HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_Modification-Retaining_Walls-2018-02-12DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Modification.doc 02/2017 M SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS MODIFICATION Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7294 | www.rentonwa.gov PURPOSE: A modification is a means by which an applicant may request to modify a Code requirement when there are practical difficulties involved in carrying any of the provisions of the regulations when a special individual reason makes the strict letter of the Code impractical. FREE CONSULTATION MEETING: Prior to submitting an application, the applicant should informally discuss the proposed development with the Planning Division. The Planning Division will provide assistance and detailed information on the City’s requirements and standards. Applicants may also take this opportunity to request the waiver of the City’s typical application submittal requirements, which may not be applicable to the specific proposal. For further information on this meeting, see the instruction sheet entitled “Submittal Requirements: Pre-Application.” APPLICATION SCREENING: Applicants are required to bring in a CD or USB portable (flash/hard) drive (or other device or pathway as approved by your assigned project manager) with one PDF file of the application package for informal review by staff, prior to scheduling an intake meeting. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for application screening. COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED: In order to accept your application, each of the numbered items must be submitted at the same time. If you have received a prior written waiver of a submittal item(s) during a pre-application meeting, please provide the waiver form in lieu of any submittal item not provided. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL HOURS: Applications should be submitted to Development Services staff at the 6th floor counter of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please call your assigned project manager to schedule an appointment or call 425-430-7294 to reach the Planning Division. Due to the screening time required, applications delivered by messenger cannot be accepted. All Plans and Attachments are subject to Electronic File Standards APPLICATION MATERIALS: 1. Pre-Application Meeting Summary: If the application was reviewed at a “pre-application meeting.” 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Modification.doc 02/2017 2. Waiver Form: If you received a waiver form during or after a “pre-application meeting.” 3. Land Use Permit Master Application Form: The application must have notarized signatures of ALL current property owners listed on the Title Report. If the property owner is a corporation, the authorized representative must attach proof of signing authority on behalf of the corporation. The legal description of the property must be attached to the application form. 4. Fees: The application must be accompanied by the required application fee (see Fee Schedule). Please call 425-430-7294 to verify the exact amount required. Checks should be made out to the City of Renton and cannot be accepted for over the total fee amount. Credit cards may also be used to pay required application fees. Fees are paid at Cashier on the 1st Floor City Hall. 5. Project Narrative: Please provide a clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project including the specific code sections being modified. 6. Justification for the Modification Request: Please provide a written justification for the modification request. The Burden of proof as to the appropriateness of the application lies with the applicant. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title, the Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided he/she shall first find that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical, that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification. Please submit a written statement addressing and justifying how the modification request complies with each of the following issues to be considered by the Administrator: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. 7. Neighborhood Detail Map: Please provide a map drawn at a scale of 1" = 100' or 1" = 200' (or other scale approved by the Planning Division) to be used to identify the site location on public notices and to review compatibility with surrounding land uses. The map shall 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Modification.doc 02/2017 identify the subject site with a much darker perimeter line than surrounding properties and include at least two cross streets in all directions showing the location of the subject site relative to property boundaries of surrounding parcels. The map shall also show: the property's lot lines, lot lines of surrounding properties, boundaries of the City of Renton (if applicable), north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. Please ensure all information fits on a single map sheet. Kroll Map Company (206-448-6277) produces maps that may serve this purpose or you may use the King County Assessor’s maps as a base for the Neighborhood Detail Map. Additional information (i.e. current city street names) will need to be added by the applicant. 8. Site Plan: Please provide a fully-dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of 1"=20' (or other scale approved by the Planning Division). We prefer the site plan be drawn on one sheet of paper unless the size of the site requires several plan sheets to be used. If you are using more than a single plan sheet, please indicate connecting point s on each sheet. The Site Plan should show the following:  Name of proposed project;  Date, scale, and north arrow (oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet);  Drawing of the subject property with all property lines dimensioned and names of adjacent streets;  For projecting signs, location of all existing public improvements including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, etc., along the full property frontage;  Location and dimensions of existing (to remain) and proposed: 1. Signs, including setbacks from all lot lines 2. Lot lines  Location and dimensions of all easements referenced in the title report with the recording number and type of easement (e.g. access, sewer, etc.) indicated ; and  For projects near the Cedar River, ordinary high water mark and distance to closest area of work for any project located within 200-feet of the river. 9. Architectural Elevations: Please provide for each building and each building face (N, S, E, & W) a 24” x 36” fully-dimensioned architectural elevation plan drawn at a scale of 1/4” = 1’ or 1/8” = 1’ (or other size or scale approved by the Planning Division). The plans must clearly indicate the information required by the “Permits” section of the currently adopted International Building Code (IBC) and RCW 19.27 (State Building Code Act, Statewide amendments), including, but not limited to the following:  Identify sign/building elevations by street name (when applicable) and orientation i.e. Burnett Ave. (west) elevation;  Existing and proposed ground elevations;  Existing average grade level underneath proposed structure;  Height of existing and proposed structures showing finished roof top elevations based upon site elevations for proposed structures and any existing/abutting 4 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Modification.doc 02/2017 structures; and  Sign materials, colors and architectural design. All Plans and Attachments are subject to Electronic File Standards REVIEW PROCESS: The Administrator will review your request for modification and issue a written decision within several weeks. A public hearing is not required unless there is an appeal filed. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Modification Application.doc Rev: 12/2015 MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4, R-6, R-8, R-10 AND R-14 ZONES EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 | www.rentonwa.gov APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Company (if applicable): Mailing Address: Phone: City/State: Zip: PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Parcel Number: Zoning Designation: Project Location: Brief Summary of Request: Please explain how your project proposal meets the "guidelines" for each design element, rather than the standards. Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. “Roofs” Guideline: Roofs shall represent a variety of forms and profiles that add character and relief to the landscape of the neighborhood. The use of bright colors, as well as roofing that is made of material like gravel and/or a reflective material, is discouraged. Compliance with Guidelines: Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. “Architectural Detailing” Guideline: Architectural detail shall be provided that is appropriate to the architectural character of the home. Detailing like trim, columns, and/or corner boards shall reflect the architectural character of the house. Compliance with Guidelines: Print Form Reset Form Save Form Pulte Homes of Washington Inc 3535 Factoria Blvd SE, Suite 110 (425) 216-3466 Bellevue, WA 98006 Forest Terrace 042305-9142 R-4 2611 Union Avenue N.E. 25-lot residential subdivision to contain retaining walls exceeding 72-inches in height. N/A N/A 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Modification Application.doc Rev: 12/2015 Code Section: 4-2-115E.1. “Garages” Guidelines: The visual impact of garages shall be minimized, while porches and front doors shall be the emphasis of the front of the home. Garages shall be located in a manner that minimizes the presence of the garage and shall not be located at the end of view corridors. Alley access is encouraged. If used, shared garages shall be within an acceptable walking distance to the housing unit it is intended to serve Compliance with Guidelines: Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. “Windows and Doors” Guidelines: Windows and front doors shall serve as an integral part of the character of the home. Primary windows shall be proportioned vertically rather than horizontally. Vertical windows may be combined together to create a larger window area. Front doors shall be a focal point of the dwelling and be in scale with the home. All doors shall be of the same character as the home. Compliance with Guidelines: Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. “Primary Entry” Guidelines: Entrances to homes shall be a focal point and allow space for social interaction. Front doors shall face the street and be on the facade closest to the street. When a home is located on a corner lot (i.e., at the intersection of two roads or the intersection of a road and a common space) a feature like a wrapped porch shall be used to reduce the perceived scale of the house and engage the street or open space on both sides. Compliance with Guidelines: Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. “Façade Modulation” Guidelines: Buildings shall not have monotonous facades along public areas. Dwellings shall include articulation along public frontages; the articulation may include the connection of an open porch to the building, a dormer facing the street, or a well-defined entry element. Compliance with Guidelines: Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. “Eaves” Guidelines: Eaves should be detailed and proportioned to complement the architectural style of the home. Compliance with Guidelines: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Modification Application.doc Rev: 12/2015 Other Design Standard: Code Section: Guidelines: Compliance with Guidelines: In addition to this form, the following attachments are required: Site plan and elevations (8.5x11 size) Built example photos (if available) Criteria for Modification of the Residential Design Standards Renton Municipal Code, section 4-2-115, lists elements that are required to be included in all residential developme in the zones stated in subsection B of this Section. Each element includes both standards and guidelines. Standards a provided for predictability. These standards specify a prescriptive manner in which the requirement can be met. Guidelines for each element are provided for flexibility. These guidelines provide direction for those who seek to me the required element in a manner that is different from the standards. a.The determination as to the satisfaction of the requirement through the use of the guidelines is to be made the Community and Economic Development Administrator when no other permit or approval requires Hear Examiner review. b.When it has been determined that the proposed manner of meeting the design requirement through guidelines is sufficient, the applicant shall have satisfied that design requirement. I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. Applicant Signature: Date: Retaining walls RMC 4-4-040.D Max 72 inches tall Proposed walls exceeding 72 inches will be screened by homes when behind the home and by landscaping when in a sideyard. Kyle Lublin 2/12/2018 Page 1 of 4 18396.009 RETAINING WALL HEIGHT MODIFICATION NARRATIVE for FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT Prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. February 12, 2018 SITE DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located north of SR-900 on Union Avenue. The site is forested and has moderate to steep slopes. One single family home exists on the site. Surrounding the site are residential properties to the north, west, and east. South of the site is Sierra Heights Elementary School. Union Avenue N.E. (east of the site) is classified as a Minor Arterial and currently has a 60-foot right-of-way. The western portion of the site is bisected by a regional utility corridor that includes Puget Sound Energy and Olympic Pipeline facilities, as well as a dirt roadway to access the utility corridor. The topography on site is a hillside with slopes of up to 50 percent in some areas. The site generally slopes downward to the north with an overall loss of elevation of 100 feet across the site. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposal is to subdivide the subject property into 25 residential lots. The development will be comprised of detached single-family homes. The project is designed to have a central road (Road A) that will provide access to all of the lots. An additional road (Road B) is provided per the City’s requirements for neighborhood connections. One (1) drainage facility tract (Tract A) is planned to provide detention and water quality as required and. A fire lane is proposed within Tract A from Road B to Union Avenue N.E. As necessary for site development, the project will be mass graded with cuts and fill balanced as much as possible on site. There is a 100-foot wide regional utility easement for power and natural gas that bisects the eastern portion of the site. Portions of the site will be undisturbed in an attempt to retain as many existing trees as possible in three (3) open space tracts. ACCESS: The proposed development will take primary access from Union Avenue N.E., a minor arterial, at its existing intersection with N.E. 27th Place. Frontage improvements will be constructed on Union Avenue N.E. along the property’s frontage. The project will construct two new public road segments, which will provide direct access for the lots and present opportunities for future road connections to neighboring properties. Proposed Road A aligns with N.E. 27th Place and Road B provides opportunities for future connectivity. The required public road stubs force the project to be graded to match existing elevations and topography at the two connection points. GRADING AND TREE RETENTION: The topography on site is a hillside with slopes of up to 50 percent in localized areas. The site generally slopes downward to the north with an overall loss of elevation of 100 feet across the property. In order to develop the site consistent with the R-4 zoning, significant grading is necessary to create lot pads and roads for the development. During the feasibility phase of this project, the applicant explored a number of location options and alternatives to gain access to the proposed development including roads high and low on the property. None of the other options had a better ratio of site distance, grading impacts, tree retention, connectivity, utility viability, or grading. The road alignment currently proposed, which creates all of the lots as far north as possible, provided the best balance for all of the code requirements, safety, and constraints of the site, including road connectivity to the west and intersection alignment with N.E. 27th Place. The following constraints have resulted in the proposal and necessitate to construction of several retaining walls exceeding the maximum allowed height of 72 inches: Page 2 of 4 18396.009 • Connections to existing neighboring properties o The city’s requirement to establish two road connections to adjacent properties forces additional grading in the development area to match grades at the north and west property lines. • Matching existing grade at the regional utility easement and providing connection to west property line o The new road crossing and extension to the east must be approved by Puget Sound Energy and Cascade Natural Gas. Both regional utilities have particular requirements for construction methods and clearances over/under their respective utilities. The project has been graded to match existing elevations as much as possible. • Lot development o The limits of grading impacts up the hillside are not caused by the proposed flat pad grading of the lots. The flat building pads only dictate the need for retaining walls taller than 72- inches behind the homes on Lots 12 to 24 for the sole purpose of saving approximately 30 trees (approximately 25 percent of the retained trees) farther up the slope that would be impacted by grading if the proposed rockeries were only 72-inches. If the retaining walls were made shorter, than the grading would have to go farther up the slope to catch existing grade. The 10 foot tall retaining walls in the rear yard area of the affected lots replaces what would otherwise be the 10-foot “tuck-under” that would occur in the garage to home transition of the future homes. Because tuck-under homes have the least desirability from home buyers, they are avoided when possible. o The proposed rockeries exceeding 72-inches on Lots 12 to 24 will be shielded from public view by the homes on the lots. o The proposed Boundary Line Adjustment with the Perkins property facilitates retention of existing trees surrounding the existing home and buffering it from the new development. RETAINING WALL STANDARDS AND REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION Below in italics are the retaining wall code requirements and the standards/criteria by which a Modification Request can be considered by the City followed by the applicant's responses as to how each criterion is met. RMC 4-4-040.D. STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES: 1. Maximum Height: In any residential district, the maximum height of any fence, hedge or retaining wall shall be seventy two inches (72"), subject to further height limitations as specified in this Section. MODIFICATION REQUEST Below in italics, is the standard by which a Modification Request can be considered by the City along with the applicant's responses as to how each criterion is met: RMC 4-4-040C.2.g. Modifications: Pursuant to RMC 4-9-250D, Modification Procedures, the Administrator may grant modifications to this Section’s retaining wall standards. Approval of a modifications permit may include conditions such as, but not limited to, increased setbacks, additional landscaping, a requirement to terrace or specific materials to be used. RMC 4-9-250D.2 Decision Criteria: Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title, the Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided he/she shall first find that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical, that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: Page 3 of 4 18396.009 a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; Response: The proposal to develop the subject property with 25 homes is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations of the site. Neighborhood connectivity is facilitated by the construction of two new public road segments that will connect to neighboring properties. The following Comprehensive Plan Objectives and Policies support development of the site as proposed with 25 lots and the modified retaining wall heights on 12 of the lots, at the Fire Lane, and at the Road A entrance. The following policies and goals support the project as designed. Policy L-3: Encourage infill development of single-family units as a means to meet growth targets and provide new housing. Policy L-15: Residential Low Density – Place lands constrained by sensitive areas, those intended to provide transition to the rural area, or those appropriate for larger lot housing within the Residential Low Density land use designation to allow for a range of lifestyles. Residential-4 Zone – Zone lands suitable for larger lot housing and suburban, estate-style dwellings compatible with the scale and density of the surrounding area Residential-4 (R-4). R-4 zoning is allowed in the Residential Low Density Land Use Designation. Goal L-BB: Maintain a high quality of life as Renton grows by ensuring that new development is designed to be functional and attractive. Policy L-57: Complement the built environment with landscaping using native, naturalized, and ornamental plantings that are appropriate for the situation and circumstance and which provide for respite, recreation, and sun/shade. Policy L-58: Provide complete streets along arterials and arranged as an interconnecting network or grid. Locate planter strips between the curb and the sidewalk in order to provide separation between cars and pedestrians. Discourage dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; Response: The proposed retaining walls will not impose any safety risk to the public or private property owners. The walls behind Lots 12 to 24 will be screened from public view by the future homes. The side yard walls on Lot 12 and Lot 14 can be landscaped to screen them from public view. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; Response: The walls on Lots 12 to 24 are not adjacent to other properties; therefore, this criterion does not apply. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; Response: The intent and purpose of limiting retaining walls to 72 inches is presumably to require development to try to prevent visually unattractive walls that could loom directly over adjacent homes, prevent radical alterations of a natural hillside, promote overall quality and character of hillside neighborhoods, and to limit import and export of earth materials on city roads. Page 4 of 4 18396.009 The proposed retaining walls will assist in tree retention and balancing earthwork grading for the site and reduce the amount of imported material needed for development. The retaining walls and rockeries will be screened with landscaping and by homes to minimize visual impacts to the public. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and Response: Because of the site’s unique characteristics that demand connectivity in two locations as well as a regional utility corridor, the proposed retaining walls and rockeries are necessary to develop the site consistent with its intended intensity of use. The project proposes fewer homes than allowed in the R-4 zoning designation because of the same site conditions. The proposed wall segments that exceed 72 inches will remedy the unintended consequences of wall height regulations to support the higher goal of tree retention 25 percent trees more than could be retained without the taller rockeries behind Lots 12 to 24 (30 additional trees retained out of the total 119 trees retained). f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Response: The walls on Lots 12 to 24 are not adjacent to other properties; therefore, this criterion does not apply. FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 / 1 2 / 1 8 T P N : 0 4 2 3 0 5 9 0 6 9 TPN:0423059002TPN:0423059314 T P N : 3 3 4 5 1 0 0 4 6 0 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T T P N : 0 4 2 3 0 5 9 1 1 4 TPN:0423059142TPN:0423059069 T P N : 0 4 2 3 0 5 9 2 3 4 UNION AVE NE TPN:3345100510 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T T P N : 0 4 2 3 0 5 9 1 1 4 TPN:0423059142TPN:0423059069 T P N : 0 4 2 3 0 5 9 2 3 4 UNION AVE NE T P N : 3 3 4 5 1 0 0 5 1 1 TPN:3345100510 FOREST TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT F O R E S T T E R R A C E P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T SIERRA GLEN LOT 4 404 390 VOL. 95-41 12 778800 403 LOT 1 KCSP 279003 0100 13 0110 389 14 05140010 0350 0140 0460 0130 0120 2 10 0512 1112 7 T H P L . S . E . 9 0340 0030 E LOT 3 0050 S.E. 95TH PL.8 0344 7 0020 0080 0333 389 645 0040 0060 0342 0343 0331 0330 0341 408 0070 0450 3 0510 0511 16 5 130.01 52.8814 0 43 . 3 2 N 65 - 5 1 - 4 1 E 13 0 65 172.63 7.0 1 39. 2 7 4 4 . 3 4 R = 4 9 7 6 . 9 7 160 N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E R=25 4 5 . 5 122 118.93 S 88-22-45 E 10 N 88-22-45 W 39 5 - 1. 2 3 88.53 S 2 0 - 0 8 - 2 5 W 12 2 . 3 9 23 0 135 15 108.93 52 16 8 . 4 5 14 9 . 1 2 50 23.6 R=4 5 N 1 - 1 6 E 350 N 82-40-05 E 40 . 3 7 36. 4 2 S 5 5 - 5 1 - 1 2 W 177 . 1 9 20 . 0 1 N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 24 413.02 70 S 4 - 0 2 - 3 4 E 56 . 7 7 125 15 1 . 0 8 3 3 . 3 7 11 9 . 4 3 65 4.58 N 88-22-45 W 102.72 120 15 S 89-39 E 120 3 0 R= 2 5 30 . 5 24 S 89-31 E 19 . 8 8 137.5 102.03 S 7 34 . 0 1 14 1 . 0 9 13 0 130.99 500 15 0 R=2 5 13 6 . 9 9 12 5 . 1 6 N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 15 0 44. 5 3 N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 91 . 5 2 15 0 24 256 100 110 N 86-13-10 E 9 123.04 67 0 93.33 125 N 88-22-45 W N 79-54-16 E 172.48 3 0 325 20 5 100 100 39. 9 1 90 48 6 . 9 4 ( P ) R=2 5 15 0 182.24 16 0 . 7 2 49 5 - 56 5 15 0 88 . 7 7 12 8 . 5 1 13 1 . 6 8 30 . 5 4 N 2 3 - 2 2 - 3 9 E N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 90 S 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 W 80 S 4 - 0 1 E 1 7 8 . 3 7 76 . 8 4 113.44 90.4 3 0 62.5 95 N 9 - 4 7 E N 78-44- 4 3 E S 9 - 4 7 E 3 2 7 . 9 5 S P . 3 7 + 1 9 . 9 S 0 86 S88-22-45E S88-22-45E 350 237.46 13 4 335.99 23 0 N1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 4 5 0 S0 - 5 9 - 2 8 W 2 3 0 . 0 1 N88-22-45W 256.02 S 89-39 E 333.47 N1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E S0 - 5 9 - 2 8 W 1 5 0 . 0 1 N88-22-45W350 10 5 . 9 0 OF S W Ã OF S O F S W Ã 10 0 160 10 0 160 N L N S 25872 SF 38400 SF 20295 SF 11801 SF 13850 SF 68829 SF 12150 SF 15988 SF 102542 SF 4.26 AC11805 SF 36800 SF 2.35 AC 12740 SF 14878 SF 13790 SF 185500 SF 17587 SF 12805 SF 10925 SF 13408 SF 15641 SF 12976 SF 14995# 17137# 12248# 16051# 276855# 6.36 AC 76987# 1.77 AC 16000 SF DEDIC. T O K . C . B Y S P . D ED. T O P U B L I C S H E E T 1 O F 6 OL D P L A T R E C . OL D P L A T R E C . NO R T H 1971.9’ W FR SE 1/4 COR (CO. RD. N O . 3 6 8 ) (BOSS BL V D S . ) (BOSS BL V D . ) 1319.51 N 88-22-45 W 1319.51 12 ’ A C C E S S E S M T . KCB L A L 0 5 L 0 0 5 3 LOT A LOT B 9161 124 20 5 . 9 4 30 25542# 124 20 6 . 0 2 D E D I C . T O K . C . B Y S P . 12 5 7-33 W 0316 98.11 BLA 65.45 13 . 1 1 2 N1 5 - 3 9 - 0 9 E 61.49 BLA 160220# PCL D N80-27-40 E B L A 0320 B 45W BLA 35.77 N83-30-26E BL A N83-30-26E N1 5 - 3 9 - 0 9 E B L A 273.27 BL A 3# 12557#12 3 . 0 6 B L A 0 003 101.22 +/- 13 5 . 4 4 B L A 3.68 AC 13 2 N D . A V E . S . E . (J . T . G I L M O U R R D . N O 4 3 1 , E S T . 1 8 9 8 , N . - 7 0 0 ’ ) 12988 SF 11700 SF 500 (P.) 1 5 9 . 4 5 38 8 . 0 8 ( P . ) S 6 2 - 4 4 - 1 7 E 50 95 .25 S 1 6 - 2 1 - 5 9 E 1 3 8 . 3 0 8001230722 S.E. 95TH WA Y 9138 71 N9 - 0 7 - 3 5 E 16.31 24 130 S88-22-45E N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E S 83-30-38 W 70 0 ( R D . ) R = 2 5 20 200 6 0 40 N1 - 3 7 - 256 30 160 S 79-34- 3 7 W 24 6 . 1 1 0334 1 71 +/- . 2 0311 N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 49. 9 2 1 1 6 . 9 1 "A" N 80-26-11 E 19. 8 8 14 5 54.73 LOT 2 64 149. 3 1 0090 4 PRIVATE R 0200 21 19 NE 27TH 3 0220 0210 0020 REN SP 227-78 LOT A 0190 0010 0030 TR A 7903019007 LOT B 278775 2 20 1 UN I O N R I D G E 4 RENSP043-87 3 0030 2 0100 0040 0090 GLENCOE V 0060VOL 2 0 4 / 7 1 - 7 3 8 5 1 0010 0020 0050 1011 9 0110 6 0070 0080 R = 3 1 . 3 0 8254 . 4 9 4 5 . 4 9 26 3 . 7 4 13. 7 3 75. 0 6 N 5 8 - 0 2 - 1 0 E N 0 1 - 3 1 - 4 5 W 82 39.13 78 . 9 4 10 8 4 . 8 0 R=14 4 . 2 9 30 N 88-44 W R= 1 2 5 36 . 0 4 13 9 . 0 8 10 2 99 16.9 5 10 8 R=20 4 2 78.27 N 88-19-05 W 142.82 109.4 0 R=285 8 . 9 8 76.5 9 10 8 6 . 2 1 79 10 30 29 2 30 49.7 9 3 0 1 1 7 . 7 0 12 8 79 . 7 6 2.3 5 78 4 6 . 4 4 10. 5 4 23.91 10 8 7 . 6 2 97 . 6 6 1 3 7 . 0 6 30 2 7 . 2 7 3 1 . 6 0 N 3 2 - 5 4 - 5 1 W 102 31.37 73.82 40.43 23.52 87.57 30 N 88-44 W 180.41 94 . 6 4 79 . 0 6 29. 5 6 R=2 0 R = 2 0 96 64 . 3 6 21 6 . 2 4 94 . 6 4 N35 - 1 8 - 3 0 E 8 1 100 N 88-19-05 W N 1 - 1 6 E 11180 96 6 0 3 . 6 5 ’ P N 1 - 1 6 E 102N 88-44 W 30 128 30 120 96 . 4 2 2 6 4 . 7 4 49 N 88-44 W R = 2 0 100.40 96.96 55. 4 7 80 108.9697 30 7 2 . 8 0 108 . 1 1 N 81-44-1 1 W 1 0 8 . 3 3 S. 7 8 5 . 4 0 1 4 8 S 2 0 - 4 0 - 5 7 E 66 8 8 . 7 5 N1 - 3 6 E 94 . 6 2 345.64 25.00 11 3 . 0 4 11 4 . 6 6 52 . 1 1 3040 . 0 7 R=5 0 154. 0 6 14 9 . 5 5 N 3 8 - 5 1 - 5 2 W 157.23 39 4 . 2 1 6 1 . 7 5 R=45 N 5 2 - 3 8 - 4 2 W 58 1 0 8 5 1 . 9 2 43 . 6 9 8 1 . 6 2 1 7 5 N 57 - 4 4 - 3 3 E 168 . 9 8 79.05 1 3 2 . 4 7 8 2 N 4 3 - 1 9 - 3 7 W 108 . 9 8 119 . 5 5 N 9 - 4 4 - 4 5 W 3 3 . 0 5 N 88-22-45 W N 1 5 - 1 3 - 1 8 W 50.58 19 . 4 0 8 2 N 3 1 - 5 6 - 5 8 E 1 4 0 N 3 3 - 0 2 W N 5 4 - 1 6 E N 3 1 - 1 3 - 0 6 W R = 1 0 0 . 0 0 R = 2 0 49 4 3 1 . 5 9 N 9 - 4 4 - 4 5 W 91.78 4 1 . 4 0 N 1 - 4 0 - 5 5 E 35.57 7 6 0 10 4 N 9 - 4 4 - 4 5 W 185.78 5 5 . 2 6 S 6 7 - 1 0 - 5 3 E 36. 5 2 N 1 - 1 6 E 1 030 . 1 7 3 5 . 4 1 25.00 N 2 9 - 3 2 E 9 7 48.7 6 R= 2 0 N 9 - 4 4 - 4 5 W N 88-19-05 W 13 0 N 2 3 - 5 3 - 4 0 W 169. 0 6 30 60 77.49 5 8 . 5 2 13 . 8 6 15 2 30 R=20 6 3 . 6 0 65 110 3 0 . 8 4 4 2 . 5 2 230 76.50 27. 4 3 N 3 0 - 0 3 - 1 0 W 97.79 36 . 2 1 129. 4 5 120 N 6 9 - 1 0 - 3 6 W 72 . 7 5 100 N 81-58-1 6 E 2 4 82 35 8 3 . 8 4 74 . 4 5 94. 0 3 148 12.75 30 14 9 . 1 1 60 1 2 6 . 3 9 46 1 6 102.60 7 7 . 5 0 N 58 - 4 1 - 0 4 E 92 85 . 7 6 1 8 43 S 2 4 - 2 2 - 4 5 E 2 0 1 . 8 4 495.67(P.) 67.6 6 667.50’ 77 . 1 0 27 N 1 - 1 6 E 1 3 . 8 6 80 11 0 10 8 . 7 1 4 7 . 8 65 95.87 11 0 59 92 . 9 8 -30 E 1 2 7 . 6 3 8 0 . 0 0 -59 E 88 N 88-22-45 WN 64-42-55 E 80 77.50 129.45 R=45 N 88-14-45 W 50130 . 9 2 68.35 130 157 . 4 0 30 98 79.21 R=2 0 96 N 88-22-46 W 112 319.56 2 1 1 1 2 . 2 0 117 . 8 2 S 53 - 5 7 - 3 8 W R=20 1 8 2 . 4 1 176.45 1 6 7 . 1 8 N 6 - 4 4 - 2 0 W 25 N 88-44 W 105 94 1 9 8 . 9 1 N 1 - 4 0 - 5 5 E 19.68 N 2 4 - 5 9 W 60 2 6 0 . 1 6 N 1 - 1 6 E 15 5 5 6 . 9 2 0 0 130. 3 6 N 88-44 W 33 8 . 7 6 13 5 100 88.17 10 5 141 . 77. 0 6 P 14 5 N 88-19-05 W1 1 0 . 7 9 R = 2 0 0 . 0 0 45 1 1 3 . 8 1 44 1 3 3 . 0 5 80.4 .3 70-5 6 - 5 1 E 6 8 . 4 3 6 R= 3 2 5 S 88-28-15 WN 74-5 3 - 5 0 E 24.04 1 9 115.3 9 N 88-15-36 W S 1 - 5 6 - 1 9 W 15125 46 . 5 7 49.61 48.67 N 6 2 - 0 5 - 2 5 W 100. 4 5 88 . 2 6 R = 3 0 1 4 . 1 6 10 8 4 . 8 11.40 39. 1 9 0 114.17 N 88-19-05 W 11 0 R=4 5 7 9 . 4 8 47. 1 2 38. 7 3 8 0 . 6 3 50 2 9 . 0 7 S 3 4 - 5 8 - 1 6 E R = 2 0 N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 5 8 76 . 5 8 7 5 2 2 . 0 3 6 4 . 6 4 N 76- 0 9 - 3 0 W 30 88 16 6 + / - 0 . 9 2 70 9 6 . 9 6 4 R=2 0 76.10 87 16 6 103.03 42.0447.14 10 9 . 3 1 30 10 5 . 7 0 150 33. 7 7 53.91 59 .28 6625 2 5 16. 7 9 3 1 . 5 6 N1 - 1 6 - 1 2 E 100 137.50 60 130 R=2 0 3 5 . 4 1 3031. 2 7 51.65 79.85 10 3 R= 2 5 . 0 0 94 94 7 1 . 6 9 95. 6 5 120 180.41 18 2 . 0 4 96 R = 2 5 . 0 0 4 2 . 8 8 10 3 30 R = 2 0 1 8 37. 1 1 164.05 75.32 N 1 - 4 0 - 5 5 E N 80-13- 0 0 E 93.25 94 27. 4 3 R = 2 0 84.54 33 . 4 3 11 0 30 . 0 0 30126.87 128.26 30 N 0 1 - 4 1 - 1 1 E 576.70 N 88-18-49 W 7.65 R = 2 5 4 4 . 5 0 3 2 .5 6 82 . 6 1 N 6 4 - 2 6 - 1 7 W 59. 0 4 35. 8 8 30 . 0 0 30 N 88-19-05 W 6 6 . 8 3 1 3 1 . 6 7 1312.78 12 1 . 8 3 107.45 147.95 150 30 R=2 0 1 3 2 . 1 9 37 55 60 83.8360 30 55 N1 - 4 1 - 1 1 E 74.63 30.61 30 72.48 30 200.40 40.4 7 1 0 5 . 4 3 33. 1 7 54.45 98.61 30 N88-18-49W 564.67 P 120.57 30 7 9 . 3 4 125 25 30 N 80- 5 3 - 4 5 W 137.5 N 88-22-45 W 1 5 9.66 3 7 . 8 5 123.51485.6 4 74 . 3 8 5 5 161.55 2 9 .9 2 1 1 4 . 3 1 37.6 8 s 9 - 4 1 e 14 8 . 4 6 9 6 66 7 5 . 4 1 180 . 0 3 6 2 . 5 1 59.88 46 R =5 5 1 0 0 60 34.8 5 30 6 4 150 25 130 282.64 N1 - 1 6 - 2 6 E 4 3 7 . 2 2 P 11 0 28.38 4 2 95 9 0 . 3 7 374 4 . 4 4 120 30 25 3 7 5 5 133.43 99 . 7 7 85. 0 8 5 1 . 7 1 122.39 1 0 5 . 7 0 N 0 - 2 8 - 5 2 E 120.46 99 . 7 4 R = 3 0 0 71.05 3 1 . 2 2 46 . 9 7 8 5 . 5 10 7 . 5 7 99 . 7 9 20 N 6 2 - 0 9 - 2 7 W 30 5 . 4 8 76.50 R = 2 5 3 9 . 2 7 132.65R=2 5 39. 2 7 130.6 7 62.5233.3730 99 . 7 6 20 3 7 N 1 0 - 1 8 - 2 0 W 130 57 . 3 6 6 6 7 5 60 59.69 6 6 N83-23-56E 29 6 . 8 9 P 30 101.84 122 . 8 8 N 80-13- 0 0 E 84 . 6 3 10 5 2 9 . 7 1 27 . 2 9 29.98 R= 4 5 R=120 N 81-19-48 E 6 7 . 1 8 90.30 N 1 7 - 1 4 - 4 2 W 3 2 . 4 9 2 4 6 6 104.90 113.88 N 88-24-00 W 30 R=2 5 35. 1 6 36.42 N 1 - 5 6 - 1 9 E N 9 - 4 6 - 3 4 W 2 8 2 . 6 1 P 2 6 . 7 3 44 . 3 9 127.8521. 1 3 30.96 5 0 . 3 5 2 8 . 6 7 68 11 0 25 0 17 2 . 8 9 5 . 3 8 120 1 4 2 . 7 6 60 6 6 30.7 7 1 3 7 . 7 2 92.71 S 68-2 7 - 0 8 W 99.28 303 2 . 9 5 R=2 5 R=2 0 101.69 11 0 N83-23-56E N 0 9 - 4 6 - 3 4 W N 88-13-0 0 E 10 5 30 13 5 48.71 6 0 29 . 7 2 296.89 P N 1 - 5 5 - 5 9 E 1 4 0 . 2 7 N79-41-40 E 1 3 0 P N88-19-48W 9 7 . 6 2 N 80-13- 0 0 E 202.15 6610 1 . 8 7 14 5 . 3 1 620 30149.79 N79-41-4 0 E 1 7 9 . 7 9 P 30 30 78 45 . 4 5 43 7 . 2 2 1 8 0 . 3 6 0 25 1 0 5 . 1 3 N 1 0 - 1 8 - 2 0 W 1 2 7 . 2 3 N 88-19-25 W 32.73 6 9 . 4 1 1 1 5 8 60 N 88-24 W12 8 . 0 8 5 1 9 . 5 3 P 32.0 1 3 6 . 6 12.5 100 30 R =55 30 75176.99 75.28 450 80 3 0 . 3 9100 8 7 . 1 0 180 . 0 3 1 5 1 . 5 6 7 3 . 6 1 1 0 3 . 2 3 3 0 .3 8 80 1 0 3 . 2 5 4 7 . 1 0 2 8 1 . 5 9 P 2 8 1 . 5 9 P R = 2 5 72 8 3 . 1 4 74.51 5 5 . 7 6 2 0 . 1 6 27 0 N 88-24-00 WN70- 1 2 - 5 0 W 9.41 166 . 1 8 66.1 5 P 70 47.0 1 P 5 8 . 9 1 85.07 3 4 .4 7 70 N37 - 4 9 - 0 3 E 3 0 . 0 0 3 6 . 8 8 45.90 N60- 2 3 - 5 3 E 3 9 . 3 7 9.62 3 0 .3 8 42 50.39 N 0 9 - 4 6 - 3 4 W N 5 2 - 4 5 - 5 1 W 113.97 1 1 3 . 3 9 2 0 6 6 . 3 65. 1 4 P 296 6 . 9 15 5 30.21 14 0 . 9 7 1 3 0 . 3 9 2 1 0 . 1 5 N 9 - 4 4 - 4 5 W N 9 - 4 4 - 4 5 W 1 2 2 88 10 8 7 . 6 2 30.21 12 2 . 1 1 2’ 10 1 . 8 6 94 5’ N 8 - 2 1 E N 2 - 0 6 - 3 4 E 123 74 . 8 5 74 . 8 5 ( P ) 74 . 8 5 60 40 5 . 7 1 ( P ) 183 155.98 N 0 1 - 5 5 - 5 9 E N 87-49-33 W 73 . 2 1 76 28 . 9 3 ( P ) 87 . 9 2 255 N 87-49-33 79.99 80 73 . 0 7 1- 5 5 - 5 9 E 30 779 . 7 2 S 80 130 130 30 8 . 2 3 98 80 98 80 100 30 181.5 64 . 9 5 S 1 - 5 5 - 5 9 W 12 0 65 . 1 2 S 88-06-08 E 181.5 N 88-01-45 W 65 . 1 2 14 8 . 2 3 148 . 9 6 S 4 2 - 0 3 - 3 0 W 130 70 64 . 9 5 N 87-57-22 W 90 7 12 N 1 - 5 5 - 5 9 E 12 2 . 0 3 12 2 . 1 1 10 1 . 9 9 31. 3 515 1 . 8 9 R=2 0 70 70 30 30 616.05 70.06 N 87- 74.3? R = 2 0 3 1 . 4 8 76 15 1 . 8 9 ( P ) 30 60 17. 0 3 35.19 68 . 8 1 25 94 34.82 50 94 20.48 30 50 50 65 . 1 9 92 . 2 9 90 50 86.50 95 50 26.34 50 181.50 51.50 6. 3 9 17 . 4 0 86.50 60 60 69 . 8 2 12 2 . 0 3 20 50 . 7 1 90 95 60 91.50 60 95 95 95 50 91 . 3 2 R=2 5 39. 4 5 25 90 50 71.50 60 20 95 14 5 . 7 2 R=25 39.45 50 90 86.50 60 95 51.5034.82 9600 SF 18939 SF 8500 SF 13047 SF 16150 SF 14100 SF 18132 SF 9500 SF 14600 SF 13711 SF 12900 SF 3.51 AC 10520 SF 12653 SF 8600 SF9600 SF 9600 SF 14433 SF 9400 SF 14000 SF 15550 SF 10300 SF 9600 SF 2.72 AC 9600 SF 9600 SF 9600 SF 10150 SF 9600 SF 11000 SF 74 SF 15900 SF 33283 SF 10000 SF 14433 SF 9536 SF 14433 SF 8675 SF 9682 SF 9400 SF7200 SF 7470 SF 9682 SF 9521 SF 10400 SF 9600 SF 4.86 AC 9880 SF 9600 SF 6068# 9514 SF 33110 SF SF 9602 SF 9643 SF 6955# 8060 SF 6661#8366# 7370#7920 SF 10034 SF5987# 9750 SF 9090 SF 6390# 12300 SF 8200 SF 6801# 5868# 10120 SF 5985# 12200 SF7920 SF 6964# 7260 SF 6906# 15280# 8932#8103# 7115# 7920 SF 9190# 168088 SF 7920 SF 11290 SF5712# 7617# 7260 SF 6000#8045# 7214# 397 SF 9600 SF 6477# 9312# 7267#15900 SF 15344 SF 7431# 5690# 7887# 7700 SF 7205# 14354 SF6470# 9850 SF 9631 SF 10450 SF10400 SF 11100 SF 10300 SF 9680 SF 10200 SF 9800 SF 10700 SF 3.31 AC 13300 SF 16700 SF 8996 SF 5268#4526# 5700# 4564# 4667# 7955# 5190# 4800# 4700# 6540# 4750# 5190# 4892# 5503# 5700# 4750# 21780# 10400#791 8455# 12740# 8029# 7588# 10897# 85 8455# 8539# 10’ ESMT. FOR ???? ??? UTIL. 1 0 ’ D r S E A T T L E C I T Y L I G H T T R A N S M . L I N E E S M T . P.S . P . & L . T R A N S M . L I N E E S M T . 10’ U T I L E S M T /DETENTION/ ES M T . 7 1/2’ UTIL. ESMT. 10’ 10 ’ U T I L . E S M T . 5’ UTIL. ESMT. 7’ CL 5 ’ U T I L . 5’ UTILITY ES ES M T . 20’ Rd Esmt CL 5 ’ U T I L . STORM DRAINAGE S.E. 96TH ST. 5019/622 (S T E V E N L . M A R T I N R D . N O 2 5 2 2 , E S T . 1 2 - 3 1 - 2 8 , C . C . V O L . 2 9 - 3 1 0 ) 32 N D . A V E . S E ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 53. 9 9 N1 2 - 0 4 - 4 1 E 2 2 . 1 3 P N5-43-36 E 3 7 . 7 2 P N1-40-12E N3 7 - 4 9 - 0 3 E 1 6 . 9 2 P 22. 7 4 20 . 2 5 N 1 0 - 1 8 - 2 0 W 2 0 . 4 2 P Lo t A KCLLA S91L0097 9404291427 RN L L A L U A 9 8 - 0 3 8 L o t C L o t B 35.76 35.71 AC AC POR 334510 0342 413 0015 18 7 0180 O L Y M P I A A V E N E 0005 3 VOL 1 7 7 / 8 6 - 8 7 002001650080 9 0025 0030 0070 12 0130 S.E. 101ST ST 300250 0090TR A 6 29 2 7 4 1 018510 030027 8 436 0270 0110 9142 1 5 28 126 02606 0060 TR B 0070 R E N T O N O R D . 4 3 3 7 4 0060 5 60100 0360 HONE Y C R E E K R I D G E D I V 2 0210 0340 5 33 0040 47 0480 0050 S.E. 98TH. ST. 0460 0190 34 36 0040 35 0350 0490 31 0035 0195 0040 52 0045 4 44 9006 50 05100520 0500 0330 6 320330 90030 1 0360 1 48 45 0450 0320 0320 1 3 0040 0410 2 0010 40 51 1 2 6 T H . A V E S . E . 46 0470 2 4310100 5 1 26 37 41 3 0020 04403 10 3 0050 00454 25 12 4 T H . A V E . S . E . 43 50 15 0150 41 33 0400 03100030 0530 53 34 56 0550 0030 S.E. 99TH. ST. 190160 12 18 0170 05400240 056042 1 35 0350 24 55 90 9313 16 0120 01900180 1 2 3 R D A V S . E . S.E. 96TH. PL. 0380 0370 9282 40 0230 14 0140 0300 0390 ATES 0110 17 20 0100 0200 0430 29 0020 36 6 2 11 10 L . 0260 M O N R O E C T . N . E . 0250 2 54 12 21 2330 VA C . O R D . 5 / 1 6 / 6 0 9 39 0410 0360 N.E. 25TH ST. 0130 11 0400 S.E. 100TH. ST. 3841 OR D . 8 4 3 9 3 10 9002 0100 22 13 0090 0110 8 0120 0220 9176 1 20 19 15 0180 0170 8 16 0160 1 1 0150 37 S.E. 100TH ST. 17 0210 0090 0240 18 0155 2 3 0170 0190 2 9324 01750020 2014034498 1 14NE 24TH COURT 02302400800070 0080 9 7 0010 0200 0010 4 9293 3 93103 OR D . 8 4 3 9 3 9156 13 2 N D . A V E . S . E . . S.E. 99TH. ST. 001 2 9181 0020 0030 3 9099 125T H P L S . E . 9253 12 5 P L . S . E . 415 414 0280 416 WESTERN H I L L S 929200 0290 VOL. 81-4& 5 01 9098 0160 3 0020 LOT 30010 2 88041490 LOT 1 LOT 2 0075 0030 1 1 0150 7’ U T I L . E S M T . 9653 SF 14349 SF 5986# 10199# 9600 SF 10164 SF 5564# 10300 SF 4500# 10200 SF 12550 SF 10400 SF 11 7 . 1 1 S 0 - 3 6 - 4 1 E E 80 . 7 3 39.71 R = 2 5 3 9 . 0 9 50 . 7 1 30 80 1 7 1 . 5 9 4. 9 9 N 1 - 3 7 - 1 5 E 6 9 . 7 3 46.5 3 6 67.03 N 1 - 4 0 - 5 5 E 66 96 45 . 1 5 04 -2 5 E 19 6 210.61 R=25 32.63 N88-19-05W 98 . 5 6 6 0 70 130 75 39 2 . 7 1 ( P . ) N 1 - 0 9 W 79.05 14.61 .95 100.15 287 . 5 0 12 . 6 4 230 12 4 8 . 2 9 60 R= 2 5 3. 9 6 227.38 MP RD ESMT. 11 0840 23 25 0120 49 0050 2 7 9314 5 0010 2 3 7 0160 N 1 - 5 5 - 5 9 E 14 3 . 2 3 80.49 93.07 30 77.79 S 2 1 - 2 0 - 3 3 W 880 9 2 0 98 0 9 0 1 9 0 0 1 5 0420 50 3 0 29.39 2 3 8 . 5 4 31.83 100.93 1 3 7 . 4 0 9281 2 S 88-19-25 E 135.11 9253 S 88-19-25 E 135.11 135.11 88 S 0 1 - 3 6 - 0 1 W 82 90.8910 10 82 N 88-19-25 W 10 10 N 88-19-25 W88 88 88 92 88 92 0005 00150010 0030 003500250020 9240# 9240#9240#9240#9240#9240#9660# 9450# 135 85 85 05 8925# 8925#8925#QU E E N A V E N E (SE 101ST ST)NE 23RD PL (1 3 0 T H A V E S E ) VE N E ME R C E R I S L A N D P I P E L I N E R . O . W . UN I O N A V E N E 30 30 n L . M a r t i n R d . N o 2 5 2 2 , E s t . 1 2 - 3 1 - 2 8 C o m . R e c . 2 9 - 3 1 0 , J . T . G i l m o u r R d . N o 4 3 1 ) 20750# 12392# 12392# 9128 8250# 82 . 6 1 82 . 6 1 30 370 3800#0166 15 5 14 5 14 5 14 5 13 5 55 45 87 80 N 0 1 - 3 6 - 0 1 E KCLLA 1 8 4 0 2 3 8405020 2 9 5 11890# 11988# 9240 N 88-19-25 W1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1726 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 41 42 43 VOL 261 / 3 2 - 3 5 25 24 2223 2021 19 18 42.75 98 . 9 0 88 . 8 3 98. 2 4 97. 8 4 4 3 . 1 1 5 1 5 1 98. 2 5 4 5 . 0 2 5 1 3 6 . 5 4 14. 4 7 72.85 74.68 25.09 1 1 1 120.66 9 4 . 1 1 41.15 83. 2 6 36. 5 4 1 1 0 . 0 5 62.12 61 44.17 10 6 . 4 2 61 58.99 40.48 8 5 8 .1 0 3 7 . 5 4 3 5.15 34.8 5 2 0 3 5 3 5 31.48 R =5 5 R=15 21.41 R=15 23.56 23.56 R=15 9 . 1 4 63 . 3 6 89.12 52 11 9 . 9 8 72 . 7 1 5 7 . 5 2 6 4 . 1 8 69.58 72 . 0 1 92 . 3 1 20. 8 4 81.50 56 51 . 8 6 105.21 15.12 38 . 8 1 113.06 57 . 8 2 10 0 . 3 3 69 . 1 8 42 . 2 1 125 30 108.88 57.36 91.99 50.33 50.43 60 50.42 50.33 50.3350.43 50.4260 10 0 . 3 5 10 0 . 3 8 10 0 . 4 0 10 0 . 4 3 2 6 . 2 7 20.62 26 . 5 8 1 1 8 . 0 3 63. 2 3 9 4 9 4 54 114 . 2 4 1 4 9 20 54 45. 2 3 7 9 5 5 5 5 104 . 2 5 114 . 5 10 157.13 47 . 2 5 2 4 . 5 8 18.89 62 . 7 9 43 . 9 0 51. 7 6 11 2 . 8 3 52.7566.60113.27 N1 - 3 6 - 1 8 E 74 . 6 9 P 90 . 2 3 89.99 47.96 51 .21 3 3 . 1 3 20. 9 2 R=330 222.28 P 22.63 N 4 9 - 4 3 - 3 6 W 3 6 7 . 4 8 P N40 - 1 7 - 0 4 E 164 . 8 0 --- --- N1 - 3 9 - 0 4 E 30R=1 0 089.6 5 4 0 32.34 2 5 2 5 60. 2 4 25 25 R=270 182.01 P NE 24TH CT N88-20-56W 236.5837.13 83. 4 6 2 4 .9 9 3 5 3 5 . 2 5 36.02 5 0 .1 1 R=5 5 20 . 1 3 R= 330 222.16 P 66 . 8 9 97 . 1 0 11 0 . 5 9 42 . 7 2 88. 4 5 2 8 . 3 1 117.35 17 . 2 89 . 7 8 116.5 8 9 8 . 9 6 52 . 5 6 60 113.19 89.85 69 . 7 3 56 . 6 8 60 71.71 37.58 10 5 . 8 0 91. 4 0 37 . 9 7 303.20 5 3 . 1 5 5 1 . 7 9 63. 0 6 R=15 27.48 27 . 4 8 R= 1 5 49 . 5 4 N88-19-20WN1 - 3 6 - 1 3 E 2 2 5 . 2 8 N1 - 3 6 - 1 8 E 1 6 3 . 9 9 P 20 0 3 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 5 7 9 66.14 105.11 P R= 2 5 44 . 9 8 P R=270 120 . 60 P N 4 9 - 4 3 - 3 6 W 3 6 7 . 4 8 P N88-19-20W 525.68 P N1-56-04E 5.0 P N1 - 5 6 - 0 4 E 30 30 N1 - 5 6 - 0 4 E 1 0 5 P 20 . 0 2 79 . 2 1 N88-19-20W 913.67 P 11 . 6 3 R=300 R=300 202.09 P 30 30 2 0 0 3 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 5 7 9 N 4 9 - 4 3 - 4 0 W 3 6 7 . 4 8 N40 - 1 7 - 0 4 E N 4 9 - 4 3 - 3 6 W P 1 9 4 . 8 6 1 7 2 . 5 6 R=300 202.09 P 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0090 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0180019002000210022002300240 0260 0280 0290 0300 0310 0320 0340 0350 0380 0390 0400 0410 0420 0430 5517# 10364# 5424# 5008# 5010# 5848# 6491#6958# 10 6 . 4 2 0080 5987# 0070 6665# 73 . 2 2 8681#5926#11589# 7013# 5778# 5037# 7726# 5684#5050#5060#6023#5064#5042# 7849# 12413# 6284# 5614# 6160# 7168# 5562#0330 8056# 33 7740# 6697#8398# 6908# 7926# 8046#40N1 - 3 6 - 1 8 E 1 7 0 P 6553#8282# 13713# 0370 27 0270 5076# 0360 7400# 6 0 9 HONEY C R E E K E A S T Util Es m t 92.77 Access/ 15 ’ W a t e r E s m t N1 - 5 6 - 0 4 E 3 0 0 P 13 . 7 6 22. 2 7 3 9 .7 3 0250 6544# 0. 5 8 344890 9 4 N E 2 3 R D P L ( S E 1 0 0 T H S T ) N E 2 4 T H S T 39 8 160 1280# 8 9234 9114 1.07 AC 46720# 160 9069 14.49 AC REF S U R 9 0 / 1 9 3 92120 9 9 0 0 6 N1 - 3 6 - 1 3 E 4 9 0 . 7 7 S U R N88-20-51W 1286.49 SUR N88-19-31W 913.66 SUR N88-18-49W 370 SUR N LN S 1320’ N1 - 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