HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1LOT 14 Z-1 ELEVATION 'A' 10/5/10 y`f Yii - ~0�! ELEVATION S' 5-T26 A!5HLANI:;) STANDARr:) ELEVATIONS IN OUR CONTINUING EFFORT TO EXCEED OUR BUYERS EXPECTATIONS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATTONS MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PLANS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ® D.R. HORTON 2010 1, r 5 ELEVATION 'A' IN OUR CONTINUING EFFORT TO EXCEED OUR BUYERS EXPECTATIONS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PLANS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT, C.D.R. HORTON 2004 L07i 2 - ELEVATION 'A' ELEVATION 'B' 5-725 CA5C.Al�)E 5TANI�)ARD ELEVA-T-'--I"��I*fpt IN OUR CONTINUING EFFORT -TO EXCEED OUR BUYERS EXPECTATIONS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE: ALL PLANS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. Q D.R. HORTON 201r) 2/I8,11 7 ELEVATION 'A' 03/25/11 ELEVATION 13' DEC 17 7312 4-710 EL50 JRN IN OUR CONTINUING EFFORT TO EXCEED OUR BUYERS EXPECTATIONS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PLANS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. Q D.R_ HORTON 2010 tT. CITY OF REN '4 I F-� A,� o>T�w Ra�r�gs/a�7e.,alr„uK w«w o<a� CAVALL-A PLAT -- D.R. NORTON 12931 NE 26TH PLACE KFKLAND, WA 98034 z8 oil �ebr� �t 4�2$¢ H;JIH A!llJBil.� �]11Yid,Vli _ FN aS'�b SCS ZCI R5ji 1 n ax�a A�e�9r „ m ' m ro- k k _ m m'ss f ie m sN �l z �a�a _ Sao" c O " K z£a o f 70 m y.C.F CCB NO 777a 5 C) n D 0 0 9 0 Z O m m � � r z Lip �0� 0 >'� g z r ca o 6 = � v z � z D m cn m GHq�l4�x 19215 72NO AVENU 53UM: �¢ KE4 WA 9ftU 12 - i {4251251-6222 (+25)251-97a2 FAX d'[�^'q exq,x�'�P 9NMYlG. E1M1IRONYEMIL 5!]RC`S CAVALL-A PLAT -- D.R. NORTON 12931 NE 26TH PLACE KFKLAND, WA 98034 z8 oil �ebr� �t 4�2$¢ H;JIH A!llJBil.� �]11Yid,Vli _ FN aS'�b SCS ZCI R5ji 1 n ax�a A�e�9r „ m ' m ro- k k _ m m'ss f ie m sN �l z �a�a _ Sao" c O " K z£a o f 70 m y.C.F CCB NO 777a 5 C) n D 0 0 9 0 Z O m m � � r z Lip �0� 0 >'� g z r ca o 6 = � v z � z D m cn m �.i.ii0[ze.tiYO\...»,i\:�3..'C-)•-9M-i.r i.9 M'.e/��rii/i._ ____ ^: c -+.c —.a wa s.. mn .a i,n ca CITY OF `� REN'C0 GAR U -A PLAT _ D ma„ina/auoe;ns/Aubuc woks Sept HORTM MT Ne 12811.1 PLACE W xo xensau sr - Agra �_—___ •••^,•-^. KH(LAND, WA 98034 if — GkiAV Q' shy ,8215 720 AYENUE SUlfft KENT, WA 98*12 a { 425)25' 8782 FAX yCn�c <no+'�=' 4ti'. E'i49EE'xG. VIU AI/NxixG. SURIE'lIC, EM9mnYtxI15EFMF5 t�M n91� �s S a ax } n� MO 9 yy =N S n �” fu"O A$A $t3� frn a U ; y ^' A 9 a a 4 u v- o 8m �}__ $ 9 5 m Aar m It 0o y N _ F, I a - o0 vi�� ��. � 1! g. Q���to a•� � �n� c a 10TM �ru € sm m B.C.E. JOB NO. 1778 Dept of Assessments � Pa hum - Pr -. E IN + SE 14-23-05 I Inn = 100 Wt Dm: "70'2 mine NMI ON CEDAR PARK� IVE ACRE TRACTS Ron .now 0 i CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: September 13, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. .. ,...0 i- �.. ,,,.o --, .. -.. ,. ,: -...,,. - .. s-. ....., „n.xx-.e'r.�...-....'.-. a.,..,-ara.v.An=a ..... z•-..........m,,.ms.ao�n•,vi�.w...eee_e«.-, .,-, Project Name: Cavalla Model Homes Temporary Use Permit = LUA (file) Number: LUA-12-000275, TP Cross -References: LUA08-087; LUA12-000243; LUA13-000269 AKA's: i' Project Manager: Rocale Timmons Acceptance Date: January 4, 2013 Applicant: SSHI, LLC dba D. R. Horton Owner: Same as applicant Contact: Jennifer Reiner PID Number: 1457500135;1457500140 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: January 31, 2013 Appeal Period Ends: February 14, 2013 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant is proposing to construct five model homes in the Cavalla subdivision prior to the recording of the final plat. RMC 4-9-240D.2 allows for the construction (prior to recording of the plat) of the lesser of five model homes or 20% of the total number of lots with a Tier II Tem ora Use Permit. Location: 13804 162nd Avenue SE •. Comments: ".,."�:dJ�-:"1:M[NP�SY"y4#i.1'AMl'r;:•.4'rA�YL'.I:u'sr-'.'.ti-�-. _'.:.� :.,.. _. %�s.,s'�i-�A'sNiwiu�:�' F.i:�:rli1 T .�:.1�.IF.�t.�. • ABATEMENT AGREEMENT TEMPORARY City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057;a� Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 e0j) I, �I IA 96(Al ,AS VP of SSNT L4 -C 0&A being the Applicant for the Temporary Use Permit at the Location of: t4y4 tkA ( j (02 "' 4,v 5.F ,0 Sr- 137 '-'-/ .9'r Hereby authorize the City of Renton to summarily eliminate the Temporary Use and all evidence of the use if it has not been removed as required by the terms of the permit. I also agree to reimburse the City for any expense incurred in abating this Temporary Use. — ` Signature: � � Print Name: t M Date: 31aI i 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ,4 t), 12.1{4'v lig ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Ei lil ,V i! %Hj L -L- _ 0'," signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntaryact for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. 0 Notwy Public ' Stade of Washington Jennifer Ann Reiner Commission Expires 7-20-15 I 'A(-md Notary Public in nd for the State of Washington Notary (Print): i� Vl �'4 �t"l{i �U V My appointment expires: ' r DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY„ Ctry°£ � AN© ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION. TIER 2 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT APPROVAL UPENIAL EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE: January, 31 2013 PROJECT NUMBER:'.LUA12-000275, TP_ PROJECT NAME: Cavalla Model domes Temporary Use Permit PROJECT MANAGER; Roca le. Timmo.ns,,Associate Planner OWNER/APPLICANT: 'SSHI, LLC D.R. Horton .12931 -NE 126th PI . Kirkland, WA 98034 CONTACT (if other than Owner delete Jennifer Reiner if.same as above): D,R: Horton 12931 NE 126t' PI Kirkland, WA 98034 PROJECT:LOCATIONc 162n6 Ave SE and 5E 137th Si .DATE -OF EXPIRATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting an Administrative Tier 2 .Temporary Use Permit inorder to construct'five model homes on future lots created as part of the Cavalla Plat (LUA08-097). RMC 449-240D..2 allows for the construction of either five model homes,or'20%.of the.total number of lots (whichever is less) :prior to.recording with a Tier 2 Temporary Use .Permit. As the CavaI4 Plat is a 49rlot plat, the applicant is permitted a maximum of.5 modei homes. The proposed homes would be constructed on what will be future Lots 1-5 when the Cayalla, Plat is recorded. Each o#the proposed homes i.s required:to meet the development standards as outlined irt.th.e Preliminary Plat approval, dated.Noveriiber 3, 2009. The home designs will be analyzed separately at the tune the applicant submits for individual building permits for each mode! home. Staff from various City disciplines have.reviewed the application and did not have comments .or concerns a� a.result of their review. Notice of the application was rnailed to property owners Community & Economic Development Administrative Temporary Use Permit . City of Renton Department of Co y P CA VALLA MODEi HOME TEMPORARY USE PERMFT L UA12-000275 TP DATE OF PERMIT: January 31, 2013 Page 2 of 2 within 300. feet of the site: Staff received a comment,letter, from a neighboring property owner, related to'access for the plat. but the letter did not contain`substantive comments regarding the model home proposal. The letter has.been added to the Preliminary Plat file (LUA08-097). The following Tier 2 Temporary Use Permit is hereby approved and subject to the following condition: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: . I) The applicarit shall provide.d.notorized original abatement agreement form, .as.provided by te City.. The agreement assures the temporary use will ultimately be rerrioved as required by the terms df the.permit: The applicant shall also'provide an anginal signed Release and.lndemniflcation Agreement -as well.. Both, agreements shall 'be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: , SIGNATURE.- C.E. IGNATURE:C.E. "Chip"' Vincent,.Administrator Date, Department of Community & Economic Development RECONSIDERATION, Within 14 days of the.decision, date, any. party may request that the de-cisioo be'reopened by the approval: body. The approvai body may modify his decision if material evidence not readilydiscoverable prior to the-originaldecision is found or if he finds there: -Was misrepresentation of' -fact. After. review of the .reconsideration: request, if the' approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original_decision; there will be no further extension bUthe appeal period. Any person_ wishing. to take further action.must file a formai appeal within the 14 -day appeal:time.franie. . APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 O.M. on February 14, 2013. Appeals must be filed in, Writing, together with.the required fee to'th'e City of Renton Hearing Exai-niner; City of. Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057.. City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110' -governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. 'Additional information regarding the -appeal process 'may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)'430-6510 City *ton Department of Community & EconomiWelopment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Probable More Major Information Impacts Necessary COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 18, 2013 APPLICATION NO: LUA12-000275, TP DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 4, 2013 APPLICANT: SSRI, LLC dba DR Horton PROJECT MANAGER: Rocale Timmons PROJECT TITLE: Cavalla Madel Homes PROJECT REVIEWER: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 409,460 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: SEC of 162°d Avenue SE & SE 137`h St PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to construct five model homes in the Cavalla subdivision prior to the recording of the final plat. RMC 4-9-240D.2 allows for the construction (prior to recording of the plat) of the lesser of five model homes or 20% of the total number of lots with a Tier II Temporary Use Permit. The homes will be built on future lots 1-5. Access to the proposed model homes will be provided from 162nd Ave SE new access street(SE 138th PI) constructed as a part of the subdivision. The Cavalla Preliminary Plat application was originally fled with the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (LUA08-097). The subdivision of the 9.40 acre site would result in 49 - lots used for the eventual development of single family residences; with tracts for stormwater and joint use driveways. The project site is located within the City's Residential - 4 (R-4) dwelling units per acre zoning designation; however, the project is vested to King County's R-4 zoning designations development regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non -Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Environment Minor Impacts Probable More Major Information Impacts Necessary Earth Air water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources B. POLICY -RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE -RELATED COMMENTS 0,6 Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Impacts Imparts Necessary Housing Aesthetics Light/Glare Recreation utilities Transportation Public Services Historic/Culturoi Preservation Airport Environment 10 000 Feet 14,000 Feet We hove reviewed this application wit particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition informs 'on s needed to properly assess this proposal. Lb Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City *nton Department of Community & Econo m Welopment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: rr, COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 18r 2013 APPLICATION NO. LUA12-000275, TP DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 4, 2013 APPLICANT: SSHI, LLC dba DR Horton PROJECT MANAGER: Rocale Timmons PROJECT TITLE: Cavalla Model Hames PROJECT REVIEWER: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 409,460 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: SEC of 162nd Avenue SE & SE 137`h St PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY of PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to construct five model homes in the Cavalla subdivision prior to the recording of the final plat. RMC 4-9-240D.2 allows for the construction (prior to recording of the plat) of the lesser of five model homes or 20% of the total number of lots with a Tier II Temporary Use Permit. The homes will be built on future lots 1-5. Access to the proposed model homes will be provided from 162nd Ave SE new access street(SE 138th PI) constructed as a part of the subdivision. The Cavalla Preliminary Plat application was originally filed with the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (LUA08-097). The subdivision of the 9.40 acre site would result in 49 - lots used for the eventual development of single family residences; with tracts for stormwater and joint use driveways. The project site is located within the City's Residential - 4 (R-4) dwelling units per acre zoning designation; however, the project is vested to King County's R-4 zoning designations development regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non -Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probabie Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants Lond/Shorehne Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources w M AJ-gL S. POLICY -RELATED COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information impacts impacts Necessary Housing Aesthetics Light/Glare Recreation Utilities Trans ortation Public Services Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,00OFeet 14,000 Feet A -le— C. CODE -RELATED COMMENTS J- 2 1L Awl We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Datellqh3- City conton Department of Community & Economovelopment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 18, 2013 APPLICATION NO: LUA12-000275, TP DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 4, 2013 APPLICANT: SSHI, LLC dba DR Horton PROJECT MANAGER: Rocale Timmons PROJECT TITLE: Cavalla Model Homes PROJECT REVIEWER: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 409,460 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: SEC of 162nd Avenue SE & SE 137th St PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to construct five model homes in the Cavalla subdivision prior to the recording of the final plat. RMC 4-9-240D.2 allows for the construction (prior to recording of the plat) of the lesser of five model homes or 20% of the total number of lots with a Tier II Temporary Use Permit_ The homes will be built on future lots 1-5. Access to the proposed model homes will be provided from 162nd Ave SE new access street(SE 138th PI) constructed as a part of the subdivision. The Cavalla Preliminary Plat application was originally filed with the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (LUA08-097)_ The subdivision of the 9.40 acre site would result in 49 - lots used for the eventual development of single family residences; with tracts for stormwater and joint use driveways. The project site is located within the City's Residential - 4 (R-4) dwelling units per acre zoning designation; however, the project is vested to King County's R-4 zoning designations development regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non -Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plonts tand/Shoreiine Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Noturol Resources B. POLICY -RELATED COMMENTS w C: CODE -RELATED COMMENTS l\)O CvwmtyLt Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Housing Aesthetics zi ht/Glore Recreotion Utilities Transportation Public Services Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas ���� where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 1y11d _ ? Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ! 0 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development {CED) — Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: January 4, 2823 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER; Cavalla Model Homes/ LUA12-000275, TP PROJECT DESCRIPTION; The applicant Is proposing to construct five model homes in the Cavalla subdivision prior to the recording of the final plat. RMC 4-9-24OD2 allows for the construction (prior to recording of the plat) of the lesser of five model homes or 20% of the total number cf lots vrth a Tier 11 Temporary Use Permit. The homes will be built on future lots 1-5. Access to the proposed model homes will be provided from 162nd Ave SE new access street(SE 138th PI) constructed as a part of the subdivision- The Cava Ila Preliminary Plat application was originally ivied with the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (LUA08-097). The subdivision of the 9.40 acre site would result in 49 - iots used for the eventual development of single family residences; with tracts for stormwater and joint use driveways. The project site is located within the City's Residential - 4 (R-4) dwelling units per acre zoning designation; however, the project is vested to lGng County's R-4 zoning designations development regulations - PROJECT LOCATION; 5£C Df 1G2"d Ave SE and SE 137'' St PLIBLIC APPROVALS; Administrative Temporary Use Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jennifer Reiner, DR Horton; 12931 NE 126'h Piace; Kirkland, WA 98034; Em): jreiner@drhorton.com PUBLIC HEARING: N/A � 7 Comments on the above applicatlon must be subm tied In writing to RocaleTlmmons, Associate Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p -M. on January 18, 2013. if you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7219. Anyone who submits written comments will automatica3ty become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. epyHo# cEs do V\Cve 5 c - PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: December 17, 2012 NOTICE OF COMPL C'ty of Renton PI.90ning Division -ilei 1.8 (Ui3 if you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning D--wision,1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 - File Name / No.; Cavalla ModeiiHHHomess / LLUUA12-000275, TP NAME: Y� f . �C ^ MAILING ADDRESS: e "; 9,5 14,071 ✓ � City/Stat-M, TELEPHONE NO.; �5—r�- 7'Z- 16, U.r JIWI C �Cc Cc -c e5 5 CG-OtW f' �S t Iler rs I lre�:Crq 74lile L:i Y of Renton !Manning Division JAN '18 ...; AlECEUVEID cre- t;5 qJ5i7 (,(- 5a��� 0 / lr�Flvl rom- toa �r,f� Gid i'Ir SS e4d e/rI tle via y � r1 City of y l J. NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Marler Appursdoo has been Iliad antl —Pled with the f1.Parlment aI Community h Ecanomlt Development (CEDI —Planning DhWI.A of the Pty d R"Wn. The tolwAng bPeliy d.scrlbesthe apohcotion and the non WY Public APProYalc DATE OF NirriCE OF APPLICATION: ianuary4r2013 p6OJECr NAMEINUMRER: Cava118 Model Homes I LUA17-000275,7P PR4IECT DrsCRIP1ION: The applicant Is Pr'Pusing to constnsct No model homes in the Cavallo pled pF the lessers F Ove mptllHgho Smes ara70% ort he mta17to nowrdinE of the n0Vmberiol lot, with a mer 11 Temlpolrary Use Permlt- The Mmes wag Ix bukn on fW urt lots ]-5. ACcea to the pmposatl mold homes wall b. prwPlotIdeg hem sti nd Ave SE new aces rtraei(SE 146th PI} wrsstruc9ed as a pan efthe subtlivlsion. The Cavallo PnrlVminary Pie[ eppl'eation was orlghrally /fled withthe King�unty pepartment ofDNebpmmtendErn Zro ,alS.�vlces(LUAMIW7], Ttx 1LLbdf,t-.A of the 1h traM for 9,40 acre site —old result In 49 - lou used For the ewsntual devewpmens of single ward - 4 (RAI dw III g units per stormwerr arra jolni uu drWewrys. The M°I'd SRO 'bated within ttre CRy'sR� �� rd+L1 dest8 otlons deaalopment a re mnig designation; however, the Prol.ct 6 vested to grr8 CwMY's regule[hne. pROIECT LOCATIOW SEC of 1621 Ave SE r.1 It 137' St pulauCAPPROVALS: Admlr"t"'We mora Tepry Use Revlew MPl]tANT1PRO1ECr CONTACT PERSON' ;enndet Rehwr, DR Horton; 52931 NE 176'" Place; Kirkland, WA 98034; Eml: Irclnrrfedrhormn.cpm PUBVC HEARING! NIA C—..lti on the abora OPPIk"'R mpet be W bmitted In wdtintio ftp ala TMnrrwra, A-16me Wenner, Department or rnm unity & Econernk DetwlaP,,nt 1055 South Grady way, Renton. WA 9{057, W 5:00 p.m. oA ,yrmary 18, 2013. if y'4 have queStiOns about thts Pmpasat Or with M De made i Percy of —pod antl receive Wit "I npN(ic"" try mal{, con[att the Pr0]ect Manager al S42`+I 4307219. ArryOrre wM wbmds wrMen tommenu will auwmatiully became a party of remrd and Nib, R.11fled of aro deOslon on this pro}act PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FDR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE or APPtICATL014: December 17, 2012 NOTICE OF H you wpuId Ilk. to be made a p11of of record w receive further Informalhn ort tNsjest, O mPlefe this form and rnum to; tlty of Renton, CEO, Planning DHision, 1D55 South Grady Way, �mm,, WA FNe Name I NO.: CavaRo Model Homes /WA12-ODC775, TP NAME: Cltylstate%Ilp: MAKING ADDRESS: CERTIFICATION I , hereby certify that copies of the above document were posted in conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date: ' Signed: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) Ss COUNTY OF KING } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that "3 ,r) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington �• �-`B CR t Z'�i�kRy �*,�'+.,� '� Notary (Print): (, y 5i x My appointment expires: �' C. fry AVO*- "' 0 _ 8-29e.' 0 0 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 4th day of January, 2013, i deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Jennifer Reiner Contact SSHI, LLC dba DR Horton Owner/Applicant 300' Surrounding Property Owners See attached (Signature of Sender): /vf "A' STATE OF WASHINGTON j !�`0`1� rfi,,`r�Zi 01Aiph 55 - i COUNTY OF KING ) r _ s Z I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker '. Us-, +dry signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act f&�tp�¢!�`,I,'f- , ��1 'i es mentioned in the instrument. ���ii�y` Fvwq`\ Dated:t/'4 f 3 PL. Notary is in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): 14 / r -4)- My appointment expires: f °.Prajec#:Name. � Cavalla Model Homes wProject`Numb LUA12-000275, TP AMERICAN CLASSIC HOMES LLC COLLIER JAMES L+MICHELE R 9725 SE 36TH ST SUITE 214 MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040 DONLAN AMY C 16234 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 GOODMAN WENDY 16227 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 HAHN CAMP-MARA T+DANH NORIK 13727 161ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 KIRCHHOFFER PAUL M+JENNIFER 13738 161ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 LEE STEVEN P 16235 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 DUNN JASON+ASHLEY R 13734 161 ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 GROVER RAYMOND E+MARYHELEN 16203 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98056 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DIST #411 565 NW HOLLY ISSAQUAH , WA 98027 KNUTSON ERIC E+KNUTSON 16218 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 LEUNG KENNETH CHIWAI+CAROL 13802 160TH AVE SE 13706 161ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 RENTON , WA 98059 MCNAIR DANNY M MINTY WALTER E+SHIRLEY B PO BOX 18914 16226 SE 137TH PL SEATTLE, WA 98118 RENTON , WA 98059 PAWAR NAWINDER S+HUDED RASH PETRIE RAHUL B+ARVIND J 13739 161ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 REYNOLDS WILLIAM B+DEBBIE S 16241 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 SCULLY MICHAEL W+MARY J 811 S 273RD CT DES MOINES, WA 98198 SANTOR JOSEPH A 13712 161 ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 SSHI LLC COLLIER-KERSTETTER DEBRA+ MICHAEL S KERSTETTER 16219 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98056 ENG RYAN H+EVE L 13718 161ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 HAARSTAD WANDA+MATTESON 180 OLD HWY LYLE , WA 98635 KING COUNTY -PARKS ADM -ES -0800 500 4TH AVE SEATTLE, WA 98104 LAWRENCE JOHN R 16210 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 LI WEIBIN+QIJUAN MAI 13760 161ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 NGUYEN DAVIS L+TINA Y LAU 13717 161ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 RENTON CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON , WA 98055 SCHILD KEITH A+DIEM TRANG N 16240 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 THATCHER JESSE T+ERIN N 12216 171 ST PL SE 12931 NE 126TH PL 13817 162ND AVE SE RENTON , WA 98059 KIRKLAND , WA 98034 RENTON , WA 98059 THOMAS RICHARD D WEN PAULINE+TRUONG TONG WILMOT ROBERT C+CAROL LYNN 16211 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 GOODMAN WENDY 16227 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 GROVER RAYMOND E+MARYHELEN 16203 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98056 13724 161 ST PL SE RENTON , WA 98059 COLLIER-KE RSTETTER DEBRA+ MICHAEL S KERSTETTER 16219 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98056 RENTON CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON , WA 98055 13900 160TH SE RENTON , WA 98059 THOMAS RICHARD D 16211 SE 137TH PL RENTON , WA 98059 Denis Law City Mayor r' 4,N r)i. !� + >, # Department of Community and Economic Development January 4, 2013 C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Jennifer Reiner D.R. Horton 12931 NE 126th Place Kirkland, WA 98034 Subject: Notice of Complete_ Application Cavalla Model Homes, EUA1z-000275, TP Dear Ms. Reiner: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any questions. Sincerely, CA Roc e Timmons As ciate Planner cc: SSHI, LLC dba D.R. Horton / Owner(s) Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton,Washington 98057 • rentonwa,gov ��HAU� o z. ys �y- GzrH'' eNG'T4 Rocale Timmons Associate Planner City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 40 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SUPVEYINC December 17, 2012 HAND DELIVERY RE: Proposed Plat of Cavalla — Model Homes Temporary Use Permit Submittal City File No. LUA-08-097 Our Job No. 15752 Dear Rocale: DEC � On behalf of DR Horton, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. is submitting the Land Use documents to request a Temporary Use Permit for construction of five model homes within the Plat of Cavalla. The following plans and documents are enclosed for your review. 1. Five (5) each Land Use Permit Master Application Form (the original and 4 copies) 2. Five (5) Waiver Form 3. Five (5) Project Narrative 4. Five (5) each Construction Mitigation Description 5. One (1) each check for Applicable Fees 6. Five (5) each Neighborhood Detail Map 7. Five (5) each Site Plan 8. Five (5) each Floor Plans 9. Five (5) each Architectural Elevations 10. Five (5) each Drainage and Utility Plan 11. One (1) each Plans Sheets reduced to 8-1/2 x 11. We believe that the enclosed plans and documents compile a complete package to request the SEPA modification for this project. Please review at your earliest convenience and please feel free to contact me or Dan Balmelli of our office with any questions or if you need any additional information. Thank you. Sincerely, Betsy Dyer:J1 Project Administrator BD/dmlath [15752c.002.doc] enc.: As Noted cc: Jennifer Reiner, DR Horton (w/enc) Daniel K. Balmelli, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Ali Sadr, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425} 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES ♦ OLYMPIA, WA ♦ CONCORD, CA ♦ TEMECULA, CA www.barghausen.com City of Renton ° of 1�; n LAND USE PERMIT ac„ _ MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: SSHI, LLC dba D.R. Horton ADDRESS: 12931 N,E. 126th Place CITY: Kirkland, WA zip: 98034 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 825-3186 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Same as Owner COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER: CONTACT PERSON NAME: Jennifer Reiner COMPANY (if applicable): D.R. Horton ADDRESS: 12931 N.E. 126th Place CITY: Kirkland, WA ZIP: 98034 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: (425) 825-3186 jreiner@drhorton.com PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Plat of Cavalla - Model Homes PROJECTIADDRESS(S)1LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: SEC of 162nd Ave. S.E. and S.E. 137th St. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 145750-0135 and 0140 EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacant PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single -Family Residential EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Urban Residential 4-12 DU/AC PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) Same EXISTING ZONING: R-4.5 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): Same SITE AREA (in square feet): 409,460 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) 5-21 DU/AC NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) 49 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 5 Model homes II:10E-D\DatalForms-Templatms Self-help IlandoutslPlanninglmasterapp.doc - I - 03111 0 0 PROJECT IN FORMATION continued NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable)_PROJECT VALUE: One SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF BUILDINGS (if applicabl(3): Varies ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (it applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NSA NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NIA U AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE Ll AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq- ft. ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq- ft. ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. ❑ WETLANDS sq. ft. I LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY I (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE SE QUARTER OF SECTION 14 , TOWNSHIP 23 , RANGE 5N , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP n SsKz ,A V --Ar— p 4 ko-kk� I, (Print Namels) _�Jmu }{ 5 t D,�r�S,dn �reS,c�e rt�declare un� penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property involved in this application or _)(_ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. - adjla'tx_� 1 ( 2 Signature of Lned4resentative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) Signature of Owner/Representative Date certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that -T 1'v-F6WV%_') signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notaq Public State of Washington Jennifer Ann Reiner Commission Expires 7-24.15 ` Notary Public irund for the State of Washington Notary (Print): Sk'j�' My appointment expires: -1 - W I ll:ICED\Data\rones-TnmplateslSelf-ifelp flandoulsTlanninglmastcmpp.doc - 2 - 03111 Release and Indemnification Agreement for Model. Homes This agreement is made by and between the City of Renton, Washington, a municipal corporation 6Vthd8jjft)1j of Washington ("City") and -74 ��C'. [{1 c� l� r2 VAL7v,—k-Cn ("Owners"). ff S I0.,1 Recitals The Owners own real property in the City legally described in Exhibit A, attached. f) C 1 4 � The Owners have submitted an application for building permit(s) and/or a Temporary Usk,Permit to construct model homes on the real property prior to recording of a short plat or final plat. Since chtiW t or final plat may be necessary after construction of the model homes rendering the homes illegal CV iZ risk in building the model homes. In consideration of the inherent risks associated with the construction of buildings in advance of the recording of the plat, the City requires the owner to execute an indemnification agreement prior to any model home construction activities. Agreement The parties agree to the following: 1. The City authorizes the Owners to do the work as described in the Temporary Use Permit application No. once building permits have been obtained. 2. The owners assume the risk that the model home(s) must be removed or reconfigured and therefore release and discharge the City and its representatives from all known and unknown losses, claims, damages or causes of actions which the owners have or may have relating to buildings or structures authorized by the Temporary Use Permit. 3. As a condition of granting Owner permission to construct model homes, Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Renton Harmless from any claims or liens that may be exerted against the property as a result of construction of model homes and use of the unrecorded plat of 4. Owners understand and acknowledge that, should the model home construction not comply with the proposed lot configuration of the final plat, that no variances to development standards for either the lots or the homes may be granted as such a situation would be considered a "self-induced hardship" 5. Owners acknowledge that they understand that any construction begun prior to the recording of the final plat must be in compliance with all City zoning and subdivision requirements (e.g. setbacks, lot coverage, etc.) or removed prior to recording of the final plat. If the final plat is not recorded prior to the expiration of the Temporary Use Permit, Owners acknowledge that the homes must be removed unless complying with all applicable code requirements (e.g. one home per lot, etc.). 6. Applicant will also provide an Abatement Agreement and a security device acceptable to the City to ensure removal of any structures not in compliance with City regulations at the time of expiration of the Temporary Use Permit and understands construction of the model homes is at Owners' own risk. 7. The provisions of this agreement shall bind the parties, their legal he}}'�s, representatives, successors and assigns and shall expire upon the recording of the final plat of Uc,aJGtxUt-- �f�5;d ci ,SSi �T 'Lk -c -a b" 1®Q N uvti' I, (Print Name) .Vut- ��'tlSlun declare that I am (please check one) L] the owner of the property involved in the application, ® the authorized representative to act for the property owner (if a corporation, please attach proof of authorization to sign), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. O ner Rally Public of n ATTEST: Sub cribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Pub , ag gLntate of hl ' V on the t ll`day of (:>z yNkX✓ 2012- Br1r11 lr1 n f Commission Expires 7.20-15 �. (Signature of N PLANNING DIVISION WAIVA OF SUBMITTAL RE.QU&MENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: �7 1. Property Services PROJECT NAME: 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building DATE: 4. Planning H:ICEDIData%Forrns-TemplateslSelf-Help HandoutsTionninglwaiverofsubmittalregs.xls 06109 PLANNING DIVISION WAIV& OF SUBMITTAL REQUOEMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by. 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning PROJECT NAME: DATE: St S` H:ICED1DatalForms-Templates%Setf-Help HandouisTlanninglwaiverofsubmittalregs.xls 06109 CIHA (js i 0 ��4CIVIL ENGINEERING, L,9Np PLANNING. SURVEYING v.t Project Narrative and Construction Mitigation Description Model Home Proposal for Plat of Cavalla 4-3 City of Renton File No. LUA08-497 r ,1 Our Job No. 15752 -- - i 1� The following is a narrative providing a description of the proposed model home propo r D.R. Horton on the Plat of Cavalla. PROJECT NARRATIVE • Project name, size, and location of site. The Plat of Cavalla is 9.4 acres in size (409,460 square feet). The site is fronted on the east and west by unimproved rights-of-way - 162nd Avenue S.E. and 164th Avenue S.E. The proposal is to construct 5 model homes on Lots 1 — 6 of the project site. • Land use permits required for proposed project. The model homes proposal will require the following permits: 1. Tier 2 Temporary Use Permit 2. Building Permits • Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties. The following is the zoning designation for the site: City of Renton: Residential — 4/du ac (R-4) The following is the neighborhood zoning and characteristics: North: Single-family subdivision of Liberty Lane (R-4 zone) East: Liberty High School (R-4 zone) South: Vacant five -acre parcel (proposed Plat of Liberty Gardens / City of Renton File No. LUA-08-093) (R-4 zone) West: Existing single-family residential (R-4 zone) • Current use of the site and any existing improvements. The site is currently under construction with new roadways, storm and utility improvements in accordance with the approved construction plans. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, wA 9$032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES ♦ OLYMPIA,WA ♦ CONCORD, CA • TEMECULA, CA www.bargAausen.com 15752,008 • Special site features (i.e., wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes). There are no sensitive areas located on site however, an existing wetland and stream is located southwest of the site within a portion of the 162nd Avenue S.E. right-of-way. The existing topography ranges from 2-112 percent to 12 percent. There is an elevation difference of approximately 50 feet from the northeast corner to the southwest corner. • Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions. The United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Soils Maps (dated November 1973) classifies this site as AgC, known as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam with 6 to 15 percent slopes. The geotechnical engineering report prepared for the site included test pits that were completed on the project site and provided construction recommendations for foundations, drainage, utilities, pavement, etc. • Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development. The Plat of Cavalla is currently under construction for 49 single-family detached residences with proposed tracts for stormwater, alley, and joint use tracts. The specific proposal under this application is to allow construction of 5 model homes on Lots 1 — 5 of the subdivision. For plats indicate the proposed number, net density, and range of sizes (new lot area) of new lots. The Plat of Cavalla has been designed to utilize standard front load single-family residence as well as 19 rear load or alley load lots utilizing Tract B (totaling 49 lots). The lots will range in size from approximately 4,040 square feet in area to 7,441 square feet. The model home lots range in size from 5,550 square feet to 6,931 square feet and will all be located on standard front load lots. Access to the proposed model home lots will be provided from S.E. 138th Place currently under construction. • Access. 162nd Avenue S.E. provides access to the overall project site and S.E. 138th Place will provide access to the model home lots. • Proposed off-site improvements (i.e., installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.). The project is constructing (half -street improvements) curb, gutter, sidewalk, and roadway improvements on existing right-of-way of 162nd Avenue S.E. and also dedicating 35.5 feet of right-of-way along the easterly property line for extension of 164th Avenue S.E. New water mains, fire hydrants and sanitary sewer mains are currently being extended to and through the project site. -2- 15752.008 • Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project. The estimated construction (hard and soft costs) and finance costs will range from $60,000 per lot or approximately $3 million total. The estimated lot value is estimated to range from $140,000 to $160,000 per lot. • Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed. The majority of the earthwork required for the infrastructure and lots has been completed. The estimated amount of earthwork required for construction of the 5 model homes is 300-400 cubic yards. • !Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed. All existing trees have been removed from the site as part of the roadway, utility and earthwork construction. Replacement trees will be replanted as required. No trees will be removed for construction of the proposed model homes. • Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City. As part of the final plat process, right-of-way will be dedicated for completion of the 162nd Avenue S.E., 164th Avenue S.E. and interior public road improvements. • Any proposed job shacks, sale trailers, and/or model homes. Yes, there is a construction job shack, sales trailer and proposed model homes. • Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification). There are no proposed modifications being requested as part of the model home proposal. Distance and feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work. The proposed model home location is not within 100 -foot of a wetland or stream. • An explanation of proposed access/roadway construction, temporary erosion control, utilities, street and lot addressing. Construction of S.E. 138th Place frontage road improvements, including sewer, water, storm, power, etc. along 162nd Avenue S.E. are currently being completed to provide access and utilities to the proposed model home lots. Temporary erosion control measures are currently in place and being maintained as part of the project construction. • Proposed security devices for removal of model homes if plat is not recorded. If required, the applicant can provide a bond as a security measures. -3- 15752.009 0 0 • The quantity of Model Homes, demonstrating that it is five (5) or less, as well as less than twenty (20) percent of the total lots. The total number of model homes proposed as part of this application is 5 which are also less that 20 percent of the total 49 lots being developed by the project. CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates). The proposed start date for the model home construction is February 2013 and the estimated completion date is the end of June. • Hours and days of operation. Monday through Friday (7 AM to 6 PM), depending on weather conditions. • Proposed hauling/transportation routes. Access to the site for construction materials is anticipated to be from N.E. 4th Street to 160th Avenue S.E. to 136th Avenue S.E. then to 162nd Avenue S.E. • Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic, etc. Measures currently being implemented and constructed as part of the project will provide mitigation for dust, traffic and transportation impacts. -4- 15752.008 RECEIPT EGO0001848 - '777 7T , BILLING CONTACT Wayne Potter Barghausen 18215 72Nd Ave S Kent, VITA 98032 Cite Of Renton Planping Division DEC 17 [HT1 RECOVIED REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME TRANSACTION PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID TYPE METHOD LUA12-000275 PLAN - Temp Use - Tier 2 Fee Payment Check #29834 $150.00 Technology Fee Fee Payment Check #29834 $4.50 SUB TOTAL $154.50 TOTAL $154.50 Printed On: December 17, 2012 Prepared By: Rocaie Timmons Page 1 of 1 V) CIL U � 0 a� w V C o EL m a- c v n i �T F-- Q3 r7 fox ° o z< aQ a� Q O cl- 0 CL�L —a 0 0 J U Z U 6La z� ii (nz — Q o V) cn � Q N 0 v`- o Ld 6 c) �- Ld N m W Ld o ,7 W a c3 .i E v CL O � w � ( X-0 — r Q) W O 0 J cn o V) N CD i X co 0 0 0 Z� o Z � I I PARCEL. #43M6 - 5s 00180 'T%I"T w% 1/0" BRASS PIN IN CASE, S21'51'57"E, 0.44' 3,000 j t 3 00 T_ r I ciw i� W�livl 4► CA vALLA INN A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SE1%01".*fy1 ION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 N.. RANGE 5 E, W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON II � EXISTING ASPHALT 1 i 00e I LIBERTY I I Y LANE � I IVOL. 113, FG, 21-221 I PARCEL _ I PARCEL #- I P PARCEL # I 43065=0143065=0� 430&50012® 1 PARCEL # IN 14306500090 OR I S88 08'38"E 162149' C 626.69(Pi e 5_ 5, 4. 1 2 3 45 6931 S.F. 5550 S.F. 6660 S.F. 6105 S.F. 6660 S.F. a I I 3726AG MODEL [, MODEL E32613G DEL MODEL I- I 37256 47106G 4008AG a I 6 `v 7 1 i 6105 S.F. ; a �fi60 S.F. ; 8 2 ,0 6210 S.F. •i 1 STREET NAME SIGN �""`���~ "� s� 28-00 ADA RAI 2"NO PARKING" SIGN f'✓ (TYP.) NOTE: 9 INSTALL NO PARKING SIGNS AND 5838 S.F. STREET NAME SIGNS WHERE SHOWN PER DETAILS SHEET C21._� EXISTIN -00 W GRAVEL co PATH A0 PARCEL* t• 4 145750 R i f' 0097 r � % 2p %ap,•'/� T SAID A 5111 7-4661 �� Q1_ C Fss� S T �� SNA L V) = ca v O zLu 07 � J w X Z l� Z W N z O N 00 z ��cNoo�o ww I ! w LI n zC_D w .N �, W Z Ln 00W�� Ss v mai i `w >�l W �v b' Coo � 21,00 PARCEL # C 145750 0101 10' LANDSCAPE AND PUBLIC SIDEWALK EASEMENT) � o r i hA► T +t PARCEL. # 145750 0106 VA 31 4936 S.F. ai,pr-m o CURB CUT J N 0 0 (TYP. N p ?t � R 1 C � I � PARCEL # i 43065000701 TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC EASEMENT 9 (PUBLIC) 9984 S.F. ~ i i 10 i 7518 S.F. 2 •rte 9• :5 f•.fY.a fr�"•••. �• .. 't„'`:-Iy •v ''. •t •vw. ... 1 —_ �-„•-•-�77 ... �. — _- LO 44 40'44 r 20 :.. - A 5914 S.F. DA RAMPcm r3 48 , 1 47 i 46 i 45 44 c 43 i 42 I 10 P C- 4652 S.F # v 41 ° UTILITY EASEMENT 652 S.F. 3760 S.F 760 S.F 4136 S.F. 3760 S.F 0 4136 S.F. 4783 S.F. i12 c is L1 ----- + 5598 S.F. - 4 i 112 r • ,. 9 �- _ -"_ R=15 q � �: 40 LO 40 40 44 ' I A 8810 SF a p �- 40 40 44 40 52, I 13 -- __W_52" .1 i U 6157 S.F. �, ' CURB CUT 34 4� 32 , 33 35 ; 36 # 37 38 I , I (TYP.) 00 S.F 800 S.F 800 S.F 4180 S.F, 3800 S.F 3800 S.F # 39 I 40 ' i 14 4180 S.F. 3800 S.F 4897 S.F. Lf 5598 S.F. •!an•=N+: '+•�Jr'�rl}•••,�:..ii''w..fr.�a+.rt:�,;:r• •.r•�,,:l.fi �4.t :yt•• r i +. ;f,.yi,'. c••i• . ' 40 + i , 1 • �•• `• • •3'• •r +•tfrKe+."yvr. : :. i•.:',.�: '.'}:•r,jf�1:.� � 4.. tr ":.rR ', .t• w .i.+. s . •i ' 15NOUS • o SETBACK ' (TYP. 20 HOU E 0 �.E. © SETBACK (VP.) o SETBACK TYP. 3 0 0 (TYP.) R=25= -- BLIC o 0 50 g (TYP.)IF LC Z 5 5598 S.F. — I ' � i i w CURB CUT ADA RAMP 30 I aria (n 1 (TYP.) (TYP.) 0' 29 2$ 27 26 25 6361 S.F. I 1 1 24 23 y: 00 1 5300 S.F. 15300 S.F. L360 S.F. I , N , Ip if" 1 5300 S.F. 5300 S.F. 5300 S.F. 6584 S.F. 0 8 = I I •,_, t f , I I • • 5' (TYP.) BUILDING -� r--- •- � � 20' HOUSE SETBACKS ' }�f �`�`— SETBACK (TYP.) TACT 'C' 2411 SF � (TYP.) PRIVATE 50 f - 41 25' GARAGE ”- -- , 14 SETBACK (TYP.) TRACT `X I , STORM POND 22 2120 (PUBLIC) 6424 S.F. , , 6420 S.F. , 6589 S.F. 19 1 5691 S.F. 48,220 SF N88' 18' 18"Vy 623.79' PARCEL #145750 0145 (PLAT OF LIBERTY GARDENS `. CITY OF RENRON FILE # LUA-08-093) 17 6916 S.F. 1C ) -S S T E ✓ i Yh - r r J f[ 'SE 12 Ld Lu 8� ST SE 132ND ST SE 134 W S 136TH ST cncn J SE 136TH W N 4 TH o a o N v JEF U-3 ¢ Q. <0 n Do SE I '` \ ! 144TH ST N to 06 LO 5' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION yr RoAp 6s v', EASEMENT "' TEMPORARY® ®® CUL-DE-SAC Y C N �iriAP EASEMENT (PUBLIC) w'ES DEVELOPER TO COORDINATE WITH 1. TAX No. #145750-0135 & 0140 SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR TEMPORARY 2. SITE AREA: 9.40 AC. (409,460 SF) TURN—AROUND EASEMENT. R=52' 3, EXISTING USE: VACANT AND SINGLE FAMILY 4. PROPOSED USE. 49 LOT SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION I �4 5. , EXISTING ZONING: R-4 6. PROPOSED ZONING: R-4 0 N 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGN: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 DU AC 8. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGN: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 DU/AC (0 9. PROPOSED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 40' N N 10. REQUIRED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 30' 0 0 11. AVERAGE. LOT AREA: 5,420 SIF z5' PRIVATE 12 PROJECT DENSITY. 5.21 D/U PER ACRE TEMPORARY 00. CONSTRUCTION 13. MINIMUM SETBACKS (KING COUNTY): FRONT: STREET/BUILDING): 10' 20' EASEMENT FRONT: GARAGE): 20' SIDE: 5' EXISTING - _SIDE .�-ORNERt 1 _ FENCE - ' REAR, 5 z I rn`O 14. PROPOSED MINIMUM SETBACKS ALLEY LOAD LOTS FRONT LOAD LOTS -N FRONT STREET/BUILDING) 15 20' nct4 FRONT (GARAGE) N/A 25' C) SIDE (INTERIOR) 5 5' o SIDE/CORNER10, 10 o 0, o REAR 15 5 C) REAR FOR LOTS 10-17 N/A 10' 15. MAXIMUM BASE HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS: 35' 16. BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC BY: D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS 10' LANDSCAPE & KENNETH R. ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND PUBLIC LEGALSIDEWALK EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONS i� PARCEL NUMBER 145750--0135 TRACT 3, BLOCK 4, CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING 0 TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 PLATS, PAGE(S) 91, DEDICATION TION RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING DEDIGATION _ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON. 6' PARKING PARCEL NUMBER 145750-0140 TRACT 4, BLOCK 4, CEDAR PARK 5 ACRE TRACTS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, r; RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION N OF THE .EAST 30' OF THE SOUTH 658.23 FEET OF THE NORTH 687.48 FEET M OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, 0 WIC., AS VACATED BY KING COUNTY ORDINANCE No. 4406 RECORDED UNDER T.. REOORDING No. 7908150748 ADJOINING _.SAID -,PREMISES, CN © S.E.1 TH PL (PUBLIC) . o Z R=25' C EVEL PE ROWNERS ENGINEER/PLANNER o, D.R. HORTON BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. PARCEL # 12931 NE 126TH PLACE 18215 72ND AVENUE S. 132305 KIRKLAND, WA 98034 KENT, WA 98032 --' 9038 (425) 825--3186 (425) 251-6222 A' CONTACT: JENNIFER REINER, P.E. CONTACT: DAN BALMELLI P.E. - ENGINEER 10 LANDSCAPING WAYNE POTTER -PLANNER C'ty Of 1 g AND PUBLIC o SIDEWALK EASEMENT PkInning 7216 S.F. ���?Iaf1lvrj�r I ' 20' TRACT TABLE SEC PARCEL # • . 132305 IFOR • .I 0 IVIAPEWOOD i HEIGHTS TS t;:I .�PARK w. TRACT USE AREA (S.F.)ClITY ®F RENTON0 2 -0 MEPARTMENT Cam PUBL_KI ©fR[� 00 z C� uj. A B C — STORM POND ALLEY 20' ACCESS PUBLIC ROADS A, B, AND 35.5 R.O.W. DEDICATION 489220 8,810 2,411. 84,59311 A MODEL HOME LAYOUTS LOTS 1 THmU TOTAL PUBLIC ROADS 84,593 S.F. 1.94 AC. TOTAL TRACT AREA 59,240. S.F. 1.36 AC. DESIGNED CP DATE 12/14/12 FILE No. LUA 03- DRAWN Aj TOTAL LOT AREA 265,627 S.F. 6.10 AC. SCALE, FIELD BOOK PAGE CHECKED AS TOTAL SITE AREA 409,460 S.F. 9.40 AC. APPROVED DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET a OF AVERAGE LOT AREA 59420 S.F. r l■ A =20' i 10 20 ki \ME��`�������������� d � o Lil W m © �' cn CL cf n, Lu xco o 00 Z Z F�-- �o U 11 �� i-- 0 in Li �o a z��� U o 0� 0 z 0 L0 Q N aLLJ ;U Ld L IL cin o � 3: �d w Lj 0 x v, o }. � m I i rn r- a� a� rr 0 o V) I N a Z x v 00 0 0 o_ �i Q a. .; 0 Z I SSMH 0 ------------------------- 6931 K. :\� r i\ �"----�--- � �'_—���,----.� .� �- � �_�.____---.�,______— 4��s ! �\ 6 0 0 S. F. f I 6105 S. F. t Mill ff L ! \, I t MODEL I ' \ , ! MODLL 3726AG I ODEL\6-.471 OBG MODE\LS \! 6 I MODEL 3721 I \ ! .i-l"R.--\ N I 4008AG !!,I \ \ \ CB #25-1 '* . . - \ I -- I I 7 I I I ! j f w\, I 6 CPEP i I ! \ RAMP �\ i I �°, I I 7 ROOF AND I \ I °0 NEW WATER ----METER TYP. ! N: 177334.1 �� D0 sI { I I FOOTING I I 32117 .48 °' C 1 #26 I t ______�_ _ _______w E 4 1 ,_ , - P} I I twl E N U M E N AND CASE--\\ NImD TO DE 'SET I ER DETAIL � SHEE C21 (TYP) Z D ss12 s� I SID 8 WATER I + rr rr 12" SD W 8" WATER / p r / 04 C) S.1 PLr 2+0o r M #1s r is w ` �"" r, © UBLI r • �� _ ..3, Q� L SD e".,hti 0. - _ _ 8 S L - �- s_ _ _ - r 20 E N i 8.0831. C. •. a ` S , A L.. W RA . CB 7 , rr � CB #29 v NEW FIRE H PRANT m W r r i CB #34 . _ 00 W in C) 00 46 r \ ! i ;n 43 44 SADV� �0, ,p 24661 �Q �<k- c�ss 01 S T EL ZONA L tiN .. W Z U) V) x ©Z d zw ��Ncv wa �t 0�O N 00 0-)cDoO ww N _ w r` U-) V) 3 z L0 � � w Ln UD 00w�qd-�' ?� :�e � U to "ONS. Arom z v 5J 0 GCS & KENNETH R. ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, lNC. LEGAL_ DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL NUMBER 145750-0135 TRACT 3, BLOCK 4, CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 PLATS, PAGE(S) 91, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL NUMBER 145750-0140 1 TRACT 4, BLOCK 4, CEDAR PARK 5 ACRE TRACTS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 30' OF THE SOUTH 658,23 FEET OF THE NORTH 687.48 FEET 'Or, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WMf, AS VACATED BY KING COUNTY ORDINANCE No. 4406 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING No. 7908150748 ADJOINING SAID PREMISES. DEVELOPER/OWNERS E DR. HORTON BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. 12931 NE 126TH PLACE 18215 72ND AVENUE S. KIRKLAND, WA 98034 KENT, WA 98032 (425) 825-3186 (425) 251-6222 '1Nei CONTACT: JENNIFER REINER, P.E. CONTACT: DAN BALMELLI P.E. - ENGINEER ��'r�w�. WAYNE POTTER - PLANNER Ori TRACT TABLE TRACT USE AREA (S.F.) CITY OF RENTON 00 A STORM �o D 48,220� B ALLEY 80810 C>EPARTMENT C>F= PUE3L.10 WC.7FRKS C 20' ACCESS 2,411 PUBLIC ROADS A, B, 84,593 MODEL HOME LAYO AND 35.5' R.O.W. DEDICATION 0 FOR Z TOTAL PUBLIC ROADS 84,593 S.F. 1.94 AC. LOTS 1 THRU 5 cn TOTAL TRACT AREA 59,240 S.F. 1.36 AC. DESIGNED CP DATE 12/14/12 rauE No. �uA o3- 0 0D TOTAL LOT AREA 2659627 S.F. 6.10 AC. DPAWN � CHECKED AS scALE FIELD Bov(c PACE � TOTAL SITE AREA 4099460 S.F. -9.40 AC. d APPROVED AVERAGE LOT AREA 5,420 S.F. SHEET OF ©!RECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS VICINITY MAP N,OTES 1. TAX No, #145750-0135 & 0140 2. SITE AREA: 9.40 AC. (409,460 SF) 3. EXISTING USE: VACANT AND SINGLE FAMILY 4. PROPOSED USE: 49 LOT SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION 5, EXISTING ZONING: R-4 6. PROPOSED - ZONING: R-4 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGN: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 DU/AC 8. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGN: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 DU/AC 9. PROPOSED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 40' 10. REQUIRED MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 30' 11. AVERAGE LOT AREA: 5,420 SF 12 PROJECT DENSITY: 5.21 D/U PER ACRE 13. MINIMUM SETBACKS (KING COUNTY): FRONT: STREET/BUILDING): 10' FRONT: GARAGE): 20 SIDE: 5' N ER; _ -1 REAR: 5' 14. PROPOSED MINIMUM SETBACKS ALLEY LOAD LOTS FRONT LOAD LOTS FRONT STREET/BUILDING) 15 20' FRONT (GARAGE) N/A 25' SIDE (INTERIOR) 5 5' SIDE/CORNER 10' 10' REAR 15' 5' REAR FOR LOTS 10-17 N/A 10' 15. MAXIMUM BASE HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS: 35' 16. BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC BY: D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS & KENNETH R. ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, lNC. LEGAL_ DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL NUMBER 145750-0135 TRACT 3, BLOCK 4, CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 PLATS, PAGE(S) 91, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL NUMBER 145750-0140 1 TRACT 4, BLOCK 4, CEDAR PARK 5 ACRE TRACTS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 30' OF THE SOUTH 658,23 FEET OF THE NORTH 687.48 FEET 'Or, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WMf, AS VACATED BY KING COUNTY ORDINANCE No. 4406 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING No. 7908150748 ADJOINING SAID PREMISES. DEVELOPER/OWNERS E DR. HORTON BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. 12931 NE 126TH PLACE 18215 72ND AVENUE S. KIRKLAND, WA 98034 KENT, WA 98032 (425) 825-3186 (425) 251-6222 '1Nei CONTACT: JENNIFER REINER, P.E. CONTACT: DAN BALMELLI P.E. - ENGINEER ��'r�w�. WAYNE POTTER - PLANNER Ori TRACT TABLE TRACT USE AREA (S.F.) CITY OF RENTON 00 A STORM �o D 48,220� B ALLEY 80810 C>EPARTMENT C>F= PUE3L.10 WC.7FRKS C 20' ACCESS 2,411 PUBLIC ROADS A, B, 84,593 MODEL HOME LAYO AND 35.5' R.O.W. DEDICATION 0 FOR Z TOTAL PUBLIC ROADS 84,593 S.F. 1.94 AC. LOTS 1 THRU 5 cn TOTAL TRACT AREA 59,240 S.F. 1.36 AC. DESIGNED CP DATE 12/14/12 rauE No. �uA o3- 0 0D TOTAL LOT AREA 2659627 S.F. 6.10 AC. DPAWN � CHECKED AS scALE FIELD Bov(c PACE � TOTAL SITE AREA 4099460 S.F. -9.40 AC. d APPROVED AVERAGE LOT AREA 5,420 S.F. SHEET OF ©!RECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS