HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 01,{[j 0 9l\(,~~ \ h~ ~ ---------- ~In I \\ ,_20 t \ ~D U-~_~ N - LEGEND ,-6 ~;E.M!ER 23, 2015 ® 200 100 0 100 200 we iiIiII. SCIU: 1:200 ~ ----.l,RP(JlTl.I.AStlK -II!P(IRTPRClP[Rl'YUNE 4-20 0IlSTN> !U.IING i IDRI( lID. \:11[' __ 5-6D;~~ """"C 'CI PROJECT ~ -63 ,cQ--lrr:- ."i-Fi" 5-403 . <~ ---If" 5-44 --t-: h , \)\ !\ \ ~44 ,-2' \~'4-46 8\ ~~~ il \ ~:, L ~:;t~~_~-6D W, I ~I \\ ~\ \ 4-d~.·4_7' 4-84 c; :, l \k:! \ LOT 7 '" ) \l' 4-93 ~L~\~II O~\ ~L L' \.r \~~ ,~; ~ n ~ " U ~ ~ RECE\\IED sEl' 3 \) '[\liS C\1'l Of R\:~~lCN PLANNING OiVIS1CN II iM I U #:._-, - L _ ~":IAILMAP I .• .0' ...... ,UGH WlU1M6 =r----_~,. S~~~~~-,,-,oru r~ UK'l .,," I~ 4.COR I I \ -"..:: / I \ ~ < / , I __ _ { CD \ \ " /~-- / ' I \ ( m \1 --20· mill' I I I I I I I I I, , II Vi I I I I I \'", Ii! \ -------"'-. +--------------- " . IT _"&--:-i';-..oI. rn l II) I '-, .1 L __ ~,--f- ~ 1 II '" , , BLDG BOO RAlN!ER FUGHT SEfMCE --- .!S"LoE--I -------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.' r-1,-------A ____ A __ :::" "T-----t~-=-~B_ A-a , ~OEINO' I "'.,~~ I """"-- [0] " wi" I[]![}IJ , '" ~~ -------,-1H ; ; < I ~TE.M9ER 23. 2015 (N) :/flO 0 1020 40 -"720 ~- "'" LEGEND o EXrSllHG'!RE£ @ """"" "" liT r~ PR~ BWW~ PI!OPOSED PJ.RI(pjG ~ PE!l(SlRlANPA~ o PRCf'OSED LOIT I'a£ PROPOSED CH .... ~K FENCE ---(In----ClJT ~ITS Q'" GRACING CUP SLOT ORIoIN • l'IPE 11. CATC!l BISN. SCUllII .. TI'I'( Il CATOl BASIN. GRAll: 0 TYPE 2 CATCIi B.t.SIN. SOU!> un (II TYPE 2 CAlO1 BASIN. GRATE <l SK'l'DR(X. CATCii BASIN ... STIlEET UCHT f'Ct.E • FIRE ~YORANT RECEIVED CCTVOf REMOVAL ~!LAN0 UATCH UNE -FOR CO~noN SEE SHITT LS60R u r=J~~-) f ~ I ;,= ~ ~ II EI 1-' -'-Ii . ' '1 .~ , : 1 ,I ~ --Ir-'IV I , -~ I 9~¢;:::;;::;:;co==~~;;:;;;:;;:~--=--=-=--::-~;~::;: !f?~'.. -...:! -;:"-.i.-.. - --- --- --I ~ -I :xt!~'~'~ ~ =-I glS,: ~~ -- ~;:.Ei II',"~~ 3 I ---~---! :'--- :';>,HU----, I ,::Cj • I • . I • o ~ I ; I=~":.I i~1 J 8 ill c:J m::ih o 11.'1 i , tg •• ~m i i -~ rn • " SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 (N)N sou:: T • 20 :zo TO 0 TO :zo IIiiil -.- LEGEND o EXlSnNG lRE:E @ ~~ rtil~~ F'RCPOSEll PIJIIQNG ~ F'EIlESlRlANP.lTH • o PIICPOSEll UGH POlL ~ CHAlIUIK FDIC!' ---ctJ,..---CUT Um'/l,MTS Of GR.lOlNG ----ClIP SUlT tlRRo' • TYPE TL CATO! BASIN, SOUO LID " G (j C TYPE Tt CATCH BASIN. GR~TE TYPE 2 CAT01 BASt!, SOUD !XI I'll'( 1 U.TCH BASH, GR~TE ~ CATO! BASIN ..... STREET UQH POlL • fH Ifl'IlRANT ---'" eW ". •~:.'-; I" 1 '" '" 0, ~ ~ \ " ..,... --, _lr ____ _ ! IREMOVAL ~!lAN0 14" SIUI' r;J __ ~_. !.lATCH UN[ -I SIT SHITT LS62R LAND USE HT ~DW:~_ ~ I ~-,- BOEIND' [, (;:;,~~j)' ..=.:..~'~ I"'~ _ ... ...., ... ,. •. PIOlJ:£N ~--..... " Ei5Ei<G 7YI u.:o flJij/ijjj( UTIUTlES-If'RON C CI PI«lJ(~T SITE OS-YO 09.t~T5 LS61R ,- ,-- ~.~ m ..... P.r>mN: 1mIIU-_ ... f'IIO.CI / , , I I , ---...:.""<~-­ I ( I I \ , I , I 'i-_ MATCH UNE - g §~~TEM!:IER 23. 2015 ~ 201001020 40 SCit£:1:20 LEGEND -------________ 0_ o EXlSTl~ lREE @ """'" = ~ ~ 8 8 IiJ.-..DEIND· """""'l.£.<S[lK < " ~ lir~~~G ~,~ « )$ PEOCSTRINI PATH El PRIPOSED lIGfT PCU: PRCl"OSED CHAl~UNK rENeE ---<m-___ ClJT UNE/tAiITS or GR.o.DING ----(liP SLOT D~ • fI'I'E lL CAT(]i UA9N. 5O.Jl I.D D T\'P£ lL CATCH BASN. GRATE a l'IPE 2 CATCH BASIN, SlXJO UO I no w. P£RIIIElUt RCOOlJ I RENTON, II.ISi'IHCTON g!1055 @ 1YP£ 2 CATDf BASIN, GRAfE D"~ ~,~ ) ,~ .~ ,-."'~:~ !J SI<'TDROL CAlOi BASIN ..... SliIEETLOHPCU • FIRr ~l'ORANT D I ,-----I 7 ---IT ' , ! ., I erN Of .. -.-'''~ plJ\NNING DiV·.~~ ACCEPTAlI:UTY rn ...:'r..'='.=.. >nl'CI .... o>QJ:(N (in'! .l'WJl ,,".'l,,1 .. .23" REMOVAL LAND USE PERMIT TREE CUnJNG -LAND ClEARING PlAN ~G 7J7 WAX fl.JGHT~ IIlUIIES-N'PON C CI PIIOJECT SITE OS-YO CMtllASl[R RENTON, 1M ~~.!.'<LAN0 ~DWL .'t';;'BBol"'""i5RIQ 09.23.1S LS62R W3~41B1l6 05 ID-M'I!C_lS60R-COO -' ~ , gil f!--l'Ala~ \ ~~f:EM,~ER 23, 2015 (N) 200 100 0 100 200 G) ~ \ SC\LE:I:200 LEGEND ----1IIPOR'I1DS£ut.[ ----IIIPORTPROro1IYi.JNE ~20 EXI!fI«O BIA.[lN; =-~ ~ ~I 5-44- frJ ~I J~ " JJ ~ r~ \~f N6THST_~~t ::;: \ 5-407 i ~ 0 \ l"i 5-27 '" rd r CD LUZj -;;-~ !tl ~I ~ LOT 8 ii[ f "0 ~ U -'J iii iii i t Ir IF ,-~~~~~~~-.--~-LAND USE PERMIT ~CWL lY t 0, < • s ! JI RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2015 CITY OF ~i::~j!m~ PLANNING DiVI:ION KEY PLAN® -- ~.;.:=.. "lJ" NEIGHBORHOOO DETAIt MAP 1,}44181l5 RI rtJ-BDEINO--.... ,"", "'~ _Ell --DOONG m ~I.X FU;KILIN[ UliLiTlES-.orRON C CI PROJECT r.4 , --++-1' .. -~---t--l SITE OS-YD , ,- " V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I' ~ r_ :-~ ___ -==-----_--=~~~-:::'_:s -~--~!~;",c,.~j < 111~h~.~~ ~'[1d~r.H'-m o N o . ;:;, N N S . ~ N 01,11121" )Mfj _ ~ ~, L_o. .!;::.j __ ("'~'lRfEix':'_;X-::-_/ '"'_ ~~ -I \ .... c:-:> .... -----... --"",, , ___ .~~ ~ ;:7 --, /'_"_ ,! I ____ _ '''''''',r-L_, _, 1..""":.7-I 25' J -' ~ SlWP~~~ \ --~--"'-~ ,'-.., ~. __ ~< __ .,___ W \ / ""':_.1- -, '~,~ \ ~""'\ ---~... .... ~--, ---\/ TI1EI = / -------... _~-------T ;;r7-e \ \ '-.. ,..~---or / =--PfI(JPOS<1l"SIIEDU /, R£IOAl -/ -. ___ ~ ',~ /,-- _ _~ ~~-~~~--'---' -~ -/ ---/ ~! '.1 ,,c-,,~ I' r-' "-.~, I-=-- -... --~~ oC"/ r--~ ,_ ___ 2!l2' I;: ) h~.,._A=~---------=~- "£lU.~~ .... r. -~~ .. --=--=--1i-:.-::..-::.----~:;---T 'J --, '-=c~-·J4-~Jl Ti" .... -.=---. --~~ ..... :-::--!::!l i t ~ _ '---_ _=_: _ .... ,"--'=:::Jg. .'~ I ----r--__ "f '_~~~~_c------~--:: --r----=-lJ \ "t ---~--=-----:: i IT-I n ' \ :110' I( it 9' CT'rP) " I 1 \~I rrr;-, I 1 ,> I I ~ G@j @JG ,i 'I 1 lli-~ =-F-l-~gj:r~1 I I ill!:1 I I J h' ii 1 BlDG 790 AIRPORT MAINTENANCE _ "i BLDG 800 I, 1 RAJNIE' ruGHT SEIMCE II eel': ~ ~ ii -'~"" "~.. lIb ~lli ii, 1 1 I m ~~~FJ~ ~I ; 1 1 I ~IIIII ~. !'if P-1!1l.1\!~" /~~="--, I r .~_~._ll~~ l~==jL"" ~"'s:~-~""~i I ;:'1 "I w " i I ~ "! II I II I I:E :~ • 'v.." "--; , 1 '1r£~lERlIA~ I 1IAt:I~(la·.TO') f , 1 ~ I~'==~I ! ~ ~~ ~~ 1 ' ~l:!h ['f !:! ® ~~""~ I '-I ""-""-1 ~ :~ , om ""-i !~ ~ n 1 1 I I ! r ,! "II 1 'I II iii 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 /1 I ? l : , I j I .. -_.Id SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 ® SCAl.[; I -20 201001020 1Iiiil = I,W NOTE PIIO.ET IS >Cll tDCI.1ID _ 200 Fm fI!OU A lJI([ OR STREAII. LEGEND o E)(fSllNGlREl: @ ~~ Ji Ii PRWOSEO ~NG PRCPOSED PAAKlNG ~ PfDESTRlAN PAlH Cl PROPOSED UGHT F'OlE ~~~ =====->.iRCRm P.IJOONG ST4l.L • u G ® !l -ClIP SlOT DR~ TYPE IL CAm; BASiN. SCUI ttl TYPE Il CATClO BASIN, GRAn: TYI'E 2 CAT01 B.o.5lH. sruo uo T'!'PE 2 CATCH B~. GlIAl[ SKl'OOOI.. CATCH BASIN ..... Sll!EG UGH Pa..£ RECEivED SEP 3 0 2015 C~TV O!F m,NTON KEY PLAN ® SCIU: hONE; --......."..,.----_. ------------LAND USE PERMIT ~QWt.. 'I " ------------ CIII: 1m ... fl.QmM """"_e""",,,,,, ~" ""~'I SITE PlAN ~ 7JJ .... I'l,l;KlUIE UTUIB--'-""OH' a PRO..U:I SITE OS-YO I~- rti-.OEINO° ".~ ~ _ .. W~""II'.i!!' RI C81 WJ«II!1!& ()5-'l'D-APOC--c8CLCOR 0923.15 ~ • , i , , " :~ " " " " : , v , Ii " , , / I' , , \' ______ Ml_]!;_VTl~ .... _ i I I \ \ \ \ I I I!ll @ ') ',""'" I .. p~'" cn( 'rrT D @Q • • rTl, ~ -o.ii~ • ~§ ~~i~ ~ ! ! H ~ o ~ • 0." 5 =0. ~ ___ ~ ~ § 2 £ £ ~ "'~ -~ .. ""' COo ~~ •• ~ i·! c::nF!i m z: ~ .. ~ o dn 6 6 I" "!1 Ell Ii nco p'. ~ o( •••• iq I i ;~~!i II Hl ~ • ~~ i ~ 1 I;i ~ , --< i ,~ ,;<0 m ~ z 0," . ~ i~ ~ ~ ~i ~ 6 , ~ H~ I ~ N ~ • ~ ~ N ~~ S ; , ~ N I, I I I i .' I • I I I I I, I" \'-, I \,' 1 I I ,"-, ' I I , • \ • I 1 f , , • \ m 1 , , I " I : ~ 1 , I r I , I , " __ ;--r I , , , • , : " • ~ l I , , , , , " , " " '" , , , , z , : I " ~~ : , , , 2 8 I , , , §g , I , , , I , • , I , ~ , , ~ -,0 , ; , , , I g I , I 1 , , , , , , , , , ~ ,--- ~ " ----, ~ ~ IJ I~ ® . , ~I I I~ , , , , , , "U () ;;0 r" ~ U> m J> z rt1 0 Z 0 -0 Z Cl '-;'\ "'" m 0 = - <' < in (5 I z ~ " ~~ " -~ , ,~ .1:5 ~ '" " ~ " '" ~ 0 • '" N I , , 'I , \: , " " ! " ::1 i I :: : I i 1 , . d ~ I r: ~ ~ ~ ~ " itlIDi ~ , d > I i'~ , !;~ , I~s , ! III ill! Ii Ii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ , ~ ~ " Z ! 0 -~ '" . ~ c " i g en m ~ ~ 0 m '-:; I ~ "U 0 I ~ m ;0 0 s: ~ ! --I .. • ) ~E2 , ! ~ ~~ ? 10 D ~ ~ "'~ I~ -, N , , , ~11\\IIIIIII:i _I' II I I " I) ,rr1 ~~ 0 ~ l;ifi 1111 r 1; rw ,,,, .@·O'''>'8.'''''' " ~ ~ " " -~ ,~ ~ en ~ ~65 ~ rn m~u!uu II :i!: §IP~ Inl:~ IiI: i U I ~ 0 -0 " ~ " ~ "'.-'1 .... U~I~~~ooo :10 1 ~ ~n !~~~f !~I ~ <::> ~ S n'i .. ~~.' ~m~I!~ i II ~~ -! ~ • ~ ?: '" = ... '...~ ! N .. ~ mo • () U"1 • § 2 0 ... ""''' N o . '" N I, J ",o,g"",,'l,g U> AJ'P'®Q··lj!01~1J ' ·I~ I~ II i. m" : I !@O~ , . ji;l .• .. <"i'W'l ,." ~~ ... ". ~U;\\{ -C a.~H~~ngur:· ~ ~~ J I~I~ z ~ mi~oOOO"p PI" ~ : -~ <::> _ ·pHP~. • ~ ~ ~ .~ z -" < ~~nn~~~~~i'll 0 Om I~ '" ~ t~i. ;'i = • g " .' ~ • i , '" <.Jl m :; n ~. ~ " Vo U ;;;; o 6",,·" ~ fir 0 • '" z '__ _,I, "'~ -,-)V\, h L>\'\~,,~,~'\,IJ--~_i~i ~~'I:I' I ~ 'II "./' .x ----..... ~I /-s:,~, \~_ ,~\y/ II! =JJ ,; / __ ~~<-: "~\ \ \1'-;:1 n BLDG 790 -\ ,'-(IY't\ ~, \~t'--l WJ~~CE ----' ~tr 'II I ' IT I \' ___ \<~\" \\ \ i ' m-r-l "~ \ I ,I ' ~I 'Ll~=_-, r \ :' '\\03, I I ---;:--1.' h I "'" """ I ~: \ i~\ il t:Lj i ~\ u.; \:~ \' \ \ __ 264' ---.J'.J \ , \ , .,... :...c.:.:o:. ~ .\~ .... \\ \ ________ .... 7~~~~_:c:==i~------9-co£---------I ! '\', \, \ \\"'~" c--..I fF-Il' I :DJ!1ir:::'~~liJ~ ~ l'l_ hl'~ I .. '.. \ I I 'ill'. I' ~ d1 ~ a----------, -\ \\ \ \ '----l r--_ • __ ~ L ----I V~ 1U,~ ~;'I'-~----L' ------~--I-I:I l , ~' ' .. I I I , ['] -", I ~ ,Ii • • D I JI : ~I ~I I 1~~'~=~re51 ['] '-Ill ['] f-h I!i~ ~ SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 (N)N =1 :ro 2lI1J01G20 40 SGI.l£:lo2O LEGEND o EXlSTING11!EE @ PII01'OS[D lREE iano ..... "'1 I'RIFOSUI 6IIU»IC w.J:!l PI!(FOS[!) PARJ(fIG ..., ,... PEDE5lRIAH PA~ o I'RCf'OS<ll UGIlT P<l.E PROI'OS[D OlAlNllNK rna: CUT UNE/lAIITS rx CRIoUNC WP SLOT DRAIN • TYPE lL CATOI BASIN, sruo LXl Il:lI TYPo lL CATCH BASIN, GI/.lTE C3 TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN, saJO UO (J lYPE 2 CATCH BASIN, GRATE IJ SK'rIlR~ CAT01 OASN r""-""" --i~ lED 14c(~~f:J V SEP 30 2015 C~yy Of ~~~~ON ". ". '1 _ ~ ~.ui~" I REMOVAL KEY PLAN 0 SC\LE: NOO£ rti-IIDEIND-I~: M:CEP:"'-SIUTY ...:.':.~.~ ~ ;..",. LAND USE PERMIT £ 300NG I3J """ SITE 05-YD ~DWL '"""""asl""lJRI9"'i 002.l\~ LS61R " !. ..,. "~. M ~. o III II TAXrtiAY A N ~ (f) rn ("T1 0 ' -0 .~ m , <::> - '"" < ~ • ~~ , -..., " ~~ .m ~ , '" ~ , ~ = u; m 0 f'l • ~ Z II , , ! ! Ii " i I ~ i I ~ , , ""'ll/" I I I I I I N C/) m m 0 -u "'" I" Q - '" < = m '-" 0 j ~"D ~ N I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ·1 I I i I I " :1 I , .• 'j I I :i~Jtftl:±±Jj~ .. i . i;:" , , I I "I,' AJ en m rn () -0 "'" m = < '" = w; m 0 ... ; ~.88 z !iiU~ ~ j • [IOOIFn ~~ r~'lgS2 ~ : !~~~I;~ z ---< In!" • '2 ""i "!j ; <D ~ • ~ nU ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 . • '" I N I , i n ~0T\.1'II"'. ~- ................ -.... -" ..,. ...... "'-'-""'"'--- ~­~"- r r v ~ III ffi rn m rrm nrr rn IT[ WEST ELEVATION rI\ Ilta.1.6D EAST ELEVATION rJ\ SCAlE; 1/4_14' -----li~ r t!J mn 1 , ! ~ i , -~ t!J ! ;. ~ ~ m - z ! ...-r"'-'-~""''''''' [~~~:i''1.: ,'''''1.0 U. E>II (i) I ~,~ rt>-.IIEINII· r B r ~R~~_I~LEVATION 1~ r [f..-n.a:'.-....rnntllT ~U~~_l~EVATION l~ SEP 30 20';5 ~~.i\.. ~t::);~:o­rYN G'!:= ~'tl:.~\.J.~.1/T~1"-(I· LAND USE PERMIT'NG )\Vr.flN SEPTEMBERzi:--i<lls"\ -DLR Group --- APRON C -BUILDING 05-429 2 • ~ Q1-U'1XXlR -.~ EAST ELEVATION SCI<£o 1/4 _1-0 WEST ELEVATION SCAl£ 1/4 _1-0 PRE-f1NISIo£D IIfL ~oo =~. A c I.uif-~-~. ~~---LI B SOUTH ELEVATION ~1/4*I-o- ~~~ -~~ P\!E-FNSInl IIll. ""'-~ " ~~ W/U. TYP. B A ~~~ OC»NSI'OOl,TYP. RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2015 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I , I ! I C~'I!V c:: ~::f'~:ON NORTH ELEVATION SCAI.L~ ~.DEIIVO· PLANN!NG DIViSION LAND USE PERMIT SEPTEMBER 23,2015 APRON C -BUILDING 05-430 !nL£: 1/4'_1'-0' ~DLRGroup --- I I VETA\. STAIONl SEAM RCIIJFK d (SSIIR-IJ ~7'_$ ~ L IJ Y IVAl WAll. PNIO.S (IIII'P_I) -,L!-Id-'"' ,ll [C R ~ ~ tr ~ f>J t=::1 I fTI l'-2"f.F. ~ LEGEND --• "'" " GENERAL NOTES SOUTH ELEVATION l~ EAST ELEVATION ltJ .. NO EXroSUI GAl'iloNlZEI) WlTERWS SHI.l.1. oc SCItI; 1/~.'~ SCItI; 1/4 _1'..0 ~. P ~ ;JI flJ [C <lJ [C ':l] ~ ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION NOTES & Ct> OOERDI N.1!IIIUI STAIRS IHlI !WoIP. DESCN Il.U. PRCMJE SI8mIIt. FtII __ l It:> GI.ImRS /,!fO IlCJWNSIIO.m PRIM£ ~ NORTH ELEVATION ,@ ~w. Pm'NISf£l) CIImRS, ~ lIIJ ~ sou: 1/4 -1-0 WEST ELEVATION ,@ ~P[JI~~ SCAlE: 1/4.1':::0" [l>l.Q/I1I£PI]I£lICTRICI,L,~ Il> IfoW; EWf'\01 PDI CONSrl!OC1X)N ~~ [t> SJm. CIWMl RINGS (sQIsl SEI ON ~-~ {J:;:> JIIIUK;I£C 1VN.. ~ $tI.II ROOF. {!::::> PIIEfNSIJ:!l !NTm.OCI\"'; WErAl P.IIn SIlK: w. RECEIVED SEP 30 L015 0-,,-~"'O~~ Ci'V .. ," ,. , . ... ,,-_. ". PLAf'N1NG DIV:210N I lAND USE PERMIT ~DLRGroup SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 -,-"--- - "1-1---. --~~ .. --EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ~.~ RIO 0i.11.1S mIN _ICl£WHUDS _,a " ,.,'u. ....==.:.. CREW SHELTER rt1-.",E'ND· -. ....... "',. -7J7 Ill)( FI..CHTlME .oPRON C CIlE'r SHEIJDIS A60 I BUILDING 05-431 -~.-,--_u --CIS-Ill-A«\ ~ cp cp cy cr~ ~ ~ u. rn 'OJ elm m ~ "Fi'FT TIff ~ i SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4 _,-(1 SCAlE: 1/4_,::0- - cy cp i cp ~ ~ ~ ~cr W OJ m ·1111 :i i W<ta"t ~ .... U'-.-_ CD ~~_r _ __ .w_._~"' ...... .-. ... II..". rm mr IIIII ~....,.. ...... ' , .......... , COI......,.-». ~ NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION 5DLE: 1/4 1-0 SCALE: 1/4 _1_1l" RECFIVED SEP 3 0 2015 2 1 0 1 Z • 1M! C"'" C~ ':);-:~:"O"I ~ 1{2',I'-o' ~.. . PI Ar'~'NGIDVILAND USE PERMIT -I." -I 'SEMPTEMBER 23, 21)15 ~DLRGroup -~.--.-- - . - - - - . -I-"-~~-,.-' 10.'$ -ELEVAnON -BREAK ROOM f/i-BIIEINO-"'="':"'.".:1:.. , -.. '--, _7J7l1l.,I f1..CHllIEUl1.JllS A60 , , APRON B· BUILDING 05-438 ... -11':10141886 -, ---~ --El/lDII,I; 05-4lI!-A&I I ----_._--- ~ CD I I I I I I I rrr-in ;Jkidi;i1~1 t.. 1°· 11#""'1 19"..,11 K~ $ 4r *~~R!LOOR PLAN eN) ~IIEINII· RECE\VED SEP 3 0 20\] C P <7V C;;: "~~.",,,, " ~,i1 _ , ... ,_i\".'--· ... PLANNINC O\VC~O;--! GENERAL NOTES \, ,,11. Wtt.J<Al. COIII1IICI1lR N«l ~ SOOCON!ll.OClOll$ SH\I.t\9!IfY~NC)ca.tI1IlNS_(»IlIIE -. Z. TIl: GEHOiIL CONTIOCllIR AHD RE!lPEClM' SV\lCOHllIAC'lC stlIU II: RE5POI6IU FOR COORCiNi\lION or Cr.'L ~SIiU:1l.IIIIrI.~AlClEI.£CI1I£II..IIlIIll. l. "I'1!Mr SIW.l BE _ 1lI IIQII SU'PtT AND NStIU. 4. F'RIMtlE IQIIlE 1RAIlEI! mJNO"TDI. ~ MOR, 1W1!i, C£lJM;. EmRItlR DOORS, I'INDOIIS, AND ROOf (stnJJ NIl 5WIS, IWI'S,. NfJ RAUc::s, DIGtEDIID .. CONSTRU:Tm IJI' IQlWII MIJNIi IIIICFACIIJIDI. ARCHITECTURAL: [J::;> PIO/ll[ 24".l4· CARPEl" ll.[ FlDOR CXMR:N:: """"" --[t> _ CARPU m VM'I. ~ SJl!P. fl:> _ 24"02'" SU-tIFF CIo'!l'£I FlDOR CXMRN: AT 1115 Lf,Ij[lfjC AR£I. IS Nll:l1ID. [I> PIiIMIE ~,43"I1IfTE EIOMO. ~ EIOTlOII AT 42· w. [1> WREIlSS ICCESS f'OII(f [t> IIU1IaltlI.TaI I'IlOIIlED 9T I!CJEH;. I!> _ ," fb 1IJI:{IIm 1lU!l!ER1MIJ.lIA5E ~~. [):> 0II0I!S. DaIS. oa:w;,. AIfJ ru ~ I'I!MG IIOOC {Il'P.} It> PR(M()[ VIf'tI. OOIERED AI(l FWIfI[!l GW8 !'AAEl IIAUS ---~ ~ DItN(K; .. 1ER ecmu: SOM:l (NMXIIIJI' !IJE~ [il> PII7<'tlE II[Pol 'ClRIZ0f<lIAI. WNlOW IUIDS AT WJO:lI'$ "", liZ> PRCMJE 'IIU Of zn SlWS AT 16" O.C. 1Il ROOf -'OOYE IIIIIt ". IVITED VINYL IIIW' !:We OCH SID£. [l> _COlI.UI'llTHPAlNltllVINYL_CII!INfJ4"H YIII'flCORNEll\'lJAl![lS.{TTP,). B> PRCMJE SItn wm. flOOII CCI¥ERIN: fIRlIJG!Wr tHIS lUll '11TH 6' INIEl:IW.. CGG IWL BASt. D> PROYIDE VIftI. C<MR£D STM! IROOS Nt) FII5ERS. TTP, ~ PRCMJE O/£--fD.II RATUI IWL AROlIIJ 5fAIRIEll. flU IO;Hr Ttl UGJ!SIl[ OF ROOf. NlICmIl 8J !l\SH ~ ffl> PROYIDE l',. -8" 5OlJ[l COP:!: PAt/ITll 4!>-1IINUTE RATtlI DOOII. F1IAII[ NIl IW!DrNIE AT THIS UlCA'OON. Sf! """" [B>-_4B"~rN:K II(WIOlTTHlSl.OCATXIN._ IIlTTtlUM42"-'H. fi):> PIIO'o'IlEIWLIl'.:ltMUlf1![[).'lII;I.ISIOlTTItS I.OCI.OON, WOlMT WIlH IIlTTtlU AT V-UI. 1o..JP_-~----, SCAt£: 1/4".,'-(1' lAND USE PERMIT SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 III DLR LJrOUD z 'I'· • I! ! ~! I N (f) m ..,., 0 " "'" \11 "" <: r-' = m wi 0 ---------- ~;; -z !:S;; .g) II ~ . ®> :~ ~ ~ z ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,Ii'i • 'I! 'id I ~ " -5 ,: . ~ ~ ~ -~ i:; ® ® c • o 71'-8" T-4 1(2' 1;-1" lJ"I" 1J'.\" 13'-41f2" 11'-8' ~ ,$ ~ ~ J I! 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PAMlJI ILlt DOOR IE fIWI( WIIH IlfAC BOLT l.OCK AND NON-ROI::Ma.E f'II~ -(!> PI!I;M;lE 24'k:W CUII'U ll.E flOOR aMIItC TIIICl.QIX/f as IIIJOII AS NXAlIII. [t>PIII,MlESTAIRS/FWIIPS/IWI..IN:SASDESleN[[) AND ENGINEEIIED fJ( IIOBIl.E \HI ~AC'rIMIER. !l>~~tQl!OARD._'ImM IImCII AT Q" ~F. l!> PI/(lIIl£ 24"l!24" WAUC-oFf CAIIPET III IMJI 11£ MIi'Y AAEII (.oJ>PIrox. o"X8') AS IIfOI!:.ITID. [t> fWm: ,. loG ROm' IIlJ(/BIIIIN RlIBBER DU 8IS£ l!IIOI.QQIl" llIS l1OOIoI ll> OWlS, TJa.£$ NCI ~ IJ'I'l.WoICES 11) IE FWroED 91' IKDC (rTP.) [n>I'R(7.'ftWlllIXlYEJlE{lPAlNT!DQftlP.l.'n1ll4J,S --~ !!l> PIII7ID' IIEfAl II;lRIlI)W(. __ !lOllS AT 1IlIOOIIS{rrI'.) [%:> PRtNDE SlID VINI'I. fl.O(I!I ~ AT lMIS UL\1IlH WIIH CARPO 10 wm. I1WISIIlON srw AS _w [J> ~.=.~cu:~~ !J>F'RUroE43"\a)5"WIIIIlEIoWIIIERBCi\I![l ~ IIIlH IIOT1l)U AT 4l-/fl. RECEIVED SEP 3 0 ZOiJ C ,"O"'J C,.. ~·v·""" I ~.I' _-"':':':.",.J~'l PLANNING D1V1S!ON I lAND USE PERMIT SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 APRON C· BUILDING 05-43B !i:AL£; 1/2".1'-0" ~DLR Agencies See Attached Jonathan Wilson Owner Mark Clement, The Boeing Company Applicant Napoleon Caldwell Party of Record (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante f i1 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for~~ mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Oc..\-Wto ;J9 dOl,? I Notary (print): ____ Avd..l.~ ... O"'\.~~. f--{J?...J:...LI"1.JJJ"":"'~WT('--=--O-(-"::1---------- My appointment expires: v (J~~ 0'--I C7 -, Apron C 737 CljMAX Stalls LUA1S-000714, ECF template -affi avit af servi City of Renton 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton. WA 98055 Napoleon Caldwell 4569 Madreperla Las Vegas. NV 89121 • JONATHAN WILSON CITY OF RENTON -Airport 616 W Perimeter Rd, A Renton. WA 98057 Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 MS 1 W-09 Seattle. WA 98124 • Dept. of Ecology" Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region· Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 us Army Corp. of Engineers· Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers ... Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Oev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle PubliC Utilities Timothy C. Croli, Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 • AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology" Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. " Attn: Misty Blair Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO 80x47703 39015 _172nd Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 Ouwamish Tribal Office· Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program •• 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Laura Murphy Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program •• Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Erin Slaten Ms. Shirley Marroquin 39015172" Avenue SE 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 WDFW -Larry Fisher' Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Issaquah, WA 98027 PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Tim McHarg Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECD Director of Community Development 220 Fourth Avenue South 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Newcastle, WA 98056 Puget Sound Energy City o!Tukwila Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. Jack Pace, Responsible Official 355 110" Ave NE 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Mailstop EST llW Tukwila, WA 98188 Believue, WA 98004 Puget Sound Energy Doug Corbin, Municipal liaison Mgr. 6905 South 228" St Kent, WA 98032 'Note: If the Notice of Application states that it Is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. **Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov .. Karen Walter, laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us Ilaura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.usL erin.slaten@muckleshoot.nsn.us ** *Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: seoacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (ONS-M) PO!>TED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACT10N PROJECT NAME: Apron C 737 CliMAX Stalls PROJECT NUM8ER: LUA1S·0G0714, ECF LOCATION: 616, 760 arid 770 W Perimeter Road DESCRIPTION: THE BOEING COMPANY IS REQUESTlNG SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR THE ADDITION OF SEVEN 737 AIRCRAFT PARkiNG STAUS (APRON C) AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND VEHIClES PARkiNG AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, WHICH IS ZONED INDUSTRIAL MEOIUM IIMI. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE PAVEMENT REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, SUPPORT INFRASTRUCTURE INClUDING WATER. FIRE PROTECTION, ELECTFUCAL AND STROMWATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. OFFICE AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INClUDING 18 MODUlAR 8UILDINGS. THE COM81NED TOTAL MODUlAR 8UILDING AREA WOULD BE 9,780 Sf WITH :l8 ASSOCIATED PARkiNG STALlS. THE NEW 137 APRON C WOULD 8E lOCATED AT 760, 770, AND 120 WEST PEIUMmR ROAD ON THREE LEASED PARCELS fROM THE RENTON MUNIClPALAIRPDRT (616 W PEIUMmR 11.01. THE AREA Of APRON C WOULD TOTAL 217,6U Sf OR 4.99 ACItES. SITE ACCBS IS PROPOSED VIA THREE DRIVEWAYS ALONG W PERIMETER ROAD. THE APPUCANT HAS INDICATED THE PROJECT WOULD RESULT IN 12,000 CUBIC YAROS OF CUT AND 15,400 CUBIC YARDS Of FIll. THE PROPOSED fRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS WOULD RESULT IN THE REMOVAL Of 8 TREES ALONG W. PERIM£TER ROAo, THE APPUCANT SUBMmtD A GEOTECHNiCAl ANAlYSIS AND TIll. WITH THE APPUCATION. THE SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN A SEISMIC HAZARD AREA AND AN EROSION HAZARD AREA; NO OrtlER CRITICAl ARfAS AlIi: LOCATED ON THE PROJECT SITE. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED A CONSTRUCTION HOURS OF 7:00 AM TO 10:00 PM WHICH ARE OUTSIDE THE AllOWED CONSTRUCTION WINDOW PER rtlE em OF RENTON CODE, THEREFORE A NOISE AN ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL WOULD liE REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY 'AND WOULD BE PROCESSI:DSil'ARATElY. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC! HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED AalON HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPAaS THAT CAN 8E MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the envlronmentill determlniltlon must be filed In writlnl on or before 5:00 p,m. on November 13, 201S, tOlllther with the reqUired fee with: Hearln, Examiner, City of Renton, 10S5 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the EllIminer are ,overned by Clty'of RMC 4-8-110 and information re&ilrdin& the ilppeal procen may be obtained from ttul Renton City Clerk's Offlr:e, (425) 430-6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBUC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. OF i I CERTIFICATION I, !/OJI/@CA..Oolb-u ."2- . ' hereby certify that ~ copies of the above document were posted In ~ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date: /() -2q -15 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) SS ) Signed:16~lLcO~A <.. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that V 12 \'0 . d h' . Q..bt'S5t.C.. 0 f€ slgne t IS Instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrument. Dated: Notar P. blic in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): .fu 'TI intment eXPires: __ A:~~TL:l.o:s:s+:t:.L_&l":;~£~l;-~_=.d10!J.O:L ___ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on October 30,2015. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $137.00. ~ /a&L- &1ndaMills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter ~§~om '0 = ,,,,, 30ili My of(3,,""",. 2015. Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Puyallup, Washington \\\1111/""1 \\\\ I\LE Gf1,-, '1" ,\ (; •••••••• "11--' ... " •• ;;\5510-\1 ;.i:0 • -:.. ~ .. ~~ .4~..-:. .~ /v ~.._ :: ! NOTARY ! = en ! PUBLIC ! :: --H. 0;: .. :. y °0 0··0 ~ --:",\°'0 .,~ ... "; ~ o·.f,,3 .20 ,: ••• r..." " -:, 0 .. ,..... ,,,,-\v " '" 't:' L''VASfl,'" ,\' "IIII"'"'~~' NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determi· nation of Non-Significance Miti- gated (DNS-M) for the following project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Apron C 737 ell Max Stalls LUAI5·000714 Location: 616 W Perimeter Rd. The Boeing Company is re- questing 7 new 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron C) and associated infiastructure im- provements and parking at the Renton Municipal Airport, zoned 1M. Improvements in- clude pavement repair and re- placement, support infrastruc- ture including water, fire pro- tection, electrical and stromwa- ter drainage, office and support structures including 18 mod- ular buildings. The combined total modular building area is 9,780 SF with 38 associated parking stalls. The area of Apron C would total 4.99 ac. Site access is proposed via three driveways along W Pe- rimeter Road. The applicant has indicated the project would result in 12,000 cy of cut and 15,400 cy of fill and the re- moval of 8 trees. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Anal- ysis, and TIR with the applica- tion. The site is located with in a seismic hazard area and an erosion hazard area, no other critical areas are located on the project site. The applicant has requested a construction hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm and night work for Apron 8, which would require a separate City approval. Appeals of the DNS-M must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.rn. on November 13, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the re- quired fee with:Hearing Examin- er c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425·430·6510. Published in the Renton Reporter on October 30, 2015.#1446793. -. • Department of communitWd Economic Development --------- -------~------------------- NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE RENTON, WASHINGTON . The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated (DNS-M) for the following project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Apron C 737 C11 Max Stalls LUA15-000714 Location: 616 W Perimeter Rd. The Boeing Company is requesting 7 new 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron C) and associated infrastructure improvements and parking at the Renton Municipal Airport, zoned 1M. Improvements include pavement repair and replacement, support infrastructure including water, fir~ protection, electrical and stromwater drainage, office and support structures including 18 modular buildings. The combined total modular building area is 9,780 SF with 38 associated parking stalls. The area of Apron C would total 4.99 ac. Site access is proposed via three driveways along W Perimeter Road. The applicant has indicated the project would result in 12,000 cy of cut and 15,400 cy of fill and the removal of 8 trees. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Analysis, and TIR with the application. The site is located with in a seismic hazard area and an erosion hazard area, no other critical areas are located on the project site. The applicant has requested a construction hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm and night work for Apron B, which would require a separate City approval. Appeals of the DNS-M must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 13,2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. Publication Date: October 30, 2015 Denis Law' Mayor' • October 29, 20.15 Community & Economic Development De'partment " , , Mark Clement-,,; The Boeing Company, ' , " PO Box 370.7 MC lW-o.9 . Seattle, WA 98124' C.E."Chip·Vincent,Administrator. ' '. " SUBJECT:, ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAl THRESHOLD DETERMiNATION, , ,'Apron ,C 737 CliMAX Stalls; LUA15~o.o.o.714, ECF' ' , ' , .oearMr: Clement: . This letter is written on behalf ofthe EriitironmEmtal Review Com'niittee,(ERC) to acjvise ,'you that theyhave conipletedtheir review of the s[!bject proje'ct and have issued a ' threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. ; 'Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report, for a list of the Mitigation Measures.. ' , . . .. Appeal~ oftheenvlronmental determi~ation must be filed in writing on or before 5:00. ' p.m •. on November 13, 20.15, together, with ther~quired fee with:, Hearing Examiner" ' City of Renton, 1055 South GradyWay; REmtonj WA 980.57. Appeals to the Examiner are' ' governed by.R·MC 4-8-110. andinformation'regard'ing the appeal process may be, ' obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430.-6510.. . , . If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing date will be'set and all parties notified. ' '. " Ifydu haveany further questions, please call me at (425) 430.-7314. F'or the Environmental Review Committee, Vaness Dolbee Current Planning Manager Enclosure cc: Jonathan Wilson, City of Renton / Owner(s) Napoleon Caldwell / Applicant Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov I 'Denis Law Mayor October 29, 2015 Comm~nity & Economic Developmeni Department , ' CE:"Chip"Vincent;Administrator' , lIVashingtonState Department of~cology, Environmental Review Section PO Boli47703 Olympia, WA98504-770~ Subject: ENVIRONMENTAlJSEPAITHRESHOLD DETERMINATIC)N ' Transmitted ,herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following " project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) 6n October 26; 2015: • • : "> '. • -, • .~ SEPA DETERMINATION: PROJECT NAME: ' PROJECT NUMBER: Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated (ONS'Mf Apron C737C111111AXStalis LUA1S·000714, ECF , Appeals of the environmental determinati~nmust be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 13, 2015, together with the required fee' with: Hearing'Examiner, ' City of Renton, 1055 South Grady,'Way, Renton, WA 98057, Appeals to the Ex~miner are gOl(erned by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be ' obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430,6510, . . . .' .' '. ~,,' . . Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determi~ation for complete details, If you have questions; pleas~ ,call meat (425) 430-7314, For the Environmental Review Committee, ' .". ., '. ' '. . .' yanessa D,olbee , Current Planning Manager Enclosure cc: King Co~nty Wastewater"Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resour~es Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoo't I~dian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program 'Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Ar.chae~logy & f:iistori~ Preserva~ion "Ramln,Pazooki, WSOOT, NW Region "larry Fisher, WDFW . . Duwamish Tribal Office' US Army Corp., of Engineers Renton City Hall' • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington98057 .rentonw~:gov " • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000714, ECF APPLICANT: Mark Clement, The Boeing Company PROJECT NAME: Apron C 737 CliMAX Stalls PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Boeing Company is requesting SEPA Environmental Review for the addition of seven 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron C) and associated infrastructure improvements and vehicles parking at the Renton Municipal Airport, which is zoned Industrial Medium (1M). Proposed improvements include pavement repair and replacement, support infrastructure including water, fire protection, electrical and stromwater' drainage improvements, office and support structures including 18 modular buildings. The combined total modular building area would be 9,780 SF with 38 associated parking stalls. The new 737 Apron C would be located at 760, 770, and 820 West Perimeter Road on three leased parcels from the Renton Municipal Airport (616 W Perimeter Rd). The area of Apron C would total 217,621 SF or 4.99 acres. Site access is proposed via three driveways along W Perimeter Road. The applicant has indicated the project would result in '12,000 cubic yards of cut and 15,400 cubic yards of fill. The proposed frontage improvements would result in the removal of 8 trees along W. Perimeter Road. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Analysis and TIR with the application. The site is located within a seismic hazard area and an erosion hazard area; rio other critical areas are located on the project site. The applicant has requested a construction hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm which are outside the allowed construction window per the City of Renton code, therefore a noise an administrative approval would be, required to be approved by the City and would be processed separately. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: 616, 760 and 770 W Perimeter Rd City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) , is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-0700 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 13, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: jL \,.-- Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department • ---------1Pt~IID1t@illl October 30, 2015 October 26, 2015 loll (; /Ie; 'r 7 Date Date a {J ;61---1 -M~rson, Fmiflistrator Fire & Emergency Services C€\1-~ J C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development /0/.:<" ls- I 7 Date· /6 !?.(. 11-> I I Date --------------------- • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNSM) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: -APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: lUA1S-000714, ECF Mark Clement, The Boeing Company, PO Box 3707 MC 1W, Seattle, WA 98124 Apron C 737 CliMAX Stalls PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Boeing Company is requesting SEPA Environmental Review for the addition of seven 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron C) and associated infrastructure improvements and vehicles parking at the Renton Municipal Airport, which is zoned Industrial Medium (1M). Proposed improvements include pavement repair and replacement, support infrastructure including water, fire protection, electrical and stromwater drainage improvements, office and support structures including 18 modular buildings. The combined total modular building area would be 9,780 SF with 38 associated parking stalls. The new 737 Apron C would be located at 760, 770, and 820 West Perimeter Road on three leased parcels from the Renton Municipal Airport (616.w Perimeter Rd). The area of Apron C would total 217,621 SF or 4.99 acres. Site access is proposed via three driveways along W Perimeter Road. The applicant has indicated the project would result in 12,000 cubic yards of cut and 1S,400 cubic yards of fill. The proposed frontage improvements would result in the removal of 8 trees along W. Perimeter Road. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Analysis and TIR with the application. The site is located within a seismic hazard area and an erosion hazard area; no other critical areas are located on the project site. The applicant has requested a construction hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm which are outside the allowed construction window per the City of Renton code, therefore a noise an administrative approval would be required to be approved by the City and would be processed separately. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: 616,760 and 770 W Perimeter Rd The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendation included in the Geotechnical Report prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 201S or an updated report submitted at a later date. 2. If any Native American gravels) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop in accordance with RCW 27.53.060 and 27.44.020, and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton. • • planning department, concerned Tribes' cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. ADIVISORY NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to· the appeal process for the land use actians. PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I )'>)>"-"""-1' :r"-"':::. ,,',",1,;::,:(1':',' n;', ;",: ,;(:,:;.:;;-,-in;'. ,ire ~-;!;> ,:,n,,'_' "', "J:_ '," . ,,:.-,;--~~--. -.-.. --.. ---::-~--. -'~B" iPo!ice'PI~n ~evlelN .Co.m.m~n~sf'ContaCt:H6I1Y)Tr~der)f,4.:25;4~0,7519'I!i'i· fii"i)! . )"'. ihtrader@rentonwa;gov,:,"<iii;, '--:lL,:y,dij;:-;">!ii</ diiE.!jtig;'ji:,,'J)Diii:!: '!lTi,'-i:"ih ,1-)il,.!<-;ijLuJiJ1iiii<'J'<:'mi ,'';:''1 }:1>1-' --;ii~i{.dL 'L: ... /". ,',i;:' ;:;" i Recommendations: '4.6 Police Calls fur Service Estimated Ann~aTIy"'-'-"" , -,- CONSTRUCTION PHASE Theft from construction sites is one of the most commonly reported crimes in the City. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should be fitted with heavy duty dead bolts with a minimum 11/2" throw when bolted. Any construction material that contains copper should be removed from the construction site at the end of each working day. Glass windows in construction trailers should be shatter resistant. Toolboxes and storage containers should be secured with heavy duty padlocks and kept locked when not in use. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted on the property during the construction phase. These signs will allow officers, upon contact, to provide a verbal warning to trespassers that should they be contacted on the property again, they could be cited and/or arrested. COMPLETED FACILITY All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty dead bolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. All strike plates should have 2 1/2 to 3" wood screws. All structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 6" in height and of a color contrasting with the building. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. It is important for safety and· security reasons to have appropriate lighting and signage. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted in conspicuous locations throughout the property, including entrances to the property and parking areas. I highly recommend that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises once construction is complete. , 1. Separate plans and permits required for the installation of fire sprinkler, fire alarm and fire hydrant requirements. r~~t~'~~i~~R~~iew~co;~~~;~';c~;rt~~:Y'~:;;~~~"6~Tb~~i'I~~?E4~8:-7!31~T:: .. ,""1T"' .• ' . '~'i"-i .,..,....."1\ ,ygQ!~~,g@'@D!.QDl':{E"gQ'y.~,!,._:c.,;;....,_:x....!,,-! .. __ i!_..-o.! .. !~::,,,,~~ .... _~. __ " ___ :J Recommendations: 1. RMC section 44 030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3.:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Planning Division. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 2 of 3 • • 2. Commercial, multi family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. . 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval ofthe permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 3 of 3 • • ,.. ..... s CITY OF -----.--fiT"-',.-.Ren ton ® OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: Apron C 737 CliMAX Stalls LUA15·000714, ECF . LOCATION: 616,760 and 770 W Perimeter Road DESCRIPTION: THE BOEING COMPANY IS REQUESTING 5EPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR THE ADDITION OF SEVEN 737 AIRCRAFT PARKING STALLS (APRON C) AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND VEHICLES PARKING AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, WHICH IS ZONED INDUSTRIAL MEDIUM (1M), PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE PAVEMENT REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, SUPPORT ' INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING WATER, FIRE PROTECTION, ELECTRICAL AND STROMWATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, OFFICE AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INCLUDING 18 MODULAR BUILDINGS. THE COMBINED TOTAL MODULAR BUILDING AREA WOULD BE 9,780 SF WITH 38 ASSOCIATED PARKING STALLS. THE NEW 737 APRON C WOULD BE LOCATED AT 760, 770, AND 820 WEST PERIMETER' ROAD ON THREE LEASED PARCELS FROM TH,E RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (616 W PERIMETER RD). THE AREA OF APRON C WOULD TOTAL 217,621 SF OR 4.99 ACRES. SITE ACCESS IS PROPOSED VIA THREE DRIVEWAYS ALONG W PERIMETER ROAD. THE APPLICANT HAS INDICATED THE PROJECT WOULD RESULT IN 12,000 CUBIC YARDS OF CUT AND 15,400 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL. THE PROPOSED FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS WOULD RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF 8 TREES ALONG W. PERIMETER ROAD. THE APPLICANT SUBMITIED A GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND TlR WITH THE APPLICATION. THE SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN A SEISMIC HAZARD AREA AND AN EROSION HAZARD AREA; NO OTHER CRITICAL AREAS ARE LOCATED ON THE PROJECT SITE. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED A CONSTRUCTION HOURS OF 7:00 AM TO 10:00 PM WHICH ARE OUTSIDE THE ALLOWED CONSTRUCTION WINDOW PER THE CITY OF RENTON CODE, THEREFORE A NOISE AN ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL WOULD BE REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY AND WOULD 'BE PROCESSED SEPARATELY. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERe) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 13, 2015, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner,. City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4·8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. • r. • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------..... Renton ® ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DA TE: Project Name: Praject Number: Praject Manager: Owner: Applicant/Cantact: Project Lacation: Project Summary: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDA TlON: October 26, 2015 Apron C 737 CliMAX Stalls LUA15-000714, ECF Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager City of Renton, 1011 Perimeter Rd. W, Renton, WA 98055 Mark Clement, Boeing, PO Box 3707 MC 1W-09, Seattle, WA 98124 616, 760 and 770 W Perimeter Rd The Boeing Company is requesting SEPA Environmental Review for the addition of seven 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron C) and associated infrastructure improvements and vehicles parking at the Renton Municipal Airport, which is zoned Industrial Medium (1M). Proposed improvements include pavement repair and replacement, support infrastructure including water, fire protection, electrical and stromwater drainage improvements, office and support structures including 18 modular buildings. The combined total modular building area would be 9,780 SF with 38 associated parking stalls. The new 737 Apron C would be located at 760, 770, and 820 West Perimeter Road on three leased parcels from the Renton Municipal Airport (616 W Perimeter Rd). The area of Apron C would total 217,621 SF or 4.99 acres. Site access is proposed via three driveways along W Perimeter Road. The applicant has indicated the project would result in 12,000 cubic yards of cut and 15,400 cubic yards of fill. The proposed frontage improvements would result in the removal of 8 trees along W. Perimeter Road. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Analysis and TIR with the application. The site is located within a seismic hazard area and an erosion hazard area; no other critical areas are located on the project site. The applicant has requested a construction hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm which are outside the allowed construction window per the City of Renton code, therefore a noise an administrative approval would be required to be approved by the City and would be processed separately. 3,000 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 217,621 SF Total Building Area GSF: 7,620 SF 9,780 SF 12,780 SF Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). ERe Repolt_1S-000714 ~------------------------------------------------ City oj Renton Department of Community & .m;c Development APRON C 737 ClIMAX STALLS Report of October 26, 2015 ERC ReporC15-000714.docx eVifonmental Review Committee Report WA1S-000714 Page 2 of 8 Project location Map e. e City 0/ Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report APRON C 737 CliMAX STALLS WAIS-000714 Report of October 26, 2015 Page 3 of 8 PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION I BACKGROUND The Boeing Company is requesting SEPA Environmental Review for the addition of seven 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron C) and associated infrastructure improvements and vehicles parking at the Renton Municipal Airport, which is zoned Industrial Medium (1M). A 217,621 SF (4.99 acres) parcel is being leased from the Renton Municipal Airport for the seven aircraft parking stalls. The new 737 Apron C would be located at 760,770, and 820 West Peri!l1eter Road. The three parcels are identified as #760 (56,923 SF), #770 (86,848 SF), and #820 (73,850 SF). The additional stalls are needed for the Boeing MAX CI Program production rate increases. The site is located midfield on the west side ofthe Runway, between the taxiway and the W. Perimeter Rd. The area is flat and primarily impervious. The previous use on the site was for aircraft parking/tie down, in addition to an old building pad that has previously been demolished. The site is proposed to be updated with infrastructure improvements to support the new 737 aircraft parking stalls. Proposed improvements include pavement repair and replacement, support infrastructure including water, fire protection, electrical and stromwater drainage improvements, office and support structures including 18 modular buildings. The combined total modular building area would be 9,220 SF with 38 associated parking stalls. Site access is proposed via three driveways along W. Perimeter Road. A new sidewalk is proposed along the west side of Perimeter Road to provide for pedestrian connections between the two parcels. No other off site improvements are proposed; however staff anticipates some may be required for utility connections to facilities located in W. Perimeter Road. The proposed frontage improvements would result in the removal of 8 trees along W. Perimeter Road. The applicant has indicated the project would result in 12,000 cubic yards of cut and 15,400 cubic yards of fill. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Analysis and TIR with the application. The site is located within a seismic hazard area and an erosion hazard area; no other critical areas are located on the project site. The applicant has requested for construction hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm which are outside the allowed construction window per the City of Renton code, therefore a noise an administrative approval would be requreid to be approved by the City and would be processed separately .. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A_ Environmental Threshold Recommendation . Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. ERC Report_lS-000714.docx • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report APRON C 737 CliMAX STALLS LUAIS-000714 Report of October 26, 2015 Page 4 of 8 B. Mitigation Measures C. 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendation included in the Geotechnical Report prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 2015 or an updated report submitted at a later date. 2. If any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop in accordance with RCW 27 .53.060 and 27.44.020, and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes' cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 13 Exhibit 14 Exhibit 15 Exhibit 16 Neighborhood Detail Map -Sheet C4 Site Plan -Sheets C80_0, C80, C81 Grading Plan -Sheet C150 Storm Drain Plan -Sheets C291 and C292 Topography Map -Sheet C10 and C11 Tree Cutting and Land Clearing -Sheets LS60R -LS62R Floor Plans -1AlO (3 Sheets) and Sheet 2A10 Landscape Plan -Sheets L560 and L561 Utility Plan -Sheets C290 Elevations -A60 (4 Sheets) Construction Mitigation Description 737 MAX Flightline Utilities -Apron C graphic Preliminary Geotechnical Report, prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 2015 Technical Information Report, Prepared by DOWL, dated September 2015 Vehicular Trip Generation Estimate, prepared by Transpo Group, dated September 21, 2015 Plan Review Comments D. Environmental Impacts The Proposol wos circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likelyta have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The subject site is located in an area of known seismic hazards and erosion hazards, both geotechnical hazards. As such the applicant submitted a Preliminary Geotechnical Report, prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 2015. Based on the provided report the eastern portion of the site was under Lake Washington. At the time of original site development the site grades were raised and leveled with about S to 8 feet of fill. On September 9, 10 and 11, 201S S&EE completed a subsurface exploration which included 7 soil test borings and 3 concreate cores. The boring results indicated that in general the site in underlain by a layer of existing fill, which includes ERC Report_1S-000714.docx • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report APRON C 737 CliMAX STALLS LUAJ5-000714 Report of October 26, 2015 Page 5 of 8 materials such as silt, silty sand, and sand. The boring data shows that the majority of the fill is compact and appears to be controlled structural fill. However, some fill located in the southwestern portion ofthe site is primary loose sand and appears to be randomly placed. Boring 2 encountered abundant wood chips, which likely corresponds to the presence of the previous on- site sawmill. The fill is underlain by lake deposits that include soft to very soft silt and loose to very loose sand and silty sand with pockets of medium dense sand and medium stiff silt. These deposits extend to a depth of 38.8 feet below ground. Layers of peat and organic are common in the native soils, Boring 3 encountered a 4-foot thick peat layer at 16 to 20 feet below the ground surface. S&EE indicated that a previous experience at the Boeing 5-50 Building indicated that a similar peat layer caused about one to two inches of long-term ground settlement. The Geotechnical Report indicates that the compressible materials found in the borings would incur a risk of ground settlement under new surface loads such as buildings, mats and airplanes. However, the settlement potential is very difficult to estimate, as the materials are random in location, depth and thickness. Mitigation for such settlement potential would include ground improvement measures such as stone column or jet grouting (over-excavation is not feasible as the groundwater depth was found to be at about 4.5 feet deep). S&EE concludes that the mitigation is not warranted for the subject proposed for the following reasons: 1) The proposed structures such as the office trailers, crew shelters and storage sheds are light- weight pre-fabricated buildings. The building would impose low ground pressure and would thus incur low settlement potential. In addition, these types of structures are typically supported on concrete piers. Due to the construction method these building can be re-Ieveled if excessive ground settlement occurs in the future. 2) Boeing jets have parked at the eastern portion of the site in the past. Based on the current soil conditions there are minimal signs of distress from ground settlement, as such the likelihood of future ground settlement in the area is low. 3) The proposed project is planned for a 2-year window, and therefore S&EE believes that the risk of sever ground settlement in this short period oftime is low. If Boeing chooses to extend their lease, local repair would be conducted at that time if necessary. The report continues to provide recommendations, including but not limited to, the compressible peat layer, underground vault design, spread footing design and construction, slab-on-grade or load-supporting mats, underground utility construction, subgrade preparation, dewatering, backfill, etc. Based on the recommendation provided in the Geotechnical Report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure, that the applicant comply with the recommendation included in the Geotechnical Report prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 2015 or an updated report submitted at a later date. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall comply with the recommendation included in the Geotechnical Report prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 2015 or an updated report submitted at a later date. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Review, 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations 2. Storm Water Impacts: The applicant submitted a Technical Information Report (TIR) and a SWPPP prepared by DOWL, dated September 2015. Based on the provide TIR, the project contains greater than 2,000 SF of replaced impervious surface and therefore Full Drainage Review would be required pursuant ERe Report_1S-000714.docx • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report APRON C 737 CliMAX STALLS WA1S-000714 Report of October 26, 2015 Page 6 of 8 to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and City of Renton Amendments. Under current condition, the on-site runoff collects in an underground conveyance system that discharges into an existing box culver under West Perimeter Road. The applicant has proposed to install a separate system for the proposed upgrades; however the site would continue to discharge into the W. Perimeter Road box culvert at approximately the same location. The subject site is located within the Lake Washington direct discharge area approximately 2,100 feet from Lake Washington and therefore no flow control measures are required per the KCSWDM. The TIR indicates that water quality treatment may be reduced to the basic level due to a direct piped discharge to a lake larger than 3000 acres (Lake Washington). The applicant has proposed basic treatment be provided by Contech Stormfilters and oil-water separation. The site would be storing seven 737 aircraft which would contain fuel tanks. As such the project warrants source controls. Fuel spill control and containment would be provided for those positions that might hold a fueled or previously fueled aircraft. Coalescing plate oil water separators would be installed. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required Nexus: N/A 3_ Noise Impacts: Temporary construction noise is anticipated as a result of the subject project. The applicant has indicated that construction would begin in January of 2016 and finish in May of 2016. Within the provided construction mitigation description (Exhibit 11) the applicant has indicated they would like to work outside the City's approved construction times and start work for Apron C at 7:00 am and end at 10:00 pm Monday through Saturday. For Apron B the Construction Mitigation Description indicates work would be begin at 9:00 pm and end at 7:00 am (night work). The applicant has proposed to disable the backup alarms on the construction equipment (dump trucks, excavator, and vac truck) and would direct backing with a spotter. In addition, the truck beds would be lined with a layer of sand to muffle debris loading noise. The proposed night work for the Duct Bank is located in the grass between the taxiway and the runway (Exhibit 12). Based on the location of the proposed work and the lack of residential development in the project area the request for work hours outside the City standard construction hours would require an administrative approval; a noise variance would not be required. It is anticipated with the application of the above proposed noise reduction measures, the proposed work hours would not result in a significant impact on any surrounding residential development. Furthermore, the anticipated construction noise impacts would be temporary in nature and for a limited duration. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required Nexus: N/A 4. Historic and Cultural Preservation Impacts: In the SEPA checklist the applicant indicated that they completed a search ofthe Washington State Information System of Architectural and Archaeological Records Data. The Checklist concludes that the system did not identify any properties within the project area as being ERC ReporC15-000714.docx • • City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report APRON C 737 CliMAX STALLS LUA15-000714 Report of October 26, 2015 Page 7 of 8 on the historic property inventory or register. No comments were received from the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. The provided Geotechnical Report indicates that the northern portion ofthe airport was once under the surface of Lake Washington. In addition the study found that the Black River used to run out of the lake, flow south through the site vicinity and then west. Based on the probability of the subject site being along the banks of an old river channel and lake shore there is a higher likelihood of cultural resources discover, through ground disturbing activity. As such, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that if any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop in accordance with RCW 27.53.060 and 27.44.020, and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes' cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. The SEPA check list indiCates that if any archaeological resources are encountered a professional Archaeologist would be called to assess the significance of the find. Mitigation Measures: If any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop in accordance with RCW 27.53.060 and 27.44.020, and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes' cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Review, RCW 27.53 Archaeological Sites and Resources, and RCW 27.44 Indian Graves and Records. Transportation Impacts: The applicant submitted a Vehicular Trip Generation Estimate, prepared by Transpo Group, dated September 21, 2015 (Exhibit 15). The memorandum states that the headcount for employees on site is not anticipated to increase beyond the maximum levels established with the City for the overall plant site. In addition, the report indicated that 80 percent of the vehicle activity generated by Apron C would likely be on-site Boeing vehicles that would not travel off-site on public roadways, but instead travel via the Airport and associate connections to the Boeing 737 Manufacturing Facility. The report concludes that no new off-site vehicle trips are anticipated to be generated by the development of Apron C beyond service vehicle delivers (i.e. FedEx, UPS, etc.). Boeing staff has indicated that no more than two delivery vehicular are anticipated during anyone- hour period. As a result, minimal off-site traffic operation impacts are anticipated as a result of Apron C development. However, the project would result in a requirement to pay traffic impact fees associated with the additional buildings and/or parking proposed on the site. The trips associated with the building square footage or parking was not provided with the application materials and has not been determined at this time. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required Nexus: N/A E_ Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ERC Report_1S-000714.docx -------------------------------------------------------------- • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devefopment • Environmental Review Committee Report APRON C 737 ClIMAX STALLS LUA1S-000714 Report of October 26, 2015 Page 8 of 8 y' Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report_ The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43_21_C_075(3); WAC 197-11-680)_ Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p_m_ on November 13, 2015_ RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall-i h Floor, (425) 430-6510_ ERC ReporC15-000714.docx [:;:; 09l .. ~ ~/1I<------J:;'--------"1 " \, ~ ~ ~/~ I \ \\ \1 ,_B 4-20 ~D U-- -52· ·11 ~ III !., I ~\ .. ~" .-2' ~ . ~\\ ~ 4-46 ~~ j ;~ illr (\ ,. J: 4--84-'" @ LOT 7 ~( 1 4-93 \~I 0 0\.,...J \ '" ~ \ J IL &\~ 0 D.. Z \D ~; = N. 6TH ST. § ~ 5-'07 1 ~ 5-27 G/r' Cl 6 Z ~ • gj zi' 'i' b Z !<! ~ ~ U ~I b LOT 8 i]{ ~ <Ii-~ D ," . • > b 3" • I==-' "0 ~ .... 0"1 _ t b '" .... ~:E.M;;'ER 23, 2015 (N) 200 100 0 100 111'1 <400 iIOIjM;; ..... SCIU: 1:200 LEGEND ----IIlPOIUI.fASELK - - - -IIlPOIU I'W'tJ!l'Y I.M 4-20 [l(JSTN'; 8t.UlING ~~ r ~~. ,~. r~ ~ \. i'-.,-" ....... . )~i i-'~'''~ ...... t j \'-t-'-FI>.-~ ~ \;.~~ • S cD ,) \j-'L,ri',; c.r" "-' ' ~ CY~'\' ;,::.( E.~ . .-., ~. ,,' ," ;"J""'-' pv,,,,'~ .,. .. ,:> t. ;:: ~~LAN® , : rti--BOEIND' =£ .~ ~" LAND USE PERMIT ,_. _. __ .~ " . NEJGHBORHOOODETAll'HO 01.1>..5 8CiEJ<:: .......- EXHIBIT 1 ~cofllii:Wj SITEOS-YD ~CWL "t.t;'-I'""15R'9'" 0II.ZJ.15 C4 -. N ~ . ;; N I I I §~~ ~i < I l< '" I il I I I I I -I I ~ I II I 0 ~i I I ~ I -r= I I I I~I I \ I 0 I \ I I l~" I ' I I \ ' rll" I I ! I I , , " , I 1/ /1 - -----------------------.---------------- I -l.----I I " . [ r-'~:J .1- fl- • I I , .. " I I I I I I I I I r-I I I , I , 11M! I , I > ,11'h1-l-l I , , I , , , , , I , , , III , , I Ii i , , I , I , , I , , h-n-~ I/.'d ~--:~---::===L::;~==7.::;:::;:="7-::;:::::::::---;:------:-----:----'~!-±!':::0--:--__ -" "\ ; j'.', /'""'1 '-• / ' 1 _/ _ ~ ,-,_ -= _______ ~ \ ~---~-----~--,--~"",.,.,~-' '-J'~"=-''''''~/' , ;~~~~30=:-='-::1:~t~'~C~-5;:! -" ~ ., """.~~----------T-===EEl~;;;. ~.fi'~~---. ------er---T(f---FF-:!~~~~ I~S~::\1S~'. . ,,=Z~--------~;-;o,J"": I~' ~-.\-'~-t I II If '-I' ' -_I I ~_, : :::; ,i' ': ! BLDG 790 ~_--: • I I ---(1 AIRPORT I.IAINTENANCE I_J I: 'I' Ii' BUlGBOO ' i ~~ i-RAIN'ER fUGHT S£RVICE -'-I:: N --! "''ll;l-------,-' I' 'Tm~r~---J '-1771 , ,-r I I , " I -I fI I, /1 II /. I I I I I 'I i Uli! , [ilU C8-. ________ --,-L...:...::=J I t-~ I' 17J?! . ~ ..... -~ -'] I I 1';,'/)' I :~ CCO<"" :-s~-' I ~ I rd-~~l--llllI ~' : ~ ~11 to! I'=~~ I ~, ~ i ~~1 I ' , ' . ' ~IIRi ff'CO<RUI'::=:-='1 ! ! I t:;;,i • '-I :~ I~ ."'" ~~f:E.M,~ER 23, 2015 ~ 2O1001O2\) 40 L:JW - SCOU; l:l1l NOTE I'Ial.£I:r IS NOT I.JXlTID _ 200 fEU fROM ~ IJI(E 011 STREAIL LEGEND o EXlSTlIIGlII£[ @ f'RCI'OSED lII£[ ilUlO 0-.,.1 f'ftt'POSfll BUlDINC LJJ..!I PllIl'OOED PIJ!i(ING ~ PEllESlRI.lHPAlH G PRCI'OSfl)lOIlPa...E -~= ====-AIfl(VIT PAAKHG ST.oJ..L ____ CIoII' SLOT DR ..... • • TYPE lL CATCH BASIN, SOUD l.D D TYPE lL CA~ i!.lSJ<I. GRATE o TYPE 2 CA TO! 8...sJN. SCUI l.D <t TYPE 2 CATOt 8ASII<I, G'/~lt IJ SKl'DRQ. ClTOt BASJI .... S1RErT LIGHT PCll "'") 'C.( ....... ~_H~\ 11 r-:;. I\.\:: '-J L., -,- SEP 3 {) 20i5 ." ··'·'1" .~ ~,~, ~ DCa ·jj'i1'~-~·~~ll;~· e ~ E ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ,-~;*l"1"-f"'+-" .. , • .II. i:": -~ k , '.., KEY PLAN ® SCAlf: NONE :~ ~Il -' ~; rt1-BOE'NO° I[~~~~" -, LAND USE PERMIT ~DWL ~\!I!!~!'4)RI( SITE"'" 0'J2J.I~ ! fLGl1UfI: UlUOCS-N'IlOH C CI I'IlOLct C81 SITE OS-YD ''''''' I· ',i ", t ; 1. ! , it ! i i' iT~":'!j--:I-:'--!:-~--';:: ,I i· "j J' j," " ,: I ~ I --L~ I I I. II 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i o d ! • I ------------- " • ~ .~ • :e • ~ ~ ~a i ~B ~" " • i ), " ii ~ .= " -, ~ ~; " • 9 • ~ .-~ U>II~ " !~ • I g ~~ .. ,~ ~ g ~ is -6~ -~ ~ • "" r~ ~ ~" -~ -~ ," ~ ~ ~. g~ ~ " :. ~ ~" ~~ ~! ~ • .,; R ~~ ,~ rr< " g 'I , u SW ~ ~ !~ ~~3 -" u ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ • 0 Si ~g , ",I! -"' " ~~ ~~ ct , ~-• '. \;< 2 tit: ~k ~~, ~~ i ~~ t;~ r:~ ~ i#I>J r,i'-;' :0-':, t • ;i ~dl J~ ~; ~~ ~ '~ ~;: ,. ,-~. g §I '~~ i ::J ,I+~ ~g. fii F " , 'I~ Y .; \Z~ ~~ " u ~"'~ ~~ i~~ ,.-~.1t • i~ iii ~ , .:, • ~; ;~. j'!t': ::JI "fl ... , . i«.<,;; ~~m !" '~\1 .or!':' .. ~ .,; :~ • .~ :~ •• " · '. ~o " ~~ ~I"u ~? ~.' ~r ~j .~' r;!i H r,. ~. ~ • ~. ~~ ~~ ~ .~ r" ~~ J" ~~ \n ~~a1 ~~ ~~ , < ~~~ ~~ ~< ~~ ~n ~~ ~ ~~ H zi .;;;IX , , , ~ " ~, 81/1 g b ~ g iJ, j}, IJ, IJ, 8 All ,\ 8 !J. &B. Ii Ii A !J, "" 3 ~ ~ I-.... ~ al .... :::E: >< w < l< " S ----------------------------------c----------------------------------- • ~ i , u ~ ~ ~ ~ g II ~ i 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ I!i ! I I : I I I~: i~ ~ ~ , I , I , I , , I , , I , I • ~. ~ ~ ~ 111 Tnl --I I t- , I , " , Ii, ; , in .... 1/1 I-t I:D I-t I ,/ :::J: ~ >< w I' t- 7'--.1 '" ~--lt-------~ i ~-.,.-", .----- I \ ~<--- I ' I - \ CD \ , , --_ ....... ---, , I \ I \ I \ \ I!ElIIM:lIIU~ i'r\ '" ~ ~ .' \". ,. -, ,;-,;' ~ I ---........ ,-~ ~ ____ 4_-=.::..7 ___ -l-=:.:.-~a-,- ",,:.:->', 1 m •. """'" "" I --- l:l r '''''1'''''' .n. Il'Jr'1 1/ I:f 1l:J~· lP58= u I ~~ II !'!: I~-U! 1<: :. <:.: >:;> Yl'J=<; . --,-,;;.oo:U;-,.t----_ .. It I ! IL ~~ .",,1 , BlDG BOO RAINIER FllGHT SEfMC[ ~.DEIIVO· EXHIBIT 6 < < < " ~ ~TEM~ER 23, 2015 (N) 20 10 10 20 40 SCAi.£; • __ LEGENO o !;XI5llNG TREE @ PROPOSED TREE lil18~~c PRIFOSm P~G « ,.;-I'EOES1RIAII ~"lH o PR~ UCl1T I'CU PROPOSED ()IAlNUNI( FDlCE ---an----OJT UNEftJNITS r::£ GRACING ----CWP SLOT DRAIN • 1WE II CATCH BASlI<I, swn UD o T'I'P[ 1l CATCH B.OSN. GI1ATE () T'TP[ Z CATCH aASW. sa.m UD (i l'I'P!: 2 CATCH 8ASIN. GRATE : Il. SK'I\lRCI.. CATCH BASIN -* Sl1!U1 UGHT PCU: ~.~n~J!~~!. '.', { ... ' I, -l ~ -1 . ~ \. ~~ '_.6 :.._" . SEP 3 0 2015 REMOVAL ~ KEY PLAN 0N -- ® ~ . o N l """1ll1 .... f'\D<ttOIElmJ"O-...... OPll<l£l " / I I I \ \ , , I ..... -i---/--,- / ' I \ CD \ \ '-- I I \ \ / I ---'"" I I I \ ".1>.'1 'I-- I ~g ______________ n _w.sE~ .. ~ ~ El I=·~r:sl D [3 ~ I«!))' -,---. BOEINO·, :~ I-"!"'" -r':'~ ~" .. .a,l I I I ~ " .. 11 ~~;TE~2ER 23, 2015 (N) 201001010 4Q .. "ton r--! ""' .- LEGEND o DOSlIo'IG 'JRU @ PRCl'OSED TAU ILr~~~ PRCPCSDI P1J!KING :::s::::::!E f>EIlESTIlIAN PA"lH (!] PRIPOS£D WIT PCt.E ~ CHAHJNK f'tNCE ---CU"---C\JT U~E/UO!ITS c.' GR.oJ)IHG ----CIoIP SlOT CRAIN • • I'\'P[ Il CATOi ElA9N. sa..l) W • rn'E lL CATGl BASIN, GRATE (j TYPE 2 CATCH BASIIO, SOUO UD (j TYPE 2 CATOi B4SIN. (;lATE .D gm)RQ. CATtIi IlASIH ... SlRELT UCliT PCt.E • F1!E It'tDRANT sEP 3 () 2G~i \ , .... ~ --: 1:; ;. :~': -' ,-.. \, t.:" ..... '''mEl' 'lo.-~ .....',. czO_ \ PLI"";."'l'~~I'K· C .•. ~~ '! IU. REMOVAL I ~!LAN0 LAND USE PERMIT ~CWL TREE CUTTlNG .\..AND CLEARING PL.AN WlUl!06lvRI(l -D!I.1.1.1~ I'll[N; 31_ APROICOPQCI.(CT LS62R SITE 05-YD WJ<4.41680 Ie;;..... IIAS1UI -.~ O5-'lD--N'RC-lSIiOR-OJf1 ,-------------------------------------- o u • ---------------------- z ~ ~ • ~ ~IIIII I • j II ! I f.V CD I I 1 I I I I III lit--&....-·4.I!---....I%),·· I" dl@''''l;o;'''''I1 ,(~ ~ ~ ~S~R _flOOR PLAN (N) ~.DE'NO· GENERAL NOTES l.lI£C(!C(IW.COHT1W;TCIRNfIlI!£SP£C1lYE~ SHAU. YERJY !lIIEl<S06 AND CONI)II"(NS ~ QIj T\ol """'" 2. TIlE GENEI\IL CO~ 1M) RESPtCIIVE 5118CONTItO.C11)R5 SHAU. BE R[SP(I/SI81..£ FOIl COOROI"'-Tl(l!i Of CIi'I.. ~!W.. STIIl.CT\IRAl.. \lECKNIIDL /,NO WC1R("AL WOII 3. ~Slllti9Ew;)W!I1O_suP!'l.lNfllIM5TAlL 4 F'I!tI'ro[ weu JIIlUA fOJI()ATXiN. ~ flOOIl. fI.OU5, cruNG. ErnRlOfl CICICllS. WI!IOOfJ5. ANO ROOf (SHEll ANO STJ,lRS, fWoIps, ANtI IWJ!IGS. ENG'NEE'lID I: CONSTI!I..ICTl !fl" IIOOIJLAA BU!l.llIIfC IINIIlFACTURER ARCHITECTURAL: [!:::> ~,24",2'" CAAP£T Ul! nOOII ~ IHIIOlIGHOUTTHISIIOOM [l> Pll<:MDE CAAP£1" 10 VIIffi lTWISIllON ST1IIP [I>-P!I(M)[ 24"02'" 1ULJI-uT' CAIII'[J fI.OO'! ~ AT TH1S lANCING dE.\. AS NJICAI!O. t!> PIlCMOE 48" .48"W WHrTE BOAAO. MOUNT BOnOhi AT 42" w. • ~II1IW:5S.oa:rs:sPO!NT [p Ii1fl!iOOI,\TOR ~otD ;or IlO[ING. [t>-~DE 4" HIQ! 1IU</8I!IIH IIIJ9BER Wil 8.I.SE ,~ [I:> OW!IS. T/iUS. Cl9ClI5. ANO fU ~ ~ 1OOI«i(llf'.) [l:> fIRIMlE wm. COYERED /I/O PIINT!D GWlI PNIFl. W.ou.s THROIIGIlOlIT THIS ROOII. ~ REPLIC.IB1..E/f'OIIrBlE DRlNo:IM; WATtR oomr S£lMCE (PRO/'DEl) IIY 1!(OfG). [!:> f'ROYIOE IlETAi. ~crrn. w:I!OOW !ItMOS AT w:NOOIIS (Ne., ~ PR(MDE W.ILL Of 2X4 STUDS AT I!" O.c. TO 'I0OI" MJO. WITH~"POINl!DwtYI._c;waIXHSIOE. ~ II1W'COltNI<lIITHPMIIUlWll._GWlI/JCI'·H 'liNn. roRNDI CUIRtIS, (llf') B> I'RCMDE SHEEr 'liNn. FLOOR ca.u!MG THROUGHOI.IT THIS i!OOIII WITH 6" IliTtCIW. CIMJ) I'.IU BoISE. [S> F'IIQ\':JE WIlt co.tRrn ST1I1I 1RE.IDS NfIl R!SVIS, ~. [po I'RCMDE ONE-HOUR RATID W)U IMUII!l SI.IIR'InL fU. HEIG!.T ro UNO£RSO[ OF ROOF". INIlICATID IIY DASH UOII: [!> f'li(MDE 3',5'_8" S1ll1O COR!: P/,INTED 4~MIIII.IT£ i!Io.lII ~ FlUOIE AND I'oI.IOWlE AI IIfS lOCATIlI< S£! ~ [t> F'ROYIO£ 4!I""'8"W TACK BOIRO AI TH5 LOCAllON. \fCIUI( BOTTOM AT 42" .... U. D> PIiI1IIO!:W.lLLM!)UNTE!)F1I1EEX1lN(;lJIS!jW LOCATCN. 1IOJ'o1 1m' !I!ITTDU AI 2, LAND USE PERMIT SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 APRON C -BUilDING 05429 ~/'"~ Iiil DLR Group --,_ .. "-...... !! ,$ !! 11 ~I ~I i III ~ I 'Il!:1 'Il!:J2!1 '!!l 'Il!:1 'Il!:~ & I~i i:!l ~ 'I " :! ! PLAN VIEW G\ ~~ 114_1_0 ~.BE''''O· ¢ GENERAl NOTES ,. nE COItIW. 00!f1'IW:T0II .tIID 'lESPECM SUOCOf'(lJU(;TOIlS S!1AU.'o'[RF'f!XlolENSl:t<$.v«lCON:lf!O<S_~1l€ ""'"" 2. TIlE G~[IW. CtrNTRACTOfl AND RESPECWE SUBCONTRACTORS SHAlL 9£ RESPONSIBlI FOIl COORCtNATiCN OF CML ~ S1I!UCl\J!I/.I. WE~H.O.'Ilt.oJ.. AND ElIC'T'n::At 110 ~. "PROYOC" SIIIi1.& ~NQtIPj RI\lEAN5U'P!.YIkIllSTNJ. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: Q::> P!IIMI)[ 3',T H W DOOR .. FRNI£ II1\t lOCIC'lU. OQ:I OOlT t.OClI IN[) _.~ PINNEO H1~ lI<O U_Q.~1 \lIN. p,wr [t> PIIOt'IO£ Y,7" P.IJ~ H.W. OOORS IIIfH TOP AND OOTTOlol fU5t OOLJS IIKIl £J:TtRJOR KE':" tJII.r CYlJI<OCR lI<O U-o.31 "'~. I'MII. Lr> ;;~;~:tS~ ~ SLlB flOOR ~ [!:> ~ IIAIN .~1!R ~ S!'OUTS AT nitS UX"Jo.T"ON CI:HfECt TO SlOIN WATEll SI'S1!lI [3:> 1'AlNTAU.1NTER"OII • ...usOFTHtSBU&" (]::> .\J..l. SljElWIG. otsl(S. IlACKS. CH.lJRS .m SUf'P\JUl BY 1lO[]'IG AND INSTAi..lElI [t> PIlI)Io'I!lE 2""';" o:J[I!IJII Saf.I Wi\U AT 16" O.c. WITH " GW9 tr.EJ!IOR. AU THICI( TI-IERIIAL 8A.TT INSUtAllON. VAPO!!WIW'l ~~1SHUItlEJN. SIOI'IG. [J:> PQCMIl!: 4" HIGH IIDPP'E BI.K/~ RI.RJfG 1.IU BASE -"""" [J> PII(M[)[ ADA Al\N:lC.lloO !l-!RESHOOl. [Q:> PIIOt'IDE PAlmu\ SICN KD/t. DOOR IN I· fIIGH LrTTtRi" TO lID/) 1l1IS DOOR TO i!8ol.IJN UNl.OC~Etl WH~ BVIIllI IS OCCUPl£l)". I!!> ~ A/Ill ~ COKTM;ERS (~ 9"1" 9O£NG) ffZ> R(~EIoBlE/PORTI.BLE D'ijN~ING .... TEll 8IJT11E S(IMCE (~OEO BY OOEI!l~). El> ""WU IO'd!"H OJICI( IIQ.J.-IJ> fl.BRlG 000II. 9=> ROOf CMIlI-lo'Ml (S!IOWN tl'SHEll) ~ PlWYlDE WETN. II£SH FtlICE AAruND THIS ROOM fULL I'£IGHI Wflli DOOR AND WINOOW [t> PI!tM:l: 0IIlU£R n"PE ~',T WET"-II£SH DOOR AT TH1S =~ ~ PROYIQE A 3'-J"H X S'-lI"W WETIJ. CAGE SlIDING PASS-TII'IOI.G-i AT THtS lOC>.noN. BOTTOM AT 42" /fl. ~ I'RIMlE goo(; A8CIVE. REl1J1 11) ELE'IATJ)!IS /HI) --[9> PIIO'O'lDE CONcm!: f>1(R INC POST. SEE SClRUCTI.IIW.. !U> Bl> :Usn.J~~'~~~r~r-~l~ ~ SH~£OO(R, PIlCMOEC 9"1" OOEING. PllCMCE POW(R. ~ NE ct(XX SI.II'P'c£I BT BOCNG. LAND USE PERMIT SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 StAlE: 1/2".1"-0" III DLR '-', UUfl -- 0 e • -,I '. I IE;) 'fJ , A ~ i '" , 1m I.", ]~ ~! I [£(~§ -~ ~ -- I ! <lj] ~ I f<8 .~ " III -'" ~i _ r~c~ i ~-N ~~ ... -. . ~ f'l-j' · ~ ~ ') III" ~ ~~~ fJ; ~ .-~ ;= =f<s A! ~ J !~ A -""F-~ . ~ ~I ~!J, "" ~~ I ~ ~= ~ r.Jo:: ~: 1110 b~rn~ -• ! ~ ~ -~ ! J~ DDI~ ~ ~ ~ -, a L w ;'1 --l ~ o~m; 1 I I--t. ~ 'f} ~ I J " .~ P""'~ P ~. ~.~ ~ ~ f'l ~ l ~1iiJ~ . ~ § ~ ! ~Vll'(l~ ~06 .. -.. ,,'. , 'fj z e- ~ D 1$ ~ ~~h~,I~~ (N) ACCEl'TABllJTY rti--BDEINO' ..:s..~5-='" _ .. 1 __ 1",,,- ~ " GENERAL NOTES ,. THE crow. ~ ,jM) RtSPECTM: SU8CONi1O.l.CTORS SHALl I'E'lIFV CI\lE:NSIONS N!O CONDi1lONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS L THE GEl/Em ~ -'lID R£SPECIlYE SlJBCOIITIW:TOI!S SHALl !!E R£SI'CNSIEU FOIl ~TlO!I ~ CML ~ SR'..ICII.w.l. IIE~ PUNiI'<G.\NO ~ IItJ!K l. All. JtIl.U"OOIoI ~ l(lCO.OONSSkIU EIE IAlaKED TEIII'OIWru-l wmt 1m: 10 BE R~EWUI BT TIlE BOEING .IRC~rl£CT Fl,Jl I B_C. /.NO A.OA COUPUNlC!: N!O Fl~ PLIoCMIIT IWRO'>'N.. COt;TlIACT1)f! TO ARIWIGE: / COOI!llNATE REVIEW. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: [t> I'I!tMllE IoI08ILE lRAIlLR rouNI)I,TION, U~~t 1oNCHORAGE.FLOOR.-...u5,C£J1../NG,ROOf.l: EXTERIOR OOORS " WI~ (Mil) /oS E!GlNtUED .t(X)PlSTROClEDBTIIOIIl!IJNfTIIA!'''·JF~ANI.I AS JOCA,1ID OR Sf'tCF£O ~ [t> I'!\W:oE PNNTED SOl ASIM DOOI! IIj 1" ~ l£TT'ERINCTO ~OO iHlS 000II10 RE\<. <ro IIIIEN BUllDI1NG IS OCCUPIED: D:> I'RtMOC 3'lS'g' P.liNTU H.Y. OOOR .I: III'ITl1 tlEAO BOLl !DO( AND o..:N-~ I":N'<OI ~ [!> ~ 24"lQ" CARI"t1 IU fl.O(JI CC/I'[JIO<: 'TIIROIJQIQIJI'WISROOIoIloSlNtWllUl [[> ~OE ST~1lS / IUIIF'S I RlJIJIIGS loS OCliGNEt> AND E!j1)lNW!ID lIT r.IO!llLE UNIT \WIUfAl;l\JREIl It> PIIOIU 0lI"H.l6"W T/CIC DRD. IIOUNT wmt BOfltIII AT ' .. U.I. [!> PRCMOE 24"X:!'" WNJI:-orT c.tiIPII ru IMR THE 00l!'I' IIR£A (oPPROX. 6'X~1 .IS INOICA1Ul [!> f'ROYIOC ,. HIGH ROPPE BlX{91!WN RlIBSER w.ou &IS( THF!OUGHOlIT Tli1S ROOU [t>CHAII!S.r.ow::sNolOIOllOf.Xl11AP"U1/fCElil1lBE PIIOo'OOl BY BOEING (tt'I'-) !l]:> PRCMOE 'oWI'l OOYEIIED PM!T£l) (;tIS ~ ..u.s IH~GHOIJIIH:5 RCnt. ill> ~ 1oIEl" .... HORIZOOIAl WINDOW BUNOS AT IIIIfOOI!S(TYP.) az> =~(~I[t~~~~ I.S tOCArttI_ [I> ~.= ~N(~= ~ ro..tMfS B> F'IIOW)[ ~"'HX3/;'" II'Iifl[ 1lAA0([J! 000I.RD. IIOUNT I'Illi BOTTOII AT < .. 1iF • • St:AiI: !/2"tl'-{I" LAND USE PERMIT SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 !I;lDLRGrOup FIRST FLOOR PlAN . BREAK ROOM OOEI~ 131 'oW: f1..IGHT UN!: U1Ul1ES APRON C· BUILDING 05438 -.... ,-... ~...." RI 07.JI,15 1A10 ":1«1. 1--COL A-B/l-& RtNTtlH. "A'''' '"'-D5-.Ji!-1A~O • N ~ • 0 N n • N • '" W '" i:j, • ~ ...--~ ~~ • , ' <!!l D' D <!!l I I I I I G I . I • I I I I I I I ", -" 1\- '\ i \: , , , ' D ~! 11"\ , ' , Ii , ' . ' !l --_ ... ) _;:;e----';. ~/ ~:;;;;: ;," .~....l...,J.1 L I , . , , ,\ :: " " i": " " : ' ,- ~,o. ., q " = .: ~ ::::;" N :'- "" .1 6 U~, . I,.} "'" r '~ 0 0-'" .": '" LJ..l ~ L;j en .. ~ 0 w c.::: ,-, 'J.... t: ;) en \ \ \ i \ \ e ;1 IJ \ ~ I ~ \ ~,~-~~) \ ~ ,------- .l- I ~ -r-- I 1 I I 1 1 \ , , \ \ , \ , , ,\, w , , ~ , , , ~ \ ( ~~ \ I , 1 , 1 ~15 , \ 1 , , , , z , \ I ~ , , \ , , :- \ , , 1 , , \ I , 1 , \ i I , I J i , I , I " i I i ! 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I 2 /~El)SlANOtl«l 3 4 A B Rlin YENtlAMH C SEAIoII/ET.lJ.IIOOF.lYP:--.. ___ UCKT FImJRE. T'I'I'. ,,~ 1111 I " II I " , , I 11111111111111 I "-i:' cJ , • DOD '\ """"'" m V-PllE...flI$€Il1fT\. """""" .. ~SPCiUl.lYP ""'" ~. \ VI ', • .,.rc",", r I "-OUCK ROll. -UP IlOO!I I """"' ..., EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION ~~~ -1W.L mo. stAI.£; 1/ •• 1 .... $CI.L£: 1/' ·,-0 - 4 -----~ =, .. ~. cp cp C P!!E-FNSIfJIIt/lL B A I ICOCE~'OOII I 1111111111 mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllill II 11111111111111 I I II I II II11 ~ V • f'l'E-1'lNSO. INTERt(lCl(JNG 1/ ,'\ lI£TII,.SlCiINOP~m'. II II ~ 1 n I,---:.-~m II DOINSPOJf, I'I'P. I'" V ~2'X~' 1I1NOOWS. TYP. ~ WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4., .... $CI.lE: 1/4 _1_0 4 2 0 2 4 • -- stAI.£; 1/"_1"_0' I lAND USE PERMIT I,j DLR Group SEPTEMBER 23,2015 _1_ ........... - ~ -. --~ -. --=m_ ,.~ .. .2lll. --.. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS-STORAGE BUILDING RI MJO.1S rti-BIflEINO· ....:s..'="~'=O , 081<" -.,....., .. ", BOElII> 131 ~ FUCH'lUNE 1J1IUnES A60 APRON C· BUILDING 05-430 WJoI"~66 IIRCHrTrC'Mlll.llAStl:R ~OOON ..... --O5--<.JO-AW -hi mTIO~O:-_ ~_;;;-.c~,;~_'= ,.!}> I\; [l> METALsr_ SEMlI!OOi'1IIC (SSloIIH) V I/ETAl w/ti PNIQS (IIWP_I) ~ ~u;;~ _l'E~EVATION I~ ~ I\; [l:> NORTH ELEVATION fJ> ~ r3\ -~-.. ~-! ... I.,.. ..,.., ... 11.0 IS"".'! ~r.o.lKM$ = ill ~~ [!: II'" ' ~~ 1'-2' F.r. LEGEND ---'I' GENERAL NOTES ~~/4~~~ATION ,f4;o ..0 EXPOSlIl GoILWlIlzrn .... lVl'J,(S 9W.l B!: • ~. [l> ~ &, .o.roIASm TYP. CONSTRUCTION NOTES [t> ootII!OI! I.LUWINUM STlI!!S All() RAIlF'. O(SJGN EIUW, PRtMQ[ Sl.JaMrTTI<L FOIl ~ __ (t> wmRS .IHD lltI'INSPOOlS: PRCrVDE fN;lOl!T ~n4~I~ATION ,@ . ~ ~ OOWNSPCil."~.1fI!l ~ I\OROIIORE. PER COJ;STRUCTlON 1I'EIJUI'IEIIEHTS i}:> UI)I;Tl>(; PER ELEC1R1C.OI., T'r'PIC4L ~IIE'NII· ~~~ "'==-s:.a~ B> I¥C EWPIIOO PER ~ <'"""'"" ~ STEEL OW41fEt RIJfN£RS (S~OS) S£l ON ()',)MCJlEl[ <oUNO/ITION (t> 1'R£FlI&£O II£TAl srlf<:l7IG SEMI iIOOF. [!> ~ISHED IN'I!RlOCKING WET.II. PIINEL SIDING •• I lAND USE PERMIT SEPTEMBER23,2I)15 EXTERIOR elEVATIONS CREW SHelTER 7J1 IW F\.OiTI.IHE Ii'IIOtI C CI!ElI !Ml.1tRS BUILDING 05431 1~1II\SiEJ! """" ti Il DLR Group _ ........ E_' .. "'-_ ... ,,, ~15S61 "ORI 09,11.1~ A60 W:loU181l6 ~]I-AW . I • ~~r, 7 • c.' N :01 llini e, !. i ~!> ! 5 -lJl P ;n i -~i 1.1,;; il~ -I~ N III - o-~ III ! 0--:;!i3 @-ffi~ :J, o.~ 0 WW ~I '" @--Z z 15 0 z ~ >= 0 S~ 5 ~ ~ >= '" -,-~ a, W' ~--i! ®-®- w" ~~ 0- ~ U> ,:5 @-- @-u. @- .0:-.11 ~ . 0-e- o ~ e-~ -II I~ • ::11 I[ ~ JI 11 11---II If--- -II li-e- ::11 I ::=II -II If---- e-z ----jl I> z 0 0 >= ~ ~ d~ ~ W I~ 'I I 0-_ 0-8~ "' -II I~ 0 z JI I[ -31 II1I e- 81 II e-e- CONSTRUCTION MITIGA nON DESCRIPTION Boeing Commercial Airplane Group Renton, WA Apron C 737 Max CI project Proposed Construction Dates & Times: Rc ,'" r.: 1\ 'T-' ..... cL,::~ h:U SEP 3 0 2015 CH'/ O~; i:;~:;'\~Tm,1 FLANh!NG D1VI310N The proposed construction schedule will begin in Jan 2016 and end in May 2016 Apron C (Parcels 76017701820) Construction Zones Work Hours: 7:00AM-I0:00PM Mon-Sat Times are not per City of Renton standard Power Distribution Duct Bank Apron B to Parcel 770 & 820 Crew Mobilize 8:00PM-9:00PM Construction Work Activities 9:00PM-7:00AM Times are not per City of Renton standard See attached layout Construction Mitigation Measures & Best Practices: All activities will begin with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP». These practices include: Proposed Hauling! Transportation routes Contractors will apply for their own - hauling permits related to this project. And will follow a city approved route. Construction. The actual Construction will be accomplished by a Construction contractor. The contractor will call for all required inspections, as well as site pre-construction meeting. The contractor will keep records of any special inspections at the construction site. , Back up alarms will be disabled and truck backing directed by spotter. Truck beds will be lined with a layer of sand to muffle debris loading noise. Efforts will be made to schedule "noisy" work during standard construction hours as much as possible. Storm Water Construction will start with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP) for Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) under supervision of Boeing Environmental personnel. All storm water drain inlets in and around the proposed construction operations and staging areas will be surrounded by oil absorbent padding to mitigate the potential of any hydraulic/fuel leakages emanating from construction machinery entering the watershed Snow, Ice, dirt and mud removal Contractor shall remove snow and ice to the extent necessary to perform the work. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted to remove snow or ice. Contractor shall assure that vehicles are constructed, loaded, maintained and covered as necessary to prevent the deposition of dirt, mud or other debris on public roadways. Dirt mud or debris shall be removed on continual basis. Any dirt, mud or debris dropped by vehicles shall be removed immediately. Dust Control Through the entire construction period the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to dust control all working area and unpaved roads. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted for dust control. The Contractor will accomplish dust control by watering and sprinkling to satisfactorily settle the dust. Contractor shall comply with any requirements imposed by law to prevent fugitive dust emissions. All demolished materials and debris will be stockpiled on site to prevent dust and sedimentation from migrating onto roadways., Contractor vehicles that are transporting materials to and from the site will be required to have tires washed prior to leaving the site.' This will prevent dust and sedimentation from entering nearby roadways. Airport Mitigation A pre construction meeting will set up with the Airport personnel. The contractor will set up visual controls, and FOD controls including FOD fence. Contractor will be in communication with airport tower during construction hours Contractor personnel will wear reflective vests on Airport apron at all times 737 MAX Flightline Utilities -APRON C . Dump Truck Excavator . Vac Truck CONSTRUCTION -12/14/2015 -1/29/2016 EXHIBIT 12 RECEIVED SEP 30 2015 CITY or .~::~~·rON PltJ [~!NC Ol\iC!ON BOEING 737 MAX FLiGHTLINE PROJECTS -TRUCK ROUTE CHANGE BASED ON MATERIAL AND TRAFFIC • • 737 MAX FLiGHTLINE UTILITIES -APRON C PROJECT -CONSTRUCTION ZONE SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 -DECEMBER 15, 2015 ./ S&EE . r" ".' (' EXHIBIT 13 '.1505 ~ "",,,.j PREiJMINARY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PROPOSED APRON "c" UPGRADE RENTON AIRPORT S&EE JOB NO. 1505 SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 S&EE • c' .~' st:P ;) () 20',5 • I • I I OOVVL I' . ' . ," " . " I ' .. ~ . '. I '. Technicallnformatiori Report '. Boeing Commercial Airlines ". 737 Max Flightline Utilities-Apron C I,· '. " Renton,Washington;' I ..... : Land Use Permit ~ubmittal,: : . September, 2015 " .....". [.' I I ENGINEERING '., .' . . ". " . ,,' :· .. ·1.' : "', .' • '. RECEIVED r SEP 3 O' 2015 , '. '. PLANNING DIVISION '. \ ' J j 'J · 1 , I I I 1 '1 · , · I I :. l , i I i , 1 . I . , I , J MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: September 21, 2015 Bradley Hibbard, The Boeing Company Mike Swenson, PE, PTOE Jesse Birchman, PE, PTOE Boeing Renton Apron C Vehicular Trip Generation Estimate TG: 15376.00 This memorandum summarizes the anticipated vehicular trip generation associated with the proposed Apron C development. Apron C would provide seven new airplane stalls to be used for light testing before delivery. The site is located along the west side of the Renton Municipal Airport and is currently used for other commercial plan parking. Figure 1 below illustrates the approximate location of the proposed Apron C. Based on information provided by Boeing, no new employment would occur with development of Apron C; employees associated with activities at Apron C would be reassigned from other current labor efforts elsewhere on the Boeing Renton site. As such, overall headcount for the facility is not anticipated to exceed previously established headcounts for the site. . Figure 1. Site Vicinity .. N SEP :3 () {0'l5 '-",',I,,'". J " :'~ . A trip generation study was conducted at the three existing airplane delivery stalls in September 2015. Detailed data is provided as Attachment A. The purpose of these observations was to determine the level of activity associated with the Aprons and identify the nature of the activity (i.e. shuttles, Boeing service vehicle, or personal vehicles) One plane occupied the southernmost of 11730 !l8th Avenue N.E., Suite 600, Kirkland, WA 98034 I 425.821.3665 I transpogroUp.com ej the three airplane stalls during field observations while the remaining two stalls were vacant. All vehicles observed travelling tolfrom the southern two stalls were observed to be related to the present airplane while little to no traffic was observed from the northernmost stall. Of the vehicles traveling to and from the stalls, 100% were Boeing vehicles during AM peak observations (6:00- 9:00 a.m.) while approximately 80 percent of vehicles during the PM peak observations (3:00-6:00 p.m.) were Boeing vehicles. The remaining 20 percent of vehicles during the PM peak were either forklifts or personal vehicles. The observed weekday peak hour trip generation rates are summarized in Table 1 along with the estimated trip generation for the seven proposed airplane delivery stalls. To illustrate a range of estimates for both average and conservatively worst·case conditions, trip generation rates and estimates were developed for two scenarios: 1) similar occupancy to observed existing conditions (one airpiane per three stalls) and 2) fully occupied delivery stalls (one airplane in each stall). Table 1. Airplane Stall Trip Generation Summary Project Trips Land Use Rate 1 Inbound% Total In Out 7 Airplane Stalls Weekday AM Peak Hour' 6.3 vah per stall 51% 44 22 22 Weekday PM Peak Hou,-l 2.3 vah per stall 62% 16 10 6 7 Occupied Airplane Stalls Weekday AM Peak Hour 19.0 veh per stall 51% 133 67 66 Weekday PM Peak Hour 7.0 v~h per $lall 62% 49 30. 19 1. Trips rates from trip generation study conducted at Renton Boeing Campus in September 2015. 2. Peak hour between the hours of 6:00 -9:00 AM 3. Peak hour between the hours of 3:00 -6:00 PM As shown, when stall occupancy is similar to observed conditions (one plane per three stalls), approximately 6.3 AM peak hour trips and 2.3 PM peak hour vehicle trips would be generated per stall. This results in a trip generation estimate of 44 AM peak hour trips and 16 PM peak hour trips. With full occupancy of all seven proposed stalls, approximately 19 PM peak hour trips and 7 AM peak hour trips would be generated per stall, resulting in up to 133 AM peak hour trips and 49 PM peak hour vehicle trips. As previously noted, the headcount for the site is ·not anticipated to increase beyond the maximum levels established with the city. In addition, existing observations indicate that 80 percent of more of all vehicle activity generated by Apron C airplane stalls will likely be on-site Boeing vehicles that would not travel off-site on public roadways. Based on these considerations, no new off'site vehicle trips are anticipated to be generated by the development of Apron C beyond some service vehicle deliveries (Le. Fed Ex, UPS, etc.). Boeing staff have indicated that no more than 2 delivery vehicles are anticipated during anyone-hour period. As a result, minimal off-site traffic operation impacts are antiCipated as a result of Apron C development. '~.r Jj 2 ADVISORY NOTES TO APP.ANT LUA1S-000714 Application Date: September 30, 2015 Name: Apron e 737 ell Max Stalls Site Address: 616 W Perimeter Rd Renton, WA 98057-5327 Theft from construction sites is one of the most commonly reported crimes in the City. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should be fitted with heavy duty deadbolts with a minimum 1 1/2" throw when bolted. Any construction material that contains copper should be removed from the construction site at the end of each working day. Glass windows in construction trailers should be shatter resistant. Toolboxes and storage containers should be secured with heavy duty padlocks and kept locked when not in use. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted on the property during the construction phase. These signs will allow officers, upon contact, to provide a verbal warning to trespassers that should they be contacted on the property again, they could be cited andlor arrested. COMPLETED FACILITY All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty dead bolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. All strike plates should have 2 1/2 to 3" wood screws. All structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 6" in height and of a color contrasting with the building. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. It is important for safety and security reasons to have appropriate lighting and signage. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted in conspicuous locations throughout the property, including entrances to the property and parking areas. I highly recommend that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises 1. red for the installation of fire fire alarm and fire otherwise approved by the Planning Division. 2. Commercial, multi family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on lencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide EXHIBIT 16 Ran: October 23, 2015 Page 1 of 1 rlloMl: M"'\Jffli~ T!lt~I«lH£IIQ~ • ~ I.1015'. t......,."¥f'O .... SlI!JMC\W~ MmC\t-.TI\oI~~II.<I'''IIIIIO __ '''''' WIP, flm/2OHU- (~1SU'''1~ .-., ...... ~PorInh aw...,.~Ii •• ~1'l">'t ", .. CIqft .. Jo ... '"",m/dn OIly .. ,-• 1/ CERTIFICATION I, /Ian, &1' ~ 7) / be~ h'''by "rti~ ,"".3 "pi" 'f "'''b,~ d"'m,", Were posted in~ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on D"" !()-/-is Si"''''~OM4--n4 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) SS ) I "rti~ >h" ""OW " h,~ ~'""ct, 'Y "id '"" >h" I{ ""'55. »0/ h ,. ""'" >hi, i""m m,", '"' ",",., .. ", " " b, hi, /h" />h ", fm, '"d '0" "'''y ,ct f" >h, Uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. fi~ 'PGu)£M Notal"blic in and for the State of Washington I ----------------------------- • • Agencies See Attached Mark Clement, The Boeing Company Applicant Jonathan Wilson, City of Renton Owner 300' Surrounding Property Owners See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. o ary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (print): ___ ....!.~'-"o'-::\ l'-"t-_:B ......... O'-"W"-'U5"'-' _________ _ My appointment expires: A/i,,"s-l-d~ dOl"? Apron C 737 C11 MAX Stalls LUA15-000714, ECF template -affidavit of service by mailing -------------------------------------------------• Dept. of Ecology •• Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region' Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers· Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers ••• Depart. of Natural Resources PO 80x47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Snoqualmie, WA 9806S Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Timothy C. Croll, Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO 80x 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 • AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology" Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept .•• Attn: Misty Blair Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 39015 _172" Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office' Muckleshoot Cultural Resource~ Program •• 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Laura Murphy Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program •• Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Erin Slaten Ms. Shirley Marroquin 39015 172" Avenue SE 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 WDFW -larry Fisher· Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation- 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Issaquah, WA 98027 PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Tim McHarg Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECD Director of Community Development 220 Fourth Avenue South 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Newcastle, WA 98056 Puget Sound Energy City o!Tukwila Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. Jack Pace, Responsible Official 355 HO" Ave NE 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Mailstop EST llW Tukwila, WA 98188 Bellevue, WA 98004 . Puget Sound Energy Doug Corbin, Municipal Liaison Mgr. 6905 South 228" St Kent, WA 98032 ·Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an IIOptional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. ··Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov •• Karen Walter, Laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us I Laura.murohy@muckleshoot.nsn.usL erin.slaten@muckleshoot,nsn,us ···Department of Natural Resources Is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr,wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing • • !llbR . CITY OF .. ' ------~··: .. 'enton NOTICE OF APPLICATIONAND:PROPOSED DETERMINATION' OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE~riIIITIGATED (DNS"M), . -. - A Master Application has been fll~d and accepted with the 'o~partme-nt of Communlty,& E~onomlc O~velopment' (CEO) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly' describes the application and the,ilecessarv Public Apiuova!s;' . . OATE OF NOTICE OFAPPLICATION: LANO.USENUMBER: . PROJECT NAME: October-2, 201S' LUA1S·000714; ECF , Apron C 7~7'C1.1 MAX Stalls, PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Th~' Boein~ Company. is re~ue'stjng S~PA Environmental:Re~lew for th'~'-addjtlon' 'of seven 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron-C) and "associated.infrastructure improvements and vehicles parking at the Henton Municipal Aport, which .. is zoned Industrial Medium:{IMli. ,Proposed improvements, include pavement repair and replacement, support Infrastruct~'re' including wafer, fire protection; electrical and stromwater. drain'age improvements, . office and support structures including 18:modular buildings:. The combined total modular building area would be,g,220 'SF with 38 asso~iated parking stalls". Tne new 737 Apron C would be locate~rat}60;}70".and ~io West"P,e·rfm~te.r ,R~ad"' on three .Ieased parcels from the Renton Manciple Airport (616 W"Pei-imeter Rd); nie area~o'f Apron C \vould fatal' 217,621 SF, or 4.99 acres: Site··.access is proposed via thr~e driveways along,W Perimeter. Road." The applicant has Indicated, the" project would.result'ln 12,000 cubic, yards' of cut, and 1S,400'.cubIC'Yards\of..'fill., The proposed frontage improvements would result in the removal of 8 trees along W. Perimeter Road. The appiicant.submitted 'a'Geotechnlcal . . Analysis, and TIR ~ith the applicatlon;'.The site is ,located with in a:selsmic hazard area and,an erosion hazard,area, no, "other critlcal,areas are located on the project'site: The 'applicant has requested'a construction hours of'7:00'am to-, 10:00 . pm which are outside· the allowed' const'ruction_" window per' the. City of Renton' code, therefore, a noise',variance, application has been submitted tO,the City'and is,being processed separately. ,', ."" " "', ,,: .-' ',' . ;." . PROJECT LOCATION: 616 W peri~eter Rd :., .,." PERMIT APPLICATION OATE:" NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: . Permits/Review Requested: . Other Permits which may be required:, Requested Studies: , September 30, 2015 October'l,20lS Mark Clement, The Boeing Company/PO Box 3707 MC lW--09/Seattle, , WA 98124/206·617'2944/mark.d.clement@boeing.com Environmental (SE'PA) Revle~,' Building Permit, Construction Permit Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO -Planning Division, lOSS So, Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No,: Apron C 737 C11 MAX Stalls / LUA1S·000714, ECF NAME: __________________________________________________________ __ MAILING AODRESS: _______________ City/State/Zip: _________ _ TELEPHONE NO,: _____________ __ • Location where application may be reviewed: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: .' Proposed Mitigation Measures: • Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 980S7 The subject site is designated COMP-EA on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land.:Use Map and 1M on the City's Zoning Map~ Environmental {SEPAl Checklist· The project. will be subject:, to the .Clty's SEPA·· ordinance. 4-9-070 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCEDURES; 4-2-130 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT· STANDARDS and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The following Mitigation-Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered, by existing codes and regulations as cited above. The' applicant shall comply with.' the ,recommendation Included in the Geotechnical Report prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 201S or an updated' . '. report submitted at a latter date., Comments On the above application must be submitted In writing to-Vanessa oolbee, Current Planning Manager, CEO. -Planning olvlslon~ 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on October :1.6, 2015 •. 1f you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record' and receive. additional notification by mail,' contact· the Project Manager. Anyone.who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record·and.will be notified of any decision on this project. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is availab~e 'upon request .. CONTACT PERSON: Vanessa Dolbee. Current Planning Manager; Tel: (425) 430- 7314; Eml: vdolbee@ren~onwa,gClv. 1 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I ... ·.·· City of Renton 1011 Perimeter Rd W Renton. WA 98055 JONATHAN WILSON CITY OF RENTON -Airport 616 W Perimeter Rd. A Renton. WA 98057 Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle. WA 98124 • • 903000000 4182300000 1181000000 ADAMS ODETIE M AHGW LLC ALEJANDRO FELIPE & AILEEN 801 RAINIER AV N #A204 600 UNIVERSITY ST #2100 11600 RAINIER AVE S #404 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98101 SEATILE,WA 98178 903000000 903000000 4136800195 ALEMAN ROBERT A ALEXIS RUPERTA APPLIN RAINI A+POLLOCK NICH 801 RAINIER AVE N #G139 5309 S FERDINAND ST 8815 S 116TH PL RENTON, WA 98057 SEATILE,WA 98118 SEATILE, WA 98178 903000000 903000000 903000000 ARAGAW BIZUAYEHU ATAKILT ARNUCO LAURO AUSTIN DEBORAH K 801 RAINIER AVE N #C-116 801 RAINIER AV N #G238 801 RAINIER AVE N #F329 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 903000000 903000000 AUSTIN KADIA BADISTI JARRET A BELL MARGARET 801 RAINIER AVE N #B208 14515 152ND PL SE 801 RAINIER AV N #B211 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98057 1181000000 4204400070 1180001790 BROOKS STEPHEN M BRYANT JASON M BRYN MAWR PLAZA LLC 2327 ROYAL OAKS DR 8913 S 122ND ST PO BOX 115 ALAMO, CA 94507 SEATILE, WA 98178 HOBART, WA 98025 4182300000 4182300000 903000000 BUEHLER BEN BUEHLER WALTER & INGRID BUTKIEWICZ ORAWAN PO BOX 1228 5344 232ND AVE SE 801 RAINIER AV N #D120 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 ISSAQUAH, WA 98029 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 4202401500 903000000 CARPENTER MILDRED B CHANG BROTHERS INC CHANG PETER+ZHI FEN XIE 801 RAINIER AV N #C216 6301 NE 204TH DR NE 801 RAINIER AVE N #C31 RENTON, WA 98055 REDMOND, WA 98030 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 903000000 1181000000 CHO EUNYOUNG CLEVELAND BEN J CLYMER MARY+MOSKOWITZ MICHA 801 RAINIER AVE N #B209 6700 39TH AVE SW 11600 RAINIER AVE S UNIT 405 RENTON, WA 98057 SEATILE, WA 98136 SEATILE, WA 98178 903000000 4182300000 903000000 COOK SIGMUND K CREISLER VINCENT L CRISANTO JOSIE A 801 RAINIER AV N #G338 13241 SE 261ST ST 801 RAINIER AV N #B312 RENTON, WA 98055 KENT, WA 98042 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 1181000000 903000000 CULLISON ROBERT+SAM W+BETH DAO HUNG+MINHTHIEN DO DAWSON JAIME+JAMES+RENEE 801 R,l\INIER AV N #G235 16332 128TH AVE SE 10838 LAKE RIDGE DR RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98058 SEATILE, WA 98178 -_._----------------_. • • 1181000000 903000000 903000000 DEMPSTER ROBERT I+DIANE W DENISON STACEY DESHURLEY CANDICE L 11600 RAINIER AVE S #406 801 RAINIER AV N #B306 801 RAINIER AVE N #E325 SEATILE, WA 98178 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 7229300055 1181000000 DI GUILIO MATIHEW DANIEL EASTERN EQUITY INVESTMENT L EIDSON LARRY K 801 RAINIER AVE N #G-140 313 152ND PL NE 11604 RAINIER AV S #302 RENTON, WA 98057 BELLEVUE, WA 98007 SEATILE, WA 98178 903000000 903000000 1181000000 EVANS JAYDA S EVANS VICTOR D FAIT ROSE M 801 RAINIER AV N #B-212 801 RAINIER AV N #A201 11604 RAINIER AV S #301 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98178 903000000 903000000 1181000000 FALK CARY FERGUSON ALEXANDER L FLIGHT ANTONIO F 801 RAINIER AVE N #E226 801 RAINIER AVE N #E-328 11604 RAINIER AV S RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98057 SEATILE, WA 98178 903000000 903000000 903000000 FOX ROBERT J GALAL MOHAMED A GIRMAY MEBRAT H (TRUSTEE) 8705 BAINBRIDGE LOOP NE 801 RAINIER AVE N #B310 6928 190TH ST SW LACEY, WA 98516 RENTON, WA 98055 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 903000000 4182300000 903000000 GODWINAMYD GOODFELLOW MALCOLM GREEN REBEKAH L 801 RAINIER AV N #E-323 3308 FUHRMAN AV E 801 RAINIER AV N #G137 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98102 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 1181000000 903000000 HALEY THOMAS E HARER PROPERTIES II LLC C/O HARRIS TAl O+MIRIAM R 801 RAINIER AV N #G333 11326 RAINIER AV S 801 RAINIER AVE N #A 103 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98178 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 7200033 4136800205 HESHI MING HEALY MARTIN+ANNE HEIGH MAXWELL 801 RAINIER AV N #C214 314 S TOBIN ST 11633 RAINIER AVE S RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98057 SEATILE, WA 98178 903000000 903000000 903000000 HENDRICKSON CAROL R HENDRY THEA L+STREETER WILL HENRY IVAN S 801 RAINIER AV N #G-236 801 RAINIER AVE #D-218 801 RAINIER AV N #A202 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98005 4204400120 723059003 903000000 HOLM JOHN R JARVIS PATRICIA JOHNSON MARIA C T+OKA LOREL 4611130TH AVE SE PO BOX 1056 801 RAINIER AVE N #D-118 BELLEVUE, WA 98006 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98057 1181000000 • 903000000 • 903000000 JUDY KAREN R JUE CHRISTOPHER K KAHSSAI TSION 11600 RAINIER AV S #204 801 RAINIER AVE N #B309 801 RAINIER AV N #A-304 -SEA TILE, WA 98178 SEATILE,WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 9564800102 903000000 KELLER LESLIE ANNE M KEODARA HOPE KERSHAW NICOLE J 816SW 3RD PL 101 NW6TH 5T 801 RAINIER AVE N #B311 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98057 1180001715 4182300000 903000000 LAKESHORE LANE COMPANY THE LAWRENCE MEGAN 400 UNION ST PO BOX 937 PO BOX 1423 SEATILE, WA 98101 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 1180002795 903000000 LE HUNG VO LEE EDDIE Q LING RACHEL+PECH TIMOTHY 801 RAINIER AVE N #G237 2349 12TH AVE S 801 RAINIER AVE N #G-239 RENTON, WA 98057 SEATILE,WA 98144 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 4204400071 903000000 LOPEZ NIKOS LOUIE ANGELA & DONNA LUU NGHIEPV 10031 61ST AVE S PO BOX 33594 801 RAINIER AV N #F-231 SEATILE, WA 98178 PORTLAND, OR 97292 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 1181000000 903000000 MADEIRA GERALDINE MALCOLM PAMELA G MARTIN ANDREW A 801 RAINIER AV N #0317 11600 RAINIER AV S UNIT 402 801 RAINIER AV N #F332 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98178 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 903000000 9564800176 MAYO PAMELA B MCCULLOUGH MICHAEL F MILLER WAYNE 801 RAINIER AVE N 0220 81 RAINIER AV N G-234 PO BOX 58187 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98058 903000000 903000000 903000000 NELSONS RON NHAM TUYEN CAM+DUC THI PHU NICHOLAS JAMES+JEAN 801 RAINIER AVE N #G-334 801 RAINIER AV N #0318 314 VIEWMONT DR RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 YAKIMA, WA 98908 903000000 903000000 903000000 NORTON STEPHANIE O'CONNOR-KRISS SARA KATE OFFRIL WENDY 801 RAINIER AV N #C316 801 RAINIER AV N F-130 801 RAINIER AVE N #B206 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 9564800071 9564800072 OKA STANLEY RAY+BEVERLY A OLA BABATUNDE ORN BEN+SARI G 75-417 HOENE ST 1813 NW 6TH ST 102 NW 6TH ST KAILUA-KONA, HI 96740 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98057 4182300000 ~-------------------- PARNEL FELICIA PATINA REALTY LLC PESCHEL BRIAN+KIM 801 RAINIER AVE N #E324 • 11326 RAINIER AVE S • 8696 ISLAND DR S RENTON, WA 98057 SEATTLE, WA 98178 SEATTLE, WA 98118 903000000 903000000 903000000 PFLEGER WILLIAM J PHAM ALEXIS PHAM CHUONG VAN 801 RAINIER AV N #E 228 801 RAINIER AV N #B109 801 RAINIER AV N #E127 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 903000000 1181000000 PHAM VUONG P PHILLIPS DAVID+ANGELA PHUONG DO 801 RAINIER AVE N #D217 11515 84TH AV S 10127 RAINIER AVE S RENTON, WA 98055 SEATTLE, WA 98178 SEATTLE, WA 98178 • , ••. ~. "_._, •. r. _ ... -......... 903000000 903000000 903000000 RABI AHMAD H RADCLIFF ZENOVIA RAY JACK R 22742 129TH PL SE PO BOX 822 801 RAINIER AV N #G 340 KENT, WA 98031 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 903000000 903000000 REECE KIRSTEN REICHERT SHADLEY G RICKETTS-CISNEROS LINDA 801 RAINIER AVE N #C1I5 801 RAINIER AV N #B112 3080 MOJAVE DR RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 W SACRAMENTO, CA 95691 903000000 903000000 4136800200 RUSSAK JEFFERY SACRAMENTO REYNALDO A SALMINEN JED 801 RAINIER AV N B-205 801 RAINIER AVE N #E322 8819 S 116TH PL RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98057 SEATTLE, WA 98178 903000000 903000000 903000000 SALVADOR DIONE P SANCHEZ JERRY O+SCHEERENS S SANTOR SAMANTHA K 801 RAINIER AVE N #F331 801 RAINIER AVE N #F230 801 RAINIER AV N #B305 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 903000000 903000000 SCHMEICHEL MARVIN+FRITTS MA SEIGLE JOHN C+KIMBERLY J KL SELIGMAN BETTY 801 RAINIER AV N #G-240 801 RAINIER AVE N #E126 801 RAINIER AV N #E224 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98055 4202401425 903000000 903000000 SENECA REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS SEZTO SHERRINA MINDY SINNETT NICHOLAS J 8921 NE 118TH PLACE 801 RAINIER AVE N #F-330 801 RAINIER AVE N #D320 KIRKLAND, WA 98034 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98057 1181000000 903000000 9564800103 SLAUGHTER MICHELE SMITH AARON M SMITH JAM IAN 11604 RAINIER AyE S UNIT 102 801 RAINIER AVE N #F-132 1075 BLAIN AVE NE #B SEATTLE, WA 981178 RENTON, WA 98057 RENTON, WA 98056 903000000 SMITH KIANA M 801 RAINIER AV N #C213 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 SONG XULING 335 105TH AVE SE BELLEVUE, WA 98004 1180002685 STEHMAN CRAIG G+THAYER MARK 8736 S 117TH PL SEATTLE, WA 98178 903000000 TAZUMA ROY SEIJI+GRACE RIE 801 RAINIER AVE N #A-203 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 TERADA MARVIN 801 RAINIER AV N #C215 RENTON, WA 98055 4182300000 TILDEN BRADLEY D+DANIELLE Y 1168 HARVARD AVE E #8 SEATTLE, WA 98102 4202401255 U-HAUL REAL ESTATE COMPANY PO BXO 29046 PHOENIX, AZ 85038 4268200055 WA STATE INVESTMENT LLC 2705 NE MAGNOLIA ST ISSAQUAH, WA 98029 1181000000 WHIT -HOLLOMAN JUANITA 22330 MEYLER ST #6 TORRANCE, CA 90502 903000000 WINES SUSAN 801 RAINIER AVE N #A104 RENTON, WA 98057 • 903000000 SONG RUI 325 105TH AVE SE BELLEVUE, WA 98004 903000000 SPENCER SEAN D 801 RAINIER AV N #D-219 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 STOKES SAMUEL L 801 RAINIER AVE N #E222 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 TEDDY RANDAL M 801 RAINIER AV N #G233 RENTON, WA 98055 4182300000 THOMAS W SCOTT 5612 MATTERHORN PL NW ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 903000000 TRAN CHAN TO+DELOVINO APOLO 801 RAINIER AV N #C313 RENTON, WA 98055 1181000000 VU JENNIE Y 11604 RAINIER AVE S #202 SEATTLE, WA 98178 1180002705 WALKER JEFFREY L+WHITNEY P 8811 S 117TH ST SEATTLE, WA 98178 903000000 WHITE JAMES DARRELL+DONNA G 801 RAINIER AV N #D119 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 WINKEL ALLAN G 801 RAINIER AV N #B110 RENTON, WA 98055 • 903000000 SONG RUI 801 RAINIER N #B307 RENTON, WA 98057 4182300000 SPIEGELMAN MARK D 935 210TH CT SE SAMMAMISH, WA 98075 903000000 STYLES COLLEEN G 801 RAINIER AV N #G-339 RENTON, WA 98055 1181000000 TEMPLE MARIAN 11600 RAINIER AVE S #206 SEATTLE,WA 98178 903000000 TICE FLORENCE 801 RAINIER AVE N #E227 RENTON, WA 98057 1181000000 TRAN SEAN X 11604 RAINIER AV S #401 SEATTLE,WA 98178 7200214 VUONG NHUT 311 S TILLICUM ST RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 WATES AMBRA+BENJAMIN ANDRE 801 RAINIER AVE N #E223 RENTON, WA 98057 903000000 WILLIAMS DAVID T 801 RAINIER AV N #F-229 RENTON, WA 98055 903000000 WINTERS JASON 801 RAINIER AVE N #G-335 RENTON, WA 98057 4182300000 WOOD GEOFFREY P+JILL JACOBI 5424 SAND POINT WAY NE SEATILE, WA 98105 1181000000 ZHONG LILY 901 SUNSET BLVD NE #0-115 RENTON, WA 98056 • 1181000000 YIRGA RAHEL+KASSA ABREHAM T 9200 15TH AVE SW #303 SEATILE, WA 98106 • 903000000 ZABEL KARIN 801 RAINIER AV N #B111 RENTON, WA 98055 - ------------------ Leslie Betlach ~. Plan Revie Plan Number: LUA1S-000714 Name: Site Address: 616 W PERIMETER RD Description: The Boeing Company is requesting SEPA Enviro nmental Review for the addition of seven 737 aircraft parking stalls es parking at the Renton Municipal Aport, which is zoned Industrial and replacement, support infrastructure induding water, fire (Apron C) and associated infrastructure improvements and vehid Medium (1M). Proposed improvements indude pavement repair protection, electrical and stromwater drainage improvements, offi ce and support structures including 18 modular buildings. The associated parking stalls. The new 737 Apron C would be located at om the Renton Manciple Airport (616 W Perimeter Rd). The area of sed via three driveways along W Perimeter Road. The applicant has d 15,400 cubic yards of fill. The proposed frontage improvements he applicant submitted a Geotechnical Analysis, and TIR with the combined total modular building area would be 9,220 SF with 38 760,770, and 820 West Perimeter Road on three leased parcels fr Apron C would total 217,621 SF or 4.99 acres. Site access is propo indicated the project would result in 12,000 cubic yards of cut an would result in the removal of 8 trees along W. Perimeter Road. T application. The site is located with in a seismic hazard area and a n erosion hazard area, no other critical areas are located on the 7:00·am to 10:00 pm which are outside the allowed construction pplication has been submitted to the City and is being processed project site. The applicant has requested a construction hours of window per the City of Renton code, therefore a noise variance a separately. Review Type: Community Services Review-Version 1 Date Assigned: 10/02/2015 Date Due: 10/16/2015 Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee Environmental Impact Earth Animals Ught/Glare Historic/Cultural Preservation Air Environmental Health I"R"'e:;cr..::e"'."'ti"'o:;.n _______ -lAi rport Envi ron menta I Water Energy/Natural Resources Utilities 10,000 Feet Plants Housing Transportation 14,000 Feet Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Public Service Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including a ny of the Enivornmentallmpacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made befo re the review can be completed and lor requesting submittal of ntation. additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing docume What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applic ant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections. ~~~r' Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Denis Law· . Mayor October 2~ 2015·. Mark Cleme~t . • The Boeing Company . , PO Box 3707 MC 1W-09 Seattle, WA98124 Community & Economic Development Department CE.:'Chip"Vincent, Administrator.' Subject: Notice of Complete Application . Apron'C 737 C1 Max. Stalls, LUA15-000714, ECF Dear Mr. Clement:· The Planriing Division of the City of Renton .has determined that the subject application is complete accordingtosubmittal r~quirements and, therefore; is accepted for review; . . It· is tentatively s~heduled fo~ consideraiiohby the Environmental Review Committee on . October 26; 2015. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any addition·al. information is required to continue processing.youppplication. '. . . . . . ~ , ". ' , .. " Plea~e contact meat (425)430-7314 if you have any questions .. Sincerely, . Vanessa Dolbee . Current PlanriingManager cc: City of Renton / Owner(s) Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov -------------------------------------- 9 • entail NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 2, 2015 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA15-000714, ECF PROJECT NAME: Apron C 737 Cli MAX Stalls PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Boeing Company is requesting SEPA Environmental Review for the addition of seven 737 aircraft parking stalls (Apron C) and associated infrastructure improvements and vehicles parking at the Renton Municipal Aport, which is zoned Industrial Medium (1M). Proposed improvements include paveO)ent repair and replacement, support infrastructure including water, fire protection, electrical and stromwater drainage improvements, office and support structures including 18 modular buildings. The combined total modular building area would be 9,220 SF with 38 associated parking stalls. The new 737 Apron C would be located at 760, 770, and 820 West Perimeter Road on three leased parcels from the Renton Manciple Airport (616 W Perimeter Rd). The area of Apron C would total 217,621 SF or 4.99 acres. Site access is proposed via three driveways along W Perimeter. Road. The applicant has indicated the project would result in 12,000 cubic yards of cut and 15,400 cubic yards of fill. The proposed frontage improvements would result in the removal of 8 trees along W. Perimeter Road. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Analysis, and TIR with the application. The site is located with in a seismic hazard area and an erosion hazard area, no other critical areas are located on the project site. The applicant has requested a construction hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm which are outside the allowed construction window per the City of Renton code, therefore a noise variance application has been submitted to the City and is being processed separately. PROJECT LOCATION: 616 W Perimeter Rd OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental in1Pacts are unlikely to result from the propo~ed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional ONS-M process to give notice that a ONS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed ONS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be' no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated (ONS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comme;nt on the environmental impac'ts of the proposal. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the ONS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: September 30, 2015 October 1, 2015 Mark Clement, The Boeing Company/PO Box 3707 Me lW-09/Seattle, WA 98124/2D6-617-2944/mark,d,clemenl@boeing,com Environmental (SEPA) Review, Building Permit, Construction Permit Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Apron C 737 Cli MAX Stalls / LUA15-000714, ECF NAME: __________________________________________________________________ __ MAILING ADDRESS: _____________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: __________________________ __ .--------------------------------------- location where apPIiC. may be reviewed: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: • Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -P.lanni"g Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 105S South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 The subject site is designated COMP-EA on the City of Renton Comprehensive land.Use Map and 1M on the City's Zoning Map. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, 4-9-070 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCEDURES; 4-2-130 INDUSTRIAL DEVElOPMENT STANDARDS and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. The applicant shall comply with the recommendation included in the Geotechnical Report prepared by S&EE, dated September 22, 201S or an updated report submitted at a latter date. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 9a057, by 5:00 PM on October 16, 2015. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PERSON: Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager; Tel: (425) 430- 7314; Eml: vdolbee@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • • City of Renton RECE\VED LAND USE PERMIT SEP 3() 2\l\S MASTER APPLICATION~N~~:~~~~~N PROPERTY OWNER(S) TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 206617- 2944 NAME: City of Renton Mark.d.clement@boeing.com ADDRESS: 1011 Perimeter RD W PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME Apron C 737 Cll MAX CITY: Renton ZIP: STALLS 9B055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 4254307400 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP 616 W Perimeter rd renton wa: - 3 parcels 760 w perimeter rd APPLICANT (if other than owner) 770 w perimeter rd 820 perimeter road NAME: Mark Clement KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): COMPANY (il applicable): Boeing 072305-9007, parcel, # 760 56,923 sqft, # 770 86, 848 sqft #820 parcel 73,850 sqtt ADDRESS: PO Box 3707 MC 1W-09 EXISTING LAND USErS): Manulactoring, Airport CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98124 PROPOSED LAND USErS): Manulactoring, Airport EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER 206617-2944 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CONTACT PERSON (il applicable): NA NAME: ,,1I/Mark·,Clement t '''/ ",\\ ... \ \,. AROMA '-:~:" ... EXISTING ZONING 1M ,\'?:"" ,II' "',-".,_ 'C"" - .... _~~~, \1 'AOJ,';l .. /"~ --;. . COMP»;NY.(il apj:llic'able): -=Boelng Co. :" ~~'t' ~ r~ il~, .. ~, '"!._ ::. 'i:m ~ ~ ~ :.:: : .. --, ~'U:::: AqoF,j.EqS: ',P"Q Bqx~797 MC 1W-09 -"".1-;'" @r ,3'\\'-'~." ":" ... ":,r ........ · .. e .•. 1\ ''/ " _~ ~.. ,..~, 'hd.HI .... , ,\ -~,.... -/olz'H, .... 'j\~ ,-I\\'~ CITY: '''/..-, '1i~~!1ton ZIP: 98124 PROPOSED ZONING (il applicable): same as existing SITE AREA (in square leet): 217,621 sq It SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED:none SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (il applicable): NA Q:web/pw/devserv/fomlsipianning/masterapp.doc 09/23/15 PRI INFORMATION (\;UlIll~ NUMBER OF ~MPI ,,,,,,,,,TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): NA NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 0 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NA PROJECT VALUE: 15.3 MILLION IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA 0 "'QUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL $ GEOLOGIC HAZARD 217.621 _ sq. ft. BUILDINGS (if applicable): 9.200 o . HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL , SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable) :3000 ',,0 '·.r ";,' NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if 0 WETLANDS sq. ft. applicable):same LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach leQal description on separate sheet with the foliowinQ information included) SITUATE IN THE -ne QUARTER OF SECTION 7_, TOWNSHIP _23n_, RANGE_5e_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. -SEPA Land use --3. - 2. 4. - Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ Billed_ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (Print Name/s) M (4 y K C 1 e (") f,..J t . declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or o....J the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herei contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary Q:web/pw/devserv/fonnslplnnninglmnsterapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that tv' 0 v\? c.!LW'\.(.. "'± signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ~""\"\\\"tl "" ...... " ~ORA J "~'"~ .::::-e;,~ ... ,,\\\\\\1"1,' ~ "/. =-$'~,!.SIOIi ~~"I ~ ~ -~~.... 'f: III -,. II. :: =0 +OT04. ~~ ~ -=" .413~:;...o! vJ -; "'~ ~ U ""-.6" ""\ A" :::; ~ .......,.,,:;: ,." N t (P' t) <.U"O'V D-,J. c...,'" ", Ill. <... !i::: a ary nn --'-'-""'-===-=-'=-='---'SS,,-~'-ll. t-"SL't. § ... ::: Z";A"lI8. ~~-~ ~ "'",'19_19,_<'" ",0 : 'I, 0 111\\",,\\"'" " - My appOintment expires:_(.,=-,->.\q-,-~,,-l 1\-'-____ "'// 'I> WAS\'\\~ ~ 11111\\,,,"", ...... 2 09/23/15 --------------- DEPARTMENT OF COM.ITY AND ECONOMIC DEVElOPMENT WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED. MODIFIED BY: BY: Arborist Report • Architectural Elevations, AND. Biological Assessment. Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display 4 .. 1A12. Construction Mitigation Description 'AND' Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet. 1tt12 Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report} Elevations, Architectural,AND4 Environmental Checklist. Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) lAND. Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) lAND4 Flood Hazard Data. VU/ Floor Plans, AND. COMMENTS: ............. ,\ len I<t:.'-'Ll v 1-'-" SEP 3 0 ZG1J , Geotechnical ReportlAND' .-.'fV nr;: Pfc\\\TON Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual, Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed, Habitat Data Report. Improvement Deferral, Irrigation Plan. 1 -P~NNING DIVISION < lAJ) lAri\~cl' UJif--v:{lt)f)'J..,t-ik tLe..s; PROJECT NAME: lbUi9J JWr1lYl t- DATE: Cf-8 -/5 H :\CED\Data \Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plan ning\ Waiversubm itta Ireqs.docx Rev: 02/2015 • • LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site, Landscape Plan, Conceptual, Landscape Plan, Detailed, Legal Description, Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk, Map of Existing Site Conditions, Master Application Form, Monument Cards (one per monument) I Neighborhood Detail Map, Overall Plat Plan, Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis, Plan Reductions (PMTs) , , Post Office Approval 2 Plat Name Reservation, Plat Plan, Preapplication Meeting Summary , tlJL£Z Public Works Approval Letter 2 Rehabilitation Plan, Screening Detail, Shoreline Tracking Worksheet, Site Plan 2 AND' Stream or lake Study. Standard, IIW luYiiJu{ unta.; U1MJ:-.;;j;n Zc:o H· Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental, of-.sh.';~II>",e.. Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan, . Street Profiles 2 Title Report or Plat !;ertificate I AND' Topography Map 3 Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan, Urban DeSign Regulations Analysis, 1M) Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final, Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary , VW I LAti~ (J\WS r:lek(M.Q.~ ~W J -------------------------------------2----------------------------__________ ___ H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev: 02/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMln~REMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: ./I, -", t Agreement Statement, AND' Inventory of Existing Sites 'AND' Lease' nt, Draft, A@3 Map of c. i Site Conditions, AND' Map of View Area, AND' Photo simulations 'AND' This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning ,·,I\'VED BY: BY: 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-HeJp Handouts\Planning\Wa'lversubmittalreqs.docx COMMENTS: RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2015 CITY OF m=.NTON PLANNING DIVISION Rev: 02/2015 -----~----------------- • • City of Renton Land Use Permit Project Narrative Apron C CI Project Project Name, Size, and Location RECEiver SEP 3 0 rO"j CITY OF :: ..•. :.;J The project is the 737 Max Flightline Utilities -Apron C CI Project The project owner is B6~fi,~NING DIVi310N Commercial Airplanes, Seattle District, and the project location is the City of Renton -Renton Municipal Airport. Boeing has leased property from Renton Airport, namely properties 760, 770 and 820, and Boeing will make required infrastructure improvements to support the increased production rates required for the Boeing MAX CI Program (737 production). The site is located midfield on the west side of Runway 15/33, between the taxiway and the west perimeter road. The area is largely flat impervious pavement used for aircraft parking. There are tie- downs for general aviation parking, as well as hard stands for larger aircraft. The site is fenced from public access with public parking along the west perimeter road. Since the property is located on the airfield, planning use is largely designated in the Airport Master Plan. The Master Plan is dated 1997 and is currently being updated. The new master plan will be reviewed and approved by various local, regional, state and federal agencies to permit long range programming. The proposed upgrades to the parking area are in concurrence with the designations of the current and future master plans. Zoning Designation of Site and Adjacent Properties The zoning designation for the property per the Renton Zoning Code is Medium Industrial (1M), with Comprehensive Plan Designation as Urban Center-North 2 (UC-N2). Current Use of Site and Existing Improvements The current use of the site is for general aviation parking. The area has concrete and asphalt pavement, and associated parking, fencing and airport security features. Aircraft tie downs are available to secure the GA aircraft at their parking positions. Adjacent buil~ings are used for aircraft support, manufacturing, engine repair and other aviation support functions such as training and maintenance. The site has existing infrastructure improvements including sewer, water, electrical and storm available for tie-in. 10f4 • • Figure (1) -Existing Site Aerial -Renton Airport West of R/W 15/33 Special Site Features (Wetlands, Water Bodies, Steep Slopes) None known. Soil Type and Drainage Conditions Soil conditions for the site indicate several feet of fill, probably a compact mixture of sand and gravel' (pitrun fill). The fill is underlain by alluvial soils 5 to 15 feet thick offine to medium sand below fill. The material varies from soft to medium dense to a depth of 40 feet. Groundwater depths are expected to be 3-5 feet below predeveloped ground surface, and will fluctuate with the season and precipitation. Footing subgrades will be designed and prepared in accordance with the geotechnical report recommendations. If loose or unstable soils are encountered during construction the subgrade will be over-excavated as required by the geotechnical engineers. Footings will be extended at least 18" below the adjacent finished grade to provide freeze protection. Stormwater upgrades will use City of Renton or Boeing details as applicable. The storm system will capture pavement flows and route the runoff to oil water separator(s) and storm filter vaults as required to meet discharge criteria. Stormwater discharge infrastructure will be provided at both the north and south leased parcels. The south parcel will require a lift station that will discharge to a box culvert located in the west perimeter road. A drainage report is included with this application and contains additional required details related to the storm water conveyance system. In addition to stormwater features, the apron aircraft parking positions that will park fueled aircraft will have trench grates to collect a fuel spill should it occur. The fuel will be directed to a 10,000 gallon fuel containment vaults. The flow will be directed to the vault using an emergency button accessible at the apron. 20f4 -. • • Proposed Use of the Property and Scope of the Proposed Development The site will be upgraded with infrastructure improvements to support the parking of seven (7) Boeing 737 aircraft. Improvements include pavement repair and replacement, aircraft parking support infrastructure including water, fire protection, electrical and storm water drainage improvements; and office and support structures including (11) modular type buildings for office type functions, and (7) tool rooms. Office square footage (combined total) is nominally 8500 SF at the south parcel and 720 SF at the north parcel. The existing building 5-427 will be upgraded with tenant improvements. Access to the site will be via three driveways along West Perimeter Road. Proposed Off-site improvements Offsite improvements are limited to a new sidewalk on the west side of the perimeter road; the sidewalk will connect the two leased parcels, allowing north-south pedestrian access along the west side of the perimeter road. Building plumbing will tie into existing sanitary sewer. Water will tie in to existing water service mains, no offsite upgrades are required to water sewer infrastructure. A sanitary sewer lift station will be required on-site to provide required lift to the gravity flow connect location. Total Estimated Construction Cost Estimated construction cost is approximately $15.3 million. Estimated Quantities of Fill and Excavation Excavation Fill • ,Utilities = 5,000 CV • New Pavement (including pavement removal) = 7,000 CV • Utility Backfill = 5,000 CV • Aggregate Base = 6,000 CV • Asphalt Pavement = 2,500 Tons •. Concrete Pavement = 1,900 CV Trees to be removed A few trees may be required to be removed during the installation of the sidewalk along the west side of the perimeter road. These are listed below: • 30" Maple • 16" Maple • 20" Stump • 14" Maple • 20" Oak 30f4 • • • 16" Oak • 24" Stump • 22" Oak Land to be dedicated to the City None proposed. Proposed Job Shacks, Sales Trailers, and Model Homes A job shack may be provided on site during construction. Proposed Modifications None proposed. Distance in feet from Wetlands or Streams (if within 100 feet from stream/wetland) The project is not located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland. The project is not relocated within 200ft of a shoreline 40f4 .' . .., . ------------------------- • • CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION Boeing Commercial Airplane Group Renton, WA Apron C 737 Max CI project Proposed Construction Dates & Times: The proposed construction schedule will begin in Jan 2016 and end in May 2016 Apron C (Parcels 76017701820) RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2015 CITY OF mENTON PLANNING DIVISION Construction Zones Work Hours: 7:00AM-IO:00PM Mon-Sat Times are not per City of Renton standard Power Distribution Duct Bank Apron B to Parcel 770 & 820 Crew Mobilize 8:00PM-9:00PM Construction Work Activities 9:00PM-7:00AM Times are not per City of Renton standard See attached layout Construction Mitigation Measures & Best Practices: . All activities will begin with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP)). These practices include: Proposed Hauling! Transportation routes Contractors will apply for their own hauling pennits related to this project. And will follow a city approved route. Construction. The actual Construction will be accomplished by a Construction contractor. The contractor will call for all required inspections, as well as site pre-construction meeting. The contractor will keep records of any special inspections at the construction site. Back up alarms will be disabled and truck backing directed by spotter. Truck beds will be lined with a layer of sand to muffle debris loading noise. Efforts will be made to schedule "noisy" work during standard construction hours as much as possible. • • Storm Water Construction will start with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP) for Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) under supervision of Boeing Environmental personnel. All storm water drain inlets in and around the proposed construction operations and staging areas will be surrounded by oil absorbent padding to mitigate the potential of any hydraulic/fuel leakages emanating from construction machinery entering the watershed Snow. Ice. dirt and mud removal Contractor shall remove snow and ice to the extent necessary to perform the work. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted to remove snow or ice. Contractor shall assure that vehicles are constructed, loaded, maintained and covered as necessary to prevent the deposition of dirt, mud or other debris on public roadways. Dirt mud or debris shall be removed on continual basis. Any dirt, mud or debris dropped by vehicles shall be removed immediately. Dust Control Through the entire construction period the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to dust control all working area and unpaved roads. The use of calcium chloride or other chemicals will not be permitted for dust control. The Contractor will accomplish dust control by watering and sprinkling to satisfactorily settle the dust. Contractor shall comply with any requirements imposed by law to prevent fugitive dust emissions. All demolished materials and debris will be stockpiled on site to prevent dust and sedimentation from migrating onto roadways. Contractor vehicles that are transporting materials to and from the site will be required to have tires washed prior to leaving the site. This will prevent dust and sedimentation from entering nearby roadways. Airport Mitigation A pre construction meeting will set up with the Airport personnel. The contractor will set up visual controls, and FOD controls including FOD fence. Contractor will be in communication with airport tower during construction hours Contractor personnel will wear reflective vests on Airport apron at all times --------------------------------- o · .' 737 MAX Flightline Utilities -APRON C CONSTRUCTION -12/14/2015 -112912016 RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2015 CITY OF RENTON PLAI'<NING GrJ\,,:ON .' BOEING 737 MAX FLiGHTLINE PROJECTS -TRUCK ROUTE DESTINATION AND ROUTE WILL CHANGE BASED ON ------------------_._---_. ----------------;- • • • 737 MAX FLiGHTLINE UTILITIES -APRON C PROJECT -CONSTRUCTION ZONE SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 -DECEMBER 15, 2015 • MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: September 21, 2015 Bradley Hibbard, The Boeing Company Mike Swenson, PE, PTOE Jesse Birchman, PE , PTOE Boeing Renton Apron C Vehicular Trip Generation Estimate TG: 15376.00 This memorandum summarizes the anticipated vehicular trip generation associated with the proposed Apron C development. Apron C would provide seven new airplane stalls to be used for light testing before delivery. The site is located along the west side of the Renton Municipal Airport and is currently used for other commercial plan parking . Figure 1 below illustrates the approximate location of the proposed Apron C. Based on information provided by Boeing , no new employment would occur with development of Apron C ; employees associated with activities at Apron C would be reassigned from other current labor efforts elsewhere on the Boeing Renton site. As such , overall headcount for the facility is not anticipated to exceed previously established headcounts for the site . .. N RECF IVED SEP 3 0 20\5 C ON PLANN ON Figure 1. Site Vicinity A trip generation study was conducted at the three existing airplane delivery stalls in September 2015 . Detailed data is provided as Attachment A . The purpose of these observations was to determine the level of activity associated with the Aprons and identify the nature of the activity (Le . shuttles, Boeing service vehicle, or personal vehicles) One plane occupied the southernmost of 11730 118th Avenue N.E., Suite 600, Kirkland , WA 98034 I 425.821.3665 I transpo grOUp.com • the three airplane stalls during field observations while the remaining two stalls were vacant. All vehicles observed travelling to/from the southern two stalls were observed to be related to the present airplane while little to no traffic was observed from the northernmost stall. Of the vehicles traveling to and from the stalls, 100% were Boeing vehicles during AM peak observations (6:00- 9:00 a.m .) while approximately 60 percent of vehicles during the PM peak observations (3:00-6:00 p.m .) were Boeing vehicles . The remaining 20 percent of vehicles during the PM peak were either forklifts or personal vehicles. The observed weekday peak hour trip generation rates are summarized in Table 1 along with the estimated trip generation for the seven proposed airplane delivery stalls . To illustrate a range of estimates for both average and conservatively worst-c ase conditions, trip generation rates and estimates were developed for two scenarios: 1) similar occupancy to observed existing conditions (one airplane per three stalls) and 2) fully occupied delivery stalls (one airplane in each stall). Table 1. Airplane Stall Trip Generation Summary Project Trips Land Use Rate' Inbound% Total In Out 7 Airplane Stalls Weekday AM Peak HOur' 6 .3 vah per stall 5 1% 44 22 22 Weekday PM Peak HOu r' 2 .3 veh per stail 62% 16 10 6 7 Occupied Airplane Stalls Weekday AM Peak Hour 19 .0 veh per stail 51% 133 67 66 Weekday PM Peak Hour 7 .0 vah per stall 62% 49 30 19 1. Trips rates from trip generation study conducted at Renton Boeing Campus in September 2015. 2. Peak hour between the hours of 6:00 -9:00 AM 3. Peak hour between the hours of 3 :00 -6:00 PM As shown, when stall occupancy is similar to observed conditions (one plane per three stalls), approximately 6 .3 AM peak hour trips and 2.3 PM peak hour vehicle trips would be generated per stall. This results in a trip generation estimate of 44 AM peak hour trips and 16 PM peak hour trips. With full occupancy of all seven proposed stalls, approximately 19 PM peak hour trips and 7 AM peak hour trips would be generated per stall, resulting in up to 133 AM peak hour trips and 49 PM peak hour vehicle trips. As previously noted, the headcount for the site is not anticipated to increase beyond the maximum levels established with the city. In addition, existing observations indicate that 60 percent of more of all vehicle activity generated by Apron C airplane stalls will likely be on-site Boeing vehicles that would not travel off-site on public roadways . Based on these considerations, no new off-site vehicle trips are anticipated to be generated by the development of Apron C beyond some service vehicle deliveries (Le . FedEx, UPS, etc.). Boeing staff have indicated that no more than 2 delivery vehicles are anticipated during anyone-hour period . As a result, minimal off-site traffic operation impacts are anticipated as a result of Apron C development. 2 • • ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Renton Site Logistics Project 2. Name of applicant: The Boeing Company 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Boeing Commercial Airplanes Attention: Mark Clement Facilities Permits/Land Use The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, M/S 1W-09 Seattle, Washington 98124-2207 Phone: 206-617-2944 4. Date checklist prepared: Sept 2015 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction activities are anticipated to begin in Dec 2014 and are expected to be completed by mid 2015 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Future Activities to support 737 Max flight operation deliveries may occur at Apron C if approved. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. The following documents have been or will be prepared for the project: • Traffic study, Transpo Group, Geotechnical Report, CJ Shin • Technical Information Report -Dowl group 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, Explain. Lease #820 waiting to be signed by City of Renton. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 1 912312015 • 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Federal • 7460 State • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Stormwater General Permit King County • Industrial Wastewater Construction Dewatering Permit City of Renton • Environmental Review • Civil Engineering Review • Construction ( Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire protection) and Building Permits, 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) Project Name. Size. and Location The project is the 737 Max Flightline Utilities -Apron C CI Project. The project owner is Boeing Commercial Airplanes" and the project location is the City of Renton -Renton Municipal Airport. Boeing has leased property from Renton Airport, namely properties 760, 770 and 820, and Boeing will make required infrastructure improvements to support the increased production rates required for the Boeing MAX CI Program (737 production). The site is located midfield on the west side of Runway 15/33, between the taxiway and the west perimeter road. The area is largely flat impervious pavement used for aircraft parking. There are tie-downs for general aviation parking, as well as hard stands for larger aircraft. The site is fenced from public access with public parking along the west perimeter road. Since the property is located on the airfield, planning use is largely designated in the Airport Master Plan. The Master Plan is dated 1997 and is currently being updated. The new master plan will be reviewed and approved by various local, regional, state and federal agencies to permit long range programming. The proposed upgrades to the parking area are in concurrence with the designations of the current and future master plans. Zoning Designation of Site and Ad jacent Properties The zoning designation for the property per the Renton Zoning Code is Medium Industrial (IM), with Comprehensive Plan Designation as Urban Center-North 2 (UC-N2). Current Use of Site and Existing Improvements The current use of the site is for general aviation parking. The area has concrete and asphalt pavement, and associated parking, fencing and airport security features. Aircraft tie downs are available to secure the GA aircraft at their parking positions. Adjacent buildings are used for ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 2 912312015 ------------------------------------------------; • • aircraft support, manufacturing, engine repair and other aviation support functions such as training and maintenance. The site has existing infrastructure improvements including sewer, water, electrical and storm available for tie-in. Special Site Features (Wetlands, Water Bodies, Steep Slopes) None known. Soil Type and Drainage Conditions Soil conditions for the site indicate several feet of fill, probably a compact mixture of sand and gravel (pit run fill). The fill is underlain by alluvial soils 5 to 15 feet thick of fine to medium sand below fill. The material varies from soft to medium dense to a depth of 40 feet. Groundwater depths are expected to be 3-5 feet below predeveloped ground surface, and will fluctuate with the season and precipitation. Footing subgrades will be designed and prepared in accordance with the geotechnical report recommendations. If loose or unstable soils are encountered during construction the subgrade will be over-excavated as required by the geotechnical engineers. Footings will be extended at least 18" below the adjacent finished grade to provide freeze protection. Stormwater upgrades will use City of Renton or Boeing details as applicable. The storm system will capture pavement flows and route the runoff to oil water separator(s) and storm filter vaults as required to meet discharge criteria. Stormwater discharge infrastructure will be provided at both the north and south leased parcels. The south parcel will require a lift station that will discharge to a box culvert located in the west perimeter road. A drainage report is included with this application and contains additional required details related to the storm water conveyance system. In addition to stormwater features, the apron aircraft parking positions that will park fueled aircraft will have trench grates to collect a fuel spill should it occur. The-fuel will be directed to a 10,000 gallon fuel containment vaults. The flow will be directed to the vault using an emergency button accessible at the apron. Proposed Use of the Property and Scope of the Proposed Development The site will be upgraded with infrastructure improvements to support the parking of seven (7) Boeing 737 aircraft. Improvements include pavement repair and replacement, aircraft parking support infrastructure including water, fire protection, electrical and storm water drainage improvements; and office and support structures including (11) modular type buildings for office type functions, and (7) tool rooms. Office square footage (combined total) is nominally 8500 SF at the south parcel and 720 SF at the north parcel. The existing building 5-427 will be upgraded with tenant improvements. Access Access to the site will be via three driveways along West Perimeter Road. Proposed Off-site improvements Offsite improvements are limited to a new sidewalk on the west side of the perimeter road; the sidewalk will connect the two leased parcels, allowing north-south pedestrian access along the west side of the perimeter road. Building plumbing will tie into existing sanitary sewer. Water will tie in to existing water service mains, no offsite upgrades are required to water sewer ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 3 912312015 • (. infrastructure. A sanitary sewer lift station will be required on-site to provide required lift to the gravity flow connect location. Total Estimated Construction Cost Estimated construction cost is approximately $15.3 million. Estimated Quantities of Fill and Excavation Excavation • Utilities = 5,000 CY • New Pavement (including pavement removal) = 7,000 CY Fill • Utility Backfill = 5,000 CY • Aggregate Base = 6,000 CY • Asphalt Pavement = 2,500 Tons • Concrete Pavement = 1,900 CY Trees to be removed A few trees may be required to be removed during the installation of the sidewalk along the west side of the perimeter road. These are listed below: • 30" Maple • 16" Maple • 20" Stump • 14" Maple • 20" Oak • 16" Oak • 24" Stump • 22" Oak Land to be dedicated to the City None proposed. Proposed .lob Shacks, Sales Trailers, and Model Homes A job shack may be provided on site during construction. Proposed Modifications None proposed. Distance in feet from Wetlands or Streams (if within 100 feet from stream/wetland) The project is not located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, Or 200 ft from a shoreline 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The project is located at the Renton Municipal Airport on Boeing (leased property) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 4 912312015 --------------~~---- • • B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): IFlat,1 rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 1% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Soil type is primarily sandy silt loam. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Yes, the City of Renton has identified the area as presenting a seismic hazard due to potential liquefaction during a seismic event. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Excavation for utilities and fill of clean native soil for compaction. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Yes, soils will be exposed during project construction presenting a risk for erosion. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 99% of the site is currently covered with impervious surfaces. It is anticipated that there will be no increase in impervious surfaces from the existing condition by more than 5% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. Air A temporary erosion and sediment control plan will be developed consistent with City of Renton standards to identify the temporary erosion control measures will be used by contractor. These elements may include minimizing exposed soils, stabilizing exposed soils, using erosion control fences, inlet protection and other typical best management practices. The project will obtain coverage under the Construction Stormwater General Permit through Ecology and will be required to maintain a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, install, inspect and maintain erosion control features on the site, monitor discharges and submit discharge monitoring reports to Ecology. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 5 9J23/2015 • • a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed?}f any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Dust and exhaust from construction equipment will be generated during project construction activities. The completed project will not result in any change in existing operational air emissions. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. There are no off-site sources of emissions or odor that will affect the proposed project. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Mitigation measures to reduce emissions include ensuring that machines and equipment used during construction are well maintained and employ legally required emission control equipment. Dust will be minimized through use of appropriate best management practices to the activities that may create dust, such as wetting of exposed soils or utilization of tools equipped with dust collection systems. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Lake Washington is located to the north of the site. The Cedar River is located to the west of the project site and drains to Lake Washington; 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. No fill or dredge material will be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No surface water withdrawals or diversions are proposed with the project. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. FEMA Community Panel Nos. 53033C0664 and 53033C0977F indicate that the project site is not located within a special flood hazard area. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 6 912312015 • • 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. The proposed project does not involve any discharge of waste materials to surface waters. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Dewatering will be necessary in order to construct building foundations and utilities trenching. Bore sample testing will be conducted across the site to confirm groundwater elevations. A Geotechnical Letter Report will be prepared. Flow quantities will be provided with building permit submittals. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Domestic sewage to wastewater line in office trailer c. Water runoff (including storm-water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). WHere will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Runoff will resuJt from stormwater generated on the project ,site. In the existing and proposed conditions, site drainage sheet flows to piped conveyance systems. In the existing and proposed conditions oil/water separation is provided. Drainage from the site outfalls to Lake Washington, This treatment system will be located within a centrally located site drainage basin. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. The only potential for waste material is from accidental spills of fuel or other liquids during project construction. The contractor will be required to maintain spill kits on site to address potential spills during construction and Boeing has an established spill prevention and counter measures program for site operations. All storm water drain inlets in and around the proposed construction operations and staging areas will be protected with inlet protection BMP. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 7 912312015 • • Existing drainage patterns for the site will be retained. Drainage from the project will continue to be conveyed to existing stormwater outfalls that discharge to Lake Washington. Lake Washington is an exempt surface water, as classified by the Washington State Department of Ecology; and therefore, flow control for the project is not required. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: I:8J Deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: Cottonwood I:8J Evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other I:8l Shrubs I:8l Grass D Pasture D Crop or grain D Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, Other: reed canary grass, soft rush, slough sedge D Water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other D Other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? see project narrative c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Migratory Salmon, steel head in nearby Cedar River d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: New landscaping in frontage area 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, Iherol1!.leaglfll, songbirds, other: IseagulISl,lcrowSi. Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beavell, other: Fish: bass, Isalmol1!.ltrou herring, shellfish, other: liang fin sme/4 b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Puget Sound Steel head and their status are under the ESA, the species is listed as "threatened," as are Puget Sound Chinook salmon and coastallPuget Sound bull trout. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Yes, the site is part of the Pacific Flyway; see the 2003 Boeing EIS. Puget Sound Chinook salmon, Puget Sound steelhead trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, coastal cutthroat trout, and non-anadroumous rainbow trout use the Cedar River and Lake Washington as migration routes. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None at this time, as no impacts are anticipated. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 8 912312015 • • 6. Energy and natural resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Energy efficient lighting systems. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not Applicable b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? No existing noise sources would affect the proposed project. The project is located adjacent to the Renton airport runway and there is noise from landing and departing aircraft. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. See attached. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Contractors will be required to comply with the provisions of WAC 173-60 during construction. All engine-powered equipment will be required to have mufflers installed according to the manufacturers' specification. All equipment will be required to comply with relevant equipment noise standards of the US Environmental Protection Agency. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 9 9/23/2015 • • 8. Land and shoreline use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site adjacent to the parcel is currently used by the Boeing Airplane Programs as a manufacturing site for the Boeing Next-Generation 737 commercial airplane. The site includes approximately 4.3 million square feet of building space in multiple buildings, outdoor storage and logistics yards, site access roads, parking and other improvements. The site has been used by Boeing since 1941. The project site is bounded to the north by Lake Washington, to the west by perimeter road. To the east the airport landing stripa nd to the south is airport way b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. small airport office buildings and crew shelters. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? no e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? 1M f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The comprehensive plan designation for this property is Urban Center-North. Adjacent plan designations are the same as the project site, with the exception of property to the west, which is designated as Employment Area Industrial. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? The Cedar River and Lake Washington are shorelines of the state and subject to the Shoreline Management Act. The City's Shoreline Master Program (SMP) designates the project area as Shoreline High Intensity and it is in Cedar River Reach A and Lake Washington reaches I and J. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Yes, the Cedar River and Lake Washington are identified as environmentally sensitive areas. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 10 912312015 • • i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Varies, APRON parking spaces will be used by multiple employees j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal are compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The proposed project is compatible with the existing and projected land uses and plans for the site as an airplane manufacturing and assembly facility. No specific measures are planned. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not Applicable 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including I antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? 2S.7ft. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Landscaping Screening 11. Light and glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 11 912312015 • • None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: New lighting spread will be directed towards ground 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? The Cedar River shoreline trail and park are within the general area of the Renton Site. The Cedar River is used for fishing and boating. The Renton Rowing club operates upstream of the project site and the Renton City Boathouse is located to the northeast. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Not Applicable 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a., Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No structures of historical significance have been identified on the project site. The Washington State Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Records Data does not identify any properties within the project area as being on the historic property inventory or register."; Mitigation measures identified below will need to be implemented during construction if archaeological resources are encountered during construction. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None have been identified on the project site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Should any unknown archaeological resources be encountered during project activities, ground-disturbing activities will be halted in the area of the find in accordance with RCW 27.53.060 (Archaeological Sites and Resources) and RCW 27.44.020 (Indian Graves and Records). A professional archaeologist will be called in to assess the significance of the find, and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Olympia will be notified so that a course of action can be implemented. 14. Transportation ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 12 912312015 any: ------------------- • • a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. See attachment. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? 200FT c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 39 new d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). New sidewalk curb cuts, new water main, road improvement e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. Yes, the project utilizes the Renton Municipal Airport and a rail spur for facility operations. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. See traffic study g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. None is anticipated. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Not Applicable 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. All utilities are currently available at the site, except Septic b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity, which might be needed. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 13 9/2312015 • • Electrical power and diesel will be used for construction equipment. Metro Sewer, City of Seattle water, Puget Sound Energy. C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I Understand that the lead agency is relying on m to make its decision. Signature:..""."-_:=--:-:-__ "'::"+-::::>,£,,""'::'-4---:.,l-__ Mark D. cr,ent Date Submitted: f ~-:> ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 14 912312015 • • I S&EE Job No_ 1505 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PROPOSED APRON "c" UPGRADE RENTON AIRPORT S&EE JOB NO. 1505 SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2015 CITY OF R~j\~l'ON PLANNING DIVISION S&££ • • S&!E!E SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS. INC. 16625 Redmond Way. Suite M 124. Redmond. Washin~on 98052. w~ .. w.SoilEn\'ironmental.com (425) 868-5868 Mr. Brad Hibbard The Boeing Company Project Construction Management CC: Mr. Michael Sullivan. PE Ms. Darren Murata. PE Dear Brad: September 22. 2015 Preliminary Geotechnical Report Proposed Apron "C" Upgrade Renton Airport We are pleased to present herewith our Preliminary Geotechnical Report for the referenced project. We understand that at the time of this report some of the design details have not been finalized. As such. we may prepare a final report at a laler date to incOIpOrate addition geotechnical recommendations. Our services were authorized via Boeing's Work Order Number 2211201#150079. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services. Should you ha\'e any questions regarding the contents of this report or require additional information. please lei me know anytime . I50Srpl Very truly yours. SOIL &, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. ~-~i-l.)-,r- !._ NOV. 2.0 I &.J c. J. Shin. Ph.D., P.E. President S&££ • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1,0 INTROOUCTIOl"i •••....•••••.•.••••.......••.....•••..........••••....••••••••••.•••••••...•................................•••••.•...•••••••.•.•••••••••••..••.. 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK ....•.•............................•••.....••.••...•••.•••..••...•••••........•.....................••••••••••.....•....•••••...•••••.......... 1 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS •.......•.•••.....•••••••••.•••••...••.•......•.•••.................••.••...•••.••••.•. ~ .••••.....•••......................••........••....•. 2 3.1 SITEHISTORY&GEOLOGY 3.2 SURFACE CONDITIONS ... 2 . ............ 3 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .. . ........................................................................ 5 3.4 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS ... . ............ 5 4.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... __ .. _ .......•.. __ ..................................... 6 4.1 GENERAL .. -1.2.1 Spread Fooling de.\·ign ................................. . -1.2. I Footing cons/ruction .. 4.3 SLAB·ON·GRADE OR LOAD-SUPPORTING MATS 4.4 UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ... -I. -I. 1 Excava/ion. Temporary Slope and Shoring .. . ......... 7 . .............................. 7 ..................... 8 . ....... ~ .. 8 . .... 8 -I. -1.2 Subgrade Preparation.. . ................................................ 9 -1.-1.3 Dewatering.. . .... 10 -1.-1.-1 Baddill... 10 -1../.5 Corro.sive po/entlQ/ of subsoil. . .... 11 4.5 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ON UNDERGROUND WALLS .. 4.6 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDA nONS ... 4.7 SEISMIC CONSIDERA nON AND HAZARD .. 4.8 ADDITIONAL SERVICES .. . ........... 11 _ ....... _ ............ 12 . ..................... I3 14 5.0 CLOSURE ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 FIGURE I: SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2: SITE & EXPLORATION PLAN FIGURE 3: FORMER LAKE WASHINGTON SHORELINE FIGURE 4: GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE -SECTION A-A FIGURE 5: GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE -SECTION B-B FIGURE 6: GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE -SECTION C-C PLATE I: 1936 AERIAL PHOTO APPENDIX A: FIELD EXPLORATION, BORING LOGS AND KEY TO LOG ! 505rpl S&EE • • PRELIMINARY REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ROPOSED APPRON "C" UPGRADE RENTON AIRPORT For The Boeing Company 1.0 INTRODUCTION We present in this report the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Apron "C" Upgrade project at Renton Airport. The project site is located in the northwestern portion of Renton Airport. A Site Location Map is shown in Figure I and a Site & Exploration Plan is shown in Figure 2, both are included at the end this report. The Boeing Company has leased the real estate from Renton Airport. The proposed upgrade will prepare the area for airplane parking and post-manufacture processing. The upgrade will include the installation of new underground utility lines and vaults. The preliminary design plan indicates that the depth of the utility lines will be about 4 feet and the depths of the vaults may range from 6 to 15 feet. The upgrade also includes a few light-weigh structures such as office trailers, crew shelters and storage sheds. A portion of the existing pavement will be removed and new pavement be constructed. We also understand that the current upgrade is to provide a 2-year service period. However, Boeing may extend the lease after 2 years. At that time, additionaJ elements such as blast fences may be constructed and some pavement rehabilitation may be conducted. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our investigation is to provide geotechnical parameters and recommendations for design and construction. SpecificaJly, the scopes of our services have included the followings: I. Exploration of the subsurface conditions at the proje~t site by the drilling of 7 soil test borings and 3 concrete cores. 2. Exploration of the groundwater conditions by the installation of 3 groundwater monitoring wells. 3. Engineering evaJuations and recommendation regarding the following: 1505rpt Foundation support; LateraJ earth pressures and resistance to lateral load; Pavement design; Underground utility construction; S&EE • • De-watering; Subgrade preparation for pavements, foundation and underground utilities; Seismic considerations; Earthworks. 4. Meetings and communications; 5. Preparation of this geotechnical report. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 SITE HISTORY & GEOLOGY Renton airport is located at the south end of Lake Washington. Figure 3 shows that the northern portion of the airport was once under the lake surface; and Plate 1 shows that the site was once occupied by a sawmill. Both Figure 3 and Plate 1 are included at the end of this report. Historic record (reference: Suzanne Larson, History of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, King County Arts Commission, 1975, introduction 23.) indicates that Black River used to run out of the lake, flowed south through the site vicinity and then veered west. In 1911, Cedar River flooded Renton. In the following year the town dug a 2000-foot-long, 80-foot-wide canal to reroute the course of the Cedar to the north so that it flowed directly into Lake Washington, in the hope of avoiding floods in the future. From July to October 1916, the construction of the Lake Washington Ship Canal lowered Lake Washington 8.8 feet. In the process, the Black River dried up, and the outfall from Lake Washington became the ship canal. During WW II, the area was leveled by up to 5 to 8 feet thick offill. The native soils immediately under the fill include alluvial deposits that are over 100 feet in thickness. These soils are typically soft and unconsolidated in the upper 50 feet and become compact thereafter. Published geologic infonnation (Geologic Map oJ The Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington by D.R. Mullineaux, 1965) indicates that the alluvial soils arc underlain by Arkosic sandstone. We perfonned a few soil test borings in 2012 -2013 at North Bridge site at the north end of Cedar River (see Figure 3). These borings found glacially deposited and consolidated soil (hard silt) at depths of about ISO to 170 feet. Boring data from our previous projects at the south side of Renton Airport show that the hard silt is underlain by sandstone. Seismic Hazards The project site is under the threat of two types of earthquake -one from crustal events and the other from subduction zone events. The former will result from the movement of Seattle Fault which is a collective tenn for a series of four or more east-west-trending, south-dipping fault strands 1505rp1 2 S&EE • • underlying the Seattle area. This thrust fault zone is approximately 2 to 4 miles wide (north-south) and extends from the Kitsap Peninsula near Bremerton on the west to the Sammamish Plateau on the east. The four fault strands have been interpolated from over-water geophysical surveys (Johnson, et aI., 1999) and consequently, the exact locations on land have yet to be determined or verified. Recent geologic evidence suggests that movement on this fault zone occurred about 1,100 years ago, and the earthquake it produced was on the order of a magnitude 7.0. The Cascadia subduction zone (also referred to as the Cascadia fault) is a convergent plate boundary that stretches from northern Vancouver Island to northern California. II is a very long sloping subduction zone fault that separates the Juan de Fuca and North America plates. This fault can generate mega earthquakes having a magnitude of9 or greater. Our previous studies at Boeing Renton Plant have shown that due to its long duration, subduction zone earthquakes would cause morc severe liquefaction hazard than earthquakes generated by the nearby Seattle fault. A liquefaction map (Preliminary Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of the Renton Quadrangle, Washington, by Stephen Palmer) indicates that the project area has high liquefaction susceptibility. 3.2 SURFACE CONDITIONS Apron "C" consists of a southern two-parcel lot that is about 550 feet in the north-south direction and 300 feet in the east-west direction; and a northern single-parcel lot that is about 215 feet north-south and 400 east-west. The site is bordered· by West Perimeter Road to the west and airport runway to the east with some miscellaneous light-weight buildings on the western portion of the site. There are some onsite underground utilities including water and storm drain . Currently, asphalt pavement is present in the western LOO feet of the site; crushed rock covers an area about 80 feet by 100 feet in the northwestern portion of the site; and the rest of the surface is covered with concrete pavement. The crushed rock covers the footprint of a previous building that has been demolished. The asphalt and concrete pavements are in fair condition with some small cracks but no obvious signs of distress. We understand that Boeing's jets had parked in the eastern portion of the site in the past. The site surface is flat. Surface grade is level westward to the west side of West Perimeter Road. The grade then ascends westward to the top of a bench with an elevation gain of about 20 to 30 feet. The bench then connects to Rainier Avenue. 1505rpt 3 S&EE • • On September 9, 10 and 11,2015, we explored the subsurface condition at the site by the drilling of 7 soil test borings, B·I to B-7. The locations of these borings are shown on Figures 2 -Site & Exploration Plan. The logs of these borings are included in Appendix A. In addition to the 7 borings, 3 concrete cores, C·I to C-3, were also performed to explore the existing pavement section. Table I below summarizes the type of pavement, thicknesses. and base conditions at the exploration locations. TABLE I -Existing Pavement Section Boring/Coring Pavement Base Number B-1 3 inches asphalt Stiff silt B-2 3 inches asphalt Very loose fine sand 8-3 3 inches asphalt Medium dense silty sand over stiff silt 8-4 4 inches crushed rock Medium dense sand and silty sand 8-5 2 layers of8 inches thick concrete with 8 Medium dense silty sand inches thick dense pitrun fill in between 8-6 2 layers of8 inches thick concrete with 14 Very dense sand inches thick dense pitrun fill in between 8-7 2 layers of8 inches thick concrete with 14 Very dense sand inches thick dense pitrun fill in between C-I 2 layers of 7 to 9 inches thick concrete with Medium dense to dense sand with gravel 6 inches thick dense pitrun fill in between C-2 2 layers of 7 to 9 inches thick concrete with Medium dense to dense sand with gravel I , 24 inches thick dense pitrun fill in bernleen C-3 2 layers of 7 to 9 inches thick concrete with Medium dense to dense silty sand 18 inches thick dense pitrun fill in between I S05rpt 4 S&££ • • 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS In general, the site is underlain by a layer of existing fill. The layer ranges from 5.5 feet (at 8-3 and B-4) to 8,5 feet (at 8·6) in thicknesses. The fill materia1s include silt, silty sand and sand. OUf boring data show that the majority of this fill is compact and appears to be controlled structural fill. On the other hand, the fill in the southwestern portion of the site (at Borings 8-1 and B-2) is primary loose sand and appears to be randomly placed. Boring B-2 encountered abundant wood chips in the fill, corresponding to the presence of the previous ansite sawmill. Figures 4 to 6 show the generalized soil profiles across the site . The fill is underlain by lake deposits that include soft to very soft silt and loose to very loose sand and silty sand with pockets of medium dense sand and medium stiff silt. These deposits extend to a depth of 38.8 feet below ground surface (bgs) at Boring B-3 where hard silt was encountered. Based on its appearance and stiffness, we believe that this silt was glacially deposited and consolidated. Lenses of peat and organics are common in the native soils. Boring B-3 encountered a 4-foot thick peat layer at 16 to 20 feet bgs. Our previous experience at Boeing 5-50 Building (located at the southeast side of the airport) indicates that a similar peat layer had caused about one to two inches of long-tenn ground settlement. 3.4 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS We installed the following groundwater monitoring wells in the boreholes after the drilling was completed. We later measured tl)e depth (bgs) to groundwater table and the results are tabulated below . Boring Number Well Depth Date Date Groundwater (feet) Installed Measured Depth (feet) B-3 40 Sep 9, 2015 Sep 15,2015 4.50 B-4 30 Sep 10,2015 Sep 15,2015 4.65 B-7 25 Sep 11,2015 Sep 15,2015 4.61 Based on our experience with the subsurface conditions in the site vicinity, we believe the depth of groundwater is affected by the lake level and recharge from precipitation. The lake level fluctuates about 2 feet with the lowest level in the wet winter months and highest in the dry summer season. I5<lSrpI 5 S&££ • • 4.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 GENERAL 1. As mentioned previously the site is located near the old shoreline of Lake Washington, and the eastern portion of the site was once under the lake. At the time of original site development the site grade was raised and leveled by about 5 to 8 feet of fill. Our boring data show that the majority of this fill is compact and appears to be controlled structural fill. On the other hand, the fill in the southwestern portion of the site (at Borings B-1 and B-2) is primary loose sand and appears to be fWldomly placed . 2. The onsite fill soil is underlain by compressible materials including soft and loose sand, silt ~d peat from lake deposits. There are also compressible man-made materials like the wood chips encountered by Boring B-2 at depths of 6 to 7.5 feet. As the site was once occupied by a sawmill, pockets of sawdust are likely present in the subsoils. These compressible materials will incur a risk of ground settlement under new surface loads such as building, mats, and airplanes. The settlement potential is very difficult to estimate, as the materials are random in location, depth and thickness. Mitigation to reduce the settlement potential would include ground improvements measures such as stone column or jet grouting (over-excavation is not feasible as the groundwater depth is about 4.5 feet). However, it is our opinion that the mitigation is not warranted due to the following reasons: a) The proposed structures such as office trailers, crew shelters and storage sheds are light-weight, pre-fabricated structures. They will impose low . ground pressures and will thus incur low settlement potential. Also, these structures ~e typically supported on concrete piers. Therefore, the structures can be re-leveled if excessive ground settlement occurs in the future; b) Boeing jets had parked at the eastern portion of the site in the past. Current conditions show minimum signs of distress from ground settlement. As such, the likelihood of future ground settlement in this area is low; c) The current upgrade is to provide a 2- year service period. We believe, and the client concurs, that the risk of severe ground settlement in this short period of time is low. Also, if Boeing is to extend the lease after 2 years, local repair will be conducted at the time, if necessary. 3. Boring B-3 encountered a compressible peat layer at the depths of 16 to 20 feet. To minimize the risk of settlement due to disturbance, we recommend that a minimum 3 feet overburden be maintained above the peat layer. Since there will be 1.5 feet of over-excavation for subgrade stabilization (6 inches crushed rock over one foot of quarry spall), the bottom of any deep vault should be kept shallower than 11.5 feet. ISOSrpt 6 S&EE • • 4. The existing pavement in the eastern portion of the site has two 7 to 9 inches thick concrete layers. The soil between the two layers consists of 8 to 24 inches thick of dense structura1 fill (compacted pit run). The subgrade soil under the bottom layer is medium dense to dense, compacted granular fill. It is our opinion that the existing pavement, base and sub-base have high shear strength and new pavement in this area is not necessary. 5. Sha1low groundwater table (4.5 feet depth or sha1lower) and softlloose subgrade should be .. anticipated for underground utility construction. Over-excavation will likely be necessary for subgrade stabilization . 6. Underground vault design should consider buoyancy force during liquefaction. Extended base can be considered for resistance to buoyancy force. 4.2 FOUNDA nON SUPPORT 4.2.1 SPREAD FOOTING DESIGN We recommend that spread footings be designed with an a1lowable bearing load of 1,500 pounds per squire feet (ps£). This value includes a safety factor of at least 3, and can be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loads (no increase for blast loads). Lateral Resistance: Lateral resistance can be obtained from the passive earth pressure against the footing sides and the friction at the contact of the footing bottom and bearing soil. The former can be obtained using an equivalent fluid density of 230 pounds pcf, and the latter using a coefficient of friction of 0.5 . These values include a safety factor of 1.5. 4.2.1 FOOTING CONSTRUCTION We recommend that footing subgrades be inspected by our site inspector. In the event that soft, wet or organic soils are present at or near subgrade level, we will provide recommendations regarding over- excavation and/or other method of subgrade stabilization such as the use of geotextile. The contractor should prepare to compact the subgrade with a compactor approved by our site inspector. The subgrade soil should have adequate moisture content (within +/-2% from optimum) at the time of compaction. ISOSrpl 7 S&EE • • A 6-inch thick crushed rock layer should be installed at the bottom of the footing. The crushed rock should be compacted to a firm and non-yielding condition using a compactor approved by our site inspector. Exterior footings should be founded at least 15 inches below the adjacent finished grade to provide protection against frost action. In the event thickened-edges to be constructed, the slope connecting the slab and footing should be 3H: I V or flatter. The flat slope is to prevent subgrade disturbance during rebar installation. 4.3 SLAB-aN-GRADE OR LOAD-SUPPORTING MATS SJab-on-grade or load-supporting mats can be designed using a subgrade reaction modulus of 100 pounds per cubic inches (pci). Similar to footing subgrade preparation, all slabs and mats should be underlain by a 6-inch thick crushed rock layer. The crushed rock should be compacted to a finn and non-yielding condition, or at least 95% compaction based on ASTM 0-1557 method. Again, if thickened edges are to be installed, the slope between the slab and thickened edges should be 3H: I V or flatter. 4.4 UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 4.4.1 EXCAVATION. TEMPORARY SLOPE AND SHORING Temporary slope shallower than 3 feet can be cut at lH:lV and shoring will be required for deeper excavations. A variety of shoring methods has been used at Boeing Renton Plant, including trench boxes, steel sheets, timber lagging, and steel sheetpile. We recommend the following soil parameters for any shoring method that requires structural designs . 1505rp1 Soil's total unit weight: 130 pcf(pounds per cubic feet) Soil's buoyant unit weight: 60 pcf Active soil pressure: 45 pcf, equivalent fluid density, above groundwater table Active soil pressure: 20 pcf. equivalent fluid density, below groundwater table Passive soil pressure: 230 pcf, equivalent fluid density. above groundwater table (include 1.5 safety factor) Passive soil pressure: 80 pcf, equivalent fluid density, below groundwater table (include 1.5 safety factor) 8 S&EE • • Please note that imbalanced hydrostatic pressure should be added to the active side. The pressure will depend on the type of dewatering method. A 2 feet over-excavation at the passive side should be considered in the design. 4.4.2 SUBGRADE PREPARATION All loose soil cuttings should be removed prior to the placement of bedding materials. Wet and loose subgrades should be anticipated. The contractor should make efforts to minimize subgrade disturbance. especially during the last foot of excavation. Subgrade disturbance in wet and loose soil may be inevitable, and stabilization is necessary in order to avoid re-compression of the disturbed zone. Depending on the degrees of disturbance, the stabilization may require a layer of quarry spalls (2 to 4 inches or 4 to 6 inches size crushed rock). Based on our experience at Boeing Renton plant, when compacted by a hoepac, a 12 to 18 inches thick layer of spalls would sink into the loose and soft subgrade, interlock and eventually fonn a stable subbase. A chacker stone such as 1-114" clean crushed rock should be installed over the quarry spalls. This stone should be at least 6 inches in thickness and should be compacted to a finn and non- yielding condition by a vibratory plate compactor that weighs at least 800 pounds. In the event that soft silty soils above groundwater table are encountered at subgrades, the subgrade should be over-excavated for a minimum of 6 inches. A non-woven geotextile having a minimum grab tensile strength of 200 pounds should be installed at the bottom of the over-excavation and the over-excavation be backfilled with 1-114" minus crushed rock. The material should be compacted to a finn a non-yielding condition by the same vibratory plate compactor. As mentioned previously, Boring B-3 encountered a compressible peat layer at the depths of 16 to 20 feet. To minimize the risk of settlement due to disturbance, we recommend that a minimum 3 feet overburden be maintained above the peat layer. Since there will be 1.5 feet of over-excavation for subgrade stabilization (6 inches crushed rock over one foot of quarry spall), the bottom of any deep vault should be kept shallower than 11.5 feet. 150SrpI 9 S&EE • • 4.4.3 DEWATERING Dewatering will be required for excavations deeper than the groundwater table, which is expected at a depth of about 4.5 feet below ground surface. Since the depth of groundwater will fluctuate with seasons and precipitation, we recommend that the contractor measure the depth prior to excavation. Groundwater monitoring wells are available at Borings B-3, 8-4 and 8-7 (see Figure 2 for location). Based on our experience with the similar subsoils, we believe that for excavation shallower than 5 feet, dewatering can be successful using local sumps. The contractor should install sumps at locations and spacing that arc best fitted for the situation. To facilitate drainage, the sump holes should be at least 2 feet below the excavation subgrade. Also, the granular backfill around the sump should make hydraulic connection with the crushed rock and quarry spaJls placed for subgrade stabilization . For excavation deeper than 5 feet, our experience at Boeing Renton Plant has shown that well-points at 5 to 8 feet spacing have provided adequate dewatering. We suggest that the contractor retain a dewatering specialist for a detailed dewatering design. 4.4.4 BACKFiLL All excavations should be backfilled with structuraJ fill. Structural fill materials should meet both the material and compaction requirements presented below. IS05rpt Material Requirements: Structural fill should be free of organic and frozen material and should consist of hard durable particles, such as sand, gravel, or quarry-processed stone. The onsite granular soils above groundwater table are suitable on a select basis. The native soils are not suitable. Suitable imported structural fill materials include silty sand, sand, mixture of sand and gravel (pitrun), recycled concrete, and crushed rock. All structuraJ fill materials should be approved by a site inspector from our office prior to usc. Placement and Compaction Requirements: Structural fill should be placed in loose horizontal lifts not exceeding a thickness of 6 to 12 inches, depending on the materiaJ type, compaction equipment, and number of passes made by the equipment. StructuraJ fill should be compacted to a firm and non-yielding condition or at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined using the ASTM D-1557 test procedures. to S&EE • • 4.4.5 CORROSIVE POTENTIAL OF SUBSOIL Most of the native soils (lake deposits) contains trace amount of organic matters. The fill soils above the native soils contain pockets of organics like wood chips. Since the site was once occupied by a sawmill, sawdust is likely present in pockets of the fill soil. Based on these, we believe that the subsoils have a high potential of corrosivity. 4.5 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ON UNDERGROUND WALLS Lateral earth pressures on permanent retaining walls, underground vaults or utility trenches/pits, and resistance to lateral loads may be estimated using the recommended soil parameters presented in the following table. Structural fill and , native soils Equivalent Fluid Unit Weigbt (PCF) Active At-rest Passive 45 60 200 Note: Hydrostatic pressures are not included in the above lateral earth pressures . Coefficient of Friction at Base 0.4 The at-rest case applies to unyielding walls, and would be appropriate for walls that are structura1ly restrained from lateral deflection such as basement walls, utility trenches or pits. The active case applies to walls that are permitted to rotate or translate away from the retained soil by approximately O.002H to O.004H, where H is the height of the wall. The passive earth pressure and coefficient of friction include a safety factor of 1.5. SURCHARGE INDUCED LATERAL LOADS Additional lateral earth pressures will result from surcharge loads from floor slabs or pavements for parking that are located immediately adjacent to the walls. The surcharge-induced lateral earth pressures are uniform over the depth of the wall. Surcharge-induced lateral pressures for the "active" case may be 1505rpt II S&£E • • calculated by multiplying the applied vertical pressure (in pst) by the active earth pressure coefficient (Ka). The value of Ka may be taken as 0.36. The surcharge-induced lateral pressures for the "at-rest" case are similarly calculated using an at-rest earth pressure coefficient (Ko) of 0.5. 4.6 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that all pavement subgrades be proof-rolled to identify areas of soft, wet, organic, or unstable soils. Proof-rolling should be accomplished with a heavy (12-ton) vibratory roller, front-end- loader, or loaded dump truck (or equivalent) making systematic passes over the subgrade while being observed by a site inspector from our office. In areas where unstable and/or unsuitable subgrade soils are observed, these soils should be over-excavated a minimum 12 inches. Additiona1 over-excavation depth may be required to remove buried debris, organic or very soft soil. Woven geotextile having a minimum 200 to 400 pounds grab tensile strength may be necessary for additional subgrade stabilization. The geotextile should be placed with 12-inch overlaps with all wrinkles removed. The over-excavation should be monitored by an inspector from our office. Our inspector will provide recommendations regarding the final depth of over-excavation and the preparation of the over-excavated subgrade. The over-excavation should then be backfilled with 1-114" minus crushed rock. The material should have adequate moisture content, and be compacted to a firm and non-yielding condition by a compactor approved by our site inspector. After proof-rolling, the top 12 inches of the entire subgrade should be thoroughly compacted to a firm and non-yielding condition or at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 1557). The subgrade soil should have adequate moisture content (within +/-2% from optimum) at the time of compaction . Asphalt pavements constructed over proof-rolled and compacted subgrades, as specified above, can be designed with a CBR (California Bearing Ratio) value of 10: concrete pavement can be designed with a subgrade reaction modulus of 100 pci (pounds per cubic inches). The pavements should also be designed for frost protection consisting of at least 15 inches of pavement, base course, and/or granular subbase between the subgrade soils and the top of the pavement. The base course and granular subbase should be non-frost-susceptible and contain no more than 5 percent fines (materia1 finer than a No. 200 U.S. standard sieve). Crushed rock materials with less than 10 percent non-plastic fines are also regarded as non-frost-susceptible. Subbase fills should meet the gradation requirements of WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.14(1), Gravel Borrow (WSDOT, 2010b). Subbase should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D IS05rpt 12 S&EE • • 1557). Base course under pavements should consist of well-graded crushed rock; well-graded recycle concrete; or a blend of commercial rock products conforming to WSDOT specifications for Crushed Surfacing, Specification 9-03.9(3). The base course layer should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 1557). 4.7 SEISMIC CONSIDERATION AND HAZARD The geotechnical-related parameters to be used for seismic design in accordance with 2012 lBC provisions are evaluated as described in Section 1613.3 of the 2012 IBC Code. The spectral response accelerations for the "Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake" (MCE R) were obtained from the USGS website using a latitude of 47.493 degrees and a longitude of 122.216 degrees. The values for Site Class B (rock) are: Ss = 1.455 g S, ~ 0.545 g (short period, or 0.2 second spectral response) (long period, or 1.0 second spectral response) The Site Class is selected using the definitions in Chapter 20 of ASCE 7-10 considering the average properties of soils in the upper 100 feet of the soil profile at the site. Using the boring data obtained from current and previous projects. we estimate that the average standard penetration resistance (N) in the upper 100 feet is 7. This value corresponds to Site Class E ("Soft Clay Soil") in Table 20.3-1 (ASCE 7- 10). The site coefficient values, obtained from Section 1613.3.3 of the 2012 IBC, are used to adjust the mapped spectral response acceleration values to get the adjusted spectral response acceleration values for the site. The recommended Site Coefficient values for Site Class E are: F. ~ 0.9 F.~ 2.4 (short period, or 0.2 second spectral response) (1.0 second spectral response) The most recent USGS Earthquake Hazards Map (U.S. Geologic Survey web site, 2008 data) has indicated that a horizontal peak acceleration (PGA) of 0.61 g is appropriate for a 4275-year return period event, i.e. an event having a 2 percent chance of being exceeded in 50 years. Based on our evaluation, the subsoils below the groundwater table and to a depth of about 40 feet are liquefaction prone during the subduction zone earthquakes. Also, liquefaction can results in ground settlement on the order of 5 to 10 inches. I S05tp1 13 S&EE • • 4.8 ADDITIONAL SERVICES We recommend the following our additional services during the construction of the project. I. Monitor underground utility construction. We will observe excavation and recommend fe-use of onsite soil for backfill; observe excavation subgrade and provide recommendations regarding subgrade stabilization; observe dewatering and provide recommendations when necessary; observe any potential adverse impacts on nearby structures and provide recommendations regarding mitigation; observe backfill placement and assist contractor to achieve compaction. 2. Monitor footing and mat constructions. We will observe and approve footing and mat subgrade; provide recommendations regarding subgrade stabilization, if necessary. 3. Monitor pavement construction. We will observe proof-rolling and provide recommendations regarding local over-excavation to remove soft, wet or organic soil; observe and approve structural fill material and base course; observe and approve fill placement and assist contractor to achieve compaction. 4. Review contractors' submittals and RFI's. 5. Attendance of construction progress meetings. 6. Preparation and distribution of field reports. 7. Other geotechnicaJ issues deemed necessary . \505rp1 14 S&EE • • 5.0 CLOSURE The recommendations presented in this report are provided for design purposes and are based on soil conditions disclosed by the available geotechnical boring data Subsurface information presented herein does not constitute a direct or implied warranty that the soil conditions between exploration locations can be directly interpolated or extrapolated or that subsurface conditions and soil variations different from those disclosed by the explorations will not be revealed. The recommendations outlined in this report are based on the assumption that the development plan is consistent with the description provided in this report. If the development plan is changed or subsurface conditions different from those disclosed by the exploration are observed during construction, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions, and if necessary, reconsider our design recommendations . IS05rpt 15 S&EE • • ~ Longacres Parl< _oo~ Washington -Renton North 8th and Park Avenue North , Renton , WA 98055 lAKE WASHINGTON Issaquah (~Wi;"E'" '~ Fran ~ @ • Employee gales • AMS Turnstile oates --Fence Jines D BoeiI1Q properly o General parking D Restricted parting ~ Bosstop e Helistop ~2OI8D n.. a.-.g campar.,.Allrigt-.I_ • ; , .~ , i BCY 230 SF ,. DEPTH APRON C Tl'IENCHING & EXCAVATION EXHIBIT SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 . / I ...... TOII ,.CY m .. ,.DEPT>t ' .... cv ....... '~OEPnO 7 ~~";";";~J , ----- 0lJW''''' SfPAIUoTOR a WOVAUlT: ,«ICY ""SF ,.ount TI1fHQtIHQ I," .. CY , ....... It ........ L " ,..,...... 50CY , .... I'OEPJH ~~ --~"iF ~='!C""""'!'O..!!"'L. ~ DEPY .I-------.-'.J.j ---J'~ " -~~ .. CY 5 , .. SF " .. ~IJ_:!:. .. -.-•. -..... -... -.... ~- [Ii rDEPT>t T~A Figure 2 -Site & Exploration Plan '--' \ ---', ,v.4uLT lS'cY .. Sf rount "{lSI V VAULT J Col I 15CY : -r~-. .J • • r," . "" . " '. " . .~ . Mawr r--;:":::::""=.n::;-I --, \ -1. .. " ~ ... ''';::.!:!..'' ,', .1'" EXPlANATION Facility Bouodary Fonner lake 'llVashington ShoreIi'Ie ~ Anc:esnI Bladt River _ Ancestral Cedar River CJ Curren t Cedar River \Nalerway Ell We.and ffi Forested Uplands ' __ A' Geologic Cross Section (see figure 2-8) o ... 1000 .......... o sc.Ie ~FeeI Former Lake Washington Shoreline, Black and Cedar River Channels I Figure 31 B-7 Asphalt B-1 o ""-Gray si~ (stiff) r Brown sand and Qravel (dense)(Pit run fill) Concrete Gray sand & gravel (loose to very loose) m __ ~~'!Y_~_'!~_~_I!<_ll.~'!Y~~{~_~~_~~_!~_Y_~~_~_~~~L __________ mm--= __ mmmm m __ m~m ________ m __ __ Gray very soft sandy silt and very loose to loose silty sand ,. ----.-/ Gray and brown si~ (medium stiff to very soft) -- Pockets of medium dense to loose sand 25 ~-------------, ____ ---, ---- 30 35 40 S&EE 1505 ... _--------------------------------------- Section A-A (See FlQure 2 for Section Location) (No Horizontal Scale) .sz. o 5 10 15 I=' w W IL -:I: 20 ~ Il. W C 25 .30 35 40 Figure 4 Generalized Soil Profile B·6 B·2 B·3 o 5 10 15 -I- W w !!::. 1-20 J: l- ll. W 0 , 25 30 35 40 S&EE 1505 Brown sand and gravel (dense)(Pi t run fill) Asphalt (offset 50 feet to the south ) / /-Asphalt ""- Gray sand & gravel Medium dense silty sand ~Hly _sUIy_sa OlL&_graYll'-(v ery loose) and stiff silt (very dense to dense) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ .. -.... Gray and brown silt , silty sand and sand (very soft to soft and very loose to loose) -------------- Wood chips ------------------------ --------.. Dark brown peat (v ery soft ) -----? ...... " . ? J Gray silt (hard) Section B-8 (See Figure 2 for Section Loction) (No Horizontal Scale) Sl o 5 10 15 i=" w W LL -J: 20 l-ll. W o 25 ,30 35 40 8·5 o 5 10 r - 15 ~ I- W w !!::.. 1-20 J: I-a. W C 25 30 35 40 S&EE 1505 Brown sand and gravel (dense)(Pit run fiU) \ Concrete \ Concrete Gray silty sand (dense to medium dense) Gray and brown stiff to medium stiff silt -./ ? ? Gray and brown very soft to soft si~ very loose to loose silty sand and sand Crushed Rock " Gray silty sand (medium dense) Gray silty sand (loose to very loose) medium stiff at 30' Section C-C (See Figure 2 for Section Location) (No Horizontal Scale) 8-4 o 5 10 I I -I I 15 ;::- w w u.. -J: 20 I-a. W C 25 --.30 35 40 ----, • • • • APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORA nON AND LOGS OF BORINGS The subsurface conditions aI the project sites were explored with the drilling of7 soil test borings , 8-1 to 8-7, and 3 concrete cores, C-I to C-3 . The boring and coring locations are shown on Figure 2 -Site &. Exploration Plan . The borings were advanced using a truck-mounted drill rig. A represenwive from S&'EE was present throughout the exploration to observe the drilling operations, log s ubsurface soil conditions , obtain soil samples. and to prepare descriptive geologic logs of the exploration. Soil samples werc taken al 2.S-and S-foot intervals in general accordance with ASTM 0 -1586, ·Standard Method for Penetration Tes t and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils· (1.4'" 1.0. sampler). The penetration test involves driving the samplers 18 inc hes into the ground at the bottom of the borehole with a 140 pounds hammer dropping 30 inches. The numbers of blows needed (or the samplers to penetrate each 6 inches are recorded and are presented on the boring logs, The sum of the number of blows required for the second and third 6 inches of penetration is termed ·standard penetration resistance -or the -N·valuc-, In cases where 50 blows are insufficient to advance it through a 6 inches interval the penetration after 50 blows is recorded. The blow count provides an indication of the density of the subsoil , and it is used in many empirical geotechnica1 engineering formulae , The table below provides a general correlation of blow count with density and consistency, A chart showing the Unified Soil Classification System is included at the end of this appendix. DENSITY (GRANULAR SOILS' N·vaJue < 4 very loose 5-10 loose 11·30 medium dense 31-50 dense >50 very dense CONSISTENCY (F1NE-GRAINED SOILS) N-vaJue <2 very soft 3-4 soft 5-8 medium stiff 9 -1 5 stiff 16-30 very stiff >30 hard All borings were backfilled with bentonite chips and the ground surface was patched with quick-sel cement A 2-inch groundwater monitoring well was installed in Borings B-3 , 84 and B-7 . The well consiles of slotted PVC pipes from depths of 10 10 15 feet, and solid pipe from 0 to 10 feel ",",,. S&LE • • ~ o ~ 5 ~ Q 0 5 10 15 20 ~ ~ ~ ¢:..<: • " " uo 0:::: ~ -s BORING B-1 -S:~ i ~ ",0 .~ a g-§ ·_U U ~ . ~ Q~ 0 • ~~ ., .. -S! 0 ~~ ~ il' ~ uU 0 Q~ .s:.£ (t) , ," ," , ," ," , , '" '" , , ," '" , , " '" ," '" , ," '" , ~ ," :" ~ , , :" ~ ," ," :" ~ ~ u ~ ~ Surface condition: Asphalt ~ . • fine sand (medium dense) ~"".-.. -fine sand brown silt with some silty sand and trace organics soft) dark brown peat at 9 feet ~:w;i ~~v fine to coarse sand with little fine gravel to medium dense) fine to medium sand (very loose) .. . . silty sand (very loose) ~'"'.~ .. silt, trace organics (soft) • __ ...c.. __ , __ .' Client: DrilUng Method: Sampling Method: DrilUng Date: Drilling Contractor: (Boring log continued on FigureA-1b) The Boeing Company Hoaow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT sampler drtven by 14o-1b auto hammer September 10, 2015 Holocene Drilling Figure A-1a S&EE Apron C Renton Municipal Airport JOO No. 1505 • • ~ ~ b e ~c: • ~ _ o. ~!f ;S ~ i .2,8 ~ • 1: ~o ~8 ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ e i u" s II) ~.a ~~ .S! ~ af ~ c~ ~~ ~ u 'l 00 • ~ " ~ ,,~ .5;.5 (I) ~ 20~ ," '" 5P Gray fine sand (very loose) , ML Gray and brown silt (soft) ," ~ 111111 I-lens of peat and wood chips at 22.5 feet ". 1- 251- :" ~ '" :" 0 ISM G",y Silty sand with len .. , of ~It and traoe o,!!anlcs :" 1111 (loose) IIII ,of-:" 0 1111 ~GraYSilt , " (medium stiff) '5 .. ,--~--,--'-- Client orUling Method: Sampling Method: Oriilillg Date: Drilling Contractor: Boring completed at a depth of 30 feet on September 10, 2015. The Boeing Company HolIaN stem auger advanced by truck-lTlOl.D'lt drin rig SPT driven by 14Q-1b auto hammer September 10. 2015 Holocene DriUJng BORING B-1 (Continued) Figure A-lb S&EE Job No. 1505 Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • '" l ~ ~ Q 0 5 10 15 20 ~ ~ b ~~ • ~ O. ~!2 :S , Si: 0 ~ ~O ~ ~ ~8 BORING B-2 • C3~ ~ u ~. ~ .. '" ..!!:! c, ~ ~.~ ~~ ~ ~ <ll 00 • Q~ .s.s (I) '" :" ~ a- ~ u ~ Surface condition: Asphalt abundant wood chips and trace fine gravel : Sp j Gray medium to coarse sand with little fine to medium gravel loose) and brown sill with trace organics 1 (ve(v soft\ , " '" ~ '" :" ~ mm $P I Gray fine sand with trace silt (very loose) , '---'- Client Drilling Method: Sampling Method: DriUing Date: Drilling Contractor: (Boring log continued on Figure A-2b) The Boeing Company HoUow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT sampler driven by 140-1b aula hammer September 9, 2015 Holocene Drilling Figure A-2a S&EE Apron C Renton Municipal Airport .ktINo.l505 • • ~ §: ~i' ~ • " a~ .:;:~ s: ~ ~ ~ ~8 g. ! BORING B-2 • ~ ~" ~ ~ . U Q 5 ~ ~~ ~ C;~ .$! '" (Continued) ~ £ • ~! ~ " Q " 00 • '" Q~ ., .s.s (I) ~ 20 : '" ~ , , , I~ , • 16 25t--' ";" ~ , , ," ~ '" , 30 I--' '~ ,. 118 ," 35 40 :-~ -'---: , ' L_': Boring completed at a depth of 30 feel on September 9, 2015. CUent On "Ding Method: Sampling Method: OriQing Dale: OriDing Contractor: S&EE Jcb No. 1505 The Boeing Company Hollow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT driven by 140-1b auto hammer September 9, 2015 Holocene Dliling Figure A-2b Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • ~ • ~ ~ ~ 0 0 5 10 15 20 " ;;:.~ b u 0 • i.s~ r:::~"<:: ~ 1 €8 §!8 ~ BORING B-3 "g~ek6~Q :3 a.a ~ "'''' -S! & 8~ ~ ~~ ~ '¥ -"'" " 2015 Ql .s.s (I) '>0 : 14 ," . , '" : ' . , , , , '" ~ o '15 , ' , "~ '" , , , :" ~ ." I __ ~ __ I ~ 11 ~ ~ Surface condition: Asphalt silty sand with some fine to medium gravel (medium dense) silt with trace fine sand and trace fine gravel (stiff to hard) and gray silt with organics and lenses of peat "'ft) ~ PT I Gray and dark brown peat (Boring log continued on Figure A-3b) crrent: The Boeing Company Drilling Method: Samp6ng Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: Hollow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer September 9, 2015 Holocene Drilling Figure A-3a S&EE Apron C Renton Municipal Airport JOO No. 1505 • • ~ • ~ 5 ~ Q 20~ 25 30 35 ... -. ~ ~ e! ;z:.1: • ~ _ o. c;: ~ ;S :ii a~ ~8 5} ! 1: ~o 8 ~ e ~ .C;:<I> a ;g ~~ ~'; .9! '" • ~~ ~ " ~ ~~ Q 00 • '" '" -S-S til ~ -:i: U IillilMLIGr.lySiit (very soft) :" ® '" , '" :" ~ ," o ," ~ , ~ '. :" ~ , 4 ,6 , ' ,- , , ~ ,,, 3 .12 , ," ~ '" , 9 :18 : 15 '14 ," ~ , , _. ~ ~- IIII IIII IIII IIII 1111 IIII IIII SM !Gray silty fine to coarse sand with little fine to medium gravel (loose) SM IGray silty fine sand (medium dense to dense) IIIII -peat lens at 35,5 feet IIII 1111 1111 ML ! Gray silt (hard) Boring completed at a depth of 40 feet on September 9, 2015. BORING B-3 (Continued) A 2 inch groundwater monitoring well with a flush-mount monument was installed. Slotted pipe from 10 to 15 feet. CHent DrilUng Method: Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE JOONo.l505 The Boeing Company HoUow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT driven by 14~ auto hammer September 9, 2015 Holocene 0riD1ng Figure A-3b Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • ~ £ £ ~ 0 5 10 15 20 " ~::-b 0 0 • ~.s~ c::~.<;: ~ j .~8 .!!8 g. ! -g<=-e bc5&:C :) ~.a ~ "'''' .S! <3 6g ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.s CI) " BORING B-4 Surface condition: Gravel · 8 118 : 10 '10 Brown medium to coarse sand with little fine to medium gravel (medium dense) Gray silty fine sand (medium dense) ':l '"' " "''' . , . , : ~ · ," ., , , ," '" , , ." " , ." ., , ." ., , · " ." , silt with trace fine sand stiff) rmtr.;;;l~r"" silty fine sand with some fine to medium sand to very loose) ~r::.,.",v and brown silty fine sand with trace fine gravel loose) "~ ." , . · , "~ · . o :" ~ o 118 , . .!.. --:- Client: Drilling Method: SClmpnng Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE (Boring log continued on Figure A-4b) The Boeing Company Hollow stem auger advanced by Iruck-mount drill rig SPT sampler driven by 140-1b auto hammer September 10, 2015 Holocene Drimng Figure A-4a JctJNo.l505 Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • '.l ~ ~i ~ O. I " 8,8 0 ~(,) 8 ~. ~ £ ~ ~~ ~ ~-a • ~ ~ 0 0:0 lOr 0 25 , 30 , 35 b • " e:!f £ ~8 g. 8 ~ u ° ~~ .S! ~ ~~ ~ " 00 • ~ £:.5 CIJ " ," :" IVI IIIIII ," '" , :" ~ '" , :" ~ ," , ", :" ~ I fverv soft) Gray fine to coarse sand with little fine gravel (loose) Gray silt wiU1lenses of silty clay (medium stiff) BORING B-4 (Continued) Boring completed at a depth of 30 feet on September 10, 2015. A 2 inch groundwater monitoring well with a flush-mount monument was installed. Slotted pipe from 10 to 15 feet. .. ,-_..:..._-,--, , '. -- Client DrilDng Method: Sampling Method: Dri1Iing Date: DrilUng Conlractor: S&EE JOO No. 1505 The Boeing Company HolIaN stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT driven by 140-lb auto hammer September 10, 2015 Holocene Drilling Figure A-4b Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • ~ £ S ~ 0 10 15 20 >i: ~ ~~ e 5i 8~ .::§! .c: ~ § ~8 ~ 8 g. ~ BORING B-5 (J c: e ~ a~ Cl ~~,a}~",.9:! a: ~-5 0 ..c;:~ ~ Q:E ii'i ~.E tl ." ., ; , . . , 18 ,18 : 19 , 2 .'" ." '" . . " ." ." '" , ." , ." , ~ '" "~ '" :" 0 '--...!... -- ~ '" ~ Surface wndition: Concrete concrete Brown fine to coarse sand with some fine gravel (8 inches Pit run fill) 8 inches thick concrete :/f!c::u Ir:: .... " silty fine to medium sand with trace fine gravel . dense) mrrtMLJ Dar\( gray silt with lenses of fine sand and trace organics Boring completed at a depth of 15 feel on September 10, 2015. CUent: The Boeing Company Drilling Method: SampUng Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor. Hollow stem auger advClnced by truck-mount drill rig SPT sampler driven by 140-Ib auto hammer September 10, 2015 Holocene Drilling Figure A-5 S&EE Apron C Renton Municipal Airport JctNo.I505 ~ • ~ S i} " 0 • 5 10 • 15 20 §: " ,,~ §: • I o. <::!S! '5 i -sc BORING B-6 ~~ ~ ~8 u o. ~ ~~ .! " . , '" • ~.~ u) ~ U ~ ill "5'5 0:1 "l ,," .s:.s tI) Surface condition: Concrete SWjBrown fine to coarse sand with some fine gravel (14 inches Pit run fiII){dense) , , I 17 ,18 : 48 , 2 ,~ , , , ," : 8 110 I 14 , , , I 10 ,18 18 ,11 " , , ," , " , , , ," , , " , , ," , '" , _ • silty fine sand, titHe coarse sand and little fine gravel !every dense to dense) fine sand with little fine to medium gravel fine to medium sand With little silt and trace fine gravel dense) gray silt with trace fine sand and trace organics l<V8ry soft) " :" 0 ~'t::"""" afwood chips and peat at 13 feet to 13.5 feet II j iii 8M I Grav siltv fine sand with trace organics :" ~ , " of silt at 15 feet , ~ ," ," : __ 2. __ : __ J Client Drilling Method: Samplng Method: DrilUng Date: Drilling Contractor: (Boring log continued on Figure A .. 6b) The Boeing Company Hollow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT sampler driven by 140-Ib auto hammer September 11,2015 Holocene OrilUng Figure A-6a S&EE JctNo.1505 Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • ~ " ~ ~ • 0 ~ Il ~ ~ it ~ 0 20~ 25 §: b "" • li.l!! <:: ~ oS ~8 .~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C;~ ~ a~ 3:: ~2 E ~Q Q <><> '= a ~ ill S.s /.f.l ," TI , , , ," ~ '" " :" ~' I 1 '16 , i ~ ML I Dark gray and brown silt with trace-organics (soft) -lens of fine sand at 20 feet '-- BORING B-6 (Continued) Boring completed at a depth of 25 feet on September 11, 2015. 30 35 40 Client DriUing Method: Sampling Method: Drilling Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE Jet No. 1505 '--- The Boeing Company Hollow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT driven by 140-Ib auto hammer September 11. 20 15 Holocene Drinlng Figure A-6b Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • ~ "'. ~ ~ ],~ • ~ "'8 ~ ~. ~ " i 0 . , , ~l • e Q " i1l 0 · , : 19 ." · , 'I' " • e~ ;5 g!8 ~ "I;: 0 Cl ~~ S! ~! ~ 00 • .!;;,£ (I) i BORING B-7 ~ u ~ Surface condition: Concmte ~ ::;VVjSrown fine to coarse sand with some fine gravel (14 inches Pit run fill) ~sw lr::,."v fine to coarse sand with some fine gravel dense to dense) : 16 5~P: ." ,,' 10 15 20 2015~ : 12 ." , " · • • · , : , ." :" 0 . . " ~ '" . " . :" ~ , . ." ~ ." 1 ___ • -----, silt with trace organics (very soft) silty fine sand with trace organics silt with trace organics to very soft) _~ __ I __ -' CHent: Orimng Method: SampUng Method: DrilUng Dale: Drilling Contractor. S&EE .ktINo.I505 (Boring log continued on Figure A.7b) The Boeing Company Hollow stem auger advanced by truck-mounl drililig SPT samplerdrtven by 14O-1b auto hammer September 11, 2015 Holocene Drilling Figure A-7a Apron C Renton Municipal Airport • • fl b t ~~ • ~ .s~ o:::! :S ~ ~ .eo ~8 ~ l or;:, e Cl (3 ~~ ~ Q~ • :;:~ ~ • ~ Q~ • -§"S <II ~ ~ £~ ~ Q ~ .s:-S (J) 20, TI 1 118 , ' , , ," ~ , " 251-, 1 ,16 '" ~ 1 ~ MLIGray and brown silt with trace organics (soft) -I- BORING B-7 (Continued) Boring completed at a depth of 25 feet on September 11, 2015. 3Of- "f- A 2 inch groundwater monitoring well with a flush-mount monument was installed. Slotted pipe from 10 to 15 feet. 40L ,-----,--- Client Drilling Method: Sampling Method: OrilUng Date: Drilling Contractor: S&EE JOO No. 1505 The Boeing Company Hollow stem auger advanced by truck-mount drill rig SPT driven by 14(J..lb auto hammer September 11, 2015 Holocene Orining Figure A-7b Apron C Renton Municipal Airport / • • UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION MAJOR DMSIONS CLEAN GRAVELS orrm '" NO FINES) GRAVELS WITH FINES (APPRECWlLE AMOUNT OF FINES) :S!e,,: !IS 00 ... ~o >~ irl ~~~~ ~.., > .~%. ~~ -< ~:::;~~ iii~ '" w.~. " (!) 2l~ :;;~ 20 j!:'" F ~o CLEAN ~:: ___ ' WI II..<OU ..... U .-,nl:;;> SANDS ~i'" §ii;ffi SP tPOORLY-GRAO. Ea SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, (UmEOR en ~~~~;~ ___ ~.:::~RNOF1NES NOFII€5) ~ ~~~; ~2 . SANDS < .... ~ffilll ~~ WITH FINES (f.I ~~~ .. ~2 (APPRfCIASLE §l ~ ~ ~ ~ AMOUNT Of FINES) ~ g ~~ Cl ~~ w i~ h~ '" "£ '" ~z W ~~ Ill!!, en .e" i!'w ~ 3~ §~ o ::i.:5 ~~ <J .~ ~e i~ I.IJ I Ml INUKbANll.,;~(LI~, V~KT t"IN~~U;:;, KUl.oII.I-LUUK, ::OIl-IT UK ~~ CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY en '" ~ ~~ -CL lNORGANICCLAYSOFlOWTOMEOIUMPLASTICITY,GRAVELlY SILTS&CLAY$ <5 ~iii ~~ CLAYS,SANOYCLAVS,SllTYCLAVS,lEANCLAVS 1I0UIOllMlTL.ESSTHAHSO en ~~ ~~ -,.j--O-L+ ORGANIC SilTS AND ORGANIC SIL T-CLAYS OF lOW a ~ i 0 ~ ~. PLASTICITY ~ is ~ ~ I ~~ -INORGANIC SilTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE ~ ~; 1 SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, ElASllCSILTS C) ~~ II fir:: I INQRGANICCLAVSOFHIGHPlASTIClTY,FAT SILTS & CLAYS ~ ~§ lKIUlDLNlTGREATERTl-W050 ;;-~i PEAT AND OniER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOilS ~ .00 .. """"'" C&M Szmple, o 1-1 I ! U SPT (1.4"10 SAMPLER) SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER ¥' DEPTH OF GROUNDWATER DURING EXPLORATION S&EE -'. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO EXPLORATION LOG r------------;---, \ --------- I • RECEIVEO • SEP 30 20b LAG-lO-OOl, Adden #4-13 CITY OF RlENTON AMENDMENT NO. ~J..~I~,~~,M,~~"~EMENT LAG-lO-OOl CBRE AUG 2 1 2013 RECEIVED (City of Renton to The Boeing Company) THIS AMENDMENT No.4 to Lease Agreement LAG-lO-OOl ("Amendment No.4") Is entered Into as of fh¥J320l3 by the City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation (Landlord) and The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation (Tenant) and amends that certain lease agreement LAG-lO- 001 dated June 1, 2010 as amended to the date hereof (the "Lease"). RECITALS: 1. WHEREAS, the Tenant desires to lease two available parcels on Apron C commonlv known as the "760 Parcel" and the "770 Parcel" as shown on Exhibit J and Exhibit K for purposes of supporting Its operations related to 737 production; and 2. WHEREAS, the 760 Parcel contains two (2) buildings on the Parcel which are known as the 756 Building and the 760 Building and Tenant will be leasing these buildings as well; and 3. WHEREAS, the Parties hereto agree that the 760 Parcel consists of 56,923 square feet, CBRE and the 770 Parcel consists of 86,848 square feet; and AUG 2220/3 4. WHEREAS, the Landlord has seventeen (17) tie down tenants on the 760 parcel, tweAECE'V~D (12) tie down tenants on the 770 Parcel renting at a rate of $106.35/mo./tle down plus t;;: Leasehold Excise Tax, and rents 12,000 square feet at $O.64/sq. ft./yr. plus Leasehold Excise Tax to Rainier Flight Services on the 770 Parcel (hereinafter "Current Tenants"), and 5. WHEREAS, the current rental income from the current tenants to the Landlord is approximatelv $7,680 per year from Rainier Flight Services and $37,009 per year from tie down rental from the 760 and 770 Parcels, or $44,689 per year (the "Current Tenant Rental Income"), and 6. WHEREAS, the Landlord desires to maintain the existing number of aircraft tie downs on the 760 Parcel and the 770 Parcel so as to minimize disruptions to the existing number of aircraft based at the airport and the Tenant desires to minimize their costs of leasing airport property until it is supporting operations related to 737 production, and 7. WHEREAS, the Tenant has requested that the Landlord clean and remove all sediment from the three (3) storm water catch basins serving the 760 and 770 Parcels within 30 days of the signing of this Amendment No.4, and to provide Tenant with documentation establishing that the work has been completed. ORIGINAL • • C8RF: ~UG 2 1 2~13 RECE:!Vf.r: LAG-lOoOOl AMENDMENT NO.4 Page 2 of 12 NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN CONTAINED AND FOR OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, LANDLORD AND TENANT AGREE TO AMEND THE LEASE AS SET FORTH BElOW: WITNESSETH: Landlord and Tenant agree to amend the Lease, In the following respects: A. Section 1.a. of the Lease Is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 1. GRANT OF LEASE: 1.a. Legal Description and Reservation of Easement: Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant leases from Landlord for the Term described In Section 3 below, the parcels of land and, where applicable, the buildings and other improvements associated therewith, shown on the following Exhibits with the Lease Maps and Legal Descriptions and Boeing Building Numbers: Exhibit "A" -Lease Parcel 5-08/5-09, as Amended by Amendment No.1 Exhibit "B" -lease Parcel 5-50 and 5-50 Building Exhibit "C" -lease Parcel Aircraft Positions A-4 through A-9 & Compass Rose CBRE AUG 2220:1 Exhibit "0" -lease Parcel North Bridge Access Revised Exhibit "E" -Amended Apron B Exhibit "F" -Boeing Substation B-1 RECEIVEr: Exhibit "G" -lease Parcel Fuel Farm/Building 5-45 Exhibit "I" -Utility Installations Easement Agreement Exhibit "1" -Lease Parcel 760 Exhibit "K" -lease Parcel 770 B. A new paragraph 1.b.ls added to Section 1 ofthe lease and Sections l.b. and 1.b.l are ,-------~--­, • renumbered Sections 1.c. and 1.c.1 as follows: • CBRE AUG 112013 RECE.IVED LAG·10-OOl AMENDMENT NO.4 Page 3 of 12 1.b. Landlord's Right to Continue Leasing the 760 & 770 Parcels: Landlord shall continue leasing the 760 Parcel and the 770 Parcel to the Current Tenants (who shall be treated as tenants of Landlord and not subtenants of Tenant for purposes of the Lease, and who shall pay their rents directly to Landlord) until the earlier of (a) March 31, 2015; or (b) such time as Tenant provides written notice to Landlord that Tenant requires use of said parcels, which notice shall be provided to Landlord no later than 120 days prior to the date of Tenant's required use (the "Current Tenant Lease Period"). Tenant shall, at Tenant's cost, have the right to conduct an environmental assessment of the Apron C Parcels after the Current Tenants have been relocated to establish the environmental condition of the 760 and 770 Parcels prior to Tenant's occupancy. At the end of the Current Tenant Lease Period, Landlord shall ensure that the Current Tenants are no longer in possession of the 760 Parcel and 770 Parcel. 1.c. Common Areas: Tenant, and Its authorized representatives, subtenants, assignees, agents, Invitees, and licensees, shall have the right to use, in common with others, on a non-exclusive basis and subject to the Airport Regulations and Minimum Standards (as CBRE they may be amended from time to time) pursuant to Section 8(e), the public portion of the AUG . Renton Municipal Airport (Aka Clayton Scott Field. Hereinafter referred to as "Airport"), 2 2 2013 Including the runway and other public facilities provided thereon. RECEIVEl 1.c.l Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary, Landlord acknowledges that direct access to the taxiways and runway from the Premises is essential to the conduct of Tenant's business on the Premises and, except, during construction activities occurring on the taxiways, runway or weather related events, Landlord shall ensure that Tenant and its representatives, subtenants, assignees, agents, Invitees, and licensees have direct access to the taxiways and runway at all times during the Term (and the parties hereby agree that the Through the Fence Access Agreement set out In Attachment A, which is attached to this Lease and by this reference made a part of this Lease, contains the agreement of Landlord and Tenant with respect to such access by Tenant), PROVIDED that If Landlord plans any construction activity on the taxiways or runway, Landlord will schedule such activity so as not to interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises, the taxiways, or the runway, will notify Tenant of any plans for such activity not less than six months In advance of the commencement of such activity, and will consult and coordinate with Tenant to ensure that such activity does not interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises, the taxiways, or runway, except that in the case of an emergency Landlord may proceed with such activity without notice to the Lessee and will use its best reasonable efforts not to interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises, taxiway, or runway in addressing such emergency. For purposes of this provision, an "emergency" Is a condition that presents an Imminent threat of bodily injury to or death of any person or loss of or significant • CBR~ AUG 2 I 2013 RECEIVED LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO.4 Page4of12 damage to any property. C. The following new paragraphs are added to Section 3 ofthe Lease: 3.c. Term for the 760 and 770 Parcels: The initial term for the 760 and 770 Parcels shall be for a five (5) year period commencing on August 15, 2013 and terminating on August 14, 2018 ("the Term for the Apron C Parcels"). 3.c.1. Option to Extend Term for Apron C Parcels: Tenant shall have the right to extend the term of this Amendment 114 for the lease of the 760 and 770 Parcels as provided herein. In the event that the Tenant Is not in default under the Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure period at the time Tenant exercises Its right to extend the Term for the 760 and 770 Parcels, , then Tenant may extend the Term for the 760 and 770 Parcels for two (2) consecutive periods of one (1) year each by delivering written notice to Landlord pursuant to Section 23 of the lease at least thirty (120) days prior to the expiration of the Term for the 760 and 770 Parcels, as may be extended. In no event will the lease of the 760 and 770 Parcels extend beyond the date of August 14, 2020, unless the Parties otherwise agree In writing. . CaRE D. Section 4.a. of the Lease Is deleted In its entirety and replaced with the following: AUG ' 222013 4. RENT AND FEES: RECEiVe 4.a. Minimum Monthly Rent: Tenant shall pay to Landlord a Minimum Monthly Rent in 0 the sum of One Hundred Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty dollars and sixteen cents ($103,120.16), which amount Is one-twelfth of the Total Annual Rent shown In the chart below, PLUS Leasehold Excise Tax as described in Section 5 of the Lease without deduction, offset, prior notice or demand, payable promptly in advance on the first day of each and every month during the Term. All such payments shall be made to the City of Renton, Airport Administration Office, Renton Municipal Airport, 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton, Washington 98057. The Minimum Monthly Rent is computed as follows: -Exhibit Lease Parcel/Bulldln, Leased 201)' Rates Annual Rent Description area (sq ftl Exhibit A 5-08/5-09 Building and $379,179.54 $379,179.54 Land and Aircraft Position A-1 • CBRE • CI3Rf: Exhibit B Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Revised Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit G Exhibit I ExhlbitJ Exhibit J Exhibit K AUG 22"2013 RECEIVED 5-50 Building (5ee note below) Land and Aircraft 132,896 Positions A-2 & A-3 (including land under 5- 50 Building) Aircraft Position A-4 467,809 through A-9 and Compass Rose North Bridge Access 16,778 Amended Apron B 174,073 Boeing Substation B-1 453 5-45 Building (building only) 5-45 Land (land only) 57,130 Utility Installations 22,147.74 Easement Agreement 760 Parcel 56,923 756 Building 760 Building 770 Parcel 86,848 AUG ? 1 2013 RECEIVED $163,276.80 $0.66/sq ft/yr $0.66/sq ft/yr $0.66/sq ft/yr $0.66/sq ft/yr $0.66/sq ftfyr $20,100 $0.66/sq ft/yr 33% of $0.66/sq ft/yr $0.66/sq ft/yr $2,965.68 $10,710.00 $0.66/sq ft/yr LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO.4 Page 5 of 12 $163,276.80 $87,711.36 $308,753.94 $11,073.48 $114,888.18 $298.98 $21,366.30 $37,705.80 $4,872.50 $37,569.18 $2,965.68 $10,710.00 $57,319.68 Total Annual Rent = $1,237,441.92 plus Leasehold Excise Tax Note relating to Exhibit B: The Parties acknowledge that in 2009 and 2010, the Tenant made a substantial capital investment in improvements to the 5-50 Building, Including numerous alterations to the structure as well as Improvements within the building. Tenant's financial investment as well as these Improvements and Tenant's use of the building as a paint hangar have made this a unique building. Pursuant to prOVisions In the prior lease, Renton will assume ownership of this building on June 1, 2010. So, while Landlord will charge Tenant rent for Its use, the Parties have agreed to • AU(j(~:013 RECE.!VED ( LAG-10-OOl AMENDMENT NO.4 Page 6 of 1Z treat this building dlfferentlv from other buildings In certain provisions of this Lease. The rental rate for the 5-50 Building shall adjust according to the terms set out In this Paragraph 4, EXCEPT that in those years when the Minimum Monthly Rent Is adjusted to the "then current market rent", pursuant to Paragraph 4.b.2 of the Lease, the parties agree that the appraisal (or other form of analysis to determine fair market rental) relating to the 5-50 Building shall evaluate the building as an aircraft hangar, and as if the Improvements made by Tenant In 2009-2010, and described in Paragraph 4.d of the Lease, had not been made. However, the Parties agree that the condition of the building, as it is maintained by Boeing, shall be considered In the appraisal (or other form of analysis) to determine the fair market rental. 4.a.1. Rental Offset for the Apron C Parcels: Beginning on the commencement of the Term for the Apron C Parcels and ending on March 31, 2015, or when Tenant takes possession ofthe 760 and 770 Parcels, whichever Is eariler, Landlord shail apply a credit of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Four dollars and zero cents ($3,724.00) per month, which amount is one-twelfth of the Current Tenant Rental Income, toward the Minimum Monthly Rent paid by the Tenant under the Lease, as amended herein. E. Section 1O.a. of the Lease shall be amended to add a sentence at the end of the third CaRl paragraph. Section 10.a of the Lease shall be amended to read as follows: AUG 2220 10. MAINTENANCE: ReCEIVl 10.a. Maintenance of Premises: The Premises and all of the Improvements or structures thereon shall·be used and maintained by Tenant In a neat, orderly, and sanitary manner. Landlord shail not be called upon to make any Improvements, alteration, or repair of any kind upon the Pr~mises. Tenant Is responsible for the clean-up and proper disposal at reasonable and regular intervals of rubbish, trash, waste and leaves upon the Premises, Including that blown against fences bordering the Premises. Tenant shall maintain In good condition and repair the Premises, subject to ordinary wear and tear, including without limitation, the interior and exterior walls, floors, roof, and ceilings, and any structural portions of the Premises (but excluding the structural portions of buildings that are on the Premises as of the Commencement Date, which are Landlord's responsibilitv as set out below), the exterior and Interior portions of all doors, windows, glass, utility facilities, plumbing and sewage facilities within the building or under the floor slab Including free flow up to the main sewer line, parking areas, landscaping, fixtures, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, Including exterior mechanical equipment, exterior -----. __ .. _ ... -.... • CBRE • BRE AUG 222013 .AUG 2 1 2013 LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO_ 4 RECEIVEC RECEIVED Page70fU utility facilities, and eKterior electrical equipment serving the Premises. Tenant shall make all repairs, replacements and renewals, whether ordinary or eKtraordinary, anticipated or unforeseen, that are necessary to maintain the Premises in the condition required by this Section. Tenant shall not be responsible for the structural portions of Landlord owned BUildings . . Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall be responsible for the following: (a) the structural integrity of any Landlord-owned buildings (that Is, those buildings that are on the Premises as of the Commencement Date); (b) the integrity and utility of all water supply lines, sanitary sewer lines, and storm water drainage lines without the Premises that serve those buildings that are on the Premises as of the Commencement Date; (c) for the replacement as required of any and all HVAC systems serving any Landlord owned buildings that are on the Premises as of the Commencement Date (provided that Tenant is responsible for the annual maintenance and repair for such HVAC systems); and (d) cleaning and removing all sediment from the three (3) storm water catch basins serving the 760 and 770 Parcels one (1) time no earlier than 30 days and no later than 60 days after the expiration of the Current Tenant Lease Period, and providing Tenant with documentation establishing that the work has been completed. The Parties agree that notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, Tenant shall be solely responsible for all maintenance relating to the 5-50 Building (Paint Hangar) and all improvements thereto through the Term of this Lease. The Parties acknowledge that as of the date of this Lease, there Is asbestos impregnated Into the siding material on the 5-50 Building (Paint Hangar). If, for any reason, the skin of the 5-50 Building (Paint Hangar) needs to be replaced during the Term of this Lease, the cost of removal and replacement shall be borne by Tenant. F. Miscellaneous. This Amendment No.4 will be effective immediately upon execution and delivery by the parties. This Amendment No.4 may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute but one and the same instrument. This Amendment No.4 shall be governed by the law of the State of Washington, without reference to its choice of law rules. This Amendment No.4 supersedes any prior agreements, negotiations and communications, oral or written, with respect to the addition of the 760 Parcel and the 770 Parcel to the Premises under the Lease and contains the entire agreement between, and the final expression of, the Landlord and Tenant with respect to the addition of the 760 Parcel and the 770 Parcel to the Premises. No subsequent agreement, representation, or promise made by either party • • r LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO.4 Page 8 of 12 hereto, or by or to an employee, officer, agent or representative of either party hereto shall be of any effect unless it is in writing and executed by the party to be bound thereby. As amended by this Amendment No.4, the Lease continues in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. On and after the date of this Amendment No.4, the Lease shall be deemed amended by this Amendment No.4 and all references in the Lease to "this Agreement" "this Lease" "herein" "hereof" and the like shall be deemed to be references to the Lease as amended by this Amendment No.4. caRE A\JG 2 2' 'l.~\3 RECENEO CBRE AUG 2 1 201J RECEIVEr • • Executed bV landlord and Tenant as of the date first written above. The Boeing Company a Delaware Corporation ~-11.'13 Title CITY OF RENTON Denis law Mayor Bonnie Walton City Clerk Date Approved as to legal form LAG-IO-oOl AMENDMENT NO.4 Page90f12 " • CBRE AUG 2 1 2013 RECEIVED , .' . '. -',- .-. '- '. I " • 'r . , '.~ ! ,;, .., ~ !' . -: iI' , " .... • ••••• > • ~ ..... ,.:::;J1.A.l[,. • u~ City Attornev CBRE AUG 222013 RECE'VED • • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT , , ,:8RE AU{; "l 1 l013 ~ECEIVED STATE OF WASHINGTON I COUNTY OF KING I § I On this ..;l;;Jhc:Jt. day of J I ~_ ,2013, before me, the undersigned notary public in and for the State ~f.washln8tOl1:d y commissioned and sworn, personally appeared T e. :e..n E. d . . to me known to be the ~ t:::' r. . f THE BO ING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, the party that executed the for going I strument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said party, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ~/she was duly authorized to execute the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto the day and year in this Certificate first above written. Nallr, Public SIIit 01 Wllhlngton ARLENE C RICE My Allpolntmenl Explrel Aug 15, 2016 . Signature: -~~...6.~l3.!5.~"""-O~.L.!i=!..... __ Nota ry (print name I .f-'.!.+-... 'u.:.'''''''-'=-'-L-J'-''-C.,,·::..e..=- ..... ---------"" Residing at B eVl-+-Q \0 . My appointment eXPlres:aur; ) CBRE AUG 22 2W: RECEIVED , . • 1 ~ ~ ~'_: I': "" • I ' • , ! " • Exhibit K • ~l R, • • Exhibit J 4UG; REC . , .-, • • LAG-IO-OOI, Adden #7-15 AMENDMENT NO.7 TO LEASE AGREEMENT LAG-lO-OOl (City of Renton to The Boeing Company) RECE!','ED SEP 3 0 {OJ,) CITY Of R~i\iTON PLANNING DIVISION THIS AMENDMENT NO.7 to Lease Agreement LAG-lO-OOl ("Amendment No.7") is entered into as ,,~ day of B,hmitL, 2015 by the City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation (Landlord) and The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation (Tenant) and amends that certain lease agreement LAG-lO-OOl dated June 1, 2010 as amended to the date hereof (the "Lease"). RECITALS: 1. WHEREAS, the Tenant desires to lease one available parcel on Apron C commonly known as the "820 Parcel" as shown on Exhibit L for purposes of supporting its operations related to 737 production; and 2. WHEREAS, the Parties hereto agree that the 820 Parcel consists of 73,849 square feet; and 3. WHEREAS, the 820 Parcel consists of vacant land containing both asphalt and gravel areas resulting from the demolition of the former 820 Building; and 4. WHEREAS, the 820 Parcel is serviced by utility stubs for water, sewer, electricity, and gas; and 5. WHEREAS, the 820 Parcel has been leased by Landlord to Rainier Flight Service, LLC (hereinafter "Rainier") on a long term lease and Rainier has subleased that parcel back to Landlord until May 31, 2019; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN CONTAINED AND FOR OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, LANDLORD AND TENANT AGREE TO AMEND THE LEASE AS SET FORTH BELOW: WITNESSETH: Landlord and Tenant agree to amend the Lease, in the following respects: A. Section 1.a. of the Lease is amended to read as follows: ORIGINAL • 1. GRANT OF LEASE: • LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO.7 Page2of8 La. Legal Description and Reservation of Easement: Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant leases from Landlord for the Term described in Section 3 below, the parcels of land and, where applicable, the buildings and other improvements associated therewith, shown on the following Exhibits with the Lease Maps and Legal Descriptions and Boeing Building Numbers: Exhibit "A" -Lease Parcel 5-08/5-09, as Amended by Amendment No.1 Exhibit "B" -Lease ParcelS-50 and 5-50 Building Exhibit "c" -Lease Parcel Aircraft Positions A-4 through A-9 & Compass Rose Exhibit "0" -Lease Parcel North Bridge Access Revised Exhibit "E" -Amended Apron B Exhibit "F" -Boeing Substation B-1 Exhibit "G" -Lease Parcel Fuel Farm/Building 5-45 Exhibit "I" -Utility Installations Easement Agreement Exhibit "J" -Lease Parcel 760 Exhibit "K" -Lease Parcel 770 Exhibit "L" -Lease Parcel 820 C. Section 3 of LAG-lO-OOl shall be amended to add the following new section 3.d: 3.d. Term for the 820 Parcel: The term for the 820 Parcel shall commence on October 1, 2015 and terminate on May 31, 2019. 3.d.1. Option to Extend Term for the 820 Parcel: Tenant shall have no right to extend the term of this Amendment NO.7 for the lease of the 820 Parcel as provided herein. In no event will the lease of the 820 Parcel extend beyond the date of May 31,2019. • • LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO.7 Page 3 of 8 D. Section 4.a. of the Lease is amended to read as follows: 4. RENT AND FEES: 4.a. Minimum Monthly Rent: Tenant shall pay to Landlord a Minimum Monthly Rent in the sum of One Hundred Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Eight dollars and Ninety Eight cents ($107,578.98), which amount is one-twelfth of the Total Annual Rent shown in the chart 1 below, PLUS Leasehold Excise Tax as described in Section 5 of the Lease without deduction, offset, prior notice or demand, payable promptly in advance on the first day of each and every month during the Term. All such payments shall be made to the City of Renton, Airport Administration Office, Renton Municipal Airport, 616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton, Washington 98057. The Minimum Monthly Rent is computed as follows: Exhibit Lease Parcel/Building Leased 2010 Rates Annual Rent Description area (sq ft) Exhibit A 5-08/5-09 Building and $379,179.54 $379,179.54 Land and Aircraft Position A-l Exhibit B 5-50 Building (See note $163,276.80 $163,276.80 below) Exhibit B Land and Aircraft 132,896 $0.66/sq $87,711.36 Positions A-2 & A-3 ft/yr (including land under 5- 50 Building) Exhibit C Aircraft Position A-4 467,809 $0.66/sq $308,753.94 through A-9 and ft/yr Compass Rose Exhibit D North Bridge Access 16,778 $0.66/sq $11,073.48 ft/yr Revised Amended Apron B 174,073 $0.66/sq $114,888.18 Exhibit E ft/yr Exhibit F Boeing Substation 8-1 (area $0.66/sq $0 terminated ft/yr by lease) Exhibit G 5-45 Building (building $20,100 $21,366.30 only) Exhibit G 5-45 Land (land only) 57,130 $0.66/sq $37,705.80 • Exhibit I Utility Installations 22,147.74 Easement Agreement Exhibit J 760 Parcel 56,923 Exhibit J 756 Building 760 Building Exhibit K 770 Parcel 86,848 Exhibit L 820 Parcel 73,849 • ft/yr 33% of $O.66/sq ft/yr $0.66/sq ft/yr $2,965.68 $10,710.00 $0.66/sq ft/yr $0.7252/sq ft/yr LAG-to-~Ol AMENDMENT NO. 7 Page 4 of 8 $4,872.50 $37,569.18 $2,965.68 $10,710.00 $57,319.68 $53,555.29 Total Annual Rent = $1,290,947.73 plus Leasehold Excise Tax Note relating to Exhibit B: The Parties acknowledge that in 2009 and 2010, the Tenant made a substantial capital investment in improvements to the 5-50 Building, including numerous alterations to the structure as well as improvements within the building. Tenant's financial investment as well as these improvements and Tenant's use of the building as a paint hangar have made this a unique building. Pursuant to provisions in the prior lease, Renton will assume ownership of this building on June 1, 2010. So, while Landlord will charge Tenant rent for its use, the Parties have agreed to treat this building differently from other buildings in certain provisions of this Lease. The rental rate for the 5-50 Building shall adjust according to the terms set out in this Paragraph 4, EXCEPT that in those years when the Minimum Monthly Rent is adjusted to the "then current market rent", pursuant to Paragraph 4.b.2 of the Lease, the parties agree that the appraisal (or other form of analysis to determine fair market rental) relating to the 5-50 Building shall evaluate the building as an aircraft hangar, and as if the improvements made by Tenant in 2009-2010, and described in Paragraph 4.d of the Lease, had not been made. However, the Parties agree that the condition of the building, as it is maintained by Boeing, shall be considered in the appraisal (or other form of analysis) to determine the fair market rental. E. Section 12 of LAG-1O-001 shall be amended to add a new section 12.d, to read as follows: 12.d Tenant Improvements to 820 Parcel: Tenant will pave that portion of the 820 Parcel which is currently gravel with a minimum of 3 inches of asphalt and at a slope that accommodates the drainage of surface water in order to reduce the potential for foreign .~ ~. • • • LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO.7 Page 5 ofa object debris on the adjacent apron and taxiway. The existing paved area of the 820 Parcel as of the date of execution of this amendment will not be used for employee vehicle parking. All vehicle parking on the 820 Parcel shall be on the landside of the perimeter security fence. Tenant will obtain Landlord's written consent prior to undertaking any improvements or installing any buildings, structures, or equipment on the 820 Parcel. F. Miscellaneous. This Amendment No.7 will be effective immediately upon execution and delivery by the parties. This Amendment No.7 may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute but one and the same instrument. This Amendment No.7 shall be governed by the law of the State of Washington, without reference to its choice of law rules. This Amendment NO.7 supersedes any prior agreements, negotiations and communications, oral or written, with respect to the addition of the 820 Parcel to the Premises under the Lease and contains the entire agreement between, and the final expression of, the Landlord and Tenant with respect to the addition of the 820 Parcel to the Premises. No subsequent agreement, representation, or promise made by either party hereto, or by or to an employee, officer, agent or representative of either party hereto shall be of any effect unless it is in writing and executed by the party to be bound thereby. As amended by this Amendment No.7, the Lease continues in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. On and after the date of this Amendment No.7, the Lease shall be deemed amended by this" Amendment No.7 and all references in the Lease to "this Agreement" "this Lease" "herein" "hereof" and the like shall be deemed to be references to the Lease as amended by this Amendment NO.7. • • Executed by Landlord and Tenant as of the date first written above, The Boeing Company a Washington Corporation a~~r6r Title CITY OF RENTON Denis Law Mayor Date { / City Attorney • LAG-lO-OOl AMENDMENT NO, 7 Page 6 of 8 .- ". • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ) ) § ) • On this _.!-2.:_ ~9 l.l..6+ , 20J. before me, the undersigned notary public in and for the tate of a hington, duly commissioned and sworn , persol)ally appeared C.) I 1':>' CO n to me known to be the BilltJ.Olt:l.1~L.:~~.:tt.~" of THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, the party egoing nstrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said party, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was duly authorized to execute the same . WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto the day and year in this Certific e written. n () "---"~ st above ........................ --..... -~ Signature; __ ~=-......;._--=--==-.:::..-I~.u.o6o<-_ j NOIIIY Pu~\lc 51111 01 Wllhlneton ARLENE C .RICE My Appoiolmtnl bPli .. AuO 15, 2016 Notary Public in and for the State of Wa hington Notary (print name) f). c'en f.. c.. g \ Co "- Residing at Rentvn My appointment expires ; ll....t.q 1S" . ..ll> I (P I I • • • Exhibit L crA,F RENTON D;,%pment Services Planning & Zoning 235·2550 Boeing ContacttJ'v;,=----=,'-:-!y_'K=--.-..:=:...:=.!..l..:=~_L.! __ _ Organization #:~JU--4:.LhU>,"--!'!---''-'L'-'='==--.l"-__ Appeals & Waivers Binding Site Plan/Short Plat \' Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Fees Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Routine Vegetation Mgmt. Shoreline Substantial Dev 000(345.81.00.03 ___ _ 000(345.81.00.04 ___ _ 000(345.81.00.06.t~~~~ 000(345.81.00.0Vi.cx::o.0J 000(345.81.00.11 ___ _ 000(345.81.00.12 ___ _ 000(345.81.00.15{,.!..,_~ __ ·000(345.81.00.1~·_' ----'c~~ idlG·· ,,) -:---://;'/~ '< . ~ A " " / Approved For Payment: ,v! V' .<':<:-" .Y 'Boeing Representative Signature DSplnzn201 7/31/92 • .0029 City Staff Authorization Project Name:L-£:o.=-¥-?ULm~Cb-m~~~fL~-7fr~':> Work Order/Function ________ _ Site Plan Approval 000(345.81.00.17 Variance Fees 000(345.81.00.19 PlanninglZoning Misc. 000(345.81.00.20 Maps (taxed) 000(341.50.00.00 Photo Copies 000(341.60.00.24 Publications (taxed) 000(341.60.00.24 Postage 000(05.519.90.42.01 ___ _ Tax 000/ Other (Description) -:&.(-6 F.e.e. I~a::>j tv ,. , il Arrlll . Amount Tot1?Jozo 106 I BILLING INVOICE EG0004.1 DEPARTMENT: CED -Planning AR: Eden Invoice: BILLING CONTACT Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 MlC 20-00 Seattle, WA 98124 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA1S-000714 PLAN -Environmental Review Printed On: September 30, 2015 Prepared Bv: Vanessa Dolbee -------e--Renton ® 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Transaction Date: September 30,2015 PAYMENT METHOD Bilt/PO/lnvoice to TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,000.00 $1,030,00 Page 1 of 1