---------------i---------------i---------------: ------- r l I : t -------1-----------!-----_____ _! ________ -----·· i ............. .l _____ _ It,..--!.•-••• ·-•mt••-••• ••m•>Sl•••••••• •••••••i•••-•• ••---·t•••n•• _____ .) __________ \ _______________ t _______________ J-------_______ J.. ..... . .... ---!--------~---··· --------!------· -------!--------····-! ...... . ...... _; ......... l... ... ······-:····-· ···-· t .... . .. ) ...... . 5-2 -~ ····~·-··-···! .............. 1 ............. 1 ....... ·-···'···-·· _L . - . _i_ J_ J __ j __ L ....... 1 ....... ······+··-·· ...... .: ............... I······· ······-: ...... . ·······.--··· ....... ! ............... ; ..... _ ........ l .............. l.. ..... . ........ ;. .............. ! .......... _.) ............... i,! .............. j ....... . ; : i ........ ;. ....... -·-··*-····· ........ = ............... ' .............. ; ••...... . : : : ••••.... !_!······· ••···· '--··· ·······' ............... ; ........ _ ..... .;. ...... . . ....... l .. ·······l···-·········.L .......... 1 ............. L ... . . ...... •....... -·-~·-·· ·······'··-·-· ...... t ...... ···' ...... . ·-·-··· .······· ··-···! ............... ) .............. ,+ .............. .;. .. . , , . . ...... 1;_······· ....... 1,_ ....... . ·······!"······· ....... ; ............... ; ....... . . ...... ! .............. l. .............. L ............. ! .............. ! ....... . ·······)······· ....... i ....... ········!········ ·······+-····· ·······:-·-···· ...... )_ ............ ; ............ ) ........ ·····-!······· ·······j········ - - - - - . -30 -'--------------------'--.i--.i---l--'---'--'--'---'-.J....-'---'-----1----i o 20 40 so so too I .Y. ATC N/f LEGEND 2.00-inch OD spliHpoon sample Gr0undwatcr level at time of drilling No groundwater encountered OVM -Hc.adspace method measurement of organic vapors, made with lOev pboroionization detcd.od.. MOISTURE CONTENT • Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Su~e 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 " <L.-----------------------------------------------.J Logged by: BWG Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 25 September 1995 " £ " " i C e ·, C w "' C • ~ ~ • w i PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: ExlsHng Parking I.of Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown .. 0 , Asphalt Pavement _,.,' 1----1 'Brown, gravelly SAND (RID ~ • 5 • .. 10 • • 15 • • 20 • >-25 • Loose, damp, gray, gmvel/y, nne to coarse SAND with trace to some slit (OVM O ppm) Medium dense, moist, r,ray, nne to coarse, sandy GRAVEL with trace silt (OVM a ppm) Boring terminated at approximately 9teet - - - .. - .. w.o. NIE I S· I - -- S-2 -- .. -- . - 7 7 -l 052 7 -00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... D,. 8-76 Page I of! Standard 10 Blows per foot 20 JO Other ,o 50 TINTING ....... 1 ....... _______ :_ 1 ........ , ...... +------+··-·--- ....... i,........ i i : , ........ , ........ -1-•••••• .!. .............. 1 ....... ______ ; ______ _ , ........ , ....... ., ....... : ............... ! ------....... : ------....... .;.. ...... . .4 .. ! , ......... , .... ----fl······ . ---------------·---····· ···-··'······· ·······' ••·•••• \ ________ j ______ ···--.= ............... i •••••••• ··-····'······· ••••••• ; ••••••• i ------~---·· ·••···· ----··· .••.••.. ; .••••••• ·······'······· ....... J ...... . ' ! -------t----···--·t· ---· ...... ) ........... __ ! ............. ; ·•····· ........ 1 ............. 1-.............. 1... .......... I ........... J ....... . ' : : t ! i ; i i ········:······· ....... ; .............. ! ·······T······· ····-·;···· .. ' ! l i : ....... '······· ··-·-.l.-. ••••...••..... ; .••..••• ····-·.;. ....... ·····-: ···•••· ' : l \ ....... ! ....... ·······:······· ······-l·····-· ·······'······· ··---·········· ....... : ............... ! ............... : ...... . ....... t .. _ .......... l ............... !. .............. i ...... . I I I ···-··'······· ............... ········•········ .................. . ... -.. t ..... ··-·-! ··-··· ....... 1 ............... 1 .............. 1 ...... . I l J I I ....... ! .............. ! ............... [ ............... ! .............. : ....... . i i i ! .....•. !·· •• _· ••..... ....... l........ i i .....•. i_ ...... . ·r ••••••• ! ••••••• ...... ..: ....... . ....... 1...... . . . -·-··"!"···············t········ ....... , ..•.... ....... 1........ , . i ·······t···-···-·····i········ ·······"!'······· ........ ·•····· ........ • .............. :--............. !"_ .................... . . - . - - . . . .. . -30 -'--------------------'---'---'---+----'--'--'-...... ----'--'--'--+----I 0 20 40 60 80 100 J.. .Y. ATD NIE LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample Groundwater level at time of drilling No groundwater encountered OVM -Headspace method measurement of organic: vapors, made with lOcv photoi.oniz.ation de~ r MOISTURE CONTENT . ' • ' Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Su~e 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 L---------------------------------------~ Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 25 September 7 995 Logged by: BWG 0 .s • c ~ C -~ w ~ C • ~ t • w PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surfact:~ elevation: Unknown ,_A$e_ha/1Pavement ---------------~,, 1----1-,_~~~~£'i _ _RE0<..!~"!!'3~1J3E~i~~------~,, 1--+-..:Brown, gravelly, fine to coarse SAND (RIO ____ _ -5 • -10 - '" 15 • Loose to medium dense, damp, brown, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace to some sift Grades to loose with trace sift Very loose, saturated, brown fine SAND with trace sift, very dllatant . 1---+----------------------------- '" 20 • • 25 • Medium dense, saturcifed, brown fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace to some sift Boring terminatE•d at approximately 21.5 feet - w.o. 1 S-7 -- - -- i i -i 052 i -00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE A 6 8-17 Page 1 of 1 Standard 10 Blows per foot 20 30 Other ,o so TESTING ! _!_ ............ . ··------1----·· ..... = ........ ····---:-------------·:······· ! ! l ! ---!-------------J _____________ ! ....... ······+·····- -------:---------------:--------------:--------------t-··-··- i / : : : I l S-2 ~ -----1-----A ~-__ J_.·-·····----1---·······1-----___ ) __ _ ·····i· ·----t···-·-----1--------------t--·-· -···-1-··-··· . ! i ' : 1 S-3 \i---··--····+--·····l·----------1-------·I···- -------'··-··---------+---------------!---------------:----··· ··-----.----·-·· \ ···----.-----------·------·------·····-.-··---- S-4 \i l ! _I ___ ---~----···L-----····-·'·---------!-----·- -------~-------....... ; ....... ·····---:------------/---···· ·····--1···· .. . ·······'······· -------:--------------1 ________ -------+·····--_______ i ______ _ -------'--------------; -------________ ; ________ -------.!.--------------~------·- . _.J ... ___ J _________ __i_ ______ i _______ j__ __ _ ·····-· !----·--<>-··----!-----·· --------1--------------!------· ____ __) __ . __ _ ! _______ _; _______ ------l-------________ ; ________ -------l-----·· ____ J ________ I__ .... I __ --J-------+--· - - - . - - - - • 30 ..L--------·---------...l..--'---'---I-...J.......J--'--'----'--'--'-.....J--'-4----1 0 20 40 60 80 IOO LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sumpli:. _y AID Groundwater level at time of drilling NIE No groundwater encountered MOISTURE CONTENT . . . . Plastic limit Natural liquid limit 0AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, SUlte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 ~ <'-------------------------------------------------~ Drilling method: HSA Haromer type: Automatic Date drilled: 25 September 1995 Logged by: BWG PROJECT: Renton Retail Site w.o. SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Cat Road, Sout/1 part of S/te Approximate ground surfacf~ elevation: Unknown -D ,__ Grass Surface and Topsoil____________ _ t---i Loose, damp. brown. silty. gravelly. ffne SAND - -5 - . t---+----·----------------------------- Very loose, wet to saturtaed, brown, silty, fine SAND, moderately dilc~ant -10 • - --1 S-1 LL S-2 ... 15 -r----------------·------,-------------1-r-l -- Medium dense, saturated, gray. ffne to coarse LL -20 - -25 • sandy GRAVEL w/th trcrce silt S-3 Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet - S-4 -- - 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-7 8 PENETRATION RESISTANCE A. L, Page 1 of I Standard Blows per foot Other 10 20 30 ~a 50 TESTING ....... l ............... :.. ............. 1. ...... ·······. ······· • i ! -------:.-----------:---············:·······-···---:--------------+------- ........ f---·-· ------~ -------_____ ) ________ ······· i---.. ·· ·······}······· _ ... 1_ .. A ~ __ l ___________ J _________ i._. ___ ...... L. __ . ___ J ___ . ··---!-----______ __!_______ --1-·····-. _L.-- -----; -------------+--------------!-------------+-------·-----~ ------- ______ 1 ______ _ ' ..... J____ _ _____ [ j . _J .. -.--J.___ _ __ J __ _ -----1 ------------! ------------1------·· ------!-------_______ ].__ ____ _ ______ _) ______ -·--·-· ! ·····-· . _____ )_ _______ -----!-------_____ ]._ _____ _ -------:-----· ------:---··-· .. -: -------:-------. .. ,.· ______ _ __ i _________ J ____ ,J _._ .. J ________ J ..... --------~-------·····-'---------------'--------·······: ______________ ;. ______ _ _______ ! _______ ....... ! ............. J .............. i ........ · .. ...! ...... . -------:-----·-····---:-------··------!----···· -------:------· ··----'.------- _______ ) _______ -------!-------· -------!-----·· ------:-------·-··--· ~---------------f-------· -------+-----·· .. -.--- 1. ______ , ------'.--------------1-------_______ _[_ ______ ........ ~-----·· -------! ·-·--·· --------~-------------· '-----------!----------····· !-------------+------ ! ! - - - . - - - -30..L.------------------'---'---'---l---'--'--'---'---'--'--'---'--'--I----I 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 100 LEGEND MOISTURE CONTENT 0 E --. :;;; ' -. ~ C e ~ 0AGRA ~ ~ Groundwa1e<1evc1attime0Idrilling Earth & Environmental I 2.00-inch OD :split-spoon sample Plastic limit Natural liquid limit ~ ~ wE 11335 NE 122nd Way, SUlte 100 ;:; • No groundwa1c, oooount=d Kirkland. Washington 98034-6918 ;l!L------------·----------------------------------' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Dare drilled: 25 September 1995 Logged by: BWG PROJECT: Renton Retail Site :,:: SOIL DESCRIPTION fu j Location: Cat Road. West part of Site Cl ........ Approximate ground surfac(:: elevation: Unknown .. 0 __ Gras§/Duff Surface w/111 Tgpyo/1 _________ _ ~--1 Loose, moist, mottled a,ay and tan, silty, fine SAND i~ "' w.o. ::l fil Cl ~; g~ <::, ~ .. "'z . 11-10521-00 BORING NO. 8-19 PENETRATION RESISTANCE Page I ... D, of2 Stmdard Blows per foot Otb~r 10 50 'IESTING 0 20 ,o ,o ....... :... J ........... :l::::::l~:::LI: . I , • ------1---------------1----···· ....... ! ............ ..; ______ _ . ....... ~-----·· ....... ; ·-···· -------:------·····-· :--····· -5 -' ,' -1\/VIN--I • --1 .... -J.~ , ··· ; ......... -L.... ····-+···-· ···-·~·-····· pH=6.3 ···----! --------! ....... _______ ( ........ ······· ! ....... ···---l ...... . S-1 1---+----·-·--·-·--·-- Grades to very loose, ,aturated, with trace slit, ,-10 -very d/latant -----------------------------. -15 _ Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to coarse, sandy GRAVEL with twee to some sill -20 ... t-25 -Grades to brown with silghtly coarser overall gradation -----------Grades to medium dense, saturated, brown, - I ·-····.)'-······ ....... 4-.......... J ....... _____ .) ______________ ( ______ _ _y_ ....... ' ··-···--+···-· ·-·-+····-······t ······ -· ....... . ll -1--ATD . . . S-2 .. A~·----______ I _____________ J .............. ! ............ ..i ······· :::::::\ :::::::i :::: : ::::::::i:::::: :::::::t::: :::~::1:::::: ·-···1·-····\l······l·············l·-··"-l······· . -------! ....... ____j .... --------~--------_____ J ______ ······-.---·--- ! ....... :-------------+-.... ·······+······-·······1 ······--------i-----··· --1 S-3 .~ . . .... : .. . ..... :..... . .... i...... j - .... 1 ......... Lj --------'.! _______ -·-····',!······· . ------:--······.······:-------------:········ t,, ·---~----···· ·······+ ...... _______ j _______ _ l S-4 -------L_ _____ ------r ---·-·· ..... .J ··------....... i _____________ J ______ _ ------· ! -------_____ J ______ ··-·· ..[_ ______________ J _______ _ ______ / ------- + S-5 ll ·······'···-··· ·······'····-······ ,l ....... : ...... . . : -------'.-------------+------------1---------------!--------------!---·-··· _______ ! ______________ .;. ______________ ; _______________ !--------------!-------· . _______ ; _______ ... __ ! ___________ J_ ______________ ! ______________ ]___ ____ _ . .- - - - - . . gravelly, fine to coarse SAND with trace sift -30 ...1-_________________ ....1.._.i...__.i...__-1-....:.._J....:......:......LJ....l-.i..._....L.._J_,;.._--1-----l (continued) o 20 ,o so so 100 ~ :. LEGEND . MOISTURE CONTENT ' ' ' C ~ e ! @AGRA C ~ Earth & Environmental I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample pl-F7.0 Soil pH test .Y. Groundwater level at time o:f drilling -'WVV-Resistivity test ATD Plastic limit Liquid limit Natural ~ ~ 11335 NE 122nd Way, SUtte 100 ~ Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 NIE No groundwater encountcrc1i @) Grain size analysis ~'--------------------------------------------------' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 25 September T 995 Logged by: BWG L. ~ ~ C e -~ w " C • ~ • w <i 0 PROJECT: Renton Retail Site w.o. 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-19 PENETRATION RESISTANCE A. 6. Page 2 of2 SOIL DESCRIPTION ::l I ffi @ Location: Cal Road. West part of Site !l! If I B ~ ~ ~ o:: ~ Standard Blows per foot Other Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown o O 10 2o 30 ,4o so 'IESTING ~30 +-...:..:~---~:.,_~~~~~~~~~~~~-+-,-+-~+-~+------i=---,--=;:-.,....,~=;::,--,-....;;=--.,...--F-~~---t SAND (As Above) J_ S-6 J __ J __ ~LI ________ _!_ _____ I __ ... ~ .. ~·····~~ ;i . - l-~-1------------------------------------ -35 - -40 • ~45 • '"50 • -55 . -60 I _y_ AID NIE Dense. saturated. brown. fine to coarse. sandy GRAVEL with some silt Boring terminated at opproximate/y 36.5 feet LEGEND - - - . - 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample pf#l.0 Soil pH test Groundwater level at time of drilling Resistivity test No groundwater encountered Grain siz(. analysis + S-7 -- -- - -- ______ J ______ ------!-----------1------~ ---· ____ J ____ _ -------1-------------! ------------!--------------!------· _______ .J_ ____ _ _______ L ___________ !-------_______ _! _____________ i ______ ....... ! ...... . : ' i i ______ ,l _____ _ ····--[----····-·t----------1·-····· -----+--····· ' i ........ L. ..... ! ---·---:--------------+----· ------·--·-·· ····---+------....... 1 ...... . ••••••• ) ______ ••••• ,i.. •••• ----·---i········ -·····.l.·--··· ....... : ...... . : + i + t ! i ·-···-!-·-···· ....... .l. •...... ········!·-······ ······-+·--·· ....... i ...... . • I : ; : i i i -t· ! ·······t······· ······+······ _______ i ______________ ·-------------:-------------1---------··-L·-- ....... + ....... --.. ---i-·--· ... ·······I······· ....... + ...... . ....... ! .............. l. .............. L .............. l.·-··· ....... : ...... . ....... J ... _ .. -·-·· ! ............. ..! ............... ! ······· ....... ; ....... . i ...... ! _______ ·······'······· ••.••••. ; ............... 1 ••••••• ······I·-···· ........ : ....... ··-··· i ··-··· ........ [ ........ ·····-+······· ..... J ...... . ........ L ............. ! .............. .i ............... ! ...... . -·----'--·----....... L ............. / ............... ! ...... . ....... / ··-··· ....... i ............. ..l. .. _. ___ .... .l. ............. i ······· 0 t ' ' [ ! 20 40 60 80 MOISTURE CONTENT . . . -. Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland. Washington 98034-6918 100 . . - . - - - . . - - - «._ _____________________________________________ ~ Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Dare drilled: 25 September 7 995 Logged by: BWG APPENDIX B LAEIORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES AND RESULTS Laboratory Testing Procedures APPENDIX B 11-10521-00 A series of laboratory tests were performed during ttie course of this study to evaluate the index and geotechnical engineering properties of the subsurface soils. Visual Classification Samples recovered from the exploration locations were visually classified in the field during the exploration program. Representative portions of the samples were carefully packaged in watertight containers and transported to our laboratory where the field classifications were verified or modified as required. Visual classification was done in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system. Visual soil classification includes color, relative moisture content, soil type based on grain size, and accessory soil types included in the sample. Moisture Content Determinations Moisture content determinations were performed on representative samples obtained from the explorations in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. The determinations were made in general accordance with the test procedures described in ASTM:D 2216. The results of the tests am shown on the exploration logs in Appendix A. Grain Size Analysis A grain size analysis indicates the range of soil grain sizes included in a particular sample based on particle diameter. Grain size analyses were performed on representative samples in general accordance with ASTM:D 422. The results of the grain size determinations are presented in this appendix. California Bearing Ratio Tests A California Bearing Hatio test was performed on a composite sample of the site soils in general accordance with ASTM:D 1883-73, to provided an evaluation of the relative quality and support characteristics of subgrade soils. Representative portions from the sample were compacted in a mold, in general accordance with ASTM:D 1557-78 to provided a moisture- density relationship curve. Following compaction, a 15-pound surcharge was applied to each sample which was the,n totally immersed in water and allowed to soak for a period of 72 to 96 hours, during which time it was monitored for swell. At the end of this period the sample was removed, drained and a vertical load applied to the surcharged soil with a penetration piston at a constant rate of strain. Measurements of the applied vertical load were obtained at selected penetration depths. CBR test results and moisture-density relationships plotted in terms of percent water content versus percent corrected CBR and dry density are presented in this appendix. Soil Chemical Analytical Tests For use in determining corrosion potential of the site soils, we submitted soil samples for pH and resistivity tests. Samples were submitted to Am Test in Redmond, Washington. Samples I from borings were suomitted for pH testing while samples from borings were submitted for resistivity testing. The results are presented at the end of Appendix 8. SOIL GHEMICAL ANALYSIS RES UL TS SAMPLE LOCATION J2!::! Resistivitir: (ohm- cm) 8-7, S-1 6.5 10,000 8-19, S-1 6.3 6,400 GRAIN s1;ze DISTRIBUTION SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36" 12· 6" 3" 1112" 3/4" 3/8" 4 10 20 40 60 100 200 100 I I I \ . . ' -"; ' 90 \ ' - so \ ' ' -' I-' :C 70 : (') \ ' ~ 60 -i >-' CJ -' a'. ' ' wso ' ' z ', U: - ~40 w I\ 0 - a'. \ W 30 0.. ""' - 20 -~ 10 r,~ .. -~ 0 1000.00 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS I =o,,,. I 02m,~ ~M- I Fine I Co•= I Medi,m I Flne 1~· I Clay I : ''"' ~"""'° ·MYa ~Q Exploration Sample Depth Moisture Fines Soil Description • • • • • B-2 S-1 5.0-<i.5' 3% 3% Sandy GRAVEL, trace silt •-+-•-•-.. B-14 S-1 5.0-<i.5' 18% 87% Fine Sandy Sil T )IE:------------B-19 S-2 10.0-11.5' 32% 35% Silty Fine SAND Project Renton Retail Site @AGRA Work Order 11-10521-00 Earth & Environmental Date: 10-S-95 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 CALIFORNIA BE,~RING RA TIO (ASTM 1883) 125 124 123 ii:' 122 ~ 121 ~ / ' a , "ii; 120 .... \ c:: " Cl 119 \ ~ Cl 118 \ 117 \ 116 ~ 11S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Moisture (% of Dry Weight) 10CI 90 8(1 70 ...... 6(1 *' "-- 0::: 5CI C(l -0 4(1 30 20 1 (I Cl 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Moisture (% of Dry Weight) Project Renton Retail Site @AGRA Work Order. 11-10521-00 Date: 10-9-95 Earth & Environmental Exploration: B-1 Sample: Grab 11335 NE 122nd Way Max Density: 121.5 pcf Opfirnum Moisture: 10.5% Suite 100 uses: Silty Gravelly SAND Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 APPENDIX C AASHTO PAVEMENT DESIGN l,_ ,- AASHTO 1986 METHOD FOR DESIGN OF PAVEMENT STRUCTURES FOR: Proposed Retail Project -Renton, WA DESIGN LIFE: 20 years DESIGN CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO: 5% INPUT VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL NUMBER {SN) Estimated ESAL (20 yrs) = 51,100 Reliability {R) = 85% Standard Normal Deviate {Z,) -= 1,037 Overall Standard Deviation {S,) = 0.5 Roadbed Modulus !Msl = 7500 psi Effective Resilient Modulus {M", seasonally adjusted) = 4500 psi Initial Serviceability {P ,) = 4.2 Terminal Serviceability {P,) = 2.0 Design Serviceability Loss {PSI) = 2.2 Structural Number = 2.6 Input values for thickness calculations Asphalt layer coefficient (a,) = 0.33 Base course layer coefficient (a 2 ) = 0.12 Base course drainage coefficient {m 2 ) = 1.15 Recommended Pavement Section Thicknesses {inches) Standard Heavy Asphalt Concrete 2 3 Crushed Base Course 4 4 REFERENCE Specified Specified 1-62 1-62, 111-51 1-14 11-14 11-12 Specified 11-1 2 11-35 11-19 11-20 11-26 Compacted Granular Pit-run Subbase 6 8 APPENDIX D FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FACT SHEET GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FACT SHEET This form shall be included in the Geotechnical Investigation Report as an Appendix. PROJECT: Proposed R13tail Store LOCATION: Renton WA (City) (State) Geotechnical Investigation Report submitted By: AGRA Earth and Environmental. Inc. SCS Soil Hydrologic Group Not Rated Soil Name. __ .,,Uccrbsea,.,n.,__.,L.,_a,.,_nd,._ _____ _ Infiltration (Circle One): (9 Fair Good Very Good (not tested) Ground Water Level: Ei feet Wet Season* 7 % -14 feet Dry Season Topsoil/Stripping Depth varies, 6 -10 inches Undercut Required (Circle One): Compaction Method (Circle one): Standard Proctor (Modified Proctoi:) Minimum Compaction Required for Upper 1 -= Feet of Site: Building Area 92 % Outlet Area, __ -"'9..,2~ __ .,,,_% Parking Area 92 % Waste Area%, __ -29.,.2~ __ %,,,. Compaction Equipment Type and Weight:._,V'"'ibsercsa'-'toser'-'yc..JR"'o"'ll.Sle"-r ___________ _ Compaction Tests: 1 Test for Each, __ -"'5><0><0e>,O:.._ ____ Sq. Ft. each Lift Structural Fill Maximum Lift Thickness. ___ 8~----inches (Measured loose) Subgrade design CSR (or LBR) value = ---~5 __ _ COMPONENT Stabilized Subgrade (If Applicable) (HRT) Subbase Material (Pit-run or Recycled Concrete) Asphaltic Base Course (If Applicable) Crushed Base/Top Course (If Applicable) Surface Course ASPHALT ST ANDA RD HEAVY NA NA 6 8 NA NA 4 4 2 _3_ CONCRETE STANDARD HEAVY NA NA 6 8 NA NA 4 4 5 6 Note: This information should not be used separately from other portions of this Soil Investigation Report. FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA This form shall be included in the Geotechnical Investigation Report as an Appendix PROJECT: Proposed Retail Store LOCATION: Renton. WA City) (State) GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: AGRA Earth and Environmental Inc. SOILS REPORT DA TED:--'-1_,_1 _,0,,_,c'-"t-"'o"'be,,_,r_1.,_,9,,_,9,,_,5"------------------- Recomrnended Option FOUNDATION OPTIONS: _1_ Augercast Foundation Piles _2 _ _ 3_ BEARING PRESSURE: Dependent on pile diameter and length. see text ----MINIMUM FOOTING SIZES: 18" continuous. 24" spread MIN. FOOTING EMBEDMENT:_,_1-""8--"inwc,ch,.,,ec,;,.s ________________ _ FROST DEPTH:,_1.,_,8=--"in.,,c:,"-'h"'e,,_s ______________________ _ TOTAL SETTLEMENT (1" MAX):,'-1'-'/..,,2'"-'i.,_,n,,,,ch"-"o.,_,n_.p"'il"'"in,.,,g'---------------- DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT ( 1 /2" MAX) :._1.!..L.=2__,_i,.,,nc"'h-'--------------- ____ SLAB: POTENTIAL VERTICAL RISE (1/2" MAX):,...,nw..,o,<!.n,,,ec._ _______ _ VAPOR BARRIER:,_,N-"o"--"(s,.,,e"'e'--'r-"'e""po.,,rtc.>.L...) ---------------- CAPILLARY BARRIER: 6 inches sand/gravel WSDOT Specs 9-03.12(4). 13. 15, 16 SUBGRADE REACTION MODULUS:. __ 1,_,s..,,o'--"'"---------------- PERI METER DRAINS REO'D:,_Y,...,e,,.,s,_,_. _S.,.e""e._,_,re.,p<>,o"-'rt.._t.,e.,,xt.,_ _____________ _ CONCRETE: 2,__ Type I __x__ Type II _ Type Ill Other SPECIAL COMMENTS:. _______________________ _ NOTE: This information should not be used separately from other portions of this soil investigation report. 743 Rainier Avenue South Renton, Washington Technical Information Report Retail Expansion December 30, 2009 1505 WESTLAKE AVE. N SUITE 305 SEATTLE, WA 98109 T 206.522.9510 F 206.522.8344 WWW.PACLAND.COM Prepared By: April K. Pust Jeff Chambers, P.E. Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Table of Contents Section Page Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 2 Project Overview ................................................................................................................... 3 1. TIR Worksheet ............................................................................................................ 3 2. Site Location ............................................................................................................... 5 3. Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics .................................................... 6 4. Soils ................................ .' ........................................................................................... 6 Preliminary Conditions Summary ........................................................................................... 7 Offsite Analysis .................................................................................................................... 10 1. Upstream Analysis ..................................................................................................... 10 2. Downstream Analysis ................................................................................................ 10 3. Evidence of Existing or Predicted Problems ................................................................ 12 Retention/Detention Analysis and Design ............................................................................ 13 1. Existing Site Hydrology .............................................................................................. 13 2. Developed Site Hydrology ........................................................................................ 14 3. Control Structure ....................................................................................................... 15 4. Hydrologic Analysis .................................................................................................. 15 5. Retention/Detention System ...................................................................................... 15 6. Water Quality ........................................................................................................... 16 Conveyance System Analysis and Design ............................................................................. 1 7 Special Reports and Studies ................................................................................................. 18 Basin and Community Planning Areas .................................................................................. 19 Other Permits ...................................................................................................................... 20 Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant.. ................................... 21 Erosion/Sedimentation Control Design ................................................................................. 22 1. Erosion Risk Assessment ............................................................................................ 22 2. Construction Sequence and Procedure ....................................................................... 22 3. Trapping Sediment .................................................................................................... 22 4. Wet Weather TESC .................................................................................................... 23 Maintenance and Operations Manual .................................................................................. 24 Appendices: A -Grading and Drainage Plan B -lsopluvial Maps C -Design Calculations PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 1 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Executive Summary Site Location: The property is located at 743 Rainier Avenue S. in Renton, Washington. The site is bordered by SW Grady Way to the south, Rainier Avenue and Hardie Avenue SW to the east, SW Seventh Street to the north and a Honda dealership to the west. The site is currently developed as a 134,352 square foot Walmart discount store. This project proposes to expand the existing store by approximately 16,000 square feet and increase the lease area by 3.7 acres to a total of 13.6 acres. Design Criteria: The City of Renton uses the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual (KCSWDM), 1990 Edition, as adopted by the City of Renton. This project will evaluate the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year storm events, providing peak runoff rate control matching the predeveloped 2-, 10-and 100-year events. Since the existing site is developed and entirely impervious with the exception of landscape islands and a gravel area, minimal detention requirements are anticipated for this project. However, additional water quality treatment will be required for the new pollution generating impervious surfaces. Table 1 Jurisdictional Requirements Peak Run-off Control: 2-year: Match predeveloped 10-year: Match predeveloped 100-year: Match predeveloped Water Quality: 2-year 24-hour duration Proposed Drainage System: The project proposes to utilize the existing stormwater system for conveyance and provide improvements, as necessary, for detention and additional water quality treatment. On-site stormwater runoff from the roof and paved surfaces will be collected and conveyed via a system of curb, gutter, catch basins and underground detention/conveyance pipes. Runoff will then be conveyed to either the existing or proposed biofiltration swale for water quality treatment and subsequently into the City of Renton storm system. The proposed bioswale will provide both detention and water quality treatment. Conclusion: The proposed stormwater management system for this project has been designed in accordance with regulatory criteria described above and is consistent with sound engineering practice. This design has incorporated stormwater detention and flow control. Therefore, no significant adverse impacts to the stormwater management system are expected as a result of the proposed development. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 2 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Project Overview Page 1 of 2 King County Building and Land Development Division TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET PART 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER ProjectOWner &1oni:,~ ~?; ';f Address 10047 l:'loiJtfl Phone !\'.15• 45~~ IY\4 Project Engineer fd.f C ha. m\,r.cs , Pi Company \lftC,LAi,lO AddressPhone i'50S ',Jcs:\:la~. /.J,I(, I,.\ . ' . D Subdivision ~ Short Subdivision D Grading D Commercial q D Other _________ _ PART 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name Yc;iln,ad S\,o,-i -fl od location Township 1!, Range Q$ Section I "I Project Si2:e I ? • 5 'I AC Upstmam Drainage Basin Si2:e AC __ PART 4 OTHER PERMITS D DOF/GHPA D Shorsline Management D COE404 D Rockery D OOEDamSafety D Structural Vaults D FEMA Floodplain D other D COEWeUands 0 HPA PART 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE 13ASIN Commurnty ( \ ( , I , -------''"'o""m...,,rci0, oa:laac I Emplaymen:r bvo, YG!\lcy Drainage Basin PART 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS D River ___________ _ D Stream ___________ _ D Critical Stream Reach ~ Depmssions/SWales D Lake------------ 0 Sleep Slopes D Lakeside/Erosion Hazard PART7 SOILS SoilType I lc\)611 L,_nJ (.Uc) Slopes A.,j 3 '/. D Additional Sheets Attatched D Floodplain-------------- 0 We«ands -------------- 0 Seeps/Springs D HighGroundwaterTable D Groundwater Recharge D Olher Erosion Potential Lot;l Erosive Veloclties \ at.) 1/90 ---------------------------------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 3 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Page 2 of 2 King County Building and Land DevelOpment Division TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET PARTS DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT . D ~ -Downstream Analysis D D D D D D Addttional Sheels Attalched PART 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ~ Sedimentation Facilities t:81 Stabilized Conslruction Enlrance ~ Perimeter Runoff Control ~ Clearing and Gradirig Reslriclioiis 81 Cover Practioes t:81 Construction Sequence D Olher PART 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM t8I Grass Lined Channel D Tank 6(1 Pipe System D Vaull D Open Channel D Energy Dissapator ~ Dry Pond D Wetland D Wet Pond D Stream Brief Description of System Operation Facility Related Site Limllations Reference Facility Limitation PART 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS (May require special structural review) D Cast in Place Vault D Other D Retalnlng Wall 0 Rockery> 4' High D Structural on Sleep Slope MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION J8l Stabilize Exposed Surlaoe .18) Remove and Reslora T empotary ESC Facilities 81 Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris ~ Ensure Operation of Permanent Facililies 0 Flag Limtts of NGPES D Other D D D D D Infiltration Method of Analysis Depression Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mit~ation Waiver of Eliminated Site S orage Regional Detention D Additional Sheets Attatched PART 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS D Drainage Easemen1 D Access Easement D Native Growth Protection Easement D Tract D Other PACLAND Project #10001074 lf)O Page 4 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Site Location 'St,,.= , ...... arh . S 4,h St , . I I i ;: .. .. S6thSt o iw•1 : ~-! :· ,2 · 1.tr ·l :! :; ::: I • ' ~ -·~I .lt..CJ'/ ;II s ?ti'. St .. I I Renton VIiiage Shopplng:center I I I I \ l ;;ke ~?"'": p;,ir~. ',~-- -I -• I . .. ~~~n\ll~ag_9PI ,. S i6t Location: 743 Rainier Avenue 5. Renton, WA 98057 Section/Township/Range: NW Quarter of Section 19, Township 23, Range 05 Parcel/Tax Lot(s): 1923059048, 1923059072 Size: 9. 9 acres City, County, State: Renton, King County, Washington Governing Agency: City of Renton Design Criteria: 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) as adopted by the City of Renton PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 5 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics Drainage Basin Renton, Washington The project site is located in the Black River Drainage Basin which is part of the Green/Duwamish River Watershed. Subbasins The site consists of a single sub-basin. On-site stormwater runoff is collected and conveyed via a system of curb, gutter, catch basins and underground detention/conveyance pipes. Runoff is then conveyed to the existing biofiltration swale for water quality treatment and subsequently into the City of Renton storm system. Site Characteristics The property is located at 743 Rainier Avenue S. in Renton, WA. The site is bordered by SW Grady Way to the south, Rainier Avenue and Hardie Avenue SW to the east, SW Seventh Street to the north and a Honda dealership to the west. The existing site is comprised of a 134,352 square foot Walmart store with associated paving, landscaping, and storm drainage system. This project proposes to expand the existing Walmart store to the north and modify the vestibules on the eastern face of the building. The building will be expanded from 134,352 square feet to 150,244 square feet, and the new parking lot and landscaping to the north will effectively remove the existing gravel area. The existing parking area will not be significantly modified from its original layout, but will include a variable overlay and minimal landscape island relocations/modifications. Additional detention will be necessary for the expansion, and additional water quality treatment will be provided for the new pollution generating impervious surfaces. Soils Per the Geotechnical Report, prepared by Terracon and dated November 30, 2009, the site consists of native fine-grained soils which are generally soft to soft to medium stiff and compressible, and native granular soils which range from loose to very dense. The site is mapped as Urban Land (Ur) according to the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Soil Survey for King County Area, Washington. Hydrologic Soil Group C curve numbers for were used for the design calculations. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 6 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Preliminary Conditions Summary As required by the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), this project is subject to drainage review. Therefore, the storm drainage design for this project is required to comply with all seven (7) Core Requirements. The requirements have been met as follows: Core Requirement #1: Discharge at Natural Location The discharge from a proposed project must occur at the natural location. Response: Onsite runoff will be collected, conveyed, and detained to match existing conditions. Following water quality treatment, all onsite runoff is conveyed to the City of Renton stormwater system and subsequently discharged into the Black River. No downstream impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed improvements. Core Requirement #2: Off-site Analysis All proposed projects must identify the upstream tributary drainage area and perform a downstream analysis. Levels of analysis required depend on the problems identified or predicted. At a minimum, a Level 1 analysis must be submitted with the initial permit application. Response: The upstream and downstream analyses have been performed and are summarized on Pages 10-12 of this report. Core Requirement #3: Runoff Control Proposed projects must provide runoff controls to limit the developed conditions peak rates of runoff to the pre-development peak rates for specific storm events based on the proposed project site existing runoff conditions, and install biofiltration measures. Response: The proposed storm system improvements provide runoff controls to match the pre-developed conditions for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year storm events. Water quality for the new pollution generating impervious surfaces will be provided by the proposed biofiltration swale. Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System All conveyance systems for proposed projects must be analyzed, designed and constructed for existing tributary off-site runoff and developed on-site runoff from the proposed project. Response: The proposed conveyance system has been designed to convey runoff for the new impervious surfaces. Any offsite runoff that currently flows onsite will continue to be conveyed via the existing stormwater system. PACLAND Project # 10001074 Page 7 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Core Requirement #5: Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan All engineering plans for proposed projects that propose to construct new, or modify existing drainage facilities, must include a plan to install measures to control erosion and sedimentation during construction and to permanently stabilize soil exposed during construction. Response: Erosion and sediment control requirements will be an integral part of the project construction documents. These measures will include methods to reduce erosion of onsite site soils and to prevent sediments from inadvertently leaving the proiect site. Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operation Maintenance of all drainage facilities constructed or modified by a proposed project is the responsibility of the property owner (see Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities in Appendix A), except King County may assume maintenance of drainage facilities constructed for formal Plat Subdivisions and some Short Plat Subdivisions two years after construction approval. Response: An Operations and Maintenance Manual is included in this report. Core Requirement #7: Bonds and Liability All drainage facilities for proposed projects (except drainage stub-out connections, downspout roof drain infiltration systems and downspout dispersion systems for single- family residential lots) must be constructed in conformance with the bond and liability requirements of King County Code 9.04.100. Response: A Bond Quantities worksheet will be included with the final submittal of the construction documents. Special Requirement #1: Critical Drainage Areas Response: The project site does not lie within a designated critical drainage area. Special Requirement #2: Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan Response: The project site does not lie within an area covered by an approved Master Drainage Plan. Special Requirement #3: Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan Response: The proposed improvements do not meet the conditions which would require a Master Drainage Plan. PACLAND Projecl # 10001074 Page 8 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Special Requirement #4: Adopted Basin or Community Plans Response: The proposed project lies within the Black River Drainage Basin and the City Center Community Planning area. Special Requirement #5: Special Water Quality Controls Response: The proposed project will not directly discharge runoff to a regional facility, receiving water, lake, wetland, or closed depression without on-site peak rate runoff control or discharge to a Type 1 or 2 stream or Type 1 wetland. Special Requirement #6: Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators Response: The proposed project will not construct more than 5 acres of new impervious surface. Special Requirement #7: Closed Depressions Response: The project will not discharge runoff to an existing closed depression. Special Requirement #8: Use of Lakes, Wetlands, or Closed Depressions for Peak Runoff Rate Control Response: The project does not propose to use a lake, wetland, or closed depression for peak rate runoff control. Special Requirement #9: Delineation of 100 Year Floodplain Response: The project site lies within Zone X, which is outside the 100 Year and 500 Year Floodplains. Special Requirement #10: Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and 2 Streams Response: There are no Type 1 or 2 Streams located on or near the project site. Special Requirement #11: Geotechnical Analysis and Report Response: The proposed project does not meet the threshold for this requirement. However, a Ceotechnical Report has been prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. Special Requirement #12: Soils Analysis and Report Response: The proposed projecl does not meet //1e ll1reshold for this requirement. However, a soils analysis is included in the Ceotechnical Report, which was prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 9 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Off-Site Analysis Upstream Analysis Based on topographic survey and field reconnaissance, there is minimal tributary area to this site. SW Seventh Street to the north and Hardie Avenue SW/Rainier Avenue S. to the east intercept water before it reaches the site. Additionally, the existing topography surrounding the site prevents any significant amount of run-on. Downstream Analysis After traveling through the existing bio-swale, runoff enters the municipal stormwater system in SW Seventh Street. This system continues west for approximately one mile before discharging to the Black River. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 10 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report # Photo 1 2 PACLAND Project #10001074 Renton, Washington : Description The site currently drains to a bioswale near the SW Seventh Street entrance for water qua I ity treatment. Post-detention runoff from the proposed improvements will also be routed to the swale after receiving water quality treatment in the proposed bioswale. From the existing bioswale looking east. Existing roof and off-site (bank) runoff are conveyed to the City stormwater system via a series oi underground pipes and catch basins. Page 11 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report # Photo 3 4 Evidence of Existing or Predicted Problems Renton, VVashington Description From the SW Seventh Street entrance looking north. Discharge from the existing bioswale, as wel I as the roof and off- site runoff, enter the municipal storm system in SW Seventh Street. From SW Seventh Street looking west. The municipal storm system continues west for approximately one mile before discharging to the Black River. There is no visible evidence of drainage problems on or near the project site. Per the City of Renton Utility Systems Division, there is no record of significant flooding or drainage complaints within l4 mile of 743 Rainier Avenue South. In addition, no drainage problems are predicted as a result of the proposed improvements. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 12 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Retention/Detention Analysis and Design The 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual requires peak runoff control such that the post-developed peak rate matches that of the predeveloped site for the 2-year, 10- year, and 100-year storm events. The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBU H) methodology was utilized for the analysis of this stormwater event. Stormshed 3G software by Engenious Systems, Inc., was utilized to assist with the modeling. The rainfall data in Table 2, below, was determined from the 2-, 10-, and 100-year lsopluvial Maps. A copy of these maps which shows the site location can be found in Appendix B of this report. Table 2 Rainfall Event 24-Hour Rainfall 2-year 2.0 in 10-year 2.9 in 100-year 3.9 in Existing Site Hydrology The existing site includes a storm drainage system designed to collect storm water at strategically placed catch basins throughout the site. The storm water is then conveyed through underground pipes to a biofiltration swale located on the northwestern portion of the site, near the eastern access from SW Seventh Street. After traveling through the swale, runoff enters the municipal stormwater system located in SW Seventh Street. Currently there is no detention on the project site. The pre-developed conditions and undetained peak runoff rates are shown in Tables 3 and 4 below. Table 3 Pre-Developed Area Condition CN TC 0.39 AC Gravel 89 5 min 0.46 AC Impervious 98 5 min 0.06 AC landscaping 86 5 min Table 4 Existing Peak Runoff Rate Event Rate 2-year 0.303 els 10-year 0.503 els 100-year 0.7259 ds PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 1 3 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Developed Site Hydrology without Detention Changes to the site include the building expansion, demolition of the existing restaurant, and paving of the existing gravel area north of the store. The detention requirements can be modeled as the conversion of gravel and restaurant rooftop to paving and landscaping. It is not possible to collect the exact area that is being converted, so runoff from an equivalent area of currently untreated and undetained surface will be conveyed to the proposed biofiltration/detention swale. The developed conditions and undetained peak runoff rates are shown in Tables 5 and 6 below. Table 5 Developed Area Condition CN TC 0.77 AC Impervious 98 5 min 0.14 AC Landscaping 86 5 min Table 6 Proposed Peak Runoff Rate (undetained) Event Rate 2-year 0.3653 cfs 10-vear 0.5646 cfs 100-year 0.7834 cfs Developed Site Hydrology with Detention An area equivalent to the new impervious surfaces will be detained in the proposed bioswale north of the expansion area. The developed conditions and post-detention peak runoff rates are shown in Tables 7 and 8 below. Table 7 Developed Area Condition CN TC 0.77 AC Impervious 98 5 min 0.14 AC Landscaping 86 5 min Table 8 Proposed Peak Runoff Rate (detained) Event Rate 2-year 0.313 els 10-year 0.4392 els 100-year 0.7261 cfs PACLANO Project #10001074 Page 14 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Control Structure A 48" flow control structure will be utilized at the proposed bioswale outlet to control release rates to the existing system. Flow control structure data can be found in Table 9 below and attached in Appendix C. Table 9 Orifice Orifice Size Elevation 1 3.5" 18.0' 2 3.0" Bottom 20.3' Overflow 12" Diameter 21.0' Hydrologic Analysis Using the stage storage routing method, the required detention for the site modifications was determined and is displayed in Table 10 below. Table 10 Event Match Q Peak Q (cfs) Peak Stg (ft) Vol (cf) Vol (ac-ft) (cfs) 2-year 0.303 0.313 20.43 71.75 0.0016 10-year 0.503 0.4392 20.76 238.19 0.0055 100-year 0.7259 0.7261 21.05 469.99 0.0108 Based on the above calculations, the new impervious areas will require 470 cubic feet of detention storage for the 1 00-year storm event. Retention/Detention System There is no existing detention system on the project site. Therefore, detention for the new impervious surfaces will be provided in the proposed swale north of the expansion area. The total length of the proposed swale is 130 feet, which allows for detention while still meeting the required length for water quality treatment. Detention for the 2-year storm event will reach a peak stage of 20.43 feet. This allows the first 96feet of the bioswale to be used for water quality treatment. For the 100-year storm event the peak stage is at 21.05 feet, which utilizes only a fraction of the available storage. PACLAND Project #10001074 Pdge 15 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Water Quality There is an existing biofiltration swale in the northwestern portion of the site, which was designed to treat the existing parking lot areas. Additional water quality treatment will be provided in the proposed bioswale located between the proposed expansion and the existing bank. Per the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 1.3.5, the proposed bioswale was designed using the criteria in Table 11 below. Table 11 Bioswa/e Design Criteria Criteria Value 2-yr, 24-hr flow 0.3653 els Design Flow Depth 0.25 feet Manning's Coefficient 0.35 Residence Time 9 minutes Side Slope 3.0 H:V The resultant swale design has a minimum bottom width of 8 feet and a minimum treatment length of 91 feet. The 2-yr, 24-hr flow refers to the undetained post-developed flow, because water quality treatment will be provided prior to detention. The swale bottom will be lined with an impermeable liner. Design calculations are located in Appendix C of this report. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 16 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Conveyance System Analysis and Design Conveyance Per the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4.3.4, the on-site stormwater conveyance has been calculated based on gravity flow analysis of the piping network. Peak runoff associated with a 100-year storm event was routed through the system and it was determined to be adequate. Uniform Flow Analysis utilizing Manning's equation was employed with a Manning's "n" value of 0.012. Manning's equation -Q-1.4% xAxR 213 xS 112 With: Q -Flow (CFS) n -Manning's Roughness Coefficient (0.012) A -Flow Area (SF) R -Hydraulic Radius -Area /Wetted Perimeter (LF) S -Slope of the pipe (ft/ft) All storm pipes were designed such that their capacity meets or exceeds that required during a 100-year event. 100-Year Flood/Overflow Condition Review of the most recent FIRM maps indicates that the project site lies within the Zone X, which is determined to be outside of the 100-year flood plain. The stormwater system for this project has been designed to address all storm events in accordance with design criteria described previously. In the event of a larger storm, it is unlikely that the system would fail. Based on a review of the site and immediate surroundings, the overflow of the stormwater detention system would allow surface water to sheet flow to the public storm system in SW Seventh Street. ·----------------------------~---·· ------------- PAC LAND Project #10001074 Page 1 7 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Special Reports and Studies The following Special Reports and Studies have been completed for this project: • Initial Report of Ceotechnical Engineering Evaluation -dated November 30, 2009 by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment -dated October 20, 2009 by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. • Transportation Impact Study -dated October 2009, by Transpo Group. • Renton Retail Expansion Critical Areas and Habitat Evaluation memo -dated September 18, 2009 by The Watershed Company. ----~---------·------------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 18 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Basin and Community Plan Areas The project site lies within the Black River Drainage Basin and the City Center Community Planning Area. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 19 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Other Permits The following governmental approvals or permits will likely be required for this project: • City of Renton SEPA Determination • City of Renton Site Plan Review • City of Renton Building Permit • Washington State Department of Ecology NPDES Permit • Sewer Permit • Water Permit • City of Renton Right-of-Way Permit(s) • King County Health Department • King County Sewer Treatment These permits will require approval by the City of Renton Planning Division, King County, or the Department of Ecology. --------------------------------------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 20 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant The following items will be submitted upon approval of the Building Permit plans: • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet • Declaration of Covenant for Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 21 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Erosion/Sedimentation Control Design All erosion and sediment control measures shall be governed by the requirements of the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Ecology. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be prepared to assist the contractor in complying with these requirements. The Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) plan will be included with the construction plans. 1. Erosion Risk Assessment The degree of erosion risk on the proposed project site is minimal. The following factors contribute to a low degree of erosion risk: • Slope across the site is minimal. Runoff will not travel at high velocities across the site and, therefore, will not cause noticeable erosion impacts. • The site consists primarily of impervious surfaces. 2. Construction Sequence And Procedure The proposed development will include an erosion/sedimentation control plan designed to prevent sediment-laden run-off from leaving the site during construction. The erosion potential of the site is influenced by four major factors: soil characteristics, vegetative cover, topography, and climate. Erosion/sedimentation control is achieved by a combination of structural measures, cover measures, and construction practices that are tailored to fit the specific site. Prior to the start of any grading activity upon the site, all erosion control measures, including stabilized construction entrances, shall be installed in accordance with the construction documents. The best construction practice will be employed to properly clear and grade the site and to schedule construction activities. The planned construction sequence for the construction of the site is as follows: 1. Attend a pre-construction meeting with the City of Renton. 2. Install temporary erosion control features. 3. Demolish existing structure(s). 4. Clear and grub expansion area. 5. Grade site. 6. Install biofiltration swale. 7. Pave site. 8. Remove temporary erosion control features once site is fully stabilized. 3. Trapping Sediment Structural control measures will be used to reduce erosion and retain sediment on the construction site. The control measures will be selected to fit specific site and seasonal conditions. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 22 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington The following structural items will be used to control erosion and sedimentation processes: • Stabilized construction entrances • Filter fabric fences • Catch Basin Inlet Sediment Protection • Proper Cover measures Weekly inspection of the erosion control measures will be required during construction. Any sediment buildup shall be removed and disposed of off-site. Vehicle tracking of mud off-site shall be avoided. Installation of a stabilized construction entrance will be installed at a location to enter the site. The entrances are a minimum requirement and may be supplemented if tracking of mud onto public streets becomes excessive. In the event that mud is tracked off site, it shall be swept up and disposed of off site on a daily basis. Depending on the amount of tracked mud, a vehicle road sweeper may be required. Because vegetative cover is the most important form of erosion control, construction practices must adhere to stringent cover requirements. More specifically, the contractor will not be allowed to leave soils open for more than 14 days and, in some cases, immediate seeding will be required. 4. Wet Weather TESC Operating Plan Work between October 1" and April 30'h must adhere to the Wet Season Special Provisions noted in the 1990 KCSWDM. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 23 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Maintenance and Operations Manual Maintain Stormwater Facilities The owner or operator of the project shall be responsible for maintaining the stormwater facilities in accordance with local requirements. Proper maintenance is important for adequate functioning of the stormwater facilities. The following maintenance program is recommended for this project: Table 12 Maintenance Checklist for Catch Basins and Inlets Frequency Drainage -I Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature M,S General Trash, debris, and Trash or debris in front of the No trash or debris located sediment in or on catch basin opening is blocking immediately in front of catch basin caµJ.city by more lhan 10%. basin opening. Grate is kept dean and allows water to enter. M Sediment or debris (in the basin) No sediment or debris in the that exceeds 1/3 the depth from catch basin. Catch basin is the bottom of basin to invert of the dug out and clean. lowest pipe into or out of the basin. M,S Trash or debris in any inlet or pipe Inlet and Outlet pipes free of blocking more than 1/3 of its trash or debris. height. M Structural damage Corner of frame extends morf' than Frame is even wilh curb. to frame and/or top ¥,i inch past curb face into the slab s1reet (if applicable). M Top slab has holes larger than 2 Top slab is free of holes and square inches or cracks wider than cracks. \4 inch (intent is to make sure all material is running into the basin). M Frame not sitting flush on top s!ab, Frame is sitting flush on lop i.e., separation of more than ¥1 slab. inch of the frame from the top slab. A Cracks in basin Cracks wider than Y2 Inch and Basin replaced or repaired to walls/bottom longer than 3 feet, any evidence of design standards. ContcH..i a soil particles entering catch basin professional engineer for through cracks, or maintenance evaluation. person judges that structure is unsound. A Cracks wider than I(;, inch and No CTacks more than \4 inch longer than 1 foot at the joint of wide at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any inlet/outlet pipe. Contact a evidence of soil particles entering professional engineer for catch basin through cracks. evaluation. A Settlement/ Basin has settled more than 1 inch Basin replaced or repaired to misalignment or has rotated more than 2 inches design standards. Contact a out of alignment. professional enginE"er for evaluation. It you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Comments: A -Annual (March or April, preferred) M -Monthly (see schedule) S = After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 24 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington TABLE 12 (CONTINUED) M,S Fire hazard of other Presence of chemicals such as No color, odor, or sludge. pollution natural gas, oil, and gasoline. Basin is dug out and clean. Obnoxious color, odor, or sludge noted. M,S Outlet pipe is Vegetation or roots growing in No vegetation or root growth clogged with inlet/outlet pipe joints that are present. vegetation more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches apart. If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Maintenance Checklist for Fencing/Shrubbery Screen/Other landscaping Frequency Drainage ~ Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature M General Missing or broken Any defect in the fence or screen Fence is mended or shrubs parts/dead shrubbery that perm its easy entry to a faci I ity replac..-ed to form a solid barrier to entrv. M,S Erosion Erosion has resulted in an opening Replace soil under fence so that under a fence that allows entry by no opening exceeds 4 inches in peonle or nets. height M Unruly vegetation Shrubbery is growing out of control Shrubbery is trimmed and weeded or is infested with weeds. to provide appealing aesthetics. Do not use chemicals to control weeds. A Wire Damaged parts Posts out of plumb more than 6 Posts plumb to within 1-1/2 Fences inches. inches of olumb. A Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends greater than 1 inch. A Any part of fence (including posts, Fence is aligned and meets design top rails, and fabric) more than 1 foot standards. out of design alignment. A Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in place and holding fabric. A Missing or loose barbed wire that is Barbed wire in place with less sagging more than 2-1 /2 inches than %-inch sag between posts. between posts. A Extension arm missing, broken, or Extension arm in place with no bP.nt out of shape more than 1-1/2 bends larger than 3.4 inch. inches. A Deteriorated paint or Part or parts that have a rusting or Stru<.,1urally .adequate pos1s or protective coating scaling condition that has affected parts with a uniform protective structural adequarv. coat in!!. M Openlngs in fabric Opening.~ in fabric are such that an No openings in fabric. 8-inch diameter ball could fit through. If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Comments: A -Annual (March or April, preferred) M -Monthly (see schedule) S -After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 25 Walmart 1/-2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Maintenance Checklist for Conveyance Systems (Pipes, Ditches and Swales) Frequency Drainage ,/ Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exis1 System Feature M,S Pipes Sedimenl & Accumulated sediment that exceeds Pipe cleaned of all sediment and debris 20% of the diameter of the pipe. debris. M Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement All vegetation removed so water of water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. A Damaged Protective coating is damaged; rust is Pipe repaired or replaced. (rusted, bent, Glusing more than 50% deterioration to or crushed) anv nart of ni.-...:>. M Any dent that significantly impedes Pipe repaired or replaced. flow (i.e., decreases the cross sec_tion area of ninu bv more than 20%). M Pipe has major cracks or tears allowing Pipe repaired or replaced. groundwater leakage. M,S Open Trash & debris Dumping of yard wastes such as grass Remove trash and debris and Ditches clippings and branches into basin. dispose as prescribed by the Unsightly accumulation of County. nondegradable materials such as glass, nlastic, metal, foam, and coated naner. M Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds Ditch cleaned of all sediment and buildup 20% of the design deoth. debris so that it matches design. A Vegetation Vegetation (e.g., weedy shrubs or Water flows freely through saplings) that reduces free movements ditches. Grassy vegetation should of water through ditches. be left alone. M Erosion Check around inlets and outlets for Find c.aused of erosion and damage to signs of erosion. Check berms for signs eliminated them. Then slopes slopes of sliding or settling. Action is needed should be stabilized by using where eroded damage over 2 inches appropriate erosion control deep and where there is potential for measure(s); e.g., rock continues erosion. reinforcement, planting gr,ass, compaction. A Rock lining Maintenance person can see native soil Replace rocks to design standard. out of place or beneath the rock lining. mi~sing (if applicable) Varies Catch See Catch Basins Checklist. See Catch Basins Checklist. basins M,S Swales Trash & debris See above for Ditches. See above for Ditches. M Sediment See above for Ditches. Vegetation may need to be buildup replanted after cleaning. M Vegetation not Grass cover is sparse and seedy or ,areas Aerate soils and reseed and mulch growing or ,are overgrown with woody vegetation. bare areas. Maintain grass height overgrown at a minimum of 6 inches for best storm water treatment. Remove woody growth, recontour, and reseed as necessary. M,S Erosion See above for Ditches. See above for Ditches. damage to slopes M Conversion by Svvale has been filled in or blocked by lf possible, speak with homeowner homeowner to shed, woodpile, shrubbery, etc. and request that swale. area be incompatible restored. Con lad the County 10 use report problem if not rectified voluntarily. A Swale doe:-. not Water stands in swale or fl0w velocity A survey may be needed to check drain is very ~low. Stagnation occurs. grades. Grades need to be in 1- 5% range if possible. If grade is less than 1 % underdrains m.ay need to be installed. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 26 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Maintenance Checklist for Grounds (Landscaping) Frequency Drainage -J Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature M General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20% of Remove trash and debris and (nonpoisonous) the landscaped area (trees and shrubs dispose as prescribed by the only). County. M Insect hazard Any presence of poison ivy Of other Dilch deaned of all sediment poisonous vegetation or insect nests. and debris so that it matches desi1m, M,S Trash or litter Dumping of yard wastes such as grass Remove trash and debris and clippings and branches onto grounds. dispose as presnibed by the Unsightly accumulation of County. nondegradable materials such as glass, nlastic, metal, foam, and coated nanor. M,S Erosion of Noticeable rills are seen in landscaped Causes of erosion are Ground Surface areas. identified and steps taken to slow down/spread out the water. Eroded areas are filled, contoured, and seeded. A Trees and Damage Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are Trim trees/shrubs to restore shrubs split or broken which affect more than shape. Replarn trees/shrubs 25% of the total foliage of the tree or with severe damage. shrub. M Trees or shrubs that have been blown Replant tree, inspecting for down or knocked over. injury to stem or roots. Renlace if severelv dama2ed. A Trees or shrubs which are not Place stakes and rubber-coated adequately supported or are leaning ties around young trees/shrubs over, causing exposure of the roots. for support. If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Comments: A -Annual (March or April, preferred) M -Monthly (see schedule) S -After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 27 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Appendix A -Grading and Drainage Plan PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 28 11 J ,~ ,, ~I-' ~ 1,)8 )'a> ~ i '~,; !!!Ii ~ f:: t:; F., ;;::; LlJ :c llol'oo j-.. 0 • 1--lia "'· ... .., •• "' i i l(l '/'.j, .t .t ~ .t ~ .t I!! i= ~ ---2 ----+ ~ i i @j@ 8 Eli<l 80 S6iel ' ' § §1§ i I~ u ~'~ § § § § ~ ,, d d d d d d • d O d d ~ j, 0 -ii!~ ~; ~;; i ~ 'l'.l:~ al b ). ~ j ~ ~ bile. . \, b'::! i E B,B El 8 l'l §] EJI,] @~~ 0 ! i ' ' ~ g, -1 §I ~i e ~ I ::l ti ' "' ~ < ' '" " \ \ \ \ \ \ • ~~ •• -J \ \ \ \ q C'II I 0 • ~ ~ Ii ~ 6 § '" ~ ~ ,:; ,:; I u ~ Wdlmart #2516-05 Expansion TechnicJI Information KPport Rt>nton, Washington Appendix B -lsopluvial Maps PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 29 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report 2-Year 24 Hour lsopluvial •,UI oO ·. ·•. -~- . "" ...... ... f Q, ,i,t-I ' ·' . .. ·~ .. ., ...... , t l ,·. ...... ...•. / ... ·, '· '0',. ., '. . . ,:., ~ ,v' \,, . II!_' . G O .. \..._ :; "\. o ·o .. -· ~ " ---........,,_, .. -- q,· \ __ . ....,._'_£..~e_c:,!!''!•~ "--, Q "'•111•~1 1:r,r11Nr• \ WESTERN KING COUNTY 2-Year 24-Hour Precipitation In Inches PACLAND a; •, Project #10001074 Renton, Washington ---, .. ., ~~~ .. ~~"'..!.! Ki"i:, (!'IJAT'I' •. ... , ... ----3.S Page 30 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report 10-Year 24 Hour lsopluvial -1-o ,> .... WESTERN KING COUNTY 10-Vear 24-Hour Precipitation In Inches PACLAND ? I t','(fr'I Project #10001074 Renton, Washington 4.0 ·, ,· I I . ' Page 31 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington 100-Year 24 Hour lsopluvial ·--~-~ .... : ·- .. ~ ... ,1, .. WESTERN : KING COUNTY 100-Year 24-Hour Precipitation In Inches PACLAND ,...,.... '/ "~-.. ,'::' .. ·' Project #10001074 ··,. )~ ! ' ' J,,., •• --, ....... • -~ ' c_ -,:/-"'-. -..._ ~· ,~-.... \-~J .... ,'? Page 32 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technirc:11 Information Report Renton, \NJshington Appendix C -Design Calculations PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 33 Wal mart ff2 5 H,-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, VVashi ngton Appended on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 10:30:37 AM LPOOLCOMPUTE [DETENTION RLP} SUMMARY using Puls, 24 hr Storm Event Start of I ive storage:20 ft • Event 'Match Q (cfs) [Pe.;k Q (~f~) [M.;~Ei(ft) i Vol (cf) -[Vol (a~ft) iTim; t~ Empty (hr) --------------------r --------: i r 2yr24hrj 0.303 0.313 120.4251 ,71.7489, 0.0016, 0.1667 ----·------·1 ,-----, -' -----------,--------------------- 10 year , 0.503 0.4392 i 20.7625 !238.1864 ! 0.0055 ! 0.1667 ;100-y;~~i-o~i2·s·g ·-0.7261·-121.04771469.9962 ·0.0108··1-·-0.1--6-·6--7·-·--------, Summary Report of all Detention Pond Data Project Precips r --··----·-· -· r· --··----I Event IPrecip (in) i [ ----------·-·-,-····---·-·! ,2yr24hrl 2.00 I i-----···· ,-··------1 lother I 2 .10 ! lc-----·· 1------1 ;5 year , 2.40 I 1 -----------,---------- 10 year i 2.90 I 1 -----·-r··---·-·---·I 25 year I 3.40 I [1ooyear-1 3.90 i BASL1ST2 [Existing] Using [TYPE1A.RAC) As [2 yr 24 hr] [24.0] [Proposed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [2 yr 24 hr) [24.0) [Existing) Using [TYPE1A.RACJ As [10 year) [24.0] [Proposed] Using [TYPE1A.RACJ As [10 year] [24.0] [Existing] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [100 year] [24.0] [Proposed] Using [TYPE 1 A.RAC] As [100 year] [24.0] LSTEND FasinlD jEvent I p~;~)Q I P~ar~)T f p~::-~ol T ~;;;-~ethod/loss[-·Raintype .. !Existing 12 Y~r 24 I 0.303 F f 0.1018 -~91 I SBUH FPE1A.RAC FWFFI 0.1205 r-0.91 r SBUH F~~AC !Existing ·i10Year I 0.503 [ 8.00 jD.1662 I 0.91 [ SBUH ITYPE1A.RAC IProposedl1oyear I 0.5646 I 8.00 [ 0.1873 fo.9-1 j5BUH-jTYPE1A.RAC IE~-i~~~;-,-i:-l°.7259 I 8.00 Fs-~;-,-SBUH ITYPE1A.RAC PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 34 Wdlmart #2516-05 Expansion TPchnical Information Report Renton, Washington ----------------------------------------- r'roposed BASLIST 100 year [Existing] [Proposed] LSTEND Design Method -·--·-· -- Hyd lntv 0.7834 8.00 0.2622 0.91 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Record Id: Existing SBUH iR;i~f;;-lltyp_;_ --T TY-F'E-1A.RAC · 1 10.00-~i~ -[r~;;-ki~ii=;;-ct~~ .. --:--484.oo ----- :Storm Duration .... [-24.00 hrs iAbstraction C:oeff 0.20 ---- !Pervious Area _ ! _ Q_94ac IDCIA . .. -r---0.00 ac . ·--·-··-··-----· . --·--·-···-. . -· ---------·-"-----·-----·------·--·-·-----·-··-··--·-------·-··-··--·---·-----·-·-- Perviou s CN I 93.35 1DC CN I 0.00 !Pervi~~sTC------·-r-5.00min ·1ocrc: ---··· --r----0.00;;,-i;:;---- ---------------·-------·----------·-----------------------"~-------·------ Pervious CN Cale -------------o;;~ripti;;n-----------------1 SubAr;;;--i -S~b-~~-- .-----·--···--------··------------·----------------IA--··---· r·-··--··-·----·----·- 1 Gravel Roads & Parking Lots 1 0.39 ac ! 89.00 11 Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) · I OA6 ac · I 98.00 If -· --Op~;:;-sp~~~;,,~;~;,-p~rk;-(>-7.S~i:-g~~-~~)----0.06 ac T 86.00 -- 1 i -----------------------------------·----------------------· ------·----------------·-·· ·---· ·----·----r -------------·--·- ! ! __________________ Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) _____________ ,____'.)~-3516 r·, ----·------------------·-----------: _______ " _____ __: ___ _:_:_ _____ _.: -_._:::::_-=-:._:_=~:_:--_-.::_ --· ------------ 1, Pervious TC Cale i' Typ~--;-~-----o;;~ription [Length /slope )Coeff f Misc i TT I !shallow IPaved and gravel areas (n -0.012) 1300.00 ft 11.0% fo.012 r i 1.8691 min I Pervious TC r,-_1i6-91 m-i-;:;- . ----------------------·--------------------··---------·---.:.::.:J Record Id: Proposed /o~ign Method SBUH /Rainfall type I TYPE1 A.RAC fH_y_d-ln_t_v -------·-~oo-;;;T~fp;aking Facto;-1--484.00 __ _ [s-torm Duration I 24.00 hrs ~IA-b-st_r_a_ct-io_n_C_o_e __ ff----~---· 0.20 fi>_e_r_v-io_u_s_A_r_e_a----,l~-0-.91 ac /DCIA t 0-.0-0_a_c __ [Pervious CN --196.15 /DC CN [----0.00 ~ous TC I 5.00 min IDc TC T---o.oo-~---· i 1___ Pervious CN Cale -~- ~ _____ D_e_s_c_ri_p_ti_o_n__ S 0 u.b 7 A 7 raeca If _S 9 u 8 b. 0 c 0 n I Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) -'======--=-=-- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 35 \Valmart #2516-05 Expansion I Pchnicdl Information Report Renton, Washington Open spaces, lawns,parks ( > 7 5 % grass) Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) Pervious TC Cale 0. 14 ac Description 'Srn~~th Surfaces. I Length • Slope Coeff i Misc i 36 .. ooii i 2.0% 0.011 0.00 in 86.00 96. 1 538 TT 0.5232 rnin Type ';sheet i 'Int Ch~~nel ,, i !CMP pipe (n-o.:::~i~u;~~o~oo ft_l_~:5~/0-:0.024 ___ ······--_:_~_{~};_~:;J HYDLIST SUMMARY [2 yr 24 hr out] [10 year out] [100 year out] LSTEND ,-·········-·················,-··-·········--·---·r·····-··---........•... --···-···-····· ·-1 !Peak Q (cfs) IPeak T (hrs) !Peak Vol (ac-ft) !Cont Area (ac) 12 yr 24 hr out[ ·0.313 s:11 1· 0:1205-r·-0-:-91·--1 -----... ,--·----r .. --·-----·· r---.. -------! ~~;~~~~~~-+-~:;;~~ r --~~~ t--~::{;~ !---~:~~ ---I -----------------·--·------------·--·-·"------------------~" ___ . .J STORLIST [DETENTION] LSTEND Record Id: DETENTION i[kscrip: · [Prototype Record !increment 10.10 ft I . -------·--·----r--·----·---·--·---------· r· ----·---..------·----· I · I 125 00 I 1 Start El. 120.00 ft Max El. If · i I ' t ' • I r.-;:::-----r.;-;:··----··--··--· r····---··· r-·----, 1vuid Ratio1100.00 I I I Stage (ft) --1 Area (sf) -----r 0.00 0.00 I r- 1 o.50 r 393.00 1.00 T 909.oo 2.00 12126.00 3.00 I 2740.00 ,--------·--·---·r···-·· I 4.00 1 3384.00 1 s.oo ·-1 4os6.oo [Stage-Storage Type Node DISCH LIST PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 36 Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion [FCS] LSTEND iDescrip: rs1:~;i 1:1: Technical Information Repmt Record Id: FCS Multiple Orifice ilncrement ··-· !M~~ii .. RPnton, \:Vi3shington ' 0. 10 ft i .. -·-··· I 25.oo ft i iOrif Coeff .. --- jTDuck Diam !Prototype Structure 20.00 ft 0.62 ' , --------·---------! I Lowest Orif El. 18.00 ft I joist to ne~t i 0.417 ft I 3.50 in ·--1··-----------·····1··-··------- [Dist to next 1 0.667 ft , ' 3.00 in iD3 . . . . 12.00 in loi;t.~-;;-ext -[ 'iioo-i,--I r-------------------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------·------·--··-----··-·-'·-------------1 iThirsty Duck uses a custom coefficient that is different from the standard orifice coefficient. I !The computed rating curve is based on a submerged duck. ; Summary Report of all Detention Pond Data Project Precips . -------r-------1 I Event Precip (in) 1 r-------,----- 12 yr 24 hr I 2.00 c;:-::::---r----- 1uu ,.,, I 2 .10 ' !SYe~-r -1 2.40 - ,-,--,------· 110 year I 2.90 l-----r·--------- 25 year I 3.40 [100 year [~ 3.90 __ i BASL1ST2 [Existing] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [2 yr 24 hr] [24.0] [Proposed] Using [TYPElA.RAC] As [2 yr 24 hr] [24.0] [Existing] Using [TYPE1 A.RAC] As [10 year] [24.0] [Proposed] Using [TYPE 1 A.RAC] As [10 year] [24.0] [Existing] Using [TYPE1 A.RAC] As [100 year] (24.0] [Proposed] Using [TYPE 1 A.RAC] As [100 year] [24.0] LSTEND F-1 Event P~;~)Q j P~ar~)T p~:;-c~ol ~IMetho~/Loss ~intype rExisting-1 2 Y~/4-,0.303-r 8.00 -, 0.1018 I 0.91 [ SBUH F;-E~-:;_~ F~I 0.3653 18.00 -~---'0.91 __ r SBUH 1 TYPE1A.RAC PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 37 Wdlrnart #2516-05 hpansion lxisting 10 year Proposed 10 year I Existing 100 year !Proposed; 100 . ' year BASLIST [Existing] [Proposed] LSTEND 0.503 0.5646 0.7259 0.7834 Technical Information Report Ren1on, \Vashington 8.00 0.1662 0.91 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC 8.00 0.1873 0.91 SBUH TYPE 1 A. RAC I : 8.00 0.2395 0.91 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC 8.00 0.2622 0.91 SBUH iTYPE1A.RAC Record Id: Existing I .. . ............. . ;Design Method IR~i~falliyp;··---·--I · TYPE1A.RAc·· -1 ··-··-.. ···--·· ·-···· . .. ·····-···-·--···· ·-,····-·· ......... ·----··-·I SBUH IHyd 1~i~ 10.00 min \Peaking Factor I 484.00 I \Storm Dur~tion · 1 24.oo hrs .. [Ab;tracti;;-~-c~clf·-····r---·· --0-:-20·-···-·-·· Pervious Area · I · 0.94 ac ioEiA------··-· --··-·· ....... ·-1····-··--o. oo ;~----·-· - :PerviousCN . -·-:··-93.-35 [DCCN ----·----r·---·0.00 ···--· iP~--;:vi~~-sTC -T·-·s.·oo-r11in -IDc TC ·-·········----·r1-· o.oo· min··-· -· I ! ' r;_:c_-:::-..==.=-··. C: .•· .. ··-.::: .. =.:..-=::::-.:::..=::::::.· -··-···---· . ' :· .. ,-··=···.=:::::::::==:-==.:c· .· .. :.=--= ii Pervious CN Cale 1· ···-····-·cr;~~i-to::it:!:~king~-=~-~===-~=~-}J~:~r-l-s;9~0c; I I i-····--·--··-.-·····---·····-··-· ·-----: -------r-·-I 1 Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) I 0.46 ac 1 98.00 ~-----·-·----·-··-----------------------------------------------·-----------·------------------- 11 Open spaces, lawns,parks (> 75% grass) 0.06 ac I 86.00 Ii · ····· Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) I 93.3516 ·-------------------------------------------------------------------------·----·-··---------------,-------c;=-:---··· .. -.. · ·····--··.:..:::::.::=:::=c=::::-:c_==.:c=====-==---······-··=== tl Pervious TC Cale I Type_!_____ Description ·1 Length [slope [coeff [Misc I TT [shallow [Paved and gravel areas (n ·~ 0.012) j300.00 ft 11.0% [o.012 r [ 1.8691 min [ ··----·-----Pervious TC [T.a691 min -~------· Record Id: Proposed jDesign Method 1·sBUH-jRainfall type jTYPE1A.RAC IHyd lntv ····---r-10:00 min jPeaking Facto~·-· [ 484.00 !storm Duration· i 24.00 hrs !Abstraction Coeff ---~[ ----0-.2-0-· IPerv~u~-;:;.;---r 0.91 ac !DCIA ---· I 0.00 ac [Pervious CN . . [ 96:,.5 jDC CN 0.00 ------·------------··--•-•-a-- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 38 Walrnart #2516-05 Expansion l echnlcal Information Report Renton, Washington -·-··· ...... ,..,_, __ -·-------------------------- Pervious TC 5.00 min DCTC 0.00 min Pervious CN Cale Description SubArea · 1 Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) . Open spaces, lawns,parks (> 75% grass) -~--. ---· .. ···---~ ............ -···· Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) HYDLIST SUMMARY [2 yr 24 hr out) [10 year out] [100 year out] LSTEND 1----------r-----· -· ,---·------,-----------[--·---------------· 1 HydlD jPeak Q (cfs) [Peak T (hrs) [Peak Vol (ac-ft) 1 Cont Area (ac) [2 y~ 24 h-r-;;~i1·-0.31_3 _·r--·s:u--1--·o:12os--··1·· --0.-91 ___ _ r1 o year out--T 0.4392 --1-· s.11 --1 o.1 s13·--·-1·--o.91 ___ _ ------,-----------------------·· 1-·· ---------------·-·r·-------------- 11 oo year out i 0.7261 i 8.17 1 0.2622 _ 0.91 STORLIST [DETENTION] LSTEND Record Id: DETENTION fDescrip: [Prototype Record fincrement fo.10 ft rr~~-----1~;:~~-1~s.oo - lvoid Ratiof100.oo 1 ,-r Stage (ft) r---~(~f) --- ·--1 o.oo 1----o.oo 1 o.so I 393.oo r-----------1-.0-0 -I 909.oo 1 2.00 T 2126.00 I 3.oo --1-2740.oo·---- '----------------'-- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 39 Walmart #2516-05 Expansion 4.00 5.00 Stage-Storage Type Node DISCH LIST [FCS] LSTEND TPrhnical Information Report 3384.00 4056.00 Record Id: FCS Multiple Orifice ro;;crip; ·----· -.. [P~ototype Struct~·(;,----[i"~~;e~-~-;;t· 1-------r· --· 1Start El.. 20.00 ft 1Max El. Renton, \Vashington 0.10 ft . r -·-·····--· .. ···---·-··-··- ! 25.00 ft IO;ifC~;jj i . .. 0.62 . . [lowest Orifli--! -18.00 ft !iou~koiam . · 1 · ... ········1:soi~---···-··-·-[of;i·t~~;xt--········ . -f-o.4i 1 it . 102 . . 1 · 3~oo·i·~------tDist t-;;-~;;t-···--·· -··-·1···0:661f1 ___ i )D3 ___________ -·-r·--12.00 in -· ·-[Di;tt~n~;t ______ --· r--·o:·oo·ft·---1 I ··------~-· ···--··-·· -··--·---··-· ········--··-·· ·-···--·-·· -··--·-··· .. . ... . .... .. . . . .. ·-·-·-··--·-·· I ,Thirsty Duck uses a custom coefficient that is different from the standard orifice coefficient .. ! !The computed rating curve is based on a submerged duck. ------------------------· -·-. . . ,, .. ------------------·----·------------------------·--------------------------------------------. ·--. --·-·-----. Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 40 BIOSWALE DESIGN Project name: Project number: Swale Title: Renton WA 10001074 On-Site Date: 11/05/09 Designer: AKP Step# P-1 P-2 P-3 Preliminary Steps (P) Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr): 0.365lcfs Water quality design flow Slope of swale 0.01 I ft/ft Swale slope < 2%, underdrains required Select vegetation to be used Grass Legume Mix I Step# D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4a Design Steps (D) Design flow depth (y): Manning's roughness coeff (nwq): Side slope (Z): Swale bottom width (b): 0.25 ft 0.35 3.0 H:V 1------.,...,-1 7.92 ft b-Q*n/1.486*y' 1.667*s'0.5-Z*y D-4b Top Width (Tl ,--! -~9.-42~!ft T -b + 2*y*z D-5 Area 2.17!sf A-(b*y)+(Z'y'2) D-6 Flow Velocity 0.17!fps v-QIA D-7 Is design adequate? Yes D-8 Degree of retardance ~ D-9 First Approx for VR D-10 Hydraulic Radius ft R -V'R/Vmax D-11 Actual VR -I VR -1.486* R' 1.667*s'0.5 In D-12 % difference B'/, D-13 Actual V fps V-VRIR D-14 Channel X-sec area -! sf A-QIA D-15a New Swale bottom width (b): -I ft b-Aly-Z'y D-15b Channel width T -I ft T-b+2*y*z 90.9 -Length (Feet) w/ 9 min res time Okay -V < 1.5 fps proceed lo step SC-1 Table 111-6.2 (Dor El Table 111-6.6, n -nwq from step D-2 D-16 if biofiltration swafe is still too wide, see DOE page //1-6-17 for more info and options Stability Check Steps (SC) Step# SC-1 Qwq(l 00-yr, 24-hr): SC-2a Condition of vegetation SC-2b Height of grass@ first storm SC-3 Degree of retardance SC-4 Max allowed Velocity SC-5 Trial Mannings n SC-6 First Approx for VR 0.78 Good 0.25 D 3.00 0.043 2.70 cfs ft fps (Good or Fair) Table 111-6.2 (Dor El Table 111-6.3 (Good initial choice 0.04) Table 111-6.6 BIOSWALE DESIGN SC-7 Hydraulic Radius R -V*R/Vmax SC-8 Actual VR VR-1.486'R'1.667*sA0.5 In SC-9 % difference SC-10 Actual V V-VRIR SC-11 X-sec area A-Q!V 0.90!ft 2.93! cm% ~fps 0.24!sf SC-12 Compare A with orig ~ Newy-ft Newb-ft b-Q*n/1.486*yA 1.667*sA0.5-Z*y New T-~I --,-5.-20~!ft T-b+2*y'z SC-13 Depth of flow 1.2!ft y-(t-b)/2z SC-14 Total swale depth 2.20!/t yt-y+I SC-15 Hydraulic Radius 1.16!ft R -(b •yt+ Z*yt' 2;1rb + 2yt•rr 2 + 1 ro.s SC-1 fo Channel X-sec area .-! --3,-2,....-,-12"'! sf SC-16l Channel Capacity Q-1.486*A*R'0.677's'0.5/n 15.0G!ds Swale is stable Okay, Capacity > 100-yr, 24-hr Storm