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SPECIFICATIONS Windspill ™ JR Adjustable Banner Mounting Hardware (U.S . Patent D537014) o Warranted for five (5) years. Lifetime warranty against rusting. II ~kyway o Shall fit round, square, octagonal and fluted poles as small as l Yi'' d iameter. o Can be lag-bo lted to wooden poles and flat wall s . o Main castings must be desi g ned so the arm unit mounts onto the base unit w ith two 3/8" diam. x l" long self-locking flange bolts that are inserted through the s lots in the ann and threaded into the base u nit. Once the bolts are properly installed, there is no circum stance t hat will allow the arm unit to accidentally separate from the base unit. o All metal parts of the each bracket system s ha ll be of T-51 heat- treated cast alumin um , which will prevent rusting, discoloration or peel ing paint. The base uni t (product #5511) shall have a minimum weight of Yi lb. The arm unit (product number 5527) shal l h ave a minimum weight of l l b. 12 oz .. The minimum surface contact area between the arm unit and the base unit shall be 6 square inches. t vita o There m ust be a 1/4" diameter banner attachment hole buil t i nto the arm unit to securely and easily attac h a t ie-down for the pole si de of the banner. o 13/16" UV treated fiberglass arms mus t flex to allow "spi lling" of some wind force off the surface of the banner, thus, reducing wind load from banners and poles . Fiberglass arms must be properly epoxied into the arm casting to e liminate failure of the rod due to movement in the casting or due to attachment holes dri ll ed through the rod. o Fiberglass arms must withstand up to 70-mph wind force without permanent dis tortion with 30" x 84" banners install ed . o Flexibility of arms must allow the return of each banner to tightly stretched position. D Built-in arm cantilever effect eliminates the n eed for bann er wind flaps , breakaway clips and constant maintenance. o There shall be no need for "hitch pins" or other corrective safety devices, as the engineering of the system will not allow the arm unit to separate from the base unit unless the bolts are completely removed. I :E < tJ ~ § Bryn Mnwr e DESIGNATES PROPOSED LOCATIONS FOR BANNER INSTALLATION 0 . 11 ;. 1r· ~ z ~ -<{ ~ .L. NEIGHBORHOOD LOCATION .1[ ~ ~~~ . 'f'll . ~ Ii,._ 7. ; 1· Re nt on © S2ndSi Sw Sunsel Bl'""Ci ,t. ~ .>, ..l!! ~ >,,J>~lj I~ ~,;/~ ~o~ -?\... ' q IP ~~ § 301 PARK ING GA RAG E . .V, . .c. § ~ V L.A . FIT NESS GO LF GALAXY DATE I PROJECT NAME 07-13-2001 SCALE I ADDRESS as noted DRAWN BY I CITY/STATE /ZIP CAM. ,. .. .. .. .. D 402 ROSS ·- Tota l Parking : 2,765 CLIENT Harvest Partners ADDRESS 8070 Pork Lane CITY /STATE /ZIP Dallas, TX 204 JOE'S § CONTACT Michell e Davis PHONE EMAIL RE SIDE NTI AL BY FAIRFIELD § ~~ -·sign--m ;. 920-R Park Avenue Renton, WA 98057 Sign-DJ 921-E Park Avenue Renton, WA 98057 PETSMART STAPLES TARGET Th is approve d drawing is for yo ur review and approv al before the fobricalion begins. 4Word Desig n~ will nol be responsible for prob lems or discrepancies 1h01 could have i1 reasonably been prevented by !he prope r review of thi s design. • Skelch may ,ary fro m specified colors . A • Oienl lo pro,ide dedicated 120 vol! sign circuil(s) >... wilh ground wire within 6'-0" of the di sp loy(s) & § A A ~ A FRY·S ELE CTRO NICS t N JUL 2 9 2010 lRi~CC~llWf [Q) DRAWING NUMBER 10-0 7 13 Sheet 4 of 4 Sign-&, - PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF GRAPHICS GRAPHICS -Printed onto 3M perforated Vin yl TOTAL AREA OF GRAPHICS TO BE INSTALLED = 925 sq ft City of Renton Pla nning Division JUL 2 9 2010 [Ri~(G~~\\?~[D) LOCATION ADDRESS 920-R Park Avenue Renton, WA 98057 KING COUNT TAX PARCEL # -0886600010 DATE 07-13 -2001 SCALE as noted DRAWN BY CAM PROJECT NAME The Landing ADDRESS CITY /STATE /ZIP Renton , WA CLIENT Ha rvest Part ners ADDRESS 8070 Park Lane CITY/STATE/ZI P Dallas, TX CONTACT Thi s approved drawing is for your rev iew and opprovo l A Michelle Da vi s before th e lob ritoti an begins. 4Word Design © will not PHONE be respons ible for pr oblems or di1<reponcies that rn uld hove Al reasonably been prevented by the prope r rev iew of this design. A • Ske tch moy vary from specified co lors. EMAIL • Client to pro vide ded icated 120 vo lt sign circu it (sl wit h ground wire with in 6'-0' of the disp la y(sl DJ,. PU.:A..-,1~ NO'l1~ These Orig inal Unp ublished Drawi ngs and/or Ide as are Exdusive lntell e<tual Property ol 4Word Des ign . They hove been subm itted for your sole use on d consideratio n in ,onjunct ion with o projed be in g planned fo r yo u. These Dra wings shall not be re prod uced, copied, exhib ited or disdosed to any fir m or corp oration fo r ony pu rpose, in who le or in port without writte n permissio n from 4Wor d Design. These Drawin gs moy be pu«hosed ot 15% of th e estimated cos1 of this projed to compensate 4Word Design for Des ign Time and fo r the rel ease of Copyr ight on Inte llect ua l Property. Cop yri ght Law of the United States -Pro tecti on of Original Desig ns. 4Word Design © Copyright 2009 A I DRAW ING NUMBER 10-0713 A A A I Sheet 1 of 4 24 " MORE TO EXPLORE Shop • Sip • Stroll MORE TO EXPLORE Shop • Sip • Stroll I "-~ D, E S I G N s i gn professionols 227 williams avenue south, renton, wa, 98057 phone: 425.738.4505 fax: 425.254.0922 email: design@4worddesign.com web: www.4worddesign.com Sign-I DATE PROJECT NAME CLIENT 0 7-1 3-2001 Harv est Pa rt ners SCALE ADDRESS ADDRESS a s noted 807 0 Park La ne DRAWN BY CITY /STATE/ZIP CITY /STATE/ZIP CAM Da lla s, TX PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF VARIOUS 48"X 24" SINGLE POLE BANNERS GRAPHICS -Printed onto 3M outdoor banner material. BANNER BRACKETS -Windspill Jr. pole banner brackets(specs on page 4) HEIGHT -Minimum of 1 Oft clearance from ground to bottom of bcmrtErot Rento Setback will be aligned with curb. Planning Division CONTACT This approved draw in g is for your review and approva l Michel le Davis before the fabrication begins . 4Word DMlg n(l;) will not PHONE • """'"'' '" ,..,..,., "•"'•'• ,h., """ "" ~ A reason ably been prevented by th e proper review of this design . • Sketch may vary from specified colors. A EMAIL • Client to provide dedicated 120 volt sign circuit(s) /J:;. with gro un d wire within 6' .o• of the displo y(s) A A & A JUL 2 9 LO W ff{? fE CCfEO~fE © DRAWING NUMBER 10-0713 Sheet 3 of 4 LOCATION ADDRESS 921-E Park Avenue Renton, WA 98057 City of Renton Planning Division JUL 2 9 l010 TOTAL AREA OF GRAPHICS TO BE INSTALLED = 700 sq ft Sign-DJ PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF GRAPHICS GRAPHICS -Printed onto 3M perforated Viny ~~©~llW~[Q) KING COUNT TAX PARCEL# -0886600040 DATE PROJECT NAME CLIENT CONTACT This approved drawing is for your review and app roval A. A I DRAWING NUMBER 07-13-2001 The Landing Harvest Partners Michelle Davis before the fobr icolion beg ins. 4Word DMign© will not 10-0713 SCALE ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE be responsible for pro ble ms or discreponci~ thol could hove A A a s noted 8070 Pork Lone reasonably been prevented by the proper review of this d~ign. A A • Sketch may vary from specified colors. DRAWN BY CITY /STATE/ZIP CITY/STATE/ZIP EMAIL • Oient to provide dedicated 120 volt sign circuil(s) &. A I Sheet 2 of 4 CAM Renton , WA Dallas, TX with ground wire within 6' -0' of the displ oy(s) CI1Y OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 8, 2010 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office ·----~, l Project Name: The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit · LUA (file) Number: LUA-10-051, TP Cross-References: AKA's: 1 Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee Acceptance Date: August 16, 2010 . Applicant: Corey Mason, 4Word Design i Owner: Harvest Partners Contact: Same as applicant PID Number: 0886600040, 0886600010 I ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: I Administrative Approval: September 1, 2010 ; Appeal Period Ends: September 15, 2010 .. Public Hearing Date: i Date Appealed to HEX: ! By Whom: 1 HEX Decision: Date: l Date Appealed to Council: j By Whom: \ Council Decision: Date: ; Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant has requested a Temporary Use Permit to install perforated vinyl graphics to the existing windows of vacant store fronts at The Landing and to install pole : banners on the exiting pedestrian light poles throughout The Landing. · Location: 801 Park Avenue N & 900 N 10th Place ' I Comments: , ' 0 u ' z 0 -I " I ~ 0 I " " i u ". I ~. ~1 ~ I ' ;I ;I . . ' a! s N . ' • " • ' N • n " N N 0 • ~I . 0 z z " < ~ <( ~ 0 u < . 0 0 n u u < ~ ~ 0 N I I ml Ciiv 1:,f Renton 1:_;1~_n:-1in;_:; Division SEP 2 1 1010 Light Pole Calculations BCRA Job Number I 0609 Structural Calculations . {3 . Pr1ldl4 I J J.}/'-uw-I K _fiJ;t~ J)-L ~ I /0 C . y;P 1/P I I BC RA 1-·····-······--·-r-------~:==---. . -· -. -"---• II ARCHllfCTURi • CJVll ENGINIUING. SfRUCTURAI INGJNf!RING. IANO US! PLANNING • INT!IICO DE,JGN • GRAPHIC DESIGN SUMMARY The following are the structural calculations for the light poles at the Landing in Renton, WA. New 2 'x4' pole banners are to be added to the light poles. The purpose of these calculations is to show that the poles are structurally adequate to support the additional wind loads due to the banners. The calculations show that the pole foundation is adequate to support the new loads. The light pole is adequate to support the new loads if the following conditions are satisfied: • Grade of Aluminum shaft is 6063-T6 • Shaft is not welded to the base (see figure on next page) • Thickness of the "base plate", or bottom of the pole base must be 1/2" thick. DECORATIVE POLE COLLECTION 8'-30' Mounting Height DECORATIVE POLE DETAILS Dtcorativc pole bases arc manufactured of 356.2 cooper free cast aluminum; Bases maintain a minimal wall thickness of .250 inches. Extruded smooth or fluted shafts a,e manufactured of 6063 aluminum and arc circumfr:rentially welded to the l>a~. Anchor bolt locations arc: cast within the: base. Anchor bolts are hot dip galvanized stceL Ft>lc:s arc: finished in a premium TGIC polYfite:r Powder coat for superior weathc:rability characteristics. ORDERING INFORMATION BASE TYPE MOUNTING HEl6HT (ft.f SHAFI' SIZE WAU ASP•/\sp,,1 08•8' It Bast THICKNESS BWR•BrGadway 10-10' .... {pu9d Oll-chark:stoo 12•12' 5.5• o-.12s• CPR•Cbtsapeak~ 14-14' 6•6· 1•.156' STL•Scattft 16•16' a.a• i .?<l.188 TAM•lamp:a 181'119' los..250 • UBH•Utita 20·:20' WAJ•Washlngton J 25-25' 30 .. 30• SHAFI TYPE "'"""""" Straight RT-Round Tapcn:d' Y..Straight """" LUMINAIRE Sa Tenon for ME.SA• 4aTcnon f(lt EP'IC Colkction' INVUE" OPTIONS c-fr~ rOI' Cg/'tfflltcm."l! Outlet BZ•Bronzc E-GFI Convc:nkoo: Outlet DP-Dark Platinum G.Ground Lug WH•Whilc GN•Hartford Green GM-Graphite Mctalnc: NOTES: l R1111nd T~ 11111)1. 2 0.125• thlckneuno-1 l"dllilbltonSTl.. v.M,A.SI' orBWR. J 0.1S&" rhlc~1.rnil;abl, lll'llAM and BWA~ 4 0,250'" thid:nm MilHl,mSTl.ASP ~nd BWRonJ1 5 'RT'")llaftli are taprml to •• on BWR 1>~/y. 6 Prllllidtd lilllith J' 0.0. TtllOll. 7 l'rlMdts •• Tt110f1 Oils· wtts Df no kll(ln on 4• Wl'u~lng llip IM:r ti EPIC Collec:tlon. $UDE or RITE ;arm acmscui~ Stt EPICColk-d.ror, bnlri.huri: for :.ildilional intwin:ation on arms. Some-EftC 1rms ~in: ~· Q.D. RIUlld Might pd'n imly. r,N,t of L~=±.~~:/"" [J STL Seattle Base Height: 2r Bolt Circ:k:: B' Shaft Poli: Diarndtr Hdght 4• 8', 10'. 12',14", 1&' cooi=:a Lighting TAM Tampa Bas,! Hcfght: Jo" Bott Cfrde: 8.5" Shaft Pole Oiame:ttr Htlght 4' 10', 12', 14'. 16', 18' BWR Broadway D Base Height: 42' Boll Circle: 12· Shaft Pule Diamc:ttt Height e· x 4• e·. ,a·. n-. u·. 10, ,a· 20', 25', JO' I ASP Asp,,, - ~ D Base Hcight:40" Bolt Circle: 1s· St.aft Pule Diameter Hti!ht \ 4• 8',l0',12",1-4', 16', 18' WAJ Wtshington 3 Base Height: 21' Bon Circle: 10 3/4' Sh,ft - Diarnckr ,. Height a·. 10·. 1 t s· ,. e·. 10·. 12·. 14'. 16', 12·. 14', 16', 11f AVU070423 MSRMaps: Print Send To Printer m yds Page 1 of 1 Change to Landscape toot 200 1 300 1 100 , 200 , 300 1 Image courtesy or the U.S. Geological Survey © 2010 Microsoft Corpor~tlon. Terms of Use Privacv Statement http://msrmaps.com/Printimage.aspx?T=4&S=J l&Z=1 O&X=1400&Y=1315l&W=l&qs=... 9/17/2010 MSRMaps: Print Page I of I Send Ta Printer Change to Landscape km o.•1 (I.a, 1.2 1 ml f-~0~.2~,--'--~0~.•"'-Lo~.~6,~----}0~.a~' Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey © 2010 Microsa~ Corporation. Terms of Use Privacy Statement http://msrmaps.com/Printlmage.aspx?T=4&S=l 3&Z=l O&X=350& Y=3287 & W=l &qs=Pa... 9/17/201 O )IOd ~ACl'IC;: AVINU~. SUITt 300 'lACPMA WASMJNGTOl'<I +uo2 1 Z5~,.l27 -067 ~ '.J5J 6n . .t3\1$ V,,WV., &CRAEHGINEEllNG COM p,oJ-' Light Pole Calculations 1oc....., Renton Job i,o, 10609 Wind Loads (IBC 2006 • ASCE 7 2005) Basic Wind Speed V Exposure Building Category Importance Factor Mean Roof Height (ft) h Parapet Height (ft) hp Exp. Coefficient @ h=20' K, Exp.· Coefficient@ h=25' K, Topographic Coefficient K,. Directionality Coefficient K., a "' oA·h = 8 ft = 0.1•L "' 7.8 ft q, = 0.00256 K, K,1 K., v2 I q. = 0.00256 K, K,1 K., v2 I Main Force Resisting System p = q• • [(GCpr) -(GC,.)) Zone Windward 1 Roof 2 Leeward 4 Sidewall 5&6 Windward Comer 1E Roof Comer 2E Leeward Comer 4E Windward + Leeward (Typ) 0.96 Windward + Leeward (Comer) 1.44 Parapet Pp = q• • GC.., GC.., = Components and Cladding p = q, • [(GC,) -(GC,.)) Zone Roof Typical 1 RoofTypical 1 Roof Edges 2 Wall Typical 4 Wall Comer (Neg) 5 Canopies (Typ) Canopies (@ Comer) Parapets 4 5 = ; ; ; ; ; = "' = = = ,;85 ,',' ;:;1:;:¥ij:~P- ,;;;,;h,ff '!!!\)'·""-' 't100 [)'i~:§ft ::;E::F· ' i ft 90 :;,',, (ASCE-7 Figure 6-1) (ASCE-7 Table 6-3) (ASCE-7 Table 6-3) (ASCE-7 Figure 6-4) (ASCE-7 Table 6-4) Comer/ Edge Zone = 16 fl = 14.1 psf = 14.8 psi (ASCE Eq. 6-15) (ASCE Eq. 6-15) (Low Rise Buildings -ASCE Eq. 6-18) GCpi ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 Design Wind Load p 10.0 psf -12.3 psf -8.6 psi -8.9 psf 13.9 psf -17.7 psf -11.6 psf 13.6 psf 20.4 psf (Low Rise Buildings -ASCE Eq. 6-20) 1.5 Windward 22.2 psf -1.0 Leeward -14.8 psf (Low Rise Buildings -ASCE Eq. 6-22) GCpi ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 Design Wind Load p -15.3 psf 5.4 psi -18.1 psf -14.0 psf -16.6 psf -24.1 psf -39.6 psf -25.3 psf -29.7 psf -by GCp1From ASCE Figure 6-10 GC, From ASCE 9/17/2010 BJJ Figure 6-11A Figure 6-11 B Based on 100 SF Canopy -From Overhang values in Fig 6-11 B ]10,6 , ... cmc AVENU( s,mt .JOO IACOi"'A WASH1NGTO~ OIUO] 1 is!! 611 ~l<17 F 253 el1 •H~ WWW tClfAENGINHAING (OM p<oJ«t ~J'.,ITT ~ (AW.()~0/11~ locollon i).~ Jab na. l:, bD"\ {, ~ 0 .gs- ((: ~ii-f16 1,-1.1, ~ -'. 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J<-j.q N' -1(' A-%"-Mt-'1 ftk( <;t(t.) !,J(J:.G ltT ~.5 >Jf6U(J.PA{ 4",>lt. q 'S{J,A/{ (.At.l(AlA~i Aw -ri->-J.rr l,.r(;N INJ\~ op..!6M111 1)1'.(.A~O ~ 1~~ [oAf). dole "1/n/tv by i3:5T 1101:, , ... cmc AVfl',UJl . .S.UIT( JOO TACOJ,1.A WASH!NGJOt-1 PUO~ t -:,~J 6'27<1H1 F 1:SJ i:i'27~l'i'.li WWW !.CRi&.1:NGINEUING (;OM p<ojo<I l-f6111" ~ utw, ..... n:•l'IS loeaKon 11,;J..in>N Job no. , iJ, boa\ :: ' Tl \b (kl) + 2U, 11 ( fv.1') dole ~/17/ /o by rm- \ \~ =\ /« .. ,N w,,,, f<f .~ \l'("' f1<1. ,~~l ',f<, ru,./ {Ji(..( wl(ft /A >t'/Jv( l(f '1 lliS ilf fDi'L /1.0 l/lt"l Jl At-<O IWf utt,r{ 2111,! PACJflC Jl,V["I\.I~. SUITE ]0.0 TACO.,...,.. WA51-llNGT0"1 tU02 T 2.S) 627.~361 F :l:j3 621 Al'P} WWW &CRMNGINHIIN(; COM "'oi'" LJG i>f P.vt utlu.11,,>,~ locolk>n ~ job no. I O boi A-r.,v..MJ.M>."11 -t,5 6 rr~£ l,o 0, E JCrf/,<IJlf'II) AS!.v.""t. Ti TE,l,'/1'(1.. 5:Ditlt 6Tt'{dL 1~J} j)() N~ l<~rt. 'T'l> ~ ~'fJff'/rt,'jo[!,7 t-1:(,,\ " '" il ll'. ft7 ~ vr \{(J: t.i -:. 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IA~.;,.t,. \.~ w 7104 MCIFIC AVfNUf. $UJH JOO rACOJrlA W,U>tlNGTOfoJ 9'.10~ 1 i.U ,&l70,1.7 f ,_,l U7~Jt'$ WWW ICRA!NGINEUINC COM- P'•J«I lJ: 6\lr" ~ot,f ( /t(.(Lt(/ITJ.l/J5 locollo• I), €,>.\"ii N Job no. I o(,O'\ At""""''""' ~ ~ 1SI,, l. t.111r f. lAh11W,. /v\ ~ 116~>,Nf'.,.,T >u1..o f~tA -= 2f.t: fi)J f& 1 " /q_s-1t5£ •( As '>.ArJlt ~Sf. ~AJ.i&ftP. !-$ '6 1,;1p.J DtJ. = ~ ( ~ )/3 '2. 7 tS,. "" ]4-7 ( 11::? \\fa L 7 10,oot>) Gt; ~ \.'Ii S, " ( Bti.-r.17 f<-ycfy/d1,) .. DH, .,,, ( ~l{ 7 -1 .17 ( 11.S'J ( o.Gr)h.ir) l- 1. 9{ f: • ~heel no . .. ,. "1/n /1.., by Io ,a::o I-'~ 1106 1Aci,1c ,i,.YO,IU[. ~u1T[ JO(J TACD.MA WA!iHlr,IGTOM '940, T ~Jl . ..S27.~~l' F 2.$l 62' •n~ WWW ICU,fNGINEE:llll'IC (OM •'*'' CJ:-6 fl1' '9oi,l Ulu4 l" .,.~ JoeoHon fi.f'.J,Jt'JN Jobno, \O \ ¥-1, :: r; .. -o. 1..i/ Z, -r o:ir'' (A')€. ~ f( -,: 1.17 q '1 tc.,, =-1.17 ( o.~r) ( 1.,.s) ~ re. =-l, 1. 1n l'l(.. s =-i7" ( 'li<l_ 1.s~) 32. (T) .. ILX,/ I'CRAl!i Jhtef no ""'' Df//7 /to ,, GJQ ]106 ,AC:lflC: AVfNUf. Sl!ITt lOO TACO,""A W.lr,5),ftHGTOl'I 9U02 T BJ ,127.•J.!7 F Bl .27 ,JU WWW 9:(RAU~GU•lHllll'IG t'.OJ.11 0,.jecl l.41-1( POL( (A~<ul/11.foA.:, 1oc0Ho, i1,f.'>J11)N Jo• ""· I u bo'I f"1:. y,:,\, ;;. . 3 8'11 ( 3~ )(._ 11 ~) :. ID,l\<·t,i .e 1s'' s.'f.11 4rl;;. I. 3 ~'i ((7 \:di. hM PtMfJ ~£1-,r s:. ):it. L\ +"" ~ {: ~ o.S~ A e,,..,.. r rrt!:#1-.vl'JMl'l. A'4 s \o.~ K,,.., '2.'1,\ ';.. J ~ (o:17) 9'1 J ,, 2., (Y!Sc. 91.. dot• ~/17//o ., rry'f' ,L /) lv I ' , I ~ --U.{,11 l ,, I ' "3) f f } 1 '" J 'f' )106 ,Ac1r1c A\IENUf, .SUI![ lOO TACll.,'MA WA.~Hlf,IGTON 9'11.o!02 T :2,J •21,J61 F i,J 01'1 ~.:lllj WWW IIICltAENGINffNING CO,.. p<oJ•" VU If( \>,\,f: UL,~c,.r.t-0,,J5 locotto, i!..f;.Jl"/JN Job no. lCi 0~ -:: 7.") t 11, 1.'1) l<,,lb') ~ 3"!,o~ 1.1.T Os 13S .. .§:£ [ \ + (tt;/{f )'/1 ~I . t.. l. 1 [\ -'I a ~ l 1,. ( 11/f;j 11 l-1. " e., / U! )'' ... D ~ 2-<) I. &..- ~ s.1.x ( WJ:_D) 'I.. J.V 1~,t-") HS( o.()tt) If JC:., C dt Fry s., " L,\4 ·"' )' "'3, ~-1 ~ Ii., E T~~l£ >.7-J q ft. :. o. '\{"( \\ i<'>t-)/f; 4 fL • L • 0'3 \lSt:. thttl.ho. dcte "I /17/ I 0 by ~ 110' ~AClfl( ,A,Vfr,11,1f. SUtH JO{] T .... COMA W-'IHlNGTON 914D2 1 1.:!IJ 42)'.~Jl7 r UJ 4'7 ~:IV,l, WWW ICUINGINffiUNc; COM "'*'' ~U \.tr y>i,~ ( AL <~1-}',f.t'tlN!, locallon \'\..f,Jlb,N Job no. I ~bif> 1 )( ~ ~ ;, ,,-( JI/ -e),~) &V : T.' ( ,.,,J._ '3.61"1 ") (, '1 111.' ~l-i " L-1 .I ,i ) =-,:.,. ~ ~ ~ ~ •I-,// : • tY,< sheel no. dolo CJ/11/tD by B:Jf Constrained Pile Per IBC 2006 (EQ 18-2) P = lateral load h = height to resultant of P Overstrength Movt = Allowable lateral soil bearing Estimated Depth of pile embedment S3 = embedment x lateral soil brg b = width of pile d= 228 lb 16 ft 1 3648 lb-ft 100 psf 6 ft 600 psf 3 ft 3.0 ft Only needed for cant column Table 1804.2 (18-2) ?,' t.. ( 0)(. • 0 u z " ~ . C ., .. vi N 0 . m . z 0. " I ~I ;1 , < • 0 u ~I 01 ~I ..; , z • > < u . u < . • 0 N I i iBCRA I GiLY of Renton Pi:1nriincJ ,·~1i-Jision SEP 2 1 ZU10 Light Pole Calculations BCRA Job Number 10609 Structural Calculations AIIOUTECTURE • ClVIL BiGIJ,IHIUNG • STRUCTUU[ ENGINHRING • LAND USf PLA.NNING • !t,,TEUOR DESIGN• GRUHJC Df:SIGN SUMMARY The following are the structural calculations for the light poles at the Landing in Renton, WA. New 2 'x4' pole banners are to be added to the light poles. The purpose of these calculations is to show that the poles are structurally adequate to support the additional wind loads due to the banners. The calculations show that the pole foundation is adequate to support the new loads. The light pole is adequate to support the new loads if the following conditions are satisfied: • Grade of Aluminum shaft is 6063-T6 • Shaft is not welded to the base (see figure on next page) • Thickness of the "base plate", or bottom of the pole base must be 1/2" thick. DECORATIVE POLE COLLECTION 8'-30' Mounting Height DECORATIVE POLE DETAILS Dtcorati~ pole bases are manufilctun:d of 356.2 cooper free cast aluminum; Bases maintain a minimal wall thickness of .2SO inches. Extruded smooth or fluted shafts are manufactured of 6063 aluminum and are circumkrentially welded to the base. Anchor bolt locations arc cast within the base. Anchor bolts are hot dip galvanized stcc:I. Poles art finished in 3 premium TGIC polycsttr Powder coat for supc.rior wcatherability characteristics. ORDERING INFORMATION BASE TYPE MOUNTING HelGHT (ftl SHAFT SIZE WAU .......... OB•lf ...... THICXNE5S BWR•Broadway 10•10' 4•<11" (g:augt) Oll-charkstoo 12-12· s.s· 0 ... 125• """"°"""''' 14-U' g .. 5• 1-.1ss• m-Xilltk: 16-16' .a.-a·' ;z ... llUI TAM•Tampa 1Stol!' J•.2.50 + UBN•Utica 20-20' WAJ-Washingtan 3 25,,,25' 30-30' SHAfTTYPE .......... Straight RJ .. Rouno T~pcml I Sf,.,Straight Flultcl LUMINAIRE S-Tcnon for MBA• '4-Tenon ror EPIC Colci:tilNl' COlOR ......,., DK .. Slad INVUE. OPllOHS C-Pr~ for Con-«nknc:r Ouuct BZ-Sron.zt EaGA Convcnknc-c Outltt DP-Dark PL1tin11m G-Ground Lug WH .. wtrilit GN .. Hartf~ Grttn GMisGraphilt Metallic HOl"ES.1 R1111'111l~ ""~ 2 Cl125" thJ~'141111!....il111MonSTI.1AM,ASl11r1WR. l D.1Sli" t~iM111lbleonTAM IJKI BWR<riJ 4 0.250" lhil;tlW:$.'l.1W2il,blt lll'Sf1..MPtllCI BWRoruy:' "ll,Ml1fts~rr llptll'll 10 4'en BWR O'IJy. Ii l'nMded Wli,tll l" 0.0. Ttl'IOII. 7 PhMdts 4• ltrkNI Gil 1· SNl'ls 11r n11 ~ 1111 4" Jil;llu a~ slip IIVff v(lf'IC Cvl~lk;,n. SIJDEor RI1'E vrn ar:cmariri. Sn: EPIC Cllil,,(-\ro11 ~rt fo,-Ndi!iOIIII illfomation on 111111-5olllt O,C lllftll ~ 4'0.0. /tlUllld m.igll1p,,ln llll}J. STL "'"'' Base Hti)ht: u· Bolt Clrctt: e· Shaft Pnlt DiinneWI" Hciglrt 4• e', lo', 12·.14·. 1&' QI a==.a Ughting TAM Tamp.a [J B.ne Height: 30" Bolt Cirtic: B..5" Shift Pule Diametn Height 4• 10·.12·, 14', 16'. 18' D BWR Br111dway lase Height; 42" loll Circle: 12· Shaft Pale Di;~ti:r Height B" X 4" B', 10', 12', 14', 16', 1,8' 20', 25'. JO" I ASP ..... D Ba51!: Height: -40" Bolt Cirdc: 15· SM ft l'ah: Diamet.u He~ht I i 4" B', 10', 12'. 14', 16'. 18' WAJ W.lhing-ton l Bast Htigl}t: 21" Bolt Cirth::: 10 J/4" ""ft -Di11ndCT" Height ... 8'. 10·. 12' 5" B'. 10', 12', 14'. Ui, 6" 12·, 14', 16', 18" AVU07042J MSRMaps: Print Page 1 ofl Send To Printer Change to 11.x17 Print Size Show Grid lines Change to l.andscape n, United States 13 Jun 2002 Image courtesy of the U.S. Geolog!cal Survey © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. Terms of Use Privacy Statement http://msrmaps.com/Printlmage.aspx?T=4&S=J I &7>1O&X=1400&Y=I3151&W=l&qs=... 9/1 7/201 O MSRMaps: Print Page J of I Send To Printer Change to 11x17 Print Size Show Grid Lines Change to Landscape n, United States 13 Jun 2002 km I o.•, <u1 1 1.21 ml 0.2' 0.'4 1 o.G' o.a' Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological SurvEy © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. Ter-m.o:; or Use Privacy Statement http://msrmaps.com/Printlmage.aspx?T=4&S= l 3&Z= 1 O&X =3 50& Y=3287 & W= 1 &qs=Pa... 9/17 /20 I 0 JlO~ PAClflC ... vnt\lE. SUITl JOQ t.or.CO...._., W,U}\JNGtOt,1 fhDJ T :Z~J.621 •:J.!.7 f ::IJl 6:Z1.d~j WWW fl,C~Alt-lGIHHRING COM """'' Light Pole Calculations -~ Renton Joi> no, 10609 BCRAl!ii ..... by 9/17/2010 BJJ Wind Loads (IBC 2006 • ASCE 7 2005) Basic Wind Speed V Exposure Building Category Importance Factor Mean Roof Height (ft) h Parapet Height (ft) h, Exp. Coefficient@ h=20' K, Exp. Coefficient @ h=25' K, Topographic Coefficient K,, Directionality Coefficient K,, a = 0.4•h = 8 ft = 0.1°L = 7.8 ft q" = 0.00256 K, K,i K,, v2 I q, = 0.00256 K, K,1 K,, V2 I Main Force ResisUng System p = q" • [(GC,J -(GC~) Zone Windward Roof 2 Leeward 4 Sidewall 5&6 Windward Comer 1E Roof Comer 2E leeward Comer 4E Windward+ Leeward (Typ) 0.96 Windward + Leeward (Comer) 1.44 Parapet P, = q, • GC,.. GC,.. = Components and Cladding p = q" • [(GC,) -(GC~] Zone Roof Typical RoofTypical 1 Roof Edges 2 Wall Typical 4 Wall Comer (Neg) 5 Canopies (Typ) Canopies (@ Comer) Parapets 4 5 = = = = = = = = = = = :as· I,;\ii,i . ':100 ~~1;: )°ilf~ ·~·,""'·, ~,;i~ ' ·-: .. ·~ (ASCE-7 Figure 6-1) (ASCE-7 Table 6-3) (ASCE-7 Table 6-3) (ASCE-7 Figure 6-4) (ASCE-7 Table 6-4) Comer / Edge Zone = 16 ft = = 14.1 psi 14.8 psi (ASCE Eq. 6-15) (ASCE Eq. 6-15) (Low Rise Buildings -ASCE Eq. 6-18) GCpi ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.1B ±0.1B Design Wind Load p 10.D psi -12.3 psf -ll.6 psf -8.9 psi 13.9 psi -17.7 psi -11.6 psf 13.6 psf 20.4 psi (Low Rise Buildings -ASCE Eq. 6-20) 1.5 Windward 22.2 psi -1.0 Leeward -14.8 psf (Low Rise Buildings -ASCE Eq. 6-22) GCpi ±0.18 ±0.1B ±0.18 ±0.18 ±0.18 Design Wind Load p -15.3 psf 5.4 psf -18.1 psf -14.0 psf -16.6 psf -24.1 psf -39.6 psf -25.3 psf -29.7 psf GCp1From ASCE Figure 6-10 GC, From ASCE Figure 6-11 A Figure 6-11 B Based on 100 SF Canopy -From Overhang values in Fig 6-118 2106 ucmc AVENUE, loUIJt JOO !,>.COM,<. Vl",<.SMJNGT01-1: tt,02 J 2!l ,P d41 f ~SJ 617 •39~ V,WW ICliA!NGlli£fAING COM ,.oi,,1 ~J, Wf ~ {Al,(_l)VC(for,,', 1oc,11 .. il~ fgbno. (,'.:,~ (., ~ o-f~ ({: if IL f:16 ,-ii, (A',f:. A 4 1l ((: " 1.7 CASt c.. BCRAl!i •l'w!el no. dalll! t"t/f1 /fO ,, 1lJr- 'o }.,'DJ t-\~ >lf ~ L UAU»,<t, }'A;t1.t 1-r /1 IK t\tU ~r' t"' !4'Wlf i,....o t)N ~ ,j. I:: 1106 •ACIIIC AVEN\lf, .SUIT~ 300 1 .... co-Wit.SHINt;TON H~D'2 I 1.';l <12, ~3'7 f '2.Sl 627 ~JP! WWW llC~A.tNGTNHlrNG COM BCRAl!i "'*'' t,:Hlff i;<>c! v.,w.1.Aft.<>"$ toe,... [L6.irW Jobnci. 'a 6 =-l!'Jc "AL) ~ Lfi CJ· 1.1 f • 14.1 r~f (o.Yt')(1.i) A~ r ._. J-1. q y<,f' -1( A-.SS<'-Mf. 1 ltkf 01Pl l.v{JG ttf .H i,Jf 6l.f (I,P.,({ 4',,lt. t:,f J{MJ" c GAUt,\LAT1'1Wi /,,w 'f/i-Af l,.r(Jv ...,,,~ 0CU:6Ml"7 QC';(A:k.fl) ~ T~~ loAf). 1-M~I no. dot, ~//7/lf) b' arr ' ' V\, ,\, 210, , ... c111c AVU"-UI. ~UJT! JOO l/.COMA W"'-S~INGfCl',I Pl~02 I ?53 627 ~J'7 F 2S'J ,1,21 o,~ -B.CIA1:NCilNHRl1'1G COM ~oJ•" ~ I6 !11 W uw,,.....n:,.r,~ loce:itkln f!,ff .. <fbN /e:iti no. I ~ \Cl°\ :: ' 77 I~ (kl) + 2\l, I.I, ( Ju.1') ~ 77 1b(t)+,..1~11, (r1.') = 1U>t ,i -.ft- BCRAl!!l \ \~ M 1~ tl"I"" I ff<,. ,q,,~1 i ',kfi4J ~-t,.uwirt /<"'11v( l<f 1 llij i'f fort, AO l('lt! 1l A><O \',M f C lit\ I{ 21116 ~ACJT1C AVEi,,1..1F, SUl!f JOO 1AC0-W~Hr,,H.JOlol ,uo:.> I 2Sl "7.~:J.,7 , ~j:l 6H ~lt! WWW M;ll~E.-.r.tN£E•lt-JG COM BCRAl!Y p,o1,c1 1.ri~f v,1,t C;\Ul\1,/\~ loc:citlon ~ job no. I C:. bt::i'1. At-v..-""--ts 6ttPDf /,o'3 f,c~ As!.1,...,.f. T~ Tf}'l1't. 5:1)1~ 6• t!i /1, lV'\lJ.l .oo N.T; A:~1t. "TU ~ ~f1$fAt:fo/L7 t,H,1 ~ ',t> t<Jt'. ft7 L ~I<<!. ~.., ~ tf w,:c fs ... ~ 1"j I~ I: ;;. )Or/uil \<~! l ~1<'fltH4fot./ :;_..i (}.( A'-'> , f t1]l,,,,~ fHirl-1 (I.SJ (,f(11oA1 1 (w,w ,:>.'l. ovl\'\. T!Ai~ ~ itb ~ 1.rf-1[1+-c ft'1 /f, f t'1 o.7 ,.A~ ).1,-'I .. l.') (l. ~ !<~) [ ',... (1.("I(, .. ; ny1r J ~.'r ~b " i.14.°I I(~ Ot1, ~~ l lli)''3 rAL!,c.f; J ,3, -'-l ~ 7..1 t. W·I-~ ( 44-'i') 1/3 ---4' '1 lo,/11J \Jtt> " 1,.7]. .... c,/n/10 by ® 0 s & ,,.. ( .:11_,1/) ];'l. ~ ~ r; ( '1~. ?.ll ~'1) ,1. {~) ' ~ "].I)~ ,~; ~106 , ... cine ,1,VOWf. $UJIE lDO f...COM,1, WAS.J-!INGTON U•D' r l5J ii27 ~J47 f UJ 677 4Jl'l WWW ICRA(t,IC,IN~Oat:G Ct»o P<DJ,CI ~l:G\-l'f j)(l..,f U.Ll<,tt,AU:.)"J loc-01!0111 (l.f>/'f°bN Job ~. \ ~ '-'l ~ I ~ c~t.b -1.17 rr..1 Oi/h) 7.- 0 ..-1, ( !-\~.~ • \.17 {lS"iL;1:)( D·'GJ/o.~r)-,. 1..1] t = \'I A'\ £:} "J;O :, I Io. I O,l'U o./ff, -' . 4 Ft. <. 1.11 d1 ~ 'f 4 f.l • 1.n ( o.,r)(1.( i<u:) +' ~ M _ 1.bS\ tbJt .!. -,._ b~ ,.s ,k.. l~.l l{~t BCRAY!i (A~lvl, \.L w' ..C. ~ 1.q1<:.b ) c -v!."iS' < 1..7,i ll',l, ol<- l10~ r,,,cmc ... vf~\Jf. s.um .:iaa TACOMA W~loll~GrOt-1 n,Q2 T lll ll::11 o:141 I 1--'2 6'7 ,J~-1 WWW IICAAEp..lGl,.,,HJll'fG COM "'*" LJ; 61\t' QOl.f ( ltLWL,.T>,),v~ '"'"""" il,~h/\1 job ,-o. l o.(,tl\ AL~"""'"' ~ 1'! 1S 1,, l. (A1r f..L'-'"'W..l<I\ ~ ~(1/-!>,..,t;..,, )<.111..0 ~ A$>.Al"lt !Y\Sf. !JJAJA~tfl '!-J i /.AW \,'.,.\« ~5 0. if' ,H10( Ot. .P :, \ • "11 S, '° ( Br.1-1.17 fc.·/ly/¢t)" Dt1 --( "3.'-1. 7 -/.17 ( t"l.S")( o.~r~.tr) ~ l.~f BCRAml )106 ,;,.ClflC ...... EHUE, ~um JOO l"'COl,U,. W..UMINGTON 91'0:i' T l~l . ..!:17.CU.7 f ~.$l 6::1' ~J9l WWW 1CR-'f~1NH1t1NG (OM •~Je" LH 1-tT" lit«. U\u4 LI' ~~ locallon iU=...;J1l¥V jobno. \O '\ . . . " -I C: -O.VJz- O,i,1'' (A\,~ { f( ""' \.\7 q 'i +or "' 1.17 ( o.~r) ( l".S') ~ fi. ;. l. l. /n \ll(... $:. r.-(i~-7.s~) 31. CT) BCRAei 1htfl no dol• "1//1 /to by G:l(f" : ' Ct< JIDI!. p..._cmc ,t,.V(NUf. SUIH 300 TACOMA W.+J;H!HGTOt' n~o:; I Hl 627,~Jt7 f BJ ,21 ClU -~CIIAfNGl~H:ING (OM ,.,Joel 1.4>-lf" POU: IAe<ulllU""S lccatlon fl.f>'t'l),J Jo• "'· I ~t,:,, 3wi 11-;, -1-.i-=-;,t/'1 I b ~"/1. ') ::. 38'/i(s"i..)l11~1: .e s!t.11 41'.L ::. \. 3 d'"f (,1 1=(11. hAf Ptrl J A i!,,.,,1' rH-1:#1-MJM11. ~!'.{, ~ \.1 ( O· '\(J U".S'I ( f{, ~ '2-~. I j(J:(; + ~ r' 1 s. ~ ,-.1 ~ \O. 1, ft .. ~ ~ o.tp. 7 ,n1 + '2-'1.\ S: !rt 7. -~ + ,.. ~ ~ J~(o:17') (: ~ o.S"!. SA1 l .. (YISi:. 9L 2, c. e,ur A:4S BCRAml f ·~· ~/1711> ., rrrr ,_t I 11 "3) ,106 , ... r:IF!C ,1,\oE ... ur. !.UIH :\CO f,t,,(OM..._ W~INGlON' U402 I a'S] 42' 43,~ f 1~~ 61~ ~.:l'P5 WWW ICRAENGlNfEllN<i CO"' Job no. lC! 0.'\ -:: "2-'l tLl-1.1) c~.,b1 ~ 3,~.o~ 1.1.,os '3s ~ ~ [1 + (tt,/[f)'/3 1 ~) . I,.).. l I -I I ; µ' lit ( 11/r,)11 i-1. ~ ( U! )''---D; "' u:i ~ ~ i.l,, ( ULJ__D) 'k 1,,u Ii>/~ 1-?S( o.titt) <;. ' ,: <-IL.\ .I'\ ? "'i, '( qfi.. • dy ft, € T~~l( >.7-J q f(, ~ 0. 'Ii°'(\\ 1<',f,.)/ V3 ~ fL o k.o1 \(~!'.- BCRAl!u ,hee!110. dot. C'f /J?/ I a by ll!f" 2HU ~ .... cmc AVfNUt $1.111( JiOQ T...COM" W4SHINGTO>J 1'1402 T :i'Jl U7,4l47 r Ul 6'7 atl'P"J WWW ICIA.fl'IGINH~ING COM ... ,.,, i,:C6HT ~°'~ CAu~w,.-rf-tw, loc:ollon \~ Job no. f 1)4. 1)( ~ l-i ;. r, (JI{ -o-l,~) (, ~ ~ r,-( "/'-5.b1'1 ~) (, '1 1,c ·~ ~ 1-J.\ ,~f ) .. ~ ~l-1 • °t,]. ,/( BCRAl!!i shul M>. Constrained Pile Per IBC 2006 (EQ 18-2) P = lateral load h = height to resultant of P Overstrength Movt = Allowable lateral soil bearing Estimated Depth of pile embedment S3 = embedment x lateral soil brg b = width of pile d= 228 lb 16 fl 1 3648 lb-ft 100 psi 6 fl 600 psf 3 fl 3.0 fl Only needed for cant column Table 1804.2 (18-2) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT _., Cityof ---------J{e1rtu11 PLANNING DIVISION TEMPORARY USE PERMIT DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER: APPLICANT /CONTACT: PROJECT LOCATION: DATE OF EXPIRATION: September 1, 2010 LUAl0-051, TP The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner Harvest Partners, 8070 Park Lane, ste 100, Dallas, TX 75231 Corey Mason, 4word Design, 227 Williams Ave. S., Renton, WA 98057 920 & 921 Park Ave. N and N 10'h Street. September 1, 2011 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested a Temporary Use Permit to install perforated vinyl graphics to the existing windows of vacant store fronts at The Landing and to install 59 pole banners on the existing pedestrian light fixtures throughout The Landing. The pole banners are proposed to be 24-inches by 48-inches and would allow for a minimum 10-foot clearance for traffic and pedestrians. The total area of window graphics to be installed would not exceed 700 square feet. The applicant has indicated that the window graphic signs would be removed if the space was leased or within one year. The pedestrian light fixtures at The Landing are privately maintained by The Landing on both Park Avenue N. and Entertainment Way. However, the pedestrian light fixtures on N 10th Street match the private poles, but were built and are maintained by the City of Renton. As such, the City has evaluated these poles differently than the poles maintained by The Landing. It is the City's responsibility to ensure the pedestrian light fixtures along N 10th Street are maintained in good condition and damage to these poles is the City's responsibility. Rod Swift, the Senior Property Manager for The Landing, has indicated via an e-mail received on August 30, 2010, that Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore LLC, would be responsible for installing and maintaining the mounting hardware and banners on any City-owned pedestrian pole lights on N 10th Street. Rod Swift's e-mail further indicated that Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore LLC would be responsible for any damage to the pole lights caused by their mounting hardware. However, these comments do not address City concerns about damage to the poles themselves. As such, City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Temporary Use Permit The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit LUAl0-051, TP DATE OF PERMIT: September 1, 2010 Page 2 of 3 staff recommends as a condition of approval that the Applicant be responsible for any damage caused to the pedestrian light fixtures, and shall repair any damage immediately. Furthermore, the applicant has not provided the City with structural calculations regarding the possible effects of the installation of banner signs on the pedestrian lighting fixtures. When the light fixtures were installed by the City on N 10th Street, the addition of banners was not considered in the City's structural calculations. As such, prior to installation of banners on the pedestrian light poles on N 10th Street, the applicant shall provide the City with structural calculations ensuring that the pedestrian light poles can structurally endure the stress of the banners. Once completed, approval of mounting the proposed banners on N 10th Street is subject to the City's approval of the provided structural calculations. See Exhibit, location of City owned and maintained light fixtures. The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1} The Applicant shall be responsible for any damage directly or indirectly caused by the banners to the pedestrian light fixtures on N 101h Street. The applicant shall repair any damage immediately following identification of such damage. 2) Prior to installation of banners on the pedestrian light poles located along N 10th Street, the applicant shall provide the City with structural calculations ensuring that the pedestrian light poles can structurally endure the stress of the banners. Once completed, approval of mounting banners on N 10th Street light poles is subject to the City's approval ofthe provided structural calculations. 3) All banner signs and window signs shall be removed upon permit expiration; all City light poles shall be restored to the condition prior to banner installation. 4) The applicant shall provide a Traffic Control Plan which shall be approved by the Development Services Division prior to installation of any banner signs. SJ The applicant shall pay an annually fee of $10.00 for the temporary use of public right- of-way, per RMC 9-2-4 and complete a Revocable Permit application. 6} This permit shall be subject to termination upon 30 days written notice by the City. 7) Liability and damage insurance shall be required pursuant to RMC 9-2-4. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Aaministrative Temporary Use Permit The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit LUAl0-051, TP DATE OF PERMIT: September 1, 2010 Page 3 of 3 8) The applicant shall furnish unto the City an appropriate hold harmless and indemnity agreement. C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division ( ( u APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m. on September 15, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. kyway ·ila Bryn Mnwr ,:1 C) L.A. FIT/IIESS z _,. ,· ;:;..i= 1 304 GOLF GALAX'\' N 301 PARKING GARAGE 302 • 201 402 311 ).._ '· '1 305 •, 310 .. ------- Total Parking: 8 DESIGNATES PROPOSED LOC NEIGHBORHOOD LOCATION 200 ,--- ~--··,.._ REGAL CINEMAS 307 P.')55 2,765 3D6 . lOS 309 204 203 JOE'S -' F.R. ' ' . RESIDENTIAL BY FAIRFIELD Sign-f! ,., 920-R Park Avenue Renton, WA 98057 -~------, Sign-ID 921-E Park Avenue· Renton, WA 98057 1 PETSMART STAPLES TARGET DATE Pn:01=cr MAiYIE CLIENT CONTACT This approved drawing i> for your review and a~proval 07 -1 3-2001 Harvest Pminers Michelle Davis before the fabrication begins. 4Word Desi11n©will no! SCALE ADDR!:SS ADDRESS PHOM::" be resporuible for problems or disaeponcies that could have reruonably boon prevented by the proper review of this design. as noted 8070 Par~ Lane ·ske1chmayvaryfromspecifiedcolors. DRAWN SY i' CITY /57 !·.T:/Z!P Cff':'" /STAT~;:;::r, EM.AH. * Client 10 provide dedirnted 120 volt ;:ign circu1t(s) r A "·'· ~ JI yv wlth ground wire within 6' -a" of rile rii>nioy(ii '-..;,-'··-'---·-'-----------"'' .;.'·-'C1;;.·c.'":c',;.-''-"-'··-------------------"'------------ ' ' ... Vanessa Dolbee From: Kayren K. Kittrick Sent: To: Monday, August 30, 2010 1 :45 PM Vanessa Dolbee Subject: RE: The Landing -Window decals/pole banners permitting Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged The concern was about structural damage to public infrastructure for a permanent connection. The decision is based on the luminaire poles on 10'" are publicly owned and in public right of way. Private banners/signage are not allowed by code on public infrastructure. Kay Y'e.+'11 K. Kr.:tti"lclv Development Engineering Supervisor Community & Economic Development email: kkittrick@rentonwa.gov Phone: 425-430-7299 From: Vanessa Dolbee Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 1:35 PM To: Kayren K. Kittrick Cc: Jennifer T. Henning; Suzanne Dale Estey Subject: FW: The Landing -Window decals/pole banners permitting Kayren, See the e-mail below from Rod Swift, about the banners proposed on public light poles at the Landing. Please let me know if we need additional information from Rod about the light pole stability beyond the attached documents. The comment period for the TUP ends today at 5:00 pm, to keep the project on time we would like to issue the TUP tomorrow, however it may be in the applicants best interest to close the loop on this concern before we issue the TUP. However, if we do need an engineering study or similar document, I would like to resolve the issue about "for profit business signs" on public poles prior to requesting an engineering study from the applicant. Thank you, '(Janessa (Oo[6ee CED, x7314 From: Rod Swift [mailto:RodS@jshproperties.com] Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 1:17 PM To: Vanessa Dolbee Cc: Corey Mason; Michelle Davis Subject: The Landing -Window decals/pole banners permitting 1 . .. ··"' , Vanessa, Per our conversation this morning, I would like to answer a few questions related to the permit for The Landing submitted by Corey Mason at 4Word Design. 1. Pole Banners Maintenance -The Landlord, Transwestern Harvest Lakeshore LLC, would be responsible for installing and maintaining the mounting hardware and banners on any city-owned pedestrian pole lights on North 10th Street. We would also be responsible for any damage to the pole lights caused by our mounting hardware. 2. Pole Banners wind concerns -Pursuant to the specifications provided on sheet 4 of the permit set, the mounting hardware is designed withstand a 70 mph wind force without distortion and has a cantilever design that eliminates the need for banner wind flaps and breakaway clips. I have also attached a separate spec sheet for your review (#5507 A). If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 425-455-0500. As we are very eager to install the decals and pole banners, we look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Thanks, Rod Swift Senior Property Manager <<10-0713 THE LANDING -Permitting.pd/» «The Landing Flagpole Hardware.pd/» Rodney Swift JSH Properties, Inc. 10655 N.E. 4th Street, Suite 901 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel (425) 455-0500 PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE A NEW ADDRESS. 2 Windspill JR™ Banner Mounting Hardware (Patent# D537014) • Economical -a tremendous value for permanent installation of smaller banners or temporary banner programs. • Heavy Duty Construction -cast aluminum with a 13/16" diameter fiberglass rod. • Non-rusting • Canted Arm keeps banner taut • Engineered to reduce up to 25% of wind load on utility poles. • Ease of installation • Safety features built in. • Fits round, square, octagonal and fluted poles as small as I 'I," diameter • Can be bolted to wooden poles and flat walls. • Convenient banner tie-down on arm unit. Windspill JR Adjustable Single Bracket Set (#5507 A) • For up to 30" x 84" banners (Requires 2 sets #5507A: Kit #S7 A) • Designed for long-term installation of smaller banners in severe weather conditions. • Ideal for mounting two banners per pole (Requires 2 ea. #S7 A Kits). • Easy banner change-out and adjustment. • Engineered to withstand up to 75 mph winds. • Arm Unit secures to base plate with two 3/S"D x o/.i" long, self-locking bolts. Windspill JR Fixed Single Bracket (#5527F) • Lowest cost banner hardware with quality design and materials. • Fully upgradeable to JR Adjustable. Windspill and Windspill JR are Registered Trademarks of Windspill Products. 2008. CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Date: August 23, 2010 To: Vanessa Dolby, Planning From: Kayren K. Kittrick, Development Engineering LUA-10-051 Subject: The Landing Temporary Use Permit EXISTING CONDITIONS STREETS-Park Avenue N. and N. 10'" Street are public rights-of-way. Entertainment Way between N. 10th Street and Logan Avenue N. is privately held. The pedestrian lighting is privately maintained by The Landing on both Park Avenue N. and Entertainment Way. The pedestrian lighting fixtures on N. 10th Street match the private poles, but were built and are maintained by the City of Renton. No structural calculations regarding the possible effects of the installations on the pedestrian lighting fixtures was made available to assess possible damage. No objection to The Landing installing the banners and poles on their own privately maintained fixtures. No objection to the window treatments. RECOMMENDED CONDITION 1. Banners shall not be installed on City of Renton luminaires or pedestrian lighting on N. 10'" Street. CC: Neil Watts PR comments 10-051.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REv1Ew1NG DEPARTMENT: Pia-n Kcvie-L0 COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 30, 2010 APPLICATION NO: LUAl0-051, TP DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 16, 2010 APPLICANT: Corey Mason PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee PROJECT TITLE: The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: N/A EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 920 & 921 Park Avenue N PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested a Temporary Use Permit to install perforated vinyl graphics to the existing windows of vacant store fronts at The Landing and to install pole banners on the exiting pedestrian light poles throughout The Landing. The pole banners are proposed to be 24-inches by 48-inces and would allow for a minimum 10-foot clearance for traffic and pedestrians. The total area of window graphics to be installed would not exceed 700 square feet. The graphic window signs would be removed if the space was leased or within one year. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code} COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Uaht/Gfore Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Tronsoortation Environmental Health . Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000Feet 14,DOOFeet '6 /.J.>:, /d-01 0 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. Date{ I City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REv1Ew1NG DEPARTMENT: Constn v:Jic::n COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 30, 2010 APPLICATION NO: LUAl0-051, TP DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 16, 2010 APPLICANT: Corey Mason PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee PROJECT TITLE: The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick SITEAREA: N/A EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 920 & 921 Park Avenue N PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/ A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested a Temporary Use Permit to install perforated vinyl graphics to the existing windows of vacant store fronts at The Landing and to install pole banners on the exiting pedestrian light poles throughout The Landing. The pole banners are proposed to be 24-inches by 48-inces and would allow for a minimum 10-foot clearance for traffic and pedestrians. The total area of window graphics to be installed would not exceed 700 square feet. The graphic window signs would be removed if the space was leased or within one year. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT {e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Mojor Information Element of the Probable Probable Mo,e Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Lioht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000Feet 14,DOOFeet C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date / / DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM August18,2010 Vanessa, Dolbee, Planner David Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit 1. No fire requirements noted or required for this temporary sign Use permit. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Fire COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 30, 2010 APPLICATION NO: LUAl0-051, TP DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 16, 2010 APPLICANT: Corey Mason PLANNER: Vanessa Dolbee PROJECT TITLE: The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: N / A EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 920 & 921 Park Avenue N PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested a Temporary Use Permit to install perforated vinyl graphics to the existing windows of vacant store fronts at The Landing and to install pole banners on the exiting pedestrian light poles throughout The Landing. The pole banners are proposed to be 24-inches by 48-inces and would allow for a minimum 10-foot clearance for traffic and pedestrians. The total area of window graphics to be installed would not exceed 700 square feet. The graphic window signs would be removed if the space was leased or within one year. A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code} COMMENTS Element of the Proboble Probable More Environment Minor Majar Information Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major ln/armation Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Liqht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natura( Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,0DD Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 4(//~~/N#~ ~ -9~~ 4%..,.,,.,~/ & t#.e;;r We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and hove identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ~ u NOTICE OF APPLICATION DATE Of NOTICE: or APPUCAnON: Aligt,<t 16, 2010 PROJECT NA.ME/NUMBE~· Th<! Lar>dinK Sign Temponry u,e Permit/ LUAlO-OS1, T1' P~OJtCT OESO'IIPTION:, . _ The applicant has reQu•,ted a Temi>0r.iry Uso F'<!rrnil to in,tall p,,rfo,,ued v,n¥1 gr>ph1'." to the ex,stmg window, of"'"'""' m,,e frc,nl> ,t The lllnding a<><! to in<tall pole banne" on the e,ibrlj! ped...tr.an loght pole.< lhrough<:>ert The landirix. The pole b:>nr,er, are prnpcs,,d 10 be l4-mci,e, by 4S.;na,, and would allow fur• mmrmum 10-foot dearance for traffic and ~estrian,. Tho, tor.,/ a,oa of w,n<klw graphic, to be installed would not =d 700 :;qu.1,e f.,et The gnp1,;,, window ,rgns would be remo"""' ,f the space was leased or within o,,e year. PROJECT LOCATION: no & 921 Par>: A..,m,., N PUBl.1C APPROVALS: Tier 2 Temporary U>e Permit APPl.lCANT/PROJECT CONTACTPEflSON: Corey Mason; 4Word Oe<ign; U7 Will'3m Ave nu" S; ~nton, WA 9&)57 C<>mment< on th. abavo applbtion murt EH, S1Jbmitt<'d 0\ writing to V3""""1 Do!blt<i, (.\ctincl Senioc Pla,mer De~rtm..nt of Community & E='."'ml<: D-k>pm .. nt, 105S S<><Jth Grady W,y, R"nton, WA 9Kll57,..,. 5:00 p.m..,,;: Au~st 30, 2010. If you ha\O~ question, about this proposal, or wi<h ta be made a partyofrl!eOrd and receN~ oddrtional not1fica"."n by mall. Contact Lh~ Pm/l!'Ct Manacer at (4251 4:lo.7314. Anyor><: who submits written comment, will •utcmat,,::ally become• POl'T\'Of rec,:,rd and will EH, notrfieo' olan~ decisiot, on tl>is project, lfvou would like tc be made a P3rtyof rect>cdtc receive furtl.or informodon on !hi, proposed project, romplMe this furm and <"Mum to: City of Renton, CEO, Planning Diva,icn, l05S So<.rth Grady Way, Renton, WA !!3057 File Na=/ No.: The Landing Sign Temporary Use Pemirt/ LUAlO--OSl, TI' NAME:------------------------ MAIUNGADDAESS: ----------"----------- TH£PHOIIE NO.:---------- PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CAlLJNG FOR PROPER Fil£ IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION· July 29, 2010 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: AuRu:;t 16, 2D10 ~.--!! .... .,,, !'~ ~ % I ,J!,:,ll CERTIFICATION ' P!'.~J I j _!l_ ~·$ ·r~rav-:<a.$ hereby certify that copies of the above~~'''" Date: 'ql{p /J{) I conspicuous places or:::~:~ the rg;;;;; on ~tHj __ STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Js e 'D-e cL,~ Ovh nc\ :1 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 4 1 ''3; 11 ..., ~ \ G, I ·}{1.A ~ JO\b Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): , , A , '" __ ...:.M...:....C" ...:....,.___:l7a:....,.,.l<v--"'""'-''-"RA;;,,r ______ _ My appointment expires:"_-~A=•-'l-r"+,.'-'' ,,:.,Si" _.\-__ ~=-'->"--~=,.o"-\,."_.3c._ __ _; J • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 16th day of August, 2010, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Corey Mason Contact/ Applicant Harvest Partners Owner 300' Surrounding Property Owners See attached '"''' ,,. /.'~: -. " -mct.J;clr_,l.>V' ''ff .,,,. (Signature of Sender): , ~t ~ ,, ) d' :i: . :. ,• I~ E STATE OF WASHINGTON ~-~ .. g ) ss \ '· .. ~'°' = ·-~ .:' COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: .A, ,~,.tw~ / K; -::lOlD J/ c A ~.a-.l-c!z 2 Notary PublDn and for the State of Washington . ,,.-,.-~,--.· bqJ~~ame:. The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit -······ c , ,umber:' LUAl0-051, TP 082305902700 BNSF PO BOX 961089 FORT WORTH TX 76161 082305919100 PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 90868 BELLEVUE WA 98009 088661009006 BOEING COMPANY THE PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 3707 M/C 2000 SEATTLE WA 98124 088660003000 TARGET CORPORATION C/0 PROP TAX DPT T2290 PO BOX 9456 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 088660002507 FAIRFIELD LAKESHORE I LP 5510 MOREHOUSE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92121 088660002903 TRAS WESTERN HARVEST C/0 THOMSON REUTERS PO BOX 06019 CHICAGO IL 60606 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development {CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: August 16, 2010 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit/ LUAl0-051, TP PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has requested a Temporary Use Permit to install perforated vinyl graphics to the existing windows of vacant store fronts at The Landing and to install pole banners on the exiting pedestrian light poles throughout The Landing. The pole banners are proposed to be 24-inches by 48-inces and would allow for a minimum 10-foot clearance for traffic and pedestrians. The total area of window graphics to be installed would not exceed 700 square feet. The graphic window signs would be removed if the space was leased or within one year. PROJECT LOCATION: 920 & 921 Park Avenue N PUBLIC APPROVALS: Tier 2 Temporary Use Permit APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Corey Mason; 4Word Design; 227 William Avenue S; Renton, WA 98057 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, (Acting) Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on August 30, 2010. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit/ LUAl0-051, TP NAME: ------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: ________________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: July 29, 2010 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: August 16, 2010 August 16, 2010 Corey Mason 4Word Design 227 Williams Avenue S Renton, WA 98057 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application The Landing Sign Temporary Use Permit, LUAl0-051, TP Dear Mr. Mason: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7314 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~ -D(JlbetL Vanessa Dolbee (Acting) Senior Planner cc: Harvet Partners/ Owner(s) Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 913057 • rentonwa.gov \)'.)6-088 City of Renton City t -o Rent P1annin _ _ on LAND USE PERMIT g D1v1s;017 MASTER APPLICATIO~~:L~920 w '--'/.::.=:,f/ \V/ /~ 1/1) PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION ffe 17/ll'S/ /?Jrll'I~ PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: r,4~ !a,,,dl#j fk//t l4At' sk /tJD PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/~TION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS: $t1t0 f .W -I I.Z I ~rf k I R~A.fo~, WI/ ~//It 7? CITY: ZIP: . . 21'-/-3?3-35/8 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): TELEPHONE NUMBER: t),ft5r,; M()f'O APPLICANT (if other than owner) (J~~Oll~/0 6/'lly ;1/AS()/11 EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: ,Rek;/ Cv,Ji1/fJ COMPANY (if applicable): f tv.:1/d &s~~ PROPOSED LAND U,tE(S): f S ~ /J,ujs -f At/ti 6"';"1.:',d /,;{~ ,4/,e /f,,/111M ADDRESS: 227 wJ//)";,s AV~ s EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLA~ DESIGNATION: 5,:_,:_ df'4WM1S tt t/4_d, · ' · PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: /Zlrl/tJn ZIP: 9~t1S7 (if applicable) ~ EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 'f ZS. 7,gs. '-/StJ 5 t)C-l'v'C.1 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): ;¢ IJ,~y /l'J;,.SDN SITE AREA (in square feet): -~ NAME: , COMPANY (if applicable): "/ ~ ml,f# SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUB~ ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: tV//1 ADDRESS: zz -r w///iti#S AW s SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRl~E ACCESS EAS6MENTS: Al~ ZIP: y'~t)S-,'/ PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL D;)ITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: ;2.~f.:1r1 ACRE (if appli:;,ble) . -M'JI __ _ _ • TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER l R'ROPOSED y9,i;s (ifz.plicable~ :.,,A ~ J-/1,r jv) "1 5~,tS f,k . _'111'/US f"~ ~' t./ZS-: ?_ft!. t/5?:IS NUMBER OF NEW DWEL~ Ul'jlTS (if applicable): ' /V'/;f ' H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-He!p Handouts\Planning\masterapp.doc -l -06109 p ECT INFORMATION (conti d NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNI (if applicable): fll# SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 4/.',f- SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): ,v ;fl SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applj~l!>l_\' Al.;lr .. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BEE~lL ·ro SY tHE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 1-f 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA 0 GEOLOGIC,HAZJ\RD ;., ,. ' 0 HABITAT CQNSERVATION ..... · .. <··."\ ' ' ·~ f .. 0 SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 0 WETLANDS ·.,t ,, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ' . .,. .· ' " . (Attach leaal descrlpti6n cih seoarate sheet with the followina information included) sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP __ • RANGE __ , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COLl(\JTY, WASHIN~TQN ' "' ., • ,. . ' , '· .,_, . . ' . . ~ ' .. \"' , ... ' .~ -. ·. t,,~,:· \ : TY.A~.QF Af.>PLICATION & fcf:E,S . . ....... ' . . ' . ' .. List all land us~· applications being appiied for: P'J!'!4KY. J/Se_, ·.:,... h• : ' ··-~-_'; '' . ' .. 1. •.;. ".". I\\.' ... 3. I 2. . "4. ~~'>'Ir.,,~. •. , .. ., Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ . .. ~ '. ,~.: ' .. ' .. ' . ' AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Namels) . al't'/._ !1JMON , declare under penalty of perju!Y ~n~er ,the laws of the State of Washington that I am (pfE!ase ch~ck one)_ the current owner of the property involved in this application or~ the 8U.thori~ed J:ei,resentative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. . " .. ,,,., __ .,, """. "I""""""" .......... "' 1 ?i.~NE M.' DOBSON ~. (Sig"al4r~. oJ Qwnerl ? · ) . . · · ·· · ~-.3J"Tf GF· W>.SHINGmN ', (.l'MMISSION F.XPIRES L,-..,!'~· 2014 . t . ,. ~ .•• ! . I certify that I know or ha·;~,·i;tf~ctory ~vid~~~ that ~C~J.,!lµsl,\LL.:l.,!Lc_ signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their f act for the uses an0 purpqse~ ~:~tionpd ~~ ~~e i.n~:r:u.mep_t_. ~otary (Print) b a Dt' w 1'>:ti.:0r, My appointment expires: ) • ) ~ -/Y .. ·;; ·. , . f H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\masterapp.doc -2 -06/09 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project Name- The Landing 920 & 921 Park Avenue Renton, WA 98057 LAND USE PERMITS REQUIRED Ill None ZONING Ill UC-Nl(Urban Center North 1) CURRENT SITE USE rn ,-. .. 'l.,IJ:y ·"'f '" .. · "' ner•to ·_), . n r annin~-. :'t' . ' :::i :_,1v1sion HI!_ .2 9 iUID Current and existing sites consist of vacant retail space. The project entails adding perforated vinyl graphics to front windows. SPECIALS SITE FEATURES Ill n/a PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY- Install perforated vinyl graphics to 1" surface of existing glass (windows). Installation of 60 Ill 2ffi00x 40 Ol1l pole banners at proposed locations on site map. See specs for Windspill JR banner brackets. We are requesting to install the perforated vinyl graphics and pole banners to increase visibility, attract more customers to businesses located at The Landing and to attract new business to vacant retail space. The temporary use permit will allow us to install the graphics for 1 year or if a suitable business leases the space the graphics will be removed at that time. In one year, we will apply for new permits if retail space is still vacant. City of Rent DJ . on ' ann,ng Division #7 Construction Mitigation Description JUL _?, 9 lU)O Installation will begin 1 week after permits are approved. It will take one week to print the graphics and let them dry. Installation is planned for the early morning hours to be completed by 10am to minimize and disruption to businesses or pedestrian traffic. Optimal will be Sunday and Monday morning. There will be no impact from transportation, dust or noise. We will need to propose a traffic plan or apply plywood to sidewalk to minimize any damage from man- lift. If traffic plan is needed, we will need to close down 1 lane for man-lift. I, ABATEMENT AGREEMENT TEMPORARY USE City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 Use Permit at the Location of: /ht! i4A~41/ Re.,1/o,1, tt.J.J/ " ent n I fanning Divisi JUL .~ 9 W/C Hereby authorize the City of Renton to summarily eliminate the Temporary Use and all evidence of the use if it has not been removed as required by the terms of the permit. I also agree to reimburse the City for any expense incurred in abating this Temporary Use. Signature: 7 .. 6 Print Name: Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that c Son signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free an luntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 1-d. I ;J 0/ 6 \·:.,·.~,4,.~~.,.. ............ ...,,.. ; Di.A.NE M. DOBSON 1 i~OTARY PUBLIC l ::TATE OF WASHINGTON < ,:.vMMISSION ~XPIRES My appointment expires: _~c::.;j_,----'---1-'-?_--'-/__,_'/_· __ L"..,:;;.,t~ 19. 2014 PW/OevServ/Forms/PlanningfTempuse.doc 8 01/08 Release and l.mnification Agreemen1 -,r Model Homes This agreement is made by and between the City of Renton, Washington, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington ("City'') and ("Owners"). Recitals The Owners own real property in the City legally described in Exhibit A, attached. The Owners have submitted an application for building permit(s) and/or a Temporary Use Permit to construct model homes on the real property prior to recording of a short plat or final plat. Since changes to the short plat or final plat may be necessary after construction of the model homes rendering the homes illegal, there is some risk in building the model homes. In consideration of the inherent risks associated with the construction of buildings in advance of the recording of the plat, the City requires the owner to execute an indemnification agreement prior to any model home construction activities. Agreement ·.•-: ·:·~' ' '. . ...... The parties agree to the following: 1. The City authorizes the Owners to do the work as described in the Temporary Use Permit application No. once building permits have-been obtained. . 2. The owners assume the risk that the model home(s~-in~st b~\e~ci~ed or reconfig·ured and therefore release and discharge the City and its representatives from all known and unknown losses, claims, damages or causes of actions which the owners have or may have relating to buildings or structures authorized by the Temporary Use Permit. 3. As a condition of granting Owner penmission to construct model homes, Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Renton Harmless from any claims or liens that may be exerted against the property as a result of construction of model homes !"Ind UllE; of the u,nrecorded plat of ______ _ 4. Owners understand and acknowledge that, should the mod~I home construction not comply with the proposed lot configuration of the final plat, that no var[al'l~~s to develoi,ment standards for either the lots or the homes may be granted as such a situation would tle considered a "self-induced hardship". 5. Owners acknowledge that they understand that any constru~ti(!n ba9,un. prior to the recording of the final plat must be in compliance with all City zoning and subdivision requirements (e.g. setbacks, lot coverage, etc.) or removed prior to recording of the final plat. If the final plat is not recorded prior to the expiration of the Temporary Use Permit, Owners acknowledge that the homes must be removed unless complying with all applicable code requirements (e.g. one home per lot, etc.). 6. Applicant will also provide an Abatement Agreement and a security device acceptable to the City to ensure removal of any structures not in compliance with City regulations at the time of expiration of the Temporary Use Permit and understands construction of the model homes is at Owners' own risk. 7. The provisions of this agreement shall bind the parties, their legal heirs, representatives, successors and assigns and shall expire upon the recording of the final plat of __________ _ I, (Print Name) , declare that I am (please check one) D the owner of the property involved in the application, D the authorized representative to act for the property owner (if a corporation, please attach proof of authorization to sign), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Owner Owner.: ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for tHe Stc!le of ___ ~---· on the __ day of 20 __ . · ______________ (.Signature of Notary Public) PW/DevServ/Forms/PlanninglTempuse.doc 9 01108 PLANNING DIVISION WAIV OF SUBMITTAL REQU _ _:MENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS ·i,;ANt> USE PERM1't$0BIIIIIT1"AL• .. . . . > Rt:bui~1::M1;N¥~C Calculations , c:oioredr,/iaps toroisp1ay)••••·••·•···· · Density Worksheet 4 + Pr~i~g~C:pntrbiPi~riL< . ·:)< Drainage Report 2 ij1¢V~\iorl~. Arihit~9lµ/?i 3 ~®" · Environmental Checklist, Existing Easements (Recorded Copy)• Fl.obo•H$~.irn•P$\i!4·••···· Floor Plans 3 AND, -J< ~¢i:it¢d11~itki1. Fl,tll)6rt;"~R' Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Legal Description, Mailing Labels for Property Owners , ly1~/l6.t~xistiNJ•Site·c:oriditi611~t·····•·•···· Master Application Form• Neighborhood Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: j . . City of Renton U11'J [ t 12_§ fi iA°lanning Division 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Planning Section DATE: ----'---Z'-'/2"-'(-+l /-"-2_0,_( a __ ~U.ljll 11..__.,. ~ 9 /D'IO Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls 02/08 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVE: OF SUBMITTAL REQUII nENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS . ·•·•· l.ANb Use PERMIT$0BMlttAL> ·············· tiiiOUIRl!:MENTS:·················· Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis• Street Profiles 2 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND a Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1 . Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Planning Section WAiveb av': Q:\WEB\PW\OEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls ~QPll'i~g •• ><8Y:>•. 02/08 Printed: 07-29-2010 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA10-051 07/29/2010 11:36 AM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 150.00 Payee: 4 Word Design Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5021 007.345.81.00.018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 150.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 15184 150. 00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 007.345.81.00.004 007.345.81.00.006 007.345.81.00.007 007.345.81.00.008 007.345.81.00.009 007.345.81.00.010 007.345.81.00.011 007.345.81.00.012 007.345.81.00.013 007.345.81.00.014 007.345.81.00.015 007.345.81.00.016 007.345.81.00.017 007.345.81.00.018 007.345.81.00.019 007.345.81.00.024 007.345.81.00.005 007.341.60.00.024 007.341.50.00.000 650. 000.05.519.90.42.l Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat POD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) DO NOT USE -USE 3954 Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 City of Renton Planning Division .JUL 2 9 iUW R1003386