HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 18 El El 8 [g l • I ! i .\\,·»<: • il § hi ! ! • • o:c D - D .. · . • z () I- <:{ > 8 _...., ........ ,....,, .......... ..-... ~ .. =""""'""'''""' ,..,.. ... ._.""" .... ~ ...... >13_... .... ~ .ro,,,,,--~ 118 Ill 11a=1111 B '\ ' [l 8 D z i () I- ~ _J l z I' I~ ' 0 0 !~ _J \)1 C) C I~ .m :;;u .,, r 0 0 (S, _J C) r, I ; ; ; ' ' ; ""'- ~ -l r • .!:. ""~ . I h ...... ..... -.. ··-~-1,""'lj· ' -~ ' ' ~~~--r=-trE::=r' --"""··=-=-:~,,..==1~~· hd"'==f!f=====· ' 'i ! ~~ I • I ' '. Ii •. t, \!' [I;~ .. • H; ~ t ~ ' Ji, --, L .::r.,. .J" .. J~J .. ~ ~-,· ~ rr------1~-J~-I ,, ; llli---+---+ ' \ - \ f k ~ ' ' I I, ; . ll ~ r I I •• ~ 1, ~ I . IL - ~ i: ' F: !i ....+-: ~~i .... 11~-"-"'···~"'+-' -I ~I 'i I ~ Ii j. I ~ ,cc l ·1 = lll 1,.-"". Mr ,~ . ..,. ~ - PRO.JECT: N l H'(P! lll 0 ~ ' , . OROUR Q l • . URBAN BEBOON ' 'ti m ,. ,.....,...,"""6'<~•-;,oo"'""'"-"'"""" .., ~ ........... ,,,..,,..,N \.)J II LOCATION, Matveev ~esiden~e lllS 33rd St N. Rent.on, WA .. _____ _ 'NOI.J.V':>0"1 -,-, --~~ .f.L•OI ....... , rn ........ _..., I \ 11 ' ~ '. lfT 1./11-JI \ / -·~ H ; ~ ' -- ' -- ' = I 111111 M ~ I I I 111/ '\ i i ! -, .. .;.:,-.a.- ........ ~----<XlC·~ ....... ~.-~_...... ... ~ ( ---~ ll'IIIC _L .f'L·LL ~il . -1 ...... ... ' ' • I ' ' r ' ' ' ' I f-z l I: lU <Jl <! [B, I rr=1 1C: !D1 UI--' +"--· 11·' 1·· l:i •, z .g 1- <1: ,> w _J W· rr= i\ I .. :r,_ •. D~ \.'l i --' {l' ' I ' I '1 ' ----.; . ____ .. -ii -1 . Llk4,, 8 II; I .r ·~ · .. i= <1: ' .> 1-l IL i I ------. ·--------·---·---_. '• :• " ·fl. . "'' , .. , '. . .. , ' -----....,, . ~-~---- ,, ·-A ··--~~.,-- ' _Jj__i --''-' ~ -i--_ "fhc'FI~--·1 -.. I;-.. 1-~1-~ G ..• !--.• ~ ... ,, . . ,,_ -----------· ---~-~ . I 111'3 33rd s~ N. R .. .,to'n, wA 1 "'t""-'---j-il----t-,, I l!l-'--'--'---1----,'-,~i """"-~'1---~ci } . • • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 14, 2011 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Matveev Modification LUA (file) Number: LUA-11-047, MOD Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Gerald Wasser Acceptance Date: July 21, 2011 Applicant: Alexey Ancheyev Owner: Elim Matveev Contact: Same as applicant I PID Number: 3342101845 I ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: July 21, 2011 Appeal Period Ends: August 4, 2011 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: 1 J Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Request for modification from the minimum standards of the Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-115) for a proposed new single-family house. Location: 1119 N 33rd Street 1 Comments: July 21, 2011 Alexey Ancheyev Urban Design Group • 879 Rainier Avenue North, #200 Renton, WA 98057 • CONCUR DATE NAME SUBJECT: RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS MODIFICATIONS FOR 1119 NORTH 33'0 STREET (LUAll-047, MOD) Dear Mr. Ancheyev: has receiveet The City of Renton is io receipt ef your request to modify the minimum standards of the residential design regulations for the proposed single family residence on property located at 1119 North 33'' Street in the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. The following summarizes your request, project background, analysis, and decision. Summary of Request Alexey Ancheyev has requested a modification from the minimum standards of the Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-115) for a proposed new single-family house located at 1119 North 33rd Street. The modification would be from the standards which regulate roofs and eaves. The requested design standards modification would accommodate a Mediterranean-style design. Background The property is located at 1119 North 33'' Street and is in the Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone (Exhibit 1). The subject proposal would result in residential design standards modifications for a new single-family residence on a site which is currently vacant. The proposed new single-family.residence would have a flat roof without eaves (Exhibit 2). The Residential Design and Open Space Standards regarding roofs state that roofs must be hip or gabled with at least a six to twelve (6:12) pitch for the prominent form of the roof or a shed roof. The Residential Design and Open Standards regarding eaves state that eaves projecting from the roof of the entire building at least twelve inches with horizontal fascia gutter at least five inches deep on the faces of all eaves and that rakes on gable ends must extend a minimum of two inches from the surface. of exterior siding materials are required. The applicant has requested a modification which would allow for a flat roof in keeping with the overall design of the proposed residence. RMC 4-9-250D2 requires that the following criteria must be met for modifications: 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and Denis Law • , May~r July 21, •2011 Alexey Ancheyev Urban Design Group · · 879.Rainiei Avenue North, #200 · Renton, WA 98057 Department of Community and Economic Development · Alex Pietsc_h,Administrator S.UBJECT: RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS IVIOD.IFICATIONS FOR.1119 NORTH 33'0 STREET (LUAll-047, MOD} Dear Mr. Ancheyev: . . . The City of Renton.has received your requ~st to modify the minimum standards ~f the · residential design regulations for the proposed single family resid.en'ce ·on the property located at1119 No.rth 33'' Street.in the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone: The follo;,.,ing summarizes your request; J)rOject background, anaiysis, and. decision. Summary of Request .Alexey Anch'eyev· has requested a modification frcimth~ minimum standards of the Residentia·I Design andOpen Space:standards (RMC 4-2-115) for a p'roposed new single-family house·. " located at 11ig North 33rd Street. The modification would be from the standards which· · regulate ~oafs an_d eaves.· The requested design 'standards modifi~ation wou.ld acconi"!lodate a· · Med.iterranean-style· design. ·· · · ·· · · • · ' . Background . . . . . . . Th~ property is located at 11_19 North 33'' Street and is in the Residential_; s· dwelling units per acre (R-8)Zone (Exhibit 1). The su.bject proposa(would res~lt in r~sidentiai'design standards modifications f~r a new single-family r,esidence on a site which is currently vacant. The proposed new single-family residence ;,.,ould have a 'fiat roof without eaves (Exhibit 2): The Residential Design and Open Space Standards regarding roofs state· that ~oafs must be'hip or gabled with at least a six to twelve {6:12) pitch for the prominent form of the roof era shed . root: ,The Residential ·Design and Open Standards regarding eaves st~te th.at eaves projecting . from.the roof of the entire building at least twelve inches with horizontal fascia gutter at least . five inches.deep on the faces of all eaves and that rakes on gable ends· must extend a minimum · 'of two inches from the surface o'rexterior siding materials are required. The applicant has . ;equested a modification which would allow for a flat roof in keeping with the overall design of . ' . . . . . . . the proposed residence. · · · RMC 4-9~250D2 requires that the following criteria must be met for rnodifications:· 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function; appearance, environmental protection · and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound enginee_ring judgment; and Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washirygton 9~057 • rentonw_a.gOv Alexey Ancheyev July 21, 2011 Page 2 • . . . • 2. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and 3. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and ' . . . . 4. Can be shown to be justified and required for the·use and situation intended; and, . . . s: WiU not creatl!adverse impacts to other p~operty(ies) in the vi~inity. ·Analysis and Decision The purpose of the Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-llSA) regarding site .. design is.to promote quality neighborhoods which are characterized.by w_ell landscaped, safe, pedestrian oriented streets fronted by a variety of housing types. These qualities are enhanced by lots in a variety of sizes ·and widths and by homes which vary in scale and massing, each with prominent en\ry and generous fenestration facing.the st{eet. Garages, while a necessity to today's lifestyles should not visually domin~te the streetscape. · The purpose of the ~esidential Desfgri and Open Space Standards regarding residential design is to promote key characteristics of attrac_tive neighborhoods which _include a variety,of housing architectural styles, enha_nced by attentio_n to selection of.exterior materials, ·colors,. and architectural detailing. The proposed. single-family ho.use meets the purpose of the Residential Design and Open Space Standards for both site design and resid.eniial design. However, the roofs.and eaves standards are not met: . . . . . . • . Roofs 0 -The roof must be hip or gab 0 led with at lea~t a six to twelve (6:12) pitch for the prominent form of the roof or a 'shed roof The proposed structure is designed to hove o · flat roof • .. · Eave's -Eav~s are re~uired to prciject from the roof of the entire· b~ilding at least twelve· .. inches with horizontal fascia guttN at least five inches deep on the faces of all eaves · and.rakes on gable ends m·ust extend a minimum.of two inches'from the surface of exterior siding materials are required. The proposed structure is designed with. of//Jt rooi without eaves. · · · · · · · · Additionally, RMC 4-2-HSF includes guidelines for the design of roofs and eaveswhich aid in _the a implementation of RMC 4-2;115A: The guideline and analysis· are as follows: • Roofs -Roof forms and profiles.are an irnportant component in the architectural 'character of hom_es and contribute to.the massing, scale, and proportion of the home. Roofs also provide opportunity tci create variety, especially.for homes.of the same mod~I. The proposal for a flat roof is on important component of tlie overall Mediterranean design of the proposed home. It conuibutes to the variety of home styles in the surrounding neighborhood and is a factor in the niassi_ng, 'scale, and . .proportion of the proposed·struaure. • Eaves·_ The design of e_aves and ov·erhangs act as unifying· elements in the architect.ural character of a home. When sized adequate_ly and used consistently, they work to create d_esirable shadows that help to create visual interest especially frorri bla'nk, unbroken wall planes. The proposal for a flat roof without eaves is a unifying element in the Mediterranean character of the proposed home. · · Alex~y Ancheyev july .21; ?011 Page 3 • • Based on the analysis, abo.ve, the proposed modifications meetthe intent of the guidelines of the Residential Design and Open Space Standards. The proposai satisfies the five criteria listed in ·RMC 4-9-250D2. for approval of rriodificat1ons in that it meets the intent a~d purpose of the Code; .does not result in injury or adve.rse impacts, .. and is justified in .this instance.· Therefore, the modifications of the residential design standards for the proposed single-family residential structure to be located at 1119 North 33'' Street are approved. · · · · · The decis.ion fo_approve the proposed modification will become final if not a'ppealed i~ writing . io the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 pm, August 4, 2011. Additional information regarding the appeal.process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City · Hall -7'h Floor, (425) 430-6510. Appeals rriust be filed in writing, together with the required fee to.: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, loss Soutti Grady Way; Renton, WA 98057, .lfyciu have questions regarding this correspondence, feel free to contact Gerald Wasser, Associa.te· Planner . at (112sJ 430~7382. · · · Sincerely, C.E. ''Chip" Vincent, Director . Planning Di;ector . Exhibits: 1. Zoning Map (Sheet C4,.W )I) 2. _Elevations (Sheet 1 of 3) ·· 3·. Site Plan ' 4. Aerial Photo cc:.Jenn.ife·r Heiining, current Planning r0anager '• --~-~======~~~Wl/2------'-----------i .------,-~B~4c.:.-~29::__T~2::::4N:..:.._:_:R:=:5E=-W7Yl7/2~. COR _ 1 I i-l 1_i1 __ 1·-, •-L--, J~!: ! ~= !L:;:;:;::;::;;$:::::~~:;;~~~=5-l~i i :-,-,,-.-,-=-,:-,-,'' C -:-~ \ : ; a '. n•• _l_J_J_;__;:u ---~~~-±·. f=- 1---Lr '- -1 f i CN ; i i f /R-s ! I i ) 11 ! 11 i i i / iR-8) • : / i i ,_, I-I ! I ' ! " I ! I ' " I I I m''il 11)) )\"......,: ___ _ -,Ti ·:·;'.j7R'"B',: rt i 1· , ,; . , I I I , J ,' I ; 1 ZONING MAP BOOK PW TECHNICAL SERVICES PRINTED ON 11/13/09 --~ ......... --... __ .. _____ _ ... ---···-.... ------bOO,_ ... _....,. D4 -05 T23N RSE W 1/2 0 200 H..J 1:4,800 400 ' , feet n H EXHIBIT 1 I I CA I ,CN- 1 ' I --' ! -i--, ' ! ___ J_·:· • ,---. ~--- r------- RC .... ----N ' - /- JUN 1 6 LUil C4 ~-t~Wl/2 5432 ---... -- 'l!"m ·uol~ ·N 1s P~i E.·111 ----i ·'· . •· :3?U.:3'1?, ";;,;;;;·~·;i::,. ••••·• ........ ·1111···· ,1 · . . .,,.__ . ... . . . l!i 1 ! / EXHIBIT 2 . 'I ~ ·· .. 1 . ·a· ~ .. · --'--.. · .. . ' ·-:~ .. - ·~.· ........ . L § I ! z 0 j:: • ;: D D D • • EXHIBIT 3 50.00' ,--------i 0 "' "' N "' N 5.oo· I 1 I I 1 J I ~-· . 40.00" = [ TITTT .PR.OPOSED RESIDENCE DRIVEWAY .L_ __ L-.,1,.--· ' -----.!. -- 50.00' 5.00' 15.00' 25.00' N 33rd St SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"=20'-0" I s.oo· I l I I 1' x10' CANl'O J I. It LE GAL DESCRIPTION: I I . -IHJLLMANS LK, WN GARDEN OF EDEN #IT GW POR VAC ALLEY ADJ PAR CEL #: 3342101845 5.00' LOT COVERAGE: 5400 SF TOT AL SITE AREA 1997.5 SF PROPOSED STRUCTURE 244 SF DECK/STAIR AREA 460 SF DRIVEWAY AREA 41.8% COVERED BY STRUCTURES 50% IMPREVIOUS COVERAGE ••• Urban Design Group SITE ADDRESS: DRAWN BY: AVA URBAN DESIGN GROUP 879 Rainier Ave N, Suite A-200 Renton, WA 98057 P: (206) 838-8250 II 19 N 33RD ST RENlDN, WA DATE ISSUED: REVISED: ~ 171.2 0 City of Renton, Washington LUA11-047, MOD Matveev M,odification 85.58 171.2 Feet This map Is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and Is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Lakes and Rivers Parcels Renton Fire Hydrant Other System Fire Hydrant Street Names Rights of Way Streets Roads Jurisdictions Bellevue Des Moines Issaquah Kent C King CO<rlly Mercer ISiand Newcasae RENTON SeaTac Seattle Tukwla Aerial (March 201 1 • Red: Band_1 • Green: Band_2 • Blue: Band_3 1: 1,027 @8.5"x 11" Notes Enter Map Description m >< ~ ~ ~ 0 Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hi Gerald Emil Matve [xdriver25@gmail.com] Thursday, July 14, 2011 10 :25 AM Gerald Wasser 1119 N 33 st, Renton n 049 .JPG; n 052.JPG; n 053.JPG The first picture is the proposed color of the house. Paint used is the Rodda paint, trim color 8498 and body color 8494. Second picture is the home on the West side of the prope rty . Third picture is on the East side of the property. Please let me know if there is anything else. My number is 425-558-4755 Thank you, Emil 1 • • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: July 5, 2011 TO: Jerry FROM: Stacy SUBJECT: New Land Use Routing/Application Acceptance Please complete the following information to facilitate routing of green folders and application acceptance. If you have special form requirements or instructions, please write them in the "Comments" section. Project Name: Matveev Residential Design Standards Modification !Project Manager: Gerald Wasser Reviewer: ILUA (File) Number: LUAll-047, MOD Applicant: Alexey Ancheyev !submittal Date: June 16, 2011 ltcceptance/Circulation Date: !Comments Due: !Project Description: Enter directly into Permits Plus. I I I Bldg. Area (Gross) sq: ft. Project Site sq. ft. Existing: Location: Area: acre(s) Proposed: acre(s) jOther Permits Req'd: l~tudies/ Reports Req'd: !Public Approvals: !Land Use/Zoning: bev. Regs (RMC Sections): I 1Tentative ERC Date: Tentative HEX Date: !Categories: a Single-Family a School/Utilities/Public Project a Church/Daycare a Commercial a Industrial a Multi-Family a Wireless /DOT Notification Required: a NOA only CTIA Boeing Notification: CYES /school Letter: a Renton / a Issaquah / a Kent ~irport Notification: CYES Send Lake & Stream Study to CYES Muckleshoot Tribe: Comments: I I I I I I Denis Law., ·Mayor · July 12, 2011 . . Alexey Ancheyev Urban Design Group · 879 Rainier Avenue North, #200 · Reiiton, WA 98057 SUBJECT: MATVEEV RESIDENCE_ · LUAll-047, MOD 1119 NORTH 33RD STREET . Dear Mr. Ancheyev: We are in receipt 6f your re.quest for a modification from the Residential, Design Standards (RMC 4-2-115) to.allow a flat roof where a minimum 6:12 roof pitch is required. · A_ re~iew of the elevation drawings which you submitted indicates that the plan is not in conformance with severa_l oth~r residential d~sign standards . .the pl~ns do not conform· to the residential design standards for garages, eai,es, and materials and colors.· A . modification request from each of these residential design standards wou_ld require ari additional f~e of$103.00 ($100.00 plus a 3% Technology Suri:h~rge Fee) for an. , · additio_nal total of $309.00. ' . ' · Should you choose to request additional modifications from th'e residential design standards, you·ma·y modify your original master application form when yo~ submit the .. additional fees, Please contact me if you have questions reg'arding this matter at(425)' 430"738io.r gwasser@rentonwa,gov.: - Associate Planner . Renton City ~all. • foss South Gr~dy Way-• . Renton, Washington 98057 • fe~tonwa.gov ZONING MAP BOOK PW TECHNICAL SERVICES PRINTED ON 11/13/09 n,,..,, • .,.., ......... , .. ,.. ... ,,..-,.,.,, porantttd l<I ••Ml' "'''""i• ind~ t,u,d on lhtbt1tlo,lor ... 1lon""li~ .... 011~0clot,,t<>.,.. __ ,, __ .,..,,.,._ ... , .......... I ! I iR-8 I ! ' ! j I i I i i i : R-8 I i i ! i N2Blhl'1 ----.. ~4··1 .(_i.'Y.nf,., .. .,, ... I·~~ ---------·~ -!!· 1sltil .rr.0l.t! s¥:.w CA NE4""St I L_ - COR CA I ' I : I '-'-L_ -~-- .. : .. :-. .. ~) I... R-8 1-------'---'..J ri ""' I --·,\-1._~jiR~ "i___J__ :i,;i~=i14:; ' ,_ +' J ' 1 ' f R-8 -I- ·--L -i ·-- C:N i CN i I I CN 0 200 400 kJ J Feet 1:4,800 n H -RC -. w N ;j ""' --'"' .=:==:::l z I --~ / i 1./CN .. __ J_ ., t"i R-1 """ ;::. --1 / RC N R-8, t JUN 16 l0)1 C4 /tj~~Wl/2 5432 , RESIDENTIAL C!£J (RC) Resource Conservation CE] (R-1) Resldentlal 1 du/ac 8 (R-4) Residential 4 du/ac ~ (R-8) Residentlal 8 du/ac ~ (RMH) Resldentlal Manufactured Homes I R-10 j (R-10) Residential 10 du/ac I R-141 (R-14) Residentlal 14 du/ac I RM-rl (RM-F) Residentlal Multl-Family jRM-T j (RM-T) Resldentlal Multl-FamilyTradltional IR11-u I (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Urban Center MIXED USE CENTERS ~ (CV) Center Village luc-N1 I (UC-N1) Urban Center -North 1 ~ {UC-N2) Urban Center-North 2 ~ {CO) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL 35T23NR5E, 833 l \ Jy 2T22NR5E \ 1 T2 INDUSTRIAL ~ (IL) Industrial -Light 0 {IM) Industrial· Medium QO (IH) Industrial -Heavy ---Renton City LlmltB r,:;:;;:;-i (COR) Commercial/Office/Residential •· t c·t Ll .,, ~ --·--A Jacen I y mi ~ (CA) Commercial Arterial ~ (CO) Commercial Office KROLL PAGE ~ (CN) Commercial Neighborhood PAGE# INDEX 50.00' ,-------, 5.oo· I 40.00' I 5.oo· El I Ill I I I I I I I 1'x10' CANTO I I PROPOSED RESIDENCE I I ~I I I 1; I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ·IHILLMANS LK WN GARDEN OF EDEN # 1 TGW POR V AC ALLEY ADJ DRIVEWAY PARCEL #: 3342101845 ~---+---··----.!. --50.00' 5.00' 15.00' 25.00' 5.00' N 33rd St LOT COVERAGE: SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"=20'-0" URBAN OES113N 13RCUP 5400 SF 1997.5 SF 244 SF 460 SF 41.8% 50% Urbon Design Group 879 Roinier Ave N, Suite A-200 Renton, WA 98057 P: (206) 838-8250 TOTAL SITE AREA PROPOSED STRUCTURE DECK/ST AIR AREA DRIVEWAY AREA COVERED BY STRUCTURES IMPREVIOUS COVERAGE SITE ADDRESS: 1119NJJRDST RENTON, WA DRAWN BY: AVA DATE ISSUED: REVISED: • • City of Renton City of Renton Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT JUN 1 6 2011 MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: f L;...._ ~"'"'°'l PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: MArvefl v 1) ,:,(.,lr,E')\,(" r, ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AN~IP CODE: / I /q W-fh 7 3 I<(:{ . ifreee o,0 p\~ TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 33.l.{'2/ o-Jg45 NAME: ~~ ~-aj EXISTING LAND USE(S): ~ COMPANY {if applicable): Uei,A,. J DRs',,A, ·61<._,..,..., PROPOSED LAND USE(S): ADDRESS: I EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: 61°1 ~t n\c.,r-Prse t,,,\, :lkA-"lPo CITY:~;_ ZIP:~O~ PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION {if applicable): TELEPHONE NUMBER W{, -~~rgz,~~ EXISTING ZONING: CONT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NAME: Ak,c~ A I -"'~ / - SITE AREA {in square feet): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY {if applicable): DEDICATED: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: ZIP:· ACRE {if applicable): NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: ~-2..53 -~Z0-060-S-NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): H·\Fnrm~\Pliinninu\m.11~tr.rnnn rlnr. -I -OR/07 PIJECT INFORMATION (conti!ed) ,;;_:_.;:_c..:....,"'--:.._-"-'--'--"-.;:_c:,_ __________ ~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS {if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (If applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): D AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): D SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT {if applicable): D WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach leaal description on separate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION _,TOWNSHIP_, RANGE_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP . l, (Print Name/s) , declare that I am (please check one)_ the current owner of the property involved In this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorizaUon) and that the foregoing statements and an~w talned and the Information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) H:\Fonns\Planning\mastcrapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _________ _ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes menUoned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), ____________ _ My appointment expires: _________ _ -2· 08107 . · . . . June 2, 2011 Alexy Ancheyev • 879 Rainier Avenue North, #A-200 Renton,\NA 98057 SUBJECT: MATVEEV RESIDENCE, LUAll-047, MOD 1119 North 33rd Street Dear Mr. Ancheyev:: • The City of Renton Planning Division is in receipt of your request for a modification of the Residential and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-115). Specifically, your request is for a modification of the roofs standard which requires either a hip or gabled roof with at least a 6:12 pitch for the prominent form of the roof, or a shed roof. The initial review of the elevation drawings submitted with your request indicates that the proposed house does not comply with several other residential design standards, namely garages, fa~ade modulation, eaves, architectural detailing, and materials and color. An additional fee of $103.00 ($100.00 plus a 3% Technology Surcharge Fee) for each modification request would be required or a total of $515.00. Please submit a revised application for residential design standards modifications with the appropriate fees. You have not submitted a site plan for the proposed house. A fully dimensioned site plan which complies with the City of Renton Residential Development Standards (RMC 4-2-llOA) must be submitted. Compliance with development standards is required prior to any determination on design standards modification requests. ------------------·---~--- Printed: 06-16-2011 Payment Made: • CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA11-047 06/16/2011 04:54 PM • Receipt Number: City of R Ptann;n . _enton · 9 D1v1sion JUN 1 6 ZUn R1102265 Total Payment: 103_00 Payee: URBAN DESIGN INC . ) Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee 5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #1104 103. 00 Account Balances Amount 3.00 100.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000000.020.345 Park Mitigation Fee 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee 3954 650.000000.000.237 ~pecial Deposits 5006 000.000000.007.345 Annexation Fees 5007 000.000000.011.345 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.000000.007'.345 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review 5011 ooo.000000.007.345 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 ooo.000000.007.345 Final Plat 5013 000.000000.007.345 PUD 5014 ooo.000000.007.345 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.000000.007.345 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.000000.007.345 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.000000.007.345 Rezone 5018 000.000000.007.345 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.000000.007.345 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.000000.007.345 Site Plan Approval 5021 ooo.000000.007.345 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees 5024 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.000000.007.345 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.000000.002.341 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 ooo.000000.007.341 Maps (Taxable) 5998 000.000000.000.231 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .oo .oo .oo .00 .oo .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 ; Si ;1 -I ' \ EB ,-----· I i ! 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These \'ileas, designs and plans are not to be reproduced, changed or copl@.d ln any form or manner whatsoever, nor are they to be asslgne~ to any third party, without first obtaining the e><press written perrnisslon from URBAN DESIGNS Written dimensions on these shall have precedence over scale dimen- sions. Contractors shall verify and be responslble for oil dimensions and conditions of the Job ond URBAN DESIGNS rnust be notified in wrltt!ng of any variation frorn the dimensions, conditions and specifications shown by these drawings. All construction shall be in accordance with the standard bufldlng code. (SBCCI) an state and local codes. COPYAIGHT © 2008 UABAN DESIGNS " f--u w 1 0 Ct'. 0.. ·--- > (\) (\) > ~ (\l DRAJl'lN BY: DATE ISSUED: 1'10DIFIED §:i'61NEER: REVISION REVISION " z 0 f-- <! u 0 J Project No.: n. :::J D ~ !!I z !!I -UJ Lil 0 z < [D ~ :::J <[ 3 ' z - AVA SHEET 1 OF 3 <fl :::, <fl <: <J> <fl " " <: \\'I -" L :::, ~ 3 s!;) I If\ ' Ill ) 1\1 tr I m \\} i I N, 4'-4" ' , ... ,.,,,. "" . ' ' ' ' 23'-8" 6'-1" 1'-6" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-1" 3'-1" 1b'-4" 2'-0" OVERE . 2'-0" S'-11" ' ' ' 1 I 11 I I 1'-0" 23'-B" ,f-----· _________ ., ______ ------==--=------------~,r----------'1':'.b'~-4'f:_" _______ -+L, I! ~· ,. " '1 -r_? 1-·-4'-10'_' __ 1 _-_-__ -4_'-_B_" __ ¥------ I I I I 14'-2" 4'-3-Jt 2 2'-0" 10'-b" 3'-10" 11'-b" I ------~ -~---···-····-···-·---·. ····---------l----------·-+- ! &041 XO SINK ~ 1'-2" 4'-o"9 r·--5'-·-~o_" ~-,!<''-'I-;, NOOK/ ti) ·' ;- l l BREAKFAST ~-----__,--, ISLAND I I I I I I I I I I I ·,r-Tt!i-,-· I I . ---:----,---- ' . . I FAMILY -----~--' --. I I Ix ' ' ; " : i 'H-- ir I m ;'"'---~- . ' "' . ' I i '~ i · 10 1 I !" • i ! I . !•x . ' . . ; LL 'le~----.+ -,) ' a ' ' i 't ' ~ ! (f) i -' I <ll' KITCf--lEN 15/8 X 1'3/8 15 1,6 , 11/8 X 15/6 ~, 1 · b'-4" 5'-10" '1'-6" . ,f----"---'---+-f"fi'----=-__c~--+-----------------'~' X ,--! I ~ ------ ,-· 36' I Al LITTLER$ (~) .. (1) (6) (~ (?, ·~ 3'-2" 306 10'-0" DINING 14/8 X 14/0 306 3'-6" 3'-6" C L---- U 18R. ;o I rn 4'-6" I I I I F. 0 RISERS' 25'-0" --1'-0" 1'-0" <!l ' C) I in s[) I rn GRAN FOYE <!l I <!l B" I I I I I ., I I I ~;.... -\->,_-I 4'-6" 4'-8" 1'-8" 1----~-f------·- m 5'-0" OFFICE 14/2 X ":l/0 C,'-6" MR; MET AL F.P. INST ALL PER MR; SPECS (V.T.O) LIVING 14/0 X 15/6 .·····-·· . ------- ------ 300 cs 300 FX 3001 CS I ,l'-_3_'-_10-=--" -JL-_::;_3_'-.::6_" -JL--=-3 :"'"-----J, 4 -2' 15'-0" 40'-0" MAIN FLOOR 1150 SCALE, 1/4"=1'-0" --• , •• •'•"'' -< .,. •"••"'·'· ,. ·" ,• ,-"'" •'··" , u,Ve,•,., :,., .. ,""·'~"', ., , ·-". '., ... ,, .. ~_.. ... ,,' ' 'L I . '' ~i-----'' ' ' Cl . 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CS ' I 1 --, --+--·--------··--- ~" 16 L_OFT 5'-10£11 16 b'-b" -...:-------:C-- ~ ----=-~--'°·r.L>~, ·---:..---:_-~--- OPEN TO BELOW -·-- 303 FX ARC F.V. <!l _, ({) // '' I ! ' '' '' \ \ \\ , '/(3) 2020 FX ABV ROOF 't ·' ~ 3'-0" W.I.C. W.I .C. i BEDROOM 14/4 X 11 305 CS 305 FX 30!; CS ., '' ~, r:" I 3· ,_,.._,. ~ -------=--v -le-'7 4 '-B" 4' 4'' ··-----------t----'----'----+---"4_'-_..8_" ---,f-'-=-3~' -~10:::.·_· ~~-'3~'-:':6~"_,1,...__::,3_::' -6.,_" -JL~4c_:'-~2c" _J . Cl1'-0" in ' <!l . ~ I <!l C) ' in s!;) ' () ' C) ;- ·' " 1{-.'-0" r:l'-0" ~ -, 1~'-0" ----·------·-·-·-----,IL------'--"----~-r------~...E'J'.::,:'.'..__ ______ -1..J 1'-0" UPPER FLOOR 1010 SCALE, 1/4"=1'-0" City of Fi<'>nton Planning Division JUN 1 6 1011 uRSAN DESIGNS hereby rea~rves It's common law copyright -.tnd other property rights In these plons, ideos ond designs. These Idec.is, designs ond plans ore not to be reproduced, changed or copied (n any form or manner whatsoever·, nor are they to be assigned to any third party, without first obtaining the express written permission from URBAN DESIGNS Written dlrnensions on these shall have precedence over scole dimen- sions. Contractors sholl verify ond be respons[ble for all dimensions and conditions of the Job and URBAN DESIGNS must be notified in writting of any variation from the dlmenslons, conditions and specifications shown by these drawings. All construction shall be ln accordance w!th the standard building code. (SBCCI) an state and local codes. COPYRIGHT © 2008 URBAN DESIGNS " f-u w 1 0 Cl'. 0.. (\) \) C (\) '1 ·-- > (\) (\) > _µ (\l :I DRAY'lN BY: DA TE ISSUED: MODIFIED ~GINEER.: REVISION REVISION " z 0 -f-< u 0 J Project No.: n. :J 0 rr: [!] z [!I -UJ w 0 z <( III rr: :J z -- AVA SHEET 2 OF 3 '" :, '" C <Jl '" I\) " C "' .D L :, ~ 3 \Sl :, '" C "' '" I\) " C "' -e :, @ C E " "' l " 1 ' • ,. \ ~-\ , I \ -ri I U1 ..:IN I -ri 0 X e "' El Ill 0 X 15'-&" 8'·-.2" ,!'---------------------·-------------------·--·---· --------- 1'-'1'' 1'-Cf" 1 1 ~ :• -o 16'-4" ---------,------------------,< 8'-10' -----------·-----------·,(·-. --------, 6'-6" Cf'-0" ~ -ii CD IL . :::, --- 1) I Cl rJ ~ol I ' tr i ,i f I I j ,------- 1 ' I I >,'' ,_ .. 3'-4" 11'-B" 4'-6" ,l'----=--'-----,f~------------,----,1'-------,IL:----·---···----·-·-----.. iC' -·./· 15'-0" _'.2]'··CY. ,l'----------------------,1~-------------·----. 40'-0" E3ASEt'1El'l-, ---- SCALE, 1/4"~1'-0" V _/',._ .. ---------~-- ----------- () X ,.:-·lfi --I () - ' ' ' I ·--·~---------~ ; ! . ' i : : I "'~ -~"-____ I_ __ -3) I' ' _______ J () ; I X ' ' -. ' C I ~lfl lf\ I ('I - ! --()~--------~, ' ' ' i I [{) : I & 'i() .• , . I !c;: 9 N U1 ' I I - i i I City of liar.ton Planning Division JUN 1 6 2011 URBAN DESIGNS hereby resefV8S it's comrnon l?w copyright arid o~her property ;1ghts in these pkif1S. ideas and designs. These Ideas designs and plans ore not to he repr-oduced, changed or copied Jn any form or rnonner whatsoever, nor are they to be asslgned to any third party, without fil"st obtaining the express written perrnisBion from URBAN DESIGNS Written dimensions on these shall have precedence over scole dimen- sions. Contractors sholl verify ond be responslble for all dimensions and conditions of the job and URBAN DESIGNS must be notified ln wrlttlng of any variation from the dimensions, conditions and specifications shown by these drawings. All construction shall be in accordance with the standard building code. (SBCCI) an state and local codes. COPYRIGHT© 200!1 URBAN DESIGNS " f-u w 1 0 Ct'. [L (\) \) C (\) -u ·--d} (\) Ii > (\) (\) > ...µ (\l ~ DRAV'IN BY: DA TE ISSUED: MODIFIED ~61NEER: REVISION REVISION " z 0 f- <t u 0 J Projec.t No,: a. ::J 0 a:: ~ z ~ -m w Cl z <i: m a:: ::J z r- U1 Cl <!l <r l -C: \) _µ C: (\) O' Cl Cl l'I I <( (\) _µ IL :::s ::::, \S) ~ z I!) lU ~ { -O' \S) lU lU -Dz z ~ ~ <r O' r- ::::, <!l AVA SHEET 3 OF 3 "' :::s "' C: "' "' Ill " C: "' n '-:::s 3 3 3 ' ' " ij ' ,, I !· ij ' ·1: " •' ' i " " i1 fi ii ,1 " " " ,, " ,. Ii I :; ,, ' . ' ' i'. " ' ,: .\: \1 I '~ ' :i ., ,, ,, ' ,, ,, ' " ' .. 1 I ,, ' il 'I ij I ,: 'I ,!