HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 01CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: August 7, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: Galloway at the Highlands Minor Modification II LUA (file) Number: LUA-12-000181, MOD s Cross -References: LUA06-138 AKA's: Highlands Square Townhomes Project Manager: Rocale Timmons Acceptance Date: December 18, 2012 Applicant: Gil Hulsman i Owner: Contact: Gil Hulsman PID Number: See Attached ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: January 25, 2013 Appeal Period Ends: February 8, 2013 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Modify the Galloway Site plan to remove commercial space from the 4th phase and add one residential unit. Location: 3800-4000 Block of NE 3'd Street Comments: PID's for LUA12-000181 2690100010 2690100130 2690100020 2690100140 2690100030 2690100150 2690100040 2690100160 2690100050 2690100170 2690100060 2690100180 2690100070 2690100190 2690100080 2690100200 2690100090 2690100210 2690100100 2690100220 2690100110 2690100230 2690100120 Denis Law tty or, - Mayor January 16, 2013 Y Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administra.trQL— CON G ',.: . Gil Hulsman DATE Abbey Road Group NAME iNITIAL'DATE PO Box 1224 Puyallup, WA 983711 .I >� 1 SUBJECT: GALLOWAY AT THE HIGHLANDS — MINOR MODIFICATION 11 (LUA12- 000181) APPROVED SITE PLAN (FILE NO. LUA06-138, PP, SA -A, CU -A, ECF) Dear Mr. Hulsman, I am in receipt of your correspondence and attachments dated November 28, 2412 wherein you requested revisions to the approved Site Plan for Galloway at the Highlands. The subject site is located on the west side of Union Ave NE between NE 0, St and NE 3`1 Ct. As your letter discloses minor adjustments to the approved site plan and elevations are proposed. The requested revisions are summarized below: 1) The mixed use building proposed on tot 1 would be modified to remove commercial space located on the second floor and reduce the retail space proposed on the first floor. In its place the applicant is proposing one new condominium residential unit. The new unit would have access directly from the ground level in the place of the modified retail space. The new unit's living space would occupy the eliminated commercial space on the second floor. Associated changes to the mixed use building include: a) The second story would be used as a residential unit in place of the approved 1,610 square feet of commercial space; and b) Reduction in commercial space on the ground floor from 1,730 gross square feet to 1,239 gross square feet; and c) Architectural changes to the east and south facades of the mixed use building; and d) Addition of an attached garage for the residential unit resulting in two parking spaces; and 2) A 24 square foot reduction in landscaping due to the addition of a driveway for access to the proposed garage for the additional residential unit. Renton City Hall . 1055 South Grady Way • Renton,Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov a Denis law Mayor C11ty Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator January 25, 2013 Gil Hulsman Abbey Road Group PO Box 1224 Puyallup, WA 98371 SUBJECT: GALLOWAY AT THE HIGHLANDS — MINOR MODIFICATION II (LUA12- 000181) APPROVED SITE PLAN (FILE NO. LUA06-138, PP, SA -A, CU -A, ECF) Dear Mr. Hulsman, I am in receipt of your correspondence and attachments dated November 28, 2012 wherein you requested revisions to the approved Site Plan for Galloway at the Highlands. The subject site is located on the west side of Union Ave NE between NE 4th St and NE P Ct. As your letter discloses minor adjustments to the approved site plan and elevations are proposed. The requested revisions are summarized below: 1) The mixed use building proposed on Lot 1 would be modified to remove commercial space located on the second floor and reduce the retail space proposed on the first floor. In its place the applicant is proposing one new condominium residential unit. The new unit would have access directly from the ground level in the place of the modified retail space. The new unit's living space would occupy the eliminated commercial space on the second floor. Associated changes to the mixed use building include: a) The second story would be used as a residential unit in place of the approved 1,610 square feet of commercial space; and b) Reduction in commercial space on the ground floor from 1,730 gross square feet to 1,239 gross square feet; and c) Architectural changes to the east and south facades of the mixed use building; and d) Addition of an attached garage for the residential unit resulting in two parking spaces; and Renton City Hall . 1055 South Grady Way . Renton, Washington 98057 - rentonwa.gov Gil HuIsm an January 25, 2013 Page 2 of 4 2) A 24 square foot reduction in landscaping due to the addition of a driveway for access to the proposed garage for the additional residential unit. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-2001, allows minor adjustments to an approved site plan, provided: 1, The adjustment does not involve more than a ten percent (10%) increase in area or scale of the development in the approved site pian; or 2. The adjustment does not have a significantly greater impact on the environment and facilities than the approved plan; or 3. The adjustment does not change the boundaries of the originally approved plan. Analysis of Request The site and preliminary plat plan modifications requested and as shown in your November 28, 2012 submittals have been compared to the site and preliminary plat plans as approved by the City Council on April 9, 2007 which were modified on June 7, 2010 through a previous minor modification process. The original proposal included two commercial parcels with 22 townhome units located on adjacent individual lots. Commercial space was to front on Union Avenue NE and would be located within two 3 -story buildings one on each side of a new public street (NE 3'd St). Seven 2- and 3 -bedroom condominium units were proposed in each building above the commercial spaces; which resulted in a total of 36 residential units. Parking for the mixed use buildings was proposed to be shared and located on the ground floor of each building west of the commercial portion. Parking for the townhomes would be provided within each individual structure. An approved modification, dated June 7, 2010, increased the number of townhome units, from 22 to 27 units however, there was a reduction in the overall unit count from 36 to 35 units. The reduction was due to the removal of 7 condominium units originally proposed above the commercial space on Lot 1 and the addition of -one condominium unit on the third story of the other mixed use building, located on Lot 24. The changes in the residential units resulted in the provision of commercial space on the first and second floors in the amount of 3,340 square feet within the mixed use building on Lot 1. The third story of this mixed use structure was eliminated as part of the first modification. The applicant is now proposing changes which would increase the overall number of condominiums, from 8 to 9 units, increasing the overall unit count from 35 to the originally approved 36 units. The proposed elevation changes, for the mixed use building on Lot 1, would be uniform with the abutting townhome units. The building's southern street facing facade, would include building articulation and modulation, and Gil Hulsman January 25, 2013 Page 3 of 4 pitched roof elements consistent with the ground related residential use on the remainder of the site; including a second -story deck and an entry porch. Commercial space would be maintained along Union Ave NE, on the first floor, in the amount of 1,239 square feet. With the consistent application of building materials and fagade treatments the proposed modification has achieved a cohesive design as experienced by the public along Union Ave NE and the internal public street. The decrease in commercial space would slightly reduce traffic generation and the need for parking and parking conflicts with patrons and visitors. The parking for the additional residential unit would be provided via a new attached two -car tandem garage. There is also additional street parking available along Union. Ave NE, in designated areas, for visitors and patrons of the retail space.. The proposed changes would not result in more than a 10 percent increase in area or scale of the development. The proposal would not have a greater impact on the environment and facilities, nor would it change the boundaries of the originally approved site plan. The project site is zoned Commercial Arterial. All applicable setback, lot coverage, and landscaping standards would continue to be achieved. Decision Based on staff's analysis, I have determined the proposed revisions are within the parameters defined by the Renton Municipal Code. Therefore, the proposed modifications to the site plan are approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the issuance of the final building permit for The Galloway at the Highlands, 3 full size copies and a 8 % x 11 inch reduction of a final site plan and building elevations shall be submitted to the Planning Division project manager. 2. The applicant is advised that all code requirements and conditions of the site plan and plat approval are still applicable to the development of the site in addition to mitigations measures issued as part of the SEPA. The applicant should also understand that Environmental SEPA Review and Site Plan Review may be required for future modifications to the site plan. An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14 -day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required application fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. Gil Hulsman January 25, 2013 Page 4 of 4 Should you have any questions regarding this determination or the requirements discussed in this letter, please contact Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner, at (425) 430- 7219. C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator cc: Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner Yellow.File Date city of DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 18, 2012 TO: All Reviewing Departments r1'QA FROM: Rocale Timmons, Planning Division SUBJECT: Galloway Building Modification, LUA12-000181, MOD Attached you will find the following documents: • Revised Project Narrative • Site Plan • Elevations • Structural Calculations Changes were made to the approved plan (LUA06-138) as modified on June 7, 2010 in order to remove the office space from the 2nd floor retail space for the building located on the northeast corner of the site. The changes also added a garage for this unit and shifted the stairway. Please review these plans and provide comments by December 28, 2012. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, ext. 7219. Thank you. h:lcedlplanninglcurrent planninglprojects112 000181.rocalelrcvision memo.docx DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY C ill n{ n n AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 18, 2012 TO: All Reviewing Departments rj(ze FROM: Rocale Timmons, Planning Division SUBJECT: Galloway Building Modification, LUA12-000181, MOD Attached you will find the following documents: • Revised Project Narrative * Site Plan • Elevations • Structural Calculations Changes were made to the approved plan (LUA06-138) as modified on June 7, 2010 in order to remove the office space from the 2"d floor retail space for the building located on the northeast corner of the site. The changes also added a garage for this unit and shifted the stairway. Please review these plans and provide comments by December 28, 2012. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, ext. 7219. Thank you. G 6, G- (e-, c -e .- , 4"As " /ol6PS`®ef h:\ced\planning\current planning\projects112-00018 Lrocale\revision memo.docx Citrui �,-� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE. December 18, 2012 TO: All Reviewing Departments FROM: Rocale Timmons, Planning Division SUBJECT: Galloway Building Modification, LUA12-000181, MOD Attached you will find the following documents: • Revised Project Narrative • Site Plan • Elevations • Structural Calculations Changes were made to the approved plan (LUA06-138) as modified on June 7, 2010 in order to remove the office space from the 2 d floor retail space for the building located on the northeast corner of the site. The changes also added a garage for this unit and shifted the stairway. Please review these plans and provide comments by December 28, 2012. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, ext. 7219. Thank you. h:lcedlplannin&urrent planning\projects112-000 i 81.rocalelrevision mcmo.docx r Abbey Road GROUP City of Renton Community Development Attn: Rocale Timmons 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Wa 98055 I 1'. Nov 26, 2012 Re: Galloway Building 6- Plan Revisions (permit # B106280, CP10158, CP10159, CP 10160) 343 Union Ave NE B100280 Rocale: As requested, we have clouded changes with a revision symbol, and the following lists areas of change: The following is the Property / Permit Information: DT ADDRESS USE 1 4000 NE 3Rd PLACE Commercial 4002 NE 3RD PLACE Condo (Above Commercial) 4004 NE 3Rd PLACE Condo 4006 NE 3Rd PLACE Condo 4008 NE 3RD PLACE Condo 4010 NE 3RD PLACE Condo 4012 NE 3RD PLACE Condo 2 3952 NE 3RD PLACE RESTMNHOME 3 3948 NE 3RD PLACE REsrMNHOME 4 3944 NE 3RD PLACE RESnWNHOME The revisions removed the office space from the 2nd floor retail space, to add a residential unit. This change also added a garage for this unit, and shifted the stairway tower slightly to allow the new garage door. Sheet Al -1 floor plans show this change to both the main level, and to the new 2nd level residential unit. Sheet A6, exterior elevations, also show changes completed. These elevations also show some minor window changes needed to work with the new unit design, and to also match areas to building 1. This revision meets the previous approved permit listed as # LUA-060138,PP, SA -A, CU-A,ECF. Project data was revised for this new unit also, see sheet SP -1A. The office use "B" was removed, and the use "R-2" was added. This did not change any of the code requirements that were previously used. Parking requirements changed, as shown, which removed 7 required spaces for the office space, and added 1.75 spaces for the residential unit. The landscape area changed slightly by reducing total proposed area by 24 sq.ft. This was due to adding the new driveway, and adding new landscape area in front of the retail space. This change did not affect the overall percentages. Abbey Road Group Land Development Services Company, LLC PO Box 1224, Puyallup, WA 98371 Phone: 253-435-3699 Fax: 253-446-3159 www.abbeyroadgroup.com Building Permits PARCEL_ # Status 2690100010 B106280 Approved TBD 8106280 Approved TBD 8106280 Approved TBD 6106280 Approved TBD B106280 Approved TBD B106280 Approved TBD B106280 Approved 2690100020 CP10158 Approved 2690100030 CP10159 Approved 2690100040 CP10160 Approved The revisions removed the office space from the 2nd floor retail space, to add a residential unit. This change also added a garage for this unit, and shifted the stairway tower slightly to allow the new garage door. Sheet Al -1 floor plans show this change to both the main level, and to the new 2nd level residential unit. Sheet A6, exterior elevations, also show changes completed. These elevations also show some minor window changes needed to work with the new unit design, and to also match areas to building 1. This revision meets the previous approved permit listed as # LUA-060138,PP, SA -A, CU-A,ECF. Project data was revised for this new unit also, see sheet SP -1A. The office use "B" was removed, and the use "R-2" was added. This did not change any of the code requirements that were previously used. Parking requirements changed, as shown, which removed 7 required spaces for the office space, and added 1.75 spaces for the residential unit. The landscape area changed slightly by reducing total proposed area by 24 sq.ft. This was due to adding the new driveway, and adding new landscape area in front of the retail space. This change did not affect the overall percentages. Abbey Road Group Land Development Services Company, LLC PO Box 1224, Puyallup, WA 98371 Phone: 253-435-3699 Fax: 253-446-3159 www.abbeyroadgroup.com Prior City Corespondence From: Rocale 'Timmons <RTimmons(�irentonwa.gorr� Date: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 8:1.5 AM Subject: RE: Galloway @ the Highlands #B100280 To: Mark Peterson <mark(an�dparcl,itec.t.com� Hello Mark, c� I have had the opportunity to speak with Jennifer and Chip and they are okay with your modification. You will have to submit a formal modification request. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Rocale T. The Plan has been prepared by the Architect of Record as listed below: MDP Consulting P.O, Box 1303 Sumner, Wa 98390 253-691-2424 If you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to call the Architect of Record at 253-691-2424, or email mark@mdparchitect.com Please contact me if I can be of any assistance. I can be reached at 253-435-3699. Sincerely Giles (Gil) F. Hulsmann III CEO - Director of Land Development Services GFHlgfh Enclosures (Attached seperatly) 4 Each updated Plan Sets 4 Each Copies of Updated Structural Calculations 4 Each Copies of Updated Project Summary - Residential 4 Each Copies of Updated Project Interior Lighting Summary - Residential 4 Each Copies of Updated Project Exterior Lighting Summary - Residential 4 Each Copies of Lighting Power Allowance Adjustments - Residentiai 4 Each Copies of Lighting. Motor, and Transformer Permit Plan's Checklist Power Allowance Adjustments - Residential 4 Each Copies of Updated Project Summary - Commercial 4 Each Copies of Updated Project Interior Lighting Summary - Commercial 4 Each Copies of Updated Project Exterior Lighting Summary - Commercial 4 Each Copies of Lighting Power Allowance Adjustments - Commercial 4 Each Copies of 1-thfing, Motor, and Transformer Permit Plan's Checklist Power Allowance Adjustments -- Commercial 4 Each Copies of Updated Envelope Summary - Residential 4 Each Copies of Updated Building Permit Plans Checklist - Residential 4 Each Copies of Updated Envelope Summary - Commercial 4 Each Copies of Updated Building Permit Pians Checklist— Commercial 4 Each Copies of Updated 2006 WSEC Residential Compliance Checklist — Units 1,2,3,4,5, 4 Each Copies of Updated 2006 WSEC Residential Compliance Checklist — Units 6, 7, 4 Each Copies of Updated 2006 WSEC Residential Compliance Checklist— Units 8 rv�` 4 L9s JycY as.La� '><amftvld Yid fi L I10'/6l/I a�lldl-� YM •uoluad 4 6446-9b', (c9z) xed'fifi9L-SE6 iE571 _ o v - usF6 VM 'd" oA,d ,t6a U9 'o -d ZL£EE VA?, V111WIld dnaacJ lIClILIX3 sjul R Slea.led - V 311OS'CIVOH WHE EM f oil `spuel4�!H ati11V P730�,Ro t` G aaV spu23151ya411VAEMOIJe0 Aumolleu 'AusdwoosaoiraS;uawdolanap w H n,'xa�Dtdd pue-1 dnoaE) peon hag9V „:� xn xa,3 l,v3rvao,3o 9 cslro.a sa k ` O❑ O O D O D O D p P r� N a - O fY r n D❑ O O D 4 OS ]nN3AV OW2£ ) 4 0 0 g q 0 0 0 n 3N JnN3AV NOINn 0 � q q 4 a opo w m on w rn a� � rvn� NNNrvNry J r o Q O F r Q a r�r C9 x rqb, w T � V i Z � � ti os, d o 1~1mm r N N � �r0 0 L B�Oar a Z f� 02.a r�92 OR °moi Y �Y 21. Yr O or V rn N N 4 4 C• n N N ,7 q Q 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 �yT �r ®P r �f 9 odooddoodddo ej - p1�p n_ oer �f�9 = 40 0 040004 4 p g o y z J O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O P 0 4 Oyu$ Y V 4 0 0 0 O O 4 O _0 q 4 0 ^ o - �`ry �. a NNN NCD NNN�➢c�o � NN raj' O ass r 0 <0���na a4 l v - --�Mp Vx3 b;o-I 3' eav:ud 991-01 SMAS30\ILei v,d uolvad4 on,o_IoJ 891-01\l3nl: aV1 S3 IIJ Sld -Odd\a , PvoL .,J \I an Las :aii,4 rv�` 4 ry N n n N 4 0 4 a o o v 4 4 r"Y 4 0 4• S V O❑ O O D O D O D p P r� N rA al O fY r n D❑ O O D 4 0 P 4 0 0 g q 0 0 0 0 0 4 p 4 q q 4 a m rn w m m m w rn a� � rvn� NNNrvNry J vU`i o Q a 2006 \�MNnaton State Nonresidential Energy Code CoAiance Form 2206 Washington State Nonresidential Eneigy Code Compliance Farms Revise" July 2007 Project Info Project Address rnT.T.OWAY @THE HIGHLAMS- RTMG 6 Date 6/28/2010 343 UNION AVE NE For Building department Use RENTON, WA Applicant Name: GALLOWAY @THE HIGHLANDS I, LLC Applicant Address: 1002 39TH AVS SW, PUYALLUP, WA 99373 Applicant Phone: 253 -BBS -3034 2006 VAftinaton State Nonresidential Energv Code Co)fjance Form 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Cade Compliance f=orms Revised July 2007 Project Info Project Address GALTOWgy @THE HIGHLANAS- =3 6 Date 6/28/2010 HAIR PLR RETAIL 1.50 343 UNION AVE NE For Building Department Use UPPER FLA OFFICE RENTOX, WA Applicant Name: CzZMOW&y @THE HIG7rTAMS I, LLC Applicant Address: 3.002 39TH AVE SW, PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Applicant Phone: 253-861-3034 Project Description Q New Building ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Pians Included Refer to WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Compliance Option Q Prescriptive 0 Lighting Power Allowance 0 Systems Analysis (See Qualification Checklist (over). Indicate Prescriptive &LPA spaces clearly on plans.) Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box- sec. 1132.3) ❑ No changes are being made to the lighting ❑ Less than 60°% of the fixtures new, installed wattage not increased, & space use not changed. Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage Location (floorlroom no.) Occupancy Description Allowed Watts per ft2 ** Area in ft2 Allowed x Area HAIR PLR RETAIL 1.50 1730.0 2595.0 UPPER FLA OFFICE 1.00 1610.0 1610.0 18 88.0 1584.0 '* From Table 15-1 (over) - document all exceptions on form LTG -LPA Total Allowed Watts 4205.0 Proposed Lighting Wattage Location (floorfroom no.) Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Wattsl Fixture Watts Proposed MAIN SLR -RETAIL 2x4 FLUOR FIXTURES 28 88.0 2464.0 UPPER FLR- OFFICE 2X4 FLUOR FIXTURES 18 88.0 1584.0 Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior Total Proposed Watts',4048. Notes: i, For proposed Fixture Description, indicate fixture type, lamp type (e.g. T-8), number of lamps in the fixture, and ballast type (if included). For track lighting, list the length of the track (in feet) in addition to the fixture, lamp, and ballast information. 2. For proposed Watts/Fixture, use manufacturers listed maximum input wattage of the fixture (not simply the lamp wattage) and other criteria as specified in Section 1530. For hard -wired ballasts only, the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used, For track lighting, list the greater of actual luminaire wattage or length of track multiplied by 50, or as applicable, the wattage of current limiting devices or of the transformer. 3. List all fixtures. For exempt lighting, note section and exception number, and leave Watts/Fixture blank. 411111 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms State Nonresidential Enemy Code CoMance Form Revised July 2007 Prescriptive Spaces Occupancy: 0 Warehouses, storage areas or aircraft storage hangers 0 Other Qualification Checklist Lighting El Check if 95% or more of fixtures comply with 1,2 or 3 and rest are ballasted. Note: If occupancy type is "Other' and fixture answer is checked, the number of fixtures in Fixtures: (Section 1. Fluorescent fixtures which are non -lensed with a) 1 or 2 two lamps, b) reflector the space is not limited by Code. Clearly 1521) or louvers, c) 5-60 watt T-1, T-2, T-4, T-5, T-13 lamps, and d) hard -wired elec- indicate these spaces on plans. [f not tronic dimming ballasts. Screw-in compact fluorescent fixtures do not qualify. qualified, do LPA Calculations_ 2. Metal Halide with a) reflector bj ceramic M H ]amps <= 150w cj electronic ballasts Courthouse 3. LED lights. TABLE 15-1 Unit Liahl Power Allowance (LPA) Use LPA Is Use LPA WIs Automotive facility 0.9 Office buildings, officeladministrative areas in facilities of other use types (including but not limited to schools hospitals, institutions, museums, banks, churches 1.0 Convention center 1.2 Penitentiary and other Group 1-3 Occupancies 1.0 Courthouse 1.2 ce and fire stations 1.0 Cafeterias, fast food establishments , restaurantslbarss 1.3 office 1.1 Dormitory 1.0 rRetalil'u,retail banking, mall concourses, wholesale allet rack shelvin1 1.5es xercise center 1.0 ool buildings (Group E Occupancy only), school classrooms day care centers 1.2 Gymnasia', assembly spaces? 1.0 Theater, motion picture 1.2 Health care clinic 1.0 Theater, erformin arts 1.6 Hospital, nursing homes, and other Group 1-1 and 1-2 Occupancies 1.2 Transportation 1.0 Hotellmotel 1.0 Warehouses story a areas 0.5 Hotel banquet/conference/exhibition hall 3,4 2.0 Workshops 1.4 Laboratory spaces (all spaces not classified "laboratory" shall meet office and other appropriate categories) 1.8 Parking garages 0.2 Laundries 1.2 Libraries 1.3 Plans Submitted for Common Areas Only' Manufacturin facility 1.3 Main floor buildinq lobbies (except mall concourses 1.2 Museum 1.1 Common areas, corridors, toilet facilities and washrooms, elevator lobbies 0.8 Footnotes for Table 15-1 1) In cases in which a general use and a specific use are listed, the speck use shall apply. In cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically, the Unit Power Allowance shall be determined by the building official. This determination shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in the table. See Section 1512 for exempt areas. 2) The watts per square foot may be increased, by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twenty feet, unless specifically directed otherwise by subsequent footnotes. 3) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twelve feet. 4) For all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly. 5) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above nine feet. 6) Reserved. 7) For conference rooms and offices less than 150ft2 with full height partitions, a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.10 wlftz may be used. 8) Reserved. 9) For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating over 5,000, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance for the court area is 2.60 Wlft7. 10) Display window illumination installed within 2 feet of the window, provided that the display window is separated from the retail space by walls or at least three -quarter -height partitions (transparent or opaque). and lighting for free-standing display where the lighting moves with the display are exempt. An additional 1.5 wlft2 of merchandise display luminaires are exempt provided that they comply with all three of the following: a) located on ceiling -mounted track or directly on or recessed into the ceiling itself (not on the wall). b) adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical axes (vertical axis only is acceptable for fluorescent and other fixtures with two points of track attachment). c) fitted with LED, tungsten halogen, fluorescent, or high intensity discharge lamps. This additional lighting power is allowed only if the lighting is actually installed. 11) Provided that a floor plan, indicating rack location and height, is submitted, the square footage for a warehouse may be defined, for computing the interior Unit Lighting Power Aflowance, as the floor area not covered by racks plus the vertical face area (access side only) of the racks. The height allowance defined in footnote 2 applies only to the floor area net covered by racks. 2006 Viftington State Nonresidential Energy Code Coj a e Form 2006 Wachinntnn Slate Nnnrasi6ential Enerov Gude Com hanre Project Info ProjAddres:ca=OWAy @THE HICHI,ANOs- umo 6 Date 6/28/2010 343 UNION AVE NE For Building Department Use Allowed Watts per ft2 or per If RENTON, M Bldg. Fagade (by perim) UDG $`AgADE Name: [ ALLOWAY @THE HIGHLAt DS I, LLC 139.0 Appl. Name: 1002 39TH AVE SW, PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Appl. Phone 253-881-3034 Project Description ❑ New ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Plans Included Refer to WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Compliance Option Q Lighting Power Allowance O Systems Analysis Building Grounds ❑ Efficacy } 60 lumens/W ❑ Controlled by motion sensor ❑ Exemption (list) (luminaires > 100 Watts) Alteration Exceptions ❑ No changes are being made to the lighting ❑ Less than 60% of the fixtures new, installed wattage not increased, & space use not changed. (check appropriate box - sec_ 1132.3) Tradable Maximum Allowed Litthting Wattage Tradable Locations Description Allowed Watts per ft2 or per If Area (ft), perimeter Allowed Watts (If) or # of items x ft2 (or x If) Bldg. Fagade (by perim) UDG $`AgADE 5.0 W/lf 139.0 695.0 Total Allowed Watts Use mfgr listed maximum input wattage. For fixtures with hard -wired ballasts only, the Tradable Proposed Lighting Wattage default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used. Location Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Watts/ Watts Fixture Proposed Allowed Watts x ft2 (or x 10 Bldg. Fagade (by perim) UDG $`AgADE 5.0 W/lf 139.0 695.0 Fatal Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior Total Froposea vvaasI Non -Tradable Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage Non -Tradable Locations Description Allowed Watts per ft2 or per If Area (ft), perimeter (If) or # of items Allowed Watts x ft2 (or x 10 Bldg. Fagade (by perim) UDG $`AgADE 5.0 W/lf 139.0 695.0 Non -Tradable Proposed Lighting Wattage Location Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fixture Watts Proposed Bldg. Fagade (lay perim) DECOR WALL INCAN 9 75.0 675.0 Proposed Watts may not exceed Allowed Watts for Category 2006 Viinaton State Nonresidential Enerciv Code CoAffwnce Form 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms TABLE 15-2 LIGHTING POWER DENSITIES FOR BUILDING EXTERIORS Revised July 2007 Tradable Surfaces Uncovered Parking Areas (Lighting power Parking lots and drives 0.15 W/ft- densities for uncovered parking areas, building Building Grounds Walkways less than 10 feet wide 1.0 W/Iinear foot grounds, building entrances and exits, canopies and overhangs and outdoor sales areas Walkways 10 feet wide or greater plaza areas S ecial feature areas 0.2W/ft may be traded.) Stairways 1.0 Wlft Building Entrances and Exits Main entries 30 W/linear foot of door width Other doors 20 W/linear foot of door width Canopies and Overhangs Canopies (free standing and attached and 1.25 Wlft s) overhangs) Outdoor Sales Open areas (including vehicle sales lots) 0.5 W/fe Street frontage for vehicle sales lots in addition to "open area" allowance 20 W/linear foot Non -Tradable Building Facades 0.2 WIft2 for each illuminated wall or Surfaces (Lighting surface or S.OW/linear foot for each power density illuminated wall or surface length Automated teller machines and night 270 W per location plus 90 W per calculations for the following applications depositories additional STM per location can be used only for the specific application and cannot be traded between surfaces or with other exterior lighting. The following allowances are in addition to any allowance otherwise permitted in the Entrances and gatehouse inspection stations at guarded facilities 1.25 Wfft2 of uncovered area (covered areas are included in the "Canopies and Overhangs" section of "'Tradable Surfaces") Loading areas for law enforcement, fire, ambulance and other emergency service vehicles 0.5 WIR2 of uncovered area (covered areas are included in the "Canopies and Overhangs" section of "Tradable Surfaces") Material handling and associated 0.5 Wlft, "Tradable Surfaces" storage section of this table.) _ Drive -up windows at fast food 400W per drive-through restaurants Parking near 24-hour retail entrances 800 W per main entry 2006 ington State Nonresidential E 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Cade Compliance Forms Code Couiance Form ." Revised J my 2007 Project Address GFl7S0;VkY @THE HIr.XLAMS- =G s Date 6/28/2010 Use this form if you are claiming any ceiling height adjustments for your Lighting Power Allowances for interior lighting. The Occupancy Description should agree with the "Use' listed on Code Table 15-1. Identify the appropriate Ceiling Height Limit (9 feet, 12 feet or 20 feet) on which the adjustment is based. The Adjusted LPA is calculated from this number and from the Allowed Watts per fit`. Carry the Adjusted LPA to the corresponding "Allowed Watts per ft2" location on LTG -SUM. Adjusted Lighfing Power Allowances (interior) Location Allowed Ceiling Height I Ceiling Height limit 1 Adjusted LPA (Poor/room no.) Occupancy Description Watts per ftz "" for this room I for this exception" Watts per ft, " From Table 15-1 based on exceptions listed in footnotes 2006 VANWinoton State Nonresidential Enerav Code CoiNkance Form and -Transformer Plans-- Checklist LTG -CHK ,Lighting, Motor, 207 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Coda Compliance Forms Revised Juiy 2007 Project Address rnT.r.OWAY @THE HIGHLANDS-- BLDG 6 Date 6/28/2010 The following information is necessary to check a permit application for compliance with the lighting, motor, and transformer requirements in the 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability (yes, no, n.a.) Code I Section I Component Information Required Location on Plans Building Department Notes LIGHTING CONTROLS (Section 1513) 1513.1 Local control/access Schedule with type, indicate locations 1513.2 Area controls {Maximum limit per switch 1513.3 Daylight zone control Schedule with type and features, indicate locations vertical glazing Indicate vertical glazing on plans overhead glazing Indicate overhead glazing on plans 1513.4 Display/exhib/special Indicate separate controls 1513.5 Exterior shut-off Schedule with type and features, indicate location (a) timer w/backup Indicate location (b) photocell. Indicate location 1513.6 Inter. auto shut-off Indicate location 1513.6.1 (a) Occup, sensors Schedule with type and locations 1513.6.2 (b) auto. switches Schedule with type and features (back-up, override capability); Indicate size of zone on plans 1513.7 Commissioning Indicate requirements for lighting controls commissioning EXIT SIGNS (Section 1514) 1514 1 Max. watts Indicate watts for each exit sign LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE (Section 1530-1532) yes 1531 Interior Lighting Summary Form Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture yes 1532 Exterior Lighting Summary Form Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture MOTORS (Section 1511) 1511 1 Elec motor efficiency tMECH-MOT or Equipment Schedule with hp, rpm, efficiency TRANSFORMERS (Section 1540) 1540 Transformers Indicate size and efficiency If "no" is circled for any question, provide explanation: 2006 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Lighting - General Requirements State Nonresidential Enerav Code CoAftance Form 1513 Lighting Controls: Lighting, including exempt lighting in Section 1512, shall comply with this section. Where occupancy sensors are cited, they shalt have the features listed in Section 1513.6.1. Where automatic time switches are cited, they shall have the features listed in Section 1513.6.2, 1513.1 Local Control and Accessibility: Each space, enclosed by walls or ceiling -height partitions, shall be provided with lighting controls located within that space. The lighting controls, whether one or more, shall be capable of turning off all lights within the space. The controls shall be readily accessible, at the point of entrylexit, to personnel occupying or using the space. EXCEPTIONS: The following lighting controls may be centralized in remote locations: 1. Lighting controls for spaces which must be used as a whole. 2. Automatic controls. 3. Controls requiring trained operators. 4. Controls for safety hazards and security. 1513.2 Area Controls: The maximum lighting power that may be controlled from a single switch or automatic control shall not exceed that which is provided by a 20 ampere circuit loaded to not more than 80%. A master control may be installed provided the individual switches retain their capability to function independently. Circuit breakers may not be used as the sole means of switching. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Industrial or manufacturing process areas, as may be required for production. 2. Areas less than 5% of the building footprint for footprints over 100,040 lit 2. 1513.3 DaylightZone Control: All daylighted zones, as defined in Chapter 2, both under overhead glazing and adjacent to vertical glazing, shall be provided with individual controls, or daylight- or occupant -sensing automatic controls, which control the lights independent of general area lighting. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical glazing are allowed to be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones facing more than two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e. north, east, south, west). Daylight zones under overhead glazing more than 15 feet from the perimeter shall be controlled separately from daylight zones adjacent to vertical glazing. EXCEPTION: Daylight spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height partitions and containing 2 or fewer light fixtures are not required to have a separate switch for general area lighting. 1513.4 Display, Exhibition and Specialty Lighting Controls: All display, exhibition or specialty lighting shall be controlled independently of general area lighting. 1513.5 Automatic Shut-off Controls, Exterior: Lighting for all exterior applications shall have automatic controls capable of turning off exterior lighting when sufficient daylight is available or when the lighting is not required during nighttime hours. Lighting not designated for dusk -to -dawn operation shall be controlled by either: a. A combination of a photosensor and a time switch; or b. An astronomical time switch. Lighting designated for dusk -to -dawn operation shall be controlled by an astronomical time switch or photosensor. Ali time switches shall be capable of retaining programming and the time setting during loss of power for a period of at least 10 hours. EXCEPTION. Lighting for covered vehicle entrances or exits from buildings or parking structures where required for safety, security, or eye adaptation. 1513.6 Automatic Shut -Off Controls, Interior: Buildings greater than 5,000 ft2 and all school classrooms shall be equipped with separate automatic controls to shut offthe lighting during unoccupied hours. Within these buildings, all office areas less than 300 ft2 enclosed by walls or ceiling - height partitions, and all meeting and conference rooms, and all school classrooms, shall be equipped with occupancy sensors that comply with Section 1513.6.1. For other spaces, automatic controls may be an occupancy sensor, time switch Revised July 2027 illuminated in a manner requiring manual operation of the lighting. 2. Emergency lighting systems. 3. Switching for industrial or manufacturing process facilities as may be required for production. 4. Hospitals and laboratory spaces. 5. Areas in which medical or dental tasks are performed are exempt from the occupancy sensor requirement. 1513.6.1 Occupancy Sensors: Occupancy sensors shall be capable of automatically turning off all the lights in an area, no more than 30 minutes after the area has been vacated. Light fixtures controlled by occupancy sensors shall have a wall -mounted, manual switch capable of turning off lights when the space is occupied. EXCEPTION: Occupancy sensors in stairwells are allowed to have two step lighting (high -light and low - light) provided the control fails in the high -light position. 1513.6.2 Automatic Time Switches: Automatic time switches shall have a minimum 7 day clock and be capable of being set for 7 different day types per week and incorporate an automatic holiday "shut-off' feature, which turns off all loads for at least 24 hours and then resumes normally scheduled operations. Automatic time swrtches shall also have program back-up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 10 hours, if power is interrupted. Automatic time switches shall incorporate an over -ride switching device which: a. is readily accessible; b, is located so that a person using the device can see the lights or the areas controlled by the switch, or so that the area being illuminated is annunciated; c. is manually operated: d, allows the lighting to remain on for no more than 2 hours when an over -ride is initiated; and e. controls an area not exceeding 5,000 ftz or 5% of the building footprint for footprints over 100,000 ft2, whichever is greater. 1513.7 Commissioning Requirements: For lighting controls which include daylight or occupant sensing automatic controls, automatic shut-off controls, occupancy sensors, or automatic time switches, the lighting controls shall be tested to ensure that control devices, components, equipment and systems are calibrated, adjusted and operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Sequences of operation shall be functionally tested to ensure they operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications. A complete report of test procedures and results shall be prepared and filed with the owner. Drawing notes shall require commissioning in accordance with this paragraph. 1614 Exit Signs: Exit signs shall have an input power demand of 5 Watts or less per sign. Motors - General Requirements 1511 Electric Motors: All permanently wired polyphase motors of 1 hp or more, which are not part of an HVAC system, shall comply with Section 1437, EXCEPTIONS: 1. !Motors that are an integral part of specialized process equipment. 2. Where the motor is integral to a listed piece of equipment for which no complying motor has been approved. Transformers - General Requirements SECTION 1W —TRANSFORMERS The minimum efficiency of a low voltage dry -type distribution transformer shall be the Class I Efficiency Levels for distribution transformers specified in Table 4-2 of the "Guide for Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution Transformers" published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (;`FEMA TP -1-2002). ?nnf3_V inntnn,fitatalrl.nnraciricntiaf Pnr rrnr (.nria C..n arena Pnrm c'r other device capable of automatic- nutting off lighting. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Areas that must be continuously illuminated (e.g., 24-hour convenience stores), or 2009 Washington Sta%p nergy Code Compliance Form for NonresidentjyLand Multifa 2009 Washington State ;Anergy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential Resid tial Revised N2vemher 2010 Project Info Project Address GALLOWAY G THE FTGHLANMS - ELDO 6 Date 10/30/2012 343 UNION AVE xT For Building Department Use RENTON, WA Applicant Narne: GALLOWAY @ THE HIGHLALMS T, LLC Applicant Address: 1002 39TH AVE SW, PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Applicant Phone: 253-681-3034 2009 Washington State..P,,riergy Code Compliance Farm for Nonresident and Multifamily Residential gnn911Vachinntnn State Fnernv Cndn Cmmnlinnne Fnrms for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential Revised November 2090 Project Info Project Address GALLOWAY @ THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG G Date 10/30/2012 RESTROOM 1X4 FLUOR FIXTURES 343 UNION AVE NS For Building Department Use RENTCN, WA Applicant Narne: GALLOWAY @ THE HIGHLANDS I, LLC Applicant Address: 1002 39TH AVE SW, PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Applicant Phone: 253-891-3034 Project Description ❑� New Building ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Plans Included Refer to WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Compliance Option ❑Q Prescriptive Q Lighting Power Allowance O Systems Analysis (See Qualification Checklist (over). Indicate Prescriptive 8 LPA spaces clearly on plans.) Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box - sec. 9132,3) ❑ No changes are being made to the lighting and space use not changed 1E1 Less than 60% of the fixtures new, installed wattage not increased, & space use not changed. Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage Location (floor planhoom #) Allowed Gross Interior Occupancy Description Watts per ft2 " Area in ft2 Allowed x Area MAIN FLOOR RETAIL/OFFICE 0.91 1259 1146 RESTROOM 1X4 FLUOR FIXTURES 1 32 32 From Table 15-1 (over) - document all exceptions on form LTG -LPA Total Allowed Watts 1146 Proposed Lighting Wattage Location (floor plan/room #) Fixture Description Number of Watts/ Watts Fixtures Fixture Proposed MAIN FLOOR 2X4 FLUOR FIXTURES 12 88 1056 RESTROOM 1X4 FLUOR FIXTURES 1 32 32 Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior Total Proposed Watts 10 as Notes: 1. For proposed Fixture Description, indicate fixture type, lamp type (e.g. T-8), number of lamps in the fixture, and ballast type (if included). For track lighting, list the length of the track (in feet) in addition to the fixture, lamp, and ballast information. 2_ For proposed Watts/Fixture, use manufacturer's listed maximum input wattage of the fixture (not simplythe lamp wattage) and other criteria as specified in Section 1530. For line voltage track lighting, list the greater of actual luminaire wattage or length of track multiplied by 50, or as appicable, the wattage of current limiting devices or of the transformer. For low voltage track lighting 4lst the transformer rated wattage_ 3. List all fixtures. For exempt lighting, note section and exception number, and leave Watts/Fixture blank. 2009 Washington StatqF_nergy Cade Compliance Form for Nonreside 2009 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and Mullifamily Residential nd Multifamily Residential Revised November 2010 Prescriptive Spaces Occupancy: Q Warehouse or ParkingGarage Q Other Qualification Checklist a Lighting � Chock if 95% or more of fixtures comply with 1,2 or 3 and rest are ballasted. Noie: It occupancy type is "Other" and fixture answer is checked, the number of fixtures in Fixtures: (Section 1. Fluorescent fixtures with ay 1 or 2 two lamps, b} reflector or louvers, the space is not limited by Code. Clearly 1521) c) 5-60 watt T-1, T-2, T-4, T-5, T-6, or CFL lamps, and d) hard -wired electronic indicate these spaces on plans. It not dimming ballasts. Screw-in CFL fixtures and tracking lighting do not qualify. qualified, do LPA Calculations. 2. Metal Halide with a) reflector b) ceramic MH lamps <=150w c) electronic ballasts Courthouse 3- LED lights. TABLE 15-1 Unit Lighting Power Allowance (LPA) use LPA Wlft Use LPA Wlft Automotive facility 0.85 Office buildings, office/administrative areas in facilities of other use types (including but not limited to schools, hospitals, institutions, museums, hanks, churches e 0.91 Convention center 1.10 Parking garages 0.20 Courthouse 1.10 Penitentiary and other Group 1-3 Occupancies 0.90 Cafeterias, fast food establishments5, restaurants1bars5 1.20 Police and fire stations 0.90 Dormitory 0.85 Post office 1.00 Dweling Units 1.00 Retai] , retail banking, mall concourses, wholesale stores(pallet rack shelving.) 1.33 Exercise center 0.95 School buildings (Group E Occupancy only), school classrooms, day care centers 1.00 Gymnasia, assembly spaces 0.95 Theater, motion picture 0-97 Health care clinic 1.00 Theater, performing arts 1.25 Hospital, nursing homes, and other Group 1-1 and 1-2 OCCIi ancies 1.20 Transportation 0.80 Hotel/motel 1.00 Warehouses 0.50 Laboratory spaces (all spaces not classified "laboratory' shall meet office and other appropriate categories) 1.62 Workshops 1.20 Laundries 1.20 Libraries 1.20 Plans Submitted for Common Areas Only Manufacturing facility 1.20 Main floor building lobbies (except mall concourses 1.10 Museum 1.00 Common areas, corridors, toilet facilities and washrooms, elevator lobbies 0.80 Footnotes for Table 15-1 1) In cases in which a general use and a specific use are listed, the specific use shall apply. In cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically, the Unit Power Allowance shall be determined by the building official. This determination shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in the table. See Section 1512 for exempt areas. 2) The watts per square foot may be increased, by 2% per foot of ceiling height above 20 feet, unless specifically directed otherwise by subsequent footnotes. 3) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by 2% per foot of ceiling height above 12 feet. 4) For all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly. 5) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by 2% per foot of ceiling height above 9 feet, 6) Reserved, 7) For conference rooms and offices less than 150ft2 with full height partitions, a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.1 w/fe may be used. 8) Reserved. 9) For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating over 5,000, the Unit Lighting AowerAliowance for the court area is 2.60 Wlftz. 10) Display window illumination installed within 2 feet of the window, provided that the display window is separated from the retail space by walls or at least three -quarter -height partitions (transparent or opaque) and lighting for free-standing display where the lighting moves with the display are exempt. An additional lighting power allowance is allowed for merchandise display luminaires installed in retail sales areas that are specifically designed and directed to highlight merchandise. The following additional wattages apply: i. 0.6 watts per square foot of sales floor area not listed in items ii and iii below, ii. 1.4 watts per square foot of furniture, clothing, cosmetics or artwork floor area; or iii. 2.5 watts per square foot of jewelry, crystal or china floor area. The specified floor area for items i, ii, or iii above, and the adjoining circulation paths shall be identified and specified on building plans. Calculate the additional power allowance by multiplying the above Li by the sales floor area for each department excluding major circulation paths. The total additional lighting power allowance is the sum of allowances for sales categories I, ii, or iii plus an additional 1,040 watts for each separate tenant larger than 250 square feet in area - The additional wattage is allowed only if the merchandise display luminaires comply with all of the following: (a) Located on ceiling -mounted track or directly on or recessed into the ceiling itself (not on the wall). (b) Adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical axes (vertical axis only is acceptable for fluorescent and other fixtures with two points of track attachment). This additional Hghting power is allowed only if the lighting is actually installed and automatically controlled, separately from the general lighting, to be turned off during nonbusiness hours. This additional power shall be used only for the specified luminaires and shall not be used for any other purpose. 2009 Washington StatrF,nargy Code Compliance Farm for Nonresidential -and Multifamily Residential Exterior Lighting 2009 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for NonresidenJal and Multifamily Residential Revised Novemher 2010 Project Info Pro!Addres: GALLOWAY 9 THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 6 bate 10/30/2012 343 UNION AVE Ne For Building Department Use RENTON, WA Name: GALLOWAY ® THE HIGHLANDS I, LLC Appl. Name 2002 39TH AVE SW, PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Appl. PhOT1E 253-882-3934 Project Description ❑Q New ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Plans Included lReferto WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Lighting Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 O Zone 4 (as specified by Jurisdiction) Compliance Option O Lighting Power Allowance a Systems Analysis Building Grounds ❑ Efffcacy > 60 lumens/W ❑ Controlled by motlon sensor (luminaires > 100 Watts) ❑ Exemption (list) Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box - sec. 1132.3) rEE:1 No changes are being made to the lighting and space use not changed. Less than 60% of fixtures are new, installed wattage not increased, & space use not changed. Tradable Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage Base Site Allowance, 750 Allowed a s Area (W), perimeter AlJowed VV .atts Tradable Surfaces Description per ft2 or per If I (If) or # of items I x ft2 (or x If) Total Allowed Tradable Watts: Tradable Proposed Lighting Wattage (use mfgr listed maximum input wattage for luminaire.) Surface Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Wafts/ Fixture Watts Proposed Allowed Watts x ft2 (or x It) Bldg. Fagade (by perim) BLDG FACADE 3,75 Wllf 139 521 Total proposed tradable watts may not exceed the sum of total allowed tradable watts plus I otal Proposed I radable Watts:] the base site allowance. Any base site allowance not needed to make tradable watts comply can be applied to individual non -tradable categories. Non -Tradable Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage Base Site Allowance Remaining: 750 Non -Tradable Surfaces Allowed Watts Area (ft), perimeter Description per ft2 or per If (If) or # of items Allowed Watts x ft2 (or x It) Bldg. Fagade (by perim) BLDG FACADE 3,75 Wllf 139 521 Non -Tradable Proposed Lighting Wattage Surface Fixture Descriptton Number of Fixtures Watts] Fixture Watts Proposed Bldg. Fagade (by perim) DECOR WALL 1NCAN 11 45 495 Non -tradable proposed watts may not exceed allowed watts for any individual Total excess Non -Tradable watts: 0 surface unless the total excess watts for all non -tradable surfaces are less than the 750 remaining site allowance. Site Allowance Balance: 2009 Washington Stat ergy Code Compliance Form for Nonresidenti nd Multifamily Residential Exterior Lighting rry r ck) LTG -EXT 2 DOD Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and tvlultifaWy Residential Revised November 2010 TABLE 15-213 LIGHTING POWER DENSITIES FOR BUILDING EXTERIORS Specific area description Zone 1 500 W Zone 2 600 W Ione 3 750 W Zone 4 1300 W Base site allowance' Tradable Surfaces Z Uncovered Parking Parking lots and drives 0.04 W/ft2 0.06 W/ft2 0.10 W/ftZ 0.13 W/ft2 Areas Building Grounds Walkways less than 10 ft wide 0.7 W/linear 0.7 W/ 0.8 W/ 1.0 W/ foot linear foot linear foot linear foot Walkways 10 ft wide or greater 0.14 W/ft2 0.14 W/ft2 0.16 W/ft2 0.2 W/fl' Plaza areas Special feature areas Exterior Stairways 0.75 W/ft2 1.0 W/ftZ 1.0 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 Pedestrian tunnel 0.15 WIft2 0.15 W/ft2 0.2 WIft2 0.3 W/ft2 Landscaping 0.04 W/ft2 0.05 WIft2 0.05 WIft2 0.05 W1 Building Entrances 20 W/linear 20 W/linear 30 W/linear 30 W/linear and Exits Main entries foot of door foot of door foot of door foot of door width width width width Other doors 20 W/linear 20 W/linear 20 W/linear 20 W/linear foot of door foot of door foot of door foot of door width width width width Entry canopies 0.25 W/ft2 0.25 W/ftZ 0.4 WIft2 0.4 WIft2 Sales Canopies Free standing and attached 0.6 W/ft2 0.6 W/ftZ 0.8 W/ft2 1.0 W/tt2 Outdoor Sales Open areas' 0.25 W/ftZ 0.25 WIft2 0.5 W/ft2 0.7 W/ft2 Street frontage for vehicle No 10 W/linear 10 W/linear 30 W/linear sales lots in addition to "open Allowance foot foot foot area" allowance Non -Tradable Surfacesa Building Facades No Allowance 0.1 WAR far 0.15 WIft2 for 0.2 W/ftZ for each each each illuminated illuminated illuminated wall or surfacel wall or surfaces wall or surface Automated teller machines and night depositories 270 W per 270 W per 270 W per 270 Wiper location' locations locations location Entrances and gatehouse inspection stations at guarded 0.75 WIft2 of covered & uncovered area facilities Loading areas for law enforcement, fire, ambulance 0.5 WIft2 of covered & uncovered area and other emergency service vehicles Material handling and associated storage No Allowance No Allowance No Allowance 0.5 W/ft2 Drive -up Windows & Doors 40OW per drive-through Parking near 24-hour retail entrances 800 W per main entry FOOTNOTES FOR TABLE 15-2B; 1. Base site allowance may be used in tradable or nontradable surfaces. 2. Lighting power densities for uncovered parking areas, building grounds, building entrances and exits, canopies and overhangs and outdoor sales areas may be traded. 3. Including vehicle sales lots. 4. Lighting power density calculations for the following applications can be used only for the specific application and cannot be trad[ between surfaces or with other exterior lighting. The following allowances are in addition to any allowance otherwise permitted i the "Tradable Surfaces" section of this table. 5. May alternately use 2.5 watts per linear foot for each wall or surface length. 6. May alternately use 3.75 watts per linear foot for each wall or surface length. 7. May alternately use 5 watts per linear foot for each wall or surface length. 8. An additional 90 watts is allowed per additional ATM location. 2009 WashincIton State Energy Code Compliance Form for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential -0ghting, Motor,• Permit Plan.,,"'hhecklist LTG -CHK 2009 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential Revised November 2010 Project Address GALLOWAY a xaa RIGHLAJMS - BLDG 5 Date 10/30/2012 The following information is necessary to check a permit application for compliance with the lighting, motor, and transformer requirements in the 2009 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. ApplicabilityCode (yes, no, n.a.) Section Component information Required Location on Plans Building Department Notes LIGHTING CONTROLS (Section 1513) 1513.1 Local control/access Schedule with type, indicate locations 1513.2 Area controls Maximum limit per switch 1513.3 Daylight zone control Schedule with type and features, indicate locations vertical glazing Indicate vertical glazing on plans overhead glazing Indicate overhead glazing on plans 1513.4 Displaylexhiblspecial indicate separate controls 1513.5 Exterior shut-off Schedule with type and features, indicate location (a) timer wlbackup Indicate location (b) photocell. Indicate location 1513.6 Inter, auto shut-off Indicate location 1513.6.1 (a) occup. sensors Schedule with type and locations 1513.6.2 (b) auto. switches Schedule with type and features (back-up, override capability); Indicate size of zone on plans 1513.7 Hotellmotel controls Indicate location of room master controls 1513.8 Commissioning Indicate requirements for lighting controls commissioning EXIT SIGNS Section 1514 1514 Max. watts Indicate watts for each exit sign LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE Section 1530-1532 Yes 1531 Interior Lighting Summary Form Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture ATTACH Yes 1532 Exterior Lighting Summary Form Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture ATTACK MOTORS Section 1511 1511 1 Elec motor efficiency MECH-MOT or Equipment Schedule with hp, rpm, efficiency TRANSFORMERS Section 1540 1540 Transformers Indicate size and efficiency If "no" is circled for any question, provide explanation: 2006 Wington State Nonresidential Energy Code Envelope - 33 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Form 6E Revised July 2007 Project Info Project Address GAT.LaWAY 0 THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 6 Date 6/26/2010 343 UNION AVE NF, For Building Department Use 0 RENTON, PAi Applicant Name: GAT.t ORAY @ THE HIGHLANDS I, LLC Applicant Address: 1002 39TH AVE SAF, PUYALLUP, Ws 98373 Applicant Phone: 253-881-3039 Project Description I Q New Building ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Change of Use Prescriptive ❑ Component Performance ❑ Seattle EnvStd —ompliance Option (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) ❑ Systems Analysis Space Heat Type O Electric resistance Q All other (see over for definitions) Total Glazing Area Electronic version: these values are automatically taken from ENV -UA -1. Glazing Area Calculation (rough opening) Gross Exterior Note: Below grade walls may be included in the (vertical & overhd) divided by Wall Area times 100 equals % Glazing Gross Extel for Wall Area if they are insulated to the level required for opaque walls, 588.05273.0 X 100 = 11.2% O yes Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the ConcretelMasonry Concrete/Masonry Option Option. See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying 0 no assembly below. O yes Check here if using semi -heated path and if project meets all requirements for semi -heated spaces SeimH -eated Path as defined in section 1310. Requires other fuel heating and qualifying thermostat. Only wall 0 no insulation requirement is reduced (2006 change). Only available in prescriptive path. Envelope Requirements (enter values as applicable) Minimum lnsufafrort i lues Roofs Over Attic 30.0 All Other Roofs 21.0 Opaque Wallsi 19.0 Below Grade Walls Floors Over Unconditioned Space 19.0 Slabs -on -Grade 10.0 Radiant f=loors Maximum U -factors Opaque Doors 0.600 Vertical Glazing 0.550 Overhead Glazing Maximum SNGC (or SC) Vertical/Overhead Glazing I . Assemblies with metal framing must comply with overail U -factors Notes: Opaque Concrete/Masonry Wall Requirements Wall Maximum LI -factor is 0.15 (R5.7 continuous ins) Cl block walls with insulated cores comply If project qualifies for Concrete/Masonry Option, list walls with NC >_ 9.0 Btl below (other walls must meet Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values from Table 10-9 in the Code. Wall Description U -factor (including insulation Ill & position) 2008 Waiinaton State Nonresidential Energy Code Corry&nce Form State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for the optional Prescriptive Option. for Prescriptive Option If not, either the Component Performance or Systems Analysis Options must be used. Revised July 2007 1302 Space Heat Type: For the purpose of determining building envelope f Electric Resistance: Space heating systems which use electric resistance requirements, the following two categories comprise all space heating types'. START J elements as the primary heating system including baseboard, radiant, and Other All other space heating systems including gas, solid fuel, oil, and �_ _ - J/ forced air units wherethetota1 electric resistance heat capacity exceeds 1.0 propane space heating systems and those systems listed in the exception to Wlftz of the gross conditioned floor area. Exception: Heat pumps and electric resistance. (continued at right) terminal electric resistance heating in variable air volume distribution systems. All Insulation Installed? Electric\ No Resistance Yes -i Heat? All Insulation Installed? No., we Mass Wall J Criteria Cat? NO, (below) Yes kG Mass Wall Insulation Req. Mass Wall U0.151R5.7oi Cl Block Ins. Cores Wood Frame R19 Metal Framed R19 cove Grade Wall R19 3Wall R' wood, or Criteria OK? (below) , Yes Yes Glazing Vert OH t AG Mass Wall Insulation Req. Below Grd Wall (ext) R-10 Area % UVal UVal SHGC !Metal Framed U0.062 Wood Metal BeelowGrd Wall (oth) R-19 Below Grid Wall (ext) R-10 R-10 Roof Over Attic R-30 Below Gird Wall (oth) R-19 U-0.062 All Other Roof R-21 Roof Over Attic R-38 U-OA31 Raised Floor R-19 All Other Roof R-30 U-0.034 Slab -On -Grade R-10 Raised Floor R-30 U-0.029 Radiant Floor R-10 Slab -On -Grade R-10 R-10 Opaque poor U-0.60 Radiant Floor R-10 R-10 �- — Onanue Door U-0.60 U-0.60 No., we Mass Wall J Criteria Cat? NO, (below) Yes kG Mass Wall Insulation Req. Mass Wall U0.151R5.7oi Cl Block Ins. Cores Wood Frame R19 Metal Framed R19 cove Grade Wall R19 3Wall R' wood, or Criteria OK? (below) , Glazing Criteria Met? Yes Yes Glazing Vert OH t AG Mass Wall Insulation Req. Yes- ,Mass Wall U0.151R5.7ci ICMU Block Ins. Cores jWood Frame R19 Area % UVal UVal SHGC !Metal Framed U0.062 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Criteria Met? Na Glazing Vert OH Glazing Vert OH Area % UVal UVal SHGC Area % UVal UVal SHGC 0-30% 0.55 0.70 0.45 0-00% 0.40 0.60 0.40 30-45% 0.45 0.60 0.40 I }30 Not Allowed n45% Not Allowed No Yes Component Per€ormance, Systems Analysis, or EnvStd Required Concrete/Masonry Optill Wall Heat Capacity (HC) Assembly Description Assy.Tag HC" Area (sf) HC x Area Totals "If the area weighted heat capacity (HC) of the total above grade wall is a minimum of 9.4, the Concrete Masonry Option may be used, "For framed walls, assume HC=1.0 unless calculations are provided; for all other walls, use Section 1009. 2006 Angton State Nonresidential Energy Code Co nee Form r 0 a 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Finer" Compliance Forms Revised Jcly 2007 Project Address GALLOWAY @ THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 5 Date 6/28/2010 Space Heat Type Q Electric resistance Q All other For Building Department Use Glazing Area es °% gross exterior wall area 11.2 Prop. 45.0% Max.Target Concrete/Masonry Option O Yes 0 No Notes: If glazing area exceeds maximum allowed in Table, then calculate adjusted areas on back (over). Building Component Proposed UA Target UA List components by assembly ID & page;1 U-factor x Area A = UA U x A U-factor x Area A = UA U x A U=0-550 Pian ID: A1/ AIA/ Aa 0-550 504.0 277-2 0.550 588.0 323.4 U= 0.550 Plan ID: 0.550 84.0 46.2 Glaaing % E[ectnc R251st Other Heatinig m m v .E U= Plan ID: 0730°G: Q4Q [k.65 U= Plan I D: see note above:: 0.45- 45U= U= Plan ID: U= Plan ID: U= Plan ID: U= Plan ID; 0.700 a U= Plan ID: Glazing 46 Electric Resist Oti erHeating: Plan ID: Q-30°.6 0 6 0.7 c9D.U= R o U= Plan ID: >30 4596 se:note above 0 fi U= Plan ID: 0 U= Plan ID: } Q r U= Plan ID: 0 U= Plan ID: 0.700 V1 U=0.600 Plan ID: Al/ A1AIA8 0.600 21-0 12.6 0.600 21.0 12-6 ro o CIL o U= Plan ID: ElectricResist Other Hea#ing U= Plan ID: A.6Q 0,60 n ° R=30.0 Plan ID:Al/ AIA/ 0.029 1730.0 50.2 0.036 1730.0 62.3 c R= Plan 1D: Electric Resist. Other Heatirig R= Plan ID: Q.031 Q.03fi R= Plan ID: °n Oo R= Plan ID: EfeEtric Resfst Outer Heat€rig R= Plan ID: a).034 0,046 R=19 - 0 Plan ID: A1/ AIA/ A6/ A9 0.062 4664.0 289.2 0-062 4664.0 289.2 R= Plan ID:* R= Plan 1D: m R= Plan ID: Electric Resist. Oih0 Heating R= Pian I D: Frame-wd 0062 Q 062 0 R= Plan ID: Prame-Mtl Q062 0109 R= Plan ID: Njass Wall�� 0.15 015 "Note: sum of Target Areas here should equal Target Opaque Wall Area (see back) ++see rriass wall Criteria R= Plan ID: R= Plan ID: Electnc Resist, Other Heating 0 5 R= Plan fD: Int Ins 0.062 0.062 Note: If insulated to levels required for opaque walls, list above with opaque walls Ext ins. 0.07 0.07 u R= Plan ID: 0-056 > o R= Plan ID: Electric Resist.::Other Heating" U R= Plan ID: 0.029 0.056 R= Plan ID: 5 °l R= 10 - 0 Plan ID: A1/ AIA/ Aa 0.540 184-0 99.4 0.540 184.0 99.4 a a, n R= Plan ID: Electric Resist. Cather Heating D R= Plan ID: F=054. F=0.54 R= Plan ID: (see Table 13-`'for radia[tt floorvalues) *For CMU walls, indicate core insulation material. Totals 7187.0 774.7 Totals 7187.0 786.8 To comply: 1) Proposed Total UA shall not exceed Target Total UA. 2) Proposed Total Area shall equal Target Total Area. 2006 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Envelope - General Requirement 1311 Insulation State Nonresidential Energy Code Con-,sknce Form 1311.1 Installation Requirements: All insulation materials shall be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions to achieve proper densities, maintain clearances and maintain uniform R -values. To the maximum extent possible, insulation shall extend over the full component 'area to the intended R -value. 1319.2 Roof/Ceiling Insulation, Open -blown or poured loose -fill insulation may be used in attic spaces where the slope of the ceiling is not more than 3112 and there is at least 30 inches of clear distance from the top of the bottom chord of the truss or ceiling joist to the underside of the sheathing at the roof ridge. When eave vents are installed, baffling of the vent openings shall be provided so as to deflect the incoming air above the surface of the insulation. Where lighting fixtures are recessed into a suspended or exposed grid ceiling, the roof/ceiling assembly shall be insulated in a location other than directly on the suspended ceiling. EXCEPTION: Type IC rated recessed lighting fixtures. Where installed in wood framing, faced batt insulation shall be face stapled. 1311.3 Wail Insulation: Exterior wall cavities isolated during framing shall be fully insulated to the levels of the surrounding walls. When installed in wood framing, faced bait insulation shall be face stapled. Above grade exterior insulation shall be protected. 1311.4 Floor Insulation: Floor insulation shall be installed in a permanent manner in substantial contact with the surface being insulated. Insulation supports shall be installed so spacing is not more than 24 inches on center. Installed insulation shall not block the airflow through foundation vents. 1311.6 Slab -On -Grade Floor. Slab -on -grade insulation installed inside the foundation wall shall extend downward from the top of the slab a minimum distance of 24 inches or to the top of the footing, whichever is less. Insulation installed outside the foundation shall extend downward a minimum of 24 inches or to the frost line, whichever is greater. Above grade insulation shall be protected. EXCEPTION: For monolithic slabs, the insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab to the bottom of the footing. 1311.6 Radiant Floors (on or below grade): Slab -on - grade insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab a minimum distance of 36 inches or downward to the top of the footing and horizontal for an aggregate of not less than 36 inches. If required by the building official where soil conditions warrant such insulation, the entire area of a radiant floor shall be thermally isolated from the soil. Where a soil gas control system is provided below the radiant floor, which results in increased convective flow below the radiant floor, the radiant floor shall be thermally isolated from the sub - floor gravel layer. 1312 Glazing and Doors 1312-1 Standard Procedure for Determination of Glazing and Door U -Factors: U -factors for glazing and doors shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance with Standard RS -31 by a certified independent agency licensed by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). Compliance shall be based on the Residential or the Nonresidential Model Size. Product samples used for U - factor determinations shall be production line units or representative of units as purchased by the consumer or contractor. Unlabeled glazing and doors shall be assigned the default U -factor in Table 10-6. Revised July 1312.2 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and Shading Coefficient: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance with the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) Standard by a certified, independent agency, licensed by the NFRC. EXCEPTION: Shading coefficients (SC) shall be an acceptable alternate for compliance with solar heat gain coefficient requirements. Shading coefficients for glazing shall be taken from Chapter 31 of Standard RS -1 or from the manufacturer's test data. 1313 Moisture Control 1313.1 Vapor Retarders: Vapor retarders shall be installed on the warm side (in winter) of insulation as required by this section. EXCEPTION: Vapor retarder installed with not more than 113 of the nominal R -value between it and the conditioned space. 1313.2 RooflCeiling Assemblies: Roof/ceiling assemblies where the ventilation space above the insulation is less than an average of 12 inches shall be provided with a vapor retarder. (For enclosed attics and enclosed rafter spaces, see Section 1203.2 of the International Building Code.) Roof/ceiling assemblies without a vented airspace, allowed only where nelther the roof deck nor the roof structure are made of wood, shall provide a continuous vapor retarder with taped seams. EXCEPTION: Vapor retarders need not be provided where all of the insulation is installed between the roof membrane and the structural roof deck. 1313.3 Walls: Walls separating conditioned space from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder. 1313.4 Floors: Floors separating conditioned space from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder. 1313.5 Crawlspaces: A ground cover of six mil (0.006 inch thick) black polyethylene or approved equal shall be laid over the ground within crawlspaces. The ground cover shall be overlapped 12 inches minimum at the joints and shall extend to the foundation wall. EXCEPTION: The ground cover may be omitted in crawl spaces if the crawlspaoe has a concrete slab floor with a minimum thickness of 3-112 inches. 1314 Air Leakage 1314.1 Building Envelope: The requirements of this section shall apply to building elements separating conditioned from unconditioned spaces. Exteriorjoints around windows and doorframes, openings between walls and foundation, between walls and roof and wall panels; openings at penetrations of utility services through walls, floors and roofs; and all other openings in the building envelope shall be sealed, caulked, gasketed or weatherstripped to limit air leakage. 1314.2 Glazing and Doors: Doors and operable glazing separating conditioned from unconditioned space shall be weatherstripped. Fixed windows shall be tight fitting with glass retained by stops with sealant or caulking all around. EXCEPTION: openings that are required to be fire resistant. 1314.3 Building Assemblies Used as Ducts or Plenums: Building assemblies used as ducts or plenums shall be sealed, caulked and gasketed to limit air leakage. 1314.4 Recessed Lighting Fixtures: When installed in the building envelope, recessed lighting fixtures shall by Type IC rated, and certified under ASTM E283 to have no more than 2.0 cfm air movement from the conditioned space to the ceiling cavity. The lighting fixture shall be tested at 75 Pascals or 1.57 Ibsift pressure difference and have a label attached, showing compliance with this test method. Recessed lighting fixtures shall be installed with a gasket or caulk between the fixture and ceiling to prevent air leakage. .� 2009 Washington_tate Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonre j ential and 1VIu]tifamily ' 2009 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential Revised December 2010 Project Info Project Address GALLOWAY ® THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 6 Date 10/30/2012 341 UNION AVE SE For Building Department Use RENTON, WA Applicant Name: GALLOWAY Q� TSE HIGHLANDS I. LLC Applicant Address: 3.002 39TH AVE SW, PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Applicant Phone: 253-881-3034 Project Description ❑✓ New Building ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration ❑ Change of Use 0 Prescriptive [] Component Performance ❑ Seattle EnvStd Compliance Option (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) ❑ Systems Analysis Occupancy Group OQ Nonresidential O Multifamily Residential Climate Zone d Climate Zone 1 O Climate Zane 2 ( See WSEC 302.3 for county list) Fenestration Area Total Fenestration Electronic version: these values are automatically taken from ENV -UA. (rough opening) Gross Exterior Calculation (vertical & overhd) divided by Wall Area times 100 equals % Fenestration 534.0— 4120.0 X 100 = 13.0° Walls - Mass Allowable if project meets all requirements as defined in section 1310.2. Only allowed as Semi -Heated Path yes prescriptive path and must be calculated separately from other conditioned spaecs. Limited to Q no 0.600 reduced wall insulation levels. Requires other fuel heating and qualifying thermostat. Envelope Requirements (enter values as applicable) Minimum Insulation R -values Roofs - Insulation Above Deck Roofs - Metal Building Roofs - Single Rafter 21.0 Roofs - Attic and All Others 38.0 Walls - Mass Walls - Metal Building Walls - Steel Framed 0.600 Walls -Wood Framed and Other 21.0 Floors - Mass Maximum SHGC (or 5C) Floors - Steel Joist Floors - Wood Framed and Other 0.400 North Maximum F -Factors Slabs -on -Grade - Unheated 10 . 0 Slabs -on -Grade - Heated Notes Envelope Requirements ( continued ) Maximum U -factors Vertical Fenestration Non -Metal Frame Metal Frame Entrance Door 0.6 Skylights - Without Curb Skylights - With Curb Opaque Doors - Swinging 0.600 Opaque Doors - Non -Swinging Maximum SHGC (or 5C) Vertical Fenestration Non -North 0.400 North Skylights 2009 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential Revised Dcccmber 2610 Project Address GALLOWAY C? THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 6 Date 10/30/2012 Occupancy Group Q Nonresidential 0 Multifamily residential Clear For Building Department Use Climate Zone Q Zone 1 Q Zone 2 Fenestration Area as % gross exterior wall area 13.0% Max. Target: 40.0`0 Nates: 1: If fenestration area exceeds maximum allowed, then calculate adjusted areas on Target Area Adjustment sheet on the backside of the ENV-SHGC form. 2: U -factors shall come from chapter 10 or calculated per 1332. See the ENV -CHK worksheet for example of how to complete the rows on this form. Building Component Proposed UA Target UA Provide assembly 1D & page/plan # for each bldg. element U -factor x Area (A) = UA (U x A U -factor x Area (A) = UA (U x A) Y R- ID: 0.034 a R= ID: Above Deck Insulation U-0.034 R= ID: N R= ID: 0.031 Metal Building U-0.031 o m R= ID: m R= ID: ` R=38.0 1D:A1/A1A/A6/A8 0.027 ` 1730 46.7 0.027 1730 46.7 R= ID: Single raft, attic, other U-0.027 O R= ID: E R= ID: 0.064 Steel frame/metal bldg U-0.064 ri R= ID: R= ID: 7 R= ID: 0 Q L R= 21. 0001 D:A11A1A/A6/A8 0.057 3586 204.4 0.057 3585 1 204.4 Frame, other U-0.057 R= ID:Wood m R= ID: Q R= 1D: 0.15D co 0 1n R= ID: Mass Wall U-0.150 R= 1D: R= ID: Proposed assembly U -factor from Tables 10-5 thru 10-513 4 R= ID: 0.150 o R= ID: Assumed to be Mass Wall U-0.150 m R= ID: 6 Proposed assembly U -factor from Tables 10-5 thru 10-513. Do NOT use Table 10-1. a U= 1D: 0-60 All Doors U-0.60 Cr o U= ID: O U= 1D: N R= ID: 0.029 Floors U-0.029 R= ID: _o LL R= ID: F -factor x Perimeter = UA(U x A) F -factor x Perimeter = UA (U x A) R=10.0 1D: A1/A1A!A6/A8 o.940 131 70,7 0.540 131 70.7 m -0 u0i R= ID. Slab -on -Grade U-0.540 � L R= ID: 0 R= ID: I 0.360 R= ID: Heated Slab -On -Grade U-0.360 = Proposed assembly F -factors can use the unheated values in Table 10-2 v4itnn�l ualu p �1 rat eC inanoTab e 1I - values. Plans must p Area UA c early state oo note requirements. Page 1 Subtotal 5447 322 Continue on to back of form Area UA 5447 322 2009 Washington mite Enerpv Code Compliance Forms for Nonre,2 i ential and Multifam Project Address GALLOWAY Q THE HIGHLANDS - er,DG 6 Date 10/30/2412 Fenestration Area as % gross exterior wall area 13.0% Max. Target: 40.0 o For Building Department Use Notes: 1: If fenestration area exceeds maximum allowed, then calculate adjusted areas on Target Area Adjustment sheet on the backside of the ENV-SHGC form. 535 2: Provide NFRC or Table 10-6 U -factor (See Section 1312.1) for fenestration assemby (combined frame and glazing performance). See the ENV -CHK worksheet for example of how to complete the rows on this form. Building Component Proposed UA Target UA Provide assembly I D & page/plan # for each bldg. element U -factor x Area (A) = UA (U x A U -factor x Area (A) = UA (U x A) U=0.400 1D:A11A1A/ 0.40 534 213.6 0.40 534 219.6 U= ID: Metal Frame is U= ID: U-0.40 o 2 U- ID: E2 N U= ID: 0.32 c U= ID: Non -Metal Frame L U= Ila: U-0.32 U Z U= ID: j, U= ID: 0.60 Metal Entance Door 2 U= ID: ami U= ID: U-0.60 U= ID: U= ID: 4 0.50 Without Curb U= ID: U= ID: U-0.50 Z0 a, U= ID: n U= ID: a.6o rn � U U= ID: Including Curb U= ID: U-0.60 U= ID: Page 2 Subtotal Page i Subtotal To comply: 1) Proposed Total UA shall not exceed Target Total UA. 2) Proposed Total Area shall equal Target Total Area. Total Area I UA 534 214 5447 322 5981 T 535 Area UA 534 214 5447 i 322 5981 535 2009 Wash ingtonatate Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresir ntial and Multifamily 2009 Washinaton State Lneroy Code COmDliance Forms for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential Revised ❑cccmber 2n1 Project Address CALLOWAY fP THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 6 Date 10/30/2012 Fenestration Area as %gross exterior wall area 13.0% Prop 40% Max.Target For Building Department Use Prescriptive PF Credit O Yes O No Vertical North Facing Credit (1323.3 Exp. 2) OYes O No Notes: To comply the Proposed total SHGC x A for all fenestration (vertical & skylights) shall not exceed Target total SHGC x A. If the north facing credit is used then the north and non -north must comply separately with 270 skylights being included with the non -north vertical fenestration. 0.40 534 213,6 Skylights Proposed SHGC Target SHGC List ID & page #, NFRC or glass only SHGC' x Area (A) = SHGC x SHGC x Area (A) - SHGC x A ID: 264 106 ID: 0.35 Criteria SHGC ID: All 0.40 ID: ID: AtI 0.35 ID: Prescriptive PF 0.45 ID: All 0.40 0.45 ID: ID; ID: " Note: Manufacturer's SC may be used in lieu of SHGC. Totals Preserpt P 0.45 0.54 ID: Totals Nonresidential compliance is based upon combined skylight and vertical North Total fenestration performance. Residential compliance is based upon skylight only. All Non -North Vertical Fenestration++ Proposed SHGC Target SHGC PF* Adjusted SHGC x Area (A) = SHGC x A List ID & page #, NFRC or glass only SHGC+ PF x Area (A) = SHGC x SHGC x Area (A) = SHGC x A Mult SHGC 534.0 ID:AlA EAST WALL 0.40 1.00 0.40 270 109 0.40 534 213,6 Criteria SHGC ID;AlASOUTH WALL 0.40 1.00 0.40 264 106 ID: All 0.40 ID; ID: Prescriptive PF 0.45 ID: All 0.40 0.45 ID: ID: Preserpt P 0.45 0.54 ID: ID: North Total ID: ID: ID: ++Note: If projection factors or north vertical glazing credit are used Totals 534.0 213.6 Totals 534.0 213.6 then vertical fenestration must be entered according to orientation. If 213.6 213.6 neither are used then ventical fenestration can be entered in either section. Nan -North Total + Note: Manufacturer's SC may be used in lieu of SHGC. Fenestration that separates conditioned space from a non -conditioned or semi -conditioned space shall be listed here with a proposed SHGC equal to the target value. * Note: Multipliers only apply if prescriptive PF credit not used. North Vertical Fenestration++ Proposed SHGC Target SHGC List ID & page #, NFRC or glass only SHGC+ PF PFS Adjusted x Area (A) = SHGC x SHGC x Area (A) = SHGC x A Mult SHGC comply separately from non -north vertical fenestration and skylights. ID: 534.0 223 .6 Grand Tota!Etn Criteria Mixed North ID: ID; Orientation Separate ID: All 0.40 0.45 ID: Preserpt P 0.45 0.54 ID: North Total For compliance: Proposed total SHGC x A shall not exceed Target total SHGC x A. If north glazing credit is used then north facing vertical fenestration must Area SHGC x A comply separately from non -north vertical fenestration and skylights. Grand Total 534.0 223 .6 Grand Tota!Etn 2009 Wa Code Compliance Forms for Nonres]�Lntial and Multifa 2009 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and Multifari Residential Revised necemte-2010 Project Address GALLOWAY Q THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 6 Date 10/30/2012 if the total fenestration area as a% of gross exterior wall area (calculated on ENV -SUM) exceeds the maximum allowed in Table 13-1, then this calculation must be submitted Use the resulting areas in the Target UA and SHGC calculations above Fenestration -> Opaque- SKY= paque- SKY= Sky[ight. Refered to as overhead glazing in WSEC 1333 & 1334 and equations 13-1 & 13-2. VF � vertical fenestration. Refered to as vertical glazing in WSFC 1333 & 1334 and equations 13-1 & 13-2. NW = net wall (exciudes fenestration, BG, and doors) DBG = Doors and below grade wall. Total Fenestration - SKY + VF. Gross Exterior Wall Area= VF + NW + DBG Proposed Areas Above Grade Walls Doors & BG Walls SKY= VF= 534.0 ` 0 — 1648.0 NW= 3586-0 DBG: - Gross Exterior Max Fenestration % Maximum Target Wall Area (Table 13-1) Fenestration Area 4120.0 1 X 40. 1648.0 Total Fenestration Maximum Target Excess Fenestration 0 Excess Fenestration 534.0 — 1648.0 = -1114.0 — �? lesser - -1114.0 Total Fenestration Excess Fenestration Target VF Multiplier Apply to all Proposed Target Fenestration Total Fenestration 534.0 — - -934.0 _ 534. 0 = 1.00 Fenestration Areas to get Fenestration Area Target Net AG Wail Area Excess Fenestration Target Net Wall Area Net Wall Target Net Wall Mult. Apply to all Proposed 3586.0+ = 3586.0 3586.0 — 1.00 Opaque AG Wall Areas to get Target Area Vertical Fenestration metal frame non-metal frame metal entrance Skylight without curb with curb AG Wall Steel Frame/metal Wood/Other frame Mass Sum of Proposed SHGC Calculation Skylights (all) Non -North Vertical Fenestration North Vertical Fenestration Proposed Area 534.0 Proposed Area Proposed Area 3586.0 4120.0 Target VF Mult, X 1.00 X X Target VF Mult. X X Target Net Wall Mult. X X 1.0D X Target Area 534.0 Target Area Target areas in shaded _ boxes shall be used as target areas on ENV UA. Target Area 3586.0 Sum of Target Proposed Area Target VF Mult. X 534.0 X 1.00 X I4120.0 I Sum of Proposed must equal Sum of Target. Target Area SHGC target areas in 534. D shaded boxes shall be entered as target areas on ENV-SHGC 2009 Wash ingtontate Enei Code Compliance Farms for Non and Mu 12009 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms for Nonresidential and Multifamily Residential RcvlsPd npcemdcr,olo, 11'rojectAddress GALLOWAY U THE HIGHLANDS - BLDG 6 (Date 10/30/2012 The following information is necessary to cheek a building permit application for com Washington'State Nonresidential Energy Code. Ing envelope requirements ApplicabilityCode Location Building Department (yes,no,na) ISection Component Information Required on Plans Notes GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1301-1314) 1301 Scope Unconditioned spaces identified on plans if allowed 1310,2 Semi -heated spaces Semi -healed spaces identified on plans if allowed 1311 Cold Storage / refrigeral All refrigerated spaces identified on plans. ENV-RFG completed. 1311 Insulation Yes 1311.1 General Installation indicate installation nethod, densities and clearances to achieve intended R -value of all insulation materials AIA/AB Yea 1311.2 Roof leeiling insul. Indicate R -value on roof sections for attics and other roofs; Indicate clearances for attic insulation; All,/A8 Indicate baffles if eave vents installed; Indicate face stapling of faced bans Yes 1311.3 Wall insulation Indicate R -value and framing material on wall sections; Indicate face stapling of faced bans; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected; AIA/A8 Indicate mass of masonry walls if mass wall claimed Indicate loose -fill core insulation for masonry walls as necessary Indicate frequency of grouted cores and bond beams as necessary Yes 1311.4 Floor insulation Indicate R -value on floor sections; Indicate substantial contact with surface; AIA/A8 Indicate supports not more than 24" o.c,; Indicate that insulation does not block airfiow through foundation vents. Yes 1311.5 Slab -on -grade floor Indicate R -value on wall seclien or foundation dl Indicate slab insulation extends down vertically 24" from top; AIA/AB Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected 1311.6 Radiant floor Indicate R -value on wall section or foundation detail; Indicate slab insulation extends dawn vertically a6" from the top; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected; Indicate insulation also under entire slab where regi by Official Yea 1312 Glazing and doors Provide calculation of vertical and overhead glazing area as percent of gross wall are All,/Ag Yes 1312.1 U -factors Indicate glazing and door U -factors on glazing and door schedule (provide area -weighted calculations as necessary); AIA/A8 Indicate if values are NFRC or default, if default then specify frame type, glazing layers, gai low -e coatings, gas fillip Yes 1312.2 Si & SC Indicate glazing solar heat gain coefficient or shading coefficient on glazing schedule provide area -weighted calculations by orientation as necessa AlA/A8 1313 Moisture control Yea 1313.1 Vapor retarders Indicate vapor retarders applied to warm side of insulation AlA/A8 1313.2 Rooflceiling vap.ret. Indicate vapor retarder on roof section; or list exception Indicate val retard. with sealed seams for non -wood structure Yes 1313.3 wall vapor retarder Indicate vapor retarder on wall section AIA/A8 Yes 1313.4 Floor vapor retarder Indicate vapor retarder on floor section AIA/Ag 1313.5 Crawl space vap. ret. Indicate required grade ground cover with required overlapping. 1314 Air leakage Yea 1314.1 Bli envel. sealing Indicate sealing, caulking, Basketing, and weatherstripping AIA/A8 Yes 1314.2 Glazingldoor sealing Specify maximum air leakage rates for fenestration and door products AIA/Ag 1314.3 Assemb. as ducts Indicate sealing, caulking and gasketing 1314.4 Recessed Lighting Fix1u Indicate IG rating. ASTM E283 cert., and gasketing or caulking to ceiling 1314.5 Loading Dock Seal Indicate weatherseal at cargo and loading dock doors 1314.6 Continuous Air Barrier Indicate air barrier sealing on ail roof, wall & floor details Indicate leakage testing method. Provide testing results to building official. Max. leakage of 0.40 cfm1ft2 at 0.3 inch w.g. PRESCRIPTIVE PERFORMANCE Sections 1320-1323 Yes ENV -SUM Form Completed and attached. 1ATTAC11 1323 Glazing Indicate number of glazing panes and location of emissivity coating or exception taken COMPONENT PERFORMANCE Sections 1330-1338 ENV -SUM, ENV -UA, Completed and attached. & ENV-SHGC Forms If "no" is shown for any question, provide explanation: '�W 1/2-12�44/13' CITY OF RENTON Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057 J425) 430-7200 www.rentonwa.gov 2006 WSEC RESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIONS. THIS CHECKLIST ALONG WITH THE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES. INSPECTORS CANNOT PERFORM INSPECTIONS WITHOUT IT. 1. About this checklist: This checklist is not as involved as it looks, because you only use portions of it for a particular dwelling project. This should be thought of as a tool for learning the residential WSEC requirements. Requirements are grouped by foundation, framing, insulation, and final inspection phases. This not only lets you know what you need to do but also when the inspector will be checking for particular requirements. Use the checklist to choose compliance options that best suit the economics and design of your project. If you have questions, you may contact Jan Conklin at (425) 430-7276. 2. Responsibility for information: Although staff members will help you with general questions about completing this checklist, it is ultimately your responsibility to provide detailed information about heating systems, glazing, insulation, and other building specifications. 3. Page 1, Compliance Options: Select one compliance option, your building must match the selected option requirements without exceptions or substitutions. 4. Pages 2 through 6: Provide information as required but do not fill in the columns labeled "COMPLIANCE REQUIRED" or "INSPECTION APPROVED". Since this checklist will be evaluated for completeness and accuracy, you can avoid unnecessary permit delays by carefully providing all required information. You may disregard items that don't address your particular building or equipment. EFFECTIVE 71112007 ALL RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES ALL FUEL TYPES Q:web',pw%devsmr fannslbuildin-\W5ECRes.doc Rev 13/06 CHAPTER 6, PRESCRIPTIVE OPTIONS FOR ALL R OCCUPANCIES INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Carefully review the requirements of each of the Options below_ Choose an Option that best suits your dwelling design. Glazing percentage typically determines which Option to choose. Your building must match the selected Option requirements without exceptions or substitutions. 2) Disregard components or equipment that don't apply to your project. Your permit will be processed more efficiently if you provide all of the requested information. SINGLE FAMILY MULTI -FAMILY R -values are for wood frame assemblies only 'Single rafter orjoist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum of 1 -inch vented airspace above the insulation. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. All other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the ceiling with attics" requirements. Q:weblppw\dcvserelfonns`%building`,WSECAes.doc Page 2 of 6 Last Revised 6113!07 Standard Option Check appropriate box OPT 1 OPT 4 OPT 3 OPT 5 ❑ ❑ ❑ GLAZING MAX: _*� % OF FLOOR 10% Unlimited 25% Unlimited U -FACTOR— _32 .35 .40 .35 VERTICAL U -FACTOR -Overhead .58 .58 .58 .58 (Skylights) DOOR U -VALUE .20 .20 .20 .20 CEILINGS: WITH ATTICS R-38 R-38 R-38 R-38 VAULTED*see R-30 R-30 R-30 R-30 below WALLS: ABOVE GRADE R-15 R-21 R-21 R-21 BELOW GRADE INTERIOR R-15 R-21 R-15 R-15 EXTERIOR R-10 R-10 R-10 R-10 FLOOR: R-30 R-30 R-30 R-30 SLAB ON GRADE: R-10 R-10 R-10 R-10 R -values are for wood frame assemblies only 'Single rafter orjoist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum of 1 -inch vented airspace above the insulation. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. All other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the ceiling with attics" requirements. Q:weblppw\dcvserelfonns`%building`,WSECAes.doc Page 2 of 6 Last Revised 6113!07 FOUNDATION PHASE COMPLIANCE REQUIRED INSPECTION APPROVED ❑ 1) Slab insulation R10 required. ❑ a. Exterior - See #21 & #34 b. Interior -- from top of slab to bottom and then horizontal for a total of 24". ❑ 2) Radiant Slab insulation R-10 required under whole slab. ❑ ❑ 3) Thermal break(s) shall be placed in the slab between conditioned and ❑ unc9nditioned space checked below. a. dwellinglgarage b. dwelling/connected space c. slab edge and foundation wall MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING PHASE ❑ 4) Exhaust ventilation shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: Location Minimum CFM Manufacturer and Model## CFM 1 W.G. Kitchen fan 100 CFM 0 of) �b� r Bathroom fan 65 CFM 2'� MCW-- -70 LD Bathroom fan 65 CFM `�" �1� X1 Bathroom fan 65 CFM Laundry fan 65 CFM WMoe M'l Whole house fan 80 CFM min 1-3 bedrooms - k\ C) 100 CFM min 4 bedrooms 120 CFM min 5 bedrooms Whole house fan required in all new housesidwelling units and all additions X500 square feet ❑ 5) Whole house fan: ❑ Location M4 - Sone rating (AW.G.)_ lD i u a. Whole house fan: to be controlled by a readily accessible 24-hour clock timer with capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic controls set to exhaust 8 hours per day. b. Whole house fun shall be listingllabeled "for continuous use" c. Whole house fan wiring for control routed to central location d. Whole house fan shall be labeled "Whole House Ventilation (see operating instructions)" ❑ 6) Mechanical exhaust fan ducts shall be > 4" and properly sized. ❑ ❑ 7) Mechanical exhaust fan ducts shall be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ ❑ 8) Mechanical fresh air supply ducts shall be insulated to R-4 in conditioned spaces. ❑ Q:web\pieldevserVIorms',buildin,-\WSECRus.doc Page 3 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 ❑ 9) Provide heat loss calculations for heating system sizing. Heatinuirements will be met with the followin g s stem r q Mfr. _ Model # XC�' cib kznm Output Fuel Type Le Efficiency rating (AFUE) ❑ 10) Supply and return air ducts shall have sealed joints and seams in unconditioned spaces_ Tapes and mastics listed in accordance with UL.181A or B – NO DUCT TAPE PERMITTED ❑ 11) HVAC plenums, supply, and return air ducts insulated to R-8. ❑ 12) Water heaters shall have: a. Separate power, or gas shut-off b. 1987 NAECA label on tank c. Non-compressible R-10 pad (electric in unheated spaces or on concrete floors) d. Temperature setting of 120F FRAMING PHASE ❑ 13) All structural panels such as plywood, particle board, wafer board, and oriented strand board shall be labeled "EXPOSURE I" "EXTERIOR" or "HUD APPROVED". ❑ 14) Glazing efficiency required shill be: _U:.32 Options 1 — < .35 Options 2, 4 & 5 —U<.40 Options 3 ❑ 15) Window specifications: Manufacturer U -Factor 4 ❑ 16) Skylight specifications – Maximum U -factor = .58 # of Skylights Manufacturer Area U -Factor ❑ 17) Allowed glazing area is deriveb dividing the total glazing area of 22-0 SQ FT by the total floor area of SQ FT This value cannot exceed the glazing percentage of your option: < 1D% Option 1 < 25% Option 3 t r < Unlimited Option 4 & 5 18) Glazing air leakage measures shall be met as follows: Fixed site built: stops with sealant or caulking all around. Operating site built: weather-stripped with closerllatch. ❑ 19) Insulation shall be placed in concealed places such as: 1) Behind shower/tub 2) Behind partition studs/corners ❑NS I0I LE n (7 wti V,pwidevservlform Nbuilding%WSECRes.doc Page 4 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 ❑ 20) Standard air leakage is complete and installed in the following ❑ 1) between sole platelsubfloors 2) wiring/plumbing/duct register penetrations 3) rim joists/mud sills (heated lower floors) 4) partition stud penetrations 5) around window/door frames INSULATION PHASE ❑ 21) Exterior slab insulation shall be R-10 and approved for below grade use. ❑ ❑ 22) Wails, including rim joists, shall be insulated to: ❑ ❑ R-15 Option 1 'R-21 Options 3 - 5 ❑ 23) Interior below grade walls shall be insulated to: ❑ ❑ R-15 Options 1, 3& 5 ❑ R-21 Option 4 ❑ 24) Single Rafter or Joist vaulted ceilings shall be insulated to R-30. ❑ ❑ 25) Skylight wall insulation equivalent to the wall R -values. ❑ ❑ 26) Insulation baffles shall be placed in ceilings to maintain at least 1" ventilation space and ❑ extend 6" vertically above batts or 12" vertically above loose€ill insulation. ❑ 27) Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface ❑ Select one option for floors, walls, and ceilings: Floors: ❑ Plywood wlexterior glue ❑ Poly ?14 Mill [ Backed batts Walls: [:] Poly > 4 Mill Face -stapled backed Batts F-1PVA paint Ceilings: ❑ Not required where ventilation pace > 12" above insulation F-1Facestapled backed bads Poly > 4 Mill ❑ PVA paint FINAL PHASE FOR FINAL INSPECTION: COVERS TO BE REMOVED FROM EXHAUST FANS AND CAN LIGHTS SO INSPECTOR CAN VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH CODE ❑ 28) Envelope floors shall be insulated to R-30 all Options ❑ ❑ 29) Attic ceilings shall be insulated to R-38 a[[ Options ❑ ❑ 30) Door systems shall meet: ❑ ❑ U -value = .20 (Metal insulated or fiberglass insulated only (wood doors do not meet this u -value) Door #1: #2) One exempt door allowed: #3) ❑ 31) Recessed lighting fixtures shall be IC rated and labeled under ASTM E283 with tested air leakage < 2.0 CFM, no slots or holes in cans, caulked or sealed between can and ceiling ❑ 32) Fresh air shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: ❑ ❑ Tested, screened, controllable, through wall port ❑ Vented window frames ❑ Integrated with a Central forced air furnace which delivers outside makeup air through ducting system and requires furnace fan to be controlled by a timer set at 8 hourslday ❑ 33) Fresh air shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: 1) Each bedroom 3) Overall living area 2) Each Recreation Room 4) Other "habitable" rooms Q:3tie;U',p«ldevsery\formslUuildiig'lWSF,CRes.doc Pago 5 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 ❑ 34) Exposed foam insulation shall comply as follows: ❑ Protected w/metal or plastic flashing that extends below grade ❑ Be approved for subgrade, exterior use & properly installed. doors/grills. ❑ 35) Airflow between fresh air ports and whole house fan ensured by %" undercut ❑ 36) Loosefill insulation OK if maximum ceiling slope not > 3 in 12 and there is > 30" of clear ❑ distance from top of bottom chord to underside of roof sheathing at the roof ridge. ❑ 37) 6 mil black poly ground cover, lapped 12" atjoints ❑ ❑ 38) Clearances shall meet listed, minimums between insulation and chimney ❑ ❑ 39) Attic hatch insulated to ceiling R -value and weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 40) Attic access shall have wood dam to retain loose -fill insulation. ❑ ❑ 41) All exterior doors to be weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 42) Heat pump thermostat shall have programmable capability. ❑ ❑ 43) Caulking is installed around light fixtures and flue penetrations. ❑ ❑ 44) Service hot & cold water piping to be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ ❑ 45) Service recirculation hot water piping shall be insulated per code. ❑ ❑ 46) Supply ducts shall have volume dampers to balance the system. ❑ ❑ 47) Thermostat for each HVAC system with range of 55-75 F. ❑ ❑ 48) Readily accessible, automatic or manual means provided to restrict or shut-off ❑ heating input to each zone or floor ❑ 49) Backup heat prohibits simultaneous operation of primary system. ❑ ❑ 50) Spot exhaust fans to have timer, dehumidistat, or switch. ❑ 51) Showers and lavatories shall limit flow to < 3.0 gals per minute. ❑ ❑ 52) Swimming pools shall have: ❑ a) Readily accessible ON/OFF switch to allow shutting off the heater or pump b) Pool Cover c) Piping insulation per code d) Controls to allow temperature range down to 65 degrees F ❑ 53) All fireplaces shall have: ❑ a) 6 sq in comb. air supply duct with damper connected to fire box b) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors c) Tight fitting flue damper ❑ 54) Solid fuel burning appliances shall have: ❑ a) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors b) Outside combustion air source directly connected to fire box c) Exceptions - see code ❑ 55) Outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building shall be high efficacy. ❑ PLAN REVIEWER APPROVAL: DATE: FINAL INSPECTION APPROVED: INSPECTED BY: DATE: Q:web\pNv1,dcvscrV,f6rms',1)ui1ding'`,WSF.CPcs.doc Page 6 of 6 Last Revised 6113/Q7 ❑ 34) Exposed foam insulation shall comply as follows: ❑ FINAL INSPECTION APPROVED: INSPECTED BY: DATE: Q:web`,pwldevscw�forins'�,building',WSECRes.doe Page 6 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 Protected wlmetal or plastic flashing that extends below grade ❑ Be approved for subgrade, exterior use 8 properly installed. 112" doors/grills. ❑ 35) Airflow between fresh air ports and whole house fan ensured by undercut ❑ 36) Loosefill insulation OK if maximum ceiling slope not > 3 in 12 and there is > 30" of clear ❑ distance from top of bottom chord to underside of roof sheathing at the roof ridge. ❑ 37) 6 mil black poly ground cover, lapped 12" atjoints ❑ ❑ 38) Clearances shall meet listed, minimums between insulation and chimney ❑ ❑ 39) Attic hatch insulated to ceiling R -value and weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 40) Attic access shall have wood dam to retain loose -fill insulation. ❑ ❑ 41) All exterior doors to be weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 42) Heat pump thermostat shall have programmable capability. ❑ ❑ 43) Caulking is installed around light fixtures and flue penetrations. ❑ ❑ 44) Service hot & cold water piping to be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ ❑ 45) Service recirculation hot water piping shall be insulated per code. ❑ ❑ 46) Supply ducts shall have volume dampers to balance the system. ❑ ❑ 47) Thermostat for each HVAC system with range of 55-75 F. ❑ ❑ 48) Readily accessible, automatic or manual means provided to restrict or shut-off ❑ heating input to each zone or floor ❑ 49) Backup heat prohibits simultaneous operation of primary system. ❑ ❑ 50) Spot exhaust fans to have timer, dehumidistat, or switch. ❑ ❑ 51) Showers and lavatories shall limit flow to < 3.0 gals per minute. ❑ ❑ 52) Swimming pools shall have: ❑ a) Readily accessible ONIOFF switch to allow shutting off the heater or pump b) Pool Cover c) Piping insulation per code d) Controls to allow temperature range down to 65 degrees F ❑ 53) All fireplaces shall have: ❑ a) 6 sq in comb. air supply duct with damper connected to fire box b) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors c) Tight fitting flue damper ❑ 54) Solid fuel burning appliances shall have: ❑ a) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors b) Outside combustion air source directly connected to fire box c) Exceptions - see code ❑ 55) Outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building shall be high efficacy. ❑ PLAN REVIEWER APPROVAL: DATE: FINAL INSPECTION APPROVED: INSPECTED BY: DATE: Q:web`,pwldevscw�forins'�,building',WSECRes.doe Page 6 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 ❑ 34) Exposed foam insulation shall comply as follows: ❑ Protected wlmetai or plastic flashing that extends below grade ❑ Be approved for subgrade, exterior use & properly installed. ❑ 35) Airflow between fresh air ports and whole house fan ensured by'/" undercut doors/grills. ❑ 36) Loosefill insulation OK if maximum ceiling slope not > 3 in 12 and there is > 30" of clear ❑ distance from top of bottom chord to underside of roof sheathing at the roof ridge. ❑ 37) 6 mil black poly ground cover, lapped 12" at joints ❑ ❑ 38) Clearances shall meet listed, minimums between insulation and chimney ❑ ❑ 39) Attic hatch insulated to ceiling R -value and weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 40) Attic access shall have wood dam to retain loose -fill insulation. ❑ ❑ 41) All exterior doors to be weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 42) Heat pump thermostat shall have programmable capability. ❑ ❑ 43) Caulking is installed around light fixtures and flue penetrations. ❑ ❑ 44) Service hot & cold water piping to be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ 1-1 45) Service recirculation hot water piping shall be insulated per code. ❑ ❑ 46) Supply ducts shall have volume dampers to balance the system. ❑ ❑ 47) Thermostat for each HVAC system with range of 55-75 F. ❑ ❑ 48) Readily accessible, automatic or manual means provided to restrict or shut-off ❑ heating input to each zone or floor ❑ 49) Backup heat prohibits simultaneous operation of primary system. ❑ ❑ 50) Spot exhaust fans to have timer, dehumidistat, or switch. ❑ ❑ 51) Showers and lavatories small limit flow to < 3.0 gals per minute. ❑ ❑ 52) Swimming pools shall have: ❑ a) Readily accessible ONIOFF switch to allow shutting off the heater or pump b) Pool Cover c) Piping insulation per code d) Controls to allow temperature range down to 65 degrees F ❑ 53) All fireplaces shall have: ❑ a) 6 sq in comb. air supply duct with damper connected to fire box b) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors c) Tight fitting flue damper ❑ 54) Solid fuel burning appliances shall have: ❑ a) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors b) Outside combustion air source directly connected to fire box c) Exceptions - see code ❑ 55) Outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building shall be high efficacy. ❑ PLAN REVIEWER APPROVAL; DATE: FINAL INSPECTION APPROVED: INSPECTED BY: DATE: ( ;cveblp4vldevsery Euirnsl6uildingl�VSECl2es.doc Page 6 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 ❑ 34) Exposed foam insulation shall comply as follows: ❑ Q:weblpiv\devscivlcrinslbuitding\WSECRes.doc gage 6 of 6 Last Revised '3113!07 Protected wlmetal or plastic flashing that extends below grade Be approved for subgrade, exterior use & properly installed. ❑ 35) Airflow between fresh air ports and whole house fan ensured by 1/2" undercut doors/grills. ❑ 36) Loosefill insulation OK if maximum ceiling slope not > 3 in 12 and there is > 30" of clear ❑ distance from top of bottom chord to underside of roof sheathing at the roof ridge. ❑ 37) 6 mil black poly ground cover, lapped 12" at joints ❑ ❑ 38) Clearances shall meet listed, minimums between insulation and chimney ❑ ❑ 39) Attic hatch insulated to ceiling R -value and weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 40) Attic access shall have wood dam to retain loose -fill insulation. ❑ ❑ 41) All exterior doors to be weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 42) Heat pump thermostat shall have programmable capability. ❑ ❑ 43) Caulking is installed around light fixtures and flue penetrations. ❑ ❑ 44) Service hot & cold water piping to be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ ❑ 45) Service recirculation hot water piping shall be insulated per code. ❑ ❑ 46) Supply ducts shall have volume dampers to balance the system. ❑ ❑ 47) Thermostat for each HVAC system with range of 55-75 F. ❑ ❑ 48) Readily accessible, automatic or manual means provided to restrict or shut-off ❑ heating input to each zone or floor ❑ 49) Backup heat prohibits simultaneous operation of primary system. ❑ ❑ 50) Spot exhaust fans to have timer, dehumidistat, or switch. ❑ ❑ 51) Showers and lavatories shall limit flow to < 3.0 gals per minute. ❑ 52) Swimming pools shall have: ❑ a) Readily accessible ON/OFF switch to allow shutting off the heater or pump b) Pool Cover c) Piping insulation per code d) Controls to allow temperature range down to 65 degrees F 53) All fireplaces shall have: ❑ a) 6 sq in comb. air supply duct with damper connected to fire box b) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors G) Tight fitting flue damper ❑ 54) Solid fuel burning appliances shall have: ❑ a) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors b) Outside combustion air source directly connected to fire box c) Exceptions - see code ❑ 55) Outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building shall be high efficacy. ❑ PLAN REVIEWER APPROVAL: DATE: FINAL INSPECTION APPROVED: INSPECTED BY: DATE: Q:weblpiv\devscivlcrinslbuitding\WSECRes.doc gage 6 of 6 Last Revised '3113!07 CITY OF RENTON Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98037 (425) 430-7200 www.rentonwa.gov 2006 WSEC RESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIONS. THIS CHECKLIST ALONG WITH THE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES. INSPECTORS CANNOT PERFORM INSPECTIONS WITHOUT IT. 1. About this checklist: This checklist is not as involved as it looks, because you only use portions of it for a particular dwelling project_ This should be thought of as a tool for learning the residential WSEC requirements. Requirements are grouped by foundation, framing, insulation, and final inspection phases_ This not only lets you know what you need to do but also when the inspector will be checking for particular requirements. Use the checklist to choose compliance options that best suit the economics and design of your project. If you have questions, you may contact Jan Conklin at (425) 430-7276. 2. Responsibility for information: Although staff members will help you with general questions about completing this checklist, it is ultimately your responsibility to provide detailed information about heating systems, glazing, insulation, and other building specifications. 3. Page 1, Compliance Options: Select one compliance option, your building must match the selected option requirements without exceptions or substitutions. 4. Pages 2 through 6: Provide information as required but do not fill in the columns labeled "COMPLIANCE REQUIRED" or "INSPECTION APPROVED". Since this checklist will be evaluated for completeness and accuracy, you can avoid unnecessary permit delays by carefully providing all required information. You may disregard items that don't address your particular building or equipment. EFFECTIVE 11112007 ALL RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES ALL FUEL TYPES Q:weblpcvlticvsm\fonnsibuildintrl«'SECRes.doc Rev 11106 CHAPTER 6, PRESCRIPTIVE OPTIONS FOR ALL R OCCUPANCIES INSTRUCTIONS: 1} Carefully review the requirements of each of the Options below_ Choose an Option that best suits your dwelling design. Glazing percentage typically determines which Option to choose_ Your building must match the selected Option requirements without exceptions or substitutions. 2) Disregard components or equipment that don't apply to your project. Your permit will be processed more efficiently if you provide all of the requested information. SINGLE FAMILY MULTI -FAMILY R-vaiues are for wood frame assemblies only *Single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum of 1 -inch vented airspace above the insulation. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. All other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling with attics" requirements, Q;„,cblpAv'tdevscry%forn3s1buildin8\WSECRes.doe Page 2 of 6 Last Revised 611310% Standard Option Check appropriate box OPT 1 OPT 4 OPT 3 OPT 5 ❑ ❑ ❑ GLAZING MAX: % OF FLOOR 10% Unlimited 25% Unlimited U -FACTOR— .32 .35 .40 .35 VERTICAL U -FACTOR -Overhead .58 _58 .58 .58 (Skylights) DOOR U -VALUE .20 .20 .20 .20 CEILINGS: WITH ATTICS R-38 R-38- R-38 R-38 VAULTED*see R-30 R-30 R-30 R-30 below WALLS: ABOVE GRADE R-15 R-21 R-21 R-21 BELOW GRADE INTERIOR R-15 R-21 R-15 R-15 EXTERIOR R-10 R-10 R-10 R-10 FLOOR: R-30 R-30 R-30 R-30 SLAB ON GRADE: R-10 R-10 R-10 R-10 R-vaiues are for wood frame assemblies only *Single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum of 1 -inch vented airspace above the insulation. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. All other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling with attics" requirements, Q;„,cblpAv'tdevscry%forn3s1buildin8\WSECRes.doe Page 2 of 6 Last Revised 611310% FOUNDATION PHASE COMPLIANCE REQUIRED INSPECTION APPROVED ❑ 1) Slab insulation R10 required. ❑ a. Exterior - See #21 & #34 -b. Interior - from top of slab to bottom and then horizontal for a total of 24". ❑ 2) Radiant Slab insulation R-10 required under whole slab. ❑ ❑ 3) Thermal break(s) shall be placed in the slab between conditioned and ❑ uncgnditioned space checked below: a, dwelling/garage �b. dwelling/connected space — C. slab edge and foundation wall MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING PHASE ❑ 4) Exhaust ventilation shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: 7N Location Minimum CFM Manufacturer and Model# CFM A W.G. Kitchen fan 100 CFM rD Bathroom fan 65 CFM '%� It'd " -DZO , D Bathroom fan 65 CFM '22"- Bathroom fan 65 CFM Laundry fan 65 CFM Ql ?-Q o D Q (� Whole house fan 80 CFM min 1-3 bedrooms til 1117 b� 100 CFM min 4 bedrooms 120 CFM min 5 bedrooms Whole house fan required in all new housesldwelling units and all additions >500 square feet ❑ 5) Whole house fan: ❑ Location UQ� Sane rating (AW.G.)_ 611 [% a. Whole house fan: to be controlled by a readily accessible 24-hour clock timer with capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic controls set to exhaust 8 hours per day. b. Whole house fun shall be listingllabeled "for continuous use" c. Whole house fan wiring for control routed to central location d. Whole house fan shall be labeled "Whole House Ventilation (see operating instructions)" ❑ 6) Mechanical exhaust fan ducts shall be > 4" and properly sized. ❑ 7) Mechanical exhaust fan ducts shall be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ 8) Mechanical fresh air supply ducts shall be insulated to R-4 in conditioned spaces. 70M Q:weblpw%devsenlforr fti]ding\WSECRes.doc Page 3 of 6 last Revised V1 3107 u 9) Provide heat loss calcu ations for heating system sizing. ❑ Heating system requirements will be met with the following: Mfr. i�Pst �c, Model # X i UX t5LY} A Output '3'6100'1 Fuel Type (?sj�[S Efficiency rating (AFUE) 2 ❑ 10) Supply and return air ducts shall have sealed joints and seams in unconditioned spaces. ❑ Tapes and mastics listed in accordance with UL181A or B – NO DUCT TAPE PERMITTED ❑ 11) HVAC plenums, supply, and return air ducts insulated to R-8. ❑ ❑ 12) Water heaters shall have: ❑ a. Separate power, or gas shut-off b. 1987 NAECA label on tank c. Non-compressible R-10 pad (electric in unheated spaces or on concrete floors) d. Temperature setting of 120F FRAMING PHASE 13) All structural panels such as plywood, particle board, wafer board, and oriented strand ❑ board shall be labeled "EXPOSURE I" "EXTERIOR" or "HUD APPROVED". 14) Glazing efficiency required shill be: _U< .32 Options 1 _Ur .35 Options 2, 4 & 5 15) Window specifications: Manufacturer LI -Factor 2— ❑ 16) Skylight specifications – Maximum U -factor =.58 .U<.40 Options 3 # of Skylights Manufacturer Area U -Factor ❑ 17) Allowed glazing area is derivedb dividing the total glazing area of 'V��7 by the total floor area of I SQ FT This value cannot exceed the glazing percentage of your option: < 10% Option 1 < 25% OptUnlimited Option 4 & 5 ❑ 18) Glazing air leakage measures shall be met as follows: Fixed site built: stops with sealant or caulking all around. Operating site built: weather-stripped with closerllatch. ❑ 19) Insulation shall be placed in concealed places such as: 1) Behind shower/tub 2) Behind partition studs/corners SQ FT ❑ 100 Q:weWlpwidcvsarvlformslbuildiog\ SE.CRcs.doc Page 4 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 20) Standard air leakage i� ;omplete and installed in the following: 1) between sole plate/subfloors 2) wiring/plumbing/duct register penetrations 3) rim joists/mud sills (heated lower floors) 4) partition stud penetrations 5) around window/door frames IL INSULATION PHASE �❑ 21) Exterior slab insulation shall be R-10 and approved for below grade use. ❑ 22) Walls, including rimj ist shall be insulated to: ❑ ❑ R-15 Option 1 KR -21 Options 3 - 5 23) interior below grade walls shall be insulated to: ❑ R-15 Options 1, 3& 5 ❑ R-21 Option 4 24) Single Rafter or Joist vaulted ceilings shall be insulated to R-30. ❑ 25) Skylight wall insulation equivalent to the wall R -values. ❑ 26) Insulation baffles shall be placed in ceilings to maintain at least 1" ventilation space and ❑ extend 6" vertically above batts or 12" vertically above loosefill insulation. 27) Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface ❑ Select one option for floors, walls, and ceilings: Floors: ❑ Plywood w/exterior glue ❑ Poly > 4 Mill Backed batts Walls: ❑ Poly? 4 Mill Face -stapled backed batts ❑ PVA paint Ceilings: ❑ Not required where ventilati n ace > 12" above insulation ❑ Face stapled backed batts L4 Poly? 4 Mill ❑ PVA paint FINAL PHASE FOR FINAL INSPECTION: COVERS TO BE REMOVED FROM EXHAUST FANS AND CAN LIGHTS SO INSPECTOR CAN VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH CODE ❑ 28) Envelope floors shall be insulated to R-30 all Options ❑ ❑ 29) Attic ceilings shall be insulated to R-38 all Options ❑ ❑ 30) Door systems shall meet: ❑ ❑ U -value = .20 (Metal insulated or fiberglass insulated only (wood doors do not meet this u -value) Door #1: #2) One exempt door allowed: #3) 31) Recessed lighting fixtures shall be IC rated and labeled under ASTM E283 with tested air leakage < 2.0 CFM, no slots or holes in cans, caulked or sealed between can and ceiling ❑ 32) Fresh air shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: ❑ ❑ Tested, screened, controllable, through wall port ❑ Vented window fra m es ❑ integrated with a Central forced air furnace which delivers outside makeup air through ducting system and requires furnace fan to be controlled by a timer set at 8 hours/day ❑ 33) Fresh air shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: 1) Each bedroom 3) Overall living area 2) Each Recreation Room 4) Other "habitable" rooms Q:cvsb'pivldevsen\formslbuilding\WSECRcs.doc Page 5 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 Q:web',pwldcvsci-%,VormslbuildinglwSECRes.doc Page 6 of 6 Last Revised 61347 34) Exposed foam insulat._.. shall Comply as follows: ❑ Protected wlmetal or plastic flashing that extends below grade ❑ Be approved for subgrade, exterior use & properly installed. 35) Airflow between fresh air ports and whole house fan ensured by '/° undercut doors/grills. ❑ ❑ 36) Loosefill insulation OK if maximum ceiling slope not > 3 in 12 and there is > 30" of clear ❑ distance from top of bottom chord to underside of roof sheathing at the roof ridge. ❑ 37) 6 mil black poly ground cover, lapped 12" at joints ❑ ❑ 38) Clearances shall meet listed, minimums between insulation and chimney ❑ ❑ 39) Attic hatch insulated to ceiling R -value and weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 40) Attic access shall have wood dam to retain loose -fill insulation. ❑ ❑ 41) All exterior doors to be weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 42) Heat pump thermostat shall have programmable capability. ❑ ❑ 43) Caulking is installed around light fixtures and flue penetrations. ❑ ❑ 44) Service hot & cold water piping to be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ ❑ 45) Service recirculation hot water piping shall be insulated per code. ❑ ❑ 46) Supply ducts shall have volume dampers to balance the system. ❑ ❑ 47) Thermostat for each HVAC system with range of 55-75 F. ❑ ❑ 48) Readily accessible, automatic or manual means provided to restrict or shut-off ❑ heating input to each zone or floor ❑ 49) Backup heat: prohibits simultaneous operation of primary system. ❑ ❑ 50) Spot exhaust fans to have timer, dehumidistat, or switch. ❑ ❑ 51) Showers and lavatories shall limit flow to < 3.0 gals per minute. ❑ ❑ 52) Swimming pools shall have: ❑ a) Readily accessible ON/OFF switch to allow shutting off the heater or pump b) Pool Cover c) Piping insulation per code d) Controls to allow temperature range down to 65 degrees F ❑ 53) All fireplaces shall have: ❑ a) 6 sq in comb. air supply duct with damper connected to fire box b) -fight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors c) Tight fitting flue damper ❑ 54) Solid fuel burning appliances shall have: ❑ a) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors b) Outside combustion air source directly connected to fire box c) Exceptions - see code ❑ 55) Outdoor lighting permanentiy mounted to a residential building shall be high efficacy. ❑ PLAN REVIEWER APPROVAL: DATE: FINAL INSPECTION APPROVED: INSPECTED BY: DATE: Q:web',pwldcvsci-%,VormslbuildinglwSECRes.doc Page 6 of 6 Last Revised 61347 > it4 r -� g CITY OF RENTON Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057 (425) 430-7200 www.rentonwa.gov 2006 WSEC RESIDENTIAL COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIONS. THIS CHECKLIST ALONG WITH THE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE .JOB AT ALL TIMES. INSPECTORS CANNOT PERFORM INSPECTIONS WITHOUT IT. About this checklist: This checklist is not as involved as it looks, because you only use portions of it for a particular dwelling project. This should be thought of as a tool for learning the residential WSEC requirements. Requirements are grouped by foundation, framing, insulation, and final inspection phases. This not only lets you know what you need to do but also when the inspector will be checking for particular requirements. Use the checklist to choose compliance options that best suit the economics and design of your project. If you have questions, you may contact Jan Conklin at (425) 430-7276. 2. Responsibility for information: Although staff members will help you with general questions about completing this checklist, it is ultimately your responsibility to provide detailed information about heating systems, glazing, insulation, and other building specifications. 3. Page 1, Compliance Options: Select one compliance option, your building must match the selected option requirements without exceptions or substitutions. 4. Pages 2 through 6: Provide information as required but do not fill in the columns labeled "COMPLIANCE REQUIRED" or "INSPECTION APPROVED". Since this checklist will be evaluated for completeness and accuracy, you can avoid unnecessary permit delays by carefully providing all required information. You may disregard items that don't address your particular building or equipment. EFFECTIVE 7/112007 ALL RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES ALL FUEL TYPES Q:Nveb1p4e1dcvsemlforms�buildimglA'SECRes.doc Rev 11106 CHAPTER 6, PRESCRIPTIVE OPTIONS FOR ALL R OCCUPANCIES INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Carefully review the requirements of each of the Options below. Choose an Option that best suits your dwelling design. Glazing percentage typically determines which Option to choose. Your building must match the selected Option requirements without exceptions or substitutions. 2) Disregard components or equipment that don't apply to your project. Your permit will be processed more efficiently if you provide all of the requested information. SINGLE FAMILY MULTI -FAMILY R -values are for wood frame assemblies only *Single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum of 1 -inch vented airspace above the insulation. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. All other single rafter orjoist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling with attics" requirements, Q:`vebipw\devservl£ormslbuildingl SECRes.doc Page 2 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 Standard Option Check appropriate box OPT 1 OPT 4 OPT 3 OPT 5 ❑ ❑ ❑ GLAZING MAX: % OF FLOOR 10% Unlimited 25% Unlimited U -FACTOR— _32 .35 .40 .35 VERTICAL U -FACTOR -Overhead .58 .58 .58 .58 (Skylights) DOOR U -VALUE .20 .20 .20 .20 CEILINGS: WITH ATTICS R-38 R-38 R-38 R-38 VAULTEDWsee R-30 R-30 R-30 R-30 below WALLS: ABOVE GRADE R-15 R-21 R-21 R-21 BELOW GRADE INTERIOR R-15 R-21 R-15 R-15 EXTERIOR R-10 R-10 R-10 R-10 FLOOR: R-30 R-30 R-30 R-30 SLAB ON GRADE: R-10 R-10 R-10 R-10 R -values are for wood frame assemblies only *Single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum of 1 -inch vented airspace above the insulation. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. All other single rafter orjoist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling with attics" requirements, Q:`vebipw\devservl£ormslbuildingl SECRes.doc Page 2 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 FOUNDATION PHASE COMPLIANCE REQUIRED INSPECTION APPROVED ❑ 1) Slab insulation R10 required. ❑ Kitchen fan a. Exterior - See #121 & #34 l7po 1 {PO b. Interior—from top of slab to bottom and then horizontal for a total of 24°. 65 CFM Q ❑ 2) Radiant Slab insulation R-10 required under whole slab. ❑ ❑ 3) Thermal break(s) shall be placed in the slab between conditioned and ❑ Bathroom fan L�ncpnditioned space checked below: a. dwelling/garage 65 CFM b. dwelling/connected space Whole house fan c. slab edge and foundation wall 80 CFM min MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING PHASE ❑ 4) Exhaust ventilation shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: ❑m Location Minimum CFM Manufacturer and Model# CFM .1 W.G. Kitchen fan 100 CFM l7po 1 {PO Bathroom fan 65 CFM Q p 0 , Bathroom fan 65 CFM Bathroom fan 65 CFM Laundryfan 65 CFM C) 1,0 Whole house fan 80 CFM min 1-3 bedrooms �[2_ JoLy 100 CFM min 4 bedrooms 120 CFM min 5 bedrooms Whole house fan required in all new housesidwelling units and all additions ?500 square feet ❑ 5) Whole house fan: ❑ Location At- l, Sone rating (.1 W. G.) Lv a_ Whole house fan: to be controlled by a readily accessible 24-hour clock timer with capabNity of continuous operation, manual and automatic controls set to exhaust 8 hours per day_ b_ Whole house fun shall be listing/labeled "for continuous use" c. Whole house fan wiring for control routed to central location d. Whole house fan shall be labeled "Whole House Ventilation (see operating instructions)" ❑ 6) Mechanical exhaust fan ducts shall be > 4" and properly sized. ❑ ❑ 7) Mechanical exhaust fan ducts shall be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ ❑ 8) Mechanical fresh air supply ducts shall be insulated to R-4 in conditioned spaces. ❑ Q:weblptiv,devservlforms\bui]ding\WSECRes.doe Page 3 of 6 Last Revised 6113107 ❑ 20) Standard air leakage is complete and installed in the following: ❑ 1) between sole plate/subfloors 2) wiring/plumbing/duct register penetrations 3) rim joists/mud sills (heated lower floors) 4) partition stud penetrations 5) around window/door frames 11 INSULATION PHASE ❑ 21) Exterior slab insulation shall be R-10 and approved for below grade use. ❑ ❑ 22) Walls, including rim joist , shall be insulated to: 1:1ElR-15 Option 1 El R-21 Options 3 - 5 ❑ 23) Interior below grade walls shall be insulated to: ❑ ❑ R-15 Options 1, 3& 5 ❑ R-21 Option 4 ❑ 24) Single Rafter or Joist vaulted ceilings shall be insulated to R-30. ❑ ❑ 25) Skylight wall insulation equivalent to the wall R -values. ❑ ❑ 26) Insulation baffles shall be placed in ceilings to maintain at least 1" ventilation space and ❑ extend 6" vertically above bads or 12" vertically above loosefill insulation. ❑ 27) Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface ❑ Select one option for floors, walls, and ceilings: Floors: ❑ Plywood w/exterior glue ❑ Poly? 4 Mill Backed batts Walls: ❑ Poly :4 Mill Face -stapled backed batts ❑ PVA paint Ceilings: ❑ Not required where ventilate n 9pace > 12" above insulation ❑ Face stapled backed batts 4 Poly? 4 Mill ❑ PVA paint 11 FINAL PHASE FOR FINAL INSPECTION: COVERS TO BE REMOVED FROM EXHAUST FANS AND CAN LIGHTS SO INSPECTOR CAN VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH CODE ❑ 28) Envelope floors shall be insulated to R-30 all Options ❑ ❑ 29) Attic ceilings shali be insulated to R-38 all Options ❑ ❑ 30) Door systems shall meet: ❑ ❑ U -value = .20 (Metal insulated or fiberglass insulated only (wood doors do not meet this u -value) Door #1: #2) One exempt door allowed: #3) ❑ 31) Recessed lighting fixtures shall be IC rated and labeled under ASTM E283 with tested air leakage < 2.0 CFM, no slots or holes in cans, caulked or sealed between can and ceiling ❑ 32) Fresh air shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: ❑ ❑ Tested, screened, controllable, through wall port ❑ Vented window frames AIIntegrated with a Central forced air furnace which delivers outside makeup air through ducting system and requires furnace fan to be controlled by a timer set at 8 hours/day ❑ 33) Fresh air shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows: 1) Each bedroom 3) Overall living area 2) Each Recreation Room 4) Other "habitable" rooms Q ��cb`gn ldevser'foimslUuildinaiV'SLCAes.Joc Page 5 of 6 Last Revised 613107 TV . ❑ 34) Exposed foam insulation shah comply as follows: ❑ Protected wlmetal or plastic flashing that extends below grade ❑ Be approved for subgrade, exterior use & properly installed. 112" doors/grills. ❑ 35) Airflow between fresh air ports and whole house fan ensured by undercut ❑ 36) Loosefill insulation OK if maximum ceiling slope not > 3 in 12 and there is > 30" of clear ❑ distance from top of bottom chord to underside of roof sheathing at the roof ridge. ❑ 37) 6 mil black poly ground cover, lapped 12" at joints ❑ ❑ 38) Clearances shall meet listed, minimums between insulation and chimney ❑ 39) Attic hatch insulated to ceiling R -value and weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 40) Attic access shall have wood dam to retain loose -fill insulation. ❑ ❑ 41) All exterior doors to be weather-stripped. ❑ ❑ 42) Heat pump thermostat shall have programmable capability. ❑ ❑ 43) Caulking is installed around light fixtures and flue penetrations. ❑ ❑ 44) Service hot & cold water piping to be insulated to R-4 in unconditioned spaces. ❑ ❑ 45) Service recirculation hot water piping shall be insulated per code. ❑ ❑ 46) Supply ducts shall have volume dampers to balance the system. ❑ ❑ 47) Thermostat for each HVAC system with range of 55-75 F. ❑ ❑ 48) Readily accessible, automatic or manual means provided to restrict or shut-off ❑ heating input to each zone or floor ❑ 49) Backup heat prohibits simultaneous operation of primary system. ❑ ❑ 50) Spot exhaust fans to have timer, dehumidistat, or switch. ❑ ❑ 51) Showers and lavatories shall limit flow to < 3.0 gals per minute. r ❑ ❑ 52) Swimming pools shall have: ❑ a) Readily accessible ONfOFF switch to allow shutting off the heater or pump b) Pool Cover c) Piping insulation per code d) Controls to allow temperature range down to 65 degrees F ❑ 53) All fireplaces shall have: ❑ a) 6 sq in comb. air supply duct with damper connected to fire box b) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors c) Tight fitting flue damper ❑ 54) Solid fuel burning appliances shall have: ❑ a) Tight fitting ceramic glass or metal doors b) Outside combustion air source directly connected to fire box c) Exceptions - see code ❑ 55) Outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building shall be high efficacy, ❑ PLAN REVIEWER APPROVAL: DATE: FINAL INSPECTION APPROVED: INSPECTED BY: TE: Q:web,,pwldcvscry%formslbuiiiing1NVSF.CRes.doe Page 6 of 6 Last Revised 61IT07 r'M STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR THE GALLOWAY AT THE HIGHLANDS MIXED USE PROJECT Building 6 October 29, 2012 Job No.: 10-050 Location: 343 Union Avenue NE Renton, Washington SEGA Engineers,/ Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 SE 292"d PL Black Diamond, WA 98010 Copyright 2012, SEGA Engineers (360) 886-1017 STATEMENT OF WORK SEGA Engineers was asked to provide a lateral loads analysis, shear wall design, and construction drawings for a three-story wood multi -family residence and attached two-story commercial building. The roof framing is manufactured trusses, the floor framing is wood 1 -joists, and the foundation is typical concrete strip footings with a slab on grade. The application and use of these calculations is limited to a single site referenced on the cover sheet. The cover sheet should have an original signature in blue ink over the seal. The attached calculations may or may not apply to other sites and the contractor assumes all responsibility and liability for sites not expressly reviewed and approved. Please contact SEGA Engineers for use at other sites. SEGA Engineers will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by members of the engineering profession in this local. No other warranty, either expressed or implied is made in connection with our rending of professional services. For any dispute, claim, or action arising out of this design, SEGA Engineers shall have liability limited to the amount of the total fee received by SEGA Engineers. Questions regarding the attached should be addressed to SEGA Engineers. Greg Thesenvitz, PE/SE SEGA Engineers SEGA En imers Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 SE 292nd PL (360) 886-1017 Black Diamond, WA 98010 Design Criteria International Building Code (IBC), 2006 LOADS Roof DL 15 psf LL 25 psf Floor Residential) DL 10 psf LL 40 psf Floor Office) DL 25 psf LL 50 psf Wind Design Wind Speed 85 mph Ke 1.00 Exposure B Importance Factor 1.00 Seismic Design Category D SDS 0.93 Response Factor 6.5 Cs= 0.143 Importance Factor 1.00 Soil Allowable Bearing 1,500 psf Project Galloway Job No. 10-050 By: GAT Checked Date: 06/29/10 Sht i (Lat. = 47.5, Long. = 122.15) SEGA Engineer Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 SE 292nd PL • (360) 886-1017 Black Diamond, WA 98010 LOADS ROOF DL FLOOR Roofing (Comp) '/2" OSB 2x @24" Insulation $18" GWB Misc, LL Snow, Pf Reduction, Cs 6112 pitch = 27 deg Total Roof Load DL Flooring 3/4" Plywood 117/$' TJI @ 16" oc S/g" GWB Misc. LL Residential Total Floor Load DECKS DL 2 x Decking 2x10@16"oc Misc LL Residential Total Deck Load WALLS DL Siding 112" Plywood 2x6@16"oc Insul '/2" GWB Projcct Galloway Job No. 10-050 By: GA Checked Date: 06/25/10 Sht 1 3.5 psf 1.8 3.5 1.1 2.8 1.5 14.2 psf 25 psf (115% Load Duration) 0.00 (Ct = 1. 1, other surfaces) 39.2 psf 0.5 psf 2.3 2.5 2.8 1.5 9.6 psf 40 psf 49.6 psf 4.3 psf 2.8 1.5 8.6 40 psf 48.6 psf 3.5 1.5 psf 1.7 0.6 2.2 9.5 psf SEGA Engineers PROJECT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers o w JOB NO. j o _ o Sca FIGURED BY CZA7- 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 (360) 886-1017 • Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE"/r4j" SHEET 201' _ 7-6, r S'IL,471 6y3 Li 14 L 0 L tb- ►�z �3' �� !�'�� 337 103,,,� dtc .4 lip� Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA Engineers PROJECT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers - C�'�'='r° JOB NO, f p . Cs �"Zj FIGURED BY 22939 SE 292nd Place - Black Diamond, Washington 98010 O - (360) 885-1017 - Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE 9//o SHEET �; OF Vt zr�" ju 1 r 41 717t.�,Olf ,5r — 4c 4 ze-- C2 -Tle - Vl- 1.0� r Copyright 2010, SEGA Enginurs fry 4, IL I 7 xlt f --- r" 4 T `1'zle, zvz SEGA Engineers Structural &Civil Consulting Engineers PROJECT FIGURED BY �>�T 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 JOB NO. J `� --- (360) 886-1017 • Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DAT1 �7'%/0 SHEET 4 OF S KIff) - 3A EI-CryC Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers 0&. SEGA Engineers Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers PROJECT �� Sy /�7. 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 9$010 JO13 NO. FIGURED BY -- �-r (360) 886-1017 - Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE�/7yo SHEET rOF - C1► zKf /g, z � ��, Ilr1 r ` �x r� 5ye~it,-f 1 � f Ce sr� O1 V e Fv7 - Zv' G •� r t-10 C) '` ��o�''U- w �, z �3d'�f f`'t 5')Z oc 0 13 a r'VO �z pr nL f � C7� Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA Engineers ' % PROJECT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers p _� S'U 22939 SE 292nd Place - Black Diamond, Washington 98010 JOB NO. FIGURED BY (360) 886-1017 - Fax (364) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE SHEET U OF to'::1 ( ! '�' 1 I 100 F � - l -7Z. ] �T5� F) 106 � f Z (1 "' tI = 11 0 7LJ�� L✓� ,.— .. . m (j) 4- = 7 S syr x fQ r te, /r¢a ` 9 � NT) V -7. ek- 11.1.r ck, 04,- , -iL L 74 f Copyright 2010, SEGA Enginms SEGA En inmrs1 Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 5E 292nd Place Black Diamond, WA 98010 Project Galloway Job No. 10-050 By: GAT (364) 886-1017 Checked Date: 06/29/10 Sht. Square Footing Design Column at Retail - Stair Design Parameters t~t = 2,500 psi Fy = 40,000 psi b = 12.0 in - short side of column d = 12.0 in - long side of column Col DL = 7.0 kip (Service Load) Cal LL = 27.5 kip (Service Load) Floor LI_ = 50 psf Overburden = 0.0 in (120 pcf assumed) Slab Thick. = 4.0 in (150 pcf assumed) Size and Footing Pressure_ h= 10.0 in qn = 1.28 ksf Req'd Area= 27.06 ft12 Try 5.25 ft x 5.25 ft All. q = 1,500 psf <---- Ftg. Thickness -Min. Ftg. Size Factored Net Soil Pressure = 1.94 ksf (1.2D + 1.6L) Check for Two -Way Shear Avg d = 6.00 in V„ = 48.04 kips be = 72.00 in (Critical Shear Per€meter) Bc = 1 (Long Side/Short Side of Column) phi V, = 73.44 kips Phi Vt > V„ OK Check for One-Wav Shear V„ = 16.52 kips Phi Ve = 32.13 kips Phi VC > VU OK Design Reinforcement Mu = 22.95 kip ft As = 1.40 in"2 a = 0.42 in Phi Mn = 22.97 kip -ft Phi Mn > M„ OK AS min = 1.13 in"2 OK Use (6) - # 5 bars FW Reinforcement 1.84 in^2 Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA►. Engineers Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 SE 292nd Place (360) 886-1017 Black Diamond, WA 98010 Project Galloway Job No. 10-050 By: GAT Checked Date: 06/29/10 Sht. Square Footing Design Column at Retail - Bathroom Design Parameters f � = 2,500 psi Fy = 40,000 psi All. q = 1,500 psf b = 12.0 in - short side of column d = 12.0 in - long side of column Loads: kips Cal DL = 4.0 kip (Service Load) Col LL = 16.0 kip (Service Load) Floor LL = 50 psf Overburden = 0.0 in (120 pcf assumed) Slab Thick. = 4.0 in (150 pcf assumed) Size and Footing Pressure AS = h= 10.0 in in"2 qn = 1.28 ksf Req'd Area= 15.69 ft"2 Try 4.00 ft x 4.00 ft Factored Net Soil Pressure = 1.94 ksf < Ftg. Thickness < Min. Ftg. Size (1.2D + 1.6L) Check for Two -Way Shear Avg d = 6.00 in V,, = 26.04 kips b,, = 72.00 in (Critical Shear Perimeter) Be = 1 (Long Side/Short Side of Column) phi Ve = 73.44 kips Phi Ve a V„ OK Check for One -Way Smear V,. = 7.752 kips Phi Ve = 24.48 kips Phi V, > V„ OK Design Reinforcement M, = 8.72 kip -ft AS = 0.86 in"2 a = 0.34 in Phi M„ = 14.27 kip ft Phi Mn > M" OK As min = 0.86 W2 OK Use (5) - # 4 bars EW _Reinforcement 0.98 in^2 Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA Engineers Ir Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 SE 292nd PL (360) 886-1017 Black Diamond, WA 98010 Project Gall --y Job No. 10-050 By: GAT Checked Date: 06/25/10 Sht. I_ _ LATERAL LOADS - Residential SEISMIC Seismic Base Shear, V = CS W Eq. 12.8-1 where, Sps = 0.93 Ss = 1.4 R = 6.5 Table 12.2-1 1= 1.00 Table 11.5-1 Cs = 0.144 Eq. 12.8-2 W = Seismic Weight For W: Wr,f= (150ft) (46ft) (15 psf)+ (2) (46ft+ 150ft) (5.0ft) (9.5ps9 = 122 kips WflO, = ( 150 ft ) ( 46 ft ) (16 psf) + (2) (46ft + 150 ft) (10.0 ft) (9.5 psf) = 148 kips Wfloor = ( 150 ft) (46 ft) (16 psf) + (2) (34 ft + 150 ft) (9.5 ft) (9.5 psf) = 144 kips W total = 413 kips Design Base Shear, V = ( .144) (413 kip) -- 59.4 kip E _ ( 1.00) ( 59 kip) - 42.4 kip 1.4� � F WIND Design Wind Pressure, ps ='A KA I,N ps30 Eq. 6-1, Sect. where, A= 1.00 0 -15 ft Exposure B Figure 6-2 1.00 20 ft = 1.00 25 ft = 1.00 30 ft 1.05 35 ft =1.09 40 ft K,f = 1.00 Section 6.5.7 1„, = 1.00 Section 6.5.5 p3o = 10.4 psf 85 mph Figure 6-2 Po - 35 ` ( 1.00) ( 1.00) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00) =10.40 psf P20 = (1.00) (1.00) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00) =10.40 psf P25 = ( 1.00) ( 1.00) (10.4 psf) (1.00) = 10.40 psf Pao = (1.00) (1,00) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00) =10.40 psf P35 = (1.05) ( 1.00) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00) =10.92 psf P40 = (1.09) (1.00) (10.4 psf) (1.00) =11.34 psf Design Base Shear: (Wind) V11b= (150ft) (10ft) (10.4 psf) + (150ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (150ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (150ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + ( 150 ft) (4 ft) (10.9 psf) + ( 124 ft) (5ft) (11.3 psf) = 45.6 kips V,I,= (49ft) (10ft) (10.4 psf) + (49ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (49ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + ( 49 ft ) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (49ft) (5ft) (10.9pso + (20ft) (5ft) (11.3 psf) =15.4 kips Therefore, Wind Loads Govern for Lateral Design, Font 1 Back Seismic Loads Govern for Lateral Design, Front / Back Copyrig,E 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA Engineers Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 SE 292nd Pt. (360) 886-1017 Black Diamond, WA 98010 LATERAL LOADS - (conVd) Distribute Seismic Loads Over Height Maximum Base Shear, V = 42.4 k F. = W. V (12.14-12) W F,wi = (122.1 ) ( 42.4 k) = 12.5 kip (413.4) Ffl.r = ( 147.6 ) ( 42.4 k) = 15.1 kip (413.4) FflDor T ( 143.6 ) ( 42.4 k) = 14.7 kip (413.4) F. = 42.4 kip Project Gallaway Job No. 10-050 By: GAT Chceked Date: 06/25/10 Sht. 10 Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA Engineers PROMCT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers — •- • OB NO_ FIGURED BY •-••- r � l a �p G--.�- 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 J - - - !q —AL 886-1017 • Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE "6N/ q1v SHEEN' � OF - 3, s( + G' t 6'-- 17,5 R /1N 7 1 t ` �Z.4 fLr 117 � Copyright 2020, SEGA Engineers SEGA Engineersy PROJECT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 1013 NO. � ,% � � � (� FIGURED BY (-I A -f- 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 Gb (360) 886-1017 • Fax (360) 886-1416 CHECKED BY DATE 1z505HEET f 7,lF '1rlf 3i"z wft Y-3 Ute- J�°�' VF �, 2 3Lo' + (zY1 1 U111 7, sz 3111 —1/1 &.z # X 7- 0*r Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA En 'neer$ PROJECT-�� Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers JOB NO. FIGURED : �� FIGURED >3Y 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 - / (360) 886-10I7 • Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATEa/z��, SHEET 17, OF Sum '1 �` s (sr�► e S4L> 117 ) -- -- - --Z._.. f yr, - x, 64 3 6�vs Z4,4 Z4 8 .7-1, S'+ 7, S' = 3� r++ jPgtp1 Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers 011 cIrt SEGA Enfrineers PROJECT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers -- - JOB NO. , —Q ZC) FIGURED BY 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 (360) 886-1017 • Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE6'�17 !)v SHEET } OF Ur= GIC 4- �Zc7tL'��Z�+ - �7- s' LZ D�>s V,-, ` d I so f f Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers t- 13°1 `17-G� E. [GC 'q1 Y d -"I 3 til 1031}41* SEGA Engineers PROIEC'1' Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers JOB NO. 10 —01 (O FIGURED BY 6rA7~ 22939 SE 292nd Place • BIack Diamond, Washington 98010 — (360) 886-1017 • Fax (364) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE S7/,,SHEETjSOF Vr- � �•S*Z } Z�SI1741+ (' ILI �aotL '• 3G 1 AZ' 4 7.00 Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers L�_ .- a -C SGS 7 3v z 1).Lz�. ti4 1 t +3t G� 1 ?Li[ SEGA Engineers Project Gall ---y Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers Job No. 10-054 BY: GAT 22939 SE 292nd PL (360) 886-1017 Black Diamond, WA 98010 Checked Date: 06/28110 Sht, LATERAL LOADS - Office / Retail SEISMIC Seismic Base Shear, V = CS W Eq. 12.8-1 where, Sos = 0.93 SS = 1.4 R = 6.5 Table 12.2-1 1= 1.00 Table 11.5-1 CS = 0.144 Eq. 12.8-2 W = Seismic Weight For W: Wroof = (40 ft) (46 ft) (16 psf) + (2) (40 ft + 46 ft) (11 A ft) (9.5 psf) = 47 kips Wim, _ (40 ft) (46 ft) (30 psf) + (2) (40 ft + 46 ft) ( 12.5 ft) (9.5 psf) = 76 kips W total = 123 kips Design Base Shear, V = (A44 ) (123 kip) - 17.7 kip E= ( 1.30) (18 kip) = 16.4 kip 14 WIND Design Wind Pressure, p& = A Kj 1,, ps30 Eq. 6-1, Sect. where, ]+ = 1.00 (40 ft) 0 -15 ft Exposure B Figure 6-2 1.00 (40 ft) 20 ft (10.4 psf) + (40ft) (5ft) (10.4psf) = 1.00 (40 ft) 25 ft (10.9 psf) =10.0 kips = 1.00 (53 ft) 30 ft (14.4 psf) + (53 ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) = 1.05 (53 ft) 35 ft (10.4 psf) + (53 ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) Kzt = 1.00 (53 ft) (1 ft) (10.9 psf) Section 6.5.7 1, = 1.00 Seismic Loads Govern for Lateral Design, Front ! Back Section 6.5.5 Pao = 10.4 psf 85 mph Figure 6-2 PD- is = ( 1.00 ) ( 1.00 ) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00 ) = 10.40 psf P20 = ( 1.00 ) ( 1.00 ) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00 ) =10.40 psf P25 = (1.00 ) (1.00 ) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00 ) =10.40 psf Pao = ( 1.00 ) (1.00 ) (10.4 psf) (1 AO ) =10.40 psf P35 = ( 1.05) (1.00) (10.4 psf) ( 1.00) = 10.92 psf Design Base Shear: (Wind) Vfrb= (40 ft) (8ft) (10.4 psf) + (40ft) (5ft) (10.4psf) + (40 ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (40ft) (5ft) (10.4psf) + (40 ft) (1ft) (10.9 psf) =10.0 kips Vvs = (53 ft) (8ft) (14.4 psf) + (53 ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (53 ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (53 ft) (5ft) (10.4 psf) + (53 ft) (1 ft) (10.9 psf) = 13.3 kips Therefore, Seismic Loads Govern for Lateral Design, Front ! Back Seismic Loads Govern for Lateral Design, Front/ Back Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers SEGA Engineers Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers 22939 5E 292nd PL (360) 886-1017 Black Diamond, WA 98010 LATERAL LOADS - (cant'd) Distribute Seismic Loads Over Height Maximum Base Shear, V = 16.4 k F. = W. V (12.14-12) W Froof = ( 47.4 ) ( 16.4 k) = 6.3 kip (123.0) F _ ( 75.6 ) ( 16.4 k) = 10.1 kip (123.0) F. = 16.4 kip Project Galloway Jab No. 10-050 By: _ GAT Checked Date: 06128/10 Sht. 7 Copyright 2010, SEGA Engincus SEGA Engineers PROJECT Structural & Civil Consultih.2 Engineers JOB NO, 10 `p FIGURED BY 6,7qT 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 �,/ (360) 886-1017 • Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECK BY DATE r�,FSHEET I#,OP Z 4-3,Sr-f Z (\ x,3,5` zoo, ' V = zio //0 SSW 7-41-11 k7.} S �w /ONO at Copyright 2010, SF -GA Engineers A10 Vrmt- v-7 yve 1a,IIr AM4,�, SEGA Engineers PROJECT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers`��'"'�' -- JOB NO. � p .� s -U FIGURED BY 22939 SB 292nd Place - Black Diamond, Washington 98010 (360) 886-1017 - Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE�J�l2g7 D SHEET Iq OF pI°f2``�tz. W44w _ SSI UN - obi " let -AIS Vr— F A(AI—" 10 11 ZI Pr ._4re+t- . 1 - X � I TS 147 /7' z f.� z,vZIOff A I -. 15Cay, Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers e� 0 LIpyrr- SEGA Engineenj EngineersPROJECT Structural & Civil Consulting Engineers�"�'' --- JOB NO. %Dry SU FIGURED BY AT - 22939 SE 292nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 98010 (360) 886-1017 • Fax (360) 886-1016 CHECKED BY DATE /'yj S=1190F SO 3�1 x. 9 r� V ` f- 333�% ��1rcr Copyright 2010, SEGA Engineers I (n" --0 .L _ ..alp Gtr. _. .-( . Vill 160y /VI 100 SEGA Engineers Structural do Civil Consulting Engineers 22989 SE 282nd Place • Black Diamond, Washington 88010 (360) 686-1017 • FAX 686-1016 PROJECT GALLOWAY BLDG JOS MO_ 10-05 FIGURED BY GAT CHECKED BY DATE 10/23/12 SHEET 2IOF 21 SHEAR WALL KEY PLAN R3 R, T T R7 R? _ R1 7 IL L I V S Q 4 Z s �o s to rn C _ co v, Dei L W _ a) r C M •O-• "4 •ly C � rn •i9 v 0- fl /3. Cf)O O_ C9 d CU'c _N 0 Li] v E E r C%4 to 0 n U � II it II E c y 'C II E 'C D v t1 Q1 .0 DN E c c C cm D cn _ (6 CL Cc r- C C O 'D v U O O -a ° 3 Q ° E D o .c E U cntJ 4: O)O D •C_ O 4 21 X U U C7 U 0 ` N D O `v O iv O cD 3 CL D U..N.. (O Cri •r v' -Dar (D r c - Q m @ r1 a: C D Q 0 D .(D b 11 to (UJ-- F fC6 X E Q U N u N •@ ti D Qr �a E K7 Ln N rnU D C) C 13N N tll tp ._ N U (] U E5 CS Q• 5 r � to o o Y Q V Z (D CO Z co co c EZ m X m x Co x m x E E O 0 V7 o V U O N D Q 1 O Am A lam\ rn C _ co L a) r C M of C d t r- ,- Q V) � 3 ::ZN N E t a) CU'c _N 0 Li] U .0 .•: � co U � C 47 L� N CL G�1 U N CDN Q1 .0 DN E (D D _ (6 CL Cc r- C C O 'D v U O O -a ° 3 Q ° E D o .c E U cntJ 4: O)O D •C_ O 4 21 X c E s` 'Cx ��� 0 3 CL U i til O Q v' -Dar inW 3 c - tC r1 a: C D Q 0 D .(D b '6 to (UJ-- F fC6 X E Q U N u N •@ ti D Qr �a E 'o o ? o� O o (6 CD o rnU D C 13N N tll tp ._ N D (D ` - G .0 Yx D (0 — N u 0 C D E5 �i� Q• 5 E oN 3u) Y ar E Z RECEIPT EGO0001296 BILLING CONTACT Robert Caris Po Box 1224 Puyallup, WA 98371 Cityof,,. NO[I-8 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME TRANSACTION PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID TYPE METHOD LUA12-000181 PLAN - Modification Technology Fee Fee Payment Cash Fee Payment Cash $100.00 $3.00 SUB TOTAL $103.00 TOTAL $103.00 Printed On: November 28, 2012 Prepared By: Rocale Timmons Page 1 of 1