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Technical Information Report
Llndbergh High School -Site Plan Review
February 25, 2011
Renton School District No. 403
7812 S 124" Street
Seattle, WA 98178
( 425) 204-4403
Contact Rick Stracke
McGranalum Architects
2111 Pacific A venue #100
Tacoma, WA 98402
Phone: (253) 383-3084
Contact: Tom Marshall
413 Pine Street, Suite 300
Seattle, Washington 98101
P: 206/343-0460
Contact: Keith Kruger
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Coughlin Porter Lundeen Project No. Cl 10055-01
February 25, 2011
I. PROJECT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 2
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
EXISTING CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................................... 3
II. CONDITION AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 4
TASK I -STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS ................................................................................................................. 4
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: .................................................................................................................................................. 4
PROJECT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: ................................................................................................................................... 5
Ill. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................... 6
TASK 1-STIJDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS ................................................................................................................. 6
TASK2 -RESOURCE REVIEW ..................................................................................•.......................................................... 6
TASK 3 -FIELD INSPECTION ............................................................................................................................................... 6
TASK 4 -DRAIN AGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS ............... , .............................. , ...... , ................ 6
UPSTREAM ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
DoWNSTREAM ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................. 7
TASK 5 -MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS ............................. , ..................................... , ..................... 8
EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY (PART A) .............................................................................................................................. 9
DEVEWPED SITE HYDROLOGY (PART BJ ........................................................................................................................ 10
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND Fww CONTROL SYSTEM (PARTS C AND D) .............................................................. 12
WATER QUALITY SYSTEM (PART E) ................................................................................................................................ 13
SPIUCONTROL ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .................................................................................. 15
STANDARD REQUIREMENTS (BASED ON KCSWDM AND SAO): .................................................................................... 15
ON-SITE CONVEYANCE .................................................................................................................................................... 15
VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ............................................................................................................... 16
VII. OTHER PERMITS ............................................................................................................................................... 17
VIII. CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................................................. 18
COVENANT ............................................................................................................... 19
X. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL .................................................................. 20
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Wa,;hingtnn
Figure 1 -TIR Worksheet -Section 1
Figure 2 -Site Location -Section 1
Figure 3 -Drainage Basins, Sub-basins, and Site Characteristics -Section 1
Figure 4 -Soils -Section 1
Figure 5 -Off-Site Analysis Map & Table -Section 3
Figure 6 -Floodplain/floodway FEMA Map -Section 3
Figure 7 -Sensitive Areas Map -Section 3
Figure 8 -Wetlands Inventory Map -Section 3
Figure 9 -Designated Water Quality Problems Map -Section 3
Figure 10 -Existing Site Hydrology • Section 4
Figure 11 -Developed Site Hydrology -Section 4
Figure 12 -Flow Control Applications Map -Section 4
Figure 13 -Water Quality Applications Map -Section 4
Table 1: Existing Site Conditions Area Breakdown ...................................................................................................... 9
Table 2: North Basin Disturbed Area ............................................................................................................................ 11
Table 3: South Basin Disturbed Area ............................................................................................................................. 12
Table 4 -Summary of Detention System ...................................................................................................................... 13
Table 5 -Summary of Detention System Areas ........................................................................................................... 13
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
General Description
The following Technical Information Report (fJR) provides the technical information and design analysis
required for developing the Drainage and Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (fESC) for
the Lindbergh High School Improvements project. The stormwater design for the project was based on the
requirements set forth in the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) (See Figure 1 -
Technical Infonnation Report Worksheet).
The Lindbergh High School site is located within the City of Renton annexation area, located at 16426 1281"
Avenue SE (See Figure 2 -Site Location). The site is in Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,
Willamette Meridian.
The Lindbergh High School site is approximately 37.3 acres. There are three existing school buildings,
portable classrooms, play areas, hard surface tennis courts, sport fields, parking lots and associated support
structures onsite consisting of 13.1-acres impervious area and 24.3-acres pervious area. The buildings and
sport fields will remain undisturbed throughout construction. Only portions of it will be redeveloped as part
of this project; the total development area is approximately 11.7 acres. The project will renovate existing
parking areas and construct new parking areas around the site, as well as storm drainage enhancements
through the campus.
The proposed project includes improvements to the existing student parking lot, relocation of the existing
bus drop-off lane to the student parking lot, addition of parking stalls in the existing bus drop-off, fire access
improvements along the east side of the school, and revisions to the north entry way. A majority of the
existing utilities will remain undisturbed except where necessary for new storm drainage installation or
grading activities. Three detention systems will be installed to mitigate peak flows from the redeveloped
areas per the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) as amended by the City of Renton.
Development will occur over two years to accommodate the school schedule with a majority of the site
improvements occurring over the summer months.
Existing Conditions
The existing Lindbergh High School site is approximately 37.36 acres, of which approximately 35% is
impervious ground cover. The project is located within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, an area
designated as a Conservation Flow Control Area and Basic Water Quality Area by King County code. The
existing campus is located on a ridge defining two separate onsite drainage basins which are dubbed the
North Basin and the South Basin for the purposes of this report.
The North Basin drains to Renton storm lines located in SE 164th Street, which drains west to an unnamed
open channel conveyance system that flows to the northwest and discharges to the Cedar River and
eventually Lake Washington. The South Basin drains to the southeast comer of the property where it is
routed to the Molasses Creek downstream of Renton Park and Youngs Lake. Development will occur in each
basin triggering Level 2 runoff detention and basic water quality requirements for all targeted and pollution
generating impervious surfaces.
The site was previously developed with the existing Lindbergh High School campus. Storm drainage
conveyance lines ranging from 4-inches to 18-inches were previously installed in each basin for runoff
conveyance. There is currently no flow control onsite. Refer to Section 4 for a more thorough description of
the existing conditions.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Proposed Drainage System
The Lindbergh High School project site is located within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, an area
designated as a Conservation Flow Control Area and Basic Water Quality Area by King County code. The
existing campus is located on a ridge defining two separate onsite drainage basins dubbed the North Basin
and the South Basin.
North Basin
The North Basin is comprised of the northern entrance, staff parking, bus loop, gym building, and a majority
of the main school building. The existing storm system consists of underground storm conveyance pipes
ranging form 4 inches to 12 inches in diameter. A drainage swale is located along the northern boundary of
the site that functions as a collection system for all surface flows not captured in the storm drainage pipe
system. There is not currently any detention systems h, the North Basin.
The total disturbed area within the North Basin has been calculated to be 6.9-acreas. The asphalt pavement
and portions of the concrete walkways associated with the northern entrance will be replaced with a
widened asphalt lane and concrete walkway. The mounded area currently planted with grass, trees, and
shrubs located within the bounds of the bus loop will be re-graded and new parking will be added in its
place. Sur/ace parking will be re-established on the northwest portion of the building around the existing
service area; here, existing asphalt will be overlaid with new asphalt where possible. A new fire access lane
will be installed around the north side of the main classroom building with additional surface parking.
South Basin
The South Basin is comprised of the student parking area, multiple sport fields, hard surface tennis courl:s,
and existing building area. The existing storm conveyance system consists of underground storm
conveyance pipes ranging form 4 inches to 18 inches in diameter.
The total disturbed area within the South Basin has been calculated to be 4.7-acreas. The asphalt pavement
Improvements in the South Basin will include replacing all the asphalt in the student parking area. The new
layout of the student parking area will provide a bus loop for student drop off and pick up. New downspout
connections and a new maintenance road will be installed around the south side of the main classroom
building. Only minor grading will be completed. Existing drainage patterns will not be altered as a result of
this project.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Project Owner : Renton School District No. 403
Phone: 425 204-4403
Address: 7812 S 124th St.
Seattle, WA 98178
Project Engineer: Keith Kruger, P.E.
Company Coughlin Porter Lundeen, Inc
Phone: 206 343-0460
D Landuse Services
Subdivison / Short Subd. / UPD
D Building Services
~Commerical / SFR
Jl'I. Clearing and Grading
D Right-of-Way Use
D Other
Technical Information Report
Type of Drainage Review Full I Targeted
(circle): Large Site
Date (include revision
Date of Final:
Project Name: Lindbergh High School
DOES Permit#: Not available at this time
Location: Township 23 N
Range 5 E
Section 28
Site Address: 16426 128th Ave SE
Renton WA98178
0 COE404
D DOE Dam Safety
D FEMA Floodplain
D COE Wetlands
~ Other _NPDES
D Shoreline
@' Structura I
'RdckeryNaull/ __
D ESA Section 7
Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans)
Type (circle one): Full / Modified I
Small Stte
Date (include revision
Date of Final:
Type (circle one): Standard I Complex I Preapplication I Experimental/ Blanket
Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2)
__ NA·-------------------------------
Date of Annroval:
2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/05
r--~· ------------------------------------·------
FIGURE 1 -TIR Worksheet
Monitoring Required: ®/No Describe: Per NPDES Requirements
Start Date:
Completion Date:
Community Plan : -------
Special District Overlays:------------------------
Drainage Basin: Lower Cedar River
Stormwater Requirements: Level II Detention, Basic Water
D River/Stream ---------
D Lake
D Closed Depression --------
D Floodplain-----------
D Other -------------
Part 10 SOILS
Soil Type Slopes
AgC 2-30 %
D High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet)
D Steep Slope --------
D Erosion Hazard --------D Landslide Hazard--------
D Coal Mine Hazard--------
D Seismic Hazard --------
D Habitat Protection--------D _________ _
Erosion Potential
Moderate to severe_
D Sole Source Aquifer
D Other D Seeps/Springs
D Additional Sheets Attached
2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/05
FIGURE 1 -TIR Worksheet
D Additional Sheets Attached
Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET rorovide one TlR Summa"' Sheet oer Threshold Discharae Area)
Threshold Discharge Area:
(name or descriotion)
Core Requirements (all 8 apply)
Discharoe at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharoe Locations:
Offsite Analysis Level: {j)/2/3 dated: z. -!2]./ ~l I
Flow Control Level: 1
Ws 3 or Exemption Number
(incl. facilitv summarv sheet) Small Site B s
Conveyance System Spill containment located at: NA
Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: l 131>
Contact Phone:
After Hours Phone·
Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: lPriva~ / Public
If Private, Maintenance Loo R""uired: Yes / No
Financial Guarantees and Liabilitv Provided: -Yes /(Nol
Water Quality Type: >=.' Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm I Bog
(include facility summary sheet) or Exempt, o.
Landsca"" Manaoement Plan: Yes I No
Special ReQuirements fas annlicable) -
Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA / SDO /MOP/ BP/ LMP / Shared Fae. ~
Reouirements Name:
Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption le
100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range):
Flood Protection Facilities Describe:
Source Control Describe landuse:
(comm./industrial landuse) Describe any structural controls:
2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/05
FIGURE 1 -TIR Worksheet
Oil Control High-use Site: Yes/~
Treatment BMP:
Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No
with whom?
Other Drainaae Structures
Cover Measures ,0' Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities
~ Perimeter Protection ps' Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure
~ Traffic Area Stabilization
Operation of Permanent Facilities
D Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation ~ Sediment Retention areas
Ji}' Surface Water Control 0 Other
,Cl Dust Control
ill Construction Seauence
Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS Note: Include Facilifv Summarv and Sketchl
Flow Control Type/Description Water Quality Type/Description
~ Detention Underground Vault D Biofiltration
0 Infiltration )l1. Wetpool //,/Jp(ti:/t(JA/J/)
D Regional Facility D Media Filtration
D Shared Facility D Oil Control
D Small Site BMPs D Spill Control
D Other D Small Site BMPs
D Other
2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/05
FIGURE 1 -TIR iVorksheet
D Drainage Easement ~ Cast in Place Vault
D Access Easement Retaining Wall
D Native Growth Protection Covenant D Rockery > 4' High
D Tract D Structural on Steep Slope
D other D other
I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site cond~ions as observed were
incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my
knowledge the information provided here is accurate .
.... irrnecVDate
2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1 /1 /05
$ HEnd"<r!.«I St
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s.~ 192r;J ~-·
Figure 2 -Site Location
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roject Loc!llion
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WIiderness Vitia{ ,
Lindbergh High School improvements
Rcnlon, Washington
Figure 3 Drainage Basins, Sub Basins and Site Characteristics
North Basin Point
~---''or Discharge
J \ f ; ,
' I ,_:.
i L_J rr--
Storm Line
' ·~ \==,-J~.LiL.~ , ·':::::, 60" Dia.
· \ · °;te~~~~-~>~e1 s / _,, . r·· I .
o·· , " I '
' I
\ I I
South Basin Point
or Dischar e
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
27 • ::~:-:=;~;:-,-, ;.i, --
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Figure 4
T. 23 N
T. 22 N
Soils Map
Soil Survey Map
late 6
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Task 1 -Study Area Definition and Maps
This section will address the requirements set forth by the Core and Special Requirements listed in Chapter 1
of the KCSWDM.
King County Sutface Water Management Design Manual Core Requirements:
1. Discliarge at tlie Natural Location (1.2.1): Existing drainage conditions will not be altered as a result of
this project. Existing site discharge points in the northwest and southeast corners of the site will be
maintained and used for this project.
2. Off-site Analysis (1.22): A Level 1 downstream analysis has been performed, see Section 3.
3. Flow Control (1.2.3): Refer to Section IV. The site has been divided into two sub basins dubbed the
North Basin and the South Basin. Detention has been provided to the Level 2 Flow Control standard, per
KCSWDM. An underground detention vault will be installed in the North Basin; and an underground
vault and a 60-inch diameter detention pipe system will be installed in the South Basin.
4. Conveyance System (1.2.4): Refer to Section V. Closed pipe systems and conveyance channels have
been provided for on-site stormwater conveyance. The pipe sizes mimic the existing conditions and have
been increased in size to match the downstream size. Conveyance calculations will be provided during
the site development permit submittal.
5. Erosion and Sedimentation Control (1.2.5): Refer to Section IX. Erosion and sedimentation control has
not been addressed as part of the Site Plan Review submittal requirements; however, the site will
provide Construction Stormwater BMP' s to meet the construction runoff standard equal to or greater
than the Department of Ecology standard. An erosion control plan will be provided with the site
development permit submittal.
6. Maintenance and Operations (1.2.6): Refer to Section XL The proposed storm drainage system will be
owned, operated and maintained by the owner.
7. Financial G11arantees and Liability (1.2.7): The owner and contractor will obtain all necessary permits
prior to the begirming of construction. The Renton School District, as a public agency, is not required to
provide bonds.
8. Water Quality (1.28): Refer to Section IV.E. Water quality treatment will be provided by dead storage in
the combined wet detention vaults located in the NorU1 Basin and the South Basin.
Special Requirements:
Special Requirement #1. Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements Section 1.3.1
• Critical Drainage Areas (CDAs): Not Applicable
• Master Drainage Plans {MDPs): Not Applicable.
• Basin Plans (BPs): Not Applicable.
• Lake Management Plans(LMPs): Not Applicable.
• Shared Facility Drainage Plans(SFDPs): Not Applicable.
Special Requirement #2. Flood Hazard Area Delineation, Section 1.3.2: Not Applicable
Special Requirement #3. Flood Protection Facilities, Section 1.3.3: Not Applicable
Special Requirement #4. Source Controls, Section 1.34: A dumpster (with a standard lid) wiJI be required for
solid waist typically found in schools.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Wa~gton
Special Requirement #5. Oil Control: Traffic will be limited to passenger vehicles and busses typical of
school sites. Basic water quality will be provided via dead storage which will adequately treat all runoff
for oil and any other naturally occurring pollutants.
Project Specific Requirements:
There are no additional requirements for this portion of the project. Design and construction will abide by
requirements set forth in these documents and King County as amended by the City of Renton.
Lindbergh High School Improvemenls
Rm,.ton, Washinglon
Task 1 -Study Area Definition and Maps
The study area was mapped using the King County GIS iMAP tool (See Figure 5 -Off-Site Analysis Map &
Task 2 -Resource Review
a) Adopted Basin Plans
b) Floodplain/floodway (FEMA) Maps
c) Off-site Analysis Reporls
d) Sensitive Areas Folio
e) Drainage Complainls and Studies
f) Road Drainage Problems
g) King County Soils Survey:
h) Wetland Inventory Maps:
i) Migrating Rivers Study
j) DOE's Section303d List of Polluted Waters
k) KC Designated Water Quality Problems
l) Critical Drainage Area Maps:
Task 3 -Field Inspection
Cedar Creek Drainage Basin
Not in 100-yr floodplain (See Figure 6)
None available
See Figures 7
Not available
See Figure 9.
Not available
Lake Washington
Not Available
Not in Critical Drainage Area.
Site visils have been made to gather information including a Level 1 Downstream Analysis. This field visit
took place February 2, 2011. Refer to Task 4, Level 1 Downstream Analysis below for more infommtion.
Task 4 -Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions
Site elevations vary widely across the site; a majority of the site was previously graded from the natural
condition for the existing high school campus infrastructure. The highest portions of the site are located in
the southwest and northeast corners of the site near elevation 435 feet to 437 feet respectively. Grades fall
towards the northwest and southeast corners of the site where elevations are approximately 368 and 386
respectively. The greatest difference in elevation is approximately 69 feet with the lowest elevation being in
the northwest comer of the site.
The existing campus is located on a ridge defining two separate onsite drainage basins which are dubbed the
North Basin and the South Basin. The North Basin drains to Renton storm lines located in SE 164th Street,
which drains west to an unnamed open channel conveyance system that flows to the northwest and
discharges to the Cedar River and eventually Lake Washington. The South Basin drains to the southeast
corner of the property where it is routed to the Molasses Creek downstream of Renton Park and Youngs
Lake. The drainage path for this site is a combination of sheet flow and closed pipe conveyance.
On-site soils are classified as AgC per King County Soil Survey maps (See Figure 4). Generally, soils are
above the optimum moister levels, see geotechnical report in Section VI.
Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards. and Preliminaiy Geotechnical Engineering: Report. Renton,
Washington. Prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. on February 18, 2010.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Upstream Analysis
The upstream areas contributing to surface runoff are limited on the site to the southern property line
located within the Southern Basin where topography suggests that some surface runoff is introduced from
the adjacent parcel currently developed as the Renton Park Chapel Evangelical Church and private
residential parcels to the paved student parking area and the hard surface teru,is court area. Runoff
generated from the upstream parcels would be collected in the existing site storm pipe system and conveyed
to the southeastern corner of the property.
Runoff from the upstream area appears to be predominately generated from pervious surface area without
causing significant runoff concerns onsite. The project will propose to collect runoff from upstream areas and
bypass all detention proposed by this project as is the existing condition.
Downstream Analysis
As described above the existing site topography contains a ridge with grades ultimately falling to the
northwest and southeast corners of the site. The ridge line dividing the site and existing storm conveyance
system installed during past developments separates the site into two drainage basins, dubbed the North
Basin and the South Basin for this project. Both basins flow towards the Cedar River and ultimately
discharge to Lake Washington.
The flow path of each basin downstream was walked for not less than one quarter mile to observe potential
hazards and impacts of new development to the existing conveyance system. The downstream analysis was
performed on February 2, 2011, during a period of dear weather yielding approximately 42° F temperatures.
Special attention was given around properties with register drainage complaints, documented by King
County, viewed on the King County !map webpage. The following is a description of t11e downstream
encounter and analysis of potential site impacts of the North and South Basins.
North Basiu
The North Basin has two discharge points from the site to the Renton storm conveyance lines located in 128th
Avenue SE; one storrn line located under the northern entrance, and one inlet pipe that collects runoff from a
swale located along the northern property line. It is noted that limited pervious areas of the site sheet flows
to the 128th Street SE right-of-way. These areas will not be altered as a result of this project. Runoff generated
from the developed basin area currently leaves the site without detention.
The runoff flows in a northerly direction in 128th Street SE storm lines for approximately 200 feet until it
reaches the intersection of 1281h Street SE and SE 164th Street, where it joins the westerly flowing SE 164th
Street conveyance system. Runoff flows westerly in SE 164-lh Street for approximately 1000 feet to the
intersection of SE 164"' Street and 126th Avenue SE, where it joins the northerly flowing system in 126th
Avenue SE for the remainder of the quarter mile distance. An unnamed creek was observed beyond the
quarter mile downstream. It is assumed that runoff from 1261h Avenue SE continues north and eventually
joins the creek and continuous north to the Cedar River.
South Bnsiu
Portions of the South Basin are sloped in such a way that runoff sheet flows offsite to the east. Runoff from
tl1ese areas is considered pervious, undeveloped and will not be altered as a result of this project. The
existing storrn conveyance lines onsite bring runoff around the existing track to the southwestern comer of
the property where storm lines flow east offsite between adjacent neighboring parcels to the storm system
located in 132nd Place SE.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Wa,;hington
Runoff generated from the developed portion of the South Basin currenUy discharges from the site
undetained. Runoff is only briefly in the 132"' Place SE conveyance lines before it outfalls to U1e Molasses
The Molasses Creek flows in a norU1erly direction for approximately 500 feet in an easement between
developed residential parcels to a culvert that crosses under SE 166thPlace. This culvert continues north for
another 500 feet between residential parcels to a parcel used for public park space with no known name. At
this point in the park area it was observed that runoff is collected in a large pipe inlet and conveyed further
north in a large underground pipe system under the park area for the remainder of the quarter mile.
Molasses Creek continues north underground through a developed residential area until it outfalls to
another open channel creek system north of SE 163rd Street.
Task 5 -Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems
Nortlz Basin
There are three registered drainage complaints located within the quarter mile downstream distance, shown
on the King County Imap. The addresses where the complaints originated are 12615 SE 164th Street, 16308
126th Avenue SE, and 161621261h Avenue SE. The nature of the drainage complaints is not disclosed on the
!map website. There were no observed signs of flooding or drainage obstructions during the downstream
analysis. Runoff is contained in Renton storm lines for the duration of the quarter mile downstream. The
complaints are considered to be a nuisance issue with no threat to property or safety; therefore, the
development within the northern basin will be considered not to have any significant impacts. No additional
flow control is needed per section and Table 1.2.3.A of theKCSWDM.
Soutlz Basin
There are multiple documented drainage complaints registered at residential parcels adjacent to the
Molasses Creek contained within the quarter mile downstream area. The complaints have originated from
addresses at 13215 SE 166th Place, 13214 SE 166th Place, 16525133'd Place SE, 16524 132nd Place SE, 16513
133"' Place SE, and 16519133"' Place SE. The nature of the complaints has not been disclosed on the King
County !map website. Speculation can be made based on visual observations that the Molasses Creek is
capable of overtopping it's narrow channel width to an unspecified depths. The portions of Molasses Creek
observed with adjacent residential parcels were lower in elevation than the neighboring yards, delineated by
fences. It is thought that the creek can overflow the normal charmel by a few feet without flooding or
damaging adjacent residential parcels. Since the majority of the runoff flowing through Molasses Creek
originates from Lake Youngs the project site will have minimal impacts to the Creek levels. New detention
systems are proposed on site which should reduce peak flows to Molasses Creek; therefore, it has been
determined that the project will not significantly contribute to the existing drainage issues. No additional
flow control is needed per section and Table 1.2.3.A of the KCSWDM.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
&21ST ST
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Figure 5 Offsite Analysis Map
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§ ~charge to
C~,.tr River
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SE 171STP-: ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,2 ... ::sr ~ ~
South ' ~ Basin :.
SE 14,tftt ST
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& 15BTH ST
SE 162
V. ~ ~Ji._. i
Lindbergh High Scht)()l Improvements
Renton, Washington
S'[ 165TH ST
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Sf 16-Jl}t ST
Figure 6 Floodplain FEMA Map
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Lindbergh High School Improvcmcnts
Renton, Washington
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Figure 7 -Sensitive Areas Map
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
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Figure 8 -Drainage Complaints Map
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Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
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Figure 9 -Wetlands Inventory Map
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SE 17«r11
Lindbergh High Sc:hoo11mprovcim .. 'Ill'i
Renton, Wa~gton
Existing SHe Hydrology (Part A)
The existing Lindbergh High School site is approximately 37.36 acres, of which approximately 35% is
impervious ground cover. There are three existing school buildings, two storage buildings, multiple
portable classroom buildings, sport fields, hard surface tennis courts, paved parking lots and walkways, and
associated support structures onsite. (See Section 4, Figure 11 -Existi11gSite Hydrology). A summary of the
existing site cover characteristics is shown below.
Ttlb/e 1: Existinv Site Con d itions Area Breakdow11
Area /sf)
Roof Area 182,305
Paved Walkwavs and Drivinu Surfaces 387,286
Total Im=rvious 569,591
Total Pervious 1,057,811
Total Site 1,627,402
The site is located within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, an area designated as a Conservation Flow
Control Area and Basic Water Quality Area by King County code. There are no known designated landslide
hazard zones or flood plains zones located onsite.
Site elevations vary widely across the site; a majority of the site was previously graded from the natural
condition for the existing high school campus infrastructure. The highest portions of the site are located in
the southwest and northeast corners of the site near elevation 435 feet to 437 feet respectively. Grades fall
towards the northwest and southeast corners of the site where elevations are approximately 368 and 386
respectively. The greatest difference in elevation is approximately 69 feet with the lowest elevation being in
the northwest corner of the site.
Slopes are generally mild across walking surfaces, driving surfaces, and sport fields. Some limited steeper
slopes are located in between sport fields in the southern portion of the site; likely a result of previous
grading activity. These slopes are generally sloping between 2:1 to 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). Other steeper
slopes are located along the eastern boundary of the site, sloping around 2:1 to the east where neighboring
properties are situated.
The current conditions at the northeast corner of the site are sloped towards the existing building in mild to
steep slopes ranging from 2% to 5% on the mild side up to 3:1 in the steeper areas. The two sport fields
located in the northwest portion of the site are terraced with approximately 25 feet of elevation difference
separated by a slope of approximately 3:1 in the steepest areas. The existing cut slopes onsite are not
anticipated to be subject to critical zone regulations, per geotechnical report published by Associated Earth
Sciences, dated February 18, 2010.
Soil Condiliom
Regional soil maps reviewed by Associated Earth Sciences show that the native surface material in the
vicinity containing the project site are classified as lodgement till; however, subsurface borings performed by
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. showed that some areas of the site contained 8 feet to 13 feet of fill material
(considered to be from past grading activities) overlaying Ice Contact Deposits consisting of silty sand with
gravel i.nterbedded in places with fine sand zones or silt sterns. This layer of Ice Contact Deposits is
COUGHUNPORTERLUNDEEN Lindbergh High School Improvements
9 Renton, Washington
considered to be above the optimum moisture content for reuse onsite, but can be compacted and will bP
capable of supporting new structures. Some lodgement till was encountered in areas below the layer of ice
contact deposits, see Figun! 4 -S()ils.
Areas of the site near the lowest northwest corner contain varying levels of ground water attributed to
interflow stemming from a perched water table. The water table was documented to be 10 feet to 15 feet
below existing grade but is anticipated to fluctuate with the season and weather conditions. Based on the
analysis by Associated Earth Sciences and observations of existing surface conditions; for the purpose of
runoff calculations, the project will be characterized as Soil Class 'C' with poor potential for onsite
infiltration. The Subsurfnce E.tploratio11, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminan; Geotec/111ical Engineering Report
prepared by Associated Earth Sciences for the Renton School District, dated February 18, 2010, has been
included in Section 6 of this report, and contains a more thorough examination of existing soil conditions.
Developed Site Hydrology (Part B)
The Lindbergh High School project site is located within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, an area
designated as a Conservation Flow Control Area and Basic Water Quality Area by King County code. The
existing campus is located on a ridge defining two separate onsite drainage basins which are dubbed the
North Basin and the South Basin. The North Basin drains to Renton storm lines located in SE 164th Street,
which drains west to an unnamed open channel conveyance system that flows to the northwest and
discharges to the Cedar River and eventually Lake Washington. The South Basin drains to the southeast
corner of the property where it is routed to the Molasses Creek downstream of Renton Park and Youngs
Development will occur in each basin triggering Level 2 runoff detention and basic water quality
requirements for all targeted and pollution generating impervious surfaces. A study of the existing site
topography and the existing storm infrastructure was completed to define the existing basin boundaries;
drainage patterns onsite will not be greatly altered as a result of this project. The existing discharge points in
the northwest and southeast comers of the site will be maintained and re-used for this project.
North Bnsin
The North Basin is comprised of the northern entrance, staff parking, bus loop, gym building, and a majority
of the main school building. The existing storm system consists of underground storm conveyance pipes
ranging form 4 inches to 12 inches in diameter. A drainage swale is located along the northern boundary of
the site that functions as a catch-all for all surface flows not captured in the storm drainage pipe system.
There is not currently any detention in the North Basin.
The total disturbed area within the North Basin has been calculated to be 6.9-aneas. The asphalt pavement
and portions of the concrete walkways associated with the northern entrance will be replaced. The mounded
area currently planted with grass, trees, and shrubs located within the bounds of the bus loop will be re-
graded and new parking will be added in its place. Surface parking will be re-established on the northwest
portion of the building around the existing service area; here, existing asphalt will be overlaid with new
asphalt where possible. A new fire access lane will be installed around the north side of the main classroom
building with additional surface parlting. A table showing disturbed areas in the North Basin is shown
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washingbm
Table 2· North Basin Disturbed Area
Area /sf)
Roof Area
(Non Tarl!eted l111nervio11s) 127,766
Asphalt Overlay Area
(Non Tar1<eted J111pervio11s) 9,528
Added and Replaced Impervious Surface
(Tarl!eted Surface) 111,351
Total In1,,,,rvio11s ,~ 248,645
Total Peruious 47,916
Total Basin 296,561
A majority of the existing storm drainage pipes will be replaced with new pipes. New downspout
connections will be installed at all existing connections around the building. Storm drainage will be added in
areas where new surface parking will be installed. Detention will be provided in series via a combined wet
storage and detention vault and 60-inch detention pipes located in the northwest corner of the site.
The detention facility has been designed to provide runoff flow control to the Level 2 Flow Control standard,
designated by the KCSWDM. The forested predeveloped condition has been assumed for all new targeted
impervious surfaces; existing impervious such as roof area and areas that wiU have an asphalt pavement
overlay are assumed to be imperuio11s in the predeveloped flow control calculations, per section;
bypass of runoff from non-targeted surface. (See Figure 3 -Drainage Basins, Sub-basins, and Site Characteristics
and Section 4, Figure 12 -D,'Veloped Site Hydrology).
Sou/It Basin
The South Basin is comprised of the student parking area, multiple sport fields, hard surface tennis courts,
and existing building area. The existing storm conveyance system consists of underground storm
conveyance pipes ranging form 4 inches to 18 inches in diameter.
The total disturbed area within the South Basin has been calculated to be 4.7-acreas. The asphalt pavement
Improvements in the South Basin wiU include replacing all the asphalt in the student parking area. The new
layout of the student parking area wiU provide a bus loop for student drop off and pick up. New downspout
connections and a new maintenance road will be installed around the south side of the main classroom
building. Only minor grading will be completed. Existing drainage patterns will not be altered as a result of
this project. A table showing disturbed areas in the South Basin is shown below.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Wa.,hington
Table 3· South Basin Disturbed Area
Area (sf)
Roof Area
(Non TarPeted I111veruio11s) 21,097
Added and Replaced Impervious Surface
(Tar~eted Su;face) 150,629
Total Im=ruious ,= 171,726
Total Peruious 35,066
Total Basin 206,792
As with the North Basin, Level 2 Flow Control will be provided via two detention systems. Detention will be
provided for the maintenance access road via 60-inch diameter detention pipes. Portions of the exiting
classroom building roof area will be routed through the 60 inch detention pipe system. The roof area has
been calculated as impervious for the predeveloped and postdeveloped conditions since it is upstream bypass
areas, per section; bypass of runoff from non-targeted surface. The new maintenance access road
and disturbed site area will all be modeled as forested for the predeveloped conditions and impervious or till
grass as the postdeveloped condition. No water quality has been provided in this portion of the South Basin.
In the student parking area where the existing pavement will be replaced and the parking layout will be
designed to accommodate a new bus drop off area a combined wet detention vault will be installed to
provide Level 2 Flow Control and Basic water quality. The vault will be located under the parking area and
will only mitigate for portions of surface runoff from the student parking area.
Performance Standards and Flow Control System (Parts C and D)
The detention systems have been sized to meet all of the requirements of the KCSWDM section 5.3.3 (Level II
detention -Stream Protection Standard). The discharge frequency from the proposed detention facilities will
be compared with the total discharge frequency of the existing basin. The detention systems were sized such
that the discharge flow durations are maintained at or below their pre-existing (forested) levels for storm
events between 1h the two-year to the SO-year storm event at the downstream point of compliance. Should
the volume of runoff exceed the capacity of the detention facility beyond the SO-year storm event,
stormwater will flow through the overflow of the facility and continue south to the existing discharge point.
The detention facilities were modeled using MGS Flood Version 4.09. Existing areas area modeled as
forested with the exception of the non-targeted upstream areas, which are modeled as existing conditions.
Non-targeted areas included are existing asphalt pavement that will not be removed and existing roof area
that will not be altered as a result of this project. Proposed areas are modeled as their developed conditions.
This project will have three new detention systems:
In the North Bnsin the combined wet detention vault and 60-inch diameter detention pipe system will
provide approximately 35,415 cubic feet of live storage and 27,675 cubic feet of water quality dead storage.
In the South Basin the combined wet detention vault located in the student parking area will provide
approximately 79,000 cubic feet of live storage and 19,800 cubic feet of water quality dead storage. The 60-
inch detention pipe system located at the southeast corner of the exiting classroom building will provide
another 5104 cubic feet of live storage.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Table 4-Summan, ofDete11tio11 Sustem
Storage Summary North Basin Vault South Basin
Renuired Live Storao:e 31,365 cubic feet 76,500 cubic feet
Provided Live Storao:e 35,415 cubic feet 79,200 cubic feet
R""uired Dead Stora"e 26,537 cubic feet 14,390 cubic feet
Provided Dead Stora"e 27,675 cubic feet 19,800 cubic feet
Table 5 -SummanJ of Detention System Areas
North Basin
Existing x-acre forest
x-acre Impervious
Prooosed x-acre Pervious
x-acre Impervious
Water Quality System (Part E)
Standard Requirements
South Basin 60-inch Total
Pioe Svstem Volume
4840 cubic feet 112,705
5104 cubic feet 119,719
0 cubic feet 40,927
0 cubic feet 47,475
South Basin South Basin
Vault Pipes
3.423 0.856
0 0.485
0.163 0.656
3.26 0.685
The Lindbergh High School project site is located within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, an area
designated as a Conservation Flow Control Area and Basic Water Quality Area by King County code. The
existing campus is located on a ridge defining two separate onsite drainage basins which are dubbed the
North Basin and the South Basin. The North Basin drains to Renton storm lines located in SE 164th Street,
which drains west to an unnamed open channel conveyance system that flows to the northwest and
discharges to the Cedar River and eventually Lake Washington. The South Basin drains to the southeast
comer of the property where it is routed to the Molasses Creek downstream of Renton Park and Youngs
This project will provide water quality in accordance with Basic water quality requirements of the KCSWDM
(section 6.4.2) as amended by the City of Renton, Water quality treatment will be performed by a dead
storage in combined wet detention vaults located in the North and South Basins of the site.
This project will have three new detention systems:
In the North Basin the combined wet detention vault and 60-inch diameter detention pipe system will
provide approximately 27,675 cubic feet of water quality dead storage.
In the South Basin the combined wet detention vault located in the student parking area will provide
approximately 19,800 cubic feet of water quality dead storage. The 60-inch detention pipe system located at
the southeast comer of the exiting classroom building will not have an pollution generating impervious
surface within it's tributary area and will not have water quality dead storage.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton~ Washlllgtcm
Spill Control
Spill control is required for projects constructing or replacing onsite pipe systems that receive runoff from
pollution-generating surfaces such as parking lots (1.2.4-G). Spill control measures are intended to
temporarily detain oil or other floatable pollutants and prevent them from entering the downstream storm
system (4.2.1). Spill control will be provided by two control risers located in each of the inlet catch basins
directly upstream from the detention vault The control riser will be designed per KCSWDM section
and will consist of multiple orifice restrictors constructed on a tee section per Figure 5.3.4.A.
Flow Control and Discharge Requirements
The proposed development adds or replaces over 2,000 square feet of impervious surface; therefore, flow
control facilities must be provided per KCSWDM
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washingt<m
L__j ,-
Figure IO -Existing Site Hydrology
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Lindbergh High School lmpmvt->JTicnts
Renton, Washington
Figure I I -Developed Site Hydrology
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
I •
King County
Flow Control
Applications Map
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Figure 12 -Flow Control Applications Map
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Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
. '
King County
Water Quality
Applications Map
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Figure 13 -Water Quality Applications Map
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Llndbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Program Version: MGSFlood 4.09
Program License Number: 200610002
Run Date: 02/22/2011 8:44 AM
Input File Name:
Project Name:
North Basin.fid
Lindbergh HS
Analysis Title: North Basin Detention Sizing
-----------PRECIPITATION INPUT----------
Computational Time Step (Minutes): 60
Extended Precipitation Timeseries Selected
Climatic Region Number: 13
Full Period of Record Available used for Routing
Precipitation Station: 96004005 Puget East 40 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097
Evaporation Station : 961040 Puget East 40 in MAP
Evaporation Scale Factor 0. 750
HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1
HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default
•••••••••• Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) .............. .
........... ********•**** WATERSHED DEFINITION***"'***""**"************
Number of Subbasins: 1
·····-··· Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---·-----
-----Area(Acres) -------
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
Subbasin Total 6.900
---······-·······----SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED
Number of Subbasins: 1
-··------Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------
------Area(Acres) -------
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
Subbasin Total 6.900
Number of links: 0
-------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED
Number of links: 1
Link Name: Basin A Vault
link Type: Structure
Downstream link: None
Prismatic Pond Option Used
Pond Floor Elevation (ft)
Riser Crest Elevation (ft)
Max Pond Elevation (ft)
Storage Depth (ft)
Pond Bottom Length (ft)
30.0 Pond Bottom Width (ft)
Pond Side Slopes (ft/ft)
Bottom Area (sq-ft)
Area at Riser Crest El (sq-ft)
: L1= 0.00
0.141 (acres)
Volume at Riser Crest (cu-ft)
(ac-ft) :
Area at Max Elevation (sq-ft)
(acres) :
Vol at Max Elevation (cu-ft)
L2= 0.00 W1= 0.00 W2= 0.00
(ac-ft) O. 720
Massmann Infiltration Option Used
Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) 0.00
Depth to Water Table (ft) : 100.00
Bio-Fouling Potential : Low
Mai nten a nee : Average or Better
Riser Geometry
Riser Structure Type
Riser Diameter (in)
Common Length (ft)
Riser Crest Elevation
: Circular
: 12.00
: 0.130
: 104.00 ft
Hydraulic Structure Geometry
Number of Devices: 2
--Device Number
Device Type
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
---Device Number
Device Type
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
1 ---
Circular Orifice
: 100.00
: 3.55
: Horizontal
: No
2 --·
Circular Orifice
: Horizontal
: No
....... .,..,. .. .,...,,""'..,.*FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS000"'.,.."'*u*"'*"*"
Number of Subbasins: 1
Number of Links: o
Number of Subbasins: 1
Number of Links: 1
**** .. **""" Link: Basin A Vault
WSEL Frequency Data(ft)
(Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position)
Tr (yrs) WSEL Peak (ft)
Link WSEL Stats
0 "**"'*****Water Quality Facility Data *0 ***"'***-*"
Number of Links: O
Number of Links: 1
**"'****••• Link: Basin A Vault ****"'*****
Basic Wet Pond Volume (91 % Exceedance): 26537. cu-ft
Computed Large Wet Pond Volume, 1.5*Basic Volume: 39806. cu-ft
Infiltration/Filtration Statistics--------------------
Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft): 2781 .44
Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Percent Treated (lnfiltrated+Filtered)fTotal Volume: 0.00%
*"**•11 •0 ... *Compliance Point Results "'*00*******
Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Subbasin 1
Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: Basin A Vault
••• Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data •••
Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position
Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff
Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs)
2-Year 0.922 2-Year 0.623
5-Year 1.143 5-Year 0.816
10-Year 1.350 10-Year 0.951
25-Year 1.608 25-Year 1.140
50-Year 1.710 50-Year 1.521
100-Year 1.858 100-Year 2.150
200-Year 2.272 200-Year 2.222
•• Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals
•••• Flow Duration Performance According to Dept. of Ecology Criteria ••••
Excursion at Predeveloped Y.iQ2 (Must be Less Than 0%): -30.3% PASS
Maximum Excursion from Y.02 to 02 (Must be Less Than 0%): -1.9% PASS
Maximum Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 10%): -23.5% PASS
Percent Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 50%): 0.0% PASS
Program Version: MGSFlood 4.09
Program License Number: 200610002
Run Date: 0212212011 8:12 AM
Input File Name: South Basin_Student Parking.lid
Project Name: Lindbergh HS cJ
Analysis Title: South Basin -Vault ,:lt,JO 1>£11:'.t-lTJ)IJ Pt PfS / M Oi)tl.fD f/2..DjJ'I t>-'
Comments: Alternate Bid -Student Parking ,;,rt,/\ fbt r-JT of CoM.fiJAtJc.£.
-----------PRECIPITATION INPUT---'-~..:;..w'--.;_:-'-'-'--=-
Computational Time Step (Minutes): 60
Extended Precipitation Timeseries Selected
Climatic Region Number: 13
Full Period of Record Available used for Routing
Precipitation Station: 96004005 Puget East40 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097
Evaporation Station 961040 Puget East 40 in MAP
Evaporation Scale Factor O. 750
HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1
HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default
.......... Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) .............. .
U********'****UUttlhlrA WATERSHED DEFINITION *************'**0 ******
Number of Subbasins: 2
---·--··· Subbasin : Student Parking .,------
-------Area(Acres) -··--
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
Subbasin Total 3.423
T 12-1 Bu.. m-P-'1 '"t'1l
---------Subbasin : Base Bid --------·-
-------Area(Acres) -------
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
Subbasin Total 1.341
Number of Subbasins: 2
---------Subbasin : · Student Parking ------
------Area(Acres) --------
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
Subbasin Total 3.423
T'(l.l 1$u.T'W-, '1 TO OC-11iNT1 o,J fl ff:~
------Subbasin : Base Bid ------
-----Area(Acres) ------
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
Subbasin Total 1.341
-·----------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED
Number of Links: 1
Link Name: POC
Link Type: Copy
Downstream Link: None
••••,u,•••••••••••*•*••••• LINK DATA **"'***********•••••*••••:1c••••••
Number of Links: 3
Link Name: Alternate Bid Vault -u:,~ r..i <;'ru.D£f',1T" PPl-11-l'u,~
Link Type: Structure
Downstream Link Name: POC
Prismatic Pond Option Used
Pond Floor Elevation (ft)
Riser Crest Elevation (ft)
Max Pond Elevation (ft)
Storage Depth (ft)
Pond Bottom Length (ft)
75.0 Pond Bottom Width (ft)
Pond Side Slopes (ft/ft)
Bottom Area (sq-ft)
: L1= 0.00
Area at Riser Crest El (sq-ft)
(acres) :
Volume at Riser Crest (cu-ft)
(ac-ft) :
Area at Max Elevation (sq-ft)
Vol at Max Elevation (cu-ft)
Massmann Infiltration Option Used
Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) : 0.00
L2= 0.00 W1= 0.00 W2= 0.00
Depth to Water Table (ft)
Bio-Fouling Potential
: 100.00
Riser Geometry
Riser Structure Type
Riser Diameter (in)
Common Length (ft)
Riser Crest Elevation
Hydraulic Structure Geometry
Number of Devices: 2
: Low
: Average or Better
: Circular
: 12.00
: 0.020
: 106.00 ft
---Device Number
Device Type
1 ---
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
Circular Orifice
: Horizontal
: No
--Device Number
Device Type
2 --
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
: Circular Orifice
: 105.00
: Vertical
: No
Link Name:. Base Bid 60" Plpies
Link Type: Structure
Downstream Link Name: POC
User Specified Elevation Volume Table Used
Elevation (ft)
101. 10
Pond Volume (cu-ft)
r-o-'-S tnf.J\ ri .. f\; srn-~~ ;;roU>-!=if 11'\~I.£
(__ '14P Lr (QC'' ~ rw~)
103.40 3431.
103.50 3551
103.60 3669.
103.70 3785.
103.80 3897.
103.90 4007.
104.00 4113.
104.10 4215.
104.20 4312.
104.30 4405.
104.40 4492.
104.50 4574.
104.60 4648.
104.70 4714.
104.BO 4771.
104.90 4815.
105.00 4839.
Massmann Infiltration Option Used
Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) : 0.00
: 100.00
: Low
Depth to Water Table (ft)
Bio-Fouling Potential
Maintenance : Average or Better
Riser Geometry
Riser Structure Type
Riser Diameter (in)
Common Length (ft)
Riser Crest Elevation
!)Q[t-nl<>N :P( ff l"lo.-.1 Cl:>~OL f-\S£e.-
: Circular
: 12.00
: 0.020
: 103.00 ft
Hydraulic Structure Geometry
Number of Devices: 2
---Device Number
Device Type
1 ---
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
: Circular Orifice
: 100.00
: Horizontal
: No
---Device Number
Device Type
2 --
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
Link Name: POC
Link Type: Copy
Downstream Link: None
: Circular Orifice
: 102.55
: 2.80
: Horizontal
: Yes
""*•u•000****••*"••fL00D FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS"'*'H********•••0 •
---------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED
Number of Subbasins: 2
Number of Links: 1
Number of Subbasins: 2
Number of Links: 3
**•'********Water Quality Facility Data "'***00**...,,*
Number of Links: 1
................. Link: POC
Infiltration/Filtration Statistics---------------
Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft): 598.67
Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Percent Treated (lnfiltrated+Filtered)fTotal Volume: 0.00%
Number of Links: 3
"'*"'******* Link: POC
Infiltration/Filtration Statistics---------------
Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft): 1936. 77
Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Total Runoff Filtered (ac-fl): 0.00, 0.00%
.,, .......... ..
Percent Treated (lnfiltrated+Filtered)fTotal Volume: 0.00%
*•****0 ***Compliance Point Results ******"'*00•
Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Link: POC
Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: POC
... Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data ...
Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position
Predevelopment Runoff
Tr (Years) Discharge (els)
Postdevelopment Runoff
Tr (Years) Discharge (els)
2-Year 0.185 2-Year 0.109
5-Year 0.288 5-Year 0.172
10-Year 0.343 10-Year 0.233
25-Year 0.434 25-Year 0.405
50-Year 0.491 50-Year 0.479
100-Year 0.585 100-Year 0.515
200-Year 0.767 200-Year 0.527
•• Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals
•••• Flow Duration Performance According to Dept. of Ecology Criteria'*"
Excursion at Predeveloped Y.02 (Must be Less Than 0%): -3.4% PASS
Maximum Excursion from Y:iQ2 to Q2 (Must be Less Than 0%): -3.4% PASS
Maximum Excursion from 02 to Q50 (Must be less than 10%): -20.0% PASS
Percent Excursion from Q2 to Q50 (Must be less than 50%): 0.0% PASS
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Program Version: MGSFlood 4.11
Program License Number: 200610002
Run Date: 02/25/201112:08 PM
Input File Name:
Project Name:
South Basin_Student Parking WQ.fld
Lindbergh HS
Analysis Title: South Basin -Vault
Comments: Student Parking -Water Quality ONLY
-----------PRECIPITATION INPUT----------
Computational Time Step (Minutes): 60
Extended Precipitation Timeseries Selected
Climatic Region Number: 13
Full Period of Record Available used for Routing
Precipitation Station: 96004005 Puget East 40 in_5min 1010111939-10/01/2097
Evaporation Station : 961040 Puget East 40 in MAP
Evaporation Scale Factor 0.750
HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1
HSPF Parameter Region Name USGS Default
•••-••••• Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) •••••••••••••••
Number of Subbasins: 1
-----Subbasin : Student Parking ---------
------Area(Acres) -------
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
Subbasin Total 3.423
----------···-------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED
Number of Subbasins: 1
---·--··· Subbasin : Student Parking -···-·-··-
·--··--Area(Acres) --------
Till Forest
Till Pasture
Till Grass
Outwash Forest
Outwash Pasture
Outwash Grass
Green Roof
0 000
Subbasin Total 3.423
.,., •• ,.. •• .,. ••••••••••••••••• LINK DAT A ••••••-•••••••••••••••••••*••••
-·------------····-SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED
Number of Links: 1
Link Name: POC
Link Type: Copy
Downstream Link: None
Number of Links: 1
Link Name: Alternate Bid Vault
Link Type: Structure
Downstream Link: None
Prismatic Pond Option Used
Pond Floor Elevation (ft)
Riser Crest Elevation (ft)
Max Pond Elevation (ft)
Storage Depth (ft)
Pond Bottom Length (ft)
Pond Bottom Width (ft)
Pond Side Slopes (ft/ft)
Bottom Area (sq-ft)
: L 1= 0.00 L2= 0.00 W1= 0.00 W2= 0.00
Area al Riser Crest El (sq-ft) 12,750.
(acres) :
Volume at Riser Crest (cu-ft)
Area at Max Elevation (sq-ft)
(acres) :
Vol at Max Elevation (cu-ft)
Massmann Infiltration Option Used
Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) O 00
Depth to Water Table (ft)
Bio-Fouling Potential
: 100.00
: Low
: Average or Better
Riser Geometry
Riser Structure Type
Riser Diameter (in)
Common Length (ft)
Riser Crest Elevation
: Circular
: 12.00
: 0.020
: 106.00 ft
Hydraulic Structure Geometry
Number of Devices: 2
---Device Number
Device Type
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
--Device Number
Device Type
Control Elevation (ft)
Diameter (in)
1 ---
Circular Orifice
: 100.00
: 0.82
: Horizontal
: No
2 ---
Circular Orifice
: 105.00
: 2.00
: Vertical
: No
•1i•u•u**"'*****•"'"'"'*FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATJSTICS*****""0 •u•••*****
Number of Subbasins: 1
Number of links: 1
Number of Subbasins: 1
Number of links: 1
.......... link: Alternate Bid Vault
WSEL Frequency Data(ft)
(Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position)
Tr (yrs) WSEL Peak (fl)
link WSEL Stats
*00**"'***Water Quality Facility Data 0 * ... *0 *0 "'*
Number of Links: 1
................ Link: POC ............
Infiltration/Filtration Statistics------·-··-···
Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft): 307.56
Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Percent Treated (lnfiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00%
Number of Links: 1
***** ...... * .. Link: Alternate Bid Vault ••••••••••
Basic Wet Pond Volume (91% Exceedance): 14390. cu-ft u->i'tr!]l.
Computed Large Wet Pond Volume, 1.5*Basic Volume: 21586. cu-ft
Infiltration/Filtration Statistics------·····-·
Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft): 1472.33
Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00%
Percent Treated (lnfiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00%
*'"*""**** .. •Compliance Point Results .... "'0 *"'*"'**
Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Link: POC
Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: Alternate Bid Vault
... Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data•••
Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position
Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff
Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs)
Qu.A. L-1 'tY llQ..ul.A.£
12.(Qv.1 tt£D 1,-J \JPr<-'-IX
2-Year O 073 2-Year 0.033
5-Year 0.124 5-Year 0.039
10-Year 0.154 10-Year 0.114
25-Year 0.199 25-Year 0.159
50-Year 0.240 50-Year 0.299
100-Year 0.288 100-Year 0.378
200-Year 0.389 200-Year 0.383
" Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals
"*' Flow Duration Performance According to Dept. of Ecology Criteria *"'
Excursion at Predeveloped Y.02 (Must be Less Than 0%): -16.7% PASS
Maximum Excursion from Y.02 to 02 (Must be Less Than 0%): -16.7% PASS
Maximum Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 10%) 99999 0% FAIL
Percent Excursion from 02 to 050 (Must be less than 50%): 31.2% PASS
-""""'W l\t-lt-1. . .'-\ S \':, r.rA-\ T\-1--i':, IN"-""I I
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l}olD poe. ~t)i--\ SJZ,i/0~.
This section discusses the criteria that will be used to analyze and design the proposed storm conveyance
system. Conveyance calculations will be provided with the full drainage submittal.
Standard Requirements (based on KCSWDM and SAO):
1. Facilities must couvey the 100-year flow witho11t overtopping the crown of the roadway, flooding
bnildings, and if sheet flow occurs it must pass through a drai1111ge easement. The detention facilities are
designed to convey the 100-year developed flow.
2 New pipe systen,s aud cr,/verts must convey the 25-year flow witl, at least 0.5 feet of freeboard. (1.2.4-1).
The new pipe s-ystems are designed to convey the 25-year flow with at least 0.5 feet of freeboard.
3. Bridges 11111st conve11 the 100-year flow and provide a minim111n of two feet, varying 11p to six feet, of
clearance based on 25% of the mean channel width. (1.24-2)(4.3.5-6). NIA This project does not propose
a bridge.
4. Drainage ditches must convey the 25-year flow with 0.5 feet of freeboard and the 10()-year flow withortt
overtopping. (1.2.4-2). Drainage ditches are not proposed as part of this proposed development.
5. Floodplain Crossings 11111st not increase the base flood elevation by more tha,1 0.01 feet [41(83.C)] and
shall not reduce the flood storage volume [37(82.A)J. Piers shall not be constructed in the FEMA
floodway. [41(83.F.1)]. There are no floodplain crossings associated with the construction of this project.
6. Stream Crossings shall req11ire a bridge for class 1 streams that does not dishtrb or banks. For type 2
and type 3 steams, open bottom cr,(verts or other method may be nsed that will not harm the stream or
inhibit fisl, passage. [60(95.B)]. There are no stream crossings associated with the construction of this
7. Discharge at nahtral location is required and must prod11ce no significant impacts to the downstream
property (1.21-1). The project will discharge to the existing discharge locations located in the northwest
corner and the southeast corner of the site.
Detailed information and calculations are contained at the end of this section.
On-site Conveyance
Existing Conditions:
Storm water discharges from the property at two locations: the northwest and southeast corners of the
property. Existing storm conveyance lines varying in size from 4-inch to 18-inch diameter exist onsite. There
are no existing detention facilities.
Developed Storm system description:
The on-site conveyance system will consist of Type 1 and Type 2 catch basins, 8 and 12-inch conveyance
lines, water quality facilities, and detention facilities.
The project will connect to existing storm drainage pipes. There will be no outfall systems in this project.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Watju:n.gton
1. Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report. Renton,
Washington. Prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. on February 18, 2010.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Geotechnical Englneering
Water Resources
Environmental Assessments and
Sustainable Development Services
Geologic Assessments
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.
&ilrao'!f OtttJI' ij 'y/Ml'J' o/J}NJetJ
Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report
Renton, Washington
Prepared for
Renton School District
c/o Greene Gasaway Architects, PLLC
Project No. KE090426A
February 18, 2010
Renton, Washington
Prepared for:
Renton School District
c/o Greene Gasaway Architects, PLLC
P.O. Box 4158
Federal Way, Washington 98063
Prepared by:
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.
911 5'h A venue, Suite 100
Kirkland, Washington 98033
Fax: 425-827-5424
February 18, 2010
Project No. KE090426A
Lindbergh High School /mprovemems
Renroll, Washing/oil
Subsu,jace Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon
Project and Sile Conditions
This report is based on our understanding of the currently-proposed site improvements at
Lindbergh High School. It is our understanding that these improvements include construction
of a weight room addition to the gym, construction of a fire loop road, additional parking
areas, road widening, and repaving the upper parking lot. The areas currently proposed for
these improvements are covered with grass or existing paved surfaces. At the time this report
was written, no grading plan or detailed structural designs had been completed. For the
purpose of preparing this report, we have assumed the new structure and paved surfaces will
be constructed close to existing grades, and that the new structure will be a one-to two-story
building, with relatively light foundation loads.
The project site is that of the existing Lindbergh High School. The existing school includes
several buildings with paved parking areas and driveways. Grass athletic fields (baseball/
softball) are located to the west of the main structures, and a synthetic football field is located
to the southeast. The site has been graded to its current configuration by past earthwork
on-site. Overall site topography is that of a broad valley with a northwest-southeast trending
bottom, which slopes downward from the northwest to the southeast. Site grades are generally
relatively flat to moderately sloping within the areas proposed for construction, with a few
limited steeply-sloping areas, which are likely the result of past grading (e.g., along the "home
run" fence of the baseball field). The existing slopes are not expected to be subject to
regulation as critical areas.
Our subsurface exploration completed for this project included advancing 12 hollow-stem
auger soil borings. Other borings have been completed by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.
(AES!) throughout the school property during previous studies conducted at the subject site.
One boring from these past studies, exploration boring EB-7 (completed in January of 2003),
has been included with the recent boring logs in the attached Appendix because it is located
along the approximate alignment of the proposed fire lane. In this report, for the purposes of
clarity, we have renamed this boring "EB-7A.'' The conclusions and recommendations
presented in this report are based on the explorations completed for this study. The locations
and depths of the explorations were completed within site and budget constraints.
3 .1 Exploration Borings
The exploration borings were completed by advancing hollow-stem auger tools with a track-
mounted drill rig. During the drilling process, samples were obtained at generally 2.5-to
5-foot-depth intervals. The exploration borings were continuously observed and logged by a
JPllld -KE.0904-2611.J -P1oj~tsl1009()426\KEl WP Page 2
Lindbergh High School lmprovemems
Renton, Washi11gw11
Subswface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and
Prelimi11ary Geotechnical E11gi11eeri11g Repon
Project and Site Conditions
density, the existing fill will require removal from building areas and remedial improvement
below planned paving.
Ice Contact Deposits
Below the existing fill, exploration borings EB-1 through EB-4, and EB-12 encountered
variable silty sand with gravel, interbedded in places with fine sand zones or silt seams.
Density typically varied from medium dense to dense, increasing to very dense within zones
containing increased amounts of gravel. These native sediments are interpreted to represent
Vashon ice contact sediments. Ice contact sediments were initially deposited above or within a
glacial ice mass, and were subsequently redeposited when the ice melted. Ice contact
sediments can be stratified and alluvially re-worked, and stratification was noted in our
exploration borings on this site. Ice contact deposits are typically not consolidated to the same
degree as lodgement till sediments, though some degree of compaction by glacial activity can
occur. The ice contact sediments observed in our exploration borings for this project are silty
and are considered highly moisture-sensitive. With proper preparation, these sediments will
provide adequate support for the new building addition or paved surfacing. Excavated ice
contact sediments are expected to be above optimum moisture content for compaction
purposes, and will need to be dried during favorable dry site and weather conditions to allow
their reuse in structural fill applications. At the locations of exploration borings EB-I through
EB-4, the ice contact deposits extended beyond the maximum depths explored of approximately
15.5 to 21.5 feet.
Vashon Lodgement Till
Sediments encountered at exploration borings EB-5 through EB-11. below the ice contact
sediments at the location of exploration boring EB-12, and in exploration boring EB-7A,
consisted chiefly of dense to very dense, silty sand with gravel. We interpret these sediments
to be representative of Vashon lodgement till. The Vashon lodgement till was deposited
directly from basal, debris-laden glacial ice during the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation
approximately 12,500 to 15,000 years ago. The high relative density of the unweathered till is
due to its consolidation by the massive weight of the glacial ice from which it was deposited.
At the locations of EB-5 through EB-12, and EB-7A, the till extended beyond the maximum
depths explored of approximately 10.3 to 16.5 feet.
4.2 Geologic Mapping
We reviewed a published geologic map of the area (Geologic Map of King County,
Washington, by Derek B. Booth, Kathy A. Troost, and Aaron P. Wisher, 2006). The
referenced map indicates that the site vicinity is characterized primarily by lodgement till at the
ground surface. The shallow native sediments observed in our explorations for this project are
JPUld -KE090426AJ -ProJitr.:ul100904261K£1 WP Page 4
Li11dbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washi11g1011
S11bs111face Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Geo1ec/micai Engi11eeri11g Reporr
Geologic Hazards and Mitigations
The following discussion of potential geologic hazards is based on the geologic, slope, and
ground and surface water conditions, as observed and discussed herein. The discussion will be
limited to seismic and erosion issues.
Earthquakes occur regularly in the Puget Lowland. The majority of these events are small and
are usually not felt by people. However, large earthquakes do occur, as evidenced by the
1949, 7.2-magnitude event; the 2001, 6.8-magnitude event; and the 1965, 6.5-magnitude
event. The 1949 earthquake appears to have been the largest in this region during recorded
history and was centered in the Olympia area. Evaluation of earthquake return rates indicates
that an earthquake of the magnitude between 5. 5 and 6. 0 is likely within a given
20-year period.
Generally, there are four types of potential geologic hazards associated with large seismic
event.s: I) surficial ground rupture, 2) seismically induced landslides, 3) liquefaction, and
4) ground motion. The potential for each of these hazards to adversely impact the proposed
project is discussed below.
5 .1 Surficial Ground Rupture
The subject site is located approximately 5 miles to the south of the Seattle Fault Zone. Recent
studies by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (e.g., Johnson, et al., 1994, Origin
and Evolution of the Seattle Fault and Seattle Basin, Washington, Geology, v. 22, p.71-74;
and Johnson et al., 1999, Active Tectonics of the Seattle Fault and Central Puget Sound
Washington -Implications for Eanhquake Hazards, Geological Society of America Bulletin,
July 1999, v. 111, n. 7, p. 1042-1053) have provided evidence of surficial ground rupture
along a northern splay of the Seattle Fault. The recognition of this fault is relatively new, and
data pertaining to it are limited, with the studies still ongoing. According to the USGS studies,
the latest movement of this fault was about 1,100 years ago when about 20 feet of surficial
displacement took place. This displacement can presently be seen in the form of raised, wave-
cut beach terraces along Alki Point in West Seattle and Restoration Point at the south end of
Bainbridge Island. The recurrence interval of movement along this fault system is still
unknown, although it is hypothesized to be in excess of several thousand years. Due to the
suspected long recurrence interval, the potential for surficial ground rupture is considered to be
low during the expected life of the structures, and no mitigation efforts beyond complying with
the current (2006) !nJemational Building Code (IBC) are recommended.
JPl/fd-KED90416AJ -Projectil200904161KEJWP Page 6
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washillgton
Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report
Geologic Hazards and Mitigations
As of October I, 2008, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) Construction
Storm Water General Permit (also known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System [NPDESJ permit) requires weekly Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control
(TESC) inspections and turbidity monitoring of site runoff for all sites I or more acres in size
that discharge storm water to surface waters of the state. We provide in the following sections
recommendations to address these inspection and reporting requirements. The following
sections also include recommendations related to general erosion control and mitigation.
The TESC inspections and turbidity monitoring of runoff must be completed by a Certified
Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) for the duration of the construction. The weekly
TESC reports do not need to be sent to Ecology, but should be logged into the project Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Ecology requires a monthly summary report of the
turbidity monitoring results signed by the NPDES permit holder. If the monitored turbidity
equals or exceeds 25 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) (Ecology benchmark standard), the
project best management practices (BMPs) should be modified to decrease the turbidity of
storm water leaving the site. Changes and upgrades to the BMPs should be documented in the
weekly TESC reports and continued until the weekly turbidity reading is 25 NTU or lower. If
the monitored turbidity exceeds 250 NTU, the results must be reported to Ecology via phone
within 24 hours and corrective actions should be implemented as soon as possible. Daily
turbidity monitoring is continued until the corrective actions lowers the turbidity to below
25 NTU, or until the discharge stops. This description of the sampling benchmarks and
reporting requirements is a brief summary of the Construction Storm Water General Permit
conditions. The general permit is available on the internet'.
In order to meet the current Ecology requirements, a properly developed, constructed, and
maintained erosion control plan consistent with City of Renton standards and best management
erosion control practices will be required for this project. AES! is available to assist the
project civil engineer in developing site-specific erosion control plans. Based on past
experience, it will be necessary to make adjustments and provide additional measures to the
TESC plan in order to optimize its effectiveness. Ultimately, the success of the TESC plan
depends on a proactive approach to project planning and contractor implementation and
The most effective erosion control measure is the maintenance of adequate ground cover.
Maintaining cover measures atop disturbed ground provides the greatest reduction to the
potential generation of turbid runoff and sediment transport. During the local wet season
(October l" through March 31 M), exposed soil should not remain uncovered for more than
2 days unless it is actively being worked. Ground-cover measures can include erosion control
1 http://www. ecy. wa. gov /programs/wg/stormwater/construction/constructionfinalpermit. pdf
JPUtrf-KE090416,13 -ProjecH\200904261Kf\WP Page 8
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Subswface Explorarion. Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Georechnical Engineering Reporr
Geologic Hazards and Mitigations
I. Construction activity should be scheduled or phased as much as possible to reduce the
amount of earthwork activity that is performed during the winter months.
2. The winter performance of a site is dependent on a well-conceived plan for control of
site erosion and storm water runoff. It is easier to keep the soil on the ground than to
remove it from storm water. The owner and the design team should include adequate
ground-cover measures, access roads, and staging areas in the project bid to give the
selected contractor a workable site. The selected contractor needs to be prepared to
implement and maintain the required measures to reduce the amount of exposed
ground. A site maintenance plan should be in place in the event storm water turbidity
measurements are greater than the Ecology standards.
3. TESC measures for a given area to be graded or otherwise worked should be installed
soon after ground clearing or timber harvesting. The recommended sequence of
construction within a given area after clearing/timber harvesting would be to
install sediment traps and/or ponds and establish perimeter flow control prior to starting
mass grading.
4. During the wetter months of the year, or when large storm events are predicted during
the summer months, each work area should be stabilized so that if showers occur, the
work area can receive the rainfall without excessive erosion or sediment transport. The
required measures for an area to be "buttoned-up" will depend on the time of year and
the duration the area will be left un-worked. During the winter months, areas that are
to be left un-worked for more than 2 days should be mulched or covered with plastic.
During the summer months, stabilization will usually consist of seal-rolling the
subgrade. Such measures will aid in the contractor's ability to get back into a work
area after a storm event. The stabilization process also includes establishing temporary
storm water conveyance channels through work areas to route runoff to the approved
treatment facilities.
5. All disturbed areas should be revegetated as soon as possible. If it is outside of the
growing season, the disturbed areas should be covered with mulch, as recommended in
the erosion control plan. Straw mulch provides a cost-effective cover measure and can
be made wind-resistant with the application of a tackifier after it is placed.
6. Surface runoff and discharge should be controlled during and following development.
Uncontrolled discharge may promote erosion and sediment transport. Under no
circumstances should concentrated discharges be allowed to flow over the top of
steep slopes.
JPLl/d-KE090416AJ-ProjectJ~.261K£1WP Page 10
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton. Washington
Subswface Exploration. Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report
Preliminary Design Reco11v11e11dations
Portions of the subject site are underlain by a layer of surficial existing fill that is variable in
density, composition, and thickness. Existing fill is not suitable for support of new
foundations, and warrants remedial preparation where it occurs below paving and similar
lightly loaded structures. Structural fill or native ice contact or lodgement till deposits are
suitable for support of shallow foundations with proper preparation. Based on the soil
conditions encountered in exploration boring EB-5, we anticipate that overexcavation will not
be necessary for the foundations for the proposed weight room addition to the gym. This
should be verified during construction.
Existing buried utilities, vegetation, topsoil, and any other deleterious materials should be
removed where they are located below planned construction areas. All disturbed soils resulting
from demolition activities should be removed to expose underlying, undisturbed, native
sediments and replaced with structural fill, as needed. All excavations below final grade made
for demolition activities should be backfilled, as needed, with structural fill. Erosion and
surface water control should be established around the clearing limits to satisfy local
requirements .
Once demolition has been completed, existing fill should be addressed. The observed fill
depth in our borings was up to approximately 13 feet below existing grade, We recommend
that existing fill be removed from below areas of planned foundations to expose underlying
undisturbed native sediments, followed by restoration of the planned foundation grade with
structural fill. Removal of existing fill should extend laterally beyond the building footprint by
a distance equal to the depth of overexcavation. For example, if existing fill is removed to a
depth of 2 feet below a planned footing area, the excavation should also extend laterally 2 feet
beyond the building footprint in that area. Care should be taken not to disturb support soils of
existing foundations. Support soils should be considered those soils within a prism projected
downward and outward from existing footings at inclinations of lH:IV (Horizontal:Vertical).
Where existing fill is removed and replaced with structural fill, conventional shallow
foundations may be used for building support. The required depth of removal should be
determined in the field based on actual conditions encountered during excavation.
February 18, 2010 ASSOCIATED EAR111 SCIENCES, INC.
JPUld-KE090426A1 -f>r(IJtml20090426,KEIWP Page 12
Li11dbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Geotechnical E11gi11eeri11g Report
Prelimina,y De.rign Recommendations
Foundation subgrades may require protection from foot and equipment traffic and ponding of
runoff during wet weather conditions. Typically, compacted crushed rock or a lean-mix
concrete mat placed over a properly prepared subgrade provides adequate subgrade protection.
Foundation concrete should be placed and excavations backfilled as soon as possible to protect
the bearing surface.
8.3 Proof-Rolling and Subgrade Compaction
Following the recommended demolition, site stripping, and planned excavation, the stripped
subgrade within the building areas should be proof-rolled with heavy, rubber-tired construction
equipment, such as a fully loaded, tandem-axle dump truck. Proof-rolling should be
performed prior to structural fill placement or foundation excavation. The proof-roll should be
monitored by the geotechnical engineer so that any soft or yielding subgrade soils can be
identified. Any soft/loose, yielding soils should be removed to a stable subgrade. The
subgrade should then be scarified, adjusted in moisture content, and recompacted to the
required density. Proof-rolling should only be attempted if soil moisture contents are at or
near optimum moisture content. Proof-rolling of wet subgrades could result in further
degradation. Low areas and excavations may then be raised to the planned finished grade with
compacted structural fill. Subgrade preparation and selection, placement, and compaction of
structural fill should be performed under engineering-controlled conditions in accordance with
the pr~ject specifications.
8 .4 Overexcavation/Stabilization
Construction during extended wet weather periods could create the need to overexcavate
exposed soils if they become disturbed and cannot be recompacted due to elevated moisture
content and/or weather conditions. Even during dry weather periods, soft/wet soils, which
may need to be overexcavated, may be encountered in some portions of the site. If
overexcavation is necessary, it should be confirmed through continuous observation and testing
by AESI. Soils that have become unstable may require remedial measures in the form of one
or more of the following:
l. Drying and recompaction, Selective drying may be accomplished by scarifying or
windrowing surficial material during extended periods of dry and warm weather.
2. Removal of affected soils to expose a suitable bearing subgrade and replacement with
compacted structural fill.
3. Mechanical stabilization with a coarse crushed aggregate compacted into the sub grade,
possibly in conjunction with a geotextile.
4. Soil/cement admixture stabilization.
JPUfd ~ KE090426AJ -ProJectt\10090426\KEI WP Page 14
Lindbergh High School lmprovemems
Ren/011, Washington
Subswface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and
Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon
Preliminary Design Recommendations
All references to structural fill in · this report refer to subgrade preparation, fill type and
placement, and compaction of materials, as discussed in this section. If a percentage of
compaction is specified under another section of this report, the value given in that section
should be used.
After stripping, planned excavation, and any required overexcavation have been performed to
the satisfaction of the geotechnical engineer, the upper 12 inches of exposed ground in areas to
receive fill should be recompacted to 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum density
using ASTM:D 1557 as the standard. If the subgrade contains silty soils and too much
moisture, adequate recompaction may be difficult or impossible to obtain and should probably
not be attempted. In lieu of recompaction, the area to receive fill should be blanketed with
washed rock or quarry spalls to act as a capillary break between the new fill and the wet
subgrade. Where the exposed ground remains soft and further overexcavation is impractical,
placement of an engineering stabilization fabric may be necessary to prevent contamination of
the free-draining layer by silt migration from below.
After recompaction of the exposed ground is tested and approved, or a free-draining rock
course is laid, structural fill may be placed to attain desired grades. Structural fill is defined as
non-organic soil, acceptable to the geotechnical engineer, placed in maximum 8-inch loose
lifts, with each lift being compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum density
using ASTM:D 1557 as the standard. In the case of roadway and utility trench filling, the
backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with current City of Renton codes and
standards. The top of the compacted fill should extend horizontally outward a minimum
distance of 3 feet beyond the locations of the roadway edges before sloping down at an angle
The contractor should note that any proposed fill soils must be evaluated by AESI prior to their
use in fills. This would require that we have a sample of the material 72 hours in advance to
perform a Proctor test and determine its field compaction standard. Soils in which the amount
of fine-grained material (smaller than the No. 200 sieve) is greater than approximately
5 percent (measured on the minus No. 4 sieve size) should be considered moisture-sensitive.
Use of moisture-sensitive soil in structural fills should be limited to favorable dry weather
conditions. The native and existing fill soils present on-site contained variable amounts of silt
and are considered moisture-sensitive. In addition, construction equipment traversing the site
when the soils are wet can cause considerable disturbance. If fill is placed during wet weather
or if proper compaction cannot be obtained, a select import material consisting of a clean, free-
draining gravel and/or sand should be used. Free-draining fill consists of non-organic soil with
the amount of fine-grained material limited to 5 percent by weight when measured on the
minus No. 4 sieve fraction with at least 25 percent retained on the No. 4 sieve.
JPUl(J -KE090426A3-Projttlsl200904261K£1WP Page 16
Li11dbergh High School lmprovemems
Rell/Oil, Washi11gto11
Subsu,face Explora1io11, Geologic Hazards, a11d
Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon
Preliminary Design Recommendations
Care should be exercised when constructing new foundations adjacent to existing building
foundations. If possible, the new foundations should be founded at the same elevation as the
existing. If new footings are founded above existing footings, they will impart new loads that
may lead to settlement of the existing footings. If adjacent foundations are to be founded at
different elevations, the structural engineer should review the effect of the new loads on
foundations and stem walls. If new foundations will be placed below existing footing
elevations, the existing elements may need to be underpinned.
If any part of the excavations will intersect a 45-degree line extended down from the base of
the existing building foundation, then that portion of the excavation should be completed and
backfilled in short segments on the order of 5 to 10 feet in length. Care should be taken so as
not to undermine the existing foundation elements.
Consideration should be given to deferring the installation of a settlement-sensitive finish, as
long as practical, especially at the transition from the new weight room to the existing
building. To further reduce the potential for differential movement, a closure pour strip
between the new and existing floors could be deferred until the new dead loads are in place.
10.1 Drainage Considerations
Foundations should be provided with foundation drains placed at the base of footing elevation.
Drains should consist of rigid, perforated, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe surrounded by
washed pea gravel. The drains should be constructed with sufficient gradient to allow gravity
discharge away from the proposed buildings. Roof and surface runoff should not discharge
into the footing drain system, but should be handled by a separate, rigid, tightline drain. In
planning, exterior grades adjacent to walls should be sloped downward away from the
proposed structures to achieve surface drainage.
Floor slabs can be supported on suitable native sediments, or on strucrural fill placed above
suitable native sediments. Floor slabs should be cast atop a minimum of 4 inches of clean,
washed, crushed rock or pea gravel to act as a capillary break. Areas of subgrade that are
disturbed (loosened) during construction should be compacted to a non-yielding condition prior
to placement of capillary break material. Floor slabs should also be protected from dampness
by an impervious moisture barrier at least 10 mils thick. The moisture barrier should be
placed between the capillary break material and the concrete slab.
JPUld-KE0904Z6AJ -Projeml20090426lKE\WP Page 18
Li1Zdbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washillgton
Subswface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, a1Zd
Preliminary Geotechnical Engi1Zeering Repon
Preliminary Design Recommendations
least 95 percent of the maximum dry density to achieve the passive resistance provided below,
We recommend the following allowable design parameters:
• Passive equivalent fluid = 250 pcf
• Coefficient of friction = 0 .30
Pavement areas should be prepared in accordance with the "Site Preparation" section of this
report. If the stripped native soil or existing fill pavement subgrade can be compacted to
95 percent of ASTM: D 1557 and is firm and unyielding, no additional overexcavation is
required. Soft or yielding areas should be overexcavated to provide a suitable subgrade and
backfilled with structural fill.
The pavement sections included in this report section are for driveway and parking areas on·
site, and are not applicable to right·Of-way improvements. At this time, we are not aware of
any planned right-of-way improvements; however, if any new paving of public streets is
required, we should be allowed to offer situation-specific recommendations.
The exposed ground should be recompacted to 95 percent of ASTM:D 1557. If required,
structural fill may then be placed to achieve desired subbase grades. Upon completion of the
recompaction and structural fill, a pavement section consisting of 2'12 inches of asphaltic
concrete pavement (ACP) underlain by 4 inches of 1 \4-inch crushed surfacing base course is
the recommended minimum in areas of planned passenger car driving and parking. In heavy
traffic areas, such as bus or fire lanes, a minimum pavement section consisting of 3 inches of
ACP underlain by 2 inches of 5/s-inch crushed surfacing top course and 4 inches of 1 \4-inch
crushed surfacing base course is recommended. The crushed rock courses must be compacted
to 95 percent of the maximum density, as determined by ASTM:D 1557. All paving materials
should meet gradation criteria contained in the current Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications. If an alternate paving system (e.g.,
Grasscrete) is to be considered for the fire loop road, AESI should be contacted to provide
situation-specific recommendations.
Depending on construction staging and desired performance, the crushed base course material
may be substituted with asphalt treated base (ATB) beneath the final asphalt surfacing. The
substitution of ATB should be as follows: 4 inches of crushed rock can be substituted with
3 inches of ATB, and 6 inches of crushed rock may be substituted with 4 inches of ATB. A TB
should be placed over a native or structural fill subgrade compacted to a minimum of
95 percent relative density, and a l 1/2-to 2·inch thickness of crushed rock to act as a working
surface. If ATB is used for construction access and staging areas, some rutting and
JPl.lJd -KE090426A1 -Projects\100904.?6\KEIWP Page 20
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Subswface Exploration, Geologic Hazard,, and
Preliminary Geotec/mical Engineering Repon
Preliminmy Design Recomme11datio11s
Our report is preliminary since project plans were not finalized at the time this report was
written. We recommend that AESI perform a geotechnical review of the plans prior to final
design completion. In this way, we can confirm that our earthwork and foundation
recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design.
We are also available to provide geotechnical engineering and monitoring services during
construction. The integrity of the foundation system depends on proper site preparation and
construction procedures. In addition, engineering decisions may have to be made in the field
in the event that variations in subsurface conditions become apparent. Construction monitoring
services are not part of this current scope of work. If these services are desired, please let us
know, and we will prepare a cost proposal.
We have enjoyed working with you on this study and are confident that these recommendations
will aid in the successful completion of your project. If you should have any questions or
require further assistance, please do not hesitate to call.
Kirkland, Washington
Jeffrey P. i1'ub,L.G., L.E.G.
Project Engineering Geologist
Attachments: Figure!: Vicinity Map
Figure 2:
Februaiy 18, 2010
Site and Exploration Plan
Exploration Logs
JPl/ld -Kf090416AJ -Projeml200904261K£1WP
Kurt D. Merriman, P.E.
Principal Engineer
Page 22
I ::: ,~. _ -~ --7--.· 0 --':cEC~M~~~~~~NG
-~·-=····.~. -.·· -. ,.~-' ----=----. . . . ~,·,,,.-----_,_·;:,'-
' L..-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.-.::.----------~-=-' i ' r ------~-, ~-------------~~ --~-------~~
I REFERENCE: McGRANAKAN ARCl-!lTECTS •============================== f Associated Earth Sciences, lnc. SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN FIGURE 2
" "" "==
?j 1:-:J I :td EJ [7:ll !illil LINDBERGH HIGH SCHOOL OATE. 1,10
§ ~ B1!W !11111 ~ RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJ. NO. KE090426A
Assoc.iated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exploration Loa
Project Number I Exploration Number T Sheet -~ IT] ~ ~ m . KE090426A EB-1 1 of 1
Project Name Liodb11rgb t:ligb SQbQQ[ Ground Surface Elevallon (ft)
Location Benton W8 Datum tlllll Oriller/Equipmenl 6Q[!ltslQ/Irac~ Big Date Start/Finish J 2130l09 l 2130/09 Hammer Weight/Drop HO#l~Q" Hole Diameter (in) ""
g • o--~ l= l'l ·-0 ~, ~ ~ ..,, .c ~! Blows/Foot ~ ..,, 0. <> E 1i s E !!',.. ~E " 0 :;; ,'l T ~ (!) "' ~ iii "' 8 £ DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 0
Fill -
S-1 Moist, brownish gray. silty fine to medium SANO, with gravel and trace 7 .,. organics. 7
'-5 Brown and black. sil~ SAND, with organics over moist, rust-stained S-2 2
' 9 brownish gray, silty ne lo medium SAND, wilh gravel. 2
7 ~--------------------------------· --Ice-Contact Deposits
S-3 Moist, rust-stained brownish gray, Sil T, wilh sand lenses. 4
•12 5
7 '
~ 10 Gray, clayey SILT ror 6" over wel, brownish gray, fine to medium SAND, :!
S-4 6 • with siltier zones. 9 B
-15 Wet, brownish gray, GRAVEL, wilh sand and slit. S-5 14
27 73 -----·------46
Bottom of exploralion boring el 16 5 feet
~ 20
~ 25
'" 35
f • ~
~ " ~ Sampler Type (SD:
&I l1l 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler {SPT) 0 No Recovery M -Molslure Logged by: JPL 0
" [I] 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler {D & M) I] Ring Sample '¥-Waler Level O Approved by: 0
!!! ~ 0 Shelby Tube Sample?: Water level at time of drilling (ATD) :fl Grab Sample <
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exi;iloration Log
l~I [iJ ~ ~ !IBl Projec:l Number
Exploration Number
KE090426A EB-3 1 of 1
Project Name LiDdbecgb l:ligb Ss;bQQI Ground Surface Elevation (ft)
Localion Renton '!Y..8 Datum . ".
Driller/Equipment BQretec/Trai;;~ Big Date Start/Finish j 2130109 j 2130109
Hammer Weight/Drop 140# I JQ" Hole Diameter {in) ""
g " ] 'E .!!l ~ u-.2 ~ ·-0 j! ~~ ==ai ~~ Blows/Foot ~ i C. §-[ ~~ s E .!? .2 ~ .. m Cl<" 0 T "' 0 ~CD = DESCRIPTION 0 30 0 10 20 40
S-1 Moist, brown, gray, and black, silty fine to medium SAND, with gravel. 4 ... ,, organics, and woody debris. 9
L 5
S-2 Mofst, same. 12
•1 8 •
-·-------·-lce•Contact Deposits
C. 10 Mais~ bluish gray, snty fine 10 medium SAND, with gravel. S-3 8 .... 12
c. 15 Moist, bluish gray, silty fine to medium SAND, with gravel. 21 S-4 ~-SOI -. ----~-------~~---
Bollom of exploration boring al 16 4 feet
c. 20
L 25
' 35
~ r
~ ..
"' ~ Sampler Type (ST):
~ [TI 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 0 No Recovery M. Moisture Logged by: JPL g
a: [TI 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample .\?. Water Level () Approved by: 0
" ~ IZJ Shelby Tube Sample!'. Water Level at lime or drilling (ATD) .. Grab Sample ~
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exoloration Loa
Project Number I Exploration Number
Sheet --~ [I] rn;J ~ ~ -KE090426A EB-5 1 of 1 --Project Name l.iodb!:[9b l:!igb SchQQI GrO<Jnd Surface Elevation (ft)
Location Ben!Qn WA Datum •IIA
Driller/Equipment BQC!1tl:!iI[a~~ Big Dale StarVFinish j 2130/09 12130/09
Hammer WeightfOrop HQIUJQ" Hole Diameter (In) ~"
g " J~ J!l
"' o-
=~ "' -o ~i " ".a Blows/Foot {'!_ I 0. c. E o,-~ i s E !!! ,.. ~~ ~
" T ~ r!J "' 3! Pl
0 "' 0 5 DESCRIPTION LI 10 20 30 40
-4 112" concrete. -
Vashon Lodgement Till
Moist. slightly wst-stained brownish gray, silty nne to medium SAND, with 17
gravel. 25 58
~ 5 Moist, brownish gray, silly fine lo medium SAND, wm, gravel.
S-2 18
> 40 79
>--10 I Moist, same. 24 S-3 0/i 'SOI ·-----·-----·--··-----
Bottom of exploration boring at IO 9 feel
~ 15
0 N
I Sampler Type (ST):
i ill 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 0 No Recovery M · Moisture Logged by: JPL
is IIJ 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample ~ Water Level () Approved by:
" ~ 0 Shelby Tu~e Sample-'-Water Level al time of drilling (ATD) "' Grab Sample !.I!
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exnloration Loa
~ [I] ~ ~ ~ Project Number
Exploration Number
" -KE090426A EB-7 1 of 1
Project Name Lio!ibe[gb t:ligb Si;bool Ground Surface Elevation (ft)
Location Beo!QO WI', Datum "'' Driller/Equipment ElQrntei;rr rack Big Date StarVFinish j 2130/.09 j 2130/.09.__
Hammer Weighl/Orop 110#1 ~O" Hole Diameter (in) "'"
g m <.>-_§ J: ,e
m ·-0 ~i m .c .c ~! Blows/Foot ~ .c C. c. E 1 s E i" >, S: E m o ;;; T ~ C') "' l iii 0 "' 0 5 DESCRIPTION {.)
10 20 30 40
··.1 1/2"~halt. r
Vashon Lodgement Till
S-1 Mais~ brownish gray, silty fine to medium SAND, with gravel. 36 ~ 49 23
L 5
Moist, same. lB
30 '"'70
L 10 b S-3 Moist, same. -0,
---·--··-·----·--··-·----------·-··· -·-----12 60/ " .
Sollom of exploration boring al 10 5 feet
L 15
L 20
L 25
L 30
L 35
" ~ Sampler Type (ST):
i [I] 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 0 No Recovery M • Moisture Logged by: JPL
~ [I] 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample 41'-Water Level () Approved by: 0
"' ~ IZJ Shelby Tube Sample:! Waler Level at time of drilling (ATD) ~ Grab Sample ~
Associated Earth Sciences, ]nc. Exoloration Loa
~ [iJ ~ ~ m Project Number I Exploration Number
' KE090426A EB-9 1 of 1 . .
Project Name Lindb!;lrah High School Ground Surface Elevation (ft)
Location Bimton~WA Datum }.1/1\
Driller/Equipment BQrn!\slQffr§Qk Rig Date StarvFinish l 2/30/09 12/30/09
Hammer WeighVOrop HO# I :lQ" Hole Diameter (in) R"
g ~ 1: 1!l ~ ~:g 0 0 .l1 " " !!1 Blows/Foot " '[ "' "'E =" _, ~ I-s E ~ >-"'§ Ii, 15 :;; " T .. (!) "'
~E ~ in 0 "' 0 ~
DESCRIPTION 0 5 10 20 30 40
_ 6" brown, siUy SAND, wlth_llravel. _________________ -4 .. ~ Vashon Lodgement Till 4
> Moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium SAND, wilh gravel aod trace 4
-5 organics.
S-2 Moist, rust-stained brownish gray to brownish gray, silty llrie 10 medium 12
SAND, wllh gravel. 42 •so, •
I !JP.'
-10 Moist, slightly rust~stained brownish gray, silty Jlne to medium SANO, with 20 S-3 HO/!' •so, -> -....gravel. ------·------···---------
> Bollom of exploralion boring at 1 O e feel
~ Sampler Type (ST);
~ [D 2" OD Split Spoon Samplor (SPT) 0 No Recovery M • Moisture Logged by: JPL l'l
"' [D 3' OD Split Spoon Sampler (0 & M) I] Ring Sample .\1. Waler Level () Approved by: 0
" ~ 0 Shelby Tube Sample :f Water Level al ~me or drilling IA TD) ~ Grab Sample w <
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exoloration Loa
~ w ~ ~ m Ptoject Number
ExploraUon Number
. . KE090426A EB-11 1 of 1
Project Name Lio!:11:.le[gll !::ligb S.;bQQI Ground Surface Elevation (ft)
Location B,mlQD Y:1.8 Datum 1,1/{l
DriUer/Equlpment !;loreteQ[Icacb Big Dale Start/Finish 12130/09 12130/09
Hammer Weight/Drop 1,10# / 30" Hole Diameter (in) fi"
g C }: ~
]l o-D ! -D =]! j~ ".0 Blows/Foot = a. a. E :!!~ .il ~ Q. s E I!!>, ~ .. T ~ C) (I) ..
0 "' 0 ~., = DESCRIPTION <.l 10 20 30 40 0
S-1 Moist, brown, sllly SAND, with gravel and organics. 4 " 4
f-5 Moist, same. S-2 4 " 4
' Vashon Lodffement Till I S-3 Moisl lo wel, sllghUy rusl-slalned, silty me to medium SAND, with gravel. 11
20 63
e-10 I Moist lo wel, same.
S-4 15
18 •54
. -----------------· 38
Bollom of exploration ooring al 11 5 reel
~> .:
~ Sampler Type (ST):
~ [I] 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) D No Recovery M -Moisture Logged by: JPL
~ [I] 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample .>( Water Level () Approved by: 0 = ~ IZJ Shelby Tube Sample!' Water Level al Ume of drilling (ATD) a; Grab Sample w
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exoloration Loa
~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Project Number I Exploration Number Sheel
KE02763A EB-7A 1 of 1 .
Project Name ~iadbi:rgb High SchoQI Ground Surface Elevation (fl)
Lor.allon Renton, W8 Oat\Jm . "'
Oriller/E::quipment D<1yies / TraQk Big Date StarUFlnish Qj /02103 112/03
Hammer Weight/Drop 140# / 30" Hole Dlamet.er (in)
g g ,; !!l
"' ~o ~ . "' " -a 0 ~I ~, Blows/Foot " £ Q. ~[ I-
C. s E S: E " 0 :,; w T " (!](I.) ~ iii 0 U) 8 = DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 0
Fill • S-1 Mols~ dark brown with red slalning. sandy SILT to silty SAND with 3 ...
organics, wood, gravel, and charwood. {ML) 2
Moist, gray. silly. fine SAND. little gravel. (SM) 1 • '20
.... 5
Tilt 12
Moist, gray, mottled, silty, fine SAND with gravel. (SM) ,. A:7
-to I : S-4 sor.·
Bollom or exploration boring at 1 1 reet
No ground water
• 30
"' i ,
< ~
! Sampler Type (ST):
[O 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) D No Recovery M ~ Moisture Logged by: SGB
"' [O 3" DD Splil Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample 'ii'. Water Level () Approved by:
!!! ~ [ZI Shelby Tube Sample.!. Waler Level al time of drilling (ATD) !1l Grab Sample
The project will obtain an NPDE'S permit and a development permit from the City of Renton, at a minimum,
prior to construction.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Wa'ihington
This section lists the requirements that will be used when designing the TESC plan for this site, not included
at this time.
Standard Requirements
Erosion/Sedimentation Plan shall include the following:
1. Facilities required include: stabilized construction entra11ce, sedi,nentation pond, illterceptor swales,
filter fabric fencing. (1.2.5-1). The project will provide a stabilized construction entrance, filter fabric
fencing, a sediment storage vault, and interceptor swales.
2. Timing-For the period between November 1 through March l distr,rbed areas greater than 5,000 square
feet left ,mdishirbed for more than 12 hours must be covered with mulch, sodding, or plastic covering. A
coustmction phasing plan shall be provided to ensure that erosion control measures are installed prior
to clearing and grading. (1.2.5-1). Notes addressing each of these items have been placed on the civil
engineering plans.
3. Planning -P Ian shall limit tributary drainage to an area to be cleared and graded. Delineate dimension,
stake and flag clearing limits (1.2.5-1). The clearing limits have been indicated on the TESC plan. Notes
addressing this item have been placed on the civil engineering plans.
4. Revegetation -Revegetate areas to be cleared as soon as practicable after grading. (1.2.5-1). Notes
addressing this item have been placed on the civil engineering plans.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
The Renton School District is a public agency and is therefore not required to post a bond for this
Facilities Summary Sheet will be included in future editions of this report.
Declaration of Covenant will be included in future editions of this report.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Rt.'I1ton, Washington
Standard Maintenance
Per standards set forth in the King County Surface Water Design Manual, the owner will maintain facilities.
Sections of the King County Storm Water Management Design Manual outlining the Operations and
Maintenance of these facilities have been included in this section on the following pages.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, W ashinglon
Trash &
Conditions When Maintenance
Is Needed
Any trash and debris which exceed 1
cubic foot per 1,000 square feet (this is
about equal to the amount of trash it
would take to fill up one standard size
office garbage can). In general, there
should be no visual evidence of
Any poisonous or nuisance vegetation
which may constitute a hazard to
County personnel or the public.
Oil, gasoline, or other contaminants of
one gallon or more or any amount
found that could: 1) cause damage to
plant, anima], or marine life;
2) constitute a fire hazard; or 3) be
flushed downstream during rain
If facility is located in private residential
area, mowing is needed when grass
exceeds 18 inches in height. In other
areas, the general policy is to make the
pond site match adjacent ground cover
and terrain as Jong as there is no
interference with the function of the
Any evidence of rodent holes if facility
is acting as a dam or berm, or any
evidence of water piping through dam
or berm via rodent holes.
When insects such as wasps and
hornets interfere with maintenance
Tree growth does not allow
maintenance access or interferes with
maintenance activity (i.e., slope
mowing, silt removal, vactoring, or
equipment movements). If trees are not
Results Expected When
Maintenance Is Performed
Trash and debris cleared
from site.
No danger of poisonous
vegetation where County
personnel or the public
might normally be.
(Coordination with
Seattle-King County
Health Department)
No contaminants present
other than a surface film.
(Coordination with
Seattle/King County
Health Department)
When mowing is needed,
grass/ ground cover
should be mowed to 2
inches in height. Mowing
of selected higher use
areas rather than the entire
slope may be acceptable
for some situations.
Rodents destroyed and
dam or berm repaired.
(Coordination with
Seattle/King County
Health Department)
Insects destroyed or
removed from site.
Trees do not hinder
maintenance activities.
Selectively cultivate trees
such as alders for
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Side Slopes of
Storage Area
Overflow /Spil
interfering with access, leave trees
Eroded damage over 2 inches deep
where cause of damage is still present
or where there is potential for
continued erosion.
Accumulated sediment that exceeds
10 % of the designed pond depth.
Only one layer of rock exists above
native soil in area five square feet or
larger, or any exposure of native soil at
the top of out flow path of spillway.
Rip-rap on inside slopes need not be
Slopes should be
stabilized by using
appropriate erosion
control measure(s); e.g.,
rock reinforcement,
planting of grass,
Sediment cleaned out to
designed pond shape and
depth; pond reseeded if
necessary to control
Replace rocks to design
Note: Sediment accumulation of I/lore Ihm, .25 inches per year may indicate excessive erosio11 is occurring upstream of
the facility or that co11vei;a11ce systems are not being properly maintained. 17te contrib11ting drainage area should be
cltecked for erosion problems or inadequate mainte11ance of convei;m,ce sys/el/ls if excessive sedimentation is 11oted in an
i11ftltration facilih;.
C/teck twice a year during first 2 years of operation; once a year tltereafter. Clean manhoks/catch basins, repair
damaged inlets/011tlets, clean trash racks.
Maintenance Defect
Storage Area Plugged Air
Debris and
Manhole Cover Not in
Conditions When Maintenance is Results Expected When
Needed Maintenance is
One-half of the cross section of a vent is Vents free of debris and
blocked at any point with debris and sediment
Accumulated sediment depth exceeds AU sediment and debris
10% of the diameter of the storage area removed from storage
for 1/2 length of storage vault or any point area.
depth exceeds 15% of diameter.
Example: 72-inch storage tank would
require cleaning when sediment reaches
depth of 7 inches for more than 1/2 length
of tank.
Cover is missing or only partially in Manhole is closed.
place. Any open manhole requires
Lindbergh High School Improvements
l«'Tltcm, Washington
Catch Basins
Not Working
Difficult to
Ladder Rungs
Mechanism cannot be opened by one
maintenance person with proper tools.
Bolts into frame have less than 1/, inch of
thread (may not apply to self-locking
One maintenance person cannot remove
lid after applying 80Ibs of lift. Intent is to
keep cover from sealing off access to
King Cormty Safety Office and/ or
maintenance person judges that ladder is
unsafe due to missing rungs,
misalignment, rust, or cracks.
See "Catch Basins" Standards No. 4
Mechanism opens with
proper tools.
Cover can be removed
and reinstalled by one
maintenance person.
Ladder meets design
standards allows
maintenance person safe
See "Catch Basins"
Standards No. 4
Maintenance Defect
General Trash and
Cleanout Gate Damaged or
Maintenance Defect
Condition When Maintenance is Results Expected When
Needed Maintenance is
Distance between debris build-up and All trash and debris
bottom of orifice plate is less than 1-1 / 2 removed.
Structure is not securely attached to Structure securely
manhole wall and outlet pipe structure attached to wall and
should support at least 1,000 lbs of up or outlet pipe.
down pressure.
Structure is not in upright position (allow Structure in correct
up to 10% from plumb). position.
Connections to outlet pipe are not Connections to outlet
watertight and show signs of rust. pipe are water tight;
structure repaired or
replaced and works as
Any holes-other than designed holes-in Structure has no holes
the structure. other than designed
Cleanout gate is not watertight or is Gate is watertight and
missing. works as designed.
Conditions When Maintenance is Results Expected When
Needed Maintenance is
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Orifice Plate
Overflow Pipe
Catch Basin
Damaged or
Gate cannot b,, moved up and down by
one maintenance person.
Chain leading to gate is missing or
Gate is rusted over 50% of its surface
Control device is not working properly
due to missing, out of place, or bent
orifice plate.
Any trash, debris, sediment, or vegetation
blocking the plate.
Any trash or debris blocking (or having
the potential of blocking) the overflow
Sec "Closed Detention Systems"
Standards No. 2
See "Catch Basins" Standards No. 4
Gate moves up and
down easily and is
Chain is in place and
works as designed.
Gate is repaired or
replaced to meet design
standards ..
Plate is in place and
works as designed.
Plate is free of all
obstructions and works
as designed.
Pipe is free of all
obstructions and works
as designed.
See "Closed Detention
Systems' Standards No.
See 'Catch Basins"
Standards No. 4
Trash &
Conditions When Maintenance is
Trash or debris of more than 1/2 cubic
foot which is located immediately in front
of the catch basin opening or is blocking
capacity of the basin by more than 10%
Trash or debris (in the basin) that exceeds
1/3 the depth from the bottom of basin to
invert the lowest pipe into or out of the
Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe
blocking more than 1/3 of its height.
Dead animals or vegetation that could
generate odors that could cause
complaints or dangerous gases (e.g.,
Results Expected When
Maintenance is
No Trash or debris
located immediately in
front of catch basin
No trash or debris in the
catch basin.
Inlet and outlet pipes
free of trash or debris.
No dead animals or
vegetation present
within the catch basin.
Llndbergh High School Improvements
.Renton, Washington
Damage to
Frame and/ or
Top Slab
Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic
foot in volume
Comer of frame extends more than 3/ 4
inch past curb face into the street (If
Top slab has holes larger than 2 square
inches or cracks wider than 1 / 4 inch
(intent is to make sure all material is
running into basin).
Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e.,
separation of more than 3/4 inch of the
frame from the top slab.
No condition present
which would attract or
support the breeding of
insects or rodents.
Frame is even with curb.
Top slab is free of holes
and cracks.
Frame is sitting flush on
top slab.
Maintenance Defect
Cracks in Basin
Walls/ Bottom
Fire Hazard
Condition When Maintenance is
Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer
than 3 feet, any evidence of soil particles
entering catch basin through cracks, or
maintenance person judges that
structure is unsound.
Cracks wider than 1 / 2 inch and longer
than 1 foot at the joint of any inlet/
outlet pipe or any evidence of soil
particles entering catch basin through
Basin has settled more than 1 inch or
has rotated more than 2 inches out of
Presence of chemicals such as natural
gas, oil and gasoline.
Vegetation growing across and blocking
more than 10% of the basin opening.
Vegetation growing in inlet/ outlet pipe
joints that is more than six inches tall
and less than six inches apart.
Nonflammable chemicals of more than
1 / 2 cubic foot per three feet of basin
Results Expected
When Maintenance is
Basin replaced or
repaired to design
No cracks more than
1 / 4 inch wide at the
joint of inlet/ outlet
Basin replaced or
repaired to design
No flammable
chemicals present.
No vegetation blocking
opening to basin.
No vegetation or root
growth present.
No pollution present
other than surface film.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
• •
Catch Basin
Metal Grates
(ff Applicable)
Cover Not in
Not Working
Cover Difficult
to Remove
Ladder Rungs
Trash and
Damaged or
Cover is missing or only partially in
place. Any open catch basin requires
Mechanism cannot be opened by on
maintenance person with proper tools.
Bolts into frame have less than 1 /2 inch
of thread.
One maintenance person cannot
remove lid after applying 80 lbs. of lift;
intent is keep cover from sealing off
access to maintenance.
Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,
misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp
Grate with opening wider than 7 /8
Trash and debris that is blocking more
than 20% of grate surface.
Grate missing or broken member(s) of
the grate.
Catch basin cover is
Mechanism opens with
proper tools.
Cover can be removed
by one maintenance
Ladder meets design
standards and allows
maintenance person
safe access.
Grate opening meets
design standards.
Grate free of trash and
Grate is in place and
meets design standards.
Trash and
Missing Bars.
Condition When Maintenance is
Trash or debris that is plugging more
than 20% of the openings in the barrier.
Bars are bent out of shape more than 3
Bars are missing or entire barrier
Bars are loose and rust is causing 50%
deterioration to any part of barrier.
Results Expected When
Maintenance is
Barrier clear to receive
capacity flow.
Bars in place with no
bends more than 3 / 4
Bars in place according
to design.
Repair or replace barrier
to design standards.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washingkm
Maintenance Defect
Manhole/ Worn or
Chamber Damaged Post.
Baffles, Side of
Other Defects
Maintenance Defect
General Missing or
Broken Parts
Wire Fences Damaged
Paint or
Conditions When Maintenance is Results Expected When
Needed Maintenance is
Structure dissipating flow deteriorates Replace structure to
to 1 / 2 or original size or any design standards.
concentrated worn spot exceeding one
square foot which would make
structure unsound.
See "Catch Basins" Standard No. 4 See "Catch Basins"
Standard No. 4
Conditions When Maintenance is Results Expected When
Needed Maintenance is
Any defect in the fence that permits Parts in place to provide
easy entry to a facility. adequate security.
Erosion more than 4 inches high and No opening under the
12-18 inches wide permitting an fence that exceeds 4
opening under a fence. inches in height.
Post out of plumb more than 6 inches. Post plumb to within 1-
1/2 inches.
Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends
greater than 1 inch.
Any part offence (including post, top Fence is aligned and
rails) more than 1 foot out of design meets design standards.
Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in p1ace
and holding fabric.
Extension arm missing, broken, or Extension arm in place
bent out of shape more than 11/2 with no bends larger
inches. than 3 / 4 inch.
Part or parts that have a rusting or Structurally adequate
scaling condition that has affected posts or parts with a
structural adequacy. uniform protective
Lindbergh High School Improvements
&>nton, Washington
Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Results Expected
Component Needed When Maintenance is
General Damaged or Missing gate or locking devices. Gates and Locking
Missing devices in place.
Broken or missing hinges such that Hinges intact and
gate cannot be easily opened and lubed. Gate is working
dosed by a maintenance person. freely.
Gate is out of plumb more than 6 Gate is aligned and
inches and more than 1 foot out of vertical.
design alignment.
Missing stretcher bar, stretcher Stretcher bar, bands
bands, and ties. and ties in place.
Openings in See "Fencing" Standard No. 7 See "Fencing" Standard
Fabric No.7
Maintenance Defect
Pipes Sediment&
Open Ditches Trash & Debris
Conditions When Maintenance is Results Expected When
Needed Maintenance is
Accumulated sediment that exceeds Pipe cleaned of all
20% of the diameter of the pipe. sediment and debris.
Vegetation that reduces free All vegetation removed
movement of water through pipes. so water flows freely
through pipes.
Protective coating is damaged; rust is Pipe repaired or
causing more than 50% deterioration replaced.
to any part of pipe.
Any dent that decreases the cross Pipe repaired or
section area of pipe by more than replaced.
Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubk foot Trash and debris cleared
per 1,000 square feet of ditch and from ditches.
Accumulated sediment that exceeds Ditch cleaned/ flushed
20 % of the design depth. of all sediment and
debris so that it matches
Vegetation that reduces free Water flows freely
movement of water through ditches. through ditches.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
Catch Basins
Barriers (e.g.,
Trash Rack)
Damage to
Rock Lining
Out of Place or
Missing (If
See "Rain gardens" Standard No. 1
Maintenance person can see native
soil beneath the rock lining.
See "Catch Basins: Standard No. 4
See "Debris Barriers" Standard No.5
See "Rain gardens"
Standard No. 1
Replace rocks to design
See "Catch Basins"
Standard No. 4
See "Debris Barriers"
Standard No. 5
Trees and
Conditions When Maintenance is
Weeds growing in more than 20% of
U,e landscaped area (trees and shrubs
Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other
poisonous vegetation.
Results Expected When
Maintenance is
Weeds present in less
Uian 5 % of the
landscaped area.
No poisonous vegetation
present in landscaped
Trash or litter Paper, cans, bottles, totaling more than Area clear of litter.
1 cubic foot within a landscaped area
(trees and shrubs only) of 1,000 square
Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that
are split or broken which affect more
than 25% of the total foliage of the tree
or shrub.
Trees or shrubs that have been blown
down or knocked over.
Trees or shrubs which are not
adequately supported or are leaning
over, causing exposure of the roots.
Trees and shrubs wiU,
less than 5 % of total
foliage with split or
broken limbs.
Tree or shrub in place
free of injury.
Tree or shrub in place
and adequately
supported; remove any
dead or diseased trees.
COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Lindbergh High School Improvements
Runton, Washington 29
Maintenance Defect
General Trash and
Road Surface Settlement,
Potholes, Mush
Spots, Ruts
Vegetation in
Road Surface
Condition When Maintenance is Results Expected When
Needed Maintenance is
Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot Roadway free of debris
per 1,000 square feet i.e., trash and which could damage
. debris would fill up one standards size tires.
garbage can.
Debris which could damage vehicle Roadway free of debris
tires (glass or metal). which could damage
Any obstruction which reduces Roadway overhead clear
clearance above road surface to less to 14 feet high.
than 14 feet.
Any obstruction restricting the access to Obstruction removed to
a 10 to 12 foot width for a distance of allow at least a 12 foot
more than 12 feet or any point access.
restricting access to less than a 10 foot
When any surface defec_t exceeds 6 Road surface uniformly
inches in depth and 6 square feet in smooth with no evidence
area. In general, any surface defect of settlement, potholes,
which hinders or prevents maintenance mush spots, or ruts.
Weeds growing in the road surface that Road surface free of
are more than 6 inches tall and less than weeds taller than 2
6 inches tall and less than 6 inches apart inches.
within a 400-square foot area.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renton, Washington
A.) Cartridge Filter Va ult
Maintenance Defee! or
Component Problem
Below Ground Sediment
Vault Accumulatio
non Media.
n in Vault
Sediment in
Below Ground Compost
Cartridge type Media
Cracks in
Damage to
Frame and/
or Top Slab
Condition When Maintenance is Recommended
Needed Maintenance to Correct
Sediment depth exceeds 0.25--inches. No sediment deposils
which would impede
permeability of the
compost media.
Sediment depth exceeds 6-inches in No sediment deposits in
first chamber. vault bottom of first
Trash and debris accumulated on Trash and debris
compost filter bed. removed from the
compost filter bed.
When drain pipes, clean-outs, become Remove the
full with sediment and/ or debris. accumulated material
from the facilities.
Drawdown of water through the Replace media
media takes longer than 1 hour, and/ cartridges.
or overflow occurs frequently.
Flows do not properly enter filter Replace filter cartridges.
Any part of the pipes that are crushed, Pipe repaired and/ or
damaged due to corrosion and/ or replaced.
Cover cannot be opened, one person Cover repaired to proper
cannot open the cover, corrosion/ working specifications or
deformation of cover. replaced.
Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any Vault replaced or
evidence of soil particles entering the repaired to design
structure through the cracks, or specifications.
maintenance/ inspection personnel
determines that the vault is not
structurally sound.
Lindbergh High School Improvemenls
Renton, Wa.c;hington
Access Ladder
Cracks wider U,an 1/2-inch at the joint
of any inlet/ outlet pipe or any
evidence of soil particles entering tl,e
vault through the walls.
Baffles corroding, cracking warping,
and/ or showing signs of failure as
determined by maintenance/
inspection person.
Ladder is corroded or deteriorated, not
functioning properly, missing rungs,
cracks, and misaligned.
No cracks more than
1 / 4-inch wide at the
joint of the inlet/ outlet
Repair or replace baffles
to specification.
Ladder replaced or
repaired and meets
specifications, and is safe
to use as determined by
inspection personnel.
Lindbergh High School Improvements
Renlon, Washington
Form No. 14
Subdivision Guarantee
. \'
~-' -
Issued by
Guarantee No.: NCS-373367-WAl
First American Title Insurance Company
818 Stewart Street, Suite BO~ Seattle, WA 98101
Title Officer: Jeffrey I/Iman
Phone: (206)728-0400
FAX: (206)448-6348
Rrst American 77tle Insurance Company
Form No. 14
Subdivision Guarantee ( 4-10-75)
Guarantee No.: NCS-373367-WAl
Page No.: 1
Jeffrey lllman
3,000.00 ORDER NO.: NCS-373367-WAl
500.00 TAX $ 47.50 YOUR REF.: Renton School District No.
First American Title Insurance Company
a Corporation, herein called the Company
Subject to the Liability Exclusions and Limitations set forth below and in Schedule A.
ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC
herein called the Assured, against loss not exceeding the liability amount stated above which the Assured
shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A.
1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of
any matter shown therein.
2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the
Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the
Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth above.
3. This Guarantee is restricted to the use of the Assured for the purpose of providing title evidence
as may be r~uired when subdividing land pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 58.17, R.C.W.,
and the local regulations and ordinances adopted pursuant to said statute. It is not to be used
as a basis for dosing any transaction affecting title to said property.
Dated: April 22, 2010 at 7:30 A.M.
Rrst American Title Insurance Company
Form No. 14
Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)
Toe assurances referred to on the face page are:
A. Title is vested in:
Renton School District No. 403, a municpal corporation
Guarantee No.: NCS-373367-WAl
Page No.: 2
B. That according to the Company's title plant records relative to the following described real
property (including those records maintained and indexed by name), there are no other
documents affecting title to said real property or any portion thereof, other than those shown
below under Record Matters.
Toe following matters are excluded from the coverage of this Guarantee:
1. Unpatented Mining Claims, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the
issuance thereof.
2. Water rights, claims or title to water.
3. Tax Deeds to the State of Washington.
4. Documents pertaining to mineral estates.
APN: 282305-9042-07
APN: 282305-9093-05
APN: 282305-9004-03
First American 77tle Insurance Company
Form No. 14
Subdivision Guarantee (4·10-75)
Guarantee No.: NCS-373367-WAl
Page No.: 3
1. Liability, if any, for pro-rata portion of Real Property taxes which are carried on the
King County Tax Rolls, as tax account no. 282305-9042-07, are exempt.
We note Special Charges for the year 2010 in the amount of $14.05, of which $0.00 has been paid.
Balance due: $14.05.
(Affects Parcel No. A)
2. Liability, if any, for pro-rata portion of Real Property taxes which are carried on the
King County Tax Rolls, as tax account no. 282305-9093-05, are exempt.
We note Special Charges for the year 2010 in the amount of $12.24, of which $0.00 has been paid.
Balance due: $12.24.
(Affects Parcel No. B)
3. Liability, if any, for pro-rata portion of Real Property taxes which are carried on the
King County Tax Rolls, as tax account no. 282305-9004-03, are exempt.
We note Special Charges for the year 2010 in the amount of $2,241.14, of which $0.00 has been
paid. Balance due: $2,241.14.
(Affects Parcel No. C)
4. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof:
Reserving: Minerals
Reserved By: A. F. Plant and F. D. Plant
Recorded: July 26, 1957
Recording Information: 4818839
5. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof:
Reserving: Minerals
Reserved By: A. F. Plant, Inez L. Plant, his wife, F. D. Plant, and Evelyn Plant,
his wife
Recorded: November 5, 1958, April 20, 1966 and January 23, 1968
Recording Information: 4962135 and re-recorded as 6017178 and 6017179, 6017180
and 6294391
First American Tltle Insurance Company
Form No. 14 Guarantee No.: NCS-373367-WAl
Page No.: 4 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75}
6. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof:
Reserving: Minerals
Reserved By: Kinney H. Leonard, as liquidating trustee for Cascade Utilities,
Inc., a Washington corporation-a corporation in the process of
Recorded: April 20, 1966
Recording Information: 6017180
(Affects Parcel No. A and B)
The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled Agreement for Sewage Disposal,
executed by and between Cascade Sewer District, a municipal corporation and The Municipality
of Metropolitan Seattle, a municipal corporation, recorded January 27, 1967 as Instrument No.
6133037 of Official Records.
Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein:
Recording Information: March 6, 1970 under Recording No. 6627159
In Favor of: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington
Underground electric transmission and/or distribUtion system
(Parcel C) as described therein
Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein:
Recording Information: April 16, 1970 under Recording No. 6640903
In Favor of: King County Water District No. 58, a municipal corporation
For: Watermain
Affects: (Parcels A and C) as described therein
Right to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises for R/W 128th Ave, S.E. as
granted by deed recorded June 9, 1972 under Recording No. 7206090477.
Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein:
Recording Information: December 16, 1998 under Recording No. 9812160974
In Favor of: King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington
For: Public non-motorized trail for pedestrian and bicycle use
Affects: (Parcels A and B) as described therein
Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein:
Recording Information: January 25, 2005 under Recording Nos. 20050125000620 and
In Favor of:
Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, a municipal corporation
Gravity and pressure sanitary sewer mains, manholes and/or
water lines and appurtenances thereto including all valves and
fire hydrants
(Parcel C) as described therein
Rrst American Tltle Insurance Company
Form No. 14
Subdivision Guarantee {4·10-75)
Guarantee No.: NCS-373367~WA1
Page No.: 5
13. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Ordinance No. 5327"
recorded January 9, 2008 as Recording No. 20080109000833 of Official Records.
14. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements:
Recorded: March 7, 2008
Recording No.: 20080307000185
(Affects Parcel C)
First American Title Insurance Company
Form No. 14
Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)
Guarantee No.: NCS-373367-WAl
Page No.: 6
A. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment
or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First
American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon it.
Rrst American ntle Insurance Company
Form No. 14
Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75)
Guarantee No.: NCS-373367-WAl
Page No.: 7
1. Except to the extent that specific assurance are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes ro liability For loss or damage by reason of the following:
(a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters against the title, whether or not shown by the public records.
(b) (1) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property; or, (2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes
or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not the matters excluded under (1) or (2) are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public
(c) (1) Unpatented mining claims; (2) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (3) water rights, claims or title to water, whether
or not the matters excluded under (1 ), (2) or (3) are shown by the public records.
2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are pro11ided in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the
(a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse daims or other matters affecting the title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set
forth in Schedule (A), (C) or in Part 2 of this Guarantee, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways ta which such lard abuts,. or the right to maintain therein
vaults, tunnels, ramps, or arry structure or improvements; or any rights or easements therein, unless such property, rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth
in said description.
(b) Defects, liens, encumbrallCes, adverse daims or other matters, whether or not shown by the public records; (1) which are created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by
one or more of the Assureds; (2) which result in no loss to the Assured; or (3) which do not result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judlcial or non-judicial
proceeding which is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided.
(c} The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A.
(d) The validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown or referred to in this Guarantee.
1. Definition of Terms.
The folowing terms when used in the Guarantee mean:
(a) the •Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, or
on a supplemental writing executed by the Company.
(b) "land": the land described or referred to In Schedule (A) (C) or in Part 2, and
improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term "land"
does not include arry property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in
Schedule (A) (C) or in Part 2, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in
abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways.
(c) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument.
(d} "public records" : records established under state statutes at Date of
Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real
property to purchasers for value and without knowledge.
(e) "date•: the effective date.
2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant.
An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall
come to an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the
title to the estate or interest, as stated herein, and which might cause loss or damage
for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice
shall Mt be given to the Comparry, then all liability of the Company shall tenninate
with regard to the matter or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided,
however, that failure to notify the Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of
any Assured under this Guarantee unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the
failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice.
3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute.
The Company shall have no duty to deferKl or prosecute any action or proceeding to
which the Assured iS a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such
action or proceeding.
4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions; Duty of Assured
Claimant to Cooperate.
Even though the Company has no duty ta defend or prosecute as set forth in
Paragraph 3 abo11e:
(a) The Company shall have the right, at its sole option and cast, to institute and
prosecute any action or proceeding, interpose a defense, as limited in (b), or to do
any other act which in Its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title
to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the hen rights of the
Assured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may
take any appropriate action under the tenns of this Guarantee, whether or not it shall
be liable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede flability or waive any provision of
this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph, it shall
do so diligently.
(b) lf the company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a) the
Company shall ha11e the right to select counsel of its choiee (subject to the right of
su:h Assured to object For reasonable cause) to represent the Assured and shalt not
be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel, nor will the Company pay
any fees, costs or expenses inrurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of
action which allege matters not covered by this Guarantee.
(c) Whene11er the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense
as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee, the Company may pursue any
litigation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction arKl expressly
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from an adverse judgment or order.
(d) In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or
provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, an Assured shall secure to the
Company the right to so prosecute or provide for the . defense of any action or
proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its optlOn, the
name of such Assured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, an
Assured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any
action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or
defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be
necessary or deslrable to establish the title ta the estate or Interest as stated herein,
or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by the
failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's ob~gations
to the Assured under the Guarantee shall tennlnate.
5. Proof of Loss or Damage.
In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions and
stipulations have been provided to the Company, a proof of loss or damage signed
and sworn to by the Asslred shall be furnished to the Company within ninety (90)
days after the Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. Toe
proof of loss or damage shall describe the matters co11ered by this Guarantee which
constitute the basis of lass or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the
baSis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced
by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage, the
Company's obligation to such Assured under the Guarantee shall tenninate. In
addition, the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to examination under
oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce for
examination, inspection and copying, at soch reasonable times and places as may be
de:signated by any authorized representatiVe of the Company, all records, books,
ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date before or
after Date of Guarantee, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further, if
requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the Assured shall grant
its permission, In writing, for any authorized representatl11e of the Company to
examine, inspect and copy all records, book.s, ledgers, checks, correspondence and
memoranda in the custody or control of a third party, which reasonably pertain to the
Loss or Damage. All Information designated as confidential by the Assured provided
to the Company, pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, in
the reasonable judgment of the Company, it is necessary in the administration of the
r:laim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, produce other
reasonably requested infonnatlon or grant permission to sea.re reason,bly necessary
information from third parties as required in the above paragraph, unless prohibited
by Jaw or go11emmental regulation, shall terminate any liablllty of the Company LV'lder
this Guarantee to the Assured for that daim.
Form No. 1282 (Rev. 12/15/95)
Rrst American Title Insurance Company
6. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Cla\ms: Termination of Liability.
In case of a claim ur.::ler this Guarantee, the Company shall have the following
additional options:
(a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the
The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name
of the Assured any daim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage
of this Guarantee, or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or, if this Guarantee iS
issued for the benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a tienholder, the Company shall
have the orA:ion to purdlase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien
for the amount owing thereon, together with any costs, reasonable attorneys' fees and
expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up
to the time of purchase,
Such purchase, payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee
shall terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. rn the event after notice of
claim has been given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase
said indebtedness, the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said
indebtedness, together with any collateral security, to the Company upon payment of
the purchase price.
Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (a) the
Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or
damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate,
including any obligation to continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for
which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4, and the Guarantee
shall be surrendered to the Company For cancellation.
(b) To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Assured DI' With the
Assured Oaimant.
To pay or otherwise settle with other parties For or in the name of an Assured claimant
any claim Assured against under this Guarantee, together with any costs, attorneys'
fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the
Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay.
Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (b) the
Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or
damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate,
including any obligation to continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for
which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4.
7. Determination and Extent of Liabilfty.
This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage
sustained or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by
reason of reliance upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the
extent herein described, and slbject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This
The Liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall oot exceed the
least of:
(a) the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2;
(b) the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of an
Assured mortgagee, as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and
Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations, at the
time the loss or damage Assured against: by this Guarantee occurs, together with
interest thereon; or
(c) the difference between the value of the estate or Interest. covered hereby as
stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect, lien or
encumbrance Assured against by this Guarantee.
8. Limitation of Liability.
(a) If the Company establishes the title, or removes the alleged defect, lien or
encumbrance, or cures any other matter Assured against by this Guarantee in a
reasonably diligent manner by any method, indudJng ~tigation and the completion of
any appeals therefrom, it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that
matter and shaU not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby.
(b) In the event of any litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent,
the Company shall have no llabillty for loss or damage until there has been a final
determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals
therefrom, adverse to the title, as stated herein.
(c) The Company sha!J not be liable for !ass or damage to any Assured for liability
voluntarily assumed by the Assured in settling any claim or suit without the
prior written consent of the Company,
9. Reduction of Liability or Termination of Liability.
All payments under this Guarantee, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees
and expenses pursuant to Paragraph 4 shall reduce the amount of liability pro tanto.
10. Payment of Loss.
(a) No payment shall be made without producing this Guarantee for erxforsement
of the payment unless the Guarantee has been lost or destroyed, in which case proof
of loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company.
(b) When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been definitely fixed in
accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations, the loss DI' damage shall be
payable within thirty (30) days thereafter.
11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement.
Whenever the Company shaU have settled and paid a claim under this Guarantee, all
right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the Assi.:red
The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which
the Assured would have had against any person or property in respect to the claim had
this Guarantee not been issued. If requested by the Company, the Assured shall
transfer to the Company aH rights and remedies against any person or property
necessary in order to perfect this right of subrogation. The Assured shaH permit the
Company to sue, compromise or settle in the name of the Assured and to use the
name of the Assured in any transaction o, litigation invoMng these rights or remedies.
If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Assured the
Company shall be subrogated to all rights arx:I remedies of the Assured after the
Assured shall have recovered its principal, interest, and costs of collection.
12. Arbitration.
Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company or the Assu-ed may demand
arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
Association. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or
daim bet\-veen the Company and the Assured arising out of or relating to this
Guarantee, any service of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach
of a Guarantee proviSion or other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Amount
of Liability is $1,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company
or the Assured. All arbitrable matters when the amount of liability Is in excess of
$1,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the
Assured, The Rules in effect at Date of Guarantee shall be binding upon the parties.
The award may include attorneys' fees only if the laM of the state in which the land is
located permits a court to award attorneys' fees to a prevailing party. Judgment upon
the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having
jurisdiction thereof.
The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under the litle Insurance
Arbitration Rules.
A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request
13. Uability Limited to This Guarantee; Guarantee Entire ContracL
(a) This Guarantee together with all endorsements, if any, attached hereto by the
Company is the entire Guarantee and contract between the Assured and the
Company. In interpreting any provision of this Guarantee, this Guarantee shall be
construed as a whole.
(b) Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence1 or any action
asserting such claim, shall be restricted to this Guarantee.
(c) No amendment of or endorsement to this Guarantee can be made except by a
writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice
President, the Secretary1 an Assistant Secretary, or validatlng officer or authorized
signatory of the Company.
14. Notices, Where Sent.
AD notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to
be furnished the Company shall indude the number of this Guarantee and shall be
addressed to the Company at 2 Arst American Way. Bldg. 2, Santa Ana1 CA. g2707_
Form No. 1282 (Rev. 12/15/95)
First American 77tle Insurance Company
::, z
"' N
f<1rst America11
Title Company
Tax ID: 282305-9042-07,9093-05 & 9004-03
Short Legal: A Portion of Sec 28 T23N RSE
Reference No.: 373367
County: King
Map Not
To Scale
Plotted Easements
D 0310611970 #6627159
(Electric Transmission)
04/16/1970 #6640903
(Watermain-Not Plottable)
06/09/1972 #7206090477
(Slopes for Cuts fills-Not Plottable)
D 1211611998 #9812160974
(Pedestrian & Bicycle)
01/25/2005 #125000620
& 125000621(Waterline)
This map may or may not be a survey of the land depicted hereon.
You should not rely upon it for any purpose other than orientation
to the general location of the parcel or parce~ depicted. First
American Title expressly disclaims any liability for alleged loss or
damage which may result from reliance upon this map
Jf 1
Statutory Wananty Deed
in .band paid, CORVl')'S and warran1s 10 A. P. Pl.Aft and. r. D. PLAlfT'
the followiDJ describttf rHI f!tate, 5it1111ttd in tilt C..:ouaty uf K1ll8
. I0.3701 PAIi
' I
3 ~
= 2 ..
'ii J. ;,;
I State-of
'!be nortlleaat quarter of oecttOD 26, tovlUlhtp 23 nortb, ,up 5 e&Bt V.M., IXCEl'T
the portion thereo: eor1: ad in Ung tountiy Su.perior Court Cause No. 31510 for
pipe line r13bt of -u prortcla4 by Drd1uaee 511:>3 ot tile City ot Seattle; and
:UCIIPT pc,rtion tbereot _, to tlle C11:J' of Seattle, bJ <leed recorded under
auditor'• file lfo. 36)3997, re~ of aid COWlty.
Tb1a deed 1• lll&de :pura,.ant and 1D tulttllaeDt ot that certain agreeaent to purchase
bet"9811 tile pa:1.1H hereto datetl hw,aary 12, 1952, 1111d 1B subJect to anJ eue•nt&
or righta ot ~ to tddch aa1d. apeeaent •• aide IUbJciet, a.nd :turtber subject to
r1gbta created J.D ra~ ot Pao1t1c llol'tb.v911t Plpe Lille Co. b7 1Datruaea.ts recorded
under auditor'• file Boo. 4688299, 4'105295, 4722386 and 11722392, and tbe ""rranties
of this deed are 11111.t&d to l'el:!narJ 12, 1952, llXCIIPl' tllet tbe grant,,r warrants ••
of this elate -in•t tmJ ri&bt• by, tbrouab or under the grantor 1!:11:CIIPI' tile afore-
add .....-ts or rights ot 11Q' referred t.o 1D the agreeaent to pircbllee ·.
'!'be grantor by th1• daed expreaalJ con.eya to tbe grantee• o.ll oil OAd gas and tbe
right to explore ad. drUl for tb.e aeae notvltb.atand1nc tbe gl'8.D.tor 1 a reM!natlon
of said pa and oil ODCl ri&bt to •><pl.ore ODCl drill 1n tile etozeaaid ~-nt to 0 purcllaae. iAill ;1 ?ID ON ~TRACT AFF. rlo • ./lL,:,.~,tf:,r
' N
[;ated tiu• 3 0 7.,t., ·
Sal.811 Tu: Lien Paid 2/ZJ./S2
a.oeipt # E 34S68
day of
STATE Of ....,__.., {ss.
County .of Sagadahoc \
On this day ptnonally appnttd be-fore-me
to me ltnmm to be the indiv;d11al dacribed in and who e,ecu1ied the within and .Jnrcgoin;g inslru~t. and
acbawkdgtd that 11M liped tht tame u ber kee and voluntary act and deed, fl)f tM
UNI aad p~ therein mentiaMd.
Gl\'ES unckr my bud and Dlkial ae1I tlil 30th day of April, 1957 .. · ..
' !
Q, .. ~ i ~! . -. ~.
, .. .,.,, ,,,,,,_ ...... I• I -t: ....
_., Bath M ~·o, •. ·.• · ;• ·. . ~~· -_;·, ,, :, .,
. ' . . .... ;•t.,t·
' ,, ..
CORRK:Cnoo -
·~01;:t ... "-
Qutt Dud
:'HE GR:\.'\;'TORS A. F. PlA~'T, INEZ L. Pl.ANT, hi, "-'if~, F'. D. Pl.Alfi, and F..VciLYN
PlANT, bis "'"ih
!.,)~.;:::din con.sidttatioa or lha Dollar and otbar good consideration -----------
,;;.m\ey and quit cl&lm to CASCADE UTILITIES• Incorporated,. t. i'111hington Corpcra t ~en,
tht" fl1!kwln1 de:!lcritwd teal ata.te, ,itut.led in lM County ()f K I N G, -._ -• ------------
:itate of Wasnington including any interest thereiu which 1rantor may hereafter acquire:
The East iive Hundre~ {500) feet or tbe North ElevBn Hundred 'Il.1enty C~e (1121)
fut. of the South&a1t Qu.i:rter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 'I",·enty-£if,l:t
{Se.:. 28) in T01--n1hip 2.3 North, Range .5 East W.M. i EXCEPT AND r.t:SbRVIhG TC
GMMTORS all 11inenls and iaineral rights in s.a;d premises.
(Contlli.n1ng 12.87 acra5 more or les,.)
there is re9erved to Grantors Plant, their heirs and auigns, the right t.o ~:ir:y
~1Jr-f.ace -water drainage frcu. adjacent properties owned by them, over, in .and
across above deeded land along natural drainage cour~es or through dr~inage
pipe iines, es now existing or hereafter modified, constructed or existing
at 211:!: tise, or in absence of such outlet& to channel such drain~&• thereover.
} Dlb,.fx}to:.~~~ lili'UC 1e:;1t,,a~W1¥~--~ (
~ Mr:..u.id~M.._~••• lfeli!~W~~~~~ '
\ Wt:~~;d)J a UUOt~"IPl:,Jfl!il@~~IW.i.!iai:;J. «ld(.:a,.~:~:-w·in-/
\_~~~cc JU~ov:l~KII~. _.)
THIS IS A COW.RECTION DEED given to correct th.at "Exchange Deed .and Easament"
dated end given October 24, l95e by and between the parties hereto, reC'c:"!'i:!ed !.n
reeords of King County 1 Weshington, under County Auditor 1 s ~eiving Number 4-:.,:21;.0 ,
~Y delefin( therefrom nur1be!JL.uragraphs 3 and 4 in t ·r entfret;· (heing
easelDll!:nts, reeervetions end reatri~l.OM), and sub1~itu ing thar ~rir only the rePe:---
V2tions.(of mineral,_ dr.,inu:c: and road~ay rights) w i ~te herein.above in tt ir; Co:rnctinn Deed BXj)rassly st:1.pulated. , _____.:__ .. _.,._ ..
mnm nns 30th ll'.Y CN M\RCH 1966. . ···-····-.... '11 ... .;~.:.V'l"~"t""..::.'...... . ... _ tsutl
Co\ p§ UTILITIES ,-oration • •
~--s:~;::;; :·!iiith\·ayl't:'·~~-~~~ .. ! .. · "\:~YAL)
;;.' . .._ .--< c·~ .,
,.. F ... D. Plant,.. , I i ...
i: .-:;'' < ~ . t · / .,, ·· ,; (.:e,al "J
. Eve'fyn Pl..... . . .
A':~~·i,'t:G.f','"\1/le~'111:~{~"l\ D, Plpnt,, Ewlvn PJr,pt, ~-.,I:' !~-a-·'
:\~ mt k.nov,n to be tbc individuals deicribed 111. anCl wbo ~ecutitd-tht w !bin an tore,o~tj;:l~..,. ....... , .ind
·"~ i. ack.nowled~td th.at ~hay . signed tbe ~ u their free ud YO ',Yo!!,..r:l and deed. fur tba.
~m! ~d pU?pl)SC'! thermi rnenuoned. .. "4. • Ji .. :A,P~ 1 · . . . .... ,. '" .. '
GI\ ES ;mcier my hand and ~-~11tiJ· .. •-1;J:.i:tth day ol /March 196~. t<.!f. · ~ . ·: .~ ~:, ·. · ............... tZ ?%t f. . it-'· ,. '--''
,. .Yot,ry hblic ill CPld,l.l ·sroli
ruidiai o1_ Renton~
... ~·
L ZYC:C J » >V&U .MWJ C ; :;.,..p.c. es -~,~\.----·----.. -~--~---..-
~ .... L.___. __ L-----__ ,
30tll llllreb 0. cL.ie i g .,._--. A D. 19§.L. befote tne, the unde -
aiped. 1, Noav, ?.Wic. in ud for ti.Ii State of Va*f¥tr duly commialon~d
and awo,a pana aUy app.arecl. t{ ,, J/J L and Jr f l~.A~ -.J J ___ _
lo IIMII l.nowa to 1:,. t"--; Plillli.dat -Sec:relary, re9p~tive)y, o(
APPi U:TW, IE,,• .. @fY!-• corpontioa., ·-----~-·-
tbll c:orporalioa that aecuted the for..-oiq inatnameot. ancl ackaowledaed the .aid in•trurAenl to he the free and volun•
tary act u.id deed of .. id corpontio~ foT 11M. DNI &Del pllJ'PONII, ti.er.in mentioned, and on oath atated tha!---1,hcY
VIEi, auth,nited to e:a:eeute th• .id imtnrment and that the ,e11I affi.11:ed ia t'he COTJ>OT~\. '*' 9' ....._d
corporation, "~~···:!f;t.!"# :"\. ."'/;,~.f~r;,,,,;· ~ ... ,,
· WITNES.S my h•nd •nd official ,ul h«cto •lliud lh• d•y an?' in d>i, certificate ahov• ~;':-~ 17 £'. .... _ ~ ·. :-.
~ n< / ../<'. .. #'.)KA.f).t~A;;,,.~J,.
~l•l'J' ",tblic in •nd lor tli,• Stat, ••-----~ tfff~~\?:,"'3
,...,.., .,__~a,.,,~ I;;, t-"'.I. ,,.. . .............
·l e ' ..
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ysa .tx Z.¢. I )ti • .t
~:ct.~MD .• IP ~ ~-
(Pl.ant ..t. C +a -lf\U1t.1d..-XA.iui.J J:i : t)
• IH!U PJESD!'IS, -=cvtad •.d• J!:_""1 <>t lletol>ar, 1958, b)' ...i t,er..,n A. r,
Pl.:mc o~ Ine1; L. fol.ant.• his wU•• and. !'., D .. Plc.n~ .etld i"WRlyn ?ht.t. his -w,lf•,
.it$ £1.rat partte•~ •Jld ~ode Utllltht£, loc.:orp,,,3,raled. a V~hlns.ton ~r.a.-
tlon, ~• aecon;i part.y, Wl~:
b11lo-.. · -.cc. f"~t, 4o.:s hereby caNVEY A.-.0 ~ f'"-n th,r :uh! fir.s.t r-,"lflic.,., A. F ...
Plant., .md ln.c.z L .. Pl4!-n!:., ht• -..If-.. l!ind f. LI. l":iar::. 1.nd t.vcJyn Pl-'L\L, hf· lo"'l!c,
I1\fl ~rtil )JO £.::ot u! t.1IM..' S"'1U""'"°~t Qutirt,•'t"" JC ~ftQC .... t. ~~:-:""Ti
11nd the South 250 ~co:f o( t:he! ltow-.hwc:U ·-:.-c:t o! ~cn;~.i,,t
~1:u·t~r, o( S~ct~uQ 2$11 TownaMp ll ~OT
USS A..'iD l.XCtt-t the \.k::n. llo.B3 r, .. t t.h,
Tht• ~aat. 500 ti•ut. o( t\~ l41)rLh. 11.tl l~ .. L ot Lh,,.i S~t.h,1.:;,.t.
Qu11:rt1!f of Llw Nartht•111t Q,.1111r,\lr oi ::h•t:l.\·M\ ?8, ,~,.._hw ll,
U11JfLi1• An,u:ia .) 1..-fl,lt w,:1,, '""''"'t' ~w n,.. .. i..10 •• .. ... ,..r...ii.;hv.w
;,11 r:i.h,nr11ld r,,,., :-111\\)rtt rte,t-,•, 111 ""'"'" prcr111" .. "•
, ,JIil IJ Ch1tn~us C'ODVtl)'anr.1;11, r,hv .n,~: ,f,?1(11\l. i~ l'>''"""'~P···""• c....:i,c;,D .. CHl.ln~-~,
ll~CYkl'UMTl.D, 111 Cort!Qf• \.ln1~,· ~i\. Cri1n\1lC'• ~" EliSt'J'.i;.tU 1.0 ~·,,.wu.~rucr • l'li"' 'f,Hl T
'. 1,nJ lfl.l'lll\\.qtn tncllU.\Q8 tur ,1 aow1 \r\m1' l\nr. 1i1t.Hll.)'a ,., \~ \UI•\~ lulL" '-O
,·.1111optlh.\.d 11orv~il:1,1-11, In, '1''1'4tr, 111Yi upon f..hil t.ill~lnt, ..1i:4\·n,~.,t h'i\41..,• ... ~
FOfl!l fJfl-tlll• (t,aC.Y(l,l1i 6-(101 '1~ttGLIT\f~•Grc1.r\\4:¢15i -~"'""-~ U,t.u,.,c,n\ yl.,tit :1\1,(:
a. 'Iher~ \s JtESEl'YED by and ta r1r~t P~rt.le& Pl.nt\L ~s Crsn~ur•
herctm,btr1::-, t.ne1r ~lrst succe.u-ou ,and ualu.s, :;b.;. rt-ht to
c:an-y &\1-r!.=e water dr•tuge fTQ:S .ad.J~t. pro.s-,1:rrt.le.s ~ o,;:rwu~
by ~hcci, crv.r, Jn and :,,r:xo,111 ~ daacrlbcd of:Mcam\Z Af'C.AS Gxi
ahavc: dendt:d l:and •long naturd 1:l;r.1111~ :c:wna a.a now e~l$ti~
ot' h<rl'a-.!~r ••cxU tl~i, ~t:tu..t.ed,. or c:itl.&.t.lflA llt .a,, u ...
b~ thc:nt \ • abo ~VED by L..9\.;. to Flr•t. l'•rLtcs Plant. L"li Crafll.On
thet r hll!l n:., f.UC:CC.SSQr.: .r.m U5i£11a,. -.part cua.aldet'AU'"1 .f.:ar aba.rt:
.• ~·~..-o..)4nient, t'h.c rlal\t ta ~ thlny (30) fre:a i:.;mnec:'C'lom.
of dvi:ll hi,-;• o,. •tnsctnn-s (ae"tYletna • ;::r·xhtlW• J ?O oc-c:up .. uiu.) en
:U:Jr.:cc:nL hr~• •~ ovnod 'by ;be,-t;a Afff at' Cr.t:t\tll'•"~ ;i;.c.~l' lln.:s;,
~h.·~r i, . .: I Bt.t~,, r~d&, vAit:.::1 lines., "'lcieult: arr.: otl"IC!'r ull1lU;:,
"I.C!rYlct:!:l 1 upon <"f -C:ett\ft1l~l.lnr, totlth afo:r-c·Jii•ld 1Ut.SCll:lt'tlt 11:r ... as 0.1 • hove
d 'Cd..d 1Md, an:-, to "• •.i:=c, fne n! .any Ca!'"--.c...CL • n d~'fTt: ~r
ln.Jt..nUot\on chL>rt,• , dl•Urit,tthh<..'11 fna :r,rt.\tltlf ~u~t.,-o .c u~i::
ch1tr~e-a): th,•"'!e lO \~t~1,n..1 r.o Le '-'l~ !p. r,,.e:,;e ,:~ .v..:1h:.lt
zor Cir.inton ~l.:mt • ~ \IMld Gl" •iu t..cl.ai::::~.c •n ur1t.l\•"1 "'i..:;=:,j .:r.
tl"li iiw, pr tort~)" ,o.( 4Jn,.': th-,a_ )J· ~!.l In.Si ~-~J\(''lrf 1 ,M, ,,n "Ii .,t ly
:..:1;1;-d1.1.led1 cmd G1.=nt<"n. ':lluiU {urlbc:r m.w th, Tlt,ht t~ ..c pf;t>,r,
,·lch .. d wUI\ i.~h M!:Wr ant! ut:llU.y c:~UuN. in, t~ ~•.U"< ...,t .,.....,~~,,.,
..... .,1 !hr '"'M1tl~,n .. l dw.llSn.;., ~ '"t,~\."IIJ011$ tffl. illdJ«,0;1 \•-•~-· nr:N"
u ... ,1a·d h:,o tlwln. ;b.. cunnoi:t.hm c;:hr.r~t: ifof &IPI:. fk)ot. to c~u4 ~t~l
,!i)J.L ~lt st.NQICUf'I'! l>i iul::ln;, ,flu.ch; CQ.i\n<,,¢L1 .. n,. fl,!li 111(h}\II\ br ,,.,. "'\!h
ant! 1 oc,~rd,; ftll4 Grnni.@r.1111" r'I tu.• hen~nr ~tµll l:..ii: ~~,..,~~le
With I.h1.1i lihld \.1nd111,. (Tht l\bQY11 {hit C~MC'li;S..,_'"U tn.:.h::i::et bht t"...it
AddlUon11-l ""' lO •Up\•l•t:oe4 in pTtOI" ...... m •• )
, • Thllfd 11 WIRViro &1li.n 'by ,p,nJ tu FhliiL P.:afl.h:;11:. tl nt,, ;.. ~~:.
GrM"ttora, t.hcilr a1•-:caa>o<"U, ~ auli;.M, the rl l\t ~\lo .!,..,, .. 1, T\11.''. ::...Hr, ..
:.1 '"' I.VIP :,nd rtudl-c11to io Lh~ ~blli!, l'#d4 .&,~ \l~lllt)' Hr. .... ~w~ • l~.
~ .-md 11;-:v;.;. 'i11i\l ••...-.1'1' •ulff itflY' 11wh lrf:',ldr hn. s.., tn;.c:• ot MI\.Jr
f,lCIU.r.lcJ. Qr uiUU.h=• '" "tqr U!l'N cooncc::Hni (l'\o@.l;!;!.{0\ .. ~.Q,U~l' :..ith
...... -1~'...:::r ~i•.:?h T"1,::"t• , .•• ,,. •. , ~ ..... r fl\" h .. ~:· , .. ~. 1 •.• 1,
,: ,L lun ... , "M 11'1~ d•~~rl11-'lff ~,1~"._ M, ~ '1-r fl:ffY 1lt Cnftl•,tli'
..u!J~1.;nt \.itooi4.
1!1 Thtttlf \I ~b@ 1\£5~1\V"i.D ~ :fn,,. 1 1~ flt"I V.!H\i..i. r'liM Jt~ 'i\.i•t\
Ur:n,tur.9 Lhelr he.Ira~ au.:c,tt,..g,ys nn.~ au,rn,,., Ut·• tl:'l\l r,-••• _ ... ,.,,tl ... 1,.
1J11tirtl.11tn ~1~, iMl<ff 4ei41N~tto l'-"~"' .. rv n-ri4""41Y" lOi ft.:-<l ,n 11n,dc.b: l.lpO{\
,... ',h,e, f:np,1, l!hU'&tft ind. fi.~ Marth M1flO <-,~~ \M , •• , .. ft;:HC~ h,q.?. ~
!! .. t~ ffgnti l/l6th lnr") ,..f ta~ apl'\l\~ler U"\J l!H"a\ CC!"Wf.)\:'4 '"' J~H°"'
J ti'•'~" 2 hen:in,t•ovo..
if I · ,in o, ?1111 •,id tiprl~~l•r 0~14 •tt.c &Aft ,..._ .::~y,-,~ Oitr•1>l rr,in
f I rt\. Jit\ll.l~t.-\-It :l~11C!Orid r&U.f QOl:»tHl. h."ft lt, ....,_l"W~'f4rl\ 1 b&.1111J\1\ilol•O.IC
U a"\1J1:1c;t t.~ t.ha "'111.ucah:.n•, vtnch. •f'Ct h#rto~f ~-Oi\-''Hµt.o4 '?.,1\.111~""'""'"
by GT!11P\t!II, H-• ~ucroet•aOTf 111\d •• Ht..,n.a, l\l.l'-l\U\~ 'lfi\l\ \t,. ''""'\..,(" (l't)
tt.,1 nij ,,w,ie ~, •tfl..inl Of \"J.;,;>f\ wil~f ~t •~•• • v•••r •P•~Y ,h411
01 ~ny ti"" l>il d•~ntli•d, pl•••d, "l''"1"d, •t ~llu.<4 \~ Ml9~1•1~
up~n ",. aqcut9Y i;h,i •u-,ta1;-~ gf t~ ~fl' _.,II!',._ or ._, .. " Q\~*9~~l~'Nh;'o
,,,.,. ,...,, 1:11<1111••<1 ltfty (HQ} r.•l I" 'illlllo ,;t,W, """II""""'''~'°
' . .!
·. · ·. ,:. ~ ~:"2:-""·-~· ~-~,--,~,:~·,~~-~f'~~-~11~'*:~:: .:·
.. • '• . ' ,, ..
·--' .::.. ·,:: .. ~-,..;,.~ . ._ .. ·." · ~--. (~,;;.I;;:~:~ a£ -·Alt1.r Hd.S -. :·-,~~?_.....,....-, !1' 1'.sn;.....,,i. l ..... , ... -.>
&t ay tl-.t!os .......-1lot,lq'-/t!,;,'B[ __ dl-1 J-
OE ..... ¥1,.'iklar Utl,I C¢ ;,(_'._....._ .Uop,:,al p~ sib,
tdk. el~. tii-_".i .. cf DIJ'_~!,~V ~ ~.,. of D!r utoft mi :sr
m,e:r aid t:ra::ic::e m: SIV' ~ ....,. , -c.. ~ .m u:aca "Pi-~-
pi:jJca; .ad (b) Oraat:ae• J~ and ... is;,.. ....._11 i:,t all
umu do ~"I: -1i.i. to_allataam mod,.._... off..,..,,,.,
01' ol,J-c~-Je ---·u--Uft& fn. -_., dt.._.i--u ..... -u-. -tJ-==5 oprlaklar flcld
b&E81...i,;,.,. ... -CQI --Ddla" dlll,p -ll ..-.ct &
«:Ofllrlng INlldlq _.. -, dt.,.na---1*1cll _., l,e lno<allcd
on pnai-benlna--·--aca bllUdt,:a "" b& en:<""" '" l'.he odglul CIC!Re'trUCt:lca ~f,. am. shall •U1Ull\ tbe .. -. tn
•t.1ch fllltr'"° and dil.algi,i. .. to efC'.O'-lwl!' uap and 'CC>ll•Ct aU PH>
;ic:::acr.a.ccd in. s.a:b. unu. ~t.bar vtth pa ~, de:vl~ :.bc:n.1r1
.a.11 such pses --.u 'be 'bmn!:d; &nd ~11 l::eap om: anas and !a-
cill tlu M.reln Qtarrd to eonttflllQU.llJ" tncJo.aocl ht •PllflliVr:l•te
fcncflng; =d Zlhall .-ccord ~ Cr41Aton P!a.·u, their batn... .a:uec:ea.ao:rs
&nd ••••sn.a. 'Cb& right (W~ noc: u. Oblla•i;l.;,a) at tbelT rlf'ctlo:n
to enter tl1e pnllll:1•• •nd ~7 •1'Y dafcot or faUun 11\ t:~-:.alp:Ent
or opcr.:atton. Df t.ile fongotng ..
_., . 7' r' ~r{;, .e..
•• • 41 •••
) ...
CO\ll<TY or UIIG )
Thi• 10 "'•~••H.r ~lul~"" t1,10 ~""'1111 oo,~i..r. l'ISS, ""'·'"~ '"·
s.bt 1lM\'rat1MlJ ffa.t41ry i\tlrUcit r11r11~ll1 t1f'f"t!1rf;t >ii. r. l'-~''fl\ t~ !.i-1 rtA.,, ..
,. u. tlMlr, aniil l::.'lkl.Ytt PINO', to_. 'known t4 he tlwio •~"1¥1CN•h Qe;•,rt\~: \n
and wbo '"ff\1~4 the IYre101n1 lAAln..n\ •"4 •e"-~lc:44c..::. that t.:i.11,,1 .s,,t~a
,md ••olod ibt •-•• tbolr Cr•• •M 114\,,n'°ri •~i ..,4 ~J f.,, l'"' ... ,~
And pu:Tpo~o• ~tatn 11Cnt\oned 9
GlVIN uWr ff/1 ht11tcl end of(l,rlfti\ !Utll\l lhh.. :,t.._ ct,_ ~v .,.t Oi.)'L,he1', tl)1!.t,
" /' '
Glfflf wder -, bmod aid offl~lal -1
wrl'Ctcn. •
'. l-L------~---·-_--.........J. ____ _
-G-•••1.o.· A. 'f ......... 11111: tv.ar. a.la 'W'Uli, -, r .. D. P1Aff aN
._. IIAff, •1.t ..U., r« ..a •·•-1111H•••U• /fl ,-. --• •!Id •rt.>• &ON .,..
wl••l• .... w.ntlw u, -· piAI, -y •• -•t · ta -IIC9X)L DUfllCT
..03, a -lclpAl csperatia:m, t'-1 re• dnc MKrhM real ectatia, 1it .. ta4 tn tha
... ___________ .
~ a.s.i .._ t:111 •.& • .i ei .tM:U.on 21, T. ,, ••. a. , s.v.11., 1.&!S t•
r, ,,
.r '.
1. ,oo• fll. tM 21.nn • ... ta11 u. ~. 3)0' o1. t11e s. 21, .. u• .na uss tlll!I
8. ,1,0• ol tti. V. 555', UCDT ti. W. ,o• f/6. tM s. 290' ot tbe \I, .553',
coa.taiad.81 24 acre, ._. err lea11 wll:lcll prop1rt1 ii alM dil1crl'bed ••
! ol 1 t!!"WI
'fta 1.1.i el tba •.1.i of lee. 2a, T. 23 "·• a , l,V.M" in l.'..111
Cacmt7, •Hlll&t•; DCKPT tM I:. !00 1 of tlril •• 1121' Ind IXCEPT tbe
I, 3,0' ~ t .. I. 216,.48 1 and IXCSPT tM s. 250' of tt!' !. 523' ol thl
v. !!:J' tblreot1
.um BSERVIll'.1 1Jlf1'0 OMKTOIIS an ••••nt for rotid and nlated pcrpo.ees
onr, upon, under and ,1crcH tbll s. SO' ot tbl:. abovede1cr·U,.d parcel ot
property 1Rttf.ng upu. tbl propo .. d axtan1ion of' S .. £. 1Ci8th Stnet,
ext.Ddlag eaat1rly f'l'oa tbl Haterly taralll\11 of NiJ. p'feMhtly dedicated
public: right-of-way; 1nd Aid •••••nt tc contln-..e and reuln ln full
fcrce and 1ff'act until au.ch tiM •• tbA e1:1terly 1xten1ian of did
s .. E .. 168th Stnet ~• bun conatTUCtl4 and dlldic1ted to Kina: ~ounty
ilong ti. SoUtl: line of tbll S.E.1-of tbe 11.E.~ •• hllraiMbove deaeribed,
and Crantor hereby 1gn•• and C!~ .. n,nh to join in 1n3• a11cb conveyance
and deidlctltion to King Cou~ty to eatablbh Hid public right-of-way 11
aforesaid; AND RESERVltc UHTC GRA.HTORS all minenl1 1nd m.Snarel rlght1
in and to tha f'!!credeacrtbed pro19rty1 aubj,,ct to right• of purch•se:rs,
their succeuor1 end i1Hign1 ln lntenet tn the pr .. iNP, to ha"'9 J)l:!,-~nt
of dameis••, if tiny, to 1urhce of pr.miles ftnd improva•ntl ther«on
retultlng from mining OP1rttion1 conducted t1nder lllch TIMrvld minera!
righte; AND FURTKE: SUBJECT to 111 e111-r.h, :-t>itrict1on• ~nd reaervations
of record.
1bit dead is giwn in fulfill•nt of that ce:rtain real asute cortract bet\.lee:r, the
partiea hereto, dated October 30 1 1967, i1nd ci,ndit:f.oned for the c:onvey•nr:e of the
above a~scri"'ed prO?&rty, and tPII covenants or ~•rra~ty herein contained sh•11 not
applY to any title, interaat or encaabrance arising by 1 through or under the J'l-U':'C'hltaer
in ••!d contr.tct, and 11hlll not apply to any tax11a 1 asseaam11nta or oth11~ charces
lE·vied, asi,ened or ~oming du,a 1t1baeq\»ent to the d11te of uld contrcct.
Sale a ta~ paid: &708.54~. ~ -· _,,.. ~ ~. /-...._ ? th1•, &':••Y.~ \ ~'''/ , 1~3 '~_:) ,''
,-~-?r::.,, / ( ~ (I;,-~-£
A. ffe-.. -Pl nit . F • D. Plnr.t
7 /J,· . . .,,·
~·~J::: Jt :C<r 7 er=
I:·e"' Ph. f
S'i.\ ,:: r.F \JASUI:~TG,.':
·-I• \, (
l'iioi art,· ~L•b I ~r'~~~a17· -.
,.f .. ::::s~i.np_t".ln. ,.~ffi,i•nr II t i:,,n:('!·.
·------------. -------·· ..J
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~~ w• ,, -o
0 ... u ... ,, J< -o ,-u
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"' u•
.. ,~ .. , ...... I
StatulorJ Wammty Deed
~ w <
... Q
"' • u -,~ u «
o•-~>< ~"'" "' . ~ C>
o• z-•
...J •• (l w u r~< oo•
TH!:Cik;\~TOJl::: ,., ,. f'tAPll', 1nu1.. PLAHT. hiswib; r. LI. ~LA.Ni, .a.~ ~n:Lr.;.
fU.NT, hlt vt!e;
~ f~low-ifl« .-ht,ibrll mil r:l(l!f", ,icu.ll"'I i11 thf-c-iy of !;: 1 S (: -• -
\\a,J,in(llon: rtw ,.:;iuer-:y Jlu r, .. t ~f ttie·nutl'lerlv, 21,,41 het ... ~n" ,r 1 .. ~,
,f sju.thU1t Quarter gf thrthe.1111 Quln•r flof Sect[!lfl 28, f:, .. ·115hip
, Slatt ,I
~J IIIJrt.,, hn,:e ~ E •• WJ'I., iri Iillil Cov:nty, State ,:,f 'W.i11hingori;
<bf.ln'l, th"" e.a.nerly ))0 feet,,~ taid S0ut11,ut {l\lH't,n· ... r 1'1~rthe.iu
..;>u•r1er ,r 5etti:>A 28, lc.U the no:rtbe.rly 1111 l~•r rh..rt,,fl:
LBS .um ~[SUVIMG' ru G't,lf('JOIS •ll •iur.alt .. lid mineral ri~hts t~,r;,in;
Al.,"t• RESO'IIIC 11) CUtnOIS, tll•ir heirs .111111 utiJ.n•. tloi-I"L~ht ti, urr;;
i,1rrar;,i! ~rer dr,1illllltf' froa •d::&ca11t proptrt,tl '>l,lll~d tiv tl:t,,;, "'"r, tJJ
~nJ .;i,erHs .;i,'t,w2' deedtd land al'3!11 natura: drai.ut"' cuur:a.e• •r thr'>1n;•,
,;lr,.iug.i: l'l~ liMs, ._. 11•.'III' txiltini or htl"f'altn· ll'llltfifci, c-,n~lfUClfii
n ec Lu 1 r,~ • L anl' t~•e, ~r in absence ~r 1-.ic h J<Jt It• u t ,. eil.:.ollf:' I suc"i
,INin.l!llt t,u,,ver, .;i,ud 1, in1Ull arK' M~nt111n utiliH' h11o1!a lbPttY:• r
3c,. (,fUibl.e b111nd•« ,r J,c.itf.>n; Pr:,i,i<1e.i. 1h.;i,t Crantu -.r 311r<:""i~ r-
in intt:nut int~ pn.aisn .-, u anv til:lt' rur11.i1l'l 111:eh f.i.dlltif"S .:.s 1•
. ,HY,"'~r drain&~ rH<e>'ll"oil &nrl/Jr 111ili1¥ linu, .il"' .... qu;•~ h,Uf"\'""~ l·i
_:, Tf,,Ca~M.td,. in •ie>1 <>I f.;i,cil.iti11a in1tall1!-d Jr pr,.-1p.nti! t,,\t Wu1.: ,r~.
• {Sf.A".)
Ii.. F. i'I.Alfl, fl(U l. fJ.AliT, F .. :1, d.,Ui,I "~"
1hr ..-:1lii11 ,~ lnrl'Jl~"'II jnur.""'1l. ud
ffl •nd w!Ubbl)' 1£1 U\d dtot,:I, fur lbt
• l
t: ~
V ::. . • :;
• ~ . . u
' 0 r
C ~ ~
< • " V ;
Statutory Warranty Deed
u z
l\~,~~H r t ,. ~
l','.Jt._ :Ct~!;'~ :1_
\ ~
THE: GR.:h"X'J'OR r.1.~~f H:. L!nt.nn, .as li<1'.r..d:Jt!nt lrnslee for Ca..!!:::a<W Ft.' ·1 tir!' !nr ••
n ·-·~:.':'nrton :ll:"'ro:-,t1c>n -a r',0r.,..,:rat.ion 1n the i,n,cel'-:O r,f !li~:vihit.:-:n
,, .. a,n,d in <mM~atiurl of T~ 'X'lt><t"i. (~-10.00} a.nd r".h!-r nlu..,ble t"'-:~i.derllt.i on
1h,, lnllo•i,i: &.icrihl"fl ,tat ts(H°, si11MI~ in d1t County m
, Star or
f'""' t!:!lt ?!,·P. Hull'lrl"d {Son} fl",:,t nf the North 11?1 fttt. nr the!" ~l.eal't
."l:,,,"""!.~r ror thf, 1\/"rlhta,t 01!.'i"J"Ler t>f sectt<m 25 1 rmmshi!l 2) lfonh! :-~:1:-• 5 !;,~t,
·.-1.~ •• Ir: Y.1ni" Cron1ty, '.-'"!'M n,ton; ElC!""r." -'! :: !!--~t::tVT~:r; i" 'I'\/.'',"·,_ ·,!: ir::ne:-11::
=ml r.' r.~J''ll ri ;+.t~ ; n said ...-rl'Uses.
~~~!"~:~~""/(;(l;;e!~~t :~I~~ ~'.:'J}~[r l.~~~:Lti.~:~~ :-.~r !j.;i;J'!'~~~ t -~=---:~;:::
'." !<• .. :. -':'.:1 ,:,·.~· st,,tto r. r ·.:;;.::~ · r.rt.t n. ,· ( 't:Pi nr r.h•· n~t••rl y : ">O f,.et r,!' r•,1d .,
~~-itl·ri, .. • ~,r-rlr .. (!" '!9.1'1J" .. M:!'t ~"l'"l .. [ r,f S"'Ct\1'1:'I 2G., Jp-• U.o; ni'!:.;.'('' H~i t~;;:;;~7;:P;~); ~t:~-.-1.!;J ::-;~c;:;1,. '!· ,~J.:::i':~1 all :-.11'.<-r-,lr ·,r.-: ~-n,r-1 r'.--: .. t~
·.:c •r.-·:~'.-· ---~ •·-:-?··,,·, t~i r , .-.• --~ :ir..1 ~srl rn!I • l-.;. :-' ,-~t V> carr;: :-urr:1c~ 'i.':'1 t I"'.
1:-·,t!l·,r"" fr-:~ ,'l1j,u::•·n~ ~,.,..,,..r-M.!r!' ... ,..ri,,r. l.v tt.l!'ai, over•; .. a!l'l :iet'f'~:: 1rr,11,• ~~r,1,-<J _,,r l
l;.i~~;(iif \{~if i/{;f ~ti~~f f :j~~~~~tiiif~~:~:~::;~1/;~:ttP J)f ~lf ~{:~. ·
Kinn~.Y H. 1,,. ·r-~~ rd
&1~ ?';!
••• . ·• ·r,, .· ~
. , ... ~
• i
.. • ;;
• ~ • u . . u
' 0
0 I ~
C • ~ ~
Sla1utory Wammtr Deed
i" '
' i
u z
/,.~;:s£r,,r ,. _ .. -'·
tr:it-. :cl1ir /·~ :,_ --~---
'THE GR.'.XTOI. I:1~Y! H. 1..!~~:m~ :iis u.,,r.aat.'n~ tniste<" fol' e:i~carlf' !Jt' ·1 tier. !n.-,.,
II ·-·~:.'":'nrtor. :;;'O:'"r"O?"lti,:,n -a r:ar~r.,.i,ion 1tl the Or'tlce":i of !l:L:c:iohit.:'ln
~::.t~:~ lkscrihrd rn,I O"!lllalr", ,ilu~ll'd in 1br Cau11:y of X1 rl!': , Si.at, .,f
T'"~ ·~!It !!\IP. lfun'lrt'd {5<.11} (c>F-t of the Jlorth 11?1 fet'l of ':.he!" :.te~~t
.,·.,,,':""..,. !" r,f thf, nr,~thtAst 011at1.er f>f sectlW! 2S 1 fovn.shl?I 2) ~-1nh :-~~~· S :..,~t,
'.·.1.:'I'.., !r. Y.inr CN-i11t-y 0 ','a!~·inrt.on; ar.:!"'.' -11!:; ~·-~E:tVJ'!:C, r-~ •;•11.·:.·-J ·,!: ~:Mr1lr;
'lnl r.'r.~r"ll rir~,t~ •n s.t1d ,-ein..lses,
:!,-~,· i· N'~'!"VI'-! t-n r.r.rrt.·-r!'. ~.tnt, t!':,..'r t, ... :r~ 1111':1 a,~lrM, the ..:rt,:.•,· c·,r:--.-;;1 :·:t'ir!;"J~;r 1~~-li ~1~;,. '~£'lig,1a~~!-r.~~f.~T,';}~;-"~p6Jt/H'1i'.i~Mc, ~~·:-i.lri'l :Y'i.{J. ~
:r~:;~/:-'~!;~.~~~ :.::I~~~~·~"~:i:~1~p;;;;r,r.rl~;{~:~?'~;~"~~1;:~r .. · ~,. a::;; t.·i-.<·, ~ .. !;
If~rf7:~~r~~~~~~f.;t: :;;,~~~-~~:~iP-{t:t~;Lh,:~~::!t ~~~;::f.n~~ Lit~~~:
.C-·:tt..~~~~ ::r-~'" q' ;:o::,~1~t '.!,i1~t .. r r>{ ~ ... ~1,.1,,:i. 2'\ J,-..,~ t.t.fi ,i;,r:;.:.~{·.-1J="i f~~}..{"~~r,-•~h t.t".~. ~.!::! .. -'i~i;:'.1,. ~· ,·•.A:.r· :., all :-:1.r.<·r·,l.-·,r.:: :-.::.nfr'I r!-·:.t.!.
.,. -.,:,•<":""·:~!-· ~--~•·'!".1,·,.·l their ·.,..i ... ~ ,.r,~ a!:~J"n~, t..-" :-';,fit tn can-;· ~urr~c.-1.':'!'•.r
!~·,1!'1-,,. .. ,~:r--~. "1J1.e··!'I~ 1,....,:-,-!'"t.lr~ ,.,,..,.,,_ Lv tl.1-111, over,; .. a!'li :terr!<~ -ir,-.~··· r:!•c,J ... ,f ~.-,r i
It:.~~iW'.;I:!g~t:it~1:11~~ttj[;t!wti~tj~1:tn~:~i;t~il[:!~[~jj~;~:~, l
•r.etl!lr-l: -r '"'re-,-.~ .. "'.! i.7 r !'lt,-.r.i.
r:o,?:1>~~,tltx ~._..
.. J,J;ao w~ --·\ "APR I t:£::, .
r • . · • : .·.~.11S 1·
; • • ,r.'.~.T•";~) '":/" •
:"'~;.~ ul 1~£!'tiF.t,Tu~.
t'~l!lll}'of J;Jlf'
On 1hi, ,L}· P<'fSC111lll1 1pptUNI ht le.rt me J:1 n:w.y ff. I.r-•r.:, rd
.. -:~t
--· ~
0 -.e s
-io:3701 PAil
' '
'a :t
Statutory Wammty Deed
THF. GR.-\XTOR SARAH BNlLfl' WR.IOI'!' BCUll'DUI, of Woo]..vtch, HaiD.e
for ;~ in comidenilioo ol Ten ( $10 .00) Doll&ra
in hand paid, CORW"YS and warrants to A.. r. l'LAft and. r. D. ~
the iallo.-iftK dest:dbed rnl ~Catt, situated in tN! County of l'.1na
I ;;
~ ..
f"DltW LSa
, Stat~ of
The northeast. quarter of' aect1oo 28, tovnab.1:p 2.3 El.Orth, I"IU1ge 5 east V.M., EXC%f"'r
the portion thereot eondemed 1D .ICinS County Sl&perior Court Cause No. 31510 f'or
pipe Hne right ot -u praride<l b7 -511'.>3 ot the Cit;y ot Se&ttle; and
EXCIPl' portion thereat deeded to the Ci'Q' of Seattle, b7 deed recorded. under
auditor'• tile llo. 3W3997, reoorda ot 11aid count;y,
Thia 4eed 1S -.de pursuant and 1n 1'ul.tillment or that certain agreement to purchase
betVMD tae partiH hereto dated 7e'bruaq 12, 1952, and is subject to any easements
or rights or 'ila'1' to which 11&14 agreeaent. •• ade ail.'bJect, and t'urt.ber sub.ject. to
rigbta created in f'aTIJr ot Pll.cUic lorthwat Pipe Li.De co. by inatruaants recorded.
under auditor'• rue Boa. 4688299, 4705295, 4722386 and l.722392, and tbe warranties
of' this deed are l:laited to February 12, 1952, JmSP!t that the grantor var-rants as
of this date against IIJl1' rigll.ta by, tm'ougb or under the gnuitor XXCEPT the atore-
sa1d eueents or rights ot vay reterre4 to 1n t.be &greeMnt to purch&se-.
The grant.cir by this deed. expreHly' COll"ftY• to t!le grantees all oil and gas and the
rigb.t to explore and. 4rlll tor tbe aae notv1thataminl tbe grantor 'a ree:ervat1on
ot said gaa and oil aDd rigbt to explore and drill 1D tbe d'oreaaid agreement to 0 purc:llaoe. SALES TAX PAID ON CO/lTRACT AFF. No./a.::J.x.J:''"°
D,"'1 thi, 3 OU ... , ., :..u~~FPI/TY
Sales Tu Lien Paid 2/'ll/52
Receipt # I: 345611
... -·-----------·------ISEALI
STATE Of W'SSH!!iilla!Wi, I
County of Sa.gad.a.hoc \ s.s.
On thi! day p«"rsmuilly appeared bt-fore me SARAH -.rt IIRIGIIT »clJSl'BLD
to me known to be the indiv;dual dt:scriboed ia and
acknowkdgt'd that abe siped th! !UM u
we, Gd p~ therein mentioned.
GIVES under m:, hard and olicial teal thb. · .)ot.h
•ho necuted the within and ..i.oregoing instrument, and
bel" free a.nd voluntary .ac:l .and deed, for tM
::i7 ~
'.·····.· • \j.
' .
. . ..
• ~ ,
• • -
• • • V . . u
' 0
i ffi C 0
• ~ "' i
Statutory Warranty Deed
u z
llf~ ~-----------------il~C•J(SJ ,-i,
i.~:,!JH 1 ~ ~
11::1t., Xt~! ,\ .1 _ ------
THE GR:.XTOR r.1.~'!"{ H. l!('-A'!!l, as li<'lT.dat'nJ!. t.n1!Ue fol' Ci.!~atte ritt·; L!t:~ :r.<".,
11. -,~3'.";'nrt.or. .:o~ro?'•t1flll • • f"..ar.x>Nltion 1n the ol."flc:en ,:,( !l~!':l")11t:'ln
fur.and Ml lffll15ider1ti11S111f m X'W't"i. (~ln.oo) ar.d r•.ho!r ,;du11.ble c,.o:?i<lent.i o:,n
•'!" i~lla•i"'I{ do::ribrd r111I tsta~. sil11;111rd it, tb,. C1111111y of Xi r1f, lb•lu~1111 : , St&tr ol
T""' "!l9t ?! \"<i! Hull'lrl"d {Son) fePt n r the Horth l 171 fet"t, nf '.he !: • '..Le~ <';1.
,J·'•:-t.~ I"' n: th~,..n,,:-thfoa~t._.n)1:n1.er ('If :i~~io:1-.2~1 p ~-~hi:_! .. 2~,1~:"!:hi ?~~:-• . ~ C.11:rt, ... ~., tr. .. 1n9' .MJ!lt.y, .a •. ·inrt,on; OC ... ~-., .• ·.t.lVT.l',, ,, ..• ,._ ·,~. ,r.:ne?''ll!:
'Int r.'r:~r'll 1"l;ohts ~n ~id Te111lse1 0
:i,-,-,· :-rl"r'!"Vt'!'! l"' l":;r-:nt_·.r~ ~~11t, t~f-'r ,, .. '.r:<: 11.111 as~!m~, t.h11> ~f'h!. •r ~-,r!"°•'
;1 :·:;l'~r:;"J~d" 1~~1i tl~~.--·~"'~~~~h-~f."t:~·!Y~~ . .'';W'\\14,:!•~:"~r .. ~ll\C, ~~·n'~"'l; 9-f,[:
..,~ !:'"' rx'ti·~r,.· .~~ ~~rr~··t.rr 111n,ilflp:{, r.-.r.d.r,1C''.r•I c>r ,x;:-•ir.,· r,1. a::J ~'r-;-c-, :ir :-:
1;.~"!',~f' r" r•1e~ .. ,,,.!l"t.~ t-:> ('°:lar. .. rl ,m+ rlratr.:,:1· ltlf'rl",ffr.
?!".r-""'!'l~<"'n!·r :.,,..,. r .. ~t t>!' t.t,e ·•·•Jl,:1 ... r1:.· ;::J,(,.l.il r"~'-, :-:or• .or lf'~;, 'lf t·::.::'t't.
)J~rtf! .. "1 :;'l:""t.l,o>~!'lt. ·\Ju"te-r o•· ""ct.i• :. ~!'!, 1r.vn•-r.n ?l !;-11"U,I .• ,n.-'!" .· ::-,, •..• ,
in!(~,,--::i:~.!.-.· 5t:rtr r.rY;,,:-:•·r.f'tLn; {'t,Plr.f" 1.h•·'~1~t•·rl1 ~~o re•. r>!" r,,1,J.
~-•:t•;P'<!!':. :'-rrlr'" •i( ~!?...t.\.'!r,.!'1\ ~1rt,•r c>f ~ncti•U 2~, 11""~ tt.~ n:;,rt.:.r 1-J•:.l_!:!j :"r·Pt tl-:~r,..,~); ~t:~. A~:.;' ?.i''i~ f, :~, i · ;•.1i::r ,.; all :-;H?er-,lr ·,r.~ :-.=.nn·-1 r: -·i.t:-:
·.::-•,,...,..:··~·-".'n -'';>"'-:'".'··,·.·, their '"'i~., :ir.il >11!::":ifn!'I, t.,,:. ~';·fat tr> c:a.n7 !'\Jr!"~r;r ;..,,a,.r
i .. ·,t-:r,r ... fr-." .. n:1j,c:,·n~ -..-,-,,.1-!"'tlec, '""'"'°,.., ~y t.l.E-11, (l\'l'T, :.:r.ari; :itrr~:-: ,r,.,·,• ~~cd.,.,t L"•r i
/t;l~i~if '.;~:~tf !;i1111~i~~i~:~;\~~tii'(i~i~~:~J:.;~;;;g\ir:~~f ~1It;v.:~ ..
•r.c,t-1!1r1. ·r "r~-n~-'i i.7 f nt,.,ni.
t,ol~~~!{'!iAX ~tc
., ,l;il:Jll~;.---1
APR I '"···" .
I • • r,.·,"., ~ .:) ';·~• r • _ • ·: -\MS l
; ""~;.-;z?~ \fr 1'".11iRu T0:0.,
!In 1hk rt.Ir puon•lly ~ Kfr.11' 111e Kinnr..:,o H, I.r •rs·, r.:f
I• -k,iown to l"l' tlot indivi6ial douibtd ill &r>d 1'ho •«<1>1..t
1,ui,~ 1i...t he tia:rwd tlw -,~ MI'
-· 1t1ol l)IJ'l•l'S('i tbnrin ""'1!l.-.l.
f..;.::.:.::.~d in k.J-... co1,~:errarts ol
wl:•.t, ~i,s 11 tr..1•r.'Cj;.)•I N:,,
Jet 4.lly of
-~40."IIJK~Y~•llt._ __ _,, 1963, bet.wen CUCADS arm DISD.ICT, a
municipal eoq,orat.ion of tU It.ate of ...,hi"IJ't0n7 hereinafter
nferred to u the '"DUtrt.ct •, u4 thtl ll'MlCIMLITY OP
IIETROPOt.ITM sv.~. • 21Wlic::1pa1 ~rpont.ion of t:bt State of
wubington, hereinafter referred to .u .. llltro•,
WHER&P.8, the public 'health, wlfare and aafety af the
reaident.a of thll Di.atrict and t.b• ruldanU of Matro require
tbe devaloJall'nt of ad.equate ayat_. of • .,.,. coll~1on and
d111poaal 1 die elimination of 'lif&ter pollution an4 tM prHe.rva-
tJ.on of the freah and salt water reaourcee of the anai and
WHERlAS, Kllt:ro ie engaged. in developing and operating:
a MtropoUtan sr.,age Diapoaal Syetlllft and the DUtrict i&
engaged in develOping and operating a aewa9e cc,llectlOD. ayetea
for th4I DUtri.Ct i and
~. the D1atrict dae.1%•• to deliver atnftllge
collected by the Diatrlct to MUo for d.J..spoaal;. and
WHEREAS, a portion of the Dlat:tict is located \..lthln
the preaent bowldu'iH of Metro and • portion of th• Diatrict 1•
located Olltaid• of but adjacent to the boundariH of Metro; and
WIIUDS, t:o pzovld• for ~ dUpo••l by K~tro of •ewage
collec!ted by tt,e D1•tr1ct 1t J.• Neeaaaq that • contract bf!!
r&OV ent•redi into ••tabl11bift9 certain ri9bt1 and l!Qti .. of tba
part.tee incident theretoj
lllJW, TRIUl'OU, in COMidentton. of tlll 11Jtoal covenanu
contained ~•rein, it 11 hereby ag.rNd u toll.OWi!
P1Unition ef TtFM. Th• followi119 woiu
and pbraH• u1ed in thi1 ·cofttra~ 1haU · have tM ... nintl here!,, ..
after aet fo~th in th1• 11ction:
a) Tbe ~ •,c ; 1 wiw 11.an• ahal.1 wa. tM
co..probe01W 5-Dla-l Pl&D ~ in lffOJ.at:ion ... 23 of
tho IOJDicipality of JIOtroioUtu S.attl.a ..., all -nt• tberoof
hereUtfor• or her'M.fU-r adopted..
~) --._ropc,Utan a-rap lyata• aball Man
all of tbll faeilitJ.H to be eouuoct:e4, aoqui.nd or ued by
IIOtro u a part of -°'*'-ive Plan. --n,poUtan
Sf'·,,era9e Syat• •hall 9enerally lncl...a• aMlll91t dtapoa;al
fac111tiH vitb capacity to zctCelve a....,e froa natural drainage
.au:eaa of approx.11ately or.-thoQ•and acr.• or acre. 'Iba
Mtropolltan sewrage Byat• ahall th\lli J.n,:l\Mle t.nn>t or t.ntar-
ceptor • .,.... faelUtln ext.endlng to a point w1Ualn each tributazy,
and natural d.rainaga •r .. , wt.ere not aon than Ohl tbouaand acrea
remain to be ••rved beyond. the upper tnminua of auch trunk or
1ntercept.rtr tMHllr.
c) The word •part.ictpan.t· •hall 1DNn each city, town,
cou.nty, aewe.r dlatrtct, -.micipal corporation, person, fim or
private corporation \lltaicb ahall 41.epose of any portion of :Lu
aan.1tary sewage into tbe JllttropolU:;an sewr-,. syatm and shall
bave tntand: into a contract vith llatro providin9 f.or aw:b
d) 'l'he vorda •t.ocal Sewraqe rac1Ut1••" 1blll mun all
faciUttH CIIWfted or open.t~ by a Particlpaat for tbe local
eoliection of •wage to be ctau .. r.a ~ tllll Mtropolitan Sewerage
Syllt ...
e, 'l'hs word• "Metropolit.en Arn" •hall ..an tha area
contained Within the llic)\U'MhiriH of the tulieipality of lll~roPolltan
Seattle u naw or hli·Hafter conat1tuUd.
fJ !'ha word• "h•idintial c:utoaff• •N:U -.n • ain,gle
faal.ly r .. id•nc• billed by a hrttcipant ror HWR&IIJ4i char941•,
Sectton 2. Del.!very and Aceaptanc;e of Sewage.
effective August 1 , 1963, the Diatriet •hall deliver to
Netro all of the sewage and industrial waste collected by the
Diatrlct and Metro •hall accept the aewage ar,d waste delivered
for t.raa.tment and dil!lpoaal u . bereinaft.er provided aubjact to
auch reuonablt rulu and r99Ulattona as -, be adopted from
tlN to t:lllle by the "'tropolltan COUIIC!il.
Het.ro ah.all not dlrec:t.1-r accept eevaga or vuua fr0111
any peracn, flhn, corporation or governmental agency lfflicb is
located vithin the boundaries of thw Oiatrict without the
written .:onaent of the l>Utriet.
section 3, construction cf Metro Pacilitiea, Mietrll
shall construct. acquire or otberwiae secure the right to use
all facilities of the Metropolitan sewerage syat.em required for
the diapoaa.l of sewage deliver~ to Metro punuant to this
~greenwtnt and shall perform all services required for the
raaintenance, operation, repair, repla~naent or improvement of
the Metropolitan Sewerage System, includibg' any additions and
bette.rmenta thereto.
Section 4, Co9necti9D o.f Lpcal Sewerage Paeilities to
Permanent Pa5111ues of the Metropolitan sewerage sy;tep.
Loc:al Sewerage r.ac1lit1ea of the District shall be connected
to th• Metropolitan Sewerage Byat.• at auch time aa any of the
pe:raanent facilities of auch Metropolitan Sewerage Syatem shall
be avaihble tc receive sewage collectt't, ~ •ucb local facilities.
SuCh connection aha ... l be accomplillhed at the exp'!Me of Hte
Piatrict and in accordance wlth t.he rule• and ngulationa of
Metro 11t tuc:h point QJ' pc,ints of-connection aa ,11a11 be deterwaiMd
by Mtro.
l u
S.Ctien ,. PIYND\ fOr '"'" Pkrmtl·
,.,, the
dUp0aa1 of •ewag• c:o.U..cted ~.tbl Di.8tr1ct and .S.livered to
Mlotro t.h.e Dbtrict ahall ~ to tlStrO on. or bffoH ~ lHt day
of nch 1110nth dul'ing the um of thU •CJrMatnt., C011Mncin9 , ·1th
t.btl JDOnth ln '4?.ich aeva,-1s flnt delivered to Mitro by the
D11trict, • 1.-.9a diapoaal oh&~ det.erained aa provided in
thU Section 5.
l, Por the quarterly perlod,i andlo9·MaRh 31, .June 301
Septlllllber lO anct Deeed>er ll of .. ch year evny Participant
ahall •ublait a written report to Metro ••tttng forth (a) the
nwaber of R.uidenti•l cuat.oaer1 billed by aucb .Participant for
local sewerap charges ae of the laat. day of tt;e quart41r, (bl
the total ~:r of all cuet.olnerl!I billed by such Participant u
...,f auch day and (c) the total w~ter conawapt.lon during such quarUr
for all cuat.omers billed 'by auch Participant other thari: Residential
CUl!ltoniers. The quarterly WIii.tar conaunption report 8ball be taken
froa water meter recoi-da and may be adjuated to exclude water
which doea not enter the sanitary facilltin of a euatosne:r.
Where actual eewage_ fl.ow from lln individual cuatoae:r ia .atered,
the aet.~red seva9e flowe •hall be reported in lieu. of adjusted
water c:oneuaiption. The total quartuly water ccnawapt1on report
in cubic feet shall be Otvw.t by 2,700 to deteral.n thtl rr.raber: of
RH1d•nt1al cust.oaiar equ.1valenu repruent.a by aacb Participant'•
cuatOMra other than alngle faaily ruictencu. Metro aha11
ain.t.atn a perN!Mlnt record of the q1.1art1rly cuatoM-r .npon.a
fro• each Participant.
'l'h• Diatrict •a flnt quarterly report ah&U cove:r the
firat. quarterly pedcd fo11owlft9 th• date whell •twage U f1rat
delivered to Metro and ahall be aubtllitted within thirty day•
follow1n, the end of the quarter, succ.edint rtiport.a ahall bill
BL# (]:SP. . ..4.ZS.i~.4 z;.c:.s
.ade for aach. qu.art•rly period thereafter and •hall l:111 autai.tted
.,,ithin thirty (30) days following the •nd of the quarter, For ao
long as any part of the Di.atdct ehall nmaln outaide of the
•tropolitan area the Dilltrlct ehall ,.,.._rately report the nwllbu
of Residential CU•to#len ancl"RHide-ntial euston.ar ~1·..alents
located within the Metrop01itan Ar .. 3 and 'the n\Ulbar thereof located
out.aide the Metropol!tan Area.
2. a, To form a balia for dete.rai.nin9 the 1110nthly 1ewage
disposal charge to be paid by each i>articlpant during any
pHticular quarterly period, Metro shall ucerta.in the nunmer
of Residential cuatoa.ara and JleSidential Customer equivalenta
of each Participant. Thia determination shall be made by t~~ing
the sum of the a.ctua.l n\lllltter of R.esiden-:=.ial Cuaton.en reported
as of the last day of the next to the last preceding quarter and
the average number of Residential customer equivalents. per quart.er
reported for the four quarters ending with aald next to the last
preceding quarter, adjusted for each Participant to eliminate any
Residential customers or Residential cu_sto111er equivalents whose
sewage ts delivered to a governr&1ental agency other than Metro or
other than a Participant for disposal outside of the Metropolitan
~rea. The nWllber thue det.errDi.ned ie hereinafter called the "basic
reported nuniber.•
b) Per the initial peric.d until the Dietrtct •hall
have aWll'litted &1:tt conseC\ltive qu.rterly nporu. the basic report.ad
nwaber of lleaidentia l cuat:OfllBrs and Residential CUatoaaer equivalents
ot the Diatrict shall be determined as provided in this subparagraph
(ti). On or before the tenth day of each 1110nth beqinnin9 with the
month prior to the 100nth 1~ which ...age frora the District is
flrat delivered to Metro, ~he D1•tr1ct sha.ll submit a ~ritten
1tatetn1nt of the number of ~••idential cuito.-ra and Res1dent1•1
cua-_1 ... ioou Ntlated to be l>llU<! l,r tho Dl0trlct
duriftg' tM next auccMd.ing IIDDth. fol' tbtl pltC'pOI'• of detanaining
t1le baaic Npoited nw!lber of lt.Nidea:ttal Oa1~;;! or Mll!der..tial
CU•t(..ner ~ivalent• of th• District. for ncb QIIJlt a~ing
month, Met.ro MY at iU dlacrat.ioa ~pt eidwr sud". Httaate
or the actual nuaber of 1tffidenttal cuacc..·.ua and ... ld•ntlal
Cuatomel' equivalent.• repo,rt«I b)I' the DUt.dct u ~ tM last da.y
of the next to the J.ut prtcedin, npo~ quarter. After the
Diatrlct •hall hav11 furntahed 11.x c;omieeuu..,. quarterly reporu
th• bHic reported. nwlber of J.Hident!al CU.tOM1n and RHidential
Cuetc:aer eqaivalent1 of tll• D11trict 1ball be dtterained. H
provided in the :tmnact~ately preceding subparagraph (a) .
c) If the District aball fail to 1ubnit the required
11Cnthly and/or quarterly reports when due, Metro may :ake its · ,m
eatiJllate of the ~r of Residential cuatomer• and Reaidential
customer equiv~lents of the District and aueh eatimate shall
conatitute the baaic reported number for tbe purpose of d.etend.ning
eew1i~• d.upoaal charges.
d) The basic reported muaber of 'Raaident'al CU•tomers
and Reaidential cuatomer eqi.abalent• cf the District •ball be
further adjusted by adding thl!reto twenty-five per cent (25%)
cf the number of Residential cuatomen or Rffldent.ial cuatoaier
eqUivalentl of the O!atrict located outaide the pre•ent boundar1e•
of Metro, The aWD th\la detendned u hereinafter callec:"4 the
"adjuated: reported nwlber.11 It any pon1on of the Diatdet •hall
be anneQd to Metro after the date of Uli1 agneaent the twenty-
fiw per cent additive 11dju.1t.aent •ball ba al1.111n&ted as to the
nwaber of Ruidenttal CU.toMn ar R111idllntial CU.t.omar equivalent.a
loc•ted vithln neh anne,ted: an•~ if and wuen a par1od of_-'l'-3'----
aont'ha •ba.11 hliv. •l.aplecl 11.nC• the affective eta.ta tor the
d.•ll~ry of aw.1&9• under th:la "9r....nt, Th• acljuated :reported.
~r of Residential cuutome:r• and ••1denti..l CUatofDer
eqotvalente of the District shall be the maat>er of R.ffidential
customers and Residential cuatomer equivalent. reported 'by the
Distric:t for the purpose of determining sewage disposal charges
pursuant to Paragraphs 3 and 4 of th!& section.
J. Prior to Deeeniber ,,., 1963, the aonthly disposal
..0 charge to be paid by the District to Metro shall be obtained by
1111,1~t1ply1n9 the nwaber of Residential cuatonera and Residential
custome~ equivalents of the Di.Strict. as deterained in subparagraph 2
of this section by the monthly rate of TWo Dollars.
4. Par ea.ch calendar year after the year 1963, the
110nthly sewage disposal charge payable to Met.re eha.11 be
determined a.s fol~ws !
a) Prier to JUly 1st of each yea% Metro shall
determine its total J110netary requireraents for the disposal
of sewa~e during tht! next succeeding calendar year. Such
requirements shall include the cost of administration, operation,
maintenance, repair and replaceme.nt of the :<tetropolitan Sewera9e
System, establishment and maintenance of necesaaxy working
capital and reserves, the requirements of any resolution providing
foz the issuance of rever.ue bonds of Metro to finance the
acquUition, construction or uae of sewerage facilities, plus
not to exceed 1" of the foregoing requiremanta for general
administrative overhead cos~s.
b} To determine the lflOnthly rate per Residential
custmDer or Ree1dent1al Customer equivalent to be used during
Hid next aucceeding calendar ye;,.r, the total monehty requlre-
Mnt.l for dlapoaa l of sewage as Jetermi.ned ln subparagraph 4 (a)
of thit HCtion lhllll be divided by twelve and. the resulting
quotient shall be c:ti.vtded by the total number of ~e~tdential
cuat<>IMU and J'te•!dential custonier equivalents or all Pa.rt-1c1panta
A SJ !J..!Uf.!,. t1-.-: ·--1 H. .:?--· J .• _.,,,., .4;
for the October~r cp;w:ter pncec:,1119 ••10 .Tu.ly lit;
provided.,. however, that. the aonthly raU •hall not. be lea• than
Two Dollar• {$2.00) per aonth par ... 1dent1al CustcMr or
R.e•idential CUet.oaer eqai,ralent at any tiae i!urift') tll• period
endir,g July 31, 1912.
c) The JaOl'lthly • ..,..98-diapoAl charge pa.id by each
Participant. to Metro aball be obtained by 11U.ltiplyinCJ the IIIOl'lthly
nte by tbe number of 1.•idential O.toaan an4 RU1dential
CU.Storaer equivalent• of tb• Participmt. Alli additional charge
may be -.de for aewa.CJ9 or vutee of unusual quality or campoaition
requiring speclal treatMnt, or Metro may requ1ni pretreatment
of such &9Wa9• or wet.ea, An aclditicmal charge may be made for
quantities of etora or cp-ound. watera entering those Local
sewerage: FacU1t1es Wtch are constructed after Januaiy l_. 1961,
in excess of the ainUIWl 'ltilDC'lard est:abli.ahed by the general
rules and regulations of Metro,
5. A· statement of the maount of the monthly sewa9e
disposal charge shall be 1ullmitted by Met.i-o to eillch Parctcipant
on or ilefore the first day o.f each aonth and payaent of such
charge shall bl di.ie on the last · day of sudl month. If any
char"9e or portion thereof due to Metro shall remain unpaid for
fifteen days following itS due date, tha Participant aball ba
charged with_ and pay b) Metro intereat on the uount unpaid fTI>tD
its due date until paid at the nte of • per .-, lk,d Metro
say, upon failure to pay sucb UO'llnt.1 enfore41 P"YMnt by any
rellledy available at law or equity.
6, The D1atr1ct irrevocably obl191.t.u anci binds itself
to pay 11:.a 88'IAICJ• disp~~al Cbar99 out of the 9roes revenues of
the sMNir ayah• of the Diat.rict. '!'hll District further binda
itHlf t.o eatabl19h, N.intain. and collect ehar9H for •ewer
aervlct which will.~~ &11 tllllea be sufficient to pay all costs of
va. 4888 FIG[ 6-15
maintenance and operation of the eewer •Y•tem of the Diatrict,
tncludlng the sewage dieposal charge payable to Metro hereunder
and •uffici-O?nt to pay the principal of and intere•t on any
revenue bonds of the District. llfhich shall constitute a charge upon
such gross revenues. It ia recognized by Metro and the District
that the sewa9e diBposal c~rge paid by t~e District to Metro ehall
constitute an expense of .aaintenance and operation of the sewer
system of the District. The District aball provide in the
issuance of future se'oller revenue bonds of the District that
expenses of maintenance and operation.of the sever system of the
District sh~ll be paid before payaent of principal and interest of
such bonds. r -. District shall _have the right to fix its own
schedUle of rates 3nd charges for sewer service pro~ided that saffie
shall produce revenue sufficient to meet the covenants ~ontained
in this ~greement ane provided that the customers of the District
located within the .Metropolitan Area shall be separately cla$sified
from those lcx::ated outside the.Metropolitan Area for rate t:.<king
purposes and the-r;:itcs for seweJ: service to cu!ilto:ncrs locat,:d within
the 1'!etropolitan l,rc.3 shall fully rt "lcct any low,;;r Mc-t.ro :.11. .. wuqc
disposal charge for se~qe from customers within the Metropol1tan Area.
Section 6. Responsibility or n1strict. The nistrict
shall be responsible for the delivery to the Metropolitan
sewerage System of sewage collected by the District, for the
construction, Nlalntenanc• and operation of Local sewerage Facilities,
and for the payNnt of all coats incid.ent to the colle<:tion of .such
aew&ge and its delivery to the Metropolitan Sewerage $~•.stem.
Section 7. Records, Permanent books and records shall
'be kept. by Metro of the rates esublU1hed, the volurnea of sewage
delivered and. ~ischarged into the Metropolitan seweraqe System
whenver such volumes are measured •nd the number of Reaidenti.al
Rlt..IJU.t& L Mt ... -
Cllstoaer• and Jteaidaatial CU•tcDar OCl'livalenta rtpOrte4 by ••ch
Participant for the parpoae at datemining-•.-.g• 4upoHl
, -uge•. in addi ti.on to COl!'lplet:• boob of account 9!loving' all
coat~ incurred in connection with the Metropolitan Severll9'•
section 8• Denl.,.-nt of lleUOpolitan Seweraqf'! systeir.
It ie oon.teaplated that the Metropolitan 8411Mraga· System: will be
denioped 1n atag'ea and the n•tu.r• ot' facilities to be constructe
acquired or used ·and the tiae of aueb construction, acquiaition
or use •hall hi! determined by Metro, it being contemplated that
Metro ahall ulti~~tcly prnvide saw.age d:i.spoaal •ervice for the
entire Metropolitan Area and such adjacont ar•a• as may be
f .. asibly served into the Metro!)()~ itan Se,r-rage System.
section 9. Te!nl')(')rary .sewage phpoea.l. Effective
August l , 1963, Metro shall opttrate .nd maintain the
t:eniporaxy sewage dispoaal. faeilitiea eonstruet.ed by Cascade
tJti_litiea, Inc. aa deaeribed in EXhibit A attached hereto. The.
n,istrict shall acquire said facilitiea and Metro shall pa:r 1.0 th.,;
District the actual coat of such acqu.iaition .·ot excef:"::Ung the
sum of $120,804.69. M.-tro 9hall have the right without addition-
~l cost or rental to use all of said facilities, includifl'3 all
lands used in COJUlt,ction ~erewith, for •• long a• Matro shall
deem the operation of such facilities to be nec111uary. '·'hen
Metro shall no longer require the uae of •uch facilities it &hall
t.empornry ecwag,a diapoaal bcilitiu. Metro •hall have no obli-
gat:i.on t" diDal'Jt.lf!I, remove or othe¥Vio~ p,!trfon any ••rvice in
eoMactie,;;-:i \olith such temporary sewage dhpoHl hcilitie"a •• ·Th•
partie~ recognise tha~ the number of Re3idential cuat~flY.!.ra or
Re.1idontial CuatQIDH" •'l'liValonta which can "ba Mrv.d into auch
temporary facilities is limited. ISl)d Metro reserves the ri9ht to
11lll.1t connections to such facilities during the period ot their
use and shall be under no obligation to provide additional or
enlarged temporary fac1litie5 for the District.
~ Section 10. Insurance and Liability for Damages. The
District shall secure a.-.d maintain vith responsible insurers all
such inauranes as ls C:U&tomarily maintained with respect to
Se4tiage systrs"IIS of like character against .Losa of or damage to
the seo,,,erage facilities of the District and against public and
other liability to the extent that sueh insurance can be
secured and maintained at reasonable cost. Arrz liability
incurred by Metro as a result of the operation of tJ-.e Metropolitan
Sewerage System shall be the sole liability of MeLro and any
liability incurred by the District as a result of the operation
of the Local sewerage Facilities of the District shall be the
sole liability of the District. Any liability stemning from the
establishment or existence of the tesnporary sewerage disposal
facilities and any lial>il:lty stemming: from the tnethod or JG£ ... 1er
of operation of such facilities for damage occurring prior to the
operation thereof by Metro shall l:>e the eole responsibility and
liability of the District and the District shall defend same 3nd
hold Metro harmless therefrom. Any liab1!1ty stemming !~om the
method or lnllflner of oper21tion by Metro of the temporary sewage
disposal fac1lit1es for damage occurring subsequent to the
operation of such facilitiea by Metro shall~ the aole responsi-
bility and liability of Metro and Metro shall defend eame apd hold
the District baranless therefrom.
section ll. Assignment. The Dtatrict shall not have
the right to ass!qn this Agreement or any of its rights and
obligations hereunder elt~er by operation of law or by volu!ltnry
agreement without the written conaent of Metro and nelth11r
party taa/ terrainate lta obligation, hereunder 1'y' di••olutlon or
othen,ue without first 1eeurlng !.be written co1111ent of the other
t:i party aoo thi11 A:Jreement shall be binding upon a~ inure to the
~ benefit of the rHpective 11uccessor1 ahd •••igna of the partlea
..t) hereto. In the eVl!!nt that the Dietdct abou.ld be diaaolved, the
local sewer fac1llt1 .. owned and. operated by the District wit.bin
the Net!:opolitan Area •ha.11 '11'/ aueh act of diaaolU:tion be aaaigned
and transferred to Metro aubjact. to any outatandtng debts of the
District incurred for the construction or acqu.ia1tion of sucft
facilities and subject t.~ the obligation of ~tro to continue
to provide sewer service to the retidente aerved by 1ucb local
facilitlea upon payment of the reuonable coau thereof by the
users thereof.
Sect,1on 12. Effecttve pate arid Term of Contract.
This Agreement shall be in full force and effect and binding upon
the parties hereto upon the execution of tbe AgriffJ!ldnt and shall
continue in full force and effect for a period of fifty years.
Section 13. ~ Whenever in thia Agreement
notice is re,i;u.ired to be 91v.n, the :saae ahall be given by
Registered Mail addreHed to th11 rcapective part.lee at the
followin9 addresses:
·Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle
410 Weat Sarri•on Street
Seattle 99, Washington
Caacade sewer D1atr1~t
c/o Donall: G. Holla
232 Main street
Renton, waabington
vnl•~• a diffeEent addreaa ahall be hereafter deaignated in w~1ting
by either of the part1ea.
The date of giving such notice ahall t,e deeraed to be the
d.at• of ma1lir>9 thereof. Billingti for and paYffienta of sewage
vo. 4888 ~649
disposal coots nay be made by reigular mail.
Sect.ion 14. Execution of t>ocwnenu. Thh Agreement
shall be executed in six counterparts, any of Which shall be
regarded fo:r all purposes as one ori9inal. Each party agrees
that it will e,cet.:~te any and all deeds, leaseet 1natrWM1nts 1
documents and resolutions or ordinances necessary to give effect
to the tenn11 of this Agreement.
Section 15. Waiver. No waiver by either party of
any t rm or condition of this Jl.g:remnent shall ~ deemed o:r
constnied as a waivei:: c any other term. or condition, nor
shall a waiver of any breach be deemed to constitute a waiv~r
of any lubSequent breach whether of the same or a different
provision of tbis Agreement.
secuon 16. Remedies, In addition to tbe remedies
provided by law, this Agreement shall be specific:ally e"t'orceable
by either party.
section 17. Entirety. This Agreement merges~
supersedes all prior neg.t!ations, representations and agreements
between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof
arxl conPtitutes the entite contract 'betweeTI the parties,
IN wrrHEss WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed
thia Agreeaent as of the day and year first above written.
ATTEST: Cc,,mnlaaioner
(f /,.cc:. /,{, ~'J'.r/ d.,.,.,.-:
secretary of the eoard OCommin icmers
.• 48Pi8 Pllll 650 . l l
:ii SE. t.t. -··
The treatment ~lant facilities in cascade Sewer oi•triet
consist of:
Two spira9ester settling and digeetion tank&;
Effluent wet well with f'lmphouse, 4 pump•, motors and
electrical starters and controls;
Inlet Parshall fl•llMI, flow recorder and flO'W di vi.ding.
Control house with chlorinator, and laboratory;
Miscellaneous operating ~quipaent and supplies;
All located on a 4-Aere tract described as the North 300 feet
of the West 116,80 feet of the SW 1/4 of the NE l/4 ~f section
28J and the South 250 feet of the West 316.80 feet of the NW 1/4
of the NE 1/4 of said Section 28, in To~n~hip 23 North, Ran9e 5
East W.M.
The sewage eprayfields in Cascade sever District consist of:
PorC"a main from treatment plant to spray areas with
nea~s1ary valves;
Alu~inum irrigation type distribution piping, couplings,
fittings, et-,
Spray nozzles and riser piping;
All located on the following described tracts:
A 12.87-acre Trac:: The East 500 feet of the Nort~ 1121
feet i:-f the sr; .•74 nf NE 1/4 of Section 28, Township 23 North,
Jange 5 Ea&t W,H,i
An a .. acre Tract: That portior, )f N£ 1/4 of NE 1/4 Of
section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M.1 lying North
and taat o( City of Seattle Cedar River pipeline R/W, EXCEPT
the North lJO fe•t of the Westerly 214,02 feet of above
deacribed portion (owned by Fire District 140, lying adjacent
to the Cedar River pipeline R/W) and EXCEPT County Road lying
adjacent to Cedar River pipeline and subject to Easement for
9a1 line ov~r the North 40 feet of said Subdivis1on.
·~ooETHEFc WITH the follow1ng res;erve eprayfield-areas:
A 13-acre Tract.: Described as the Heat &90 feet of the East
11~0 feet of the North 830 feet of the SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of
Section 28, Township 23 North) Range S East W.M.
A 10-... ..:re Tract: Deacribed as Beginning at a pot:.r. on the
Easterly line of the SE 1/4 of NE l/4 of Section 28, ~ownship 23
Ncx-th, Range 5 East W.M., which ia 1121 fe~t South of the North
llna of said SE l/4 Of NE l/4i thence West at right anglea to
a&id East line JlO fe~t; thence South parallel t.c East line of
Section 28 a distance of 1320 feet; thence at right angles East
to the Ea~t line of aaid Sec, 28; thenee No~th along the East
.ine of Section 28, A di11tanct1 of 1320 feet to Point of
Dfff!BIT A
. ...,.= . ..,...,,.._...,,..,. ________ '!!!! •
on th!• J&tP d~ of -~·"''1~11.,y~-~· 1963, before me
._enonally apper1:red • T_.QWCP, y, LrCKENBY I CHARI.ES MXI ESS
and GEORG& McCbHHQN to me known to ba the CoaD.ieaionen oi ~ SEWlfJI. DISTRICT, a
n11n1cipal corporation, and acJmowle4ged the Within ...00 fore(J')ing
instrument t.o be the fr" and voluntary •ct ancl deed of Hid
corporation, for tbe uH• and pt.1ri,c> ... therein mentioned, and on
oath stated that they were authorized to execute sai4 instrwaent
a~ that the eeal affi~ed is the corporate 1eal of eaid corpora-
IN WITNESS HHEBOF, I have hereQnto set 'fff'i hand and
affixed 'lffY official seal the day and y~ar first above written.
·", ~
Notary PUblic in and for the stat~
of Waahtnqt:on, residin9 at Renton
On this \5, '1. day of Jy]:a: • 1963, before
me peraonally appeared C. CARBY DOIMORrH a MPJIALff SULLIVAN,
to me known to be the Cbai:rma.n of the Council and Clerk of the
council, respectively, of the ,t,m.t.cipaUty of Mtropolitan
Seattle, a municipal eorparation1 and acknolilledged. ~ Within
and foregoing instrwnent to bl! tbe free an4 voluntary act and
deed of said corporation, for the USN arid p1rpoaee therein
menttoned 1 and on oath statfKl Chat they were authorbed. tc
eKecute said instrwaent and that the aeal affixed is the
corp0rate seal of aaid corporatio~.
--------------BENTON SCHOP! OISTBTCT NO 403
l°"Gnt.c.!ur·· Ml'ftD) ,ranu.. ('Offl,"1')'5 and warr.uus IO PUG!1' 90UND J>OW'ER • LIGHT CO~P.ANY •• WUblftllOII eo,poratiori
,.-~·-hftrin), torlht'pwfPO!< ... hi'ninaltl!tfftlorur.a jM'l'pt'Qlll eanmenl under. •cru., and ovu the foUowlna dtM?rhd
NIil ~rt:: 11be-· Propert>·'' herf'1t11 Kl ns, C.mnty, Vr'aahi1111on.
The SO\ltheast 11, of the Northe•st 1/4 of Sattlon 28, TCMnshlp 23 North, Range 5 East,
"·"·; Less the ea5t 500 feet of the: north 1121 feet; Less the east 330 feet of the
south 216.47 f~et, rrr.ire or leSSi Les, the south 250 feet of the east 523 feet of the
west 553 Feet.
Exa,,t a1o l'TWli) bl' oti1t-r,,1·i•u,. &l!l furti1 ht•rt>m c;r.uiu.~--~ rlll,hts ~all be ellt'tcised upon 1Jia1 portion nr th~ Propt>tt}' ,tn,-
··Rt&bl~t'lf-Wai,:·· ht!re1n1 de!.~tibed as foll•n••:-.
A Rl,tlt-ol·"''•} f1•1i1 in v.idtlrtrsyiftr-··•----·--------------------fftorW~"'Wtddl't:11'1
~,,...,.,,•"""""h!ft-tll•scrlti..od H" fnHc~:-.
The east 5 feet of the west 2S feet of the north 700 feet of t~, above described property;
ALSO. a 10' x 10 1 switch site be[ng 5 feet on each side of the folla<1Tng described
center tine:
Beginnrng at a point on a 1 lne, which llne Is the center 1 lne of S. E. 166th Stre.et
extended east 30 feet from the east margin of IZBth Avenu~ S. E.; thence north 50 feet
parallel with said east mergrn to the true Point of beginning of said center line; thence
continuing r,orth 10 feet parallel with said east road margin and terminus of this center
1 i "f. ~J."'i6J.iRtft. "hall 1w~ ... ,r, .. ri,IU'lc to ~"Ol1srr11t·1. opt>rall'. mBilllaln, rtl)alr. rt..oplact and enlarp an underamund
11/lectnc transmislllon lllf-1 or rU,ilr1h11110n S)'!;;tl"fn upon 1111d undn tht.' loliW,1-or•Wa}' IOAt.'tht'r whh all necruary or eomtft'liNII
appuMeftaiM:r1o tht.'rerr;ir, ""hlril ffl,f)' mrlu<lt' hut .ar1> nm llmnt.'1::1 to Ult' fof101,,1na under,iround rondult&. c-ablelli, C'Offlffllilllcallon
t1na:s. ,·&Wts. mll\hoL,oi.. s1111lri11"'. aml tr,111 .. turmt.'r1o. and ~"mi hurlt'd or Mmuncl 1no11ntfl!ld fa<'illlie-s. Followina the, 1nlllaJ C'Jn·
sll-uC'tioo tlf ir,; fac1i1tw~ C,ran\t'I.• mu~ !1 .. m untt· lo timl' t·on,,,lr.il"i ..ut'h itdd1liun11I (.a1•llitft's 11» it mA)' rtqi,lre
2. ~._. fin1c,,..,.. !oh.II.II hal,• lln n)(hc u( ut'\"\!M, lu tht' IUW\l·uMl,'a)' IJ\'l'r amt iK'l°ffl'J, tht-Pn:ipeny lo CMblt• <lnn1ee lo
11!11111!:.'l!i~ itl'i r1Jhh, UN'!Ur,:\t'r pr,r.1,1,~l 011u (ir1111w1•!>1'Lodl l'WJll,l~'I\Mll•• fir111n1or for any damaMII! 10 I.hi" Prq,ll!rl)' caused lo.:, U)II!
nt.•:"<'1SII! ur Nloid rl,1th1 of ,.,.,·,..~~
.l. Obstnir;,t!c,1t!':: J..flnd~p1n,11. 11rm11~·•· lrlll} frm11 lim11 1" um,• rt•mrt\·1 1 lr1'1•S. htit.hl'H, or e11ht-r utn111'\lcli1J1ti'i 'A'ilhm 1h1•
J,1.Jlhl·llf·W•> ilnd 1wt} lt.o\'14 ~r•I i,:ra,lt· 111,· J..:J,:hl·t,'. ···:i!-111 li)l' +'Jl:\·'Ji r•·ll!oonahl)· nt.'C'+~nry to i:arr)· oul 1ht! p.irp;"''"' ....i
rorlh in pan111r&ph I hc'rt'Or rr .. ,,ir1+•1 lh11c fnllnWinJI. IUl)' KU1it \\·urk. lirM11"t' i.hllll. to Un• ex!Cfll rl!BMIFlahl/ pr,1rtlr•11hh•,
re.-· ,~ •• Jlc k•;.!tlt·uf·Wa~ u.1 th, 11>111!111o1n i1 11,a;,, 1mm1.~l1t.ll'I)· ~rmr tu ,;;,di ·,1or;,, ! ullawmir ·iw 1,:,nallat,cm nr t:1 d111•~··.,
u1Ai., ••. .JUM fac1lllw!o ',inmiur 11111> i.1Nh•rtu1w llllY un6111ar, unprU\·w111o-i11>, 10 1h1· landi..cllj.llna or U'it' J,/"i!'.ht·ul·1•:;i~ ... A11h•1
thllI nu 1r .. l'" ur othl•r pl,1r.:, .. h.111 lw pla1't'CI Un•tl'Ul1 "hlch v,,oukl be unrcu,..on11bly l'l!petishito or ln1pr.11ctkal for Ciranl<'l' 10
rl"mt1\'i!' and rl"!itun•
.f. Gruior"!ii Ul'l" or Rlatll·ol·W11.1. c;nmur r•'?'>t'f\'1"S tht• n1,1tn 10 uM· U1t.' Rlll,ht·t1MVay ror an)· P'JrJ)(lst• uni uwonsi»tt•nl
with thte .!Wits h1•r1<1n i,i:ranwd. pr-u\irll•I 1!1a1 C.ranlcr lihaU not ('00-~1''\HI or malnlllin any hullrtl"}t or olhn l'tnw1ur•• '"' ltu•
ih,Un·of-l.l.'rt)· 'M.hirh "'l~ ~d iratt:r!1•r,• 11,II~. 1h,· t·x,,rch.t.' or 11H-rl¢\l!i her'"in ,:nnlcd. that l10 <11,utin,t. 1•·r:-.;lin.R or tHht'r form
oC constr'Ue1ton aclint} -;hall lu· dcJnt· ,m 1t1,· t'rOp,1.•rt}' 11·hid1 woulc.l dl:<turb 11W <'011,pactii:m or uneanil \,nm1N'·11 f~lni~ °"
th'" Right-uf·Yt'a~· ,1r ,rna111,i1•r tli,· f;u,·ral "l.lµpurt lu !lilirl farlliti .. s. and tha1 no hllslin11 i.hall bl-dome lll'ithin J~, fH·I t1f 1ht"
li. lncl•mt1il). ll> IIC'L'•"Plin,.: ;11111 r1't·ordln,: thb eas .. m~'lll, (;rantt-t· ap:rl't.'s 10 inrit!INlil) arNI hold harmJ,...,!o <,rar11or Imm
an)' and aH daims ror ,Ji,mitJil•·s ... um•r,d hr an> pt'rsr.>n 111·hlch nu) h1.• caus1!tl h> (ira.n1et1'1> e111toreh1 .. M lht' rl,,ltht,.. n,•rl'in
arant«I. r.,ro,·kwd. th.111 c;rantt'l' ~al! nu! ht.• rt'~nsJblt' tu Cirantor for !lnl' damaatcS r11sultln« from i11juri1"S 11, "In~ 1•1·r=n
c:aused b)· act" er cm1~~iol};. of ( rrantur
6. Aballllo•111en1. TJw r11,!ht.., t1"rrin 11r,mttd ~hall ro111inut-until !11.leh tim .. as (iran~ C"e.tsr.i; to ,n1r lhL· kiW,t-(l!·Win· for
It. pt'rtod ur fi\Cl' 151 !>u1.,•i-s!oi\o· }+."Ur,. 111 :1hid1 '°"'lc'lll this t."aSl"fTlt.'n1 shall lt'm1i11a11.• and all righlS her~'l.lnrll'r stu111 n..,,:rt tn
Ciran1ur. prt.tlLdHI thitt mi abamk~1nwnr sh;1U l.it·d~Pmt'd tu han· tJCCUrrM I>) rC'Hon or G1'8111et-'s r.111lurt• tu iniuall) ir,;,,Uill
ju,; tacllLli1t!>. "II th>' 1,1\Jtlu-of-~a) 11itr11n ;II!} p~ri1Nl of 1inw !rom the d;ne htort'Of.
-------.. --·
• ..
,,1\·_ . "'\' •• ' ~.
• I IIOll -·R lPD m..BCTatC l'Yffa
r·G&W:;~r·· -.-. .-••· cc.'_,. and..,.... IIJ PtJGrT ICWID PCM'ER • LIUHT COMPANY. • Wllllbi._,,. corporadoa
,--~·-Mntna. fbt ... ,.,,.. .. c.be~-fordl• ~ ....mRI unde-r, 8CNIIN lftd OYer 1.ht toUow1111 dffc:.rkl
...a~,-··pn:ipeny .. Hl'fthJ KlnQ C.CUty. w•1rw10n.
The Sot..the,nt 1/Ja of the Northent 1/Jt of Sec:tlon 28, T°""'n•h1p 23 NoTth, Range 5 East,
v·"·• L..,, the ... t 500 f .. c of tha north 1121 feet; Less the e11t J30 faet of th•
south 216.~7 feet, niore or 1eSti Less the south 250 feet of the east S23 feet of the
Nest 553 feet.
DN!pl • rnt)· be otht>rwi11• Ht rorlh ht'n>ln <irant-·5 rt,.tits lhall be 1!-'lt!rC'i&.ed upon lhat porUon of tM Properl)' rthe
""Jtilbl-af·Wa,·· h.ere1n1 d~rlbad u foll~·t.
A R-1-fl!•Way rt'1c1 m Ytld1~tn1···----------------·---·-····fw1'W"l\ieti,nddi'1JII
,...~~~rlbffla,; foJJ1Mt1·
The east 5 feet of the west 25 feet of the north 700 feet oft~-above described propertyi
ALSO, a 10' x 10' swlt~h site being 5 feet on each s1de of the fallowTng descrlbad
eenrer line:
Beginning at a point on a ll!"e, which llne Is the center line of S. E. 166th Street
extended east 30 feet fro• the east .. rgln of 128th Avenue S. E,i thence north 50 feet
parallel with said east margin to the true point of beginning af sald center 1fne; thence
conttnulng north 10 feet perallel with said east road m1r9ln and terminus of this center
1 J "f. ~.PCUfRh shall 1MIVI!-Ch .. rl,iht to constr'U<'l. operllt•, malmaln. rr;,1lr. n,il11C"e and enlarae ut. undetaround
.a.tnci tnn1,mluton and "r dlt11rltrut1ur, •Ystfttl upon .nd und•r thte Rlstu·of-\\o'•>· lolt'lhl!-T •·llb all necnNry or eom~len1
llll'UffeAPC'it• dluet'or. wh1dl may tl'K'li.it' Wt 1r1P not limited to tht' foll°"'·tna underal'Wnd condulUi. cablH. comm11aJc11bOJ1
Unea. ,·auhl., manhol". 11witcltn. and triant.(orml!n, and Hfflli·burled or JtMUM mount«i lat>Uitlu. Followin, !he ltlltlaJ con·
slrUcllon ,)I 1111 l'•e1lllll'ti c;nrllN' nlll} rr .. m 1lmt-ln tlmto t~tN~I ..ud) addUlunaJ (ff'ilitll!a H ii may requlr•
:L AN'eA. nrm,fH trb&IJ lutv,• the, r1)Ul1ol~s1Ho ttw Rll!ln-of·W•>· O\'t!'r a.nrl IIC'l"tlt'11 the Pi"OP"n>' to tnable OrantN 1o
ne:cls. ita rlafit11 =rl!Undl'r. pru\·1tlNI r.ha1(ira11tet"liballcom~u111t11h• r.ranlor for MY dama,air 10 thir Property cat.1--.i b~· lhe
~rt'ise of M1d rlp,t or lk'l"t'Jo9'
l. Obanetlal~: I-•rllf!lldPllll, Cit1111tt'l· ma) fmm tlm<" ttt umt-rl'moi;~ lrt>t.•ti. b1uJ\l'tl, or or.her ob11rue110011 within lht•
Rl,tlt·oC·W•) ind ITII) lt."o't!I aid ,cradt• lh,· k1~11-ci! •.;''11:, bl U\I! t'Xl-.-nl rL'IUM'lllbly nfl't'IUJ'Y to CUI')' out die p!ll'pUIK'ti Ji"'
font, In p1:rqraph I hnl'Of r,r,whtw1 lhat foll~11111 an)' ,;ucll •·ork. liranlll't!' llhllll, to the ll!lflffll rea1onabl~· pr•rtlrablt-.
I"!""··•-Im-Ji'IJEht•uf·W•~ 10 lh, ct1nrl1t11>n 11 "'11" Lmmtdlately i,rior '" ;i:..,·h wor;. I ollowlll<' "hf' m111allaciof" nr c:roi11tti>',.
i,1idu.; . .JUnd !aclllti..,; Grimtor nllt) ulllh•Make ID'I)' ordu•ry Unpl'O'H'llltc'T1h. lu I.ht· ld:.capln.( at thl.• ~1,itn-0:·.,;.·.1} ... ,, 1t1 ... 1
that no trl!'h or oth,•r plun1~. ~ .. u 1'"" plal:'11.'d then'CII\ 1'1hich woulrl be \J11rcll.!>Oflably l'xpefl.lli\·• or impractlcal for C.ranlt't" 10
remm-e aod tttllnl't'
.f. Gna1Dr"11 Uu or .,p,~l-Wa). 1;rantor r..wrve1 thl' rlahl to Ullot" the Rlahl·of•Way tor any purpasl' nm Lnt.'Ons1Mml
with Ute rll!lhts ht're111 araml'U. pr..,,id1•I 1h11t l.rantcr shall not ronstl\J< 1 M maJn111ln any hulldlng or olhfor ,1nirtur .. •111 thl'
Ri.11,:ht·ot-Way Ylhlrll 11.t\,!d ifl1t,rft."~ It.Ith rh,• l'Xt'reli;eofthe r1#1ts herein grarnll.'d; that no dlgln,:. rrr.l'lslin,i. or ClU'lt'r form
vi CIJIIStnaedoft actl\·ity WI/ IH• ,k,nt' nu 1hr Pror,erl)' Whlffl would dl11rurb lhe compaclicn or unear1h u,amw's fll('lllllt'S on
Utt!' Rlatu-of·tr.·19)· or t'Man~r lh1• hlllt'rll ,;upport w said f•c-lll1his. and thiil nu hll111inJ shall ~ dor1t 11,·lthln 1:, fre1 of thl"
5. ~1). 8.)-accrp1ln~ .;i.i,:l rt't'urdin, this euement. liranll'e agra-s to indemnil)· and hold harmll'"ili (inm1nr from
any and all cl11ms ror damaae,; ",l,lffl'rt'li b)· 811)' person whicll ma)· ht' cauStllJ ~ firanseeo·s enrtiSt" r,f lht' ri.lthL'> hn~in
aranl8d. Pl'O\'icled. tha1 {;rat1lt'l' sl'lllll nu1 ht' rl!-Sp()Mibl• to C".rantor for :'111)' darn.,tt-5 tt1Ultln1 from lnjuril'~ In >111r f>1.'rS011
c:;a..sed by IICU; or oml10slcru; cf lirantor
6. att I al Ttll' ril(ht"' hl'rt>in ~ro1ntl'll ftll continue i.inlll toUCh tlmf' a.,; Grantee-cease., lo utt lhl' lhatu·ol·\\'n for
a J)l!'nocl of llv"' 151 !ollC{'f>5Sh·I' }t>ar'o. 1n v.hlch f!\'l!lll. this ee.seme1n sl'la.11 1ermi1111e and all riahts h1m'llndl'r shall """t:r, tn
Onntor. pron!IE'd in,c oo ah1111dromen1 shall be-det•1m•1Ho ha,·~ occurrf'd ~· rca.&on of Gran1ee·5 f•ilun, w--1,d1u1lh, in~1.1i11
itJ. facil1Ue~ m th• Ri#lt·ol'-V.a)-wltllin !In~ ~riod of tlmt.-from lhe da1• tlt-rror.
ffkll'• aad' AA•iam,. Tht· rl,1Ul1.~ llhtl 11t,11,11alionfl of lbt> par1lb !>l1all inure-ao ltle-bfflefl1 of 1nd b1• h,ndn~ u.pon
iYP ACK'Ct'!HOl'5 and 111>:'<i)Uli.
;.: . ·ao,·hiRsrt2r ·--. __ ::,___
l. _~_:. •• "/
-Excise Tax Not Required 4·· t,~··1:,._;.,''!'''-'-· --=~· ,_/<....___,_,.~·-'-':;~,,_-.._,.f.(_,._ .
J.-,r, ?res~ d,ent ' --/
II I R. WiLLi;\MS. i(:r.! county trec:surer /~--.t, IL . -.i. ( :; ( .: .... . '
I· -
·.._ Oeputv fecret:lfy
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Ol._2.£u:.fll0id Februar·c ,ll'U)_,blfareme.'lleWIWApld,~---BarbaT& Ss W.lly ~1-~
;;;;;;;;;:;j~_;j_. H B T,..1,,..,.,..._.. • ......... _.•btlbl' Rree1_1ert _. Sectrct•rx • :;1
r c taly,GI...Jl.e.:i..t0n Seb Diet fho; ... &d:ri*:l'dP-tilt..-... ~..., __ ._...... 1
...... -4 lDla'I ~ tobe .. fretlllll....,. -...... ~ lldl eoipa.ulci:t. ilot ... _ .......... ..... ·i·
.......,, .. • _.. __... they ere .. lbiDrllN ao •-... ..W Jwu Ml.... ~_:l
ml affllad ta• Cllll'POZ'M* ..i el Nld www;,oi:adan. 1
. : j
•·:,, ... ~ 6 .,., WV(' (·~· 3 45
ri..:') '"~ ?.,::;,_•::O <\, ~(;0!:ST OF:
P:~:-:.~ .~..-.~I~!": f"O~ .. -: r; -~· t:.""::HT ,°)').
P'.;,~ t· .. ,;'.;:? Sl~~L;--~ ..... Ei:-tt.J.;. ::
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.·..• . . . . ~·----·= -. ~-3:Ji 11111451
!l!U·MI--• tN.•%~~r o,'JtfJ.;,,1/.--1•10,
by Hid bt~ lllft'Olf SCIIOOL IJI811Ucr »o .. 401_. • aun.~fipl.l corpora-
... ~ ticn ,of Jaat:ii;an, waahµlftan, heninafter called "'Grant or" •nd KUIG
COUl'l"Y lll\T'D,. DISTl:ICT .-o. 58, 1 mtuiiclpal corporation of Xif!9
c9w,~y. state of waahlngton, hllrei~ft•r call.ltd "Grantee~;
!!: J. t I! ~ 1l. I. l l'. !I•
'l'hat .. id. Gr.•nto,: for v•l.uabl~ cona,id.~retion in .. ~~.ncl .paid
by the a.aid~,Gnntee. receipt whereof ia h•teby acknowle __ dg~1 doe11
by_ theae preaenis grant, bargo11o, aell, convey and confirm unto the
,aid Gran~oe a r.lqht-o!-wny o:c: eaaePllll!nt for • wat~rmain with t\lf;!
nect"Ssary.i!!Ppi.,irtenance• over, through, .aero•• and upon property
11itu."lted in KING count.y, Wa.ahfl'lgt;_on 9enerell.y knCMn,a.a Renton Jl;i.gh
School No, l( ct,arlc . .s A. Lindberg High Scl,ool) parUcu~,arly clenc.:riberl
in ~hiQ.it A hereto attached and 11,a_de a part heruof by thi11 J.:-dtl: .!OC.t!'
and dcliJ)vftt~d upon the ~ap a.110 atti!lctiod hereto '-=l'.'ti"tl.ed "Rent.on
lli9l1 sch-?Ol No. J, 1··aterrnal11 f.1<aen,ent 14ap, Kfog county _water Diatrh:t
~flt~ I
Thu •11 icf G.r;-ant.,i;ie sha 11 have t.ho right withc;,ut pt i or,
in1!Jo.tJ tuti on of any. su,it. or proce~iM a.t l.aw, at. time• as may be
necC11:.1.ary,. t.o cntoc upon 1111\id property. for th~ purpose ·of i::onatruct-
~ng, r1;1pair.ini::,_. n.lte.r:inr:f or re.c:on!ltrocting ,aM watGrmain or ·maiking
any_ 1.onnoi;.tiMa therewith, ·without. incurring. any 109.U obJirJatfon
l':lr UanJUty thorefor: r,tovic1,c~. that..anch conatruc~1ng, repa~!=ing,
11It"erint1 r,r rnc;onntrLICtiong of s•id vatermain 1hall bu acc_DIDpli.Jhc,d
·,ht <,{-.... ·ay s?iall :1ot he di:,:,turbed or destroyed, or: in thl? (!\•ent
,i',· "ll°1' •!i;.+urbcC :::,r rl€!sHoyed, they will be replaced in as qoa:I
,·':'l11c.!il i•Jll i!~ they \.•~n:i illUM!dilllely before tht:1. propecty W.?S ei1tcred
•r•,c :i~·;,,;1t:~·r shaii cet-~lin thi.1' right; t::: 11se tho surfac~ -f
-·~c<-· ··.,1 ,;;11 1 i>•i a ,.;;::·:t?nant nir1111n(J with ti,c ]auc!
.,.i "
•-·Y~------·-·· ~-----~··-• •. ......::.
I n's.,11~;11 -.~f 1t i,; t;~.,1rt'.
I, :.·,,• ..•.•• ,·
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OD. thl• .. y perNlllll:, appeared Nfora • 8vt6tr.rt.-tl,//
...r )/,p }dbrJJU7 · to • Jmow to be t:b• frH.ldent ot the
8olrd a_, a.oret:ary of tha IOanl of JtUrOI IQIOOL DJ.l:TSJC'J' ltO._ 40J,
the carpontice tht aMClllt .. the wttbi,:t and foregoing tn;st;r~ment_.
and acknGWl.edvtd the ••id iutruae~ t:o ha the free and vol~~,ry
act and deed for the a .. , and PIIZ'PN•• tl'!•r•in rn•nHoned, and on oath
stated th,lt-they w1;r1 autt?,orbed to execute 1aid instrument:, and the
••l •ffh:ad thneto i• th'3 corporat9i ... 1. of said coc-peC"ation . . ~.
WITNESS MY hind an~ official se•l thia .~:. day of /':'.,·r~
... -, .
.it ( .(~~ j~ ,./t { ·( . . :.(' ;' ...
IIOt•,r J'ublic in .Ind for t ,· State
of w~,h~ll9ton, reaidi_n.9 at'··,{:-.· ·
· ... ·. --.. -" -.----~-------. "" ~--· .
A r.tdp 'Jf land 15 feet in vjdth the centerline-oL
\..•h1,:h 1:. the {.'-Cnt_oc lino ~f th(! t: .. ~atec"'8il!, ·a, il'!~lllled,
='I.:\ i:; c:l..'nter lrne :approximating the f~! loi.,ini:f rle,ci:ibcd
Lin~. to..;.•jt-.!
f:(!<:Jn1tt1_1~ at. the l!lorth¥e•t cor-nllc ,:i( the southeast J/4
.,,,: ;,: i·tl.,•.1st 1 1,: ~,f Jic,i1.i--;J; :-·. ';'.!\o'lllihip :n ;,-rth,
c;,.JJJ ·~ • .C:il-ZI , 1'' •. 'i.;
Tl,,;in,:•· ::,,~La.h,rly ,ll~11<J thE> ~·:!lat li~I! ~, ~airl t-.,utpe~.st
. ,'. ! : .. ,, .. t :
·, r I· , .. ,:,•1;1 •, i,;,,st. 1•:.1.,2 fo;'<..'l 1 ;i 1•".lillt en
·lf;t '.1•u,t-•_;:...,..;1y J 1201:-. ,\\·1.mu1: ~·~11ti11.•;ist 1-:hid", •s
:1( : !l,~ i nil 1 n" ;
·• u :(:. ;.:l.<:! • ; ; l. J ;
• ic1 "A•;
: .. ,':'
,,-•·;1 hl1 I· .:,I
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rt ••. , t l.,.11,'
I ,-r . t:: •
,, ... :d :· :i.-: i• I C:.•I "" V .c•l
,. :1.•1·. ~-:. ,,\.·
J,hlJJIJf~· A
•· :,
.--· -,_.1, n ~ -,1 .. -oow •· --I.II ~• UI IO .llllot _,... a fin ..,.._, u
lutoli.,1 ill the flold, ·
Al•o atripa ot· land 1S fMt 1a -.wt.ll, thl ceatarlin•
of Ndl, of wlliidl la ta.. -OIDt~l.tM of watu p1,-~ ...
i~~tallad, Nld caltK'l ..... a fvtth p1P" aip• •• Mr.-
after indi~ted) appnai•t-iat ~-tGllalif'U9 deearibaid une •. to-Wit_, . .
h'OII. •oint •1.•, Morth s~•2s•42• a.n:. 262~00 ffft
(6" pipe) t
rr~ Point "B" .• ~ •1•s7 1 57 11 •et. '7.9Q.,f..t
(8• pipe) 1ndl cont!nu~ on the aa• 1-•;riJ!9 U feet
(4~ p(PI) tog•ther~lfit~ an addit;.tonal at~1P of land
10 feet i,:1 wid~}I -tQo •nd 10 feet bfyond a 4• vat,r met!Br,
u il!,•t•lled in.the fi~ldr
From Point "c•,Horth 5:Z•4o."271" laat to 10.00 feet be-
Yond det4tctor check vauit, •• i~Oli.d in fi11d,
FrOl'II Point. "D~, South 2B 11 l4 1 48" Batt, 68,00 feet
16 11 • p~~) t
Prom Poii,t •1•, Hortll 7]11 11 '05" We•t, 81,28 feet 1
. '-!U 11 •\.,;Ll\.lM uccu R/W _j,/f,.
#-248 Corpora 1c Form ·
The uanttn" ... .d~enln. ~-· Lt J~~---~-.. ~~~·--~-SJ. Pr:-.~·11ea, ~-
... ,...,."·'~1."'lJr, •t .. J.P'!'.~ .!Kl.Alo ... .PJaTI.I_ct 1Q, .. tn
for th.e c:on11idention of . _/!1.~.i.":-i..Ak. [Jii_f'I.C .fJ F ... Dollan
and :!;!so of i1enefit11-to ate rue to . ......... tiy re11~on nf layirlg oul and establishing a public road
through ... . :. property,_ a11d-which is· herein.:.!iE>r' d~Mrihed, c.:,nve}' .... , rt'iease .... , a11d quit-claime.d
to the County of...
KING . Stal~ nf W.ishinglot1, foo: use of the -Pllblic
forevrr, u ·a pliblic. road and hiS"hw.iY, all interest in the (olloWing clcllrribed ~al_e5tr,te, iir
,~: ...... -..,__ -·-........
T.L. 4
T'.ie west 30 foet of the SE'i of t-.hc NE~ of S~ction 28, Twp. 23 N.,
R. '., E,,W.M·,, ..
Containing 4_0,365 Sq. Ft. mora or less
R/W 128th Ave. S.E. (S.E. 166th Northerly)
lQgethl!i-with the ri1ht to m:ike all ne(r!lsary :J11pc, for cub and fills upon the abuttinl( property :ind on
each side of sairl dc:iicribed ri1tht.o!-1vnY, ill conformity with stnnclard pl.ans and :ipedfic11tiol1!1 for high-
way [l1Jr11osell. and to the !!'.ln1C extent nnd pur~se :iii i[ lhe right11 herc:in 1ranh?d had been ·acquired
by rnm1e·mnatio11 proceeding~ uml~r Eminent D111nah1 !ltatutu_r.if the Stole o( Wmshington,
situated in the ('ounty of K1~!G . , state of \Vallhingt•m.
Dated this.. lSt:.!.t.... ..rlny nf.. ~.a.y ..... . ., A. n. uV ....
r:,,; WIT:..-EsS WIIEIU:uF, s1itl ,·urpnratil)Jr'•11s u11~I tlil!I i11slr11n1~1J1 to hr l'Xtclllrd by ils fi'"lllt't officers
aml ii~ rorp,,rntr .,rnl tn !"• hrrnmln .iffixNl lhi~ 18th dayuf '!.'!"• )£>7'1
STAn: 01: W.itSHISGTOS, /
"· County or trnr.
On this lfltb day nf ~ftl'. lq?2 , utfore mt, the undmigned,
a ~omy J'\lblk in and fur lhe S.flle 111 \hshinxlon, duly cunnnissk:ttJl"d Jbd s"'"1rn, r,cr111111Uy -,,pear~
:hn. I,. ,Tolmson, ~r. Jhd !':helbv Bewley
1o nte known to be the Pri::;iden1 and Se<tHar)', ttSJ)Klively, of
'.ff!ffllM SCHl'lOL Dt~Ir.T •m. -03
· .. ,~ 1
·I ;
"'1' ,.
I'! ;
'I· " ']
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:1-\,! ,,1
:i;, Ii ,,1
r: 1)
j ~
~ • ;,-
'· i/1
! t
' '· t· r:.
' '· I
' i
.... ~l<\lt,IJ'11J4 7 I r Corporaac Form I
QUIT-CLAIM DEED I ~--~--··===1 F&OII
........... i
I ..,., ... . .................... 19 ...... ..
... · ..... ·· ... ·.·.··•,,.J.,:.·q ........ ..
on the ..... day or .... . ..• 19 .. ., ...... minutu pa.at .. . .... .M.
•nd re<"nrded In volume .. ., . , P•ee.
R,,cnrd!! of.
~v Criunty,
... , ..... .
--~~ '---,-_---~~ .u ~=--·~-~ --~--~~ ....... --------~·~·-----~--...~· ..
"' "'
.--.-r-·,---,-~-~~~••·~· ·~-~,·•-•~~•rr ____ _
Recording Requested By And
When Recorded Mail To:
King County
Water and Lands Resources Division
Office of Open Space
810 Third Avenue, Suite 350
Seattle, WA 98104
Grantor {Seller): Renton School District No. 403, a WasJJingtop municipal corporation.
Grantee [BuyerJ: King County a political subdivision oftlic State pfWashingtgg.
Legal Description (abbreviated): SE \I NE :4 S.28 T.23N. R.5E, Tr. B. Fairwood Parlt Div 9
Vol 88 Pg. 30.
Assessor's Tax Parcel IDII: Ptns. 247338-1320-01. 282305-9042-07. 282305-9093-05.
Project [Area]: Soos Creek Trail North.
Parcel [#]: 26 tluough 29.
This indenture. made this .U."' .day of)> ._.,,.r 19 -.a , between Renton S<hool
District No. 403, a Washington municipal corporation, Grantor and King County, a political
,;:nhdivi,;:inn nfthr. ~bite nfWa'ihingtOn. Gmntee:
WITNESSETH, that Granto,, in consideration of mutual benefits n:c<ipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby aclcnowlalged, and the benefits which wilJ accrue to the land of Granter by the
exercise of the rights herein granted, do hereby convey and Qui! Claim unlO the Grantee, its
successors and assigns, an C$ffllcnt for a public non-motorized trail for pedestrian and bicycle
use over, through, along and across that certain parcel of land situated in King County,
WashinglOn described as follows:
The East 60 feet of the North 480 fcxt of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quartc< of
Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W.M., in King County, Washington.
The East 25 fcxt of the Southeast qwuter of the Northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 23
North, Range 5 East. W.M., in King County, Washington;
EXCEPT the North 480 fcxt thereof.
Tract B, Fairwood Par!< Division #9, according IO the plat thereof recorded in Volmne 88 of
Plats, page 30, r=rds of King County, Washington
TOGETHER WITH the right to make all necessary slope,; for cuts and fills upon the said
easement, on each side of the S3id uail which is now, or may be constructed hereafter upon said
property, in conformity with standard plans and specifications for said l111il and lo the same
.sctn-~6. esm, doc P~ge l or l DeceW>er 7, 1998
extent and pUIJ)Oscs as if !he rights herein granted had been acquired· by rondannation
proceedings under eminent domain statutes of !he State of Washington.
IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD that lhis casernent has been conveyed
and accepted for public non-motorized pcdesl!ian and bicycle trail and that in the event of
abandonment, vacation or relocation of the transportation corridor. the rights and interests in the
above described lands thal are herein conveyed, ex«:pling those that pertain IQ utilities. shall
revert to the Grantors, their heirs, successors and assign.,. Design of the trsil will be performed
by the Gtruitcc with the cooperation of Grantorto allow fur expansion of Grantor's athletic field.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Granter has executed this instrumait lhis \ \ t L.. day
of \)er ,po....., "7~ .-. 19~.
GRANTOR: Renton School Distrid No. 403, a Washin~ municipal corporation
BY: ~~""//)'"4."-!'o3
BY:---cf~""""'-""fL""""'#>!M=· ~=----l"amBissonnette. Diredor
Department of Natun,l Resources
County of King
1 hereby certify that I lcnow or have satisfiu:tory evidence that
Vol.,, o s ~'ht.,,,.,,: Ware the pmon(•) who appemd
before me, and said n(s) ocknowlcdgcd that _be_ signed lhis instrument, on oad! stated
that he is/an: authorued to execute the irutrument and acknowledpd it u the
S-, -:::,,,;-p 1 .,.., &-c QfRentoQ School Dimict No, 403 to be the !i:cc
and v.liunwy act of such party for the use, and purposes mentioned in this i-.
Dated: l \ \)e <-'i. !:,
;, 1.~ ·,·
~,:tn-2 fi. es11t.do<:.
and fur the State ofWashlngton,
residing al 'I;. ..,.,, :t::
My appointment QJ>UCS fr . ( (., ' "/" &
Fage 2 o! 2 OKuibe'r 7, lH8
Recording Requesle<l By And
When Record,;d Mail To:
King County
Water and Lands Resources Division
Office of Open Space
810 Third Avenue, Suite 350
Sealtle, WA 98104
This addendum, made this .JL.day of I)~"' ,u_ 19 .:tl_. between Renton School
District No. 403, a Wa.shington municipal corporation, Grantor and King County, a political
subdivision of the State of Washington, Grantee, and amends the Pedestrian and Bicycle Trail
Easement (the "Easement") hetween the parties dated Deeember 11, 1998:
The Grantee agrees tha1, at the time of development of the Soos Creek Regional Trail pur.ruant
to the terms of the Easemen~ it will construct a standard pa,lcs fence along the margin of the
Easement area with lockable gates at student crossing points to be detennined by Grantor.
Oranlee will be solely respon.sible for maintenance of the Easement area.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantee has execuled this inslrumellt this_.,_, _,_('_._day
of 7)p-Y1"{l'L 19 tf,r .
GRANTEE: King County
v !1~ L BY: __ _f1.«1._..,~~======-------
Pam Bissonnette, Director
Department of Natural Resources
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that [A,.. !,~5•""317£ is the
person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that £he signed !hi,
instrument. on oath stated that .£ he is authorized 10 execute the instnunCllt and acknowledged
it as the Director, Department of Natural Re,ources ofKinH County to be the
free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in lhe instrument.
Dated: _J].,,p.:c.,V,'-'""----«.~
St.ale of Washington
Residing at /?ur,,t, i/A
My appointment expire,~ L-
Decubu U, l998
.·.· FiledJ9r Record at
ttie r:eqqe::it of
· p:o.i3ox5B039 /_ .. , __ _ JJlslllllfllJJIII
~~0i~Eg~ ~J EAS 23.00
/i4~16 S:E.J92~d Street
/ R,:inton, VVA.980980
01/25/2005 12:12
Easement No.: 2/'l-23ts.w1'02:i''J, .,. r . .
Lindbergh H\gh S6hobU'ortaqles\
'\... y ..,. ·-,. . •• ••• "':: -·
Tax Parcel ID#: 282305-9004
Grantor(sf Renton School Districf·.
300 SW 7th Street ,,, ....
Renton, Washington 98053''
•... ~ '·''·•·,:,
. .. , .. ,., . -~.
··: ..•... , ..... --·:;·
b:~:~~~;fs~;;f~~~~~ei:~e/~nct,d!y;~nic~o;~~~ of ~?n~C~u~~:.
Washington, hei:einii:fter t¢tried Jhe,."Di$tric;t'., and RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403,
a Municipal Corpbration/fierei~ftet~rfne-d 'Grantor", ··:, .. ,,,,. .. ,·· ' _,-.... ~ .:"-' .
· WHEREAS, Grantd{ i~
the,9wne; o{land ~{approximately 16426 128th Ave SE,
Renton, Washington, legally.,desc~ibed asJollows: ' / >· ..
··:,,,,,~.-··. .: . .. .. ;" .:·:·.,,·' '··
The Southeast quarter of the Norths~ qriar:t~r, Jess theJ:;agt 500 feet of the North
1121 feet, less the East 330 fee\ 9f'}he ~o!Jtll ?16.47 feet, m(!re or less.
LESS the South 250 feet of the West 553feet leiis Q6unty ~oads in Section 28,
Township 23 North, Range 5 East, witiall)ett(3 Meridian, King.t:oUnty;Washington. ··. .. .. .: ,• ,, . ,•
F:\1~esmt 101602ernd.doe Page 1 of 5
Easement No. 28-23-5-Wl 023
WHEREAS, the District requires an easement for (check those that apply)
·o Sanitary sewer line and appurtenances
'i8]··· ··"''water mairiantj appurtenances ,· •' •' .
aero~ G ta~tor's properfy'1'!t a loqatiCll'I mor,~ fipecifically described herein below; and
··.:-.. .-:· \ '\, .... /-./ ,/.. /· .. ,/·>~···"':,i /''':t _,/ •:> . .
WHEF!EAS, $(antor h.as title to Sp1d'r~al property and ,s authorized to grant and
convey this easement to' th1r'Distrfut. . // ,. ··
./· ... -:_;: ./
NOW, THEREFQl'}E, in-i:onsideratiqh qHti~~llm of qi\epollar ($1.00), and other
good and valuable cons1deratibn i!i hatid paid; receipfof whlqh,As hereby acknowledged,
and in consideration of the ''perf6r111anc:e by theQistrict/ot the covenants, terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth;" Gt;ii.ntor tiere,by granJs, .coryveys and quitclaims to the
District the following easement: · "·0 / • • •• •• ,,. .....
TIJ~t p~rtiqn of the above-described re.~I PT.P~~hy turt('!e?:~§sc:Jib~d a{foffuws:
.AstrJPQt 1;rtiJ 10 teet in width 1yin9 s 1e:~·on.;liw'r ti~e.()r!~~ 191:·ow;ng''~escnbect
/ cenJerli(!e: · ··
!:}~ginning at the-nprthwest corner of the southeast qua'rtei qf th~ ndrtheast
tjuai;ter otsaicl Sectlon 28; Thence southerly along the wesfli!Je of said
.,,. souihea.$t quaner 100,43 feet; Thence South 86°00'05" East, 30 . .02 feet to a
'\point 91'1 tHe east rlghfof-1-Yay of 128th Avenue SE; Thence South 86°00'05"
Eas(343.33Jeet; T~ncti Sou!l) 35°34'18" East, 466.44 feet; Thence South
37°19'33", Ea'slt29~i2.2 feet;Jhence South 52°40'27" West, 7.5 feet to the
point of Eieginning.6tsaii;t'ce~teriim{descrlption; Thence South 52°40'27"
West, 30.0tMeatfo lhe terminusYofsaid centerline description. . . ' .
Refer to easement cfqcumeritsAef:ord No/6640903, records of King County,
Washington. · '"""···· ·· .i ,... •· ·
1. DISTRICTS USE OF PROPER:TY. ·.S;id .• ~a$erT}6ntis loffhipurpose of installing,
constructing, operating, inspecting, maihtairiing; removing/repairing, replacing and using
gravity and pressure sanitary sewer ri'iains/ manh~les, apd/qi water,. lines and
appu,rtenances thereto including all valves and fift:i.~ydr~ts(the'"fa¢i!illes"), together with
the nonexclu~ive right of ingress to and egress from said portion ofGrantp'i"~ property for
the foregoing purposes. ·
Page 2 of 5
Easement No. 28-23-5-W1023
2... . . U$E OF PROPERTY BY GRANTOR. Grantor shall retain the right to use the
s.urtace:ofthe easement if such use does not interfere with installation or maintenance of
_Jhe"fac;ili!ies. Grantor shall not erect buildings or structures of a permanent nature; shall
· n.ot instali'any.Other.ilJiprovements including trees, large shrubbery, or fences; and shall not
c;ha,;ige surfa\::etirades; excepi.as):tpproved in advance by the District, in any manner
,'which \v'oul.d onre§lS?na~ly Jr.~rfer~'with ingress, egress and access by the District for
ln.stall?liOl1 and/o'f n,ormE,11,maintenanqe ... o.f. the facilities. Such buildings, structures or
improyell'.lef)!S Will bei deerri~d an ~rir:::rdachtpeQ! upon the District's rights, and Granter shall
be obligated to i'embvei,uch erwrb.achmimfs lit Grantor's expense. Further, the provisions
of Paragraph.A here9f·as1o resfofation '$J,allnot apply to any such encroachments in the
easement arefo .. Provide'd, hbwever, !h,3tfences may be constructed which provide gate
or other access approyed i.fl advancitby.-the .. bistrict.
-. / ~-··""·····
3. RESTORATION AFTER oFiiG,NA,!:. cbNSTR0pTIOf\J. ;for original construction,
Grantor's property will be resior.e.d to•a 09ndition··~ good as pf better than it was prior to
the entry by the District. Wherei'possible, pho~raph$'wJil bi taken prior to construction
to assure the completeness of restoratibn/ Filial restorapon.Shcjll'incluq_e, as appropriate,
sod repla<;einl:lpt in existing lawns, hydrose.eding In un,iinpfbvei:!.aw.es, ~nd nzj:ll~hting or
replacement of e)(jsting shrubs and bushes, Where ~ch wiU notur.itea!\l:>miply interfere with
the District's µse ofJhe easement. Fences, rockerieil and cohcreie'iasphaltanq/or gravel
driveW1JYS whfc_h de)' not unreasonably interfere With !he;DisfriCfS .. USE! otfhe{easement Will
be repaire,d o{ replaced. Large trees that exist within the e1isen;fenf areia may be
pern:l'aneo!ly removed during original construction unless otherwi~ nQfed· in \tiis easement
do "·. umen:t . .. ·' .' _,. '
\of _,.,.---·.·,:· ••...
4i<._ RESTOR'ATION-AFTSR MAINTENANCE. If Grantor's property'is;disturbed by the
mairiteranc~,.feti'iov¥f. r~paif, or_repJacement of the facilities, the District shall restore the
easemei'infrea .to a coriditlbn-·as goad as or better than it was prior to entry for such
purpose by the [)istiict( ·· · •.. ··
5. A TTORNEit's-FE,s'. 1r/~as;·Jit rir abtionJs commenced by either party, or their
successors and/or assigns; to'enforce any _rights under this easement, or regarding an
encroachment on the easen,!)nt, in ~ddilior{io cpsts prdvided by statute, the substantially
prevailing party shall be entiiled.to·an aw~d of at16m.ey'i(lees in such sum as the Court
may adjudge just and reasonable. :: · .... , · ·' · ·
6. EASEMENT TO BIND SUCCESs®s/ This .easement is ~rmanent and shall
terminate only upon agreement of the parties her!jfo, their $\Jcces~ors anµ/oni.~igns. This
easement, during its existence, shall be a covenant rurining wfth th_e land aritl shall be
binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of the· pa_~ie:rhereto// ' .. .. .. . ..
7. EXEMPTION FROM EXCISE TAX. The District is am!;infcipal c_ofpgta;fion with
powers of eminent domain. This easement is granted for a public purpose, The D.ist[jct
F:\1~enlllplat eSlflt 101602 emd.tloc Page 3 of 5
Easement No. 28-23-5-Wl 023
_..:· ,;·
.· shsill fiokl Grantor harmless from the imposition or payment of any excise tax based upon
!lie con:v.eyanc,;e of this easement.
·,.' IN WITNESS WHi~REOF, we have set our hands and seals this 11 ~ day of
. H,bt{Lr .. n , ,. ,. . , . .. . 2001t.
R:moh ¥'6or ~''.:"' 'f' '!"3, .',~,p;i,i~\°?•'?ratioo ~
°'., ..... / / /''( r;;· < .... / ~~ President ·· · -S~e-cr-e-ta-ry-""'7,,_. _______ _
Ono: ,j;ts d~ ~f 'oon f"V'u.c;_ ~d) ,.,,,"., .. > . 2Qda; bef~~,foe pe~,~k=~
to be the Pr~kjent and Secretary, respectively, of REll{T,¢N,$C!:IDQL DISTAICf NO. 403,
a MunJcipal:Corporation, the corporation that execuiEkl ine :foregoing iristn:lment, and
acknowledged .said instrument to be the free and voluntary act.~nddee\',t ofsai~ corporation,
for ~e u~s and p11tpol,e:;;._therein mentioned. ... ·• ' .·. '
W~NEis·rri~ ~a:~·~1-C!~~i~I seal hereto affixed the day and year abJva~ritten.
······· i\i,ill;~,i ·· / · / ·· / ~ ?n 74-w-!
~,~t~~-~ i,.,~ .i 1)4'9:~IJX.PUBLIC: in and for the State of Washington ,#~~~~~%. _,..,~s1grng ~~ .• ' :t;?><t,q Ge r....6 , w Pl ~~~ .OTA.9;~i'~%' tyiY Cfmm,sS!Orrexpir~: ,:ttrtd ('Lb.,,/ / 3, ;µw"' =*· ..... =*= . . . . = : . . ::
~~~!!!I.\'···~,§~~ "",,. O~WAS~~ ,,,~
Page 4 of 5
-..•. ,
. ,· ,,
\•.,, ...... ··
GAS Mt.l'tR
ENCl05Ult£ I I
£XrSnNC ero
WA,T(l'll,IAIN, l'r'P.
EASEMENT NO. 2S-23-5-W1023
ALE, r,\12\643\DWGS\ES"T PAGE 5 OF 5
' .. .,
·~:,, •. , .. ,.,·
Fil!:!d for Record at
the r-equest of
/, e:o.ao; 58039 ..... .
SOOS CRE2!125000621 :14616 S~E .. 192fid Street
i Renton'. WA,9805!)
PAG£001 OF 005 Ells 23 , f;O
1(0IIN/G25/2005 12:12
Easement No.:
Tax Parcel ID#:
}-' /s-:i·
··., ... t ..
~.8-2f5-V'v'1024/ ./
Lindbergh High ,Schpo,1 ' .,· . .
Facilities :JRd o·p~rat\oniBenter
300 SW 7 Street \. i.
Renton, Washington 98055.i
~ ...
. , .. ,. .
-.,,.., ... ;,: ; .
" ,.,. THIS,.AGkEl;'MgNT; made this JlJ::b.. day of FtbrWJ. ~/ , 200'3, by and
betwl'len-86os[Creek Wat~r pna''Se)Ner District, a municipal corpo tion of King County,
Washington, herell)?ffer te~ed the "Qistrict", and RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403,
A Washington Company; Herajriafter fer~d "Granter",
WHERE:;:"G;~htor/i~)h:··~".V~e{ofltind at 16426 128th Ave SE, Renton,
Washington, legally descrjbeci'aiH,ollqwsi ' ..
·' .·
The Southeast quart;/ofthe~orlf'1.~~~t qLlaJ!~r, f6;; the East 500 feet of the North
1121 feet, Jess the East 330•:feet of the,,Squth)!1'1').47 fe·et/more or less.
LESS the South 250 feet of the Ea.st 523,00 f~et cjf th~,Wes(553 feet, less County
Roads in Section 28, Township 23 Nprth.; R1111ge5 E;is(WilJam.sitte Meridian, King
County, Washington. · ·
F:\12\663\Easements\plal eS/'1'11 W1024.doc Page 1 of 5
Easement No 28-23-5-W1024
\/\IHI;REAS, the District requires an easement for (check those that apply)
,·.··· cgj'
Sanitary sewer line and appurten<1nces
W1s1termaifi.iifr1\;l appurtenances -· .--·
.,.~·:::-:./ _,.
. .<'':./
acro~s $r~ntofs p'top¢rty)at a 1;{;atl;~ .rnpr!ispecifically described herein below; and
. ·., .... · }' .: ·.''·· .. --;:,·.' f ,,, .. , .{ .,.
WH~~S./Gr<1htorihas;title t;.is.ai~·iar property and is authorized to grant and
convey this eas'iiinentfo tne District,// ' --· .. ..· :
NOW, THEREFORE, in cqrisidkrqtfon6fthits\jm otb~~ Dollar ($1.00), <1nd other
good and valu<1ble consider~tiory'inJfand p'aid,_.rei,:eipt of:,vfHch is hereby <1cknowledged,
and in consideration of the peifofrnaf\ce by'·thei[)i_stri¢t q.f the covenants, terms <1nd
conditions hereinafter set forth, Gti;jptor hefeby grants. ccinveys . .)nd quitCl<)ims to the
District thl)·,f9llowing easement: · · · ' · · ·
·:.,, .. _ ...
Th<1t port\6.n of the above-described'real-~~perty fyrtfie;'.·de~criJeq,tls follows:
. ', : ~ .,· ~ . .
/ A sfri;},f land 15.00 feet in width lying 7.50 fee( or{either i\ctr' ofAhe following
,' dr;iscriljed c;i:mterline: : ,· ·' ' · .......... }
~egihning \lt"th~-Northwest corner of the Southeast qu~rte+ ci th!! Northeast
qtfarter,6f'said_Section 28; '<,/
. Then~ $out)ierty al6ng the West line of said Southeast quarter 100.43 feet;
'The'iice ;Soylh ~6°00'Q5" .. E:ist, 30.02 feet to a point on the East right-of-way
of 128lh'Avenu~ SI;:;/ .. , ..
Thence $outh 86.~0'0S~·'Ei\st, 343:33 feet;
Thence shutb.35°34'18~ East,,466.4:4 feet;
Thence South 36°~9'23,.~.-f=.ast, 294]0 f~t; .
Thence North 54 °04:'49" Ea9t, 7 .scrteeno the po!nt of Beginning of said
centerline descripticih; .. ,,_, .... / , .· • , · . . : .
Thence North 54°04'49" East, 15;QQ,.feetio.,the terminus of said centertine
description. · " ·· ,,. .. ···
.... ,~.
Refer to easement document Rec6rdN,r 61?40903, feC9rd5oof,King9ounty,
Washington. ·
1. DISTRICTS USE OF PROPERTY .. Said easerneht i~fo~ttie PJlqifue pf irlsf?iJing,
constructing, operating, inspecting, maintaining, removing, tep;'iirlng,;',replacjn'g.·'andtising-:.
gravity and pressure sanitary sewer mains, manholes· arii;J/or"»w-ater ,'fine'S'··:,andi
F:\12\663\Easemeots.\plat esmt W1024.doe Page 2 of 5
Easement No 28-23-5-W 1024
appurtenances thereto including all valves and fire hydrants (the "facilities"), together with
tl:ie,rion,e_xdusive right of ingress to and egress from said portion of Grantor's property for
Jhe foregoing purposes,
,, .,/ 2. / USE OF,·PROPERTY BY GRANTOR Grantor shall retain the right to use the
.,,,,.-/suiface:of the~asemei-it if su_¢ius~ does not interfere with installation or maintenance of
'. th(!) fadlities/ Grarifor sha!fnbt er.ecl buildings or structures of a permanent nature; shall
'iibt iristau'afiy ofher,improfemen\s inf)llidihg trees, large shrubbery, orfences; and shall not
charigf,ljmiface grildes, except/~s,i3pp_rqk,,iHn advance by the District, in any manner
which woui~ uri'reas\:)i1al:Jiy irte'ifere with ii\grfss, egress and access by the District for
installation an~/or_.r\ormal r:/iainltmance ,,of the facilities. Such buildings, structures or
improvements wtli be dllemed an en9'i'daihnjent upon the District's rights, and Grantor shall
be obligated to remo~ su6h el'.icro?chlilenJs aj_.Grar1tor's expe-tJ,se. Further, the provisions
of Paragraph 4 hereofils to restoration shalfiriot ap/)ly to apy si:Jch encroachments in the
easement area. Provided, h~eyer ,ihatfE)i,ce~m~y be c9-ristructed which provide gate or
other access approved in adliariceiby µie.:'Distfict_:,, _ i / 'i
,;.. ·•,:,
3. RESTORATION AFTER ORid\NAL CON$TR1ic,:1bt/,·F~/clnginal c:6n!;ltruction,
Grantor's'property will be restored to a cobdition as good' as otbe~r itian it"w;;is prior to
the enlzy by the District. Where possible, pti'otegr'aphs will be'!l:iken~rioito,donl!itruction to
assure"the do~pleteness of restoration. Final restota,ti9n shall,.iRel1;1de,as appropriate, sod
reptacemeht 1p e~isting lawns, hydroseeding in uriimproveq_.afeas'; qfld /eplanting or
replacement gf ex~ting shrubs and bushes, where SU Ch Wiltf]Ot U,Drea§onably interfere With
the'Distrlct's.Ose of th,e,,e!lsemenl Fences, rockeries, and conc@te; aiphiait and/or gravel
orivew4ys Whicl)'cl_o·not unreasonably interfere with the District's'uiif0f the easement will
be, repaffect ql reipl<!p;i<:l. ':Large trees that exist within the easem¢nt area may be
perhl~nently.ie\riov~tl d_µring oriQ![!!]I construction unless otherwise noted in this easement
document;-"' :: i ., ,i .,,/ '",,,,
\.,, ... i ....
4. RESTO Rf.\ TION !.).t.;TEFJ·MJ.\I NTEJ>IANCE. If Grantor's property is disturbed by the
maintenance, reriiollal(repair/or replac~e~t ofJ/le facilities, the District shall restore the
easement area to a conditio~ ~ good' as·' or better than it was prior to entry for such
purpose by the District. '· ··· ·· · ,· · ·
i" ;"
5. ATTORNEY'S FEES. \;·~as$ suit-,or:~ct[6n .Is co~rneAceq by either party, or their
successors and/or assigns, to enfof~e a9y rights imd'ei'th is ei:is~m.ent, or regarding an
encroachment on the easement, in additi911 to'cqsts provided-by statute, the substantially
prevailing party shall be entitled to an awai'd'of)ittofney's f~es)n scic~-surn,_as the Court
may adjudge just and reasonable. · '' · · · · ·· ·
6. EASEMENT TO BIND SUCCESSORS. This ea~em.ent:is pe~anent and-·$hc!11
terminate only upon agreement of the parties hereto, their successors and/or assigns:-'This-
·'.;, ........ :. /.
F:\12\663\Easemeotslplal esrrt W1024.doc Page 3 of 5
Easement No 28-23-5-W 1024
e~sement, during its existence, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be·
qihcting·:t?nJhe successors, heirs and assigns of the parties hereto.
/?i /E)(EMPTION FROM EXCISE TAX. The District is a municipal corporation with
po1Ners ti>f emin.enl"dolllain. This easement is granted for a public purpose. The District
.'shail hq/d Gr!)ntor hamtless froirdtie imposition or payment of any excise tax based upon < the convey~rice oftbis {la~erit/
·:.·:.,:· ,:" :: .. '.· ::· ;'.' ;:" / .-:' ·.•· .-···"", .. ,,
;: .,,_. ~ ..
IN WIT~EJs JJFi~R££bF •.. we·hiJ::etbi!t6a;ds and seals this
~-: •. f ./ :, f-I~}o.9~
1 l day of
Renton School District No/403/a MuniclpafCor,pomtion
•, . . . . . ·' ·:. •
...... ,, ..
,COUNTY Of KIN'G ) ss. .. ·: •;.
··:::,,,,..,, .. ,,./ ''" .,.
,-"~ '
On this //tti d~y of ~v..r~ 2~, .. 7befbr~i rri~ personally
appear!!(J JDcfoa:s·ha (and) •
to' me ·tw.9Wn t~f be the President and Secretary, respectively, ofl~E.NTON SCHOOL
DISTRICT N0/4.03, si·MJ.Jnicipal Corporation, the corporation that executed the
foregoiJ1g i~stfui:nent(at1~ ackno.wledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and
deed ofs'a)d cotpo$ticfi, fqry,ie uses'c!Od purposes therein mentioned. ·.• .. . .. . .
Page 4 of 5
: ..
-., ...... ~
Fil.Ee fc\12\66J\DWGS\ESMT PAGE 5 OF 5
EASEMENT NO. 28-23-5-W1024
Return Address:
City Clerk's Office
City of Renton
I 055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057
Please print ortype information WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 65 04)
Document Tit)e(s) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must be filled in)
1. Ordinance 5327 2.
(Benson Hill Annexation)
3. 4.
Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released:
Additional reference #'s on page_ of document
Grantor(s) (Last name first name, initials)
I. City of Renton •
2. ,
Additional names on page _ of document.
Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials)
1. City of Renton ,
2. '
Additional names on page _ of document.
Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot block, plat or section, township, raoge)
Sections 21, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 33 in Township 23 North, and Sections 5 and 6 in Township 22 North,
all in Range 5 East
Additional ]eQa] is on naQe 5 of document.
Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number D Assessor Tax # not yet assigned
The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to
verify the accuracy or comnleteness of the indexing infonnation orovided herein. '. I am requestmg an emergency nonstandard recc,dmg for an add1honal fee as provided m RCW -
36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise
obscure some pare of the text on the original d<Jcument.
______________________ Signature of Requesting Party
WHEREAS, under the provisions ofRCW 35A.14.120 as amended, a petition in writing
requesting that certain territory contiguous to the City of Renton, as described below, be annexed
to the City of Renton, 'WllS presented and file<! with the City Clerk on or about December 7, 2006;
WHEREAS, prior to the filing and circulation of the petition for amexation to the City
of Renton, the petitioning owners notified the City Cowicil of their intention to COJmDf:J?CC such
proceedings as provided by law, as more particularly specified in RCW 35A.14.120; and
WHEREAS, the King County Records, Elections, and Lic.ensing Division examined and
verified the signatures on the petition for ,annexation and determined signatures represent. as
provided by law, in excess <1ften percent (JO'/o) of the registered voters residing in the area to be
annexed on January 23, 2007; aod
WHEREAS, the City Council, after due notice and publicatio~ held a public meeting
and passed a resolution on March 12, 2007, accepting the 10% Notice of Intent petition and
calling for an election on the question of snnexing approximately 2,406 acres into the City of
Renton; and
WHEREAS, the Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Stmegie Planning
Department oftbe City of Renton having considered and recommended the annexing ofsaid
annexation area to the City ofReoton; and
WHEREA~. the City Council having met and adopted a resolution calling for an election
on Maleh 12, 2007; and CERTIFICATE
, . , ·· i?';,;,;,,,,, I, _the undersigned Cil?' Clerk oft~e
•· ., ,';.: ... · ··":.'!;, ·City of Renton, Washmgt0n, certify
~~-·· • · \~Jli3t this is a true and correct copy of
"'"f -' •,· '.::iUfd/llf.l/1,e /t/o.SJ27. Subscribed
· .. '·• City Clerk
WHEREAS, the City Council fixed October l, 2007, as the time and place for a public
hearing in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, upon the area and future
zoning for it, and notice thereof having been given as provided by law; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said notices public hearings having been held at the time and
place specified in the notices, and the Council having considered all matters in connection with
the annexation and further determined that all legal requirements and procedures of the law
, applicable to the election method for annexation have been met; and
WHEREAS, the King County Boundary Review Board having deemed the "Notice of
Intention" for the 2,406~acre annexation site approved, as set forth in its closing letter issued on
June 23, 2007; and
WHEREAS, the City Council met on July 2, 2007, and passed a resolution indicating
November 6, 2007, as its preferred date for an election on the question of whether registered
voters in the Benson Hill Communities favor or do not favor annexation to the City of Renton at
this time;
WHEREAS, on November 6, 2007, the voters in the annexation area voted to approve
the annexation; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan was amended for the Benson Hill Communities
Annexation area as part of the City's 2007 Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle, and those
amendments are being adopted contemporaneously with the adoption of this ordinance; and
WHEREAS, upon annexation, the residents shall accept that portion of the City's
Comprehensive Plan as it pertains to the territory, including the applicable Zoning Code relating
thereto; and
WHEREAS, the City of Renton will complete prezoning of the non-street portions of the
2,406-acre annexation site R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, RMF, RMH, CA, CN, and CO prior to the
effective date of the annexation.
SECTION I. All requirements of the law in regard to the annexation by election
method, including the provisions ofRCW 35A.14.020, 030, 040, 050, 090, and 100, have been
met. [tis further determined that the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of the property
and territory described below is hereby approved and granted; the following described property
being contiguous to the City limits of the City of Renton is hereby annexed to the City of
Renton, effective March I, 2008, after the approval, passage, and publication of this Ordinance;
and on and after said date of March 1, 2008, the property shall constitute a part of the City of
Renton and shall be subject to all its laws and ordinances then and thereafter in force and effect;
the property being described as follows:
See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein.
[Said property, approximately 2,406 acres, is located within Renton's established
Potential Annexation Area and generally bounded by the Ci!d: of Renton corporate
boundary on the west and north, SE 192nd Street and S 200 Street on the south,
and on the east, 108'' Avenue SE, the eastern edge of Boulevard Lane Park, the
western edge of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, and 128~ Avenue SE, if
extended, but ineluding Renton Park and Charles Lindberg High School, as
legally described in and shown on Exhibit "A" at!Jlched hereto and incorporated
by reference as if fully set forth.]
and the property shall be subject to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.
SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and
five days after its publication.
A c~rtified copy oflhls Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Council, State of
Washington, and as otherwise provided by law.
200801 ll!'lll01lll33.::::_:·
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December 2007.
Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk
APPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis 10th dayof December 2007. --------~
Aprped as to form:
d 11,d ••• ti!!~" ' ...
Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney -·;
DateofPublication: 12/15/2007 (summary)
The lands included within the subject annexation are situated in part.I of, Sections 21, 27,
28, 29, 31, 32 and 33 in Township 23 North, and Sections 5 and 6 in Township 22 North,
all in Range 5 Eas~ W.M., in King County, Washington, said annexation area being more
particularly described as lying wilhin lhe following described boundary:
Beginning at the southeast comer of those lands annexed to the City of Renton under
Ordinance No.1961 in the Southeast quarter of said Section 21 said southeast comer also
being the point of intersection of the west line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast
quarter of said Section 21 and the southwesterly right of way margin of the City of
Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line;
Thence southeasterly_along said southwesterly margin, crossing SE 160th Street. to the
south line of said Southeast quarter;
Thence westerly, along said south line to an intersection with the east line of the west half
of the Northeast quarter of said Section 28;
Thence southerly along said east line, to the northerly right of way margin of SE 164"'
Thence easterly along said northerly margin to the point ofintersection with the northerly
extension of the easterly right of way margin of 128"' Ave SE;
Thence southerly along said northerly extension and the easterly margin thereof to the
north line of the south half of said Northeast quarter;
Thence easterly along said north line to an intersection with the east line of said Section
Thence southerly along said east line, to the northwest comer of"Tract A", Fairwood
Park Division 7, as recorded under Volume 116 of Plats, Pages 88 through 90, said
records, in said Section 27;
Thence generally easterly, southerly, westerly and southerly along .the various courses of
said "Tract A", to a point on the northerly right of way margin of SE Petrovitsky Road
(Petrovitsky Road Revision, Est. 5-28-62), in the Southwest quarter of the Southwest
quarter of said Section 27;
Benson Hlll Annexation June 22, 2007
Thence southeasterly perpendicular to the centerline of said SE Petrovitsky Road, a
distance of92' to the southerly margin thereof;
Thence southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly along the various courses of said
southerly right of way margin, crossing !28th Avenue SE, to the northwest corner of that
portion of !28th Avenue SE dedicated per deed under King County Rec. No.
20000913001594, on the westerly right of way margin of 128"'Avenue SE;
Thence southeasterly and southerly along said westerly right of way margin, to an
intersection with the east line of the west halfofthe Southeast quarter of said Section 28;
Thence southerly along said east line, to the southeast corner of said subdivision said
southeast comer also being the northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast
quarter of said Section 33;
Thence southerly along the east line of said subdivision, to the southeast corner thereof,
said southeast comer also being the northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter of said Section 33;
Thence easterly along the north line of said subdivision, to an intersection with the
northeasterly right of way margin of a 100' wide Puget Sound Power & Light
Transmission Line right of way;
Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly right of way margin, to an intersection with
the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly lines of Lots 2 and 3, King County Short
Plat No. 779163R, recorded under King County Rec. No. 8105060679;
Thence southwesterly along said extension and the southeasterly lines of said lots, to an
intersection with the northeasterly [ine of Lot I, King County Short Plat No. Cl 077001,
recorded under King County Rec. No. 7806080590;
Thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the northeasterly and northwesterly lines
of said Lot I, to the most westerly comer thereof; said comer also being a point on the
south line of Lot 2 of said short plat;
Thence westerly along said south line, to the northeast comer of Lot 4, King County
Short Plat No. 775088, recorded under King County Rec. No. 7710200755;
Thence southwesterly along the east line of said Lot 4 to the southeast comer thereof,
said corner also being on the northwesterly line of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, as
recorded under Volume 82 of Plats, Pages 20 and 21, said records;
Thence continuing southwesterly along said northwesterly line, and southerly along the
westerly line of Boulevard Lane Division l, as recorded under Volume 80 of Plats, Pages
89 and 90, rec~rds of King County, Washington, to the westernmost so~thwest corner of
Benson Hill Annexation 2 June 22, 2007
2008010~000~~ .. :-_·
said plat, said southwest comer also being on a line I 073.56 feet north of and parallel
with the south line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 33;
Thence westerly along said parallel.line, to a point 300.00 feet easterly of the west line of
said subdivision, as measured perpendicular thereto, said point also being on the north
line of Boulevard Lane Park, as deeded to King County under King County Ree. No.
Thence southeasterly along the east line of said park to the point of intersection of a line
4;.2 feet east of and parallel with the west line of said subdivision and a line 300 feet
north of and parallel with the south line of said subdivision;
Thence continuing southerly along said east line, parallel with the west line of said
subdivision, to a point on the northerly right of way margin of SE 192'' Street, said
northerly right of way margin being SO feet northerly of the south line of said Section 33
and the centerline of SE 192"' Street;
Thence westerly aloof the various courses of said northerly right of way margin, crossing
120'"Avenue SE, 116 Avenue SE, 114th Place SE and l 13"' Way SE to its intersection
with the easterly right of way margin of State Route 515, said intersection being 40 feet
right of Station 270+50 per Washington State Department of Highways, Right of Way
Plan SR 515 MP 3.87 to MP 5.15, Renton Vicinity: SE 196th to Carr Road, Sta 257+00 to
Sta 283+00, Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets in said Section 32;
Thence westerly, crossing State Route 515 (108th Avenue SB), to a point 40 feet left of
Station 270+40 per said Right of Way Plan;
Thence southeri along the various courses of the westerly right of way margin of State
Route 51 S (108 Avenue NE); crossing SE 192'' Street, SE 196th Street and SE 199"'
Street, to the northerly right of way margin of SB 200th Street in the north west quarter of
said Section S;
Thence westerly aloni the various courses of said northerly right of way margin, crossing
I06"'Avenue SE, 105 Avenue SE and 104"' Avenue SB, to its intersection with the
existing City of Renton Limits Line as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No.
Thence northerly, easterly and westerly along the various courses of the existing limits of
the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance Nos. 3885 & 3109 to the
point where said existing limits as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3109
leaves the section line common to Sections 5 & 6 and enters said Section 6;
Thence northerly along said common section line to its interseetion with the existing City
of Renton Limits Line as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3268;
Benson Hill Annexation 3 June 22, 2007
Thence generally northerly and easterly along the various courses of the existing limits of
the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance Nos. (in order from south
to north) 3268, 5205, 5041, 3268, 4069, 1743, 4476, 1971, 3864, 1971, 5236, 1971, 3742,
1971, 3108, 1909, 5208, 3730, 2224, l 871 and 1961 to the Point of Beginning;
EXCEPT the north 100 feet of the west 230 feet of the South halfof the South halfofthe
Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 29, previously annexed to the
City of Renton under Ordinance No. 3432.
TOGETIIER WITH the following:
That portion of Lot 3, King County Short Plat 779l63R recorded under King County
Rec. No. 81 05060679, within the South halfof the Northeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of said Section 33, if any; and
Those portions of the Northeast quarter of said Section 6 and the Northwest quarter of
said Section 5, lying southerly, westerly, southerly and westerly of existing City of
Renton Limits Line as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance Nos. (in order from
north to south): 3268, 3751, and 3109, and lying northerly of the northerly right of way
margin of S. 200" Street; and
That portion of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5, lying northerly of the northerly
right of way margin of S. 200"' Street, westerly and southerly of existing City of Renton
Limits Line as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No.3885, and easterly of
existing City of Renton Limits Line as anoexed under City of Renton Ordinance No.
Benson Hill Annexation 4 June 22, 2007
2oosorn!IM08~~ -:-:.
<lD Branch :FAK,Uscr :JILL Comment: Station Id :DPQY
r . ·111111111~11~1111~ ..
Renton School District No. 403
300 SW 7th Street
Renton, WA 98055
Attn: Rich Moore, Asst Superintendent
K lNG COUNTY RE D e . el
PAGE0e1 oF 083
e3/f7/%088 "51:SG
13/17/2911 19:56 Kfl COUNTY, Ufl $I .H
SRLE $1.H PAGENt OF! 01t
Tax Acct.-
King·County, Washington
Renton School District 403
SE '/, NE '!. SEC 28 TWN 23N RSE, WM
The Granto,, KING COUNTY (the 'County"), a political subdivision of the State of Washington,
for and in consideration of mutual benefits, and pursuant to King County Ordinance No. 16020,
does hereby bargain, sell and corwey unto the RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 403, a special
purpose local goverrvnent (the "District"), the following real property improvements, situated in
King County, Washington, and referred to herein as the "Poor and the "leased property":
Those real property Improvements, Including fixtures and equipment, located on the
following described property:
Beginning at the southwest comer of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of
Section 28, TOW11ship 23 North, Range 5 E.W. M.; thence north 1 • 59' 35" east 294 feet;
thence south 88"11 '25" east 658 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 1 '59'35"
east 190 feet; thence north 88"11'25' west 148.50 fee~ thence south 31"48'35" west 218
feet more or less to a point that is north 88"11'25" west from the true point of beginning;
thence south 88'11'25" east 257 feet more or less to the true.point of beginning. ALSO, an
easement for ingress, egress, including parking; ALSO;·an easement for utilities over, under
and across the following described property:
The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 5
E.W.M .. less the south 250 feet of the east 523 feet of the west 553 feet, known as Tax Lot
4, records of King County, Washington.
SUBJECT TO the following covenants pertaining to use, which covenants shall run with the
Pool and the leased property for the benefit of the County and the County land that makes
up Its public park, recreation and open space system.
Page 1 o:I: 3
Page I of3 Printed on 4/27/2010 3:05:39 PM
Document: OED 2008.0307000 t 85
Branch :FAK,User :JILL Comment: Station Id :DPQY
The District covenants that:
(1) It shall abide by and enforce all terms, conditions and restrictions in King County
Resolution 34571;
(2) It shaft not transfer or convey the Pool or convert the leased property to a
non-recreafional use except by agreement providing that such lands shall continue to be
used for the purposes contemplated by Resolution 34571 ;
(3) For so long as the Pool is operated, the Pool and the leased property shall continue to be
used for public park or recrealion purposes, unless other.equivalent lands or facilities within
the County are received in exchange therefor. and the replacement lands or facilities are
used for park or reaeation purposes;
( 4) For so long as the Pool ls operated, the District shall not limit or restrict access to and
use of the Pool or the leased property by non-District residents In any way that does not also
apply to District residents; and
(5) For so long as the Pool is operated, H differential fees for non-Dislrict residents are
imposed, they will be reasonably related to the cost borne by District taxpayers to maintain,
improve or operate the Pool or the leased property for parks and recreation purposes.
The District shall place the preceding covenants In any deeds or other documenis
transferring the Pool or the leased property, or any portlon of them, for public park,
recreation, or open space purposes; provided, however, that the covenants in Sections 1
and 2 above shall terminate on May 14, 2010, Which Is the end of the contemplated useful
l~e of the pool as stated in Resolution 34571.
Oatedthls :S-1{ dayof WIW ,2008.
BY u)~ • e.t 110,
mLE f\1 +>11 + ~,., 12••' ~tj,d., w .. ;,er
Page 2 of 3
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Document OED 2008.0307000185
Branch :f A K,User :JILL Comment: Station Jd :DPQY
I certify that Wayne Richardson signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was
authorized by the King· County Executive to execute the Instrument, and acl<nawledged it as
Manager of the Real Estate Services Section of King County, Washington to be the free and
voluntary act of said County for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
Dated J'H,LU[t ~ ~
NOTARY PUBLIC in andfor~State
of Weshington, residing al~~.=rl===-
My appointment fl'pires --z.oo ff
Page 3 of 3
Page 3 of3 Printed on 4/27/2010 3:05:40 PM
Document: DED 2008.0307000185
~ •, A "1 l ~
0 ~ First American Reference No.: 373367 Plotted Easements
e Title Company County: King .... _
~ K<SJ 0310611910 #6621159
(Electric Transmission)
I'\ • '•, 04/16/1970 #6640903 -0-,' "'· ',,
(Watermain-Not Plottable)
PARCELA !~~ oi 06/09/1972 #7206090477 w --(Slopes for Cuts fills-Not Plottable) ::,· PARCELC z w
' . ii; l§2Sj 12/16/1998 #9812160974 ::c ,_ (Pedestrian & Bicycle) .,
"' -• ' -01/25/2005 #125000620
& 125000621 (Waterline)
'.Jri: = ':· .. 0
JlH aj :;
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urirJ ' ;
PARCELS ~-::::::.:::, :_; ;t
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lg a ~ -
Tax ID: 282305-9042-07,9093-05 & 9004-03 This map: may or may not be a survey ot the land depieted hereon.
Map Not You sl'IOuld not rely upon It for any purpose other than orientation
to the general location ot the parcel or parcelS depicted. First
Short Legal: A Portion of Sec 28 T23N R5E To Scale Ameli<:en Title exPf'MSly disclaims any liability for alleged loss or
damage whletl may l'e$U(t from reliance upon this map.
-.. :r. ""'I:' -~I!.) ... ~
~ORRIICnOII -'atU-:!'t'h Qutt n.ed
;'HE Glt.\.'.'TORS A. F. flANT, JNEZ L. Pl.ANT, his w-tfa, F. O .. PlANt1 and E.~lYN
'.PlANT, bia vih
fJr :..ad in ton.sldcr&1loa of Oa• Dollar and othar good consld•r•ti.on -• ---.. -• ---
,..:on,-ey ·wqultc:lahn ta CA.SCAD& UTILITIES, Incorporated_,.·/. W11bington Corpor,H1on,
11K" Ml,•~in& desctibcd ttal t:111tt-, ,1tUa1td In tM Counl)' af I( l N 0 1 -,. .. • -...... • • • -
.:Stll\~ of Waantaa:ton lncludln, any '1d:ereat thereb1 whloh ar&Pt.or may huelftu acquire i
· ·t11o &aet Five Hund:r•d (500) fset ot tbe Nortb EleYQn HundTed 'I'wenty One (1121)
het-of tbe Southu,t Qu:aru1r of th• Nortlte11"t Quuter of Sact lcn i.,o:ant)'•Eiti:t
'($"°.:• 28) in Tawn1hlp ::U Noi;th, It.•nga S £11t W.M.1 EXCEPT ,\Jti'D r.~ERVIt,;C TO
GM1CIORS all 1t1lnen1t1 and mineral righte in ,.aid premhee ..
(Containing 12.01 acra& more or leaa.)
Thar1111 h reaerved to Gran.tors Plant, their klin and 1Hign11, tho right to c:,r:-y
eqrfaca W&ter 4raina11 frOII adjacant properties owned by tbe.m, ovet, in and
~cro11 above deeaed land along natural drainage eour .. , or thr~1gh dr~ina-sc
pJ.pa iines, u now •x:l.lting.or lmreaftar modif1ctd 1 conau·ucted or axiatin,,
eit an)· till\8, or 111 •bnnc• ot 1111:h outleta to channel such dr-ttln•&• therie:ove.r.
(~>_,_ ,,,--•RI'&. t a........, I l'<--JftlP¥llJlfff{-\
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c-..a .. .__ ..... _.__ __ _
, 0. «hit JO&lli • a t:"' lkNla ~--·-c.. A.. D. SffL., before me, the und('.•
Mlll.d. • No-,, P.Wla in and for tlr.e Stai. or ~:·1¥h! duly conuna..loned
ud SW'on ,....U, ap,.aML. ,t< , t.. H;,! j . ud _0, -/ JP, 4c c ef J ·--·--
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ARN vmn,, Zllif-1 ! !!el ... aolJ:!!'!tioa, -·--·-·--·-
the 'eorporatlaa that aec:u.ted lhe foreaobta INl.nuMat. and Nklaowl ... acl the aa.ld Jn,trumcnt la he the freci and volun-
taiy, Mt ar.d deed of aakl corpontio.; f9"T the -uul PYIJMMNII tt..lin mentioned, and on oath ttated lhaL-.lhe)'
WNW --. _ •••horlred lo n .. ute tho aid -....,., and Iha! tho ••I •ftl•ed lo tho COTJ>OI'~\ lfotllll "'f.d
corpondon. . . ,.,r,,.,.,~ ... t_~ ~ ...... . . . ,-'tiw•:r,1.,,. ~:,.
· WITNESS m)' latnd and official aul htsreto alfiaed th• day
~and r fn thil certificate above w,W:,l!!n. ~fl p., -;, ...
J ~ ~··,: ........ ,· • :· "4.~ 44,........., ........ » P ... -•,... " ..
Natar, P)illH1 I• •114 fer th l51t11• ••--J • •. • .• l'
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• tll!SI! l'USl!ll1S, ..,_uta,1 <JS• ..a_...,. of Qetc,IMtr, lt58, 1')' .... Mt"-R A, r,
Fl.inc. cind lNri& L. Plant, hi. wtf•• .am f. D .. 1'1.anc ~ i:w-lyn i'laAt. t.l• wlf•,
aa ftrn partu•,. 1m ~Ode Ut..UUt.-.a, loc:o:rp61'altd, .a 111'..,.hlDiS,t.oA Cai-p.n-11 ..
t~o.tl, o• aocond pan7, 'Win1SS&'ffl1
in c,onsldC!'rd:.ic:in of c.hc exc~ comrey•nce to It :fJ'OM. Uul p .. t':.\c~ ~r .. 1 lr.
b11low -.cif. ,O'l•t., do,u bc:i:-ttby c:otlVl'l .\HD WAllRA1lt' ,...,, th~ 11atrdl !J:rs.L pAfli11J., A. F ..
Pl.lnt.,. ,md lnc:z L. Pll]nt, hi• "lf"ll., ~ r .. 1'.,. J"'""":. And t.ul1·~ Pl.,ntt ht· ~•f~,
o:.. Gr-..:ln~••, th!: folll)lflll,l\ doau::i .. .u,acl c.rac:t: o( p.,11 i:i:•t-'\G ln J..1111\ CO'L,"tt~h St.n.c
P. u .JY.L, .,1CouJH Ol r~n,: (Olfflt)'), LO•VBr
IIN r1arth ~JO £ctt.n. vC 1,,1w S"'K.1~~1. Q\,4tl,•r ..:1( :'i(\rthev .... i ll" ... .:it'l.rr,
Bud '"° South 2SO :-cor ol Ll'MI hol' .. ~.JII; ·t.CT o, r.ortnc-M,L
~,u·tar, oC S11ct1, .. n 2tl, Town•Mp .23 :-coi-:1..,e-) I: st 1',.r.,,
USS NQ> LX.Cltf"t '-he 'llti•t llb.1$0 .Ct ... ;. Lh•
'flk, lC,ut 500 &i•tsL of I.IIC: JIArC.h IUl '""~1. ot 1-tw S1»,.1it.l'kl1\•lt
Q1.1arc,~r nr tlw ffo"h"' on, QltAtt11r n1 ,~1 ct.1-11, 1U., .. , .... ht,w IJ.
"U!rLut M1"!G .) l.11ht WtN,, ... ,C~f'J &..; lv,. .. 1..1L, 1o ... ~N1l,,.\Aw
.ilt mhUll"hln r,, .• :r,U\otd rte~•·· 1n .• nu: JITll'n..1,. .. 11,
, ,dn 11 i!hnnMn ro1wa:,anc,r;1, ,;h~ nt\l': 4,h•~~~ \1) tuC1Jn11,,11•"'"'• Ci..:aCM,.. C\U,lfh,~,
INCVlll'UMTt-.D, a Cur11or1 \ 1"1~11 · t• Grnnuot c.n IM&t'i.tU 1.a ,•vn.t..n1ct 1 ,lik \"olh,
O"'J .~19'1,riln Ltl~ U U,IH tor ,1 ffWI, \.l'\lttfl l\fl$ uL tl l\y, 1'4 ,~ "n1n~ l u~ tu
n, umh,t"r,um.l, A mmlrirum ftt1l'lh n, V f•o•\, "'.,11 ,l''1-h~,, ... ,,._,~, h'h 1,11l11~ ,,11tt
1·,11110N•'-~• 1111I'YloQ4lN-, In, "",u·, 11nd urictn the r..tUQVtnf, 4i::a,·n, ... ,, '°""'"' .. ;..o
rol fu1ot11t• (t,,u.-,("1,1 6f'll" fl~l\l\d~Unr,ar"•t\qtt 1, iwv41t.1 uotrlt"n\ ~1.,1111. 1111.4:
1tm1 lttl •11r,n-U1 tt11h) 1tl~• 111 Uw-11\10v11 J(111nl \u"41;\1. th,nht--tt"' •l\1t1rh•t ~,
t1.~1bt1nn Jh), l.1)-.UIII
v.11t,o,n.c• ;-lg'hc•, rc•t:r\-:ctat111 ~ c~ltN'nta, 1.ca-,.vu.1
a.. 'Ihoz".; 111 ltES&.tvtD b~ and: to r1rt1t. l'.arttr.c PlllftL .?s C1'an.,1,11.ra
ben::tnal:Hr'.111t• ilMtl' llaln,. suc:c--..or• •"4 .... 1in,a, ::1'.;: l'l-ht. \o
c•rry s11rfaca wacor dr.tn•k• fl'm .SJ~;. pt'OIIClrtl•• ftlW ~
'by, tMIII, OVM", In. .... ~--· -'"'" ddC1'1Nd CMaMnt IIR.6$ .i'Ni
ahov• dndtl•d land •l""ll ,......,., ••~•-~wn.s u..,.. .. 1.uni
o, 'hca",n•f.14r .od.Stl~a c~~"CVa.t.edl, or mcuu.,. t1l ..., Ill ....
b, thci:ro 1, ftho USEIYD b7 t.ft.j ta Ft1•11: :t•rLlc• tlmt a& Ctan:r.on.
the Ir hd&T•, suc.ces11on ilftd u1otgn•., l!Jpilr'l C:f;lff&Ld41'.aUM f;ar 1'bol,e
,.t-:,.a-e.dfl'IC:nt. t.M rtahr. to 1Mb thlny (10) frc-a c:.;,nN:c.ll'loM
of dlfalltng• ar lltt\eet.n'N'S (&uvlGln& • o.,·x1 .... ]20 ~up..1nt:l) on
ftdJ1111s;n&. hn41 IIIOV' OW416d liir thul f.a ~ at' Gr.&11to••s :ik""""T hn:,i:1
,i·~r ii..:llu.,,,. ,~d•, "U"At.11 Unu., .. ,a.nrl~ •nu ot~f LtllU\y
~rv1cm1.• ~pOtl o:r CAIITttiQ\lnt,; 'flC.1\ aC01<1i•ld 111••~ni. ArLU ~' -tlr:wc:
d .. cd.id l.mt, an;\ ,~ , • •-.c• fnet rJ any ear.'"'.c.,cq t'I .:::Nllff1.• uor
ln,U."Uauan c:h~l!'t,' , cn,n.ln£,11hlwct frc. ~F..Wla, cus.t,n: { U1ic
oh1trg<:•); th, .. ,c :SO "'L,,,n.1 c.o La k LC: ln r, ut\'e -111\:1 • v.::1 la:..h.~
for Cl",t1nt.on l'~.uti. • L \lHd 41' tjU t.el1t\Q.C: tn Ul'lt.n.-1 Aut,j i:t
tn 'Lhtt PTiOl"Uf of lffl•'t 1.h--. )l,· 4w-U tns. -l•WIM,:J 1 ,nil, ~f', l-1 ,\Uy
il!c,td-i&ledJ qnd Guntf'IH ttmll ("1'\hc::r lui.w 1.h, ra 1.nt: to •'I': pf~
1,,•lch-4 wUb_ IIWl'h ....,_, ...e ur;:U Uy COM•.a.Lh>,nt. 11'1-I, 't,,1,c ..,t J:"'h~•I
~ .. 11o1 '""" i11di111.t~•"'"' 11w.1un.,,, n..\ r.\NQ-1.\lrt, 4'ft •LIJ«:,fti 1.:., .• •~IN
tt..n1o•d ~ 1.hd, ii;ho aonneO:thm aht.rtti icn •~ ~t. to ,...:.~on .WtUAI
Jlllol. l'k'lr llltNO"lliU1"' ot ukl~, Auch CGilM,Cl-1.in• fllll 11a,Jl,ft'\ by r.ia la .,!k,.
an,t 1oct1rfb1 nno ornni.or•* r, h~• ~rtt\l'I\J.nr ,h.dl l!4 ~,u~nl•
VU,h 1,h,. 'I, 11,tld 1."in.4Jh (TM Abtw• tflt <1"'-MC1:. l~:S. ll\.!\U:t tn,I. l\.ll
.td11:Ut."ionnl tff lO •tl1wlAltt4 tn ,.r,OT c,,.-,..n~•,)
li,t n,uftt 11 l\£SICI\WO 111t-1n lw "'11J tu Ftra1. ftlirLtv» ti nh " ),,'•-'
GrM1:tOH1 t.laah· •''":C:CIU~o1\ .-.,d •••Ll1.M1 the:" T~ 1'1-f ... v i,~,t.W\11•;., 1111,,lU\ ..
t., h,., '-1~.t ·"'"" ~\-cu,to to th.: if"ll'Uo0, l'Wtd'II ;1•4 nri.11\t)· Ur.-·.,.. """""-, ln,.
L .:incl f!CJ)'OO.;. 4nl11 •••.,...l"\ "lttl In,' auoti -.cwet IU\. •• ,NQa 01' -n1.tMl'
(.~ I ULl4ifl qt \H· It l'Llti• •t. IH\}I' HM CQl\ftitQ1:ln1 I fM.19;1.{Q\ 1.n,.,.,tM l' "'~O\
1111 •1l'..:1r .:u~'h rf~"'t1, r• '"'··' •,.,, p-, •• ...... • ,. t•:.• , ••• 1 ..
,: .i.1on .,., 4-htJ 01.'\'l'I d•l!l~;\'141,d .;._."1 tl'Ut" .,, flltl'I oi 6nf'l .. t.a.•
~J~1.1m, l,1,nq,1.
•lt Thctht It 1Jl1u, li.lKBViD ~ l"n•,1, 1 1~ ftu•I ~-!0, .. 111 ,,.,.na ·•~ ,.\i.h
Ur.,ntnrllll, iholr bl:ilt11, a,~cf"IIPl'i1TI rin.? a'llalpn-., u, .. tl!llt r.-•• ~~.-.,,'!\Joo 1,
IMIII\Oln lttf ~n<l/or d<Hlfetlt ll'•>lt •n• ........ .,y~ ~ l«l In .. ,,, .. ·-
,., r.ht t:n•\ lll'IQ.tn f.1\4 tbv North ••nt:in C•hm1: \tw-CHt HC:\.l"n hl'\4 ,..~ !• •. rhq llor<h 1/Lfith hn,J of tn• •prln~lor llu\.i ••1~ ~o<l""'J•d i. 1••i.•
'/ tNPh 2 I\Onln,1•0¥0,
I .laL
o, l'IID lfld •pYLnkl•r (1~14 11\o •n~ •~ ·''lA"'IY•11<• 1i..r~~i fr,o, u ••• ,,~tUth \<I HtQIIIJ rttlJ Qlll:,9H\ 111ft I" )','ln .. ,~rll 1 ... ,. ,.,.ha~,
•1 t, •ultJ,i;ca L9 tho l'ft1U1c;0<1."•~ ""''o.h, •w lulr...~1 '°" .. "'~'•4 lc'..N•A-1.1\1,.
hy l.'..l'rt1r1to11, lU •uqo•HaT, •ftd .,.•ti,Nl 1 NP.r.,, Vl\11 1:t. \ .. ,~~ ht
Tll•t n~ •"1Mf •II ttrl"111\t Of lq,-"'"' ,u a.w• o Vl"r •f•~y oh•I I
•t •ny u.., hv dop .. ltod 1 pbo•d, •pro,.d, tlf ,11,. ~4 \~ AU""'l•14 'IJ••• Qr 0!!0..,.1 th• ,urt•11<1 DI ti\.> ~fl' Al•A Qf M .. t tll'>V•ION-
,ot·s, ""'' 11\<f\llN\I 11ft, (1\9) Int I• "14th ..tMh 11..,1, GOJ\llll'Y"
··w•··-~ , '~ .. ~-:"&f 14; !;~ AL ~l§@@OOJJM:¥h!Jli4Kh;·.£8-., ! ,,fSqJ~~.i 4 4~~' ~ Z~'"-•~· --··· ·-: ·. ~'-~:~ :~? ~-:_ .. ;'"·~"~c·~f~-~J:~~~~-:"'"-::;· -·· ~ __ :t>:::i:33'1
r '.,
.. • .. .
-.... ..a..-.. ....... _.
. . . . . . ·-_.. .... -~ . ·:~ ··:: •. l:'"~:;..i
.: i.-· ~-'! {4J:.;..;.:~:)a:dc' of it;pl'lAkl•r field
. .. • .--·1 ~~ .'ii . 1W,:.., P~ 2 ~..,1 ... -.)
at ""7 ts-;!:Ila -~IIIM/tf ... ...-.. 41 .... 1 I-
or "!WP ~ .e1.w • 1or:a,di ,11-1 pl.u&& •it•,
tm,11: ettio ...... ,. of IIIIJ_f.M!M-v°" ~"'! of -ui>ln .... rtr
0...-.. 1d t:n:o:t _. ~ ~ ..... ~ ,SG1' --. \WC• 'D~ pu.;c-
pcseaa .mrJ. Cb) .__.. !~ : 1 11• ..S .,..,pus atM.11 .c:t •ll
•I-do ;Jc;7thl'II& pw.!lola to. •llOlll .. m ..S -t ofr-1•
or o1'jllael-le.......,. • GCllldl--tlq f.,. oucll. -
41-1°"'81.Utta, -u-, -ti--aprllokla' floW
-'""""" .,.,...._ ... , --·-tltll,p -ll .reel: • .._ ..... wll4las owr -, •• .....,._ uldcl, -1'o lnoulled
ml p,:wt ... -1,u-_, .... ~ hatHlq to b,o en:ck~ In
Ula orl .. Ul ..,...tz,,Oila -f, -DU •l11taln <IN •-In
f.l.lch '"'"'"· and d.&lp ... to •f.f.ot.lwl.r Cftp ~ o-lUeOl •ll P,H:l
;::c;aQYacd in .u,;11, Utlb, ro&ac.bet 11Uh .,.. bunriclt devleea wbcntin
all -b -.... u bi, l:lllnwd; """ oi..u ... , -·-alMt f••
CtlltlH MHln n, ........ ~ -t•-•lT , ... 1-1'y •l'P>'Dfl•l•te
f..,.;lh&I -ollaU accord to or.,.-• P!III\~ their lla\n, .... .,.... • .,.
...i •n•INI, -~•ah• (lo,c "°• <IN o11111•t10a) •• tlv!lt" ,t .. ctlon
to ent.r Ute pri.1••• amt n1111Hy •SO" deteo.i GI" £aUgn 11' e,i;:.,l~ar.
en' opel'atton ctf the fon1atna ..
' ..-4~
FIRST !'Aini$
~' 4 -'
li)' fU\4 Auc"Li "."t -,t • .: • •
J~c~.F~io~~, ,ttr~t•r~
;, ."-'·"· . ,. ~ / ......
/ Slt((l,~~ Pll-n"
si:,n or \l.\!llll1Crot1)
) .,..
Thi• h to c•v~trir Clla\ "" •M• .iS!/:d•p <11 ~141i,tr, l~lJ, i..-1.,,~ rot,
ch 1l!l'l~ro11 ... ~ 11o .. t1 ••~II~, r-n,R<1U1 • .,...,..~ A, r. rL>,q, tttU ~. ,u.,l.
,. D, rwr, •n<I 11•1ui, fu.tff, to.,. '°"""'~he &ho 1 .. ~1 ... ,.,...1o <1o•otll>,,: 1n
ond <11\0 •xoaut4d <h• ., .. , .... ,,... IIIUrn-M\t ....i ••~-ld40~ U..t •••>' "'"'-"'
,ind IUltd CM •-H tholf rr~o In<! 11<11"Rtllr, U< .,.4 ~4 '"l {I., "•••
tRd ~rroa•• a:t..raln 1hDntlnnod,
41111N. 1.1-,w, • ht"•'' e&l oUlthl lHtftl "'''-:,t..., c/. .._,v ,.,, lk\L,~f', 111,tt,
,, .. ,....
:1 '.
··-',.l ........ --......... _ .. ,,~--~----·-----
·• r . •r ,a -~ ... !lT; l,i;:.'\l --,·4. I ......... 111111 HUT, Me .... ,_.•• D. '1,\ff aa&t
wl•~lo -W.Nt• la -·· pU, _, .... wnaat · te --,L Dll'lll:&CT
MOJ, a -tel.pal Hl',ont:t•, t .. fe' •inc .. eara..l ruk ••Uta, .tt .. ...a In tha
--·~--·-~--· 'Illa ••••• Ill tlll •• s.t et a.ct.I.on •• ,. :n ••••• J l.,VJI., WI tlle
1. ,oo• -6. tM Jt,1111' ... saaa t11a s •. no .. et tN a, 2115.41 1 ena LIBS tll!II
•• J50' ol t .. v. 551', G.QDT "9 w .. JO' f/6 tlla •• HO' ef t'bl v. ,s,•,
••t•:lalac 2!4 aen1 Mn or leae1 wt.lcb pr.pa~t, b 1bo clt1erlbed: Ila ,.11 ... , .
Tia ..... f of tlta •••• ! of. .. e. 28t T. 23 ••• R J l,V.N • ., ln l.i11C
Ceaaty, llallllaa;t.; IICIPT tM I, JOO' of tlla X. 1121' lad U:C!PT tba
1, 3J01 of, tM I, 21',481 ln4 UCUT tlll 8, 290' ot tie 1 • .52'.5' of tha
v, JDJ' t .. ncf.1
AIID ttallVIIIJ Vll'l'O OMl1'0IS 1n ••••nt for rotd and nletad ptrpoee_a
ow.I',. apon, unltir and 1ereH tbl a. JO' al t:M .1bovrede1crlbed paratl tJl
proper~ eblatt!ni upan tllil propo ... ast1n:1ion of S, B.. Ul!tb ltr.t,
extendlDC u1terly firm thl H1trerl7 tan1Uftl1 ot NU pre1111t1:, ... uc1ted
public rla;Jtt-of-,,ay1 and Hid HH•nt. to eantla.N and HMln :ln tull
foi-ce Hd •ff•ct.. until •Uob tla •• tbl eaeterl)' •zten.ton of Nid
s. 1. 1,;&th Sti'eat ~• ••n eon1trueud and dldieate4 tt:1 lt:l.n& county
atozw -tba Sou:th u .. of t.hl a.£ .. 1 ct tha N.B.i •• '-r•.l.MbOW1 O••ert'bed,
•nd Orentor haraby ,1gn•• and ccvanan.tl to join in •n,• aaeh conwy1nce
end d•dlcltion to Khg Cou~ty ta ••t1blhh .. id pu'blle rla:ht-of-vtJ ••
a!orea1141 AHO aastan!C UNTO OMNTORS all 11in11ral1 •nit 111.nenl right,
ln and to t'bli ~!'oted,a.oribed proi:-rty, 1ubj,et to righh of pti:rchu•ra,
their neee•aore and 1Hl.gn1 ih tnt.areat in t~ pr .. f.Nfl, to h1w payment
ot darup;,, U an)", to aurt.aee af pn•iH• 'Ind illprove•ao tlwr1110J\
re1ultlng froa minina: opar1tian1 eaJld'llet•d under 1uch r, .. rved minc:ir1l
rlg:htlJ AND n.rnnme: StrlJ!ct to •11 HP•nh, :rf'.trict:l.on• •nd reNrvationa
of record.
t:;\~lYf'I P ant,
---------------------·-·· . ..I
J ,
; ..
If:; M • w -· j1i ·~
.. • • <•• J ·• -·~ < M~ 8 \J :t~.fi u « WL Jo. D•-.. " -· ~iltiRr J ,... . M~< w 0 ... u M<M ... .. '"'~.:,.,;;:,II!!,·•· z .i!ii} C • ,, J• ~3 z -o ....... _·•~Nlrw-:; .. L .. ,._ z-• J ~~ --......!JEJ'u1"' i~" c•• ~ • (;"\ ",. 'J ..II• t:11 w-_..,.,,. .. i"'~ 0£ •.
~--~, .. w.u ii:! DO• u. ~~<
M3 • 0 ' ............ C !.~ 6. -DDC1.lNINDM u• : ·~l !
' : . fl.llll' '111111
~ Iii ,
TNE:GftA~TOIU ,., I', PU.In, 11,u L. P~lft. hh v.if•; r. "· l'LA.111, And El'tH'!i
L'frt, HI ltU'll!I:
ftit•ndlh,"'flli'dm4/onot OH i, .. tlu (Sl.J.,J aN Jtk,r ROl)d c?a1iit•n1.i-.1 •••
Ir. ti..11111 r,alrl. ~""wy, ,1111. ,.,,..,,,, to CASCADi unune:s, r,ic .. a wnriingrM cCtr:,,·,,-111 i ,n.
I! Is I i~i : ~~i
I !~ff ~ ~, f
I jt ~
•lit ftilPriw .Jntti~NI ffll rswr, ,l1u:.1r4 tn lbr-Conly d K I I' 1, -• , 51 11 P Ji
\\'lllllln~ron: flw ,-u11r:1 33., rut Qoi: the 'n11tb1n1 ¥ lU,lt1 fut, ri:.o-,r lot
•f ht1othu.1t Qiiartlfl" of 11,r-rh .. H ~rt•r ~ S'•Hl!lll lfl, T•ll-'Uhifl
n H;1rth, hn,t:• SI,, ll.11., b1 Kln1 eoi.11tr, Stu• ot \luhl11gt)h;.
tl,.ln.: tnt rutuly 330 r .. t -,r Mid 9out.h•,t <Nartu -,f M:rrtheut
-1u~rt•I:' ,[ !lcthn 18, Let• tM nortM.rlr 1121 t•u ,uu .. tl:
LI~:; ,IND ,USSIIVJNC. 1U GwtOa, all •1M1:'&li,; •ild •hwral rl1t1t, th•rnln;
At.Ji• li911~t!G 'N Cl~ll,Ul9, tllPlr Mita Hl1 ud,.IIN, lltl' r1,tht ti,'"'""
10Jrfaet1 w.rer drtiNllf troa ad)litaDt pr111,-rt1e• .,_d Dv 111u:1, ;var, LIJ
u.t 4cr•11 abw• dHdtd 111\d al~ riab.lra: drah,ag• e111.1r&1• •r thr'IU,;•1
,ir .. in,i~ JIii"' linfll, H fl,)W fllht.iai or htr•1ftH' •111,Utd, ew11uruc1cd
Jr tlffHll\l •l any t!H, 'II 111 an.1n1:>1. ,f .uch .1ulhtli t:. clwinrwl 1ut'1i
,lro11in&~r t,an,wr. 111'.I ll 111tH11 lfll' M:n.t1111 utlli~~ i,MI tt<tl",t)•,fr
:al ,1 fH,iblc ltmftdln ,r hc"U.>n.: l'r,YUeiJ, lh•I GnnHr ~r 1u~v111 r··
ih iM.,l'O\ jn lU pruh•, -1 at env t.Jw !11tnl1h lllltlt hdli1l•1 ,U I'
• ,HY1 1!\fftt4H drali:it3a uw.u,.,1 a/Ill/Jr 11tili1v \inu, .at!~u•H 111wnr f•r
·'..> Tf',Jie.,l~iftd,, iti Ii" l)f fHllltiaa ln1ulled JI" pr1,1pJU.-I t,r Jru.~,n.
-. :o I . . • 7-~.
; ~ .... (LJ/14 ~ ·~··('Ii • .. , ... ..,. £1,mr.·;t~&:r~ IL.~·g(
r", -·~·~ . "1,.-.!--·J ,J. -;, . I -----•.:(.i!..f.!_,_,.,.a·~-----' ,. ,. "'"' -JI ·;r ~ -·. · '~" I r.r , i..1..._ --~c fhl!.l ----
:-T.\1': (W \\'.UH Gm~. I
,·,111n1r ol ~1/fCi \"·
4~,-<.· .. ,
.. -·~,:.YI-:: y.,·f,-:" •......
•·· .11"hr,1
,1!1 0
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~· ..
f .':
~ • • ,
• ~ • u . • ~
' • ,-
< • .. !
ll..i,r1Jr I j,, ~
l<::Jt., :C:t~1:". -~---
TtlE GR.'.,.,'TOkl!•,"Yt ff. l.!00111Jl, •• liriv!dat.'np: lru!IUII!' tor Casett\t-1]~1 ·11.!o !nr.,
11. •.· .. ;,~'nrLon :0:-mr,t.if.n • ,11 llorl"Q:1'11.f.ton 1n t.h• rirt,t:ut or 111,.,..lut.~..,n
fw111dhrorul'dtrlttl!laf tf.'1 !»ttl~ (nn.Cti) and c-•.Mr ,11hm~b t:"lr,r1<1.r11i1Dn
111h111dra'l,11111....,,_1N •• mi11,1t !l!ml"''i ~cHl""L :r.~wrr ,..,_ !;O), • '-'Jn' -.1 :r.rr ...... t"m
~~--~'i!:.:,.1 dr.1oil>fd In! nnilt, &h1M1fll ilt 1tw t:.1111117 DI' ICI J1ft: , Slnr ..r
fl-p "a1t ~iVI.I Hun1rftl (~) t""t 11r Lh• 1forth nn frt'&. 11r t.he ~-u.e,i~\
.,,.~n.,r nf lhf' rlf'!Tthead, cu .. rt.fl:t' r>l HU.ton 231 TWlll'lahln 2') :ir,,rt.h ?rri:-• !!i !Jlrt.
':J,,c,, I" tan~ Ctlint.y, ~··•~Mnrt.onJ 'EXC~r.' ~! :! ~-rt:tnr.r, r-'NT.·::·· J ·,l ~ ~: nenb'
.,.nt r.1MJ'11 rtrh.t.s tn Mtd Tc....iu1,
;p,,r,, !· ,,. .. ,r,,.c>rl V• l'IHnt.·,y,: f"!11rit/ t!'.:••r ,,,.tr:ot 11M ••slrru:, \.he rCMlt. •r r~rey
;1 ::;::"~ .. :ii!r 1~~1• ~~-··;tn~1·~ .·1.~~:",1i~~~~"~1.1:h:t1J:",,-,,.rMF-t ~r-""~1 ,tm:1 .,.
.. ~ r.-r\f f'J.'A"'n,· ,.,r ~~rr•~ltor ""Jlfi,.,t~ r.rmrl,n1("~r.1 t>T nir•fsi,• flJ 1u;;, c.•,.k, .:,r :i ~t,11 .. i:-:-,r, r r ··1~ .. ~·ar.inos t<> c:hAn"rl !111~1• df'lbm."i• ui,,.,.,r,
• l
• .
~ PAGE---· .. ·---· .
• ....... _, ~~1.tsf~ u • .. • ~
.;! ' • ~ ~
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l{;Ji,._. !Ct1,,J r i, .,.
' .a": . ''a
~ • • ·• I u ~ : • • ~
u .. j i I
>' \ ~
.. -.,:-
Stallltmy Wammtr l>Nd
1HE GR.~!l.'1'0! l!1,""!'! ff. Wll111Dt u Htii.r!dat.'f'IJI! 1.n.rtcl!' ru C,uie,a,ie IJ~1·1 ur~ u1r.,
JI ·~~.1'!1'nrto11 :::n.~roT~t.!l'n -a CorfV;):rfltton ln the oniceui 111t l>b11nlut~1a
ro.,und'lncallll4fr11r,nor Tf~ !ICltU~ (nn.oo) alkf r.iwr \"1hlo11ilh c.-.~.rldeM\ion
j,lrild r,a.ld.CIUl>'lpud •~JJlo ~!:"J'l"'I ~cw-"L )"."T'!T:""f !1.1. l;OJ, • ~r,t "l ;:.,,.,...,r,,tirin
~ lnllawl"I! htibnl nal ,,..,ll, af111111td ~ rh Cciu•ly nl Jtin"' \\~,111: " ,Sllffof
f~I' '°l!!lt fi'ffl lfunlrf'd {S()ll) (t>Pt l'llf th• Jlorth Jln fkt. nr ~ht' l;" ~l.c~~i
-~=,r,:-t,rr n( 1M, nr>rtlw•1t 111nril!lt' (If tecUOll 2~1 fhwn:&t1Jn 2} )l,,rlh :'rntr S ~.ll~t,
":-1.!f., tn nu Cni.11~Y, ~~!!'-i n,t.onJ Elf.Fl":' A!:.• ~~[i4V1St, r ,;'41:;.~J .. 1: ~:nenh:
atflll ~r.er,1 rlrhtt (n 11ll'ld T••illHo
:-1 •-r,· ~ • l'I''"' nrl'r1 l/1 r.,-,m.~r~ 1'!1u,e. t~f-' r t,~t "" ..,,11-;1 u11lru, t.bt ~ rh~ , ,.. i:·,rr..:
:i' ~·;;"~r::"J~d" 1:~1' ~~,-.·;1l?,J~1•isf.,r.:r.n::~.+M!-"~'l!.~·:ti/:W1t11 f M ~, •~·~ntJ ,i-fii> ·"
~i.111.:;.~/"~',.ti:.,~~ 7.;J~~~~~-n~W;~~t1r.~~;~~~;:"'~r,!~~~: !n.• nt a:sf i.'r.<·, .'.)J" n
J:lnnr.y M, J.r •t~u-d ,•' .
IG ine •-let be 1k indr,ldnl dul1ihc4 ill 1111d 1ffld mclllr4 1br sflW. 111d fnrrtluirtl lltV"•~: llinri • ~
..-luaaWltdod 1h11 M uptd dot umt n hh= llff ud 9Mmtar) .J(t •nd .d~llf; di;~ .. ·~
ll"f< in.I (111'1~1't, tbl'irin mn,1iM!fd ~ b', ~ •,:
Gl\1',!,,"1111.Jtrtt,f.hndudoll'ii;Jeltnl•lli• M/cil 4.:.0 /-'r~l.\~W/:; -'.f~ ..... ·~-~
. :,1.·-"d~.;/..LLo,• ,,:;c.i-'..i:.i,.:; .1·::,
.~,,.,, ,.,Al;t • •-' lw 1-W Sr.a1, •I i.',l"'-ifll1'~
utr.lJ~r" Stn,vu11
' t
A1B! ..,
i • ,
I: ~
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• :;
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~ l'li'f.-··-·-·----....... _ i!te'l(H 4'\,
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l,,~;1!"Hr t ,-.~., ~:,..., :ct .. ,, · •. 1 .
• ---h--.·:,J • I ~ • • ~
... .J ,J
·-! ~
\ ~
SIIIIIIIOl'I' Wammty Deed
TH£ C,R.-..XTOlt X'!',"TI H. L!nUIIII., •• UfJ\r!d11t•nJI. ~r,1,tH (OT .r.a.,carll! !.It.' ... t.~o !IU'.,
11. ... ".ll~'nrton Cn:-Nr1thon .. a f'iar'l'IONt.1.on 1n the 01"\CHll' ot !1\u,,lvt..'c?n
M ,nd lti:Cl!Uidfnlion o! Tr:t !ICILJ.>~ (f.lfl.00) and ('~.Mr \~lUA'r.h ~"r.!'!d•M\.l on
in lllnd rd!,(n,-,pand •1mtlf to ~:JI'"'/ ~CHI"'[. :r."'T'f'•"1 P+ 1103 1 a V.Un' ~l ::r.!"""I"' ;_(M
:-~.~~ *x,ibn! ta.I n1~tr, sl1111111!'11 .. Oir Ctull11 cit lll\f\'. , St.-, of
T'"" 'aat r!\14 H1mtrd {51)1')) r .. t nr th" Jf01'th n?l t~rt. "r t.bt-!:. ~1."a~t
.,,.,,:-vr nr thp IW'rtlit-11,t. rt111r1,4!1r r1:f' :r•ct.lori 2S1 Tffllllflhil) 2) :,i,,r~r., frnt• S :.11i~t.,
Y,M., ln r.1nsr r.t,,,i,ty 1 ~·al!Mnn,on1 txee.·~ ~!:1 !!-'mwrr.r. T'" •i'V.·::· ~ ·,l: ,.!ner1Ic
,1nt r.•r.e1'i1 1'frht, 1 n ,~id Tl!11loea,
;p •·r•· :-TP"'r!"YM ~ nr"l~t ·,r-r. ~11nt 1 t!-A-' r I, .. ~ r/1 "'iv;I 11:1-\rn:<, Lh,r ~rht. , ,· ,r•,rr,,
:i1 :"'"; "i .. :J~" 1~~i 1 '.l~;;/~~111-fibrr:=rt~":!~!1~~~--''"l{P~i!•Y,; ~~IP~fa r~J:, ir4 °'l ;tr.r.~ -"
;i.,~;/:~n:~\ ~!;\!~~~;~!;;.:!~fl~;,tir:~~~g:~.;:"'lti~~ .. ~i~:~11,• Ill. a1;, 1/r;t·, Jr I\
KlnnmJ K, J.r ,,,., rd
II> N •-111 11,c, 1tic [ndi•i.11111 dunlbt4 111 &lid wM ,ur:111M
JIU(l~ lti.l hii ,i&rled lhf llfflf H hl11.
vw• 1P,I parr•IS('J tbtrfln lllffll~DN.
l•lil I
61!0017 .• lll '888 11116.17
f...;~.;.~: . ...J in ~ .. f .. cou~t.t!r~rtJ ol
Wl.'•.h 1&,is ;I H,,1,r.'c:r,:HI No. ~
,anew A ... PPIPML
let d.ar of
--<611i"&RYlllll.ri-__ _,, 1963, Nt.VHa CAICADS aw DmtltlC'f, a
mualc.lpal corpontion. of t.be ltah c,1' 11Ub1"9t,On, ber.t.nafur
nf•rnd. to u the "Diet&:tct•, anl the flftm:UALJTY o,
Nn'IOPOLl'l'U 81Aft'Ut, • IIIIA1aip1l coqon1:.1on of the 9tat• of
wa1hil'.l,tc>n, henlnafter nfHffl to .u •119troN •
N.I .. RB881TB:
1ftll11A1, tba pul,lle hUlt'h, wlf•n and. 1af1t)' of the
ruid9nta of the Dlatrlat. and i:211 l'N14ente Df •tro 1:e;ube
the d•nlopMM. of .... ta 1pt1D1c Of uwage aol.lfftlOII an4
dUpc:N1•1 11 di• eliaina.Uon. ol Mlt.el' Pollution and. t:be pn1erva•
t.ion of ~ :fre1h and H.lt watei: :rnouft:n of th• ana; anc.t
IIHIUAS, Matro 1, anp,ge4 111 d1¥elop1ft9 .a~ ope:ratin9
,I MUOpoUtan IIIWtlg, l>.lepc,Hl lytttll and thili OUtrtct 11 °""' :tn. developing ocl opaJ:eting • aowqe, colleeU.on ,pun
.for the D11trlct; aftd
WIIQIM, the D1atr1ct duiu1 to deUver ae·wave
collect.a by the D.tatrlat to NMro f!or dllp>aal t an4
1IIIBIIIAS, a portion of tbll Diatriet 11 located ~ithln
th• pl'Ueat IMMUIAH'Mli Of Matro o4 a portion of the Oiltriet 11
loca'tld ou.taide ol Wt adjactftt to tbl '-1.llndi•riH of Mitro;· and
lrBDDS, to pCOV,I,.. fOI' U.. diapo••l by' katro ot' •it11a1•
collNUd by th• D11tn.ct lt U nteffMry tbet a contract be
now ant.end into ••t.ab1Ub1ft9 cartaln rqhta and 41:IUH of tha
putiH UIOiftllt t1"'nto;
..,.,, 'IBIUl'OU• in eou•ratt.on of the 111tul covuanta
eonUiMd heraill, it; ii "--atue4 •• fOllOWI E
WHPA l• RIC&DUMD tC Tt!M• th1 !ol10W11MJ wordf.
and phre••• 111..S in t:111• ·eontr•~· lh•U -have lihe ... n11'l91 tt.eret,i ..
attn .. i fozth in th1• Hction1
\ '
., --•eoo,a,aa,on.1. .. pw,• oull -tbO
.,_ .. h .... lW ..... ,. 11~1 Ploa ..ioi,t..i b Moo.llltlOII ... 33 of
thO ,..a.lalpaUty af --Utan 8'nt1'1 oa,d all -~• tMnof
htr•tofon 01 henaftu 14opt.ed.
b} flMt llltrdll ,.NKnpolltu ......... lyat..• lball. MU
011 of tbo facUlUH to bO --. -I.rod or uod Ill'
~ U a -put af the e, ST9111Mlft Plu. Iba llat:.nlipDUtan
sr.,va1• svaua llhall taeHl~ lnol»d• • .;.,. •1apo11l
tac.tUtiH w.t.th capaaitr to s111CMlw a.-.p fftlll nanz:&1 4ratnqe
aieaa of ~telr one ~•Mil •cu• or-110n. '!NI
Mtzopollton •-•• llylt• shall tln3 tna-tlNllk or intff•
oeptor ,..,. facllltlU ext•nUDt to a po1nt. .-1tb1rt. each trJbutaq,,
ancl netuz:al tlrainap arM, Whera not .on ti.an one tbouatnd: acree
res:aain to be ••rved. beyond the upper tHt'llinu1 of 8\lch trunk or
tnt•tceptnr •tver.
e) The NOZ4 •,artic:lpabt' lbaU Man Hi:lt. City, town,
cou.nt.y, aewv dletrlct, wunio:lpal cooontlon, peracm, Un oz
pr hato oorpnretlon 1'111.ch shall 41.opoM of -portion of lto
aanltuy """"11'1 lm:o tho Mtropoli .... •-•ag• tya._ and ahall
baYII enter4td into • contract ldtb Mluo prov14b4 (or 1uch
dJ lflli• wozd1 •LOae.1 eawuage racll1UH 11 1bal111H11 •U
facl11t1oo """"4 or 0p0rat..i II!' a tartlol..,.. for tbO local
t:oli.otton of ·-~ to H c!aJ.lffNa to tMi N1tro,01Ltan IWHage
e) TH wmd• 111 MltropoUcan Ana• 1h111 ••n. the ana
contained within t:he l:IO\UldHIH of the MmdcipaUty oil! Nttro,ol.t.tu
•••ttle .. IIOlf or he1e1fter conatitutad.
tJ '11\1 wordl "U•1den1.l-.l Cl.letoMr• aball UINn 1 1intl•
fa,olly r .. 1<1-• lllUod lly • Pontclpont for -•l!O •lluta•.
Ji .;.;;·.£
~1·;~-~--""":... ........... ..
fitetion 2. Pt Uury and AceaDtfnS1 of s...,,91.
&ff-ctive August 1 , l96l, the D1at.r1et •hall dellv.zo to
Nttro au CJf the NW"a9• a~ t114uatr1al wut• collttoted i,y the
Distdi::t and M11tn1 sbilll &c:cept th• a.wage, al'ld: Nlllte deUver...t
for tnat.meht and dUP9Hl u .be:teinafter Pl'OVided 1ubject to
aucb reHOMble rulN and npilatloM u •Y be &llopted fa:om
time to t1N by th• 11ft2o,alltan Cou11e1U.
Mitro ~ll not dir.atl~ aeeept aava,-or waat•• ~rca
any petl(tn, flni, corporatiOft or govermnanta 1 agency which ie
located ~lthin ttie bc:Nndar1 .. of the D1etr1ct without tb•
~rltten r:on1ent of the D1•trict.
Section 3. conetzuctlon pf Nftro rac11ltiH, IWtro
ehall c:onatnct., acqaire or otbervi1e Heu re tb• d.ght to use
all facllttie1 of th1 Matn>Pol1tan sewea:a9e &retell required for
the dUpo11l ef aawa;ie delivereli to Matro panuan,t to this
Agreef!Mlht and shall perfono. all aervicee rllql.1:1.rtd for the
nwalntenance, operation, repair, r1p1Ace1Unt or i111provm111nt taf
the Metropolitan sewerage Sy•te•, including any ;s4dtt.1Dna and
~etterment• ther.-to.
section f. CODD!S!iWP Of Jes;al ••weru• Paeilit.i.H t;o
"1JMD•nt rasUitUI oc the NtFPPRlitaD &!"!"9! l!IYftM•
Lot!al Bawera,e lltee1litie1 of the biatrict 1hall be COIUlfK:ted
to the Mtropolitan aewarq• s.yatM at 1uch tt• 11 any of the
pa11H.ntn,t faclU.t.iH of 11Krh tlll!ropol.itan •awerap-&yatam 1b,11
be ava1labl• to ~•eeiV4 •ow.ave i:oll•ctr~ br 1uah local facilittee.
suCh connaetion. aha ... 1 ba aceomp1.t1hed &t the • ..,nae of the
Ptatrict and in accordance w:ltb th.a rul .. and. nplation• of
Mitro at eueh point or point• of·conneetion •• th•ll be d1tar1111ned
by N,tro,
l u
hst&90 S, RIYIIRS C9E IMP pa,., l • ror tbe
41•poaal of •wqe coll.ate4 ~ .tba Dllltrict IDd d9Uvered to
Net.to the 1>.t.trict •hall pay lo MUO on ol' btfeH ~ lHt ~l'
of each nont.la during tM am ot thUI e9t" .... nt. eoaatftOinlJ , ·t.th
~ amth in 11111ch aewap 1, flnt a.livered ta Nitro W the
D1atr1ct, a ,..,.,. diapoaal oh&l9' deterat.iMcl .. provided in
tbl1 I.at ion 5.
l, ror t'M quart•rly per1o41 •nlt.n1·11ac11 31, ililn• 101
lept._.r 30 an4 tteoubH' 31 of ucb par nay Participant
•h•U autn,11;. a wrt.tttn report to Mlt.ro aeu1n9 forth (a) tba
~z of aa.~nti&l cuato .. H billed by noh ftl'tic1pant fDI'
lOc!al a...,.ra,. char9ee •• of the lHt ll!ay ot' the quarter, (b,
th.I total h,....r of all cuato.r• bi.U.ed by auch Part.I.cl.pant U
uf 1ucb hy and {c) t'htl total ~ter conaamption 41.arJ.nt 1uch .-•nu
for all C1.1ato111en bille4 by 1,uc;h Put1<:ipant otMr than Re1t.a.nua1
cu.1toneu~ 'l'be q\Jarterly w.tar eonamapt.ion npott ,hall be teken
f:rOII waur Mter record• and aay N ad.J1.11ted to IX'Clud:t vat.er
'lilbich doe• not tntu the 1anita:ry fac1Ut1ea of a cuatome:r.
Where actual 111V1.9a_ tJ.ow frOfl an ind1vi4ual r:lllltoaer 1a .eured,
th• INUired nwa9e floVe ahall bf! re_porttd 1n lieu of ~J\18te4
...,.t•r con11unpt.1on. The total quutuly water COMW19t,:Lon uport
1n CWlic fHt 1h111l be di VidtNI br 2 .. 100 to hterlli.n tllie mmber of
U111dllnt1al CUaU.SK" ~iv.a lent• npra••nted by .. ch Participant.'•
G\UtoMn other tlwn dnglll faaily &'hJ.denct•. ltatro •Nill
ulnU.h. a pernant1nt ~ecord. of the qlluttrly cu1to11in· npORII
IJ'OM Heh .tartic.ipllnt·.
ti\1 Did,r:lct.1
• fll'•t qu1rtar1, flport lhRll COWIE tbl
fir•t quart.erly period follovlnt thll date"'•" aewaga 11 ~1r•t
deliYH"ed. u, Mitro and •h•Ll be •ublll.ttt.a Vltld.n thirt:r day•
toUOld.n1 tM 1nd of the ciuarter. SU<lc-eedilftf rtpol't.1 ahall be
#ZS a .4A/l 4.4CJf.; r ..Is -.. ,
mad.e for .. ch quarterly peri~ thenat_ttr an4 •hall 'bl •utai.tted
withill tbirty (30) day• following tbe •n4 of the quarter. roi-ao
long u •ny part of t.M Diatl'ict •HU n•ln ou.Uide of the
rtlet.ropolitep area tn• D1•tr1ct 1hlll •a,atat.ely ~epo't't the numl:ier
5 of 1te1ict.11tial cu•toaB• an4 · a .. 14.nt.1•1 cuatoni.u 11qUi\18lente ~ loc:aQd with.._n tti. Metropolitan. Ar~a and tM tHtllibU thHIOf lo<:atK
2, a) To form a ba.918 for 4•tt.nalnlng th• IIIOhthly Hlllage
di1posal. chat"g• to b8 paid by each hrticlpant d\31J'iftf any
pal't:Leular q1u1~ter1Y P*r104, Matro abalL Hcertaln the nWiiHtr
of RHidenttal CUtt.ollel"• and. leaident.ial cuato1a1t:r eqvJval.enta
of each Panicipant. 'lbia a.termination shall be N4• ~ t.~\:i11g
the •wa ot t'h1 act.aal numbei ot aesidlen':.ial cuat.oniara x:eported
at of tha laat. day of the n•~ -to the Jpt preaedlng quart.er and.
the avarage numbar of: l\eUdanttal cuatott\er •qu.ifllltnts per quarter
reported for the !"our quarters end.1ng wtt.b aaid next to t.M lltt
preceding quarter, e.djuated for eac:11 Participant tc ellrd.nata any
R••lilent.lal customen or R~Udenti.a.1 D.!•toiMr equ.1-valents who8e
seva9e 1a del1ve1:ed to a gowirNMntal a9ency o~r tt,ian Matto o-r
othe.r: than • panic.lpant for d.iapoHL outa1dll ol the Mtti-opolltan
Area. Tb-. nuut,er tti.ue determi~ ta herein.after callad thl!I "t,Hic
raported n\lllbar."
b) Per tho 111itlal peri,d until tha Dlttrict •ball
have a\mN.tt:ed a.ut cohtecotive Cl"ut•rly report., the ~•ic :tepo,:t-4
n\lRllltlr of baidentUl CUatona:ta ancl P.uldentl.al Cl\ataalli' equ.ivalente
ot thtl Dietrict •hall >:,e determined sa pro~idtta in thla aubpara9raph
(I>). on or bal!ci-a th• Untb day of each 1110nth bl9innlng wit:h the
nionth prior to the month in ""-leh aewage fton: tlte D-iatrict is
firat delivered to Metxo 1 the Diatrict ahall aubmit a written
1t,t111Mnt of the rnu..a,•r al! Jte&idont:1.111 cuat.onriera and RaatdentUl
•• 4888 11116(2 l
cwo-r ...,, .. 1.eau eniaw to lie 1,uio,1 ~ -Dlat.rlot
d•rlng tlle -·~ -•11. '°" --· of __.,,,.,
the baaia repoitte ftWIINr or hlSdlet.f.111 oa,~:s oz awa.W.r-ttal
CU•tr.-:r llqllifllen.ta of the D111trjJ!t. for •IICb next RCGHdl1119
E math, Metro my at. ltll diaantt.oa ldDpt either not', fft!allt•
~ or tbll actQal ffllllber of llNtAeattal eut:aan u4 IN14tflt.lal -..a cu.ttomn aq111w1em:1 :repotted: bl' the D)UUiot •• of tM J.Mt day
of tile nut. to tlll 1Ut p-lnf ._. .. --· ~(Ur ..,.
DiltrJ.at Rall u.va fllrni.W llx COM•cut..tn quarterly NJIOX'H
the blllie reparted. 11llllblr of M.llillential Cu.1toNr• an4 RH14ent.lal
Cult.olNr eq111val1111t1 of tll• D:letr.iet •ball be detend.M4 u
p«>•ided in tll• -~•t•1Y prooo,ll119 1~r09np11 (al,
c) If tbe bi•trl.ct •hall fall "to 1ubl.lt th• ~l~ed
monthly aamJ/or quutat1y· repoJ;U 'l&e11. due, Netl'o may au it.a · ,m
eatlJM.te of th• ~ of ll114enttal Qult°'911Z'I ucJ ... 14ent.1&1
CUltoNr lqlllVal,nt• of th, D11td~ Ind •vols Ht:lmat• •hall
conat1tut.e tbe baetc Hpo:rted nwrbel' Co1: tbe purpoae of a.t.rndnlq
ee\ol.lagt ll!lilpo,al ehAtCJH.
d.) lfhe bl.1.ic repcrted Jmlllber of baidaat'1l cu.to.era
and RHidential CllltoMr -.1·1allint1 of the DU!tr-lct. .-..11 be
turthH adJuat•d by add.ift.9 thnreto twaty-flv. iier eent (15%)
of u.1 nuft\blr of h•ident.1a1 CUSta•H• or Bdldeattal cut.omar
ltqaivalenl.e ot thl Di.8tr1ct tocauct w.u1a ~ pn1en.t b0\llndar1 ..
of Metro. TM •• thU• dett:mtned l• lli1n1nafuz call«' the
"adiJWlted reporttd matlber. 11 11 an, pon1on of t11• Dhtdcrt. •h•ll
be 1uadd to Matro aftel' the date of t.ki1 agr1..-nt the twenty-
five per cent aatJ.t.1w adJ\llbnt •hall N 11111'-DH.S. H to the
INll,lr ~, RIUderittal CWlt.oailH or llHident.tal Cll•tc.H eq\alvalant•
located vj,t.111:ln •aah aMe..a ana, 1f and wuen I par:lol ot __ l~i __ _
•nt.hl ahaU 111.ve •1apH4 1ba• tM eff.ot.1'\NI 41t1 tor the
dll1V:~ of .... ,... under thU "9rH111111t. ftt a4Juted _Hported
"" ~
nuaber of uu.t11nttal CU8t01Rn •nd Maidenthl CU•toner
equtvalenta of the Diatrict 1h&ll be the matter of ... idtntial
as11toMra ancl Re91dent1al cuetomer equivdenta r•Ported 'by u,e
Diatriet for the purpCIII• of datelltio1ng •awage diapoaal charge•
puruant to Paragraphs J and 4 of thla section.
) .
...0 charge to be paid by t'h• Di•tric:t to Metro 1ha 11 M Dbtained by
ftlU~tiplying the nwnbar of Rea14enU•l CUatollllln an4 leatdcti~l
customer ciqu.ivalent• of the Otat:rict. aa deteniined. :l.n 1ubpara9raph 2
of thi• 1ection by the 1DOnthly rate of _ 'J"Wo Oo llars.
4, ror each calendu yen-after th~ year 1963, th•
nonthly IS.wage diapoeal charge payable to Metro 1hall be
detenained. II* foliowc:
a) Prier to J\lll" lat of each year M9t:ro shall
d.termine it1 total monet1u:y requirement.a fo>: the 418poH1
of 1C11t19e during the ntxt 1u.<x:eeding cakrlda; year, such
~equ.1~1U118nt• shall include th• c:oat of a&dni1tration, operation,
maintenance I rapair and replactDDant of the !oletzopolitan. Sewera9•
Sy&t8ffl 1 eatabliahm1nt and r1111intenance of n~11c:y working
capital •IK1 reserve•, the reqgtreaoenta of any naolutlon providing
for the i••u•nc:e of rever.u.e bonds of Metro to finance the
acqu.iaition, conatruction or ue of aeweraga factlitie1, -plu•
not: to ,e,i:ceed l" of the foregoing req12,1reaen.U for q•11lll'&l
admin.t.trattve overhead co•~•-
b) To dettrl'lli.ne th• i.onthly 1:at:e pH ••• l41tntiel
Cui,to,ner or a 1aidant1al custoaer ~ivalent to ~ '"'ad during
Hid next auCCffdiNJ calendar year, the tot.11L CIIOMltary req\llr~-
l'lllnt1 for dispoaal of aawa9e a• Jetermtned tn 1ubpara9~aph 4(111
of thl• 11etioa •~ll '*' dtvtdedl by tlo'elve ard.the te1~ltin9
quoti1nt ahall be divided by tb• t.ot.aJ nubH of Re11d1ntial
cuato•H• and 1191J.dent.U.1 cu1torae~ equivalent• of all 11.irt1c1p1nt1
ZZC . .S,lfSJ.1 *·;;···1 N. !->:-··
fot tbe -·-• qauur FC-ln9 HU ""lY lat;
prov idea, howewr, thll~ thl monttrly nM •hall not M lffl t)lan
TWl:li Dollut ($2.00) per aoati.. p1r .... idff.tt.al CV1toMr o:r
ReUdentiol cu1toa1r 9q111va1ut at. uy tiae "111'1.ftlJ the PH:l.od.
ead.1ft9 "1u,lf ll, 1972.
cl Tho .,nthly ·-11t•-l ch11<90 po!d by oooh
Putic.lpont to -ro ohall i,e Obta.1""4 by •ltl!'ll'ln<I the aonthly
rate by the numbar of llNident.l,al watoaan an4 IUlaltdiant.ial
cuatatNr aqia1,,a,lenta of the Part.Hipa.nt. AD adaittonal char91
may be iaad.• for aewap or wutu of urwna.1 llfl•Utf OI' CGIIIPO'ltion
AC111iri119 •pec1al uea~nt, or Mitro NY require pretreatment
of ncll .. ._.. ~ va&td. b aMidonal ch1E9e may be ad• for
,pantJ:t;tea of emi. or 9round -waters entering thO•• LoG•l
&ewe~•ve Pae111ti•• which a1e corwttucte4 after .JanUai:y 1, 1961.
in excn1 of the •inillwl •tPl1ard eetabllshad ,:,y tM geaeral
nl•• and revulatt.ona of Metro.
s. A· statemant af the ,..o1,1nt of ~ monthly •ewage
C:U.•poeel ellarge 111all lie ellbmitted by Metl'o to eaffl Part.:ldpa.nt
on or i>efora the Hnt 41y of tacit month ua payment of a11c:h
c:hu91 thliU be due on thl Ullllt 'cl*y of auch IIIOlltb. If an.y
~h•~• or portiol\ thllreol due to Metr-o sball df111ln. u"Pl,id tor
fifteen daya following it8 4Ue 4*.te, the Participant Dll11 be
chasgedi w1 tali an4 pay tc, Matro lnteEe•t on the aao\lftt WIINll4 lraD
tt• due date un.U1 paid at tltti :rate of • per .....-, 111,d HKrv
•y, ua,on. fa.I.lure tg pay nc1I 11111,,uit, PfOl'ct pay111nt. by any
reioodf a .. .tlable •• 1 ... or equity,
6, TM D1at.t1l:t iri:~ly obll,at•• and. binds itaeU
to pay i" •ew•• dUp:-r.a.l. ebHI• out of th• 9l'oH revenv•• of
tha HWr 1yeu11 of eh• DUUicrt. 'l'he D.latri.Ct furthez: bind.e
it.elf to ••tebliah, 111.iht•l• aftd coli..ot. Ohllr41e1 for aewer
Hr11« whiC:h vill ... •t •11 t1•• be auf!.lolea,t t.o pl.f •ll eoata ~f
---------. ........
Wt 4888 111{6!5
aaintenanc• and operation of thel •ewer aystem of the Dlltrtct,
Including t1"!I Hwag• 1UtpoHl chai:91 payable to Metro hereu.ncler
and au.Efiehnt to pay th• princ.tpal of and interest on any
,-. revenue bonda of the District ~lch •hall con1t1tute a charge upon ,...
~; such gro11a revenues. It b recognUe4 by Metro and the Diat.rict .., . that the aewage u.iaponl ci?8"• paid by ~ D.Utrict to Matro 1l'lall
conat1t1.1U art e.penae of ,1!11.lntenance a"'1 operation of the sewer
system of the District. The D111Uict •hall provide in the
i•suance of future sewe: revenue bbnd.a of tbe ntstrlct th1t
ftPflt'IBIIB of matl\tenance and operation .of the stwer syatern of the
D1atrJ.ct abnll be pa.id before pay.ant of pl'ifte1pa1 and Interest of
such bonds. 'I'"-. D1atcict 111hall .hava the dght 'tO fi~ tU own
achedU.le of rat.es i!lnd c:har9u to.a: aewer Hrvice pz:oV"Jded that aama
aball p~uce re~nue sufficient to meet the cove?9-n-tS eontaincd
in thJ• Agi:eeMnt and pl'OVicJN that the oaa-t.omera of the District
located within th• Metropolitan Area shall be separately classlfted
from tho•• l.Oeated outaide the.Met:ropollta.n ~rea for rate ~nkLn9
purpoaea and the ntca fol!' sewor &e.IvicQ to cu-atomcra loca.t..:d within
the Metropolitan 1,rC'3 shall f11lly r, ~1ect 11.ny lowur Motro oi.Wilt"JC
di•Po•al ~hatcJe for ae\.lage fram euatoftll:ra within tha Me~ropol1t.an Area.
sect.ion 6, ReeponaP:,ilUY o( DLatrict. The Diatrict
shall 1:'.le reaporuc1blt ffl: the deUvery to the Metropolitan
sewerage syatem of •ewJMJ• couecu,d bf tit.a DUtrict, foz: the
conatruet1on, tD1111ntenance and oper•tion gf toc•l Sewera1e tec1l~~io•,
and for th• pay!Mlft't of all coet• A.ncldent to thll collection of euch
eewage and ite delivery to t:he Metropolitan 8...,,..rage Sl·•tem,
Section 1. Record•,
be kept by Matro of th• ratea eatt.bLllhad, th• '\IOlu~• of ••~age
delivered. ancl dlacharged into t"-Mltropolltan se~•raqe system
wherever euch volWIBa: are ,_.aurild •nd the n\Ullber of tlallidentLill
&Ji 24h a a ii Z!iJ. !Qb,U·>
cn;taa.ra and ._1dlntia1 cuatOINr equi valet.I report.t bl' •lleh
Puticipant tor the pgrpoH at "9tel'lliniDJ nwag-41 41.apcHal
· · ugH, in addition to ~let• bookl of aeoomtit a1lowing all
~ coet• ineuned in connee:tlon. wlth th• atrcpalltan. SMHtraq•
~ .,,. . ..,.
sactlan ,. P!Y!l
It b c:ontaplat~ i:hat the MeuopGUtU. IMMhgt. System will bit
cSave1opecl in •tar•• .n4 the natur. o:t faeillt:laa to be acmatnacte
. aequired or u1ed. -and the tiJlle of 1ueh con•truation, acqubition
or uae •b•ll be 4etarminedi bf Metro, it. Nl119 con:tetnplated that
.Matto al\all ulti1111.toly p:rnvide HW.t9'• diapoeal ,e"J.oe for tho
ontin Ketm,polit.an JU::41& and eueh adj~t areaa aa •ay be
fnalibly Hned lnto the Metropo.1 iten Sewerage Byate-11.
Section g_ Tempoqry i,evaqe Qbpo1nl• Bffeetive
August l , 1963 , Metro sliall operate and 111,S-i\tain the
tempcrery •~• di•po,•al.. r1c1liti•• con•tructed by Caacad•
utilitie•, tnc. H dHcribed in bhi)lit. A attached heroto.. Th••
nt..stdC't ahllll acquire said faailU.iH -,.d Hetl:'o shall pa:,· to tht..
ntatrict tl11 actual CCHJt of aucb aequiaition .·ot axee">ding the
ffdll\ cf $120,804.69. H.-t:ro 1hall have t:lw right without. additton-
al cc9t or rental to use all of aaid faciliti ... inclu4ln9 •ll
l.andl u•eu:1· in connnctlon therevltl'I. for I& long •• Mtro •hall
doam the o,penU.Gn o.t eueh facilities t:iO be aecM••U'Y• '"ben
~tro ellall no ~er nMJUit'* the uae af a11tJh ~M'i11ti•• it ohall
OWi,\ and: Jl'IPl)' reir.ov" thtt irri.9•t:i.an "Yllt• p~J.1'19' and equiprl'll'lt. and
shall have· no own•nhip of and ellall 111'blU\don di.• .t'f!fflaindar cf the
t:cmpura.ry aciwaglfl diapoa•l h0Uitit1•-Hetro ,hall hav1t no cbli•
gatiQn t~ disaiantlo, ra!DDW'8 or othexwl•• perfopa •ny ,e.rvice in
·eo.nneC"tion with such temporary 11.awage dia_poelll rGail1t1•• .. ·Th•
patti•• roecqni .. that the number of Reoiclential CUat-?Mara or
Reaidontial CU.atONlr equ;ivalWl'tl ,thich a1n M ••rvH !nto audh
\ . m. 4888 111t 04. 7
teaporary !aciliti•• i• limlted ~ Metro reaerve1 the r1ght to
limit connectJ.ons ta such tacJliti•• durin9 th~ Pf!l~iod of t~nir
u9e arwS ehllll ba under no obligation to provide Bddit.iona.l or
h eAlargtd teft!)Gnry faciU.ti-,s for the. u111,trict.
~ Seet;i9n 10. Inlurtnce apd tJ.abilitv; for DllJ1l&Se.!,, '?h(t
Dil!ltrict •hall eecure a.~d maintain wtth .reaponslble in•1.1.rers all
.uch tnaurance.as le <:U•t.omarily ru.1nta1ne4!1 with respect to
eewage ayatt,,u of l~e ChH·&cter a,gahat 1os• of or damage to
the aewerage facllities of th• Diatrt~t and a9ain1t pt1blic 3nd
other liability to the atent that '"*= 1neuirance can l)e
eee\H'il!d and maintained at reuanabl• cost. Any liability
111,i:unad. by Metro a• a reault ot the operation of the Metropolitan
StiwHag• !y•tern .ahall be the •ol• l1eb1l1ty of Net.ro and any
liability incurred by the Di1tr1ct •• a re,utt of the oper~tlon
of tha Local sewerage PacilitiH of the Ollltrlet. lhaH be the
sol• lUibUity of tbe Diltdct. i..ny liability 1tU1S111n9 from tha
e1tabli1hment or •~latence of ttae telfl)D~AtY aewerage dispoa:al
f,1cUitiea and any lial:aillt.y at.hllm.ng lrom the metllod or rt1t ... 1er
of aperation of such factlitle1 for damage cccurr1ng prlor to th•
opa.-atu,n tbereof by Metro ahall be the 111010 reaponlibility and
liabllity of th• v11triet and the D1•trict ahall defend same lnd
hold Metro ha:mle•• therefrom. Any liabi~ity 1temming !«>m the
methad or manner of oparat.ion by Matto of ffl• t~rary u1wage
4J.apoaa1 facUitiaa for damage occurri119 eubaaq1.1ent to t:ha
operation. of such foeilltiee by Metro ahall l:a• the llQle .reaponal-
bllity and liability of Matro and Metro shall defend au.e and hold
the District h1tmle11 the~from.
s•ct1on u. M•19ftNpt, The D1atrlct ahell nc.t haYti
the riqht to a1ai9n this AgrelMMlnt or any of Lta ri9ht1 and
Qbltgatioba heregndar •lt~er li)' opi1r1tion of lnw oc by volu~tnry
•91'•11119ftt "11:hOQ.t the Witten conHnt of Mitro •"4 neithei-
part.y fllo.V t.tsnir.a.te lt~ obll;atioJll btrll\mdH by di••ol'IIU.on or
otherwue wtthout first H«Nl'il\lJ ~Ml written conaant ot. the other
~ party 11.l"() thl.a i\9H .. nt &hall be b1ftl!U19 upon ahd lm1:i:e to the
~ ttenefit of~ r••pectl•• euecee•oc1 anc1 a,11gns of the pattl••
...O hanto, In the event that the DJ.•t:dct a'bol:lld be diHolved, t'he
local nwer facUitie• OWDelS ana. open-tff by tbe Di.t.rJ.ct vithin
the Metropo,Ut1;n Area aball by each aOt of 41.NOllit.ion be •••igned
and tranUerred to Mtro aubJ•ct to any Qlltatanding dabt• of the
J>Utrtct tncurrea tor tMI ~,;inatrucJt.t.oa or 1Cq\lie1t1on of 11ucft
fac:illt.iea an4 eubjeot ~ the obligation of ~tro to continue
to pi'OVid• s.,..r service t.o thfil rntdanta Hrnd by &\IC!h local
facUitiel upon payment of the reuonallile COit• thereof by the
u1ers thereof.
1m1on 12. Bff,sttve Prt• al'kl T•rm of cont.caet-
Thi• A9t11Mr.t 1h&ll ba tn full force and eft'ec::t an4 binding UJIOft
the pt,tttH h91'eto upon the e,cecutio11 of the AgrNINnt and ahaU
continue in full fot'ee and effect for a period. of 11ft.y year•.
&•ction 13. IUlQl.i.. Wh•never in tl\ia Agttiwnt
notice b required to H 91,,.11, thl ,._ ahlll be 9iw.n bY
Registered Mail addnHed to the ret11peot.ive partlH at the
following addre1 ... :
· MUnidpaUt.y o! Mllt.ropoUta.n: SHt.t.l.e
410 "--t Bllrri•on &treat
aut.tle 99, W..hinftora
cucadtl ewu DJ1t.r1at
c/o Donal.o G, HO la
2)2 ,.._in StENt
Renton, Wa&bington
unlua • diffennt 1ddn1a 1M11 :ba bu·Hftn dea:L9Mted in writing
b)'" •1the.r of the paru••.
The date of 9iY1ng 1ueh notic• •Nill l)e de.-d tD bli the
4at.e of _wiaiUDt t.~reof, IUlJ.nga for and p&Yffl'lnt• of nwa,e
vo. 4888 flll 649
diepoaal C!oata 1111)' be made by regular N.il,
Section ].4. ENecut.ion pf P9F!lm!Dt8. Thb Agl'Hlllfflt
abal l be fllxec::uted J.n aix counterparU, any of which ahUl bt
regardtid fo:r a.11 pu:poaea a1 one original. Each party agrees
th•t it will exec~te any and all ~ed•t l•••••, lnt1trw,ent1,
docWMtnt• and rnolutiona or o.rcunanc•• nac:eaHey to giv• eff!ect
U> tb.e t~ of tb19 AgE*•rant.
Sect.ion 1S. ~ lb watvar by •ithu party of
any t rm or condlt.Lon o,f thia J.9r•8Mnt 1hall bll de.med OI'
con1trued aa a waiver e .. any other te,:,n or eoridition,. nor
shall III wuvoi of' 11ny breach be dHllloltd to con1titute a waivt.:r
nf any sub1eq11C~t-breac:h whether of the 1ame or a different
~rovieion of th1• AgrellBCIOnt.
Section 1,. R•ffled{H, In addition to the reMdiu
provided by law, thH Agreem.flnt ahall be 1pecif~•llY el'!it'orceabl•
by eitbe:r party.
Sestioo 17. . fl\ti[!ty, Thia Agreemant mer;•• and
•uperaieclca all pr10~ neg.tiations, repreaentatione ~nd agreement.a
between the p&t,~tiu harato relating to thll aubject Mtter ha.reof
and conPtit.utes the eDtil'• eontract 'between the pe~tlea.
IN WrtNESS WHiRBOP I t.'h• parti•• hereto have axecute6.
t.bia AtJreement a1 of! the 41y •nd year Hnt e,l:,ovti written.
• .
. ,·. ~,·. :
,.-• ••• ~ .. l' ,,· • ~-.:
Mar Yft Bui 11..an
ciert of the eou.eu
Th• troatment plant faeilitiea in caacad• Sewer Dl1trict
c:onai11t· of:
'1'WO 1piTet••ter •ettlinV and dlge•tlon t•nka;
Eff"luent wet well with r•1ff'lfflovH, 4 p.11np1-1 mot.or• and
electxical starters and control~j
Inlet parahall fJ1P1111, t'loW nc::order and flow dividing~
Control bo\lH With ehlorinatoi:, and lalxlratoryi
Hiscia-Uane.ous operating l!lqul~nt. Ind aupplba;
All loeated. on a 4-&cre tt:1et cte1c.rlbed ae the Nort"h JOO feet
of t~e 'West ll&.BO feat of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 ~f section
28, and the south 250 feet of the weat l16.80 feet of the NW 1/4
of the .NB 1/4 of said section 28, in Township 23 North, RanlJ8 S
Bast W.H,
Th• 1cwa9e epr•yfiald1 1n cascade siin-ier Diat.rict. con&ist of:
Poree 1111n frcm treatraan.t plant to 11pray areas with
naaan1ary valv••;
Al~~inum lr~lgat1on type di•tribution plping, couplings1 fit.t.11\ge. at",
SprQy nozzles and riser piping;
All loc!ated on the following a.sci:i'b,d tracts:
A 12,B7-acro tragt: The Ea•t soo f~et or t.he Nort~ 1121
feat e-f t.l;t if; .,A of .Nr 1/4 of secuon 2B, To-wn1hip 23 North.
Range 5 Ett.e-t W,K.;
Ah 8r.SF!· tr~ct; That pc,rtion .>f NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of
S•etlcn ~~ Townai.p 23 North, Range 5 Eaat w.M,, lying North
and Ellt Ol City Of '&tattle cedar Alvt't pipl-llne R/N, EXCEPT
the Hotth 130 f11t of th• weste~ly 214.02 feet of· above
d11crtbed pottloft (awna4 by Pl~• n11tr.1Ct 140, lYiftlJ adjacent
tD tha ~sdar.River ptp1l1n1 R/W) and EXCEPT county loiu:I lying
adjacent to Cedar River pipeline and subject to Ea11ment for
9•• line ov~r th•North 40 feet of 1a14 Suk)d1v1aion.
',CUETHtR WJTH the followin.9 re.e:rve 1prayfield-a-raaa:
A ll•acre T[•s\: Deacribe<l •• the weat 680 feet of the
11~0 fee of th. Korth 8)0 feet o, the SE 1/4 ol HE 1/4 of
aectio" 28 1 Town.hlp 23 lfottb, Range$ £eat w.H.
A lOif~U ract: Detetibed •• aaglhnih!J a.t. a poi'.,e on tha
Eaaterlyna o the SE l/4 of NI 1/4 of secttcn 28, Townahip 23
NcK'th, 1lan91 S &aat W.M,, whicli ta 11:U f1wt Smith of the North
lln• of ·aa:l.d BB 1/4 Qf NI: l/4i thenc1 lhl1t at right anglaa to
aaid East lln• JlO feet~ thane, south parallel~ Ea1t 1tn• Qf
section 28 a d1etance of 1120 feat; thence at right •ntl•• z.at
to the Ea,t line of aaid &ae. 28; thence North along the saat
~tna of Section Z8t ~ dietanee of 1320 feet to Point of
l'lll.4888 llli652' l
i'fATB OP lllSBill01'0•
on thb J Ith day of ,July • 1963, before me
i,...:aonally appe111s:ed ··~-',QWEJ,I Ye W:CVEHU, CHABJ,tS MXJ:&SS
to me DQWi( 0 be t;he ~•lonera of CASciii' S~ DlriiICT, a
rman1e11*1 corporation, and aC"knoW'ledfe4 tb• v1thin and for990ing
1111trwaent t~ be the In• and 901\lnta,:Y aet an4 , .. o of aaid
corporation, for \.ht, u111 elld p.1t'JIOM• t.here1n Mnt1oned~ and on
oath stated tbat they vere wthO:ruad to n:ecUte H:1.4 1nat:Nment
ant". tbait t.h8 •••1 afUxt4 1a the corporate Hal of Hid coqtOra•
On th1• ~ U.. day of woa4u1:a , 1963, be:for•
M ~nonally appeH c. CA8V' nor. a JCAMLYlll SUU..tVAN,
to tae kt\OWQ to be the Chait'IDln of th• CcnancU aJlCI CMrk of th•
councLl, rHpec:Uv.ly, of the JIIQ'llaip1Uty of Het.ropolit.an
Seattle. a m.11nittj.p11l cori,t1rat.ion, •IM1 aclcnow1.tge4 U.• "Wltlli1n
and foregoing lnat'£Wlltlnt. to be thtl fne aSMI voluntary act and
dee4 of 1ald co.rpoa:ation, !ol' the UHi and. pu.rpoe•• t11ne1n,
mentioned, and on oath 1t1tecl t:llat t:hey were authOrbed ta
•xeou.te aaid 1a1tNM:nt .,.ct thet the 1ul a:l!ftwad u tho
cocpg,rat• ,eat of ••14 corporatio~.
) '
...... r.r2?-1s9 * 305 f1t£ 133
Kfn9 cou, ... ~eehfrgton
1 ··o.r.w.:lir·• Mffllll> ,rants. C'ClfWl')'a and .....,,111.w Mt PLIG!T POWER • LIOHT COMPANY, a \l'Qhlnpt1 C!Of'PO"ll°"
1 ··er...,·· heftlrn, forU.i,purpo!'·• .. /\H'aJ.nalfilr Ntlol'tll I P.J'Jlft/111 eaamicnl W'd1tr, acN:IN and owr tilt tollowln, detcrlbtcl
Nal piNpUt:,' 1!1w ·propsrlt'· hll!n-jm Kf ng Caln')'. W&lhl1111«1.
The SDt.lthHst I/It of the Northa11t 1/4 o( 5111.tlon 28. To..,n1hlp 23 North. Ran9e S Eau.
V.fl.; Liu the ••u SOCI feet of the north ll21 f•et; Lus the eut 330 feet of the
south 216.\7 fuet, more or le11; Le11 the so~th %SO feer of the east 523 feet of the
~•St 5Sl feet.
!'JtC'l'pt 11ti ma,· bl' oehrrwl~to ·~ rurlh lw~h, nr.sntt4•'11 rl,h&s ahlll be e.1111.'rrlNII 11pon 1h11 pon1o11 of Ult' PNIJWrly 11br
""Rialll-of-Wa)''' ~1trcll\1 dt!lll'tlbl'd 1111 lolhn1·h
A Rlf:IU-ol·WI} .. h~il in ..,hlUria,q••• .. •-•-•••••••• ......................... fwtU"ad~"'Dfl
.,.,..,.._.,,.'l.'lfttffffln""IWli~rltwd H .. r11llU,1s
The east ·s feet ~r the west 25 feet of the north 700 fHt of th, above described property;
~LSD. a 10' x 10 1 switch sfte being 5 f11t on ••ch 1ld1 or the follawlng described
center Tine:
!eglnnfn,g at II pafnt on a lino, which llne Is the. eenter Une of S. E. 166th Street
extended HU 30 feet from th •Ht Margin of 128th Avenve s. E.; thence north 50 feet
parallel with said Hit margin ta the true point of beginning af 1111d canter lints: thence
~ntlnutng north 10 feat i,arallel with Hid east road margin and.termfnus of thf~ cent~r
t In,. ~J.i-aJ.se .. !rihall rlll~I!' rh .. r!Mln to ~"Ulllitl'Ut'I, OfU,'f.l.\', mlfltoln. tqllir. rtplaN. and enlarp an u!Mler11~
ttleotna tnnlimlHlon and 1,t l'IMrlhnun 11~'Jl'll"III, 11p11n 1JNI 111\dl'T tht! HtRhl·Of·W•>· to111rtthr vdlh •II nlleffHT')' or convtnltm
..,urtena,K"t-• tllt,ra,ar. ~n,-rtt m.i.y 1J1C"l\lltt-l111t ar-11 nnl llmll«I 10 du· foJJov.·ln,i: q1,:1itr,111'CNnd roridUllf. e,ab"'-, namm11ft.lca1Jon
Unu. u11J1&, mantloh,'f>. ,iMo·1tf'h1,., •llll tr,11,._fo,1nl!t11, arwl ~n,t hurll'II or ~rt11md ffllllllfll..t f.ll'IUUH. Follawlna ibe inlllaJ ~M·
8\NIL'UM ti l1J1 fac111t1t·!'I 1,r1111lcl· 111•> truni 11n1,. tu 1lm1• l'illl'lll\ll'L ...uch 11dd1tlu1111I r••IIIIIP~ a. 11 may rtqulr•
a. At'NlllM. Onu1h11!' HMII h1m• lln l"l~IOfllC\'LIH~l!I lll• 1t1W11'Pf·Wlt ,wer Intl IK'rOllb lilt' l"rq,ffty lG tnlhlt' Oranta hi
•nvch:., 1111 rlah1111wro111,n~ltor r,ru\ 111111 1t111 (!r111111•1•hh1:III l'Ulnpllllhlltt• (lflntn, for any d111ti11,. lo lhl! Prq111r1,-N.Ulilld l.f th
nl•t't'J.111.• ul' :Nllltl rlAbt rit 111 ......... "
.'l. OIJ•b'lltlmli:: ~lld<w1pln.1t, 1ir11nw1.• rt111) rr11in IIMl' lti 11m1• 1'9l1"111\'1• trt"'"· hl.lJihl'tt, or ulhtr uli'"nl<'IIM!<i •·Utun 1h1·
NIM)H·lld'·\1'1~ 111111 lltl) IL"Vj•I :011 ,lll'UIII• IJI,· IH.1:hH,~ ·,·.;i~ lo IIIL' t111r,-t11 r1•111111"-hb" lll'fi'IIUI')' ta C'arrr Oll1 lht! pu1111,~1.!1'1 ~Pl
lurth 1n para1rlph I hN1~ 1•ri.vh11d tb11r fnlln""lnlC Ill)" m11'tt wurk. Uran1.-., ~n,ll. ui, lhl' eium1 rwit;0111hl~ rira1•1lrabh·.
n! .. ' ,.,. JIL· lf•llbr-uM\'ai, 10 l.h, •"mrhu,.,, 11 \UI,. 1111m1.dla11•lr jll'lur 1u ,i;.,,h ·"ork I uUowin• 'h1• l,!JOll,tlJaliur, uf {l111111L·t''!<t
wtiltiu, •. AIM fliC:'1\ltil*1< 'linm11Jr n111) 1tol1•1111)il! ilR). urdm1ry 1mpru111"m ... 1h, lu lhl· h1111l~~apln1t of Uk• Hl,=hl·Pl·'ll,';i), • .,,11h•t
Uuu nu 1r .. l,!l, ur nllwr 11hl1111 ..,h,tll lw ~1"4,·l.t lhl"l'l~n 111h1ch woulll bi/ Ul»"L~ataly t•xpl't'IRIVI' or ln,pnil.'tl~•• r,u-tlran1t-.• 111 r"'fflO\"l" and. rH111rr
... Gra111or'l1 UIM' ul RIIPl~tf·W•>· lir1t11tur rt>tit'IWII tht• r11111110 Ullo"l.• lhl' klahl•of•Way for Mf purpm;l.' 11n1 UK'llnlil~l,'111
w11h Ulu rl-"l!l.h~titm ,11ran1t'IJ, lJru~lrfL~I 111111 nr.1mor MhAII not uoM1n11 t 11r m•lntaln any hulli11"11 or othl•r 1o1truC"lur4• •111 l.h••
Mij&h1·ol·W11y 11.hlrh 11,,·!d lrit1:t11•n• 1111th tlu• t•Jwrcli.t! or 1hl-TIRhbl h•rirln ,arutl.'d, 1h11 na dlNJlna. 1rr:-:llln11 11r nthrr form
or caru,1n.ic110n .aer1,·,i) "lhilll 11•· dunr nu •h•· l'ropnl)' 11,'hlffl w1111W dl-l\ltb OW cci1npac.'tlon or un.arih vranlN"'M f11r11111'"" 1m
th.-Rl&h-t-ul·W•t ur Hldam:,•r 1111, hu,•r•I ~1pjll)tl tu 1111icl fll'tlllhm, ancl that 1\0 bll~Una lffl1II IN.-don.-wJ~ln ll fwt ,lf ,.,.,
it SndflMII). H.• 11ec11.1-111.., .uxl r,-,•,mHn,: thh; Hlt'ffllllll. Clrarutt-•RrWM 10 mdl'mnll)" Md hold huml""'~ lir.1,1111r rmm
uu· Ind 1U cla1m11 rur dt1m111,t•/'i ~11f1.-r11I br art)' pl'nnn whkh ma)," lk• \"a111M11f h~ (lran1"'a e1Wrch11• rr Uu-t!Jlht1, n1•n•h1
Al"Mt,wd. r,r.:wldl11. Thar I inn wt• t,Nlll nu1 l>t• rt!-!lp0Jlall1I" 111 oran1ur fur tin)' datnalf:1,111 r4tllllllln,t frl)m lr),lur1t'!I 111 llfl) !•1.'hc111
('.au1ed bi,· DClfro or Gffll!IN1ot.,_ nf Cirantur
I, ,......., •. Th•• rl)111t!I hi•rt-ln ,11r,11ru.1l llhllll etin11w.-untll wch tlmt' u Urana-.. N!illlffl 10. ual' thit lUW,1-{lf,v;11)· rar
.11 p,·riod ur fl..-_.t1ii """'rtn,l,1• ),•11r ... 111 11hll'h r,,·m1 lhlt> ..... Rmml ah•II ,~rndn.1111 llfld all rl,t.111 h1m'IIMt'r 1111•11 '""•·r1 10
C"irMIUJ". pruudt'll I.hill l\{I 11.11w11lt11nwnr ShnJJ I.It· dtil'ffllod w llau• Ul'C'Utl'ld b> rl'HDn of GP111Ute'11 fc1l11rt• 111 lnlt1al() lm,n111
ILH f1e\llU~ •11"11/'lto ll.l!lht·ot'·\li11) 11h~m »11) p..rh11I uf 1iliw fMm t111,1 dau, tu·rNr.
•. IIIQ •e11t.or1 and A1111IAffh, ll11: rl~ti.. '""' ,1t,ll,11t1u111,s nl •h~· parlli'>i Mall tn11rr 10 lht' bwwlll of IRtt ,,._. h,~~ln..: 1111rin
IVr!'illtti·~r!lat11l11,.:iiJ(t1 ...
. OCi!p.<....,
•• . . . ,
,... . ... ...
..• ....i:...s.:.l.lJ..'llJJ..L'.Y ...
~, I •• ~ .... ·'
... .... ' . J . -.
! .. Esclse Ta• Not Required ~ ., ,{! .-, ,'d ·.;, -~ ,. ·v' ' ( •••.. -
7'-~tt't:'3 idoln.t • ·. /
Iii J. H. Vtta::1;.~.,. i<:r..' C1111nty frHSUNff ,/, ... , JL , , -t ...
. , Oepvtr :"1~Cr~L .. f-:,· ---... ~ · ---• ... ~-' -·---
-~ ~ .. :.·. ~-.t ... .:...R--,,
. ·~.~·
---·--· ----·---
:~ . -
-~ I-~
· !111 Co11nt7 Varbtnrton .
r·untnot'' ............. _,.,..,..,,... PUUttlCUND POWIR. l,UJJrl' COMPANY,. Wtillbl"lfOII -.,,n11on
1''0.-'' ...... fbr.._lN.,.,...'-ll•ral ....... fol'tlll .. ~ ~I undtr. it!NIMMIIOWl'lhtfoUowt,wfflel .. __ , .... ,_,.... -Kint c.u., . .,...,,..,.._
'lhe So@th1nt 1/-of the Morth•Ht I/It of S.ctlon 28, Town1hJp 23 NDT"th, ll•n&e 5 bst,
W1 11,, LMf &he. MSt S00 ffft of tlla north 1121 f .. tJ Len thl tlU ,SO fut of the
IOUtll 216.47 feet, ..,,. or 10111 Len tho •••Lh 250 fHt of the u,1 523 foot of tho ••ot SH feet,
lllctpt 11,1 ffllJ bl' othH·wl•f' Ht forlh hf'rl'ln ClranlK<'II tl"1la 11h1JI be l!'lll&r<'lssd 11pon lha1 por11cm of lht Prop,mf rth•
··1.~wa,·· ll•re1n, d~Hrlb«I u follow1o
A 1.flttt-,Dr•Way ______ fto'-'1 m .. 1dltr-hafln1------...................................... fwt"Ol"llliah"'ll1ctdl'Vft
.................... ~11t'r'lbfda"ro!lcMn·
Thi Nit 5 feet of the west 25 f••t of the north 700 f••t of u, .. above dase.rlhd property;
ALSD 1 a 10 • x 10 1 JWltdt alt• being 5 feat an Heh tide of tht following dttcrlbad
,;enf•r 11nu
leglnnlng at a point on ii ltne, MIich tlne Is the canter line. of s. E. 166th Street
ext•nded tatt 30 feet fro• th• tHt 111n•gln of_ 128th Avenue S., E, i thence north 50 feet
parall•I with 1ald •••t margrft to.th• tr~• point of begfnnlng of said center lln&; thence
c:antlnulns north 10 feet parallel wfth 1a!d a11t road 1111r1ln and tarmrnut of thla eenter
Hnt,. lfl\SUP~1iR1t1 w,.n nan tn .. rlflht to "-'Oft1lrut'1. oper111.•, m11n11U'J. r.-1,. n,:,iace and ail1rae u undn11rowu1
dNtrie lrinlm!Nlu and qr dlslrlhuuun •Y11llfffl upon UHi undlfl' lh11 lllatll•of•Way '°1,U111tr whll •II ntiCflNl')' u eomr""'"'
wun~.a lhaNfoi'. Wh.lL"f'I rrlll)' f•!;'fi,ol" tiln •m~ not limited to tJw roJlfl·l..i:. ul'dtraruund IIOfldwlw, oabl ... oommHtcauon
&Inn, ,·lldtt, ffllMIJlVI>, •wl1clm,,. and 1r11111,rorm11.r.. Md Al!'mt• burled or ,i;rnund mount Id fM"llltlH. Followlt11, lh9 lllltral eon-
llNctlon '3f 111 fHlJlllt-11 c;n,uH' ni11} rr.,rn urn .. 1n IIM• IHfflllNnl """h 1ddJUonal f1rllld11• 11 fl m•y requlr•
:a. 'Ml'I' ... 11.-...,~ lllla11 h .. Vli. lh\· r1,ihlol l"'UU to UII' II.IJb1•of•WII)' over url IC"*-the Plopvrl)' IO tn1blt UrantN '°
IN!'lllu IRAc rlah111 r111r1Unhw. pf'U\'ILIMI 1h11 llr1n1wlllllll coms,t111Mit1> nran'°r far ... ,. d1mtp to th• ttra,.,11 t'III ... b.r Utti
eicorri .. ol .llld rlldn ot •n'"""
:a • ....-utlon!r: l.and11rapl11JL. Hrnnw,, rna) lrnm Umci Ill 11mr r*mD\'I'! lrtll·II, lNlihN, ar uther oblll'\ICIIMII within !ht•
Nlltll•oC•WI)' llfKI ma) lw11l Nllll MMILII' lh~· .k1J;111·0~ '·''* Ul Ult' l'llh."11 r11t1aonabl)' 1'1fC't!HIH')' lo nrr)· WI ll'III' purpoill,'Ji: 11~1
form In parq,., 1 ht>rAA rr1V'o'lll1<tl 111at roi1riw1~ In)' flUeh work. uran1N llhlll, to 1he •ten, realOl'llhlr -prarllrablf'. J'Y'f''·•-llte 1t•J1P11•111I-Way 10 lh, ~111,•n 11 w11o lmml'dlai.ly J,rlcir ht lfU1i1 worli h1llowln" ·Ju• 111111111J1rlon ot n,,.,111-•·,.
111:dtlr,;.• ,1111,c! fk'llllt-(ir-.nlor mil) vr.h•rllke any bNl1nary 1mpronm11:11h, kr LJK. llllfli;!;'apln,: cd lhl' ftiAht-oH\'aJ •• ·"111t'III
dl•i BO 1r1m, or otJK.ir 11hu1111. !<!'1.ill lu•pliwl'd ltwh'On 11ohloh ~lrl b~ 11nr1,11111"111bl)' ftllp911NV• '" lmpr111H~•I Ior tir•nlN• 10
remove and NMtlre
,1. GrM1U'111Jq,of RIPl-of.W•>· 11ran1or rtiHnn th& rW'l tU ull1!' lhe R:1111,l·of•Way fcir MJ,' p1.1rpo,,r nn1 Jneon111!l1m1
WIUI th•.ra,,i.ts httHU'I ,:nn.1tod, prui,lt11~1 111111 Ol'IUlfCII" 11111111 not <'Oftstl'\ll t nr nui111taln 1111)' huUdlll,I or Oth11' IIU'\lt"IIJn" 'lfl thtt
111,,:hl•al'•Wly •hlM li\-C.,.,ld IMit,tf'1~ v.1111 1h,· dfrGIMof 1M riahw h•reln aranted; ffi•t no dlUhlfl, wnn11ll1JA °" othll'r rarm
ol mastNetlon adl\'llf llhllll h,-,IIM'II' l'HI 1ht-P~r.l>' \l'hlffi wovld dh1turb 1h11 eompllCdon or UMll'ih lilMnlllf''& ro1i:oll1tlt'S on
1M RJttiJ.Qr•W11)· i;it ffid1UJ,Rt'r th,• hm•rat qppor1 tu 1111d Farllltli,s, Ind 1),111 no bll11tla,: ahall M' don• wldlln I~ f'1'1t 1.r tht-
5_ ~UJ. f:I)' .ae1.-.tlriM .1J1d tf'('Urdln, thl& .... mdf'lt. <;ra.1CH qrws lo lndeFMIZ'y and hold harmll'~ <i1·111nu,r rrun,
q and au c111m• for d•mllJlltfl ...ifft>rud b)· 8'1)' P•rllrJCi whlffl m1y lie CMIIIKI ht (lranWW'S ••ttllll' rif lhl' rlat111,, h.-rcln
.,.. •• PfO"JdlNS. lhllt (;ranlff '"9•11 11,1,11 Ill' NllpOIISlbl.i, to Orantor for ru,y ..r.nwpii re.au1U•Ji (r(tffl lnjyrln m ~· l"'''IIOII ~ b)-ao1a; or ort1l,11k»11 of 1/ranmr ·
e. ~-L Tl'II' r\M,hlll, htortoln ~r,m1Ml lddll co,:i1loo• unlll tlUdl IUIH' 1111 C.ranlff NnN to uu lh~ lotlaln-d·W•y tor
a J)l!rfcld of rw. Uh WIC"C11i!M~· ... )llllr,., In \ltllt'fl evem Ulla e&Hffll!III 8'11.11 1erml111K" ll'ld all rllhLs h1,itt"Ulkk:r llohaH n>\1•rt 1n
Or111.tor. prcmdtoet Ill.-t1t1 ab11J11lnnmtn• "'1aJI bttd'ewnwHo, hln'II' oec:11rrfd ~· rnam or Onnt..'1 r11hiril" co tntn111} 1n .. 11111
lea faoUHI•• ap Ill• Rlllftl·oMh)' •·lltl.ln 11n) pt'rlod ul rlnu.• trom lh• da• ~11 .. rraf.
..2.1....:J_ da),· 111' __ ..l:J.tb.Lwu:y_ -... _._ • U):r&-·
.. J .•
.. ON:AN't'tlfe"
'""'-. ..... -~ .... ..,_ •• -
J R[NTON QCHOO'i. Jllt~~ .... ,w. to:
• IU...ng. Co11,t¥, Ha:rhlra:+o1.,--·------·-;,......,,:
__ .,,
, · -·~··· .._ E<clS" Ta• Not Required ~-, -~~·,1...,,-'!'f~'~··. -d·.,/...___,,=· ·'-'.;...._,·_.,..,(c...;_,.. .i.-,. Pre a' cLen.t · 7 M l. R. W~lLiMt-,S. itin~ co11nty Trusurer 7.,. 'II\-/1.. t __ ,.__,__
, \. De!M" !!~ere t.:,'t'y
l~ .~.'.~.~ .... ~:. ... ~--.. -
.. ,
q ..
' ... r -I I l -... ....
' .,.
I "' ... ,-
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-----0,ncw.1&11. ... _.,,., ____ ..;-,,1,_,
, , . .._. __________ _ 1
i /
} IL
Oil ... 2faJ.Wd ?ebrne:rc , 11io..~ aw .............. INIOllllr ...... Sarbara s. lt!ll.y ·.1
.;;;;j;;j~;i:ij .. ff p JobDBl)D ,to~~~-~ BlllltV1 rent . .. :ff!i:ta;.t;ttR. • ··J.'.-
1, .. t J al»,-'..Jl&At.on Sch Dist ILP3 .......... ,._......., ... ..,........._.,_.._~ .... .,.. .. ..., __. ,.,,. .. .._ ... -..,. ... _. -llooi ct 1i11...., •m i.r .., _ _, ,.._.. ......
..._.,.,,._._..._ tbe)c e·re · ..-ris111&o...-.lbe..W..._ ... ._.. ]··:
AB) ......... oor,e,Mtnat., .... ~.. ,j
wmtlLISMY'HAND ANDOFFICIAL SEALMNIO ..-, .... 'lbl d. ldd Jtlll' ftrlll aavti Wli.._ ,,
DJ..p&h Lo.la Haugun1. .. /
. ,,l,w, 44.,; ~31':;t ;;<;· .... -~-
NOTARY PUli.JC lalllll (or .... ...,,.. ......... .
·.. tt•ld:lna'•l Bonton, Wubtnston tr --_· _.J . ·• . ., ..
-~ i
1.9 \ ' I • • r
•·:,, ... ~ 6 .'J WV!' f",• 3 4S
r.._ :') f~ 11>::;;:-:"!0 ,1; ~(iLl!:ST OF:
P:J~..C: ."'!', ~·~! .. , f'Ch\": ~ ~I t:::Hl ,"':f.}.
P'~ f"· •• ~,:1 tit.Ji!L,··.~.,:.. t:r:l.Lt \ :s
J,TT<:111"'".•: !, •. or • -•·• • ·--•
TllU· •--W• '/(, ~~r c1Jft,t/l,1,/..--1~70,
Jay IIMI' bl-...._ UftOlf ICIOOL DXftllcr JO • .to~,. • 1111n4iip1l corpora-
uoa. ,af a.ni:q11,W11h.(.Rttan, h•q,I.Mft•r calleif -.Orantar11 ll'Kf KlMO
COlftY •'l"&I.. DIS'flt1C't ... ,a, a •utdalpll oorporat1on of .x1rig
CQWJ~Y, Stat• of WaahlMton, blrelrt!_lftH callad •orafttee•,
'l'1111t. ;..id,G~_,ntot: far '11111'11b1• con~L~~t•t!Cflo !11 .. ~~ .paid
by tht Htd.4rant11a, re(ll!l~pt •h.-eol iJ. hueby aeknowl~~fd, doea
~ theae pruenj:1 grant, 11ariga1n, .. 11., convey and confirm unio the.
taiil Gran~oe • t'Jgh~'"Of""W6y r.>J:: •He11111nt for I w11~•r11111iP "1itli tho
nocN11111.1:y. app1.Jrtenanoo1 ovot, through, aoro•• and upon propc:trty
1ltoott>d in KlNO connt.Y, Wa1hfnvt.on genonlly knicMn,aa Renton Iii.Vb
Sc:'l't$10l NO, H ~1tlo• A, Ir1ndbe.rq H:lq~ Scl"looll partlcu~,a:rly cluacr-U)(!d
in t:xhltr_it A ho.roto atteehod am u11_dil II par_t baraof by thia·1otb, u11~u
anf:"! dol.if)1tfthd upon the ~p 11,a att~ctiod bont.a untl"t.l"ed "Ren.l.on
IIJ.g)l, Sch~ol No, ~ t-·t1ter111ah1. f.1'se1nont Hap, Ki~-Covnty .wat-.ttr Oi11trict
'l'ho 111id Oi;Dntii-. 11h11Ll haya tho cl9ht ~ithout p(foJT
1n,.t1t1.1t;jon of 11ny.~uit or.· prac•~.1p,g •t tw, lit timu aa m&y bo
n.:,cu1u.11ty,. t.o antt>'i" upan &11id proparty. (o~ th~ pVr'PCllle ·cf C0~111ttuc:t~
~nsr, ropai~_ill'J., nltorJn,:i or r•c:oh,tructi~ •t1Jd ~ator~in or ·JTllklny
any-_ •-Oftllac.t!On" tharowith, ·without. incu.1:-dnv. ,11ny l~U c'bUqathm
nr Uu,UJty tho.re.for: ptovJd,00. t11ni:.,1nQh c0im1truo~fl\9, n~n~J"ing!
.nlt"adn,f or ro~onJitr1.1Ctiong ot oei_d ~•termaln 1hall .bu acia_ti10.pU.,h•d
, ,:-:--~-'"'",,.-~-:;--,.,,. ...... '!'" .... ·.-;a·-,, ... ..,,. •• ,.,.,._--:-•••---,-.---..,.,., ___ .. ,.. __ _ . -.-,; "'.':'":""'"~"'>'".~0r<!~-.~ •-...-:,-· -r -~,,.. -; ·•••·•:;-~.-I>
J11 11u.:11 a ~an(lll"r theat thf prJVat, improv111on~1 oxbtiA\l ln U'!t•
1··1ht-,:,f-·oy slidt not be d.hturbed_ or .deatroy.d, nc Jn tha cv•nt
!.11}" "n· •iil'lt_"urbet.F -::or das,troyed, t:ILoy w:lll be replaced In as 9ood
,1 t'?11t!it i•J11 II.ti tht-y muo i111mo1Hately b11for• thllfll propurty wara en~ored
; . ') r/,•• ,C::/llltULl,
' ,•:1r.,· .,,,1f, 1-:· !-1:v.: ,,S' s111rl ui.o_ does not !nt_er!t.·:'~ .,•.ith Utu
;,L''r, l' ·.: ;.:,' 'll,:1f>i:1'1Ct.• :r tho W.ll°..Crtn!IIJII ilru'I llllw' l'!"lng B6 n::·
·~"•· •,,• :, ;• · ! ·u.,r 1:-!:Cl i:"c.:1"l!E'1.:; arl..l L~r(!ctc.od ('Ill i:,11 irl fi'1SO ..,.!nt,
. ',';',Ua~~·_.:-.
\ "I ,• ·• •••• ~-• • •
I, ,. ·•" ~-.·
. ,, .. ·' ~' ...-, ...
·:·. ·. j.·-::-. ~; .. ,
•. ,.,. ..... ,1 ,Jl.~11 )),, I.I .!O'lt!nMll l."!llllllll<j with ti,C, 1a.11<l
.1.I .·: .r:
'l"f ~ ••• / ...... ------~------~ .•. , •. ......i:.
~n'!:l.nr.;11 .. -.r rte L~,.u·e
-? -
·'---·-·· ---·---· ..
, ,.--:Af:'·;;1,•·'~-~-... -.-... """'-·--.w"-"'-~ ... , ....... , "E"· ·'"·"··"",."'"· ,.._ ~-"·'"'·-"'"'"'~-"""~~---~··-~~!"..,.. .. ~,,. .. ~~.~~·-"":; . .,., .. ·'.
..... -.-1·, ·• -· •1•• J
CID tlllo toy ,--11.r •-ed l>etoro • Bw{•"': k//.,
Ni'· j,J,z1 ,a . to -kDIIIMI to be tMI ,re1ld~t· ot. th• ...,
llafff 1-' .. IP'flllr,' DI t'he lard of IIUfOI ICBOOL DSlftlCI' IK> •. 401:t
th• c_,....tlee U1t.UN11t:., the witb~ W foN9otn, i~at:Juinent..
Mllf NbOWl~ .. th• HJ.d tftltrWNnt t.D ha tha lrH and vot~ury
lot. Md deed tor the ~·H di PU'pm.•• t't!•r•in Hn~,i.cned, and on oath
1tatedl t.hat· thay we,:• •'11:~orlaect to anoute 1aid inatr,u:nent, and tht!
ta•l a!!i_.., th1reto i• tho corpor1t• •••1 o! ,,i4 corporatiQn, . . . ,,. . . .•;
WJlfNUI 9f'/ hind and oft!oil~ Hal thi~• .i. ·day of /'..r,~ ·1
. --····--·-· ···-· ...
Bota,y 1' .. liu in ,11id for t -. sttte
ot: Wath~ngt0/1, re1idJ..i:t,9 at · ,t>. · ;, '.r
,~.~ ..
A atrip .,t land 15 leut in width the «nterUn• of.
,..hn:h ,a tlKl' t:antor t ina "lot tho ~" 'Wllter"8,n, ·•• iq~~,u . .o,
:1.1 i:.! r.<tutor lint! ··'appr0>ri mat j.JKJ·, "thO. {Ol lc.til\ll~ rte,c:ribod
lfoc, "to..;..H.1
1.lt.~1.trnt.!11:1 ;,t_ tho fillot'thlt'G•t cornu.r of the south.ad J/4
·-~· -i.,., N ftl.,·~,n 1,..,1 .-..f ,wc1 .i":.11 Z". -r:"""1u1hlr 21 ;.·ru~:
t.,1.iJ··· • ...:nst , i,, •• 'l.:
'J'l,on,.-,. oi~m.h1.1rl\' .. 10-n•J t,ht" w,u1t U.r.1t.:t ":It ui11 ~.,1.1tti~~at
•• : J l "t't !
·,·1t· ,-.(,•1:c,•1 ·" 1i11111, l•l,IIZ Lt>IJI 1 · ."I 1•'>i1tt ~r.
•:. -~ttt : ,,11,t -~:....,.,1y I l:ltitl: ,,\.dlltlt• ~outhl.'l111l whjch 1.11
, • ~:1t 1 h, .. · 111n i11,1:
• ,11: •· ;.' ' I··., ::111! •
: .• 1'l,
,,; ~ 1, ~ I I • .~,!
·,, a,.' .·l. • ! 1 .t":' I:. Ifill, j ,,I l. 1 ••••'
' "' :,·,·1:
•,., I I ,.• •·:J"r
''I· !• !'' ;
., ... ,
., ... , 1 ,' f, .• ,.
i,., I ' I ,~u,•
.. 1 ,t, . , ,,, l ,. r . u: ·,·
,,.,.• ,,.1,·'.. I•. H,-.il ;., "'·"' :.,
I ,. , I I -.:,.11' : ~ I 111
',a·,1 ; •:, I••!_. •'~•'I: I \>':• I, 114
1,XhliJ!'f A
·""-.,..-.i, ot. df!ot. ....... -..... __ .. u -IIJ .loit .,... ·• , .... .,._, ..
lutoli.,1 1a tllo· flold, ' .
Al•o atr:lpe o1· 1.uc1 15 feet. ta w&.ftll, the ...tfl'11D•
of -• of ""ldl 11 tllo ·-•11• fif -..-pii,N; ·oo
l"'U~lod, Aid -oi.-UIIOo lwl~ pl~ "'""" .. l,oro-
o~or llldil'"t"I •-1••,... t1'o· foll"""" ••-illod u.,,.,, to~itJ .
PrOII hint. •Ai., llorth 5~•25 1,12• lalt, Hl:-00 ffft
(6• pf.ptJJ
Pren Point "•~. soQth 4l"57 1S1• lllet:, '1.9Q.~f"t
{8~ pJ_\"' I 1111 oootln.!!l'eo oo ti\, -,,..t~ H ,_
(4~ pl.,PI) to,etbu:Wlth. an ddt~tcnal 1trlp ot lud
10. ta.t !,:1 w~ -ti,) and 10 t••t bfyond • .C"' w.1tt111: •t!',:,
u h}'"-ll•d tn.tht, ti~l~,
.Prom .Poi~t 11 c 11 ,ll'orth s:z•40.~2111 ... t to 1'),00 f.-t be-
y!)nd detaotor ~heok vau~t, •• i'l't,lled iD field/
lrOl'I PailJt~ "D!', SOI.I~.~ 2a• Mi '48" IHt, 68,00 '411t
(6•, ~f")'
hOIII Poi9i •a•, Noith 73•1~·os .. w .. t, a1,2e fntr
"l't,J1nCil Korth B6•01 1 2s• 1111:at, u1t,BIJ :r .. ts
-· •·
I '
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i ,.
I',; .
··-.' ··1,:,ZUllA,;l,ftlM UC&U . R/W·~"'
· Corporate ·Form · . . . t2•a
i,ia rr,ntor ... din,tn .. ~-· ._L~--~~~--~ .. -~~~--~-!l:.~.~-~~··~ -~ h.~.~~-~1., ....
..... . r.oo11o.,.t.1;..t,., .. ,UP1'.~.1!1.AI. ... QIIUl;t !Q,.•ri
tor tht "'"'""'•lion of. /li.~Te!A:I.. ... ./1.ii.N.t;..h[ ... . .. Ool!.n
and i.l1i> ot lienifilt to ac1:ru1 to .. . .... , ... by ffRWh i,f layl~f ~ut 1111d r~tqhli1hinJ H µublit! road
through..... · .p~operty,_ 111,fi-'A·htch 1,·h~ttfn&~tt'; Jr,trlhf:d, 1.'·onvey .... , r~ita:te .... , and quit-daims.d
io the County"oL ·xum ... Stale ot Wa~hlnJ.lOII·, for U9e or i.1,e -Public
forenr, aa.·a ptibllc ~d ,·nd-hi#h~iY, All lnterut in th"e folloWlng dtJ1t'rlbed ~f'al.ed4'te .....
, .. :..., ... ,..., ..,.._ ~·-........ .
~.L. 4
'r.ie Wo.at· ·30 fo8t of thB_ ~E\. o," ,..ha NEJ.,; oi': S,.1Jc.tion ~·a, ~. 23 N ..
R, ~ E.,W.M;.,
C:ont.aininq i1_0, 365 Sq, ft, moro or l.eu
ft/W 128th Ave. S.E. (S.E. 168th wortber.ly)
to,eth,f wllh lhe rllht lo m;,ke nil n~f'111ry 11lr,pci, (orC!.11111 and flnfl upon the 11b11ttin1r prol)Crl;r itnd on
each eid1 Or t11td ,J~erlbetl rfll'ht-of•l"n)', ht fi'.'onformll)' with stnndard pinna and H~cl!lcallom1 tor hhrh·
w11y pur11011111, 11ul ·to the sl\me l'Xtl'tit D.n<l p11rpo11e IUJ iC lhc rlrhbt herr.ln grRnll!ll l1ttd ht!en ·ncc111lretl
by r.1>ndeinn1.Uo11 prM:~e1lhu;t1 1m1h:r J,~n,lnant Oi,maln Mtatutt3_0f lhll Stnte o( \Yn11bln1ton,
·aauated ln lhe Co1mt1 or ... 1u:.1.G. .....• Sl~la Qr \VnahlnJt'lll-
Dated thl11 .... U.tJ.i ... , ....... .t~llY nL .......... ~ .... . ... , A. D. Hi.! ..... .
IX WITX~~,; Wllt-:1n:or .... ,iil • .,.,llllf:tliun·'n~ \11~11hls ltJ!lr1111~1J1 t11 hr to:,;ernrtd hy i111uqter Dfflcrr,
aml 11, cnrporrllt mil 111 llf' hrmmr,1 :tffillrc1 thi& 113th ilav 11! 'li,y. )1)72
"· Counl)' oI IU!m
0n 111b .1.Rtli flay M '4R,, lct7'1 , berMC 111r, ih, 1111dt:r1!911td,
a Soll!)' l'\lblk in and rur lhc!·Slatc o{ \\'nhh,xton, d11Ly wmmll41ontd ;tad 1W4rn, per101L1Jly appurid
.fll. J,. .fahnaon I :;r,, 111d !:h•lJw hlfley
10 IM' known 1o ht ltit Jlre!!~I .and ~1f(a,y1 r~Uwly, <ii
~rtmm SCHnOL DISTl'.tr.T !rt!. 1103
lht «1rpor1tf~n lluil tm:Ultd tht f01~n,i: imt111mtnt, 11kt o1tb01111«1fd lhc .... l111trumml to bt cht f• ~
wl"UPI&')' Kl .1nd dft'd of Mid toiporllliMI, '°' lite 11,Yl •lkl pilpDltl lbtrrln mnll11111d, .aAd Ml oallli atatfd tNf
I !tr!W~ re UK\!~ the Yi4 inlllMMl'II •nd tllal the -affiud II the corpvnt• ...i Qf .aid ~~~ .
•• ~ allidal -1 t.rtto a.181td lhc-day and yw 1 .. tJm cntf~te abcwt wrhltlt..
,,: i /1' .;!. . if.
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an a:ma.:. a:e. ¢ L .3 .o ;u . ;.;. : • .ru ,,,....__:._.., w1..-ra.uaz:
Recording Requested By And
When Recorded Mail To:
King County
Water and Lands Resources Oi\l'ision
Office of Open Space
810Third Avenue, Suite 350
Seoltle, WA 98104
Grantor [Seller): Renton Scboal District No. 401 a WMNncton municipal corpgratioJl.
Grantee [Buyer]: KinR County I oolitical !Wbd.ivision of the SWe ofWMbington.
Legal Description (abbtcviatcd): SI! !4 NE !4, s 28. T.23N .. R.lJl, Ir B. Fabwood l'Jd< Qiv 9.
As,essor's Tax Parcel Ill#: Pip!, 247338-1320-01 282305-9041::07, 282305-9093-0S.
Project (Area]: Soos Cn:ek Trail North.
Parcel ["]: 26 lhrough 29.
This indenture, mode thi1 .l.V' .day of 1:?ut=lo.sr 19 "it, , between Renton School
Di&tricl No. 403, a Woshiflston municipal corporation, 0111110, and King County, a poliical
1:t11~ivi-111;N\n nfthr. StAte '1fWaAhinston. Grantee:
WITNESSETII, that Orantor, in <0nsideratiori of mlltual benefits noceipt and sufficiency of
which,.. hereby acknowlcdsed, and the benefits which will occn,e to the land of Orantot by the
exercise of the rights herein grantod, do hereby convey and Quit Claim unto the Gnntee, its
successon and assigns, an eaacmcnt tor a public non-motorized tnil for pedestrian and bicycle
use over, throogh, •lol\B and across that emain parcel of land situated in King County,
Washington described as lollows:
Toe Eut 60 feet of the North 4W feet of the Southc:ul quarlct of the Northeast quarter of
Section 28, Township 23 Noith, Range 5 East, W.M .. in Kma County, Washingtoo.
Toe l!as125 feel of the Southco,! qUlllter of the Northeast quarter of section 28, Towmhip 23
North, Range 5 Eas~ W.M .. In King COunty, Washington;
EXCEPT the North 480 feet thereof.
Troct B, Fairwood Parle Divi•ion "9, ac:oording to the plat thereof nooordcd in Volume 88 of
Plats, page 30, rooords of King Coonty, Wulrington
TOGETIIER WITH the right to make all noce,sary slopes for cull and fill, upon the said
casament, oo each side of thulid trail which is now, or may be conmicted hcrelft&r upor, Bald
propeny, in conformity with S1andard plans and specifilllllions for said 1'1111 and lo the same
setro-26.e,11.clo<' h'lelof2 Dace.tier ? , I 9H
,,.,, . "'
extent end purposes as If the rights herein gninled had 1-1 acquimf· by condannaticn
proceedings under eminml domain staMos of the Slate ofWashlnpn.
IT IS IIIVTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD that this euemcnl has been oonveyed
nnd accepted for public non-motcrized pedestrian and bicycle llllil and that in the event of
abandoranen~ va<:alion or ielncatlon of lhe lmnlp011alion conidor, the right, and int....., in the
above dos<ribed lnnds Iha! arc herein conVeyed, ""eq,ting those that pertain to utilitieo, ,hall
revert to the Granton, tlleir heirs, wccaso,s and assigns. Deslen ofthe lnfl wlll be ped'onned
by the Oranleo with the coopen,lion of Grantor to allow for exponolon of Grantor's adiledo field.
IN l_'VJTNESS WHEREOF, the ,aid Oranlor has esecuted this lllllJWDelll lhl1 \ \ t~ day
Of l)L.u-,...\.L-19....!18...
ORANTOR: Ren1on School Distrkt No. 403, a Wuhin~ municipal co,ponlllcn
BY: ~~ ... Jl),.t,""ro3
Oepanment of Natun,I Resoun:es
Coun!Y o!K.ing
I hmby cel1ity lhal J mow or have 111iofidn<y ovidenoe !hot
~I,,~ ., s ~ t:. ,,..,s: isiare tho peraoo(I) wbo appearec1
beforo mo. nnd Aid a) ICblo\Ylodpd Iha! ha lienod 1h11 11181Nment, on Dllh sta(od
that _he_ ls/BR aulhorued to exocutc the -lruilnmu:nt and IOl<ilowlalaed ft II tho
<:..... .-.,,, ,.1 =--"--C ofRonlonSchoolDiabiotNo.403tohelhehe
iiiif vdrlDlllly act of IUCb party for the wos ond purposes meotioned in this DllllrUDICIII.
Dated: 1 , 't).. .. 'i. B
'J .'. i, I ...
and tbr the Stile o!Washin&ton,
residing II t "">o, :::.t;::
My appoinbn111l apims ~ • ( (,., 2 &
DtcUNr .,, lHI
. .
Recording Requested By And
When Recorded Mall To:
Waler and Lands Resourees Division
Office of Open Space
810 Third Avenue, Sui!< 3SO
Sealtle, WA 98104
This addendum, mado lhis -1£....day of f)~11BU-19 .11_, bdwam Renton School
Dialricl No. 403, a Wuhington municipal corporadon, Granlor and King Coumy, a polidcal
subdivision of Ibo Stale of Washington, Grantee, and amends the Podeslrien and Bicycle Trail
Easement (the "Easomonl') between the partica dated Doc:cmber II, 1998:
The Grantee agrees th,~ al the time of development of the Sooa Creek Regional l'nlil pumumt
lo the terms of the Easemen~ it will oonstrucl a standard parks rm.cc aklng the margin of the
Easement area with lockable saics at sllldent crossing poims to be determined by Gmnlor.
Oranteo will be ,olely responoible for malntenance of the Easement .....
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Gtanlee has exec:utecl this illSl!Umelll this / ( day
of /}p_<4t(,...L 19 'fr .
GAANTEE: Kin11 Couni)'
Pam BissoMdte, Director
Department of Natural Resources
I certify thal l know or have satisfado,y evidence lhst PA?i l,,s,,,,..,.1"# is the
penon who appesred before me, and said person acknowledged that z..he sijplCICi tltl,
in strum en~ on oath shlted thst ~ he is authorized lo OJ<ecula tho insbwne:nt and a<knowlod&od
it as the Diro<lor, DepartrnOtll of Natural Resources of King County to be the
lteo and voluntary aOI of such party for lbe ...., and purposes mentioned in the inatrumont
SIii<: ofWashinston
Reoiding al 4.rr,tl, ,,; A
My appointment expimi ~ 't.--
· 1i111111111111
SOOS CR& 25000620
PAGia~: v=i iAS 23.9' ~l,flc ees tz:12 . TY 1 IJA
Page 1 of 5
.~·····-: .. : •••. :.
/ i:-.:
.i-" t :<'
,,~:/ Easement No. 28-23-5-W1023
Y / / \.VHEREAS, the District requires an easement for (check those that apply)
i" . ,l ./ .--.<,·············:, \,::..•·3·· ~ \ / · / 'D Sanitary sewer llne and appurtenances
\,,, · ...... ~···"_,/ / ./""';, ./~--,··'"·•Wa!er malp .. a1:1g appurtenances
, .. ,, .. ,,,/ _./ ,./// ,/_, ... '}' j' /tl' [!' , ......... ; __ ·
aero~ qra~to~s P9'1P~,1 a ~J!?ri mo?i ~e_eclfically described herein below; and
··,,:; ~. ·:. l .:, .:· ;; f •"•:i t ":ii
W':f ~FJ~AS, ~n~r ~,,~,e lo ·~,"1f1:~al property and Is authorized to grant and
corwey this easement 19· th~'Olst1/bt. .. I i ·\,,
/ .l } .l"-...J/ l'
NOW, THERE~Ql?E, ln,ion51td!!"tl~ 9t·m~~µm of qi\epollar ($1.00), and other
good and valuable conslaera~on Ip hand pa.Id, rece1pt9f wht_h,,is hereby acknowledged,
and In consideration of the ·1p~i:f6rqrange .6y tt.te'J)lstrlct,..t>f.)he covenants, terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth-;" G~.ant9t ~erE!PY grai:ijs, .t:onveys and qultclalms to the
District the Jollowlng easement: · -.,,./ ,'. I ,. / / .. , ..... -.... ,.,,,.,, .f,,,.
• /f'l/o:;..._1,,, \ •:, ...... ·;:\~. ,.{ :./ .::-:~. ~ .... ,,. ''\ ,/' '?
Tl}'al poi'tlqn of the above-descrlbed't~al prw~ fart~ec11escrib~ aifol.lbws:
./ . ~ \\, '<1111,~,.I"" ./· ./" // >111,,.,,,~l }" ;{,: /."/
,A strJp'Qf lari'd 1 o feet In width lying 5 feet on''elt!;ler 61d~ontie f9ilowln1idescrlbed
/ centerline: li ... [ \.,,-··· / / /
/.{ C // / } • • ..... \•\•,""~···:;· ./_i' /r /'
/ ~glnnlng at l~-n9rthwest comer of the southeast quartet. of't!Jti n¢rtheast
./ 4\J~.tter of,,,salt'l Sect!°'" 28; Thence southerly along the wesr1111~ ofsald
.,., southeast ~uarj.er,J OQ,43 feet; Thence South 86°00•05• East, 30.02 feet to a
'\polnt __ 91'1 t}1'e ~t jfghfof-,ay,pf 1281h Avenue SE; Thence South 86°00'05"
East, s,ia.sa;'leev, Th$nee Sout~ 35°34'18" East, 466.44 feet; Thence South
37°19'33'!, EEi'st,,·291¥~ fe~~-Jhen.c~ South 52°40'27" West, 7,5 feet to the
point of BE1~lnnin9,6tsaifcei\iterµ,n,i28!lcrlptlon; Thence South 52°40'27"
West, 30.00·fe.eHo ~ termlnuS'ofsakl ~terllne description.
~ \1"'· ;=' .l f''\.
Refer to easement dQCUm~rttRe6or_d' No[BE!,40903.,. records of King County,
Washington. ·•·, .... ,~ .. ··/ / (.)/ _/·· /; />""·.,\
1. DISTRICT'S USE OF PROPERJ'Y. ,,Sald.,asem.erifiJs fodfiEi··purpose of Installing,
constructing, operating, lnspecllng, maihta~ing;' ":l'inoyin~{rep.ai{ing, feplaclng and using
gravity and pressure santtary sewer m'alhs1 manh~,e~.' aod/qr water., llnes and
appll_rtenances thereto includlng all valves and f!fa,,!jidlWllsJthefilfa.¢1.!lfies•), tci~!)ther with
the nonexclusive right of Ingress to and egress from salcl .p!)rtiQh of· ~ranto:l"{l p~pp~rtY. for
the foregoing purposes. .. .. ,.} .:' , .. .-" p ... '•·· _: .-.-/ ,._,
< ... /· i ( .. ,.::::::·<//'.'.:.: ' ,, ""/ / '·,<· / +;}.f5 Page2of 5
.. f /r
··~ .•• ;._./-.. .~ Fi
. ""'~ .. ::~. ;_;
,· Easement No. 28·23-5-W1023
.\' / .,· )."
, / 2./ /.1:JSE OF PROPERTY BY GRANTOR. Granter shall retain the right to use the
; . ,/ ~rf~ce.:i:>flhe easement If such use does not Interfere with installation or maintenance of
'.,, ·· ,, ..... · }1e···1a9ilj~es .. ,Granter shall not erect buildings or structures of a permanent nature; shall
\,. / n.ot ln,starn'any_:oth~t-11:!)provements Including trees, large shrubbery, or ferices; and shall not
'""••, ..... ~-··; ciha1;1ge jii.rrf~C!}'{lrade's,,. excep) .. as.~pproved In advance by the District, in any manner
/whjch \:'!OUl.d ,1Inre;;t59.na~ly jl)lerferEt/with Ingress, egress and access by the District for
· 1n;rtall{'lliorf ~nd/~'f n.brm.~I /1ialn~nf1nc;~ .. Q(. the facilities. Such buildings, structures or
lmprorl:ltJ)'81lls i,r,m bji' de~~d an -~IJ.~r;o'achrpep!. upon the District's. rights, and Granto'. shall
be oblfgated,to l'i!lllOV~i1u911 Bl)P,f;qlichmjiAls,111 ~rantor's expense. Further, the provrslons
of Paragraph,,1 here?( as,,fo r~sfm:~tlon \h~lh1pt apply to any such encroachments in the
easement area,,,.,.f.!r6vld~d. l)bweyer, Qi" fenges may be constructed which provide gate
or other access approyed lf.1' adviin~··tfy.,the,,Dlstrlct ._ ·:~:.... /" .. t .! _,.: ./ ,..., .......... ,:,~. ./·:..,) "'
3. . RESTORATION Ai:TE,R O!i'iG,NA{ 9()NSTR0PTI~., /f=or original construction,
Granter's propem-: wlll be resfur_!d tq::·a cp~~itlop-·a\. gopcl !fS,..Q'r better than it was prior to
the entry by the District. Where·po~slb!ii, pho}Ograpt\$ wJR be taken prior to construction
to assure !~e complete~SS of restoration.( Fl~~~J8StOrf\~On,Shi;ltfril:lha1qe, as appr,optlate,
sod replasem~pt In existing lawns, hydros~dll'ig lll)ll')lmPfOVet!,,a,@,~s. ~nd r~Ja;i'ltlng or
replacem!!lnt of Ei~stlng shrubs and bushes, w11,~ .. SOCJ'I wllf n~tl.lQ~~:Pm\bly jntetiere with
the Dlstplcl's .use of,,the easement. Fences, rocr«irle~ an.d cpncrete, asp!,ial\,ansJ/or gravel
drlve~~s ¥Jfql d~ not unreasonably Interfere with lhEi,Pi~rlctJs"filje o~th~' ea,¢ement will
be repalr~ll or,.: replaced. Large trees that exist wlthin\thE!'•·e!iserr;fent a~a may be
perr¢me9fly relno\'.&d during original construction unless ottierw1S9 nQte9''ln \fils easement
document. / / ., .. .,.,.. \ ./ .f /
./·· ·(.. ,... .. / ~·{ ... ,,,'' -~~:·,··:. i:,:,r :f.~ :/'·
4>,,. · Ai:STOf.t'y.r10f1"fTf;R MAINTENANCE. If Grantor's proper1y·1sii:flsturbed by the
malntenance,,femovlil, repait; or replacement of the facilities, the District shall restore the
easemer'lf"11rea ,to if cqt'ld~[i>r:vas gooq as or better than It was prior to entry for such
purpose by the bistnct~ / / , .... ,, :'
",;\:. • /" ./' ./'' !\;.. ff ./'·•,~,v~,:
5. ATTORNEY'SJ.EES. II)' case iil:ilt.or at:llon.Js commenced by either party, or their
successors and/or assigog; to'eof9.rce (:Thy /igh¢ u~e,r this easement, or regarding an
encroachment on the easei¥\.!:lnt, In ~d/llo1}'to cpst~'pr:Ov1'jed by statute, the substantially
prevailing party shall be entltledto·'an,awl!fd qt attoroey'~J~,Jn such sum as the Court
may adjudge Just and reasonable. ;:_ \" ... .:" · ;/ ./ ::'""•,. t .... --.......
6. EASEMENT TO BIND succ~SS()As/· thls,iasJment..ls ~rmanent and shall
terminate only upon agreement of the partles-:t1erEjfo, ,~air !i'u~rs .li(]µ/onisJ,lgns. This
easement, during Its existence, shall be a covenapt rurlnlng ytilh the' land ari'd. shall be
binding on the successors, heirs and assigns of the p~ieefhefeto,// . <~) :j ./"'·-,,.
I •S• . .?," / )" ,( • /'•;.,·.\.::: f :./ .t\,,N.,,, .. ,.
7. EXEMPTION FROM EXCISE TAX. The District Is a·.JJWnfCIP~.1 q~rp.gf~tlon with \ /""'"7
powers of eminent domain. This easement Is granted for a public purpose,,,. Tl'ie Q'ls~lct / ,/''• /
,.,,.,........,. .. ..,.., .. , ,.,,...,..,.., Page 3 of 5 \,,,,,,,"_., ... / .:" . ,,;! .. :i'/_.> /',,)''
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Easement No. 28-23-5-W1023
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Page 4of 5
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FILE, r,\t2\64l\DWGS\ESMT PAGE 5 OF 5
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•\.,, ,, t-/
EASEMENT NO. 26-23-5-W1023
Tax Parcel ID#:
Page 1 of5
_ ... , . ./,,,:::.,:.,:::;,
-R .• _./f }·/·· /·····-:,:, ..... .
""" -~{ ./' )'
,,· .f ~/· Easement No 28-23-5-W1024
l' :..:
./ ./ -~
/ i // ~.H~.~EAS, the District requires an easement for (check those that apply) t ·.:~:::.,,/ l i . ·:.
'\ ,/ / .(""; '·b Sanitary sewer line and appurtenances
"':~... , ... ,· ,::· / ;'! ::' ........ ,., •• _ •
...... ~·· ,/ / /' / J8J . w•terma11fan«;t appurtenances
·\,,,,/ _,,./ .,.//··· /,,/":) } /"'/ <:i /''"'~,..,,.
acro~.~ra;r,to~~-pfu~.lrtioat a..1~on,1u/1ryfsyeclfically described herein below; and
\ / / /"',';>' l ~-!j. ·\. l''
W~ER~_9/Gr~tor;,ha_s.~le IQl~p~'real property and is authorized to grant and
conveythrs easementfo II.le D1stncfl/ /
{ ,/ ./ l ./ / ..... ,,~' f;:, __ _
NOW, THEREF~RE,.)ri c9nsi{e~rlqrl'ofthe's1,1m ot,!>~i Dollar ($1.00), and other
good and valuable considerij_tio~in,~an.d paid,;ec.eiP! of)lil_Hlch is hereby acknowledged,
and. !n consideration of the ·p.trfotmafic,e br'the\~.!iit~&t ~f the covenants, terms and
condrtlons hereinafter set forth, Gl:<!!ptor, hefeby gran~. c;on\'..8YS-{!nd quitcl~ims to the
District th,,{£IIOWing easement: ... \ °'···"<,. / / ,/ ··,\,. /''r'•·
/ ··=::,,. ·:~ l':" ._:" ,/ ~': ..... ,. ... ·.~~;. ·,;. }I; .•
That portio,n of the above-clescribed'feal·property furtt'ii!l'l"delcril;\eq,,,s .r:illows:
./ ,,/'\._ ·;: .( / / _. .•••.• ~·-i: / / .. / .
. / A sfrip},f 1,nd 15.00 feet In width lying 7.50'1eef on';,tliU'fer $Td1/o(the following
, .• /' ~t'e'sc~jed /~n_t:'.~ine: \ •.. , .. , .. / .,/ .. // //
/ .{l3egihnlng atihe Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter 9f th.e Northeast
,;,,_ ql:l'arter.ofisald.S.ectfon 28; ·,,,J
'\,\ Then,o6 ¢outJierly al~ng !\'!.t West line of said Southeast quarter 100.43 feet;
· ··"J'f1etice Sot,dh 86°0P'Q.S" Ea~. 30.02 feet to a point on the East right-of-way %!~~t~:u:::}:~5t''E~t. :fe,i~~~-feet;
Thence Soul;b.35"3.4'1P" Easti,faf~6.4f fe~!_;
Thence South 36°39'2.:}" .i;;ast, 294. 70 feyet:\
Thence North 54°64•49;··Ea!,I, .1,5~ffeef:"to thejlQ!nt of Beginning of said
centerline descriptlon;,.,,_, .. , .. / .! / / / / ,,..;.,......... .
Thence North 54°04'49" Easf; 15!0Q.ieet:lo)he termlri~s 9f said centerline
description. '· .. • .,.. ... ";; ,;.,, ...... ,,_
·:: .......... ,·· .. ·,·.,:· .. .. .. ,. -~ .:· -: £: / ,..,~ ,•,
Refer to easement document Record.Ng: 6£?409!)3, /ec¢rdS:·b~.Kl11§,,9ounty,
• Washington. . . ·\,,,/' // .,,/ // _/'°;/' .,:;;:·\ ·.,\ t·,, .....
1. DISTRICT'S USE OF PROPERTY. Said easefneht 1,·ro~,t~e pµrpOse of liistal~ng,
con~ructlng, operating, 1nsp?cting, maintaining, rElmovlng, f~p.61ring.fre~ia9~~;1ind'il"sin§:,, F"""T
gravity and pressure sanitary sewer mains, manholes · arll;l/or .. Wat~r ,:'lln!'lt\,and:: ,t,,,, i
Page2 of5
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t~. ~:(/
.. '
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.. ,,·
.•. ( / ·'
Easement No 28-23-5-W1024
agp1J~nances thereto including all valves and fire hydrants (the "facilities"}, together with
ttie ,~on.eimlusive right of ingress to and egress from said portion of Grantor's property for
\ \,./· }hiforegolnii,purposes.
\1. ,/' / /''"''\ ;·
'',,,.,..., ... ,/ i. ./ USE .OF.,·PROPERTY BY GRANTOR. Grantor shall retain the right to use the :,,,..,. . .. .. ,. _,. •:. ...~ ... .i sutface:'of tfi~·easement If supfi tis~·does not interfere with Installation or maintenance of
'\Jh~ fagl11ti9~/ Gr,an!9r s~alf'n'ot ~r.¢1 buildings or structures of a permanent nature; shall
n'i>t i?StaJ'a,iiy qther,,lm~?eme~ts l~pf0'1lll'lp tre~s, large shrubbery, ~rfences; and shall not
changf)/suifa~ 91'adf!.S, .:ixcept!~s;apP,_~~··•r advance by the District, In any manner
which wour~ urireaspha\lily il,lte'efere ~ti U).9ress, egress and access by the District for
lnstallatlon ~~/or .. ,riorrrial i:tialn'll3nan<;Ei ..o(ttfe facilities. Such buildings, structures or
improvements w1fl be \f~erpM a.~' en,~hn)mt upon the District's rights, and Granter shall
b(l obligated to remo~, s~th e9cro,ch91en)l3 aJ.Gr.1[!tor's exl?9'lse. Further. the provisions
of Paragraph 4 hereof as to ~!i)sto,atlqh sp-aJknot apfXY. to aizy ~ch encroachments In the
easement area. Provided, hQwe;ier Jharfrefice~m?Y l:!e c9.n!itt'tlcted which provide gate or
other access approved In advar.lce,iby _!fieiDis,trict.\ .. ,. / / ·•\
~~-···:: .. /' :f f •h.v ./r ./' l"', ... ·"'1v,i1,1., ;;,
3. R~l;,ORATION AFTER ORl~INA_L C0N~!R!JC90tf. For oii"lnal qoh~ruction,
Grantor't prope!,fy will be restored to a C<i~~itlon r goocf as 01',b§~r ft;!an Jt'w11s prior to
the entry by the Dlstrict Where possible, pho'legfap)'is will be't~ken-prlorto tor)$truction to
assur1the p'ogiplajeness of re!l«lration. Final resto~tian $hal(.ineh,1de,,as J!ppf{>priate, sod
rep!~cem~ht f~ e)j,lsting lawns, hydroseeding in urillnp~veij.afea$; ~nd /eplanting or
repli:foell}!:lnt ¢ ex~tlng shrubs and bushes, where such wiHnot U!')ll*,ISQ~ab,ly interfere with
th1,{Dlstrlct's,,6se pf t~.e..Q~semenl. Fences, rockerles, and conc~t~;· ajph~t and/or gravel
q;lv~ys Whiclfdo'not lil'l~asonabiy interfere with the District's us!;J,''of !J'le easement will
be,. repafl'ed o/ fEipia~p. \Large trees that exist within the easill'l\dnt area may be
pefinenentl~/eifiovf1<1 dprin,g orig!Q.~11 construction unless otheiwise noted in this easement
doculll'ent:' i' ) i' :: ,/' ··•,,,. ·
~ :.f. ,/ / ./ '\•,
4. RESTO~TION,.At,;fEFfMAJ.Nl1El)fAN.CE. If Grantor's property Is disturbed by the
maintenance, rEirii!illilal{repair/or re~lace.fnept ofJ!'e facilities, the District shall restore the
easement area to a condition M good· as:-··or l)efttir than it was prior to entry for such
purpose by the District. \. .,... '\. f / / f /-, ..
~.1,:,;,,,,,~ .. ,.,,/' ./'. ;'( .:"/ .:/ // :.?>······,·,:.
5. ATTORNEY'S FEES. In case sulfotJ1ctltin Js commenced by either party, or their
successors and/or assigns, to enfofl;e a!lY rlw\ts:'unr;fe°r'!hls ~as13ment, or regarding an
encroachment on the easement, in addltf!,)'il tq'cqsts provJileg-tiy statute, the substantially
prevailing party shall be entitled to an awan:Fo(iattqfney.'s ft;iesJn sric~-sam.._as the Court
may adjudge just and reasonable. \,,,,f .f / / / .,,/ · \,
• ; : f fl ~~. \ :~
6. EASEMENT TO BIND SUCCESSORS. This.'e~el}ienf)i P~tm~hent and:A1haJI
terminate only upon agreement of the parties hereto, their sub~sprs ~,~-~'.~r,'~-~/g~~?;hiii'} /'/, .. "/
\\,,,............ .: .,· -' .i' (;,
Page 3 of 5 tfjt,1~·./ ·1,:~ /
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·' ,,· .>' ./·
Easement No 28-23-5-W1024
.F l .-
/. e~s~m.ent. during its existence, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be
i qlhglng}bp,the successors, heirs and assigns of the parties hereto.
'\: .. ,,I''/ ,t' / -~-11· \.
;, ./7/ /'E-~E~PTION FROM EXCISE TAX. The District is a municipal ccrporation with
",.,,_ .. ,/ poi,yers Qf eri,il'),ent·dQi:i,aln. This easement is granted for a public purpose. The District
''"·"--· /shall h~i:l q'rljlfltor hann!ess fr,om"f!w Imposition or payment of any excise tax based upon
{th.6 coriveya.ficef§ffbis ea~errtJ
' ''" ,<_ }/ [ l' // / ~~ 7 ~~ .. / ' '"'')" p,.,,,, -n._
IN ':'XITNE$~ WRERJlo_F; w1n¥e set.~'ur,~s and seals this 11 day of
~? .,· f i ;; 41),yq. ~~ ./ }~ / /·-4"' / )';
Renton School Dlstricf No./403/a llflmlc1pafCorP9«1tion '
··· ... J // ,,,,/ ,/ .. //·/ \,,.
President --., . ..,. -·· ·" ., /'"'''.I·· ~e~oi'~et~aiy~·~-,.!!::!:~:::::::=::__
STATE QfWAl?HINGTON) (.,,/ { {_., •• ,,, .. ··: .• ///.,(·:~~::···\\ ,,,/'; cou17{1 i= ,,,_/(/(?/) //
on,lhis .,/Jti}~ d9~ of ~f>Ac , i~,-?b161;l ,'~ personally
aA15eare.d .,iQa.lo~·-.. ~ka~ (and) "·, i ,. ; '
t~(me'ikQ.own 1~"j1liti,e ~sident and Secretary, respectively, ot:ij_sNTON SCHOOL
OISJRICT NQ:'4!)3, ~·Mµnfcipaf Corporation, the ccrporation ''ihat executed the
fore~.('IJl 11).Sltu,fienf. aryJ aqknQW!edged said Instrument to be the free and voluntary act and
deed ofsald cowo$tiQl'l, fqt Y'i~ usei~d purposes therein mentioned. '
~ ·:!,.,./~ i' l .. ,. ;:
WITNESS my hiiod ancf,<lffi~ia!,''~~l.!1$tciaff)xed the day and year above written. ·t,""'" ...... ,... ,. ( •,,,;, ./ .. ;,;.-.,_
,,,,,111111111,,,~ ·;. f"4d _ · J
~'\._S":,,M. IJ~ ' ,~ ,$-~r._~~f;~ tt9TA~f P.tlB: C lrf and f\fr t~~J~tate of Washington
ffe-'"f~~oTAlfi,'t,r~ ~~!;~~~~i~iol~~~,:~~~1.g. 13, ..loo r,, ~~.;;:;; ~!ii °"··.,.,"'.(./',. / /' ) ,·"•-\ '>-;·;;;..'w'~i\~~I' .1 .,, /' ) / •• .,,-···"""···· .. ,.
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nu:, F: \12\663\0WGS\ESMT PAGE 5 Of' 5
EASEMENT NO. 28-234-W1024
' ' ' ''" ,---...!
,· ·: ...
Return Address:
City Clerk's Office
City of Renton
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057
C SC Pleaseprintortvneinformation WASHINGTON STATE RE· ORDER' over Sheet (RCW 65.04)
Document Title{s) (or trans,ctions contained therein): (all areas applicable to Y""' docDmeTII mDst be filled in)
I. Ordinance 5327 2.
(Benson Hill Annexation}
3. 4.
Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released:
Additional reference #'s on page _ of document
Grantor(s) (Last name fin! name, initials)
1. · Ci!)'. of Renton ' 2. ' .
Additional names on page_ of document
Grantee(s) (Last name firs~ then first name and initials)
I. Ci!)'. of Renton ' 2. •
Additional names on page _ of document.
Legal description (abbJeviated: i.e. lot block, plat or section, township, range)
Sections 21, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 33 in Township 23 North, and Sections 5 and 6 in Township 22 North,
all in Range 5 East
Additional le••I is on """" 5 of document.
Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number D Assessor Tax # not yet as,igned
The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to
verifv !he accuracv or comoletenoss of tho indexin• information provided herein.
I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an additional fee as provided in RCW.
36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otheiwise
obscure some pare of the text on the original d0cument.
---------------------Signature of Requesting Party
WHEREAS, under the provioio"" of RCW 3SA 14. Jl.O .. amended,• peti6on in writing
r<que,ting lhat cort11in temtoljl contiguous to the City of Renton, a, described below, be .....ed
to lhe City of Renton, wu pre.,enled ond liled with lhe City Clerk on or obout Oeeembe,-7, 2006;
WHEREAS, prior to ~ rumg nd elreu la1ion of tho petition for annel<!tion to the City
of Renton. the petitioning ownem notified the Cily Council of their intention to ~cc .such
proee«iinas o., provldod_by law, as more particularly specified in RCW 3SA.!4.120; and
WHEREAS, tho King county Records, E!eeli0n$, and Lieensing Dlvialon """'"ined and
verified 1hc signatures on tM petition for ,-nnexatlon and dclcnnini:d aigna.turcfl ~it. as
provided by Jaw, lnexc<ss of tan percent (10%) o!lhe '"Bbtored voters residing in tho ma to bo
annexed on January 23, 2007; and
WHRREAS, the City Council, aftor duo notico and publl<:olion, held a public meetlog
and paned a resolution on Maioh J2, 2007, aoeeptlng tho 10% Notice ofllllent petidon and
oaiilng for an eleo6on on tho quostton of .......,g approximalely 2,406 acre., into tho City of
·Rontoo; and
WHEREAS, Ibo Ecooomio Devolopmoo~ Neighborhoods ond Strateglo Planning
Oepartment of the City of Ronton having ooneidored and ............ ed tho anncxlng or wd
annexation. l(e., to Che City of Renton; t1nd
· WHEREAS, !he City COwicil having met and adopted ameolution calling fut an cl cotton
onMaroh 12,2007; and . CERT!FICA.Tb . ,, · f '",;,;,,, I, the.WJdersigned City Clerk of the
. ,...i. :,:.-.... :,f,i,l'··,city ofRenton, Washington, certify
"' •• · 'l. o~~-· d ·
~ / .. , • . .. · . :-. , IS ts a tru~ an correct copy of
; t>-,_.,. •,· · •·. '· · 'f,]t{W {Yp_. 53 l7 • Subscribed ' ;. t S E-A L ,_, and ~€day o{ De,e. , 2oi>r
... ·f1 ' ---~-~·4 lt)aJAF
·. ~ ... '. :· /•; ' City Cl~k
WHEREAS, the City Council f,xed October I, 2007, as the time and place for a public
hearing in the Ci1y Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, upon the area and future
zoning for i1, and notice thereof having been given as.provided by law; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said notices public hearings having been held at the time and
place specified in tho notices, and the Council having considered all matters in connee1ion with
the annexation and further determined that all legal requi,ementa and p1ocedures of the law
applicable to the election melhod for annoxatlon have been~; and
WHEREAS, the King County Bounda,y Review Board having deemed the "Notice of
Intention" for the 2,406-acre annexation site approved, as aet forth in ita closing letter issued on
June 23, .2007; and
WHEREAS, the City Council met on July 2, 2007, and passed• resolution Indicating
November 6, 2007, aa its preferred date for an election on 1he quosrion ofwbother registered
voters in tho Benson Hill Communities favor or do not favor annexation to tho City of Renton at
this time;
WHEREAS, on November 6, 2007, the voters in the arinexotion oreo voted to approve
the annexation; and
WHEREAS, tho Comprehensive Plan wu anwnded for tho Benoon Hill Communities
Annexation area as part of the City's 2007 Comptebenslve Plan amendment cycle, and those
amendments a,e being adopted contemporaneowly with the adoption of Ihle ordinance; and
WHEREAS, upon annexation, lhe residents shall accept that portion of the City's
Comprehensive Plan as it pertsins to tho teaitory, including the applicable Zoning Code relating
thereto: and
WHEREAS, the City of Renton will completeprezoning of the non-street portions of the
2,406-aore anno,cation site R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, RMF, RMH, CA, CN, and CO prior to the
effective date of the annexation.
SECTION I. All requirements of the law in regard to the annexation by election
method, including the provisions ofRCW 35A.14.020, 030, 040, 050, 090, and 100, have been
met. It is further detem1ined that the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of the property
and territory described below is hereby approved and granted; the following described property
being contiguous to the City limits of the City of Renton Is hereby annexed to the City of
Renton, effective March l, 2008, after the approval, passage, and publication of this Ordinance;
and on and after said date of March I, 2008, the proporty shall constitute a part of the City of
Renton and shall be subject to Rll its laws and ordinances then and thereafter in force and effect;
the property being described as follows:
See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein.
[Said ~roparty, "l'l'roximately 2,406 aores, is located within Renton'• established
~otential Annexation Areaand general!y~ded by the City of Renton corporate
boundary on the ~ and north, SB 192' Street and S 200"' Street on the south,
and on the east, 108 Avc,nue SB, the eastern edge ofBou!ev~ Lane Park, the
westorn edge of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, and 128 Avenue SE, if
extended, but Including Renton Park 1111d Charles Lindberg High School, as
legally described in and shown on Exhibit "A" attsched hereto and incorporated
by roference as if fully set furth.J
and tho property shall be subject to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.
SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be affective upon its passage, approval, and
five days after its publication.
A certified copy ofthls Ordinance shall be filed with the King. County Council, State of
Washington, and as otherwise provided by law.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of December 2007.
Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk
APPROVED BY UIB MAYOR this 10th day of_D.c.ec;;..;e"'m"'b..ce;:_r ___ __c, 2007.
:pwPed as to form: ~.,.,_.~ ...
Lawrence J. Warren, City.Attorney
Date of Publication: 12/15/2007 (summary)
The landa included withµ, the subject annexation are situated in Pllttl! of, Sections 21, 27,
28, 29, 31, 32 arul'33 in Township 23 North, and Sections 5 and 6 in Township 22 North,
all ln Range S Bas~ W.M., in King Cowrty, Washington, said annexation area being more
particularly described as lying within the following described bOWldary:
Beginning at the southeast comer of those lands annexed to the City of Renton under
Ordinance No.1961 in the Southeast quarter of said Section 21 said southeast comer also
being the point of intersection of the west line of the Soulheast quarte, of the Southeast
quarter of said Section 21 and !he southwesterly right of way margin of the City of
Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line;
Thence southeasterly along aaid southwesterly margin, crossing SE 160"' Stteet, to the
south line of said Southeast quarter;
Thence westerly, along "'1id south line to an intersection with the east line of the west half
of the Northeast quarter of said Section 28; ·
Thence southerly along said east line, to the northerly right of way margin of SE 164"'
Thence easterly along said northerly margin to the point of intersection with the northerly
extension of the easterly right of way margin of 128" Ave SE;
Thence southerly along said northerly extension and the easterly margin thereof to the
north line of the south half of said Northeast quat1er;
Tbenco easterly along said north line to an intersection with the east line of said Section
Thence southerly along said east line, to the northwest comer of "Traci A", Fairwood
Park Division 7, as recorded under Volume 116 of Plats, Pages 88 through 90, said
records, in said Section 27;
Thence generally easterly, southerly, westerly and southerly along .the various courses of
said ''Tract A", to a point on the northerly right of way margin of SE Pettovitsky Road
(Petrovltsky Road Revision, Est. 5-28-62), in the SouthVffll quarter oflhe Southwest
quarter of said Section 27;
Benson HIii Annexation June 22, 2007
200801090001:!!J!J. -:··:··
Thence southeasterly perpendiculor to the centerline of said SE Petrovitsky Road, a
distance of92' to the southerly margin !hereof;
Thence southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly along the various courses of said
southerly right of way margin, crossing 128,.Avenue SE, to the northwest comer of that
portion of I 28th Avenue SE dedicated per deed under King County Rec. No.
20000913001594, on the westerly right of way margin of t28"Avonue SE;
Thence southeasterly and .southerly along said w..terly right of way margin, to an
intersection with the east line of the west halfofthe Southeast quarter of said Section 28;
Thence southerly along said east line, to the southeast comer of said subdivision said
southeast comer also being the northeast comer of the Northwest quarter of the Northea,r
quarter of said Section 33; ·
Thence southerly along the east line of said subdivision, to the southeast corner thereof,
said southeast corner also being the northwest comet of the Southeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter of said Section 33;
Thence easterly along the north line of said subdivision, to an intersection with the
northeasterly right of way margin ofa 100' wide Puget Sound Power & Light
Transmission Line right of way;
Thence southeasterly along said northeasterly right of way margin, to an intersection with
the northeasterly exrension of the southeasterly lines of Lots 2 and 3, King County Short
Plat No. 779163R, recorded under King County Rec. No. 8105060679;
Thence southwesterly along said extension and the southeasterly lines of said lots, to an
lnterlleciion with the northeasterly line of Lot I., King County Short Plat No. Cl 077001,
recorded under King County Ree. No. 7806080590;
Thence northwesterly and southwes1erly along the northeasterly and northwesterly lines
of said Lot 1, to the most westerly comer thereof, said corner also being a point on the
south line of Lot 2 of said short plat;
Thence westerly along said south line, to the northeast corner of Lot 4, King County
Short Plat No. 775088, recorded under King County Ree. No. 7710200755;
Thence southwesterly along the east line of said Lot 4 to the southeast comer thereof,
said corner also being on the northwesterly lino of Boulevard Lane Division No. 2, as
recorded under Volume 82 of Plats, Pages 20 and 21, said records;
Thence continuing southwesterly along said northwesterly line, an<\.southerly elong the
westerly line of Boulevard Lane Divisioo I, as recorded under Volume 80 of Plats, Pages
89 and 90, rec;:1ds of King County, Washington, to the westernmost sollthwest corner of
Benson Hill Annexation 2 June 22, 2007
20080109000~33. ·:·:·
-said plat, said southwest comer-also being on a line I 073. 56 feet north of and porallel
with the south line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 33;
Thence westerly along said parallel.!ine, to a point 300.00 feet esstc:rly of the west line of
said subdivision, as measured perpendicular thereto, said point also being on the north
line ofBoulevard Lane Park, as deeded to King County under King Co\lllly Rec. No.
Thence southeasterly along the east line of said park to the point of intersection of a line
4:12 feet c,ast of and porallel with the west line of said subdivision and a line 300 feet
north of and parallel with the south line of said subdivision;
Thence continuing southerly along said east line, parallel with the west line of said
subdivision. to a point on the northerly right of way margin of SE 192"' Sh:eet, said
northedy right of wa.y margin being 50 feet northerly of the south line of said Section 3 3
and the centerline of SE 192" S-;
Thence westerly alon! the various courses of said norther!~ right of way margin, crossing
!20'"Avenue SE, !16 Avenue SB, 114'" Place SE and 113 Way SE to il8 intersection
with the easterly right of way IO!llgin of State Route 515, .. id intersection being 40 feet
right of Station 270+50 per Washington State Department of Highways, Right of Way
Phm SR St S MP J,87 to MP 5.15, Renton Vicinity: SB 196"' to CtITT Road, Sta2S7+00 to
Sta 283+00, Sheet 2 of 4 Sheets in ,llid Section 32;
Theneo westerly, cro,sing State Route S 15 (1 os'" A venuo SE), to a point 40 feet left of
Station 270+40 per said Right oI Way Plan;
Thence southerz atong the various courses of the westerly right of way margin of State
Route SIS (108 Avenue NB); crossing SE 192"' Street, SE 196111 Street and SE 199111
Stree~ to the northerly right of way margin of SE 20rl' Street in the north west quarter of
said Section S;
Thence westerly alonl the various conrses of said northerly right of way margin, crossing
106"'Avenue SB, 105 Avenue SB and 104"' Avenue SB, to its intersection with the
existing City of Renton Limil8 Line as MDexed under City of Renton Ordinance No.
Thence northerly, easterly and westerly along the various courses of the existing limits of
the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance Nos. 3885 & 3109 to the
point where said existing limits as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3109
leaves the section line common to Sections 5 & 6 and enters said Section 6;
Thence northerly along said common section line to its intetsection with the existing City
of Renton Limi_ts Line asanncxed under City of Renton Ordinance No. 3268;
Benson Hill Annexation l June 22, 2007
Thence generally northerly and e<1sterly along·lhe various_courses of tho existing limits of
the City of Renton as annexed under City of Renton Ordinance Nos. (in order from south
to north) 3268, 5205, 5041, 3268, 4069, 1743, 4476, 1971, 3864, 1971, 5236, 1971, 3742,
1971, 3108, 1909, 5208, 3730, 2224, 1871 and 1961 to the Point of Beginning;
· EXCEPT the north I 00 feet of the west 230 feet of lhe Soulh half of the South half of lhe
Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 29, previously annexed to the
City of Renton 1D1der Ordinance No. 3432.
TOOETilER WITH the following:
That portion of Lot 3, King County Short Plat 779 l 63R recorded under King Co1D1ty
Reo. No. 8105060679, within the South half of lhe Northeast quarter of tho Northeast
quarter ofsaid Section 33, if any; and
Those portions of the Northeast quarter of said Section 6 and the Northwest quarter of
said Section 5, lying aoutherly, westerly, southerly and westerly of existing City of
Rwton Limits Line as annexed under City of Ron ton Ordinance Nos. (in order from
north to south): 3268, 375 l, and 3109, and lying northerly of the northerly right of way
margin ofS. 200" Street; and
That portion of the Northwest quarter of said Section 5, lying northerly of the northerly
right of way margin of S. 20011, Slreet, westerly and southerly of existing City of Renton
Limilll Line as aMexed under City of Renton Ordinance No.3885, and easterly of
existing City of Renton Limits Line as annexed under Cily of Renton Ordinance No.
Benson Hill Annexation 4 June 22, 2007
2008010$0008-'J3.-: .. :.
Bmnch :FAK,User :JILL Comment:
Station Id :DPQY
· 1111111111
Renton School Dlslrlct No. 403
300 SW 7th Street
;11~v.s!~.: "·" HN!'~Trv, MA
Renton, WA 98055 E2335978
Attn: Rich Moore, Asst Superintendent 1 7/it!H 11:118
~T'Y1 WA
Tax Acct.-
Klng·County, Washington
Renton SohDOI District 403
SE '/. NE 'I, SEC 28 TWN 23N R6E, WM
U:r. PAD1Hl 01 Hl
The Grantor, KING COUNTY (the "County'), a pollijcal subdivision Qf the Stale of Washington,
for and In considsralion of mutual benefi1s, and pursuanl to King County Ordinance No. 16020,
does hereby bargain, sell and·convey unto Iha RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 403, a special
purpose local g011einment (the 'District'), the following real property Improvements. situated In
King County, Washington, and IJl[erred to herein as the 'Pool' and the 'leased property":
Tho,,a r,,al property Improvements, Including fixtures and equipment localed on the
following described property:
Beginning at the southwesl comer of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of
Seclion 28, Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W. M,: thence north 1• 59•·35" eaot 294feet;
thence south 88'11'25' east 658 feet to the troe point of beginning; thence north 1•59•35•
east 190 feet; thanoe north 88'11'25" west 148.50 feet thence south 31 '48'35' west 218
feet more or less to a point that Is north 88'11 '25" west from Iha true point of beginning;
thence soulh 68'11'25" eaot 257 feet more or leea to the true.polnl of beginning. ALSO, an
easement for ingress, egress, Including parking; ALSO;·an easement for ulllltles over, under
and ecross the following deacrlbed property:
The southeast quarter of .the northeast quarter, 8ec!lon 28, Township 23 North, Range 5
E.W.M .. fess lhe soulh 250 reetol the easl 523 feet of the west 553 feel, known as Tax Lot
4, records of King County, Washfnglon.
SUBJECT TO the following covenants pertaining to use, which covananls shall run with the
Pool and the leased property ror the benefit of the County and the County land lhat makes
up Hs public perk, rec,eatlon and open spaoe system.
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KING,WA Page I of3 Printed on 4127120!0 3:05:39 PM
Document: D8D 2008.0307000185
Branch :FAK,User :JILL Comment: Station Jd :DPQY
I certify that Wayna Rfc:hardson signed lhls lnstrumen~ on oalh stated that he was
authorized by the Klng·County Exerutl\le to execule the lnslrUment, Md acknowltdged It as
Manager of the Real Estate Services Sactlon of King County, Washlnglon to be lhe free and
voluntal)' act of said County for the uses and purposes mel'Tllorled In the Instrument.
Dated '"'fM.uA (; ~ •
NOTARY PUBLIC In andfor~Slate
olWashlnglcn, residing al _ My appointment expires '-,,;:_.,,._.i.::_"'Jt.00"'--==9~-
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Document: OED 2008.0307000185