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• • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 20, 2011 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Rite Aid Temporary Outdoor Storage LUA (file) Number: LUA-11-052, TP Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Rocale Timmons Acceptance Date: July 19, 2011 Applicant: Mark Allen Owner: Rite Aid Corp. Contact: Howard Kimura PIO Number: 0423059095 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: July 19, 2011 Appeal Period Ends: August 2, 2011 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant, Rite Aid Corp, is requesting a Temporary Use Permit for a three 8' x 8' x 40' steel containers within the parking lot and one steel dumpster for refuse. the trailers would be use for storage during a minor tenant improvement. All units are proposed to be located within the parking lot for no longer than two weeks between July 15th through October 30th. Location: 3116 NE Sunset Blvd Comments: V DEPARTMENT OF CO.UNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION TEMPORARY USE PERMIT DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER/ APPLICANT: CONTACT (if other than Owner): PROJECT LOCATION: DATE OF EXPIRATION: July 19, 2011 LUAll-052, TP Rite Aid Outdoor Storage Temporary Use Permit Rocale Timmons, Associate Planner Mark Allen; Rite Aid Corp.; 7112 Meadowdale Beach Rd, Edmonds, WA 98026 Howard Kimura; HG Kimura Architect PLLC; PO Box 59415, Renton, WA 98058 3116 NE Sunset Blvd October 30, 2011 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Rite Aid Corp, is requesting a Temporary Use Permit for three 8' x 8' x 40' steel containers within the parking lot and one steel dumpster for refuse. The trailers would be used for storage during a minor tenant improvement. All units are proposed to be located within the parking lot for no longer than two weeks between July 15th through October 30'h. The following Tier One Temporary Use Permit is hereby approved. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division -=r(,1/,, I Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further City of Renton Department of.munity & Economic Development Rite Aid Outdoor Storage Temporary Use Permit DATE OF PERMIT: July 18, 2011 .inistrative Temporary Use Permit LUA11-05Z, TP Page 2 of2 extension. of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m. on August 2, 2011. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. I l....v1_fo-\ l -DS"Z-• • City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) ADDRESS: :-__ ;P,o. Box 31" r;; CITY: Jhl!.,(l~IJ' BURG-' PA ZIP: 17/0S TELEPHONE NUMBER: APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: ADDRESS: 7 //2 Mel'tl)oWDAt.G lll"/felr ZIP: 1J'02,I. TELEPHONE NUMBER: CONTACT PERSON NAME: COMPANY (if applicable): CITY: TELEPHOt-jE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: L!J..-r.1,,71-111.r )'} j /<..IW, '1 ,-~ ~ C,on,e,4,Jf; 11 er H:\CEDIData\Fonm1-Templatcs\Self-Help Handouts\Planninglrnastcrapp.doc • l - PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECTIADDRESS(S)/LOCATIO AND ZIP C DE: ~11t, ~ ~ur ,B1,a,; ft...~1-tT"P>,, W.4 1~P<S(,, KING COUNTY ASSESSOR"S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): ~42-!,0J-101.s- EXISTING LAND USE(S): (... PROPOSED LAND USE(S): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) Co1n EXISTING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): SITE AREA (in square feet): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) ,1- NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 03/11 • • ~~~~~~~~P_R_O~J~E_C_T~IN_F~O'-RMAT~IO~N---'----'--(c~o_n_ti_n_ue_d__L__~~~~~~~~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach leaal descriation on seaarate sheet with the followino information included! sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION_!:}__, TOWNSHIP Z3 , RANGE e>S":°1N THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) A1tzt:J< A1/ef, , declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or___.&_ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements aiid answers herein containe the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) ss ) Date Signature of Owner/Representative Date ,,,1111111,,, .,,,, ~ 8. C ,,,,. ~ ,S:-~'' .,,. ~ $ V re~ ,:. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that M 0,.( f C A// i! >J signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. ~ .. ~.. iib°N~'-1-9. ,.., = . NOTARY l E : cA PUBLIC 0z ~ -:.,. ' ~~, I "~ ~ ~ '-•!!$\Y ~r:,$ 6/z_ 5' /z.o I I I Dated .. ,,,, o,: w,_sY-~,,,, 5 11-,,--g <0,£ '''""'"''' Notary Pui!!i'c in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) isr:;Jo tJ t3 C(g r/C My appointment expires: (/:34/::ZQ 15 H:\CED\Data\Fonns-Templotes\Self-Hclp Handouts\Planning\masternpp.doc -2 -.:( OJ/II Vicinity Map "' ' ,:,j I"'! " ._! '0, z I' z I"-f 'm' m ----..... ----t ·-. ~~~ ~~ •.,~ --'<:,·§' . I ~. ,•· I " I i I"' )> I~ ,~· ~· ' z I rn, : I I I I I I / $l.l.!!$£:t P,,et ' I 4! ~, ,.1-:.tr!I , I• J, I .' t ,' / ' G~o,j,,.,;_u·~-H La Ft)t;11te ' I . i9hi Si;llo:)I ' ~': ~ E-\..._.~.-" ~--~·- I I i-:i!]h16n&.. I Libf.'fry --~ l 1st -,~r i4.>· 1J' -~-··§ .... 0 lo, ;: :w. .§ _ ___;; _:.;a.• ---- ----, ,---- i ,' "'··' • .;;.= .. t, _/ .'/i·' ,f .:: J" ~-) ('f)tl(§;s,;_ -·~ 1 I . -.. , 8 ,'/<,' R •. , ,~-· rlB,".lv /h' . " . -NE-1·211(s-, ---qj ---- --. 11 · ~--·-·11 I ·~(,j, '. . /.::, .. ' :'? . I • @_ I U.S Ba .,; $ W.etnr_t_r,t'!f; --r• ~ / ;, . RITE AID SITE-~ 3116 NE SUNSET BLVD RENTON, WA 98056 Legal Description: ' ft Li~ ~,;:king ; I -r .s: 1a; 0 ~ ., 1! iri \ .. -, _J N l I ' PORTION OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 -BEGIN INT'ERSECTION OF W LINE OF SE 1 /4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 114 & NORTH MARGIN OF NE 12TH ST (CO ROAD NO 431) TH N 01-03-57 E 327.14 FT TH S 88-50-55 E 39.97 Fl TH S00-57-5B W80.47 FTTHS88-46-16E 149.81 FTTH SSB-11-47 E31.84 FTTONWLY MAAGIN OF NE SU\JSET BOLLEVARD (SR 900) TH S 32-06-19 W 24B.39 FT TH S 62-48-11.W36.01 FT TH N 88-58-16 W 57 50 FT TO POINT OF BEGINNING TGW LOTS2, 3 & 4 IN BLOCK 11 CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO 2 LESS S 25 FT OF LOT 4 FOR STREET -LOT 1 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE i'DJUSTMENT NO LUA 99-007 LLA RECORDING NO 9904019011 Tax Account Number: 042305-9095 SITE AREA: 76,500 SF OR 1. 76 ACRES • • :IQ] ffi 1' C') ~ '--ID ;:.· C: '2 5 '< ffi ... 5· 0 = Q (Q -~ ...:., 0 jJ '.'= ;:;-· Ct> ii;' ::i lg -· .... g 0 ::i PLANNING DIVISION WAIV.OF SUBMITTAL REQUI.MENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS tAi\iti Use PERMifstiBMffTALL .. :\~qµ1ij~~~ij;i'$}} H Calculations 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 P~iH~ik'<>tcovwa!lia•&•~arictscaAi@Ma1ysisW••••n• Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 City of R . Ptann; enton ng D1111sion . This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services · 2. Public Works Plan Review PROJECT NAME: __ ~ __ 7 _G_ftf_O _______ _ 3. Building 4. Planning DATE: __ 6_/._'?_'1...:./_7-_ll_/l _____ _ H:\CED\Data\Forms·Templates\Self~Help Handouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls 06/09 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVE.F SUBMITTAL REQUIR.ENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Plat Name Reservation 4 Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 Strteam:ot:Mke:swdwSL1PPlem~nial:,,:::,:;:,:,:n::,:,:::,:,: Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Traffic Study 2 Tr:eeCuttingllanct:c1earingP.lan:,::;;,::,:,:,: Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Ut!l1bas:Plail';:O.ooe~al1zoo,:2:::::::':::':::'''''''''''''''' Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review PROJECT NAME: __ -'&~r({'--"'-'At'."'-'-'P"-------- 3. Building 4. Planning DATE: __ /e"'-,l-'1~::..q_-4/c.:;;.p,..:;.;'t) l.e1..'I ___ _ H:\CEO\Oata\Fonns-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\wa!vemfsubmlttalreqs.xls 06/09 • • CityofR Planning Denton ,v,sion JUN 3 0 . r!!!1 1011 ~ H.G.KJMURA ~re.I_· --A-Rc-·11-IT_c_cT_, 1_·1_1,c _______________ /ffr_Ho~~~f.~t/~{j}) June 28, 2011 RE: Rite Aid #5203-Temporary Use Storage Containers 3116 NE Sunset Blvd Renton, WA PROJECT NARRATIVE: Rite Aid Retail Drug store is located at 3116 NE Sunset Blvd in Renton, WA. We have applied for a tenant improvement permit and have been approved and it is ready to be picked up as of June 25'', 2011. Part of this minor tenant improvement project will require the use of the following steel storage containers on-site to store existing store produ_ctlshelving units while other areas of the store will be remodeled. Remodel project includes constructing a new consultation room adjacent to the pharmacy and relocating the waiting room to the sales floor area. Additionally, we will be relocating steel shelving and replacing some of the flooring. While replacing the floor, all product and shelving units will need to be removed and stored elsewhere. Thus, we will be proposing the following steel storage containers for this use: • (3) 8'x8'x40' steel storage containers located in the parking lot • (I) 8'x8'x30' steel dumpster located in the parking lot for refuse All units will be stored on-site in the parking lot for an approximate duration of2 weeks. The construction period start and completion period could range and may start as early as July 15" and may end as late as October 30"', 2011. Each storage container will have a double access door, 4' wide leafs, total 8' wide on one end of the unit. End of Project Narrative CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION: Proposed Construction Start Dates: Start date could be as early as July l 5'h and end dates could be as late as October 30'', 2011. Duration of construction project will be approximately 2 weeks within the above window. Hours of Operation: Primary hours ofoperation will be 7am to 10pm and work will be within the existing building. Usage of the storage containers will occur primarily between?am to t Opm, although there may be an occasional evening access, depending upon the activity and ifit is sensitive to do at night time where no customers can be present. Use of these storage containers may be accessed Monday thru Sunday during this two week construction period. Proposed Hauling / Transportation Routes: Likely all steel storage containers will come from interstate 405 and will come up Sunset Blvd. Return haul will be same in reverse. End of Construction Mitigation 18012 \X1cM Lake Desire Orin.· Southeast • Renton, \Va~hington 98058 • Tel: 425.766.5000 • Fax: 425.271.2383 • email: hgkimura('.tconu:.ist.nct • • ABATEMENT AGREEMENT TEMPORARY USE City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 '-'ltYof Fl Ptann;n eni n g D1visic JUN 3 O .zu17 I, --~M<L-u!AK:.,e..>...r,IC"-__..c.A,.,...,_,,_'-"l"'pv='--------being the Applicant for the Temporary Use Permit at the Location of: Hereby authorize the City of Renton to summarily eliminate the Temporary Use and all evidence of the use if it has not been removed as required by the terms of the permit. I also agree to reimburse the City for any expense incurred in abating this Temporary Use. Signature: Print Name: Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Ma,,, t C A/&, JJ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: t.µ9/Lo/{ } I Notary (Print): fir-u aN f5 &si::; (/ . My appointment expires: 0(,/3(/W 15 PW/DevServ/Forms/PlanningfTempuse.doc 8 01/08 ' Release and ~emnification Agreemen.or Model Homes c· This agreement is made by and between the City of Renton, Washington, a municipal corporati991Wt!Q~nt of Washington ("City") and /(//'E' A-1D Ci&l'"M:TloA/ ("Owners"). tanning o· .. On Recitals ,v,s,on The Owners own real property in the City legally described in Exhibit A, attached. JUN 3 0 ""l071 The Owners have submitted an application for building permit(s) and/or a Temporary Use ~J il to construct model homes on the real property prior to recording of a short plat or final plat. Since changl!: @ .,ffi>~!,__ or final plat may be necessary after construction of the model homes rendering the homes illegal, !he 'S'~ risk in building the model homes. In consideration of the inherent risks associated with the construction of buildings in advance of the recording of the plat, the City requires the owner to execute an indemnification agreement prior to any model home construction activities. Agreement The parties agree to the following: 1. The City authorizes the Owners to do the work as described in the Temporary Use Permit application No. once building permits have been obtained. 2. The owners assume the risk that the model home(s) must be removed or reconfigured and therefore release and discharge the City and its representatives from all known and unknown losses, claims, damages or causes of actions which the owners have or may have relating to buildings or structures authorized by the Temporary Use Permit. 3. As a condition of granting Owner permission to construct model homes, Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Renton Harmless from any claims or liens that may be exerted against the property as a result of construction of model homes and use of the unrecorded plat of ______ _ 4. Owners understand and acknowledge that, should the model home construction not comply with the proposed lot configuration of the final plat, that no variances to development standards for either the lots or the homes may be granted as such a situation would be considered a "self-induced hardship". 5. Owners acknowledge that they understand that any construction begun prior to the recording of the final plat must be in compliance with all City zoning and subdivision requirements (e.g. setbacks, lot coverage, etc.) or removed prior to recording of the final plat. If the final plat is not recorded prior to the expiration of the Temporary Use Permit, Owners acknowledge that the homes must be removed unless complying with all applicable code requirements (e.g. one home per lot, etc.). 6. Applicant will also provide an Abatement Agreement and a security device acceptable to the City to ensure removal of any structures not in compliance with City regulations at the time of expiration of the Temporary Use Permit and understands construction of the model homes is at Owners' own risk. 7. The provisions of this agreement shall bind the parties, their legal heirs, representatives, successors and assigns and shall expire upon the recording of the final plat of----------- I, (Print Name) MA?<~ At.~ , declare that I am (please check one) D the owner of the property involved in the application.the authorized representative to act for the property owner (if a corporation, please attach proof of authorization to sign), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my kn~owled ::d belief. __ U_t-t1ft-: 6wn r Owner ,,,,111111,,,, ~~'~ B ,,,. A TIEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and fQl',t'II~ rJ, on the -Z.'l day of }l< /\# 20_JL_. /~-~'" 1-~ R ~ .. {li - .V ~ f> ~ (Signature of Notary Public) ~ N~: i ' ~~\ P ~E ~~lo.... ,~~ ~ ,~ '-!!·11·"· ~ ... $ ,,,, OF WAS~~ i.''"' PW/DevServ/Forms/PlanningfTempuse.doc 9 1,111111111,,, 01/08 I -8 -, fl e ZONING P/B/PW TBCHNlCAL BERVICBS Jlll)f/Ol , I R-1 '' ( .. . r3 o "=°o "'oo D5 lt41100 4 T23N R5E W 1/2' , , , 5304 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS THE STORMWATER FOR OUR SITE IS DISCHARGED AT TWO DIFFERENT LOCATIONS. ·THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SITE, PARCELS D & E, PRESENTLY HAVE TWO· COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES OPERATING OUT OF SEPARATE BUILDINGS. THE PARKING AREA HAS ONE PIPED STORM DRAINAGE NETWORK WHICH COLLECTS ALL THE SURFACE AND ROOF RUNOFF AND DISCHARGES IT TO THE STREET STORM SYSTEM LOCATED IN THE WEST CURB LINE OF NORTHEAST SUNSET BLVD •• THIS PORTION OF THE:6 EXISTING SITE IS SEPARATED FROM THE WESTERLY SECTION BY AN EIGHT FOOT HIGH RETAINING WALL. THE WESTERLY SECTION CONSISTS OF THREE'RESIDENTIAL PARCELS WITH ONE HOUSE LOCATED ON EACH PARCEL. THERE IS NO STORM DRAINAGE PIPE NETWORK SYSTEM FOR PARCELS A, B, & C.; ALL OF THE SURFACE RUNOFF FLOWS OVERLAND TO THE STREET DRAINAGE SYSTEM OR INFILTRATES . THROUGH THE GRASS LAWN AREA. THE EXISTING DRAINAGE ON THE WESTERLY PORTION OF THE SITE ENTERS A JO" CMP PIPED STORM SYSTEM LOCATED 6' SOUTH OF THE NE 12TH STREET CENTER LINE. THE DRAINAGE FLOWS TO THE WEST IN THE 30" CMP PIPE WITH A SLOPE OF ONE PERCENT OR GREATER. AT THE INTERSECTION OF NE 12TH STREET AND EDMONDS AVENUE NE APPROXIMATELY 1/8 MILE DOWNSTREAM.OF THE SITE, THE FLOW TURNS AND TRAVELS SOUTH THROUGH A 36" CMP PIPE TO THE INTERSECTION OF NE. SUNSET BLVD. AT THIS JUNCTION THE SYSTEM CONNECTS TO PIPE NETWORK LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF NE SUNSET BLVD. THIS rs:TJU: SAME SYSTEM THAT PICKS UP THE DRAINAGE ON THE WESTERLY PORTION OF. OUR SITE; PARCELS D & E. AT THIS POINT THE DRAINAGE TURNS TO· irti:E· WEST AND FLOWS 0 THROUGH A 36 11 CMP-STORM TRUNK.SYSTEM THAT TRAVELSDOWN,NE SUNSET BLVD. CROSSING UNDER INTERSTATE 405. AT THIS POINTWEiREABOUT 1 MILE DOWNSTREAM OF THE SITE. rim . DRAINAGE . EVENTOJUJ.iY, DISCiiARGES TO AN OUTFALL IN . LAXE WASHINGTON LOCATED' IN ,'.l'!IE VICINITY OF COULON PARI<. L: \JOB-NOS\98.138\ENGINEEI~:\REPQRTS\98138,WPD ...... ' .· .... -... , ·,·.;: .. :· '.\.;i,:··:, .. ,;. ',.. . .· City ot Renton Planning Division JUN 3 O 'ZOil Vicinity Ma~ i t ,~· i _,,,--· i 1, 4~;:-'._ --.. .. . "'·'~·· ,:.,,.. _.,,.PV-• "'"j -@ 11,~r,.n, 0 GIONAL CONSTRUCTION ~t&~ ......... ,,, .. _._ '""""''""S!Rf(I :ONON>. ~• -,;2 .._,,,,._,.,_.,,, •c'"""'"'" '"-'""'-'_lt .. t<M :9.!:tfilc;J; ':e;" ·~-.Jc' CJ . ,-·· 7"-' :;;; ! ~ ~ t ,' "'. ' ...;:.... f ,., • l ~ cO<l ,__i__L_ -• ,-~ RITE AID SITE 9.!; '"'"°"""' .. •i>eH,t[Cf,.,_CC ., ... , ...... "'" "'~· '""'" ('")"'-"" t::~::0:.,.,1 ERAL CONTRACTOR 3116 NE SUNSET BLVD -REITTON, WA 98056 Legal Description: ~lT;:~=r ~~~~ ~(~-:z~":i~S:J~~N~~\\U:.~:fs: i'.:'s0i:-~r~s: rrl ==-:..i:::1~~:~r..~i:s,:~~~,;~'~6~~t'i8:.!':!~~=~i:i:;Sll I r;:;1°LE"i,"';g' ~J':~~ i~~M·\~~1 ~ :~A\~t°RE~'t.l'rM~~o=~~ ! 9.1-W'U,,.RECOIIDI.., ~ !8001!1Jl1 Tax Account Number: 0<2Jo~-g09', S11E AR(A 76,$00 sr OR 1.76 ACRES m""-mm,i ; •---, NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION 1;4· " 1'-o· 1/4" = 1·-0· ,-1 '-------~ -~l I lLi ! I ~-: L---~---=----/ ' ! ]=' ~ :, / ·I -;; , 1' EX'.Sl. RITE AIO STORE "-.~, ,' / •• I ' ]1,6 NE SUNSET BL\ll · 'v /J , ~' i ' ' / ~ I I , /~ c:, ' /.;."" ~I· I ~ /./'f :,; ' : f;;'-,t-~~1\ITT1T1 /0,: I I ii''"~ _\11 ;/' i Jl~~llllll" // s L___ _ ~,.. . .,,., ........... ~E~!IH STREET ------_ __/' .......... -"' ........ (wr.,;,.,,~"""'"'""""''-• ·'""""""""''"',,. @)•"'''"'""·"''<>H'"'"'"'-....,.,., ... .cr_.,.,..,,""'"' tmm111111111111111111111111111111~~~1111111111111111111~ 1 1 :!r fill_, """"'"""'-GE)--·-"'~ SITE PLAN Dl • WEST ELEVATION l/4" " 1·-0· 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 EAST ELEVATION 1/4" ,, r-o· I NOTE: ALL COHAINERS W.U Bf TH[ SAi.iE EXCEPT IHI JO' OUMPSTIR V.,LL ·HA\{ AN OPEN 10P 10 DUMP WASJ[. THERE 'l,U 8E (3) 8'X8'X40' STEEL SlORAGE CONTAINERS ANO (I) s·xs"XJO" DUMPSTER. ALL UNITS '1,~ll L()()I( Si!,IJLAR 10 THE ONE SHOii~ ABOVE. ~ ft!!l '-if D. 1· ~p §iE :::,~ ~ R~~H~ li=;;:;i 3116 s.ma.t .,.,.. NI! I U UU (:,,,: 5· 0 Ranton,WA 98056 t:::::.::::i Q, co ~ """' 6-19 ,.,,, ~ . ... ~···\''"~ I ' i,;.;i :::: s: (I) =:;;.. ·--=-= u u u !!1. ::, :..,,,-::.--.. ::..-::::: A 1 _'S:, ~ 0..., g H.G.S-~~•·•J• a~ 0 e-~----L======:c...L--------------"=''----::, __ Printed: 06-30-2011 Payment Made: • CITY OF RENTON 1055 s. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA 11-052 06/30/2011 11 :31 AM • Receipt Number: City of Renton Planning Division JUN 3 0 -'£011 R1102510 Total Payment: 154.50 Payee: H.G. KAMURA ARCHITECT, PLLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee 5021 ooo.000000.007.345 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 7300 154.50 Account Balances Amount 4.50 150.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000000.020.345 Park Mitigation Fee 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee 3954 650.000000.000.237 Special Deposits 5006 000.000000.007.345 Annexation Fees 5007 000.000000.011.345 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.000000.007.345 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review 5011 000.000000.007.345 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.000000.007.345 Final Plat 5013 000.000000.007.345 PUD 5014 000.000000.007.345 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.000000.007.345 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 ooo.000000.007.345 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.000000.007.345 Rezone 5018 000.000000.007.345 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.000000.007.345 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 ooo.000000.007.345 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.000000.007.345 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees 5024 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.000000.007.345 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.000000.002.341 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.000000.007.341 Maps (Taxable) 5998 000.000000.000.231 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .oo .oo .00 .00 . oo· .oo .00 .oo .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .DO .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 Laureen M. Nicolay From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: • Stacy Tucker Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2:47 PM . Jennifer T. Henning; Laureen M. Nicolay Neil R. Watts RE: LUAll-053 Larson Parke Bonds? This is a Joe Singh project and his company went out of business. g~·1..r~ Administrative Secretary City of Renton CED I Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way I 6th Floor I Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425.430. 7282 I Fax: 425.430. 7300 I stucker@rentonwa.gov Ji'J Please consider' the environment before printing this email From: Jennifer T. Henning Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2:31 PM To: Stacy Tucker; Laureen M. Nicolay Cc: Neil R. Watts Subject: RE: LUAll-053 Larson Parke Bonds? • We can notify the owner that we cannot release the bonds until these improvements are constructed. Stacy, is there contact info on the bonds, so I can write a letter?, From: Stacy Tucker Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:52 PM To: Laureen M. Nicolay Cc: Neil R. Watts; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: RE: LUAll-053 Larson Parke Bonds? We still have 2 maintenance bonds for this project: $67,100: maintenance/defect surety bond for roads and drainage facilities $14,959: landscape install & maintenance surety bond .9~.LY~ Administrative Secretary City of Renton CED I Planning Division 1 ~----------------------------------- 1055 S Grady Way I 6th Floor I Renton,.057 Phone: 425.430.7282 I Fax: 425.430.7300 I stucker@rentonwa.gov ~ Please consider the environment before printing this email From: Debra Mikolaizik Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:34 AM To: Stacy Tucker Cc: Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: FW: LUAll-053 Larson Parke Bonds? Stacy is doing this portion of Carrie's job. From: Laureen M. Nicolay Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:12 AM To: Debra Mikolaizik Subject: LUAll-053 Larson Parke Bonds? Hi Debra, r·• ,, Do we have any sureties remaining for this project please? The homeowners never got their recreation tract playground equipment installed per King County plat requirements and are wondering if we have any surety money remaining for this one. Thank you, Laureen .t!tUIIIUII-'1tieo/,a9, Senior Planner Department of Community and Economic Development 425-430-7294 2 J \ .~ ~0~0\/CXX)\}~ LARSON PARKE A replat of Lot 4, Bill Ruth Addition, Vol. 102/23 .•.. A portion of the S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, Sec. 32, Twp. 23 N., Rge. 5 E., W.M, King Ce>\Jnty, Washington · ''··.::·{~;~~~~:~~~~~~~-----_w_.!l,;(_joj_/1!4,H!!:,,_liJ'~-------- S:JP(R~lt'IOC'IT Of Rt:COIIDS DD E.S. FI\-E N.o. Lgjipoooo APPRQYAl,B p L r. si RO P.l.S.. C[Rltf1CAffN0-2296~ DAl(Y-Uo;!ROVr-l'OO\_[I(. nsc 726 M.JBURN WAY NORTH AL'BURN, WASHl'IGTON. 96002 (2~.l) JJJ-2200 (fAX) 333-2200 SHEETlOF 2 DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE, INC. 726 AUOURN WAY NQS'-.H AUOLJRN WASHLNGTON ~8002 PHO'lE. (2~J)JJJ-2200 (FA~)JJJ-2206 ,-··"' LARSON PARKE A replat of Lot 4, Bill Ruth Addition, Vol. 102/23 .·.·. A portion of the SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 32, Twp. 23 N., Rge. 5 E., W:M, .. King County, Washington ·· BIRCHWOOD ESTATES VOL. 1 37 /73-75 I , ( lN fEt!f .. ) 1 Ir.ch -~o·it MERIDIAN• .... ,. "ASH' .. GION Sl'/1,l[·~.LANt. ~O~l'>< ·umc MPCN ~/91, P((< •.c.s.c • BASIS'·.OF BEAAlNGS• ; M E. (N Bc1~1~a~~~tti~tc)1r~~.5.~: ..... u L!aQ!:Mi' C .TABLE C2 25· ~57 46.0J" 20.<3 0 I 26~5 n, 'I oo 2'-62" -.c~ .l1"42 !3 •. 4 .00 25,45 ~-.J0'39 -~ "46.00 24 62 C5 ·· .. 3•'00".JS 46.00 2 .Jo . 7 rouNO 2• 11R::~s-.1>s'<··\ll'r•·. 'N c!"SE .;~ Kl~C COUNTY s1aN'ti,,qO ~-00\l~i:iiT(TO 9[ SET) ·-·-· (~~)',i,,'~~_T.llNC ,. ,£c.s.c K!lc cou~!" SURV!:Y C~~~Ol \(R) R~Al \"4) ue:iisu~b {<:)__ 'C~LCL'\ 0 ~ ref (1•J ,.'\1Ll:.~ui11 ADiiiT,oN VOi,:' :n/;J 00 (£',;J E ... ~ALO (;I.EN, VOl !,~°i/79-~1 LOT i:Olll.tRS'·~-~[ 5(1 AS O(:,cR,8(0 lN NOE·~ •• ~HCE:f'•·.9.t.].•,·."" ····:: .. 1 P•C1r,c ~CRl;,ill'j;ST.ii1Lo Co o• WASHl"G'CN ()110[~ No. J55~46, 0k.U:D JANl:J•RY'.1J,'.ll)l11. -• 8f~t:·.,i,ii~ AW~,'CN°, 'IOI. 107/;3 5 (><CU() Gt(,., ·°;,eL. o,:,;,~-B1. ·:-~:.n1RC,<\OIOCO ESl/":°f:S, VOL 137(,!-15 ~G~~.~~·~TE= TRAC; "A" IS "A'.<lECRt·AllON l"RACl A~) IS CCNSll)ffi[r, A O IRACr P~RS~ANl TO KCC l9A 04,330 ,:: ..... t.4~PLA T;~6··. '(Cl ~.21 Pl U~.f;'LA T~~'[):•,. / -..,. (f~fs 0s~t~~ ~1:C)W · \27..~'·:: ,. l <.C.S.C. Pl. NC. J~i~33 •~o 2· BRASS C1SK IN CASE w;rrro 9 JA" 20J1 PRI\IAJE ORAINAti=·.e~sgMENf AN(:) coyeNAffI lH( OWNERS OF: pRIVA0H:. PROP(R1¥-'"0THI" T"'li ?LAT ~-.:cuo,s£R[O WITH ORAINACE EAs.t .... [NTS S'"IOWN AS "?RIVA7c:". HER'tav CRANi".ANO CO~.v(Y TO l(\'1/C COUNTY, A c>OLIT'CAL SUBOIV1Sll'.lN OF THE s-ATE or ~~H~,~~T~~c.!1f fl~~~H;;.BYt:;:R~~-C) 9~6:?\~?sN p~~ ~ci~~.';,gRcJLTe~;. ~6~~~H~~o W1 sit~~~( R~~~Ro, ~~;~i~~~LET:A~c~:i~~~is ~~~-~P~~~~~SJy ~iEi";.~7:c s:~o 0 !:.'~;..'.;~1J;5rt:f'o1L~~clH~:C~i~~;r or CONTA,NED 11-,EREIN THE OWNtfl!tti'.r·,"9,t.lli PR;~",i:u PROPE~~~•AR[ R[SP0NS'$lE FCR OPERATJNG. l.4AINT"-INl!';C AND REPAIRING THE ORAINAcr;:· FACILITIES-CONTAIN~O WITHI" ;.i.10 ORA<NAGt EAS[MENT, ANO ARE H[RfBV R[OLJIR[O TO OBTAIN ANY R[QU1R[.Q P(RMJTS, r''f,!OM ""HE >('1".JC COL./NTY:.<ffPARTM(Nl OF OCI/ELO?MENT ANO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PRIOR ro flLUNG. Pl<>Ll:IG. cu,rn,G··,c!s .!IE .. l')'l,N.(;, VECETATjQN (EXCEPT FOR R0':-'TIN( LA'IOSCAP~ MAINTENANCE SUCH ,1,S LA~ MOWIN(l:) IN OPEN VE~CTAl!'D DR'AjllJAG[ FAC1Ult£S (SUC>i AS SWALES, CYANNELS, DITCHES. PONDS: [TC.).··'ui! PERP.ORl.<ll!fe ANV ACTE/<;ATIQNS O'il M001r1CA1:0r.s 10 THE ORAINA:;E FACILITIES. CONTA<NED WITHtN ~SA•D:;DR•\;"AGt r•s5 ~~.;· ·,·,,:,.,., ./ THIS'··.J:OVENI\NT ~ALL,RU"1 w To-I'-. Tf,( LA"':) AN!,c· IS fl'Ni'.llN~ uPON THE OWNERS or SA:o PR•VATE ?C,Q?[RTV, Tl-lJiilR'~ORS,',$JCCF.SS0FUf ANO .. ss,GNS . ®~tni'-.~~~ A°l:r.• . .DRA<NAC[ EASEM~'ITS •WIH;1,i,'.THIS P!.AT. NCT SHOWN AS ··pq:VATt:". ARE H(R[BV CRANTEC ANO CONVEYED --~~c~'.~.-~~iI6iN~ :.:~'.~i~~~u~~~~~s~~~RZF A:t iJ:l!ct w1if.~'~1~0 ~H[0( .. ;~~E~~::i1~g AcPo;Rvg:~ 0· .:·~9R THIS0 1:'J.,AT BT KINc'·toi..:Nrt: TOGt:rH[R WIOH THE RIGHT Of REASONABLE ACCESS (IN:;RESS ANO [CRESS). TO:,f.NTER ~..:.<Q, OR"-INAGE EASEXA[NT fOR THE PURPOSE 0~ INSPCCTINt;, OPERA TLNC, 1.4Alf';TAINING, RE"AIR NG ANO·~PROVlN"o··.JH": ORALNACE·'.'fACILIT,ES CONTA,NEO THEREIN. !';QT[ THAT EXCEPT roR THE fACILITIES WHICH ;;~ V~R~;i ~ ;Po:~~~\~"!' .. !{~-M'~T(~[;giNs'i;1 1~1~\N 6~C~H~\~;;,PG(Rcgu~~V~[~:"'N TENANCE OF' O.RAINA(';( r ACIL' TIES ·: •• ...,[ OWNERi'·,:::,.c SAIO .;~LVAr( PROl>rn1'Y AR[ R!OVIR(O TO OBlAlN FRIOR v.RITTEN APPROVAL rROM KINC c'etJNlY PROPt<;TV SE"lvtCES. ANO ANY REOULR(O PER,.,ITS F'RO"' T"'[ '<INC COUNTY DEPARlMENT Cf DE\/E'.<;Oc...,(,iT Ai'IO .. fNVIRONVEf';Tlll SERV,CES SUCH AS CLEAR•NC A'ID CRA01NG. PRJOR TO FOLLINC. PIP,NG, CulTJN"~ •• OR RE><O~r"-G V(G(1ATION ( r~r.Ef>T >OR ROUTJN( LANDSCA?E MAtNTENANC( SUCH AS LAWN >,4QW1'1G) IN CPEN 'VE,GETUEO Di;,..l'IAGE FACIL'11Es (SUCH AS SWALES. c~ANN£LS. OITCf<ES. PONDS. ETC .• ) OR f>ERFOi!<\('-G ANV A~·WRATIONS OR ~,oo..-,c .. 110NS TO TH[ ORAINACC FACILITIES, CONTAI.NEO WITHIN SAIO ORA,NACE [A'S~,t,tEf';l 0 ';. THIS (ASE"ENT ·;;; ... ;NTENOE~·:·~ ..... C,LITA TE REASONABLE ACCCS:> ;o 1,-,E CRAINAG( f ACILIT ES. THIS EASEMENT ANO COVSNANO St-A"t<,-RU'I W1li1· IH[ LANO ..... o IS BIN01NC uPON Tt-C OWNERS or SAID PRIVATE "ROPERTY. IH[IR H£1RS. succtss.:.11,~_ AN'7tASSICNS ~™MENT NOTE',· .... :· THE 10 FOOi St:WER EASPAENT DEPICTED HERECN IS ME~EBV DEDICATED ANO CONVEYED TO SOOS CR~~I< WATER .. NO SEWER OiSTR1CT. ITS SUCCESSORS ANO ASS1G'IS. roR THE PURPCS~ c~ INSTALL"•G. OP[RAT,NC ANO VAIN1A,i<INC A PUBLIC SANITARV SEwtfl CON\11:YANCE S"STE.O SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE. INC. 726 AU,IU~N WA", NORTH AUBUR'-. WASHLNGTQN 9,'1002 ""O"'E. (25J)3JJ-noc (FAX)JJ.J-2206 ···;,;·.·.,,RACr ,s (AND ~ts~D fOR S?1:C1r,c US(S. NCLUO.NG 3Ul ,,o, L•U11W TO. R£S(RV( TRA:Ts RrCRr~T1QN oPt~·,SPACE. SENs,:,,c ;t,R[AS. SURr•c£ 'NATER RET(NilOO, ul•LIIY FAC,ctlJE AND A~ClSS. ORACIS •RE .. o, CONSlb!i'il~O LOIS '.l'I 8U-<j:)1NG S•!fS ,o~ f'u~r05£S Of R[~1D[N:,01 DWELLING CCNSlRUCTION @JJllt~ ENCONE!~ PLA=-"'° "':, .. . D.D.ES. 0 'f'l~E.,N~. Ul9P0003 SHEET 2 OF 2 ;.;.J~7P lJ 21 AUG ~1 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / FINAL CORRECTED T.I.R. TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR LARSON PARK CLIENT: J. G. REAL ESTATE GROUP N. W., LLC 18124 Riviera Pl. S.W. Seattle, WA 98166 Phone: (206) 919-6066 PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: (253) 333-2200 PROJECT No. 99334 DATE: March 14, 2000 Rf:VISED '. JAIi-121 ZOOI CONSULTANT REVIEW TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. THIS PLAN HAS BEEN RE\i1EWEO FOR COMPLIANCE WITH KING COUNTY CODES ANO ORDINANCES . . NA¥ o,w;/ tu-~ 1-/t;-o; ( 42sJ 204-8182 DATE PHONE CASEY ENGINEERING FIRM FINAL CORRECTED PLAN DA TE: I I g /-:;, 2-_ r1 APPROVED: I EXPIRES 9 J~N 2002. STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SICNEO & DATED I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION SECTION I PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Overview Vicinity Map -Exhibit A T!R Worksheet Soils Map -Exhibit B SECTION II . CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY. Preliminary Plat Conditions Variance LOOV0092 SWM Adjustment SEPA Determination ofNonsignificance S0-220 KC. Code Sec. 16.82.150D Response to Plat Conditions Response to SWM Adjustment SECTION lll OFF-SITE ANALYSIS Downstream Analysis PAGE 1 2 3-5 6' I :_ 7 7a-7d 8 -10 11-12 12a-12g 12h 13.:. 14 15 I -32 SECTION IV FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN · Existing Site Hydrology 1 Existing Condition Drainage Map 2 Data for Existing Condition -On-site & Off-site 3 Performance Standards 4 -6' Developed Condition Hydrology 7 Developed Condition Drainage Map 8 Data For Developed Condition -On-site 9 · Performance Standards to -11 Detention Facility Design 12 -17 Emergency Overflow Spillway 18 . Vertical Grate Design 19 Wetpond Design 20 SECTION V CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Conveyance System Design SECTION VI SPECIAL REPORTS AND STIJD!ES SECTION Vll OTHER PERMITS SECTION YIU T.E S.C. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Sediment Pond Design· Narrative for ESC Plan SECTION IX BOND QUANTITIES AND FACILITY SUMMARIES Bond Quantities Worksheet Storm Facility Summary Sheet Pond Detail SECTION X OPERATIONS AND MAINTENA.t'\/CE MANUAL I -5 NIA NIA 1 2 1-9 10 -11 12 -14 NIA I I I I I I I SECTION I I PROJECT OVERVIEW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT OVERVIEW Larson Park is located on a 2.06 acre parcel located in the Southeast, quarter ·of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, ~ange 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The proposed project will consist of the creation of 14 single- family residential lots. The property is also known as Lot 4 of Bill Ruth Addition and is· located near SE I 83'd Street and 1121h Ave. SE .. All necessary utilities and ·stcirmwater facilities will be constructed to serve the development. This report is being prepared pursuant to the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM). On-Site Drainage Analysis This project site is situated within the Panther Creek sub-basinofthe Black River Drainage sub-basin of the Green River basin. Presently, the site contains an existing residence near the center of the site. The remainder of the site is undeveloped and is covered with pasture grass and a sparse scattering of shrubs and trees native to the Pacific Northwest. The ground slopes from the northeast comer of the site to a low point at the southwest comer of the site. There is a half-acre offsite tributary area to the site. Runoff from the site flows to the southwest to be intercepted by the existing drainage system along the eastern side of 112•h Avenue S.E: The soils on the site are·Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam (AgB) as classified by the US Soil Conservation Service: · Upstream Drainage Analysis This site is located within the Panther Lake sub-basin·ofthe BlackR.iver bi-ainagC~ubc · basin of the Green River basin. There is a one half-acre area which drains onto the site from the east. Downstream Drainage System Description As discussed above, the flow from the site discharges to the eastern side of 1121h Avenue S.E. where it is collected by the existing drainage system and routed through the "Ruddells" detention pond at the northwest comer of SE 184th Place and 112th Ave. South. From there the flow is piped on to the "Maple Glen Regional Pond" to the northwest at the southeast comer of SE 182"d Street and 108th Ave. SE. Future Site Conditions An appropriately sized conveyance system will be designed and constructed to collect the developed on-site runoff from the proposed project: Given the proposed layout of the project, flows from the site will be collected and conveyed to the water quality and water quality facilities for discharge to 112th Avenue S.E.. The stormwater facilities will be constructed pursuant to King County Standards for level 3 ·detention in order to insure that the downstream drainage problems are not aggravated. The detention pond will be .. constructed at the west end of the site. 0 I I " 11 AV I "l 1181H AV~ -·· """ I '"' Pl S(j > I I -1321<) I I I ~ ' I !) 147111 uarn " S[ 1'811! i ,. .. :~ ..,.. " ~~~ I > "l 1 lSllll AV __,__ '<" ~ EXHIBIT A Ill i /\J,Y M/\i © ' I I .. ' ) I I I I I I I I ) I I I I I I I ) I I King County Department of Development and.Environmental Services. TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET ;i(ii1i1~i~~iit~i~jt~f /:~:·1i1il"I11IW:1~ ProjefJ>12~._ 1:-srA-r~ G(I.Q<ll' tJIJJ ti.C Address /f?IZ.'f fl-t.VJE./1-A fl. S. ()}. Project Engineer · · · i; MCI-D1'll:1 1 f .• Company D tJI f fN C • Address/Phone ZS3 ·333 ·1-l-00 i/subdivison · Short Subdivision · Grading Commercial Other ______ -'--- Community soo.r Drainage ·sasin f'ANTH&f/. River Stream __________ _ Critical Stream Reach Depressions/Swales Lake __ --'--------~ Steep Slopes . Projecl Name t.~AJ'O~.· Pli/l..16. Location ..,3. N .Township---';..~---- Range _~..c.!i'--=/!:'----=/)}--"-J/'i [t~.~~t'/;i:tion_3=.: ....;;?,~· _ __. DFWHPA COE404 Shoreline Management Rockery DOE Dam Safety FEMA Floodplai~ . COE Wetlands Structural Vaults Other. .:.. ' . .. ·-~ ' .•. ·"· ... ' .. ' . ' .. Floodplain ________ _ . Wetlands---------'--' Seeps/Springs High Grouridwater Table Groundwater Re~harge .· Other j)~.,.,N$7'flcO..,.: fU,s-;R-1< T10,{ · : .. ; '.' .. ••• .j ·\ ,, . ' • ® I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · Part7 .• so11:.s . · .. Soil Type AlD6llW00i) "aa Slopes 9.LI-C:. % Additional Sheets Attached . Part'S ,DEVE]f0PM~NT1rnMITi\:)710NS REFERENCE Ch. 4 Downstream Analysis Additi~nal Sheets Attached ''Part9 ··EsCREQUIREMl:NTS! . . ·: . ' -:1,' ., ''·.-, ...... : ... , .. , .. '',' ' -!:: ,., ._,,:,; MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION "-Sedimentation Facilities ' Stabilized Construction Entrance "-Perimeter Run.off Control "\ Clearing and Graing Restrictions "'cover Practices '\construction Sequence Other Erosion Potential SLl <;,!'IT Erosive Velc·oties 2., \'ps LIMITATION/SITE.CONSTRAINT .. · L€vt1-~ ... Dtr-r1.;NT101v U~1J1~0 . " , .. ' .. · · .. M.INIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS · AFTER CONSTRUCTION °" Stabilize Exposed Surface °" Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities '-Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris· '-Ensure ·operation oi' Permanent Facilities . ' . ._ Flag Limits of SAO .and open space preservation :1reas · Other : . .. ,, .... 1 •:. I I I I I 'I ii I I I I I I I I I I I I ',, •;, :·. ;; ',;, '. . _:,··; . ,• · .. ,, ;. ' . ' . . . ;Parflff''SURFACE,WATER SYSTEM . ' ' ,.. . -· ' Grass Lined Tank Infiltration: , · .. Method of A,nalysis \. Channel · kCllT-G Vault , Depression Pipe System Energy Dissapator Flow Dispersal ·, Compensation/Mitigati on of Eliminated Site Open Channel Wetland Waiver , Storage '\ Dry Pond Stream Regional /)el ,1/fil 'Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation S17e R.ONt>Fr Tt2 6/i' CIJN//t;'feO To UJl11!)1NED .fJ€7£NTtotJ /'dNf) ijcT,Ot>NIJ, LEvlJL .3 FldtJ C<JNT/'ZOL Facility Related Site Limitations c./l!TEl!!-1/1 U66D Fo,e 91t1"1G. Reference Facility . Limitation 'PiirtI1t,!'STRUCT8RALANALYSIS': -' '·,,.,,, .. ''". ".. •. ' ' .. · :'· Cast in Place Vault \. Retaining Wall Rockery> 4' High Structural on Steep Slope · Other Part 12 EASEMENTS/Tl'IA9TS "-Drainage Ease~e.nt .. '-Access Easement Native Growth Protection Easement " Tract Other . ' 1 ' . Part,.1sis1GN.ATURE'OF'PROFESSl(>NAL,ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site, Actual site · conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments, To the best of · my.knowledge the information provided here is accurate. . I I 'I I I I I .I I I I I I \.,~• ,JBM ·.· .. · . . 169. ,203:.~c ""= • ~ I r ,.. .1 , • L .. .. AgC l:: ·~ I I 4 .. '701 L-; fvl4P AgC © Ag I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTIONil··. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY . ( . I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ... 850 Union Bank of California Building · 900 Fourth-Avenue Seattle, Washington 98164 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 November 19, 1999 REPORT AND DECISION ON APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L99P0003 Location: Applicant: LARSON PARKE Preliminary Plat Application North of 184th Avenue Southeast (if extended) at the existing stubbed portion of 114th Avenue Southeast. M. Burnett Larson, represented by_ Mel Daley, Engineer Daley-Morrow-Pobleie,.Inc. 1215 South Central Avenue #133 Kent, WA 98032 ·, SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS: Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner's De"cision: PRELIMINARY MATTERS: Application or petition submitted: Complete application: EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing Opened: Hearing Closed: Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions February 23,1999 March 17, 1999 November 18, 1999 November 18, 1999 Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are· listed 'in the atta~hed minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available·in the office of the Kirig County Hearing Exami1,1_er. (]) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I L99P0003-Larson Parke 2 ISSUES/I'OPICS ADDRESSED: • Surface water drainage SUMMARY: Subdivision of 14 lots on 2.06 acres in the Urban Area is approved, subject to c~n~itions .. · . ' '• ' ' ' . . . ,·. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed,the.recordfo this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: . . . . . FINDINGS: I. General Information: 2. Developer: Engineer: Location: STR: Zoning: Acreage: Number of Lots: Density: Typical Lot Size: Proposed Use: Sewage Disposal: Water Supply: Fire District: School District: Complete Application Date: Bernie Larson 26207 Woodland Way S. Kent, WA 98031 Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 1215.South Central. Ave. #133 . Kent, WA 98032 . . North ~f the existin~ st~bbed portion of i 14th Avenue Southeast, east of 112th Avenue Southeast Access will be from 114th Avenue Southeast. . 32-23-5 RCS 2.06 1~ 6.8 units/acre Approximately 3,500 to 4,000 square feet Single family residences Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Soos Creek Water & Sewer District King County No. 41 Renton March 17, 1999 The facts set forth in the !(jug County Land Use Services Division's Preliminary Report to the King County Hearing Examiner for the·November 18, 1999 public hearing are found to be correct and are incorporated herein by this reference.· The said report is Exhibit No. 2· in the hearing record. · I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L99P0003-Larson Parke 3 CONCLUSIONS: I. 2. 3. 4. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the Ki~g County Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision and Zoning Codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King County. ' If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, for drainage ways, streets, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supply, sanitary wastes,. parks and recreations, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and safe walking conditions for students who only walk to school; and it will serve the public use and.interest. The conditions for final plat approval recommended bel~w are in the public int~rest ·a~d are ' reasonable requirements to mitigate the impacts of this developm~nt upon the environmerit: The dedications ofland or casements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as recommended by the conditions for final plat approval or as.shown on the proposed-preliminary plat submitted by the applicant, are reasonable and necessary as· a direct result of the development of this proposed plat. .. , . . . , . DECISION: . . . The proposed subdivision of Larson Parke, as revised and received on July 28, 1999, is granted preliminary approval, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title ·19 of the King County Code. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication that includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. The plat shall meet the base density of the R-8 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-8 zone classification or shall be generally as shown On the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger. Minor revisions to the plat that do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. The Applicant must obtain final approval from the King County m,aHh Department. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by ()rdinancc No. 11187, as amended. The Applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. @ I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I L99POOOJ-Larson Parke 4 7. 8. 9. 10. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9 .04 and the storm drainage requirements and guidelines as established by the Surface Water Management Division. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat The following conditions represent portions of the Code and requirements and shall apply to all plats. a. b. C. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998_Ki~g County Surface Water· Design Manual. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shalLb,i;_ s.l)own on the engineering plans. 'I t•r• • ,..;• The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surface·s such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as .shown on the approved construction drawings #_on file with DDES and/or the Department of Public Works. This plan shall be submitted with the application of an t building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those. lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed.at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans n file;" The Applicant has received approval for the requested diversion of surface water within the project (see Drainage Adjustment L99V0343). All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met and shown on the engineering plans. The design of the stormwater detention facility shall meet the Level 3 KCRTS Flow Control Methodology, according to the 1998 KCSWDM. Other mitigation scenarios may be considered · according to Section of the KCSWDM (Impact Mitigation). Off-site drainage improvements are required to convey stormwater to the west across private property to 112th Avenue Southeast, then south along the east side of 112th Avenue Southeast, then west under 112th Avenue Southeast to an existing detention facility (Ruddells Pond). These improvements shall be designed according to the 1998KCSWDM. Permission for construction of off-site private property drainage improvements is required to be submitted with engineering plans. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) including the following required road improvements: a: Southeast I 83fd Court shall be improved _to the urban minor access road standard.· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L99P0003-Larson Parke 5 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. b. c. The west right-of-way line for ihe nort!i 'extension of existi,rig 114th" .A. v~~ue s·o,ith;ii~t shall extend to the north property line_ofthe site.. · ' ·· Tract B shall be improved as a private access tract per Section °2:09 ofthe KCR:s: Tract B shall be dedicated to King County for access to the storm.,;,;ater d~teritiori facility, with an access/utility easement granted to Lots 12, 13 and.14. The easement shall be shown on the engineering plans and final plat. d. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered pursuant to the variance procedures in KCRS. 1.08. KCC 16.82.150D requires seasonal limitations for construction within the Soos Creek Community Planning Arca. During the period from October !-;,through March 3·1, clearing and grading is not allowed unless certain provisions are complied with as outlined in the_ ~ode. The Applicant's engineering plans and construction procedures shall demonstrated compliance with the applicable code requirements. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included.within°a franchise approved by _the King County Council prior to final plat recording. · · · The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply.with.the King County Code 14.75,.Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS {ee and administration· fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The Applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the.time of building permit.issuai:,ce ... Ift_he first_ optiqn is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time_ of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, ."All fees required by King County Code. 14.75,, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid;" if the second option is chosen, ihe fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. Suitable recreation space and facilities shall be provided in Tract A consistent with the requirements ofKCC 21A.14.180 and 190. An overall conceptual recreation space plan shall be submitted for review and approval by ODES, with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall include location, area calculations, dimensions, and general improvements. The approved engineering plans shall be consistent.with the overall conceptual plan. · A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) consistent with the overall conceptual plan, shall be submitted for review and approval by ODES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the_ final plat docum_ents. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. · · · · · ·. A homeowner's association or other workable organization shall be established to the.satisfaction of ODES to provide continued ownership of the-recreation tract arid its facilities; and maintenance of the recreation faciliiies and assoCiated la~dscaping, street trees, and walkway. ! I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I '' l.99P0003-Lanon Parke 6 16. 17. The following condition shall apply to implement the P-suffix conditions to this property: S0-220 (Significant Trees):. Significant trees shall be retained in a residential subdivision at the rate of20 trees per acre or ten percent of such trees, whichever is greater. A significant free inventory shall be submitted for review prior to or with submittal of development pennit applications. A detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted for review prior to or with submittal of grading permit applications or other permit applications involving grading plans. Lots within the Larson Parke subdivision are subject to King County Ordinance IO 162 and .. Ordinance 12532, which imposed impact fees to fund school system ·improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty perc·enl (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior t<i_ recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat received final approval. The balance of. the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly t(llthe"<lwelling units in the plat and shall be coi'lected prior to building permit issuance. ORDERED this 19th day ofNovember, 1999. es N. O'Connor ing County Hearing Examiner . TRANSMITTED this 19th day of November, 1999, to the following parties and interested persons: Loretta Aschenbrenner Mel Daley Bill Graves Ken Lower Paul Morrow Keri Akers Nick Gillen Aileen McManus Bruce Whittaker Mark Asman Roger Dorstad M. Burnett Larson Linda Matlock Seattle-King County Health.Dept. Greg Borba Kristen Langley Steven C. Townsend C. J. and Irene Bernards NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Paul and Mary Ann D0wd Joh~ Gresham and Cheryle Leme11e Eleanor Moon D.E. Welman Kim Claussen Suzanne Louie Larry West In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of $125.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before December 3, 1999. lf a notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies ofa written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before December JO, 1999. Appeal statcme~ts may refer only to facts contained in·the hearing record; new facts may not be presented 'ori a~pbl.: ® -------------1 I ii I :1 !I :1 :1 I I I I I I I I I L99rOOOJ-Lanon Parke, 7 'I ·• Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room 403, King County Courthouse, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficienf if :ictual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period .. The Examiner docs not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office .of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date; in which event delivery prior to the clo'se of bllsiness on the next business · day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. If a written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of this report, or if a written appeal statement and argument arc not filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for fort.her action by the Council. MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 18, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NO. L99P0003 -LARSON PARKE: James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the,heariag-and representing the Department were Keri Akers and Bruce Whittaker. Participating in the hearing and representing the Applicant was Mel Daley. The only other participant in this hearing was Ken Lower, an Interested Per.son. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I Exhibit No. 2 Exhibit No. 3 Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 Exhibit No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. I 0 Exhibit No. 11 Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 JNOC:sje Plats\L99P0003 RPT ' Department of Development and Environmental Service.s File.No. L99P0003 Department of Development and Environmental Services Preliminary Report, dated 11(4/99 Application dated 2/23/99 Environmental Checklist dated 2/23/99 Declaration of Non-significance, dated 10/5/99 . Affidavit of Posting indicating 3/24/99 as d3.te of posting and 3/23/99 a the date the affidavit was rec_eived,by the Department of Development and Environmental Services. Plat Map dated 7/28/99 Land Use Map -Kroll page 604E "Assessors Maps 32-23-5 Certificate of Water Availability, dated 2/23/99 Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated 2/23/99 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency, dated V23/99 Level One Downstream AnaJysis, dated 7 /28/99 Conceptual Drainage Plan, dated 7/28/99 I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ® King County Road Services Division Department ofTransportation 201 South Jackson Street Sca.ttlciWA 98104-3856 Mel Daley, P.E. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98002 "J · RE: Road Variance-Larson Parke --LOOV0092 --Related File L99P0003 Dear Mr. Daley: January 8, 2001 1bank you for your application for a road.variance fr~m Sections.2.12Ji2 and 2.08 ofthe King County Road Standards (K.CRS) concerning stopping sight distance and cul-de-sac length .. The sul:!div\sion of Larson Parke proposes to extend the dead ended 114th Avenue SE an.additional 300 feet and add a cul- de-sac bulb. Also, a private road in a tract is proposed that will have inadequate stopping sight distance where the road's vertical crest curve intersects 1141h Avenue SE. . . You have sufficiently explained the site constraints in designing a conforming vertical curve. In. addition, you have agreed to provide access to the private street by means of a driveway curb drop that will control (reduce)· actual vehicular speed at the location where the stopping sight distance is diminished. The cul-de-sac length at 878 feet is over the KCRS 600-foot standard, however, there appears to be adequate provisions, via plat conditions, made to permit completion as a through road in the future. I approve this variance for cul-de-sac length on I 14th Avenue SE/SE 183rd Court. I will not require an on-site or off-site reconstruction to provide a mid-point turnaround. · . . . ·--~ ' ' I conditionally approve the variance for the reduction in stopping sight distance·on the private road serving 3 lots. The requirement shall be that the private road connect to 114'" Avenue SE across either (a) a rolled curb/gutter and.sidewalk section, or, (b) a driveway curb drop (K.CRS.Dwg. 3-004/ 005) - rather than by a radius return configuration indicated on the plat map submitted with your application. . . A copy~fthe staff's analysis, findi.ngs and conclusions is enclosed: If you have anY.questions, please call Kristen Langley, Supervising Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, ai (206) 263-6121. ' · Sincerely, ;fl.al(/~~ Ronald J.Paananen, P .E. County Road Engineer cc: James Sanders, Development Engineer, Department of Development and Environmental -~- Services (DDES) Linda Dougherty, Acting Manager, Road Services Division (RSD), Department of Transportation (DOT) Paulette Norman, P.E., County Traffic Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Kristen Langley, Supervising Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT I I I I I I :I :1 I I I I 'I ' I I I I I I Mel Daley, P.E. January 8, 2001 Page2 bee: Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Robert Eichelsdoerfcr, P .E., Senior Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Aileen McManus, Senior Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT 'I I I I I :1 I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I January 8, 200 I TO: Variance File FM: Craig Comfort, Road Variance Engineer, Traffic Engineering Section RE: Road Variance --Plat of Larson Parke --LOOV0092 --Related File L99P0003 Applicant's Presentation: I. Proposed Tract B will serve three lots and is required by Section 2.09.B of the KCRS to meet minor access street standards. The actual tract will be dedicated to King County for stormwater facility access.and also be encumbered with. private access ea~ements for the lot access. 2. The proposed 40-foot long vertical curve (on Tract B) at the intersection with I 14th Avenue SE has 71 feet of stopping sight distance and not the requisite 125 feet. 125 feet of sight distance would require a 152-foot vertical curve and the tract length is only 129 feet. 3. The sharp vertical curve design is necessary to meet the 15% road grade·. To improve the crest sight distance by providing fill at the far end of Tract B (and raising the road) would result in access problems for the lots adjacent to the tract. Lowering I l 4'h A venue SE to improve tlie crest sight distance is impractical as access problems to an existing driveway would.result. 4. The stopping sight distance entering the tract road is adequate; the sight distance is impaired in tlie opposite direction. Less stopping sight distance is required travelling toward the intersection · · because cars would all but stop at the intersection. · ' · ' 5. The cul-de-sac is 618 feet in length measured from the rciad intersection with SE 1851h Place. There is a high probability that I 14th Avenue SE will be.extended to the north with future development to meet with the existing southerly road stub some 330 feet away. Stafrs Findings and Conclusions: . I. 2. 3. Topographical site constrainis-(15% road grade on short private tract road) make the design of a stopping sight distance (SSD) conforming vertical curve a near impossibility. The private road in Tract B will only serve three lots and provide access to a County stormwater detention facility. The SSD entering the tract (over the crest and down the grade) is approximately 71 feet if measu~ed six feet back from the road (114'h Avenue SE) centerline. In the opposite direction, the SSD driving up the tract road is roughly 77 feet. Both SSD (entering and leaving the tract) are short of the requisite 125 feet. 71 feet of stopping distance roughly corresponds with a 14-mph vehicular speed. If the approach to the Tract B road is constructed as a.rlrivcway curb drop, vehicles would be forced to all but stop at the intersection, and the reduced sight distance should be adequate. The design of the tract road as a T intersection will also dimin.ish speeds for traffic turning into the private road. The driveway approach design would have· the added benefit of reducing the amount of traffic on the tract road as only the lot owners.and visitins would utilize the access. · @ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Variance File January 8, 2001 Page2 4. The proposed cul-de-sac is 878 feet long as measured from the intersection with SE 1861 h Street. 5.. Given the likely probability that 114th Avenue SE will be extended in the future, this part of the variance should be approved. The applicant is being required by DDES to provide proper!):' rights for the future road extension to the north. CC:dt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ ~ ~DDES··. · King County Department of Development and Environ~ental Services . 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 September 28, 1999 Virk, Inc. 3010 128 1h Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98005 . Mel L Daley, P.E. . DMP, Inc. 1215 Central Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 RE: Larson Parke Subdivision SWM Adjustment Request (file No. L99V0343) · Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Larson Parke subdivision. You are.requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. I, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: . ' . ' .. , .. L The proposed L~son Parke subdivision is loc.ited at ll41h A~enue.SE and SE.183'd Court. The 14 lot, 2.1 acre, proposed Larson Parke subdivisfoi'.i is 'filed· under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L99P0003. · 2. The Larson Parke subdivision is located in the Panther Creek subbasin of the Black River basin. The parcel is subject to the Level One flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. The rectangular shaped lot, with its longest length in an east/west direction, sheet flows from east to west. In its present state with a single residence, sheet flow leaves the site at the southwest property comer, travels west and enters a catch basin on the east side of 112 1 h Avenue South. The flow then travels west under 1121h · Avenue South and enters Ruddell's Pond. From Ruddell's Pond, flow travels via piped conveyance northwest through the Maple Glen subdivision until reaching the · Maple Glen Regional Pond. At most, a half-acre of upstream flow enters the site from the east. · 4. The downstream drainage path has had historical flooding and conveyance problems. In 1998. Capital Improvement Project (CIP) #OA1595was constructed to increase the volume ofRuddell's and Maple Glen Regional Ponds by 25% and 300%, respectively. No drainage complaints have been recorded since the ponds ® / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ -~ -r"\ '; ; .. J \ ' Larson Parke September 28, 1999 Page 2 of3 and pipes have been upsized. Despite the recent improvements to the d~~tream conveyance and retention ponds to reduce the downstream conveyance restriction, a Phase II CIP has been defined to upgrade part of the conveyance system upstream of Ruddell's Pond. It is believed that the Phase II project will complete the . improvements needed to fully remedy the.flooding problem in the local vicinity. 5. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the project site and direct it to a single detention and water quality facility located in the southwest comer of the site. The allowed release would then be diverted from its natural discharge location and utilize a drainage easemeqt that travels west from tli.e northwest comer of the site to · l.12'h Avenue SE and then south to the catch basin that allows flows to enter · Ruddell's Pond.· Flows realign to their natural discharge path when they enter this catch basin. Nuisance flows to the parcels west of the site would be eliminated. ' :,, ~ '1 . ' 6. The applicant's engineer has already explored an altemate route suggested by the · DDES adjustment committee for released flows to bypass·Ruddell's Pond ·and enter ·the drainage system on SE 183rd Court. The applicant's engineer believes that.this alternative route also has conveyance· restrictions that would require an even ·greater amount of improvements to correct. If the applicant's suggestion of crossing under 1121h Avenue SE is utilized, then the existing pipe capacity would be evaluated for the additional I OO~year, developed, _undetained ·flows. 7. Despite the recent pond and conveyance upgrades through ·cIP #OAI 595, there remains concern for the capacity of the downstream system beyond the Meadow Glen Regional pond. Because of these concerns, the applicant is offering to increase the flow control standard used for the site from Level One to Level Two.· However, this suggestion assumes the completion of the Phase II CIP to rid the local vicinity of its flooding problem. Because of the potential timing problem between plat development and Phase II CIP improvements, other options exist The applicant could provide Level Three Flow Control on-site and ignore downstream problems. The applicant could also provide some or all of the improvements defined by the Phase II CIP. The applicant could also contribute to the. Phase II CIP. 8. No decorative ponds or shallow wells would be affected by the proposed diversion. 9. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivision will be more economical in long tenn maintenance. · · Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment· to allow the diversion of released flows around the downstream lots through piped conveyance with the following conditions: I. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on the land naturally draining from the site in all directions. The allowed release rate will be reduced by \ ,~,,, / ® I 11 I I I I :1 ' ' :I I I I I I 1 • I I I I I I I ,/'tarson Parke September 28, 1999 Page 3 of3 . :..: · any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage.·. facilities. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows·directed to the: · facility at full development under current zoning. The detention volume will be sized using the methodology of the 1998 KCSWDM imposed through plat conditions. A volumetric factor of safety ofbetween' 10 and 20'percent shall be applied. The design Technical Information Report shall state 'the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sizaj base<l on the entire proposed subdivision . draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. All on~ite ~;:~ffsit~ drairiag~ fa~iliti~;iiiiistb~l6c~tiid in i.:;~l>li~-right~f~;a; ~i··· . storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. · · · 5. Conveyance in a closed pipe system for the diversion route must be in accordance with Core Requirement #4. 6. Additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEP A or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. · · If you have any further.questions regarding the SW¥"variance or the design requirements, 'please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270 or Randall Parsons at (206) 296-7207. Sincerely, S\O()~ Yfo'Neill . Site Engineering and Planning Supervisor Building Services Divisio.n · cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Local Drainage Services, KCDNR Randall Parsons, P .E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD · Bruce Whittaker, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section; LUSD Keri Akers, Planner II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD ·, ® I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ® Date ofissuance: King Count: Department of Devel, Main Plat File LUSD/CPLN State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination Of N onsignificance for Larson Parke (DDES File No.,L99P0003) October S, 1999 DDES staff Project: Subdivision of2.06 acres into 14· single-family residential lots, · including recreation and stormwater facilities·, Location: Kiug County Permits: SEP NP!at Contact: Proponent: Zoning: Community Plan: Drainage Snbbasin: Sectiontrownship/Range: Notes: North of the existing stubbed portion of 114" Avenue SE, east of 112th Avenue SE. Access will be from 114" Avenue SE. · · · · . · · · P'4~c,\ ,f'. D ~1;00 •"DO'fO : Formal Plat (L99P0003); Drainage Variance (L99V0343) Keri Akers, Planner (206) 296-6758 M. Bumett Larson 26207 Woodland Way South Kent, WA 98031 (~,;:;) °3,2 • +b9D R-8 (8 residential units/acre) · Soos Creek Panther Creek/Black River NE 32-23-05 A. ·. This finding is based on r.eview of the project site plan dated Juiy 28, 1999, environmental checklist dated February 23, 1999, and other documents in the file. -, . B. Issuance of this threshold detennination does not constitute approv,at of the permit_ This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes which regulate development activities, including the Uniform Fire and· Building Codes, Road Standards, Surface Water Design Manual, and the Sensitive Areas Regulations. Threshold Determination The responsible official finds that the above described proposal does not pose a probable significant adverse impact to the environment iVIAIN flu: Cur", cd Wd0S:c0 000c 0r ·~ew "ON XtJ.cJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I Larson Parke/L99P0003 October 5, 1999 Page 2 This finding is made pursuant to RCW 43.21C, .((CC 20.44 and WAC '197-11 aft~, re~iew~g the environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and considering .. mitigation measures which the agency or the applicant will implement as part.of the proposal. The responsible official finds this infom1ation reasonably sufficient to evaluate, the environmental impact of this prnposal. · . . ·. . . . . The lead agency has determined that the requirements for environmental ·analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed in the development regulations and· comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.2 lC.240 and WAC 197-11-158. Our agency will not require· any additional mitigation measures under SEPA. Comments and Appeals Written comments or any appeal of this threshold determination must be received by King Col,lllty's Land Use Services Division prior to 4:30 PM, October 22, 1999. Appeals must be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing fee. Please reference the file numbers when corresponding. Appeals must be in writini and state the perceived errors in the threshold determination, specific reasons why the determination should be reversed or modified, the harm the appellant will suffer if the threshold determination remains unchanged, and the desired outcome of the appeal. If the appellant is a group, the harm to any one or more members must be stated. Failure to. meet these requirements may result in dismissal of the appeal. · Comment/appeal deadline: Appeal filing fee: Address for comment/appeal: . ' 4:30 PM on October 22, 1999 $125 check <ir money order inade out to the King Comity Office of Finance Eeing County Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW · Renton, WA 98055-1219 ATTN: Current Planning Section I Responsible Official: I I I I I Greg Borba, Current Planning Supervisor Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division Date Mailed: October 5, 1999 SEP/\ L'>m:r1:iin:it1on.do,.; 7tl7IC)9 de Ed Wd0S:c0 000G 01 ·~ew Oc.haer /, I Y<; 'J Date Signed 'ON Xl:J.cl @ 11 :1 'I I II :1 I :I ii I I :1 I 'I I I I I I Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington · Page 1 of7 ® King County, Washington HOME SERVICES NEWS COMMENTS SEAR H Development Condition Query Results Post-Conversion Condition: S0-220 Effective: August 18, 1997. Ammended by Ord. 13576, 7122199, removed area now covered by NS~P23. DescriRtion Significant Trees SDO DeveloRment Condition Text Significant Trees. A. The purpose of the significant trees special district overlay is to provide a means to designate areas losing their natural vegetation that characterizes their community and receiving the accompanying impacts from increased stormwater runoff and decreased wildlife habitat. This district overlay limits removal of significant trees in these urbanizing areas to reduce visual impacts of development and maintain a portion of the natural vegetation and soils characteristic of the Pacific 'Northwest. B. The following development standards shall be applied to all residential, commercial (including golf courses), industrial or institutional development proposals located within a significant tree district overlay: 1. Significant tree• retention rates. Except when replacement trees are used as provided in subsection B.5, significant trees defined pursuant to KC:C. 21A.06 shall be at a minimum retained as follows: · a. Exclusive of the area required for site access by vehicles,.pedestrians, or utility infrastructure, significant trees shall be retained within required perimeter landscape areas at the following rates: · (1) One hu_ndred percent for the interior perimeters. (2) Seventy-five percent for the street perimeter, provided that this standard may be reduced to 50 percent for retail commercial developments if: (a). the combined landscaping and tree retention requirement is shown by the http://www6.metrokc.gov/ddes/c _ cur.cfin 08/17/2000 @ I ;1 :1 'I :1 !I ' ii 'I :I I I I I I I I I I I Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington Page2 of7 applicant to result in: i. the loss of the line-of-sight necessary for identification of the retail commercial development; and ii. a vegetative buffer exceeding the screening characteristics. of a Type Ill landscape screen; or (b) The average width of the street perimeter la~dscape. area i{increasecl by 50_ percent, provided that within the additional landscape area, significant trees are- retained at the rate consistent with subsection c; ' b. If any portion of the lot contains erosion hazards, significant trees located 'in the interior of separate lots, including sensitive areas cir their buffers, shall be retained in single detached dwelling development at the rate of 20 trees per acre or ten percent of such trees, whichever is greate_r; c. Significant trees located in the interior of the development proposal,· including sensitive areas or their buffers, shall be retained in<a residential subdivision at the rate of 20 trees per acre or ten percent of such trees, whichever is greater; d. Significant trees located in the interior of the development proposal,· exch..iqing · sensitive areas or their buffers, shall be retained in an apartment or townhouse development at the rate of 20 trees per acre or ten percent of such trees, whichever is greater; e. Significant trees located in the interior of the.development proposal, excluding sensitive areas or their buffers, shall be retained 'in commercial or industrial· · ·. · development at a rate of ten trees per .acre· oifive percent of stlcli trees, whichever is greater; · · · · ' · · · · · f. Significant trees located in the interior of the development proposal, excluding sensitive areas or their buffers and areas designated for sport fields, playfields or other recreational facilities, shall be retained in institutional developments at a rate of ten trees per acre or five percent of such trees, whichever is greater; g. Utility developments and mineral extraction operations shaWbe exempt from ttie significant tree retention requirements of this section; and h. Project sites with 25 percent or greater of the total gross site area in sensitive areas, sensitive area buffers and other areas to be left undisturbed such as wildlife corridors, shall be exempt from the significant tree retention requirements of this chapter; 2. Retention plan. The applicant shall submit tree retention plans as follows:·· a. A significant tree inventory shall be submitted for reviev.' prior to or, with submittal of development permit applications. The tree inventory may be conducted by any method that reflects general locations, ·numbers and grciuping_of significant trees on-· http://www6.rnetrokc.gov/ddes/c_cur.din 08/17/2000 @ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington Page 3 of7 site; and b. A detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted for review prk>r to or with submittal of grading permit applications or other permit applications incorporating grading plans. This plan shall identify the exact location, size, species, and condition of the significant trees proposed to be retained, transplanted or replaced in order to comply with this chapter; 3. The retention requirements shall be met as follows: a. Except as provided in subsection b, the applicant shall determine that the final tree retention plan does not include significant trees unable to survive more than ten years after the date of project completion due to: (1) Damage or disease; (2) Safety hazards due to potential root, trunk or primary limb failure; · (3) Windfall; or (4) Age in relation to the normal lifespan of the tree species; b. At the discretion of the county, damaged or diseased or standing dead trees, not classified as a danger tree, may be counted toward the significant tree requirement if demonstrated that such trees will provide important wildlife habitat; c. A significant tree may be credited as two trees when it meets one or more of the following characteristics: · ( 1 ) The tree is 18 inches or greater in diameter; (2) The tree is located in a grouping of at least five trees with canopies that touch or overlap; (3) The tree provides energy savings through winter wind protection or summer shading as a result of its location relative to buildings; (4) The tree belongs to a unique or unusual species;· (5) The tree is located within 25 feet of any sensitive area or required sensitive area buffers; or (6) The tree is listed on "-! historical register; and d. The department shall, pursuant to KC.C. 2.98, develop and maintain an advisory listing of trees recommended for retention. Such list shall describe their general characteristics and suitability, and provide guidelines for their retention; 4. Protection. To provide the best protection for significant trees designated for http://www6.metrokc.gov/ddes/c _ cur.cfin 08/17/2000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington Page4 of7 retention, the development shall comply with the following: a. No tree removal for a project action shall be allowed prior to the county approval of a grading permit consistent with tree retention and landscape plans; · b. Prior to clearing for a project action, trees to be retained shall be flagged; c. Prior to grading for a project action and throughout construction, a temporary -chainlink or plastic net fence shall be used to identify the protected area of any significant tree designated for retention. The height of such fencing shall be adjusted according to the topographic and vegetative conditions of the site to provide clear visual delineation of the protected area. The size of protected area around the tree shall be equal to one foot diameter for each inch of tree trunk diameter measured four feet above the ground; and d. At no time during and after construction shall the following be permitted within the area described in subsection c: (1) Impervious surfaces; fill, excavation, or storage of construction materials; or (2) Grade level changes, except in limited circumstances where proposed improvements using penneable materials are determined by an arborist to be non- detrimental to the trees root system; and e. Alternative or additional protection methods may proposed and be used if determined by the director to provide equal or greater protection for trees designated for retention; 5. Plan modifications and tree replacement are permitted as follows: a. Any significant tree in the interior may be replaced by another.significant tree in the interior; b. If the required number of significant trees cannot be retained, then non-significant sized trees may be retained or new trees may be planted to meet significant tree · requirements as follows, provided that the reason for the purpose ofthis subsection; the significant tree to be replaced by the new or existing replacement tree is assigned a diameter of 12 inches: (1) When using replacement trees measuring three inches in diameter or greater (as measured by caliper), one-half inch diameter of replacement tree shall be provided for every one inch diameter of significant tree to be replaced; and (2) When using replacement trees measuring less than three inches in diameter (as measured by caliper), one inch diameter of replacement tree shall be provided for every one inch diameter of significant tree to be replaced; and c. An approved tree retention plan shall be modified to reflect any changes made pursuant to subsection a and b: and http://www6.metrokc.gov/ddes/c _ cur.cfm 08/17/2000 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dev. Cond. Query Result -ODES, King County Washington Page 5 of7 6. Maintenance. The following provisions apply to significant trees where applicable: · a. All significant trees shall be maintained for the life of the project; b. All significant trees shall be pruned and trimmed as necessary to maintain a healthy growing condition or to prevent primary limb failure. This requirement shall not be interpreted to allow: (1) Topping of primary stems; (2) Pruning that results in the _loss of 20 percent of vegetative mass, and (3) Cutting of major roots, except in preparation for transplantation or as deemed necessary and/or acceptable by a certified arborist; and c. With the exception of dead, diseased or damaged trees specifically retained to provide wildlife habitat; other dead, diseased, damaged or stolen plantings shall be replaced within three months or during the next planting season if the loss does not occur in a 'planting season. C. The development standards set forth in paragraph B shall not be applied to institutional development proposals that consist of one or more of the following uses: 1. Government services listed in K.C.C. 21 A.08.060, 2. Educational services listed in K.C.C. 21A.08.050; 3. Parks as listed in K.C.C. 21A.08.040 when located adjacent to an existing or proposed school, or -4. Libraries listed in K.C.C. 21A.08.040. Ordinance 12823 Effective Date August 18, 1997 Changes Ammended by Ord. 13576, 7/22/99, removed area now covered by NS-P23 View Mag(s) for S0-220. (Click on a map name in the fist) Note: ff there are more than one map fisted below, there may be a map fife http:/ /www6.metrokc.gov/ddes/c _ cur.cfin . l 08/17/2000@ 1.. 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dev. Cond. Query Result -DOES, King County Washington ending with a "_x" which provides an index for the remainder of the maps. de so-220 1-1fuR9 de so-220 10 18.jpg de so-220 11 18.jQg de so-220 12 18.jpg de so-220 13 18.jpg de so-220 14 18.jQg de so-220 15 18.jQg de so-220 16 18.jpg de so-220 17 18.jpg de so-220 18 18.jpg de so-220 2 18.jpg de so-220 3 18.jpq de so-220 4 18.jpg de so-220 5 18.jQO · de so-220 6 18.jp_g de so-220 7 18.jQg de so-220 8 18.jQg de so-220 9 18.jQg de so-220 X.jR9 Page 6 of7 Pre-Conversion Development Conditions Associated with the Above Condition There are 2 Pre-Conversion Development Conditions associated with S0-220. Use the links below to reference them on another page. Pre-Conversion Equivalent http://www6.nietrokc.gov/ddes/c_cur.cfin 08/17/2000 0) <-0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dev. Cond. Query Result -DDES, King County Washington Page 7 of7 NSP-P4 SCP-P? Back to Code List I Updated: December 29, 1998 King County I ODES Page I DDES/GIS Page I New Query I News I Services I Comments I Search · Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details. http://www6.metrokc.gov/ddes/c _ cur.cfin 08/17/2~ ® I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I King County Code Section 16.82.150D D. Construction-projects can be a significant contributor of pollution to streams and wetlands. Therefore, from October 1 through March 31, in the Bear Creek Community Planning Area, the Northshore Community Planning Area, the E~st Sammamish Community Planning Area and the Soos Creek and Hylebos Creek basins: I.Clearing and grading shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the director that silt-laden runoff exceeding standards in the King County Surface Water Design Manual will be prevented from leaving the construction site through a combination of the following: a. site conditions including vegetative coverage, slope, soil type and proximity to receiving waters; b. limitations on activities and the extent of disturbed areas; and c. proposed erosion and sedimentation control measures. 2. The director shall set forth in writing the basis for approval or denial of clearing or grading during this period. 3. Clearing and grading will be allowed only if there is installation and maintenance of an erosion and sedimentation control plan approved by the department which shall define any limits on clearing and grading or specific erosion and sediment control measures required during this period. Alternate best management practices may be approved or required on-site by the inspector. 4. If, during the course of construction, silt-laden runoff exceeding standards in the King County Surface Water Design Manual leaves the construction site or if clearing and grading limits or erosion and sediment control measures shown in the approved plan are not maintained, a notice of violation shall be issued. 5. If the erOsion and sediment control problem definetj in the violation is not adequately repaired within twenty-four hours of. t_he. notice of violation, then a notice and order may be issued by the inspector to install adequate erosion and sediment control measures to stop silt-laden runoff from leaving the site. The notice and order may also· requir~· the contractor to discontinue any further clearing or grading, except for erosion and sediment control maintenance and repair, until the. following March 31. 6. The following activities are exempt from the seasonal clearing and grading requirements of this subsection: · a. Routine maintenance and necessary repair of E!ro~i.on-and_ sediment control facilities; b. Routine maintenance of public facilities o_r_ existing utility structures as provided by K.C.C. 21A.24.050B; c. Activities where there is one hundred percent·infiltration of surface water runoff within the site in approved and installed· e~oston and sedimentation control facilities; d. Typical landscaping activities of existing single-family residences that do not require a permit; e. Class I, II III and IV Special forest practices;· f. Mineral extraction activities on sites with approved permits;_ and g. Public agency response to emergencies that threaten the public health safety and welfare. (Ord. 13190 § 5, 1998: Ord. ·12822 § 4, 1997: Ord. 12380 § 7, 1996: Ord. 12016 § 3, 1995: Ord. 12015 § 3, 1995: Ord. 11886 § 3, 1995: Ord. 11618 § 7, 1994: Ord. 9614 § 103, 1990). @ ------------------ I I RESPONSE TO PLAT CONDITIONS I 1. All platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code have been met. I 2. All persons having an ownership interest will sign the final plat. 3. The plat meets the requirements of the R-8 Zoning classification. I 4. The Applicant will obtain King County Health Department approval. I 5. All roads have been designed in accordance with King County Road Standards. The Applicant shall obtain approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer. 6. I 7. A The plans have been prepared in accordance with King County Code 9.04 and the requirements of the Surface Water Management Division. I B. Notes are shown on Sheet 10. C. The "Building Downspout Note" will be shown on the Plat. I 8. The engineering plans incorporate all of the conditions stated in Drainage Adjustment L99V0343. A 15.0% volumetric factor of safety has been provided in the storrnwater detention storage volume. I 9. The storm draina.ge system is designed to meet KCRTS Level 3 flow control. I 10. The plat has been designed to meet King County Road 'Standards and includes the following improvements: A Southeast l 83'ct Court is improved to the urban minor access road I standard. 24 feet of pavement is provided, with concrete curb, gutter and walks. . B. The west right-of-way line for the north extension of I 14th Avenue Southeast has been extended along SE 183'd Court to the north property line of the I . . . site. This alignment will. provide adequate future access. C. Tract B has been improved for access and dedicated to King . I County with access easements for lots 12, 13, and 14. D. A Variance for Tract B has been granted. 11. Note 15 Sheet IO prohibits clearing and grading on the site between October I I and March 31. I 12. All utilities within the proposed rights of way will be included in a franchise agreement approved by the County prior to final plat recording. I 13. 'the Applicant will pay the MPS fee and administration fee. 14. Recreational facilities will be provided on Tract A and an overall conceptual I recreation space plan will be provided by the Applicant. A detailed recreation I Job# 99330 Response to Plat Conditions (iJ:) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15. 16. 17. space plan will be submitted to DDES and King County Parks. A performance bond for recreation space improvements will be provided by the Applicant. The required recreational space is 390 sf/units= (390*14)=5,460 sf required< 6,042sf provided. A homeowners association will be established by the Applicant. A significant tree inventory is included and shown on Sheet 9 along with the Tree Retention Plan. New trees will be planted in the Recreational Space Tract. The Applicant agrees pay the school impact fees. RESPONSE TO VARIANCE LOOV0092 A driveway curb drop per KCRS Dwg. 3-005 will be provided. See plans. Job # 99330 Re~1mns~ IQ PIA! ~(lfi8ili9ll~ I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESPONSE TO DRAINAGE VARIAN CE L99V0343 1. All naturally occurring flows are routed through the detention pond. 2. A volumetric factor of safety of 15.0% has been included in the pond volume. 3. 4. 5. 6. The water quality facility (wetpond) is sized for the developed condition. All storm drainage facilities are located in the ROW or Tract. The piped diversion route is designed to pass the lOOyear flow. The Hearings Examiner's Conditions are addressed above. There were no SEPA Determination conditions that apply. Job# 99330 Response to Plat Conditions © , I I I I I I I SECTION III I OFF-SITE ANALYSIS I I : I I I . , I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _, DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS FOR LARSON PLAT CLIENT: Bernie Larson. 26207 Woodland Way So. Kent, WA 98031 Phone: 253.852.4680 PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 99350 Phone: (253) 333-2200 PROJECT: 99330 DATE: December 1998 REVISED: July 21, 1999 (j) II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TASK 1: TASK2: TASKJ: TASK4: TASKS: TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS RESOURCE REVIEW FIELD INSPECTION DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM SCREENING MITIGATION APPENDIX I: Copy of King County Drainage Complaint Information EXHIBIT A: EXHIBITB: Copy of Color GIS Map Showing Properties With Drainage Problems D.M.P., Inc. Field Survey of Existing Conditions For The Site Topographic Map @ I ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TASK 1: STUDY AREA DEFINITION The Larson property is within a portion of the Southeast quarter, of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The property is kn~wn as Lot 4 of Bill Ruth Addition. The site is located to the north of the Recorded Plat of Emerald Glen. Emerald Glen has provided a stub road to the site at the northern extension of 1141h Ave. South. The Larson property consists of approximately 2.06 acres per the assessor's map. There is an existing residence within the central portion of the site that will be retained. The remainder of the site is presently undeveloped and is mostly covered with pasture grass and a sparse scattering of shrubs and trees native to the northwest. The existing ground slopes from the northeast comer of the site to the low point at the southwest corner of the site. There is an area of approximately 0.50 acres, identified during our site visit that contributes to the flows through the site. (This area was not identified in a previous study by R. W. Beck, which is on file with King County). The field survey of the. existing condition for the site is included in this report as Exhibit A. In the existing condition surface stormwater runoff, generally flows to the southwest to be intercepted by the existing drainage system along the eastern side of 1121h Ave. SE. The site is within the Panther Creek sub-basin of the Black River Drainage sub-basin of the Green River basin. At the present time, it is proposed to develop the site into 14 lots. The structures are to be a combination of Townhouses and single family detached structures. The Larson property is within a sub-basin drainage area that is within the basin boundary of a Study prepared by R.W. Beck (on file with King County) that resulted in a King County C.I.P. The C.I.P. # is OA1595. The C.I.P. was constructed during the summer/fall of 1998. A copy of a map, taken from the R. W. Beck study, is included in this report as Exhibit B. This exhibit shows the project site in relation to the study basin. The lowest portion of the basin is approximately 2000 feet from the site. The site is approximately 1.3% of the basin. The point I-mile from the site is also shown in Exhibit B. A copy of the Thomas Brothers-pages 656 & 686-vicinity.map is included in this section. The site is within page 686 Section EI. The flowpath will be within El and DI of page 686, and B7, C7 andD7 of page 656. @ - ' .... ! i!. 3S ld lSIZ A'f. i IUOZI =i3S All I CD! 11.il/H •1 ! i • ~ ~ s " L661 J.H~.IHU,dOJ ._::z:--- ~ • ; • AV II •Ln ·'· "'? .. JS A'f OOS\ ' ., ' "' I I I ! ~ • • slj ~ I ·' " JS, ----·- ZIP N ------• • • • • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TASK 2: RESOURCE REVIEW The following is a discussion of the resources that have been reviewed in the preparation of this Downstream Analysis: I. King County Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports The site is within the Panther Creek sub-basin of the Black River Drainage Basin. King County has recently completed a C.I.P. that consisted of a reconstruction of the "D- 90914 Rudells" detention facility and the "Maple Glen Regional Pond. As a result, the King County Basin Reconnaissance Reports were not used in this report. 2. Flood plain/ floodway (FEMA) Maps The site is not within a 100-yr floodplain. 3. Sensitive Areas Folio Copies of the Streams, Wetlands, and Erosion Hazard portions of the Sensitive areas Folio (pages 5) showing the location of the site are included within this section. There are no King County mapped sensitive areas within or immediately adjacent to the site. 4. Drainage Investigation Information A chronological printout of historic drainage complaints made to the County within the area on grids DI & El of page 686, and B7, C7 and D7 of page 656 of the Thomas Guide is provided· in Appendix I. This covers an area beyond I mile downstream from the project site. This. information was obtained from King County DNR Drainage Investigations. The contact person was Dave Hancock@ 296-8230. Also included is a copy of the King County GIS ·color printout for the site that shows the properties.(outlined·in orange) where there have been drainage·complaints in the past. Mt. Hancock was contacted by telephone concerning the drainage complaints within the downs~ream area ofthe proposed Larson site: Mr: ·Hancock stated thalthere is a 15-year · history.of drainage problems within the downstream portion of the Larson property. King County W.A.L.R.D. has recently conducted extensive studies.within the area, which resulted in the reconstruction of the "Rudells" and "Maple Glen" detention facilities. Drainage complaints in the area were made prior to completion of the reconstruction of the Ruddell's and Maple Glen detention facilities. I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I 5. King County Soils Survey Maps A copy of a portion of Sheet 11 of the King County Soils Survey Map is included. The site is underlain with Alderwood (AgB) soils. 6. Wetlands Inventory Maps The wetlands page of the folio does not show a King County Inventoried wetland within the site. 7. Review ofD.D.E.S. File for Toth Estates ( Recorded Plat of Emerald Glen) The D.D.E.S. file for "Toth Estates" was reviewed as a part of this report Toth Estates is located directly to the south of the Larson site and is a part of the same drainage basin. Toth Estates has been recorded as Emerald Glen. Currently houses are being constructed. Toth Estates is provided with a sophisticated infiltration system that infiltrates stormwater into a series of 36" diameter dry-wells that have been drilled to a depth of approximately 30', The current infiltration design for Toth Estate is a reconstruction of the original infiltration facility that failed shortly after construction. The Level II Downstream analysis for Toth Estates has been obtained and reviewed. However, since the construction of Toth Estates, King County has conducted additional studies within the basin that resulted in the reconstruction of the "Rudell" and Maple Glen" detention facilities. As a result, the Toth Estates Level Tl has become obsolete. The information within the Toth Estates file that may be relevant to the Larson project is the_ realization that any project that contributes stormwater runoff to the "Rudell" pond and beyond has the potential of adding to the historic fl~oding problems within the downstream system. The SEPA declaration for the Toth Estates project was appealed by the downstream property owners. 8. Conversations with W.AL.RD. Staff concerning CLP. within the Downstream System -. . ' During the initial field investigation for this report, it became obvious that since Ki11g C,ounty· had recently reconstructed two Detention Facilities, the best information is to be found at W.AL.RD. The Key Players are as follows: a. John Abdalkhani: _ Mr:Abdalkhani.was the Design Engineer for the CLP. #OA1595. Mr.Abdalkhani _ currently works for the wastewater section and can be contacted at (206) 263-4447. Mr. · · Abdalkhani was contacted in an effort to locate the CLP, file for. the basin. When Mr.Abdalkhani left W.AL.R.D., the files for the project remained in his old office. In a telephone conversation with Mr.Abdalkhani, the following information was obtained: (j) I I I I I I I I I I I I .-" I I I I I I I. 11. lll. R.W. Beck prepared a study for the entire basin that contributes runoff to the "Maple Glen Regional Pond". The study contains good information concerning the definition of the Basin and Sub-basins. The Larson Site is within the study definition area. Volume I and II of the R.W. Beck study is on file with King County. Mr. Abdalkhani estimates that after the completion of the C.I.P., the lower portion of the basin will continue to experience flooding during storin events greater than the 10-yr storm. We believe this estimate to be very conservative. If this assessment were true, more flooding should have been experienced in the area. Mr. Abdalkhani analyzed the basin independently using the hydraulic models "Extran" and "KCRTS". The same basin areas used in the R. W. Beck study was used by .Mr. Abdalkhani in his analysis. This report is on file with King County. We have reviewed the report prepared by Mr. Abdalkhani. The report contains generation of the Time Series for the different basins. b. Mike Tseng: Mr. Tseng was the Project Manager for the "Maple Glen/Ruddells" C.I.P. Mr. Tseng can be contacted at (206) 296-8319. Mr. Tseng is currently the contact person for all inquiries concerning the C.I.P. anc! has committed to making the project files available for review. Mr. Tseng has indicated that any future development within the basin needs to consider the reconstruction of the "Ruddells" and "Maple Glen" facilities. c. Fred Bennett: Mr. Bennett is with the construction services, and was involved in the reconstruction of the Ruddell's and Maple Glen facilities. Mr. Bennett assisted us in locating the files left by Mr. Abdalkhani. We visited his office in an effort to.locate additional information as tii"how the ponds were resized and how.the new conveyan'ce facilities were designed. We did not locate any other report except fo_r the one previously mentioned. Mr. Bennett said that he had spoken to Mr. Abdalkhani abouf tlie porids .. From our discussion, we · · understand that the capacity of the two ponds. were maximized as much as possible. Mr Berinett stated that the Ruddell's pond was increased by about 25 percent, while the Maple Glen pond is approximately 3 times it's former size. Mr. Bennett mentioned that the worst flooding occured on the lot across the street from the Ruddell's pond, however,· this lot has been filled and a new house has been built recently, he did not believe this new house will be flooded. Mr. Bennett also mentioned that during-the replacement of the existing pipes, it was discovered that one of the old pipes was collapsed and may have caused some of the problems. -Mr. Bennett also stated that there have been no flooding· complaints since the ponds were enlarged. He said that he has gotten complaints due to construction, but did not relate to the capacity of the new drainage facilities. @ f I"·· Streams and 100-Kent 5 In-Class 2 (with sahnonids) ,:. the Year Floodplains ms. Class 2 (r.erenniaJ: saJmonid . ~2~7:13·. ,, use undetermined) ~· , - I ••••• Class 3 it ,4·•19 ,14: ,, @ ---Unclassified ~ \., ' ' -~ : 12..,:. ·~-- - , ,n ·t'g; P- ee oca- 1,-,. ---- Wetlands ---- -BasinBoundaries So~n Boundaries ----- \ ,.,: Kent 5 I I r r :i;-1Y Erosion Ha7.ard Areas Kent .l?-;~~-· ' ' ., .. *" .':::-" •. 5 ._::-:,: -'.:;·:: ,, • .. ' ' .. ;· -. --------~-----------. OFF-SIT.E ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Surface Water Design Manual, Core Requirement #2 Basin: Subbasln Name: Subbasln Number: ' c:11111-~~;:;:,;-~" ' ~ rr e DI ;,C UAet:,;, · ·. NO C-0/1116 '//.WC'£ 0 I I I A I LOCA"]J av,. FAC/Ll""t· ·, . ." ~ -- A-B /JIJE/Zl4NlJ · Cd.11£/lt!"D : w/ f '"'~s . 6,8% . / Tu rive.& Ft.ow,; W/G(., -1.,qt,J . -/f. ~ cJ, I< I· · 0 -2SD /IJcr)) IE None: Nor /J4~ 7///a)ld,lfMffA r,-C I 12 11 CMP J;?. "12,15f:irz. ,tv v Kmli"Al-1 ';t 2% I I Po T€!VTIA_ L.. 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