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Report 02
Z: -Lf'. l44 . c+a04 C • E74f l'i tl. VILKL! 3`1J. llcw. t-. Li 3 6MOM � Type ot?Min mrm of PSI P Pap mbw 1990-1159 NDA DRNG 13523 SE 189TH PLACE REF 90-11 D6 68602 1980-1160 C DRNG 13529 SE 189TH PLACE 13517 SE 189TH PL 66602 1990.1184 NDA DRNG 13529 SE 189TH PLACE REF 90-1106 68602 1990-1630 C FLDG 19114 130TH AVE 5E STREAM OVER -PLOW 68662 1991.1090 C DRAINAGE 1$532 131ST AVE 5E WATER PONDS IN YARD 5B5G2 1991-1090 NDA DRAINAGE 18532 131ST AVE SE YARD PONDS 656G2 1891-1000 5R DRAINAGE 18532 1316TAVE BE, TO CIP 68602 1993-0641 WQC SEDIMENT 13120 5E 192ND ST 686G2 19940676 WCC GREENK2O SE 192ND & 134TH A BE DUCKWEED 6116G2 1995.0;70 WOO OIL/CARS 15312 133RD AVE BE RESIDENTIAL CAR MAINTENANCE 686G2 19950374 C FILLING BE 192ND 8134TH SE WETLAND - REFD TO DDES 66602 1996-0391 FCR POND? 19118 130TH PL SE HOLD-GPR WILL CALL HER 4 MORE DETAI 666G2 1996.0391 MDA POND? 19118 130TH PL SE HOLD-GPR WILL CALL HER 4 MORE DETAI 68602 1996.0391 R POND? 19118 130TH PL BE HOLD-GPR WILL CALL HER 4 MORE DETAI r 506G2 1996-0480 C CRK FLDS 13607 BE 192ND ? GROUNDWATER IMPACT WATER POND! 6B6G2 1996.0921 FOR RID POND 13341 SE 196TH ST OUTLET PIPE OBSTRUCTED ASSF8SMEN 6136G2 1998-1428 C SWALE 18914 129TH PLACE BE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT DRNG SY 666G2 1996-1428 NDA SWALE 18914 129TH PLACE SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT DRNG BY 6WG2 1996-1428 R SWALE 18914 129TH PLACE SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PVT DRNG SY 686G2 - 1996-1550 C DRNG 19121 124TH AVE BE PLUGGED DM CULVERT IMPACT TO PVT 686F2 1996.1894 C RUNOFF 13416 SE 167TH WATER OVER SIDEWALK GROUNDWATE 686G2 1997-0940 C DRNG 13007 SE 188TH PL GROUNDWATERfSHEETFLOW PONDING 886G2 1997.1179 C DRAINAGE 19113 121ST PL SE INSTALLATION OF DRNG IN RAW OLDIOFF 886F2 1997.1179 NDA DRAINAGE 19113 121ST PL BE INSTALLATION OF DRNG IN RfW OLDIOFF W6F2 1997-1178 R DRAINAGE 19113 121ST PL BE ;NSTALLATION OF DRNG IN RW OLWOFF 6861=2 1997.1301 C DRAINAGE 19125 121ST PL BE SUBSTANDARD INSTIL OF DRNG SYS PVT 666F2 1997-1319 FOR DUMPING 21709 146TH ST E DUMPED BA77ERY IN RID POND 686G2 1998-0926 C DRAINAGE 19133 121ST PL, SE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION IN ROAD DR 686172 1999.0174 FOR CLG€NLET 13415 BE 187TH PL INLET PIPE APPARENTLY 68STRUCT'ED 6WG2 1999.0449 C SPRINGS 13518 BE 186TH PL NEW SFR GROUND WATER INFIL ONTO P 686G2 1999-0632 C EASEMENT 19114 130TH AVE SE INFO PROViOED ABOUT RID POND ON PR 688G2 1998-0679 FOR FENCE 18932 133RD PL SE LEANING FENCE NEEDS REPAIR 686G2 2000-0398 C DDM 12623 SE 192ND ST REQUEST TO DIVERT FLOW DISCHARGIN 686F2 2003-0736 FOR MNM 19000 '1,UTH AVE BE CEDAR BOARD FENCE AROUND PERIMET 66662 2001-0548 WOP WQA 13120 BE 192ND ST 6MG2 20D2-0094 FI REM 13055 SE 192ND ST SWM#83 REMEASURE OF ORIGINAL 17.7 5MG2 2002.0094 FIR REM 13055 BE 192ND ST SWM#63 REMEASURE OF ORIGINAL 17.7 686G2 2002.0204 FCR MMG 19000 134TH AVE SE 1) PSE UTILITY BOX DAMAGED, CALLED 686G2 2002.0424 C DDM 13003 SE 188TH PL SINKHOLE DEVELOPED APPARENTLY OV 688G2 2002-0424 NDA- DDM 13003 9 F 1887H PL SINKHOLE DEVELOPED APPARENTLY OV 666G2 Page 2 of 3 SEP,14.23a4 E:05FM KC WLRD rio. 10E F. 3/3 C=wa TVA i1p of A of Prfto lo Cab 2002.0424 R DOV 13003 SE 188TH PL SINKHOLE DEVELOPED APPARENTLY OV 686G2 2003.0256 C DD IV 18759 130TH AVE SE LOCAL PONDING PROBLEM. MAY RE THE 686G2 2003.0545 WOR WQI3 18801 1287H PL SE 686F2 20030762 WQA WQAI 19433 VASHON HWY SW BMPS ary ALL iN PLACE 685F2 2003.0909 WQC WQDR 18601 126TH PL BE AUTO FLLIQ RESIDUE ON STREET A$ A R 686F2 S;Vbser�e,t 6,17y\ jecLi6_a 't'�c.4d{ beaver OlAtA Fwp3of3 Fleuve des voiles and Cogger Plats Runoff Calcs Compare offsite flows to fully developed onsite flows to determine need for bypass. 5/30/08 FLEUVE DES VOILES; Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:offsite.tsf Project Location sea -Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.411 4 2/09/01 15:00 0.252 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.441 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.191 8 8/26/04 2:00 0.254 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.420 3 1/18/06 16:00 0.395 5 11/24/06 3:00 0.795 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flow Freqquency Analysis Time series File: devsite.tSf Project Location:sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 1.25 6 2/09/01 2:00 1.04 8 1/05/02 16:00 1.50 3 2/27/03 7:00 1.14 7 8/26/04 2:00 1.36 4 10/28/04 16:00 1.33 5 1/18/06 16:00 1.66 2 10/26/06 0:00 2.51 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks COGGER: Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File.offsite.tsf Project Location:sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) Computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks Computed Peaks Computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:devsite.tsf Project Location:sea-Tac -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period Period 2.51 0.795 1 100.00 0.990 0.441 2 25.00 0.960 0.420 3 10.00 0.900 0.411 4 5.00 0.800 0.395 5 3.00 0.667 0.254 6 2.00 0.500 0.252 7 1.30 0.231 0.191 8 1.10 0,091 0.677 50.00 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) 0.266 Period 0.980 2.51 1 100.00 0.990 1.66 2 25.00 0.960 1.50 3 10.00 0.900 1.36 4 5.00 0.800 1.33 5 3.00 0.667 1.25 6 2.00 0.500 1.14 7 1.30 0.231 1.04 8 1.10 0.091 2.23 50.00 0.980 LogPearson III Coefficients Mean= -0.897 stdDev= 0.140 skew= 0.468 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) 0.299 Period 100.00 0.990 OD -Y (Z 0.266 50.00 0.980 0.234 25.00 0.960 0.194 10.00 0.900 0.186 8.00 0.875 0.165 5.00 0.800 0.124 2.00 0.500 0.099 1.30 0.231 LogPearson III Coefficients Mean= -0.672 stdDev= 0.099 skew= 0.516 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis ------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period Computed Peaks 0.394 100.00 0.990 Computed Peaks 0.361 50.00 0.980 Computed Peaks 0.330 25.00 0.960 computed Peaks 0.288 10.00 0.900 computed Peaks 0.280 8.00 0.875 computed Peaks 0.256 5.00 0.800 computed Peaks 0.209 2.00 0.500 computed Peaks 0.178 1.30 0.231 Existing upstream (Offsite) 100 -year Q = 0.795 + 0.299 = 1.094 cfs 50% of 100 -year Developed (undetained) Q = 0.5*2.51 + 0.394 = 1.452 cfs 1.094cfs < 1.452cfs; therefore, no need to bypass offsite flows. P�L DS S C� PtL U"DE-T, P . SECTION 3.2 RUNOFF COMPUTATION AND ANALYSIS METHODS KCRTS is the "Effective Impervious Area" (EIA), the total impervious area multiplied by the effective impervious fraction. See Table 3.2.2.E, p. 3-29 for effective impervious fractions that apply to standard impervious surfaces. Table lists effective impervious factions for alternative materials and approaches. Non -effective impervious area (i.e., total impervious area less EIA) is assumed to have the same hydrologic response as the immediately surrounding pervious area. For example, for existing residential areas with rooftops draining to splash pads on lawns or landscaping, the non -effective portion of the roof areas would be treated as pasture for predevelopment conditions (if DU/GA < 4.0) and grass for post -development conditions. Note: Credits.for infiltration/dispersion of downspouts on individual lots in proposed single family residential subdivisions are applied separately on a site-specific basis (see Note 3, Table 3.2.2.E). The effective impervious fraction can be selected from Table 3.2.2.E or determined from detailed site surveys. With the exception of figures for compacted gravel and dirt roads and parking lots, the figures in Table 3.2.2.E are average figures cited by the USGS (Dinicola, 1990). Fic�ky-e_ -- 3.9 A -(.)e 0,30 X04 r- 0110 Ac- Ime, 3 z AG. k� �. (pas �Are, .{~ 1 0- A c— r c 51— I.,y$ Ac. N4, V, (Ina 5hA ) 1/24/2005 2005 Surface water Design Manual 3-28 Dwelling Units/Gross Acre % Impervious{�f Dwelling Units/Gross Acre % Impervious 1.0 DU/GA 1512) 4.5 DUIGA 46 1.5 DU/GA 20 5.0 DU/GA 48 2.0 DUIGA 25 5.5 DU/GA 50 2.5 DUIGA 30 6.0 DU/GA 52 3.0 DU/GA 34 6.5 DU/GA 54 3.5 DU/GA 38 7.0 DUIGA 56 4.0 DU/GA 42 7.5 DUIGA 58 For PUDs, condominiums, apartments, commercial businesses, and industrial areas, percent impervious coverage must be computed. Notes: (�) Includes streets and sidewalks. Q, «} These figures should be adjusted by the effective impervious fraction given in Table 3.2.2.E, if applicable. Values from Table 3.2.2.E may be interpolated as necessary. Fic�ky-e_ -- 3.9 A -(.)e 0,30 X04 r- 0110 Ac- Ime, 3 z AG. k� �. (pas �Are, .{~ 1 0- A c— r c 51— I.,y$ Ac. N4, V, (Ina 5hA ) 1/24/2005 2005 Surface water Design Manual 3-28 APPENDIX B-1 DRAINAGE COMPLAINT ANALYSIS (previously submitted) SOOS CREEK PLAT DRAINAGE COMPLAINT ANALYSIS LEVE TECHNICAL DESIGN AND INFORMATION REPORT FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW For the King County DDES: SUBDIVISION FILE A03PO286_ Addendum to Report of January 26, 2004 f Richard A Boston Boston Design and Development Co LLC 425-226-2145: Neal M Ja ue P.E. Jacques Consulting 206-242-5322 Soos Creek Plat By Jacques Consulting TIR March 20, 2004 0 41 TIR Addendum DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS King County records were examined for downstream drainage complaints per core requirement #2. Note that at the discharge point this project contributes approximately 2% to the drainage basin flow thus requiring %• mile investigation. But this report investigated southeasterly for one mile along the Soos Creek Basin (see attached map). The area was inspected and the ComM complaint lisfims. for a ane mile r-adixg were examined. The Soos Creek drainage basin in this area is relatively flat wide and heavily vegetated (grass) with no erosion or flooding problems. The complaint list is attached but they all deal with issues which are uphill either west or east of the Soos Creek Basin. Only one was somewhat relevant, Complaint Number 96-1550, which is a class I issue (attached). This complaint in 1996, describes the I r culvert across 124th Ave SE at SE 192 as blocked and thus erosion over the 124th gravel road. The solution, to unblock it, was done. The downstream flow from this project does not flow in this location but because the project access road goes over it, it was included. In February 2004 property owners were notified of King Couq y's plan to widen SE 192 for a left tura lane, thus this culvert will lWely be modified. The subject project final engineering will have consideration for the revised County intersection design. The remainder of the complaints had no relation at all with the project. The five page list and a snap showning location of the most significant problems (eight ponding/flooding complaints) is attached for general reference. These all involved tributary flows from west or east down into drainage systems flowing eventually into Soos Creek Basin. None have any relation to this- projects hisprojects drainage in the Creek itself. In conclusion, for the subject project drainage path, there is no indication of any category 1, 2, or 3 issues with drainage within one mile downstream. Note the TIR downstream analysis dated Jan 26, 2004 for additional discussion. 1 Soos Creek Plat TIR N By Jacques Consulfing March 20, 2044 AV jUtt AV N't ►jai s �( i5 AV �� a 'AV WLVT La LU 41 ul caa r 35 5 by r-t 1' �� y AY SFT 'r LIJ v7 5E U, L tfJ ictri un;0 1dATN ptAY tn 7 d I � ir 35,�'tE3�l£DIFAF ' F7-1om!- ©l C 135. 3S vs o] r-r �] r,R,AVS` LaJs b��'� "' � � ,res 3S v05QT Lr € vt 3 Ch CL —1 , cn 35 is byRut e 1r� ` y 0 am , CIL Alf n 3d,s ►uSE �e Id t 35 3? SE .s R4 � x� s d h Q id w 3S hYr N Ln w vt �-^ I1�€ J Flltr£I cni 133 Q r 3SwaF r 3s er ¢� t �L3S M t ! Ln ori f ad vii. 4n dF ^+ 35 id r+ 3S_id 35 hY r+ ✓s £Et en UM t&1Z£C Ciii6£I cit 31. ktl 35 7d aRL7CI a A5 to 'L �sY3S RV aNZEiCC ' er? aim 3r �k � 1 $ Qom- - H.LOif µi ; "y"iy',-: PL SE � �d � i � qty j y � � pp vii F- r� ...�,..�. •s=�' a H Z rs r 35 35 ?d HIM t, /� �� ld� �''Y m y c`� .sem•` S r 1 {i y29. ujY tj �Ta■ � � e. � _-��,`.*°7ns'3 7 Vy? ,5+" L"� u"k�' ` _•��ti.' .r r"Y [/}) LLI V l� w ver x31vTs' a�' �.,' � �7ilfjj zl .5 1t jf L i � 35�-- A 3S ld L Y id tild " Nom: �` vs raa t A' �iL}ZT "C ; kLT�F�� = N 3S 4NZZi ulr t- itl� FI! T 34 1 _, 33 AY 15f, T f a4MCD AlV GDz6T IIS p,V I j SE °srn�'= Q h s N191I4 3s w ?- _ ..: 35 —AV- F#—Lk I I `n }.lit cz Ilk zS A'"� 3s f o IS 111E �s r - in 39 AV Z�;' M_ r �c WL r t` a CL� �� 3dU 3s �m,a '��`�J t-- f..�--..Il1ztfR WIR.10. ZeS4 5-30M M- "LRF WNG COi.INW SMOONUFFACE WATER MANAGEMENT MOON DRAINAGE RgVEMGATION REPORT Pop 1: NVMMMATIONTEGUM R**pMW br. om8 9�E. oars ay: DrjA4� r -pe -No. ,Received &XM 0%M pft pltnjy for s"r,mC1. ADDRESS: ! 2&± j ► �tilrG�il _,r OS Location of prd3leM If dgkmm E'jL � i5 erf � ! w ` � J.27 7ll' St pdwormd Pkubh= .may . 1-0 Or sip Pig name: fdr' j, .5' jvjln C r'''y tnv 5 Lot Na 1.3 Mack No: Other *tea kWohfgd:. No FWd » Needed el 3.- wa div o �aJ Than= Cm ca at DK2 CMMD No: t _ 4-17- .. ,'r1t4EO 0#-r#ZF u • S#F .9;1 /P 4IMI d4 eo"de i*er A,'v *rr CSS CWLYFRT'.• Ist p /?IIPZ 'r oww" to"fe oxr ZIIMSFTiit3iF.- TUrMd 10 od by ,_, , GR: N* fUrlher awn r e r Lest mgarMV #tee been irk Pmt lis beer comet p hU # Mute probhm ACM rO trot dw=kfer bmCUMW ►ftw w%#mM aster mWor as r arer pavd. Loambon is awalft SWM SwAce Armor. Cww (spew': i—�L." mortme wMeplum saftow 22 PAM RJ1� �r 1� iMw�� iucizi � A� DRAMU4QE HWEsnQAYWN REPQRW ssaer.�r. �Ac�t apps s•�t ss Fww MVBB ##AMM WARM wv=mw nur. or IN i — un wus am 0-.w+. ems r 11� r WQM ap acSWMWM=Wnjff - y Jl rcMe sE � g i�DIL� � p�AM A1Q Of tYfs� . �01MI:t N+Ots j ] t�. SE 192ND ST in 40 a x r umom Noma oftimf IWOMPFU E l�t� FOR vmm nowe"m DRADIAM POE AT IVM - 129M ANE SII APPEARS TO W WMW THW 1W AKufSOfiR<M RS $NOW ON TM ACCEMORS MAR PIPE APPEAL TO RE PLlUROM PLMWK REPLY W Mum WILL Owmat w mar poommA no. omw �o 1 Y WNW, IV taro. xOaW Qql IN HL9bT 3 qa . gEu �� A1+ MiLtrT w� °.�' rn r 0- A A of �sPi W U 3S �d 3S ld RW�: r ni L !lLkYT jo "' 35 ld a"i 35 6U1d �'#r 3S -ld jcnj MIZVT m C� Q A w= "=~3SAV h pEi88i c� ld �� n uj i"n c 3s 35ld a AV � L o la 3s AV HiatrT r kv N cL 7d ld MET 3S 3� SE A N ,L5£I �t y ld.,, u l 3S Ay ' S' N "'cn 1EiYET r s a na Rita 357d "� 35 moo, PL id �' 35 Atl H15�i y � `" � Ld 3S 7d __3S AY SEE d SEI J,f !sJ Yl ;I UHi6r LE%I ui AY M Ln o3S AV G ZETA* 3S AV C# €T ,{ o y� a 3S ld 4A MVV � EX�� .: � � LSL£i N S Id a trl Ht 1� lil�E 3 pV 3S G Q vJ � Q AM Av H1131 za 1 0.V S£ w� 112 A.- [tt ZT 35 Id�-LCWZT 'u Vi v trTT y 0 3S AV V vi S Alf HMVZ s„ -`'"' HL9bT 3 qa . gEu �� A1+ MiLtrT w� °.�' rn r 0- A A of �sPi W U 3S �d 3S ld RW�: r ni L !lLkYT jo "' 35 ld a"i 35 6U1d �'#r 3S -ld jcnj MIZVT m C� Q A w= "=~3SAV h pEi88i c� ld �� n uj i"n c 3s 35ld a AV � L o la 3s AV HiatrT r kv N cL 7d ld MET 3S 3� SE A N ,L5£I �t y ld.,, u l 3S Ay ' S' N "'cn 1EiYET r s a na Rita 357d "� 35 moo, PL id �' 35 Atl H15�i y � `" � Ld 3S 7d __3S AY SEE d SEI J,f !sJ Yl ;I UHi6r LE%I ui AY M Ln o3S AV G ZETA* 3S AV C# €T ,{ o y� a 3S ld 4A MVV � EX�� .: � � LSL£i N S Id a trl Ht 1� lil�E 3 pV 3S LLJ AM Av H1131 1 0.V S£ 112 A.- [tt ZT 35 Id�-LCWZT /7 m Vi v trTT y 0 3S AV F— ca o 35 uj l o V) [/} f iZ L3-3 a ldNit HL9bT 3 qa . gEu �� A1+ MiLtrT w� °.�' rn r 0- A A of �sPi W U 3S �d 3S ld RW�: r ni L !lLkYT jo "' 35 ld a"i 35 6U1d �'#r 3S -ld jcnj MIZVT m C� Q A w= "=~3SAV h pEi88i c� ld �� n uj i"n c 3s 35ld a AV � L o la 3s AV HiatrT r kv N cL 7d ld MET 3S 3� SE A N ,L5£I �t y ld.,, u l 3S Ay ' S' N "'cn 1EiYET r s a na Rita 357d "� 35 moo, PL id �' 35 Atl H15�i y � `" � Ld 3S 7d __3S AY SEE d SEI J,f !sJ Yl ;I UHi6r LE%I ui AY M Ln o3S AV G ZETA* 3S AV C# €T ,{ o y� a 3S ld 4A MVV � EX�� .: � � LSL£i N S Id a trl Ht 1� lil�E 3 pV C�.7 � W � 4 •J� �1 7 3S AV HLZL w3S `35 AV H1LLI rµuLL m x x LLJ AM 1 0.V S£ 112 A.- ZT 35 Id�-LCWZT x 3 AVvwi VU) a o 35 3S �!d i iZ ldNit o c a QMZZT � AV t T is 1-1 AM lSIZI 15Lzt j3S r Al = 3S AV35 E z 3S AV irk in r � -_� H 35 b H18TI x HLSLL M �S�'y 3s 13 c It - `n No LnAv uE to Nil aass H1911 aaz6r h `� �+ { 3J V •9I C11 r 3S "Ed 35 fR o 6 f H1SEI i1151Z _ p r �ry1f1 C�.7 � W � 4 •J� �1 7 3S AV HLZL w3S `35 AV H1LLI rµuLL m x x LLJ 1 0.V S£ 112 A.- ce, La pig[. 1u.cwuq 'D; -Rpr ll nt. M -FW won ow or. --!f on@=& smomM 30W PM jwwwmpw.,,, —I comm Up Imfifhan� V"hp NEW Sawi SE 2MM ST GALEN1 CAM $1 _. 197§.p149 C � 12227 SE1112140 ST811 41 GOLDEN Kms' 1977 C C URrfG FLDG 12207 12202 SE 192ND Si OF Bd'iS� f� BB6F2 '�9TT-gQ72 sm 121sT PL SE FAST 8962 1978 om C 1978,0081 C DRNG 19 121ST PL SE BACKYARD 856F4 1978-0085 C FLDG 20921 120TH AVE SE SE M10�7 HILL AREA Sawa 688F'3 1981-0081 C 19917 9221 PL 1 SE CJB CAVING IN 1981-0275 C 199188 MOTH MTM AVEPL SE PACER LK AREA .� 1981-0320 C FLDG 2MI � 19�D ;+T EAST KENTAREA 12500SYSTMA SE 2W ND �'NAN CE 1889.0424 X ome 123M '120TH AVEH SE DTTCH FLUNG 1884-D09� C SE 192ND ST TO OADs DIVA6�2 1984-=3 R FLDC3 13250 5E IaM ST SE 192ND ST/134TH AVE .^sE �F9 198414 C FLDG 13250 SE 244111571124TH AVE 886184 1994.0924 C DAI4G 13317 SE 20THST gTOPJA �I>*LATEQ WAY DRIVE 886F4 1988.01F0 C FLDG 12Q02 SE 2WTH ST yE.'CR OmPRMSSD eesm 11 7? E ORNG iml 1 PL. SE NIon-0379 686G3 C FLDG, >�me 1� SE 182N(? ST PFM noliNGm 1BY Pim RVW 88663 1� C ER DFM i9250 SE IwM 5T � OF LOT 688" 1966.4832 C D1a 2WT"M"l ST LAND !N RAOD puuN BLOCKER PIPE sum 188&0702 (996-1160 G FLDG 19413 J 3413 SE 240 HST S SEE 86-1 t�s.QS0 pW A4V_M7 sum 1989-(182 C DFt' ISM SF 20D� ST [IST (05 pLl) PRM COFL $96G4 GWF9 1986-'1182 M DRI+ 13103 2023E SE 200T 127TH PL � WA's � CORS al -we � Tp DRNI 888G4 i 987.0w C FLOG DRNG 197[11 SE 2piST ST I= DOWNSPOUTS8�4 V-1182.3146 87.0491,0317.0492 i98?-= C VIOLATE 13741 SE 2D1ST ST SFE O(m NOT ooNNECFED 674= t 9604 1987.0900 ER FLDG 13708 SE 2101ST ST pp 85.114&11112 87-4904.317, 888G4 1987.0317 C%- C FI.�G 13700 SE 202ND CT DOWNSPOUTS �pLl) DMHPR0S 6MG3 17.0491 86-114%1152 874300A17. BBBC'4 1967-0491 HOADO RMG 1STo02 SE 2 C1' OUTS DITCH ON ppfI3lER1Y 686F3 7967.0492 C 1987-ws c 19407 I" AVE ORNMAGE SE EASEMFXr sw3mING DITCH 88603 DRQ 13" AVE �SR HOUSE U -Cm 6WF4 1W7 -DMR C DRNG 20 a t27� FL�H BE WATER �- IN sons CREW 1987.018 C 1987 -DM C DF8 G 12818 PL sE 2M40 PL TO RD COORD 047187. GOV2 68864 MOM NEW DEVELOPMENT 1987-1049 C 2m 13M AVE SE WATER i9B8.= p DRNG pap 1 W 5 .. - rRet.110.C17 q Z)•.3rn"1 nt. arca.+ 19r3RR C 1288-0299 1 C 198E1-L�4S C 1 C 1988^ObS1 C 5988-0906 C 1999.0808 e 188940005 C 198Rh0098 c 1989.4049 G I 192 C im*om C 1969.0410 C 198"m C 1989.06.4 C 19004M C 19894WA C 199D -Mi C 1990,0490 C 10"94 G 19g0-0494 NDA 1990.0664 ER 1990-0 1 C 190041910 G tgwi001 C 1990-1063 C 1990-1130 c 1990.1296 G 11486 C 1880-1577 SE 18g0.158I3 G 1664.1612 x 1991-0179 G 1991-0178 ER 1961-0178 SR 1991.0299 C 1991-0m SR 1691-0412 C 1g91.0425 C Lm 1 PIPS 1 pFXG t DRNQ 1 DRNG 1 DRNG DRW DRHG DF1NG DRNG DFM DFINGi oR w EROSM 'DFM FLOG opm DRMNAGE �LE FLDG DRNG 1NTR QTLY DRUG EROSION STUDY FLDG DRNG hp A*M d ROW 3431 19622 19622 1!!612 !20TH AVE SE= NIM DRNEWAY "U- 1 n %~w - NFA EXTR:NSLON OF 42" C.LLVERT 6W2 9457 120y" AVE � 699-4 FROM CLEANED UP cF+l�x 3751 9E 20M PI-� WATER pp pC�lNFO CY TO SWLI-F 89O 9616 13 AVE NEAR SODS � AND � BOW 9 412 186TH PL. 696F3 FLL RN VIIE7LANDS om 1247H AVIS SE Cp�11CTION 66963 193RD AVE CFit'1R. SLO[S�AG�� NEW DBAINAGr SYSEM 66604:3 13SW AVE RU GHANN& 120TH AVE SE ,� 6B6F3 89400 124TH AVE Se DM;H �E (FUO FST �g F'OOQ PLAIN 6B6C4 t,42NI7 AVE SE x PIIS NOT WO 688F2 16912 12619 AVE STBUIL.DER � OF NEW R 1MPOPl7 ED FRU. $86F4 122M SE 204TH PONDING IN DRAftWE EASBEN - S 12213 SE 199 CH ST OONa ON NEIN H0MENJET YARD 69m 14439 14am PL SE MuxjION OF YARD IN NEW PtAT 688F4 1'=5 SB 204TH ST DOWNSPOUTSE YARD OPM64 4 2� 1I Pi. figW lifer DOWN BPOEJTS OPEN 896F4 20906 19719 low PL SE 1RlBIT4 RSL SE 68BGS DAME �M EVi=M' 13755 is= SE 202ND SE =" ST 6mm STORM REV 6 DEms TRAM F1ACK INCA 9663 1342 M 2)7TH ST ' NATURAL• FARWRE+-lINDA CjIEST PLAT DIV 1 A 2 WBFS 12m SE 201 ST P'so=13719 IN YARD. OV�ERD• BO-0494'�I SE 19819 t�L FROM NEW DevEWPEMBNT WBF4 12403 W 2DND P1. WATER BACK YARD V DRNG PIPE 68669 19412 13m PL SE tftL pNFWGH NDT DRAINING 6WS 12M SE loum ST STABL 7A IS RELAYING MFA 6990. 1g'w 1 AVE SE i3ANER CIEARI14 OF LATXMH 86963 168$2 13" CT SE 896Fd UNDA CREST 12607 SE 201ST PL WSF4 STUDY OF ARFA 12601 SE, 201ST FACE ON ROAWARI�DA -HEST' si 66 4 1240202ND � 2fl � WATER 868F4 a ErNDA c�sT DN RR 1at�a1 SE 2EfiST ST 146 OF WATER 111801 5E 196TH ST tR�m PRIVATE PIPE 6i6Cs3 129018E 199Tki ST 89663 H� LOT 1x$01 BE 196TEF ST 686F3 SF OVERRJOW OFF PIPES 18995 121ST AVE Go" SE R To BALD 19819.5 121ST AVE FIOAD 896m 19590 1soM AVE�ESS WASHOUT OF � B86F3 171100 8E 187711 SR' "2d5 MZ. 10. 20a4- 5'37M KC WLHV JW.IVQ F.", A• 006r to 04FO T'O gpS1WATEF4► IN YARD 68608 19690 140M AVE SE 698E+1 199t -0a'46 C SSG19630 AVE SE CATCK BA51N �R�S 88BG4 1�t-0512 G ROG 200245E 204114 ST 6Q0C,4 1991.�t8 C PLOi3 l9 � MTM 5T i'o CiP 6Bet34 1991-0518 NDA � ,3430 W 3pip�{ ST TO C5P t Ism -0+516 PN FLDG tWH AVE 5E WATER OVER `ISA 666F4 1991-0578 G W M &IW 30313 � Div PLY 1H91 ?9 E WI rR sw 24919 i28ND AVE SI+ aN PI.Y 696F4 1991-0579 EH WT"R 51W M 722ND4TH AVE SE o"awSY�w" ©MN SYSTEM CLOGGED 808F�F 1991-0600 G FSG 2" 134TH AVE g4 1991-0788 St FLDG 12408 SE MM PL PM4DMG M Y� 6� 1991.1005 C DRAII4AGE 13318 BE 199TH ST 6860# 13714 SE 200'TN Z3C ' - WATER IN (;RAWIItL SPP4CE 6 1�-1458 G DPlAtNAGE 2Sii4 SE 200TH STNOT N17AP 7) 199E-1058 5H SE Nomey"E S' POND O.F. 19 G EROSK� 19519 WSW 133RD AVE Hp�NNEFZ PCMO-F• 608 19924=0 NDA12841 &E 198TH ST HpM� POND O.F. 68809 1992-02W $R � 19519 1931 AVE CULVERT UPGRAM 861�3 so t 53 STUDY SE WEPLAMD QRM*00 I'p4E CFIAWN 1993-010 C pRr14 18838 194TH PL SE WETLA14D GRADi� IN CMW 880169 19934M0 NDA DRNG 1A�i2 194TH.F4L SE WETLAND MOND- AINAGE IN (SAW BOWS 199 810 AN DMIR 19882 134TH PL UP�" om-LOPbdO� 6MF4 1989-0 5 FIN FLPG 2024'1 117TH AVE SE WETLAND CAMNN`3 � 6� low 734Th PLACE ` 0AU 011IERSION seem 19g9�(l410 E QIP 196Qa 888 1�i'TH PLACE SE INW'"rtA� 1999-0412 NDA DMG 134YH PLACE SE WE1 U m CAU DNS JM4)412 RN ' 0MG 19 POMM IN YARD i C ORNO 137+15 SE 200 PL. NEW PLAT WW L ARt 88864 1®90-o" NDA OHM 19745 SE 209Na PL. PONDS IN YAR!) FIDAP� 19f19.05n RN �� 13745 &E 2ND PL. $800,3 1 E �091� IMO S>= 2015'r PL so= IM4)S&4 ER E4 MCR 20800 5E STPL 322Ni;i AVE SE OWMN .� �'r OF GRAYSTON 68604 1999 C 20408 1FIS THE PIAT OF GREY" 69864 EFIOSION 1999.0991 FLDG 20402 i A1FE SURCHA FROM CIS 688F4 1� URNG 1zm 5E Bom ST 888F4 TO WSIA 125161 SE 209FID PLAM 616F4 1 LZC WDljawt gE Pf.ACE T� CRADVG VO A'TION L99GV096 1964.0096 G OFA 1gm 1 OAC POST 698014 191ST PL SE BROKEN 1994-0118 C DMj 2{1408 ANS PIPE.41N YANQ WHME! SHE WILL DI G 4 1994.01 G �pt11FiY 12525 SE �D P1.AGE PONDING 11V GUTTER 686F4 1894-0631 C PDN1}INf3 12602 8E i �- 68663 19852 1 PL SE 68609 1994 6 WOG OAANt 133FtD PL 6E 1994.4626 WOE M*45 198.52 PagO 0 016 --. • --• '1"WK.Il3.etlt?F 3. 3rn'n1., r�nu Congo ,WvjpMft to 5E FILL PLACED WtIM � I?� $� 1994-0783 C F ILL.INO �i411 132ND WE F LL PLACED UftTIi" S� EASEMENThaw 1W4M NDA Fid 2 11 1 AVE Se MM 14 WET Atm ODNTACt ANSLE 888F4 & PVT DRAIN B DRNG 20M 124TH AVE 19950048 G SE GROU14D WATER i16F4. 1995- 76 C D� 2am t2aH AVE � � Om MS � i X DING 202012471 I AVE SE DWM tX T CDNST wPAQT ee664 116 2 c � 211$54 131ST PL pujam CULVEW RID DISE PIP 686G3 1998 O02a C RID POND 13308 SE 198TH ST ppy�REAM IMPACT' FROM RIA OUTLE 616F4 1965.0091 C RID POND 2.0256 124tH AVE � Spmt4G HILI. pFID �MENTARY WM S to sOOFS 19*41215 G FLIM OFF 16826 i PL� RCKX h G Om To 87'ORM AND SUSSTM 6 1 788 C FLDG 12232 SE 2Wn i ST ANG DUE TO STORM AND $ e88F3 t 1996.0798 NIDA FLOG 12M 69 MM -STAND DUE 1'O STGAM AND SUBM 3 1995-0728 Ft FI_DCS 1� 3E 2�'H S"t � �� WW CUT. ONPNCi'70 PVT �I�JV i G � 119121 1 ROAD WWR NT PROJECT iNAPACT SW3 1 C DRNQ 200 124TH AVE W VM IN RD FACIElTY Da1+w 86HE�8 1996-1815 WOC Dumpm 13908 SE 198TH ST " I WO TRACT OEM � 1896.1906E FUD POND 17819 � 23PLUGGEp PFNVATE YARD DRAIN TA .PRO 19974)1 C DRAWAGE 13028 3I» 2MM PL I ACCESS OVeR� PIPE NEED TFt WOW 1997 1839 FOR FAC. 1� AVE SE a SEi85-198fH y�pFALLS A03 TO POW P! 1997.0765 F� RD PONE? 19625 13M PL ea SE TALLATXM OF DRNG W RNV OL�F own 1997-1179 C DRAINAGE= 19113 121ST PL MTALLATMNI OF DREG M PJW OLMff 666P2 DRAINIAM 119115 12137 PL BE M �yy � p�pPF 689F2 1897.1i79 NOA 121ST PL SE WSTALLATION OF DFMG 199T•1179 R DRQ 19413SUBOANDAD lI M OF DRNG SYS PVT 686F2 1997-i3M C DFWNAGE 19125 121ST 1'L DANOOF" EEP ON COUNTY PROP 881;F3 #967-1505 C TFwE—S 12 9E 200Th ST j UrM � Thi W 6 050 f 950D 13M AVE SEALLS REOUIRm 866F3 1097-1530 FCR FIN � �,� ST SE OF W1N1i11F 19971572 G TREE 1 OF pOLLUTANTS ALONG RD AAM 199 0106 WOG OIL SELL 6E^ 199 571154 AVE sE �ACENT TO fycg 686F4 19*4223 FCR FEW* 20814 127TH PL Roo REOtMW FIE W-TLANDIOPUN SPA 888F3 1�8-0361 G ORMNAGE 1940. S£ 198TH PL MUGGED TRASK RA � UPST saw 197 �E 133RD SE M SE 195-196TH 8I REPAIR 6 FCR i FCR RD PLUM 9E I'H Sf112TE H AVE PSE ORIFICE ON M ROAD I" 1998 C DRAINAGE 1IM33 121ST PL � APPAI�.NTO n AT ACC 886F�3 12+056 SE 196tH PL R gOtWt �F IMF- SOW 199 C F'ENGE 1 AVE SE PLUGGED 1 i6 FCR PLLI� law REOUEST-To ti%Mmr FLOW OSCHAFt" 688F2 C DOM 121125 SE 19M 5T VEGETATION GR I IN TRAM r TRACT 688F4 7000.0416 C MNM 122D9 SE= 8t1m Pl. SE DAM4Ge TO ROD POW F fjo NDN 686W 19915 13MRU AVE IMPACTING DRAM Wwil�. 20004= PCR NiMC3 - --�— 5T qV�, TEASE FLS++ 2OW4713 G Ow 127 BE 200TH ST II OMASE Sn" IIApA�G DRAINAGE 88� J � 200.0713 NDIN IX" 12M 9E 200THIt STs F CM IMPS amNkOE { 20MAM S R DDM 12232 BE 200TH pap 4of6 -mRR. iv.2004 t. --Lt" KL Ne.-KLJ "Pip MW TVP fles(Rollm W Ionia vmdwas WORK STM PAIR CORA SOW4 2DB13 128TTi AV � LnWW OF SOAP SUDS BEING DMHA 68 ,W14M4 C DDM VJW 12M 5E 2WH ST CONCEW LACK OF POLLU rANT CWM SM F9 MM -04% WOC VM5 12M 3 OF '"T"Sr APPARENT I.CX OF POU.�� �� �M 200-0" Woo 72913 SE 19sy"HEAVIER APPARENT aROWrH THAN M I38BGA 2001-W55 WOR W� ISM 2295APPAFSNT 191711"1►►VE � y�E'TATION DUMple DF PAS OR ? INT GMW4 2W14)47i FOR 12M SE 2W MST OF: PAINT OR 97 INT SWF4 200144832 IW WOD 12034 SE 90TH ST APPASENT Qtly REC+AM)1G PO 58M 2OM.0M MF! WOD C DTA 13= SE 200114 ST INFOWATIONI4OUEST ByD.SWALE RETFIO-FIT FCR BSR 2� 131ST PL SE 688G4 ,IW43288 1� 2� 131 ST PL SE �� TM .C'Fm OI+I w jmT '0" � A� MMA 12M 5E IMM Bf:IIVEFt � IN soon C 6We4 W G SAKE Y E OF 132ND APPARENT WAVER AUMAW IPI BOOS G 6B6G4 -. �,ms C DOM LAKEY E OF IBM APPARENT APPARWT UEAVBR AI;'PMW COI SODS C 2og24M NDA- DDM LAKE Y E OF 132ND APPARENT BEAVER AGTl�13iY IN SO0$ G 598G4 R OM LAKE Y E OF 132MR SWIM 2003.Q5g5 WQFt Woo 1mm IWMPLSE VASFtON F�14VY � MAPS are ALL 0 PL R OM200.40752 VVQA WOAI 9 126TH PL SE AUTO MM RMIOM O� N ASA 6MW4 200490 WQC. WOaR 18841 Mid IodE Im shams Io 2W"19& F'CR MW 12015 SE PL m APPENDIX C ANALYSIS AND DESIGN APPENDIX C-1 DETENTION FACILITIES DESIGN A' a.+ C CD E R F- C G U) c a � L 4p U tl) E , 7 N (f) v N °1 2 0 7 N 7 Q fi" N M N r� CL •O rirLa CC) O O7 � N M U7 N r- r- to IZ41 m ti CD 0 oQ T � Y N M O NIM F- �a E LL O 0 �€ at U] ti ['') CO O r CD co O Lo "';r Lo r a O O CO (oY r U �<� N N0 � tri �,l ._:N r- O h Lo Lf) rpN Q 00 N ( 7 CCP r C? O EC? O O O O T `Q r t- 'r O r M m M V c (X) u% cy") OD O 1` (D o r- (Y) Lr) ` r O co C) ` T Lo L O0 O O Y r co 00 r f- ` T OD r r V- U') r N r 0 : N't N CD m T OM r� 00 O r 'Kr U} N N L M M N M-� CSD O d CSD T r Y W .(135LC Q .. .. s}a N p_ - V E ai t T r E N 0 3 0 E 0 m — d ca CL o>L- (v3— CJ Q z ca an d (/5 J U): ria — w U7 000 F- 0 f 20 � d a m d (n ill J a- LL ( ' a «y�„t Q v w O CC) O O7 � N M U7 N r- r- to IZ41 m ti CD 0 oQ T � Y N M O NIM F- �a E LL O 0 CD qtr-- C) N U) N N CO T O)t- CD O) r CD Q M CD O O r CD co O Lo "';r Lo r a O O CO (oY r U N N M ^ N 00 N O M M M N O O T r �k m M co u7 co C M Uj M Y r f- r_ 00 r- Oo r 0 0 E; ti C+) r` 00 LD CD T OM r� 00 co LQ U} N N L r N":� r N U7 17) O r r T r .Y CL N ..' .. ! OF --° d CJ — Ci w N O v ; - iL LL `..0 a m d (n ill J a- LL ( ' a «y�„t ° m Lo v w O O rl LL �� V j M1 N c- N O C3) r O C? : N O CD o0 Cl) CD r O q d C) LL (!} O CLIO SCJ E O Cl) Q M C7 LL F F FO- F Q O O (D [D m CC) O O7 � N M U7 N r- r- to IZ41 m ti CD 0 oQ T � Y N M O NIM F- �a E LL O 0 E E 6 co CD qtr-- C) N U) N N CO T O)t- CD O) r CD Q M CD O O r CD co O Lo "';r Lo r a O O CO (oY r U CO 00 Y m N co Q ` r` N Om N C] M ^ N 00 N O M M cu N O O o V T (D T r �k rte d CD Q r Co O ¢) O r O r U) CD M � t- O co r C T T N CO (D �r Co CO 'f r� U) lD -tr Lf) M e- U") CC) - O Cc) r 0 r� M O 00 r- Oo r fD 'qr r E; ti C+) r` 00 LD CD U) Cy) co Ln C) Q�t O Q r C+7 N N L O O N N N 0o c1 0') CF) N M Y 00 00 (D . - M � ET r r r .Y CL N ..' .. ' C .. OF --° d CJ — Ci s, N O : O 3 O ; - iL LL `..0 a m d (n ill J a- LL ( ' a «y�„t j M1 N c- N O C3) r O C? : N O CD o0 Cl) CD r O q d C) O c) N CO O Q 0 O O O M COO r N O O O O t` ��.'r T C] M SCJ E O Cl) Q M C7 LL Q O O (D [D O M O, Q Q O O E, O M h T r r r . CD r GO Orr U7 CO co � ti O Cor I� M MT CA O N� CD I- N RT 00 M Nr Lo LD CO 00 O L0 Ut N lf] 00 N O. OO rti OO "o I+ M r i h CO co CD CD N N M eC T M. T C14 r- Nr co L; m tn V O rn 6CDN? a� `' �' . 6 ECLui m fi CL w r fes!} Q 7 " a� In fA O . 7 u1 B.. LL Y - wD w x .0C1 :3 (U O� co O S T m r0 a — 0 0 0 0 LJ ,e? m d LL CA d lL (A .. a LL F m E E 6 co FLEUYE UE EXISTING (SF): SI TE BUILDING: 295 (0.03 AC) PAVEMENT: 1,516 (0.03 AC) FOREST: 262,258 (6.02 AC SUBTOTAL: 264,069 (6.06 AC) 124TH AVE SE PAVEMENT: 7,064 (0.16 AC) PASTURE: 4,749 (0.11 AC) FOREST: 3,329 (0.08 AC SUBTOTAL: 15,142 (0.35 AC) TOTAL: 279,211 (6.41 AC) PROPOSED (SF): SI TE BUILDINGS: 123,097 (2.83 AC) PAVEMENT: 38,504 (0.88 AC) SIDEWALK: 5,110 (0.12 AC) POND: 17,000 (0.39 AC) LANDSCAPE: 80,358. 1.84 AC SUBTOTAL: 264,069 (6.06 AC) BY-PASS (124TH AVE SE) PAVEMENT,12,681 (0.29 AC) SIDEALK: 2,461 (0.06 ACJ SUBTOTAL: 15,142 (0.35 AC) TOTAL: 279,211 (6.41 AC) 0 75 150 SCALE: 1" = 150 ft. OFF --SITE TRIG. AREA (SF): IMPERVIOUS: 30,893 (0.71 AC) PASTURE: 140,734 (3.23 AC) FOREST: 41,817 (0.96 AC TOTAL: 213,444 (4.90 AC) bypass.tsf T 1.00000 T [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS nodule [P] compute PEAKS and F1Ow Frequencies exist.tsf exist.pks [P]Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies dev.tsf dev.pks [P] compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies bypass.tsf by ass.pks [R RETURN to Previous Menu [X exit KCRTS Program KCRTS Program... File Directory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 7.06 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 3.34 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass O.OD 0.00 0.000000 outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.91 0.00 0.000000 Impervious exist.tsf T 1.00000 T [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.96 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 3.23 O.DO 0.000000 Till Pasture 1.84 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 4.93 0.00 0.000000 Impervious dev.tsf T 1.00000 T [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.35 0.00 0.000000 Impervious bypass.tsf T 1.00000 T [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS nodule [P] compute PEAKS and F1Ow Frequencies exist.tsf exist.pks [P]Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies dev.tsf dev.pks [P] compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies bypass.tsf by ass.pks [R RETURN to Previous Menu [X exit KCRTS Program Fleuve des voiles Plat Runoff Cal cs 6/13/08 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exist.tsf Project Location:5ea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.827 2 2/09/01 15:00 0.397 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.774 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.242 8 8/26/04 2:00 0.458 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.749 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.694 5 11/24/06 4:00 1.34 1 1/09/08 6:00 computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 1.57 5 2/09/01 2:00 1.24 8 1/05/02 16:00 1.86 2 2/27/03 7:00 1.28 7 8/26/04 2:00 1.54 6 10/28/04 16:00 1.68 4 1/18/06 16:00 1.85 3 10/26/06 0:00 3.18 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Flaw Frequency Analysis Time series File:bypass.tsf Project Location:5ea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of peak (CFS) 0.085 7 2/09/01 2:00 0.075 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.104 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.087 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.104 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.091 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.127 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.165 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Level 1 Det Pond (4.5' deep) Qmax = (4/3*0.458)-0.087 = 0.524 Ht = 3/4*4.5 = 3.38' -----Flow Frequency Analysis ------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period Period 3,18 1.34 1 100.00 0.990 0.827 2 25.00 0.960 0.774 3 10.00 0.900 0.749 4 5.00 0.800 0.694 5 3.00 0.667 0,458 6 2.00 0.500 0.397 7 1.30 0.231 0.242 8 1.10 0.091 1.17 50.00 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis ------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (cps) Prob Period 3,18 1 100.00 0.990 1.86 2 25.00 0.960 1.85 3 10.00 0.900 1.68 4 5.00 0.800 1.57 5 3.00 0.667 1.54 6 2.00 0.500 1.28 7 1.30 0.231 1.24 8 1.10 0.091 2.74 0.091 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.165 1 100.00 0.990 0.127 2 25.00 0.960 0.104 3 10.00 0.900 0.104 4 5.00 0.800 0.091 5 3.00 0.667 0.087 6 2.00 0.500 0.085 7 1.30 0.231 0.075 8 1,10 0.091 0.153 50.00 0.980 Fleuve des Voiles Retention/Detention Facility 6/16/08 Type of Facility: Detention Pond 207. Side Slope: 3.00 H:1V 6926. Pond Bottom Length: 143.78 ft 0.010 Pond Bottom Width: 47.93 ft 0.09 Pond Bottom Area: 6891, sq. ft 0.076 Top Area at I ft. FB: 14307, sq. ft 0.13 906. 0.328 acres 0.00 Effective Storage Depth: 4.50 ft 1117. Stage 0 Elevation: 0.00 ft 7076. Storage Volume: 43751. cu. ft 0.031 0.107 1.004 ac -ft 0.22 Riser Head: 4.50 ft 0.116 Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches 0.25 Number of orifices: 2 0.124 0.00 7181. Full Head Pipe orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 3.02 0.524 0..00. 2 3.38 2.71 0.210 6.0 Top Notch Weir: None O.OQ 7535. Outflow Rating Curve: None 4726. 0.108 Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation Surf Area (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac -ft) (cfs) (cfs)_ (sq. ft) 0.03 0.03 207. 0.005 0.044 0.00 6926. 0.06 0.06 416. 0.010 0.062 0.00 6960. 0.09 0.09 625. 0.014 0.076 0100 6995. 0.13 0.13 906. 0.021 0.088 0.00 7041, 0.16 0.16 1117. 0.026 0.098 0.00 7076. 0.19 0.19 1330. 0.031 0.107 0.00 7111. 0.22 0.22 1544. 0.035 0.116 0.00 7146. 0.25 0.25 1759. 0.040 0.124 0.00 7181. 0.35 0.35 2483. � 0.057 0.146 /� 0.00 7298. 0.45 0.45 3219 0.074 0.166 rr 0..00. 7416. 0.55 0.55 3966. 0.091 0.183 O.OQ 7535. 0.65 0.65 4726. 0.108 0.199 0.00 7654. 0.75 0.75 5497. 0.126 0.214 O.DO 7774. 0.85 0.65 6281. 0.144 0.228 0.00 7895. 9 0.95 7076.1 0.162 0.241, 0.00 8017, 1.05 1.05 7884. 0.181 0.253 0.00 8139. 1.15 1.15 8704, 0.200 0.265 0.00 8262. 1.25 1.25 9536. 0.219 0.276 0.00 8385. 1.35 1.35 10381_ 0.238 0.2877?0� 0.00 8510. 1.45 1.45 ��?j 11238.�r 0.256 0_.298} 0.00 8635. 1.55 1,55 12108, 0.278 0.308 0.00 8761. 1.65 1.65 12990. 0.298 0.317 0.00 8887. 1.75 1.75 13885. 0.319 0.327 0.00 9014. 1.85 1.85 14793.` %\ 0.340 0.336 �(� 0.04 9142. 1.95 1.95 15714. iA` 0.361 0.345 ,77 0.00 9271. 2.45, _ 2.05 16647. 0.382 0. 59 6.0 . 2.15 2.15 17594. 0.404 0.362 0.00 9531. 2.25 2.25 18554. 0,426 0.371 0.00 9662. 9793. 2.35 2.35 19526. 4311/0.448 0.379 (� 0.00 2.45 2.45 20512.x, 0.471 0.387 �' 1� 0.00 9926. 2.55 _ 2.55 21512, 0.494 0.395 0.00 1 a . 2.65 2.65 22524. 0.517 0.402 0.00 10192. 2.75 2.75 23550. l 0.541 0.410 0.00 10327. 2.85 2.85 24589, 10.564 0.41.7 0.00 10462. 2.95 2.95 25642. 0.589 0.424 0.00 10598. 3.05 3.05 26709. 0.613 0.431 0.00 10734. 3.15 3.15 27789. 0.638 0.439 0.00 10872. 3.25 3.25 28663. 0.663 0.445 0.00 11010. 3.35 3.35 29991. 0.689 0.452 0.00 11149, 3.38 3.38 30326. 0.696 0.454 0.00 11190. 3. 41 3 4 30663. D.704 0.458 0.00 11232. 3.44 3.44 31000. 0.712 0.465 0.00 11274. 3.46 3.46 31226. ., 0.717 0.477 0.00 11302. 3.49 3.49 31566. 0.725 1� 0.4911 1 0.00 11344, ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout POC Time Series File:dsout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 3.18 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 2.31 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 4.79 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 4.79 Ft 3.55 3.55 32249. 0.740 0.530 0.00 11428. 3.58 3.58 32592. 0.748 0.555 0.00 11471. 3.61 3.61 32937. 0.756 0.563 0.00 11513. 3.71 3.71 34096. 0.783 0.589 0.00 11654. 3.81 3.81 35268.iQ0.810 0.611 0.00 11796. 3.91 3.91 36455�j 0.837 0.632 , 0.00 11939. , -'" `r $"�' 0 12C83. 4.11 4.11 38871. 0.892 0.670 0.00 12227. 4.21 4.21 40101. 0.921 0.687 0.00 12372, 4.31 4.31 41346. 0.949 0.704 0.00 12518. 4.41 4.41 42605. 0.978 0.720 0.00 12664. 9.50 4. 0 4 751. 1.009 0.739 0.00 127 96, 4. 0 45038. 1.034 1.060 0.00 12994, 4.70 4.70 46340. 1.064 1.630 0.00 13093. 4.80 4.80 47656, 1.094 2.380 0.00 13242. 05.00 4.90 4.90 48988. 1.125 3.180 0.00 13392. 00- 5.00 5.00 50335. 1.156 3.480 0.00 13543. 5.10 5.10 51697. 1.187 3.750 0.00 13694. 5.20 5.20 53074. 1.218 4.000 0.00 13846, 5.30 5.30 54466_ 1.250 4.230 0.00 13999. 5.40 5.40 55873. 1.283 4.440 0.00 14152. ,5.50 5.50 57296. 1.315 4.650 0.00 14307. 5.60 5.60 58735. 1.348 4.850 0.00 14462, 5.70 5.70 60189. 1.362 5.040 0.00 14617. 5.80 5.80 61658. 1.415 5.220 0.00 14774. 5.90 5.90 63143. 1.950 5.390 0.00 14931. 6.00 6.00 64644. 1.484 5.560 0.00 15089. 6.10 6.10 66161. 1.519 5.720 0.00 15247, 6.20 6.20 67694. 1.554 5.880 0.00 15407. 6.30 6.30 69243. 1.590 6.030 0.00 15567. 6.40 6.40 70807. 1.626 6.180 0.00 15728. 6.50 6.50 72388. 1.662 6.330 0.00 15889. Hvd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Stage Flev (Cu-Ft1 (Ac-Ft1 1 3.18 2.31 4.79 4.79 47529. 1.091. 2 1.57 1.11 4.61 4.61 45153. 1.037 3 1.59 0.74 4.50 4.50 43766, 1.005 4 1.68 0.71 4.37 4.37 42041. 0.965 5 1.B6 0.65 4.01 4.01 37642. 0.864 6 1.01 0.42 2.93 2.93 25394. 0.583 7 1.24 0.33 1.76 1.76 13940. 0.320 6 1.28 0.31 1.55 1.55 12149. 0.279 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservoir POC Outflow Outflow Inflow Inflow Target Calc 1 2.31 0.17 ++x*x*xx *x*+:** 2.37 2 1.11 0.09 ******** ***++xx 1115 3 0.74 0.09 ******** 0.77 0.77 4 0.71 0.09 +**+++** *xx***+ 0.75 5 0.65 0.10 +**+++** ******* 0.68 6 0.42 0.06 ******** 0.46 0.96 7 0.33 0.07 +*+x*.++ xx***** 0.35 8 0.31 0.09 +*+*xxxx ****+** 0.33 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout POC Time Series File:dsout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 3.18 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 2.31 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 4.79 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 4.79 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 47529. Cu -Ft 1.091 Ac -Ft Add Time Series:bypass.tsf Peak Summed Discharge: 2.37 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Point of Compliance File:dsout.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout.tsf Project Location:8ea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak [CFS} 2.37 1 100.00 1.11 2 2/09/01 19:00 0.328 7 1/06/02 5:00 0.652 5 2/29/03 7:00 0.308 8 8/24/04 0:00 0.422 6 1/05/05 14:00 0.713 4 1/18/06 22:00 0.738 3 11/24/06 7:00 2.31 1 1/09/08 10:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dsout.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 1.15 2 2/09/01 19:00 0.354 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.680 5 2/28/03 6:00 0.333 8 8/23/04 23:00 0.457 6 1/05105 8:00 0.749 4 1/18/06 21:00 0.771 3 11/24/06 6:00- 2.37 1 1/09/08 10:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (ft) Period 2.31 4.79 1 100.00 0.990 1.11 4.61 2 25.00 0.960 0.738 4.50 3 10.00 0.900 0.713 4.36 4 5.00 0.800 0.652 4.01 5 3.00 0.667 0.422 2.92 6 2.00 0.500 0.328 1.76 7 1.30 0.231 0.308 1.55 8 1.10 0.091 1.91 4.74 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 2.37 1 100.00 0.990 1.15 2 25.00 0.960 0.771 3 10.00 0.900 0.749 4 5.00 0.900 0.680 5 3.00 0.667 0.457 6 2.00 0.500 0.354 7 1.30 0.231 0.333 8 1.10 0.091 1.96 50.00 0.980 0 0 0 LCJ a N O �LO L N N Ln rn 0 Co ti r, (SJO) e5jegosiq 0 co 0 N a r LS N •r COGGER PLAU EXISTING SITE (SF): FOREST: 54,573 (1:25 AC) TOTAL: 54,573 (1:25 AC) PROPOSED SITE (SF): BUILDINGS: 24,184 (0.56 AC) PAVEMENT: 9,806 (0.22 AC) SIDEWALK: 1,178 (0.03 AC) LANDSCAPE: 19,405 (0.45 AC) TOTAL: 54,573 (1.25 AC) OFF-SITE TRIG. AREA (SF): IMPERVIOUS: 14,113 (0.32 AC) PASTURE: 64,295 (1:48 AC) TOTAL: 78,408 (1.80 AC) KCRTS Program...File 0.00 Directory: Till Forest C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture [C] CREATE a new Time Series 0.000000 5T 0.00 0.00 0.000000 1.25 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 1.48 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.32 0.00 0.000000 Impervious exiSt. tsf F 1.00000 T [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 1.48 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.44 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 1.13 0.00 0.000000 Impervious dev.tsf F 1.00000 T [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module P Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies exist.tsf exist.pks [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies dev.tsf dev.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [X] eXit KCRTS Program corp- LVed Z 1-, VV,Le S E s ) V)eu - Cogger Plat Runoff talcs 6/16/08 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exist.tSf Project LOCation:sea-Tac --Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) Computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks LogPearson III Coefficients Mean= -0.825 Stdoev= 0.162 skew= 0.319 -----Flow Frequency Analysis ------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period Period 0.389 100.00 0.990 0.343 50.00 0.980 0.299 25.00 0.960 0.244 10.00 0.900 0.233 8.00 0.875 0.204 5.00 0.800 0.147 2.00 0.500 0.112 1.30 0.231 Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III coefficients Time Series File.dev.tsf Mean= -0.445 stdDev= 0.119 Project Location:Sea-Tac skew= 0.388 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- FlOw Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) computed Peaks computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks Level 2 Det Pond (4.5' deep) Int size = (0.343-(0.147*0.5)/36-1 0.008 1st int. = 0.147*0.5 0.074 Qmax (orif 1) = 4/3*0.074 = 0.099 Ht (orif 2) = 3/4*4.5 3.38' -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.731 100.00 0.990 0.664 50.00 0.980 0,599 25.00 0.960 0.514 10.00 0.900 0,497 8.00 0.875 0,449 5.00 0.800 0.353 2.00 0,500 0,290 1.30 0,231 Cogger Plat Retention/Detention Facility 6/16/08 Type of Facility: Detention Pond 15. Side Slope: 3.00 H:lV 1479• Pond Bottom Length: 67.00 ft 0.001 Pond Bottom Width: 22.00 ft 0.04 Pond Bottom Area: 1474, sq. ft 0.008 Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 5500. sq. ft 0.05 74. 0.126 acres 0.00 Effective Storage Depth: 4.50 ft 105. Stage 0 Elevation: 0.00 ft 1512. Storage Volume: 13133. cu. ft 0.003 0.012 0.301 ac -ft 0.09 Riser Head: 4.50 €t 0.013 Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches 0.10 Number of orifices: 2 0.014 0.00 1528. Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS} (in) 1 0.00 1.25 0.090 0.00 2 3.10 1.80 0.104 4.0 Top Notch Weir: None 0.00 1693. Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation Surf Area (ft) (ft) (cu. ft} (ac -ft) (cfs) (cfs) (s4. ft) 0.01 0.01 15. 0.000 0.005 0.00 1479• 0.03 0.03 45. 0.001 0.007 0.00 1490. 0.04 0.09 59. 0.001 0.008 0.00 1495, 0.05 0.05 74. 0.002 0.010 0.00 1501. 0.07 0.07 105. 0.002 0.011 0.00 1512. 0.08 0.08 120. 0.003 0.012 0.00 1517, 0.09 0.09 135. 0.003 0.013 0.00 1522. 0.10 0.10 150. 0.003 0.014 0.00 1528. 0.20 0.20 306. 0.007 0.019 0.00 1562. 0.30 0.30 467. 0.011 0.023 0.00 1637. 0.40 0.40 633. 0.015 0.027 0.00 1693. 0 qn. 0.023 0,033 0.00 1807. 0.70 0.70 1167. 0.027 0.036 0.00 1665. 0.80 0.80 1356. 0.031 0.038 0.00 1924, 0.90 0.90 1552. 0.036 0.040 0.00 1989. �.. 0. 045 0,045 0.00 2105. 1.20 1.20 2174. 0,050 0.047 0.00 2167• 1.30 1.30 2394, 0,055 0.048 0.00 2229. 1.40 1.40 2620. 0.060 6.050 4 0.00 2292. 1.60 1.6U SU`Ji . U.UIi U.Uz9 U.UU -- 1.70 1.70 3336. 0.077 0.055 0.00 2466. 1.80 1.80 3588, 0.082 0.057 0.00 2552. 1 an i an '3847. 0.088 0.058 0.00 2619. 2.10 2.10 4384. 0.101 0.061 U.UU 2.20 2.20 4663. 0.107 0.063 0.00 2823. 2.30 2.30 4949. 0.114 0.064 0.00 2893. 2.40 2.40 5241. 0.120 0.066 0.00 2963, 2.70 2.70 6162. 0.141 0.070 0.00 3178, 2.80 2.80 6464, 0.149 0.071 0.00 3251. 2.90 2.90 6813. 0.156 D.072 0.00 3325. 3.10 3.10 7493. 0.172 0.075 O.D0 3975. 3.12 3.12 '7562. 0.174 0.075 0.00 3491. 3.14 3.14 7632. 0.175 0.078 0.00 3506. 3.16 3.16 7703. 0.177 C.061 0.00 3521, 3.17 3.17 7738. 0.178 0.086 0.00 3529. 3.19 3.19 7809. 0.179 0.092 0.00 3544. 3.21 3.21 7880. 0.181 0.100 0.00 3559. 3.23 3.23 7951. 0.183 0.108 0.00 3574. 3.25 3.25 8023. 0.184 0.110 0.00 3590. 3.27 3.27 8095. 0.186 0.113 C.00 3605. 3.37 3.37 8459 0.194 0.123 0.00 3682. 3.47 3.47 8831. 0.203 0.132 0.00 3760. 3.57 3.57 9211_ 0.211 0.1.40 0.00 3639. 3.67 3.67 9599. 0.220 0.147 0.00 3919. 3.77 3.77 9995. 0.229 0.154 0.00 3999, 3.67 3.67 10399. y.1 0.239 0.160 0 0.00 4080. 3.97 3.97 10811.E 0.248 0.166 0.00 4161. 4.07 4.07 11231. 0.258 0.172 0.00 4244, 4.17 4.17 11660, 0.268 0.177 0.00 4327• 4.27 4.27 12096. 0.278 0,183 0.00 4411. 4.37 4.37 12542. 0.288 0.188 0.00 4495. 4.47 4.47 12995. 0.298 0.192 0.00 4580• Hyd Inflow Outflow 0.312 0.507 0.00 4692y ADD- Yrz 4.70 4.70 14072. 0.323 1.9?O 0.00 4779. 4.80 4.80 14554. 0.334 1.610 0.00 4867. 4.90 4.90 15045. 0.345 2.600 0.00 4955. 5.00 5.00 15545. 0.357 2.890 0.00 5044. 5.10 5.10 16054. 0.369 3.150 0.00 5134. 5.20 5.20 16572. 0.380 3.390 0.00 5224. 5.30 5.30 17099. 0.393 3.610 0.00 5315. 5.40 5.40 17635. 0.405 3.820 0.00 5407. 5.50 5.50 18180. 0.417 4.020 0.00 5500. 5.60 5.60 18735. 0.430 4.210 0.00 5593. 5.70 5.70 19299. 0.443 4.390 0.00 5687. 5.80 5.80 19872. 0.456 4.560 0.00 5782. 5.90 5.90 20455. 0.470 4.720 0.00 5878. 6.00 6.00 21048. 0.483 4.890 0.00 5974. 6.10 6.10 21650. 0.497 5.040 0.00 6071. 6.20 6.20 22262. 0.511 5.190 0.00 6169. 6.30 6.30 22884. 0.525 5.340 0.00 6267. 6.40 6.40 23516. 0.540 5.460 0.00 6366. 6.50 6.50 24157. 0.555 5.620 0.00 6466, Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target calc Stage Elev (Cu -Ft) (Ac -Ft) 1 0.69 0.39 0.35 4.55 4.55 13368. 0.307 2 0.63 *+***** 0.24 4.52 4.52 13204. 0.303 3 0.61 ******* 0.19 4.39 4.39 12623. 0.290 4 0.43 ******* 0.18 4.19 4.19 11737, 0.269 5 0.40 ******* 0.31 4.54 4.54 13304, 0.305 6 0.36 ******* 0.14 3.56 3.58 9269. 0.213 7 0.44 ******* 0.07 2.96 2.96 7004. 0.161 B 0.49 ******* 0.07 2.53 2.53 5648. 0.130 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.693 CFS at 6:00 on )an 9 in 1990 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.352 CFS at 10:00 on „an 9 in 1990 peak Reservoir Stage: 4.55 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 4.55 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 13368. Cu --Ft 0.307 Ac -Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout.tsf Project Location:5ea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak LogPearson III Coefficients Mean= -1.015 StdDev= 0.219 Skew- 1.010 ------Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob oVEYt, r. 0V/ {CFS} (CFS; (ft) Period O.D70 33 2/17/49 2:00 0.352 4.55 1 89.50 0.989 0.119 17 3/04/50 3:00 0.317 4.54 2 32.13 0.969 D.309 3 2/09/51 16:00 0.309 4.54 3 19.58 0.949 0.064 43 1/30/52 13:00 0.242 4.52 4 14.08 0.929 0.064 44 9/30/53 17:00 0.189 4.39 5 10.99 0.909 0.060 22 1/06/54 8:00 0.189 4.39 6 9.01 0.889 0.141 12 2/07/55 23:00 0.187 4.35 7 7.64 0.869 0.133 13 12/21/55 16:00 0.178 4.19 8 6.63 0.849 0.075 24 12/09/56 20:00 0.165 3.95 9 5.86 0.829 0.068 21 1/17/56 7:00 0.158 3.83 10 5.24 0.809 0.070 34 1/24/59 10:00 0.153 3.76 11 4.75 0.789 0.189 5 11/21/59 2:00 0.141 3.56 12 4.34 0.769 0.073 27 11/20/60 17:00 0.133 3.48 13 3.99 0.749 0.060 46 1/03/62 7:00 0.132 3.47 14 3.70 0.729 0.075 25 11/26/62 10:00 0.128 3.43 15 3.44 0.709 0.073 28 1/01/64 22:00 0.123 3.37 16 3.22 0.690 0.075 23 12/01/64 8:00 0.119 3.33 17 3.03 0.670 0.067 40 12/28/65 17:00 0.115 3.29 18 2.85 0.650 0.123 16 1/19/67 19:00 0.099 3.21 19 2.70 0.630 0.067 38 2/19/68 6:00 0.099 3.21 20 2.56 0.610 0.071 32 12/03/68 23:00 0.088 3.18 21 2.44 0.590 0.072 30 1/14/70 14:00 0.080 3.15 22 2.32 0.570 0.099 20 12/07/70 4:00 0.075 3.11 23 2.22 0.550 0.165 9 2/28/72 7:00 0.075 3.11 24 2.13 0.530 0.068 37 12/26/72 7:00 0.075 3.10 25 2.04 0.510 0.073 26 1/16/74 18:00 0.073 2.99 26 1.96 0.490 0.128 15 12/27/74 5:00 0.073 2.99 27 1.89 0.470 0.099 19 12/03/75 23:00 0.073 2.98 28 1.82 0.450 0.054 49 8/24/77 0:00 0.073 2.96 29 1.75 0.430 0.073 29 9/23/78 12:00 0.072 2.86 30 1.70 0.410 0.059 47 11/19/78 8:00 0.071 2.82 31 1.64 0.390 0.158 10 12/15/79. 9:00 0.071 2.81 32 1.59 0.370 0.066 42 12/26/80 6:00 0.070 2.74 33 1.54 0.350 0.169 6 10/06/81 17:00 0.070 2.71 34 1.49 0.330 0.115 18 1/05/83 14:00 0.070 2.69 35 1.45 0.310 0.063 45 1/24184 13:00 0.068 2.57 36 1.41 0.291 0.067 39 6/07/85 8:00 0.068 2.57 37 1.37 0.271 O.i78 8 !/18/86 22:00 0.067 2.53 38 1.33 0.251 0.167 7 11/24/86 7:00 0.067 2.48 39 1.30 0.231 0.066 41 1/14188 20:00 0.067 2.46 40 1.27 0.211 0.055 48 11/05/86 19:00 0.066 2.42 41 1.24 0.191 0.352 1 1/09/90 10:00 0.066 2.39 42 1.21 0.171 0.242 4 4/05/91 3:00 0.064 2.28 43 1.18 0.151 0.071 31 1/29/92 12:00 0.054 2.26 44 1.15 0.131 0.070 35 3/23/93 6:00 0.063 2.22 45 1.12 0.111 0.050 50 12/01/93 16:00 0.060 2.02 46 1.10 0.091 0.132 14 2/19/95 21:00 0.059 1.96 47 1.08 0.071 0.317 2 2/09/96 2:00 0.055 1.70 48 1.05 0.051 0.153 11 1/02/97 12:00 0.054 1.63 49 1.03 0.031 0.068 36 10/30/97 10:00 0.050 1.40 50 1.01 0.011 Computed Peaks 0.444 4.58 100.00 0.990 Computed Peaks 0.348 4.55 50.00 0.980 Computed Peaks 0.271 4.52 25.00 0.960 Computed Peaks 0.190 4.41 10.00 0.900 Computed Peaks 0.176 4.15 8.00 0.875 Computed Peaks 0.141 3.59 5.00 0.800 Computed Peaks 0.089 3.18 2.00 0.500 Computed Peaks 0.065 2.36 1.30 0.231 Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.005 324991 74.199 74.199 25.801 0.258E+OC 0.015 40459 9.237 83.436 16.564 0.166E+00 0.025 27211 6.213 89.649 10.351 0.104E+00 0.035 17696 4.040 93.669 6.311 0.631E-01 0.045 11959 2.730 96.419 3.561 0.358E-01 0.054 7806 1.783 98.202 1.798 0.180E-01 0.064 4229 0.966 99.167 0.833 0.833E-02 0.074 2536 0.579 99.746 0.254 0.254E-02 O.OB4 313 0.073 99.B19 0.181 0.181E-02 0.094 86 0.020 99.839 0.161 0.161E-02 0.104 45 0.010 99.849 0.151 0.151E-02 0.114 110 0.025 99.874 0.126 0.126E-02 0.124 125 D.029 99.903 0.097 0.975E-03 0.134 81 0.018 99.921 0.079 0.790E-03 0.144 77 0.016 99.939 0.061 0.614E-03 0.153 64 0.015 99.953 0.047 0.468E-03 0.163 53 0.012 99.965 0.035 0.347E-03 0.173 40 0.009 99.974 0.026 0.256E-03 0.183 46 0.011 99.985 0.015 0.151E-03 0.193 49 0.011 99.996 0.004 0.388E-04 0.203 5 0.001 99.997 0.003 0.274E-04 0.213 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.274E-04 0.223 1 0.000 99.997 0.003 0,251E-04 0.233 1 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.228E-04 0.243 2 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.183E-04 0.252 1 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.160F-04 0.262 1 0.000 99.999 0.001 0.137E-04 0.272 1 0.000 99.999 0.001 0.114E-04 0.282 0 0.000 99.999 0.001 0.114E-04 0.292 1 0.000 99.999 Q.001 0.913E-05 0.302 1 0.000 99.999 0.001 0.685E-05 0.312 1 0.000 100.000 0.000 0.457E-05 0.322 1 0.000 100.000 Q.000 0.22BE-05 0.332 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 0.228E-05 0.341 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 0.228E-05 0.351 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 0.22BE-05 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series Eile:rdout Tnflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.693 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in 1990 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.352 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in 1990 Peak Reservoir Stage: 4.55 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 4.55 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 13368, Cu -Ft 0.307 Ac-Ft Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exist.tsf New File: rdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0.074 I 0.42E-02 0.28E-02 -33.9 i 0.42E-02 0.074 0.071 -3.6 0.095 I 0.21E-02 0.16E-02 -21.6 1 0.21E-02 0.095 0.076 -19.2 0.116 I 0.11E-02 0.12E-02 8.4 € 0.11E-02 0,116 0.119 2.8 0.137 I 0.57E-03 0.75E-03 32.3 1 0.57E-03 0.137 0.146 7.0 0.158 I 0.33E-03 0.40E-03 22.9 1 0.33E-03 0.158 0.166 5.2 0.179 I 0.18E-03 0.18E-03 2.5 1 0.16E-03 0.179 0.179 0.4 0.200 I 0.11E-03 0.27E-04 -73.9 1 0.11E-03 0.200 0.187 -6.4 0.221 I 0.53E-04 0.27F-04 -47.8 1 0.53E-04 0.221 0.191 -13.3 0.242 1 0.27E-04 0.16E-04 -33.3 0.27E-04 0.242 0.221 -8.7 0.263 I 0.21E-04 0.14E-04 -33.3 I 0.21E-04 0.263 0.241 -8.3 0.284 I 0.14E-04 0.91E-05 -33.3 1 0.14E-04 0.284 0.266 -6.2 0.305 I 0.14E-04 0.68E-05 -50.0 I 0.14E-04 0.305 0.266 -12.7 0.326 1 0.68E-05 0.23E-05 -66.7 I 0.68E-05 0.326 0.306 -5.4 0.347 1 0.23E-05 0.23E-05 0.0 1 0.23E-05 0.347 0.352 1.3 Maximum positive excursion = 0.010 Cfs [ 7.7%) occurring at 0.133 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.143 c£s on the New Data:rdout.ts£ Maximum negative excursion = 0.018 cfs (-19.4%) occurring at 0.094 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.076 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf m CL K" 8 A 8 0 0 FA 0 r � � (Sjo) @6JEyoSIQ 0 M N d r OCD (s3o) eBJEgosia O r O T 's7 as Lo L 9 O O y�d Q O 0 i O a, coo�QNNI L tm M r M O o � � Q It w .n ca 12 V ;�• o 'G .-• �zm F II O L i a) 00 4 N it rn r L _ o N 7 to ' a 0 >w� H �a U) 9 R .O O m � .� Cr w 2 0 II W = CL a V7 U O O rYy 0 N 0 ri 0 0 O 0 0 O C) 0 0 wi 0 ri 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 as Lo 9 O O y�d Q O 0 i coo�QNNI L tm M r M O o � � Q It ca 12 V ;�• o 'G .-• �zm F II N to L i a) 00 4 N it rn r L _ o N 7 to ' a 0 >w� H �a U) 9 R .O m � .� Cr w 2 0 II W = CL a � u. U w U 0 0 LO 0 LO Q m M M O (D a) y 0 0 M n r LO 0�* M r of P N N M 't d' M U) 0 Cfl co 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O O O O cn 0LO0LO0 0NN0LOM 0 0 M n r lO C7 �* W r v 1,4 O N N M Itlqr Lf) U) LO SV m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a u. 0] O N N O f— co 07 LO 4 U7 0 O M '7 LO CD (D r— I• 00 D) a7 �a0C7O00o0C]o0 o a0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 U �Q LO � O LO 4 M N CMD 6-i N X) 9 r N M M M d' 'It r LO LD LL 9 L 0oL-gP LO90(D C) O r r N N M M S qr u7 as U Q C �o y .7 Cr LU x LL U ca (D03 OI Q C:) C �y � N Q n -0 2 V U N r O CO T- N Nco CD >_ r E E L L Q Cr d y c' w E E M 0-0 7 O 0 Q Q- E E m CD V- 0 b 0 CL w x LLL c0 a U N ca U N N T` cn rn c 00- O Ln LD w C37 c} O Ln M r m LLQ Ln w r O M N CO CO O r (p 'T Ln w M V M O n Ln ' N O N (D Di m r 1-: k6 r (D M O] CD --ci N O O Df C? r r r N N M M't lqr LD M r 00 M M r N Q E r r V E O Ln r M r CD CD LO M O N N O m O V M O d'0 r00r-r 4 rrrNm0MrNNN'TrOLn C7 N Ln 00 r N Ln r Ln O Ln O Liz -7. (D N r M O] �► N M M C 7 Ln Ln (� [D r r~ ao w O] Qn O Q E 7 O (D N r O N O Ln M O Lo C j r Y w Ln Lrn O CO 1- 04 M N N M Ln M M O CD IT v O LnrrMMUjNCAMLnU')LnCO0r`MMr_M 0 0 Lf ) (D M r r 00 00 O O r N CO V Ln (D r 00 0 r N N CN N fG (6 r+ y 0a Or LOMwOo7MWNr V 0 �r0M(4r—L)r 0�(DOwdrrd'NVOr w0(Dr;I- r CO �(nCDLnCDOONwcD(OOI' " grC)ll- r O N�trO��NN(rvM0 c V V �tpnLDM(O r� n� a� E 0 E .� O N O O M"t O M M M (D M M r M r - O (D N O CD M O CD r N co r M r (D r r N w O UO rwONd'Lnrl-ONm rONLn[-ON O N N CV N M C6 C6 C M -;i Ni V' -If L!7 Ln L(j Lf) (D (D 7 � 0 O NrC O Ln O C m V m N m M Ln LO (DU') CA r N r N YM M a %•M(0mNmmNrC]Ow(O wwrrwO m00 V)CDONCDN(DO ..+O 4icol-NrNrN1l-Nw O r r N N Ln Ln 16 (D (D (O i� r w ap O) O r r r r r r 0 d za 0 V' r LD r Ln r CD M O N N M-tl' r w w (D N Ln r CO 't r It N Ln O (D CD N IT Ln Nr m M Ln O 0o D In r CO 00 m O O w M M (D r 0 0 q' r r Ln r > r r N Cr7 CD 1' 46 C6 co w N Ln 4? co r,- N ❑ r r e- r N N N M Mlqr D E a U U E (U Q1 � � Ln O lf7 N O r Ln [+'� r 0 w M M �r`7 (Dr(Dm�LnO(DN0 W OOr'ttCO E O V Q r 'T w N p r r Ln r O N LD co O co r 0 m cD S O Ln O r O r o e- r r N N N N M M m 'If -�f'1 > oo V i= O a r�<--CD M(DM nCJr-N LnU)MCOM 0") nM 02 0 r�LnMpmm6m(DLa(ncoNrnroo=LD N6 r N (D O Il- N 1-- co cp O r m O r c r O N M r r r i- N N M M C LD LD CO r r OO O O O O cu LO 0 U) 0 Ln O Ln O Ln 0 m O Ln O Ln O LD O Liz 0 4f CO M O O O r r N N M M q' -T Ln LD M CD r r 00 ili rrrwcommwwwwwCowwMOOooCoco ImmmmmmmMMmmmmmcomcamm0 0 b 0 CL w x LLL c0 a U N ca U N N T` cn rn c 00- Riser Overflow and Secondary Inlet "Jailhouse Window" (iteratively sizes the flow control riser and a "jailhouse window" secondary inlet using the sharp crested weir eqn.) Project: Fleuve des Voiles Date: 7/7/2008 By: LT Rectangular, Sharp Crested Weir Q=C(L-0.2H)H"312 C = 3.27 + 0.40HIP Q(100) = 3.91 cfs H P L C Q 0.46 4.5 3.9 3.3 3.96 15" riser 0.46 4.5 4.0 3.3 4.04 Jailhouse Window See Erosion Control Calculations for Emergency Overflow Spillway Sizing Drainage Calcs FV.xls Jailhouse Window Printed: 7/812008 APPENDIX C-2 TREATMENT FACILITIES DESIGN Treatment Pond Sizing Routine Project: Fleuve des Voiles & Cogger Plats Treatment Pond Date: 6/12/2008 Blue represents manual entry fields Red represents calculated fields Step 1: Wetpool volume factor (f) ...either 3 or 4.5 f= 3 Step 2: Mean annual rainfall (R) ...from Fig. 6.4.1.A, pg 6-69 R = 0,47 in Step 3: Runoff (Vr) ... Vr-(0.9Ai+0.25Atg+0.10Atf+0.01 Ao)xR/12 Ai = 219,216 sf Atg = 99,426 sf Atf = 0 sf Ao = 0 sf Vr = 8,701 cf Step 4: Wetpool volume (Vb) ...Vb=fVr Vb = 26,103 cf Step 5: Wetpool dimensions ...Vb=h(A1+A2)/2 Solve by trial & error Al = 8,056 sf L = 52 ft 3L = 155 ft h= 4 f S= 2 f A2 = 4,996 sf *Vb = 26,103 cf If Vb calculated in Step 5 < Vb from Step 4, then increase h Cell 1 must contain 25% - 35% of total Wetpool volume Cell 1 required volume between 6,526 and 9,136 cf Cell (50x50) Cell (50x138) Al = 2,773 sf Al = 6,880 sf h= 4 f h= 3 f S= 2 f S= 2 f A2 = 1,344 sf A2 = 5,033 sf V = 8,234 cf V = 17,870 cf "Vb = 26,104 cf Drainage Calcs FVA& (Treatment Pond j 6!12!2008 KCRTS Program...File Directory: C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\ [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 devl5.tsf T 1.00000 DEVIS.exc 0.000000 Till Forest 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.000000 Till Grass 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Crass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious F [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies devl5.tsf devl5.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [X] exit KCRTS Program Page 1 i 2q 4, AvF, SF, C KM ID4.1�- F i L-Tez Flaw Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients agii, ?yp�S AfCa Time Series File:devl5rd.tsf Mean= -0.757 stdoev= 0.143 Project Location:5ea-Tac Skew= 1.147 dnjeIOpeat ---Annual Flow Rate (cFS) 0.219 0.290 0.159 0.165 0.128 0.135 0.130 0.196 0.156 0.146 0.205 0.192 0.156 0.157 0.134 0.117 0.142 0.112 0.174 0.340 0.160 0.102 0.115 0.222 0.151 0.162 0.203 0.122 0.127 0.218 0.303 0.180 0.211 0.365 0.170 0.129 0.125 0.180 0.219 0.186 0.173 0.200 0.156 0.126 0.150 0.165 0.192 0.205 0.544 0.289 Peak Flow Rates --- Rank Time of Peak Computed Peaks Compute d Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks computed Peaks 2/16/49 17:45 8/15/50 6:45 8/27/51 18:00 10/17/51 7:15 9/30/53 3:00 12/19/53 17:30 7/30/55 21:15 10/04/55 10:00 10/19/56 23:45 1/16/58 10:00 10/18/58 19:45 10/10/59 22:00 2/14/61 20:15 8/04/62 13:15 12/01/62 20:15 6/05/64 15:00 4/20/65 19:30 9/17/66 17:45 11/13/66 17:45 8/24/68 15:00 10/20/68 12:00 5/29/70 7:45 12/06/70 7:00 12/08/71 17:15 4/18/73 9:30 11/28/73 8:00 8/17/75 23:00 10/29/75 7:00 8/23/77 14:30 9/17/78 1:00 9/08/79 13:45 12/14/79 20:00 9/21/81 8:00 10/05/81 22:15 10/28/82 16:00 1/02/84 23:30 6/06/85 19:15 10/27/85 10:45 10/25/86 22:45 5/13/88 17:30 8/21/89 16:00 11/03/89 23:45 4/03/91 20:15 1/27/92 15:00 6/09/93 12:15 11/17/93 16:45 6/05/95 17:00 7/19/96 19:30 12/29/96 11:45 10/04/97 14:15 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - - Peaks - - Rank Return Proh (CFS) Period 0.544 1 89.50 0.989 0.365 2 32.13 0.969 0.340 3 19.58 0.949 0.303 4 14.08 0.929 0.290 5 10.99 0.909 0.289 6 9.01 0.889 0.222 7 7.64 0.869 0.219 8 6.63 0.849 0.219 9 5.86 0.829 0.218 10 5.24 0.809 0.211 11 4.75 0.789 0.205 12 4.34 0.769 0.205 13 3.99 0.749 0.203 14 3.70 0.729 0.200 15 3.44 0.709 0.196 16 3.22 0.690 0.192 17 3.03 0.670 0.192 18 2.85 0.650 0.186 19 2.70 0.630 0.180 20 2.56 0.610 0.180 21 2.44 0.590 0.174 22 2.32 0.570 0.173 23 2.22 0.550 0.170 24 2.13 0.530 0.165 25 2.04 0.510 0.165 26 1.96 0.490 0.162 27 1.89 0.470 0.160 28 1.82 0.450 0.159 29 1.75 0.430 0.157 30 1.70 0.410 0.156 31 1.64 0.390 0.156 32 1.59 0.370 0.156 33 1.54 0.350 0.151 34 1.49 0.330 0.150 35 1.45 0.310 0.146 36 1.41 0.291 0.142 37 1.37 0.271 0.135 38 1.33 0.251 0.134 39 1.30 0.231 0.130 40 1.27 0.211 0.129 41 1.24 0.191 0.128 42 1.21 0.171 0.127 43 1.18 0.151 0.126 44 1.15 0.131 0.125 45 1.12 0.111 0.122 46 1.10 0.091 0.117 47 1.08 0.071 0.115 48 1.05 0.051 0.112 49 1.03 0.031 0.102 50 1.01 0.011 0.490 100.00 0.990 0.414 50.00 0.980 0.347 25.00 0.960 0.273 10.00 0.900 0.259 8.00 0.875 0.223 5.00 0.800 0.165 2.00 0.500---- 0.135 1.30 0.231 15 i x --i ,ry�c _.-'Acres �, � . Vi/4 des � ►� . e s,r -6o arc, Poe 4,�e eA r -el road -;o s F I i 4 i n hal r n, 0 I KCRTS Program... File DireCtory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0,00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.34 0.00 0.000000 Impervious devl5rd.tsf F 1.00000 F [T Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies devl5rd.tsf devl5rd.pks (RRETURN to Previous Menu [XI eXit KCRTS Program i N PJ T 'I)Pc t o APPENDIX C-3 EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES DESIGN EC Pond Calculations Project: Fleuve des Voiles & Cogger Plats Date: 4 -.Jun -08 Q2 = 2.48 cfs (from KCRTS flow frequency analysis) Q,o = 4.09 cfs (from KCRTS flow frequency analysis) Q,00 = 8.42 cfs (from KCRTS flow frequency analysis) Determine Pond Geometry SA = 2080*Q2 SAW 5158 sf Size Discharge Mechanisms - Principal Spillway Must be at least 15" diameter to pass 010 @ 1' head(from KCSWOM Fig 5.3.4.H) => If permanent control structure is used for EC, then riser must be increased to 15" - Emergency Overflow Spillway - iterative solution below L=((Q 10013.21 *H"(312))-(2.4*H) H L 0.2 28.8 0.3 15.2 0.4 9.4 0.5 6.2 0.6 4.2 0.7 2.8 0.8 1.7 To maintain 6" freeboard (6" depth), 7' length is req'd - Dewatering Orifice Ao=4.81 *(10-6)*Ao*sgrt(h) AO= 0.02 sf D=13.54*sgrt(AO) D = 1.79 in Drainage Cales FV.xls EC Calcs 7/7/2008 SECTION 5.3 DETENTION FACILITIES Riser Overflow The nomograph in Figure 5.3AH may be used to determine the head (in feet) above a riser of given diameter and for a given flow (usually the 100 -year peak flow for developed conditions). 100 si Qlo ` Lj,(Y cP FIGURE 5.3A.H RISER INFLOW CURVES , HEAD IN FEET (measured from crest of riser) Qweir=9.739 DH"' Qorifice- -3.782 D2H112 Q in efs, D and H in feet Slope change occurs at weir -orifice transition 1/2412005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 5.48 KCRTS Program...File Directory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ [C] CREATE a new Time series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 2.13 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 4.87 0.00 0.000000 Impervious devl5.tsf F 1.00000 F [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flaw Frequencies devl5.tsf devl5.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [X] eXit KCRTS Program ri re- rieUV(f 4 min r C--( 1- Flaw Frequency Analysis LagPearson III Coefficients Time Series File:devl5.tsf Mean= 0.427 StdDev= 0.155 Project Location:sea-'Tac Skew= 1.294 ---Annual Flow Rate (CFS) 3.56 4.66 2.28 2.53 1.89 2.09 1.86 2.80 2.42 2.31 3.06 3.00 2.49 2.25 2.07 1.70 2.31 1.61 2.74 5.49 2.47 1.48 1.78 3.65 2.21 2.54 2.90 1.89 1.83 3.20 4.42 2.93 3.03 6.05 2.60 1.98 1.86 2.74 3.24 2.67 2.49 3.41 2.49 1.95 2.36 2.37 2.78 2.95 9.66 4.86 Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank 8 2/16/49 5 3/03/50 35 8/27/51 25 10/17/51 42 9/30/53 38 12/19/53 44 7/30/55 18 10/04/55 30 12/09/56 33 1/16/58 12 10/18/58 14 10/10/59 26 2/14/61 36 8/04/62 39 12/01/62 48 6/05/64 34 4/20/65 49 1/05/66 21 11/13/66 3 8/24/68 29 10/20/68 50 1/13/70 47 12/06/70 7 12/08/71 37 4/18/73 24 11/28/73 17 8/17/75 43 10/29/75 46 8/23/77 11 9/17/78 6 9/08/79 16 12/14/79 13 9/21/81 2 10/05/81 23 10/28/82 40 1/02/84 45 6/06/85 20 10/27/85 10 10/25/86 22 5/13/88 28 8/21/89 9 1/09/90 27 4/03/91 41 1/27/92 32 6/09/93 31 11/17/93 19 6/05/95 15 7/19/96 1 12/29/96 4 10/04/97 Computed Peaks computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks Computed Peaks Computed Peaks Computed Peaks computed Peaks Analysis ------- Return Prob Period Tj Jevef0CC4 5�1+C-5 l5-MIn -krv-t c�S 1 2 (CFS) 17:45 9.66 15:00 6.05 18:00 5.49 7:15 4.86 3:00 4.66 17:30 4.42 21:15 3.65 10:00 3.56 12:45 3.41 10:00 3.24 19:45 3.20 22:00 3.06 20:15 3.03 13:15 3.00 20:15 2.95 15:00 2.93 19:30 2.90 15:00 2.80 17:45 2.78 15:D0 2.74 12:00 2.74 20:45 2.67 7:00 2.60 17:15 2.54 9:30 2.53 8:00 2.49 23:00 2.49 7:00 2.49 14:30 2.47 1:00 2.42 13:45 2.37 20:00 2,36 8:00 2.31 22:15 2.31 16.00 2.28 23:30 2.25 21:15 2.21 10:45 2.09 22:45 2.07 17:30 1.98 16:00 1.95 5:30 1.89 20:15 1.89 15:00 1.86 12:1 5 1.86 16:45 1.83 17:00 1.78 19:30 1.70 11:45 1.61 14:15 1.48 0.470 8.42 28 6.94 0.450 5.68 29 4.32 4.09 0.430 3.46 30 2.48 0.410 2.03 Analysis ------- Return Prob Period Tj Jevef0CC4 5�1+C-5 l5-MIn -krv-t c�S 1 2 89.50 32.13 0.989 0.969 4 n 3 19.58 0.949 4 14.08 0.929 5 10.99 0.909 6 9.01 0.889 7 7.64 0.869 8 6.63 0.849 9 5.86 0.829 10 5.24 0.809 11 4.75 0.789 12 4.34 0.769 13 3.99 0.749 14 3.70 0.729 15 3.44 0.709 16 3.22 0.690 17 3.03 0.670 18 2.85 0.650 19 2.70 0.630 20 2.56 0.610 21 2.44 0.590 22 2.32 0.570 23 2.22 0.550 24 2.13 0.530 25 2.04 0,510 26 1.96 0.490 27 1.89 0.470 28 1.82 0.450 29 1.75 0.430 30 1.70 0.410 31 1.64 0.390 32 1.59 0.370 33 1.54 0.350 34 1.49 0.330 35 1.45 0.310 36 1.41 0.291 37 1.37 0.271 38 1.33 0.251 39 1.30 0.231 40 1.27 0.211 41 1.24 0.191 42 1.21 0.171 43 1.18 0.151 44 1.15 0.131 45 1.12 0.111 46 1.10 0.091 47 1.08 0.071 48 1.05 0.051 49 1.03 0.031 50 1.01 0.011 100.00 0.990 4� 50.00 0.980 25.00 0.960 10.00 0.9o04 - .9004--'"8.00 B. OG 0.875 5.00 0.800 2.00 0.500^ 1.30 0.231 9EY-.? � C( 4'ccs, Flow Frequencyy analysis LogPearson III Coefficients Time Series File:escchnl5.tsf Mean= -0.142 Stdbev= 0.156 Project Location:5ea-Tac Skew= 1.302 ----annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency analysis ------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak _ - Peaks - - stank Return Prob (cFs) (CFS) Period 0.964 8 2/16/49 17:45 2.62 1 89.50 0.989 1..26 5 3/03/50 15:00 1.64 2 32.13 0.969 0.614 35 8/27/51 18:00 1.48 3 19.58 0.949 0.684 25 10/17/51 7:15 1.32 4 14.08 0.929 0.509 43 9/30/53 3:00 1.26 5 10.99 0.909 0.564 38 12/19/53 17:30 1.19 6 9.01 0.889 0.501. 44 7/30/55 21:15 0.988 7 7.64 0.869 0.754 18 10/04/55 10:00 0.964 8 6.63 0.849 0.657 30 12/09/56 12:45 0.926 9 5.86 0.829 0.625 33 1/16/58 10:00 0.873 10 5.24 0.809 0.826 12 10/18/58 19:45 0.862 11 4.75 0.789 0.810 14 10/10/59 22:00 0.826 12 4.34 0.769 0.674 26 2/14/61 20:15 0.814 13 3.99 0.749 0.604 36 8/04/62 13:15 0.810 14 3.70 0.729 0.560 39 12/01/62 20:15 0.793 15 3.44 0.709 0.458 48 6/05/64 15:00 0.792 16 3.22 0.690 0.625 34 4/20/65 19:30 0.781 17 3.03 0.670 0.436 49 1/05/66 15:OD 0.754 18 2.85 0.650 0.740 20 11/13/66 17:45 0.748 19 2.70 0.630 1.48 3 8/24/68 15:00 0.740 20 2.56 0.610 0.668 29 10/20/68 12:00 0.739 21 2.44 0.590 0.401 50 1/13/70 20:45 0.718 22 2.32 0.570 0.482 47 12/06/70 7:00 0.701 23 2.22 0.550 0.988 7 12/08/71 17:15 0.688 24 2.13 0.530 0.596 37 4/18/73 9:30 0.684 25 2.04 0.510 0.688 24 11/28/73 8:00 0.674 26 1.96 0.490 0.781 17 8/17/75 23:00 0.673 27 1.89 0.470 0.510 42 10/29/75 7:00 0.668 28 1.82 0.450 0.491 46 8/23/77 14:30 0.668 29 1.75 0.430 0.862 11 9/17/78 1:00 0.657 30 1.70 0.410 1.19 6 9/08/79 13:45 0.637 31 1.64 0.390 0.792 16 12/14/79 20:00 0.636 32 1.59 0.370 0.814 13 9/21/81 8:00 0.625 33 1.54 0.350 1.64 2 10/05/81 22:15 0.625 34 1.49 0.330 0.701 23 10/28/82 16:00 0.614 35 1.45 0.310 0.534 40 1/02/84 23:30 0.604 36 1.41 0.291 0.501 45 6/06/85 21:15 0.596 37 1.37 0.271 0.739 21 10/27/85 10:45 0.564 38 1.33 0.251 0.873 10 10/25/86 22:45 0.560 39 1.30 0.231 0.718 22 5/13/88 17:30 0.534 40 1.27 0.211 0.668 28 8/21/89 16:00 0.528 41 1.24 0.191 0.926 9 1/09/90 5:30 0.510 42 1.21 0.171 0.673 27 4/03/91 20:15 D.509 43 1.18 0.151 0.528 41 1/27/92 15:00 0.501 44 1.15 0.131 0.637 31 6/09/93 12:15 0.501 45 1.12 0.111 0.636 32 11/17/93 16:45 0.491 46 1.10 0.091 0.748 19 6/05/95 17:00 0.482 47 1.08 0.071 0.793 15 7/19/96 19:30 0.458 48 1.05 0.051 2.62 1 12/29/96 11:45 0.436 49 1.03 0.031 1.32 4 10/04/97 14:15 0.401 50 1.01 0.011 Computed Peaks 2.28 100.00 0.990 computed Peaks 1.88 50.00 0.980 computed Peaks 1.54 25.00 0.960 Computed Peaks 1.17 10.00 0.900 computed Peaks 1.10 8.00 0.875 computed Peaks 0.934 5.00 MOO Computed Peaks 0.669 2.00 0.500 Computed Peaks 0.547 1.30 0.231 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 1.31 0.00 0.000000 Impervious escchnl5.tsf F 1.00000 F [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies escchnl5.tsf escchnl5.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [X] eXit KCRTS Program L-Ock- L@ uVOC S� Ca-, e ,G en c- f. G► k6 1 E. F6 S 1 UW1 I ' 9 1 `7 , -j 1% k LJ. a," rh 0 T C✓1 F ! �wd Li./ r PD"t KCRTS Program...File Directory: C:\KC_ pY P [C] CREATE a new Time Series 5T 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forests 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 Till Grass outwash Forest 1�j— PA {V) 41N.Y 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture a 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 1.31 0.00 0.000000 Impervious escchnl5.tsf F 1.00000 F [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies escchnl5.tsf escchnl5.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [X] eXit KCRTS Program L-Ock- L@ uVOC S� Ca-, e ,G en c- f. G► k6 1 E. F6 S 1 UW1 I ' 9 1 `7 , -j 1% k LJ. a," rh 0 T C✓1 F ! �wd 1f1. i A? C� FlFl �c�c.�f �`�.�' � 1 �.,��.�.:tt S 'ALT ✓ �Atetr " �w S lIS BACKWATER COMPUTER PRCGRAM FOR OPEN CHANNELS Channel Data Filename:escswale.bwc Tailwater Elevation:418.2 feet Discharge Range:0.5 to 2.5 Step of 0.5 [cfs] STATION 1000.00: INVERT= 418.00 FT EC=1.15 Q--RATIO=0.00 CROSS-SECTION DATA: DIST/STAGE IS MEASURED FROM INVERT; N -FAC IS MEASURED BETWEEN STAGES LEFT(FT) STAGE(FT) N -FACTOR * RIGHT(FT) STAGE(FT) N -FACTOR 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.030 * 1.00 0.00 0.030 5.00 1.00 0.030 * 5.00 1.00 0.030 0.030 Q(CFS) Y1(FT) WS ELEV. * YC --IN YN-IN Q -TW TW -HT 14-Y1 A -Y1 WP -Y1 V-YI WP -Y1 V -Y1 0.50 0.50 0.20 418.20 * 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.20 0.030 0.56 3.65 0.89 1.00 0.20 418.20 0.19 0.18 0.00 0.20 0.030 0.56 3.65 1.79 1.50 0.24 418.24 0.24 0.23 0.00 0.20 0.030 0.71 3.98 2.11 2.00 C.28 418.28 * 0.28 0.26 0.00 0.20 0.030 0.87 4.31 2.29 2.50 D.31 418.31 * 0.31 0.30 0.00 0.20 0.030 1.00 4.56 2.49 ****REACH NO. 1: LENGTH= 500.00 FT AVG.GRADE= 2.40% **** Opened for Writing:escswale.bwt STATION 1500.00: INVERT= 430.00 FT EC=1.15 Q -RATIO -0.00 CROSS-SECTION DATA: DIST/STAGE IS MEASURED FROM INVERT; N -FAC IS MEASURED BETWEEN STAGES LEFT (FT) STAGE(FT) N -FACTOR * RIGHT (FT) STAGE(FT) N -FACTOR 1.00 0.00 0.030 * 1.00 0.00 0.030 5.00 1.00 0.030 * 5.00 1.00 0.030 Q(CFS) Y1(FT) WS ELEV. * YC -IN YN-IN YC -OT YN-OT N -Y1 A -Y1 WP -Y1 V -Y1 0.50 0.13 430.13 0.13 D.00 0.13 0.13 0.030 0.33 3.07 1.53 1.00 0.18 430.18 * 0.19 0.00 0.19 0.18 0.030 0.49 3.48 2.04 1.50 0.23 430.23 * 0.24 0.00 0.24 0.23 0.030 0.67 3.9C 2.23 2.00 0.26 430.26 * 0.28 0.00 0.28 0.26 0.030 0.79 4.14 2.53 2.50 0.30 430.30 * 0.31 0.00 0.31 C.30 0.030 0.96 4.47 2.60 File Opened for Writing:escswale.bwt Save results to HW/TW file:escswale.bwt File Opened for Writing:escswale.RS1 Save results to Routing fi]e:escswale.RS1 i 4 s W - w o r k ,7 EG KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM Version 6.00 File opened for Reading:escpipe.bwp File opened for writing:escpipe.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:escpipe.bwp surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:390. feet Discharge Range:].. to 5. step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:475. feet weir:NONE Upstream velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE No. 1: 65 LF - 18"CP @ 16.92% OUTLET: 388.DO INLET: 399.00 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW -EL: 400.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q -RATIO: 0.33 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. ' N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ieiririririeirYr&sYrtTMiriritiririrfrirititri•ridertrtrt4it**ir�rirri•*iert4rtTMlrrtirieirieiririrYr'kirYSYirFiriririrria4iritir*WrttYrai: **ir�rir 1.00 0.38 399.38 * 0.012 0.38 0.16 2.00 2.00 0.38 *TMrtTMy` 0.38 2.00 0.61 399.61 * 0.012 0.54 0.22 2.00 2.00 0.54 *"rtrtrt 0.61 3.00 0.79 399.79 TM 0.012 0.66 0.26 2.00 2.00 0.66rtrtTM 0.52 0.79 4.00 0.96 399.96 * 0.012 0.77 0.30 2.00 2.00 0.77 ***"* 0.96 5.00 1.11 400.11 * 0.01.2 0.87 0.34 2.00 2.00 0.87 0.68 1.1.1. PIPE NO. 2: 85 LF - 1811CP @ 18.82% OUTLET: 399.00 INLET: 415.00 INTYP: 5 )UNC NO. 2: OVERFLOW -EL: 416.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q -RATIO: 0.50 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE Hw0 HWI 7r lr W9eW RY rtrt*t*rt*it it fr �r 44r Yr ie Pert �i<*ir a4 ie it it it it ie irrtTMrt TMi<**ir i4*ir it*Yr Cert rthirt it tr i<tr it 9e it Vrtrtrtrthrt****i4 it*rtri 0.75 0.33 415.33 * 0.012 0.33 0.13 0.38 0.38 0.33 rtii*rt 0.29 1.50 0.48 415.48 * 0.012 0.47 0.18 0.61 0.61 0.47 0.48 2.26 0.62 415.62 * 0.012 0.57 0.22 0.79 0.79 0.57 0.62 3.01 0.73 415.73 ' 0.012 0.66 0.26 0.96 0.96 0.66 0.73 3.76 0.83 415.83 ' 0.012 0.75 0.29 1..11 1.11 0.75 rirt.`* 0.83 PIPE NO. 3: 115 LF - 12"CP @ 21.74% OUTLET: 415.00 INLET: 440.00 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 3: OVERFLOW -EL: 441.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q -RATIO: 1.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC OC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI 4rrtTMir it it it ie it it ie fr it it fr Yr Vertfthtr irtr***rift it it irrt*hrtirt**dr ie it it it it it*Yr�ir irlr irrt it it it it it*ri�sY rt+'r r. Vii: it �r*fir fr irrt rirt;rrt 0.50 0.30 440.30 * 0.012 0.30 0.1.2 0.33 0.33 0.30 fr** 0.29 1.00 0.47 440.47 0.012 0.43 0.17 0.48 0.48 0.43 0.34 0.47 1.50 0.62 440.62 * 0.012 0.52 0.20 0.62 0.62 0.52 rt *** 0.62 2.01 0.76 440.76 0.012 0.61 0.23 0.73 0.73 0.61 0.48 0.76 2.51 0.89 440.89 0.012 0.68 0.26 0.83 0.83 0.68*riTMrt 0.53 0.89 PIPE NO. 4: 110 LF - 8"CP @ 23.64% OUTLET: 440.00 INLET: 466.00 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *rr*�rwritrxrrinrr+rTMTM*-�,t**,t*TM,nw.�ctr�rTMsr�r+r�r�**w�sv,rTM,r*,tTMTMTM�r�rt�tr♦r�w,r,vrtsrTM�rertrrt� svra,rw,rrrrrTMfr�rr�r** 0.25 0.24 466.24 * 0.012 0.24 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.24 0.23 0.50 0.39 466.39 " 0.012 0.34 0.13 0.47 0.47 0.34 0.39 0.75 0.53 466.53 * 0.012 0.41 0.1.6 0.62 0.62 0.41 0.53 1.00 0.68 466.68 * 0.012 0.48 0.18 0.76 0.76 0.48 "*TMir* 0.68 1.25 0.87 466.87 * 0.012 0.53 0.21 0.89 0.89 0.53 �`*rt*TM 0.87 File opened for writing:escpipe.bwt Save results to HW/TW file.escpipe.bwt EXit KCBW Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 6.00 APPENDIX C4 CONVEYANCE FACILITIES DESIGN N v T R Ln O M C) Ca N O L() O M N R P- r 0 0 O M r ('7 T NrmM Or Lo0Q .:+ O Q r O O O O O d O O O O O Q O O O O r 0 M A 6 cm Q M IZ Lo M mt r% -'t O e-- O Lo N N O t0 = 0 N v O Q Lo ["i 1� 6) h t* m T M u) C2 A e R R 0 m M tl- i+ CO 'C M N T L!'J N O r- v , M N r I Q7 m TrTOOQC7OO D Q% r L} Q N O R R M M O N It Ln Lo 3 N N N (D w N m M N co co m w M t() O M Ln O M (D N v r N V h M (h N CY O O N O D 0 0 O O O O C7 m O O O C' CD Q O O O r fD U) N cv 47 Q O CD O m O 0 I� v r m M 00 N O a N M r a Co O7 0) R O R a) Tl- 1,- 07 m R R R o) o o c o 0 o d o 0 o La a Co F- F- U > E E 0 O co M N v (D IS O Of) C) a0 R m co O O w R tf) N co (D It v Lo N Lo U-) N N N GI YJ e- N T r co T N h r.+ Lcn C C O O C 0 0 (V O Q R 11 O R R O O Ln O LD Q t� m O O N d N (DOoN Or) r(OMam M O L() COcoma)m f --to U")O It rMNT(DNmd' T NvrMTM N d y o a E Q (D CV r N r O � N� — � 0 (n rte- r- fl) m O Ln M CL N Lo M Ln m (D M Ln o Q o (D tu V O O) r CO l!] r N _O T o m Q v N v Co O N❑ o� O O CO T R v N N OO R v00vmLDa0 O v O Lf) O m M N Ocor`R 00mcoco M T co rn 0 � T J m O 1-- D _ (o co co N O O W J o0 .� m N Lo 00 (o 1- 0 M CO 1- CI ti N � 1` Oai N N N M M W N r v Ln CD N w� 4? 4 (r*1 M m co -- — r r T T /m > N 7 O CD r a' s li tD Cl) aaf II II m II I I p +�+ V I I II X11 rr,, ll 11 1 N v T R Ln O M C) Ca N O L() O M N R P- r 0 0 O 0000OR ON NCO (DO NrmM Or Lo0Q .:+ O Q r O O O O O d O O O O O Q O O O O r 0 E 6 Lo M mt r% -'t O e-- O Lo N N O t0 = 0 N v O Q Lo ["i 1� 6) h t* m T M u) C2 A N N N f� R M L r R R 0 m M tl- i+ CO 'C M N T L!'J N O r- v , M N r E co mC]rTOOOOOOO TrTOOQC7OO D L} Q N O R R M M O N It Ln Lo O m M M N M 6) It O N Nr N (D w N m M N co co m w M t() O M Ln O M (D N v r N V O N O Ln O r r O r p r 1- M T N N O O T T T Ln N CY O O N O D 0 0 O O O O C7 m O O O C' CD Q O O O r fD Q O CD O m O 0 I� v r m M 00 N O a N M r O O7 0) R O R a) Tl- 1,- 07 m R R R o) o o c o 0 o d o 0 o La a o o a o 0 0 o a o 0 U Ln 0NcoCC) O V- 0u)M Ln (DO 0 O co M N v (D IS O Of) C) a0 R m co coo m v It w Lo v N N R tf) N co (D It v Lo N Lo U-) N N N GI YJ e- N T r co T N Q r.+ O O Lo O Q Lo Lo 0 Ln Lo O O O O O Q Lo 0 0 O to O O C 0 0 (V O Q R 11 O R R O O Ln O LD Q t� m O O N d N (DOoN Or) r(OMam M O L() COcoma)m f --to U")O It rMNT(DNmd' T NvrMTM N y (D CV r N r O � N� — � 0 (n rte- r- fl) O N(ocm-�(D(cDti co CD iN NN co CL N Lo M Ln m (D M Ln Co tO N (D (Q Lo r tll co N T r r CO tu Do (D O N T (D O O) r CO l!] r N _O T o m Q v N v Co O N❑ a O O CO T R v N N OO R v00vmLDa0 O v O Lf) O m M N Ocor`R 00mcoco M T co 0 � T J O 1-- M co p n) N r r M NOf)❑ r M _ m co 0] 1- R N co N r T J o0 .� m N Lo 00 (o 1- 0 M Co 1- CI ti N � N 1` Oai N N N M M W N r v Ln CD N w� (r*1 M m co -- — r r T T /m > a' s Cl) FLEHYD DED YDRED Q DDDEH pLDD 0 50 lw N I SCALA f = 100 tL A 191st Street Conveyance calcs 6/11/08 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 6.00 File opened for Reading:191st.bwp File Opened for writing:191st.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:191st.bwp surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:386.38 feet Discharge Range:0.5 to 4. Step of 0.5 [cfs] overflow Elevation:459.49 feet weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE NO. 1: 70 LF - 12"CP @ 6.29% OUTLET: 380.50 INLET: 384.90 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW -EL: 388.00 BEND: 20 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. k N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *rr�*�**�*w*rrrrartrr**krr*rr*w**rr**rrrr*rr******mart*rtrr��***�**rr**rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr**rrwrrrrrtrrrrrr�rtxrrrr 0.50 1.50 386.40 * 0.012 0.30 0.16 5.88 5.88 1.50 1.50 0.37 1.00 1.54 386.44 0.012 0.43 0.22 5.88 5.88 1.53 1.54 0.54 1.50 1.62 386.52 0.012 0.52 0.27 5.88 5.88 1.59 1.62 0.68 2.00 1.73 386.63 * 0.012 0.61 0.31 5.88 5.88 1.67 1.73 0.80 2.50 1.87 386.77 * 0.012 0.68 0.35 5.88 5.88 1.77 1.87 0.91 3.00 2.04 386.94 * 0.012 0.75 0.39 5.88 5.88 1.90 2.04 1.01 3.50 2.24 387.14 * 0.012 0.80 0.42 5.88 5.88 2.06 2.24 1.15 4.00 2.48 387.38 * 0.012 0.85 0.45 5.88 5.88 2.23 2.48 1.31 PIPE NO. 2: 73 LF - 12"CP @ 1.01% OUTLET: 385.00 INLET: 385.74 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2: OVERFLOW -EL: 389.08 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.01 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *�*�**�*rr*rtrrrr*rr*rr***�**rrkrr*rrrr��**�*Yr*rra*rrrrrrrr�*�*�Yrrr**rtkrtrt4�k�***rrkrrkrrrt****err*rrrt 0.50 0.70 386.44 * 0.012 0.30 0.25 1.40 1.40 0.68 0.70 0.40 1.00 0.82 386.56 * 0.012 0.43 0.35 1.44 1.44 0.75 0.82 0.60 1.50 1.00 386.74 * 0.012 0.52 0.44 1.52 1.52 0.68 1.00 0.77 2.00 1.27 387.01 * 0.012 0.61 0.51 1.63 1.63 1.09 1.27 0.95 2.50 1.62 387.36 * 0.012 0.68 0.59 1.77 1.77 1.34 1.62 1.13 3.00 2.06 387.80 * 0.012 0.75 0.66 1.94 1.94 1.64 2.06 1.32 3.50 2.57 388.31 rr 0.012 0.80 0.75 2.14 2.14 2.00 2.57 1.55 4.00 3.16 388.90 * 0.012 0.85 0.85 2.38 2.38 2.42 3.16 1.83 PIPE NO. 3: 36 LF - 12"CP @ 9.03% OUTLET: 385.84 INLET: 389.09 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 3: OVERFLOW -EL: 392.43 BEND: 12 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.02 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO *rrY<rt**rrrt**rtrr*rt**�*�*rr*rrrr***��*krrkrrk*rt4rt******Y!Y[Ytrr*rrrr******�Ylrrkrtkrtrt**�*Wrrrt*rtki* *HWI 0.50 0.35 389.44 * 0.012 0.30 0.15 0.60 0.60 0.30 *** 0.35 0.99 0.52 389.61 * 0.012 0.42 0.20 0.72 0.72 0.42 **** 0.52 1.49 0.66 389.75 * 0.012 0.52 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.52 ***** 0.66 1.98 0.78 389.87 * 0.012 0.61 0.28 1.17 1.17 0.61 ***** 0.78 2.48 0.89 389.98 * 0.012 0.68 0.32 1.52 1.52 0.68 ***** 0.89 2.97 0.99 390.08 * 0.012 0.74 0.35 1.96 1.96 0.74 ***** 0.99 3.47 1.13 390.22 0.012 0.80 0.38 2.47 2.47 0.80 ***** 1.13 3.96 1.29 390.38 * 0.032 0.85 0.41 3.06 3.06 0.85 **** 1.29 PIPE NO. 4: 118 LF - 12"CP @ 7.54% OUTLET: 389.19 INLET: 398.09 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 4: OVERFLOW -EL: 405.86 BEND: 5 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4.0 Q -RATIO: 1.64 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN DO DE HWO HWI *Mrrkkrr*4rtrt�*�c***Wdrt**rtrtrt**��*Ye*rrtrrtrtrt�*k**�**rtrtrts*��rrrr*rtrtrtirk****krtrrkkrtrt�**�Yt rtk*YrTW 0.49 0.36 398.45 rr 0.012 0.29 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.29 ***** 0.36 0.97 0.55 398.64 * 0.012 0.42 0.21 0.42 0.42 0.42 **Y'** 0.55 1.46 0.71 398.80 * 0.012 0.52 0.26 0.56 0.56 0.52 **** 0.71 1.94 0.86 398.95 * 0.012 0.60 0.29 0.68 0.68 0.60 ***** 0.86 2.43 1.01 399.10 * 0.012 0.67 0.33 0.79 0.79 0.67 rt**** 1.01 2.91 1.17 399.26 * 0.012 0.74 0.36 0.89 0.89 0.74 Y`** 1.17 3.40 1.37 399.46 rr 0.012 0.79 0.39 1.03 1.03 0.79 **rt** 1.37 3.88 1.59 399.68 rr 0.012 0.84 0.42 1.19 1.19 0.84 ***** 1.59 PIPE NO. 5: 38 LF - 12"CP @ 6.34% OUTLET: 401.79 INLET: 404.20 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 5: OVERFLOW -EL: 407.75 BEND: 50 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.01 QCCFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI kY(kkk�**R**�**Yrrr*krt�rt***krrrrrrkrt�k�***�***hf<rtrtk**�*�*****k*i[**#rrkkrt�*���**YC*rtrtrtrtk 0.18 0.21 404.41 * 0.012 0.18 0.10 O.DO 0.10 0.18 HWO 0.21 0.37 0.31 404.51 * 0.012 0.26 0.14 0.00 0.14 0.26 **** 0.31 0.55 0.39 404.59 * 0.012 0.31 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.31 ***** 0,39 0.74 0.46 404.66 * 0.012 0.36 0.19 0.00 0.19 0.36 ***** 0.46 0.92 0.52 404.72 * 0.012 0.41 0.21 0.00 0.21 0.41 **wi`* 0.52 1.10 0.58 404.78 * 0.012 0.45 0.23 0.00 0.23 0.45 ***** 0.58 1.29 0.64 404.84 * 0.012 0.48 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.48 ***** 0.64 1.47 0.69 404.89 * 0.012 0.52 0.27 0.00 0.27 0.52 ***** 0.69 PIPE NO. 6: 64 LF - 12"CP @ 13.73% OUTLET: 404.30 INLET: 413.09 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 6: OVERFLOW -EL: 416.92 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.77 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.18 0.18 413.27 * 0.012 0.18 0.08 0.11 0.11 0.18 h**** 0.17 0.36 0.27 413.36 * 0.012 0.25 0.11 0.21 0.21 0.25 ***** 0.27 0.55 0.35 413.44 * 0.012 0.31 0.14 0.29 0.29 0.31 ***** 0.35 0.73 0.42 413.51 * 0.012 0.36 0.16 0.36 0.36 0.36 ***** 0.42 0.91 0.49 413.58 * 0.012 0.40 0.18 0.42 0.42 0.40 ***i`* 0.49 1.09 0.55 413.64 * 0.012 0.44 0.19 0.48 0.48 0.44 **w** 0.55 1.27 0.61 413.70 * 0.012 0.48 0.21 0.54 0.54 0.48 **wwh 0.61 1.46 0.67 413.76 * 0.012 0.52 0.22 0.59 0.59 0.52 it*wwh 0.67 PIPE NO. 7: 73 LF - 12"CP @ 14.93% OUTLET: 413.19 INLET: 424.09 INTYP: 5 JUNG NO. 7: OVERFLOW -EL: 427.93 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO; 0.05 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.10 0.14 424.23 * 0.012 0.14 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.14 h**** 0.10 0.21 0.19 424.28 * 0.012 0.19 0.09 0.17 0.17 0.19 h**** 0.18 0.31 0.23 424.32 * 0.012 0.23 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.23 h**** 0.23 0.41 0.28 424.37 * 0.012 0.27 0.12 0.32 0.32 0.27 **^** 0.28 0.51 0.33 424.42 * 0.012 0.30 0.13 0.39 0.39 0.30 ***** 0.33 0.62 0.37 424.46 * 0.012 0.33 0.14 0.45 0.45 0.33 ***** 0.37 0.72 0.41 424.50 * 0.012 0.36 0.15 0.51 0.51 0.36 rt**** 0.41 0.82 0.44 424.53 * 0.012 0.38 0.16 0.57 0.57 0.38 w**** 0.44 PIPE NO. 8: 49 LF - 12"CP @ 6.59% OUTLET: 424.19 INLET: 427.42 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 8: OVERFLOW -EL: 433.50 BEND: 27 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4.0 Q -RATIO: 0.20 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N -FAC DC DN TW 00 DE HWO HWI 0.10 0.14 427.56 * 0.012 0.13 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.13 ***** 0.14 0.20 0.21 427.63 * 0.012 0.19 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.19 hrthrtrr 0.21 0.29 0.27 427.69 0.012 0.23 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.23 *ww"* 0.27 0.39 0.32 427.74 rr 0.012 0.26 0.14 0.18 0.18 0.26 *w*tl<rt 0.32 0.49 0.36 427.78 w 0.012 0.30 0.16 0.23 0.23 0.30 ****w 0.36 0.59 0.40 427.82 w 0.012 0.32 0.17 0.27 0.27 0.32 *wi`*w 0.40 0.69 0.44 427.86 * 0.012 0.35 0.18 0.31 0.31 0.35 i°*i`i`w 0.44 0.78 0.48 427.90 * 0.012 0.37 0.20 0.34 0.34 0.37 i°**** 0.48 PIPE NO. 9: 47 LF - 12"CP @ 8.06% OUTLET: 430.36 INLET: 434.15 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 9: OVERFLOW -EL: 437.73 BEND: 23 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.43 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. h N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ****hwhrthhwrrhrt*****ir*�*�***wwhwhn*�rrrr***�**�*******wwrrw*wrrrthrr**ir****w*****wwwwh 0.08 0.12 434.27 * 0.012 0.12 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.12 *i`*** 0.12 0.16 0.18 434.33 * 0.012 0.17 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.17 ***** 0.18 0.24 0.24 434.39 * 0.012 0.21 0.11 0.00 0.11 0.21 hw*** 0.24 0.33 0.28 434.43 rt 0.012 0.24 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.24 *wrthw 0.28 0.41 0.32 434.47 h 0.012 0.27 0.14 0.00 0.14 0.27 ****w 0.32 0.49 0.36 434.51 * 0.012 0.30 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.30 ***** 0.36 0.57 0.39 434.54 * 0.012 0.32 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.32 ***** 0.39 0.65 0.42 434.57 * 0.012 0.34 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.34 ***** 0.42 PIPE NO.10: 78 LF - 12"CP @ 12.36% OUTLET: 434.25 INLET: 443.89 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO.10: OVERFLOW -EL: 447.48 BEND: 30 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.23 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.06 0.10 443.99 * 0.012 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.10 ***** 0.07 0.11 0.14 444.03 * 0.012 0.14 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.14 ***** 0.12 0.17 0.17 444.06 * 0.012 0.17 0.08 0.14 0.14 0.17 **** 0.17 0,23 0.20 444.09 * 0.012 0.20 0.10 0.18 0.18 0.20 **** 0.20 0.29 0.24 444.13 * 0.012 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.22 ***** 0.24 0.34 0.27 444.16 * 0.012 0.25 0.11 0.26 0.26 0.25 ***** 0.27 0.40 0.29 444.18 * 0.012 0.27 0.12 0.29 0.29 0.27 **y** 0.29 0.46 0.32 444.21 * 0.012 0.28 0.13 0.32 0.32 0.28 w**** 0.32 PIPE NO.11: 66 LF - 12"CP @ 9.70% OUTLET: 443.99 INLET: 450.39 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO.11: OVERFLOW -EL: 453.79 BEND: 25 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.60 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN Tw DO DE HWO HWI >4wwwTM*w�**i<*w*w*�wwi<wTMk�**�*www��wwTM»*ir*k�**i<w****www*wkk***wwi: 0.05 0.09 450.48 * 0.032 0.09 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.09 *ww*} 0.07 0.09 0.13 450.52 * 0.012 0.13 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.13 *ww** 0.12 0.14 0.16 450.55 * 0.012 0.16 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.16 **wTM* 0.16 0.19 0.19 450.58 * 0.012 0.18 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.18 **TMTM* 0.19 0.23 0.22 450.61 * 0.012 0.20 0.10 0.14 0.14 0.20 ***k 0.22 0.28 0.25 450.64 * 0.012 0.22 0.11 0.17 0.17 0.22 **wwTM 0.25 0.32 0.27 450.66 * 0.012 0.24 0.12 0.19 0.19 0.24 i°*i wk 0.27 0.37 0.29 450.68 * 0.012 0.26 0.13 0.22 0.22 0.26 ****w 0.29 PIPE NO.12: 27 LF - 12"CP @ 7.19% OUTLET: 450.49 INLET: 452.43 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO.12: OVERFLOW -EL: 455.86 BEND: 23 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.62 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI w4 Yrkk*****w*ww**wwTMwTMTMk********w4wkkk*TMk******w**whRhTMkkk****wir**w*wwkk*i<****** 0.03 0.07 452.50 * 0.012 0.07 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.07 YrTMk** 0.06 0.06 0.10 452.53 * 0.012 0.10 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.10 wTM*** 0.10 0.09 0.13 452.56 0.012 0.13 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.13 w°*** 0.13 0.12 0.15 452.58 * 4.012 0.14 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.14 wTM*** 0.15 0.15 0.17 452.60 * 0.012 0.16 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.16 **"** 0.17 0.17 0.20 452.63 w 0.012 0.18 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.18 ***** 0.20 0.20 0.21 452.64 0.012 0.19 0.10 0.17 0.17 0.19 ***** 0.21 0.23 0.23 452.66 * 0.012 0.20 0.11 0.19 0.19 0.20 wTM*** 0.23 PIPE NO.13: 61 LF - 12"CP @ 6.18% OUTLET: 452.53 INLET: 456.30 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **DC 0.02 0.06 456.36 * 0.012 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.06 TMTM*** 0.04 0.04 0.08 456.38 * 0.012 0.08 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.08 ***** 0.06 0.05 0.10 456.40 0.012 0.10 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.10 TM*** 0.08 0.07 0.11 456.41 * 0.012 0.11 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.11 ***** 0.10 0.09 0.13 456.43 * 0.012 0.13 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.13**i`* 0.12 0.11 0.14 456.44 0.012 0.14 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.14 *** 0.13 0.13 0.15 456.45 0.012 0.15 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.15*** 0.15 0.14 0.16 456.46 * 0.012 0.16 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.16 ***** 0.16 File opened for writing:191st.bwt Save results to HW/TW file:191st.bwt Exit KCBW Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM Version 6.00 FLEUWE ©ES WOMB o COMER PLA78 1 23HD C 00MYEVQNCE BYSYEM 0 80 100 N SCALL: 1" = 100 !k I 123rd street Conveyance Calcs 6/17/08 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 6.00 File opened for Reading:123rd.bwp File opened for writing:123rd.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:123rd.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:399.66 feet Dischar a Range:0.5 to 3. step of 0.5 [cfs] overflow E?evation:462.42 feet weir:NONE Upstream velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE NO. 1: 24 LF - 12"CP @ 12.00% OUTLET: 401.79 INLET: 404.67 INTYP: 5 ]UNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW -EL: 408.46 BEND: 27 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.25 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N -FAC DC DN TW 00 DE HWO HWI 0.50 0.34 405.01 * 0.012 0.30 0.14 0.00 0.14 0.30 **** 0.34 1.00 0.52 405.19 * 0.012 0.43 0.19 0.00 0.19 0.43 ***** 0.52 1.50 0.68 405.35 * 0.012 0.52 0.23 0.00 0.23 0.52 ***** 0.68 2.00 0.82 405.49 * 0.012 0.61 0.27 0.00 0.27 0.61 ****§ 0.82 2.50 0.96 405.63 * 0.012 0.68 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.68 ***** 0.96 3.00 1.10 405.77 * 0.012 0.75 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.75 ***** 1.10 PIPE NO. 2: 98 LF - 12"CP @ 11.60% OUTLET: 404.77 INLET: 416.14 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2: OVERFLOW -EL: 420.07 BEND: 10 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.19 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N -FAC OC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.40 0.30 416.44 * 0.012 0.27 0.12 0.24 0.24 0.27*** 0.30 0.80 0.46 416.60 * 0.012 0.38 0.17 0.42 0.42 0.38 ***** 0.46 1.20 0.58 416.72 * 0.012 0.47 0.21 0.58 0.58 0.47 ***** 0.58 1.60 0.70 416.84 * 0.012 0.54 0.24 0.72 0.72 0.54 ***** 0.70 2.00 0.81 416.95 * 0.012 0.61 0.27 0.86 0.86 0.61 *i'*** 0.81 2.40 0.91 417.05 * 0.012 0.67 0.29 1.00 1.00 0.67 ***** 0.91 PIPE NO. 3: 136 LF - 12"CP @ 8.57% OUTLET: 416.24 INLET: 427.90 INTYP: 5 JUNG NO. 3: OVERFLOW -EL: 435.88 BEND: 52 DEG DTA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.33 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.34 0.28 428.18 * 0.012 0.24 0.12 0.20 0.20 0.24 ***** 0.28 0.67 0.43 428.33 * 0.012 0.35 0.17 0.36 0.36 0.35 ***** 0.43 1.01 0.55 428.45 * 0.012 0.43 0.21 0.48 0.48 0.43 ***** 0.55 1.34 0.66 428.56 * 0.012 0.50 0.24 0.60 0.60 0.50 ***** 0.66 1.68 0.77 428.67 * 0.012 0.56 0.27 0.71 0.71 0.56 ***** 0.77 2.02 0.87 428.77 * 0.012 0.61 0.29 0.81 0.81 0.61 ***** 0.87 PIPE NO. 4: 74 LF - 12"CP @ 17.09% OUTLET: 428.00 INLET: 440.65 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 4: OVERFLOW -EL: 444.62 BEND: 18 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.62 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.25 0.21 440.86 * 0.012 0.21 0.09 0.18 0.18 0.21 ***** 0.19 0.51 0.32 440.97 w 0.012 0.30 0.13 0.33 0.33 0.30 ***** 0.32 0.76 0.42 441.07 * 0.012 0.37 0.15 0,45 D.45 0.37 ***** 0.42 1.01 0.51 441.16 * 0.012 0.43 0.18 0.56 0.56 0.43 ***** 0.51 1.26 0.59 441.24 * 0.012 0.48 0.20 0.67 0.67 0.48 f'**** 0.59 1.52 0.67 441.32 * 0.012 0.53 0.21 0.77 D.77 0.53 **w 0.67 PIPE NO. 5: 40 LF - 12"CP @ 10.00% OUTLET: 440.75 INLET: 444.75 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 5: OVERFLOW -EL: 448.65 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.07 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N -FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.16 0.17 444.92 0.012 0.17 0.08 0.11 0.11 0.17 ***** 0.17 0.31 0.26 445.01 * 0.012 0.24 0.12 0.22 0.22 0.24 ***** 0.26 0.47 0.34 445.09 * 0.012 0.29 0.14 0.32 0.32 0.29 ***** 0.34 0.62 0.41 445.16 * 0.012 0.33 0.16 0.41 0.41 0.33 ***** 0.41 0.78 0.47 445.22 0.012 0.37 0.18 0.49 0.49 0.37 ***** 0.47 0.94 0.53 445.28 * 0.012 0.41 0.19 0.57 0.57 0.41 ***** 0.53 PIPE NO. 6: 24 LF - 12"CP @ 1.00% OUTLET: 444.85 INLET: 445.09 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 6: OVERFLOW -EL: 448.65 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.17 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI **w*#*itw whwh*hh**w**Yr*##hh*hwww#wwhhrthhh*w*##wYr###hh*h*ww*wYr##hhhwrtwwwwwi:hhhw*w 0.15 0.21 445.30 * 0.012 0.16 0.14 0.07 0.14 0.16 wwhww 0.21 0.29 0.30 445.39 * 0.012 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.19 0.23 hwirww 0.30 0.44 0.37 445.46 * 0.012 0.28 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.28 i`wwww 0.37 0.58 0.44 445.53 * 0.012 0.32 0.27 0.31 0.31 0.32 **www 0.44 0.73 0.50 445.59 * 0.012 0.36 0.30 0.37 0.37 0.36 *www# 0.5D 0.87 0.55 445.64 * 0.012 0.40 0.33 0.43 0.43 0.40 *wwY`w 0.55 PIPE NO. 7: 122 LF - 12"CP @ 8.78% OUTLET: 445.19 INLET: 455.90 INTYP: 5 )UNC NO. 7: OVERFLOW -EL: 459.10 BEND: 34 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.51 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *###www##h#hhhw*###ww#w#hhhwww#wwwwwh*how#ww#wwww##hhhhh*###ww##irhh#**w#www#hhw 0.12 0.15 456.05 0.012 0.15 0.08 0.11 0.11 0.15 ***ww 0.15 0.25 0.23 456.13 0.012 0.21 0.11 0.20 0.20 0.21 **i`ww 0.23 D.37 0.30 456.20 0.012 0.26 0.13 0.27 0.27 0.26 ***ww 0.30 0.50 0.36 456.26 * 0.012 0.30 0.15 0.34 0.34 0.30 wY'*ww 0.36 0.62 0.41 456.31 w 0.012 0.33 0.16 0.40 0.40 0.33 **w## 0.41 0.75 0.46 456.36 * 0.012 0.37 0.18 0.45 0.45 0.37 ww*#* 0.46 PIPE NO. 8: 40 LF - 12"CP @ 4.38% OUTLET: 456.00 INLET: 457.75 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 8: OVERFLOW -EL: 460.88 BEND: 18 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.D Q -RATIO: 1.30 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. # N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI wwhhhhhwww*wwwwww#hhww*wwwww#i:#h�ww#wwwww##hhhww*wwwwaw##hhh**wwwwwwhhh*w**#www 0.08 0.14 457.89 # 0.012 0.12 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.12 **** 0.14 0.17 0.20 457.95 w 0.012 0.17 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.17 ***** 0.20 0.25 0.26 458.01 * 0.012 0.21 0.13 0.20 0.20 0.21 #*hhw 0.26 0.33 0.30 458.05 * 0.012 0.24 0.14 0.26 0.26 0.24 #**** 0.30 0.41 0.34 458.09 * 0.012 0.27 0.16 0.31 0.31 0.27 ***** 0.34 0.50 0.38 458.13 * 0.012 0.30 0.17 0.36 0.36 0.30 h*** 0.38 PIPE NO. 9: 99 LF - 12"CP @ 1.59% OUTLET: 457.85 INLET: 459.42 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI hhw*ww*wwi<###hhw#wwYrwwwR##hhhwwwwwwww###hhhwww#wwwww#**h*w*#wwwww##hhw#*wwwwYr*# 0.04 0.08 459.50 h 0.012 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.08 ***** 0.08 0.07 0.12 459.54 * 0.012 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.16 459.58 * 0.012 0.14 0.11 0.16 0.16 0.14 w#hh* 0.16 0.14 0.19 459.61 w 0.012 0.16 0.12 0.20 0.20 0.16 ww#** 0.19 0.18 0.21 459.63 * 0.012 0.18 0.14 0.24 0.24 0.18 www# 0.21 0.22 0.23 459.65 * 0.012 0.20 0.15 0.28 0.28 0.20 ***#w 0.23 File Opened for writing:123rd.bwt Save results to HW/TW file:123rd.bwt Exit KCBW Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 6.00 124th Street Conveyance Calcs 6/11/08 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 6.00 File opened for Reading:124th.bwp File opened for writing:124th.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:124th.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:372.8 feet Dischargge Range:0.5 to 2. Step of 0.5 [cfs] overflow Elevation:382.93 feet Weir:NONE upstream velocity:1. feet/sec PIPE NO. 1: 208 LF - 12"CP @ 1.67% OUTLET: 371.80 INLET: 375.27 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW -EL: 378.37 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.0 Q -RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN Tw DO DE HWO HWI 0.50 0.39 375.66 * 0.012 0.30 0.22 1.00 1.00 0.30 ***** 0.39 1.00 0.56 375.83 * 0.012 0.43 0.31 1.00 1.00 0.43 **** 0.56 1.50 0.70 375.97 * 0.012 0.52 0.38 1.00 1.00 0.52 **** 0.70 2.00 0.81 376.08 * 0.012 0.61 0.45 1.00 1.00 0.61 ***** 0.81 PIPE NO. 2: 211 LF - 12"CP @ 1.27% OUTLET: 375.37 INLET: 378.04 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2: OVERFLOW -EL: 392.06 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4.0 Q -RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.50 0.40 378.44 * 0.012 0,30 0.23 0.29 0.29 0.30 *** 0.40 1.00 0.60 378.64 * 0.012 0.43 0.33 0.46 0.46 0.43 ***W" 0.60 1.50 0.77 378.81 * 0.012 0.52 0.41 0.60 0.60 0.52 **TMTM" 0.77 2.00 0.95 378.99 * 0.012 0.61 0.48 0.71 0.71 0.61 ***** 0.95 PIPE NO. 3: 174 LF - 12"CP @ 0.50% OUTLET: 378.14 INLET: 379.01 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 3: OVERFLOW -EL: 384.41 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4.0 Q -RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.50 0.39 379.40 * 0.012 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 **** 0.39 1.00 0.57 379.58 * 0.012 0.43 0.42 0.50 0.50 0.43 ***** 0.57 1.50 0.77 379.78 * 0.012 0.52 0.53 0.67 0.67 0.53 0.77 0.70 2.00 0.87 379.88 0.012 0.61 0.64 0.85 0.85 0.64 0.87 0.82 PIPE NO. 4: 144 LF - 12"CP @ 0.50% OUTLET: 379.11 INLET: 379.83 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N -FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.50 0.38 380.21 0.012 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.30 ***** 0,38 1.00 0.58 380.41 * 0.012 0.43 0.42 0.47 0.47 0.43 **rr** 0.58 1.50 0.81 380.64 * 0.012 0.52 0.53 0.67 0.67 0.53 0.81 0.74 2.00 0.96 380.79 * 0.012 0.61 0.64 0.77 0.77 0.64 0.96 0.90 File Opened for writing:124th.bwt Save results to HW/TW file:124th.bwt Exit KCBW Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 6.00 APPENDIX D MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES ADDRESS: 12216 SE 192"d Street Renton, Washington RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITIES The purpose of the detention pond is to reduce the rate of runoff from the developed portions of the property. Water can flow freely into the pond, but orifices in the outflow riser restrict the outflow. When the inflow exceeds the capacity of the orifice, the excess water is "stored" in the pond, and released slowly after the storm abates. In order to function properly, the facility must also be kept free of accumulated sediment. The outlet and connection pipes also must be kept clean, as even a partial blockage could significantly impact the ability of the facility to store runoff. The facility should be visually inspected for sediment accumulation and blockages at least once each year and also after every major storm greater than or equal to a 1 0 -year return frequency. WATER QUALITY TREATMENT FACILITIES The purpose of both the permanently wet portions of the pond and the cartridge filter treatment catch basins is to reduce the level of contaminants in the runoff water, through filtration and sedimentation, though the plants in the wetpond will also reduce pollutants though bio -uptake. It is essential that the water quality pond have calm conditions and be inspected regularly for accumulation of sediment. The pond should be visually inspected for sediment accumulation and blockages at least once each year and also after every major storm greater than or equal: to a 14 -year return frequency. The cartridge filter treatment catch basins should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS Pipes transport runoff from one place to another, in this case from catch basins to the pond, then to the downstream drainage system. To work properly, pipes must be kept free of silt and other debris. If pipes become blocked, surface flooding will usually occur. CATCH BASINS AND AREA DRAINS Gatch basins collect surface drainage and direct it into storm conveyance pipes. They help prevent downstream drainage problems by trapping sediment and other debris that would otherwise flow downstream with the runoff. It is important to keep catch basins clean so accumulated silt is not flushed out during a significant storm. Also, if the outflow pipe becomes blocked with debris, surface flooding will usually occur. All catch basins should be inspected at least once each year and after major storms. Area drains convey runoff directly into conveyance pipes. To prevent surface flooding, their surface grates must be kept free of litter and debris. If dirt or other sediment gets into the pipes and they become blocked, the pipes will need to be cleaned, either manually or using a Vactor truck. The following tables identify maintenance issues, which should be addressed regularly, describing possible problems with the drainage system and their respective solutions. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO.1 - DETEh Maintenance Component General (TION PONDS Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is !deeded Resufts Expected When Maintenance Is Performed Trash & Debris Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site. per 1,000 square feet (this is about equal to the amount of trash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Poisonous Vegetation Any poisonous or nuisance vegetation which may No danger of poisonous vegetation or Noxious Weeds constitute a hazard to County personnel or the where County personnel or the public, public might normally be. Coordination with Seattle -King County Health Department Contaminants and Oil, gasoline, or other contaminants of one gallon No contaminants present other than Pollution or more, or any amount found that could: a surface film. (Coordination with 3) cause damage to plant, animal, or marine life; Seattle/King County Health 2) constitute a fire hazard; or 3) be flushed Department) downstream during rain storms. Unmowed If facility is located in private residential area, When mowing is needed, Grass/Ground Cover mowing is needed when grass exceeds 18 grass/ground cover should be inches in height. In other areas, the general mowed to 2 inches in height. policy is to make the pond site match adjacent Mowing of seiected higher use areas ground cover and terrain as long as there is no rather than the entire slope may be interference with the function of the facility. acceptable for some situations. Rodent Hoies Any evidence of rodent holes if facility is acting Rodents destroyed and dam or berm as a dam or berm, or any evidence of water repaired. (Coordination with piping through dam or bene via rodent holes or Seattle/King County Health other causes. Department) Insects When insects such as wasps and hornets Insects destroyed or removed from interfere with maintenance activities. Mosquito site. Mosquito control; Swalfow complaints accompanied by presence of high nesting boxes or approved larvicide mosquito larvae concentrations (aquatic phase). applied. Tree Growth Tree growth threatens integrity of berms acting Trees do not hinder maintenance as dams, does not allow maintenance access, or activities. Harvested trees should interferes with maintenance activity (i.e., slope be recycled into mulch or other mowing, silt removal, vactoring, or equipment beneficial uses (e.g., alders for movements). If trees are a threat to berm firewood). integrity or not interfering with access, leave trees alone. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual — Appendix A 1/24/2405 A -i APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 1 - DETENTION PONDS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance Is Performed Side Slopes of Pond Erosion Eroded damage over 2 inches deep where cause Slopes should be stabilized by using of damage is still present or where there is appropriate erosion control potentia€ for continued erosion. measure(s); e.g., rock reinforcement, planting of grass, Any erosion observed on a compacted berm compaction. embankment. If erosion is occurring on compacted berms a licensed civil engineer Should be consulted to resolve source of erosion. Storage Area Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10% of the Sediment cleaned out to designed designed pond depth. pond shape and depth; pond reseeded if necessary to control erasion. Liner Damage Liner is visible and has more than three/4-inch Liner repaired or replaced. (If Applicable) holes in it. Pond Berms (Dikes) Settlement Any part of berm that has settled 4 inches lower Dike should be built back to the than the design elevation. Settling can be an design elevation. indication of more severe problems with the berm or outlet works. A licensed civil engineer should be consulted to determine the source of the settlement. Emergency Tree Growth Tree growth on emergency spillways create Trees should be removed. If root Overflow/Spillway blockage problems and may cause fakure of the system is small (base less than 4 and Berms over 4 berm due to uncontrolled overtopping. inches) the root system may be left feet in height.in Tree growth on berms over 4 feet in height may place. Otherwise the roots should be removed and the berm restored. lead to piping through the berm which could lead A licensed civil engineer should be to failure of the berm. consulted for proper bermispillway restoration, Emergency Rock Missing Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Replace rocks to design standards, Overflow/Spillway area five square feet or larger, or any exposure of native soil at the top of out flow path of spillway. Rip -rap on inside slopes need not be replaced. P24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual — Appendix A A-2 APPENDIX A MAIAITENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONIVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO.4 - CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Distance between debris build-up and bottom of All trash and debris removed. (Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1.5 feet, Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole wall and outlet pipe structure should support at Structure securely attached to wall and outlet pipe. least 1,0001bs of up or down pressure. Structure is not in upright position (allow up to Structure in correct position. 10% from plumb), Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and show signs of rust. Connections to outlet pipe are water tight; structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Any holes --other than designed holes—in the structure. Structure has no holes other than designed holes. Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easily and maintenance person. is watertight. Chain/rod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50% of its surface area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing Control device is not working properly due to missing, out of place, or bent orifice plate. Plate is in place and works as designed. Obstructions Any trash, debris, sediment, or vegetation blocking the plate. Plate is free of all obstructions and works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking (or having the potential of blocking) the overflow pipe. Pipe is free of all obstructions and works as designed. Manhole See "Detention Tanks and Vaults" See "Detention Tanks and Vaults" Table No. 3 See "Detention Tanks and Vaults" Table No, 3 2045 Surface Water Design Manual – Appendix A 112412005 A-5 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO.5 - CATCH BASINS Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is performed General Trash & Debris (Includes Sediment) Trash or debris of more than '/s cubic foot which is located immediately in front of the catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by No Trash or debris located immediately in front of catch basin opening. more than 10%. Trash or debris (in the basin) that exceeds 'Y3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the basin, lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking more than 113 of its height. Inlet and outlet pipes free of trash or debris. [Dead animals or vegetation that could generate odors that could cause complaints or dangerous No dead animals or vegetation present within the catch basin. gases (e.g., methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in volume. No condition present which would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Comer of frame extends more than % inch past Frame is even with curb, Frame and/or Top curb face into the street (if applicable). Slab Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches Tap slab is free of holes and cranks, or cracks wider than '/. inch (intent is to make sure all material is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., Frame is sitting Flush on top slab. separation of more than'/, inch of the frame from the top slab. Cracks in Basin Walls/Bottom Cracks wider than'/. inch and longer than 3 feet, any evidence of soil particles entering catch Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. basin through cracks, or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than'/� inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 114 inch wide at at the joint of any inlet outlet pipe or any the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. Settlement/ Misalignment Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas, oil No flammable chemicals present. and gasoline. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than 10% of the basin opening. No vegetation blocking opening to basin. Vegetation growing in inletloutlet pipe joints that No vegetation or root growth is more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches present. apart. Pollution Nonflammabie chemicals of more than '/2 cubic foot per three feet of basin length. No pollution present other than surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any Catch basin cover is closed open catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on Mechanism opens with proper toois. Not Working maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less than'/� inch of thread. Cover Difficult to Remove One maintenance person cannot remove lid after applying 80 lbs. of lift; intent is keep cover from Cover can be removed by one maintenance person. sealing off access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges, Ladder meets design standards and allows maintenance person safe access. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual — Appendix A A-6 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQVIREMEN S FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO.5 --- CATCH BASINS Maintenance Detect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Metal Grates Unsafe Grate Grate with opening wider than 718 inch. Grate opening meets design (If Applicable) Opening standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris. of grate surface. Damaged or Missing, Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. NO.6 - DEBRIS BARRIERS (E.G., TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20% Barrier clear to receive capacity Missing or Moved Rock Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in area five square feet or larger, or any exposure of the openings in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more Pipe Plugged with Sediment Bars. Pipe cleanedMushed so that it matches design. than'/. inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% Repair or replace barrier to design Perforations Plugged. Over 1/2 of perforations in pipe are plugged with deterioration to any part of barrier. standards. NO.7 - ENERGY DISSIPATERS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. External: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Rock Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in area five square feet or larger, or any exposure Replace rocks to design standards. of native soil. Dispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the design depth, Pipe cleanedMushed so that it matches design. Not Discharging Water Properly Visual evidence of water discharging at concentrated points along trench (normal condition is a "sheet flow" of water along trench). Trench must be redesigned or rebuR to standards. Intent is to prevent erosion damage. Perforations Plugged. Over 1/2 of perforations in pipe are plugged with Clean or replace perforated pipe. debris and sediment, Water Flows Out Top of "Distributor" Catch Maintenance person observes water flowing out during any storm less than the design storm or Facility must be rebuilt or redesigned to standards. Basin. its causing or appears likely to cause damage. Receiving Area Over- Water in receiving area is causing or has No danger of landslides. Saturated potential of causing landslide problems. Internal: Manhole/Chamber Worn or Damaged Post. Baffles, Side of Structure dissipating flow deteriorates to Y� or original size or any concentrated worn spot Replace structure to design standards. Chamber exceeding one square foci which would make structure unsound. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual — Appendix A 1/24/2005 A-7 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO, S - FENCING Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Missing or Broken Parts Any defect in the fence that permits easy entry to a facility. Parts in place to provide adequate security. Erosion Erosion more than 4 inches high and 12-18 inches wide permitting an opening under a fence. No opening under the fence that exceeds 4 inches in height. Wire Fences Damaged Parts Post out of plumb more than 6 inches. Post plumb to within 1 %z inches. Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends greater than person. Gate is out of plumb more than 6 inches and Gate is aligned and vertical. 1 inch. more than 1 foot out of design alignment. Any part of fence (including post, top rails, and fabric) more than 1 foot out of design alignment. Fence is aligned and meets design standards. Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in place and holding fabric. See "Fencing" Table No. 8 See "Fencing' Table No, 8 Missing or loose barbed wire that is sagging more than 2'/s inches between posts. Barbed wire in place with less than 3/4 inch sag between post. Extension arm missing, broken, or bent out of shape more than 1 % inches. Extension arm in place with no bends larger than 1% inch. Deteriorated Paint or Protective Coating Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling condition that has affected structural adequacy. Structurally adequate posts or parts with a uniform protective coating. Openings in Fabric Openings in fabric are such that an 8 -inch No openings in fabric. diameter bell could fit through. NO.9 - GATES Mafntenance Defect or. Problem Component Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Damaged or Missing Missing gate or locking deuces. Gates and Locking devices in place. Members Broken or missing hinges such that gate cannot Hinges intact and lubed. Gate is be easily opened and closed by a maintenance working freely, person. Gate is out of plumb more than 6 inches and Gate is aligned and vertical. more than 1 foot out of design alignment. Missing stretcher bar, stretcher bands, and ties. Stretcher bar, bands, and ties in place. Openings in Fabric See "Fencing" Table No. 8 See "Fencing' Table No, 8 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -- Appendix A A-8 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITtES NO. 10 -CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment & Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the diameter of the pipe. Pipe cleaned of all sediment and debris. noxious) Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water through pipes, Alt vegetation removed so water flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged; rust is causing more than 50% deterioration to any part of pipe. Pipe repaired or replaced. Area clear of litter. Any dent that decreases the cross section area Pipe repaired or replaced. only) of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or broken which affect more than 25% of the total of pipe by more than 20%. Open Ditches Trash & Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet of ditch and slopes. Trash and debris cleared from ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the design depth. Ditch cleanedlflushed of all sediment and debris so that it matches design. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches. supported or are leaning over, causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported; remove any dead or diseased trees. through ditches. Erosion Damage to See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 See "Detention Ponds" Table No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design standards. Place or Missing (if the rock lining. Applicable). NO. 11 - GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect or Problem Component Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Weeds (Nonpoisonous, not Weeds growing in more than 20% of the landscaped area (trees and shrubs only). Weeds present in less than 5% of the landscaped area. noxious) Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous vegetation. No poisonous vegetation present in landscaped area. Safety Hazard Paper, cans, bottles, totaling more than 1 cubic foot within a landscaped area (trees and shrubs Area clear of litter. Trash or fitter only) of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or broken which affect more than 25% of the total Trees and shrubs with less than 5% of total foliage with split or broken foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of injury, knocked over. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and supported or are leaning over, causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported; remove any dead or diseased trees. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual — Appendix A L�24I"LUUo A-9 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 12 - ACCESS ROADS Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet (i.e., trash and debris would fill up Roadway free of debris which could damage tires. one standards size garbage can). Blocked Roadway Debris which could damage vehicle tires (glass or metal), Roadway free of debris which could damage tires. Any obstruction which reduces clearance above road surface to less than 14 feet. Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet high. Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10- to 12 -foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet Obstruction removed to allow at Least a 12 -foot access. or any point restricting access to less than a 10 - foot width. Road Surface Settlement, Potholes, Mush Spots, Ruts When any surface defect exceeds 6 inches in depth and 6 square feet in area. In general, any surface defect which hinders or prevents Road surface uniformly smooth with no evidence of settlement, potholes, mush spots, or ruts. maintenance access. Vegetation in Road Surface Weeds growing in the road surface that are more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches apart within a 400 -square foot Road surface free of weeds taller than 2 inches. area. Modular Grid Pavement Build-up of sediment mildly contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. Removal of sediment and disposal in keeping with Health Department recommendations for miUy contaminated soils or catch basin sediments. Shoulders and Ditches Erosion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Shoulder free of erosion and matching the surrounding road. Weeds and Brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or hinder maintenance access. Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches in height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. 1/24/2005 2405 Surface Water Design Manual — Appendix A A-10 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUMEMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 16 - WETPOND Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Recommended Maintenance to Correct Problem Pond Area Water Level f=irst cell empty, doesn't hold water. Line the first cell to maintain at least 4 feet of water. Although the second cell may drain, the first cell must remain full to control turbulence of the incoming flow and reduce sediment resuspension. Defective Vegetation Vegetation such as grass and weeds need to be mowed when it starts to impede aesthetics of pond. Mowing is generally required when height exceeds 18 inches. Mowed vegetation should be Vegetation should be mowed to 4 to 5 inches in height. Trees and bushes should be removed where they are interfering with pond removed from areas where it could enter the maintenance activities; that is, at the pond, either when the pond level rises, or by inlet, outlet and near engineered rainfall runoff. structures. Algae Mats When algae mats develop over more than 10% of the water surface, they should be removed. Algae mats that cover more than 10% of the surface of any cell Also remove mats in the late summer before fall should be removed. A rake or rains, especially in Sensitive Lake Protection Areas. Excessive algae mats interfere with dissolved oxygen content in the water and pose a threat to downstream lakes if excess nutrients mechanical device should be used to remove the algae. Removed algae can be left to dry on the pond slope above the 100 -year water are released. surface. Trash and Debris Accumulation that exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1000 square foot of pond area. Trash and debris removed from pond. Sediment Sediment accumulations in pond bottom that Removal of sediment from pond Accumulation exceeds the depth of sediment zone plus 6 bottom. inches, usually in the first cell. Oil Sheen on Water Prevalent and visible oil sheen. Remove oil from water by use of oil - absorbent pads or by vactor truck. Refer problem to locate source and correct. If chronic low levels of oil persist, plant wetland plants such as Juncus etfusus (soft rush) which can uptake small concentrations of oil. Erosion Erosion of the pond's side slopes andlor scouring of the pond bottom, that exceeds 6 Slopes should be stabilized by using proper erosion control measures, inches, or where continued erosion is prevalent. and repair methods, Pond Dike/Berm Settlement Any part of these components that has settled 4 inches or lower than the design elevation, or Dike/berm is repaired to specifications. inspector determines dskelberm is unsound. Internal Berm Concentrated Flow Berm dividing cells should be level. Build up low areas of berm or lower high areas so that the berm surface is level and water flows evenly over the entire length of the berm from the first cell to the second. InletlOutlet Pipe Sediment and Debris Inlet/Outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/or debris material. No clogging or blockage to the inlet and outlet piping. Overflow Spillway Rock Missing Rock is missing and soil is exposed at top of Replace rocks to specifications. spillway or outside slope. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual — Appendix A 1/24/2005 A -l3 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 20 - STORMFILTER° Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Recommended Maintenance to Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Recommended Maintenance to Component Correct Problem Media Section Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 0.25 inches. No sediment deposits that would Accumulation on Short Circuiting impede permeability of the compost Media. Pipe repaired and/or replaced. media. Trash/Debris Trash and debris accumulated on compost filter Trash and debris removed from the Accumulation bed. compost filter bed. First Chamber Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 6 inches in first No sediment deposits in vault Accumulation chamber. bottom of first chamber. Drain Pipes Clean- Sediment When drain pipes, clean -outs, become full with Remove the accumulated material Outs Accumulation sediment and/or debris. from the facilities. NO. 21 - STORMFILTERa (CARTRIDGE TYPE) Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Recommended Maintenance to Component Correct Problem Compost Media Plugged Drawdown of water through the media takes Replace media cartridges. longer than 1 hour, and/or overflow occurs frequently. Flows do not properly enter filter cartridges. Replace filter cartridges. Short Circuiting Pipes Damaged Any part of the pipes that are crushed, damaged Pipe repaired and/or replaced. due to corrosion and/or settlement. Access Cover Damaged/Not Cover cannot be opened, one person cannot Cover repaired to proper working Working open the cover, corrosion/deformation of cover. specifications or replaced. Vault Structure Damage to Wall, Cracks wider than 1/2 -inch and any evidence of Vault replaced or repaired to design Frame, Bottom, soil particles entering the structure through the specifications. and/or Top Slab cracks, or maintenance/inspection personnel determines that the vault is not structuralky sound. Damaged Pipe Joints Cracks wider than V inch at the joint of any No cracks more than Y, -inch wide at lnletlout}et pipe or any evidence of soil particles the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. entering the vault through the walls. Baffles Damaged Baffles corroding, cracking warping, and/or Repair or replace baffles to showing signs of failure as determined by specification. maintenanceAnspection person. Access Ladder Damaged Ladder is corroded or deteriorated, not Ladder replaced or repaired and functioning properly, missing rungs, cracks, and meets specifications, and is safe to misaligned, use as determined by inspection personnel. 2005 Surface Water Design. Manual — Appendix A 1/24/2005 A-17 APPENDIX E BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEETS v a� L Q 0 m c - C) E O i. E N :t f 00 N 4 C) 0 d J 3� 0 c W �J Cl. L N 6i U Z O R LL N C 0 E as C o 0 C N LLI yVi r� ca 61 0 O E¢ u -)o U) Q N u o C11 > a a w O s Q �p ■� @ 0 m V) [D 0 C a O R N CU 0a) 0 N 4 C) 0 d J 3� 0 c W �J Cl. L X y X O 7 LL V> C as o X C 61 0 O N �7 2 m 0 0 0 0 U') o 3 C � z OC T .0 [L U O N O 07 7 u E f6 T 0 r LL U N N 6? O O p O N N N p b r c X y X 7 LL V> C as o ¢ C 61 0 G' e N N d7 Q 00 N CD r co CO 00 0 f-- Cl) LL Cl m m Ui M p 'I' 0) � 1l— in 4:7) V i O (D LS M c!� u} : ` X) -xb"E rz 00 CD N "') o4 00 N in Nr - 00 r m SO O r 00 in CD N m• 6R 6t M U Q CL N T r. �r- E 2 �• 'C r CO co c0 O (O Lo LD O N to 41) M 00 N N r O O O O i { L[) 00 co r- h EE L)r>rLL(L>-rrr>1.LLLL>->- 0 0 0 Li- LLr}>-��` C) U U U ....I J to Cn U) U7 -I -j J fn U -j J (n in w S = m LLI L(a W LU LLS N (D r u� tC] 00 o O If) W cry 00 CO tai Lr? trj c- o M to O n O r O r— O m 00 O -Kt CO 00 (0 ODI r)0 r M O Ul V) N L ti O o Li) i I-- LS) CO r r r O r N O 0 co O N N 0) m 4 (D OD N W V- r� r 06 (D O (D ��f f- ti m tS i N co co r r Vi C C r N r 6 T W, vi- Hi (A 64 64 6g 6% 6R 4A 64 tO (a to Ff3 bi (4 ff3 64 (a U9. 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LQ U a N d N O U Q Q F§§ Vl ui 0 Z uj 2 Q b _ J J J m Q J H z p LU H m Z Z N Z O U 0 M 9 O O co d) ca CL c U) 0 u L1 l.n E 0 Q E a) 4-0 O O C -i r rh S CI' t 07 M lf3 N d• O O O U) U-) O J U C U LL, a �LL W Z Ln 00 Z m r IT 0 >- W m 0 LL cov � W z d N -4- QOW O U U ci Z U Z U3 J W z cl m M Z II a Q Lo 64 f1} + N tJ in O O Z rl- O ty in Wr Y U z Q Q � Q O LL of W 0. fA N N V) R fpF-> I E9 C3 d o Cri O 69 "t.2 C E5 0 E m a c E E e: Is RD �U LL N U ca W O � 0 C N U E c w > E E o d) Q o (U R U) E C 0 0 0 � 0 tX C ❑7 C N CD O C ro X 7 (n W LL t9 r c 0 m U C ro E 0 a) U Q) Q1 0 r 73 C D ib U w aj D U C ro C C W C 0 0) N L U SO U t. O E C a CD r m m dt lC] L [G N � � E a� 0 o M 1:3 3 M cn ar � > a) w -0 m tff m co `o E `0 U o m .� ca C C w t6 aJ O � o m E a N ar v a a U cu m ca U O d L O m W o C lZ O O c x =9 0 @ E00 CO LL t c a is ° E c m ami c m N m a m - . o E ro 0 0_0 c 0 U E c m m LU m E rn o~ E m N E }. ° E c � •o C U C N 0 E j- o� c o v E° 0 O m~ m C0 N O C c -0 m QS o En 3 o o m o Lu :51- c a N E O z N (D 3 .0 c O W as o p o r o m z Q f�0 N < m N � N Q Q N O U 3 c Y LU F- Y O c CL U) L Li 4 O O z z z � y � N N OT) O O O N N O N � � O C � -ci O Ql ' C) -O > ❑ ,L O t� 0 - Ir a o oll IT 0 >- 1 V m Z U Z cov z d N -4- O OU `o U 2 W U ¢ O o ca z cl M O Ld o CL 64 f1} F» tJ O N LU v X F _ r O Z rl- O ty in Wr Y U z Q Q � Q O LL of W 0. fA N N V) R fpF-> I E9 C3 d o Cri O 69 "t.2 C E5 0 E m a c E E e: Is RD �U LL N U ca W O � 0 C N U E c w > E E o d) Q o (U R U) E C 0 0 0 � 0 tX C ❑7 C N CD O C ro X 7 (n W LL t9 r c 0 m U C ro E 0 a) U Q) Q1 0 r 73 C D ib U w aj D U C ro C C W C 0 0) N L U SO U t. O E C a CD r m m dt lC] L [G N � � E a� 0 o M 1:3 3 M cn ar � > a) w -0 m tff m co `o E `0 U o m .� ca C C w t6 aJ O � o m E a N ar v a a U cu m ca U O d L O m W o C lZ O O c x =9 0 @ E00 CO LL t c a is ° E c m ami c m N m a m - . o E ro 0 0_0 c 0 U E c m m LU m E rn o~ E m N E }. ° E c � •o C U C N 0 E j- o� c o v E° 0 O m~ m C0 N O C c -0 m QS o En 3 o o m o Lu :51- c a N E O z N (D 3 .0 c O W as o p o r o m z Q f�0 N < m N � N Q Q N O U 3 c Y LU F- Y O c CL U) L Li 4 O O z z z � y � N N OT) O O O N N O N � � O C � -ci O Ql ' C) -O > ❑ ,L O t� 0 - APPENDIX F RETENTIONIDETENTION FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET & SKETCH KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DDES Permit Number_�d�0� (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location) os -T 00yo Overview: I ��w¢ Project Name �(.�' ,�Z t Date -7-2-63 Downstream Drainage Basins Major Basin Name L-aj�� lAkIlli,ng�kr) Immediate Basin NameSonya fr- 1( Flow Control: Flow Control Facility Narne/Number L Facility Location See b - — C�a� e h s o� V h �� % S! If none, p g To , /—C I, f Flaw control provided in re nal hared facilit (give location) /1� t)rt'1�� No flow control required Exemption number General Facility Information: Type/Number of detention facilities; ponds vaults tanks Type/Number of infiltration facilities: ponds tanks trenches Control Structure Location l L�Ur" f an Type of Control Structure r 7 Number of Orifices/Restrictions Size of Orifice/Restriction No. 1 . 3121 No, 2 !;JK No.3 Na. 4 �. Flow Control Performance Standard + ►mss t (lP 'G�P fi or Live Storage Volume Depth Volume Factor of Safety Number of Acres Served Number of Lots t Dam Safety Regulations (Washington State Department of Ecology) Reservoir Volume above natural grade -1y 719 1 el Depth of Reservoir above natural grade Facility Summary Sheet Sketch All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch- (11 ketch_(11 "x17" reduced size plan sheets may be used) 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 111105 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL Water Quality- Type/Number of water quality facilitiesBMPs: biofiltration swale (regular/wet/ or continuous inflow) _J_ _ combined detention/wetpond (wetpond portio basic or large) combined detention/wetvault filter strip flow dispersion farm management plan landscape management plan oil/water separator (baffle or coalescing plate) sand filter (basic or large) sand filter, linear (basic or large) sand filter vault (basic or large) sand bed depth (inches) stormwater wetland storm filter wetpond (basic or large) wetvault Is facility Lined? If so, what marker is used above Liner? . catch basin inserts: Manufacturers pre -settling pond pre -settling structure: Manufacturer high flow bypass structure (e.g., flow -splitter catch basin) source controls Design Information Water Quality design flow Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter) Water Quality storage volume (wetpool) -26,103 Crr If Facility Summary Sheet Sketch All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch. (11"x17" reduced size plan sheets may be used) 111105 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 2 pd,q -loci OZCL 1arjaspj dt4 'vyvBL:0q:OL 80OZ161L 'fimP'PuOdSV;-17\C)mP�ewf-176Z\Si3C)r\:Z ri, L�Ivsd f- 0, "0 f --- - ------------ pd,q -loci OZCL 1arjaspj dt4 'vyvBL:0q:OL 80OZ161L 'fimP'PuOdSV;-17\C)mP�ewf-176Z\Si3C)r\:Z APPENDIX G GEOTECH REPORT Date To From Subject Project Subdivision Permit 0 Owner Location Lots Sensitive Areas: SCS Soil Class.: Zoning . Size RRIpose Geo Trendsflnc- Mar. 20, 2004 Rink Boston Boston Design & Development, LLC 13425 E. Lake Kathleen Dr. SE Renton, WA 98059 Steve Pappajobn, Geologist Geotech Report Sons Creek Plat AA03P0296 N.A. Boston Design & Development, LLCWM (see attached ma SE SW Sec. 33, Twp. 23N, Rng. 5E, 1-32 see attached lat Erosion Hazard (King County Map Folio, Dee. 1990 -see attached maR) Alderwood (AgD) — SCS King Co., Nov. 1973 see attached ma King County R6 6.2 acres. The purpose of this report is to characterize certain geotechnical aspects property especially in respect to slopes stability and soil permeability. An erosion possible based on the available reference. of the above -captioned hazard is indicated as Summa 2043. The A site visit was made to the I natural anerty and d exijoining properties on December 3 sting conditions of the property to make purpose of the visit was to inspect observations regarding soil profiles, ground water conductivity, slope stability and other salient factors e location and suitability of building sites. Existing topographical information was also used in the characterization_ D, property, to Cher important Research and interviews were conducted to dbto detterhistory t� �� of srof a�salient aspects of the information about previous activity on the property, property that may effect its development. Preliminary site plans were also reviewed. From surface conditions, local geology, and observations from adjacent developed and undeveloped ' soil areas, foirecords. CharacteristicAlderwood Wil conditions appear to be consistent with mapped _iA are associations consisting .of wooded upuents confirm tnd terraces and lopes, composed of erraaes of less than 6°acial grade to laterally areas of up continuous and consistent. Slope meas to 28% grade. All areas contained characteristic stable surface conditions with no evidence of sliding, mass wasting, or creep.see attached to o ma No evidence of water -bearing or —directing horizons (springs) was observed at the surface or along the slope. Characteristic Douglas fir -Alder forest, with typical fern and scrub understory prevails on and adjacent to the parcel. The Soos Creek drainage is to the east of the eastern boundary of the property. Gealo Vashon glacial till deposits and post -glacial stratified terrace drift dominate surface geology at the site_ soils in this region consist mostly of well -sorted sandy and gravelly loam above a substratum of compacted till designated as Alderwood Soils in this portion of King County. In the Puget Soured regin, o deposits of this type are thought to have occurred at, and proximal to, the retreating front of the Puget glacial lobe by large ice -marginal melt -water streams during the most recent ice -age. GeoTrenasginc. Infiltration Tes tests � detexmine etre Throe (3) test °g-1, 2, ) were ahoser► for for water in *e am where damurimm on itre east side of the prop° led in depth from 3.5, tog 0 fed deep and � -�' on faalft a �°- IU � y welt drained and °11� in all were each 24r wide (� l)' 302003 and or► March 3 2004 to Tests were conducted on Dmemb� uuy aid pits, sm soil 1profil& &Nft Jan encs : c s+as'M The pets +'"�ans during fdt p. and �c�old and vM wet with the Febnwry showed tdueo of heavy ram (and snow to Dw mba) uP to the sons in gesweral .. day of test. T� holes were County Falling Head Pea�tf� Test � ii with �4 Tests were ooh � ICang ��� to be designed. Due m �Y probable of Qn was not dome but maple tests verified a consist Mt g" CIO, and theme t W �U 9l1 , a wft ba �P). p�"W'on result. Ttro�i frown the bottom of the pit and refilled as ed ft Y rate, noted as follows wass aft., a stabilised cwjMnt rate owed" Falling Head Percolation Test Results (minutesrmh) Amately 373 ele°vatim i 1. nm water table elevadw M dais low area of the site to � °� #4 (O=Miwwal short over the 2 month wet p� .� was baud On dation of several pits at ale v 374} and #7 (standing water' at duration water at eiev 373N #5 (PO wat all saline lies at apP�d y the 37x4 elevation tine. 37 S. and natmg that the wct� delineefion litre S oe Bottom tion nate Pit Locatiowt -10 EiCvat+�un Tlev><tioa min /inch #i Ceram, 260''e of 4.0 fat � 4p2 .0 eatline 175 3.5 feet -3 7_i min I inch #2 5E carne', of east line 376.5 8.0 min 1 inch #3 130 fed West9S fact of ems liwwe S_4 mim 1 inch Amately 373 ele°vatim i 1. nm water table elevadw M dais low area of the site to � °� #4 (O=Miwwal short over the 2 month wet p� .� was baud On dation of several pits at ale v 374} and #7 (standing water' at duration water at eiev 373N #5 (PO wat all saline lies at apP�d y the 37x4 elevation tine. 37 S. and natmg that the wct� delineefion litre Geo TrenilSox � Laud Ade and sbM FAoes sl es via on site visual inson and analysis of the topo$mp�c The site was reviewed for steep � Evag� kion. Seuvcyin& nt caams (at 2' iac cnt s) =WW by lateau at ' Tteis site basan en roll stop ,to f r (1001/612'). The weaern edge Upper P awer valley flat gree is 7.3% ( �'� a"d e elevation 476 is about 4% (4 f tQE) }, 44f 1- a 5y. (3 MG,) siopc- The min two ed g� above beech in the at e 430xs ro ' as #cF bwasiid- and below the bewh are Mud* 20 to 25 % slaps thus Fcgwcons j s tm8 Landslide is as meas ovar ISVO, wised of stilt � � � off f= ares revealed that saw an slopes � � � vys�er. Test pits Of slides vrrece noted anywb� � the site. Itis saredlr loaxrt over a dem glacial til[. No indica#xat� � kcating failings on ti» solid bay. Also r�reneereded Haat fad � tleru tLe sal at the glacier! full level, tbes it is �� waters lin at the Up of" site (western edge) such that offsite me ded first this surfim water Llt� site. Vieththese reonenmarAab`ons age (which flows or>to the sits) cia be routed to byposs implemcat d, flora is no jjWflenud of landsrdes_ on tia3 -Steep aloW, duetted as ificH s over 40% � � M tecp s� "e that these topographic ,Nota shad B, naftrW but were mmud by man range betweeea 10 and 20 fbt in toes[ rise. Nate else dart these are not level the tower valley and rooter' l h for homes made carts (likay evade in the 1970s or la3WAO and yard arcs). �'Ls are sable WA rise ter 20 fed vefU�Y- Thm a Cade allows fot' An exem s� was . As per the sails portion of fiefs report the related to arability carafiai revievr �tl� B��X was. Review was made of dying glacial tx"il is very stable and wall drams in 1pc�e a cuts. Nnba also dot these � v�tioee, and size and. suraw"Iess of the trees; er indicated less tl:sse 369�a as IAOW. Mess MMM* with the ireclineYnxet are barely 40% over slopa am oray � of the to xeup, indicated some select areas lit p°� affect wsfl occur � t� 10 foot rise (noes steeper. 'fb� the cmwbx Wu is that ere: sdverae tlae areas from setback rerlairev"la ff regvbvd. '' ed site plan (lot lay") and This ccxtoWon is further s� by c�reVCr cad fixe proposed were corstruetise p as by the tlevewper- code, �S pied if these formed due to mar► made gmdin& they vvoe. with sliglrt rergra�n8 � will be red:►raxl to -In seas A and C � the slope � is l 2 to 14 fad,fpr daylight daylight -non slope'; it is n�ri that the site plan (lot layout} ' s d es�homes =ffigared for this.led with the slope cut of area A it *Area B is not in itself "stomp sib" in is 20%) but when il�el by ze so and. � a rise of 20 fed. When this Iowa area A is re.gradc d 0 Y fining the old excavation) tM bringing the A + B ovaull slope to 32% it is no IOnW a "MecP slope" classification- to 1etaincd as OrCO the D sorathern slope rise is l C fed. T is end the rise is 12 feet- This exegion forem seek slsatrid be aped here. At the rrtomes ellpmutatin8 flee " is to be re-� sUo* a A to 1� for the � slope" classification in this am& Geo Tffrends,.� Refe-- — K �, � ^ 1965' � Geoiagic Survey Gealogie MBP Of the Rfawn � ai 'y � ° 5cr►ice Sail Survey, King �` A:e� 1iV��'' 1933, �+ e�l�l � $uiL 78 g W� Wn Wl�� S� Water' Supply Paper 1352 Waw R� � , IVa - Naslaan ternbe r 1990 Ki ng GountY Sensitive .Areas tee 9614, King County, itkm aad ll' }'aIbisrepmt m t� is � solely W tokoe f orals and and is for use Only by qualifiedOpinions, other ripe of the sedi p�Y is t be � a M snm � nduags, officials- Any nth or r� a-e,3Oi�"s, mad on the l �est judgme�ms and � i� in this �ly � +esra�I #�maices, information available as � in the &K as � VwYmftc� pre w the nature Of and as reviewed by OtlVWqwate untwwPVthLable, iinvesti:Me and tl�eor od=-wise l ,, aondMoas wed �iftOM ea f� >�, ori;. 'r 6wdif� of � �. !iift muy cW= Qrei xp °r lterem.a Orsi � .t arebeyond �te of this �• -No�3' of =Y randite implied, is included herein. Sincerely, !80111 ..AYE.. f+ I~a. ST � AY IS1- z2�i11 84TH 1 iAA YgSnl Ig r r 1 i AY - �' " .r`Kr gni. AP' g L119I 4 i i AV 3 s i sxrx' Jx4 `� 897H AV s !7 � I { S dilly ! � CL FYI € N .. _�- •' A �y FRGjyov . -7, 9 -qA M Tom' S -'dlG L 54�'.-a� �.'�.ns '' r - TOT FWDu ro yyid r s ALB .. s _ —? �ry r r9 !6!✓f r _ y� - a fI I q srz r �s--u-7 l� - '[� 5 rr mS�S� 4h +. 'h'n 1�� °�rr 9 A ' SBIHMS� •--� �As?. � �"""� L� N- , _ _ .. I __8F11r1 AM, g I P;�ISI� 99iN IE I hq i rt S' - j l+ _ At SE rte r 1 �'" 4'ari4t.rRn ;[� r-�.�.- 1 r N 1 -j� ++'i.ir-1 1 AYc 1. aa, '�g3,[_ •r xr i021i6 t�-hT _ -SCj 1 ,�Y'}� Ti•. 1:1 - m -' 9'` r WIclal. ` I I ' AU -`S - Im'�vL SE1�, - -pT y '-�Ysr ..t rP7 l •1Wlx *! sr', I... afi'x J - wo R 14 } .al k wW a. �^ 11 t1�ln to5iel RY SC wa a- xr j 3 kl dY-SE r tt. t IBdill PL SE [ t er axti a !-i...-. '-1,ild`t`ry6FN SE 3' I} 14 95Af AV EF^ii "'r. f'—. nSY i�![I J a.au -ter 1961N.'+. a 1o61q .ai .: &EL�lsr „- r ii, O 109111 wnu AV y"E5E° w.w 1 _ _i four iM l r4_v11 1 �iLrr" rs ''�5 itore; re (u r % it - J12rN r[rn w iWWi�� �alj� c lio- 11 "'�".�A [++� nl�1 Ick +..lxni ,vr 11.Sd'h fTljn f ,I't�IN.+inlr ljL-� lum Al [t- At. at, a r 1 G I.:r7 l V 't lr"_!t .L''_� F •. a "a j rg u al r rc - . �., �; �7�,�?mm'n'T`" �; , E• M z , - .:r - • iLS%K n S[ �� AY. rHe.. ,_ ii6lFE.._ a AV SE I im I _rr= I.A r .., li6TH s+4'-'' AV SE kip.. t i'. �1LA a id s[ < a g*r �$ ii9nt i�- {_iielrF r4Y5[—� -II}r',„ I �r I I� { 1C9iM _ IN ? Syfi� x Kv�i�' ii:'P E1 la"{ 9 SEPT '� 7!{�IHp 3!]40nr. lr!k� lasrl i u I if1P KI1xs Gk la ,1� b F" �1 .. �. y n'� n i[`� a _-4Y r -"'•' — i fi5i PL_ i .. r 1 ?ZfQ.. �,:I _ 5E a 7J - ^ j y�,Ir'�7 : I !Y SE y,* `._ AY�_ E ti `' !/ Il I� j`- r , .�, r• �; r - -F , ar rc h st 1Z4Tii ,� I . i>n'A AY i 12d11 I AV SEIw_ w: { 1?koH_ AT SE' ��.rr r';, s !N 1�w h 1 -'.,. _ Ca Im i +vv .r 1267t!•3; ik ?� r �.;7[,ex rr5�_�-!i i * 'S `a ,,I1F L.`7 I,isjci Ih- :11�y, 1s k< d a R s r A ,. Ls kblii !C=� [ a 3 x r,r!, Y" �, hl ri t a Ac �lxrtx er a 4,Y n.a., ir2�i s• t3F,'r N e l rr_n* a s f � ,� t: ��aqj �-v- s � I ]7d1H R. tt ••. � iL SE;� Ic � � R Kl -4 —•---- rsr :�� , J 1-.w.r r .�Sb M"' '.d I i17 s ! s �lrlrl3.�; r~qi�° �.,. U1xr `� ?r+r'�� �F: <• -[ 13' AV ,5 SE E r rcu :I }- - - r i9irm'A4 SE t a v tF• 331P n n r fff n •t a "'_� " ? _5m � ay ny W I rt si ryu 3r't. a r - S_ 5 ylsin O, v, y'r[ _ - It "ky, u Sf m 175rt1 1# "h rr,a -r�ssr t; ' 13sn1, eRr--� �, l351x nS�E Sly nh' rr[' ^`+2. run ''. 5 r ,S �' °:'•� r — '- -------.._ r [ u " 1 ..__._ � a}]�., .r'' J` sY����°7,..F� �. _•_ I�. rr�'. �. -- �� 5 rNres� i l=trh[,q �... a �' ^ S s: I �', rMIq.". lA-IFSI i�On! aY sE MOTH �' � ; ; . !� La SF [4 r[SJim ti iti ts31® I <.fi x14" rti � ' 1A 13x3 I 14 P�4aE INN P .: 7ddTn A14 iA47H _ 141ii1..F _bE. .'� * _. VSE 4b Idd1H PC i ,t; -'•'1R �+�'''! - _ 5-'+. S& SE rr-sr MGM m �tnm *n ' mt- i4BTH 14T1H +,x '� .SE . I itrnl ac._ sa AV i?48T}I AV, � k6s¢ i1 I 28 t ' 219 p 40 I' I.'i. e� __' _ 1, 'S •,y lI � ' f ., / :4 Ile •'' t � l� Im gM 13 _�l97!., —�• - ` . ,4 `�"JI` \y- �'�' i F y fy '',��'` F } � II . � I '�.rt ? \ .r• ,1! •; j% ;f1 `} krr 1 •+ter - � __ t,� i � �t�, �` ��� �` ', � I r�•_ r - --I `� .............34 502 'y ~�i 32 _ Bir 33 1 481.1VIM 177tPr Tank • :' ^H �t l 621 nz HAVES - s P_ 1 455_ ?•;� r _.—— ., SEI !i r� r• Ij j i `I• l �'';y \.. � en j• ,� • J. 1 Qi �. , Qgt El RT �I• i � it is i �t�. l - _ I One Mile IL !� 1.• -.. lh,uter Tank m -; Qi `rte` i Q tn�i �Qjp i 4�At ` L c t?w y° ib I f/ v Fr 7qe yC} 15'f Po'� {ICiF. S 7 N. gggy I 1fil l R4 E. N a 5rr f� . { i SOIL �L ASSOCIATION 6 Mines 4: SOIL ASSOCIATIONS Sans Alderwaod association- Moderately well drained, undulating to hilly Solis that have dense, very slowly permeable glacial till at a depth of 20 to 40 Creek inches; on uplands and terraces Oridia-Seattle-Woodinville associPtion: Somewhat poorly drained and very poorly drained, nearly level sails; in major stream valleys Buckley-Alderwood association- Poorly drained and moderately well drained, iffy,; nearly level to rolling soils that have dense, slowly permeable and very r% ;, slowly permeable glacial till at a depth of 20 to 40 inches; on glacial. till plains and uplands Everett association: Somewhat excessive)y drained, gravelly, gently un- dulating soils underlain by sand and gravel; on terraces Beausite-Aldefwood association: Well drainednd moderate`y welfidrained, gently roiling to very steep sons that have sandstone - shake or dg , very slowly permeable glacial till at a depth of'20 to 40 inches; on uplands Alderwood-Kitsap-Indianola association: Moderately well drained, nearly level to steep soils that have very slowly permeable glacial till or glacial lake deposits at a depth of 16 to 44 inches, and sornewhat excessively drained; rolling, deep sandy soils; on uplands and terraces �..; Puget-Earlmont-Snohomish association: Poorly drained and somewhat poar�y drained nearly level soils that have layers of peat within a low feet of the suflace; in major stream valleys i I£lFiC COUNTY, WASHING' 0pq, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL FERE�� E FALLING HEAD pERCOLATION TEST : PROCEDURE Source: EPA, owite wastewater Tint and Disposal Systems, 1.980_ Number and Locatltln of Tests A minimum of three Nests shall be performed wit1� the area prnpa� an domption systc� 'They shall be sped u niformly throiighOut ft area Ff soil tlitzans are highly viable, rn€rre tests may be required. Preparation of Test Hole The diameter of each test hale is 6 inches, dug or bored to the proposed depths of the absorption to the most limiEting soil horizon. To expose a natural soil surface; the sides of the rola systems or rial is removed from the bottom Y are scratched with a sharp pointed instrrtxr�ett arRd 1 ho% to Protea battrrm from of the test hole. Two inches Of 'h- to Winch rack arc FI a=d in the scouring when the crater is added - Soaking Peried •hole is carefully filled with at least 1 Inches of clear wales-. The depth oft. d er shouW be funnel with referabl overnight if clay sells arep maintained for at least 4 hours anal preferably Y vent wales from washing down the sides of the attached hose or similar device may be used to I automatically maintain the water hole. Auto nano siphons or float valves may be emP that the soil be showed to soak for a level during the soaking period- it is extreenmly important sufficiently long prod of time to allow the soil to swell if accurate results are to be obtained. In sandy soils with little or no clay, soaking is not necessary. if, after filling the hole twice with 1� inches of water, the water seeps completely away in less than ten minutes, the test can Proceed immediately. 91 19;8 sut'face Wata D*5 i� Y.vtra HlTr�ti ?E�t, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL KIN U Measurement of the percolatioti Rate ts are made l� hartrs but no t1� 30 Exempt for sandy sails, peaIation rate co dxc tale dtng €#� gg hers after the � pertud �- 'may sod. that sIOUgIledi.nche period is removed and the water level : adjusted to 5 inches above the gravel (or S incYies above the bottom of the hole). At no time during the test is the water Ievel allowed to ase more than G inches above the gravel, mediately after adjt;sttxtcnt, the water level is measured from reference ccessivewater le rwapoint vel nearest 1llb�' inch at 3D-mir to intafc. The test is continueduntil gra s drops do not vary by more titan U16 inch with a Wqninuft Period- After h ttrerr=nt, ft water level is readjusted to the 6 level dro -inch level. The last water p is used to calculate the percolation rete. In sandy sods or sobs in which tt fuer &ice' of waw' added .after the sig � RFs away in less than 34 minute, w level are madam .at 1!1<-rn..ta iateals fora 1-lrcrtr period. The last water level drop is used to calculate the percolation rate. Caladaflon of the PemlaUQn Rate test hole b dividing the time ipwvai used between The ger olatian r is calculated for each �' This akalation results in a mearemen, magttitu� of the last water level dr°F- anon rate for the area, the rates percaiation rate in. tarts of minotesf�h f t �� � P� tests in � area vary by mom bran 2{i rninut3esli.nch, obtal,d frorn each hole = &Mair nation rates should not be variations in soil type are i�scated. Under these circzm�st�s, Pe 3Yeraged.) Example:, if the last measured drop iu water level after 30 rninutes is 518 -inch, then: Percolationrate = (30nr,tes!(19 inch ) = 48 minutesTinch. !948 ct,ifact wutor r?csign Manual grass z rot 'f.d• i-. s i. - s.: ' }� a .�.;.� :,�,�. �• '' G !'�i-d►N+, '�. A+L' � ��.' � i • J M ,rye �' � s'�� y 3A4�, Y .Y'. 4 i�i�� tp '-�.� tiY� s ptpSA•� k' '�� 'qs f� � .. Zv�i� iH �a 5� �+ � �;k ¢'�`��fh = s t .. ,��'?� ? �o- ��• y, h ff ��F'&�y! tiz • {•�l�. .A � ��. �\. 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To: City of Renton Attn: Rocale Timmons Date: November 2, 2012 Project: Fleuve des Voiles & Cogger Plats Parcel Nos.: 6199000240, 6199000260, TEC Proj.: 294-JMA & 341 -CSC Topic: Minor Revision to Preliminary Plats TIR ADDENDUM Ni'i' ' R irJi/ This addendum amends and updates the TIR prepared for the Fleuve des Voile and Cogger preliminary plats, as approved by King County in 2007. The approved 2007 preliminary plat included a looped road. This minor modification revises the road layout to a cul-de-sac at the northwest corner of the plat, with enhanced traffic flow through the middle of the plat and continuing to a connection with the proposed Wehrman Plat to the north. This revision is proposed in order to reduce the earthwork quantities and land disturbance, as well as the proposed impervious surface area. Including necessary off-site improvements, the original layout included approximately 6,41 acres of impervious surfaces as shown on page 10 of the TIR. The proposed minor revision includes only 6.27 acres of impervious surfaces. The net difference is a reduction of 0.14 acres of impervious surface for this minor revision. The drainage design is vested under the 2007 King County approval, and since this proposed minor revision reduces the impervious surface area, the existing detention volume is now conservative under the vested code. The hydraulic analysis can be updated during final plat engineering review to optimize the detention system performance. 485 Rainier Blvd N, Ste. 102 . PO Box 1787 • Issaquah, wA 98027 • tel. (425) 391-1415 + fax (425) 391-1551 a www.teccivil.com ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED MINOR REVISION PLAT LAYOUT EXISTING (SF): PROPOSED SF). SITE SITE BUILDING: 295 (0.01 AC) PAVEMENT: 1,516 (0.03 AC) FOREST: 316,831 (7.27 AC)_ SUBTOTAL: 318,347 (7.31 AC) 124TH AVE SE PAVEMENT: 7,064 (0.16 AC) PASTURE: 4,749 (0.11 AC) FOREST: 3.329 (0.08 AC) SUBTOTAL: 15,142 (0.35 AC) TOTAL: 333,459 (7.66 AC) BUILDINGS: 147,655 (3.39 AC) PAVEMENT: 58,423 (1.34 AC) SIDEWALK: 6,523 (0.15 AC) POND: 10,395 (0.24 AC) LANDSCAPE: 95,351 (2.19 AC) SUBTOTAL: 318,347 (7.31 AC) BY-PASS (124TH AVE SE) PAVEMENT:12,681 (0.29 AC) SIDEALK: 2.461 (0,06 AC) SUBTOTAL: 15,142 (0.35 AC) TOTAL: 333,489 (7.661 AC) 0 75 150 "�mi SCALE: 1" = 150 ft. OFF-SITE TRIB. AREA (SF): IMPERVIOUS: 45,006 (1,03 AC) PASTURE: 205,029 (4,71 AC) FOREST: 41.517 (0.96 AC) TOTAL: 291,852 (6.70 AC) MENNEN Irl ��E��V�T-1 � moo■ �r r � i [, ��.a • TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT for Fleuve des Voiles Plat and Cogger Short Plat King County Tax Parcel Nos. 619900-0240, -0241, & -0260 Subdivision File # A03PO286 LSUD File # L04P0002, L06VO040 (Fleuve des Voiles) LSUD File # L05SO040 (Cogger) TEC Project No. 294-JMA Site Addresses: 19100124 th Avenue SE 12216 SE 192 d Street Renton, Washington o� ° � �D FIT /I V IST S NAL Prepared by: Lorna M. Taylor, P.E. Date: July 8, 2008 Revised: March 18, 2009 205 Front St. S 1 P.O. Box 1787 • tssaquah, WA 98027-0073 6 tel, (425) 391-1415 • fax (425) 391-1551 • www.teccivil.com Technical Information Report Fleuve des Volles Plat & Cogger Short Plat TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Page Number 1. Project Overview ......................... .............. 1 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary........... 1 3. Off -Site Analysis .......................................... 8 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis Appendix C: Analysis and Design andDesign .................................................... 9 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design........ 11 6, Special Reports and Studies ......................... 11 7. Other Permits .............. 8. ESC Analysis and Design ............................. 12 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Appendix G: Geotech Report Declaration of Covenant...... ........................ 12 10. Operations and Maintenance Manual ............... 12 Appendices Appendix A: Figures TEC 1. Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheets 2. Site Location 3. Drainage Basins, Subbasins, & Site Characteristics 4. NRSC Soils Map Appendix B: Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table and Map Appendix B-1: Drainage Complaint Analysis (includes previously submitted documents & updates) Appendix C: Analysis and Design Appendix C-1: Detention Facilities Design Appendix C-2: Treatment Facilities Design Appendix C-3: Erosion Control Facilities Design Appendix C-4: Conveyance Facilities Design Appendix D: Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities Appendix E: Bond Quantities Worksheets Appendix F: Retention/Detention Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch Appendix G: Geotech Report TEC Technical Information Report Fleuve des Voiles Plat & Cogger Short Plat SECTION 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW The 6.74 -acre Fleuve des Voiles project site and the 0.93 -acre Cogger project site comprise 3 existing lots and are located at 19100 124th Avenue SE and 12216 SE 192"d Street in Renton, Washington. The Fleuve des Voiles project proposes to subdivide two lots into 39 residential lots, and the Cogger project proposes to subdivide the third lot into 8 lots, providing the required infrastructure, including access roads, water and sanitary sewer service, storm runoff collection, conveyance, detention and treatment, and erosion control for each plat during construction. This Technical Information Report is submitted to the King County DDES in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). It addresses stormwater runoff from both the Fleuve des Voiles Plat and the Cogger Short Plat. A "Level 1 Technical Design and Information Report for Preliminary Plat Review", dated January 26, 2004, was previously submitted for the Fleuve des Voiles site under the title "Soos Creek Plat"; and portions of that previous report are referenced herein; however, the proposed plat has been significantly changed and this TIR addresses the currently -proposed plat layout for both the Fleuve des Voiles plat and the Cogger Short Plat. The Fleuve des Voiles plat was re -submitted as the "Soos Creek Plat" on September 15, 2004 and is subject to full compliance with the 1998 KDSWDM. Since that time, the plat layout has been modified somewhat and the drainage facilities re -sized to accommodate the revised layout and additional runoff from the adjacent Cogger Short Plat, which is subject to full compliance with the 2005 KCSWDM. This TIR addresses the development of both plat areas and the requirements of each version of the manual or approved adjustments. A Surface Water Design Manual Requirements/Standards Adjustment Request has been prepared addressing standard adjustments to Core Requirements #1 and #3. Appendix A contains a Technical Information Report (TIR) worksheet for the projects (Figure 1), as well as a Site Location Map (Figure 2), Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics figures (Figure 3a — 3e), and a Soils map (Figure 4). More detailed site information is included in Appendix C with the existing and developed site runoff model data. SECTION 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Following is the text of the King County Hearing Examiner's Preliminary Conditions of Approval, dated January 12, 2007. All of the conditions 1 -- 21 either have been addressed, or will be addressed for the project, 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19A of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication that includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The plat shall comply with the base density and minimum density requirements of the R-6 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone classification or shall be shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environment Services. Any/all plat boundary discrepancy shall be resolved to the satisfaction of DDES prior to the submittal of the final plat documents. As used in this condition, discrepancy' is a boundary hiatus, an overlapping boundary or a physical appurtenance which indicates an encroachment, lines of possession or a conflict of title. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). TEC Technical Information Report Fleuve des Voiles Plat & Cogger Short Plat disperse detained runoff, which should adequately mimic existing conditions, in accordance with Drainage Adjustment L06VO040 which recognizes that it is impossible to retain the existing sheet flow discharge condition along the entire east property line and still comply with Core Requirement #3, Flow Control and Core Requirement #8, Water Quality. Additionally, the proposed scenario is preferable because strict compliance with Core Requirement #1 would result in discharge to the neighboring backyards creating an unacceptable situation for the adjacent property owners, and would require dispersion of runoff onto the adjacent King County Parks Department property, which is also not acceptable to the parks department. 2. Off -Site Analysis: A Level 1 offsite analysis was conducted for these plats as described in Section 3. 3. Flow Control: Runoff from both sites will be controlled to meet the requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM for the Fleuve des Voiles Plat and the 2005 KCSWDM for the Cogger Short Plat in a single combination detention and treatment pond. This Shared Facility Plan has been approved (FN L06V0040). Discharges from the facility will be to a dispersion/energy dissipation facility. The detention facility will also over -detain runoff to mitigate for the undetained ru l off from the 1241h Avenue SE roadway to the east of the project site. Level 1 detention criteria stipulat din the 1998 KCSWDM is proposed for the entire Fleuve des Voiles site because t e project proposes to tightline all runoff from the upper hillside down the base of the hill in the level 1 detention area. This has been approved based on previously established interpretation and policy. The Cogger Short Plat detention sizing meets the Conservation Flow Control requirements of the 2005 KCSWDM. Appendix C-1 contains the KCRTS input and output. 4, Conveyance System: Pipe conveyance modeling shows that the proposed 12 -inch storm drain system will be sufficient to convey the 100 -year storm runoff without flooding. See Section 5. 5. Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Runoff from the grading and trenching construction areas will be contained by a temporary construction entrance, silt fencing and a sediment pond in accordance with the KCSWDM during construction. The ESC facilities will only be removed once all exposed site surfaces have been stabilized. Other temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed as needed. See Section 8. 6. Maintenance and Operations: Until King County assumes responsibility for their maintenance, the combination detention and treatment pond and cartridge filter treatment catch basins should be maintained as described in Section 10 and Appendix D, which includes the KCSWM Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities. 7. Financial Guarantees and Liability. See Section 9. The bond quantities worksheet is included in Appendix E. 8. Water Quality: Treatment of runoff from the 124th Avenue SE roadway will be provided in two cartridge filter treatment catch basins and the runoff from the remainder of the site will treated in the dead storage portion of the combination detention and treatment pond, which was sized according to the KCSWDM for Basic Water Quality Treatment, Appendix C-2 contains the calculations used to size the treatment facilities. Special Requirements 1. Other Adopted Area -Specific Requirements: TEC Technical Information Report Fleuve des Voiles Plat & Cogger Short Plat Shared Facility Drainage Plans (SFDPs): These two projects propose to provide detention and treatment in a common facility located in the Fleuve des Voiles plat. The facility sizing took into account the differences in drainage manual requirements for the two projects. The Fleuve des Voiles project is vested under the 1998 Manual, and the Cogger Short Plat must comply with the requirements of the 2005 Manual. In addition, the Fleuve des Voiles site contains both Level 1 and Level 2 Flow Control areas per the KCSWDM; however, the area designated Level 2 is located within the steep slope designation. Since the project proposes to convey onsite runoff to the base of the hill and the Level 1 area, Level 1 Flow Control is proposed for Fleuve des Voiles. The detention facility is located at the base of the hill and will discharge via dispersion to a Level 1 Flow Control area. Appendix A contains King County mapping to support this. 2. Floodplain/Floodway Delineation: Not Applicable. The 100 -year floodplain for the adjacent Soos Creek wetlands does not extend onto the subject property. 3. Flood Protection Facilities: Not Applicable. 4. Source Controls: Not Applicable. 5. Oil Control: Not Applicable. SECTION 3 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS The downstream drainage path was documented, King County's IMAP database was consulted, and the County's Drainage Complaints File was again solicited to make sure no additional pertinent drainage complaints have been lodged since the original Drainage Complaint Analysis, dated March 20, 2004, which was produced for the project by Jacques Consulting, Task 1. Study Area Definition and Maps The figures in Appendix B show the extent of the study area and the local topography. The first figure shows that the project site constitutes less than 15 percent of the area tributary to the point '/ mile downstream from the site; therefore, a % mile downstream analysis is deemed sufficient. The Site Plan drawings show more detailed topographic information on the project site. Task 2. Resource Review Agency mapping was reviewed and TEC contacted King County regarding documented drainage complaints in the vicinity. The NRSC soils map identifies site soils in the proposed development area as Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam, 0 — 6% slopes and 15 — 30% slopes. Task 3. Field Inspection In accordance with the KCSWDM, the existing site and off-site drainage systems were inspected on June 15, 2004, and several times since. Task 4. Drainage System Descriptions and Problem Descriptions There is only one pertinent report of a drainage problem in the immediate vicinity of the project. This complaint involved a plugged driveway culvert across 124th Avenue SE at SE 192`,4, and the problem has been corrected according to the previously submitted Drainage Complaint Analysis by Jacques Consulting, dated March 20, 2004 (see Appendix B-1). The County's drainage complaints file was solicited again more recently, and the results of this search are included in Appendix B. No additional pertinent drainage complaints have been logged in the interim. TEC Technical Information Report Fleuve des Voiles Plat & Cogger Short Plat If the proposed drainage system fails, and the detention facility floods, the emergency overflow path for runoff would be into the adjacent Soos Creek wetlands. These wetlands feed Soos Creek, which flows south on the King County -owned property to the east of the project property. Task S. Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems To mitigate any water quantity impacts from the project, detention of runoff is proposed meeting Level 1 and Level 2 flow control requirements for Fleuve des Voiles and Cogger, respectively, in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and the approved Standards Adjustment (1-06V0040). Water quality impacts will be addressed in two Basic Water Quality treatment facilities; a combination detention and treatment pond and two cartridge filter treatment catch basins. The pond will treat runoff from the site, and the cartridge filters will treat runoff from 124' Avenue SE. The culvert that was documented as plugging in the County Drainage Complaints file will be replaced in the course of this project. SECTION 4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The following subsections describe the measurements and criteria used to size the detention and treatment facilities. Existing Site Hydrology (Part A) The drainage on the existing site was analyzed for this project with KCRTS. Figures provided in the KCSWDM and KCRTS manual were used to determine project location and scale factor parameters. The figures in Appendix C-1 show the delineation of the areas generating runoff on the site. The site soils are classified Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam, either 0 - 6% or 15 — 30% slopes. Appendix C-1 also contains the data and output from the existing site hydrologic analysis. The existing site conditions identified for this project and used in the KCRTS modeling are summarized below. Existing Site Conditions used for Hydrologic Modeling (areas in acres) Fleuve des Voiles Cogger Site Offsite 124th Site Offsite Total Impervious 0.04 0.71 0.16 0.00 0.32 1.23 Pasture 0.00 3.23 0.11 0.00 1.48 4.82 Forest 6.02 0.96 0.08 1.25 0.00 8.31 Subtotal 6.06 4.90 0.35 1.25 1.80 14.36 Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) The proposed drainage systems will route "site" runoff to a detention pond which will discharge to a dispersion/energy dissipation facility draining to the adjacent Soos Creek wetlands. Runoff from 124t' Avenue SE will be controlled as over -detention in the pond and will flow directly to TEC Technical Information Report Fleuve des Voiles Plat & Cogger Short Plat treatment catch basins prior to discharge to the Soos Creek culvert crossing of SE 192nd Street. Appendix C-1 contains the data and output from the developed site hydrologic analysis. The developed site conditions identified for this project and used in the KCRTS modeling are summarized below, Developed Site Conditions used for Hydrologic Modeling (areas in acres) Fleuve des Voiles Cogger Site Offsite I24th Site Offsite Total Impervious 4.22 0.71 0.35 0.81 0.32 6.41 Landscaping 1.84 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 2.28 Pasture 0.00 3.23 0.00 0.00 1.48 4.71 Forest 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 Subtotal 6.06 4.90 0.35 1.25 1.80 1 14.36 Performance Standards (Part C) The Fleuve des Voiles project is subject to the requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM and contains both Level 1 and Level 2 Flow Control areas, however the detention facility is located at the base of the hill and will discharge (via dispersion) to a Level 1 Flow Control area_ The area designated Level 2 is located within the steep slope designation. Since the project proposes to pipe all site runoff to the base of the hill and the Level 1 area, Level 1 Flow Control is proposed for Fleuve des Voiles. The Cogger project is subject to the requirements of the 2005 KCSWDM, and is subject to Conservation Flow Control requirements and must meet Historic Site Conditions Level 2 flow control standards. Basic water quality treatment is required for both the Fleuve des Voiles Plat and the Cogger Short Plat project. Conveyance features must be sized to convey the 25 -year developed runoff and their performance during the 100 -year event should be checked to be sure that significant flooding would not occur as a result. Flow Control System (Part D) The flow control is provided in a single detention pond, which may look like two separate ponds; however, the twin 24 -inch diameter culverts crossing SE 191st Street are part of the pond and serve to connect the two sides. For design purposes, the detention pond volume was calculated as two different ponds (one level 1 and one Level 2), which were then combined into a single facility with a stage -storage -discharge relationship that matches the combined stage - storage -discharges of the two ponds that were sized using the Level 1 and Level 2 detention criteria in the KCRTS routine. The following table summarizes the sizing requirements for the Level 1 and Level 2 detention ponds. 10 TEC Technical Information Report Fleuve des Voiles Plat & Cogger Short Plat Detention Pond Req'ments Fleuve des Voiles Cogger Total Required storage volume 43,751 cf 13,133 cf 56,884 cf Effective storage depth 4.5 ft 4.5 ft 4.5 ft Top area @ 1' freeboard 14,307 sf 5,500 sf 19,807 sf Bottom area 6,891 sf 1,474 sf 8,365 sf Orifice #1 diameter" 3.02" (3") 1.25" (1-114") 3.27" (31114") Orifice #2 diameter 2.71" (2-11116") 1.80" (1-314") Orifice #2 height 3.38 ft 3.10 ft "An equivalent 3.27" (3-114") single orifice will be used in place of the two bottom orifices. A 20 percent factor of safety increases the required detention volume to 68,261 cubic feet. As shown on the plans, the pond will provide 68,449 cubic feet of detention storage. In this instance, the need for a factor of safety is not very great, because the downstream drainage system is a large stream and wetland system that will likely absorb any overflow situation that might occur in the pond, with minimal chance for damage to downstream properties. Descriptions of the procedures used and calculations and computer output are included in Appendix C-1. . Water Quality (Part E) Runoff from the site will be treated in the dead storage portion of the combination detention and treatment facility, which was sized for Basic Water Quality Control. Runoff from 124th Avenue SE will be treated in two cartridge filter treatment catch basins. The following table summarizes the sizing requirements for the treatment pond. Treatment Facilities Site Pond 124'' Ave. SE Filters Required wetpool volume NO 26,103 cf Wetpool depth 4 ft Top area 8,056 sf Qwn _ 0.05 cfslCB As shown on the plans, the pond will provide 31,453 cubic feet of treatment volume. The detention/treatment pond has more than a 5:1 length -to -width ratio, and so does not require a berm; however, the roadway embankment will effectively create a berm and further increase residence time and encourage sediment to settle in the upstream (south) pond area. Descriptions of the procedures used and calculations and computer output are included in Appendix C-2. SECTION 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The County's backwater routine (KCBW) was used to size conveyance piping. The proposed 12 -inch diameter pipe system will convey the predicted 100 -year peak flows without flooding. Documentation of the conveyance sizing is included in Appendix C-4. SECTION 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Several studies and reports were conducted and produced for this project and are either available under separate cover or included in an appendix, as listed below. 11 TEC Technical Information Report Fleuve des Voiles Plat & Cogger Short Plat 1. Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report prepared by H & S Consulting, dated May 13, 2004. Available under separate cover. 2. Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by William Popp Associates, "Draft" dated May 27, 2004. Available under separate cover. 3. Geotech Report prepared by GeoTrends, Inc., dated March 20, 2004. Included in Appendix G. 4. Conceptual Buffer Mitigation Plan prepared by AC Roth Environmental Services, dated March 20, 2006. Available under separate cover. 5. Level 1 Technical Design and Information Report for Preliminary Plat Review prepared by Jacques Consulting, dated January 26, 2004. Available under separate cover. SECTION 7 OTHER PERMITS No other permits beyond those required by King County are anticipated to be required for this project. SECTION 8 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The project proposes to utilize the north portion of the permanent pond location for temporary sediment retention. The permanent pond area is 12,348 square feet, which is more than double the 6,158 square feet required for the erosion control pond. Runoff from the construction site will be collected and conveyed in interceptor swales located throughout the site. These swales will convey runoff to temporary pipe drains leading to the ESC pond. The interceptor swales and pipe drains were sized from 8 -inch to 18 -inch diameter using King County's Backwater Analysis routing to convey the 10 -year, 15 -minute runoff from the developed site without flooding and with 6 inches of freeboard. The sizing calculations for the various elements included in the erosion control facilities are included in Appendix C-3, SECTION 9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT Bond Quantities: The County's standard Bond Quantities Worksheet is included in Appendix E. Facility Summaries: The County's Facilities Summary Sheet is included in Appendix F. Declaration of Covenant: Not applicable. All the drainage facilities are located in public rights- of-way, or dedicated drainage tracts, and will be maintained by the County two years after final construction approval. SECTION 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The detention/treatment pond and all drainage and street work within public tracts and rights -of - ways will become the property of and will be maintained by King County two years after final construction approval. Until such time, the drainage facilities should be maintained as described in Appendix D (part of which was excerpted from the KCSWM Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities). 12 TEC APPENDIX A FIGURES 1. Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheets 2. Site Location Map 3. Drainage Basins, Subbasins, & Site Characteristics 4. SCS Soils Map King County Department of Development Subdivison and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION ❑ REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET ❑ Commercial ❑ Other ❑ E - PRf�J-ECT �i"l G iR ❑ ❑ D"���Lc(Yl ■ { .i p 5 4'YF '�"'"`Ct ff P 1 .....: Other �''� kld, ; Project Owner , Project Name _Prove des ,%'Old Location &,??� Address &, e -IA41 // - Township Phone Range ZD to -� SZ� _ � Section3 Project Engineer (_c/�itC. Company Address/Phone ! e?,?v27 ` Subdivison ❑ Short Subdivision ❑ Grading ❑ Commercial ❑ Other ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline Management ❑ COE 404 ❑ Rockery ❑ DOE Dam Safety ❑ Structural Vaults ❑ ❑ FEMA Floodplain COE Wetlands Other �''� kld, 4 Part S1T{CO1!»hilTAt�li]?RAINAGE Community Drainage Basin &j (? e �C ❑ River {� Stream 5009 e k ❑ Critical Stream Reach ❑ Depression s/Swa I es. Lake �I Steep Slopes 410 Y _ ❑ Floodplain [ ® Wetlands ,�noS Creek—e2dIaf,:2iT ❑ Seeps/Springs ❑ High Groundwater Table ❑ Groundwater Recharge ❑ Other Soil Type Slopes -.3y Erosion Potential Erosive Velcoties JK Additional Sheets Attached,�eP (tlec,4 REFERENCE Ch 4 — Downstream Analysis ❑ Additional Sheets Attached MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ® Sedimentation Facilities Stabilized Construction Entrance ® Perimeter Runoff Control Clearing and Graing Restrictions Cover Practices Construction Sequence ❑ Other LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION © Stabilize Exposed Surface Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities ® Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris ® Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas ❑ Other ❑ Grass Lined ❑ Tank ❑ Infiltration ❑ Channel ] Vault ❑ Depression Pipe System n Energy Dissapator .© Flow Dispersal ❑ Open Channel ❑ Wetland ❑ Waiver ❑ Dry Pond ❑ Stream ❑ Regional Wet Pond Detention U Brief Description of System Operation -h C6* 49r � Facility Related Site Limitations�f�S at2� �0(�'di ecs /✓�'r�, Reference Facility Limitation ❑ Cast in Place Vault Retaining Wail ❑ Rockery > 4' High ❑ Structural on Steep Slope ❑ Other ❑ Drainage Easement ❑ Access Easement ❑ Native Growth Protection Easement Tract ❑ Other 1 or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. -?- 2- D -S KING COUNTY, WASIIINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Project Owner &1q,40 -le 5 Phone 24 -nti Address a Ale AJC Project Engineer 60-44 1kf- r_ Company :�' /,n,- Phone ncPhone Z - f 5�� W Landuse Services Subdivison <Mrt ubd / UPD ❑ Building Services MIF / Commerical / SFR ❑ Clearing and Grading ❑ Right -of -Way Use ❑ Other Project Name Awce C4,s / fel DDES Permit # 4Qri�f o D Location Township Range Section Site Address /2212 -.Ji -z 192444V Parl:'� 'pTi�l~R 7�EVIEW.S AND f'E�MiT� ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline ❑ COE 404 Management ❑ DOE Dam Safety ® Structural Rockery/Vault/ LJ Floodplain LlESA Section 7 ❑ COE Wetlands ❑ Other otS �4 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1 1/1/05 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Monitoring Required: Yes 1 No Start Date: Completion Date: Community Plan: 106,12 Special District Overlays: Drainage Basin: Sbos &-ee C Stormwater Requirements: ❑ River/Stream ❑ Lake ❑ Wetlands ❑ Closed Depression ❑ Floodplain ❑ Other Describe: LA Steep Slope�� ❑ Erosion Hazard ❑ Landslide Hazard ❑ Coal Mine Hazard ❑ Seismic Hazard ❑ Habitat Protection Ll Soil Type Slopes /�-0 ❑ High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) ❑ Sole Source Aquifer ❑ Other ❑ Seeps/Springs Erosion Potential Additional Sheets Attached Se,- L4),,aA,, eeC oe,4 r rtdwr SPP-r6',4e- aveK- 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 2 111105 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET REFERENCE 121 Core 2 - Offsite Analysis ❑ Sensitive/Critical Areas ❑ SEPA ❑ Other El ❑ Additional Sheets Attached LIMITATION 1 SITE CONSTRAINT Dart 12- T1R. SUMMARY SHl=ET. .- --77777777-777-77 rov6 orae"TIR Summa, Sheet er: Threshold li€schar e Area 'threshold Discharge Area: name or description) Core Requirements (all 8 apply) Discharge at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharge Locations: Offsite Analysis Level: CD 2 / 3 dated: 'gyp 2,0 - ZQb! u Z.L%0 Flow Control Level: 1 /(V 3 or Exemption Number incl. facility summa sheet Small Site BMPs Conveyance System Spill containment located at: Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: Contact Phone: After Hours Phone: Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: Privateu lc If Private, Maintenance Log Required: Yes / No Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes 1 No Liability Water Quality Type: Basic Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm /Bag (include facility summary sheet) or Exemption o. Landscape Management Plan: Yes / No Special Requirements as applicable) Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA I SDO / MDP / BP / LMP /Shared Fac. /None Requirements Name: Flood plain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption / None 100 -year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: Source Control Describe landuse: (comm./industrial landuse) Describe any structural controls: 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 3 111105 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Oil Control High -use Site: Yes / No Treatment BMP: Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? Other Drainage Structures Describe: Part 13 _EROS] ON-, AN DSEDIMENT CONTROL -R EQU IR IFMENT&;J',,',� MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION Clearing Limits Stabilize Exposed Surfaces Cover Measures ❑ Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Perimeter Protection ❑ Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities ❑ Sediment Retention LJ Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas Surface Water Control J Other Dust Control ❑ Construction Sequence Part :1 STORMWATE.,, FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS' Note:, Include Facility..Summar )(_arnOKetcn),. Flow Control Type/Des�n tion Water Quality �Te/Description ❑ Detention ❑ Infiltration ❑ Regional Facility ❑ Shared Facility LJ Small Site BMPs J Other ❑Biofiltration. Wetpool ❑ Media Filtration LJ Oil Control L) Spill Control LJ Small Site BMPs L) Other W/ rleuve dv- r V64 le S 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 111105 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information provided h re is accurate. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual - 1/] 105 Map Output (9 King County 410.00iW25 t-61 1C) 20D4 King Cou n!y soled Parauft Cmnty gatird;iry sMei* WAP - Property Information (Plannin s! Ltg6od EJ Lakat and Ltaga Wom King t4ulity #¢a 100 PMPO"- /V 'ram nac�ure { tti 3406 Page i of 1 The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. King County I GIS Center I flews I Services I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details. Figure 3a Drainage Basins, Subbasins, & Site Characteristics Scale as Shown htip:llwww5.metrokc. gov/servlet/corm.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceNarne=overview&Clie... 9/10/2004 Map Output 071A/King COn WAP - Sensitive Areas (all themes ^.J Ta�z731tjarfci', Page 1 of 2 he information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and subject to change without notice. King County makes no represents nplied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use Figure 3b of be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or conseque Drainage Basins, Subbasins, ), lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the :ny sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except b, & Site Characteristics King Countv I GIS Center I Nevis I Services I Co Scale as shown http:llwww5. metrokc.govlservleticom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview&ClientV... 9/15/2004 Legend ' �r iY.+.'i3.117{fir $Sj�JYfi3,�?�' "La W. and Lafgo.� $rxix*a •1`.`� iib:(r� ���}�'• �t1:5fli��� �;�SffCJfl $'tHL555� AMA FIM and atrh ` WDDERNTI 5AC 5_1-SRi: ...ttLa t 5A£i 1'A?isrW fi ,r°,9 Cpm.:?tMi>A 5A€3 nd,--Aida IAIrtes ii.srsirl ® SAO �f1f3?SSSC SAO: 0"Ra Iaga As *a i> ^.J Ta�z731tjarfci', Page 1 of 2 he information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and subject to change without notice. King County makes no represents nplied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use Figure 3b of be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or conseque Drainage Basins, Subbasins, ), lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the :ny sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except b, & Site Characteristics King Countv I GIS Center I Nevis I Services I Co Scale as shown http:llwww5. metrokc.govlservleticom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview&ClientV... 9/15/2004 rA INN 1 Aft Ebi 0 z APO z is IVA-�Mmo wppsv IN- AN IN ; M4 . Y,, 410 "g 4-7 L Ff.4rf, z Q G�'S� ccco p r p O N N r � CL I 67 N O W 0! Q cJ Oco N 07 r N cY Q OE ? s co aL N n c A O. m U a O N QS9 } y a c c o Ul o f N A C o n Nn o a 0 E '� d o Q to N p s O Q O O ¢ Q Q} O `7 } ° 3 a N o z S 19 N a fq c� N m 41 0.2 '0.20 } Qz N O O Q a O �.0 `0 m N g as y y o ° m� am m w o-., $ V E? m W 7 H ry D c 0 m c= �F :1 .o,0 `w v C ID a E G •L- QQ.= E C Oe CL } i J Z� N a Y> y •C CDG v aN CL N E G1 N cc v 'EMA W Ncu U3 7 OJ Q y d y N d N G� N 102 Q 0 0 ., 7 C C E C} 'w-2 CL N 7 N O til f0 CL m 'm O_ j a O �. G1 rn N E E co E O O E 7 U]7O - FL (nC) O U.E O ccco p r p O N N r � CL I N y n c A m N a U) w a d N A C S N .Q 3 Q A Q w S yL 7 'w m y�y m y m w 7 $r ry D c 0 CL W «� ff 4�5 0 CL A + W J (L Q O 0 o n cn as u? a � o Q d; y w o O 3 c ro U N W s. a a p a A a a a q a ° m Q 3 n6 75 y — o [/) '0 00 m o no U U'-iJ R t}6 c 7 m '2 c N •r2 d d O �-' V) R d U VJ u) o [/} Q 0 U} m a a A ° ® f " DD OO > + . , lel O ISL Ifi c? m Q V1 ccco p r p O N N r � CL I Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Map Unit Legend Fleuve des Voiles 8. Cogger - Figure 4 �` � t✓ - : r �' ✓ �, r v �" Cz F ';`� '"� r r ' E SiC ' a - Y s snxy ISrigodfntyz raa, WashlrigtonVIfA693} y,F ptk SYE' jR `t IYlap (]nit I�ajttd ss R 74Cres jn AOI Percefit of i�,01 Jalap_ C�ntt SyrnGol t AgB Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 31.6 59.7% 0 to 6 percent slopes AgD Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 8.6 16.3% 15 to 30 percent slopes _ EvB Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 3.1 5.9% to 5 percent slopes No Norma sandy loam 9.2 17,4% Sk Seattle muck 0.4 0.7% Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 Rim— Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey 52.9 411812008 Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX B OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE AND MAP c Awavev- rrE� ry Lf r- rr CC s TA cr a 4 R' � v tu O r o 3 Go� Lt o s ! U W V5 C' ZCd icy c lYU1ff y,...: ,' in 1!7 Lr'� 71 cq —14 .. 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