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APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA10-052, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT NAME: Harrington Ave NE Green Connections Phase II DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting concurrence from the Environmental Review Committee for Phase II of the Harrington Ave NE Green Connections stormwater retrofit and water system improvement project. Environmental review was conducted as part of the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS (LUA10-052). The Sunset Area Community Planned Action NEPA/SEPA EIS identified where green connection improvements could be made at locations that fit existing and planned future land use in the area along with the construction of a regional stormwater facility. The proposed stormwater improvements would retrofit existing storm systems and reduce the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater runoff from existing and future land uses within the Sunset Community Planning Area. The area discharges into Johns Creek and eventually out to Lake Washington. The improvements consist of constructing three (3) bio -retention stormwater facilities (rain gardens) and pervious concrete sidewalks primarily in Harrington Ave NE between NE 7th Street and NE 8th Place. The project would generally maintain the existing grade with minor grading changes in some areas to match existing grades. Approximately 1,200 cubic yards of material would be imported for construction. The total cut is approximately 900 cubic yards. Approximately five (5) trees would be removed due to the conflicts with the addition of sidewalks and mitigated by providing four (4) replacement trees. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Within Harrington Ave NE right-of-way between NE 7th Street and NE 8" PI LEAD AGENCY/RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development Upon determination by the City's Environmental Review Committee that the proposal meets the criteria outlined in the Planned Action Ordinance (Ordinance #5610) and qualifies as a planned action, the proposal shall not require a SEPA threshold determination, preparation of an EIS, or be subject to further review pursuant to SEPA. The City's Environmental Review Committee designates the proposal as a "planned action", pursuant to RCW 43.21C.030, as it meets all of the following conditions: ✓ The proposal is located within the Sunset Planned Action Area. ✓ The proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the Planned Action EIS and Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of the Planned Action Qualifications. City of Renton Department of Community onomic Development Harrington Ave NE Green Connections Phase II October 3, 2016 ironmental Review Committee Memo LUA10-052 Page 2 of 2 ✓ The proposal is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations. ✓ The proposal's significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS. ✓ The proposal's impacts have been mitigated by application of the measures identified in Attachment B of Ordinance #5160, and other applicable City regulations, together with any modifications or variances or special permits that may be required. ✓ The proposal complies with all applicable local, state and/or federal laws and regulations, and the Environmental Review Committee determines that these adequate mitigation. LAyconstitute The proposal is not an essential public facility as defined by RCW.36.70A.200(1). SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimme maa. dministrator Date Public Works Department Kelly Beym r, Ad inistrator Date Community Services Department =6'.Marshall, Administrator Emergency Services C.E. Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development Date Date ENVIRO,..AENTAL REVIEW COMMITTr-r- MEMO APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA10-052 APPLICANT: City of Renton — Surface Water Utility PROJECT NAME: Sunset Terrace Regional Stormwater Facility Project DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposal is to construct the Sunset Terrace Regional Stormwater Facility in the Sunset Terrace neighborhood. The site is bordered by Harrington Avenue NE, NE 10th Street and Sunset Lane. The stormwater facility would be located on property to be purchased by the City from the Renton Housing Authority for the proposed Sunset Park. The purpose of the Sunset Terrace Regional Stormwater Facility Project is to retrofit approximately three acres of roadway from Sunset Boulevard NE (a high -traffic major arterial), adjacent roads, and developments by providing flow control and enhanced basic water quality treatment prior to discharging into Johns Creek. The stormwater water facility would consist of two connected, vegetated bioretention cells and an underground infiltration gallery beneath the cells. The tributary area to the facility is public right-of- way on Sunset Boulevard (SR -900), NE 10th Street, and also private property on the Greater Highland Shopping Center. The stormwater runoff from Sunset Boulevard and NE 10th Street would be conveyed directly to the facility, while the runoff from the Greater Highland Shopping Center would flow through a flow splitter redirecting approximately 0.97acres of the 5.4 acre site to the regional facility. The bioretention cells' total bottom area is approximately 1,500 square feet with 3H:1V side slopes. An 18 -inch diameter pipe would connect the two cells. A 12 -inch overflow storm system from the regional stormwater facility would be installed in Sunset Lane NE that would connect to the existing storm system in Harrington Ave NE at the intersection of Harrington Ave NE and Sunset Lane NE. The City of Renton completed and adopted the Sunset Community Plan and Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement which evaluated potential impacts of redevelopment in the Sunset Area and required infrastructure. As part of this effort, the City developed and adopted the Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan that identifies stormwater improvements to convey, treat, and infiltrate runoff from the existing and future land cover conditions. Recommended improvements included a regional storm water infiltration/flow control facility to be located within the proposed Sunset Park. The location of the regional stormwater facility on the future Sunset Park site is being coordinated with the Sunset Park Master Plan process. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: NE 10th St and Harrington Avenue NE LEAD AGENCY/RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development Upon determination by the City's Environmental Review Committee that the proposal meets the criteria outlined in the Planned Action Ordinance (Ordinance #5610) and qualifies as a planned action, the proposal shall not require a SEPA threshold determination, preparation of an EIS, or be subject to further review pursuant to SEPA. The City's Environmental Review Committee designates the proposal as a "planned action", pursuant to RCQ 43.21C.030, as it meets all of the following conditions: City of Renton Department of Commu Economic Development Sunset Terrace Regional Stormwater Facility Project October 20, 2014 nvironmental Review Committee Memo LUA10-052 Page 2 of 2 ✓ The proposal is located within the Sunset Planned Action Area. ✓ The proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the ]A 21 A.AAQ Planned Action EIS and Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of the Gregg im r n, A dm n6 Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and Public Wor s Department applicable zoning regulations. ✓ The proposal's significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS. ✓ The proposal's impacts have been mitigated by application of the measures Terry Higashiyama, Administrator identified in Attachment B of Ordinance #5160, and other applicable City Date regulations, together with any modifications or variances or special permits that may be required. ✓ The proposal complies with all applicable local, state and/or federal laws and regulations, and the Environmental Review Committee determines that these constitute adequate mitigation. ✓ The proposal is not an essential public facility as defined by RCW.36.70A.200(1). SIGNATURES: ? ]A 21 A.AAQ Z lq Gregg im r n, A dm n6 Date Mark eterson, Administrator Dat Public Wor s Department Eire & Emergency Services Date Terry Higashiyama, Administrator C.E. Vincent, AdministratoC Date Community Services Department Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton LAND USE PERMI,\'.'p"� MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) City of Renton NAME: ADDRESS: Renton City Hall (5h Floor), 1055 S. Grady Way CITY: Renton ZIP: 98057 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425 430-7241 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: CITY: ZI P: TELEPHONE NLMD--F.: I i NAME: Heb C. F-c-,.ardc COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: Renton City Hall (51" Floor), 1055 S. Grady Way CITY: Renton ZIP: 98957 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJERMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Harrington Ave NE Green Connections Stormwater Retrofit (NE 16th Street to NE 10th Street) and Water System Improvement Project PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: Existing right-of-way along Harrington Ave NE from NE 16"' St to NE 10" St. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): Right-of-way EXISTING LAND USE(S): Transportation use. PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Not applicable. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: City right-of-way. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) No changes proposed. EXIS i ` G 70nii,l ,G( PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): i �I I C nR �t1 ti.1 sclua; .; Is.;Z Lj: Total Area amnarton t;%e NE free NE 16" to NE 1.,317is 2.5 Acres. _V SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEI]1CATED: Not applicable. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: Not applicable. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSIT,' IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable-) Not applicable. NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) Not applicable. 11RVFPS-02Wepts`PWTi1e SysISWP - Surface Water Pm}ects\SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects {(rP)127-3635 Sunset C:ommuniq, Plan SSIP11400 SEPA'anasterapp_Hanington_Final.doc - i - 031,11 0 PROJECT INFORMAL NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 0 -ION continued PROJECT VALUE: $1,041,479.92 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION 700 sq. ft. ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 150 sq- ft. ❑ WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included SITUATED ABOUT 970 HARRINGTON AVE NE, IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) ... -, ! c < declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property involved in this application or the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON j SS COUNTY OF KING j Signature of Owner/Representative Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that • �> ��� cs t� �' signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be hislherltheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. � sjaU�3 Dated sl�l.til Notary Public in and for 'a- � y r iii+ f '#',✓+! f .' Al V,.^ of Washington{ltt' it;ti;�ti�,�rrr`~` Notary(Print): VAr-e%64,_y- mc.f*, My appointment expires: IIItVFPS-021Depts\PWlFile Sys�SWP - Surface Water Projects%SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSIP11400 5EPAlmasterapp_Har- ngtcn Fi ,al.doc -3 - 03/11 (425) 430-7264, hbemardo@rentonwa.gov NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): Not applicable. \1R-VFPS-021DeptsTW,File Sys1SWP - Surface Water P3-Ljects\SWP-27 - Sui3ace Water Projects (CIP)�277-3535 Sunset Comrnuruty plan SSIP1I400 SEP.AVnaster`npp_Ha]Tn,ton_ Finat.doc - 2 - 03i t 1 PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questic koqpply to all parts of your proposal, ever, if you plan to do them over a period of time orfrent parcels of lard. Attach any additional information that will Help describe your or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist mNu to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related t TI- ening ifs ere may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLISTIOR N JECT PROPOSALS: Complete this thefar nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply. "1*ADDITI ON, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). - I - 06109 VRVFPS-021Cepts\PWT:1e Sys1SWP - Surface Water ProfectslSWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)427-3935 Sunset Community Pan SSIP11400 SEPAlenvchist 070913 f CB.doc For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. WX 06109 11RVFPS-MDepts\PW,File Sys'1SWP - Surface Water Projects'SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)i27-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSIPl1400 SEPMenvchlst 070993 HCB.doc A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Harrington Ave NE Green Connections Stormwater Retrofit (NE 16th Street to NE 10th Street) and Water System improvement Project 2. Name of applicant: City of Renton 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 1055 Grady Way Renton, WA. 98057 (425)430-6578 Erika Conkling, AICP 4. Date checklist prepared: August 2, 2013 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction is planned for summer 2014, with completion of the project scheduled for fall 2014. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. The City of Renton has plans for a regional stormwater facility and a city park in the Sunset Terrace area as part of a redevelopment pian for the Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea. As funds become available, the City of Renton may extend the proposed retrofit work along Harrington Ave NE, from NE 91h St to SE 7th Street as described in the Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan. S. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. The City of Renton completed and adopted the Draft Sunset Area Community Planned Action NEPA/SEPA Environmental Impact Statement Draft (City of Renton, 2010x) in 2010, which included the adoption of the Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan (City of Renton, 2011). A predesign report (CH2M HILL, 2012), which summarizes the conceptual design, design assumptions, and results of the analysis conducted, for two Sunset Area Stormwater Low Impact Development (LID) Retrofit Projects: • Sunset Terrace Regional Stormwater Facility • Harrington Avenue NE, between NE 16th Street to NE 7th Street -3- 06/09 V%RVFPS-021DeptsTWlFHe SyMSWP - Surface Water Projects',SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (0IP)127-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSfP11400 SEPAIenvchlsF_470913 HCP.doc A Mitigated Determination of Non -Significance, Harrington Square, September 2, 2003. A Determination of Non -Significance, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments for Highlands Area, November 6, 2006. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None known. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if Known. The project will require the following project approvals: • Department of Ecology National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Construction Stormwater General Permit • City of Renton Grading Permit 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The proposed stormwater improvements (bioretention stormwater facilities, permeable sidewalk, and conveyance improvements) will retrofit existing storm systems and in the area to reduce the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater runoff from existing and future land use within the Sunset Community PIan Area, which discharge to Johns Creek and Fake Washington. The Harrington Avenue green connection stormwater improvements are designed to provide stormwater treatment to the existing impervious surface areas and consist of constructing bioretention stormwater facilities, also known as rain gardens, and pervious concrete sidewalks primarily along Harrington Avenue. While providing enhanced treatment per Ecology standards, the proposed practices also provide significant reduction of fecal coliform. typical average reductions of up to 90 percent (Rusciano, 2007), which is a slgnificant contributor to water quality issues at Johns Creek and CoVlon Park in Lake Washington. Also, water s%'stear rr?5��!rP provided b,', t�e A35 r-e,_rsl� e zcy e in this r-ubarea IC not adequate �1E,fith ede4Fe!apimerit v'.,+h f;ie sp-inklo s ,1te s st n improvements will mitigate for fire -flow requirements Por the proposed level of V eVPI(1 !', r"IPtl -1i'-Y f'i rr��.n:; F?Iti'1'7 '}if�Yl? l.ui��ji� tt i-� !'I�it" Y i l ( - s'fI - :1 t!�:f , 1.7. t .` a }.5.` I` The proposed projp,�i contains the _ompor4 7l�"-s- Biartter�.:�i-1FCLi: 1aii�ci: Bioretention starmvi'a'Lcr iacilitie= aie open swales with a wide bottoi l drat: a;e planted with native vegetation and grasses. An overflow structure will be installed to provide overflow when the water depth exceeds the 6 -inch design ponding depth. The overflow water and water drains through the bioretention soil will be conveyed to a new or existing (if available) storm drain system. In extreme storm events or if the overflow structure becomes clogged, the water can overflow back to Harrington Avenue NE as a secondary o'veiiio'dv path. The, bioratention, s'vvaia:: Overall width vi-,ri :S between 11.5 to 14 feet (from face of curb to front of sidewalk). The side slope are 3H:1V. The bottom Vj4th varies between 3.5 feet to 6.0 feet. Tvventy (20) to thirty-six (36) inches of drain rock with 8 -inch underdrains (6 inches from the bottom) will be - 4 - 06109 11RVFPS-02VDept5WVV'Tile Sys\SWP - Surface'vVa;er Projecls',SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects {CIPY,27-3035 Sunset Community Plan SSIP11400 S EPAlenvchlst_07N 13_HCB..doc installed at the bottom of bioretention swales. The underdrains are intended to protect the roadway pavement from the infiltrated stormwater runoff. End cap or orifice will be installed to control the release rate to the storm drain system and water infiltration volume into the native soil. The drain rocks and underdrain provides drainage to the swale, and the ponded water should be drained within 24 hours after a storm event. Pervious Concrete Sidewalk Pervious concrete sidewalk consists of an open -graded mix to allow an opening in the concrete structure so that stormwater runoff can percolate into a subsurface gravel layer and infiltrate into the underlying native soils. Pervious concrete sidewalk will be incorporated into the project where new sidewalks are proposed. Water system improvements Water system improvements from the higher 565 pressure zone system to the service area. Improvements will be constructed along Harrington Ave NE. from Glenwood Ave NE to NE 10th St. A larger (12 -inch) piping will be constructed along Harrington Ave NE from Glenwood Ave NE to NE 10th St. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The proposed stormwater facilities would mostly be located within City of Renton rights-of-way along Harrington Ave, between NE 16th Street and NE 10th Street, in the City of Renton, at about 970 Harrington Ave NE, in the Northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, in King County, Washington. Proposed water system improvements will be located along Harrington Ave NE from Glenwood Ave NE to NE 10th St. - 6 - 06149 t1RVFPS-U\DeplsWWTile SysISWP - Surface Water ProjectslSWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3635 Sunset Community Ran SSIFY 400 SFPA\erv&.is'.070913 HCB.doc B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); M rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) Less than 2 percent. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The soil at the site is mapped as Arent, Alderwood material, (AmC), Ragner- Indianols association (RdC), and Urban (Ur). The Arent, Alderwood, and Ragner soil is classified as Hydrologic Group B soil, and Urban is classified as Hydrological Group C soil. The Ragner-Indianola association loamy, fine sand soil type is characterized as relatively permeable outwash soil with a moderate to high capability to transmit water. Arent and Alderwood material consists of moderately drained material from basal till. The material is classified with low to moderately low capability to transmit water. The Urban soil type is characterized as relatively impermeable glacial till overlain by weathered sand and gravel. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There are no indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate project vicinity. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Grading for the praiect will consist of excavating shallow depressions to creat rcads�de b!oretention F!e i- ."J F. �'- + n Avenue. !i u .. ., _-,,%,F!es ,,. ..._. .,,g,c., P.� �.., instal ng conveyance systems and a 12 -inch water "l_ in ai',rtg ! lurri„gten Ave NE from Glenwood Ave NE to NE 101h St. Fill will consist primarily of topsoil, compost and MIS ond,,,o (n; 4nii nix r-1,�i:-ir+es r.{ Y .�, ti,-.c� aoorF+��+a rcanril r!zri other '91men` !- e"It.: v'.,. :i vv'ater vl. ii 1'a-_ i eili The projeC( will genern'liy main:airi the ExiSLiil grade with minor grading changes in some areas to match the existing grade. Approximately 1.050 cubic yards of materials will be imported for construction, including 250 cubic yards of bioretention soil, 40 cubic yards of mulch for the bioretention swale, 160 cubic yards of aggregate base for the pervious concrete sidewalk, and 600 cubic yards of top soil for planting. For new 12" waterline, 700 LF !ong from Clerinwood to NF 1001. There will be approximately 350 CY of excavation plus 10`'/0 of some mise service lines. The total cut is approximately 400 CY. Assume some of the native can be reused, 1 - 06/09 11RVFPS-42Tepts\PW%Re Sys1SWP -Surface Water ProjectslSWP-i7 -Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3$35 Sunset Community Plan SSIP19400 SEPA1envcr,!s1p7n913 HCS.dcc only need 50% of import, the fill volume would be 200CY. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur as a result of soil disturbance, changing drainage, or materials stock piles created during construction. Existing soils in the project area are mostly glacial outwash materials with low erosion potential. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? There would be no significant change in the amount of impervious surface as a result of this project. Approximately 75% of the project area is currently impervious (including roadway pavement, and sidewalk). Pervious concrete sidewalk, comprising approximately 8 percent of the site, will be added along the east side of Harrington, resulting in no net increase of impervious surface within the project area. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR Best management practices (BMPs) minimize the potential for erosion and will be utilized during construction of the project. Per City of Renton regulation, an erosion control plan and ESC report will be submitted for approval prior to the start of construction. The ESC report will be per Section of the Surface Water Design Manual and Renton Municipal Code 4-6- 030. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Dust from excavation and grading could cause temporary, localized increases of fugitive dust; construction activities would likely require the use of diesel powered heavy equipment and smaller equipment such as generators, which could emit air pollutants. Paving operation, which use tar and asphalt, could result in detectible odors. These impacts would be short term and localized. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: - 2 - 06/09 11RVFPS-021QeptslPlMFi1e Sys1SWP - Surface Water Projecls%SWP-27 -Surface Water Projects (CIP)V27-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSIP11403 5EPMerv&0s1,070913—HCR. dcr The following BMPs may be used to control fugitive dust. • Use water sprays or other non-toxic dust control methods on unpaved roadways. • Minimize vehicle speed while traveling on unpaved surfaces. • Prevent trackout of mud onto public streets. • Cover soil piles when practical. • Minimize work during periods of high winds when practical. The following mitigation measures may be used to minimize air quality and odor issues caused by tailpipe emissions. • Maintain the engines of construction equipment according to manufacturers' specifications. • Minimize idling of equipment while the equipment is not in use. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There are no surface water bodies, wetlands, stream, lakes or ponds within 200 -feet of the project area. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. indicate the source of fill material. No fill Gr dredge 3' i terial would be placed in or removed frorn surface water or wetlands. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general r?eSCrintinn ni-lrpo'. `�� � -.�rox r -},?+n q �ntiti�s iT kn�.yn - 5) Does the proposal i e_ �Ithln a 10 -y%ear flcod plain' i; moo, note location c,`l the site plan - No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. IBM 06109 V%RVFPS-02\DeplsTWlFde Sys1SW P - Surface Water ProjectslSW P-2'• - Surface Water Projects {CI?1,27-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSIP\1430 SFPkenvchist 070913 HCB.doc b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None. C. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. The street stormwater runoff in Harrington Avenue north of NE 12th Street drains via a shallow storm drain along the west curbline or via surface flow along the east curbline to a storm drain trunk in NE 12th Street. The runoff from NE 12th Street to Sunset Boulevard (SR900) drains to storm drains that discharge to a storm drain trunk in Sunset Boulevard. Both storm drain trunks—NE 12th Street and Sunset Boulevard—combine at Edmonds Avenue N E. The proposed project targets treating, via filtration through the bioretention soil mix, a minimum of 91% of the average annual runoff volume to meet the water quality target volume and improve storm water collection as described in the project description in section A.11. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: The length of the swales were adjusted to maximize peak flow rate reduction and infiltrate a minimum of 91 percent of the runoff through the bloretention soil. Adding the underdrain with orifice control enhances additional peak -flow reduction for larger storm events. This conceptual design maximizes the available space for bioretention swales and, therefore, exceeds the current targets. Future design refinements will likely reduce the extent of bioretention swales as additional site constraints are evaluated (e.g. utilities). According to the geotechnical exploration, the design infiltration rate for the project is 1.2 inches per hour, except the segment of Harrington Avenue NE between NE 12th to NE 10th Streets where infiltration is not considered feasible. - 4 - 06/09 11RVFPS-02\DeptslPVYVde SysISWP - Surface Water ProjectsiSWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSIP11400 SFPA1envchls1070913 HCS.doc According to the model results, the peak flow rates reduction are approximately from 26 to 63 percent. The flow reduction reported is equal to the lowest reduction from the 2 -year to the 100 -year recurrence interval storm events as reported by WWHM (Ecology, 2012). All of the tributary areas are treated to the water quality standard of infiltrating 91 percent of the runoff volume through the bioretention soil. Also, other BMPs, such as pervious concrete sidewalk or other emergent treatment technology can be included to compensate for lost available bioretention swale area due to site constraints. 4. PLANTS Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other —x evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs _x_ grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation Vegetation consists of typical residential landscape vegetation. b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Construction of the project would result in a temporary loss of vegetation such as trees, shrubs and grass. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or viii :- I—E -sures tc' preserve or enhan.e vegetation the site, if any: Preservation of exlstin.L itrees approacr, and Will be a Con:Linuej goal on the A pre,irnircry +r vriSt St �.G7 iill - .0 .-t:`, I- -. condriue .o be ccrisultod dui 'irt, tile Ciesigil �5. Af-.y Ceces3ary trot removals, due primarily to conflicts and risk of damage due to addition of sidewalks, will be mitigated by providing replacement trees The proposed bioretention facilities (or rain gardens) will be designed to fit the context of the streetscape. Design will be closely coordinated with landscape architects, City of Renton Transportation Department and Parks Planning and Natural Resources Division and the public to achieve this goal. 5. ANIMALS -s- 06109 VRVFPS-021CeptsTW'kFi1e Sys�SNP - Surface Water R ojects`SW P-27 - Sui-faee Water Projects (Cl P,11,27-36,35 Sunset Community Plen SSIM14X SEPMenvcNsi 07C'91 s i'Cr .doc a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, PONGBIRDother Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None. C. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. None. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. C. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The plans will include water efficient, native landscaping that will not require irrigation. The complete project will not require the use of energy conservation measures. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. There is the potential for leaking construction equipment during construction which could result in small petroleum spills if not detected. There are no environmental health hazards associated with the completed project. - 6 - 06109 1.1RVFPS-020epts�PMFile 8ys1SWP - Surface Water Projects\SW P-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3635 Sunset Community Flan SSIP 1400 SEPXenvchlst 070913 HCB.doe 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. The existing emergency services within the project area would be sufficient. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None are proposed. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? There are no existing noise sources that would affect the proposed project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short -terra or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. There would be temporary noise associated with construction equipment during construction. However, construction activities would occur during the daylight hours (7:00 am to 10:10 pm) to minimize noise impacts to nearby residences. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Construction equipment would be equipped with mufflers that comply with state and local noise restrictions. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use cf the site and adjacent properties? b. Current uses of adjacent propar1i s include residential single far�i!y, ML ti - family, and commercial Unknown. C. Describe any structures on the site. The east side of NE 16th Street to NE 12th Street is primarily single -story, multifamily residential homes. McKnight Middle School is located on the west side of the street. Single- and multifamily homes are located on both sides of NE 12th Street to NE 10th Street. An apartment building is at the east side, south end of the street. - 7 - 06/09 V%RVFPS-020epts\PVNfTHe Sy=_'1SWP - Surface Water Proiecis1,SJJP-27 - Surface Vater Profeds (CIP)127-3635 SunseS Community Plan SSIPS1400 SEPAlenvchlst 070913 HCS.doc Sunset Boulevard (SR900) to NE 9th Street has commercial, retail, restaurants, and apartment buildings on both sides of the streets. Highland Elementary school is located on the west side of NE 9th Street and NE 7th Street. Single-family residential houses are located on the east side. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No existing residential or commercial structures will be demolished or removed. The project will require the removal of some street utilities such as catch basins. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? City of Renton zoning for the project area is CV -- Center Village, and R-14 - Residential 14 dwelling units per acre. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The City of Renton Comprehensive plan designation for the project location is Urban. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Does not apply. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. No. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? The number of residents and employees would not change as a result of the completed project. i. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None are required. L Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: None are required. - g - 06/09 \NRVFPS-02kDeptslPWTile SysISWP - Surface Water ProjectssSW P-27 - Surface Water Projects {CIP)127-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSIPt1400 SEPMunvchlst 070913 HCBAoc 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Does not apply. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. No existing housing units would be eliminated. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Does not apply. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. Does not apply. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? There would be no impacts to views in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Does not apply. 11. LIGHT AND CLARE a. '„'that twe of light or glare will the proposal produce? time cf day would it mainly occur? b. �oUid light or giare from the finished project be a safety hazard or',-Itelfere v"iL I views? The proposed project would be at or below grade, would have no light or glare components, and therefore would not pose a safety hazard or interfere with existing views. C. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? There are no existing off-site sources of light or glare that would affect this proposal. - 9 - 06109 MVFPS-02iDeptslPW'T!le Sys!SW P - Surface Water ProjectslSVVP-27 - Surface Waler Protects (CIP)127-3633 Sunset Community Pian SSIPS 1400 SEPMenvchlsi 0709 3 3 HCB.dac d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Does not apply. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Sunset Court Park is located within the project area. The McKnight Middle School ball park is located about a quarter of a mile northwest of the project location. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Does not apply. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. There are no known historic or cultural sites within the project area. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. There are none known to be within the project area. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Does not apply. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The project site can be accessed via NE Sunset Boulevard (SR 900), which travels east to west through the project site and is accessible via Interstate 405 to the west. Other public streets that access the project site include Edmonds Ave NE to the west, NE 12th Street to the north and NE 10th Street, via Monroe Ave NE, to the east. -10- 06/09 MVFPS-020eptslPWTile SystSWP - Surface Water Projects\SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3635 Sunset Community Plan SSIP11400 SE PAVenvchlst_070913_HCB.doc b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? King County Metro Route 105 travels on the west side (southbound) of Harrington Street. C. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The proposed project does not provide or eliminate formal parking spaces. However, on -street parking will be affected; existing informal parking along the shoulder of the roadway will be impacted and replaced with formal parking lanes within the project area where not in conflict with existing driveways or proposed bioretention swales. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? The proposed project will improve Harrington Avenue by adding curb and gutter and sidewalks along the East edge and including stormwater treatment and conveyance infrastructure. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. There would be no significant increase in vehicular traffic as a result of this project. g. Proposed meastlr--s to reduce ear control :ransnortai+ort impacts, i ary: tr2::i� C'�. . !moi:. iic._�!i:� within 2 tG' ?_ rcun1 rl protea S Access �,,,ith;n site "i?cv !'-'quire, a fiagger, but ine nUrCIL:&i of vei-.ici�:s ina vvou d er�tes and u,:ii Lite � �e 44ou�c; not require any additions! rnitigatl: rt iAeaSUres. Operation of rhe proposed project does riot resuiL n any transportation impacts; therefore no mitigation measures are required. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the ,project res::lt in an ',ncreasF-d seed for pubiic services (fcr example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. - 11 - 06109 MVFPS-02QeptsWWTi1e Sys1SWP - Surface Water Prajects'SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)1,27-3835 Sunset community Plan SSIPV1400 SFPAIe ,uC"I^,t ©70913 HCS dcc The proposed project would not result in an increased need for public services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. There are no public service impacts, and therefore no mitigation measures are required. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricit natural gas, ate refuse servic eie hon Oanitary sewe septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The proposed project will improve the existing stormwater runoff system as described in A.11. C. SIGNATURE 1, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non -significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent Signature: Name Printed: Date: dva 06109 11RVFPS-020eptsTMFile Sys1SWP - Surface Water Projects\SWP-27 - Surface Water Projects (CIP)127-3635 Sunset Community Pian SSIPh400 SEPAlenvch1st 070913 HCB.doc CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: September 13, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subiect: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS LUA (file) Number: LUA-10-052, EIS Cross -References: { AKA's: Project Manager: Erika Conkling Acceptance Date: Applicant: City of Renton/Renton Housing Authority Owner: Renton Housing Authority Contact: Erika Conkling PID Number: ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Denial: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Environmental Review file for the Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS which includes review of multiple projects, including: programmatic review of neighborhood redevelopment through public and private investment; project level review of the redevelopment of Renton Housing Authority's Sunset Terrace public housing project; design improvements to Sunset Boulevard• and a master drainage plan for stormwater control for the neighborhood. Location: Bounded by Sunset Ln NE and Glenwood Ave NE on the north, NE loth on the east, NE Sunset Blvd on the south and Edmonds Ave NE on the west Comments: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY City of AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT } ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMO APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA10-052, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT NAME: Harrington Ave NE Green Connections DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting concurrence from the Environmental Review Committee for the Harrington Ave NE Green Connections stormwater retrofit and water system improvement project. Environmental review was conducted as part of the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS (LUA10-052). The Sunset Area Community Planned Action NEPA/SEPA EIS included the Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan which identified where green connection improvements could be made at locations that fit existing and planned future land use in the area along with the construction of a regional stormwater facility. The proposed improvements are consistent with the Sunset Area Master Plan. The proposed stormwater improvements would retrofit existing storm systems and reduce the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater runoff from existing and future land uses within the Sunset Community Planning Area. The area discharges into Johns Creek and eventually out to Lake Washington. The improvements consist of constructing bio -retention stormwater facilities (rain gardens) and pervious concrete sidewalks primarily in Harrington Ave NE between NE 16th St and NE 10th St. The water system pressure provided in this area would not support redevelopment. Proposed water system improvements would mitigate for fire -flow requirements for the proposed level of development and redevelopment within the Planned Action Study Area. Improvements would include the installation of a 12 -inch pipe in Harrington Ave NE from Glenwood Ave NE to NE 10th St. The project would generally maintain the existing grade with minor grading changes in some areas to match existing grades. Approximately 1,050 cubic yards of material would be imported for construction. The total cut is approximately 400 cubic yards. Approximately 11 trees would be removed due to the conflicts with the addition of sidewalks and mitigated by providing replacement trees at a 1:1 ratio. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Within Harrington Ave NE right-of-way between NE 10th and NE 15th St. LEAD AGENCY/RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development Upon determination by the City's Environmental Review Committee that the proposal meets the criteria outlined in the Planned Action Ordinance (Ordinance #5610) and qualifies as a planned action, the proposal shall not require a SEPA threshold determination, preparation of an EIS, or be subject to further review pursuant to SEPA. The City's Environmental Review Committee designates the proposal as a "planned action", pursuant to RCW 43.21C.030, as it meets all of the following conditions: City of Renton Department of Comm & Economic Development Harrington Ave NE Green Connections August 26, 2013 Environmental Review Committee Memo LUA10-052 Page 2 of 2 ✓ The proposal is located within the Sunset Planned Action Area. ✓ The proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the Planned Action EIS and Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of the Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations. ✓ The proposal's significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS. ✓ The proposal's impacts have been mitigated by application of the measures identified in Attachment B of Ordinance #5160, and other applicable City regulations, together with any modifications or variances or special permits that may be required. ✓ The proposal complies with all applicable local, state and/or federal laws and regulations, and the Environmental Review Committee determines that these constitute adequate mitigation. ✓ The proposal is not an essential public facility as defined by RCW.36.70A.200(1). SIGNATURES: 4 Gregg im man dministrator Date Public W r D artment Terry Higas iyama dmi istrator Date Community Servic s Department Mark Peterson,Administrator Date Fire & EmergeServices 2 nc z�c 0-1 L==ZL C.E. Vincent, Administrator Date Department of Community & Economic Development F yrs, 4 FroCD, we a o oU" O P ora Uq F� I'D�y fa 7 CD n cr CD oW CL zn Fr cr �o (D CD O' I'D 0. b4 O O CD ca a z oil � w a z rL � -� 1 > ,� (D G ) ca o CD cn tm- c r' �, a o 0 r. o o N o n a n d _ ° Ina f]m m aF v ��—F ft Rc m o o s c` rD a Z E N– pn as 7J n n F n' ai �, 'CS T ... ^ a�. A a p' Fy a� y 5' a a �i tc eo p R T ? ro0.� 'A o 2, moots m n c UQ C R n c f.? � CLD Q W �^ c o V)7! � vn -e 4° o ter] 9 2,0 ° –C, as o� a moo' � �� �'. m Rau C7c 3 w wac zn o w �_ rn m v +? tt b �� c 3 �U� < xe �g�_g ° a. a w r . -n fl. -� x'� O'a car. 'C' fl, 6 tD m a G. U <' e; o r G n oU w' -•+ ' '� h c 5 y q �°^ao a a4 Uno- m2R gy c ti p^*� ° �m RP v7"aV4A n°. a. me. F n- O r. m t5 F ? 4 ry•. '� ^ 3 7- 0 5 -n, O� Q° =:-N' '� o p ° 7c a e g o n a R�� nc m rea r. Dia -s 7J w RsS O C^ F .a '-i X ra n n' n n �... d '� O Q a C c. :3 n a.• cnc;zy� � nNn mp[rr� F x -o --lac.-, n F --�0 05 c n= r� tc �ro C--] tD4 .po n n a m =n ra o c 3 n� �` i�'7 rA�� m 3 �;-'nc c n h Cy � °. oT• � A (; vQ ° 7y •� w « d .o {t n ° tt w n n n tD R3� � � �c `<c�o�n ^'� C .7n3na_p�.rr. acz T7 < a. �• v a' '�' a 3 r c a- CD °�' '"' •row aC7 5. o F 7� `�. 0 ca qx° n Ua. C7 �O' re 40�rmt 2�Q� - 'ra h❑R 3oe c n� p rt ��Mo � C is .n(] 1omno %De . ^d�. ��' wa�rcr; " ^ �o �> �>° caat' '$m ~n='po_n m �o oo °° 4GaQ a Ob c a rn 0 f n n o 0 °�pmaqmn=aBO.r3 o.6O a o "17R^ r n c'v_ RO c,7 c Aa nit7 ,nt . npo m tons tm -i' » a r _ N ' Fsrn! o3m �nGO a G =vi2,5G. �nO 'j c rn 'UQO UO 0 5 tD �n Nq� o n �`� n° o d� c'� tc p�. o� �.n C7 y o7wc o ^� F-' R R 7 2 pQ w n N i p_ �- n S � m a :3 O -., tt O .-. rt � a� `- ct O'< ,:.., r "C OQ a —=a 7 m c- 41��_ o�� n Za a N �• 70 ,a _. a to mR.C]F [p 2 . m nG oFn 6- 'c prb a j D q o o a- ^� Cf "a an0o�on c:o�c�y in Vac ��._ e�m3' �� .�Tn n o'ya a r. 7C r R °' g. y y vn S c o,w srn �,� rn ua ° 4 ° - --gym n �C aR. cn–v o n o N Ro' O? a t �nN,o = c ay > > n Rr, oaytr no v, aA -Ai O tt O tc c .' ° �' tD F O9 4 v. a R _ m �° c �° tra C R rr°., Vi b 7 � [ `"• c m et C m [nu 2 ° C ra Q r•C N �- ' o n R n a A X ?; F m 0 _, T w ~ +• <° d o n a' �� a �, °' n' a G m' `G O F .•ti « pa oo r� .' �, a �., �; } �•r7 N- C rc ro w �' S'] �, n u ,� R R ro n ,a ua a o a C G. �. A r- n v o P. ar ¢ Q A "' •G-„ v' v' R o 7 0[ O T...s c F C O v� F n ^ r1 Q F a o. on `: rl'7Q c a �, �, `^ w m 5 o rt R p �v n tat rr�i n Erika Conklin From: Mielcarek, Ryan E [Ryan. E. Mielcarek@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 3:44 PM To: SEA Washington State PHAs, mrg Cc: Erika Conkling; Mark Santos -Johnson; 'Richard Weinman'; 'Cerise, Gilbert'; 'Lisa Grueter; Wall, Richard B; Heston, Alfred; Jensen, Sara; Peavlerstewart, Deborah Subject: Sunset Terrace RROF Mr. Gropper, The RROF for Sunset Terrace has been processed and the form HUD -7015.16 (Authority to Use Grant Funds) has been executed by the Public Housing Director. A hard copy of the approval is in the mail. The Seattle Field Office team would like thank RHA, the City of Renton, and all other Sunset Area Community Planned Action partners for the continued communication and collaboration on this redevelopment. As always, we are here to assist. Regards, Ryan E. Mielcarek PHRS-Facilities Management / Sustainability Officer Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region X Seattle 206-220-6205 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and any attachments to this e-mail message may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is legally privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Please do not forward this message without permission. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or return email and delete and destroy the original email message, any attachments thereto and all copies thereof. The contents of this message are mine personally and do not neccessarily reflect any position of HUD. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE plate 64-,2011 COMMITTEE REPORT June 6, 2011 Sunset Area Planned Action (Referred May 9, 2011) The Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence with the staff recommendation to adopt the Sunset Area Planned Action, and present the following ordinances for first reading: • Sunset Area Planned Action Ordinance • Sunset Area Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ordinance a Sunset Area Master Drainage Plan Ordinance Terri 13r ere, Council President cc: Chip Vincent Erika Conkling Erika Conklin From: Mielcarek, Ryan E [Ryan.E.Mielcarek@hud.gov] Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 4:27 PM To: Erika Conkling Cc: 'Lisa Grueter'; 'Richard Weinman'; Wall, Richard B; Tennison, Carmen Subject: RE: Comments on the Sunset Area Planned Action in Renton Erika, Thank you for the documentation and update. As stated in your summary, the comments appear to have been resolved. Unless direct comments concerning this or other issues are received by HUD by COB tomorrow, we will proceed with executing the RROF on Wednesday, June 8th. As always, we appreciate your continued partnership and communication. vjr Ryan E. Mielcarek PHRS-Facilities Management / Sustainability Officer Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region K Seattle 206-220-6205 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and any attachments to this e-mail message may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is legally privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Please do not forward this message without permission. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or return email and delete and destroy the original email message, any attachments thereto and all copies thereof. The contents of this message are mine personally and do not neccessarily reflect any position of HUD. From: Erika Conkling [mailto:EConkling@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 11:37 AM To: Mielcarek, Ryan E Cc: 'Lisa Grueter'; 'Richard Weinman' Subject: Comments on the Sunset Area Planned Action in Renton Ryan - I apologize for the delay in getting this information to you. I was out of the office for most of May and this issue just came to my attention on Tuesday. It should not be an issue of concern for the RROF that we sent on May 23, 2011, but in the spirit of open communication we wanted to be sure that you had this information. A hardcopy of the letter and attachments is being sent to you in the mail. Dear Ryan: I am writing this letter to forward public comments provided to the Renton City Council on May 9, 2011 in relation to the City Council's pending action on the SEPA Planned Action Ordinance for the Sunset Area. The comments are in the form of a petition that asks for more information on resident relocation plans and the ability of residents to obtain jobs in the new commercial portions of the redevelopment of the public housing at Sunset Terrace. City staff and Mark Gropper of the Renton Housing Authority responded to the comments immediately. An email from City Staff to our Mayor is also attached which summarizes the response. Also, the Renton Housing Authority has subsequently held meetings with Sunset Terrace residents to explain the project and relocation assistance. These meetings are on-going and will help to inform the redevelopment plans for Sunset Terrace that the Renton Housing Authority will submit to HUD later this year. ne resident petition does not state and is not consistent with any basis for objections to the Request for Release of Funds as set forth in 24 CFR 58.75. Rather the petition was directed to the City Council's pending decision on the Planned Action Ordinance under SEPA. We are providing the information to HUD as a matter of information. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Erika Conkling, AICD Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.gov Denis Law City of Y June 2, 2011 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Ryan Mielcarek US Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public Housing 909 First Ave, Suite 360 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Dear Ryan: I am writing this letter to forward public comments provided to the Renton City Council on May 9, 2011 in relation to the City Council's pending action on the SEPA Planned Action Ordinance for the Sunset Area. The comments are in the form of a petition that asks for more information on resident relocation plans and the ability of residents to obtain jobs in the new commercial portions of the redevelopment of the public housing at Sunset Terrace. City staff and Mark Gropper of the Renton Housing Authority responded to the comments immediately. An email from City Staff to our Mayor is also attached which summarizes the response. Also, the Renton Housing Authority has subsequently held meetings with Sunset Terrace residents to explain the project and relocation assistance. These meetings are on-going and will help to inform the redevelopment plans for Sunset Terrace that the Renton Housing Authority will submit to HUD later this year. The resident petition does not state and is not consistent with any basis for objections to the Request for Release of Funds as set forth in 24 CFR 58.75. Rather the petition was directed to the City Council's pending decision on the Planned Action Ordinance under SEPA. We are providing the information to HUD as a matter of information. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner enclosures cc: Mark Gropper, Renton Housing Authority Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way + Renton, Washington 98057 9 rentonwa.gov Ir n D w c ro z w 3 (D v m 03 Q Q ro w cn C n � n co co g Q CD CD m n O O m 3 o 3 n U2 w y a O O O p ; D O m 3 n O 3 3 CD c� cn O (D Q o - Q n w a CD C,- 0 o c w ro ro o a- < 3 w m W � Q 0 v v a 5L rn rn 3 m Cl) o- Q a Cn C O = m 3 ■ ■ ■ rn w 0 0 SD CD coo = 0 '-w C. �:3 a 0- (D CD � C )Q, ° �u LB LD O N 3 rn � m � r+�f (D <j CD< `° rT7 �n 2 0 o. �- a Cc CL Q 03 Q Q ro w cn C n � n co co g Q CD CD m n O O m 3 o 3 n U2 w y a O O O p ; D O m 3 n O 3 3 CD c� cn O (D Q o - Q n w a CD C,- 0 o c w ro ro o a- < 3 w m W � Q 0 v v a 5L rn rn 3 m Cl) o- Q a Cn C O = m 3 ■ ■ ■ rn w 0 0 SD CD coo = 0 '-w C. �:3 a 0- (D CD � C CD CD LB LD O N 3 rn � m � N CDo (D <j CD< `° rT7 �n 2 0 o. �- a Cc CL Q O � O m n CL (D 73 (n 5 C C -s 0 M(D C 3CD a CCD a su co C Q C1 < C (Drri O � a cloom CD C 0 CD Ej- 0- 6,0 0 3 a m g. m W CL Q CD ,y C Q O CR (D O in � O @ O. ❑ ¢1 � � to w tD S CD (D Q 3 0) S 0 @ 0- w m com � c c CD Ct) ID ❑ o' <. @ � m �« n 3 o @ n T O. 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CD t - (D CD tD CD w rn o r o, CO o All - C CQ � �..� o o U y G7 @ CD it to C) ro CD O 3 —. O @ U14 �J Q 0_ CD ,r 'l O 7� Q en . @ y •D C ro � o T � S ro � w CD 3 w � rt 0 o C - a � CW O T - ro w m 000 m • O w CL V @ y •D C ro � CD 0 (D (DD CD C C O w � @ m (p S C@ o �D O 7 3 �< - 0 C (D0 o_ 3 C7 w 0 CCOOMI �, ro -+, CO t7 O � ro 7 5- tZ 0 0 3 =; CD 0 R ro 7 y VJ N 9 \ 2 / ] im CL / \ � \ \ ƒCL: \ � 0 �±/ / � \ } » / _ƒ coo m r ± \ . 7 CD CL J \ e \ D m ca 0 < 2 J 2 \ e / < } ] /\ COO G %. \ \ J ~ \f § z /§ ° ƒ ƒ ¥ 7 7 m °/ / $ 0 \. \ & 5 2 k � f \- 2 _ & 0 7 \ 7 cn / \ § ] 0 / \ \_ \ � 2 / ] im CL / \ � .ƒC ƒCL: � 0 �±/ / � \ } ; 3 E $ (D S coo m r ± \ . , / CD CL �C/ t \ � ca < 2 J ( / / < } ] /\ COO \ \ »~\ CD \f § /§ � _ 3 2 2 2 2> a/& Z- \ $ ° \ \ $ ° » ° } / °_ § CD / E \ A \ / \ ƒ / /ƒ » 2 ± A 12- j, « Zr \ ° \ \ CD:j C �_ « D o } 0 $. / § A o § G ®2 3 / D_ > 0 ( coon 2 ƒ 9E o _ % \ t m ƒ _ \- C ƒ g E o @ ) ƒ/\ /o = je ] o 3 ƒ ® M c � 73 \5 7 o C, % 7 « \ 0 R E5 \ $7 § ƒ } < \ \ CD \ ] /\ � /} $§ § / / (A a 0 \m g Erika Conkling From: Alexander Pietsch Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 3:48 PM To: Denis Law; Jay B Covington Cc: Bonnie Walton; Erika Conkling; Suzanne Dale Estey; Mark Santos -Johnson; 'Mark R. Gropper; Marty Wine Subject: RHA residents Mr. Mayor and Jay, Per your request I spoke with Ms. Meeka Gadson this afternoon. She was pleased to hear from me and extremely pleased that you, Mr. Mayor, took the time to listen to her concerns last night. She was relieved after talking with Mark Gropper last night and, I think, me today. She is comfortable waiting until May 31" to meet with the Housing Authority (this was the date of a previously established meeting), but did share some ideas about how residents could be more effectively notified of the meeting and engaged in the process. I also followed up with Mark Gropper after the conversation. Mark is committed to informing his residents about the realities of Sunset Terrace redevelopment and will be assuring them that all of their requests about relocation assistance, priority re -placement in to the new housing, etc. are requirements of the federal process. Mark was happy to hear the feedback and I am confident that we can turn last night's situation in to a positive outcome for all of use. Please let me know if you have additional questions. Alex Pietsch Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 425.430.6592 Note New Address: apietsch@rentonwa_gov http://rentonwa_go Fallow me - Twitter: alexpietsch I Delicious: alexpletsch Erika Conkling From: Mielcarek, Ryan E [Ryan. E.Mielcarek@hud.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 4:33 PM To: 'Cerise, Gilbert' Cc: SEA Washington State PHAs, mrg; Erika Conkling; Zinck, Dean; Stewart, Harlan; Wall, Richard B; Jensen, Sara; Peavierstewart, Deborah;'Peterson.Erlk@epamai1.epa.gov'; 'Ned.Con roy@dot.gov'; 'Wood.Melanie@epamai1.epa.gov'; Heston, Alfred; Batch, Donna Subject: Sunset Terrace RROF Gil, This is to confirm that that the agreed upon dates for the RROF for the redevelopment of Sunset Terrace in Renton, WA, are as follows: 5/23 - (The Seattle HUD office received the Request for Release of Funds, form -HUD 7015.15 with affidavit of publication and required mitigation measures) 5/24 - 6/7 (Mandatory 15 -day comment period) 6/8 Earliest date that the form -HUD 7016.16 (Authority to Use Grant Funds) can be executed by the HUD Public Housing Director, Harlan Stewart. This is of course barring unforeseen public comment that would necessitate reevaluation. I will be out of the office beginning this afternoon until Tuesday, May 31st. If any questions should arise during that time, please contact Richard Wall of this office at 206-220-6236, or by email at Richard.B.Wall@bud.gov. Regards, Ryan E. Mielcarek PHRS-Facilities Management / Sustainability Officer Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region X Seattle 206-220-6205 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and any attachments to this e-mail message may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is legally privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Please do not forward this message without permission. if you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or return email and delete and destroy the original email message, any attachments thereto and all copies thereof. The contents of this message are mine personally and do not neccessarily reflect any position of HUD. Request for Release of Funds U.S. Department of Housing OMB No. 2505-0087 and Urban Development (exp. 313112011) and Certification Office of Community Planning and Development This form is to be used by Responsible Entities and Recipients (as defined in 24 CFR 58.2) when requesting the release of funds, and requesting the authority to use such funds, for HUD programs identified by statutes that provide for the assumption of the environmental review responsibility by units of general local government and States. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 36 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conductor sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number. Part 1. Program Description and Request for Release of Funds (to be completed by Responsible Entity) 1. Program Title(s) 2. HUD/State Identification Number 3. Recipient Identification Number Section 9 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 (optional) .. ,__. Im WA011 4. OMB Catalog Number(s) 6. For information about this request, contact (name & phone number) Mark Gropper, phone: 425-226-1850, Ext. 223 8. HUD or State Agency and office unit to receive request HUD Seattle Region X Office 909 1st Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 5. Name and address of responsible entity City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 7_ Name and address of recipient (if different than responsible entity) Renton Housing Authority PO Box 2316 Renton, WA 98056 The recipient(s) of assistance under the program(s) listed above requests the release of funds and removal of environmental grant conditions governing the use of the assistance for the following 9. Program Activity(ies)/Project Name(s) 10. Location (Street address, city, county, State) Sunset Area Community Planned Action - Sunset Sunset Terrace Terrace Public Housing Redevelopment 970 Harrington NE Renton, King, WA 98056 11. Program Activity/Project Description The Renton Housing Authority (RAA) proposes to undertake redevelopment of RHA's Sunset Terrace public housing community and additional properties owned or purchased by RHA for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units either on-site at Sunset Terrace or off-site at locations within the City's EIS Study Area. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed. Public amenities would be integrated with the development and could include a community gathering space; civic facilities; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. Previous editions are obsolete form HUD -7015.15 (1199) Part 2. Environmental Certification (to be completed by responsible entity) With reference to the above Program Activity(ies)/Project(s), I, the undersigned officer of the responsible entity, certify that: 1. The responsible entity has fully carried out its responsibilities for environmental review, decision -Leaking and action pertaining to the project(s) named above. 2. The responsible entity has assumed responsibility for and complied with and will continue to comply with, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the environmental procedures, permit requirements and statutory obligations of the laws cited in 24 CFR 58.5; and also agrees to comply with the authorities in 24 CFR 58.6 and applicable State and local laws, 3. After considering the type and degree of environmental effects identified by the environmental review completed for the proposed project described in Part I of this request, I have found that the proposal ✓❑ did ❑ did not require the preparation and dissemination of an environmental impact statement_ 4. The responsible entity has disseminated and/or published in the manner prescribed by 24 CFR 58.43 and 58.55 a notice to the public in accordance with 24 CFR 58.70 and as evidenced by the attached copy (copies) or evidence of posting and mailing procedure. 5. The dates for all statutory and regulatory time periods for review, comment or other action are in compliance with procedures and requirements of 24 CFR Part 58. 6. In accordance with 24 CFR 58.71(b), the responsible entity will advise the recipient (if different from the responsible entity) of any special environmental conditions that must be adhered to in carrying out the project. As the duly designated certifying official of the responsible entity, I also certify that; 7_ I am authorized to and do consent to assume the status of Federal official under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and each provision of law designated in the 24 CFR 58.5 list of NEPA-related authorities insofar as the provisions of these laws apply to the HUD responsibilities for environmental review, decision-making and action that have been assumed by the responsible entity. 8. I am authorized to and do accept, on behalf of the recipient personally, the jurisdiction of the Federal courts for the enforcement of all these responsibilities, in my capacity as certifying officer of the responsible entity. Signature of Certifying Officer of the Responsible Entity Title of Certifying` Officer /% < Pub 1 i Cr W D / Date signed Address of Certi fitter 9 City of Rent n, 055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Part 3. To be completed when the Recipient is not the Responsible Entity The recipient requests the release of funds for the programs and activities identified in Part 1 and agrees to abide by the special conditions, procedures and requirements of the environmental review and to advise the responsible entity of any proposed change in the scope of the project or any change in environmental conditions in accordance with 24 CFR 58.71(b). Signature of Authorized Officer of the Recipient Title of Author' ed Officej n a �2 eVii 13 r X, Warning: 3802) Date signed will pro ecuteJ9lseoKlaims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal andlor (18 U_S.C.100i,1010,1012; 31 U.S.C.3729, Previous editions are obsolete form HUD -7015.15 (1/99) t:it+'nf .. ri Signature Sheet for Certifying Officer of Responsible Entity for Request for Release of Funds and Certification Project: Sunset Area Community Planned Action - Sunset Terrace Public Housing Redevelopment Responsible Entity Certifying Officer City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) DATE: May 23, 2011 SIGNATURES: Greg Z- ere"partment n, Adminis ;tar Public W Is Terry Wigashlyama, Administrator Community Services Department r` Mark PeiersonAdminisirator Fire & Emergency Services Alex Pi tsch, Admin rator Department of Community & Economic Development DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -��. r *: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: May 23, 2011 Project Name: Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS Applicant: City of Renton and Renton Housing Authority Contact: Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 File Number: LUA10-052 Project Manager: Erika Conkling, AICP Project Summary: Complete an EIS and Planned Action that addresses four topics: 1) Redevelopment of Sunset Terrace Public Housing, 2) General neighborhood redevelopment, 3) Improvements to Sunset Boulevard, 4) Master stormwater plan. Project Location: Sunset Area of the Renton Highlands STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue Request to Release Funds. The final step in the NEPA process is for the ERC to issue the Request to Release Funds (RROF). This is a certification that the City has completed the NEPA process and will be sent to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with a number of attachments documenting that public notice has been given. Notice of the City's intent to Request the Release of Funds was issued with the NEPA Record of Decision on May 9, 2011, with publication and distribution by May 13, 2011. Once the RROF is issued and sent to HUD, the Renton Housing Authority may begin their application process with HUD to redevelop Sunset Terrace. FRC Report-RROF.doc 1OO62 Erika Conkling From: Rocale Timmons Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 2:09 PM To: 'hmckechnie-hccs@comcast. nef; 'harringtonsquare@conam.net" 'donovanboyd@comcast.net'- 'schicea@comcast. net'- 'jelyons@ix.netcom.com'; 'hyliu_2000 @yahoo.com'; 'denoss@aol.com'; 'john.hansen3@comcast.net'; 'cjforgaard@comcast.net'; 'scream ingfirs@hotmail.corn'; 'shbotts@comcast. net'; 'getaview@comcast.net" 'maryyoung821@msn.com'; 'mchen44@hotmai1.com'; 'Linda.Perrine@accesstpa.com'; 'peterson.erik@epa.gov'; 'cfc@connerhomes.com% 'todds@connerhomes.com'; 'smithproperties@msn.com'; 'karen@housingconsortium.org'; 'eric.w.haywood@boeing.com'; 'scorch n200sx@hotmail.com'; 'lawyergirl2012@gmail.com'; 'gary.kriedt@kingcounty.gov'; gretch en.kaehler@dahp.wa.gov'; 'deeann.kirkpatrick@noaa.gov'; 'grartdmared2l @yahoo.com'; 'roy2hike@comcast.net'; 'howardmcomber@hotmail.com'; Iwindsorrodabough @gmail. com'; 'apretty5@hotmail.com ; 'jasoncp@rainiercustomhomes.com'; 'joel.dean @yahoo.com'; 'wailam27@yahoo.com'; 'mylarsen@aol.com'; 'Nomad lucy@aol.com'; 'shirleyb@cornmongroundwa.org'; 'm- stanford@gwestoffice. net'; 'KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us'; 'manager. harringtonsquare@conam.net'; 'ilseattle@mac.com' Subject: Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Attachments: NOI-RROF ERC Signatures.pdf Please See Attached Notice. Thank you. Rocale Timmons City of Renton - Current Planning Associate Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Tel: (425) 430-7219 Fax: (425) 430-7300 rtimmons rentonwa. ov Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Date of Notice: May 13, 2011 Name of Responsible Entity: City of Renton, Washington Address: 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Contact and Telephone: Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division (425) 430-6578 On or about May 23, 2011 the City of Renton will authorize the Renton Housing Authority (RHA) to submit a request to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of funding for projects assisted under section 9 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437x) to undertake redevelopment of RHA's Sunset Terrace public housing community and additional properties owned or purchased by RHA for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units either on-site at Sunset Terrace or off-site at locations within the City's EIS Study Area. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed. Public amenities would be integrated with the development and could include a community gathering space; civic facilities; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. The activities proposed comprise a project for which the City of Renton initiated and prepared a SEPA/NEPA EIS. A public EIS scoping process on the project occurred from August 13 to October 18, 2010. The City of Renton issued a Draft EIS on December 17, 2010. Following a formal comment period which ended on January 31, 201.1, the City issued a Final EIS on April 1, 2011. An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project is on file at the City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development, Planning Division, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. The public may review and obtain copies of the ERR at this location Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Record of Decision The City hereby provides notice of its Record of Decision (ROD) for the Renton Sunset Area Community EIS. The ROD documents the City's consideration and conclusions with respect to environmental impacts and Mitigation measures for various elements of the environment, as required by NEPA. The ROD does not constitute approval of development of the proposal. The ROD is also considered part of the ERR. Copies of the ROD are available at the City's website: www.sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov. Public Comments Any individual, group, or agency may submit comments on the ERR to the City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development. All comments received by May 20, 2011 will be considered by the City of Renton prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Copies of the ERR are available upon request by contacting Erika Conkling, Senior Planner, at the contact information provided above. Release of Funds The City of Renton certifies to HUD that the Renton Environmental Review Committee, the body designated by the Chief Executive Officer to function as the NEPA Responsible Entity (RE), consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD's approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows the Renton Housing Authority to use Program funds. Objections to Release of Funds HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the City of Renton's certification for a period of fifteen (15) days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the City of Renton; (b) the City of Benton has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to Ryan E. Mielcarek, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region X Seattle Office, 909 1st Ave., Suite 200, Seattle WA 98104-1000. The Seattle Region X office is open between 9:00 am ^ 5:00 pm. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period. Responsible Entity Certifying Officer City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) 12 <1q/11 Gregg ZimmerqaVAdenin'rstrat r Dat Public Works Dep rtment -91 Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Date Community Services Department Date of Dec'si : May 9, 2011 M rk Peter n, Adhninistrator Date Fire & Emergency rvices Alex 01etsch, Adm istrator Date Department of Community & Economic Development CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 13`h day of May, 2011, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope, and/or sent an email containing Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds documents. This information was sent to.- o:Name Name Representing Agencies See Attached Parties of Record See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON j S5 COUNTY OF KING j I certify that I know or have satisfa v signed this instrument and ack�di+�ettp, �,' �o•* mentioned in the instrument.; O�pRY � �cof Dated: �� C, PLi1F Nota igtPf;1# 11 My appointment expires: Rocale Timmons ier/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes di-,4lotary P16blic in and fo jo Sunset Area Community Planned Action/ EIS LUA10-052 the State.0f Washington AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology * WDFW - Larry Fisher" — Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015-172 nd Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region * Duwamish Tribal Office ' Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program " Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172 nd Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency KC Wastewater Treatment Division " Office of Archaeology & Historic Attn: James L. Nolan Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation" 1904 Third Avenue - Suite 105 Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Seattle, WA 98101 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Boyd Powers * Puget Sound Regional Council Renton School District Depart. of Natural Resources Attn: Rick Olson Rich Moore, Asst. Superintendent, Business PO Box 47015 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 300 SW 7t' St Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Seattle, WA 98104-1035 Renton, WA 98055-2307 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liaison Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: ?CRD -01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities King County Library System Sound Transit Real Estate Services Director: Bili Ptacek Perry Weinberg (Environmental Compliance Attn: SEPA Coordinator Administrative Offices Manager) 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 960 Newport Way NW Sound Transit PO Box 34018 Issaquah, WA 98027 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Seattle, WA 98104 Renton Reporter Seattle Times Seattle icing County Public Health Attn: Dean Radford Attn: Jill Mackie Attn: David Fleming 19426 68"' Ave. S. The Seattle Times 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300 Kent, WA 98032 P.O. Box 70 Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle, WA 98111 Department of Commerce Governor Chris Gregoire Renton Historical Society Attn: Ike Nwankwo Office of the Governor Attn: Laura Clawson PO Box 42525 906 Columbia St SW PO Box 40002 235 Mill Ave. S. Olympia WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 Renton, WA 98057 Renton Housing Authority US Army Corp. of Engineers US Housing and Urban Development Mark Gropper, Executive Director Seattle District Office Attn: Ryan Mielcarek PO Box 2316 Attn: SEPA Reviewer 909 First Ave, Suite 255 Renton, WA 98056-0316 PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Seattle, WA 98124 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Environmental Protection Agency EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking (federal) 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Water 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 803 Seattle, WA 98101 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Old Post Office Building Washington DC Washington DC 20460 0003 20004 US Fish and Wildlife Service NOAA1 National Marine Fisheries US Department of Interior 1849 C Street, NW Service 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 7600 Sand Point Way NE Washington DC 20240 Seattle, WA 98115 US EPA- Office of Federal Activities Lisa Grueter EIS Filing Section BERK Ariel Rios Building (South Oval Lobby), 2025 First Ave, Suite 800 Room 7220 Seattle, WA 98121 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington , DC 20004 Sandel DeMastus Bill Drew nuong Brian Do 1137 Harrington Ave NE Windermere Real Estate 1925 Kirkland PI NE Renton98056 33405 6th Ave S Renton, WA98056 AngelSandel@aol.com Federal Way, WA98003 briancdo@gmail.com bdrew@windermere.com Bob Alien William Spencer Clay Hanson 432 Ferndale Ave NE 3406 NE 9th St 1555 Union Ave NE #31 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98059 carrfan@comcast.net cbandman69@yahoo.com chskier936@aol.com Catherine O'Day Colin Walker Nancy Kuch 20504 SE 152nd St 4808 NE Sunset Blvd #F-101 15740 SE 166th PI Renton, WA98059 Renton, WA98059 Renton, WA98058 cjoday@msn.com Colin@colinwalker.org cooky548@comcast_net Debbie Rienti Dennis Ossenkop Donna Woodard 522 Queen PI NE 3316 NE 12th St 3545 66th Ave W Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 University Place, WA98466 debbierienti@yahoo.com denoss@aol.com dmwl106@aol.com Donovan Boyd Ron & D Burgess Dan 5akaue 2901 NE 8th PI 2908 NE 8th PI 3800 NE Sunset Blvd, E104 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton98056 donovanboyd@earthlink.net dorisron1811@gmail_com dsakaue@pugetsound.net Duc Tran Edie Mae Lawyer & Gene Gannon Evelyn Mitchell Viet-Wah Group 201 Union Ave SE, Space #20 812 Jefferson Ave NE 2820 NE Sunset Blvd Renton, WA99059 Renton98056 Renton, WA98056 ediemae100@msn.com emitchell44@msn.com duc@vietwah.com janiel@johnlscott.com Enza Shaw Eric Haywood Fred Crothamel 603 Tacoma Ave NE 4008 Lake Washington Blvd N, #3 P. O. Box 1039 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Mercer Island, WA98040 enzashaw@netzero.net eric.w.haywood@boeing.com fredc@ameriwest.com Greg Fawcett Howard McOmber Haiyang Liu P. O. Box 402 475 Olympia Ave NE 8223 126th PI SE Fall City, WA98024 Renton98056 Newcastle, WA98056 gfawcett@nwlink.com howardmcomber@hotmail.com hyliu_2000@yahoo.com Gloria Ramirez Jerri Broeffle JoAnn Rodger 1100 106th Ave NE, 802 850 Monroe Ave NE 2300 Jefferson Ave #6109 Bellevue, WA98004 Renton98056 Renton, WA98056 ilseattle@mac.com jerrib@provpoint.com joa2rod@comcast.net Mary Kay Hart Joel Dean John Barker 2508 NE 7th ST 1100 Harrington Ave NE #145 1428 Kirkland Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 jodymaryk@aol.com joel.dean@yahoo.com johnbarker_net@hotmail.com Jeanette Kelley Kim Howard David Kuhlmann 512 Harrington Ave NE 2304 NE 10th PI 2512 NE 9th St Renton, WA98056 Renton98056 Renton, WA98056 kelley51201@comcast.net KimH@JohnLScott.com kuhlddx@hotmail.com Ken Taylor Laurits Alvestad LeKetchia Jones P. O. Box 2432 P. O. Box 485 1058 Glennwood Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Grapeview, WA98546 Renton, WA98056 kwt2185@hotmail.com lauritsaivestad@earthlink.net leketchia.jones@awin.com Linda Perrine Marcie Maxwell Marianne Everett 1157 Glennwood Ave NE P. O. Box 2048 2203 NE 7th St Renton, WA98056 Renton98056 Renton, WA98056 Iperrine@wkg.com marcie.maxwell@gmail.com marianneeverett@hotmail.com Michael &Tammy Johnson Brock Weedman Marian McCready 1555 Union Ave Ne #21 1300 Redmond PI NE 2318 NE 10th St Renton, WA98056 Renton98056 Renton, WA98056 mijohns@yahoo.com mlcweedman@hotmaii.com mmae@iglide.net Brian Manley Pamela Teal Tom Megow 1515 Kirkland Ave NE 9627 123rd Ave SE 1067 Union Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA99056 Renton, WA98056 moan007@hotmaii.com mpteal@comcast.net mswiggam@comcast.net Nancy Kaastad Damaso Casillas Grant Bowles 1115 Pierce Ave NE 501 Index Ave NE Calvary Baptist Church Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 14032 Edmonds Ave NE nikaastad@comcast.net padilla56@hotmail.com Renton, WA98056 pastor@calvaryrenton.com Penny & Morrey Eskenazi Frank Pray RA and SJ Harding 951 Lynnwood Ave NE 908 Kirkland Ave NE 850 Dayton Ave NE Renton98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 pne2@hotmail.com racer272@yahoo.com redriderl9SO@hotmail.com Ryan & Maria Galloway Roxanna Johnson Ruth Tajon 838 Lynnwood Ave NE P. O. Box 2877 2033 Harrington PI NE Renton, WA98056 Renton98056 Renton, WA98056 rgjax@hotmail.com roxanna.l.johnson@boeing.com ruth.tajon@noaa.gov Scott Anderson Stephanie & Greg Varnadore David & Shannon Rollo Green 4604 NE 18th St 3317 NE 8th 2213 NE 9th St Renton98059 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 scottanderson@presbynet.org screamingfirs@hotmail.com shan9800@yahoo.com Jerome Bakken Steve Beck Theresa Elmer 3624 NE 10th St 4735 NE 4th St 3101A NE 13th St Renton, WA98056 Renton98059 Renton, WA98056 sherriebalken@hotmail.com stevebeck@johniscott.com tenacious_tic@msn.com Thomas Winter, Jr erry Persson aan Pablo Arroyos 311 Edmonds Ave SE 2821 NE 8th PI 854 Dayton Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 tomrw3l@gmaii.com 1persson@comcast.net vpa1111@hotmail.com Art Eastman Charles Rush Dave Halfon 3533 NE 17th PI 1932 Dayton Ave SE 805 Kirkland Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98055 Renton, WA98056 waunetame@msn.com wizards5@comcast_net wolf5756@comcast.net Gale Wright Deborah Allen Janet Johnson 1140 Edmonds Ave NE #117 2905 NE 5th PI 911 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 wrightggl@comcast.net Joe Gates Bill Reister Iris Adams 662 Jefferson Ave NE 2186 NE 9th PI 1209 Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Sandy Holman Nona Gibbons Mary Barden 2204 NE 8th 5t P. 0. Box 2767 1022 Tacoma Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Fran Blaylock Yao Chien Bev Miller 3500 NE 9th St 7210 S Sunnycrest Rd 14109 5E 182nd ST Renton, WA98056 Seattle, WA98178 Renton, WA98058 Larry Brosman Edwin & Pat Rasmussen Helen Franklin 3625 NE 9th St 1300 Monroe Ave NE 866 Queen Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Lori Madson Bob Gevers Patsy Banasby 643 Ferndale PI NE 900 Kirkland Ave NE 463 Ferndale Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Ted Taylor Don & Lynda Hurter Mischelle Pinney 1104 Shelton Ave NE 1119 Redmond Ave NE 1140 Edmonds Ave NE #101 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Dorothy Somers Pat Sado Owen Gormley 697 Kirkland Ave NE 9902 126th Ave SE 2820 NE 23rd PI Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Glenn Davis Delores Ray Mary Leith 3902 NF lith Ct 2606 NE 9th St 3317 NE 11th St Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Marilyn Kirby Desarae Rosario Rebecca Alder 3323 NE Sth St 611 Shelton Ave NE 3112 NE 14th Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Linda Jean Perchyk Jose Ramirez Viet Ly 2712 NE 9th St 2317 NE 9th PI 4307 SE 3rd PI Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 vly@ h u ittzol tars_ com Bob & Vera Gevers Jim Lyons Cleo & Wendell Forgaard 900 Kirkland Ave NE 2806 NE Renton, Ste A 678 Sunset Blvd NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 cjforgaard@comcast.net Catherine A. O'Day Dawn Johnson John & Cherie Weaver 861 Edmonds Ave NE 1131 Lake Washing Blvd N 1035 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 cjoday@msn.com dawn@ datacentricsolutions. us Joan Stewart Andrea Bufort Dorothy Arnolit 1700 Edmonds Ave NE 2012 Dayton Ave NE 1446 Hillcrest Lane NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 joan.stewart3@comcast.net akbufort@yahoo.com Epifanio Son Diego Jeannette Kelly Konrad Hee 1435 Hillcrest Lane NE 512 Harrington Ave NE 5150 NE 20th St Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98059 kelley5l20l@comcast.net konradlinda@msn.com Jon Sharp Sid Rodabough Sylvia & Chuck Holden 14515 SE 154Th St 376 Temple Meadow Ln 3609 Meadow Ave N Renton, WA98058 Richland, WA99356 Renton, WA98056 accents_S@verizon.net sbholden@nwlink.com Joshua & Bridgette Marshall Davonne Carter Johnny Contrords 454 Monore Ave NE #104 901 Sunset Blvd NE 639 Ferndale PI NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Lorenzo Reyes Donald E. & Liz Clapp Debbie Allen 455 Jefferson Ave NE 2935 NE 5th PI 2905 NE 5th PI Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Brad Gorter Jesus & Maricela De Dios Alana Mondragon 1026 Newport Ct NE 2615 NE 9th St 920 Ferndale Cir NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 bradgorter@comcast.net Carmen Zarabia Carmen Ureta Brittney Cherry 2400 NE 10th PI 1150 Union Ave NE #1-4 2629 Sunset Ln NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98059 Renton, WA99056 carmenzarabia@yahoo.corn brittcherry@hotmaiLcom Jon VanderMeulen Elizabeth Rawlings James Smith 1330 Camas Ave NE 1177 Harrington Ave NE #207 508 Index Ave NE Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 vandermeulen@hotmail.com elizabethiswright@gmail.com Harrison Liu Dianne & Greg Meboe Jim Howton 3100 NE 16th St 1003 Olympia Ave NE 12018 SE 51st St Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Bellevue, WA98006 dianne@meboe.com Thomas DeJonete Delwari Tyndale Keith West 2828 NE 3rd St 2630 Sunset Ln NE #D 2617 Sunset Ln NE #C Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 xtreme493@yahoo.com Carl Stixrood Hang -ha Thi Bui Donald Wright 814 E Pike St 6126 S 126th PI 1177 Harrington Ave NE #1207 Seattle, WA98102 Seattle, WA98178 Renton, WA98056 carls@huitt-zollars.com Robert Thomas Venetia Vango Julia Wilder Baines 446 Windsor Way NE 655 Jefferson Ave NE P. O. Box 2316 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 j u iiawilde r @ cam cast_net David Liu Scott Weiss Patrick Gilroy 1634 Monroe Ave NE 1144 Harrington Ave Northward Construction Renton, WA98056 Renton, WA98056 patrick@northward.com liudavid@q.com Wayne Jones Marc Rousso Len Brannen Lakeridge Development JayMarc Development Shelter Resources Inc waynejones@gmail.com marc@jaymarcdevelopment.com lenb@shelterresourcesinc.com Joel Ing Mark Simpson Troy Shcmell Shelter Resources Inc Bumgardner Callidis Development joeli@sheiterresourcesinc.com marks@bumgardner.biz callidisland@comcast.net Barb Main Main Street Builders barbmain@main-street-builders.com �.0 NOTICEi OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS FOR SUNSET TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT Slate of Notice: May 13. 2011 Name of Respamlhla Entity: City of Renton, Washington Address: 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 eontace and Telephone: Erika Conkline, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning OHision (4251 430.6578 On or about May 23, 2011 the City of Renton will authodce the Renton Housing Authority [RHA} to submit a request to the Decartment of Housing and Urban Deveiopment ii far the release of funding far projects assisted under section 9 of the U.5. Housing Act of 1437 (42 U.S.C. 1437x) to undertake redevelopment of RHA's Sunset Terrace pu but: housing community and additional properties owned or purchased by RHA for housing and associated services. Conceptual pians prapose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent pmpenies with mlxed-income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenitles. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 un11 replacement far"If 100 existing public housing vntts either on-site at Sunset Terrace or off-site at locations within the City's EIS Study Area. The project will require relocatlon of all es(sting residents and AHA Is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties awned or purchased by RHA, uo to 479 additional mew units couid be constructed. Pu blit amenities would be integrated with the development and could Include a community gathering space: civic facilities: a new park/ppen space; retail shopping and commerdai space; and green infrastructure. The alllvitiei proposed comprise a project for which the City of Renton Initiated and prepared a SEPA/faEPA EIS. A public EISscoping process an the project accursed from August 13 to October ;e, 2010. The oly or Renton Issued a Draft E15 on December 11, 2010. following a formal comment period which ended on January 31,2011, the City issued a Final FIS an April 1, 2011. An Eavimnmeri Review Record (ERR; that documents the environmental determinations for tNs project is on file at the City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development, Planning Division, 10555. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. The public rney review and obtain copies of the ERR at this location Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Record of Decision The City hereby provides notice of Its Record of Declsion (ROD) for the Renton Sunset Area Community EIS. The ROD documents the CIWS consideratlon and conclusions with respect to envircmmentai impacts and mitigation measures for varlous elements of the environment, as required by NEPA. The ROD does not onsttmte approval of development of the proposal. The RCO is also considered part cd the ERR. Copies of the ROO are available at the City's website: wwer.sunsetarea. gntonwa. Rov_ CERTIFICATION Public Comments Any individual, group, or agency may submit comments on the ERR to the oty of Renton Department of Gammunity and Economic Development_ All comments recelved by May 2D, 2011 will be considered by the City of Renton prior to authorlcing sobmbilan of a request for release of lungs. Conies of the ERR are bailable upon request by contacting Erika Corking, Senior planner, at the contact Information provided above - Release of Funds The City of Renton certifies to Hufl that the Renton Ernil anmental Review Committee, the body designated dy the Chief Executtve Officer to function as the NEPA Responsible Entity (RE}, co—it; to accept the €Udsd3ction ofthe Federal Courts If an action Is brought to enforce respansihllities In relation to the envfronrnentai review Process and that these responslbi4l0es have been satisfied. HUD,s apprpvaf of the certiw flcatlon satelies its responsibilities under NFPA and related las and autharitim. and agaws the Renton Housing Authority to use Program funds, Objections to Release of Funds HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the Clty of Renton', certllkatlan ror a period of fifteen (15) days foilowing the anticipated submission date or Its actual receipt or the request remichever is later) only 4 they are on one ofthe follimi bases: iaj the certification was not cultured by the Certifying Offlcer of the City of Rernon; (b) the City of Renton has omitted a step or failed to make a derision or finding required by HUD re8ulanons at 24 CFR Part 58: (cl the grant recipient has committed funds or Incurred ousts not authorited by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release offends by HUD; or (of another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part I504 has submitted a written finding that the Protect Is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of envir9 ori quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures 124 CFR Pan 531 and shall be addressed to Ryan E- stfelcaniti Department aF Housing and Urban Development. Region X Si Office, 909 1st Ave.. Suite 200, Seattle WA 99104.1000. The Seattle Region% office is open between 9 Q0 am -5:00 pm. Potentlal objectors should coii HUD tp verify the actual lest day of Me objection period. Responsible Entity Certifying Officer City of Renton Environmental Review Committee ("cl Date Of Ilechuo May 9, 2011 Dale of Publication: May 13, 2011 I, 9fle'-�L��-T M" 1; Vi - - , hereby certify that r copies of the above document were posted in 4,--, conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date: Signed: - STATE OF WASHINGTON } SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that & signed this instrument and acknowledgVd,it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mendfi�cl jlq Dated: O ;C3c0�' ♦RC2 iso• g......r`: ent. zWlwy Public in an .r the tate of Wa`ihngton X (Print): dent expires: —] L j t,It oI , r'Pr�rriri Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Date of Notice: May 13, 2011 Name of Responsible Entity: City of Renton, Washington Address: 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Contact and Telephone: Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division (425) 430-6578 On or about May 23, 2011 the City of Renton will authorize the Renton Housing Authority (RHA) to submit a request to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of funding for projects assisted under section 9 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437x) to undertake redevelopment of RHA's Sunset Terrace public housing community and additional properties owned or purchased by RHA for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units either on-site at Sunset Terrace or off-site at locations within the City's EIS Study Area. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed. Public amenities would be integrated with the development and could include a community gathering space; civic facilities; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. The activities proposed comprise a project for which the City of Renton initiated and prepared a SEPA/NEPA EIS. A public EIS scoping process on the project occurred from August 13 to October 18, 2010. The City of Renton issued a Draft EIS on December 17, 2010. Following a formal comment period which ended on January 31, 2011, the City issued a Final EIS on April 1, 2011. An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project is on file at the City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development, Planning Division, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. The public may review and obtain copies of the ERR at this location Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Record of Decision The City hereby provides notice of its Record of Decision (ROD) for the Renton Sunset Area Community EIS. The ROD documents the City's consideration and conclusions with respect to environmental impacts and mitigation measures for various elements of the environment, as required by NEPA. The ROD does not constitute approval of development of the proposal. The ROD is also considered part of the ERR. Copies of the ROD are available at the City's website: www.sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov. Public Comments Any individual, group, or agency may submit comments on the ERR to the City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development. All comments received by May 20, 2011 will be considered by the City of Renton prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Copies of the ERR are available upon request by contacting Erika Conkling, Senior Planner, at the contact information provided above. Release of Funds The City of Renton certifies to HUD that the Renton Environmental Review Committee, the body designated by the Chief Executive Officer to function as the NEPA Responsible Entity (RE), consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD's approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows the Renton Housing Authority to use Program funds. Objections to Release of Funds HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the City of Renton's certification for a period of fifteen (15) days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the City of Renton; (b) the City of Renton has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to Ryan E. Mielcarek, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region X Seattle Office, 909 1st Ave., Suite 200, Seattle WA 98104-1000. The Seattle Region X office is open between 9:00 am — 5:00 pm. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period. Responsible Entity Certifying Officer City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Date of DecIsi : May 9, 2011 �° II Gregg Zimmer a A m trat r Dat Mirk Peter n, Ad inistrator Date Public Works Dep rtment Fire & Emergency rvices ;� ' — V__ Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Date Alex Oletsch, Adm istrator Date Community Services Department Department of Community & Economic Development DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN... city of AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT i., ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT FRC MEETING DATE: May 9, 2011 Project Name: Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS Applicant: City of Renton and Renton Housing Authority Contact: Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 File Number: LUA10-052 Project Manager: Erika Conkling, AICP Project Summary: Complete an EIS and Planned Action that addresses four topics: 1) Redevelopment of Sunset Terrace Public Housing, 2) General neighborhood redevelopment, 3) Improvements to Sunset Boulevard, 4) Master stormwater plan. Project Location. Sunset Area of the Renton Highlands STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Record of Decision (ROD) and Notice of Intent to Release Funds (NOI-RROF) The FEIS for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action was issued on April 1, 2011, after a 30 -day waiting period, the City received one comment from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This comment noted that the FEIS had addressed all of the EPAs previous comments, and that FEIS document was satisfactory. In addition to this comment, the City has been working with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on a letter of concurrence that supports the FEIS. The City consulted with NMFS in December 2010 on the Biological Assessment performed for the FEES. NMFS commented that there were potential concerns with stormwater that drains from the Sunset Area through Johns Creek to Lake Washington. Although Johns Creek is not considered a salmon bearing stream, it does contain habitat at its mouth when the water level in Lake Washington permits salmon to travel through it. Since December, the City and NMFS staff have exchanged several rounds of comments and responses. A draft letter of concurrence has been sent through the approval process at NMFS and is expected to be finalized prior to the ERC meeting. NMFS letter of concurrence is necessary to issue the ROD and to complete NEPA. However, this letter will only approve the redevelopment of Sunset Terrace (including the identified potential replacement housing sites) and not provide an overall approval for the entire Planned Action area. NMFS had concerns about issuing a blanket statement of concurrency for the Planned Action area because there was no specific project to review. What this means is that any future work in the Sunset Area that requires NEPA (such as the Family Village at Hillcrest or highway work on Sunset Boulevard) will be required to consult with NMFS and finish the NEPA process based on project -specific information. To fulfill the City's obligations under NEPA, the next step is for the City to issue a Record of Decision (ROD). The ROD details the alternatives that were considered and the process that was undertaken in completing ERC Report- ROD NOI-RROF.doc 10-052 environmental review for the Suns__ Area Community Planned Action. In ition to the ROD, the City will issue a Notice of Intent to Release Funds (NOI-RROF). In the NEPA process the NOI-RROF serves as a type of appeal process where interested parties have the opportunity to object to the EIS. Since the NEPA process is being completed for proposed redevelopment of Sunset Terrace public housing, which is project that is a US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) project managed by the Renton Housing Authority, objections are directed to the local HUD office. After a waiting period, if no objections are filed, the ERC will be asked to issue the Request for Release of Funds (RROF) document to HUD. Attachments: Record of Decision NOI-RROF UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE M National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration r NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Northwest Region ''*sae 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Bldg. 1 Seattle, Washington 98115 NMFS Tracking No.: May 6, 2011 2010/05983 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Ryan Milkaric U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Seattle Federal Office building 909 First Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Re: Endangered Species Act Section 7 Informal Consultation and Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation for Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Project (HUC 1711001203, Lake Washington) Dear Ms. Conkling and Mr. Milkaric: This correspondence is in response to your request for consultation under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Additionally, this letter serves to meet the requirements for consultation under the Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). Endangered Species Act The City of Renton submitted a Biological Assessment (BA) to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action project on December 8, 2010. Additional information was provided on February 23, April 5, and April 29, 2011. The City will use funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing community and replacement sites. For the purposes of ESA, the City is acting as the designated non-federal representative for informal consultation. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 7 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Northwest Region 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Bldg. 1 Seattle, Washington 98115 NMFS Tracking No.: May 6, 2011 2010/05983 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Ryan Milkaric U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Seattle Federal Office building 909 First Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Re: Endangered Species Act Section 7 Informal Consultation and Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation for Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Project (HUC 1711001203, Lake Washington) Dear Ms. Conkling and Mr. Milkaric: This correspondence is in response to your request for consultation under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Additionally, this letter serves to meet the requirements for consultation under the Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). Endangered Species Act The City of Renton submitted a Biological Assessment (BA) to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action project on December 8, 2010. Additional information was provided on February 23, April 5, and April 29, 2011, The City will use funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing community and replacement sites. For the purposes of ESA, the City is acting as the designated non-federal representative for informal consultation. 2 The City requested NMFS' concurrence with the following determinations: 1)"may affect, not likely to adversely affect" for Puget Sound Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon (PS Chinook), 2)"may affect, not likely to adversely affect" for PS Chinook critical habitat, 3) "may affect not likely to adversely affect" for PS steelhead (O. mykiss). PS Chinook was listed as threatened under the ESA on March 24, 1999 (50 CFR 223 and 224), and critical habitat was designated on September 2, 2005 (70 FR 52630). PS steelhead was listed as threatened on March 29, 2006 (71 FRl 5666). The NMFS has not designated Critical habitat for PS steelhead. This consultation with the City is conducted under section 7(a)(2) of the ESA, and its implementing regulations, 50 CFR 402. The City's original project proposal included redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community (approximately 13 acres), as well as the related redevelopment actions in the larger Sunset Area Community neighborhood (approximately 255 acres), also called the Planned Action Study Area. Their proposal was to redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing community as part of a Planned Action that would encourage redevelopment in the Planned Action Study Area through land use growth allowances, public service and infrastructure improvements, and a streamlined environmental review process via adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Due to funding and permitting timelines, the City has limited their current project proposal to redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community and the replacement housing sites near the Sunset Terrace Redevelopment subarea (see Attachment A). Sunset Terrace is a 7.3 -acre property with 100 existing units contained in 27 two-story buildings. The housing units are over 50 years old and considered of substandard size and quality. The Renton Housing Authority (RHA) additionally owns properties in the subarea abutting Sunset Terrace where senior and affordable housing will be built, some of which will be replacement housing. Most replacement units would occur in the Sunset Terrace subarea, others would occur on City or RHA properties in the EIS study area, including Sunset Court Park, the existing King County library site, and existing parcels located near Hillcrest Terrace. The project action area includes the Sunset Terrace Housing site, the replacement sites within the Sunset Terrace redevelopment subarea and EIS study area, and downstream areas that are affected by construction activities and stormwater originating from these sites. No streams are present in the action area, but the area drains to Johns Creek. The creek is mostly a piped system that discharges into Lake Washington near the mouth of the Cedar River. The mouth of Johns Creek is influenced heavily by the seasonally controlled Lake Washington levels, and is not sensitive to increased peak and duration of stormwater discharges. The mouth of Johns Creek and about 1,500 feet upstream is a very important rearing area for juvenile PS Chinook salmon during their outmigation from the Cedar River in late February to mid-July (the most used tributary of 17 surveyed tributaries of Lake Washington). Adult Chinook are present in Lake Washington during their upstream fall migration to the Cedar River, but do not use Johns Creek. Adult and juvenile PS steelhead and coho (O, kisutch) salmon also rear and migrate through Lake Washington year round, but do not use Johns Creek. Construction activities are not expected to increase stormwater volumes or velocities to Johns Creek or Lake Washington, or decrease water quality. During construction, stormwater and erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be used to control runoff rates, and prevent sediment -laden water from entering conveyance systems that discharge to Johns Creek, and eventually Lake Washington. As a result of the redevelopment, the operation of the project will generate additional stormwater from additional impervious surfaces. Since the project is still in the conceptual phase, Renton cannot specify the development that will actually occur. For the purposes on this analysis, parcels within the potential land swap/replacement housing sites are anticipated to be redeveloped by others at the maximum intensity allowed by code (maximum allowable impervious area). It is unlikely that the replacement housing sites will be constructed at the maximum capacity unless they are purchased by the City. If the City does not purchase the properties, they will likely remain in their present use or be converted to open space. The NMFS analysis considered the worst case scenario in terms of estimating increases in impervious surfaces and thus stormwater runoff. Lower rates of development are expected to have fewer effects to listed species. The redevelopment projects could include a range of total increase in impervious surfaces of 36 to 47 percent. The area of pollution generating impervious surfaces would change from a range an increase of 21 percent to a decrease of 16 percent, and the area of untreated pollution generating impervious surfaces would decrease from 90 to 100 percent. All pollution generating surfaces will be treated via Flow Control BMPs (also known as Low Impact Development practices) and/or Enhanced Water Quality treatment. All runoff will match 2011 pre - development peak flows. The project will also include a sub -regional facility, located at Sunset Terrace, to treat and control peak flows from up to 2.6 acres to provide advance mitigation from the net additional impervious area projected over the Planned Action Study Area. Species Determination Puget Sound Chinook Salmon Puget Sound Steelhead NMFS analyzed the potential effects of the project on PS Chinook salmon and PS steelhead and determined that the effects will be discountable and insignificant. Short-term construction -related effects are discountable for juvenile PS Chinook salmon, as BMPs are expected to prevent sediments from entering the man-made conveyance system which discharges to Johns Creek. As well, construction BMPs will prevent any changes in stormwater volumes and velocities to John's Creek so salmon will not be exposed to increased stormwater volumes and velocities. Short-term effects to PS Chinook adults and PS steelhead (adults and juveniles) are expected to be discountable as any changes to stormwater volumes, velocities, and water quality are not expected to affect Lake Washington's water quality or quantity. 4 NMFS expects the long-term effects of the project to juvenile PS Chinook salmon to be insignificant as stormwater volumes and velocities entering Johns Creek will be decreased by the new peak flow controls required as part of the housing projects. In addition, the mouth of the creek is not expected to be affected by changing peak flows, because of the influence of controlled lake levels. Stormwater quality will also be improved as the result of new stormwater treatment requirements. The combined use of Enhanced water quality treatment and LID methods for all the new pollution generating impervious surfaces is expected to avoid long-term exposure of juvenile PS Chinook salmon to metals and other pollutants in Johns Creek. Long- term effects to PS Chinook adults and PS steelhead (adults and juveniles) in Lake Washington are also expected to be insignificant due to the improvement in stormwater treatment and controls. Because all potential adverse effects to PS Chinook salmon and PS steelhead are discountable or insignificant, NMFS concurs with the City's effect determination of "may affect, not likely to adversely affect" for PS Chinook and PS steelhead. Critical Habitat Determination NMFS designated critical habitat for the PS Chinook salmon on September 2, 2005 {70 FR 52630). In the action area, Lake Washington is designated as critical habitat, but Johns Creek was excluded from critical habitat designation. Two of the six primary constituent elements of PS Chinook critical habitat. PCE -2 freshwater rearing sites, and PCE -3 freshwater migration corridors are in the action area of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment project. NMFS analyzed the potential effects of the project on PS Chinook PCEs and determined that the effects will be insignificant. The conservation values of PCEs 2 and 3 will not be adversely affected during construction. On site BMPs will prevent sediment from being discharged into conveyance systems that flow into Johns Creek, and eventually reach Lake Washington. Construction BMPs will also prevent any changes to stormwater quantities discharged to Lake Washington. In addition, the conservation values will not be adversely affected during project operation. Stormwater controls will be implemented for water quality and water quantity, reducing Johns Creek peak flows and minimizing discharge of pollutants. Therefore, adequate flows and water quality for adult and juvenile Chinook salmon rearing and migration will be maintained in Lake Washington. No project actions will obstruct migration corridors or increase predation. Thus, the long-term conservation value will be maintained for freshwater rearing and migration. Because adverse effects to critical habitat are expected to be insignificant, NMFS concurs with the City's determination that the project "may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect" critical habitat for PS Chinook. This concludes informal consultation according to the regulations implementing the ESA, 50 CFR 402.10. The City must re-initiate the ESA consultation if new information reveals effects of the action that may affect listed species in a way not previously considered, the action is modified in a manner that causes an effect to the listed species that was not previously considered, or a new species is listed that may be affected by the identified action. Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Federal agencies are required, under section 305(b)(2) of the MSA and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 600 Subpart K), to consult with NMFS regarding actions that are authorized, funded, or undertaken by that agency that may adversely affect Essential Fish Habitat (EFH). The MSA section 3 defines EFH as "those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity." If an action would adversely affect EFH, NMFS is required to provide the Federal action agency with EFH conservation recommendations (section 305(b)(4)(A)). This consultation is based, in part, on information provided by the City and descriptions of EFH for Pacific coast groundfish, coastal pelagic species, and Pacific salmon contained in the Fishery Management Plans developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council and approved by the Secretary of Commerce. The actions are described in the BA and additional information provided. The action area includes habitat, which has been designated as EFH for various life stages of Chinook and coho salmon. EFH Conservation Recommendations: Because the conservation measures that the City included as part of the proposed action to address ESA/EFH concerns are adequate to avoid, minimize, or otherwise offset potential adverse effects to the EFH of the species, conservation recommendations pursuant to MSA (section 305(b) (4) (A)) are not necessary. Since NMFS is not providing conservation recommendations at this time, no 30 -day response from. the City is required (MSA section 305(b) (4) (B)). This concludes consultation under the MSA. If the proposed action is modified in a manner that may adversely affect EFH, or if new information becomes available that affects the basis for NMFS' EFH conservation recommendations, the City will need to reinitiate consultation in accordance with the implementing regulations for EFH at 50 CFR 600.920(1). If you have questions regarding either the ESA or EFH consultation, please contact DeeAnn Kirkpatrick of the Washington State Habitat Office at (206) 526-4452, or by electronic mail at deeann.kirkpatrick@noaa.gov. Sincerel , William W. S le, Jr. Regional Administrator Attachment f, land SWA;Vliuus •og Rep acernerL iiic kC 21ST ST, City limits ST_, a.• Planned Action 3tury Area i1 �.i. 'r,. •-� i NEIIST� S Poundal Sunset AR -c -ace Rrdsvelapme7ttre N ST hji �+ • 1 S,F*r Slid i ,ifxi t w Y • � `'<iQ�I Lir: �• NE 17TH P ...a 1 ^5�" GN[iaTH"sT W4 L NE 13fIt Ir .0 ; y ' .1 it 4111,1101M 13TIisf1_ "r S 43� r • L i 2 fir' r N( ill" +� �.�.... ._.[ RSA L� u f 'y N+�i/� -NE lOIN VE NE 101H Pt- *�� N_( 30TH ST �. - �_,,, __ -_. _ i •.' .. �.- 'e-. • ' s + ty f SA I,f .SII �$&L ,0-> "hE-1DTHS z �f .r w k ->is ,F�•NE9Ta� < HPL I ti '' A - _7 •�.r �!C " W O NE 9TH ST _ 4 NE 9TH PL •� ,. Sr t z Pit fir EfiT,y➢ •'-µ.' �'4 r fr �� N. O - NEJTM- hf L4 ZZ je fFr— Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Area and Land Swap/Replacement Mousing Sites Sunset Area Community Planned Action Draft NEWI/SEPA EIS V7p4),TjQ,',, CA � r. Baa �• >? � G or a � o � o � cu � G 4 C rL 7 CD o cam° n` tri 77 rJ - a s f_iDHg o c c -. 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Co -i w d 4 ^' w a. w w tic o .- O ° .+, O 'nU' 'C o a -r7 w p .�•. m °a3�fonyncaw anw.rnv nfnar}�SFs,=i x. aZ��rn `syn D 'acon�wa m vow .`= w n a- n n ie r9 R .+ fo fo �'Oq o ace Oo g h7,. rc m io F" �n ft to N a w — fa N�r�e >in oww � w o o'c- a m4 'ODo C]Ln� I c cv w� �c o 9 fg E $,C n0 8 >w sI o'er _o.S EL 3 C w n uo n d .--i n of v O a" fl. d ca [� to O w w fo s �, 3 A y M e a �.ti a n w d n F w rr f q..—, C d° 7 ° e K n az n a fern < a° eaapob o F�Eyr�sf �prnro CL �`' f,, _� 0. Q 0' `°-n a�r' m �, io w y c �. -C�i .b o " ewe rn'b c Iowa as e� `= w fnnCD T a `^ 'G n 0. d tory �, d n m F b° R s? b .�+ � w -a W b 'g 0. a. g�' .�� ^tDmE' a <o ��cr _�9 g c �.a R a MM. �0.00 wo�c �a c� a nY�ao_Q n -e nFo°mow ��.� a R '•� db - n 1" o a o' fn r6 'O ¢ n .b Y d .a -r -, v -» w iE t0 (9 ..ry{70 O rt d O v N d tY y Q n `J R W 33M. O G Q' a d .b r^i, O Q. b ^+ [ O _. fp .n... w° a w b ° Ll. O n V p O- - m c m a rr� ° a _ zs c; N P w a cn � N v co Fo F w R $ n a n °° c m t, u ,na, R ao ,� �o � w G• ^'. Gt .`1• .� n y 'J• [9- M -u 2 fo .q D 3 R O fC fl. R •a C O RY oa [o fn fo g :5, W, fi a o n O ..d O O fe w < ty is n �1e, io ei n 0. 0 cne-7yvoF ¢ co ��n1 ��a�_�afl " w� ¢Bomb aop Fs L 3 Q y 0 7y w� F ro an o on �� a 4 av �_ d ° S o a rn o- 0 rr �� m C 5 to so o N "m c'a ^. °' m m o w ° a �° 5' ry Awa-om � m� o'Barcry ww���,no F�aya=�f� {/1 .�' d a R n o ."k R </' V1 rD ^n vO (9 d i w N (D W 0. R [9 R [o a y - L:t0 faoofaco y9y�o^2PQfl���.ro �a � fc Q ro�cc �"'noo@ >� a y 'zoC�� `CL G a n. A O. m �' fl. R/ 7 {y .a t -j F £ 0O O~ O [: •'t d — ;; .�-. d 7 co R "' t1 /D rl rn fa �7 m �y `y `C F{e N a a, [n rn P+ o p fe C ry a C 0 ° °EL 7 a C to 0. v t1 o d L^ fo .a t1. �ry .a •, n 7 (7i �' x p y " Ei m- N r__ a .Fv-.rbc a/�.i ? "w ,-1 Q. (��D A. 3 D• '� b d n N m �.a w c a D 3� o y❑ w a ° ro m a 4 R@ DDe fu n F o o e fl n 5' m _ Y n re cs a ra [o Fe ^ fo a?- y " v o' a v, o- w �. n N 07 c 0. wa a a xm c o tv ro „ m �.m@° o m a - G o'rd n� O _. w e a m _� :2 fo a'� rc n �a a s n ebb afRv 9 ` 0. wc. m n 43 O 6 m y �: .� R cn a ,b .� a' - d a d O. b n (9 � C F O C m Z t9 (9 F 4 R ro'3 w � � �' < w y ^coo U a- bay ° °� �n O b 5' rn <o w rr ' a rti a n '� 3 a s ��' rn y' m `., O� s 7 �`s' m m= O C y ree [o [o m n @- ry 2 Fp. —P, �. CL 0. tT' n O 0.G a� fnp n b eb'o ro R a fe a c v w CL CL waw R .� a� 5'a w n cane 5 0 ? f30a 3' f. 5' N y a{ e C° a ° ooa fo R7 a N�'QcRy a is°� Cnf9p cr rn ^Onw.Oa.p3O •-•�' aat�0. �.a�nw S.Fn..^tea`-m a a .p a �oaa e- oro o n .a fo p' °-r� [7 - .C. t4 .�-. w d .a. I o+� n 0 1 lib > 8 �f�E a � .�-r � � r , > CL> -z �g W :g C. tn° sn COne =.s 7zzx-Cq �Q-nnfWe � o p ant- `Cao�Y- p f�a �e n a fie fie g� ZI C�c pr�c I � W° a�f o e CL W..Z� ao y Rn w � pp ���� �o ° � � m n -rye m n� �� w�-�"d �za �@ o o s� n" �daa �j m 3' " 0O �7 a, -, to a a X rn D O Pte.' rwi „ rvo �' y fl. ¢ " R d. `,h-1 c -� O n [o •�' R m O y a ,a., w n O dN'y Cnm -3 n 6� ME OOo �`C `� a y Q C- [n �-, rD e� °romflrc�nwna ,L,�C�w"p� 0a �� q cpe'm �3 � r��f�c��Q�o h2w �oU Fra yrvT� N fo N W>. v CIJ O N' C c M v 0. R •O " A 5 g a '� V7 a S [G � m `'� C_ C �' 7 a O ?y ce O o O m F'. n -e "r `G 7' '0 Cn _ R O a vO,. w � a � fo .�+ w R q r`d �. v h m ._, ,� `�1 re S .n•. U] '"' 0. G n v C7 ¢ C-7 _G g T, R7 n- p b W > L--� O- n m 0 h]a Jn 33 0 a m o o ° w is _ o' zt- D- 0 7y� d -wo -nw �? wn a ? y n a fin h7 'n �e n v c a n o Q o aro o a �° y. a" n ro R a a R Q m CL Tb a e m `J fl. w R < 7 v a n ab e a9eh] Rvob .»fro a^'�z�mf» eFn a ��. eorspzr°4ufe o Ag o e zcn �eao� " ��Sro�' y' zazn fF°anc an, ��^'.3 ro ❑ 'F {n w (i 5 �„ a 4, 2q t7 tf: ro ca e fa Ej > =,:F MRS R a� r3 CILR a• CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF DELIVERY On the 23rd day of March, 2011, 1 delivered, a sealed envelope containing Sunset Area Community Planned Action EIS documents. This information was sent to: Name Agencies I See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON SS State rr�=: COUNTY OF KING ) MICHr.'.R -AKINS My CoMif,"! ":. EXPIRES I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that Lisa Grueter signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his#(f rjtheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:] Notary Public in arld for State of Washington Notary (Print): (� 4C_j 1P,1C%l 1C�I My appointment expires: l I 2611 yz Sunset Area Community Planned Action/EIS LUA10-052 template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY DISTRIBUTION (ERC DETERMINATIONS) City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner c/o Alex Pietsch 1055 5, Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 template - affidavit of service by mailing Renton Housing Authority Mark Gropper, Executive Director 2900 Northeast 10th Street Renton, WA 98056-3133 CITY OF RFNTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF DELIVERY On the 23rd day of March, 2011,1 delivered, a sealed envelope containing Sunset Area Community Planned Action EIS documents. This information was sent to: Name Agencies I See Attached _ l (Signature of Sender): l C� STATE OF WASHINGTON ) Ss State ' I. I^gian COUNTY OF KING ) MICN:..= `:" 1 '.--AKINS MY COM,'! _ EXPIRES I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Liisa Grueter signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hisheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: -DI 221-4 Zu\ t Notary Public in andfor of Washington Notary(Print): l My appointment expires: (-o- 11 _ 26\1 Project Name: Sunset Area Community Planned Action/EIS Project Number: LUA10-052 template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY DISTRIBUTION (ERC DETERMINATIONS) City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner c/o Alex Pietsch 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 template - affidavit of service by mailing Renton Housing Authority Mark Gropper, Executive Director 2900 Northeast 10th Street Renton, INA 98056-3133 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 10 w 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 i Seattle, WA 981 01-31 40 4�14{ Pwso OFFICF OF ECOSYSTEMS, TRIBAL AND PU13LIC AFFAIRS April 29, 2011 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Re: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 Comments on the Sunset Area Community Planned Action (Planned Action) Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) (EPA Project Number: 10 -051 -HUD) Dear Ms. Conkling: The EPA has reviewed the Sunset Area Community Planned Action FEIS and we are submitting comments in accordance with our responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 309 of the Clean Air Act. Our January 31, 2011 DEIS comments focused on "Sustainability Features and the Environmentally Preferred Alternative" and "Monitoring". With regard to sustainability features and the environmentally preferred alternative, we suggested that the environmentally preferable alternative under NEPAL — for this Planned Action - would likely be the alternative which incorporates the maximum extent of implementable features consistent with quality urban design, sustainable urban redevelopment, and livability principles.2 EPA recommended the FEIS include an alternative which addresses 37 specific design elements and mitigation measures (e.g. "require future developers to pursue a specific energy conservation approach/ standard(s)"). We are very pleased to note that the FEIS's new preferred alternative addresses all of the design elements and mitigation measures recommended by EPA and is, therefore, fully responsive to our DETS comments on sustainability features and the environmentally preferred alternative. The following mitigation measures from Planned Action Ordinance Exhibit B. Sunset Area Community Planned Action EIS Mitigation Measures (FEIS, Appendix E) are especially responsive to our recommendations: • fugitive dust Best Management Practices (BMPs); • indoor air quality and construction diesel emissions controls considerations; • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Measures; • reductions of existing pollution -generating impervious surfaces and development of a drainage master plan; 1 http://ceg,hss.(toe,,oiv/nena/TeLs/40/ I - I O) HTIM#6 2 http://www.epa.goy/smart+.*rowth/partnership/#tivabilityprinciples • consideration of Northwest ENERGY STAR Homes strategies and Seattle Energy Code compliance for non-residential buildings; • hazardous materials training for all grading and excavation crews; • provide new opportunities for public open space and emphasize transitions in density; • helping affected businesses maintain their customer base during construction; • establishing a local preference for rental assistance; • added pedestrian, bicycle or multi -use trails at Edmonds Ave NE and NE 12`h Street; • parks and recreation impact fees, joint -use agreement with the Renton School District, and, conversion of public and private property to open space based on availability and DEIS Figure 4.15-2. To increase the likelihood of full implementation of the proposed mitigation measures we recommended that the Planned Action Ordinance serve as a stand-alone document, incorporate specific tar fets and facilitate adaptive management. Exhibit B's 17 subject areas, overall framework , as well as the mitigation measures themselves (see above), are responsive to our `stand-alone document' and `incorporate specific targets' recommendations. Our FEIS review generated questions regarding the EIS's and Planned Action Ordinance's ability to guide the measurement of sustainability, a key aspect of facilitating adaptive management. We submitted our questions via email to the City of Renton on April 11, 2011 and appreciate the city consultant's April 13, 2011 written response. We believe the proposals - contained in Attachment 1-1 of the April 13, 2011 response - to add sub -parts C5, D6 and, E7 to Section 4 of the Planned Action Ordinance would help guide the measurement of sustainability in the Sunset Area and would facilitate meaningful adaptive management. Incorporation of these proposed, or similar, sub -parts would be fully responsive to our overall scoping, DEIS and FEIS recommendations that the EIS and Planned Action Ordinance strive to measure performance of livability efforts and facilitate adaptive management. Altogether, we believe the City of Renton has developed a Planned Action that should achieve the FEIS's predicted long-term benefits - neighborhood revitalization, increased opportunities for healthy active lifestyles and local employment, net stormwater treatment improvements, increased aesthetic appeal, and, reductions in regional energy use and GHG emissions. We support full implementation of this Planned Action and look forward learning from the City of Renton's efforts to redevelop the Sunset Area into a healthy, livable, affordable, viable and green community. 3 earth, air quality, water resources, plants and animals, energy, noise, environmental health, land use, socioeconomics; housing, environmental justice, aesthetics, historic/cultural, transportation, parks and recreation, public services, and, utilities. 4 summary of significant environmental impacts, summary of unavoidable adverse impacts, mitigation measures, and, list of City policies/ regulations on which mitigation measures are based s "...evaluate overall sustainability of the Sunset Area Planned Action..consistent with, ..review of Goals and Objectives and LEED-ND qualitative evaluation, or an equivalent approach" 6 "...conduct a Greenroads evaluation or its equivalent at the time the NE Sunset Boulevard design is at 30% design levet and 60% design level" 7 review consistency with FEIS predictions for; (1) Vehicle Miles Travelled, (2) resulting greenhouse gas emissions, and, (3) changes in effective impervious area 2 Thank you for this opportunity to comment and if you have any questions you may contact me at (206) 553-1601, or you may contact Erik Peterson of my staff at (206) 553-6382 or by electronic mail at peterson.erikCepa.rov. Sincerely, Christine B. Reichgott, Unit Manager Environmental Review and Sediment Management Unit 3 CD c�a s Ua r" c `D o' c R- jz- jo CD IID O a G CD C qG Z y CD CD T3 ISI O �77 co k `fDCD O O O n ca 0.p U4 . r W CD CD CD CL wow cr, 0 CD p (DY CD = (D �y �° C)2. ro � CD Cato CL CD CD CD p O CSD CD rL O ..t 0.4 R O p %i� o t Q cciz CCA CJG C a c n o�e�� n�a o r Dc ��-�`°?"�. m •� o r; '�',rn� -'a .DOc s ��7^, _ 3 �? —F—� r7 �a p p^ rvc°n��� S-ic �� 7�^ `° r-Qna, . nm �, ❑r'n o wFr C �eD3.5 , .n (-, n r-- . 7a 5 y y fl n a y �7.Tv b7,rypZZmn Z�s �Yz i [�" � ^ppc c�S •c m P R°O ._v ~ �7 7 p,� O n �.w -n -3 O r D`7 7. u°° NO 3 n dye�p0a 3gN�_c��� ooca:uoR z -y �p70 n nny o�C 3 min -�� am s':nc��, C -�'i7y AL a m o O n' Y a 3 n s� w --3 n: ry C/1 ty z a�v Q�c� n ��c.,trca� o'tiry Fao='3T r Z v:l a�o� Z yy���ovrv�o�n3c m c_c d m 7 ✓ Zd y ¢ Ste. a ¢ F o RENTON LEGISLATIVE PERMIT AND APPEAL PROCESS Prepared by: Lisa Grueter, BERT{ and Richard Weinman, Weinman Consulting LLC April 12, 2011 For the Renton Sunset Area, the City is making legislative proposals to implement a Planned Action, including Capital Facility, Utility, and Transportation Element amendments and a Planned Action Ordinance. These are legislative actions ultimately made by the Renton City Council following Planning Commission recommendations. The purpose of this document is to interpret some of the procedural sections in RMC 4 -8 regarding legislative items and the SEPA process. + Per RMC 4-8-080.G, the permit type is legislative, Type VI. o Appeals would go to the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB). The Hearing Examiner is not listed in the decision matrix for Type VI permits. o SEPA review is listed as a Type II permit but footnote 9 associated with that Type II process says that relates to "Environmental review for a permitted/secondary/accessory use not requiring any other land use permit." There is no such case with the Renton Sunset Area as a programmatic and planned action. o Type VI permit process controls as it is the highest level of permit. Per RMC 4 -8-080C.2: "Where required permits are subject to different types of permit review procedures, then all the applications are subject to the highest -number procedure, as identified in subsection G of this Section, and highe st level of review authority, as identified in RMC 4 -8-070, that applies to any of the applications." • Per RMC 4-8-110.E.1.b, if someone were to appeal the City's SEPA decision, generally such appeals go to the Hearing Examiner, but the code says: "Except for permits and variances issued pursuant to RMC 4 - 3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, when any proposal or action is granted, conditioned, or denied on the basis of SEPA by a nonelected official, the decision shall be appealable to the Hearing Examiner under the provisions of this Section." o In this case the action is legislative and would be granted by an elected official - thus there is no administrative SEPA Appeal. • Conclusion on Appeal Process: There is no administrative appeal of the City's decision. The City is making legislative decisions, and appeals would go to the GMHB. There is no separate appeal on the EIS apart from the City Council's decision on the underlying actions. The decision is being made by an elected official, so the provision in their SEPA rules regarding appeals to the Hearing Examiner does not apply. Rather SEPA appeals are the GMHB's jurisdiction; their review of the SEPA decision is de novo (i.e., independent of the decision made by the City). • Notification of the GMHB Appeal Process: Per the SEPA rules ( WAC 197- 11-680(5)), a notice of appeal can be included in any decision document. Per the City code (4 -8-090.F), the appeal notice should be included in the notice of the City's decision (i.e., on the underlying action). • NEPA: The decisions and appeals on the legislative actions are not tied up with the NEPA Record of Decision or the federal process. In those actions, the City is acting as HUD's surrogate, and that process is controlled by federal law; any appeals would go to F ederal District Court. CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY COURIER On the 22nd day of March, 2011, 1 deposited by courier services, a sealed envelope containing Sunset Area Community Planned Action Final EIS documents. This information was sent to: 4..3 EPA Region 10 1200 6'h Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101-3123 (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Gil Cerise signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentionedmentioned4 the instrument. Dated: L��YA Notary Public in a Notary (Print)- }�! ��4 �; •� N •, q appointment expires., 2� N Sunset Area Community Planned Action/EIS LUA10-052 template - affidavit of service by mailing Washington tflr �G� r ,.' MY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEHT - PLANNING DIVISION AFROAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 22nd day of March, 2011, 1 deposited in Federal Express, a sealed envelope containing Sunset Area Community Planned Action Final EIS documents and/or compact disk. This information was sent to: �%» s1 � � l .fid" r N 5r. -J� � i!! �i .' �•�L�,�.4. q p 5i 4 � 'jy Z�,�y.� t- r°�( � Agencies See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) S5 COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Gil Cerise signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: d 11-2). rrrrlr��i• IIII��,P L1p _ k1Gj r•" : z PUed�'�L.�. ; (P Notary (Print): appointment expires: i Notary Public in Sunset Area Community Planned Action/EIS LUA10-052 template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) US EPA- Office of Federal Activities US Housing and Urban Development US Department of Housing 8 Urban EIS Filing Section Attn: Ryan Mielcarek Development Ariel Rios Building (South Oval Lobby), 909 First Ave, Suite 255 HUD Library Room 7220 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Room 8141 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW 451 7th Street SW Washi ton , DC 20004 Washington, DC 20410 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation EPA Office of Groundwater and US Department of Interior (federal) Drinking Water, Room 4601 Gwen Wilder 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 803 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Office of Environmental Policy and Old Post Office Building Washington DC Washington DC 20460 0003 Compliance 20004 1849 C Street, NW, MS 2342 Washin ton, DC 20240 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOAAI National Marine Fisheries US Department of Interior NEPA Coordinator, Branch of Federal Service 1849 C Street NW Activities -ATT. Pat Carter 7600 Sand Point Way NE Washington DC 20240 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 400 • Seattle, WA 98115 Arlington, VA 22203 US Army Corp, of Engineers Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 template - affidavit of service by mailing Ciry of a. 1 i — I kpm - A = al. OF NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 5TATEMENT {i Not i¢ Is hereby Ill— that the Guy Of Re ntan has Issued a Final E'wlranmental Impact statement (FIraI EIS) for the sunset Area unin icy Plannetl Action p.racul I. the State Envincorrantal policy nn and the National Envlranmental Policy ACI (SEPA/NEPAI. PROJECT NAME: SUNSET AREA PLANNED ACTION Fill TNUMBER: LVAI0-05I PROJECT PROPONENT: CRY df Renton and Muton Housing Auervi LOCATION: Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10a 51—ton the east. NE Sunset Baulevatd nn the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the weet. The planned action nelghburh0ad study area be generany bleu nded by NE 21" Street an the oar di Monroe Avenue NE 00 the east. NE 7a Street an the youth, and Edmonds Avenue NE. DESCRIPTION: Proposed Sunset Terrace Mdwalapment The proposal Includes redevelopment of the Renton Hauling Authorlty's iRHIVF) Sunset Terrace public hous<ng morunity, a 7.3 -acre property with LOU existing units contained in 27 Walnls that are 50yeanol two-etery atruttures, located at the intersection of NE 511 Boulevaid and H.trtngLOF Avenue NE. RHA also owns addltlonal vacant hand IapPmximaletf 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE. and Sunsel lane NE, and intends to pumhese addition., property adl—It to Sunsel Terrace, along Harrtngtnn Avenue NE Iwhfch [ontalns about a dwellingsl: RHAplans of Incorporate these additional pmP[rtiH into the Sunsel Terrace redevelopment for hausing and associated services. TIM, Sunset Terrace public housing communily uta, racllliies, and infrastructure ere a rikNuated and the prolect ie dllapidated. Conteplual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mleed-lomme, mixed - x rcsldemlal and commerc[al space and public sou llles. The redevalepment would in[lude a 1-m-1 un![ reply—cit far all 100 eeisling Public haul units. All existing public housing units will are replaced either on- site or oN-die, at locations Mitho the ill Sunset Terrace ane, and the Planned Action Study Area within the City; n oal Ins of low Income hou lig units would 000nr. The prcle"will real relocation of all eelsting redden. and RNA Is de ilimsng a noun plan. It Is expected that, with the Sural Terrace property am ... listed pmpert es awmed or purchased by ANA, up to 479 additfonal nano ,Its caul6 be constructed with a portion of the total units Wire Public, affordable, and market fore. Public emenities would be inteloned with this residential development and mould InEVude the following: a —mi g.ttu ing span[ 0r'thfrd place,' chic fanhdes such as a mmmunity center, senlor center, ardlar public llorary space; a new parkldp im space; retail shopping and F_m octal space: and green inlrastrutturc, AdJ.-t Area. $unser Trrrece'r red-.I.Pment p—ldes the oppadi to ri,a uete the nalghburivi as a whole and determine what future lard use redevelopment Is Possible and what public service and Infrastructure, Improvemen45haNd be made to order N make this a mare vibrant and attnacl community for residents, hue es and prapedy ow rx The EIS yddresaes the primary pmposal of the Sunset Terrace area rade,elOP�nt es weR as evaluate secordary prapusa[s such ae nelghbarhaod redevelopment end supporting 4ervide5 and Inlnshrscture Impmvilini SEPR Planned Action. The Gly Of All Is also proposing to adopt a Planned 40on Ordinance purl Jant 10 SEPA. A Pl anne d Mwi Ordinance, IF adootod. w-dI not ri lre l SEPR threshold determinatlans a, ESS for Future projects that are comistent with OS aeeulnptions and mitigation measures. Al—advee. The Flnal ELScompletes the environmental revaw pm by r,A,inR o r darving po,tio n s of the •nalysis andresponding to publicandagen"Comments on the Drah EIS. TAB Fa iEI5 visa Intimiand evlews another ahernafive, cal etl the Preferred Ahemal We, which 1S Within the range of altemathres studied In the Drah EI5. The Cly dna trted three le—t— JAI—ii 1. 2. add 31 a5 part of the Draft EIS to determine its Preferred AIIeillative. The Preferred Allernative Is evataaLad In the Final EIS. All four alternatives are d—ribed belaw. Al lernall ve 1, Na A111— RISA would develop aflambi bl, hausing an t vacant ... parties, but It _.to not n edevelapthe Sunset Terrace Octalic ho using pmperty. Very limited pi, lk investment would be Implemented e.g., same—orunity services but no NE Sunset Boulevard or drainage Improvemeril rF.hm,1st !es ser redevelopment across the Planned Anion g1hJV area. n Punned Acllun would not ae deslgnared. The No Acdan Altern:th: ie requited to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alletnad, 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth In the Planned Action Sical Area based on im,,lo,o rR In mixed.inmme hauting and mlead uses In the Potemal Sul Terrace Rede ye lopment Subarea. targeted Inhasttutture and public services lh—lihout the Planned Action study area. and adoption of a Planned' Action Ordinance. Alternal J. This alternative represents the highest level of gMW h In the Planned Action study area, bas" an Investment In the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea will a greater number dvrellloge developed In a mi.ed-hoccri mil style. "i public investment In study area Infrastructure and st.4c , ..it adaption of a Planned Action Ordinance. preferred Alternative- This alternative represents neighbarhoad grawlh similar to and slightly less than - Allemethe a In the Planned Act— Study Area, haled on Investment In the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea w itis a moderate numberdwel de'reloped In a mleed-income, Trivial style odented around a larger park space and loop road, major putt, investment In irWr area Infrastructure and Services, and axial cf a Planned Action Ord Mance. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compllanu The CRY of Renton Is acting as the RnponslSle Entity formmpiiance with the National Envimnovil Palley Act INEPAI In otic lot a with 24 CFA §§ 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead ag,nw for mmplanoe will the Washington State Environmentai Polley Act ISEPA, RCW 43.21C,. Canton Person and D-innem Availebglty FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Erika Conklln& AICP Senior Plainer City of Renton Department of Community and Economic D—hporem 1055 S, Grady Way Renton. WA 98057 J4115),130-6578 valve (425"30-7300 fax MpE11p11V5^t2EI-2aav AVAIL4811 TY Of DOCUMENT: COPIES OF THE FINAL 115 ARE AVAILABLE AT THE ABOVE A01ME55 FOR REFERENCE, AND COPIES MAY BE PURCHASER FOR THE COST OF REPRODUCTION. THE FINAL EIS IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AND CAN BE VIEWED ON DOWNLOADED AT WW W.SUNSETAREA.HEHTONwA.G04. THE NEPAfSEPA FINAL EI5 W ILL BE AVAILABLE FORA 30 -DAY PERIOD UNTIL MAY 2,2C11 A NEPA NECOFO OF DECISION (RDDI WILLBE ISSUED AFTER THE 30-DAYAVA"RILITY PEalti RESpQN6iBLF OFF1aAL' CRYOFRENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 470-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper tl3g Identification. CERTIFICATION 1, —Ey,sV t C�`Ir-ti►n hereby certify that _ copies of the pbQv cam vet were posted in conspicuous places or nearby the described propeertty-o } b ut -IrS Date:/ a 2 o I r -_ Signed: ��Xi STATE OF WASHINGTON } ) SS COUNTY OF KING certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that r <- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary t for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Rf+� Notary Public in std for the State of Washington s� �� = Notary (Print): � v M appointment expires: ,;1 13_ Y pp P '4 L4 � tti On the 31st day of March, 2011, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing 2 documents. This information was sent to: Agencies I See Attached (Signature of Sender):.10 1�Rt '���• s ,- STATE OF WASHINGTON 11�' of SS COUNTY OF KING } �lifr+���������������`� OF W I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Erika Conkling signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: q l ..L Notary Pub14 in and the State of Washington Notary (Print): 14 4 G ti-C� b e, - My appointment expires:Fti -5 t '3c1! OQ eSunset Area Planned Action/ EIS ,�9, Ei€EtfttL:txcta,.�---rs: template - affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Renton Historical Society Attn: Laura Clawson 235 Mill Avenue 5 Renton, WA 98057 Seattle King County Public Health Attn: David Fleming 401 5th Avenue, Suite 1300 Seattle, WA 98104 Renton School District Rich Moore, Asst. Superintendent, Business 300 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98055-2307 Renton Reporter Attn: Dean Radford 19426 68th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 Department of Commerce Attn: Ike Nwankwo PO Box 42525 906 Columbia Street SW Olympia WA 98504 King County Library System Director: Bill Ptacek Administrative Offices 960 Newport Way NW Issaquah, WA 98027 Seattle Times Attn: Jill Mackie The Seattle Times PO Box 70 Seattle, WA 98111 Governor Chris Gregoire Office of the Governor PO Box 40002 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 Sound Transit Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Puget Sound Regional Council Perry Weinberg (Environmental Attn: James L. Malan Attn: Rick Olson Compliance Manager) 1904 Third Avenue, Suite 105 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98101 Seattle, WA 98104-1035 Seattle, WA 98104 WDFW - Larry Fisher Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. WSDOT Northwest Region 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer Attn: Ramin Pazooki Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 —172"d Avenue SE King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Auburn, WA 98092 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy Municipal Liaison Manager Cody Olson PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 City of Tukwila Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 KC Wastewater Treatment Division Duwamish Tribal Office Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Environmental Planning Supervisor 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert ndAvenue Ms. Shirley Marroquin Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172 5E 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Office of Archaeology & Historic Boyd Powers KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. Preservation Depart. of Natural Resources Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box 47015 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Renton, WA 98055-1219 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy Municipal Liaison Manager Cody Olson PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 City of Tukwila Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action, City of Renton, WA Notice is hereby given that the City of Renton has issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA/NEPA). Description of the Proposal Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The proposal includes redevelopment of the Renton Housing Authority's (RNA's) Sunset Terrace public housing community, a 7.3 -acre property with 100 existing units contained in 27 buildings that are 50 -year-old, two-story structures, located at the intersection of NE Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE. RHA also owns additional vacant land (approximately 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset bane NE, and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace, along Harrington Avenue NE (which contains about 8 dwellings); RHA plans to incorporate these additional properties into the Sunset Terrace redevelopment for housing and associated services. The Sunset Terrace public housing community units, facilities, and infrastructure are antiquated and the project is dilapidated. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. All existing public housing units will be replaced either on-site or off-site, at locations within the existing Sunset Terrace site, and the Planned Action Study Area within the City; no net loss of low income housing units would occur. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed with a portion of the total units being public, affordable, and market rate. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and could include the following: a community gathering space or "third place;" civic facilities such as a community center, senior center, and/or public library space; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS addresses the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluate secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City of Renton is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to SEPA. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs for future projects that are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. Alternatives. The Final EIS completes the environmental review process by revising or clarifying portions of the analysis and responding to public and agency comments on the Draft EIS. The Final EIS also introduces and reviews another alternative, called the Preferred Alternative, which is within the range of alternatives studied in the Draft EIS. The City analyzed three alternatives (Alternatives 1, 2, and 3) as part of the Draft EIS to determine its Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative is evaluated in the Final EIS. All four alternatives are described below. Alternative 1, No Action. RHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented (e.g., some community services but no NE Sunset Boulevard or drainage improvements), resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action study area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area Lased. on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action study area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Alternative 3. This alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action study area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Preferred Alternative. This alternative represents neighborhood growth similar to and slightly less than Alternative 3 in the Planned Action Study Area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a moderate number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style oriented around a larger park space and loop road, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Proponent Renton Housing Authority, Sunset Terrace area redevelopment, and City of Renton, private neighborhood redevelopment and public service and infrastructure improvements. Location of proposal Sunset Terrace is generally hounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10th Street on the'east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21st Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compliance The City of Renton is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C). Contact Person and Document Availability For further information, please contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econklingRrentonwa,gov Availability of Document: Copies of the Final EIS are available at the above address for reference, and copies may be purchased for the cost of reproduction. The Final EIS is also available on the internet and can be viewed or downloaded at: htW:lfrentonwa.govfbusiness/default.aspx?id=2060 The NEPA/SEPA Final EIS will be available fora 30 -day period until May 2, 2011. A NEPA Record of Decision (RDD) will be issued after the 30 -day availability period. Responsible Official City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Date: r► moi, 20 l Date of Publication: April 1, 2411 F 3 Signature: f� G 11�'t�lGv JCf! r l Signature ICY Si Signature: -AA�"Cc"X�'�--� On the 31st day of March, 2011, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing 1 documents and sent the same document by electronic mail. This information was sent to: See attached list I Parties of Record- via US Mail I See attached list I Parties of Record- via electronic Mail I (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) •b6V'%�j OF W ,�r•`� I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Erika Conkling signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:}1c:;:,1� Notary Pub c in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): k _ A f( My appointment expires: A , 63 ', -a 6, ') c' 115 Sunset Area Planned Action and FEIS ���kA10-052 e L Sean McCarty Robert Jaeger 659 Ferndale Ct NE 2304 NE 10" PI Renton, WA 98057 Renton, WA 98056 John Visser Gerry Marsh 19404 102"d Ave SE 437 Williams Ave N #107 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98057 Lori McFarland Deborah Gooden 1300 Queen Ave 1406 Beacon Way 5 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98057 Jody Campbell Delores Ray 1140 Edmonds Ave NE 4102 2606 NE 91h St Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Bruce Sharpe 815 S 3151 St Renton, WA 98055 James Wilhoit 910 Grant Ave S Renton, WA 98057 Alice Kelley Department of Ecology 3190160th Ave 5E Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 Sandel DeMastis 1137 Harrington Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 hmckechnie-hccs@comcast, net harringtonsguareaconam. net donovanboydR,comcast.net sch iceaCcD-comcast. net Mel ons ix.netcom.com h liu 2000@yahoo.com denoWDaol.com iohn.hansen3 _comcast.net ciforgaa rd(d)_comcast. net scream ingfirsCa?_hotmail.com shbotts@comcast.net aetaviewacomcast. net maryyoung821 iRmsn.com mchen44 )hotmail.com Linda. Perri ne accesst a.com peterson.erikaepa.gov cfc connerhomes.com todds connerhomes.com smith ro erties msn.com karen housin consortium.or eric.w.ha ood boein .com scorchn200sx@hotmaiI.com lawyeLgirl20l2@gmall.com aarv.kriedtfa.kln, cq ounty.gov oretchen. kaehlerAdahp.wa.QQV deeann. kirkpatrickCaD-noaa. aov grandmared21 @yahoo.com roy2hike@comcast.net howardmcomber@hotmall.com windsorrodabough@gmail.com apretty5@hotmail.com jasoncp@rainiercustomhomes.com joel.dean@yahoo.com wailam27@yahoo.com mylarsen@aol.com Nomadlucy@aol.com shirleybCc�commongroundwa.orci m-stanford@qwestoffice.net KWalterccDmuckleshoot.nsn.us manager_harringtonsouarea-conam.net —1� � L) J Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action, City of Renton, WA Notice is hereby given that the City of Renton has issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA/NEPA). Description of the Proposal Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The proposal includes redevelopment of the Renton Housing Authority's (RHA's) Sunset Terrace public housing community, a 7.3 -acre property with 100 existing units contained in 27 buildings that are 50 -year-old, two-story structures, located at the intersection of NE Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE. RHA also owns additional vacant land (approximately 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE, and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace, along Harrington Avenue NE (which contains about 8 dwellings); RHA plans to incorporate these additional properties into the Sunset Terrace redevelopment for housing and associated services. The Sunset Terrace public housing community units, facilities, and infrastructure are antiquated and the project is dilapidated. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. All existing public housing units will be replaced either on-site or off-site, at locations within the existing Sunset Terrace site, and the Planned Action Study Area within the City; no net loss of low income housing units would occur. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed with a portion of the total units being public, affordable, and market rate. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and could include the following: a community gathering space or "third place;" civic facilities such as a community center, senior center, and/or public library space; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be wade in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS addresses the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluate secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City of Renton is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to SEPA. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs for future projects that are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. L w Alternatives. The Final EIS completes the environmental review process by revising or clarifying portions of the analysis and responding to public and agency comments on the Draft EIS. The Final EIS also introduces and reviews another alternative, called the Preferred Alternative, which is within the range of alternatives studied in the Draft EIS. The City analyzed three alternatives (Alternatives 1, 2, and 3) as part of the Draft EIS to determine its Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative is evaluated in the Final EIS. All four alternatives are described below. Alternative 1, No Action. RHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented (e.g., some community services but no NE Sunset Boulevard or drainage improvements), resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action study area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action study area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Alternative 3. This alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action study area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Preferred Alternative. This alternative represents neighborhood growth similar to and slightly less than Alternative 3 in the Planned Action Study Area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a moderate number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style oriented around a larger park space and loop road, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Proponent Renton Housing Authority, Sunset Terrace area redevelopment, and City of Renton, private neighborhood redevelopment and public service and infrastructure improvements. Location of proposal Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10th Street on the'east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21St Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compliance The City of Renton is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21Q. Contact Person and Document Availability For further information, please contact; Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkJing@rentonwa.gov Availability of Document: Copies of the Final EIS are available at the above address for reference, and copies may be purchased for the cost of reproduction. The Final EIS is also available on the internet and can be viewed or downloaded at: http://rQutQnwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=2060 The NEPA/SEPA Final EIS will be available for a 30 -day period until May 2, 2011. A [NEPA Record of Decision (ROD) will be issued after the 30 -day availability period. Responsible Official City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Date; rtl►��, 2-0 r1 Date of Publication: April 1, 2011 r Js Signature:- L7 y` �I GGxF�t v`l 6 g S/ Signature:- 4� " Si ' g k �� Signatu r - U Signature: On the' th day of March, 2011, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing a public hearing notice and sent the same notice by electronic mail. This information was sent to; WNW; W" MER epre 'd Ing 01007 W", See attached list of mailing addresses See attached list of email addresses r (Signature of Sender): �''r. S Z tiSAO, STATE OF WASHINGTON ) !. • f �, j SSWW COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Erika Conkling �4%of:�*���� signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: �11� r..r;rr. �lccA Notary Pillic in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): k , A . C- My appointment expires: sf� Vit: Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS LUA10-052 F CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SUNSET AREA PLANNED ACTION ORDINANCE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Notice is hereby given that the Renton Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Renton City Hall, City Council Chambers, Flom' Seven, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the proposed Sunset Area Planned Action Ordinance and potential amendments to the text of the Comprehensive Plan. The text amendments include changes to the Capital Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities Elements of the Comprehensive Plan to add capital improvements necessary to implement the Sunset Area Planned Action. All interested parties are invited to the Planning Commission Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 6, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. to express their opinion. Written comments may also be submitted prior to the Public Hearing to City of Renton, Department of Community & Economic Development, Planning Division, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. For more information, visit the City's website at www.sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov or call the Planning Division at 425.430.6575. Published: Renton Reporter March 25, 2011 Ed Prince, Chair Renton Planning Commission .IF1. , Jody Campbell Delores Ray Sandel DeMastis 1140 Edmonds Ave NE #102 2606 NE 9`" St 1137 Harrington Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Sean McCarty 659 Ferndale Ct NE Renton, WA 98057 John Visser 19404102 nd Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 L,IV" ` N( T&Lvi 0,l>1 lw ( gzft Avg Robert Jaeger 2304 NE 10t' PI Renton, WA 98056 Gerry Marsh 437 Williams Ave N #107 Renton, WA 98057 &01Ddek) nevi f k1 gO05 7 Bruce Sharpe 815 S 31" St Renton, WA 98055 James Wilhoit 910 Grant Ave S Renton, WA 98057 At 8c' Ir<e,j;;rtj GSA I �btf i5KS Z apretty5@hotmail.com cfc(cDconnerhomes.com cjforaaard(dcomcast-net �r 4c� }Y,E e- curl K denoss@aol.com d re'{Ovv\eci donovanboyd(d,)comcast. net eric.w.haywood .boeing.com gary. kriedtca?kinocou nty. gov etaview comcast.net grandmared2l @yahoo.com o retchen. kaeh Ier(adah o.wa. gov harringtonsquarea_conam.net hmckechnie-hccsCDcomcast.net howardmeomber@hotmail.com hyliu_2000@yahoo.com jasoncp@rainiercustomhomes.com ielyons _.ix.netcom.com joel.dean @yahoo,com 'ohn.hansen3 comcast.net karen housin consortium.or KWalter muckleshoot.nsn.us Iawyergir12012(Wo mail. com Linda. Perrin e accesst a.com manager. harrintons uare conam.net ma gun 821 Omsn.com mchen44a.hotmail.com m-stanfo rd (a)gwestofti ce. net mylarsen@aol.com NomadlucyCa7aol.com Peterson. erika-epa.00v roy2hike@comcast.net schicea comcast.net scorchn200sx .hotmaiI.com screaminpfirsAhotmail.com shbotts comcast,net shirlevb(c commongrcundwa.org smithproperties@msn.com todds anconnerhomes.com wailam27@yahoo.com windsorrodabough@gmail.com P f_rir r� Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action, City of Renton, WA Notice is hereby given that the City of Renton has issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA/NEPA). Description of the Proposal Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The proposal includes redevelopment of the Renton Housing Authority's (RNA's) Sunset Terrace public housing community, a 7.3 -acre property with 100 existing units contained in 27 buildings that are 50 -year-old, two-story structures, located at the intersection of NE Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE. RHA also owns additional vacant land (approximately 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE, and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace, along Harrington Avenue NE (which contains about 8 dwellings); RHA plans to incorporate these additional properties into the Sunset Terrace redevelopment for housing and associated services. The Sunset Terrace public housing community units, facilities, and infrastructure are antiquated and the project is dilapidated. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. All existing public housing units will be replaced either on-site or off-site, at locations within the existing Sunset Terrace site, and the Planned Action Study Area within the City; no net loss of low income housing units would occur. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed with a portion of the total units being public, affordable, and market rate. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and could include the following: a community gathering space or "third place;" civic facilities such as a community center, senior center, and/or public library space; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS addresses the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluate secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City of Renton is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to SEPA. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs for future projects that are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. Alternatives. The Final EIS completes the environmental review process by revising or clarifying portions of the analysis and responding to public and agency comments on the Draft EIS. The Final EIS also introduces and reviews another alternative, called the Preferred Alternative, which is within the range of alternatives studied in the Draft EIS. The City analyzed three alternatives (Alternatives 1, 2, and 3) as part of the Draft EIS to determine its Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative is evaluated in the Final EIS. All four alternatives are described below. Alternative 1, No Action. RHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented (e.g., some community services but no NE Sunset Boulevard or drainage improvements), resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action study area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action study area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Alternative 3. This alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action study area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Preferred Alternative. This alternative represents neighborhood growth similar to and slightly less than Alternative 3 in the Planned Action Study Area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a moderate number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style oriented around a larger park space and loop road, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Proponent Renton Housing Authority, Sunset Terrace area redevelopment, and City of Renton, private neighborhood redevelopment and public service and infrastructure improvements. Location of proposal Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10th Street on the'east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21St Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compliance The City of Renton is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 55.1 and 55.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C). Contact Person and Document Availability For further information, please contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice {425}430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.gov Availability of Document: Copies of the Final EIS are available at the above address for reference, and copies may be purchased for the cost of reproduction, The Final EIS is also available on the internet and can be viewed or downloaded at: httl)://rentonwa.gov/bus inessIdefault.aspx?id=2060 The NEPA/SEPA Final EIS will be available for a 30 -day period until May 2, 2011. A NEPA Record of Decision (ROD) will be issued after the 30 -day availability period. Responsible Official City of Renton Environmental Review Committee [ERC] Date: Date of Publication: April 1, 2011 Signature: � Signature:- L r Signature: / c' Signature: Denis Law City Of Mayor 4 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator March 22, 2011 US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Federal Activities EIS Filing Section Ariel Rios Building (South Oval Lobby), Room 7220 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Attention: Pearl Young and Dawn Roberts Subject: Transmittal of Sunset Area Community Final Environmental Impact Statement Dear Ms. Young and Ms. Roberts: Consistent with EPA's amended EIS filing system guidance published on January 11, 2011 and with 24 CFR 58.60(b), please find enclosed copies of the above EIS, including appendices, as follows: • One paper copy of the Final EIS • One paper copy of the Draft EIS circulated between December 17, 2010 and January 31, 2011. • Four compact disks containing electronic copies of the above documents Transmittal to all agencies is being made simultaneously with the filing with EPA. In accordance with specific statutory authority and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) regulations at 24 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 58, the City of Renton is authorized to assume responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to HUD under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The City of Renton, via its Environmental Review Committee, is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with NEPA and is also the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C). Contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.eov We understand that the Final EIS will be stamped with an official filing date and that the US Environmental Protection Agency will prepare a weekly report of all EISs filed during the preceding week Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov for publication each Friday under a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register. We anticipate this means the notice for our Final EIS would be published on Friday April 1, 2011. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Ren/`�ton , dt Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner Department of Community and Economic Development �S �` ,1111' 'd � _A April 1, 2011 Subject: Sunset Area Community Planned Action Dear EIS Recipient: The City of Renton (City) in consultation with the Renton Housing Authority (RHA) has prepared the attached Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS). The City is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C). The Final EIS addresses the Sunset Area Community Planned Action, which includes redevelopment of RHA's Sunset Terrace public housing community and associated neighborhood growth and revitalization (proposal). Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the broader Sunset Area Community neighborhood and determine what future land use redevelopment is desirable and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made to create a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses, and property owners. The Final EIS addresses the following topics: aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy, including natural gas and electricity, environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographics, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, water supply, and telecommunication; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. The Final EIS completes the environmental review process by revising or clarifying portions of the analysis and responding to public and agency comments on the Draft EIS. The Final EIS also introduces and reviews another alternative, called the Preferred Alternative, which is within the range of alternatives studied in the Draft EIS. The City analyzed three alternatives (Alternatives 1, 2, and 3) as part of the Draft EIS to determine its Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative is evaluated in this Final EIS. All four alternatives are described below. Alternative 1(No Action). RHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented, resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action Study Area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action Study Area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Alternative 3. This alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Preferred Alternative. This alternative represents neighborhood growth similar to and slightly less than Alternative 3 in the Planned Action Study Area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a moderate number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style oriented around a larger park space and loop road, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. The potential beneficial and adverse impacts of each alternative are identified as well as mitigation measures. Some of the key environmental issues and options facing decision -makers include: • land use—the appropriate mix of land use and housing in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea in the near term and the amount of growth in the Planned Action Study Area over 20 years; • transportation—the type of multimodal and urban design improvements appropriate for NE Sunset Boulevard (SR 900); • stormwater drainage ---the type and location of natural stormwater infrastructure integrated in design of streets, parks, and new development; • other improvements—the coordination of parks and schools facilities, the development of enhanced educational, recreational, and social services, and the improvement of utility systems; and • planned action—the application of a planned action ordinance that would exempt future projects from SEPA threshold determinations or EISs when they are consistent with the Sunset Area Community EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. The City will consider the preferred alternative and the responses to comments provided in this Final EIS before taking action on the proposals under study. For more information, please contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.gov Thank you for your interest in the Sunset Area Community. Sincerely, City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Signature: Signature: Signature: r I` Signature: &4"'kt' Q TATE OF VvASI-?iitl Ti-jN DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1 11 i ILY.', SY,-a?T SE # FO BC.x 41525 r 0fyri pa. 4 �J';,?n ii7?i YJ�RIi-Lh[._1 r :;^60J 0J j 255466.6, fft'AY,Cp7n"IerC -',,a.C10V March 17, 2011 Erika Conkling Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Conkling: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce) the following materials as required under RCW 36.70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. City of Renton - Proposed redevelopment of Sunset Terrace public housing community and promotion of associated neighborhood growth and revitalization as part of a planned action. These materials were received on March 17, 2011 and processed with the Material ID #'16737. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. If this submitted material is an adopted amendment, then please keep this letter as documentation that you have met the procedural requirement under RCW 36.70A.106. If you have submitted this material as a draft amendment, then final adoption may occur no earlier than sixty days following the date of receipt by Commerce. Please remember to submit the final adopted amendment to Commerce within ten days of adoption. If you have any questions, please call me at 360.725.3056. Sincerely, L'irufa `�L1er�.0 Ike Nwankwo Technical & Financial Assistance Manager Growth Management Services City of Renton Department cf Communi iconornic Development Enviro ital Review Committee Report LUA 10-052 SUNSET AREA PLANNED ACTION AND EIS Report of March 21, 2011 Page 1 of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: March 21, 2011 Project Name: Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS Applicant: City of Renton and Renton Housing Authority Contract: Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 File Number: LUA10-052 Project Manager: Erika Conkling, AICP Project Summary: Complete an EIS and Planned Action that addresses four topics: 1) Redevelopment of Sunset Terrace Public Housing, 2) General neighborhood redevelopment, 3) Improvements to Sunset Boulevard, 4) Master stormwater plan. Project Location: Sunset Area of the Renton Highlands STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue the Final Environmental Impact Statement Staff and consultants have been working hard to issue the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Sunset Area. The planned issue date for this document is April 1, 2011. According to federal rules, the FEIS must be sent to the Environmental Protection Agency at least 10 days before publication, so this requires ERC to sign and issue the FEIS by March 22nd The Draft EIS (DEIS) was published on December 17, 2010 with a 45 -day comment period that included a public hearing before the Planning Commission on January 5, 2011. A variety of comments were received from the general public and from state, local, and federal agencies. Included in the FEIS is a response to all of the comments received, and several of the comments resulted in changes to the EIS document. The FEIS also includes a preferred alternative for development based upon comments received. This preferred alternative was discussed with the ERC at the meeting on February 7, 2011. An electronic copy of the FEIS may be reviewed at Q:\CED\Sunset Area\FEIS. Once the FEIS is made available to the public, there is a 30 -day waiting period. After this period expires, the City will issue a Record of Decision (ROD) followed by a Request for Release of Funds (RROF) which concludes the environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). If there are no further comments or issues of concern after the availability period expires, the ROD and RROF documents will be sent through an ERC consent agenda. ERC Report-FEIS_ doc 10-052 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC PRESERVATION 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 • Olympia, Washington 98501 Mailing address: PO Box 48343 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8343 (360) 566-3065 • Fax Number (360) 586-3067 • Website: www.dahp.wa.gov February 24, 2011 Mr. Gregg Zimmerman Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Re: Multifamily/ Institutional Bldgs. Project Log No.: 022411 -06 -HUD Dear Mr. Zimmerman: Thank you for contacting our department. We have reviewed the professional archaeological survey report for the proposed Multifamily/ Institutional Buildings Project at 2902 NE 121" Street, 1150 Harrington Ave. NE, and Kirkland Ave NE—NE15th and NE 16'h Streets, Renton, King County, Washington. We concur with the determination of No Historic Properties Affected. We would appreciate receiving any correspondence or comments from concerned tribe's cultural committee or other parties that you receive as you consult under the requirements of 36CFR800.4(a)(4). In the event that archaeological or historic materials are discovered during project activities, work in the immediate vicinity must stop, the area secured, and this department and the tribe's cultural committee notified. These comments are based on the information available at the time of this review and on behalf of the State Historic Preservation Officer in compliance with the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, and its implementing regulations 36CFR800.4. Should additional information become available, our assessment may be revised, including information regarding historic properties that have not yet been identified. Thank you for the opportunity to comment and a copy of these comments should be included in subsequent environmental documents. Sincerely, Robert G. Whitlam, Ph.D. State Archaeologist (360)586-3080 email: rob.whitlamC'dahp_wa.gov J -DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY L HISTORIC PRESERVATION Froieci Abe Post, �h--Pe the Figure Erika Conklin From: Mielcarek, Ryan E [Ryan. E.Mielcarek@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, March 03, 20112:51 PM To: 'Grueter, Lisa' Cc: Erika Conkling Subject: RE: Sunset Terrace EIS Follow Up I'm all over the place down there. Yes, if the E15 has been updated in accordance with 58.47 and meets the requirements of 58.53 than determinations after 5 years can rely on the updated EIS. My apologies. Ryan E. Mielcarek PHRS-Facilities Management Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region X Seattle 206-220-6205 From: Grueter, Lisa ImaiIto.,LGrueter@icfi.com] Sent: Thursday, March 03, 20112:47 PM To: Mielcarek, Ryan E Cc: 'Erika Conkling' Subject: RE: Sunset Terrace EIS Fallow Up Hi Ryan, One quick clarification —where you indicate below that "Then, after this 5 year time period any further determinations can rely on the original EIS as long as that E15 was updated in accordance with 58.42." --do you mean 58.47? Thanks, --Lisa From: Mielcarek, Ryan E[mailto:Ryan.E.Mielcarek@hud.gov] Sent: Thursday, March 03, 20112:07 PM To: Grueter, Lisa Cc: 'Erika Conkling' Subject: RE: Sunset Terrace EIS Follow Up Lisa, In response to your question, the following applies: §58.47 Re-evaluation of environmental assessments and other environmental findings. (a) A responsible entity must re-evaluate its environmental findings to determine if the original findings are still valid, when: (1) The recipient proposes substantial changes in the nature, magnitude or extent of the project, including adding new activities not anticipated in the original scope of the project; (2) There are new circumstances and environmental conditions which may affect the project or have a bearing on its impact, such as concealed or unexpected conditions discovered during the implementation of the project or activity which is proposed to be continued; or (3) The recipient proposes the selection of an alternative not in the original finding. (b)(1) If the original findings are still valid but the data or conditions upon which they were based have changed, the responsible entity must affirm the original findings and update its ERR by including this re-evaluation and its determination based on its findings. Under these circumstances, if a FONSI notice has already been published, no further publication of a FONSI notice is required. (2) If the responsible entity determines that the original findings are no longer valid, it must prepare an EA or an EIS if its evaluation indicates potentially significant impacts. (3) Where the recipient is not the responsible entity, the recipient must inform the responsible entity promptly of any proposed substantial changes under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, new circumstances or environmental conditions under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, or any proposals to select a different alternative under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, and must then permit the responsible entity to re-evaluate the findings before proceeding. Assuming that there are no new circumstances or environmental conditions that alter the original determination or scope or the project significantly, then the original determination is valid for 5 years (without determination of reevaluation) and no further paperwork is required. However, the Responsible Entity must document that there is no need to reevaluate the project in accordance with 58.47 if new HUD funds are allocated to the project. This is the same as the 5 -Year reevaluation requirement. If nothing has changed the RE stili must update the ER within a 5 year timeframe with a simple letter that there is no need for further reevaluation. This has been an issue with HOPE VI projects that take longer than 5 years because of the following regulation: § 58.53 Use of prior environmental impact statements. Where any final EIS has been listed in theFederal Registerfor a project pursuant to this part, or where an areawide or similar broad scale final EIS has been issued and the EIS anticipated a subsequent project requiring an environmental clearance, then no new EIS is required for the subsequent project if all the following conditions are met: (a) The ERR contains a decision based on a finding pursuant to §58.40 that the proposed project is not a new major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The decision shall include: (1) References to the prior EIS and its evaluation of the environmental factors affecting the proposed subsequent action subject to NEPA; (2) An evaluation of any environmental factors which may not have been previously assessed, or which may have significantly changed; (3) An analysis showing that the proposed project is consistent with the location, use, and density assumptions for the site and with the timing and capacity of the circulation, utility, and other supporting infrastructure assumptions in the prior EIS; (4) Documentation showing that where the previous EIS called for mitigating measures or other corrective action, these are completed to the extent reasonable given the current state of development. (b) The prior final EIS has been filed within five (5) years, and updated as follows: (1) The EIS has been updated to reflect any significant revisions made to the assumptions under which the original EIS was prepared; (2) The EIS has been updated to reflect new environmental issues and data or legislation and implementing regulations which may have significant environmental impact on the project area covered by the prior EIS. (c) There is no litigation pending in connection with the prior EIS, and no final judicial finding of inadequacy of the prior EIS has been made. So, in short, as long as nothing changes, the only thing after the RROF we will be expecting is a letter within 5 years indicating that the RE has determined that the project is as originally determined. Then, after this 5 year time period any further determinations can rely on the original H5 as long as that EIS was updated in accordance with 58.42. This was a bit more convoluted than originally intended. Let me know if you have any further questions. Regards, Ryan E. Mielcarek PHRS-Facilities Management Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region X Seattle 206-220-6205 From: Grueter, Lisa [ma i Ito: LGrueter@icfi.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 20118:53 AM To: Mielcarek, Ryan E Cc: Erika Conkling Subject: Sunset Terrace EIS Follow Up Hi Ryan, As requested, here is an email follow up to my voicemail message. RHA has been putting time into pulling together a demo/dispo application for an early phase of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment. Their application would address a library building and a mixed use commercial/residential building (roughly for buildings 9 and 10 of Alternative 2 shown in Figure 2-9 of the Draft EIS though the layout of the buildings and streets are being modified for the preferred alternative, e.g. the library will be in building 9 and the plaza will be moved away from SR 900; Sunset Lane NE will continue to go through north of the two buildings). A question came up about environmental health. The Draft EIS included a records search for the Planned Action Study Area and results of a Phase I site assessment was completed on one vacant property that is part of the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea. Based on criteria provided in the HUD Guidance and the EIS analysis, the Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Area (i) is not listed on an EPA Superfund National Priorities or CERCLA List, or equivalent State list; (ii) is not located within 3,000 feet of a toxic or solid waste landfill site; (iii) does not have an underground storage tank (which is not a residential fuel tank); and (iv) is not known or suspected to be contaminated by toxic chemicals or radioactive materials. It is likely that the library will order a Phase 1 environmental site assessment as part of their due diligence. RHA may attach the Phase 1 environmental site assessment to the demo/dispo application. However, we assume that once the Final EIS, ROD, and RROF process is complete, no further NEPA documentation (Part 58 environmental analysis) is required as the topic of environmental health has been covered in the EIS and demonstrated HUD's criteria are met. While the question is about environmental health in particular, it is my understanding that with regard to any environmental topic that as long as future more specific development phases (with their associated demo/dispo applications for inventory removal) are consistent with the range of the NEPA EIS analysis, no further environmental review is required. Thanks for your help, LISA GRUETER, AICP I Senior Planner 1 206.801.2816 I lgrueter(ulicfi.com I icfi.com ICF INTERNATIONAL 1 710 Second Avenue, Suite 550, Seattle, WA 98104 l 425.591.7004 (mobile) ICF Jones & Stokes has become ICF International. APlease consider the environment before printing this a -Mall. Erika Conkling From: Mielcarek, Ryan E [Ryan. E. Mielcarek@hud_gov] Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 2:07 PM To: 'Grueter, Lisa' Cc: Erika Conkling Subject: RE: Sunset Terrace EIS Follow Up Lisa, In response to your question, the following applies: §58.47 Re-evaluation of environmental assessments and other environmental findings. (a) A responsible entity must re-evaluate its environmental findings to determine if the original findings are still valid, when: (1) The recipient proposes substantial changes in the nature, magnitude or extent of the project, including adding new activities not anticipated in the original scope of the project; (2) There are new circumstances and environmental conditions which may affect the project or have a bearing on its impact, such as concealed or unexpected conditions discovered during the implementation of the project or activity which is proposed to be continued; or (3) The recipient proposes the selection of an alternative not in the original finding. (b)(1) If the original findings are still valid but the data or conditions upon which they were based have changed, the responsible entity must affirm the original findings and update its ERR by including this re-evaluation and its determination based on its findings. Under these circumstances, if a FONSi notice has already been published, no further publication of a FONSI notice is required. (2) If the responsible entity determines that the original findings are no longer valid, it must prepare an EA or an EIS if its evaluation indicates potentially significant impacts. (3) Where the recipient is not the responsible entity, the recipient must inform the responsible entity promptly of any proposed substantial changes under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, new circumstances or environmental conditions under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, or any proposals to select a different alternative under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, and must then permit the responsible entity to re-evaluate the findings before proceeding. Assuming that there are no new circumstances or environmental conditions that alter the original determination or scope or the project significantly, then the original determination is valid for 5 years (without determination of reevaluation) and no further paperwork is required. However, the Responsible Entity must document that there is no need to reevaluate the project in accordance with 58.47 if new HUD funds are allocated to the project. This is the same as the 5 -Year reevaluation requirement. If nothing has changed the RE still must update the ER within a 5 year timeframe with a simple letter that there is no need for further reevaluation. This has been an issue with HOPE VI projects that take longer than 5 years because of the following regulation: § 58.53 Use of prior environmental impact statements. Where any final EIS has been listed in theFederal Registerfor a project pursuant to this part, or where an areawide or similar broad scale final EIS has been issued and the EIS anticipated a subsequent project requiring an environmental clearance, then no new EIS is required for the subsequent project if all the following conditions are met: (a) The ERR contains a decision based on a finding pursuant to §5$_40 that the proposed project is not a new major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The decision shall include: (1) References to the prior EIS and its evaluation of the environmental factors affecting the proposed subsequent action subject to NEPA; (2) An evaluation of any environmental factors which may not have been previously assessed, or which may have significantly changed; (3) An analysis showing that the proposed project is consistent with the location, use, and density assumptions for the site and with the timing and capacity of the circulation, utility, and other supporting infrastructure assumptions in the prior EIS; (4) Documentation showing that where the previous EIS called for mitigating measures or other corrective action, these are completed to the extent reasonable given the current state of development. (b) The prior final EIS has been filed within five (5) years, and updated as follows: (1) The EIS has been updated to reflect any significant revisions made to the assumptions under which the original EIS was prepared; (2) The EIS has been updated to reflect new environmental issues and data or legislation and implementing regulations which may have significant environmental impact on the project area covered by the prior EIS. (c) There is no litigation pending in connection with the prior EIS, and no final judicial finding of inadequacy of the prior EIS has been made. So, in short, as long as nothing changes, the only thing after the RROF we will be expecting is a letter within 5 years indicating that the RE has determined that the project is as originally determined. Then, after this 5 year time period any further determinations can rely on the original EIS as long as that EIS was updated in accordance with 58.42. This was a bit more convoluted than originally intended. Let me know if you have any further questions. Regards, Ryan E. Mielcarek PHRS-Facilities Management Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region X Seattle 206-220-6205 From: Grueter, Lisa [mailto:LGrueter@icfi.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 20118:53 AM To: Mielcarek, Ryan E Cc: Erika Conkiing Subject: Sunset Terrace EIS Follow Up Hi Ryan, As requested, here is an email follow up to my voicemail message. RHA has been putting time into pulling together a demo/dispo application for an early phase of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment. Their application would address a library building and a mixed use commercial/residential building (roughly for buildings 9 and 10 of Alternative 2 shown in Figure 2-9 of the Draft EIS though the layout of the buildings and streets are being modified for the preferred alternative, e.g. the library will be in building 9 and the plaza will be moved away from SR 900; Sunset Lane NE will continue to go through north of the two buildings). A question came up about environmental health. The Draft EIS included a records search for the Planned Action Study Area and results of a Phase I site assessment was completed on one vacant property that is part of the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea. Based on criteria provided in the HUD Guidance and the EIS analysis, the Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Area (i) is not listed on an EPA Superfund National Priorities or CERCLA List, or equivalent State list; (ii) is not located within 3,000 feet of a toxic or solid waste landfill site; (iii) does not have an underground storage tank (which is not a residential fuel tank); and (iv) is not known or suspected to be contaminated by toxic chemicals or radioactive materials. It is likely that the library will order a Phase 1 environmental site assessment as part of their due diligence. RHA may attach the Phase 1 environmental site assessment to the demo/dispo application. However, we assume that once the Final EIS, ROD, and RROF process is complete, no further NEPA documentation (Part S8 environmental analysis) is required as the topic of environmental health has been covered in the EIS and demonstrated HUD's criteria are met. While the question is about environmental health in particular, it is my understanding that with regard to any environmental topic that as long as future more specific development phases (with their associated demo/dispo applications for inventory removal) are consistent with the range of the NEPA EIS analysis, no further environmental review is required. Thanks for your help, LISA GRUETER, AICD 1 Senior Planner 1 206.801.2816 1 lgrueter@icfl.com 1 icfi.com ICF INTERNATIONAL 1 710 Second Avenue, Suite 550, Seattle, WA 98104 1 425.591.7004 (mobile) ICF Janes & Stokes has become ICF International. APtease consular the environment before printing this e-mail. Denis Law Cit Of Mayor w'^ + Department of Community and Economic Development February 18, 2011 Alex Pietsch, Administrator Ms. Allyson Brooks, PhD State Historic Preservation Officer ATTN: Mr. Russell Holter Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation 1463 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 Olympia, WA 98501 Subject: Section 106 Review—Renton Housing Authority Development Projects at 2902 Northeast 12th Street, 1150 Harrington Avenue NE, and Kirkland Ave NE between NE 15th and NE 16th streets Dear Ms. Brooks and Mr. Holter: The City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority are proposing to use federal funds to construct multifamily dwellings and/or institutional buildings (e.g., government offices) at three locations in the city of Renton. These locations include the Renton Highlands Library property at 2902 Northeast 12th Street, Sunset Court Park at 1104 Harrington Avenue NE, and three vacant lots located along Kirkland Ave NE between NE 15th and NE 16`h streets. The new buildings will be funded by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) capital funds per Section 26 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (U.S. Government Code (USC), Title 42, Section 1437x) in connection with projects assisted under Section 9. HUD is the lead federal agency responsible for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). In accordance with specific statutory authority and HUD's regulations at Section 24 Part 58 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the City of Renton is completing the necessary environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 of the NHPA. ICF International is assisting the City in meeting these requirements, and has conducted a cultural resources survey for the undertaking. The study is comprised of archaeological investigations and a historic resources survey at each of the three project locations. A copy of the resulting survey report summarizing the findings is attached. The investigations identified no historic properties eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places located in the established Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the undertaking. Based on these findings, we have concluded that the proposed undertaking would have "no effect" on historic properties in the APE. With this letter, we would like to initiate formal consultation with you under Section 106 of the NHPA and hereby request your concurrence on the project APE and our finding that the proposed project will have no effect on historic properties. Notice of the undertaking and copies of this documentation have also been provided to the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Thank you for your assistance with this review. Please feel free to contact meat (425) 430-5578 should you have any questions. Sincerely, City of Renton Environmental Resew Committee 4C Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Departliqlt Mark Peterson, Administrator Fire & Emergency Service Department Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department Alex Pietsch, Administrator Community and Economic Development Department Enclosure: Cultural Resources Survey Report Denis Law Mayor February 18, 2011 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Cultural Resources Program Attn: Laura Murphy, Archaeologist 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 City of, Y st o Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Subject: Section 106 Review—Renton Housing Authority Development Projects at 2902 Northeast 12th Street, 1150 Harrington Avenue NE, and Kirkland Ave NE between NE 151h and NE 16' streets Dear Ms. Murphy: The City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority are proposing to use federal funds to construct multifamily dwellings and/or institutional buildings (e.g., government offices) at three locations in the city of Renton. These locations include The Renton Highlands Library property at 2902 Northeast 12th Street, Sunset Court Park at 1104 Harrington Avenue NE, and three vacant lots located along Kirkland Ave NE between NE 15th and NE 16th streets. The new buildings will be funded by U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) capital funds per Section 26 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (U.S. Government Code (USC), Title 42, Section 1437x) in connection with projects assisted under Section 9. HUD is the lead federal agency responsible for compliance with Section.106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). In accordance with specific statutory authority and HUD's regulations at Section 24 Part 58 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the City of Renton is completing the necessary environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 of the NHPA. ICF International is assisting the City in meeting these requirements, and has conducted a cultural resources survey for the undertaking. The study is comprised of archaeological investigations and historic resources survey at each of the three project locations. A copy of the resulting survey report summarizing the findings is attached. The investigations identified no historic properties eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places located in the established Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the undertaking. Based on these findings, we have concluded that the proposed undertaking would have "no effect" on historic properties in the APE. With this letter, we would like to initiate formal consultation with you under Section 106 of the NHPA, and invite you to comment on our determination of the undertaking's proposed APE and our finding that the undertaking would have no effect on historic properties. We understand and respect the sensitive nature of cultural resources and traditional cultural properties and will not disseminate any specific site or area location information to the general public. Such information will be withheld from any public documentation prepared for the undertaking. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • RentonrWashington98057 • rentonwa.gov Thank you for your assistance with this review. Please feel free to contact meat (425) 430-6578 should you have any questions. Sincerely, City of Renton Environmental Review Committee 24 Gregg Zimm rman, Administrator Public Works Departme Mark Peterson, Administrator Fire & Emergency Service Department Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department K4, vV—� Alex Pietsch, Administrator Community and Economic Development Department Enclosure: Cultural Resources Survey Report Denis Law VALY Of Y a Mayor T y. 4�,: Department of Community and Economic Development February 18, 2011 Alex Pietsch, Administrator Ms. Virginia Cross Chairperson of the Muckleshoot Tribal Council Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Subject: Section 106 Review—Renton Housing Authority Development Projects at 2902 Northeast 12th Street, 1150 Harrington Avenue NE, and Kirkland Ave NE between~ NE 15th and NE 16th streets Dear Ms. Cross: The City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority are proposing to use federal funds to construct multifamily dwellings and/or institutional buildings (e.g., government offices) at three locations in the city of Renton. These locations include the Renton Highlands Library property at 2902 Northeast 12th Street, Sunset Court Park at 1104 Harrington Avenue NE, and three vacant lots located along Kirkland Ave NE between NE 15th and NE 16th streets. The new buildings will be funded by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) capital funds per Section 26 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (U.S. Government Code (USC), Title 42, Section 1437x) in connection with projects assisted under Section 9. HUD is the lead federal agency responsible for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). In accordance with specific statutory authority and HUD's regulations at Section 24 Part 58 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the City of Renton is completing the necessary environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 of the NHPA. ICF International is assisting the City in meeting these requirements, and has conducted a cultural resources survey for the undertaking. The study is comprised of archaeological investigations and historic resources survey at each of the three project locations. A copy of the resulting survey report summarizing the findings is attached. The investigations identified no historic properties eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places located in the established Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the undertaking. Based on these findings, we have concluded that the proposed undertaking would have "no effect" on historic properties in the APE. With this letter, we would like to initiate formal consultation with you under Section 106 of the NHPA, and invite you to comment on our determination of the undertaking's proposed APE and our finding that the undertaking would have no effect on historic properties. We understand and respect the sensitive nature of cultural resources and traditional cultural properties and will not disseminate any specific site or area location information to the general public. Such information will be withheld from any public documentation prepared for the undertaking. Thank you for your assistance with this review. Please feel free to contact meat (425) 430-6578 should you have any questions. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Wash ington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Sincerely, City of Renton Environmental Review Committee 7 3 Gregg Zimmerman, Ad istrator Public Works Departm t Mark Peterson, Administrator Fire & Emergency Service Department Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department U cxkvv--,\ Alex Pietsch, Administrator Community and Economic Development Department Enclosure: Cultural Resources Survey Report cc: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D11111111111 ty0f AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TO: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Administrator Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator FROM: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager MEETING DATE: Monday, February 7, 2011 TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: Sixth Floor Conference Room#620 Sunset Planned Action and Environmental Impact Statement (C'onkling) LUA 10-052 Location: Study area is bounded by NE 215", Monroe Ave NE, NE 7th, and Edmonds Ave NE. Sunset Terrace is bounded by Sunset. Lane NE and Glenwood Ave NE, NE loth, NE Sunset Boulevard, and Edmonds Ave NE. Description: Environmental Review for the Sunset Area Planned Action/ElS which includes review of multiple projects, including: programmatic review of neighborhood redevelopment through public and private investment; project level review of the redevelopment of Benton Housing Authority's Sunset Terrace public housing project; design improvements to Sunset Boulevard; and a master drainage plan for stormwater control for the neighborhood, Hillcrest Community Building (Conkling) LUA10-080 Location: 1430 Hilcrest Lane NE. Description: Construction of a 2,200 51. community buidling with a laundry area for use by the residents of Hillcrest Terrace. cc: D. Law, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey, CED Director • W. Flora, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal • Richard Perteet, Deputy PW Administrator -Transportation C. Vincent, CED Planning Director 4 N. Watts, Development Services Director L Warren, City Attorney b F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner D. Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal J. Medzegian, Council 1CF INTERNATIONAL Transmittal Date: February 4, 2011 To: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 From: Lisa Grueter, Senior Planner, ICF Subject: Affidavits of mailing/courier — Sunset Area Community Planned Action DEIS Client: City of Renton Project: Sunset Area Community Planned Action Project Number: 00593.10 Method of ® Mail ❑ Overnight ❑ Courier Transmission: Purpose of ® Per your request ❑ For your review ❑ For your information or use Transmission: ❑ Other: Items Being Quantity Description Transmitted: 1 Affidavit of service by mailing 1 Affidavit of service by courier Please let me know if you have any questions. Thant& 710 Second Avenue, Suite 550 - Seattle, WA 98104 � 206.801.2800 � 206.801.2899 fax � ich.com CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 7th day of December, 2010, 1 deposited in by Federal Express, a sealed envelope containing Sunset Area Community Planned Action EIS documents and/or compact disk. This information was sent to: v' S 'fit ✓ `;} n �;:iry 5 � _'Z ., .r`c r b:. i.:'{� by _:: .}.^! . �i. { �,.w._ `. i' % fi e h :'_)'. r i�: k' ....e- 'r . y.S C�i a _ � i _._�p �.• Agencies See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON j j SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Lisa Grueter signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. r{fl�atedz-� ! i Notary Public in and foKtLe S_-tAte of Washington pW Notary (Print): GtX1 \,a..ti'Y1 '�' ti } •� `� appointment expires: C Sunset Area Community Planned Action/EIS LUA10-052 template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (federal) 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 803 Old Post Office Building Washington DC 20004 US Housing and Urban Development Attn: Ryan Mielcarek 909 First Ave, Suite 255 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20460 0003 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOAA/ National Marine Fisheries US Department of Interior NEPA Coordinator, Branch of Federal Service Gwen Wilder Activities -ATT. Pat Carter 7600 Sand Point Way NE Office of Environmental Policy and 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 400 Seattle, WA 98115 Compliance Arlington, VA 22203 1849 C Street, NW, MS 2342 Washington, DC 20240 US EPA- Office of Federal Activities US Army Corp. of Engineers US Department of Interior EIS Filing Section Seattle District Office 1849 C Street NW Ariel Rios Building (South Oval Attn: SEPA Reviewer Washington DC 20240 Lobby), Room 7220 PO Box C-3755 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW Seattle, WA 98124 Washington, DC 20004 template - affidavit of service by mailing Shipment Details . 0 r-r.,�, i ir. ,. -•1 Go Package/Envelope Ship P Track r FedEx Ship Manager} Prepare Shipment Ship History JFMy Lists Your Shipment Details Lisa Grueter ICF International 710 2ND AVE STE 550 SEATTLE.WA 981041754 us 2068012600 To: NEPA Goordinator,Pat Carter US Fish & Wildlife 4401 FAIRFAX OR RM 400 BRANCH OF FEDERAL ACTIVITIES ARLINGTON, VA 222031610 I US 7033582163 'rtllwIthig no: 796527252010 Your reference: GEN PAPWK Ship dale: 12/07/2010 Service type: Standard Overnight Fre+ctn Expedited Office/Prim 1,P,0cos a Manage + Business Solutions F Locloul Reports I'! My r -noise 1'agc 1 of 1 Help Package type: FedEx Envelope PlekupJDrop OH Use an already scheduled pickup at my location Weight; 1.00 LBS Declared value: 0.00 USD Shipper account number: ICF Seattle -780 Bill transportation to: ICF Seattle -78C Courtesy rate quote' 2329 List rates: I Effective net discount: Discounted variable % Special services-- ervices:Shipment ShipmentPurpose: Shipment type: Express CommercleVResldentlal Status: Commercial Please note ; . ' The courtesy rate drown here may be different than the actual charges for your shlitmenl. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and other factors. Consult the applicable Fc0Fx ae:: vir.e c t :v or the Fed Far Rate Sheets for details Dn how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim In excess of $100 per package. whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, misdelivery, or misinlormation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a ii mely claim. Limitations round in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, including Intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, income interest, prolh, attomey's fees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental, consequential, or special is limited to the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum for items of extraordinary value Is $500, e.g., jewelry, precious metals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our Service Guide. Written claims must be riled within strict Lime limits; Consult the applicable FedEx Service Guide for details. t!p'n� : cWnll P,.,!'„-,pcs f'.ngtnr! rnr:''r. ,win Al tjtrr-!C'- ' I- , i1rr Ro1,1Q, 'rat, 7r-, Irvin. ,, . ° ' . L. This silo Is protected by copydghl and trademark laws under LIS and Intemalional law. All rights reserved.0 1995- 2010 FedEx https://www.fedex.com/shipHistory/HistoryDetailsAction.handle?method=doViewShipD... 12/14/2010 Shipment Details PackagelEnvelope Freight Expedited OtficelPrinl Services } Ship r Track r Manage r Business Solutions a FedEx Ship Manage&) Lo cul Prepare 5hipmenl ___] Ship History �; lyty 1515 Reports 1` My Profile Your Shipment Details Page I of 1 HOT) From: Lisa Grueter Package type: FedEx Envelope I lCF International Pt Pickup?Drop eku ro OH: Use an already schedu led pickup al 710 2ND AVE STE 550 my location SEATTLE. WA 981041754 Weight: 1.00 LBS us 20f3t;20 012BD0 Declared value: 0.00 USD Shipper account number: ICF Seattle -780 Bill transportation to: ICF Seattle -7110 To: Ryon E. Mialcarek Courtesy rale quote:' 13.59 US Housing & Urban List rales: Cevelopement Effective net discount: 909 1 ST AVE STE 255 Discounted variable % SEATTLE, WA 981041000 Special services: us 2062205101 Shipment Purpose: Shipment type: Express Commerr:lal/Resldentlal Status: Commercial Tracking no: 796526352759 Your reference: GEN PAPWK Ship date: 12/07/2010 l Service type: Standard Overnight Please note : , •'rhe courtesy rate shown here may be diflereni than the actual charges for your shipment, Differences may occur based on actual weight, ! dimensions, and other factors. Consult the applicable 1- ec r x -eiy,re Guy �e or the FedEx Rale Sheets for details on how shipping charges are 3 calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, dYlay, non-delivery, misdelivery, or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an r ddi Eonal charge, document your actual loss and rile a timely claim. i Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, including intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, Income Inleresl, profit, attorney'; lees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental, consequential, or special Is limited to the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum for ilerns of extraord'nary value Is $500, e.g., jewelry, precious metals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our Service Guide. Written claims must be filed within strict Time limits: Consult the applicable FedEx Service Guide for details. r....r,. rt ia..mp34m.�h Yila-nc!SC Crntnri Si.,... .,,:, i, i, ,.:v! ... tr .;it h rg.. Jr., r:,)T rrrr�rl lJ-n:Cn,a Dnp: o This site is protected by mpydghl and trademark laws under Lis and Intemalionat law. All, ights reserved.* I595- 2010 FedEx https:ltwww.fedex.corn/shipHistorylHistoryDetailsAction.handle?method=doNextDetail 12/14/2010 _ • Shipment Details i , ,n , ., - ,, 1.i p, i .:rl . -'n „.., . iso Parka9PIEnvrlope Frr qW. Fxf)editCd tlllice:Pririi Services !r Ship r Tract: r Manage r Business Solutions I Page 1 of I FedEx Ship Manager' PrepareShrpmel IShip Hisiory My bsls Reports My Profile Your Shipment Details From: Lisa Grueter Package type: Your Packaging_'— _ ' ICF International pikuplDrop Off: c Use an already scheduled pickup at 710 2ND AVE STE 550 my location SEATTLE, WA 981041754 Weight: 47,00 LBS us 206v12800 Dimensions: 15X 16X 16 in j Declared value: 0.00 USD Shipper account number: ICF Seattle -700 To: EIS Filing Section Bill transportation lo: iCF Seattle -700 j US EPA, Office of Federal Courtesy rale quote:' 269.83 Activitie List Miss: 1200 PENNSYLVANIA AVE Effective nel discount: NW ARI EL RIOS BUILDING, Discounted variable `ys ROOM 7220 Special services: WASHINGTON, DC Shipment Purpose: 200042403 Shipment type: Express US Com merclaVResidentfal Status: Commercial (202)272-0167 l i Tracking no: 794193071999 Your referenee_ GEN PAPWK I Ship date: 12!07/2010 i l Service type: First Overnight i f rr Please note The courlesy rate shown here may be different than the actual charges tot your shipmern. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and other factors. Consult the applicable ": <1F;t c;e ": e or the FedEx Rate Sheets las derails on how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any clalm In excess of $100 per package, whether the resuft of loss, damage, delay nondelivery, misdelivery, l or rrisiniormation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an addttlonaf charge, document your actual loss and file a timely claim. Limitations lound in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any toss, inClr,ding intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, income Interest, profll, attorney's fees, oasts, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental, oensequcntial. of special is limited to the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value, Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum tot hems of exiraordinary value is $500, e.g., Jewelry, precious metals, negoliahle Instruments and other items listed in our Service Guide. Written claims must be filed within strict time limits; Consu'd the applicable FedEx Service Guide for details_ �: F•n,1' R, ^,n,,. r. r - .. i.1 r•.1.. ,i r F. f a r;'.��., . ,.r [, �,- i! i' r�.-- '.1? This site is protected by copyright and trademark laws under US and International law, All rights reserved,0 1995- 2010 FedEX https:llwww,fedex.comishipHistorylHistoryDetailsAction,handle?method=doNex#Detail 12/1412010 Shipment Details PackagelEnvelope Freight Fxpedited Officc,Print Services Of Ship 0 Track r Manage r Business Solutions r Page 1 of 1. FedEx Ship Managers Lo out Help Prepare Shipment i Ship History My Lists Reports My Profile r I Your Shipment Details From: Lisa Grueter ICF International 710 2ND AVE STE 550 SEATTLE, WA 981041754 Us 2068012900 { To: i s i • i I , Tracking no: Your reference: Ship dale: Service type: Gwen Wilder Department of the Interior 1849 C ST NW u MS2342 OFFICE OF ENVIRO POLICY & COMPLIANC WASHINGTON, DC 202400001 u5 2022086898 794192678743 GEN PAPWK 12107=10 Standard Overnight Package type! FedEx Envelope Plckup/Drop Off: Use an already scheduled pickup at my localion Weight.• 1.00 LBS Declared value: 0.00 USD Shipper account number: ICF Sealtle•780 Oil I transportation to: )CF Seatlle•780 Courtesy rete quole:' 23.29 List rales: Effective net discount: 01scounted variable % Special services: Shipment Purpose: Shipment type: Exprass Commercial/Resldenllal Status: Commercial m 3 Please note . • The courtesy rate shower here may be different than the actual charges for your shipment. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and other laclors. Consult the applicable F+.; IEr. Ser c _ G, de or the FedEx Rale Sheets for details on how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim In excess of $140 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, nondelivery, misdelivery, j or misinformation. unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a timely claim. "talions found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, includirg intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, Income interest, profit, aWrney's toes, costs, and other fors of damage whether direct, incidental, consequential, or spec.al is limited to the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maxlrrtum tar items ct extraordinary value is $5D0, a.g., jewelry, precious metals, negotiable Instrurnents and other items listed in our service Gude. Written clalnr5 must be tiled within Sl6ct time limits; Consult the applicable FedEx Service Guide for details. . •1.•,i a..: f' - r- :.xl •,, 1. i,..C.-t• ,I,yr-.il ..H n0^+ I • i. This Site is protected by copyright and trademark laws under US and International law. AN rights reserved -0 1995- 2010 FedEx e https://www.fedex.con/shipHistorylHistoryDetailsAction.handle?method=doNextDetail 12/14/2010 . Shipment Details !�.j I , , �'. ' , - I -- �' . 17 . t, I f 'I L Package/Envelope FrPighl IFzplccllto0 OfliCe'FriOI S1:1-E.0b � Ship r Track r Manage ► Business Solutions P FedEx Ship Manager° Lprinul Prepare Shipment Ship History II My L st�s Reports My Profile Your Shipment Details From: Lisa Grunter ICF International 710 2ND AVE STE 550 SEATTLE, WA 981041754 us 2068012800 7oi: US Department of Interior 1849CSTNW WASHINGTON, DC 202400001 u5 2022083100 Tracking no: Your reference: Ship date: Service type: 1 I - 794191842959 GEN PAPWK 12/07/2010 Standard Overnight Package type: FedEx Envelope Page 1 of 1 Help Pickup/Drop Off: Use an already scheduled pickup at my localion Weight: 1.00 LBS Declared value: 0.00 USD Shipper account number. IGF Sealtle-760 BIII transportation to: ICF Seattle -700 Courtesy rate quote-., 23.29 List rates: Effective not discount. Discounted variable % Special services: Shipment Purpose: Shipment type: Express CommerclaUResidential Status: Commercial Please note . `The courlesy rate shown hew may be 6"ereni than the actual charges nor your shipment. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and other factors. Consult the applicable F tIFx Sin cc r., <de or the FedEx Rale Sheets for details on how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim In excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, misdelivery OF misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a limefy claim. Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, -nG uding Intrinsic value or the package, loss of sates, income interest, profit, attorney's fees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental, consequential, or special W limited to the greater of $100 or Iha authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum ror items of extraordinary value rs $500, e.g., jewalry, precious metals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our Service Guide, Wrieen claims must be flied within strfcl tinge limits; Consult the applicable FedEx Service Guide for details. This site is protected by Copyright and trademark laws under US and International law, All rights reserved.01995- 2010 FedEx hitps://www.fedex.cornlshipHistorylHistoryDetailsAction.handle?method=doNextDetail 12/14/2010 Shipment Details Page l of I , f',t'•.. .:n„_, ���,p, r; I •.�fi . �4 .�:av c, Ge.{n;li LAG Package/Envelope Freight Expedited DflicelPrint Services Ar Ship 1 Track r Manager Business Solutions F FedEx Ship ManagerLr:<rrul HCp Prepare Shipment �'` Ship History I' My LISTS Report, My Proflle Your Shipment Details From: Lisa Gruater ICF Intetnatlonal 710 2ND AVE STE 550 SEATTLE. WA 961941754 us To: I I I j 1 Tracking no: Your reference: Ship date: Service type: r i Office Groundwater 8 Drinking Water US Enviro Protection Agency 1200 PENNSYLVANIA AVF NW WASHINGTON, DC 204600003 US 2022720167 794191792000 GEN PAPVdK 12107/2010 Standard Ovamight Package type: PickupfDrop Off: Weight: Declared value: Shipper account number: Bill transportation to: Courtesy rate quote:* List rates: Effective net discount: Discounted variable % Special services: Shipment Purpose: Shipment type: CbmmerclaUResldential Status: FedEx Envelope Use an already scheduled pickup at my location 1.00 LBS 0,00 USD ICF SaaHla•7130 ICF Seatlle-7130 2329 Express Commeraal MM Please note: .' The courtesy rate shown here may be different than She actual charges for your shipment. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and other factors. Consult the applicable or the FedEx Rale Sheets for details on how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim In excess of $100 per package, whether the result of lass, damage, delay. non-delivery, misdelivery, or m.sinformati❑n unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a timely claim. Llmilalfons found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply Your right to recover Iron FedEx for any loss, including Intrinsic value of the package. foss o1 sales, income intaresl, profit, attorney's fees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental. conseouential, or special is limited to the greater of $100 or the aulhorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum for items of extraordinary value is $500, e.g., jewelry, precious metals, negotiable Instruments and other items listed In our Service Guide, Written claims must be filed within strict time limits; Consu a she applicable FedEx Service Guide for detalls. r,. 19..i,, ., c.,, -il F'Y ,.-. - r•rii i•... .. pz•� 5N'L”. If �i.�i, ,I,. ;.n. r, �!I• r.,. This site Is protected by copyright and trademark laws under US and International taw. All rights %reserved.01995. 2010 FedEx https://www.fedex.co"shipHistory/HistoryDetaiIsAction.handle?method=doNextDetai1 12/14/2010 _ Shipment Details C: SearT-GG Fe Package/Envelope Freight Expedited Office/Print Services Y Ship o Track r Manager Business Solutions FedEx Ship Manager' t�f,c:ul j M Lists Fie ons I M Profile Prepare Shipment Ship History y R Y Your Shipment Details From: Lisa Grueler ICF International 710 2ND AVE STE 550 I SEATTLE, WA 881041754 I us I 2068012800 To: Seattle District Office Plckup/Dmp Oft US Army Corps of Engineers 4735 E MARGINAL WAY S weight: SOUTH Declared value: SEATTLE, WA 981342385 i u5 BHI transportation to: 2067643742 Tracking no: 794191743561 1 Your reference: GEN PAPWK Ship date: 17/0792010 Service type: Standard Overnight Page 1 of 1 Help Package type: FedEx Envelope Plckup/Dmp Oft an already scheduied pickup al +Th' location PW weight: 1,00 LBS Declared value: 0.00 USD Shipper account number: ICF Seattle -780 BHI transportation to: ICF Seattle -780 Courtesy rate quote:* 13,59 List rates: Effective net discount: Dlsoounted varlable % Special services: Shipment Purpose: Shipment type: Express Go nmerclallResldential Status: Commercial m Please note : .. The courtesy rate shown here may be different than the acluaf charges for your shipment. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and other factors- Consult the applicable Fes Ez Service Guide or the FedEx Rate Sheets for details on how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim In excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, darnage. delay, non-delivery, misdalivery. or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and lila a timely claim. Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide appfy. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, including Intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, income Interest, profit, attorney s fees, ousts, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental. consequential. or special is limited 10 the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum for items of extraordinary value Is $500, e.g., jewelry, precnus metals, negotiable Instruments and other Ileris listed in our Service Guide. Written claims must be filed within strict lime limits; consult the applicable FedEx Service Guide for details. �Ict'n' Fi--na cin - I or.°n..,,. f'ur':, ., f Sr,,.n,•1,,, . � FIS :. .- � i ... 9tl..l � r ; i ,.. X r , r . :..i nfi .... .:r 1 ', ,, Sir., n,,, This site is protected by copyright and trademark laws under US and International law- All rights reserved -01995- 2010 FedEx https./Iwww.fedex.com/shipHistory/HistoryDetaiIs Action. handle?method=doNex Metai 1 12114/2010 Shipment Details r FedEx Ship Manager, Prepare Shrpmen� ship F , I I... , r I I .. I- "l ... . I. _4"u' 1: 60 Package/Envelope Frcl9ht rKpedded Office Pr,nt $rr:'rccs r Ship ► Track ► Manage ► Business Solutions My Gels I' Reports 11 My Profile Your Shipment Details From: Lisa Grueler ICF International 710 2ND AVE STE 550 SEATTLE, WA 981041754 Us 2066012800 To: NatonM Manne Fisheries 1 Service NOAA € 7600 SAND POINT WAY NE SEATTLE, WA 98 1 1 56349 us 301.713.4000 Tracking no: 794191713764 Your reference: GEN PAPWK Ship dale; 12107/2010 Service type: Standard Overnight aot Page 1 of 1 _ Help Package type: FedEx Envelope PlckuplDrop 8H: Use an already scheduled pickup at my location Weight: 1.00 LBS Deeiared value: 0,00 USD I I Shipper account number: ICF Seattle -780 Oil transportation to: iCF Seattle -780 Courtesy rate quote.,* 13.59 List rates: Effective net discount: Dlsccunted variable % Special services: Shipment Purpose: Shipment type: Express GommerclaLfResldentlal Status: Commercial mm Please note : . ' The courtesy rate shown here may be different Marl ttie actual charges for your shipment. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and ocher factors. Consult the applicable1F.x tial\!( ,llll,� or the FedEx Rale $heels for details on how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any etalm In excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, misdellvery, or misinformation. unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and lila a tlrrely claim. Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FcdEx for any loss, inducting Intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, income interest, profit, attorney's lees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, inci[enta€, consequential, or special is limited to the greater al $100 or the aulhorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss_ Maximum for items of extraordinary value IS $500, e.g., jewelry, precious metals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our Service Guide, Written claims must be filed wild n strict time limits; Consult the applicable Fed Ex Service Guide for details. f d�7t,..l �.,m, cm�ll Pv���necs f',ti,t10 it r`: I: „ (;urrk AI .. .[�'. Int r,�..�r Pa,.�hnn^ - r`arn:,rr. 1c�in. �-r Trr— .., i,,.. V, This site is protected by oopyright and trademark laws under US and International law. All rights reserved.01995. 2010 FadEx https://www.fedex.com/shipHistojy/HistoryDetailsAction.handle?method=doNextDetaii 12/14/2010 Shipment Details f sP,i^41 C ;wr , —pporl I FwIF, I rx'd lnrn.. SE.': rr;li Go PackagefEnvelope Freighl Expedited Office/Print Services e Ship > Track P Manage r Business Solutions FedEx Ship Manager" Prepare Shipment 11 Ship History My Lists Your Shipment Details From: Lisa Grueter ICP Inlemallonal 710 2ND AVE STE 550 SEATTLE, WA 981041754 Us 2066012800 To: Advisory Council on Historic Presv 1100 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW SUITE 803, OLD POST OFFICE BLDG WASHINGTON, OC 200042501 us (202) 6066503 cul Reports �i My Profile Page 1 of l Help Package type: FedEx Envelope Pickup/Drop Off: Use an already scheduled pickup at Ship date: my location Weight: 1.00 LBS Declared value: 0-00 USD Shipper account number; ICF Searta-780 Bili transportation to: ICF Seattle -780 Courtesy nate quote:' 23,29 List rales: Effective net discount: Discounted varlabla % Special services'. Shipment Purpose: Shlpmenl type. Express CommerolaliResldentlal Status: Commercial Tracking no: 794191674969 Your reference: GEN PAPWK Ship date: 17/07/2010 Service type: Standard Overnight Please note: • The courtesy rale shown here may be different than the acluai charges for your shipment. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, and other factors. Consult the applicable �-; i.E? Sin ice, ode or the FadEx Bate Sheets for details on how shipping charges are calculated. FedEx will not be responsible for any claim In excess of 5100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay non-delivery, misdelivery, or misn4ormabion, unless you declare a higher valua, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a limey claim. Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply, Your right la recover from FedEx for any loss, including intrinsic value of the package, loss of sales, income Interest, prolit, attorneys fees. costs, and other lorms of damage whether direct, incidental. consecuential. or special Is limited to the greater of $100 or Iho authorized declared value. Reoovery cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum for items of extraordinary value is $500. e.g„ jewelry, precious me'als, negoliahle instruments and other items listed in our Service Guide. Written claims must be filed within strict lime limits: Consult the applicable FedEx Service Guide for details. Gln•.,?1 Mo" Ep Sm.11l f3usino-4q f;C!nS9r''1n ,,,u:. n�, • ,:-� I',.. I:. i,; ... ^dnr m , ..T_ This Site is protected by copyright and trademark laws under US and Interna: €ullal law, As rights reserved.0 1995- 2010 FedEx https:/Iwww.fedex.corn/shipHistory/HistoryDetaiIsAction.handle?method=doNextDctaii 12/14/2014 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT _ PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY COURIER On the 8th day of December, 2010, 1 deposited by courier services, a sealed envelope containing Sunset Area Community Planned Action EIS documents. This information was sent to: Norrie, x < � ' a Replresenting =' Agencies See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ] SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Lisa Grueter signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. IrfrfIf l v ` " I or ',— Notary Public in And for)he State of Washington y.: Nota (Print): r ��� �yll Wy appointment expires:. cls '• � �� ' �� �' Sunset Area Community Planned Action/EIS LUA10-052 template - affidavit of service by mailing City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner 1055 S. Grady Way Renton. WA 98057 template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY DISTRIBUTION (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Renton Housing Authority Mark Gropper, Executive Director 2900 Northeast 10th Street Renton, WA 98056-3133 EPA Region 10 1200 6th Ave Seattle, WA 98101-3123 !i IjS � I I 4elte - A D ,ZApproval I ,Task2914 ofD�°3 j Please apprrn►a Involos rt�lsn tc A!P ASAP I I I i i Delivery Express, Inc. INVOICE Invoice4E93 9600 SW 43rd St, Ste 300 84883 ow wllhin 9s Daye of Invoice. Account 4: 3P741 Renton, WA 98057 Aaoaunt 8: ,10703 I A Flames Gharpe or i^m9l] M a"ee 0n pant due aceouNa. L www. d olive ryexpress in c,corn �� Billing '1`iYru: 11/11/10 - - ; I Total Cbazges 0.00, - Page I13/12J10 This Invoice 74.26;1 ! arena chapr•: Branch] `'anp pager I 0-34 31-60 61-90 91* H� - puaw duvet mA irque" v*w- 7 OW to. — — r _ Account Balance As of 12/14ilO Phom 8: 1425 251-3533 74.2& Branahl Corp Small: daveQdellvaryexpressinc.com ICF International VVV 630 aKe St Suits Ste 400 Amount Remitted l Saorsuwato. CA 95818 � .-- Flaaso Remit To: Delivery Expreaar InG. 1640 SM 43rd St, Ste 3DD Renton, KA 98057 owasa ka70M Tart ►OAT30M K7T9 vrtTraWT - - Dates I ozder / Caller origin I Destination Bare CbgSurct�ar9oa_._,- Total 3/08/10 037376 :Sonya CF Internationalj6P11 Region 10 15.00 0.33 sC 15.83 00630.10 10 3104 Av1 1CS [1200 6th Ava Sz aattla, MA 981D4 Beattie, MA 99101 !SOBS 990 j 1 MT 35 DBL 14,41 k= Mike W nils■ .91 14f 2/08/10 931377 'Sonya JI IC! Ietar.'nationel City Of Ramon[ 21.91 1.20 SC j 23.01 , tO63D.10 710 tad Are 1055 S Brady May kIISS [ Seattle, WA 98104 fR�, Im 98057 r WD � FCS 1 MT 1 DSL 15:23I= S Minnib iia. 15.761 72/O9/1D 937378 w■ ay 11CF International anton goosing Authority 33.57: 1.85 Sc j 35.42 0630.10 ho tad Ave Poe B2 loth It on i cattle, WA 911104 ZNTOH, WA 99056 'roe: WD I CS 1 MT L DSL 15:13 IGM 9 Byrd Miles 13.70 ` 00530,10 848xoTA1' 74.26 ' I ••• SUMKM t In TOTALS •+• f 00530.10 i bomber of Delivsriar: 3 I I SUBTOTAL 74.26 i ++• FSS CIFItR08 CODES •+ V Sarvica 70.39 ^ C Surcharge 3.88 I I !i IjS � I I 4elte - A D ,ZApproval I ,Task2914 ofD�°3 j Please apprrn►a Involos rt�lsn tc A!P ASAP I I I i i I iI Del€vary Express, Inc. 1600 SMI 43rd St, Ste 300 Renton, WA 98057 Invoice 0 84883 ow wllhin 9s Daye of Invoice. Aaoaunt 8: ,10703 I A Flames Gharpe or i^m9l] M a"ee 0n pant due aceouNa. L �� - - I 74.26 C.DD, 0.o0 I Total Cbazges 0.00, - ailltug Thrua I13/12J10 This Invoice 74.26;1 ! arena chapr•: pager I 0-34 31-60 61-90 91* H� b-Dfl r _ Account Balance As of 12/14ilO 74.26 Invoice Total 74.2& Branahl Corp VVV TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Stormwater Preferred Alternative PREPARED FOR: Erika Conkling, City of Renton PREPARED BY: Dustin Atchison, CH2M HILL COPIES: Lisa Grueter, ICF Roger Mason, CH2M HILL DATE: February 4, 2011 C*� +`.tr1i:l1R� The purpose of this memo is to provide a description of the draft preferred alternative for the stormwater elements of the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS. The Preferred Alternative is similar to Alternative 3 and falls within the bookends of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) Alternatives. Several residential streets (designated as "Green Connections") in the neighborhood would be transformed to improve pedestrian mobility, mitigate stormwater (both for water quality and flow reduction) and to create an inviting corridor to enhance the neighborhood. Harrington Avenue including portions of SE 16t', and SE 9th Streets has been identified as a high priority Green Connection project that would provide enhanced pedestrian connectivity between Hillcrest Terrace, McKnight Middle School, Sunset Terrace (including the relocated King County Library), Highlands Elementary and Highlands Community Center. This corridor would be enhanced by narrowing through traffic lanes to calm traffic, create wide planter areas to accommodate large trees and rain gardens to mitigate stormwater runoff and create wider sidewalks, see sections below. This project would be implemented as a public infrastructure retrofit project pending available funds. The remaining Green Connections projects would likely be implemented as revised roadway standards to require incremental redevelopment of the frontage as redevelopment occurs (either constructed by future developers or the City of Renton, depending on available funds). In addition to the green connections projects, the City will implement regional detention/ retention improvements to provide advance mitigation for future increase in impervious area that may result from redevelopment. Locations of the regional facilities would include the western margin of the newly created park at Sunset Terrace and/or the northern corner of Highlands Park (beyond the outfield of the existing baseball/ softball field). STORMWATER PREFERRED ALT DESCRIPWN_2411.00CX COPYRIGHT 2011 BY -COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL STORMWATER PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE 68' APPROXIMATE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY 1 12' 8' 1 Q' 1 a' fi 6' 5 SIDEWALK RAIN -GARDEN PARKING PLANTER SIDEWALI E SIE €.IE , Section 1: Rain Garden on West Side of Harrington su' APPROWATE EXISTING RIGHT -0F -WAY Section 2: Rain Garden Both Sides I SIDEWALK PLANTER PARKING I Section 3: Parking Both Sides 58' PFgmsed Road Seef m ` � APPROXUATE EIOSfING RIGHT -0F -WAY 16, 'ofN_ PARKING SV Pmpomed Road SeeWfl PLANTER STORMWATER PREFERRED ALT DESCRIPTION_2-4-11.DOCX 2 COPYRIGHT 2011 BY • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Transportation Preferred Alternative PREPARED FOR: Erika Conkling, City of Renton PREPARED BY: John McKenzie, CH2M HILL COPIES: Lisa Grueter, ICF Roger Mason, CH2M HILL DATE: February 2, 2011 CH2MHILL The purpose of this memo is to provide a description of the draft preferred alternative for the Sunset Boulevard and transportation elements of the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS. The Preferred Alternative is similar to Alternative 3 and falls within the bookends of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) Alternatives. NE Sunset Boulevard would be transformed to improve all forms of mobility and to create an inviting corridor through urban design amenities. Improvements to traffic operations at intersections would prioritize transit vehicles; there would also be a planted median with left -turn lanes at intersections and two high volume mid -block driveway locations. Improved sidewalks and crosswalks together with streetscape elements such as street trees, transit shelters, street furniture, public art, and lighting would promote walkability. A multi -use trail along the west side of Sunset Boulevard would promote non -motorized transportation. In addition to the multi -use trail on the west side of Sunset Boulevard, an eastbound bike lane will run from Edmonds Avenue up the hill to the City's bike route on NE 10th Street. The Preferred Alternative would comply with the City Complete Streets standards for Sunset Boulevard with the exception adjacent to the existing wall between Edmonds Avenue and Harrington Avenue. At this constrained location, the Preferred Alternative would keep the existing curb and 5 -ft sidewalk (no planter). Sample cross sections are provided below. In addition to changes along NE Sunset Boulevard, the Preferred Alternative would alter circulation patterns by closing Harrington Avenue NE for one block in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea and extending NE 10th Street from Harrington Avenue to Glenwood Avenue. Transit amenities along NE Sunset Boulevard would be improved to include expanded bus zones in both directions of travel. Bus zones and existing bus stops could include shelters with adequate lighting and street furniture. Transit stops are located adjacent to pedestrian and bicycle facilities, which encourages the use of alternative modes of travel. Special pavement in the roadway would clearly identify transit stops on NE Sunset Boulevard. Pedestrian -scale lighting would improve pedestrian safety and walkability. Sidewalk connections from NE Sunset Boulevard to side streets would be improved, strengthening the connectivity between the residential areas and NE Sunset Boulevard. To improve safety for pedestrians crossing the roadways, the Preferred Alternative includes the use of special TRANSPORTATION PREFERRED ALT DESCRlPTION_2-2-11.DOCX COPYRIGHT 2011 BY • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL TRANSPORTATION PREFERRED ALTFRNATIUE paving at crosswalks and intersections. Special paving can more clearly identify pedestrian areas and alert drivers to proceed with caution, which can contribute to a safer pedestrian environment. Pedestrian -supportive signals such as count -down heads and audible signals would be provided to improve safety for pedestrians crossing the roadways at signalized intersections. Other pedestrian -level design amenities such as benches, trash receptacles, way finding signs, and art would be incorporated to encourage pedestrian activity in the project area. APPROXIMATE RIOW-OF-WAY 17 B' 17 17 12' 12 11' S MULTI -USE fLAMTER WBTHRU WBTIIRU P MANAGED 41 ED THRU ED THRU TRAIL LANE LANE LEFT TURN LANE LANE LAME OR EB MEDIAN BIKE LANE SRI 14., _'1_1 Section 1: Adjacent to Existing Wall between Edmonds ai EXISTING SIDEWALK - S et' . APPROXIMATE RIGH! -OF -WAY IT ! 8'I 1T 1T 1T 17 11' S e' 8' MULTIUSE KANTER WB THRU WB THRU MANAGED ED TWU EB THRU EB PLANTER SOMAUi TRAIL LAME LAME LEFT TURN LAME LAME BIKE LANE OR LANE MEDIAM IIMN Section 2: Between Harrington Ave and NE 10th ST EXISTING WALL TRANSPORTATION PREFERRED ALT DESCRIPTION-2-2-11.DOCX 2 COPYRIGHT 2011 BY • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL TRANSPORTATION PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE L tom' _i APPROXIMATE RR3NT-OF-WAY 1$' 8 17 L 1 T 12' 5.4 11' 12 B' 8' MULTI -USE PLANTER WB THRU WB THRU MANAGED ES THRU EB THRU PLANTER SIDEWALK TRAIL LANE LANE LEFTTURN LANE LANE LANE OR MEDIAN A fW! i Section 3: Between NE 10th ST and NE 12th ST TRANSPORTATION PREFERRED ALT DESCRIPTION_2-2-11.DCCX COPYRIGHT 2011 BY • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 1CF INTERNATIONAL Memorandum Date: February 2, 2011 To: Erika Conkling, Senior Planner, City of Renton Cc: Roger Mason, CH2MHil1 From: Lisa Grueter Senior Planner, ICF Subject: Neighborhood Land Use Numbers — Preferred Alternative The purpose of this memo is provide our draft land use numbers for the preferred alternative. The Preferred Alternative is similar to Alternative 3 and also falls within the bookends of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) Alternatives. Key changes to assumptions for the Preferred Alternative in comparison to Alternative 3 include: • Based on a Mithun drawing transmitted January 24, 2011, a lower intensity Sunset Terrace redevelopment that assumes Sunset Court Park moves to Sunset Terrace and the park area at Sunset Terrace is expanded. The net effect at Sunset Terrace is fewer new dwelling units and jobs than found in Alternative 3; Redevelopment of Sunset Court Park parcel in the Central Subarea with SO new dwelling units, as the open space on the existing park site is transferred to the Sunset Terrace Subarea; • Removing a 1.1 acre vacant parcel that is shown as a Native Growth Protection Easement from development capacity in the North Subarea, resulting in reduction of 5 dwelling units of capacity in that area; and Assuming about half of the previously assumed land capacity on the St. Vincent de Paul site in the Sunset Mixed -Use Subarea due to eligibility as a historic resource which may mean a future site design that avoids the structure resulting in lower dwelling units and employment assumptions within this Subarea. Table 1 compares the Preferred Alternative to the Draft EIS alternatives. 710 Second Avenue, Suite 550 — Seattle, WA 98104 — 206.801.2800 — 206.801.2899 fax — idi.com Preferred Alternative: Neighborhood Land Use February 2, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Table 1. Summary of Land Capacity - Net Additional Growth above Existing Subarea Dwelling Units/jobs Alternative 1 Alternative 21 Alternative 3 Preferred Alternative Potential Dwelling 168-1752 310 479 266 Sunset Terrace units Redevelopment Jobs 493 164 182 79 Sunset Mixed Dwelling 1,109 1,052 1,509 1,481 Use units Jobs 410-652 1,728 2,875 2,802 Central, North Dwelling 206 296 518 592 and South units Jobs 152-213 273 273 273 Total Study Dwelling 1,483- 1,658 2,506 2,339 Area units¢ 1,490 Populations 3,430- 3,830 5,789 5,403 3,442 Employment 251,700 844,351 1,310,113 1,247,444 SF Jobs6 611-9147 2,165 3,330 3,154 1 The Draft EIS technical analysis for transportation, water, and sewer models studied two more net units in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea under Alternatives 1 and 3, and a slightly different mix of dwellings and jobs in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea under Alternative 2 (12 more dwellings and 38 fewer jobs). These differences are negligible and represent a less than 2% difference across the Planned Action Study Area. 2 The lower range represents proposed concepts on RNA's two vacant sites based on funding applications currently in process. The upper range represents the results of a land capacity analysis. 3 The estimate is based on a 90%/10% housing/employment split between residential and service uses; the housing/ employment share based on example proposed developments prepared for RHA's two vacant sites in the Sunset Terrace subarea. 4 Includes 217 dwellings and approximately 8 jobs associated with Harrington Square constructed in Summer 2010. s Applies an average household size of 2.31, an average of two census tracts 252 and 254. 6 Includes retail, service, and education jobs. 7 The lower figure shown is based on a commercial employment rate of 400 square feet per employee for retail and service jobs. If applying a commercial employment rate of 250 square feet per employee, the employment would equal the upper range. This latter figure is more similar to Renton Transportation Zone assumptions. FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT City of. , l M E M O R A N D U M DATE. January 27, 2011 T4: Chip Vincent, Planning Director, Community & Economic Development FROM: David Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal SUBJECT: Sunset Lane — Use of Limited Residential Access Street Standard I would first like to start off by thanking you and your staff for allowing Fire & Emergency Services the opportunity to discuss the issue of street width and the use of the Limited Residential Access Street Standard, and in particular if this standard would apply to Sunset Lane access. After reviewing the Sunset EIS plans, the Limited Residential Street Access Standard, and our meeting on January 24, Fire Chief Mark Peterson, Corey Thomas and I have determined that the use of the City of Renton, Limited Residential Access Street Standard is not applicable to Sunset Lane. We believe that the Limited Residential Street Access Standard is for residential developments in which the daily average trips are 250 or less. The residential development around the Sunset Lane would significantly exceed this amount. Furthermore it is our opinion that the use of the Limited Residential Access Street Standard would allow for Sunset Lanes street widths to be significantly reduced to 12 feet wide, making it very difficult for fire apparatus to get through It is the Fire & Emergency Services Department's requirement that Sunset Lane access be maintained at a minimum width of 20 feet with no parking on either side. We will support the use of traffic calming devices as approved by the Assistant Fire Marshal. Any further questions regarding this matter may be directed to Assistant Fire Marshal David Pargas at 425-430-7023. DP:kc cc: Mark Peterson, Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator Corey Thomas, Fire Plan Reviewer/Inspector Erika Conkling, Senior Planner, Community & Economic Development --a m m 0.m -,tq � n w b �_� o a c0.o -n a n c rn o w �c -Z-, n nr- o 12, C, o 7� o roA ,vGn w �� o C7� nz �. .� 0 0 @ R >e R ro a+ < T p, a [z7 ^; ?; p, n tj m c o F e n 4 ..� �'. vi w n b .O = n a n 1 n `C b s C d . C � y C� p }a n a�'�m2 Cha �.n me [n acaii—C2-otcr2RBSaa9cw n<o�t.no 3�oon' C Z Dx Ct] 0.0 O .m -f w �F m <n� ,3,do tp rp 4 M .C-. F •+,n +x� >O x. a� F C .•p C ro n" O w R� O [° m. n R ao m c �a w y ° = f o n Zc a .o v vo rocnn �_ 's7n >�iC7� to o x_ �' �- d 3 n co 'o o o o- [n f° 000 -� c [rJ S' a x n F a m o 0 0 '� y C�: n C R vci o O P O n C] R `° jyyC <E m �.c�a_ F Gn'�° o C) o r a n n to E c c n v_.n m 3 x� o n°° n� _ c S° 6' w 4 a c A �..•3 .� nb F n C n o cn"a^0°v o w D o aroy "e ro m� 0 a y0y n ?' �,' ^: G o �., y _ R a a d n 3 x ro n y'� o •-• .m,. -C* n- .f9. "o ro d y - o ?> 90v, ^i a R �. v� w -+ o �, n ;:L n tr1 o C- C- ,.,, �o ��" y.a �. y n io o ce _ rev 'Z aro o o n c �'� y a o ami f o c o n 3 :yam Ocs e Z� C[h�i ❑ n o a w �ao"n <Eo as°Crieo b o �'q v y rL x p^ �� �� � o pq o o- rP 04 y a - m n 0.m Oa y�c 1:7.1:7. `w Crregg `OC'b Nan, �>_h '4m-0 0 a <i rowC RxOdgp"n� o n❑y.3 pF z 5,E'r m -o nR, m v n° cR nx o x❑ c y 2U. xz R `� sa. d by 3 y mo i, n �. O rdo n b n s �.a .�•. 0'4 �' b C [�Y w ro b 't7 �- 9 n m- � m b �:p 3 0 3 �F•7 <' � m c o G b ie 5 f c c Ey Ey a w 5 n @ o m f° 3 Qn o n Y5 o Crs5 =5 ^o R °° =L E!. C C a m 0 `J w w . n< 'CJ C < m - d ;B A -moi a. -0 n' n n �h f<9— F n n' O a o b C n C' m p R �,: n .» m PnT' ro me = o C f n n. cc a o nC E...a n o o a � 'o � tip. � � � � w rn.R o � a' � � cn2 � s� �:cs �_ � q c w o do a o � C.°c >¢ A -3 h7ts ie " cL H -e a w o m o a p ° c q c 3 d E �. � R b° Q o 4 o �� '°_ v ca ❑ m o y a m cn o -f0i C a [n o. o o va- d d' cs��t�e� m'"oa"—;_= Qc w' vo-cow's �ooma a RF�f C n N C' w o �n -� b n d H SZ -F, n b < fn N y a O O ro Cn w n n n ro n fP m �' a• N R O w %d S m aw p C 3 R c ^ 3 n :ns �.0 xo c ro n a c o a> a'� w e'x } o a° a@@ c n n c� n +;a�aq n re 40 n n n fn" 0.R an ra H �m =+ m a R`:' v, 0. dw �'. b'. :° .�'H"o,n n n R qyo Zsp Ts -s � m--'Acn -sm x >-00m " d� �� � m nrn nqo � v Q om-Q�� � ny �+7y,Fnn2°oa^Q �myand���C,opo <x'�CDcco�D�nnRF 3'c o� c�'C° yn o 73 Yfan9"'oRr° h7 °' c<co��ogbwro*o.ororo�r° a a �oo� �vC°Foc0.o� a �JS� vin Nrro O n c n_ o cn4°�� F��d 3td�`4r .a "oaa '���n�ybrc E4 _08 �w xY a pwm`�fl BR o6 n'2: ' 0 0 o_ C n. w o o z w rw 'c7 `_� » ro ro d `d cc j, ,^, ^. mea ,� e 0. io 'i`' Ej < a a'r= b -b ia. n C r' m tiC fl, r° t17 n Oro c n ro rhe Vi `o' a c ro @ R cp . m c n > > .8 nt3 ^3 ° d e o<'cc n3'y5F�os�? ave 5 w nrn N zm a o o zn m w o m n w D it n o g Nzy'yo'Q'o c" a a C o [o m < Q. C h'1 m '� o_ rn 7,y �' n m 6 r° a' �_ _ n a' rc h7 T3 a °° o SDK w C❑ Tran e o 3� �° r- ngy�y y18 n o f° R Vdg e" - v> _.o n c ��� m n, 3 �F o ro 7y o c a rye �H c soca R o c � ❑ yo � 2 3 w y c � n' .ro a o � ej ,m i o � a a . w n O4 t9 n O CT [a n ? 5 ,P X C d n ❑ 'C ^y-' C 0. '-' ie '9 to n Ai S d rCL n Fo .. N .Vi. ❑ M n O C7i (� ^� n' �i ❑ 2 u w '.y' _ fe C S "< '�' fl. n ns hr n C O [o C �' T n d n N o' n v<ni Z� Zro adO n 5 ro nn ro n e o D b n �?.ro �< a c� °°° ye z7 n y a' 3a C a' o m m �. w C c o= ��`' 7 M" �' _ �. ' .n. 3 ro m a o p, v oc o C �' n rev u, rhe • rn M .�%,. n °n..p-n m a:0 n. v �+'.��° i w oo .c+ 07 �„ e<e ,W n p'. Q .%-. .4 e<v cr a �o rhe a m •b�rm m m'o Tn '�¢Ow n>G,y]C7� '?y °: f Otf p< afro a p� o ('}(n b wn n a� til n rc C 7 O m n C O ❑< O n P� — Q 0 -ni ro n N N 4 3 �-h [9 i' 4 0 r O c.n O Soo 00 Qcw a� nw o io"a< n.7 ch �o 3 mop o n dNc� n n� 9 00av w- a, ^ a t' P �� 0a a n R;r7 0 0b C 0 0 b � O 3 G 2. r9 M— EL n A� 7[x f c < n S o n av a o ac^rbfe rn o n w o n o v <° 90 n p 3 p ii an rye o a n o �� y > av a~ S n 7'� y ° w n' .n. 'R� o �n o d n m ro m �v �v oo°� ac o io o 3 �N_ I un d .� o o" . ", C Q D r rc c ro v< o w d o o o `° r m �+ n v,' mss' •.c 'x7nc� n��dr'ootP�. oo �r¢o3.o�,t- w y'o� x3." R c r9 b a ro 0o R7=� < o 73- o n p n ro c y ro o �n"w n R7m C]5i -n '-3 Rtp � ro cps; c cn baa 5' " c c RiAn > @ °. m �Q J3 �.� o bn np p xcsam a ���o a n� Caner �C Ym pkAmT•1`��mao'C 000 n.. roc ar 6 w. [nom -0o n n no v nv'ao n N n e ��' 'l O A? * t7 (TG 0. r n > b CD�cP (� c�i� CSD �s C-Dcra�@��' CD CD. CCD Ry �Z' to n 74 z z::t hC (a .� t74 O CD n a4 �� On a- co a n� a c� CD c (�CD G n c°' �' p n R co p Q'ELW C rbc a' :T Q °,r_ Owe O ^ CCD v chi, O Q O v~i O R [o a �G fD c~„ rQy 0"' @ R Aa Pt M O w, CL Ne r0 En 'b O N ry o fD pa�� Q.�����• � n' c'o oa o c<n y Chi➢ �Jr] w n CD c��CD CL O CDs,, — qq r* ciao p ma W C --a m m 0.m -,tq � n w b �_� o a c0.o -n a n c rn o w �c -Z-, n nr- o 12, C, o 7� o roA ,vGn w �� o C7� nz �. .� 0 0 @ R >e R ro a+ < T p, a [z7 ^; ?; p, n tj m c o F e n 4 ..� �'. vi w n b .O = n a n 1 n `C b s C d . C � y C� p }a n a�'�m2 Cha �.n me [n acaii—C2-otcr2RBSaa9cw n<o�t.no 3�oon' C Z Dx Ct] 0.0 O .m -f w �F m <n� ,3,do tp rp 4 M .C-. F •+,n +x� >O x. a� F C .•p C ro n" O w R� O [° m. n R ao m c �a w y ° = f o n Zc a .o v vo rocnn �_ 's7n >�iC7� to o x_ �' �- d 3 n co 'o o o o- [n f° 000 -� c [rJ S' a x n F a m o 0 0 '� y C�: n C R vci o O P O n C] R `° jyyC <E m �.c�a_ F Gn'�° o C) o r a n n to E c c n v_.n m 3 x� o n°° n� _ c S° 6' w 4 a c A �..•3 .� nb F n C n o cn"a^0°v o w D o aroy "e ro m� 0 a y0y n ?' �,' ^: G o �., y _ R a a d n 3 x ro n y'� o •-• .m,. -C* n- .f9. "o ro d y - o ?> 90v, ^i a R �. v� w -+ o �, n ;:L n tr1 o C- C- ,.,, �o ��" y.a �. y n io o ce _ rev 'Z aro o o n c �'� y a o ami f o c o n 3 :yam Ocs e Z� C[h�i ❑ n o a w �ao"n <Eo as°Crieo b o �'q v y rL x p^ �� �� � o pq o o- rP 04 y a - m n 0.m Oa y�c 1:7.1:7. `w Crregg `OC'b Nan, �>_h '4m-0 0 a <i rowC RxOdgp"n� o n❑y.3 pF z 5,E'r m -o nR, m v n° cR nx o x❑ c y 2U. xz R `� sa. d by 3 y mo i, n �. O rdo n b n s �.a .�•. 0'4 �' b C [�Y w ro b 't7 �- 9 n m- � m b �:p 3 0 3 �F•7 <' � m c o G b ie 5 f c c Ey Ey a w 5 n @ o m f° 3 Qn o n Y5 o Crs5 =5 ^o R °° =L E!. C C a m 0 `J w w . n< 'CJ C < m - d ;B A -moi a. -0 n' n n �h f<9— F n n' O a o b C n C' m p R �,: n .» m PnT' ro me = o C f n n. cc a o nC E...a n o o a � 'o � tip. � � � � w rn.R o � a' � � cn2 � s� �:cs �_ � q c w o do a o � C.°c >¢ A -3 h7ts ie " cL H -e a w o m o a p ° c q c 3 d E �. � R b° Q o 4 o �� '°_ v ca ❑ m o y a m cn o -f0i C a [n o. o o va- d d' cs��t�e� m'"oa"—;_= Qc w' vo-cow's �ooma a RF�f C n N C' w o �n -� b n d H SZ -F, n b < fn N y a O O ro Cn w n n n ro n fP m �' a• N R O w %d S m aw p C 3 R c ^ 3 n :ns �.0 xo c ro n a c o a> a'� w e'x } o a° a@@ c n n c� n +;a�aq n re 40 n n n fn" 0.R an ra H �m =+ m a R`:' v, 0. dw �'. b'. :° .�'H"o,n n n R qyo Zsp Ts -s � m--'Acn -sm x >-00m " d� �� � m nrn nqo � v Q om-Q�� � ny �+7y,Fnn2°oa^Q �myand���C,opo <x'�CDcco�D�nnRF 3'c o� c�'C° yn o 73 Yfan9"'oRr° h7 °' c<co��ogbwro*o.ororo�r° a a �oo� �vC°Foc0.o� a �JS� vin Nrro O n c n_ o cn4°�� F��d 3td�`4r .a "oaa '���n�ybrc E4 _08 �w xY a pwm`�fl BR o6 n'2: ' 0 0 o_ C n. w o o z w rw 'c7 `_� » ro ro d `d cc j, ,^, ^. mea ,� e 0. io 'i`' Ej < a a'r= b -b ia. n C r' m tiC fl, r° t17 n Oro c n ro rhe Vi `o' a c ro @ R cp . m c n > > .8 nt3 ^3 ° d e o<'cc n3'y5F�os�? ave 5 w nrn N zm a o o zn m w o m n w D it n o g Nzy'yo'Q'o c" a a C o [o m < Q. C h'1 m '� o_ rn 7,y �' n m 6 r° a' �_ _ n a' rc h7 T3 a °° o SDK w C❑ Tran e o 3� �° r- ngy�y y18 n o f° R Vdg e" - v> _.o n c ��� m n, 3 �F o ro 7y o c a rye �H c soca R o c � ❑ yo � 2 3 w y c � n' .ro a o � ej ,m i o � a a . w n O4 t9 n O CT [a n ? 5 ,P X C d n ❑ 'C ^y-' C 0. '-' ie '9 to n Ai S d rCL n Fo .. N .Vi. ❑ M n O C7i (� ^� n' �i ❑ 2 u w '.y' _ fe C S "< '�' fl. n ns hr n C O [o C �' T n d n N o' n v<ni Z� Zro adO n 5 ro nn ro n e o D b n �?.ro �< a c� °°° ye z7 n y a' 3a C a' o m m �. w C c o= ��`' 7 M" �' _ �. ' .n. 3 ro m a o p, v oc o C �' n rev u, rhe • rn M .�%,. n °n..p-n m a:0 n. v �+'.��° i w oo .c+ 07 �„ e<e ,W n p'. Q .%-. .4 e<v cr a �o rhe a m •b�rm m m'o Tn '�¢Ow n>G,y]C7� '?y °: f Otf p< afro a p� o ('}(n b wn n a� til n rc C 7 O m n C O ❑< O n P� — Q 0 -ni ro n N N 4 3 �-h [9 i' 4 0 r O c.n O Soo 00 Qcw a� nw o io"a< n.7 ch �o 3 mop o n dNc� n n� 9 00av w- a, ^ a t' P �� 0a a n R;r7 0 0b C 0 0 b � O 3 G 2. r9 M— EL n A� 7[x f c < n S o n av a o ac^rbfe rn o n w o n o v <° 90 n p 3 p ii an rye o a n o �� y > av a~ S n 7'� y ° w n' .n. 'R� o �n o d n m ro m �v �v oo°� ac o io o 3 �N_ I un d .� o o" . ", C Q D r rc c ro v< o w d o o o `° r m �+ n v,' mss' •.c 'x7nc� n��dr'ootP�. oo �r¢o3.o�,t- w y'o� x3." R c r9 b a ro 0o R7=� < o 73- o n p n ro c y ro o �n"w n R7m C]5i -n '-3 Rtp � ro cps; c cn baa 5' " c c RiAn > @ °. m �Q J3 �.� o bn np p xcsam a ���o a n� Caner �C Ym pkAmT•1`��mao'C 000 n.. roc ar 6 w. [nom -0o n n no v nv'ao n N n e ��' 1CF INTERNATIONAL Memorandum Date: January 18, 2011 To: Erika Conkling, Senior Planner, City of Renton Mark Cropper, Executive Director, Renton Housing Authority Cc: Joel Ing, Shelter Resources Inc. Roger Mason, CH2MHi11 From: Lisa Grueter, Senior Planner Subject: Interior Noise Analysis and Sunset Terrace At the January 10, 2011 meeting to develop a preferred alternative, the question was raised regarding what construction methods are needed to ensure that interior noise levels achieve 4SdBA consistent with HUD guidelines for residential uses. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) suggested that sealed windows among other more conservative construction methods may be needed. HUD staff have provided guidance that it may be possible to have operable windows to allow residents a choice provided that certain criteria are met. The preferred alternative discussion at our January 10Lh meeting also showed the likelihood that buildings west of Harrington Avenue NE can be located a further 5 feet back from NE Sunset Boulevard. It is unknown if a similar increased setback can be achieved east of Harrington Avenue NE, but we have reviewed different distances when considering alternative plaza and building locations. Our results shown in the attached pages indicate that normal construction standards should achieve the needed interior reduction to 45 dBA. With an exterior noise level over 68dBA, it would be necessary to achieve a minimum 23 dBA reduction. Given that (1) our analysis shows standard construction approaches can achieve more than 23 dBA reduction and (2) HUD guidance shows that the sound reduction due to different techniques may be a little optimistic' we suggest a construction attenuation performance standard of 30 dBA reduction be added to the Final EIS noise mitigation section. 1 HUD noise guidebook, Chapter 4, page 33"... use the STC ratings with a bit of caution and remain aware of the possible 2-3 dB overstating that you may get with the STC rating system." 710 Second Avenue, Suite 550 Seattle, WA 98104 . 206.801.2800 �- 206,801,2899 fax-- icfi.com Interior Noise Analysis and Sunset Terrace January 18, 2011 Page 2 of 6 New Analysis: West of Harrington Avenue NE From: Kuo, Kai -Ling Seat: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 12:42 PM To: Grueter, Lisa; Wilder, Jim Subject: RE: FEUD Information on Noise Hi Lisa and Jim, I ran HUD's noise calculator for two distances for buildings west of Harrington. 70 feet is what modeled for the draft EIS. 75 feet is the new setback distance from the centerline to the buildings. 85 feet is the average distance from the centerline to the middle of the rooms facing street that Jim suggested. Based on this result, we will need to achieve 22- 23 dB nose reduction from walls and windows. Here is my calculation using HUD's STC method. The STC for a standard exterior wall - 39 db (Table 3 on page 38 of Chapter 4 - 5/8" plywood siding, fiberglass insulation, 2x4 studs 16" o.c., viz" insulation board sheathing, 1/2" Gypsum board) The STC for an aluminum single hung window, closed, glazed with 7/16" insulating glass - 25 dB (Table 3 on page 38 of Chapter 4) Percentage of wall occupied by window - 30% Resulting STC from the building - 32 dB (Figure 17 on page 25 of Chapter 4) In summary, according to HUD guidebook, we don't even need to have sealed windows. It looks like the building structure itself with closed windows can provide enough STC rating to meet the interior standard. Distance to Sunset Blvd Centerline Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (feet) DNL (dBA) DNL (dBA) 70 (DEIR) 68.03 68.26 75 (new setback) 67.58 67.81 85 (assumed average distance 66.77 66.99 [new setback] in the middle of the rooms facing street) Interior Noise Analysis and Sunset Terrace January 18, 2011 Page 3 of 6 New Analysis: East of Harrington Avenue NE From: Kuo, Kai -Ling Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 12:59 PM To: Wilder, Jim; Grueter, Lisa Subject: Renton Sunset Terrace Noise Lisa, I ran HUD's noise calculator for both alternatives at two more distances. 50 feet is what modeled for the draft EIS, which is the distance from the centerline to the closest building (Alt 2 Building 10 and Alta Library/Residential building). 65 feet is the distance from the centerline to the SW building edge, which has father setback with outdoor space/plaza entrance. 100 feet is the distance from the centerline to the center of the plaza, which presents the average DNL of frequent outdoor area. Both 65 feet and 100 feet show DNL less than 70 dBA under both alternatives. Distance to Sunset Blvd Centerline (feet) Alternative 2 DNL (dBA) Alternative 3 DNL (dBA) 50 70.2 70.4 65 (at SW building edge) 68.5 68.7 100 (at center of plaza) 65.7 65.9 Kai -Ling Kua, P.E. I Transportation Engineer 1 206.801.2821 1 kkuo@icfi.com I icfi.com ICF INTERNATIONAL. 1 710 Second Avenue, Suite 550, Seattle, WA 98104 1 206.801.2800 (p) 1 206.801.2899 (f) Interior Noise Analysis and Sunset Terrace January 18, 2011 Page 4 of 6 HUD Noise Guidance From: Mielcarek, Ryan E [mailto:Ryan.E.Mielcarek@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 20114:25 PM To: Grueter, Lisa; SEA Washington State PHAs, mrg; 'Erika Conkling'; 'Mark Santos -Johnson'; Wilder, Jim; Wall, Richard B; Tennison, Carmen; Zinck, Dean; Stewart, Harlan; Heston, Alfred; Hudgeons, Jeremy; Jensen, Sara; Peavlerstewart, Deborah Subject: Sunset Terrace Noise Mitigation Lisa and Co., We regret we could not summarize these answers to your questions in time for the Draft EIS, but are hopeful this might be helpful in preparing for the Final EIS. Noise Mitigation for Sunset Terrace DEIS: The Responsible Entity (City of Renton) does have the authority to exercise the 24 CFR 55.105 exception to raise the acceptable noise zone from 65Ldn to 70Ldn as long as all of the requirements of §55.105 are met and documented with explicit approval from the Certifying Officer (Mayor) as to why the noise attenuation measures that would normally be required for new construction in the Ldn 65 to Ldn 70 zone cannot be met. In addition to the requirements of §51.105, the Special Requirements of §51.104 must also be met, requiring "a minimum of 5 decibels additional sound attenuation for buildings having noise -sensitive uses if the day -night average sound level is greater than 65 decibels but does not exceed 70 decibels, or a minimum of 10 decibels of additional sound attenuation if the day -night average sound level is greater than 70 decibels but does not exceed 75 decibels." Concerning the opening of windows: The opening of windows and the requirements for mechanical ventilation are addressed in Chapter 4, Page 35 of the HUD Noise Guidebook and copied below. Being that opening of windows will expose the units adjacent to Sunset Road to levels above the HUD interior noise maximum of 4S decibels, it is generally required that these units contain sealed windows and that mechanical ventilation be installed. However, there is a cavaet of resident choice in this matter. (1) if it is the resident's choice to open the window, and (2) that choice is not imposed upon them by excessive temperatures or conditions based on regional norms, i.e., (AC not utilized in the NW), and (3) there is no mechanical ventilation or air conditioning present in the rest of the building, and (4) the noise environment external to the building complies with the Site Acceptability Standards of §51.103, and (5) §51.103(c)(ii) the building is constructed in a manner common to the area or, if of uncommon construction, has at least the equivalent noise attenuation characteristics, and (6) the Certifying Officer uses his/her authority to require and RHA accepts that all reasonable attempts will be made to meet the HUD Interior Noise Goals when windows are unopened with §51.101(9), which state that "It is a HUD goal that the interior auditory environment shall not exceed a day -night average sound level of 45 decibels. Attenuation measures to meet these interiorgoals shall be employed where feasible. Emphasis shall be Interior Noise Analysis and Sunset Terrace January 18, 2011 Page 5 of 6 given to noise sensitive interiorspaces such as bedrooms. Minimum attenuation requirements are prescribed in 51.1 04(a)., then the project can proceed without the requirement of sealing the windows. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that special construction and ventilation techniques used to address mitigation requirements is done in a fair and equitable manner that does not favor one group of individuals over another. This is, unless of course, particular units or techniques are used to specifically address a particular population (i.e., breathe easy units for those suffering from asthma). Concerning the space between Sunset Rd and the Multifamily structures: Working of the schematics of Alternative 3, of particular interest is the possible open green space between Sunset Rd. and the multifamily structures. We here again get in to the issue of resident choice and opportunity fused with the requirements of acceptable noise levels. As long as residents are not forced to utilize a particular area of a site that exposes them to the highest noise levels of the site, then residents can use that area as long as it is not designed for noise -sensitive uses that could become unsafe for residents. An example of this would be purposively building a playground in the grassy area between Sunset Rd. and the prospective units. The noise level must be at a level where a parent can give directions to their child on that playground in order to provide for their safety. If there were no other options to enjoy a playground except one built where children were forced to play where noise levels are normally unacceptable and unsafe, then this would be unacceptable. It does appear that the planners have contemplated green space throughout the site plan that provide equitable and safe resident options, but the details concerning the subject parcel of land are not apparent through the limited sketches available. Other thoughts: The Alternative 3 sketch does indicate a good balance between designing a walkable, pedestrian friendly streetscape that allows for an adequate traffic flow, albeit calmed, that has available parking on the street. Perhaps the addition of inter -connected bike lanes throughout the proposed site and NE Sunset Blvd could add to this sustainable neighborhood. 24 CFR Part 58.4(a) stipulates that "Responsible entities shall assume the responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to HUD.." We are confident that the City of Renton will take the proper course of action concerning the requirements outlined above and in accordance with all applicable regulations. Final Thought: We appreciate the cooperation and outreach to the HUD office regarding these noise requirements and the redevelopment of Sunset Terrace as a whole. Early involvement is key to a successful partnership and regulatory compliance throughout the length of this project. Interior Noise Analysis and Sunset Terrace January1$, 2011 Page 6of6 Wili iows Soiwnd enters a i ,oil ding ttvough its acoustically weakest n inis, esus windows are one of tare weakest parts of a wa€l_ An open or weak %1r x1oow YOU severely negate the effect of a very stro.ngwa I. Whenever Wiftdows are gp!N tc be a Par, of the building design, they sttould be given acoustical CAlr's;tleratibr;. Figure 17 i€.usirates Ilia effects of windows on the sound transmission of walls. For example, it a wall with an STC rating p' 45 contains a window wi€h an STC rating of 28 covering 30% of its area, the owalt STC of the composite partltion wit: be 35. a reduction of 10 da. Thefoliowinp is a dt5cVsgior of technioues L at can be used to educe noise in a building Ly means of its winds wa, These IechnigueS range front a blocking of the principal paths of noise entry to a blocking of tree mast inOirect Aaths, Close *lIrmscPws. The tirst slip In eeaf jcin"p unwanted swrid is to close anCSeai the windows, The grealest arnoint of souno insulation ran be arha"eo it wt€ cows are permanently sealed. Hoxwe,rer, srpenabie accru5111Ui Mindows have teerr developed which arefairly effective in reducing sound.' Whether or not VNe sealing is permanent, iKWirig WirFOOwS ptosed pKassitatesIrteinslOWIC'nOf rredjanoe of ventltatior sysivm5. If you are sb a ing with single family houses and some of the wiAoow s are tacmg away tram all noise sources, a whsle nouSe fan may be titillOt And Cheaper than .air Condit€onsite. In mult4arnily hourmg U' where a?l windows are exposed to the noise sources yoti wits have tp go with the air condittoning, If windows mast be operable, special seals are available which allow windows to tie Opened R duce window s€ze. The smaller the w4ndows. the greater the transmission Joss W the total partition of wtiiCti tt* wlrtdovv is a parte Reducin^y the window s'Ize is a technique that i5 used beCause (a) €t precluves tine Cos', of ex.pensive acoustical windows, and(b) it sateen money t)y C'Jtting clown the use of glass. Tate probler $ with this technique amja) it is not very enactive in reducing raise; e.g, reducing the preparttolN of window to wail size tram St3sl� t; 20% reduces noise by only 3 de—cibelg: and (dr) rnany building codes require a ori€ irDurnwindowtowall size ratiru. F4W.O*IT sm 2 3 5 to 24 30 .fit IOU DO)Oi el3 t0 b@ au4traltil3 Imam STC of WO Ip obtsln ettpti" STC of Cp!ripOWN darrw €ncrense gtsas aticbmss. It Ordinary w1ndow3 are in&ufflciarit in reducing noise impacts in spite of saiaiing tt'�ehnlgUes then thickef Vass can be Installed, In Wition, this glass can toe laminal W with * jovgh transparent plastic which is both ndse and shatter resistant_ Glass redurxes noise by the mass principle; that IS. the thicker the glass, the more noise resistant it will be. A 112 -inch thick glass has a maximum STC rating of 35 di3 compared to a 25 dB rating for grdiraty 3116 inch glass. t is. Oepwtmant at f•icxrsinfl W urban DvyeFgprwl, RSt+ait' of ToChr kpat5 t0 ir=ep5e tax so" inautation cal SuilitkiN EiaT*ms, Report No. WR 73-5. We!t;rdrgton, ❑.C., Ju 1973' =4m Ange,es Department at Airpwtz, aufde 10 tae SwrtdprWNW ae Exiatlrlg cloacas Ayrffifa7$f Ertwitir cease. Report No. WRC 70-2 Mamh 100. pp. 9-t 1, 22-W. til this tgpm. Me Itinztion aha peittmh8wle of a number 0 seals Am I5es"c abed. Ryan E. Mieicarek PHRS-Facilities Management Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region X Seattle 206-220-6205 ImLnKbx4 ne uss of graph ! _ S�faratFi in@'a�C YatlkaE SFf ttie OP4ir, Wirx4sw or npef4fV from 11,a6 STC val,,a of the wall. 2, Enlee the ren+ N axis N trio• int*Ph at ihfl point that maictift the,*ao frneaa slap 1. 3. Reed adp•Sb t0 t`rC L`tA� C 4Et8! fBjN�RnfS 0* per0®ntaye of the total area of the real "(is taken up ty the door. win60wi, 49 0;*nln9- a head dpwh to the horsontal axis. 5. Subtract thevatim on the hotu ontaJ 494s from the 0ripinal STC Yslue 0€ the Waal. The result B the composite STC, slue 01 thewalt and five 600x, window rx open w `1;kIf C3FH�N(rm(IN I:T,°��iFN-1 ,_ L L �:: L�')�F pf) Jif; ' ,�7f�i1f� ?.?;i'ruf�tiYW!104 ;%1,00 � . fi3`i-4f;7 1"WM 711 for �tashin,,Ion Rcfa'y Sc l i((. • pc)'.yon7 -a (-'h d Speech C'm (.Al December 30, 2010 Ms. Erika Conkling City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 RE: Federal Consistency — Sunset Area Community Planned Action Dear Ms. Conkling: The Department of Ecology, Shorclands and Environmental Assistance Program received your request regarding the use of federal funds for the redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community and associated neighborhood growth and revitalization. The housing community is bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NEI Oth Street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west, in Renton, King County, Washington. The Sunset Terrace community redevelopment is a project component of the Sunset Area Community Planned Action. After review of the Draft Environmental impact Statement for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action, Ecology agrees that funding this project is consistent with Washington's Coastal Zone Managernent Program. Please Tote that this Consistency Determination is for the release of funds only. Any construction activities will be subject to ALL enforceable polices of the Coastal Zone Management Program, such as the State Water Quality Requirements. If you have any questions regarding this letter please contact Jessica Moore at (360) 407-7421 _ Sincerely, Brenden McFarland, Section Manager Environmental Review and Transportation Section Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program cc: Jessica Moore, Ecology CO r City of y PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2011— 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Floor Seven AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 3, December 1, and December S, 2010 4. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: 5. AUDIENCE COMMENTS ** (non -Agenda items): 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: 7. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: 8. SUNSETAREA PLANNED ACTION/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTSTATEMENT (EIS) PUBLIC HEARING: STAFF PRESENTATION AUDIENCE COMMENT ** 9. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: 10. ADJOURNMENT: * * Those wishing to address the Planning Commission must complete a "Request to Speak" form located next to the agendas at the back of the room and return it to the Recording Secretary. Speakers will be called upon by the Chair. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes. Additional information can be found online at www.planningcommission.rentonwa.gov January5, 2011 Page 3 of 3 m r+ m a) m CL rn 3 m r+ a) r+ (A r+ a) r+ m a m OrQ M c cr 57 rL- m 2-1 4\ 4k U > CL CL cc C- -j r. 4' J) ---t cr Ln 4N fu CL 71) rL m rr m r+ m a) m CL rn 3 m r+ a) r+ (A r+ a) r+ m a m OrQ M c cr ■ EIS basics ■ Proposals & alternatives ■ Key environmental issues ■ Planned action ordinance ■ Comment period ■ Next steps ■ The Sunset Area Community Planned Action EIS has been prepared according to: —the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and —the State Environmental Policy Act (S EPA) 01/45/2011 • EIS basics • Proposals & alternatives • Key environmental issues ■ Planned action ordinance ■ Comment period ■ Next steps ■ An environmental impact statement (EIS) is: —An informational document • Highlight tradeoffs between choices • Provide a foundation for future decisions —Allows residents, businesses, and other government agencies to comment on ��. proposals and alternatives • Help define a preferred alternative D1. Define alternatives 02. Identify the scope of the EIS 03. Prepare the Draft EIS 04. Receive comments on the Draft EIS (45 -day comment period) <j ❑5. Create the Preferred Alternative X a 06. Prepare the Final EIS ■ Based on a scoping process in Fall 2010 — Public meeting on September 1, 2010 —Comment period —August 13 through October 1$, 2010 ■ A planned action EIS; — Is allowed by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) —Studies proposals in advance — Means future proposals would not need additional SEPA review when consistent with the Planned Action EIS assumptions and mitigation measures Can help facilitate private and public investment in the study area ■ Proposals are based on: — recommendations of the Highlands Phase It Task Force in 2008 — as affirmed by the Community Investment Strategy approved by the City in November 2009 ■ Address high priority public investments — Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment — Sunset Boulevard Improvements — Drainage Master Plan — Additional recreational and educational investments —e.g. library, community services, parks and recreation With investments, additional private investment and development is expected 01/05/2011 ■ Fact Sheet ■ Chapter 1 — Summary ■ Chapter 2 — Proposal and Alternatives ■ Chapter 3 — Affected Environment ■ Chapter 4 — Environmental Consequences and Mitigation Measures ■ Chapters 5 - S — Consultation, Preparers, Distribution, References ■ Appendices ■ EIS basics ■ Proposals & alternatives ■ Key environmental issues ■ Planned action ordinance ■ Comment period ■ Next steps 2 01/05/2011 • Three conceptual alternatives - Altematiive'I: Nc Action - Alternative2 - Alternative 3 • vary location and type of public investment - Sunset Terrace Redevelopment - Sunset Boulevard Transformation - Drainage Master Plan - Location of Community Facilities, e.g- Library - Additional parks and recreation opportunities • Anticipate different levels of private investment - Low - Moderate - High • Alternatives 2 and 3 include approval of Planned Action Ordinance Alternative 2 ■ Private property options ■ Green connections ■ Rainwater parks +lkic • Alt 1: Standard Code ■ Alt 2: Lead by example h. ■ Alt 3: Advanced sti mitigation Alternative 3 3 ■ Alternative 1: No Change • Alternative 2: Spirit of Complete Streets - 5 ft ROW added ■ Alternative 3: Full Complete Streets -13 ft ROW added 01/05/2011 • Three conceptual alternatives - Altematiive'I: Nc Action - Alternative2 - Alternative 3 • vary location and type of public investment - Sunset Terrace Redevelopment - Sunset Boulevard Transformation - Drainage Master Plan - Location of Community Facilities, e.g- Library - Additional parks and recreation opportunities • Anticipate different levels of private investment - Low - Moderate - High • Alternatives 2 and 3 include approval of Planned Action Ordinance Alternative 2 ■ Private property options ■ Green connections ■ Rainwater parks +lkic • Alt 1: Standard Code ■ Alt 2: Lead by example h. ■ Alt 3: Advanced sti mitigation Alternative 3 3 01/05/2011 f • EIS basics = e ,ENK:,, s Air Quality/GHG Aesthetics Noise • Proposals & alternatives Earth Energy Parks &Rec. • Key environmental issues Plants & Animals Environ. Health PUhlic$ervices Water Resources Environ. Justice Socioeconomics ■ Planned action ordinance Historic/cultural Transportation ■ Comment period Housing utilities • Next steps Land use { Key Findings Planned Action Ordinance ■ EIS basics - Water Quallty Will improve • Proposals & alternatives AirQuality& Local increases; regional decreases Energy • Key environmental issues Transportation Multiple modes Improve Minor improvements to meet LOS • Planned action ordinance Noise Exceed HUD limits today and inhdure • Comment period Compatible with WSDOT guidelines Parks and Demand will increase; need to consider variety-` ■Next steps - Recreation of options including Clty-RSD coordination and - acquisition Water&Sewer Infrastructure is antiquated - Sewer improvements as per 2009 Plan Water improvements— need loop system Planned Action Ordinance 04MV Planned Action Ordinance ■ Draft Ordinance in DEIS Appendix C ■ Ordinance identifies: ■ Purpose: Facilitate permitting — Land uses (residential, commercial, • Contains: civic) —a description of the Planned Action, —Development thresholds (e.g. dwellings, square feet, etc.) - a finding that the impacts of the Planned A Action have been adequately addressed in -Building height (per code) an EIS, and - Traffic trips and procedure -the identification of mitigation measures - Necessary mitigation _ that must be applied to a project for it to • Can be tied to range of alts or to �r qualify as a Planned Action. preferred alt. f A Standard Planned Action 1. Submit Application & 1. Submit Application & SEPAChecklist SEPAChecklist 2. Staff review & evaluation 2. Staff review & evaluation 3. Issue SEPAthreshold 3. Determine project is a determination for project planned action {e.g. DNS, NiDNS, EIS} - Apply adopted planned action mitigation measures Commentlappeal period — No new SEPA determination _ or comment/appeal period - required stn a addressed by completed EIS % Nod—Undererther path, Tunderlying perma requires a notice of application, notice rvill be provided. ■ EIS basics ■ Proposals & alternatives ■ Key environmental issues ■ Planned action ordinance • Comment period ■ Next steps • EIS basics • Proposals & alternatives ■ Key environmental issues ■ Planned action ordinance ■ Comment period • Next steps 01/05/2011 Y...... J • Draft EIS — 45 -day comment period • December 17 through January 31 — Oral comments: Public hearing — January 5 —Written comments any time during comment period f M Preliminary Project Schedule CHZIIIIHILL f ICF f M'ilF�n 01/05/2011 Erika Conkling From: Mielcarek, Ryan E [Ryan. E.Mielcarek@hud.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 4:25 PM To: 'Grueter, Lisa'; SEA Washington State PHAs, mrg; Erika Conkling; Mark Santos -Johnson; 'Wilder, Jim'; Wall, Richard B; Tennison, Carmen; Zinck, Dean; Stewart, Harlan; Heston, Alfred; Hudgeons, Jeremy; Jensen, Sara; Peavlerstewart, Deborah Subject: Sunset Terrace Noise Mitigation Attachments: Fig2-10.pdf; Sunset Terrace DEIS Noise Mitigation, PDF Lisa and Co., We regret we could not summarize these answers to your questions in time for the Draft E15, but are hopeful this might be helpful in preparing for the Final EIS. Noise Mitigation for Sunset Terrace DEIS: The Responsible Entity (City of Renton) does have the authority to exercise the 24 CFR 55.105 exception to raise the acceptable noise zone from 65Ldn to 70Ldn as long as all of the requirements of §55.105 are met and documented with explicit approval from the Certifying Officer (Mayor) as to why the noise attenuation measures that would normally be required for new construction in the Ldn 65 to Ldn 70 zone cannot be met. In addition to the requirements of §51.105, the Special Requirements of §51.104 must also be met, requiring "a minimum of 5 decibels additional sound attenuation for buildings having noise -sensitive uses if the day -night average sound level is greater than 65 decibels but does not exceed 70 decibels, or a minimum of 10 decibels of additional sound attenuation if the day -night average sound level is greater than 70 decibels but does not exceed 75 decibels." Concerning the opening of windows: The opening of windows and the requirements for mechanical ventilation are addressed in Chapter 4, Page 35 of the HUD Noise Guidebook and copied below. Being that opening of windows will expose the units adjacent to Sunset Road to levels above the HUD interior noise maximum of 45 decibels, it is generally required that these units contain sealed windows and that mechanical ventilation be installed. However, there is a cavaet of resident choice in this matter. (1) If it is the resident's choice to open the window, and (2) that choice is not imposed upon them by excessive temperatures or conditions based on regional norms, i.e., (AC not utilized in the NW), and (3) there is no mechanical ventilation or air conditioning present in the rest of the building, and (4) the noise environment external to the building complies with the Site Acceptability Standards of §51.103, and (5) §51.103(c)(ii) the building is constructed in a manner common to the area or, if of uncommon construction, has at least the equivalent noise attenuation characteristics, and (6) the Certifying Officer uses his/her authority to require and RHA accepts that all reasonable attempts will be made to meet the HUD Interior Noise Goals when windows are unopened with §51.101(9), which state that "!t is a HUD goal that the interior auditory environment shall not exceed a day -night average sound level of 45 decibels. Attenuation measures to meet these interior goals shall be employed where feasible. Emphasis shall be given to noise sensitive interior spaces such as bedrooms. Minimum attenuation requirements are prescribed in 51.104(a)., then the project can proceed without the requirement of sealing the windows. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that special construction and ventilation techniques used to address mitigation requirements is done in a fair and equitable manner that does not favor one group of individuals over another. This is, unless of course, particular units or techniques are used to specifically address a particular population (i.e., breathe easy units for those suffering from asthma). Concerning the space between Sunset Rd and the Multifamily structures: Working of the schematics of Alternative 3, of particular interest is the possible open green space between Sunset Rd. and the multifamily structures. We here again get in to the issue of resident choice and opportunity fused with the requirements of acceptable noise levels. As long as residents are not forced to utilize a particular area of a site that exposes them to the highest noise levels of the site, then residents can use that area as long as it is not designed for noise -sensitive uses that could become unsafe for residents. An example of this would be purposively building a playground in the grassy area between Sunset Rd. and the prospective units. The noise level must be at a level where a parent can give directions to their child on that playground in order to provide for their safety. If there were no other options to enjoy a playground except one built where children were forced to play where noise levels are normally unacceptable and unsafe, then this would be unacceptable. It does appear that the planners have contemplated green space throughout the site plan that provide equitable and safe resident options, but the details concerning the subject parcel of land are not apparent through the limited sketches available. other thoughts: The Alternative 3 sketch does indicate a good balance between designing a walkable, pedestrian friendly streetscape that allows for an adequate traffic flow, albeit calmed, that has available parking on the street. Perhaps the addition of inter -connected bike lanes throughout the proposed site and NE Sunset Blvd could add to this sustainable neighborhood. 24 CFR Part 58.4(a) stipulates that "Responsible entities shall assume the responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to HUD.." We are confident that the City of Renton will take the proper course of action concerning the requirements outlined above and in accordance with all applicable regulations. Final Thought: We appreciate the cooperation and outreach to the HUD office regarding these noise requirements and the redevelopment of Sunset Terrace as a whole. Early involvement is key to a successful partnership and regulatory compliance throughout the length of this project. Windows Sound enters a building thrvugih Its acoustical ly weakest points,arid wi ndows are one of the weakWparts of a wall. An open or wreak wire wiff severely negate the eif+act" of a very Strong Wall, WhenewO wirKiowS WO going to be a part of the building designi they shou'Id be givian. acoustical sidemtl piggy 17 Illustrates the effects of windows on the soured transmission of walls: For example, if al" wall with an Mrating at 45 contains a window with an STC rating of 26 ging 30% of its area, the overall STC o f. the composite partition will bei; a unction of 10 da. The fol 'I rfri I$ a di ussion of techniques t hat can be used to reduce noise Ina`b uilding by means of its windows. These techniques mnge from a blocking of the prine ipeat paths of nol : entry' to a bloc*1 ng of the nit Indirect paths. Owe wirers. The IIrst:sfep in reducing unwanted SWnd Is to.close and sealthe wimlows. The greateat int of end Insulation can be aWevW it,windows ate putty seated However, open able acoustloal windows have bW dmiopedwhich axe"fairly effective In reducing totM,.'' Whether or not the s"Ung Is permanent, keeping.win&WSCIOSM necessitates the Installation of mechanical ventilation systann. If. you are dealing with sir la'family houses and some of the windows ere facing away from a l fX*M sourm,,a wholes ruse tan may be better and cheaper than al r conditioning. In multifamily housing or vixens all windows are exposW to the mise sources you will lave to go with the airconditioning. If windows must be openable, special seais,a m aviailable which allow windows to be openeV Reduce window ietlze.The smaller the, windows, the greater the transmission loss of the total partition of which the window is a part. Reducing the window sige is a. tecbmque that is used because (a) it Precludes the cast sof expensive acswsticar wvtodows and 0) It saves money.by.cutting dawn the use of glass. They proWearts with this . technique (a) It Is not very etfe tiver in reduding . e4 , isduci- the. proportion of whir ew io Wall eizs." M 50% to 20%; reduces noise bll,only 3 decibels-, and (b) rnany building codes motire a, minimum window to wall X17 STC 100 so 30 20 10 10 i1 W MU 1W OvdWs1 fmmMat +Aflto obWn et its M of cornposite bwW It orndriry wirensufficient Iin r4duoft. not Ids In spite'& stealing techniques, thien thl clwoltass can be InstWIed; to additior,4 this glass can tis laminaited with e tough-trMASIP ent plastic which Is berth rK"* OM' "ter resistant, Glass iwlse by the mass pri nclple; thaet Is, the thicker the glass, the moire noise resistant it wilt be. A►1t24n ah thick glass has a rn wmum STC raining of 35 dS compared to a 25 d:3 rating for ordinary 3116 Inch glass. iu�::ar3rn:of H4at a,rxi'tl�rt�t ,A8k*o#TedmIq ""to the 5ound'afBuNdln 0�4.-,.rllLte �se7a, Gown t6�64:Aluw*0( Edoft V 7th-2,.MwCh� f o 0-1 #, 2I- . kt bits moon, the hmctko;;c of a heavow"OnV9004W46 1. SubUW tt*fM of fV dw. wtl4" or op ft ftom Um STC tt 2, Entrwr the V"Cal 4x18 of ft" Qra at ttW poirA twitvWo" fte vak* fic+m siO i 1, 3. freed res fo tits rr+e that Mpwantl the cf ft►s low am 01 Ow WWI' that ls'taIim, sap # dw, wvrndc*, or op"k PAWW � to the hwWX f axxe. & SLAKW ft V" onftretorkzontelaxis fMM tN O"Okw STC VWUS of tt1R rill. rwuit is"tate ate STC rreitie Of ft M nd tl* dam. wirdow or epwing- Ryan E, Mieicarek PHRS-Facilities Management Dept. of Housing and Urban Development HUD Region X Seattle 206-220-6205 Denis Law City of Mayor r 't Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator January 4, 2011 Howard McOmber, Sr. Highlands Community Association 475 Olympia Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Dear Howard: Thank you for your letter to Mayor Law and City Council on the subject of improving the Highlands. It has been accepted into the record for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement). The Sunset Area DEIS analyzes the types of improvements that the public asked the City to provide in the Highlands. These are public improvements on publicly owned lands. As a member of the Highlands Phase II Task Force you helped shape the ideas proposed in this document. Some of the ideas that the Task Force recommended to the City Council included: a new public library, expanded parks and recreation facilities, improvements for vehicles and pedestrians on Sunset Boulevard, improved storm water control, as well as other infrastructure upgrades in the neighborhood. Not only did these ideas come from public input collected by the Task Force, but they were publicly reviewed during the creation of the Sunset Community Investment Strategy in 2009, and are open to public comments under this environmental review process. The Sunset Area DEIS also analyzes the effects of redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace Public Housing Community operated by the Renton Housing Authority, and different types of private investments that may be made on private lands. Each of the alternatives in the DEIS analyzes our best guess about the kinds of private investments that will be stimulated by changes made on public lands. Please let me assure you that there is no use of eminent domain considered in the DEIS, nor is therreany use of eminent domain planned for the Sunset Area. Residents, property owners, and business owners in the Highlands, such as yourself, have directed the City to conduct this work. Environmental review (including the DEIS) is required before improvements in the Sunset Area can be implemented. The City would like to see the recommendations of the Highlands Phase II Task Force and the Sunset Community Investment Strategy implemented just as much as those who live, work, and own property in the Highlands. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way * Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov I encourage you to make additional comments on the DEIS, and to let others who might be interested know that they can make comments as well, This will ensure that the final EIS addresses any concerns that people have about the different types of proposed development. The comments deadline is 5 p.m. on January 31, 2011. lam also available to answer any questions on the DEIS. Please contact meat (425) 430-6578 or econkling0rentonwa.gov. Sincerely, f: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner Cc: Denis Law, Mayor Renton City Council Jay Covington, CAO Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator Chip Vincent, Planning Director ��N�ON HODS fNC AUTHO—iz t e mission of the Renton Housing Authority is to :ovide decent, quality, affordable housing in a safe environment to people with low incomes who make Renton their home. Through partnerships with our clients, service providers and other groups, we will responsibly increase and enhance our housing programs while providing opportunities for those we sme to become self-sufficient. RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY it P.O. Box 2316 • Renton, WA 98056-0316 Office 425/2.26-1850 - Fax 425/271-8319 ENINU & ap oR"TUNrY www.rentonhousing.org ITV 1-800-833-6388 SUNSET TERRACE RESIDENT COMMUNITY MEETING 12:00 PM, Tuesday, January 4, 2011 RHA Open House 1. Introduction of RHA and the City's Redevelopment Team (CH2MHill, ICF, Mithun, SRI/Bumgardner, Providence/GGLO) 2. Community Development Concepts; Envisioning the Future Sunset Area 3. Overview of the Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 4. Review of Redevelopment Alternatives that draw from the EIS 5. PROSPECTS OF A NEW KCLS LIBRARY & PHASED RELOCATION W/ HUD OKAY 6. OPEN FOR QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, AND PLEASE TAKE A WRITTEN COMMENT FORM HOME ON WHICH TO SEND US YOUR THOUGHTS. Agenda 04January2011 Sunset Terrace residents Print Date 1/4/2011 ��-IoN HOUSEHe portio to RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY P.O.12r Sox 2316 • Renton, WA 98056-0376 Office 425%226-1850 • Fax 425/271-8319 or 3�i r r ,::•:.:. �� :+. ;:�; :' ,„ ;;_ , r , : TTIA-800-833-6389 SUNSET TERRACE COMMUNITY LETTER [TENANTNANE] Date: December 20, 2010 [TENANTADDI] [TENANTADD2] [TENANTPHYCITY], WA [TENANT,ZIP] Tenant No.[TENANTID] Dear [FMHFNAME], RHA in cooperation with the City and its residents will continue to make Renton a great place to live, work, and play. Development plans include new homes for Sunset Terrace residents. RHA will assist Sunset Terrace families in relocation efforts when the time comes; probably in the year 2012 for Phase 1. Tenants in good -standing should not move before arrangements are made with RHA to cover relocation costs for those who are eligible. This letter to you, [FMIA NAME], demonstrates that RI IA is committed to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for its residents. Any Sunset Terrace redevelopment will result its a one-for-one replacement of existing public housing units. No RHA resident will be made homeless by redevelopment activities. The Sunset community of the future may include a new King County library and parrs and recreation space. We believe Sunset Terrace families will be happier with the resulting hornes than those they currently occupy. RHA and the City will continue to hold meetings for input from you and others in the community. The next meetings will be Feld Tuesday January 4, 2011.12:OOPM Sunset Terrace tenant open house Noon - 2:OOP, at the RHA main office 2900 N.F. 10th Street, and an open public hearing Wednesday, January 5, 2011 6:OOPM at Renton City Hall - Council Chambers 1055 S. Grady Way. Please come join the meetings. If you have questions or ideas, you may drop us a note or call. You can contact me or Jill Richardson, Operations Administrator, 425-226-1850 ext. 222, jar ,rentonhousing.org, or Mark Gropper, Executive Director at phone 425-226-1850 x. 223. We look forward to a dynamic future together. Sincerely, Julia Wilder -Barnes RHA Public Housing Manager j��1�'Ei-�•entonh��E�sin�.f�r.g (425) 226-1850 #225 If you area person with a disability and need an accommodation, please do not hesitate to let your specific needs be known to the Housing Authority. If yours is a limited English-speaking household and you want this letter interpreted at no cost, please come in during normal hours. - +t Eif € , 'L W11-1-1 .:; €0 ;;t N6 ................ ......,......,,....,...._.� ....... P.F.... €€E,jEPARTMEI n�n�_N�1�� E F N ,ise .,....... µ _. Q ......... ...., I€E.x:...._.,......_.:•..,......;E;a?.;,E;f;,�t§.;�:-a {cf.........tce:.� sa��.....-��--:mF�-:^-_.,._. _............� f�€ia�E�E�iF+�; �`-Wi=t::;":i7�iti%= :.:.��: _ _ EE <..__'^.. p�,� p� �g .c.<.<.€... E:E:.[?Ff. g_ 7&?��tiC€€4E43i6EEE8EiP�II�€€EEEt' i. %cf38 i3f L€ €;t¢�:.<:::-:.e:;::,-.r.::mm:� �::^:;:._� ..-......_ ...._.... a €..:.._- ................... �c `.�...,,,. �-✓ii'i.: ��::i":i:S: m.�:m:--m':sm E�[EE::°:?[[::::m2'^ ::::E:E:€:i:€f: On the f th day of December, 2010, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing a cover letter, an ERC document, and a copy of the Sunset Area DEIS documents. This information was sent to: s Agencies See Attached (Signature of Sender):!!{ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS R $g COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Erika Conkling signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for thes mentioned in the instrument. 4ilim Dated: Notary Pubic in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): My appointment expires: y t3 Sunset Area Community Planned Action/ EIS 9^�` template - affidavit of service by mailing ,%0 AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology * WDFW - Larry Fisher Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 — 172ntl Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region Duwamish Tribal Office Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172 nd Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency KC Wastewater Treatment Division Office of Archaeology & Historic Attn: James L. Nolan Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation' 1904 Third Avenue - Suite 105 Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Seattle, WA 98101 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Boyd Powers Puget Sound Regional Council Renton School District Depart. of Natural Resources Attn: Rick Olson Rich Moore, Asst. Superintendent, Business PO Box 47015 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 300 SW 71h St Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Seattle, WA 98104-1035 Renton, WA 98055-2307 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liaison Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Cody Olson 6200 Southcenter Blvd_ 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities King County Library System Sound Transit Real Estate Services Director: Bill Ptacek Perry Weinberg (Environmental Compliance Attn: SEPA Coordinator Administrative Offices Manager) 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 960 Newport Way NW Sound Transit PO Box 34018 Issaquah, WA 98027 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Seattle, WA 98104 Renton Reporter Seattle Times Seattle King County Public Health Attn: Dean Radford Attn: Jill Mackie Attn: David Fleming 1942668 &1 Ave. S. The Seattle Times 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300 Kent, WA 98032 P.O. Box 70 Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle, WA 98111 Department of Commerce Governor Chris Gregoire Renton Historical Society Attn: Ike Nwankwo Office of the Governor Attn: Laura Clawson PO Box 42525 906 Columbia St SW PO Box 40002 235 Mill Ave. S. Olympia WA 98504 01 m ia, WA 98504-0002 Renton, WA 98057 *Note: The Department of Ecology received two hard copies of the DEIS documents. template - affidavit of service by mailing Adjacent Area. Sunset Terace's redeveiapme"t provides the unity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopme abie and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make _ s a more vibrant and attractive community for rest dents, businesses and property, owners. The Draft EIS addresses the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluates secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and Infiastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City of Renton Is also Pfoposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to SERA, A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinatlons or Ellis for future projects that are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigadon measures. Alternatives. The proposal is reviewed in terms of three aitematives. Altemative 1, No Action. RHA would develop affordabfe housing on two vacant propertles, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace pubfic housing property. Very ilmited pubec investment would be Implemented, remiting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action study area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Altemative Is required to he studied under NEPA and SEPA Aiternative 2- This aitemative represents a moderate level o£growth in the Pfanned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses In the Potentia; Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action study area, and adoption of a Planned Acton Ordinance. Alternative 3. This aitemative mpresants the highest leve; of growth in the Manned Action study area, based an investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea witha greater number dweAngs developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style, major pubfic investment in study area Infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance, 00MM6NT PERIOD: Agencies, affected tribes, and members ofthe public are invited to comment on the Draft ELS. A 45 -day comment period Is established for the Draft ELS and reiated Comprehensive Plan and development regulation amendments concluding 5:00 p.m., January 31, 2013- Written comments should be directed to the contact person below. CRY Of RENTON PLNNrNG DEPARTMENT ATI ERIKA CONKLING, AIP, SENIOR PLANNER 3055 SOUTH GRADy WAY, 51717}7 FLOOR RENTON, WA 9EoS5 s con kl l rq� ren[onwa.gw PUBLIC HEARING; A pubec hearing before the Planning CemmissJcn has been scheduled to amept written and oral comments on, the DEIS and will be held suOy✓ednesdar.lanuary 5 012 at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 71° floor Renton Cty Han, 1055 South Gmdy Way, Renton, WA. Ifyou have further questfca s, please contact Erika Conkling at 1625)439-6578. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OCOMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT(F RENTON425, DEPARTMENT OF 430-7130. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) Notice is hereby given that the City of Renton has issued Unit Environmental Impact Statement (Draft ELS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act and the National Environmental Pallcy Act ISEPA/NEPA) and is available for pubiic review and comment. Copies are available for review at the Downtown Renton Library, located at 100 MIR Avenue South, and the Renton Highlands library, located at 7.902 NE 12th Street, and at Renton City Nall. Customer Service Counter, 6th Rocr, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057, and on the Gry of Renton web site (http VJsunsetarea.nmtrnwe9-}- PROJECT NAME: SUNSET AREA PLANNED ACTION PROJECT NUMBER' LUASO-052 PROJECT PROPONENT: ❑ty of Renton and Renton Housing Authority LOCATION: Sunset Terrace Is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE to Street an the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmands Avenue NE on the west. The planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21" Street an the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE Tt Street an the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. DESCRIPTION: r Proposed Sunset Terrace Red"dicipment. The proposal 4o6vdes redeve€apment OF the Renton Hawing Authority's (RNA's) Sunset Terrace public housing community, a 7.3 -au. propertywith 100 existing units contained in 27 buildings that are 50-yearnid, two-story structures, located at the Intersection of NE Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE. RHA also owns additional vacant land (approximately 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE, and intends to purchase addittonai property adjacent to Sunset Terrace, along Harrington Avenue NE (which contains about 8 dwellings); RHA proposes to incorporate these additional properties into the Sunset Terrace redevelopment for housing and associated services. The Sunset Temce public housing community units, facilities, and Infrastnrctune are antiquated and the proleet Is dilapidated. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mored -income, mixed -ase residential and commercial space and public amenities -The redevelopment would include a 1 - to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. All existing pubiic housing units vdll be replaced either on-site or off-site, at locations within the existing Sunset Terrace site, and the Planned. ActYon Study Area within the City; no net loss of [oar income housing units would ocwr. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed with a portion of the total units be[ng public, affordable, and market rate. Poblic amenities would be Integrated with the residential development and could include the following: a community gathering space of "third place; civic facilities such as a community center, - senlaecenter, and/or public library space; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commendai space; and green Infrastructure. CERTIFICATION I, V�j ID k� 1- L1 II , hereby certify that copies of the above document were posted in cons 'cuous places or nearby the described property on Date- 2-- o Signed: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) j SS COUNTY OF !GING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that L� signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volun y act for the �%Irlposes mentioned in the instrument. • 111 rl J Notary Public in a d for the State of Washington Notary (Print): 6-la-iti- 7 My appointment expires: A "I> `' vc; Federal Register I Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impar'* Statement for th... Page 1 of 4 This situ displays a prototype of a 'VLb 2.0" version of the daily Federal Register. It is not an official legal edition of dtc Federal Rcgistcr, and docs not replace the official prat version or the official electronic Version on G110's Federal Digital system (hDsys.xovj. The articles posted on this site are XMI, renditions of published 1`cderal Register documents. E'aeh document posted on the site includes a link to the corresponding official PDF file on Msys.gov. This prototype edition of the daily Federal Register on Federa1Reg6ster.gov will remain an unofficial informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the federal Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications and services, go to the Q) R..goy.,_w..ebA1c. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable regulatory information on FederalRegister.gov with the objective of establishing the XML -based Federal Register as an AUR -sanctioned publication in the future. While every effort has been made to ensure that the material an FederalRegdster.gov is accurately displayed, consistent with the official SGML, based PDF version on FDsys.gov, those relying on it for legal research should verify their results against an official edition of the Fedtral Rgristcr. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML rendition of the daily Federal Register on FedcralRcgister.gov docs not provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. The Federal Register The Daily Journal of the United States Government Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action, City of Renton, WA A Notice by the Housing and Urban Development Department on 12/16/2010 Summary The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gives this notice to the public, agencies and Indian Tribes on the availability for public review and comment of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community in Renton, WA. HUD gives this notice on behalf of the City of Renton acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Pursuant to the authority granted by section 26 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437x) in connection with projects assisted under section 9 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 1437g), the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321) in accordance with 24 CFR 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.210). The Draft EIS is a joint NEPA and SEPA document intended to satisfy requirements of Federal and State environmental statutes. This notice is given in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality regulations at 40 CFR parts 1500 -1508. http://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2010/12/ 16l2010-316 541notice-of-availability-of-... 12/17/2014 Federal Register I Notice of Av-=lability of a Draft Environmental Impar* Statement for th... Page 2 of 4 Notice is also given that the City of Renton as Responsible Entity has decided to combine the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 process with the NEPA Environmental Impact Statement (LIS) in accordance with 36 CFR 800.8(c). Comments are also being requested on the Section 106 information presented in the Draft EIS as well as on the Section 106 process itself. Table of Contents • DATES.- • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT; • SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATI.ON: DATES: Written comments on the Draft EIS must be received January 31, 2011. Written comments should be addressed to the individual named below under the heading For Further Information Contact. Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held for the public to provide verbal or written comment on the Draft EIS as well as on the proposed planned action ordinance. The public hearing will be held on January 5, 2011, at 6 p.m. before the Renton Planning Commission. The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Erika Conkling, AICD, Senior Planner, City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, 425-430-6578 (voice) 425-430-7300 (fax), or e-mail: econkling(w.rentonwa.gov. Copies of the Draft EIS are available at the above address for reference, and copies may be purchased for the cost of reproduction. The Draft EIS is also available on the Internet and can be viewed or downloaded at: htip://rentonwa.gov/businessLdefault.aspx?id=2060. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposal includes redevelopment of the Renton Housing Authority's (RNA's) Sunset Terrace public housing community, a 7.3 -acre property with 100 existing units contained in 27 buildings that are 50 -year --old, two-story structures, located at the intersection of NE. Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue, NE. RHA also owns additional vacant land (approximately 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue, NE., Glenwood Avenue, NE., and Sunset Lane, NE., and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace, along Harrington Avenue, NE. (which contains about 8 dwellings); RHA plans to incorporate these additional properties into the http:llwww. federalregister.govlarticlesl2010112l l 6l2010-316541notice-of-availability-of-... 12/17/2010 Federal Register I Notice of AST -'lability of a Draft Environmental Impv -+ Statement forth... Page 3 of 4 Sunset 'Terrace redevelopment for housing and associated services. The Sunset Terrace public housing community units, facilities, and infrastructure are antiquated and the project is dilapidated. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed - income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. All existing public housing units will be replaced either on-site or off-site, at locations within the existing Sunset Terrace site, and the Planned Action Study Area within the City; no net loss of low income housing units would occur. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed with a portion of the total units being public, affordable, and market rate. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and could include the following. A community gathering space or "third place;" civic facilities such as a community center, senior center, and/or public library space; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The Draft EIS addresses the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluate secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. The City of Renton is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to SEPA. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs for future projects that are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. The proposal is reviewed in terms of three alternatives. Alternative 1, No Action. AHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented (e.g., some community services but no NE Sunset Boulevard or drainage improvements), resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action study area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action study area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. http.11www.federalregister.govlarticlesl2010! 12l l 6l2010-316541notice-of-availability-of-... 12/17/2010 Federal Register I Notice of A ---:lability of a Draft Environmental Imp— Statement forth... Page 4 of 4 .Alternative 3. 'Phis alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action study area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. The lead agency has addressed the following areas in the Draft EIS: Aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographic, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, stortnwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, electrical; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. Mitigation measures are identified in the Draft EIS. Questions may be directed to the individual named above under the heading of For Further Information Contact. Dated. November 23, 2010, Mercedes M. Mirquez, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. [FR Doc. 2010-31654 Filed 12-15-10; 8:45 am] Site Feedback http://www.federalregister.gov/articies/2010/12/16/2010-3 1654/notice-of-availability-of-... 12/17/2010 Federal Register I Environmer--' Impacts Statements; Notice of Availa'-,"ty Page 1 of 4 This site displays a prototype of a "Web 2.0" version of the daily 1 ederal Register. It is not an official legal edition of the Pedcral Register, and docs not replace the official print version or the official electronic version nn C;P(Ts Federal Digital System (FDsys.gov). The articles posted on this site are XMI, renditions of published Federal Register documents. Faeh document posted on the site includes a link to the corresponding official PDF file on FDsys.gov. This prototype edition of the daily Federal Register on FcderalRegiater.gov will remain an unofficial informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications and services, go to the QFE-guy-.3:Kbil1c. The OFR/CPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and rehable regulatory information on FederalRegistevgov with the Objective of establishing the XML -based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned publication in the future. While every effort has been made to ensure that the material on FederalRegistengov is accurately displayed, consistent with the official SGML -based PDF version on FDsys.gov, those relying on it for legal research should verify their results against an official edition of the Federal Register. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML rendition of the daily Federal Register on Federa1Registcr.gov does not provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. The Federal Register The Daily Journal of the United States Government Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability A Notice by the Environmental Protection Agent on 12/17/2010 Table of Contents • Amended NQjige.s Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General Information (202) 564-1399 or http:Z/mv«�lv.ena,gov/cotxa liancelnepa/. Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements. Filed 12/06/2010 through 12/10/2010. Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9. Notice: In accordance with Section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act, EPA is required to make its comments on EISs issued by other Federal agencies public. Historically, EPA met this mandate by publishing weekly notices of availability of EPA comments, which includes a brief summary of EPA's comment letters, in the Federal Register. Since February 2008, EPA has included its comment letters on EISs on its Web site at: h1tn://www.e$a.gov/corn 1><n 'ince%nepafeisdata.htrnl. Including the entire EIS comment letters on the website satisfies the Section 309(a) requirement to http://www. federalregister.gov/articles/2010112/ 17/2010-31793 /environmental-impacts-st... 12/17/2010 Federal Register I Environmer" Impacts Statements; Notice of Availa' �`ty Page 2 of 4 make EPA's comments on EISs available to the public. Accordingly, on March 31, 2010, EPA discontinued the publication of the notice of availability of EPA comments in the Federal Register. 1415 No. 20100462, Draft EIS, FWS, CA, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan, To Protect and Enhance Ecological Diversity and Function in the Greater Portion of Santa Clara County, Implementation, Santa Clara County, CA, Comment Period Ends: 01/31/2011, Contact: John Robles 916-414-6731. EIS No. 20100463, Draft EIS, HUD, WA, Sunset Area Community Planned Action, Proposal to Redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace Public Housing Community and Associated Neighborhood Growth and Revitalization, City of Renton, WA, Comment Period Ends: 01/31/2011, Contact: Erika Conkling 415-430-6578. EIS No. 20100464, Final EIS, NPS, FL, Everglades National Park Tamiami Trail Modifications: Next Steps Project, To Restore More Natural Water Flow to Everglades National Parks and Florida Bay, NL, Wait Period Ends: 01/18/2011, Contact: Dan Kimball 305-242-7712. EIS No. 20100465, Final EIS, NRC, NY, Generic—Liccnse Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 38 to NUREG-1437, Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3, Westchester County, NY, Wait Period Ends: 01/18/2011, Contact: Andrew Stuyvenberg 301-415-4006. EIS No. 20100466, Draft EIS, BLM/DOE, 00, Programmatic—Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States, To Establish a New BLM Solar Energy Program applicable to Utility -Scale Solar Energy Development and DOE's Proposed Action to Develop new Program Guidance Relevant to DOE Supported Solar Project, AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM and UT, Comment Period Ends: 03/17/2011, Contact: Linda Resseguie 202-912-7337. BLM and DOE are Joint Lead Agencies for the above project contact for BLM is Linda Resseguie, 202-912-7337 and contact for DOE is Jane Summerson, 202-287-6188. EIS No. 20100467, Final EIS, BLM, NV, Emigrant Mine Project, Proposed Open Pit Gold Mine, Plan -of -Operation, South of Carlin in Elko County, NV, Wait Period Ends: 01/18/2011, Contact: Tom Schmidt 775-753-0200. EIS No. 20100468, Draft EIS, USACE, MS, Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) Ecosystem Restoration Study, To Develop a Comprehensive Ecosystem Restoration Plan toRestore the Lake Borgne, Implementation, MS, Comment PeriodEnds: 01/31/2011, Contact: Tammy Gilmore 504-862 -1002. EIS No. 20100469, Final EIS, BR, CA, South Coast Conduit/tipper Reach Reliability Project,Construction of a Second Water Pipeline for Improving WaterSuppiy, US Army COE Section 10 and 404 Permits, Santa BarbaraCounty, CA, Wait Period Ends: 01/18/2011, Contact: Rain Healer 559-487-5196. http://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2010/1211712010-31793/environmental-impacts-st... 12/17/2010 Federal Register I Environmen -mpacts Statements; Notice of AvaiW '-`y Page 3 of 4 EIS No. 20100470, Draft EIS, GSA, DC, Department of Homeland Security Headquarters Consolidation at St. Elizabeths Master Plan Amendment—East Campus North Parcel, St. Elizabeths Campus in Southeast Washington, DC., Comment Period Ends: 02/02/2011, Contact: Denise Decker 202-538-5643. EIS No. 20100471, Final EIS, BLM, 00 Southern California Edison's Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Line Project,Construction and Operation, Right -of -Way Application, Clark County, NV and San Bernardino County, CA, Wait Period Ends: 01/18/2011, Contact: Tom Hurshman 970-240- 5345. Amended Notices EIS No. 20100322, Draft EIS, USAF, 00, Powder River Training Complex Project, Proposal to ImproveAirspace for Training, Primarily, B-1 Aitcrews at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, and B-52 Aircrews at Minot AFB, North Dakota, Comment Period Ends: 01/20/2011, Contact: Linda Devine 757-964-9434. Revision to FR Notice Published 08/20/2010: Extending Comment Period from 11/15/2010 to 01/20/2011. EIS No. 20100339, Final EIS, BLM, CA, Adoption—Genesis Solar Energy Project, Application for a Right -of -Way Grant to Construct, Operate and Decommission a Solar Thermal Facility on Public Lands, California Desert Conservation Area Plan, Riverside County, CA, Wait Period Ends:Contact: Matthew McMillen 202-586-7248. Revision to FR Notice Published 08/27/2010: The US Department of Energy's has adopted the Department of Interior's Bureau of Land Management FEIS #20100339, filed 08/20/2010. DOE was a cooperating agency for the above project. Recirculation of the FEIS is not necessary under 40 CFR 1506.3(c). EIS No. 20100438, Draft EIS, USA, CO, Programmatic—Growth, Realignment, and Stationing of Army Aviation Assets, Evaluates Environmental Impacts of Stationing Army Combat Aviation Brigade at Fort Carson, CO and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA, Comment Period Ends: 01/07/2011, Contact: Mike Ackerman 210-295-2273. Revision to FR Notice Published 11/05/2010; Extending CommentPeriod from 12/20/2010 to 01/07/2011. Dated: December 14, 2010. Robert W. Hargrove, Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office of Federal Activities. http://www. federalregister.gov/articles/2010112/ 17/2010-31793/environmental-impacts-st... 12/17/2010 Federal Register I Environmen '-mpacts Statements; Notice of AvailabF''' , Page 4 of 4 [FR Doc. 2010-31793 Filed 12-16-10; 8:45 am] Site Feedback http : //www. federalregister. gov/articles/2010112/ 17/2010-31793 /environmental-impacts-st... 12/17/2010 rJ Q7 +� cn C + • 03 d E O E V O E Vcu OCD O p @ `" O co G O O p p O = �O .G O V 0 M 00 �, N u U U O U w (D w O E Eo C N E U O E (4 in E a v o c �` � E '� E Eo c� o v " c�i cry o =o U E E o E L w c *- o Eo U 1`n - E v 4-C � c C e w 0 to N T O O U ?( Q (0 N ~ D UU7 C d 0 O O N O U p m eq V N 0 V c 0 m L N c c r L 3 v L 0 V C C O D= O C rL1 N O L N a L C L C C1 L 47 .--� I6 U �'" C} -6 !_ � O U O 9 C LU t _- co 0 U Q) � 0 C t W (U � L -U N .O L "O O U N -a (n E U o u7 Y a} N CD (DQ co CO (D (D LO m 0) (D fD to LO (D (D (D m co ti t � ti T CS) Lf) to Lo Ln LO LO LO LO LA LIS M Lo Lo Lo In LD LO LO LO LO Q (a N O r C7 C]OOOOC]Oo00C70000000D0 C)C) C) 0o r co r lcr 00 W co W co 00 co 00 00 W 00 00 co 00 W W 00 00 00 00 co 00 00 rnwrnrnrnrnrna)rnrnwrnrna)rnrnrnrnrna)�arrn w rn m d 00 a 00 N 0m) �a ¢¢¢aa¢aaa¢¢¢¢a¢¢QQaaa< a LL C b C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C aj =_ 0 0 o p p o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 >> . • • p" O U) m y3 y. 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E Q v� L _ co CV C O Q .. y _ N a s C 00 0) M U] N r 'i 0 -4 O W C? r 00 LD T rte- L L O b E � W W W W N W w c E c W j m W W W W e x p- N W oZZZZ 0Z2¢ N =Z F-ZZZZ OffJ00 -- M U Q r (+) [D (D m (D I— W LL r— co L() LC) U1 r r (y N L!1 �1 ++ C] r M C) M M r LO r m W r C] m Q o (D T LO M CO (D CO d M r r L() ti M T r M (Q N M C7 N it r � O "T � Q CO r CA N M N N a- M T T CD W M M r N M (D N M r W W ,M -i V'3 T CL U) 0 of c L w b E N L N CD -� �. c cG c L m �, C Q3 0} C C L D c D c N o a O o c ca u (ti co cs ,` E— �� c c 0 rn.�ymm C) a�yUs o ~� cQ❑ Ua �W (D;,, mx�Lpi -� o O�tL w a�cn E ro� a OE a� W} co G �' O J y C OY O C2 N c O JC l0 �p�- w Z M (U 0 m N m (jS (6 N s0.+ i Cd - O C L L p ��❑❑U)❑�M: w-,U)UU)mU)�����WL) -5 fU Y W� J Erika Conklin From: Erika Conkling Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:02 PM To: Erika Conkling Subject: Sunset Area GEIS Available for Review Attachments: Paster Sunset_DEIS_Mtg _Eng_Span.pdf The Sunset Area Community DEIS is available for review. The document is available on the project webpage at: www.sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov, or may be viewed in hardcopy at the 6th floor of City Hall. Copies will be placed in the downtown and Highlands public libraries by the beginning of the official comment period on December 17th. Comments are due by January 31, 2011 at 5:00 p.m_ and may be sent or delivered to me at the address below, or by e-mail. Please include your name and mailing address on all correspondence. A public hearing will be held by the Planning Commission to accept comments on the DEIS on January 5, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.gov �umng your iaeas to City of Renton Hosts = Sunset Area V.11 4 {M Draft Environmental impact Statement Public Hearing h January 5, 2011 Renton.City Hail- Council Chambers 1055 -S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Share Your Thoughts & Ideas The public hearing for the Sunset Area Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is your opportunity to share both verbal and written comments on the potential impacts of the proposed improvements to the Sunset Area. Proposed improvements defined in the Sunset DEIS that welcome your input include: • Rebuilding of the Sunset Terrace public housing project • Sunset Boulevard improvements • A master stormwater drainage plan • General revitalization of the neighborhood To view the DEIS in its entirety go to sunsetare a. ren ton wo. gov Comparta sus Pensamientos a Ideas La reuni6n publica sobre el Documento Borrador de la Declaraci6n de Impacto Ambiental para la Comunidad de Sunset en Renton es su opor- tunidad a compartir sus comentarios verbales y escritos sobre los impactos potenciales de las mejoras propuestas a la Comunidad de Sunset. Las mejoras propuestas definidos dentro del Documento Borrador del la Declaraci6n para la Comunidad que nos soliciten sus comentarios incluyen: • Re-edificaci6n de las viviendas publicas de Sunset Terrace • Mejoras de Sunset Boulevard • Plan General de Drenaje • Revitalizaci6n general de la Comunidad Para revisar el Documento Borrador en el lenguaje ingies, visita el sitio: www..sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov Contactase a Adriana Johnson a 425-430-6597 para proveer comentarios verbales. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC PRESERVATION 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 • Olympia, Washington 98501 Mailing address: PO Box 48343 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8343 (360) 586-3065 • Fax Number (360) 586-3067 • Website: www.dahp.wa.gov November 30, 2010 Ms. Ericka Conkling City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 In future correspondence please refer to: Log: 091010-31-HUD-CDBG Property: Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Re: NO Adverse Effect Dear Ms. Conkling: Thank you for contacting the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). The above referenced project has been reviewed on behalf of the State Historic Preservation Officer under provisions of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended) and 36 CFR Part 500. My review is based upon documentation contained in your communication. I concur that the current project as proposed will have "NO ADVERSE EFFECT" on National Register eligible or listed historic and cultural resources. If additional information on the project becomes available, or if any archaeological resources are uncovered during construction, please halt work in the area of discovery and contact the appropriate Native American Tribes and DAHP for further consultation. Please note that DA -HP requires that all historic property inventory and archaeological site forms be provided to our office in PDF format on a labeled CD along with an unbound paper copy. For further information please go to http://www.dahp.w,7a.gov/documents/CyR_ReportPDF_Requirement.pdf. Th ..1F icor. t �i„r-:t . to �e ..v d - Ti' h please t-aact a.... yvii ivy :ace il�ipva Luau y w . �:`r Gig ..iiaii...::4. s1 yti�i have any .^1L:: StiGnS, � ea �, Ci�ilwu� me. Sincerely, % 1 /'`Russell I colter Project Compliance Reviewer (360) 586-3533 russell.holter@dahp.wa.gov �” 41MMIF i EFARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY 8 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Fro!ec? rhe Past, 5nape ,'�,e FuVe Denis Law — 7 �lt� O Mayor [ - f. r 1, (8'� ,1 December 17, 2010 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on December 6, 2010: NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PROJECT NAME: Sunset Area Community Planned Action/EIS PROJECT NUMBER: LUA#10-052 Comments on the DEIS must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2010. Please send comments to: Erika Conkling, AICP, Senior Planner, City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, or they may be emailed to econkling@rentonwa.gov. Review documents are available on the enclosed CD and are also available on the project webpage at: www.sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. For additional information please contact me at (425) 430-6578. For the Environmental Review Committee, Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation James Nolan, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Gary Kriedt, Metro Transit Cody Olson, Puget Sound Energy Steve Lancaster, City of Tukwila Bill Ptacek, KCLS Office of the Governor Jill Mackie, Seattle Times Dean Radford, Renton Reporter Ramin Pazooki, WSDOT, NW Region Larry Fisher, WDFW Duwamish Tribal Office Rick Olson, PSRC Rich Moore, Renton School, District King County DES Steve Roberge, City of Newcastle Fred Satterstrom, City of Kent Seattle Public Utilities Perry Weinberg, Sound Transit David Fleming, King County Public Health Laura Clawson, Renton Historical Society Ike Nwankwo, Department of Commerce Renton City Hall + 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 9 rentonwa.gov DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY— AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Rc,rpr.,` NOTICE OF ISSUANCE AND AVAILABILTY DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) Sunset Area Community Planned Action, City of Renton, WA Notice_ is hereby given that the City of Renton has issued Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA/NEPA). Description of the Proposal Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The proposal includes redevelopment of the Renton Housing Authority's (RNA's) Sunset Terrace public housing community, a 7.3 -acre property with 100 existing units contained in 27 buildings that are 50 -year-old, two-story structures, located at the intersection of NE Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE. RHA also owns additional vacant land (approximately 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE, and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace, along Harrington Avenue NE (which contains about 8 dwellings); RHA proposes to incorporate these additional properties into the Sunset Terrace redevelopment for housing and associated services. The Sunset Terrace public housing community units, facilities, and infrastructure are antiquated and the .project is dilapidated. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. All existing public housing units will be replaced either on-site or off-site, at locations within the existing Sunset Terrace site, and the Planned Action Study Area within the City; no net loss of low income housing units would occur. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed with a portion of the total units being public, affordable, and market rate. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and could include the following: a community gathering space or "third place;" civic facilities such as a community center, senior center, and/or public library space; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The Draft EIS addresses the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluates secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City of Renton is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to SEPA. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs for future projects that are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. Alternatives. The proposal is reviewed in terms of three alternatives. Alternative 1, No Action. RHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented, resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action study area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action study area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Alternative 3. This alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action study area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed- use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Proponent Renton Housing Authority, Sunset Terrace area redevelopment, and City of Renton, private neighborhood redevelopment and public service and infrastructure improvements. Location of proposal Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10'h Street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21't Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compliance The City of Renton is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C). Public Review and Comments Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the Draft EIS. A 45 -day comment period is established for the Draft EIS concluding 5:00 p.m., January 31, 2011. Written comments should be directed to the contact. person below. Contact Person: To submit written comments, or far more information, please contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.90v Hearing: A public hearing will be held for the public to provide verbal or written comment on the Draft EIS.as well as on the proposed planned action ordinance. the public hearing will be held on January 5, 2011, at 6 p.m. before the Renton Planning Commission. The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Availability of Document: Copies of the Draft EIS are available at the above address, the Downtown Renton Public Library, and the Renton Highlands Public Library for reference, and copies may be purchased for the cost of reproduction. The Draft EIS is also available on the internet and can be viewed or downloaded at: http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.asQx?id=2060 Responsible Official City of Renton Environmental Review Committee {ERC} PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Greggi m an, Administrator Public ors Department December 17 2010 December 6, 2010 Date Mak Peterso , Administrator D to Fire & Emergency Services Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Date Alex Pi tsch, Admini:sf rator Date Community Services Department Department of Community & Economic Development AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology * WDFW - Larry Fisher* Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept, Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 —172n' Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region * Duwamish Tribal Office Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172 nd Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology & Historic Attn: James L. Nolan Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation* 1904 Third Avenue - Suite 105 Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Seattle, WA 98101 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Boyd Powers * Puget Sound Regional Council Renton School District Depart. of Natural Resources Attn: Rick Olson Rich Moore, Asst, Superintendent, Business PO Box 47015 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 300 SW 7`h St Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Seattle, WA 98104-1035 Renton, WA 98055-2307 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liaison Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt dee Jain— 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: RD -01 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities King County Library System Sound Transit Real Estate Services Director: Bill Ptacek Perry Weinberg (Environmental Compliance Attn: SEPA Coordinator Administrative Offices Manager) 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 960 Newport Way NW Sound Transit PO Box 34018 Issaquah, WA 98027 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Seattle, WA 98104 Renton Reporter Seattle Times Seattle King County Public Health Attn: Dean Radford Attn: Jill Mackie Attn: David Fleming 1942668 th Ave. S. The Seattle Times 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300 Kent, WA 98032 P.O. Box 70 Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle, WA 98111 Department of Commerce Governor Chris Gregoire Renton Historical Society Attn: Ike Nwankwo Office of the Governor Attn: Laura Clawson PO Box 42525 906 Columbia St SW PO Box 40002 235 Mill Ave. S. Olympia WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 Renton, WA 98057 *Yellow highlighted sent by ICF US Housing and Urban Development consultants on 1218110 Attn: Ryan Mielcarek 909 First Ave, Suite 255 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Environmental Protection Agency EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking (federal) 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Water 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 803 Seattle, WA 98101 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Old Post Office Building Washington DC Washington DC 20460 0003 20004 US Fish and Wildlife Service NOAAI National Marine Fisheries US Department of Interior 1849 C Street, NW Service 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 7600 Sand Point Way NE Washington DC 20240 Seattle, WA 98115 US EPA- Office of Federal Activities Renton Housing Authority US Army Corp. of Engineers EIS Filing Section Mark Gropper, Executive Director Seattle District Office Ariel Rios Building (South Oval PO Box 2316 Attn: SEPA Reviewer Lobby), Room 7220 Renton, WA 98OW0316 PO Box C-3755 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW Seattle, WA 98124 Washington, DC 20004 EPA Headquarters - 5 hard copies of DEIS and Appendices - Fed Ex on 12/7 for earliest delivery on 12/8 Must have a transmittal letter signed by the City (stating that transmittal to all agencies is being made simultaneously with the filing with EPA) The agency filing the EIS (usually the lead agency if more than one is involved) should prepare a letter of transmittal to accompany the five copies of the EIS. The letter should identify the name and telephone number of the official responsible for both the distribution and contents of the EIS, should state that the transmittal has been completed. Deliveries in-person or by commerical express mail services (incl. Federal Express or UPS) US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Federal Activities EIS Filing Section Ariel Rios Building (South Oval Lobby), Room 7220 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 EPA Region 10 Office in Seattle - 5 hard copies of DEIS and Appendices - deliver in person on 12/8 EPA Region 10 1200 6th Ave Seattle, WA 98101-3123 Our Region 10 main office is located in downtown Seattle at 1200 6th Avenue in the Park Place building adjacent to Freeway Park. Visitors must check-in at our Service Center on the 12th floor. The Service Center is open Monday -Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm (closed on weekends and federal holidays). You may contact the Service Center at 1-800-424-4372 or 206-553-1200. Other Federal Agencies - CD via Fed Ex - must go out on 12/7 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 803 Old Post Office Building Washington DC 20004 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, rational Marine Fisheries Service 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 Seattle District Office 4735 East Marginal Way South Seattle WA 98134-2385 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Groundwater and Drinking t'Vater 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20460 0003 U.S. Fish and. Wildlife Service 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240 U.S. Housin; and Urban Development Attention: Ryan E. Mielcarek 909 First Ave, Suite 255 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 US Department of Interior 1849 C Street NW Washington DC 20240 Distribution to Responsible Entity (City) and Recipient (RHA) - 2 copies - deliver on 12/8 City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax Renton Housing Authority Mark Gropper, Executive Director 2900 Northeast 10th Street Renton, WA 98056-3133 (425) 226-1850 Denis Law—,City Of Mayor _\Jis �r rrR"�•q�rrl�w�41... � .t December 7, 2010 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Federal Activities EIS Filing Section Ariel Rios Building (South Oval Lobby), Room 7220 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Attention: Pearl Young and Dawn Roberts Subject: Transmittal of Sunset Area Community Draft Environmental Impact Statement Dear Ms. Young and Ms. Roberts: Please find enclosed five copies of the above EIS, including appendices. Transmittal to all agencies is being made simultaneously with the filing with EPA. In accordance with specific statutory authority and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) regulations at 24 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 58, the City of Renton is authorized to assume responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to HUD under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The City of Renton, via its Environmental Review Committee, is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with NEPA and is also the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C), Contact: Erika Conkling, AICP, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax e co n kl i ng@ re ntonwa.Pov We understand that the EIS will be stamped with an official filing date and that the US Environmental Protection Agency will prepare a weekly report of all EISs filed during the preceding week for publication each Friday under a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register. We anticipate this means the notice for our EIS would be published on Friday December 17, 2010. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Renton r Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner Renton City Hall 9 1055 South Grady Way 9 Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov { Denis taw - -- Mayor Cly ol r � U L Department of Community and Economic Development Alex PietschrAdministrator December 17, 2010 Ms. Loree Randall Federal Consistency Procedure Coordinator Department of Ecology P.O. Box 47690 Olympia, WA 98504-7690 Subject: Certification of Consistency with Washington's Coastal Zone Management Program for Federally Funded Activities for Sunset Area Community Planned Action Dear Ms. Randall: The City of Renton has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that addresses the Sunset Area Community Planned Action which includes project -level redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community and associated neighborhood growth and revitalization (proposal). The proposal is located in Renton, Washington (see attached Figure 2-1). The Sunset Terrace public housing community is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10th Street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard (State Route [SR] 900) on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The Sunset Terrace public housing community is part of the Sunset Area Community neighborhood. This broader neighborhood is the Planned Action Study Area considered in this EIS; it is generally bounded by NE 21st Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. There are no water bodies within the study area. There are no shorelines of the state located within or adjacent to the study area. The closest water body, Honey Creek, is outside of but adjacent to the northeastern corner of the Planned Action Study Area (and approximately 0.6 miles from the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment area). The majority of the study area flows into Johns Creek, located approximately 0.3 miles to the west of the study area (and 0.4 miles from the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Area). As described above, the proposal includes both project -level components (within the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment area) and a planned action environmental review of the Planned Action Study Area that is not associated with a specific project -level activity. Project level action within the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment area will apply for State Water Renton City Hail • 1055 South Grady Way 9 Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Lorree Randall December 17, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Quality and Air Quality permits and certifications as appropriate (including NPDES permit for stormwater, and Transportation Conformity Analysis associated with roadway improvements to NE Sunset Boulevard), as described on the attached Certification of Consistency with Washington's Coastal Zone Management Program for Federally Funded Activities form. The proposal outside of the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment area is not associated with a particular project level activity at this time, and does not require a certification or permit. . However, project level development that occurs at a later phase in the Planned Action Study Area will apply, as appropriate, for State Water Quality and/or Air Quality permits or certifications, as appropriate. A Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposal is being issued on December 17, 2010 in compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The.City will accept written comments from issuance of this Draft EIS on December 17, 2010, until S:00 p.m., January 31, 2011. Written comments can be mailed to the environmental review committee care of the contact person below: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.gov If you have any questions about the attached Certification of Consistency with Washington's Coastal Zone Management Program for Federally Funded Activities form, please do not hesitate to call me at (425) 430-6578. Sincerely, r , y Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner Attachments Certification of Consistency with Washington's Coastal Zone Management Program for Federally Funded Activities Draft Sunset Area Community Planned Action NEPA/SEPA Environmental Impact Statement cc: Mark Gropper, Renton Housing Authority City Limits Planned Action Study Area Subarea Central North South Sunset Mixed Use Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment N A d 500 1,000 Feet ►'fir ,� � Ml Ib �Iml. r NE��` lft 4Ell 4 I,NE114TH ST rt yNE 13TH 5T 3 ki, e< S� e' J tL-71W .. i W i in Y __-II A. +� W �a � �', r J , H: L sf " �► - _ xNf Ery .IL rysp,;a��,: NE ����`"�4 P° r > _11w w .w:` I - NE 31TH ST k.�.� Ff, r.J I z 2 � 10TH -PL iwIrL ►A! a t AvZN�+, 14 x 7,TH.PL x W- a f -MJ OTII # -ago%. J SC .+�-•. Y NE45TH`ST I rLu. <..' W a NE l5TH� PL p qA NE440111 ST • zILL W W Wj Aw W W �a � �', r J , H: L sf " �► - _ xNf Ery .IL rysp,;a��,: NE ����`"�4 P° r > _11w w .w:` I - NE 31TH ST k.�.� Ff, r.J I 2 � 10TH -PL iwIrL ►A! a t AvZN�+, r t141 .—AWr 1 Ta Uj . �a � r J , H: L sf " �► - _ xNf Ery .IL rysp,;a��,: NE ����`"�4 FF�,yya�l r > _11w w .w:` I - NE 31TH ST k.�.� Ff, r.J I `1`—NE .. yr 10TH -PL iwIrL ►A! p1 'z , t 14 n. ykz -d&NEt10TH ST— iv+ t '� - xda� I �cf'.r tic• AN LLI w_ �� ❑� a NE,10TH ST y �r, NE 9TH PL kt �iw �'z w a � w ,c J • � r ..r �A ���k �'�t,...�, �, •U Q , . 7 e ' a _� �w� i ira. w NE°9TH ST r ■ f xO 0- w n '• NE 9TH SF e# a o a r 5 r1 . ' ic+1xt W ,uzi . tirr, -"k , �t Z a" -NE 8TH.PL Q a LLLU W- 7��I�.a'.,c IF,,Va. - z c�„y• $Z1�P �, a �+la�y” NEj8 TH.ST: ICFPlanned Figure Action Study Area Sunset Area Community Planned Action Draft NEPA/SEPA EIS . r J , H: L sf " �► - _ xNf Ery .IL rysp,;a��,: N� z z �'� �. �. `Till NE 7H ILZ lit T Source- City of Renton; Kin CauntyNk-.° 7,TH.PL ICFPlanned Figure Action Study Area Sunset Area Community Planned Action Draft NEPA/SEPA EIS Coastal Zone Mai,agement—Washington State Checklist for HUD or Resnonsible Entitv General requirements _ I Legislation I Regulation Ensure that projects are consistent Coastal Zone Management Act 15 CFR Part 930 with the Washington Coastal Zone 16 U.S.C. 1451-1464 I Mana¢ement Proeram 1. Is the project located in Callam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, _Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston,'Wahkiakum or Wbatcom Counties? ❑ No: Stop here. The CZM review is complete. Record your determination on the EA, Statutory Worksheet or HUD Form 4128. ® Yes: PROCEED to 42 2. Is the project located on tribal trust lands? ❑ Yes: Tribal Trust land is excluded from the state coastal zone. Proceed to #3. ® No: PROCEED to 44 3. Will the project impact the coastal zone beyond the excluded tribal trust land, for example through water runoff from increased impervious surfaces, or increased sediment loads in waterbodies? ❑ Yes; PROCEED to #!4 ❑ No: The Coastal Zone Management review is complete. Document that your project will have no impact on coastal zones outside of the excluded tribal trust land. Record your determination on the Statutory Worksheet, Environmental Assessment form or HUD Form 4128. 4. Does the project include new construction or major rehabilitation of existing structures? Major rehabilitation means work that exceeds the categorical exclusion threshold at 24 CFR Part 58.35(a) and therefore requires a full Environmental Assessment. ❑ No: STOP here. The Costal Zone Management review is complete. ® Yes: PROCEED to 94 4. Does the project comply with the enforceable policies of the Coastal Zone Management Program? • Complete the attached "Certification of Consistency with Washington's Coastal Zone Management Program," and send it to the Department of Ecology (DOE) at the following address: Loree Randall, Federal Consistency Procedures Coordinator, Shorelines & Environmental Assistance Program, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47690, Olympia, WA 98504-7690 telephone number: (360) 407-6068 or fax it to her at (360) 407-6902. Be sure to identify the Federal Program, i.e. CDBG, Section 202, SHOP, etc. The Applicant is HUD or the Responsible Entity. The first certification on the form should be signed by the lender or non-profit organization that is developing the project. HUD (under Part 50) or the responsible entity (under Part 58) signs the determination that the action will not affect coastal resources (once it has been determined that the project will comply with all enforceable policies of the CZM Program). Ecology has 6 months to concur with a determination, however, they often do so within two weeks if all of the information is submitted. ® Yes: STOP here. The Coastal Zone Management Review is complete_ C) You should have a mechanism in place (i.e. condition to the contract or FIRM Commitment) to assure the recipient has completed all actions prior to releasing funds. Attach a copy of the Certification and Consistency determination. Record your determination on the EA, Statutory Worksheet or 4128. ❑ No: If the project will not comply will all enforceable policies as outlined on the Certification of Consistency, work with Department of Ecology to mitigate issues. Do not initiate the Project until CZM has been mitigated. DISCLAIMER: This document is intended as a tool to help HUD Region X grantees and HUD staff complete NEPA requirements. This document is subject to change. This is not a policy statement, and the Coastal Zone Management Legislation and Regulations take precedence over any information found in this document. HUD Region X Environmental Office —January 2010 1 CERTTFICAT'TON O -ONSISTENCY WITH WASHINGTON'S COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR FEDERALLY- FUNDED ACTIVITIES Federal Application Number: WA01 l 000001 Applicant: City of Renton (Responsible Entity) _ Project Description: The proiect addresses the Sunset Area Community Planned Action within Renton, WA, which includes proiect-level redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public bogsinp community (see Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment area on attached Figure 2-1) and associated neighborhood growth and revitalization (proposal). See the attached cover letter to this Certification of Consistency and City of Renton Sunset Area Community Planned Action NEPAISEPA Draft Environmental Impact Statement (issued on 121l7110). (attach site plans, location (county/city), and proximity to water body (name)). This action under CZMA§307(c)(3) is for a project, which will take place within Washington's coastal zone, or which will affect a land use, water use, or natural resource of the coastal zone. (The coastal zone includes Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kirsap, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Wohkiakum and Whatcom counties.) The project complies with the following enforceable policies of the Coastal Zone Management Program: (Check the box describing the current status of each nolicv) * *Public Notice must be provided if the project is within the water or within 200 feet of a Shoreline Management Act water body. Public Notice is required for the proposed project? No X Yes (identify method below) O notice mailed to interested parties using mailing list on (date) ( )publication in _ (newspaper) on (dates) ( )other (dates) If public notice is required and you have not provided it, CZM staff will publish the notice. You must not initiate the project until you have been notified by CZM. Therefore, I certify that prior to initiating the project I will obtain applicable permits and certifications as described above and the project will be conducted in a manner consistenl with the Coastal Zone ,Management Program. (Signature) Date (Recipient) HUD or its designated Responsible Entity concludes this action will not affect coastal resources. obtained. / (Signature) f° L (HUD or R nsibl ntity (Signature) (HUD or Respo i e tity) (Signature) (HUD or Responsible Entity) Date Date Date 1�3 A 1 Date ----- (HUD or Responsible Entity) HUD Region X Environmental Office — January 2010 State requirements have been mel Additional info must be obtained prior #o physical initiation Does not Has received Has a valid Has applied for Will apply as require a an exemption permit or a permit or appropriate for a Enforceable Policies certification certification certification permit or or permit certification I_ Shoreline !Management Act" X 2. State Water Quality X (project -level) Requirements: a. Water Quality X (project -level) b. Stormwater 3. State Air Quality Requirements X (project level) 4. State Environmental Policy Act: SEPA Lead Agency is: C of e t Project is exempt from SEPA ( ) Project will comply with SEPA ( ) SEPA checklist submitted O date SEPA decision issued/adopted { )DNS ( )MDNS (X )EIS ( )Other date_DEIS issued 12!17/10 NEPA decision adopted by ( )SEPA 4 date * *Public Notice must be provided if the project is within the water or within 200 feet of a Shoreline Management Act water body. Public Notice is required for the proposed project? No X Yes (identify method below) O notice mailed to interested parties using mailing list on (date) ( )publication in _ (newspaper) on (dates) ( )other (dates) If public notice is required and you have not provided it, CZM staff will publish the notice. You must not initiate the project until you have been notified by CZM. Therefore, I certify that prior to initiating the project I will obtain applicable permits and certifications as described above and the project will be conducted in a manner consistenl with the Coastal Zone ,Management Program. (Signature) Date (Recipient) HUD or its designated Responsible Entity concludes this action will not affect coastal resources. obtained. / (Signature) f° L (HUD or R nsibl ntity (Signature) (HUD or Respo i e tity) (Signature) (HUD or Responsible Entity) Date Date Date 1�3 A 1 Date ----- (HUD or Responsible Entity) HUD Region X Environmental Office — January 2010 HUD or Responsible Entity mail Form Loree Randall Shorelines & F'nvironmental Assistance Program Federal Consistency Procedures Coordinator Department of Ecology P.O. Box 47690 Olympia, WA 9$504-7690 Fax: (360) 407-6902 -6068 Department of Ecology please mail Determi of Consistency to: (Include Phone number of c t) City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Attn: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner Phone: 425430-657$ HUD Region X Environmental Office —January 2010 Denis Law -- CityOf Mayor = dye 4 '' Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator December 6, 2010 Steve Landino, Director Washington State Habitat Office NOAA Fisheries Habitat Program/Olympia field office 510 Desmond Dr. SE, Suite 103 Lacey, WA 98503-1273 Dear Mr. Landino: The enclosed biological assessment addresses the Sunset Area Community Planned Action. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds would support the proposal, which is to redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing community as part of a Planned Action that would encourage redevelopment in the Planned Action Study Area through land use growth allowances, public service and infrastructure improvements, and a streamlined environmental review process via adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. We understand that DeeAnn Kirkpatrick of your Sand Point office typically reviews Biological Assessments in relation to HUD funds. Pursuant to the authority granted by section 26 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437x) in connection with projects assisted under section 9 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 14378), the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 58.1 and 58.4. The City of Renton is authorized to assume responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to H UD under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which includes NEPA lead agency responsibility. Pursuant to 24 CFR part 58 Section 58.5(e) the City as responsible entity is responsible for compliance with the Endangered Species Act, particularly Section 7. Thus, the City is acting as a designated non-federal agency for the purposes of ESA informal consultation, and the enclosed BA evaluates the potential effects on ESA -protected species that would result from HUD funding of the project. The enclosed biological assessment analyzes potential impacts of the proposed project on golden paintbrush, Canada lynx,.grey wolf, grizzly bear, northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, Puget Sound bull trout, Puget Sound Chinook salmon, and Puget Sound steelhead; and on designated critical habitat for those species having designated critical habitat in the action area. The biological assessment concludes that the project may affect, is not likely to adversely affect Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead, and designated critical habitat for both species. The project will have no effect on golden paintbrush, Canada lynx or its designated critical habitat, grey wolf, Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov grizzly bear, marbled murrelet or its designated critical habitat, northern spotted owl or its designated critical habitat, or Puget Sound bull trout or its designated critical habitat. It is our understanding that with federal concurrence this satisfies our responsibilities under Section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act at this time. We will continue to remain aware of any change in status of these species and will be prepared to reevaluate potential project impacts if necessary. Please contact project manager Erika Conkling at (425) 430-6578 should you have any questions. Sincerely, City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Gregg Zim erman, Administrator Public Works Department r Mark Peterson, Administrator Fire & Emergency Service Department Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department Alex Pletsch, Administrator Community and Economic Development Department cc: DeeAnn Kirkpatrick Fishery Biologist National Marine Fisheries Service 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg 1 Seattle, WA 98115 206-526-4452; deeann.kirkpatrick@noaa.Faov a DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY Q Citpof AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTj� ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMO APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA 10-052 APPLICANT: City of Renton and Renton Housing Authority PROJECT NAME: Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Complete an EIS and Planned Action that addresses four topics: 1) Redevelopment of Sunset Terrace Public Housing, 2) General neighborhood redevelopment, 3) Improvements to Sunset Boulevard, 4) Master stormwater plan LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Sunset Area, Renton Highlands LEAD AGENCY/RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development Acting as Lead Agency under SEPA and Responsible Entity under NEPA ERC is issuing a Notice of Availability for the Sunset Ares Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Sunset Area on December 6, 2010. This will be publicized on December 17, 2010. NEPA requires that a public hearing be held to accept verbal comments on the DEIS. However, the City of Renton does not have procedure for a public hearing before the ERC. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Planned Action portion of the proposal and forward a recommendation to Council when the EIS is completed. Additionally, public hearings held in the early stages of programmatic proposals are typically held by the Planning Commission. Thus the public hearing on the DEIS shall be held before the Planning Commission on January 5, 2011. Staff will transmit a summary of the comments received on the DEIS, with responses, to the ERC prior to meeting date in which issuance of the Final EIS is discussed. SIGNATURES: Gregg 2UMDe an, Administrator Publicpartment Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department Da Mark Peterson, Administrator Dat Fire & Emergency Services I J — ( to Date Alex Pietsch, Administrator Date Department of Community & Economic Development Denis Law City of Mayor 4 1.; Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator December 17, 2010 Subject: Sunset Area Community Planned Action Dear EIS Recipient: The City of Renton (City) in consultation with the Renton Housing Authority (RHA) has prepared the attached Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The City is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C). The Draft EIS addresses the Sunset Area Community Planned Action, which includes redevelopment of RHA's Sunset Terrace public housing community and associated neighborhood growth and revitalization (proposal). Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the broader Sunset Area Community neighborhood and determine what future land use redevelopment is desirable and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made to create a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses, and property owners. The EIS addresses the following topics: aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy, including natural gas and electricity; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographics, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, water supply, telecommunication; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. For each element of the environment, the EIS evaluates three alternatives. Alternative 1(No Action). RHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented, resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action Study Area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action Study Area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Alternative 3. This alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed-use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. The affected environment and potential beneficial and adverse impacts of each alternative are identified as well as mitigation measures. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Some of the key environmental issues and options facing decision -makers include: land use --the appropriate mix of land use and housing in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea in the near term and the amount of growth in the Planned Action Study Area over 20 years; • transportation—the type of multimodal and urban design improvements appropriate for NE Sunset Boulevard (SR 900); • stormwater drainage—the type and location of natural stormwater infrastructure integrated in design of streets, parks, and new development; • other improvements --the coordination of parks and schools facilities, the development of enhanced educational, recreational, and social services, and the improvement of utility systems; and • planned action—the application of a planned action ordinance that would exempt future projects from SEPA threshold determinations or EISs when they are consistent with the Sunset Area Community EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the Draft EIS. A 45 -day comment period is established for the Draft EIS concluding 5:00 p.m., January 31, 2011. Written comments should be directed to the contact person below. Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.gov A public hearing will be held for the public to provide verbal or written comment on the Draft EIS as well as on the proposed planned action ordinance. The public hearing will be held on January 5, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. before the Renton Planning Commission. The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Thank you for your interest in the Sunset Area Community. Sincerely, City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Signature:V+) ' Gregg Zimmerman, is Works Ad ' istrator Signature: Mark Peterson, Fire and F,m^rg2nry "dministrator �- Signature_. ____ �, - : Terry Higashiyama, CgRTNunity Services Administrator F Signature: Alex Pietsch, Community and onomic Development Administrator DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A�� NOTICE OF ISSUANCE AND AVAILABILTY DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) Sunset Area Community Planned Action, City of Renton, WA Notice is hereby given that the City of Renton has issued Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the Sunset Area Community Planned Action pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA/NEPA). Description of the Proposal Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The proposal includes redevelopment of the Renton Housing Authority's (RNA's) Sunset Terrace public housing community, a 7.3 -acre property with 100 existing units contained in 27 buildings that are SO -year-old, two-story structures, located at the intersection of NE Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE. RHA also owns additional vacant land (approximately 3 acres with two dwelling units) along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE, and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace, along Harrington Avenue NE (which contains about S dwellings); RHA proposes to incorporate these additional properties into the Sunset Terrace redevelopment for housing and associated services. The Sunset Terrace public housing community units, facilities, and infrastructure are antiquated and the project is dilapidated. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. The redevelopment would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. All existing public housing units will be replaced either on-site or off-site, at locations within the existing Sunset Terrace site, and the Planned Action Study Area within the City; no net loss of low income housing units would occur. The project will require relocation of all existing residents and RHA is developing a relocation plan. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by RHA, up to 479 additional new units could be constructed with a portion of the total units being public, affordable, and market rate. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and could include the following: a community gathering space or "third place;" civic facilities such as a community center, senior center, and/or public library space; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The Draft EIS addresses the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluates secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City of Renton is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to SEPA. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs for future projects that are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. Alternatives. The proposal is reviewed in terms of three alternatives. Alternative 1, No Action. RHA would develop affordable housing on two vacant properties, but it would not redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing property. Very limited public investment would be implemented, resulting in lesser redevelopment across the Planned Action study area. A Planned Action would not be designated. The No Action Alternative is required to be studied under NEPA and SEPA. Alternative 2. This alternative represents a moderate level of growth in the Planned Action Study Area based on investment in mixed -income housing and mixed uses in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, targeted infrastructure and public services throughout the Planned Action study area, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Alternative 3. This alternative represents the highest level of growth in the Planned Action study area, based on investment in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea with a greater number dwellings developed in a mixed -income, mixed- use style, major public investment in study area infrastructure and services, and adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance. Proponent Renton Housing Authority, Sunset Terrace area redevelopment, and City of Renton, private neighborhood redevelopment and public service and infrastructure improvements. Location of proposal Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10th Street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21St Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compliance The City of Renton is acting as the Responsible Entity for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR §§ 58.1 and 58.4, and is the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C). Public Review and Comments Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the Draft EIS. A 45 -day comment period is established for the Draft EIS concluding 5:00 p.m., January 31, 2011. Written comments should be directed to the contact person below. Contact Person: To submit written comments, or for more information, please contact: Erika Conkling, AICD Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@ rentonwa.gov Hearing: A public hearing will be held for the public to provide verbal or written comment on the Draft EIS as well as on the proposed planned action ordinance. The public hearing will be held on January 5, 2011, at 6 p.m. before the Renton Planning Commission. The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Availability of Document: Copies of the Draft EIS are available at the above address, the Downtown Renton Public Library, and the Renton Highlands Public Library for reference, and copies may be purchased for the cost of reproduction. The Draft EIS is also available on the internet and can be viewed or downloaded at: httta:/lrentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=2060 Responsible Official City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: December 17 2010 December 6, 2010 SIGNATURES: I - Q !-2��/—a Greggi m an, Administrator Date Ma ]c Peterso , Administrator D t� e Public ors Department Fire & Emergency Services [ 2 ( c Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Date Alex Pi tsch, Adminis rator Date Community Services Department Department of Community & Economic Development DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIT ' A �' ' Cityof" AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPME. _ .�{ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: December 6, 2010 Project Name: Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS Appllcant: City of Renton and Renton Housing Authority Contact: Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 File Number: LUA10-052 Project Manager: Erika Conkling, AICP Project Summary: Complete an EIS and Planned Action that addresses four topics: 1) Redevelopment of Sunset Terrace Public Housing, 2) General neighborhood redevelopment, 3) Improvements to Sunset Boulevard, 4) Master stormwater plan. Project Location: Sunset Area of the Renton Highlands STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Notice of Availability for the DEIS, schedule a public hearing on the DEIS, and begin state review under specific federal provisions. Staff and consultants have been working hard to issue the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Sunset Area. The planned issue date for this document is December 17, 2010. According to federal rules, the DEIS must be sent to the Environmental Protection Agency at least 10 days before publication, so the Notice of Availability should be issued by the ERC on December 6. This is a basic document that initiates the review and comment period. During the comment period NEPA requires that a public hearing be held to accept verbal comments on the DEIS. Since the authority to issue documents and make decisions has been given to the ERC all comments on the DEIS are directed toward this body. However, the City of Renton does not have procedure for this type of a public hearing. RMC 4-9-070K.5 specifies that a Final EIS (FEIS) shall be sent to the Planning Commission (or Hearing Examiner, as appropriate) prior to their recommendation being sent to the City Council. The Planning Commission will need to hold a public hearing on the Planned Action portion of the proposal and forward a recommendation to Council. Additionally, public hearings held in the early stages of programmatic proposals are typically held by the Planning Commission, so it makes sense to delegate authority for the DEIS comments hearing to the Planning Commission. At the conclusion of the DEIS comment period all comments received, both at the hearing and in writing, will be summarized in a report provided to the ERC. This can be used by the ERC to review comments and responses prior to issuing the FEIS. Additionally, the City must initiate special reviews to ensure compliance with federal regulations. Under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, the City must complete a certification that the proposal is in compliance with those rules. This certification concludes that the project is exempt from further requirements. To ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act, the City must also initiate review with NOAA Fisheries. A letter initiating this review is attached. Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS ERC Report 10-052, EIS City of Renton Department of Community e. Economic Development Envi—rimental Review Committee Report SUNSET AREA PLANNED ACTION AND EIS Report of December 6, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Attachments: Environmental Review Committee Memo Coastal Zone Management Compliance Form Letter to NOAA Fisheries ERC Report -Hearing and SA 10-052.doc DEPARTMENT OF CO_ UNITY ill d 1 QC1ryof �} AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �ff b ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TO: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Administrator Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator FROM: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager MEETING DATE: Monday, December 6, 2010 TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 Quendall Terminals — DEIS Signature (Dalbee) LUA09-151, ECF, EIS, BSP, SM, SA -M Location: 4350 Lake Washington Blvd N. Description: The applicant is requesting Master Plan Review, Binding Site Plan, Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and SEPA Environmental Review for a mixed-use development located at 4350 Lake Washington Blvd. The site is 21.46 acres and is zoned Commercial/Office/Residential (COR) and located within the Urban shoreline designation. The 21.46 - acre site would be divided into 7 lots of which 4 would contain large mixed-use buildings. Overall, the development would consist of 800 residential units, 245,000 square feet of office, 21,600 square feet of retail and 9,000 square feet of restaurant, resulting in a net residential density of 46.4 units/acre. The applicant has proposed to dedicate 3.65 acres for public right-of-way, which would provide access to the 7 proposed lots. Surface and structured parking would be provided for 2,171 vehicles. The site contains approximately 0.81 acres of wetlands and 1,583 feet of shoreline along Lake Washington. The subject site has received a Superfund designation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is currently working on a remediation plan with EPA. The results of the remediation would potentially change the existing environment on the subject site scientifically, including but not limited to trees, soils, and wetlands. Proposed improvements include remediation of existing contamination, stormwater and sewer improvements. Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS (Cankling) LUA10-052, EIS Location: Sunset area of the Renton Highlands. Description: Complete an EIS and Planned Action that addresses four topics: 1) Redevelopment of Sunset Terrace Public Housing, 2) General neighborhood redevelopment, 3) Improvements to Sunset Boulevard, 4) Master stormwater plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMI E MEETING AGENDA December 6, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Hillcrest Community Building (Conkling) LUA10-080 Location: 1430 Hillcrest Lane NE. Description: Construct a 2,200 s.f. community building with laundry area for the use of residents of Hillcrest Terrace. cc: D. Law, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale-Estey, CED Director I W. Flora, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal P. Hahn, Transportation Director C. Vincent, CED Planning Director N. Watts, Development Services Director L. Warren, City Attorney 0 F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner D. Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal J. Medzegian, Council DeMayor Law __ City 0 l� MUSA W004 T` Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator November 22, 2010 Ms. Allyson Brooks, PhD State Historic Preservation Officer ATTN: Mr. Russell Holter Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 Olympia, WA 98501 Subject: Section 106 Review—Renton Sunset Area Community DAHP Log Number: 091010-31-HUD-CDBG Renton File Number: LUA10-052 Dear Ms. Brooks and Mr. Halter: The City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority are proposing a series of activities to revitalize an area known as the Sunset Area Community, located in the vicinity of Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) east of Interstate 405 in the city of Renton, Washington. The potentially federally funded activities would include redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing complex at 970 Harrington NE and its vicinity, including improvements to NE Sunset Boulevard. We previously notified you of this undertaking in correspondence dated September 1, 2010 and October 28, 2010, initiating consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended, and to request concurrence on our determinations of eligibility, respectively. You concurred with our findings on NRHP eligibility on November 18, 2010. ICF International is assisting the City in meeting the requirements of Section 106 of the NHPA and has conducted a cultural resources survey for the undertaking. The study comprised an archaeological investigation and a historic resources survey. A copy was provided to you on October 28, 2010. It recommends that the proposed undertaking would not adversely affect the NRHP-eligible historic property located in the undertaking's Area of Potential Effects. Based on this finding, we have concluded that the proposed undertaking would have "no adverse effect" on historic properties in the APE. With this letter, we hereby request your concurrence with our finding that the proposed project will have no adverse effect on historic properties. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Ms. Brooks and Mr. Holter November 22, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Thank you for your assistance with this review. Please feel free to contact project manager Erika Conkling at (425) 430-6578 should you have any questions. Sincerely, City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Gregg Zim'kierman, Administrator Public Works Department Mark Peterson, Admini�st for Fire & Emergency Service Department A=CL-i tAlp� Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Communit rvices Department Alex Pietsch, Administrator Community and Economic Development Department F� .TATE, Ofi Ji Yr 68 yam? 18�� I Y O Y 2 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC PRESERVATiON 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 • Olympia, Washinotdn'96561 " Mailing address: PO Box 48343 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8343 (360) 586-3065 • Fax !Number (360) 586-3067 • Website: www.dahp.wa.gov November 18, 2010 Ms. Ericka Conkling City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 In future correspondence please refer to: Log: 091010 -31 -HUD -CDB G Property: Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Re: Determined Eligible Dear Ms. Conkling; Thank you for contacting our office. I have reviewed the materials you provided to our office and we concur with your professional consultant's opinion that the Saint Vincent De Paul Superstore is eligible to the National Register of Historic Places. We also concur that the remaining 47 historic -era properties are not eligible. I look forward to further consultation regarding your determination of effect. I would appreciate receiving any correspondence or comments from concerned tribes or other parties that you receive as you consult under the requirements of 36CFR800.4(a)(4) and the survey report when it is available. These comments are based on the information available at the time of this review and on behalf of the State Historic Preservation Officer pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its implementing regulations 36CFR800. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, �Holterroject Compliance Reviewer (360) 586-3533 russell.holter@dahp.wa.gov DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY L HISTORIC PRESERVATION Profec' the Pcsf, 5hcpe the Future Denis Law-- Mayor t1 ` City Of, ♦V}- Department of Community and Economic Development November 17, 2010 Alex Pietsch, Administrator Erik Peterson, NEPA Reviewer U.S. EPA Region 10 1200 Sixth Ave, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98101-3140 RE: U.S. EPA Region 10 comments of the NOI to prepare an EIS for the redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community and associated neighborhood revitalization. (EPA Project Number: 10 -051 -HUD) Dear Mr. Peterson: Thank you for your comments (dated October 18, 2010) on the Sunset Area Environmental Impact Statement. Enclosed is a document which includes a summary of responses to your comments, as well as others received during the scoping process for this project. The City is moving forward with preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which is tentatively scheduled for public, distribution on December 17, 2010. A copy of the DEIS will be mailed to you at that time. Thanks again for your involvement, and if I can be of any assistance, please contact me at (425)430-6578 or econklingPrentonwa-gov. Sincerely, Erika Conkling, A1CP Senior Planner C4 7 enclosure � �?� rM � � C4 � e �C= p�V, l r�u Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way 9 Renton,Wa shin gton 98057 • rentonwa-gov I ���z�nsrArFs UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 10 W 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 ° Seattle, WA 981 01-31 40 CitY Of Renton Planning Division OFF',CE OF ECOSYSTEMS, TRIBAL AND October 18, 2010 FS I Erika Conkling, Senior Planner LN City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 RE: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 comments on the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community and associated neighborhood revitalization. (EPA Project Number: 10 -051 -HUD) Dear Ms. Conkling: The EPA has reviewed your NOI dated September 17, 2010, regarding the redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community in King County, Washington. Our review of the NOI was conducted in accordance with our responsibilities under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section 309 of the Clean Air Act. Section 309 specifically directs the EPA to review and comment in writing on the environmental impacts associated with all major federal actions. Under our Section 309 authority, our review of the Draft EIS (DEIS) will consider the expected environmental impacts, and the adequacy of the DEIS in meeting procedural and public disclosure requirements of NEPA. A copy of our rating system is enclosed. We appreciate the background information posted on the City of Renton's website (http://rentonwa_gov/bLisiness/default.aspx?id=2060) — the "Scoping Document" is particularly useful. The "Environmental Topics" listed on pages 6-10 of your scoping document — as well as your public meeting - are exemplary of an effective scoping approach. Overall, we believe that your planning can lay the foundation for the redevelopment of Sunset Terrace into a healthy, livable, affordable, viable and green community. Such a community would likely be consistent with the HUD -DOT -EPA Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities' (Partnership) six livability principles.' The principles are: • provide more transportation choices; • promote equitable, affordable housing; • enhance economic competitiveness; • support existing communities; • coordinate and leverage federal policies and investment; and, 1 http://epa.gov/dced/partnership/index.litrnl GPristed 017 RsaYOW Paper 2 + value communities and neighborhoods. These principles frame our review and participation in the Project. In our enclosed, detailed comments we identify issues which we believe you should consider in the development of the EIS. With regard to the Partnership, our enclosed comments on "Transportation" and "Monitoring" discuss opportunities for pursuing and developing livability measures. Pursuing livability measures contributes to a better and broader understanding of which redevelopment actions most effectively achieve results consistent with the Partnership's principles. Our enclosed comments also address perspectives on stormwater — including our general expectation that redesigned stormwater drainage systems should result in long term water quality benefits. More specifically. we identify pre -development hydrology as a potential goal for your stormwater management efforts. Low impact development techniques — as noted in your scoping materials - are one method of moving towards such a goal. EPA's Stormwater Program and Smart Growth Division are potentially useful information sources. Consider, for example, EPA's "Water Quality Scorecard: Incorporating Green Infrastructure Practices at the Municipal, Neighborhood, and Site Scale' .4 Thank you for this opportunity to comment and if you have any questions please contact me at (206)-553-6382 or peterson.erik@epa.cov . Sincerely, Lz Erik Peterson NEPA Reviewer Environmental Review and Sediment Management Unit Enclosures: EPA Detailed Comments on the NOI to Prepare an EIS for the Redevelopment of Sunset Terrace EPA Rating System for Draft Environmental Impact Statements ' http:l/cfpub.epa.gov/npdeAomc.cfm`?program_id=6 httpa/www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/indcx.htm ° http://www.epa.gov/smartgTowth/water_scorecard.htm aFrfaMd on Recycled Fepor 3 EPA DETAILED COMMENTS ON THE NOI TO PREPARE AN EIS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF SUNSET TERRACE Range of Alternatives According to NEPA the range of reasonable alternatives should respond to the purpose and need for the project and to issues identified during the scoping process. This ensures that the EIS provides the public and the decision -maker with information that sharply defines the issues and identifies a clear basis for choice. We believe that the environmental impacts of the project may be as much a function of planning concepts' and design guidelines/ mitigation measures6 as it is a function of the intensity and density of redevelopment (number of units, square footage of office and retail and acreage of open space). Varying the location and type of public investment as well as anticipating different levels of private investment is a reasonable overall approach for these complex issues. Phased Approach Conformity rules under the Clean Air Act identify impacts as temporary only if they last 5 years or less. The question of whether or not this finding should also apply to impacts regarding noise, water quality, habitat, species, and so on should be examined. Long term social, economic, and environmental impacts should be acknowledged and appropriately mitigated. Air Toxics There are a large number of human epidemiology studies showing increased lung cancer associated with diesel exhaust and significant potential for non -cancer health effects. To help disclose and mitigate potential human health impacts from Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) — especially diesel exhaust - we are providing the following recommendations. 1. Discuss the cancer and non -cancer health effects associated with air toxics and diesel particulate matter. We believe that the resources listed below provide valuable background for this discussion. a. EPA's 2002 National Air Toxics Assessment' b. Puget Sound Clean Air Agency's Puget Sound Air Toxics Evaluation,8 c. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's Portland Air Toxics Assessment.9 d. Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Mobile Sources Final Rule 10 e. Health Effects Institute's May 2009 Special Report 17, "Traffic Related Air Pollution: A Critical Review of the Literature on Emissions, Exposure and Health Effects" 11 f. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' March 2007 study, "Analyzing, Documenting, and Communicating The Impacts of Mobile Source Air Toxic Emissions in the NEPA Process" 5 Building height and massing, Open space, Topography, Connections/ edges, Circulation, Land use. 6 Opportunities for infrastructure, energy and transportation needs with respect to greatest possible efficiency 7 http://www.eya.�Tov/ttn/atw/natamain] 8 ht€p://www.pseleanair.org/airq/basics/nsate final.pdr 9 http://www.deg.state.or,us/ag/toxics/pata.htm as 72 FR 8428, February 26, 2007 11 http://pubs.healtheffects.org,/�=ettilc.phl2'?u=453 0Printed on Recycled Paper M g. Recent papers published and presented at the 89`h annual Transportation Research Board Meeting. 12 i. Simplifying the Estimation of the Health Impacts from Freight Activity in an Urban Environment ii. Bus Shelter Placement and Exposure to Particulate Matter far Waiting Transit Passengers iii. Results of a Comprehensive Field Study of Fuel Use and Emissions from Non -Road Diesel Construction Equipment 2. Identify sensitive receptor locations, particularly parks, schools, hospitals, day care centers, etc. 3. Disclose all locations at which emissions would increase near sensitive receptors. Consider intersections, increased traffic, including increased diesel traffic and increased loads on engines (higher speeds, climbs, etc.). 4. Assess or account for (qualitative or modeled depending on the severity of existing and projected conditions) factors that could influence the degree of adverse impact to human health. These factors include, for example, distances to human activity centers and sensitive receptor locations and the amount, duration, location and dispersion of emissions. 5. Hotspot analysis for receptor locations for air toxics and particulate matter. 6. Commit to a full suite of air quality construction mitigation measures to avoid and minimize construction -related emissions to the extent possible. a. See the Clean Construction USA website at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/diesel/construction/ for many examples of construction mitigation measures, case studies, and examples of institutional arrangements for implementing this mitigation. For more information about mobile source air toxics, please contact Wayne Elson of our Air Program office at (206)553-1463. Indoor Air We commend the Seattle Housing Authority and partners for the indoor air quality benefits achieved through the Breathe Easy project at High Point. We encourage the City of Renton to integrate lessons learned at High Point into the redevelopment of Sunset Terrace. Findings from the Breathe Easy project at High Point may be especially relevant for Sunset Terrace as the two public housing communities were constructed by the same developer at nearly the same time. See EPA's website on Indoor Air Quality for additional information: httg://www.epa.gov/iaq/ Lep-acy Pollutants Phase I and Phase H environmental site assessments should be conducted, as appropriate, in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials standards. Please disclose the most recent findings from any relevant legacy pollutant studies in the Draft EIS. 12http://wwNy.trb.or�z/Maiji/Blurbs/2010 TRB 89th Annual Meeting_Comnendium of_Papers 162791,ilM aPrinted on ReCY~Paper For more information about EPA Region 10's Brownfield Program, please contact Brooks Stanfield at (206)553-4423 and/or see the program's website at: http://yosemite. pa.gov/rl0/cleanup.nsf/sitesfbf Health Impact Assessment Projects that have potential to substantially affect social, economic, and/or environmental conditions within communities may benefit from a Health Impact Assessment (HIA), or, at least, elements of HIA. HIA is a combination of procedures, methods, and tools that enables systematic analysis of the potential positive or negative effects of a policy, plan, program or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the population.13 HIA also identifies actions to mitigate negative effects. The potential need to address health is supported by the NEPA at Public Law 91-190, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347, §4321 and §4331; by NEPA regulations at 40 CFR 1508.8, and 1508.27; by Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice; and E.D. 13045 on Children's Health and Safety. Assessing health impacts is important in conducting environmental impact analyses because health effects from development projects, programs, or policies are often more far- reaching than is commonly recognized. Environmental analyses often consider release of pollutants, contaminant exposure, and/or cancer risks, but other health impacts that could occur are often overlooked. For example, other health impacts that could occur include: • Income from new jobs can have positive health impacts by increasing socioeconomic status or increasing access to health care. This income has also been associated with decreased access to health care by changing someone's eligibility for public assistance programs. Income from new jobs has also been associated with increased rates of alcohol and drug use, and domestic violence and child abuse due to increased discretionary income, rapid social and community change (particularly in rural areas) and disrupted family structure due to unusual work schedules. • Replacing low-income housing with high-cost housing can lead to negative health impacts on displaced populations, including increased incidence in chronic diseases, depression, and anxiety. • Adding lanes to a roadway increases vehicle traffic volume and speed. This could result in increased motor vehicle crashes and increased severity of those crashes. Increased vehicle volume also affects air quality in neighborhoods adjacent to the road, potentially exacerbating the rate and severity of respiratory disease in vulnerable populations. • Adding green space to a community, such as neighborhood parks, can lead to increased physical activity, which may lower incidence of obesity and cardiovascular disease, while providing a greater sense of well being and improved mental health for residents. Health effects such as these have been documented, but are rarely addressed in environmental analyses. When it appears that a HIA should be conducted, we recommend involving public health professionals early to assist in data gathering and analysis. Public health data and expertise may be available from local and state health departments, tribal health agencies, or federal public i' International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) definition, modified from the World Health Organization's Gothenberg consensus statement (1999). QPrinted on RoeycW Paper 6 health agencies such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Environmental Health, U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, or Indian Health Service. Guidelines for conducting HIA are available from various sources, including: • The World Health Organization (WHO) website provides links to many of these at: http://www.who.int/hia/about/guides/en/. • The International Finance Corporation has developed detailed guidelines for conducting HIA. http://www.ifc.or.iz/. • World Health Organization webpage on HIA: http://www.who.int/hia/en/. • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage on HIA.- http://www.cdc.,-- ,,ov/healthyplaces/hia.htm. Water 303(d) Listed Waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) To meet the requirements of the Clean Water Act, the EIS must identify all water bodies likely to be impacted by the project, the nature of the potential impacts, and the specific pollutants likely to impact those waters. If there are 303(d) listed water bodies in the project area, the EIS must additionally disclose information regarding TMDLs, the water bodies to which they apply, and pollutants of concern. Provisions for antidegradation of water quality also apply to water bodies where water quality standards are presently being met. 303(d) listed waters should not be further degraded and should be consistent with TMDLs to restore beneficial use support for impaired waters. If additional pollutant loading is predicted to occur to a 303(d) listed streams as a result of a transportation project, the project should include measures to control existing sources of pollution to offset pollutant addition from road construction, so that no deterioration of water quality occurs. Where appropriate, consider implementing watershed or aquatic habitat restoration activities to compensate for past impacts to aquatic resources, particularly in watersheds with 303(d) listed waters where development may have contributed to aquatic impairments through past channelization, riverine or floodplain encroachments, sediment delivery during construction, and other activities that may have affected channel stability, water quality, aquatic habitat, and designated waterbody uses. Predevelopment Hydrology We believe that designing for predevelopment hydrology may be an effective water quality management strategy for the Project. EPA's "Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act" details two potential approaches for maintaining and/or restoring, "...the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature, rate, volume, and duration of flow." 14 14 www.epa.sov/owow/n12s/I.id/section438 0 PrMW on Recycled Paper 7 Transportation Integrating enhancements for public transportation, bicycles and pedestrians — as well as providing through capacity for vehicles — is consistent with quality urban design, increases clean and efficient transportation options, and promotes healthy living. The City of Renton's background materials show an interest in an integrated and multi -modal strategy for transportation. Activities and planning around Sunset Boulevard appear to present substantial opportunities for integrated and multi -modal transportation improvements. To assess/inform the sustainability of your designs we recommend you consider and discuss — if appropriate - the usefulness of relevant performance metrics. "Greenroads", for example, is a tool which can be used to assess/ inform roadway sustainability — a key component of an integrated and sustainable transportation system. 15 For more information on measuring the sustainability of streets and transportation contact the author of this letter for a copy of the memorandum to EPA Smartgrowth from. ICF International, "Scoring Smart Growth Streets Literature Review — Findings" The following resources may also help to assess/ inform your transportation plan: • Green Highway Partnership. 16 • The following references from the 89`h annual Transportation Research Board Meeting. t7 o Carsharing's Impact on Household Vehicle Ownership o Examining Transportation Impacts with a Multimodal Perspective o Catching a Ride on the Information Super Highway o Markets for Dynamic Ridesharing o How does the Built Environment Influence Pedestrian Activity and Pedestrian Collisions at Intersections Monitoring EPA believes the Project presents opportunities to redevelop Sunset Terrace in a manner consistent with the HUD -DOT -EPA Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities' (Partnership) six Livability Principles. Another aspect of the Partnership is the "Partnership Agreement".' 8 In this agreement, HUD -DOT and EPA state their intention to "Develop livability measures and tools". We believe monitoring associated with the overall redevelopment effort is an opportunity to both learn about and learn from livability measures and tools. Efforts to benchmark existing conditions; develop tools to measure progress towards achieving community visions; and, increase the accountability of engaging in sustainable redevelopment may help to (i) move the national dialogue on livability measures forward, and, (ii) effectively measure the performance of your efforts. " httt)://www.Ereenroads,us/ 16 http://www,nreenhiphw.ayspartnership.org/inclex,php 'http://www.trb.or.t4/M,kin/Blurbs/2010 TRB 89th Annual fleeting Coinpeadigm of Papers 16279 f.aspx ca http://www.epa.2ov/dced/partnership/index.html QPdnMd an Recycled Paper S We recommend that the EIS discuss your effectiveness monitoring strategy. Potentially useful general guidelines and resources for an effective monitoring strategy include, but are not limited to: • Council on Environmental Quality's "Draft Guidance for NEPA Mitigation and Monitoring". 19 • EPA's Green Communities.20 • The U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Neighborhood Development. 21 For more information on the Partnership contact Melanie Wood at 206-553-1107. Plants and Animals Urban Forest Restoration Potentially beneficial urban forest restoration goals include, but are not limited to, the following: • Enhancing connections to adjacent neighborhoods. • Connecting wildlife/bird corridors and increasing habitat. Enhancing stormwater management, increasing water evaporation, reducing thermal heating effects and offsetting carbon emissions. • Enhancing public open spaces and pedestrian corridors. EPA strongly supports these goals and we recommend that the EIS compare how different redevelopment alternatives, design guidelines/ mitigation measures and planning concepts would impact reaching them. For more information on the human dimensions of urban forestry and urban greening see htti)://www.naturewithin.info/. Threatened and Endangered Species The EIS should identify the endangered, threatened, and candidate plant and animal species under ESA, and other sensitive species within the project area. The EIS should describe critical habitat for the species; identify impacts the project would have on species and their critical habitats; and how the project would meet all ESA requirements, including consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries). We believe an adequate EIS includes — if relevant to the project - a biological assessment and/or a description of the ESA Section 7 consultation with USFWS and NOAA Fisheries. Invasive Species Ground disturbing activities create opportunity for establishment of non-native invasive species. In compliance with NEPA and with the Executive Order 13112, analysis and disclosure of these actions and their effects, as well as any mitigation to prevent or control such outbreaks should be included. We urge that disturbed areas be revegetated using native species and that 19 htto://cea.hss.doe.Qov/neDa/re2s/Miti2ation and Monitorin! Draft NEPA Guidance FINAL 02182010.odf 20 littp://www.ep-,t.2ov/greenkit/ijidex.htm zz http://www.usgbc.or2�DisplayPa�2e.aspx?CMSPa.leID=148 aPrinted on Recycled Paper 9 there be ongoing maintenance (wholly or primarily non -chemical means) to prevent establishment of invasives in areas disturbed by project activities. Land Use Urban Agriculture Potential environmental benefits from urban agriculture include, but are not limited to: including but not limited to: • Reduced food transportation costs and emissior_s. • Water duality benefits from stormwater infiltration and water re -use. • Food security. • Economic opportunity. • Community building. • Increased supply of traditional foods. • Reduced organic waste through on-site composting. • Reduced food packaging waste. • Increased opportunities for exercise. • Reduced landscaping maintenance costs. We recommend that the City of Renton consider urban agriculture and its potential benefits in the DEIS. Some issues to consider include the following: • The current and future (under various redevelopment alternatives and/or planning concepts) areal extent of urban agriculture on the site • The current and future economic and social contributions of urban agriculture on the site. An urban agriculture plan which addresses: a The appropriate balance of individual ownership and shared spaces o Leadership and organizational structures and processes o Visual impacts from different urban agriculture practices (including untidy or weedy plots) o Erosion from rotating or unplanted areas o Insect and small mammal infestations o Water management (e.g., the difference between the water consumption of drought tolerant landscaping and urban agriculture) o Cost/ benefit analysis of pesticide and herbicide use versus integrated pest management and organic agriculture o Adaptive management and mitigation of potential soil contamination. In addition to numerous useful and up-to-date local resources on urban agriculture you may find the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agriculture Library Alternative Farming Systems Information Center helpful. z' Energy (Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases) On December 7, 2009, EPA Administrator signed two distinct findings regarding greenhouse gases (GHG) under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act: 22 h1t12://afsic.na1.usda.gov/nal display/index.php''info._center=2&tax level=2&tax_subiect=301&to ric id=1444 10Prinfad cn Rec0W Paper 10 The Administrator finds that six greenhouse gases taken in combination endanger both the public health and the public welfare of current and future generations. The Administrator also finds that the combined emissions of these greenhouse gases from new motor vehicles and new motor vehicle engines contribute to the greenhouse gas air pollution that endangers public health and welfare under CAA section 202(a).23 These findings do not themselves impose any requirements on industry or other entities. In the absence of Federal law or policy regarding the mitigation of greenhouse gases we recommend that entities take voluntary action to mitigate GHG emissions. We, therefore, encourage efforts to mitigate embodied, operational, and transportation carbon impacts. Innovative energy designs — including partnerships with nearby facilities — are potentially significant opportunities to mitigate GHG emissions. Your proposed focused review of greenhouse gas emissions using the King County greenhouse gas emissions worksheet will help to facilitate efforts to understand and continually reduce GHG emissions. We support such an analysis, as is planned for this project, to increase preparedness for and decrease potential costs associated with meeting local, county, state, regional, national, and international responses to climate change. 24 We note the Whitehouse Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) October, b 2010 Guidance on Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting. 25 This Guidance establishes Government -wide requirements for measuring and reporting GHG emissions associated with Federal agency operations. The guidance is accompanied by a separate Draft Technical Support Document that provides detailed information on Federal inventory reporting requirements and calculation methodologies. In addition, we recommend you consider the following resources regarding climate change and GHGs: Draft NEPA Guidance on Consideration of the Effects of Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 26 Recent papers published and presented at the 89"' annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, including: o Current Practices in GHG Emissions Savings from Transit o Reducing CO2 Emission in King County: An Integrated Urban Form and Technology Approach o A disaggregated Empirical Analysis of the Determinants for Urban Travel GHG Emissions — Quebec 23 http://www.epa.gov/cIimalechan_,e/endan.,errnent.Iltrnt 24 Consider, for instance, Local Governments for Sustainability, King County Climate Plan, Northwest Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Western Climate Initiative, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and the Bali Action Plan. 25 http://www.whitehou,,e.gov/administration/eop/ceq/sustainability/fed-ghg 26 41 of Effects of GHG Draft NEPA Guidance FINAL, 02182010. L QCrinted on Recycled Caper 11 Environmental Justice In compliance with NEPA and with E.O. 12898 on Environmental Justice, actions should be taken to conduct adequate public outreach and participation that ensures the public and Native American tribes truly understand the possible impacts to their communities and trust resources. Minority and/or low income communities and tribes must be effectively informed, heard, and responded to regarding the project impacts and issues affecting their communities and natural and cultural resources. The information gathered from the public participation process and how this information is factored into decision-making should be disclosed in the EIS. EPA requests the following information from lead agencies, at a minimum, when reviewing EISs to determine the adequacy of analysis: • Describe the efforts that have/will be taken to inform the communities about the impacts of the project and to ensure "meaningful public participation" by the poteWially affected communitieslindividuals. • Identify low income and people of color (minority) communities in the impact area(s) of the project. • Disclose in the EIS what was heard from the community about the project during the public participation sessions by listing the impacts identified by the project proponent and the communities (perceived and real). • Address whether these impacts are likely to occur and to whom, and evaluate all impacts for their potential to disproportionately impact low income and/or people of color (minority) communities. • Describe how what was heard from the public was/will be incorporated into the decisions made about the project (such as the development of alternatives or choice of alternatives). • Propose mitigation for the impacts that will or are likely to occur. Tribal Consultation Government -to -government consultation with federally recognized Indian tribal governments is legally required. Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, and the President's executive memorandum of September 22, 2004 are the latest iterations of federal government policy; the latter directed that: Each executive department and agency ... shall continue to ensure to the greatest extent practicable and as permitted by United States law that the agency's working relationship with federally recognized tribal governments fully respects the rights of self' -government and self' -determination due tribal governments. Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice is also relevant to Indian tribes, including both federally recognized tribes and tribes that are not formally recognized but that comprise minority and/or low-income populations. Special efforts must be taken to avoid disproportionate adverse environmental impacts on such tribes, and to eliminate barriers to their full participation in the NEPA process and related processes of environmental review. The lead federal agency responsible for a NEPA analysis is responsible for consulting government -to -government with the governments of federally recognized tribes, and for aFrinW on Reeyefetl Fspw I? consulting, though not necessarily on a formal government -to -government basis, with non - recognized tribes. In all cases, efforts must be made to respect tribal cultural interests, values, and modes of expression, and to overcome language, economic, and other barriers to tribal participation. Special attention should be paid to environmental impacts on resources held in trust or treaty resources. Trust resources include those resources held in trust by the U.S. government on a tribe's behalf (such as tribal lands, minerals, and timber). They also include resources in which a tribe has rights that the U.S. government is obligated to protect. However, there is a rule of treaty construction, established long ago by the Supreme Court, that a right not explicitly ceded by a tribe was reserved, so tribes may have a basis for arguing for consideration of a wide range of traditional land rights, such as the right to use religious places and the right to protect the remains of their ancestors. For a NEPA analysis, this means that close consideration should be given to all types of resources and aspects of the environment that tribes regard as significant, and that this consideration be carried out in consultation with tribes. Consultation should begin at the earliest stages of NEPA review, when the purpose and need for the action are considered, alternatives are formulated, and approaches to scoping are established. It should continue through the remainder of the NEPA analysis, documentation, and review process and be documented in Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and Records of Decision (RODs), Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs,) and the recordkeepine, supporting the application of categorical exclusions. EPA recommends that lead agencies consult with the potentially affected tribes specific to their interests and concerns. Among the issues that in EPA's experience are often of concern to tribes are: * Reservation lands. • Formally identified trust and treaty resources. Grave and burial sites. • Off -reservation sacred sites. • Traditional cultural properties or landscapes. • Hunting, fishing, and gathering areas (including impacts to ecosystems that support animals and plants that are or once were part of the Tribes and tribal descendants' traditional resource areas). • Access to traditional and current hunting, fishing and gathering areas and species. • Changes in hydrology or ecological composition of springs, seeps, wetlands and streams, that could be considered sacred or have traditional resource use associations. • Water quality in streams, springs, wetlands and aquifers. * Travel routes that were historically used, and travel routes that may be currently used. • Historic properties and other cultural resources. aPdn(ed on Ascyded PAW 13 Since the responsibility for government -to -government consultation with tribes is vested by law in the federal government, we recommend that a lead federal agency not delegate its tribal consultation responsibilities to the State or local government unless it has a formal agreement to such delegation with the pertinent tribal government or governments permitting such delegation, as well as a formal agreement with the State or local government as to how such consultation responsibilities will be carried out. Cultural Resources Impacts on cultural resources are often of concern to Indian tribes, both recognized and non -recognized, but they are also of concern to other groups as well. The NEPA regulations, at 40 CFR 1508.27(b) (3) and (8), require that effects on cultural resources are considered in judging the significance of environmental impacts. A variety of specific federal laws, laws of many states, Indian tribes, and other jurisdictions and a number of international conventions and recommendations apply to the management of impacts on different kinds of cultural resources, such as: • Historic buildings, structures, sites, districts, and landscapes. • Religious practices, beliefs, and places. • Traditional uses of land and resources. • Ancestral human remains and burial sites. + Traditional ways of life. The lead federal agency conducting a NEPA analysis should ensure that all such impacts are considered in an orderly and systematic manner, in full consultation with all concerned parties, especially those who may ascribe cultural importance to such resources. Such parties should be contacted early in the scoping process and consulted throughout the analysis, documentation, and review process. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its implementing regulations (36 CFR 800) outlines specific procedures to be used in examining potential impacts on historic places. These procedures should be carefully followed in the course of any NEPA analysis, but agencies must be careful not to allow attention to Section 106 review to cause analysts to give insufficient consideration to other kinds of cultural resources. Not all cultural resources are "historic properties" as defined in the National Historic Preservation Act (that is, places included in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places); hence they cannot all be addressed through Section 106 review, but this does not mean that they do not need to be addressed under NEPA. EPA recommends that no Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Record of Decision (ROD) be completed until the processes of consultation, analysis, review and documentation required by Section 106 of NHPA have been fully completed. if adverse effects to historic properties are identified, any Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) developed to resolve these concerns under Section 106 of NHPA should be referenced in the FONSI or ROD. Unless there is some compelling reason to do otherwise, the Section 106 MOA should be fully executed before a FONSI or ROD is issued, and the FONSI or ROD should provide for implementation of the MOA's terms. aPrfnWd on Recy W Paper 14 Useful references include: http://www.npi.oro/nepLi/index.htmi regarding NEPA and cultural resources; lits ://www.e pa. ov/coin liance/resources/ )ublicatit)ns/ed/i s consultation auide. df includes the document, Guide on Consultation and Collaboration with Indian Tribal Governments and the Public Participation of Indigenous Groups and Tribal Members in Environmental Decision Making. Executive Orders- E.O. 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Tribes. aPrinwon Recycw Paper 15 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Rating System for Draft Environmental Impact Statements Definitions and Fallow -Up Action* Environmental Impact of the Action LO — Lack of Objections The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) review has not identified any potential environmental impacts requiring substantive changes to the proposal. The review may have disclosed opportunities for application of mitigation measures that could be accomplished with no more than minor changes to the proposal, EC — Environmental Concerns EPA review has identified environmental impacts that should be avoided in order to fully protect the environment. Corrective measures may require changes to the preferred alternative or application of mitigation measures that can reduce these impacts. EO — Environmental Objections EPA review has identified significant environmental impacts that should be avoided in order to provide adequate protection for the environment. Corrective measures may require substantial changes to the preferred alternative or consideration of some other project alternative (including the no-aetion alternative or a new alternative). EPA intends to work with the lead agency to reduce these impacts. EU — Environmentally Unsatisfactory EPA review has identified adverse environmental impacts that are of sufficient magnitude that they are unsatisfactory from the standpoint of public health or welfare or environmental quality. EPA intends to work with the lead agency to reduce these impacts. If the potential unsatisfactory impacts are not corrected at the final EIS stage, this proposal will be recommended for referral to the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Adequacy of the Impact Statement Category 1 — Adequate EPA believes the draft EIS adequately sets forth the environmental impacts) of the preferred alternative and those of the alternatives reasonably available to the project or action. No further analysis of data collection is necessary, but the reviewer may suggest the addition of clarifying language or information. Category 2 — Insufficient Information The draft EIS does not contain sufficient information for EPA to fully assess environmental impacts that should be avoided in order to fully protect the environment, or the EPA reviewer has identified new reasonably available alternatives that are within the spectrum of alternatives analyzed in the draft EIS, which could reduce the environmental impacts of the action. The identified additional information, data, analyses or discussion should be included in the final EIS. Category 3 — Inadequate EPA does not believe that the draft EIS adequately assesses potentially significant environmental impacts of the action, or the EPA reviewer has identified new, reasonably available alternatives that are outside of the spectrum of alternatives analyzed in the draft EIS, which should be analyzed in order to reduce the potentially significant environmental impacts. EPA believes that the identified additional information, data, analyses, or discussions are of such a magnitude that they should have full public review at a draft stage. EPA does not believe that the draft EIS is adequate for the purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act and or Section 309 review, and thus should be formally revised and made available for public comment in a supplemental or revised draft EIS. On the basis of the potential significant impacts involved, this proposal could be a candidate for referral to the CEQ. * From EPA Manual 1640 Policy and Procedures for the Review of Federal Actions Impacting the Environment. February, 1987 * ArinW on Recycled pspsr FR Doc 2010-23181 [Federal Register: September 17, 2010 (Volume 75, Number 1801,] [Notices] [Page 57051-570521 From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:frl7se10-119] DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR -5443-N-01] Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Sunset Area Community, City of Renton, WA AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gives notice to the public, agencies, and Indian tribes that the City of Renton, WA, intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community and associated neighborhood revitalization. Pursuant to the authority granted by section 26 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437x) in connection with projects assisted under section 9 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 1437g), the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321) in accordance with 24 CFR 58.1 and 58.4, and as the lead agency for compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C), will perform the joint environmental review. This notice is in accordance with regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality at 40 CFR parts 1500-1508. All interested Federal, State, and local agencies, Indian tribes, groups, and the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. If you are, an agency with jurisdiction by law over natural or other public resources affected by the project, the City of Renton needs to know what environmental information germane to your statutory responsibilities should be included in the EIS. ADDRESSES: Comments relating to the scope of the EIS are requested and will be accepted by the contact person listed below until October 18, 2010. Any person or agency interested in receiving a notice and wishing to make comment on the Draft EIS should contact the persons listed below. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The primary contact is Erika Conkling, AICP, Senior Planner, City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, 425-430-6578 (voice) 425-430-7300 (fax), or e-mail: econklinq@rentonwa.gov. An alternative contact is Mark Santos -Johnson, Senior Economic Development Specialist, City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development, 425-430-6584 (voice), msartoslohnson@rentonwa. ov, available at the same address and fax number listed above. Public Participation: The public will be invited to participate in http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-23181.htm Page 1 of 3 09/20/2010 FR Doc 2010-23181 the review of the Draft EIS. Release of the Draft EIS will be announced through public mailings as well as the local news media. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Project Name and Description The primary proposal is redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community, a Renton Housing Authority property of approximately 100 existing units in 50 -year old, two story structures, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue on approximately eight acres. The Renton Housing Authority also owns another approximately 3 acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue, NE., Glenwood Avenue, NE., and Sunset Lane, NE., and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE. for housing and associated services. Sunset Terrace was developed in approximately 1960 though the rest of the neighborhood largely developed between the 1940s and 1970s. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed - income, mixed --use residential and commercial space and public amenities. It is expected that with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by Renton Housing Authority, that up to 200 additional new affordable housing units and potentially 300 new moderate income to market rate housing units could be created. There would be a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and may include the following: a community gathering space or "Third Place''; a new recreation/community center; a new library; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and/or green infrastructure. As a result of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment, it is expected that private redevelopment in the neighborhood will be catalyzed. Supporting both Sunset Terrace and neighborhood redevelopment will be civic investments including: planned or anticipated upgrades to Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) and other local streets, stormwater drainage systems, parks and recreation facilities, [[Page 57052]] education facilities, and a new public library. The Sunset Area contains many public amenities and publicly -owned parcels creating significant opportunities for partnership and integration of civil infrastructure improvements. The City of Renton has already undertaken significant effort to prioritize strategies for public investment in the Sunset Area through the work of the recently approved Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS will address the primary proposal of the Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as evaluate secondary proposals such as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. The City of Renton is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action ordinance pursuant to SEPA. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs when future projects are consistent with EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-23 18 1.htm Page 2 of 3 09/20/2010 FR Doc 2010-23181 Alternatives to the Proposed Action: The alternatives to be considered by the lead agency will include the proposed action, a no action alternative, and a redevelopment alternative to the proposed action. The redevelopment alternative will be finalized after conclusion of the scoping comment period. It may address alternative land use mixes, infrastructure options, or other features. Probable Environmental Effects The lead agency has preliminarily identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographic, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, stormwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, electrical; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. Lead Agency This EIS will be a joint National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) document intended to satisfy requirements of federal and state environmental statutes. In accordance with specific statutory authority and HUD's regulations at 24 CFR part 58, the City of Renton is authorized to assume responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise to apply HUD under NEPA, which includes NEPA lead agency responsibility. Questions may be directed to the individuals named in this notice under the heading "For Further Information Contact.'' Dated: August 23, 2010. Mercedes M[aacute]rquez, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. [FR Doc. 2010-23181 Filed 9-16-10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210-67-2 http://edocket-access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-23 18 1 htm Page 3 of 3 09/20/2010 Fr n o- c � � � r -, _- .L - s _ s � EF rt: rte• �- .i � c. ? n _ � � �' � o = rya_ � n - � % _ �. �- � _� � v, oR7 � r' �� y � yry � W a ,. - � _ -' � ? o n = - - L c' c = r ,,� � = _ < � cam,•^ - _ a n ry - cER r =. rF L _ rt J _ FE Ei n a- �-F, g - n Y f.' ?�_ .. ry o i ? F 7n -f - - - :3 c - +'"`o-�e7 - J -. rn_ ='Y !� '-' � ESQ � CL ;r. rn ,-+ � r r C • ,� � '� � f t?7��°��-� UCL CL aC� CJGIQ� `Y .� O cD a_ a 3 :7- z d C F+ 0 a CD Oy ". `D CD CD rt o rD UQ co CD m CD t` y s CIO CD „* N~ O CD ^^ n O ¢ Rrn�� CDqq s ZFij rY G rn rn KA ! Tis rfi, rn r -r `�+ �i `A���a.utti�ti, CD ��, C CD `Ci ^ H O. P • n p f C/D orD * p .,.. q{ t �T Z 'r Q (➢ s • {'C O C6 (7Q 00 0 c y a -•. n=' .. rr4 ar 9-2 5i _ Fi - 7 FF O O V• '� F7 z n n ` C a' : n �. N rtQ r� R [t j - .-. '1 T r4�, r _ - r �. m �: =1 r^ •b P. r- � c. � c € rro rt=. W r�n'o �'- c c. c •t ti � `-- c _ � �. { � - - f x � _ r. � c r .. - n r.- ?, ry " i Fr n o- c � � � r -, _- .L - s _ s � EF rt: rte• �- .i � c. ? n _ � � �' � o = rya_ � n - � % _ �. �- � _� � v, oR7 � r' �� y � yry � W a ,. - � _ -' � ? o n = - - L c' c = r ,,� � = _ < � cam,•^ - _ a n ry - cER r =. rF L _ rt J _ FE Ei n a- �-F, g - n Y f.' ?�_ .. ry o i ? F 7n -f - - - :3 c - +'"`o-�e7 - J -. rn_ ='Y Erika Conklin From: Kriedt, Gary [Gary.Kriedt@kingcounty.gov] Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 11:09 AM To: Erika Conkling Cc: Hahn, LG Subject: KC Metro Transit Comments on Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS, LUA 10-052, EIS Hi Erika -- King County Metro Transit staff reviewed the Sunset Area Planned Action/ElS (LUA 10-052, EIS) and we have the following comments. The project area is served by Routes 240 and 909. Route 909 serves two bus stops along Harrington, and Route 240 operates along Sunset Blvd, Route 240 provides frequent service between Renton and Bellevue via the Renton Highlands, so, the redevelopment should be well served by transit. Other routes in the greater Renton Highlands area are the 105, 111 and 908. The two bus stops on Harrington could use additional 10 ft. X 4 ft. ADA landing area at the back of the sidewalk. Please contact LG Hahn, Transit Planner, at 206-684-1725, Ig,hahn(a)kingcounty.qov, to discuss. Thank you! Gary Krledt, Senior Environmental Planner Metro Transit 201 South Jackson St, MS KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 (206) 684.1188 fax: (2061-684-1900 gary.kriedtftin4coun .gov Denis Law City Ot _ �ti r Mayor .r Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator September 10, 2010 Virginia Cross, Chairperson of the Muckleshoot Tribal Council Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Subject: Renton Sunset Area Community —Area; of Potential Effects Map Dear Chairperson Cross: The City of Renton sent you a letter on September 1sr (copy enclosed) initiating a formal consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Unfortunately, it was brought to my attention that the Area of Potential Effects CAPE) map that was supposed to be enclosed with that letter was not, in fact, enclosed. Enclosed is a copy of the APE map. At this time, we would invite you to comment on our determination of the undertaking's proposed APE, and request the sharing of any information you might have on the project area. We understand and respect the sensitive nature of cultural resources and traditional cultural properties, and we will not disseminate any specific site or area location information to the general public. This information will only be included in a technical report disseminated amongst the project team, DAHP, and the Muckleshoot Tribe. Specific information on site location and/or traditional cultural properties will be withheld from the public documentation prepared for the undertaking. Thank you for your time. Should you have any questions about this undertaking, please feel free to contact me at (425)430-6578. Sincerely, f Erika Conkling, AICP, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development cc: Laura Murphy, Archaeologist Enclosure: Area of Potential Effects Map Copy of Letter of September 1, 2010 Renton City Hall 0 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Erika Conkling From: Erika Conkling Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 9:49 AM To:'laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us' Subject: Renton Sunset Area Consultation- Section 106 consultation Attachments: APE_20100901.pdf; 2010-09-01 RentonSunset APE Letter MUCKLESHOOT CulturalResources2.doc Laura - Last week I mailed a letter to you (a copy is included as the second attachment above), but 1 neglected to enclose the area of potential effect map. Please accept this electronic version for review purposes. Thank you. Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econklinR@rentonwa.gov Erika Conklin From: Erika Conkling Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 9:38 ANI To: Irussell.holter@dahp.wa.gov' Subject: Area of Potential Effect Map.., Sunset Area in Renton Attachments: APE_20100901.pdf Russell, Thank you for your call this morning. Here is the enclosure that was not enclosed in the letter! Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling(@rentonwa.gov [Ar �fts f�,E21STT5+ ',}NE 21ST ST `. -091 1!a`L _ l �, l r � NE 215T.STotential Effects , .•.sr . _ t 11 fly�rNE.19TH STioa i,aao J. eet + R NE 18TH ST s '1% y ?.V -r, L w�� �` "� 4J� : i !"*M' a NEs SIL 17TH z �l Ni Q i m� r kV4Y LU - w�ilWN■ N'. M.1sa■Y # .r IN �..�_ w •�; i fVE Wli` }. .� - SWIM ]w' 4 V • q" "uRyatm-�NE16TH 5 w NE 15TH ST fit! r TIM - �11 � ' I' R�� _ r jl {�C� � 'R i�� w'� '��i`ufii. w_ -i � , w� LLi'�� N � fi.'411�`� _ �,.,• trl.• -• !I "" it _]w ,w— �z t►' ext Q�at ■ 4 .. _NEI4THSTe�� ='zlit , NE 13TH PL LL I. �*�S( w Z 3ST if N {� SNE 137H�, t ' -4NEA2TH ST �. �., V. �/ m�.—'�;' • ��' Q_ s f a WI_ Wit. _ `I •' Q� w i r �EMail ay'Q _. All— ze uy,< ;{ =y`4 Mr J �NtErE�x1THT • _ , I�■liillriiti ` iNEl14TMPL� a Zitr *�.�.�-7t • n �� �S _ �{ �+ i{ ' ,►� Z + y�Cr� t f .moi — � ur. NPID rys s �J �� ' AI CL k oaE�1bTH STS _ r ��� i.�i 0 1� } LU ;NE!6THIPL �+ii a z # w Z• s ._ �Iz T .� _ LU r f 1Fc> i AEG a� il° tip^. r 14 W i -i3 2Q ii i� � x dip o NE9TH.S_T. �x• Nt,�Mls 33 LLJ w pryA. NOdd r srh Sr. .,-MaW �,� ,a I. � Zr� �,,� $'(N- � , � "� •" NE,ST,H'ST ,: r Stix EO OFOxsur` _Y il- NP 6rfirA x N� o ♦THE ,TH1ST:.ru � t►. • NF zm is aa f� 67. �• � `r, �F 6r' �`t• � �iy:s'T ����f+. _��:� - : �D rte' � IIF •K� r� g 5 , �`` lwrk'iy^ ', ''s'� t m►'�' " NE 7TH PL - �� Area of Potential Effects 1CF Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS INTERNATIONALCity of Renton Sunset EIS 0 C) a a N �' a a ■ ■ (0 ■ ■ (.0 ■ ■ l- . . Oa a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) a CD a CD N "%t C) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ CD cQ cD P* -- (D cn a z (D CL a ca a a Mm c a co a� U) a) L. CL 06 a E a U cn a Lp cn a� C� CD U .a) _0 El 0 0 cn a 0 a cu a� 0 fir' on 0 C m �o �a � r* r+ D 0 � fD 2 � CL C- AA a z� �• G a m O O n � 'a m �• D rt M (� 1m; r e r� r-- � � Z 07 eb eb t 1 4-� Q Ch ul Gn r~_ D ' CL a CA `~L 0 n co co 0 C � � N ri ri w 17 m i m 3 m D CL CL C m �o �a � r* r+ D 0 � fD 2 � CL C- AA a z� �• G a m O O n � 'a m �• D rt M (� 1m; 7 vs 0 C:zl, CL LA q7 71% Ul 6-) :r vi Z -41 cr -43 ,fir r Ck � Irl > CL r CL -1 m3. 3f, Z�. CFQ aj =r 0 3 CD CL CL w > z cr m 0 0 CL 0 m —�,— 7L�il fi�z Con cu 3 571— �'j AN Ul Con 'VJ r. CL CL C, fi- i1, 7—� cm 00 kjI z LA 3cr cl �JQ rn CL IN. r -P. r#n ro Z�. CFQ aj =r 0 3 CD CL CL w > z cr m 0 0 CL 0 m Scoping Meeting September 1. 2010 Neiahhorhood Land Use Sunset Area Planned Action EIS Alternative Development Matrix ALTERNATIVE 1: No Action Public Facilities, Services & Development Pattern Supports Land Use Form and Location Housing Employment Infrastructure Interconnection/ Walkability Rand -alone commercial: dustered Single FamilyRedevlo rnent Small Retail Redeveio meat Libra ry� purpoe lto No impoent complexes Land Use,F mt and location Housbrg - Library - integrated into mixed use Pedestron-orim med development: minimize Primarily residential: urban scaSe, stacked Redevei Multiplex Redevelopment Library- integrated into mixed use Pedestrian -oriented development: minimize nal and/or townhouses with straRured Multiplex Redevelopment Retail Lot Consolidation pmen develo t setbacks, promote public realm, structured parking.— Library single purpose site No improvement complexes akin Horizontal Mixed use Vacant Infill DeveVopment Shopping Center Redevelopment New Centers: Community Center, Senior Tramt-c,,iented devebpment: density ;�: - - Center supports, transit into rated TVertical Mixed Use Homeownership Opportunities Local serving retail & services New parkland to support increased Paries & Recreation -integrated with Master 38'afadt5�phkirote.pphhc YlAlrh,.SLtrEt,Ylered Nodes, e.g. Sunset Terrace, institutions .:.......... .. residential capacity. Parks & Recreation: Integrated with Master Planned Development Urban Intensity Focused Around Key Rental Opportunities Regional serving retaiE & services Yerarn 1Beveiopmsrtt ..: Nodes, e.g. Sunset Terrace, Institutions Sunset Boulevard Planned Developmem ... ...' _: ::: _......... - .:.:�. Urban Intensity Focused Along Corridor: Market Rate .........::: Parks & Recreation: Optimize City/School traru7f Sunset Boulevard WomcawrtHtsfo�OlaParhtrrines `., Nmpatlilind'to support Rtcreased Regional Drainage Facilities _ _Facilities Parks & Recreation: Integration with land Use Pattern Supports Low Impact Affordable Urban Intensity Focused Around Key Regional Drainage Facilities -. R 6tuitsuwNr�_netag&"tvke9 Development, Green Streets Mired Income Land Use Pattern Supports Low Impact ---,,;, Education - Spectrum of Ages �.Manned Development ., Development, Green Streets Urban 1nlerts4l;ricused Alum Cauriliot: . 5rnnsei R-rL.rard - Integrated Social Services Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Education - Spectrum of Ages Family Village Redevelopment Integrated Social Services ALTERNATIVE 2: Mid -Range Intensity Improvements Public Facilities, Services & Development Pattern Supports Land Use Form and location Housing Employment infrastructure Interconnection/ Walkability Stand-alone Commicidal: clustered cam oxer Single FamilyRedevelopment Sm11 Retail Rede-lopt lib a ry-single purpose site No ipromen t Primarily residential: urban scale, stacked Land Use,F mt and location Housbrg - Library - integrated into mixed use Pedestron-orim med development: minimize flat and/or townhouses with structured pi -king Redevei Multiplex Redevelopment Retail Lot Consolidation development setbacks, promotepublic realm, structured parking Horizontal Mi.ed use Vacant Inbii Dewe; t oilmen Shp Center Redevelopment piling pmen New Centers: Community Center, Senior Transit -oriented development density Library single purpose site No improvement complexes Center su Ks, transit integrated Vertical Mixed Use Homeownership Opportunities Local serving retail & services New parkland to support increased ;�: - - residential capacity. natand/or townhouseswith structured Urban Intensity Focused Around key Rental Opportunities Regional serving retail & services Paries & Recreation -integrated with Master 38'afadt5�phkirote.pphhc YlAlrh,.SLtrEt,Ylered Nodes, e.g. Sunset Terrace, institutions .:.......... .. '. _. Planned Development ileyelonmentC' ... Urban Intensity Focused Along Corridor: ;. Har.ItpiiSal A'llxed tzse `..-...-. Yerarn 1Beveiopmsrtt ..: Parks & Recreation: oplimize city/School Sunset Boulevard Market Rate ... ...' _: ::: _......... - .:.:�. Facilities .. -. ..-:::-. ...:: .........::: Affordable traru7f Parks & Recreatatm: Integration with WomcawrtHtsfo�OlaParhtrrines `., focal servingaetaq & seitdcrs Nmpatlilind'to support Rtcreased Regional Drainage Facilities .:'= - Mixed mcorne land Use Pattern Supports Low Impact Urban Intensity Focused Around Key 8erftal Oppartunkylea -. R 6tuitsuwNr�_netag&"tvke9 Development, Green Streets Paries& Recreation. integrated wdi+ Master Sunset Tenram Redevelopment ---,,;, Education - Spectrum of Ages �.Manned Development ., Family Village Redevelopment Urban 1nlerts4l;ricused Alum Cauriliot: . 5rnnsei R-rL.rard - Integrated Social Services AL _ TME 3:' Intcnsttytnprovemcnts -:.. .. PuhGt Faplrtres,'SemceS 8r ":" Devert Pat6ern Suprts Land Use,F mt and location Housbrg - .,..E ytrreiit ; .. ,,, ..;.. hiFfa trueture lrttercanfaection/ Walkabouts Stall -alone commercial: clustered Single Family Redevelopment Small Retail Redevelopment Library single purpose site No improvement complexes Primarily resdenua3: urban scale, st ked ',:.. ;�: - - Pridestzraix-grillyhed deveioprYletfCixiriirrri natand/or townhouseswith structured € - Nreild}Siex Radevlopmant ' I - IAetiR l4fa'PnsolalBYbp.-i Lira m [egrated Iotagciuye 38'afadt5�phkirote.pphhc YlAlrh,.SLtrEt,Ylered Nrking.' .:.......... .. '. _. ileyelonmentC' ... _ .." _- _.. ;. Har.ItpiiSal A'llxed tzse `..-...-. Yerarn 1Beveiopmsrtt ..: ,....- Slxippirl)e�ePte: Redeve14ptilePt -NCw'Ckkit]eF5 t:Ornl�iMrty t.entef Semi- .......... Transit—.led dew I*ki erx ria ty ... ... ...' _: ::: _......... - .:.:�. .: ....... ..: ,.: .. -. ..-:::-. ...:: .........::: ....:. [-.nter traru7f Vertkaiiulixed : - dlse-: WomcawrtHtsfo�OlaParhtrrines `., focal servingaetaq & seitdcrs Nmpatlilind'to support Rtcreased .:'= Urban Intensity Focused Around Key 8erftal Oppartunkylea -. R 6tuitsuwNr�_netag&"tvke9 Paries& Recreation. integrated wdi+ Master Nodes, e. g. Sunset Terrace, Imlitul luny ---,,;, �.Manned Development ., Urban 1nlerts4l;ricused Alum Cauriliot: . 5rnnsei R-rL.rard - :.... '. Market Rate Parks & Recreation: Optimize Coy/Shcao€ sxslittns .:... Affordable Mimed income Some :Kemsce Redevelopaxat f-atni[�Vlllage Redevelq>frr�rt Regional Drainage Facilities ' Land alae PattOrn Supprms�tWw3rnpaot.= Deneiopmeoi, Green Strt*ta ',:::'.�r�catlpn - Spedtryrt otAgo . . '.:i Httegte�d3ocrai5�ilres". ':' Scoping Meeting September 1, 2010 Sunset Terrace Sunset Area Planned Action E15 Alternative Development Matrix ALTERNATIVE 1: No Action Street Network, Housing Development Urban Form Sunset Terrace Amenities Pedestrian Realm Non -Residential Development lntill on vacant RHA properties No improvement No improvement No improvement None 1,1 Public Housing replacement (100 units) Focus density along Sunset tslvd New open space, e.g. active, garden, other improved intersection and crossing at Sunset Neighborhood Retail .. Pvd and Harrington New affordable and market rate units (250- F ws density at Sunset Blvd/ Harrington New rainwater park Green eonnectionf bioswale along Harrington New stand alone Highlands Library at Sunset 3501 Intersection and north on Harrington _Use townhomes to transition to residential New rainwater park Green eonrtertion/ bioswale along Harrington Terrace New affordable and market rate units 1450- Third Place Plaza with civic or community New hillside path on Sunset Blvd east of New fuiixecli Highlands Library at Sunset 550) e' hb-hwd holding Harrington Terrace Neighborhood residential infill pisperse townhomes and apartments Third Place incorporated into new retail Close portion of Harrington as green office Office eurld.suirtsetTenracx site to zoi lapadty. streetlopen space ,treeti.pen sjii Build Sunset Terrace site to zoning capacity Build Sunset Terrace site to zoning capacity Flexible Community Services Center Transpo Hub: improved bus stops, carsharing, _ and bike storage and bike storage _ T Community Center Community Center ALTERNATIVE 2: Mid -Range Intensity Improvements Street Network, Housing Development Urban Form Sunset Terrace Amenities Pedestrian Realm "Non -Residential Development Inrill on vacant RHA properties .. No improvement No improvement No improvement None 1:1 Public Housing replacement (100 unitsl Focus density along Sunset Blvd New open space, e.g. active, garden, other tmpraved intersection and crossing at Sunset Neighborhood Retail .. - Blvd and Hairirgton New affordable and market rate units (250. : focus density at Sunset Blvd/ Harrington New rainwater park - New stand alone Highlands Library at sunset 350) intersection and north on Harrington New rainwater park Green eonrtertion/ bioswale along Harrington Terrace New affordable and market rate units (450- Use townhomes to transl ion to residential Thlyd Place Plaza with civic or community New hillside path on Sunset BHd east of New MT-ddlse Highlands Library at Sunset 5501 neighborhood building Harrington Terrace Neighborhood residential infill oisperse townhomes and apartments Third Place ir—porated into new retail Gare portion of Harington as green Office eurld.suirtsetTenracx site to zoi lapadty. Flexible Community Services Center ,treeti.pen sjii Build Sunset Terrace site to zoning capacity Flexible Community Services Center Traii Hub- improved sous stops, mrsharing, and bike storage Community Center l ALIMI(NAIM 3. high intensity Impinyvements .Street Network, ;HausingoevelnPmeiit- � - � 1�rbanFornx,",","„ Sur�setTerraoeuanenities �:;',.r. Pedestirli Realm ".Non Residential Deveiopme�t 1rifflooAraunt RHA -properG S ;,r.,- No improvement No ionpirovernent No improvement None t1-Uirit) LlPub4cHdd_r'7*plaoatnen1A0 k—density alongSunseiBW o:' cdrden,ther Newtipenspae.g.ave ee ga improvedinte�sectMn and crosratg at Sunset ' Ne�riiorhoad11i .. OW and MirrAngton .. New affordable and market rate units 1250- Focus density at Sunset Blvd/ Harrington New rainwater park Green connection/ bioswale along Harrington New stand alone Highlands Library at Sunset 350) intersection and north on Harrington Terrace New ar'Tnrdabfe wff&.;AS# Use townhomes to transition to residential Third Place Plaza with civic or community New hillside path on Sunset Blvd east of New Mbred-Use Higbbn& library at subset n i hborhood building Harrington 4Vl" :. Te'race NegiFrborFtood flsiderkt+al ltrf#- .. ... OrspetSe towhjwrnesaiid apartmen#s:�' . ... 'lttitd-PLaok)rrwrpwated lrrta�view re�N. Ci6SE portion 6f Hartingtwr as green, Office eurld.suirtsetTenracx site to zoi lapadty. Flexible Community Services Center Transpo Hub: improved bus stops, ca rsha ring, _and__bike storage _.bike___ Scoping Meeting September 1, 2010 Sunset Rnulevard NE Sunset Area Planned Action EIS Alternative Development Matrix ALTERNATIVE 1: No Action Traffic Capacity and Community Based Design Access Management i Operations Improvements Pedestrian Walkat itity Amenities Bikes Transit Enhancements Measures No improvements No improvements No int rovernents No improvements No improvements _ _ - No improvements Optimize traffic signal timing Pedestrian supportive signals Preserve existing street trees 'BiR61YNEM 5{�liktge New shelter,fmnoBdaEeAiatsrays - Optimize traffic signal timing Pedestrian supportive signals Preserve evicting street trees Bike route signage New shehers Consolidate driveways ..,cra[sieu LehturnStOf?6R7ettgHened host- (countdown heads and audibie signals) Plant new street trees in landscape M trarratt zone's ,.' -- .... Curirgdahedhtt� re;tekgl�ttus•tts -'- Left turn storage lengthened to meet Improved side street sidewalk Plant new street trees in landscape Bike storage lockers Special design of transit zones Curbed median to restrict left turns deli gn year 1.05 connections to intersections strip along corridor Bike storage lockers throughout the corridor including from driveways design year LOS connections to intersectdns sl rip along wrrid°r Bike storage lockers paving, shelters, street furniture- from driveways Traffic signal interconnection and Peri in median estrian re Use special paving for crosswaYks Bicycle detection at signals Special concrete bus pad in roadway at scaped Landmedians coordination Pedesan refuges In median M Use special paving for crosswalks _ _ transit stops Landscaped medians Narrow lanes and reduce crossing Use s pecial paving within intersections Directional left -turn pockets mid block Strategic rapacity improvements at Narrow inside lanes, widen outside Transit Signal Priority (TSP) intersections Narrow lanes and reduce crossing _ UsespatioI paving within intersections lane to accommodate bikes Transit Si nal Priority tyi TSP [ Directional left turn pockets mid -block intersections _ _distances Way Fording and signageppr Narrow lanes, stupe a bike lane New local transit service connecting _ Realignment of skewed intersections Bulb—ir curb returns at minor streets Way finding and signage (requires WSDOT approval) across SR900 to Community Provide U-turn accommodations Realignment of skewed intersections Bulboutcurb returns at minor streets Way finding and signage prasr�eimt o�itaB SEEae - Center/Libra Provide U-turn accommodations Provide multiuse trail along the _ Business Access Road EB from 10th Roundabout features at intersections Hillside walk paved path and planting Incorporate Art corridor Street to Monroe Ave widen to add Business A--/Tramsit Multiuse trail along project corridor Garden / Art Trellis Widen Sunset Blvd to accommodate S' Street to Monroe Ave Lane bike lanes Lane Realign skewed intersections and Benches, trash and recycling bike lanes reduc walk distances receptacles Comfortable separation of pedestrians improve corridor roadway lighting from vehicle traffic (landscape buffer) Widen sidewalks to meet Complete Improve corridor roadway lighting Streets minimums (B ft sidewalks and 8 Special pedestrian scale lighting ft limdscapne stri s Special pedestrian scale lighting h land"pe strips) Surveillance cameras for increased security and/or emergency response. ALTERNATIVE 2: Mid -Range Intensity Improvements Traffic Capacity and Community Based Design Access Management Operations Improvements Pedestrian Walkatil Amenities Bikes Transit Enhancements Measures No improvements No improvements No improvements No int rovement$ No impro ena No improvements Optimize traffic signal timing Pedestrian supportive signals Preserve existing street trees 'BiR61YNEM 5{�liktge New shelter,fmnoBdaEeAiatsrays - Optimize traffic signal timing (countdown heads and audible signals) preserve existirig trees Bike route si signage New shelters New Cortsalldate drrveway3 ..,cra[sieu LehturnStOf?6R7ettgHened host- [countdown heads and arxllhfe signals) Plant new street trees in landscape M trarratt zone's ,.' -- .... Curirgdahedhtt� re;tekgl�ttus•tts -'- connections to intersections strip along corridor Bike storage lockers 5peciA design of transit zones kvtil:drireYYalyb Left turn storage lengthened to meet Improved side street sidewalk Plant new street trees in landscape Curbed median to restrict left turns design year LOS connections to intersectdns sl rip along wrrid°r Bike storage lockers throughoutthe corridor including from driveways avi shelters, street furniture. Traffic signal interrnnnectlon and Pedesan refuges In median M Use special paving for crosswalks Bieyde detection at signals 5pecial concrete bus pad in roadway at Landscaped medians coordination :: .. .-- tsMx� ardtg Use apeciMfpWN410ietef�tlolafi .. ,..i. ,; Aw transit stops DirectionafkRtran pockettirid c� Strategic capacity improvements at Narrow lanes and reduce crossing _ UsespatioI paving within intersections Narrow inside lanes, widen outside Transit Si nal Priority tyi TSP [ Directional left turn pockets mid -block intersections distances Way Fording and signageppr lane to accommodate hikes bClOSs5R9fM3urt'ixnfrlrrthy`. _ Natrow tares, stripe a hike lame New local transit service connecting ___ Realignment of skewed intersections Bulboutcurb returns at minor streets Way finding and signage prasr�eimt o�itaB SEEae - across SR900 to Community Provide U-turn accommodations (requires WSDOT approval) Center/Libra ry 'Provide multiuse trail along the Business Access Road LB from 10th Roundabout features at intersections Hi[Iside walk paved path and planting Incorporate Art corridor. Street to Monroe Ave Widen to add Rosiness Access/Transit Widen Sunset Blvd to accommodate S' Lane Multi -use trail along project corridor Garden/Art Trellis bike lanes Realign skewed intersections and Benches, trash and recycling reduce crosswalk distances race s - Comfortable separation o1 pedestr4ans from vehicle traffic dscap Ilare buffer[ Improve corridor roadway lighting Widen sidewalks to meet Complete Streets minimums [8 ft sidewalks and 8 Special pedestrian scale lighting h land"pe strips) Surveillance cameras for increased security and/or emergency response. AtTERfit4TN E 3..:Ffighntensrt� ltrp�rnrerne; ....... . r pa Tra opacity and 7 Comolvnitlf -ego CIIIB t (*eratfurrs ltn pts .,; .Pedls;tria walks rty a Autt�tities Bilges .: " Trai sit ntt�t rtiettts, -:`. Memstim No improvements No int rovemenrs No improvements No improvements No improvements No improvements Optimize traffic signal timing Pedestrian supportive signals Preserve existing street trees 'BiR61YNEM 5{�liktge New shelter,fmnoBdaEeAiatsrays - (countdown heads and audible signals) ..,cra[sieu LehturnStOf?6R7ettgHened host- Improved side street sidewalk Plant new street trees in landscape M trarratt zone's ,.' -- .... Curirgdahedhtt� re;tekgl�ttus•tts -'- connections to intersections strip along corridor Bike storage lockers Ott te pot7l$prdldMt,'. .........-.. .... .:` kvtil:drireYYalyb Ttaftiksig(Cal niberesutnet.Y[orr attd. Pedestrian refuges in median file apiaadsi paving foicrosswais -Ii� Bicycle detection at signals 6pppialcptwTetatrur pad in roadway '-.' Landscaped medians ;=:IYisFtst[ :. . Strategic capacity improvements at mtboe enosiing " ' k'. idar'eia6r elmae 'irides estiside.< `.. intersections :: .. .-- tsMx� ardtg Use apeciMfpWN410ietef�tlolafi .. ,..i. ,; Aw Transit Signal Priority (TSP) DirectionafkRtran pockettirid c� atana ttew iaatA.Vansftsenrtce mrtnepting.: :- Realignment of skewed intersections Bultrout curb returns at minor streets Way Fording and signageppr :. ,fiatl'aw'7at'iPu bClOSs5R9fM3urt'ixnfrlrrthy`. ProvWe LLNtrn acdotiimodatinns " Roundabout features at intersections kiflffWC M74ilf" ad r,irld IBttdrq[ lncorporate Art prasr�eimt o�itaB SEEae - Business Access Road i:6 from 10th Street to Monroe Ave Wldergpsraddf;uaksess ACCs TyaMit := Widen Sunset Blvd to accommodate S' .:: ;t+t�tF-ova frail eloetg projeCGlsblk'Wer: Garden/Art Trellis .......:..'.._ - iatre; - r :.;. -- - -.. c, bike lanes -C dteaGgi skewed id6eFltctior6'Mdr` Benches, trash and recycling .-.redudz:u�da"srisEkdidtaiice'sV:€[I:I receptacles mE s Comtottatile eparatFu of:Dedestr Improve corridor roadway lighting Pt 71" Widen afde ikit6,nteetY:ontptel!E. - Streets,mia4wumn(aft:sidewadcs 4M:i Special pedestrian scale lighting 4t P11.5trw": Surveibanee cameras for increased security and/or emergency response. Scoping Meeting September 1, 2010 Stormwater Management Sunset Area Planned Action EIS Alternative Development Matrix ALTERNATIVE 1. No Action Parcel -Based Stormwater Sunset Terrace Stormwater Conveyance Improvements Water Quality Treatment Open Space/Sub-regional Requirements Techniques in ROW Flow Control BMPs in ROW BMPs in ROW Facilities Meet Code Requirements On-site Meet Code Requirements On-site No improvements No improvements No improvements No improvements Incentivize Green Sturmwater incentivise Green Stormwater Infrastructure Retrofits Downspout Disconnection Rebuild Curb Gutter P'lftiteii>ilParemestk54dewapcai Media Filter Vaults Infrastructure Retrofits Downspout Disconnection Rebuild Curb &Gutter Permeable Pavement Sidewalks Media Filter Vaults Rainwater Parks (e.g. rain gardens) Require Green Stormwater �ftastnirsGtra.aehese 'irrlat'443urtjS < ...� .. .._.'. Po Emitter for Dawns p -up pouts Grass -Swale Conveyance Permeable Pavement in Parking Stalls - , a1wal�Eeniibd fHaMeiIS .. '' Infrastructure where Infiltration is Pop-up Emitter for Downspouts GrassSwale Conveyance Permeab4e Pavement in Parking Stalls Bioretention planters Regional Detention Ponds Feasible IrrasbttcYtne;rd atwt, telt Rai ardens far Residential Units BiorelenNan rsr1. Permeable pavw��rn in Travelled���_ - - Require Green Stormwater ". Bioretention SwalefPlanters with Permeable pavement in Travelled - Infrastructure including non- Raingardens for Residential Units biose{entkon Swale /Planters with Permeable pavement in Travelled Gardens in medians Underground Detention infiltrate practices I nfrastructme for WCL Treatment Curb Openings WayRain Treatment Require On-site Green Stormwater Permeable Sidewalks Build/Rebuild Storm Drain Pipes Bioretention Swales Permeable Pavement Water Quality Sportsfield/Playfield Detention infrastmctrue for WO. Treatment Performance Standard e.g. 2-year)Permeable - Treatment (detention during wet season oniyl Require On-site Retention to Permeable Pavement Driveways .; :' -..; Bioretention Planters with petention Allow Parcel stormwater treatment New Rainwater Park at Sunset Performance Stardard le.g. 2 -year) Siteffiafnsf4rpJfBt>UafL�tiFS . ... ............ :. within ROW Terrace Allow Zero Discharge of Runoff Off- Cisterns For Residential Units - Rain Gardens in medians Rainwater Harvesting for rrigation Site Use Allow Fee In -lieu of Providing On-site Detention Green Rosh Detention Swales Effective Impervious Area Caps Harrington Street Green Connection Underground Cisterns for Street Irrigation Green Parking Lot Standards Rainwater Harvesting Develop narrow street standards to _ red us coverage Detention TanksfVauhs within ROW ALTERNATIVE 2: Mid -Range Intensity Improvements parcel -Based Stormwater Sunset Terrace Stormwater Conveyance Imiltrovernents Water Quality Treatment Open SpaW]Sub-regional Requirements Techniques In ROW' Flow control BMPs in ROW BMPs In ROW Facilities Meet Code Requirements Onsite Meet Code Requirements On-site No improvements No improvements Na improvements No improvements kncenitvex Green StoRetro#ftr rofits r incentivise Green Stormwater Infrastructure Retrofits Downspout Disconnection Rebuild Curb Gutter P'lftiteii>ilParemestk54dewapcai Media Filter Vaults - Infrastructure Bet Downspout Disconnection Rebuild Curb & Gutter Pemreable Pavemerst ewa Sidlks Media Filter Vaults Rainwater Parks ie.g. rain gardens) Require Green stormwater �ftastnirsGtra.aehese 'irrlat'443urtjS < ...� .. .._.'. Po Emitter for Dawns p -up pouts Grass -Swale Conveyance Permeable Pavement in Parking Stalls - , a1wal�Eeniibd fHaMeiIS .. '' WratArucWre where Infiitratiori es Pop-up Emitter for Downspouts Grass -Swale Conveyance Permeable Pavement in Parking Stalls Bioretention planters Regional Detention Ponds Feasible: IrrasbttcYtne;rd atwt, telt Rai ardens far Residential Units BiorelenNan rsr1. Permeable pavw��rn in Travelled���_ - - Require Green Stormwater ". - Infrastructure including non- RSingardens for Residential Untm biose{entkon Swale /Planters with Permeable pavement in Travelled Rain Gardens in medians Underground Detention infiltratin radices I nfrastructme for WCL Treatment �ybOpenings Wa y Treatment Require On-site Green Stormwater Pemreahle Skdewalks Build/Rebuild storm Drain Pipes Bioretention Swales Permeable Pavement Water Quality Sportsfield/Playfie}d Detention In}rartmctrue Far WQTreatment Performance Standard e.g. 2-year)Permeable - Treatment )detention during wet season only) Require On-site Retention toAilow Permeable Pavement Drrvewaya .; :' -..; Bioretention Planters with 6etenfion parcel stormwater treatment New Rainwater Park at Sunset Performance standard (e.g. 2 -year) Siteffiafnsf4rpJfBt>UafL�tiFS . ... ............ :. within ROW Terrace Allow Zero Discharge of Runoff Off- [interns for Residential Units - �. lRa Gardensin enedlans Rainwater Harvesting for Irrigation Site Use Allow Fee Imlieu of Providing O"1e Detention Green Roofs Detention Swales Effective Impervious Area Caps Harrington5treet Green Connectkm Underground Cisterns for Street Irri atian Green Parking Lot Standards Rainwater Harvesting Develop narrow street standards to _ reduce in- ervious coverage Detention Tanks/Vaults within ROW ALTEPWATIVE 3 Ifth Intensity imPrav ttg ..........m - i ,.itn'➢Efff - lt€ Q . "E I�it( I.. E Ater t�i Ub[ I re�irrte��T € p Spow CJ�[!/i i�tt� waaQaa StAfTrnlvater Sun'set Terrare t i 1 fsts Teduilques an t ti.Cnmrnl amps in ROW ' 8<Y7Pa�fCC7w �adRtees';.: Meet Code Requirements On-site Meet Code Requirements On-site No improvements No improvements No improvements No improvements incentivise Green Stormwater Infrastructure Retrofits Downspout Disconnection Rebuild Curb Gutter P'lftiteii>ilParemestk54dewapcai Media Filter Vaults f:RainvnaW ptr�e,g rZir0.gardEgKj R"co§erGreenstwrasrai�- �ftastnirsGtra.aehese 'irrlat'443urtjS < ...� .. .._.'. Po Emitter for Dawns p -up pouts Grass -Swale Conveyance Permeable Pavement in Parking Stalls - , a1wal�Eeniibd fHaMeiIS .. '' - $ - egioaaftSetraspon�ettdS.- 47SDBPt " IrrasbttcYtne;rd atwt, telt Rai ardens far Residential Units BiorelenNan rsr1. Permeable pavw��rn in Travelled���_ - - Underground Detention tion ". Require On site Green stormwater "" SUSiloam Permeable Pavement Water Quality jpgrtsfreidsylkid oe{cytlion I nfrastructme for WCL Treatment --. -..;.-ti ..... -„- Treatment [detention 6tr7krgwnRseason mdtr Require On-siSe Retention [oAl3owpatrzl -; sbsrTrRsvatertteaMteist Naw ft>ffrirater ParltatSunset Performance Standard e.g. 2-year)Permeable Pavement Driveways 8ipr,etetlt niq�ljsl{et�grs(Er _ Allow Zero Discharge of RunoHOH .; :' -..; in Rainwater Harvesting for Irrigation Siteffiafnsf4rpJfBt>UafL�tiFS . ... ............ :. .; - ..:.:-::......... -:- Use Use .�'FaeAtaiq{sipf-RF¢irklir�Jpri-'Ste - Detention Swale, Effective Imp—mus Area Caps Hartkngmn;�traettae o{ cNrn{ Underground Cisterns for Street Inn ation i5arrt:w streetstaardalrdsto'; 6*n Pa61nq isit'Standards _.. . . .. ... Detention 7anksfVaults within HOW r ,I An environmental impact statement (EIS) is — An informational document —Allows residents, businesses, and other government agencies to comment on proposals and alternatives ■ The Sunset Area Community Planned Action EIS is being prepared according to: R — the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and —the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) ■ A }process intended to ensure that the EIS addresses all relevant issues — Occurs at the beginning of the EIS process to collect feedback on the proposed "scope" of the ' proposallproject $ The City notifies agencies, tribes, and the public F when an EIS is under preparation — City asks for comments on the range of alternatives and impacts to be discussed in an EIS — The Renton Sunset Area Community EIS scoping period allows for comments through September 13, 2010 09/0112010 Welcome and introductions ■ EIS contents and background Proposals and alternatives •� How to provide comments An EIS contains descriptions and analysis of ' — The proposal and alternatives, — Existing conditions of the study area's i environment, Environmental impacts that may occur if the proposal or alternatives were implemented, — Mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate impacts, y r — Impacts found to be significant, unavoidable, and adverse despite mitigation - What is a planned action? % • ` A planned action EIS: s — Is allowed by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) t —Studies proposals in advance — Means future proposals would not need additional SEPA review when consistent with the Planned Action EIS assumptions and mitigation measures — Can help facilitate private and public a�. investment in the study area 1 f = Iveestsals are based on the ment Strategy approved by he Community in [November 2009 ' Address high priority public investments - Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment — Sunset Boulevard Improvements — Drainage Master Plan — Additional recreational and educational investments — e.g. library, community services, parks and recreation ■ With investments, additional private investment _ and development is expected Three conceptual alternatives —Alternalivel:NoAction -- Alternative 2 — Alternative 3 • Vary location and type of public investment — Sunset Terrace Redevelopment — Sunset Boulevard Transformation — Drainage Master Plan — Location of Library Additional parks and recreation opportunities • Anticipate different levels of private investment —Low — Moderate — High • Alternatives 2 and 3 include approval of Planned Action ordinance 0 09/01/2010 N Air Quality&C—h-w Gas Eminlons Anetin Earth Energy ','.• i� Plane and Aninwls Environmental Health Wager Resources,groundwater&surface Envnunm—n llu.ti- water Hiswric/[aboral Resounes land use - Nalse Pada and Recreatlun Kr 4b Puhlic Services q $O6WC[Jnoali[5 r Transportation ki.- ftllties Sunset Ar•a{marnnih EIS 54dy Area_Net 0 . Required to be studied k • Limited public investment — leads to less private investment — Sunset Terrace does not redevelop; only adjacent vacant parcels change — Sunset Boulevard not improved — Drainage Plan not implemented — Library moves to a new single -purpose site — No change to parks and recreation — Incremental private development I • More single purpose uses and cess mixed uses :L No Planned Action Ordinance + Most public investment — greater level of private j a investment and growth per adopted zoning — Sunset Terrace: New mixed income housing, mixed uses, amenities • up to 500 new dwellings 1:1 replacement for existing dwellings on site or in 3 neighborhood e— Sunset Boulevard: Improve all forms of transportation; add 0design amenities; wider ROW allows for improvements at intersections, roundabouts, bike lanes and sidewalks — Or, Plan; More regional detention and green streets and other green infrastructure — Library: mixed use building in SunsetTerrace Redevelopment — Additional active and passive recreation, coordination with School District s. Assumes adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance Scoping Period — Tonight— provide written or verbal comments — Written comment period ends 9113 Draft EIS 5 — Anticipated December 2010 rk— 45 -day comment period — Public hearing anticipated • Final EIS — Anticipated March 2011 V. — Responses to public comments 09/0112010 ■ Moderate level of public investment — moderate private investment and growth per adopted zoning — Sunset Terrace: New mixed income housing, mixed uses, amenities • 250-350 new dwellings • 1:1 replacement for existing dwellings on site or in ..�, neighborhood Sunset Boulevard: Improved largely in current ROW with attention to multiple modes and pedestrians — Drainage Master Plan: New green storm drainage infrastructure where possible — Library included in Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Area but on single use site -- Additional active and passive recreation, coordination with School District kk + Assumes adoption of a Planned Action Ordinance 41 • La declaration de ImpactoAmbiental es: • Es un documento informalivo • Que permite a los residentes, comerciantes y agencias gubernamentales a emitir comentarios sobre propuestas y alternativas ■ La Declaracion de ImpactoAmbiental y Plan de Desarrollo de la Comunidad de Sunset y a han sido preparadas de acuerdo a: • Reglamentacipn Nacional del Medio Ambiente (NEPA). y • Reglamentacipn Estatal del Medio Ambiente (SEPA) ■ Un proceso que intenta asegurarque todos los 09/01/2010 • Bienvenida Y Presentaciones ■ Contenido y Contexto . Propuestas y Alternativas ■ Indicaciones para ingresar sugerencias y comentarios ■ La Declaracion de ImpactoAmbiental describe y analiza: • Propuestas yAlternativas Condiciones existentes del Medio Ambiente del Area de Eetudio ■ Impacto all Medio Ambiente de propuestas altemativas en vaso de que se Ileven a ca bo , • Medidas para mitigar y reducir el Impacto Ambiental ■ Ustado de impacto de orden significativo, inevitable o que no se podran mitigar • Se entiende Por Plan deAccion en el ambito de la Declaracion de Impacto Ambiental: ■ Estan previstas en Reglamentacipn Estatal del Medio Ambiente S( EPA) • Estudia las Propuestas para el Area con antelacion • Esto significa que no se requeriren futuros estudios ?' SE PA si las acciones se enmarran dentro de Io establecido previamente en la Planificaci6n de r Acciones de la Declaracion de Impacto Ambiental ■ Facilitaran yAgilizaran las inversiones privadas y pOblicas en el area de Sunset 1 temas relevantes se hayan tenido en cuenta • pcurre al principio de la Declaracion be Impecto Ambiental y se, encerga de recclectar comentarios sobre la propuestalproyecto • La Ciudad notirca de la Declaracion de Impaclo Ambiental a las agencies gubernamentales, tribus, y el publico en general a F' La Ciudad solicits comentarios sabre las alternah'vas que deben tenerse en consideration y deben ser discutides en la Declaracion del Impacto Ambiental • Los comentarios sobre Renton Sunset Area acerca de la Declaracion de ImpactoAmbiental se, rerabiran haste el 13 de Seotiembre. 2016 09/01/2010 • Bienvenida Y Presentaciones ■ Contenido y Contexto . Propuestas y Alternativas ■ Indicaciones para ingresar sugerencias y comentarios ■ La Declaracion de ImpactoAmbiental describe y analiza: • Propuestas yAlternativas Condiciones existentes del Medio Ambiente del Area de Eetudio ■ Impacto all Medio Ambiente de propuestas altemativas en vaso de que se Ileven a ca bo , • Medidas para mitigar y reducir el Impacto Ambiental ■ Ustado de impacto de orden significativo, inevitable o que no se podran mitigar • Se entiende Por Plan deAccion en el ambito de la Declaracion de Impacto Ambiental: ■ Estan previstas en Reglamentacipn Estatal del Medio Ambiente S( EPA) • Estudia las Propuestas para el Area con antelacion • Esto significa que no se requeriren futuros estudios ?' SE PA si las acciones se enmarran dentro de Io establecido previamente en la Planificaci6n de r Acciones de la Declaracion de Impacto Ambiental ■ Facilitaran yAgilizaran las inversiones privadas y pOblicas en el area de Sunset 1 • Las propuestas estan basadas en la Estrategia de Inversi6n aprobada por la Ciudad en Noviembre de 2009 • Establece alta prioridad a las inversiones de caracter publico: ✓Re -edification potential de Sunset Terrace ✓Mejoras en la zona del Sunset Boulevard ✓ Plan General de Drenaie r „ ✓Inversiones adicionales an las areas de recreaci6n y education, por ejemplo: biblioteca, servicias a la "'- comunidad, parques, etc. • De Ilevarse a Cabo estas inversiones, se prev6 inversiones adicionales por parte del ambito privado i Vonceptos — 3 Anemauvas ✓Alternativel: No Action ✓Alternative 2 }Alternative 3 • Tipo de Inversiones POblicas y Variedad de Emplazamiento ✓ Re-edificac& de Sunset Terrace ✓ Mejoras y Transforrnacion en Sunset Boulevard ✓ Plan General de Drenaje ✓ Ubicaci6n de la Biblioteca ✓ParquesAdicionales y Oportunidades de Recreacidn • Se anticipa diferentes niveles de Inversi6n Privada ✓Baja ✓MedialModerada 'Alta • Alternatives 2 and 3 prev6 is inclusion de nueva lecislacian v Plan de Accl6n 09101/2010 _ f 1`,i nI - - n xx rr rwcrta �,neu e.s-u.m.Nr. Air Quality&Gsenhouse Gas Emissions Aesthetka Earth Energy Pkan*s and AnVmals Environ—ui Health Wafer Resources, Rroundwa[er&surFace Environmental luldee water HistoriclCulttral Resources Hauaing land Use Naise Farksand Rccrea[ion ' Pu6lir Sernaa - - 8aciceconum.. Transportation .. - Utilities .......................... - � Srwwt Me•ia•+rrw4traissedr,w,:xw 9r•wah s r N ■ Esta propuestas necesita ser previamente estudiada • Inversion publica limitada — establece un minimo de inversion privada • EI Area de Sunset Terrace no se renueva, solo los lotes adyacentes o desocupados reciben nueva editicacion. • EI area de Sunset Bou9evard no recibe mejoras • FI Plan de Drenaje no se implementa • La Biblicteca se traslads a ur Iete de use exclusivo • No se producen cambies en parques y otras areas de _ recreation • Desarrollo Privado Lir lado Mayor canlidad de lules de use exclusiva en lugar de lutes can multiples usos o usos combinados (wmercial y residencia) • No se preve nueva Legislation y Plan de Accion i • Inversion P6blica Alta didgida a crear un nivel mayor de inversion y crecimiento Privado de acuerdo a zonificacion adoptada en el Plan. • Sunset Terrace- Nuevas unldades de viviendas, Residencias de use mixto o combinado, mixto vecinal y mixm urbane y servicios Amba de 500 unidades de viviendas Proporcionl 11 reemplam de viviendus en5tenles por late o en at ver+ndare • Sunset Boulevard: Mejoramiento completo • FI Pian de Drel de caracter regional, calles e ofraestructura •verde• • Biblioteca. Edifieio de use mi#o tomo parte de la Re- ediricacidn de Sunset Terrace • Actividades de Recreation pasiva y activa, se desarrollaria en conjunto con e! Distrito Educativo • Se preve la adoption de nueva legislation y Plan de Action • Ud. puede enviar sus comentarios del siguiente modo • Periodo de Comentarios: Esta noche. Aceptamos comentarios per escrito a orales ✓ EI periodo para comentarios escrilos concluye el dia 13 de Setiembre • Documento Borrador de la Declaracion de Impacto Ambiental (EIS) ✓ Arlticipada para el mos de Diciembre tle 2010 ✓ Con 45 dies para recibir comentarios ✓ Se preve una Reunidn Publica ■ Documento Final de la Declaracion de Impacto Ambiental (EIS) .3 ✓ Anticipade para el mes de Marzo de 2011 - ✓ Rospueslas a los comentarios del publico 09/01/2010 • Inversion Publica de caracler media didgida a una inversion publics moderada y crecimiento de acuerdo a la zonificau5m vlgente • Sunset Terrace: Residencies de ingneso combinado, de use residential combinado y mixio, rnlxlo vecinalimixto urban0 y servieias. Eave 250 Y nso vivr,das nueves P.P-Ian 1:1 r9emplazn tle vrverWes euslentes Ipr b[e o en e- •BGintlarin • Sunset Boulevard: el mejoramiento ocumrla mayormenle en areas (lands ' existe derecho de pasolservidumbre, especialmente dedicado al use multiple y peelones • EI Plan de Drenale: donde sea posible, se transrormaria or un sislema de infraeslmclura y drenado "verde" • La Biblioleca se induiris an at Plan de Re-edilicaci& de Sunset Terrace, en un Iota de use exclusivo • Actividades de Recreacidn pasiva y activa, se desarrollaria en conjunto con el Distrito Educalivo >, Se proven la adoption de nueva legi$196 n y Plan tle Accion 77 �d ew ..nr •.e ,,.. � P r rD_ I Renton Sunset Area Community NEPA/SEPA Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scoping Meeting Comment Sheet You are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. You may turn comments in at the scoping meeting tonight, September 1, 2010. Or you may submit written comments on or before 5 p.m. September 13, 2010. Send comments to: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econklin rentonwa. ov Denis Law city Qt . Mayor Department of Community and Economic Development September 1, 2010 Alex Pietsch, Administrator Virginia Cross, Chairperson of the Muckleshoot Tribal Council Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Subject: Renton Sunset Area Community — Section 106 Consultation Dear Chairperson Cross: The City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority (RHA) are proposing a series of activities to revitalize an area known as the Sunset Area Community, located in the vicinity of Sunset Boulevard CSR 900) east of Interstate 5 in the city of Renton, Washington. The activities would include redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing complex at 970 Harrington NE and its vicinity, including improvements to Sunset Boulevard. With this letter, we would like to initiate formal consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (NHPA) and 36 CFR Part 800, and define the Area of Potential . Effects CAPE). The above referenced project activities taken together are considered a single undertaking involving federal funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD is the lead federal agency responsible for compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA. In accordance with specific statutory authority and HUD's regulations at 24 CFR Part 58, the City of Renton is authorized to assume responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to HUD under NEPA and Section 106 of the NHPA, which includes lead agency responsibility. The Sunset Terrace redevelopment project would occur on approximately 8 -acres of.RHA owned property occupied by existing public housing units, known as Sunset Terrace, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE; three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE; and additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE that RHA intends to purchase for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and the adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed- use residential and commercial space and public amenities. Existing public housing units on the property would be removed and replaced with new construction. The new construction would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units and integrated public amenities, such as a new recreation/community center, a new public library, a new park/open space, retail shopping and commercial space, and/or green infrastructure. Proposed improvements along Sunset Boulevard would include widening of the right of way to allow for intersection improvements and the construction of roundabouts, planted medians, bike lanes, crosswalks, and sidewalks. New natural stormwater infrastructure would be integrated into the new development and the streets improvements. Renton City Hal{ • 1055 South Grady Way 9 Renton, Washington 98057 * rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 2 As illustrated on the enclosed map, the City of Menton proposes the APE for the undertaking be defined as those parcels in and adjacent to Sunset Terrace considered for redevelopment, and all parcels that abut Sunset Boulevard between about Edmonds Avenue NE and Monroe Avenue NE. This area would encompass all the areas of proposed ground disturbance and potential effects to neighboring properties posed by road and infrastructure improvements along Sunset Boulevard. The City of Renton has engaged the services of ICF International to conduct cultural resources studies of both archaeological and built environment resources for the undertaking. The fieldwork for these studies, including excavation of shovel test probes, is expected to begin at the end of September 2010. At this time, we would invite you to comment on our determination of the undertaking's proposed APE, and request the sharing of any information you might have on the project area. We understand and respect the sensitive nature of cultural resources and traditional cultural properties, and we will not disseminate any specific site or area location information to the general public. This information will only be included in a technical report disseminated amongst the project team, DAHP, and the. Muckleshoot Tribe. Specific information on site location and/or traditional cultural properties will be withheld from the public documentation prepared for the undertaking. Thank you for your time. Should you have any questions about this undertaking, please feel free to contact me at (425)430-6578. Sincerely, L. Erika Conkling, AICP, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development cc: Laura Murphy, Archaeologist Enclosure: Area of Potential Effects Map Denis Law-- Mayor City of. Department of Community and Economic Development September 1, 2010 Alex Pietsch, Administrator Allyson Brooks, PhD State Historic Preservation Officer Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 1063 South Capitol Way, Ste. 106 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Subject: Renton Sunset Area Community — Section 106 Consultation Dear Dr. Brooks: The City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority (RHA) are proposing a series of activities to revitalize an area known as the Sunset Area Community, located in the vicinity of Sunset Boulevard CSR 900) east of Interstate 5 in the city of Renton, Washington. The activities would include redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing complex at 970 Harrington NE and its vicinity, including improvements to Sunset Boulevard. With this letter, we would like to initiate formal consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (NHPA) and 36 CFR Part800, and define the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The above referenced project activities taken together are considered a single undertaking involving federal funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD is the lead federal agency responsible for compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA. In accordance with specific statutory authority and HUD's regulations at 24 CFR Part 58, the City of Renton is authorized to assume responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that . would otherwise apply to HUD under NEPA and Section 106 of the NHPA, which includes lead agency responsibility. The Sunset Terrace redevelopment project would occur on approximately 8 -acres of RHA owned property occupied by existing public housing units, known as Sunset Terrace, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE; three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE; and additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE that RHA intends to purchase for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and the adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed- use residential and commercial space and public amenities. Existing public housing units on the property would be removed and replaced with new construction. The new construction would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units and integrated public amenities, such as a new recreation/community center, a new public library, a new park/open space, retail shopping and commercial space, and/or green infrastructure. Proposed improvements along Sunset Boulevard would include widening of the right of way to allow for intersection improvements and the construction of roundabouts, planted medians, bike lanes, crosswalks, and sidewalks. New natural stormwater infrastructure would be integrated into the new development and the streets improvements. Renton City Hall * 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 2 As illustrated on the enclosed map, the City of Renton proposes the APE for the undertaking be defined as those parcels in and adjacent to Sunset Terrace considered for redevelopment, and all parcels that abut Sunset Boulevard between about Edmonds Avenue NE and Monroe Avenue NE. This area would encompass all the areas of proposed ground disturbance and potential effects to neighboring properties posed by road and infrastructure improvements along Sunset Boulevard. The City of Renton has engaged the services of ICF International to conduct cultural resources studies of both archaeological and built environment resources for the under -taking. The fieldwork for these studies, including excavation of shovel test probes, is expected to begin at the end of September 2010. Your response to this letter, acknowledging your interest in participating as a consulting party to this undertaking and concurring with the defined APE would be greatly appreciated. We also are inviting comments on the proposed undertaking from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. Thank you for your time. Should you have any questions about this undertaking, please feel free to contact me at (425)430-657$. Sincerely, V Erika Conkling, AICP, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Enclosure: Area of Potential Effects Map penis Law City Of 1 MayorrT r r. it i V September 1, 2010 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Cultural Resources Program Attn: Laura Murphy, Archaeologist 39015172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Administrator Subject: Renton Sunset Area Community— Section 106 Consultation Dear Ms. Murphy: The City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority (RHA) are proposing a series of activities to revitalize an area known as the Sunset Area Community, located in the vicinity of Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) east of Interstate 5 in the city of Renton, Washington. The activities would include redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing complex at 970 Harrington NE and its vicinity, including improvements to Sunset Boulevard. With this letter, we would like to initiate formal consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (NHPA) and 36 CFR Part 800, and define the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The above referenced project activities taken together are considered a single undertaking involving federal funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD is the lead federal agency responsible for compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA. In accordance with specific statutory authority and HUD's regulations at 24 CFR Part 58, the City of Renton is authorized to assume responsibility for environmental review, decision-making, and action that would otherwise apply to HUD under NEPA and Section 106 of the NHPA, which includes lead agency responsibility. The Sunset Terrace redevelopment project would occur on approximately 8 -acres of RHA owned property occupied by existing public housing units, known as Sunset Terrace, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE; three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE; and additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE that RHA intends to purchase for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and the adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed- use residential and commercial space and public amenities. Existing public housing units on the property would be removed and replaced with new construction. The new construction would include a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units and integrated public amenities, such as a new recreation/community center, anew public library, a new park/open space, retail shopping and commercial space, and/or green infrastructure. Proposed improvements along Sunset Boulevard would include widening of the right of way to allow for intersection improvements and the construction of roundabouts, planted medians, bike lanes, crosswalks, and sidewalks. New natural stormwater infrastructure would be integrated into the new development and the streets improvements. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 + rentonwa.gov Page 2 of 2 As illustrated on the enclosed map, the City of Renton proposes the APE for the undertaking be defined as those parcels in and adjacent to Sunset Terrace considered for redevelopment, and all parcels that abut Sunset Boulevard between about Edmonds Avenue NE and Monroe Avenue NE. This area would encompass all the areas of proposed ground disturbance and potential effects to neighboring properties posed byroad and infrastructure improvements along Sunset Boulevard. The City of Renton has engaged the services of ICF International to conduct cultural resources studies of both archaeological and built environment resources for the undertaking. The fieldwork for these studies, including excavation of shovel test probes, is expected to begin at the end of September 2010. At this time, we would invite you to comment on our determination of the undertaking's proposed APE, and request the sharing of any information you might have on the project area. We understand and respect the sensitive nature of cultural resources and traditional cultural properties, and we will not disseminate any specific site or area location information to the general public. This information will only be included in a technical report disseminated amongst the project team, DAHP, and the Muckleshoot.Tribe. Specific information onsite location and/or traditional cultural properties will be withheld from the public documentation prepared for the undertaking. Thank you for your time. Should you have any questions about this undertaking, please feel free to contact me at (425)430-657.8. Please note we have also sent this same letter to Tribal Council Chairperson Virginia Cross. - Sincerely, r et Erika Conkling, AICP, Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Enclosure: Area of Potential Effects Map Ci fly �% C� O A% f •• >1CD �, r L LJ' O C O.. r� � � '�' (➢ �' � � N � ;�" C) CD f ` O ° J n\, r� n dG r14 G O Y3 r. p ° pcb o Y 47Dz� r, n4 -ter P.� a ��y CD;a ac n t3 CD CL CL or`br- CDrb o CL s rrt C a U _ -� �� �* (-� a Com" �. a n ° CD " GQ oQ� c d cr UR j L3 U rD y�� rY G �N q n CL A1CLP/'. 0 c ice- UQ �- y. � c ro s � • •3` � �'� � �'�' - $ 3 0 4 '.� % rc � F R � i - 7 s- y �r7 � _ A.j � ^ '�c o x � �. 'Y +d � � - - �� . n, R a p,' -Q7 - •�, g o �'ry -" T 'r - t. "'-_� 1 0 -FV res . 4 J ^ b �.• c _ _ �_ _ r. w f -, - - - L v ._ L o � :n 2 a A 7 c..= m73 � � � H �' R � "� "7 $ r � -.. �' o n ^ p..�w. � - ry . 7% G_ b_ �j - r. � = w � to L _ _.'� c � £�• � rc 'a � o '�,' r. j, cn �''rt. 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ANDERSON LEROY J 926 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3803 ARASUNA EIJ1 1055 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 ARNSON DANNY O 3324 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3451 BALDRIDGE H L 1526 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3112 BALES J L 2721 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3770 BEACH GEORGE R 3612 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3819 BEDFORD GARTH B 601 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3649 BERTSCH LEO F 2520 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3761 BLAYLOCK_FRANCES M 3500 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3821 BRAATEN DALE R 759 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3872 BRIGHT F 650 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 BUTLER JOHNNIE W 2221 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3613 BUTLER MARSHALL H JR 3813 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 BUTTERWORTH D 1 760 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3641 CALHOUN FRED E 3323 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3446 CALL MARY LOU 3609 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3516 CALLAHAN P J 3708 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3513 CERNICH MELVIN M 555 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3704 CHASE GARY E 853 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2857 CHENG PAUL 1018 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 CONTREAS JOHNNY J PO Box 2313 Renton Highlands Renton WA 98056-0313 COX JOHN A 1115 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 CRAIG BETTY JEAN 3518 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3845 CRESTANELLO JAMES J 404 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 CROZIER H T 688 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 CULLER JAMES H 3514 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3519 CURRY A B 859 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3870 DANKE WINFRIED A J+KIMBERLY 2616 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2376 DAVIS G E 3902 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-3557 DORIA JOSE O+DOLORES M 411 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 DUNBAR W L JR 557 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3666 EDGAR DUANE E 1007 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 i, O-L,.WA Ca EDWARDS PAUL 1215 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3350 ELLIS D E 1159 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3544 ENGELAND D A 691 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3697 ERICKSON DAVID B+WAUNITA F 3905 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3538 ESKENAZI MORREY + PENNY 951 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3804 ESTES VERNWELL + SHIRLEY ANt 3610 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3561 FALLA BOB 510 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3625 FIFE D 0 912 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3873 FIFE DENNIS 912 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3873 FRANCIS DORAN R 866 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3898 FRANKLIN JERRY L & HALLIE J 3535 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3504 FRANK D R 475 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3976 FRANK JOSEPH P 802 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3722 FULGHAM R W 1018 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3437 GANDY E M 3807 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 GATES JOSEPH B 662 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3701 GERBER HAROLD C JR 2797 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8330 GOMEZ MIGUEL ANGEL VAZQUEZ 3318 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3921 GOON MICHAEL D 778 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3871 GRAY SUSAN C 2312 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3606 GRAY ARTHUR W 664 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 GREYELL ROBERT S 1018 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 GRUBESIC GEORGE E 2508 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2367 GUSTAFSON 2601 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8363 HAMMAN, LARRY D 923 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3804 HANCOCK ROBERT D 2215 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2935 HANSFORD JULIE A 2107 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3691 HARRIS JOHN + LINDA 1115 N 35th St Renton WA 98056-1953 HASH LORETTA 358 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3655 HAYDEN ALVIN+LILLIE 1029 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3440 HAYES GORDON B+MARY P 468 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4012 HE DARREN X+JULIE L LEE 460 Shelton PI NE # 39 Renton WA 98056-8553 HEATHERINGTON EVELYN N 605 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3633 HERNANDEZ MARIO A 3507 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3932 NESTING ROBERT W 812 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2803 HIATT ERIC E+EMILY S 1421 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3340 HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY CHURCF 3031 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3131 HILL T R 1309 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3342 HINSHAW J H 3702 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3559 HINZE M ELAINE 763 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3872 HOLMAN G 2204 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3614 HOUGHTON CHARLES R 3719 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3842 JEMMOTT CLIFFORD R JR 2821 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 JETT ALLEN M 583 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3912 JOHNSON W G 1013 Pierce Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3536 JOHNSON MARK D+PAULA Y 3300 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3451 JOHNSON TIMOTHY R 3701 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3501 JONES JAY B+TARA J 4006 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-3972 JUCO ROGELIO D+ERLINDA B 1301 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3342 JUNJEK WILLIAM Z 3936 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3923 KAASTAD LARRIE D 1115 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3434 KLEEBERGER WAYNE M 3519 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3917 KOHLRUS FRANK F 3301 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3452 KRAEMER GENE+MAUREEN GREE 1164 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3547 KRISHNAN PALGHAT V 1048 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 KRZYCKI R 2307 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2933 LANDERS SARAMAE 562 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3703 LARSON M J 1018 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3541 LEWIS JACQUELINE J 408 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 LEWIS JAMES CLARK 451 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4011 LINGLE HILLARY S 2207 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2929 LOCKE SHEILA E 448 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8555 LOEWENHAGEN R G 3418 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3919 LOGAN JAMES A 414 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4002 LOGIE RICHARD C+LINDA C 3634 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3561 LUCKER LUELLA 833 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3806 LUCOTCH RICHARD W 3510 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3447 LUU VAN+KIMBERLY SIU 2107 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4501 MACOMBER STEPHEN 909 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3858 MADDEN L S 3325 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3936 MAGGS JEFFERY D+BONNIE L 3912 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3923 MANIKHAM ACKSONE MEO 2207 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4503 MARKEY MELINDA J+CHRISTIAN E 3507 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3448 MCDONALD GARY E 443 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 MCELIECE RAYMOND K 2701 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2334 MCKAY G R 904 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3807 MCKERN NANCY M 615 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 MEYERS CAROL L+KRALL LAWREI505 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3651 MILLER PATRICK L 3418 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3933 MILLSAPS A 3640 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3515 MOLINE STEWART D 2413 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3688 MOLINA MARCO ANTONIO+URIAS 603 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3735 MOUNTS W G 1215 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3344 NAIDU KUSHAL 3135 NE 19th PI Renton WA 98056-3292 NASSET JEFFREY J 2719 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3758 NEILSON GORDON L 819 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3810 NELSON GARY G+ALISA A 3516 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3353 NELSON JERRY 3519 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3448 NELSON RICHARD M 3912 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 NIX E G 3413 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3832 NOVINSKI C R 2019 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-2303 OLIVER S 0 433 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3654 PARKS LAWRENCE J 764 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3641 PASCALE GLORIA V 2032 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-2304 PAULUS CLYDE P+MARY A 1010 N 29th St Renton WA 98056-2157 PAWSON H S 3532 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3353 PAYSENO JUDITH E 559 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3704 PERSIAN GERALD R 2303 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2933 PETERSEN JUDITH K 2201 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3607 PETERSON DWIGHT 3009 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3107 PETERSON LAVERN 607 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3735 PHAN QUYEN+DUC VAN TRAN PO Box 3357 Renton WA 98056-0010 PHILLIPS STEVE 1100 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 PHILLIPS B 2914 NE 4th St Renton WA 98056-4014 PHILLIPS YTTE 456 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3653 PHILLIPS DELENA MRS 464 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3653 PILLON HELEN B 1054 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3415 PINSON J F 1003 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 POWERS PATRICK H 1523 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3121 PRIGGEE NORRIS W 2407 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3688 PRONG ROBERT L 463 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4028 RAGAN WILLIAM C 514 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3625 RAINWATER MICHAEL A+RAINWA- 3801 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3814 RATIGAN JAMES B 3313 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3936 REARDON STEPHEN K 1028 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3415 REED LYLE GLENN 3401 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3444 REED ETHEL E 4001 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3554 REGIS RONALD J 824 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3720 REMILLARD MARSHALL D 3503 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3504 RICE E E 651 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 RICHTER WENDELIN 2608 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2366 ROBERTS M E 3515 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3520 ROSS THOMAS M+RITA 1 670 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 SALO ANDREW J 430 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 SANDAHL HARVEY L 836 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3720 SCHREVEN W H 1324 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3315 SCHREVEN WILLIAM+MARY 1324 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3315 SCHWARTZENBERGER GREGORY 2706 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98056-4076 SEAMSTER GEORGE A JR 2200 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3608 SHIGAYA KEN K 2926 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3730 SHOMAN N 3700 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3502 SIENKIEWICZ WLADYSLAW 1401 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3216 SMITH RONALD 1001 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3440 SMITH JOSEPH L JR+JANE A 510 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3657 SOARES CALVIN & SIMNETTE 2601 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8332 SOMERS DOROTHY 697 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 SPANG BETTY 1017 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3438 STAHLECKER ALICE MAE 1419 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3123 STEARNS ORLIND W 2601 NE 6th P1 Renton WA 98056-3766 STEPHENSON THOMAS J 408 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 STEWART CANDIEST V 613 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 SWENSON FORREST G 3741 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3514 SWITZLER CHARLES W 3517 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3846 THOME PAULA 3400 NE '11th St Renton WA 98056-3449 THOMPSON WARREN I & REBECC.577 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3737 TRIMBLE LINDA 3812 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 TWADDLE JOHN 3726 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3559 VAN CAMP JACK P 3633 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3516 VEITCH DONALD 836 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3722 WATKINS FRANK B 824 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3809 WATTS FRANK l 648 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3740 WILSON L D 1301 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3348 WINSTON ELONZO SR+VALLENA C 4011 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3938 WIRTH ROBERT L 3704 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3943 WOLFE THOMAS E 2209 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2939 WOOD JR L B 1155 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3544 WOODBURY DANIEL 3801 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 WRIGHT PERRY W 2625 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2376 YAHOUDY LOUIS J 1018 Pierce Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3535 YOSHIOKA GLENN T 3522 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3947 ABKER TERRY+BARBARA L 803 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3630 ABRAHAM SENAIT+HABTE YONAS 614 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-4562 ADAMS LESLIE E & IRIS A 1209 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3318 ADAMS CLINT J 566 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 AFANASIEV SERGE 2708 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3769 AGUILLON CARLOS U+CECILIA G 505 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3988 AGUIRRE CANDIDO T 851 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 AGULTO ERLINDA B 2619 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3436 AHMAD LATiF 808 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3646 AKERS KRISTINA L 1324 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3341 AKONGO ANNUCIATA 3528 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3947 ALANIZ-ROMERO AMAURY 2218 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3622 ALAS JUAN CARLOS+ESCOBAR E1816 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 ALBERS ALLEN G+ROSEMARY G 3618 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3819 ALBRITTON JESSE C SR 1005 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3440 ALDEN TODD ALLEN 1308 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3347 ALDER REBECCA 3112 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3249 ALLEN RICHARD T 1012 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 ALLEN BRETT M+ALLEN RENEE 1218 Redmond Ave NE # 6 Renton WA 98056-3385 ALLEN PARTRICK B+LORRAINE B 1907 Kirkland PI NE Renton WA 98056-3293 ALLEN DEBORAH L 2905 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3731 ALLEN CHRISTOPHER 415 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4026 ALLEN ROBERT D 432 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4002 ALLEN CHRIS 766 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3871 ALLERT DANIELLE R 533 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 ALLISON MICHAEL R+SUE ANN 1073 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 ALLYN ROBERT M 2412 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3688 ALTMYER BRETT N 2819 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2375 ANARDI PAMELA J 660 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 ANAYA JORGE O+MARIA ANDRADI 3601 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3820 ANDERSON MARY J 2214 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3622 ANDERSON ROBERT P+ESTER A 3312 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3445 ANDERSON J B 3637 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3508 ANDERSON JOSEPH E 655 Ferndale Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3719 ANDERSON ROSE MARIE 807 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3723 ANDERSON YVONNE 850 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2856 ANDRADE TEODULFO M+AYALA 0 667 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 ANDRES DANIEL R+JENNIFER 3301 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3936 ANGOVE RANDY 3400 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3823 ANTHONY DANNY G 871 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3860 ANTIN ERNEST W & NORENE E 508 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 ANTROBUS FREDERICK B+ANTRO 419 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 AP SOPHE L 3401 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3228 APOLONIO LARRY A 451 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4026 ARIENZA BARTHOLOMEW 608 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 ARITA WILLIAM H 2813 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 ARLINT JAMES C+SANDRA J 3908 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3585 ARMENDARIZ SANDRA A+OROZCC 1156 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3547 ARREOLA MARTHA 3325 NE 17th St Renton WA 98056-3238 ARRIOLA JORGE+GILDA 1057 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 ARROYO VICTOR GUADARRAMA+14009 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-3972 ARROYOS JUAN P+ESPERANZA 854 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 ASHCRAFT RICHARD L+PAMELA S 3606 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3819 ASTELEAN VASILE+VERONICA 2516 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2367 ASTELEAN VERONICA+VASILE 867 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3860 AUGER DEEANN C 3919 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3584 AUSTIN JOHN C 656 Ferndale Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3718 AVALOS OSCAR+AVALOS TERESA4017 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3836 AVDIC DERVIS & MIRSADA 652 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3740 AVELAR ERNESTO M+KARIN S 854 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3885 AVERS JIM & RUTH 2205 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2947 AVERY STUART D+SHANNON J 401 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 AYALA ROBERTO 2318 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3606 AYALA AGILEO M 662 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3908 AYALA LUCIA R+ALFONSO 680 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3908 BAACK CHARIS L PO Box 2798 Renton WA 98056-0798 BAADE EUGENE W+JOYCE M 824 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3805 BABCOCK JEANETTE O 1210 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3349 BACH LESTER E+VERA L 3309 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3850 BAHENA MARCELINO C 3428 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3949 BAILEY NATALIA T 2401 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2967 BAIN NAOMI V 1014 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 BAKER EDWARD D+SUSAN A 663 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 BAKOLES NANCIE A 910 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3883 BALDRIDGE HOWARD L 1526 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3112 BALDWIN RAYMONA 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Apt 218 Renton WA 98056-2984 BALKEN JEROME D&SHERRIL J 3624 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3515 BALL MARY ANN 3306 NE 10th P1 Renton WA 98056-3419 BANASKY PATRICIA A 463 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 BANH HUNG+HA NU 3802 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3380 BANUELOS-PEREZ DAVID R+SANE 763 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3632 BARAHONA MALVY N 2519 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3762 BARDEN MARY C 1022 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3541 BARDEN PHILIP A+BARDEN ELA1N13424 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3227 BARRALES JOSE 3905 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3940 BARRETT PHYLLIS JO 1155 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 BARRETT DONNA R & ANDREW W 742 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3802 BARTH DUANNE F 3533 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3354 BARTLETT BRUCE 812 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 BARTZ LORI 4028 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 BASHAW MARK A 505 Shelton Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3984 BASSIG JOSE A 2103 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4501 BASSIG RAQUELLE A 432 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 BATES CURTIS M 1150 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3539 BATES RANDALL S+MIGDALIA C 2625 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8363 BATISTA LINDOLFO 519 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 BAUER RONALD D 1151 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3544 BAUMAN B MARION 687 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 BAUTISTA TERESITA 2809 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 BAUTISTA MIGUEL NOLASCO 644 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3740 BAXTER MARK W+LINA A 836 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3809 BAYSA MARISA N & CHALISE BELT 3703 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 BEACH RONALD 1333 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3316 BEAN TREVOR 3619 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3930 BECHTOLD EDWARD J+BABETTE :2408 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2966 BECKER KEITH C+RAYNEE 2125 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4501 BECKER SARAH M 357 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3656 BECKLEY E L 3517 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056-3330 BECKLEY THOMAS K 3605 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8602 BECKWITH JR JAMES C 2208 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2866 BEDLINGTON GENE A 850 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3809 BEERS FRANCES 1210 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3343 BEHRENS SCOTT L 3800 NE 14th PI Renton WA 98056-3378 BELL DANIEL A 3607 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3820 BELL BRANDON 473 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 BENBOE CLINTON J+BARRETT,CH 1041 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 BENTHEM FREDERIK T 851 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3806 BENTSON JOSEPH 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Apt 213 Renton WA 98056-2983 BENWARD JOHN H 813 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3645 BERDEL DONNA A 686 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3996 BERGIN WILLIAM P ET AL 3414 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3417 BERGMAN CLAUDETTE C 2208 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-2914 BERKEBILE PETER R+MILDRED L 804 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3885 BERNER CARL W 813 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 BERNSTEIN ARTHUR D 466 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4010 BETANCOURT HECTOR+MARIA DE 1034 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3415 BETANCOURT HECTOR G+NAVAR13309 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3404 BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH 1024 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3424 BILTI CECILIA M 405 Grantley Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 BITNEY JO REVOCABLE LIVING 11413 SE 86th St Newcastle WA 98056-1616 BLACK RICHARD L + SHIRLEY E 1156 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 BLACK KARYL J 513 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3737 BLAKE RICHARD L&WILMA S 863 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 980563860 BLANCHETT PHILIP 607 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 980564563 BLANKENSHIP LISA L 511 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 BLANSFIELD STEPHEN M 711 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2859 BLEISTEIN VANESSA Q+MOHR RO 504 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 BLINSTRUB MARK B 2217 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3607 BLINSTRUB ERIC J 3413 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3824 BLISS RICHARD E SR 3531 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3520 BLOOR DAVID P+KAORI 3311 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3446 BLUE THOMAS M+JENNIFER C 754 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3647 BLUFTON MELODY A 659 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3673 BONWELL FAMILY TRST CIO BON41105 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 BORAO KENNETH JOSEPH 808 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 BORGAN IRENE 1008 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3437 BORIMSKY EUGENE R+NESTERO% 3723 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 BORN JOHN K 621 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3649 BOSSHART LINDA L 459 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4011 BOTELLO ALEXANDER M 3700 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3913 BOTTS RICHARD A & SHERIDAN 1115 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3540 BOWDEN KIM D+LARSON LORI 2727 Mountain View Ave N Renton WA 98056-2522 BOWERS SANDRA 1135 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3008 BOWLEY KIMBERLEY R+LUCRECI� 718 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3802 BOWMAN GRANT M 3818 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 BOWSER SYLVIA 3414 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3443 BOYDSTON JAMES R 2515 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2379 BOYDSTON C E 3920 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3537 BOYS LUBY BAY 900 N 27th PI Renton WA 98056-1476 BRAD JANICE 2335 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-2913 BRADBURY SCOTT J 2711 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4007 BRADSHAW CHRISTOPHER A 3909 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3538 BRADY JOANNE+RAGAR PATRICK 3900 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 BRAND MITCHELL ALAN 1029 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 BRANDALICK REBECCA J 915 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2923 BRASCH ROBERT M 771 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3632 BRASSEL-TAYLOR DWIGHT 573 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3737 BRASSINGTON KEITH B 651 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3735 BRASSINGTON KEITH B 671 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3735 BRAWLEY KAREN RENEE 423 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 BRAY RICHARD J 3713 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3818 BRECKON DALE E MURDOCK DEN 466 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4027 BREES LOUIS D+E WINIFRED 717 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3862 BRESTER LAWRENCE 3806 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3839 BREWER GERALD DEAN 2321 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2937 BRIDGERS CHRISTOPHER L 3906 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-3557 BRIERS WILLIAM S+MELISSA L 2223 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3621 BRISCO MELVIN L 3305 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3452 BRISTOL FAMILY TRUST CIO KRIS' 2194 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3689 BROCK COLIN F 2719 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4007 BROEFFLE GERALDINE BARBARA 850 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3859 BROMILEY STANLEY R 3322 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3833 BROOKS BERLE L+WANDA L 3518 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3503 BROSMAN LARRY D 3625 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3820 BROTHERTON G DEANE 1007 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 BROWITT KEITH K SR 3524 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3517 BROWNE KIM 1003 N 28th PI Renton WA 98056-2174 BROWNING STEVE+JENNIFER 1013 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 BROWNE PHILLIP A 1033 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 BROWN MARGUERITE 1309 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3316 BROWN MATTHEW K 1750 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3233 BROWN CALVIN J+WILLES 2185 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2941 BROWN GARY 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt A203 Renton WA 98056-8375 BROWN RENA L 2510 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3767 BROWN JENNIFER L 3516 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3517 BROWN TIMOTHY M+MONICA L 3900 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3555 BROWN LARINDA M 462 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4012 BROWN GLEN & JACKIE PO Box 2626 Renton WA 98056-0626 BRUGGER MARTHA + GARY 1433 Monterey Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2851 BRUNETTE LEONARD J 1067 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 BRUNETTE EVELYN M +LEONARD 1717 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3234 BRUNER J 2715 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4007 BRYANT JEAN E 3928 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3537 BRYCE JOANNE F+EDWARD G 3330 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3419 BUCHAN ARTHUR B+LAURA F 2198 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2940 BUCHMANN DARYL D+PRACTER K 2308 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3606 BUCK CAROLYN E 507 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3661 BUCKLIN JANE E 2216 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3612 BUCKMASTER JOHN A 630 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3905 BUGNI STEVEN M+MORENA 3310 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3951 BUI CASEY 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Apt 216 Renton WA 98056-2983 BUI HONG HA T ET AL 620 Blaine Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2864 BUI LONG 459 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 BUI PHUONG THI B 451 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3654 BUI THI+TRANG T 1455 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3362 BUNCH MARY E 2320 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2944 BUOY HAROLD F 872 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3898 BURDIC VIPHA 3619 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3562 BURGESS RONALD G & DORIS A 2908 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3775 BURKHAMMER JAMES W+FELDMA 3009 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3747 BURRIS CORDELIA E 4009 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3581 BURTON THOMAS J JR+MARY KXY 2508 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3761 BURTON RENEE+GIGLIOTTI TRAV 687 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3697 BUSTAMANTE JOSE M+SHANNON 1601 Newport Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3232 BYERS JUDITH E 2004 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2707 CADWELL HYUN SOOK 539 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 CADWELL THOMAS J 812 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3809 CALDERON-FRUCTUOSO DAVID+1,3525 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3932 CALDWELL MATTHEW 2321 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2933 CALDWELL MICHELLE H+JOEL K 634 Glennwood Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3724 CALHOUN JERRY 2008 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2319 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1032 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2920 CALVILLO JUAN P 3405 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3402 CAMARENA JOSE MEZA+MARIA DI 3317 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3430 CAMPBELL ALAN D+DIANE J 568 Newport Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3983 CAMPBELL WILLIAM R+LAVONNE 855 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3864 CANUL NELSON M+YAEGGY LESB 707 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2859 CAREW GARY B+TERRY K 617 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 CAREY JOE L+SALLY 3322 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3849 CARLILE DONALD O 1020 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 CARLSON NANCY L 3006 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3746 CARPITA TIMOTHY J 3710 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3943 CARTER ERIC R 1150 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 CARTER CYNTHIA A 3328 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3951 CARTER STEPHEN J+ANNE M 463 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4011 CARVER MONROE D+BETH S 550 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3652 CARY KARAN E 2009 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2320 CASANOVA GLORIFICADOR 3518 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3918 CASEM LEANDRO+CHARLENE 3610 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3945 CASSELL GREGORY V+MARY E 739 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3867 CASTANEDA LEONARDO+NAHUI 4024 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-3972 CASTILLO SERGIO COVARRUBIAS 1170 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3421 CASTILLO FIDEL JUAREZ 2316 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2936 CASTILLOTE RACHEL 2502 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3761 CASTRO JOSE M 2017 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2320 CASTRO JOSE LUIS 631 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3743 CATUZO TAMERA 3606 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3929 CAWTHON ROBIN H 3504 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3947 CEDER SARAH 686 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 CERON FAUSTO GABRIEL+ARACE 1426 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3339 CETINO EDGAR R+MARIA M NORI 915 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3874 CHAMBERS JEFFREY A 3305 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3404 CHAN NATHAN J 3313 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3404 CHAN LISA 711 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3862 CHANDLER ANDREA E 1160 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3547 CHANDLER RALPH A+CAROL A 651 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3643 CHANEY GREGORY A+MADELINE 1 832 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3722 CHANG DARREL+WENDY T 3303 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3952 CHAPMAN RANDY A+SONIA M 3511 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3948 CHARLEBOIS SANDRA 1175 Harrington PI NE Apt 201 Renton WA 98056-3176 CHASE FLOYD L 2200 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2622 CHEN RUBEN C+LAM TRANG N 3133 NE 19th PI Renton WA 98056-3292 CHENEY LAWRENCE+SARAH AP 3711 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 CHERMAKANI KARTHIK T 1402 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3339 CHEUNG KARSON+SANDY B VUOI� 1159 Glennwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3015 CHHUM DAYNA P 3132 NE 19th PI Renton WA 98056-3292 CHODYKIN HELEN L 508 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3657 CHODYKIN STAN+VANESSA GAET, 573 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3666 CHRISTIE KATHY L 1325 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3348 CHRISTENSEN LARRY D 621 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 CHRISTENSEN RONNY 625 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3710 CHRISTENSEN RACHEL L 815 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2857 CHU PHILIP 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Apt 219 Renton WA 98056-2984 CHUNG THUAN 4001 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3836 CICCANTI ANTHONY D+ELIZABET 2012 Kirkland PI NE Renton WA 98056-3239 CIOCANAS MARIA 3600 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3827 CIRHAN GREGORY M 505 Grantley Way NE Renton WA 98056-3626 CLAPP DONALD E 2935 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3731 CLARK MADELINE O 3415 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3418 CLAYBO WALT&WYN+FAMILY CHP 451 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4028 CLAYTON JUSTIN M 509 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 CLEMANS LEORA MAE 622 Glennwood Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3724 CLOUD DARRELL A 2128 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2873 CLOYD WILLIAM H & MAXINE 762 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3871 COAN JAMES A SR+RONDA J 529 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3988 COCHRAN MARJORIE A 683 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 COE ANTHONY+RACHAEL 1020 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3545 COE FRANK C+MICHELLE K 509 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3661 COEN JACOB P 4021 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3581 COFFEY STEPHEN J EVERETT MA 2203 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3621 COFFMAN MARISSA 3609 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3352 COLE LETTY E 1073 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3011 COLELLA WILLIAM L 3730 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3990 COLEMAN CHAD E+MACEY JOLEE 513 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3651 COLLI ILEANA MONSRREAL+MART 2308 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3620 COLLINS HEATHER L 3701 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3818 COLLINS CAROLYN H 850 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3876 COLLODI FLORIO & PATRICIA A 3709 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2014 CONDIT GRAHAM A 3137 NE 20th PI Renton WA 98056-3291 CONNELL KELLY W+JACQUELINE 912 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2905 CONTRERAS LIDIA E 501 Shelton Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3984 CONUS ADAM D+CONUS JENNIFEI2109 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3615 CONWAY MAYO B+BARLOW CHAR 3616 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8601 COOK -VAN VELZEN DOROTHY PO Box 2545 Renton WA 98056-0545 COON JEREMY L+LAURA W 3715 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3506 CORCORAN HEIDI+JAMES+KAREN 3509 Monterey Ct NE Newcastle WA 98056-2097 CORCORAN JAMES+KAREN 3509 Monterey Ct NE Newcastle WA 98056-2097 CORKUM RICHARD C 3619 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3508 CORMAN CATHERINE L 2216 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8301 CORREA LUCILA 566 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3703 CORREA KENT & CYNTHIA R 670 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2807 CORTES MIGUEL A 655 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 COTHRAN TRACY L+VOLNEY 3301 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3850 COUNTS ANNA MARIE 3425 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3920 COWAN JACK L & BETTY J 905 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3804 CRAIG MATTHEW A 2029 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-2801 CRAMPTON SUSAN 461 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 CRANE LORI M 3134 NE 19th PI Renton WA 98056-3292 CRANE ROBERT 950 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2905 CRAWFORD MARGARET L 3607 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3532 CRISMAN CARRIE A 2208 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2946 CROTHAMEL FREDICK 1408 Index Ave NE # 1410 Renton WA 98056-3122 CROW JOHN R 811 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3630 CRUTCHFIELD ROBY W 1013 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3423 CRUTCHFIELD 3613 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3844 CRUZ GERMAN PENA+MARIA M S(3604 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3945 CUGINI SYLVESTER 353 Vuemont PI NE Renton WA 98056-3659 CUIZON SUZETTE 2200 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8301 CULBERTSON VICTORIA 3313 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3922 CUNANAN OSCAR M+AURORA 3425 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3832 CURL KENNETH E 1006 Pierce Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3535 CURLEY PAMELA ANNE 1225 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3220 CYRBU SAM 1917 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2661 CZERWINSKI THOMAS M 3834 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3995 DAIGLE KIM M 3632 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3515 DAILEY LORRI A 3534 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3947 DALGLEISH BONNY A 3501 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3448 DALPAY JAMES W J R+J U LI E A 13033 SE 95th Way Renton WA 98056-2445 DALRYMPLE LENNICE A 1209 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3119 DAN SAKAWE 3800 NE Sunset Blvd Apt E104 Renton WA 98056-3323 DANG CUONG NGOC ET AL 4007 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3800 DANG KIM 600 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-4562 DANGEO ESMERIA 4019 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3992 DANIELSON LESTER 1 2501 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8309 DANSIE LEE 2215 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3611 DARCHUK MARSHA 3827 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3975 DAVIES WILLIAM G 3719 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3990 DAVIS JAMES 1160 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3539 DAVIS TERRI L 2303 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3619 DAVIS WARREN E+YOSHIKO G 3603 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8602 DAWSON CHRISTOPHER D+NORA 559 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3661 DE CARO ALBERT 551 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3704 DE DIOS JESUS+DE DIOS MARICE12615 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3036 DEAN JOEL 1100 Harrington Ave NE Apt 105 Renton WA 98056-3081 DEANDA JAMIE+ROSA 1 3913 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3924 DEHART ROBERT D & JOANNE M 3011 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3107 DEICHERT DEBORAH LYNN 502 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3657 DEL FiERRO DEBORAH J 3716 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3974 DEL TORO JAVIER G+BENITA 2519 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3038 DELANO-ANTOINE JULIE 920 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3807 DELATORRE JUAN 3510 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3829 DELGADO MARTIN M+VERDUZCO 2418 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8368 DELOOF SUSAN A 469 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 DELRIO HUMBERTO+ANA 658 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3908 DELURA MARY D 505 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3737 DELVILLAR FELIX C 554 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3744 DEMASTUS SANDEL 1137 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3008 DENARAS BASIL+RUTH 3908 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3555 DENG YAN HONG+HUANG WO HUI 1448 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3379 DENNY MARK A+SARAH A 3711 NE 13th PI Renton WA 98056-3384 DEOSKEY ANITA M 2213 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3607 DEOSKEY ANITA PO Box 2962 Renton WA 98056-0962 DESRANLEAU MARCEL A 3807 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3381 DEW CHRISTOPHER B+TRACY L 4010 NE 4th Pi Renton WA 98056-8507 DIAZ GABRIEL J 2505 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3768 DIAZ-RAMIREZ MARIA A 3732 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3513 DICK L N 3600 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3515 DICKINSON HERBERT M 950 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2922 DIECKMAN CLAUDIA ANN 1019 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3423 DIEP MIKE H 1526 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3086 DILL LAURA LEE 1014 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056.3541 DING SOPHIA+BARKER RANDY 1119 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3544 DINH GAM+TUNG+PHAM HONG 516 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3736 DINIUS ARLIN R+DARLENE F 1002 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 DIXON DOUGLAS A 854 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3646 DO HELEN STEPHANIE+CHUONG ) 1925 Kirkland PI NE Renton WA 98056-3293 DO TRO V 4009 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3992 DO TRO VAN+LUU THI TON 4009 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3992 DOAN PHIN T 655 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3670 DOANE BETTY S 844 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3809 DOLL JOHN W 2707 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3758 DOLLEMAN RICH 2406 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8717 DONALD ALLISON B 2704 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3763 DONG KAREN 616 Glennwood Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3724 DONLAN AMY C 870 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3869 DONNER MARCELLA R 3406 NE 7th P1 Renton WA 98056-3919 DOUANGPHACHANH KNEMPHONE 1913 Kirkland Pi NE Renton WA 98056-3293 DOUWES SCOTT A G 3512 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3845 DOWNING YANA+DARYL 656 Blaine Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2835 DRON ANDREY+DRON FEDORA 840 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3722 DRURY CHARLES CECIL 3409 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3402 DU TRANG H 4019 NE 14th PI Renton WA 98056-3389 DUAZO REYNALDO D+YOLANDA A 510 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4060 DUBUQUE RICHARD G + KRISTA D 2101 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3609 DUMLAO JAMES J 850 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3863 DUMLER ALBERT V 3422 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3949 DUMO NERIO P 3430 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3919 DUNCAN KELLY J 1919 Kirkland PI NE Renton WA 98056-3293 DUNLAP MARY R 711 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3801 DUNTON DALE C & BARBARA 3104 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3407 DYER ADAM 275 Index PI SE Renton WA 98056-4013 EASTMAN ARTHUR E+WAUNETA k 3533 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3226 ELAM DAVID D+LAURA L 463 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 ELDRIDGE DONALD K+GWENDOLI 1056 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3437 ELIGIO LAURENCE DALIT+CHRIS 679 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 ELIZABETH ROGERS 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt 13108 Renton WA 98056-8370 ELLINGSON ELVIN A 550 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3625 ELLIOTT PAMELA K 2312 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2926 ELMER THERESA 3101 NE 13th St Apt A Renton WA 98056-3262 ELSTON RONALD ALLEN 782 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3879 ELTING EMILY+ELTING VICKI+WILI450 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 ELZIG BETTYILESTER 2405 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2931 EMERY CHARLES D+LOUISA C 570 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3982 EMMERTON DAVID C 2209 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2947 ENACHE NICU+CRISTINA 759 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3812 ENDICOTT GORDON L+KLARA M 855 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 ENG KIM L+UNG HELEN N 1701 Monterey Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2669 ENG LILY KAUNG 4003 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3800 ENGELAND MARIE J 2914 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3726 ENRIQUEZ EVERARDO MARTINEZ 4020 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3937 ESCOBEDO-HERNANDEZ VICTOR 807 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3645 ESLICK VICKIE S 665 Blaine Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2835 ESQUIVEL JOSE H+ MARTA PATRI, 1116 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 EUDAVE JESUS+MONiCA CERVAN 668 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 EVANS HAYES JR + VELMA 2805 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3750 EVANS RALPH M 3306 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3445 EVANS FRANK 667 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3670 EVENHUS J B 2514 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3767 EVERMON AMI K 845 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3806 EWERS TAMMY 908 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3803 EXTINE MARK A+KELLEY R 3116 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3914 FABROA OSCAR+ELISA 1060 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 FABROA OSCAR B+ELISA O 1070 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 FAiRBAIRN MICHAEL A 683 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 FALETTO AARON M+PAMELA J 3400 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3227 FALKNER KRISTIN 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt 1136 Renton WA 98056-8372 FARKAS TIBERIU M 2509 NE 38th St Renton WA 98056-2368 FARMER DAN 554 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3982 FARRIS SUZANNE LEE 3413 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3920 FAULKNER KELLY M 2915 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3727 FELICIANO MARITES 854 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2856 FELTMAN BRUCE H 666 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3644 FENG WEI 1401 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3371 FENWICK MELITA L+SANDERS MA 855 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3630 FERENTCHAK RANDAL S+SUSAN 1574 Newport Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3983 FERGUSON VIVIAN 1162 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3079 FERNANDEZ NESTOR Y 804 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3866 FERRER JULIO R 3907 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3981 FESER MALCOM D 2301 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2927 FIFE TRACY J+COYLE KIMBERLY 1017 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 FINCH LINDA ANNE + HARKEY WA! 1060 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 FINCH SCOTT + SAVITHA 6457 Lake Washington Blvd SE Newcastle WA 98056-1014 FISHER RICHARD A+MARY E 1067 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 FISHER PATRICIA ANN 807 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3870 FISHER TERRY+BRENDA 808 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3805 FISHER CLIFFORD H 854 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3876 FISK MAX E & HELEN B 3520 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3509 FITZGERALD AMY L 440 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8555 FIVEASH JOHN C 3306 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3825 FLATTUM MELVIN H 458 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3637 FLEETWOOD DAVID 818 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3809 FLEMING THOMAS+SUSAN 801 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3723 FLORES MARIA L 610 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 980564562 FLOREZ JAIME 639 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3743 FOMIN ANDREW C+MARCY J 1111 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3434 FORBES EDWARD DARRELL 2605 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3766 FORGAARD WENDELL L 678 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-3019 FOSTER GERRIT D 3312 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3935 FOX CHARLOTTE M 1125 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3544 FOX JOEY A+JED R SOBA 528 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-3987 FRANKLIN HELEN 866 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3869 FRANZER TY S 1050 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3437 FRANZ JULIA BISBEE 1721 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2328 FRAUTSCHI JASON P+ERIKA K 2310 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3686 FRAZIER CARMELLAA+ANTHONY 2215 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2865 FREDERICKSON MICHAEL C+SHA12702 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8333 FREDELL WALTER K & LINDA L 3315 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3420 FREDERICKS MARK L+KIMBERLY 3628 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3945 FREDELL HOWARD 823 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3860 FREED ALFRED B+ SONG Y 2511 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-3032 FREEMAN ANN MARIE 814 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3869 FRICKER TODD A 4006 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 FRIENDLY FUELS INC 1190 Sunset Blvd NE Ste F Renton WA 98056-8703 FRODSHAM DONALD+BETTY A 3907 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3584 FROELICH ROBERT 1044 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 FROMHERZ FRED J 3627 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3562 FROST WILLIAM C+BEVERLY J 1924 NE 27th St Renton WA 98056-2281 FRY WILLIAM L+BEVERLY S HEN 3306 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3451 FUENTES EUFEMIA SORTO+KARL♦ 809 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3860 FUGERE SHELLY D 3313 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3826 FUNDERBURG PATRICIA 2617 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8363 GABRIEL MICAHEL RAPHAEL 3324 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3445 GAGNE PENNY 1515 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3214 GALLAGHER RONAN M+MELANIE J 1114 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3539 GALLARDO ABNER F+MICHELLE L 2841 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 GALLOWAY RYAN D 838 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3805 GAMBLE RICHARD A PO Box 2938 Renton WA 98056-0938 GAMLEM CATHRYN E 608 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3701 GAMUNDI GUILLERMO 939 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 GAO XIAO Y+XIE HUI CHANG 4003 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3992 GARCIA IRIS T 2215 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2935 GARCIA GUTIERREZ CARLOS 3013 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3747 GARCIA CESAR 3307 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3936 GARCIA ALFREDO+NINFA 657 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3965 GARCIA OSIEL+MAYRA 900 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3027 GARDINO LOUIS J 553 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3666 GARDNER J D 1112 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3547 GARDNER SUSAN M 1114 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3547 GARIBAY MANUEL+SUSANA 2506 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3037 GARVIN GARY 3513 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3932 GARVIN NATHANIEL C 3624 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3351 GARCA EDWIN M 3304 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3951 GAVINO CELESTINO B 415 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 GAZMEN DENA+GERARDO 1006 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 GEBREMDHIN SOLOMAN 3317 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3446 GEISSLER R 619 Blaine Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2864 GELASHVILI TSIURI+GEORGE 1518 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3112 GELASVILI GEORGE 1701 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2328 GELINAS DANIEL R+JENNIFER M 2821 NE 13th St Renton WA 98056-3142 GELINAS DANIEL+JENNIFER 3517 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3948 GEPNER ERIC P 645 Glennwood Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3725 GERRING DALE 2834 Sunset Ln NE Renton WA 98056-3138 LEVERS CORNELUS T+VERA M 900 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3807 GHERE WILL & LINDA 443 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4028 GIBBONS J R 2524 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2363 GIBBONS NONA M PO Box 2767 Renton WA 98056-0767 GILLISPIE E B 609 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 GIRIAS MICHAEL J+DORIS H 1112 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3435 GISTARB DAVID L 604 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 GLAZKOV ALEXANDRE 454 Grantley Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 GLEASON FRANCIS M JR 662 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3669 GLEASON DENNIS M 842 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3720 GLENEWINKEL NICHOLAS A 3601 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8602 GOH KIM E 2524 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2378 GOLL DANIEL J 438 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-8506 GOLL GEORGIA 667 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 GOLOVKO ALEKSANDR 1627 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3369 GOMEZ RAMON+MARIA TERESA S 3725 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3818 GOMEZ REBECCA G 3912 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3890 GOMEZ LUCIO+GRACIELATAMAYC919 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2923 GONZALEZ ISMAEL+AMARIAH G 2608 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3759 GONZALEZ ANA MARIA RIVERA 3525 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3518 GONZALEZ PATRICIA P 659 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3741 GONZALEZ JOSE + HERNANDEZ S 964 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2831 GOO STEPHEN G+LILIANA MARTIN455 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 GOPAL JEFFREY L 668 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3680 GORES WAYNE H 3735 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3560 GORMLEY OWEN C+KATHLEEN M 2820 NE 23rd Pl Renton WA 98056-8365 GORTER BREDLEY D & GLENDA K 1026 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 GOULTER ERIC W+GOULTER VAL[ 2167 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8304 GRAHAM STELLA LORRAINE 2320 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2926 GRANDEMANGE EUGENE H+PATR 1032 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 GRAVES JEFFREY S+STACY H 2004 Glennwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2307 GRAVES RICHARD M 3725 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3514 GRAY R L 3526 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3503 GRAY ERIC L+ MARIA A 604 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-4562 GREEN DAVID W+ROLLO SHANN02213 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2947 GREENE STANLEY D 530 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-3707 GREENWOOD PAT 551 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3651 GREENWELL ROBERT R 636 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3669 GREGG WILLIAM D 867 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3864 GREISING GERI N+PAUL L 3119 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-3290 GRIFFIN CAROLYN J 450 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4025 GRINSHTAT VITALIY+GUSEVA VA 3904 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3555 GRISIM TODD W 1110 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3433 GRONNEBEK MICHELE 820 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3646 GROSS MEYER 512 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-3985 GROVER RAYMOND L+GROVER Di 3308 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3229 GROVER BILL PO Box 2701 Renton WA 98056-0701 GROW VLOD ALEKSI+TIANNA JOA 3911 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 GRUBBS SAMUEL E JR 3904 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-3557 GRUENING MICHELLE LARA 2021 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2750 GUAJARDO-VARGAS USSIEL M+Mi 3607 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3828 GUARINO ANTHONY 1429 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3216 GUBER EVGENIJ 2725 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8330 GUERRERO JORGE 1409 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3216 GUIDRY LEON B 3417 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3228 GUILEY RUTH E 1025 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 GUILLIOT GAIL M 621 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3743 GUILLEN HENRY PO Box 3284 Renton WA 98056-0010 GUNDERSON CONTANCE D 428 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-8506 GUNTER PAULETTE G 567 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3704 GUSTAFSON GENE S 479 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3976 GUSTMAN WALLY H 1719 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2316 GUTIERREZ MARCO A 2212 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8311 GUTIERREZ ELISEO+TINA M 2309 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2937 GUTIERREZ OSCAR 2408 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3618 GUTIERREZ JOSE M+MARIA A 2423 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2967 GUTIERREZ FRANCISCO J 2523 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3768 GUTIERREZ ELISEO+TINA M 3130 NE 20th PI Renton WA 98056-3291 GUTIERREZ JOSE 3301 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3404 GUTIERREZ MANUEL J 3325 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3922 GUTIERREZ MARIO 578 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3698 GUTKA JAY T+MARIETHES 848 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2803 GWILYM THOMAS E 933 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2923 HA HAN THUC+MAN THUG 405 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 HA MINH Q 2220 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3614 HABER DOROTHY F 568 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3698 HACK JESSE E+JEAN M 3707 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3818 HACKENBERGER CLAUS PO Box 2254 Renton WA 98056-0254 HAFFNER JAMES F+CANDACE E 820 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3859 HAGEN JAMES E 1429 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3340 HALFACRE PAUL D 2106 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3616 HALFON DAVID 805 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3810 HALL EDWIN A+HELEN M 2825 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2375 HALL LEROY J 3332 NE 17th St Renton WA 98056-3237 HALL DALE R 468 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3653 HALVORSON JUDITH ANNE 819 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 HAMAMOTO ALEX+KELLY 1010 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 HAMMOND BARRY D 565 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3666 HANAN LEA + KEVIN 1178 Edmonds PI NE Renton WA 98056-8716 HANSARD JOSEPH D 3142 NE 20th PI Renton WA 98056-3291 HANSEN FRASER R 3412 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3449 HANSON CHRISTOPHER 582 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 HANSON DEBORAH R 683 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 HARDING JACK 1012 Pierce Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3535 HARDING RALPH A+SHIRLEY J 850 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 HARDY ROBERT E+MARY A 1065 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 HARLAN STEPHEN W+MARTHA L 509 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3651 HARND MILDRED LEE 1073 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 HARRISON SHELLEY 2612 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3765 HARRIS HELEN 3735 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 HARRISON ROBERT L 3809 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3814 HARRIS LEE JOHN 915 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3858 HARTMANN KEITH D+SALLY L 858 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3898 HASHIMOTO STEVEN 1 2219 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3621 HATCH WENDY L 455 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4028 HAUGAN RICHARD R 620 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3905 HAUGEN HARRY AUSTIN + CAROL 527 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 HAWTON BRETT + JENNIFER 1308 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3006 HAYS CARLOS A 617 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3906 HE YAN+TSE BOWIE 3616 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3515 H EAN EY KEVIN S 3311 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3452 HECOX MARY L 2923 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3731 HEDRICK RICHARD C JR 2009 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2305 HEFFERNAN CHARLES EDWARD+- 1012 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3437 HEISINGER ERIKA E 2801 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8328 HELESHUNT TERESA A 3706 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3817 HELMS ROBERT T+MARGARET D 403 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 HENDERSON ROBERT 1009 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3438 HENDERSON CHARLENE R 852 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3805 HENG SAMKHANN Y 522 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4060 HENNEMAN BRANDO D+BEES CAF 2507 N E 21 st St Renton WA 98056-2743 HENRIQUEZ MARIA 647 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3743 HENRY RICHARD D+MARCIA M 1908 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2709 HEPWORTH ROBERT E JR PO Box 3121 Renton WA 98056-0007 HERCHELRODE STEVEN 3523 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3948 HERCULES RUBIO MENJIVAR 807 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 HERNANDEZ MIGUEL A+CRUZ HEF 1159 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3434 HERNANDEZ LILIA V+GANABAN T 411 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 HERNANDEZ MOISES ALARCON+C 692 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 HERNANDEZ CHRISTOPHER J+ANi 703 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3801 HERNDON KMIBERLY 1616 Newport Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3231 HEROLD THOMAS B+KARIENE L 1114 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3433 HEROLD SHIRLEY 3701 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3506 HERRERA ADOLFO+GRISELDA YA 2814 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4080 HERRERA JOSE JESUS+SILVIA 504 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3636 HERRON DAVID D+PAMELA 1 1022 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 HESLOP DEBRA 774 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3871 HESS GERALD E 2108 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2948 HIATT EUDEAN A 1102 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3539 HIGASHI THOMAS E 3812 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3839 HIGGINS STUART 805 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3864 HIGHFILL TERRI 3401 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3402 HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY ASSOCI{ PO Box 2041 Renton WA 98056-0041 HIGTOWER JOHN C 3903 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-3558 HILDEBRANT JOHN T 3903 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3981 HILDER SCOTT J+CHRISTINE L 440 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 HILL BRIAN T+KATHERINE A 455 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4026 HILL THOMAS C 505 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3912 HILL JON RUSSELL+ROCHELLE S 924 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3027 HIMMELMAN TYLER K 558 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 HINDES SARAH M 2625 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8332 HINTZ CHRISTOPHER L+MICHELE 671 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3693 HIRES JESSIE K & JULIA A 2217 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2929 HISER WILLIAM J 921 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3858 HIXON VEDA M 3029 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3753 HOANG TICH+HELEN 3309 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3952 HOANG PINDAR D 3812 NE 14th PI Renton WA 98056-3378 HOANG VAN ANH T 679 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 HOBBS SHANNEN M 2326 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2926 HODGE MARGARET L 1074 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 HOFF LINTON 551 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3711 HOFFMAN HAROLD & PAULA PO Box 2124 Renton WA 98056-0124 HOGAN PAUL 600 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 HOLLANDER SONIA M 1639 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3369 HOLBROOK NEIL & BETTY 2307 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3667 HOLCOMB GUY G+JUDY A 2622 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3759 HOLDENER ALISHA N + MARK JER 3625 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3508 HOLLIDAY BRUCE D 2508 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3773 HOLMES JERRY W+FIELDS, ELIZAI408 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4025 HOLMQUIST MIRIAM 3610 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3843 HOLZGRAF ROBERT W 3819 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3381 HONG LAM 3500 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3441 HORA CURTIS J+WHITN EY A 506 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3657 HOSHIDE LLOYD 833 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3810 HOTTELL PAUL R+YOEUM IM 3141 NE 19th PI Renton WA 98056-3292 HOUSDEN YVONNE C 819 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3866 HOUSTON GEORGE+SHEILA 667 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 HOUT VERONICA 3702 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3529 HOWARD KIM D 2300 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2926 HOWELL G F 439 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 HSIEH JERRY+JEN CHEN 521 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 HUANG AN JUNG 3032 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3752 HUANG WEN FANG+FENG ZHU L1+3740 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3974 HUANG SUNNY A+ZUTAO 851 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 HUBLER TROY 600 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3701 HUDGINS KRISTINE R 2322 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2932 HUEBNER ROBERT F 1700 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2664 HUERTA JESUS 3424 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3831 HUFF ALLEN PAUL + HUFF CELES-1120 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3539 HUGG CHARLES S 862 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3869 HUGHES C FLOYD 804 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3809 HULSE BRUCE T 1033 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 HUMPHRIES SCOTT W 634 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3734 HUNT GEORGE R 1911 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2322 HUNTER BETTY J 2219 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2865 HURNER JAMES E 659 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3670 HURTER H D 1119 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 HUTCHINS WILLIAM N+MICHELLE 3641 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3516 HUYNH PHUNG T 3900 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3537 HUYNH THANH 457 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 HUYNH CUONG+TU UYEN T 517 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 HUZAR NICHOLAS T+DO CLAUDIA 2513 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2743 HUZZY STEVE K 3404 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3227 HYNES CHERYL A 643 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3743 IBARRA-ALLDAZ RICHAR EDUARD 538 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-3987 IDKEIDEK SAMI T 3626 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3561 IGE DAVID+CYNTHIA 447 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 IJIOMAH NKEIRU 2516 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2363 ILCHISHIN MIKHAIL+LESYA 1628 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3370 ILES JOHN H 2913 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3755 IMANI REZA G 3808 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3380 INGRAM ELIZABETH 1050 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3541 INTHAVONG SOURIDETH+SIBOUN 2203 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4503 INTHAVONG VONE 3323 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3420 JACKSON DARRYL A 4003 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-3972 JACKSON RODNEY LOUIS+MCGAF756 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3811 JACOBS TR1NA 422 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 JACOBS NORMAN & FLORA C 550 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3961 JACOBS ROSE ANNE 871 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3870 JACQUES JAMES H 1216 N 38th St Renton WA 98056-1539 JAEGER ROBERT F 2304 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2926 JAEGER SCOTT R+AMY J 480 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3738 JALALYAR MIR SADAM 1022 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3437 JANENKO PATRICIA M 4001 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3800 JANNUSCH GARY C+DENISE E 615 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-4563 JARAMILLO LARRY ET AL 845 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 JAREK JOE J 3805 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3926 JAREK JOSEPH 676 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 JARMAN JASON C P+HEIDI H 3719 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3560 JARZABEK MICHELLE 3913 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3584 JASSEK EVA L 2223 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3611 JEFFERY ROSCOE T 3312 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3921 JENKINS CLARA E 3525 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3917 JENNINGS CHARLES L+JENNINGS 2204 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8311 JENSEN CHRIS J 1408 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3339 JENSEN IRIS A 508 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3736 JERPE PAMELA A 3635 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3562 JIMENEZ JAVIER TORRES 2712 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3763 JIMENEZ MIGUEL+SALAS ILEANA [ 3806 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 JOHNSTON GEORGE T+MARIAN R 1021 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 JOHNSON GLENDA L 1216 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3317 JOHNSON RANDY R 2306 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2932 JOHNSON CHRIS 2412 NE 13th St Renton WA 98056-2796 JOHNSEN BRIAN C 3301 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3826 JOHNSON RALPH S 3506 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3845 JOHNSON MONICA D+GAINES TRA 439 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 JOHNSTON EDGAR 465 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4024 JOHNSON RAYMOND G & MAXINE 570 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3652 JOHNSEN JANET HELEN 911 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3804 JOHNSON DONALD L &TRISTIE L 951 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 JOHNSON ROXANNA L PO Box 2877 Renton WA 98056-0877 JONES LEKETCHIA 1058 Glennwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3016 JONES STEVEN I+JANINE J 1216 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3349 JONES PATRICIA A 2300 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3692 JONES PHILLIP J 2301 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2933 JONES ERIK T+JONES LISA M 2304 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2936 JONES HAROLD A 2720 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4008 JONES JOHN 2914 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3775 JONES KASAUNDRA M+MCNEILLY 3631 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3916 JONES MICHAEL E 440 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3900 JONES ROBERT W+MANIVANH VIL 474 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4012 JONES JAY SCOTT 478 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 JONES TROY+JANA 547 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-3708 JONES WILLIAM S 845 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3630 JONES MARTIN R 850 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3646 JOSEPH KIMBERLEY A 442 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 JOSHUA STANLEY M + FRANCISC7 3307 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3420 JOSHUA C & GEHRING SEPTEMBE 851 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3813 JUBRAN SUHAIL H 1217 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3385 JUNSO JACQUELYN 3524 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3918 JURY JOHN I+SHARON M 529 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3626 JUSAYAN MINDA 3407 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3934 KALASOUNTAS PETE 514 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3744 KAMIMAE TRACY+DONNA 3816 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3527 KAMPHAUS MELISSA A 429 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 KANG KI SUNG+SEON P 519 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 KANG DAVID+MARKET HONG 521 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 KARINEN KENNETH 2705 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3764 KARLSSON KARL & BONNIE 1066 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 KAZACHENKO VIORIKA 2815 NE 16th St Renton WA 98056-2333 KEARNEY DOUGLAS A 2712 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3769 KEATON BARBARA R 435 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 KEATTS CINDY B 3507 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3830 KEEFFER THOMAS A+JULIE M 474 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 KEENER HARVEY A 4013 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3836 KEESECKER WILLIAM T 2124 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8303 KEKELIA GURAM & ERIKA 3501 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3822 KELLEY JEANETTE B 512 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3736 KENT BRIAN M+RHONDA K 804 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 KESSACK JAMES A JR 2215 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3621 KETTERLING L K 625 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 KHAIMOV DANIEL 4014 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3800 KHALSA JAGJIT SINGH + KAUR TA12817 NE 16th St Renton WA 98056-2333 KHATIBI MICHAEL PO Box 2115 Renton WA 98056-0115 KHIMMIXAY SYLVIA 1815 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2326 KHOUNMANY SIDNEY 420 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4002 KHUU NGHIA+DANG HA 558 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3982 KIM HAN SIN+JIN JU 2604 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98056-4006 KIMSEY TYLER+WALLACE CORY 550 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3744 KINDLE VERLA L 3419 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3428 KING JENNIFER D+KEITH R 625 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3649 KING STEPHEN M & NARANJOE 670 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 KING MICHAEL D+DAWN 1 816 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3859 KINGREY MILDRED B 2201 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2947 KINNEY PAUL W 850 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3885 KIRBY MARILYN E 3323 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3834 KJELSTRUP VICKI 1813 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2326 KLEIBER DAVID JOHN+ERIN ANN 504 Shelton Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3984 KLOSTER EUNICE 2808 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4080 KLUDIKOFSKY KIAN P+KIM LISA 450 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-8506 KNIGHT LENA B LIVING TRUST 1022 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3415 KNIGHT GREGORY D 2211 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3621 KNIGHT KAROL L 821 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3630 KNOWLTON DALE E & SUSAN L 2311 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3605 KNOX JAMES C+CHERYL A 2311 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3619 KNUDSON MARSHA J 830 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3720 KOBUKI JOHN H+TERESA L SOUTF 3801 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3512 KOEHLER YVONNE L 3734 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3974 KONCAN AGNES B 670 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3908 KORACH-CULVER KERRY 3714 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3505 KPF PROPERTY LLC 3770 NE 4th St Renton WA 98056-4109 KRAEMER ERIC E+CONSTANCE B 1036 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 KRALL TODD L+TAMMY LEE 2513 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3762 KRAMER SHARON E 2210 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3622 KRANMICZ HELENA T 3318 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3451 KREICK JOY A 3619 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton WA 98056-1509 KREIDERMACHER SCOTT 663 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3673 KUHLMANN DAVID 2512 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3037 KUMAR SUBHASHNI D + BIMAL 2102 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8356 KUNDROTAS KAZIMIERAS A 562 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 980563982 KUNKEL SAMANTHA R 3519 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3504 KUNKLE CHARLES S+STEPHANIE 1003 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 KUPFERER KANON L+JESSICA 2016 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-2304 KUPFERER LARRY D 2720 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2300 KURAMOTO TOM Y 505 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3661 LACY JAMES H JR 3508 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3441 LADRILLONO ALFREDO C SR+AGU 866 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3863 LAFORD 3501 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3226 LALANGAN IRENEO V+SUSAN M 1150 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3421 LALLEY JOHN J+NORMA B 1055 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 LAM DOAN+TRUONG LOAN T 1504 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3120 LAM DAN MARN HONG 2807 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2375 LAM MERCEDES SANTAELLA-+KE1437 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 LAM TRANG 3133 NE 19th PI Renton WA 98056-3292 LAMANNA PAMELA S 767 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3878 LAMB SALLY M 3619 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3828 LAMB RALPH W+MARGUERITE W 555 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3651 LAMB STEVEN J 691 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 LAMBERT CLYDE J 3730 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3817 LAMBERT CRAIG J 821 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3723 LANDBLOOM ROBT 666 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3908 LANDON FREDERICK DEAN 659 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 LANDRUM WAYNE A+ELIZABETH F 2221 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2947 LANEY CHARLES E+CHERYL L 812 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3646 LANG ROBERT D SR & JOAN L 3614 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3915 LANG JAY 759 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3642 LANGE DUGAN J+CHRISTI M 425 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 LANGLOIS JERRY RICHARD 2503 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3762 LANPHEAR BRIAN E 333 Vuemont PI NE Apt 304 Renton WA 98056-3679 LAPOINTE JOHN & LINDA 633 Glennwood Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3725 LARA MIGUEL+JOSE DE JESUS 3901 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3837 LARIVIERE SETH A+JETTA M 426 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8555 LARIZA LARRY G 2204 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2866 LARSON SHELLY 1832 NE 25th PI Renton WA 98056-2290 LAS GEORGE+ELIZABETH 1011 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 LASCU DANIEL+SIMONA 2920 NE 4th St Renton WA 98056-4014 LASCU DANIEL+ SIMONA 569 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3666 LAU CHIN PONG 443 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 LAURENCIO DANNY G+NENITA 574 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 LE CATHERINE 3915 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 LE CUONG Q+THANH HOANG NGU 1212 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3385 LE DUOC+TUYET HONG DANG 668 Blaine Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2835 LE HA 2115 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4501 LE JENNIFER A 3926 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3525 LE JOHN+LE GAO VAN+LY KIMCH 516 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4060 LE KHANG Q+TRANG NGUYEN 855 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3875 LE MINH-TRIET T 4025 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3992 LE NHUAN 3233 NE 12th St Apt 306 Renton WA 98056-3476 LE THANH T+NGUYEN MINH Q+HA 4015 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3800 LE TRUNG 3315 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3911 LE TUNG T+DOAN CHAU N HUYNH 3020 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3752 LEAL-ORTIZ ADOLFO 684 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 LEATHLEY G L 561 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3666 LEBERT JUNIOR 1 460 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3653 LECUYER DEBORAH L 409 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 LEDEZMA-ALDRETE GUADALUPE 2609 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3760 LEE KA YIN+CHAU YVONNE SHI M) 1048 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 LEE SUZANNE H PO Box 2112 Renton WA 98056-0112 LEE TAE 2406 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8717 LEE YONG 2103 Kennewick PI NE Renton WA 98056-2255 LEILER SHIRLEY+PETTERSON D 0353 Vuemont PI NE Renton WA 98056-3659 LEITH MARY 3317 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3452 LEMAY JEANINE L 1160 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3435 LEMMON C J+DONNA J 3616 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3351 LEMUS JOSE R 3510 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3503 LEON JUAN LARA+LARA SOCORR(3925 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3924 LESTER ETHEL E 2022 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-2304 LESTER WILLIAM E+PATRICIA J 459 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4028 LEWANDOWSKI JOZEF 3719 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3928 LEWIS JULIE 1175 Harrington PI NE Apt 211 Renton WA 98056-3177 LEWIS BONNIE J 1520 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3086 LEWIS BRAD & JACQUELINE 408 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 LEWIS HAZEL 862 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3898 Ll QI AN 2105 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3609 LI ZHONG KANG+SHAG PING 1930 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2459 LIBBY L D 3703 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3560 LIEN VINH 4024 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 LIEVERO LAURA A 1203 N 38th St Renton WA 98056-1540 LILJE MATTHEW+STEPHANIE BUR 1108 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3539 LIM LAURIE 3136 NE 20th PI Renton WA 98056-3291 LIN RAYMOND WEI WEN 3607 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8602 LINDLOW D A 3805 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3814 LINDSEY CLARISSE K 4004 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3835 LIN EBARGER J G 691 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 LIU HAIYANG 8223 126th PI SE Newcastle WA 98056-9132 LIU JUN 1634 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3370 LIU ZALE 662 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3994 LIV LY 2813 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2375 LIVINGSTON SANDRA+DENNIS L 3924 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3981 LLAMAS FIDEL DIAZ 653 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3741 LOBODUK ROBERT+RUTH M 3321 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3911 LOCKLEER RUBY 3618 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3929 LOGAN KATHERINE B 3930 NE 4th Cir BG5 Renton WA 98056-8552 LOMBARDO NOEL 522 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3961 LONG MELVIN L 1032 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3545 LOPEZ CHAD M 1300 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3347 LOPEZ JOSE LUIS SEGUNDO 3716 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3943 LOPRIORE RALPH V 579 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3912 LOTT ELKE E 3024 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3752 LOTTO MYRTLE 1023 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 LOWE DONALD A 1411 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3340 LOWRY MICHAEL E+MARY H 3326 Park Ave N Renton WA 98056-1915 LOZADA JUAN C 815 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 LU HUNG VIET 3414 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3847 LU HUNG 684 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 LU HUNG+VAN VO 684 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 LUBY BAY BOYS LLC 900 N 27th PI Renton WA 98056-1476 LUCAS ELIZABETH A 2513 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3768 LUEDKE NORMAN L TRUST 3408 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3847 LUEDTKE JANET R 1111 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3544 LUI AMANDA 436 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 LUJAN ZENINA 441 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 LUKOWSKI DAVID + JACKIE 1164 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2909 LUONG CHAY+LUC PHAN 3913 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3538 LUQUIN LUIS 3922 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 LUTA MR & MRS 1026 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3541 LUTA IOSIF+MARIA E 1806 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2662 LUTA DANIEL 426 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4002 LUTES JOHN 3318 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3445 LUTTERMAN CYNTHIA L 859 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3875 LY BUU NGOC+NGOC-NU PHAN 821 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3806 LY MANG 2312 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2936 LY NGHIEP P 916 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2922 LY VINH PHI 1066 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3492 LY VY LONG+NGA THI NGUYEN 857 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 LYONS JIM 2806 NE Sunset Blvd Ste A Renton WA 98056-3180 MA KENNETH M 1400 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3313 MA SAM ZHI YONG 844 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2803 MABLE GEORGE C 3622 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3945 MACCLANATHAN RYAN C+AMY E 3319 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3922 MACE JANET 1100 Harrington Ave NE Apt 302 Renton WA 98056-3084 MACIAS MAX G 770 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3861 MACK JERUSHA N+RICHARD J 3801 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3840 MACKEY KEVIN D 4010 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3582 MACKINNON BRIAN 575 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3982 MACLEAN MOIRA 1100 Harrington Ave NE Apt 301 Renton WA 98056-3084 MADDEN GREGG A 3617 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3946 MADEJA NESTOR D 3407 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3824 MADSON LORI L 643 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3741 MAGLEY ANDREW T 816 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3646 MAGNUSON JAMES C+KIM R 1301 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3316 MAHAN ERIK N 3814 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3380 MALDONADO MARIA 3701 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3514 MALETTA DONALD 1509 N 24th St Renton WA 98056-2562 MALETTA DONALD M & M J 1509 N 24th St Renton WA 98056-2562 MALLOT MITCHELL B 3619 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3828 MALMQUIST CHELSEA M 444 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8555 MALOWNEY SEAN K+CORINA H 679 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3643 MANDAVILLE CRISTIN+TODD GIL 1409 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3115 MANIKHOTH THOMAS+ANN 3717 NE 13th PI Renton WA 98056-3384 MANN JULES+MIHAELA 3912 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3981 MAR LINDSAY M+DEYOE JOSHUA 806 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3722 MARIN KRIS P 428 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 MARSHALL LINDA M+ROISE RAND 2313 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2937 MARTIN CYNTHIA D 1118 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3435 MARTINEZ ALEJANDRO+LETICIA 2102 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3624 MARTINEZ JOSE RUIZ 2102 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2948 MARTIN ERIC 2202 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3622 MARTINEZ ROSALBA 2216 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3608 MARTIN EDWARD G+LISA G 4016 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3582 MARTINEZ FRANCISCI & DARA 403 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 MARTIN JAMES O+WOLSUN 449 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 MARTIN ATHEL DENNIS 710 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3802 MARTINEZ GILBERTO+ANDRES 920 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3027 MASCHO MARVIN M+DIANA L 1053 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 MASCORRO ISMAEL O 402 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4025 MASON MOLLY A 1159 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 MASSEY PAUL J+DADA L 456 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4012 MATTERSON JOSEPH P & SHANA 510 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 MATHEWSON LENA 2202 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2938 MATHEWS SYLVIA 3609 Meadow Ave N Renton WA 98056-1525 MATHIESON FLORENCE B PO Box 2025 Renton WA 98056-0025 MATTHAI JERAD 3708 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3505 MATTILA ANDREW L 3916 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3890 MAXUM DIANA P+GARY P NELSON 1006 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 MAXWELL KATHERINE L 2709 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3764 MAXWELL MARCIE PO Box 2048 Renton WA 98056-0048 MAY CHRIS P 3504 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3509 MC CULLOUGH ALAN L 901 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 MCBRIDE ERIN C 2600 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3035 MCCALEB ALBERT GORDON 3932 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3537 MCCARTY RICHARD D 3322 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3419 MCCLURE RONALD EARLE PO Box 2592 Renton WA 98056-0592 MCCONAGHY SHAWN R 929 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3804 MCCORMICK DAVID+KIM A 2210 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2938 MCCREADY RICHARD A+JEANETT12304 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2944 MCCREADY MARIAN R 2318 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2932 MCCREADY SARAH D 3319 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3826 MCCREADY KRAIG A+SHELLEY R 626 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3709 MCCULLOUGH TAMARA A 679 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3673 MCDONALD REBECCA S 3940 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 MCDOWELL TROY D+CAREY S 2219 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3611 MCFARLAND LORI B 1300 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3341 MCGARY GREG+SHANNA GARNET 3332 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056-3333 MCGRATH SHAUN 3704 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3815 MCHOES ALVINA 1009 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 MCKEETH SUSAN J W 509 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3626 MCKENZIE MICHELLE L 614 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3966 MCLAUGHLIN PATRICK C+SHERRI 3918 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3923 MCMURDIE JOSHUA D+JESSICA E 1616 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3370 MCNABB ANDRIA 3602 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8601 MCNEIL JAMES 1700 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2327 MCOMBER HOWARD J SR+ELIZAB 475 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3900 MCPEAK RUSSELL+MARIE CO-TTE409 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4024 MCPHARLIN TERRANCE LEE 442 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 MCRAE JAMES H+CHRISTINA K 509 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4068 MEAD ROBIN E 2214 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2938 MEBOE GREGORY J+DIANNE A 1003 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3438 MECHAM RICHARD 3233 NE 12th St Apt 213 Renton WA 98056-3475 MEDRANO BALTAZAR 947 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 MELENDEZ HECTOR LIMAS 615 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3743 MELLOR JONATHAN W+STACEY L 3721 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 MENDOZA LEONARDO+GONZALEZ- 2616 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8335 MERFALEN KENNETH DAVID MERE 1706 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2794 MERGNER DEAN ANDREW MCNEP 4016 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3835 MERRELL JOE 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt J140 Renton WA 98056-8372 MERRIMAN BRENDA A 554 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3652 MERSAI TEIZI+KINGYA CLARA 2404 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2924 METTER DEBRA R 2501 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3038 MICEK JOHN LAWRENCE 3921 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 MICHEL MARIANA 2326 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2936 MIESEN MARIFE L 913 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3884 MILLER JEAN 1168 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 MILLER BRAD 1807 NE 26th PI Renton WA 98056-2292 MILLER DANIEL L+JULIA KLEPI 3140 NE 19th PI Renton WA 98056-3292 MILLER GREG 3413 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3450 MILLETT D 403 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4026 MILLER ROBERT K+RACHEL J E 459 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3654 MILLER GARY L 851 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3870 MILLIKEN DAN E+DONNA B 3923 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3940 MILLIGAN KEVIN H 427 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 MIMS KATHLEEN PO Box 3072 Renton WA 98056-5072 MINTZ JAMES+CAREN 501 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3626 MIRAMONTEZ MERRILY J 650 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3644 MIRZOYAN RUBEN+NUNE 4042 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 MISENAR TEANA M 2190 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2940 MITCHELL AMIE L 2502 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3767 MITCHELL HAROLD W 462 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4027 MITCHELL EVELYN FRANCES 812 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3720 MITZEL RINEHART + DORDEEN 650 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3701 MIYAHARA KEITH T 3408 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3443 MIYAMURA SHAWN A 635 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3741 MJELDE GORDON W 656 Ferndale Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3718 MOLINA-RIVERA RAUL+ANDREA 3930 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 MONAGHAN TIMOTHY J+LENNA A 2701 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8334 MONROE DIANNA 624 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3998 MONSON PAUL K+MAUREEN L 2104 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3610 MONTAGUE ROBERT G+CHERYL ." 820 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3722 MONTES JOSE RODRIGUEZ 854 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3863 MOORE PATRICIA D 1901 Kirkland PI NE Renton WA 98056-3293 MOORE JOSHUA B 2033 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-2801 MOORE LUCILLE H 2111 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3691 MOORE KEVIN P+MONIQUE D 3917 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3940 MOORE BOBBY 464 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 MOORE MATTHEW L 662 Ferndale Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3718 MORAR IOAN+DORINA 1001 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 MORIARTY BRENDAN M 1007 Pierce Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3536 MORRIS STEPHEN & KAREN 2209 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056--3613 MORTENSEN DAVID W 2204 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3608 MORTON GRANT R 1067 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3438 MOSER SANDRA L 3733 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3514 MOUA MAI N+PAO HEU 3025 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3753 MOWREY LISA J 3819 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 MUHIC JOHN A 3506 NE 7th Pf Renton WA 98056-3918 MUIR DON & TRACY 3401 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3920 MULHALL ROBERT J JR 833 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 MULLENS DEREK T 349 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3656 MULLER GILBERT EUGENE 566 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3652 MUNOZ-ESPARZA GILBERTO+LET1755 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3878 MURGATROYD SUSAN 2829 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 MURGUTA ROSA M+JUAN 2907 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3717 MURPH FRANCES M 1053 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 MURPH JOHN M JR+ DANIELLE K 763 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3878 MUSCAT JAMES P 1308 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3341 MYERS CAROL 1324 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3217 NAGATKIN NADIA V 3901 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3538 NAKAMURA VAN I+ALICE M 862 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3885 NAKHODKINA ALLA 1622 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3370 NASS IVAN L & BEATRICE M 960 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2922 NAULT LISA A 904 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3027 NAUSE WILLIAM L+SHANNON L 3924 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3923 NAVARRETE JACINTO P+MARISA 663 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3643 NAVE FANNIE 612 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3701 NEAL CHRISTOPHER 652 Blaine Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2835 NELSON THOMAS W 2103 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2867 NELSON MARC C 2308 NE 10th Pf Renton WA 98056-2926 NELSON LISA A 2508 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2378 NELSON JULIAN P+MAI X 2509 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2379 NELSON MARY ALICE 3314 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3419 NELSON GREGORY L 3500 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3918 NELSON JIMMY L+NELSON ELIZAE 3910 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3939 NELSON LEWIS G+NORA E 754 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3871 NELSON ROALD 803 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 NELSON ROALD E 839 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3810 NEMES_VASILE+MINERVA 1061 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 NEWELL FRANK F JR 3508 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3517 NEWLOVE CHRISTOPHER T+RICH 3705 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3815 NEWTON ROBERT & JANET 3512 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3509 NGO LOC THANH 2805 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 NGO LE GIA+VU ANH XUAN THI 640 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3709 NGO TAI 367 Edmonds Ave SE Renton WA 98056-8850 NGUY PHONG C+XINH 4004 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3582 NGUYEN KHANH Q & HANH H VO 1082 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 NGUYEN BINH+HUYEN 1211 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3385 NGUYEN THUY N 1306 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3382 NGUYEN THONG+DAI LE 1414 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3339 NGUYEN NICHOLAS+LE KHANHLY 1500 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3120 NGUYEN MAI T 1615 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3369 NGUYEN VINH T 1621 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3369 NGUYEN HUYEN THU T+TRINH 1924 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2321 NGUYEN PHUONG UYEN THI 2205 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2865 NGUYEN HUNG THANH 2206 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3622 NGUYEN CUONG K 2403 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3617 NGUYEN HO H+VAN QUYNH 2506 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2743 NGUYEN THANH T+DU NGOC KIM 2518 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2743 NGUYEN TRI MINH 2601 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3020 NGUYEN THANH LAN THI 2603 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3760 NGUYEN MARK K+KHANH 2613 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3760 NGUYEN HIEN 3416 NE 6th St Renton WA 980563949 NGUYEN DANNY XUAN 3710 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3529 NGUYEN NGUYEN T 3800 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3839 NGUYEN THANH V+HANH M 3902 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3981 NGUYEN LOI K+LORENZO LAURA 452 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8555 NGUYEN AN 504 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4067 NGUYEN ANTHONY+THANH LE 511 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3912 NGUYEN TONY 528 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3961 NGUYEN VU VAN-TRUONG+HUYNF 534 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-3987 NGUYEN MAI HOA THI 566 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3982 NGUYEN HUY N+TIEU TAM T 572 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3961 NGUYEN MINH-CHAU+DANG DUC 1650 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-3705 NGUYEN MINH CHAU PHUC+DANC667 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-3706 NGUYEN TUONG QUOC+KIM-ANH ' 6906 115th PI SE Newcastle WA 98056-4301 NGUYEN MR & MRS 815 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3806 NGUYEN MICHAEL DOAN C PHAM 902 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2905 NHEK SOPHEARY+KIM AUN 759 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3878 NIBARGER ERIK 517 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3912 NICHOL PHILLIP+KILEY S 2204 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2946 NICHOLSON SAROLE 2609 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2366 NICKLESS CHAD 651 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3649 NICOARA ALEXANDRU I+MINODOF 2200 NE 10th PI Apt 1 Renton WA 98056-2954 NICOARA IOAN ALEXANDRU+MINC662 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 NICULESCU OFELIA 1923 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2322 NIKOLAISEN PAUL D 3306 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3935 NOLAND ROBERT L & LEROY M 1016 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3415 NOLD KURTIS A+GWEN D 450 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 NONG VICTOR V 929 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2923 NOON PAT O+SUSAN J 2524 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3773 NORBERG EDWARD 680 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056--3902 NORIEGA TONY 1542 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3120 NORIEGA JOSE ANTONIO 1544 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3120 NORMAN ICIL 551 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3745 NORTON JEREMY A 3004 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3728 NOSOWICZ JERZY+LUCYNA KOPA 1002 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3545 NOVAK KAREN 2604 NE 21st St Renton WA 98056-2746 NOY LOI+BUNMA DUON 3324 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056-3333 NOYOLA DIGNA A 2912 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3730 NUNIYANTS STEPAN+IRENA NIKOI 3835 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3942 NWANNE ANGELA E 429 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 O'DELL JAMES P+DEBRA 1101 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3540 O'LAUGHLIN MICHAEL PO Box 2686 Renton WA 98056-0686 O'MARA CASEY 431 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 OBERSON TATYANA V 1072 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 OBRIEN DONALD E+MARYLYNN E 3327 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3430 OCHOA SALVADOR 3919 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3924 OCHOA KEVIN F 671 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3670 ODOWD WILLIAM 1033 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3440 ODREN JERRY + SHARON 11625 SE 88th St Newcastle WA 98056-1739 OESTRIECH VIRGIL R+LAVINA C 4007 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3554 OGILVIE KIMBERLEE+FUGERE JEF 2600 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3765 OGUNEYE OLAKUNLE+MUJIDAT O 851 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3860 OKADA LESLIE R 3407 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3450 OKADA E 504 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3657 OLINICK VITALY 2319 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3605 OLIVA HECTOR A+AMBROCIO BLA 2205 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3607 OLIVER JAN L 2420 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2966 OLIVER RANDY M+DAVIS MARY A 654 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 OLIVER LAURA LEE+VAUGHN WIL 680 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3680 OLPINKSI VERONICA + VUKELIC G 2704 Williams Ave N Renton WA 98056-1468 OLSON MARK C+VIOLET 1209 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3344 ONATO JOEL M+MITCH C 3716 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3513 ONEIL DOLORES L 3529 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3948 ONG DUSTIN C 515 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 ORCUTT JOHN J+BARBARA M 803 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3813 ORES TITO&LAUTERIA CRUZ DEF13724 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3513 ORILLE NINO FRANCIS S+RUBY 3916 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 ORMAN GREGG S+REBECCA A 815 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 OSBORN FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVI3501 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3426 OSEWALT PATRICK+AMY J GOTTL 2119 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4501 OSGOOD CARMEN A 2716 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8333 OSHEROFF SAMUEL A 3625 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3930 OSORIO ANA+VICTOR 1108 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3551 OSPINA IGNACIO+LIGIA 760 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3811 OSSENKOP DENNIS G + KATHLEEI 3316 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3429 OSTER KAREN GALE 3312 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3451 OTTINGER THOMAS C+TAMARA J 2208 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8311 OWENS JASON W+STACY M 1110 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 OWENS MICHAEL J+AMANDA L 916 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2905 PAGAN KIMBERLY ANN 3600 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3819 PAGAN LORETTA C 3700 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3513 PAGAN DUKE+JOLANDA 673 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 PAGARIGAN FLOYD+BARBARA 863 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3864 PALANCHUK RUSLAN IVANOVICH{817 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3860 PALMER MELODY E 3527 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3504 PALMER SHELIA S+BETTY J 3800 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3511 PALOMERA GUILLERMO S 910 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2922 PAMBOUKAS NIKO 3713 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3990 PAMIN GARY M JR & JANE 860 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 PAN SONG YAN+ZOU XIAO 1025 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3440 PANG YENDI K+HA PATRICK 3918 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3981 PARENGKUAN EDWARD P+HERLIP 1151 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3540 PARRA FILBERTO ESPARZA 2709 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8334 PASERO TRAVIS G 2314 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2932 PASSANTINO STEVEN I+CHERYL 434 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 PATCHELL TEGWITH+HARRIS JOH 655 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 PATRICK VICKI K 1813 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2326 PATRICK MICHAEL E+ELIZABETH 758 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3871 PATTEN JOHN CALVIN R 2640 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2361 PATTEN JOHN CALVIN R 3323 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3452 PATTEN RONALD C MR & MRS 3407 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3832 PAU PATRICK KING CHI+KITTY 3905 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 PAUL BERNADETTE L PO Box 2702 Renton WA 98056-0702 PAULUS GERALD J & EUNICE B 1617 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2667 PEACOCK RUBY L 3504 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3441 PEACOCK ANNE MARIE 445 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 PEARSON GERALDINE G 2006 Glennwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2307 PEARSON MARK E+ROBIN C 407 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 PEEK LARRY D+LUCILLE R 2113 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3609 PEERY JOSH D 623 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 PELAYO LUIS CARLOS+MARCELA 671 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3643 PELAYO-LOPEZ JORGE A 821 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 PENA BERNARDO P 837 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3723 PENALOZA WILLIAM 2823 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3750 PERCHYK LINDA 2712 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3033 PEREYDA MIGUEL A+MAIA M 3700 NE 6th P1 Renton WA 98056-3927 PEREZ JUAN ET AL 3513 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3448 PEREZ MARISELA 659 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3643 PEREZ JUVENAL+ALEJANDRO 910 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3857 PERFECT BRANDI D+MICHAEL J 2913 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3731 PERNAA BETTY 359 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3656 PERRINE LINDA C 1157 Glen nwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3015 PERRY JAMIE B}KIDDER NICOLE n 2326 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3694 PERSSON TERRY G+BILLIE C 2821 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3778 PETERSEN MARILYN J 1040 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 PETERSON KJELL 2419 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2967 PETERSON VERLA J 3305 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3446 PETERSON KAREN A 441 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 PETERSON DAVID S+LUETTA M 679 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3693 PETERSON CHAD B 810 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3885 PETETT RONALD D JR 509 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3737 PETIT MARLENE & JOHN 2516 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2378 PETROV ANATOLY 1069 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 PETRUSKA N A 1174 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 PHAM HAI GIANG 1315 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3382 PHAM CHUNG PHUOC 1931 Kirkland PI NE Renton WA 98056-3293 PHAM HUNG+HA PHUONG 3709 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3990 PHAM TRONG-HAI 3813 NE 14th St Renton WA 98056-3381 PHAM CHUNG PHUOC 531 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 PHAM MAIHOA TRUONG+LAN VUH 688 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3680 PHAN JAMES V & CAO AMY N 1502 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3120 PHAN TOAI CHI VAN 3523 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3520 PHANEKHAM DEXTER+KONGMAL)455 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4011 PHANTHOURATH RATTANA 668 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2807 PHELPS MATTHEW 855 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 PHENGKHANYA RICKY N 651 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3670 PHILIO TIM E+HEIDI C 3324 NE 17th St Renton WA 98056-3237 PHILLIPS KATHLEEN A 430 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8555 PHU HOA DON & PHUONG 3710 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3559 PHUNG KIEN & LOAN NGO 1030 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 PHUNG KIEN C 1030 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3439 PICKERING GUY B 2316 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2944 PIECZATKOWSKI ERIK S 2716 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3769 PIERCE CARRIE A 2300 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2944 PIERCE ROBERT M 3809 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3840 PIERCE EVAN F 466 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 PILON GARY J+JUDY K 423 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 PIMENTEL MARIANN C 554 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3625 PLATZ WILLIAM F 3413 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3934 PLOEGMAN CHRISTOPHER J 3431 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3832 POE LEAH 3324 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3825 POGUE PAUL+TAGEANT ANTONIA 1014 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3545 POIRIER MARK 3519 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3932 POLAND P C 3306 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3921 POLLEY L R 1058 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3415 PORROUZIAN BITA 3711 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3560 PORTER RICK O+BARBARA J 1015 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 POTTER DAVID E+PAULETTE L 2104 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2719 POUNCY KATHY S 3613 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3916 POWELL ILA 2203 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2935 POWERS DAVID K 3722 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3529 POZA EDGAR B+ELBA DE 841 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3723 PRAY SHIRLEY 908 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3807 PREPOTENTE ARTURO O JR+LEIL 2106 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3624 PRESTWOOD LEAH A 689 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 PUGA VALENTIN H 3618 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3561 PUHICH ROBERT W MR+MRS 2105 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2867 PURGANAN ISMAEL G+ADORACIO 1837 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2326 QUESNEL MICHAEL M 3516 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3947 QUINTOR RAFAEL SANCHEZ 2020 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-2304 QUINTANA JOSE 663 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 QUINTUS PAUL L+LESLIE 863 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 RAE KATHLEEN L 851 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3864 RAGLAND JEAN 616 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 RALLS BRUCE 3425 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3934 RAM ARUNA/VIJAY 2609 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98056-4005 RAMACHANDRAN RAJIV 465 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-8554 RAMIREZ JOSE G+LUZ MARIA 2317 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2937 RAMIREZ LARRY+DANNETTE 2408 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3688 RAMIREZ-NICOLAS JOSE LUIS+ES' 500 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4067 RAMIREZ CIRIACO P 671 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 RAMOS JULIAN 3607 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3828 RAMOS FEDERICO R+NIXIA A 3709 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3514 RAMSAY HEATHER Y+LOUDENBAC 842 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3805 RAMSEY DAYLITE C 2319 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3619 RASCHKOW KYLE G 3910 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 RASMUSSEN PATRICIA A+EDWIN 11300 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3315 RATTY SHAM S+JASBEER K 654 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3669 RAVERT EDWARD J+MARY M 4015 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3581 RAY DELORES L 2606 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3035 RAY TERENCE G 859 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3864 REDDY DEVENDRAN 3921 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3538 REED GARY L+DORIS P 2609 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8332 REED WILLIAM C+REED GINA 3712 NE 13th P1 Renton WA 98056-3384 REED GAIL R 4016 Lake Wa Blvd N Apt 4 Renton WA 98056-1583 REES ROBERT+CARLY 3926 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 REES DAVID S+JENIFER 827 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3806 REGAN JOSEPH 562 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3652 REIBMAN CHAD+JENNIFER 462 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 REID SHERRI 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt D115 Renton WA 98056-8370 REID WALLACE J+KATHEEN S 411 Index PINE Renton WA 98056-4026 REILLY JOHN A 351 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3656 REINHARDT JOE D+SARAH E 3419 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3920 REINKE CASEY+DANIELA LAPIZC 454 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 REISTER WILLIAM C JR+ILSE 2186 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2940 RENDLE DAVID JOHN+KIMBERLY 671 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY PO Box 2316 Renton WA 98056-0316 REYES JOEL 2217 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3613 REYES LORENZO 455 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4024 REYNA MIGUEL ANGEL 3331 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3420 REYNAGA ARMANDO+NOEMI GAR 3731 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 REYNOLDS IV CHARLES LEE+ANN 508 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3744 REYNOLDS DIANE CLAIRE 858 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3869 REYNOLDS RAY H 925 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2923 RICE ETHAN ANDREW 2605 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3036 RICHARDSON RONALD G+LINDA N 2825 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 RICHARDSON RONALD SHELDA 3407 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3418 RICHARDSON SCOTT 3506 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3821 RICHARTZ JEFFREY OWEN 862 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3863 RICHE JOAN Y 2920 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3775 RIENTI DEBORAH J 522 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 RIGLI ALBERTA M 806 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3720 RIGTRUP MARC R+STEPHANIE L 3400 NE 17th St Renton WA 98056-3235 RIOS CYNTHIA 1163 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 RIOS PABLOS 4013 NE 14th PI Renton WA 98056-3389 RISINGER ROBERT R 618 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3966 RITTENBERG DURRELL K+OTGON 1019 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 RIVERA VISTRAIN+ROSA 3916 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3939 RO HYUN S 458 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3627 ROACH LAURA L 801 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 ROBBERSTAD R J 671 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 ROBERTS VIRGIL L & SHARON A 577 Newport Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3983 ROBERTSON JERMAINE+JULIA 579 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3695 ROBERTSON LAURIE C 646 Glennwood Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3724 ROBINSON DARRELL C 3605 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3946 ROBINSON NORMAN B+ARLENE M813 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3870 RODDA DAVID J 3930 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3923 RODGER JOANN 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt 8109 Renton WA 98056-8370 RODGERS JOHN M 636 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3742 RODIDUEZ EFRAIN 674 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 RODRIGUEZ VERONICA 1004 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3545 RODRIGUEZ PURA 2613 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3772 RODRIGUEZ RAFAEL+ACEVEDO L, 3110 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3914 RODRIGUEZ VERONICA 3914 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3585 RODRIGUEZ RAFAEL+AYALA LORE 651 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 ROEHL ALLISON C 2189 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2941 ROGERSON JILL A+BLACK PAUL 2601 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2376 ROGERS DANA R 3401 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3450 ROJAS ARMANDO M+GUADALUPE 3512 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3918 ROMAN ANTONIO+MIRNA 3617 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3516 ROMERO JESUS+OLGA 1435 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3362 ROMERO SALVADOR PONCE 916 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3857 ROOMES DAVID M 964 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2922 ROOSE LILIANE M 2533 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2379 ROOTVIK DARRYL E 2524 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2367 ROSAND GARY P+BEVERLY D 474 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4010 ROSARIO DESARAE 611 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 ROSE KEVIN C+RUTH E 3329 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3834 ROY ELMER J 3312 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3825 ROZELL NICHOLAS D+CARA R 642 Blaine Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3669 RUBBELKE MARIYA D 3829 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3942 RUBY COREY D+CHRISTINE E 2316 NE 10th Pi Renton WA 98056-2926 RUIZ-VALDOVINOS ROSENDO 3019 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3753 RUPP SCOTT 436 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 RUSSELL KEVIE L 2608 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3759 RUSSO PAUL A+CATHERINE 1 1217 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3119 RUSSO JUSTIN T+DEENA J . 3724 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3817 RUTLEDGE ROBERT+BELL KRISTIN 3606 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3915 SABALZA SHIELAH+LY TONG 3404 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3949 SABINE LAWRENCE R 811 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3864 SADO MRS. MASAYE 1143 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3008 SADO PAT 9902 126th Ave SE Renton WA 98056-2430 SADYKHOV SADYKH+NINA N ARUI 3727 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3990 SAETEURN NAI SIO+SAELEE KOY 438 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4002 SAGMO MARGARET 1711 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2316 SAHAGUN GERARDO N+LINDA C 1111 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 SAHLI MICHAEL J+LOIS J 2617 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8332 SAID MOHAMMED+MEKOYET,BER12822 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3777 SALAVEA MALU+BERNADETTE PO Box 2694 Renton WA 98056-0694 SALAZAR JORGE A GUERRERO+C. 1409 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3216 SALAZAR ADOLOFO MURGUTA 2412 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3618 SALOMON JUAN HERNANDEZ 1019 Pierce Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3536 SALONGA LERRICK S+ROEL S 3725 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 SAMP MAX P+MARIANNE 562 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 SAMPSON AMBER 427 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 SAN NARA 3131 NE 20th PI Renton WA 98056-3291 SANCHEZ JOSE LUIS 3317 NE 17th St Renton WA 98056-3238 SANCHEZ TRANQUILINO GONZALE 3331 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3936 SANCHEZ ANTONIO+SOTO SANDF 3701 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3815 SANCHEZ FIDENCIO A+ARVIZU HIL 507 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 SANCHEZ-GAXIOLA JESUS ALFON 726 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3802 SANDBERG STACY A 612 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3650 SANDOVAL RIGOBERTO 1309 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3348 SANKAR MOHAN KUMAR GOWRI+l 518 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 SANTOS TOMAS DELOS+DINA M N 2304 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3606 SANTOS RANDY 509 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 SANTOS DAVID B 607 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 SANTOS JOSELITO+LOLITA 674 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3644 SARGENT KIMBERLY L+BUNDY SH 1709 Monterey Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2609 SARGENT JOHN+DINSMORE MAR1845 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3723 SASIN MARZENA+BOGDAN 1047 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 SASIN BOGDAN 1061 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 SATEREN MARK A+KATHERINE A 2925 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3727 SATHER JIM+BARBARA 3112 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3407 SAUER PETER H+GEORGIA L 2624 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2361 SAULKOWSKI KINGA 1510 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3112 SAXTON ROGER L+COLLEEN E 3702 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3505 SCHAFER LANE A 511 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3988 SCHELLERT DAVID 3506 Park Ave N Renton WA 98056-1911 SCHENDEL-BROWN JACQUELINE f PO Box 2626 Renton WA 98056-0626 SCHLEGELMILCH DANIEL+SUMEI 3143 NE 20th PI Renton WA 98056-3291 SCHMITT SCOTT A+SUSANNE J 629 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 SCHOOLCRAFT JOSHUA W+JULIE 659 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 SCHOONVELD STEVEN J 751 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3878 SCHOTT DAVID L 727 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3867 SCHOUDER DEENA 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt D218 Renton WA 98056-8376 SCHUG DAMIAN D+MELISSA 3924 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3537 SCHUG RAYMOND J & ELIZABETH PO Box 2873 Renton WA 98056-0873 SCHULTZ JUNE B 2210 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3612 SCHULZ ROY S+LUCINDA J 2617 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2376 SCHULTZ BRYON+SANDY 658 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3701 SCHWARTZ FRANCIS M 1066 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 SCHWARTZ MAURITA A 851 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 SCOFIELD MARGE 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt C110 Renton WA 98056-8370 SCOTT BRECK W+CHRISTINE E Gf 3602 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3561 SCOTT BRECK PO Box 2752 Renton WA 98056-0752 SEATTLE REDEVELOPMENT PO Box 2566 Renton WA 98056-0566 SEBESEBIE ALMAZ 2525 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2368 SECREST ROBERT G + VIRGINIA 3106 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton WA 98056-2504 SEDANO JUVENTINO ROSALES+Vj 612 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3742 SEEL J E 2213 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3613 SEELEY FRANK S+SEELEY DOROl935 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 SEGUR RICHARD H 1216 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3343 SELIMOVIC SUAD 3708 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3815 SELTVEIT ROD 3204 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3909 SELTVEIT RODNEY D+JOYCE E 3204 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3909 SELTVEIT JAKE A 822 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3639 SERVIN PANTALEON+MARIA D R L 2309 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2927 SHADMAN NADER 3500 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3517 SHANE MICHAEL C+DELLA M 2314 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8719 SHANKS CRAIG D+NICOLE R 1005 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3546 SHAPLAND ROBIN N G 3627 Wells Ave N Renton WA 98056-1513 SHARPSTEEN W C 1075 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 SHARPE CHRISTOPHER D 570 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 SHAW ENZA J 603 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3906 SHEETS EDWIN F 813 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3810 SHERRARD RONALD D 3318 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3833 SHORT G J 1708 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2713 SHOULDERS TERRY D 2900 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3748 SHOYCHIN VADIM+ALLA 1248 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3383 SHUMWAY JOHN F 3511 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3504 SHUR ALEX & MICHELLE 4002 NE 7th Ct Renton WA 98056-3800 SICAT GERARDO+EMELINA+KARIP 3033 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3753 SILKETT ELMER A 2701 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8330 SILVA LUIS H 3525 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3830 SIMKO CHARLES A+LINDA R 442 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-8506 SIMMONS JAMES+LAUREL 1005 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 SIMMONDS JORDAN 920 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3803 SIMON KIMBERLEE S 2103 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8304 SIMPSON KIM+KEVIN 2815 Park Ave N Renton WA 98056-2110 SIMPSON KEVIN M+KIM L 670 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3644 SLATER KIM 3507 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3846 SLOBODKIN ISRAEL M+HYLAN N+ 4016 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 SLUYTER CHARLES V 758 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3852 SMITH RICHARD J+CHERI MAGER 1007 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2921 SMITH RACHEL M 1312 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3382 SMITH DONALD E+SMITH ANDREV 1718 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3233 SMITH KENNETH P JR 2206 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3612 SMITH PATRICK W 2218 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2938 SMITH PEGGY M 2609 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2362 SMITH JAMES F 2713 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3764 SMITH BETTIE L+EDWARD K 3715 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3842 SMITH MICHAEL LEE+BARBARA A 3917 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3538 SMITH JOHN W 3922 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3939 SMITH CARMENCITA A 528 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 SMITH ROBERT B 657 Blaine Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2835 SMITH DAVID L 675 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3735 SMITH BRANDON J+MARIE B 706 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3802 SMITH -JOHNSON JESSICA L 804 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3646 SMITH WALTER+MILLICENT JONE: 811 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 SOLAM JEFFREY V+NAOMI J 516 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-3987 SOLLERS DAVID M+CYNTHIA K 1051 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 SOLOMON GLENN M 2404 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2966 SONG JENNIFER+MYUNG HO+MAF 3918 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 SORENSON RODNEY 2800 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3128 SORENSON CHARLES 2801 NE 13th St Renton WA 98056-3142 SORTO EUFEMIA FUENTES + KARI 3607 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3916 SOTO LEONEL 1078 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 SOTO SERGIO+MARIA E GONZALE 2701 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3764 SOTO-ARCOS JOSE DE JESUS 767 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3632 SOUKEUT BRIAN+VILAVANH DAO 3513 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3822 SOUVANNAVONG KHEMPHET+KH) 3700 NE 9th Ct Renton WA 98056-3815 SPAGNOLE NICHOLAS B+KANDICE604 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3701 SPANGLER STEVEN+ERLINDA V 3407 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3950 SPANN NORMAN + MARLENE 2717 NE 22nd St Renton WA 98056-8334 SPARROW JOHN M II 634 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3740 SPEARMON SHAUN+BROOKE 4020 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 SPENCER WILLIAM B+LOAN T 3406 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3823 SPENCER SHAWN LARIE 3533 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3518 SPENCER RICHARD+KARIN L M 578 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3652 SPOON MARILYN R 820 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3866 STACHOWIAK JENNIFER A 2641 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2362 STAHL KENNETH A MCGRAW STA1687 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 STALL MICHAEL W 670 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3994 STANCIU MIRCEA+GEORGETA 759 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3632 STANFORD CHRISTY 3815 NE 14th PI Renton WA 98056-3377 STANLEY D BRUCE+NANCY ANN 2711 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3758 STAPLETON TIMOTHY MICHAEL 824 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3722 STEARN-TANTICO MARIA 471 Edmonds Ct NE Renton WA 98056-4011 STEELE MATTHEW T 668 Pierce Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3904 STENSEL JAMES D 674 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3996 STENZEL ROGER D+WAGNER MA1452 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3637 STEPHENS WILLIAM M 3412 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3919 STEPHENS ROBERT N+LEANNE M 431 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 STERLINGTON KENNETH PO Box 2186 Renton WA 98056-0186 STEVENSON MARLENE A 2902 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3775 STEVENS FRANK J SR & DORIS JE 3605 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3508 STEWART BRUCE D 3901 NE 11th St Renton WA 98056-3556 STIRN A J 3513 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3846 STONE TERRY+BERTHA 2609 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3036 STONE TERRY 355 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3656 STONE KENNETH W+SUSAN M 807 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 STORGEL BARBARA 769 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3872 STOUT STEVE 1157 Glennwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3015 STRAND LORRAINE M 572 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 STROM IVALEE M 9010 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2829 SUBLETT RESIDENCE 1110 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3435 SUHR DAVID A+VERONICA A 469 Grandey Way NE Renton WA 98056-3628 SUITER PRISCILLA F 1021 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3438 SULKY PAULETTA J 2815 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3750 SULLIVAN JOHN B 2633 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98056-8332 SULLIVAN DAN + ERMA 3000 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3728 SUMPTER GARY & ELLOYCE BUR(1506 Dayton Ct NE Renton WA 98056-2765 SUN PHAN AING & HEANG 671 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3673 SUNG WILLIAM+IN OK 3713 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3928 SUNSET HEIGHTS HOA 2125 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4501 SUNSET PROPERTY LLC 3241 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056-3336 SUROWIECKI JENNIFER HELEN 609 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3649 SUTTON ANNA KRISTINA 2202 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3612 SUYAMA CYNTHIA 2115 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3615 SVARZ MATT 2212 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3608 SVENDSEN JAMIN+NICOLE 514 Bronson PI NE Renton WA 98056-3657 SVIDENKO VLADIMIR+ELVIRA 955 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 SWANBERG RANDY L 2612 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3771 SWEET SYLVIA 714 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2805 SWENSEN SHAWN 909 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 SYKES JUNE 867 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 SYRBU VYACHESLAV G+NATALYA 1908 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2321 SYRBU VYACHESLAV+NATALYA 1917 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2661 SZULKOWSKI KINGA B 11729 SE 93rd St Newcastle WA 98056-2064 SZULKOWSKI KINGA 1207 N 34th St Renton WA 98056-1963 SZWED JULIE M 565 Newport Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3983 TA CANH VAN+NGUYEN THANH-TI- 3806 NE 14th PI Renton WA 98056-3378 TACLAY ANACORETA C 2624 NE 19th St Renton WA 98056-2376 TAJON ENCARNACION+RUTH 2033 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-2303 TAN CHAO PENG+WAH HUA GUAM 1006 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2829 TANG YVES 2412 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8717 TANG HUNG K+OAI K 2833 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4079 TANG KEY+SWAI ROTTANA 3608 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3515 TANG NGUYEN QUANG 3905 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-3558 TAPIA ARNOLDO & LONIE A PO Box 3211 Renton WA 98056-0008 TARLYN AARON 2300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt D118 Renton WA 98056-8371 TATE OBIE III+HELENE 2110 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8303 TAYLOR THEODORE C 1104 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 TAYLOR RUBY 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Apt 215 Renton WA 98056-2983 TAYLOR DIANA M KLEIN JESSICA 1524 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-3985 TAYLOR NANCY A 563 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3704 TE UY K 3301 NE 11th PI Renton WA 98056-3446 TEEL ROBERT 2525 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3789 TESCH LAURILYN 625 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3743 THANT SAMUEL+LENORA X WANC 2628 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98056-4006 THAVONGSACK MANIVANH 2211 NE 6th Cir Renton WA 98056-4503 THI HAO TON 3530 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3986 THIRION MAMIE 932 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3803 THOI THU THI+HA LO 3410 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3949 THOMAS DOUGLAS E+HAVELKA S 1049 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 THOMAS ALAN T 2301 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3685 THOMAS STEVEN J+GINA Y 3715 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 THOMAS ROBERT EMMETT 446 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 THOMAS TEDDY RAY 682 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3908 THOMPSON JOHNNA M+KALINA M 2315 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3619 THOMPSON ROBERT N THOMPSO 3625 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3916 THOMPSON DALE L+CHRISTINE M 733 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3867 THOMPSON STUART R+CHERISE 1999 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3882 THORNTON DOUGLAS J+PAULE J 672 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2807 THORSEN IARS A+JESSICA S 601 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3702 THORSNESS RYAN L 850 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3869 TIEDERMAN CHARLES 7328 127th Ave SE Newcastle WA 98056-1302 TIETZ CARL G PO Box 3209 Renton WA 98056-0008 TILLMAN ROBERT E 905 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3028 TIMMERMAN GREGORY E 2514 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3773 TIMMONS DARRELL K 912 Ferndale Cir NE Renton WA 98056-3027 TIMO PAUL V 613 Camas Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3649 TITUS EDWARD A+PATRICIA A 3317 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3404 TOKARSYCK JAMES E 1203 Pierce Pi NE Renton WA 98056-3350 TOMAN JAMES A 3423 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3418 TQMCHICK LAUREL 1900 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2660 TOMOIAGA CRISTIAN 664 Sunset Blvd NE Renton WA 98056-2807 TOMPKINS SHIRLEY M 3401 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3824 TONDA LILA JEAN 528 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3636 TOOLAN JOHN M 3406 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-3417 TORGERSON JOLENE M 517 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3988 TORRES JUAN J 801 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3630 TOSTENRUDE JOSEPH M+JANELL 503 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 TOWLE TERI J 2625 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2366 TOWNE JEFFREY W+LUCY B 693 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3910 TOWNSEND ROBERT G 654 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3644 TOWSLEY MATTHEW T+KELLY K 1013 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 TOY BARBARA J+ROBERTS JEFFR 523 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3912 TOYER RONALD V+JOAN E 3515 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3426 TOZER CARINA L 632 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3634 TRAN JIMSON PHU+DANG HUONG 2023 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-2323 TRAN HOA 2634 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98056-4006 TRAN BINH VAN+LOANNE T G 2701 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4007 TRAM DUC + LEE JANIE VIET-WAH 2820 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056-3106 TRAN LY I+JAHROH 3631 NE 10th Ct Renton WA 98056-3508 TRAN THAN H+KENNETH+THONG 3901 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 TRAN QUANG BUI+PHAM THUY TH4008 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3992 TRAN MINH XUAN & NGA H 512 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 TRAN TRUNG H+CONNIE S 574 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3982 TRAN NHAM VAN+LUAN THI 663 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3965 TRAN PHOI TRINH 813 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3866 TRAN HUNG VU+VAN THANH LA 871 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 TREDWAY DONNA J 483 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3976 TRIMBLE LINDA 658 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3644 TRINH CONG NHU PHAM OANH TH 2133 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-2867 TRINIDAD MA GUADALUPE 640 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3742 TROMBLEY LISETTE M 2616 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3765 TROTT THOMAS 3325 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3826 TROTT NORMA J 3424 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3933 TRUJILLO JOSE M 2107 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2919 TRUJILLO ALAN 2604 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3771 TRUJILLO ANGELICA MENDOZA 858 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3863 TRUMFIO STEVE+KIM 578 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 TRUONG PHAN THOAI PHU TONG 4008 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3835 TRUONG PHUOC+NGUYEN LOAN 859 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3886 TSEGAYE TADIOS+ASSEEA GUENI 1106 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3433 TUANKRUA KOSON+JAMIE 619 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3907 TUBERA BENJAMIN M+MARIA ROS 515 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 TUCKER ERIC S+KAREN C 2027 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2750 TUCKER C L 3433 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3228 TURNBULL PETER D+JOAN E 1316 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3341 TURNER PRISCILLA + BEZANSON 12300 Jefferson Ave NE Apt A204 Renton WA 98056-8375 TURNER SUEANNE L 4018 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-3972 TVEIT THOR 2307 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3685 UDRIS EDMUNDS M+ERYNN D 1162 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3543 UHLMAN LYNDA J 2211 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2929 ULIANOV LUCICA 4013 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3992 UNDERHILL ELIZABETH K 2210 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3614 UNDSDERFER DAVID S PO Box 3463 Renton WA 98056-0016 UNG PISIDH+ELLY HON 571 Newport Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3983 UNG WILSON W 545 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 UNGEFUG HARRY H 3430 NE 17th PI Renton WA 98056-3227 VADNEY PAULA J 771 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3878 VAGUE MAUREEN 3701 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 VAIENTE PETER L SR 2205 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3613 VALDIVIA MA LORECEL 432 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-8506 VALDOVINOS JULIAN 811 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 VALDRIGHI MARIE J 523 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 VALENTINE STEPHANIE L 667 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3673 VALENCIA JAVIER R MR+MRS 696 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 VALERIANO MARTIN 861 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3640 VALLEAU GLENDA J 3727 NE 10th Ln Renton WA 98056-3560 VALTIERRA ROGELIO 2927 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3731 VANBUREN AARON E+ERIC M+CAI 1204 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3349 VANBUREN ERIC M+CAMILLE G 1204 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3349 VANORNAM SHEILA 1918 Harrington Cir NE Renton WA 98056-2321 VARGAS ARMANDO H+SONIA M 3625 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3516 VARLETTI MICHELLE 1059 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3550 VARNADORE GREGORY+STEPHAP 3317 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3834 VASILEV NIKOLAY+ZLATKA 3926 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 VASILEV PETKO N+HRISTOV RUM 4046 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 VASQUEZ STEVE 501 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 VAZQUEZ LUIS V+VIRGINIA+JOR 3425 NE 17th St Renton WA 98056-3236 VAZQUEZ GUILLERMO + ROSALIN1411 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 VEDOS REVOCABLE JOINT LIVIN 2222 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2934 VENEGAS MARIO 3307 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3922 VENTIN VINCENT T+HEIDI J 4005 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3836 VERGARA MIGUEL 2198 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3689 VERMA RAJAN+KAMNA RALHAN 1603 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3369 VIBAR CLARISSA U 801 Jefferson Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3721 VIDAL PAUL M 839 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3806 VIGIL DIEGO+REBECCA 446 Tacoma PI NE Renton WA 98056-8506 VILLALOBOS MARCO+YBARRA AN, 755 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3872 VILLAGE ON UNION HOMEOWNER PO Box 2288 Renton WA 98056-0288 VILLEDA JAMIE C+DAISY 2402 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2930 VILLEGAS CLAUDIO+MONTANO M)614 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3998 VINECKE JAMES L 824 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2856 VINSON MARION H 3936 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 VINYARD ROBERT C 427 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 VIR HARI K+KIRAN B 3232 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3431 VISCONTE PATSY 3419 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3934 VISION HOUSE PO Box 2951 Renton WA 98056-0951 VLAHOVICH COLLEEN A 855 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3860 VO MY PHUONG 3828 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3527 VO NGHIA H 1082 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3411 VO TRINH THI 3705 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 VOGHT JAMES L+HEIFA 716 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3861 VONG SEA+HOUTH VANTHOL 3617 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3532 VORIS SUZANNE 1012 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3549 VOYTILLA SHANNON JAMES+JUDI 579 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3982 VU HAI S 669 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 VU VAN 1209 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3350 VUONG BINH KHUONG TATHA 2755 SE 4th St Renton WA 98056-8899 WALDNER JOSEPH G 627 Glennwood Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3725 WALKER LOTTIE L 1009 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3423 WALKER COLIN 3233 NE 12th St Apt 301 Renton WA 98056-3464 WALKER MARK A+NESSA K 4012 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3835 WALKER ROBERT 432 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3653 WALKER PHYLLIS M 818 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3869 WALLACE LOUISE 458 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4027 WALLER JANETTE L 433 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3665 WALLS RANDY R 2802 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4080 WALSH JAMES L 2308 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2944 WALSH RICHARD 2609 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3766 WALSH JULEI L 2624 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2366 WALSH DAVID C 472 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3653 WALSH PATRICK J 655 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3643 WALTERS MARK H+TAMARA N 2200 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2946 WALTERR THOMAS D+BRIDGETT 1501 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3651 WANG DONG FENG 3908 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 WANG EDDIE L S+MYRA MING 453 Shelton PI NE Renton WA 98056-8553 WARD KENNETH LEE+SHARYL G 755 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3632 WARFIELD THOMAS P+GLENDA J 817 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3870 WARREN DEREK MICHAEL 3509 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3518 WATSON HUBERT H PO Box 2176 Renton WA 98056-0176 WATTS STEVEN P 2220 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3608 WATTS .FAMES G 558 Bronson Way NE Renton WA 98056-3652 WEAVER JOHN & CHERIE 1035 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 WEAVER DAVID LEE 4021 NE 6th Ct Renton WA 98056-3972 WEBB FRANCIS+MARGARET PO Box 3011 Renton WA 98056-5011 WEEDMAN BROCK 1300 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3382 WEEDMAN BROCK B+DARLENE M 1300 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3382 WEEKS BRUCE E+REMEDIOS A 2703 NE 4th Ct Renton WA 98056-4007 WEG LLC PO Box 2701 Renton WA 98056-0701 WEI KENNETH K 1050 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3545 WEIGEL JAMES A+CAROL A 3712 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3817 WEISS SCOTT A+ADRIENNE D 1144 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3010 WELCH ZACKARY+LAUREN 862 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2856 WELLS DAVID J 2109 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8304 WEMHOFF EVELYN + DONNELLY J 2605 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98056-4005 WENDLING FRED 2331 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-2913 WEST ROBERT D MR & MRS 408 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4002 WEST MARIE 903 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3884 WHEAT JOE H+LINDA S 3624 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3819 WHEELDON ROY 3920 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3585 WHITCHURCH JENNIFER J 2207 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3621 WHITE FRED O+BARBARA R 1027 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3542 WHITE RICHARD L+TERRY R 1124 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3547 WHITLOW LUANN L 3818 NE 14th PI Renton WA 98056-3378 WHITMIRE DONNA V 533 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3988 WIEHOFF ALVERNA J 1612 Kennewick Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2604 WIEMANN WALDEMAR F 2116 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2705 WIK BYLUND & PHYLLIS 2616 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2366 WILKS GERALDINE E 523 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3988 WILLECKE JR RICHARD ALBERT+ 11151 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3548 WILLECKE WADE ELLIS+BARBARP 2109 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3609 WILLIAMSON GARY 2011 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2305 WILLIAMS LARRY L 2212 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2946 WILLIAMS RACHEL 2920 NE 5th Pi Renton WA 98056-3730 WILLIAMS JOHN R 3906 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3981 WILLIAMS SULSWORTHA 402 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4002 WILLIAMS JAMES E 438 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 WILLIAMSON KATHLEEN M 661 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 WILLIAMS DEANNIE C 672 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3680 WILLIAMSON JOHN R & KARIN E 672 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 WILSON JAMES H JR+DAWN 1 3519 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3830 WING JIHI+JERROLD BRUCE 666 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3994 WISE GABRIEL A+ MARICEL G 2216 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-2934 WIXOM ROBERT J 532 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3636 WOLF JOSEPH S 2617 NE 20th St Renton WA 98056-2362 WOLF CYNTHIA A 3724 NE 5th St Renton WA 98056-3990 WOLFE EMORY L 2305 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056-2937 WONG BRYANT+Zi YING 2033 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2750 WONG KAHSOON+ANN KIM WEI 3818 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3527 WONG ON-SING+SUZIE SIU YEE 3922 NE 4th Cir Renton WA 98056-8552 WONG FION Y 3929 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3991 WONG KEN+LI WAN LI 412 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 WONG MAN TAT+NICOLE U 508 Queen PI NE Renton WA 98056-3989 WOO VICTOR Y 808 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3859 WOODCOCK LOUIS B 3916 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056-3525 WOOLSTON CHARLES E+THERES, 2608 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3765 WRIGHT CHERIE 1081 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3412 WRIGHT-ALLEY BEVERLY 851 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2857 WU JI JI+XIO FANG CHEN 659 Ferndale Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3719 WU ZHUO ZHUO + LIU SUI HONG 3719 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3818 WYSOCKI DORI 12626 SE 98th St Renton WA 98056-2437 WYSSEN VIRGINIA R 2509 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3762 YAN HON NGAN 3713 NE 6th St Renton WA 98056-3944 YANES ANSELMO L 755 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3642 YANG STEVE 1128 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3414 YANKOV GEORGE+ALINA 483 Index PI NE Renton WA 98056-4026 YARNELL DENNIS E+ELIZABETH 652 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3902 YARNELL DENNIS E 655 Redmond Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3901 YEE GEORGE HON 3803 NE 14th P1 Renton WA 98056-3377 YEM HEN+CHHOY BENSON 3717 NE 10th St Renton WA 98056-3514 YERMOLENKO DIMITRIY 665 Ferndale PI NE Renton WA 98056-3741 YIM LENG 3728 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3974 YIM MANITH 3301 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98056-3922 YIU BETTY W 4038 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 YIU YEUNG + FU MEI LING YEUNG 3722 NE 5th PI Renton WA 98056-3974 YOST JEFFREY A 506 Windsor PI NE Renton WA 98056-3660 YOUNG LISA C 1000 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2829 YOUNG JASON S 1106 Olympia Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3435 YOUNG WESLEY 2125 Harrington PI NE Renton WA 98056-8304 YOUNG SHAUNA 3307 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3826 YOUNG MARY L 3604 NE 8th St Renton WA 98056-3827 YOUNG CLAUDE PO Box 2711 Renton WA 98056-0711 YUEN JUDY 1606 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2792 ZABLE GALE E 1701 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3234 ZARABIA ARMANDO B+CARMEN 2400 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98056-2924 ZARATE FELIPE 569 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3737 ZEIGER ALAN F+AMALIA B 451 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4001 ZHU ANGELA 2208 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3608 ZIEBELL FERN 1054 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3541 ZIRCKEL GREGORY J+MORRIS,JU 448 Windsor Way NE Renton WA 98056-3664 ZOLLER KIMBERLY J 3412 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3823 ZUCHOWSKI ROMUALD+IOWONA ; 3512 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-3821 ZUGSCHWERDT LINDA L 880 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3859 ZUHKLE TIMOTHY 1215 Dayton Ave NE Renton WA 98056-2772 ZUNUN MARIO GONZALEZ 2312 NE 9th St Renton WA 98056-2944 ALLEN JAMES R III 1058 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3541 DEWOLF CHAD D+ROGERS KIMBE 527 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 TAYLOR KEN W PO Box 2185 Renton WA 98056-0185 AYOUB EMILE A+ELEANOR D 3907 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-3558 BOYD JR DONOVAN E+ROXANNE 12901 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-3717 DECOTEAU CHRISTINE 609 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3906 DELGADO MARTIN+VERDUZZO HE 1418 Index Ave NE # B Renton WA 980563122 FORLAND LARRY A 825 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3810 INTHASONE BOUNTHIENG+VAND1 513 Index Ave NE Renton WA 98056-4068 KENT STEVEN CRANE 3430 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3933 KNOLLES EARON R+CARR J 3609 NE 11th Ct Renton WA 98056-8602 OYLER H DOUGLAS+SMITH RHON1675 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3673 TRUONG TRUNG HOANG 1609 Monroe Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3369 BRADY BROCK J 2517 NE 18th St Renton WA 98056-2368 DALPAY JAMES W JR+JULIE A PO Box 2436 Renton WA 98056-0436 FELDMAN GARY+CAROLYN 472 Shelton Pf NE Renton WA 98056-8553 GINGER RICHARD G+TRUDI M 1415 Pierce Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3362 HAY KIMBLERY+RONALD L 4002 NE 4th PI Renton WA 98056-8507 LE JENNIFER ANH 1318 Redmond PI NE Renton WA 98056-3382 MOORE ROBERT L+TARA 3800 NE 8th Ct Renton WA 98056-3868 MORIN VICTORIA J 3631 NE 6th PI Renton WA 98056-3930 NGO DUC T+LIEN TRAN 513 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056-7405 OLIVER CATHERINE+RICHARD M 685 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 TRAN TUYET+LUU HUNG CHI 660 Newport Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3851 WATERHOUSE HELEN 1317 Pierce PI NE Renton WA 98056-3348 GATEWOOD VOUCHNCELLA 825 Index Ct NE Renton WA 98056-3723 VASQUEZ-RIOS ROSA MARIA 608 Tacoma Ave NE Renton WA 98056-3905 FISHER LYNN C 2604 NE 7th St Renton WA 98056-3759 BOTTENBERG JOANNE H 2919 NE 8th PI Renton WA 98056-371.7 MEINDERS DONALD G 751 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4701 ROWLAND BILLEY J 1051 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4403 EILER CANDY L 4813 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98059-4676 LARSON MICHAEL G+CAMMIE L 13214 SE 91st St Newcastle WA 98059-3325 LETTERLY LUCAS R 14525 SE Renton Issaquah Rd Renton WA 98059-4269 MALGARINI JOHN V+LORI G 1059 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4403 MCELREATH EDWARD+JOYCE A 15427 204th Ave SE Renton WA 98059-9021 MCNEiL CEATRICE 517 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4705 MEYER JOHN G 18257 SE 144th PI Renton WA 98059-8030 ST PETER MARK P 407 Lyons Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4895 SWANIGAN LAVELLE+KENNETH 559 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4705 TRAN UYLIEM M+CHUNG TRANG N 116 Bremerton PI NE Renton WA 98059-5244 1995 MANN LTD FAMILY PNRSHI 17437 SE 102nd St Renton WA 98059-5335 AKESSSON RICHARD 14225 SE 144th St Renton WA 98059-5446 ANDERSON SCOTT FIRST PRESB) 4604 NE 18th St Renton WA 98059-3948 ANDERSON LUANN 523 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4705 AU JADY S 14620 SE 110th PI Renton WA 98059-4394 BAILEY HARRY C+MATTIE J 679 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4703 BARBER PHILIP R 801 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4504 BAXTER JOHN S+DEBRA 609 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4703 BECK STEVE 4735 NE 4th St Renton WA 98059-4821 BLOOMFIELD VIC + SKUK JENI 4418 SE 3rd PI Renton WA 98059-5139 BRUNNER JACOB F 4604 NE 17th St Renton WA 98059-4172 BUNCH MARK & PENNY 13811 SE 142nd St Renton WA 98059-5454 BUNDY SITYLO R+SARGENT KIMBE4735 NE 4th St Renton WA 98059-4821 BYRON MICHAEL W+STACEY E 13434 178th Ave SE Renton WA 98059-7124 CHAKRA 1 LLC 6947 Coal Creek Pkwy SE # 228 Newcastle WA 98059-3136 CHAN ANTHONY V+NINA P 4511 NE 22nd PI Renton WA 98059-3652 CHEN MICHAEL 6214 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98059-4575 CHIFULIO RONALD+SHERI 663 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4703 CHURCH OF CHRIST RENTON CIO 13411 163rd Ave SE Renton WA 98059-6947 CHVOJ GEORGE 4800A NE 18th PI Renton WA 98059-4287 COOK RICHARD 2712 Duvall Ave NE Renton WA 98059-3306 DEWITT MARK 4735 NE 4th St Renton WA 980594821 DIRE MICHAEL R 1063 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4403 DOLAN LARRY E MR 13525 181st Ave SE Renton WA 98059-7145 DYKES JAMES FRED 537 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4705 DZIKON JANUSZ+GRAZYNA 1415 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-3907 ERICKSON ANNI+JOSHUA 659 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4703 FISHER RUTH A 16428 SE 149th St Renton WA 98059-8830 FLING STEPHEN 213 Chelan Ct NE Renton WA 98059-5250 GRAVES JOSH 5335 NE 4th St Ste 3 Renton WA 98059-4831 HARRIS DEBORAH 14035 146th Ave SE Renton WA 98059-5541 HOLSTINE PAUL F+DANA C 103 Bremerton PI SE Renton WA 98059-5222 HURDLE ELIZABETH 5211 NE 16th St Renton WA 98059-4266 JIMENEZ JUAN A+PEREZ MARIA 5154 NE 20th St Renton WA 98059-4100 KELLERMAN 1SAAC+SHARON 231 Quincy Ave NE Renton WA 98059-8559 KEY ROBERT + ROSEMARY 1008 Anacortes Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4520 KHOMLYAK ROMAN 14028 147th PI SE Renton WA 98059-7319 KIEU HUAN V+LE DIEP T 4510 NE 19th St Renton WA 98059-3808 KOUZMANOV NIKOLAY V 775 Rosario PI NE Renton WA 98059-4588 LAM HAO V+LISA N 1818 Chelan PI NE Renton WA 98059-3950 LAM STANLEY 15014 SE 139th PI Renton WA 98059-6712 LEMLEY PATRICIA 4426 NE 17th St Renton WA 98059-3927 LVEDTKE DOUG + SHANNON 4914 SE 2nd St Renton WA 98059-4957 LYONS JAMES E 208 Orcas PI SE Renton WA 98059-8514 MAAS JOHN P 18249 SE 147th St Renton WA 98059-8043 MACARIOLA MARIA IMELDA S+MA 6134 SE 3rd PI Renton WA 98059-7078 MANDAVILLE CRISTIN 6035 SE 2nd Ct Renton WA 98059-8537 MARASIGAN MANNY B & ELEANOF 950 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4501 MARLOW WILL+DEBORAH L 16519 SE 147th St Renton WA 98059-7913 MCCLINCY TIMOTHY W 4604 NE 4th St Renton WA 98059-5025 MCPHERSON DOROTHY 4625 NE 23rd St Renton WA 98059-3644 MEGOW THOMAS O+GEORGIA R 1067 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4403 MORROW DONALD 724 Bremerton PI NE Renton WA 98059-4763 NIX ROBERT W 533 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4705 O'DAY CATHERINE 20504 SE 152nd St Renton WA 98059-9046 O'HALLORAN MICHAEL 4420 SE 4th St Renton WA 98059-5117 OLIVA DANIEL+INGRID SANCHEZ 655 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4703 PADERES ALBERT+JILL 5428 NE 2nd Ct Renton WA 98059-5189 PADILLA DAMASO C 5325 NE Sunset Blvd Trlr 12 Renton WA 98059-5943 PHAN HUNG M+HUONG NGUYEN 886 Bremerton Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4549 PRICE RONDA L+NICHOLAS J 1055 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4403 PRIMLANI INDRU + MARY JO 201 Union Ave SE Unit 186 Renton WA 98059-5182 SHARP GREGG+PAKAMAS KONGT 673 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4703 SMITH JEFFREY S+SUSAN S 16611 SE May Valley Rd Renton WA 98059-5909 SUCIU ELENA 4224 NE 10th PI Renton WA 98059-4524 THOMAS ROGER W 91325 162nd Ave SE Renton WA 98059-5823 TRAN TIMOTHY 16217 205th PI SE Renton WA 98059-9069 TRUJILLO LOUIS E+HONORIA G 613 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4703 UNG KENG K CHANG LY HOUN 4512 NE 7th PI Renton WA 98059-4761 VAN PELT WIN 4735 NE 4th St Renton WA 98059-4821 VIRK SARBJIT+PARAMJIT KAUR 7216 135th PI SE Newcastle WA 98059-3157 VOLKIRCH JOHN+LORENE K 13661 144th Ave SE Renton WA 98059-5557 WALKER WILLIAM 1517 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-3905 WEIGEL DENNIS + VIVIAN 16853 SE 112th St Renton WA 98059-5931 WILKINS MARK B+CYNTHIA A 14430 152nd PI SE Renton WA 98059-7340 WILLIAMS JOHN C+LESLIE J 1825 Ilwaco Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4240 WISER MARY & JAYSON 1421 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-3907 WROTEN ANTHONLY L+MARCUS E 529 Union Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4705 ZIMMERMAN MARK E 4600 NE 12th St Apt 4 Renton WA 98059-4059 ZURA TERRI 4507 SE 4th St Renton WA 98059-5116 MJF HOLDINGS INC 3502 B St NW Auburn WA 98001-1731 WESTERN WA CORP OF SDA 3450 S 344th Way Ste 200 Federal Way WA 98001-9540 ERICKSON ROBERT + MARIE 1407 G St SE Auburn WA 98002-6733 SPEER RONALD E 1918 37th Way SE Auburn WA 98002-8233 BARNES SHARON A 2227 S 284th PI Federal Way WA 98003-3209 MCMILIAN SHERRY & LEO 2632 S 374th PI Federal Way WA 98003-7517 ANDERSON TROY M & DEBBIE A 227 Bellevue Way NE PMB 154 Bellevue WA 98004-5721 CHUNG YEUK NGAI 10042 Main St Apt 505 Bellevue WA 98004-6046 KIMBALL MARK D 10900 NE 4th St Ste 2300 Bellevue WA 98004-5882 LOWRY MICHAEL 227 Bellevue Way NE # 165 Bellevue WA 98004-5721 SKYWIRE PROPERTIES LLC 227 Bellevue Way NE # PMB-154 Bellevue WA 98004-5721 SPENCER RENTON L L C 1980 112th Ave NE Ste 230 Bellevue WA 98004-2940 UNSDERFER BRIAN+GLORIA RAMI 1100 106th Ave NE Apt 802 Bellevue WA 98004-4388 WEISS SCOTT+ADRIENNE 3133 110th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98004-7505 DANG TONY C+QUACH GWENDOL 1813 136th PI SE Bellevue WA 98005-4061 GAUSSMAN VOLKMAR 13400 NE 20th St Ste 28 Bellevue WA 98005-2023 HARBOR FRED 12011 NE 1st St Ste 201 Bellevue WA 98005-3182 HOOPMAN-WRIGHT IDA M 12604 SE 26th PI Bellevue WA 98005-4337 LIN DEBBIE WINDEMERE 13000 NE 20th St Bellevue WA 98005-2001 MASLAN ROBERT G 12414 SE 25th St Bellevue WA 98005-4151 MONSERUD JACK+MARILYN 13808 NE 12th St Apt 203 Bellevue WA 98005-2920 BERHANU MENGESHA WOULETA j 12819 SE 38th St # 145 Bellevue WA 98006-1326 BOGOLYUBOV ROZANNA+KONSTi 15152 SE 54th PI Bellevue WA 98006-3607 BONHAM GORDON K 6602 129th PI SE Bellevue WA 98006-4041 BROOKS RANDY 4717 149th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98006-3127 BUTTAR BALJINDER+RASHPAL 6529 161st PI SE Bellevue WA 98006-5665 CHENG MING 4754 130th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98006-2012 DRR ENTERPRISES INC 4421 138th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98006-2205 GRIGGS WAYNE+JANICE L 4461 137th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98006-2201 HARRIS-VUKOV SILVIA DENISE 5641 Pleasure Point Ln SE Bellevue WA 98006-2655 HUBNER MR+MRS JEFFREY 6018 113th PI SE Bellevue WA 98006-6331 JOHNSON SCOTT 5164 150th PI SE Bellevue WA 98006-3542 MONAGHAN DONALD G+CHERYL F6532 117th PI SE Bellevue WA 98006-6444 NGUYEN TINA K 5306 156th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98006-5154 PAZOOKI GLORIA 14044 SE 44th PI Bellevue WA 98006-2331 PAZOOKI GLORIA+SIAVOOSH 14044 SE 44th PI Bellevue WA 98006-2331 REBHUHN NIKOLAUS K 15070 SE 44th St Bellevue WA 98006-2418 VUKOV S J + HARRIS DENISE 5641 Pleasure Point Ln SE Bellevue WA 98006-2655 WANG KI YONG+MEE SOOK+BAN(- 5515 134th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98006-4231 WILBER GEORGE F & MARY L 12123 SE 46th PI Bellevue WA 98006-2801 YEE SAMUEL+DORINA 15505 SE 46th Way Bellevue WA 98006-3234 CHEUNG KIN SUEN+SIU MUI 2421 Kamber Rd Bellevue WA 98007-6240 KAIMAKIS PAUL & SANDRA 2033 144th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98007-6216 ASSAREH CHAD KAMRAN 2264 157th PI SE Bellevue WA 98008-5058 ENG DALE+NAHID M PO Box 7291 Bellevue WA 98008-1291 JOHNSON MICHAEL D 17225 NE 15th PI Bellevue WA 98008-3108 KALASOUNTAS HELEN 1407 172nd Pi NE Bellevue WA 98008-3112 MARTINEZ BERNARDO 16415 NE 13th St Bellevue WA 98008-3015 RAVENSCRAFT JAY O+JILL M 16812 NE 11th PI Bellevue WA 98008-3708 SMITH CHRIS 15714 SE 25th St Bellevue WA 98008-5410 BARRY D E+E D PO Box 6132 Bellevue WA 98008-0132 PUGET SOUND ENERGYIELEC PR(PO Box 90868 Bellevue WA 98009-0868 YOUNG VALERIE S K PO Box 1237 Bellevue WA 98009-1237 MUNION RICKY A+SUSANNA M 22433 SE 296th St Black Diamor WA 98010-1271 SMITH BRUCE H 15515 Juan Wd Way NE Apt B20 Bothell WA 98011-1580 DAO EMILIE PO Box 40462 Bellevue WA 98015-4462 CRISPIN R PO Box 40443 Bellevue WA 98015-4443 GREATER HILANDS LTD PTNRSHP PO Box 53290 Bellevue WA 98015-3290 TAM HON -HONG CIO REALTY PACT PO Box 50033 Bellevue WA 98015-0033 WEAVER HETTYMAE M PO Box 52882 Bellevue WA 98015-2882 WENTWORTH WAYNE PO Box 53361 Bellevue WA 98015-3361 SOHAL BALDEV S+KIRANJIT J+A 1219 SW 317th St Federal Way WA 98023-4738 SPENCER CONSTRUCTION INC 29455 10th Ave SW Federal Way WA 98023-8294 FAWCETT GREG+SABRA PO Box 402 Fall City WA 98024-0402 GIBSON JOHN & LINDA 2412 277th Ave SE Fall City WA 98024-7110 ZAVAR KERT+ANGELA 87 290th Ave SE Fall City WA 98024-7415 ADAMS JEFFREY A+LESLIE B 19413 SE May Valley Rd Issaquah WA 98027-5424 AGNEW TERENCE J+SANDRA H 1551 Hillside Dr SE Issaquah WA 98027-4812 COPPER RIDGE INC 12708 195th PI SE Issaquah WA 98027-6426 FILLEY BETTE 19801 SE 123rd St Issaquah WA 98027-8523 GONZALEZ RICHARD V+FRANCES 20328 SE 130th St Issaquah WA 98027-8575 HAMMERMASTER BRADLEY E PO Box 1178 Issaquah WA 98027-0044 MILLER RICKIE J+DEBRA K 16637 Issaquah Hobart Rd SE Issaquah WA 98027-6981 REED JOYCE M PO Box 739 Issaquah WA 98027-0027 SAUNDERS ASHLEY 23921 SE 160th St Issaquah WA 98027-8412 SAVANNAH AT THE PARK 12708 195th PI SE Issaquah WA 98027-6426 SCHLESSELMAN DAVID J+SCOZZF5627 193rd PI SE Issaquah WA 98027-8666 UNION PLACE LLC 12708 995th PI SE Issaquah WA 98027-6426 VAIMAN LEV A+IRINE L+ANDRE 1515 Pine View Dr NW Issaquah WA 98027-8685 VAN BUSKIRK KIM 18709 SE 44th PI Issaquah WA 98027-9736 ZULAS DIANE + ZULAS-BUSTOS JE 4238 189th Ave SE Issaquah WA 98027-9750 FRANKLIN ADE K+TAMMI LYNN T 26225 SE Old Black Nugget Rd Issaquah WA 98029-7320 CAPPERAULD VICTORIA L 28046 121 st Ave SE Kent WA 98030-8549 GUR TOWN HOME LLC 24323 119th Ave SE Kent WA 98030-9203 POSHA LAND TRUST JOHNSON CC 12932 SE Kent Kangley Rd PMB Kent WA 98030-7940 BANDA EMILIO R 9708 S 244th PI Kent WA 98030-0715 GUILLEN DAVID H 25033 129th PI SE Kent WA 98030-6616 THUERINGER DARVIN G 9601 S 248th St Kent WA 98030-4863 HERMAN ROBERT+LINDA 20419 100th Ave SE Kent WA 98031-1443 LEMERY MARGARET 10029 SE 224th St Kent WA 98031-3210 LONG THIEN PHAM 20719 121st Way SE Kent WA 98031--4190 NIEULESCU OFELIA 10825 SE 200th St Apt B202 Kent WA 98031-5517 TEAGUE ZAN C SR 12845 SE 223rd PI Kent WA 98031-3962 FERRELL 9429 116th Ave NE Kirkland WA 98033-5108 FOUST TAMI MARIE + TERHUNE K 12930 NE 103rd PI Kirkland WA 98033-5278 LIBERTY CAPITAL PARTNERS 1 11250 Kirkland Way Ste 203 Kirkland WA 98033-6304 WOLF STANLEY & BETH 6333 Lk Wash Blvd NE Apt 408 Kirkland WA 98033-3528 BANA DESIGN INC PO Box 8178 Kirkland WA 98034-0178 LE LINH+HUNG 14336 124th Ave NE Kirkland WA 98034-1414 BROWN MARGARET D 24814 SE 216th St Maple Valley WA 98038-7645 BURTON GARY K 20531 SE Petrovitsky Rd Maple Valley WA 98038-6525 HARRIS JOAN PO Box 1023 Maple Valley WA 98038-1023 HEDINGTON RHONDA 23703 SE 225th St Maple Valley WA 98038-8421 JOHNSON BRADLEY H+ JOHNSON PO Box 157 Maple Valley WA 98038-0157 MEDGARD VERNON H+MARSHA 21304 SE 213th St Maple Valley WA 98038-6443 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE INC 21333 SE 277th PI Maple Valley WA 98038-3133 WEEKS MARK & LAURIE 24814 SE 216th St Maple Valley WA 98038-7645 MOORE MICHAEL L PO Box 254 Medina WA 98039-0254 20TH STREET CAPITAL LLC 4227 Shoreclub Dr Mercer Island WA 98040-4240 CHEETHAM JACK & JANET 6705 SE 30th St Mercer Island WA 98040-2521 CROTHAMEL FREDERICK W JR+C12951 74th Ave SE Mercer Island WA 98040-2636 DANG THIET 7683 SE 27th St # 198 Mercer Island WA 98040-2804 FLETCHER JONATHAN M 2500 81st Ave SE Apt 104 Mercer Island WA 98040-2244 FLETCHER KATE 4263 E Mercer Way Mercer Island WA 98040-3823 HSUEK MARTHA PO Box 675 Mercer Island WA 98040-0675 LAI DAVID W+LAI CHRISTINA Y 8933 SE 54th St Mercer Island WA 98040-5142 MA LEON & MA CRYSTAL 4122 100th Ave SE Mercer Island WA 98040-3815 MARVICH CLARENCE M+DETTA M 8011 SE 56th St Mercer Island WA 98040-4801 PACECCA ROCCO + VINCENZO 3870 80th Ave SE Mercer Island WA 98040-3527 SHANE DANIEL C 4607 Forest Ave SE Mercer Island WA 98040-4306 ZAG LLC 9010 SE 40th St Mercer Island WA 98040-3720 R SCHRAMKE #COR60778 8413 SE 34th PI Mercer Island WA 98040-3025 CHARLEY BRIAN 26204 189th PI SE Covington WA 98042-8442 HOLT RICHARD I+BARBARA L J 24920 177th Ave SE Kent WA 98042-5269 JONES JEANNE BOYCE 24124 135th Ave SE Kent WA 98042-5176 KOCHARHOOK PAULA 16119 SE 256th PI Covington WA 98042-4135 MADISON THOMAS J 31845 197th Ave SE Kent WA 98042-9706 NESBITT JOHN R JR 31655 E Lake Morton Dr SE Kent WA 98042-9716 REICHOW FAMILY LLC 26409 148th Ave SE Kent WA 98042-8142 SPURLOCK BILL 29505 188th Ave SE Kent WA 98042-9236 SUTTON THOMAS E+KIMBERLY S 17812 SE 245th St Kent WA 98042-5209 CARTER DEAN E+SHIRLEY A 42918 SE Cedar Falls Way North Bend WA 98045-9565 HARRIS EDWARD J PO Box 909 Preston WA 98050-0909 BESAW PHYLLIS 15907 NE 65th St Redmond WA 98052-4834 LAMBERT KATHRYN L+DARYL M 11215 161st Ct NE Redmond WA 98052-2698 LONEY BRUCE & JAYNE 16920 NE 100th St Redmond WA 98052-3148 MLP BESAW FAMILY LP 15907 NE 65th St Redmond WA 98052-4834 PUREWAL BALBIR S 10905 167th Ave NE Redmond WA 98052-2752 CARLSON KAREN A 3354 W Ames Lake Dr NE Redmond WA 98053-9161 DUNN CONSTANCE F 13415 Mahonia PI NE Redmond WA 98053-6274 MACUBBIN LOUIS+KAREN 4049 Ames Lake Carnation Rd NI Redmond WA 98053-9158 SKOCHDOPOLE STEVEN J+LISA E 23316 NE Redmond Fall City Rd Redmond WA 98053-8376 AMANDUS JAMES A+LAURA M 2715 Cedar Ave S Renton WA 98055-5078 BUI TAN DINH & THU MAI 10210 SE 186th St Renton WA 98055-8428 GILBERT MYLES G 3120 Talbot Rd S Renton WA 98055-5023 HOFF MICHAEL R 3520 Morris Ave S Renton WA 98055-5718 OSBORN NANCY 4635 Morris Ave S Unit F Renton WA 98055-6380 PIEDAD PEDRO B+FLORIDA D 2311 SE 21st St Renton WA 98055-4542 RUSH CHARLES E+VICKI L 1932 Dayton Dr SE Renton WA 98055-4563 STA MARIA PAMFILO + ANGELITA 1814 S 28th Ct Renton WA 98055-5027 VISSER JAN H 19404 102nd Ave SE Renton WA 98055-6338 A AND D QUALITY CONSTRUCTIO 220 SW Sunset Blvd Apt E202 Renton WA 98057-2320 A&D QUALITY CONSTRUCTION CC 220 SW Sunset Blvd # E302 Renton WA 98057-2320 FACILITIES & OPERATIONS CTR O 300 SW 7th St Renton WA 98057-2307 GIOMETTI RAY 323 Pelly Ave N Renton WA 98057-5710 HERMAN SHARON A 711 Jones Ave S Renton WA 98057-3913 KERNIE JOHN 330 SW 43rd St Ste K PMB 376 Renton WA 98057-4944 LAL RAJESHWAR+SHARMILA R SH452 Lind Ave NW Renton WA 98057-3444 LARSON RUTHIE 714 High Ave S Renton WA 98057-3917 MARSH GERRY 437 Williams Ave N Renton WA 98057-5485 MILO-SAM VENTURES LLC 608 Grant Ave S Renton WA 98057-6042 PRICE PROPERTY LLC 1201 Monster Rd SW Ste 320 Renton WA 98057-2996 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 300 SW 7th St Renton WA 98057-2307 THORSTENSON ARDEAN 704 N 3rd St Renton WA 98057-5620 WOODALL WOODY 329 NW 2nd PI Renton WA 98057-5103 BONNER ROBERT 91 Williams Ave S Renton WA 98057-2151 BREWER WAYNE A PO Box 1024 Renton WA 98057-1024 BRIAN WOOD CORPORATION PO Box 503 Renton WA 98057-0503 DOBSON JOHN W ESTATE DOBSO PO Box 59 Renton WA 98057-0059 FIELDS TOM PO Box 641 Renton WA 98057-0641 JOHNSON DARLENE 608 Grant Ave S Renton WA 98057-6042 JOYCE WILLIAM GERALD PO Box 4192 Renton WA 98057-4192 KAPPENMAN BRETT A+CRYSTAL L PO Box 204 Renton WA 98057-0204 MACDONALD JESSI M PO Box 1021 Renton WA 98057-1021 RYAN PROPERTIES PO Box 336 Renton WA 98057-0336 SCOTT BRECK+CHRISTINE E GRA PO Box 336 Renton WA 98057-0336 WAY BACK INN FOUNDATION PO Box 621 Renton WA 98057-0621 WHEELER AUSTIN LEE JR PO Box 1094 Renton WA 98057-1094 Karl Hurst 1055 S Grady Way FI P2 Renton WA 98057-3232 ANDERSON GAIL 12939 SE 185th St Renton WA 98058-7921 ATAN AMIRA 15020 134th Ave SE Renton WA 98058-2859 BAUER OTTO E JR 17211 190th Ave SE Renton WA 98058-0731 DENNIS DAVID K + SHARON 14227 SE 162nd PI Renton WA 98058-8255 DPNH VANANH 15509 SE 179th St Renton WA 98058-9041 FINKBEINER DANIEL E+KELLY A 18509 W Lake Desire Dr SE Renton WA 98058-9557 GALT CHERYL 12628 SE 169th PI Renton WA 98058-6133 IRWIN TIM L+CHRISTINE M 15422 SE Jones Rd Renton WA 98058-8143 KORBEL JERZY M PO Box 59381 Renton WA 98058-2381 LAKE RANDOLPH L+JOANNE S 17014 154th PI SE Renton WA 98058-8656 LAMP KAREN L PO Box 59323 Renton WA 98058-2323 LAU NORMAN R 15222 162nd Ave SE Renton WA 98058-8100 LEIGHTON RONALD I+CALLY A 14112 SE 167th St Renton WA 98058-8507 LEWANDOWSKI GARY 17426 W Lake Desire Dr SE Renton WA 98058-9516 MATHEWS STEVEN L+DEBORAH C PO Box 58771 Renton WA 98058-1771 MONILLAS DIONISIO M+SHARON 13901 SE 156th St Renton WA 98058-7820 PENALOZA WILLIAM 16213 142nd Ave SE Renton WA 98058-8201 PETERSON CHARLES A+DIANE C 16954 151st Ave SE Renton WA 98058-8510 PISKOV KRASIMIR M+SVELTIA 13410 SE 171st PI Renton WA 98058-6154 RABLE TAMI M + CARPENTER GAIL 12648 SE 161st St Renton WA 98058-5325 RICCIO THOMAS + EILEEN 18211 152nd Ave SE Renton WA 98058-9639 RUFFALO SAM & HAZEL THOMAS. 15439 SE Jones Rd Renton WA 98058-8143 SCHAEWE JEFFREY J+STEPHANIE 16537 121st Ave SE Renton WA 98058-5371 THOMPSON MARGARET L 16403 SE Jones Rd Renton WA 98058-8342 TRAN TIMOTHY H+SUNNY O HUYN 19324 138th Ave SE Renton WA 98058-7740 VANORNAM RICHARD R 16503 145th Ave SE Renton WA 98058-8224 GAROT EUGENE O+GAROT JOAN I PO Box 5001 Kent WA 98064-5001 BARKER JOHN V+KERRY A 120 214th PI SE Sammamish WA 98074-7087 HIVELY RICHARD 2004 213th Ave NE Sammamish WA 98074-6321 BAINBRIDGE TRUST CRIBBLE V W 21620 SE 28th St Sammamish WA 980757125 BLANCO GODOFREDO & AVELINA 3733 221st PI SE Sammamish WA 98075-9279 BOTTENBERG LIVING TRUST 3020 Issaquah Pine Lake Rd SE 4 Sammamish WA 98075-7253 GRIFFIN JON F+YOLANDA M 2809 204th Ave SE Sammamish WA 98075-9633 LINDQUIST VERN+JEANNIE 1241 E Lk Sm Sr Ln SE Sammamish WA 98075-9612 WYLES LESLIE & RICHARD 3513 221st Ave SE Sammamish WA 98075-6241 CHAMBERS RONALD+DIANE L 22035 NE 375th St Woodinville WA 98077-7501 GREENLUND JAMES PO Box 3909 Kent WA 98089-0409 CHEN CECIL Y+SUE J 13417 SE 330th PI Auburn WA 98092-8517 KACHEL R PO Box 25926 Federal Way WA 98093-2926 O'NEIL TOM P 1000 E Shelby St Seattle WA 98102-3821 LEUNG SHERRIE 8745 Greenwood Ave N Apt 406 Seattle WA 98103-3651 CHUANG SHUN YUAN 412 5th Ave S Seattle WA 98104-2806 KING COUNTY 500 4th Ave Seattle WA 98104-2340 WILLIAMS DAVID SEATTLE KING C 999 3rd Ave Ste 1200 Seattle WA 98104-4039 DANG TRACY TRANG 5216 University Way NE Seattle WA 98105-3519 HIGASHI MICHAEL 5021 25th Ave SW Seattle WA 98106-1371 NGUYEN PHUONG G 7330 20th Ave SW Seattle WA 98106-1866 SAKOUNTHONG OULAVANH 6245 5th Ave NW Seattle WA 98107-2122 ANMARCO 9125 10th Ave S Seattle WA 98108-4612 CORPUZ EDDIE JR 1337 S Dawson St Seattle WA 98108-2360 KOVACS CHARLES+LASZLO 6112 23rd Ave S Seattle WA 98108-2947 NEOMAHAVONG TANIA '6407 Flora Ave S Seattle WA 98108-2758 VUONG JIMMY D 4878 Beacon Ave S Seattle WA 98108-1501 HERMAN RHONDA #COR60778 660 S Industrial Way Seattle WA 98108-5236 KRASS KENNETH J 24 Roy St # 311 Seattle WA 98109-4018 DOWNS JUDITH PO Box 82 Seattle WA 98111-0082 BAUTISTA GERON IMO A + BAUTIS-8911 Inverness Ct NE Seattle WA 98115-3975 HIGGINBOTHAM JAN 2222 NE 92nd St Apt 312 Seattle WA 98115-3377 HO YEN+TU AN 7522 25th Ave NE Seattle WA 98115-4608 JACKSON MARK+LUCINDA 556 NE 60th St Seattle WA 98115-6529 BRAND ANDREW LUTHERAN ALLIE 8757 15th Ave NW Seattle WA 98117-3502 NUGENT DILLON 2632 NW 87th St Seattle WA 98117-3839 RYNES DAVID JOHN+MARY ELLEN 8541 31st Ave NW Seattle WA 98117-3912 BEKKEVOLD ELIZABETH J 4800 49th Ave S Seattle WA 98118-1836 FROTHINGHAM NEALE 8626 Wabash Ave S Seattle WA 98118-4749 GROCE CAROLINE F 3259 S Hudson St Seattle WA 98118-1915 GUY MEL 5140 S Roxbury St Seattle WA 98118-5732 HSIEH INVESTMENTS WASHINGTC5939 Wilson Ave S Seattle WA 98118-3062 JOSEPH EZRA 6016 S Roxbury St Seattle WA 98118-5945 PHAM SON H+NGA T DU 3917 S Cloverdale St Seattle WA 98118-4534 SAECHAO MUANG WEUN 3220 S Dawson St Seattle WA 98118-1947 SINGH SARAH A PO Box 18825 Seattle WA 98118-0825 TRAN NHAN TIEN+VIET HOAI+QUIL 9368 Beacon Ave S Seattle WA 98118-5413 VELDYKE REALTY INC 5500 Rainier Ave S Seattle WA 98118-2497 OGDEN ROSEMARI 1815 14th Ave Apt 6 Seattle WA 98122-2683 HO JAY YEE PO Box 94094 Seattle WA 98124-9494 JORGENSEN JIM+SHIRLEY PO Box 94647 Seattle WA 98124-6947 SEATTLE CITY LIGHT ATTN: ACCO PO Box 34023 Seattle WA 98124-4023 WHITMAN BETH 4041 37th Ave SW Seattle WA 98126-2428 MAYTON BRUCE PAUL PO Box 58079 Tukwila WA 98138-1079 CONLEY ALBERT+PEGGY L 2732 S Judkins St Seattle WA 98144-3825 DANG DANNY NGOC 511 M L King Jr Way S Seattle WA 98144-2439 JACKSON NANCY K 2352 23rd Ave S Seattle WA 98144-5301 LEGEND DEVELOPMENT LLC 510 Rainier Ave S Seattle WA 98144-3046 NGUYEN THACH+CAMIE NG 1530 33rd Ave S Seattle WA 98144-3937 STIMACH JANET L 1920 S Spokane St Seattle WA 98144-6730 WHITE RANDY D+ELMA 1523 22nd Ave S Seattle WA 98144-3608 LONG ARTHUR F 12201 Shorewood Dr SW Burien WA 98146-2411 MERRILL LORETTA E+RAUB RICH 13210 4th Ave SW Burien WA 98146-3337 TRAC JASMINE 615 SW 134th St Burien WA 98146-3254 ZAGAR DAVID 10828 4th Ave SW Seattle WA 98146-2245 NGUYEN HOA TUY 16545 Des Moines Memorial Dr Burien WA 98148-1534 PHAN THUY HELEN 3512 NE 190th PI Lake Forest F WA 98155-2645 YUEH LYDIA 16545 41 st Ave NE Lake Forest F WA 98155-5609 BUSH CURT J PO Box 27773 Seattle WA 98165-2773 BOYD WILLIAM H 17107 2nd Ave SW Normandy Pa WA 98166-3520 HALLESY HAROLD W 830 SW Channon Dr Normandy Pa WA 98166-3818 KELLER RUSSELL L 18711 Edgecliff Dr SW Normandy Pa WA 98166-3821 AMERICAN DREAM DEVELOPMEN- 833 S 112th St Seattle WA 98168-2143 BALL LLOYD 10434 19th Ave S Seattle WA 98168-1642 GROUP HEALTH COOP C/O TRAMF 12501 E Marginal Way S Asb-1 Tukwila WA 98168-2560 HUDGINS ZACK 4512 S 136th St Tukwila WA 98168-3271 PAYOMBARI MOHSEN S+LUIGINA 3809 S 132nd PI Tukwila WA 98168-3183 ALEXANDERSEN E 11115 56th Ave S Seattle WA 98178-2806 BISHOP AUTRY B 8223 S 122nd St Seattle WA 98178-4439 BUNDY SITYLO R 10711 59th Ave S Seattle WA 98178-2409 CHINN GENE S 11426 60th Ave S Seattle WA 98178-2952 CHO NANCY 12425 56th PI S Seattle WA 98178-3507 CHOW ROBERT 7436 S 114th St Seattle WA 98178-3162 CRELLEY VINCENT L 8202 S 120th St Seattle WA 98178-4433 CUNNINGHAM LIZ 8502 S 119th St Seattle WA 98178-4037 GRAFALO CHERYL 11604 64th Ave S Seattle WA 98178-2910 GREGGS ELIZABETH M 11448 Rainier Ave S Apt 140 Seattle WA 98178-3952 HILL CLARENCE E+CHRISTINA B 7817 S 134th St Seattle WA 98178-5114 JEFFERY ROOSEVELT+MARY M 12230 59th Ave S Seattle WA 98178-3519 JORDAN GERTRUDE L 7262 S 129th St Seattle WA 98178-4724 KOE ROSE L 11717 64th Ave S Seattle WA 98178-2911 LE LONG MINH+JANELLE T+KIM N(10444 Rainier Ave S Seattle WA 98178-2735 MEAKIN AL & VIOLET 7100 S Taft St Seattle WA 98178-2624 NG RAYMOND+TINA CHOW 6622 S 124th St Seattle WA 98178-3629 NICE VIEW INVESTMENT LLC 10802 Cornell Ave S Seattle WA 98178-3109 PETERSON RICHARD E. 8405 S 121st St Seattle WA 98178-4523 SCHWWARTZ SAM 10884 Rainier Ave S Seattle WA 98178-2739 SIRISISANGPHA YAOCHIEN THUN(7210 S Sunnycrest Rd Seattle WA 98178-2654 WONG JAMES H+TYRA B 10850 Garden Pf S Seattle WA 98178-2727 SORENSON LINDA 10930 Forest Ave S Seattle WA 98178-3205 CODD ROBERT J 4240 S 158th St Tukwila WA 98188-2748 GELASHVILI GEORGE+TSIURI 4259 S 176th St Seatac WA 98188-4124 TRAN TRUONG T+PHAN HAN H 5130 S 166th Ln Seatac WA 98188-3284 WALCOTT LOUISE CIO BILLINGS B4801 S 168th St Seatac WA 98188-3241 SODEN COLLEEN 1819 S 232nd St Des Moines WA 98198-7649 GLENN CLAUDE S 33204 NE 230th St Yacolt WA 98675-9573 HADROVIC ZLATKO 1004 93rd St SW Everett WA 98204-2638 MATHIESON JAN M PO Box 443 Everett WA 98206-0443 MARTIN L GLENN 21626 123rd Ave NE Arlington WA 98223-9598 WEST JOHN L+LORRAINE R 11807 292nd St NE Arlington WA 98223-8603 ARDMORE LLC 10519 20th St SE Ste 1 Lake Stevens WA 98258-4769 TROXEL JON PO Box 383 Shaw Island WA 98286-0383 CRUEGER JOAN M PO Box 332 Snohomish WA 98291-0332 PEPIN KENNETH 32002 88th Ave NW Stanwood WA 98292-5983 ANDERSON MYRON L PO Box 1385 Tonasket WA 98855-1385 MCCORMICK RESIDENTIAL RENTP 191 Mapfeway Rd Selah WA 98942-9627 FJELD DAVID W + KATRINA A 25014 89th Ave E Graham WA 98338-7073 ALEXANDERSEN E PO Box 441 Milton WA 98354-0441 GOODMAN RONALD J & SHARON 2916 91st Ave E Edgewood WA 98371-2079 GOODMANSEN RON J E 2916 91st Ave E Edgewood WA 98371-2079 FANTONI JANE E 8113 186th Street Ct E Puyallup WA 98375-1885 WELCH ARABEL G 134 Hilltop Dr Unit C Sequim WA 98382-8159 CAVALLI ROBERT 16202 64th St E Ste B1 Sumner WA 98390-3028 DREW RALPH E 6005 205th Ave E Bonney Lake WA 98391-8602 DROPPER MARK 6305 183rd Avenue Ct E Bonney Lake WA 98391-6881 PEDERSEN FLORENCE J 17016 27th St E Lake Tapps WA 98391-6771 LOONEY WILLIAM A PO Box 1435 Tacoma WA 98401-1435 LAITILA W PAUL 5609 S Sheridan Ave Tacoma WA 98408-2303 KUANG GUANG LIANG 5402 21st Avenue Ct NE Tacoma WA 98422-1958 WOODARD DONNA M 3545 66th Ave W University Pla WA 98466-5823 ANDERSON MARION 5001 College St SE Apt B101 Lacey WA 98503-5945 WEBB LEONARD 108 Arbor Crest Dr Chehalis WA 98532-8680 ALVESTAD LAURITS+LILY PO Box 485 Grapeview WA 98546-0485 DRISKELL CHARLES C PO Box 4027 Tenino WA 98589-4027 BUDKE GORDON E 911 W 33rd Ave Spokane WA 99203-1401 PHAM THUONG+NGUYEN NIEM TH 3554 120th Ave NE Bellevue WA 98006 CONN M 2408 NE 9th Renton WA 98055 HENDRICKSON STACY 1420 Maple Ave SE # 201 Renton WA 98055 PETERSON JOHN S 1007 N 36th Renton WA 98055 BAILEY LOLA M+BAILEY LOLA M 2911 NE 116th St Renton WA 98056 BARTLEY EDGAR D 3501 NE 11th Ave PI Renton WA 98056 BATISTA LEANDRO O 1420 Queen Anne Ave NE Renton WA 98056 DO CHUONG A 1945 Kirkland PI NE Renton WA 98056 EMERY MARY 2606 Sunset Ln SE # B Renton WA 98056 GRAMAJO-MENDEZ ALEXANDER+(659 Redmond Ave SE Renton WA 98056 HORA STEPHEN E 23014 NE 9th PI Renton WA 98056 JELKS JOHN H JR 424 Tacoma Ave NE # 60 Renton WA 98056 KOLRVA ELENA+ANGEL KOLEV 2901 NE 116th St Renton WA 98056 NGUYEN LIEN H 2018 Harrington PI SE Renton WA 98056 ORNDORFF RANDAL R 735 Shelton Ave NE Renton WA 98056 PARROTT CHRISTOPHER G 633 Kirkland Ave SE Renton WA 98056 POIRIER MARK W 684 Queen Ave NE Renton WA 98056 RENTON BIBLE CHURCH P 0 Box 2580 Renton WA 98056 SMITH GREGG 6811 Ripley Ln N Renton WA 98056 SZULKOWSKI K1NGA 909 Edmonds Ave SE Renton WA 98056 THOMAS DAVID M+ADORA A 863 Queen Anne Ave NE Renton WA 98056 TRUS EMERY J 2709 NE 23rd Renton WA 98056 WERTH MICHAEL J+C DORIS L WE 2714 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 WHITEHOUSE JENNIFER H 822 Queen Anne Ave NE Renton WA 98056 YEE STUART M+MONICA Y 2816 NE 5th Ct Renton WA 98056 BAILLIE SCOTT R+KATHLEEN M 13730 181st Ave SE Renton WA 98059 KALMBACH JOHN A+WENDY L 15508 206th Ave NE Renton WA 98059 WEGGE SHELDON 11826 171st PI SE Renton WA 98059 DRIVER TONI M 2128 7th Ave W Seattle WA 98119 MACKEY BONNIE The Highlands Shoreline WA 98177 WILLIAMS GERALDINE WILSON The Highlands Shoreline WA 98177 ERICKSON PAMELA J 4205 PENINSULAI Rd Stanwood WA 98292 CHAN NY 16309 59th St Tacoma WA 98404 CLARK GLENDA KAY 354 Gold St Electric City WA 99123 DEARY DIANN 409 1124 Hongdale North Vancou BC V7M 2H1 nm or -< z mG) rn ciC❑ � � z G) r m 0 N O Z Q z O m 0 > m 0 D m M ;IJ X m :E C) cn cn 7 m r D z 000000 ;a x ;QXxXxx X 000C)00 m m mmmmm m m 00n000 Cn CO 0MCnMLI) 0 Cn C C c c c c ❑ 0 000000 0 T>>>>> v-v-vmm z z z z z z z Z z zzzzzz —i --f —I 00 O 000 0 nn n non n mm m mmm m z z z z z z U)cn 0 �U)Q) co ao o 555 o mm m m m m m 3 m cD cD xD 0 0 m 0 w cv to o CD y � s � 1 � 0 0o cb ao ao ou 0o 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W N N L m m X7 X] m m x x x 7J x m x X] X] X] 7J X] X7 7u X 7 7 7 7j X7 X7 x x w x x ;o n m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m M m m m M m m m m m m m m m m— zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 000000000000000000000000000000000 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>--I -1 m Q0 to w 0 w w w c 0 w w CD (D w w w w co w w w w co w (D i 0 w w w w CD w w w N m 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to to cn cn ch ch ch cncncncncncncncncncncncnchtncncncncntncntncncncn cn to arrnrnrnTrnrnrnrnTrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnvyrnrna�csarnrnrn rnrnas � � ++.AA4h, AAAAAAAAAA�AAAAAA A .waA AA �I 0 m 0 07 -j -Ili W ti Vv-4 V m m m m m V y --4 --j Al --4 � ti m m Ln th to 0 4 4 A A m m to m A A A A A s— s" 1 W W W W N N N N N m w w w cc Erika Conkling From: Erika Conkling Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 8:03 AM To: Erika Conkling Subject: Sunset Area Community Meeting Attachments: Postcard_Sunset_revised_8_6.pdf You are being contacted because you were a party of record for the Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy last year. The City is starting to put the ideas that came out of the Community Investment Strategy into action. One of the first steps is to complete environmental review of the proposed community investments. The public is invited to comment on what should be covered in the environmental review. A public meeting will be held on: September 1, 2010 6:00 p.m. Highlands Neighborhood Center 800 Edmonds Ave NE in Renton Written comments will also be accepted. For more information, please see the project website at: sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov Also, if you would like your name to be added to the party of record list for Sunset Area environmental review process, please reply to this email with your full contact information. Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 9$057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econklin rentonwa. ov vly@huittzollars.com cjforgaard@comcast.net cjoday@msn.com dawn@ datacentricsolutions. us joan.stewart3@comcast. net akbufort@yahoo.com keliey51201@comcast.net konradlinda@msn.com Since 1990 the City and citizens have been working together to establish the needs and priorities for the Sunset community. The goals established continue to move this community forward in a positive and productive way. The Community Investment Strategies recommended with the highest priority include: • Support Sunset Terrace redevelopment • Pursue Planned Action EIS .. Incorporate new Highlands Library Incorporate a public plaza Create one or more community gardens • Provide pedestrian and landscaping improvements • Consider "green connections" • Better utilize parks and recreation facilities • Explore development of a "Family Village" The City is conducting an environmental review of the improvements considered in the Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy. The public is invited to comment on the issues to be covered in the environmental review. Sunset Area Scoping Meeting September 1, 2014, 6:00 p.m. Highlands Neighborhood Center 800 Edmonds Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98056 More information at_ sunsetarea_rentonwa.gov or call Erika Con kling at 425-430-6578. City of Renton + � Community & Economic Development �1",\i'L'O 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 rentonwa.gov ECRWSS Postal Customer Bob and Vera Gevers Jim Lyons John and Cherie Weaver 900 Kirkland Ave NE 2806 NE Renton, Suite A 1035 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Dorothy Arnolit 1446 Hillcrest Lane NE Renton, WA 98056 Epifanio Son Diego 1435 Hillcrest Lane NE Renton, WA 98056 � E E \ a \ LU UMk 0 © S >�«_ �.E a 2 E c t f Q 00 w � -� )lo 40 3 2 < VI7 0 k k n o k - § I _ E y m 2 § CL 2 E k § b § to ƒ k § $ W 2 § { . � o « < m o 2 11 \ / m ° j ©§ e o b w z m 2 3 \ k 0 o / e Qj / o M 0 0 k E u § E = W E % £ o� o r 0" ƒ &=®' E O E E 2 E / o & E \ / 3 � a o City of NOTIC OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE {DS) Posted to Notify Intere tWel Persons of an Environmental Action PRI NAMEI Swtel Area Planned Actfon/EIS PROIECTNUMSER: LUAi"52 LEAD AGENCY FOR SEPA AND NEAR: CNy of Renton RESPONSIBLE OFFII EnAro menial Review rgmrTlI IERLj LOCATIOW S t Terrace h PreYFFY bwMed by Somal lane NE And GNm•epd 0—NE on the math, NE Of Rreet,n tM cut, NE Sumn 6,Aten t!m the —N EdlnHnesA —HE on nH west. 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ACTION DOES HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT En maul E9:The IF. ale-, hasd,'YI-lnedd,hprapasal may bane a rlplFlont III InpW on the 11— 0. An enN•vnmennl Impadatrtement IE151 a eequhyd+ed.ip be per yncd under Rha Slan EmNmmenlel P,Iky ,tee ad M1n Aementl, rtryhllen 19CN 61.211.. RXI, WAC 191-11} and tM Hallarxl Eml•enmennl vo;kr Act ad VS Depedmmt of .Frgad Vrban Oe•ekpmrea!HDD) lmPNmenthq:qulatlom jH2 USCs321.2A CFR 581. 841raak fndlutlnR IIVeY emirmmeMAl Impa0.� an he m'kwed at lM CRY: wehsae yr rt Clly HlRces: see Cmnp Perron beWw. 7, FIS IN M 11e11t SErAfNEPa dpc�ment, NteMd 1, AKtrN-.1,emenb of bath Agate and fedreel err,lrRnmengl stentes Through FedeM 11,61,01+,nhortalbn, the Coy of Fenlon hit aswneds —Iwaty far PIKe Ith NEPA(EOLFR isoa.12j end the n ved Ftde' 1 Wee and authorMks IMI w—W ,[111."4 to the KND. P....M t,SEPA, the CRY,f Rrnlw b the ltd a9eecY Tm N. pwpmed rdlon. THr mmbinrd iFPA/fEERA EIS seopinl noun b being puhlhMd t, achkve eMdent dawmrnpllon 1rd woNyalbn of nohtn and p!r[hrM rlreecNgs. A NEPk Nolke M Intent 1, Prepare m En x111 also Le P'abRshs'a b the ideral RaRbin. AI[erMtlufa: The aRematNea to b• wondered M [he ltd raenR ",H Nrkde 1M Mnposd xtbn, a m adkn aRrmrthe. and a latlasabpmenl aRnmlNe Iv [h4➢rHP,red 1nbn. The rtdevrl,prnenl ahenratlre r84t f1wlad ahtertM ampYlg meetlnR a ndwMWslondthecemmenl period. Rney address altematye bed we nlhes, khaurunixr,ptlwn, or,lhn yrtwv. THE LEAD AGENCY HAS IDEMrrlFIEO THE FOLLOWING AREAS FOR DISCUSSION IN THE E15: eenMtlsa: ab gFnky.lndud'mR 6rtnheun RFs amhNan: cert,: eneryl: nrrM1w,rrm[al health; emlronmF,M, Janke; M1ht,rk/.Ruml,eravrees, h..k,E: hrd un; FFI W ria and rrae114n; Pian -and —11t; p.bik aenkss, habdlrn W bik edaalkn, mrety. health, aM ro,, wn,o,,: toierevmmki, e,r1WlKdemoRnphlA emp"—k Ind d4pkcemmII Ira,w,lalbn:.11I II waatennnln. tloem.rter, wserauPPh, tekwmnwrdalbn, n.W4I power, —,I %d Tela reseurHeA Rtddtlhlg grvundwatn wd wdpc. Trent. SroAH6: NOENSIRSAFf[CIEO TRIBES,ANo MEMEEM OF TNF POMa:AREINVRm TO [OMMEfRCW THE SrOrE OF THE EIS. 1011 MAT CD H,,,W ON ALTERNATIVES, MFHGI MWUREA PROBAgl1 SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACM ANO LICENSES oX0 Fa A1,144VALSTNAT MAY AE NEMAREM yOOR COMMENTS 10 511E 51151,11' 91N MMM ATEOREEEIVEO"THE WeT IFERSOM REFORESUOPhL0 SEATORBER11. 1010, A -0Y, —H, •.M be held on Sep—W l, 1010.1r,0(), , m IM1e NNNands Ne�M1borhood LFMer, ROD Ednande Are wt- Fens— EFenlon. WA 941056. Wrhnn and MI co ILF IN be tahrA ar"" mer"R. [OMACTPRmN: Fw more hldermatlon, phare he the "- -I aC sunanana.w.nlad EDW Cwhp,sR, We Senor Plrmin lTtvd Feel" Oepwne,L of Cw•rmu N1Y and E.nHlnk De"lopnI 7055 S Gntly Way Rerme WA 90057 (41514S0.OS79 wke 1e2SN307 Whe ,ndinePrrnl,nwaa,v To appeal dela Dehermarv.tacn, You Moir RN Your appeal duamerA with the hearing —miner by August 27, 2010. See Chy Code $.Conn 4 101, RLW 45.2ir-On and WAC 197-11-m (or f.rthar denials. There snail be onlyarsrappeal of a Detertnlnatlan of &,.tn.— And Han appeal has already been tiled, your Fppeat may be joined with the prior appeal AOT bee,ing or ma, be dlunesed H the Rdler appeal has already been heard. Yw shwid be Prepared t, make spedlk lanwl abjedknrc Contact the abort of Ict to read or ask about the prmedwes far SEPIA appeals CERTIFICATION W IF ,11I 11 414, 191 P hereby certify that Ts copies of the above r il► !! were posted in `� conspicuous places or nearby the described property on��������"'��� Date:_ ' _ ' 11 Signed:�`'`,��1�'il`� — I STATE OF WASHINGTON } 1 ) SS COUNTY OF KING } certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that a signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his%her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: rt " L Notary Public in for the State of Washington Notary (Print): �I- -A My appointment expires: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 11th day of August, 2010, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ERC Determination documents. This information was sent to: I Name I Representing I Agencies I See Attached (Signature of Sender): r STATE OF WASHINGTON ) r 5� 5 COUNTY OF KING4 44 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker "ro,+fi4,.�` signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses���lia urposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Notary Oublic in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): b{. d , trc£ j""t- My appointment expires:T ct _ C, f 3 `.Project Name, .,''.'. Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS Project;Number: ' LUA10-052, EIS template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology * WDFW - Larry Fisher* Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 — 172"d Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region ' Duwamish Tribal Office * Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attm Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172 nd Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology & Historic Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation* Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Boyd Powers * Renton Housing Authority Renton School District Depart. of Natural Resources Mark Gropper, Executive Director Rich Moore, Asst. Superintendent, Business PO Box 47015 PO Box 2316 300 SW 71h St Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Renton, WA 98056-0316 Renton, WA 98055-2307 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liaison Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities King County Library System Renton Historical Society Real Estate Services Director. Bill Ptacek Attn: Laura Clawson Attn. SEPA Coordinator Administrative Offices 235 Mill Ave. S. 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 960 Newport Way NW Renton, WA 98057 PO Box 34018 Issaquah, WA 98027 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Renton Reporter Seattle Times Seattle King County Public Health Attn: Dean Radford Attn: Jill Mackie Attn: David Fleming 19426 68th Ave_ S. The Seattle Times 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300 Kent, WA 98032 P.O. Box 70 Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle, WA 98111 Department of Commerce Governor Chris Gregoire Sound Transit Attn: Ike Nwankwo Office of the Governor Perry Weinberg (Environmental Compliance PO Box 42525 906 Columbia St SW PO Box 40002 Manager) Olympia WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 Sound Transit 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Puget Sound Regional Council US Housing and Urban Development Attn: James L. Nolan Attn: Rick Olson Deborah Peavler-Stewart 1904 Third Avenue - Suite 105 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 909 First Ave, Suite 255 Seattle, WA 98101 Seattle, WA 98104-1035 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Environmental Protection Agency EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking (federal) Attn: Dennis McLerran Water 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 803 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Old Post Office Building Washington DC Seattle, WA 98101 Washington DC 20460 0003 20004 US Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service US Department of Interior 1849 C Street, NW 7600 Sand Point Way NE 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Seattle, WA 98115 Washington DC 20240 `q0000 City of r i OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND SCOPING MEETING ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (DS) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS LUA10-452, EIS LEAD AGENCY FOR SEPA AND NEPA: City of Renton RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Environmental Review Committee {ERC} LOCATION: Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 101h Street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The proposed planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21" Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 71h Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE, DESCRIPTION: Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The project includes redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community, a Renton Housing Authority property of approximately 100 existing units in 50 -year old, two story structures, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE on approximately eight acres. The Renton Housing Authority also owns another approximately three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE for housing and associated services, Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by Renton Housing Authority, up to 200 additional new affordable housing units and potentially 300 new moderate income to market rate housing units could he created. There would he a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and may include the following: a community gathering space or "Third Place"; a new recreation/community center; a new public library; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and/or green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. As a result of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment, it is expected that private redevelopment in the neighborhood will be catalyzed. Supporting both Sunset Terrace and neighborhood redevelopment will be civic investments including: planned or anticipated upgrades to Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) and other local streets, stormwater drainage systems, parks and recreation facilities, education facilities, and a new public library. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS will address Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance for the neighborhood including Sunset Terrace. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted pursuant to WAC 197-11-164 to 172, would indicate that the completed EIS adequately addresses significant impacts of the proposed action, and that future projects consistent with the analyzed projects and parameters of the Planned Action Ordinance would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISS. Therefore, comment during this Scoping period is encouraged. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. EIS REQUIRED: The lead agency has determined this proposal may have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is required and will be prepared under the State Environmental Policy Act and implementing regulations (RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c), WAC 197-I1) and the National Environmental Policy Act and US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) implementing regulations (42 USC 4321, 24 CFR 58). Materials indicating likely environmental impacts can be reviewed at the City's website or at City offices; see Contact Person below. This EIS will be a joint SEPA/NEPA document, intended to satisfy requirements of both state and federal environmental statutes. Through Federal legislative authorization, the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with NEPA (40 CFR 1508.12) and the related Federal laws and authorities that would otherwise apply to the HUD. Pursuant to SEPA, the City of Renton is the lead agency for the proposed action. This combined SEPA/NEPA EIS scoping notice is being published to achieve efficient documentation and coordination of notices and pertinent meetings. A NEPA Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS will also be published in the Federal Register. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives to be considered by the lead agency will include the proposed action, a no action alternative, and a redevelopment alternative to the proposed action. The redevelopment alternative will be finalized after the scoping meeting and conclusion of the comment period. It may address alternative land use mixes, infrastructure options, or other features. THE LEAD AGENCY HAS IDENITIFIED THE FOLLOWING AREAS FOR DISCUSSION IN THE EIS. Aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographic, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, stormwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, electrical; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. SCOPING: AGENCIES, AFFECTED TRIBES, AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO COMMENT ON THE SCOPE OF THE EIS. YOU MAY COMMENT ON ALTERNATIVES, MITIGATION MEASURES, PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACTS, AND LICENSES OR OTHER APPROVALS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED. YOUR COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING AND RECEIVED BY THE CONTACT PERSON BEFORE 5:00 P.M. ON SEPTEN=13 201L► A scoping meeting will be held on September 1, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at tate Highlands Neighborhood Center, 800 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. Written and oral comments will be taken at this meeting. For more information, please visit the project website at: www.sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov, or contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 11355 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-6578 voice (425) 430-7300 fax econkl ing (.�rentonwa.aov To appeal this Determination, you must file your appeal document with the hearing examiner by August 27, 2010. See City Code Section 4-8-110.E, RCW 43.21C.075 and WAC 197-11-680 for further details. There shall be only one appeal of a Determination of Significance and If an appeal has already been filed, your appeal may be joined with the prior appeal for hearing or may be dismissed if the other appeal has already been heard. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the above office to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. Denis Law Mayor lty O ;1 August 11, 2010 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Administrator Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on August 9, 2010: DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE AND REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON THE EIS SCOPE PROTECT NAME: Sunset Planned Action/ EIS PROJECT NUMBER: LUA 10-052, EIS LOCATION: Sunset Area of Renton Highlands DESCRIPTION: The. project includes redevelopment . of the Sunset Terrace public housing community, a Renton Housing Authority property of approximately 100 existing units in 50 -year old, two. story structures; located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE on approximately eight acres. The Renton Housing Authority also owns another approximately three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE for housing and associated services. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 P.m. on August 27, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with:. Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.8. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A scoping meeting will be held on Se tember' 1 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Highlands Neighborhood Center, 800 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056. Written and oral comments will be taken at this meeting: SCOPING: Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, Renton City Hall * 1055 South Grady Way * Renton, Washington 98057 . rentonwa.gov probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. Your comments must be submitted in writing and received by the contact person before 5:00 p.m. on September 13 2010. Please refer to the enclosed Sunset Area Community Scoping Notice for complete details. if you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-6578. For the Environmental Review Committee, Erika L. Conkling, AICP Senior Planner Enclosure: Environmental Determination Notice Poster cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Ramin Paxooki, WSOOT, NW Region Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Larry Fisher, WDFW Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Duwamish Tribal Office Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program US Army Corp. of Engineers Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology' WDFW- Larry Fisher* Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 — 172nd Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region } Duwamish Tribal Office " Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172 nd Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers " KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology & Historic Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation* Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Boyd Powers * Renton Housing Authority Renton School District Depart. of Natural Resources Mark Gropper, Executive Director Rich Moore, Asst. Superintendent, Business PO Box 47015 PO Box 2316 300 SW 7th St Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Renton, WA 98056-0316 Renton, WA 98055-2307 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave_ SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liaison Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities King County Library System Renton Historical Society Real Estate Services Director: Bill Ptacek Attn: Laura Clawson Attn: SEPA Coordinator Administrative Offices 235 Mill Ave. S. 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 960 Newport Way NW Renton, WA 98057 PO Box 34018 Issaquah, WA 98027 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Renton Reporter Seattle Times Seattle King County Public Health Attn: Dean Radford Attn: Jill Mackie Attn: David Fleming 19426 68`h Ave. S. The Seattle Times 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300 Kent, WA 98032 P.O. Bax 70 Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle, WA 98111 Department of Commerce Governor Chris Gregoire Sound Transit Attn: Ike Nwankwo Office of the Governor Perry Weinberg (Environmental Compliance PO Box 42525 906 Columbia St SW PO Box 40002 Manager) Olympia WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 Sound Transit 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Puget Sound Regional Council US Housing and Urban Development Attn: James L. Nolan Attn: Rick Olson Deborah Peavler-Stewart 1904 Third Avenue - Suite 105 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 909 First Ave, Suite 255 Seattle, WA 98101 Seattle, WA 98104-1035 Seattle, WA 98104-1000 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Environmental Protection Agency EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking (federal) Attn: Dennis McLerran Water 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 803 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Old Post Office Building Washington DC Seattle, WA 98101 Washington DC 20460 0003 20004 US Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service US Department of Interior 1849 C Street, NW 7600 Sand Point Way NE 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Seattle, WA 98115 Washington DC 20240 { JIV ctf it f r Determination of Significance and Request for Comments on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scope File Number: LU10-052 Description of the Proposal Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The project includes redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community, a Renton Housing Authority property of approximately 100 existing units in 50 -year old, two story structures, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE on approximately eight acres. The Renton Housing Authority also owns another approximately three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed - income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by Renton Housing Authority, up to 200 additional new affordable housing units and potentially 300 new moderate income to market rate housing units could be created. There would be a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and may include the following: a community gathering space or "Third Place"; a new recreation/community center; a new public library; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and/or green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. As a result of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment, it is expected that private redevelopment in the neighborhood will be catalyzed. Supporting both Sunset Terrace and neighborhood redevelopment will be civic investments including: planned or anticipated upgrades to Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) and other local streets, stormwater drainage systems, parks and recreation facilities, education facilities, and a new public library. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS will address Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance for the neighborhood including Sunset Terrace. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted pursuant to WAC 197-11-164 to 172, would indicate that the completed EIS adequately addresses significant impacts of the proposed action, and that future projects consistent with the analyzed projects and parameters of the Planned Action Ordinance would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs. Therefore, comment during this Scoping period is encouraged. Proponent Renton Housing Authority, Sunset Terrace area redevelopment, and City of Renton, private neighborhood redevelopment and public service and infrastructure improvements. Location of proposal Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10th Street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The proposed planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21" Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compliance City of Renton EIS Required The lead agency has determined this proposal may have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is required and will be prepared under the State Environmental Policy Act and implementing regulations (RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c), WAC 197-11) and the National Environmental Policy Act and US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) implementing regulations (42 USC 4321, 24 CFR 58). Materials indicating likely environmental impacts can be reviewed at the City's website or at City offices; see Contact Person below. This EIS will be a joint SEPA/NEPA document, intended to satisfy requirements of both state and federal environmental statutes. Through Federal legislative authorization, the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with NEPA (40 CFR 1508.12) and the related Federal laws and authorities that would otherwise apply to the HUD. Pursuant to SEPA, the City of Renton is the lead agency for the proposed action. This combined SEPA/NEPA EIS scoping notice is being published to achieve efficient documentation and coordination of notices and pertinent meetings. A NEPA Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS will also be published in the Federal Register. Alternatives: The alternatives to be considered by the lead agency will include the proposed action, a no action alternative, and a redevelopment alternative to the proposed action. The redevelopment alternative will be finalized after the scoping meeting and conclusion of the comment period. It may address alternative land use mixes, infrastructure options, or other features. EIS Issues: The lead agency has preliminarily identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographic, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, stormwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, electrical; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. Scoping Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. Submit written comments on or before 5 p.m. September 13, 2010. Send written comments to the Contact Person listed below. A scoping meeting will be held on September 1, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Highlands Neighborhood Center, 800 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. Written and oral comments will be taken at this meeting. Responsible Official City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Contact Person For more information, please visit the project website at: sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov, or contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econklin rentonwa. ov Appeal You may appeal this determination of significance pursuant to SEPA to the Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 2010 pursuant to RMC 4-8-110.E. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the "Contact Person" above to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. M (:inti• E) Determination of Significance and Request for Comments on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scope File Number LU10-052 Description of the Proposal Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The project includes redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community, a Renton Housing Authority property of approximately 100 existing units in 50 -year old, two story structures, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE on approximately eight acres. The Renton Housing Authority also owns another approximately three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed - income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by Renton Housing Authority, up to 200 additional new affordable housing units and potentially 300 new moderate income to market rate housing units could be created. There would be a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and may include the following: a community gathering space or "Third Place"; a new recreation/community center; a new public library; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and/or green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. As a result of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment, it is expected that private redevelopment in the neighborhood will be catalyzed. Supporting both Sunset Terrace and neighborhood redevelopment will be civic investments including: planned or anticipated upgrades to Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) and other local streets, stormwater drainage systems, parks and recreation facilities, education facilities, and a new public library. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS will address Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance for the neighborhood including Sunset Terrace. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted pursuant to WAC 197-11-154 to 172, would indicate that the completed EIS adequately addresses significant impacts of the proposed action, and that future projects consistent with the analyzed projects and parameters of the Planned Action Ordinance would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs. Therefore, comment during this Scoping period is encouraged. 1 Proponent Renton Housing Authority, Sunset Terrace area redevelopment, and City of Renton, private neighborhood redevelopment and public service and infrastructure improvements. Location of proposal Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 10th Street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The proposed planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21St Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7" Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. Lead agency for SEPA and NEPA Compliance City of Renton EIS Required The lead agency has determined this proposal may have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is required and will be prepared under the State Environmental Policy Act and implementing regulations (RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c), WAC 197-11) and the National Environmental Policy Act and US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) implementing regulations (42 USC 4321, 24 CFR 58). Materials indicating likely environmental impacts can be reviewed at the City's website or at City offices; see Contact Person below. This EIS will be a joint SEPA/NEPA document, intended to satisfy requirements of both state and federal environmental statutes. Through Federal legislative authorization, the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with NEPA (40 CFR 1508.12) and the related Federal laws and authorities that would otherwise apply to the HUD. Pursuant to SEPA, the City of Renton is the lead agency for the proposed action. This combined SEPA/NEPA EIS scoping notice is being published to achieve efficient documentation and coordination of notices and pertinent meetings. A NEPA Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS will also be published in the Federal Register. Alternatives: The alternatives to be considered by the lead agency will include the proposed action, a no action alternative, and a redevelopment alternative to the proposed action. The redevelopment alternative will be finalized after the scoping meeting and conclusion of the comment period. It may address alternative land use mixes, infrastructure options, or other features. EIS Issues: The lead agency has preliminarily identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographic, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, stormwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, electrical; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 Scoping Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required_ Submit written comments on or before 5 p.m. September 13, 2010. Send written comments to the Contact Person listed below. A scoping meeting will be held on September 1, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Highlands Neighborhood Center, 800 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. Written and oral comments will be taken at this meeting. Responsible Official City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERC) 01/20 Gregg Zi er ,Administrator Date Mark Peterson, Administrator Date Public Works Department Fire & Emergency Services / Li 01ho Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Date Community Services Department Publication Date: August 13, 2010 Contact Person &(C� Alex Pietsch, Ainistrator Date Department of ommunity & Economic Development Date of Decision: August 9, 2010 For more information, see the project website at: sunsetarea.rentonwa.gov, or please contact: Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@ rentonwa.gov Appeal You may appeal this determination of significance pursuant to SEPA to the Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 2010 pursuant to RMC 4^8-110.E. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the "Contact Person" above to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 3 DEPARTMENT OF CON.—UNITY n itvof AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ' � ENVIRONMENTAL. REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TO: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Mark Peterson, Interim Fire & Emergency Services Administrator Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator FROM: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager MEETING DATE: Monday, August 9, 2010 TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 THE FOLLOWING IS A CONSENT AGENDA Sunset Area Planner! Action/FIS (Conkling) LUA10-052, ECF Location: Sunset Area of the Renton Highlands. The area is generally bounded by NE 21st Street to the north, Edmonds Ave NE to the west, NE 7th St to the south, and Monroe Ave NE to the east. . Description: Environmental Review file for the Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS which includes review of multiple projects, including: programmatic review of neighborhood redevelopment through public and private investment; project level review of the redevelopment of Renton Housing Authority's Sunset Terrace public housing project; design improvements to Sunset Boulevard; and a master drainage plan for stormwater control for the neighborhood. cc: D. Law, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey, CED Director W. flora, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal Richard Perteet, Deputy PW Administrator - Transportation C. Vincent, CED Planning Director 11 N. Watts, Development Services Director L. Warren, City Attorney 11 F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner D. Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal J. Medaegian, Council DEPARTMENT OF COMITY city of 7 AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE. August 9, 2010 Project Name: Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS Applicant: City of Renton, CED Department Contact: Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 File Number: LUA10-052 Project Manager: Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 Project Summary., Environmental Review file for the Sunset Area Planned Action/EIS which includes review of multiple projects, including: programmatic review of neighborhood redevelopment through public and private investment; project level review of the redevelopment of Renton Housing Authority's Sunset Terrace public housing project; design improvements to Sunset Boulevard; and a master drainage plan for stormwater control for the neighborhood. Project Location: Sunset Area of the Renton Highlands. The area is generally bounded by NE 21" Street to the north, Edmonds Ave NE to the west, NE 7th St to the south, and Monroe Ave NE to the east. STAFF Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a RECOMMENDATION. Determination of Significance and request for comments on environmental review scope. PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The project includes redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community, a Renton Housing Authority property of approximately 100 existing units in 50 -year old, two story structures, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue on approximately eight acres. The Renton Housing Authority also owns another approximately 3 acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by Renton Housing Authority, that up to 200 additional new affordable housing units and potentially 300 new moderate income to market rate housing units could be created. There would be a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and may include the following: a community gathering space or "Third Place"; a new recreation/community center; a new library; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and/orgreen infrastructure. Adjacent Area. As a result of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment, it is expected that private redevelopment in the neighborhood will be catalyzed. Supporting both Sunset Terrace and neighborhood redevelopment will be civic investments including: planned or anticipated upgrades to Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) and other local streets, stormwater drainage systems, parks and recreation facilities, education facilities, and a new public library. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and ERC Report- Scoping Notice.doc City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report LUA 10-052, ECF INSET AREA PLANNED ACTIONIE15 Report of August 9, 2010 Page 2 of 3 determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS will address Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance for the neighborhood including Sunset Terrace. A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted pursuant to WAC 197-11-164 to 172, would indicate that the completed EIS adequately addresses significant impacts of the proposed action, and that future projects consistent with the analyzed projects and parameters of the Planned Action Ordinance would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs_ Therefore, comment during this Scoping period is encouraged. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE AND SCOPING Due to the extensive nature of this proposal, it may have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is required and will be prepared under the State Environmental Policy Act and implementing regulations (RCW 43.210.030 (2)(c), WAC 197-11) and the National Environmental Policy Act and US Department of Housing and Urban Development ((HUD) implementing regulations (42 USC 4321, 24 CFR 58). Materials indicating likely environmental impacts can be reviewed at the City's website or at City offices; see Contact Person below. This EIS will be a joint SEPA/NEPA document, intended to satisfy requirements of both state and federal environmental statutes. Through Federal legislative authorization, the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with NEPA (40 CFR 1508.12) and the related Federal laws and authorities that would otherwise apply to the HUD. Pursuant to SEPA, the City of Renton is the lead agency for the proposed action. This combined SEPA/NEPA EIS scoping notice is being published to achieve efficient documentation and coordination of notices and pertinent meetings. A NEPA Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS will also be published in the Federal Register. Alternatives: The alternatives to be considered in the EIS will include the proposed action, a no action alternative, and a redevelopment alternative to the proposed action. The redevelopment alternative will be finalized after the scoping meeting and conclusion of the comment period. It may address alternative land use mixes, infrastructure options, or other features. EIS Issues: The following areas have been preliminarily identified for discussion in the EIS: aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographic, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, stormwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, electrical; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. Scoping: Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public will be invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. They may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. A written comment period will be extended until 5 p.m. September 13, 2010. A scoping meeting will be held on September 1, 2030 at 6:00 p.m. at the Highlands ERC Report- Scoping Notice. doc City of Renton Department of Comm-nity & Economic Development En-:ronmentol Review Committee Report LUA 10-052, ECF INSET AREA PLANNED ACTION/EIS Report of August 9, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Neighborhood Center, 800 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. Written and oral comments will be taken at this meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION APPEAL PROCESS Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, August 27, 2010. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.6 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing at the City Clerk's office along with a $75.00 application fee. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. ERC Report- Scoping Notice. doc �� t.ti4• r►i � .mow ti.. �..Ir MEMO mmi Sunset Area Community EIS Scoping Document The City of Renton, in cooperation with the Renton Housing Authority, intends to issue an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) addressing future redevelopment of the Sunset Area Community. This EIS will be a joint State Environmental Policy Act/ National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA/NEPA) document, intended to satisfy requirements of state and federal environmental statutes. Through Federal legislative authorization, the City of Renton has assumed responsibility for compliance with NEPA (40 CFR 1508.12) and the related Federal laws and authorities that would otherwise apply to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Pursuant to SEPA, the City of Renton is the lead agency for the redevelopment and infrastructure proposal detailed below. The purpose of this document is to present background information and proposed environmental topics to be included in the EIS under preparation for the Sunset Area Community. This document presents the proposal, a description of the EIS topics, and how the City intends to solicit comments. A scoping notice issued by the City of Renton on August 13, 2010 should be read in conjunction with this scoping document. Scoping Notices are available on the City of Renton website (www.rentonwa.gov) or by contacting the Contact Person listed below. Background What is the Proposal? The proposal is to redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing community, encourage neighborhood redevelopment, and implement public service and infrastructure improvements. Proposed Sunset Terrace Redevelopment. The project includes redevelopment of the Sunset Terrace public housing community, a Renton Housing Authority property of approximately 100 existing units in 50 -year old, two story structures, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Harrington Avenue NE on approximately eight acres. The Renton Housing Authority also owns another approximately three acres of vacant land along Edmonds Avenue NE, Glenwood Avenue NE, and Sunset Lane NE and intends to purchase additional property adjacent to Sunset Terrace along Harrington Avenue NE for housing and associated services. Conceptual plans propose redevelopment of Sunset Terrace and adjacent properties with mixed -income, mixed-use residential and commercial space and public amenities. It is expected that, with the Sunset Terrace property and associated properties owned or purchased by Renton Housing Authority, up to 200 additional new affordable housing units and potentially 300 new moderate income to market rate housing units could be created. There would be a 1 -to -1 unit replacement for all 100 existing public housing units. Public amenities would be integrated with the residential development and may include the following: a community gathering or "Third Place"; a new recreation/community center; a new SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 public library; a new park/open space; retail shopping and commercial space; and/or green infrastructure. Adjacent Area. As a result of the Sunset Terrace redevelopment, it is expected that private redevelopment in the neighborhood will be catalyzed. Supporting both Sunset Terrace and neighborhood redevelopment will be civic investments including: planned or anticipated upgrades to Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) and other local streets, stormwater drainage systems, parks and recreation facilities, education facilities, and a new public library. Sunset Terrace's redevelopment provides the opportunity to evaluate the neighborhood as a whole and determine what future land use redevelopment is possible and what public service and infrastructure improvements should be made in order to make this a more vibrant and attractive community for residents, businesses and property owners. The EIS will address Sunset Terrace area redevelopment as well as neighborhood redevelopment and supporting services and infrastructure improvements. SEPA Planned Action. The City is also proposing to adopt a Planned Action Ordinance pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). A Planned Action Ordinance, if adopted, would not require future SEPA threshold determinations or EISs when future projects are consistent with the Sunset Area Community EIS assumptions and mitigation measures. What is the study area? Sunset Terrace is generally bounded by Sunset Lane NE and Glenwood Avenue NE on the north, NE 101h street on the east, NE Sunset Boulevard on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE on the west. The proposed planned action neighborhood study area is generally bounded by NE 21St Street on the north, Monroe Avenue NE on the east, NE 7th Street on the south, and Edmonds Avenue NE. SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 Figure 1CFSunset Area Planned A ed Aetion{EIS Study Area City of Renton Sunset EIS SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU7O-052 What is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)? An EIS is an informational document intended to allow for citizen and agency comment and assist agencies make informed choices about proposals. An EIS contains descriptions and analysis of: • The proposed action and alternative actions • Existing conditions of the built and natural environment (i.e., the affected environment or setting) • Impacts to the built and natural environment that may occur if the proposed action or an alternative action were implemented (direct, indirect, and cumulative) • Mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate impacts of the proposed action, and • Summaries of impacts found to be significant, unavoidable, and adverse (meaning residual impacts of the proposed action despite mitigation measures). What is a Planned Action? The Planned Action designation by a jurisdiction reflects a decision that adequate environmental review has been completed and further environmental review under SEPA, for each specific development proposal or phase, will not be necessary if it is determined that each proposal or phase is consistent with the development levels and mitigation measures specified in a Planned Action Ordinance. Although future proposals that qualify as Planned Actions would not be subject to additional SEPA review, they would be subject to application notification and permit process requirements. Because a Planned Action is contemplated for the Sunset Area Community proposals, public comment during the EIS process is encouraged. What is scoping? Scoping is a process intended to ensure that the EIS focuses on and addresses all relevant issues. The City is required to notify agencies, tribes, and the public when an EIS is under preparation and to solicit comments on the range of alternatives and impacts to be discussed in an EIS. Public comment is being solicited in a scoping process through September 13, 2010. See "How do I comment on the EIS" below. What will the EIS study? Elements of the Environment to Be Addressed The City of Renton has identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: aesthetics; air quality, including greenhouse gas emissions; earth; energy; environmental health; environmental justice; historic/cultural resources; housing; land use; noise; parks and recreation; plants and animals; public services, including public education, safety, health, and social services; socioeconomics, including demographic, employment, and displacement; transportation; utilities, including wastewater, stormwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, electrical; and water resources, including groundwater and surface water. More information is described below under "Environmental Topics." SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 Conceptual Alternatives The alternatives to be considered in the EIS will include the proposed action, a no action alternative, and a redevelopment alternative to the proposed action. The redevelopment alternative will be finalized after the scoping meeting and conclusion of the comment period. It may address alternative land use mixes, infrastructure options, or other features. How do I comment on the E15? Public comment is being solicited in a scoping process through September 13, 2010 including written comments and a scoping meeting. Send written comments to the contact person listed under "How can I get more information?" A scoping meeting will be held on September 1, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Highlands Neighborhood Center, 800 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. Written and oral comments will be taken at this meeting. The public will also be invited to comment during the comment period on the Draft EIS after it is published, and during a public hearing regarding the Planned Action. Notifications about the Draft EIS publication and public meetings and hearings will be made in accordance with adopted City procedures. Interested parties who sign up on mailing lists or contact the City with a request to receive notices will also receive notices. See "How can I get more information" below. How can I get more information? The City's web site will have updated information on documents and public meetings — see www.rentonwa.gov. Check it often so you'll know what's happening, Or email or call our contact person. Contact Person Erika Conkling, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425)430-6578 voice (425)430-7300 fax econkling@rentonwa.gov Environmental Topics Potential Environmentally Significant Issues The following is a summary of the elements of the environment that have been identified as being potentially impacted by the proposal, and therefore, will be addressed in the EIS. Impacts, mitigation measures, and impacts that cannot be mitigated will be identified in the EIS. SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 Topic Proposed Environmental Analysis Approach Earth Describe the geologic setting and simplified geologic character of the study area. Rely primarily on narrative description using soils reports from recent constructed projects — public and private. Conduct a limited field surface assessment of the Sunset Terrace site. Discuss the degree and nature of potential soil/geotechnical impacts encouraged by the proposal and alternatives. Air Prepare an analysis of air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. Determine if the proposal and alternatives would result in additional air pollutant emissions. Summarize existing air quality conditions and compare growth levels and potential Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) based on the transportation model. Prepare a focused review of greenhouse gas emissions using the King County greenhouse gas emissions worksheet to determine the potential for alternatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared with dispersed development patterns. Water Assess current conditions and potential impacts regarding groundwater and surface water. Describe change in impervious surfaces and water quantity and quality taking into account current surface water, drainage, and soils conditions, proposed drainage master plan, and low impact development techniques. Plants and Animals Since the study area is largely developed the primary topics to be addressed are water quality and runoff effects on adjacent natural systems outside of the study area. Review available information and conduct limited site reconnaissance visits of the Sunset Terrace sites. (No habitat or wetland surveys or assessments will be conducted.) Prepare a technical report that: describes the existing conditions for wildlife habitat, habitat features, and potential use by Federal or State listed threatened, endangered, candidate, or priority species. Summarize existing City and state inventories and contacts with representatives from other agencies that may have wildlife information relative to the study area. Describe application of federal state, and local regulations that apply. Assess the potential for proposed low impact development standards, regional drainage systems, and other features to minimize impacts. Document findings. It is anticipated that the conclusion for NEPA purposes will be a letter of no effect regarding federal listed species. SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 Topic Proposed Environmental Analysis Approach Energy and natural resources Describe energy sources and consumption, changes in demand for energy as a result of the proposal and alternatives, and mitigation measures to reduce demand such as energy code requirements, proximity to transit services, etc. Estimate Sunset Terrace site -wide energy usage by direct space heating, electricity usage, and vehicle usage. Use the Energy Star Target Finder model to forecast baseline energy usage, natural gas consumption, electricity usage according to geographic area and facility type. Calculate vehicle -related energy consumption by considering project -specific VMT forecasts, which are based on the facility's mixed-use land use goals. For a neighborhood level analysis, use the King County GHG spreadsheet to estimate energy usage and supplement it with estimates of vehicle -related fuel consumption. Evaluate potential energy reductions achievable by using more stringent energy codes and by adopting LEER energy - conservation design goals. Environmental health hazards Assess potential soils contamination in the study area based on contamination and cleanup data as available from the City, state and other readily available sources. Based on available information concerning historic land uses in the study area, identify the risk of potential contamination in the study area. Describe federal and state laws and specific mitigating measures to address potential contamination if found. Environmental justice Describe the potential of the proposal and alternatives to have a disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations and provide appropriate mitigation. Noise Describe the overall noise character of the study area based on existing uses, and for Sunset Terrace based on noise monitoring. Conduct 48-hour mid -week noise monitoring at one monitoring location (Sunset Terrace). As part of the noise monitoring conduct site visits to the Sunset Terrace site to identify site-specific noise sources such major roads, commercial facilities, and airports (addressing facilities within 15 miles). Review the FAA Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study for Renton Airport to evaluate how existing and future airport noise levels will affect the Sunset Terrace and the planned action area. Determine future noise levels based on U.S. Department of HUD Noise Assessment Guidelines and use of the traffic SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 Topic Proposes! Environmental Analysis Approach model volumes and other noise programs. Describe existing ambient noise levels and potential increases in noise levels due to increases in traffic. Describe mitigation measures such as the energy code and other noise abatement practices. Land use Assess land use compatibility including the proposed amount, types, scale and pattern of uses in comparison with the existing land use pattern and adjacent development. Analyze conformance with applicable federal, state, county, and local plans and regulations, such as the Renton Comprehensive Plans and Zoning/Development regulations. Housing Calculate the number of housing units that would be provided and those potentially eliminated, with estimates of housing type (attached, detached, etc.) and affordability (extremely low, very low, low income, etc.). Describe plans for replacement of current housing and relocation of the occupants including whether replacement facilities or housing units are available within the community or in nearby neighborhoods and effect of the relocation of families on these neighborhoods Aesthetics and Light and glare Use existing photos, maps, aerials, and text to describe the overall aesthetic character of the study area. Describe site and neighborhood character in terms of visual quality and coherence, character and design of existing buildings, and building height, bulk and scale. Using conceptual plans developed for the Sunset Terrace and other example developments indicative of zoning allowances, describe the degree and nature of changes due to the proposal and alternatives and potential effects on surrounding visual character, height and bulk, and shade/shadow. Recreation Address amount and type of designated and informal parks and recreational program opportunities in the vicinity, operators, and baseline of existing facility capacity and programs. Describe proximity of parks and recreation facilities to current and future residents. Determine who currently uses the facilities (youth, adults, seniors) and who may use the facilities in the future as a result of the proposal. Describe the demand for parks and recreation services, types of facilities/amenities that may be needed. Develop mitigation including opportunities to add parks and recreation facilities, or to address inter -agency SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER; LU10-052 Topic Proposed Environmental Analysis Approach agreements to optimize available facilities. Historic and cultural preservation Historic Resources: Conduct a literature search for the study area and vicinity to identify the presence of any known historic resources. Notify the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and affected tribes by letter about the project and the pending cultural resources investigation, as necessary, and invite them to participate and contribute information to the project. Conduct a reconnaissance -level historic resources survey of built environment resources 45 years of age or older on Sunset Terrace (approximately 31 buildings) and along SR 900 (one parcel deep, approximately 18 buildings). Inspect the integrity of these resources to evaluate their potential eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Collect information about their architectural character and physical integrity of each resource, including photographs, and prepare a Washington Historic Property Inventory form for each resource surveyed. Archaeological Resources: Conduct a literature search and coordinate with agencies as described for historic resources. Conduct an archaeological survey limited to Sunset Terrace and SR 900 to identify previously recorded and/or unrecorded archaeological resources where ground -disturbing activities are expected to take place. Inspect the ground surface at Sunset Terrace to find exposed ground surface, any exposed cultural materials, and areas that have high probability for having buried deposits that could contain cultural materials. In areas where project -related ground -disturbance is expected, excavate shovel test pits to reveal the nature of the subsurface deposits and whether or not buried cultural materials are present. If required, selected probes will be made along SR 900 in readily accessible landscaped areas to confirm the area's disturbance and likely lack of resources. All probes will be backfilled upon completion. Any newly identified archaeological sites will be mapped, photographed, and recorded on Washington State Archeological Inventory forms. Socioeconomics Address demographic character changes, present and future employment and income patterns, and potential displacement and relocation associated with the proposal and alternatives. Transportation Perform traffic analysis to determine roadway design SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 Topic Proposed Environmental Analysis Approach parameters and potential traffic related environmental impacts. Prepare an operational analysis, and an assessment of safety, transit, non -motorized modes. Public services Address the following services: Public Safety (police, fire, and emergency medical services) • Educational Facilities (K-12 schools, early childhood education) • Health Care (e.g. regular and emergency dental and medical care) • Social Services (e.g. family counseling centers, day care centers; services for senior citizens and the handicapped; nutrition centers, meals on wheels; income maintenance and man power programs, etc.). Prepare a demand analysis based on population, housing, and employment estimates and service providers' adopted levels of service. Utilities Describe current conditions and potential need for improved facilities as a result of growth and redevelopment for the following services, wastewater, stormwater, water supply, telecommunication, natural gas, power, and electrical. Inapplicable Environmental Topics The following topics referenced on NEPA or SEPA checklists or guidance documents are considered inapplicable to the Sunset Area Community: • Agricultural Lands. The study area is highly urbanized and is not used for agricultural purposes. • Flooding. The study area does not appear to contain any streams, and flood hazards have not been mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. • Coastal and shoreline issues. The study area is not located along shorelines. • Airport Runway Clear Zone or Clear Zone Disclosure. The study area is not adjacent to the Renton Airport. Exposure to hazards from stationary aboveground storage tanks that contain materials of an explosive or flammable nature. At this time, above ground storage tanks are not located in the study area due to its residential and retail character. SUNSET PLANNED ACTION/ EIS FILE NUMBER: LU10-052 10 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT o ccyof QQ M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 27, 2010 TO: Sunset Area Planned Action and EIS File FROM: Denis Law, Mayor, SUBJECT: Responsible Entity Under NEPA In Renton Municipal Code section 4-9-070G, the City of Renton designates the Environmental Review Committee (ERC), as appointed by the Mayor of Renton, as the responsible official under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). It is the responsibility of the ERC to supervise scoping and preparations of any required environmental impact statement, or related documents. Various federal statutes, and regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (24 CFR 58.1 and 24 CFR 58.4), authorize the City to serve as the Responsible Entity for purposes of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC 4321). The functions of the Responsible Entity under NEPA are similar to those of the responsible official under SEPA. Therefore, I designate the ERC as the entity with authority to perform the functions and provide the certifications required of the Responsible Entity under NEPA. h:\exec\forms\memo forms exec standardmemo.doc City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER: APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: CITY OF RENTON COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: 1055 S GRADY WY CITY: RENTON, WA ZIP: 98057 TELEPHONE NUMBER: CONTACT PERSON NAME: ERIKA CONKLING, AICP COMPANY (if applicable): CED DEPARTMENT ADDRESS: 6T" FLOOR CITY HALL CITY: ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: 425-430-6578 econkling@rentonwa.gov PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: SUNSET AREA PLANNED ACTION/EIS PROJECTIADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: SUNSET AREA OF THE RENTON HIGHLANDS- 98055 THE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED BY NE 21ST ST TO THE NORTH, EDMONDS AVE NE TO THE WEST, NE 7T" ST TO THE SOUTH, AND MONROE AVE NE TO THE EAST KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): EXISTING LAND USE(S): RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, CIVIC PROPOSED LAND USE(S)- RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, CIVIC EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CV, RS, CN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) CV, RS, CN EXISTING ZONING: CV, R-14, RMF, R-8, CN PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): CV, R-14, RMF, R-8, CN SITE AREA (in square feet): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): H:ICFDIDatalForrns-Templates\Sclf--Help HandoutslPiarminglmasterapp.doc - 1 - 06109 PF_ _ JECT INFORMAL NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): ION (conti __ A PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): TBD ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq_ ft_ ❑ WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach le al description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION , TOWNSHIP , RANGE , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 3. 2, 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Names) , declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property involved in this application or the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the hest of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: H:ICEDIData\Forms-Templates\Self--Help HandoutslPlanninglmasterapp.doc - 2 - 06109