HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_ project description & code compliance statement_180221 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 SEA HOUSER WAY – PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Project: SEA Houser Way- Verizon Project Location: 1655 N 4th ST Parcel: 1352301205 Zoning: CA-Commercial Arterial Proposal: Verizon is proposing to construct an unmanned telecommunications facility on the rooftop of an existing commercial warehouse building. The antennas will be installed on the rooftop, behind an opaque RF- Porous (RFP) panel enclosure, which will resemble a rooftop mechanical enclosure. There will be one enclosure in total, 15 feet in height, and it will fully screen the equipment. The cabinets will be installed within the same enclosure and rooftop cabling secured inside of a cable tray. The initial antenna configuration will include four sectors with two antennas in each. Each sector will have three remote radio units (RRU’s) and surge protection equipment. Two equipment cabinets will be installed, with space for a third in the event of future upgrades. The project will not create ground disturbance or increased impervious surface, and no alterations to the existing landscaping will be made. Current Use and Adjacent Properties: The subject property is presently used as a warehouse for the Seattle Opera. Directly to the north is the PACCAR warehouse; to the east, another warehouse. To the west, there is an office building, and to the south, the properties contain several small businesses, a pump station, and a small house. Critical Areas: The Renton COR maps indicate the property is within a wellhead projection area. All site construction will be limited to the footprint of the existing building and to existing impervious surface areas should utility upgrades be required. Access: The facility will be accessed via an existing driveway that opens onto N. 4th Ave, and via a roof hatch on the west side of the north corner of the existing building. Both are depicted on A-1 of the plans set. Topography and Terrain: The immediate vicinity where the site is proposed is west of I-405 and is relatively flat; to the east of I- 405, the elevation increases. The subject property is screened to the north by mature street trees that screen the subject building. 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 Distance to Residential: The approximate distance from the Rooftop WCF installation to a structure that may contain a residential use is 85 feet; the approximate distance from the Rooftop WCF installation to a Residential zone is 309 feet. Estimate is taken from the approximate location of the Rooftop WCF on the property. To house that may contain residential use: 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 Distance to Residential Zone: 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF RMC 4-4-140 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES: A. – C. The purposes, goals, applicability of provisions, and the authority of the City to review and approve/deny permits under this code are acknowledged by the applicant; the proposed facility has been designed with the intent to comply with the stated design standards and policy goals of this chapter. D. COLLOCATION REQUIRED: Response: Does not apply; no new structure is proposed, there are no existing towers to which to attach in the area, and the proposal is to install a new wireless facility on a rooftop (e xisting structure). E. ALTERATION OF EXISTING WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY (WCF) SUPPORT STRUCTURES: Does not apply; there is no existing WCF support structure on-site or in the vicinity that is being modified. F. STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL TYPES OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES: 1. Equipment Shelters/Cabinets: a. Location: Equipment shelters and cabinets used to house related equipment should be located within buildings or placed underground, unless it is infeasible. However, in those c ases where it can be demonstrated by the applicant that the equipment cannot be located in buildings or underground, equipment shelters or cabinets shall be screened to the Administrator’s satisfaction. b. Screening: Equipment shelters and cabinets shall be surrounded by a fifteen-foot (15') wide sight-obscuring landscape buffer along the outside perimeter of required security fencing with a minimum height that is no less than the height of the compound fence at any point; however, existing topography, vegetation and other site characteristics may provide relief from the screening 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 requirement. The required landscaped areas shall include an automated irrigation system, unless the applicant is able to justify an exception to this requirement to the Administrat or’s satisfaction. Related equipment facilities located on the roof of any building need not be landscaped but shall be screened on all sides in a manner that complements and blends with the surroundings so as to be shielded from view. Related equipment facilities shall not be enclosed with exposed metal surfaces. (Ord. 5798, 4-25-2016) c. Size: The applicant shall provide documentation that the size of any equipment shelters or cabinets is the minimum necessary to meet the provider’s service needs. The are a of the compound may be greater than is necessary in order to accommodate future collocations, but the area reserved for future equipment shelters/cabinets shall be the minimum necessary for the documented WCF capacity. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012) Response: The ground equipment will be installed within the rooftop antenna enclosure that will be integrated into the warehouse rooftop. While this is not “in” the existing building as preferred under (a), this additional enclosure will be integrated into the buildin g appearance and avoid construction of a separate ground-level enclosure. As the cabinets will be within the new structure, no further screening is necessary under (b) and no shelter is proposed as under (c). d. Generators: i. Architectural integration is required (if applicable). ii. To the extent feasible, generators shall be enclosed along with the related equipment. Similar to equipment shelters, the screening for the generator shall utilize similar building materials, colors, accents, and textures as the primary building; if no buildings exist on site, ensure that the building is designed to blend in with the environment. iii. A screening wall and/or landscaping material shall be required to mitigate visual impacts. iv. Fences shall be constructed of materials that complement and blend in with the surroundings. v. Anti-graffiti finish shall be applied to all solid fences, walls, and gates. vi. A noise analysis shall be required to demonstrate that the generator will operate within allowed noise limits if the generator is the sole power source. 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 Response: no permanent generator is proposed such that permanent screening is required. 2. Maximum Height: All wireless communication facilities shall comply with RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions. In addition, all wireless communication facilities shall comply with the height limitation of the applicable zoning district, except as follows: a. Monopole I: N/A b. Monopole II: N/A c. Stealth Towers: N/A d. Rooftop WCF: Concealed and/or camouflaged WCFs erected on a rooftop may extend up to sixteen feet (16') above the allowed zone height. e. Utility Poles: N/A Response: The proposed antenna enclosures will extend to 52’-2” AGL, which is 15’-0” taller than the top of the existing roof. The CA zone height is 50 feet. 3. Visual Impact: Site location and development shall preserve the pre-existing character of the surrounding buildings and landscape to the extent consistent with the function of the communications equipment. Towers shall be integrated through location and design to blend in with the existing characteristics of the site to the extent practical. Existing on-site vegetation shall be preserved or improved, and disturbance of the existing topography shall be minimized, unless such disturbance would result in less adverse visual impact to the surrounding area. Towers, antennas and related equipment shall be uniformly painted a non-reflective neutral color that best matches the colors within the immediately surrounding built and natural landscape in order to reduce the contrast be tween the WCF and the landscape. Response: The only visual impact created by installation of this facility will be the appearance of a new rooftop enclosure that will look like HVAC or other rooftop mechanical equipment. The antennas and cabinets will be fully contained within the enclosures, which will be painted to match the exterior of the building. No existing vegetation will be removed to accommodate the facility. 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 4. Setbacks: Towers shall be set back from each property line by a distance equal to the tower height, unless an engineering analysis concludes that a reduced setback is safe for abutting properties and the Administrator determines that a reduced setback is appropriate for the site. Response: Does not apply; no new tower. 5. Maximum Noise Levels: No equipment shall be operated so as to produce noise in levels above forty five (45) decibels as measured from the nearest property line on which the wireless communication facility is located. Operation of a back-up power generator in the event of power failure or the testing of a back- up generator between eight o’clock (8:00) a.m. and nine o’clock (9:00) p.m. are exempt from this standard. No testing of back-up generators shall occur between the hours of nine o’clock (9:00) p.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) a.m. Response: The equipment cabinets will be located within a solid enclosure on the roof and will not generate excess noise in the environment. No permanent generator will be installed. 6. Fencing: Security fencing shall be required and shall be painted or coated with a non-reflective neutral color. Fencing shall comply with the requirements listed in RMC 4-4-040, Fences, Hedges, and Retaining Walls. Response: The facility will be installed within a rooftop enclosure; the screening, lack of public access, and rooftop location will be adequate to secure the facility and to screen it. 7. Lighting: Towers or antennas shall not be artificially lighted, unless required by the FAA or other applicable authority. If lighting is required, the Administrator may review the available lighting alternatives and approve the design that would cause the least disturbance to the surrounding views. Security lighting for the equipment shelters or cabinets and other on-the-ground ancillary equipment is also permitted, as long as it is appropriately down shielded to keep light within the boundaries of the compound. (Or d. 5675, 12-3-2012) Response: No exterior lighting is proposed. 8. Advertising Prohibited: No lettering, symbols, images, or trademarks large enough to be legible to occupants of vehicular traffic on any abutting roadway shall be placed on or affixed to any part of a WCF tower, antenna array or antenna, other than as required by FCC regulations regarding tower registration or other applicable law. Antenna arrays designed and approved to be located on or within signs or 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 billboards as a stealth tower, or a concealed or camouflaged WCF, shall not be construed to be in violation of this prohibition. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012) Response: no commercial signage is proposed. The only signage at the site will be for site identification and emergency contact information, and will be posted at the access points to the facility and not visible to the road. 9. Building Standards: Support structures shall be constructed so as to meet or exceed the most recent Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industries Association (EIA/TIA) 222 Revision G Standard entitled: “Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures” (or equivalent), as it may be updated or amended. Prior to issuance of a building permit the Building Official shall be provided with an engineer’s certification that the support structure’s design meets or exceeds those standards. (Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012) Response: A structural analysis will be provided at the time of building permit application. 10. Radio Frequency Standards: The applicant shall ensure that the wireless communication facility (WCF) will not cause localized interference with the reception of area television or radio broadcasts. If the City finds that the WCF interferes with such reception, and if such interfe rence is not remedied within thirty (30) calendar days, the City may revoke or modify a Building and/or Conditional Use Permit. (Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012) Response: Verizon will be operating within their FCC licensed frequencies, which are separate from local television and radio licensed frequencies. No interference is anticipated. G. CONCEALED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY STANDARDS: Additions or modifications to buildings shall complement the existing design, bulk, scale, a nd symmetry of the building, and minimize the addition of bulk and clutter. Concealed WCFs shall adhere to the following standards: 1. Building Addition: All antennas shall be fully concealed within a structure that is architecturally compatible with the existing building. Roof top additions shall be concealed on all sides. Response: the antennas will be located within a screened enclosure designed and painted to match the building. The screens will wrap around the antennas and be located on the rooftop in such a way that none of the antenna installation will be visible from the ground. 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 2. Related Equipment: The related equipment shall be completely concealed inside a structure or inside an underground vault. Concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls and prefabricated facilities do not meet the intent of a concealed WCF. Equipment enclosures shall be designed to be compatible with the existing building/structure. Response: Ground equipment will be located inside the proposed rooftop screen, with the antennas. 3. Materials: Fiberglass reinforced plastic or radio frequency transparent materials may be used to screen and integrate a WCF with an existing building. Visible transition lines between the old and new surfaces are prohibited. Response: The screening will be located on the rooftop, and will look contiguous with the building in that it will appear as rooftop mechanical equipment. 4. Architectural Elements: New architectural features such as columns, pilasters, corbels, or other ornamentation that conceal antennas may be used if it complements the architecture of the existing building. Response: No ornamentation is proposed; the existing building façade does not contain these elements. 5. Residential Buildings: Wireless communication facilities shall not be located on residential buildings except for multi-family structures constructed pursuant to the International Building Code as an occupancy group R-2, which may serve as a support structure if the interior wall or ceiling immediately abutting the facility is an unoccupied residential space (e.g., stairwells, elevator shafts, mechanical rooms, etc.). Response: The use of the building is warehouse space. H. CAMOUFLAGED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY STANDARDS: Additions or modifications to buildings shall complement the existing design, bulk, scale, and symmetry of the building, and minimize the addition of bulk and clutter. Camouflaged WCFs shall adhere to the following standards: 1. Architectural Integration: Antennas may be mounted to the sides of a building if the antennas do not interrupt the building’s architectural theme. 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 a. When feasible, camouflaged WCFs shall employ a symmetrical, balanced design for all facade mounted antennas. The first provider on a structure will dictate the antenna length, width, and placement. All succeeding applications will be required to ensure consistency and symmetry in placing antennas on the structure’s exterior. b. When feasible, interruption of architectural lines or horizontal or vertical reveals is prohibited. Response: The antennas will not be mounted to the façade, but rather contained within a rooftop enclosure. The enclosure will be architecturally compatible with the building and in scale with the structure. The structure is a warehouse building, and the antenna enclosures will extend about 15 feet above the existing parapet. 2. Materials: a. Mounting Hardware: Utilize the smallest mounting brackets necessary in order to provide the smallest offset from the building. b. Concealment: Utilize skirts or shrouds on the sides and bottoms of antennas in order to conceal mounting hardware, create a cleaner appearance, and minimize the visual impact of the antennas. Exposed cabling is prohibited. c. Paint: Paint and texture antennas to match the adjacent building surfaces. Response: The mounting hardware will be concealed within the rooftop antenna enclosure, the base of which will not be visible from the ground level due to being screened behind the existing parapet. The enclosure will be painted to match the building. 3. Antennas: a. Antennas shall be no longer or wider than the facade on which they are proposed. b. When panel antennas are unscreened, they shall be mounted no more than twelve inches (12") from the building facade. c. No exposed mounting apparatus shall remain on a building facade without the associated antennas. Response: the antennas are not façade-mounted; does not apply. 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 4. Residential Buildings: Wireless communication facilities shall not be located on residential buildings except for multi-family structures constructed pursuant to the International Building Code as an occupancy group R-2, which may serve as a support structure if the interior wall or ceiling immediately abutting the facility is an unoccupied residential space (e.g., stairwells, elevator shafts, mechanical rooms, etc.). Response: Does not apply; the building is a commercial office building. I. STEALTH TOWER STANDARDS: Does not apply; no tower is proposed. J. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: In addition to application materials and information required pursuant to RMC 4-8-120C, Table 4-8-120C – Land Use Permit Submittal Requirements, the following materials are the minimum required to complete a review of any WCF, other than an alteration pursuant to subsection E1 of this Section, Minor Alteration. Additional materials and information may be required. 1. Technical Analysis: a. Site Justification Letter: This report shall justify the need or requirement for the proposed WCF location and design. An analysis of other available sites shall be included as well as determination as to why these sites were not selected. Response: Analysis of the area and search area map are included. b. Justification Map: A map identifying the zoning districts, search area, alternative sites, the selected site, and all existing and approved WCFs within a one-half (1/2) mile radius. Response: the RF documentation includes a map of existing Verizon sites. Below is an inventory of existing WCF towers, view adjusted for ½ mile of the proposed site. 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 c. Coverage Map: Map(s) identifying the proposed target coverage that illustrate the coverage prior to and after the installation. Response: This information is included in the RF documentation. d. Noise Report: For projects proposed adjacent to residential uses when generators, air conditioning units, or other noise-generating devices are utilized. Response: No generator is proposed as part of this project. 2. Photo Simulations: Photo simulations shall be required with each plan set. The photo simulations shall illustrate the proposed WCF from at least four (4) vantage points and show the existing view (without the proposed WCF) and proposed view (with the proposed WCF) from each vantage point. Response: Included in application. 3. Method of Attachment/Cabling: Dimensioned details shall be provided of antennas and mounting hardware used to attach the antennas to the structure. Response: all mounting hardware and attachments will be internal to the antenna enclosure and will not be visible. Details will be included on construction drawings. 4. Visual Mitigation: Any concealment/integration techniques proposed shall be fully explained, illustrated and detailed. Response: See photosims. K. OBSOLESCENCE AND REMOVAL: Any wireless communications facility that is no longer needed or is not operational shall be reported immediately by the service provider to the Administrator. Discontinued facilities or facilities that are in disrepair, as determined by the Administrator, shall be decommissioned and removed by the facility owner within six (6) months of the date it ceases to be operational, and the site shall be restored to its pre-existing condition. The Administrator may approve an extension of an additional six (6) months if good cause is demonstrated by the facility owner. (Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012) L. PERMIT LIMITATIONS: 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98115 1. Maintenance Required: The applicant shall maintain the WCF to standards that may be imposed by the City at the time of the granting of a permit. Such maintenance shall include, but shall not be limited to, maintenance of the paint, structural integrity and landscaping. If the applicant fails to maintain the facility, the City may undertake the maintenance at the expense of the applicant or terminate the permit, at its sole option. 2. Notice to City of Change of Operation of Facility: The applicant shall notify the Department of all changes in operation of the facility within sixty (60) calendar days of the change. (Ord. 4666, 6 -2-1997, Amd. Ord. 4689, 11-24-1997; Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012) M. MODIFICATIONS: The Administrator shall have the authority to modify the standards of this Section, subject to the provisions of RMC 4-9-250D, Modification Procedures. N. APPEALS: See RMC 4-8-110, Appeals. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998; Amd. Ord. 4963, 5-13-2002; Ord. 5746, 1-12-2015) Response: the above sections K-N are acknowledged by the Applicant as standard conditions.