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• I C I • t C C I • I C I I C I I I I C I 1j(transpOGROUP City of Renton Planning Division FEB -8 /U1U ~IECCIE~WIE[Q) Transportation Impact Study RENTON WAL-MART EXPANSION October 2009 p I) T" \:)l)..C-~ ~.:);:.., "' \ h.D· '(" -4v h t,J<.L. b:t d:'-~ to (J.R-VllS. 0 WHAT TRANSPORTATION CAN BE. • I C s I I C I I I I I • I C s I • I C I I Transportation Impact Study RENTON WAL-MART EXPANSION Prepared for: PACLAND October 2009 Prepared by: j/transpOGROUP 11730 1181h Avenue NE, Suite 600 Kirkland, WA 98034-7120 Phone: 425-821-3665 Fax: 425-825-8434 www.transpogroup.com 09205.00 © 2009 Transpo Group • I C s I s C s I I C s • t C I s • I C I I Transportation Impact Study Renton ~~!~Mart Expansion October 2009 ---------·········------ Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ II INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... .. .. 1 Project Description...................................................... . ............................................... 1 Analysis Scope................... .. ........................................................ 1 EXISTING & FUTURE WITHOUT-PROJECT CONDITIONS .......................................................... 4 Roadway Network.......................................................................................... . ..... 4 Planned Improvements................ . .................................................................... 4 Transit ................................................................................................................................... 4 Traffic Volumes.......................................................................................... . ......... 4 Site Access Operations........................................................ . ................................. 5 PROJECT IMPACTS ....................................................................................................................... 8 Trip Generation ...................................................................................................................... 8 Trip Distribution & Assignment........................................................ . .... 8 Site Access Operations ....................................................................................................... 11 Mitigation .............................................................................................................................. 11 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................. . ............... 12 Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Table 1. Table 2 . Table 3. Table 4. Figures Project Vicinity & Site Access Driveways ............................................................ 2 Preliminary Site Plan ........................................................................................... 3 Existing (2009) Weekday Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ........................... 6 Future (2012) Without-Project Weekday Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ................. 7 Weekday PM Peak Hour Project Trip Distribution & Assignment.. ..................... 9 Future (2012) With-Project Weekday Peak Hour Traffic Volumes. . 10 Tables Existing (2009) & Future (2012) Without-Project Weekday PM Peak Hour LOS Summary-Renton Wal-Mart Expansion ............................................................ 5 Trip Generation Estimate -Renton Wal-Mart Expansion ................................... 8 Future (2012) Without & With-Project Weekday PM Peak Hour LOS Summary- Renton Wal-Mart Expansion....................... . ...................................... 11 City of Renton Impact Fee Calculations' -PRELIMINARY ............................... 11 'i/transpoGROUP • I C I I I C I I C I s • I C C I I C I I Transportation Impact Study .Ren.ton Wal-Mart Expansion··-·--"-· Executive Summary October 2009 This section provides an executive summary of the Draft Transportation Impact Study through a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs). What is the project land use and trip generation? The proposed project includes a 15,900 ft expansion of the existing store to provide a grocery component. A total increase of approximately 600 trips during the day and 50 trips during the weekday pm peak hour is anticipated. Where is the project located? The proposed project is located on the Northwest corner of the SW Grady Way/ Rainier Avenue S. intersection in the City of Renton. What are the existing and future without-project conditions in the study area? The scope of the analysis included a review of all site driveways. The analysis showed that all site driveways currently are projected to operate at LOS C or better during the weekday pm peak hour. Would the project have any transportation impacts? All driveways are projected to continue operating at LOS C or better with the additional traffic generated by the proposed expansion. What mitigation measures are recommended? Based on the result of the analysis no mitigation beyond the payment of traffic impact fees would be required. 'j(transpOGROUP • I C I I s C I • t s C I • I I C I I C I I Transportation Impact Study Renton Wal~Mart Expansion October 2009 --------------'' ·--------·--·--- Introduction Project Description The proposed project would expand the existing Wal-Mart retail store located at 743 Rainier Avenue Sin Renton, WA from approximately 134,400 gsf to 150,300 gsf. The location of the project site is shown on a vicinity map provided as Figure 1 and a preliminary site plan is provided in Figure 2_ The expanded floor area would provide additional grocery and retail services. Project access will be provided via 7 existing driveways onto the surrounding roadway network which·include SW 7th Street, Hardie Avenue SW, Rainier Avenue Sand SW Grady Way. No changes to the existing access points are proposed_ The proposed expansion is planned for completion by 2012. Analysis Scope The scope of this traffic analysis is based on the City of Renton's Policy Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis for New Development and coordination with City staff. Because of the high volume nature or the surrounding roadways and the relatively low volume estimated number of trips generated by the proposed expansion, 1 the study area only includes site access driveways onto the surrounding roadways. 1 When compared with the more than 1,700 vehicles per peak hour on all roadways adjacent to the project site, the proposed trip generation shown in Table 2 (page 8, 66 vehicles) would result in less than 5-percent impact at adjacent off-site intersections. As a result, per City guidelines these intersections do not require further study_ 'i/transpOGROUP Page 1 • I I I I I C I • t I I s • I C I I I C I I RENTON AVES I --,_ '"<~---, __ _ ··;--.i_ I ./ / SW 7TH ST e; w > <C 0 z ::0 --- Project Vicinity Renton Wal-Mart Expansion . _____ ] I \ -· \/ SITE SW 16TH ST S 2ND ST --------- i L i I \ \ M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expansion\Graphics\CAD\09205_graphic01 <Fig 1> jesseb 10/08/0915:09 'j{transpOGROUP • N NOT TO SCALE --- FIGURE 1 • t C s I I C I • t I C s • I C I I I C I I I, ,. !' -·, - V/alnart::'~ "SUDE"EXP~ """' ,,..,_., LR:-'2t-CR-tR--OlillG 134,:m. sr 151> IICDT£II atlX£l't {9GID61) TOTN... ,tfl[k 150.Z.W. !f ADDDAL N9 "" IUIZ !f e-m-CR-NO Preliminary Site Plan Renton Wal-Mart Expansion M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expansion1Graphics\CADl09205_graphic01 <Fig 2> jesseb 09/29109 17:28 .. N NOTTO SCALE ..., • FIGURE ~(transpoGFDUP 2 . • I C I I I C I • t C C s • t C I I I C I I Transportation Impact Study Renton Wal-Mart Expansion October 2009 Existing & Future Without-Project Conditions The following sections summarize the existing roadway conditions in the vicinity of the project site as documented in the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2004 2 . Roadway Network Access to the project site is provided via 7 existing driveways onto the surrounding roadway network: four onto SW 7th Street, one onto Hardie Avenue SW, one onto Rainier Avenue S and one onto SW Grady Way. No dedicated bicycle facilities are provided within the project vicinity. SW 7th Street is classified as a minor arterial and provides 4 travel lanes near the intersection with Lind Avenue SW and two-way center left-turn lane along the project frontage between Lind Avenue SW and Hardie Avenue SW. Along the project frontage the posted speed limit is 30 mph and sidewalks are provided along both the north and south sides of the roadway . Hardie Avenue SW is classified as a collector arterial between SW Sunset Boulevard and Rainier Avenue S, and provides 2 travel lanes adjacent to the project site. On-street parallel parking and sidewalks are provided along both sides of the roadway. Rainier Avenue S is a 6-lane principal arterial adjacent to the project site and becomes SR 167 further south of the project site. The posted speed limit is 35 mph and sidewalks are provided along both sides of the roadway. Planned Improvements Based upon a review of the City of Renton's 2010-2016 Transportation Improvement Program, improvements are planned along Rainier Avenue S between Grady Way and 2nd Street. Within the project vicinity, improvements would include the construction of Business Access and Transit (BAT) lanes, the addition of turn lanes at some intersections, and various pedestrian and transit facility improvements. While the BAT improvements may improve traffic operations along Rainier Avenue S, this improvement is not assumed in the analysis as presented later in this report. Transit The project site is well served by King County Metro Transit. Multiple stops are available adjacent to the site on SW 7th Street, Rainier Avenue S, SW Grady Way, and Lind Avenue SW. The following routes provide regular local and region transit service to the project vicinity: 101, 110, 140, 153, 167,169,247, and 280. While transit opportunities are provided, the analysis for the proposed project conservatively does not assume any of the project trips would utilize transit. Traffic Volumes Existing weekday PM peak hour traffic volumes were collected at all site access driveways in September 2009. Raw count data is provided in Appendix A. 2 Most recently amended in 2008. 'ifiranspOGPOUP Page4 • t C I I I C I • t C C s • t C e ' • I C I I Transportation Impact Study Renton Wal-Mart Expansion October 2009 Future (2012) without-project traffic volumes were developed by applying an average annual growth rate of 2-percent per year to the existing traffic volumes that do not travel to or from the project site. The annual growth rate accounts for general increases in background traffic attributed to various factors including new project in the area that are planned but not yet constructed, as well as general increases in vehicular travel through the area. Figure 3 and Figure 4 illustrate the existing (2009) and future (2012) without-project traffic volumes at site access driveways. Site Access Operations A level of service (LOS) analysis was conducted at each study area intersection for the weekday PM peak hour using Synchro 7.0. This software program is used to provide an analysis based on methodologies presented in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) (Transportation Research Board, 2000 Edition). LOS values range from LOS A, which indicates good operating conditions with little or no delay, to LOS F which indicates extreme congestion and long vehicle delays. LOS is measured in terms of total average intersection delay for signalized and all-way stop- controlled intersections. LOS is measured in terms of average delay for the worst minor approach for two-way stop-controlled intersections. A more detailed explanation of LOS criteria is provided in Appendix B. Table 1 summarizes both existing (2009) and future (2012) without-project weekday PM peak hour LOS for the site access driveways and detailed LOS worksheets are provided in Appendix C. Table 1. Existing (2009) & Future (2012) Without-Project Weekday PM Peak Hour LOS Summary-Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 2009 Existing 2012 Without-Project Intersection LOS 1 Delay' WM' LOS Delay WM SW 7th St/Driveway A C 19.8 NB C 21.4 NB SW 7th St/Driveway B C 20.9 NB C 22.5 NB SW 7th St/Driveway C C 18.6 NB C 20.0 NB SW 7th St/Driveway D C 17.7 NB C 18.9 NB Driveway E/Harclie Ave SW B 11.3 WB B 11.5 WB Driveway F/Rainier Ave S C 15.7 EB C 16.4 EB SW Grady Way/Driveway G F/8 127.4 / 13.5 SB-LT/ SB-RT F/B 160.3 / 13.9 SB-LT / SB-RT 1. Level of service, based on 2000 Highway Capacity Manual methodology. 2. Average delay in seconds per vehicle. 3. Volume-to-capacity rabo reported for signalized intersections. 4. The worst operating intersection movement is reported for two-way stop controlled intersections. As shown in Table 1, all site access driveways, except for the driveway onto SW Grady Way, are expected to operate at LOS C or better during either the weekday AM or PM peak hours with the addition of project traffic. The southbound left-turn onto SW Grady Way would operate at LOS F under weekday PM peak hour conditions and only serves 5 vehicles as shown in Figure 4. This driveway serves multiple commercial uses, including Wal-Mart. Because of this low volume LOS F conditions are acceptable for this particular movement. The delay at all remaining driveways would increase by 1.6 seconds or less. 7/ftranspOGROUP Page5 • I C I I I C s • t s C I • t C e ' • C C I E r CD DRIVEWAY A SW 7TH ST 20 35 ~ '-sJ 1,210--450 35") (10 -, ,-- 10 25 0DRIVEWAYG SW GRADY WAY 80 5 ~ '-ss) \.. 80 1,520--ooo ,, ,-- 90 ~ Vl w > <( 0 z _J (35 0DRIVEWAYB SW 7TH ST 1,150--440 125") ( 100 -, ,-- 20 105 ~.// \ / __ \,,,- 0DRIVEWAYC .SW?TH ST ©DRIVEWAYD SW?TH ST 5 15 ~ '-5) \.. 5 1,230--530 1,290--575 20, (35 10, ( -, ,---, ,-- 5 10 5 100 // ~ • ,,/,- / «' N "7.t,. NOTTO SCALE ~ ~ Existing (2009) Weekday PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 0 HARDIE AVE SW DRIVEWAY E 245 35) 5) -5 60) l (5 5 ©RAINIER AVES DRIVEWAY F 1,570 ~l 180") l 1,310 FIGURE 3 Renton Wal-Mart Expansion M:\09\09205 Renton WM Ex:pansion\Graphics\CAD\09205_graphic01 <Fig 3> jesseb 10(08109 15:09 ~(transpOGROUP • I C s I I C s I I C I • t C e ' • C C ' E r 1'7\DRIVEWAYA '-.'..) SW 7TH ST 20 35 _, '--5) 1,285---480 "1 (10 -, ~ 10 25 ,-;'\ DRIVEWAY G \..'...) SW GRNJY WAY 80 5 _, '-- 65) l.ao 1,615---955 '1 (35 ~ 95 ~ V') Lu > <( 0 z ....J r::;'\ORIVEWAY B \.=) .SW 7TH ST 1,220 -- 1251 -, 20 -465 ( 100 ~ 105 r,;;\ DRIVEWAY C \.::!JSW?THST 5 15 _, '--,) l.s 1,305--,so 201 -, ~ 5 10 / (35 -' i.-, i I fA"\ DRIVEWAY D \:!J SW 7TH ST 1,370-- 101 -, 5 -610 ~( 100 • N NOTTO SCALE (;;\ HARDIE AVE SW \V DRIVEWAY E 260 35) _j I -s 601 (5 t 5 r;:;\ RAINIER AVES \.::_; DRIVEWAY F 1,665 ,i 1801 t 1,390 Future (2012) Without-Project Weekday PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes FIGURE Renton Wal-Mart Expansion M:109\09205 Renton WM Expansk>n\Graphics\CAD\09205_graphic01 <Fig 4> jesseb 10/08J09 15:10 4 ~(transpOGROUP • I I I I I C I I I C I • t C I ' • I C I E Transportation Impact Study Renton Wal-Mart ~~~~~sion Project Impacts October 2009 The following sections document the proposed project's estimated trip generation, and the estimated distribution of project trips at the site access driveways and onto the roadway network. Trip Generation The following trip generation estimates were developed using rates identified in the /TE Trip Generation Manual (8th Edition, 2008). Specifically, average rates from the ITE land use Free-Standing Discount Superstore (LU #813) most closely represent the proposed project and were used to estimate the trip generation. Pass-by trips represent trips that are currently passing by the site. With the addition of the proposed development, these trips would stop at the site before continuing on. As such, the trips do not represent new trips to the adjacent roadway system. The /TE Trip Generation Handbook (2nd Edition, 2003) contains information regarding the pass-by rates for the weekday PM peak hour. The PM peak hour pass-by rate has been assumed for the daily trip generation. No AM peak hour pass-by rate is provided for LU #813 and none was assumed for this analysis. The average weekday PM peak hour pass-by rate for a discount superstore (#813) is 28-percent. A summary of the AM and PM peak hour trip generation for the proposed project is shown in Table 2. Table 2. Trip Generation Estimate -Renton Wal-Mart Expansion Reduction ___ N_ew_P_ro~je_c_t_T_rl~P• __ Expansion Rate1 for Pass-b/ In Out Total Land Use Free-Standing Discount Superstore (#813) 15,900 gsf Daily Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour 53.13 1.67 4.61 -236 0 -20 1. Trip rates for 1,000 gsf and in/out split from ITE Trip Generation (ITE, 8th Edition, 2008) . 2. Pass-by based on ITE Trip Generation Handbook (2nd Edition, 2003). 28-percent for LU #813. 304 15 26 304 12 27 608 27 53 As Table 2 shows, the proposed project is expected to generate 608 new off-site weekday daily trips, with 27 trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour and 53 during the weekday PM peak hour. Trip Distribution & Assignment The distribution of project trips, including pass-by trips, at site access driveways and onto the roadway network was based on observed existing vehicular travel patterns. The distribution and assignment of project trips based on observed travel patterns is shown in Figure 5. Traffic volumes observed under existing 2009 conditions at the driveways were grown by 2- percent per year to 2012 conditions. Project trips were then added to 2012 volumes to obtain 2012 with-project volumes. Future with-project traffic volumes are shown in Figure 6. 'iftranspOGROUP Page 8 • t I I I I C I I • t C C I t C e I T CD DRIVEWA y A .SW7TH ST ,--1 ,, ( r 1 0DRIVEWAYG SW GRADY WAY 1113 _, 1213} 1-21- ~ V"l LLJ > <i: 0 z _J l._3111 -(-1) 0DRIVEWAYB SW 7TH ST 0DRIVEWAYC .SW 7TH ST ©DRIVEWAYD SW 7TH ST 1-212--(-1) ,_ -4(1) ,_ -5(2) 1215 ") ( 4121 1") (1111 ..., r r r 1111 5121 1 4121 / -~ ... / ,,//// ~ N . \ / / . / 7~ NOTTO SCALE \ ,./ / . . «' , .. / ~ "" --- I ©HARDIEAVESW DRIVEWAYE 1 _, 1J 3") ® RAINIER AVES DRIVEWAYF 1-21 1'0 I 1418") X a PRIMARYTRIPS IXI a PASS-BY TRIPS DISTRIBUTION LEGEND ~~INBOUND • ~ OUTBOUND Weekday PM Peak Hour Project Trip Distribution & Assignment FIGURE 5 Renton Wal-Mart Expansion M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expansion\Graphics\CA0\09205_graphic01 <Fig 5> jesseb 10/08/09 15:10 'j(transpOGROUP • I C C I I C I I I C I • t I I I • I C I I T G) DRIVEWAY A SW7TH ST 20 35 _, '-sJ 1,291--481 37) ( 10 -, ~ 10 26 0DRIVEWAYG SW GRADY WAY 84 5 _, '- 70) \..64 1,613--954 s, ~ 95 ~ V) LJ..J > <I: 0 z ....J (35 0DRIVEWAYB SW 7TH ST 1,220--464 132) (106 -, ~ 22 112 / /_../_,/' \ / \ /./ >/ / 0DRIVEWAYC SW7TH ST 0 _DRIVEWAY D SW7TH ST ® HARDIE AVE SW DRIVEWAY E 260 5 15 jj _, '-sJ ls 36) 1,311--565 1,377--617 -s 21' (37 10, ( 63 f (5 -, ~ -, ~ t 5 11 5 106 5 / ~ .... ® RAINIER AVES / DRIVEWAY F ~ N 1,663 -r.L-NOTTO SCALE 3l «' ~ 192) t 1,390 _.,------ Future (2012) With-Project Weekday PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes FIGURE 6 Renton Wal-Mart Expansion M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expansion\Graphics\CAD\09205_graphic01 <Fig 6> jesseb 10/08/09 15:10 r;(transpoGROJP • I I I I • I I I I I C s • t s I I • t C C I Transportation Impact Study Renton Wal-Mart Expansion --------------- Site Access Operations October 2009 A level of service analysis was conducted for 2012 with-project conditions and was compared to 2012 without-project conditions to determine the impacts associated with the proposed expansion. The results of the LOS analysis are summarized in Table 3. Levels of service worksheets for 2012 with-project traffic conditions are included in Appendix C . Table 3. Future (2012) Without & With-Project Weekday PM Peak Hour LOS Summary- Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 2012 Without-Project 2012 With-Project Intersection LOS' Delay' WM' LOS Delay WM SW 7th St/Driveway A C 21.4 NB C 21.5 NB SW 7th St/Driveway B C 22.5 NB C 23.6 NB SW 7th St/Driveway C C 20.0 NB C 19.8 NB SW 7th St/Driveway D C 18.9 NB C 19.2 NB Driveway E/Hardie Ave SW B 11.5 WB B 11.5 WB Driveway F/Rainier Ave S C 16.4 EB C 16.9 EB SW Grady Way/Driveway G F/B 160.3/ 13.9 SB-LT / SB-RT F/B 165.1 / 14.1 SB-LT I SB-RT 1. Level of service, based on 2000 Highway Capacity Manual methodology. 2. Average delay in seconds per vehicle. 3. Volume-to-capacity ratio reported for signalized intersections. 4. The worst operating intersection movement is reported for two-way stop controlled intersections. As shown in Table 3, with the addition of project traffic all site access driveways are expected to operate at the same PM peak hour LOS value as without-project conditions. The southbound left-turn onto SW Grady Way would continue to operate at LOS F under weekday PM peak hour conditions with only a minimal increase in delay anticipated. The delay at all remaining driveways would increase by 1.1 seconds or less. Mitigation The City of Renton collects development impact mitigation fees, and requires off-site intersection improvements where contribution of impact fees would not address any deficiencies. Based on the results of this analysis, no off-site improvements are necessary to mitigate the impacts of the project. Impact Fees The City of Renton currently collects traffic impact mitigation fees to assist in the implementation of planned improvements. Table 4 summarizes the estimated traffic impact fee. This fee should be considered preliminary estimates only. Table 4 . City of Renton Impact Fee Calculations' -PRELIMINARY Proposed Project Average Daily Trips Impact Fee Rate Impact Fee ($) 608 trips $75 per trip $45,600 1. Fee per ordinance #356 -Transportation Impact Fee Workbook lj(transpOGPOUP Page 11 • I C e I I C I I I C I • I C C s • I C s I Transportation Impact Study Rento~ Wal~-~~r:t. ~~e1:l~~~--------------October 2009 Findings and Recommendations • The proposed project would increase the existing building by approximately 15,900 gsf. Construction of the proposed project is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. There are seven existing site access driveways to the site. • The proposed project is expected to generate approximately 608 new weekday daily trips, with 27 trips occurring during the AM weekday peak hour, and 53 trips during the PM peak hour. • All site access driveway would continue to operate acceptably with the addition of project traffic. • Based on the results of the intersection capacity, no mitigation improvements are necessary to mitigate the impacts of the proposed project. Any off-site project impacts would be mitigated through payment of the City of Renton·s transportation impact mitigation fee which is estimated at $45,600 for the proposed project. 'iftranspOGROUP Page 12 • • • SW 7th St Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 B 112451 Approach PHF EB 0.88 WB 0.96 NB 0.67 SB 0.52 Intersection 0.93 - 1 " f-- 1209 + f-- 35 ~ - HV% 1.4% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% Driveway A & SW 7th St 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009 ,q; "' ; ~ d G 8 I 19 I 0 I 37 I It .. ~ Peds 0 N " W.£ ~ .., ~ 0. s Pads o ll't ... " I 9 I O I 26 I G G Volume 1,245 459 35 56 1,795 Count Period: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM - ll't 0 -EJ + 448 - It 11 -" w .., ~ 0. I 12121 SW 7th St ,q; "' ; .~ Q t Total Vehicle Summary Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 Driveway A & SW 7th St Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 15-Minute Interval Summary 4·00 PM to 6·00 PM Interval Northbound S1art DrivewauA Time L T R 4:00PM 2 0 3 4:15PM 3 0 3 4:30 PM 1 0 " 4:45 PM 1 0 5 5:00 PM 4 a 5 5:15 PM 3 0 4 5:30 PM 1 0 7 5:45 PM 0 0 " Total Survey 15 a 50 I Peak Hour Summa,y 4·30PM to 5·30PM By Northbound Driveway A Approach ,, I Out I Total I >--Volume 35 I 46 I 81 I %HV 0.0% PHF 0.67 By Northbound Drivewao,A HV 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 HV 0 Movement L T I R ITotal Volume 9 I a I " PHF 0.56 0.00 I 0.54 Rolling Hour Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Interval Northbound Start Q_ri_v~ay_A Time L T R 4:00 PM 7_ o 23 4:15 PM 9 0 25 4:30 PM 9 0 _26 4:45 PM 9 0 I 21 5:00 PM 8 0 27 35 0.67 HV 2 2 0 0 1 Southbound Driveway A L T R HV 7 0 1 0 5 0 5 0 17 0 10 0 10 0 3 9 __ 1-- 8 a 4 0 2 0 2 0 6 0 6 0 4 0 5 0 59 0 36 D Southbound Drive,,...ay A ,, Oc1 Total I HV 56 1 57 I o 0.0% 0.52 Southbound Driveway A L T I R ITotal 37 o I 19 156 -0.54 0.00 I 0.48 10.52 Southbound Drivewa"A L T I R ' HV 39 o I 19 0 40 o ' 22 a -37 o 19 0 26 0 15 0 ---. 20 0 17 0 o"' " Eastbound SW 7th St L T R HV 1 261 1 4 0 236 3 4 0 274 1 5 0 309 2 3 1 330 23 2 0 296 9 7 0 228 1 t 3 0 231 1 1 2 2,165 : 41 ! 29 I Eastbound SW 7th St " I Out I Total I HV 1,245 I 476 I 1,7?1 [ 17 1.4% O.B8 Eastbound SW 7th St L I T 1·-R. ITotal 1 I 1,209 I 35 11,245 0.25 I 0.92 I 0.38 o.aa Eastbound SW 7th St L T R HV 1 1,080 7 16 -1 1.149 29 14 1 I 1,209 35 17 1 I 1,163 35 15 1 I 1 085 34 13 476 1,245 HV PHF -;f'. N 0~ 00 1J- 1,209 ..... ,, o"' 56 1 19 0 37 ~ "' I+ ... t ... Oc< 46 26 ,, 35 1.7% 0.96 459 In 1,272 Out Peak Hour Summary 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Westbound Pedestrians SW 7th St Interval Crosswalk _ L T R HV Total North ] South !East West 1 132 0 5 409 0 ! 0 0 o_ 2 119 0 3 376 ~,--o· 0 ,___Q_ -5 114 0 4 434 '--°-· _o 0 o_ 2 111 0 1 443 ,___Q_ 0 0 __ o_ 1 106 0 3 482 0 0 0 0 3 117 0 0 436 0 0 0 ___ o_ ·-3 96 1 4 349 0 0 0 0 3 94 0 0 349 0 0 0 a 20 889 1 20 3,278 0 I 0 0 0 W11stbound Pedestrians SW 7th St Total Crosswalk ,, I Oul I Tal~I HV North I South East I West 459 I 1,27211,731 8 1,795 0 0 0 o 1.7% 1.4% 0.96 0.93 Westbound SW 7th St Total L I T R IT01a1 11 I 448_1 0 1459 1,795 o.s5 1 o.96-o.oo -a:96 0.93 Westbound Pedestrians SW 7th SI Interval Crosswalk L T R I HV Total North South I East West 1o_ 476 -0 13 1,662 0 D I D D 10 450 0 11 1,735 0 o 0 0 11 I 448 0 8 1,795 0 0 o o 9 I 430 1 8 1,710 0 0 0 0 - 10 I 413 1 7 1,616 0 0 0 o • I I I I • I C I I I C I I I C I • I C C t SW 7th St Mark Skaggs (206) 251"0300 G BQJ+ 124 ~ Approach PHF HY% EB 0.91 1.6% WB 0.88 1.0% NB 0.93 0.0% SB 0.00 0.0% Intersection 0.94 0.9% 0 ~ .., ~ .. Driveway B & SW 7th St 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Peds O !i w*E s Pads 5 Volume 124 99 126 0 349 Count Period: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM +[X]G jt 99 0 ~ .., ~ .. B SW 7th St • I I I I • I C I I I C I i I C ' • I C e ' ,1 Total Vehicle Summary ..... Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 Driveway B & SW 7th St Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 15--Minute lntetval Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Interval Northbound Start Driveway B Time L R 4:00 PM 6 29 4:15PM 9 19 4:30 PM 6 25 4:45 PM 5 29 5:00 PM 4 29 5:15PM 4 24 5:30 PM 2 27 5:45 PM 9 25 Total Survey 45 207 Peak Hour Summary 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM By Northbound Drivew:w 8 I Southbound Driveway B HV 1 a 0 a a 0 a 0 1 Southbound Drivewav B . I Approach le I Oot Total I HV le Out I Total I V~ume 126 I 223 Ji9 _I_ 0 %HV 0.0% PHF 0.93 By Northbound Drivewav B Movement I !Total L I R f-~~U/"flt 19 ! I 107 1126 PHF 0.79 I I 0.92 10.93 Rolling Hour Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Interval Northbound Start Driveway B Time L R HV 4"00 PM 26 102 1 4:15 PM 24 102 0 4:30 PM 19 107 0 4:45 PM 15 109 a 5:00 PM 19 105 0 0 0 I 0 I 0.0% 0.00 Southbound Drivewav B I ITolal I IO I 10.00 Southbound Driveway B Ocl 19 le 124 HV PHF Eastbound SW 7th St T I R HV L 0 18 0 27 0 16 _o ___ 33 -0 25 _ _o_ 23 0 33 0 22 0 34 0 26 0 32 2 28 0 -15 __ § 27 0 16" 0 32 a 169 2 21B Eaatbound SW 7th St le I Out I Total I HV lo 1~~_j ___ 1jl ___ [ _1_'1_J I 2 99 1.6% 0.91 Eastbound SW 7th Sl I T I R ITotal L I I 0 I 124 1124 99 I 'if:. 0 le Ocl oo 0 0 0 ci >• II +I ,I. l+ " HV 10% PHF 0.8B 0 ..J {f } t. 99 le o-+ +-o 107 Ocl 124+ +" 5 +.a t ,. , M 0 ~ 19 107 0 Oot le > . I I 223 126 " Peak Hour Summary 4:30 P/111 to 5:30 PM Westbound Pedestrians SW 7th SI Interval Crosswalk ----- T HV Total Nort11 I Soun, East West 0 ---1 ~-0 I -: 0 0 ·a-----0 77 0 0 0 _o __ 1 79 0 1 0 ----o-- 0 ----- 0 -89 0 i 2 0 0 0 0 93 0 i 0 -----~---0 0 0 8B 0 I 2 0 0 0 ---! 0 --71 0 4 0 0 0 a 82 0 1 0 0 0 ' 2 659 a 15 0 0 ! Westbound Pedestrians SW 7th St Total Crosswalk Out I Total HV North South I East I West 107 I 2_96 -1 349 0 5 I 0 I 0 1.0% 0.9% 0.88 0.94 Westbound SW 7th St Total T I Total 0 I 99 349 I 0.00 I 0.91 10.91 0.88 I 0.00 I !0.88 0.94 Eastbound Westbound PIKlestriana SW 7th St SW 7th St tnlerval Crosswalk T R HV L T HV Total North South i East I West 0 92 0 105 0 2 325 0 8 0 ' 0 0 108 0 104 0 T 338 0 6 0 0 0 124 2 99 0 1 349 0 5 0 0 0 114 2 103 0 0 341 0 8 0 0 0 97 2 113 0 0 334 0 7 a 0 • I I I I • I C I I I C I i I C ' • It C I i SW 7th St Mario; Sl(aggs (206) 251-0300 0 G - 6 - 0 - 24 - (.) t .~ Q I ~ w "C • " 0. + ~ Driveway C & SW 7th St 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009 B G 6 I O I 7 I "' + ~ Peds 19 N w.£ s Peds 3 It + " I 2 I 0 I 11 I G B Approach PHF HV% Volume EB 0.75 0.0% 30 we 0.56 0.0%) 54 NB 0.65 0.0% 13 SB 0.46 0.0% 13 Intersection 0.69 0.0% 110 Count Period: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM - It 3 -G + 1 -"' 50 ~ ,., w "C • 0. G SW 7th St (.) ... ; Cl> -~ Q • t I I I • I C I I I C I i I C ' • t C I ' • Total Vehicle Summary Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 Driveway C & SW 7th St Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 15-Mlnute Interval Summary 4·00 PM to 6·00 PM Interval Northbound St,rt Drivewa" C Time L T R _,t_OO_PM 0 0 2 4:15 PM 2 0 _l_ 4:30PM -,---0 4 4:45 J:M 2 0 3 5:00 PM Q_ 0 1 --- 5:15PM 0 0 3 5:30 PM 0 0 4 5:45 PM 0 0 1 Total SuNe}' 5 ! 0 21 Peak Hour Summary 4·45 PM to 5·45 PM By Northbound Drivewa"C Approach le I Out I Total Volume 13 I 7' I 87 %HV 0.0% PHF 0.65 Northbound HV 0 L__Q __ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HV 0 By 111 _ _Q_riveway C 1 Movement L T R Total Volume 2 0 11 PHF 0.25 1 0.00 0.69 Rolling Hour Summary 4:00 PM to 6·00 PM Interval Northbound St,rt Dnvewau C Time L T R 4:00 PM 5 0 12 4:15PM 5 0 11 4":30 PM 3 0 11 4:45PM 2 0 11 5:00 PM 0 0 g 13 0.65 HV 0 0 0 0 0 Southbound Drivewa"C L T ' R 1 0 ! 0 L__~ --o 0 12 0 ?___ 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 3 _o ___ , -- 0 0 2 22 0 ' 10 Southbound Drivewav C le Out I Total 13 9 I 22 0.0% 046 Southbound L DrivlyC_ T R 7 0 ' 6 0.58 0.00 0.38 Southbound DrivewavC L T I R 16 0 2 15 0 2 16 0 6 7 0 ' ' 0 ' 0,1 le Eastbound SW 7th St HV L ' T R I HV 0 1 0 5 I 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 10--~--0 0 2 0 4 0 0 1 0 6 0 ~' 3 0 i 4 --0 0 0 0 I 2 0 0 10 1 I 33 0 Eastbound SW71h St HV In I Out I Total I HV 0 ,a I 9 I " I 0 0.0% 0.75 Eastbound SW 7th St Total L I T I R ITotal !13 6 I 0 I 24 130 0.46 0.50 0.00 0.60 0.75 Eastbound SW 7th St HV L T R I HV 0 4 1 '7 I 0 0 5 1 16 0 0 3 1 22 0 0 6 0 24 0 0 6 0 16 0 * (,Cl le Oc< 0. 13 9 c:i ci >• 7 II .,J "' l+ " HV 00% PHF 0.56 19 ,j {I} t.3 9 54 le o-+ +-1 30 18 Oc< "+ +50 HV 3 PHF +i t ,. ~ w w 11 0 Oc< le > " I I 74 13 " Peak Hour Summary 4:45PM to 5:45PM Westbound Pedestrians SW 7th St Interval Crosswalk_ L I T : R HV Total North South East West 10 0 I ' 1 27 10 0 1 2 4 0 ' 2 0 16 4 1 1 0 ' 0 1 0 31 11 0 0 0 13 0 1 0 30 ' 0 1 1 ' 1 1 0 17 ' 3 ' 2 0 .___6_ 0 0 0 23 5 0 0 0 23 0 1 0 40 2 0 0 I 0 ' 0 1 0 14 5 0 0 ' 0 80 1 15 1 196 49 4 5 3 Westbound Pedestrians SW 7th St Tot,I ..__ _ Crosswalk le I Out I Total I HV N~rth-I South I East I West 54 I 16 I 72 I 0 110 19 I 3 I 3 I 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.56 0.69 Westbound SW 7th St Total L T I R ,Total 50 1 I 3 54 110 - 0.54 0.25 I 0.75 0.56 0.69 Westbound Pedestrians SW 7th $_t Interval Crosswalk L T ' R HV Total North South East Wast 35 0 12 1 104 31 1 3 e----3- 33 1 5 0 94 ,_2c7_ 4 4 1 35 1 3 0 101 26 3 3 1 - 50 1 3 0 1__1_0 ___ --~9 ___ 3 3 1 - 45 1 3 0 94 18 3 2 0 • I I I I • I C I I I C I I I C ' • I C I i Peak Hour Summary •.• ,, ..... SW 7th St Mark Skaggs (206) 251,0300 B I 1aool I 12s91 + 11 ~ 0 • .,, • .. Driveway D & SW 7th St 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Pads 0 /'f W.E s Peds 11 ll't 11 0 B G B Approach PHF HV% Volume EB 0.93 1.2% 1,300 WB 0.89 2.1% 578 NB 0.74 0.0% 103 SB 0.00 0.0% 0 Intersection 0.98 1.4% 1,981 Count Period: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM •tJB It 3 ~ • .,, • .. 113891 SW 7th St Q "' ; ~ ·.: Q • t I I I • I C I I I C ' • t I C ' • I IC I ' • Total Vehicle Summary Mali( Skaggs (206) 251-0300 Driveway D & SW 7th St Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 1 S.Minute Interval Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Interval Northbound Start Dnvaway D Time L R 4:00 PM 1 ' " 4:15 PM 2 I 25 4:30 PM 1 22 4:45 PM 2 33 5:00 PM 0 1B 5:15 PM 0 27 5:30 PM 0 " 5:45 PM a 37 Tolal Survey 6 ' 224 Peak Hour Summary 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM By Northbound Driveway D ApJJrnach la I Out I Total I Volume 103 I 14 I 117 I %HV 0.0% PHF 0.74 By Northbound Dnvewav D HV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HV 0 Movement L I I R I Total ~i~w~ ~8··1 I 100 11 103 0.76 0.74 Ro/1/ng Hour Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM lntefVal Northbound '"" C Driveway_D Time L R HV Southbound Orivew,1110 Southbound Driveway D '" Out I Total 0 0 I 0 0.0% 0.00 Southbound Dnvewav D I I Southbound D~ve~y [) ' Total 0 0.00 4:00 PM 6 111 0 -------·--·4:1sPM·-5 98 0 4:30 PM-3 . 100 --o·-i--I 4:45 PM 2 _109 0 5:00 PM 0 113 0 r·-- Oct '" Ea at bound SW 7th St T I R i HV 253 I 4 ' 6 231 I 4 4 329 4 4 Joa 5 4 349 I 1 2 303 I 1 6 284 7 3 233 I 4 3 i 2.290 I 30 i 32 Easlbound SW71h St '" Out I Total I HV 1,300 578 I 1,878 I 16 1.2% 0.93 Eastbound SW 7th St T I R ITotal _ ~.i§9_r _1, r~·~Q_O_ 0.92 0.55 0.93 Ea1otbound .. S_W_7th ~I --I T R HV --I 1,_1.!_1_ 17 19 1,217 14 14 1,289 11 16 .1,;.11 14 15 1 189 13 14 578 1,300 HV PHF L 2 3 2 1 0 0 1 1 10 t?-Cl 00 0 ci j 1,289~ 11 + '" 0 .J ... Oct 14 ~ 11 Oct 0 l+ t ,.. 100 '" 103 > I Peak Hour Summary 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Weetbound SW 7th St Interval " I " T HV Total North 151 5 442 0 156 3 421 0 130 5 4B8 0 143 4 492 0 139 3 507 0 163 0 494 0 126 3 449 0 1H 0 392 0 1,125 23 3,685 0 WHtbound SW 7th St Total 2.1% 0.89 578 In 1.389 Out Pedestrians Crosswalk South East West 0 0 0 3 ! 0 0 ' 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 15 1 0 Pedastrlans Crosswalk '" Out I Total HV North I South I East I We$\ 578 1,389 I 1,967 12 1,981 0 11 1 0 2.1% 1.4% 0.89 0.98 Westbound SW 7th St Tolal L I T I Total ' -h"5 I 579 .!,_!;!~ 0.38 0.88 0.89 0.98 Westbound Pede1olrlans ~--~~r~-$t_~ Interval Crosswalk L Total North South East West B 580 17 1,843 0 9 1 0 ... 6 566 15 1.908 0 10 1 0 3 575 12 1,981 0 11 1 0 --2 571 10 1,942 0 5 1 0 2 545 6 1 842 0 6 0 ! 0 • I I I I • t C I I I C ' E I C ' • t C e ' • Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 DrivewavE G G Approach PHF EB 0.77 we 0.50 NB 0.25 SB 0.86 Intersection 0.94 - 36 11 ~ 0 + '---- 60 ~ ~ HV% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%, 1.0% 0.8% Hardie Ave SW & Driveway E 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009 3!: .,, ., ,. <C ., EJ 0 =e :l! I 45 12461 0 I It ... ~ Peds 4 N N W.E "' ~ w ,, "C • • .. s .. Peds 9 ~ "' 11 I 0 I 1 I 0 I 3!: B 8 .,, ~ <C f .. :i:: Volume 96 2 291 390 Count Period: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM - ~ 0 -CJ • 1 '---- It 1 ~ G DrivewayE • I I I s • I C I I I C I • I I I s • I C I I Total Vehicle Summary Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 Hardie Ave SW & Driveway E Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 15-Mlnute Interval Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Interval Northbound Start 1------H~rdie Ave SW l Time L T R 4:00 PM 1 0 0 I 4:15 PM 1 1 _O _ _J - ~_;JOPM _ 0 0 0 I 4:45 PM 0 0 0 i 5:00 PM 0 1 0 I 5:15 PM 0 0 0 ' 5:30 PM 3 0 0 ' 5:45 PM 1 0 0 Total Survey 6 2 0 I Peak Hour Summa,y 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM By Northbound Hardie Ave SW Approach ~6Ut l To1al I Volume 1 I 307 308 %HV 0.0% PHF 0.25 By Northbound Hardie Ave SW Southbound Hardie Ave SW HV L T R 0 0 62 6 0 2 70 15 0 0 70 15 0 0 59 10 0 0 50 12 0 0 67 ' a 0 54 11 0 0 54 10 a 2 486 87 Southbound Hardie Ave SW HV le Out I Total I o 291 3713281 1.0% 0.86 Southbound Hardie Ave SW HV 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 6 HV 3 Movement L I T-T R Total L T I R !Total L ,, 6 9 9 9 9 B 9 70 le I 96 I Eastbound Drivewav E T R J B 0 2 0 10 0 11 0 22 0 17 0 B 0 5 3 B3 Eastbound Driveway E Oot Total I 46 142 I 0.0% 0.77 Eastbound Drivew""' E Oot " HV a 0 a a a a 1 0 1 HV 0 L I T R !Total Volume o 1 o 1 o 246 I 45 1291 PHF 0.00 I 0.25 I 0.00 '0.25 0.00 o.aa 1 0.1s 10.s6 36 I O 60 196 1--'-cc:i~+7'~r.cc+-c'cc==--f~'cc-~'c-f-c~c-f~~+-1f.o"o--t1-a·."oo o.68 lo.n Rolling Hour Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Interval Northbound Start Hardie Ave SW Time L T I R HV L Southbound Ei!lstbound Hardie Ave SW Driv~ay E T R HV L T R HV , le Oct 0 ~ 291 37 > " 45 246 0 I I 1 HV 0.0% .., • ~ PHF 0.50 46 96 4 36J {I:} 't.a o-+ +-1 60"). +1 HV 9 PHF ... t r" i ~ ' 0 0 Oct le > " I I 307 1 C Peak Hour Summary L 1 1 ! a ' a ' 1 ' 0 I a 1 4 le I 2 i 4:30PM Westbound Dnvewav E T R 2 1 1 0 a 0 a 0 a a 1 0 a 0 0 0 4 1 Westbound Drivewa" E Out I Total I 0 I 2 0.0% 0.50 Westbound Dnvawav E I HV a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 HV 0 L I T I R ITotal 1 1 I O 12 to 5:30PM Interval Total North 95 2 99 a 104 0 89 0 95 2 102 2 B4 2 BO 1 748 9 Total North 300 4 0.8% 094 Total 0.-25--r-cij5 I 0.00 I0.50 JOO 0.94 Westbound Driveway E ---Interval L I T R HV Total North 2 '" 0 Oot Pedestrians Crosswalk South East West 1 0 1 -- 1 0 1 --- 4 0 -Q_ - 2 0 1 3 3 a 0 ;-0 1 1 i 0 0 0 0 1 12 3 5 Pedestrians Crosswalk South ! East I west 9 i J I 2 Pedestrians Crosswalk Soulh East Wesl 4:00 PM 2 1 0 a 2 261 46 4 35 3 31 0 ---~-_3 1 o JB7 2 B a 3 --- 4:15 PM 1 2 ' o • o 2 249 52--3 33 o 45 __ 0 2 1 o o JB7 2 10 3 2 --4:30 PM a 1 I o 0 0 246 45 3 36 o 60 0 1 1 o -o _l~ 4 9 3 2 4:45 PM 3 1 0 i a o 230 41 3 35 0 SB 1 1 1 ---o ___ o 370 6 6 3 2 5:00 PM 4 1 ' 0 i 0 o 225 41 2 35 o 52 1 2 1 o o 361 7 4 3 2 • t I C s • I C I I I C s • t I C I • t C C I Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 DrivewavF B EJ Approach PHF EB 0.82 WB 0.00 NB 0.98 SB 0.91 Intersection 0.96 8" EJ~ HV% 0.6% 0.0% 2.2% 1.8% 1.9% Rainier Ave S & Driveway F 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009 II) ~ ,q; .. ,!!! 117411 113091 .5 &! 1171 115701 It + Peds O f{ .. W*E • .,, ~ .. s Peds 1 llt ... I 0 113091 117501 113091 Volume 180 0 1,309 1,741 3,230 Count Period: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 0 • ~ • I C I I • I C I I s I s • I I I s • I C I I Total Vehicle Summary Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 Rainier Ave S & Driveway F Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 15-Minute Interval Summary 4·00 PM to 6·00 PM Interval Northbound Sras Rainier Ave S Time L T 4:00 PM a 286 4:15PM a 325 4:30 PM a 317 4:45 PM 0 332 5:00 PM 0 325 ! 5:15PM 0 335 5:30 PM 0 314 5:45 PM 0 303 Total Survey 0 2,537 Peak Hour Summary 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM By Northbound Rainier Ave S Approach lo I Out I Total Volume --1,309 l 1.7501 3,059 %HV 22% PHF 0.98 By Northbound Movement Rainier Ave S L ' T I HV 12 4 10 6 7 6 9 4 58 HV 29 ITotal Volume O I 1,3091 11,309 PHF 0.001 0.98 Rolling Hour Summary 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Interval Northbound 16~98 Start Ra,nier Ave S Time L I T HV 4:00 PM 0 1,260 32 4:15PM 0 1,299 27 4:30 PM 0 1,309 29 4:45 PM 0 1,306 28 5:00 PM 0 1,277 26 Southbound RainierAv~S T R HV 376 25 8 394 26 12 443 37 8 361 52 11 378 40 3 388 42 9 359 27 5 339 34 8 3,038 283 64 Southbound Rainier Ave S lo Out I ToJ,;1-HV 1,741 1,3091 3,050 31 1.8% 0.91 Southbound Rainier Ave S T R ITotal . _1.5701 171 11,741 0.89-1 o.a2lo.s1 Southbound Rainier Ave S T R HV 1,574 140 39 1,576 155 34 . _1,5_70 171 31 1,486 L"!._6_1 _ 28 1464 143 ' 25 L 0 - 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 lo 180 - L I 0 0.001 L 0 0 0 0 a Oct 171 lo 180 HV PHF Eastbound Drivewa" F R HV 27 ~' 34 0 41 0 36 1 48 0 - 55 0 41 0 45 0 327 1 Eastbound Dfivewav F - Out I Total I HV lo I 171 I 351 I 1 a I 0.6% 0.82 Eastbound Dnveway F I· I R Tota( I 180 1180 0.82 lo.s2 Eastbound Drivewav F R HV 13B 1 159 1 1BO 1 1BO 1 189 0 * ~ lo Oct Wm 1,741 1,309 "0 171 1,570 ..., .j,. I+ t. +- + +i t ,. 0 1,309 Out In i; ~ 1,750 1,309 o._ Peak Hour Summary 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Westt>ound DnVflwav F lntervat Total North 714 a 779 1 838 a 781 a 791 a '20 0 741 0 721 0 6,185 1 Westbound Drivewav F Total HV 0.0% PHF 0.00 Pedestrians Crosswalk South East 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 a 0 a 0 0 1 a Pedestrians Crosswalk Out I Total I Nortli I South I East a I 0 I . 3.230 0 I 1 ! 0 0.0% 1.9% 0.00 0.96 Westbound Drivewav F Total I ITotal I IO 3,230 0.00 0.96 Westbound Pedestrians to Oct West 1 0 2 1 3 2 3 0 12 West B Drivewav F Interval "---_ _gr~'.'S~alk _ North South East I Wes1 Total 3,112 1 0 0 ,_ 4 3,189 1 a 0 f3_ 3,230 0 1 0 8 3,133 0 1 0 9 3,073 0 1 0 B • I I I s • I C s I I C I • t I I I • I I I I Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 S 153rd St EJ 115891 Approach PHF EB 0.98 WB 0.91 NB 0.88 SB 0.97 Intersection 0.96 ~ 63 " f-- 1520 + f-- 6 ~ f-- HV% 2.1% 3.0% 1.1% 2.4% 2.4% Driveway G & S 153rd St 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009 (!> ... ; ~ ·.:: G EJ Cl I 78 I 0 I 7 I le ... ~ Peds 4 " " W*E w " m .. s Peds O ~ "' " I 0 I O I 92 I G G Volume 1,589 1,016 92 85 2,782 Count Period: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM ~ ~ 78 ~ I 1016 I + 902 ~ le 36 ~ " ~ " m .. 116191 S 153rd St (!> ... ; Q) ,. a • t C & ' • I C I E I C I • t C C I • I C C I Total Vehicle Summary Mark Skaggs (206) 251-0300 Driveway G & S 153rd St Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 15-Mlnute Interval Summary 4·00PM to 6·00PM Interval Northbound Start Drivewa"G Time l T R 4:00 PM 0 0 23 4:15PM 0 0 18 - 4:30 PM 0 0 26 4:45 PM 0 o_ 25 5:00 PM 0 0 22 5:15 PM a 0 29 HV 0 0 0 1 1 0 5:30 PM 0 0 11 __ j__Q_ 5:45 PM 0 1 14 Total Survey 0 1 168 Peak Hour Summary 4·00 PM to S·OO PM By Northbound Drivewau G Approach 1, I Out I Total I Volume 92 I 42 I 134 I %HV 1.1% - PHF o.sa By Northbound - 0 2 HV 1 Southbound Drivewa" G l T R 3 0 17 2 0 -,g 1 0 it 1 0 21 - 2 0 15 1 0 25 1 0 23 ' 1 0 18 12 0 159 Southbound Dnveway G le Oct Total I 85 141 226 I 2.4% 0.97 Southbound Drivewav G HV 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 HV 2 Movement -~~rayG_ l T R ·rota1 l T I R ITota.l Volume 0 -, 0 92 PHF 0.00 1 0.001 0.88 Rolling Hour Summary 4·00 PM to 6·00 PM Interval ttorthbound Start Dnvewau G Time l T i R 4:00 PM 0 0 92 4:15 PM 0 0 91 4:3CfPM 0 ' 0 102 4:45 PM a -, a 87 5:00 PM 0 -, 1 76 :92 7 0 I 78 185 '0.88 0.58 0.00 I 0.93 0.97 Southbound Drivewav G HV l T I R HV 1 7 0 78 ' 2 2 6 0 76 I 1 2 5 0 82 i 1 2 5 0 84 I 1 1 5 0 B1 0 ~~ " Oct ~m 85 141 NO >• 78 rr +J ,I, l+ C HV 3.0% PHF 0.91 4 63 ..J ·rf} t. 78 Oat 980 1,016 le 1,520-+ ... 902 le 1,589 1,619 Oct 6+ +35 HV 0 PHF .... t ... ~~ 0 0 92 Oct le > " r r 42 92 " Peak Hour Summary 4:00PM to 5:00 PM Eastbound Westbound Pedestrians S 153rd St S 153rd_ St Interval Crosswalk l T R HV l T R HV Total North South East West 13 388 4 11 9 207 15 7 679 0 0 0 0 20 3B1 2 10 9 244 26 12 7_21 1 0 0 0 16 378 0 3 8 237 20 7 707 __ 1 ' 0 0 0 14 373 0 9 10 214 17 4 675 2 I 0 0 0 26 359 1 2 7 200 12 4 644 0 0 0 a -23 366 0 4 6 200 13 ' 4 663 _o_ 0 0 0 28 390 0 6 6 171 19 7 649 1 0 a 0 23 397 1 6 4 175 18 2 652 0 0 0 0 163 3,032 • 51 59 1,648 140 47 5,390 5 0 0 0 Eastbound Westbound Pedestrians S 153rd SI S 153rd St Total Crosswalk le I Out I Total I HV le I Out I Total I HV North I South East I West 1,589 I 980 I 2,569 33 1,016 I 1,619 ! 2,635 I 30 2,782 4 I 0 0 I 0 2.1% 3.0% 2.4% 0.98 0.91 0.96 Eastbound Westbound s 153rd St s 153rd St I Total l T I R ITotal l I T R Total 63 1.520 I 6 11.589 36 902 78 1 1.016 2,782 0.79-i 0.98 0.38 I0.98 0.90 0.92 I 0.75 0.91 0.96 Eastbound Westbound Pecleslrians S 153rd St S 153rd St lnlerval Cross~~ l T R HV l T R HV Total NMh South East West 63 1,520 6 33 36 902 76 30 2,782 4 0 0 0 76 1,491 3 24 34 B95 75 27 2.747 4 0 0 0 _!9 1_.471-f 1 18 31 851 62 19 2,689 3 0 0 0 91 1,.1§_8 __ 1 21 29 785 61 19 2,631 3 0 0 -0 100 1 512 2 18 23 746 62 17 2 608 1 0 0 0 • C C s i C C I • I I I I I C I I I C s I Highway Capacity Manual, 2000 Signalized intersection level of service (LOS) is defined in terms of the average total vehicle delay of all movements through an intersection. Vehicle delay is a method of quantifying several intangible factors, including driver discomfort, frustration, and lost travel time. Specifically, LOS criteria are stated in terms of average delay per vehicle during a specified time period (for example, the PM peak hour). Vehicle delay is a complex measure based on many variables, including signal phasing (i.e., progression of movements through the intersection), signal cycle length, and traffic volumes with respect to intersection capacity. Table 1 shows LOS criteria for signalized intersections, as described in the Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board, Special Report 209, 2000). Table 1. Level of Service Criteria for Signalized Intersections Level of Service Average Control Delay (sec/veh) General Description (Signalized Intersections) A B >1 a -20 C >20 -35 D >35 -55 E >55 -80 F >80 Free Flow Stable Flow (slight delays) Stable flow (acceptable delays) Approaching unstable flow (tolerable delay, occasionally wait through more than one signal cycle before proceeding) Unstable flow (intolerable delay) Forced flow Uammed) Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, Special Report 209, 2000. Unsignalized intersection LOS criteria can be further reduced into two intersection types: all- way stop-controlled and two-way stop-controlled. All-way, stop-controlled intersection LOS is expressed in terms of the average vehicle delay of all of the movements, much like that of a signalized intersection. Two-way, stop-controlled intersection LOS is defined in terms of the average vehicle delay of an individual movement(s). This is because the performance of a two- way, stop-controlled intersection is more closely reflected in terms of its individual movements, rather than its performance overall. For this reason, LOS for a two-way, stop-controlled intersection is defined in terms of its individual movements. With this in mind, total average vehicle delay (i.e., average delay of all movements) for a two-way, stop-controlled intersection should be viewed with discretion. Table 2 shows LOS criteria for unsignalized intersections (both all-way and two-way, stop-controlled). Table 2. Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections Level of Service Average Control Delay (sec/veh} A 0 -10 B >10 -15 C >15-25 D >25 -35 E >35 -50 F >50 Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, Special Report 209, 2000. ............................................ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: SW 7th St & Drivewa A .,, -• f -' ..... Lane Cooiigura~ons '"' '"' VOi.ima {v«Wh) 5 1210 " 10 45-0 0 10 Sign Control Free F,o, """ 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0 93 0.93 0.93 Howty now rate (YPh) 5 1301 38 11 484 0 11 Pedeslrians Lane Width (fl) Walking Speed (ftls) "'"""-Right turn flare (veh) Median type "'"' TWlll Median storage veh) 2 Upmamsig"'1(ffl '10 pX, platoon unblocked ..C, contieling volume 484 1338 1616 vC1, stage 1 oonf vol 1331 IIC2. slage 2 conhd 285 vCu, unblocked vol 464 1339 1616 IC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.5 IC, 2 stage (s) 6.5 IF(s) 21 21 3.5 pOqueue free% 100 98 93 ... _(_) 11162 511 169 VolumeTdal ... ... 253 242 38 " Volume left 5 0 11 0 11 3B Vdume: Right 0 38 0 0 27 " cSH 1082 1700 511 1700 281 400 Vdume lo Capacity 0.00 0.40 002 0.14 0.13 0.15 Queue Lengtt, 95th (ft) 0 0 2 0 11 13 Conni Delay (B) 0.1 °" O.B 0.0 19.8 15.5 Lane LOS A A C C --l•l 0.1 0.4 19.8 15.5 Approach LOS C C Average Delay 1.0 lnlerslclion Capacity Utilization 51.1% ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 M:\09109205 Renton WM Expansion\AnalySts\T raffic Operations\Synchro_ S,m T raff1c\ex,sting.syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t I" ... • 0 2S " stop 0% 0 93 093 0.93 0 27 ,. 183& 669 1184 1331 505 505 ... 1836 669 1194 6.5 6.9 ,, 5.5 6.5 4.0 ,.3 3.5 100 93 88 206 405 315 A Ex,st,ng (2009) ! ., • 0 "' Stop 0% 0.93 0.93 0 22 1855 242 505 1349 1855 242 ., ,., 5.5 4.0 3.3 100 97 198 788 9/1B/2009 Page 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: SW 7th St & Drivewat B -+ • f -..... I" Lane Conrigurations ti> ' tt V vaume (Yllhlh) 115-0 125 100 .., 20 1D5 Sign Control f,e Free Stop ..... 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.96 0.96 096 096 0.96 0 9' Houllyflow rate (vph) 1198 130 104 "" 21 109 Pedestnans I.MeWldth (It) Walk.ir,g Speed (ft/s) """''"""" Right lum flare {~eh) '"""""'" TWlll TWlll Median s1orage ¥eh) 2 2 Upstream Signal (ft) 130 pX, platoon unblocked ...C, conflicting volume 1328 1701 ... vC1, stage 1 conf vol 1263 vC2, stage 2 conf VOi 438 ~Cu, unbiocked vol 1328 1701 684 IC, silgle (s) 4.1 ••• 6.9 tC. 2 stage (s) 5.B IF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 pO queue free% 80 90 73 cM capacity (vehlhl 516 212 408 Volume Total '" 530 104 229 229 130 Volume Left 0 0 104 0 0 21 Volime R1!11t 0 130 0 0 0 109 oSH 1700 1700 516 1700 1700 355 vot.ime to capacity 0.47 0.31 "'° 0.13 0.13 0.37 Queue length 95th (ft) 0 0 19 0 0 41 Control Delay (s) °" o.o 13.7 o.o 0.0 20, lane LOS B C Approach Delay (B) 0.0 2.5 20.9 Approach LOS C • Average Delay 2.1 lntsraecllon Capadly Utllil.alion 5U% ICU Level of Sef"lioe Analr,iis Period (min) 15 M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expansion'Analys1s\T raffic Operations\Synchro_Sim T raffic\ex,sting.syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion • fa1st1ng {2009) 9/18/2009 Page 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: SW 7th St & Drivewa C / -~ f .... ' "' Lane Configurations , •• , '" Volume (veMi) 5 1230 20 35 530 5 5 Sign Control '"' ,,~ Grade ... .. Peak Hour Factor 0.97 097 0 97 0.97 0.97 0 97 0.97 Hwrlyffow rate (vph) 5 1268 21 " ... 5 5 Pedestrians LaneWKllh (ft) Wall<.ing Speed (IVs) Peratflt Blockage Right tum flare (veh) Medienlype TWLTl TWlll Median storage veh) 2 ' Upstream Siflnal {ft) 200 pX, platoon unblocked vC, confticting volume 552 1289 1639 vC1, stage 1 con! vot 1289 vC2, stage 2 conhol 3$1 vCu, unblocked 'JOI 552 1289 1639 IC,siJgle(s) ,.1 4.1 7.5 IC, 2 stage (s) 6.5 IF (s) 22 22 3.S pO queue free% 99 93 97 eM capacity (vthlhJ 1021 534 167 Volume Total 5 845 443 " 364 187 15 Valume Left 5 0 0 36 0 0 5 Volume Righi 0 0 21 0 0 5 10 ,SH 1021 170-0 1700 534 1700 1700 279 Voluma to Capacity 0.01 O.Ol 02" 0.07 021 0.11 0.06 Queue Lenglh 95th (ft) 0 0 0 5 0 0 4 Control Delay (s) .. 0.0 00 122 0.0 0.0 , .. Lane LOS A B C Approaoh Delay[&) 00 0.8 1U Approach LOS C Average Delay 06 lnlffleclion capacity Uliialion 44.6% ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expans1on\Analysisl Traffic Operations\Synchra Siml raffic\ex1st1ng.syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t ,,. "' 0 10 Stop .. 0.97 0.97 0 10 1912 644 1289 "' 1912 644 6.5 ,., 5.5 4.0 3.3 100 98 209 420 21 15 5 346 0.06 5 16.0 C 16.0 C A ... 15 ow 15 1276 621 655 1276 7.5 6.5 3.5 95 205 Ex1St1ng (2009) ~ ~ "' 0 5 Stop .. 0.97 0.97 0 5 1920 276 621 1299 1920 276 6.5 6.9 5.5 4.0 3.3 100 99 181 "' 9118/2009 Page 3 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: SW 7th St & Drivewal D -~ f .... "' ,,. Lane Conl19urations '" a y Volume (Y8hlh} 1200 10 0 576 5 100 Sign Control Free '"' Stop """ .. "' "' Peak Hour Factor 0.98 oss oss 0.98 0.98 0.98 Hoorly flow rate (vph) 1316 10 0 587 5 102 Pe<lestnans Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (!Us) ·--Righi tum flare (veh) .......... TWLTl """' Median storage veh) 2 -·-(ft) pX, platoon unblocked 'IC, conllctina rotume 1327 1615 663 vC1, stage 1 con! vol 1321 vC2, stage 2 cont wl 293 vCu, unblocked vol 1327 1615 663 tC, ..,. (ij 4.1 •• .. tC, 2 stage (sl 5.6 ~(,) 2.2 3.5 33 pO queue free% 100 98 75 cM"""1(-) 518 209 408 Volume Total 878 449 293 293 107 Volume Left 0 0 0 0 5 Volume Right 0 10 0 0 102 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 391 Y(llume to C8pacily 0.52 0.26 0.17 0.17 027 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 0 27 Control Delay (s) o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 17.7 Lane LOS C Approach Delay (s) 00 0.0 17.7 Appwach LOS C • A~erage Delay 0.9 lnlersedion Capacity UdBzalion 49.1% ICU level of SeMce Analys,s Penod (min] 15 M.\09109205 Renton WM Expans1on1Analys1s\Traffic Operat1oos\Synchro_SimTratr1c\ruc.1stmg syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion A Ex1sl1ng (2009) 9/1812009 Page 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: Drivewal E & Hardie Ave SW .> -• " -' ', Lane Configurabons • • Vdume (vehfh) 35 0 " 5 5 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Gtaclo '"' 0% Peak Hour Factor 094 0.94 0 94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 ""'"' flow "" (,ph) 37 0 64 5 5 0 0 Pedestrians LaneWidlh(ft) Walking Speed (ftfs) -·-Right tum flare (veh) ........ Median storage veh) "--(fl) pX, platoon unblocked vC, comlieting volume 293 "' 285 354 314 5 .,. IIC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 293 290 285 354 314 5 309 IC, slngle (s) 7.1 .. 62 7.1 6.5 62 4.1 1C, 2 stage (s) IF(s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 22 pOqueue free% 94 100 92 99 99 100 100 "'-(-) 659 62' 759 554 605 1064 1264 Volume Total 101 11 6 309 Volume Left 37 5 0 0 Volume Right 64 0 0 48 cSH 719 578 1264 1622 Volume to Capacity 0.14 0.02 0.00 0.00 Queue Length 95th !It) 12 1 0 0 Control Daley (s) 10.8 11J 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS B B --(•I 10.8 11' '" 0.0 Approach LOS B B Average Delay 2.9 lnlerse;tion Capacity Utitizalicrl 28.7% ICU Level of Se/Vice Anal~s Penod (m1nJ 15 M:\09\09205 Rento/1 WM Expansion\Analysis\Traffic Operat1ons\Synchro SimTraffic\ex;st,ng.syn Synchro 7" Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t ~ '-. • ' 0 0 Free '"' 0.94 0.94 0.94 5 0 0 Noo, 5 5 4.1 2.2 100 1622 A Existing (20091 ! *' • "' 45 F,e, '"' 0.94 0.94 261 48 - 911812009 Page 5 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: Drivewa~ F & Rainier Ave S .> • ', t ! *' Lane Configurations , ttt ' VOiume (veh/h) 0 180 0 1310 1570 170 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade '"' 0% '"' Peak Hoor Factor 0.96 096 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Hourly flow rate (vph} 0 188 0 1365 1635 177 Pedestrians Lane Width {ft) Walkirig Speed (ft/s) .... ,, ...... R,ghl turn fiare (veh) Median type --Median storage veh) Upstream signal {ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conffictirig volume 2179 497 1812 vG1, stage 1 con! vol vC2, stage 2 cunt YOI vCu, unbJoi;ked vol 2179 497 1812 IC, single (1) .. 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) IF {a) ,. 3.3 22 pO queue lree % 100 64 100 oMca,,<ily(-) 40 521 335 Volume Total 188 465 465 465 487 467 467 Volume Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VOlumeRigh 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 cSH 521 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Cflpacily 0.36 0.27 0.27 0.27 027 0.27 0.27 Queue Leng1h 95th (ft) 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Control Delay {$) 15.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS C Appro&m Delay (s) 15.7 00 0.0 Approach LOS C • AVflrage Delay 0.9 lntersedlon CapaeitY U111ization 43.4% ICU Level of Service Analysis PeriOd {min) 15 M. 109\09205 Ren Ion WM Expansion\l\nalysis\T raffle Operations\Synchro_Sim T rafficlexisting.syn Synchro 7 -Reporl Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 411 0 177 1700 0.24 0 0.0 A Ex1s:1ng (2009) 9/1812009 Page 6 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: SW Grad~ Wa~ & Drivewa~ G ..; -• r -' "' Lane Configurations ' ... ' •• Vdume (vehlh) " 1520 ' 35 900 80 o Sign Control F•e Fe~ Glade "" "" Peak Hour Factor 0.96 096 0 96 0.96 0.96 0 96 0.96 Hourlyflow rate (vph) .. 1583 ' 35 938 83 0 Pedeslrlans --(ft) Wall<.ing Speed (Mi) --R,ght 1um Mre (vehl Median type ""'' Nooe Mediari storage veh) --(ft} pX, platoon unblocked vC, conHicling volume 1021 1589 2346 vC1, stage 1 con1 vol vC2, slBg8 2 conhOI vCu, unblocked vol 1021 1589 2346 IC, Single (s) 4.1 4.2 ,. tC. 2 stage (sJ tf(s) 2.2 2.2 ,. pO queue free% 90 91 100 "'-1-1 676 405 14 Volume Total " 833 833 322 38 625 "' Volume Left " 0 o 0 35 0 0 Volume Right o 0 0 5 0 0 83 eSH 676 1700 1700 1700 405 1700 1700 Volume to ~city 0.10 0.37 0.37 0.19 0.09 037 0.23 Queue Length 95th (fl) • 0 0 0 I 0 0 Control Oeler (SJ 10.9 OD OD o.o 14.8 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS B B -DeO,(sJ 0.4 0.5 Approach LOS Average Delay 15 lnlersedion capacity Utiliution 48.4% 1cu Leval or Se,vice Analys,s Peno<I (min) 15 M.\09109205 Ren Ion WM Expansi0n\Analys1s\T raffic OperatiOns\Synchro_ S1mT raff1c\ex1sl1ng.syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t ,,. "' o "' Stop 0% 0.96 0.96 o 94 3815 530 2815 530 65 ,., 4.0 3.3 100 81 15 496 94 5 0 5 94 0 496 34 0.19 0.15 11 12 13.9 127.4 B F 13.9 202 B C A \. ' 5 0.96 ' 1508 1609 7.5 3.5 B5 34 83 0 83 508 0.16 15 13.5 B b:ist1ng (2009) ~ ~ • 0 80 Smp 0% 0.96 0.96 0 83 m, 510 2776 510 .. ,., 4D 3.3 100 64 15 508 9/18/2009 Page 7 ............................................ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: SW 7th St & Driveway A ,, -• --'-' Lane CordiguraLions '"' '"' Volume {veMI) 5 12'5 35 10 480 0 10 Sign Control F;w Few Glad, '"' " Peak Hour Factor 0.93 0.93 0.93 0 93 0.93 0.93 0.93 ""'' flow "" (,ph) 5 13'2 38 11 516 0 11 Pedestrians LaneWldlh(fl) Walking Speed (ftls) Pertent Blockage Right turn nare [veh) """" ,,,. "'"' lWLTL Median storage veh) 2 Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocke<I vC. conftletir,a volume 516 1419 1712 vC1,stage1 confvol 1411 vC2, stage 2 conf vd 301 vCu, unblocked 'IOI 516 1419 1712 IC, sin'8 (s) 4.1 4.1 7.5 tC, 2 stage (s) 6.5 lf(BJ 22 22 3.5 pO queue free% 99 98 92 "'-1-1 1053 470 142 Volume Total ... 728 269 258 38 59 Volume Left 5 0 11 0 11 38 Volume Right 0 38 0 0 21 22 cSH 1053 1700 476 1700 257 378 """""'""""' OD1 0.43 0.02 0.15 0.15 0.16 Queue Length 951tl (ft) 0 0 2 0 13 14 Conlrol Delay (BJ 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 21.4 16.3 Lane LOS A A C C Approach Delay (s) 0.1 0A 21.4 16.3 Approach LOS C C Average Delay 1.0 Intersection C&pacity Ulililalion "·"' ICU Level of Service Analysis Period {min) 15 M:\09\00205 Renton WM Expansion\Ana:ysis\Traffic Opera11ons\Synchro_ S1m T rafflclbaseline.syn Synchro 7 -Reporl Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t • 0 Srop 0% °'' 0 1949 1411 538 1949 6.5 5.5 4.0 100 191 Fulure (2012) W1thoul-Projecl r ... 25 35 0.93 0.93 27 38 710 "" 530 72B 710 1266 ,., 7.5 6.5 ,, 3.5 93 87 381 "" A ! ./ • 0 20 Stop '"' 0.93 0.93 0 22 1968 258 538 1430 1968 258 .. 6.9 5.5 4.0 3.3 100 97 178 747 101812009 Page 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: SW 7th St & Driveway B -+ • --' r Lane Configurations tto ' tt V VOluma (vehlh) 1220 125 100 465 20 105 Sign Control Free , .. Slop .... 0% 0% " Peak Hour Factor 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 HotM1yflow rate (vphJ 1271 "' 104 414 21 109 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft.ls) -n1-R1gh1 turn flare (~eh) Median type lWlll lWLTL Median storage veh) 2 2 Upstream signal {ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conllicliflll volume 1401 1786 701 vC1, stage 1 cont 'IOI 1336 vC2, stage 2 confvol 451 vCu, unblocked vol 1401 1786 701 IC, Single (s) 4.1 ,., ,., tC, 2 stage (sl 5.8 If(&) 22 3.5 3.3 pO Queue free% 78 89 72 .. _(_) 4B4 195 386 Volume Tolal 847 554 104 242 242 1:<I Volume Left 0 0 104 0 0 21 VOiume Right 0 130 0 0 0 109 cSH 1700 1700 484 1700 1700 334 Volume to capacity 0.50 0.33 0.22 0.14 0.14 0.39 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 20 0 0 45 Control Deley ($) QD 0.0 14.S 0.0 OD 22.5 Lane LOS B C Approach Delay (eJ "° 2.6 225 Approach LOS C • Average Delay 2.1 lnlerseciion capacity U~lization 60.6% ICU Le\181 of SeM.ce Analysis Penod (min) 15 M:\09109205 Renton WM Expans1on\Analysis\Traffic Operations\Synchro SimTrafficlbasel1ne.syn Synchro 7 • Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion Future (2012) W1trout.Project B 101812009 Page2 ............................................ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: SW 7th St & Driveway C .> -~ " +-' ' lane Corif1guraLions ' t• ' t• Volume (velvh) 5 1305 20 36 "" • 5 Sign Control Free ""' """ "" 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 """' flow rate (,ph) 5 13'6 21 36 577 5 5 Pedestrians '"''"'''"(11) Walklng Speed !Ws) """'11- Right tum fiare (~eh) Median type lWLTL lWI.TL Median storage ~eh) 2 2 _.,,,.(fl) pX, platoon unblocked vC, oonflicting wlume 582 13116 1732 vC1, stage 1 com vol 1366 vC2, stage 2 oonf vol 368 vCu, unblocked vol 582 1366 1732 lC, Single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.5 !C, 2 stage (s) 6.5 tF(s) 2.2 2.2 ,, pO queue free % 99 93 97 ... _(_) 995 499 150 Volume TOia! 5 897 ... 36 385 198 15 Volume Left 5 0 0 36 0 0 5 Volumeffiihl 0 0 21 0 0 5 10 cSH 995 1700 1700 499 1700 1700 256 VOiume to C8pacity 0.01 0.53 0.28 0.07 023 0.12 006 Queue Length 95itl (ft) 0 0 0 6 0 0 5 0;,nlrd Delay (s) 8.6 0.0 0.0 12' 0.0 0.0 ,.. Lane LOS A B C --l•l 0.0 0.7 ,.. Approach LOS C Average Delay 0.6 Intersection Capacity Ulilzaticin 48.7% ICU Level of $ery1ce Analysis Period (min) 15 M:\09\09205 Ren Ion WM Expansion\Analys1s\T raffic Operations\Synchro_ S1m T rafficlbaselme syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t • D Srop 0% 0.97 0 2021 1366 655 2021 6.5 55 4.0 100 193 21 15 5 "' 0.06 5 1'8 C 16.8 C Future (2012) Without-Project I' '.. 1D 15 0.97 0.97 1D 15 683 1345 652 693 683 1345 8.9 7.5 6.5 3.3 3.5 97 94 398 111 A i ., • D 5 Slop "" 0.97 0.97 0 5 2028 291 652 1376 2028 291 .. 6.9 5.5 •• 3.3 100 99 164 711 1018/2009 Page 3 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: SW 7th St & Driveway D -~ " +-' I' lane Configurations +• t+ .,, Volume (vehlh) 137D 1D 0 610 5 100 Sign Control Free ''"' Stop Grado "" "" 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.98 0.98 0.98 D.98 0.98 0" Hourly lbw rate (vpll) 1398 1D 0 622 5 102 Pedestnans lal8WKllh (ft) Walking Speed (ILis) Percent Bloekage: Righi tum flare (veh) Median type lWLTL -Median storage veh) 2 U,,,.,m-{llj pX, platoon unblockerj ...C. 00f111icting volume 1408 1714 704 vC1, stage 1 wnf 'J!JI 1403 vC2, stage 2 oonf vol 311 vCu. unblocked vol 1408 1714 704 IC, single (s) 4.1 .. ,., tC, 2 stage IS) 5.8 IF(s) 22 3.5 ,, pO queue free % 100 97 73 ... _{_) <80 189 364 Volume Total 932 476 311 311 107 Volume Left 0 0 0 0 5 Volume Righi 0 1D 0 0 102 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 366 Volume to Capacity 0.55 028 0.18 0.18 028 Queue Lenglh 95th (fl) 0 0 0 0 30 Control Delay {s) 0.0 0.0 QO 0.0 18.9 Lane LOS C Appruach Delay (sJ 0.0 0.0 18.9 Approach LOS C A~erage Delay 0.9 lnterwction Capacity UUllzation 51.3% ICU Level of Sen.ice Analysis Penod (min) 15 M:109\09205 Renton WM Expans1on\Analys1s\T raffle Operat1ons\Synchro _ Sim T raff1c\baseline .syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion F_ulure (2012) Without-Project A 101812009 Page 4 ............................................ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: Drivewa~ E & Hardie Ave SW ..> -+ • ~ +-' "' Lane Configura~ons • • Voluma (118h/h) " 0 60 5 5 0 0 Sign Control Stop Slop .... "' "' Peak Hour Facror 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 ""'1yflow .... (,phi " 0 64 5 5 0 0 Pedestrians laneWd•(ftJ Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Righi tum flare (veh) -type Mediari storage ~eh) --(fl} pX, platoon unblocked \IC, conflicting volume 309 309 301 370 330 ' 324 vC1, stage 1 conl vol ...c2. stage 2 cont vol vCu. unblocked YOI 309 306 301 370 330 5 324 LC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 62 7.1 6.5 62 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) WM 3.5 4.0 3> 3.5 4.0 J.3 22 pO queue free% 94 100 91 99 99 100 100 d,1-(-1 643 '" 744 640 693 1064 1247 Volume Tolal 101 11 5 324 Volume Left 37 5 a 0 VotumeRiQhl 64 0 0 .. cSH /03 565 1247 1622 VOiume to Capacity 0.14 0.111 0.00 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 13 I 0 0 Contrcrl Delay {SJ 11' 11.5 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS B 8 Approach Delay (s) 11.0 11.S 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS B 8 Average Delay 2.8 lntaf&edion Cspacity Ulilizalion 29.5% ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 M·\09\0S205 Renton WM Expans1on\Analysisl Traffic Operat1ons\Synchro_SimT rafficlbaseline.syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t • 5 F« "' 0.94 5 - Fulure (2012) W1thoul.Projecl ~ ... 0 0 0.94 0.94 0 0 5 5 4.1 2.2 100 1622 A ! ~ • "" " Free "' 094 0 94 m .. - 10/8/2009 Page 5 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: Drivewal F & Rainier Ave S ..> • "' t ! ~ Lane Conf19urations ' ttt fllt, Volume (vel\lh} 0 160 0 1380 1'65 170 Sign Control Stop Frae Free ..... "' "' "' Peak Hour Factor 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Hourly flow rate (vpl'I) 0 188 0 1448 1734 m Pedestrians Lane Width (fl) Walking Speed (ft/s) --Right tum ~are (~eh) Median type --Median storage veh) u,....._lfll pX, pla1oon unblocked vC, confllaing VOiume 2306 522 1011 \'C1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 cont ~I \'Cu, unblocked vol 2306 522 1911 IC,single(s) ., ,., 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) IF (s) " ., 22 pO queue free% 100 63 100 cM-(-1 33 502 300 Volum8 Tolal 188 483 4S3 4S3 498 ... "' Volume Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Volum!I Righi 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 cSH 502 1700 1100 1700 1700 1700 1700 VotJme to Capacily 0.37 0.28 0.28 0.28 029 029 029 Queue Length 95th (ft) " 0 0 0 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 16.4 OD o.o 0.0 0.0 OD OD Lane LOS C Approaeh Delay {s) 16.4 OD 0.0 Approach LOS C • Average Delay 0.9 Intersection Capacity UUDzalion 44.8% ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 M·\09109205 Renton WM Expans1on\Analysis\Traffic Operat1ons\Synchro_ S1m T raffic\basel1ne.syn Synchro 7 -Report Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 425 0 m 1700 025 0 0.0 F Jlure (2012) W1thout-Pro1ec: A 101812009 Page 6 ............................................ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: SW Gradi Wa::i: & Drivewa;:i: G ~ -+ 9 • +-' " Lane Configurations , ff!, , +to Volume (veh/h) " 1615 5 35 905 80 0 Sign Control Fra, '"' .... .. 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.96 096 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 tbJr1y !low rate {vph) 68 1682 5 ,. 995 83 0 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Spee<l (ftls) --Right turn fiare (veh) Median type -.... Median s1orage veh) .,,_.,,..,.,1m pX, platoon unblocked \IC, eonlliclng VOILme 1078 1688 2474 vC1, stage 1 cont vol 'IC.!, $!age 2 oonf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1078 1688 2474 tC, siogle (s) 4.1 ., 7.5 tC, 2 stage (s) IF(s) ,, 2.2 3.5 po queue free% 89 90 100 cM-1-1 643 370 11 Vclume Total 68 673 673 342 36 663 415 Volume Left 69 0 0 0 " 0 0 Volume Righi 0 0 0 5 0 0 63 oSH 643 1700 1700 1700 370 1700 1700 Veiume lo Cepacity 0.11 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.39 0.24 Queue Length 951ll (fll 9 0 0 0 8 0 0 ""°""°"''I~ 11.3 '" 0.0 0.0 15.8 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS B C -0,0y(,) o., "' Approach LOS Aver.ige Dela~ 1.6 lnler'$8Clion Cipacity Ulillzalion 50.5% ICU Le\181 of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 M:109\09205 Renlon WM fapansion'Analys1s\Traffic Operal1ons\Synchro_S1rnTraffic\baseline.syn Synchro 7. Repor1 Renton Wal-Mart Expansion t "' 0 Sop .. 0.96 0 2971 2971 6.5 4.0 100 11 99 0 99 472 0.21 20 14.6 B 14.6 B Future (2012) Without-Pro1ect ,. ~ , 95 5 0.96 0.96 "' 5 563 1905 563 1905 6.9 7.5 3.3 3.5 79 81 472 28 5 83 5 0 0 83 28 4S7 0.19 0.17 14 15 160.3 13.9 F B ,,, C A ' ~ ,. 0 80 Stop '"' 0.96 0.96 0 83 2932 539 2932 .,, 6.5 6.9 ,.o 3.3 100 83 12 487 101812009 '"' 7 ............................................ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 1 : SW 7th St & Driveway A .> -" ~ +-' " t Lane Configurations 4" 4" "' Volume (vehlh) • 1291 37 10 481 0 10 0 Sign Control '"' Free Slop Grade "' 0% "' Peak. Hour Factor 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 Hourtyllow rate {vph) • 1388 40 11 517 0 11 0 Pedestrians Lane Width (fll Walking Speed (his) Percenl Bk:dtage Right tum ~are (veh) Median twie ""'' TWLTL Median storage veh) 2 .,,._...,.,If!) pX, pla1oon unblocked ~. oonftieling vo~me 511 1426 1120 1958 l'C1. stage 1 con/ vol 1419 1419 vC2. stage 2 cool vol 302 539 l'Cu, unblocked vol 517 1428 1720 1958 IC, single (8) 4.1 4.1 7.5 6.5 IC, 2 slage (s) 65 5.5 tF {a) ,., 22 ,.. 4.0 pOqueue free% 99 98 92 100 "'-1"""1 "" 472 140 189 Volume Totat 699 734 269 "' 39 59 Volume Left 5 0 11 0 11 38 Volume Right 0 40 0 0 26 22 cSH 1052 1700 472 1700 257 376 VOltlmB to C&paeity OD1 0.'3 0.92 0.15 0.15 0.16 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 2 0 13 14 Conlrol Delay {s) 0.1 0.0 0.8 OD 21.5 16.4 lane LOS A A C C --1•1 0.1 0.4 21.5 16.4 Approach LOS C C Average Delay 1.0 Intersection Capacity \Alization 53.6% ICU Level of Service Analysis PeriOd (min) 15 M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expansion\Analysis\ Traffic Operat1ons\Synchro_Sim T raffic\wi1h-project.syn Syn~hro 7 -Report ,. 26 0.93 26 114 714 ,., 3.3 93 378 A Future (2011) Witt\-PfOJeCt ... 35 0.93 38 1272 539 "' 1272 7.5 65 3.5 87 292 ! ., "' 0 20 Stop 0% 0.93 0.93 0 22 1917 259 539 1439 1977 259 .. ,., 5.5 ,.o ,., 100 97 m 748 101812009 Page 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 2: SW 7th St & Drivewa~ B -" ~ +-" ,. Lane Conliguralions +to ' ++ ¥ Vdume {vetvh) 1220 132 100 464 22 112 Sign Conlrol Fra, Free Stop Grade "' 0% "' Peak Hour Factor 0.96 096 0.96 0.96 0.96 096 Hourly flow rale (vph) 1271 138 110 433 23 117 Pedestrians Lan,WO,,~) Walking Speed (ft/s) Pertenl 131ockage Right turn flare {\lflh) """" type TWLTL TWLTL Median storage veh) 2 Upstream signal (flJ pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1408 1i02 l04 vC1, stage 1 coot \IOI 1340 vC2, stage 2 conf vol 462 vCu, unblocked ~ol 1408 1802 704 IC, Single (s) ,.1 a8 ,., tC, 2 stage (s) 58 !F(sJ 22 as 3.3 pO queue free% 77 " 70 cM capaaty(vetvhJ ... 193 364 VOlllne Total 647 561 110 "' "' 140 Volume Left 0 0 110 0 0 23 Volume Righi 0 138 0 0 0 117 cSH 1700 1700 480 1700 1700 330 VOiume to capacity 0.50 0.39 .,, 0.14 0.14 ,.., Queue Leng1h 95th (ft) 0 0 22 0 0 51 Control Delay ($) OD 0.0 14.7 0.0 0.0 ,,. Lane LOS B C _Ile.,(•) 00 2.7 ,,. Approach LOS C A~erage Delay 2.3 lnlerwclion Capaci1y Utllzalion 61.8% ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 M.\09109205 Renton WM Expans1on\Analys1s\Traffic Operal1ons\Synchro_Simlrafficlw1th-project syn Synchro 7 -Report B Future 12011) W1lh-ProJecl 10/8/2009 Page 2 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 3: SW 7th St & Driveway C .> -~ • -'-' t Lane Conf1guraLions , •• , +• + Volume (Yd'llh) 5 1311 21 37· 565 5 5 0 Sign Control ''" Free '"' -"" 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 097 0.97 Hoully flow rate (vph) 5 1352 22 38 582 5 5 0 Pedestrians L.aneWkml(ft) Walking Speed (ft.ls) """"''-Right lum Rare (veh) """"'"" TWlll TM.Tl Median storage veh) 2 2 Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unbloct.ed vC, connlci:ing VOiume 565 1373 1145 ""' vC1, stage 1 con! vol 1373 1373 vC2, stage 2 c:onf w1 373 664 vCu. unblo~k.ed vol 588 1373 1745 2))3) IC, single(s) 4.1 4.1 75 .. tC, 2 siage (SI 6.5 5.5 lf(s) ,, ,, ,. 4.0 pO queue tree% 99 92 97 100 cM capacity (vehlh) 990 496 149 191 VOIL1me Total 5 Ol1 472 38 "' 199 16 21 Volume Left 5 0 0 38 0 0 5 15 Yolume Right 0 0 22 0 0 ' 11 5 oSH 990 1700 1700 496 1700 1700 260 322 Volume lo CapadJ¥ 0.01 OSl 0.28 0.06 0.23 0.12 0.06 0.06 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 6 0 0 5 5 Conlrol Delay (s) 8.1 .. 0.0 12.9 0.0 o.o 19.8 17.0 Lane LOS A 8 C C Approach Delay (s) o.o 0.8 19.8 17.0 Approach LOS C C Average Delay 0.6 Intersection Cirptcity Utilization ... 9% ICU Level of Service Analy5jS Period (m,n) 15 M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expans1on\Analysis\ Traffic Operat,ons\Synchro_S1m T raffic\with-projecl.syn Synchro 7. Report ~ 11 0.97 11 687 687 6.9 3.3 97 394 A Fulure (2011) W1th-Pro1ect \,. 15 0.97 15 135' 661 5'7 1359 7.5 6.5 3.5 94 272 J ~ • 0 5 Stop "" 0.97 097 0 5 2045 204 661 13'4 2045 294 .. .. 5.5 40 3J 100 99 161 709 10/812009 Page 3 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 4: SW 7th St & Driveway D -~ • -' ~ Lane Configurations +• ff V Volume (veh/h) 13n 10 0 617 5 106 Sign C:Ontrol Fee Free Stop """' 0% "" .. Peak Hoor Factor 0.9B 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0" 1-b.my flow rate (vph) 1405 10 0 030 5 108 Pedestrians Lane Wld1h {ft) Walking Speed (flls) Percent Blockag8: Right turn ~are (veh) ""'""'"" TM.Tl -Med,an storage veh) 2 Upstream sip! {fl) pX. pla1oon unbloct.ed ..c, conflicting volume 1415 1725 708 vC1. stage 1 com vol 1410 vC2, Slage 2 conf ~I 315 vCu, unblocked vol 1415 1725 70, IC, single (s) 4.1 •• ••• tC. 2 stage (s) 58 IF (s) 22 3.5 3.3 pO queue free % 100 97 72 cM aipacity (vel'llh) m 187 382 VOiume Total 937 419 315 315 113 Volume Left 0 0 0 0 5 """"""" 0 10 0 0 108 cSH 1700 1700 1700 HOO 365 Volume to CspaciJ¥ 0.58 0.28 Q19 "" 0.31 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 0 32 Control Delay {SJ 0.0 0.0 0.0 QO 191 Lane LOS C Approacn Delay (s) 0.0 o.o 19.2 Approach LOS C • Average Delay 1.0 lnteraection CBpa(ily utilization 51.9% lCU Level rJ. SeNice Analysis Period (min) 15 M·\09109205 Renton WM Expansron\Analysis\T raffic Operat1ons\Synchro_ S1mT rafllc\w,th-pro1ect.syn Synchro 7 -Report A Future (2~11) With-Project 10/812009 Page 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 5: Drivewa;i: E & Hardie Ave SW .> -+ .. ~ +-'-"' t Lane Configura~ons ... ... ... Volun-. (vehlh) " 0 63 ' ' 0 0 ' Sign Control ''"" Stop Free .... 0% "' '"' Peak Hour Factor 0.94 0.94 0.94 094 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 Hourly flow rate (vph) 38 0 67 5 5 0 0 5 Pedestnans Lane Width (fl) Walking Spee<j (ft/s) Peroent Blockage Right turn ~are (veh) Mediirl type "'"" Median storage veh) Upstream alg\81 (fl) pX, platoon unblocked \IC, cooflicling vok.rne 309 .. 301 373 331 5 326 vC1,slage1 con/vol 1(:2. stage 2 cort vol vCu, unblocked vol 309 306 301 373 331 5 326 tC, single (s) 7.1 ,. 62 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 IC, 2 stage (s) IF(8J 3.5 ,.o 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 ,, pO queue free% 94 100 91 " 99 too too ... _(_) 643 611 743 534 "' 1064 1246 VolumaTotal 105 11 5 326 Volume Left 38 5 0 0 VOiume Right " 0 0 " cSH 703 562 1246 1622 Volume lo Cipacity 0.15 0.02 0.00 0.00 Queue length 95th (ft) 13 1 0 0 Conlrol Dalay (e) 11.0 11' 0.0 o.o Lane LOS B 8 --l•J 11.0 11.S 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS B B Average Delay 2.9 lntetsectiCrl Clpacity Utilization """ ICU L.evet of Serva Analysis Period (min) 15 M:\09\09205 Renton WM Expans1on1Anal)'S1s\ Traffic Operat1ons\Synchro_SimT rafficlwith-projecl.syn Synchro 7 -Report ,,. 0 0.94 0 A Future (2011) W1th-ProJect \. 0 0.94 0 5 5 4.1 ,, 100 1622 i .' ... 260 .. '" '"' 0.94 0.94 271 49 Nono 10/8/2009 Page 5 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 6: Drivewal F & Rainier Ave S .> .. "' t i .' Lane Conl1gurations ' ttt rm, Voklme (VEMI) 0 192 0 130) 1663 178 S1gn Control Stop Free ''" """ '"' 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.96 0 96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Hourly flow rate (1/Phl 0 200 0 144B 1732 185 Pedes1rians ""'w""~J Walking Speed (ft/sJ .....,,_ Right tum flare jveh) ""'"""" """' Nono Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conlliclilQ ~lume 23INl 526 1918 vC 1, stage 1 conf vol yC2, stage 2 cont vol vCu, unblocked vol 2308 526 1918 IC, SIIQle (8) 6.8 6.9 ,.1 tC, 2 slage (s) tF {s) 3.5 3.3 22 pO queue tree% 100 60 100 cM capwty (vellll'IJ 33 499 305 Volume Total 200 483 483 483 485 495 495 433 Volume Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VollmaRigd 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 185 cSH 499 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 VOiume to capacity 0.40 028 0.28 0.26 029 0.29 0.29 0.25 Queue Length 95th (ft) 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Control Delay($) ,., 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OD 0.0 o.o Lane LOS C _Do.,(•) ,., 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS C • Average Delay 1.0 lnlersection Capacity UU!ization 45.tl'ft ICU level of Service Analys,s Period (min] 15 M·\09\09205 Renton WM Ex,oans1on\J\l'lalysis\T raffic Operations\Synchro_ S1m T raffic\w,th-pro1ect.syn Synchro 7 · Report A Future (2011) W th.Project 10/812009 Page 6 ............................................ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Renton Wal-Mart Expansion 7: SW Grad~ Wal & Dri\lewa~ G ,> -• f .... ' .... t Lane Conf1gurabons ' ttlo ' tt, • voune {vetv'hl 70 1813 5 35 954 .. 0 0 S'9n Control "" '"' '""' """ 11% 0% 11% Pea~ Hour Factor 0.96 096 096 096 0.96 0.96 0 96 0.96 Houri~ now rate (vph) 73 1680 5 35 ... " 0 0 Pedestrians lane Wldtt1 (fl) Walking Speed (flls) --Right tum flare (veh) _.,,. --Median slorage Vllh) """""'"""'m pX, platoon unblocked 'IC, c:onflioting volume 1081 1685 ,... ,.., vC1, stage 1 con! vol vC2, stage 2 coof vol vCu, unblocked 'IOI 1081 1685 2486 2983 IC,Si'lgle(S) 4.1 42 15 .. IC, 2 stage (s) tf(s} 2.2 2.2 ,. 4.0 p0 queue free% 89 90 100 100 cM ca~ (vehlh) 641 371 11 11 Volume Total 73 672 672 341 " '" 419 99 Volume Left 73 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 5 0 0 88 99 cSH 641 1700 1700 1100 311 1700 1100 472 Volum& to C8pacily 0.11 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.39 0.25 021 Queue Length 95th (ft) 10 0 0 0 a 0 0 1<l Ccrlrd Delay ($) 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.8 0.0 OD 14.6 Lane LOS B C B --l•l 0.5 0.5 14.6 Approach LOS a -Average Delay 16 lntersectioo Capacity utililation 50.5% ICU L.eY8I of Service Analysis Period (rnrn) 15 M:\09109205 Renton WM Expansion\Analys1s\T raffic Operations\Synchro_ S,rn T raffic\w1th-pro1ect.syn Synchro 7 -Report ,; 95 096 " 563 563 ,., l3 79 4n 5 5 0 27 0.19 15 165.1 F 225 C A Future (2011) W1tll-Project ... ' 5 0 96 5 1915 1915 7.5 ,. 81 27 .. 0 .. 466 0.18 16 14.0 B l ., t, 0 " sop 11% 0.96 0.96 0 88 2942 541 2942 541 6.5 ,., 4.0 3.3 100 B2 12 ... 1018/2009 Page 7 I 08 WELLS AVE. SO. Phone: (425) 277-0302 RENTON, WA 98057 Fax: (425) 271-76~7 www.garysprocessscrvice.co1n E-mail: gpscrvice(a)qwcst.net \11.:',..!Lll RI 1\ NAPPS WSPSA OAPS Prr•mp,, Projessio11al ,111d Peni.went Date i;:2-<l-\ O GPS #; Client _[:..JL . ··-·-Contact Person~ -----------. --ri~onc #'ks-'l3C:.>--1:,t/'i'I Address \00 s._ .:ltd s~. I P. 0. 801(...-J:;, z..h_~~n.__ Client File No. ----------- In the S • {)~o~ Court, for -~'-"_j _____ County, State of U2..._'\, No.IQ-Z..._3-IJ ~-'1~ DOCUMENTst""' SUBSTITUTE CORPORATION Petitioner/Plaintiff Respondent/Defendant Garnishee Defendant ~ciasCL"'\"~o<'I. t:ft ~e.. LJ.'.h..\:b (\ ~s.e.-'"-. \c./c.er*i-C' .. e.d STATUE REPORT SERVE BY SERVE POST MAIL RETURN DATE FILE 1--..;SP'-'E"'C"°IAL=cM,:,E"'SS,sE~NGesE,:.R _-I RESIDENCE OFFICE OFFICER AGENT OF COPY OE-LIVER RETURN PICKUP LIMITATIONS ECEIVE:. ONLY FAMILY JUDGE'S CONFORM Today_ Service On Rush_ ASAP_ Routine_ ~i:J l. t"Z-gi<2~1.~~~.:c.e... 2. I-bi -. l..?c:.. rV . --- Y.. n ~. u..)~ ~@~-' Last Day_ LAW MAILROOM ---------- 3. ________ ---4. ---------·----· --- -·----·-·------·----- Actual Service Information I. 2. GPS OFFICE ONLY Date Date ____ _ 3. -~---·-----------------Date 4. Date------~ Age-~ Sex M F Race ___ _ Height ___ Weight Hair Attempts Date Time Comments I. I --- 2. I ----·· 3. I Time Time Time Time Glasses Y N COPY ------------------------------- 4. I --- SERVICE M,u:s SERVICE 2 MILES :2 RETURN/NllTAR\' c ... .,,.,,.,. A Mn 1--<<.: .1. Srt-:c. C'll<is. PREPAY TOTAI.S GAQM'.Q. Proc~ss • ~ l l.9 Service 108 WELLS ;\VE. SO. Phone: (4~5) 2T/-0302 RENTON, WA 98057 Fax: (425) 271-7657 \ll·\.IBl-:K Oi NAPP!,, www.garysproccssscrv1ce.com \VSPS,\ E-mail: gpservice@qwcst.net OAPS Pmmpt. Professional And Persistent ,-, _-, G PS # Client (! / /<. Contact Person doffDatc-'= 4 .-::~o~c ~:~-~~/ Address /Ot:)_!£.___z!1~$'1-.~0. Co X 6zl., tic<!nf-OO Client File No.~--·----- ln the .S, pec,',ar Court, for Ki.~ .. ~County, State of .WtL Nol~.:Z~ 1-'i'-7 - DOCUMENTS KN' De<::.. \0t..~CL ~,: oC\ ~ Bo l\f\ \~ l.L.h 0k,(\ rJe~ \..bo, .S Petitioner/Plaintiff Vs '6.Jand , ~~ Q.ham bers il'1Y1e ll fum.~ \y LLC ~~r Respondent/Defendant Garnishee Defendant f'\&.ll, C,~ .. ~ %n-tor"\ PERSONALLY SUBSTITUTE CORPORATION STATUE REPORT SERVE BY SERVE POST MAil RETllRN DATE ~ SPECIAL MESSENGER HIM I HER RESIDENCE! OFFICE Toda y __ Service On Rush OFFICER I AGENT OF UMtTATIONS ASAP Routine S ecial 3 .. ________________ _ Comments/Additional Inforn1ation fba.s e -Cl \.c=.. W . l.R-2:Ll+ov\ ~c:Ja.rt'.l-+io~ t;·:,/ ~,, r'\'s, I COPY DEUVER RETURN ._l=CEIVE ONlY PICKUP . FAMILY JUDGE'S CONFORM Last Da ll\W MAil.ROOM 4. _________ ~ -----·---------- -the.." -~U..ti\. <!_.op'/-· 0 "' .. re: c 'd s-4: a~. ~a "' k :;I'o COPY GPS OFFICE ONLY Actual Service Information 1. 2. 3. 4. Age___ Sex M F Race __ _ Attempts Date 1. I --- 2. I ' ---- 3. I --- 4. ---- St:RVIC!: l ~1;1Hif('f; 1 Time ---- -~-- ---- MILES M111--:1, Comments SERVI('[( 2 Si'RVICE: 4 Height MILES 2 MlLES 4 Date Time -·----- Date Time Date Time Date Time Weight __ Hair Glasses y N ----~---·--·~----~ RETURN/NnrARY Srf:c. Ci l(jS. PRFP!\Y ToTA1,s ' ---D-e~n:is:L~aw _____ ......... r Citv of • Mayor l • _! ~JJru· r 1 City Clerk -Bonnie I. Walton INVOICE/REQUEST FOR PAYMENT Date November 15, 2010 Customer Reference File No. LUA-10-009, Walmart Expansion Attached are the materials that you have requested. The costs, including any applicable tax, are as follows: -~--"· Description -· ·- Copy Fees • 994 pages at $.15 • 16 pages large drawings/plans • Certification Fee Postage -· TOTAL DUE Make checks payable to: City of Renton Attention: City Clerk Division, 7'h Floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT THANK YOU -- Charge 149.10 17.00 5.00 0.00 $171.10 - The Honorable Judge Brian D. Gain Hearing date: February 14, 2011 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING RENTON NEIGHBORS FOR HEALTHY GROWTH. Pctitionert PACLAND; JEFF CHAMBERS, P.E. BONNELL FAMILY LLC; PETER BONNELL; CITY OF RENTON. Respondents. NO. 10-2-31728-7 KNT DECLARATION OF MS. BONNIE WALTON I, Bonnie T. Walton, City Clerk for the City of Renton, declare: 1. I am employed by the City of Renton as the City Clerk. 2. Attached to this Dcchralfon is a ttue and correct copy of File No. LUA-W-009 ~:\, 1··f:F, known as lhc \Valmnrt Expansion Land Use Application file that pertains to the .thcl\'c- captioned case. Th.is copy was compiled and is hereby certified by the Renton City Clerk as to its authenticity. ' . I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the Srnte of Washington that the forcgning is u-ue and correct to the best of !l1)' knowledge. EXECUTED at Remnn, Washington, this 3'd day of Dccetnber, 2010. . . ··-... _-_r :- . ·-·~ · .. ,-; '. _,,, ~-.' 2 ~..J.u)~ Bonnie I. Walton Cit)' Clct·k City of Renton City Clerk -Bonnie I. Walton Public Records Certification November 15, 2010 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Renton, hereby certify that the attached 1,010 pages, as detailed on the Invoice/Request for Payment dated November 15, 2010, in the amount of $171.10, are authentic and true copies of Land Use Application File No. LUA-10-009 SA, ECF, Walmart Expansion, on file in the City Clerk Office of the City of Renton, 1055, S. Grady Way, Renton, Washington 980S7. Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk , .. , ... -,. \ ~· ~ ~· / '· ' .. ' . ·v. • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart Store #2516-05 7 43 Rainier A venue South Renton, Washington Technical Information Report Retail Expansion Revised February 25, 2010 December 30, 2009 1505 WESTLAKE AVE. N SUITE 305 SEATTLE, WA 98109 T 206.522.9510 F 206.522.8344 WWW.PACLAND.COM Prepared By: April K. Pust Jeff Chambers, P.E. City of Renton Pi;1nninq D1vsion FEB 2 :i ·'U111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Table of Contents Section Page Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 2 Project Overview .......................................................................................... , ........................ 3 1. TIR Worksheet ............................................................................................................ 3 2. Site Location ............................................................................................................... 5 3. Drainage Basins, Site Characteristics, and Sub-basins ................................................... 6 4. Soils ............................................................................................................................ 8 Preliminary Conditions Summary ........................................................................................... 9 Offsite Analysis .................................................................................................................... 12 1. Upstream Analysis ..................................................................................................... 12 2. Downstream Analysis ................................................................................................ 12 3. Evidence of Existing or Predicted Problems ................................................................ 14 Retention/Detention Analysis and Design ............................................................................ 15 1. Existing Site Hydrology .............................................................................................. 15 2. Developed Site Hydrology ........................................................................................ 16 3. Hydrologic Analysis .................................................................................................. 16 4. Retention/Detention System ...................................................................................... 16 5. Water Quality ........................................................................................................... 17 6. New PGIS Areas ........................................................................................................ 17 Conveyance System Analysis and Design ............................................................................. 19 Special Reports and Studies ................................................................................................. 20 Basin and Community Planning Areas .................................................................................. 21 Other Permits ...................................................................................................................... 22 Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant.. ................................... 23 Erosion/Sedimentation Control Design ................................................................................. 24 1. Erosion Risk Assessment ............................................................................................ 24 2. Construction Sequence and Procedure ....................................................................... 24 3. Trapping Sediment .................................................................................................... 24 4. Wet Weather TESC .................................................................................................... 25 Maintenance and Operations Manual .................................................................................. 26 Appendices: A -Maintenance and Operations Manual B -Exhibits/ Grading and Drainage Plan C -lsopluvial Maps D -Design Calculations PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Executive Summary Site location: The property is located at 743 Rainier Avenue 5. in Renton, Washington. The site is bordered by SW Grady Way to the south, Rainier Avenue and Hardie Avenue SW to the east, SW Seventh Street to the north and a commercial uses to the west. The site is currently developed as a 134,352 square foot Walmart discount store. This project proposes to expand the existing store by approximately 16,000 square feet and increase the lease area by 3.7 acres to a total of 13.65 acres. Design Criteria: The City of Renton uses the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual (KCSWDM), 1990 Edition, as adopted by the City of Renton. This project will evaluate the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year storm events for the pre-developed and post-developed conditions. The existing site is developed and entirely impervious with the exception of landscape islands and a gravel area. The overall impervious area is decreasing on-site, therefore detention requirements are not anticipated for this project. However, additional water quality treatment will be provided for the new pollution generating impervious surfaces (PGIS). Table 1 Jurisdictional Requirements Peak Run-off Control: 2-vear: Match predeveloped 10-year: Match predeveloped 1 DO-year: Match predeveloped Water Quality: 2-year 24-hour duration Proposed Drainage System: The project proposes to utilize the existing stormwater system for conveyance and provide improvements, as necessary, for additional conveyance and water quality treatment. New PGIS areas will be treated in the proposed bioswale located north of the expansion area. Additional roof runoff will be tied into the existing 12" pipe which bypasses the existing bioswale and ties into the City conveyance system. Additional water quality enhancements have been added downstream of the proposed bioswale. Conclusion: The proposed stormwater management system for this project has been designed in accordance with regulatory criteria described above and is consistent with sound engineering practice. The sight has been analyzed to determine the requirements for detention and water quality treatment, and no significant adverse impacts to the stormwater management system are expected as a result of the proposed development. PACLAND Project #1000107 4 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Project Overview Page 1 of 2 King County Building and Land Development Division TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET PART 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER :::i:~:~!v~<!'- Phono 'il-'5 · "<51-IY N ProjedEngineer :1:rff. c.hc.t1becs, PF Company eAC,LAUQ PART 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name w,,J mad t:,,.,.,,6ion Localion Township -·-~1.._J,_ __ Range OS: Section i, ProjectSize )?!,LS AC __ _ Address Phone l°'"• 52.'2.-qS"ll> Up,;traem Drainage Basin Size ----AC __ PART 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION D SUbdivfsioo 0 Short Subdlw;lon D Grading D Comf!lErda! BOiiier !>ib: Plan (,r,d,..,,. PART 4 OTHER PERMITS D DOFIGHPA 0 COE404 D DOE Dam Salety D FEMA Floodplain 0 COE Wetlands PART 5 SITE cornMUNITV AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community ( l ( d ? I . Pmtrl"'cc r"' ocd 11c e .... pry..,'"+ Dralnago Basin I .k (l, 0C £ lttr Orolo~,e. <!»~lo PART 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS D Shoreline Management D Rocl«,y D S1rudural Vaul1s D Other 0 HPA D River ____________ _ D Stream ___________ _ D Crifical Stream Roach D Floodplain -------------- D Wetlands ------------- 0 Seeps/Springs ~ Depn,ssions/SWales D Lak•------------- D High Groundwater Table D Groundwater Recharge D Other 0 Sleep Slopes D Lakeside/Erosion Hazard PART7 SOILS SoilTypa Ucl,oa li.nA CY.-) Slopss A,.,. '1. D AddilionaJ Sheets Attatched PACLAND Erosion PotentlaJ Lo .... Project #10001074 Erosive Velocities I -o*•> Jf,l() Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Page 2 of 2 King County Building end Land Development Division TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET PART 8 DEVELOPMENT Lll~ITATtONS REFERENCE LIMITATIONISITECONSTRAINT ® D D D D D D Ch.4· DqwnstreamAnalysis Adcfrtlonal Sheets Attalched PART 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS • MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ~ Sedimentation Facilities 18. Stabilized ConstructlOn Entrance ~ Perimeter Runoff Control J:St Clearing and Grading Restrictions ~ Cover Practices !)!!it Construction Sequence D Other MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION C8l Stablli?e Exposed Surtaoe 18 Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities ® Clean and Remove All Slit and Debris ~ Ensuro Operation of Permanent Facilities 0 Flag Umlte of NGPES D Other PART 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM ' £:!51 Grass lk,ed Channel 18 Pipe System D Open Channel ~ DryPond D We1Pond D Tank D Veult D Energy Dissapator D Wetland D Stream Brief Description of Syslem Operation Facility Related Sile Limitations Reference Facility PART 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS (May require special struclural revii:-w) Limitation D Caslin Plaoe Vault D Other 0 Retaining Wall 0 Rockery>4'High D StruoluralbnSteepSlope D Infiltration 0 Deprossion D Flow Dispersal D Waiver D Regional Detenllon Method of Analysis s&AH Compensation/Mitigation of Eliminated Site Storage D Additional Sheets Attatched PART 12 EASEMEWTS/TRl'<CTS D Drainage Easement D Access Easement D Nauvs Growth Protection Easement 0 Tract D Other I or a cMI angtneer under my eupervlslon have Vl'.sfted the stte. ActuaJ •~• condltioh!I as observed were Incorporated Into this work.sh&st and the attetdtments. To the best of my khow1ecfge the information provided here I• accurate. PACLAND Projecl #10001074 1190 Page4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Site Location t,.· @) ·I .. ~-.... - .· ···----- Renton Shopping Cen1er ~ -I : ! I } .. ,,.,~a'!. s Gta,,i,,_ :' ~ "' f . ~- -~ "' [_i,;n i : ' S<th s, ·--~ R-Villa~e Shopplng'Center Location: 743 RainierAvenue S. Renton, WA 98057 Section/Township/Range: NW Quarter of Section 19, Township 23, Range 05 Parcel/Tax Lot(s): 1923059048, 1923059072 Size: 13.65 acres City, County, State: Renton, King County, Washington Governing Agency: City of Renton Design Criteria: 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) as adopted by the City of Renton PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics Drainage Basin The project site is located in the Black River Drainage Basin which is part of the Green/Duwamish River Watershed. Existing Sub-Basins The project site has three existing sub-basins. See Exhibit 1 in Appendix B for a depiction of the existing sub-basins. Sub-basin A The majority of the existing roof runoff is collected in roof drain leaders and detained in a 48" CMP pipe behind the store. Once this runoff is released from the control structure, it bypasses the existing bioswale and enters the City conveyance system in SW Seventh Street. This sub-basin is approximately 134,215 sf (3.08 ac). Sub-basin B On-site surface runoff from north and east of the existing store, as well as a small portion of the existing roof runoff, are collected and conveyed via a system of curb, gutter, catch basins and underground conveyance pipes. Runoff is conveyed to the existing biofiltration swale for water quality treatment and subsequently into the City of Renton storm system. This sub-basin is approximately 389,441 sf (8.94 ac). Sub-basin C On-site surface runoff from northeast of the existing store and near the Billy McHale's restaurant is collected and conveyed via a system of curb, gutter, catch basins and underground conveyance pipes. This system is conveyed to an existing vault in the City drainage system upstream of where sub-basin B ties in. This sub-basin is approximately 70,897sf (1.64 ac). Proposed Sub-Basins The project site has three existing sub-basins. See Exhibit 2 in Appendix B for a depiction of the proposed sub-basins. Sub-basin 1 The existing roof runoff will continue to be collected in roof drain leaders and detained in a 48" CMP pipe behind the store. Additonal roof runoff from the proposed expansion, as well as the portion of existing roof which currently discharges to the bioswale, will tie into the conveyance pipe behind the store. This clean runoff will bypass the existing bioswale. The proposed sub-basin would be approximately 152,792 sf (3.51 ac). Sub-basin la On-site surface runoff from north and east of the existing store will continue to be collected and conveyed via a system of curb, gutter, catch basins and underground PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington conveyance pipes. A portion of the existing roof and the PGIS which will be converted to roof will now become part of sub-basin 1. Runoff is conveyed to the existing biofiltration swale for water quality treatment and subsequently into the City of Renton storm system. The proposed sub-basin would be approximately 357,450 sf (8.21 ac). Sub-basin 2b Sub-basin 2b is the area that would be collected and treated in the proposed bioswale. Post-treatment runoff will be conveyed to the existing bioswale and subsequently into the City of Renton storm system. This sub-basin is approximately 39,839 sf (0.91 ac). Sub-basin 3 On-site surface runoff from northeast of the existing store and near the Billy McHale's restaurant is collected and conveyed via a system of curb, gutter, catch basins and underground conveyance pipes. This system is conveyed to an existing vault in the City drainage system upstream of where sub-basins 2a and 2b tie in. The tributary area to this sub-basin would decrease slightly, since a portion of this area will now receive treatment in the proposed bioswale. Enhanced water quality treatment features will also be provided, including stormfilters and spill control. The new sub-basin area would be approximately 44,472 sf (1.02 ac). Table 2, below, shows the area breakdown for the existing and proposed sub-basins. Table 2 Surface Existing Sub-Basins Proposed Sub-Basins A B C 1 2a 2b 3 Roof 131,667 2,685 6,547 150,244 0 0 0 Garden Center 0 9,186 0 0 4,701 0 0 Landscaping 0 46,604 3,942 0 51,795 8,783 5,112 Pavement (PGIS) 2,548 297,588 47,066 2,548 276,524 27,496 37,433 Sidewalk 0 15,937 1,095 0 24,430 3,560 1,927 Gravel 0 17,441 12,247 0 0 0 0 Total 134,215 389,441 70,897 152,792 357,450 39,839 44,472 -- As shown in Table 2, the amount of PGIS area in sub-basins A and C remain the same or decrease under the proposed conditions. Existing sub-basin B is broken into two sub-basins (2a and 2b) for the proposed conditions. Sub-basin 2b receives water quality treatment in the new bioswale; therefore, the total PGIS runoff to the existing bioswale decreases in the proposed conditions as well. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 7 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Site Characteristics The property is located at 743 Rainier Avenue S. in Renton, WA. The site is bordered by SW Grady Way to the south, Rainier Avenue and Hardie Avenue SW to the east, SW Seventh Street to the north and a Honda dealership to the west. The existing site is comprised of a 134,352 square foot Walmart store and 9,186 sf Garden Center with associated paving, landscaping, and storm drainage system. The site also contains a 6,547 square foot vacant restaurant located north of the Wal mart, which would be demolished to accommodate the expansion. This project proposes to expand the existing Walmart store to the north and modify the vestibules on the eastern face of the building. The building will be expanded from 134,352 square feet to 150,244 square feet, the Garden Center would be reduced from 9,186 sf to 4,701 sf, and the new parking lot, landscaping, and bioswale to the north will replace the existing gravel area. The existing parking area will not be significantly modified from its original layout, but will include a variable overlay and minimal landscape island relocations/modifications. Additional water quality treatment will be provided for the new pollution generating impervious surfaces. Table 3, below, displays the overall existing and proposed areas for the entire project site. Table 3 Surface Existing Area (sf) Proposed Area (sf) Building/Roof 140,896 150,244 Garden Center 9,186 4,701 Land sea ping 50,546 65,690 Pavement (PGIS) 347,205 344,001 Sidewalk 17,032 29,917 Gravel 29,688 0 Site Total 594,553 594,553 Soils Per the Geotechnical Report, prepared by Terracon and dated November 30, 2009, the site consists of native fine-grained soils which are generally soft to soft to medium stiff and compressible, and native granular soils which range from loose to very dense. The site is mapped as Urban Land (Ur) according to the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Soil Survey for King County Area, Washington. Hydrologic Soil Group C curve numbers for were used for the design calculations. PACl.AND Project #10001074 Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Preliminary Conditions Summary As required by the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), this project is subject to drainage review. Therefore, the storm drainage design for this project is required to comply with all seven (7) Core Requirements. The requirements have been met as follows: Core Requirement #1: Discharge at Natural location The discharge from a proposed project must occur at the natural location. Response: Onsite runoff will be collected, conveyed and, when necessary, treated. All onsite runoff is subsequently conveyed to the City of Renton stormwater system and which discharges into Springbrook Creek (Black River). No downstream impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed improvements. Core Requirement #2: Off-site Analysis All proposed projects must identify the upstream tributary drainage area and perform a downstream analysis. Levels of analysis required depend on the problems identified or predicted. At a minimum, a Level 1 analysis must be submitted with the initial permit application. Response: The upstream and downstream analyses have been performed and are summarized on Pages 12-14 of this report. Core Requirement #3: Runoff Control Proposed projects must provide runoff controls to limit the developed conditions peak rates of runoff to the pre-development peak rates for specific storm events based on the proposed project site existing runoff conditions, and install biofiltration measures. Response: The proposed project improvements generate a 0.035 cfs increase in the 100- year peak flow rate. Because the post-developed peak flow is less than 0.5 cfs more than the existing peak flow, the project is exempt from flow control requirements. Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System All conveyance systems for proposed projects must be analyzed, designed and constructed for existing tributary off-site runoff and developed on-site runoff from the proposed project. Response: The proposed conveyance system has been designed to convey runoff for the new impervious surfaces, with spill control in new PCIS areas. Any offsite runoff that currently flows onsite will continue to be conveyed via the existing stormwater system. Core Requirement #5: Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan All engineering plans for projects that propose to construct new, or modify existing drainage facilities, must include a plan to install measures to control erosion and -------------------------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton 1 Washington sedimentation during construction and to permanently stabilize soil exposed during construction. Response: Erosion and sediment control requirements will be an integral part of the project construction documents. These measures will include methods to reduce erosion of onsite site soils and to prevent sediments from inadvertently leaving the project site. Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operation Maintenance of all drainage facilities constructed or modified by a proposed project is the responsibility of the property owner except King County may assume maintenance of drainage facilities constructed for formal Plat Subdivisions and some Short Plat Subdivisions two years after construction approval. Response: A Maintenance and Operations Manual is included in Appendix A of this report. Core Requirement #7: Bonds and Liability All drainage facilities for proposed projects (except drainage stub-out connections, downspout roof drain infiltration systems and downspout dispersion systems for single- family residential lots) must be constructed in conformance with the bond and liability requirements of King County Code 9.04.1 00. Response: A Bond Quantities worksheet will be included with the final submittal of the construction documents. Special Requirement #1: Critical Drainage Areas Response: The project site does not lie within a designated critical drainage area. Special Requirement #2: Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan Response: The project site does not lie within an area covered by an approved Master Drainage Plan. Special Requirement #3: Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan Response: The proposed improvements do not meet the conditions which would require a Master Drainage Plan. Special Requirement #4: Adopted Basin or Community Plans Response: The proposed project lies within the Black River Drainage Basin and the City Center Community Planning area. PACLAND Project# 10001074 Page 1 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Special Requirement #5: Special Water Quality Controls Response: The proposed proiect will not directly discharge runoff to a regional facility, receiving water, lake, wetland, or closed depression without on-site peak rate runoff control or discharge to a Type I or 2 stream or Type 1 wetland. Special Requirement #6: Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators Response: The proposed proiect will not construct more than 5 acres of new impervious surface. Special Requirement #7: Closed Depressions Response: The proiect will not discharge runoff to an existing closed depression. Special Requirement #8: Use of Lakes, Wetlands, or Closed Depressions for Peak Runoff Rate Control Response: The pro;ect does not propose to use a lake, wetland, or closed depression for peak rate runoff control. Special Requirement #9: Delineation of 100 Year Floodplain · Response: The proiect site lies within Zone X, which is outside the 100 Year and 500 Year Floodplains. Special Requirement #10: Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and 2 Streams Response: There are no Type I or 2 Streams located on or near the proiect site. Special Requirement #11: Geotechnical Analysis and Report Response: The proposed pro;ect does not meet the threshold for this requirement. However, a Geotechnical Report has been prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. Special Requirement #12: Soils Analysis and Report Response: The proposed proiect does not meet the threshold for this requirement. However, a soils analysis is included in the Ceotechnical Report, which was prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Off-Site Analysis Upstream Analysis Based on topographic survey and field reconnaissance, there is minimal tributary area to this site. SW Seventh Street to the north and Hardie Avenue SW/Rainier Avenue S. to the east intercept stormwater before it reaches the site. Additionally, the existing topography surrounding the site prevents any significant amount of run-on. Downstream Analysis After receiving treatment in the existing bio-swale, runoff enters the municipal stormwater system in SW Seventh Street. This system continues west for approximately one mile before discharging to Springbrook Creek (Black River). PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #25 16-05 Expa nsion Tec hn ical In format ion Report # Photo 3 4 Evidence of Existing or Predicted Problems Renton, Was h ington Description From the SW Seven th St reet e ntran ce looking north. Di sc har ge from the ex i sting b i oswale joins the un treated roof and off-site runoff (su b-basin 1) in the mu nicipal storm sys t em in SW Seven th Street. From SW Seventh Street lookin g west. The mu n icipal stor m sys te m co ntinues west for approx i mately o ne mile before d ischarg in g to Sp rin gbrook Creek (Bl ack Riv er). Sub-bas i n 3 e nters th e C ity sys te m in SW Seve nth St reet u p str eam of sub-bas in s #1 and #2. T he re i s n o vis i b l e ev ide n ce of drainage probl ems o n o r near th e project si t e. Per the C i ty of Re nto n Util it y Sys t em s Division, there i s no reco rd of si gn ifi ca nt fl ood in g or dra inage comp la i nts w ithin 1'4 mil e of 743 Raini er Avenu e So uth. In additio n , no drainage proble m s are pred i cted as a res ult of th e proposed i mprovemen t s. PACLAND Project #1 0001074 Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Retention/Detention Analysis and Design The 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual requires peak runoff control such that the post-developed peak rate matches that of the predeveloped site for the 2-year, 10- year, and 100-year storm events. The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBU H) methodology was utilized for the analysis of these stormwater events. Stormshed JC software by Engenious Systems, Inc., was used to assist with the modeling. The rainfall data in Table 4, below, was determined from the 2-, 10-, and 100-year lsopluvial Maps. A copy of these maps which shows the site location can be found in Appendix C of this report. Table 4 Rainfall Event 24-Hour Rainfall 2-year 2.0 in 1 0-year 2.9 in 100-year 3.9 in Existing Site Hydrology The existing site includes a storm drainage system designed to collect storm water at strategically placed catch basins throughout the site. The storm water is then conveyed through underground pipes to a biofiltration swale located on the northwestern portion of the site, near the eastern access from SW Seventh Street. After traveling through the swale, runoff enters the municipal stormwater system located in SW Seventh Street. Currently there is no detention on the project site. The pre-developed conditions and undetained peak runoff rates for the entire site (13.65 acres) are shown in Tables 5, 6 and 7 below. Table 5 Pre-Developed Conditions Area Condition CN TC 0.68 AC Gravel 89 5 min 11.83 AC Impervious 98 5 min 1.14 AC Landscaping 86 5 min Table 6 Existing Peak Runoff Rate -SBUH Method Event Rate 2-year 5.601 ds 10-year 8.580 ds 100-ye_ar 11.848 cfs --------------~----,·---------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Table 7 Existing Peak Runoff Rate -Continuous Method Event Rate 2-year 5.97 cfs 10-year 10.02 cfs 100-year 18.44 cfs Developed Site Hydrology Changes to the site include the building expansion, demolition of the existing restaurant, and paving of the existing gravel area north of the store. The gravel and restaurant rooftop will be converted to pavement and landscaping and a portion of the existing pavement will be converted to rooftop. The post-developed conditions and undetained peak runoff rates for the entire site (13.65 acres) are shown in Tables 8, 9 and 10 below. Table 8 Post-Developed Conditions Area Condition CN TC OAC Gravel 89 5 min 12.14 AC Impervious 98 5 min 1.51 AC Landscaping 86 5 min Table 9 Proposed Undetained Peak Runoff Rate - SBUH Method Event Rate 2-year 5.645 cfs 10-year 8.619 cfs 100-year 11 .883 cfs Table 10 Proposed Undetained Peak Runoff Rate - Continuous Method Event Rate 2-year 5.96 cfs 1 0-year 10.01 cfs 100-year 18.43 cfs Hydrologic Analysis The hydrologic analysis was done using both the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) methodology and continuous modeling. Stormshed 3G software by Engenious Systems, Inc. was utilized for the SBUH analysis and KCRTS was used for the continuous model analysis. The existing gravel area was modeled as 50% impervious and 50% pervious in KCRTS. -------------~ -------------------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 1 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Retention/Detention System Using the SBUH method for the post-developed conditions, the 100-year peak runoff rate for the entire site increases by 0.035 cfs. Per Section 1.2.3-5 of the 1990 KCSWDM, if a proposed project's post-developed peak runoff rate for the 100-year, 24-hour storm is less than 0.5 cfs more than the pre-developed peak runoff rate, the project is exempt from runoff control. If the site were analyzed using the continuous modeling method, the 100- year peak runoff rate for the entire site actually decreases by 0.01 cfs under the post- developed conditions. Based on the results of these analyses, no detention is required or proposed for this redevelopment. Water Quality The proposed redevelopment includes the building expansion, demolition of the existing restaurant, and paving of the existing gravel area north of the store. The gravel and restaurant rooftop which are currently non pollution generating impervious surfaces (NPGIS) will be converted to pavement (PGIS) and landscaping. Additionally, a portion of the existing pavement (PGIS) will be converted to rooftop (NPGIS). There is an existing biofiltration swale in the northwestern portion of the site, which was designed to treat the existing parking lot areas. Because the project will add more than 5,000 sf of new PGIS, additional water quality treatment will be provided. New PGIS Areas The new PGIS areas include the gravel area, landscaping, and restaurant rooftop which will be converted to parking lot, proposed bioswale, and interior landscape islands. It is not possible to collect the exact area of new PGIS, so runoff from an equivalent area of currently untreated surface will be conveyed to the proposed biofiltration swale. The total new area requiring treatment is approximately 0.60 acres and the area that will receive treatment is equal to 0.91 acres. Exhibit 3 in Appendix A shows a depiction of the existing undeveloped areas and new PGIS areas. Tables 11 and 12, below, contain the developed conditions of the proposed bioswale's tributary area as well as the undetained peak runoff rates. Table 11 Post-Developed Conditions Area Condition CN TC 0.71 AC Impervious 98 5 min 0.20 AC Landscaping 86 5 min Table 12 Post-Developed Peak Runoff Rate (undetained) Event Rate 2-year 0.3479 cfs 1 0-year 0.5482 els ----- 100-year 0.7686 cfs PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington The proposed bioswale was designed per the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 1.3.5, using the criteria in Table 13 below. Table 13 Bioswale Design Criteria -Single Event Criteria Value 2-vr, 24-hr flow 0.3479 cfs Design Flow Depth 0.25 feet Manning's Coefficient 0.35 Residence Time 9 minutes Side Slope 3.0 H:V The resultant swale design would require a minimum bottom width of 7.52 feet and a minimum treatment length of 91 feet. If the same swale were designed using a continuous model and treating 60% of the 2-yr, 24-hr event, the criteria shown in Table 14 would be used. Table 14 Bioswale Design Criteria -Continuous Criteria Value 60% of 2-yr, 24-hr flow 0.213 cfs Design Flow Depth 0.1 7 feet Manning's Coefficient 0.20 Residence Time 9 minutes Side Slope 3.0 H:V The resultant swale design would require a minimum bottom width of 5.68 feet and a minimum treatment length of 111 feet. The proposed bioswale for this site has an 8 foot bottom width, 115 foot treatment length, and a 1.0% longitudinal slope. The swale will have an underdrain, and the bottom will be lined with an impermeable liner. This design exceeds the minimum width and length required by either method of analysis. Design calculations are located in Appendix D of this report. Enhanced Treatment The new PGIS runoff will receive secondary treatment using StormFilter cartridges downstream of the proposed bioswale. In order to accommodate 60% of the 2-yr, 24-hr flow, CONTECH recommends ten (1 OJ cartridges located within a 96" manhole. The cost estimate for the structure and cartridges is approximately $28,900. The sizing and cost estimate, as provided by CONTECH, are located in Appendix D of this report. In addition to the CSF treatment and spill control, runoff from this structure will receive additional treatment as it is conveyed through the existing bioswale, to the municipal storm system in SW Seventh Street. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Conveyance System Analysis and Design Conveyance Per the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4.3.4, the on-site stormwater conveyance is calculated based on gravity flow analysis of the piping network. Peak runoff associated with the 25-year storm event has been determined to be adequate. Structures may overtop under the 100-yr event as allowed by Core Requirement #4. Uniform Flow Analysis utilizing Manning's equation was employed with a Manning's "n" value of 0.012. Manning's equation -Q-I A~~ xAxR 213 xS 112 With: Q -Flow (CFS) n -Manning's Roughness Coefficient (0.012) A -Flow Area (SF) R -Hydraulic Radius -Area /Wetted Perimeter (LF) S -Slope of the pipe (ft/ft) Based on the total combined area of sub-basins 2a and 2b, the existing conveyance system is adequate for the 25-yr storm event. All new pipes have been designed to meet or exceed the 100-yr storm event. Conveyance calculations are located in Appendix D of this report. Spill Control Although it is not required under the 1990 KCSWDM, spill control will be implemented in the proposed improvement areas. A tee section will be placed in the manhole preceding the proposed bioswale in order to detain oil and other floatable pollutants before they enter the downstream drainage system. A second tee will be placed in the manhole located south of the proposed bale and pallet area. 100-Year Flood/Overflow Condition Review of the most recent FIRM maps indicates that the project site lies within the Zone X, which is determined to be outside of the 100-year flood plain. The stormwater system for this project has been designed to address the storm events in accordance with design criteria described previously. In the event of a larger storm, it is unlikely that the system would fail. Based on a review of the site and immediate surroundings, the overflow of the stormwater conveyance system would allow surface water to sheet flow to the public storm system in SW Seventh Street. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Special Reports and Studies The following Special Reports and Studies have been completed for this project: • Initial Report of Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation -dated November 30, 2009 by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment -dated October 20, 2009 by Terracon Consultants, Inc.. • Transportation Impact Study -dated October 2009, by Transpo Group. • Renton Retail Expansion Critical Areas and Habitat Evaluation memo -dated September 18, 2009 by The Watershed Company. PACLAND Project #1000107 4 Page 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2 516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Basin and Community Plan Areas The project site lies within the Black River Drainage Basin and the City Center Community Planning Area. PACLAND Project #1000107 4 Page 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Other Permits The following governmental approvals or permits will likely be required for this project: • City of Renton SEPA Determination • City of Renton Site Plan Review • City of Renton Building Permit • Washington State Department of Ecology NPDES Permit • Sewer Permit • Water Permit • City of Renton Right-of-Way Permit(s) • King County Health Department • King County Sewer Treatment These permits will require approval by the City of Renton Planning Division, King County, or the Department of Ecology. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Bond Quantities, facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant The following items will be submitted upon approval of the Building Permit plans: • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet • Declaration of Covenant for Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Erosion/Sedimentation Control Design All erosion and sediment control measures shall be governed by the requirements of the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Ecology. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be prepared to assist the contractor in complying with these requirements. The Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) plan will be included with the construction plans. 1. Erosion Risk Assessment The degree of erosion risk on the proposed project site is minimal. The following factors contribute to a low degree of erosion risk: • Slope across the site is minimal. Runoff will not travel at high velocities across the site and, therefore, will not cause noticeable erosion impacts. • The site consists primarily of impervious surfaces. 2. Construction Sequence And Procedure The proposed development will include an erosion/sedimentation control plan designed to prevent sediment-laden run-off from leaving the site during construction. The erosion potential of the site is influenced by four major factors: soil characteristics, vegetative cover, topography, and climate. Erosion/sedimentation control is achieved by a combination of structural measures, cover measures, and construction practices that are tailored to fit the specific site. Prior to the start of any grading activity upon the site, all erosion control measures, including stabilized construction entrances, shall be installed in accordance with the construction documents. The best construction practice will be employed to properly clear and grade the site and to schedule construction activities. The planned construction sequence for the construction of the site is as follows: 1. Attend a pre-construction meeting with the City of Renton. 2. Install temporary erosion control features. 3. Demolish existing structure(s). 4. Clear expansion area. 5. Grade site. 6. Install water quality elements. 7. Pave site. 8. Remove temporary erosion control features once site is fully stabilized. 3. Trapping Sediment Structural control measures will be used to reduce erosion and retain sediment on the construction site. The control measures will be selected to fit specific site and seasonal conditions. ----------------------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington The following structural items will be used to control erosion and sedimentation processes: • Stabi I ized construction entrances and/or wheel washes • Filter fabric fences • Catch Basin Inlet Sediment Protection • Proper Cover measures Daily inspection of the erosion control measures will be required during construction. Any sediment buildup shall be removed and disposed of off-site. Vehicle tracking of mud off-site shall be avoided. A stabilized construction entrance and/or wheel wash will be installed at a location to enter the site. The entrances are a minimum requirement and may be supplemented if tracking of mud onto public streets becomes excessive. In the event that mud is tracked off site, it shall be swept up and disposed of off site on a daily basis. Depending on the amount of tracked mud, a vehicle road sweeper may be required. Because vegetative cover is the most important form of erosion control, construction practices must adhere to stringent cover requirements. More specifically, the contractor will not be allowed to leave soils open for more than 7 days and, in some cases, immediate seeding will be required. 4. Wet Weather TESC Operating Plan Work between October 1" and April 30'h must adhere to the Wet Season Special Provisions noted in the 1990 KCSWDM and NPDES. PACLAND Project #1000107 4 Page 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Maintenance and Operations Manual See Appendix A for Maintenance and Operations Manual. -------~--~----------------------------------- PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2 516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report PACLAND Appendix A -Maintenance and Operations Manual Project #10001074 Renton, Washington Page 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Maintain Stormwater Facilities The owner or operator of the project shall be responsible for maintaining the stormwater facilities in accordance with local requirements. Proper maintenance is important for adequate functioning of the stormwater facilities. The following maintenance program 1s recommended for this project: Table 15 Maintenance Checklist for Catch Basins and Inlets Frequency Drainage " Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature M,S General Trash, debris, and Trash or debris in front of the No trash or debris located sediment in or on catch basin opening is blocking immediately in front of catch basin capacity by more than 10%. basin opening. Grate is kept clean and allows water to enter. M Sediment or debris (in the basin) No sediment or debris in the that exceeds 1/3 the depth from catch basin. Catch basin is the bottom of basin to invert of the dug out and clean. lowest pipe into or out of the basin. M,S Trash or debris in any inlet or pipe lnlel and Outlet pipes free of blocking more than 1/3 of its 1rash or debris. height. M Struc1ural damage Corner of frame extends more than Frame is even with curb. to frame and/or top ¥i inch past curb face into the slab street (if applicable). M Top slab has holes larger than 2 Top slab is free of holes and square inches or cracks wider than uacks. Y4 inch (intent is to make sure all material is running into the basin). M Frame not sitting flush on top sl.ab, Frame is sitting flush on top i.e., separation of more than -Yi slab. inch of the frame from the top slab. A Cracks in basin Cracks wider than Y2 inch and Basin replaced or repaired to walls/bottom longer than 3 feet, any evidence of design standards. Contact a soil particles entering c.atch basin professional engineer for through cTacks, or maintenance evaluation. person judges that structure is unsound. A Cracks wider than 1/i inch and No cracks more than 114 inch longer than l foot at the joint of wide at the joint of any inlet/outlf't pipf' or any inlet/outlet pipe. Contact a evidenc-e of soil particles entering professional engineer for catch basin through rracks. evaluation. A Settlement/ Basin has settled more than 1 inch Basin replaced or repaired to misdlignment or has rotated more than 2 inches design standards. Contact a out of alignment. professiondl engineer for evaluation. If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Comments: A -Annual (March or April, preferred) M -Monthly (see schedule) S -After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington M,5 Fire hazard of other Presence of chemicals such as No color, odor, or sludge. pollution natural gas, oil, and gasoline. Basin is dug out and clean. Obnoxious color, odor, or sludge noted. M,S Outlet pipe is Vegetation or roots growing in No vegetation or root growth clogged with inlet/outlet pipe joints that are present. vegetation more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches anart. Maintenance Checklist for Conveyance Systems (Pipes) Frequency Drainage ~ Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature M,S Pipes Sediment Sediment filling more than 20% of the Pipe cleaned of all sediment and accumulation pipe. debris. M Trash and Trash and debris accumulated in No trash or debris in pipes. debris inlet/outlet pipes (including floatables ,md non-floatables). A Damaged Protective coating is damaged; rust is Pipe repaired or replaced. (rusted, bent, causing more than 50% deterioration to or crushed) any part of pinP. M Any dent that significantly impedes Pipe repaired or replaced. flow (i.e., deueases the cross section area of nin<> bv more than 20%). M Pipe has major aacks or tears allowing Pipe repaired or replaced. groundwater leakage. Varies Catch See Catch Basins Checklist. See Catch Basins Checklist. basins If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Protess1onal Engineer. Comments: A ~ Annual (March or April, preferred) M -Monthly (see schedule) 5 ~ After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) PACLAND Project #1000107 4 Page 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington Maintenance Checklist for Fencing/Shrubbery Screen/ Landscaping Frequency Drainage ~ Problem Conditions To Check for Conditions That Should Exist System Feature M General Missing or broken Any defect in the fence or screen Fence is mended or shrubs parts/dead shrubbery that permits easy entry to a facility replaced to form a solid barrier to entrv. M,S Erosion Erosion has resulted in an opening Replace soil under fence so that under a fence that allows entry by no opening exceeds 4 inches in rv:>oole or oets. height. M Unruly vegetation Shrubbery is growing out of control Shrubbery is !rimmed and weeded or is infested with weeds. to provide appealing aesthetics. Do not use chemicals to control weeds. A Wire Damaged parts Posts out of plumb more than 6 Posts plumb to within 1..,1/2 Fences inches. inches of olumb. A Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends greater than 1 inch. A Any part of fence (including posts, Fence is aligned and meets design top rails, and fabric) more than 1 foot standards. out of design alignment. A Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in place and holding fabric. A Missing or loose barbed wire that is Barbed wire in place with less sagging more than 2-1/2 inches than ¥.i-inch s.ag between posts. between OOSIS. A Extension arm missing, broken, or Extension arm in place with no bent out of shape more than 1-1/2 bends larger than ¥4 inch. inches. A Deteriorated paint or Part or parts that have a rusting or Structurally adequate posts or protective coating scaling condition that has affected parts with a uniform protective structural adeauacv. coating. M Openings in fabric Op1~nings in fabric are such that an No openings in fabric. 8-inch diameter ball could fit throu~h. M General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20% of Remove trash and debris and Land-(nonpoisonous) the landscaped area (trees and dispose as prescribed by the scaping shrubs only). County. M Insect hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other Ditch cleaned of all sediment and poisonous vegetation or insect nests. debris so that it matches design. M,S Trash or litter Dumping of yard wastes such as Remove trash and debris and grass clippings and branches onto dispose as prescribed by the grounds. Unsightly accumulation of County. nondegradable materials such as glass, plastic, metal, foam, and coated nar..<>r. M,S Erosion of Ground Noticeable rills are seen in Causes of erosion are identified Surface landscaped areas. and steps taken to slow down/spread out the water. Eroded areas are filled, contoured, and seeded. A Trees and Damage Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that Trim trees/shrubs to restore shape. shrubs are split or broken which affect more Replace trees/shrubs with severe than 25% of the total foliage of the damage. tree or shrub. M Trees or shrubs that have been Replant tree, inspecting for injury blown down or knocked over. to stem or roots. Replace if severely dama2:ed. A Trees or shrubs which are not Place stakes and rubber-coated ties adequa1e!y supported or are leaning around young trees/shrubs for over, causing exposure of the roots. support. - It you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Protess1onal Engineer. Comments: A ~ Annual (March or April, preferred) M ~ Monthly (see schedule) 5 ~ After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 30 I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington I Maintenance Checklist for StormFilter (Cartridge Type) I Frequency Drainage " Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature A Site Trash and Any trash or debris which impairs the Trash and debris removed Debris function of the facility. from facility. I A Contaminants Any evidence of contaminants or Materials removed and and pollution pollution such as oils, gasoline, disposed of according to concrete slurries or paint. applic.able regulations. Source I control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. I A Life cycle System has not been inspected for three Facility is re-inspected and any years. needed maintenance is performed. A Vault Sediment on Greater than 2 inches of sediment. Vault is free of sediment. Treatment vault floor I A.rea A Sediment on top Greater than Y.! inch of sediment. Vault is free of sediment. of cartridges A Multiple scum Thick or multiple scum lines above top Cause of plugging corrected, I Jines above top of cartridges. Probably due to plugged canisters replaced if necessary. of cartridges canisters or underdrain manifold. A Vault Damage to wall, Cracks wider than %-inch and any Vault replaced or repaired to Structure Frame, Bottom, evidence of soil particles entering the design specifications. I and/or Top Slab structure through the cracks, or qualified inspection personnel determines the vault is not structurally sound. I A Baffles Baffles corroding, cracking, warping, Repair or replace baffles to Damaged and/or showing signs of failure as specification. determined by maintenance/inspec..1ion oerson. A Filter Media Standing water 9 inches or greater of static water in the No standing water in vault 24 I in vault vault for more than 24 hours following hours after a rain event. a rain event and/or overflow occurs frequently. Probably due to plugged filter media, underdrain or outlet oirw. I A Short Circuiting Flows do not properly enter filter Flows go through filter media. cartridges. A Underdrains Sediment/ Underdrains or dean-0uts partially Underdr ains and clean-outs and Clean-Debris plugged or filled with sediment and/or free of sediment and debris. Outs debris. I A Inlet/Outlet Sediment Sediment filling 20% or more of the Inlet/outlet pipes clear of Pipe accumulation pipe. sediment. A Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in No trash or debris in pipes. I inlet/outlet pipes (including floatables and non-floatables). A Damaged Cracks wider than Yi-inch at the joint No cracks more than %-inch of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence wide at the joint of the I of soil entering at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipe. inlet/outlet pipes. A Access Cover/lid not in Cover/lid missing or only partially in Manhole access covered. Manhole place place. Any open manhole requires I immediate maintenance. A Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism open:, with proper mechanism not maintenance person with appropri.-i.te tools. working tools. Bolts cannot be seated. Self- I locking cover/lid does not work. A Cover/lid One maintenance pP-rson c.annot Cover/lid cdn be removed and difficult to remove cowr/lid after applying 80 lb\ reinstalled by one remove of lifL rnaintenano., person. I A -----·-, Ladder rungs Missing rungs, misalign~ent, rus~~! ____ -~?dder_~~ets design -- I PACLAND Page 31 Project #10001074 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington unsafe cracks. standards. Allows maintenance person safe access. A Large access Damaged or large access doors or plates cannot be Replac..--e or repair access door doors/plate difficult to opened/removed using normal so it can be opened as open equipment. designed. A Gaps, doesn't Large access doors not flat and/or Doors close flat and cover cover access opening not completely covered. access opening completely. comoletelv A lifting Rings lifting rings not capable of lifting lifting rings sufficient to lift or missing, rusted weight of door or plate. remove door or nlate. Maintenance Checklist for Basic Biofiltration Swale (New and Existing) Frequency Drainage ,/ Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature M, S Site Trash and Any trash or debris accumulated at the No trash or debris at the si1e. Debris site. M,5 Contaminants Any evidence of contaminants or Materials removed and and pollution pollution such as oils, gasoline, disposed of according to comTete slurries or paint. applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. M, 5 Swale Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 2 inches in No sediment deposits occur in Section Accumulation 10% of the swale treatment area. treatment area. Grass growth is Sediment inhibits grass growth over not inhibited by sedimf!nt. 10% of the swale length. Sediment Flow spreads evenly through inhibits even spreading of flow. sw<1le. M E:rosion/ Eroded or scoured swale bottom due to No eroded or scoured areas in scouring channelization or high flows. bioswale. Cause of erosion or scour addressed. M Poor vegetation Grass is sparse or bare or eroded Swale has no bare spots and cover.age patches occur in more than 10% of the grass is thick and healthy. swale bonom. M Grass too tall Grass excessively tall (greater than 10 Grass is between 3 and 4 inches), grass is thin or nuisance weeds inches tall, thick and healthy. and other vegetation has taken over. No clippings left in swale. No nuisance vegetation present. M Excessive shade Grass growth is poor because sunlight Healthy grass growth or does not reach swale. conversion to a wet bioswale. M,S Constant Continuous flow through the swale, Baseflow removed from swale haseflow even when it has been dry for weeks or by a low-flow-pea-gravel drain an eroded, muddy channel has formed or bypassed around the swa.le. in the swale bottom. M,5 Standing water Water pools In the swale between Swale freely drains and there storms or does not drain freely. i'i no standing water in swale between storms. M,5 Channe!izati<)n Flow concentrates and erodes channel No flow channels in swale. through swale. M,S Inlet/Outlet See Pipes Checklist. See Pipes Checklist. Pipes If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Comments: A -Annual (March or April, preferred) M -Monthly (see schedule) S -After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline) PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion PACLANO Technical Information Report Appendix B -Exhibits and Grading and Drainage Plan Project #10001074 Renton, Washington Page 33 /' ~· n ~Q LEGEND SUB-BASIN A 127,849 SF SUB-BASIN B 395,807 SF SUB-BASIN C 70,897 SF Surface (sf) A Roof 131,667 Garden Center 0 Landscaping 0 Pavement (PGIS) 2,548 Sidewalk 0 Gravel 0 Total 134,215 ///, /// L . m; ~ 8 C 2,685 6,547 9,186 0 46,604 3,942 297,588 47,066 15,937 1,095 17,441 12,247 389,441 70,897 GRAPHIC SCALE ~ ~ T T { IN FEET ) l Inch m 100 !L ...... I- CD I >< w z 0 0 ...... 0 N I IO N I N 0 U) z zo <( r- (l... C, >< z W-I z U) 0 <( !z 3:_ Wz a: 0 ·-r- l{) z 9w (0 a: i:o C\I =#= 0 0 ...... II ' ...... w _. <( () Cl) (J) z (J) <t: C) I C) :::> (J) 0 z ~ ->< w 0 s: " ~M 8 C!' 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N, .;::;·Q ;,,,si .. ,,, "''" 1tu: ~oc ,w ~'i:o ~-°' ~-~ z .. ·i ~ :~ ;o z, I LEGEND SUB-BASIN 1 152,792 SF SUB-BASIN 2a 357,450 SF SUB-BASIN 2b 39,839 SF SUB-BASIN 3 44,472 SF 1 Roof 150,244 Garden Center 0 Landscaping 0 Pavement (PGIS) 2,548 Sidewalk 0 Gravel 0 Total 152,792 2a ' 0 4,701 51,795 276,524 24,430 0 357,450 GRAPHIC SCALE . a;; . ~ U 100 200 ( IN F£E'I' ) I ineh -100 lL D C / ~ D ~ lb 3 0 0 0 0 8,783 5,112 27,496 37,433 3,560 1,927 0 0 39,839 44,472 i C\I I- OJ I >< w z 0 0 5 C\I I ~ I C\I 0 CJ) z ~~ 0... 0 >< z W-I z CJ) ~~ z -Wz a: 0 ·-1- lO z 9w co a: ~ =#= b 0 ..- II • ..- LU ...J <( 0 U) (/) z (/) <( m I m :::) (/) 0 w (/) 0 a.. 0 a: a.. il:l l ij "'°' Q ,.:.,.:.~ ~~~ ~~c.. ~"' . ~§.f I-.. z .; "' ,. 0 ~ i j .,, ~ 3:: ~ ll,I~ ~~i ~V)V) 'L. /\-- ' 1--L_ ~-- "':~ "' I/ - --~ ~''~9·1~29~'[ --~6 or ~ -~L~ ~9 04' j /C:"~~= c= ~ ~. ~~--t' I }:"~ o ~-s;.;~,,-t; -os 16~;~-===== -- '~t,''"',11 ' ell O -o" -, , ·-· ··:c- ' .. , .. ' ,-,-, o I -. 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Cl) ------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \NalmJrt -#2 516-05 Expansion TechniGil lnform.ition Report Appendix C -lsopluvial Maps PACLAND Project #10001074 Renton, VVashington Page 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report 2-Year 24 Hour lsopluvial ·.:.:u WESTERN KING COUNTY 2-Year 24-Hour Precipitation in Inches PACLAND . --............ , D l d f,illr.i Project #10001074 Renton, Washington ---""" ~~·~"~'.! ':!.! IC,lllC. C!-IJIITt -----3..S Page 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report 10-Year 24 Hour lsopluvial e ... 't'' d> WESTERN KING COUNTY 10-Vear 24-Hour Precipitation In Inches PACLAND ,in C .. ! ~ .,. CID ,, .. ' 111 r .,,.., I) ',. :.-z\ .. ,,. 0 ..... ~ ./ ' 11P Project #10001074 •··•··· ••····· 11> -.~ ·, ,· r .... ~ ' .; ... , -, • Renton, Washington 4.0 4.5 ..,,_ I) ',,,_4.Q ' 7' .. Page 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wal mart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report 100-Year 24 Hour lsopluvial :::i • • .. ~-- WESTERN KING COUNTY 100-Vear 24-Hour Precipitation In Inches PACLAND . ,; ~ Project #10001074 ,/ -r I-·· ! Renton, Washington Page 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walmart /12516-0S Expansion Technical Information Report Appendix D -Design Calculations PACLAND Project #10001074 RPntnn, \Vashington Page 38 I Wdlmart #2516-05 Expansion Technical Information Report Renton, Washington I I I I I I I Hydrology Calculations I I I I I I I I I I PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Friday, February 05, 2010 2:19:29 PM Existing Event Summary I Event II Peak Q (cfs) II Peak T (hrs) II Hyd Vol (acft) 2 yr 24 hr II 5.6012 II 8.00 II 1.8487 other 5.9341 II 8.00 II 1.9598 5 year 6.9299 II 8.00 II 2.2942 10 year 8.5796 II 8.00 II 2.8544 25 year 10.2184 II 8.00 II 3.4169 100 year II 11.8483 II 8.00 II 3.9808 Area (ac) Method 13.65 SBUH 13.65 SBUH 13.65 SBUH 13.65 SBUH II 13.65 SBUH II 13.65 SBUH All results based on stonn duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the stonn duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration stonns, those results are incorrect Record Id: Existing !Design Method II SBUH IIRainfall type II TYPE IA.RAC IHyd Intv II 10.00 min !!Peaking Factor 484.00 !storm Duration II 24.00 hrs IIAbstraction Coeff 0.20 IPervious Area II 13.65 ac lloc1A 0.00 ac IPervious CN II 96.53 lloccN 0.00 IPervious TC II 5.00 min llocTc O.OOmin I Pervious CN Cale I I Descri~tion SubArea II Suben I Gravel Roads & Parking Lots 0.68 ac II 89.00 I Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 1.16 ac II 86.00 I Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 11.81 ac II 98.00 I Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) II 96.5319 I I Pervious TC Cale I I Type II Description II Length II Slope II Coeff II Misc II IT I jshallow IIPaved and gravel areas (n=0.012) 11 300.00 ft 111.oo;. 11 0.012 I I 1.8691 min I I Pervious TC II 1.8691 min I Licensed to: PACLAND -Seattle I I I I file://S:\Washington\Renton\grimes\Rainier Ave & 7th Expansion\4Reports\Stonn\Stonnsh... 2/5/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page I of 1 Appended on: Friday, February 05, 2010 2:19:46 PM Proposed Event Summary Event II Peak Q (cfs) II Peak T (hrs) II Hyd Vol (acft) II Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr II 5.6456 II 8.00 I 1.8644 13.65 SBUH other 5.9781 II 8.00 1.9756 13.65 SBUH 5 year 6.9723 II 8.00 2.3105 13.65 SBUH ' 10 year 8.6193 II 8.00 2.8713 13.65 SBUH I [ 25 year 10.2555 II 8.00 3.4343 II 13.65 SBUH I 100 year 11.8829 II 8.00 3.9987 II 13.65 SBUH All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the stom1 duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: Proposed Jnesign Method II SBUH IIRainfall type TYPE IA.RAC ~lyd Intv 10.00 min IIPeaking Factor 484.00 lstorm Duration 24.00 hrs IIAbstraction Coeff 0.20 JPervious Area 13.65 ac lloc1A I 0.00 ac IPervious CN 96.67 lloccN II 0.00 IPervious TC II 5.00min llocTc II O.OOmin I Pervious CN CaJc I Description II SubArea II Suben I Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) II 12.14 ac II 98.00 I Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) II 1.51 ac II 86.00 I Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) II 96.6725 I Pervious TC CaJc I Type II Description II Length II Slope II Coeff II Misc TT !sheet llsmooth Surfaces. II 30.00 ft 11 2.0% 11 0.011 11 o.oo in 0.5232 min 1Int Channel llcMP pipe (n=0.024) 11 200.00 ft 11 o.s% 11 0.024 I 2.2202 min I Pervious TC I 2.7434 min Licensed to: PACLAND -Seattle I I I I I I file://S:\Washington\Renton\grimes\Rainier Ave & 7th Expansion\4Reports\Storm\Stormsh... 2/5/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walrnart #2516-05 Expansion l"echnic31 Information Report Bioswale Design Calculations PACLAND Project #10001074 Renton, Washington Page 40 I I Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Monday, February 08, 2010 9:58:42 AM I Proposed Event Summary I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Event I Peak Q (cfs) II Peak T (hrs) II Hyd Vol (acft) II Area (ac) II Method I 2 yr 24 hr 0.3479 II 8.00 II 0.1149 II 0.91 II SBUH I other 0.3702 II 8.00 II 0.1222 II 0.91 II SBUH I 5 year 0.4371 8.00 II 0.1442 II 0.91 II SBUH I 10 year 0.5482 8.00 II 0.1811 II 0.91 II SBUH I 25 year 0.6587 8.00 II 0.2183 II 0.91 II SBUH I 100 year I 0.7686 8.00 II 0.2557 II 0.91 II SBUH I All results based on stom1 duration of24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: Proposed jDesign Method II SBUH jjRainfaU type II TYPElA.RAC jHyd Intv II 10.00 min jjPeaking Factor 484.00 jstorm Duration II 24.00 hrs jjAbstraction Coeff 0.20 jPervious Area II 0.91 ac IIDcIA 0.00 ac IPervious CN II 95.36 IIDccN 0.00 jPervious TC II 5.00 min llocTc O.OOmin Pervious CN Cale Description II SubArea Sub en Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) II 0.71 ac 98.00 Open spaces, lawns.parks (>75% grass) II 0.20 ac 86.00 I Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 95.3626 I Pervious TC Cale I Type II Description II Length II Slope II Coeff II Misc II TI jsheet llsmooth Surfaces. II 30.00 ft 11 2.0% 11 0.011 11 o.oo in 11 0.5232 min !Int Channel llcMP pipe (n=0.024) 11 200.00 ft 11 o.s% 11 0.024 I I 2.2202min I Pervious TC II 2.7434min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. file://S:\Washington\Renton\grimes\Rainier Ave & 7th Expansion\4Reports\Storm\Stormsh... 2/8/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BIOSWALE DESIGN (~GUH) Project name: Renton, WA 10001074 On-Site Project number: Swale Title: Step# P-1 P-2 P-3 Preliminary Steps (P) Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr): Slope of swale Select vegetation to be used Design Steps (D) Design flow depth (y): Manning's roughness coeff (n""): Side slope (Z): 0.348 cfs O.Ql ft/ft 0.25 ft 0.35 Step# D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4a D-4b 3.0 H:V 1-----',:-:-f 7.52 ft Swale bottom width (b): b-Q*nl1.486*yAl.667*sA0.5-Z"y~--- Top Width (TI ! 9.02!ft T-b+2*y*z D-5 Area 2.07) sf A -(b'y) + (l*yA2) D-6 Flow Velocity 0.17Jfps v-QIA D-7 Is design adequate? D-8 Degree of retardance 0-9 First Approx for VR D-1 O Hydraulic Radius R -V*RNmax D-11 Actual VR VR-1.486*RA1.667"sA0,5 In D-12 % difference D-13 Actual V V-VRIR D-14 Channel X-sec area A-QIA D-15a New Swale bo~om width (b): b-Aly-Z*y D-15b Channel width T T-b+2*y'z Yes -I i===:-:J% c===ifps .__ __ _,-)sf ._ __ _,-!ft .__ __ _,-)ft Date: 1/29/10 Designer: AKP 90.9 -Length (Feet) w/ 9 min res time Okay · V < 1.5 fps proceed to step SC-1 Table 111-6.2 (Dor E) Table 111-6.6, n -nwq from step D-2 D-16 If biofiltration swa/e is still too wide, see DOE page 111-6-17 for more info and options Stability Check Steps (SC) Step# SC-1 Qwq(100-yr, 24-hr): SC-2a Condition of vegetation SC-2b Height of grass@ first storm SC-3 Degree of retardance SC-4 Max allowed Velocity SC-5 Trial Mannings n SC-6 First Approx for VR 0.78 Good 0.25 D 3.00 0.043 2.70 cfs ft fps (Good or Fair) Table 111-6.2 (Dor E) Table 111-6.3 (Good initial choice 0.04) Table 111-6.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BIOSWALE DESIGN SC-7 Hydraulic Radius R -V*R/Vmax SC-8 Actual VR VR-1.486*R" 1. 667*sA0.5 In SC-9 % difference SC-10 Actual V V-VRIR SC-11 X-sec area A-Q/V 0.901ft 2.931 BJ;~s 0.24lsf SC-12 Compare A with orig Newy-~ft Newb-t=illrt b-Q*n/1.486*y" 1.667*sA0.5-Z*y New T-.... , --,-5,""'2""olft T-b+2*y*z SC-13 Depth of flow 1,21ft y-(t-bJ/2z SC-14 Total swale depth 2.201ft yt-y+1 SC-15 Hydraulic Radius 1.16!/t R-<b*yt +Z'ytA2J!Cb+ 2y1•cr2 + 1ro.s SC-16,Channel X-sec area I 32.12!sf SC-16l Channel Capacity 15.06lcfs Q-7.486*A*RA0.677*sA0.5/n Swale is stable Okay, Capacity > 100-yr, 24-hr Storm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DA1L BY; PROJECT: WWW.PAC LAND.COM SPOKE WITf-1: COMPANY: TELEPHONE#: .SWJ\l.E (A\...C.$ U!,lt,J{.. (Ol...l111JUOCA.5 Mell-100' \(~TS -'J.·YR. Fl.bt.J = 0.355 C-FS {:,07., ( o.355)" D.l \3 c..FS f,OTT".,,.., Wll'.11'1-\ ' b = 0, 1 J 1 { O. lo) r 5.6 8 fl ~"<'! (().IE, 7)Lt.7 (D.DI) o.c; A,..o\J vE.LO(XJY: 'Vwtt = Q,1!;!, :: 0.10& c.f~ 5., S (0.16 7) + 3(0. 16 7) z. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W<1lm,irt #2516~05 Expansion Tt>chnical Information R('port Renton, Washington Stormfilter Cartridge Sizing and Cost Estimate PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ""~1~ ... T~~u· ~~~i"i i ;;,~n Size and Cost Estimate CONSTRUCTION PROOUCTS INC. Prepared by Kathryn Thomason on February 22, 2010 Walmart Renton Expansion -Stormwater Treatment System Renton, WA Information provided: • Total contributing area= 0.91 acres • Impervious area= 0.71 acres • Water quality fiow, Owq = 0.213 cfs • Peak hydraulic fiow rate, Opeak = <1.8 cfs • Presiding agency= City of Renton, WA Assumptions: • Media = CSF cartridges • Cartridge Height -Low-drop • Cartridge fiow rate = 10.0 gpm • Drop required from inlet to outlet = 1.8' minimum Size and cost estimates: The StormFilter is a fiow-based system, and is therefore sized by calculating the peak water quality flow rate associated with the design storm. The water quality flow rate was calculated by the consulting engineer using KCRTS and was provided to CONTE CH Construction Products Inc. for the purposes of developing this estimate. The StormFilter for this site was sized based on a water quality flow rate of 0.213 els. To accommodate this flow rate, CONTECH Construction Products Inc. recommends using a 96" Manhole StormFilter with 10 cartridges (see attached detail). The estimated cost of this system is $28.900, complete and delivered to the job s~e. This estimate assumes that the vault is 8 feet deep. The final system cost will depend on the actual depth of the units and whether extras are specified. The contractor is responsible for setting the StormFilter and all external plumbing. Typically the precast StormFilters have internal bypass capacities of 1.8 els. If the peak discharge off the site is expected to exceed this rate, we recommend placing a high-flow bypass upstream of the StorrnFilter system. CONTECH Construction Products could provide our high-flow bypass, the StormGate, which provides a combination weir-Orifice control structure to limit the flow to the StorrnFilter. The estimated cost of this structure is $4,000. The final cost would depend on the actual depth and size of the unit. ©2008 CONTECH Construction Products Inc. www.contech-cpi.com 11835 NE Glenn Widing Dr., Portland OR 97220 Toll-free: 800.548.4667 Fax: 800.561.1271 Page 1 of 1 TS-P027 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0%" I 2" INLET PIPE (SEE NOTES 5 < G) BALLAST (SEE NOTE 81 I 2" HDPE OUTLET STUB (SEE NOTES 5 < GJ MANHOLE STORMFIL TER -PLAN VIEW G) CONCRETE GRADE RING STEP (TYP) INUET PIPE (SEE NOTES 5 • GJ BAU.AST (SEE NOTE 8) J_ HEIGHT · ·4"' 030' FRAME AND COVER (STD) (SEE NOTE 4) 4'-G'MIN (SEE NOTE 7) \MDTH 1 1 ~ -~-~~-i-~~~-'I;-~~,--~-~/ SEE DETAIL 2/2 STORMFILTER CARTRIDGE UNDER.DRAIN MANIFOLD (TYP) (SEE NOTE 2) MANHOLE STORMFIL TER -SECTION VIEW G) Tl1E STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 5tormf1Jter® ©2006 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions ..._~lr.l'll'r .... U'" ~~~.,. ii I;"! ! STORMWATER_--- ----~ SOLUTIONS- contechstormwater .com DATE:8/1&'08 U.S. f'ATENT No. 5,322,G29, No. 5,707.527. No. 6,027 ,G39 No. G,G-49,040, No. 5,624,57G, AND OTHER U.S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS FENDING PRECAST 96" MANHOLE STORMFIL TER PLAN AND SECTION VIEWS STANDARD DETAIL DRAWING 1 112 SCALE:NONE FILE NAME: MH$F14-96PC-OTL DRAWN:JHR CHECKED:OK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL NOTES I) STORMFILTER BY CONTFCH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS; PORTLAND, OR (800) 548-4GG7; SCARBOROUGH, ME (877) 907-8G7G; LINTHICUM, MD (8GG) 740-33 I 8. 2) FILTER CARTRIDGE(SJ TO BE SIPHON-ACTUATED AND SELF-CLEANING. STANDARD DETAIL SHOWS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CARTRIDGES. ACTUAL NUMBER REQUIRED TO BE SPECIFIED ON SITE PLANS OR IN DATA TABLE BELOW. 3) PRECAST MANHOLE STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C478. DETAIL REFLECTS DESIGN INTENT ONLY. ACTUAL DIMENSIONS AND CONFIGURATION OF STRUCTURE WILL BE SHOWN ON PRODUCTION SHOP DRAWING. 4) STRUCTURE AND ACCESS COVERS TO MEET AASHTO H-20 LOAD RATING. 5) FOR LOW DROP CARTRIDGE, DROP REQUIRED 15 1.8', FOR 18" CARTRIDGE, DROP REQUIRED 15 2.3', FOR 27" CARTRIDGE DROP REQUIRED 15 3.05'. MINIMUM ANGLE BETWEEN INLET AND OUTLET 15 45°. G) INLET PIPING TO BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER AND PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR. FRECAST MANHOLE 5TORMFILTER EQUIPPED WITH A DUAL DIAMETER HDPE OUTLET STUB AND SAND COLLAR. EIGHT INCH DIAMETER OUTLET SECTION MAY BE SEPARATED FROM OUTLET STUB AT MOLDED-IN CUT LINE TO ACCOMMODATE A I 2 INCH OUTLET PIPE. CONNECTION TO DOWINSTREAM PIPING TO BE MADE USING A FLEXIBLE COUPLING OR ECCENTRIC REDUCER, A5 REQUIRED. COUPLING BY FERNCO OR EQUAL AND PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR. 7) PROVIDE MINIMUM CLEARANCE FOR MAINTENANCE ACCESS. If A SHALLOWIER SYSTEM 15 REQUIRED, CONTACT CONTECH 5TORMWATER SOLUTIONS FOR OTHER OPTIONS. 8) ANTI-FLOTATION BALLAST TO BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER AND PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR, If REQUIRED. BALLAST TO BE SET AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE STRUCTURE. 9) ALL STORMFILTER5 REQUIRE REGULAR MAINTENANCE. REFER TO OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR MORE INFORMATION. PRECAST MANHOLE STORMFILTER DATA STRUCTURE ID #4 WATER QUALITY FLOW RATE (cfs) 0.213 PEAK FLOW RA TE ( < I .8 cfsJ <1.8 RIETURIN PERIOD OF PEAK FLOW (yrs) GD%2-YR # OF CARTRIDGES REQUIRED 10 CARTRIDGE FLOW RATE IOGPM MEDIA TYPE (CSF, PERLITE, ZPG) CSF RIM ELEVATION 25.4' PIPE DATA, I.E. ORIENTATION MATERIAL DIAM MANHOLE STORM FILTER -TOP VIEW ED OUTLET SAND COLLAR INLET PIPE# I 20.28' INLET PIPE #2 N/A OUTLET STUB 18.4G' ECCENTRIC REDUCER (BY CONTRACTOR) ANTI-FLOTATION BALLAST 180 N/A 0 Rl5ERX 01 2' OUTLET STUB MOWED-IN CUT LINE 08" OUTLET STUB NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, . 4 . ,6 0 ~ A ·,5; ( GROUT OUTLET PIPE (BY CONTRACTOR) COUPLING (BY CONTRACTOR) (SEE NOTE G) BALLAST (SEE NOTE 8) (BY CONTECH STORMWATER SOLUTIONS) MANHOLE STORMFIL TER -OUTLET DETAIL ED ©2006 CONTECH Stonnwater Solutions 2 TBD 12' N/A N/A TBD 12" TBD SIZE REDUCER SIZE TBD HEIGHT TBD HEIGHT PIPE ORIENTATION KEY, 90" I I 80" ~(B~o 0 I 270" THE 5TORMWA.TER. MANAGEMENT 5tormf,lter® U.S. rATI:NT No. 5,322,629, No. 5,707,527, No. 6,027,639 No. b,649,048, No. 5,624,57b, AND OTHER U.S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS PENDING DRAWING STORMWATER__..--. ----~SOLUTIONS~ PRECAST 96" MANHOLE STORMFIL TER TOP AND SECTION VIEWS, NOTES AND DATA STANDARD DETAIL 2 2/2 contechstormwater.com DA TE: 8118/08 SCALE: NONE FILE NAME: MHSF14--962PC-DTI. DRAWN: JHR CHECKED: DK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Walrnart #2516-05 Expansion PACLAND Technical Information RPport Renton, \Vashington Conveyance Calculations Project #10001074 Page 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V\/almart #2516-05 Expan~iun Technical Information Report Renton, VVashington Combined Sub-basins 2a and 2b Proposed sub-basins 2a and 2b combine in an existing 18" storm pipe which precedes the existing bioswale. It is assumed that the original conveyance was designed for the 25-yr storm event. These combined sub-basins have a total area of 397,289 sf (9.12 acres), with a 10-yr flow of 5.66 cfs and a 25-yr flow equal to 6.76 cfs. Manning's equation -Q-l.4Yn xAxR 213 xS 112 With: Q -Flow (CFS) n -Manning's Roughness Coefficient (0.012) A -Flow Area (SF) R -Hydraulic Radius -Area /Wetted Perimeter (LF) S -Slope of the pipe (ft/ft) Flow rate assuming existing 18" pipe is 95% full: o-I.4%.012x(1.734)x(0.4297)213 x(0.0031)112 = 6.83 cfs Based on the above calculation, the conveyance capacity of the existing 18" pipe is sufficient for the combined sub-basins under the 25-yr storm event. Proposed Sub-basin 2b Sub-basin 2b consists of new impervious surface as well as a new conveyance/water quality system. The conveyance in this sub-basin has been designed to meet or exceed the 100-yr storm event. The total sub-basin area is equal to 39,839 sf (0.91 acres), with a 100- year flow equal to 0.7686 cfs. Flow rate assuming existing 12" pipe is 50% full: Q-1.4%.012 x(0.3927)x(0.250)213 x(0.005) 112 = 1.368 cfs Based on the above calculation, the conveyance capacity of the proposed 12" pipe is sufficient for the 100-yr storm event. PACLAND Project #10001074 Page 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page I of I Appended on: Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:42:53 AM Proposed Event Summary I Event II Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) I 2 yr 24 hr I 3.6649 8.00 1.2089 I other 3.888 8.00 1.2827 5 year 4.5555 8.00 1.5052 10 year 5.6619 II 8.00 II 1.8783 25 year I 6.7612 II 8.00 II 2.2532 100 year II 7.8542 II 8.00 II 2.6294 Area (ac) II Method 9.12 II SBUH 9.12 II SBUH 9.12 II SBUH 9.12 II SBUH 9.12 II SBUH 9.12 II SBUH All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: Proposed !Design Method II SBUH IIRainfall type II TYPElA.RAC lttyd Intv II 10.00 min llreaking Factor II 484.00 Jstorm Duration II 24.00 hrs IIAbstraction Coeff II 0.20 JPervious Area II 9.12 ac IJDcIA II 0.00 ac JPervious CN II 96.17 IJDccN II 0.00 JPervious TC II 5.00min IJDcTc II O.OOmin Pervious CN Cale Description II SubArea Sub en Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) II 7.73 ac 98.00 Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) II 1.39 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 96.1711 Pervious TC Cale Type II Description II Length JI Slope II Coeff JI Misc II TT !Sheet llsmooth Surfaces. II 30.00 ft 11 2.0% 11 0.011 11 o.oo in 11 0.5232 min JJnt Channel JJCMP pipe (n=0.024) 11 200.00 ft 11 o.s% 11 0.024 I I 2.2202 min I Pervious TC II 2.7434min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. I I I I I I I I I file://S:\Washington\Renton\grimes\Rainier Ave & 7th Expansion\4Reports\Storm \Storms... 2/25/2010 I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c· ,tYot Rento Planning o· . . n /Vision FEB -8 LDID #2516-05 Renton Walmart Title Report with Recorded Documents I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 1 stewart ---title Order No. 964881 This sketch is pro·,ided withoul charge for information. II is not intended to show all matters related to the property including. but not limited to area. dimensions. encroachments or locations or boundaries. It's not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or policy to which it is attached. The company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sketch. Reference should be made to an accurate survey for furtho\ information. ---'----'=--~-""=-.= •. -'c .... -'=-"'''--'f·_" ---"-----"<-I L .. , .... .,.111~:'ll" .. , ...... ,..,, ---µ~ C-",i---r.c:-~·-c_·':;:!!;;;"c;' ;;;c;·,,-H,;C;;;"~=!!.'.!:;:"·c:•-=·c;""=nr•c;"-\;:•·:;:··:;:·:::•·•:::•••;::•·c;·•·;;:···;;;· .:•J\~:::·•:::··:::··:.:··:.:··:::•••;::••:::••·;:;··::·:::··;c;.c,--'="--~ j ., ~ ' -" .... - ..... ~ - -· - \ \ ' ,f i . ''! __ _! " ------·-. ..'.!.'L----- (j) .{ 4.!." ... ~, ;_ ! ® ,·J '""" "'" - I .• -~-·;,~_1,,_._ r"' ._ ... ' ·' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued by c§!2Yn'!~! Stewart Title Guaranty Company, a Texas Corporation ("Company"), for a valuable consideration, commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate six months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. This commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by a validating officer or authorized signatory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. Countersigned by: Authorized Countersignature Stewart Title Company~SeaTac. Washington 004-UN AL TA Commitment (6/17106) File No.: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise accuires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and Stipulations and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at< http://www.alta.org/>. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252. I STG Privacy Notice (Rev 01126109) Stewart Title Companies I WHAT DO THE STEWART TITLE COMPANIES DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION? Federal and applicable state law and regulations give consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal and applicable state law regulations also require us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. I Please read this notice carefully to understand how we use your personal information. This privacy notice is distributed on behalf of the Stewart Title Guaranty Company and its affiliates (the Stewart Title Companies), pursuant to Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). I The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service that you have sought through us. This information can include social security numbers and driver's license number. I I All financial companies, such as the Stewart Title Companies, need to share customers' personal information to run their everyday business--to process transactions and maintain customer accounts. In the section below, we list the reasons that we can share customers' personal information; the reasons that we choose to share; and whether you can limit this sharing For our everyday business purposes-to process your transactions and maintain your account. This may include running the business and managing customer accounts, I such as processing transactions, mailing, and auditing services, and responding to court orders and legal investi ations. For our marketing purposes-to offer our products and Yes No Yes No I services to ou. f-=F~o~rL·o~i~n~t~m"'ac'r~k=e~ti~n~w=it~h__,o~t~h~e~r~fi~n=a~n=c~iac.l~c~o~m=a~n~i=e=s---1-------N_o=---_---+-------'W'-'---=e---'d"o"-n'--''t__,s"-h=ac.re=------~-J For our affiliates' everyday business purposes-, I information about your transactions and experiences. 1 1 Affiliates are companies related by common ownership or Yes No control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies. ' Our affiliates may include companies with the Stewart ~ I name; financial com anies, such as Stewart Title Com an ____ _ For our affiliates' everyday business purposes-No We don't share information about our creditworthiness For our affiliates to market ou For nonaffiliates to market to you-Nonaffiliates are companies not related by common ownership or control. The can be financial and nonfinancial com anies. Yes No No We don't share i I I I We may disclose your personal information to our affiliates or to nonaffiliales as permitted by law. If you request a transaction with a nonafliliate, such as a lhird party insurance company, we will disclose your personal information to that nonaffiliate. [We do not control their subsequent use of information, and suggest you refer to their privacy notices.] How often do the Stewart Title Companies notify me about their ractices? I How do the Stewart Title Companies protect my personal information? I How do the Stewart Title Companies collect my personal information? I We must notify you about our sharing practices when you request a transaction. To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal and state law. These measures include computer, file, and buildin safe uards. We collect your personal information, for example, when request insurance-related services provide such information to us We also collect your personal information from others, such as the real estate agent or lender involved in your transaction, credit reporting agencies, affiliates or other I f-------c-~----+-="com=anie=-s-____ 1 What sharing can I limit? Although federal and state law give you the right to limit - sharing (e.g., opt out) in certain instances, we do not share _ I our ersonal information in those instances. r ~--------11 ~~-=-~~ve ~~; questions about this privacy notice, please contact us at: Stewart Title Guaranty, 1980 Post Oak Blvd., Privac Officer, Houston, Texas 77056. J' --'-'-===='-'="----'-==--------------~-- I I I stewart title 18000 International Blvd. Suite 401 SeaTac WA 98188 Phone: (206) 770-8700 I Title Officer: Robert Jackson Phone: 253-882-2003/206-770-8860 Order Number: 964881 Email: Rjackson@stewart.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECOND COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A 1. Effective Date: November 12, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. 2. Policy Or Policies To Be Issued: ( X) ALTA OWNER'S POLICY, (6/17/06) ( X ) STANDARD ( ) EXTENDED COMMERCIAL RATE Proposed Insured: To Be Determined ( ) AL TA LOAN POLICY Escrow Number: 09031173 Customer Reference: RENTON WAL- MART Amount: TO BE DETERMINED Premium: Tax: Total: $ 0.00 Amount: Premium: Tax: Total: $ 0.00 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: Fee Simple Estate as to Parcels 1 and 2 and Easements only as to Parcel EZ 4. Title to said estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: Bonnell Family L.L.C., a Washington Limited Liability Company 5. The land referred to in this commitment is described in Exhibit "A." See Attached Legal Description Page 1 Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parcel 1: Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION That Portion Of Government Lot 1 In The Northwest Quarter Of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, In King County, Washington, Described As Follows: Commencing At The Northeast Corner Of Said Subdivision; Thence South 01°23'12" West A Distance Of 873.45 Feet Along The East Line Thereof To The Northwesterly Line Of The Former Northern Pacific Railroad Right-Of-Way; Thence South 77'27'29" West A Distance Of 51.51 Feet Along Said Northwesterly Line To The West Margin Of Rainier Avenue South; Thence Continuing South 77'27'29" West A Distance Of 89.66 Feet; Thence North 01 °23'12" East A Distance Of 61.00 Feet; Thence North 88°36'48" West A Distance Of 50.00 Feet; Thence North 01 °23'12" East A Distance Of 99.21 Feet To The True Point Of Beginning; Thence North 88°36'08" West A Distance Of 239.73 Feet; Thence South 00°56'37" West A Distance Of 105.27 Feet; Thence North 89°05'57" West A Distance Of 7.82 Feet; Thence North 88°58'31" West A Distance Of 519.05 Feet; Thence North 01'14'37" East A Distance Of 517.57 Feet; Thence South 88°45'24" East A Distance Of 401.02 Feet; Thence North 01 '15'54" East A Distance Of 46.11 Feet; Thence South 88'49'24" East A Distance Of 151.74 Feet; Thence North 01 '13'53" East A Distance Of 30.04 Feet; Thence South 88'38'23" East A Distance Of 207.32 Feet Thence South 01 '14'36" West A Distance Of 114.44 Feet; Thence South 88°45'24" East A Distance Of 163.91 Feet To The West Line Of The East 30.00 Feet Of Said Government Lot 1 ; Thence South 01 °23'12" West A Distance Of 245.98 Feet Along Said Last West Line To A Point Which Bears North 01°23'12" East A Distance Of 126.79 Feet And South 88°36'48" East A Distance Of 157.02 Feet From The True Point Of Beginning; Thence North 88'36'48" West A Distance Of 157.02 Feet; Thence South 01 °23'12"West A Distance Of 126.79 Feet To The True Point Of Beginning. (Also Known As Parcel B of City Of Renton Boundary Line Adjustment No. LUA-95-173-LLA, Recorded Under Recording No. 9603139005.) Parcel 2: Parcel A of City Of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-95-172-LLA, Recorded Under Recording No. 9603139005, Records Of King County, Washington; Except That Portion Described As Follows: Beginning At The Most Easterly Northeast Corner Of Said Parcel A, Thence North 89'10'29" West 140.01 Feet Along The North Line Of Said Parcel A To An Angle Point Therein And The West Line Of The East 170.00 Feet Of Government Lot 1 In The Northwest Quarter Of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Page 2 Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Thence South 01 °23'12" West 73.12 Feet Along Said West Line To The South Line Of Said Parcel A; Thence South 88°45'24" East 140.00 Feet Along Said South Line To The East Line Of Said Parcel A; Thence North 01°23'12" East 74.14 Feet Along Said East Line To The Point Of Beginning. (Being Known As Lot 1 of Billy McHale's (City Of Renton) Short Plat No. LUA-04-027-SHPL, Recorded Under Recording No. 20040503900002.) Parcel EZ: An Easement For Roadway As Created Under Recording No. 7712300984; And For Ingress And Egress For Pedestrian And Vehicular Traffic As Described In Declaration Of Easement Recorded Under Recording No. 9602010476; And An Easement For Roadway As Created Under Recording No. 9203271611; And For Ingress And Egress For Pedestrian And Vehicular Traffic As Described In Easement Agreement Recorded Under Recording No. 9207202037; Also: A Non-Exclusive Easement For Vehicular And Pedestrian Access As Granted By Recording Number 9602201491; And Also: An Easement For Limited Commercial Delivery Access As Granted By Recording Number 20040421000319. Page3 Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B Part I Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. B. (i) Unpatented mining claims; (ii) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (iii) water rights, claims or title to water; whether or not the matters described in (i), (ii) & (iii) are shown in the public records; (iv) Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. C. Extended coverage exceptions, as follows: (1) Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. (2) Easements, claims of easements or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. (3) Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises and which are not shown by the public records. (4) Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. D. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity, construction or reimbursement charges for sewer, water, electricity or other utilities, or for garbage collection and disposal. E. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. F. Any titles or rights asserted by anyone, including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments, or other entities, to tidelands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or gulf, or lands beyond the line of the harbor or bulkhead lines as established or changed by the United States Government, or riparian rights, if any. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOW Page 4 Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B Part I SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Payment of Real Estate Excise Tax, if required. The land described herein is situated within the boundaries of local taxing authority of the City of Renton. Present Rate of Real Estate Excise Tax as of the date herein is 1.78% and the levy code is 2100. 2. DELETED 3. DELETED 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Page 5 DELETED DELETED DELETED Lease And The Terms And Conditions Thereof As Disclosed By Memorandum Of Lease. Lessor: Bonnell Family L.L.C., A Washington Limited Lessee Term Dated: Recorded: Recording No.: (Affects: Parcel 1) Liability Company Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., A Delaware Corporation Undisclosed February 21, 1996 May 7, 1996 9605071276 Lease And The Terms And Conditions Thereof As Disclosed By Memorandum Of Lease. Lessor: Bonnell Family L.L.C., A Washington Limited Liability Company Lessee Billy McHale's Corporation, A Washington Corporation Term Ends On Or About May 1, 2017 Dated: March 27, 1997 Recorded: June 24, 1997 Recording No.: 9706240595 (Affects: Portion Of Parcel 2) Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Page 6 Deed Of Trust And The Terms And Conditions Thereof: Grantor: Bonnell Family L.L.C., A Washington Limited Trustee: Beneficiary: Amount: Dated: Recorded: Recording No.: (Affects: Parcel 1) Liability Company Chicago Title Insurance Company Principal Mutual Life Insurance Company, An Iowa Corporation $3,700,000.00 August 15, 1997 August 15, 1997 9708150410 Assignment Of Leases And/Or Rents And The Terms And Conditions Thereof: Assignor: Bonnell Family L.L.C., A Washington Limited Assignee: Dated: Recorded: Recording No.: (Affects: Parcel 1) DELETED Liability Company Principal Mutual Life Insurance Company, An Iowa Corporation August 15, 1997 August 15, 1997 9708150411 Lease And The Terms And Conditions Thereof As Disclosed By Memorandum Of Lease. Lessor: Bonnell Family L.L.C., A Washington Limited Liability Company Lessee Columbia State Bank, A Washington Banking Corporation Term 20 Years And 6 Months, With 4 Five Year Options To Extend Dated: February 15, 2007 Recorded: December 31, 2007 Recording No.: 20071231001261 (Affects: Portion Of Parcel 2) Unrecorded Leaseholds, If Any, Rights Of Vendors And Security Agreement On Personal Property And Rights Of Tenants, And Secured Parties To Remove Trade Fixtures At The Expiration Of The Term. Evidence Of The Authority Of The lndividual(S) To Execute The Forthcoming Document For Bonnell Family L.L.C., A Washington Limited Liability Company, Copies Of The Current Operating Agreement And Any Amendments Thereto Should Be Submitted Prior To Closing. A Certificate Of Good Standing From The State Of Delaware For Wal-Mart Stores, Inc, A Delaware Corporation, Should Be Submitted Prior To Closing, Together With Evidence Of The Authority Of The Officers Thereof To Execute The Forthcoming Instrument. A Certificate Of Good Standing From The State Of Delaware For Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust, A Delaware Statutory Trust, Should Be Submitted Prior To Closing, Together With Evidence Of The Authority Of The Officers/Trustees Thereof To Execute The Forthcoming Instrument. Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 17. Evidence Of The Authority Of The Individuals To Execute Any Forthcoming Document For Billy McHale's Corporation, A Washington Corporation, Should Be Submitted Prior To Closing. 18. DELETED 19. Evidence Of The Authority Of The Individuals To Execute Any Forthcoming Document For Columbia State Bank, A Washington Corporation, Should Be Submitted Prior To Closing. 20. DELETED 21. It Is Our Understanding That A Lot Line Adjustment Involving One Or More Common Property Lines Within The Properties Herein Described May Be Forthcoming. Upon Completion Of Said Adjustment And The Approval Of The Same By The Proper Municipal And County Authorities, Including The Recording Of Said Adjustment, This Report Will Be Amended To Reflect Changes Therein. 22. It Is Our Understanding That, Subsequent To The Adjustment Of One Or More Common Property Lines Within The Properties Herein Described, That Amendments To A Lease Or Leases Of Said Premises May Be Forthcoming. A Proper Lease Must Be Executed And Recorded, Or If A Memorandum Thereof Is To Be Recorded, A Conformed Copy Of The Lease Must Be Submitted And The Policy To Issue Will Be Subject To The Following: "The Terms, Covenants, Conditions And Provisions Of The Lease Referred To In Schedule A And The Effect Of Any Failure To Comply With The Same." 23. The Policy Form As Contemplated Herein Is Standard Coverage. If Extended Owners/Leasehold Coverage Is Desired By The Parties, lnsurability Matters Pertaining Thereto Are Dependent Upon An AL TA Survey Of The Property And A Physical Inspection. Please Contact The Company As Soon As The Format Of The Proposed Insurance Is Agreed Upon To Determine The Requirements For Coverage. 24. Easement, Including Terms And Provisions Contained Therein: Recorded: November 25, 1966 Recording No.: 6111601 In Favor Of: City Of Renton For: Sewage Pipe Lines And Any Other Public Utilities And Services Affects: Parcel 1 And Other Property 25. Easement, Including Terms And Provisions Contained Therein: Page 7 Recorded: October 16, 1980 Recording No.: 8010160469 In Favor Of: Puget Sound Power And Light Company, A Washington Corporation For: Electric Transmission And/Or Distribution System Affects: The Centerline Of Facilities As Constructed Or To Be Constructed, Extended Or Relocated On Parcels 1, 2, and Other Property Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Page 8 A Record Of Survey Recorded October 24, 1986 Under Recording No. 8610249001, Said Survey Discloses The Following Matters: Perimeter Boundaries And Parking Facilities On The Property Herein Described And Adjacent Parcels. (Affects: Parcels 1, 2, And Other Property) Terms, Covenants, Conditions And/Or Provisions Contained In An Easement Serving Said Premises, As Contained In Instrument: Recorded: March 27, 1992 Recording No.: 9203271611 (Affects: Portion Of Parcel EZ) Notice Of Extension Of Maple Street Easement Agreement And The Terms And Conditions Thereof: Between: And: Recorded: Recording Number: Robert F. Greenwell Company L.P., A Delaware Limited Partnership, Eugene Horbach And Joyce Horbach, Bonnell Family Partnership, A Washington General Partnership, Barbara Joan (Holt) Bonnell, And Lanphere Enterprises Of Washington, Inc., A Washington Corporation July 20, 1992 9207202037 Notice Of Hazardous Waste And Removal Of Tanks Agreement And The Terms And Conditions Thereof: Between: Eugene Horbach And Joyce Horbach, Husband And Wife And: Recorded: Recording Number: Bonnell Family Partnership, A Washington General Partnership And Barbara Joan (Holt) Bonnell July 20, 1992 9207202029 Terms, Covenants, Conditions And/Or Provisions Contained In An Easement Serving Said Premises, As Contained In Instrument: Recorded: February 1, 1996 Recording No.: 9602010476 (Affects: Portion Of Parcel EZ) Easement, Including Terms And Provisions Contained Therein: Recorded: February 20, 1996 Recording No.: 9602201491 For: Vehicular And Pedestrian Access And Utilities Affects: Parcel 1 And Other Property Terms, Covenants, Conditions And Restrictions As Contained In Lot Line Adjustment: No.: LUA-95-173-LLA Recorded: March 13, 1996 Recording No.: 9603139005 (Affects: Parcel 1, 2, And Other Property) Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 33. Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions And/Or Easements Therein: Recorded: May 7, 1996 Recording Number(S}: 9605071277 Amendment(S} And/Or Modification(S} Of Said Covenants: Recorded: April 25, 1997 Recording Number(S}: 9704250174 (Affects: Parcels 1, 2, EZ, and Other Property) 34. Easement, Including Terms And Provisions Contained Therein: Recorded: April 1, 1997 Recording No.: 9704011446 In Favor Of: City Of Renton For: Public Utilities Including Water, Wastewater, And Surface Water Affects: Various 15 Foot Strips As Delineated On Parcels 1, 2, And Other Property 35. Easement, Including Terms And Provisions Contained Therein: Recorded: September 29, 1961 Recording No.: 5335384 In Favor Of: City Of Renton For: Water Mains Affects: Southerly Panhandle Portion Of Parcel 2 36. Easement, Including Terms And Provisions Contained Therein: Recorded: December 11, 1972 Recording No.: 7212110331 For: Construction And Maintenance Of Footings For A Building On And 18 Inches Underneath The Surface Of That Part Of The Land Lying Within 3 Feet Of The West Line Of Parcel 2 37. Reservations And Exceptions, Including The Terms And Conditions Thereof: Reserving: Minerals Reserved By: Burlington Northern Railroad Company Recorded: December 22, 1987 Recording No.: 8712220298 {Affects: Portion Of The West 48 Feet Of Parcels 2 and Other Property) 38. Easement, Including Terms And Provisions Contained Therein: Recorded: November 4, 1991 Recording No.: 9111 040440 In Favor Of: Puget Sound Power And Light Company, A Washington Corporation For: Electric Transmission And/Or Distribution System Affects: The North 1 O Feet Of The West 25 Feet Of The East 295 Feet Of Parcel 2 39. Restrictions, Conditions, Dedications, Notes, Easements And Provisions Contained And/Or Delineated On The Face Of The Short Plat Recorded Under King County Recording No. 20040503900002. {Affects: Parcel 2 And Other Property) Page 9 Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 40. DELETED 41. DELETED 42. DELETED 43. DELETED 44. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Purpose: Building footings Affects: Parcel 2 Recorded: April 10, 1968 Recording No.: 6331019 45. DELETED 46. DELETED 47. DELETED 48. DELETED 49. DELETED 50. The attached Commercial Title Affidavit must be completed in full, notarized, and submitted to the Company for review prior to closing. END OF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Page 10 Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B Part II The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Item (b) Note: Format: Payment to or for the account of the granters or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record Effective January 1, 1997, and pursuant to amendment of Washington state statutes relating to standardization of recorded documents, the following format and content requirements must be met. Failure to comply may result in rejection of the document by the recorder. Margins to be 3" on top of first page, 1" on sides and bottom, 1" on top, sides and bottom of each succeeding page. Font size of 8 points or larger and paper size of no more than 8 'Ii' by 14". No attachments on pages such as stapled or taped notary seals, pressure seals must be smudged. Information which must appear on the first page: Page 11 Title or titles of document. if assignment or reconveyance reference to auditor's file number or subject deed of trust. Names of grantor(s) and grantee(s) with reference to additional names on following page(s), if any. Abbreviated legal description (lot, block, plat name or section, township, range and quarter quarter section for unplatted). Assessor's tax parcel number(s) Return address which may appear in the upper left hand 3" top margin Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B Part II NOTE A: in order to assure timely recording all recording packages should be sent to: Stewart Title Company 18000 International Blvd. Suite 401 SeaTac WA 98188 Attn: Recorder NOTE B: The description can be abbreviated as suggested below if necessary to meet standardization requirements. The full text of the description must appear in the document(s) to be insured. Lt. 1, SPL LUA-04-027-SHPL, Rec. No. 20040503900002 Ptns. Gov. Lt. 1, Sect. 19, Twp. 23N, Rng. 5EWM, recorded in King County, Washington. NOTE C: The records of King County indicate that the addresses of the improvements located on said land are 225 and 241 SW 7th St., Renton, WA 98057. NOTE D: In the event of cancellation, a cancellation charge may be made. NOTE E: There are no deeds affecting said land recorded within 24 months of the date of this report. NOTE F: General taxes for the year 2009 have been paid in full: In the Amount Of: $127,813.39 Tax Account No.: 192305-9048-02 Levy Code: 2100 Land: $7,770,000.00 Improvements: $5,051,800.00 (Affects: Parcel 1) NOTE G: General taxes for the year 2009 have been paid in full: In the Amount Of: $44,044.37 Tax Account No.: 192305-9072-01 Levy Code: 2100 Land: $4,412,300.00 Improvements: $ 1,000.00 (Affects: Parcel 2) Note: King C0unty Treasurer, 500 4th Avenue, 5th Floor Admin. Bldg., Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7300 Web Address: http://webapp.metrokc.gov/kctaxinfo/. END OF SCHEDULE B PS Page 12 Order Number: 964881 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 Comment: Station Id :MMTM 1- • • -Schedule B :i::.. Section _ _:::c;;....~-- Exceptlon __ -f,__ __ _ . -----·--"--... . •, ~-. ·---- KING,WA Document: LSE 1996.05071276 l'ilrdli:lrNCGrlll •tiir.nqaataf; A1lct ncemat1 rdDn. hi: lob C, lkQlllolip 1'1.lllpi Mc:CullNcb WUrN BUI I< Pb P.S. Zm!Tint A't'ULUCi Soltt 11st Satlk, WA. ffllI MEM.ORANtK)il OF Gtl.OtlI4D LIM£ ,f-1, , l!191S, ______ _ BONNEU. 'FAMIL YU.C..• Wabmpaiimtkd Jiml&;y~ W".u..MAllTETORES,lNC..11Ddawac.~ I. Rtcf= J.amrD!Laseo.._~mlllll=c:tr111illCh!NDdl.m:e d»t:dhlmaary21,l'96~ulbc1rmor1m1.ccr1da_.~D in.Cha ~cC13!1i,~D~ Icpll}"~fn~~r.nto u.d ~ hmbi '1this~011. lht11:1&11.acoddvmdelciib:d ia diet.om; whldl ltm!,S .alld ~ lie bixupormdkam by Im ndi::R.ao=. ra;«mdon mi~~w: IIQtra:i of die 1,sa:sc. -S ilDI ID wsylllDdiri= or iacads ~ ~Ihle Mnnonvrbam 1lmllm111rlDIUl:lb ~ r«tbe pmp:,sc, nr &E' ~md r,(lfs Lcmc. DA.TI!Dmofk'1l;urd~fla1.abowwtil!=. LESSOR: Br, ;±-l 1\ (j ... «f& f 1blc; ,.,,,..,,,:.,$ A...t)l.,,.,.- LESSEE< WAL-MIJCT STOftEStlNc.. ! I • I I I I l G Page I of3 Printed on 815/2009 I ;2: 12:39 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B.nutch :STK,Usor :8792 !- 1- KING.WA Comment: •• • • . -·. " ---·-·-·-· ...... -----·, ~ 0 "' g ., STAl'EOfWASHINCiTON ) '"' COtlMTY OF J:Jt1G ) OetludaypemmaDyappcmdldb,l:ma Ji,.>1, A &,,1utl Q. 1 ,ftlimc imwa 10 bti 11w: IDWF' of~ BmlNELL FAMIL YU..C.. WI limbcllabtJit Clllmpll11hJit ~ Im wfmlilQlld ~ huwaiait.ml d:zic,vrledacdtfie IMnaDc:az_la be tha !rm: and Tolullllzy 11,'tand deed ursud~ far diel!IIS-' p&lql)tm lb::zaD. mwi«icd.. and oii 11111b .rtllm lhatb WS dllfy 1mltamzd 1D cuelll: Mkl.1111waxcc OD Wi;lf' of diet~. IN wrnG!SS WHEtEOP .1 have MXlmO 11e1: myllMd.aml a: fm L dA)' of --1.!""',f----~ , .. ~ STAl'E OF A.RKANliAS l ) "' COUNTY Of BENTON' ) """"'"'-'--'"""B Kc\;,,.\-M::&clwl .~-bl.09n:LLObcilbc/V;<,lr. " 3.__ ofWAI.-M,\lO"sroaES.INC..~ ~ lhd--ed lh'lrilbln 111d :Rmpiaa ~ ...t I lcd@dts m:nlm;nt ., 1,:; lbCl nc DI wtamm,. 21:1 u11 deed. or said mtpolldim for b°Uts -i parpmcs lhe:telll IDll2ddued. ldd. G11 oalh Sled lltatbe ns c&tft ~ ID affltliC aid imlnllmal oo ldalf of .. _.... tN WlTNl!SS WHEREOF. ( bm ~ Id lftJ' bllACl 11».-Z 11111 ~f/,'fl. drJ1' of Ap i ·'"'· .,. --~-.. S1ation Id :MMTM •· Pege2 of3 Printoo on 8/5nOD9 12:12:40 PM Document LSE 1996.05071276 I I Branch :STK,Vsor :8792 I • I ,- I I - I I I I I I I I I I I KING,WA ]}(lcument: LSE 1996.05071276 I I COmmeot: ·-~ • • ____ ., 'Tll,l,.'f ,oJ!Tron er cavDWrDT tor 1. 5EaZCltf u, 'l1:llllmllP .:ii:i lRlllTH aAHCC-s IAST, w.11., tK n11c cotllfn. ~. OC$C;Sl.1$QI ,. -· ~INC-Uf!. ,:r '11tE. MDltTllr,.n' COIUl'al or P.t!l SUDIIU'ISJ:CQI, l'tltllc .sotrm oDl"J:l'U:" l<lE!IT 17:1,fS 1'u:t ,\1DffG 'fflB ltlST Ullt TIIIUl2F TO 'tH NOaTHW.ESTUL1 urue cir THt rmuma ffOlmlE:Rll ,...anc 11.Uuoi.tt ~ .,...,.,., 'TllttC:r. iocmt 7'1•:t7'JP VEIT 51,Sl l'ttt M.011C SAID IIORrbLJ:CQIL.Y Ull to ff£ JUT IWICl'DI ~ IAUCtol A.VUO'f. SOODfl TUD'c:t C!Ofltl:Mlltllc satnit n•n•u• vtli'T o.u ftl'I': 'fflfJfCS .ffOlmf OJ.•2:l'U" WT 11,0D FD:l"l Tlltlfel l!aErM. •1•~1•,t1" MDt" H,00 l'ta'1 1'1Ek¢ liGaTII 111.•:tl'U" !Aft 11,11 1'EEf 't'll 'tit 'T1W£ PIJUN OP IIIN'Dlltt16cii fflOf(t il(OClf U 0 lC'ot" Mtn 2ll,7:I nL'!tl n1a1tt ~ 111•u•n• 1'UT us.~, rtb'; 'fllJNcr MOJa11 ao•os•n• 11ut 7,U. n.E:TJ fftlCC" 110U11 ll"H':Jl• 4i'ut 5U,C$ n:J:l'1 fllDU!C IIOlt'tM OL'U'n" EAST sn.n f"Eftf T2d)(Gt some u•.tl(•2t• .iur -uu.02 F'EE't: ~ !fGltill t:11.•u•u• fJ\.ff .. ~.11 n:t:t: 'tSDJCC SOMM: o•u•2i• -D.51' u1.1.\ r=:r; nt~ IIDlrfll. 0l'"U'5l' D.ST 3Cl,H n:n, t'ICQI~ tlOlml ..... :i,•uw u.n, .tD"r.J.Z ~ 11fntei: .SCU'ffl tt•l.i''i" I/al' lH,U fftT; ~t)fa'.:~ 11'•:5~14• D,$1 l&l,tl Pu."f"'J'O"'t!aW!STUll'COr 'fltt L\ST Jo.oo nc or SAU GOVONltDIT terr L; 'nrDla: m:ll1'H 111":tl'12" wt:ST lCS,!I Utt At.cliic UST ,;1,ftJ Mffl UKC TO A '°~ WltZdt 111l:UJ: flOnf( i;l:t.•~~' u• Uff n,. n JTtt NfD .swnl •.B•u•..a• EAST l.5'7lfl2 n:E.T l"Jllltl: 'nlE "J]ltn; POtNr or IJtl;;J\ttl:0:CJ 1KDICS Hal:l'K •r::is•u .. vu,: 1n.~ rur, "Ulll4C£ .tl3l1nl Di •u' U." lltsT 12.6. 7t1 n:£T '\'ti 'f1lt Ult!E POn"T OF ID;OIICl)M;, srrw.n VI '.Nit ClTl' Of IWlt'QJI', ICl~ aJUt(TtC, V).SJIIIIC.TON. Page 3 of3 Stotion ld :MMTM : .. -_ .-' .t· -::'.·· ( • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Brnnch :STK, User :8792 Comment: 1 • .... .L.-~·-. • KJNG,WA ., ............ Tmnce. P, J.l2WII lwri'IUllc ~ JWI 'J1lltd A~ SUU.. ZIOO Sclllo, 'WA 91101 . ...... \ MEMORANDUM Ofl lJ!ASB Rt:fmal:c! btlllbtuofn:bl~ lloemnenta: 1'IA Ora11m(~ t. Bonnel hmil.V L.L.C., I w~ llinka U.W!i!J' ~. P. o. lloit ffll4fi, Balln$11, WA 9812Sr2.94ti Oru.*(11)1 t. Blltr MdiaU'J (Mpgt:Ulon, I W&l)i)q!aq t(>JpDflltfo.. 651 ~ h®lcnl'II, Smle a,201, T,ltwJIII, WA ftll& --l, SoUll:i ]!iO ~ of 11-nonli IID fw of UJ;D 1VU1 120 ri;ct of Lit~ n'1 2'0 fed .. r ga~Sll I in .ijon 19,10Wi:Uhlp2J north. hl\8Clll:ul, W.M. 2, ~lf:a-(lkKtlpdoahOl!pAJe_o(~ ""-"r'f Pnipef!l"Tl..l Pinal MCOIUl NWPbHC()i 1Pl30S-PO'JUJ -------~ Page I of5 Docum~nt: LSE 1997,0624059.5 StatiOD Id :MMTM . ,-. : ~ ' . \ • I· • .. _ ... 1.J:.~. Print«! on 8/512009 12:07:37 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :i792 Conunent: ~: i '. ,,· .· ,. L ··1-.,-.. •• I \ ' ., 1_ ,.,ljs'':,. •• ·--~-•. ~-··--.•• / ___ ........... ;~~-= .. ,,,~ . ._....:.._, __ ,, l ;j I ·' /· KING,WA MEMORANt,tJM OF Ll'.A6E THIS MEMOllANDtlM OP LE/\SE U mr2e and o;oawcd Into oa.u.1Qy'o~Jrlw:d,. !~, by ud bdweca JJoimell. Fan!Uy LLC., l Waddnston trmhl!d llab\Jiq Uhll.JUlQ' (lht "'l-$ot·) aadBilly t.Wlab;'::1 Cotporation. a~ cmporal!an ~ "t.caKC11. l, "l'bfs k R ~ of' a lase cQll:Rd Imo Oil Scpu:mber 4, lffl, IIS lfflelded, b; m:l. t.wcdl l1IC lMSor Ud ta= fhr;R:In6t Dl!«md to 1$ Ille, ·Lcue·), p\ldlJ.IDC w 1Vblch, '*' t.llbjtct HJ-tb 1mm or whld1. am Lcsnc hD:s tu dg,bt so accapy 11ui lUl ~ teB•lfy ~ isl Eklllbh A lltlchcd bC#tD (!he "Real PaipCl17") m:1 hti:llqllXllkd bf lldl ror~ :i. The.~ ii~ ]..a.JO cndl aaor1ba11tMa1 l, '2017, 3. Tb LmJ£ p,avidcs lbl !he ~ bu &ht dpt oC ,lqgr~. eirm l1uouih anll D¢t0$1. the BmJ Pniptrty bid 1hc lll,lo111l11$ tta! prop:11;)' ml time Che ~ JIQll.1, cm~. lnvlleo1 Old llcctset!r oflheLwcctD.w tis ti,httc p11rl:.t1.11 lhe. R.cat~bl' on pordtm:i oftlc~ n:tdptopffl1, · 4, Llaill:ltlol!:s: ltt lmpod cm uslflUJ!Ull, sulilettlPg m4 b)'poOstz!atiJlll the-1..as: ., "" t=t,,. N1 IN wrmESS WHEREOF, 1hc J)llrtlcs held) have set llldr hinds WI $tllli lhc day l!1d year ~ finl abo\'t; Wl'iw:n. ,,. N tD LESSOR: ~ "' BONNELL PAMl.LY W..C. Document LSE 1997.06240595 Station Id :MMTM ; ~.· \ ., ., I . • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bnnch :STK,User :8792 Comment I • "i·:..-· ·,·· \ / I' ,, ,. Sl'/JE OF W.A81DNGTON) ) ... COONlY OF RlNO ) l lteltU't bit I kmlw or \a.wtc .tatls!ultlCJ ~ tlmt Jf:b:Qk: n.. Boa.ad! b t&e pem111 'l!fhO apJe:Ud befo~ J!IS. imf ml 'JICl101l ~ lbnt ht qnc;d. lllb: lnatrwnciJt, OIi oath slllcd lhil )le: -5 atdlar1zcd 1o oxecatc. Im indzumw 1Dd u:ktlowkdp;i It 11S 1h11 1111mqtr ar Che Banndl llami]y W..C. kl bCI dlo Ct= ml l'OIDIIWf lilt or soi:b PM!Y for * 11$1:S 1nd purposes imalli:IIH:d ID lli= lastn.m:icns, DATBD: NOTARY PUBLlC In mi for~ StDl& otWulalapatr. RclldiDi;.tt f@e1+1 .. ...o E?vlhl J?"'. ~:r~G- {Prli\61:d or Bllmpcd Nim: of Notmy) My appoiotrn:nt ~(?.5 N1v, •, 1'1?T St!ltion Id :MMTM \ ·• ., I. • . ' . ~,t>~lt. ; .. ;_ ~--·· ~-':':\'·:; .:·;~)/ ....... , .... -.--.--.-.. -.. -.-,.-_. _________ ):WD_.f~~~I~ KJNG,WA Page 3 of 5 Printed on 8/5/200912:07:37 PM Document LSE 1997.06240595 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK.U,er :8792 Comment: i 1- . ' .1 -•••. ,! / I.· .. ;.:. • ~) : r ·• ~:t.~-d..~- &TATE OP WASRIN01'0N) COUNTY OF ICING )u. ) I Peaif"f u.t I kftDV( 01 ha~.c: atlthi:tory Phkllcl:! Chit lcbtl R. Hodt[, lr. I! Ult: person wbo llppllffl,d bcfor;: 1111:1 and 1&kl pefflill ~pi cbl\ Jti: qtiid dilf ~LI\IIIIC8'. QD oaOI, ltD$l!II! lbat he WIRi ldUl'JdZed to ~ !ht lnstnnn!Ol IDII tcbctwkd,cd ll u: dRs P1aldmit arDllly Mdtlk'• c:oq,&mbt tq bti lht &. AQd. vobmtley ado/ Mb patt,r tor Ille: mes Qd purpoge, ~ In ttlt lmtnnnll£. DA'IED: ,1("1' 7; 191i Q~·~"4J,i! e-.,; orw .. ,1op,>. """'"'~fl. «rr;J Lav ·s-e 4 n:t~y@E' (Peffld Of Sllmptd NlmC ol N'OUtf)') My appalacmcnt Qi!lml I .-1 S ·'f! ,·,.p, ', '••• ,, ~ ,•'~••• •,.._.,,,.,_,_I. -.. _ -~"••••• .... _ •• --" :i KING,WA Page4 of5 Document LSE 1997.0624-0595 \ ··r r I ... -~ r ., .' ., Station ld :MMThl ...... ·• I . • ;.~ ... ' Printod on 8/5/2009 12:07:38 PM I I Branch :STK,User :8792 I I I 1 .... •, .. ::··: ~ --.r :, I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I , • .;<_-, -; ····~--. KlNG,WA Document LSE 1997 .06240595 I I Commmt: \ / I ' P,tttl C · Th!«..ltb i,o fca1 orlhohCIHh IIO fccc oFdtc-waa: 12'1 fnl of UN ~t :Z.VO fcnoflh;JoltCt!lb)eM lc,t 1 bl ICCdO!l 19, Tow{dliq, :Zl aonJI,, mt&IO ;t Qsr. W.M. 61cctpt 'Iha aonh JD kl t:Kftol"ucotwe)'d lo lhc Cly 0C1Wta11 rcr the s~ 11k51 wikf~dl• ®· 60!1~94 S1nL1t111I W CltJ,' l'ff.tmOlli Coull!)' ontbtg. .Slffl ctW~on 'p .: ,. f, • \ l [.' ! Station Id :MMTM ·;:· .- . ' ., I . • ., ' ~ .. · ;,_: .. ,, • ,. f': ,t~-/•.'. .,/l,,.. ~ ':', .. ::·-~-~.-I -:~WWiik~fit.ifo~:~;,,t:-,-• , .. _,_,,.ji, ,-.-•.--111~~'---=rJf,£;."e_·;,~,..-J:,;;-; Page S of 5 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:07:38 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 I Comment ' • .. . . •. ScheduleB -::r::_ Section ---,.,---- Exception _ _..:9::J---- Wblffl n:cm,W 1*u to: --ur,--1lllll&hS- lb t&ol:rd, lA $0392-l360 ATni:' 'ldUloldm:I JNV,CRE °"'"" ~-,0 .,i,lll> _.,.., Do,dOl'lm_Ap,_..,_ ....... -· --L.L.C ... ----Grutr.,i:(,): hincipll:MQbaJUi::~~. oloW&Cotp11mkm J,c,1-(-l.c. lot,-, pl,t0< ....... -,_J,P .... B. 0, Dfllmml, lotllllt: ldJllllmmt:Na. LUMJ.17J-LLA, acconlal ukl"#COd&;z No. 9Ql!~91JOS; bma: A)Qltioa. tlf ~ Lot J, SeeliOa.19, 'towmblp 2J Nonh, J'2a,ae 5 But. WJL,ln .... """'1W- .M.fltllllaal kpl. ii ml EKh1tll A atttcbed ID aald documml(I), ~,~TuJlamLIAS.'COPlll~ tmOSD04:B~ ................. ._-....... _ ...... _ __...._ ...... " ...... I: I • Ii I I ! • C Station 1d ;MMTM (!) KlNG,WA Page 1 of43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:32 PM Docnrnent: TDD 1997.081504!0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Brancb :STI<,Usor :8792 KING,WA .:.j, ,."'· ,,, ' ' :'. • ~, , . ~ ., ,, Document TDD 1997.08150410 Comment ~Jd.-1 lltelmvaacl:~ 11 t HiJh, 8tn:el Dea Mo=-, IA ~-13!50 AUN: .JeffHo3dod Of\' • CRE a.... IJBm OF TRUST, SECUlUTY AORBBMBNT D-'1'H4S8 llleDSEDOPTR.Un',lllldauor ~l'i ,1!W7,bUWcell .BONNEU.FAMILY LL.C.. 1Vlddailolt HabllllyllllmpaQ', l,,arilig a_princ:lpal ~ofb:lu:aul,adotrk& ldd!MldH3l S&:'1111 ..... ~98004. a ~. QIIC,\00 T111.B.1MStJRANCECOMPANY Gf10J ,ai A~ UD CoTllmllla Selfint Cam", &uclc. WIIIJu&luo Wl.04, t1 TlulK. and PJUHdl'ALMln'UAL 1JfE. MUMNCB COMPANY, an [cnn oaqonUoL Jaa,iq: iU pdncfpal JUC8 of IMuma: aJMI polloflb-"111 l!lsh .... , ""-r..,som, u-. WITMESSB'IH: TB/..fOnntor hjwd.r ~to~ for__,-~ Jo ilit: prilciplJ. 111m of 'IM1:: Mitllo,rt &Vtll. HuodRG 'IbolllaDd 11b! DD/100 J>oUm (Sl.700,000,00), cvkkaocd by Otlllll0t'1 ~ D:111 o.n calbi Iba Natl) ofrtelldall! ~ -" p111ble ucl ddivered ID BcddLc;r. ID whlcll N®I OtlOCOf promiscl Ill pl)' to ~ 1k 1114 pdnclp,al.ll!D:l ex ao awdi lb,uicdu mq -~ fmlD lime fO till!~ by Bencftdliy, wtelkr wirll ln1&nst al 'DIii Rte, It tb6 Pmf:I. ID!S la lnN11mmt5 as In ~ ., '. "· Stttion Id :MMTM Page 2 of 43 Printed on 8/5/}.009 12:02:32 PM I I Branch :STK,Uscr :8792 I I I I I I " J I I I ,. I I I I I I KING.WA Dooument;TDD 1997.08150410 I I Comment: '. -·- llhc:. Nole pRIVlded. mm !Ml cndtc pd&dpil ,ml.m.mrd hliaal ba\11: txci paid, but ID MY emat, 1hc pdlKllpa:l 't.Jalllzl (U ml)') ~ dLte aa lbl Nott JhaO be cb1e ml P'Jlble o;i M,y U, 20:II ("M,>olly !>,i,1, NOW, 'l'JffiRBPORE. 16 aoeam lbt.~ Ofthallkl lade~ Iii ICCOnWICI '1'21.blbt eanm IINl~llm:iof'mldlk Nall::,_. di~ ...s-~ 1r111 ~II, lhaRO! ml Oil ~oJlk COYa1111s anO ~ eo.:ulatid hmln, 111d. ID 1DME: 111A" P',Jmm of',Ufand Ill o!h;r ~t:icttl dlrecl Cll'~eat, lb cayaowor~becomeuwbq: hli!.Oraotm'tolllDofidlq, and 1Docm 77 tmi or TmDollzol.,lwd,-ld,_af_bi...>,-.--by- pmicm pm. haram,. .all ml CGIMJ, fa lrllSl, whb pnwcr af .i, umo nmiec, bis IIIOCCllllff aad ua1p1 rorCYCr, .ihl.l.ccdlln • utt1e m1 .ndOtaLat'• atdo. rlllt, 1Jt£t 1111 illll:tat lbcq, ka1a1 Iii ilit.Colmlr rllCm.a, Stale ofW.nbla,pan. mote partlatl:ulf dtscrlbcd In Ed,JbilA ~kldCJ an4mldo.:p.t hereof, 11/!111111. rul amte, ~ •11h lbc: follori:1£ d¢SCribal pmporty, nJ1rlr ai l!dauls, iJ colk«l'tdy rcl'cned ,i k:n:i11 Iii the. ?rembi:s •• TQjdbt'r"111all ml mp1a:r fbc lalcmcEII, boedll.aoscarl, cucmtnli, appm1c111Dcc1, paA ~ wmfc:«ncl. dpldaa rfabts, dib1f ID trade mmcs:, oCitr dabf$. tn,enk::I and~ hmf ct in~ ""1 naw or llcn:aftcc" tppivleioma: ilr:ldiug ~ lllll &1 Ddwrdaim.11'1 (aw orilltqDIEy uwclla my •Rct·'I.Clllrired rlllc, ~ en: liceBse -1 lhi: m,::mmJ and mmtam IJld lllJl1liab 111d muallldm """"· T~ wkb derlsht lo aRotfon:doAltc hmaaikltf1bc ~ proplnJ fat ~ 10 IN mi USC (be IIIIIJD bJ 'IJlllidi, Ilic. buD4lap ao:I 111 odll'r ln:rplvffmuts •lmltcd 00 the P,mdm IN coma,oaly bo...n 1111d lhe ri!N ID JBIJl!,lC ad opcnk: tbl! uLi bui\d.lna:r andcr U1J sat:b lll8IC 11111 ttriua. ~. Tolt(IJ:r •illl III r(;k, ticJc ao:I .!=at Qf Gm&or kl Ill'/ and all bcdldlnp ud 1mpro~ or e\'CI)' kind ud dCICripdl,n -.ow or ~ acctad ar pllccd cm Ille aid n:11 emtD ud 111 ~ lalcddad Im~~. aJltiraliGn,and npair.s ofaich bwldlap. ao4 ~ MW 0thr.iaftucmcta1 lbcRoa, Ill. ofwhlcb lllll,ffllfs *11 be lbmcd tu be': lndmW w.llhlo lbt l'tu!1,cs: immcdllltdJ apoa. 'Ille ddh'uy dlim:of 1o the l",embr:i, Dd. di rui:~ 11ft « hetafli!l-ownt.i:I bf Oramar and lt1*dlcd 111 Station Jd :MMTM Page 3 of43 Printed on 815/2009 12:02:32 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bmnoh :STK,Usor :K792 KING.WA Comment or~ m anc1 a 1n~ wllfl ~ Pmnb;a: l.ldudhla", bat flll ~ trt, an maddocly, mom11o llcYalm, fltlhlr. ndlatmf. nml!lp. Oldta. ~ md all ................ 1-.-.. ....._.. ............. _111_ ... ----... --,-.. _"_· ............................. --1')'--...... , ..... opc.A1:loD or 11» Plt1llaJ; u1111 all lmllffl'lh or .-lbm:ol' or mdi:6:a m 11.1bJlttndoi1 &bereh, tJbelbsr or Mt lhe mntam ar tblJI II& IUacfled. ta ltfd bllDdtap or ~ Uf.l(O' maaar, llbel-a IDdWJl.f apcd,iAkoded aoi! di:claal fflll •11 llhD lfmeA{d. pmpau' OWDCd ~ Om?« and Jtba:d by It OIi Che Rll. t:mte ot-.:d bl. camicctbl wkhrk GflCl"l'llcio or mabttruuceG!d.Pmida:s al, ,c:i far• p,rmldrd hy b.w-. ba dlffllllll lo fata Ii pzna:id pmd afUmd a2atz: Ind b lb: PP*of lb1I DclC,d cf TMl ui, be ml atrU. and wrend bf Chis Dllalof'Trml. and I! 1o ~ orct.c pvp:11)' af'ocuaid ~ doc, aot (oaa apart and PQld 11(1hri JUI aim and doea:90!: cam!IRJeii I ~fl,dute" (U suai. tosm II cWlml ill *: UJllfonis. c-cld Code) Ilk Deed a1 Tnsl la ~ bm!lhyddmedto be, u.wdl, 1Scr:ltdty AJ['CDtldundalbt: Ualform.Cmmm:n:b1 Code O "' for lllt: pm(lOle or creatmg hcluf a lmlm)' ~ iii. 11111:A Pl'oPffl7 ~ Omlor llmby In p:alltSIDBweficl~uSecuredJlaflJ'. OIIJIIOJ'lp!'alo~v;famlaQ ~. in::ludlni limAc;iDJI ~Ob: Wlkh mi)' be ~ by 8cndicbsy [Q pcr:!ict tl:m ~ al---· ~ en Toptberwllh lllrlgbt, li&l~ml ~DfGr.allllr,llOW or bi:R:a&r&eqllited. inaad to my ant Ill m:qn 1111 gom ol fllld adjR=t. 1m am 1lalrl in c:lkll:ltdion ~lb lbc: P.mnlse9 IJidildlqbt. lille ml tnlmstofGmlcoJ', nwOW!lfd\11"~1!1'.:qllim\ in. ID, uw=i- antl midcr the Wll", ,ttettt., !kkwlll:J mJ '1k7t: IJ!1oioq-Ilic: ~ To,ctber wro. •U rums llOft' or hi:rd.J\ubdd ~ Bcddary '1111hr Uft:IClOW secudtr qncmcur.or undcf" •DY aflhe fmD& lraaf'. IDe{lllfbtt hilt m.limll,d lo l11:1dl bdd -.mer die J!fCJ¥lsii:im c!JlaOIDP4 br:ffilf. TO HAVE AND TO HOU> lho 11111tnoTtutee. Trasuc.'s ~ 11111:1 asdpa. \lpan Ibo tn1St$, tt:i"*111Dl& aid qMl'IIUIIC liada" apmacd. Otadot Rpa=II that. il. tlici Jbstdwa O'Mllfln 6e limpla aflhc Plcm1'cJdoscrlbed bi. ethiliil A. which PraniBe,; 1ft 6K 18d detr of Inf Jl!m ot encumbrum: cscepl D at ovtia IMtbk.5 aiw:bcd llmlo, ud ~for~ 'WILtab ans not fa eke•~ GmiU« &all fom,er 1'lmn1 ml dc:fe:ad die dlle III the Prmllel aplmt all dalmr ud lllcDWICIJ of •II pc:aom: WllomloMr 111d wW 11:1 demmd' mew. ~ Jddltlaul lftrllUrQur: whk:fl 111171,e :ttqdird 10 slvc 'J'nlSlc,c I vllid flmllci:i OA 1111. of'h~. CIDCpl as .aLl.lal!. DI hhlhll B. ;z.',:liU Si§l& M$ ( Station Id :'MMTh1 Page 4 of43 Prinlod on 8/5/1009 J2:02:32 PM Document: ·mn !997.08150410 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 KING.WA ' .~ ,c_ ,,• " • ' ' ,. Docwnent: TDD 1997.08150410 Comme..nt: Gcmor ftxtkr RpaClll:I, 1hlilJ (i} a,,e Premlle:a J,; JIOt 1111~ lo ISO'" Q.nll1ty ~(ii)~ u dblllllltd in oat l'hl,le 1 Bnvh mend Slfl: ~~ "'"""-..i1nocpom1o1wdalldlfmh "· ...,<,. -~ . ..,.. oo ~M.aald (u mmdltrddad) 11111 the Pmadla, uhll 1111 Buud,,via; Mmrw:bcn: dl:lchaqod ftam. dlol'nm!IN"orpcmemlac1 111,J' llllf&aJ ar~:d~ llf -..wOMiQ -~ hP.rcmba ot Che .... Wli:lldyt.llg 6cf:mo!ICI; and (W)_.__ ...................... _ .... oll _Uft (11 bmlmftcl' ddiDe4) Ntulal IOlba~. "Di211dcnis ldd=ril)(,}• u '*'If la lbb ):)c,,:,d" af'Tlust JDQM ~ tiazamu; QI lommccdal, ~ po1Jlllll1, eodllnlmnt, ar WUII-ar llm1Ju 11:nm • 4eftDed bf or IQllimd u Reta utllkr Gt~ Lawa. lt.llmllm~OOqplid,-.o.1eanlngand~.m t:nyJCUOUblc l!ll!Jllllb:n:qulllll1 fllr lUC la lbc: dsuy canm. of'timlaa.s,. p;,,idM 1tld1Jt&lm m. iaclmt.ll tolsU: ofk~ 11111 mctlDted ml IIICd Js ltOlltp1ilalle wflb.111 .En,i. d la"Wt.(b)5'1A4adctrltc ~ incammen:l1iDy ~mmw n:quhd foe UM ID 1hooadhmJ 10U110 of~ prorided NII ilcmll NJ::~ fa 1llt • ocam PH:mia" I.Id uc don:d aDd wo.t 1a ~ whh Ill Ea\li:romlcaaJ Lam. or W, RUfl U:11Ubi1 ~ JCON&!l7 bdd. filr le5alt ill. a QJ*li~ IIZ!m, pl0Ti4cd wdi.~ 'lslklocdmlm111Ja~ wrt11Ea1L: I l.awi(lmrcfandlO ln cbum-(a), 0) and (c) bedaa&r ~ rd'emd «nu~~ Mlmlll"). "En1it.....-.dNI ln'(ll)•at ltJOII lattli!lJced lilfTmtmcam IEb)' ~. ll*tt- • JocaI bnv, wbdiac;-COIIIIDDII 111', C:OUUClflldndiliatliiY~ dedalon. mdlaaC'c:,. n)IU1Rtioll. nde, aA111.anl11tOl'uct'CC, or ldJmni5cgU\lt. otdt:t Many admblitnUftpolkf or~IIJCI c:anccndni actkm levels of a ~ lllllmrilJ rdmlf IO b: awholaalt. pwlic ialdi,anyHu:::uduulM~orQJ'Ea1wh cmt:IAdMi,«Coudblol(M~ dctiDtii!) oa. llllkr Dl lboc lbc: l'ft:alkel. la dkC hlll lmll: 1o lime. !DebdDe, hat JIOt .lktilll:d ID c,.,) I& Pedml Wit.ct Nlulian CoaWl NA., ::ar llllCDbi (33 U.S.C. fllSI a IICQ,); 00 dac:Rii&owc.e. Comcnatioa .md ~ Ac1t a1 lllllcoded (42 u.s.c. poo1 d 1t:q.); (y) lbe C J cbcui'R B1lmmmcnlal ~ 0:unJtflA(ianml LWillkJ Mo a ueaded (4l o.s.c. §9601 er. ,eq.); or (r) the, Pcr6a.i amu Air~ a amcaW (42 u.s.c. §74011111: mq.). ·~ Aett\'i\y ot ObdJdn· u 11111d lllllllt Deed uf ToJst meaN Ibo pmlllllClt.. 111C, ~ llllllllfactuni -ptOdGtkm. plOCIWlaa, Aal'liC, meas. ~ JClMSc. dltdllrp. d..,.r. Sreatlllldt Drblll1pCltmlmlol'~ Hawdoul Mmdal Oil,. cuio, 1n. U1ldet, oin:r or &a 1k Ptcmlla, cr 1k: Yiola»Dn or aqy EmrWIIIDClltlI :r.-btcal&c oc die co,:idldoa. or. or adlricy on, tbci Pn:m'-, r , ,. J Station Id :MMTM Pago 5 of 43 Printed an 8/5/.200912:02:32 PM I I Branch :STK,User :8792 I I I I I I I -· I .. -~ I I I I I I I KJNG,WA Document: TDD 1997.08150410 I I Comment: GR4NTOI. 00\'EMAh.'TS AJID AGRBRS AS POLI.OWS: 1. GJWlll' didl (I) Jllll1 ~ PIii-fJf ~ aecuml b.r 111b 1>cicd: ofTfflJI. dcO ,. acccMl'bi& ti;! die. llS/ml lllreal' ml of dlo Holt:. (bl paJ • late cmrp • 1,;, 1oar perccnl c•.os> o1 _, p1,me:m or prliqW. Jmarat arpaahlm Wlllch Isaotplif willlm fiwrts) day;I faUinrilll lhc. due dale Qlcfcofm com-Ibo 01J10DSC JnYOl.¥1:d la 1wldl..m, IIICb.lu .,,_, (i:) Par mr orbcfcm: tb= doe.dale kdaqr ltidt:btedMsl: wbli:l. IU)' bl RlCllltd If a nm ordJu&c 11111 tbc ~ Ccw;t for mtdmili:'s &c,u, -...... _ ..... _ l(l)la,oll.ml--of __,, ___ ,, ...... __ (d) oampm widdtl 1 ~IE 1tiue 1M U1D111111i;donol my buildln;E JtDW or Id: UJ dcne ~ Fl'OCtlS of CODl'lltli.li1JJ1 upoadlfl ml utallj (ti) aibjca. '° !hi: Wllll ud. cMdllmns fl lhc te.e (u ddincd bm=bidow), mab: DO 11111tdal iJrmlioa 1D fit PtcaJlsc; wfthoul 1k p,iut wdb. cmamt ofllcDeficlzty, ucq11 aucta u M-mpind Iii, law or mdimP:e; (f} ma1Qn. f1f 4cmollib DO bllildkJa Qt Giber ialploWDl!!Jl .It Ill)° li:me .I. pll'I of ... ,_ ml""1l ....... -.-... hllfiop,o! lmptor ,,. irl pod mi::ditiD1 ud flCJlalr, wtdaal ww, and bu fi:oal ~ Uau; or cllEI" ~ orclabru: iilt ficasatd I TY'C'5; (a) complJ'1 .llld.lbD IISC klt~ft'arG IOQWO Nell laiilaC i,r otba-1111:l"aflbl: .Prcmbcslll'cmmplJ, wnll1U ~or1awm1 Clldlasc,DI wl!b allr<la ... ....,_,_ .. __ .,_....., ~or die Plmbcl wt IN u.e.lhboof, all iin:im.ml dlrediPas: or ~ *1oml Pim Ploblctkxl AAoclal!on or ablllr body, .Jld &II CO\'tllllltl, ooudkil)III INI ~ ar iaird per1'bug 10 1llE .Pi:r:dKs, iacladi1q: the butklq ml ~. UIO IIIC u,o lbcmlr. (b) mbJcct o!tbc 1emu: mid ~ or llR Lcuc., ca,ia; or p:smll.ai dw,p lo be madr. la #,a 1mcd..l • of lhc J>mma wk110llt. aa.ncwy'a prim: -- Station Id :MMTM ' Page 6 of 43 Printed on 8/5/200912:02:33 PM I I Branch :STK,Uscl' :8792 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING,WA Document: TDD 1997 .08 J 504 l 0 I I Connnent (1) 1nkhta orlQllli.::e in nn,maln& rec:her1ftredon or IIlllkrhl cbaalc 1n ZODJoa: wlhllt Bi::n,tftclaf)'11 prior wrlUcn cemi:ut; (J} mkc m permit :D01* .Oft!w: f'n:IDbe& thll '10Uld with 1k paW&e ot tlm: tuldtln .... oawdona! IJ9' ri&bt (lf1tsa,, ·~ dmr ullldv.;ia pcuwion « aamem.a11, 1o orqumt lwJ' pa11 otlbcJlmalRI fn fmlr or 1111 pen;na ar lb pabJki1 (k;) slbjld. 111 Iba pnn'i,kwofl*ftlllflh.S(c)hmor IDli Im ierm 111d candl.ll!IJII at 1hr: ~ pitnnpdy nipalr, ratare or n:ba!W-, bulldl!i,p or 1mpMWIKlll D09' or buahr a put of bi Pmuia W2llC& may 1>=me dmla,ccl or bo dal:ro)'cd liy -,, c:sme: wballolYcr, -1t1 1hlt vpaa. ~al'tbt:n:p&lr, ffll0nl4icnatdnbalk!lq c,fflc.lM!dillland lmpra,vemtm, lbr=wiJI~ DO llm.Oflll)'mlln, lnlfnJ mll.oCdJc eamtrui:don ud lhr. Plmlisa wW. ~ cf' fllbllulidb' Im saac dllnc\cr 111d wtU a.ve, ~I wtu~.111l,e:u1ap:atu tbe~a1 'YI.Juo Jhmiufprior io 'Ille damp or d~ (I) lltt, dhu:lfy o, lndin=Jy, due 1o usl1m11C11t of bcooficlal b11=lt im:lel" a ttlllt, p;l[IDmbip inJna1 la II paa.cnhlp, or~calnt ,n.rpcnmt llU' Ale, uaJor or con~ ofh-Pmnise:s or~. suffetcr permft any tDCLIIDhnl:C or Hell an lbc Pnma Olblr du die Jli:il ,-r, d>c laaMi" o!W Pranbcl~ CD &&Hew,-ml otla mqitiom ~ JCrcrmd 10 h!rdiJ (euqit !iJr ~' Jku, wbic.h an: pruliibit&,d-= Jllf'IP'PI J.(f} .i:rm]), ii bdag IDlmmod 111d aped thal ~ ~ mdcnccd bJr CDC' N=an:1 lb 11:rm ascpeftOll&i IQ Gmltar ml b .x:c:cptmg 1k amc &ic:fk:ilJy h& n:ilud iip.,a wbat ii. p:mhcd " the w:illqtiw and •bllitJ of Orul:1111' to pa:(ttP3I iu abliplklm ~. uskr Iba~ ml u !r.lOt lllllc:J 1eae1 orlbc ~l lkAef''1oW)' PY CGJI.IOP! IO 11 uk, ,ram(er, CCICM)'IIIICe or ~ lUid .erprw.Iy waive._ pmrisloD in~ to Ounlor i»wovcr Ill' 111Gb cotAAI Utl wahu lhlll DOI. ooaUiale 11111:Guad or wa\Yerarthlsprovkfaa.a:))~ "11. mm!u, ~or ~rcumfnnce Ofhe:rtbll. Chat forwJllch lbti COClleat Pl(I waiver WU t1.1real1 polld: ~s lblUtr lo Q1IIIIJIII Co toy lllB,. lftllll'er, coim:yucc Of ea:;un1brucc al .,an, dlls pivviliuu iliiplb AO s&alJdw of muollltilmu$ hi 1111111:mlDIDg 9lbltbcr ar aot mcll CDUeJd ,hall. be ptlld llld. lhc lllml ma)' be baled upatl what lteno!kJu7 ~ dicJm lD ilt in isl la. ialm:st: widuKd lurlit.lac. llmr6:iu)", risll Ill wldihold lu eomet11aoi1 l'lfwrcn11R1)',aleb ~ am walff:t'nybc.~ IIPOlJll1 iatJcuo In BID.rate olblrenutwmi'dlt ~midi,e.imfodlloo. af Station Id :MMTM Page 7 of 43 Printed on 8/S/2009 12:02:33 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STJ<,Uscr :8792 KJNG,WA Document: TDD 1997.08150410 Connnent: -1- ~ letW am! couabloo.l th:relllda ar JicmmdDt: .,-Sile, nmfcr. comtqaot.e or m:um1ttaDca tudl, omaf arpemd:Sd la vtalltloa otdik pmvlllon lhall be %1dll ud. wld ..s la Mldftlon 10 lbc Olliei' rtatu 1!111 tcimd,!eiawDableto~aq~.~IWIJl&vethe _., ....... .,., .... -....... 111.x ... ...-whll all-=uedmlmp,td Jutm,:;at. pn:mlum, ll'll!IYaol alltllba'tamrud d:izrJe!, itYldsed lhcftbj ot owln, )emaldff, lnmedialr.ly lb: 111d. """"'; Notwl~ d# allcM:, Bczadfdaty wffl IIJow I 11111k tmSfCII' oJ 1M P3mi.c,. u4 wmnptiorl.oflllc OnulO:t'I obliplklNi llDder Ibo LoNI ~ with an or-alldnr ~ and c:ondlllom. mbjcct to ~·· m"CW 11.11d. ,ppmnl oflk pmposcd pwdlacr:mil ~' rcicdp. d • uaanplbi re.. Tf Ille~ IranSler of the Pnmbcs and as,.IZIIJ)llon orci.e Cii.mor'• o!ilp1hml ocam prior J1;1 Sq,Q:mhct J:S, 1f#1, lhl, ~ fa lhaD 1111 eq:ual Colt: of.die then ~~palblti!WofilleNolc.. Ulbc~Dlllfcr oflhc P.mlmt!and IAUlllpCkm dlhcGrldor'1 cbJlplbls o=un IUb;tqliad lo Sqrlcmbcr .15, 2001, oflbt 1.o&n tma, G1C ~ fee. wD 11c cgpid 1a I% ofdlc IIICA4IIIISUtldllt ptinclpl.l ~ol'lbe Nou:. Bcuc:fiduy'i mkw of lhc: propo5Cdl ~lball-tA?lllllJ'll'I fttloul. fllClOl'l, bldndklg blJi llll Jin:llrz:d ro. ptchua', ~. ftmDcial ~. aml:n-.al ea= l1llDl,pmcnlci:qx:iOlc. Al lllclilllc otl!lt:lftllller, ~ Pl{IIUU I a,o.i11{.1 in oftlco)lipdalll af1ha ~ 1!lllkr !ht ~ tJfEWll. due timwib or ISSQtDSl1lood 1br. obllpaitim 'OICIKI a-.mn by ari lncliwldllli(s) or~ics) ~ lo Jbef"rcluy, ii. hi diltfedot1. In 1he evcnl Ole obllpl}GIIS cflllll G1wan1mt 1~&11111:11£11 byaaillllvidDll(l)ur~~III~, in ~-~. lbrm., IO laq-11 BOcfc!IMJl.hUoccurml,..,. lhal.oml ~tr. du: OdlUrOII •llld:l la.Wl taa ~ nil bi,: e.ompwal)' mluM:d ol Ill liati{Utf tmda~ Loin~ • .-pt forlJJ'f penoaal li,blll<J,"""'"''IRl'1>l"4tbJOl""'"'«(•)(lll.,_, Ona!« sbl1I pay kiief"du) • S:1,00) &t ror lilt handlinl of 1111s ~ Furtbcr no~ lbe lbou, Serdicwy will llloW'lllllllll tnndu(s) or JiAOO or ,h.Qm Ill Bom,:;D Panallf LLC. lbr c,1111:: 1laaiiin, ptJlpoxf to lmrnl:diau: fam11)' mcmbe.11 (Le., ilp(NIC(I), cbltdr=, p,ockhlldlffl, ud aib!lnp) rsf Pn.rt:B. Bum:U, Jr., l\iricll.lklr!KU m, Pela' P. Boanc11. u4 Cmll!e BoMDll RtJbbf111, pio\M!lt (I) BmdJciuy rtt:dvu an docwneldltiuii pnm!n,: 1o edl todl ~) or r1JtOO 11 lieut 30 Of( pdor w ~ propoKd dalr: a!IUCh tllmfcrfj) or lift(ll}, whlct ::;re Station Id :MMTI~ Page 8 of43 Plinted on 8/512009 12:02:33 PM I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bn1neh :STK,User :&792 • .. KTNG,WA Document: TDD 1997.08150410 Comment: ~ lh&l'k 111bjl:ct ta ~ aevti-.-w ud applV¥al; (It) ,..,,_.....,_,. .... 1_ .. ..,_._~ llend'iclmJ'• ffl'k1r lll4 IJIP1DWII: (ii) ~ lllOClva • ~ ~ fot DCt lo -.I S500 fbJ'lwidliD&-'i 111d. ~. Wbtb. lJesM:6:lay D:IIOWl«ljal ad ~ -each "ocaumKlc. ffll1 Ia:bli; .w1t1ptt tlCl6m. •hmb)' ~ sball iece1n. onJr '"' n:::uolllMC proceu.iDI fee. {m) DOI al!IO at pamit lll'if Hamnloal Mtlcda1 11:1 Qbi on ur dldarfe, from Iba Prasabc:11 ,nd comply" dd Q&IZ 1hr f'rlnDa to ci:mplf wUb &ll Bzwlroim:imal la,n, u1 prompdy; (I) pay IDf NUS! •pimt Oramor a: lklnaulal dale to mlln.vlramullbl Adlri13' or Cn:Ddldm1, :MIii (LO ~ .r ~or litn'l'POJI the JIJ'emkes dlla too Emhluacmd ktiYit:,' orOtmdldon: (m) not Q1lll:l nrpcmtltlll)' Ruardmu M&rW ki imrl DI!," dbdw&e from mt p,opcRy owood or us;d bJ Grucm-wll!Ch would rmil! 111: JIIJ'dmlJI= g:r lima llpml lhc l'nmbcs; (o) ootif?' Betdii:i111 ofaftf HaardOl&5 Mmrill thl1 wm oo or Is dJ,chargc,d from die Plcmbc5 wilbhl ieu. (lO) my.: .ner Gmtoc nm w 1attrWlllllgc or m:h~ordia:hargc; <,) lfmbu dlaaa paliiUllpcncm, eo pacw,oe-aadt.p lnfllJ\ l'IJ~ aaddht ill nkcl:nu, ~,riptf mlprlrileges:11rm'tllc IIWl gf'tfli:.mte or its rl2l"IDl.dDG ud, lfulha-Uu ita 1111teaflauuilan, M,uu:wilm:lbc l'o,m,,<k- (q} &I .rt ddap: ~ 11C1 p,uc;rw. and beJ] E. lbD force m:! d&icl Bu&rdar)"1 tllt.~COyaqti ltsurlmllbf.Dmofllm Dem or 1'ni,t II a fim mt prior 11w. lllbjtCt: otdy to tho ~ 1'lifd ill .Exhibit l!I ~uy olbclaccprlom lftet'Cbo ua oflbll: Deed arTrmt. ................... -.-·---'bl lktdiolmy DOI kCI 1ban 301'a)'II prim" lo 1bci ektivt dale ol my rate .ijl.Jllme*1I, niocliticab or~ ti rbe .Nall: ortllll Dct:d or 'I'Nlt. any-~• JIOl'°r or end~ wM:hm.y be~ to IIU!ll't Berieficial}' of IQC.b collllwlor ~ S1ation Jd :MMTM Page 9 of4l Printed 011 8/5/7.009 12;02;33 PM I I · Branch :STK,User :8792 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING1WA Doc=ent: TDD l 997.08150410 I I Comment: {I) pay OTCIUSe. uy lr.alCf: Ul pay all ullBtiOI Ol lbt' l'retnmJ prlGI ID _ .. _. ro ~ lijN)II rc,,;.olpl frunl Dia ~.nvlnlcmetltll ldlborillu m!far aJ!!ldet. provide: a.1J ~ d Om lO Jlomftclary N1"ed to dac _____ ,,,._ .. -...-... 2. (l} ~ lhall 1111 or C111Z la b:: pJtd Mlfll. illo 11111 W• l.llY penaliy alrlcba. ar IDtmll. scrua: all~ tucl, ,pedal me:,,~ {illdudli:!,a uk:llmCabi fl.a' limcflll ftQffl pullle worb m: ~ ~bepcr~ wmrCW,s, ,oworlCMRdiarJ*!, CAM ,chirp, 1!1111, 'l'llllt 111 5J*ll'C:hlrJes amt Ill otk.r-tlb cllarJel 1pmsl oraf'lo::&hl IM-~ orqa:imt ur, propaty er~ I~ oalhll ~or.i.idl IIRlhl ~ 1 llcaCllldw ~ IU1d WII, wlthb 10 dJ)'lfollolrmc:.Beucfici.uy'• 1C4PCII, fomhb ID lbcfhlial)' I i!apll;aJt dCdpl Of ,udl _pl7tllClll. U an)' f1lm 1111:, aw:sm:111 or dwJc: DI!)' itpLIJ' k ))lid in. imldh:11,em, Onmar may, a: lta cpticm.. p1)' IOCh UE, •~ or char&o kt ia:scalfmtals. (II) Tu pxm:n1 drAulr br.rcw'A::t Orari1:i:1t std pay 111 ftlll, IIJlder" ~ UI 1bt mazihCl"ptoVided hy kw, UIJ tax. ascsmn= or~ whlcll Ocaniar JU1 dcwc.10 coaiw; ~. ~' dllt (i) if c:oiar:at ofaay W., ~ orclmgc my be JD.Ide. wilhcaa. lhi paymc:m ttaord', ud (ii) 5UcJa COll!Ul da.11 Jurn. r1ie efkct or pm¥miag lbc Cl))kcllaa ar 11K lt.x, UJUSlllCllt at cbaqe so cOMaled. .and Che .la or ~ of 1k f'ttam.15cs or Ill)' part daa,f 0t -, Jllllt:n:d lhmdn ~ satisfy tbt -lbcm 03JIIUr -.nay ill hl. q,llna ml la llJ dJSCffdon J.Dd llfOll lbc 1M,i-of wrln= oacb JO lkullDcla:r7 Df' b tmcndc,d. ac(bi aid~ De fllmbhlng co BcacGdlr.y of,ur:b so::uril)' or boat as Bmdlcllry 1D1Y :ecpdtl,. colllclt mr Sid m. WClilllCll or cliuze ill pod hkh IDCI JI it& mnr,J:t pniridcd ., b.w. All DOSISand ~ 1Dcldmtaf 1.ol!lllhQOIIIDll.allbll paid by GmJ:or. latllc cfflll illf • wUna: at adju4iwlcm tdvem IO Ontltor, Orantor ,hall prompdJ PO' .sudl.tu., allWmll!ll Dt' chlqe. <Jnntor h[I b:kamJly llQ:! UVB haimJl:R. *lc:nt:11dai,' alll lhc Pmnl50i fmm IJI)' lusi t1r dlmu,C ul:1lol, fmm &ay IVcli. piar.t .rid lhaJI, H' b:Ctllllf to Fven.t sale, fas&umre m d'/ olbm loss ,or 4lml# to Ck Station Jd :MMTM ' Page 10 of43 Printed on 815/2009 12:02:33 PM I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 KING,WA Document: TDD 1997.08150410 Comment: .... Prr:mfaea at 1k BalDfkluy, pay mdl tu. UICU1IIIGt arctm:z~ vr lllce Wli&Ya' ldbn IJ11C:CC1$11)' l:o Jrffllfll.119' Ille, ~ ar ti.. 3. (a) Om,,!or llhdl ar ..U ctbw .keep IA forco m ICl!IIII IO ~ UI foico (I,) aabjtCI. ID Ille tDtJGt ar,,d CDlldlJfam Gl'U.: ~ ~ lmllnlu lllludas Ill blllldlqJ aacl fJu~ wbli:l .W l1'C Gt bemfta' becalNi I JIU1: of """""""'"""''""''''"'by" oll-riu .....,.p,1.,.-'nl,. bath~ CUit IIXlqsllCill tmOllltCl&ldoJ,leQll!!llbi llf op:laaa; (U) --Jiobllilf--Tr.-"""""""""" ........., ....... ,.....,,.0..-._ ... __ _ .. ....,....., .. ..,_ ................... .,_ 10 lbe J>rcmltS le CCIDIIIQC:ildly ~ IIIIOwata. (W} IUbJ=!. to Ille tram 1111d Cl*dl!iom:aflk Lcut. bobcra:ndm.1dihi,cl)' 1mmmll:c ifebe propr:rty 1111 • tdlta" or I& Ill offite ~ (iv) in Ille. mat lhf. J:A;ase. ls hD kmJt,r ID fall foo:211114 dr«.t ur die:R ls • delml uni:kr a.: 1e:D: or riay fQ1us Jll1aWc llilldcr lhc ~ at.ic duo: ID Is ~ of ASUalty damage or lhe lcaec 1lllllc1 lht lt:M::: ha Ille richt 18 Gale IClllllli dbc kl QSIWI}' damage.. ~IIW flhl: loswmce for 1k pc,I, apccll'ICII bcJUI foc o.e lum4ftll! pcrce.at (IOOS.) af the rem (ini:Ju4uia O{lffllina UJICNCti• Rid eufc Idea, IS5C3IIIIUb IDd imurmr:c i:Gm 'llitllth IIC bacc'I a.wnc,,} IDr I pc;btderr11etw: (12) mcm!hs: aod (1) sub),et to th! amm ud ccmdkiou tif lbe: Leut, but-..e ,pimt aD Olbtt' huaRb a.5 llllY be _.,,,.,.,.,..,.......,, ......._, w ..... J!mbdon. ~11p1Mlouwtl:mmp'7 tlocidaad~ (Ii) Stqcd ID lbc WJa &rd Clllldiliomofk I.cue. Ill WllrallDC1ball be ill r«m, ~t.mf lfllOIWl'fllll'DYlld bJ ~ and 1lrTittim bf 111: l!Jsvaacc llfflJ911)'D!'campmlcrlllaiA; dludm;VIDarLridm-la die moftcwmll iuucaflbt.t ~ bpocts:ad Whk:b k lieemedkl do bUslllmi in ilc Ill#: In wh1d:a *' PDaMIU tra locactd: ml damlcDod Ja Ole thdltd Siad m • SDftftlDNll lp&q' or lnnni:mrm,llCJ lpllllWldb7 lkaclk:wy. 1bc po1lda: for 111C11 Dlllrm shall )lave abchcd tbal:ta llladud mor1ppedlala" in:kf0t0fan4 }ICl'm1Ui111 kaefk:nry 1oeolhrd ~ and Jill( pmo=d:I pl)'lb1c Gll:lalftdcfand 1111111 u:lalloa30di)' (Mcq,t m IIOllPl)'ffl!At a1 pren*m. m wWcn cm. 110 dt.Y> nodce at ClllCdlallon da1llc lo f'ffllraf:Baod"iclarJ. All poJkb ar c:mHWall$ of ~ all be mllvacd ID nd he&4 by Bcditiar u filt1bca' ltCUffl}' for Ibo JMlfDICRI. ot the: Noq: ~ QJ other obllptkm arillaJ vnder die t..o.n Docwslcnll:, wllh ~ o! ,-wd COYfflp delfye,-t to BcocDcWJ' It ku1 XI dafi before ~ o;plraUun dale of any poUGr. Not more bqutml)i dizn aic"~ ili1= ~. lflk~ lw .1 ·~~,- Station Id :MMTM ·, Pagel l of43 Prin!Ed on 8/5/1009 12:02:33 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sranch :STK,Uscr :8792 ··< K!NG,WA Document: TDD 1997.08150410 Comment RDmUblE brJidthltlbe ft:P~oosl:vabe kDCI comrcl. lllhall ~ Otuiuit-ltlll Cll'ldOt, llh 1::1:ptat, win rm1sh llcuc&l&rJ w.ltl:t. lrl IJllll*1cal or dit full llnn1,k ~au:m eC111. ~ or Ifie PmdR:s, made bflilellrlln= __ .. _.....,. .............. ...... ,,.,..,.U,,. _,.....,..._,.i.,,.u die Leut mulu ID 1ull fem 1lnll dfm iQd Jhcm b DO ddwl1 boy'o:ld UI/ 1,.,UC..ble ~ er diicml C'IIR: pmod ~. dial Bm:f5daey 5lllll. IIOf. ~...,. tpptUil. OJuilor abaD DOI. gay KJIEl.l!I hlaaraoc£. COIICWIG" JI kind or bm 11111 CUlltdburq In !he 1.!Veld rl lou, 111th lll1 hlRlrla;lc Kqllhid hcldl:i. 4. (Ii,) Upon die~ or• deAuft 1ioyOnd 1pptl(;aliu, amci ot noti:,; alJd aart: pmodl macJcl" !he: L:ue, i,i: !11. dm amt. lhc 1aK l1 t11:1 l~DI fall £0K!Canddrcd, 1IJIOII n!q_!JeQd~. Onialar,bdl dcpmk wJlh and PQ' '° Beatfi:111,, Oil td pa,mcqil diile l}Xdfteid Ul lhc Nm~ b: 1llis Dl'od al'l'ruJI, • nm QJllVlllcat ~ (l) 1M IUCf ardua:amcal5 ams:2d llC kvfcd apirut nd tat ffllC. Oll the Pnm/lCI divkkd b,o ~ tlU!flbcr of ~jlDltBU lhat. wll become d1't 1.11d p&)'lhle ardtt lhc Nez befoff. • • wta .t1 IUe' • ~ 111n ~due• J1171.blc, ~ (2) !he pmalitm !Mt wil Dell:t become (fut ml pa)'lblf; foJ illl.nnU atqllied by 1111s Deed' of'Trust b be. fumahcd bf Onmor divklcd by 1bc ~r of pa)'JllallJ dla lriR 1lto:G.c due ml ~ 111m" Is Nole~ till: date Wm! 111i:&.pmduml WW btmmedtzud pqabla.. Bcncfic:i.u]l lllall ltK Alcb dqJOslb: '° M' lhe taxes. .IS5dSDIQlf IP:! pnmlwm: wbca lbc -~ due. 8cDcfic:m)' hD mtbe udt1c for lnl,ma: oa l'Odl dqlollla. Gnntor 1!illf _pmcaic and dclim to Bcadlduy, lnad.ntlCli,~forllUd!.dmpL HehulOt:d~madet,, atu'llll' 111111et lhlr ptngrapb cmtd. a.c: a:mmm1 or~ acmauy ml4t by Btmflefllf ror lllffl, ~ ml ~pmiauDIS.11.da exa:u llall be mdi&cd., ~ on ll.lha:qlll:illt dq:,oca:h,11;1 k JU& bJ o..mw. Ir, llo\mlct, the *flollts 11': imuflidm kt P'1 ihe tnu, usecnlCllll m! lmurm:it pnmmms Qll 1k--dllll lie due; ml Jlll3Ulle. (JFQ1orwtlp:r.710Bllldidllr,MY lmolllll ~10!111Aup !be ddic:ir.aty, fM (S) hllslws.dq& bctarc iht dlac Wllln paymrat er Mb 11W1,~lllld~.PtU1ht1nslh.allbti1t11.1r11.lflfrlme OmilOr idllJI la< 10 ~. In ICCOl'dm::e Willi a.a pm'lisltom of ~ NOk &ecUred by lhls Dm:I o!Thm,. filII pl)'llltD[ aftlE: mire nlcb=cim:s rqncRUl&d dlefdl)', .Bi:1idk1b.cy .t.Jl, in t:OtPp1,1tlng Che mmunt of auch ~. crrodil to tbrl lllCaU.Dt of Gnllor aa7 baluJce n:mr.inblr ha tbt rwid, IICCWIIUIClld and bDJd. by Br.ndlcluy under lhc pnwWtin& of dlk plfll&l'lilb. tr r:11m JI .aJ1 Ewm ofDelaulL uad.tt IUIJ' or <a:;:-._~:~ Station ld :MMTM -~ Page 12 of 43 Printed on 8/S/2009 12:02:33 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 .,· ,, Comment: •12- CM provllb$. or Ehlt JJecd arTnat ~ Ill • tftlhUc alt: of '!be Pmm11ca. or l(JlcDcftc:llqvlb,;rw)lll ~ lbar'!ml#l afta m E'VCIII. o(Ik&lllt, DoJdidu)' ,ball wl,, llt tile dml cit tifJIJch procieeclqa. oi: ll tbt ... lbl Ptemh:ol It acbernc acqvilm, Iha bdal$I fhn n:lllllnml b lbi: Midi~ UJldet dllrpmpaph.q. ~f 1111 b: Jnteicst acotm4 and ~ 1114 lbe btil!ICt IO 'Ibo prlnolpll dir:D _ _,. _ ... _ "lbopnMlion< ..... _..,_ mt .dd. lk: cnimulrlll(J of di, CO¥allldl zcldng er:, mes. tllCIIIDCIW" Uld lnauanct ptanhunf ~ lor lll lhk »-4 o!Tlmr. ~ Wtk URII IJ!ll obllplio111 for di! Miae hll\1:1 bcca iC'tlWI)' -1 by toinpShncc ........ _ (b) &lzy 1aoi,t,; bdd'. Dier Ilda puqnph llwJ DOt ~ or dlpoal or acmunt ofQ!ie GtudDr 11r~ 10 ~ llhe Gl'WOtb: .«1111:d \1fXIU dc.awd, or upc,a lhe ~ l'lDIP nf time, or lmN to wliJclr, Glu&m k entil1m LO an)' Jmuat orcredltq atint£rm. by v!rmc IJ!~S IIWR ~on ar mc11 dc:pmlla:. 8tnefi:lmy lhlll •. ~ ~ 1u lq'rqi!le 111th dcpodts QI' bold iNcll dq1adtS tn any lqJmlc acctntm fbc lhc keditofGrudOI". BcacfidlU)' imy bold ncb dcpodll Jnits.aeaeral UCOOJII or aQY olbm"r.ccaml.1114 -rr,ay c:amliflg)e liUCb. Oq.lolitr wUb aoy ot?icr ~ m Bcriafidary or monc,-1 "'1a:b ~ b. liokUna Dfl bchalfr,I U1Y olb:r pc:tlO:CI arC:Dlity. Omwf}l::n;by UIAatS10 ~ icM:stmt:ot of sud dq,O:IIIJ ~ ~ a Otnlim:I bmla. 5. In lbc ,pem.fJf.au,'" ~ lo or~ o!tbt bulkilap ot iinprov=nmoll whichvca pu1 of lhl: ~ Cuulll)' prooccds wm lie. lwldlod m ~ wll.h W. l.asf: J(I km& • ~ 1-~ In htl f= m:! cfFcd. ~ ramlmliall, ablm:D!:at ~ .. mludloo. aod. tme m 111 :a.mu or Deflllll: wbJdl m r.ocdlnml LLDdtr !he: Loan DPcwJicms. ()l!lerWia;e, Ille. cuuallJt plOCftds shill be ........ -... ~, (,)-h<,J ........... (•} Grulclr wW bim,t,dl&~ ~ BcDdlallly lieteor bl lbl: Dl'*I' pnro;kd ln lids l>,cr,cd 11! 'nust t« 1bo Ji.vlq ot aorica. :&a:fieluy may lo ill$ dltcmkln (ard U h hm:lly alllhodrcd to) dlbt!' die. Uld ad)lil 810' Clailll undc:rAdl ~polldi:•, or allow Oru&ot &Cl Qree wJ&h Ille mAl!1llllX company orwmpudi:tonh UIOUlll lo be paid up,:ig b IOsl. In ellbcr CU$.. lhc pcocco:lr alw( be]llld.10 llcodk:WJ' aid~ ii ~ ID coktand WI ffvr; ftmplltbmefor. la tile:·-~laq decll m dlhu atlll~ ot •c!Jiut any dllllll wdi::r dCh llimrmcGpoliclt!, 1Dlf Station Id :MMTM ' _,,. . . ~9"-~· ... ,,, ""'· .. ---·~·.:':f,~ .J &ii&ii.J nm:: KlNG,WA Page 13 of 43 flinted on 8/5/2009 12:02:33 PM Doctunent TDD 1997.D81504l0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 ~ 0,) ' ;l ~ ;;l 0 r,. (<) o> (d) K!NG,WA Document: TDD 1997.08150410 Comment ~'tlltion Id :MMTM ·19· • pravilf ~ 'lhtrc. Ii lltl £¥all: of Dcfnlt Of evat 1iPhicJI wilb lhe p!ISSIP-of dme. ar m>lb arbolli -..,Id CORllflllli::ulM::n1 G(Dilbllll wtddl. Im o=rtaf and b CGlllbmq. Gntn-llfiall hi1t die ~ ID puddpltc ID aid ae«laDm l2f ld,tmtmaa;]lrcvldCd, Jma,:r, llud. .I.II)' NIOclnclll Cit' djiiltDaml 1un he llllltJi!d 1o Im nmm appm',d or BadcllIY. Such :procfflk. ., dlldb;tlaa OJmb Jf!J ~ lllcum,d In lb: _____ ............... bo appll:ed at dlfl (¢on cf 8*ficluy t:llll!r to t!lc. Cini oC ~ u4 Jatmllb batllfmp m3 ~ OI' ln.reducdoll ofb ladebscdms secuRd Dbf ~ or flCll: Ille.II, due. ml Pl}'ltltc, pm1cl,c,d bowcYa'1 llllt trm 6-ltolDdalL ... amund. ,m ~ Im JlOt othfflrhi pcm-, :ICIDdmted tbr, 1dloh= Gt.., pt rl 1k lmd,tcdnr.a ? .. scc:Md b:tdiy, NCh Jtihclioa. wll be 'Wllhout Mab Whalc. !'JealhuD. > At¥Y r:xt.al proue,dl. mnali:q abr aid iDdc:bled£lnU .b fulfy paid ,lllall bri pmmp(IJ rmdlcd to Bi:f;dlOt. ;!. R2gUdleS5 oClbe anK41'1hr: ~ m:dtalnA011.or t.bo ~bllllJ'"' ~r ar ~procecd6 until flll Endehledncll tcemd llad7J wn be t'ltlly paid, ~ ahlll be obqatr:d lo iq,al:r, 1"COffl ml Jmllild any buildlupar imprOffllldlt io&tmJCCI. or4=tro,cd. pro'lidt:d IIDffYer, Ullt Jr llrY lamnD:e ~ b&YI: bex:ii paid m Dcsficlat)' lb:der any inswncepoliclu malDtuled by Gmermdcr 111c ~of~ 3, OmitorlhlQ be aoctdlpccdoal.JU'~cl:dftbapplflllc:b pocemr; IOdi.nmll. of~-~ &pah:1114~ crlbe 1J1i141Dar Pd ~aulhlll ~ ~ pnxal'll11fttt Cbe occunua; atlbe kie:.m! ..it b: prmecurcd m =ipldkia dllipdJ, sn1 lbE bultdmp and ~ lhall he ,o JeStmCCI Uld nibulir: U IO lie of 1t kasl. eqltll ffiK 11111 IIIPPIJIJany tbe. '8DIII chmdU as priar 10 IIICh damqc m:I ~ la.lhl etaJt ... ~ tottl ofn:bJ;ildq: ar,l Rd;ntica uoced 2SJ of file. indtbl8dDm lbca ICUIDla,: liJ9l.ld a --·"".._,.., __ _......, .... ffbUlldlni Jtid reantlan dllll be mbj!ICI. u, fbepriar wrf&4 a.(l'Pl'D"l,I d BercfK:luy, ]n tha ~ !hat Omdnr la IO be Rn\bl!Aed OW Df fie ~ piuae,eh, siLCb pro::tods. mall bi: made an1llble :flOm lime 101bc: ltpOrl lb: I fwuls2daa to Bcrdlcbry rA ~'1 IP'~ or the cathmttai j)Olt of colllpldion tlr.rcaf ml u:h ~·1 cati(x:.111d. waNm of lleti, I. r:onlDmlc', J'PUnl ltattmcll, ml Dtbcr~ afcoatudorpa,mcld dCI otdio coatm.i prioaLJ oflha Hen b:ceof' OYU IIIIY po&ell:!ial ri=i: of •· Page 14 of43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:33 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 KJNG,WA Docomen~ ASR 1997.08150411 Comment: ......... -.............. -" .................... _. .... ,_ .. ___ . .,. .. ... OOVllll SHll6T __ ... __ ntlllp ..... Del Mairliec. lA 50392--1,S, A.TIN: 1df'Baldmf JNV-<Jm °"""< ~ 'l10e; AulpnoDl atW!ltl mi RallS Grul.oql)1 lkmDtU~J...'L..C.,1.~Jintllt:dJla~~)' Otalllee(l)c Pdacipal Mmf UC,, bnnce ~, m JOWi. OMpoAliOll L,pl_....c.w,,.,,.,.IL~Jo!.-p!,!w ___ ,_.,, Gl;)'ofllamn..1o111Dc ~No. W.MS-l'lULA, KCOldl::dtllCkl"fflOOrdlaaNo. 96031~ lleinl:«pauiaaof~ut1, Sect1on 19, l'owmm,23 Nodl. Raae:S -W.M., laU,,Coul)>W- .J.Mldoml lop! k an JlxhiWLA lnactlfd to aid ~). ~,Fropl:rtJTnl'amJ/.4,r.cemd~ 1mo,.,oa4 ~~rwWnlyOlllhtln!bmllJoapt'D'l'Wcdonlbcform. 'lkm!fwW:DOl ~llxedocumhll.o wrlfylk a=,acyor~ Bfdll!~~proYhlDII ""'"--............................... ___ , .. _, __ .................. __ ,_.,.... .............. .--......... _ .......... ~.-.. " .... t I • R g I e • Station Id :MMTM Pagel of12 Pxinted 011 815/2009 12:02:37 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bninch :STK,User :8792 .. ~ KING,WA Document: ASR 1991.08150411 Common!: Jtcgord ad Bdi1rD kl: PriMlpl! Muhl [..I&: l11&11leOeCom]lasty 711 Hip sm:cr. Dc:e ~. JA $0392.-lltiO ATIN: JcffJklldod WitN!SSB'Jll 'lftAT: WBEREAB. A.lll.amr. 1c crldar.c dd aocrah: a lDUl ~' Jm adt and dclll'Cffli 10 ~ a pNmliaoi:y Dl$d at&ll dllc ~ (lbc "NOM") ii lbt prillcipll uiaunt ornm Milllm Si!fto lfimdn:d ~ 11111. 00/100 0o11m ($),?00.,000.(IOJ, pqe11111 pmri@d 11br In~ Nom.a:llimlly .... (a!Mcal~ ~ol1111'11dty U ~~Oil M.t)' u. %021, ,rial bilmmt.a lhffl1D i:q,rcacd. amf bu~ I.lid ddhmd .t raclofTrmt, ~ ~.11111 ~ tnllcrN, (1t killf: qn,cd dial "N'onpp" u ~med ..n bo comtraDdta wan "dccc! ofermt" or~c1eim· « •dot)dtolC(:.ffldebt" tflfllli=itcn m fflll,lircl) luriD& Ule afllrewd Cl&te 10 110Cum tbc NIIIC ml m:tlq I liaA o» Station Id :MMTM Page2 ofl2 Printed on 8/5/200912:02:37 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bn,nch :STK,User :8792 KING,WA .. ... § ! "' Document: ASR 1997.081504ll Comment _,_ A&slpar', iallral. la omam niai Clbie 1a ~ Omli nrKm.s, -.orw~ 1D01t pmicaildJ ~ la Blblb:lt A atl.lCbed mera mid madl: a part~. ltmludlna tho J&op.01 m,,,..,.. ar b6rwklbtr'Ctl2l. llld lhl &IAll:llllm, rfabll.S spprt:1,n.,..,.. ttimunm MoqhrJ. a!1 m'\\'blcllan: mtei:al&roa!W tia ·~• "" WHBREM. /Udpur Is die ltuor IIPde:s' ttmcmaln. YfflltCJI bal: Oftbt,lmiilsa aide tmeltrd&U: ol'JldxuaJ21, 19'6, let Wd-liftrt Ral BsrmJludam:Tml. ~ to W1l-Mll't&o-. ]1111,. a I>e1aw1ie caq,andoa, 1114,\ldpx may tlUeafla' mb-dhct 1~ of 1N-Pmllbt:, or parts lhm:of; aid WHERRAS, A.9lgJ,clc 1w ~ Cl»auipl!Utll.berull&rmade• a lXll1dltkm kl ~ lbc lbffl lkxrflxd lollll; NOW, 111BP.POIU!, .As.rignut, fOr JOOd. ml~ comidmlfolli bl .rccclp&" mc1 lllffidcDc:1 otwhkh IRl bczdirWQIQwWJtd. m bacb}' abJrolutely w dirccllf (mi JiOt l:Rld)' co~ asclp. barpln. selt. lr&Dll'er. eoavcy, ct Offl' UK! ddlYCr 11111t1 As:rignl,t, 1111. rlplS vi the bsor IUlda lbc 00ft ~ H5C(s) mt 111 Dlkt ltucl, lcfllfa.ill, nmwl ~ sablmca, and' ~ of the pedorm:a!lot or oblfsdlons of al9' telllllU: lbctanlkr •ff"ciedrc the Paemiscs. 01 Pf part a.mot, now ~ or Tihk:11 um, bo ~ Ill UQ' • la die tu!wc. dllriat (lie life ofOd!I ~ aad.i'l mcad'flElll&. i:auhmiull~ofsullmcs, Ill~ and ~ -' llfl1 or thccn, Ml. a1 •hidl m: bcnlrdt:r c.lled m •1.mci, • 11111 d nas or otbtr hlcmlc« pqtllm$, scpnlCA c;irtrpe ar.aua: ofp,ymaai (lsdDdlng bid: 1101-'mlll!lil to CAM dlqe$. kaz 1m1:1in&lloo MJ11t111S. pwdme GpflDa. pt,.... rcfmb ot _, lYfC, pn:pnm:at or 1'WI$. IClllemem or Jilt,pdDtl 11r....., ot p.a dn Rllt$) 'Mlhl\mq IIOWGI ~hcot'bcta1oe D«o'lo'q IDiet lbe l.am, Md *"' or &bcm. er oa la:OCIIII or lk'*"oflhel'n:iailcl. 1t 1a mlcsldcd bc11!bf 10 8lllblilk • ~ IDd COlllfl* 1rauliif, am dk.ct 111d 11,1o1ut.B mlpmtlt ar d lbc t.wt.t u11 lll dstnr o!Glc traoi'tlJcmD:kirand' all lht.RAII, mtd obi' p.,.. .. h. dlfflil,ldar till m:tlUlU ofU.11&af. llll Prmbea 11111G .Asll,p=. ~ t1JC riplj INlt widiolll1hl llbllpdoD. JO coili!d 1111 ar WII m111, ~ 11h11 odl£t ..,..au: wbldi 1MY 11oo1:.m du£ diuiJif 11ie Ii& or llbls Acdpnenl. >.a1par 111\U 1o dql,:4i: wkh ADJsnce ,op1er ofd leaW of&IJ or ID)' portion oflht f«rnlsal. 1, MO}smT bcn:bJ IPJIGDIII.AJ:Slpc tbc Cn1c ud JawfiJI ~.Y ot.Alllpor wllh fliZI power DI UISdulon and. d paww tor ll lSld la. ill miDII, place ud -.1, '° dEmlnd, coUa::i. ncdpf.arxl pc com~ ac,q~tix 1!1f ml Ill Rd.Ii au! othlSf' lml!Ulltf~ anlpnd whlchmq k ot\clcamo dtlt arid pl)'lbk by !he b.u ad other~ t)f lbli Pn:mhct, ad ,it iai ,. ,' . ......... ~~ . Station Jd :MMTM Page3 ofl2 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:37 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 ., KJNG,WA Docwnent ASR 1997.081504! I dkadlH.1o :filc.q c1dm ort*'qy Cdhermloa or~ and itwe -, NUkrlcm of m,dtlma. dGK:t la.JIJ.rwmmaor !ft tba mmc.or Ani&m'or,blKl'W'Jsc, nialiaalppr.wy datlll nc:a:quy i:.rdwrahlc 1n onlel" to conmt. ldd ufur'Oe b plJll,1111 of' ,rsr Ind Ill nmlf 1M olba:r' amoUDfl ~ us!Jned. lmea af lhc: l'miwa, Ol'&Df pm,. lbcitiaf, am t.c,cby ~ amhDrtZiDd llld diadld to PJ1 tl.l mu ml lllhi=r 11:111J11.D1S l:,acto U1ips!: m A~ or .id! ,c,mirau i\m.lpo may 4wanm tn wriU111 doUftnld to ud ~ 113' aiich b:ccl w1io ar,: ~ reU11wd or uy mt .n dmf. UabffitJ or o!Jllpllm m illil11»r In ~ « .n paymcat IO lil&dc. 2. .wipc:cU krd,f 'YatM wllb 6JIJ JID'll'C( towe &Jlmwom, lagll Uld. tq11Itab1c, deemed by itXCCSA17ot~tocllfgt1Z ~.Asdganud:wl lo '°~ lie rem md ath:r &mCIQIII$ asslpd OCRUlld'llr, kdudiag 1bc ril)d: 10 L'll\c('" bptlCI ct.c-Ptea:llla, or urPtn arc.or, 11'111 '* pc,sstmion ~ f~ to W. mad. necmarJ to effi:ct lh! cure of It!)' defalllt DD :lbc ]Ml\ of Auipcir al )cum la UI}' .. , De tascs. Asdp k:RbJ flraal! fUll po,m- and~ ID Aaip SO eusdaall rlpll, prMlqa 1M potttn hm:ln gtentr.ill at J.IJ'J and J11 dmcl lmlftcr, WillQQl aoric:e 10 .Aalp,r, -with IWl ~ w use and 1ppty ID of~ ram: a5li a!buaoai:llu.ip:d ~ 10 ~ pafntCDI « Ilic a:ist5 ofnJlll&lnl: md ~ lbc ~ and or UI)' ~rmm:ss or lilbUkJ' rl ~ IO Asslpe, itr.bilDr: Wt Nit Jimkcd to till!: "'«uenl or cam, q,cdaJ mt&U1=-s, bi.RLr:Wt pmuiwn•. damaga dJhm. die coses of ~ mpalriag. rdJuildloS and n:storul? the 1.m~ QII tb:.Pn:mia ar u1 anlldq--r=~. llIOl'IIO}' recs 1M eom illl;ma1 inco~wflhb ~•..s.tos"~of Om Aaipmcn1, aM or~ and bacml.p)'lllr#I u4/«allf~ paymaab6can Al:iiporkl ~anlbci Nace. the.Mortpa,I! uran, of Ill: Dibcrl.aulJoc:Ullttntl(uddbd 1a fheManpgc}, ,D 11 Aalpo:'J ckdlol ml ta Sidi onb' u-Aa(&mc ml)' 4Clca:ttllnl. A.Nlpe an be Wider no obtiplkm t0 preaanyarehc dJblS ororum adpcd '° It ~ at co l)Offonn OJ caru tlllt &II)' of lbc: obUptiotll of !be bsot Vlldi:r &21)1 of.lbfl µillt:I ud dDCI aol.asmma u;y of die lllbDltlu: la corm:ct1m:i with ot atYilo& or a:rcr-'hllOIII DI dl~w!tmJllsand qn:imi~ of /dslpof" bi th& 1..casa; ~ Auljnw covcamta: and apus Shll It 'Mlt fatidly pcdonn Ill of the oblpl3o.m: impcDcd vodct" 11iJ ad all of Vic Loaas and henb)' •1Jf1!£' 1a illdmnll)' Aiflam ll!lli m tdd 1e Jwmle$$ nom any lbblllfJ', i.~y'J feu. c-om, Im; or damq.t ~ caa,y w ou&III be: lllOQfflld. 'f it amlcr 111c. ~ orb)' tut0Aof'lbb AsJlpmcat, and flwal lln)' tlldall cllllml atld danw:ld,. MIIIMVOC which till)' bll ~ qalust Alripl!C by reami of any Page4of 12 S1ation Id :MMTM L >.· ' ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 <' IUNG,WA Document ASR 1997.0815041 l Comment. 111.tmpi ~ et~ oa l:s patt to perfann or clhchuEC ase-ol ~Utm&,m\ldltttlmapecm111S5eaaumdb~~m~o.cq11~ Haldllty, aUDn.c)''• 1=1:i, i:om, lou 11T4mllqe elm: IOldy to Aadp:c'• J1Dt1: lldJU,NK:e or~ ~. 'l1ds Aaipmcul Ml 'BCt O]ICflLG CD pWZ rapansfblllly r«d:lteoatrol, cm., -...mmi: or l1IPlh' or.o.c. P~mkui, or pat1ll rhetmf, 11p!10 ,wigee 1Klf dia1I k apmllC. 10 mka ,\JllfDC' Udil= tor • r:uxJUI&" 11111. "'-,oflhe. ata1U!d. candllba ~., or Iha tasi:r, or tar ID)' nstc orlh&bml:As by lhc. lellCll hlaJ u,y Pf !LG laaor aay otb£r patt, or for 1111 dutgemu or dofmiw eoad1llon of the Pmnlsu or for ..,,..n,-1na. .... ..,...., .....,, ,.,.i, "'""""1 """"f-l!o< IA lea ot IOJUJ)' or ckllh kt PIY lwee. tkmset, m,la,ee or ~. The lUlllltJ' of lilt -,pticatlon of mitab, lhe neeson#enl'n of thee com ud tJwgm i:o wtrlcb. lUCII rcmala m QPftod aid. cbc 11an or hemr wbfcb shall be ~ kcb,y 1h11 k wilmllOic: Uud wtbnllcd d"'IIClUl®. ~r ~ &lid bi. llCttlldance 'wilb. lllll-J.all Doc=nnrs. 3. J>ro11)di!,d Iha* his been 1111 clchullbJ AulplOf in dlB ptyJQCDl" Df Ill)' ~ Kdll'cd Mb)r w iolhi: ~cra111 Dblipdoa. aw,cm.at,or q:n::rm:n1 of AsslprCflllfi}lled IKJdn QI" :inlhe Nc!e oi;- MCIJIN'CI, o.lP.uy arme~. ~arnouma col\ectod~by Amp:,e. which a,e Io e..u.,cs, r:4 diost app)lell to .PIY ta. fl.IQ Utt: lfi:ladd lial:iilU.li::i and ~ al lbt tbcdat-llhall be JIRIJIJKl1" p.aid10 Anlpll:; pci.,ided, bowovu .. Iliac dak prowiml..sbll PDt be~ 10 uy pymc:m undi=rilc, ~ .la cacea. af un; CllaldarlllOQlli in aid'l&DCC. ~ IRlt no1: lu:ruttd to, h!r: 1tmlnaUD11pJJlltllll, ~Clp[lOlemolle paymcm, m'IIDlb dany i,pc. pi!piJIIWll.ofallCI, UU,pdun sutlmcmor ~ of pat dvc ~ Call Ill wlidi shllJ be tcfcncd 10 c:vll&1MIJ' hmm.as cbc "&traonifNqRc:1'1111.Patoicntli"l, allofwbkibmafbe h:tlmcd by Alll~pitnazartathe pruvbiansr.:ot. ~, AaiJ(IOC' .berd,y ~ JAi Vl'mUCli ta Alslpee that ~I rut &he- lllbltaor'9 intercat lall.lbtcaaz:r. lf1Q1, fl Jr IJtD soleow..r G( lhc lldi,e lessor'r ~ 1:o cad! of lhc ~ dlll 1hc Lala: I# nat b! dt!IL< ad ate mid IIQll ~ and. br'BDCI mll lhtd, fllOdifHd ar ~ ID. IA)' fflDIDl!I' whlt:soe'l&!I' M08p! a,. hErcil. ClplUlly lllmllalltCf; tblt alt cordltlom Jm0dcn1 kl Ole ctfo;t~ of the 1.cuel baff llecsn llt!s:fllrd; Wt Mll[Jnor hu~lhm:tOfoie ~ ot Mdpcd ~ L..emu or aa,-or tbt rnm: ~ ormy r!Jht« ~ lhada1. D:11' 1111 it cot&:cW lD dYlnlXI or a.atldp,,ID:f lO)' of Ola mlll ~ W AlllanOI' ,e:praea!I i tbdii: ,. ~ ,45diii-',·~ Station Jd :MMTM Page 5 ofl2 Prin1ed on 815/2009 12:02:38 PM I I Branch :STK,Usor :8792 I I I I I I I ~·-, . . -. ... I I I I I I I I KING.WA Documeot A SR 1997 .08150411 I I Comment .5. IOd wanua dmi 1, b m1 bclicWd m di!! lcaee,imdct 111c i.e.. hi U)' 11111111a" "'11attcmvtt IO U tD aiw rilo 10 lie' rig1il; of atDft' aplm1, or ndticdoll of. lbe raiu. flfllllc lmdar um tc.ii. 5. AlllparcamlEP P!ltlQ dl:r, saadl!)t. ~ Oft;~ Olt mN: of die [Jmca or Jh,e 1111 c,m111111. or pmmnkm. or ~ U\Y apdon. rcqgm;I N pr,:mhlld by ibc t:Dnm lh$:Of arwive I.ff'/ dsUaltfoii tCq\llNd m be.I perfctmed by IJ1J 1111111 (lt'ue,cvts,. anc:c1 DJ fm"llnllllem, of die Iaa or in;:.apt • sdl7ClmC' Oimo!" er -,.r lalO a-lfti:q-cbl d&aa beteof wUhoP.1 pncr wrlllf:n CoD111CUt or~ and ~ .w aa:111m:1e m, btb=" ~Ot' 11!1,nmanJ tbmlof', GE: l1Callp kl plcdp, usf.pt Gr~ DI}' afllit 1--DfH:11111 OI' ~ ISl1D1IGII Jll)'ltllo 11ric:mua,1m"1 or c:ol.YCJ Of IDDlfcror IIE'l'cr1 ~ortmisfa"QflhcPrambeaorofl!Q' Jmerm tka:in 1111111 to eft'ccc. dlm:dy o, bl4imcUy, a JZWF"ot'~estall:&: .Md.~ llf', or 1. t,;rimiiwoo or dunlmnlcm oftbe obliptlom ar, sny Jam', ~-Au1goor 6ltthcr CQftllUtS 10 ddlttt '° J.m&o,:c.. :pn,a:lplly upotl n:i.1ljpl 1laamf, c:opit., ~f MIJ' mid .U dciaJaadS, clUlll5 ud AO!bl orddinllt recelvedt.,r it from 1qy1csacc.Ullderuyaf'tkl.a:$Wmipcd hcJcln. Ir _..., _,_dall_ "'""""""'"""""' -1/dlbk la AMipar qaiml Che lel6tlllS ~ ln ~ of defsull iander lk.~by~ 45. Uponpa)'Blllia fQD of the priocipdium, imrcac llldodler~ ~ llacby, IDCI by:any oibcirdocumcals wbid1 ~~b NOJL; lldt Ampmcm ..-u~-amrtiocxunc.minmtvuidi ~ 11.an mua1n 1n r..u ron:c: ilM elfa:l llll hulcln. pmridcd uc1, wa. lMl:OYl.llallJli, warnmb and power ar •ttonKJ .b=ln coritaioc:d, ati.an iD1lff so chi ~c of~ ... O\Y ......... i.w.toflh<N'*,""ofllllbo---· ml lu ~ Jcpl 1tprcaca.lltha, ~ ,ad .. t&:a, ud • illlblecplclrt OWDtr of' tk Psemllea. 1. OmMnndJ wkb ill¥ l:kdltkm of Ill)' Jmc CG¥GU1J 1bc: J'IQoba, AU!por will »atH>" lhe 11uec. by U.S. D:rtifia! MIU. cf'Cha edoace. oflbit ~t lfld will ~Ii-.,.~ '°I)' ofdllsAlsipmml to lllCb ~ dlra;:aq: mdl lcuoci tc:i mu:i:, d. ~ Dim' 1111 kuo lo As&]pae o:r ill"aomh1CC ill~ with d£ 1mn1 or d1l:s AmsrmcnL t. It ic 1lllllcntaod ml qm,d OU,t 1h11 AuiJIIIOPI& ahlll boc:o«-et&:c:tivo tblCUmll!J7 wJth 1be ~ and lhc Mor&pJa. 'Ibis~ llbaD be @j)~J Station ld :MMTM P~ge6 of12 Printed on 81512009 12:02:38 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STI(,User :8792 Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM KING.WA Schedule B .::t 2007123100126'1.001 section __ :::,,....,.-- exception __ ul'.l"'-1~-- FILE FOR lUlCORD .AND lU1I'llRN TO: William E. Holl Gonion, Th-.Ho,,yw,,U, Malanct, p.....,,, & D,hoim UI' ,. ·111111·1· 111rf ID! . 2007123 001261 ~~,ll Tlif7 U .... N ~i'7~ "''" "'11HTY, "" P.O. Box !IS'J T""'1l~ WA 9WH GROUND LEASE -SHORT FORM Gra:ntor. Bonnell Family T J C I Watibindon HmUed liahiUtv oomnauv Grantee: C.ObPPWA Srt.te Bank Lega!Dw:riptlon(abbreviated): ______________ _ Additlonallopl(•) 0'1pil~--· Assossor's TaxParco!ID/1: ----~~~------------- R.roronocNos. ofDoOlllllel1laRdCBBedorA,slgned: ------------- TlllS SHORIFORM GROUND LllASE Is made BB of the lpol(,,.day of ):;; k:,, , 2WI, by and b<tw= BONNELL F,IMILY l.LC, a Wa,hh,gton llmiled liability company ("Landlord"), and COLUMBIA STATE BANK, a Waslilngton bankiJJg COtpOation ("Teoent''). BACKGROUND Londlord and 'rensmt bav. emored info • Loase dated as of Jt:h \ $!': , 2007 (the Leas~') with J<SpeCt to the real pcop<rly dcscrlbed oo Exlnmt A hereto (the "Propcrif'.) and lhe Pi=i>es ;. outlined oo 1he aile map et!ached a, Exhll,it B. Landio,d and Tenant now wuh to give notice of!ho Lease. Ao<O<dingly, they agreo; 1. Lea,e.. Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant lenses from Laa.dlord 1hc Pn:mises on the t= and condltlODS :ret lbrfh In the Ground Lea,e daled'\ehYJ 1• ,n,3 I 6":2001. l. Te.rm. The term of lhe Loase commQUces, February 11 2008. Ille-initial teem. is for Twenty (20) year, and Six (6) monthe. 3. )!.enewol Op(loos. Pumiant to ihe Imm of lhe Oround Lease, Tenant ha, the optioo 10 """'8d the tenn of lhl, Loa.,c for lour (4) additioool periods of livo (S) year, each Oil the ICIIllS and coodllions set forlh in lhe Ground Loue. 4. Exrl•slvlty, Laodlord agrees that lt will not Joa,. IUJJ' portion of the baJanoe of the Property for P"'l""" of operating a commacial bank, savings aod loan fflOCiatian, =di! union, morlg8ge eompany or clteck ca,hJJig company ( coll.cotivcly "Flmmclal Institutions") :for the dumtion or this Lca>e. Similarly, Landlord agrees that k ,v!U lnclode Jn u,y COll.VO)'lllC< or lease of HOeh parcel, made sub,oquent lo the dote of lhl, I,...,. a restriction prew:nling the use of aoch paro>ls :for -!- Page 1 of7 Primed on 814/2009 6:24:48 AM Document LSE 2007.1231001261 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 Order: 964881 Title Offl.1:et: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM .. ,, KJNG,WA 20071231001261.002 p\IlpOIOS of a FlnancW lnst!Mion dnring the lonn of this Leate. The provislous of this sub,cotlon only apply to lho Property and not to the mt of Ibo Shopping c.ntor. S. other Ttnu1, OOlor tcnns of lhoLca,e an, incoq,oraJed herein by this refeconce. DATEDthls~or lebrlW''a ,2007. BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C., a Wa,bington limited liabillty-y By: . .J"'MN1.lJ13.1lea .. u U../f FnnkB. llonnell, Jr., M1111Bger -2- Page2of7 Printed on E/4/2009 6:24:48 AM Document LSE 2007.1231001261 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK.User :8792 Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: Station Id :MMTM KlNG,WA 20071231001261.003 STATBOFWASBINGl'ON ) ) ... COUDiy of.KJng ·• ~ ) On!bis ~ ~'!'"(. .2007, bcfuro...,tbolU!Oemgncd,a NotaryP,,blloln mid fur lhe State of W. · dul commi8sion<d >nd swam, pc=nally appoan:d Frank B. Bonnell, J"r, lo me known lo bo lho Managor of BONNELL FAMU.Y L.L.C., • Washington limit«! liability companr, the comp,my !hot =tc<! the furcgoing instruraont, and ecmowlodget!. tho aaid in,trum,:nt lo be tho free and vollllJl2ry aot and deed of aaid COJJ)Onltlon, for the u,.. and purposes thetein mentioned, and on oath Bta:ted lhst be is amboriud lo execute the said iostrmnent. wm,mssmy haod and offiolal oeal hereto Page3 of7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:48 AM Document: LSE 2007.1231001261 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 Orrlcr. 96488 l Title Officer: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM ..... ', KJNO,WA 20071231001261.004 STATBOFWASBINGTON ) J ... Coumr 01 B•"'* i On~, /~ dey of ~ 2007, before mo, the w,d.,.illJled, a Nola!y Public in m>l for ~ Slate of w.,jj;,,giJi,iy 'ocmmissioned and swo.m, pea,ol18lly appeared ~,;· ·~· and ~(,., tomeknowntobethc,5V.A-¢,i•w, end > ~-· €, of CO IA STATE BANK, a Washington oocldng oc!pOralioo. the OOIJloralion tha( executed the furogoing instrumont, and admowledged 1he osid inotnnneot to bo lhc .free and volPntary act and deed of said OOl]JondiOl\ for the uses and purposes thermtl. .mention~ and on oath slated that they arc authorized. to e:x:eaute the ie:id iDEtn1:tncnl Page4 of7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Ucicumcmt: LSE 2007.1231001261 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bmnch :STK,User :8792 Order. %4881 Title Officer: 6 Common!: EXIIIBITA LEGAL DJ!SCRIPTION OFPROPJlRTY LOT !, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-o+-OZ7-SHPL (BILLY McHALB'S SHORT )'LAT) RECORDED UNDER Rl!CORDJNG NO. 20040503900002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, W ASIIJNGTON -S- Station Id :MMTM / 20071231001261.005 KlNG,WA Page 5 of7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Document: LSE 2007.1231001261 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 KING.WA • • Document: LSE 2007.123100 l261 I i .J ! -i Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment "' :EXHIBrrB Sl'l'EMAP I! i ! i Iii ii/ I . -=cc.c ~-------.-. _I/;; ·1 ·,r ----------i 'Page 6 of7 Station Id :MMTM 20071231001261.006 Printed on 8/412009 6:24:49 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bw,ch :STK,User :8792 Order. 964881 Title Officec: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM KING.WA 2007123100\261.007 ' (__, EXHIBfTC COLUMBIA BA~RENTON-BONNELL} LEASE RARCEL.OE~ON (THtS .PMCEL DJ!SCf;U DESCRIBES AJ>OR'nCIH OF A,SUR\IEY & i.EASE PARCl!t.. 0 't' M . ·. PRO\/lb~ BY SURVEYOR BUSH, ROED, & HITOl'ING8.. DJC.~ . · THAT PORTl9N OF LOT 1, CITY OF RENTON SHORT P\AT LUA--04-G27-SHPl.(B1LLY MCljALE'S SHORT PLA1)'RECOROED UNDER RECORDING NO. Z00405039D0002, REOORDS OF KING COUN7Y, WASHINGT9N', DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: · : . COMMENCl~G AfTHE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT .l, lliENCESOUTH.89'10'29' EAST° 99.14 FEET ALONG THE NORTH UNI; lliEREOF TO THE TRUE -POINT OF .BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTK 89'10'29" EAST 305.43-FEET ALONG SAID NORTii LINE; lliENGE SOUTH OO'SS'Or WEST 138.53 FEPT; · .. THENCE NOR}H 88'45'24" WEST-306.13 FEET; . • TliENCE NORTH01'13'3!; EAST 1::Je.30.FEEl'TO lliETRUEPOINl'-OF BEGINNING. lliE PARCEL DeSCRISED ~ CONTAINS\12,019.SCIUARE FEET (D.96 A!:RE/l), I\IO~E OR LESS. . Sf]'.UATE IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF· SECTiON 19, TOWNSHIP 23 No'~H: AANGE'6 EAST, W.1,1.; IN THE C!TY OF RENTON, l<!NG COl,/Nn', WASHIN<3'!!)N: . Page 7 of7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Docwnent LSE2007. l23l00126I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --:--.:.:.:..-- ·_:.,. Schedule B -..,._ section--~-_--1...~~-- Exceptlon __ ,.IA=--- PEBPETU'At EASEMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. ·--·· ..... -·~~---·----.. . ---;---. ---·-Scheau\e B · "J: Section '.-.-::.~.--....,.- Exception ·_:_?t.;.5~-. -- . =.E7"· ·. ~-~\:\~,ROC~Elf.CBJ~~ · . -. · .a; . . . . LIQ[lmi\l'·D:C 't106f . • E'°UJIJ" llERJruU) ~~ ·JJl..X llU8UA J:(Wl UOJ.n-.. H U.a1r 'inte,:h t..., JRaY ·· app,e,ar; toil! JIA%A 1 lt; n«:.7 a~ Drevon 00%pi)rat.ion, .ud BILltY ·K:IW.E'S iwt-»-O IIANCB, I!fC •• • Naabjno-ton co~at;1on, and: ft':cPLU w.;now.r. UNJt: 'Of' ....,""""lh ..J!i••msi 'i,i,,,--:~;i,t:~;~oi.! ~ .,~a,.,,.,._!!,~,~,;µ, ~ ..... J.~~.lln4~ii:'6!"J.1'".t:f~"'\IOMM:a:1.mrr~•,u,."Y.aW.it1~,;ai. ··-· .. -~ f c.n...--ho.N-lflt. i...--.;,.r,-~'"" Pl! ""lb .. P'lJ"l'1A1-.lll-.k, '°'*-'-ftol< kll- ~~.,111111 ~,~~-bm;ltd • M ,.l..lpg" ,,: .,. f'l'l!Tlt,,,~'ildli~ • "' "" . . "' 0 ~-: O· ~ north 300 ta:t of the. east '70 &:iet of ~ 1Dt 1 in ~ 19, ~ Z3 axth. ~ 5 1!ast, W.H.~ f,:irCrpl' ~ lnd:h 27-0 feet of. tile ~y 170 l'eeti Kid ~ da' DZtb 30 biat. t:hJreof: ub.111.te . lD the Cl.qr r;,t. ll!:nton, mcnty ~ JtinJ., Sta~ Of' lia::b.1Dgtxn. • .. ·-· . .. . . . -~of~ wt 1, lpDg oudh uf Jbd:heui. &cl..!ie .itaallllcll' ~'Y tigbt"of'~ in Sretiaa 19. 'ltWJ;!lhip 23 librth,. ~· 5 Ease. 1UI.; ZXQ!PP the mrlh. 300 ~ EJ:a1"'l!' th!: west 3GD feet; l:lrC£Pl' plri::IQn .in !illm. ~ ~ $:rA ~ P.S.H. lb, S; si.b:ated.in the: City of 111:1ntm1 annty of 11,)g, 'Eta'b!f of--· . . . ~-~-li,e..._HtJribHclr.C,r.,nh,c-'ll~sh:illb,:~llll'l"lh-.,-i1aar1111a~nrldwt·R~: rl Wif ,-.~ desicriMII .is f!!lbt.i:l • _ • - Alt'irJ,1«-W~ f~Uuricltbhw\iir,r ---~----'-'rrl-.lrll'oidfuo11"111~Jiikicl•a:nrer• llltil~-~ . 'fbe ~t.erline ot. Gi'&n~•e 'faciHUes as er-e11Uy c~aU'aeta4 or to be const:rnct:ed, extellded o:c m.1<:>Cat.ed; ly~ wi'thin the ,11~· da:aarioea p~ty. . . ",;; .. , .:so.-l(•. :.-: ;;e_c~ r t~-...::.' -~~ .. 7.GQ z, .,. '·~' ~. ·, t • 1 ~~Crllll0:lt111~f-li,,,..1c>limcnaw,.,:Lren.lnJslilis.N91befomlflld;i,in•\rid:!iqfh,r'fci;mj. d~· aua -rktd ad •* "• ll,lpl,o(.\,'ar » 1hci 1:dam ~ lletalm)' w t111J,"Dllt 1hr. ,..~ xr 1..£ 1n ~ .r,nmi!N.~~Plfsrdiffllrill.Gnd,,e~k,lhccda>j~·~--lbl 1til<ii:iml:dilsC111 II -.s~~hlr »lldl 11eW.. r~ b iawalliillcnl j~·s....tc1Jrond ,-.llllditttob.,....~~~-..r-,,....c'4,.c~i11-P,Dll'llllrdiba,.1p1t.-111' ~..Uhi,'pJ~Cklffll.ilidi . h~lllr.a,,_,...-ll'!"~l<ir-Crmi-11>-nd , ~ u;!'!f:-d:w.,.~ n:Sar,,a.Jbi::fii:fu ic-.sa t1ieKifll,l.cl-WIIJ'h11DYpirrp,Jit JIN~~ 1he il&IIIJbnln ired.,....._;d: IUI Ct.aatot#IIUIIIIICDMll'\kltw!IIGDllill-tbuillac.• alhl::r~Ollllit JU,hJ-· d-!Wfl!~ -w ~mlb !hi.-"CIIG.o( 6a,.11p1S --~ lbillO~ ~Of u.1Rrfcr$tfaa. ~~·..U 1-cloM:m lMl'nprzn,f mi!"di.-W~ tic,~ otnmrthr.cure.:·, fidtili:lllcai !Glt Jtla&d~.a.-~Qiir'-iet;,l"'"Pl""'"'..1dr11~mildwlroblu:iitf!-il~~,.wnnt.ctrl.1M~..i;. wq. . . . . L Waaa11y.~~-.~m11~~f&*!l10Wannir1 aWd~GA!llor&o..l!llf a.Id i:WIM kit Jajmlm 1111i!lorda-,.-t1IC..«f h}•-.,1"'"""'1..JiidilU}'N ...,..i 1irlh,,Cn4M',~'11'!M ~ .. ~~ lhlol OralU4,t.tlii.!IMl bs,......W. 11,G,rwn-Jor~·iltJll!'fB lolll(/t,td~ ID q•pa,-. ~b)',tu,•~o!Gmwor, --• ._~-Th" 1W.hirr.dnP11nlod ~II U1J1tiau~ 111:.i. .-cl,, llmr. .. ~ -~In ....,.INI RiP"ol'.Q'~fWt• (llllilid ~ nn, ('11 IUC'adll\• )Un. hi dldi '"""" Ihm~ ..\iu.11 \lldntnl,lt'IIW! 11P r1pw. """""'..dr:r.thi,:11 ""'~ 111Crell- 1111r. ~ lhfl ro ,t,niuf AW mill b<! drc:li,e,,I )II ~ ~1n.· ~ ..r llr-11'1, l•ilort IO bl;fi:ally IMl.~I U, I~ mr lhc l~~r lrllbln~•r p«ilNI rA ~ l111t11 ILR d:i1a ~,r. 7. ~n.-OA.a:lpi:. Thl•rid'lts11irdqltlllul,:n,.,ldw,JtW 'll.Jlw1! i'Hlf"· ~,it,.. t,.,.,.J11,,f ,1111! l,•l111l:lw1"'"1"1tlffill1t rw:r-.,n-~ ~ -'"""1tl-FILED FOli .tECORO AT RC:OUEST OF: KII/44 P.JOET ,c··.-m P.-1315' R';#..!. f,-1,,:F. Dl\ll!;(otl ,.,..1,0:i 2'. _;;74 · FlKKl r~..,~~ illto...i, 9cil.LE'.1JE. t\.'~HJkGTOtl !RICJCr.l i.. '-• • --.._ L-...;...:;..--_.a...--ATI~: WAY~lE BaESSI.Ql -·. ·-·· ~• ~ PescrJ.pt:lort: KingrD. DocW!lent Order: 964881a Comment:: c~:,m :re~ • .M'oot:h.Da.y.DooID 198D.10i6. 469 J?ag&; 1 o:£ 4 '·· ·;-. ' .. , '; . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----................. .,._., __ ..... ___ ...... ----------·------·--.. -- ~·;', .· · .... : \·. . ),· ._.. t -... ~---. .. • Onib&s~~~irief~-rrffk ftfmatd BonPSB, -'Ts-c------~~-- 1111-r-.. ... M .... 1......s..1._&..tri!...JtA-'•• .......a11w.,.;,w..mr~~-•lld~11om · · ~~6ir--u-hU-..he....,....ta~,n.., .,,,or -mt~~""'~-· . · . . , . . CMS_.., ... ~·i.lllfmr1~-' ,1ii.< JL11a.r~ . · .. :..:, -· ..:_,,~ }g. _ · ~-; a.flar'De t:tw.d~ $l'.n'.t.l!:Ol"WASH1:-..'Gfri:r,: I • CO<>m'OI' .. I . Omlltsll.lr~~bekrrente Ill~ l:M,,tn ID k ~ f:,,!i'ri4u} _ kio::ribed bl lWfw\o ~ Iba P>ilhjp m:l' ~~ ~~ta' ----.siiP-' Ole'Alllfl U----t,-and~ au!:and idtt,d.(11r lbo'IRli aid IMF'~~- ' ":: I~ "'·~ !N"'!•. ~Jinderm;~~!>d~~~l~l~-:--~of l!=.i .e: JU.ti! J;TA'J?. ".5]-1&~ 1 iS CORPOMn;~ · . cou:,,,nor t:ing · 1 -~11~:·~~~·-i. ·. ~ -;,;d.111~.bJ..re11111.~1111~~, ..... 1,._,,.._ k>""' kl-"11 bbl, k Yb ~hl_~;;;it;;~ .~ --'mpeaiWlf, c4 _Pp)PLES NA'l'IU@L l':Nf¥ l'.JF . 11,i.~l\(Jnlbll-.ttdftlefoltp!J~,~-· 11M~n...aw1n......,11u&,,1,Mt,!"•fl?,1'11J1¥a<r•(tu.ide«fr:l•1dCIWIIDf',lillQ.Jorlk-and~~fl. Sll'llll....,d. .id'"' .,:,1tu1:rM..! lm1 , -1,.•-,.. -:. .:.. _ • -· . , ,ullll;ll'iocl IO~ C... Aid IAStnlJUQll 'l-..f lh1l lM .,,._I llfr!'l.•·d Is lbr I .,,.,,...... ~I .,f iwJ .. irpnrijU.,. .. · m"""" ~ 11:,1111 unlloallirSJI N .. lhs..,.l'ltl .'1f-.l 1t.;,,i,.,·.mi:I rr-r.11t.c1 ~· _-.m1-, ._ . . --.-fD-_. ,.;.'-'--···-._:.£....J.:.~J.:1 >vn.i1; ,.~~~;~-1,,: 111~ au111, "1 '!Whp:ip • .... ;..Ii"~ ~r • • !..£!....L_. . .,,I ~y Pesaription: King,. n Doc-wnent _:. Y;~ .Mant:h.. Day. Dor=ID Order: 964881a COi!Pl:1ent: -, ·· _'.X,_ 1980.1016.469 Page: 2 0£ 4 ., · .. 't- ' . •, '. ·,.:· ._ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ":i. .'• ···---·-· ···-------------------- o· a "' -•---=--:-:. . . . .... . . - _, SD.U OF OBlXXJ!2 · ) . )n. COOlCII (IF' 1tltmltlfl11) et1 T!iJ:S nu JM!;~.:i.lly apra.1"6d befo;. .; w. ,:. ,:ii.plea:, JT:., to"ae ~ 11;o M d,c i•d!v:i.dual l!m:f:fJ.br!d bl .-oa '\AO fl:ll'IK!1;tb-d tbi. Vithitl ·• fen- .. gc,1.tig l111iiawmt:0 and .11daiow~ ~·~ he :,,{r,11ed an.d a1111W!:d rllf: 4Atll!; 11s \J.5 fl'H ind vObmt.acy 11et illftd. 4at:d, for i11t: "IIS6 o,u1 polrpDUIJ: the:Hin C111'U<m~. -.~IVD ~ WI'/ blrl14. •ftd oHictal ~1 thb ~A_~ ~f·'' ~ ', ~~ :-. . .... -".-~ ~;..#~ _.,. '.r : /· , • ..,,..,,..,11<·<,, ... r.w.~ ;_,. State, of Oi'clpin. • • • ···,_";.: •. My,,.~-h~~,Wil:t.S ~~ !~f,'~,, ,$" .. _:.¥ DQ.:.cript.i.on: King,WA. .Docum~.at -Y;G;%",Month.Day.DocID 1960.1016. 469 Pa.gs: 3 of 4 O.rde.r: 961.881a CC1111111£'.nt; ~- .:/. .. · ., ' <· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·---·------------- --. ---~. ·---· ' .. ;·,, .• ~ . ' .. ----_.,. --•' ,, ~ P.~..scdl= ihakm-o:' '~ ~-.. Dascri,pti.ozi; Xing1 WA Do,:;Ulllent --~~ar.Honth.Day,Doa~ 1980. 1016. 4.GSJ Ps.gr1: 4 o'L .4 order: 964BB1a Comm.i;nt: ~ .. ;. --' .. '.•'I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sc1-iPCi:le s Se, ·.,on _· _T.=::,,,......--- Exception 7 l // '\ "' "' .... .. .. .. :!: .. .. "' -.. O>. "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "' "' ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. ... "' ~ . N "' "' ' :,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, / "' .. ... c:, .. .. .. C C .... "' "' C> ' "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "' .. ... 0 .. ... .. C, " .. "' .. "' "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " "' ~ .. .. .. "' 0 .. ... "' ~ " "' ... ' 0 ---' --- ,/···"""::::,:,, ./'!'·~·.,...,,,\, -.,/'~-----.f1•· ,,./' :f _.-.r L[UD(~/ ,,Ct \'. ./' /". ,lt ./'···· ..... i1 ~ P'Olllltl.~~.i' • i'. .. ~!?"""4 11 e,,,~11-~,r· _1i· ,·:.d."lt•·~-n.-t: '\'::, ® --~ -~-,FIN' .:·t' .• ~·r,q.'h.lf-'f!- - NE\,4, -... -, - NW l/4 of SEC.19 TWP.Zl N, RG. 5 l<INO COUNTY, WASHINGTON IIC"IIING,5! Jl,I.U'IJ.IWl:IMI ~ A#"P,lt. .J'lA!:WYIMnf .,,,, ~ ""'111181!P"'ll'UII 11• ...,. X x:,;!Jn.eii: ,,. •••••• ,,,._ ,, ........... ,~1:i. ./· .;t • ~ --~ , .. ,,,•' ''11,:: ,.... ................ ,,. ai*IMO~D~OII,. ,l' ,/' 0/~'flff!»~ ,,,•'"''"'-il, 1 ..., l' 1· '':,-... l .,~' ~-,... .~ ~\ .}j ' ,.. ... ,_.! .,r; ,/ /·· ;:~ .l1 ,/· l 11;.': i 4.'.;,;-., (', ...... ~ ..... .1··t, .. .... •-.. :)' t. •!. ./ () /J,' j ,l ,/""ooi .. lh,,,,, ;~ .,,.... ~f ;. ,, •• fl ""' ,,,... i 1r ~, J" ,I ,,1 , .€, 11,-· ,S. v('-,., ,..,,r' ,/' ,l ~ . 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''•1,. ~\. ,:.~.--~~···/'·· ,,,l' ,,,,<'i _,.,i· ./ ,•' ," .l/ I , ., l)C'5.Cftli"tiaff.,.,,••°µ' ,,• l ,,,• ,/}'__... ~i' . .-:"' ,,,tf ,,.,,t· '"·.,:.,, II TJH:J'4/ffl'l3M"~t.lT'Wf''~,t;a~11Jlr .~ 11 '·..., ••• •·' ,,l~ ,,,,· ~ .. ,,. \ -~~urtt~~~.41.~~~l~J«m'f'I '•·,... ,,,,•' , .. ~ _.{r~. ,•' J t lf,7Wt'rl:l'Nl,:Uf(n#'w.,.ex, -,atn;MM-1 IHl:Md • ·•·, ... ,• 1 WH ~·· ,;. .... ... (P#,41TY", lt'h~ ~ IIIONl'VH. -- r 7,117 t-,,.-;;:;;;..-...... ~ .• " ••• .,;;.;:;;;;;;:u;~;::ir, ..... ;;;;,.,,.;o,,:;.,:-. ......... ;;~;;. ... ,,,,,---'-1-:::;;;;:;::--~~~~-------1;;;~,'i~,t:--.,;;::::;;:;;;;:""-::1'-:.;i.. ....... ·::; ~"""·,J' ./· •' I• •• ,,. ,. "'" f'H .. -,ii'-2!....-111~-~ not --""--• '":7,..-!1J in" .~.. ;t -~·· J' ,;• i ..... _z_., ..... " ..... Zlt, ... .,.,.,"_."" mu..'\.;"~::;;~...... t' l / . .:t;~ .~,. -,••••e.H...i.i.•.111..,M. -~~~lff".l., IIUIM,lmEDaMITCfflNG5,1!9.,.1 .,• ,, ,,_. . .$ IHVIIIIOII o,-a.,_,.,.,_ t"Zd A~ ~ ~ a UM*''"""" >t.M, .. .:.-· ~·· 1-,,,.._;,• cr.urr n. 1tt.ll"JU Jl.-.. -<;Cl" ~ -____:, .. -. ,....-.-,n. .. aot .,, .,.,. R~ -= R,-;.i:,---42 ..... A...... ffll,ot,J.'o. ~ ,1· N I .,,,.,~ .. ~:l « .( l~ ,r· ·•1,,,,,i' .. - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Michael D. XW1tt Foster Pepper & Shefel.trlan llll ~bird Avenue, suite 340D sea~tle. Washington 98101 0 • 1+.GRWI.ENT :rD PROVZ)JE EASEMENT This Agreement iii a,ade tbi.s~S' ~l' 0£ Much, Robert F. Greenwell COtllPUY L.P. C •Gr:een\4&11 R) Hotbach d/b/a. Et,H Properties ( "Hotbac-h"), RECil'IU.S: 15191, between and Eug;ne A, Greenwell it the ownef ot the Property commonly known es Renton Benda and legally desrribed on EXhiblt A attacheCI hereto ("Renton Hobda"), S. Horbacb 1E thv lHne of certain property 1111mllcUataly north of Renton Honda con-nonly known e.s the PayLess Site and legally d&scribed .an Exhibit. B 11ttached hereto {"PayLess Si.te~). c. Horbach has requested the dqht to construct a private road extenSien of Maple Street across Renton Honda from SOUthwesc Grady wa.y to the PayLe£Ei Site to provid.e access for ingress and egrei;s to the PayLus Site. D, Greenwell ba£ agreed. to ~rant a perpetual non-ex.cl~&ive eaGEment for lngce6s ~nd egret.5 for the bt:lnefit of the PayLes• Site to aJlQIJ develo~nt Qf the private coed extension, all on the term!I and c~itions set forth hei::ein. NOW, 'I'REREFORE:r for good and valuable t;cm'lildvnt.ion. the receipt of wbl~b is hereby acknovledge4# Gce~well and Hocbach agree as: follows: l • Agreement to Geant Easement , Upon thlt tertos and conditic:ms &et fortll here:Ltl 1 Horbadi shall tuive the ri~ht to reqult" Greanwell to ,grant a peq,etua.l, ncn-exclueiVI:! easement foe in9cesa and egreea across Rimton Honda to develoi, tbfl private road extension of Maple Street. The easeMnt 'Would be for the benefit of tbe PayLess Site (or such portion tharROf as dedgnated by Horbach). The location of the ease11ent ""ould be ac Jlll.ltva.l ly ac:ireed hy Greem.rel t , Horl:m:h, the current tenant of .Renton Honda and the City of Renton. but shell 11enecally be lo~11tad as ~howri on the map o~t4Ched hereto as Exhlbit C. 03/1:5/92. -1- ,J. .t I o{. J ' \ ~\ "\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I 0 - 2, Conditions to Grant of Easnnt· Greenwell sh.al):. be obligated to grant the ea1ement o.nl~f the portions of ~enton Honda not sub)eet to t.be eac:.aaant taticfy all land use and zonin; requirements appliaable to the then-current use of Jtenton licmda, including rdni.nnurt parkiniJ teguirenents hOtW'ithst:flding th.e loss of pu:king witllin the ea1:>61tlet1t uea, In addition, Greenwell shall be obligated .tc gruit the Easement only ution ~o day& prior written not:ice o! l{otbn.ch. 3, Width of Easement. It: is presan.tly c:ontempht~ tha.t the width of the easement would be appn;iximatdy 36 feet. tto\i!Wet, tbs 111:!etial width of the eaaeniant: shell be a greater "Width if reguired by the City of Renton, not to exceed .to feet, -4, Tfi~ of Easement, The O'Wn.et" of the P1yLe:ss Site shal 1 hue 1:heU and complete responsibility md $hall bear all co&ts and expenae11 to obtain the apptovalc and permits requind by the City ot. Renton an4 other (JOverM!8ntal ·entit.ies with jurisdiction tc develop the priva.te road e>tt.ieneion of Maple Stn&t within the easement uea. The owner of the PayLus Bite ma.y improve the easei;1111nt nsa wi.th eurbs. curb cuts. guttei:s. utilit1e&, lighting ~nd ot:Jler i.nrprovement& a& determined by such owner ot f..6 required in the parmittinq pc-ocen, 'l'h.e pdvatB road extension must be de\<elopecl. to provide reasonable access to the portions of Rent:Ol\ Honda iornediately ea&t and weat of the private road c:Kteridon. 'the plan& and spedHeation11, for the develoPlllent of the private roa.d enen.sirm ( including the l~ation of curb cu.ts I U.ghts ani:t related improvements) sbe.ll he mibiect to the prior approval of Greenwell, tbe cur~ep.t tenant of Rellton Honda. and the City of Renton, such approval not: to be umeasonably withheld o:s:-d8'le.yed, !'he tern and conditions of the. ea&ement I.hall be a.s reasonably deteodned by Greeowell. a.nd niay include provisions far the benefit and protection ef Green.well (a.nd any tenants at: Rant.on Honda) \i'hich are custONry oc: reuona.ble tffider 5UCh aircurastances:. Without li1dting t:he foritgoing, the easement shill r~quire the owner of tJJI. PayLess Site to indemnify, defend i.ncl hold Greenwell and tb& currant tenant of Renton Honda harmless frDII •ll loss, dBJ11age acid alaillS ari&inq out of tbe use of the easeeent, !he easement shall also regui.r~ tlle owner: ot the l'ayLess: sitEt to Jnaintain in1n1.t1u:u:e t1over:age,: a.n.d on.dorseaent!I a& reaaonably requir-ed bY Gi:eenwel 1 1 including in.r.ucanae during any conscruction activltie.s, 5, Deadline, if Horba.cb bes not provided evidence D3/25/92 Tbe right& of Hc.rblch hereund!lr shall expire made the request for the euement and utisfac:tory to Greenwell t:ha.t tne -2- .. 4. \ ., '\ '\ I I I I I I I I .. ' I I I I I I I I 0 ' I I 0 • raquitemem.s of section ~ above vill ba .tl6t on t1r before Jenugry l, 2(10D, 6, Riahti. and B&De£its, '!'ha rights of Korbeoh hereW1d&r :a.hall be penot141 tc Horbach 1 ancs me.y not be uaign!l'd, tr::.an:vfer;-ecl or conveyed w-ttbout. t:he axpr&~s wdtten oonnent of C~oenwell, wbicb ~n,ent 11-.y b~ ~ithbeld at the &olG diocration of Greenwell, i'he obUg1tJ.ont of Or1:tt11,vell het'eUlldar 11hall aonatltute covenants aqdni,t .R.entcm ~ond• which lihill cun "11th th• la.nd and ehall 11g binding upon Greenwell and itH gUcce,~oce and au:igns, 7, Counterna;t, 'J'his A9re81DOnt 111.flY ho eKecute4 in sevetal coU11t&rpart1, 11a.ch of vhieh ,hall be d~emetl e.n c~ig1nal, but ill of wbic~ 11h41] con:et-itute one agreamsnt, notvithstu.ncUng t.he fact tbat &ll of the pt.rties a.re not dgnetor1u to the liillll8 counterp&rt, DA'lEll th.ic ..2~ day of Maroh. U92, ROBE!lT P, ~,,_,L COMPmY t.P, Eugene Horb~oh d/b/a E&H Propertie~ cc;msm,-or J'..AA!IHERE EN'l'ERfRlSES OF WASHJNGTOO, INC. L~phere Enterpt"\,e, of Hashingto~. Inc,, the current tenant of Renton Holl(ia. pursuant ta the Leo l, 2 and J LHH dated June "-• 19!D, 0.1 anltfnded, (the •teeEe"), hereby conaenn to a11d eppiovQs tht fDr9iDini Agreellltnt ta Provide Ea~eraent. Lanptaere tntvtpriies of WIUlhjngtcm, Inc. further con1gncc to the 9~1nt cf the easement by GroQnvell pursuanc ta the term., oc tht Agtetmten~ to PtOV'ida Eavoment, 11nd agcees that the Loase will be cuhj.act to tbs t1ae&er1ent cri.ed the ea.seiaent iii gr:e.ntad. Lanphet:e .tnterpd11es of Wuhinqtcn, tno. agrHs to oxGc,ute guc:h additional doc\ll'n8.Qtli, con11ent;:s oi-&•toppel c&ttHict11te u mflJ' blil' i:e.a,one.bly requ.nteC by Greenwall, Horbac:h uid/or the owner of D3/25h.Z -3- o{) \ . ' •' ;\ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ···" 'I D ' 0 • requirements of section 2 abavc will be met on or befgre Jan\U!.ry 1, 2000. 6. R.1ghts and Beoefits. The dghts of llorbaah hereundet shall be per$'.onal to Horbach, and may not be 1.scigned, tr;at:1s£erred or conveyed wlthout tbe-expren w.rit:ten coMent of Greenwell, "Whieh eonsent 111ay be 11itbheld at the sole discretion of Greenwell. The obllgatlons of Gceenwdl beceundn shell constitute covenants agai.ni;:t Renton Honda whleh shall run witl:i the land and Ghalt be binding ~pan Or•enwell and its successors .11nd assjgns. 1. Co1mtsrpart, '!'his 11.gremerit 1'11&.l' be executed in several cou~terparta, ead). of wbieh shall be deeJl.*d a.n ori9iQal, but all of Which sllall cona.t1tute one agreement, nott1ithl!!itandinq the hct tll1t all of the pattleli are not ai,gna.tories to the lilllfl9 oounterpart, .,./t, DP;1'ED this o:7 i') .. Cay of March, 1992, ROm:RT F. GJU::F.NWELL COMPIINY I..P. Properties CONSENT OF LANPHER!' El,,'T.ERPRrSES DP HASH1NGTON, INC. LatlJilhe.re 6nterprlses o! Na~hingt.on, Inc •• the curxen~ tenant of ae.nton Honda pu~suant to the Lot& 1, 2 and J Lease dated ~une 4, 1no~ as amend-1d, {the •r.e,159•). h.et:eby consents to ~md tlppxOY"es the foregoing Aqreemei:it to Provide E«J1er,en.t. Lanphere Enterprise; of W•shinqton, Inc. further consl!flts ta the grant of the easement by Greenwell pursuant ta the terlUi" of tbe Agreement to Provide Easement, and agrees that the Lease will be sUbject to the eeesm.nt once the easl!fflent is 9u,nted. t.en.phen Ente-rpdns of Washingtoni Ine, agcees to execute such additional docU11ents, consents or estoppal certificate a£ m&y b& reasonably teguested by Greenvell, Kcrbach and/or the O\mer of 03/25/92 -3- '. <>{.J \ Ii \ • I ,J I I I I I I I I ,., I w ll 6 ~ l'l z ,-. I z ~ ~ ~ti I I §J ~o w C ..; -w ..; !!I i.:, ..; ~ r• ~1= N --M Z-' 0 .... ~ ~ N -~o w 11) ,_., z>- I ~le ow 0~ C !!!~ -- I !!:;~ w ll ,-. le I I I 0 I I 0 • the PayLess Site to furt:hec evidence its ~ent and appcoval of tbis Agreetnent tel Provide Easement and the easement When g~BHted, WWPJl£RE ERTERPRISES OF WASIIIN~~-INC/ By di tf. y,ft-.- lt:s · \i5?.;1hf"...t-r STATE OF WASH I.NG'l'ON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF } TUJS II;: TO CERTin' that on this day af , 1990, befote tnB, the under&lgned, a DOtacy pul'Jlio !n and for the &tate of Wasbington, duly eonw.:l.ssloned and sw-orn, personally appeared , to rae known to be the of Robert F, Gtee!Nell Colap11ny l.,P,. the tiartnet-ship that: executed the within and foregoinl]" instrument. and acknowledged the said instrument to bCI tha free and voluntacy act atid deed ot s-aid ~ttnenhip £or the w;es and purposes thecein mtntioned, and on. oath 1;tatec;l thee. said individ111.l was authori~ed to execute said in1tcument . liI'MESS my hand and officie.l seal the day il!.Ild fea.t in this certificate first above written, CJ/2S/92 Notary public 1P and for the state of WashiQ.9to11, residiDg at ------ My appointment expires------- -<- JbtWi.. \ ., ' I ·- • I n•1mSlf _;_ ... , -· .. '. .-----=-..:;;. .. I I I I I I I I .·,). I I I I I I I I I I I 0 • S'l'A"l'E Of WASHINGTON ) , -/ ) SS, COUNTY Ol'. 7;._5 ) l'?f.:... 'l'HlS IS 'rO. CER'l'IFY tbat or, thls R>'v day of ~ .,£ . J.:9P(h before me 1 the undersigned, a notary public in :i.nd for the state of Washington, duly commi&doned and swo,rn, pe-rsonally appee.tad Euger:ie Ro,::bo.~h. to 111e known to be the indiv1dual des-ctibed in and wt)o eJ!.'.ecuted the tirrithin ahd foregoihg instrument, and acl(nowledged to me th.a.t s&id Sr,d,ividual 11igned the nru, a& said indJ.vidl!ti.l' a t:cee e.nd voluntary e,ct and deed tor the uae& and purl)Oaes tberein mentioned. and year ih tbh o! My 1.ppointment expire& -1"' ·,Ar.,. j ~ ••• COUNTY Of ~- THIS IS 'J'O CER'l'lFY that OD this ..;e's?? day of ... ~~,<'.._. • 1990, befote me, the undersl.gtled, u. oo"tacy public in 2nd for the <:onmh:doned and sworn, persorui.lly appe.ned . .s , to cr.e 'knew:'!. to be t~ :Lf:1:-fr:: .-of Lanphere EnterpdGe.G of Washington, Inc,, the corporation that executed the wit:hin acitl foregoi.ltg instrument, end ec:knoYledgecl tbe u.id inBt:rUD1ent to be the £tee anti voluntary act and deed. of i;dd C{Jrpoc-a.tion for the USi:!s and purpo681E therein mentioned, and on. oath stated thc1.t u.id indlvillual was ;n1t:hodz;ed to execute Hid instrument, WI1'NES8 my hand and official 1:elll tbe day and }le&r in. tbh certificate fi~&t above wri~, 7 . ..., ~~~ /dew,-· " •'A, (1'; / J~~.~f)Ht~..,, ... ~}.~ Not&;'l' )?Ubl1c llj udfor the state of f~/.~ \:•;¥'\ NHh~119toti, l'Et$:uHng •t :::f::. :e:a:k ~~fg ~oiAfi,-11'\ ,c, ~ , \ : ••• c. "l!pl Ky appointment expires -4" • .3r?-J1'-j * \'7.:PUO\.' ~_:~ ,I\.~ ;o ..... ·~ "":"'-":.-.·~IL '2.0 ~·· i:., tmMn '\_ 1'/'.f '•,,,.,.,•~~'\.if. ·, OF WP..~.,;,, --;µ./'#"' 03/2.5/92 -5- ·\ '\ ) es \. ' • I ; I I I I I I I I •• ,l, l I I I I I I I . ' I I 0 I I D - -- STATE: OF KAWAII SS, C:I'1''i MD CDUN'fi OF HONOLULU on this 26th 11ay of March 19512", before :iae appll!lared Pl:TBR F, R, GRttNWELL, to H peraona.lly known, wll.o, being by 11B duly a1il'orn, did H)' thot h~ is the gllneral partner of ROHR'l' F, GREERM'ELt COKPAN'l L, P,, a. Delawar~ lb11ted partnership, the.t the fo:r-egoiniJ inl!lt.rumo11t va& &lgrutd in the rwuae and. in bet)alf c.,.f said lbiited parthenhlp, ~nd f:dd P:ETEl1 F. R. GREEHW:£Lt. acJl;nwledgad tbat he e1tecuted tha H.1le as hJ III free act end dud ~nd u tho tree act and deed of a4id li~ited. partnarchlp, lfllj conlsdon expires: u-~z ... 7:i.. .. n \ ., , ·. ' ' .. , . ..: ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~··) ... ! 0 • I .. /'. : . I 0 :& >:: U I H I 7 ",V Legal oescrlptlon l.OTS 1, :t AND :a, DtCLUSrvE or CITY OF RElfTON SHDA'r PUT )MUI.ER 100- BO RECORDED tJNDn Jl.ECOROING NUMIU:R. 12D-40790011 SAIC SHORT PU.'l' LYIHG WtTllXN SECTION 19, TOWJ.liS'HIP ll HORTH, RA.Hca: 5 EASl', WILU>JE'IT.B KERlDIAN, IN lO'.NG cown, w.s:HlllGTOH"r gkOl 0 , n \ ., I ' . ' I - I I I I I I I I .. ,l I w u ;: a z ~ r ... I I ~ r ... ~ . u; :Bu ~o. ~D. -wl wl= liL ~o I L ~ ~ ... a~ "il w ,-z :>- I i~ DW Djj :t~ ... - I ~!:;; a i; % I I I \ I I 0 • • :~·>11;:-. ... •' - :.!HU :nu ll~I-~u 111,Jt:I lll!t .!:'L : .. U ~ ... ,-.{ . ::l. . r- N .(') 0 N '1> Q Jill[llll'l' ""· 13 . .. '!'ht:1t portiDn ot 13civ:;rn:~:11t lot; l ly;in9 nort.'h o.c Noi:th~rn l'eicific nc.il\-:1\y C.;)i"",i,Pzny right of \i'ilY in sc:i:tiCr.'1 19. t~n::!!lliF 23 north •. rmigo S U!!t, l'f.;~., in King Count!f, Ha.2hinqton J • EXCZl1~ the nort.')i 300 toat (:l,areoti , J\l.?D J?XCu>'l' portio,1 in 92nd hv~nuc .south llnd PrU'\Ory St:t:ate .HJ.gh\,:,iy h'o, 5, 1.ND nXCEP'l portioh aoi.c::i'ba:a as folla,,,:s • . nesinnin9 ot th; north~ti.!ft canter ct th~ no%th\',est. qua.rt:.e:t ot. 11Scction l9f toWP!!hip 2:J nortb, ~nnge 5 l!&U, u ,H~1 in J(ii:ig county, \'1i1~hingtor11 tlic.nCG weiitoxly 11loru; the no=-th lina·ot ~~id section 19 • distmnca o'J: 97D fnct1 thence southc..:ly nnc!i: pi,:::dle.l to the ~e-s:t line-of gOVt!.Z:!ffll:nt. lot. 1 a ~Lstnncc of 300 feet to tbe true point of l:.ecjio~ing1 t'net\cl!!I contin1!in9 sou-:l)edy arwS parallel ta .thil west lbe of g'overrucient .loe 1, 790 :i!e:et, ti,0.r:u DX les.a;," t!o ~ point on t:'he no;ct::h ll\<\Z:9in cf the :Northe~n ~'11eific Rtlil~y CWl!"'y:iny :right of \.•my; thence tJeste:ly along the Nortla::cn 1>11.clfic :Rnilway CofliPa;iy no:rth&?"ly :right:. O:! way line i:.Q tbc: Wril!iit 1!11.c of govc:rnrre:nt lot l, thitnce no:rthetly ~la.n9 'wei;.t line a£ governr.ient l.ert 1 to~ point that lies 3~0 feet sect~ cf tne north 1i~~ of s~t9 ~cction 19; then~£ ea,terl~ to the tru2 point of ~eginni.ng • ~i:TaER WITH ar. Cueru:nt fot i119::i:ess 4),nd 29:ccs~ cvet the: XQli~ding: The ea£t 40 foe~ of the w~$t 375 faet1 tbe C&Ft 40 :feet2':l.d the west ill.D feet of the fellowing t:uczib!d pt'Oi\arty: · IJhe i;out:h 270 feet c.f t;ht!: no;i;th 300 feet Qf tllc aaE't,!)7D :fnt of gova1:nment !ot. l., ::ct't-''ln l~, 1;1JND&hip 23 11otth, .range 5 east, U.lt.4 ·in Jd.n9 eou:nty, Va.sh.$.~~: EXC&Pi" tlui eaat l~,o feet thereof •. ~I:' P:'Clll-1.h 210 !cct ot '.:~ »c:rtb 300 toct ot t::hq i;:~.r.t: 9/0 ~oat o! ,ggvottuDeDt lot 1, &action 19, tcwn~hip 2l no:-1.:h, x-1:ng~ 5 oast, l;'.K,, iii lting Counl:y. ~ethUgt.oar z:-::f!!'T :he! e.11:Jt 170 fc-~t ~o:ao~i ;.=, t::>:C'Sr'!' tho :m•=t!l 10 !"~t t?;:!:1:oc! eo:1vey11C: to t.t.e City c! f.:cmto1; !o= s~=e11-: c.nd uti.lttl' p-.n-poee&, ~l' al.'cd. ;cc ... ca:t:!t•;;' a.-:cfo·r bu6to.r•s !il• ~o. go3J..a;!>4, [J. of.) "\ \ \ .. ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ·' ' ,: ... · . E1'.:HI1UT C: \ . - . -·...=-=-~ . --- I I I I I I ' I I I I :,. '>- I !' ~ !l. " I :;l ~ ~ ' ~ .. , .. I.'-~ ~ 0 I . , N : 0 .:: N ~J l'- 0 N I er, ~ " " " I ., J I I I I • • Schedule B .._,_ Section ......f... Exception __ "_..l.,.Q;,c,1-__ _ ·, ).?>- ""5Eld£NT AGREEMl'M" FOR EXTENSION OF MAPLE STREET Ii! ~ 11I1S EASEMENT AGREl?MENT ts exccurod nnd entered 1a,o by nnd nmone! ROBERT F. GREENWELL COMPANY LP., •De!,...,,.. limiled p,rUlClthlp ("G,..nwcll"); ~ EUGENE HORBACH nnd JOYCE HORDACI! (hcrculaflc,-coJlo:livcly 'Hodm,h");:l DONNJlLL FAMIJ:.V PARTNERSHIP, a Wuhiaglon gc:ocn,J part,,otSl!p and BAR.BAR,l;r JOAN O!OLT) DONNEJ:.J:. (lmrcinallor colloctlvcly "Bonncll'); OJld LAMP~ ENTEKPlUSES OF' WASHlNGTON, INC., a Washington corporation, dfb/a Renton Hondi(:: AutooK>bilcs (hcteinafler "Lanphcn:~), g REClTALS; t,., G~nwcll ls the O'Mlcr of Ihm. cen:iln real property com11'0II!)' knoWtl as R.entott; Honda tUKf legally dcscrlbtd or, Exhibit A attached herctc (the "Reatan Hondn PropcrtyJ&, l.anphcnl h lhc ·currcm )!.!ssc&l or lhc Renton Honda Pfoplmy I and opc;atcs an aulna,obllil' ,Jc.i.lelsldp chcn=oo commonly knoWll as •Rcn1on Ho!Klo Automobiles.• ~ 13. 13onncU is tlm 01Yncr or lhat ccrtnin rcaJ property imlPOOia.lcly to the north or tHc Rcn100 Honda Property Md commanl.y known :LS die Payless Site Jfld Je;gaJJy dc.sai.bed on Exhibi1 n nttachtd hereto (the-•Paylcs,; Sitej. Horbach b the current less= of1he: P.a~ Site, wid il prcsa:nUy tub lensing sig111fiom ponlons ar Uic l'.l.ylcu Slle lO varied and assoncd lell~ts. LD.nphm b:ll an option wi1b Ho roach 10 subfe.ne a pon!on, or the Pay&ess skc lying lO the north of and lmmedi.:ucty odJaccnl lo the &scmcnt J\rca de5en"bed below, Said sllbleas area is legally described oo Edi bit C il.nd is ltercinaRer n:l"ertcd kl ~ •Facility Property". C. Bormell hm; requemd lhe ri'1tl to CQl$tl1J.CI 'll. priYait toad i:x.lcnslon of Mapl~ Sltt'el. iSCfDn llu;! Renton Honda Propeny from s. w. Grady Way 10 1M Payle:5$ Slcc to provide for undctground utililics i\nd publio acmss Cor ingrc:u and egress 10 and from 121c Pa.)llesl Sile:. D. 01'l!Cnwell has agreed to gra.ru a perpe111al non~cl~ive eascmcal for :such un~d ulilitics un~ public: aecas for ingl"e$5 ~ cgn=.5s ID and from the Payless SJte, aH in accordance with !he ttnns, conditions ond provuion.s. .set forth bclaw. NOW• TlIEREfORE, for good iu\d valuable. consideration, the receipt or which is hereby nctnowl\!dgcd, Uu: parc[cs hereto :iigree :is follows: I. Grnnt nf ft:mumnt. Orecnwcll herclly gi'l'CS", grants nnd co.Qvey.s o. non-exclusive ~["11 easement lo Bonnell for Ute benclll of the P2ylCJS Site over, Hdcr1 nnd n.cross lhc Eascn1cn1 Arca for the 511rposes of: (i) constructing, improving Mtl JMintainlng a roadway (im::ludltig eurbs., C\lli> cu1s and gultcrt)1 JSidCW:UD, ii" TI:CIYircd by the City of Renlon, and u11derp011nd ulilltics {incfoding, but not ricccssnrily llmlled lo, eJec::tricity, waler, sewer, drainage. 11atura1 c.as. !olephone., CATV nnd strce1 llgbth1g, proYidcd tml thee .5trcet lighting poles :111d rixcum lhcmse\ves &hall t,c above grou1ld); D.nd (ti) providing publlc access ,•iti ingress nnd c~ lo and from me Payless Si1e for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. 1llt e..azratTlt given 1111d tr.inled pumzant co this A.grecmc.1t (the "Easement•) is appurtenant to and for the F,II>MS\\'1LIO!J<l"'4<L05 """" • I • EXCISE l/¥. NOT REQUIRED ,::~·::-ey~~, ow,11 1 J j i " I I I In .. • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' t'- M 0 N 0 ~ 0 &i tr::a .a • • IJcnclil or die Payless Site wl1k:h is lhe domutanr. csta~ and '\fAll be deemed lo be a bene(it runnil18 with I.he land. Noiwilbstan.ding the foci that ttm Eascntent dcscribccl h¢rulrl is l10f\-tlCllWV~ Greenl'tll, Hol'bact1 11nd Lnnpll«e, and lhclr respccliv~ hcits, slfCCem>rs and assigns umlcr$hd .QDil agree 111:11 lhe E:uemct1l iJ;: in1eadcd to provide 24 hours a day, 7 dap: a. week, pennanerit ln8ft$$, egress .irid accm 10 the Payicss Sile.. furlhcr, Gtccnwoll, Horbtich ft Wpllerc, and lheir rcSpCCllvt heirs, .suci:eSSDJ'5 and m.igru: shall not uruieriake or cngqc: in any activity Which would impair, limit or oiherwise restrict lbc KQpr;!; or U£C of the SasemcnL J, Emtmcn1 ATM• Tim legal dcscrlp1tun of u,e ponlan cir the Renton Ronda P1t1pcdy wtiieh i.s theit.lbjcct mall!!!' of the Easement (herein the •rr.asement Area.1 b: H set (orth \lelllW, I\ strip ur land J6.0D £Cl!! wide lying 18.00 feet llQ each tide or the following described ~nti:tlini:; Commending at the Soulhwcst corner of }..Qt :3 of Chy of Rcn1an Shon Plat No. 100-80 as recorded under Klng Cwnty Recordini= No. !204079001~ themce NDT1h 77"'28'02"' Easlnlong tile Soulh line of said lot 3 adisiance o(108.3S (eel w lhc Northerly prolongation of lbc centerline of Mnple. Avenue Southv«!St md the 1rue point or bcgiMin,:: thcm:c Monti ot•2J'41'' East Blong said Nortbetly prnloogalion 152.29 rcot IO a curve hnvlng ii. r.1dius or S'l.00 fret; thence Northerly Md Northi:;is1<:riy along said curve ;in arc lcnglh or 2.S.'33 feet through u ccn&rru ang,lc or21~u·16· to lite Nonh line ofsiid 1.ot 3 und 1he 1ermit1us of this a:ntc:rlinc tlcw.'iptiun. A gmphk illll$1ration ur the c:w:ment l\rc.J. is DIULChcd h~rct(I ns ,6&bl..b.il.D., Tbc wldtb of llie lzemcm Art::1 m.i.y be increased if tcquln:tt by the. Chy ur Ri:nlOn, not 10 e,;cccd a tCJt.111 width of o10 r1.~1. 3. lmm:-0rcrnm1 e( F .. .ns!fflttlt Artn, The following provisions shall apply in connection '11.!hh the impl"O'icmcnt o! lh: Easemuil Arca. 3.1 Casi o£ hDPttn<rmvnt.~. E;(ccpt ru otherwise provlded In Parugnph 3..4 below, the owner of Ille Pllylm Sile sh.ill ha"4;:; lhc full :u.nd comple\c mpomibillty for .and sliall bcnr nil !uturo c05ts ;u1d e,;pe11scs in cormecdoo whll the impro~cnt 1111d con,lnlelion or lh.c .E.'l!icmct1l An:.i ror the purposcs and ~ described hertin irn:klding all rom ud c:xpcnses nccennry lO ob1ai11 tho 11,pprovab and permits r!!.quired by lhc City of lt.cnlcm and other iove.rnmem:1.l :,ulhoritics hnvlng Jurisdiction in eonl1eClion wi,h such hnpmvomcnt, In tli.s rngard, the Dwnct of 1111::: Pa.yl= .Sile agrees 10 lndcmniry and u..e Grecnwdl and .LaatpJ1crc and 1hcir Jf!SpCClive successors nnd ns.1ig11S hnrml~ frum my and .all such costs or expenses. 3.2 Pl:rns nml SuociDcntlml5 Qtc lnmrnmmnt or &1-'itmf!nt ARR· Tnc design or and 1be plans and :spi:cifiantons n:lati11g lo the nct.ual conslrll:tl.on CJ! said improVl!mcnts. within the EJ.~-crneRI fln:;i shall be the ruponsibility ornnd ~ for by Bonnell: -' - ... iii .J&., .. • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . :~ :5 ~ .. ~ .. .. ' -~ ' • • provided, however, ·1hJt lhe filW working dra,rings and spcclfieatlons lherefor&shall be subject lo 01c ,dvanccd wrilten approvol of Greenwell and 1.anphcn:.. which tipprovnl wm no1 be untimely or unrcasQJWJty wilhhtld, The initial ~ign to be submlued 10 ,ttc City of Rcnloo in conjvnction with the proposed imprtiW!fTicat o( lh~ Enscmcal Area must provide tor r=onal>lc ~ (or ingress and egress to and from the rcnt1.lning patllon:s: CJf the Kemon Honda Pmpc:tfy lmmcdlillcly ms! and west of lhe Enmmc:nt Arca. Except for the.approval or .suctl plans and specilitatlons and millCrinl modUica.dons thefmm, llonncll shall have the full right. power Md .aui!IOdly lt1 e(fectua1e. Md c:mnptctc the improwmcnts for lhe E:iscmen1 Are.i. without the ru11hcr written or olhcr COCl!ifflt or .i.ulhodzalion from any of 1hc panlcs 10 'Ulls Agmemtr1l, For purposa: of lhls Pa~ 3..2, 11 mDditit111.ion to the. approved plmu ~11d spccific.i.tJoll5 din.II be deemed to be rmucrla1 If the modiliauiDfJ changes lite grade or lhc level of the lmprovcmcrns In rc-J.uion co fbi:c Ren1on Honda Prapcny, or tr 2hY arb cuts providing aa:e.ss bJ arty portion of 11tc Rcnion Hoada Property are movcd, rclocaled or diin1n=Ucd. Tlie m:antrs fi.tled IW(lll'e are not neccs:s;uUy cltclusive. but mere!~ qeory mnucrs that will be conskJcred 10 be malenlll Jr 1hey cctur. 3.3 Ounljty or Work. AU or the worlc performed In conncc:Uon with the cnnstrudian or the improvements withtll the Easca-tent Ar.:a shall be substantially in accord wfth lhc wrking plans and spccificatloru apptQved :i:s provided in PMagnph 3.2 above, ood shall com~y wi1h alt of the raw.s, rules. :'.IJld regol~lons Ille Cily or Renton i!lld olhcr govcmm~ outtJorilics having jurisdici.ion O\lcf .such work, Notwilhslfllldh,g lhc parties rlght5 ullda' this Agrccmtnl to lhe colllrBry (including, but not necessnrtly limi~ lei the approval ~btsrtladJlg- to She fUU'il worlcing drawings and .spcclrlCiltionl'.), 1hc panii:s :igrcc to comply whh an or the requirements or the City of RenlOO ;md 0th.er govemmct1~I nulhoritics ln co11r,ectfon whh the de::iga ad ron.struction or the improYC1uml~ m (he .Easenic:lll Area. Funh~. and prior 10 commcndag an}' work ln cOMCction with lhe improvcincnt of Sh.c ~m Aten, Bond shalt Cumi9110 Greenwell satisfletoiy cvidcnct!. that the Rcntorl J,{ondaau\Omobile tlcllmh!p Otl11ries:s lhen cum.mtly cond~tt.d b)' Lanphere along Lets I, 2, and 3 of lhe Renton Honda Property, e.xclusivc of the Eo.se:!ncnl Area. will no1 1 .l:!i a rcsu11 of 1hc 11Ufization or the &.remctlt. l'Cllde:r the lhtn cummt iur; by L..mphcn:. u noi in compl\MCe wi1h:npplic.ib1ezoning regi>lalkHu :r.s Ln cll'cct as or June 4, ]9'}(1. Id this regard, Greenwell AtflC! UuU satisfacioiy evidet1ee would include n lcna-from lbc City of Rc11tor1 itating tbc property 1, not. as 1. n::slllt or 11te ~l. na1 in compliance w'gh applicable zoning 11!gl11Rtions in dfect as of llllle. 4, f990: provided, bawcvcc, that Bonnell it permitted to fumbh other evidence conOrmlot such conrormillg U$OC and Greenwell will not unl'CllSonably wiehhold hit satlsfacdon or llich o\her evidence.. Prior to cmnmenm.ng nny work ln eonncdion wiU1 lbc Improvement of the E::iscmcni Area, aonneu Jiihall deliver so a~nwdl a. se1-Asfde letter from lhe. r;oru;U\JCdan leader nr Jiihall posl a Perfcmnnce Bond UI t.,,vor of Qreenwcll cvklencin& snid party's f1D11.Qcial ~Tllty 10 perform the proposed work (in~ :.1moun1 of 81 lcnst 125% of tbc csthQlllccl cort to complc!c lhe improvements, and othe,wi:sc J'CI\SOnilbly sati.11fae.lDTY lo 01tenwell). Additionally, Donnell or Lanplti:R:, fl.S Lhe CUC: may be, $hall keep the. pro(ICr1)' free and clear of any and all liens arisip.g out of or rclnllng 10 the. wort for hnprovcmept of the Easement Arca. .,. .• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... ,, )' ' I • • 3.4 Tlp1ing gr Wpdc. The parties hereto undct'Sllmd and acknowledge thal &here is no particular time by which Bonnell ·muse commence ;pd complclc the improvtma&t!i to the E:iscmcnt Aten; lJrovidcd, however, that DJ'IOC.acto.al cooilrUclion is cnrnmamcr.d, Bonnell .iirees lO complete the improvements as .coon as n:aronably pns.siblc thereaf1er ta a marirter sn a! to mtnlfni:w the btipaei: on lhc r1?nmlndcr of tltc Redlon HMdil Property and lhei Facility Property. Notwllhstanding lhe foregoing, Bonnell ;ind l...m:Jflherc u11tlcrstand Md agrte thnl i( Bonnell has not: undcnaktn 1:o oomplcte the: improvemenu to the: E:w:m=it luca. lhe11 ~pbete in connmkm with hs coMUUctiWI and comple:doo i,f ~ I.wt SI ,000,000 of improwmenlS IO the FacUlty Jltoperty IWf With She prior wrlUen conunt of Grccnwi!ll may inillatc, consu,,c1 and camplcw the improvemcciu kl d11: Eoscmeat Area provided lhat the plans nnd gpi=ciftcations ~h!Ilng to such lmptovtrnelll!i shall fhil be alJP(4JYed by Bonnell, which .1pJJfO\-"td .slaoold not be unreasonably witbhdd. If Lanphere !ibould determine. lo pfOCC!t.d and comph:tc :said lmprovcmcu.ts, then llll costs ~d expenses n!btin1 ~to sh.di be. paid onc--thinl [113) by t.nphcrc nnd two-thirds (213) by llbRncll, •t MninH:nam:e, Rennie nmf s1rn1 U,:hling. From and 1r1e1 eompledon of the improvements lo the &se1nr:ii1 A.ren, Ille lllAintoolWIC o.nd mp.:dt or the. same ihalJ be the 11blig.11ion or lhl.! owo~ or lhe Payless S"llc. The contifl'Ding mo.inc1:J111ncc orlhe EmerMIU A1ea .5h.ill includei but not be limit.cd Jo, t;;ccping the ro:idway sur(xc clt.11.D (and striped, ir required), keeping !ht: madw.i:)' and sKf~w.1:lks ur any} cle:ut Md free of debris, dlrt, rocks, weeds, snow, Ice and other ma.11er.s 1 ki.!Cping all lighl fo:1ures cie:In, palnlCd una in full opcraU11g condition, and otherwise maint.1.inin& Uic Easemcm Arca U1 a neat Md ctewi condilian consjslC:ll1 wilh starul.u"dE .s~t by the City ot Reritor1 in o;innw.ian with il.$ public roads. In addition, Che owner of i.Jic ltayle« Slte sh.ill ha! responsible, ::al iu: sole cost and cxpetise, far the continuing and ec11Ultuous: repair of lbe iq,rovimlents Within lhe Ei.scmr:nt Area. which shill include. but nol be timllcd 10, rqtairlng pocholes ot btlelding within lhe road surticc, repnlrlnc cracked o,r bucldtd conc:rde., ~ring tlama.gc light stance.rs, ~"'CCpinc 5'orm dr:dnnge systelll.li in run operating coodldnn nnd !ii01Uar rcp:i.~. Jn t!,c: event 1he owner of lie Payless .Silfl. does not paform its m:iintenance J.Qd repair obligalions i1S SCI. fonh above, lh~ owner of the Rcruon Ronda PfOJ)Crtl' shall have cht right (but not the. obligation) 10 perform .sacti ablig;IID!lS an behalf of we owner of lhc .Payless SilO, i11 whrch e.vcat the owner of Ille Payless SIie slNdl Immediately reimburse. 1~ owner of the ,kcnlOl'I Honda Propcny ror all c:osts o.m:I m;pmies inCI.IIRd by tl,e owner of lhc Rmtoa Horida Pmpeity to do so, Any mno11n1 required 10 be. paid IO the.owner of the Rcnltin Hi:mda Property if nDI p-Jlcl when clue sh.I.fl b=.r interest al Ule me or 1S'5, per 11:1u:ium from the due dale I.Int.ii paid. Any .such monies due 11.od crwlflB by Ille: owner of I.he Pll)'lest Site 10 die Ren1cn Honda Property sh11U i:onsliur1e o. lien on the Paylcn She, nad ntay be t:nfuleed b)' Che owner of the Renton Horlda Ptopcrty in lite $ii.me m3MCr -as appJies lo mor1pges of rezl. propmy, Without limil!ng lhc responsiblllty of tht ownm: or the Pa.rim She for the crul or m.iintc11ance 11nd repairs as dcscrlbed ;above. Ul lhi, Parniraph 4, !O long a.1 Lanphere (or a11y P:\f».iS\WJL\0007462.0S 01116.192 -4· .. • J I I I I I = I I I I ! I I (', I "' 0 ~ Cl! I . r,. ~ :5 c::, ' Cl! " 171 ., ,, C ·-I , :; :j I I ) I ' I I I e • ~n or entity aflilialtd wilh 1..anpltm:), leases the aenum Honda Pn,ptrty, lben UUlpherc or such ;aflili3'lc agtci:s lO rcirnbum: the owner or lhe P.1.)'fe&S Sltc ror on Mill( (112) of all casts or mainlcnance Ind repair rclaling to 1hc Eascmcut Are.I and required 1o be paid by the cwm:,r of ti,; Pnylcs:s Sile ID 1hc owner of the Renton Honda Property. 5. Cgpngrn1iWJ. Greertwdl~ ta.nphcrennd Horbach ag;ic: tocoopcratewitll Boncell ill connce1ion whh obtaining permits fur mld th~ uctlr.ll conslrucWII\ o{ l11eJmpro\'tmcnts widdn lhe lz:cmcnl Arca inctading, but DOt limlted to, the e-xecullon and delivery of ariy and all documents or other wri1ings ns may rwo~ly be reqUCSlcd by .Bonnell or ~ly nqlttml by the City of Renton or other govcnimcntnl uu1baritics having juthditllon over ~uclJ wort.. Ntitht'f Lanphere, 1-torbacb nor O~wdl rhnH ~ obligaltd to ioctlr any liabUlty, cost er oblig.:l(ion in connl'.ciion witti Such coopt:mticm except for costs lllld tx.penscs ta be paid l')' l.anpben: ns provi<!c<J In Por.q:n,ph 3,4 above in the even! I.Mph= detcnn!ne, to JJ!octal with aOO complr.:tc lhc improvements to the Easomel'lt Arca. The purti~ agttc to coope.rt1te whh one Mather to present the r4:hts of 1hc Ylllioos l)aftics lo this Agrccmc:nt 6. S11bordt11n1ion nf Y:uu:s. By C1CCUtini; lhis Agreement, Horbach, ns lessee of the Payless site. and I.znphcre as letsee of the :Ften100 Honda pre~}' ~ertby subordill4le and subjr.ct their rcspcctiYe-lessees' iAtercstJ un~ said k.a.:leS lo !he ICmls, condl:Uoru, and proYi:rlom of lhls ~Iii. h1 tbb: rcgan:I, Lanphimi. Jicreby acknowledges and conseDts: ltJ dte 1cmpor.u)' dis.rupl[oJJ of hl.s hlls.inl!SStS conducled on the Renton Hondz and Paci.lily Properties as n,:,;y b~ 1c:uonnbty required in connection with lhe 001strue1ion of Ute improve~ Lo the E:isemcn1 Arca u dc.saibcd tn Parngmph :3 o.bovc, llonncU ilgm:5 to U£e his best efforu tll minimiz;e lhc disruption t)f l...a.np11~re·s bLJ§inesses to the fullest extern n:::ison.&bly poss Eble daring the course of weh co.nstroclion. 7. Rt':IPft'iS m1d htcframby, Bonnell dae5 .lttrcby 1elease1 indenmify and promise to defend and S1ve Greenwell Md Lanphere ;ind their ~li11e successors., assigns, ugcnlJ and emplo}'CtS hB:rmlas from and 1Pinst 11J1Y and all liabm1y. loss, ~anage, expense, ucllons and dafms (iRCludiog cofls and reasonable attom11yl' fees) Jruing out of or in conpc:Uon wit.~: (i} Dotindl's and Bonncll'.s e.mptoycc!. azeou or mntr.i.tlOts comtruClion of Improvements lO Iha E:ucme,u Ate;1,, (ii) the use or the Euemenl AJCa 1 lnc;luding the Wll of lhe Ea!ement Area by I.he gencml P'lblici provided, however, lhac this pnragniph doer not purpon ro indemnify Greenwell or Lanphere tignin.u linbi!ily Jbr damages arising OU1 of bodily lojury to persons or damage llJ prciputy to lhc oic.tcnc aU$Cd by or !Chllting from the negligence or Greenwell or Lanphcn:, or their 11gci:its, or employees, 8. UJB!Dllltt. So long lls thi:s Easemcnlcoatinues in emc:t, lbc owner crlhc Payless Sile sh.ill be nquirc:d 10 purcliase nnd mo.lntain compreht!fl!iw public liability insurance relating to ch~ oonstn.icllon or impmvccm:nts and U5e oft~ Improvements witbfo the F.Mtmenl Area. Solid insurance .shall n.1me lhc owbcr o( the Ren ion 1-!orub Property and Lanphere m edditltms! insuted.s, and Ccrtificn1es evidencing such insurance coverage shall be furnished u.s reasonably rc1:1u~tcd from lime to time by the owner o( the Payless.Site to the own~ of the Rct1tc>r1 Honda f:\IalS\.\VJL\0001462,..0S 07116192 -5. . ' . . . ' -. ' .... .• • I I = I I I = I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I 0 • - Property and to Lanpbere. Said insurance sltaJI he placed with an tnnirer ttUlhoriud to da business in lhe St!ltc of Wnshington, o.nd acc:cptabJc co 1he owner of the Rcnioo Honda P.roperty, ,vlm;h ~ianu will not ~ unreasonably wiuat\eld. The initial amount of sueh insurance .shnll be AS follows: Bodily Jnjury Llobilil)' Property D.:imnge Llability $2,000,000 The nmount of s11c:h l"surancc, the types of eovcr.iics and tlldonemcnu, .:ind Ute insu:rnnce carri~rmil.y bi:. ciwJ!ged fromdme 10 tlmcas rcasombly~uesred by the owner or~ Renton ftoar:hi Property taking lnlo u~I\I the risb anocl.atcd wldt lhe use or lbc. Elu!!:mcrtt Am., ud potentfal !labllity eicposure. Wirhout limit.inc 1hc n!!sponslbillty or 1bc owner or lhe Paylea Sile lo purchase nn:d maintoln lnsumnce cs provided :100\IC. iri this 11aragraph 8, so Ion& as Lanphere or a person or entity affill~led wi1h Lanphere leases the RentDA J-3onda ~. then Lanpbcn: or soc:h arnliate agree$ 10 reimb11rre ll~ owner or 1bc Payless Si1e for one-half (1/2} of the am. of iiny st1c:h ins,irai:icc. Further, in Lhc: evt:nt lbe owt1er Bf dtc ;>.a~ Site (ails a:i purchue and/or maintain the iR!llrancr: coverages n.s tcquirerl by this Par,grapll 8, !lien tke OWl'X!r or' lbe Rcnlon Horufa Propmy -shalt h;iw-I.be right (bul not the obligation) to purcillse and mairitain sa<:h insurance covera;ge.s In whlch event the owner o( I.kc P.lyllC$S SIie 1hall inuoed.laldy r~hnbursc the owner or the Rc:111011 Hofl(b Propctty foni.ll cotis und expenses inc&Jrted by IM owner of the Rcruon Honda Property In connection lhciewilh. Any amount rc.q11ll?d IO be paid to I.he owner of the R.eokln Honda Pfl'.l?!rt}' hereunder if not p:dd when due shall bear intciut al lhe rate of 15% per anpulll from 11\e due d;ar:: un1il pald. S1kl nmoimt sl1aU couUMc u llcnon Ula Paykn Sile, and mny bi. cn(orctd by the owner or cbc Renlon Honda Propffly in the same manner as .ipplics 10 mortgages of real propcny. 9, 9.1 Jnromll[lffoo hY &tm:JICC. The Exhlbles auacbed heiao arc incorporaled hcrcin by this rercrcnce and form a pan he:rcof ::i.s if sr:t forth in fdlL 9.2 Rludloc Effffl. 1l1is Agreement dlall be binding upon and inure lo lhe bcBCJi.L of tlu: parlics hereto Md 1helr TC$J>CCl.ive hnlrs, successors, £Ublffices 11:nd ass!gns, 9,J DfsPUlt! CnJs and £xpgnsrs. ln lhe: ~ve11t or .any cooRict, claim or dispute ln:twcen the parties hcn:to Md nrising 001 or or rclnJing to Ute a1bJecl mauer hcreor, whether or no1 such connict, claim or dispu1c has its b;:isll: in law or In equiW, th: prevailing pmy Wll be enlHled 10 Retlvc (r(lm lhe non-prevaillng: pan.y(tes} all ~able ,coas UO expenses of cvecy sort wh11tsoi:vcr im:luding1 but not tlmittd 10 • .witm fees, mediatit111 fw1 deposition costs, expert wilne:s fees., :iccounling expenses relillng lbcrcto, nad z.c:tual ntlorneys' fees incurred or ~pended whclticr Pr Ml courL or .11.rbitnllo.n ptoecedfngs ll1!. initiated, m1d \ .. • J ··- I I I I I I I I I I ' I < I . ) ~ I -: ~ -· ~ ., .. ,; I :; C l -, - I ~ t J 3 " I -, J I ' I I I I- <:I 0 Cl! 0 ~ 0 Cl! C) • - including aD such eosts or exp~~ incurred ar ex~ h1 atbitr.1.don, in trial, on a~ or in any bankruplCf or receivership procwffng. 9.4 &h!!nsltm pr RoadMleY ThrnnrlJ Pnyless Silt Hofboch ~d UJtphc:n: i.mdent:tnd and acknowledge tt,nt Ilic road~y and utllitm to be corutM:ted wilhin lh~ Eastmeo[ Arca 11ft. (or 1he benefiLor tht. Paytes:; Si1e, ud thal. 5uch roadway &Bd 11Ulltics 'l\'iU conlinue on from lbe tenton Hottda. JJroperty through a portion of II,: f'"Y1eu .si1c. which lPclvdcsa portion of 1be Fa~fflJ' Propony. In lhls '*"1, lfodmcll and wpb,,e hen:by ogr= 10 s,ch •-sioa ow:r and ICT1JSS die Paylai:s site approlimmely as ihown 01:1 'lhc drawing ati.chcd hcmo as E<lliblt D, or w-01berwlse "'flllr'4 lo be localed wld>ln Ibo Payless Slie by lbe CIIJ' or Re:nton ln tonnecdon with its approval of tho Jmpnwemcnts to the &si::ment Area. 9.S ldunh;mam und [QglmU, Tmm:nkslqn. nm Agrecmem rnay be cxcculcd in s:~ counterparts nnd by facsimDc mwrninh;,I\. SRctl count.eirparl sh311 bo d=mcdun original.1 but all eou.n1erpmu shall c:onsli1ul~ oae agretrntnt, ootwllhs=dina: !he fact Jhat all or the parties arc notslgmtocies 10 1hc su.rne eawiterpart. 9.6 Na fv:hQc ¥lmllcm. NotwithSlandiag lbD.t a purpo.sc. or~ Eucmcnt is to provide.public oa.:ess from s.w. Grady Way IO lfiePa.ylcss Slte, nothing in lhi.5 Easerncn1 shall be cleei:acd ttJi coostilutc a. publU: dedjc.uion of the ~t Area w lo cmite an tasemenl ror lhc public, and tb.e l:astmcnt mall 011ly coo.stilutc a f'Ovatc Easement for rl1e ~em of the Paylc,sSl!e. 9.7 Riehts Ngl Attesicd, Thls Eamncnt i$ bting grnnttrl by GRCl:lwdl pucsuilflt to lhc teems of the Agreemcnt 10 Provle E;JSt.mcnt da!ul Mard1 25, !991 betwcett G,...w,11 and Eligcoe Borbach, d/b/a E &. H Propenles, This F.ascm,"' mall nol be connrued to interfeie with the ri1btS of Lwlphere IO require ~ cascmenl. Plmiuadl to Section 2 of the Flnt Amendment lo Leis I, 2 and 3 I.we bttwecn Gtce11well and l:lnphtre dated Mllml :261 1992. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhc p.ltties-he\'etQ have: ~ecutcd thli; Agreemeal Dn the dales lndlcaled below. F:\DMS!WJU00071ltii.DS 07'14/SJl GREENWELL; ROBERT F, GR6ENWEU. CO. L.P., a Och1.we.re limiltd p.u-tncrshlp BY-c:--=-:::---------Pelcr F.R. Oretnwt:11, General Partner .. ... I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ , J ·J C , I a ~ I ... a s " ... I ' I I I I I'- t'J 0 N 0 N I'- 0 N <n • \ Ill f . ;.;. ...... ,,_,.:.. .. ::: ..... -· ' .... 9.4 141mst,m ct Roadnr Tmn@ fAr!m Sit. ~ uui l..ellFffl, uod~lalxl .. ~ •ctm>wkdaotbal tllolOOllway aSld utllJU.. tul>e ""'llnlCIC<I wllhln lllo !!Qmeol A..a •10 l'or lh• bo:illflt of lhlt Poy!m She, and I/Jal ttloluuod\lly and lll!litlv will Oliltfauoon troo, tilt ll,nton Jiolld, l'J'OIIO'll' Ul»uih • J><mlon llf I/lo Paflm .ir. Ymld> lnclodcu putlao alllicl'odlll] Propony. lii lhb,:pnl, Hort,,ohlllld 1.anpllotellen:by,p to such,......,. om Ind """" 11,o ~ al .. -lllm"'1y II ....... on ~. dt&Wln, utaoJ,.4 )-&I !idzlblt 1>1 or -olh<rnoo n,qulnid io .., 1~ wltllln Iba Pa,i,u Site by 1m CII)' or l!otiton In coll!)Cdio• with I~ opPIO\'ll ,r lllo lmpnivomanu u, lho &,em1111 /ltt>. 9,5 Cnunt:c@N ind F4cs!mtln Tnl)SJ}lnJrm, 'ntlr i\~mfflt nu, ix:i ~ in 1<Ycnl oo~ an~ by f11C1illlll• lrontndNIOI. i;o.i, -wpl(j thlil k lfNml'I M tir!.cfi,.11, l>ut :di 11111/lfJClfPPU J/UII t,.o,ttl&.w: we aqµ~in•r. fl01Mttaftai\1:1Qtl tho t.GI lb&1 llll of lh• l>azd<• are not altM1orle1 kl the,,_ couattlpOII. u Nn w, w .. ,,.. Nol\vlll,1111ildins !lat• PIIIJlGI< of ,i.. ru-1 isfo pro,ldepubl~ -., t'NmS,W, C&,fy WoflO U1th)'les1Slro, IIOlhln,ln Ulla-om lhaU 1/t 111:om<d 1n 1»1N1Jtu1.,. public dod!..,U•• o/ Ill• -. .... 1,., .. or ,..,.., .. n ..,....., for U.. plihl~. ,1111 '"" ll>1,m101 o1,o11 ""'' 1~11Ulid• 1 11rlr.ue l!D,mr.nr ,., .,. O••lll Ill iii :hl,aa:w~m. • -.... ---·-· ..... p.·,nll•G .-.,ti pa,'™aar to the. '911m: pf dia ABl't!ef'DCnt to Provi~ ~ d.ued Mardi 25, 19511 behllfen °""'1wcll .. d J!uJIC!l< H-, dlb/a 11 & H l'topcrtlo,. 'Ibis -0,,1 lball nol b• oooolnlod lo "1!0lfe,r. wilh lbellihlsof ~ tottquiJ<IO .,,_ p!llSUIIII IDWOll 2 oflliel'inl =dmOl>I to loo I, 2 aod 3 '-"'"' betw,,n (l""'1W<IJ a:,d Laaphlro dalod M'""1 21, JP92. !NWJTNE8S WHBRBOF, <he ]181t~S berate havo--.ted lbi., 11,-.. 1001he ,lac,, indical<d below, ,_ I L ' • .• •· :·, .. : .· .. ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... ... ~ J § ., , , J 5 - ~ , "" J , , 2, .I , .. \ > • ·'--· • -• r- l'l 0 ~ ~ 0 CII (7) FAflMS'.WJL\0007<162.0,: 01116191 ·-· • 1101\IIACH': BONNEI.L: BONNm.L FAMILY PARTNERSlllP, a Wl!hin&1on 1"""1 pa>1ner,hip C,-1 ,....,FJ:,, ... &4~ ... 4-tlf, BARBARA J (IIOLT) BO LANPHERE: ASH!NGTON, . ~ . ,. . ~ ......... .. . ;. ·J . ··. I I I I I = I I I I I r- I ro 0 N 0 N I ~ r- 0 ·' N :l Cl ., ~ I ,. :: -" "! I ? w $ :::! I ~ I ' I I I • . \ • S'I2.9:'!. OF BhWAU ••• cut AND COUHI'Y OF HOHOl,1]l..tJ l On this (,t dl!.)' t:1f .Julr 19921 befare Sll:I appeand PETER F. R .. GR!:'mWEt.L, to )118 personal y Jcnom1 who,r l)eing tiy ma duly sworn, did 1H1.f that. he is the a-ne?'aJ. pllt'tner of ROBBR'l' F, GREENWELL COMPANY I, • .P., a De-law.re, 11.aited partncirship, the.t. tb8 forego:Lng inatrwaant wu aign1o1d. in the n,nne and. in behalt ct Mid limited partl\erabi.p, and a.a.id P~ER. }'. It. GREBHW£t.'L ack.ncwl.adge..1 that he ex:ecu~d tho aam.a •• bis fr•• aot and a:aed .e,.nd as the tre~ aot and deed ot said. limited partnenb.Jp. - r .. ' ' -.. ;, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j ,l _, ., " ' ., -· l g " . ' J • ' r- e') c:::, 0 Ill STA'lc OF WASITTNOTON ) ) ... COUNTY OF KING ) 1 «rtify lhat I know .er bnvc satisfactory evidence. I hat PETER F.IL Gn.E£NWEI.t. is tlu: pe.r,oa wha appeaucd befoJe me, 11nd sajd pt:tSOn .a.cknowledgtd tmt Jie. was authorized to executt. the irutnnneDt as the Ge11etal Parmer on betnilf of A.OBERT F. GREENWELL CO., LP., , Delawan, Umil«I r.n,,ershlp '"'''"''" ., the provisions of tlm parln'llbip 'l:tecment of .aid Umhcd partnership und acl:nowicd£~ said instru:mcnl lo be 1M free alld \'tJlunt:ary ad. or said gcnct>I parU1'1ihip for the uo:s and p,rp..., monUonol In ,ald Jn,trumcnt. Dated, __________ _ Notary Pl.tblic irl 111d !or llre SIi.Le of Wa.\hingtan, mldin:g Ill ----- My AppolnUncnt EKPlre:; _____ _ ~ ~ O STATE OF WAS!!!NGTON N J ) "· ) C7l COUNTY Of KING F:\DMS\WJL\000746'.!.05 07/IMl . 9. I ! I , • I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ;; !3 ., ~ ~ .. ~ I ~ :: :J -' -~ I ~ ~ g ~ I .. ~ I ' I I I [" I') 0 N 0 ~ 0 CII C1l . I .ffATF OF WASHINGTON COIJNl'Y OF KING ) .$$i; ) • - l certify that! know or have $adsfactorJ i::~Wcneci U!at IOYCB BODA pc:,:saa "'" appeorcd belbn, me, and stld pOffllll aclnowlcdged ll1at me · !his tn,tnnaeat and ncknowledged It to be hor free "111 volumary ,,:< for th, ano pu,poses mcntloum In lh• IIISl!llmellt. STA'l'B OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF IONCl ) 5l. ) N"atary Public In and fDr Ille State of'washi~gr.011, ~al _____ _ • LO· • I I I I I I I I I I . ' I 5 I =i , .. ., = I ~ ~ 1 I -~ w , , " " I J I I I I I'- l'l o. N 0 ~ 0 N u:, • • - STATE OP WA~HINOTON ) ) "· COUNTY OF KING ) I cenity 1h01 I know or h.vo ,a!lsfactory evidence lhal BA,I\IIARA JOAII (HOL1) BONNELL is dac person who appeared before GlD. aad said person acbowltdgcd lhat .she signed itkis iruiuwncnt aod 11eknowlcdgcd it to be her free mid vd1mwy aet (Qi" tht uses Gd pu~ Jl'l®tioncd in lhe lnstrumetlt. I cutify lhat I know o, have mtisr.c.tocy evlcleQce tmll PANlEL HlXSON is tht. person who appr.arcd before me. ud sald person ~owleclge4 that he .slgr,ed this instrument, Ol'l oath .rtated that he was ;ruthoriud IO execute the inSkllrnCl11 Jnd ncmowlcdgcd it es lhc ~dent or LANPHERE ENTBRPRlSE.S aF WASHINGTON. lNC. IO be Iha fr~ and volull:Uy at:t of niclt wq11Jralion fur the uses Md ptrrpos'1S mcntkaed in lhc instrumeoL Fi1DMS\WJL\OOCl7~n.W: 07JUi/Sl ~ 11 • • \ ·.· , .,:. ··, • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... t'- M 0 ~ ~ ~ ' 0 s N J a) a ~ -, ~ ~ • AL_Q • . I • EXHIBlT •t..• TO EASEMENT AGREEMllNT Legal DcK.ripllou of :Reulvn SoJido. Pro~ LOTS I, 2, ), AND 4 INCUJSIYI! OF CITY OF lU!N')'ON SHORT PLAT NID.IBBR 100-M !<ECORDEt> IJN!>BR RECORDINO NtlMBSR !104019001, SAID SHORT PLAT LYINCJ Wl1'HIN SECTIOl'I 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH'., !<ANGE 5 EAST, WlLI.AMEITB MERIDIAN, IN KINO COUNI'Y, WASHmOTON. F:\DMS\WJL\00116'1.S.wr 07/l&m .. '- 'I ' ··.• ' .. ":.,. .• .... ..,,. /··· ,, ,, . . ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = ['- <':l 0 N 0 ~ ~ ... 0 ;_j -· N ~ a, -· ., -= -., .:; -.:i ~ ... " " ~ J ' • • EXHI8IT"B" TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT 'l.'hat pardon r:,f aonr11111ent :Lot 1 ly!!lg north of Hort;;ht!rn :Pi.ctfic R&il"'•Y CGJnpany dght of we.y in Seotian U, TOwpahip 2.l Ho~th, lan9e 5 !Ast, W'.K., in 1Cin9 coanty, Waahingtou, £XCEPT tb• north 300 fHt tht:reofr tncl EXCEM" p:,rticn in 92nd. Av.nu11 South and Prima.rt St.au flighwo.y Humb9.r s, a.nd EXCEPT po~tian 0.l:l'Rt:dbac1 Al followat S.119inbinq ill: the z:11::irth1Ht corner of t.ba notthweat quiirtie.r of Stc:tion 19 1 ToWnsbip 23 Worth, aange s Ea&t, H.H., in Ung: COWi.CY, M"&.SM.t1.9tonr • thenc111 wute.rly lll.0119 the ncrl:.h Une of nid S•ot!.on 19' • distance of 970 !4'et.1 t.M:nce southerly .and pa.s:-a.llel 1:0 the ~ut line of GaltaC'Jl!ll.ll'Dt Lot I a d;l.aUnct of 300' feet to the tt'U8 point of be9inninq1 thence continuing southerly and parallel ta tbe weat line ot Covtrnment Lot t, 790 £11et, Gre: or 1e111G, to a point on the non.b 11U9ln of tbe Northern Pzu:iUc Railway CoaaPAnY right of wayr thence Vl!l!ltC!rly along 'the Northern Pae1f1c: Rail\H1y company aartherly d,gbt ci,f way lina to t:be w•t .line of Govetnment. Lcit I: ~ then~ tlOtthedy alcn9 west Une of Bovei:n111ent: Lot 1 to T" point t.hat. lies 300 fee::t south of t.b* north Une of said tecticn 1,: tbehce eaatarly to t.be tru11 point cf beg1.nnin~h AND l'he !JOI.Ith 270 feet of th4!1 :nortb JDC feet of. t.lH! east f:~t e of Government Lot 1 ! Section 19i 1'011nahlp 2J NorU! rovJ S i:.11st, l>l.H., in 1C1ni County, WHhingtotliJ ..,.,. n" the eAS t 170 fut th~reof 1 1ad =· any portion ther9gf ly.tng within scotbwHt 7th ~ .. -.. .... ~.~,...... ~ , ... ;: ,, • ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .... ' ·' 5 r. , , s l 5 J J ~ , ~ , ? ' r.m r- M ~ 0 ~ 0 N Cl • - !,,pl Des<rlpUoo ol FadEty Propuiy 71Uit tolT:lO)I. Of i;ov"k!Cwt UIT j IU ncttOti lt, 'tWfl~Ktl' Jt NCllTll1 w.KGC S %I.Jr, w.H., UI UltG eotnm'. ltl.l'J!lllcrn'IN1 PUCtU"1 Alf HJ.i.mi'lil .coKKttlCJNG AT Till Alflftl,,Sf CQPl/1 M" Tkt atlTM!t Q\U,l':ta It)' IIICl:flnll ": '111tNtl Malf11 u•.u•,D" IRf"[ 4',0tlD TJfl MOlltl: 'l.lNt u, w:a AtcU.Otr tf I. 1,IUf~ or no.on run 'tllNC:E SUutK l•u•n• lfUT t.AU.L\.U.. TO TUX 111:~T &.Ulf. ar CO\ID,JIIIM :l,Cl't I '4 .flrtl,HCI or ,'IW.UO t"l.'1:1' TB ,iir: IDVJI llfl.t 07 f!Q: ~ :1100.00 ?UT or IAJ.P COVl,l,Pl)t'ff !RI' I AIP TU 1'lU! nin nr ar.c::tllHlfC:J 'ttttH(C ·""" ll'.H'&011 liU'I ,IJ,011; ,W.1D 5DUTII .&.Uff 2,t.U PtlU ,-11acc •wt• ,·a3'l'1111 11tn pu,J.LII,, TCl 'l'iltl nn LUC or GOYPJfKLHT I.Ct 1 • 6Ut4JI~ or "~.ft IUl' -to 'Dtt 1101,mi., w.,,ctli' ot TM' MDllTJltlll '"'inc u.uuJ.1' 4'0ffl'AJn' arcnr..or ... w,.,, 'JDm lcnlffl ll"J1"H" lltST AJ,O.IIC: U.l&;, I/L)XJ'£Ul MAletll 2J'1.i6 fltt lO J. rab't IW.C'I JUI.I SOl.'f.11. 1•U•11• UC.ST fl.Cl'! 'Ht 'llt1t NUN'r at atCt:HlfllfU1 TJWl'CI ll'D .. ':'H ,•a:l'.0" UF1' p.P,1.1.UL TO 'TtAi IIUT J.t"' Dr r;bVCJJbCtl!T LD1 I II DJ17,..;&. et eo1.,, 1'-"' TO fl!. 1'111 ,ct.,,. or •i.:m:Nli'rNG-, 'DI AIOff I.Al.CU, COVU.UlS. na,ut ~IIUJ; fa:ET o, ,.,2a, 4rus. '· . I i I F:\Df,d5\WJL\001l6l.S,WP OUll5/S2 _,r"""""'_'J .,; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~, I I " ·,~ ! 1 ~. ~ ·, ..., • \. -~--~----------- = Location of Ma.pl!:c' Street extension ta.senient Through Rcn~on Hond~ Pro~ty. '{ Proposed Location cf Maple Street E~tension Ea$ement Throogh the Facility Property aod the Payless Site. • • ·-· .•,c;,._. . ' • . '"'-"'" J.;-tr,, -......-,.! ' • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,,,, = .., .. " ., ) ' ' " • Schedule B Section -+" Exception -.;~rz~-- AGREEMENT REIIAZAR001JS WASTE AND REMOVAL OF TANKS 70...., This. ls an A;,reemenl milde. as af July (2~g92, between EUGF.NE HOMA.CH :and JOYCE HORIIACK, husbnnd and wire (btrcinaner collecll'tely mmctimcs :rererred to BS "Horbach") and PONNELL FAMILY PARTNERSIIIP, u Wa,l!,gtmt general partnmhip and BARB/>RA JOAN (HOLT) BONNELL (l,crein,ftc, collectlvtl) reform! IO " "Bonnell'). Hort>acfl and Bonncll 11~ree H follows; A. Ho.rbach leases certtin rci..l property from Bonnell which i.$ loc;i~ in Renton, KU'lc Coonl)'1 Wasflingloo (the ''Payless Property~) pwsuant to lh~ twn5 or that mU.ln I~ dcsaibed In Exhil>it J C'l'>yle,s i.w<'). B. Jn 1um, Horbach leases p.vl of Ille Payless Prtipeny ("'USA Pelttlleum Property") l.o USA Pd.role11m Cosporatlon pursuant 10 1hc \ems: of that cc.nain lease descnbed In Exhtbit Z (•USA PeUVleum 1..tase•), The USA Petroleum lwe will lermimU: as oF Joly 31, ]5192 pursuant to the notice or tctmirtatian letter which is ~ibil 3 hucio. C. USA Pc!roleum has utilized oo lbe USA Petroleum Property certain fuel tBnJcs (the "'T:nks") :ind ii is ldleged that USA Petroleum has pcrmiUed. or causzd ccr1abi gasoUae and hazardous substl.nccr (collecUvely, ~Hazan:lous S\lbmnces"} to be spilled 11JXXJ lhe USA Pe1.rolcum Pf"OPl!IIY and 01hcr parts or the Payless Property, Hnmnions S'Jbsllmces and applic:able lilWS, shal[, for purposes or this A.$n:etnl:111 mean amt Include a11y sub.stan~ or maletUI defined or &:signaled ns n h:u.ud or 1oxic w~ hazardous OI' toxic material; bu.al'd, LO;tic or nidloacli\le SIJbstancc, or oLbm-similar term by any appJical>Je i::nvirooment.u Ia.w, lncludUlg rqulation, ~Cflll1 Sta.le or 1nunicip11lily, presently in err~ or 1tiat may be promulg.ued to I.be ruturc dmiugb dnte. of eomplde-performance of this Agrecmenl, a11d any term U5erl hc=rch1 shllll hnvc the lllt3Jting ascribed 10 Sllth le.rm Ja said laws, rules, regulations, ordimmce Dr dcciSlCln, D~ USA Pt..1,tdct1m lw, to dote, not ru:ctpled responslbilfLy for the rcmoY81 or Ille Tanks rrom the USA Petroleum Property ;nd 1tic dlsp:OSa.l of Juch Tonks to ncc:ord3nee wilh o.pplicabtc laws 111d regulaiions. Hawever, USA Peuolcum has pr~idec! a lc:tecr 1CI Bonncfl which Is ,Exhibh 4 ~cco (NBonnctl icr.ler•) and a lcuor to Horbadl which ls Exhlbll 5 hclt!O (•fforbach l.cUer*). The Harbach Louer ;md lhc Bonnell Letter purpnrt to be USA Pettl'.tlcum's acccptruu:e of the obligation lo cleilt\ up the Jb;r.an:ll)U5 S.ibstarwcs in nmird.lnce wilh appUcable . laws and regulations. E. Harbach Md Bonn!'!ll are ernuing into lhis Agre~mcat kl set down !heir agrc:ment wiLb rospccr to the TM'ks o.nd lhe Hazardous SubslaQais, 1. Llahility or USA Ps:rmleum. Horbach ::md Bonnell agree tbal a.s between Harbach and USA Pem1k:um, the obligatl,;m 10 remove the Tunics f.rom tile USA Pell'Olc:um Prope:ny Mid to mmove the H'az:anlous SubS1arices from the Pnyless Prope:rty is die obligation F:U>MS\EENXlll2:!5,02 07117192 " --.~r .. ·~ .•. ,. + .,. ~ .. ·., ' .· \ ;f,:, t· 'I,. r." •• , ' .. In .. .. I I I I I ·,-:. I I I I I l1l N 0 I N 0 ~ ..., 0 I :;':j N ~ <n " .,, .. , :J -·~ I 'e:: _:; 1 I I J I I I &'JILL. I I 0 • of USA Pdroleum. tiawcvcr, this paracr.iph Is not illlCfldcd to modify lhe obligntion of llorl>ach to lloondl 11111Jer the, 1enns of the Payless LcaSCt llQd nothing conllllncd bcreln shaIJ ncgale Horbach's obligatiol'.I 11nder (he Payless l.ea$C 10 timely compty with any Wld all F,deraI, State or Joai.l aivironrnental laWl. rules. regulations, ordilm)' petrnlts or DC'dcff applicnble to Lhc Payless l'toperty or ll't! tnrsincss comtuclcd then:on. 'l. Remm1 af Toolsi hY Horb3cla. NOIWilhStnnding ltlc. provlrions of Puagruph I, Harbach :s:h&fl promptly take blt steps necessary kl cause the Tanks IO be mmoYcd from th~ USA Pctmlcurll Property as soon a1 prlCtlcabty possible 1lftcr lhe d.u: or this A"""'eru ot M• •"Pense. Whcll Horba,ii has cornpletod li>e i,mowl ond """""'1 Is approved by City ofR•-. Bona<U si>oll pay HoJb.aoh Five Thou,and Dolilln ($$,000), us Bo...U's conlrlbulion to tbc remowl. Horb:ach may Sl)(! USA Pc{l'(llcum In an cfl'ort to cause USA Pctrolct1rR co remove 1bc Tanks at its expense, or to obtain reimbuf5Cfflcnl of !he co.st or R-movi11g 1be Tmkr, Horbach .shall complete the removal of~ lallks in slri~ ac::~ with all npplicab1c lnYl's, including;, but rk)t limiled to, all envimr11nernul hLWS nnd regulations. m defined JltJll!n. 3. Rmnoval pf Hn=mlons $Uh$['C'lt5. Prior to but not l:iter than two yta.re prior 10 tbc tcmtinatiOII of the. P.aybm l.eaStl, r;,,J 1U such limt! as any munic!pglity. Staie or Federal agency brings legal or ndmini!iln.tive action to Im.YI! the same ftmCJYal. Htirbach shall c:t\l.Sl! tile H3.2.lrdous substances to bt: rcmavtd from lhc Payless Property al his ic;r;pasisc. Howevu, promplfy foll[)Wing.lhcdaleof thit Ag~ Horb.lch !Ila.II use be.st efforts 1ocausc USA Petroleum to begin n:mo\lOJ of lhc Hamdous SubsWICCS and 10 Jll'Offl!Ule \he removal lo complctiOII with due diUgc:nce. lf USA f'tlrolcmm lui.s not commenced the removal of lhc H.tZU"dO\ls.Substuccs by l}eeember JI, 1992, pn:iraptly lheu:ailcr, Hort»oh sb.111 commence suit 10 cnusc USA. retro1eum IO remove the Hau.rdoo Substances and s:ha11 prQ$CCtlle Oi:e lawffllt 10 completion with dvc diligence at his Joie o»t and ~me. Nmwithstandlrig any other prnvisio11 of this Ag~t, lhe HllUl.rdou, Substa.ru:cs s1iall be ,err,ov~ from the Pay}=$ Prop,rty Ill strict ncoonf.wicl! wilh :all applicable lnw.s, including, but not limik.d to, aU appliaibl~ mvironmcnltd ltws nod regulatlol.S, ;u dcfaned here.in, 4. Conrmmtion and Assie:ornsnr pr Blrhli-To tlte extent rc:uonably required by Horboeb, Bonnell sh.>11 fully coopemle with Horbacll (Including asolgn•cm cl~ms 10 Hort.oh nnd/or joining in imy lawsuit by Horbach) to ca.uJC USA :Petrolaunt to remove lhe Tanks and/or reinovi: the Haurdous Substil(ICcs nt no cxpcme 10 Bonnell. Horbach ihall rcimbuac Bonncll tin)' OUl•of-poe:ltct Cxpt::nSCS whieh Bcl\l'ICII rcaronably ineun in cooperallng with Horb.u:ih. Priat to c~pcn(ling out·of-podct (u nds, Bonnell WU :idvise Horbach of sllCb: proposed expct1dimres .ind obi:ain Horbac:h's ~c agreemcnL 10 reimbursement or 111 che lllmmactve, Bonnell need not Incur aay out-of-pockcl ~peuc unlcs~paid in advance lhcn:fOrc by Horbach, Harbach .shall irHlcmniry auc! S11ve ho.rmlcsS BDM!!ell from any liability Jaeluding In)' crou-ela.iru by USA if Bonnclt is aimed in 1iny liliglllion brough1 by Harbach, 5. ~. ff Horbnclr defaulU under this Agtt%Ut~III Bonnell shall provide wriucn. nOUCC to Harbach and permit Horbadi a period of thitty (30) days with(n which lo cure till! default (or to commcricc 10 cu~ !he defnult, iflhe d~a11ll annal be l'CISIJOnbly cured withln a pcriDd' ol' thirty days. A defoult by Hortracll under tbls Agn:c.menc ;md fai1cri: kl cun: lhe Ft\DMS\El:.1\001 l :ns.O:! D1JJ1l\l2. -1 • ,.-·---.~: ·:., •. -Mi ., • In ,· I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I . ' .. I j ·' " ~ ., :::: I ~ ~ 1 I -t " ~ '.l I > I I 'P.&E&i I I C) N 0 N 0 ~ c::, N <ll • , • \ d'CDlvll widuo lhe penniued cute period shall be a defatllt wulcr lhc Pay~ Lease as jf Ibis Agrwncot were n 1enn lhcreof. Nothing in this AgJffllllnt shall br:i construed to amend or Umit Horbach 1.s l'.lbligarioflS under tbe Payless I..ase. including but not limhcrl Lo, .HOJbaeh·s obligadol! under lhe Payless I...cMt 10 runycompfy with appllcabls. J.e.ws,. Jnc1udiPg cnvironQlCfltal law,. 6. PsfimJt md Cmrs and Expenses. If eiUie" pany to this AgrwnenL default:, lhe other J)iU't)' shall be e11lllled in addilion to remedies at law or in equily, 10 Ill costs and CIJlCDSCl (includfng actual lejll recs and comts ccsts, enYironmcatlJ, 11uditor', englncc:rfag, nod consull:ant c~pcnscs, aJbitcn recs urJ com) whlclt ll lntall' bccausea of the defwlL The obllga1lons of U,e parti,s shall be specir...i1y ,n(o-ble. 7. Amcndm!al, This Agreeme11t shall not b~ meniled except by a wtillea instnlfJlCCII signed by Ole: panic:s s~equcnt IO lhc da\C of fhh Agreement. (l!ORBACH) F:WMS\8Bnocu1ru.02 0?/17192 (BONNELL) Boonell Fa.nl.ily Pmncrship, D. Washington Cotpor,Jio,1 -3. ~· ·•· .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... = ~ g .> .. " ~ " " • j •.. l ~ = = ~ t ; \ ' • • • EXIIIBIT l '!. Jl'fD£i4T1JRE OP' LI.UE !Hts IN.DDIITVRE: OF t..&ASE, Qd.dl and c.ac:meuttd In wi,1Jto.1t :aa ol tlt11 ~-~ ~)' ,of 1,b,y. l&liG, by and bnwtttt PEOPLES u,.nONAL !IAffK OF WASHINGI"ON, n Wuhln,il.11n corporo.tiaa, u ~Lor ol tbe Eat.te at l'nm11 ll, Bann,11ll; 11.nd F.RANK BEIINA!I.O BONHZW., .J.R, ud SAlUlARA "OAN ltOLT, pu.rllu of lb!! ttr,i~ port., h!!r,c:tndlcr c.&Utd 111.1! .. cn-"1 llnd MlSSlON Otfl'PLY CO,, a carpor4tim1, pafV" oC \ha .auand :i,,.n, tiertimLltt-.r' eolltd '"l.l!uae11, WlTKEES.ETX1 The h•aur, !or &ad 01 conaJdanit[on g( th t'•nt11 b.cMilil,IRu· reserved alld ol lh• ccu,11M.int1 11.nd a(l'tGfflllMS h~~ 1n,dl;11r fflll!ltioMd \11 be k,rpt lnd p.irlarnwd by th111 luH'e, dllC!.a bj lhlUIC prea&1ta l~~e and lrt IIAlCI ,ht l11uet, llnd uu1 kl,ti:c dDe.J her'Oity hire •nd ~n trocn llle llmoo.r, th:11 ccrt:i.MI pan:tl of MSl e41ate, 101clhor wUh fmprove.monta thcrc011. 11.Ad appuml\ilncos UWltlO (lnc:lllOJaa any cllllt;~ Qlmill! tat lflgre11, 1'F'ua, r!£hls ol wa1 a.ltd tncknre d.rt4• wlllob an:!: or may be appurm~nt thrreWI, 11.ll ..., ,tw:b ls .aUimtC!d 1n Ill' Mal' 1be CJty or Rmlon, .and in Uie COtmlJ' gt ttlA.r, Stale-r;f W••lllur- lon. (bordnlift,cr ulled 1h11 "iilahlqJ ud which hi .more pa.rtlwlarly de~lblld bi !:xbibil A, ~U4Cllix! heNIO and m,a.do 0. l)Q,l'l hu.!of, JlM 18 hordn1Uar-•0111.1.,n,i!I callectJ.HlY oUod U,o "ioucd prllhnSIH 10 , It mado U!"ln tho {11t·urokl1 and upon th• lolJowLn( o.1f"C1man111, ~n- idllfi:na1 ci,,.an1u1.t1 1ad uu·m1: A.RTIC'l.,l: J. HUDINOO Th• nriou hcmUi:iJ.r utid mtmbor~ hcnln, aod t h11 1'1,'.0IIPial • or It,, prctvt.iona Ol tlllt leue Jnto 11pu:a.t11: Ankles and pDt'l~b11 u~::.=~= :_:~um 7J' 7;Y uo,u,,..,: .• • ,'· / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I li 3 ., 3, .. :: ., -· J ) 'r,~-~•s, ~- •. .. • AllllCLE D. 'J'DU1 OF W:ASE: DCTENSJ.ON FERIODS Thi! 1:l:lffl:I or lhlJI le11.111t •l:m.11 cormnan.co on 1.be .Ftrdt dli.1 at H0Ya.111bn, lln .. a.1111 •Jio.ll c011tlnale Wrlns ~ f~!nf per1ou, t.. .A prlmaq term 11:ommuie1n1 on 1.bo FJt1t day" ot J11ar1arr, ~lr J " ... , Wltb lhe rxpin.l.llltl ~ lhti prlmu'.)' t11rm, Tb~ IDHU ahaU cnrcJ,a ouch oplion b.t cJ.vlng W't'Uloit not.lea U1.11nol: tti l1111 1t1Hor, CU b1111l t1"'1ll" ,(l:Z) rnrut.lha ~= c.QllrAUOrt of lha fll"knat',1 ter-m or the h1mu .. ARTICLE m. RENTAL I, The J!!;&fUI~ agr'el9!l to p11y tntl Uui Jeuor ngree11 t1;1 11.ccepl 11,11 rut [O. Uui Joaud pre.,rilzrtt 1h11 la11cw,,in;: f.mOlllllll: ,· {~ Rcnl fQr lbii land, ~U511'e oC Iba blltld!np llld/or lmpn:,"l-"ffl!t1tlt1 It> be: cCll'lstnctod thentm., 11h.U be ThlnJ'-Sn·1111 'r.h1111ae.rd DollHS (p't,DOQ,IID) par )"ear, bof~I NPTam,l,IU' J., lBFiei, qc1 tor ~ tint In ~n ~ u,o Wo'ct.tt•fl,-11 J'll&l' ltoHt l11nn be~lnnin( Jan~17 l, lllil;il, Acul ihll!rnlter al: lho l"l!llhll for the b.n¢, \!11:clvSll'II or ltle balld1llfl, o[ Forty...s11•na Tbuuso..lld Dol.b.r• (,k.'l, 011(1, 00) per .)'Cllll" t,n~ lht Will tutno. J'l'llU ol Uil• pdma.ey term, 511 kl tc:lltal sbU,. bwcnr. be paid mombl.Y i'1, 11,dgnce prlor :•, 1bet.eot.ti.: Uy or Ctl.dl m1nt21. 1n oqlllll roOPUll.y p;,1yiur111La, • u ....... .-..... ~ .... -,,,uH••kl• -' . 7,' ,, :· .. • ·' ./ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I ) I I I •, I'·. • • I ~ •ftllt that Qae pa.rittr:zl UMot JrJU\llally agnc vi:a th!! m6alhlr nnml, 1J11Jd mo11thl:r :rb!nl 1bllll bo do-t..rmtrutd by ublh'au:im.. ueh puiy aelcdl"II' •n arldtnle>r, 1"tm shlll be 1. ru~11dUld l"Ollllllr, llad tho twCI recoplzl!d rcuilloni n1 scJoct11d •hall •elect a. third ariJ1tntor, and ti\• Uiree llnlltnton, Ol' a. Dl&jorlly th11nof, 1Mll than • IJ!c th1 re.Lal fat the: c1U11&lnJ" leaeii u,rsni piv,il!d, Wlf"" ever, UWt Htll renul II~ 111 no ennt be lau lhAn the lill:" l1U., nntel b1lng ]JI.id b7' Uw 11111 ... a.· !n UI• •v• \he. put.11111 clUlnOI. aer~ upon • Uilnl arl:>llr&1~. 1J101tZ"bUntlon prtici:ddN s;i,n \a OPnduatocl in 11ccordanca wrth Uie lll'hl.ltt.• Uon. Jan or lhD ,tote-or W.a.ab.lngtt!D.. ~. .AU nnb.l pa,,~ 1nder Ibis loue. 1b&ll b11 :made !ti .. l11wtt11 mOIII)' ol tha Unitd S1.i0t!I llnd aJ111U be pdd 1mcomll to;) F:1u1i; D,cima.l'g. lklnnoll, Jr, in Beallu:, Wub.ln(Lall,. and 1he •Uiur ona.Jtt.U oI IIUCI~ t1111~l Plfm~"LI lo n .. lilitn. ,J.OIU~ iii ;t'.~tl~ •• Waablngtan, M .11t 11.1:ch othr:r rr.ddrq1 a, lh11 huor •ha.11 *•tin•"- ARTlCLE IV, AD.D010NS, C.IU.Nti-"'li AND AL'T.EitA 'rIDNS • ·, lo.ad, Qnd ?II~.)' lllfl.ke addUlonll J.mpronm1ntR on lho lculll Y.IIIJ,. fl'OVIIHld lht.tt (at audl 11.dililkint1, cll4hlH. 1Uer11Uon, "l' lmpffit!''JlcJll:1 ahlll not. flllllfl'lli:y 1111111:1,Jr 1M IU'u,th or-T&lue of lhe 1mprw1une,i'IS o.t I.ht Ume .i'ffl!ted o,\ Ute lHlri f,und ·,And a-3,\ b• in «mtormUy wJUa 111 &Pflllc,.11Jo. 16\11'.ri. bllildlrJ.1 ordloi'll:~I alUI rcgulllU11MJ 1,nd {bJ li'JiD:aenr 1h11 tOAtllfflpi&tllld coat oC aucb lldcUUou., eh&r1-1cs, dcin11UIIDP. DUent11211&1 or Jinp,tovecno11t. txo1111d11 iu, •. 1100, 00, tl:I, latno 1hQU fir-al abl~ U\1 wrltte11 c111nnt. o( Lba 1, ... gr-1 wbkh 00110cm a11h1U n111t "' Unrn.110Mbb' TUbholil. Al\TICIZ V. 11:!;C'OHSTJlUCTION OJ.I' DAMACED. DE!il'SIO'YED OR REM0f..£D IMP~U:llMW~DMADm!:tf~~ l. The 1111NH1 llt U. 111111 (lJqlU1 .. , will repil.U'~ rtipkCil or re,;;oRaU'Uct lllQ' ballllli,g or ollior lmpl'DY11m1c!ll, lo.:ahd on lh• haud .1o.'l'Un'o(. 11r•M-CI .. •n.YDnK uwr-·-e-.-........ ,. ...... . ' . l''i' ·-;· ;/ • --;-• • • • • ' ' .. • • • •• <\ •• •• I I I I I I I -., I I I "' N 0 N 0 I ~ ~ "' :a I ~ ~ -· .. ~ ., I .:l .,:: ., - I 4 ? ~ ~ ~ ~ I J I ) I I I • • .,. la.nd vhkh Ir (a) damaged or dt1lroyed by tire or «b.91" cullll.Ur, {bJ di:trloll1hd ar removllld t,1 I~ lasuc al par-mLU.etl. b.1 lhe ,pro- v.t.J.on• .C tlllt llilNa.; '1r (i;) r1qwlc-.cd la ba Nl"10T114 or rlU;IOtta\nH:tGd h7 a.,iy ,ovu11au1au1.l or mWIAry IWlb<U"ll)', SUt:h rep;i.Lr, rci:p1Acc1m1nt or-r,aaaal.hl~Ugn eM.J.l be 11.ccaJllpllshed w.lUlkl s11cl lhl!.111' u rosy b1I t'l:naD111tbl.o U1.der 01111 cJ.n:uau1l11~C11 nfhr 1UCH'.ln1[ ti:ii-dr.l.api CD.LIHd b1 alrlkq, 1"Jt.oula, aet.ir or Ood, Cin:• 11nna11t.bl1117 Df Jllllter!Ah 111r labor, o:r PJ' othor i;-oun or Cll,S\tall.y brlJ'Olll,I 'th• r1111orn.blt con~ ol lu1110., Th dD.11Jp o.nd aptcil'lco.t\ollll or 111.ch rtpa.tr, ;apluemcnt , 1lt' rocatm:niCU!:111 alulll ba, llJ dltlrminMI by ll!(I lr.1HI, slbjclll lD \he ,:,;uio.-.blc D.Jll'"1VD.I o[ Iha ltHOJ', and .-u.cb work 111holl rcidcz'v lhcl onU.t-c: leueli pnmta~ lo 11ot IHI t.ha'1 the~ 111&nt0l Ta.1\1• br.m•dbt.ltily prior lo lhc '-111,•r~, dn\..nlcUcm, dil11ll011.llllfl or rem11r11l. 2, Tllo knee, 11t lh aolo 11xpan~J wW. le.Hp an.II ma.JnWn Uir. lC1-11lU pt'tfll.11ca alUi lha ~1dl!wallc.s IUJ:d p;1.111&ei:w1.71 (ta 1he er.dent 1-h~tc,. Mt ,1Dlld rc~lr 11nd In ,ate and .111nU1ry c:ondit.uio.,.. ordlnary WGll.1" ~S \car and tlcp~lai.t.on 0%Cept:Cd,1 aad wU1 •I Us •,;iio c:icptmse ma.ke all ncc:obClry rltpilira, npll.c•m1IRI• a,id l"cnll'l'l'al.ii, Tho loaaco wUI. GOt!lply with irvcir,-'f11lld law, r•(\1liiillm, cirdc::r llttd :r.-qulrlr.f!lc11t or any goYemmutal 11u1.bority ~1Aun1 to till habod promllles. and 'll'lU tioicl &nd ,uve lhe IDS11or lne c.Rid }nttm.la14 o! 11ll e1tp111&ct, clal!N or ltulofi!Uoa In OWll'IC~Uon lhorcwitb.. Tho lano.r ahRli mil be required Lo ropili cir-mdnldn the laud pN01lD011 Jn ar.1 war. A.BrlCLE: VL US! OF sALVAGED MA'l'£JIIAL1 NEW IMPl\OV.EMENn 'tk l~IHll mil)' ccmvffi hi 11• awn usu 111.U Dld. T.1111.tadslll :ro':lovod or olLlv,r,.Flf by ft .la m11.klnr lllh1n.tt~•, chanp, Jmpro,-11~11.ts or 11:ddl- liD11a ta tm) ll!'lltled premiwct, or tn 4ittnal,Dht.Dg or removing 1u~ lmprov~· manta •I l\i.e U111t1 loca.lud UurrcM. AU atich 1ttc1;"At!Dllfl; d11u:i911. -·--= 'I_:_ ' • -, ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ';i 1 ·' :l .. ~ > ,; • • /.mprin>DN.iml. ud ;uld!Uou I.ti.Ill ,..., 'l'llpb,ciem .. lbareaf ~.n i.,long I,;, thn itslCQ"ud 111bll bec::amir part et 1he JnHcl pNmiu,, ARTICLE Vil. USE Oi' Fa1™'.l5ES 1. Tbr, !cued PNmJl;a11 aJlo..U k 1111cd fDl' • d.,pnrtn:um1 aLClr?, 11. diaocnn: hGQle or 11. mei-e11ritil.t 1110.bll9Jlm,n1., Litllhut~c nlaU or tiihclciallla andf!;Jt' w1u·i:houalnc a( 1Lme~o1:U~. Ol' any •lmilar or r11latad !Alalat..-opcrt;t!o~ •ad a. 111 .. ee :iihllll not 1ull1Jr 11or p0rmn •111 perton ta un ihc "a.me ar 1117 pan Uwrrut roz-11n7 JIU1'POlil• ot UIIII! Jn .. wi.uon 114' lite lows oC che U111ted 6Yr..lu or D[ th.1 a&aW Gl' ct 1bc Ol'dlrm.bl:u ot 11.ny pgUtJc:al 1t1MlvlalQn at Ute 11h1.t1, J:10!:' Ior-1111.y tmma:ral Ol" 'lllllaWClll Plll"POH WbotlOO~r. In lhl! OHn1. 11µtt th c:Mniek:(' and UIC ot 5UtTou.ntlklf llfOperfJ' In 1h11 lU"U and ihe propert1 ,:;ovwvd by thl• 1111C1s<' t,,:co1nu .so c:111111.;cd b1 contUt.ton, Lh;:il U ft nc>l eoon0h!.ft;ll.U1 (camO.hi-lor U:111 kHft' 10 c:onltmi.11 Ui• uee. oC U1a pnuil.a~ tor Ilic v1u·p~c flff" which lt s;LaraeJ IDllt tbo IJ&a In lhe aarne-, thin thl! lessee rr..ur r~II'\: u thllf!iti, in Ule un of pJ.d pre.mtaee .and Uw lc:BsGr a.,:rcO! n<it ~o 11w1111.,G011b1;r w-le.hhold Illa-c1;in~ ,an& to u,,v chnn,:e In lhct wic Pl 111Lk1 pt-emt,u • AttTICL! vnr. CONSTRUC'Ji"ION LUl:NS no.!u~, Wtlich nio.1 M i.ia IN co11Dnclfoa wJlh noy 'lt'Orlt pll'i'ormC'lf on p.kl pr.amfo11.a by or al Uie dlncU.tm or •utCenince DI th,a IH•ee; proridcd, lloll't~l!r, thit lb lesHc 11111111 h;1.vc th.Ill rleflt w contq9t lhQ' w.lldlty or lha 1Lmo1Ult of uny tudl U1a o" c~ llon,, If th lea.11n .ball rive la 1hll icssot-•~ rnto~bl.c! J1t!11Url17 u /Qll.f bl! deir.1111de,I by lh~ l11,115l111"to ln$11l'II: "ll)'lllt!tll ol ,lllllh hon 4Lnd prr,ent II.DJ .n.10, forHlollUl'fl or (tE°k leUbt'O o.t lhtt FIIU.llce by reusCJII. at 111\1.ch rtenpil.7.n11m1. Ort tl.l,.d ~ar- .ll'UlllLUun nt tho Uefl or cl.QJmed 111111, tha l!!uei: &aa.lJ iim111d.1Al!cly ~y • J.TI:'l:Tn;.. PIAAOHO • •~J.Yflto ~ ......... -at,ti.o,'"' .. s ... ,u ...... -.. ·7Y· ;.-Y .---,.-·, .-·.. . .. : ; . . . . .• • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = ' • ; • f• ... • • A'!Y J-udpnu.111 rt:ndoNd, wJth •ll pnipu ,;:a,tu iuul 1:hal')e., ti.lid 1ha.ll h:'YI t!ac> ll11o1t .rclms,-d or .JudgDlt:•l IRlllalkd al I.lie l~~e'• vwn ~pcnae, 51tould nny Jludl U1111. be rbcp;l Q\ ,911.ld. pr.timiaca aad thl! ntne rlpe11 lnhr & Jllds- mcat which bu bel:1'lme nna..1, tl1~ bn•ot' al. 1l• 1JPtb1n bHl1 PA.f tiny auch Clna.l Jlldgm•nl ar.d el1111.r u1d pn:mlecs thentfnm. Nd HJ ro.aa!ta ,o p:i.kl QU1,. by lh•J-on .1CC011nt. J:1(11ny •Uah jlidgmeat aba.U bti rapud fl1 Uie l1:1au111.1 lo tha )GHOJ' IU Uie-Pll~ e:ziiiUlng rtlrt d•t and •hill draw ln1ert'al ILt 1be rate oc 1at pet' 1umQ!fl !rtitn umo or p1ymcAt by lba luaar unUl. NP:1,IJ by Iha l,r:aaec, 2, In the c.-va~ nq UcA I$ filed a,alrwt the tu.id pNmlRH or .in, n.Cltfon U: c-onecd ACfar:llna IBo UUe 'lb11011Ho, lh• loa1e11 atao.11 i(ITII to 1t1e Jl!uor prompl ll'rltl.on noUce thereof, l\11'l1Cl.E JX:, 'tAXES, ,\SS£SSN1Ull'S AND Ul'U.JT\' t'!IAflGICS 1, ncr 1esaee wm p~J, .Ln addltlcn to all other 111ll'!ll niquJrttd hi bt pC!.ld 'IQ' ti \llldiu" lhe pruYl5ID115 oC lhla len;u,, -ull la,i;11~ 011111ii.mon11 ud ln• wl1et111111 1em:ml ar spacfAl. ordin;lcy or lletn1onllnti171 ot ~.,. ua.wrc p,:r If 'orha.U.Devei-, il.cbldifle water, .gllB 11.nd i:l~lrle ratea.. which may b11 lllX'ed, chP.rj'e'd, Hsoand, le:Yii:d Cl" lrupm:ed :i.t At1J' Um!! ur ft'Dm Umt tD llm11 d11r;. • llll'I Um lerm or it.la lea#~ (11)(:Jadlrl( tllXN (or lhe uu: J"U.r/tn trhlcb. &~CZI. term bt:gin!) by tht ffl lt1 o.r :i.CIJ" pDlillCAl aulidivtdon thiDreoC opoa or o.p.!Ji!l'l (uJ ,11t. I~; (bJ 1M lc!:un,d prtmltH 01" tile OIHlltpll,UC'J"'* IIU or poa.l5111!Hl~ th11r, or (c.) 1oay e111atc, rh.,'hl, L[lJ.,. Gr lnt.e.ri::•t ol lc-.!IOt' &Qd al lcuec or ot ~·Uhe. llter lbCI Leffl\l~tn lhcNOI lllhal1 bt pror•~•d. nllll lcaHe 1hllll be ~h-~ to ~)' ~ U., proni.t~ ehate tor lhe langth or lhne wtuch ,)lall ba.wi el:i.pae, 11,t Uw llme or ,ucli. t~mltlt1.HOU: 11.nd (U) lhe luse1 lb.U n.ol bt abllptNI I.O 11111> o.ny Jnat.oltm•Al or a.ny 1:peclAl o..uu111111111tnt wbkli m11y b1 1,vt~III, 11.ue11ri ' . or c.Dnfirrnod dorillQ' ltn:i ti:rm ~ Ihle lnae, b\ll. which dou ,un fall due olld noi ia be pu.J.t:I 11111tll u!tc:r ii• lermln11.UC1n. 2, Nolhtng h!:!rntn con1.1Llf'td aho.11 bll coP1Jtrutd 10 rclll,lh"a 011: 11.'rccne, PIQIDNCt fl l'rt.\lUTQI u.,,.,.-,.,..or-1o1""" u,nn•n•• -' . • •· ( I I ... I I I = I I I I :i I ' . I I ~ , a ' • • I 5 , l I ~ ' 5 ' I ' ' I I I I Ol "' 0 "' 0 ~ 0 C'1 0) • • -- li:ucc ID f'll1 11.nf tl'ilfflCcr, 4:llb.la• tMorittuwe, su.~::iJor,, 01" gW; lo.:c oz< tau, lmpo.aell ln resp•c:t ot aey d11•t..u or e!n bl uy bd.cl'dt i;aC lbe lotniar cir lhl 011.ccoaavr.11 or a1t1t1.cnc: la UU: hrucd pr1111J1B11, nor •~ i11110rm tu: hapoacd in respect DI tltu k111or'fl l.lu:oru, kom such prumillw,# excq,t u ,1&1:ed. 1n pa.nar•ph :i dUd.a A.rutWI. 3. U a.i:a 1nctim, lnlC sbnll b11 le'l'lod, nueand Cl' lmpcuad by \h.1 1tAl1 or •"1' pol.!Ucll aa\uU\'inQo Uie:n1or 11~u Iba iacCJmt: a.rillAJ trwa. la1 ffDlll ptyablc: buiruader, in 111111 ot Ot' aa ,. nbaututc lor • ahdJ. plf lU •&n11; bid. in aG ll'Ylllt shall th• lHBIUI b11 ablipUJd LQ p1.1 tor u, 7!'ff ARJ' ,n,.llJr 1m111mi b,.--r at lrUch 1Qlt11tl\l.\111d incoino tax lh111. would bavc tu:oa rm,nble b,-lhe l1111eor b1 WII)' of 111rch 11ub1U1U1td U1C1:1mo i.s: ht.cl the n:rttal upon tli'flleh sucb tax wa.e lmpo1ed been Ul'O 111l.t:t fuo le-Hct ahall bi: pll.{d. ba.fo.ra 11f1Y delln,;111nc1 cu ooew (111:l'rlsi or 1n llflr p&ri or ~eat lhued, 1n lh.11 11ї ot Iha cnrnor or U. Joo, and cortWcat.ea al payrotnt alt:i.11 ho doliwncl pt'Oll:lptly lo lha la111or. 5. Th• 1DUtt da.ll han lhe rl.11:hi t.o Qor,tnt th.ti ie1..ut1 or pl"OVided lO bo p!d !o;t lt, bVt DO' IIUch GQIIIINU IMU bl llU'~ Of\ c,r mo.i!!Wfflid by I.I. 11.(L,u· the tl1110 Umltecl tor lhO paynmit. Gt aq •uch Co.> 1blll pay Iba 11mount JrtVC1lv•d uw;ttr prote..at.: or (b) ttll&ll p.rcauN .a.nd roaiDll.iD 111. atay of All ~eac1.1n10 to cnrorc:111 .a.ny cOllocttim or 11ui:h lllll..l, BQQlmc:na or olhu impa1it11m11.. to;c:U!ar villi All pctlll.lUH) lnh:re•t, cMt1 o.nd o:pe011Jlil•~ b,1 1, d•p04lt ol. a auJllc:l~nL •Ym a! 1n1111ey o:r by 1110"t, \lQIUU'la.ldr.s •c m:iy bG r~uli'td or pcrmlttod d4'fLJ 0141<1 . ' -..;y,~~~ ·-·----· r . . ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = l C'l gi N 0 g N C'l ,·. • • u 11ec11rU1 cw lho perlonnllfuu1 by Cho lusee of 110 obllpt.hiaa bcir111nuln: wilb J"C!a:JIOCt to •11cb I.AX4a.. ~IHIOllllfflont.l O.t' othar UI!posUJ.one, web reJJONJ.blv aai:o;;-.11:y 11a may be lfcm,:nded by tt.c. le-,ior 10 11I111Gt'e AA" G.1l. ~h&hleJS,. lJll.e,r9t_ Pltltll ~nd Ppll'JIIU Wbich a.vi7 aOllt"Dt' idurlnl ttMi pfflod Df tha c:ontut. In UW11 11nat "-'Af ..uch conlcd. t. 11111.do by lh• la11aee, thou. wl1htn thirty d117.1 l.lt1r llnsl dU.m:lA&.tiCll tboNOJ', 11. ~ rully ~ 11nd tll.ohup Ibo 1u11D11.n~ lifl1JrC1lAtd in ur or oxpuu1111 tbat mty ba'11! i1.cc:nL11d tlio.rcM or thnt mlQ" re1ult lri:1cn any Reh actlon \.y lhii, Jrssoo, wborcupou. U.e JftHO?' •hut rdllm le lke JeHeo All 1moull'L•, U" 11117, d:epo.Jted b,-lho le:11aeci kl. a:ct.ordance with ta, pC'OV1Blona beni:rf. Ii. The land, hllild.ln;:s and lmprovem,nt1 eov11J'-4 tU.rd 1U.ec:ted b1 th1a lir:1110 ab&ll llwayo be a.iae.11.11e,;! for tti~ purpose .d. taxG.Uon In lbc iu;,:ne of tbc owner al She he, 1I pennlUed wder I.he l&lfe or .t11flll.ll-Uuaa nlllUng tbefflQ. • Should the le..1u,ee rlil, wllh!n UM lline pr<1vidfd 11\i~, 10 p::i.y 11,ny ar lhe l1>Ju:11 11r ue11EUmecil.11 Pl"IIYW.d to be p11ld by lhc l,a4o11eo, tncl...tl.nE •U pmciltlc,11, (1'1911, lnlaN!at.,. eot1l• c0111pl7l111 W'lth u,a nondlUant r,! pll.('Jl.(n.pti 6 of ~ Arlld.1, llut l•uor rmr, IRlt 1thnU nc;it be wllpted tD, Pll-1, dJu.hll'B'~ con,pramUI• or 11.dJ11.d the. pA)'mHI 91 the ixillptlon ta.vclvad ar =¥ pa.rt lhtrnC. Ill <M. C!YIHll o( an, n.ln or aalu \0 ,nfon:e or coU1101 the 11a:r1111, Ula la11111or my u~ &od aClact an,y rcdtmptlca t1u,rc*'an1 11.1 it ID~ daci:n aa.lWa.1:l~ tory, 11nd 1M lesaoo ab.iU rapll)' to 1h11 le.u111:1r lbe tun or1101111.t a:i pdd 'b)' the leqar1 1i:n:ludJng •111 =oata, Q"pllr1H8 .o.nd N111au..1Jui ll1Wrrittpil lceo ineW'xd b.)' the. lc.1u11r, on t1r ba!oro Ula th-•t day of lhn 41.11:rt <.'rCQ'Tl-Dl'NONII a ,'41'c,n11 ... W,ltlll•-• lll~IK• ··~"6' !'""' . ~···· .. •· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "" <, 0 • cl lOJ J*' llaru:znl horn thl lf.1t• ot pll)'illaat. hJ' \hi' lCNor~ Jc lkl'J)' &I1ctl. awiat, -Q:ia lcpUly uul nlld.ily or ~ Illich ~ b.7 the W11or, t.1\d lhe rapl&r1ty oC Ill ,Pl'Ol:Uclln111 !lad 111 re,pl!Cl U:ierect or ~ant tkc! nfin-=mll!tlt thorcl:lt •lulU be c:Olll!ht1Jw-~y daemed to Wat, tor 0\0 pyrpo .. vf th1ll Arlkle.. ,. A• b11.t''ll"IIUI U. partlu her1110, fha laa&H •loti• •tall h .VII the duty or alUl:ndtrqf Ill U. mlllllr.JI Gild Ul.41 ot an7 •to..lomoJU or report whlnb m•y bo pn,Y"ldtd o:-titqidred bf hw aa • H1LI or 01' 1a conms"1on wJtb Ute ten:n1nfl.tlo1,,t ~ll!katloa., ralu.:aUon, JM.;:,-mcnt £IL" atio.lei11onl or 111:u!h ob:tlFUon wbkb ill to b11 btl.l"SD or pdd b,-1h11 ln••n Ja o.otoril&h~ with mi. An!c:lc~ c:iu:epl puq~ 3 UuiroDC. Thi!, 1-Hor oball not be-Qr b11con111 r111pon11fhlc \JM!ndor, nor for th11 c:cmlll'l1.8 d an,-JUIM st.dcincnt ~r nport.. 1h11 lu.uor ahnll IIOI. be miltp~d 10 nu.1r;e0 Join Jn or be ll. puiT to •ny pr,:itei,t or obJcctlDtl to aJI.Y law, !ln\i!r, ll.m~ 10111or. AJm'.CLE: X, PUBUC t.tAJIILII"?' AND PILOPl!:l\H DA.Al.AGE: 1u1.ad nom11111 tram a.ad apiut "fl)' o.nd all IQH, d'&u:1ase, e:z:poneo, lb.blli1iu, d11m,xl11 oAd e&Wl•ll ot 11~ .. m1 •rvt vpesu • incld11n~ ta Ula dd:eiu1a lbateo! by lbe leu11w; runtlUAf from Jnjuq Ol' dul..b at ;) p,.,;-,on• Ol' ,JIUJ\l,,ll'O tc prvpfll'tt «clln'1ng Oil Ibo louod pramlae• ttr on tho adJDfnlng •Jdaw-•l.k.at,:~~~DoriS'f'tt~UQ~ cir tn Hf l'll.llnel' - ~-.1::.-:.::1: .. "· ?i" ·7;/ • I nr>nmwp Ulvi'IIOII --·--· - • . ' --:-' . -' -' -.-. . • 'k • .. -~ ' .• 1· •. ./ I I I I I I I I I I O'l N I 0 N 0 B! I 5 0 N =i O'l ' ~ ' = 3 I :; ' I -·. ~ , -· I , I I I.di.Ab# I I . ' • • . ' dbi:ctl7 w 14dwe"ly Ct"OW11( out ;( or 1n C<;"nnacih:in w!t.b, Ui,a u1e o.nd Dell'llpa.111:y ur d.ls,180 of tb" lnud pni:n.lae,a or ir,n)' pu1 iher01:1t by lha loir1c,e or W\J'"tOA11nt bc1dl.nr111ndel' lha leaaao; ,itand~d, hOW"Cnror. Uld Cht lt::!11.ct 1hall oot 10 111.chtmnLtr o.ntl .a.ave lia..nwl1111.1 1be. lQi111r frmn U.c llotlBOIIJ.lltJICCII of 11.ny lortittUt DI' !UlJlllf*tlt 11.<lt a( lhe lo.lllJOl' Qr" ill 11.rentl DZ' t-mp\DJ,'C!II, t, '?'he. l!J••ctt wW lcHp &I aired, 1a JI.I 1111.e 'ei:pp1194, o .,..Uu .. roeloey c:o~uatt'II 1menl Jlnbillt, polic;r wtlfr.1n1 tblt leued prtmiaaa D.bd provJd1111 cowrt11e wl.lh mn.z:11tiuta Umlla of liabllHJ. vl not R'11i1 tbu :POO. O" !'W" t>odUy Jrijuey lo am ponon, "600. 000 rot' t!O, OOo {,or ~,. do?Qll90, 0111lh pDUi;y shaU MmC U:ia 10111w af an 11dd.U10Nl u.11ured. :inl.l o. copy or 111at. ,polli;y or .i,i,un.nce or 11, ""'rllfi .. ARTICLE :ct, P'1RE JNSURANC:E .\ 1. Th, leu"c, 11t ilo 1ole expenao. will kc~p the bUild.L!lp -" and I.IJ::lp,ovemor..ta ~ or htnlGltlf' toai.red on UU! t,J11.11d preiuJ.11,ca / 1 lDBID"t:d 11,Plu'I io..a by r~ (lrllk otendecl cown,'li:J wlth an J.n1utant1 c:omptu,J" in;;1;qit111blc tv thG lc .. Dl' hi on o.m,:;,un1 11:qual to 11ot lVOfl llg.n pos ot \ll(I lt!Ll lzl""'nble roplac!llllllfll. Vll111~ 1be.reof, •=lum..-.. of exi:a.- the tcv~\ iAIIJJ'OBl& oJ' Ille. 1'4eor 11.nd the !e.sotic, arid bll. provide \hol bi cr.K-ol loo or da.mo~ tb~•.!dJlj~~,ot ~ahdl bG...~1:J!. 111 Iha lonor, lo bci. held by 11 (axc,pt ri• herdndl.11' a~c~ fl! ,., ---·--·:'_ ... : .. :".:1:~1:.1.:,.;r· ,~!',. ... '"~f,:C .... ~"" 11ca1rlly for th1pcr!m-ma.ni:a by 1hci 1"1H til 11.e: obllanllOA k ra_p"lrf, rebllild Ol' n:11101111ruct, a.a pr<ivid~ hllre:ltl. .. • I I I I I I I I I · 1 I Ol ~ g ~ I 0 Sl 5 I ~ -· , .. .. ~ ~ I :J " I '~ u , a ~ I > I I i'AJA. I I ,:, • • ri:qdrcd hutby1 tha in111At1dt prO!!eoda eotleut.cd bf ~c. letaor llhaU ba pdd by it to lhtt lu1cci 1a montrJ:, lm1t1.llmenlll ae Ut.• rcpolr or- rd,illdlP.!I' ,pl"Dll'CUeaJ 1hc lo1l .11111Ch ~,7.IIK!d IO be 11111.da whim. aucJi ropo.Lr ,or rcliulldlAc •Nl-11 tav, b!l'lffl. coaqilclfld. Craa DI Utrui. AU. cci•l• tit ,ueti Nlpa.A" DI" r-1!1:illllilinr 111 acea al lhll. inaul'CUU!e proea•d• t1haU bt1 pa.Id by tt:ic lillllHCI, .3. All Ill •u~ ~~ and rabwld1Af 11hAU. b, dolla uacler th1. su;,c,nlaion Dl' 1.n o.rchlut.t or mirh1ur lft:aignat1d bf lbfl Laue &ml 1!11.tlW.G\Clr.r to t.he laa1or, No lnatall.ta.nt o? nt,d itllltl'AcK:1 P)°OClldtl 11.hn.u I.ID po.I<! ID Uur Wna ua!Jl them hui bn·rt !lled with the 1.euw flnlt payrn11nt, thAl on .:i.1111111nt equ&.l to all Jm,uru.ce pro,;«da pt"c'ri.oueJ1 pllJd 10 thv 1<U1aee by 1hti le11ror hAil blzan aat1i:11U:,. 1'xpcruUd ti: the 4. The pllilc,Y or paUalfts oddenclna all lnaurq,cc whlcb tho if:HVE" ls requll'od tcc prov"ldl.! "and znoln11,Jn UI effe.cl laoroancler 11lu11ll .,( ...... !:-)A ,._~.ao ~"''/$ Ge •ffJ.~1.~1.•; ~i be dQlinHd,to ~ lee,!n)l' irOm~ to ~ !!-~U';4 tx<l!lpt u,:.:, ' 1 ec.~ al .~uni-IIQT be Hb.llUW.tt:d Ior 1uoh pol.ley o.-:polJclaa. Should tha l11:11H~ 1111:110 provJd,, moinU.1.a err :PD-1 to~ llflJ' Ill. ttie Wur• ""\ ll' 11.nui 1,.trGfflba!ora ¥1'·,rldNI [Gt', the luaor at il8 1gptb11 1m.y-promn•e-: i · 1-,..;._ .. 1uch lnaurancc. ,\1:;.• ~u1n1 paid 1111t. by the ltuor tor .lfll ncll. ln.1-qraru:a .,/ Bh4! be rvpAW b.t thcr Jonec tcr the l<!llliOr e:in Jb• firlt 1111)' of 1.h• f ... · ~;~ ca..loA6:1.r n,onUt nOM .!itllmrbf paymenl· ~r,or by Uie lelaor, \osoth11r ;r l wUb .lnleraul t!1cr'°'1 cl lhc rat1 of 10'1 pu -.nnu111, !rOm Uie cl..\• ol /t, ' "t· JJ11)'mll11l by tbci 1ee1or UnUl repriid b7 thn lo11ua. li..L Yu ,.;,., •;; ,. .. -t. : ..... >II,....! ... >., j '/'' .. h .&,All lniNrAnce p;rot11C1d1 1n till hll."48 al the i\uorti.t i.11.•·t~a tel'fflis\Jtton ol tarmlnn.Uen of tht!I Iran,, or/ot ,m. rhhui or 1:h• len,ea MNUadar, 011d all tr.ui.aac11 proc11Dd! lhc:rallCtar rccalvod by lb.el .leaaor 1nul'1tr any \:n:;rm:, 1111oM01m • ll'n.vl!rtell L• .... l•l·-1•1111.0IO<a ••• n .. 1.•.i•• -lI - il!iti ...... &.:· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = ~ . ' ~ ., .. ~ J J -·. g N 0 ~ 0 N Q) ..... ,:', • • pblley or cu-a JnautlQlca 11htll ba ttw •alt! 1znd excluahe pl'cpvly ct 1h11 l.Ga•or. AR·tI<::.LE" Xll, D&Sl'BUCTfON OF P~EMISE8 DD.ma::o Ill IIJ' 411•tr1HlUoa o! IUI)' pcrt10n or AU DI th• bUUdln111, lll'l~res Ol' l!narerr, upon lhot le1U1ad :pnm:1!1u 'b1 tIJ:,,. -UMt alan,,e,a.ta or •nr olhot' CMJ&c, Whathar 01' not without Ct.w.t on Uie pu-t o( Ute. lcaaoe, 1nall noi ~mi~ ttila kue or 11nllf.la-the le,011111 to aurh!UlltlI' U11: h:11.lad ptoAllHI Ol' eriw:lc Ul.tt lHHD 'l,o &llf" abD.ttU!lhl DI 01" Nnlucli• ln r11ol p&y.tllo Ii)' 0111. htltDOJ or ciit111rw1 .. al{ect lb11 reap,urtb11 obllgn~ Uoiui at tha 11nnla,, 11n7 la.II' t.o tho ~rcr.7 G<1tw,uwrtandln1", U Uu11 ua11 or U:c lcanJ prcmlaca ror 11.ny ~ou: b11 probil>Ud by law or ~UlntJC:• 11r olhe.r' '(li»'et'll.rva~ ioUlbort1r~ (Ir !111 prc"11nl11d li)' "1j•ne~ Uu11 or alhlllf' loc,,l tnlorferen.,:., b)' any prlvo.Ln p11raon1 fl.rm or cotpQf'a" Ucn, tllis leHe .:9hl-11 nol lut ltll!reby larmUMl.lcd nor :ihiall \Ml huac t.e tt~tlcd:t,7 raa.111!. Utcrro! to i;urtend~r 0111 lc.ued pretnlso11 or tQ 11.nr abat"'1enl, IU' n:d.u-cUoa ln nmt, Dor ahnll the rup1d:.lve ribllpt1011n .. ,. ABTIOU XIlL ASS10NMEM'l'! AND MDaTCACts lauc 10 o~~ .o.ll Cll' 11 portion of the hHmi pN1Q1ol;11a or ,D alW.gll 1hll: lo~• el1har Jil1 \Thole or in part, wJth,ou.\ Ute Yi.riU11a. po:r.mia:aion or Olfl ltinor, ~opl Uta, 'lila IHHle m17 efllu intt1 con1iuahlft1 ar .ubl.ii.u. llgl't.11m1nta tor & pan.t.aA o( tlu prarnlsH 11\ 1.000-f'Unri with it• 11~1\1 o,e:ralioll or [bl d11pa.rtn11111l atore bv.aln•Hi .11.nd tu> a11ch .uhhLLilli w II.H1gnmnl ahall io ~ D"¥4'nt ralu.H tha lbue !ram ntir a£ nu, ohll111Uoaa Wider the tenn, o( \hie ltuo, and th.• l1JHC1°T .llho.U &t 11.U U.tncs hav,t tb..n dSfll 1.c, look ta lh~ le••ao fur-lba p1r!ora.1U1• or •11 ol llw eovana.nta 10 ba pe:r!ar~all. on ui, pll.rt ot u..r l•uH. L:IC:J:ITe -e 411-'IIUTP .,.. ... ,u,o,oH•u...- •! .. i.~:t'" _ ..... .. • ·, ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. !:: I I I J I ' I I I '" • Ilaa .. o.i_: WU..nut W'lf'CD.B'Dnn.blJ •Jthbold Jt.e,.wri,ttm e~t~ an aaaign.• Q,lljlS a:" AbleUlnf:• D( thlil (ll'llinllCII, AftTlCU::: XIV. CONDEMNATJON 1. ln tlll! cve1U the ltaacd p:re.mltc•, or 11n,y p, rt Uu~reot Qr iq\trdi lb0cn:Eo. Lt ui.kon i,r cond:,rnned far 11, pubUc IH' qwad-publli:i aaa 01croJ11.o:nl!r 11arnellmll'• ~~~ ~o 11.1 ;. 11cond.emnl\Uon.1'J, tlten \ho to Illa 10:lllOJ' nr the llil!IICO, fuclUdiPI II\)' h\l.l!C"llSl NC!d'll'lld tbeJ'Cln Cao,nctln\U herein rer«ocd to loll lhll' "'c::Ollder.\N.Uon pniccod1".) •hall b.11 ii;pplled tir11 In r.i.11.afacl!Dn and dl..&cil111rae; at all :allDmilJ'S tcNu1 1 cD11h IUld CIXJ)aflSt.9 IA\l'Olvc.c.l In lhci COAdcimrni.Uon rroeo11dlng:a, and 9'0CD11,d '" &11115111.CUO!I .ci.nd d1'eh,at~ or :ill 111u1es:11:ra11m1.a, 11 any. bolh pt'll\clpg.1 And intaresi, kvicd on 1h11 lc.11.afll prc:m1eCI.II « :u,y po;rt \Jllln"f.D( (or beneR~ :t"Ol!l11Ll11£ frDl?I tho l.mpnl'l'ell1.11ats for 111hick or 111 CDJUIM:Llcwi wllh lYhtm tl.u: pa.rt.lea hcrolo acrc:e upD11 ,• pn:ipmr dlvli.lcn 11C U,,e C011damrU1tl1111 pro- eeaclii, at' in the nout the puHos arc \In.bolt to rac~. t./u,n the divbk>~ Dt Uta prvc9d11 lKi1W•1U1 :.he parUaa shall II• &ell.led and !lulu-mined by ;;r.. COl.lrt of 11.W, tll bllalncati in lhl..li loc:ttlon, t!Kln lu~ Jn .1uch an.m. lhll h:1u1e may bti c:r.m:dl~ by the ll!•itcc c:!11lnr Jepi;i,.-nouco wtUua uuny 4P7• of EM tnllUlr oC Ii, 1.r1~antlll11 lo so au11:d ;and termi.ontf: lhc lc11.1>0. L.e,au ahl.ll nol, IJOWC'rG'.r', han:r lho rlghl to CG.nccl •nd tom1'1111te unleH tha la~lr lfl. aub- auantld aad do11e in C.U.cl p1'1tll\!nl tho litHce. troll\ ecaQO,,iiclllly operntJ.111 lh; t111.lllncaa tn tt111 prcmlsca niid proportr r~rrnil!UJ\( all.er tM t::ildng. I-YCl:TT£. DMMCNO IJ :::1'1.VJ;SIU ·-·-· ... "C"""'"'"""' .. uu,, ....... -13 • .. .. I I I I I = I I I I I 17) N I 0 N 0 ~ 0 I ~ OI ~ Ol _, 0 _, .. ~ I ~ ~ I " 0 0 0 I -, ; I I I I 0 • J\RTJCLE X1'. J)£FAUL'tS l. ahJil Mppen ii.llQ b11 coMlml1"8, n1u1tcly: {Ii) Thi! le111111e laD11 Le ll$Sr.L' Jlllllld!Al ~yme~ al u,v rllnl herl!:til 111f'Qed \o be pa,~d, ~ 111ch Cn.ilure ~liM\u. tor .b. period 11r hu d'aye IUt.cr notice lhcrcO..: by \he h!HDr to lhe lcHHJ (b) Tin, lHHt miikc• an a11ii,:Mlen.\ Coto the bGMnt of oredltor111 Cc) Tht l1!1ao, tau II pcUUw In tlanlu·upk:)' 01"" ri. pol.iUoo er nn11w•r .11110Jdng r110t~l(III. 111\doi-tJui Vll.d.111n.l Bimllnaptc-,Y La.19' or 1tny oiNl:r applkuhli! 1t,J11lo; (d) An 11ttaebni1mt or mct!atllon It1 levied open ll)CI le1ae11 1a pr11pe:rl}' ln IN' t111er11•t lrndcr 111:11 loano. whk:tl ta net -.ithi!bd or rale:1.10.d cir al..1cd •11.tiln u11r17 daya ,nero.11.ner; le} Ai:i ordor UI entored 11dJvdlc:alirlG' IIIQ lel11!!!t A billlkrupt vr 11.pprol'ln.r llfl U11ol1..11YQ'y pe\ltJ1>11 a0Dkln1t II rit0r~ o( Iha lua~tt 11ndcr Ulll Federal B~pli:y Law or .iey citbi::r «pplle11.blo atnlvht 111' tppolnllAB 11, rt:fldvu· or tr•toe fer all Dl' any sqbuonUal part ot Ute prupar11 or th11 property al tho knee. end •ueh order b not .,.,011,U!d or i:;Lcyr.:r.C wllhin .abrt,. da.y.s 11.ner the cnlr)' therool; (ll The ll!u1111 roll• In putorm or obt1t:1Te '1d.)' o\hn-CoYenD.111, .D(l'Hfflt'!lll or ci:md.lt.lttn to hr.: pr!rlom1ed e>r kep~ by the lcAaa 'Wtdu lht Lenn~ a.tid )rcWi.dODll of lhl• lc.ise, ond .w;h f;,J(qr,e contlnuo" !r:tr thb:ty dl)'I aR,r NQ11Jp1 oC wriUen nCJl:lcct lhlinoC -JI!,,,,. tbe .lusac Crom IM ltHOr'S thee and in ,1;1u:1l eV'Ofll UICI l.ee1or 1Mll ,ha.ye lhe rlgtlt, a.t lttr optlollli llu•ii Or' tit 31lf time ihr.:ttll(ter :and 'll'blle ,11c.J1 do[o.Vlt ah&U i;o11Ui111.t1, Le r11"'1!ntlr o.nd (;>~ lUUlplc1,C1 o.ml JN!llCOf(uJ pOUCtHkll O{ lbe iHacd Ptemlset: oad dectnrc tbi,s ic~:tc (odelted end aha terni lhor11or eculed, ~ with or wlltiOII~ process of law rcmon-t.11 pel'flln t.luii-ctrom, 'l'bc le111ce )4 11.teh. evcw.l •hl.11 pollcclully and q11lct1T ,-leld up end lt:\ll'J'endor tile ltc11cd prcml•o• 10 tho lc.1111ur end Cl(ecUtt and dellvr.:r lo the l11.1•or •~ch 1n1tS"unit:11 or ln1truc,11int. 01 ,1U1 properly ovtdcncot ls:-rnihl~lhm ol 11\G le.a:•11'.a rlrhl• and lnltt"C!st '111\d<!:r '111• ln11t, ond D6' m:i.y be Mlquft'Ctd by UJ, ln,W', 1n tht n'Cnt of aey aueh deCi:1.11U 1111d lhe farfdture and. tU"fflJ'N.t.ion. or this leaae by the kHor, the lu1ar ab&ll bo ecilllled to N!CCur /nim ~ U!t11e l,Yl;~L DlAMO'fD • JYI.VUTCl'I ./ .......... u.-..,.......... ·'7'J'··y' IU'..tlf.:•~ .. .• ./ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, ~ ' ., J I :a . .:A ~ '. • I ~ d lhG UCIIH, lC an,y, llf lbll •ifl'OP\e ot ttat a.ml cbai:gH 11qpln.- lllD\ to l'Ont rttCr?11d ln thhi leld• W° the baJ&ne:I al the pt'1mat-f la.ml, o¥Cr 1h11 Ulen rn1 Dn:Wle rtm~l wlau ol lhe lo.HK pr",nlu• ~ 111.11 bil.lb11C11 C>t lha pt'imel')' lerm. Such retcwery 11:hall e,iimpktel,y fiechfl.l'Co the 1u .. c DI. all. ol11Upt11111, ti.tnunda, flOLWltbl~11g UIIJ' och11:r 11r11vtriotu1 or u,1,s lll11.•c. At Ibo oplhin ot: tbil 1.eDao;o o.nd In 111\lo.of lcirla!tln1 UIB 1nu 111,11 abo.-11 pr11tild1d, Ute loe1Gt TUY l'lll~ntar ~ dem!aed pranilnt t.fl atorutud Rod a:s 1h4 ai1cnt ar tha 1a .. ee NlfflO't'CI Uiertfrom UIJ' propvH.J" or lhe lNa111, 1U1d mv.y @le\ and rtlol add Jl'l'C!llleu ~ Ah)" put lhareo! rrm:n \Im• to llm• lcr IIAf 11n1x:pin,l pa.rt ot Ute 11r-lnlaQ' tu-01, 1M the lnHr Jllll)' c0lloct 1b.e .rcmt41 lhoralor, applykag lfle 1111h:le nnt 1,o \he paymool of oxp111UJ= ot Ill.Cl\ h-ttllt')' and re:111!\ttq ,t\d lh11n to Ure. pi:ymont al"'n lo pQ)' A~ dtncltllc;r \hereiltt', Xe, llllCb re-entry shllll ralct.5f! Ulc lHG(:cr !rorn il~ 1:ovvn.:i.t1t11 to Plilf rorital.a and Dl.hlll' char-g1:11 proridcd Cor )l;crela., 111ad lt 11 :igN"cd lta:lt,• ,except in1~u u Iha: 1H .lnco,uilltmt wiUl er conlr.:ir,y to J.ny provlslori or tbll leaH, no rlgltt or nmcdy llert:1ln. con!crr-ed upan ol" N!.U.-vctd to 1hG klll"»' Is lnlC!n.dod 10 t'il!: ~ire.h:1dw of IL(\.\' mhc.r ri1:M or r~1nody, and nah acd eYory dgi!t 1.nd, nimlld1 bo~n.d,er, or nQ\t r tu:na.Rcir axiltln1 ln 1:1.w or ia uq_uit.y t;1r by :iUat.D1t!, 2. 1n Ult t-\'l:nt or 1armm;,1UNI at thhl h:aH 11.IW 1h• re'll!Alrf o! thci leu1sor ne oCoru:lid, !he: ICUH walns. any t1nd 1U l"Jghlc• to :edeam UIO ~!!led 11rsmb1t,1 clLhllr l!IV'fll b7 any a&n.1\110 111M ill dCtci ar .bertcticr t!lfec,,d, bvl lh, leuar .5tu.ll not be doomed to baT• 1t1r11t1M.UIII Ula lope. or 11\fl llabillLy Ill 11tt lt1111,e.e to pny rem hin•uildor IIJl' u, UAbWly /or d~a,cl!I by ~n.Y 11uch ontry or by iW1l' aclbn. ln unl.ilv,f,.,l de.lUIA.r or l TCCTTI'., Ol»lotd t, 1"1,.YDTER ._.,....,.IH.HPJ..,.._ll :-·-_.-~:·: . ...:. ..... .:·_ . , ./ I I 1! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - .> ) Cl) N ~ ~ 0 N Cl) ....... --=""""""' r&J.O -.,. • . I - AllTlct.E XVI. OWtlEftSHIP ANO f'06sfflI0N \V"AMAHTY U lM Ju1w 111arll parlc:ol'm Ill ot aa c:'Wl!mat-11 f ASJ'e.nt<III~ •llld otZisa.Uopa: k.:rr11t1ruk-r, tllc lluor ""°'*nlci 11Qd ogr;-ooa lhal Utt leHiUt ah&ll hon lhl! fM!OCe!ul l.flcl: 11.Llkrt enJ01111i:1U oC ~• \P-llld pratlat=l lbnn.lt)101ll Ille ln-Tll er thl• IIPH1 11c, lon1 aa UK! hiaaC11 agillut UIO lwti:il c:141m or .lll penanll clAlml.tiB by, lhrollih or uDdu· lbt: li:Hor, AaTlCJ..~ XVU. HO[.DING OV.EJI BY 1ZSSEE ,e,cc11paneJ" c( ihQ l\.o:iaed pnunJau n.W?t" lbe uplr11,t!Cr11 oI Oui prla'lo.ry t.erm ,pr i!.1(! rannal -wrm or Aber 11.111 .1voner 1er- mmll.llon or lite II',·•", WllhOU\ :1111)' writt..a:n lc:i.H at Pkl prll:AIJst11 bt1nf allWCI.Uy m111h1 0111d cnlued into by thl! l~uar .D.l\d th11 lnsee. 1111cb blM1:IU1;' over or to11Lln11od paa:11'11ulo11 ol' DCC1upaney, I! ~t I• paid by th• 1HSH 1u1d aedept~ b1 tnf kucr lor IX'fftl8Bk•n. cir oe~up:inq, .. ~ crco.te: cllly 11 UD1LM1 tr-om month to mClfllh al U11: lual rnotit.bly "ntlll a.Al uplffl lbo terqi11 {!Ubar tha.11. ltas\h ol tllirml 110.re.,n. 11p11cliled. wbkb p,ay 11.t ah)" L\'CCfTC. 0/41o<DNQ 6 &n.YUlDI ,......., .. , .... eo,,111~- , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ::; '1 _, " _, "' ~ ' ., "' • • f 11ther lbll't7 i:1n,,, prior hDt1C1? or llil lnhml.Son to termlnca.tc. 'lhu ARTJCLE: xvm. \YAIV!:28 :C:X,;.1pl lo llu: ~~I\\ \hat Iha lt:Hor-tnA:, M,\'11 ctherwl.se o.,read .bl wrllulg, till wolvar llf tho louor o1 I.I\)' brnch by Lh• 1 .. HI. o( ADY oC A.a ablJptlOM, .,~~nt• or <!Cffl'llltlta: hare- v11dor ehnll 'be Oll11111od tu bo D. WAlwr of tlJl! aub.oque,m bN111dt « Ol1 111.mt cr ri.n_v cn,u CO\-"llna11U1, 1.gre~n11 Ol' obUg4\lone, nar sh:all niv-lDl'fllDr.:ir.c"' by lho !csso:r lo f=t-k i1 remedy tor .:iur brC11C?h by (he lcs.i;ec be tke,nod a-\ffl1Vllf' by 111a h1:,.11oir of il1r rJghta or r1n1.adie11 w11h napl!d lo aucn brN.ch .. A RTI-CLE XVIX, TEil1\UNAT10N 1, At Lbl' lerm(rmlion ol lhb lu•c C,;ir 1u11 reu~ lba ktast1"z! and tbe Lorant!! and aubtcaa.nt.11 und,.-lhfl 1ti11, ... o;id 1n11 .and .ill poraona holdlmi or cl;Jm!llQ \lQdu tha w~~•, lflhall •ut· 1"191dl!r poi,:11ealon ,ll. ::ic 111.1.,ea prernllH \O 11,c lKJllt', mcurtQ;lMc:I lJ hor,:in PNV.fdl!tl •···· (11rdina'7 'lirau.:r li.tHl tGr Ind de~lal!Ou cixcupUdl oM lre<! ur :,11y and all c1a.l.ma: lhen:ttt by the Je••.._ or 1ny p:i.ny h~r lllHlcr Uu1 1, ..... 2, Al ~be ttrmln:i.Uctl of Utt• klu• Ior any civ:i.11, I.bu luao, A ~d lho lcirutnls A{td •qbit:Mnls under lh~ leaete, ond .D.nf And fill ponQII.• ~--.. ._l•-ovra 11,<:nu MUM ....... -~,--/! ·-' : ' I l' ·• .• -.--~ .. ~~ :~ .-:•,i:.;c,\;.'i~---_.-.-.... ~--;~ ~ • I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ;s :l ~ I ' ~ :i -· I ! l ~ ~ ~ I ~ J I ) I I I • . i • .. f:r-arn JJll4 lc.,c.d premh11:a •ll p1tr11qi;i.l propert,, tooI1, l!lai;:hht117 end tr-1<1.i Jfl,:lurc1 and equlpnn~s., In1t&11nd b1 U\o la.a" or •11.1 or 111.ld PUHII• IJ1 Jui 91' 1helr v,,11 .xpanaq, prctvidll!d,, baw11ve,,, 1lla1 le!!!lect WU npair 11.P.Y u.ffla,;e 1D t:tlll U!ri.eed p.remia1111 ta!Sc:d by AHt'tCLI!: ;x X. t:OVJrn..Unli RON WtTH 1...6.ND ~ined 1h411 h CllUlk'\lcll 11.1 eonna.nta rurlAln!r whh lhe bi.id, 11.t1d All rton,. giver. io and oblJFtloa• ~111.l:ICI •~ ~ reapccliYc pa.niall WI.I. bl con•lrucnl II Jri=ln1 to G.114 bJn.dUlg \lp(ICI 0i~ IU~H- IJOJ:'11 In lnlA".1'1181 1JKI 11ual1n1 oC \h1 p;rtle1 harCI01 l'aapielll'aQ'. ARTICLE XXl. 611.0RT FOftM'. OF LEASE 81multanocwa,U" horcwlth, lhcpgnJe, tiuoip lu1on neautad 11 ah.on form ut lff.CIIJ (Cit' :-ecordl11g pt.lt"pl;Jee:i, •ltd Ute term:io 0 th.area! 1:on.tit\ll(? 11. put Jlctrrn;i!: 10 lbuiqh. n:dutd ai ltn;tb hc?rtln., J\l\TlCLE XXJL u toU~1 llnd t,::i thg 1-P,HO DI folJOWl'J Big ''c" Slonu1, fnc, 1 au s. s. Thl.N Avca11t Purilond, Oregon •OT!llES ,• ' I I I I I = I I I I I a, OI 0 I OI 0 ~ 0 OI I i "1 ., , ., .. ,; I ~ : < ~ I J s I ~ ; I I I I .. • ARTICLE xxm. CO,.U.USSION - i.ellllll!C A,raLW ICI hold tlH! le.uor harrnJeu Cr0m All,Y 111d .a.11 obllgnUort• ror 1111)' rc::11 c1tatc umm1"!M. or fttt: which nitiy be cl11hned b7 Homf')" BrDdcrli:k, Inc, or &llf tof U,11 .a.ii.i,ocJ&lH !or .llen1c1B gt' otber• v!De In C'D1UU1c:Uo11 1rfLh tl1U lc:i•e or U,a property ..::ovo:r111' b.)' Ul!B lwui11:, ARTICLE )Ol'IV, WPnOVEMENTS 1111d 9\lpcrdaed b:ytho Jnacc; pr-ovl11Dd., bewt:var, th11 .l.e11cior, lhrv'llltl !ho b:.iu,or'11 on::hltr,cl, 1h11ll 1.pprovt all ptal'III' and 1pee:tncaticm1t ~ad ln tbo oMallll.l cicm:11ln1cUon 1:1r tho ;romo~11 ol •llJ'· bu.Udfl!JI gr iillli"" ata.ntlal improvan,eMtl on lhc J.nud pnint.110,. "the cil'igta,il &mproV't'-;;f I > • meo111 11.1= prc~.14cll l\c!Ttu .shtiJI ~ .at lhO cosl a! 11cl lo ~tod $1,100, ODD ~ \ ~ ~t}, to lhe la11.11or-, otw In brio! sh1U coaslst or o bulldb\i'. or 11pprod:Mtciy b01' '., ...... .9/jc/ iL t 1 ,~ .:,tc:,;oOIT a<p1:irc fell, inelucUng hilt ~ llmllcd u:i a:rclJU-e:ct.a lfJd ~a_tnotra ·11:,;..-- ft11t9, !lut'V4!J'.,, soles la,r, p.rrn.Jts, com.rcu:ts and con1n1-ucUPn mal.4, 11nd tos mucli i:ir thr, b11luce or the,prope:rty 11.r. hr pr;i:ltlcoble wW b.! 11aphalt p:i-vlnr, and proper-I.)• Jlghl.C<l nncl com_p,l.ttcd ror pAl"klnr, Thf, buililb!C' sl.nlctu.re-s. llnd p:1.rili~( will t.11 slmtkr lD U,e Burl1m Gc1,-~Mlll'l ll:in1r clepa.t-tcnent .111on. al>tl ~upt!.tmarll.11t .i., .Nl&u'lfflMlly ;poulblu. td'ddltlon, lh<t lct11m: Will bl:ld:l..p.tit1tl -1ntll.lil [bl' \.VH>;.L"iy-!~··~o.s~a~f~m . " . lhc prop!;!rt)' lo S,c,v,::nllr AYl'.:IJIUf!. ~it;-.:. t\ RTtcLE XXV, FINA:0.CUIG OF lMPROVEMEHTII L11a111t11 ww protldt all ol Ula tn.ti::rllll finan~r.g n•cesnrr 10 compltttc .i.lt ci.~Jl(p~t.[Dtl:!mtnUWI_K impnv,emenls for lht1 lu111r aod 4001,\· ..... · · ·. ·1-.~1· ~, .. lo !1111 extent ot $l.-lOO,OOO·ar' 10 ntllch Uu!rool u m1y b~ necnaorr lcr mo ro,ii l al 3.1.Jd lhtpr"lll"llJlle.nLa:, and JI 1e Curlhct1" und:::r1tcod and bJµ"el.'d Ur.a.t tbo tuaot 'i.'111 not bll" reepnrurib~ far mo.o ttwa.n lh, so ... u ...... -ts - • •.•. ·:-'i",• , • ,' I I I I I I I I I I ·, I l1l N 0 N 0 I 5 N " b . ' ~ N ., <1l " ~ I ~ " 1 I . l " ' ~ i ~ I ~ ;. I \ I =---... - I I • • 11.mC1t1"1 v! ,1. lirat mottpee thAI •can b.11 00111.lned en Jhc pnu:111.IH tuKI IIRT 1um1.r11qiw:e.d DYl!I" and p.bo~ l,ht,":1:l o( Hid l'lr1t 1'1.·t•r ... • ~ !loo ... mortpp qr $l~GC.1.;Goo wJU 1J11 bi, r1:.11poa11 WJr at a,us f1n·lllih116. by ~o lonot.. Jl ill U4<1G.nld"'(] lh:il lh1,1 la,11or-l!lhtill 11(1'1. bu nKjlllrOd to oxptnd 111~re than the 1:urn at money tlloJ eob be bOl'l"Op.d 04 11 Unit mor1p11e• io •ocorda.Act -WUb l!:111 leona twll"•lr;;,lt11' nt tDl'l>l, 'lh····· ........ (~'..::-'66 ~-~ &nd JC D'IIIN! tM~ Sl/"100~ GOil CIIFI bt borrt.wed OQ f. tu-.i ~~ ~~.,~ ln f',ft)' ennl Iha ll!.l•Clt" aholl. nnt be i-up11N11bl11 !or l:l:IONi lhallo tl·,-lD01-000 • iiI 111a.l1I H:utnicUor;. A.l\TlCLE n-YJ, Prior to Cl:la,mcnc.Jnri ~t11tn1ction,. the lt!HIIC l!h.a.11 obtain 4 mOtiP,I! lotri irommum~nt to cover tM' co1t ,of \be buildll\p aDd Jm- pn:iverne-n~. · l! poaslblci, IH'n111 Ill 23 ycar,i l1ntl ! lho:t01e nl tlfi will-bt. obtalncrd. "tbla 1rW p~lcle II cond;.nl. JIDYlnl!-1'1\ ore,. ol) th1: mortgage l~n. ln rui i::va:nl: wiU thll lm1sor be Ila.We for Ult.nit i11. C!!l;:ccH of Sf, per ann~ on. dei.linina-~11.m:'II•, ~ adC\nor,.t Ja.ternt roqulnd llhllll bti the abUptJon oC lhl httuu. I:" cucll 11 wlli becomt 1. pen ol lhc ~ll'lll pN1perty, tr ihn ~bani '41l"Jllll o.t Ula JtJDr'!gago al.Mbl llu obutln1(d. Uw leHDC WU1 r,11!6 lllo Htlta.1 pap,urnu anougli: av Ural UlC: ll"D'Onif rt;"nlRJ Ill!' p!'DYld.ld for henlip •hllll tif. Cree Hcl. dnr lo PWllGrll •nd .1110 11111.1. tile lnlu•ut Cf.lCI ct thc mortra.p wW llC!l be: 1n 11xeau of 6~ ptr :s.nmiM g!I dt.tlia1n1 bt.&ncu to lba !u1or, U, Jn. Lhf. aplnlrrn or !hi, Ji:s,iee, tba tez·m1 or lhc-murt~D.f4 ai111mlt1t1C!tit rcmlar tno pr.ojoci" 1:1aocC111om1tt1. thffl, 1.1111 !e11.,11 ..tiaU t11:rnw'111.to; proYl.ded, baw11nr, llnl lha leuea naUHt11 1tv:i lt.eHr lhD.i tho project, in U i: opJnton., hi llMD11rlOJ1licu wllhtn tbl.rty dr.ya .[rom 1h11 di.I.fl: hc:reor; 0Uleniri1e,, tl111 lall~C!. el'lrl.U b, bt1lllld t.rurn:.0111-•11~t.•onw , u .. n.a,,.....,c..,,u,...., ,,, , • ;/ snn1i 11,o.i •i,• / I .. ::ia ~ ' '· • " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,, -, ~ ... ,, ~ ,_ J "l .. )' I .. • • by 1h11 ternur Ind pn:ivlslon.s 11, 1111.11 lllOH, A1ortr.i.3e Wn doeUltl.1!111# 111i.lll b11 911.bjO!rt lo l .. ll'lll'BI tlppnmtl. ATITl~JaVU. Oround .n.11tDl m,u comm~ upcfl th• do.l• al the opll.n.lnc cf \111: 11toni and !ii, 1u:1y 11vcn1 11111 luu· Usoci NDY11mber l. 186'6:. RorltAl llll}'t11lll'1t11 tor die bulldlni: ond lmprovem11n11" •bl! comnti,N:I' 'llpon lbe w1, or 1h11 opnJne or lh.e Alol"C or-m. aey iwan, l1Dt ~lor 1'(..-~ I l"llil 1r··' 'l'!t Ui&II J11.ini&:7·t, ,n, f ..... ;-! ARTICL.:S XXVIIL 20NI.NO sontztu 1ar t.b11 property. Ir 11rop11r 1:oniq eC1t1MI "c IAl\lllo11.d b1 Jul1 l~ 1813160 then tMll ec11\nict .Un.11 be ll\lU 11.nd y01d 1.11d bO 1J.o. .. .AR'IICLE :'tX lK. . DL"n'AL t'A 'l'J.1.1:NT6 ilt!nl.01• wlll be r:r.1d' Jn l!qQIII monthly lne111llment11, h:, adV1U1Ce, In addith1a. lenae ...-Ill pay ell lakes, ltun1nncl! and mafou1.ln t.h.c buUdblp 11.11 pl'OVldeit for ~rokl. In olber wctda, the rimtal of ~:17, DOIJ, 00 ($.U, o~. OIJ dlcr (llfl 7eard) pl..,, 8~ of the ~L al impri:wcmon\c; H fll'll-'1":>i,;rd Co.r bcratn, sb:ul be !IOI ltt lh• l••~ (cxcl!'pt f11J" tWr or..-:; ·~rl1CJll&1 IQ.Cl:lme i.a.xes and p,;i)'Dlll!nlll on 111.!. . '---:·. -.. ,,,._, .. ,, ,,, .. -.. -~··1;..., / I I I I I I <. I I I I a, I N 0 N 0 N I 3 r-;; 0 J N ., ai ' " I 5 :; < , I " ~ , I •, ; I I I I • . \ • MISSIOll SUPPL~ CO • ... ,.:·. I "'----------- STATS: OF M_~------- OOUNTY OF l::\wlf,.....,.,L l ,-. I On Ulla tJ.IJ...11.:ay or :J....,__ J!Uifi, befarc me-pGrYonally 11.pPc.a~d. y~<f.T"·rl~#)t, and---------~ to n,11 klloWll tu bci !/it• ~ AM --------- ru()eeu'/vi,, cf 11-USSION' SUPPLY CO,, a WQbin,U. COl'pon.Uca, and ocknowlrtlce,S to me 1lQt thc7 Cff'Ctlted lhc onp,, fol" and lilO bclsall of .511W c11rpein.Uon, hr.hi~ p,uUwrlud so lQ 40; DQd' an 1111.th •l~itd th:it 1h11 nal u.!lmd S. lh" ci:u;por..le lleal .,, .i.;1.ld car90n.Uon. INWlTNf.?i:,; artlat.l 1cal Ute-d:lr , "-""'~ DUl~~tl ~ 1$'11.110'1111 \~ ......... H ........ IOI> •1uru:: tt10, • 12 • -· ' .. ... I I I I I I = I I I I I 0, g ~ I ~ a N en :;; I M :•! ~ _, ~ ., ., ~ I ., J ~ ~ I 4 ~ { M 5 I '.: J I ) I I I I I I i ' • • . I STATE: OF WASJ:1JNGTON } } 1:11.Q~ COUNTY O.F K I ff Ci J Or.i lhia i~d.Jf at ... ~u.r.e. UHilll, 1tcr,m1 l'Rtl pereo1111J.Jr 11pp111.red FRANK B:;nJllMD BOt!NE:LL, JR., to me tnow"n. kl be !lie p!»".-i. dcnlcrl!Jcd bi ind "ho GXtC\lt~d. the within aflCI l"-"!9'0lbf lumt• 111uld., ud llckaa'll'lellplli Jo me Uiat he signed thll! sam1 H bJ:1 {rec 1.nd volalll.a.r1 .:acl 1nll datid, for Unt uau and 1Nl'fl094i' th-di. rnen- ''°""· Nal11.")I Pub.Ile ln 111.iJi for 1h11 Slate or W111hhllf,va, ,011.kUng 11.t .Sca.ttlo • .STATE OF ~LA•i1fll\,'UC1t/ ..f!l,Sijf°UrITY OF /({.'JC• "· FllAW{ '211MwtD On lhlt //.Y..dE_y vt 4'" i '-4 JOG&, b11Joro me pe:rao~ly 2'6N.W:U. J,t opplUI BARA JoAN l:IOLT, lo mo knnn to bo tilt! po:i.son des• A-TltHtN('( .:r In &11d lt'ho cxotllitod lb,;, wltbfo. o.nd rotvgalflf Luh1.t.rnen1, and :;z.v Mit.T led~ kl me lh•t .stie dpd 1kc nmo 1111, lltt fro;~ and ,a\1tt1tuy NIR :,.ct t.nd dew, tar the HIU Dnd p,i.rpoHJ then:1h1 mmulon.od. IN \VrrNE.SS WW:R!::QF, r h,na .. erountca:1 m.,.. ham:! and gfriol:IQI •~L lhe day raod )'l:su,r l.n,;, c~Ulttile a~/written. EJ.ru"'d,." ,z ~r:,""tl.-:! Not.uy Publk-in ind lnr Ui• 5tale Cl( W111lhln,ton. ri:r.uldtne u, 8,Gllle ~AT£ !l$ WASJJl~i.,"1'0~ ) ..... COUNT? OJI' Kll>:(1 l On lilt& ~,1..,7 q[' ' ,,,.• 1805, bll!Care,rne P,111':l~lly appeared: l!'a ~-~,. •,• ... ~ ·~· r: 11.nd ·"" ,~ '• •#~ • ''?e , l:4l me known ,a 'ik'~u:JC5., 1'p,nqp atul )':Cl·l'IBICl":,,'1.rfdJJDVw,rc;fl ~pec.Uvd:yt ot P.EOPLES NATl'ON.A.1. BANK OF WASHlNarON. II. Wpblngtoa ,corpariiuon, 11.lld aahnaw•odfod to me tb&t U\11 ••111.11ac1 ui, ntGo ror awl on heh4ll aI l!l:t.ld 1:1ti,r,urt1U.on, bell'IQ" ~harlz.ed •o i.o dar and an 011.th •l4lo4 lbm.t l!IC! Hi.l AUlXtd JR the CGJ110l"1-tlll 11!!&1 of 11111.ld ,corp,~Uoa. No~ry Public lu aad for Lhe .SUl!ci or \Vuhln,twi, UC~!.:::.!!..-? rl.!e.JdJP.8 11., Sniubi H,'-tht ,._,., //' /•;''~ ' • I ,- I I = I I I I I I I I I I " .: I ., :;! ., I J 5 I J' I I I I ,· • • I auu.rr • .,,.. t(I t£'AS6 w IUllllil,L -MIH[ON itl~l;.1 co. TIVil h1d dHc:rl,Otlll •t rllCI Pnlf'ct'l:f, lilldch t:hc: lrum,r ti .. hu11.i ~ tk l.oa•11fl ..i11.-r tbio !uu, o:.,u11hto of opprvxlae1:.t1ly 14, 11cru, 11.-1 h lcu:;ieibf,:I H (aUa11u l'atlCian "1 CoWITlllll:llt 1,J,r J, lyt.s:; north of llerthn:m tadfJ.-; l.dlv11 C'.a, rJ.attr ,pf v..,,y lll ru.daa 1,1 ~irvn-- oblp ll ll'ot'UI, kflP, , ~l EIL'.CU'1' Ute. 11onti 100 faati uctn th.a Vqtt JIii f11e11 E1CUl p01H4n h1 Uad AvantCI S011rth •1111 P,S.U, IIG. l; 1:Ullat.el in di11 Cit)' ot IIHtllftt CtrlM!I' ef 11:lq, St.ate of llll11hln1rac, 'll•'K .. " .. "' Ji H ~; tf "0111 1-,, i'I .wdh1DII ur the un oi·c11c llbollO •cocrihd propff~)' .Ila U.t tottll JI! ti.a I0'111ct oC '1hhh rhb :h , put, 1ha1l ll.ilva u 01111t .. a, ror tba UIID •! tbta lUl>lla ..,,i ... , •kt.GJW1hm i:11arc~f, ~ ""'°' l11r hare~-Alkl tlll'<lfl•, '"""r Th11 ,o f•t wl111n. ,..,r J.b.c :I.a l:.S tad r,a.. c\1: "~~ 11'ti: or t~ P"'f~nt ,rMI tl,11 o..,c,t 'CJ feat 111111 tha '1t'1 ~o !11111.t of u,e raU""l"I llenrJ.bf:11 pr.,,.,rtr~ 2 1Mt 1J.011tll zro faet of tne. 1111rcll JOO ro.t of dio .,.,c t hot ,,t· Covii~nc L..t t, 11.,,tJ<>n 111 1 l'-•hh 2~ Mrtti ~, EU:1, lvbm In Ua~. CGantr, Uaahin1um; i;xan tho "-HC 17(1 Ccct c1.c«:ol, The lc,~c ,t1•ll Mvc tlio d;bt Mt.cl dut1 to t,ilo,:J:tvp, pnvc:, i,r atuct ;\ h:ird 1urfan Hor tl«i.ptaper<r 11;e;1v,,rc:ll by the u,Cffllllt, 1111d alui.11 IIC ill t:::l~ ,J11-d11t. tha Ut. d tit.!, k;i.aa. imd .:iny t:JIU.111 itlluu:of, •t t...s,e.e'• eqi:uo, kel:I' llp ud mlntdn 111lld thJl!I! I.cl f• •tt:Lpl rit frap,:sctf, ..uMI tJ,., l=r.ce and lu 11,:Dats aad a.•n•en 1h1 !all-'! th• riakt lo 1t11e ~•Id ut11P1:111t1 toe-lfl1nu PRd 1:arc:11, lllld 41t •ll. (:tqqi d1rdn1 chc Ln:i 11r tbb luH .nn4 IUIY 011tt.toHiia. thc:t-.;.C, tha laa1111r, U~ •~ll, lffl11tr, cvatlll>Ull nml 11\dttlZ.I ohall "411e die: dabt 11! .lfttre.-11. 1111&1 cicnu '111\rl!t aa!.d 1ropan.tu ~cno4 l>r tbU CBsusnt, i11ol111U11,g cht tltht n ru.lnut1 ,11 rnilrvad apul.' 1"1'1:111 lb 11Ht 'O !oot tilorac;,l', tnv1tcee any preprLe~11tf tin1nut "'" OWlloe.nhrp in. the Uirc::e Iii) ,.,ot Jtt.l.pll of .l&zlcl, &nd tht louce ot J.cf iri.vJ.tce.o alui.ll 111117 ~o dt r1,i;bt ' ,, • I I ... I I I I I I I ai I (II 0 ~ ~ I 0 (II ai I " ., 3 3 .. ~ I j; i " I ' I ~ I = I = ~ -. ; I I .......... ,.. ........ -.!!: .c-! I I • • b-I" 111.cau ~!in• uhl. 1,(1 (~t tlrlPO for .o.«11i11 tc;, Cllt h.&aed -,npany ~utdhod hni.i.; u.d lilt tM t"''""""t'-' rd dw !HN ar "'«r ULc.n1UII 1kn11[, u,11 t11.-.U h&«!bf ic;rl!11td Ja. 111111 to 1dd 1i..n,c ,, faot ,tdlHI # protJ1•1ty 1hall <:•ua. •1111 t-tdn«lh la th~ l<NJiC tht 1.n•-. ffill H ~tp up AH N,l!lt~• thl 1111!:f1Caf. of 1.ii. th1'1.a ,o !iMJt 11t . .i;~p1 at had, thn a!n~ ~• J.arur M, I~ 111,clu tD l•uH ii:, totr.<:t llnJ' rqial.ff ,c l:l&lot9111.au io Hid ,1.1rtac:a1 1111 att.,u 111n. t.,.i,Lad. to do "1'.ttbill that)' hp ..rtcr 1R'ittr.c 11110.:a to ?h lau.~ •r th 1 .... r, ttio 1coor 011111 haw. cha :dsht t• tand.uto' - .. .. • , ...,._;' . ' 1 I I I I I I I I I I :n N 0 I N 0 N r- <.) N :n I l I ' ] i ,1 I I -, • ' ' I • . , I. I I I I • • GUAJl:Af!TY \'fHEREAS, Il!G "C" STORES, L."l'C,. an On!Sf!n IIClrfl"1'at.lon, la lbe prlnclpal &tocldl11ld~ of DAZAR OF WAstilHClTON, INC, 1 ll. W;u,hln(Lo!\ cmporulau, and WHEREAS, DAZA.8 OF WAB81NGI'OO, INC', ha.ti puri:l,.aaed o.11 cf tho cnpjlal 1toAk or .M1S5I0N 5UPPLY co,. a Woffllltetoa. 1iorpotaUon, a,ul WBI:REAS, liUSSIOll S1JPf'1,ir C'O, oott"Od .lnla 11 ~(!' WWI PEOPLl!:S JfA'l10fil/lL DANK OF WASH1Nc:.ioN, a Wull\agl.on c.etr• FMNK OMNARD eON~ELL, JR, and BARBAil/L JOAN HOl..T, datad lhc First dny of M11.1, 100&, tor a po.rlGcl 'Of 1wcnty•tlv'• ycarl wJlh lwo sueeeaahr~ rclle'\Vlll opUe111 Lonm1 or let. yettra lll!.c:h, i:omn1fflciag a.11 lb~ Fi.rat •1 o{ J.q11tm.r,, 191!ii, o.Atl • WBEREAS, DIG "'C" STORES, ThlC, ;ii.p.d BAUR OF WASlJINGTOlf, INC, llave II suhsl.antW ln~ertat ln .saill lease WiUI tr1l5Sl0N SUPPLY COJ,. lease by FEOf'L.ES NATIONAL BANK OF \VASlllN'GTON, o. \'lalfflinpln carpona.tl.Dn,. ni; 1-:~ocut.or Df lite Estate oC Frar.ee& B, Bona.ell., o.t1d FRJLNK arm,..;,\1;jl UO:i!NtLL, IR. i:!ad SAIWAJtA .JOAtf HOt.T, OS poru11MB, DIG Ne'' sronES, tNC., 11n Dri:1cin ,:arpor-11llon, cind BAZAJI. 0.£1' WASUJ.NCTON 1 INC •• .i. WaaMnpn c1.1rpon.tlon, he,re~ ~cl' or .i.ll o! tho-cHHUll* •nd o.1r~mcnta by th• lu.no, MISSION StfP.f!.f co., ICa hll'iN4 ,c,:niitot':11, t1.dnifflillr.i.WJ"# or 111ei1,tui, ~on• IPlruid in &Pld Jmac, ln the m1um111r 11,n.d farm ~nrfid11d la, •II.Id lllllH, •u•n.c •••04 .• t ,· I I I I I I '"• .. I ' I I I I I I I I -· I J I ) I I I • • - lN Wl'l'NES5 WHEREOF. the-uodcl,-.11JOd eorpora.Uc:ma hive ~ .. axoclltcd ttill (ltla.n.nt,. lhi11 _:.::.<Joy oCIMa:,, 11116, DIG "C., STOR&s, INC. . , -. ,·,?,/ '/ BAZAR OF WASHINGTON, INC, STA Tl: OJI' om~GON COUNTY OFt,1i~t4.....-.(.. l JIU, I ., On lhl• _._. dll]' or t.t11y; lHG, balorc.-mo pa-r•onally appeared WILLIAM C', TRIPLETT, JR., lo m•iaw.n co be Iha PH1rldon, of Bl£ nc" Slore,s, Im:,. tbc cvrpll"(lllon &ht.I lll(CC¥lllld tht' 'Iii' Uhu, Hil foreeolna' 'lMlrom~nl, 11.nd ackno,,led(Cd lo me Um.I he •Jiped tha nme aa hlt tn:a: :i.11tl voluntoq 12,:t 111,nd deed Car and on bcttall ot ~11,id corporation, 1utd on Oll.1.b 11uod lhol hl' '«II.I autllorAcd 10 u-1;1-=ut.1 1he 1111111c 111.ml lh:il lh~ corponi.t• &fllll R!Cixed h. Uni •~nl or e11ld corpottUon, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove '1,t2reu1110 act my ffnd Md 11Uioia111c11l l11G day and yCIU' in hi• cutll"iclll.o Ql,ovo \l'rllt111n. Ort lhl• __ !lay o~i, .. lsH, bl!Core mu p11noo.Ily 1.pp~11,n:d WIU..IAM C. TlllPLJn'T; JB,. to me lwrwnto lM,, Ibo .Prulde-nt or B11u.r ot Wuhtriaum, tn~ •• U.. ,orpontlon !hat extcuted tht wu11Jq oni:I fDJ"e9oto1 lnl:lrumanl, a.11.d ACJtnarladtllm lo m• tbllt ht! •lsn.d lM 111.me fl.I his !t'ta qd volllntary ai:.t lftd detd lot ILlld on beh&U rat add corpot-:i.~ o.nd DII 01.1h 11&IK thul h! wa, •uthorl.ied to c.nC\ILD the: tatua 11Ad tM t ow i:orpor11.1e ua.l. :i./tb:d la ttlCJ i,ta.l o! l~d OQrpDrllllm;, • .IN wrrm:ss WH.ERI::OF, I hll ~ hct'ellnta •et my hind bnd cmcJr.! ucd lhoi. di,._r o.nd )'CU" in !1 ,,. ll.ban Wl'ittb. ' , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... = ~ 1 .> , ., J ; ·. ' -· -~ • • J 'l'llb A.Danc!rncnt .ro. l. to. the La:ai,o: (•this m=ita.At• br!:citlnl Mlle 1111 of thb Jbt. cluy of Oc:-tobae, 1'fi7. bct\fun PliOPI.n. 19.UoN". ~K °"" IWtDJ:llG1'i»I' .. J:lact.1iot' Cl£ the Eatll.m of FZ:IIR0111 B. 11on.noll, nwnt DE~ tmf1EL(,, n,. nad ~ J°'N HOI/1' ("l.aHOrG .. hoRUIJ :and HlSSIO-.l St:JlllLY C;D., a c.,;,z:pox:a- t1.on c-x. ... " ... bi=reil1.). 't'hll l\llltlndmant 1111unds t:lint ecrtnJ.,Q,l.c.llU! ("t:M laue• h111rain) i.etWGP r..c .. soi::r ono z. .. ,u e.1111'CUtvd as cif lay 1, 1HG, In C!lllllidll£'~tion ol tlte 11\\ttl.lal MUtit11 CICrC&'aint to Mtll La:aoCJr• ant, J.,e.#r.o.o ltailvt' tha l.cn1t1C! 111,cli hllZ'•in, the po.ruaa &g'ZC!O LIi fl:1111#111 l, 'me do act" ipHoo of thG ~ucd pi:ml.eH o.a am-t forl:b 1J1 Bxhiblt A o.ttnc:llod to 61W 111ada II p4J;1: oE the ltt.u:io i..lr )tlu:ob)' -.iin1ecl to ra;ul: Ml sat fortll J.a £:ithibit: i\ ntucbQd harem an4 Md.ct a pai::t harc»al • .i. 5Qbp.'lr::&9c::i.ph ~J CJf p;:i.rngr.i,i:ill ). oj .l\l:Uclc III 1n horaby .11.i:mndacl to r,c,..0. cric foUO'a.u • (b} Rel:ltlll fo:t: thit b¥UC:J.ns.s Mil otlle.r imptOflJIIC.fttB llhilll be Ei,hty FJ.1/ct 'I'houaand Dollu, ($85,000) per you." J. Pa.ag:i:-ripb 2 of Al:tic111. IO: 111 hereby ueruJed to :cctilld as fo].Lows.: "1'1,c-rcmtlll pftJltlenU 11ncte,t: thia l.ellise shall be, Dade in lei-1'!:ul Qolle)' of tM: 11n1UO St.lltu.. ReatiU ~Cl !Q.:: tba l.D.ni:l • .ri:;: 5pec1tied .i,, pe~*f:t"o1ph ll<11) l;i,&ao.t', J:~·.: 1 bll! pdd 11)' X.H-'", ott~E to hank .llclrrw:td t..i:.:,11, .It. aiicl t.}la otbc:.: ~H to ~ca Jlamlol:l J:,a.:._ 1.c-t.lla add,:,us,u aot 1ortb in Artii::b xx:n~ llll:nt.al ro.: : • ..:: buildinv ancl .t•FOl'UIK'nt•, H apocifiri in para~A:.--!• l(bl ho.coo£, u a.end~. 1bDll M paJ.a 'by t.oaac. ta .ftt.f.:1n:11011 St.anduct l.ife Inaui:oncd COlllpllJll" C"Jt!'Uaraon Sl.:&ndb:d~ llerd.n), Greensboro, J{ortll tuollna, 27420, At£ontioiu V~tva,91 Lonn SHrico D:l.viaioq, ana o._p.1li~d" tO\l'U& ;p;.yiaant. ol th .. trot• dl-Ud JlrrvenbDr l., 196?, ,.. .. ·- .I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "" ; J ' ' , .. , 5 ' , ,._ I • • ;i,11~4 by l.e.fl"-lttO ta JcJ:fcnon Sta7IO•rd. Any duo in1" tl.t1paid lnstallllcnt.o. of oudl. ran~l• am.11 ba11.'1,' i11bore11t at 1.:Ju1 r.atc c:,f L~ ,p.r ~ .... ,4 • Dl.c thi%4 5GntODCGI of pu:11,p';lpb l cf 11.rtj.d.a XV b, horaby .asicpddd to rclld .zia I0ll~1 •tn tn,c eV\lnt. af llil'!,j Stit;h 'IIOftiUlt, and tho. fo=- teh1m:1 ond t.attlit!at:loei of t.hllr !eaNI ~ tlHt La1.1ort4 Jo.Uar1011 SU!nd.u"d tind tM Leaaon 1h11ll be ont!Uad t1:1 taooffl' ti:-C111 t:lt• ?,,11111•00: ai:1 QIOl!rtl: CQlllil, •t. tho tim e,f i:nadnation ol tb.io 1ou111, ~ tll• 1199X"11fll,tt: ot r--.t •cul, chargos oqaivalent to rant :i:• .. rved .Ln thi• , l.01111> for tbiz be.loco of the pdflllt1' t.r,ii. In l:htt 1vcnt . of 1udl tortoituro 1.nd tomitla.t:ion, LHat1r1 1bAJ.l, J.n "-TIY 11ct.l;t11 to onfatcc, ~ir right• tQ :i:uco11or ~y .111111'1<1 ho:t:aunller, 11t tl~ opt,i.c,n ~ ..,._ff11~on Stap,:l&.t'd ll.h:o etdarc:1 tbi: righu of 3cf"f11uon st,uukrd to i-oooy•r hcirt1ui,d11t, l:f .tet&i:•011 Bbuld;atd dod e.xorci10 J.brl ,Hid opth,n~ uell a-110:r:ci.l.1111 11'1,Qll 1n no "Way be d!JONDII .:i. 1'111,ivcir Df .Jal.t!onon Still.ndD:td'.s :rig:htc to a pa:•paY"' mant. fco under LhC! t:arN cil! it. Rota vil;h to••m, wbieh it: ttlo bO &ll'otl:c:"d by Ot1 11,1141ipJU1nt. ut tl:ib l.cillau." S. f\1!tic1~ XV t.11 herc.,;by :w:tht:r i:iCDded by cd.d.ing n n<!W Gllbpilngr;lph l.CI p1U."D9'J:'.ii.ph l a& follC11.i.a I •(9) Any dotault. h)' J.Cli"Sl!:1 air (lo:ti.ned iJI IUli:1 undct-tho leuo uJll;,ad .J1,1r,t1 lO, 15156, bot.w..r.. P-r;uik BcmDrd lloJmQ!l.,· -J"t'.i z.o.uor, and Hls•i<m Suppl]" Cciai;p:a.ny, ~al)Ceu. • 6. Ji:ticle x:tll: ll hero by -iUHD&i.a by add.(.~ tho folLw ... 1n9" Dadro.u,os. iot tho Lltaaor• 1 •l'%ank 11;, llGNIOll, Jr, 2ll -10, J. C. BC!llovuo, lf.alihLnijtvn ~004" ~DarbilJ:& BQfIDl!U Holt 611 -li!B s. E, llollnu•, \iachJ.ngton 98004" _,_ ,. . •. I \.' .. '.: ~:- '.,: ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 -' _, 'l .. ~ .) -' • . \ • 1. 1\l"ti,gl11 ~u ii. h~r4by 11111M~ t>y aan~g i:be } oll.ata Jaau:aiy l, l,.&J', tt:i uovtombor L, 196.7. ll. 'J'lKl thir:4 Gcnten.c.o of llrci~J.e JO::lX .ia ho~by fUll~ad t,:, ntul AC: follo:.n::1 • "J:11, othi:rt ttQ:nlc, tlu:· IJCOUhd r~ntal of $3?,00D [$47,000 t>itCr 10 y11.11~11) p}U& .fllS,000 ti:tr ~12ildinoi tcqt~ Da provic!h'. 'hcl'o:lh •hall b11 nc=t W th11t t,es:.or:u h:i«ie.pt fo~ thob l;ll.ffl paraonal inoom11 tflXG11 an.d tl1a p!!pu;i111:• on tln.? Nat.ti lawed tc., -Je..f!o:uon Stnnclerd DI! SC!C\lroc.l by l:hc De:cc1 ot' 'frl:lst on. tha le.He-d pri!l!I.Ula1) dvdll!il the. 11ntit:e tenl of tba lu.ac.~ II. L11uoro lln4 LcP;11oct fll.rtbtr a9rac t:llot 11<1 lDf(g 111 tha ~ot(: b 11110\\ l:,y L1!.at1ori. to .TofEor•an Sto.n4nd a.bd .-acuod 'by o Docd of Ttu.1:1t oovedng tM lo-Hod ~!au rcuutrur '"UK,ld, or any ot'nor obliyAtion D\oled .1•.fluaan Btnru!o.o! by i.euou: ~do:i: nicl i>:Oil!ld of rtust tClll&iM ~.flll.filla(I'.. LeHH'a: ~ll,rii.tlllD Wldar p0J.'Q9i::Cp}l l of /LrHtrlc V h~i:eof to rmpd.r, r:o,-biee or nconsao~; ony ln1ildi:iga or otho.r hpro'll: .. antt. un thG' leud prarllicoa shall. be,. •ubjoi:t to tho pi:J.o:c wrlttt!n a.ppi::oval of. .rcttci::aan. &t:..ndllC'd :ind :.11 i11111ir:i~ pt>acacdtl pa.yablc t.o c:iit~ Lu•or:; f,)l" ).QHcc J)llC.QLJllnt to l\i::t.l.cl.c XI ~l!Of 11.nd nny 11.llou- :&nccas « ow.it'ibr ptl"ji\ln.c to kt11::or.a or Lct1!1e1: by rnaaot1 o.f 1:1 ~nia.l oc total cond~atiOfl of. tllc lensed pfilmi&ot: pursuant t:o P.l:'t.iele. XtV hcroof ,r;l111,U ba _ppJ,q to alKl t:i.ppl..ied by Je!lctlloo stiind:i.rd ln .i.coordiuw::c. with tho> proviaion,:i oE :J'.:ir.i11;1.:.a.pll ,rl.. fJ of .a.o.icl De~d of 'l'rWI i:.~ (~ ,p~ c~i;l.ltt.s thin doctu;rent in it.s r(!s,rnae11- ti1t;i.v,;i: Cilp~dtf only 11.Dd Li.cura rte, rt!s,POn:,ibil.icy lit iu-indivJ..11J11l i:1lCpc:,i:D.te ca~oit;y,J >4 · I, , ;jt,-~, < -z,/'-4; MIIS5ZOO' Sl1Pl'LY CO. BY l 0-ar • Jl,i;m::: _,_ LtS&t~ • • I I ... I I I I I ·, I I ' I (rl N I 0 ~ ~ 0 I N t ,,., , • J I 5 ; ~ I -.{ , • • I , •, j I I I I • • ... COW!l'r OF µHO . on thU f 4ny 8[ Due.bu:, 11167, bcfon lllD per.spnally o.e;,o:a.rc:d fRED N. tJA w iac J:~ to ba the wu11,11.11111iuumx cf 1£01'1.E& W\'l'JDKAL 8.NIK OF w.£1Utfu1'0tf1 a tr11•hin9ton eo2:poo.t:l11fl, Hd ad;llolfl.ad~ad tel lltfll that. ~-elteCUtad. th• fo~.ln\l' ill•trUlleJ"it fat: 11ad. cin brhalf·of •1114 coi:p:;,rati..on. hoing e."thor!i.11d to do 1101 .inf! on 011;tb •t:e.tod thnt th11 .1111111 a.ffixod hi tha oocporo.te Bill ot aQid c11q,ctatlon~ w.lfllt:SG MY JtAm1 nrid ot!loill1 IIClfll thl ~ a:nd you-in tld.• cortifints ll.bove wdt~h. ~:zit &at4, COUN'rt OP l.tffi; on tho .V"ci.i:,, o~ Dt:COllober, is,1, bQ~Ol'O ao par~nr.aJ.ly ~rod ~ 8£N,?111Ut llO..'ffttt.r., JR., to "° knoWn f:') ba tho ,porson du;:crlbl'.ld J..o a.ad who oY.ccutc-d th,Q 11.Lthln r.ncl fo.ni:igoing i.tul~nt, and acknQWl!Jdqi:id to hlQ 1:h.:i.t lto 6igaed. the s.,,,110 flS 111.:i trea mk1. volimtllry ii.at cind d~od fo~ tha uas .and pu~llll tbe~,in 1111a1ntionl!d, wrr:,j~&S KY BMD a.eel of'Hi:iul 11~1 t.bo llaf 4nd. fe;ir in tbla corl;U'S.cato above "'1:'Lttc.n. • . ... • ,• .\- :.•,.! ; •· -, . ,' ~n . .;.::::~~~c..;:~1¥..ME;-.~ ~~-l· ... J I I -I I I "" I I I I I Ol N 0 N I ~ 0 N ' ' (1) I ~ :; _, ~ J " ~ I ~ :; ~ 'l I I ~ ! ~ ~ I ::: ; I I I I • ' \ • • STA':£ 01' WI\SHHIQ'l'Dll ) ) .rs. CODUff OF 1CIJII; ) On thU r d11,y oJ; 2JoC1.11lll:111r, 19&7, bo~i:o 11~ peri:on.iUr ,t.p;,tJAttld DILRllllAA JOAN UOLT, 1:0 IIIO k~o ICC! bC!I tbo poraon Gcacribod J.n z.fldl wbi:i t1:xocut<m tlMJ w,1.t:hln 1U14 fongoini1 iMu111nnnt., nr,d 11t:MCl'tll.d9'o.!l to nie th4t aho 1:Ji!l'nod. tba 11&111c 1!1111!1 b!JC fa;m 11.nd \fl:ll\1111:•J:Y l!i:t 11n4 doo(I .£Qr tbD UHG and putpo51H. t:l111:t•tlfi ••ntiOf\114. 1f:t'l't1SSS ~Y JmND a.ne officlill aul. th11 4ny uiw:I y,Hr 1.n thill OPrtl.fit!b.tti 11bcva wriLt11.n. $t11'l'E OF W.&HINOTON ) . ) H. cxi11tttr or Jttllll ) On thiGJ J da.y cf Dqi:;ubor, 1,u, bo:!ora 1116 ;p11ttionally !1.piJ@IU"uci &!{j.l, ~if e..:-/.L'-rtO 1110 knd.111 tc bD t.}la _.,y'".£.-c..i:"'t:!::C_.!',t· -r ~ 01; m:osION sutn.Y c:o., ii eorp!lntion, ~ .i.clc11r11tlaagad tQ .. c thi:J.t hCI P::t.:ncutad tha foco- goin':J lr.&tri.DOnt for-;iilk(J on bohU.£ of aid corpot"ation1 beih'iJ 2uthorlnd to t1o sor II.ad on o:i.th stat.CJd that tho 811.al lkfllied i,11 t:bo cocpar:ott:11 .fl'Cl1l. of 11illid cc11:p11i:,GH1111. mnress Ht llAND ~ offJ.eµtl &ad th.a d11y i:,.nd yuar in this 11artiti.catl:l 11.bovo w:dtto.n. -s- •• i· ,. .• I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I > I I I I • • ·-~ -·- 'thll.t poztlon Of ,on:i:nacftt lot l. lyiag nor~ tit Honharp l'ac;lf.i.c Rll1lv1y ~oey .ri9bt ot w•y .tn a:V-1:'tJ.oq l.'!I, to\lDlllli,L'I 23 north, rooq,r; S aot1t, lf.M., in l<init C!oll.nty, W&uihbqton, .£XmP1' W no:i::ch 300 Int tb11.tt0f1 AND 1JtCBl'1 _portion 1A 12Ad ltvlZfflla &oiueh nnd. Prb•ary .SR1tr11 KJ.ghwy No, ~: I.HD 'SlQ:JI!' po:rtior:i d~Jlmd. C..11 !oJ.lcmu kiirra1'19 at th~ tim.ttwut COX'n..r of tha 110:a::diwa.t pi:te~ ot 1a1:u:~ian 19, towtui~p 1l nortb, rqa l •o•t, tf,Hu iJI 11:iflf eonnt:y, \i'oll'hin'3'=n1 t:llallee waamlJ alonv tho noi:th lina oc .add &ccUGn l! o dhtllncc of '10 taist.1 Ulc:111ce Hlltha:rly end prir•ll•l to tM t105t U.na of ~ovn~t lot l 111 dilfl:a~ ot. ]00 foar. tci cha. ttue poin,t of },eg-11\niuaJ tllll:nCG aontJ.nulng t.o11tll1td.Y IUUI pz:11;-.11l111l tc U\w W'll:lt lihl! c:f IJ'IWD.tTlll(!fl'-lot 1, 7,0. io11t 1 ric:i:ro oi: leH, tD _. poUlt on tho north l!lfir51ln ot W m,rtharn P.tlcl.fic 11B.il\onl1• con,p.iny rlgllt oi 'lft.JO 1;ht:!nco wcitexly 11l0ng t:ho llorthar11 hcitic ~ilw:r.y C~IIY nci:l:herl)" ri11ht of W&1' Una tc, Uio WllJl't lina Of g1:1vorfJC1(1:ot. lot l, tbt111..o no:i:.-t)Kirly alDli!J 1,1e,.t line of 9ovo~11111ent. !at 1 to 11; ;utint tbot. liH llXI faot sonth ti~ the nOJ"tl1 Uno of i:ui!d. 011c:~on 1tll Uic:~ cia11tc:rly to the t.1:ua -point of ~ginning. 'NJG&TatA Wl'r,rl Df1 ct1.sl!fllat1t fo:t i1:1gt:11u 11,ad agrcics eve,: Un! fol.laving1 n,11 11-at.t 41;1 tnot. or t.h• w111,t 375 t"eot:, tho ust: '1tl feat.aid tll• won: 40 lea~ ol t.bo follOloling dl!PC-ilJed pro:pc.:ty: 'l'lta 504th 2?0 feot ot th,. nOL"th. 300 faat of the (t{I.Dt: '970 f<lllt. cf 9aveUUJEnt lot 1, ooffion 19, t:awns}lip 23 no:cth., :r;i,11q11 ~ out, Iii.II+, in tUng, <xillfltf, Wuhln,alxlni E:XC£PT tho a,u1t. 170 f~ot tba.i:nof. r_. '· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... .I :i; ;"s: " 3! ,· ~. ;. . • • • B.IG .,e"" ,STOltlc:S, UC • .aml DD,Zll.R ml' 1t116KC.MG'?ON, lJfC,. l:ldlt!J C»t!UJl~ts of tha plli'ffl''IIC. 1C1f :rent. ,and thll pm,:!il~ca of .a.11 tho CK1vonanu nn4 .nr:caOlllll'nts bf m:snOH 51:lfPIN co., ita heirs, ~tPJ:",1;, ucltlliliti:-a~n os: uai9n•, UQAt&irunJ. id Ui;i.t; Louo OlfCCUte.d u of *Y 1, l!IU, bf 11ond betw•an 1"0Qpla11 Hat:i:Dnal l!a1'k Gf Uu'd.n1to11~ aa £,ceau~z of~ Ea:tillte of F:con~• ll, IJDMall1 and rnnk a. 801\ll•ll, if1:, illlid :en:i-Ura .rcu Bolt, lA••on, 1111d «.bnion IDpply ca., ?,8-£11110, l\aroby •9%H to dl pi:o,hUUUI of th11 ""°'*'nt !i!CI. 1 to .uell Lea1a em!. t1Clm'lltflodga thet. tha.l1;' p:ranty H aot: f<irth in such J.o;,1111 ahal1 contiaae and zeuin bl. Ml foree aQd df11ct vi.th zt111pec!t. to 11:11:d! l.CPIO u now tli:b(ll'ldoi5. by thi• ~~a.tlfo, l, Dal::44 H of thi..lr lla~ day of Octobar, 1'5167, OY. £ (" • • ,~ • ·"i'::T hll Jts ~,rr .... ,.,, MZhR OP tfi\:!ilRIMGlpN, ltt:c. .DY. / r~.. n,.,.~ ~IS H:i f,,.-Y--P. _,_ . ,,,_ • ' ·• I ::)\~~-'.. ~~; ~~r~±.;,~~~1r~~~~fo.\~a~~A-~.~;-;~?)~ I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... = ~ ~ ~ , , , :l ,, :J < ~ J , , " -. i en N 0 ~ N r- 0 N (l) .,,_,, .... ,,;•·•••·•r"" • .. i - S'fA71: Of' HASH:tWOro>r ) ) .. cotVff Oli' l(ZRQ } On thia .J/_ day r;i.l! t>ecOt!lbar, l.967, bitoro IIIID; ,111.gft(td., II fk:lt.ory l!'Pblic .in ~ to:r th• Stllt• of UH d"1:Y. CJ4ciu1on.ed and sworn. pe~o11111.Uy ap,peu M·:!..c...,., • t.r, • Jtaown to lie, tha- vf D:l.g Kc• .Stlo,:u, :tnc:0 l:hri co.rpcimtiga tb9.t uet:V.ited thllo .foroguing J.n11t.riaiacnc. un4 11daic1,1bdgod tho all.la bstlCPA\llnt to be tha f:i:ao •nd vciJ.unt;:i;y aa;t a.ad daad of Aid earp01:ati0n, for the n•u and ptr,l)O.IIH 'thcto!n. 111Mtl.cnia4, &ncJ. on oath atv.~ that. ba ii Dllthol'.isad to e.xecut.o t:ha 5td.a it1i11tx11a1u1t and th. eoal affi»,d i1 the cc.xponte 1101111 of .aa.Ld. corporation. mmcss wt Mt11i ond onlol•l 11111l. ~uato l!..fflxod. tho ~ 11nll yur fi£"1it. abova w.dt. ,, S'JS\Ui or k/\SIUltG~ I )R Cl'.Qi: :~./ da: of Docedlil>lrr, l.90, hofo1;a ..it, thr; 11ndfr .. sigaod, a Mo~i..b1ic ~ :ina fo:z: tha Sta.bl DE Wil~Uin, ! d~~ ,.cot=inii:iMd nnd lh/0.m, pCIE'liClllilllf 11ppt1arod_, s:,l.:f': M. ~~ , t.o •a. >:001o111 to b11 tbo K/:::4-f:..~I"-C of lluu: of t-lashAAftOA, •inc., the t:11q>ar.1clon thal;; OXOC\lt,:id th.a .for09ol119 in•~!., .iud. 111dtnowlo~ thv 11e,.lcl bt:r"Qllllnt to :blil t'be frl!e nad voluntm.ry oct. &11.'1 d11ed. of uid coq>oratioo., fo~ tho ui.s11 11ad pqq,oso.a ~ru:ola lli!lnd-an<:ail._ 1111d on Oilt:h 11t:al:tld tbil.t ba is "lUthDriPd t:o e:,cacuto tllc .1d4 irui't~nt:. anti t'h.c:i i11aal .aftixad b ~he eorporii.u-llal;l ot nid. ooJ:par•d.on. tfL!m£SS ~ lumd ,t,ad (lffid,;tl llllbl ~ato llftlxed 0 the d;sy 1.nd yo11.r • .fln.t. r.boV11 written., " ·•- • ... ;'''-... ·- ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - = ~ 5 "' .=, '-' ,, .• L ~ ~ ~ -< :?. ~ ~ ~ => ·" J ) ,,, Cl! 0 Cl! 0 {:! 0 N '1'i • • t 6Jo7'J.;a2 'l1llS INDEKl'tl!lE, d.itad c:ht. .::!__ d.i.y of Dcc~bei:., l961, by JM b1n:vc·cn F2J.ffit tEIU"JUl.D 0021HELl... Jn.., beJ;Uinufta:t caUl!d "'Le.s11or1' l and HISSI0ll' SUfttL? co., ,11 corpOt'iiltion, hu:a:Ln.nftc-r co.Ucd 11 ?.l!ucc 11 1 iff1lmllS~ that .on tho J.Otls dty of Novfllh11r, 1967, tht! p11ctic• hel:',t:Q entt:r(!d inetl a &hol"t fot:111 l~&u;i ducro1ng ontaici ptop1u:t1 cOO~cin, and c:onJ:1.mcd aid_ ru1f1ed CM Ct.QI.a and cood1tionu Df tlmc. co¢~.lt1o m:J.ctci11 lG4118 wgcecment-1 d.11.ted Hsy 20, lP61ii btttwllCIII thct ['t.1t'Cl,C!,11 ht.rctc1 Md 'tm~&EAS, 1 t is tha intention ol tbi.s llAIOIWIQtl.nt l:o ttppruyc .11nd tc DC:IC!nd the s~a by .nddition cf! oei:uli11 ellleml!flt rights the s\lQQ w;: tT,:mtr:-d to {U.1.d.on. Suppl' Co, in t:h.:i.t. certain lcnse dQl:cd Mil)" 1 1 1966, ,rnd .1:ccorded oit:l, t:he ICing County AuO:itor uod'er auditoi ['tcq1v1r.Q; Ra, 6060:u;, in voluoo ~20 o! leei.,r:-s, pa1~ ~UO; i:011 1 THlilti>f'Ot:.E, in s:0'1:d',dert1tion t,£ tho 11111tua.1 a-twena.nt11 end Adv.11,nt:.11.gcs, it: 1a hetcby agr(!,(!d that said lease of HQvC'!llbc!ir 10, 1967, ra:fclt":.C?d to .bo'IC 11 hc.reby 41Ai!P.d~d to pt'ovid~ and lndudc tho.t Mi~cian $t.:?;il;.-Co,1 a corporat1oa 1 is hllrebl grlln.tad tha falloNinn 4Q(",..:.:,:;-t·i~hta ovar, abcrva.mid 1.1por11 the. property ~e,eril:icd in s~i~ l~~sa far 5lHlh pariocl of tima a~ ~isaion Supply -co., a (:Orparatlon is ::,, lusce uri'dl?r that cart1d.n leaJle. d.i.tad May l, 1.966, thf! i;hoc:t tom o~ uid te,iuu! being fUe~ vith tho King County Auditor under audito:'a rer:olv1n8 Ho, 60fi08l..6 1 in ·.-,jluna 220 o.f le.a.:riu, ~· ~llO, or 11111 ir>c.tonsio.PG ot .said l.11,aa. L'l'CE::Tf,.;. '11""10HD .D i;.n.VeflTER -toi••WOUCIIID..!IIH,! U.,,TT<.~U-1~ • . • ,. • I I = I I I = I I I I I I I j ., , <n ' , N , I 1 0 ~ s ~ I J 0 N ~ <1) ! I l .. , • ~ I • I. ' I I • i • flta" lo,.ieo, in 4di!J.t1Qn to the u11:11 of chn.c ce:i.t:td.n propcrt1 de,cribc:id t.n Hid le,u11:, r:b.11.ll l:a\fe at:i aasC51cot fo~ t'be Cl!fil gf t11h li:o.:isa 11nd any cxtan,iop thert?of 1 , tci use !dr UJ4:;con antl q:cuc The 40 too.t u\:ao4e wast" line!' is 335 feet frc11 cha wst Unct gf the yrapcrty ,q.l\d tbe can 40 fa1t P.ml the waat 40 fecH of tlui. £cllowirQi dotcdbod' propet'~y: That south 270 .f4.it ~ the north 300 t1111t o.f t:be ant 970 &ett ot' GoVdt'QMl11C l,ot; 11 Sa~t!t;ID 1''• Tcwn1h1p U pgrth, 1hmp 5 EWM1 lyin: io l<inB conner, W.osb ... ingcon; txC!Pr tho om;t 170 f1tat thorl!of, IN lll1NESS lli!ElmOf't tbt parties horetQ hav~ ,uccciutc.d r;bis /.·' ~~'··e.'.,··==''"/=s',·=· i,' ="'s',',...c·c''..:c;,•'--: FlhXK D£R.NAJU) DOtriini., .JR, MISEIOlt SUPPLY CO • .B')' ; t (•' "~ TLtla !.-.·~--'-' ·_,,. ~"---- S'U.n: OF 11.\SElTh'GTOX) ) ,. com,,'tr OF UHG ) ,I Of! this _:_ Jay o,f Docct1bu:, 1967, bt!ton •e 1u:1ratrb:i.llJ' llpPear,d FM}!I( .l:El'"U-~:Ul tlO~, .Jll.. ~ t:i:i a knovn ta bet tb1? person dc!,cr;ib11;d in o.nd cl~ e>-ci:outgcl the t1.ithi1:1 muJ forll!:ping lru tcuc.,:tn1:, r.nd ,u::km;:,wl!?.i,SCd ca ~.:t! th,;:it 00 ,1tnoU the .rime u his froe 11-nd VC1hu1tll.rf 1111:t A:ii:! cl'.:.,:~ foz: tlu! \15cs 1100 purpo11cs c:bcnin Mntioncd, a:nd yeor J.u chis _/ On tlib ..::._ d.ny of Doc:::cller, 1~67, lrll~Dfe tllO pCt'.lll:lrJ4llf 1 11r,p11o.nd l:tm\Y cmm:~, to 111c lcnoun cc bo cM , '· • ·',, ... , ·-., ot MISS10li lillPl'LY CO •• a. CDl'poration, and 11.ekno'1l:;;:ag11d i:o 110 tho!t I-YC:11:l'Tcr,, Dl4Maff0 ill 0'1'L..Vl.1itl.ll J~....,.ui.-c ~~ll<tr'f~ tJ:l:ra, u»• •• • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I i C) ! 5 ~ 0 3 c,.i ' C) ~ ' . = 5• " • " . : .. ' • • I --··"-·. -, ht:! el:ecuti!il the for~o!ttg instl:'lbk!ot .[:or 11nd on baholf of 1u1J.d ,, 11:oi:pocatioa, bof.ns G1Jt1wdznd• t1I do so; .and on oa.tb n.tatcld that • t:hc Hll;l .o.itlxcd U tOO eorpora~ aoo.l. of slrl.d cci:Z::l'(IE'ntion, L'l'C,,.""Tfl:. Olf\,l,IONCI Q HI.Vtsncr U.1'11'U'f• tt0"°91;11WINI I ~~"fTUIP'IIIU / • ·, ,• • ! • '· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I g -· "' _, .. ~ } ) = • • R~CE'.IVE::D MAY 15 !pi!Z suows;: h!a)' I.S5r.1' 1't11lCU1iS6. MltE&KCln" 11'1!.i.FL~.ET Al. 'l'UU: ~Ulll,.Cil,Sf: NID J\U't'1' l"lfnCHASS 1ic~, lhe~Oinoftcir rchttDII" to .a:; '"Laa.i:e~t J.s ou:11:la 1110d ecnt.a~ into lha.;:?f'Af'aay c{ 111lly, l!:175, by arid bctWcafl HISSlUN SUPPL'r c;;o,, A Woshinol:Jln i.orp,QrAd.<>n tha~oUat't:cu: eallad "'J.on0%'."~ ~ .~lcti is • llholly cwacd ,vbaitUary ol sucr, Irie,• ami :u. s. A, 1'&tROLECH COi'IPOAA'J'l'ON, ~ a California oorpor,tlan {tuu:ab1dl!ll.r ce.Uad~-J.ouu•ii __ _ um::ni.:r.s Loaner leoo110a ~nl prep,: 6outli, rta11ton., Jl~~lcc ~nl.Cl&" ltho ••1:t~iea cantor•! 11nd A. ,aaioUno 8-tG.tlcin on ,. pott:ion of sal.d .roal prcparty (a-dll portion. 11 IICl'D pu1;1-c~ul.uly dc,,1c::d.bDd in £J:.hibil: J\ iLl:tii.ehcd !'lento find by tbiS nfo.i'anee ,lncorpoc:at.ad int;.D and Jlladc I p•rl: Gt thia inJl~Usn~t and !a, hcntinafl:a~ e<1fo.rrct tc a.a "loc:11:U.QII~ er •pramlac1"} end Lc:aocrc de.Pirelli tD c!.oca: tho loeatiDJt: o.od 1·mE:5U:Mt ~,c111aa df!oira• to 1111ble!:1.&e thu J.oc11.tion from Lc.s11111: and ,q{:tar II p4rioa of clocuru to -.ice tha sama llB 11n 6Uta- matic sel!-9crvlcc 1ut:-oa0Uvc. fuo"l cent:e:r 11.1\d a a11bhaiiad .nutcnriotl'-'e sarvico ecnt:or. NOH, Tlltllt:l"OM, la l:'OJl.lliclDrad.(la ol tho mutual. c:ow,umt.ri hcninAftal:' cc~ forth, Lo.o11or l1DrC1by subJe.115n the prmuin.11 to l,tuucr upon tho toU~Ul'!J t.a:r11r1 ind c:mnHt.Lch•t J., !m• 'l'ha L<l:IUlll ~b,t:Lll M• · for a t:vrm c:omm1mci.n9 t.~u•t 3, 0 197.5 for, if l,eu11t40 to;>;~ pcacau;!on pdor to tho.t d.ot:e, on th1 tl.11..Ce l~:il'CQ' $.•kc:-~ pc,c-c:-:ivLon], und 11ndin!I .llccm:bcr ll, l!il!l, -I - .• ' ; I I - I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ :--.:: ~ _, ~ ~ I ·• ~ !, :: I ~ '' ~ ~ s ~ I J ) I I I cri N 0 ~ ~ 0 !\l (1) • . I • ·-....... ~·· " .... .- ~. ~· (a) A moni.hl~ rent of $1,S8l,Jt 1holl bn 'ptt:toble dm-J.nf the picnioq of tho lliai aQdJ.ti9 .1uly •31, Htll. in M'!VnncG cm tbu firat do:y of each l!Ofttlt \11th th11 iMt £at th• tir~t and 1.ut aaonth of auch portion of tbe tl!IX'NI t.~ be pir:l •t tb111. t111111 ~ d,nii:i9 the.. z..cu1••· s~!d nnt aha.ll bet far tho ~ea "nd tba flxt\U:CIII and 'llt,Uip,uJ'lt. own11d ~ lcta11U. bJ' l.cts•Dr AMI l.htd on IM.i))U: 11:(2) hero.ta, fl&tt fDJ: a partioti of any 111onth •ball l>tt p:i:orc.t:.c4. (b] An 1111klltiono.l ratLt.al 11hA1l,ba pAil wh,hill 10 day~ attar th11 aQd of a11ch U-month ped.o4 edihv July n~ dot'i119 C.h• t11m o.f \hb .LlaH 91JU~1 t:a & parcent:. af 41'1,f ig1'CJ11n r•va.nu111.1 in axo111.•• of fl2~,000 6Pr1rtg auc:b l2•"onth p igd t'ro111 am.lea of autc nror).oea, tllu a.nd puts aru! ..,11· t:1Uu1t ita111G 111;1ld e.t t.ht ·,exvlc• ca11tu•, i.ea11aa alu.ll AaintDi}l p,:i:,par raeot"da of Ou, :ova:iu111 at t:ha aarvJ,c·o coater a.M nch r1u::..::trda Shb.U })fl s:ubjcc.t ttt i111pu;::tian and v~Uii.ti;t.lon by Le•scr uni,, it~ a9an~• •t ll1)' ~QllllOflabla ttma~ [,:J 'Zhu ia.in£-1111)ntl\ly zont whaU l,e cdju•tsd All ot ,i,1l,,v.11't l, l!IIO, and .e.11 cf A1191uat 1 1 1915. "'• ad.11!.iturA ,i,onthlY ro11t t:9111111~1\fl a• ef eHb 11ueh lldj~tlllan.t data shall lla t.ha la .. 01' cf (i) 011 ,~t whu:h l:iou:a the: IIIIMI ,:Qtip to $l15KJ~)~ 0.1 t:ha Can11am11c-Pricll. In4vx pUbU.Shad ~ t:llO: Urdtad HQtilJ l,11.bor Dap,n:t11tentJ a Sur~au of Lahm:" sta-t!a- t.f.cs tr»:: tha 111cmth o.t &f proa!'cU.Of •1.1.dl atlj\la~•rit JS.a.ta tiaan. tc .-Aid J,nd.11,:: tor thri 111Wth. ot Jtay, U7S, en: (ii] 11$ -' - , ... -----' ·.· . ' . ~, :·""" ,.~ '. ' ' ' ~.' .. .•·-· .. ;. I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I s I I I • I I I • • pore,mt. al the aaa,tll !y l'Ortt p11yablc ltir t.h11 111Vn.~h J~iat~ly pi:-ceNintJ a:uch odj\l.lllt11-11n,c 6atiu PJ'OVidecl~ hovffllC'r, t:Mt. ill IIO it"V'Cnt sh:ill th~ IKlnt.J.ly .,ant. bo lcu:s thDn Sl,5B.3.l~ •~ any Uin111. Cd} it &dd COl'l!SINC!ir l'rici: lndaJC b c!bccn.tinuad, La:n;:ot" tiod t.uaar;i .1ho.U aclect rr.t1 ,aoa:lr ea,iplt'e:blc at.atli!l:ic:i, ratle1ot>:S.l\g thG 1111rcti•1l.ng po1111r of Ula dollar 1n thcz handa o~ a !;OJIIIIWll~C pun.huil\9 cc;itir;riodltiaa at ~tail~~ ~hon may ~a plitlliaha4 ln ~oao: ro$PQnslblo .flnandDl POl'.iodico.l cf .rac"9nho6 a,,ithor.l.tf .or is than tithutw.Lae ava.U&blcrj and 11uch .:ttiti1Uc• shall b111 u1od thor:111~fhr in lfoo of uid Consumar P:dco :tCK!ex. tn t111tor111ini.ng tha 11ajm.tcd '1111ni1Klln :ra11t.11. l~ 'htt111Ludon Prlcir tP End of tee.it 'J'i:U"m. (,u) Thci L11~ me)' Po w.niii111.tim o.fledivo u})OI) notfl:n by ~~har plrt)' vpc:in tha b1nkniptGY of the 1;1t,hnr pa;rty. (bJ ln 1;n11. ~ve-nt LPana !II !i,volv6d in 11,ny l.ltbQ~ iliGput.• vhidi in,.,alveu pii:ka.tinv or h.andbWing at er in the v.i.cidty of !:.he premiles# Le&1ot: ao.r \lpon '1:hz-11a dny.11 1 nnUcc: ter...l.na~ tho l,c:11so llnlalll" Lo:Hall CIHlse• to co!Mluct b11:cineH •t th-ei loCotltin 11r1til tlia llllx>r Gisput.Q i8 ro•alvcd and such pickR~~a; or h&llGbiLllng C'lirlllllll, (c) ~he t,c&ce ••Y be torp,1~atod by Lo•soe ir ita lc:.aH of t.ho prem.1le11 11. tcmi.inA~d Cl.' ei.u.f.f~Gd. 'Thitty d.iys 1 prior notlCo 11!1Al.l bo :raqulrod fot: ol])' ~orminotlon uQdcr thi• 1ubparAg~oph fcl. Th• tcrm1n~t1o,n ahAll ~hen ho c!l~~t.lva ot tho end at r.ll'Ch lO-dn1• pctlod, -' - . ' =---. -' -'• . ',' -. . . . :, ' . . .. J· .. -· ·, ··./ I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I ~ t ' 4 ' ... , l . ' ., 0) (I! 0 (I! 0 ~ 0 (I! 0) - • • I' {d} 1(1 tho. civorit U1ft Leoac l.s tc!nd~ot:Dd Jll, ~11&0,: puri;u;,.rit. tll •ubpnr!grnpb (c) abDVv, the p:tovldti=:i::: 0£ -p~rag:u.ph J7 hanof ·•holl be a,ppUcQlo Dr,d l.alllii;,I;' aJ\.nll p11}' 1.as:i;CJo an Gl'JO'Unt miuiil to Lc.ascc 1 a CQ:;I:. of .nU t:1otu:Cfl'IDV&1blct i11p-rovc:11«mti. "'DM=U-llcca4 ~ J.ru: t.i.lloa by 1.eHOG At the. 1oc~UtQ'I. by AP,14JUSt: 1, 1n,, w1tb tbe i;pa:citJc !llppz'OY"Dl Of l.d~nt", la.cc di:apred.11.tion DVcr .i.n. u~cd J.O-yoar u10Cul. Ufa t)i.Droo'.r, LDIIICG •ho.ll. furnish l.aiiacir ci:ipiC!a of involca.11 ot' Otha.t evi~neo.a ot l-aH!l'111'1 cD111\: or fill •Uh ltotr.a, i, fVffhDO~ Of InVOntcrlaa. (aJ 'J')la tn'1ontccy ltaD\11 Ust.od. bi Exh1b:ll: ICll sh~ll 1'C! pU~hurid bf I,ci:au• Eur L Fico equal to Lasaoc 1 1o coa;t, R~p~ont.tl.tiYCIS of Lci~aoc &na Leii.&ee shall joln\ly t.ab e ph.ysii:1111 :f.nV,w.~ry u of thm cloce o! tnisinea~ on August 2, l!7S, and LCJ11ooa .ahall t11,l:v ~es.co1odon of tllr! l.acllltion thG fol1QWL219 day. L~11co i;hall pa}' .for ii;uc)i irr,oantM"it111 "1ithin tiUV~ cl11)'lf c.lt:.cr to.Jd .. 1'1'9' pmi:acts.s1on of t.hn lat!atlon. lteni& \:hich. tho po.rUap ,11,gre.e nu \!ofectiYe b.l"rl1 !~ai,11 ~ich hbYc bciec:i 111 t,onor'i, J.m,11:p~~ i:ini:o p1'ior ta. lifiD shall be a,cc;J.11d'CG f~ t:be :lnvant.tiey to bo p11•chasl:Pl .n.J'\d s.)l_;,11 bG ~VC!d .fret; tha p~ae:s bl' Lcsain:-on oz:' bbforn tho: lnYantcir)' dab:i, {b) l.C11111ar haroby .rt1bin11 a pun:)1,11110 1111n1ity •ccur.ltt in,tci~o:,t ,in ell J.<auca'• Ln\'ont.orle1 and tqulprlDl\t. lo- c:itcd 11nd ta be lgcQt111d ,11,t tha pl'Mlllllc:• 'llfl.l:J-1 tha l)Ur-, ' ch1111111 ptil!n: for th(! nloi.•a.-oid lnvcantodlWI ho1 boczn JtAid .{ I\ Cull, Lb11;caa DtJr=o tp jol.n ~1th :i:.c.aor in tho r1:o~'\.lt.ion ond !ilill\l al: all Un.i.t'ortd comnrd11l CQl)o Cl,uinc,inu ut.,tr.n1,a(lt11 tli.'1.t. L.c:ic1:.cu:· 11h11U ccrudd_ar ncca•- ,u,r)' ~o or,li:c ~o pN r~ul: .11ucll i,i:.:111.·.Lt.y h1t.ii:,uat, ... .. • i ,' I, I I I I I I I I I I ' I I . ;; I I I > I I I • \ • • t 5. Ulic a£ :Prgdscu:;, Lc::s= s})oU I\Ot, wit?leut Lo.s•cr1s ~ior cot1•r:n1t, uac or 11uCicr 1:h::1 uca oi tlu:i pte-J11.lse1 tit' ony port. i;Mlinof fQ:r pu\'ptiiuu other ttum o fuel CCJnte::-and aubJMtiVi:t sarvi;;c c1?11tc,II!'. L(ii:aoo. "4!Y icondd.ct prC111Dtions. b] glvJM A\nlY err: !lelling va.dou:1 ito,ao; to ltb ct1•t0l&Cr1Sl provid.lill tM-t, J..f in 1.os1u;i.r11 ra.11•anGblo c,pJ.nlon any .c:\lc:11, Jlt0111C1t1ofl is .dctr1fflcnt:i1:1.l t~ t>Jc b11dnt1ss. of LC111t1oi: "'r cC cui.y 1rut.,lc11t.oo of Lc!IPDr t.n the 1-dh.t:c \'t.,d,l"UY, ot t.hti loe-t1tl.o.n~ f.o11:i.ae t:btiU, vpcri not.J.c11 troc J.o5aor, taruino~tt sut.b prOlllOUcn. liooaor s.ha21 have tlil!. ri9ht. to ,appJ:ovo tho. eolori. end doc..ivn al l,usaa.' a: paintincJ and renodeU.nv or t..hc: i!dprov!llH'nts nnd U.:,ctu.ra• at tin loc.tit:Lon, G~ f!,itures o.a E<jUlpent-, Ca.} 'tho fj:xtn:r~ J..1:.ted. Of\ bd'liblt. :&(2} .•t-..oll. be &Ubject. te t~1• i.e11.se 1Jnd i.hltll btt raturnll!.d bf Laull'II ta La&sor .o.t. the oxpi.t'1&t:l.Cn or ton:dn11ti11n of the LcHc: t.tan:. :Sn as gl:ll!ld condit.iDn .;E 111.t-tbe. be- 9ir.nJ.ng of thn tona, o~ifla.J:y "or <11nd tuu· a.lO"nl!; cxcapt.cd.. Prir;ir to Qkihg' po:.sar.oioa, w11•oc tilliaU .furnbh Lc,J.por A bOfti, !or 11. prgiod of ono )'ll~ i:n t:h11 Af!louot cf $25, 00.0, t.tbtcti le, horoby a,rood to bo tha min~- 11,11111 value) al such fixtures, Upim. 1-uc:h to:rmll!. a.rK'I wtittcJI tiy .su':h booding ,i;QN,~n.y mi bre Miwpt:.a.bla 'tO i,uaor. I11 911.1'111~11.l t:R(!i bon4 shall prct:1tat J.1:auu:1r 11.gaintt: Joo• or 6111111.ao fr= any :ai:wvll1, ~haft or lot.a of 4lb:Y .ucll fh::• (bl 'fhn cqd.p,witt. UDtac:i 111 ~blbJ.t. JJ (J) a'hnl.1 be purch:.aud by Les=icc fct tho roQ140t.iVt1 prJ.c:011 ".at Cort.It in e11cli m:hlbit, J.o51;oe 1hisll pay tor auch CIJUip- ir,cr,t uron l!ak;.!19 rc·.i11tovdm, ol t.bo 1ocation. ~ 5 - ... ~. ,-,-· ... ,._,.:t.4-.~--: .. :--~ '; .. ' • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' .. ·' $4 ......... , ··. \ • • - I' ,. ~~llitior. hnil fc~o~. (11,) tctslfe'll 11vra01" to pay o~ rcia'tb\lt'sc l.ea•or "for nu. · pllblic ut;Uil::ld whi~ shllll Ila u:scd ln o;r c:hci,:-vcd o,gaihSt. tho loc..Ucn during the ta.TIil a{ ttus J.co.1-a. 1,ucox ~nd. ~a•eci shiiU u.co ra.a.si,n•blo o!forb. to h:lva tlla \lt.i.litlC!t: hrnis.h1'd to thct locaUon t;:q.uci tely IMJt~ttd UW 'W.ill. :,hani cqw:i.lly l:tia dlpist.s'O of· obblnillljl Dn)' me.b2r& ro4i!Uird to e!f'oct -a11eb s·opu:at:a 1POte'd."9': tho 11ucl"4!.•:i bclnv vairiod out Ob th• [lt'ad.au, t~l t.ono_r o,raca to 'PIIY all nd $JZ'oparty t.a)l;01 an the PrGlrJ.1111111 axe.apt that t,a,.1ac 1hall ro.tnib~•l!I Loa1cr !or .nny tncraau in t.ba 6111:,unt ol ~uch to:itos ,appt:1:rti.aJi .. al.le to the prctPls-01. for any l'._.• .war tho 11-t 'of tu:ca payishlt! aurin9 calenlbr :1u,r l.!115 vtilcb wua tJ.nt 11ri:1;,und J'an\Ulry 1. 1914. All .lncreali06 bd.5t:1d. an il'I.Prov~nl;:ir b'j' L-os-ao, plw; [.l} incn1Ls011 b,ulaO ~ la.ncl Y"!:llla in tt. prcpo,:tici• th;t 'lbe-11n111. oI tho. prCIU::e~ lieur. ~ th11, ti>t:l?l i:i,rn le,1111!1ed by J.aiuor trOlll .Pri111nJI: ~arnoril Jmn:rutll,, :Ji:,, ;iii:cl nu lncreHe:a bucd 1m iaprcwoa.nta in tb~ p~ticA t!.n: t.~11 1qua.rc focrt.D!ilO 0£ inprOYCRaentl: (11'.' ~ preainc bcii-r.5 to tha ;g\l.a>;-11 fvgtage of oJ.l .iapTiov~antD ,;,n Ula. t:\lt:o.l 0 11,ra, lbaHd by "'3,:i;:a:i:-~ Fnnk nern,11..t!d ~tmol.11 Jz, • ah,1:1 l.l be .11pportionna to tho pr~l.G'fl•, '1'tu1 pc,.rt:ios will llDa reasOJ1flbln alfort& co ohtlin 11opar11ttt tox otat.Qllant.11 far thn: prnbo.lJ, Id) i.o,:;s:r.ttJ 11a:tan1 tQ po,y oz rttirnburn tii11rsor. !ar ·" · p::~::;?ni111l pr~pt"rt}' tn~® asaaiul1d upon thrJ trade f:1',:~11 .. , -' - ' ' .. •. ·' ' I I I I I I I I I I l I I ·, I I ;: ~ ~ ' , _, I 1 :, I ~ :; ~ --A I ~ , , , -. I ·' I I I AG I (7l N 0 N 0 N [',, 0 N (7l • • (' in'-'r:ntory, ond 1111 <>thcr persoM.l p-opc:tty l.ccltod DI: the p:fflillH, Vi.th 'th!J' pnUOfllll propcrr 0 &:y iAIIO& r11y,~.blu dU'l"l.ti.'51' coloftd;u:: )'Q.11r 1.,'ls wh1cti w~rc !Jr,.t ,a.nu:sti'd .J'anua:ry l, HIH, t.o bll' p!:Ol'.Otci:d ,11~ o-t 1:hll! d,,ta Loaco.a b~oa. poi.sculoa, e, Conlllt.lon Pf Frami.Goc, J1ap~r11. t.HHo 111.rr:iintc tMl :it has Jnspaetod tho 'Pl'OMl."Sc1 .i,nd .1111 inabUi1t.ion11 locllitlv.s or,d 0Cjulpni11:nt thorcon and o,;111;:l(!pta tbe UJIIII hi thc:l.r pro11o.nt:. ctmcli t;J.Otl, 1.ni!S eta ta af rap air. AU i:t:ruc:cuul p4rt5 of th;, J.111FO'te=,a11~ on.tho. p:1111ilt1• sliall bo 11ullnta1nod .in 9oall ordsrr Dnd tCJi>GU' by L1111=u1~. LC11s110 aw~•u ~ s;i.iinUin thlf prlJ-1•1:n, in a nec.t. e'-®n 11nd Hn.l.~ ccncU.t:icm, and to-1'.llintc.l.n I.ho prCDDho.s and 1JQ,rovi:111cnt.,; 1n ,gOQII rapair 11t 1111 tlrict:: durlriy t;hc tc:rm of tl1ia f.cn.11e 1 i.,rdlnary 'ot'llClt' nnd tC?lU'" ;:ilo]\4 oxceptod, IJ, X111pmVCfll11nts; 'l'.rada Fixtures 11\Q r.qaimr,e11t, All. i~V~lll)ts b:i the r:n:c1d1cll I lldditiol\5 to jnp.rQVU- ~~~ and ro~laeM1Cnt lnprDVeir>t::nt&, cxclllJ)t Laa~oa's Digaa, g,aa a.J 1prH,.i.c.:r:c and zd~t.11d rcnot:a C;?:L1ip1ncmt .anil a !ia,pole to her in- fltolllld by l.oHai:-, uh-111 bo 1.nd l."E!!IUain· tho prap!ll't;y Df Leitaor~ La.1n11. •hat; JJOt .iitcrill.Uy dt.11:\", l1e11c,l1Bll or ~IJIMWU "lny !ln~a- ma.-:iu "11::hout U1e prior cOMant af Laasr»""~ Lessee Wll. not 1,,1lthout. tbe i,rioi: 1.1C1n:iunt of LCl:aor fCl(ll:a .a."'lf r.i;it.ad&l ropl,11c1111111rit of fb.tUIC'af, ;ittac:h U,ctutQI t:o ,iJ:!pr"ovcmcnu oc-•t:t.n ... 11 or ~;i;-oct .any divn on 11111':J pc»:Uon of ~111 JU,"t:Zll r.ca, 10, OCCUDflnCY[ /IOUrtl • • Lf;uaa Jlh11ll ncil~ vacato. ol' ,atJooAOb thQ pnrdua at anY t!.-.c dl:df\O' tho tcnn except, tbut .Laaac,q JUl' 'o-lona ,tb!J tu'U c.onl;'id' clurln-g pc.1·-lnds cit p1u1o~ir,o D~CJrt:.1:1go1 pravJ.Joil l.tuat 1,.t:acrae 11 z-cnl:1:11 -1 - .. • I r, I I I I I I I I I I a, N 0 ~ I ~ 0 N 01 I :; g ., ~ _, .. I .!' .~ -~ I "" ., . 4 -· ,t I ,!j "' ~ I J ) I I rx::z I • - I j• 11nd 111CU::111:el\6r.,~c obUvado."ta iiit.h tlttpect to th111 r,,roinites sho.ll ""oritinuv during tiny pedDd o! C'lo!Ji,n-o, Subjec,r,. to l:.h11 £cingoJ.ng 1 ).cr.G1tt1 nqtecui to tOC1r tJio ro~l cent.er open fo,: bud .. nnna. ot l.aaat ll:-4 hourli pcu:: wcot., iticlud.Ln9 not ieu t.h~ ten houa:i. c:iri n"h S4t.ui:.a11y and livmb.y. ~1. crop• usri. LCIHOG -41n0 i ta C'll•to1Hrt1 aod inviteo.s chal1 hova U112 .ajlno r1'9ht ol ln9rl!•m ,and 11gnt1:1• 11vn:i:-an4 i-.cu,u: pork!ft9 •n6 otha.i:-eOIQ!Cln neasi o! .any dj~e:nt p:coperty .H LaHg.t' nov bu with roaeeet. e.a t.hm lo.:11ti1:1n. Tho euHMara ancl invitee.a 11! en:, etore or &hap oper•tod 11r aubla••~d by Leo•o~ on ,ueh adJoc111t. proeerty Sholl heva lh• rS.ght .cil: ingnu an4 -.9raH iwet o.n4 111:rc:!lo Pl~A9' ond oUiu oa,llt'tOll ai:cn,a af t:ha pre.id.11e11.. lfalthm:- flkt'tY .c.hlll conatrliCt. f11ne-u ar bau1c1a.c::i: j.nte.rf"cri.li.g .wltll such ingl'ani. and. •'S'NJ'•· ! ',J I.Ga.see ,-1111.ll lnti(ll!ln.ify l.H1au: Md a~ve it hunil.ua from and. i:igd.n•r. 1111)' and a.11 cla.itJ.S. ace.lone, d.1uneoes, lLi.bUity, end c}lpoatH1 ill ~nnttct!04 wlt.h la•11 at: lil'o, p11r•on11l iAj11.ry, ond/cr doma.gn ta p""petty arinin9 ttOJD ~ ou.t or any oc:ni-rl:Dlca upo.~ Ute ~,en, lJ. 1n:u.ran~- lal Lcuoe Jih.lll co.rr)' And iuintain p\lbU.c l.!t.bil.lty j.n:mrill,icc in .i. £art:! and vlth G CO..'ip.1.ny a1.t:h1lactory ta 1.ll••ar insurin11 Laaaor •IKI Lc••~e •• ~g-Ul•ur~a a91iak U.Willty in t.l!cr. "in!.Jruatl illlllCIUitt. Dl nn,coo P"'P"t:r d•-v•, $5DO,OOO to any anc parscn illnd il,ocO,'IOGO !Qr any o;n ,n::cld•nt at'hinf 1R ·o; AbcUt th.• prllflliH•, (b} Leoar .1hall keop aU building•, L»p:r:av•11tnt.s \lp(ln the proain• and 111 rJ..xt.uru innd. 111Julp1111nt at tho -I - f I / I .. I • / I I I I I I I I I I I O'l N 0 N 0 I ~ 0 ;; N ~ <Tl ~ I 1 ~ I ~ j -· I , s , -, I • I I . '•, ............ ,-.1.. I . \ • i· tl1" .lo,ii~ by .ii: .1111 .1t~,::ft4 lnaorca! with 11, ~"PH:f c/ ecia- p11nlct1 Nt1t:.ls[o11,;:toq: _to t.cu:::or fo,r loss rcn!µlti~ fror:i Ci• ,pi:; oth ... ~ cuuo1:11t.y i:::ovc~ h)' i;t.anlllar(I £0:tPI Ure .on4 c·::- tandC'd cwcra9c in:u,r.inea ,'?.r n~t. letr.s t:h.11.n po p~c11n1:. o£ tho full i11a\.l:r11bla ,-vpl.111:cm11t vol,ic tho:cof~ i.oaaoet v.!l.l ro.ll'Jbui:-sc t.1:,s,;:ol' .for Nll'.511 tnc.u:c-ancc whon bUlud. l.CJ:151!!11 ahilll bl! t1Ul!:d .OB tm ~t.!.d:U:ionol. .lru:crcd. le) 'l'ba part)' .roqulr~ t.a ,;.11,,:ry lnD\li'11nco iu1 l!forc- i.tiU ahllll, upon req\la•i, C\lrl\iab tha o1:.11u po:i:t.r ec¥"tlf ... iat.e, ev!d•nci.1111 I.mt inn:-iu,c~. f~l t.oHo.r cN.11 tinvo "° ranpansihility tel clltain er :rr,Bintdn hururatlaa 11pon b:"11d11 lbtt1.11·e1 or •ipa,o11t. At. thll loi:::at.lon \1hich aro ~o propqr~ of·LciHGa, 14. ~lty PH~llel:Jon (Jf Pm.has, lb) IA tha avant: t°hQ p"m!J:~• .an. d111stroyo~ o,: d1>Ngei1 lrJ 11.ntt,qw.)to m: cuudt.y ngl:. covered bf JJ!:.11.ndard fem Ur11 nnd c11tt11ndod c1W11r;:i.90 lnri:unnc:o ~ e.ac=h an oxtcnl:. .u.1 t:c :L"ondor tb~ a,11:1,a untcm1nt.ablc in. \.Jholc Dt' !n 11 a\1ll5t6nt:.ial p,irt: tt.accof, J.t ahdl Pu apt19Jl•l vith J",<J•klr t.a dec:l:Drc thin LHiiD taETlliri.it:ttd by ~otL.c,a Bc,rvdi' 11pcn Lca:rRO. u Lcuor doos ru,,t:. .!10 ~1:"Jftt1u1ta; thts 1.m1sa. it 1.t\.!U .rQailO: or ~1111tore t'a11 _prnmlr-ua to hbi!u.nt:idly -the J::'Onc1i t.1011 ch11:i:eof Qt t.ho-be.gil'ln!n,; of t:he tum. Lucaa:C ,~ll hGVG not. •au khan (i0 doy1 Dfl:.ar dal:a of 111u.:h c"1u1:ilf;.y to notf.!7 Ll:!:11H11 i:ll 'ofriUn,; of l,ono:r•a intentJ:on:t to t;arN.n.,tct ond if i..uor olocta RQt. to tendnlil.t.e. !t 1=httl.l -· pr1;u11,u:ut11 tha "ork of robu.ilding or ro1rtori~ tha pi:eaiaa, ' ,witho,t unnacuuury dcil11y. I! t<,.aaar a}l,tl.ll (D.U to :ra .. &~ore ol' robuUd the pro.bus ni; aftircaa:l.d 1 t.OHOO ch111l -0 - • ··, • I I I I I = I I I I I Cl (\j 0 N 0 I ~ <.) (\j C7l I ,) ~ c, " I " ~ :, " ~ I '\ -· I ... 5 A ~ I J ) I I I e • t ~ tie,•c L"i,c ~.i9llt vpc;,p l,'.l'itttm I\OtiCll t.o ~cclorc suclr, LCtHicc t1i.r.;1.i11Dtcd or to to!>l:!Ud 11ft!J r0$tt:lt'CI tho pro:al1101, at t.e::SC!t!1ll .tolo cXP'(lnso ln which (IYcnt ~ LQ4J.Q 11,h111U not tc=J..11otfl:. Jn th11 011"011.t ttio ~&ct1 nre dt11n11g~ bt ari c:H.t1:nt <Wbhh doeu not. rMder t:.he s.i1111c uritc:tMnttiblo ln 'l.l'holc or in a ~tap1:;J.1:1l put. khm:Go.f or n·o dasttnyed c;,~ d.am11j1ad: u D. reituU. of·• e.i,uc covau4 :by I.oaior•1 s~&-n dord !oni fll:a and a;r;tcmdbd covcroeo if:la:uronao, r.~ur i.hul.l bo eibllg.:ii:od to :i:ab1dl4 end rutr;q,o l:hG J.1111u:1PtCmant1- t?iorc~ \1h,hollt "tlrG4COnob1.-dclay1 provLdcd. that. Lca•cir ch~ll "°'t bo t'QCJtt:ircd to re1toro at roplaon 1u,y Udo Ui,:t:urcs oi-~DJ.p;aent wbJ..cb u-a tha property o! t,ar,811, lb] Puring 11.ny pe:riPli that tJltl prmolsmi .ri.r,u p1rtial.ly "''" tot.Dll~ WJ\lill.D:bJ.o by :r.u.-e11, U. JnOnthly inifli1PUr11 rcnhl vill ko lttJUlt.abl~ oa;uacod fac abcl\ porivd, ).~, {'Higri11.C11t. a.lid Subllltt:inq,• I~> t.o.u:11e ,a.i.y .nI)t .as:;i1Jri ar cublct ltu J.nt<ini:t und.tr t.ltl!I 1.enl'a "iUic.111:. t.)io prior OOfl.Hll\t 1:1, Lu.110:r \.Jhii:)I aot1aon'c. \rill IIPt be UA1'DUl:lnllhly v!thhcld, It. 1.11 \ln.dorst.ood t:bt L=i:o• .il\ternle to s1,:.Ula1:1&e the H:cvic:e ctmt~ puro111mt t.o • a cut.ilocuo wllich 5hoU Do ,suliordiul:4 to tbl,;. loo.a, lU\d th11; to=o-.11:id p~ovich:ll)G. of \:hidt sl14ll. bo i:ul,:l:nct tu LG11111or' JI .::ipprc,,ibL ~ .Loiuaa aru1.ll bo t:l;ndin!J Ut>Ofl -l!IIJ1d ft)t th~ bc:nafit. o! L"'!)Qor trrid LHt.eo n.nd their rc1pocti"Vl'.I 11\11::t,:i.:i;cn 1:1nill .flllSJ.qM, (b) 'rhili ll~~nt. i11 C:Ql'lditicncd us,cin o.nd nbj,uit to Lena'r1t. abt1d111ni--tbc pdor wriHcn pcr11i:s.ion 6f Hll LouJOt' tc,: tht!' 1111:1'bl.aut11 of t:ha pram:f.nor:. -10 - .' I ' .• • ' • , I I I I I = I I I I I I I ..: ~ 5 "' ., :.-,1 I ·1 ..l !: . I .., J j I I -· -l .., 5 '.'j I ) I I I O') <'II 0 N ::, N r- 0 N rr, e • I 1'. ~· Lts&h a~i-ae:c; nat to i:(llllffll t. o.r 11eniit anY ~stti, ilamava, or !njuri tc tho prc-1-11:::.ei; or ap[Wrlm'l4R'"ae!11, ar.d io kGG~ tho vrouf'!lta ln good ordr;-:r, and pgl to li:it g.r parmi~ •rfY xubb1ah w hi? dcpD£C!te1l thereo~, and to coi:1p,J.)' w.U:h .;.l.l low.:, ordlnet.Accs. And :r0911lt1tlou rolatin11 t.O fl"ro FIIVCntiP11 and s.:onit.o.tli:if'J, 11. :&,i:plr11tlcn er Tai'llinatlon. Upon o:cpt:ntitin o! thl1•LC&La11 ~ aiwn t.e:rrdnot,:S.011 b)' :raaaon ol t.asa1Jci'11 dQ::alllt. or brnach i:ir P\lrau,111\t tQ parav:r•pb 3 htirncf, Lc!.&nea sllllll ;-c,.-mve f~ t.'ho prC1nd .. 11-cns 411 itn. Pt'DS)ert:: U11clodi 11,u lnvton.1.arios. nnd ~ailo !i11,11i-01 1111d ~\lipiiacmtl, c::1 t.h11t ln tbe c.n.11.11. of l:.eniJ,:rMl.11.lon by Le11.11or :plttf;tsant. \0 Plll'A'ill'a'fh. l CC!l heri:of L,cisau a;ha11 net :rlUIIOVD lt*1111 to :t.>11 ~:rcha~od by LR.llao:r, ?>.cept !.n tho ca•-= o~ t-.nd.n11tlon by l.e.:iabr p1u:a11b.f:ll: to JMl.%'•gnpll 14 la), I.ctnn:O' stiall :ail'afr u1y 1fo11111g:a tD the prara.f.ll'an, '.!Dp:rove. .. mont.s .cirod fb:tu.ns. and o:qulp:ann~ ownod or l.crtioo4 :by Lc&a.or.whlc:h 11re •ubject. to thit: Lai&.ae h'hich ro,i;ulU E.z:0111 ol'lf 11\leh J:el*!Vi!lt •nc!i ,;b:.ll l.11:.vo the p::~-ri.s,u;, oll .lti,p?'cv~e.ntll thitrctOn 11.nd ~l nlcl :5.t.e-w:i i11 o1t loot~ fl.a 9'00d conditb:,11. 11nd att.t:.a of rapair atl the ll:'Clndit1.on upd s.Uta of tDpair thereof ol t.hc taap"!.p.nino of the ~ Of 'tbts-Laue, ardil'IU}' wen: D.nd tca:r and ,d1m111111 bJ' thlil elciaCfl.tli Qlo.11• d:i:a;,ur.t:. a~pt aa ot:horv:l.1n1 pJ:~i.ina haceia, 18, l)e!11ult., In tl:ie c\tcnt. o! hilvN-hy Loaaaa to )l&ke lib)' ~nt of rant \.lhGft th• 1ur.ua 1hell lletcOJllla d.\.lo m: irL tho avar,.t of l!G!alllt or brgnt::h by J.11Ua1t in tho porlotpia:aoa er obsc=:rf0-119 of Ant Of the: otbc:x coY1uuu1t.i:., t19r0:c:ona•, •tJpulatl.ont1 or ~cJJ.U.oni. hotoln conl· . .i.!nod, Ll:•1Jor nii.r r;ive notico le Laulla.or l,1:u1t>0n'• d11hi11l1:. ... or b1·c:.c:h. Jr t1:1;i• :~::1 !td iuti:i 1;,~· J..t.'Cr,DQ to i:a~a' Dny P:11..!i'lnClnl! -ll - ··-· ,-,::, ~· .... ~··-~ -· . ___ ._~·~··.,'.•.;...,_, __ ., J. • ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ., -·-= • . , ; - =,. ;, • I • ! • I' cf ,:ont J.s rwt c!R"oa with.hi l;Oll de.y.: aftu;r nodt:o t:ha1'4?Df J.c glycn tD X.U.ciu ot it' D~ diifia.11lt ·u.:-J:we.l,ch by LOD111t11 o! •ny other ~'Von,aDt, a!!lrtl0111ont, r:.t.l.pulr.tion m: condit:ial\ hct'ol.n otmtA.iJlcd lJ: noi: cutad ,..ithJ.11 ,0 ctnY• .G.ftar nPUclJ tt,•11:'CJOt' UI 9!.vm1 to J.aac&Q or within A\'lh J.vn9or period duiriv wb:l.ah Lc••ca is in Losaor 1• rcuciJUl2>lo j.\ld9GOl'lt ,pt'OCtiod!ai,a wiUt dua dili,;enco to cur.a ,.,uaa, Lc;u~sor 11Mll !tayo ttia i111111CllllAto dght b:, pouonion of tho pr~ttbeO IIIK'l fflity oJ.thlll' (ol tlll'lain6Cc tJu5 La .. 111 aM recov•r fem t1Haao oll C:.nuuau J,eHor may tnc:ur by roHOII ol aueh dof•ult ":r bro~u;h a.rid ha zav11:•t111d wu,-. Lott•cr• 1 fotlll1:r Hl:4tu J.n t'ho prat1Hllil .Cree 111nd clcll~ of 111ll olai»a ~ 15.CR~a• Qt (l,) from t!Ju to, tiflll, at Lu1or•.v DP,t.io", 0 \d.U\cut t.flrm.iruitinv th:1.al Le6!10, rolvt the r,~Glllicca fQr dl i:ir on port.i.Gn o~ tho. ranidndc~ of the ta~ of this. l.11~a, c~ 11.!!y loo911r porio3, to a lPliOO. oi: kW>l.easae ,ui.ti.bl:oc~ to La1-1110:r:, ttnd l.t!isR!:11 •haU J•Y to Loe11or1 upon demand, tl10 .u!IQ\lht 01' ?.c:s1.1DX"1 o c~tMtSIHII Lac:urrc4 11"1 •'Uch S'C- lotting, JUlDUld .1:1ny r,1ontJi.ly rant aftuall)' rocain1d rl:'lfl· •ny Ruch lcaHa 1)2: aublc.1111111 for any 110nt.h ba less tlian tho monthly rc,,,t \illliob Lts:aee 119ro•J1 herein -to poy, Li:11na11 i:h11l1 ~, to l.,1u1•er upot, d1111111aaul tha B111011nt of 1uch dof.ichl}cy. not:uk.l.n; of pa.&aiJ•llii:m 1U1ti ralatt.ingo or tho prmui,u, by La,.aor 111'1~11 not brr cen,tn,aa a.a ;in aloet.t.-cm. by i.t to totmiriaim this I..m.1110 unlr:in• a 11.oUcia. ot t~radn.sf:.ictt fo 11ivon ta Lolll'a.. No~~U11!:tamU111J ony sucn .ro.J.,tt.tng 'Without to.nnina(:.f.on, Ua11:ir • l2 - .. J' • I. .. /· I I I I I I I I I I I Cl N 0 N 0 N r- 0 ::;; N ~ C1l -· :3 I ,, ~ ' • > I .:; -< ' . ~ I M 5 ~ -, I J ) I ,.., ........ ~-... ,...,Li<J;Ulj I -;u I .. Ill WI)' ilt QI'/ time!' tharanfl:o!U' e.lnct to t~iltc thi& LcHisa far ony. sud! pro11.iou11 tJch.ult or hraaC!h. u. 1'.'191:1:Mi ty. i· • %,.ii1nu1a: •9Nca. t:o J.ruli!.'M'llfy, d11f'31ni!I aMI hold I.a1:1t1r hor111.- l0&5 tram MY 4fl4 oll c1UfWlBC"• liability, colt, ,ttnd a:11paiuo, incl~ing eittbm~s' tC!.Clar &U5taina11::l b}' I..oa•=, by r1as:on or _Losap11 11 1fof1u1lt or 'br11c1.1:rl:I of aey oi! tha tor.u, •!11"r:!1t111H1ta 1 r11pra•1;111tot.iona, and wnrrAnt!cs •Rt forth ho~ols1. 1,0.nar ot:nmi to indciOn:1£)', d~cnd; atu1 hold LatlH• .tu1¥m10H h'om Kinf o'Jld •lJ. dtii:1011•• liob.U.lt.y, oo,i.t •f'III. c)tJll~l\•111, inol\1d.:111f att~ay•' fo .. , su,t:1:1J.ned by Ldlac11 by rouon of Ln'aiu: '.a. cl.ab.ult or bl:'a~cfl of th• t•cu, .agnamcst1t.a, repro- .ae11tt11t.ion.,, and ~Auant:ia.11;1 :iutt. forl.h JM:rdn. 20. ~rbltratlo~. .. 11.nf dbput.e oridng llndo:t" tlais Laasa which c:i.nnot 1-. .i:ct'tloi:I b)•. agrCX'IIIIO"nt -oC tf1c p:ir~ci; hin:C!to slJall :be: J:cttloll by llrbitr.:,,tL:in.. Said o:ddt~t:l.t>n d1Al1 bo bold. in 15eei:.tls, \tulq.11gton-, llhd conll111etod 41 aacorllD.,icci "'1th tho C~io.l Jl,J::bikot:ion 11»1'·~ ot tho Mai-ic;an Az:bitri11tio11 ~uocbUOft, rile: coats and opi:rn • of t1rll.it.rll~on •h£1:ll J:>e bo:n• uquo.uy by tbcli p:i.¥tia11.,nd tho docisian of tho arbitr111t:.ot .s.h!lll lla-final, conc:1~11\Po, and b!Milng upon tM put.!1J• th11rato • 21. G•1101ina AllQCllti.ol.5a Efhetive-Aug1111t 3, l.971, LHJO~ mb(l.11 ~ci!'or t.o WHO l.euor'• trani:fornblD 9ovotP11U:111ta2 vuolina all.t>olltiim :d51h.hr if 1u1y. •JlPl.i~ii.bl11 l:o t:.hc lc,aat!.on and tu•u 11bo:ll. t,rap.aftll: •uC'h .t'.i'!l'ht hD.i,J: tD Lai:cor or ai""othDrWbo ID!l}1 l=i• d~act:ad t>y r.u.uor upon t:onninuUoti nf t.ho J,,:,nDo, 22, 1,.b.ll'dpi·H:d l'::cipt'.l't'.)', 7f LCIUIDO ahnl l l!b~ndo-n l:ho prCJPillml-a.t BR}' t~H ·dtlcJn{J thti lrni or .lC it. Dha.ll 1:a~rOfliUiU' ";, ,zcatl11c:11, or 1,o \'liripo.nsc11avd ~ l3 - .• ', .. / ' • I I I I I ·= I I I .' I I I I I I I ... 5 .... -. l I I J ' I I I • • ( ~.:, proccr.:a of I.aw. or otherwitu:i, ati}' pcn:r;,Ml J>rO(Nlrty bQlonqin'jl t~ Lcua::oD .tmc'l lief~ ClJ I.ha pt"~.1u::1 sllo.ll 1ta d.c!la'ld to bl! ah!Lhllonad, 2~. pcliit!PPPhlP• EDc:h party zi9reas th:i:at, 1a tho perf'olDOJlcc of ila;: rcrspoc- t.iVc obli9:rtJ.on.1 hcrabni!cr .. and 1ri t:l,a cxcrci.i.o of it1r rig-ht.:;., nolt:.hO:a: ,hall bold tt~clf out to ~ the DVC!l'lt or tnplClf!Jc. a! t:ho othm :ln 1u1)' flllinnor wh11~DCYcr, 11.Tod ntrlthar shdl J:.c o~ 11.t::t au t.ha .ogont cir o!llployov of tlla ~thOI', ar )IQ ur oct in aftl' CC}'G.cify ol.b-cr t:hDn l:tait. g£ ~c::,cir utl I.au:oo, .2•. ~. llny notlc:e, i:-onallnt or 1t1thcl' CGIM!Unic:&tlon ~gq\lJ.red t.o bo iuirvril Sn occf»:'d11nc:o. h'i.1-t\ tl'!ri to~ld cf l:hin Lou.o i;tlfllt bo ,umt by cc:rtiUod mil 1 if lrom Lnaao,\ ta be •cnt W 1,euoo 11:t l.6J3 :I.15th Stroot, h11-t11 Monico, CallfatniD.1 11.nQ, 1f £rm t.&1u,11u., to ba ttamt to Le=rsci: at 11145 s. t:. Thin1 J'\nnuo, Portlnnd. DnvDll, At.tont.io,u prmd.C,iml, o,z-to :slleh gt.bI,t ~dcnaau which a .party har-cto i:ti41l bom U,mi: t.a l:.lllcs ~ide. to t.ti• oti,iu: party j..n ur.1 t:in9. 'l'he t.lDCr ol 1JiVUl9 ollh)" llCltlct! eh.Ill. ClOllllllCRCU. upon dt!podt in thci Unitod Sta~, 11111.!..L post-D;;c prcp.llid. .so loJI~ ni !.tlsc~ b not in breaa~ at' default of any Qf ita olil.igtit.ions hcrovndar, ~E~Q i:ha.11 pu~bly and quietly hoJ' znd an;joy 0111 prmi&:o-s !or UKI tilmll hereof llitl'cu~ hU~nnt'•; int11rr11ptior1 by La&e1or or any ~11raan cl.i.imltiO' by I t.hJ:e119h en: under Lenor~ auhjact., hoiwavor, ta i:il.l t~ cu10 oom'l!.U.Dr.L• of t:ti1s La~tte. :i,. tonc:!eianatiori. (DJ IE title ~ .oll tho prflftbaa i.J: tllk.an, (-or -~II)' P.Lrlilfo UL 11\lOSi .. pultliu \J,IJU ~ ti .tu101H. ll!' nlr\lul..iut.ion -14 - I ! ! ' • • ·, , I I I ... I I I I I I I I I I I 1 5 I I I • I ;;;:a..'nt:t1t t 11 ·• I I • • I or 1::o;idcr;:n11t}.cn p1"<1:;et:llln9, or if ti t.lc t.11 no 'ltuc:h ot thD rrt'lbUClf J.:i I'll t'1l-:c111 tll.,t tho J't,»niai:s ure no 1oAgor auU:.- .ablc: vithi:ri tha rusonabla jud9111ent gf L'OJillt!I:! .for Lo.uo.a•u conU,,1,1ed occu~ncr (or' th11 \!Ilea on4 purposes £or wlilch thll preais1u •l:'11 lauad, tl:iacn, UpiDA the 09CW:l'.eni.:e o.t 11ld1ct Qf t.bc "'-foresald evc:it11, thia Lcuro a>iatl t..tm.inlllt.a cut tlw ti&t.e posu.-don o! t.hcr :promiso.11 or suc.h part: ~her•• of .h t11kon, ,U t.llo c:11•0 u..ay ba. (bJ :U lihl' put of l:hi, p1:a111b111• ei:b11ll :bo uo t..klh o.M the :ra-in.i119 po.rt of t'b.D prealoa.a ia suhob"-c vit.hin °ft t.hlU n111;1m11il• jud.;iae:nt ~ Las1a11 far Lonoo•c co1:1ur.1.ml fi' -th ccc:upuiay !or th11 purpo.aeti .trtd u•tr• for which th• pr•rd.•- o.rc 111111ad, the CIUlt !or the prClllised •h•ll. 0011tinu11 without ab11t.oma.rit •nit f..Ht10•, in 11ccord•ttDO. t.111:.b P!•oa ,argl 1paclfJ.11:111d.g.na 11.pp:colfW by ~e.pr• ahll.11 p&i::mptly .tutoro the i-c1ub1hi9 portion ot tho pns11h:u ~ that 1,1uch ~tion will Ct\l'lllrt:itut~ .a ccnplete o.rcdU.tac:tural. unit:, ii.nil, epon eot11plotion ot 5.lJCb \JDrk and upcrn p1.y111ent; 11! tho 111W'arc ot co:;ipon.Htion 1 l-li•so:r st.all :i:-1,1.ltabw:11111. LcHu1oll!t f.or costc •o expanded to l:.be extent or tht! po:d:.iwi of tha ~~l awu,!. cq11lu.bly apporc:.io:wd to the prmaim-. {el t,eaa1u1 ahaU. hne r.c ri9ht t.o or -:nt11rHt:. ift dy COllJK'llU.~On a.~cr.rdtil or pa.Id \lpOll-a ~Otl\l 0~ s,.u-U.Gl. t•ld.flg of Ulet: ptcmi!la• or 11:iy ••tll~e ttiei:-itu praridl'd that. t..o.uee 11bdl b• &c:11-.ly e.ntUled. ttl iru1y aW&M 111a.41 to L5U!aft fvt' h:is• ct 1:iwiUlou. loo a! ;CKldui1L, O!:' dep:r-1111:-lo.tion to ""'? eanl;.a 1;1.I rCIIIIOY&l ol .rnVl'ntoriau, ~ado fi1turca 1101!. ID\.fU Mnt which are t;ht! proparcy ol. Le1uc. 27, t.hps. f•J Wnee will k.1111:p the pre1dao11 fn• ones plolt JJ! Rei::b&nic.o 1 , labo.i:cre 1 Ql' ana.teri&liaitn 1 e J.bna, and otluir -lS ' ' .. • ·' f ·/ I I - I I I I I I I I O') N I 0 N 0 ~ 0 I N ;i .(Fl .s ,l _, I ., ~ ~ " ::l I -< -~ ~ I ~· ' ~ " " ~ I • ' I I I / ·' 0 • ' ( • licnc cf 11 .1,WJ.t:ir natuai 1 vhic:-h 111ay arJJie in connection ~ith iinv vort pccfor_., an tha :S,tC111li:cs by or ct tlu, dlrc,e- tion c,:, 111~r!ertincc ,e,'f 1,rrs11cor p:n1ovidcd, hc:rwevcr, thllt Lo&stn:1 ah~ll hove t.hci rJ,ght l:o"eo11t.01rt thi:. 'llol.i(l!ty ar t.h&; 1t.111011ni: pf an}' i;Ui=t, ltf.n or cl.a.1.m~ Han~ if J.au.ne •htill !J~Vo tc Lauer •uch .niuoorabla 4Dc:\li:-J.t)I azi -..y J,a dolnanclad by it: to cn&IJ,J:'D p;:iym.eat °.f z;uch llan and prl?Vent: any •ti.le 1 fcrccl1>sura ~ f~foitvrci cd; tha pn:ii•u by r«1etn gf .-1:u:h nonpll)'fflrmt, On fi.ncl dettlfflinnt:J.an of the lilln cu: cl.:iimod lbn, .tttaH• l"~ll hmilN1.h::1:olr pe,y •kl ~11di;wmt ;rtu1d11srot'l~ \lit:h all prppar ccata ur,d eh'ltJ&:::Sr nnd aba.ll llava th• lion r·clou:od or :l~d;rant;. z:nti1H.d at l.u.1111Jo.'1 cwn expc.nH, Should any 1ucb lie~. t,11 placnd cm 1:,bG ~IUUaH .and t.hci sae" ripl!l'n it1ko n jUtJp.otrh \lhlcll hH)>&ooiaa f!Ml, Lo1&or nt lbi o~t.ion lflll:J paf &ny so~h £i!l<ll judvriant nnd c::lo<>lt" t.ha r,nmila• t.h~efrQll'I, and {IJJ,l' tilOll,ey• i::o p,a.lil but:. by Loun,: r;in acco1,mt. of •nY &UC"h j1:1'9(1CDt shDU hD l:apd.a 1ry LII.Alleu to the pay111: 11t l:ho. n~t:. QllliU!ng-'rent 'DIJY and ~holl drc.w intMHt At tM rob! Df lQ ptrcont par ant!Uffl frcmi l:Sac of p.:i~at:. b)t Lu•or unU). ,:-11.~id bl' Las:•o· (bJ Jn tM c-v.c?nt Dll)' llon 1& filed Agiliil'i&t th.e pr~d.scc or 11.ny net.ion ii cOld'lOru;ad aft:IIC'ti.h9" t.lui tJ.tl• lhcretp, Lo&~CO Dhil.11 'iflYt1 LfiH<n: pa:aD,pt notiC'1; th11:i=oof. .28. Ual,Hnq Over. Any hold12l'!I OVct' :bf l,HJll'C!O ~t.ac tht1 •n<pJ.ration Qf tho tClffl af t'hia IA?l..sc •ha.1.1 bo eoncta:vo4. to 1,o: t Un11nc:y lrOIJt mouth to Jl(lnt.h nt tl11i rontDl h~c'in spociUaG and ,hall otJmnti•a. ,•·· ·-'=::'f·:t°i=:·.'t?7P.::f:.B;;7~f·~=:>· .. .. / I I -I I I "" I I I I I C'/ I Cl! 0 N 0 ~ I '-' N ~ C'/ j ~ a I ,, C ' , I i ' I " j " 0 0 0 ... I ' I I ... I ·;·we,~ • ·. I • I be on U1C" LtrrR.11 .111111 c:ondi U.01211 l1~rvln nppc1.fi0il ln11alar oi: applicable. f n \OffltsS 1mnw tlu:r parties hff•t~ h•va llllcC1ltod t.bia ln1tri=iet1t in dupl.icntci, thti: data !inlt •.~ve wdt~· U. S, A, P.tn!.OLEUH COJlPOPATlDll tmi:SlDN Stl71'LY CO. .. 1'1 .. .}'t• ,~:.· • r_. ·' ~' ~·:: "· .,. ' "- . --..,~'z ...... 1-::::::t ...... .,.O!\~c:;....,;.,~~-:.::.1,,i-... , r·-:r:rtr::. ··:.:.. ~ ., • '' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... ; ,. • • ·' ··~-~ ..... ... ,f,Xll:l"fil'l' Ji ~: : ,., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ""' = :i i 5 -· .. ~ " s ·: ~. ~. ' ' c .sz as • . I • { ~- 1. Scbc:d11lo cif invont~iH .lnclulli:l'!l pdeo•. 2. fittletl11lc cf Hxt.uraa t;1:;, bu•luHcl by t,c1~ot tCJ LalHOllo ' r • -- I --~·-·· .~, .... ___ _ l1A.1 SW!l&, . . ./ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, ~ ; ., J < s J • \ = ,.at.C~E 0 Ill '$ r<. EXJnBXTJ r\ LisA usA · PB'l'RllL&Um mRPoru:man · 2101 0CDanP•rt8"".,J5ull0210. PA&ar. ma.SW Mellllcl, CA~08 {31D)4SN200 F>,X{3fD) C50-4o2t) TH'IRTY DA¥ ~D't'lCE TO QUIZ JUly 1, 1'92 }k-. Daniel Hixson REHTON HONDA AU:rollOBtLE$ :zoo s.w. Grady Way ientan, ~ashin;ton 9ao,s Ret USA 5t1:1tion ll.15 ltant;n, ~ Dear Mr -HiXS<'.ln: - With regard. ti:, the abov-$ p:roperty and that c.ci:taip SL1bl1u1.s11 11greeni•nt do.teli Ju.l.y 24, 197S be1:Wa11n Hissioa supply Co'&pany tu L$s:sar al"ld USA PetroleUlll tol:'~ration a& Lea sea with Bu.ch sublem.e baing asl.ilflTied. tg EHl l;'rcportias. and Whereu: mn:h SUb1eaccs W!t.S. again as:i.1gmJd to .X.attphen Entarp.dse:1 ot wa,ih!ngton, pleasa ba advised that this lkltice to Qoit spacifically tatiainatea any crel/Wt-ittan agreement: betw•im J'.,6sac,r and Le111sou ~J.tb :t'fllJP'}r::t ta tbR said. prem1!3e&. Since th• SU11lat1110 had 1111, explration date or Decellbea::, 31, .l5'9l., e.hd aucb. sublea.e.e iii now on a month•tO..-manth a,asis 1o1ith the reqllit"elllent that either t,uty DlllY qive thirty dayd nct1oe to tend1u1.te such S1.lbleaaa,. pleaao be ad.Y'is~ that:. 1JSA fatrcle1Jm is giving LU!.pharc Etltu1)%iaes thi:ty ( 10) de.ya nat.:l.ea ,1.11 ot th1a Mt.a, July 1, 1'92. USA 'feb:'olcaum 1:1ball v.a.aato t.blll pre~igas on or betore Jn.idnigbts July lO, 1992. n: you have a.ny gl11E11ttions concatning tllo. &DOVe, please contact t11, undars igned. ~"l!!fJ ff pl. William c. Stawart ~CS:jp ~--;-. ~ ·· ........ ~~..... . • / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = ( • i 3 .. ::: '• ~ -, , ~ ~J J ~ ~. I > ' ' • •• .. ····---··-----... ~--· ---: -·.-:---···"···· { ' •·· . ., . ~ .. . .,_, .. ,=· ., ·' .. , •,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I ./ I ·, 1 I 0 ·, r,~. u; ,{)JQ{i! l ':OU IJ~D £.\CH Cf ~·ou w J!EP.!SY NOTifI~O ~ho,: :foUT ::srumcy ct ':.l-;O pre111:u1,a.$ lacztod ot. ";''J!!-1 :1 Rain.ior Aver.u1!. sout.t·;, R(IT'\'t:On, ;.;:,1s:-:.:.r.~io~. :5 teR:.r.atc:J er. t~e 31st diJ.f of Hay, 1'92, ar.;rl en =!::..:lt. -d5;• y!}\J -:.·t l: !:e requJ.n::d '.::: ~u::-:-~r.de:r p::>!iJ.sos-.=:..:.::-:. of tr.e :f :tou do not ~-:.i.-rcnd.er pos~c!ai~:acn o~ tnese pre::asc~ on or bcfo\'e 'the d:l.te Sl!t !=:-t:!:. b:;!>•,e, ycu \1i!l !:le i~ unl.:i~~ul ~o'Ca.!.ncr of tl'le pre:ru.:ses and ;m!ic:il~ prccocdir:qs 'l.liJl t:e !ns~>.tute.ct !or 'JCl!'/: evtction. D,Vf!!) tti!.s .,.P.!l; d~y of Ma'/, 1'992, E&H l".is wite, I I I I I I I I I 'l I I ·• I I ~ "' . ' ~ _, I ., ~ ~ I I .:; • . , ! J 5 I ,, .. I J I I I • • 2XBXBJ'.'J' 4 ~ us~o!!~J!!~.Y!!leo.~!!.!!~m:!an B 12..1,31....,.. FAXIZ''l ........ rn :,/ 0 N 0 N ['- 0 N rn j/0 fJd: ,-er Augus~ 6, 1991 Mr. Frank Bonnell 9631 6.e. 7th Street Bellevue, WA 98004 Re! DSA Station 1115 Ren.ten, W&.sh. Dear Fnnk: With regard to the abov,;i $u.bject. and our conv8X'$atlon of last week. r pleas.a be advised. tha.t: l) In th.e event any gasoline contamlnatitm is emit1:ed into tll.e underground ns a result of the oparAticn of the stat.ion t,y USA P~leumf we will indemnity anQ hold you harmless from Buch iiability. 2.) Per section Ui cf the tea:se, if si1eh. contauination is discovered ta 6:tist we ~ill i111U!clia~ly take steps to clean the site up in compliance with whatover 9overnmantal aganey is in charge. J} With regard to the site, USA if. alsc in compl.ianae with all state and Federal regulations whic.h include but ue not lid.tad tc Ca) having all tanks ari.d product lines teated :for ti9h"tn.ess at least onoe a year, (b) havinq lea);. datactora en all prodUCI: linea and di.spensan:t (c) ruw.il\9 sonitoring wall& !:)TI tbe preaiseB fer the purpose of checking far c::ontaiitihation, and, (d} having aver-spill covers tor aac:h o:f the underground ta.nk fill bo"tes in ord6r to pn1vent spillage, I a:m not aware of any problell at the site new but if one occurs, ws will be sure to let you know andt in turn, take steps to rectify it. iJery t:ruly yours, ~ -_s=:::.-,-------;, William C. Stewart ~cs1jp .. • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, "' -· J j ,= • • \ I mmmi-2ii US sun:P I TII 1>ll$2'.ll'152 P,82 EXlllB:!'l' s IJSA PS'i'HD#-BIJffl WHPUtvmml llllf Dotall-lW..-210. RO. b ,. __ CA_ ilfll!-l;,X(IIO/- aufy ,, un • : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ...---:---------------~--- C:\DOCSI01]51\009\0l02!61.02 01/05/96 -1 - " ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. C:\DOCSl0315L\009\010ll6L02 r Ol/OS/96 .• • -2 - ·.--, ·~',\-.: •. "~·:, ..... --,::. .... -. ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------~---------------~--·-·-----~ .·. C:IOOCS\03151\009\0102161.02 01105/96 -3- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ) ,, ' ·' C:\DOCSIOJ!51\0091011l2161.02 . ·-,•.-. . . _,... .. -~. : .• ~ .. ) ) ss: ) 01105196 -4 - I I I I EXHIBIT"A" Legal Descdptjon of 'PavLw sJie • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHlBIT"A" • Page 2 of 5 & .. .,....,,.... • ..-,._•=-c-~.o=· ,~.,. ... ---·;·-· .. -...-.:.•r .-.. 1 • "~ • ...-;, ·-.. -.. --.. ·--. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • EXHIBIT"A" Legal De§Cl'.iptjon of "Renton Honda PfOl)CltY' Page 3 of 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Le@J Description of "Frsement Area• " .i i Page 4 of5 ·~ •• ,-? ......... . ..·~ ' I I I I I r I i I I I I i I I i 1, I I }~ . ., -~ I I I I I .,,. ' ! ......... ~. I ~! ./ / ! .. EXHIBIT "A" Graphic D)ustmtion of ~'Fpement Area" I 9.ru--Tir* l\:l_i"o-ci,~ -t ~-k ~ t\t-'aA. I \) I 1", Page 5 of 5 : _;_ ·-~: '!': ·.·~-·-· .. · .. . ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ f- ~ ~ '<:I -C .9 1;, -C/,l ~ § 0 u ,~ ,· AhrJteoordin, ~tn lo: Bonndl t=nily LI..C, c;. "" ... ~ //,f,:.r;J.J:(..,1-<-£ ~. / 1' -I I•>'-fi,,~ /11£ ""4-'.«f Schedule B Section EKceptlon ll ... • ~I/.( /&,,,/pECl.!J!An<JN OF ACl'ESS EASU.llSNT u,~ Nc,.,--'f'--<.< · . +- bl n,;,1:>-.o1,-........,.;.-.~a-ui,...n,,L.L.c., w......,.. ffmilcd IJibWty emnp.any~ Bll!ml!J) fs 1llr.1)111Iffl' o-ftlm ptOpatf )Q;ated 11,,tbo CitJ' ora..,,,,,. kpJly d,,,.;i,,,i. ~ A-.. i...., (0,., "Bo""'U l'loJ>a1t'). Thl,l!....U · 1:op;ny lmludu1pfl;tCdlcnc>wti .u"'Tr-=t T', wldcb ftPJop:,scd to \,re ~CG ly a. l01llne ; ~ 'ftactlUIJtplly~iri.E5!liihltB•D&dte4b~ Bd"GNtbe:Q)'ofluntotl 'Mllappravc ad tot lim: ~ .BmmeUmUA'I fl1'1idc milenraJ uf~DClm Thlc:131<1 ~ hnllcr A~ 'Themorl;in ~tloo ot~ CJl)r'Japprmialotnkllol lha::: ~ ~ ij ..ud tapmv:id:= dedic.ted accm ta nattJ, SDMdl ~ 1ml folla~ttecst ~ 1. CtAn1 qfE,snn,,u. Bocmll..lM:ri:fi.,,lflrl.!s Dmicoa..i:y,to Tm'J a.11on=usivci ~fer~ e:adpcdmrlanOCtOSS atMI Ulilillcs over, mdcral'llf "10D'1hosef0tllorrs i:i!tk8aJlDctl Prupa:tyjdaujfied kbldbit C cdlcdht:ido .u fllO ~• Easemtnr'. 'na: -Ii! ~~CIDIJD.51)'°k~b}'W'BJ-M.anStorc,,hlc.to~JocatiolofWal.J.fai:t'J cbooslae (lf WaJ..Mart .fl !he srom l=sor af llat pOttion af !he Bcm.m:-11 Pso~ o.o. "4uclt lbe ~~111:1tJs~cd)lnoufll:flD&econuoomtcWal-M111's~dri'c]gpmamlo!ibs P"f"'lr.,,.,,vl<!ollbu>id_<il_,Jull='""""'p,orid<"'....,...,,i®of ti0i .ku Ow,,~ fr.title \rldlh from ln.cl.3 \Olt&h,ic:r-A.~Soulh. 2. CrnN::Mnt ltPrnr Mrifb Ou; 1.cd-This F.uenatn: nan bi llmdm& UpOA aod WIJo '° 6c bcufit of ih poriics, lhdr IDPCCSJOJ"t 11111d llnip~ and Jhall ba a~ I\Wlmg v.11h tha , l!olmdl'Proplrly. . 3. AP"!l]Ybltl.aw n.Is}.gmemtnlsliaDkeon,lmadin~wltl\tbt:~ws i:rftJn, Slrltm: otWuhingloJi. 4. RmplrTe Aam:mcot. 1hill Alftcmcmscis fonh the~ uod~diJig bi:lWRA llie partits. ffld llli1 CCI! ~ -.Utacicd C!Cot:pl bf ari lnsriwtit:Dt i~ WJ:ltlng Cl~ by bath putSci: htmo, ' DA~ lhiJ ~.J ..,_Yetfft.Mh.l)', Ji'.IS6. RONNEU.. f AMILY t.L.C., a , Wnh.inem limited lilbil~ comp:aoy lr,\IC!'lll-~,n.. ·• I ... ;. '· ' . ' . 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !- . .. . i . I . : . ., •-· r STAlEOPWASlttNO'ION . ) ) ... COUNJY OF KING ) . lo<rn!;,llmlbowod,av,,.-....,.·-1ho.t X•nt A Q;nop/Cbw · -,mo .. , ...... btlbm ,,., ... l'ld .-o:b"'1edJ= 11,m .J.,._ J!g,,cd 11,1, Imtnaneat.-~~d~,b_~~~aee-~~w ~p:l!tqlQC: MAM4~6 ofBONNELLFJi.MILYU..C.,tobelMi=IIDd ~laJJ a.at IIZU1 dtled. of' llllill COlpGllliOJt, ~ 1M uas _N!.d putpOU:J 1haoia Mcml'?ftU. -"'""'"""4---· 'I~. • l -~ . . . . I ffl1 I! H~!lffln ~!•') 11~1 r• I/'~! ll~f.Mll~i ll~/W!J ~,~ !11~1 \, . ,.,_;_-,';.·,-:.; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ·~,. II • • 11Bi11T6. a..t,.ld:(. Al ' 'ffll ~ u11 tm w ,air; P11' ,,c. nrr ttt oowo.;Mt.: i.oT 1. ~ u, ~ » ~. a»W;I. 5 l).tt. 11%l.UICt'rl"E HOllDl).11, Jll ~ ocmrn', ~I JJCc:tn nu; Jom 2.,11 ff£t O'r ng p..ltflU.'Y 1,"UI n-vr, 111111 •Jd:H't TP HOJ,'tJl .0 YHT ns:zttot, • ..._ .. . nui.-r ~ifCIII o,, ICIOV!.IM1Dt I.OT l, ni::ruw u, TC\IIISIIU !i:1 .a1111. ~ ,: D.$l', • v~ 1111:Jtllll»!, %ff IClffGI touarrt', ~• ~ :IIOATQ;u,Y 07 '21lS ~ 1'.loCD'IC JA~ CCKH.H't :k.J:Qil'J ~ IIA'i I • • J;¥C11T m ,-,n J.t111 nn ns-,, ~ ~!r .. ~ ~'r JOR'1'1Clll :Lt'JPGI lil'mQir ·~,m ~ ~tmfl .->ID aczn 120,7 ~ L'l':DlO wwn ,.,bN'Y ST.\'d 11f0:MIU.'¥ ~ .s, am 2¥Ctt1' 'rB.I.T ~CR! Dl!Etl.lffll "9 S'Ololbll$J. ~ J,:r: ni~ ~ ="Ml 01 Tia ~ ~ or nctl01I' u t~tRO 'fJlt tiaaTitOU (:OUIElil ot ~D ~ SM U 1 ' 'l'kt!ICII ws,i;n.Y ~nm~ 'L!lll" o, ~ a:crtDlf, :r. ~·,,, ,.,ri n£T1 • Y\m1'Ct ~ ~ W;tffl -,vr: ~Y ~Ck ar X!Pt.' :tomau " -su ,-PT ~ OP Dlill ~ 1Df 1 1,fDO J1U u.JS' l.2S:l: a,~ LOT 2 rR. Pm lffl'JQI UI M 1S1'UW:9m St' ~ ll'lt ~ AUJimR,• JU'J';ldllll, . Hnctatll, Ud, A DutA1fCB; IIIF ~1110 ,nT 'l'O flS 'TWt:11 ·~ Of IIICli~t 1'XIIICI cotmWUfflll ~y :an:.~ vtfll SMD LllCI ;t,'Pbt'Alltr·CW' ,to Utt, PGILl oa LUI, 'l'O A t,e:a,r ON -ma=. ,unipt.y J1U4%II' o, 1'111 lf~ 1-.i.cxnc ~&,.111,'!' fDIPR'f 11.2cin-er w.T, • • ~ WZITf)LY lllOPCI u.lD l'O,it~ )Wlanf fC, 'TIii'. 1l1;i1 l,ln DI' Am ~ -·· . 1')(atQ ~ .a1.oGlfO um MCST L1)U. TD a M1m' tmQI LDC aci,11 na socim-0t "flS MOlfUI W.IIK gr _..UV !.E'Cl'IIW i.u ' -nm,et ~i,y ~ 'Jn ntlll ,ODIJ I»' ll~. 't'IIAT JIO'll't!Ot= Cll' ~r LOT l. lll ·~ u. 'tlr,lltlllD' n ~. AAJll:i, s u.st. ill~ ~:rDlUI. DI XIJlll CCUl."tY, "'-'SJl1fl:Ortlf, -pQ,;llm:D 1'S. ..-tl:r.u»as, ~cnio M Dli )lo;lTJIIIUT eoium. Ch .sA:m n:.t1'%0M u 1 'J'lmCt KCn"A ., .. 1c•.1s• '-'ff ;U.O'IIG ~ ~ 't,:pn[ .c7 8liUI' Sl:C:dltllf ,Ii, I)~ M 1. i. I . ' ;· ' ~l t;I-JfC'/1,,X:,~~CDkl'JUf'I ··--"" -t-.nM~11ITTt1'!1f~lll~ln~1\Wi1ifliallfi.r~::i. ':;~;:~:~ ... ,,. ;,*, ., ... ,,:~. , I I I I I I I I I 5 ~ 0 u I \0 i..; "' <) !.:. .... I 0 :B f-< I -co QO "'" \0 "' I ;_; <D 1? 0 I I I 8! r- ~ .... (I) I "' ::J :,i" E- "' I .<:: '-' "' "' ~ ill I J- .t. - • ·1 ~ ' '4 0 ~ ~ fr .... •• •• ll!Q,,U. ~IQQlllff (h:l'q:np I Cll'f .. lllA~) .l..llH,~1 rnt TO ttlt V,fft.:WJ: t1I UW ~ ~Ml ~fl fflE,Cl,,. 0, ~ ·~ DUD ll2C'Ol.!lto 'DP'Oh ~ .... HS,t-t,1"1 '1'JIPal' IIKll1! H•U 'tO• Wl:lf JJ.0H Stfll' Zliff J:11111: A :DU74,IQI: VI ffi,11 ffl1 7D 'DZ" ---mca, c:wri. DJ" nlit.1' mn.U, J',lCT or %.»ID ~ 1n" OVIT Cl.Utt Dr:D 11ltlft ~ llOl'nCIU'• hit,, 'NI NIU'"9:, SJC',, J:ICOaDl:CI 1mOa. ~ ~ uomun, · · -rllDCI avt11 ,, .. n,u• car AOW t1m JrOAnr. L.l* ur MlO ,cn.aucs n,,c:r A. Jll•l'MCS DP J'J ,ti ra:r TO ml ~ CIIMEa Dr .fflln' C'D""lll ~. 0,-.Ulf;o eo,rqni,. 1Y ~ ZIUSI ~ IIIIL1IIIIMI' JIQftlll:RIII, lllt.., fO '8'IIOff •• nlOlrloY ~ n.n 1,, ~• P.t:Culd:ltzl lJIDn ~DD lfllWas:II '2i:1UM.ll., .J,JID 1KI Ill#~ O,HOl~ ' TllOCI. toll'l:Mtt!IQ IJtlon[ , ... .111•:i.5• Zll11' ~ 'nm 1ll:IC!I Lffla W &Am tal,IUDQt nACT .1. n~ ar n,21 nn w ~ &.Ut#t,'t' &,»q: w irst.T c:anant Tl1Cf o, LWD ~ JlY J""11,,L ~ CID noM ~ ... .-UU. ~ .f.EOl'W ~ ll»l)c: OI' ~ Dli ~ 10 JM:Jnd ~ ~ ~. ~ lllteJI RUIDSIUO ~ 1011111 TlmlCC ~t.W ~ Vlfll' ~ wit~ tnq. 01' AIU CIQl!tUUEV1' Len' 1 1M1 ~ • Q%D ~ LlllZ .MD" lT,l )lgRlKIRLY 11IO.li;CT1Cltl A~ Qf ,0.1 ~. N)tE di s.ltH, :ro, ~ sou:ni ~ er scxrrnut BftRDI &TAll1:t u ~ w 'JAE aiv w JID"UW ,r RIO ~D 1t!11:1E1t umai:mfO ~ _C"U<IUh ' ,xe:»a-:NOR'nl a~u•:u• llZS'!' 111.nNC aMll SOl'tC t.zws A. DUT"11CS • aa nn. n:i.s oa LbS.. ,o 'tm: ~ CC111RSJ1 or mu ~u 'tMl:t DP '*II il;OltftlQII n vuu.tllV mm nat helnc:: ~rr 111:&UJUDD CCIOiOfY Id Jlll'lED ~ t::llla AIID CYos. ~ Olfa, UCOlll>D ~ :utOUIJN '"9ID, llH3H: • ' ' 'l1ID¢I" iocmr QJ.'"Un.o"' ~ k.atto -m ~ WIii or an> aoo. nt.Aa' .AIIP ns .&o,mum:r JI~ A ~Ul'h\llC!II c, >o:1. • .1 ~ 'lV m tJIVll J10nr? or nou.~. ·. ·~ .• .. .. ,· I I I ~ ~ ~ "<:I -C I 0 ·.g -Cf.) I I I I .; ii ~ u I \0 ii 0 IE I 0 ., -;: ~ I ,..... co 00 i 0\ I ti "' .. 0 I I I S; .... 00 ii! ::3 :,J' !--< Cf.) .g ~ «i ... ll'.l I I ]- i ~ -·-. '· I ' ... "" <I) .. g (II 0 t.O <I) ' ' 1 i •• • ~ -n:n::r3, DzanuflO)I flJ..'S' ,Oil1UJ• (If' Qlo\'PNRDl'l l.oT I.. nc:r%IW :LI, ~#IUP l.!I l&DJml; JW&CJ. :& ~. -..:x • ., 1M IQlllG coowt1, ~. 111:;S1;1i:1n_i, ,t,:J; ~~ - ,• CQIDlll!UC1lC A'i' fll• lilltlmltMt OOIIU'!:I. ot ~ $.ntl~1SJ.OM1 'fflQ'E:!. J:GCm1 n•a:1 1 "-1• am n1.,s 1Tft' Al4MCo 'Sll'C l';U;T ~ 'ffl£IIEDF '[2!o na ='=;=sbLV' ~,Cf ':HZ J"Ollt!I 11~ PAC:nc M%LRD1D ltJ!IIIT• 'tllnla IObll( 7•pr,•a,• V?ST m..•:a. ,nr auuJ IAlt>llOlmlWUt'DtLY i.tllt" 'tlD flfi: NZST IMRml al' ~ l99!17J1t &atme1 DDICI A lll"(aMC-JOODI 'J'l•U•at• VDII' fl.ff, ftz't to nit ~ l'OIJlt' • OJ'~:· ftilllCI: IIIJlttll" 01•:1.1•1l" Dff u.w 71El'i ~ ROSmr ,1a•.u1w 11an-u.oo l'Dl"1 ,:11Ntc1; ~ ai.-ai•u• ~ ro.:u nmo.r "l!U:lf~ lfOWtli 0•)61H• llff Ut. TI lllT: fl1RCI .omtt 01•.s,,,.,. •D'1' 1011.at tzzr; nuca~ 11•0D1•,-nfl' -,.n ~ · • ~ IIGl,fffl DJ•\t.•ss.• vat lH.U P".tn"'i'C .$1.ltl ~y l.Dllt ~& IIOa,wf '17°271t•• .aaT )Vi.,H ntt At.oltG p,%11, ~PU,Y LlXE 'JD TJfl ~ Miff 07 •.QIDIIIIMG., DJJ'A'l'I DJ 1'ffll am or UJIWI* xnic COOIITY.r ~,m,cnnr. •. l J I I I I I I I I I ; 3 I § 5 ) I ~ 0 0 :t :> " I ;; " '"' :::, I I I ~ (: ,0 5; "' I :::i -,Z ~ I .r:: " -•• • I ., I C C ·( ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ .. )-. ~\ ...... ""~-...f'";.~~,. .. ~1 Ui!il .~~;;;:~ .BUB? ijij~ ijij - • "'7 ~- ~ "' § .,.. 12 rn 1·i i~ :, .:e: e . 0 U --· 1~ .. IC c· e c,~ .. "'"" g .. ti l' ;u "' JTI • ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~1 "·~i {...,_·,.,,,i"'"' ......... ~ ... ,.l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branoi; :STK,User :8792 .- ·- KING,WA Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: SCheduleB ~ Section~~-·~,_...~- ,.exceptlon~. --19'§;,~..__~ 'rmS AGl1EEl,!EIIT ·-... u!."" a! l'<ffluy, -....... ""'"""-L rum.."f L.L.C.. otpmJ.Cd" mxfcrltle 1m or~• r,rwas1iq1oa. bcn::dta rcfaffd 0> u Dcw:lapef. ml "/1/.u.,.u.urr STORJ'B. IHC.. & ~ cutpDRDOI),. bere:i!ru ~;, IS w ........ WITNES6ETR: 'WHEJ.US. ~ is11zawoer1fTra::11 l, :2.andl M'r.am1, m:I ar~ t·OP'S-}A...B.Cllld.D~},rcleplcled'«i~kA~'Ulll~liUb:rul by~ 1k ltpl clcscripeioa ofai(if;X'.lt am Ourparcds. as: tdtn1i&cd:m:I: -=t bUloa &UdtB~ldd wm.EtU. W~ 1w eaian::d Imo~ k:asc-widt D:n:kJpcr far die Jiu, by Wal-Mart. a!'t\'.;u:l 1. aid 1c:1Si:: !mi, daUd FdJrUarY ll.,. 1~ tdmn:11 tD hc=fp. by ~ 1ml ~rdi::mlf ID as •Lease."; ml WIIEP,EAS. Wal-Mm md oudnpcr,lesft. Im. die T,=:11 be dtw:Japed Ul mqium:dan wi.b ~ ntm pmm!d.lD IL IUlcAl p~ Dfb:cpm'UIWto bma ~ 1$lI ~ c.tSlltr, said TJIC!II md ~ boingsmtillm ~ m t.md.11 •Shoppbls Ccnmr", mi lbnbcr dcsite darlb:: oP'1 l!ld'Tncu bcnijm. lO die~-ai-. o:iadltbD tn:I nmatimt. 15 ~ CO mil! Ti'ZCt5 aid~ IS ben:inaftcr JCl !iJrth: I/Id WHmAS.ll:ll~t'0111lacm.s.~-~-tfllfth~wll nm whhm:l lllll 1.6adit tu er burdtn 11pDOlhc Tncu andO\JltllR:dS, 11 povkal JlfraiD. :md ltd be: ,r a. donliiJn :m:t shall be dfcan:c: mr sw:h ~ u 1bc LcrK h drci::liVc. 11111 WHEREAS, &hibks A ud B bl'lc br:cD illmkd by W2M4'm 11111 ~per mlf dallll w:&h rht same 4.1w u lbc ef(mi"R dtll: ban:clf: ml WHEREAS. ~AgrewefllPUytcrd"crredralierda.ancl la di: l.mc.as Uw: "'ECR·. ·ECR,•$" cir "ECIUsr. and such fttam:csb.,,ll tcfu liacctO :ml die &fubllsz idwi6e:h~ ~ lu::tcm: ud. NOW. Tltl:REFQaE. in~orlbc~ cas:m,=rs.,caftll:IIIS, tmlilion:i, ~ DU!Mn+c,-m COl:WIDi llmin. ii$ In DJtd~ tldl L=sc. tbc,uff'ICm.7 rdcomidcaa:lan bein&~=::knowlalgtd. Wd-M:i;n.1111!1 Devdapet, da ~Y~ p:mt. Cllll'ftf""" ~as li:IUaWE=. L ~! J. 'BuD4°UII /IMS"" asl!Rd. Zietda dRll ttlCIUl lhtt pcnlqqalllbc TQXU mf °"1:pw'.:ck 115 Jbtl·aa l:mlbil A. dw. blt.11:-ib.'111. llllil dl:pJcll:d 'talCll s;,::ia: lrbdcd ll! "Bldl:didll Ari:t·. Said "BuBdia.r: Ams" lqllaasf • phyiii:a1 ~ wWda. wbldi. brMbtgs caaedst now, or~. mcpl for apamian IS ptffllied ll=ia.. Q.aoplcr; tmY aiuoit:h from lbt Bwldisl& &:cm mt die ColQlllOll AS#/!, ,rmlccl 'bC!lipM da IICll inkrtm wjlh~ 1\1,1: D(ll.bc: CoalmP. I.rem, ud.llD)' 1111:b~ cmioples slzlt 1111Lbe ~u~ of lbeC~keA ttr 1tapconmcuL1 Willwl u,c Om:ilDD .Ari::i, b'lt :.h:il t,;:: ~ e: pan or the~ Mita~ Ehilldmg Ale\. b. "CO!mllC!n Nm.~~ ~bi mall mcaa.&I[ or lb: 'I'nCIS ltd Oilqi!IR'Qlf. CD! l), ~ uddCilldlac ~ 1h: llubdiag AtQI: and cm:pt: an::I ~ dlelciom Ult lqaJ. dmc::dptlan o{ lb05c:: poctio115 ofTAt!:1 land ) Iba .pt DOW mb)i:t. ID tli,e-tams o( ~ ctn:uJli ~ /i:;uc bi' Bomlcll Ftmny ~ts2ip(Dc:~ bdn.1 tbe ~ IQ c.m.M.'.u..wJmECU • L. l SIB.don Id :MMTM T I Page! of19 Printed on 8/4/2D09 7:33 :05 AM Document: CCR EAS 1996-05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ', Branch :STK,User :8792 - ·- "' L'- "1 ~ 0 "' 0 "' I "' l ·1 I KlNG,WA Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: • !kmotll Fadly Pmmnbfp) ls: l.escor. m;I Atlm. Uft ~ ""-(Adm)uL= . ....,T,Jyl7.,.,,.., ......... """'"""' ~ Co\lill;1 ~ fit; NG. '20nt2ml, IS ,mmlai 11.r dOGIIDlCDt """""'"""""""""'-....... ~ Lease),~ dlltasml ~lbchllm.~ ~ lbrlD)' tt.am. ftll!a mlltpl clts:qnlaa. 111fdlme pcx{am d. Tr:act5 2 an:13 will be ln::blm.as pm:g[dz QmuoQAua., t'JteeJlt CorBuldli( .Mft',;tt. 't'ba. 1ti:1. Sl:lbjm iv lbt-J\mla Le::De b 4::pi:fl:d D11 l!.'dllblt A. Ttact 2. \\'illL ttoa tzr:Mnc bi and. lddtd "l..asdlJld Plta:l'. e. "'C'oallmfml IIJ ComlllOII Mm~ .dr.lD Jdi;t IO~ sfde JIQihfiq: .uca lllplXI. wlicl, lldJdlnp Gr stnlcmm ClllllQf. be~ for :my ftllQU.a!ll wWt. lb: lkfcla:ptt, will! n:spccl' to Tiatt 2 .and 3 .ml Ourpaa;ds CaldD, mi~ "lilh mpe,ctlQ TRd. l., dc:11:nmta 1t1 a3G.Ym 10 Commoakclby wt:lllfnl11t ~IO !&is:~ _ ... __ ,, .. _ .......... a....- .. ,. r. •· Ara. lrlllcCaalmkm toCwimall.Aiu OCXUIJ ~ in dmc a, Ibis time 1h1r: J)cvtJoper lmpfttves. lllc Cammmi Ar=. &I ptoTidcd hada. lh=P 11te P:15(11rlb: ~ 1o llm ~ 111 Commoo. 1vm.10 lhci:I. ~ the 01mmct ,._, 1mpto ~ diall be paid 117 me pny ma~ald.ara. TmpimymcoClhama zli:mi!bit. A 1ahelat flll..ifdlai: Asa liaed Clll 1'rlcl :i II an ma wiUli.a. ah ~per 11112)' io.hbJlJ pnwidt. &ic~ml. lqb!.Iag lcap.ou.taDCDts sbaD IIDt ~tt lllt S111X. C11 ()mmaq.Arm.. ~ Wd' 5llllJ l'l!blll lbcDUll:ldosw1ueo!ad l'lf• Wkling ar a mu=.rc~ 'ID I huild1q (cch,dlnJcmr,pb) I~ w{lhin ......... ,,,,., 'Shopping CclllCf"' tmfl ~ io the a=i. m::ompaulnl T~ t, 2 ml 3 ml Oinp;i:cds C md 0. "l4lffltil ~· sbzl) JQ(cr I) ~1251:PL Ill dlc.:dkily 11T Ifill~. rimJ0:11 '° Wliibg. dcfmlaa m:l satq fcnh 1be IDU'.ef eomcrttd la with d:lrlty ........ bf"""°"''"' ... ..-. ~~ u. lScd baclnlb:ill lDClll ii~ sti:'4c:tLln: io tlic Shopping Qm1' ttm. ls knctickd ID be ao:npi2d.. :above or below gr:nk, by ~ D.lllb" p:rWllil prop:ny illcilfcdal 1o ~ • ror wldi:b ~ ~ witbio. lllc pcmn:tcr wds oflbc IIIUL1JUC Es imr:Ddc4 m be ccd. 2.. Um:. Blliklt.igs *II. bl! iltllv:ll'I IO~ W$C :ud~ of l RUii. mcr=:rilik .lb:Jppiq Cl3Cl'"lflX' dme dm ~timlatiaA 111::Carkr ~ ~. ~ ~lbapl. mid ttail llillllL NGtwkbsmating tbe gmmIIJy Df!mdnaid the rolli1wiaa 1ISIC$ wU • 11t; p:midt;Uqd lpell) lmllltll ((111,aC ll:alib dub or ,;.a;:. lfmn: tiowlln& :iDcy: viifco PIJIC' or bllllmd pulor ar udlar ¢a" or 1J1111SCmm; « n[gtit dub, Noturerni:lor~.11111Jloca:upy· lllf bUldlll::.lJIIICC, wltlch.apaa: Is. JOCICC:d wllwl i:wo luld:ral Ccctotlbi:. p:rim:u:r..U oClha buBdm,; amww:fld I,}-W~ ac TnlCl J. uc:rpi: tbc BuiWiq AIC!loa OorpuodD (.lndidill& I )0$ ap:wion D( .wd BwkfiAI ArcD.I mdtbe WIEl'OfflDStlbdl4q: ~ Ill 1~ :Z.mIIOlmbj«ll!ltblsmlddio~ ?lv~or~o:c:pr!:::; 1:.=.2Ul'lurni;.e ttm. fil'f: dl,:,1~ squan: Ccd.oftbc:&-.illd&.,. Arcian. Tim l, or1111m: tbm4!0011p11'1: ib:1111t1 ~ C w more.11m6400 Jq1AR; rc«on Oalpmd D lln:!Ddbtg a Ul$ c:pursioQ i,fsald Bwidmg Atc1!iS oc OP C ;uid. 0~ P) 1111.1 be 11lawrd wltbc:u; lllllmf m!IWL Non,,llh!tarding: ~ m mt comuy aptaM!d b=1n. it b ~xusly udemcod ibaE PJtlq ~ la mis Ap:mmt&haD. btellostnkd.lOmotl.ia.a. c:onmlll. dtberaprm-or ~ tb;f Wlll-Mtrt wil.o:mtinllll [Dop!l'lle& bllllties; Oil Tntt I, mt.pl Station Id :MMTM r I .. Page2of19 Prlnted on 8/4/2009 7:33,05 AM Document: CCREAS 1996.05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 ,- l- KJNG,WA . . 1 :I ., :-~ l 'I Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment ······· : ; : :,. ;': ·' : ·~'./J;;,,f11ri1,;[rq~trrr-1 ( ~ "': -------'---'-"""-"-"=--''"''"··~---.,,... .......... , .... -...... , . W-1.-Mm docs qm; lliltit 'ri1. (IIUAIIIZ:IO llid lase.COIIIUIICI.J. lkllidmg, ~ ~ sUuWlltS, ti~ ,~ btmdm! lblrtJ-&r:c llmsand llmt. tmndrcd s:q,,ac fa!t. loc&lm whbm the Bulldlag: Ala Cll TrlCI: .L. __ ... _ ... __ ... of __ _ M.ttt 11BJ, ..:Ju sdc disc=i(ltl. !;ClllC tflc~ arm bum:a oaTnct 1. m1~ ham)' wdva qy kpl 1CDlll Cordamlp arfor tqUBalik :rcli:!wbicb 1lllshl k milibk I> l)aldopcc bti.msc.of 1W:b cen:uioa <itbmmm ~ by WaJ.Vart.. 3. Cninrr:tiur Bsrvrr:ss 1nrC Dwarkm nt Aorr:mem: ~ ~ lh:II. u ~ a Wif...Man. an $11l11ilillrJ ot lfflilall: GfWll.Jdm (lfflJilro ll!Cllmll aa emil;y datJs lffM1501 armi1tc h1" Wal-Marl), or 1.li-l.mee or Ampic af''Wll-lifut.lfpUMd in ~ 1lil:Si. ~ ttmD of~tea,e. ot:mplcs: mil qa::maa4&.:imat.n:d dqmacat~ wbia 6c-=dcptcted u Mdfq Ara m1 Tna 1: 1.. Tim Dndapcr llill llDl 4mklp my BuildlllpGl Tort 2 or!, ur OP A. B, CorD, .-apm1.uy ral pmpcrty llal It o:mdgdllWI to lbaSll:ippln; = ""·--""-"'""""'"'· "'"""' •r llkmtity vr ,-soa.u • dlscomttn:1111 aqmm:a:i: aon: Chat. b WIC'"tbaa-40.0l> J£t1QR l'tct. ll'mcb. mct!dlc Bulldhlg A= m Tnc:t l u a sm.11 dlscoudl ~ mm lmmmlQr Cora ccaimnlm pcdod ot ~ leasl. DrlD (2) ,e:ia: or 0.1..t::asi!-k ~ -ot cainphhl:d ilrmy ___ ....... __ ,,,dll,_3""'1 Japs: t:111 tttmhatc 11111 be fim Jhn:c 111d c&:t. b. Tids Aa=m=tud lb= CQtalCllb. ~ mlmad"tl;D;d, mid all tam krro!. aid be ia. UL lb= uf dr«l "PCJll tbe c:uQldcia oldie l..tBSC-bJ bol!l parms. Ir ail Ima faaiiaatr:s at k mlqutdicd. k llft' «1S100. WM!SOCffl"diet. l!m ~ m:.f lbe ~ rarzk:tfom, udl cufiliam h:rmf"mll llp,sc mi~ ud sball. f:,c etf llQ Jim11 ......... '· - ll. Qcdrrr ,,,, Qmsmtr1kio 1bc nWiap. c.oasllvClcd. wilhia ~ Bui!dlas "'""'""'"'"''"' --.--,·- Artas stan tic~ aac1 comwcced ~ lb:u: t1ac ~dmdan ar cacll.~l:.:,~Jmd~compaibtemlmlml _ ... _ ... __ ..... r«_""'1,.. cncrad. fium~ lnct orOl.llpmdaato mxbcr'llll:t« ~ proo,11111!~ (t) c.onancdonoflhe Wa3-Mul\1Ul.dq; oafuct l, bi. ~ with plm mbmlllld 10 lkChyWllt:n!Ott,. is lzsd,y ,1(1pnwi:d, and (ii) ia. lie ~licildiDg Mil roo&p IX'°Tau:lu. ... tam a ddigri add ~ madpoial. m:nllCI. oa llldbcf"Tmr:t Clf ~ dt:5pilctammlllcd"Mv ~--6-t ~ lb= pan}' OMUllf aid. Thie(« Oilpaccd. aaordxd.bpaa llall ~ hi aood lilm. la llaatiai UL w:. 7 a"pmmE«-.cimt: to lb: parq vdiviw: IIUldit,a: wan roatslll' or TUdU a:aoub., 1t1 IM emm rbc am: tm l!Pt IIWt:NDr UllfflttC" whh 1hr: ~ 1111 dr: Tna orOutpa:n:d. --(1) bcslga.llid Clll1Stl\1Ctll:11. tlllll be a(tqb qi.mlily u lQCUl!ttd by 11¥ BlliJcliDg mmtraam an Ttll:l l. Ill ,., __ """1_1 .... __ _ lb:: IIJCCID. fl:nltbrd dswdN rib pukmg lllSI o( dr Slioppq =·--""-~""'--·-,J,-(HVACJ-a, mdl!IC dlsla: OD. aid &dJdm6 orpuape.i: ar acbtt walb m=da! ID scuimuid.HV'll!.C~ Na bwldltta: slw!acud~ miIY Qf itdude ... ~ _, _ Station Id :MMTM ·• · .. ,· Page3 ofl9 Printed on 814n009 7:33:05 AM Document: CCREAS 1996.050712?7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK, User :8792 J 1- ·1- KlNG,WA Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: • (3) No BIJildia&Sblllb."VC:u. ~'ftltlcs.J ~era roof b:numI M aaaliid ~ llml.k W1'c 1u pm.e:subm: widml '!be -"""'""''"'·---for ...... %111Wi11..,lm:\ wlU be ~ or reamed ID mal:da tbc CmfUlf --~ (4) No raoftop lip mil be m:cud GIi 1. llaildm,g. 'The Buildiilg Oil Tmi: I lfmllbep:mducduimosm=.i.Aldlkedbli.oa.~ rooror aid Bl1ilclial: or~ DD 'Inct J. (5) Caaiin4ll kUS.IMI k: ofaqnltotCIW!m ~.or~ ~llmdrrgb'pating flvdi:b;, .strip::d. ;ml:m.11 fll.'!'c lipfqJ ~ pJu:tilg mas, stikm~ Ol:dximd Fllrtl IIIIUn:S !he PWU\f mm 111111« iiJbdac mmr:lud mm, illi ~ Imm im.b aq.Edl!bll. A. for the Cnmmoa. Ams. or u .., .. ..,,....._;,--i-. (6) ""-"" ...... ._ -"' '°""""""' .. du: Bt6fiD& Alm otlll: &opp!ng' Ccm=" lhall. bes imJriizd .... _,,..,.....,.,, ........ ---flllleplw:aat~af'.llli:h~ WaJ-Manshdl:hm; '"""'""" ..................... ,...."" ........... be commad Ill. Tbel2. ~ Dnm1Dcmm: l:ha1 the lbdldiq -.,,p,,t>,i_ "'""'-do""-whli lhc catma Cid puHq Cot 11!:w: Wlll-kalt ~ m 1i-:w. I. A!.. Iona u ao lmalllia. or cbqc, ill BaildiD& fQo1pdaS b: pi:trpmal 113-occm In mcmDClfau lbnnldl, Wal-Mm lbll Gmy k eatilkd toplior Wldttla tolf;eQfplmls '1,:l lk:Sip. {b:11:l!Jdlag Jl¥ml b: Jim) fi:.tr1fic BalJclqJ 1a b:: COOSINCICd on 'tru:tJ 111111 OJqwclls C i1Dlf D; bur. Wal-Mitt's prlar CQU$alt sltdl be ,,,,..,. .. ..,.._ ..... bcT""3 ""'°""""" C UdP tu1ft!Cl.llbdtzool&kmctcha.b&U,.ih.B~Foolprml:. Sn 1bc CVC!d. lk~al'W..Man. is~~. Wal-tdn:rt sh:IJI be ~ lD rapofld 10 I rtqQCSI. for app:u'Qi 'N!Usla:l 'ibitt)' (]OJ dny" r:it. ~ orm rapJCStml mch COZISCllt ahalJ 11Cittie ~y....u!lbcld. HCll:ttalA ndbg~ IJl:l'tla. IO !hi comrary. 6ml dcll:naimJoa uflbc ,iam ud. dtsip for tbc t!uikilng m~~ 'Wbbia.dlllll: BaUdiDg Area Df'Tno t ~ ~ at die IOla ~ at W:IJ.t.i:in. b. Ltii:all!m: l'ila Buik!illg lhaft be comtr!ICICd ~ Ille Sbo,pptq-Ccolcr, ~.WtW.mastnlclioa. ;udlkl/~llf~~~ w&hki Ilic llulkllng Am.£ 11W m lqJtUft:WClll or alccradoos '1lbJi:h ·n11 s,i~ fmll. lboscsltau 11:11.Salii'ai1: A or~ m:derdus ~UQr k nde witflxll lhc prior 'Wrille».CCID!lt:ll.[CIJ'Wal-Mart ""'"""""'· c. Eke PatrUiPn· Mt BWllills crmsllUCD!d bi Ille :!ibOpplng o-.ma-Rll11 ~ ~ mJ .-1:ra ~I lllmltt \9bkJi will Jltaa'IC~ .qnl!Cll!ld. Rte uutbc Ulb:r" a.d[di;ap iii~ Sbappbw CePur. <. -All"""'""°"""""""""°Cl!yC""'wo,;,W.,.,,,_ any ~ ab.I[ le IQclltd. td.umly DCI 11:e TITICI. Cll' <llupl=I. OI. 9Jh.Tcb 11fd. bUWq h; Jocmd. l:11. lbe: ~ udaseatlhl Tn:cu and~ (m:cptiq c:dma(uxarOP A ml B ~ D) u1sdng }Cll$:lb}' Dardflpet' c,faJcl pauh) .ch. Tftelot-~ wJl ~pmidc illZI immwD a p:d:ina mo an fldiTn:o:cr ~)tqUIJIODllll:lftllc~ Station kl :MMTM r I Page4ofl9 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:05 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,Use,-:8792 i- i-' ..... " .... ' . I Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: • (() Eftlti: lpaccs fm' ~ mt:a dlmAm ~ fcctdlllliidlag spcz:: Cot lbf ~araa:.. · use briag a~ fbtxasec ht. e=tst d" 1M ltmmld: ll[IU8 !o:t. 1b: $Ult. ndll dlllll b!:~fot• J,fd)oodd',~ ~a llalldlq: (1fk:ls' Ihm h; tboululd IIQ'Lllre feel;: (II) ICII. spaces ~ tvc:ty !JDC dltmmd &qmre feet ot~ for rm, t'CSft&t U' WWW • •=1iaa6,cdlclu.mi.Rp.11Rli::el(mbjectla lhca 21111: Mdlomld's:em:pdoa.:si:t fmtb h:i:41) mJ'f'C; ar(lli) lm: ipacc:.! JU"UI; dioaslm spa &«afBllilaiag far UJ ocb:r .. {pmnfm. tflal. a IDlli IS ~lkdldiag m 'tnct l h IXll:ctpmdtd ar ~-~ • t:odmla.aS'l<mQIUIUll.ar ~~11:J!ilbd' kl dllltlluDdlag :diallbc pcnaicud.lO mum. ia ltJ!I: qpplC, :a llliaJ:mma. paddlg Dlio ~ (.J spactS per ODC thoaJml S1p118 fcct of&.S&o&). s. P.nmrrrlk\J'lm;Joprncw· Uladdola.11:1~~»:tbtbd:ii:wbcn.ht. ..,_,._ ..,. .. ........, ,...-mlbc,.., .... J!lildl= a. ~ A is J1rcad1 dctda(,cd m1 --k:W: by DeffJl:IZr io U.$,A, Pal:oleum.Wat,Mat~101he prcsclll U.SClcd~ of~s.Ddlaal" Zll4 SXl'lltlllft$ b:;icd~II of'dltc 11cm{ ml Ul!~lflltM;~tabellllidclaOPA\flbc-tamm J111Ql1111lto$11d lcz Qll'O,ide-J. M~lbatl lllC.lpplV'll lte _a1.., ....... -11m.....,, .... r.ei .......... 1a """'"""'a). To .. .-....... --h--fotuy1m111u. lbmall)' ~-Cb:rdsball complJlritli. ltd: flliddla, ~--Ill~ "11 Dlhmnlblly b!: aim IS de Cllmci:llle DIOP 1..15:q,pn:Md by W"d·Mil:t. (La. l*I& 1 P")k sadD11,, a;te 111B mid'~ 1lCCS. lidldlar: ii:taD. padrt:l:U!S.tnd:kml 10 U51: #S ( PSE1fRsatfoc). b. Olapr.tl II ls cw:mdJ' mxL=' lc:isa w La.apbm MoC0111 ~ Htiad.:il b)' Oevcfqltr mi 1K: lmm:ltd me IWCr aid le:IK. ir. bt icw aa! lUICd Qf ~ iud saTa. 11'hith pctmjrltal ID::: lhlll Dal lie~ Pr upcd:d withcnl:t lb: prior ~Gf1'al-Mm.. W&l.ol.wtlm rmcwcd ~ ~lhl:~plabOa:l:pin:cl B l1S dxlwnw&hil:iit A. c. Buildiap bcltdcr ~ aA OP A lbaA UI o.md OM IUX)' ,iid twl!ntJ-{ivc fttt tn 11:{cbl ml: hidings ~comm=. 11D. 01" & dal! IIO( ~ alll!: ~am» teer. ia.bdgbl. mcuimd P * me:m '""""""""""""c.mmo.--klla( ... _ Cmtt. N1;1, l(IQaop lip lllDB be COOICtlctCd oa. !;1iCh Dullditc or Buildqs lDd q rooftop~wtl be:sc:cm:d la. a raaim:c~n, Oe\tdaper. ~kip\ ialtictioa.sball not appl)'to lllf -~ ffV AC or J:Cftll:ll llllmUIICll!d ID aca:a w:I HVAC ~ m-lo raot- -.d -'1shoo. 14 Buildmgs b=a&r cQaml:!l!d OC1 the~~ be. kab:d iD ~ --..... .._i .. ...,.i ... ...,,,,.,,.,._.....,. oHhc lo.~. Se:lial14{4 c. No ~ ~fl&D IDlf becnCl:d OI OP't i,, llllfB ':.tbct:I:~ oens~. mlh!.ll!!n= lballdllr Hi,odticatinndfn C1.ucd 11:ic Wabt oflbt ~ Cam P1laa ,Igo ar USl:mlilllt WQCt !!!t ~cl'IB!! BulhflP! ~byW&J.MaatCIOTnct l. ltbclnE; _ .... ___ ... __ ""'""""' _.,w.,_..,.,.,.....,i,y-..,., - Ck Corc:l,:IUQI. cmrat!CO.ufcqp!:I IICI &:ili?alll lk: kw! Jloo.rq/ttlffic. Ml: !Oe.acd 15.~ r«t lcbefald, ofa IIJQUlml;llliypi:.UC~ SIi~ 111 lb:! appt'OV&I or Dndopl!r. J . ~ ...! • ' • -: :, • • • ' • • •• ., St•tion fd :MMTM r ' I --• K!NG,WA Page 5 ofl9 Printed on 8/412009 7:33:06 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' . Braoch :STK,Usu :8792 1- ,. _f Order: 964881 Title Offictr. 6 Comment: • g. In Ille ~III!. ~io!lb: Odqtmds ~ cxirdq meflf a,,,...,.,_.,....,.i-,t,y °"""""""-"I, IQ Otlq,ao:;:d stall O'.lmbiomlJ' pn,vido mt IDa:d:liu. • JIU»III t:¢111 on sudJ. OvqmccbCI) CC(III.I con of lb:~ (iJ twdvc rpaccs: farC.lft:I)' ~ dmwd square &t of. Bufldiq !lp!Q: for auy ~ ota\fCttltmocu me bwinl a 8(IIIIC btict la. cm$ or•~ dHld:sald ~ ,a. 1k ,mQlt mro nu 1,e pm'n«d for a Md>oankrl lalllUllll. ~ • Buildi:&IR; oflcQ da,a. fhc llxlullm ~ fctt. OJ) lca.lplCCl far cvciy CIIC dWlCISalli a:p11tC t'c:cu,CMdlag lbr ...,Y lestl.lll'llll iir muoimaltasc lmllmlrc~ .c.ipian:~io tb:i -~,~mrmlh ill, (l)lllm;or{ID) rm ~ ptr" «-dlOGsand J4(llitll rtr:e o!Bldl6g: for IIIJ' cdra'm:e.. Dewkiplf dml Cll1lll' lmlsclpilg u:as lObe mc:bded u JU o( Aid --;,-wllb,..._ar_ impnrltmmt: ~aa. die Olup:m!lts). U' Iha Oq,m:ds am izc ~ !b!:U Dcvdopcrlbatlca»sc 1'1c -to beiq,l.sic:tt. Ofdmy, m tr1amscipcd. io mmc:damll ~ ma ald ,grms ata as pu1 IJDt:tOrtu be b:immed lmtll. diMklpcd 'ltbb Bulldlnlt ar olkr ~ h. OJtptccl5 USC mill. subject IDpriar ~ ~ Gf Dt'ld.cper, wilb tcspl!Cf IOUJ'/ DnDdklg ar ~ tbmon:. b: llmJtc,j w man or CDfUlll!a:ill furposr:li auJr, r:sup1. IIO ltulfding m" .verlldll: smll M \Id 'for a lb:mr. hlglitduh, i:clMilq: &liq .. bea.11h,pa, w bmim1 padm:. No BuDd"q t:111dic Olltfl=lsha.ll be oscd.u-. di:smml dc:pctulClltP~ a~~.« 'doUarstorc• lf'lbc:s:amcc:oruim lc11tliaasa!sqmt,,: r= ur ltldtt, i. 1k ~udt«ow::r-aCl.il,c OJteap:cl (Qt~ ~iC,at ,.,..,.. t,yllffllop,rl<loll--.. --~ pn:ipa1f dai$1Je .aaf Ill tist bmni lDSlu:ua:-wfm mpo::t ID """" ____ aw-_"" ON linpr.1.www Jlxallm 1bnoo. &a i111wu: ,hall ID be .c:wricd "witb. rqu.bie ~ bo!z:d IDlb lmms lntb:: 511sof .,......,.. (b)lm, limloo!u~ 6"'mllllo4""""'1«""' -.bodll)' l,fo,y ... ___ (lil)Ul"'" ~IOdi;m;a.~Dl"~D.without:U lcu:l:lhin)'U'(I' priorwria !db ID ik,dop:t. J, """""' ........ .._.-.................... _ up,u"t'Wlm!JU rA p;n'lrit a;;;J;il. ~ c:mtmim. awca. ior mm collDCCtl:d la ~ .,,,.., 11kb. tbc c:omicn:111 acdYltb wldt wb!da parl;:q: r..tlrBIC2)'1:l:~fr.::m.~1!l~~lnlm~ Ccalft'"'*'°lhm OP 9. tt. ~ Dc.dapcr',1 -.1111km of.sad m=wr:s, Wal-Mel *1amas dal.lldl. \'dicks associated Mlb OP l3 .an:~ 001'1:1t1 1. 11a. w11-Mmmar~ bacqic:rto am ~ ~ Rll(IS II tt:m=J lbt prvWml. Station Id :MMTM r I i ~iw 1ft .,. . . ' .. •' . . . . : ' .. _: -~ . -~~_,.,· ~ . -... ~---. KING,WA Page6 of 19 Printed on 8/412009 7:33:06 AM Documem: CCR EAS J996.0S071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I ' . Branch :STK,User :8792 1- 1- KING,WA . ,. Document: CCR EAS 1996.0S071277 , Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Commen~ • b. nou.,c:eascarm,•Or!IR1X:Ch: Wd-Man:uamtarcnbcbalfofb .Lcs•i.s tmmst Jn 'l'ma i. aDll ltcwAopet, u l)Vlmfd'T1KIS I, 2 ml 3 ...,.,-.,,.c...,o........,.i,.;.b<a,by_..,. CIJUVtJtD ~Vdopcr.ml ilr~ulassjg:1¥, b'll,e held\~ °""""" A. B, C""' D,"" • W""""ml -· ... O.k ~arid..urips.. (or6ebtdtorTnm 1.12111::l • .m:l .ulll cascmca:dcrrimcnl. io 11,t-~pigg Ccu=' md ~. ~ l2seflll!lll for 'fltimbr ml pedesuful. m:m. mp:ss. ~. wad (or pmposc$of.~ofutili!b1011¥-~ UIC.um::: du mt~ wil:h~ a(Bulldmas, wldmtbc Buildlar Atms • .subjcct ID dll: rcqij~Dtibcadlitt~4acs IICllbaw~or il1Ql(O m lbavc Jltlllld, ~ ii> Uicw UlllUcam ml iaaimoas II at imb UII pan,p:IPl.a. lbvn. for lbt: bco,:lit ~ \tie-of Truts l, 2 ad l ml Oup:atcd A. B. C md D.aal qeGD, cmtDIR1'. ~. ~ 11$1tb, aJlllo)'a:5rl.~mtot:l:llpUH 111r Bllifdlap Gr impnl\'CIIIC4ll 11pOQ laM ~ Cmll:f Udlot OJqimcd(r.), PJlOVIDBD H0WEVFJt.. la. GO l.klU. lbab ,md. adllltd perm15«pznb~~~~~pcm1a~nh ~""""'"-"""'""_"' __ or uy Olbcr Fl'* Olbll' tJaa the-UlpSS all:l ~ 11111otmrlghb. :1~~uatllnbllllbb~II. ~ tTtrlit,;:so•mi:c-=mn:urr. Dc\,dep:r24W!Hlffl.~~ ~ U. l=!,g ......... _ • .-i,,r,,.,......, - ~tor~ ~ ltPir,upmsien. lql~ or ~ orscom:i drdm.~ W*t'tltli!f. p11tane llaes. ~ llDts.. dtctrbJ. llQCS m:L Wllb, OC&r" 1/dli:(jQ ud other 1ffl1PCI" snbs ~ ftJr lbt: atdi!rlJ' dcTdDpm::d. m! opcr&lilJa oflhe ShoppiDs Station Id :MMTM r I i Page 7 ofl9 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:06 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . Braoch :STK,User :8792 Order: 954881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: • ., ·-.~· Station Jd :MMTM :------------""- 1-- KJNG,WA Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071Z77 etmcrm:1 tbeOarpmd{s). Dc.iDpl:l".am w~ w 1:1:smm" ot:ald ltSpedlft ~ wn ll!Z lln'&m.dl'Ofl:S io c:mic. tk ~ ot sum ulilicJ' llli sari::c. m:s. u lltlll:d. w om.a' pdar • pnq md -al°""""-"=-11>o!iboo,mg"""'·,,. __ " _.. liaes aid tic. mmW -.llita. 'b: 9ol1ding Arm depbd. oa &bibll. A lcca1cd w:mU::r p;at':J plm:1. tl) ~ DcYcftlpcrm:l W"al-Martaball usc1Ca51Cl1111ble ea'ons ID ClllUff: 1ml amnmc&:! u:l ~ tbaD mt be picmlttl!d. ~ pa;rk go, lbc Cmumqn l,ffZ. a(!h:: Sbappmg-Caitct ... lilc ~ or mmactiq tula:ssm 1bcts 1., 2 mdl. ml -oc~.a avm"afOqrarcds A. El. Cad D, an simladf 1SC aeac=bl't: dJbt1s,, m[ dllJI dlJSII f41WJ'.1, cmcomm mid uric:d afdlll ~ bOt tD paitoa.lllet.ammotl Ard.. t2) fmllkms:;I: Oetdq,=ud.Wal-Mlrtlbaa11K~cdllw ro ll!IISlft dlat empbyca a!tcr11:1m v/tlm Sbappq: Ccmcr-or ar °""""""l/,[.Mffl. """-.... -... --DtJ:Pt hi. &la:li daipml OIi. E.:atibt A e •c:mptoyco fUkq: ams•. tr 1111· tr amicvc ~ 11m.m:I c::caploytcs: ll:lil1 be =qalrad m pat.a• p:lfm.lllllll. clsa= &am. lb, lklBIDor COSIMIC\Od blllr.i S'bap;;; CalCrtbcy o:mpj"U D.a:aployee. ~ lid Wll-Mln:'llllffiom 1fme; m lmll: l'IIWUIIJy mlpaow,ppro,>.~wridor • ....-. 'mplvt .. _ mac• nat lltDW1I. au Edilblt A. ~ of 1cU1JU or ~ ;.., 8, C and D my tm1* the CDmmaa ~ of~ Sboppllli: C=et far paditl«. aany ttmc. (]) Om:al: H<i m 1bal\ Ix: matlc of Ille C,oauiw:ia Ara ctha' 11:mn lcs prim,,y-a(p,,,ridq ... 1:1oa "",..._ ......... iaoca"uxl qrc:U. an:!~ ir~ iuri.t£cS illd =,lcrccs orlhoit budrlCli5Cl =!Gldml bsml rihla Iba &uldiag: /um, ar:itl rlitJlffllfog ao:fll!tJl!lyias o!sidi. ~. PRm'tDa} th.al (:i) wJlh prior~ IO WIJ.Mart ~ Dcmilper, .ID 'imdng, dm( ftmb Chi: IIIIIG, dmriom. anci pupmc, ad mmptimce wi1h tcnm ar mr mch. ;ppnml. ~ i:a\iepldl:d1D1bi::Cl:Dlat!.r,!Tncts2ud3 b'05,C;k Cocmaaa. Arca ou:i. fum 1p1CC mid lime baJis so loq as. Ille. pnRIQ' pmpasa: d. lbl:: Caatmao Atz:2. llil.lC is mt~ wirh, DO file is clti:qal ~ md.lbc uagil ~ .a.UM DX: mo,Jy lali:tfa.,::1111«-ftblbccCmman.Aru.-ae~ l Clllllpm:d CD Tnd l an:13 cc dm n:RtK mcGt ml (b) WIJ.- l<a!"""" --p,ar-lo--11 amoat sall!t UE1$ and Wldollr x:asamI u&::r nus oa lk Oxamou.Att:a o(Tmf: I, or fivm.liml: to lllD: w I ltmpQt.l)' ~.pad:~ mW c..m.a= ;.rca.ofTnctl tor b ,parpaa: d. stOcilF If $Cll.1QQIJ: mi:rclu!ilc ss l=z: ar • •- v.ilm dDc m. llackvkWI hmlheadjac:ai:r:sltlCl!tf. ofor ai:mss co ..... -..... -...c-r. •. ~ hry~Ults.:Cilmill~c!=z:r=t:=~ wh£dl may OCCIII' ill. mmn.l~r,fdi,! c:D1W11r:doa..ldivhJ ~ ta.cou.'1r::df:l;:~'l'!c!=.ll=~A=s.or imp~ willwl Ule CmindOtl "*. IJtril:n1rabl!. ID COlllll'llClfcm o! Imp~ 15 ck:iq:mCcd ml 'Uldmcd.U. £Jdumt A is pcm:ita.;d, wtdiertlm io Builclmp, ~.orDulkliap am)' be IM:nbarmd, i;ud»;. pzl£tS. dri'ft:15 atd ~- r I Page 8 ofl9 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:06 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . Branch :STK, User :8792 Order: 964881 Title Officer. 6 Comment Station ld :MMTM • i----------'--·-..... ·-·· ·-···· r ]- KTNG,WA Document: CCR EAS !996.05071277 (l) Ptdiol1' A.mi Rafla· Wal..J41n.m!Dcvclap:rllR't lhlt1t,1ll 'lii:.:ic:s:.lb!:b:: .cball b: idq,mrc:adf lddmafrr.d.ca cdl.of'T'ml l, 2 QI! 3 Jdicic:at padiaa' anaio a!Wt DOI ~ dm 1itt car .ipecs for~ OllC lluus:z:ad sqilllB ~ Clf'Bilildlar JtlC2a:d 1111. eadJ saldTIUI. unfca ~ .sai::b. pubJg 411D be tequiced. bJ 1bc ,...,.,.. """' ECR. .. - '·· [I) SDllla[ds: Upall: Cllllpldioa.oflb: impmrmim: IDl!d ~ w&bm-=: Omimoa. ~ ud,docet ~ lbentms:Of 1hor-Wd ..... mlll<'°'*'dd""""'"""-• po,dam Of die Coea!al_hr:a 0..0. Wa1-Mcc.s IOCuamlod. ~ loea!(d lltL 'TfUt J 1111 Dmlapr:n.ih ttSp:Ct. lG Ccmman kc. locm:d mt. Tncts2 mcl3 llld. ~ .\, I, ClllliD, to.pd ............ ....,, ....................... ._,,., o,mmi I.nu, npaft. Jlll1ar9. .,~ 12s ...,,. u ct • ll mt Mlel M"tapectlv,cus itfdz OIIIDDII Am. iii lacasoaiik need dacot. ml dizD IIWJntdii d,t ~ ~ '° iadude.. tot mi be lbnit&d ID: (1) ~,urltos 111.abd, a®adi. aa:LC'PDJ)' ~ CDDdPIII lrilll Ibo l)'P' Ctf lbl'f;m::IQ,: 1ZIMUW qim)ly lmQ.lled or mdi ~&I mzll in Ill ntspcctJb:cq.,al la !llJllltY, llSe llld -· (II) C.UC 111 be RIQllftl1:aU U-. fiJlh., l'Clb:', papn,. dcbJis, as lbt: s:mie~ whhl lb.II Cumtncll>.tta. widm!.1bdr' nspa:the ~. 11'.:11 IC CIIISC the~ 1D lie tboltX!a)i.}y fll'qt,. IISiagdlideal ~IOthta:delll ~~la kc:cp lbc-Commoa.NCI ill a dmnaad unlcdy 1:11Dilii:ID. (c) --~-·-""""""" ~~sip.martm.~liacs:. (d) Opctlliac, :mlpqltla ~ eosu as mplim:l, wbca dltc, by ~ IDl:(tt. U!d R[Ddll llli !tplacma, wmc ml. wbcll tl:l:m.llJ', bulbs m:r ¥mi 1mms ror &rCi&iid 11pr facililics .a:s ""'"""'--· (c) -..ICplldas.-·-·--· ..................... -... """' ......... Cammcili..&Ci1.. 111:l mkmg:mcti.~atlbnlhs ml cll1l:r 1mlsaplq a t:s IBZ$WJ'· 1;7l, Pcrimam: Welh: Waf.Mur. u 11:1 lw:llfiap w Tl1:Cl J a1ld ~. U IC lk,tlilop toc:aazd.o:a. Tnas 2. wd.3 ml ~ C aid 0, 6:ll, uml wlien n:qllb:l. awmin. dcui. ~ ;mm, lqlair, 1$011!, piplD: .. DCCCSWJ', allprimclcr """"' ______ _ ,,.,...,.,....i ~ ..... ~: WIJ..Mm U IO 'J'm:tl IJld ~ U IO l'nettlud l uJd OG!pa/tds A, II. Clm D, a.II CICb. 'P'f, a ud .ta due. my mt aU ~ =m., tea, ptl'llis. filtmlmll::iaa:eoflb:Ir~Tni:::ts:, l'ROVIDED tiatb::r u bf' hl!l1W ~ or ml partks. a lllird pany i Page 9 of 19 Printed on &/4/2009 7:33:06 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STl(,User :879i ·- - Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: • tm.f be appaallled..11:y tlllllDCt, U ID.lgei:C ~b:Jlh.pdcs. IO maimna 1h: ~An:ls as mphd hmm. la.caasiibatfaa afa. lcc for a.id lef\lb:!l.ommaDJ tpdllt. -~ prllraail pnmk ·~ ~~.lb.tsmikeostS.-i:r;pc:ase:rllld.bs. U wllbe pu1 byW&l-M:m fix"Tm:t 1 Ud ~b''tncl.land 3, ml Ouspm:ds A. B. C m1 D. upon a::nm: llld cmfiticm D KL fmb fa. ml Cl:IUll:t btllll.id ~ hlmf llpCa1 lbscqirmtlo:if:1&11 otlk bi m:t OD Tua l. IS lle:$11D:.bc:aa W di! =1 ~ rocaage_ rL die lad atez ~tbl~Caikr,wJidi1'lilleW~'$pw:lii;m~ sbaJI be: ~aa !U'S), m4 die llflllt.foa:ta&c. of. lb: lullf ura on 't'ncts l :mt J ml Ouqmcds C: .uad D, q dE ~ bean la the raal ll(UIIC Caoq: o!fl: laai ma wilblo de SboRJiA1 O:cer, -tlda tnll be. Dcvdopu's paaidlL (11bidl.mt1 be-cquiflkDr.tn4US), Tmsptctm or the spc:ci6c11tm ¥ridm:i kRmppb,c: O:atttComma111 ac::L far which~ ~ .. .$pedl'ir;c:s:pu:; "5 in:iuffli. d. rai:s: 1'/"11.-l>wt dllll"PJ. ~ttue. dleml.mouDl ot.tt:il pn;,p:nJ um. far IISld. andlcr ilzp'D, 111d 111 ISIZllmtJII$". afll!JY ~ klod. or 11111m llaJ: w bled. apllm. 'Tmct I, du=d)' a, Ibo. uinf: ••tllr oc ttdafdti. wbt:i:l llm aDd mil mpply DcfflDcier wflh eYfdr;a:I! or $lldi.. flJQlel&. k bcq ap:a( dlll 'ttacc. I ,rill btc:mJt t scp,uiia.m lQt. ~bcw:lapcrwblpJ, '1l'blill4l.c, Ua; tDtll ai:mmt arrcar. JfDP:11Y 111m. lbr b.od an:t ~. d Ill USICGmalll, or "'ft)'pc, ldndar utmtb,11. m ~ qllml Tm1112 U43 IIIII ~Cod D directfr 111'1 lfa tml( ~ aramlmrkferuisfd Slil~ ~ otmprmcm IO Wal-Hmt. )l bda; aped' tbatTncu Jmd3111d' ODtpmtls C md O will ml lxx:amc~ ~ tll. Jot. Elm' part?" my ii pd w. ~ qs.::11 u. mi• plltf'• pn,p:IIJ, m:l thmroJC 'Widmofd payaa1 ri sudi. tua. .. 1oq: a ax:b ~ • 1111: amJ£c 1n me kmlmtica or foRclcAn IX' tt:eeffttlbip ~Qp{attdm!~- (, ~ Wal,M:mmd.DtYdcpcf apu:tbalapp&lc;nb:iwillbcnadc Ult a.bcm:by lh: ad)tsmar tar~\ ml pnipmy, ~of l'tacrs 1.2bil:C3Md~A.. FJ,C:llfldD.,:an:latlolw:!Tra:m &ad Oiilp:UO:b 1111)' as 11. nsalr. lllerlof"fltvet RpmWlal: I• dedpubl. 1and.~1.mfzlmnl, TIDl:t I shall Kw: &zpmle w.b~1. 'UN: can or ab=irqiaid bsnbJy lb adjumllm. shall ~ aClll:d a a. cost or ~'l)f'lh:. CammDp ML S:ud l:umduy 1ia:i adjamlaltwll b!. dcoacd. ~ by WaJ.M;,rt U lolg:a l!lc. SUDC uc:ikS lbe Im ;m:l Kp;lr.l:IC lllll: loti rar Tl#l l; Tra::i: 2. l:lld.OP CIIDd.OiTrml: OP A; ;mil OP B.afl 111: :a '1ctb awldqiided oa.F.ld-M. A. a. Sitm! Na lip.st.u bt IDCalal wk.bfa. thri CGmllllaAza aftnw. 1. 2 I.Pd 3 (II' ,of Oaq:tutrli: C aDf D dtqal siJqs ~ llr" limn&: hus&dd mtidl!Clld wiaia. lbc- Shoppin& O:zm. n-ihd tic; QI! more 11m a.o sip "Wklll. llc. CGIDGllll NC:,. Joc;m1. e11 Toca. 1. nr,o sips withla. 11& Coamm A=.. b:altd cm Tntt l 1111 t,j/Q ~ wtlhiil tb: Ccimmoo Alu IQClled wkbm. TRa.2 ml Otiqimzls Caad D ldzlll toadbcr, Sip all be localed and pl:ic:cd S<I U JIDt '31*tdlli abf, flpas G tpaf llddoas. lO ~ llltc1J. J:S 1ticn ~ti &41blt A. Ho slgab:Dlcdoa.Tam l llld l CIC' C>.KplKd C or D Jut "1bswldally hfcci:: 11K' ffl.ihmt)' al die BuJldloc a:mi:lral:!Zd by Wal-Mad.Ila tUCl J, rot azcal the ld&fd. 11f 1bc .slloppiQB Cma p.f*xl aipL tr W'II.-Ml(f. C011snr:t1 • p:,locl f9I Oil. Tmcr: 1 la ~ wilbtbc ~mJlDflhr: u:altaid tbf!Dclldgprlct,t~ 'Iba!. Wal-MlrtfhallbalfOt'~III! IISC"af &till py1N "Ill u:I aoother lmldot11$1!r la the~ Ctmr shd ha.u 11:%11 rip: m 1oi:u: IJIIMLitp)'too..s:ign. :a. IaltmnHJr::mw Wal.Mm slrall DIX b: capcWlb: for IDu cir dlru.gc IC ;ny pmon or propmJ o:aa:rina: ln or UIOllt 1\ae1s "2 lal1 J md S1ati011 ld :MMTM r r I I KING,Wi\ Page IO of 19 Printed on 8/4/2D09 7:33:06 AM Document: CCR EAS l996.D507l277 I I Branch :STK, User :8792 Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Common!: Station Id :MMTM I I • ;- I r Oulpn,:d5: cam D Ulcl ~ mild be~ tor toa or daa.gi: IIJ pcsl(m llr's,rapcrty" OCCID:Dl8 bl llf' lbaat Tad 1. l'rom., I cma: wbatsDmr, atcp1.ml ta 1111:!mmt d:atsn::li. l!py1 dm5lgc, ar- Jou h aam:d ~ WaJ.M':m:Q["Dlm:l!!p::fs~ J!nz,pt.lDth: 1-mm a lajlay. damap ~ k* k mai:d bJ VO: pa;ay's qUgc:n:c. each pl11)' sfzalI !ndmmlf7 al Al'lii lwmfm lkda ply' fmm IDj 1!111 Ill claim, dcmmk. camcs. al dob.. chqc:s. ~ e:,;:pcmes. Dis, ar I __ .... _"""""·""""--""kmer llfma fnc.-=m oru pmyor Did parm:lllMka, ~ qm!S, IIICSlor r.cmm, ~Oil« &om 'ClKll d mpeci;. Ill WaJ-. M'lrt°s abllpdom bcrtlmdc:r. ar'rm:i: 2 mt 3 amt Onpm::dl c mt: n .... _ .. """°I"'~---~.., Casquiag i.albnDitf, io Iba~ or1m eaaainmi ~ or nld. I pania ur ~ forWbam a.pey ii ullptDl bp,idc ml -I 11( 6 'llbichcomtt1a1taqliprm:m*llliajmy11nlam:ip lo pcmDll5 «,,.,.,-. lh:a die parer'.& cbn,.dmt Ill il:d=llaifj, J;5 :01. t'otlh bffl:in. ab fie Jlmbd ID Ille~ a{ aid Plll)'11 acg1Jgm:c. I 11111 illdl:mal6clt.a abtipllam RI. foltls above lbll llllt II; lfm!t!d b,y U1Y wazkcts cmapet:ll:ltbi bimfill ardi&abilily Ja,rs, azid. u l:lmeea Wll-..,.,...., ___ "'l'~ .................... ~ lmunuP: kl. 11111: 11, « 1IDClllhzaa &mt! er amllm' lnvs bm:lftu" CDlmd l1mflar IO 1¥1Xi:m' tcmlit. ~ ar n:mpcns,doa fawsUl'IIIW'~ I I W~oa.bdwt'Grilsdf, ICJdfr.smd, ar&rlinl: Plr'1 h2swm:(: ~ pdllcy cadcr, af. DIMJapcr, GA bd.llr ofitll fiat 'puty iamrm:a carder, ~ ......... ,......,. • .-11r .. i><oo6!a( .. _Jl&for ~ ltd b!juey, loss. fl'-dmlap, lad oo 114alf" otDld JldM, ~ .,.,..""'...,.""" ,.m,..r _ .. ...,..,_...,... C ~olb«,lorlZI)' l&iny, louorduiqelbmfp:rsaa. ~. ,- 0 swcrum. ~. attlllgl"brlc« bmrB>k p:raiaiptapcf1f, ~ "' due"' nqligQ:J:zor myOIM:'Nlll':d ~ ardtie to I came tbU is .self--"' -(bf--"'I, ~ ... to;ur ..... ,, ___ bY.; Dflh::pcrils 'Mich~~ bya fu:sl:1Sld)'lnmmx: potty, I I la ~ tlU4tt 1U p;pl. b ODl:I oimaed b)' IIICh. • policf IUld WaJ- MUI k Sdf"IIIR:ted. lbetl the pcoYEsfom or~ policy wpolldcs-atdcd by~ slid!. U ba:s,ccs, 1flr;pMfb..bedccmcdto IUfonb.lflc 'I CO¥mgc. tmzxs ml OJ1Kllliam al a &st ~ !olma: c:u:rkr policy .I appfbti~ IO die-dull 4'I' kiu.. ~ """""'n,,_,bll"""'"""""w...,....,....._ n SI:{. lintl ill tbc l=c bmlcm su1 t=Jcs. ml m ~ 111:ma bytd:ttm:e. W"C JUpCCI.IO Trad:S lard l tDd ~A. B. Cud I ' b, ~ sJ:i,J1 ~ OI uaiatua. ill ill. bmm!ed!Gpza) ' ""'"""'""'_ ... _____ .. 'i pusom1 la)lry. dcltb ar pnipav da!m.p lll;flllrlag upcm. b orabwl. the ~ m ~ orDOt less lbt fi1e. mllliol.•IICI fix' mjuty"ordlalb uf .dip.~ l:Dd 10 Ifie Jbntt ut DOt Jess lia:ll hr; milrIOD (a' oecutl'l:Dl:C, and 1a tho limb. otmro .mioa. ror~ ciamlfa. ~shall pnniila IDWal.fdaff amifkalaofuld. bmax hn I I thDc 10 dmll lpOII ~~ tonidnalbU.ald. imamcc-b la. forcz: willu~:L1t.,T111:t 2 mi3 11:rai OJ" A., i, 'C .:=, D. ~ I . lmmmz:my le wdim.by alciili:Dl1 ~ ~ CIII, tDf ID.UIM poli::;J of bm=E:c czritd b)' lJcydapcr nlch W: CDllU' olbcr I ~ IP addiliml io D Outparcalr. :m:f. Tnc11. kb illmm:c *ill '.) ptoti&! 1JQJ. -=--D:Jtbccaw:bi lri!IQJ:l.dtkty' 4q1· pdot 1llricl&a DCl:icl ICI Wal-Mid. lk1'iha".of ~-iPdcmbi1 sm,dsloas ~ (llnb. In.~ a. abuRlhall appl11D ~am:c I I KING,WA Document CCR BAS 1996,05071277 Page JI o(l9 Printed on 814/2009 7:33:06 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Brand, :Sn<,User :8792 1- ·- ' ( ·, KING,WA Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment . ·-, • 10. 'Fm:Rnu Pomafu· ne W'1m t:Gd ~ rdliiog to=~ ml: ffllmCILdomdn..is:sm: m"" rm11:i in 1k Lme or11iepum. ml ant~~ hf -u. Birbts '5111 PWPt4ms qt r r,s1,;r '!Ir: imm ml ~ iqudq; iisla or b1m. Nhordiaal:itm, pdaritJ ot'lbi.llld i:aJmm m ft &inh fa.die Lase ~ the ,mks: au! UC la::utpOniltll: bctcm b)' ttfmlX)e. u.. &pqns;pn nf Sbaapi'.nr crnrn:: ne pudd. nanie • ~ die cv=.llbc~ Caila" b ~ aplDlkd. wlldwby mmiaI Q:lll5Clltll( ~ wflh:il lhlrd pmr, alt of dit: ~ o( dll!i J.pmcal mill .IP('ly t:J Ille aputd"al 2m1: and VIC pmfDg lo blllldbg ~ in Im c;tplflda:S ~ d!all IIOL llt ten lllm lbaJ. ]llO'fiftd .. ~ 7a{Z). u. Rdrzsr mo Jl1Mfu· kJy p:aoii ~~bor ltlitlmldililc1a TtKU l, l or 3 ar Ckllpucds Cu D. or~ ~ llf* SfiDppiq: Caller pumant ID &qnpb 11 0t ltlY portioa lbmof. Dill ht:: boozd 111 tis Agrccair;m: DGlf u 10 tbc am ar J"'D"' "'""""""""" l>l'""" ....... -......... l<boooi l>l' llds-"'· 4IM( Ila. p:rW ml p:noa r, die lee or leae1iold a..-afMb uut M'patdad Df b cnct. etCEpl" as ~ i:ibUpdrms. lbbilitia or ~ tkl: ICCl'IIC dlllq: Aid pmad IDCllm" m ..,..,i"' ""-bl' """"'" w. wt,h"" ......... /,llh"lh"""°' '"Y bo ldmcdllllderdm paoanpb. die~mvamuQd ~ PduA~wD cmlllfmlc to be btACfill 10 ad~ 1cptmahf lrllCU-Nl1amJ~ ltlC lard. l'1. BuaKi1: h:!Uffldto!~ or~ lmacll, otdlfl.Agn:e:mtat. cal)' Ill rrwm 0'4'Jlm.or bsdJoJd 111k owms. ofTmcl 1 as 1 srvup. or 111 recoid OWDCEJ orTc:aai 2 Did3 a a p'Cql,orWd-Wmaa kqa, D:arqa1Wa14W 111.m&i::a:Gt110\I/Jlerm: lcsKGot Tr.act 11 IIC Oc,r~ IO kq;a llar Ill' atmiat:1111111 kB=t: IS ow:r« luscc G!Tmi::r. I. 2 aml.l wll kclllldcd ta ltllliauc: ~ for IWI md ~ ltlldfiom ltlt conseqite:rS ofAfd bmdl orlhmlm!d bft:ICh. ncumuccecdiJ FfJ lnoay *=II dwJ piJ to uic pmullSIK 11mr 11 rusomwc 11111'1 1br m!Otnef'I kr. v.1ikh 1baD be dccmcd 1i0 bM ~ 1oQCC.111c on~ -tuehaaion ntW. 15, Rtgbr:s or &rmtn:: Tbls ~ .rull b&E :o:I iDlln: ID lht: bale.ft ot lhe p:mfcsSfUO, ~ r,.:spi:i;ti¥,:~ bcc.~ lllll~ bUt"°'* ~ h:rm is mtmbl&o mmiwotbrcadt11.1bc:-dJhtl. dudes" 1111d. privfqcs rtJaDr: W ~ aadlot mhlcufug as Id. forth la !hi= Lcuc.. 'Toe slngultr lllml:ru-~ EK phl:mJ. w lbc ~ &cal="ii:dililes-QM: ~ml tcurs". 16. DP:iJ'fll'l'I: ETI:linioo M«rli:nJfoo: and Cm:rliNPn Jt k iudmraod ntqrttd wt. lUllll. lhi.t lb:nmall is" idly~ bf bot.IL Dil.lduper Di WaJ..lltla dim b. llOI :llld. lb;dt Ult l:,,; ID agp:cme.ql of Ill)' l;iaf betwo::11. lhe Jllllb bcidO 11paa 'Wbii::h Jf'Jf "'""""'°"' um!em.tiaf: or obliplon cm~ roJa:led. 'tbk ApmlW (iaddna" ahlts&I) -, be: taodixd. 11r c:ax:i:b1 only b)' lht UlllDlll ~ of 00 WJJ.Matt as: lart u IL m-iu ,ubsidm)' ar ;affilia1tlm",nyiatms\m~•O'l't'llaa:l.mac:d.Tnctl.oriu~iPiDlaestuir:I lb) Dl:vdapcr. is lone" ai Ir: or ii.I allilbll!: bs uy latmatar cillm'mrraar LcssarTntt 1.1 er l Cll' its~ fQlntetcn. 17. tilm.J2ut[: SafmlgUWlf.~, flsWbollyftned1Ulllli2bry arlls d6d1I!: owaal .SO,: by W;Hdiut. It k:t$d! 11('1'r,1CI: t, lbb ~ lball OJI. be .wbJ= ID lbc. ~VCGld)SF(, JS. ~: lJlh ~iui tc CISalCID.. d:h,J, .rimes. aJld {'rivilqfl'I Jet ~nh ""'m ,!all cmo! "' ......... old< t-(-w dmo--W.t• t,!an =r be comsdog • ~ at a::ptradau ct lbe Lease), ml tr aid Lase b: faf IIJf ~ lmJIUl3k:d or ~ wflhcxu Wd-Mart ~ GCb: ltl'lllbti11& ot qdcadoci, llhls ~ ablU lJ(a acd. be 111111 m:l \'gm ai vplblat'tk,dap:r. In Im c'lall Wal-Mm con=u (lldi ltlmimtioa or ~ lbcri Um Ap:c:trat. lblll not.~ v:aiil • final .,.. . .,........ • 12· Station Id :MMTM r i· Page 12 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' . Branch :STK,Usu :8792 - 1- ·i 1 JUNG,WA Order. 9648&1 Title Office,; 6 Comment: . : um:ppcabhlr: dtter:mfmtinn lllll liee,:i ~ t,y a mm ar ~jadsdicllm lo tm drect lhat.'lbc: Lase N5 a:milollalor~; pmYidcd U l'al-Mat:lllUS&fll.ldCh.~iu,QCSlfd COllk:st fn ll coan.af mmptflml. )ddcticG. wlSl:wl m: (6) mllbs cf'b:iq: ~ la-.rridJ:lgby tkyt[gp::,;lba.l.~ aw&s ltsl.ase ~orczpidcddm .i,pcmcm.:dllUld ,,;,. 19, &adilm: 1be llt:!dilg5 bcrdn.acc, kl$ciml mt,"u I Dkt" of al~ ml. lilr~ I.lid mm wa,dl:finc. llmil.or dcsctibc:6e.~ or dJ:lltoldik ~= In IIO'w:t a&a.lbc ~ ~ ~ bcrd. lO. fadrr Arrcarr,· 'Ilic plllfc:s 4a • idr lq!CID. IIIQ' caa=mcrE, pn:dte or UJ 4 11:itJiami~p;sctfoclhUldacU*.IJ:d.abi:s~tllOC~ .md dcliva' s:bln Mt hi!: modfficd 01' lhmd ii. Df mpcd.Occpl: b?'a ~ e:i;a;=,d :ml dcllmai m me JUDC hWltll:r u. tcqaha:I ti,-dtl! do.:mzim. l.L .tfal:ig::s,: All llD1iccs. di::mmx:b at Dk brio:: ~ ordcd11:1i.1 aelJ be lleIIW;fmtD tlio clurJ1?1¥ by bm:l. •~coodi:rlbaf. obrsb. i:n:zfpr:~ dclm:ry, or ~ &&Cf! Ce:mfied.Mal or 111 cqnfflCllt. tddru.wd io nc.dopcr « Wal-'Mat ll 111:.t falJowiq ad'dlelr 1;11' mt Sllbmp:lem addn:.u ,p!dAtd. ID. m:d:11 ptll III acc:atmnCI! wh ... ,.,..,.,., Bmmoll F,mlly W.C. liAtcridou: fa*Bm:ml.. It., Ge:nc:iiI Mtnqer 91531-&.6. '71hSlm:I. ~'12., Walmipla !l8IIC4 Wd-Mct ...... Ja,. 102 BW Er&ld, Sullta '&moavDk., Atbmu: 72716 --· WaJ-Mar1 Slol:c:t, b:c. Ancadca:: Wal-Mart fnlpcny Manqa' 101 South Wlltm lkNlnms: ~He. Atbnm fflhS-8'70l tN WITNESS~. 1be ~ b:a.w: l:KCll.tal Ibis~ tb: day BIid JC1JJ Clm MUl(::lllhove. BONNEIL '.FAMII..Y LLC.. I W111~QlmPUl'1 ---' . Station Id :MMTM I Page 13 of 19 Printed on 814/2009 7:33:07 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK, User :8792 !- KING,WA Omer: 964 881 Title Officer: 6 Comment: ttA.T.EOF·w~ } ) u. COUIIIYOFKING ) I CCltity dur I boW or ba.W. ~ bibatll:&atFoatll. Bmml. Jt. is tte P£$OO wflo appeart.d ~ ID; IJld ali:I JIIUG2I a:bolfkd'aat dial m llpcid. l!i&. il:aUamtm:_ CD 1111h. s=d. Im lie \m mJmhzd IO c:mma. dac imtnmk:ql asd ld:mlrl=dpi It u the = b llf' ~ Fmiily U.,.C: Ill lie lllic fRe mi \'Olma, .i UC mdl. ~~ll5t$-~ ~bi 1ht ba5mlmcm.. n.wl .;:i -1'4-· qt.P -- . -l4- .---- -.· .... .. , .. Sration Id :MMTM ..•. · .. -.... ---.,..,-,,., ·--~-----~· ____ ,..J_ .... ___ .,b•--~-.-....... -~---. Page 14 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Brancli:STIC,User :8792 i- KING,WA ,.. r, N ~ 0 "' "' Ordor: 964881 Title Officor: 6 Comment: stA~OF AllANSAS ) l .... COUNTY OF Bmrn>N J 1 c;zrtify Ihm: I blow or haw: ~ mbcc Oaf. ~~ .... _. . .....,.. ................ ,.._ he~ au~ ccoalli arm:d Jbu be ns lllhotimd JD mC111t lbe. ~mi~ icu ~~Yictl'mim:G!WII..Martsmta., kii::, m tic ~ he Bid ~ 11;t of' ad corpcralicm '-: Ille; 1IKS ml pmPJld mttliwx:d ID die: .......... --N""1"""'&, ..i ...... ..,.1r,._.,, Ccmm!ulcm~ , , :u_ae :e • • NOTARY SEAL• r.n,,a Wll.~N*I ~OcKrltf,811111d'Alu9S IN~Eo'IIMWOOS Station Id :MMTM Page 15 ofl9 Printed on 8/4!2009 7:33:07 AM Document: CCREAS 1996,05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch ;§TK, User :8792 KING,WA . ·- -~- Document CCREAS 1996.05071277 Order. %4881 Title Officer: 6 Comment Station Id :MMTM • • • I I ·I Page 16 ofl9 Printed on 814/2009 7:33:07 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 ,- i- KJNG,WA . : I I ; Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071277 . , . Order: 964881 Tide Officer: 6 Comment Station ld :MMTM · ·~·1 ·)~ ~~~.~~t1~J?.:~1~t~rr!-~.1: ~ .·: .. ;·_--~ ·· ·· . : . . ··•. : '. •: • •• ••• --· ·I J.ifll·f'I · r I .-,:;...a.-. •• •• - Page 17 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 -- ]- J l<JNO,WA Order: 964881 Title Officer: 6 Comment : ·~ • __.;..:.. ________ p ____ •• _________ ~·-... --....... _. polllU ft ~J.lt0'-1.AI r, N'fl!I: ~ 3111 FEET DI' 'bl£ DST !7'0 J'IIL"2' ct GOVaNmlT tOT 1, sa:noB P, 'lOIIN:Sftll F!" ac,f,"nl, UB3& J l:.UT, Ill~~. DI' .t.tllO" c:GP>mt', ~' gl:XCEPI' fflt ,ocmr i10 rm or ,mi; ~n:,c1,,y i~o nn-1 .u:,, 0 ctCD1' 1111: w,na a10 n.t1" ,:irEJEOr: ~ lrilm. 81 +IIA"C MR'ItoK W ~ lOt l, u:ct10M U, ~"1P U JrOn1t, Dtm 5 CUT, ~ 11:C!UDDH, Df XD1G CCQllrt, ~. Lnfflf lf'Ol;'fflEllLT Cd i::lbi NOltTll:EJJI ~Aattr ~ l:tltWUY llmltT av WD:'1 .xttn ffl!:: .!IOI.TK JOO FCCT -nmtmf'; .AHD ~ 'nU.T toim:CI! l,TlliG ltffa1)( t:111!> MU1IE soon., .aHll nttl't" -nu., JOlaIOH" ~ ~ PDU#IIS: ~ .ta" • IIORDl"'5'I cmtna w 1R£ MOlt:III.Eff ~ or $SCJ'iaB 11 tst:Ifl!. .-:: ~ COlll'IE& o.-sun CJaYDHk£Xf LOT 1.1 , "'3lblCi: ~T J,LQi;i: 'PIS JIQlml LDII W ~ SECl:Jl;III, .a. ~ or no nn't ~ SCICIJURL't' P,Uill(,UL. wtt1t 11:C 'IIO'Cl'DllLl' D.Tlt!SIClll OF 'nll'¢ tmnCm OP' :r:IIE ',IUf &.mt: GF S.lD ~ tat l JauR' tm. ~ t.Um DF coYl:IOtCIIIT UTC 1' ta :U.111 SECnOII 1'1 ~ Sl'INIL,ISIIED Ir d"P'. • ., QmlEI.. c.uorllt a; lltffllDC, ~. 1:,,d, .,. GutMICII QF ~00 nsJ 'lO 1:111! tRDIE tolllt GE' ~I ':KUia CXIBt1IIUlMJ SOOlllDLT Ana~ lltn nltl 1.td A IRRJl,lla: Of 1!0 l'af, ,tau. aa t.tu, 'ltl o\ toQCT m:i 'mt ~ 11UCJ!f Clf' 'U&II. ~ nan:c ILUVlA'r ~i\Jll!Ri'QtV,U) TDIICt "htDliY ~ s;ug tlOf;DIIIILY IWI.C:%11 to nts Ill.ST Wffli C,, u.Jtll GOVEll1!lmn' =" l111Mts ~l' NAll1I PU! lll$'t un 1:D A l'DJltt IDp:Cll Som )00 J'il:1 IDIJDI OI" Tm: llOlltll un: or nm stCl'1QI( u 1 fllDICI D,S1Sll.t.l w ms. uw JIIJDIT or IT.l'.IDIHlNCI. nP.1'" ~ OP ~ .t.or l QI £EC'l11Rf u. fOIIIA:IP :n. lilD&n(, RMOI: I PIil'. IIIU.»1£'1'U JIEUOIJUI, Uf Ul!IQ" CDUllff, ~. lllSCIDltl U: toLLCIM(; ~ AT na; )IOII.T!l'll£ff c:ma:it OF pm aactlml' 11 J '\'KDltS aatrdl u•11:1·n~ PS: ~ TIii NmU wn or m.n:i ~ ~ ornMO: °" l ! Station ld :MMTM -· •.. , Page 18 of 19 Printed on 814/2009 7:33:08 AM Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch :STK,User :8792 - Order: 964881 Title Officer. 6 Comment: ., ' ... , ,::...;_~· __ _..=....._ __________ _ ,- i\ I, I l C• 1. ,fH.l:l .ra.t" 'fC ':Ill: a,.n t.iJIR ClF' Llml a.VEIIIIE lm:rmaT U ctian1n111 -i,;, 'ill£ C1'N CIF u,m,ai-ft lJUll l!.IOmlm wmD. UCl:.'Cl:irO lrllCal. ''214-t~rr nmm S011n. ~~·U•'l•• WIT ~ p,;m 11ft t.2ft i-. m:nutz ar ,u.a Fm '1'0 'DIE. ~ C01IIG:l ar ~ ~~or LNID ~ .... QtftT UAJM mn l'V.llf r-~ Wll.ta:alll, lllc: •• 'lO HILUl)cm, :ER •• lECWIC wrio. IICClltllll!O IQIUll t-'THTll04.H r :,t 'ti£(($ .strll'tll .... H'2P ZMf l,lJ)2ID 11rS MOlfll Wft or MD ICEU.%DIJ5l -nu.r:r A 'I"( DIST»KE Of U7 .o ru-r 'l'O 'ISi£ rOlmllUT CO%ND i»-TIIJI,."?" ~ ~ or ~ r-, cam;ym • .,. ~ M:eD ~ a~uetotr 1'0Mllr:Qr, nc:,, "° lllVR 1. PC11W1011 .OP 0 .'.DkE A. n:RGtlSI»{, HO:l!UIED ~ IU~1.._ IDGIZJ. 7ll:UUU~ NIP lU 'tRtJt 1'Gtltt !nOF lltGDnmlG1 f6ntD"IX ~ so.me IP1.ll':l5· v.tt llda 'm JIOflm I.DE or S1'nl ~ en 'l'DCt .a. D:tST~ or )i,n n.r w "ffl::E p.nar..y W)IZ .Dt m,er (DD.DJ nac:r "' Lllltl a.NtnD n: nti:Qr. ~ !ID1I F1tCM ft.Qlt: 11, JQIIIISf.L IHD ROfLl:t lll'iTIORUi un or~» 1N U'.l.fft.E m PM:UIC' COUT ~ ~. ~ llHDU: UdDID:t.llG tM1atll S"7'SUJ "l'IDll% lt»%BltlLY •AJWJJ.L wtU ,:in. W2ST t..DE or ,m GCffEllll2lbrr tar 1 JOm ALONO nm r.u~ I.DI" ..IJII) ns llalmlD.L'r ~ a. msZNICS or Hl tAT, l'IObl O!t t.E:s3", W TIE scvnr I.DI£ 111 ~ QIIElfflf ftlDT M coimm::11 'IO 'mR en CK' AEHTOtt SY PEED ~imgi 1DICIEJi ~lfG IQOU USH~rr ~ --.ni: 11,•1.o·tt" 1'ESr MaiG suo ,oom ,r.nn;,. '£1t$:D,IIICE or u Pl:r, ~ OR. cas., m ':SIC ~ ~ or UD.T csaTAlll tJU.C'I: al' tlj!g aui,..no •T ~ ta:a ftaH PACUJ~ CCIIISl' ~ micn»IY 'lO IWl'm 11111'1,: CIIJO. NID QllOl. ~ oucx. llECOltDll1l otlDbt QCCIDllJIO )ll;ll'GID lllOl>lt: • '3DC1" l>'Climl GJ.•).)•UI~ IIES1' ,U®:l 'nlll o.s, Lmi:: of nm c:no:. U,1.ct' UID m i:IJl:mlllt,Y ~ A a.tftMCI: rIF 5fH..c.> fm" n1 '11G: nm: l'OUIT or ~. Station Id :MMTM ., ·. _'!.._•· ·'. KJNG,WA Page 19of19 Printed on 8/4f./.D09 7:33:08 AM Document CCREAS !996.05071277 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I __ .'.._· l ~~. I I I I!: I ., I. ; . ·• • 0 Schedule e. -r-, • Section __ -h_,;. ___ _ Exceptl~n _....:1,3.....,c§.;._..--• am:zt' UCoUJBD ltE'l'UllH '1'0; :tnlllee:, Ste.t, Poeri• , Ryder Attn: fl'eidc,: H, Powell l?ailue:r PlilE#, .suite "DO 777 1Q8tb AVBDW! H.E, llcll.ewaa, llA. 98DP9~90l6 \ (ii) CHI_s:AOOTITI..E INSURANCE COMPANY I I.I ;QO<j!l1MlrW: t.i IiLK [a;} :1.. ~i:: t.a Covenant• L aest:ri1:1U.ons Otdez-Numbcr; 00Qf,ij3802 2 3 • ~ENLWl13ER(6)0FDOOUMENTASSIGNEDORREI.EASED:. 96'.0son.in CJ l\dditioPal refuenc:e. numbers on ~e __ cif doc\Ront GRANTlJR {s ~ : l Blnht.11 7a1lf.ly LLC ~1111..El/lS.CO. 2 Wal-lMrt Stoi:c:e In<=. • Rtf# 53r,,>. "'-c. D Addi t.icmal flaTIU on page __ of doCDll'lellt. GRAN'l'lm{a}: 1 publ.!c ~ s D Additiornll. nu.ea on page --of dOC\11111ml: A11B1ttwnlflm l:ililitl JMIEl;J;~r°Va;,; Lo<-Uml: 81'"1!: 0: Paga: s-,.. Townahlp: »K Ranot: .68 Portion: Db\ CloV' t 1.ot. 1 PlatNa1111: "'° CO!lpl.et.e legal daacrJ.ptian ;le on page L--of dDcU.IIUlt ASSS.BSDR 1 S P.RO.ll'BRff !l'AX .PARCBX. ACOODm' ?roXBBR(s) t 19:zlOS-,.jD4B'"4l2 Mdlt.iolla.l T~ l'+Ccciuntlll .nm on P'-iR' __ ct 4oWfllfflt. Nola: Titls,CQIJO(chealll:i prepared tooonform to I.he reqalram8111& of t:hapl;t 143. Lawsof 1996. N= ontlu:5 atiaetsnen. Uta names. legnJClescrfpUon orolhtr tnformsllon In lholl&chai;j documaAt. Tue-=dltt9.cowrsht1ollalaas;!r;tthellJdkorln1ndaxlng!1hedocUmentf1 corr! "1111 ........ The Raca:der will rely on lhe infotmBllan rl'DYklad Cltl Chli form. The BWf \dl not read tho d<L"llmiinl toverfly Iha acc:U1acyot complatanesso 11\e ll'!dexlrrg lnformatlonpmvlded horekt. (l'l"*r'z-I-'7Jrl,,. \ l l J l. . !/ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .:..:-· :,;o::· ':'(/;}~:>>.:::;:/;:}//"":·;~.' ~--. :-:_··-·-)_~.:.-·}-:··· ... ,. ; •• I I • • :.:·. _i .: • •• ' . ·· .. •• . ~ .. •• \ ADDENIJ1JM TO EASllMBNT WlTII COVENANl'S AND Rl!STRIC'I'JONS El'1BCl'lIIIG LAND t"roR'' NOTICE JS 116REBY GlV!!N by Bo..,J( FniDllY ILC, h, ... nu n,fen,d lo .. "Developer·, !hat tbO ccnaia. docmncnt. and Jmtmmc!ll entltled ~Bal!iemem with Covcnaots end llesttl,lloB Bffcctb,g Laud (")!CR"), recorded under Klllg CoDDt)' Auditor', filo . ··- uo. 9605071271 llas boco IDIIODllcd by agimneot be-• Bomooll l'Rm!ly Ltc "DmlDpor and W_.M&lrt Storei Inc, ac WAI-M'art, rerClfllte bel11g made tti Aid reconled docUElCJll tu; If inco,pmated l\lll llcrclo. Tho lllllODWllOnls to '8id iloom1<DI """"'1od maier Alldilor', lile !16C00712n an, aa.ched h ..... !11411<cd Exldbh A, .. -being m><le lllmlo IS if mctll))Ollk:d in lull hcrcln, aid Bxhlb~ A having bccll dilly CJ«<Uted by BonocD Fomlly lLC lllil Wal-Man Real Bamm SU,bu,n Tnlst, an cntfjy outhoriz<d lo '"'""" lh, nme on bdulf o/ Wal-Mart Sloreslu<. Dated Ills 29111 Dey ofM1""1, 1997. STATE OPWASl!IIIGTON COUNTY OPKING ) ) "' ) BONNIJIL FAMILY !J..C By: ().,J_ 1f ~ d Pruk B. Bonodl, Jr. f !1<: Managh,g P:utucr \ ' I ccnlfy that I know or luv< ntlifoctmJ' .. ,dcnce that Fmnlc B. BoDndl, Ir, ~ Ille por.sDII 'Who oppemd bemte mo, and said ponon ac:blowledsed tlllt he ,lpol lhis lnstruax:nl, OD oath tlaled lhal he WU aulhoriud to UCCUID the Imtrumcnt IS Mimagiot Pa.....,. oo bchalfo/Bonncll Flun!ly I.LC, a llmfed Uablllty cOIDJ>IDY, ond acknowfedaed sold iasl.nuntm to bc tho fn:e and ••11m1Ar1 act aid lml"41 lfabUlly company for tho u,.. ~ and pu-....uloood in oaid lostrumcnt, Wuhlngtoo. ~ ., """'°' NoMty PubRc ~=• of Commission Explm: , 01""" ' ~ ';ff 1 /. 1··. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • -I ~ ... l • . '. :., ... -. •. . . " • '•,_: . .. ~· . • I • ( KOEHLER McFADYE\! .. -coMPANY \ John C. McCullough , s,,1Gp, McClllloogh w.i.o. mn & Fb S.'le U3D EXHIBIT A 21 !S Fhst Avcm,e ~.attl~ Wasbiaston 9il21.:2100 Re: ECRAg....,..t W..i-M,,,t Storu/lloon,11 Fa..,1y LLC. Rentcm1 Washington !/=Joel:: " P,;.r our discussions re~ the ECR A81ffll\cnt. Mr. Bonnell wo\lld Jike 10 rtt'dvc signed ~ llom Wal-Mm r<gm1!ing lhe ,tq•<Stcd dmilicitiom 10 lhoECR A,glfflmnt ThcEascmcnls wilh Cov=n1, ,nd R-All',ocins I.mu! ("SCRi docun,ontdi!ted, F .. ..:,ruary21, 1996. covers casement ABRements for parking ,md ai:~ between the varlous par ... Jts. On Pogc 6, Scclion SJ., CO\'CI> paridng botwccn Outp....i, ("OP") B (Ha,,da) ...! T1'ct I (Wal· Mart~ Wal-Mall undcrsland, lhatampl•l"<' &om Honda, or a fulla< "'"""I,"" OP B wil[ us, th, fifty (SO) 'I'""" d.signatcd for omployc, pari<ios. which is lo"ial on T,a<t2, Al the rear of the Wal-Manbulld.ing. Thc,esp,1oe, wae alway, de,lgnelcdas Ol'B employcepari;.g. l>A<l do llOl overlap Ille portloi: count fi>r uses on th< .U.q,.«b. The fifty {SO) apaca me mmkcd oa the altachcd EtldbitA to the ECR Agn:onctit. The lesa.1 deseription of this IU'Ctand a more specific druwii,g cflhc parking am~ .alsoattathed. On~ 7, So:<:don6_.. and 6.b.,covot•l"'"kinsaud=s i.-.n•ll ofth<T"""' Md lb• ouqm;:ds. These ~lions sla1C dint there mi: non-c.'<Clmlvc reciproecl easeatcmS fur poddng and atcaS5 between ThzcC 1 (Wal-Man) and the athcrTr1cu a:id non-exclusive reciprocal cuscnxots for access only &c!Wl:ffl Tmct J nnd the Oulpmcds. Spcclfii:llfly, there is no ctciprocnf t.'.ISefflCJU fer pari;Jng bot....., Outpuo:[, C and D, ond Ttuel [. Ouq,ortd, C and O lm<elhe pur!dns ra1lo,; a, ri:qulrcd by W41-Mllff, which~ \we.Ive {l2) c.::ics per l,000 squnre feet on Ou1~I D and ceri(JO) t;.11.f.S per 1,000 sqtmte l'eel an Ou1pucel C. WiDl·Mm1 wuimmndi: that no~lustwi .reclpr0<:al puking 1' ollo,<ed botW<cn T"Cl 2 Md O"i=th C and D. Tr.w! 2. lneluding Ouq,mel• C Wld 0, is :11 seporate ~ p.iictl from Tract I (WDl·M'-1). Sec lhe&hiblt A from !he ECR Agreement, which is num.h~d. ..... \ --~~---~-------~· ~·-·~--............. __. ..... ..,.,.., .. ,,....,.._. __ , ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ··~ .' -. -, '•,• . -. · ... . •' ... ~ .... . ~-. ·. :~ ' ! 10Jmc. McCllllDIP Dcc:critbi!r te. U9G p,,g,2 ( : . ,·: .. -~. - .-·,. .... ~ -.-. :-· 1'1..,. have Wal-Mortookuowl,4ao 11,;, lc1tcria thc sp11<e prov!dcd below. Thenlcyou lbryour coop<l'rlion. - "' -- Bolllldl Famffy L.Z.C:. By: ...?-tn. {, cJ) rg,.,.,,,!/ FtvnkB.llozmcll.1< rvp' Man&gi,,g!'m1i,cr Dole::-~?:t:·:ir:.i'i'ur.li.liL--- ' -· ' . • \ '- .. ~. I I I '~R# • .,. I . ' .. I . I -- I ~ . ' I. .. ~ •' I ' ,, .!"'"': ' i I I I I I I I I I I >.• • . - 1111 \ .. .- 9704250174 ....... _ ..... _...:,-::: 8 L_, c..iiu .. ..t 11-lo .. •¥•LI"" Ir ru,uou ' •.a:.oa \ .llU ... •11•-l .1 ...... , .. ~ .. • ,u,,,n • ,c,,,,.,, -·• -~ ·-11,.lQ._,___....,_ .... l ,. ' . ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . / :.:·'·· I • '·. ·-·. . •· -. ,;• l \ I • :\:·.;f~-·-~: • { ,., 9704250174 WAL-MART ~·-·!··:.,: ... -~-~ ~L:~,Jj~\lI~i~~~~~t "" ... MIIOUIIU ' . -· ""' ,J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "-i.,·.: . ·~ ·. -. ... ' •• f J • ,r' ,• ~-· .. • ·. ·-,· \ :------'---~.--·-"----·· 1 "'D-IATPOllnoo OFCOV0:twINTLOT1,S!OION t9, TOWNSHIP2l NOR.~RANCE !5 rur, W.M... N ICINC COUNTY, WAStuNG'l'CIN, OUCRlBEDAS FOLLOWS. =~~1~=:~~~0J~~~i;=:,y tNEOfltfEIORMIRNOR7R£RNPActFICRAIL~RIGKJ.0F-WAY; ltl£NCE$0UTI-t7rl7'lr~ 51.JI RET IJ.ONG WO NOk'fliW£STI!Rt.Y UNETO THI: ~MW::IIICFIIAll' ... AVEN\2- TH!HCf:CCrfflNU_..CSOUTH7Mi"'Z9'WEST89.66fEET; Tlmia NOD'H Gl"23'U" &sl' ... 00 FEEl) 1HEta NCIRJH aa-l6'4B" WOT SD.00Fm'1 TKENCE NOltTii 01923'J2.r fA51' 95.21 REI) Tff£NCE ~ WS6'W Wff'l':09-7lfEET; THEHCESOIJ'rH DD'SG'3r VMT 1os.21'f!ET;, 'ntfflQ!NOITH a,•QJ'57"' WS'f7Jll fm'~ lHENCENOR'fH 88'W31•WEST $19.DSFtET, TO THi INlif!SECTION OPPARCEI.S A, U~ moc: THENCE HOltl'H U"S1''4"wtST 12.52 fffl'TO TH£iRUE f'OINT OFBa:ilNNINU, l"Hu.tr:z!' NCRTtl llS-.51'441~ WEST 18.0CI fEE'tt THe$1! NOilTH Of' l.f3,~ EAST 4!.SO f£ET'; THENCE!OIITI-I !P4S',14'" &.sf 1e.o~ FEEi': TfiENCE SOUTH Ol '14'36• WE5T '4~B.S0 ffET TOTH!: t1UJI[ ,OlNi Of IIEOINNJNC. Sfl'UAT£ INlHf Cfn" Of RENTON, Xl'NCCOUHTY, WASHlt«rrON. •, ' · .. ~L .. ,.,=.=··"'··~-~-.~=----------------·----- .. ·, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. . \_ .. ·• .. • • \ cliy uf Liiton .2.00 Mill A-Ye 8 ,.._ ..... 'IERECOIUlER' C -WASl!JNGTON STA s .. F.WU" Sbe11c 1ac,, 4.!.11"1 l>oarmenlT1Ue(s) (or~ aar:IDtd.11'.ffl.!t.i,:(.J! arcu~, w1ow-=c.ua~ !II~ .. ll•~·•oot ., I, Ut.Uity Endllllcnt l 1 ~ l\dtt'Hlct liumbu{!) ar DOG.Di~ :ti:ri;p:ii:d or rcl=scd: ,:,_ ~ I ~n!=..-=.;1•,11111;:ar-__ ordo=e= • Gt'3Jttor(51 tt==E:::::...i:t.i:.:!:.::::l:ciu:ttt.l::i:::tl!.} . .':' ~ ,. ' lhmnoll F,111dlJ UC J. '· D ~l:Udl=oe: oi:a~ __ of~e!:I. --.. -o !i.~ ' . it ~ .. i! 'i ffl . " C " • !! '" " l! i Cl"CUl™{I) 11..uCa;acb. ~b..-.U:41'::ilim) 1. ' Clt:, ol"ttc:mton l '· D ,\c!ed,io:,il~ooau~ o/~£:H::11 ... Lt;:11 dtSaipfflmt~ l.;.lo"bloe!r..pi.stor.sadao.lOWClcp,~1 J.ot11 i\--•·c aDtt D or City of ioDt11n lat llna Adjvatfl.Dnt s-113, 19-13-5 [] 3~4 . Aa,.~1cp.is"""PP--ol""""'- ,.,,.e#l p'W,"{ ,,_, fa,iitiA'fjn'j/:1jflW' 19230)-00 91 ,zwrto ; -n ,uf~ri!t.l f DGI 'fttU~cl . ;1:1! ALl&trJl',m~ w{!1 r,:tv 1111 cl:'! ~:aoq p«i"'6:I! UC1 ~ ionn. The r.:t! ..,,,111 no, R:.<! o:t-; C:C'Jnir.:1.IO vd/ di: 1e;:;.i...~ or c::mpku::C1 of 11:r id4:.!J:I;; ~..:c:ioo prt,-~,?:t~::.. '1-~°J·,' .···.:J: .. :·_:' ·, . .,,·.·. _1.· . ·., .·,, f ~------- l \ • ' ; ,I i • I j. l I I I I· ::: '• .. ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,· -•• ·1 ·· :..:.am.-· 1 • .. ' .,., . . · . . S'·~~~~.'41:.-.:i...-•• ~·~· ,, ·,....._~: __ ,:_ • ·. ~ . • \ ··~ '; . . .... .,. ~ :'! -.r:. ii<. •. "•. \. TH(S tNsTIU.IMIINT, made-dds .lit:_day of ,Zlr;as ndM ,,,, ... _A"Y.!i!..eY ,;..J.,<L ... --------------... -------------~-... _______________ ... hm:bfu:c called •oran1ot(~ • l.hd lhc Cm' OF RamJN1 1 Municipal Coqu,tad® ur ~11t Oiuraty, W.uldri,uin, betr:ltt.tl'<ct c.dlcd •0rintc. • Tbl.t aJd. Grusfat(tJ, !or lM fA.qndd~~oa :"£~ benefia.1 do hy II~ pments, gnnt, bu&aln. sell, ~. llmd 'Wlrnllt! DJl1o lhc Aid Onn.kt, iu urc ~ a.dEhl, :ill tascr:nem tor publtc 11111We$ (lfldudln1 'Wfltr, "~tc.t. Jmtr::id;c:cwtCM) wirh oeecss:iey'qpm:tttL:i11cc:s ovu1 ~r. ~sh, a:tQJ,111)11vpOn lhc Cti\lowl.111 dm:ribcd: propctty(thf. tlght-or.w-.y) In tdn, Caunl)', W;aihlrtgton., ~ JW'lici,.larl)' dt.u:dbtd ,.s t'oUa~ J \ • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -·--··-~--.,,. ------··- - •:-""- ··•··. .. ' '. ..'...;.J. -~ ···k· • • ~ I .. \ . .,. ·-:. -..... ,.-.... :• 0 • tlllb ... ~ Jbo,112 or2 ji,:ti,WNKII'.., \ I : ·.: ' ~"'.' ,:; • • ' ' • .'' ' ' ,' '~ : • • ' • • I ----.. ] \ .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..:..J_. ------------------ ,: . ·• • • \ 1'M'BR1,UB !t.llBHElrt DBSC11.%PE:Otf l'IWnl n. acunm1ilr JR. Pllarnn A STRIP OF LIJU) 1S FB~ Dl tetmu l!JEI»Q 7 • 50 FE'ffl' Dtl Vo.CH SIDE OF THE :FOLI.offING DISCRralID C:6N't!1Ultm: OVER Ul'l'S A, B, c, AND D, OF CIH OP Rtl{WN UY1! t,JN£ Ab3US'ffl£H!r MD. LUA-95-J.73-LtAJ AND HORE PAR'Ziot1URLY .DBSCIU.B!D AE POUAHSi COMHENC'ING M DI£ NORm QUARl'ER CORNER OP SECTION l!il, ~BIIIP Z3 NORTll, 1WtGB !i ~'l', W,M,1 iim::HCB SOUTH tl1"2.1 112" WEST 599,43 F:EE'l' ALDJfG 'l'JfB CEHTERLlNE OF BUD .SBCTION 19; 'ffl&NC:S HO.RTH a8')&•.tl8• WES'l' 31J,OO nirl 11'0 fllE Wts'l'ERL'II! MARGIN O.P JWlD:CB. AVEKUE SOU'l'lffl2ST MID 'J'D n1.11: POIR'l' OF BEGIJmING OP TfJIS CENl'ERLINE DESCRIPTION i '1Hlffl:C!E JiOR'IU 8''21 1 45" ff&!l1' 40,34 PIS'l'J TJ:tE:lfCE JfflRTH lli'13 '06" HES'I' lU. 72 FBET 'lO POifi'l' "A"; "J!HBHC:E llORTH 99•131oe• Wtsr 2:12,96 FXE'[' 'l'O PDDri' 11 8"; 'l!RBHCI:> B~ OD~llJS" ME5'1' ua.l.li ~ TO ~OlJtl> 11 c 11 ; THENCE 90U'l'S 00'!11'39"' WES'l' 77,60 PBBT 'l'O PDill'l' 11 D"; 'l'f{EN:CE. SOO!H OG':11'39 11 WEST 95,58 FEE'i'j fflSHCB S00111 &a'11i 1 J7" WBS"l' 21,17 FIE'l'I WENCE BOUTH 73'21'%3" WEST ::17,71 FBt'l'; 'fflENC!E S0t1TH 76'31'4£1W m:B'I' B!i,ll PEET; ~ENCE 80\ml 7;?'27 1 35" WEST-l.U,85 rJ~I 11:IBNCE SOUTH 71'0, '37-. WES'l S7 ,:l:J PEm'l 'fHENCB SOUTH 75'3f.i'2G" WesT l0:!.3:1 FEET TO PODfl' "E"; 'DIEIJCE 50Uffl 75')6 1 20" Wl:81' l.4l l'!:lTf 'nit.NOE NOR.TH 18"05'16"' NllS:11 96.17 FEIT/ '!HENCE NORffl 21'51 1 51" WES'!' 56.3!1 FEET 'l'O }IO[NT "F11 ; 'l'HE'NCE NOJa'B u·:12 '55" KES'T 7J.e? FEE'r7 'l'HENC,6 NOlt'l'II 04'!2.1 09" EAG'l' 17.51 FUT; fflENCE HORfll 01'15 1 19,. Ell.S'l' 19.21 F.f.:t"l' 'l'O PODlT "G"1 ; THENCE HOR'?H Ol'l!PU• EAff 214.56 FEET TO POIHT "Hni 'l'Hl:N"CE ~Dlt'l'B Oi'u12911 EAST 156.IICI Pf:Br: · ...t"l't{EHct: SOU'l':I! 88'~2tUn EAST 141.U F!!t'l' '1'0 POINT ttJ"I>; flt.ENCE BOU'l'B 88'.0'41" ~S'l' 1"3.~!i l~ffi .-4'l'ttl:NCE .Sot1'1'1{ 41•,151:,211 FAST 66.58 F£ET; ~TftEHCB: Sotl'Nt 8B'5J 1 JS11 EAST lBlli,80 Ff;E't 'l'O POUff 11K"; o'l'HEHCE SOU'?ll 88'1il'35" FAST 24,015 FEt'I'; (',-t'ttENCE SOU'l'K 00•57io5 11 H'U'r 1ll.B9 FE!T; Ql'l'tf!tlCE SOU'rlt 21'181fi7"' HE$~ 60.:11 FBE'f TO :POXM'r" "L''J 'fflf:HCZ SOU'l'K 17"33 117" HBS1' 56,0'1 Fltt'l'f 'l'HENCE Sotn.'H u•:,2 1 0 111 EAST 1.la.'15 rEET TO IJ:IH! PREVIOUSLY DI:SCRIBEO POINT •5N AND THE 'l'DJUUUS OF SAUi S'lRIP 1 AtiSO BEG"I"HNIHC J\~ PRE:l/100Sl,Y Dt.SCRtBED PQlN'r MA"l 'l"KDfCt tmRt'ff 00'46'!12" £Ast' .Z:5,515 F'f:E'r ft:I 'I'HE T£RMnros or SAID ftR.IPt ALSO .PEGINNIHG 'AT PREVIOUSLY DESCJl:CBm PCIItlT 11 C"'; "tHE'.NCE: SOOTH B'3'2Bt21"' EAS'l' 4-a.o Ft:ET TO 'l'HE 'I:EiUtINUS OF SA.ID STtfIP; 1/2 I ~'i"· ~~:; ... :' :. -~. ~ -. . . . . l. -• • •• ' \ I J I i, I ' ' I I ! ' I I ! .i l ! ' ! ! 1 I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---.---- I .. . . , . .· . -~ '· • • \ ~ DEGlNNDl'G A'l' PREVIOUSLY DESCRt&m) PO:z:N'll •oa; 'dENC& Norem 1.9•z.o,zi• W£BT 1w.1.e. nE"l'1 'l'll!NCE: SO'CJ'l'il 02"18'45" WEST 20,.39 FEE'!' 'l'O 'l1lE !l'EIUUHUS SUil>1 lil,SO BMnfflnrO A'f PREVIOU!JUl OESCRIBBD POINT ,,Eu I OF SAlD '1'HENCB SOtml oz•29,11• W.EM' JS.u. FSE."l' l'D ~ HOR!l'Hl:RLY HA!U.lN' or 11'HS OU) tfOll'l'HElUf PACXn:o RAU.llOAD RtGfff-QP-tlAY r 'l'llB !?ERKDfUS OF SAID .smIP, '.mB Sil>BLZNES OF SAID stRrP _SIING aROM'BNS'D OR !-ElfGTIIIIHBD SO AS '10 HRHINA'l'E A'l' 'TJlE ~Qtf;l'HEJlLY MARGIN OF 'l'IIE OLD MORTHUH PACIPIC 'RllUI.OAC l\I0H'Jl....g:P-1fAY / ALSO BSlNHilfC All' :PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBBD POZ~ al""; TJJEN'CE NDR'l'H 7l"ZCi 1 1!511 EA5'? 100,8.4 FllE'l' 't'O 'tHE 'l'BRKilft1S OF SAl'C llfRil>I Al,60 Btcl'NN:rtlG r..'r PR.f.VlOU1J1:.Y DESCRIS&O l'OIN'l' -<1 11 ; l'Dl{CB NOl\'l'tl ea·u •u • wast 2:b .12 FBt'r 'l'O 'l'fl& TERMINUS OF SA!D STRIPj ALSO llEGlHNDJG A'l' 'pJlEVIOUBL! DEScro:l!JED PD!NT 11u• 1 'l'l:IEMCE HOR'l'B B8"-h1'4l11 WEST 28,02 nl::1' 'l'O 'm:2 TErutCHDS Ol SAID 6'1'RIPI ALSO !ltGINHlNG A'r PRINXCUSLY D£SCltIBE0 POU!!:' 11 J"; 'DttRCE NCR"l'R Ol"l4 1 :J7• ml.S'l' 60,97 ~ 'l'O 'tfiE-'l'ERHINUS or BAID =, AI.SO BEGINNING A'f :PREVIOUSLY DESCRI.8£0 FOIN'l •1('11 J TSDfCR llDR'l'H Cll'OB•2.&• CUT 4,,,, PEE'!' TO 'fflB TERMINUS or SliJD S'l'RIP; 'l'BE SIDEL1HES 01' '?HIS WEHElf'l' .SHALL !E SO SHOMENEO OR Ll:NG'l'KtN:ED SO AS TO MttT" A'l' ro!GLE POiln'S; '1'BE SIDJ3LIHES OP '?HIS F.ASEl1EH'r, AT 'l'ffE 'l'RUE PODl'l' OP BEG!NHI}IG, SHAU BE 80 SliORfEtf!D OR. L~ENED SO AS TO 'l'RJUaNATE A.'r -THE ~ERLY HAMIH Of' KAF.DXB Mlf:NO'E S01JT)lffE.ST, 2/2 : :;, •' :· '.' '' • •' '.' ' j• • • ' ' • • ' ' • I J ,, \ l . , I I • .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ·------------.. ----· -. .. · ........ • • . •: ... •, .. ,....:... ______ _..:.__;..:.__--, ' ,.as·~·~" ,:30-00' Uh K,r :It £1" W, <ID.311' .,. . Hlt'13'0a"W,~ ~· ~ H"O'OI'" W,:nt.00' I'!. aoD':nww.~-IG' o. aw::n·ww,tr#J' g, aOCl'.i.T~·w.u.a· ('-. 1U'w,rw.21;sr t;l • STT2l'U-W,;1,"71 .. tr•·:nArw.wr u 517 tr~&-~, MUI' ff , rr o,· ~ w. 51-"' • S 1$' :I&' 20" W, IOUJ' u S)~''3G"WW,1,Cf " Jllll"Or"10"W.IIUT ~ ftfl'~Ur'W,5U8' 11 Hu· :iz-&5" w , r.LBr • ..-o~· P-OV'f., lrJI)"' It •ot l,"1t•f,7V;2.f ~ NDrU'li"t,&'AII' " N fir ll'N' II, U41.8<r 22 , ea· "2' <lT'£, 14U4' ZI 1p•olt',ill"E,WV i~ &u•ar;rt,t&.&(I· ;5 IOfl'Sl'U~t,tt,o;.fO" 211 Ii H' 15l' .U." IE, 1-.oJ' fl' lDG'trW-W,'Cllto" N l~Gl"R'"'W,90:R" ti s n-~ 1T' w 't&,D7' :HI 'H'lll'\1,-£,:QU&' ~I I{ DD' 4D' 5Z" l,l5.le' = c .. •,rlf't:,411.c" ;1'I N•ria'll:t'W.115.1111 3', IDl"WAS"tf,io.n' U IOl'JWlrW,!14.lf :II lt'tfU'1:r'J;,toCJ.l.4" if NH'~.l'<ITW,IS.tr n N11""'44.'U"'1,l40r " II OT' 14' :Jr E, 60m" '11 HO,-OlrU"E,~iSRT ,1 tM"W1J"1.,:,0.o,,t' \ \ .! .l l i . ] I· I I I,,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "'"'h4""'""'"'"'""'""~'"'~ 1'IX'C, . •• ' .... • • X $ $ IA-~ bo,s-1,u.'t6r UH,t'ftt \Go ... ")ta.rlt at °'6 JIM pe.t1.• IOI" •nd Ill IIU'lll"ldfflih~ of QWlt 1101.l.All tr.'1 ~t-tONI uid UlvtltJa C'l'Nl:ilr:t~,.n,:ol,pl ot •bltll .. ~ ~dtt ~ ,r'-ftl. fl'll'II., •n•J '""""'l- wm ilia Cltl'1' m" t!BtrIOR, a M.~ ~LIii .r U. M•h of Wu.lrlllaton, q "1'-~ 11' lh1111 llft:,,'tl~ ~.:.' MU!lnllt:::ii\~Rt,U,-~hzallffll'1lllt.lY'idlo~tnf'-1"*-~~1U: l«iltod Wlt."':'UI: tbt ~ of tlriq, J."t.i, of la.lh.lnot•• to •:tt• M4 ~ )l'a$ Df lbt Mt.Ond. ~ in b:t,t fu' tbo ~ d IIOCIR..~ 'npdr, ~ ~ Dl-'~ .ii.! ~lnn·Pl'~pN>ha.,iDle,wlH~ n,, WMJZ13. ~ ULI SliiidPll'tl•:iaiii'ff buelintll "'lthO:lilUIU-4 flNlll. (hl.___1,!!1}._-dlf of Saat.'ll.6 1, 11t1 madtnllsu:t ~ hWfe bl ud. tor rue ata.t. or ~ NlllJlhll: 1n .--. ~ts:a, d~ --.... ,. .., ___ ..l!lill.,,,... ___ ..,_, __ !!1.uet, 190!, _______ .,._.,. or.,,n.r.d Wm r11t-1'!!lllt n._~rint11 _ .. ~-.IIQIQ( ____ -llJ.a __ --·--M - ..--tombon.CObothtSndlw!~~ ~ Dlld ~ ~ ltill ._.U:JfllQtnH Ul4 =lilau.ya:t DL4 olaH ft-r l.bt ..U llnd. pJfp6tM ht:rfltt ~1:lomd. <ll"P un1tr1 rtil' !wul i..,o ~ '"' ~ -~ J.~~..,.!'.i:t~ _ _lUb.l , :mo.. "~-:-UYf~;;;:~,,,- ,,,.\: -~ ;·,.:· ·-· ~·· ~,1",.-.11c,n..-.r.doi,.~~ge,d'!;""'' w ..... l'"Sodtt.,:.:r.~ir.-;;;v. ;.;:.,,,~ '. · ,. . .. ...:,.-!.i~ ;',.1!•:. ··;:,-1;:'f.,\ l-·' -<~--.1.l.. -. I .. .,·: .., ..... . ' l· J '1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .:i N ... ---------------------- ., ' ~ .. n.:: Ol"lmtor, ltm.nlTall &mlllDI ua;.., • ~l-..n CO~•ttua, terr. md l.D,COll:fi.i:ac.1.w of nm. Do).l.ab · ($lD,D0) a~ btllu "-l\;!Dle CG1141ldu1"" tWll, iD ~ pa:U., a;aRDi ....i WilUll'IS t11 BDCB S, fPGISCI' aad JQIE A, ~~. c~, 0 tbt t4l;'f:10ltia8 deks::ild nd e~iabt d.taat:t4 iD UJ,s C-ct. V..tdaa,:tOd: ~.llg at Ulic DOreba,t. c--= -.f 5-tiaa l9 I ~ Z3 lloff:ll. a.p :i tac., V.L, n._ Coaq, .,..1lll!igC:.ca., u..ce a.Nth e,111.0" aw ..-t -lOA&: t:L.r. urt:11. Um. CJf MU ~ 1D98..n &.ot; dlCaic& .IOCldl l '1'' 10" wut 7Dl £e,i,t to t:h6 tm6 'PO!,D.r. of \Mlglm.:illc.i ~ .....tfm:fnt: IOUtb. L •131 10" 90Ji. MO tee; ~ soota 111-in'ZS" eut %51.0 fed:; ~ 1IDl:Or. 1 ·u•10" eUI: 240 mt.; ~ 11Drtb a,•101 is,• -ar: 197 .o feat. u. t:be: a-poblt of besimdlJi .,,, the £1111 of tlw ~- Gtator al&o ~ lm4 9d,tc..._. m eaat.e .in; .._t: fol" the ~tructlOQ an4 -~ af fitvtiDp for a LailAliaa: oa. ud ltl hdi.u ~th ~ ~ rd t'bilc ,ut Qf DtildOr! a· tam lp..118 vit:Jdll. 3 ;fr.ec. of tlae; c;ast: ~ of ti...,-t..l. ~ ~! mvtta,.fllllEIU", HU~~ dil&M4 ~ fu~t to 114 e:umtad..,. ~ ~ ctt~ ad it.I ~ ...i co-\,,a liarcwita ···=,µ ?1 , ~ttmd this "'"' " ~ of 4 ~ • lln. ' . BDDIJl;WW JDDIIII' DC. ' ~\~tA_.~,. .. ~\:_~ >~ .,: . ~ ... .,_...of-, . o. """ :tr ,,., -i: 4~ . un, ---~lly .,...ued. ll. Jr• )bib,• , l:O .1111 iillOwa tG k a Viqe • iru~ • R, )(. o'iijl.i · , to • ..,_. cu b. ~ SelrRU,t7 of llul.J.qtoa.~ 1-t •• tlllt. ~ ;:hac 0¥ltt'llm.1!. Om ' ld.tlJ.k .ad tomp'ina :lal~t~ --eb--J • ·, IIUd lul~t to be a.: fl'N adi '!Oh11t.t:aQ' 11c:r. .u:a.s 4-4 •t .uti1 iurUa,t;oa ~taull Ia~., In t.ha uea ad~· tban:ID. .ot(oddl, U4 oa oadl •t.Ucd·tut cmr •n autbc,rbed to ~te Hi4 UMI~ .1411 tbat tbri 1Ul •ffi~d ti t~ c»t'POl'•t& lt.d ot' Hid. ~lilzgt.oll ~ lDc~ Ul VITKE5i muor. I have M-r,,qa,to :Ht rlf N.Qd ud llf"t:lxad "'1 ofHcia.l t:ba day n.d yur h•t •'b,ay-11!. ~ttec, ?' ! ~12 · · .•, NDiaTJ~ am4. !o.r .£«l ot ~t&1 rc.t!icU.oa: at; S.t. htu, ·~ ·; •• : •• , .•• , •• ,,· • -~ My Comni11Uln Expiu:t.: J..prl.L ~2 1 ;.'fl•, .~,.('f .. t •• • .................... , ............. . Drascript:iori; .ltinq.,lOl Di:>cument ..... -l'eilr,Month.Da.y."J)QcID 1972.121:1. • .33:Z. I!Age: l 0£ 2 Order: 96488:Z.a COJZD.ent: S edule B :t_ S Ion--~~~-- E ption "!di! -· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---·. --------- N N r- r ., -.f. .. ;br1 :"" { .. J. :' ·~ • .,.J..:..·.:.-• ... , . . M, .a.. ~ ::.v •• , . ·,; I tfl r---... ~ ...... . . . ,~.:.t .. ·•:-.~~ ......... ____ :z:-,.-';' , -·-·---------'-----------------.....1. .. , .. ____ _ Descri.ption: .Kiz,g1 WA Docume;nt: -:Year • .!>fo,qth,Da.y.DocID 1972.l.2ll.331. Pa.g'e.; 2 0£ 2 az;-d&.r: 9648810. Coniment: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. - : i ' . ,. ,,: .. . . '.• . .. ' ~t(\;~-:=- lr~:fi~: . ~: : . ..:' . ·.· ·.. . ·---· ., ..$· -~ ./~~ 1.·i W: f2 •.. 'Schedille' 6' i Setf18ff .. =· _;:;,;;_ "'V,.._-- Exe!/pt/6R ,~ t- -~-: ::r · tD HAYE MD 'l'o IWL-i"HE: SAIE. t.c,gdfiu vith -an· u,e. appaitellilaces • , ~ ~ belOCl9fH,. to~ ~lfd Grantee. hb hdn: iaiid iuifl$", !~· . . :~ . · · ·~ IITTJfSS lltflm'" • lld'li~ Kort.bur Rifir~ ~-hH ai=ed 'its • ~ • corpur.i.tc ..: \11 11,e ~to nvnect bl' Slir;iff Part Ccr1DD111, lb ~t'lonti4--'"4f by ,i v~ Prei1dent ml the ~ Seal "bJ 1e heret,o . •ff~ thfs ...1/i!Jl::,Glf_. dq' of . _ iJ_K_"".t • •. . ' . , ,: __ ..a.,· ·..:..:-.--~---~--.:....--~--:.. ..... -. _ Year.MQnt:h,Day.DocID 1987.1222.298 Page: 1 of 3 Descript:ion: Ki.Dg,hlJl Do~gnt ordor: 964881a. Comment: ,_ '' .1 !. ; . ,~ ; .... ', 1 • • j_, _, ., ,· -~- (=- (= [: .l ·_ l. :r ··A ii. ··l 1• -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! '., . ·.· . . : ~· . . ' t,4{ ·. }" · . . \ ·., . ' -. ' ,sr.m Of ~ ·1· "· CWITY DF .:mi · • , • . ;,. ""' ,,.,,t,,-_:..; ·.r-~ • ·.,_.,:ri .. ..,.,. -.. ~t.r ~ 11 •• t .. hmtrus:. •· ~~. ta ~ to be t:11e. .fice. rre.1..,t; and ·bi1ltut: Secnt&ry; Ns,fitt"tvel/,, cif"'&tKl~r hr\. ~-• !.illllam, cm,,on.t,011,. tbe coryor.itlm tb¥t ~ ~·-fo,.-i11g- 1ut~t .as. a :athrrne:,-fllr.fi:ct·f.,-ButH11gta,rt Rurthe!"n bflnirad ~~ a Ql;!\liiue, ~tio1t~ 1111 actno.rfedged siitd IJIS1ha:llt'.'hl lie tk-free Ind . TI:1lanh'7-~ ai,,f dead of afi COl'l!Gtatioci, for ftt. 'Ujti 'and ~ tilerei11 ·w,:rtt~ .so{, Dd· oatti ch.t~ that HE., arec NtllllrhN t:• ~ ui4 1tts:tTtalnt u4 , tt.rt Uit sml affh:ed is tbt: coriiaf'llte s,11 .cf old .~ff. Ill 11tflaS llEIEOf:. I ~ lient.11 $Ill 11Y tlnd alllJ affi~ ay ~ tht.-dq 1oild )'lel" Hnt 2bm. 11rhten. . . · · . . . . :·' .• ... -~.: . . . . ~~--,------_.....c........-- 8 F [· (= (= [ ·, r. i ,.. l ·- De.scx:iption: Ki..ngrWA Document -rea.r.Moath.Da.y,DocID 1987.1222.298 Page! 2 0£ ~ Ordsr: 964BB1a Comment:: ______________ ,.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r : . ~ ' .,. ·,. :-.. ' ' ' '· ,. nescriptio.a: Ki.ng,RA Document - ox&;or; 964881a comment: (= . -; .. ··: ..... ,. ~. s , .. ,,._ ... a:,., :,::c;;;@,"" .,,u•,,· ., r;-'· •·-;_;.·~ ___ .... ,.~-·..:... -·-·--··-· ·---,-~ .c "-y .-......-ID 1987.1222.298 Page: 3 of. 3 Year.MOP.'-'•·~ ,UV<,., 1 ",f: l " ·j l ··) . .. + [ I I I I I I !· • I ~ ;: Q z ~ ~ I " l ~ w. J ... I ii .., ~·· X ..... I ~I!; :i: E~ !!;6 I ~ i~ ~:: J ~w ~~ " I ~~ ~ ... ~- J J I ~ ~- I I I I I I Schedule B ~:=----___ +.-::4?~1.J=== ...... 8 • PUGET EASEMENT FOR UND1lRGROUNDELtCTIIICSYST6M POWER -""" in c,,noJ.l=ti<lll of One Dollar !$1.DOI and other VDJ.Ullble cor.sld~Uozi, the receipt cf \ihich .!II hereby .eckn:7wlt'dged 1 I DoNNElit FAMILY P/\llTNERSJiIP, a tl&shimrton General Partnership by FRAU...B. t'I BONNttL, JR,, genoral partner ~ fel'l\lllor"' lw;u!"'f. Jll'lnts. ir.onv.~ 111NI 'W'lffllalt ta IILJC£1' 60UND f!OWEI\ " LICHT COMPA,.,,., 111 W.11llnpa tar· o pomlion rr,, .. 1ee-lu!ntan1. for 11N pllrpMU ltqJtl .. ur JIOl lonh II ptfjffllUII{ OMfflll!fll ui,der,_ tcf!m .wt iniiit die fol. \D lll'Wlllfl dascrfbe1l rnl prop,:rry (llm "Prnpony" luxaln) Xfnq C1>!1nty, Wubl,WOr.. The .South 270 feet of the Hort'1 300 f.eet of the Ent 970 feet Df Government Lot l in Section 1!1r lmmship 23 Horth, Range 5 Ea!i~~ W.H.; EXCEPT the (est liO feet; EXtEPl tile liorth 10 feet tbcreof as ccmve,ed to the City cf Renton for Svuthwst 7th Street lJllder Recording Nulllber 5051494; befng a portion of the Horthlfest qU11rter or Sfctton 19, TDWnshtp 23 North. Range 5 East, W.f(. . Eli~ Ol ra1}' be olh1rWlh!HI lor111 harllln Grtl:llt.u:·~ tl.a1i1s sl,nlJ ho ci11rclll0d urm,. tbal pcrrdon of llui l'11pnlf Jlhci "R!flhl- nl \Vrj lkimlnt de,crilmj 11• lol~, ~olli"IClOl"""'""""''''"i,otm,,;,/lk~ ........ _,lmo!•ll'lil<wl<lil:Rt;•ilOd<loo!A'l<XW><X xl!m!ml,11\x,lllllooo<xx The Nortli 10 feet of tile Hast 2"5 feet of the Ells-t 295 feet cf the above deser1bt>d property. .. "' "' .. ' .. " ' .. .. ! .. .--, f':l)I" ;!~!:CR::> AT r:::ouEST OF! ~ .::';1;11 " 4, Cmdot"I UH.of Rlihl-«·W•y. Cran tor fC!U'fC!I fha rqhi JD UC lhe Rt,ht..d-WD)' rer IUlf p1,1g,ose notlaarmsblcnl wllh Iha rlshla hurdn,ranlcd; ptovldetl: 11'Dl Gmnlor shDl1 JOI.CICIMlnKI Gr mo:kltaln ;my &.Jlfdln,orolMt' 1ltlfWN'c11 Jh1 A¥1t- cf•Way which would ln1Criet11 with~ u«CIM af th~ 11,hb hnflll Bt•ttltd.: tho I 1111 dfllPhi, h111ndhtr orol:htt foun o1 .... fltlldll1fl udWJI)' 1h11II bl don11 on Iha Pmpmy whkh. would dblarb Iha cumr,1i:&1on or urrntlh Gnintao'1 l1cfflltm on l)i11 JUrbl-of..W11)', o.tl!fldapttDr1hc! ln1flll'II IAll'JIIII" to11kl flldlltr.11; 0Pdlha1 no blm.l nr:ih,n bo dona Yrilhln 1sfoi1 of in RllhHr• Woy. r, bulonil\kj. By 11m:ipUq uui .--rdln5 !h(9 ~loment. Gnial1111 'Pt111 la lndomnlly 1111.d bold.liormlo.t1Cnimcirlr«a 1ny WIii 111 cJolnn [orlr4urteaaocl/ar d1mq41,a11ff11ud.byooyp,r1Dn which Irle.)' bo au.1111 by lha-Cl1ntaa'1U1rd,c gf' lb~t\pl~ 1'111rtln ar•bltrd: pnwldtd. tbat Oni~u .t.1111 JUII ha rupata.lblo tu GrUlltll' tor 1111)' lft}utlct and/or il111n1p ta un1 pet:ton cxiutod by ad, or om.U.Slont 11( CNlntar. e. AbmdlilllffleOL The dJl:w hardn ininled:#1411 mt.llJIUI! anlfl AICh l!me '" Gni.n.lltll Cl!Ulll IC UJ11 l2i1 SIIAli!-of-W.yforD pcr!od of (h.'e f511ua:e,tlvo )'OMS:. IA which nv.,Jtt 1J.,lu111n11111n1 atiaJI lnmlnlc o.nd 111 rfp11 hll~11odot th&tf ~Ver1 hi Crall- Ior. p.·1rrid" lhat n11 11bandanmlfflf ,ball hi! dcmlffl so h1vt occurrod br nusa, ar Cr~nliic'.:t ftlll'111 &D lnlllllly ln111D Ba CocilHlm, on ll1n Ri,hklr,W.ay wllhln tiny puiod ,I nmo rrom Iba date hereof. 7, Sucarum o"Pd ,.,.•lgu, The rJshl& nQd t1bllaa1lam of lhe p111llu aholl fmirc to lh,;i: bc:n1i-«t or 111d lie binding 11p1N1 lb11lr tdpl'Cfi\>r .IUIXeUllrS 1:1od Qi5:!!Jaru. Jl&llll ff RlllO 9100011 KJ·ACOOI 235-74 ORIGINAL •.*4;:J.'1 .. ;pQ pt.J,;W.: :_ Si? :.ae ... Ki.\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I :: I I I I I I ~ ' Oc.,- ••• COUNTY OF t::IHO 1 certify tbllt l knGw pr ba.v, utlsfoctory ovidotic, th.a.t FRANK B. lIDNNEU., .m. ls the pl!r.tJOn ~ho appeared baforo tfl.1 aud said par..-011 11cknovl~acd th11.t ti~ signtid chU i,ngtrument, on oeoch •t:Rt:~d that. ha t.1st ,utbor:lud to IJXct.cute. chu 1nsC:tumcot a.mi .a.cknwlcdgod ir: 11,: the CENEML PARTNER OF IDNJml.L FAMILY F/IRlNERSHIP~ a flichingtort Gonord P::1rtn11c.blp to ba the Erao 11.nd volune.i:cy ,net of !lllt:h corporodon for t:he uso.s and pu.rpnliM rui:atlotil!d ln tho i.n&tttlJICnt. 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' ... it I ==.J I'" 1i ------------ ~ .. '-.. !" ?i"' o· ,. !I! !'l ~ ~ ~ " m m .. a• JI :1 11 <n J'l 1- i=: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Initial Report of City of Renton Planning Division FEB -8 iUlO Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation [R{~~[~]~~[Q) Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion Project 743 Rainier Avenue South Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 Terracon Project No. 81095071A Prepared for: Pacland Seattle, Washington Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Mountlake Terrace, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I November·30, 2009 Pacland 1505 Westlake Avenue N., Suite 305 Seattle, Washington 98109 Attn: Mr. Jeff Chambers, P.E. Re: Initial Report of Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store# 2516-05 Expansion Project 7 43 Rainier Avenue South Renton, Washington Terracon Project No. 81095071A Dear Mr. Chambers: lrerracon Tcr:ac'.ln Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has completed a Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation for thEo at,nve referenced project. These services were performed in general accordance with our prnr,osai number P81090190 which was authorized by Pacland by written contract on September 21, 2009. Evaluation of the site was completed in two phases with the results of the p,e!irr1inary phase presented in a report dated September 3, 2009. This initial geotechnical engineering report presents the results of the subsurface explorations completed in both phases and provides geotechnical recommendations concerning earthwork and the design and construction of the proposed building and parking lot additions. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. (l(){,/./r,(!\/~ f_,cf John E. Zipper, P.E. Senior Principal Principal ~~'1\;,:, 7;.?:-;:£7 Terracon Consultants, Inc. 21905 -64" Avenue West, Suite 100 Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043 P 14251 771 3304 F 14251 771 3549 terracon.com Geotechnical • Environmental • Construction Materials • Facilities I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lrerracon TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .. Page ...... 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION. . ....................... 1 2.1 Project Description ..... . ..... 1 2.2 Site Location and Description 2.3 Previous Geotechnical Investigations .... .............. 2 ............ 3 ············ 3 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .... 3.1 Site Geology ....... . . ..................................................................... 3 3.2 Natural Resource Conservation Service -Soil Maps ...................................................... 3 3.3 Typical Subsurface Profile .......... 3 3.4 Groundwater .. ... . .. . . ... ... .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ....... .4 3.5 Seismicity .. .. ... . . . ... .. ... . . ... . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ............................. 5 3.5 Faulting....................................................... . .............................................. 5 3.7 Laboratory Testing................................. . ................................................... 5 3.8 pH and Resistivity Testing ............................................................................................... 6 3.9 Climate Data ................................................................................................................. 7 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................... 7 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations ........ ............................................... ..... ... . ........ 7 4.1.1 Liquefaction Analysis................................................. . ........................... 8 4.2 Earthwork.......................................... . ............................................................. 9 4.2.1 Existing Structure and Utility Removal ................................................................ 9 4.2.2 Site Drainage ...................................................................................................... 9 4.2.3 Dewatering ....................................................................................................... 10 4.2.4 Site Stripping........ . ................................................................................ 10 4.2.5 Subgrade Preparation........................................... . ...................... 10 4.2.6 Structural Fill Materials, Placement and Compaction ......................................... 11 4.3 Underground Utilities ............................................................................................ 13 4.4 Foundations .................................................................................................................. 16 4.4.1 Design Recommendations........................... . ............................................. 16 4.4 Floor Slabs ................................................................................................................... 18 4.4.1 Desig.n Recommendations ................................................................................. 19 4.5 Cast-in-Place Backfilled Walls ....................................................................................... 20 4.6 Drainage ....................................................................................... . ........................ 22 4. 7 Pavements ................................................................................................................. 23 4.7.1 Asphalt Overlays ............................................................................................... 26 4. 7.2 Construction Consideratio11S .............................................................................. 27 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS ........................................................................................................ 28 Appendix A -Figures Figure A 1: Site and Exploration Plan Figure AZ: Footing Drain Detail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure A3: f'igure A4: Typical Asphalt Pavement Section Typical Concrete Pavement Section Appendix a -field Explorations Held Exploration Description Coordinates and Elevations of Borings Boring Logs General Notes Unified Soil Classification System Appendix C -Laboratory Testing Laboratory Test Description Test Results Appendix D -Required Attachments Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheet Foundation Design Criteria Foundation Subsurface Preparation Notes AASHTO Pavement Design Appendix E -Previous Geotechnical Investigation Report 1rerre1c:on Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Report by AGRA Earth & Environmental I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Initial Report of Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion Project 743 Rainier Avenue South Renton, Washington Terracon Project No. 81095071 November 30, 2009 1.0 INTRODUCTION This initial report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering services performed for the geotechnical evaluation of the proposed expansion of Walmart Store #2516-05, located at 743 Rainier Avenue South in Renton, Washington. The report addresses the following site development topics: " subsurface soil conditions .. groundwater conditions " earthwork and grading ., drainage B underground utilities " foundations ~ floor slabs " pavements The scope of services for this project is referenced to the Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements by Walmart dated September 10, 2009. Our field geotechnical engineering scope of services for this project has been completed in two phases and included the following: • A preliminary subsurface evaluation consisting of 12 borings advanced to depths of 16 to 54 feet below existing site grades. • A final subsurface evaluation consisting of 40 borings advanced to depths of 11 Y, to 49 feet below existing site grades. The Site and Exploration Plan (Exhibit A-1) is presented in Appendix A of this report while the logs of the explorations are presented in Appendix B. The results of the laboratory testing performed on representative soil samples obtained from the site during the field exploration are presented in Appendix C. Descriptions of the field exploration and laboratory testing procedures are included in their respective appendices. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Project Description ,::•01:SCRIPTION:, .• Site layout 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation lrerraccn Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion~ Renton. Washington November 30, 2009, Terracon Project No. 81095071 ITEM Structures DESCRIPTION 15,892 square foot expansion to existing 134,352 square foot building. The existing building will be expanded to the north and east. Pavements , New pavement north of building in existing soil and gravel covered _____________ ;_( _area and possible overlay of existing pavement or replaceme_n_t __ Grading Detention/infiltration Not provided. We have assumed existing parking lot grades will remain essentially unchanged and that new cuts and fills will be less than 2 feet. Not applicable Note: Some assumptions were made regarding the proposed site improvements while preparing this report and are listed above. These assumptions were necessary in cases where specific project information was not provided to us. These assumptions should be verified by the owner and/or designers and any deviations from these assumptions should be brought to our attention. We anticipate that site grading would be minimal in the building expansion areas, as well as in the existing asphalt covered areas. Some minor filling or cutting may be necessary in the existing undeveloped areas. For purposes of preparing this report, we have assumed that site grading will be limited. For purposes of preparing this report, the following structural loads are anticipated: Interior column gravity load Estimated maximum gravity load due to severe live loading Exterior column gravity load 85 kips 150 kips 50 kips 30 kips 1.5-2.0 kips/lin ft 4.0-6.0 kips/lin ft 125 psf Maximum Column uplift forces from wind Masonry wall gravity loads, non load-bearing wall Masonry wall gravity loads, load-bearing wall Maximum uniform floor slab live load Maximum floor slab concentrated load 5.0 kips 2.2 Site Location and Description ITEM I Location Section, Township, Range Existing site features (site interior) Surrounding streets and/or developments DESCRIPTION 743 Rainier Avenue South, Renton, Washington --~-------------~ Northwest Quarter of Section 16, T 23 N, R 5 E Currently developed Walmart site. with associated asphalt parking areas and driveways, expansion areas include undeveloped soil- covered area north of existing building and single-story wood- framed building in future parking area. North: Bank building and 7'" Street SW beyond South: Honda automobile dealership and parking lot East: Commercial/Retail developments and Rainier Ave. S. and Hardie Avenue SW beyond West: Honda automobile dealership and commercial developments 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion o Renton, Washington Nove,mber 30. 2009 a Terracon Project No. 81095071 . lferracon Current ground cover i Asphalt and concrete pavements and small area of bare soil and ! gravel surfacing Existing topography ' Relatively flat- 2.3 Previous Geotechnical Investigations Terracon prepared a Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation report dated September 3, 2009. A geotechnical engineering report was prepared for the original Walmart development by /l/3RA Earth & Environmental in October 1995. A copy of the AGRA report is included with this report and is presented in Appendix E. Additionally, we reviewed the Preload Plan dated 1117196 by Washington Land Design for the original site development by Walmart. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Geology According to the Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington (1965) by the U.S. Geological Survey, the surficial geologic conditions mapped at the site consist of Recent Alluvial Deposits. The alluvium is described as sand and gravel deposited by the Cedar f';,,er and associated thin beds of silt, clay and peat. Our borings encountered similar materials '.,:, that described on the map. 3.2 Natural Resource Conservation Service -Soil Maps According to the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Soil Survey for King County Area, Washington, the site is mapped as Urban land (Ur). Urban land is soil that has been mod;f1ed by disturbance of the natural layers with additions of fill material several feet thick to accommodate development. Therefore, no soil characteristics were provided. 3.3 Typical Subsurface Profile Soil descriptions presented in this report are based on the subsurface conditions encountered at specific exploration locations across the site. Variations in subsurface conditions may exist between the exploration locations and the nature and extent of variations between the Pxplorations may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear, it may be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations presented in this report. Specific conditions encountered at each boring location are presented on the individual logs. Stratification boundaries on the logs represent the approximate location of changes in soil types; in situ, the transition between materials may be gradual. Details for each of the borings can be found on the logs included in Appendix B of this report. Variations at each specific boring location are presented on the logs. However, the subsurface conditions on the project site can be generalized as follows: 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion~ Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 m Terracon ProJect No, 81095071 1rerracon ---------- Description Approximate Depth to Material Encountered Consistency/Density Bottom of Stratum ------ Stratum 1 6 to 7 inches Asphalt pavement and crushed aggregate base course Dense -------------- Stratum 2 8:/,to 16-19 feet lnterbedded clays, silts, sands and SofUvery loose to gravels stiff/dense --------·-·s------~-------------- 16-19 to >54 feet Sandy gravel and gravelly sand Med. dense to very Stratum 3 dense Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples and the test results are presented in Appendix C, 3.4 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in all but three of the borings at the time of drilling at depths of about 9 to 14 feet below grade, Groundwater was not observed in borings B-16, B-19 and B-22 at the time of drilling. As part of a concurrent Phase II Environmental LSI, permanent groundwater monitor wells were installed in borings B-37 through B-43 between October 7 and 9, 2009. On October 12, 2009, water level readings were taken by Terracon with the following results: Groundwater Levels Boring Number Groundwater Depth at Groundwater Depth on Time of Drilling (ft) October 12, 2009 (ft) B-37 9_5 9.45 B-38 10 9.6 B-39 9 9.0 B-40 9 9.25 B-41 12 12.6 - B-42 11 12.1 B-43 9.5 9.05 A single well was also installed during the September 1995 evaluation by AGRA and a water level of 9.2 feet was measured. Additional well information obtained from the Washington State Department of Ecology for nearby projects at the USA Petro Mart and Renton Honda indicate that groundwater levels of 8 to 10 feet below grade were measured in monitor wells at those sites. Groundwater conditions can change with ·varying seasonal and weather conditions and other factors. 3.5 Seismicity Based on the liquefaction potential of the site soils, the JBC requires a determination of Site Class F. However, ground motions may be estimated on the basis of Site Class D provided that the fundamental period of the new structure will be 0.5 seconds or less. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation P;-oposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion R Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracon DESCRIPTION VALUE ------- 2006 International Building Code Site Classification (IBC) 1 F' ----~------ Site Latitude N 47° 28' 25" --------------f---~-------------- Site Longitude S, Spectral Acceleration for a Short Period S 1 Spectral Acceleration for a 1-Second Period Fa Site Coefficient for a Short Period --- F', Site Coefficient for a 1-Second Period I --L ____ _ w 122° 13' 04" 1.42g 0.49g 1.00 1.51 ' Note: In general accordance with the 2006 lntemationa/ Building Code, Table 1613.5.2, IBC Site Class is based on the average characteristics of the upper 100 feet of the subsurface profile. ' Note: The 2006 International Building Code (IBC} requires a site soil profile determination extending to a depth of 100 feet for seismic site classification. The current scope does not include the required 100 foot soil profile deJermination. Borings extended to a maximum depth of 54 feet, and this seismic site class definition considers that dense to very dense soil continues below the maximum depth of the substirface exploration. ----'------------ 3.6 Faulting According to the United States Geological Survey, Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States, the nearest mapped faults to the project site are the following: _Seattle Fault Zone: The Seattle fault zone is 4 to 7 kilometers wide and is described as uxtending from the Cascade Range on the east to Hood Canal to the west. The zone consists of 3 or more south-dipping thrust faults. It has an average strike of N85°W, dip direction to the south, and is in a slip-rate category between 0.2 to 1.0 mm/yr. It appears that the southern extent of the fault zone is approximately 5. 5 kilometers to the north of the project site. The risk of fault rupture and other geologic hazards at the site is considered to be very low. In our opinion, a supplemental site specific seismic investigation and evaluation is not considered to be necessary. 3.7 Laboratory Testing Samples retrieved during the field exploration were returned to the laboratory for observation by the project geotechnical engineer and were visually or manually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in Appendix C. At that time, the field descriptions were confirmed or modified. as necessary and an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Boring logs were prepared and are presented in Appendix B. Laboratory tests were conducted on se,lected soil samples and many of the results are presented on the boring logs and in Appendix B. The test results were used for the geotechnical 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 , Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon engineering analyses, and the development of foundation and earthwork recommendations. Laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable local standards or other accepted standards. Selected soil samples were tested for one or more of the following engineering properties: , Moisture Content , California Bearing Ratio , Grain Size Distribution • Natural density , Proctor Moisture-Density Relationship • Atterberg Limits Testing referenced in the project scope but not completed for this project included the following: • Topsoil Testing -No topsoil was encountered. • Unconfined compression -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. • Consolidation -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. • Swell -Swell tests were not completed as no soil potentially expansive clay layers were encountered. • BTEX -No BTEX testing was completed as we are not aware of any gas station proposed as part of the expansion project. However, other environmental sampling and testing has been completed by Terracon for this project as part of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, the results of which have been submitted under separate cover. 3.8 pH and Resistivity Testing Three representative soil samples were submitted to AMTEST Laboratories for pH and resistivity testing. Soil samples were also collected during the 1995 evaluation of the site and were tested for pH, and resistivity. The results of the tests are presented below in the following table: Boring and Sample Depth (ft) pH Resistivity (ohm-cm) Numbers B-14, S-2 5-6% 7.0 12,000 B-17, S-1 2%-4 7.2 9,400 B-33, S-2 5-6% 6.5 8,900 B-7, S-1 (1995) 0 -1 Y, 6.5 10,000 B-19, S-1 (1995) 5-6% 6.3 6,400 The electrical resistivity of each sample listed above was measured in the laboratory with distilled water added to create a standardized condition of saturation. ResisUvities are at abot,4 . their lowest value when the soil is saturated. Electrical Resistivities of soils are a measure of their resistance to the flow of corrosion currents. Corrosion currents tend to be lower in high 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon resistivity soils. The electrical resistivity of the soils varies primarily with its chemical and moisture contents. Typically, the lower the resistivity of native soils, the more likely that galvanic currents may develop and increase the possibility of corrosion. Based on laboratory test results, resistivity values for the near surface native soils ranged from 6,400 to 12,000 ohm-cm. Soils with resistivity values between 5,000 and 10,000 ohm-cm are generally associated with soils classified as "moderately corrosive" towards buried metal objects while soils with a pH between 10,000 and 20,000 ohm-cm are generally associated with soils classified as "mildly corrosive". The pH of the soils tested ranges from 6.3 to 7.0 and could to be insignificant in evaluating corrosivity of buried metal pipes. It is our opinion that Type I cement is suitable for this project. With respect to the need for protection of buried metal pipes, we recommend that the design engineers consult with the manufacturers of specific products in order to determine the need for protection. 3.9 Climate Data According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Climatic Atlas of the United States, the project site lies within the Puget Sound Lowlands Region of Washington. Mean monthly rainfall varies from a low of 0.96 inches in July to a high of 5.56 inches in December. Between November and March, there are about 20 per month where 0.01 inches or more of rainfall occurs. Average daily minimum temperatures are above freezing throughout the year. Mean annual total snowfall is about 12 inches. The mean total precipitation and snowfall (in inches), and the average minimum temperature (in degrees F) for each month at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport weather station since 1948 are: Month Precipiti:ition Snowfall Avg. Min. Month Precipitation Snowfall Avg. Min. (in.) (in.) Temp. (F') (in.) (in.) Temp. (F') January 5.74 5.05 35,0 July 0.76 0.00 54.7 February 3.95 1.72 36.6 August 1.10 0.00 55.0 March 3.72 1.34 38.1 September 1.74 0.00 51.4 April 2.54 0.06 41.2 October 3.35 0.04 45.4 May 1.77 0.00 46.5 November 6.10 0.93 39.6 June 1.45 0.00 51.4 December 5.86 2.82 35.9 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations In our opinion, development of the site as proposed is feasible from the geotechnical perspective, based upon subsurface conditions encountered in the borings for this evaluation. Our design recommendations are based on our geotechnical engineering analyses, the subsurface explorations and laboratory test results. Most of the proposed additions appear to be underlain by variable thicknesses of very loose to medium dense sand with varying proportions of silt and gravel that are susceptible to liquefaction during a design earthquake. Our analysis indicates that settlements due to liquefaction could range from as much as 5 inches beneath the southern portion of the existing building and 1 Y, inches beneath the 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracon rroposed addition. For this reason, the existing building foundations are supported on augercast piles. Although isolated lenses of limited thickness of silt were encountered, our analysis indicates that potential consolidation settlement will be less than the maximum allowable settlement for soils supporting interior floor slabs of 0.75 inch total or 0.96 inches in 40 feet as required in the Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements. Further investigation of the consolidation potential is not considered to be necessary based on the limited additional loading planned above the compressible soils. Geotechnical engineering recommendations for earthwork-related phases of the project are presented below. The recommendations are based upon the results of limited field and laboratory testing (which are presented in Appendices B and C), engineering analyses, and our current understanding of the proposed project. 4.1.1 Liquefaction Analysis Liquefaction is a phenomenon where cyclic stresses, which are produced by earthquake- 111duced ground motions, create excess pore pressures in cohesionless soils. As a result, the soils may acquire a high degree of mobility, which can lead to consolidation and settlement of loose sediments, ground oscillation, flow failure, loss of bearing strength, ground fissuring, sand boils, and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table, but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non-saturated soil as excess pore water escapes. Our analysis was based on International Building Code 2006 guidelines for seismic analysis. Based upon those guidelines we determined that a peak ground acceleration produced by an earthquake of Richter magnitude 7.0 to 7.5 will be about 0.34g at the subject site. Based on the depth to groundwater and the relative density of the soils encountered, we performed a liquefaction analysis on representative soil profiles encountered in boring B-7. The soils encountered in boring B-7 consisted of unsaturated, medium dense granular fill over medium stiff silt and loose silty sand over saturated gravelly sand and sandy gravel with trace silt. Dense gravelly sand and sandy gravel was generally encountered between 28 and 49 feet below existing grades. Based on the results of our analysis, it appears that seismic related total and differential settlement on the order of 1 inch within the zone of liquefaction while in boring B- 8, the settlement could be on the order of 5 inches. Our analysis indicates that the vertical extent of the liquefiable soils extend to a depth of up to approximately 30 feet. The report with maps titled Liquefaction Susceptibility for the Des Moines and Renton 7.5- minute Quadrangles, Washington, (Geologic Map GM-41), prepared by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, delineates the site as being underlain by Category I soil deposits. A Category I soil deposit is defined having a high susceptibility to liquefaction. The report presents a written communication after the 1965, Richter magnitude 6.5, Seattle-Tacoma 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gentcchnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington Nc,vember 30, 2009 ~ Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon earchquake. Reportedly, a house about 2,000 feet west of the project site experienced settlement of about 2Y, inches. It is our experience that many property owners elect to accept the potential risks associated with settlements induced during an earthquake rather than incur the additional expense associated with the available foundation and ground improvement options to mitigate these settlements. We understand that the structure can be designed to withstand the estimated settlements from a life-safety standpoint. However, cosmetic and/or architectural damage should be expected with or without deep foundations. Because the existing structure is supported on augercast piles, we recommend the additions also be supported on piles in order for the additions to perform similarly to the existing structure during a seismic event. 4.2 Earthwork 4.2.1 Existing Structure and Utility Removal All existing underground structures (e.g., wells, foundations, utilities, etc.) within the building expansion footprint should be relocated or abandoned in order to completely remove them from the building expansion area. Utilities should be abandoned in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. Localized excavations made for removal of structures, utilities, and the aemoval of unsuitable trench backfill materials (if encountered) should be prepared in accordance with the Subgrade Preparation section of this report and the resulting excavations backfilled with structural fill material placed and compacted in accordance with the Fill Placement and Compaction sections of this report. Utilities outside the building envelope could be abandoned in place, provided they are fully grouted with controlled density fill (CDF) and the trench backfill is density tested to verify that it meets the compaction levels specified in this report. 4.2.2 Site Drainage Stripping, excavation, grading, and subgrade preparation should be performed in a manner and sequence that will provide drainage and control of stormwater runoff and erosion at all times in accordance with the project plans and local requirements. If prolonged or substantial precipitation is anticipated, the site should be graded to prevent water from ponding in construction areas and/or flowing into excavations. Sand bags or asphalt berms/curbing should be considered to divert surface runoff away from the building addition excavations. Exposed grades should be crowned, sloped, and smooth-druln rolled at the end of each day to facilitate drainage if inclement weather is forecasted. Accumulated water should be removed from subgrades and work areas immediately and prior to performing further work in the area. Loose, disturbed soils and soils subjected to repeated construction traffic that are exposed to wet weather will degrade and possibly become unstable. Equipment access may be limited and the amount of soil rendered unfit for use as structural fill may be greatly increased if drainage efforts are not accomplished in a timely manner. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion o Renton, Washington November 30. 2009 a Terracon Project No 81095071 lrerracon placement, and compaction of structural fill should be performed under engineering controlled conditions in accordance with the project specifications. In our opinion, earthwork should be completed during periods bf the year when the moisture content can be controlled by aeration and drying. If earthwork or construction activities take place during extended periods of wet weather, or if the in-situ moisture conditions are elevated above the optimum moisture content, the soils could become unstable or not be compactable. In the event the exposed subgrade becomes unstable, yielding, or unable to be compacted due to high moisture conditions, we recommend that the materials be removed to a sufficient depth in order to develop stable subgrade soils that can be compacted to the minimum recommended levels. The severity of construction problems will be dependent, in part, on the precautions that are taken by the contractor to protect the subgrade soils. Subgrade Protection: If it becomes necessary to protect the subgrade from wet weather, we recommend that dedicated haul roads or lay down areas be constructed with a minimum of 12 inches of 2-to 4-inch quarry spalls, free-draining crushed ballast, shoulder ballast, or crushed recycled concrete of equivalent gradation. Ballast and shoulder ballast are defined by Section 9-03.9(1) and 9-03.9(2), respectively, of the Washington State Department of Transportation {WSDOT) 2008 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction (Publication M 41-10). The level of floor lab subgrade protection will be a function of the type and magnitude of traffic over the work areas and the effectiveness of draining precipitation or other runoff from the excavations. Frozen Subgrade Soils: If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, all exposed subgrades should be allowed to thaw and then be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill or foundation components. Alternatively, the frozen material could be stripped from the subgrade to reveal unfrozen soil prior to placing subsequent lifts of fill or foundation components. The frozen soil should not be reused as structural fill until allowed to thaw and adjusted to the proper moisture content, which may not be possible during winter months. 4.2.6 Structural Fill Materials, Placement and Compaction Structural fill includes any fill material placed under footings, pavements, or other permanent structures or facilities. Materials typically used for structural fill include pit-run sand and gravel, various mixtures of sand, silt and gravel, and crushed recycled concrete. Recycled concrete is suitable for structural fill. Structural fill materials should be free of deleterious, organic, or frozen matter and should contain no chemicals that may result in the material being classified as "contaminated". We recommend that all fill materials have less than 5 percent organics, and then only if the organic materials are relatively fine and disseminated throughout the soil. Soils with roots or other woody debris should have all pieces larger than Y:, inch in diameter removed before cof)1paction. Subgrade Verification and Compaction Testing: Regardless of material or location, all fill material should be placed over properly compacted subgrades in accordance with the Subgrade 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracan Preparation section of this report. The condition of all subgrades should be verified by the owner's on-site representative before fill placement or earthwork grading begins. Earthwork monitoring and field density testing should be performed during grading to provide a basis for opinions concerning the degree of soil compaction attained. Structural fill should be placed over a properly prepared subgrade in which the material below the upper foot is compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Structural fill should be placed in 8-inch maximum loose lifts. Placing the initial lifts of fill over the clayey subgrade may require thin lifts that are statically rolled in order to reduce the risk of disturbing the subgrade. Reuse of On-Site Soils: It is our opinion that the native granular soils encountered on the site are suitable for reuse as structural fill from a compositional standpoint provided it is placed and compacted in accordance with the compaction recommendations presented in this report. We recommend that all fine grained silts encountered at the site only be used for non-structural applications. Depending on the time of year that earthwork is completed, some drying of on- site soils may be necessary at the time of earthwork and the feasibility of grading with on-site soils will depend on whether adequate drying time occurs. Typically, drying is difficult or impossible during cold and wet winter and spring months. Recompaction problems should be expected in periods of extended wet weather, or after thawing of frozen soils, due to the moisture sensitivity of the soil. The ability to use the existing fill soils from site excavations as structural fill will depend on their moisture content at the time of earthwork and the prevailing weather conditions when site grading activities take place. Imported Structural Fill Material: Imported structural fill should consist of granular soils that are not susceptible to degradation and weakening if they become wet. Materials typically used for structural fill include clean pit-run sand and gravel and crushed recycled concrete. Recycled concrete is suitable for structural fill provided the material is thoroughly crushed to a well- graded, 2-inch minus product. We do not recommend that silt or clay soils be used for structural fill on this project. During wet weather conditions or if the native soils are unsuitable for reuse, "select" granular fill may be necessary. Select fill consists of free-draining naturally occurring sand and gravel, crushed aggregate, or crushed recycled concrete. Select structural fill should meet the requirements of the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 9-03.14(1), for Gravel Borrow. Fill Placement: Fill material should be moisture conditioned and compacted in controlled horizontal layers not exceeding 10 inches in loose thickness, and each layer should be thoroughly compacted with suitable equipment for the soil conditions. Compaction Criteria: Each layer of fill should be compacted to the minimum recommended level based on the maximum laboratory dry density as determined by the ASTM D 1557 Modified 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gcotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion o Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 a Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracon Proctor Compaction Test. Where the moisture content of the fill or density testing yields compaction results less than the recommended levels, additional compactive effort and/or nnisture conditioning should be performed until the fill material is in accordance with the compaction requirements. In the case of roadway and utility trench filling in municipal rights-of- way, the backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with current codes and standards. Our recommendations for soil compaction as a function of location are summarized in the table below. ---- RECOMMENDED SOIL COMPACTION LEVELS ---~----- Location Recommended Minimum Percent Compaction* --Is !o ubgrade and Fill Below Structures, Pavements and 95 utparcels ubgrade and Fill in All Other Areas 95 ASTM D 1557 Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density $oil Moisture Content: All fill material placed must be moisture conditioned, as necessary, to •Nithin ±2 percent of the optimum moisture content for compaction. If excessive moisture in the fill results in failing results or an unacceptable "pumping" or yielding condition, then the fill should be allowed to dry until the moisture content is within the necessary range to meet the required compaction requirements or reworked until acceptable conditions are obtained. Some drying of on-site soils may be necessary at the time of earthwork and the feasibility of grading with on-site soils will depend on whether adequate drying time occurs. Typically, drying is difficult or impossible during cold and wet fall, winter and spring months. Recompaction problems should be expected in wet weather, or after thawing of frozen soils, due to the moisture sensitivity of the soil. Laboratory Testing: Representative samples of materials to be utilized as compacted fill should be analyzed in a laboratory to determine their physical properties and Proctor density. Imported and native samples should be submitted for laboratory testing at least 5 days prior to using on the site. 4.3 Underground Utilities Underground utilities may extend into the soft, native silty soils. Structures such as manholes and catch basins which extend into soft soils should be underlain by at least 12 inches of compacted crushed aggregate. Railroad ballast or quarry spalls may be necessary to create a firm subgrade in the trenches. Coarse crushed concrete would also be a suitable bridging material. Where water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. It may be necessary to place a geotextile fabric (such as Mirafi 600X or equivalent) over the trench subgrade soils if they are too soft, to provide a separation between the bedding and subgrade soils. 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion~ Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon ProJect No. 81095071 lferracon After firm subgrades have been achieved, the utilities should be bedded for protection. Backfilling for the remainder of the trenches should be completed utilizing granular, non-plastic soil that is free of organics and other deleterious materials. Utility Trenching: We recommend that utility trenching, installation, and backfilling conform to all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, such as OSHA and WISHA for open excavations. Some excavation bank stability problems during utility construction should be expected where excavations extend into zones of perched groundwater. Flatter temporary slopes, temporary bracing or conventional trench box shoring will likely be necessary to support the utility excavations. Utility Excavations and Dewatering: Deeper excavations such as utilities may encounter groundwater during wetter periods of the year. The appropriate type of dewatering system should be determined by the contractor based on the conditions encountered. Some caving of utility trench sidewalls should be anticipated excavation depth and where groundwater seepage is encountered. We recommend that any excavations within groundwater seepage zones be undertaken only when suitable dewatering equipment and temporary excavation shoring are available. Depending on the season of the work, groundwater seepage elevations may be higher than that encountered in our borings. It is possible that pumped sumps or well points may be necessary for excavations that penetrate into the groundwater table. Pipe Bedding: We recommend that a minimum of 4 inches of bedding material be placed above and below all utilities that are supported on gravelly and cobbly soils or in general accordance with the utility manufacturer's recommendations and local ordinances. We recommend that pipe bedding conform to Section 9-03.12(3), Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. All trenches should be wide enough to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe or materials such as pea gravel or GDF should be used below the spring line of the pipes to eliminate the need for mechanical compaction in this portion of the trenches. If water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. Alternatively, quarry spalls could be used for backfill below the water level. Re-Use of On-Site Soil for Backfill Material: The granular native soils are considered suitable for utility trench backfill, provided the moisture content of the soil is within ±2 percent of the optimum moisture content and the utilities are adequately bedded for prntection. Trench Backfill Placement: Approved on-site or imported fill material should be evenly placed, moisture conditioned, and compacted in controlled horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, and each layer should be thoroughly compacted with approved equipment. However; initial lift thickness could be increased to levels recommended by the manufacturer to protect utilities from damage by compacting equipment. The initial lift thickness should not 14 I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington riuvember 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon exceed one foot over the utility. All fill material should be moisture conditioned, as necessary, to within ±2 percent of the optimum moisture. All trench backfill above the initial lift should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. I Temporary and Permanent Slopes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Safety: Construction site safety generally is the sole responsibility of the Contractor, who selects and directs the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations. Temporary excavation slope stability is a function of many factors, including: • • • • • The presence and abundance of groundwater; The type and density of the various soil strata; The depth of cut; Surcharge loadings adjacent to the excavation; and The length of time the excavation remains open . As the cut is deepened, or as the length of time an excavation is open, the likelihood of bank failure increases; therefore, maintenance of safe slopes and worker safety should remain the responsibility of the contractor, who is present at the site, able to observe changes in the soil conditions, and monitor the performance of the excavation. Temporary Cut Slope Inclinations: It is exceedingly difficult under the variable circumstances to pre-establish a safe and "maintenance-free" temporary cut slope angle. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain safe temporary slope configurations since the contractor is continuously at the job site, able to observe the nature and condition of the cut slopes, and able to monitor the subsurface materials and groundwater conditions encountered. Unsupported vertical slopes or cuts deeper than 4 feet are not recommended if worker access is necessary. The cuts should be adequately sloped, shored, or supported to prevent injury to personnel from local sloughing and spalling. The excavation should conform to applicable Federal, State, and Local regulations. Temporary slopes should be constructed in accordance with Chapter 296-155 of the Washington Administrative Code 0/VAC). Temporary cuts will need to be constructed at flatter angles based upon the soil moisture and groundwater conditions at the time of construction. Adjustments to the slope angles should be determined by the contractor at that time. For planning purposes, we recommend that temporary excavations be set back from property lines, building foundations or other settlement sensitive structures a minimum distance equal to two times the excavation depth. Permanent Cut and Fill Slope Inclinations: We do not anticipate that new permanent slopes will be constructed as part of the expansion project. However, if it occurs, slopes on the order of 2H: 1 V are recommended in those areas where groundwater seepage is not present. 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion " Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 m Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon 4.4 Foundations The Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements limits total and differential settlements to the following: Maximum allowable differential settlement for soils supporting masonry walls -0.53 inches in 40 feet; Maximum allowable differential settlement for soils supporting interior floor slabs and interior isolated footings -0.96 inches in 40 feet; Maximum allowable total settlement -3/4 inch. Based on our field explorations and preliminary analyses, it is our opinion that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Because the results of our liquefaction analysis and the fact that the existing building is supported on augercast piles, we recommend the building addition foundations be supported on augercast pile (ACP) or small-diameter driven pipe pile foundations. Grade beams would likely be necessary to tie the perimeter piles, and possibly the interior column pile caps together, although this would need to be determined by the structural engineer. Design recommendations for pile foundations are presented in the following paragraphs. 4.4.1 Design Recommendations Augercast Piles: The design recommendations listed below for building foundations are based on the limiting settlement to tolerable limits. If the estimated settlements are considered to be tolerable, we can provide design recommendations for conventional shallow foundations. . ·. DESCRIPTION . : .... . . ··:· : : . VALUE .. . -·--·--·----~---~-· ----·---------------~- Foundation Type Augercast piles and grade beams -------~----·-·· --~-~- Structure Single-story building addition ·- Bearing Material Dense to very dense soils below 28 feet Minimum Embedment Depth Below Finished 25 feet on the north to 50 feet on the south Grade Pile Diameter 16inches Allowable Compressive Capacity 35 tons Allowable Uplift Capacity 14 tons Allowable Fixed-Head Lateral Capacity 6 tons · Estimated Total Settlement Less than % inch Y. inch in 40 feet under walls (Less than the Estimated Differential Settlement . maximum allowable Walmart criteria of 0.53 inches over 40 feet in length for walls) % inch between columns (Less than the 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gcotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon DESCRIPTION VALUE maximum allowable Walmart criteria of 0.96 inches over 40 feet in length for interior slabs and between isolated interior footings) ·------~-----------~-----------~·-··- The allowable capacities may be increased by one-third to resist short-term transient forces. If the piles are spaced closer than three pile diameters, the allowable capacities should be reduced. The reduction factor will be based on the actual center to center pile spacing and the configuration of the group. An augercast pile is formed by drilling to an appropriate pre-determined depth with a continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger. Cement grout is then pumped down the stem of the auger under high pressure as the auger is withdrawn. The final result is a cast-in-place pile. Reinforcing can be lowered into the unset concrete column to provide lateral and/or tension capabilities. Pressure grouting methods such as this typically result in a grout column diameter in excess of the nominal diameter of the drilled hole·. We anticipate grout volumes within the soil column could average about 1.2 to 1.5 times the theoretical volume of drilled holes. The contractor should be required to stagger the pile grouting and drilling operations, such that all completed piles within 10 feet of the pile being drilled have set for at least 24 hours. Augercast piles would gain their vertical compressive capacity from side friction between the pile and the native soils and from end bearing. Vertical uplift pile capacity will develop as a result of side friction between the pile and the adjacent soil, along with the weight of the pile. Due to the depth of the potentially liquefiable soils, we recommend that augercast piles with 35- ton allowable capacities extend to a depth of 40 feet below the ground surface. The vertical pile capacity presented assumes that adjacent piles are located at least 3 pile diameters apart. If piles are located closer together, a reduced pile capacity should be used to account for pile group effects. We would be pleased to provide capacities for specific pile group arrangements, if requested. The allowable lateral capacities are based on fixed head conditions and limiting the lateral deflection to Y, inch. The recommended vertical compressive capacity is based on limiting total and differential settlements to % inch and Y, inch ( over 40 feet), respectively. Based on an assumed modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction of 3 pci in the loose and soft near-surface soils, the stiffness factor (T) for a fixed-head, 16-inch diameter auger-cast pile was calculated to be 80 inches. In order to limit the lateral deflection to 0.5 inch, we recommend using an allowable lateral capacity of 9,900 pounds per pile. For grade beams, we recommend using an allowable passive pressure of 275 pcf for that portion of the beam that is more than 12 inches below finished grade. This value incorporates a 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington Nu,1,c,;iber 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 1rerracon stati,. safety factor of at least 1.5. The recommended passive pressure is based on the assumption that at least one foot of structural fill will be placed on each side of the footing/grade bs:,,r, ;md will be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Except for drain rock around drainpipes, we do not recommend allowing pea gravel or washed rock adjacent to foundations. Pipe Piles: !1·1 lieu of augercast piles, the walls and columns could be supported on small-diameter steel PH>, piles. This size of pile is driven with an excavator-mounted hydraulic hammer. The advantage of using this size of pile is primarily a lower mobilization cost and a lower price per IG:Jt of about $20/foot versus about $48/foot for augercast piles. Pile TyQe and Size: We recommend utilizing 6-inch inside diameter, Schedule 40, steel pipe for thr=, p,:1iect. These piles are installed with small trackhoe-mounted drivers. The piles should be dr,ver-, to "refusal", which is defined as one inch or less of penetration into the ground over about 1 O seconds of sustained driving. Determination of the depth to suitable bearing soils and the resultant pile capacities and depths will require field engineering decisions. Pile _11,xial Compressive Capacity: An allowable 15 ton axial compressive load for each 6-inch inside-diameter, Schedule 40 steel pile driven to refusal as described herein may be utilized for design Although piles driven to the designated refusal criteria could provide greater axial ,.;on,prcssive capacity, it would be necessary to load test the piles if higher capacities are to be assessed. It will not be necessary to load test the 6-inch piles provided that they are designed lor a maximum axial compressive load of 15 tons. Pile Lengths: The piles should be driven such that they penetrate through the very loose to medium dense soils and into the dense to very dense alluvial soils. The depth to the dense soil, ranges from approximately 17 feet in boring B-5, 45 feet in boring B-8, 28 feet in boring B- 7. a1,d 17 feet in boring B-13. The piles should be expected to penetrate at least a few feet into the ,.fonse soils. We recommend that the contractor drive several test piles at the start of pile driving in order to further assess driving characteristics and depths. If necessary to predetermine pile lengths, it would be prudent to drive test piles prior to finalizing cost estimates or bids for the piles. Lateral Capacity: In order to develop lateral resistance, the piles should be continuous or have welded splices, and possess adequate strength to accommodate the bending moments. Based on an assumed modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction of 3 pci in the loose and medium stiff near-surface soils, the stiffness factor (T) for a fixed-head, 6-inch diameter pipe pile is calculated to be 54 inches. In order to limit the lateral deflection to 0.5 inch, we recommend using an allowable lateral capacity of 4,500 pounds per pile. 4.5 Floor Slabs 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion~ Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon The site is generally underlain by lacustrine and alluvial deposits consisting of soft to medium stiff silts and loose to very dense gravelly sand, sandy gravel and sand soils, with varying proportions of silt. A portion of the main expansion area was preloaded during the original site development. However, based on the Preload Plan dated 1117 /96, only about 50 to 60 percent of the main addition was preloaded. The northeast vestibule addition is also supported on partially preloaded soil but the native soils appear to be suitable for slab support. The vestibule addition appears to have been entirely preloaded and is suitable for slab support: Based on borings B-5, B-7, B-8, B-13, and B-14, it appears the existing slab-is underlain by 2Yi to 4Yi feet of granular structural fill. Dense· native soils underlie the fill in boring B-5 while B-13 is immediately underlain by medium dense soils. In the other building borings, the fill is underlain by approximately 4 Y, to 6 feet of loose silty sand to sand with trace silt. Based on the conditions encountered, and the anticipated dead plus live loads of the floor of about 200 psf, our analyses indicate that the floor settlements will not exceed the maximum allowable total settlement of % inch or differential settlement for soils supporting interior floor slabs of 0.96 inches in 40 feet. 4.5.1 Design Recommendations Subgrade Preparation: Slab-on-grade floors should be prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation and Structural Fill and Compaction sections of this report. Floor Slab Section: We recommend that the floor slab be underlain by a 6-inch thick layer of granular material consisting of crushed aggregate top course conforming to the gradation requirements of Section 9-03.9(3), Crushed Surfacing Top Course, with the modification that 5 to 7.5 percent of the material passes the U.S. No 200 sieve, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. Vapor Barrier: From a geotechnical standpoint, it is our opinion that a vapor barrier is not necessary for the proposed addition. However, we anticipate that moisture will develop beneath the slab as a result vapor migration through the soil. We recommend that the floor slab designer determine if the moisture collection beneath the slab will adversely affect the performance of the floor and the various floor coverings that may be placed on the floors. If a vapor barrier is used, we recommend using a puncture-resistant proprietary product such as RUFCO 30008, Vapor Block VB 10, Stego Wrap, or an approved equivalent that is classified as a Class A vapor retarder in accordance with ASTM E 1745. To avoid puncturing of the vapor barrier, construction equipment should not be allowed to drive over any vapor retarder material. The slab designer and slab contractor should refer to AC! 302 for procedures and cautions regarding the use and placement of a vapor retarder. Floor Joints: In areas of exposed concrete, control joints should be saw cut into the slab after concrete placement in accordance with AC! Design Manual, Section 302.1 R-37 8.3.12 (tooled control joints are not recommended). Additionally, dowels should be placed at the location of proposed construction joints. 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion o Renton, Washington Nuvunber 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon f',isitive separations and/or isolation joints should be provided between slabs and all foundation'S, columns or utility lines to allow independent movement. Interior trench backfill plciced beneath slabs should be compacted in accordance with recommendations outlined in the Earthwork section of this report. Other design and construction considerations, as outlined in the ACI Design Manual, Section 302.1 Rare recommended. 4.6 Cast-in-Place Backfilled Walls The following parameters are recommended for the design of rigid, laterally loaded retaining structures, such as loading dock walls. Based on the plans provided to us, it does not appear that retaining walls other than the possible loading dock walls will be necessary. If new loading dock walls are constructed, we recommend they be pile foundation supported. The lateral soil pressure acting on backfilled walls will primarily depend on the degree of compaction and the amount of lateral movement permitted at the top of the wall during backfilling operations. Footings: Backfilled walls associated with the building should be supported on pile foundations in order to limit static settlements to the specified limits in the Geotechnica/ Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements. yYall Drainage: To preclude the build-up of hydrostatic pressure, we recommend· that a minimum width of 2 feet of clean, granular, free-draining material should extend from the footing drnin at the base of the wall to the ground surface, to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. Wall drain aggregate should conform to the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.12(2), Gravel Backfill for Walls. It should be realized that the primary purpose of the free draining material is reduction in hydrostatic pressures. Some potential for moisture to contact the back face in the wall may exist even with this treatment, which may require more extensive water proofing be specified for walls which require interior moisture sensitive finishes. El_ackfill Soil: Native or imported soils could be used for wall backfill behind the drainage course. Soils with more than 10 percent fines should be separated from the drainage aggregate with a non-woven filter fabric such as Mirafi 140N, or equivalent. If granular material with less than 10 percent fines is used for wall backfill, the filter fabric may be deleted. Backfill Compaction: To prevent the build-up of lateral soil pressures in excess of the recommended design pressures, over-compaction of the fill behind the wall should be avoided; however, a lesser degree of compaction may permit excessive post-construction settlements. In order to limit wall pressures resulting from over-compaction of wall backfill, we recommend that backfill within 5 feet of a wall be compacted by small, hand-operated compaction equipment to 90 to 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Remaining backfill should be compacted in accordance with the compaction recommendations provided in the Structural Fiff and Compaction section of this report. Grading and Capping: To retard the infiltration of surface water into the wall backfill soils, the backfill surface of exterior walls should be adequately sloped to drain away from the wall. We 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon also recommend that the backfill surface directly behind the wall be capped with asphalt, concrete, or one foot of low-permeability soil. If low penmeability soils are used as a cap, we recommend that a separation fabric (similar to Mirafi 140N) be placed above the drainage aggregate prior to placing the cap material. Applied Loads: Overturning and sliding loads applied to retaining walls can be classified as active, at-rest, surcharge, and hydrostatic pressures. Our recommended methods of calculating design pressures are discussed in the following paragraphs. • Active and At-Rest Pressures: Yielding ( cantilever) retaining walls should be designed to withstand an appropriate active lateral earth pressure, whereas non-yielding (restrained) walls should be designed to withstand an appropriate at-rest lateral earth pressure. The at- rest case is applicable where retaining wall movement is confined to less than 0.005 H, where H is the wall height. If greater movement is possible, the active case applies. A wall movement of about 0.02 H will be required to develop the full passive pressure. These pressures act over the entire back of the wall and vary with the backslope inclination. For retaining walls up to 12 feet in height with a level backslope, we recommend using an active and at-rest pressure (given as equivalent fluid unit weights) provided in the following table. - RECOMMENDED RETAINING PRESSURES UP TO 12 FEET IN HEIGHT Backslope Angle Active Pressure At-Rest Pressure (pcf) (pcf) Level 35 50 • Surcharge Pressures: The above equivalent fluid pressures are based on the assumption of a uniform horizontal backfill and no buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Surcharge pressures due to sloping ground, adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment, etc. must be added to these values. For traffic loads, we recommend using an equivalent two foot soil surcharge. For loading docks, point, continuous or evenly distributed loads above the dock will result in horizontal pressure on the wall. The appropriate loading conditions should be incorporated into the loading dock wall design, or we can provide surcharge criteria for loading conditions behind the loading dock wall, if requested. • Seismic Pressures: For level backfill conditions, we recommend that a uniformly distributed pressure of 4.5H psf, where H is the height of the wall, be applied to the wal.ls. • Hydrostatic Pressures: If groundwater is allowed to saturate the backfill soils, hydrostatic pressures wiH act against a retaining wall; however, if the recommended drainage system is included with each retaining wall, we do not expect that hydrostatic pressures will develop. 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion~ Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon Resisting Forces: Active and at-rest pressures for conventional concrete cantilever retaining wall foundations are resisted by a combination of passive lateral earth pressure, base friction, subgrade bearing capacity, and weight of soil above buried portions of the foundations. Passive pressure acts over that portion of the embedded of the walls more than 18 inches below the finished surface grade. For retaining walls with a level foreslope and zero hydrostatic pressure behind the wall, we recommend the resisting design values presented in the following table, which incorporates a static safety factor of at least 1.5. A soil unit weight of 130 pcf is recommended when calculating the total weight of soil above buried portions of foundations. - RECOMMENDED RESISTING FORCES Design Parameters Allowable Value Bearing Capacity On pile foundations 275 pcf, neglecting the upper Passive Pressure 12 inches of embedment plus lateral resistance of pile foundations. --------------·- Utility Penetrations through Backfilled Walls: Care should be taken where utilities penetrate lhrough backfilled walls. Minor settlement of the wall backfill soils can impart significant soil loading on utilities, and some form of flexible connection may be appropriate at backfilled wall penetrations. 4.7 Drainage Footing Drains: A perimeter footing drain system is recommended around the proposed addition. Drains are also recommended behind all retaining and loading dock walls. Footing drains should consist of a minimum 4-inch diameter, Schedule 40, rigid, perforated PVC pipe placed at the base of the heel of the footing with the perforations facing down. The pipe should be underlain and surrounded by a minimum of 4 inches of clean free-draining granular material. We recommend placing a non-woven geotextile, such as Mirafi 140N, or equivalent, between the free draining backfill and the surrounding fill material. Footing drains should be directed toward appropriate storm water drainage facilities. Water from downspouts and surface water should be independently collected and routed to a suitable discharge location. Perimeter Building Grades: Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage from the building areas at all times. Water must not be allowed to pond or to collect adjacent to foundations or within the immediate building area. We recommend that a gradient of at least 3 percent for a minimum distance of 10 feet from the building perimeter be provided, except in paved locations. In paved areas, a minimum gradient of one percent should be provided. Infiltration: We understand that no infiltration systems are planned for this project. 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotcchnical Engineering Evaluation P•Cloosert Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansions Renton, Washington N. 'odl:kr 3[', 2009, Terracon Project No. 81095071 4.8 Pavements Asphalt Pavements lferraccn J:.avement Life and Maintenance: It should be realized that asphaltic pavements are not ma,r1tenance-free. The following pavement sections represent our minimum recommendations for an :wuage level of performance during a 20 year design life. Thicker asphalt, base, and subbcise courses would offer better long-term performance, but would cost more initially; thinner , J.J1:£s ,v ,, i:J be more susceptible to "alligator" cracking and other failure modes. As such, pave:ncr'1. design can be considered a compromise between a high initial cost and low maintenance costs versus a low initial cost and higher maintenance costs. Soil Design Values: A California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test was· completed on a composite c;arnplc of the native sandy silt soil collected from borings 8-4, 8-7, 8-10, and B-11. The r,1r1t,,, "·'' ,ia,, a CBR value of about 17 percent when compacted to 95 percent of the modified i'rcJC1 .. ,r (/\S 1 M D 1557) maximum dry density. At 95 percent compaction, the unit weight of the SOIi is approximately 113 pcf. A sample collected in boring B-4 between 21h and 4 feet had a dry 1y,i' wr,ight of 81.2 pcf and a moisture content of about 26 percent. The optimum moisture r:-,,·,+ n: n··,: Proctor sample was about 14 percent. At the in-situ moisture content level :'le.a,:., , <. •: CBR value of about 2 percent would be more suitable for pavement design purposes. Given the wet nature of this soil sample, it appears that compaction of the soils will be ,:Jiff .. :,/! :., impossible. For all new asphalt pavement sections, we recommend placing a iayer r • : ·c: · sar BX 1100 below the pit-run subbase. We recommend the subbase material have a CBR value of 30 or more. It sho:,ki be noted that the recommended pavement sections presented in this report are different tnan the originally-recommended pavement sections by AGRA, primarily due to the higher traffic loading contained in the scope of services for this project. Trafti~ 1lc,sign Values: Traffic loading provided for heavy-duty pavements consists of 335,800 18-k1p l:':1,/~Ls over 20 years and 109,500 18-kip ESALs for standard-duty pavements. Other design parameters used in the design included initial serviceability = 4.2, terminal serviceability ~ 2 0, :e1iabil1ty = 85%, and standard deviation = 0.45 for flexible pavements and 0.35 for rigid pavements. Subgrade Preparation: Prior to placement of the pavement section materials (subbase, base, or asphalt), the subgrade should be prepared as recommended in Site Preparation section of this report. Subgrade Compaction: The subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density and be firm and unyielding when proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck or other suitable heavy equipment. General Fill: All fill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the materials modified Proctor maximum dry density. Given the moisture condition of the subgrade soils, this may be 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation l'roposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion~ Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon difficult to achieve except during the drier summer months when the subgrade would likely be more stable. If imported soils are used to grade areas that will support pavement, we recommend that a sample tie submitted to the owner's CTL for laboratory testing to determine the Proctor and CBR values of the material. Base and Asphalt Materials: The manufacturing and placement of pavements and cfushed base course should conform to specifications presented in Divisions 5 and 4, respectively, of the 2008 Washington State Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges, and Municipal Construction, as well as the project plans and specifications. Specific recommendations for asphalt concrete, crushed base course, and asphalt treated base are provided below. Based on contacting local aggregate and asphalt suppliers, these materials are expected to be locally available and are considered suitable and economical materials for construction of pavements. • Asphalt Concrete: We recommend that the asphalt concrete conform to Section 9-02.1 (4) for PG 64-22 Performance Grade Asphalt Cement as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. We recommend that the gradation of the aggregate conform to the aggregate gradation control points for %-inch mixes as presented in Section 9-03.8(6), HMA Proportions of Materials. • Crushed Aggregate Base Course: We recommend that the crushed aggregate base conform to Section 9-03.9(3), Crushed Surfacing Base Course, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. • Pit-Run Subbase: Where subgrades are below design elevations, we recommend that the subbase course consist of pit-run sand and gravel that has a minimum CBR value of 30 when compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend that the material conform to Section 9-03.14(1), Gravel Borrow, of the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. • Asphalt Treated Base: In lieu of crushed gravel base, asphalt-treated base (ATB) can be substituted. The ATB would provide a more durable wearing surface if the pavement subgrade areas will be exposed to construction traffic prior to final paving with hot-mix asphalt. ATB should be prepared and placed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification 4-06 for Asphalt Treated Base. • Compaction -Asphalt, Base, and Subbase: All subbase and base materials should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM: D-1557. We recommend that all subgrade and base courses be proofrolled with a loaded dump truck prior to placing the following lift of material. We recommend that asphalt be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the Rice (theoretical maximum) density or 96 percent of Marshall (Maximum laboratory) density. ATB should be compacted to a minimum of 80 percent of the maximum theoretical density. 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Pro1ect No 81095071 lrerracon /\sphalt Pavement Sections: The following table presents recommended pavement sections for anticipated standard-and heavy-duty traffic levels. .. - RECOMMENDED ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTIONS 20-YEAR LIEFESPAN ------~--~"- Minimum Thickness (in.) Pavement Section Standard-Duty Traffic Heavy-Duty Traffic 109,500 ESALs 335,800 ESALs Asphalt Pavement 3 4 Crushed Aggregate Base (CAB) 5 -5 Pit-Run Subbase 7 7 ATS Substitute for CAB 2.5 2.5 u Concrete Pavements Concrete Properties and Thickness: Cement concrete pavement should be produced and placed in accordance with 5~05, Cement Concrete Pavement, as presented in the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. Concrete pavement design recommendations are based on an assumed modulus of rupture of 600 psi and a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi for the concrete. The concrete should have a minimum air entrainment of 3 percent and a maximum of 7 percent. We recommend that the aggregate grade conform to WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.1 (5)8, Grading, for maximum nominal aggregate size of 1 inch. It is our opinion that concrete pavements should have relatively closely spaced control joints on the order of 12 to 14 feet. Reinforcing is not required. Reinforcement consisting of 6x6- W2.0xW2.0 welded wire could be used if additional interlock is desired across cracks that could develop in the pavement. We recommend that, at a minimum, loading dock pavements be reinforced with #3 bars on 15 inch centers, each direction. Given the relatively thin section of standard-duty concrete pavements, we recommend that load transfer dowels be omitted. In heavy-duty sections, we recommend using 1-inch diameter dowels placed 24 inches on center on all joints. The dowels should be placed at mid-height in the slabs. We recommend that all contraction joints be cut to a depth of T/4, where T = thickness of the concrete slab. In this case, the contraction joints should be cut to depths of 1-3/8 inch and 1-5/8 in_ch in 5.5 and 6.5 inch thick slabs. All contraction joints should be sawed as soon as practical to control cracking. The contraction joints should be sealed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification Section 5-05.3(8)C, Sealing Sawed .Contraction Joints. Joint filler properties should be in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification Section 9-04 .. 2, Joint Sealants. Concrete pavements should be protected from construction traffic until a compressive strength of 3,000 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion •Renton.Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 lferracon psi has been achieved. The following table presents recommended concrete pavement sections for anticipated standard-and heavy-duty traffic levels. . I RECOMMENDED CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTIONS Minimum Thickness (in.) Pavement Course Standard-Duty Traffic Heavy-Duty Traffic -----~ •.. Concrete Pavement 5.5 6.5 Crushed Aggregate Top Course 4 4 Pit-Run Subbase 5 5 . --------···---~-- 4.8.1 Asphalt Overlays Based upon our visual reconnaissance of the existing pavement, it appears that the existing asphalt is in fair condition. Areas of observed alligatored cracking should be completely removed and replaced with the recommended sections for new pavement. Without proper crack repairs, reflective cracking in the overlay should be anticipated. The primary goal of patching linear cracks or removing severely alligatored areas is to reduce the risk of reflection cracks and the associated degradation of the new overlay. The basic mechanism of reflection cracking is strain concentration in the overlay due to movement in the area of cracks in the original pavement. This movement may be bending or shear induced by loads or contraction created by temperature changes. Pre-overlay repair may help delay the occurrence of reflection cracks. Paving fabrics may also help to control reflection cracking. Reflection cracks have a considerable influence on the life of an overlay. They require frequent maintenance such as sealing and patching. Reflection cracks allow water to enter the pavement structure that may result in a loss of bond between the layers of asphalt. We recommend that the entire existing pavement surface be thoroughly cleaned and the cracks pressure washed to remove debris. After drying, the cracks should be sealed with an emulsified or cut-back asphalt. Immediately after, the cracks should be overlain with a paving fabric such Tensar GlasPave 25 or approved equivalent. We recommend that the cracks be covered with minimum 1-foot wide strips of the fabric or the minimum recommended by the manufacturer, whichever is greatest. In general, the fabric should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. Additional surface preparations suc_h as tack-coating the existing asphalt should be completed in accordance with applicable subsections of Section 5-04.3 of the 2008 WSDOT Standard Specifications. Because the original pavements were designed for significantly less traffic than the current requirements, we recommend the following minimum asphalt overlay sections: • Standard-duty over existing standard-duty: 2 inches • Standard-duty over existing heavy-duty: 1 Y, inches • Heavy-duty over existing heavy-duty: 3 inches • Heavy-duty over existing standard-duty: 4 inches 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 a Terracon Project No. 81095071 lrerracon If the recommended overlay thicknesses are too great to tie into existing grades, we recommend removing the existing sections and replacing with new sections as recommended in Section 4.7 above. Alligator Cracks: Alligator cracks are usually associated with granular base that has failed or soft, unstable subgrades. Severe alligator cracking requires removal of the distressed asphalt, overexcavating and replacing the unstable soils, patching, and a structural overlay to prevent this distress from reoccurring. In areas where the asphalt is removed, we recommend that the owner's on-site geotechnical representative determine the need for repairing the bas.e course and subgrade. Moderately severe alligator· cracking should also be replaced unless a paving fabric is used to control reflective cracking. Areas of alligator cracking were observed during our evaluation. Therefore, we recommend that shallow subsurface explorations be completed in those areas after the asphalt is removed in order to determine the appropriate level of subgrade repair. Linear Cracks: Cracks in traffic lanes that are parallel to the flow of traffic are referred to as longitudinal cracks. Those that are perpendicular to the flow of traffic are referred to as transverse cracks. Linear cracks can be caused by shrinkage of the asphalt over time or at the joints between successive paving runs where a poor bond was developed. Other linear cracks are sometimes created by settling utility trench backfill, the location of construction joints, or possibly soft subgrades. For severe linear cracks that are open more than 0.25 inch, we recommend that they be filled with a sand-asphalt mixture or other suitable crack filler. A paving fabric should be placed over all filled linear cracks and cracks less than 0.25 inch to control reflective cracking. 4.8.2 Construction Considerations Materials and construction methods for pavements should be in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Washington State Department of Transportation, or other approved local governing specification. Surface drainage should be provided away from the edge of paved areas to minimize lateral moisture transmission into the subgrade. Preventative maintenance should be planned and provided for through an on-going pavement management program in order to enhance future pavement performance. Preventative maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration, and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventative maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g. crack sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g. surface sealing). Preventative maintenance is usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest return on investment for pavements. 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS lferracon The preliminary conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on review, our surface reconnaissance and the explorations accomplished for this study. The number, location, and depth of the explorations for this study were completed within the site and scope constraints of the project so as to yield the preliminary information necessary to formulate our conclusions and recommendations. The integrity and performance of the foundation systems at this site depend greatly on proper design, site preparation and construction procedures, The wide spacing of explorations for the current study introduces a higher risk of unanticipated variations between the exploration locations. We recommend that the widely-spaced explorations completed for this preliminary evaluation be supplemented by additional borings. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the explorations performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. rhis report does not reflect variations that may occur between explorations, across the site, or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. If variations appear, a qualified geotechnical engineer should be immediately notified so that further evaluation and supplemental recommendations can be provided as necessary. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken, This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Pacland and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices, No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site safety and excavation support are the responsibility of others. After the site layout has been determined, we recommend completing additional subsurface explorations in order to satisfy the Walmart requirements, The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report can then be modified and expanded as necessary for design purposes, 28 I .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 NE, (CA) COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL I I USE, COMMERCIAL (>&"<II) >..K,>L.81'), ~~~~--~~~~~~~=apulp:.-'-ACC!milii···-==r@l-:--.Pi'-----£:ll:±=--=~ I I I I I I I I I I :I I I I ti EXISTING I BIORL TRA TION SWALE ! ;~ "' it ' ' JSlRIAL l,E[)llJl,f ,UCOMMERCIAL ' i, I' i~ l. I' !~ SW -<> ACOES&----·-- BANK NOT A PART OF PROJECT I l · . .J I B-4'-.. L _ _ _ 'X12'BALEAl>I) ,-, ~ . PALLET RECYCLING -(Gi -r--~1.'.'· : "'l" I ·.·... ~ a a /, 11· ... ------AREA .. :::..-,. ...,.. "'q-i I . ---Je·r:i_ B-17, ~lii'B-18 Till , I B-22 m~ e "b!JJ l~ ;ll!JIII!', ' 1 I I 111 !11 "- ,,.::-1 -. ~qi © ,~ 9' ® I 1.::.? ~ i~ I ! 11 I llnl . I I I I ~ -'.>,-1 "' m "'Mm-I :1 ~i~ .• _-1~~l~\-1~j~ 0 I rn,Q~~-~~ I f= /. h B-5 · · · "°· · · . . .. ,f I ·-· iB 7 t~ EXPA41e:14 ~ · iS ~-t .... 1 : ~ ~= I-. ' li~r~_·-_-._--~----~-4 2 \J '-COMPACTOR u1F =11'1 FOUR BAY Q __ 5.. IBUCK DOCK «t-01 ~r =:. . DSD DOOR o,-o .. I-<:> ot =!::, 2 F=i ~-- Walmart~:~ l!~~l~B-3 'SLIDE' EXPANSION ot=11-. z -~F-1> o:t= . E~ I t- F= 1 1 Hf --J. t= E:: STORE 12516-0o LR-129-GHR-fXITillG 13,\352 SF 150 MODIFIED GROCERY (SHORTENED) TOTAL AREA: 150,244 SF ADDITIONAL AREA "' 15,892 SF C-150E-GR-NO HONDA DEALERSHIP NOT A PART OFF'ROJECT ~ - 1.l.)g,)1' RJt± .CCESS , .. --==,., 7,-•· d1! -1 ' ' RJl±-~- CESS_ E~; d = 0 -"""> I 'S TO MAIN. NO PART OF P ECT g~~ ;.jiol .'.~:! ., l" blJ loool ..-~ f ~ ~ t: -~~ i:; t,. '"' J ll ~~!I ~ ~~i: a: ,,a J!! ~ a: 01> <{ J J<{ kW ~o oo:: a: w w::; ::; ::; ::; 0 00 ~w <{"' Q::, 111 2 I~/ "\\,Jf~ t- :fi N 120 0 30 60 120 I ~ SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: ISB-1 BORING NUMBER AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION (AUG. 2009) ·B-13 BORING NUMBER AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION (OCT. 2009) Basemap PDF file provided by PACLAND INC., dated AU.[L20, 2009 and modifiedb)' TERRACON. I j -I j _ _ JM\ __ . =-11-" T~,:-"" """°'' 11 .... II SIT!= 4Nn l=YPI nR4 TlnN Pl 4 N IIFIG No . U~ .. ~r ~-~~.~----'~ ,1 I ___..--~ -"mi,.," " II-" 1-,·=-,--.. -,·j "'°'""'-··"''"' ....... , __ ''"""' II Renton, Washington II A1 ~M,q: TA I ll~th u ,v;;;vv,, ,1 ... AS SHOWN TAJ II"'"' --·· Fig1 nw~ • TAJ ---------0,.,...,.,..., .. ,.,,,,1 ;.... ... 0,...,,,.1,.. ... ...a 1 ...... L---.....:;~ i _., 11- Nov,, 2009 ------------------- TIGHTLINE ROOF DRAIN (Do not connect to footing drain) v": ."l " V FREE-DRAINING BACKFILL \/'. V V ..J ..J WASHED ROCK OR PEA GRAVEL, MIN, 4" ENVELOPE NOTE: (See text for requirements) NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC s,: 0 $ 'vz '9. V 0 ~ <l'. 4 0 ·'vz 'v V :;:) 0 LL " " -----~-~iP-: ~-~ ~ V V.o.V 'v 'q P".. '<::) V. V 'il. ;,~v..~ 4" PERFORATED SMOOTH PVC OR CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE (Invert elevation to coincide with bottom of footing) REFER TO REPORT TEXT FOR ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND WATERPROOFING CONSIDERATIONS, Pro)eclMl'IIT- TAJ Proje~t No. B1095071A ~.wnBy: Seal•· JD AS SHOWN ChwcedBy: FIio No TAJ Fig2.DWG lrerracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists ApprowdBy: Om 21905 64111 Avenue W, Sto 100 MoonU•k• Torr ace, WA 90043 TAJ Nov., 2009 PH (m)771.JJ04 fAA. (4251 ni-3549 6" COARSE AGGREGATE 'YA~ BASE ':y):.'0--'s...,__,_ COMPACTED SUBGRADE FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL Proposed Wal-Mart Expansion Renton, Washington Prepared for: Pacland FIG_ No, A2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f'rqeclMrg: """'"' I Checkad fly: _,, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. HEAVY DUTY -OR- STANDARD-DUTY BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. : ASPHALT (3 INCHES) ' . • ASPHALT (3 INCHES) ' .. 4 .. ~ CRUSHED BASE COURSE (5 INCHES) ;;;; e<,-RO, SOSM,se _ < -/ / ( ~ (7 INCHES) -OR- TAJ JD TAJ TAJ NOTES: TENSAR BX 1100 BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 1. ASPHALT TO CONFORM WITH 2008 WSDOT SECTION 5-04, HOT MIX ASPHALT. 2. CRUSHED BASE COURSE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SPECIFICATION 9-03.9 (3), CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE. 3. ASPHALT TREATED BASE SHOULD BE WSDOT APPROVED MIX DESIGN CONFORMING TO 2008 WSDOT SECTION 4--06, ASPHALT TREATED BASE. 4. SUBBASE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SECTION 9-03.14 (1) GRAVEL BORROW WITH MIN. CBR = 30. _ .. 81095071A llerracon TYP. ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION -Proposed Wal-Mart Expansion AS SHOWN Flo"' Consulting Engineers and Scientists Renton, Washington flg3~4.DWG -2190554thA-,.,,,W.,Sl&tlll MwitlakeTem,c,,,WA9!:l>C Prepared for: Pacland Nov., 2009 PH. (425)-771.33'.14 Fl>X.(425)771~ . FIG. No. A3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P!tjectMni:,: TAJ _ ... °'""'" -JD I Chao::ll00Br. """""" "'"' TAJ -TAJ HEAVY DUTY WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT (W2xW2 -6x6) ~ ==s .' ~· CONCRETE '/-~-, ~,-,~~, -.~. (6.5 INCHES) ~//. /.// ~///(<(/ STANDARD DUTY CRUSHED BASE COURSE (4 INCHES) PIT-RUN SUBBASE (5 INCHES) TENSAR BX 1100 BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT (W2xW2 -6x6) -~-" -~--~~---+--___1',~_·~,~-' CONCRETE NOTES: • • . . (5.5 INCHES) ' " . CRUSHED BASE COURSE (4 INCHES) ~/-""/""-""/~"""/""-/~/=/= PIT-RUN SUBBASE ,· /./ / < <_fr (51NCHES) '--TENSAR BX 1100 BIAXIAL GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 1. CONCRETE TO CONFORM WITH 2008 WSDOT SECTION 5-05, CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT. 2. WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT TO CONFORM WITH 2008 WSDOT SECTION 9-07.9, COLD DRAWN WIRE. 3. CRl,ISHED BASE COURSE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SPECIFICATION 9-03.9 (3), CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE. 4. SUBBASE TO CONFORM TO 2008 WSDOT SPECIFICATION 9-03.14 (1) GRAVEL BORROW WITH MIN. CBR = 30. . 81095071A llerracon TYP. CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION Proposed Wal-Mart Expansion AS SHOWN Consu~ing Engineers and Scientists Renton, Washington Fig3 4.DVVG 21905 ~ lwwuJ W, SIii 100 Mo!llt!am Terrace,, Wfl.90043 Prepared for: Pacland Nov., 2009 f:!'l (4251 m-3ll4 FAX. (425! 77'1-$a . FIG. No. A4 I I I I APPENDIX B I FIELD EXPLORATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Initial Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion• Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095071A Field Exploration Description lrerracon Between August 10 and 12, 2009, a total of 12 borings were drilled as part of a preliminary subsurface evaluation to depths between approximately 16 and 54 feet below the ground surface. Subsequently, a total of 40 additional borings were completed as part of our final geotechnical evaluation. These were completed between October 2 and 9, 2009. The approximate locations are shown on the attached Site and Exploration Plan, Figure A 1. During both evaluations, the borings were completed using a truck-mounted drill rig operated by Environmental Drilling, Inc. under subcontract to our firm. The explorations were located in the field by using the proposed site plan and survey of the site and measuring from existing site features with steel tapes and by pacing. The accuracy of exploration locations should only be assumed to the degree implied by the method used. Subsequent to their completion, the borings were surveyed by the project surveyor. Continuous lithologic logs of each boring were recorded by the field geologist during the exploration. Groundwater conditions were evaluated in each boring at the time of site exploration. Groundwater was encountered in the explorations at the time of drilling. I I I I I I I I I I I I § z Ii oc 0 m .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 Page 1 of 1 ,. _____ CLIENT Pacland ------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -----------~---~-----·- I SAMPLES TESTS -- CJ -' .S 1n 0 "" ~ 0 Q. 0 DESCRIPTION 0) :,: W· -' :a "' zI "' 0: ,-: t: -1-g >-0: w -z u. CJ I r· (/) w > (/) o:w z Zz a. I-(/) 0) w 0 a;: s WI-:::, Ow c2 a. 0 :a a. 0 1-0 1-Z >-OQ'. w (/) :::, >-w a.-' ~8 o:-z,- CJ 0 ::, z I-0: "'0) 0 is. ::, "' Approximately 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 - inches crushed gravel over SIL TY - -- GRAVELLY SAND, gray, dense, moist - (POSSIBLE GLACIAL TILL FILL) -SM S-1 ss 42 10 SIEVE - - 5 SM S-2 ss 31 10 SIEVE - - - 8.2 -CL S-3 ss 6 36 ATTERBERG SILT, trace clay, gray with Iron Oxide -ML LIMITS mottling, medium stiff, wet - Pl=13, LL=41 10 ML S-4 ss 3 11 - - SILT, trace fine sand and clay, yellow-gray, soft, wet - 13 - - :.:: . ,, FINE SAND, with silt, gray, very loose, 'l-- ·.· saturated - ... •: -- 15 \:· -SP S-5 ss 2 .. 16.5 -SM Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8110/09. Groundwater observed at 14 feet while drilling. . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL 'l-14 WD l'. BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL "l. ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I~ Ii 0 m 0 .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 ~Page 1 of 1 ------------------------------------, ------ CLIENT PacLand ----- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ------------------ SAMPLES TESTS __, -(.9 -~ 00 0 ~ 0 o_ 0 DESCRIPTION CD ,: :!' w -__,' 2 "' zI .; re >-' f---f--u >-re w -z z LL (9 :c I "' w > (f) a:w Zz n. f--Cf) m w 0 "f s w f--:, Ow ~ n. u 2 n. u f--0 f--Z >-Oct w Cf) :, >-w n. __, ~8 re-Zr (.9 0 :, z f--re (f) a, 0 g_ :, Cf) Approximately 3 inches Asphalt over 5 - inches crushed gravel over SIL TY SAND, - - with gravel, gray, loose, moist to wet - (POSSIBLE GLACIAL TILL FILL) -SM S-1 ss 9 13 - ' . 4.5 - SILT, brown, medium still to still, wet 5 -ML S-2 ss 10 37 - 7 - SILT, with fine sand, trace clay, brown, · ·-· 8.5 soft, wet -ML S-3 ss 6 41 - FINE SAND, with silt, brown, loose, wet -'Cl-10 .. -:: 11 -SP S-4 ss 6 -~M , -SIL TY CLAY, blue-gray, medium still, wet -; i?•··-FINE SAND, with silt, gray, very loose, - -. wet grading to saturated -.... - •••• -:, - :-15 SP S-5 ss 3 ••• -: . .. 16.5 -SM Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. The stratification lin;s represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock-types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL ¥ 10 WO .!-BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL ~ -le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I ·~ I ~ ~ 0 m .~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-4 Page 1 of 1 -------- CLIENT PacLand ----------------·-----,--------- SI 1·E PROJECT Renton, Washington __ ... Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS ---------, CJ _, -~ ':,; 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION "' ,-· ;f' w . _, 2 "' zI "' Cl'. ,-: t: ->-~ >-Cl'. w -z LL CJ I :r: U) w > [f) o::w z Zz (L >-U) "' w 0 'Fs Wr :, Ow 22 (L 0 2 (L 0 >-O >-z >-U[l'. w U) :, >-w (L _, !8 o::~ Zr CJ 0 :, z >-Cl'. U)"' 0 g_ ::, U) T Approximately 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 - inches crushed gravel over CLAYEY - - SILT, with sand, trace gravel, brown, soft, - wet Dry unit wt=81.57 pcf. -ML S-1 ss 4 37 unit wt. - - 5.5 5 SM S-2 ss 14 39 ,, - · .. _-_-SIL TY FINE SAND, orange-brown, - .··:· medium dense, moist - :. '.·· :. 8.5 -SP S-3 ss 5 29 -SM FINE SAND, with silt, gray, loose, wet - 10 SP S-4 ss 4 - -SM 52 - - . 13.5 - -; 6 GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown-gray, - medium dense, saturated - 0 15 -SP S-5 ss 12 :o:. : :· 16.5 - Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock type~: in.:situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL 52 12 WD y_ BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL "l-.l'.'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 ·F: (425) 771-3549 I I LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Page 1 of 2 1-------------------------------------~- CLIENT PacLand --------------------! SITE PROJECT I Renton, Washington_ Renton Retail I I ---- C) 0 -' S2 I Q_ ~ C) I -, . ·-· 4.5 6-.\..:.:.-: ?6 DESCRIPTION 3.5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed gravel over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, tan-gray, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, yellow-gray, dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, dense, moist GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, dense, damp I I I I ):-.·. ·-:_ 12 " "'t:Frl-'-"---;c-~====---=---cc;--;------·--"----' ~--,_.;, SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown, - ;0"; medium dense, saturated I o" .[)_ Cle; O·C:t ,>.r/ 16 ........ , \_· o.F:'-o. "Ll., Vo·.~. 0( I O C:,0 , o" -~. ~ oc; 0 Ci", I n_ o"-tf G Oc; ~ 0 0", a:i o· .[): "'0( I § o.{)~~ . ~ ,,-.D: ~ Cle; I ~-0 Ci", m~ o·-~: ~ Cle; S! o_-{)i~~ SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, very dense, saturated ~ 0~ I i ,ei°' I =· _r,,· Continued Next Paae _ SAMPLES TESTS ,------ "' :r: f- Q_ w 0 -' 0 ro 2 >-a: [f) w [f) "' w 0 2 Q_ U) :::, >-:::, z f- - - - -- -SM S-1 SS - - >' a: w 6 0 w a: ';;; °" ~ 0 Q_ w - "' ,.: zI f--f--a: rE z u. C) ,::~ Zz Wf-:::, Ow f-0 f-Z >-Oa: Q_-' ~8 a:-Zf- U)"' 0 g_ :::, U) 26 7 5 -_+cG~P-+~S--2+-S~Sc-+--+--4~0-+-3-t-------1---1 - - -GP S-3 SS 35 3 -. -1o-_-+--cS-0P---i~S--4+-S~S+----t~3~3--+---+----+------I - -GP S-5 SS GM - 15-- - - - -GP S-6 SS - - 20 - - - - -GP S-7 SS - 25-- - - . -GP S-8 SS - - 30-- - - - - 26 9 50/5" 50/4" 59 SIEVE SIEVE SIEVE I The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines @ between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ~~------..;. ___ .;.. ____ ..;..;..;.... _________________________ ... ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft 1.r:erraccn BORING STARTED 8-11-09 I g WL Il-12 WD .?. II BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 ~ WL "I--'li' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI l--+-------'--------1 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 0 WL O J OB# 81095071 I ~ ..... ~--~-~~---~-~~-..__T_:_(4.2.5)_1_1_1-.3-30_4 __ F_(.42_5_)_11_1_-3_5_4e.,.. .... L __ G_G_E_D ___ T_A ..... _J __ ~~--..., I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I IB s " z ~ 0 w I ~ ~ 0 w I ~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-5 Page 2 of 2 -------------------------___ _, CLIENT PacLand . SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ----------~--------------·---- SAMPLES . TESTS ------1---------------- Cl ..J -~ ;;; 0 ~ 0 Q. 0 DESCRIPTION (0 >-,f' w . ..J 2 zI "' °' "' ,..: t: -f-,! >-a: w -z LL CJ I I <J) w > <J) n'.W z Zz CL f-<J) "' w 0 :a;: s Wf-:::, Ow ~ CL 0 2 CL 0 f-0 f-z >-On: w <J) :::, >-w CL ..J !8 °' 13 Zr Cl 0 :::, z f-a: "' (0 0 Q. ::)(/) ---·--·-~-:--:· ~·. SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, very -S-9 ss 30 0{::,°" dense, saturated - I) . ·! o" -D. -,D( 35~ ,{y - p . ·. -o·-~. - D( -,[y --GP ,-1 ss 65 Do~-~: 39 - -- Boring completed at 39 feet on 8/11/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. ~ . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in~situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL Si' 12 WD .!. BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL ~ ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (4251 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I • LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 Page 1 of 1 ----------- CLIENT --leeo,m PacLand -- SITE Renton, Washington Renton Retail -----l SAMPLES TESTS 0 ~ .S 'ti 0 ~ 0 o_ 0 DESCRIPTION "' ,: " w -_, :; ¢' zI ¢' "' i-' t:: -f-u >-"' w -z "-0 I :r' U) w > U) O".W z Zz Q_ f-U) "' w 0 ,;: s Wf-:::, Ow ~ Q_ 0 :; Q_ 0 f-0 f-Z >-0"' w U) :::, >-w Q_ _, ~8 0".1:J Zr CJ 0 :::, z f-"' U)"' 0 o_ :::, U) ---~ ------~ ------·- 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed - gravel over SANDY SILT to SIL TY SAND, - - brown and gray, very stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 17 13 - ·: 4.5 - SANDY SILT, brown and gray, medium 5 stiff, moist -ML S-2 ss 6 - . ·. 7 - SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, gray, dense, -SM S-3 ss 41 moist to wet - .. :: 9.5 -~:: > GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, gray, dense, 10 ----- )6, wet -SP S-4 ss 38 -SM D: .-: . :o.··.· .. - : j,;.: 13 'C7 -- - ")& -GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, - medium dense, saturated - - L>: 15 SP S-5 ss 15 :o: -·.· - :.,-f;.: 16.5 -SM Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/12/09_ Groundwater observed at 13 feet while drilling . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-12-09 WL -¥'. 13 WD :!: BORING COMPLETED 8-12-09 WL 'l-.le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace. WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-7 I I I I I I I I I I I Page 1 of 2 -------~-------------------~---• CLIENT PacLand SITE PROJECT Renton Retail Renton, Washing_t_o_n ______________ _ ------------- ('.) 0 _, !d I [L ci: ('.) DESCRIPTION 2 inches Asphalt over 3_5 inches crushed gravel over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, 2 5 gray, medium dense, wet (PROBABLE ~FILL) ; ~~~------------~~ CLAYEY SILT, trace fine sand and gravel; ~'-r-t-4~.5~.orange-brown and gray-brown, medium \stiff, wet _ / - I _-: 8.5 ~:·.>:· /6 _.:;;..>::. (£ .. :;;..·::-::-:. :1 .f.§ ,-_-0-.-:U ~ ..:;.>r I ~:t ~ ;;:.:-::~ I : '.,./)/ ~ -~>:& ~ .-i.// I i!;Tu ~ .o·.·.· I i~:l ~~~-~-----~---~~ SIL TY FINE SAND, orange-brown and gray-brown, loose grading to medium dense, moist GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, brown-gray, dense, wet Grades to gray, medium dense, saturated Grades to trace silt Grades to dense Continued Next Page I ~ The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines "' :c t-n. w 0 - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - 10 - - -- - - 15-- - - - - - - 20-- - - - - - - 25-- - - - - - - 30-- --- - SAMPLES TESTS _, -n-- 0 i -~ "' ' >-' 2 ll'. >-ll'. w "' w > "' "' w 0 u 2 D.. u "' ::, >-w ::, z t-ll'. 1;; t!. ~ 0 "-w - "' zI ,-: t: -t--z "-('.) "' ll'.w z Zz 'Ts Wt-::, Ow t-0 >-z >-Uu: D.. _, ~8 oc-z t- "' "' 0 g_ ::, U) ML S-11 SS 4 34 SM S-2 ss 5 18 SM S-3 ss 14 8 SP S-4 ss 32 SM SP S-5 ss 20 SM SP S-6 ss 26 11 SIEVE SP S-7 ss 17 SP S-8 ss 35 ~ between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. fl-------------------r-,,,==,-----------,.-----------------1 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 Ii ~ 0 m WL WL WL _sz 12 "5l- WO ~ :y_ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 RIG Truck co. EDI LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ro § ~ ~ " m 9 ~ • "' " 0 ~ " z ~ 0 ro ~ 0 ~ ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ro 0 ~ "' 0 ~ c u w a ~ ~ z w ~ 0 I w ~ 0 m ' 0 c - LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 ___ __ Page 2 of 2 ------------------ CLIENT PacLand ---- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington --- Renton Retail ~ --------------------------- SAMPLES TESTS l'J ___, -~ ';;; 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION (l] >---ge w -___, :;; ,' zI ,' O'. >--' t: -f-S! >-O'. w -z "-l'J I r-CJ) w > CJ) O'. w z Zz "-f-CJ) (l] w 0 ;;;:s Wf-::, Ow ;}_ "-CJ :;; "-CJ f-0 f-Z >-CJ O'. w CJ) ::, i'= w "-___, ~8 O'.-Z,- l'J 0 ::, z O'. CJ) (l] 0 g_ ::, CJ) ---~-----------... ....:.,_. ..... ::.· GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, brown-gray, -SP S-9 ss 22 b dense, wet --o·: .· :-.:.·_._.:: Grades to medium dense - vf 35-- - - - -i~){. Grades to dense -SP ,-1 ( ss 31 -:i - 40-- _.:;;../:::. - - , cj - --- /6, Grades to orange-brown, with silt -SP ,-1 ss 38 -SM : ·.: .-.-:· --:~::·:-:· :t 45-- - - :.:·-:.-·-:· - -:0·.-::.:-Grades to very dense, gray -SP ,-1: ss 50/6" ;•(j 49 -SM Boring completed at 49 feet on 8/10109_ Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. - The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL 'iZ 12 _y WO BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL °'I-¥-21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co_ EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 I I LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 Page 1 ot 2 .,..,:::~~.,,-------· ·· I ,:o,eci _____ -_-_e_~-,-,-o-n-R-et-,-.,--~----_-_-' __ -___ =, __ "_'-_-'--'=--=--=_ '--I I I I CLIENT -------- SITE -·-- DESCRIPTION I-2_5 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed I -gravel over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, brown, medium dense to dense, damp -_-(PROBABLE FILL) I -~4.5 ~~---------1 SIL TY FINE SAND, trace gravel, I I I I I I m § ;;: " m 0 ,, m :_· ,._-_::_ 10.5 ) . "{" . ,{:,<' 12 :c < · .. : .. .-_-: ·: 16 00 • 25 I ! ,e:io, a: o D I l~i~ g, ~ C 'uo, I IO C, I .i~ orange-brown, loose, moist SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, gray, medium dense, wet ~ SAND, with silt and gravel, gray, loose, saturated SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, dense, saturated SILT, with fine sand, gray, medium stiff, wet GRAVEL, trace sand and silt, brown-gray, medium dense, saturated i SAMPLES TESTS --- -' .~ ';;; 0 ~ D a. <D >' ~ w - 2 O'. "' >-' zI "' t: -f->-O'. w -O'. /ii lL"' I <f) w > ,;~ z Zz f-<f) <D w 0 Wf-::, Ow n. 0 2 n. 0 f-0 f-Z >-0 O'. w if) :, >-w n.-' ~8 O'. -z,- D ::, z f-O'. if) C!J D g_ :, <f) - - - - - -SM S-1 SS 50 - - 5 -SM S-2 SS 7 24 - - -SM S-3 SS 8 25 - 26 7 10 -GP S-4 SS -GM -+""'-4--f-f--+------+---+--+--~ - SP S-5 ss 7 30 -SM - 15- - - - - -GP S-6 ss 38 - - 20-- - - - -=tvi'~L+S~--7+-cS~S+--f--5~+---f----+----1 - - 25-- - -- - -GP S-8 SS 12 5 - - 30--- - - - SIEVE SIEVE oo Continued Next Paae l ~i------~~~~-----------------------......__._--------+ The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary Jines 0 o::: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. "1--------;,;,..---~-----...;. ..... .;,.., __________ ...,,... _______________ ,. " WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft 1 r.: BORING STARTED 8-11-09 I l1--w_L--1='¥-~1_2 ___ W_D+Y.~_ -----1 1e rr aeon BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 o WL 7 ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. _ EDI ;1---+-------L-------:I Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 I .._w._L..1. ____________ .1......:;T:.:.(4;::2;;:51..> 1:.:1.:.1-,;;3;;;3o:;;4..;F.:.:,.(4;.;;2;;.s>.:.1.;.11.:..-3;;;5;;;4;:.9 _LL;;.o;;.G;;.G.;.;;;E,;;,D ___ T.;.A.;;J;...;J..;o..;B_# __ s,;.1..;o..;9..;s,;;,o.;.71.,# I I I I I I I I I I I > LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 Pag~ of2 ----- CLIENT PacLand -------------------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -~-- SAMPLES TESTS 0 -' -~ ';,; 0 ~ 0 Q_ 0 DESCRIPTION en ,-: ;f'. w - -' 2 "' zI "" "' >-O'. O'. >-' t: -f-w -O'.tii "-o I :c U") w > <I) z Zz (l_ f-U") en w 0 :a; :;: Wf-::, Ow ~ (l_ () 2 (l_ () f--0 f--Z >-() O'. w U") ::, >-w (l_-' ~8 O'.-z,- 0 0 :, z f--O'. U") <l) 0 g_ ::, U") ; c..... \ GRAVEL, trace sand and silt, brown-gray, -GP S-9 ss 23 ' I.'::>° medium dense, saturated - o D - Oc 35-,[y - ) ' - o D - Oc - o[':)° GP ~-11 ss 27 ) ' o D -oc -,[y lo D < 40- - ,oc - -,0,0 -- b D< -GP ,-1 ss 29 ,oc - '0,0 Do D' - oO C 45 -- '0,0 - Do D' - -oc Grades to very dense -GP 6-1: ss 68 oGo< - o D oc - oDo, 50- - o D - oc - -'0,0, -GP 3-1 ss 54 o D 0 ,-54 Boring completed at 54 feet on 8/11/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary fines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL 'ii' 12 WO ~ BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL "l-.l". 21905 64th Avenue West. Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF BORING NO. B-9 _ Page 1 of_1 ~----- CLIENT PacLand ' SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ------------------------ SAMPLES TESTS ---- i 0 -' ·" 1;; 0 ~ O"- 0 DESCRIPTION co ,.: ;;e w - -' 2 " zI " O'. ,.: t: -f-" >-O'. w -O'. iii u. 0 I I <f) w > (/) z Zz 0.. f-<f) co w 0 ,;: s Wf-::, Ow ;:; 0.. 0 :a, 0.. 0 f-0 f-Z >-0 O'. w (/J ::, r:: w 0..-' ~8 0'.1:, Zf- l? 0 ::, z O'. (/J co 0 a. ::, fJ) -~-1._:,-2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed -,{y' gravel over SANDY GRAVEL to - ). . ·1 -o·.D. GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, tan-gray, -0( medium dense, damp (PROBABLE FILL) -,_{y -GP S-1 ss 30 3 l. . . -o·.[) 4.5 ·.:.\. SIL TY FINE SAND, orange-brown, loose, 5 damp -SM S-2 ss 9 4 - .. ·> 7 - i:.:C. .-.:: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, :/0 orange-brown, medium dense, damp -GP S-3 ss 20 4 - )_: ._c._·.-'c 9.5 y~·I..',_: SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, 10 •t;,\ medium dense, wet to saturated 'J_ -GP S-4 ss 22 0·-D: - oc -,{y 13 - -· o-::_-:-.. : GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, - /e, saturated - - :..·:.-_-:: 15 SP S-5 ss 6 :o:.-.. - :.C-ri-· 16.5 - Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/11 /09. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. ' The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: · in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL '¥-11 WO .!: BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL 'J_ ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI ' Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-10 Page 1 of 1 i--------------------- CLIENT PacLand ------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ~-------------------- SAMPLES TESTS --·----- _J -Cl C w 0 ;,f!. ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION al ,: w - _J 2 "' zI "' Cl'. ,--!:::: -f- " >-Cl'. w -z "-Cl I I <f) w > <J) Cl'. w z Zz n. f-<f) al w 0 "is Wf-:, Ow ~ n. 0 2 n. 0 f-0 f-Z >-00'. w <f) :, >-w n. _J ~8 Cl'.-Z,- Cl 0 :, z f-Cl'. <J) OJ 0 g_ :::, <J) - 1.5 inches Asphalt over 4.5 inches - crushed gravel over SILT, with fine sand, - - orange-brown, soft, wet - -ML S-1 ss 4 39 - : 4.5 - FINE SANDY SILT, orange-brown, very 5 ---6 soft, wet -ML S-2 ss 13 39 --- e{Y SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, orange-brown and gray, medium - , _ _-t,' O·. dense, moist -GP S-3 ss 22 5 ,en:: -GM ,e:,o: 9.5 -tB GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, 10 medium dense, wet -SP S-4 ss 26 12 11.5 ~ - ~--:.:.·· GRAVELLY SAND to SANDY GRAVEL, --<6 trace silt, gray, loose, saturated - - i:_,_·,_c: - ·.~:: ... : - ;Pi - 15 SP S-5 ss 10 /Ci - 16.5 - Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 11.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL 5l 11.5 WD :,'. BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL ~ .¥ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I m ~ s I ~ ~ m 0 ~ ro I§ ~ z ~ 0 I m ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ I ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 " II ~ !!, z •~ ~ 0 m LOG OF BORING NO. B-11 ____ Page 1 of 1_ CLIENT Pacland ---------'---~--'----------------- SITE ------- ('.) 0 ---' S2 I CL ~ ('.) ::·:·.'_\-:-: '--:-:- 1 i( I > --------4_5 :::\·.-:-:: I.·:::,:: .•. · .. : ,-. ._:.·. ,: 7 ____ Renton,_ Washington DESCRIPTION 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed gravel over FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, damp SAND, trace silt and gravel, brown-gray, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, gray-brown, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, wet to saturated Boring completed at 16.5 feet on 8/10/09. Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. ---------------------------------1 PROJECT Renton Retail ------------- '--_S0'-'A"-M"-P-"LE=-Sc;_ _______ _ TESTS ---' 0 0) "' 2 >-Cl'. :r: <f) LU f-<f) 0) CL 0 2 w <f) :, 0 :, z - - - - -SP S-1 - - 5 SP S-2 - - - -GP S-3 -GM - 10 GP S-4 - - - - - - - - 15 GP S-5 - - C ,.: Cl'. " LU -> <f) w 0 a::s {l_ 0 f-0 >-w a__, f-Cl'. "'0) ss 8 ss 13 ss 26 ss 10 ss 6 - ;:F ,_- z Cl'.w Wf- f-Z ~8 5 5 7 ~ t: z :, >-cq, Orr w oa LU -zI -f-"-('.) Zz Ow Oo: z.- :, "' 1--W_A~T=E~R_L_E_V_E_L_O_B_S_E~R=V~A_T_IO_N_S_,_fl __ , ·11:e rr aeon BORING STARTED 8-10-09 WL Il-12 WO .Y-II BORING COMPLETED 8-10-09 WL '1-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste_ 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI . T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB I re' .._W_L...1---------------i......;.=M;;;o;.un..;.t,;,.la,;,.ke,;;,T;;;e..;.r..;.ra;.ce;,.,..;.W;;;A;...;.9,;,.804,;,.,;;,3;,,,;,;;...,...1,. _______ ..1,, __ ! __ 8_122~2!.1, I I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ 0 ,~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-12 Page 1 of 1 ~-------- CLIENT PacLand --- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washi11gton Renton Retail ----- SAMPLES I TESTS -------- ('.) ~ -~ "' 0 ~ 0 Q_ 0 DESCRIPTION [I) :,: ;f'-w - ~ :;; ¢' zI ¢' !l'. >-' t:: -f-"' >-O'. w -O'. it U.<9 I r Cf) w > Cf) z Zz Q._ f-Cf) [I) w 0 '\'.s Wf-:::, Ow ~ Q._ 0 :;; Q._ 0 f-0 ~z >-0 O'. w Cf) :::, >-w Q._ ~ s8 O'. 0 Zf- ('.) 0 :::, z f-O'. !/) [I) 0 Q_ :::, (f) 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed - gravel over SIL TY FINE SAND, trace - - gravel, gray, loose, moist - -SM S-1 ss 6 13 SIEVE - .... -··_4_5 ~.-:....: .· GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, 5 /:& medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 21 3 - ·-: :-:.-:---·:~>:-Grades to with silt ,p -SP S-3 ss 12 -SM a.Ci 9.5 -·-' . - l·.--:·~ SIL TY SANDY GRAVEL, gray, loose, s;z: 10 ,C)o saturated -GM S-4 ss 8 '-·r/ - O·. ()c; - ~.r)~ 13 - - SIL TY FINE SAND, trace fine organics, - gray, very loose, saturated - - 15 SM S-5 ss 6 - -. 16.5 - Boring completed at 16_5 feet on 8/11/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 8-11-09 WL '\I'. 10 WO ~ BORING COMPLETED 8-11-09 WL ':l. le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake_ Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 - LOG OF BORING NO. B-13 Page 1 of 2 CLIENT PacLand 1---"·------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLES TESTS 0 _, 0 0 DESCRIPTION co _, :a' ¢' ',! >-a: I I-(/) w a_ ,_ (/) OJ w ;:: a_ (j :a' a_ w (/) :::, >-0 0 ::, z ,_ f'.Y::.::: 3 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed - rock over GRAVELLY SAND, with sill, -"-u -.·.: .· brown, medium dense, moist (PROBABLE D:-_'-- :o:. :-: 3 FILL) -SP S-1 ss SANDY SILT, trace gravel, brown, -SM medium dense, wet - ----:: 5_5 5 -SM S-2 ss t('i SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, - trace to with sill, brown, medium dense, - µ::----,> moist S-3 -:~::·:-: -SP ss f! - - grades to loose 10 SP S-4 ss ~:+:r - SJ_ - 12 - e:," SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, loose, :.:_;: saturated -GP S-5 ss - Cl( -,{:,a, 15--,:-,.· .t)' 16 - ~ ·.-c· (: SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, - 0 ·Ct dense, saturated -~/c;: Q( -GP S-6 ss -,-Qi" ---< -o·-~: 20-Oc -21 -----:;. ,":_..:,,:: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown-gray, - /:Ci very dense, saturated - .·.: :.-.· -SP S-7 ss -:~>:-: - -}f - 25-/0, 26 - -------~ SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown, dense, -,[:,".; saturated - -ls,-_r,: -GP S-8 ss D( -GM of:)",.· )> -; -o·-~-30-D( 31 -. ...:_ . -.-:\.; SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown-gray, - rO.."i very dense, saturated - - Continued Next Pa11e The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. I g ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon WL SJ_ 11_5 WO -'- 0 ro .~ WL 'I- WL _y_ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste_ 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 -~ ",;; ~ 0 "-,-: a" w- ¢' zI a: >-' !::: _,_ w -z "-0 > :.; ~ CT'.W z Zz 0 Wf-:::, Ow (j f-0 f-Z >-Oa: w a__, ~8 a:u z,-a: (/) co 0 "-:::, Cl) 18 24 SIEVE 26 7 20 9 5 11 SIEVE 43 61 50/5" - BORING STARTED 10-2-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 RIG Truck co_ EDI LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 1------------------ CLIENT LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 Page 1 of 2 ---------~-----0 I I I I I I I I I I I PacLand -----------------------------------------------------------------1 SITE Renton, Washington 1--~-------- \ - ---- :.: -.: 7 . ·.'J_. /8 --,::: 12 I :r:·,':':: ~ {fi ~ .. :;.:::.::: DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed rock over SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, brown, medium dense, moist - SIL TY FINE SAND, with silt, orange-brown and gray, medium dense grading to loose, moist SAND, trace silt and gravel, yellow-brown, loose, moist SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, gray-brown, medium dense, wet SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, loose, saturated grades to dense GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, very dense, saturated I ::r::9.:'· ~ )626 I !l-,_"'-;;._ii_-;:n,_--F--;;Sc;;AccN-;-;Dcc;Yc;-;cGc;RA=vccE;cL;-,-ctc:-ra-,-c-e-s--,i:;-:lt-, g_r_a_y--,-b,-r_o_w_n_, -----i -u , very dense, saturated ,~ .t,: ~ (.)( ~ o.{)~ ;9 .:v·-~: I ~ (.)( 31 § ~-1; SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown, PROJECT ---' 0 "' 2 " >- I U) f--U) (l_ tJ w U) 0 :::, - - - - -SM - - 5 SP - -SM - -SP - - 10 SP - -SM - -GP -GM - 15- - -- - -GP - - 20-- - - - -SP - - 25- - - - - -GP - - 30-- --- Renton Retail ----------------------------------- SAMPLES TESTS ---------- -~ ;; ~ 0 n_ >' as w- " z :r: n:: f-' t: -f-n:: w -z "-0 w > Cf) a:: w z Zz "' w 0 :a,:s Wf--:::, Ow 2 (l_ tJ f--0 f-Z >-tJ a:: :::, >-w (l_ ---' is a::-Zf- z f--a:: Cf) "' 0 g_ ::, U) S-1 ss 15 17 SIEVE S-2 ss 7 S-3 ss 6 S-4 ss 26 7 SIEVE S-5 ss 8 S-6 ss 31 S-7 ss 62 S-8 ss 50/5" ili 0 ·D'\ medium dense, saturated 111-·--.. -._ _____ ....;c;.;o;.;n,;,;t;;;in,;,;u;;;ed;.;;.,;,;N;,;e;;;xt;;..;.P.;;a;.g:,;e;... _____ .... __ .1..._._...1,_.1..._.__...1,_...1...1-.1...--i...----1 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines 0 u:: between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. - ~1--------;.;... ___ ... ___ "T'...,,,,,,.,;;,,,,...----------,.--------------...1--1 I ~ WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft l lerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 g WL 'SJ_ 12 WD -!-BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 w,___-+=~-------t=~-------o ~ WL 51--l'. m 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI o Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 l ~,w_L~----------~-~~~=~~~~~~~,;;~~~!;£ __ :!:;!J~J2!!~#-~.!,i2,;9~5_2!_1~ T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I ·~ ' .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 Page 2 of 2 -· .. ----- CLIENT PacLand ------- SITE PROJECT _ Renton, Washington __ Renton Retail -------------, SAMPLES TESTS ('.) __, -~ 00 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION a) ,: ;f'. w -__, 2 "' zI S! "' er: t---!:: -t-->-er: w -z lL ('.) I I <I) w > :,; ~ er: w z Zz [L t--<I) a, w 0 Wt--::, Ow ~ [L u 2 "-u t--0 t--z >-Ucr: w <I) ::, >-w "-__, ~8 er: -Zt-- ('.) 0 ::, z t--er: <I) a, 0 g_ ::, <I) .-:1..:. SANDY GRAVEL, with silt, brown, -GP S-9 ss 24 ,0,, medium dense, saturated -GM {/.t\ 0( --35-o{y: - i). · '"'! -o·-D. -0( - 0 Cl' grades to dense -GP 3-11 ss 35 ·)· .· D! 0 .. -GM 0( -0:0,, ) . . -~ 40- o·-D. -oc - o{y: - •• ·< - 0·-D· grades to very dense GP 3-1 ss 53 0( - o.{Y\ - o·.r:,,. - Cl( 45- -,0,0 - )o.-.tY --Cl( ,0,0: -GP ,-1, ss 62 .. ~. 49 - Boring completed at 49 feet on 10/2/09_ Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. - The stratificatio_n lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL .\i'. 12 WD ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL cl. .¥ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED TAJ JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-15 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland ------.. .. . ------. ----------------------------------~ - SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS -' -0 .~ ~ 0 ~ 0 D. 0 DESCRIPTION <!l >' ;f. w - -' :;; "' zI "' a: ._: t::: _,_ s2 >-a: w -z "-o I :r: (/) w > "' a: UJ z Zz CL ,-(/) <!l UJ 0 ,;: s Wf-::, Ow c'2 (L 0 :;; CL 0 >-0 >-z >-0 D'. w (/) ::, >-w (L-' ~8 a:-z,- 0 0 ::, z ,-a: (/) "' 0 8. ::, (/) . - Surface gravel over SILT, with trace clay - and sand, brown, soft to medium stiff, wet, - - low plasticity ~ LL=48, Pl=16 -ML S-1 ss 4 36 90 200WASH -ATIERBERG - 5.5 5 SM S-2 ss 11 23 SIEVE - SIL TY SAND, with trace gravel, brown, - medium dense grading to loose, wet - -SP S-3 ss 9 12 SIEVE -SM · 10 v - SAND, with gravel, trace silt, brown, -10 SP S-4 ss 9 2:> - 11.5 loose, wet to saturated - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/2/09. Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines . between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transrtion may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL 'l 10 WD :t BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL 'l-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I~ ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-16 ' I ----------------PagE!~ CLIENT PacLand -- SITE PROJECT I Renton, Washington Renton Retail ------~- SAMPLES TESTS -------1--------- ' co _J C 1n 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION ro ,: ;fl w - _J :a, "' zI "' a: e: t: -f-Se >-a: w -z u. co I :r: (f) w > (/) a: w z Zz 0. >--(f) ro w 0 ~s w f-:, Ow <( 0. (_) :a, 0. () f-0 f-Z >-(_) a: a: w (f) :, >-w 0. _J ~8 a:1:3 Zf-co 0 :, z f-a: (f) OJ 0 0. :, (f) Surface gravel over SIL TY SAND, trace - gravel, brown, medium dense, moist - - - -SM S-1 ss 14 13 SIEVE - . '"· --_ 4.5 --J:i-::.~_-· SAND, with gravel, trace silt, brown, 5 /c, medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 18 4 SIEVE - _;.-/::. - :! -SP S-3 ss 19 - 9.5 -·."'"(: SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, 10 o{':)a medium dense, wet -GP S-4 ss 22 ~-i 11.5 -o·.D. Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/2/09. No groundwater observed while drilling. . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-s~u. the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL 'l-~ BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL 7 l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-17 ---Page 1 of 1 - CLIENT I Pacland L -----------------------·· ---------------------. --·--- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ! SAMPLES TESTS ------- --' -Cl .e ~ 0 0 * ~ 0 o_ DESCRIPTION "' ,-: w---' :;; "' zI ~ "' O'. ,__-t: ->-->-Cl'. w -z "-Cl I :r' U) w 6 ,;~ D'.w z Zz a.. >--U) Ill w w >--:::, Ow ~ a.. 0 :;; a.. 0 >--0 >--z >-0 O'. w U) :::, >-w a..--' ~8 O'. 1:3 z >--Cl 0 :::, z >--O'. U) Ill 0 o_ :::, Ul Surface gravel over SILT, with sand, trace - gravel, mottled gray and brown, medium - -stiff to stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 8 - . : 4-5 - ;r.": .-GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, 5 /_(', medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 25 -:.>> - -:0·:-:.:· - /0 grades to loose, wet -SP S-3 ss 7 :·-.:.:.;.:.·. 9 'Cl - _-.·..:,_. SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, - o-0,", - medium dense, wet to saturated 10 GP S-4 ss 21 0·-h - -0-r. 11.5 - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/2/09. Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. . WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-2-09 WL sz 9 WO _y: BORING COMPLETED 10-2-09 WL cl. ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-18 Page 1 of 1 --------------------- CLIENT PacLand -------s ----------------- SITE PROJECT ____ Renton, Washington Renton Retail ----- SAMPLES TESTS 0 _, .S I ';;; 0 ~ 0 "- 0 DESCRIPTION a, ,.-'1'-w -_, 2 <le zI ¢' Cl'. ,_-t: -f-" >-Cl'. w -z "-e, I :r' (/) w > (/) crw z Zz a_ f-(/) a, w 0 ~~ Wf-:, Ow t2 a_ () 2 a_ () f-0 f-Z >-t)"' w (/) :, >-w a__, ~8 o:-Z,- 0 0 :, z f-Cl'. (/) a, 0 g_ :, (/) Surface gravel over SANDY SILT, trace - gravel, mottled gray and brown, stiff, moist - - - -ML S-1 ss 13 17 SIEVE - ·: 4.5 - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose, 5 SM S-2 ss 6 moist - - :_-:-: 8 Driller reports cobbles at 6.5 feet. - -SP S-3 ss 24 ~:. :_.:-GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray-brown, - /0, medium dense, moist - L)/.\.:: 10 SP S-4 ss 26 01\ 2 - 11.5 - grades to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in~situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL 211 WD y BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL 'l-l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 - . I I I I I I I I I I ro .~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-19 ____ Page_1 of1 -----------------· CLIENT Pacland ------------ SITE I PROJECT Renton, Washington I Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS CJ _, .£ ';,; 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION "' ,: "' w -_, 2 "' zI "' (( ,-: f--f-S! >-(( w -z z lL CJ I ::r: U) w > U) (( w Zz a. f-U) "' w 0 a;: s Wf-:::, Ow ;;i a. 0 2 a. 0 f-0 f-Z >-Oa: w U) :::, >-w [L _, ~8 a:-Z,- CJ 0 :::, z f-(( U)"' 0 g_ :::, U) I\_·. 3.5 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed - rock over SAND, with gravel and silt, -.. - t<. trace concrete debris, gray-brown, very - :_-:. dense, moist (FILL) -SP S-1 ss 50/4" · . .-.:. ---SM .·.4_5 - SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, brown-gray, ., :_· •:: 5 SM S-2 ss 5 loose, moist - - - grades to very loose -SM S-3 ss 2 ·-·:. - ·: 9.5 - SAND, with silt and gravel, brown, 10 I<.· medium dense, moist to wet -SP S-4 ss 13 . 11.5 -SM Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. No groundwater observed while drilling. . The stratification li!"!eS represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock typ!;!s: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. . WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL 'SJ_ ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL 'l. l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-20 Page 1 of1_ --------------------------- CLIENT --1 mo;ed- Pacland SITE Renton, Washington Renton Retail ! SAMPLES I TESTS ----~--------------- (') _, C 1;; 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION "' ,: ;;,. w-_, 2 " zI "' <l'. f--t: -f-0 >-<l'. w -z lL (') r :c (/) w > (/) <l'.W z Zz (L f-(/) "' w 0 :a::s Wf-::, Ow a.' . (L u 2 (L u f-0 f-Z >-UQ'. w (/) ::, >-w (L _, !8 Q'.-Zr (') 0 ::, z f-<l'. (/) "' 0 g_ ::, (/) SIL TY .GRAVELLY SAND, gray-brown, - medium dense, moist - - - -SM S-1 ss 23 - - .. 5.5 5 ML S-2 ss 6 39 ATTERBERG - SILT, with trace clay, sand and gravel, -LIMITS gray, medium stiff, wet -LL=41, Pl=13 ML S-3 ss 7 35 - - - 10.5 'v 10 ML S-4 ss 2 39 - · 11.5 SANDY SILT, trace gravel, gray, very soft - \ to soft, wet to saturated I Boring completed at 11.5 teet on 1 u,o,us,_ Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. I The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL 'l-10.5 WO y BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL 'l-l'-21905 64th Avenue West, Ste_ 100 RIG Truck co_ EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425\ 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF BORING NO. B-21 Page 1 o_f_1_ -------------------------------·- CLIENT Pacland SITE PROJECT Renton, Wasbi11_gto11 __ Renton Retail ---------------s --------------------------r--··----------~ ---------------------- SAMPLES TESTS - '-' __, -~ ;;; 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION ID ,.: "' w -__, 2 "" zI 0 "" Cl'. ,-: t:: -f->-Cl'. w -z "-'-' r :r: U) w > (f) Cl'.w z Zz [L f-U) ID w 0 'cs Wf-:, Ow ~ [L 0 2 [L 0 f-0 f-z >-OQ'. w U) :, >-w [L __, 18 Cl'.-Zf- '-' . 0 :, z f-Cl'. """ 0 g_ :, U) --- 7.5 inches Asphalt over 6 inches crushed - rock over SANDY SILT, trace gravel, - ·-gray, very stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 21 - .. · 4-5 - SILT, with trace clay and sand, mottled 5 ML S-2 ss 7 37 ATTERBERG brown and gray, medium stiff, moist to wet - LL=40, Pl=12 -LIMITS - -ML S-3 SH 9 - - Lt SIL TY SAND, brown, loose to medium 10 SM S-4 ss 10 · .... 11 7 - :. -.,.} 1. • • r dense, wet - SAND, with silt and gravel, brown, wet to saturated tsonng completea at 11.0 teet on 1 u,~,u~. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and ro~k lypes; in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft _lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL "l 11 WO .J: BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL 'l l". 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I •~ 0 Ii " 0 • .~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-22 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland ·--------------------------·- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail --____________ '" _____ SAMPLES TESTS ---~--- 0 -' -~ "' 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION ro ,: '1' UJ • -' z "' zI "' Cl'. ,-: t: -1-S2 >-Cl'. UJ -z "-o I :r (/} UJ > (/} Cl'.w z Zz "-I-(/} ro w 0 :a::s WI-:, Ow ~ "-0 z "-0 1-0 1-Z >-O[!'. ·w (/} :, >-w Cl. -' !8 Cl'. 't3 z,- 0 0 :, z I-Cl'. (/} ro 0 0. :, (/} 3 inches Asphalt over 3 inches crushed - rock over SILT, with sand, trace organics, ·--gray, stiff, moist -ML S-1 ss 11 23 2DOWASH - 4.5 ... SANDY SILT, trace gravel, gray and 5 brown, stiff to very stiff, moist -ML S-2 ss 16 - .7 r .• SAND, with silt, trace gravel, brown, -SP S-3 ss 7 · ... loose, moist -SM 1 • • 9.5 -- SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, medium 10 SM S-4 ss 13 dense, moist - .· 11.5 - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09. No groundwater observed while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-5-09 WL ~ .!. BORING COMPLETED 10-5-09 WL :'l-l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truc.k CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m e ~ ~ ~ '-' m q ~ m m '-' 0 ~ '-' z " 0 • ::: 0 0 m 0 § ::: 0 0 ~ ~ m 0 a ~ m ~ -~ 0 " ~ z ~ 0 I w " 0 • g LOG OF BORING NO. B-23 Page 1 of 1 --------------------~--------------------~----1 CLIENT Pacland ------------------.. ---------- SITE PROJECT Renton Retail ,_ ________ _ Renton, Washington __________ +--~-~-----~-~ ·.·_· .. ·5 DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 3,5 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose, moist (PROBABLE FILL) \ Drilled through 6-8 inch empty concrete :::' pipe at 4_5-5 feet. _: ( . 7 SAND, with silt and gravel, brown, t'Cmr--, \ ;:;m;::e;::d~ium dense, moist ,:e,s· I I . -, SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray and °<:it brown, dense, wet to saturated ,J:<o -l,.) .( o·-D ~C'v' 11.5 grades to medium dense Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/5/09_ Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and ro<?-types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. _, 0 co :a "' >-:c en >-en [l_ () w en 0 ::, - - - - -SM - - 5 SP - -SM - -GP - - 10 GP - - SAMPLES TESTS -~ ",;; ~ 0 "- ,-: ;J2. w - "' zI n: ,--t: -f--n: w -z lL '-' w > ,;:~ n:w z Zz co w 0 Wf-::, Ow :a [l_ () >-0 >-z >-() 0:: ::, >-w [l_ _, ~g n:-Zr-z >-n: en co 0 g_ ::, en S-1 ss 6 S-2 ss 22 S-3 ss 43 6 S-4 ss 26 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED WL o? 9 WD y_ BORING COMPLETED WL 'I-l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 10-5-09 10-5-09 EDI 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I m 0 § I <L (.') m 0 :" m I m (.') 0 ~ (.') z "' 0 I m ~ 0 m m :" ~ ~ I 0 m m 0 ~ 0 0 ~ I m ~ <> w 0 " ~ z I w c5 I w " 0 "' I ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-24 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand -------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------- SITE PROJECT ~-_____________ Renton, Washington ---------+----- ('.) g 0 I (L <( Cl'. ('.) -----,: 7 <_-:.: 1:-·: 9.5 \lJ 11.5 DESCRIPTION 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose, moist SAND, with silt and gravel, brown and gray, loose, moist GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, gray, medium dense, wet to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 1015109. Groundwater observed at 1 O feet while drilling. -¥- The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. _, 0 (0 2 " >- I <I) f-<I) (L 0 w <I) 0 :::, - - - - -SM - - 5- SM - - - -SP -SM - 10 SP - -SM Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS .S ';;; o!e ~ 0 "-;,: UJ - " zI "' >-' t:: -f-"' UJ -z LL(!) UJ > <I) "'w z Zz (0 w 0 'l's Wf-:::, Ou, 2 (L 0 f-0 f-Z >-Oa: :::, >-U] (L _, 18 o:-Zr z I-Cl'. <I) (0 0 g_ :::J<I) S-1 ss 7 - S-2 ss 6 S-3 ss 6 S-4 ss 18 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED WL "l-10 WD-!'. BORING COMPLETED WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste_ 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) n1-;i304 F: (425) n1-3549 RIG Truck CO. LOGGED RMS JOB# 10-5-09 10-5-09 EDI 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-27 Page 1 of 1 ----------~-,,---------- CLIENT PacLand ---------- SITE PROJECT __ ~llnt~, Washingto_ri _ Renton Retail ------------ SAMPLES TESTS CJ _, .~ " 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION co >' ;;e w -_, 2 "' zI "' 0: ,-: !:: ->-S! >-0: w -z "-CJ I a: U) w > U) o:w z Zz Cl. >-U) co w 0 ,;: s Wr-::, Ow ~ Cl. 0 2 Cl. 0 >-0 r-Z >-Oo: w U) ::, >-w Cl._, ~8 o:-Zr CJ 0 ::, z >-0: U) co 0 g_ ::, U) 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, trace· - - gravel, brown, medium dense, moist -. -SM S-1 ss 14 - . ·-· .. •• 4_5 -~:-.-...: .. GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, 5 ~ib loose to medium dense, moist -SP S-2 ss 10 - :-.·:.-. .:: .c,:·.·. - ~9 grades to medium dense -SP S-3 ss 26 /{:; - :-.·:.-: -.. -·.· 10 -:~::-:.: 5J_ -SP S-4 ss 15 ;CC) 11.5 grades to saturated - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL 'i-10.5 WO -!-BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL :1-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I! z " 0 I m ~ m ~ ~ I i ~ i I ~ 0 " ~ z Ii 0 m u I~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-28 Page 1 of 1 ------ CLIENT I PacLand ----------------~------------------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washin_9ton Renton Retail I SAMPLES TESTS " _, ·" ';;; 0 ~ 0 "- 0 OJ ,.: ,!'. w-_, DESCRIPTION 2 ,; zI ,; Cl'. f--' t:: -f-Se >-Cl'. LU -z LL('.) I :i if) LU > :.::~ tl'.w z Zz [l_ f-if) OJ LU 0 LU f-::, Ow <( [l_ u 2 [l_ u f-0 f-Z >-O[l'. Cl'. w if) ::, >-LU [l_ _, ~8 [l'.-Zr " 0 ::, z f-Cl'. U) al 0 g_ CJ if) 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed - rock over SILT, trace sand, gravel and - - organics, dark brown, medium stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 5 22 2DOWASH 3.75 - :-'.'· SIL TY SAND, brown, loose, moist -..-.5 · ... ~ SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, 5 GP S-2 ss 17 -,.e,o· medium dense, moist to wet -.. '< o·-~: 7 . -):·.-0_.· GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray-brown, ~/(', medium dense, wet -SP S-3 ss 14 - :·:.,:.:: 9.5 -·-......:·1..:,-SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, gray, ¥ 10 ,{:t medium dense, wet to saturated (STRONG -GP S-4 ss 19 .. •( -o·.t,: 11.5 ,PETROLEUM ODOR) ; Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 1 O feet while drilling. The stratific-,.tion lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gra_dual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL ¥10 WD .Y BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL :l-.le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I m e s I ~ ~ m 0 ~ w I m ~ 0 ~ ~ z ~ 0 I w ' ~ m 0 ~ I ;: 0 w m 0 a ~ 8 ~ I m e 0 w 0 ~ ~ z I w ~ 0 I w ~ 0 w I 0 e LOG OF BORING NO. B-29 Page 1 of 1 -----------------------------~------------------~~---! CLIENT PacLand ------------------------~ --------------- SITE PROJECT ______ Renlon_,~W_a_s_h_in_g~t_o_n ________ +--~-~-------~ r Renton Retai I I (') 0 _, " I Cl. '2 (') DESCRIPTION "' :c ,_ 0. w 0 L ___ _, 0 al ;a, >-0-: (/) w (/) al u ;a, (/) :::, :::, z SAMPLES ~ ~ >' "' "' 0-: ,-: !:: w -z > :;: ~ o-:w z w 0 w ,_ :::, Cl. u f--0 >--z >->-w 0. _, ~8 o-:- I-0-: (/) al 0 g_ . ~-c+--~~~-~~~--~~---~~---+-----1--+-+----I--+ 2.5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, loose to medium dense, moist .. · .: 5.5 : -.. /:::. 7 SAND, with silt, light brown, medium dense, moist SANDY GRAVEL to GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, medium dense, moist grades to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6109. Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling. . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. 5 10 - - - - -SM S-1 ss - - -SP S-2 ss -SM - -SP S-3 ss - - -GP S-4 ss - WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon WL ,;;_ 11 WO ~ 10 12 24 19 BORING STARTED BORING COMPLETED TESTS ':;; 0 Q. w -zI -,_ IL(') Zz Ow u 0-: z ,_ :::, (/) WL ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Tenace, WA 98043 RIG Truck CO. WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 10-6-09 10-6-09 EDI 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 1~ ~ .~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-30 --Page 1 CJf_1_ CLIENT I PacLand -+-·---·· ---------~------ SITE ! PROJECT Renton, Washingt_on Renton Retail --- I SAMPLES TESTS C'.) _J -~ 'ti 0 ~ o~ 0 DESCRIPTION [Q >' cf-w - _J 2 "' zI "' (l'. t--!:: -t-'c1 >-(l'. w -z "-C'.) I :r: VJ w > VJ O'.W z Zz Q. t-VJ [Q w 0 :a::s Wt-:::, Ow « Q. 0 2 (L 0 t-0 t-z >-Ocr (l'. w [/) :::, >-w Q. _J ~8 cr-Zt- C'.) 0 :::, z t-(l'. VJ [Q 0 g_ ::, VJ 2_5 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed - rock over SIL TY SAND, with gravel, - - mottled gray and brown, medium stiff, - moist -ML S-1 ss 5 24 200WASH - 4-5 -~-SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, 5 o[:,o< dense, moist -GP S-2 ss 32 o·-tY - DC -,C,o, grades to medium dense, wet -GP S-3 ss 29 o·-D o.c - a.·()~( 2 - 10 i:c:>-tY grades to saturated -GP S-4 ss 36 _-8:_§ 11 -5 - Boring completed at 11 _5 feet on 1016/09_ Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling_ The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transttion may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL 210 WD y: BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL 'l-le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I m ~ I n' " m 0 ~ m I "' " s " z ~ 0 I m ~ 0 "' m 0 ~ I ~ 0 "' m 0 ~ 0 0 " Ii "' ~ z Ii "' 0 m .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-31 Page 1 of 1 ------------~-------------------~---, CLIENT PacLand SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -------------------~- SAMPLES ,TESTS 3-75 ·: 4.75 " .:: 7 . ' ·.· '-:-:.-::- 1 / I > 1 :-· ,._,_._ -11,5 DESCRIPTION 3 inches Asphalt over 4 inches crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with trace gravel, dark brown, medium stiff, moist SAND, with silt, light brown, loose, moist SANDY SILT, gray, loose, wet Medium to coarse SAND, with gravel, trace silt, gray and brown, loose, wet grades to saturated Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 1016109, Groundwater observed at 9,5 feet while drilling, \l The stratification lines represent the approximate.boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. _, 0 (X) 2 ~ >-a'. :i U) w ,_ U) (X) w Q_ 0 2 Q_ w Cf) ::, >-0 ::, z !-- - - - - -ML S-1 SS - - 5 -SM S-2 SS - - -SP S-3 SS - - 10 -SP S--4 SS - WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon WL 'Si-11,5 WO _y WL '!-l' WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 E -:,; ~ 0 p_ ,,: ;f2_ w - ~ zI a'. f-' t: _,_ w -z "-('.) > Cf) 0:: w z Zz 0 ~s Wf-::, Ow 0 ts f-Z >-Oo: w l8 o::-z !-- 0:: U)"' 0 g_ ::, U) 6 24 5 48 6 7 BORING STARTED BORING COMPLETED RIG Truck CO. LOGGED RMS JOB# ----- 200WASH 10--6-09 10-6-09 EDI 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I~ " ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-32 Page 1 of 1 --------------- CLIENT Pacland -----------------------------~------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail --------- SAMPLES TESTS --------··-- ('.) ---' -~ ';;; 0 ~ D a. 0 DESCRIPTION (!] ,-. "a' W· ---' 2 "' zI " "' O'. >-" t: ->-,-. O'. w -z LL ('.) I :r: (/) w > (/) O'. w z Zz Cl. >-(/) (!] w 0 ~s Wr :::, Ow c2 Cl. 0 2 Cl. 0 >-0 >-z ,-. 0 O'. w (/) :::, ,-. w Cl. ---' 18 O'. -Zr ('.) D :::, z >-°' (/) (!] 0 g_ :::, (/) 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SANDY Sil T, gray, - - .. medium stiff, moist - -Ml S-1 ss 6 1 inch gray SAND seam at 3 feet - - 5.5 . 5 SP S-2 ss 19 -tl GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, - medium dense, moist - 1>:\.-:: grades to dense, wet -SP S-3 ss 31 . -:0:·:·:-:-(9 - 9.5 -·.-._·\,: SANDY GRAVEL, trace silt, brown, loose, 10 o-C-J" wet to saturated 'SJ_ -GP S-4 ss 9 D. . -s 0·-~. 11.5 - Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lir:ies represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types:-in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL 'SJ. 10.5 WD -!-BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 Wl 'l--~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI Mountlake Tertace, WA 98043 Wl T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-33 ~ l'age 1of 1 _ --------------------------- CLIENT PacLand ----------------------------------------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -- SAMPLES TESTS -------------·- _J I -(') ~ w 0 ;fe ~ o~ 0 DESCRIPTION ro :,: w - _J 2 "" zI "" Cl'. "' t: -1-" >-Cl'. w -z "-(') I I-(fJ UJ > ,;~ tl'.w z Zz a. I-(fJ ro w 0 WI-::, Ow ~ a. 0 2 a. () 1-0 1-Z >-() Cl'. UJ (fJ ::, >-UJ a. _J ~8 a:-ZI- (') 0 ::, z f-Cl'. en ro 0 g_ :0(1) 3.5 inches Asphalt over 5 inches crushed - rock over SILT, with trace sand, mottled - - brown and gray, soft to medium stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 4 31 200WASH - - grades to stiff 5 ML S-2 ss 9 35 . : 6.25 - - •::, ·. 7.25 SAND, with silt, light brown, loose, moist - ·-c:s GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, -SP S-3 ss 6 \loose, moist I - SAND, with silt, gray, loose, wet 'Q -:\:·. :~. grades to with gravel, saturated 10 SP S-4 ss 7 -.. 11.5 -SM --------- Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. -· The· stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL 'Q 9.5 WD .Y. BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL "l-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 • I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-34 _.,.,, '""] ------------ CLIENT PacLand ------ SITE PROJECT Renton, Washingt_<>_n Renton Retail -------------------- SAMPLES TESTS - l9 --' .S "' ' 0 ~ 0 o_ 0 DESCRIPTION Ill ,-: " w --' 2 ¢' zI ¢' 0: f-C !::: -f-g >-0: w -z lL l9 I ,: Cf) w > Cf) o:w z Zz (l_ f-Cf) Ill w 0 "T5 Wf-::J Ow ;;: Q_ 0 2 (l_ 0 f-0 f-Z >-0 Cl'. w Cf) ::J >-w (l__J ~8 Cl'. 'o Zf- l9 0 ::, z >-Cl'. "' ro 0 o_ :::, Cf) 2.5 inches Asphalt over 3.5 inches -- crushed rock over SILT, with sand, gray, - - stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 9 28 - 4.5 - SAND, with silt and gravel, light brown, 5 ----loose, moist -SP S-2 ss 6 --- -SM --_ 7 - :·::. ·.·. SIL TY SAND, trace gravel, gray, loose, wet -SM S-3 ss 9 - ---:_-,.:-10 - • ·.' .· •. •' ~"' r:: SAND, with gravel, trace silt, gray, loose, ; 10 SP S-4 ss 5 I I 11 5 - wet - SILT, with clay, trace sand, gray, medium stiff, wet to saturated t:lormg completed at 11.o teet on 1 wo,u~. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate bounda1y"1ines between soil and rock types: in~situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL 'Z 10.5 WD -'-BORING COMPLETED 10-6-09 WL !l-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I ,~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-35 Page 1 of 1 ------------------ CLIENT PacLand SITE PROJECT _ Renton, Washington Renton Retail ~~------------- SAMPLES TESTS --------------~----- " -' -" ~ I-~ ';;; 0 o~ 0 DESCRIPTION <D ,: w - -' :,; "' zI "' 0:: >-t: ->-S< >-0:: w -z LL C, I :i: {/) w > Cl) 0:: w z Zz [L >-Cl) <D w 0 ,;: s Wr-::, Ow <( [L 0 :,; [L 0 r-0 >-z >-Oo:: 0:: w {/) ::, >-w [L-' !8 0:: -Zr " 0 ::, z >-0:: Cl) <D 0 g_ ::, Cl) 4 inches Asphalt over 1.5 inches crushed - rock over SILT, with sand, gray, soft to - - medium stiff, moist - -ML S-1 ss 4 37 - 4.5 - SIL TY SAND to SANDY SILT, gray, 5 loose, moist -SM S-2 ss 5 33 - -. -:: 7 - If SAND, with gravel, trace silt, gray, -SP S-3 ss 14 medium dense, wet - 9.5 ~ -~--·:'7.:: -GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, gray, 10 SP S-4 ss 17 •6 medium dense, saturated - 11.5 -...... Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 10/6/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-sitli, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-6-09 WL SZ 9.5 WO !'. BORING COMPLETED 10--6-09 WL "I-le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED RMS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I ro ' ,~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-36 Page 1 of 1 --------------------- CLIENT PacLand ----- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS CJ _J .S ;; 0 ~ 0 Q. 0 DESCRIPTION CD ,_-;f. w -_J :e "' zI (.) "' 0: ,-.: t:: ->-,_ 0: w -z LL CJ x I Cl) w > Cl) o:w z Zz 0.. >-Cl) CD w 0 ",,': Wr ::, Ow ~ 0.. (.) :e 0.. (.) >-0 >-z ,_ UO'. w Cl) ::, ,_ w 0.. _J ~8 O'.-Zr CJ 0 ::, z >-O'. Cl) CD 0 g_ ::, Cl) 3 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace - -gravel, moist, brown, stiff - -ML S-1 ss 6 9 - . ·.-5 - SILT WITH SAND, moist, brown, soft, 5 ML S-2 ss 9 4 - slight weathering - 7.5 - .. :.:•: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, moist, -SW S-3 ss 9 32 ;::5 brown, dense - -o+:-: grades to saturated, medium dense "l-10 SW S-4 ss 6 28 ,:•>:• 11.5 - - B-36 completed at 11.5 feet on 1 Of7/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines · between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-7-09 WL "l-10.5 WD .!'. BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 WL :l. ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ ~ <!> ~ ,~ 0 ~ <!> 11 ' LOG OF BORING NO. 8-37 Page 1of 1_ CLIENT PacLand -- SITE ~ROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ' -------------------------~--------·------- SAMPLES I TESTS -------- WELL I DESCRIPTION DETAIL __J CJ 0 -~ O'.. 0 ID :,: ,;, o-__J 2 O'. "' r' Q_ 2 ~ "' >-O'. w -z <"- I :r: Cl) w > Cl) O'. w >"'- Q_ >-Cl) ID w 0 ';Cs Wr-o,- ~-MW-1 Q_ () 2 Q_ () >-0 !;;:Z __J Cl) w Cl) :::, >-w n. __J s8 ~w CJ WELL DIA.: 2in 0 :::, z >-O'. Cl) ID LL>- 2 inches of asphalt over 2.5 inches of --crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, trace - - gravel, moist, brown, loose - -SM S-1 ss 14 8 18 10 SIEVE -... _ --_ 4-5 -.. :~-: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, moist to 5 ·5 wet, brown, loose -SP S-2 ss 6 9 ND , .. --_ 'o<< tH - ': :?-: -SP S-3 ss 10 21 20 -,:.f?i 'Q - D • • No recovery due to rock stuck in sampler 10 SM S-4 ss 0 8 -:9:: - 11.5 1/.'.t=·:,':. - SIL TY SAND, saturated, blue/gray, .... ·.f=(.:·. - medium dense grades to GRAVELLY 1·.: ··,--1·.: '•, SM S-5 ss 11 22 360 1:--t:=1.· .. - SAND, trace silt, saturated, gray, medium 1·:,.'.t:=1·:,:. - dense, ODORS 1(.::§~(::::·.: - :--:~1.· ... 15~ ·/:t:=1·/-· -::.:-.;= .... ·. - .. '·>--:: .. -··--~ .. - ·. :· ---No odors -SM S-6 ss 9 27 35 :-:_ 19 - B-37 completed on 10/7/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA904) Groundwater observed at 9_5 feet while drilling_ The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (pprni). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-7-09 WL 2 9_5 WD -!-BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 WL ~ -l'-21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ ~ " m ,~ " 0 ~ Ii ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-38 Page 1 of 2 ---------- CLIENT PacLand --- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washinqton Renton Retail ~----------------· ---- ' SAMPLES TESTS -~ ----~--,,_ -------- WELL DESCRIPTION DETAIL _, 0 0 -~ ~ 0 "' ,.: ;i' _, 2 "' "' Cl'. >-' t: Se >-Cl'. w -z z I :i: Cf) w > Cf) o:w "-f--Cf) ro w 0 'i's Wf--:, ~ MW-2 "-0 2 "-0 f--0 f--Z >-' w Cf) :, >-w "-_, ~8 Cl'. 13 0 WELL DIA.: 2in 0 :, z f--0: U)"' o~ 3 inches of asphalt over 2.5 inches - crushed rock over SAND, with silt, trace - - gravel, moist, brown, medium dense - -SM S-1 ss 10 17 5 SIEVE - . -" -4.5 -i-:-:-: GRAVELLY SAND, trace silt, brown, 5 ···e; moist, loose -SP S-2 ss 8 6 ' . -•. ._ t>" • ·:-:.' = 0:: - : :(;i: ·.·_ = ... · -SP S-3 ss 3 9 -::.·:. = /:( :}~ = - · .. -= -10 '7 = ::i_:· No recovery due to rock stuck in sampler _. = 10 SM S-4 ss 0 6 -----= ·.-_ -•=•· --:-··=·:·.: SIL TY SAND, wet to saturated, brown, :::.·:'= ..... -SM S-5 ss 12 15 medium dense grades to GRAVELLY .. :=/ -.. · - SAND, saturated, medium dense ::···=.-:·· -.. _ -. -· _· .. =:-·. 15--t~:: - -- - -SM S-6 ss 17 21 ·-·. 19 - - B-38 completed at 19 feet on 1 On/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA905) Groundwater observed at 10 feet while drilling. - Continued Next Paae The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-7-09 WL :I? 10 WD _y_ BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 WL "l-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I I. 12 C! ~ " I~ " '3 II ~ Ii m 0 ~ II 0 w I~ ~ ' .~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-39 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT Pacland -------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail - SAMPLES TESTS ·---~-----·-· WELL DESCRIPTION DETAIL _J " (.'.) 0 Cl'. 0 D'.l :,: ,f' 0 ,__ _J :a, Cl'. <' ,.: CL :a, Se <' >-Cl'. w -z « CL I :r' U) w > U) o:w >!,,. CL f-U) "' w 0 ~s Wf-o,- c/i MW-3 [)_ 0 2 [)_ 0 f-0 f-Z _JU) w U) ::, >-w CL_, ~8 !'! w (.'.) WELL DIA.: 2in 0 ::, z f-Cl'. U) "' u.s- 2 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches of - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace - - gravel, moist, gray, soft - -ML S-1 ss 15 8 21 ND ·- - grades to no gravel, medium stiff 5 ML S-2 ss 14 7 ND - - . 7 - SILT WITH SAND, wet, gray, soft ·.,·.~ = > t: = t -ML S-3 ss 16 3 35 ND 2DOWASH CJ_ = - 10 ;.:. - ?: .. 10 SIL TY SAND, saturated, gray, very loose .. · -SM S-4 ss 10 4 ND · .. · -·: § 12.5 . .... -.··. ML S-5 ss 16 4 ND .:· - SILT WITH SAND, moist to wet, gray, soft .... · .. -,-' , .. -I.· .. . ... ,> +---, .... I= .::. 15- 1·:·:.~ .... '. - .... ·.~::.:•. - -.:\E·.:-. - - -ML S-6 ss 15 10 ND 19 grades to SIL TY SAND, wet, gray, loose - B-39 completed at 19 feet on 1017109 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA906) Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the appro.ximate boundary lines .. ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-7-09 WL 'ii. 9 WO .!. BORING COMPLETED 10-7-09 WL 'l-le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I m 0 I: " 0 ~ " Ii LOG OF BORING NO. 8-40 Page 1 of 1 -------------------- CLIENT PacLand ~-------·---· ------ SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail - SAMPLES TESTS WELL I " DESCRIPTION DETAIL -' ' .S 0 "' ' 0 "' ,: " o--' 2 "' o_2 "' "' r-~ >-"' w -z <i [)_ I :r' (/) w > (/) "'w > eo [l_ r-(/) "' w 0 "is Wr-o,._ ~ MW-4 [)_ u 2 Q_ u r-0 r-Z -' (/) w (/) ::, >-w [)_-' 18 '!! w " WELL DIA.: 2in 0 ::, z r-"' "'ro LLr 2.5 inches asphalt over 3.5 inches of - crushed rock over SIL TY FINE SAND/ - - SANDY SILT, trace gravel, moist, - brown/gray, medium stiff, mottled -SM S-1 ss 12 6 ND weathering - . 4.5 - SIL TY SAND, moist, brown, stiff 5 . -~ -SM S-2 ss 11 15 ND :,;,:,t:::::,:,', -.. .. : 7 1·,,,_ t::: ': '', -. . SAND WITH SILT, moist, brown, medium ; : 1--: : . 1, ' ---: . SW S-3 ss 13 26 ND . . stiff grades to GRAVELLY SAND, moist ,, ,:t:= ,_, ,: -. -. . to wet, brown, medium dense ':,f. ':;_;~ ;,; SM . . 9.5 : : t::: :, - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, saturated, : :I,--: : 10 .: ,__.' : : =.t::::: '· SM S-4 ss 4 21 ND brown, medium dense ': 'f--. - /~/, - :. : .. :,:,,,~(,, -SM S-5 ss 14 18 ND grades to trace gravel, gray/brown \'·-··· --·.,, .': [=_,;=, - ='="~>,·, - ....... ~·· 15-f--·.:: -: t::: :" '. - - .... 17.5 - -:, COARSE SAND, with silt, with gravel, -SW S-6 ss 14 44 ND 19 saturated, gray, dense -SM B-40 completed at 19 feet on 10/8/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA907) Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines * ND .indicates a reading of le,ss than the field detection limit between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. (FOL) of one (1) part per million.isobutylene equivalents (ppmi). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-8-09 WL ':,f. 9 WD .Y. BORING COMPLETED 10-8-09 WL 'l. ~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF BORING NO. 8-41 Page 1 of 1 -- CLIENT PacLand ~-------------.. ·------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ---------- SAMPLES TESTS --------------------·. ----~---------- WELL DESCRIPTION DETAIL -' CJ 0 ·" Cl'. • 0 <Il ,: ,F. o--' 2 "' CL2 "' Cl'. >-' ,2 >-a: w -z "(L I I (/) w > lf) o:w >[l_ (L f-(/) <Il 'w 0 'i's Wt-o;::- ~ MW-5 [l_ (.) 2 [l_ (.) f-O' f-Z -' (/) w (/) :::, >-w [l_ -' !8 '!!w CJ WELL DIA.: 2in 0 :::, z f-"' (/) <Il LL f- 3 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches of - crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with - - gravel, brown, dense (PROBABLE FILL) - -SM S-1 ss 12 31 ND - - grades to gray, medium dense 5 SM S-2 ss 6 11 ND - - .. · .. ·: 7 ; ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND, trace clay \ ;: -ML S-3 ss 8 5 ND and gravel, wet, brown, medium stiff, - mottled weathering. .... -.. ,. _:. - grades to soft, no gravel = 10 ML S-4 ss 9 3 45 ND ATTERBERG ::< = -_::.·:. - LL=50, Pl=21 = -LIMITS 'l .:'.·· = _, __ '. :;· . = ··:·· ML S-5 ss 8 1 ND r:~~r:i - grades to gray, very soft - -:::=-:.-. - :/'~~/·:: - 15-<~< - - - . : 17.5 -ML S-6 ss 12 10 ND SIL TY FINE SAND, moist gray, loose - - B-41 completed at 19 feet on 10/8/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA908) Groundwater observed at 12 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: inRsitu, the transition may be gradyal. * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit (FDL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi}. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-8-09 WL 'l 12 WO _,. BORING COMPLETED 10-8-09 WL "l. l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF BORING NO. B-42 ' Page 1 of 1 I -----· ------. - CLIENT PacLand I SITE PROJECT ___ Renton, Washington Renton Retail SAMPLES TESTS ------- WELL DESCRIPTION DETAIL -' -~ (9 0 er ' 0 ro ,-: * o--' ;a, "' !L ;a, "' er >-' Sc! >-er w -z 0: !L I :r (fJ w > (fJ 0: w > !le, !L f-(fJ "' w 0 ~s w f-Os-~ MW-6 !L u ;a, !L CJ f-0 f-Z -' U) w (fJ ::, >-w !L-' ~8 ~w (9 WELL DIA: 2in 0 ::, z f-er (fJ a, IL f- 3.5 inches of asphalt over 3 inches of - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace - - gravel, moist, brown, medium stiff - -ML S-1 ss 7 8 14 ND - - grades to no gravel, mottled weathering 5 ML S-2 ss 14 7 32 ND - --~ = ·'·· - grades to moist to wet ::·.: = ::.:·. -ML S-3 ss 13 5 34 ND . -:>:: I :) - :: -..... 10 grades to stiff, wet to saturated 2 · .. -/ -ML S-4 ss 8 9 60 -.--- . : 12.5 .···. = > SM S-5 ss 11 4 26 25 SIEVE -.:·;. = - SAND, with silt, trace gravel, wet to = ::: : - saturated, brown, very loose .'_···= '.· -:;-. = - -::. ~ ~ :--:· 15-- .: ... ·= '. -.::·.::~?-:: - -SM S-6 ss 12 16 30 grades to gray, medum dense - .·. 19 -I ' B-42 completed at 19 feet on 10/8/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA909) Groundwater observed at 11 feet while drilling_ . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines ,.. ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit between soil and rock types: . in-situ, the transition may be gradual. (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-8-09 WL 211 WD -l' BORING COMPLETED 10-8-09 WL :[_ ~ 21905 64th Avenue·west, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co_ . EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I rn e s ~ ~ " rn 0 I ~ • w " 0 ~ I " z ~ 0 • ;:: 0 ~ I § ~ ;:: 0 ~ rn 0 I ~ 0 0 ~ w ~ '-' w a I! '.< 1------------L_O_G_O_F_B_O_R~I_N_G_N_O_._B_-4_3 _______ ~P_a=ge_1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand 1-----~----------------------+-------------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton Retail Renton, Washington -----f------~--~-~----------~---------__. ('.) 0 _J 2 I (l_ ~ MW-7 DESCRIPTION '-" WELL DIA: · 6.5 .. 12 /6 -i~-:-\: :$17.5 :"::n-r :·-Jlf 19 3.5 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches of crushed rock over SANDY SILT, moist to wet, brown/gray, medium stiff, mottled weathering grades to moist, trace gravel SIL TY SAND, moist to wet, brown, loose, slight organics grades to with gravel, saturated, and dense SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, brown, saturated, medium dense grades to SIL TY COARSE SAND, with gravel, brown, saturated, very dense B-43 completed at 19 feet on 10/9/09 with 2-inch piezometer (WELL ID: BBA 910) Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: _ in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WELL DETAIL 2in ·. :':: I /: .··-. :·, ·:· . . ' .: .'-· -:.:-. \-:~ . -· ·:·. :;::.=. ·_;_: = · ... = :-- _:: =·;':: .~-··. -.· .. :<~: <~< SAMPLES TESTS _J 0 -~ Cl'. • I)] >' "' o- "' 2 Cl'. "' >-' (l_ 2 >-Cl'. UJ -z <( (l_ r Cf) UJ > Cf) Cl'. UJ >eo I-Cf) ll] UJ 0 ~s UJ I-01-n. 0 2 (l_ 0 1-0 1-Z _J Cf) UJ Cf) :, >-UJ n. _J ~8 !!! UJ 0 :, z I-Cl'. U'.)ll] u_ I- -~- - - - - -ML S-1 ss 14 6 29 ND - - 5 ML S-2 ss 13 4 24 ND - - - -SM S-3 ss 9 6 ND - - 10 -SM S-4 ss 7 32 ND - -SP S-5 ss 8 24 ND - - - 15-- - - -SM S-6 ss 9 50/6" ND - - * ND indicates a reading of less than the field detection limit (FOL) of one (1) part per million isobutylene equivalents (ppmi). WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL '¥-9.5 WD :J: BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL :t. l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI u Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 ,~~w_L~------------~-T~:~(4~2~5)~7~7~1-~33~0~4~F~•~(4~25~)~77~1~-3~5~49~~L_o_G_G_ED ___ L_C~S~J-O_B_# __ s_1_0_9_5_0_71~ I I I I I I I I I I I Ii 0 m I ~ LOG OF BORING NO. 8-44 Page 1 of 1 ------------------------ CLIENT PacLand ------ SITE PROJECT Renton,_ Washington -----· ·-- Renton Retail ------------ SAMPLES TESTS ('.) ~ -~ 't; 0 ~ Orr 0 DESCRIPTION co >--a" w - ~ 2 ¢' zI ¢' a: ~ t= -f--"' >-a: w -z "-('.) I I-U) w > U) O'.W z Zz Q_ f--U) "' w 0 ,:: s w f--:, Ow ~ Q_ 0 2 Q_ 0 f--0 f--Z >-Oa: w U) :, r= w Q_~ ~8 a: 13 z f-- ('.) 0 :, z a: U)"' Orr :, (/) --~~----1------------ 2.5 inches asphalt over 3 inches crushed - rock over SILT WITH SAND, trace clay, - - moist to wet, gray, stiff - LL=40, Pl=11 -ML S-1 ss 12 10 35 ATIERBERG -LIMITS - grades to wet, medium stiff 5 ML S-2 ss 14 5 44 - - 7.5 - SIL TY FINE SAND, wet to saturated, -SM S-3 ss 13 2 gray, very loose - .. :: 10 'l-- 10 grades to SANDY SILT, saturated, gray, -ML S-4 ss 6 3 . 11.5 soft - B-44 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 'l-9_5 WO ~ BORING COMPLETED -10-9-09 WL 'l-Ji' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I ro ,~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-45 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand --------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ---------------------------- SAMPLES TESTS ___, .S -0 ~ 0 ~ 0 Q_ 0 DESCRIPTION OJ >' "' w -___, 2 ,; zI ,; n: f-' t: -1---Se >-O'. w -z "-0 I :r: U) w > U) n:w z Zz a. 1---U) OJ w 0 'l's WI---::, Ow ~ a. 0 2 a. 0 1---0 1---Z >-00'. w U) ::, >-w a.___, {8 n:-ZI---0 0 ::, z 1---D'. (/) OJ 0 g_ ::, U) -3 inches of asphalt over 2.5 inches of - crushed rock over SILT, with sand, moist, - -brown, medium stiff -ML S-1 ss 8 6 27 200WASH - I - grades to moist to wet, brown/gray 5 ML S-2 -ss 8 7 45 - grades to wet, trace gravel -ML S-3 ss 7 3 -'Sf_ - grades to moist 10 ML S-4 ss 10 2 - . 11-5 - B-45 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Excess moisture observed on the sampler at 9.5 feet. - The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft lrerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 'Sf_ 9 WD _y_ BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL "'1-~ 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I~ s ~, LOG OF BORING NO. B-46 Page 1 ofl_ ----------------- CLIENT r PacLand SITE ' PROJECT Renton, Washington I Renton Retail I ---~ -------- SAMPLES TESTS i --------- i .,, Cl _J -~ 0 ~ 0 "-0 DESCRIPTION OJ ,: "" w-_J 2 <' zI <' a: f-C t:: -I--'d >-a: w -z lL Cl I :r: (fJ w > (f) a:w z Zz n. 1---(fJ OJ w 0 ~~ WI--:, Ow ~ n. 0 2 n. 0 1---0 1---Z >-0 a: w (f) :, t w n. _J ~8 a:-Z!-- Cl 0 :, z a: (f) OJ 0 g_ :, (fJ ------ 2.5 inches asphalt over 3_5 inches - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, trace -- - gravel, brown, moist, medium stiff - -ML S-1 ss 12 6 - .5 - ~ > GRAVELLY SAND, with silt, damp, 5 SW S-2 ss 6 15 - /6 brown, medium dense - -·:.-: 7-5 - SIL TY SAND, with gravel, saturated, -SM S-3 ss 8 7 brown, loose ';! - . - grades to wet, without gravel 10 SM S-4 ss 14 5 - --_·: 11.5 - B-46 completed at 11 _5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 9 feet while drilling_ - The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in·situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL ';lg WD ~ BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL '1-l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-47 ·-· Page1_of1_. ~------------------. - CLIENT PacLand ----------··· SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail . - SAMPLES TESTS ---... 0 _, -~ ';;; 0 ~ 0 0. 0 DESCRIPTION "' >' ,,,. w -_, 2 ,c zI s! ,c >-n: n: ,-: C: -f--w -z "-O I I-(/) w > ,;~ n:w z Zz <L f--(/) "' w 0 Wf--::, Ow ~ <L 0 2 <L 0 f--0 f--z >-On: w U) ::, >-w a._, 18 n:-Zf-- 0 0 ::, z f--n: U)"' 0 8. ::, U) 3 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches -- crushed rock over SILT, with sand, moist, - - brown, medium stiff, mottled weathering - -ML S-1 ss 11 6 28 200WASH - . ·: 5 - SIL TY FINE SAND, moist, brown, loose, 5 SM S-2 ss 14 9 - mottled weathering - ·. 7 -.... : SIL TY SAND, with gravel, wet to : . saturated, brown, dense -SM S-3 ss 10 32 ·.:. - :-:-. 52 - .· No recovery 10 SM S-4 ss i -0 33 · · 11.5 - ~- B-47 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while, drilling. . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in·situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 52 9.5 WO .!'. BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL °'I-le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-48 Page ~_<>f_1_ ------------------------- CLIENT PacLand ---- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ----~ SAMPLES TESTS ------------- ('.) _J .!=: ';;; 0 ~ D a_ 0 "' >-' "' w - _J DESCRIPTION ;,, "' zI "' [l". f--' t:: -f-,;> >-[l". w -z u_ ('.) I :r' U) w > U) rr:w z Zz n. f-U) "' w 0 :a; :;: Wf-::, Ow ~ n. 0 ;,, n. 0 f-0 f-Z >-0 a: w U) ::, >-w n. _J ~8 a:~ z f- Cl 0 ::, z f-[l". U) ID 0 g_ ::, U) - SANDY SILT, trace gravel, moist, brown, - stiff - - - -ML S-1 ss 6 10 - .. 5 - SANDY SILT, brown, moist, very stiff 5 ML S-2 ss 13 20 - grades to SIL TY FINE SAND, moist, - . · 7.5 brown, medium dense - SILTY SAND, with gravel, moist to wet, -SM S-3 ss 8 13 brown, medium dense - .. 'c 10 - 10 >k11.5 SIL TY GRAVELL y SAND, saturated, ¥ -SP s-4 ss 5 26 brown, medium dense - B-48 completed at 11.5feeton 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 'l-10.5 WO "I-BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL '51-.le 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ w Ii 0 ro ,~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-49 __ Page 1 of 1 -------- CLIENT PacLand SITE PROJECT ____ Renton,_Washington _ Renton Retail --, ·-· ------------------------ SAMPLES TESTS _, -~ i- ';;; '-' 0 ,,e ' ~ 0 a. 0 DESCRIPTION [l) :,: w -_, :, ¢' z :r: .,2 ¢' >-(I'. (I'. ,_ !:: _,_ w -z u_ '-' :r: :i: U) w > U) "'w z Zz 11. ,_ U) [l) w 0 ~s Wf-::, Ow r2 11. 0 ::; ll. 0 ,_ 0 >-z >-0(1'. w U) ::, i'= w ll. _, ~8 oc:-z,- '-' 0 ::, z "' (/) [l) 0 g_ ::, (/) 4 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches - crushed rock over SANDY SILT, moist, - - brown, soft - -ML S-1 ss 4 3 - . ·. 5 - 5 SIL TY SAND, with gravel, moist, brown, -SM S-2 ss 5 4 very loose - ·. 7 --. - SAND WITH SILT, trace gravel, moist to . SM S-3 ss 5 55 wet, brown, very dense -. -. . . 10 'l--- 10 tk SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, saturated, -SP S-4 ss 13 42 11.5 brown, dense - B-49 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 9.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 'l--9.5 WD .?. BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL 'l-l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m e ~ - ~ 0 m 0 ~ w w 0 g 0 z ~ 0 m ~ 0 m m ~ • 8 m m 0 i 8 :;; r 0 w 0 ~ ~ z w ~ 0 I w ~ 0 w 0 r CLIENT SITE PacLand LOG OF ~o __ R_IN_G_N_O_._B_-_s_o _________ P_a~ge'---1'---0'--'-t--'---1 1, ---------------+-----------_______________________ , PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail -~-------~---~-------------------+--~~~-----'======----------! i SAMPLES C) 0 DESCRIPTION --' ~ I o_ ~ C) 2 inches of asphalt over 3 inches of crushed rock over SANDY SILT, with gravel, damp, brown, very stiff grades to SIL TY SAND, damp, brown, medium dense -: 4.5 SANDY SILT, trace gravel, moist, brown/gray, medium stiff 7 SIL TY SAND, with gravel, brown, moist, medium dense .. -:-: 9.5 . SIL TY GRAVEL, with sand, saturated, sz 0 brown, medium dense 0 11.5 B-50 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater was observed at 10.5 feet while drilling. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in~situ, the transition may be gradual. --' 0 "' :e ¢! >-O'. I VJ w f--VJ "' w o_ 0 :e o_ w VJ :) i':: 0 :) z - - - - -ML S-1 ss - - 5 ML S-2 ss - - - --SM S-3 ss - - 10 GM S-4 ss - - WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon WL SZ 10.5 WD Y WL 'l WL 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 -~ ,-: ;!e "' O'. f--w -z > ~~ O'.w 0 w f-- 0 f--0 f--Z w o_--' ~8 O'. VJ"' 7 17 3 6 4 30 8 14 BORING STARTED 10-9-09 BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 RIG Truck CO. EDI LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I -, LOG OF BORING NO. B-51 -------Page 1 of 1 CLIENT PacLand ----------------··-- SITE PROJECT r Renton, Washington Renton Retail -------------- SAMPLES TESTS --------I (') _, ·" ';;; 0 ~ 0 C. 0 DESCRIPTION aJ ,.: ,e. w -_, 2 zI "" O'. "' "' t:: -f--Q >-O'. w -z lL (') I I' U) w > U) O'. w z Zz n. f--U) aJ w 0 :a;:,; w f--::, Ow ~ n. 0 2 n. 0 f--0 f-Z >-0 O'. w U) ::, ~ w n. _, is O'. -Zf-(') 0 ::, z O'. (I) al 0 8. ::, U) ·--·-- 2 inches of asphalt over 3 inches of - crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, trace - - gravel, moist, brown, medium stiff - No recovery due to rock stuck in sampler -ML S-1 ss 0 5 - ·: 4.5 -,: ... :: SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, brown, moist, 5 ?s loose -SP S-2 ss 6 8 - .;.·~-:::. - ,{=) grades to trace gravel, moist to wet -SP S-3 ss 8 9 - " 0, 9.5 - SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, saturated, SJ. 10 "I brown, medium dense -GP S-4 ss 8 26 0 11.5 - B-51 completed at 11.5 feet on 10/9/09. Groundwater observed at 1 O feet while drilling. . . The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerraccn BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL 51. 10 WD :t: BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 WL 'l l'. 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck co. EDI . WL Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 . T: (425) 771-3304 F: (425) 771-3549 I I I I I I I I I I I I ' LOG OF BORING NO. B-52 Page 1 of 1 ~--------------------- CLIENT PacLand -------------------------- SITE PROJECT Renton, Washington Renton Retail ···------------~- SAMPLES TESTS ('.) __, -~ " 0 ~ 0 "-0 al ,-: "' w -__, DESCRIPTION 2 " zI " "' ,_; t: _,_ S! >-"' w -z lL ('.) I I en w > en "'w z Zz a. ,-en al w 0 "i's Wf-:::, Ow ~ a. (.) 2 a. (.) f-0 f-Z >-(.) "' w en :::, i'= w a.__, !8 n:-z,- ('.) 0 :::, z "' en al 0 g_ :::, en ----- 2.5 inches of asphalt over 3.5 inches of - crushed rock over SIL TY SAND, with - - trace gravel, moist, gray, loose, slight - odors -SM S-1 ss 10 6 22 SIEVE - -.. --_ 4.5 - ~::.~:· SIL TY GRAVELLY SAND, moist, gray, 5 SP S-2 ss 3 18 /t'i medium dense - -SM (:._·.-:.:: 7 - -SIL TY SAND, with gravel, moist to wet, gray, medium dense, strong odors -SM S-3 ss 7 14 - -SJ_ 10 grades to without gravel, wet to saturated -SM S-4 ss 12 18 ···. -11.5 - B-52 completed at 11.5 feet on 1019/09. Groundwater observed at 1 O feet while drilling. . The stratification Jines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil and rock types: in-situ, the transition may be gradual. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft llerracon BORING STARTED 10-9-09 WL SJ_ 10 WO -?-BORING COMPLETED 10-9-09 ' WL 'l -l' 21905 64th Avenue West, Ste. 100 RIG Truck CO. EDI Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 WL T: (425) 771-3304 F: /425) 771-3549 LOGGED LCS JOB# 81095071 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL NOTES DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: SS: Split Spoon -1-3/8" I.D., 2" 0.0., unless otherwise noted ST: Thin-Walled Tube -2" 0 .D., unless otherwise noted RS: Ring Sampler -2.42" I.D., 3" 0.0., unless otherwise noted DB: Diamond Bit Coring -4", N, B BS: Bulk Sample or Auger Sample HS: PA: HA: RB: WB: Hollow Stem Auger Power Auger Hand Auger Rock Bit Wash Boring or Mud Rotary The number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch 0.0. split-spoon sampler (SS) the last 12 inches of the total 18-inch penetration with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or UN-value". WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL: Water Level WS: While Sampling N/E: Not Encountered WCI: Wet Cave in WO: While Drilling DCI: Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal AB: After Boring ACR: After Casing Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times indicated. Groundwater levels at other times and other locations across the site could vary. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible with only short-term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Classification System. Coarse Grained Soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on gr'ain size. In addition to gradation, coarse-grained soils are defined on the basis of their in-place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency. CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS Unconfined Compressive Strength. Qu. psf < 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 500 1,000 2,000 - 4,000 - 8,000+ Standard Penetration or N-value (SS) Blows/Ft 0-1 2-4 4-8 8 -15 15 -30 > 30 Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVEL Descriptive Term(s) of other constituents Trace With Modifier Percent of Dry Weight <15 15-29 > 30 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINES Descriptive Term(s) of other constituents Trace With Modifiers Percent of Dry Weight <5 5-12 >12 RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE-GRAINED SOILS Standard Penetration or N-value (SS) Blows/Ft. 0-3 4-9 10-29 30-49 > 50 Relative Density Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense GRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGY Major Component of Sample Particle Size Over 12 in. (300mm) 12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75 mm) Boulders Cobbles Gravel Sand Silt or Clay 3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4. 75 mm) #4 to #200 sieve (4.75mm to 0.075mm) Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm) PLASTICITY DESCRIPTION Term Non-plastic Low Medium High Plasticity Index 0 1-10 11-30 >30 1rerracan UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests"' Soil Classification Group Symbol Group Name6 Coarse Grained Soils Gravels Clean Gravels Cu :::: 4 and 1 s Cc s 3[ GW Well-graded gravet More than 50% retained More than 50% of coarse Less than 5% finesc Cu < 4 and/or 1 -~ Cc> 3~ GP Poorly graded gravelF fraction retained on on No. 200 sieve No. 4 sieve Gravels with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravelr.G, e1 More than 12% finesc Fines classify as CL or CH GC C!ayey gravelF.G.~ Sands Clean Sands Cu:?:63nd1 sCc::;3r, SW Well-graded sand 1 50% or more of coarse Less than 5% fines[l Cu < 6 and/or 1 > Cc> 3E SP Poorly graded sand 1 fraction passes No. 4 sieve Sands with Fines Fines classify as ML or M H SM Silty sandG.H.1 More than 12% finesD Fines Classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sandG.H.i Fine-Grained Soils Silts and Clays inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" lineJ CL Lean clay1<.L.M 50% or more passes the Liquid limit less than 50 Pl< 4 or plots below ~A" lineJ ML Silt.:.u, No. 200 sieve organic Liquid limit -oven dried < 0.75 OL Organic c!ay"'-L.M.N Liquid limit -not dried Organic sil(-LM.o Silts and Clays inorganic Pl plots on or above "N line CH Fat clayK.LM Liquid limit 50 or more Pl plots below "A" line MH Elastic SiltK.L.M organic Liquid limit -oven dried < 0.75 OH Organic clayK.LM.P Liquid limit -not dried Organic slltt..Lr.1.a Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter, dark in color. and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve 6 1f field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. cGravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-graded gravel with silt, GW-GC welt-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay. 0 sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-graded sand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay (Dao)' Ecu = Doo!D,o Cc= ~=~ D10 X Dso F If soil contains .:2: 15% sand, add "with sandn to group name. Gtf fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. 60 For classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction 50 of coarse-grained soils e;_ Equation of~ A" -line Horizontal at P1'=4 to LL',a25.5. X 40 then Pl=0.73 (LL-20) w 0 Equation of "Lr -line ~ Vertical at Ll=16 to Pl=7, , , , i:: 30 then Pl=0.9 (LL-8) , 5 F rI) "' , :5 , , , 0. , , , , Hlf fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. 1 If soil contains 2 15% gravel, add "with graver to-group name. J If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel," whichever is predominant. L If soil contains 2. 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. M If soil contains ~ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. NPI 2. 4 and plots on or above "g line. 0 Pl< 4 or plots below "A" line. P Pl plots on or above "A" line. Q Pl plots below "An fine. _,::0-<::-.e, >"~--+----! ,•\' MH or OH , 10 f--~--JL-~-,¥"---~~.L'-----j-~~+--~--+-~--+~~-+--~--+~~-+--~--+ 7 4 -ML or OL o~-~-~~--~---~-~--~--~--~--~--~--~ 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 "' 70 BO 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) i ' i I ___________ ,rerracan __ Form 111--6/98 I I I APPENDIX C I LABORATORY TESTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Initial Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion a Renton, Washington November 30, 2009. Terracon Project No. 81095057A Laboratory Testing lrerracon Samples retrieved during the field exploration were taken to the laboratory for further observation by the project ge_otechnical engineer and were classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described in Appendix A. At that time, the field descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples and the test results are presented in this appendix. The laboratory test results were used for the geotechnical engineering analyses and the development of foundation, infiltration and earthwork recommendations. Laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM, local or other accepted standards. Representative soil samples obtained from the site were tested for the following properties: .. Sieve Analysis " Moisture Content " Unit Weight "' California Bearing Ratio " Modified Proctor m Atterberg Limits '" pH and Resistivity Moisture Content Determinations Moisture content determinations were performed on representative samples obtained from the explorations in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. The determinations were made in general accordance with the test procedures described in ASTM D 2216. The results are shown on the grain size distribution curves in this appendix. Sieve Analysis Sieve analysis indicates the range in diameter of soil particles included in a particular sample. Sieve analyses were performed on representative samples in general accordance with ASTM D 422. The results of the grain size determinations for the samples were used in classification of the soils and are presented in this appendix. Atterberg Limits Atterberg limits are used primarily for classification and indexing of cohesive soils. The liquid and plastic limits are two of the five Atterberg limits and are defined as the moisture content of a cohesive soil at arbitrarily established limits for liquid and plastic behavior, respectively. Liquid and plastic limits were established for selected samples in general accordance with ASTM: D- 423 and ASTM: D-424, respectively. The results of the Atterberg limit tests are presented on the exploration logs in Appendix A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Initial Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Walmart Store #2516-05 Expansion g Renton, Washington November 30, 2009 • Terracon Project No. 81095057 A Unit Weight-Natural Density lrerracon Wet and dry unit weights were determined on representative samples obtained from relatively undisturbed ring samples in general accordance with the procedures outlined in ASTM D 2166. Laboratory Maximum Density Test The laboratory maximum density represents the highest degree of density that can be obtained from a particular soil type by imparting a predetermined compaction effort. The test determines the "optimum" moisture content of the soil at the laboratory maximum density. The laboratory maximum density test was performed on a bulk sample of material in general accordance with ASTM: D-1557. The test result is shown in this appendix and presented as a curve where the soil dry density is compared to the moisture content. California Bearing Ratio Test A California Bearing Ratio test was performed on a sample of the site soils in general accordance with ASTM: D-1883, to provide an evaluation of the relative quality and support characteristics of subgrade soils. Representative portions from the sample were compacted in a mold, in general accordance with ASTM: D-1557 to provide a moisture-density relationship curve. Following compaction, a 64 psf surcharge was applied to each sample which was then totally immersed in water and allowed to soak for a period of time, during which, it was monitored for swell. At the end of this period, the sample was removed, drained and a vertical load applied to the surcharged soil with a penetration piston at a constant rate of strain. Measurements of the applied vertical load were obtained at selected penetration depths. CBR test results and moisture-density relationships plotted in terms of percent water content versus percent corrected CBR and dry density are presented in this appendix. pH and Resistivity Tests Soil chemical analytical tests were completed on two representative soil samples by AMTEST Laboratories in Kirkland, Washington. The results of the pH and resistivity tests were used to assess the corrosion potential to concrete and unprotected steel. Testing not Completed for this Project Topsoil Testing -No topsoil was encountered. Unconfined compression -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. Consolidation -Suitable samples were not collected in our Shelby Tube samples. Swell -Swell tests were not completed as no soil potentially expansive clay layers were encountered. BTEX -No BTEX testing was completed as we are not aware of any gas station proposed as part of the expansion project. •~I ------------- 11 ! II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO ASTM D 1883 Exploration: Soil Description: brown clayey SILT with sand, trace gravel Sample No.: B-4, B-7, B-10, B-11 composite Depth: 2-5.0 Tested By: ARC Comments: As received moisture = 26.2 % 10 Blows/Lift Condition of Sample: soaked Dry Density Before Soaking: 108 pcf Dry Density After Soaking: 106 pcf Moisture Content: Before Compaction: 11.9 % After Compaction: 12.6 % Top 1-in Layer After Soaking: 20.5 % Average After Soaking: 17.6 % Swell: 1.1 % Surcharge Amount: 64.8 psf Compaction Curve ASTM D 1557 B 125 120 "°' ~ " .e, ~ ' i:-I ' ·;;; 115 " " Cl i::' Cl 110 105 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Moisture Content(%) Max. Dry Density (MOD)*= Optimum Moisture*= *Rock Corrected Values 119.5 pcf 13.8 % PROJECT NO: 25 Blows/Lift 56 Blows/Lift soaked soaked 116 pcf 120 pcf 113 pcf 116 pcf 11.5 % 12.0 % 12.8 % 12.7 % 17.4 % 14.8 % 1.3 % 0.4 % 64.8 psf 64.8 psf CBR Curve 70 • ' . ' ' ' • ' . ' ' • . ' ' ., L. , __ -t-Lab Data Points 60 ... ... ~ ~ 0 CSR at 95% MOD 50 40 • 30 20 . . .. . . . ..... . 10 . . 0 105 110 115 120 Dry Density (pcf) 95% ofMDD= CBR at 95% of MDD = 113.5 pcf 17 81095071 PROJECT NAME: llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/27/2009 Renton Wal~Mart Expansion Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ~-~ 125 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ;,e. )( QI "t:J C: Svmbol • Remarks: PLASTICITY CHART ASTM D 4318 60 ~--~---~---~--~---~---~--~-~-~---~--~ -----+---I------+---+------/ -_[__ --t------,,1 -----~------~-+ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ --+-+--_ -_ -_ -_ -_ --++---_-___ _:-~~-----~~-+,=-_'----/-JLU~-1-in_e __ '-;' ----l----/ I--___ -_-_-_--= '======1=====--j-----+;-_--__ -_-_ -_+ __ -_-_-_-_-_-_+-e--_-,,-;;_/"_~=t======-!-~----_-_-_-,.Ll_A~ l\~in_e_ _____ _ / / 50 / +-----+----1---+---/ c__ ______ • -+----+---~----+-----, -----+-----+---+-/--/-/'--lf'9ffitaf1iv-elays of 7 ,, 40 +--_-____ -__ -_--:_--:_--:_--:_--:_--:_--:_-:i_l-_--:_--:_--:_--:_--:_~+--===·=-i=-=--=-=-=-=_j~/~==tr, ... iiljr,:i"",;tic~±.;:::;;/~==j::-======t=====::j --.......__-----+----t------,>'''-t----tB1+----"/t:.-----+-----l---------l / 30 tow p1as1:1 1norganrc cfavs· san and / -/ / ·-· , -. "-- / U 'IUc::11111., ;)Ill.:::., f,lc::IY.::., ell IU f-----+-'--:--,+----f--7'//'---+-""='::c:t-:,L---f---oi;-~-----+----+--------l p1as11c / inorganic I/ 20 +-----j----"<"t-----,1'1 '--/--+-''"'l'-7"-1-----+--. / / ' / »ltts-s---l-'s,:--/-,-t-et---+r'----t-/ V ..----------an~ sahds / \., / OL 10 -!----+ -, _,,. V ' / 7 1...........-Cr::.~~~L ~//~ //// ./ ----- - .... . 4 ,,.. • / 11 e sanus t--~IL---1lllJ-7"''----+----+----:+-==-=-=---+----+----+---+----l 0 -l----4---.J</'.:._ __ +-----t----,--IL---l-----1----l-----l--'---I a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit% uses Received Liquid Plastic Plasticity Borina Sample Description M.C. (%) Limit Limit Index Comments B-2 S-3 ML 36 41 28 13 gray Sil T, trace to with sand lrerracon PROJECT NO: 81095071 PROJECT NAME: DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Renton Wal-Mart Expansion Geotectmical and Environmental Consulting I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 100 90 1-:c 80 (!) - - - -w ,_ ~ 70 >-!Il - ffi 60 z -u.. I-50 z w (.) 0:: 40 w 0.. - - '. 30 - ' 20 - 10 - GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 12" r 3·· , '1'Qrr 3/8" 4 I ' r ~ ;..,,.._ I f-..._ I 1 i --+---sieve _ -•-_ hydrometer Test Results Summary ASTM D 422 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 10 r r 0 100 200 I I I I I I I --., ~ i I ------ '---... ~ ---I I ) -------j-.-- ' I II --- II! • ---- "I • . •• 0 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine Silt lciay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED . Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) Fines(%) Description B-4, B-7, B-10, B-11 composite 2-5.0 26 74 clayey SILT with sand, trace gravel · lferracon PROJECT NO: 81095071 PROJECT NAME: DATE OF TESTING: 8/21/2009 Renton Wal-Mart Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- ::i:: 80 (!) - - -w :S:: 70 >-[!I - ffi 60 z -lL I-50 z w -u C:: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" 0 1000.000 12" 6" 3·· 1 i~' r 318'" I I~ I ~.-'\ \ 100.000 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 1C 20 40 60 140 200 I 1 I ---··· ··--- ! ---~ ~--~------ --·- ~ I -- \ '\ ----I • "" \ ~~- I\ \. - I". 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse l Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feel) Moisture (%) · B-2 S-1 &S-2 2.5-4 & 5-6.5 10 . JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: B/18/2009 Geotechnical and Environ_mental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I -- I I -- -· I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 12.5 silty gravelly SAND PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-J: 80 CJ - - 36" i w -1 S: 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z u:: - I-50 z w -u I -0:: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 0 1000.000 I I I I 12" 6" 3' 1 1/2" I j I I "" I I I I I I I 100.000 3/4" 3/8" I \ I \ " 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 10 20 '° 60 1.10 200 I I I • 11 ,, I t ! I '\ \ \ ~ ------ I'\ ... .~ 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-5 S-1 2.5-4 7 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/1812009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting . ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I _l I ' I r ----~ ~-~- 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 12.1 silty gravelly SAND . PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 100 ' ' _, 90 1- J: 80 £! - -w ~ 70 >-DJ - ffi 60 z -11. I-50 z w - () i:t:: 40 w a.. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 0 1000.000 12" 6" 3• 1 1/2" I 11 ' \ . 100.000 US. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 314" 3/8" 4 10 20 '° 60 140 200 I , I I • \ \ \ '\ ' ' ~ ~ ~ " ~ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-5 S-3 7.5-9 3 . JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/20090 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM 0422 HYDROMETER ·- 0.010 0.001 S~t I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 2.8 sandy GRAVEL, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-::c 80 (!) - - iii - S: 70 >-IC - ffi 60 z u:: - I-50 z w (.) ~ 40 w a. 30 - - - 2.0 - 10 ~ 3G"' 0 1000.000 12" 6" ,.. 11/2" I I I , ' I I I \ 100.000 3/4" 3/8" \ \ \ 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 10 20 40 6D 140 200 I 11 1 ~ '\ '\ "' ~ '\ ... ~ 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-5 S-5 12.5-14 9 JOB NO: 81095071 -llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/18/2009 Geatechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I , . 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 5.8 . sandy GRAVEL with silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-::c 80 (!) - - -w :S: 70 >-[lJ - ffi 60 z u. - I-50 z - w -u a:: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" I - -0 1000.000 12" 6" 3' 1 1/2" I I I I 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3)4" 318" 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I I ~I ...... I I 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-7 S-1 2.5-4 34 JOB NO: 81095071 llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8/1812009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER . - 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 87.2 SILT, trace sand and gravet· PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 - 90 - 1- ' -:I: 80 (!) -w S: 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z -u.. ' -I-50 z w - t) 0::: 40 w c.. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" -- -- 0 1000.000 12"' 6" 3·· 1 112" I I [\ -- I -- 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 314" 318" 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 I \ \ I\ . \ \ \ \ ~, ..._ - 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-7 S-6 17.5-19 11 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8118/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay - FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 1.5 gravelly SAND, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- ::i:: 80 Cl 36" - -- - iii - ~ 70 >-IX] - ffi 60 z -u. I ! -- ,-I-50 z ---- w - t) 0::: 40 w D.. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 0 1000.000 12" 6" 3·· 1 1/2" 3/4" 3/8" I j I ' ~ I I ~ I ! I --~-- 11 { ~--~- I I 100_000 10_000 US STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 '1 20 40 60 140 200 I I I I I I I i ~~ I',_ -rr· " ~ \ \ \ ~ 1_000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-8 S-5 12.5-14 30 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 811812009 Geotechnicat and Environmental Consulting - ASTM D422 HYDROMETER 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 5_5 SAND with gravel and silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 100 90 1- :i: 80 c., - - w - :,:: 70 >-IX] - ffi 60 z -u. I-50 z w -u !I: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 12" 6'' , .. 11/2" :114" 3/8" 4 I I \ ~ :\ Test Results Summary U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 10 20 40 60 140 200 I 11 I I ~--- 'I'--. 0 1000.000 100.000 10000 1:000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Sample smaller than specified by ASTM D2216 Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-8 S-8 27.5-29 5 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8118/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental ConsulUng ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER ' I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description . 0.5 GRAVEL, trace sand and silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-:c 80 C) - - - -w ~ 70 >-II] - ffi 60 z ii: - I-50 z w (.) 0::: 40 w a. - - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" 0 1000.000 I L __ - ~2" 6" 3· 1 1/2" I I I I I ---- I 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 314" 3/8" 4 '1 20 40 60 ~40 200 I -......__ ! ~---~~--\ , ___ ---- ,1 ---I \ \ l 10.000 · 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GR/>..VEL SAND Comments: - Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-12 S-1 2.5-4 13 - JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 8118/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER ' ' I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay - FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 18.7 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Wal-Mart Expansion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- :i:: 80 Cl - - -w ~ 70 >-!ll ffi 60 z L1. I-50 z w u 0:: 40 w a. - - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" I 0 1000.000 12' r ,., 1 1/2" I I 100.000 3/4" 318" I 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 ,a '° 40 610 140 200 -'---. J_ ~i--..l ;~ ~-! ~I---- ' _[__ --~-\ \ I I -- 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-13 S-1 2.5-4 24 JOB NO: 81095071 llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER i I I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 67.3 sandy SILT, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 36" 100 -1 90 1-::c 80 (!) - -w S: 70 >-ID - ffi 60 z -LL I-50 z w -u 0:: 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 0 I 1000 .. 000 12" 6" 3' 1 112" I I \ 100 .. 000 314" 3/8" • \ \ 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE ' 10 20 '° 60 140 :'.)00 I I 11 I. ; .. ~ \ \ "' ~ \ ' ~ 1.000 0. 100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine ·Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) .. B-13 S-5 12.5-14 11 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I I I I I I I i . ---~--·- 0 .. 010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines.(%) Description 2.9 sandy GRAVEL, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- J: 80 (!) - - -w ' -:i!: 70 >-[Jl - ffi 60 z u. - I-50 z w -u Cl:'. 40 w a. - 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" .~ 0 1000.000 12" 6" 3" 1 1/2" I j "\ \ - -·- 100.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3/4" 3/8" 4 rn "' 40 60 140 200 I I I I • \ ~- ~ -· \ \ "" ~ \ ' ~ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: . Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-14 S-4 10-11.5 .7 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 1019/2009 Geolechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D422 HYDROMETER . 0.010 0.001 Silt j Clay F!NE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 6.3 sandy GRAVEL with silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1-- - - ,_ :c 80 (!) -w S: 70 >-!ll - ffi 60 z -u.. I-50 z w () 0:: 40 w 0. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 36" - 0 1000.000 12" 6" 3" 11/2" I I I -~- ~. . 100.000 . U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 314" 318" 4 10 20 40 'i' 140 200 ' ''r--. -I---\ ------- \ \ \ 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRJWEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-15 S-2 5-6.5 23 JOB NO: 81095071 llerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnicat and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER I -- 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 42.2 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 D 90 - D 1-:r: 8 Cl w ~7 >-ID - D - ffi 60 z -LL I-50 z w u Cl:'. 40 w D.. 30 - -- - 2 0 - D - D GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 36" 12" r 3· 1 1/2" '.'i/4" 318" 4 10 20 ,o 6i° 140 200 ' 1 \ I I _J , _______ .. -. --- "-h .___ I \ \ ' \. \ 1000.000 1 DD.ODO 10.000 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS - I Coarse I -I Coarse Fine Medium Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture(%) B-15 S-3 7.5-9 12 JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 101912009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM 0422 HYDROMETER I I 1 j I - 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FlNE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 24-5 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 90 1- :i:: 80 CJ - - -w ~ 70 1;i - ffi 60 z -u.. I-50 z w t) 0::: 40 w 0.. 30 - - - 20 - 10 - 35· -0 1000.000 12" i -r· r 3·· 1 1/2" 314" 318" ' t~ I I I I I I --· --,-r-_j - 100.000 10.000 4 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 10 20 40 60 140 200 I I I I ' I I ' i I r --. .. , • I',, \ \ \ --- \ --~ l ' 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine ca"arse I Medium I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: . Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-16 S-1 2.5-4 13 . JOB NO: 81095071 lferracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/9/2009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER ' I 0.010 0.001 Silt I Glay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 39.2 silty SAND, trace gravel PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES 100 - ' -90 1-- :i:: 80 (!) . w :S:: 70 >- - Ill - ffi 60 z u: - I-50 z w (.) 0::: 40 w a.. 30 - 20 - 10 - 36" I I 0 1000.000 12" 6" 3·· 1112" I I I i I I i I I ---- 100.000 3/4" 3/8" "" 10.000 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 4 10 20 40 '1' 140 200 I I -------, -·· ' I \ \ \ \ ~ II I• ~ 1.000 0.100 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium_ I Fine BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) B-16 S-2 5-6.5 4 JOB NO: 81095071 lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 101912009 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER - 0.010 0.001 Silt I Clay FINE GRAINED Fines(%) Description 4.2 SAND with gravel, trace silt PROJECT NAME: Renton Retail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I )( "' "t:J C Symbol • .6. • <) Remarks: PLASTICITY CHART ASTM D 4318 60 ~------~---~--~---~--~---~-~,,-~---~--~ ~-V / / 11_1;,.,..,. / 50 .)=:::::::::::::==:t:::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::::::::J==:::::::::::::::j::::::::::::::::::::t=::::::::::::~::::::;:;/~/::::::J==:::::::::::::::j::::::::::::::::;::4'J::'~·;;;:::::::::j / / / / / f-----+---+-------,---+---t--7L-1'.A"fga<HG-<sla)$+-·----,/'-t-/ ____ ·------ 40 t--------r-----t----i------i-----J,,"/-""trigjripta,rticity-t---;r/~--i-----t-------1 ~---~· 30 I LOW p1aS1l 1no1ganic clavs: san and ' / / / ---------V--_____ _2~---· _--/----------·---+----------l . -/ ~·---/ ~---, __ / / . .. "' / ilty1;1avs- p1aSLIC / inornani" /-;/'--·+---o.,...-1--------------'f----1 20 -----t---'.,,,-.---)'IL------~S._7/A•---+------+.O•L-•-___.jf----+-----J ' / I/ 1--""'"'"'"""","•""'"'"--+-'.,-/.,, __ e--er----v---- 10 7 4 ana sa,ius / \.. / -OL f--~~"'f'=-.--·-b''--~,c--t--/7'~~,,~C"--r----r------t----+----+-----t "/ / ' . - >;///V//// -, "' -, / / 1111t::: ::;an 0 +---""+----J'c....,, __ + __ ..;o::.rt----+---+---1----+---+-----l 0 10 Boring Sample B-20 S-2 B-21 S-2 B-41 S-4 B-44 S-1 20 30 uses Description ML ML MH ML 40 50 Liquid Limit % 60 Received Liquid Plastic M.C. (%) Limit Limit 39 41 28 37 40 28 45 50 29 35 40 29 PROJECT NO: 81095071 70 80 90 100 Plasticity Index Comments 13 dark gray SILT 12 brown SILT 21 brown ELASTIC SILT 11 dark gray SILT PROJECT NAME: lrerracon DATE OF TESTING: 10/27/2009 Renton Retail Geotechriic.al and Environmental Consulting I I I APPENDIX D I REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FACT SHEET PROJECT LOCATION: 7 43 Rainier Avenue South Renton. Washington Engineer: Thomas Jones P.E. Phone No: 425-771-3304 Email: taiones@terracon.com Geotechnical Engineering Co.: Terracon Consultants Inc. Report Date: November 30 2009 Ground Water Elevation: 9 to 12 feet below grade Date Groundwater Measured: 10/12/09 Fill Soil Characteristics: Maximum Liquid Limit: 30 Maximum Plasticity Index: Q Topsoil/Stripping Depth: NIA Undercut: 2 feet for <4-foot tall retaining walls supported on shallow foundations Specified Compaction: 95% Max. Proctor Density Moisture Content Range: Granular soils -2 to +2 Modified Proctor Results: See Appendix B pH: 6.3 -7.0 Resistivity: 6 400 -12 000 ohm-cm Cement Type:~I __ _ Recommended Compaction Control Tests: 1 Test for Each 10 000 Sq. Ft. each Lift (Bldg. Area) 1 Test for Each 25 000 Sq. Ft. each Lift (Parking Area) Engineered/Structural Fill Maximum Lift Thickness 10 inches Subgrade Design CBR-value =_~2~- Standard-Duty A 3 Pavements 109,500 ESALs B 5.5 Heavy-Duty A 4 Pavements 335.800 ESALs B 6.5 (Measured loose) 7 15 4 5 14.5 5 7 16 4 5 15.5 All new asphalt pavement sections should be underlain with Tensar BX 1100. For areas subject to concentrated and repetitive loading conditions such as dumpster pads. truck delivery docks and ingress/egress aprons. we recommend using a Portland cement concrete pavement with a thickness of at least 7 inches underlain by at least 4 inches of crushed aggregate base course and 5 inches subbase. This infonmation shall not be used separately from the Geotechnical Report I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA PROJECT LOCATION: 7 43 Rainier Avenue South Renton. Washington Engineer: Thomas Jones PE Phone No: 425-771-3304 Email: taiones@terracon.com Geotechnical Engineering Co.: Terracon Consultants Inc. Report Date: November 30. 2009 Foundation Type: 16-inch dia. augercast piles or 6-inch dia. pipe piles Allowable Bearing Capacity: AC piles: 35 tons. 6-in. pipe piles: 15 tons Factor of Safety: 2 Frost Depth: __ 1~8~"- 'Maximum Foundation Movements: Total: o/." Differential:_~Y,~,'_' _ Slab: Potential Vertical Rise: < Y. inch Capillary Break: 6 inches coarse base aggregate Subgrade Reaction Modulus: 200 psi/in Method Obtained: CBR with 6" granular layer below slab Active Equivalent Fluid Pressures: 35 pcf Passive Equivalent Fluid Pressures: 275 pcf Perimeter Drains: Retaining Wall: Building: 4" dia. rigid, perforated PVC pipe at base of footings Retaining Walls: 4" dia. rigid, perforated PVC pipe at base of wall At-rest pressure: 50 pcf Coefficient of friction: 0.33 allowable COMMENTS: This information shall not be used separately from the Geotechnical Report I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOUNDATION SUBSURFACE PREPARATION NOTES RENTON, WASHINGTON 11/30/09 UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED OTHERWISE IN THE DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS, THE LIMITS OF THIS SUBSURFACE PREPARATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE THAT PORTION OF THE SITE DIRECTLY BENEATH AND 5 FEET BEYOND THE BUILDING AND APPURTENANCES. APPURTENANCES ARE THOSE ITEMS ATTACHED TO THE BUILDING PROPER (REFER TO DRAWING SHEET SP1) TYPICALLY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE BUILDING SIDEWALKS, GARDEN CENTER, PORCHES, RAMPS, STOOPS, TRUCK WELLS/DOCKS, CONCRETE APRONS AT THE AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, COMPACTOR PAD, ETC. THE BASE AND THE VAPOR BARRIER, WHERE REQUIRED, DOES NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THE ACTUAL BUILDING AND THE APPURTENANCES. ESTABLISH THE FINAL SUBGRADE ELEVATION TO ALLOW FOR THE CONCRETE SLAB, CHOKER COURSE AND BASE. REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REQUIRED SLAB THICKNESS. THE 6 INCH THICK BASE MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO __ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS FOR ALL CUT AND Fl LL DEPTHS REQUIRED. ANY PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE BASE MATERIAL MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT. ANY EQUIVALENT ALTERNATIVE SHALL ONLY BE USED IF APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE CEC AND AOR. EXISTING FOUNDATIONS, SLABS, PAVEMENTS, AND BELOW GRADE STRUCTURES SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BUILDING AREA. REMOVE SURFACE VEGETATION, TOPSOIL, ROOT SYSTEMS, ORGANIC MATERIAL, EXISTING FILL, AND SOFT OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL FROM THE BUILDING AREA. PROOFROLL EXPOSED SUBGRADE. REMOVE AND REPLACE UNSUITABLE AREAS WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL. SUBGRADE MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE OF ORGANIC AND OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIALS AND SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: LOCATION WITH RESPECT TO FINAL GRADE BUILIDNG AREA, BELOW UPPER 4 FEET BUILIDNG AREA, UPPER 4 FEET P.I. 10 MAX. OMAX. L.L. 40 MAX. 30 MAX. SUBGRADE MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN LOOSE LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 10 INCHES IN THICKNESS AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95 PERCENT OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY {ASTM D-1557) AT A MOISTURE CONTENT WITHIN 2 PERCENT BELOW TO 2 PERCENT ABOVE THE OPTIMUM. THE FOUNDATION SYSTEM SHALL BE AUGERCAST PILES OR DRIVEN PIPE PILES AND GRADE BEAMS. THIS FOUNDATION SUBSURFACE PREPARATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A COMPLETE SITE WORK SPECIFICATION. IN CASE OF CONFLICT, INFORMATION _ COVERED IN THIS PREPARATION SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE WAL-MART SPECIFICATIONS. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION NOT COVERED IN THIS PREPARATION. THIS INFORMATION WAS TAKEN FROM A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC. DATED 11/30/09. {GEOTECHNICAL REPORT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND IS NOT A CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION). GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS EMAIL ADDRESS: TAJONES@TERRACON.COM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AASHTO 1993 METHOD FOR DESIGN OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT STRUCTURES FOR: PROPOSED RETAIL DEVELOPMENT, RENTON, WASHINGTON DESIGN LIFE:20 YEARS DESIGN CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO: 2% INPUT VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL NUMBER (SN) 18-kip ESAL (20 yrs)= 109,500 (Std.), 335,800 (Hvy.) Reliability (R) = 85% Standard Normal Deviation (Z,) = 1.037 Overall Standard Deviation (S 0 ) = 0.45 Resilient Modulus (MR) = 3,000 psi Effective Resilient Modulus (MR, seasonally adjusted) = 3,000 psi Initial Serviceability (Po) = 4.2 Terminal Serviceability (P1) = 2.0 Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) = 2.2 Structural Number (SN)= 3.5 (Hvy.), 3.1 (Std.) Input values for thickness calculations Asphalt layer coefficient (a 1) = 0.42 Base course layer coefficient (a 2 ) = 0.14 Base course drainage coefficient (m 2 ) = 1.30 Subbase layer coefficient (a 3 ) = 0.11 Subbase drainage coefficient (m 3 ) = 1.20 Recommended Pavement Section Thicknesses (inches) REFERENCE Specified Specified 1-62 Specified 1-14 11-15 Specified Specified 11-10 11-35 11-18 11-19 11-25 11-21 11-25 · Asphalt Concrete Crushed Base Course Pit-Run Subbase Standard · Heavy 3 5 7 4 5 7 Note: Subbase should have a minimum CBR value of 30% when compacted. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AASHTO 1993 METHOD FOR DESIGN OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT STRUCTURES FOR: PROPOSED RETAIL DEVELOPMENT, RENTON, WASHINGTON DESIGN LIFE: 20 YEARS DESIGN CBR-VALUE: 2% INPUT VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL NUMBER (SN) Estimated ESAL (20 yrs) = 109,500 (standard duty), 338,500 (heavy duty) Reliability (R) = 85% Standard Normal Deviation (Z,) = 1.037 Overall Standard Deviation (S 0 ) = 0.35 Resilient Modulus (MR) = 18,000 psi Effective Resilient Modulus (MR, seasonally adjusted)= 3,000 psi Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction = 250 pci Initial Serviceability (Po) = 4.2 Terminal Serviceability (PJ = 2.0 Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) = 2.2 lnputvalues for thickness calculations: Mean Concrete Modulus of Rupture = 600 psi Base Modulus (E 8 ) = 30,000 psi Subbase Modulus (Es 8 ) = 15,000 psi Recommended Concrete Pavement Section Thicknesses (inches) REFERENCE Specified Specified 1-62 Specified 11-21 11-15 11-39 Specified Specified 11-10 Recommended 11-19 11-21 Concrete Crushed Base Course Pit-Run Subbase Standard Heavy 5.5 6.5 4 4 5 5 Note: Subgrade and subbase should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Subbase should have a minimum CBR value of 30 when compacted. I I I APPENDIX E I PREVIOUS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I @AGRA Earth & Environmental 17 October 1995 Washington Land Design 10700 Meridian Avenue North, Suite 503 Seattle, Washington 98133 Attention: Mr. Jim Towslee AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland. Washington U S.A1 b5~~1B)0 Tel (206) 820-4669 Fax (206) 821-3914 Subject: Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Renton Retail Store SW 7th Street and Hardie Avenue SW Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Towslee: This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above referenced project. The scope of services for this project consisted of field exploration, geotechnical engineering analyses, laboratory testing, and preparation of this report. The scope of work for this report was performed in accordance with our Proposal for Geotechnical and Phase I Environmental Studies dated 12 September 1995. Written authorization to proceed with this project was provided by Washington Land Design in your letter dated 15 September 1995. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices for the exclusive use of Washington Land Design and their agents for specific application to this project. In the event of any changes in the nature of the project which may affect conclusions and recommendations presented in this report, we should be allowed to review and modify them, as necessary, to reflect those changes. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you, and are available to answer any questions you have regarding this report or other geotechnical aspects of the project. Respectfully submitted, AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. Thomas A. Jones I Senior Pr.eject Engin I I Engineering & Environmental Services I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Renton Retail Store SW 7th Street and Hardie Avenue SW Renton, Washington Prepared For Washington Land Design 10700 Meridian Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98133 Prepared by, AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034 October 1995 11-10521-00 @AGRA Earth & Environmental I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 2.0 3.0 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS 11-10521-00 . . . . ................ -. . . . . . . . . . ................ . PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................... . SITE CONDITIONS .......................................... . 3.1 Site Description ....................................... . 3.2 Surface Conditions ...................................... . 3.3 Subsurface Conditions .................................. . 3.4 Groundwater ......................................... . 1 3 3 3 4 4 5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.0 6.0 4.1 Liquefaction Analysis .................................. : . 5 4.2 Site Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.3 Structural Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.4 Utility Trenching and Backfilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.5 Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O 4.5. 1 Shallow Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O 4.5.2 Pile Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4. 6 Slab-On-Grade Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4. 7 Backfilled Walls and Retaining Structures ............. ·. . . . . . . . . 13 4.8 Drainage Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.9 Temporary and Permanent Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4. 1 0 Seismic Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PAVEMENT DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 CLOSURE ......................... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 1 -Site and Exploration Plan Appendix A -Field Exploration Procedures and Logs Appendix B -Laboratory Test Procedures end Results Appendix C -AASHTO Pavement Design Appendix D -Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheet and Foundation Design Criteria I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION 11-10521-00 PROPOSED RENTON RETAIL STORE SW 7TH STREET AND HARDIE AVENUE SW RENTON, WASHINGTON 1.0 SUMMARY The proposed project is considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint with respect to the subsurface conditions encountered at the site. A brief summary of project geotechnical considerations is presented below: • • • • • The subsurface exploration program for this project consisted of advancing 19 hollow-stem auger soil borings across the site. Subsurface soil conditions encountered in the borings were somewhat variable, but generally consisted of interlayered loose to medium dense sand and gravel, with varying silt content, and some layers of silty sand and silt. Looser surficial soils were generally underlain by medium dense to very dense sand and gravel deposits below about 20 feet depth. Much of the site was covered with about 2 inches of asphalt paving, with varying thicknesses of paving base course and granular fill material immediately beneath the pavement section. A significant portion of the site was covered with an existing concrete masonry building, located mostly in planned parking areas east of the proposed retail building, but covering a narrow strip of the proposed building along its eastern side. No explorations were completed within the footprint of the existing building. Groundwater was encountered in several of our explorations at depths ranging from 7 Y, to 14 feet, and was measured in one groundwater monitoring well on the site at a depth of 9 .2 feet. Borings which did not encounter groundwater were shallow and were terminated at or slightly above the groundwater table Due to the very loose to loose density and grain-size distribution of the near- surface soils, there is a high likelihood of liquefaction within these soils during an earthquake of moderate size and duration which is typically used in design in the Puget Sound area. The soils within the proposed building pad vary substantially and include soft compressible silts and liquefaction susceptible soils. Therefore, we recommend that the proposed building foundations be supported on drilled, augercast piles. Slab on grade floors could be supported on a mat of compacted structural fill. Geotechnical design parameters are presented in the text of this report. Relatively shallow groundwater levels were encountered across the site, everi though the explorations were completed during the late summer when seasonal groundwater levels are likely near seasonal lows. It is therefore likely that excavations on the site, such as for the installation of sewers and other buried I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 2 • • utilities, and for other areas such as vehicle maintenance pits, will encounter groundwater seepage. Excavation dewatering will most likely be required to facilitate such installations and permanent drainage and/or water-proofing measures will be necessary for a vehicle maintenance pit. Due to the condition of the soils encountered within the proposed building pad, we recommend that a mat of structural fill be constructed beneath all slab on grade floors in order to provide more uniform support_ The mat of structural fill should be a minimum of 18 inches in thickness and consist of pit-run sand and gravel or crushed recycled concrete which can be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Above the mat, we recommend placing an additional 2 feet of surcharge fill which is nearly equivalent to the design floor loads in order to preconsolidate the settlement sensitive soils encountered in some of our borings. The mat and surcharge soils should be completed at least 30 days prior to construction of the floor slabs. Above the structural mat, a 6-inch thick layer of capillary break material should be placed. A vapor barrier is not required. Much of the planned paved parking and driveway areas are covered by existing asphalt paving which is approximately 2 inches thick and underlain by about 0 to 18 inches of crushed rock pavement base course and\or granular fill. The existing pavement is in relatively poor condition. An overlay is suitable at the site, provided remedial measures are used to remove excessively damaged asphalt, replace inadequate subgrade soils, and possibly use an overlay geotextile between the new and old pavement sections. We recommend standard and heavy section overlays of 2 and 3 inches, respectively. • Many of our borings encountered near-surface silty soils which are considered to be moisture sensitive. Earthwork performed during or immediately after extended periods of wet weather will be difficult or impossible if the soils are over optimum in moisture content. On-site soils would not be compactible if the moisture content is more than about 2 to 3 percent over optimum. Imported structural fill or soil admixtures such as dry cement or lime may be · necessary for earthwork to proceed during these periods. This summary is presented for introductory purposes only, and should be used in conjunction with the full text of this report. The project description, site conditions, and our specific geotechnical design recommendations are presented in the following report sections. The field exploration procedures and logs are included with this report as Appendix A. Laboratory testing procedures and results are included in Appendix B, while AASHTO pavement design / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 3 calculations are presented in Appendix C. The Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheet and Design Criteria are presented in Appendix D. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the proposed project would consist of removing the existing retail building on the site, and constructing a new retail store which includes the main building along with associated parking areas, access driveways, utilities and landscaping. Possible future retail space is identified north of the proposed building. The currently proposed site layout is presented in our Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 1, included with this report. The planned configuration would include a 133,000 square foot building with a vehicle maintenance center and garden center on the north side. A finished floor elevation for the planned building has not yet been determined, however we anticipate that the new building will closely match existing grades. The purpose of this evaluation was to establish general subsurface conditions at this site from which conclusions and recommendations for foundation design, pavement design, and general earthwork construction recommendations for the project could be formulated. The scope of work consisted of a field exploration program, laboratory testing, geotechnical engineering analyses, and preparation of this report. In the event that there are any changes in the nature, design, elevation, or location of the proposed structure, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report should be reviewed by AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. (AEE) and modified. as necessary, to reflect those changes. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice for the exclusive use of Washington Land Design and their agents for specific application to this project. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS Site conditions for this study were evaluated between 21 and 25 September 1995. The surface and subsurface conditions are described below, while the exploration procedures and interpretive logs of the explorations are presented in Appendix A. The laboratory procedures and results are presented in Appendix 8 and on the exploration logs, where appropriate. The location of the proposed building and parking areas, as well as the approximate locations of the explorations, are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 1 . 3.1 Site Description The proposed project site is located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of SW 7th Street and Hardie Avenue SW in Renton, Washington. The site is currently developed and consists of a partially vacated retail building surrounded by asphalt paving with several smaller structures surrounding the main building. An unpaved area covered with brush and trees was present to the west of the existing building, in the area of the proposed new retail building. Estimated vertical relief across the site was on the order of 7 feet or less, with less than about 4 feet in the planned building area. The site is bordered on all sides by public roads or developed commercial building property. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 3.2 Surface Conditions 11-10521-00 Page 4 Site topography was relatively flat, with previously engineered contours in most paved areas to facilitate surface water drainage. The undeveloped area west of the existing building was also relatively flat with the exception of a linear fill embankment that runs north-south along the east side of this area. This fill embankment reportedly is the remaining portion of an old railroad bed, and is generally about 3 feet higher than surrounding grades. The majority of the site was covered by asphalt pavement and a retail building. The pavment was about 2 inches thick, and in relatively poor condition, with widespread alligator cracking and potholes in some areas. We observed existing groundwater monitoring well monuments in the parking area near the southeast part of the site, and these appeared to be related to an active remediation system on the neighboring service station site near Rainier Avenue South. The wells were locked and we were unable to measure the groundwater levels within. The undeveloped area west of the existing building, in the area of the proposed new building, is generally characterized by dense blackberry undergrowth and numerous trees up to about 30 inches in butt diameter. Surface water was not observed on the site at any time during our exploration program, though our work was completed during seasonal dry weather. 3.3 Subsurface Conditions Our exploration program consisted of drilling 19 hollow-stem auger soil borings in the building and paving areas. In our opinion, the number of explorations was sufficient to address the Geotechnical Investigation Requirements provided to us. The borings were advanced with a truck-mounted drill by a local drilling company under subcontract to our firm. The approximate locations of the explorations are presented on Figure 1, Site and Exploration Plan, included at the end of this report. Detailed, interpretive logs of each exploration are included in Appendix A. The near surface soil conditions generally consisted of very loose to medium dense sand and gravel with varying silt content, and with occasional layers of soft silt. In borings B-1 and 8- 10, relatively thick layers of soft silt were encountered between depths of 1 to 10 feet and 7 to 12 feet, respectively. These surficial conditions typically graded to medium dense to very dense sand and sandy gravel at depths below about 1 5 to 20 feet. Some sandy soils encountered in the borings had low density, uniform grain-size distribution, and were saturated, which makes them prone to loss of shear strength due to liquefaction during a design seismic event. Potentially liquefiable soils were· encountered in all of the borings completed within the proposed building pad at depths between 7 and 22 feet beneath the existing ground surface. Liquefaction is discussed in a subsequent section of this report. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 1 7 October 1995 11-10521-00 Page 5 Asphalt pavement covered a significant portion of the site, and generally consisted of 2 inches of pavement above O to 1 Y, feet of crushed aggregate base and/or granular fill material. Undeveloped portions of the site were covered with organics and topsoil generally about 6 to 1 0 inches thick. Deeper topsoil should be expected around and beneath tree root balls and in areas of particularly dense vegetation. 3.4 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in several of our borings at depths ranging from about 7.5 to 14 feet, and was measured in one groundwater well on the site at a depth of 9.2 feet. Changes in groundwater conditions should be anticipated in response to fluctuations in seasonal precipitation, on and off site land usage, and other factors. When interpreting groundwater observations noted in this report arid on exploration logs, one should note that all of our explorations and groundwater observations were completed late in the summer at the end of a long period of seasonal dry weather, and presumably when groundwater levels were at or near seasonal lows. Based on our experience on a long-term project a few blocks away, it appears that the seasonal high groundwater levels are about 1 Y, feet above the seasonal low levels. Therefore, it appears that seasonal high groundwater levels should be anticipated to be about 6 feet beneath existing ground elevations. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our field exploration and laboratory testing programs were developed in order to adequately address the Geotechnical Investigation Report Requirements presented to us by Washington Land Design. Exploration procedures and subsurface logs are presented in Appendix A, while Appendix B presents the laboratory test procedures and test results. Appendix C presents AASHTO pavement design information and Appendix D presents the Foundation Design Criteria and Geotechnical Investigation Fact Sheets. ; In our opinion, development as proposed is feasible from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. However, variable near-surface soil conditions, including soft compressible silts and the high potential for seismically induced loss of shear strength in saturated sandy soils provide significant performance risk to conventional shallow foundation systems. In our opinion, the use of drilled augercast piles to support foundation loads for the new building would minimize the risk of excessive post-construction settlement and transmit foundation loads through liquefaction susceptible soils. Due to the topography of the site, we anticipate that relatively minor grading will be required to prepare the site for construction of the building and peripheral structures. A significant portion of the site soils should be adequate for use in project fills, with proper moisture conditioning. 4. 1 Liquefaction Analysis As a part of this study, we performed a site specific and detailed liquefaction analysis for the soil conditions revealed in our borings. Liquefaction may be described as a sudden loss of shear strength due to the sudden increase in porewater pressure. caused by shear waves I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 6 associated with earthquakes. Based on our liquefaction analysis, we estimate that there is a risk that liquefaction would occur between a depth ranging from roughly 7 to 22 feet below the existing ground surface during a design level earthquake event, as discussed below. Laboratory testing was completed as a part of this liquefaction analysis, the results of which are attached or indicated on the boring logs, as appropriate. Based on the Uniform Building Code {UBC) guidelines, seismic analysis should be based on an event having a return period of approximately 500 years. According to available historical data, this return period within the Seattle area would be associated with an earthquake of approximate Richter magnitude 7. 5. The peak ground surface acceleratiori produced by an earthquake of this magnitude was assumed to be 0.20g at the subject site, which corresponds with the locally accepted acceleration vcilues for fill or alluvial material. Using these seismic parameters, we computed safety factors against liquefaction for the various soil layers below the water table using an analysis method developed by Seed and Idriss. Our analyses revealed a high probability of liquefaction (safety factors ranging from < 1 to 1.25) within the silty sands, sands, and sandy gravels between 7 feet to 22 feet in depth. The deeper gravel and sand soils were found to be non-susceptible to liquefaction owing to their higher density and coarser gradation. Based on our liquefaction analysis, there appears to be a high risk of liquefaction occurring within the loose silty sands and sands below anticipated high groundwater levels (approximately 6 feet in depth). Liquefaction within these soils could produce surface disturbance in the form of lateral spreading, subsidence, fissuring, or heaving of the ground surface, which could result in cracking, settling or tilting of the building or other structures. Volumetric strain on the order of 2 percent could be possible which correlates the potential settlements of about 1 Y:, to 3 inches of settlement, depending on the thickness of liquefiable soils. Due to the potential for liquefaction, as well as the relatively high settlement potential for foundations constructed above the shallow site soils, augercast pile foundation systems are recommended which transmit foundation loads to more competent soil units at depth. 4_2 Site Preparation Prior to site grading, provisions should be made to intercept and remove surface water during construction, including maintaining the existing surface water management features in working order to the greatest extent possible. Once surface runoff and any groundwater seepage are controlled, all vegetated areas of the site to be developed should be stripped of topsoil, and vegetation. We estimate that stripping depths will vary from approximately 6 inches to 10 inches in undeveloped portions of the site. Deeper topsoil and roots should be anticipated and removed around and beneath tree rootballs, and in other relatively heavily vegetated parts of the site. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 11-10521-00 Page 7 We recommend that the existing paving be left intact to provide all weather construction surface, except where it will interfere with other construction activities. Demolition of buildings on the site should include.removal of all walls, floors, foundations, and buried utilities within the footprint of the new building or in footprint areas of any other permanent structures. All utility work, including demolition or decommissioning, should be performed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. Localized excavations below finished excavation grades made for demolition or removal of utilities should be backfilled with structural fill as outlined in the following section of this report. After stripping, the exposed soils should be graded and compacted as outlined in the following sections of this report. We recommend that the building pad and paving subgrade areas be scarified, moisture conditioned, pre-rolled and compacted with a roller or other suitable heavy equipment to a firm and non-yielding condition in order to achieve a minimum compaction level of at least 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (in accordance with ASTM:D-1557 test procedure) in the upper one foot of exposed subgrade soils. The suitability of prepared subgrades should be evaluated during pre-rolling by a representative of AEE. Soils which become disturbed due to the removal of buried utilities or other items should be moisture conditioned and recompacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density to the full depth of disturbance. Because of the high silt content of some of the soils, the bulk of the near surface site soils are moisture sensitive. The silty soils are highly prone to disturbance when wet. To reduce site disturbance, the contractor should minimize traffic above the prepared subgrade areas. During wet site conditions, the use of a working surface of quarry spalls or sand and gravel may be required to protect the subgrade, especially from vehicular traffic. Earthwork during wet site conditions may result in disturbance of the site soils and may require imported backfill or soil drying and recompaction to repair the disturbed areas. If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, we recommend that the exposed subgrade be allowed to thaw and be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill. 4.3 Structural Fill All structural fill placed in the building area as well as under parking and sidewalk areas, and for backfill of subsurface utility trenches should be placed in accordance with the recommendations herein for structural fill. Prior to the placement of structural fill, all surfaces to receive fill should be prepared as previously recommended. Structural fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. Individual lifts should be compacted such that a density of at least 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density is achieved. We recommend that a representative from our firm be present during the placement of structural fill to observe the work and perform a representative number of in place density tests. In this way, the adequacy of earth work may be evaluated as grading progresses. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 1 7 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 8 Due to the condition of the soils encountered within the proposed building pad, we recommend that a mat of structural fill be constructed beneath all slab on grade floors in order to provide more uniform support. The mat of structural fill should be a minimum of 18 inches in thickness and consist of pit-run sand and gravel or crushed recycled concrete which can be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. Above the mat, we recommend placing an additional 2 feet of surcharge fill which is nearly equivalent to the design floor loads in order to preconsolidate the settlement sensitive soils encountered in some of our borings. The mat and surcharge soils should be completed at least 30 days prior to construction of the floor slabs. In our opinion, the most of on-site soils are suitable for structural fill use provided moisture is adjusted for compaction to a minimum of 92 percent of their modified Proctor maximum dry density. An exception would be silty soils encountered in boring B-1 which consists of soft silt. The remainder of the site soils would be difficult to use for structural fill except during drier periods of the year when the moisture content can be carefully controlled. Even during the summer, delays in grading can occur due to excessively high or low moisture conditions of the soils or due to precipitation. Scarifying and watering or drying of the soils may be required for filling with the site soils. If wet weather occurs, the upper wetted portion of the site soils may need to be scarified and allowed to dry prior to further earthwork. Soil used for structural fill should contain no particles greater than 6 inches in diameter and be free of organics and other deleterious materials. The suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on the gradation and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the fines content (that portion passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve) of a soil increases, it becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content, and adequate compaction becomes more difficult or impossible to achieve. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines by weight, such as the majority of the site soils, cannot be consistently compacted to the recommended degree when the moisture content is more than approximately 2 percent above or below optimum. Drying of the site soils may only be accomplished during favorable dry weather. We therefore recommend that grading on this site be scheduled for the driest time of the year, if at all possible. We also recommend that the contractor anticipate significant, but unavoidable commitment of effort to adjust the moisture content of site soils for reuse in compacted fills. If it is not possible to complete the earthwork during dry weather, the design team and general contractor should anticipate that a significant portion of the site soils will not be available for reuse as fill for utility backfill or mass grading. When moisture conditioning of the soils is required, we recommend that the soils be blended to provide a uniform moisture content throughout the affected soils. 4.4 Utility Trenching and Backfilling We recommend that utility trenching, installation, and backfilling conform to all applicable Federal, State, and local. regulations such as WISHA and OSHA regulations for open excavations. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 11-10521-00 Page 9 In order to maintain the function of any existing utilities, we recommend that temporary excavations do not encroach upon the bearing splay of existing utilities. Likewise, utility excavation should not encroach on the bearing splay of footings or floor slabs. This bearing splay should be considered to begin 3 feet away from the widest point of the pipe or foundation and extending downward at a 1 H: 1 V slope. If, due to space constraints, an open excavation cannot be completed without encroaching on a utility, we recommend shoring the new utility excavation with a slip box or other suitable equipment. We recommend that all utility subgrades be firm and unyielding and free of all soils which are loose, disturbed or pumping. Such soils should be removed and replaced, if necessary. All structural fill used to replace overexcavation soils should be compacted as recommended in the structural fill section of this report. We anticipate that the majority of excavations for underground utilities would be within wet soils of varying composition. Consequently, most of the soils will not likely be suitable for reuse as structural fill due to their composition and/or moisture content. Structures such as manholes and catch basins which extend into soft soils should be underlain by 12 inches of granular fill soil compacted to 92 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density . This granular material could consist of either crushed rock, sand and gravel pit-run, quarry spalls, or coarse crushed concrete. Where water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. Alternatively, quarry spalls or pea gravel could be used until above the water level. It may be necessary to place a geotextile fabric over the native subgrade soils if they are too soft, to provide a separation between the bedding and subgrade soils. Moderate groundwater seepage with associated soil caving should be anticipated for excavations extending into the wet fill and native soils. Dewatering should be designed and maintained by the contractor. Temporary dewatering appears necessary for deeper excavations. Depending on the season of the work, groundwater seepage elevations may be higher than those encountered in our borings. During winter and spring, it is likely that dewatering will be required for most excavations below 5 or 6 feet. After firm subgrades have been achieved, we recommend that a minimum of 6 inches of bedding material be placed in the trench bottom. Bedding material for rigid and flexible pipe conform with Sections 9-03.15 and 9-03.16, respectively, of the 1994 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. All trenches should be wide enough to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe. Otherwise, materials such as controlled density fill or pea gravel could be used to eliminate the compaction required. Backfilling for the remainder of the trenches could be completed utilizing select granular fill. Compaction of backfill material should be accomplished with soils within ± 2 percent of their I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 11-10521-00 Page 10 optimum moisture content in order to achieve the minimum compaction levels recommended within this report. In addition, we recommend that a representative of AGRA be allowed to perform field inspections and density tests on all backfill to verify compliance with the recommendations contained within this report. 4.5 Foundations We recommend that foundation loads for the new building be supported on a system of drilled augercast piles. This is due to the occurrence of soft, compressible soils beneath portions of the proposed building, the susceptibility of loose, saturated sands to liquefaction during a design earthquake, and the general variability of the soils across the site. Slab-on-grade floors can be supported on site soils with proper remedial preparation. Small, ancillary structures, such as landscape retaining walls shorter than about 5 feet could be supported on shallow foundations. 4.5.1 Shallow Foundations The following shallow foundation recommendations pertain to non-building foundations. All looting subgrades should be compacted to at least 9 2 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density, which may require scarifying the upper 6-inches and drying the soils. If soft fine grain soils are encountered, it may be necessary to overexcavate the subgrade in order to provide a more uniform bearing surface. We anticipate that overexcavations on the order of 18 inches would be suitable to provide uniform support of foundation elements. We recommend that foundations be designed for maximum allowable bearing pressures of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf). This pertains to footings that are a minimum of 18 inches wide, bear on undisturbed native soil or structural fill, and are a minimum of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished exterior grade for frost protection. The recommended allowable bearing pressure may be increased by one-third to resist transient, dynamic loads such as wind or seismic forces. We recommend that all footing excavations be observed by a representative of AEE prior to concrete placement, to confirm the condition of bearing soils. Assuming the foundation elements are founded in the recommended bearing soils, we estimate that total settlement would be less than 3/4 inch with differential settlement on the order of 1 /2 inch or less. The majority of the settlement should occur during the initial loading of the foundation, however, if any undisturbed or soft soils are left within the footing area prior to concrete placement, settlements may be increased substantially. Based upon the nature of the soil, and laboratory tests, it is our opinion that the subgrade soils exhibit a low potential for swelling. 4.5.2 Pile Foundations We recommend that building footings be supported on augercast piles. An augercast pile is formed by drilling to an appropriate pre-determined depth with a continuous0 flight, hollow- stem auger. Cement grout is then pumped down the stem of the auger under high pressure I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 11 as the auger is withdrawn. The final result is a cast-in-place pile. Reinforcing can be lowered into the unset concrete column to provided lateral and/or tension capabilities. Pressure grouting methods typically result in a grout column diameter in excess of the nominal diameter of the drilled hole. The soft and loose soils on the site could provide difficulty to augercast pile construction due to grout loss into the loose soil strata. In order to prevent grout loss and excessive grout volumes, we recommend that the contractor be prepared to provide temporary casing, if required by soil conditions encountered during pile installation. We anticipate grout volumes within the bearing soil to be on the order of 1 Yi times the nominal volume of drilled holes or more. The contractor should be required to stagger the pile grouting and drilling operations, such that all completed piles within 10 feet of the pile being drilled have set for at least 24 hours. Augercast piles would gain their vertical compressive capacity mainly from side friction between the pile and the native soils with contribution from end-bearing. Vertical uplift pile capacity will develop as a result of side friction between the pile arid the adjacent soil, along with the weight of the pile. Augercast piles should extend a minimum of 10 feet into suitable native soils with a SPT N-value of 20 or more, and have a minimum length of 27 feet. Augercast pile unit capacities for skin friction and end bearing are presented in Table 1 below. The vertical pile capacities presented assume that adjacent piles are located at least seven pile diameters apart. If piles are located closer together, a reduced pile capacity should be used to account for pile group effects. We would be pleased to provide capacities for specific pile group arrangements, if requested. Lateral augercast pile capacities are also presented in Table 1 for some of the possible diameters. The allowable lateral capacities are based on fixed head conditions and limiting the deflection to Y, inch. Because augercast piles are drilled, obstacles such as concrete or rocks in the subsurface can cause difficult installation conditions. The contractor should anticipate that some larger rocks will be encountered in gravelly horizons, and concrete rubble could be encountered within the footprint of the existing building to be demolished. It is possible that obstacles encountered during drilling the piles would require relocation of piles at the time of construction if impenetrable obstacles are encountered at planned pile locations. It will be necessary to periodically remove the pile auger from the holes during drilling in order to verify depths of the various soil types, and penetration into the bearing soil layer. We understand that the proposed building will be designed for the following typical structural loads as presented to AEE in the Geotechnical Investigation Specifications and Report Requirements. Based upon these values, we have developed allowable compressive capacities for augercast piles. The recommended pile lengths and associated allowable capacities are presented in Table 1. The allowable capacities and associated pile lengths presented have been developed to minimize the number of piles and the amount of material used in construction of the pile foundation system. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 TABLE 1 ALLOWABLE CAPACITIES OF AUGERCAST PILES Pile Diameter Pile Length Allowable Allowable (Inches) (feet) Compressive Uplift Capacity Capacity (tons) (tons) 12 29 21 5 12 33 25 8 12 39 27 10 16 27 25 7 16 37 32Y, 11 16 40 35 14 4.6 Slab-On-Grade Floors 11-10521-00 Page 12 Allowable Lateral Capacity (tons) 4 4 4 6 6 6 Slab-on-grade floors can be constructed above a layer of compacted structural fill placed above properly prepared native soil. Slab-on-grade floors should be founded on compacted structural fill constructed in accordance with our recommendations outlined in the structural fill section of this report. We recommend that the floor slab be underlain by a minimum thickness of at least 18 inches of compacted granular fill. To minimize post-construction settlement of a slab on grade floor, we recommend placing an additional 2 feet of temporary surcharge fill (which is nearly equivalent to the design floor loads of 1 25 psf) in order to preconsolidate the settlement sensitive soils encountered in some of our borings within the building pad. Construction of the mat and surcharge soils should be completed at least 30 days prior to construction of the floor slabs. Once the surcharge fill is removed, we recommend that 6 inches of free-draining granular material be placed over the building pad to serve as a capillary break. The fines content of the capillary break material should be limited to 3 percent or less, by weight, when measured on that portion passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve. We further recommend that at least 50 percent of the capillary break material be retained on the No. 4 sieve. Aggregates similar to those specified in WSDOT 1994 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, listed under specifications 9-03. 12(4), 9-03. 15 or 9-03. 16 can be used for capillary break material provided they are modified to meetthe fines content recommendation. If possible, the capillary break material could be incorporated into the 2 foot thick surcharge layer. A vapor barrier between the capillary break and floor slab is not necessary provided the recommended gravel section is constructed below the floor slabs. I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 4. 7 Backfilled Walls and Retaining Structures 11-10521-00 Page 13 The lateral soil pressure acting on backfilled walls will primarily depend on the degree of compaction and the amount of lateral movement permitted at the top of the wall during backfilling operations. If the wall is free to yield at the top an amount equal to at least 0.1 percent of the height of the wall, the soil pressure will be less than if the wall structurally restrained from lateral movement at the top. We recommend that an equivalent active fluid pressure of 35 pcf be used for yielding walls and an at rest equivalent fluid pressure of 55 pcf be used for non-yielding backfilled walls. These equivalent fluid pressures assume the backfill is compacted to approximately 92 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend that we be allowed to review the design values and modify them, if necessary, if they are to be applied to walls greater than 12 feet in height. The above equivalent fluid pressures are based on the assumption of a uniform horizontal backfill and no buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. Surcharge pressures due to sloping ground, adjacent footings, vehicles, construction equipment, etc. must be added to these values. For loading docks, surcharge loading on the floor slab above the dock will result in a horizontal, uniformly distributed surcharge on the wall equal to 40-percent of the distributed vertical loading. We can provide surcharge criteria for other loading conditions behind the loading dock wall, if requested. We recommend a minimum width of 2 feet of clean, granular, free-draining material should extend from footing drains at the base of the wall to the ground surface, to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. It should be realized that the primary purpose of the free draining material is reduction in hydrostatic pressures. Some potential for moisture to contact the back face in the wall may exist even with this treatment, which may require more extensive water proofing be specified for walls which require interior moisture sensitive finishes. Care should be taken where utilities penetrate through backfilled walls. Minor settlement of the wall backfill soils can impart significant soil loading on utilities, and some form of flexible connection may be appropriate at backfilled wall penetrations. 4.8 Drainage Considerations Some of the site soils have a high silt content and are therefore highly susceptible to disturbance when wet. Any accumulated surface water on the site should be routed away from the construction and building areas as much as possible before construction takes place. Surface runoff should be collected and routed to a suitable discharge point or detention basin. Deeper excavations on the site, such as for deeper utilities and service pits in automobile service centers, will encounter groundwater seepage. Due to the granular nature of some of the subsurface soils, seepage into deep excavations will likely be accompanied by heaving excavation bases, and spalling of excavation sidewalls. We recommend that any excavations below groundwater seepage depths be undertaken only when suitable dewatering equipment and temporary excavation shoring, such as sump pumps and trench slip boxes are available. All applicable safety regulations regarding shoring or sloping of excavations when worker I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 1 7 October 1 995 11-10521-00 Page 14 access is necessary should be followed. Deep excavations should be kept free of water and kept open no longer than required to complete the foundation or utility work at hand. We recommend that the building be provided with a perimeter footing drain system consisting of a 4-inch diameter perforated PVC or ADS pipe, fully enveloped in pea gravel or washed round drain rock. This pipe should be placed at the footing subgrade elevation or below the lowest subfloor utilities which might be affected if seepage comes in contact with them and should drain by gravity to a suitable discharge. Runoff generated from the roof of the building and from paved surfaces should not be routed into the footing drain system. Instead, they should be routed via tightline to a suitable discharge location. We recommend that finished grades around the site route surface drainage away from the building. 4.9 Temporary and Permanent Slopes Slope stability during excavation is a function of many factors, including: the presence and abundance of surface and groundwater; type and density of various soil strata; the depth of the cut; surcharge loading adjacent to the excavation; and the length of time the excavation; and the length of time the excavation remains open. Consequently, it is exceeding difficult to preestablish safe and maintenance free temporary slope angles. Temporary slope stability should be made the responsibility of the contractor, who is continuously on the job site and able to observe changes in the site soil and groundwater conditions and monitor the performance of the excavation. We recommend that excavations be adequately sloped or braced to prevent injury of workmen from local sloughing and spalling. All cuts should be completed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local safety provisions and codes. For preliminary planning, temporary cuts may be sloped at about 1.5H: 1 V (Horizontal:Vertical). Because of the variables involved, these slope angles should be considered preliminary values for the project planning only. If loose fills, caving conditions, or groundwater seepage or surface water runoff is present on the slopes, flatter slopes may be necessary. Permanent slopes above the water table should be planned at an inclination of 2H: 1 V or flatter. For slopes exposed to periodic saturation and rapid drawdown, such as stormwater detention ponds, we recommend that the interior slopes be configured at a 3H: 1 V angle. 4.10 Seismic Criteria Seismic design of the structure requires the selection of numerical coefficient of soil structure interaction, designated "S" of the 1994 addition of the Uniform Building Code, Table No. 16- J. Based on the soil conditions encountered in the borings at the site and published geologic mapping, we recommend using an S-factor equalling 1.5 as specified for soil profile type S3 • Soil profile type S3 , applies where 20 to 40 feet of soft to medium stiff clay is present. The 1994 USC, Figure 1 6-2, classifies the site as being within Seismic Zone 3. Commercial buildings are categorized as standard occupancy structures with seismic and wind importance factors (I) of 1.00. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1 995 5.0 PAVEMENT DESIGN 11-10521-00 Page 15 Due to the limited area of new asphalt to be constructed, we have based our pavement recommendations on our experience with similar soils on other projects. It is our experience that the effective subgrade support for the soils encountered on the site is primarily dependent on compaction and moisture content of the subgrade. Based on the recommended subgrade compaction, we recommend designing for the following: Relative Compaction 92% modified CBR 5% Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 140 pci Effective Resilient Modulus (psi) 4500 We have alternate pavement designs for both asphalt and portland cement concrete. All designs have been prepared in accordance with the widely accepted AASHTO design methods. We have provided pavement designs for the specified equivalent single axle loads (ESAL's) presented in the Geotechnical Investigation Report Requirements. These pavement sections are provided in Table 2, Pavement Design Recommendations. Our design assumes that the subgrade will be prepared in accordance with Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this report. The top 12 inches beneath the pavement surface should be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent relative compaction, using AASHTO T-180 (ASTM D-1557) as a standard. Specifications for pavements and crushed base/top course should conform to specifications presented in Division 9, Materials, of the 1994 Washington State Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. In lieu of crushed gravel base/top course, 3 inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) can be substituted. The ATB would provide a more durable wearing surface if the pavement subgrade areas will be completed prior to the building construction phase. The following pavement designs are based on AASHTO methods with the preceding assumptions and address the specifically requested traffic loadings. TABLE 2 PAVEMENT DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 1 • 2 Approx. Number of Trucks per Day (each way) Standard Heavy 2 7 Approx. Number of 18 kip design axles (1000) 14.6 51.1 Asphalt Concrete Thickness .!i.oJ. 2 3 Crushed Pit-run or Rock crushed Base concrete Thickness Subbase .!i.oJ. .!i.oJ. 4 6 4 8 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT: 3 • 4 Approx. Number of Trucks per Day (each way) Standard 2 Heavy 7 Approx. Number of 1 8 kip design axles (1000) 14.6 51.1 P.C.C. Thickness .lio.l 5 6 Crushed Rock Base Thickness .lio.l 4 4 Notes: 1) All pavement sections were designed using AASHTO design methods. 11-10521-00 Page 16 Pit-run or Crushed Concrete Subbase ful 6 8 2) All pavement sections assume an AASHTO reliability level (R) of 85% with a terminal serviceability 3) 4) ... of 2.0 for asphalt concrete, and 2.0 for cement concrete. Concrete design based on a modulus of rupture equal to 500 psi, and a compressive strength of 4000 psi. Concrete sections assume plain jointed or jointed reinforced sections with no load transfer devices at the shoulder. A sample of our design parameters for AC/BASE course section are attached to this report in Appendix C. If possible, construction traffic should be limited to unpaved and untreated roadways, or specially constructed haul roads. If this is not possible, the pavement design selected from Table 5.0 should include an allowance for construction traffic. Stabilizing the subgrade with a fabric such as Mirafi 500x or 600x may be necessary during wet weather construction. Proper geotextile fabrics will maintain segregation of the subgrade soil and base course materials. If the subgrade soils are allowed to migrate upwards into the base course, the result would be decreased pavement support. The use of stabilization fabric will not reduce the necessary base rock thickness, as fabric does not provide structural strength at such shallow depths. If the subgrade is disturbed when wet, overexcavation may be required and backfill with import fill. We anticipate that most of the existing pavement will be overlayed with new asphalt. Due to the poor condition of the existing asphalt, we recommend a 3 inch thick overly for heavy sections and a 2 inch thick overlay for standard sections. There will most likely be areas where the pavement has alligatored significantly to warrant removal or use of an asphalt fabric to minimize reflective cracking. Products such similar to Amoco Petromat or Petrotac would be suitable in these areas. Other areas of significant distress may have been caused by degradation of the subgrade soils due to insufficient crushed aggregate beneath the asphalt or excessive heavy traffic. In either case, it may be necessary to repair subgrade soils in some areas. I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Washington Land Design 17 October 1995 6.0 CLOSURE 11-10521-00 Page 17 The recommendations contained in this report are based on information gathered during our field studies and on information provided by Washington Land Design. In order to correlate soil data with the actual soil conditions encountered during construction, and to check for construction conformance to our report, we recommend that AEE be retained for construction observation services during stripping, grading, compaction, foundation excavating and other soils related portions of this project. At the time this report was written, project planning was in progress, and complete plans and specifications were not available. We recommend that we be provided an opportunity to review the final plans and specifications when they are completed, to ensure that our recommendations have been adequately interpreted and incorporated into the final project documents. We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to you on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this report. Respectfully submitted, AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. Bruce W. Guenzler Senior Staff Geologist Thomas A. Jones Senior Project Engineer I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIELD EXPLORATION APPENDIX A 11-10521-00 The field exploration program conducted for this study consisted of advancing 19 hollow - stem auger soil borings at locations within proposed building and parking lot areas. The approximate locations of the explorations are presented on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 1 . The locations were obtained in the field by hand taping from existing site features shown on the site plan provided to us. Locations shown should be considered accurate to the degree implied by the method used. Interpretive soil logs of the borings and test pits are presented in this Appendix. Hollow Stem Auger Borings The borings were drilled on 21, 22, and 25 September 1994 by a local exploration drilling company under subcontract to our firm. The borings consisted of advancing a 4-inch outside diameter, hollow-stem auger with a truck drilling system. During the drilling process, samples were obtained at generally 5 foot depth intervals. The borings were continuously observed and logged by an engineering geologist from our firm. Disturbed samples were obtained by using the Standard Penetration Test procedure as described in ASTM:D-1586. This test and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2- inch outside diameter split barrel sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140- pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch interval is recorded. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") or blow count. The blow count is presented graphically on the boring logs in this app_endix. If a total of 50 blows is recorded within one 6-inch interval, the blow count is recorded as 50 blows for the number of inches of penetration. The resistance, or "N" value, provides a measure of relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils. The soil samples obtained from the split barrel sampler were classified in the field and representative portions placed in watertight containers. The samples were then transported to our laboratory for further visual classification. Samples area generally saved for a period of 30 days unless special arrangements are made. The boring logs presented in this appendix are based on the drilling action, inspection of the samples secured, laboratory results and field logs. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the soils or characteristics of the soils changed. It should be noted that these changes may have been gradual, and if the changes occurred between sample intervals, they were interpreted. The groundwater conditions observed during the exploration program are indicated on the borings logs. These subsurface water conditions were evaluated by observing the moisture condition of the sample, or the free water on the sampling rods. The depths to static water I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I should be considered approximate due to the relatively short period of time that the borings remain open, and because drilling conditions required that water be added to each of the borings to facilitate completion of the holes. I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I " .. 1 I I 1: w ~ I . ! ~ I ~ PROJECT: Renton Retail Site ;': c-SOIL DESCRIPTION iii ,il. Location: Existing Parking Lot 0 Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -0 ~ ...... ....._2· Asphalt Pavement ______________ ,,,,- !---~ Saturated, brown, fine to coarse, sandy GRAVEL ' / -15 • -20 - -25 · , with sames/If (RIO (cuttings) __________ / Soft. saturated, mottled gray and brown, fine sandy SILT (RI/?) Grades to dense Grades to fine to medium sandy GRAVEL with trace to some silt Grades to vety dense Boring terminated at approximately 24.5 feet Note: Moisture contents noted are not representative due to "wet· drilling method. - - w.o. N/E --1 S-1 -- S-2 --1 S-3 --1 S-4 S-5 +- 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-7 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... L::. Page 1 of I Standard Blows per fool Other 10 20 30 40 50 TESTING ....... i.'._ .... +······"·······l------·i····-··· ------+--··--· i ; ··-···f·······•·······L ..... , ........ : ........ ·····-'.·-····· ...... i ...... . + ....... c ....... J ........ '···-··· ···-'-····· ..... ..C ·-· ' ' ; ' " ··-·-t-·-·· ---+· ·+i~~-·-~--·. ------1--···· ....... i ······· ··------f-------------+·-···· ....... ~ .... . :::J::~::: :::::::L :··.::>::~==::=:~ ·=>/ -----· ! -----· -----· ! ······· --------!,-----·· -----~. ----------~ 1.--- i i :::I: =i==i= :tiM),~. l ; : -------t-----· -____ , ______ ··------!------------! .............. ! ...... . ______ ; ______________ j_ ____________ J _____ ....... ( ....... ------1----- ' ------;----··· -------+-------··----+--···· ------+---.. ----) ----- - - - i I i ' ~ i-30 ..L.----------------~-'---'---'---l--'--'---'-...J..-L.-.a......J..-L.--'-+---1 O 20 40 60 BO 100 I .Y. AID LEGEND 2.00--inch OD ,plit-,poon sample Groundwater level at time of drilling No groundwatu encountered Drilling method: Ruid Rotary Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: MOISTURE CONTENT . . • Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 21 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ti £ • " ~ C e ·, C w .,, C • ~ " • w ~ " PROJECT: Renton Retail Site -0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parklng Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -, ___ 2· Asphalt Pavement _______________ ,.,,- 1---1 Saturated. brown. ffne to coarse, sandy GRAVEL ', with sames/It (RIO (cuttings) ___________ // 1---l Medium dense. wet. gray and brown, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL (R/17) -5 • t---+--·-·---,·------------·--·------------·--·--·- W.O. --ll_ S-7 7 7 -1052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-2 PENETRATION RESISTANCE .... ,6 Standard Blows per foot Other Page 1 ofl 10 20 ~ 40 50 TESTING 1 ______ ;_ --... _J ______ , ........ ; ...... . ! -·-·---,--·-·· ······ ······-1·---···+·······I ' _______ J ______ -----·. ·······l········i·····-1 ----:······· ·······+·----· ------~------· ------·. ------1···--···i········•----···: -----------·: ...... . ' • - . -10 • Very loose, wet to saturated, brown, fine SAND with gray, s//fy stringers ll_ ,, ;'I; tKI -i =!-=I= ! ~-A i i i - ~ 15 - ""20 - -25 · Dense, saturated, gray, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace silt Grades to medium dense, with more relatively more sand Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet - ll_ S-3 -~ -- S-4 - ··+--r-··i······-Pk·······i··· -····+·-· - ·-·-· !___ .. _J _____ ( +--··· ····+······· ___ _! -···· - - -------,. .......... ____ ! -------________ , -------------: -------------r-----, -----;-----· ----+------_ ..... ; ..... -------f---··· -------i ------ ···-i ·-· · ---t-·--------1---------+--------i ----- / i i j i 1 -i i r -30 ...,_ _______________ ..... _...,__.,__--li---'-...L......L....1.---'--'--...L......1..-""---'1----i 0 20 -40 60 BO 100 LEGEND I 2.00-mch OD splk-spoon sample e Grain size analysis .Y. ATO Groundwater level at time of drilling No groundwater CDCOUDtcrcd MOISTURE CONTENT . . . . Plastic limit liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, &Jlte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 "'---------------------------------------------~ Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 · Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I PROJECT-: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parldng Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown ,~2· Asphalt Pavement ______________ _ 1---~-Road Base (5/8' Crushed Rock) (cuttings) _. --------------------------- ~ 5 • ~ 10 • -15 • -20 • Medium dense, moist, brown and gray, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL wlfh trace to some silt Grades to dense Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet . . . . • 25 • - w.o. 1 7 -1052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-3 :'l ffi Gil "' PENETRATION RESISTANCE Page I ~, B i:l .A. 6. of l "'< Standard Blows per foot Other Q :< D 10 20 JD ,o 50 'TESTING ........ ·,.,' ....... 1.. . . ... ! ............. .J .. . I S-1 - ······· f ....... ····~ ········1········ ·-·-1··-··· ...... ~ ...... . . 1 S-2 :=l= J ~:-=1 =:t ··-··/·-··· ·ti···--!·-·-· ··-t·· -1-···· . --1 1 S-3 ' •t ' ! 1 _:-_= ~-~-- __ ATD · . S-4 ....... 1 ............ i .... ··-i··-··: ~ --··--·1·-·- i l : j i -------; --···--------:------------··!-··-··--·--·t··---j --------!"--------------i------------·--!--------· --· !---------i----- - - . -------~--------------t······· ... ; ------. .. i . -~ ---·-- --- S-5 -----· ; ....... ------+-----· ...... +----J .. -f ..... _ --···i ·-· .. . .. ..... L ...... ·-···· [ ······· ···-···!-...... ·····-: ······· ······+·-·-· ·-····:·-······t-···· ··--r··-·······l······· ·····-r··· . ....... ~ ....... --··· ! ·-···· ........ L .. -.. _ ..... l---·· -····-~-···· - i --- ' j ··-··f·-···· ·······'.·-···· ········]········ ·······)·-···· ·······:·--···· -·-· '····--·····..;. _____ ·······-!····-·· ·-···· ! ·····-....... ) ...... . f i : : : !. -r I l r·· ' I : : ! . f ! 1 • 30 .i._ _________________ ...1.._.J..._.J..._..j......:._1..-...:....:._1..-...:....:._.1-.-'--+-----I 0 ~ ~ 00 M 100 LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample .Y. ATD Groundwater level at time of drilling NIE No groundwater encountc.n:d MOISTURE CONTENT . . • • Plastic limit NalUia! liquid limit §AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, &lite 100 Klrldand, Washington 98034-6918 L----------------------------------' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parldng Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown --2.s· Asphalt Pq_vement _____________ / 1----l Brown, sandy GRAVEL (RID (cuttings) !--+------·-------------·-·------------ Gray, silly, gravelly SAND (RI/) (cuttings) 1-~~-----·-·--·---------------------Soft, wet. brown, fine sandy SILT, non p/osHc ~ 5 - -10 - -Medium dense. wet to saturated, gray, fine to - 1---l coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace silt -15 • Boring terminated at approximately 11.5 feet - l -20 • - ~ 25 · - . w.o. 11-10521-00 BORING NO. 8-4 PENETRATION RESISTANCE A. 6 Page 1 ofl Standard Blows per foot Other 10 20 E •o 50 TESTING ·- ! ' .... 1.'_ ...... J. __________ ; ------: . i ----· ···----+--·---- ........ i., ............... t. ...... ' : ' --....... \ ............. !------------! ····••· • ·---····1-·--··· -------l----·· ..... . i i S-J -···i ·-~--!---.. 1 ......... L ...... t.·· .~ ·~1-\1·-+ +-i- S-2 . l ..... ~ _____ J ...... J ............ i ... . ---;---· ------+ .. --------l---··· -----4--------·-·· ~ ...... . ! i i -+ 1 t i I I ' • ; . . 1 : '!" -- i ! : -r- i ; • . ....•• !! -·· ....... i ...... . ! I ] i i : -! --------~ -----i·-· . + --····! ···-·· ..... ) ..... ······!·············:. .. ..: ...... ··+--·· ____ .-.] .. _. ... ··-···l··-··· ....... : .............. !--····· --~-- -··-··· : ···-· ·--.. t ....... ··----~---·· ...... of ....... --·+-·-··· ! ! ! ! i ·-·.J ···+····..!-·-" ... i ........... !·-··-... J -· ·---+-·-··· -~ ! + r i ··----~·-····· -·--; ........... ; ............... ; ·-···· ·······f-······· ···-··1.· ___ ..... J.· ___ ,,·.... _ i_.. i ! --· ······+·-·- . . - - . - . . . I + i . ! i ~ ~ 30 .J... ________________ ....,L_..L_..L-+--l-.....L-L-..L-l..~-L--,L-....l..-:1:-:-----1 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 I I -~ w ~ I ~ w I LEGEND 2Jl0-inch OD split->p00n sampl< @ Gnin size analysis Groundwater lcvd. at time of drilling No ground.water encountered MOISTURE CONTENT . . ' Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit 0AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Su~e 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 ~ "' l <'--~~~~~~~~~_c_~~~~~~---' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I I I I -I I I 1 PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -2.5' Asphalt Pavement / -Medium dense, damp, gray and brown, ffne ta' -5 - -10 - -15 - -20 - -25 · coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace to some slit Boring terminated at opproximate/y 9feet . - . - . - . . - - w.o. N/E [ S-1 -- S-2 -- -- - -- I I -I 052 1-00 BORING NO. 8-5 PENETRATION RESISTANCE A 6. Page I of! Standard Blows per foot 10 20 30 40 so 'IESTING ..... J. ___________ J ... _______ ! ___________ ..! I \ __________ l _______________ !_ ...... . ---·---~-·--··------·-·!··· ----i------ -------f----··· _______ / ____________ ) _______ ...... ). __________ l_. ___ _ ····--·'----~-~ ... ..l. ...... ______ , _______ ------·······-\ ! . ; i t t .. ------!---··· ...... l ---------'-··---· -······t· ----------+------ ----4----------]----_____ .) ·-···· -----'-----_______ [ ___ _ ; i i f ! I ' ...... J ...... . J _j_ l __ j_ 1 · i I -' -' ....... 1 ...... _.L. ... ·-·1------·-····i·-· ._ I __ ·····-·=···-·· ····-· '··-··· ·-···-··/·-····· ··-··· i ······· ....... : -···- i ' ········t·-·-· --··· l ···-·· ······+-·-· ···-··; ······· ······+··-·· •••••.. J... ____ _ _____ 1 ....... ·····-.!·--··-······· ~ ······· ···---~ -···· ··••••· ! ···-·· ____ l_ ____ ....... J. _____ ....... l ... ________ ) ··-·· ·----+---· ·······:---------!·---· ....... : ............. ! ...... . ·----;·-·-·· --·+---········+-·····-·-···!.---·--···---'.---···· ! . : ... ..!._ . i i ' ... .... -~ ............ { ........ _.[ .......... !.-... ·-·! .. . ! ____ j_ ______ J __________ j _____ ....... ! ·---- '··.'. / i 1· ; ; 1 ····-·+--· -···-i······· ----+---·-·····-: ··-··· _____ ) _____ -·-· ! -· ....... J. ____ -·---!-·-···· ··-··+-·-·· . - . - . - . . - . - - I I I I I I I I . f -30..L.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....L..~...l...~...l...~-l-....l.~J.......J.........l.~1-..J.........l.~J.......J.....-4~~--I O 20 40 60 BO 100 MOISTURE CONTENT • ~ I i LEGEND I Plastic limit Natural liquid limit 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample I !: _y_ @ AG RA -: AID Groundwaterlovelattimcofdrilling Earth & Environmental w NJE 11335 NE 122nd Woy. Suite 100 cl' No groundwater =unt=d Kirkland, Washington 9&!34-6918 l ~L--~~~~~~~~~~--' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 21 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u C ~ I I ~ "' -0 I I "' PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: w.o. Unknown 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-6 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ..... 6 Standard Blows per foot Other 10 20 30 40 Page 1 of I 50 'IESTING ........ ....__Asphaff Pavement ________________ ,..,,~ 1---1 Brown. sandy GRAVEL with some slit (RID NIE .. L ........ 1 ... ...! ______ ....... ! ...... . (cuttings) !---+--'--------------------------- i . ····---:----------··--... --.l----·· ....... : ...... . Gray, wet, silty SAND (cuttings) f ···-··j····-·· -···----:----··· ....... :---·--··-·-··+·--·· -·--·J ....... ···-··! .............. -! .... -......... 1 ..... -·-····L··-·· i ------------------------------ Medium dense, damp, gray, gravelly, fine to medium SAND with trace silt -C-ll S-1 -5 . ~ ---------------------------. Dense, moist, gray, fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with some silt -10 - . S-2 --!---------! -----------!---... -....... !-~!---- Boring terminated at approximately 11.5 feet . --·-·l ··· .. ·-·T·--· ·-··1·--·-··-r ..... -~-·· I I I ! ! ···-·-····-· --· i ·-···· ···-·r--·· -·-·· 1 ••••••• ·--: ·-· i i i . 15 • - -20 --j ! ·---· :··-·-·----l·-·-· ····---·~·-·-·· ···--·~·--·--·-·-! ·--- 1 ; i ... _.L_._ _ __ .i.._._ ·--i··-·· ..... J. ____ .J _ 1 ; ·--t-·· ···-! ·-·-_ .. J .... ···-·'······· .... -i ..... . ·····t··--····-·"··--· ·····t· .... J ..... ··-L-.. -··-~--·· ~ .J ·-·· ··-·· I-·-· .... ~·-···· ... _J .. , i I ' i '"25 • - . . . -- ···-! .. __ --·-· : ....... ·--·l··-·--....... + ... -·-··-1---····· I ! - . . - . - . . I '" 30 ..L----------------....L-..l....-..l....-+-...L-1.-;__.J,--...L.-J.-;__-:1:-_...--:1::---i 0 20 <tO 60 80 100 LEGEND I 2.00-mch OD ,plit-spoon samplo I A1D Groundwatc£ level at limo of drilling No groundwater CDCOUDtclcd MOISTURE CONTENT • Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, suite 100 Klrkland, Washington 98034-6916 I • .____ __________ ___. Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic: Date drilled: 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown w.o. 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-7 PENETRATION RESISTANCE A 6. Standard Blows per foot Olher 10 20 30 -40 Pagel of I so TESTING I I I I ,'"Asphalt Pavement _______________ __,,.,,, 1----1 Loose, damp, brown, fine to coarse, sandy J__ S-1 ; .1\/VW'- + ······ ·-·t pH==6.5 NIE .. J~. I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1----1"' GRAVEL_{RI/L _______________ . ___ / Medium stiff to stiff, wet, gray, fine sandy SILT with low p/astlc/ty to non plastic -5 -- 1---+------~------------------------- Med/um dense. moist, fine to coarse sandy '" 10 - -15 • • 20 - 1-25 · GRAVEL wlfh trace to some silt Boring terminated at approximately 9feet -- - - . . - . -- S-2 + -- -- - ·---·------· ................. . ...•... 1 ••••..• -... . ____ ___! ------·'······--·········' L ___________ J ____ _ 1, l ! -------~-----------t-_______ \ _______ ------! ··---·- ' ----···,······· ------=-------------\----·----·-·--!-······· -------1--······ ! .... ····'-····. ___ J_ ....... ...i ·-· ..... J._ ___ )_ ~- J ~ I i i i i l ! _____ t_..... -----: ·····---------;---------'-····· ······-t-··---· . ! _! __ ..... J ... ·---!-··-· .... 1.--....... l .... --+--·· ------l······ -------!-------------!-. -------! ····-----t---- ! ! i -------:----------1---··· ---i----· ------+-------.. ----:-------; ; ; I : 1 : : r T i - ••••.... : ----------·-·: ------------:-----· ......• 1 ------------'. ----·· t I i 1 i i ....... ! ....... ·-· i--·-..... 1.... ·····-t······· ....... !·-·· • i ::::L ::::I::::± :~J= ±: i ' i i 1 t i i i-----· ....... ! ......... l--···-1-... --! ·-....... i. ... : ••••-• !••••-'• •••••-!--·--lm•••• •••••-~---••••1•••••••• . . - - - - . . - . . . - . . . I -30 -'---------------------'--'--'---l----'--'----'--'--'-1--'--'---'--'--:l:,00c:-----t D W ~ ~ 00 _g MOISTURE CONTENT :. I I ~ w I ] ~ . w <( 0: .• ~ LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample pH=l.D Soil pH test Groundwatc.r lc.vel a1 time of drilling -¥NI-Resistivity test NIE No groundwater eocountered Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: . . . -. Plastic limit NalW31 liquid limit 0AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way. Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -0 ....... .._fl.sphalf Pavement _______________ _.,./'· 1----l Loose, moist, brown, fine SAND with some gravel and trace to some sift w.o. NIE [ ~, ... 5 . -10 - I '-15 • '"20 · -25 • -----------------------------Medium dense, wet, gray, s/lfy, fine SAND with _ some gravel Boring terminated at approximately 9feet -- - . - - . . - ~2 -- . -- 11-10521-00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE .6. 6 8-8 Page I of I Standard 10 Blows per fool 20 30 Other 40 50 1ESTJNG ....... ,i ......... -... _1 ...... . .... : ....... ------+-··· -~ --- ; ....... , ___________ __l ______ _ ······1~ • ····i······· ··-:·· , , ·-1··\·i··· ·······'···············'··············'······· :::; :f . .:1::= !~ + ' I 1 ! 1 1 -·-·····r··---· : i i ! _____ l ___ ....... !------_______ J _______ ....... .;. ...... ______ i ____ _ i ; ! ! ····-!-····· ·····1-··· ·······\--·· ·-··-1·-·· ··-t-·- i -----1 -----------r----------1------------t --------! ---- ------! ------···; ....... -----(-------....... ;-----------t---··· i I ------4------·· ....... : ---------------: -----·······+---------+-·· i l _____ :_:______ ' i __ : _______ --------'--···· -··· : -1 ---. ------!--··· -------4--------------!---···· -------+----· -------!---- ···----1--------!---··· _______ ) _______ -------!----·· _____ .]_ _____ _ l • J ····-· ! ·-·· .... t _. -·--·i ...... ··-..1··-·· ~ .. ! .. ·-. - - . - . - I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ---.. ·l·---------1----------:---... -----i-... ------.. r--- .. 30 ..L----------------....L-...l..--.J_--!--'--,l,-'--.J,.--"---:1:-'-::l:---"--4:-:-----i O 20 40 60 BO 100 MOISTURE CONTENT 0 E LEGEND . -. • -• Plastic limit Natural liquid limit I 11 I ~ @AGRA I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon samplo I I -i'l'f Groundwat.rlcvclattimcofdrilling Earth & Environmental w NJE 11335 NE 122nd Way. Suite 100 ~ No grow,dwalcr -Klr1<1and, Washington 98034-6918 I ~'------------------------------------------------' Date drilled: · 22 September 1995 BWG Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Logged by: I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Bdsffng Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown w.o. -0 1----i.=~~:ht~/t/:::::~~dyGRAVEL (RIO ------~:. l_ S-I --------------------------- NIE -5 . -10 • -15 - '"20 · >-25 · '"30 u -" "i C ~ C 0 ~ > C LU ~ C • ~ " • LU ~ "' "' Loose to medium dense. damp, brown. silty. fine SAND with some fine gravel ------------------------------ I i ATD NIE Dense. damp, brown. fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with some sift Boring terminated at approximately 9feet LEGEND 2.00-inch OD '!'lit-spoon ,ample Grouodwatc:L level at tiroo of drilling No groundwatct cnoountcmd ~- - - . - - . . - S-2 ·- . -- 11-I 0521-00 BORING NO. 8-9 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ... 6 Page 1 of! Standard Blows per foot 10 20 30 Other ,o 50 1E511NG ..... ···----!----------; A ---r,,·-------\--L ... .J \ ! \ --------:---.----------------i t ----t\ -_i_____ : -----+----- ··--··· r-------------t--------------:-------------! ____________ , ------- \ I J_ +-t .. -i= ::):: : I I : ---+---------:---------!-----____ j __ _ --·-· . ····-----+---· ····-··!·--·------~------·-----1 ------ ______ ! __________ i _____ , -\ __________ j _______ ~-_j ___ _ I 4 l ~ ·---...I----. i ' 1 ------=------------i ·---· ----··-·!------· ----; ------____ .;.. __ _ ____ t_ ________ J _________ J__ ______ _J_ -__ t - ------! -----· ______ 1 ________ j _____________ l_______ -----. ----- ~-----! -I : --:----- -------+---------L----------;------. -----:-----------···: ······- i i · : i I : ----: -····· _____ .,. ___ ----··;----T ! 0 20 .ca so ao MOISTURE CONTENT . -• • Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, SUtte 100 Kirkland, Washington 9BOJ4-691 B 100 Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG - - - - . - - - - . I I I I I I I 1 - I I 'I PROJECT: Renton Retail Site "" 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown ~-2· Asphalt Pffi'.5'[!1ent _______________ / 1----i-_ Crushed Gravel Pavement Base _(RIIL _______ _ Very loose, wet, brown, silty, fine SAND -5 • !---+------------------------------Very sol/, saturated, gray, fine sandy SILT. >-10 - -15 - ""20 • moderately dllatant Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to coarse sandy GRAVE!. with silt !---+----------- -25 • Grades to dense Boring terminated at approximately 26.5feet . w.o. [ S-7 - LL S-2 11-1052 1-00 BORING NO. 8-) 0 PENETRATION RESISTANCE A. 6. Page 1 of I Standard 10 Blows per fool 20 30 Other 40 so TESTING --------r---...... .1....... . ..... .!. ..... . ....... i ............. ..; ............... +------- -·--· -:--------------j ··--··· _______ J _____ ------:--····· ----··: ------- i l --------:--------------!---···· I t.. 1 1 _ ------··•'····-·· ------; ______ _ -l------------~ ·--- . ______ ;_____ ---· ! ···-··-_______ j ------------: ____________ .;.. ___ _ i ! ~ .... _L_. --·-1----··---·1------l--_ .. J_ ... --LL S-3 LL LL . . +- S-4 S-5 -- S-6. i i i i f i ···---!------... --+---·-------i J ·-·--+--·· -------i ---- i i I i ; • --··· i, ---··· ----~-•• : . j -···-:------·--·-; ---· ------;·-···· --; --· . . -r----- ·---i ·-··· ·---: ....... ·-·--1--·\ -t·-· ·-: ...... . ·-----L. ---+-···· ...... !-···--~,lt·-· ...... 1. --· __ .. _ ~-------~--+-----........ ~----___ J_,_ -------~ .... .. ----: ----· ______ ) ____ ------f --------~---·· ----: -···· - . . - . - - - . 'I 'I I I I -·--1-·-· ·-··t-·-···i-··· ·--:-· ·---~-- -30 .L-------------------1--L--1-~ol-...!--2,J,o--'---• .L,o-'--!sol:--'--ao:!:--'---:,l:coo:---; MOISTURE CONTENT 1 1 I e 2.00-mch OD splh-'P""" sampl• ! @AGRA I . ; ~ Groundwuor1ov.1a1timoofdrilling Earth & Environmental w 11335 NE 122nd Way. Suite 100 ~ NIE No grow,dwata ,ncount=d Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 ~L--------------------------------------------~ LEGEND_ I Drilling method: Ruid Rotary Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: . -. • P!a,tic limit - Natural liquid limit 22 September 1995 Logged by: BWG PROJECT: Renton Retail Site w.o. [:: 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION ;'J'" :'J gj ~ ~ 7 7-70527-00 BORING NO. 8-7 4 PENETRATION RESISTANCE • 6 Page 1 of! I I I [:; Jl Location: Dozer Trail, South edge of Site ;,1< t ~ j 8 < Q -~ ;'!: a:0 ;:t" Standard Blows per foot Other -O+A_p~p~r_o_xirn~a-te~~~u_n_d_surf_~_e_cl_e_n_w_·_n_:_Ll_n_m_o_w_n __ ~-~-~ .. -r-~o.,_~~10.,__~2~0~-~'°'--~~·~o-~~5~o~TESTIN=~G~ Grass(r opso/1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I Very loose to loose, damp, llght brown. silty. fine ·: SAND . -5 -.1 5-1 1--..... ·--·------------------------------- t-10 - -15 - Loose, wet to saturated, brown, fine SAND with trace to some silt. moderately to very dllatant Loose. saturated, gray, fine to medium SAND with trace silt 1---1----·-·------------·------------------ -20 - '"25 · Medium dense to dense. saturated, gray. fine to medium GRAVEL with some fine to coarse sand and trace to some silt 1----------- Grades to dense Boring terminated at approximately 26.5 feet . LL 5-2 - -1 5-4 5-5 \ i : : ! 1 ........ , ...... + .... c. ....... 1 ........ .; .... -........ ). ·······.······· , •••••.•• , ••..•.. , .•.••. .C.. •.••• , .••••• J, ......... · ____ !....... I T : ! i 1 ........ c. ...... + ...... .c.. ...... , ... -.... : .............. ! ••.•••• ·······'······· --' ...... ~-··· ! ! : t ····---! ····· ....... I·-···· ........ ( ........ ··-··· !----·······{······· ~ ____ l·,,, 1 -·· -··-·-\ ·······-·J. 1 _·-·· .J. ...... i ·······, ··•··· -1-- ____ ,t __ , l ...... ! ····-· ____ J ___ _ ' ; i ; --~----· .. J ..... J .. _ ...... 1 ... r .. L ... . ··---:---· -- ..... _! ___ _ - --- I _____ .J_____ ; ! .. 1 ~-i j -----: ------------... ···-·· ....... : -···· j _ .. .. --~ ----1---·······:----------1······· .------1 --·-···-t-······ -···i·--·-···· i ...... ___ j_ __ -·-· i --..... 1.~=· I O -30 ..L.-------------------'--...l..--'---lo--'--,.1.,-.c_...J,~o--'-""so-.,__•J..o-'--~,00.,..,...---, -" LEGEND MOISTURE CONTENT 1 . - Natural I ~ I ~ Plas~climit j 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample. '001 Grain size analysis @AGRA w ~ . . liquid limit I ; Earth & Environmental .Y. AID Groundwater le.Yd at time-of drilling w NIE No grouodwater oncount.erod 11335 NE 122nd Way. Suite 100 ~ Klrldand, Washington 98034-6918 •~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' Drilling method: HSA Hammertype: Automatic Date drilled: 22 September 7995 Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I -. I I I I I I I PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown ,...._Asphalt Pavement _______________ _,,,,,,. 1---1 Brown, gravelly SAND (RID .... 5 • Veiy loose, wet to saturated, gray, s/ffy, nne to medium SAND with trace nne gravel (OVM Oppm) . 1-~-+--~-------~---~~-------------------Loose, saturated, gray, gravelly. nne to coarse -10 - '-15 • SAND with some snt with s/ffy stringers (OVM 0 ppm) Boring terminated at approximately 17.5 feet - - ll '-20 • - -25 · - w.o. 7 7 -7 052 1-00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE .i.. 6 Other 8-15 Page 1 ofl Standard 10 Blows per foot 20 JO so lESTING l .. -·-·--!--------------'.---------------: · ~!----------!----------1------------i-------f------ -'- S-1 -!---l-, -~---1---1- -~ ; I ! ' S-2 ; ' i ! •~----~---'---------------------L--1 -l ! i I --i ------~ --------1------------l------i---- 1 ! i t I -----. ----------i -----------r----______ 1 _____ -----• --- , i -- -!--------+--------~-------+------------!----· ! ' i l , i I 1 ~ i-LJ__ J_ J_ -~ j i =~~ =-l ::_:::!=:-!:-:± .. --i ··--· ____ L ________ _j _____________ 1...____ _ ______ .;. ______ _ i j ! -- ------+-----------i-------1----------1----------+--- . - - - - . . . - - - - . 1~f--I---l-t -30 ..._ _________________ ....1.._..__..__4-....;._1..-...J......J.-l..-...J......J.-.L-...J...-+----i 0 20 "40 60 80 100 I MOISTURE CONTENT ~ ~ LEGEND . - I I ~limit Natural o I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample OVM -Head.space method measurement ] oforgmucvapors,madowith A .AG RA -10.V photoionization dotcctod. '::)' I } ~ Groundwatalcvclattimeofdrilling Earth & Environmental w 11335 NE 122nd Way, SUlte 100 < NIE No groundwater encountered a: Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 ' Liquid limit l ~L--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Date drilled: 25 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRJPTION Location: Existing Parklng Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown w.o. 7 7 -I 0521-00 BORING NO. 8-16 PENETRATION RESISTANCE A 6 Standard 10 Blows per foot 20 30 Other 40 Page I of! 50 1ESTING -...~Asphalt Pavement---------------~/ 1---1 Brown, gravelly SAND (RIO NIE I : -5 - • 10 - • 15 • >-20 • -25 • r-----------------------------loose, damp, gray, gravelly, fine to coarse SAND with trace ta some silt (OVM O ppm) Medium dense, moist, gray, fine to coarse, sandy GRAVEL with trace silt (OVM O ppm) Boring terminated at approximately · 9 feet [ ~, - ~2 - - . - . . - -- - --·-->-------------·+---·--- ______ _J _____________ ! _______ --··· _______ 1 ______ -------------· ' . . ........ : ............. '-------____ ! _______________ : _______ ··-----'······· : , .. i .... .,. .... \ .. i ... ··r ...... i ........... . :::=: :::=: ::~.· :~=:: :::::::~::::~ ::=: i ::::::: :~::::.::~: ! I ! i t --t I i ·i ....... ; ....... .. ... \ ............ I ............. j. . ..... L .. ------i -----------! ·----_____ _!. _______ ··-··-i ----· _______ ]._ _____ _ ! ! -------!------.. ----~--------l ... --- ···-· '-·-··· ___ J ___________ .[. ____________ 1.____ -----! --·· ; l -----+------------!----··· --···· '.----·-· -----: ---· ·······; ·····- f i _____ ___!______ ; l : : -----;--------: ···-·· ........ i------_____ J ___ :... .... + ... ·-·· ! ! ...... t .......... ( ..... ---i ........... )._ ..... f .. - i i I i .. - .. . . . . ..... J ........ ) ....... --~---· ! -· ...... t .... . I -30 -'--------------------J.-...L.--J.---lo--'--2.Lo-'---,Lo---'-.J.oo_.!., -.'-o-'---1,oo----1 1 MOISTURE CONTENT LEGEND ~ . I .~-, I OVM -:&ad space method ~asurcmcnt Plastic limit Natural 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample of organic vapon. made with. ~ io...pbotoicruzationde~ 0 AG RA I ~w: ~ Groundwater1eve1a1timeotdrilling r Earth & Environmental NIE 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 ~ No g,oundwat« ODO<>Wlt=d Klrldand, Washington 98034-{)918 liquid limit "' .• <'------~~~~~~~~~~-------' Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Automatic Dale drilled: 25 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT: Renton Retail Site SOIL DESCRIPTION Location: Existing Parking Lot Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown ,,.__Asphalt Pavement _______________ ....,,,.,,.,,~ 1----<,~Crushed Rock Pavement Base (RIO------~/ 1---1----'Brown, gravelly, fine to coarse SAND (RID ____ _ Loose to medium dense. damp. brown. fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace to some slit - -5 - '----------- Grades to loose with trace slit - -10 - ----------------------------- -15 • Very loose, saturated, brown. fine SAND with trace slit. very dl/atant t---+----------------------------- -20 • -25 · Medium dense, saturated, brown. fine to coarse sandy GRAVEL with trace to some slit · Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet - - w.o. 1 S-1 J_ S-2 J_ S-3 ~ S-4 -- 77-70527-00 BORING NO. PENETRATION RESISTANCE A 6 Other 8-17 Pagel of I Standard 10 Blows per foot 20 30 so TESTING ..... ..J,. ---··· -------i ------· -·-··-·· '--······ . ···--t_. ... . ... .,. i --·-......... ; ............... .l........ • ....• J ------· ------.---.. _[ ________ ! .. _.___ t . _i ______ ---·---'-----_____ ..; ______ ··-----! -----· ····----/ ----------T ; ... !_ .... _._.J ___ _ -----•------·· -----!-----------! __ _ ___ ·t. -----··'-·-····-·----1-------·----I-------____ J ____ --- ·-f··-\! i i ! ----!-----~ ------!-----·-·-·-t---·--···-··!---- ··---t------·-__ ( _____ ····---!-------.... :-----j_ -·· ; _ .. I _____ ._ ··--··'-·----------i-----------:-----·--·-~--- i . ' • . -··-··-,···---...... : ------· ········(··---------; -----....... :········ i 1 ------i----i i ; I ----i ··--·-i ------·--·· t-·----------f-----·· - - - - . - - . - . - . =+ :::l=c ~~ ~:-t I ;-30 ..L.--------------------'--'--'---!o-----::'20:--'--',o:--'--::'60:--'--::'•o=----~,t:00:---1 -" LEGEND MOISTURE CONTENT ~ . I ! 0 I Plastic limit Natural _ 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample -~ w ~ Ii w i I AID NIE Groundwater lcvol at time. of drilling No groundwater encountered liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 I <.____~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drilling method: HSA Hammertype: Automatic Date drilled: 25 September 1995 Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .¥ ~ I I 1 w I I ~ " PROJECT: Renton Retail Site ... 0 SOIL DESCRIP110N Location: Cat Road, South part of Site Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown Grass Surface and Topsoil 1---1-Loose, damp, brown, silty, gravelly, fine SAND -5 - 1---1-------------------------------- Very loose, wet to satuJtaed, brown, silly, fine SAND, moderately di/at ant t-10 • . . W.0. . -ll S-1 1 S-2 ~ 15 ~ f----~-~·------------,--·----~---------·---+--,----1 -- Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to coarse ll 5_3 sandy GRA VH with trace slit ""20 • -25 - Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet . - . -- S-4 -1-- I I -I 0521-00 BORING NO. 8-18 PENETRA110N RESISTANCE A. D. Page 1 of 1 Standard Blows per foot Other 10 20 30 40 so 11:STING ···-· ........ --····-.: ..... l ' T _______ \ ______ _ [ -----·-+··----- . ; i i : _____ J _____ ------j ------_____ ) ______ -------~ ____ ........ J .. ___ _ - . ·-{·-·-· ..... J.J ..... .!. .......... l ....... .J .. - --!··--··-·-! ...... \-·1··-·-· ··-·I--·-._1._ .. ....... J ....... ····-! .......~ -·-· -·-·-t-·---· . -·f ······ - ---: ---···· ------!---····· -······ :-----· ------~---. ------:-----------i-------------·!··--·----·-·-·; ------· ------;------ i i i 1 ··---· ; ·-·-·-···-·· :--···----·-····t········ -----·T·-----·--1 .. ··-··· 1 - >-30 ...1... _________________ ....L.._..J...._..J...._-l---'--J...._.J.......J._J...._.J...-'--J...._-'--l------i 0 20 40 60 80 . 100 LEGEND I 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample .Y. AlD Groundwata lcvcl at time of drilling MOISTURE CONTENT :1-----•--~---i. Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, SUtte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 I <._D_ri_Ui-ng_m_eth_od:_·--H-SA----H-,m-=_r_type_: __ A_uf_om--afi-.-c----D-a1e-dril-l-ed_:_2_5_S_e_p_te_m_b_e_r_l_99_S ___ Lo_g_ged-b-y:-B-W-G---' I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I i • I I e ·s Ji I ! • "' ~ PROJECT: Renton Retail Site w.o. 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-7 9 :,: SOIL DESCRIPTION :'J ::J gj ~ S J Location: Cat Road, West part of Site ~ ~ !i1 § o ~ 0 ._, Approximate ground surface elevation; Unknown v.i ;'3 Z ~ ~ 0 -0 " Gras,JDuffSurtace with TQPyo/1 _________ _ t---1 Loose, moist, mottled gray and tan, silty, fine SAND PENETRATION RESISTANCE A 6 Other Page 1 of2 Standard Blows per foot 10 20 30 40 50 1ESTING _J _____ · ____ ..J ______ _ ' -------}---·-·· ..... . ------+······ ······· i .... .1...... . ...... l ! i ---------'··-···--·------'---------------: _______ ....... L ____ _ ! _____ ..,._______ ------: ·-···· ········>-·-·· ···--··: -----------; ·-··- ' ' I ! -··-·i·A•----!·-·-·i····t-·· ···-+-··· =- -----·-; .. ------! -------------1----------·; ....... ··--·+······· -5 ---1 S-1 . ! >-10 • Grades to very loose, saturated, wllh trace slit, very di/a/ant -------------------------------15 • Medium dense, saturated, gray, fine to coarse, sandy GRAVEL with trace to some slit -20 .. i-25 • Grades fo brown wllh sllght/y coarser overall gradation Grades to medium dense, saturated, brown, gravelly, fine to coarse SAND with trace slit LL S-2 . U_ S-3 l S-4 1 ____ l_ .... ------l-----·-______ ) _____________ ) _______ ----:.· ----- ! .Y_ ....... ; ·-· ···-+···· -····-+-···· ... t-··-···-: ······· ATD . ! ! j -i l I ... J •. -····-l·-·-· ... -.l..... ···-·1······ ' i i . --- . --·-j -----'-·-· ! ...... -------f----·· -----+-----·----+--···· ·---!------1--·-! ··-........ ) ---··-· -----1-----· -···---l------ ·--..l .... J._ . ······!··· ·····-1--·. -:---···· - ____ I___ _ __ .f. ... J ~ .. J .. _________ J____ _ ____ L ...... - I I ; I ·-·---: ··---·-..... -.; ---··-. -----:---·-·· . ··----~----· ----i ·---- _____ j _______ l.., ____ ! ···-------__ .J __ ..... -------! ··--· 1------1---···- i : I l ---··--1-----l...----+----------··f··-····· ------r--------··+---·--· -...... J ...... ·····-·'--------'~---· ·····-'-----------:---··· i : • ! _____ ___!_____ ! i ! . ·-·· !····-· ___ J _______ J .. _ :::~c::: ~=~: ~~~: ---! ------····--· ! -·--· --f-----···---! ··-··· ·---r--··· . -30 -'----------,---------....I..-...L...--'---1--'--'--'---'-"-'---±--'--',--'--;l;;c----; ( continued) o 20 ,o so so , oo I ..Y. AID NIE LEGEND MOISTURE CONTENT • 2.00-inch OD split-spoon sample pH=7.0 Soil pH test Groundwatcc level at time of drilling -WW-Resistivity test No groundwater encountered • Go.in sizo analysis Plastic limit liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Sutte 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 I "' .,._ _______________________________________________ ~ Drilling method: HSA Hammertype: Automatic Date drilled: 25 September 7 995 Logged by: BWG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -: c I I "' ~ Ii PROJECT: Renton Retail Site w.o. 7 7 -7 052 7 -00 BORING NO. 8-7 9 ~ "' SOIL DESCRIPTION ::J ~ ::J ffi §1 ~ .TRATION RESISTAN6 §; .J! Location: Cat Road. West part of Site !l1 ~ I 15 < Cl ._ ~ 3 ~ ~ Standard Blows per foot Other Page 2 of 2 Approximate ground surface elevation: Unknown -, .,_,, 0 ,0 2o 30 4o so 'IESTING -30 4-....:..:'--~~.:::....~~~~~~~~~~~~--l-~....-~....-~~~~~-,--=;:~~..:;c.-,-__;~~--:;,c....::::..:::....:...i SAND (As Above) u_ S-<S l-----"-----~~-.J _________ ! ___ _ 1-~-1------------------------------ -35 - -40 - -45 - -50 - >-55 • I ~ AID Dense, saturated, brown, fine to coarse, sandy GRAVEL with some silt Boring terminated of approximately 36.5 feet IBGEND - - - - - - 2.00-inch OD ,plit-,poon sample pH=J.D Soil pH test Groundwatc:r level at time of drilling No groundwater CDCOUDtered -- S-7 - -- -- - i. -:i' ·-L··-i-! ....... 1. .... -------r····-+-------"-· ____ , ________ ,______ i, . '--L-~ -------.'--------------f------+- i \ ! -----i-----------!----------1----~ --------~---- ------~--_ _i -----_______ _!__ _________ __i_____ --_-__ -__ ti_-_-_-_ ______ L ____________ ·1 1 ........ ______ l______ _ _ -----: ---' ., I I ! ::+=+~~t~= -!-- -------; ---~--~-----------!·-···· __ ._ ... : ....... ____ i ____ _ _______ J. _____ -------L-----------l-----------1 ---1 ; 1 i ······· ; ······· ------\------------t----------1------1 -----! ....... -·-·· !--··-·· ______ __: _______ ---·· ! ······· ·······! -···· ······-~ ............ _) ··--··-·····-! ·-·-· --· ~ .. ; ! ----! ----------1------........ L .............. ; ....... ___ _l __ _ ··-·f--------·--· '···-·-___ ___! ______ ------!------·---~I-·-·· ...... :---··-___ J _____ ·······-~---·-· ---t ....... --·-t-·-·· ' ! i _____ J ...... . i i 1 i •••••• J ..... . t = I = .. ·----l---··· __ .l_ _____ ------t,.--····· ____ J _____ -----t---··· 1 .. ! ·--· ·-·-+·--·-----l----....... 4, .... --·-: ·-··· I 1 . '. l t ·t-i t t--·-· D 20 '40 60 BO 100 MOISTURE CONTENT -. . -. Plastic limit Natural liquid limit @AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Klrldand, Washington 98034--09 l 8 - - - - - - - - i I <LD_ci_Ili-ng_m_eth_o_d: __ H_SA ____ H_•ro_me_r_type_: __ A_uf_o_m_afi ___ c ____ D_ate_dril_Je_d_:_2_5_S_e_p_fe-m-b-e-r-7-99-5 ___ Lo_gg_ed_b_y:_B_W_G _ _. I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES AND RES UL TS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Laboratory Testing Procedures APPENDIX B 11-10521-00 A series of laboratory tests were performed during the course of this study to evaluate the index and geotechnical engineering properties of the subsurface soils. Visual Classification Samples recovered from the exploration locations were visually classified in the field during the exploration program. Representative portions of the samples were carefully packaged in watertight containers and transported to our laboratory where the field classifications were verified or modified as required. Visual classification was done in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system. Visual soil classification includes color, relative moisture content, soil type based on grain size, and accessory soil types included in the sample. Moisture Content Determinations Moisture content determinations were performed on representative samples obtained from the explorations in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. The determinations were made in general accordance with the test procedures described in ASTM:D 2216. The results of the tests are shown on the exploration logs in Appendix A. Grain Size Analysis A grain size analysis indicates the range of soil grain sizes included in a particular sample based on particle diameter. Grain size analyses were performed on representative samples in general accordance with ASTM:D 422. The results of the grain size determinations are presented in this appendix. California Bearing Ratio Tests A California Bearing Ratio test was performed on a composite sample of the site soils in general accordance with ASTM:D 1883-73, to provided an evaluation of the relative quality and support characteristics of subgrade soils. Representative portions from the sample were compacted in a mold, in general accordance with ASTM:D 1557-78 to provided a moisture- density relationship curve. Following compaction, a 15-pound surcharge was applied to each sample which was then totally immersed in water and allowed to soak for a period of 72 to 96 hours, during which time it was monitored for swell. At the end of this period the sample was removed, drained and a vertical load applied to the surcharged soil with a penetration piston at a constant rate of strain. Measurements of the applied vertical load were obtained at selected penetration depths. CBR test results and moisture-density relationships plotted in terms of percent water content versus percent corrected CBR and dry density are presented in this appendix. Soil Chemical Analytical Tests For use in determining corrosion potential of the site soils, we submitted soil samples for pH and resistivity tests. Samples were submitted to Am Test in Redmond, Washington. Samples I I I I I I I -, I I I I I I I I I I -1 from borings were submitted for pH testing while samples from borings were submitted for resistivity testing. The results are presented at the end of Appendix B. SOIL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS RES UL TS SAMPLE LOCATION Q)::! Resistivity ( ohm- cm) B-7, S-1 6.5 10,000 B-19, S-1 6.3 6,400 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36" 12· 6" 3" 1112" 314· 3/8" 4 10 20 40 60 100 200 I I I I 100 -\ ' >I: \ 90 \ ' - BO \ ' ' - I-' I 70 I ' (.'.) ' ~ 60 -' .:.. ' >-' m -' a: ' ' wso ', z II ii: - ~ 40 w I\ () -a: \ W 30 a. "" - 20 - 10 ti, -I'--k_ 0 1000.00 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS I l!Q\11.Q!aM I ~QmE~ I:: I Fine I Co•= I Med;,m I Fine Is;, ·I Clay : EINs OfWNsO ~Q Exploration Sample Depth Moisture Fines Soil Description • • • • • B-2 S-1 5.0-6.5' 3% 3% Sandy GRAVEL, trace silt •-+-•-•-• B-14 S-1 5.0-6.5' 18% 87% Fine Sandy SILT ·------------B-19 S-2 1 O.Cl-11.5' 32% 35% Silty Fine SAND Project Renton Retail Site @AGRA Work Order: 11-10521-00 Earth & Environmental Date: 10-6-95 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 0.00 I I I I CALIFORNIA BEARING RA TIO (ASTM 1883) 125 124 123 ~122 ~ 121 ~ 120 <:: ., Cl 119 c Q 118 117 116 115 "' 7 "' ' \ \ \ \ " 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 o' ~ 100 90 80 70 60 a:: 50 en (.) 40 30 20 10 0 Moisture (% of Dry Weight) 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Project Renton Retail Site Work Order. 11-10521-00 Date: 10-9--95 Exploration: B-1 Sample: Grab Max Density: 121.5 pcf Optimum Moisture: uses: Silty Gravelly SAND Moisture ("h of Dry Weight) 10.5% 0AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 I I I I APPENDIX C AASHTO PAVEMENT DESIGN t I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I -, AASHTO 1986 METHOD FOR DESIGN OF PAVEMENT STRUCTURES FOR: Proposed Retail Project· Renton, WA DESIGN LIFE: 20 years DESIGN CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO: 5% INPUT VALUES FOR STRUCTURAL NUMBER (SN) Estimated ESAL (20 yrs) = 51,100 Reliability (R) = 85 % Standard Normal Deviate (Z,) -= 1,037 Overall Standard Deviation (S 0 ) = 0.5 Roadbed Modulus (MR) = 7500 psi Effective Resilient Modulus (MR, seasonally adjusted) = 4500 psi Initial Serviceability (P 0 ) = 4.2 Terminal Serviceability (P,) = 2.0 Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) = 2.2 Structural Number = 2.6 Input values for thickness calculations Asphalt layer coefficient (a,) = 0.33 Base course layer coefficient (a 2 ) = 0.12 Base course drainage coefficient (m 2) = 1.15 Recommended Pavement Section Thicknesses (inches) Standard Heavy Asphalt Concrete Crushed Base 2 3 Course 4 4 REFERENCE Specified Specified 1-62 1·62, 111-51 1·14 11·14 11-12 Specified 11-12 11·35 11-19 11-20 11·26 Compacted Granular Pit-run Subbase 6 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX D FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FACT SHEET I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FACT SHEET This form shall be included in the Geotechnical Investigation Report as an Appendix. PROJECT: Proposed Retail Store LOCATION: Renton WA (City) (State) Geotechnical Investigation Report submitted By: AGRA Earth and Environmental. Inc. SCS Soil Hydrologic Group Not Rated Soil Name __ U~rb=a~n~La=n=d~------ Infiltration (Circle One):(9 Fair Good Very Good (not tested) Ground Water Level: 6 feet Wet Season• 7 % -14 feet Dry Season Topsoil/Stripping Depth varies. 6 -10 inches Undercut Required (Circle One): Ye@ Compaction Method (Circle one): Standard Proctor (Modified Proctoi) Minimum Compaction Required for Upper 1 = Feet of Site: Building Area 92 % Outlot Area 92 % · Parking Area 92 % Waste Area% 92 % Compaction Equipment Type and Weight:.__,Vc.cib""r""a,....to,,,r~y_,R""o"'l.,_,le"'r ___________ _ Compaction Tests: 1 Test for Each 5000 Sq. Ft. each Lift Structural Fill Maximum Lift Thickness 8 inches {Measured loose) Subgrade design CBR (or LBR) value = 5 COMPONENT Stabilized Subgrade (If Applicable) (HRTJ Subbase Material (Pit-run or Recycled Concrete) Asphaltic Base Course (If Applicable) Crushed Baseffop Course {If Applicable) Surface Course ASPHALT STANDARD HEAVY NA NA 6 8 NA NA 4 4 2 _3_ CONCRETE STANDARD HEAVY NA NA 6 8 NA NA 4 4 5 6 Note: This information should not be used separately from other portions of this Soil Investigation Report. I I I I -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA This form shall be included in the Geotechnical Investigation Report as an Appendix PROJECT: Proposed Retail Store LOCATION: Renton WA City) (State) GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: AGRA Earth and Environmental Inc. SOILS REPORT DA TED:.__,1...,_1_,0"'c"-'t.,,_o"'be,,_,_r_1,_,9'-"9'""5'------------------ Recommended Option FOUNDATION OPTIONS: _1_ Augercast Foundation Piles _2 _ _ 3_ BEARING PRESSURE: Dependent on pile diameter and length. see text _____ MINIMUM FOOTING SIZES: 18" continuous. 24" spread MIN. FOOTING EMBEDMENT:_.,_1.,.8-"in'-"c"'-h""e"'-s ________________ _ FROST DEPTH:_1"-'8"--'-'in,scech"'e-"-s------------------------ TOT AL SETTLEMENT ( 1 " MAX) :,'---1-'--'/_.,2,_,iC!..!n-"'ch'-'-"o"-'n-'p""il"-'in""g'--------------- DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT ( 1 /2" MAX):,_1,._,/...,2,_,i-'--'n,,,ch'-'------------------ ____ SLAB: POTENTIAL VERTICAL RISE (1/2" MAX):,_,n.!.!oan,.,,ec._ _______ _ VAPOR BARRIER: . ..,NL.!.S<Co..l(2'Sesa,ea...L!re,..p.,,oart~j ________________ _ CAPILLARY BARRIER: 6 inches sand/gravel WSDOT Specs 9-03.12(4). 13. 15. 16 SUBGRADE REACTION MODULUS:_-11.,.5~0'....l&cLi ------------ PERI METER DRAINS RE Q'D:_,Yc.see.saSc,_. _,S,,,ee.,e"-!..Sre,.,,p,,,,o,_,rt,_,t,,,e""xt.,_ ___ _.:_ _________ _ CONCRETE: ...x__ Type I _L Type II _ Type Ill Other SPECIAL COMMENTS: _______________________ _ NOTE: This information should not be used separately from other portions of this soil investigation report.