HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 76-891 - Large FormatLEGAL DESCRIPTION The Northerly 100 feet, measured perpendicularly to the Northerly line of those portions of the following deseribed properties lying Westerly of a line drawn Southerly, perpendicularly to said Northerly line, from the most Easterly corner of Lot 17, Block 4, Monterey Terrace Addition, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 50 of Plats, page 36, records of King County,, Washington Said properties being described as follows: Parcel As (Tax Lot 3) All that portion of the Southwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East; W. M., lying East of State Road No. 5 (Maple Valley Highway) (SR 169) and South of a line beginning at the Fast one-quarter corner of said Section; thence West 1,325.85 feet from said East one-quarter corner; thence North 1°00'00" East a distance of 252.22 feet to the true point of beginning of said line; thence west 055.91 feet to said State Road No. 5, and Parcel B: (fax Lot 109) Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, hange 5 bast; W.M.s thence North along West line of said subdivigion a distance of 252.23 feet; thence East 526.41 feet; thence South 88°00'00" East & distance of 799 feet to the East line of said Section 173 “thence South along said East line to the East one-quarter corner of said section 17; thence West along the South line of said Northeast one-quarter to the point of beginning, farcel C: (Tax Lot 25) Section 17, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, portions of Goverment Lots 7 and 8, on a line Northeasterly of SR 169.(Maple Valley Highway ) Parcel D: (Tax Lot 26) That portion lying Easterly of SR 169 (Maple Valley Highway 9. 10, How i the soon after the rezone is granted do you intend to develop sibe? One ~ two years i t. two copies of plot p jan and affidavit of ownership are required. he Planning Dept. R-991-7e | 2-73 ZONING DESIGNATIONS FOR STONEWAY SITE The following general descriptions should apply to the particular zoning classification established on the property described below: R-1 (BUFFER AREA) - PARCEL A The easterly 420 feet of the westerly 720 feet of the northerly 100 feet of the above described property. R-2 - PARCEL B The easterly 800 feet of the westerly 1100 feet of the above described property; except the R-1 area (Parcel A) and except that portion defined as greenbelt on the Comprehensive Plan as revised on May 17, 1972, and noted as the hillside area along the south property line and northeast of Maple Valley Highway (SR-169). R-3 - PARCEL C The westerly 800 feet of the above described property except the southerly 1380 feet of the easterly 300 feet thereof. R-4 - PARCEL D The northerly 1100 feet of the westerly 300 feet of the above described property, except the northerly 300 feet thereof. GREENBELT - PARCEL E That portion defined as greenbelt on the Comprehensive Plan as revised on May 17, 1972, and noted as the hillside area along the south property line and northeast of Maple Valley _ Highway (SR-169). LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ENTIRE STONEWAY SITE All that portion of the Northeast one-quarter and of Government Lots 7 and 8 within Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of said Section 17; thence north along the West line of said subdivision a distance of 252.23 feet to the true point of beginning; said point also designated as Point "A"; thence south 89°45'17" east a distance of 526.41 feet; thence south 88°52'04" east a distance of 799 feet to the East line of Section 17; thence south along said East line to the East one-quarter corner of Section 17; thence continuing south along the East line of said section to an intersec- tion with the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 5 (St. S.R. #169) (Maple Valley Highway); thence in a general Northwesterly direction along said Northerly right-of-way line to an intersection with a line that lies North 89°45'17" west a distance of 653.91 feet from Point "A"; thence South 89°45'17" east a distance of 653.91 feet to Point "A" and the true point of beginning. 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