HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-87-082 - Large Format XALS WZLANTINIG CHE? : NMOL POTANICAL COMMON -- — 44 4 + PLATANU ACEE\FOLIA/ LONDON WANE HEE [P2EUNOTOUGA MENZIZSII/(00G AS FF o) THUAA PUCATA EXCELD/EXLE LSA CEDAR C-) PETULA = JACRUEMONTII/ HIMALAYAN 917CH (-) PHOTINIA =PASELI| / (0) FHOWDENIPON PP. S CAALONIA ZUREK 'PADE OF DONNAED | () PATIIA = LAPONICA/ C7) ORELOLLON FOSU FOLIA x POLST ICHUM ~MUNITUM/ SLORD FERN © AZALEA IP. aa CROUND COVER ' fo | NECTOSTAPANULDS YVA-UR41/ MINN I KINNE HEDERA HELX/ IVY GENISTA PILOA/CHEEMNG bFOOr | DEH) |WNILUAM PENN'/ ALT. O | PYEDLANTHA / FIEETHORN EXHIBIT NO.__@ aa ITEM NO. »5S4-O82-87 : i a we a al \\ () Hous TION = Ie ey vi Pt t te tt tt | it CIZOLIN Pree VEIAI ’ 0 SCALE ml DESIGN \||360|| LIAITEMD 320:112th SW Everett, WA. 347-2954 745-8255 wT ————————_ Cy wy = iS = $ ss > > 3S © x oD 2 2 9 oy mp) qQ ly Q ET T | | eo CH E C K E D : | AP P R O V E D : ee DR A W N . —] bs © Y eee eS, \ \ JOB NO \ SHEET NO | | ay a y \ cI Y 2 AW f f Z sae | ow iG SITE AREA 13.3724 ACRES LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF N.E. 3RD ST. AND BRONSON WAY ace “siaiieaie, 582,501 SQ. FT. % 4 few | BUILDING (19%) 112,986 SQ. FT. $ 1) eee ZONING: R-4 ROADS & PARKING (32%) 186,858 SQ. FT. Nee iis ment ray CODE: "85 U.B.C. TOTAL (51%) 299,844 SQ. FT. : ee OCCUPANCY : R-1 , OPEN SPACE (49%) 282,657 SQ. FT. po ocr CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V-N N BUILDINGS: 15 APT. BLDGS. x [orn 57 ” te af - 1 REC. BLOG. L pes FIRE ZOME: : UNITS: 360 APARTMENTS aad 2 ey SEIS C SNe: 4 TOTAL FLOOR AREA 285,000 SQ. FT. Re 2 jum! FIRE DISTRICT: \ CITY OF RENTON DENSITY: 26.9 UNITS/ACRE . CMP i, x i . a1 SEWER DISTRICT: ‘CITY OF RENTON " PARKING REQUIRED: 16 STALLS/UNIT Lae tea It a RE PA PEE gf : 8 RENTON x STAL iad = re RenTOM WATER DISTRICT: CITY OF \ tia Wl iB bog A Pal & BS STALLS OFFSITE) i _ yore PS FF Be PH 1 PARKING PROVIDED: M font LOM rg] SRS gy sr COVERED 134 STALLS ane Pie’ « pe SITE INF ORM OPEN 496 STALLS ago |sv \// a park | | a “tae TOTAL 630 STALLS c —" Ls Fano st i Ts, z | { | \PRe leer Ll wr ower SITE STATISTICS BY pene | ey re | PARCEL A: \ 3 ale) That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast ‘quar ws € yt the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section <a a Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, W ; lying easterly of Bronson Way "County Road No. 174", nort 3rd Avenue North extension as established by the City of Re westerly of the following described line: VICINITY MAP Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way, as delineated on th Plat of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington, and the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street "County Road No. 174" as delineated on said plat; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said street 265.70 feet to the northwest corner of Tract of land conveyed to the First Methodist Church of Renton, by Deed recorded under Recording Number 5911567, to the true point of beginning of the line herein described; thence south 26°49'30" east 379.30 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet more or less, to the intersection of the north line of 3rd Avenue North Extension as established by the City of Renton and the west line of the east 100 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section and the terminus of said line; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton by Deed recorded under Recording Number 4494467 described as follows: The south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter lying easterly of Bronson Way North, and north of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the following described Parcels: CE N T R O N DE V E L O P M E N T CO R P . "A" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, from the south line of said subdivision, to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 89°36'41" west, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence north 31°49'57" east along said easterly margin, of 15.80 feet; thence south 61°16'40" east a distance of 151.62 feet; thence south 31%49'57" west, a distance of 236.42 feet to a point on a line west of, parallel to and 100.00 feet distant to the east line of said subdivision; thence north 1°11'17" east, point of beginning, parallel to and 425.00 feet distance a distance of 100.01 feet a distance a distance of 52.83 feet to the true CE N r R O N LO IN I "B" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distant from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence along said margin north 31°49'57" east a distance of 241.87 feet; thence north 19°21'57" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; : ; fo ee eSB thence continuing north 19°21'57" east, a distance of 72.82 feet; : ; thence north 52°16'37" east a distance of 80.00 feet; thence south 37°43'03" east, a distance of 138.40 feet; thence south 28°43'29" west, a distance of 89.86 feet; thence north 61°16'40" west, a distance of 147.00 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section L7G Tews p 2s North, Penge —S—Baect, WM. ,; in Kang Charty Washington described as follows Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of right of way of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street, as shown on Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38-oaf Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington; thence south 26°49'30" east along said southwesterly line 450.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 63°10'30" west 250.00 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the north line of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by City of Renton and existing on September 26, 1967, with the west line of the east 100.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence southerly along said west line to the south line of northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Sectio thence easterly along the south line of the north half o northeast quarter of said Section to the southwester] Puget Sound Fower & Light Company right of way; thence north 26°49'30" west along said southwesterly 1 point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion of the northwest quarter of t quarter of said Section lying south 9 Recording Number 5947084; and EXCEPT that portion of the no quarter of said Section lying LE X I N G T O N RI D G E the more southerly strip o Deed; also wT) UT) said road; also EXCEPT that por quarter of said recorded und TOGETHER WITH under Ordinance attach to said p 4 SI T E PL A N 30 2 5 TI 2 T H AV E . N. E . BE L L F VU E , WA S H I N G T O N 98 0 0 9 85 5 10 6 t h Av e n u e NE . Be l l e v u e , Wa s h (2 0 6 ) 62 4 - 1 5 5 7 A 36 0 UN I T at o n 98 0 0 4 (2 0 6 ) 45 3 - 5 4 5 4 Pp in UN I T Y » WA S H . RE S I D E N T I A L CO M M IN RE N T O N at an e AR C H I T E C T v O .. ac a roa g ® Q ve (2 0 6 ) 82 2 - 2 8 8 8 C/ 1 5 / A 4 IS S U E D PASS LIGHT, (POST HES» EXHIBIT NO.__4 2 ITEM NO. 34-082 -57. | GENERAL NOTES e THE GENERA CONT BA I> TO PRONDE 4UBGRADES 4" BELOL! FAV UPRFM ES + 1 FOOT. ® AL GRADING = : STIVE PRANMING AWA or WL E ceed! e 1OfS0IL © MUM DEPT oF 4" ¥ LAY ND , Re TOrSOIL> 5S-LA MN OR EQUAL. © ALL BED, ApEAS (GHRUB EG |) 1 PECENE A 2" DEPTH oF BARL ROUND FIR OR BMic“ee BARE ol EER -CO OF HER COMPOSITION M1 LCH CCEPTABLE. ek @" WIDE FINE BARE, MOWING & CUR LIHERE rete PELLERY, OR BUILDINGS O LA © TPEES | CHRUBS APE TO BE @ MASS PLANTING OF SHFUIBS e GROUNDCOVER: @ PROPOSED PLANTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MIniMu © THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNER (DESIGN 200 LTD.) SHALL BE @ LANDSLAPE CONTRACTOR 5 TO_ MAINTAIN THE, LAND @ LANDECAPE CONTRACTOR GHALL LWIAPRANTY ALL Y/ [ZZE ZAY ReeeP DETAILS (SEE THIS SHEET), INSTALLED PEFR SHRUB ! PLANTING DETAIL Fo EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES AT SFPRUING GIV PANTING SCHEDULE. GTANDARDS ESTABUSHED BY AMERICAN ASSCCiATI MUPSERYMEM. OCTIFIED FOR APPPOVAL FEGARD| SITE CHANGES PLANT CUBTITUTIONS OF ACTER Nave OTHER CRALINGS CAPE UMTIL FINAL APPROVAL BY OLINERP }/OR GOVERNIN SUNICIPAL ITY. " t/: we MATERIAL FoR A PERIOD OF CHE YEAR FROM ee ACCEPTANCE, COMHTINGENT UPON: PEATH CAUSED BY UNUSUAL CLIFIANC CONDITIONS, AND A PROPER MAIMTAINENCE PROGRAM, INCLUDING LIATERING. LANDaCAPE CONTRACTOR WHEL MOT BE FRESPONSIELE FOR PAMAGES CAUSED BY VANPALISGM OR THEFT. PDANETER. OF NATURE PLANT EAL + SIZE OF PANG GNEN On PRAWING -TYACAL (PX : 7 ° — PRUNE BACK (NEVER CUT Le “aN ee oe ee a Tt Wenn. 2 teARance ree cae ; OVERHONG In FARING AREAS MASS PLANTING OF SHRUBS OR GROUNDCOVER 2/2 GAUGE Kiire( CURB OR DALL Z'xZ" AR ABLES ( ) 227 CROWN AT NURSGER 5 PEEL BACK 2uRLAP u A, BARE hu! ~SERNCTES FOR - _ a ry i ; CePry b TeKTune Se esex NULL eg inca : FINI GP DEPTH HO TEXTURE “4 le : . OT} FEEL Bak @ ae ees “ate Pepe ihe = i rr yr Bid Fee. _ eh aS A) ais’: ae A 1 Veloce | S-WAY [CPSo0il 1M. - SEE NOTES TNS 2 aii : Sok ey Form DisrT} 5 WAY TeFEAL x - SEE NOTED 12" ny. CEAPARCE poor IBALL pieness BELOW (ALL. om BACY FILL TOBE S07. 5 “WAY TARSAL, S07o NATIVE Zale WATER SETLE ZAWArILL PaoT BALL PACL FILL TO BE SO%o B-WA TOPSeIL ) S09o HATIVE Se! WATER SETTLE SAceFILL BELOMI (Tree Staking Detail Shrub Planting Detail £ /; YJ ZR DEC TREES - 2 CAL. om LESS HoT TO=eALE a, MoT TO SAE : FOR CON TReeo- 7'HT. OF LES J 3 in DESION \\|360)| LIAN EMD 320-112th SW Everett, WA. 347-2954 745- iil ml a a ee Re v i s i o n Da t e (C ) DE S I G N 36 0 LI M I T E D : v- | 5 8B CH E C K E D : | AP P R O V E D : | DA T E : SHEET NO [ JOB NO \ \ | J R 1] , My \ | « / TIN A\| NIN Aiy iy wi “ LO S L I H D a V eq a l y si u u e g J g' @ACKING 6 19 dai! 60 0 8 6 IN S W d O 1 S A 3 C N O Y I N 3 D ~\% SREATHING WEP STUD ware ‘S N 3N N 3 A V HI Z L NO L I W Y O d d O D 3 y y a | Sa y P< pe o | | IN ) =< SS na ) | aN i} | + Ee 19 2 2, 3 Fo i e S$ FY GF yy oo FF 8 3 r iq © < = | Vy NI ‘i a p Nj \ OF \ xX A 1 A ; a 4 > A - © * ® - \ iy 2) a ee W20P rs (TRIM CoLlok) \ = (ae 4 ‘lx G2 (ACLENT COLOR) “| ¥XQA (TRIM CoLoR) 7 \ P] < \ | \) \) > \ (\ ee . X > 4 B2 9 () Z \ I \ \) t NN () PING ee sm ae = tae a oe ee NO L W 8 O d ¥ O D NO Y I N I D AG G3 S N I D I WB V W SD I A Y I S V S| NO Y L N I D LS S b - 7 Z 9 (9 0 2 ) 88 8 7 - 7 8 (9 0 2 ) 70 0 8 6 Uo | B u l y u s p M ‘e n a s i j e g ‘I N SN U S A Y UI Z L L SZ O E RI A A IR I S Et ? US L \l we -O Wraaew Tam ——| UCC INDO Ta Mm Wooo “H S M ‘' N O L N S S NI AL I N A W W O D > TV L L N S G I S S Y LI N A O9 € V JO NO L O N I X S 1 SU W V L I G NO I L D 3 S S — NO I S I A I a €0 6 v O 0 l Y3 L N 3 S 9 D Ad O D 3N A 3 Z 1 1 3 8 dl v a ‘O N 6 . : da n s s l SO Zz O sa a $ Li d — Li J > 2 pa Zz LL J _ iM lL. LS MR i Mii is) a i : | a oe a eet pee ; ; Ke) b pag - : D « LEGEND APPROXIMATE AREA ot. ge : ; <- \ © : : a \ ip \ : =A t 582501 SQ.FT. OR 1%. 3724 ACRES , a aN F FikR i \ ‘ \ \ EE ap CN th ; M MA ; x: va ee ay OLE TRE 187 5 ae if ° ; ‘ . ; \ 0 DER ieee er, pe A Neo MW REMLOER TREE > s Rage 1 COT TONWOOD TREE .: ° < G \ MAD MAORONA TREE a ; s 800 : © SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RY oe ra a —s— SANITARY SEWER LINE WITH ; _ \ e j i | SCALE IN FEET SiZE § DIRECTION OF FLOW. > es / ae H CATCH BASIN : ’ , me | ” AS1S OF BEARINGS: @® POWER POLE & pay RQ OF SURVEY BY JACK ELLER $ Power Boel cts, ~ ie » fe, Pvp | ASSOCIATESXINC. FILED IN BOOK | STREET LIGHT O : Br eel i OF SURVEYS, PP 140 UNDER REK- &Y if : ORDING NO. 73112804 RECORDS Oats STREET LIGHT (6) (4 OF KING COUNTY, WASHING IO) é - wv FIRE HYORANT ti : ce COVERED PARKING 4 ‘ . j & 6 ‘ pen VERTICAL DATUM: city / : ) Te. OF RENTON VERTICAL DATYM. aS Ray CRE y Fy . je tee 7 WAUKS,; ALS %& i < SENCHMARK 4 : : KYENSA a 4 : 7 ee i i ai TOP OF SANITARY aA BE NCHMARK: TOP / OF or, Ot Pig) 39 > id eine MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE /NO. 2, ] POWER VAUL E ; id ae BOF as : ADJACENT TO RECREATION BLDG. : a © ‘ C Mee” #48 ON BRIGHTON RIDGE; ts pe Se, * 239 ELEVATION: 253.3 By, Z 5: iy ak - - / i iat ee A ee ee get - ‘ ae e / a a Te : 1 ! ' 600 NOT E: poops Enai EERS, INC. aa” ay Sef ~~~ e: yo Cove, DID NOT CONDUCT THE /ORIGINAL he % Jf. aes Pi | BOUNDARY SURVEY OF/THIS PROPERTY. * "i i ° (Scop ‘ ie | re pe [: JACK ELLER ASSOCIATES, INC. PREPARED ; 4 4 En (eo. ee re | A RECORD OF SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY A 2 ot 3 len. Oe" Ra. ee as at am a FOR T.J. McCANN, INC/IN JULY OF 1973. : K ce : Pin cM | : THE BEARINGS, DISTANCES AND IMPROVE- £ ‘a = aie ENT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY “L © £ m4 AREX BASED ENTIRELY ON THE BOUNDARY GF é LINES DETERMINED BY THE ELLER - y om ~. - SURVEY. EV THOUGH WE HAVE NO : : REASON TO QU§ QN THEIR SURVEY, wv WE LIMIT OUR GUARANTEE TO THAT ete EXTENT. \; 720 | 7 YSSMH RIM: 183.0 .3 1E= 172.6 Se ee hn ec a a * ‘ | : ; Paes wee ae | : ; Sie oe Sieg es "Any Se ah 1200, oO Ay ia! \ se ee he x: Sa ee 0, ate x - aga te > “ a — % : Dae #0 . a 4 ee ~ bd Ye ~ - ee be | = ~~ “i — ag e aon ines ae ba s ee” = ~ a <i Rea a Neel ~ a ~ Rea ae os '30 . ~ ~ A, *. i x » ™~ ~_ cee ASp oat ea fest = 5 a * Sal a ro ~ - 40 ~~, () oNIATION FLAMTING (TAL) i? eae PST" , PLANTING TDLUHEPOLE , ON MBAOQL POTANICAL COMMOM AI ZE- Ferhbiees . PLATANUS ACEFIFOLIA/LONIVON WANE THEE 8 =| 24 CA toe 47 PSEUNOTOUCA MENZIESI|/(DU dO AF BO UT b+P v) THOIA PUICATA 'EXCELED/ EXCELSA CEDAR IGBUT b+ C-) PETULA JACQUEMONT | / HIMALAYAN 917¢CH [Aa | +h © PHOTINIA FRASE#AI / 20" CONTANER OPO. | | te wl al (ec) FHODTENIPON FF. 74/20 - | S | ZALALLOMIA ZUKED ‘PADE OF JONNAED ' lo , " : : | { f | i | un i u t () FATOIA = A APONICA/ 5ObL. ve ORELOLLON FOO FOLIA La. | " : | i UA Ul . | POLST CHUM =MUNITUM/ SHOPO FEEN Z2OAL | [aw mol © | P2ALEA oP. CAL | | AELTOST ARENDS = YVA-Ue4If KANN UNNDE ARID | 2 0.7. HEDEFA HEUX/ IVY (GAL | 4B’ OC. GENISTA PILOA/CHEEFACG FOO [OAL | 4 Ov’. | peepee ‘WILUIAr PIN! / ALT. BG&L, | CONTANER GEOWN | O , PYEALANTHA / FFETHOPN | (oie SECTION NOT To SCALE UD i DESIGN | S60) LIANE TD 320-112th SW Everett, WA. 347-2954 (i iM ne Re v i s i o n Da t e 0 (C ) DE S I G N 36 0 LI M I T E D N CH E C K E D . | AP P R O V E D : | DA T E : CI T SA -0 8 2 - 8 7 ip IN / \ JOB NQ SHEET NO LZ / Wee Sf} mt A >, wo i wd Ke met th bis wav s : yy = ue bud Ay x I rs) LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF N.E. 3RD ST. AND BRONSON WAY tn y | opece \s j ze) t as Ej aL ta aT 4 ZONING: R-4 si aes F : 33 ie CODE: ‘85 U.B.C. : j Loom Spr rs CONSTRUCTION a PMA We ee 3 as ; FIRE ZONE: 3 7 a A SEISMIC ZONE: 3 q ; FIRE DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON : . vw SEWER DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON WATER DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON nT» % w jews ey & -§ . of} i wmosor SITE INFORMATION iG =e - le e 3 | AL IN be *G “ae | PARCEL A: > That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying easterly of Bronson Way “County Road No. 174", northerly of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by the City of Renton, and westerly of the following described line: (2 0 6 ) 82 2 - 2 8 8 8 , VICINITY MAP i 30 2 5 NI 2 T H AV E . N. E . BE L L E V U E , WA S H I N G T O N 98 0 0 9 Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way, as delineated on the ' Plat of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington, and the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street “County Road No. 174" as delineated on said plat; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said street 265.70 feet to the northwest corner of Tract of land conveyed to the First Methodist Church of Renton, by Deed recorded under Recording Number 5911567, to the true point of beginning of the line herein described; thence south 26°49'30" east 379.30 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet more or less, to the intersection of the north line of 3rd Avenue North Extension as established by the City of Renton and the west line of the east 100 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section and the terminus of said line; CE N T R O N DE V E L O P M E N T CO R P . EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton by Deed recorded under Recording Number 4494467 described as follows: . The south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter ae ay = ~ lying easterly of Bronson Way North, and north of Mt. Olivet mA o Cemetery Road; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof; and ee ‘7. BS wy EXCEPT the following described Parcels: = = "A" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of On 0 the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; son ES, * thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, Po a} a distance of 425.04 feet; ood OQ thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distance wo S, ou from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 100.01] feet > Pad Nala to the true point of beginning; ae <{ — thence continuing north 89°36'4]" west, a distance of 141.9] feet to ‘Ss the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; < thence north 31°49'57" east along said easterly margin, a distance Ba we 5 of 15.80 feet; Bs Mm thence south 61°16'40" east a distance of 151.62 feet; . oa — = ee thence south 31°49'57" west, a distance of 236.42 feet to a point on i ‘Oo w a line west of, parallel to and 100.00 feet distant to the east line Po of said subdivision; oo ‘o) FD) ' thence north 1°11'17" east, a distance of 52.83 feet to the true a <p point of beginning, UW = e "B" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of LO i: the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 =_ Oo East, W.M., in King County, Washington; w rT O thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, © Oa a distance of 425.04 feet; — thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distant from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence along said margin north 31°49'57" east a distance of 241.87 feet; thence north 19°21'57" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 19°21'57" east, a distance of 72.82 feet; thence north 52°16'37" east a distance of 80.00 feet; thence south 37°43'03" east, a distance of 138.40 feet; thence south 28°43'20" west, a distance of 89.86 feet; thence north 61°16'40" west, a distance of 147.00 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of right of way of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street, as shown on Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38-of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington; thence south 26°49'30" east along said southwesterly line 450.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 63°10'30" west 250.00 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the north line of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by City of Renton and existing on September 26, 1967, with the west line of the east 100.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence southerly along said west line to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence easterly along the south line of the north half of the northeast quarter of said Section to the southwesterly line of #aid Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way; thence north 26°49'30" west along said southwesterly line to true ~ point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion of the northwest quar quarter of said Section lying south o of the northeast quarter of said Section lyin northerly strip of land De recorded undér Recording the more southerly strip o Deed; also EXCEPT that portion theregf lying south of the northerly linel|of Mt. Olivet Cemetary Road, as eded to King Céuin ty. by Deed recorded K LE X I N G T O N RI D G E RE S I D E N T I A L CO M M U N I T Y IN - RE N T O N , WA S H . A 36 0 UN I T EXCEPT that portion of th quarter of the northeast gq said road; also EXCEPT that portion of the no south 115.00 feet of the northeas arter of said Section 17, lying edgst of quarter of said Section, deeded to City of Renton for str recorded under Recording Nu 5947084. care | Wee —"" one i TOGETHER WITH that portion of Mt. ; : \ under Ordinance Number 2329 of the is attach to said premises by operation of law. p= \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION eae ry . \ ° . y i y | S-\P , 4 ° Pigg 24 e.. Sy ; AR C H I T E C T LI G H T I N G PL A N 4 peer ie f Ph _—_— O = Va) ‘. nla % ‘ > — ie, pe oe / ’ 3 \ ® fi Z a8 / Hy Ny 1@) : go \ \9 z ie ee j oe, 4 * j ‘ ead PX +438 A. in ene ~~ “ ao ag i j S ~, WY , pt i. é —_ e 8 x \ ; \ ; \ x “a X , ip ™y ‘ \ , ™ as . } / \ —" \ Ld i H xs Seed } ’ } f } . ; \ : be ‘ ABP HALT ro cad dy ae ae z + 4 + i 4 po c o o e Se g & [itetieeseeieemennianieienstiimemenemnsness ememeieeten ate “ i aS aon Saat < ¥ as joureen “g _> 6° LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF N.E. 3RD ST. AND BRONSON WAY Pn y Boas ZONING : R-4 aw += : CODE: "9S UiB.C. ij em "iat = 3 E OCCUPANCY: R~-l , a Eat ; CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V-N m [ste ¥ 2 i tm FIRE ZONE: 3 . set SEISMIC ZONE: 3 1 ha 3 FIRE DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON Be “Ac: SEWER DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON y z WATER DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON i SITE INFORMATION ey SITE STATISTICS AUK ik sos PARCEL A: That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying easterly of Bronson Way "County Road No. 174", northerly of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by the City of Renton, and westerly of the following described line: Ret Fe" VICINITY MAP Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way, as delineated on the Plat of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington, and the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street "County Road No. 174" as delineated on said plat; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said street 265.70 feet to the northwest corner of Tract of land conveyed to the First Methodist Church of Renton, by Deed recorded under Recording Number $911567, to the true point of beginning of the line herein described; thence south 26°49'30" east 379.30 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet more or less, to the intersection of the north line of 3rd Avenue North Extension as established by the City of Renton and the west line of the east 100 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section and the terminus of said line; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton by Deed recorded under Recording Number 4494467 described as follows: The south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter lying easterly of Bronson Way North, and north of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the following described Parcels: "A" - Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range § East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a@ distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 69°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distance from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 100 0) feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 89°36'41" west, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence north 31°49'S7" east along said easterly margin, a distance of 15.80 feet; thence south 61°16'40" east a distance of 151.62 feet; thence south 31%49'S7" west, a distance of 236.42 feet to a point on a line west of, parallel to and 100.00 feet distant to the east line of said subdivision; thence north 1°11'17" east, a distance of 52.83 feet to the true point of beginning, "B" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distant from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence along said margin north 31°49'57" east a distance of 241.87 feet; thence north 19°21'S7" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 19°21'57" east, a distance of 72.82 feet; thence north 52°16'37" east a distance of 80.00 feet; ‘ T thence south 37°43'03" east, a distance of 138.49 feet; thence south 28°43'29" west, a distance of 89.86! feet; ‘ thence north 61°16'40" west, a distance of 147.00 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of right of way of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street, as shown on Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington; thence south 26°49'30" east along said southwesterly line 450.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 63°10'30" west 250.00 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the north line of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by City of Renton and existing on September 26, 1967, with the west line of the east 100.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence southerly along said west line to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence easterly along the south line of the north half of the northeast quarter of said Section to the southwesterly line of said Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way; thence north 26°49'30" west along said southwesterly line to true > point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion of the northwest quart quarter of said Section lying south 9 ‘land Deeded to City of Renton for Recording Number 5947084; and of the northeast northerly strip of land Deeded to City of Renton for street\by Deed recorded undér Recording the more southerly strip o Deed; also EXCEPT that portion theregf lying south of the northerly linejof Mt. Olivet Cemetary Road, as deeded to King County, by Deed recorded under Recording Number 2732078; and TAN EXCEPT that portion of tha south 115.00 feet of the northeas quarter of the northeast qharter of said Section 17, lying edst of said road; also EXCEPT that portion of the land Deeded to City of Renton by\said ortheast quarter of the northe TOGETHER WITH that portion of Mt. ; oo i>. =a under Ordinance Number 2329 of the ae von Any Pond BATT ae ee j ' 4 _» dpi ttt is $if +3 $ $ Fi A y eae CE N T R O N DE V E L O P M E N T CO R P . CE LI r T r m A A A I Li IN I LE X I N G T O N RI D G E PE D E S T R I A N = O < = Z oe < Om 85 5 10 6 t h Av e n u e N. E . 30 2 5 12 T H AV E . N. E . BE L L E V U E , WA S H I N G T O N 98 0 0 9 ® 2 2 a = & Cc ® Q vw) (2 0 6 ) 82 2 - 2 8 8 8 (2 0 6 ) 45 3 - 5 4 5 4 BY CE N T R O N CO R P O R A T I O N ~~ Wa s h i n a t o n 98 0 0 4 Be l l e v u e , (2 0 6 ) 62 4 - 1 5 5 7 CE N T R O N IS A SE R V I C E MA R K RE S I D E N T I A L CO M M U IN RE N T O N , WA S H . A 36 0 UN I T IS S U E D 6/ 1 5 / 8 4 AR C H I T E C T ) si wa 5 H < 7 ine fd wey vir SITE AREA 13.3724 ACRES 9 Lon et: LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF N.E. 3RD ST. AND BRONSON WAY we mae, 382,501 SQ. FT. fram | Mee OY balay BUILDING (19%) 112,986 SQ. FT. 7 om ON Sarl | ZONING: R-4 ROADS & PARKING (329 186,858 SQ. FT. . OY amen 1 CE CODE: "85 U.B.C. TOTAL cs 299,844 SQ. FT. S om [st 212) ualtt OCCUPANCY : R-1 OPEN SPACE (49%) 282,657 Sa. FT. a prc nie zi 9 : TYPE V- BUILDINGS: 4 ; : jo pes é ensdacooin paca lial 1 REC. BLDG. by me [Ba és fee al ce FIRE ZONE: 3 ; UNITS: 360 APARTMENTS és ee *; Bick - SEISMIC ZOKE: 3 TOTAL FLOOR AREA 285,000 SQ. FT. Vave \i meee fed FIRE DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON DENSITY: 26.9 UNITS/ACRE . a ik A i; ‘EiMe oT SEWER DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON PARKING REQUIRED: ae ae eee ae RS PAK PER a TER TRI ° RENTO eo al RENTOM = wee ee ee F (INCLUDING 105 ag 4 Bog VA Ae STALLS OFFSITE) oe oore PE G2 Bt Per PARKING PROVIDED: M fort Og] SRS COVERED 134 STALLS x Wis. SITE INFORMATION = ea TOTAL 630 STALLS a 3 a PARCEL A: That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying easterly of Bronson Way "County Road No. 174", northerly of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by the City of Renton, and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way, as delineated on the Plat of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington, and the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street "County Road No. 174" as delineated on said plat; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said street 265.70 feet to the northwest corner of Tract of land conveyed to the First Methodist Church of Renton, by Deed recorded under Recording Number 5911567, to the true point of beginning of the line herein described; thence south 26°49'30" east 379.30 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet more or less, to the intersection of the north line of 3rd Avenue North Extension as established by the City of Renton and the west line of the east 100 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section and the terminus of said line; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton by Deed recorded under Recording Number 4494467 described as follows: The south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter lying easterly of Bronson Way North, and north of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the following described Parcels: "A" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distance from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 100.01 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 89°36'41" west, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence north 31°49'57" east along said easterly margin, a distance of 15.80 feet; thence south 61°16'40" east a distance of 151.62 feet; thence south 31%49'57" west, a distance of 236.42 feet to a point on a line west of, parallel to and 100.00 feet distant to the east line of said subdivision; thence north 1°11'17" east, a distance of 52.83 feet to the true point of beginning, "B" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distant from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence along said margin nerth 31°49'57" east a distance of 241.87 feet; thence north 19°21'57" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 19°21'57" east, a distance of 72.82 feet; thence north 52°16'37" east a distance of 80.00 feet; thence south 37°43'03" east, a distance of 138.40 feet; thence south 28°43'29" west, a distance of 89.86 feet; thence north 61°16'40" west, a distance of 147.00 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of right of way of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street, as shown on Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38-af Plats, page 22, in, King County, Washington; = S vgi south 26°49'30" east along said southwesterly line 450.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 63°10'30" west 250.00 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the north line of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by City of Renton and existing on September 26, 1967, with the west line of the east 100.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast a quarter of said Section; thence southerly along said west line to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence easterly along the south line of the north half of the x northeast quarter of said Section to the southwesterly line of aid Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way; thence north 26°49'30" west along said southwesterly line to true point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section lying south 9 Recording Number 5947084; and EXCEPT that portion of the no quarter of said Section lying’ between the northerly line of€ the more northerly strip of land Deeded to City of Renton for street\by Deed recorded undér Recording Number 5684198 and the southerly lie of the more southerly strip o Deed; also EXCEPT that portion theregd Olivet Cemetary Road, as deeded to King County, by Deed recorded under Recording Number 2722078; and RAK EXCEPT that portion of the south 115.00 feet of the northeas quarter of the northeast qharter of said Section 17, lying edst of said road; also EXCEPT that portion of the quarter of said Section, deeded to City of Renton for stre 5947084. TOGETHER WITH that portion of Mt. under Ordinance Number 2329 of the i Sa ID S L I H D Y V aq a l y si u u e q “J LS G I - ¥ Z (9 0 0 ) 8B 8 S - 2 2 E B (9 0 0 ) 60 0 8 6 NO L O N H S Y M AV I T E 00 } AL I N S “S N SA V HI G Sz e dd O O IN A W d O T S A G d NO Y L N A 0 NO I U V a e O d Y O D NO Y L N A D Ad GA S N I D N AY V W JD I A Y A S V SI NO U L N A D 88 8 7 - 2 2 8 (9 0 2 ) LS S b - 7 Z 9 (9 0 2 ) : 70 0 8 6 Uo } H u l y s o m ‘e n r e | | e g ‘J N ON U S A Y UI Z L L SZ O E RE A Q I IR I S > Bw EE R 2 a, “H S V M _ ‘ N O L N 3 Y NI AL I N A W W O D ‘T V I L N A C I S s a LI N N O9 8 V JO G NO L O N I X S 1 } — $F — — — + ee SN V 1d YO O T S AS V N I W I 1 5 a d NO I S I A I & ‘O N ji v d : be / s i / ? da n s s l $ qj NN wi — F ¢¢ 8 9 Z } HY 3 L N 3 D Ad O D 3N A 3 1 1 3 9 8 S e a ‘ill al ID S L I H D Y V ag a l y si u u e q *J LS S I - V 2 9 (9 0 7 ) 88 E S - Z O B (9 0 S ) 60 0 8 6 NO L O N H S Y M SV I T E M 00 ] AN S “S N SA V HI G Sc O e dO IN S W d O T H A I G NO U L N A O NO I L V Y O d Y O D NO U L N I D Ad G3 S N I D I 1 WA V W JD I A N T S V Si NO Y L N I D 88 8 7 - 2 2 8 (9 0 2 ) LS S 1 - 7 Z 9 (9 0 2 ) 70 0 9 6 Uo } B u l y s p m ‘e n A s | | o g ‘J N ON U S A Y UI Z L L ) SZ O E RE A L IR I S EW UL (© ) "H S V M _ “N O L N 3 Y NI AL I N A W W O D TV I L N A G I S 3 & LI N N O9 € V — -3 9 a l y NO L O N I X S 1 L8 - € 3 0 - Y S SN V 1 l d YO O N AS Y V N I W I 1 3 5 e d \ a NO I S I A Z a ‘O N ji v d be @ / s l / Q a a n s s i SS Ss, RR ne ee RS he ee $S 8 9 Z ) YA L N d 0 Ad O O 3N A 3 1 1 3 8 $S 8 9 7 ! YS 3 L N 3 D Ad O D AN A 3 1 1 3 8 SE N Ty aq a l y si u u a q “y 88 8 % -2 Z 8 (9 0 7 ) 88 8 2 - 2 2 8 (9 0 2 ) LS S L - v Z 9 (9 0 2 ) 60 0 8 6 NO L O N I H S W M ‘3 N A I T I I E 70 0 8 6 Uo J B u l U u s D A A ‘e n A s i | e g ‘J N SA V HI Z I L SZ 0 € "I ' N SN U S A Y UI Z L ) SZ O E RI A W I II S (> at UL al SA A 'N O L N Z Y NI ~ AL I N A W W O D TW L L N a d I s a y LI N A O9 € V JO Y NO L O N I X 3 1 ,0 - L =, W L ? d TV S SN O I L V A I S 1 3 NO I S I A I a “O N . Ji v a AS V N I W I 1 S ad be / s i / 2 a a n s s i dY C D LN 3 W d O A I NO X I L N A D | 44 a TL L mi l i = f - le e | Sc ma e 1 | (e e c a e t e e e e n a e l TT Y | J P| | | | | : | ae o e | / tl t ] || | | IL L oe ee e —— F ] Y | | | | TT T TT T TT T TT T TT T al , || | | | | | | | | ' | AU TT L (j LL Ll , | | Be e e e e n ra | 1 | | | | | | HL it : HL PE E L | || ' —— = 1| | ms J a ae ee ie TT T R= - ~% \ SI R G R S G R c a e r a n e s J \ fe a =| ) ; 3 So || | | ~~ sl l =a © 09 on | ga z e s — S ! fe s t ~~ ~~ JT Hy —— | Or n al ee | Pu t t LL | S( t || \e e e e m e e e e e | O | | = : i? < _ | ee ‘2 2 a | LL J = = | —_ I LL J ; LL os -s 1 LL J 2 — i Ze OD O Y) © i an ° | ao e . _ oO 4 oO | iz rT ] | oO | | | | | — L | Se e | A | > *> TT T ae Lt oe “ a “T i ; . § | n AS en : ; MR AR GE R Me 3 H e Se a d SE E 2 SR AE S Wk s SS SN E 2 EE BO en é ae eo s nT - == | | | ik 4 a ™ | Ls as h ® 5 : ~ | | © | F © | | — | —— ai 1 4+ I by 4 ae v' s AN ~ * * N) Ay) a} § Zi ma O}’ a a > k 3 Ww d (Si EXTRUOED : (| a) y NN) wesaee CUT SLOPE FILL. Stare ROCKERY GENERAL NOTES 1. The rockery wall shall be installed with a smooth face. 2. The long dimension of the rocks shall be perpendicular to the wall face. 3. The rock shall be placed so as to lock into two lower rocks. 4. The rockery foundation soil shall be inspected and approved by the engineer prior to rockery construction, 5. The base rock shall have a minimum base width of H/3, where H is the height of the rockery. The base rock and other rocks shall also meet the following weight requirements. H shall not exceed 12 feet. zi Minimum Weight of Rock Lower 6 Feet 2,400 Ibs. Upper 6 Feet 1,600 Ibs. a (9 6. These details and notes are given oly as a guide and should not be construed as Co N a design. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to secure al] necessary re) 7 O permits for construction of rockeries. Ze fal] O 22 u go ROCKERY DETAIL ez Eo 4 NO SCALE : a - (7 a Oo 2 7 5 4 ro) or Z = Tig ) geyores > {a HEIGHT OF § 6° / aallfl * g IN ark Mg) die SLOPE EASEMENT’ w> - nf REQD — ae g Ww n U) 1 oe Ye © Pn oo i ae i wo UW. LW Z ” 0 Oz LU QO al Os Qo S w R 7 K s my gf ~ iS Ly x i yy Wj O D fay |S ="/9 > FF I78QY YT uslE we VES 6 s8/& 7 ES Na) NW ssi/2 Wi taiS & RS) SS Q Re Ly Seq g Q Hea” a) O ie ~» On]; SA 7 S Hu *« ~ QO x Ly = Fr yA s | = S S R Q la HE. i. Re . FF (82.0 AC. . = S56 / FF 1950 . . | -(f a > % Ny |Z = |< v & |2 v6 ~ S (= “Fat | OF Nia : L LJ > O JENOTES HEIGHT OF -ROEKERY Z z O Wy ae ) hs TYP) w) O| S|} oc] wl | qq] wi ©} a} O} a; a} < SHEET Cor PROJECT NUMBER _ 4 a | a = — pe ; Fs te a zs nail : ‘ a een “+ | : . y raereeth - —— | c a + — | fen a ‘ , : | pod FT 87075 SA - 0 8 2 . - 8 7 | GENERAL NOTES e THE GENERAL CONTRACHE IS 10 PROIDE SUBGRADES ‘4 4 DeLOLY phe ClpEYES © a foor Te a ie SI a Ape? NG SHALL BE PooOTIVe PRANING AWAY | a a a: ALL STRUCTURES. , ae a= © 1OFeoIL VE A MINIMUM DEPTH oF 4" | Cn AN 5 Koch, Na es 5 Tuy MXM OR EQUAL. © ALL BED, APEAS (GHRUB - GROUNDLOVER) TO RECENE AZ" DEPTH oF BARK YER Ucce BARE ONLY. HER COMPOSITION 11 FENCES, POLLERY, OF BUILDINGS ABLTT UP TO LALJIN AFEAS - DETAILS (SEE THIS SHE ®@ MASS PLANTING OF SHRUBS - GROUNCCOVERS ARE To BE © TREES | CHRUBS ARE TO Fehr FEF PLANTING EQUILATERAL TRIANGL PLSNTING COHEDULE. @ FPOFOSED PLANTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ‘s 122 INSTALLED PER GHEUB ' PLANTING DETAIL FORMING ee UNE E> BT SPACING GIVEN ON MD SHY. MNUPSERYMEM. @ THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNER (DESIGN 200 LTD) CHALL BE OCTIFIED FOR APPFPOVAL FEGAPRDING SITE CHANGES | NT GUBENTUTIONS OR ALTERNATIVES Te THESE CRAWINGS- DELAPE COHTRAGTIOR © T MAINTAIN THE DOLAPE oa UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL BY SLANE oe GEBMING MUNICIPALITY. ® LANDCCAPE CONTRACTOR eA PRUNE BACL(NEVeR CUT LEADER) Tae ZAY ABER Hose (nTePLac¥) WY —* (2/2 GAUGE WIPE( TWIT To TIGHTEN ) 2'xZ" AR AMES (2/ee) | 2eT 7a NURSERY HEIGHT : f } EARY MULCH ~SER NOTES FOR PEPTH § TEXTURE Size FINI GRAce “Aged Se ey | BE 2 pola Seine ny — 2S A571 TTI YJ ) ee | S-WAY [CPSol nn- See NOTED Peas | oe Dae na i All | PACL FILL TO BE SOfo S-WA TOPSCIL ) S0Je HATIVE SO! WATER SETTLE SackriLeL BELOW 2! cae CLEARANCE Poot IZ4LL (ALL SIDES) (tree Staking Detail 2 DEC- TREES —- Z' CAL. OF LEGS Hor To 4cAL& FOR CON TReEO- 7'HT. OR LE ALL LUAPRPANTY ALL PLANT MATERAAL FoR A PERIOD OF OME YEAR FPOM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE, COMNNGENT UPON: DEATH CAUSED BY UNUSUAL CLIFIANC CONDITIONS, AND A FPFOFER MAIMTAINENCE PREGRAM, INCLUDING LIATERING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WILL MOT BE RESPONSIELE FOR PAMAGESD CAUSED BY VANPALISM OR THEFT. , MULCH. FINE GROUND FIR OR LLHES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, ry a8 C Nd a= “t h e g fd /, Py av pa s a r . Dae \ \ \ \ CA oe \ WITTE pc Ber! COM ON DRAWING -TYACAL VZ DIA. of MATURE PANEER. OF NATURE PLANT PLANT Winty-TYACAL ce eae ey GReT EDLE oF BED, CURB OR. WALL LAW AREA a i rn CLEARANCE RoR CAR CLRB CRLWALS OVERHANG, 14 PARLING AREAS MASS PLANTING OF SHRUBS OR GROUNDCOVER p+. 2 CRON aT HURBERY HELGHT Paey 7 -SEE. NOTED For DEPTH AND TEXTURE SIZE 5 WAY TORAL x - SEE NOTE? FoR DerTy ZACY FILL TOBE SDJ S -LAY TOPSOIL, S07e NATIVE aL } SL 2) BES are f if Shrub Planting Detail / dt HOT TO SA “a: hil DESIGN |||360 LIMITED 320:112th SW Everett, WA. 347-2954 745-8255 uni eS GR Ge Re v i s i o n Da t e (C ) DE S I G N 36 0 LI M I T E D ip |S 9 CH E C K E D : | AP P R O V E D : | DA T E : DR A W N - JOB N@ | SHEET NO | | TT K YLT ET) SA -0 8 2 - 8 7 —— “ H S W A A 'N O L N S S NI ~ AL I N M W W O D TV I L N S d I s a y LI N N O9 E V JO Y NO L O N I X 3 1 . NO I L V Y O d Y O D NO Y L N A D Ad GA S N I D I T AY W W FD I A N S V SI NO W L N 3 D 3. Dg HO V eq a l y si u u e g 3. 88 8 7 - 7 7 8 (9 0 Z ) ; 88 8 2 - 2 2 8 (9 0 2 ) LS S b - 7 Z 9 (9 0 2 ) 60 0 8 6 NO L O N I H S V M ‘3 N A 3 T I 3 g v0 0 8 6 UO J B U I U S O M A ‘O n a s | | e g "I N “B A V HI Z I L $z 0 € . ‘J I N ON U S A Y UI Z L L SZ O E d¥ O D LN 3 W d O B A I d NO Y L N S D 9 RI A A IR I S (a ) ft GS U ol WO -= b =, 7/ 1 2 3 1W D S SN O I L V A I 1 5 NO I S I A I & ‘O N AS V N I W I 1 3 ad be / s i / 2 a a n s s i 4 AS ed 2 4 pa e a e a n e eE a n e -{ " y | | -4 <4 3 pe mE u e e aa d 7 GN oS DO E a TN oo i | | | | |. __ + t Ly be ) Ba l )y | ra y ’ | Ty ] | | | HT } | na n e a n | HT H e ae | | | | | | | | | | a Lj if | Li d / oO Lt © | © 7 _ ry ] = ' 3 6497/1003 6497/1003 | = | | | “y ei s LTT | | il | i ‘u r | | Ee ee Se | l “ * \é : ~ ec a a s e E | BR e t e z es aK e s Z 2a 7 e d a e || pe e BU A A D A A I D O R O B E U E R R B E N O A B B I D A R A B E G ( : : | Sr e e SC Pi a ( ) ro _ | — — x I} > ys FA wt Re m | > 13 <{ ‘ . Me ol | Lu Li d | , LL i, aa n | ya = Ww 1 ' | oO O ‘i 7 , ~ ; ie Y) = Li . He It = | re | r |. be | un e . — | + , 2 o we : > | 1] % RS E ON | ee e | | .. re A J ~ rt | 1 se | = | | Ld 4 Ho WU T T V G A T T T T T O A U A S : | | || ae PE E L E ELLE LS ta g Es — al t | i es e | | , “ | | F | EA T EH T E L | | | ' | | | | | Se e e e e o e e UL E E E L L EL EL L ea e a e e n | = 3 = —- 4 a | | Li l | ge | NE ZO 9 | | me d | he d e d a h a b e d Pa me a! - | | H ee EXHIBIT NO. AN a8 ITEM NO. S24-O88-82 2 oa r 3 Bp RE 7 fe ry i ee t 7 . i B, : ume [st y e : ae LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF N.E. 3RD ST. AND BRONSON WAY le y Ate 8 eee \ oe Ny 3 mH _ $1 yy : a ct . peas i ~ : H S| 1 UTH 5 ZONING: R-4 bode fi martiosey pais 9 Cy Ja - CODE: "85 U.B.C. 4 a ome Mar 2121 au alst , _ Pha Bi . 1: S F o> ; OCCUPANCY : R-1 sary phe ad EG ae 0 i / fy 4 CONSTRUCTION: TYPE ql « jetw st m zea 4 at & ‘ r a . me ae c uj / L- " z o w le iz fs e% Ov ‘3 iv & | =] = T — on : se i i | £4 . * Le ) w IN S ‘A B ER D : Sa fa a. ‘w e ® SEWER DI IcTt: cr SITE INF Ow ib ¢ Ln paso} G { S iste ; PROJECT Fi PL dr omer SITE STATISTIC {ge eee 3) © | ha EE Sz | . o PARCEL A: . ta @ 4, ” That portion of the northeast quarter of the n t quarter a N * % me ats ty the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter o re 7 ae’ ‘So vex a 1 a frm mere x ml Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King Co ahi lying easterly of Bronson Way “County Road No. 174™, rthe 3rd Avenue North extension as established by the City of VI IN lT ¥ M AP westerly of the following described line: . Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the foot Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way, as delineated -o ‘Plat of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the pla thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County; Washington, and the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street “County Road No. 174" as delineated on said plat; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said street 265.70 feet to the northwest corner of Tract of land conveyed to the First Methodist Church of Renton, by Deed recorded under Recording Number $911567, to the true point ef beginning of the line herein described; thence south 26°49'30" east 379.30 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet more or less, to the intersection of the north line of 3rd Avenue North Extension as established by the City of Renton and the west line of the east 100 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section and the terminus of said line; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton by Deed recorded under Recording Number 4494467 described as follows: The south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter lying easterly of Bronson Way North, and north of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the following described Parcels: "A" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distance from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 100.01 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 89°36'41" west, a distance of 141.9] feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence north 31°49'57" east along said easterly margin, a distance of 15.80 feet; thence south 61°16'40" east a distance of 151.62 feet; thence south 31°49'57" west, a distance of 236.42 feet to a point on a line west of, parallel to and 100.00 feet distant to the east line of said subdivision; thence north 1°11'17" east, a distance of 52.83 feet to the true point of beginning, "B" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5§ East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distant from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence along said margin north 31°49'57" east a distance of 241.87 feet; thence north 19°21'57" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 19°21'57" east, a distance of 72.82 feet; thence north 52°16'37" east a distance of 80.00 feet; thence south 37°43'03" east, a distance of 138.40 feet; thence south 28°43'20" west, a distance of 89.86 feet; thence north 61°16'40" west, a distance of 147.00 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of right way of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the southerly line Southeast 128th Street, as shown on Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume J8-of Pleats, pege 22, in King County, Washington; thence south 26°49'30" east along said southwesterly line 450.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 63°10'30" west 250.00 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection w the north line of 3rd Avenue North extension as established of Renton and existing on September 26, 1967, with the wes e the east 100.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the nort quarter of said Section; thence southerly along said west line to the south line o northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Secti id Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of wa thence north 26°49'30" west along said south point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion of the northwest quar Recording Number 5947084; and EXCEPT that portion of the nop quarter of said Section lying northerly strip of land Deeg et\by Deed recorded undér Recording N . the more southerly strip“o Deed; also , EXCEPT that portion of th quarter of the northeast gq lying egst of said road; also EXCEPT that portion of the quarter of said Section, deedéd to City of Renton for stre recorded under Recording Nu 5947084. TOGETHER WITH that portion of Mt. under Ordinance Number 2329 of the attach to said premises by operation of law. LEGAL DESCRIPTION which would x yr rw EXHIBIT NO. rel Phe op ITEM NO, »S4- 073-278 O Z bam Te & OS — a CE N T R O N EL O N IN Q CE N T R O N DE V E L O P M E N T CO R P . RI D G E Zz O eel O é >< a RE V I S I O N 85 5 10 6 t h Av e n u e N- . E . (2 0 6 ) 82 2 - 7 2 R R R 2 30 2 5 N1 2 T H AV E . N. E . BE L L E V U E , WA S H I N G T O N 98 0 0 9 Yo Or oO CO rn wo t said _— We) O26 ON — WF te Ww = 5 wy wy © < 2 WN > Oo o —~ = Oo @~ © amc A 36 0 UN I T RE S I D E N T I A L CO M M U N I T Y IN RE N T O N , WA S H . <809 rece PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON JUN 16 1989 RECEIVED a ae ASSOCIAT OF RENTON BENCHMARK: toe/or SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE /NO. 2, SCALE IN FEET RASIS OF BEARINGS: SINC. FILED IN BOOK | OF SURVEYS, PP ORDING NO. VERTICAL DAT UM: /city VERTICAL DATYM. ADJACENT TO RECREATION @LDG. ON . BRIGHTON RIOGE ; ELEVATION: NOT E: povos Enai DID NOT CONOUCT THE /ORIGINAL i Be ERS, INC. BOUNDARY SURVEY OF/THIS PROPERTY. JACK ELLER ASSOCIATES A RECORD OF SURVEY¥Y OF THE PROPERTY S, INC. PREPARED FOR T.J. McCANN, INC/IN JULY OF 1973. THe BEARINGS, DISPJANCES AND IMPROVE- OWN ON THIS SURVEY YELLS ON THE BOUNDARY MINED BY THE ELLER FHOUGH WE HAVE NO QN THEIR SURVEY, SURVEY. REASON “1O QUES EV ENT LOCATIONS WEE GA WKAIT. O00 Fe ih AS Be lb NE Tt AN GUARAN E310 eA: PKI LEGEND —/APPROXIMATE AREA ~ WALKS, PATIOS, ETC. 9 yao % t 562,50)\.SQ@: FT,. OR. (3 3724 ACRES FIR REE. MAPLE TRE ALDER TREE HEMLOCK TREE COTTONWOOD TREE MAORONA TREE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER LINE WITH SIZE # DIRECTION OF FLOW. CATCH BASIN POWER POLE POWER POLE WITH STREET LIGHT STREET LIGHT FIRE HYORANT COVERED PARKING , 225 fo) CONCRETE PADS, 7. CENCHMARK | TOP OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE has 2 ELEVATION: 253.3 ext @ FENCE POWER VALLE - pave C4" ny <j mitt ttt Peeger VY YN SN ® XX Xf Ne RS SPRL 5q ; 9 Re be Gn ee \ A q \ \ \ \ a [ a / ae e ee eee i i wer sid le es : eae ail) bas. Ata te ae ae he ‘i 7 i sieal sapiie e a ibe Wi a ee se als } ais ‘ins ' i v i ny ee i = mM Es ae are bts a rey eine ; % Fae a ; 7 fin te © a = = — 2s - : . ; . i i SITE AREA a bs AND BRONSON WAY SITE COVERAGE: i 4 ; ) ‘ BUILDING — cr ; ROADS & PARKING \ TOTAL a OPEN SPACE CG BUILDINGS: ; 15 APT. BLOGS. < ae 1 REC. BLDG. 4 UNITS: 360 APARTMENTS : TOTAL FLOOR AREA ; 2 4 DENSITY: ti PARKING REQUIRED: 5 STALLS/UNIT : 630 STALLS STALLS. ae TE) PARKING PROVIDED: 3 ei COVERED a 134 STALLS . OPEN : ‘ TOTAL 6 east quarter and arter of the no a: WOM. . / thence north p the anh 17" east along ike 7 east line of said subdivision, distance of 425.04 feet; r ‘th dl pol 41" we easterly margin, a distance rile disiiend of ELE iB feet; 7 thence north 19°21'57" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; Oe , of 72.82 feet; i ip 23 North, ‘Range Ss a. w. nm. in King cate [= gemuilicecen. described as follows: Beginning at the in Srisct tan southwesterly line to true _ of the northeast [ne of a strip ot hedad F (a ae aS ip oe! : eae i L ei a $ wd E. De n n i s Ri e b e AR C H I T E C T (2 0 6 ) 82 2 - 2 8 8 8 30 2 5 12 T H AV E . NE . BE L L E V U E , WA S H I N G T O N 98 0 0 9 CE N T R O N DE V E L O P M E N T CO R P . ~ RI D G E Bae Eg en on e _ ) S e a y | a q e l y s i u u e q ‘ J A e | | o g — it — 3 i z i a x Fs 2: ce : lo F =, x “ i “t fc S | ee e A ' i F = == : : SS a tT = " : ie Ri t t s ed . EA aa 7 le e : a of ba y - i ae ae s ai e Pe e ae : <a ee , sa g t ea ae eae er e si : s sally i ae be ~ - am e ra e _— — = cs a “I =) mm * an “a a a a | ea eo ‘ 1a ) a — ff 5 il 33 ; ~ t ‘ iE ao 2 : + fl e is t me e é si it = Ps = i _ a z Ae . = * - ¥ } z ie 5 + = i yi <j o . ES z a - by en - oo d oe ‘ if : a 4 > . a Le , - ie dp : o 4 “4 ea = Pp Z m = i bi ca e +. TA E Pe - be s a) . = - ba vt 2 sa t ’ ; ; ees 3 7 ; — RA t e ? we a oMm L es 5 ae ‘i . + i =e ~ a = lo of en a . h wn ” : oa v =. ty abe r oe ; ; “2 ne « ‘ _ is ‘t a i aS +0 al e : ; < er . E ¥ = ~~ ar . ee ky i : - at t BS %: - ve e . tS ae ce e ; : : : se 7 ; aq a l y si u u a q *y SS I - ¥ e 9 (9 ' ee e | ig 9( 9 0 % ) pe ra s n s — b@ / s | / Q aa n s s i a i Fe ‘4 . : = ? i 7 , a | ea s 7 3 G 7 | <a 3 ie a gprnnreerees. ee aa: | q / i 4 im] cae he nia Pa ae ban a ge i | 5 | = ) bs i? a gu s t Gs . oo | ie A Sp e l l : ‘ | : : - | | - ¥ ks ia ei s Me 7 ae 4 = <3 : 4 x 5 sl ig at % ° | | : : = Se e p “3 i a 2 | | , | 7 : 3 Ri a ie Sa s aR ap RR i ci a a | ” — Me s te > ap ~ . 2 = ha t e | ’ 7 = é SE ye th ee ee a , : 3 | oe | 4 ‘ 1 | Ya = i : i i 4 “a e ( ) i ; \ | 4 . _ 4 * j- — _ = - oS ] - = = F , : = a a ; ; - - i, : ; 7 P ‘ yy pi — hi = f ‘t i l l | ” : 7 | ” as i ny a Se Fe e . ae ‘ 2 ; 4 <M rg q 7 * 5 ; 7 “= - — . , aS be . = pa s e "a 1 ae , cn 5 Py er r s - Se ? Pi sa s . 5 a ‘ Oo k A ae Da r e et Ye ae to e , , | F 3 » = ei s ) ; 3 te . oS ra e ‘ a - 3 . - * ; ‘ | 4 a= ¢ 4 7 - pe s , ; : . gs % x zs : | > x | 3 f on x i =% . ‘ ea a i + pi e ak Be , = “, , —_ - <A , on ar i. a ee l el - ; a — e g e n y su i v o g ge e z - 2 2 8 (9 0 2 ) 60 0 8 6 NO L O N I H S W M ‘3 N A S T I I E "I N “3 A V HI L Z I L SZ 0 € d¥ O D LN 3 W d O Si t e —— ae ne u e s AQ é * | | Pe : 3 0 0 k NO I S I A I a ‘O N ] | av a b3 / S ! / 2 a a n s s i Es a TION < > | LL J ee r v t l oy F Li u a 44 = Z. oO -f ] LL B — { a“ ) oO = —t | eo . ee RE V I S I O N S GE N E R A L RE V I S I O N S PO ee ee ee on ee e ak e ae e VE S (8 MA X ) Wa r , FA 8° MIN, THICKNESS DRAINAGE BLANKET BACKFILL 2-3” WASHED GRAVEL OR 3-4 CUT SLOPE ROCKERY GENERAL NOTES 1. The rockery wall shall be installed with a smooth face. : 2. The long dimension of the rocks shall be perpendicular to the wall face. ae 3. The rock shall be placed so as to lock into two lower rocks. 4 4. The rockery foundation soil shall be inspected and approved by the engineer prior to rockery construction. 5. The base rock shal] have a minimum base width of H/3, where H is the height of ee ; the rockery. The base rock and other rocks shall also meet the following weight a requirements. H shall not exceed 12 feet. =, E Minimum Weight of Rock Ee ; Lower 6 Feet 2,400 Ibs. a Upper 6 Feet 1,600 Ibs. ee 6. These details and notes are given only as a guide and should not be constru a design. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to secure all permits for construction of rockertes. ROCKERY DETAIL NO SCALE ee SLOPE EASEMENT Ao BE L L E V U E , \ DO D D S €E CI V I L EN G I N E E R PR O J E C T MA N A G E R 6- / 4 - 8 9 ST E V E N L. BO R N E M A N , PE . DA T E DE S I G N E D DR A W N AP P R O V E D T Nf + — @ ALL BED, ApEAS (GHPuUB i ®@ PROPOSED PLANT - @ THE LANDSCAPE MUNICIPAL * PIAL FoR A Pee CONTRACIOR. WIL COUN Ar NURSERY HEIGHT Neil SWAY (oRS00 ane-cee NoTE* FoR. DEPTH Fizt nny. cearance ’ fa Tree Staking Detail Fi: DEC- TREES — Z°CAL. oR LESS = HoT TOS=LALE ‘FOR CON TREES- 7’ HT. of LE ee: ie Fe te . L GROUNDLOVER) TO RECENE © ES Age Nor ACEP 360 LIVAIT END) 320-112th SW Everett, WA. |347-2954 745-8255 ITON MIULC 6" WIDE FINE BAP, MOWING GRIP ¢ UP TO LAWN > APE TO BE PLAXNTED PER FLANTING SEE THIS SH| \ NTEP FEF FLANTING >, > a= As ERS ARE To BE ES AT SPACING GNEN ON ja THI AN ADSOr ea t / PLANTIN —_ * oe Ly ih Gs Le s a a Ee MINIMUM - DEIATION OF STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY AMERI. DESIGNER ( IED FOR APPROVAL NT GUBENTUTIONS OR TOR STO ESIGN AcO LID.) SHALL AN Be ee dana ALTERNANV OD OF CHE YE NC CONDITIONS, NENCE PROGRAI, INCLUDING PFOPER AND A CAISED BY VANDALISM OF CH E C K E D : | AP P R O V E D : \ \ B Wipe D R A W N : DAHETER. OF NATURE PLANT NG 4Nen * BACH PILL Dee OJ SWAY TERZOIL, Soe NAIVE GOL * WATER SETTLE ZAW FILL Detail >) Shrub Planting 745-8255 {III iil \ Mount TIOM PLANT PLANTING Hen LEe POTANICAL PLATANUS ACBE|FOLIA/ LONI | ALLOMIA Bure " @ F ATIIA = A APONICA/ YAFOLIA * “POUTST CHUM MUNITUM/ SOF ® | AZALEA arr. 4 BL | RBCTOSTARENLLOS VA-UPSI/ IIS i IHBDERA HEL IVY E GENISTA PILOA/ CHEE | | a Le 5 | BRRREHD WILLIAM PENN / PYEALANTHA / FICE THe LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF N.E. 3RD ST. AND BRONSON WAY vs e R-4 *e3 U.8.Cc. R-1 TYPE V-N 3 3 CITY OF RENTON \ J a i ‘ : g ; ! e a . : 3 ye a a F: Ae f a e ; ? / / ~ a ie ol 4 ? ee - “ . ’ ‘. / , - iv R . Va + me MO T H AY SE 1T H AY PARCEL A: That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying easterly of Bronson Way “County. Road No. 174", northerly of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by the City of Renton, and westerly of the following described line: OP M E N T CO R P . 30 2 5 11 2 T H AV E . N. E . BE L L E V U E , WA S H I N G T O N 98 0 0 9 Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way, as delineated on the ‘Plat of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington, and the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street “County Road No. 174" as delineated on said plat; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said street 265.70 feet to the northwest corner of Tract of land conveyed to the First Methodist Church of Renton, by Deed recorded under Recording Number $911567, to the true point of beginning of the line herein described; ; } | if: f { thence south 26°49'30" east 379.30 feet; { ™ [S / \ [ Se A ae ; a ye song a aan / / APiPtTyy | ; Ys : thence southwesterly 900 feet more or less, to the intersection of ¢ ad f \ a ie wz | © S59 Vee ge ty Sf ea fy yg Re ; f 3 / j fi ii } 1 oo¥ | ! a the north line of 3rd Avenue North Extension as established by the 1 d F po Gi , : i ' | , at es Ns food : Ob i a a a ob y “8 j ] é ! fii § i wf / : , City of Renton and the weat line of the east 100 feet of the | ~ Oo ; | / E=* § fo ON, < i TANY No af spe a. w.. 7 y =e ; ye os F f / Py / i i ‘ northwest arter of the northeast quarter of said Section and the ‘ a, a { -- | L- ae ee a ° i Slane ae t oo 1 SS Via: mY | ~ cae x Pe : k, ! i aie: a : a oa, / Pp Pilg § : YW / 3 terminus of said line; _-\ f Pe . , Yes é a / Le ——*; ia ~ J} ; a La a: oy ~ ‘ Lf i ff / j P Tif il Ts ; / Bre EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton by Deed recorded : - f E 5 ’ } d A. * : \ : ae if is fd ‘ PIPER BAD ; i, } ; if under Recording Number 4494467 described as follows: ; P The south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter lying easterly of Bronson Way North, and north of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the following described Parcels: "A" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distance from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 100.01 feet to the true point of beginning; ; thence continuing north 89°36'41" west, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin eof Bronson Way North; thence north 31°49'57" east along said easterly margin, a distance ; of 15.80 feet; > thence south 61°16'40" east a distance of 151.62 feet; = = thence south 31°49'57" west, a distance of 236.42 feet to a point on ‘Oo a line west of, parallel to and 100.00 feet distant to the east line o) ~ of said subdivision; o thence north 1°11'17" east, a distance of 52.83 feet to the true _— Ss point of beginning, > "B" Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of Ww) oO the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 mad East, W.M., in oring_ County, Washington; 4 ve) red) thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, (oe) a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distant from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence along said margin north 31°49 57" east a distance of 241.87 feet; thence north 19°21'57" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; continuing north 19°21'57" east, a distance of 72.82 feet; north 52°16'37" east a distance of 80.00 feet; . south 37°43'03" east, a distance of 138.40 feet; / south 28°43'20" west, a distance of 89.86 feet; north 61°16'40" west, a distance of 147.00 feet to the true point of beginning. That portion of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of right of way of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street, as shown on Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38: “at Plats, page 22, in King County, Washington; es, thence south 26°49'30" east along said southwesterly line 450. 00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 63°10'30" west 250.00 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the north line of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by City of Renton and existing on September 26, 1967, with the west line of the east 100.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast ~~ quarter of said Section; thence southerly along said west line to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence easterly along the south line of the north half of the | northeast quarter of said Section to the southwesterly line of paid Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way; : thence north 26°49'30" west along said southwesterly line to ‘an point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion of the northwest quest _ of the northeast quarter of said Section —— south 9 ) . : quarter of ‘said Section rote between the ‘Rertherts line O northerly strip of land Deeded to City of Renton for street\by Deed _ recorded undér Recording ber 5684198 and the southerly 1 the more southerly strip of land Deeded to City of Renton by : EXCEPT that portion theredf lying south of the northerly line 4 Olivet Ceme ry Road, as Geeded to King_ éuin ty. by Deed recorded EXCEPT that portion of tha south 115.00 feet of the northeas — of the northeast quarter of said Section 17, lying egst of 8 d road; also _ quar deeded to. city of Renton for streét by Deed recorded tides fuvebiting umbé@r 5947084. ETHER WITH that portion of Mt. ler Ordinance Number 2329 of the C ach to said premises by operation of law: LEGAL DESCRIPT ON RPS ic E LI G H T I N G PL A N Pe ee ee z © L ; 5 We | ~ ih j ~ oO * a2 9 IS S U E D DA T E { LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF N.E. 3RD ST. AND BRONSON WAY ZONING: R-4 CODE: "85 U.B.C. OCCUPANCY: R-1 CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V-N FIRE ZONE: 3 SEISMIC ZONE: 3 FIRE DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON SEWER DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON WATER DISTRICT: CITY OF RENTON SITE INFORMATION — 14 0 T H AY SE B : That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying easterly of Bronson Way “County Road No. 174", northerly of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by the City of Renton, and westerly of the following described line: 30 2 5 11 2 T H AV E . N. E . Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the 200 foot Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way, as delineated on the Plat of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of P , page 22, in King County, Washington, and the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street "County Road No. 174" as delineated on said plat; ; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of said street 265.70 feet to the northwest corner of Tract of land conveyed to the First Methodist Church of Renton, by Deed recorded under Recording Number 5911567, to the true point of beginning of the line herein described; thence south 26°49'30" east 379.30 feet; a thence southwesterly 900 feet more or less, to the intersection of the north line of 3rd Avenue North Extension as established by the City of Renton and the west line of the east 100 feet of the ; northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section and the terminus of said line; i ; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton by Deed recorded under Recording Number 4494467 described as follows: The south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter lying easterly of Bronson Way North, and north of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; ; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the following described Parcels: "A" . Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distance from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 100 01 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing north 89°36'41" west, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; thence north 31°49'57" east along said easterly margin, a distance of 18.80 feet; thence south 61°16'40" east a distance of 151.62 feet; thence south 31°49'S7" west, a distance of 236.42 feet to a point on a line west of, parallel to and 100.00 feet distant to the east line of said subdivision; thence north 1°11'17" east, a distance of 52.83 feet to the true point of beginning, "B“ Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; : thence north 1°11'17" east along the east line of said subdivision, a distance of 425.04 feet; thence north 89°36'41" west, parallel to and 425.00 feet distant from the south line of said subdivision, a distance of 141.91 feet to the easterly margin of Bronson Way North; — along said margin north 31°49'57" east a distance of 241.87 eet; thence north 19°21'57" east a distance of 76.60 feet to the true point of beginning; ) . thence continuing north 19°21'S7" east, a distance of 72.82 feet; thence north 52°16'37" east a distance of 80.00 feet; thence south 37°43'03" east, a distance of 138.40 feet; thence south 28°43'29" west, a distance of 89.86 feet; . thence north 61°16'40" west, a distance of 147.00 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: That portion of the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of right of way of Puget Sound Power & Light Company with the southerly line of Southeast 128th Street, as shown on Wind Hills Addition to ; Renton, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 38 of Plats, page 22, in King County, Washingt: ~~. thence south 26°49'30" east along said southwesterly line 450.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence south 63°10'30" west 250.00 feet; thence southwesterly 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the north line of 3rd Avenue North extension as established by City of Renton and existing on September 26, 1967, with the west line of the east 100.00 feet of the northwest quarter ,of ¢he northeast ~~ quarter of said Section; thence southerly along said dest linel to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence easterly along the south line of the north half of the x northeast quarter of said Section to the southwesterly line of maid Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way; a thence north 26°49'30" west along said southwesterly line to true point of beginning; ; ; EXCEPT that portion of the northwest quarter of said Section lying south | ‘land Deeded to City of Renton for, Recording Number 5947084; and EXCEPT that portion of the no LE X I N G T O N R recorded undér Recording Nymber 5684198 and the southerly lin the gre southerly strip of land Deeded to City of Renton by : ; also _—_? EXCEPT that portion theregf lying south of the northerly linel|of Mt. Olivet Cemetary Road, as deeded to King County, by Deed recorded __ under Recording Number 2742078; and JAN ae 2 EXCEPT that portion of thea south 115.00 feet of the northeas quarter of the northeast gq said road; also : _ EXCEPT that portion of the dortheast quarter of the northe - quarter of said Section, deeded to City of Renton for str recorded under Recording 5947084. | ‘TOGETHER WITH that portion of Mt. under Ordinance Number 2329 of the @ attach to said premises by operation of | -T LEGAL DESCRIPTION RE V I S I O N IS S U E D @/ 1 5 / 8 4 9 —— Pe t af w t