HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-11-087GRAPHIC SCALE o 1500' 3000' 6000' I I, I "';'0' I ( IN FEET) 1 inch =3000' ft. 2010 BRUSH CUTTING AREA March 25, 2010 'LEGEND __ ._._._ -CENTER OF CREEK -CREEK _ _ _ _ -DRAINAGE DISTRICT 0) d]J m .(0) m = ~ m (QJ BOUNDARY -PARCEL LINES -BRUSH CUTTING . AREA -WATER QUALITY TEST SITE . (') -0 _. o til .:t r> ::l -, :2. C) ~ ::l_ ..., <0 ~ g;;!:1 S <"'" -" ul"::i KING GpaNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT #1 I , ~ • :3 ] ~ • o ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ lli.g ~i iii~ ~.~ ~~ .~ '>. Om ~1l 5:::: 8£ ~ ~ i ~ ", ~< ~" m N ~e me eO UN ~;::,. 0-g: .... ~~ ~~ KING COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT #1 Gl TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION c ~ c c c: c ©l ., 0 i' o 0 c3t5 5 11!1!1 -0) " ..... -Ben ~ c: .!!l := ~ C. " Q) .2 = ~ 0:::0 ""' .... = _OJ ... 11!1!1 o .£; >-~ ! c ;:r.,c u TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION .... III 0 11!1!1 i:3u. 0) N.T.S. (Qb '" ., c e~ ~I 0"" ."."0 ~ ~ c:S g~ ~ i ()o ~ '" c 52 K.C.D.D. #1 RIGHT OF WAY ! I WIDTH VARIES I ,.. ~"( 10' MIN. EXIST 10' MIN. r----...... () ~ r::m CLEARING (. I ....J a. < ~~ CHANNEL CLEARING ...J E WNd>~ l,;tl ZONE (1) WIDTH ZONE (1) l ~~ <I g.8 sf2~~ 0_ tI'l C) ci.C"> VARIES c9 ijj ~~i~ \ ~,--cE ~n:-£~! ~ g-;:~,..:gf c:: Q) <c(~1D »6; m~l:i:6 MEAN HIGH ~ 0 ~c..tD~ .c en d~ I~ «~ o:~ ..J ""g ~. NOTES: ~ ~ ;...- (1 ) 10FT. CLEARING ZONE IS MEASURED HORIZONTAL - (NOT PARALLEL TO SIDE SLOPES OF CHANNEL) Q) - ~, CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM DISTRICT ~ INSPECTOR WHERE DEVIATION FROM 10' WIDE CLEARING " ~~ , , ZONE IS REQUIRED. SEE ALSO SPECIFICATIONS. I ' I , (2) SEE ALSO SPECIFICATIONS IN CONTRACT BID PACKAGE FOR -~ CUTTING REQUIREMENTS, P I ! . ~ • i ~ , ~ . ~ > • ~ ~ I •• I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,: .. , ' '. '. : < . ., '.( . . ;. ,I<" 'q , I, = . "', \ , " • g ..... '."...... .. .... .. ...... ---'-- HO~ 133HS , SnOIHVA 31V0S I --, I . .. . '! . .. i', ') I? . ;. ; . ;'. '" Iim!!7"Ilcdl· Jl.Ii\'Jl!lI!ll!ll!lCL\'JWlHlIi\!Il!l IJoOCJl.D<C! l!lI!l>WIi\!IIIWll:D<C! El4!!.DJl.\1VIi\!IIl:Dl!lJl. "1J\1!1 , ·ON· ~III:IIJLSDCIJ u."....,. 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"!' . . .', " . . . 1.33HS snOIWA 3l'<fOS I CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: January 12, 2012 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to faCilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: King County Drainage District #1 Maintenance of Springbrook Creek LUA (file) Number: LUA-11-087, SME Cross-References: AKA's: I Project Manager: Jennifer Henning Acceptance Date: November 14, 2011 Applicant: Gil Hulsmann Owner: King County Drainage District #1 Contact: Same as applicant PID Number: N/A ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: November 14, 2011 Appeal Period Ends: November 28, 2011 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council DeCision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: I Project Description: Application requesting a Shoreline Exemption in order to allow for the maintenance of 11,197 lineal feet of shoreline along the P-1 Channel/Springbrook Creek. Location: Springbrook Creek Comments: ~\ \ ) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION (ERIIF~(AIE Of EXEMP1~ON !FROM SHOREUNE SUBSTANTIAL DEVElOPMENT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER/APPLICANT: CONTACT (if other than Owner): PROJECT LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEC-TWN-R: WATER BODY/WETLAND: November 14, 2011 -!'lAME ,NITIALlDATf i-CONCURREN~-' ib DATE 'lJOV Ill:. wit LUA11-087, SME ~Ti. -m p' .d'H~\L , King County Drainage District #1 Maintenanee-ef ! Springbrook Creek· Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Gil Hulsmann (applicant) Abbey Road Group P.O. Box 1224 Puyallup,WA 98371 Same as Applicant Banks of Springbrook Creek between SW 16th Street and SW 43,d Street Not Applicable (multiple locations) S24-T23N-R4E, S25-T23N-R4E, and S36-T23N-R4E Springbrook Creek PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The applicant, King County Drainage District No.1, seeks a Shoreline Exemption to allow for the maintenance of 11,197 lineal feet of shoreline along the P-1 Channel/Springbrook Creek. The project involves the removal of overgrown vegetation including grass and brush along the banks of Springbrook Creek to reduce blockage of the forward flow of the channel. Vegetation will be removed from the edge of Springbrook Creek and within a 10-foot wide area from the edge of the waterway. Brush would be cut at a h.eight no greater than 6-inches above the existing ground. A measuring device that is 10 feet in length will be used to verify adequate brush removal from within the clearing zone. Cut brush and grass from the site will be removed and disposed of outside of the floodplain. In addition, garbage and debris within the channel will be removed as authorized by the Drainage District. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION !FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: PROJECT NAME: . PROJECT MANAGER: OWN ER/ APPLICANT: CONTACT (if other than Owner): PROJECT LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEC-TWN-R: WATER BODY/WETLAND: November 14, 2011 LUA11-087, SME King County Drainage District #1 Maintenance of Springbrook Creek Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Gil Hulsmann (applicant) Abbey Road Group P.O. Box 1224 Puyallup,WA 98371 Same as Applicant Banks of Springbrook Creek between SW 16th Street and SW 43 rd Street Not Applicable (multiple locations) S24-T23N-R4E, S25-T23N-R4E, and S36-T23N-R4E Springbrook Creek PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The applicant, King County Drainage District No.1, seeks a Shoreline Exemption to allow for the maintenance of 11,197 lineal feet of shoreline along the P-1 Channel/Springbrook Creek. The project involves the removal of overgrown vegetation including grass and brush along the banks of Springbrook Creek to reduce blockage of the forward flow of the channel. Vegetation will be removed from the edge of Springbrook Creek and within a 10-foot Wide area from the edge of the waterway. Brush would be cut at a height no greater than 6-inches above the existing ground. A measuring device that is 10 feet in length will be used to verify adequate brush removal from within the clearing zone. Cut brush and grass from the site will be removed and disposed of outside of the floodplain. In addition, garbage and debris within the channel will be removed as authorized by the Drainage District. City of Renton Deportment of Comm & Economic Development King County Drainage District III Maintenance 0/ Springbrook Creek DATE OF PERMIT: November 14, 2011 Certificate of Exel .. , .. m from Shoreline Substantiol Development WAll-OB1, SME Page 2 of 3 Vegetation removal will occur only between September 15 and December 31. All cut vegetative debris will be promptly removed and no fallen trees in the channel will be removed without authorization_ All work will be completed outside of the Ordinary High Water Mark with the exception of pO,ssible removal of trash/debris in the water. The Drainage District has provided a proposed enhancement plan that would be implemented in certain areas of corridor where work will be performed. Enhancement plants consist of Big Leaf Maple, Paper Birch, Pacific Dogwood, Oregon Ash, Pacific Ninebark, Quaking Aspen, Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, and Western Hemlock. Possible plant substitutes accceptable to the District include Red Alder, Western White Pine, Bitter Cherry, Cascara, Vine Maple, Red-Osier Dogwood, Western Hazelnut, Black Hawthorn, Osoberry, Wood Rose, Salmonberry, and Snowberry. Previous Shoreline Exemption Permits have been issued (LUA97-142, LUAOO-129, LUAOS-070, and LUA07-076). The current permit expires on August 7, 2012. The applicant is requesting a new Shoreline Exemption to coincide with the Hydraulic Permit Approval they are obtaining from Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, which would expire on August 22, 2017. An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby granted on the proposed project in accordance with RMC 4-9-190.C. 3. and/or for the following reason(s): 3. Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident, fire or elements. a. "Normal maintenance" includes those usual acts to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation from a lawfully established condition. b. "Normal repair" means to restore a development to a state comparable to its original condition, including but not limited to its size, shape, configuration, location and external appearance, within a reasonable period after decay or partial destruction, except where repair causes substantial adverse effects to the shoreline resource or environment. c. Replacement of a structure or development may be authorized as repair where such replacement is the common method of repair for the type of structure or development and the replacement structure or development is comparable to the original structure or development including, but not limited to, its size, shape, configuration, location and external appearance and the replacement does not cause substantial adverse effects to shoreline resources or environment. City of Renton Department of Comm & Economic Development King County Drainage District #1 Maintenance of Springbrook Creek Certificate of Exef, . ...-_,()n from Shoreline Substantial Development LUAll-D87,SME DATE OF PERMIT: November 14, 2011 Page 3 of 3 The proposed development is consistent or inconsistent with (check one): CONSISTENT x N/A x INCONSISTENT Policies of the Shoreline Management Act. The guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been finally approved or adapted by the Department. The City of Renton Shoreline Master Program. The Shoreline Exemption will expire on August 22, 2017. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: C.£.\JAd C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division Attachments: Vicinity/Neighborhood Detail Map Site Plan cc: Owner/Applicant Contact City of Renton Official File (I l r1(aH( Date CD \ "'" IH -', .... -" .... "'" " ---------~...... / ZONING MAP BOOK PW TECHNICAL SERVICES PRINTED ON 11/13/09 __ " ... mB ....... ' ..... .,..,_"", I' .. ·_d"''' ....... ''''' .. " .• nd'''''''.don .,. .... __ ... ' ......... - " ... m.p~I""'" .. ' ... C"" .. "'.'p"~onIy, '\ / ./ F2 -13 T23N R4E E 112 /\ ',~ ,'---_--L--=-...J .. CD ". I I I I· .' " CD I ~ I LCD_'- i ~. r I ! i I .1 ............ t'.". H2 -25 T23N R4E E 112 AD VI 200 400 l. F I Feet 1:4,800 i ! 11 I I .. I 11--& ! i J ~M I I '") 1M \EXHiBIT 1 ~" J , -1M""" I I I -.-.-'---~. ~ , 1····_······_······_'-· CD G2 24 T23N R4E E 112 4324 RESIDENTIAL o ~ (RC) Resource ConservatlonO C!:D (R-l) Resldentlall d~,tz 0 lB. (R4) Residentl~1fu/ac ~ (R-B) ResldenQalB dulac ~ (RMH) Resifentlal Manufactured Homes I R-IO ! (R-lO) Residential 10 dulac 8 (R-14) Residential 14 dulac I RH-r) (RM-F) Residential Multi-Family I RH-T I (RM-T) Residential Multi-Family Traditional IRM-U I (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Urban Center MIXED USE CENTERS ~ (CY) Center Village luc.ml (UC·Nl) Urban Center -North 1 ~C.N21 (UC-N2) Urban Center -North 2 [ill (CD) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL W (IL) Industrial· Light ~ (1M) Industrial -Medium c..2Q (IH) Industrial -Heavy _____ Renton City Umih IT§] (COR) Commercial/Office/Residential __ . __ Adjllce,nt CUy Limits o (CA) Commercial Arterial ~ (CO) Commercial Office ~ (CN) Commercial Neighborhood ICROU PAGE# SECTfTOWN{Il..t.NGE PAGE INDEX G2 -24 T23N R4E E 112 co EXHIBIT :2 . . "i::::::.. ::.: ...... : ..... ".,1".: .. :: : ..... .L....... •• :.:C'" :.1 ...• : ..... ::::::· ... ZONING MAP BOOK PW TECHNICAL SERVICES PRINTED ON 11/13/09 ........ _ .. ,,_ .... --. .... __ d .......... occo'I<Y .• od .. _d ... ........ , .. "" ... ,"" ...... -... , .... _ ........ ThI' .... ~ .... n'.d,.,,<lty ... 'pl.jp"'''''' .. on''' co co RC i ., ....... _.,: I I." " r i .... J l ! / IH RC CM <:> ;j F=i---'-' ---;~IH:::;-:::3:&9 Z "", ""''''''''r'''''''''' 11--~ I! IL I :: IL RC / / '. ,:/:1::0:= '. / IL / N ~::===Ji~/Ld A 1M 1M ~ 12 -36 T23N R4E E 112 H2 h fIT 4,: .. , V "4,BOO 25 T23N R4E E 112 4325 o RESIDENTIAL o ~ (Re) Resource Conservation 0 ~ (R-l) Residential 1 dulac [B (R-4) Residential 4 dulac ~ (R-8) Residential 8 dulac ~ (RMH) Residential Manufactured Homes 1 R-l0 1 (R-10) Residential 10 dulac 1 R-l" 1 (R-14) Residential 14 dulac ! RH-'I (RM-F) Residential Multi-Family IRH-T I (RM-n Residential Multi-Family Traditional IRM-U I (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Urban Center MIXED USE CENTERS @] (CV) Center Village " IUC-Nll (UC-Nl) Urban Center~ North 1 '1,1,': (UC-N2) U,b,n Cen'" -North 2 D (CD) Center Downtown o COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL W (Il) Industrlal-Ught o (1M) Industrial -Medium m (IH) Industrlal-Heavy _____ Renton City Limih [£§] (COR) Commercial/Office/Residential __ Adjl'cent City Limits o (CA) Commercial Arterial ~ (CO) Commercial Office ~ (CN) Commercial Neighborhood KROll PAGE# PAGE INDEX ./ i '/ :, \\ __ 1L I t_ ._ .....•... ,1 ~ .. ~ .\ .. .... '''''. ,'" H2 -25 T23N R4E E 112 1M B 1&Znd SI ! , ·111 .... 11 ,i II 185tt11'1 I if '/ /.' ,; , ! ! ! EXHIBIT 3 , ' --; ," , , , , , , , ' /' I /, , ._-----,' " , , If_'~: i / "'.' r---"i,/ :··'-"·'-a111'o'>St·· I r -1'- I "'-',1 , -! 12 ... N 36 T23N R4E E 112 4336 RESIDENTIAL ~ (RC) Resource Conservation IB (R-1) Residential 1 dulac ~ (R-4) Residential 4 dulac G::!J (R-8) Residential 8 dulac ~ (RMH) Residential Manufactured Homes I R-IO I (R-10) Residential 10 dulac ~ (R-14) Residential 14 dulac [RM-'[ (RM-F) Residential Multi-Family IRM-T I (RM-T) Residential Multl-FamilyTraditlonal IRM-ul (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Urban Center MIXED USE CENTERS ~ (CV) Center Village lue-NII (UC-Nl) Urban Center-North 1 ~ (UC-N2) Urban Center -North 2 o (CD) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL ~ (COR) Commercial/Office/Residential [§J (CA) Commercial Arterial QE] (CO) Commercial OffIce ~ (CN) Commercial Neighborhood INDUSTRIAL [ii;] (Il) Industrlal-light o (1M) Industrial-Medium o (IH) Industrial-Heavy --_ Renton City Umils __ ._._ Adjacenl City Limits KROll PAGE PAGE# INDEX SECT/TOWN/RANGE o , GRAPHIC SCALE 15r,30rL. ,j er' ( IN FEET) 1 inch =3000'ft. 2010 BRUSH CUTTING AREA March 25, 2010 'LEGEND _______ -CENTER OF CREEK -CREEK _ _ _ _ -DRAINAGE DISTRICT BOUNDARY -PARCEL LINES === -BRUSH CUTTING ,AREA -WATER QUALITY TEST SITE ' KING COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT #1 KING COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT #1 'lD TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION c: ;! c: '" c: ~ (Q) 8~ 5 c: C -Q) 0 !'jC/) g> o 0 llM '0. " -.-~ c: .~ Q) .;::: ;:; ~ 0::0 ~ = ! .... 0> r-llM c ... TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION o 'c ~ g :>.c '-' " C) llM N.T.S. _ ro '" (3n. '" c: ~ Of!! ..... 11 0" .<>13 c::5 5$ C)O 1 '" c: S2 K.C.D.D. #1 RIGHT OF WAY ! I WIDTH VARIES I '" ~"" 10' MIN. EXIST 10' MIN. ~I o ~ r:g c. ~- CLEARING CHANNEL . CLEARING ::J E ~ ~~ L~~ J a. a !::~~~ l,;:01 ZONE (1) WIDTH ZONE (1) i5 ~ ~ g: ~~ VARIES C> a3 ~~~~ " ~, "0 E ~O:?i'~ tel a. ::l c.. • (2) o a s:::lr-:m 0:: iD :€g~~ »> (II Xu> MEAN HIGH ~ ~ ~c..~~ .c "C co ci ii ~ « ffi 0.:19 ..J .~ NOTES: (1) 10 FT, CLEARING ZONE IS MEASURED HORIZONTAL (NOT PARALLEL TO SIDE SLOPES OF CHANNEL) m CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM DISTRICT , >< INSPECTOR WHERE DEVIATION FROM 10' WIDE CLEARING I ::t: ZONE IS REQUIRED. SEE ALSO SPECIFICATIONS. D-I 0::1 (2) SEE ALSO SPECIFICATIONS IN CONTRACT BID PACKAGE FOR 1-11 -I CUTTING REQUIREMENTS, i . Ji U'I , • ~ ~ t ~ • • • . ~ I~ f . 8 i i I~ r c Ii i i 13 r . I ~ I Ii • R § Iii i SCALE VARIOUS SHEET 1 of 1 il! ill'l HI! 1111 I I!I I'l Ii iiiiij'I:'l i 111111.11"1111','1111,11111 · i ! P id , '! I' I II I I fbijt I II I! · II!h lli:I·J.ii II! Ii II . II· R1ii:j'11 dill '. illir Ij.li,i ~,11 Hi!llt,ili lilll . : I III II II! I!' I IjJ I! : Ilrl liill ' ~ I ii il ~I ~ d JI II . 1i.1 illl.· ! I'.: i! .1 I . I I ., I.' ' III .;; "-:;" ~iW"":; I! 'IIII"'!· .... ;;, · " InJ; i' {HJIT111 ;~: i' III, '!I:I' Z """ r'I'IV~': :. ~. ' 'rr<' .<.. ~. :!i :!i-~,~' ,1.~'J'J " .! . ' ~ " .. ';"'.. .. .' ..... '" M . : .. · .. ··1 ""'1 IIUII!! .1111+ .111 i ....; IIIIIII1 11!1'1 . .,' 'c, tj! II t . ) II!' III' •. , . DRAINAGE NO.t STANDARD DRAINAGIE. DITCH IENHANClEMlEjIIT PLAN r"~:i ~ Ii' t Ii c· ~ ,. .~ II' I II " 91XaXHX3I ~ ii: I:) 8 Iii C ii:~ ~D . (')1 I~ i~ , . ~' ii: 9 .. . . , I ,f: -,~ I '" . Cuay of iRenton on Planning Division lAND USE PERMIT OCT 271UI1 MASTER APPlICATION~cc~ow~{[)) PROPERTY OWNER(S) I PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: King County Drainage Distrlct#1 KCDD#1 Springbrook Maintenance ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 297 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: Multiple locations -Linear project CITY: Kent ZIP:98302 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (253) 872-8300 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): Easements and right of way only APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Gil Hulsmann EXISTING LAND USE(S): Drainage COMPANY (if applicable): Abbey Road Group PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Drainage EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1224 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP CITY: Puyallup ZIP: 98371 DESIGNATION (if applicable) EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (253) 435-3699 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): SITE AREA (in square feet): NAME: Gil Hulsmann 223,940SF -11,197 linear feet x 20' wide COMPANY (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE Abbey Road Group DEDICATED: N/A , SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1224 N/A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Puyallup ZIP: 98371 ACRE (if applicable) N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: (253) 435-3699 GiI.Hulsmann@abbel£roadgrou~.com NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) N/A NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A S:\PROJECTS FILES (ACTlVE)\04-111 King County Drainage District #l\Documents\Permit Application -By Drainage Distric\\ShoreHne\Renton\masterapp.doc - 1 - , , P t..JJ ECT I N FORMA T,.:-cIO::...:N,-,--,-, (tc::...::o:..:.:nc::.:b.:..:,,=-.Je=-:dCLI) _______ ----, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: N/A $18,000 Annually SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A D FLOOD HAZARD AREA ___ sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D GEOLOGIC HAZARD ___ sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION ___ sq. ft. applicable): N/A X SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 223,940 sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A D WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach leQal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP __ , RANGE __ , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Gil Huls tl)!i ') t...A;;2 riA) , declare under penalty of pe~ury under the laws of the State of waShinron that I am (please check one) ____ t current owner of the property involved in this application or K-the authorized represe tatiJe to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contain d ahd the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ; ~/ i =-.d!l /0 hlJv I I Signature of Owner/Representative Date Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that (),.f W~ signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the ~~ M" """",m,"'''''' "0 ,,~-,. cl Cl..I. ~,Sc.L Dated Notary Pu lic in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): f'lJ1A £. vJ ~ 'SO (L appointment expires: __ "'d"'----'...I_-_/c....:s=-__________ _ S:\PROJECTS fiLES (ACTlVE)\04-111 King County Drainage District #l\Documcnts\Pcrmit Application -By Drainage District\Shorelinc\Renton\masterapp.doc - 2 - ~., -. The Springbrook Creek in the City of Renton is located in the following sections: Situate in Sections 24 and 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East City of Renton, King County, Washington and Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East City of Renton, King County, Washington. PLANNING DIVISION WAIV ... ~ OF SUBMITTAL REQU .. EMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS c' . ,ty Of Renton This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning PROJECT NAME: f:;J {} :If I 5 f7YJ hj~l!c... .lff-pu; DATE: Ocl 11t Un MtUYJ+-· H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs,xls 06/09 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVIER(F SUBMITTAL REQUIR.ENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2AND3 of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2AND3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services PROJECT NAME: -=:....0.:::..0_#_1 .....:;ffnt--.:...:..:.fh"-'-IrI:t-'--'-'._II1.....:;f---=-. 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building DATE: --'-O-=Q:....:.r--'--/.:....'!,L..z.=:...~::..!.'1--f..I ___ _ 4. Planning H:\CED\Data\Fonns-Templates\Self-Help Handauts\Planning\walverofsubmlttalreqs.xls 06109 --- PROJECT NARRATIVE KING COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO.1 PROJECT NAME: KCDD#1 Springbrook Maintenance 1f1j~({;~UW'~ LOCATION: Portions of Springbrook Creek from 1-405 and Oakesdale Avenue SW to 180lh ffJ Street (Springbrook Creek) in Renton WA. SIZE: Approximately 223,940 square feet PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed work consists of cutting vegetation along an estimated 11,197.30 lineal feet along Springbrook Creek. Brush cutting activities will include cutting existing vegetation from the edge of the existing waterway and removal of (brush cutting) waste material to an approved waste site. The contractor will remove all grass and brush within the clearing zone of the waterway channel. The grass and brush shall be cut at a height no greater than six inches above the existing ground service at the location of the cutting. A 10 foot long measuring device will be used to verify adequate brush removal in clearing zone. Should cutting devices be petroleum powered, all refueling shall be performed 50 feet clear of the top edge of the channel. Any miscellaneous debris (garbage, etc) lying in the channel shall be removed. (If authorized by the King County Drainage District). The contractor shall remove all cut vegetative debris that has fallen into the waterway channel in a timely fashion after cutting is performed. All cut and/or stockpiled vegetative debris along the channel will be required to be removed by the contractor to an off-site waste area. f?.."f t{fSf 1"7 fOv ~ 0r lt1.-u(fh.;( t{fPVO 11«-1,' f7J f,-c UJI15(f;;/.en..f- BASIS FOR EXEMPTION REQUEST: • Normal maintenance or repair of existing structure or development. • Projects intended to improve fish or wildlife habitat or fish passage. wrth -rl<-t 11 p/9 , # tJ-;r (77--( /ht'l "t 'Z-I 'UJ I ::;. • The purpose of the project is to maintain conveyance of storm drainage water on an annual basis. This work has been an ongoing maintenance process for years. ANTICIPATED DATES OF WORK: Annually from September 15 -December 31 OTHER PERMITS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT: JARPA, Hydraulic Project Approval, City of Kent, Shoreline Exemption Permit CURRENT AND PROPOSED USE FOR SITE: Current and proposed use is for the maintenance of District's drainage waterways. SPECIAL SITE FEATURES: No special features -Normal drainage ditch attributes STATEMENT OF SOILS TYPES AND DRAINAGE CONDITIONS: N/A CONSTRUCTION COST/FAIR MARKET VALUE: Project Value: $18,000.00 annually MATERIALS REQUIRED: N/A -No fill or excavation is proposed TREE REMOVAL: Any trees that have previously fallen into the channel shall be removed only if authorized by the King County Drainage District. . ' -. DISTANCE FROM ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK: Any work done will be completed outside the ordinary high water mark NATURE OF EXISTING SHORELINE: Varies depending on location of specific ditch site OBSTRUCTED VIEW: N/A Applicant Name Abbey Road Group Parcel Number " ,. REQUEST FOR CRIT~CAl AREAS EXEMPTION (FOR SEPA EXEMPT ACTIVITIES) City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 Project Name KCDD#1 Springbrook Maintenance Easements and right of way only I Project Address Portions of Springbrook Creek Brief Description of Project I Phone Number (253) 435-3699 The proposed work consists of cutting vegetation along an estimated 11,197 lineal feet along Springbrook Creek. Brush cutting activities will include cutting existing vegetation from the edge of the existing waterway and removal of (brush cutting) waste material to an approved waste site. The contractor will remove all grass and brush within the clearing zone of the waterway channel. The grass and brush shall be cut at a height no greater than six inches above the existing ground service at the location of the cutting. A 10 foot long measuring device will be used to verify adequate brush removal in clearing zone. Should cutting devices be petroleum powered, all refueling shall be performed 50 feet clear of the top edge of the channel. Any miscellaneous debris (garbage, etc) lying in the channel shall be removed. (If authorized by the King County Drainage District). The contractor shall remove all cut vegetative debris that has fallen into the waterway channel in a timely fashion after cutting is performed. All cut andlor stockpiled vegetative debris along the channel will be required to be removed by the contractor to an off-site waste area. /rv.frv(ft.; WOtM.~ dcabV aMlI~o/ -(VI~h Ifr-o/, WI1- Type of Critical Area [8J Work Occurs in Critical Area o Work Occurs in Buffer Flood Hazard and Stream & Lakes PURPOSE: Exempt activities provided with a letter of exemption from the Development Services Administrator may intrude into a critical area or required buffer (Subject to any conditions or requirements provided by the Administrator). APPLICABILITY OF EXEMPTIONS: The following is a general list of activities that may be exempt from the critical areas regulations. More specific descriptions of the activities are contained in the Critical Areas Regulations. Some of the listed activities may not be exempt in certain critical areas. The Planning Division will evaluate you request according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3- 050C, J, L, and N. I AM REQUESTING A CRITICAL AREAS EXEMPTION FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: ~ Conservation, Enhancement, and Related Activities: • Conservation or preservation of soil, water, vegetation, fish, and other wildlife • Enhancement activities as defined in chapter 4-11 RMC.; • Any critical area, buffer restoration, or other mitigation activities that have been approved by the City o Research and Site Investigation: - 6 - S:\PROJECTS FILES (ACTIVE)\04-111 King County Drainage District #1\Documents\Permit Application -By Drainage Districl\Shoreiine\Renton\Critical Areas Exemption Request.doc 06/09 o Nondestructive education and research o Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals such as surveys, soil logs, etc. D Agricultural, Harvesting, and Vegetation Management: o Harvesting wild foods o Existing/Ongoing agricultural activities 1 o Removal of dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or dangerous ground cover or hazardous trees which have been certified as such by a forester, registered landscape architect, or certified arborist D Surface Water Alteration: o New surface water discharges provided the discharge meets the requirements of the Storm and Surface Water Drainage Regulations 1 2 3 o New or modified regional stormwater facilities 1 2 3 o Flood hazard reduction 1 3 4 6 Roads, Parks, Public and Private Utilities: o Relocation of Existing Utilities out of Critical Area and Buffer o Maintenance, operation, and repair of existing parks, trails, roads, facilities, and utilities 1 2 o Installation, construction, replacement, or operation of utilities, traffic control, and walkways within existing improved right-if-way or easement 1 2 o Modification of existing utilities and streets by 10% or less 1 2 5 o Management and essential tree removal for public or private utilities, roads and public parks 1 D Wetland Disturbance, Modification, and Removal: o Any activity in small Category 3 wetlands 1 234 5 o Temporary disturbances of a wetland due to construction activities that do not include permanent filling 1 2 3 5 Maintenance and Construction for Existing Uses and Facilities: o Remodeling, replacing, or removing existing structures 1 2 o Normal and routine maintenance and repair of any existing public or private uses and facilities where no alteration of the critical area and required buffer or additional fill materials will be placed 1 2 o Construction activity connected with an existing single family residence or garage, provided that no portion of the new work occurs closer to the critical area or required buffers than the existing structure 1 2 o Existing activities which have not been changed, expanded or altered provided they comply with the applicable requirements of chapter 4-10 RMC 1 . D Emergency Activities: o Removal of trees or ground cover by a City department, agency, public, or private utility in an emergency situation ·7- S;\PROJECTS FILES (ACTIVE)\04-111 King County Drainage District #1\Documents\Permit Application -By Drainage Oislrict\Shoreline\Renton\Crilical Areas Exemption Request.doc 06/09 o Public interest emergency use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials by governmental organizations in an Aquifer Protection Area ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Additional permits from other agencies may be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain these other approvals. Information regarding these other requirements may be found at .http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/ooas/ I I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowl~thl above information is true and complete. Applicant Signature: 2JL r ~ Date: I'q?f? 14M = , .For City Use Only o Exemption Granted C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division Signature: _______________ _ Conditions of Approval: - 8 - o Exemption Denied Date: _______ _ S:\PROJECTS FILES (ACTIVE)\04·111 King County Drainage District #1\Documents\Permit Application. By Drainage District\Shoreline\Renton\Critical Areas Exemption Request.doc 06/09 ;Exemption does not apply in Aquifer Protection Areas 2Exemption does not apply in Flood Hazard Areas 'Exemption does not apply in Geologic Hazard Areas 'Exemption does not apply in Habitat Conservation Areas 'Exemption does not apply in Streams and Lakes: Class 2 to 4 6Exemption does not apply in Wetlands -9- S:\PROJECTS FILES (ACTIVE)\04-111 King County Drainage District #1\Oocuments\Permit Application -By Drainage District\$horeline\Renton\Critical Areas Exemption Request.doc 06109 .-~-----------------------------. ~ 2 (!]) 1] (!J) m ~ SHIN 0 S TIE US Army Corps AGENCY USE ONLY Date received: WA GT N TA Cit ~!,~gci~::" Joint A~ua~ic Resources per,~fr Renton Appitcatlon (JARPA) Form 9 DIvISion Agency reference #: _______ --{ Tax Parcel #(8): ________ -< USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO ENTER ANSWERS IN WHITE SPACE~'BE4?W7' "' Z ZOII , , ------------------------------______ 1 Part 1-Project Identification 1. Project Name (A name for your project that you create. Examples: Smith's Dock or Seabrook Lane Development) [lm!Q]' King County Drainage District No. 1 Part 2-Applicant The person or organization responsible for the project. [lm!Q] 2a. Name (Last, First, Middle) and Organization (if applicable) King County Drainage District No. 1 2b. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) P.O. Box 297 2e. City, State, Zip· Kent, W A 98302 2d. Phone (1) 2e. Phone (2) 2f. Fax 2g. E-mail ( 253 ) 872-8300 ( 253) 815-1205 (253) 815-9761 therobbers@comcast.net Part 3-Authorized Agent or Contact Person authorized to represent the applicant about the project. (Note: Authorized agent(s) must sign 11 b. of this application.) l!:lmIll 3a. Name (Last, First, Middle) and Organization (if applicable) The Abbey Road Group Land Development Services Company, LLC. -Gil Hulsmann 3b. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) P.O. Box 1224 1 Additional forms may be required for the following permits: • If your project may qualify for Department of the Army authorization through a Regional General Permit (RGP), contact the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers for application infonnaUon (206) 764-3495. • If your project might affect species listed under tha Endangered Spec1es Act, you will need to fill out a Specific Project Information Form (SPIF) or prepare a Biological Evaluation. Forms can be found at http://'IMW.nws.usace.army.ml1/PublicMenufMenu.cfm?sitename=REG&pagename=malnpage_ESA • If you are applying for an Aquatic Resources Use Authorization you will need to fill out and submit an Application for Authorization to Use State- Owned Aquatic Lands form to DNR, which can be found at http://W'vV\V.dnr.wa.gov/Publications/aqr_use_auth_app.doc • Not all cities and counties accept the JARPA for their local Shoreline permits. If you think you will need a Shoreline permit, contact the appropriate city or county government to make sure they will accept the JARPA. 2To access an online JARPA form with [help] screens, go to htlp:/Iwww.epermitting.wa.govlsiteJallas_resourcecenterljarpaJarpa_form/9984/jarpa_form.aspx. For other help, contact the Governors Office of Regulatory Assistance at 1-800-917-0043 or help@ora.wa.gov. JARPA 2010 v1 3130/2010 Page 1 of 14 / , 3c. City, State, Zip Puyallup, WA 98371 3d. Phone (1) 3e. Phone (2) 3f. Fax 3g. E-mail ( 253 ) 435-3699 ( 253 ) 405-1246 ( 253 ) 435-3159 GiI.Hulsmann@abbeyroadgroup.com lPart 4-Property Owner(s) Contact information for people or organizations owning the property(ies) where the project will occur. I!Jg)Q] o Same as applicant. (Skip to Part 5.) IZI Repair or maintenance activities on existing rights-of-way or easements. (Skip to Part 5.) D There are multiple property owners. Complete the section below and fill out JARPA Attachment A for each additional property owner. 4a. Name (Last, First, Middle) and Organization (if applicable) 4b. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) 4c. City, State, Zip 4d. Phone (1) 4e. Phone (2) 4f. Fax 4g. E-mail ( ) ( ) ( ) Part 5-Project LQcation(s) Identifying information about the property or properties where the project will occur. [ffiJg] IZI There are multiple project locations (e.g., linear projects). Complete the section below and use JARPA Attachment B for each additional project location. 5a. Indicate the type of ownership of the property. (Check all that apply.) I!Jg)Q] D State Owned Aquatic Land (If yes or maybe, contact the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) at (360) 902-1100) D Federal IZI Other publicly owned (state, county, city, special districts like schools, ports, etc.) DTribal D Private 5b. Street Address (Cannot be a PO Box. If there is no address, provide other location information in 5p.) I!Jg)Q] Portions of Garrison Creek, Mill Creek and Springbrook Creek from 1-405 and Oakesdale Ave SW (Springbrook Creek) south to SW 43rd then south to 88th Ave S just north of James Street (Garrison Creek). Also from SW 43rd Street to E Smith Street (Mill Creek) in Renton and Kent, WA. 'Please refer to attached limits of brush cutting map 5c. City, State, Zip (If the project is not in a city or town, provide the name of the nearest city or town.) I!Jg)Q] Renton, WA Kent, WA 5d. County I!Jg)Q] JARPA 2010 vI 3/30/2010 Page 2 of 14 King County 5e. Provide the section, township, and range for the project location. [hgjQ] Yo Section Section Township Range Garrison Creek 07 22N 05E Mill Creek 01,02,12,13, 22N 04E 36 23N 04E Springbrook Creek 13, 22N, 04E 06,18, 22N, 05E 13,24,25,36 23N 04E 30,31 23N 05E Sf. Provide the latitude and longitude of the project location. [hgjQ] • Example: 47.03922 N lat. /-122.89142 W long. (NAD 83) 47.38768 N / 122.23746 W Mill Creek -47.38901 N / 122.23334 Spring Brook Creek 5g. List the tax parcel number(s) for the project location. [hgjQ] • The local county assessor's office can provide this information . Multiple Parcels 5h. Contact information for all adjoining property owners. (If you need more space, use JARPA Attachment C.) [hgjQ] Name Mailing Address Tax Parcel # (if known) --- _._-----_ .. __ ... __ ._--_._ .. __ ._---.... _--- .IARPA ?010v1 ~/:~n/?n1n Page 3 of 14 5i. List all wetlands on or adjacent to the project location. {j]gjQ] 5j. List all waterbodies (other than wetlands) on or adjacent to the project location. {j]gjQ] Garrison Creek, Mill Creek, and Springbrook Creek 5k. Is any part of the project area within a 1 OO-year flood plain? {j]gjQ] J:8l Yes DNa o Don't know 51. Briefiy describe the vegetation and habitat conditions on the property. {j]gjQ] The subject portions of Garrison Creek, Mill Creek, and Springbrook Creek are for the most part left in a natural state. However, due to the rapid growth of grass and blackberry bushes -which causes decreased hydrology-these plants are annually cut back. There are existing trees, both deciduous and coniferous, along portions of these creeks. 5m. Describe how the property is currently used. {j]gjQ] The sole purpose of the property is the drainage ditch. The property has no other use. 5n. Describe how the adjacent properties are currently used. {j]gjQ] Industrial and Commercial uses. 50. Describe the structures (above and below ground) on the property, including their purpose(s). [help] JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Paoe 4 of 14 Warehouses Stockyards 5p. Provide driving directions from the closest highway to the project location, and attach a map. I!!!illll KCDD#1 office is located at 19414 84th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98035 From HWY 167 take S 212th Street Exit to west. Turn right (north) on 84th Ave. south. Continue to 19414 84th Avenue South. Office on right side of road at South 194th Street. Part 6-Project Description 6a. Summilrize the overall project. You can provide more detail in 6d. [heiDi The proposed work consists of cutting vegetation and enhancement planting along an estimated 63,050 lineal fee! (12.1 miles) along portions of Garrison Creek, Mill Creek and Springbrook Creek. Brush cutting activities will include cutting existing vegetation from the edge of the existing waterway and removal of (brush cutting) waste material to an approved waste site. Remove invasive plants (primarily reed canary grass and blackberries) within 10 lateral feet of the low flow channels and debris within 25 feet of culvert inlets and restore native woody vegetation landward of the 10 foot "clearing limits" in the Springbrook and Mill Creek Drainage. 6b. Indicate the project category. (Check all that apply) ~ o Commercial o Residential o Institutional o Transportation o Recreational I:8l Maintenance I:8l Environmental Enhancement '6,c. Ir.dic~t~\b'~·n:l~jor eleirient~6YY9Ufprc)j'~~t. (Che~k~li !hat~;pIY)'[h'~IP]' ", . . ',' o Aquaculture I:8l Culvert o I':loat o Road o Bank Stabilization o Dam/Weir o Geotechnical Survey o Scientific o Boat House o Dike / Levee / Jetty o Land Clearing Measurement Device o Boat Launch I:8l Ditch o Marina / Moorage o Stairs o Boat Lift o Dock/ Pier o Mining o Stormwater facility o Bridge o Dredging o Outfall Structure o Swimming Pool o Bulkhead o Fence o Piling o Utility Line .IARPA ?010 v1 :-l/:-lOI?010 Pace 5 of 14 o Buoy U Ferry Terminal o Retaining Wall o Channel Modification o Fishway (upland) o Other: . ;'>i.j;'" ,,,,' 'V;~'r;~;:' \ ;;\,~,~ ""'i~" >~ ~,"-,:.,-" f":';;"~::' ·r.' ,1,"> ,~: -, '., ~',-.;,j ;,~,'.:'1 """'-'.:~'I' _ ~,,:-. ,)' ,.' ,:, _ ':-_ ,; ,,< J''''\If.'-,~'(";;J~~ '>"'_"'''':: -I~il :;; ,-~<~,:r,,'V;,< ~"'~" , ... , ""~,,:,A' (',X:",_: .:ij: ,;:. ,>; ;".'\:. " : ,~~" !?~i~~g,~!+ivi-;~fW)~~J1)Q '79~I),§,\Wgt~~y?,~p(9j~P! i:l!em\'m!};J;l~g,~~fI.Jq; lj,?; 19W~-~ s~~9i,(i~ :C2n,S!tu~,tjon , f'(l~th9<:!§, £I,na e~\!lp!ll~'1t to blj! 1J~~i:t '[~~I?J .' . '. ", ~ ·\I~~fl~~w6~~~l!f;'?,~,~I~fh~~t\rilr~i~9~!~j,~:t~)~y~n:.J9· ~~·.~·.6~~,:re~t \y~i~,~~:~~v.. ,. , ': .. ':. ' , ~. ! , . . ' , ~, Iridica!" wfiidi activities are within ihe 1'004i,ar flood Rial;', ' . • -' ~ ....... "<",-_,:"' ....... ""'-.... ...... ......,...<.'>.l'nC,""'",'X"-"" ..... "< ",,,,,,,~.,.,,,,,,~"t";_ ., .. .<...,,,,",,, •• ~.,.,,,,. "'""...", • .,-. ~ ,~ .. ) ...... J.',,:.., .•.• ~~.,;:,'~ ; . ..; •• ,!\ ..... ~-...,j,.~~x~,~'-'\.. ,~o#.. ".-.~,..;,._)t,,~>-... ~ ,I-'._~ ",,,~, ,.A-"_, .. ...... The contractor will remove all grass and brush within the clearing zone of the waterway channel. The grass and brush shall be cut at a height no greater than 6 inches above the existing ground surface at the location of the cutting. A 10 foot long measuring device will be used to verify adequate brush removal in the clearing zone. Should cutting devices be petroleum powered, all refueling shall be performed 50 feet clear of the top edge of channel. Any trees that have previously fallen into the channel shall be removed only if authorized by the King County Drainage District Any miscellaneous debris (garbage, etc) lying in the channel shall be removed, (if authorized by the King County Drainage District), The contractor shall remove all vegetative debris that has fallen into the waterway channel in a timely fashion after cutting is performed. All cut and/or stockpiled vegetative debris along the channel will be required to be removed by the contractor to an offsite waste area, 6e. What are the start and end dates for project construction? (month/year) [hg!Q] 0 If the project will be constructed in phases or stages, use JARPA Attachment D to list the start and end dates of each phase or stage. Start date: September 15th End date: December 31st OSee JARPA Attachment D 6f. Describe the purpose of the project and why you want or need to perform it [hg!Q] The purpose of the project is to maintain conveyance of storm drainage water on an annual basis, This work has been an ongoing maintenance process for years. 6g. Fair market value of the project, including materials, labor, machine rentals, etc, [hg!Q] $100,000 Annually 6h. Will any portion of the project receive federal funding? [hg!Q] 0 .11 yes, list each agency providing funds. .IARPA 2010 v1 313012010 Page 6 of 14 D Yes .~ No D Don't know Part 7-Wetlands: Impacts and Mitigation o Check here if there are wetlands or wetland buffers on or adjacent to the project area. (If there are none, skip to Part 8.) [!m!Q] 7a. Describe how the project has been designed to avoid and minimize adverse impacts to wetlands. D Not applicable [!m!Q] Enhancement planting is proposed along a portion of the project annually. This enhancement planting is to mitigate the impacts on fish life and to encourage the shading out of invasive species. 7b. Will the project impact wetlands? [!m!Q] DYes ~No D Don't know 7e. Will the project impact wetland buffers? [!m!Q] DYes ~No D Don't know 7d. Has a wetland delineation report been prepared? [!m!Q] • If yes, submit the report, including data sheets, wit~ the JARPA package. DYes 0No 7e. Have the ·wetlimds been rated using the Western Washington or Eastern Washington Wetland Rating System? [!m!Q] • If yes, submit the wetland rating forms and figures with the JARPA package. DYes [gJ No D Don't know 7f. Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for any adverse impacts to wetlands? [!m!Q] • If yes, submit the plan with the JARPA package and answer 7g. • If No, or Not applicable, explain below why a mitigation plan should not be required. DYes [gJ No D Not applicable 7g. Summarize what the mitigation plan is meant to accomplish, and describe how a watershed approach was used to design the plan. [!m!Q] Paa. 7 of 14 N/A 7h. Use the table below to list the type and rating of each wetland impacted; the extent and duration of the impqet; and the type and amount of mitig~tion proposed. Or if you are submitting a mitigation plan with a similar table, you can state (below) where we can find this information in the plan. llilliQ] Activity (fill, Wetland Wetland Impact Duration Proposed Wetland drain, excavate, Name1 type and area (sq. of impact3 mitigation mitigation area flood, etc.) rating ft. or type' (sq. ft. or category2 Acres) acres) N/A If no official name for the wetland exists, create a unique name (such as 'Wetland 1"). The name should be consistent with other project documents, such as a wetland delineation report. 2 Ecology wetland category based on current Western Washington or Eastern Washington Wetland Rating System. Provide the wetland rating forms with the JARPA package. 31ndicate the days, months or years the wetland will be measurably impacted by the activity. Enter "permanent" if applicable. 4 Creation (C). Re-establishmenVRehabilitation (R), Enhancement (E). Preservation (P). Mitigation Bank/In-lieu fee (B) Page number(s) for similar information in the mitigation plan, if available: 7i. For all filling activities identified in 7h., describe the source and nature of the fill material, the amount in cubic yards that will be used, and how and where it will be placed into the wetland. lhel!ll N/A 7j. For all excavating activities identified in 7h., describe the excavation method, type and amount of material in cubic yards you will remove, and where the material will be disposed. llilliQ] N/A Part 8-Waterbodies (other than wetlands): Impacts and Mitigation In Part 8, "waterbodies" refers to non-wetland waterbodies. (See Part 7 for information related to wetlands.) l!lli!!1l ~ Check here if there are waterbodies on or adjacent to the project area. (If there are none, skip to Part 9.) 8a. Describe how the project is designed to avoid and minimize adverse impacts to the aquatic environment. l!lli!!1l D Not applicable The projects purpose is to positively impact aquatic life and natural habitat. By brush cutting, the district improves hydraulics by increasing water flow. The enhancement planting is with the purpose of providing shade, which helps minimize the growth of noxious vegetation, improves water quality and helps lower water temperature by shading. 8b. Will your project impact a waterbody or the area around a waterbody? l!lli!!1l ~Yes DNo 8e. Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for the project's adverse impacts to non-wetland waterbodies? l!lli!!1l 0 If yes. submit the plan with the JARPA package and answer 8d. 0 If No, or Not applicable, explain below why a mitigation plan should not be required. DYes DNo [8J Not applicable All actions are meant to improve the waterbody, no negative actions will be taken. 8d. Summarize what the mitigation plan is meant to accomplish. Describe how a watershed approach was used to design the plan. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 9 of 14 • If you already completed 7g., you do not need to restate your answer here. ~ N/A 8e. Summarize impact(s) to each waterbpdy in the table below. ~ Activity (clear, Waterbody Impact Duration Amount of material Area (sq. ft. or dredge, fill, pile name1 location2 ofimpactl to be placed in or linear ft.) of drive, etc.} removed from waterbody waterbody directly affected N/A If no official name for the waterbody exists, create a unique name (such as "Stream 1") The name should be consistent with other documents provided. 2 IndIcate whether the impact will occur in or adjacent to the waterbody. If adjacent, provide the distance between the impact and the waterbody and indicate whether the impact will occur within the 100-year flood plain, 31ndlcate the days, months or vears the waterbodvwill be measurablv Imoacted bv the work. Enter "oermanent" if aoolicable. 8f. For all activities identified in 8e.,·describe tlie source and nature of the fill material, amount (in cubic yards) you will use, and how and where it will be placed into the waterbody. ~ N/A 8g. For all excavating or dredging activities identified in 8e., describe the method for excavating or dredging, type and amount of material you will remove, and where the material will be disposed. ~ N/A JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 10 of 14 !Part 9-Additional Informatiol1l Any additional information you can provide helps the reviewer(s) understand your project. Complete as much of this section as you can. It is ok if you cannot answer a question. 9a. If you have already worked with any government agencies on this project, list thern below. Uill!Q] Agency Naine Contact Name Phone Most Recent Date of Contact City of Kent Joe Fielding (253) 856-5518 7/5/2011 Erin George (253) 856-5436 10/13/2011 City of Renton Gary Fink (425) 430-7392 7/5/2011 Jennifer Henning (425) 430-7286 10/18/2011 WDPN Larry Fisher (425) 313-5682 10/14/2011 DOE Josh Klimek (360) 407-7451 7/5/2011 USACE Lori Lull (206) 766-6438 10/20/2011 9b. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies identified in Part 7 or Part 8 on the Washington Department of Ecology's 303(d) List? r1N!m 0 If yes, list the parameter{s) below. 0 If you don't know, use Washington Department of Ecology's Water Quality Assessment tools at: httg:/Iwww.ec~.wa.gov/grograms/wg/303d/. ~Yes DNo Springbrook (Mill) Creek Waterbody 101222378474402 -Dissolved Oxygen(10828), Fecal Coliform(16704) Springbrook (Mill) Creek Waterbody ID 1222378474521 -Dissolved Oxygen(12705), Fecal COliform(13155) 9c. What U.S. Geological Survey Hydrological Unit Code (HUG) is the project in? Uill!Q] 0 Go to httg·/Icfgub.ega.gov/surf/locatefindex.cfm to help identify the HUe. Puget Sound Watershed 17110019 9d. What Water Resource Inventory Area Number (WRIA #) is the project in? Uill!Q] • Go to httg·llwww.ec~.wa.gov/selVices/gis/mags/wria/wria htm to find the WRIA # . WRIA9 ge. Will the in-water construction work comply with the State of Washington water quality standards for turbidity? Uill!Q] 0 Go to httg:l/www.ec~.wa.gov/grograms/wg/swgs/criteria.html for the standards. ~Yes oNo o Not applicable 9f. If the project is within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act, what is the local shoreline environment designation? Uill!Q] 0 If you don't know, contact the local planning department. 0 For more information, go to: httR:llwww.ec~.wa.gov/Rrograms/sea/sma/laws rules/1Z3-26/211 designations.htm!. o Rural ~ Urban o Natural o Aquatic ~ Conservancy o Other .IARPA ?010 v1 .1/.10/2010 Page 11 of 14 9g. What is the Washington Department of Natural Resources Water Type? [!@Q] . 0 Go to httg:/IwWw.dnr.wa.gov/BusinessPermitsfTogics/ForestPracticesAgglications/Pages/fg watert~ging.asgx for the Forest Practices Water Typing System. . 1:8! Shoreline 1:8! Fish D Non-Fish Perennial D Non-Fish Seasonal 9h. Will this project be designed to meet the Washington Department of Ecology's most current stormwater manual? !hlllill o If no, provide the name of the manual your project is designed to meet. 1:8! Yes D.No Name of manual:King County Surface Water Design Manual 9i. If you know what the property was used for in the past, describe below. [!@Q] The property has been used for drainage purposes and using the same maintenance procedures as requested. 9j. Has a cultural resource (archaeological) survey been performed on the project area? [!@Q] 0 If yes, attach it to yourJARPA package. DYes 1:8! No 9k. Name each species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act that occurs in the vicinity of the project area or might be affected by the proposed work. [!@Q] Chinook Chum Salmon Coho Pink Salmon Steelhead 91. Name each species or habitat on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species List that might be affected by the proposed work. [!@Q] Chinook Chum Salmon Coho Pink Salmon Steelhead Part 10-SEPA Compliance and Permits Use the resources and checklist below to identify the permits you are applying for. o Online Project Questionnaire at http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/opas/. .IARPA 2010 v1 313012010 Page 12 of 14 o Governor's Office of Regulatory Assistance at (800) 917-0043 or help@ora.wa.gov. o For a list of agency addresses to send your application, click on the "where to send your completed JARPA" at http://www.epermitting.wa.gov. 10a. Compliance with the 'State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). (Check all that apply.) l!:!mlll 0 For more information about SEPA, go to www.ecy.wa.gov/grograms/sea/sega/e-review.html. o A copy of the SEPA determination or letter of exemption is included with this application. o A SEPA determination is pending with (lead agency). The expected decision date is o I am applying for a Fish Habitat Enhancement Exemption. (Check the box below in 10b.) l!:!mlll o This project is exempt (choose type of exemption below). ~ Categorical Exemption. Under what section of the SEPA administrative code 0NAC) is it exempt? WAC 197-11-800 (3) Repair, remodeling, and maintenance activities. o Other: o SEPA is pre-empted by federal law . ... 10b .. Indicate. thE! permits you are applying for. . ~. '. . (Check all that apply.) Ihel!ll . LOCAL GOVERNMENT " Local Government Shoreline permits: o Substantial Development o Conditional Use o Variance ~ Shoreline Exemption Type (explain): City of Renton -Shoreline Exemption Citv of Kent -Shoreline Exemption Determination Other city/county permits: o Floodplain Development Permit o Critical Areas Ordinance Stim,GovERNMENT .. . Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: ~ Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) o Fish Habitat Enhancement Exemption Washington Department of Ecology: o Section 401 Water Quality Certification Washington Department of Natural Resources: o Aquatic Resources Use Authorization FEDERAL GOVERNMENT' . United States Department ofthe Army permits (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers): o Section 404 (discharges into waters of the U.S.) o Section 10 (work in navigable waters) United States Coast Guard permits: o General Bridge Act Permit o Private Aids to Navigation (for non-bridge projects) Part 11-Authorizing Signatures JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 13 of 14 • Signatures are required before submitting the JARPA package. The JARPA package includes the JARPA form, project plans, photos, etc. l!:l!Wl.I 11 a. Applicant Signature (required) l!:l!Wl.I I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application is true, complete, and accurate. I also certify that I have the authority to carry out the proposed activities, and I agree to start work only after I have received all necessary permits. I hereby authorize the agent named in Part 3 of this application to act on my behalf in matters related to this application. hFJJ (initial) By initialing here, I state that I have the authority to grant access to the property. I also give my consent to the permitting agencies entering the property where the project is located to inspect the project site or any work related to the project. .2i 0-1 (initial) l -=ii':G':'::I;i I""H~jjl~·(jV\'2-'9~1,¥~~4flc.,fo..\,1\t'-J.)__ -¥~ Applicant Printed Name) Aj)ii;Cin\Si9fl8iUfB 11 b. Authorized Agent Signature l!:l!Wl.I folls!;; Dare ' I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application is true, complete, and accurate. I also certify that I have the authority to carry out the proposed activities and I agree to start work only after all necessary permits have been issued. Authorized Agent Printed Name Authorized Agent Signature Date 11 c. Property Owner Signature (if not applicant). l!:l!Wl.I Not required if project is on existing rights-of-way or easements. I consent to the permitting agencies entering the property where the project is located to inspect the project site or any work. These inspections shall occur at reasonable times and, if practical, with prior notice to the landowner. Property Owner Printed Name Property Owner Signature Date 18 U.S.C §1001 provides that: Whoever. in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick. scheme, or device a material fact or makes any false. fictitious. or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false. fictitious. or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10.000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both. If you require this document in another format, contact The Governor's Office of Regulatory Assistance (ORA). People with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service. People with a speech disability can call (877) 833-6341. ORA publication number: ENV-019-09 JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 14 of 14 ,', . , t:':' ~ >..::: Department of I Washington HVl,<AULlC PROJECT APPROVAL ( North Puget Sound 16018 Mill Creal< Boulevard Mill Craek. WA 96012-1296 (425) 775-1311 FISH and i::.\ WILDLIFE RCW 77.55.021 -Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW Issua Data: August 28. 2007 Project Expiration Date: August 27.2012 PERMITTEE King County Drainage District #1 PO Box 297 Kent. WA 98032 253-872-8300 Control Number: FPNPublic Notice #: 110404-1 N/A AUTHORIZED AGENT OR CONTRACTOR Abbay Road Group ATTENTION: Barbara Napier PO BoX 207 Puyallup. WA 98371 253-446-3523 Project Name: King County Drainage District Maintenance . Project Description: Remove Invasive plants (primarily reed canary grass and blackberries) within 10 lateral feet of the low flow channels and debris within 25 feet of culvert inlets and restore native woody vegetation landward of the 10 foot "clearing zone" in the Springbrook and Mill Creek drainages PROVISIONS 1. The project may begin immediately and shall be completed by August 27,2012, provided that vegetation removal shEll1 occur only between September 15 and December 31. 2. Work shall be accomplished per plans and specifications approved by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). except as modified by this Hydraulic Project Approval. A copy of these plans shail be available on site during construction. 3. Cutting of vegetation shall be restricted to Invasive species, such as reeel canary grass and blackberries. 4. Vegetation shall be cut using hand held tools. which will allow the operators to avoid cutting native vegetation. 5. All cut vegetation shall be removed from the stream areas and properly disposed of outside the floodplain of the streams. 6. Debris within stream channels within 25 feet of culvert Inlets may also be removed, provided the debris Is not embedded In the streambed or banks. 7. To mitigate for project impacts on fish life and to encourage the shading out of invasive species. a significant portion of the project area shall be planted with native woody species each year during the dormant season (normally November 1 through March 1). until the entire project reach is enhanced. The permittee or authorized agent shall submit an annual report by July 1 of each year providing adequate detail of compliance with this provision to the WDFW Area Habitat Biologist (AHB) listed below. Page 1 of4 . ' , . " ': I '. "'.':,' , '\, ',CITY OF ,RENTON , , . Kathy Keolker, Mayor,. "PlahninglBuHdingIPtibljcWorks Department Gr,egg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator '."' \ : : ' c.,w (.y, .. .'" . , 1213,{hif19 DiViSion '. v~I' ~,7.1Ul1 , .. ' , J~ECE\VED' , t~G\i2 6 2001 , . . ' ',. t'!ovember 26, 2007 . :, Barbara Napi~r AbbeyRoad Gro!lP ABBEY ROAD GROUP .' , , .. " .. , " PO Box 207 ' . Puyallup, WA 98371 . . .' . . , , , ":', S\lbje~t: . ' King Co. Drainage DIstrict #II Brush~·uttlnglMaillteJ!.lInce :. LU.M7-076, SME ' ";" . . , . D,earMs, Napier: , '.' , ' We' have ~evi~\ved your r~quest t6 extend the period of validitr f~r the Shoreline " . Exemption granted for maintenance of I i,197'lineal feet of shoreline along the P"l , ,Channel/Springbrook Creek in Renton: TIle,pl'oject is for the removal of Qvel:grov{n , 'vegetation alOlig the, bank of Springbrook Creek to' reduce blockage ofthe forward flow' , .: . <lfthe,channeL You have requested that the Shoreline Exemption be issued for a period' . 'of five (5) years, rather than the one yearprescriQed in the Shoreline Exemption iss1,led on' , .' August 7;' 2007. This extension ,vas requested to align the Shoreline Exemption with the· 'Joint Aquatic Resourc.esPelmit (JARPA) witb, the State of Washing toil. The JARP A. ' permit is .valid for five (5)years.·'· ' , ' . . " .' " , " . ' . . " \, :' . : .' . "'. ,;'": ' .' . The request to align the Shoreline Exemption to coincide with tlie·JARP A is reasonable. , .. ' . ,: and isapprove!i. The Shoreline ElCemptionhas been revised imd is enclosed. ' , . , "', " " . . ' •.. Please note, that the City of Renton Parks Department has requ~sted that you coordinate . the maintenance work ,vith the Parks Division ,in order to access along the Springbrook ' .. : .. TraiL Any damage to the trail that might occur due to the maintenance would' need to be· . ',repaired by the applicant .. London Plane trees that are located in the vicinity are to '. " remain in place unless' otherwise auihorized by the Parks Division~ ,Please contact Leslie " ' Betlach, Parks Director, for additional information. Leslie may be reached at: (425) 430- ,6619~ IfyotlhEive ariy q\1e~tions l'egarding this corresp!Jndence, please feel free to , '. . contact JenniferHenl')ing at (425) 430-7286: ,. '. .' . , ~{~~ . YA\VN~il Watts, Dll'ector " '.,. L, v Development Ser.vic~s l)irector . ', .. : .' . . ',. ,cc: Leslie Betlach, Parks Director '. An(lrea P~~~11 A~s?cj~t.e Planner' ',' . . .' -~----,,-1O-5-5-So-u-th-G-~""d-Y-W-ay---R-e-nt-pn-> W-as-hl-'o""gi-on-98-05-7-' -----~' , '* ThISpaperconl.alnS50%r~d~mal~,rla1.30~~postconsumer Al-l.nAD 011 THE CURyn . , I 1 , ., , i 1 , " ", ... , ',' '" :j "',' ':" ... ' '. '" ,. . ,'.: .. . .... .... : .,:: '. , :. '., ''''.' . .".' . '" : ... ,' ", . .' ." '. :.' ' .. ' ': " ',\' '. '.' .' .... . :,' · '; ,.' . ..... ' .. ' , . . ,. . , ~:,.' . ' . ' .. . ':.' .... : .. ·:·.i ! ... . · .... ' . .... '. : ... ,~'.'" , . " . .' :', . . . . . " .... .' " ": . "': . . ',' :'.' , ' ... ':.: .. .... '.'. . ... '. ,':' . . . ,. .: . '. :,'. . ··'C~R~IFI~A:~T~~FE~~~T~riN·~io~\··· .... ,:" .,,;,., . SHORELINE SUBstAN~IAt,'D,EVELO:O:>MENip]J:Rl\'llr , . . .. . ,. ',' .,' , " . '. ' .... ""',. . ::, '. . ....... ···:.REQlJI~lVl:~~'l"·'i'·.. ~ ..... ~. ~ : . '.' ' .. :.;. ". . , ... . ,.., .... : . :' :. :". " .. " ';.; . :':., .... ,: .... )' '. '.' .' . '" .' .. ' '.1 •• ". ~ ..... . .' ' .. ' .... ...EXJ':MP·nON .. FILENP,~ .' , ..... : .. ,' .... : :: ';: ' '.' ' .. , . August?, 2097: :.:. ....: Rel~sued: NOVe!ll~e1'2~; 200.7" '., " ' .. " . . , .. , ..... . .... . .'," .: .. Co:.> ... ·. .. '. ' " .. . '.' .'.;' . .,~ . : .. , .' . '.: ' .. ::': ,,:' . :: ..... ".:: "' .. ... ~ ~ . ' .. . ':. ' .... ' . :',' "', . . '.' ' .. ~< :. :. : :, '.~: . .. ; .. ':.' .' .- ':' .. '.: "" ' .. :' PROJECTNAlvIE; . .... 'K\~gCo~~tyPi'ah)~gePi&trici' t.ilBrushCutting' .....• ' '.' :." ':', ." .,' ...... . .'. " . " ,'.' . . , . . . " '. " ..' ...... :.. . '. ,,:,.:., .': ');: ". . "; "," ' ...... .. ':. : Al?P(ICANT;,':'::' ":Barbar~ Napi~r. " .', '." .' .. '. . ".:: ,,\ . .'.)\bbey¥oa~G~OUP ," ",> . .. ' ..,' ," ...*i;igC9~n;'±;~~i~~~~I)i~id~t# 1 '" . .'. :' :.: , .. : '. . :.) ., .. ' " ' : " .'. '.', '. ':. '. '. '. '.' ":"';' '. '.:," !.' :' . '. ! . .... . ', ::: ,;. "." ", " ':O:;';·";Tlieappliciui.i s~eks '~Sli~relineExenlPti~~ to • .' . .'" <::~lloiv.forihe inainteriance:ofll,l9( liriealfeetof .,' .•• ''. . ':: '. '.' .-,":·::~shoi-\l!hie along the'P-l qaruleVSpringhrook. ..,. . ... . PROPOSAL: .. . ' .. : '. ,... ., ... :: i' . ' .. :: .. .. . '. ;.:, .. ' . '.: .. ' .' . ' .. ,'. .. ",': ' . .. ' . .'.' '. .. . '.' ~ '. , .' ", . '.' " ,: . ,': ... . : .. .. ", . '. ' .. , . . :.:. ' ";.; .' : : . ,.' ~ ':. "' .. : " ... '. ' .. ' .. ' .... , . . ." i. '" .,'. ...· .. c . ·'Creek/1:lle pl'6je,ct'involv'es the 'removal of" . , ." '. c'': . overgiu\vn:v!lgel;ltion i\l<)ng the batlk:o±".. . : .... : ... , , ·.Springbrook G'eeic i~~e~uce iJlockage Of fh~ "'" . ":.::,' ... ,'.forWard flo\vof-tIieimanneCVegetationwiil be ""\. ' .: .J~moyetlfr9in tli~.~ite an~;!'disp~~edof ou\side of ' .. :.: .... :<, " ···.·!1le tioodplail);-Vegetation removahvil109cut : .' , only'bet;ir~etisepi¢illbel:.15 andtieqember 3 i'()f .. ,. :each ye~r. AU cut vegetalivedebris wiJIbe. .' .• , . ,:', .':. '.', . ", " pro~lptly removed and rig fallen trei:& in the. ' .... channehvilt' be renjoved .withoutauthorlzlition.' . · :.: " .. : .. ' · ..... ' . . ',.,' .:. '. '. ,. ,c. '. ..AII \v.ork will be compI~ted outsid.eoftlie,· ...•... , "':" .... , .: .. ,' ',,' · .. ·.: .. OHWM·· ,..... .., .. '. :',':. ':." ',' . '. ;: .. ,: ., , . Banks o[Springbrook Cfe~k between S~uth 1801h ., . S,lreet a)1d l~th Streel .' ' .. , .. : " .. , ..... . : .... . :,' . .. ,' ".' . ' .. ' ',' .' ..... ::.: · ".' '. "': " '.: .:': . ':YVA,TERB66Y/WETLi~Nb: .... . ". ' . . ",' 'Springbro()k Creek .' . " .. ., .... . . '. " ... ' ,. . .. . ' :' .. ' ... .,,' '., " '.; ' . .... . .:: . '.;. ,: .'. ., .. ", ... ' ':'. ';' , ;'. :, ,".' .... ,' .. , . ',':'. . .':.: , : .. . ............ . '" .. ' . ' .,'. " .. , '.' . .. '. ". , "., '.'. ,." . ",: .. . ,,'. ., . . '. ". :: . ... . . . ' . · . . , ,.:. \': ..... .;'. '. .' . . . .... : ' .. . .... ' .,' .,:' .' .. :: . . ". '.'~ . ....... .... . ' " .. , "'." . ," '. '.:': . '...: . ~ .: , ... .... .. " '" . ,. · ' .. " .', .' '" , '. ':, ' .. ' "; . ' ... ; ., . : .. . ,. ':. '. ',. '. ...... .: .. ' . : . ~ . ':.,' .:. :. :' .. ',,:' ..... : . " .: " ." .. ' . :.' '. :. · '.' .' ... :;., .'.: , . .... . , .' ... ". ' .' .... . .. ~~., . ,." , , .' . ,.", . . " ., .' " . An exemptIon fi'om a'Sho(eline Management Substantial. Development fermit is hereby grarted on ' .. ' .. :., . '. ~ . . .: " .. th~ proposed project described on the attached fonn (or tlte following reason(s): ' .,". '.. "'." '. . : . ...•. . ." : ;: .... ',:..': ' .. ,'. '. ',: . ' .. :', :.: .,: .. , ", ', . . . ' . ."." ',X .: ..... : ~9r~rial1il·?~1~t~.n'ancl? ~fl'l~iJtli.r of ~xiSti~lg:tdl~~C~~~'~s .o~ de.ve.19P~en.ts~ ip~lud'llg .dal.~i~g~:bY ~qci4~~t, fi~·. '.': .. ;Ql' e~em~.nts. :.-.'~ '. ' .. '. '. ' .. ' . .' .... : .......... .'.> :. '.: .: .. :. :: ... '::':: :.' .'; :':: .;: :. '\.: :'.:'. .~.''':'': :.::: .. ,'." :.:,-:.-.. : , .: . . '"., .(. " ...... "'," . ..... '.: ; ; ... . .. ;...... ',' '."J. .iNorl)lalnl~;'itenan·ce" ji'c!llc!esthose usual ~cts. Ip jlieveh.t ~ declilJe, lapse, or'cessatiqn fro~ :::aU"vfuIlY cstablished'cqndjt,ion... . .. . '. :"",,' .,:' :'. ". .. .. ' ... . ::' .... ,'. ' .... ,. ' ,. . . ".' ,':: '.'. '. :'.:.'.: ..... :.. . .: .. " .. ...... " ",: .. '. ..,' : .. . " . , .... . '" . : .. 2.:.~'.N~.r~·i.~1·~·epa·ir" ~l1ealls to' r~stor\~' a de~el~pnl~nt to.a state cOln'parable to it$ odginal""·." '.' . '. "':: :.,. . ' . > .cOI~dition;·-illpllJdhlg 1mt ilOt"(i.~nited. to its·size. ~lHipe.· c(l~fig\ir<:ttiol1: Jocatio~l and'~~tel'l1al" .. :. : .... ..... :: .... " .'.' . ', . ".' .', ' ..... ' . .... appearance, wit4.in a reasririabI~ periOd aft~r dc<;:ay ~r··p·arti~l·de~tructi01.i, except wh,e.re.repair ,' .. ' '. ~nus~s·$i~bs.tantia18ciYei·se·effects to 'tlie s\:1ore.1flle I·esqur.ce 0.' ~l1vi.t:ol1ment. .' . . . .... i .... ..' . '.' . . '.' ... " • . . .. .. " .. . '" :.; " .. ' . ':' ',' . .... . .... " . . . . '.::' 3: .R~placel11ent ofilsiiuciuT.e '~r deveJ9pnient ni~y' be authorized as l:opaif whel'Q such' . '. .' ' .... ." .. :.' . . 'r!=pJacement is the cOl~lmo~l methocl"o:f"repa.ti' fo.r"the:·type. of structure or:.deyeioplrient a~ld ple ·'1.' 'replaCeJllent st·ru¢ture:o~.deve.Iopmeni is 9{}lnpa.t:~1?i~ ~?·ib.e o~igirial structtlre o.r· d~velopl11~nt '. ' .. '.' ;.:i"ncluding, but not limited to;' i.ts·size~'sha·pe, ccnt,.gur~ti~m, loca'tion and.external ~p"petir~nc.e and. .',' .,., , .. ' : .... dle.replnceIlle~t dge~ l~~tcau~e .~~bstahti~l ~dve(S7~ffe?,ts!ci:~horeii~e resources. oi.el\vironrn~\It ... " .. ' Tlie pl:op~~e~ devel~p;nentispOllSisteilt Or,ib.COlisisteiitiYjt))(ch~9kop~);,· .• ', .. :,. ...... : .' ..... . .. ..: . '.' . >. :, .. ".; i ,""",: :',' :".. .. ;:::""(:.:." '.' : ... .' .. ~. :> ....... '., . ::" . ". '.' .., .. ;' . -.., ':'.:.,. '. '.' , : '. '.'j . ,".:\ tONsiin'ENT': )~c¢Nsis,.tE~(;, c'. ,.: ' ... ' . :::....x.:...... .' ." ·f "('~~Iides pfthe Sh~;el~,e Mii,;agen;ent Act ·.of. '. , .. ' ....... ::. '" .' .. ' ...... '. " ... " .':.:. '. ' .. ' .. ,.' " . ''''.' ',." " •• '--,.'., ','·:,i9.7 1 .. ·.:: .. '······ .. , .. ·" '. ..... ,,:.' .. " ... ~ ~. .' .::.:. '. .. ,: ... . .. , . . . .. . . ",i, :. . ... "~, " · ", . ·····N/A· .,.:' .: :'.,>.': : .' : .. , .': . '.. " ... .:' . ":'T11c guideiiliei"bfthe Departmeiit of Ecology wllere : ,.:.!:-+::-+-.' · .. ~'ri.o::Mas.ter:pio·&r8tli ha~ been.finally approved'o(" ' . ..' r. ·,.a~~~I~~bY thi, Depa'lmcnt,.· '.' '.' . :, .:. ': .. :'. ~ :.. ',' . ' .. . ' .. '.: : .. '. : .' ' .. ' . '.' ...... .. ;",~.,.:, , ' : .. ' . :' , ~ . .' . " ... ' . :: ... ::.: .... " . ' ... ' " .. '. " :'. '. :.:, '.' .' .. . '.", . ,.",.: ... '.'. "" · . ': ... ', ~ Att~chmellts:.,\/icinity Map .. ',' ·JARPA Permit' .' .. . ". ~ " .. '.: . ::. .' . ' .. .". '. :' . . ..... :~. . ..... ~ >: . . . .. ,:' . . , .. : .'., . " ... " " ." . Cily of Renton Fiie N~.:LUA07-Q76 M!J~klesh90t Jribe . ' .. \~he ~~st~r ~.rogratll •. , .... , ... " .... '"', .. - . ' ... . . : .. ' . .' . .'" . .... ", . '" "'. ." --.' " .. '.' ... i .... , . ,. ,'. XAV~~~~ : 1-:< .' [)evelop!lient Ser.vices Pivi~ioil." . ". .. ' . .... '. '. " .... , . · .. ' ., . EXPlEATlON.pATE:Ai,gilSt7, ZOU .:./ .'. .... '. " . ..... ...... . , '.' . . '.:. ."' .. . . : .. · . ~ '. : . .'. : ..... ., .. : ..... ; . :-. .. .. ":1: " . .'.,' . .:. .. , .... " . , ;: "'; : .. , .' ........ ' .. ': .. ' ". " '.,' .... :. ". I.' WashIngton Department of HvLAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL ( North pugelsouQity Of R 16018 M1I1 CreekjljJulevaro enton ~ ~ FISH and WILDLIFE RCW 77.55.021 -Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW M111Creek. WA9801i'l1l!!~Blg Divisio (425) 776.1311 n Issua Date: August 28. 2007 Control Number: Project Expiration Date: August 27.2012 FPNPublic Notice #: 110404·1 N/A OCT Ii 7 lull fRl ~rt;faW~{Q) 8. If at any time, as a result of project activities, fish are observed In distress, a fish kill occurs, or water quality problems develop (Including equipment leaks or spills), immediate notification shall be made to the Washington Emergency Management Division at 1-800-258-5990, and to the AHB. 9. Extreme care shall be taken to ensure that no petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, fresh cement, sediments; sediment-laden water, chemicals, or any other toxic or deleterious materials are allowed to enter or leach into the stream or wetlands associated with the stream. PROJECT LOCATIONS Location #1 Mill Creek Reach WORK START: August 28, 2007 IWORKEND: August 27,2012 WR1A: Waterbody: Trlbutary to: 09.0015 Mill Creek (Kent) Spring Brook Creek 114 SEC: ~ Township: Range: Lalltude: longItude: County: -- All 13 22N 04E N47.38768 W 122.23746 King location #1 Drlvlna DIrections Location #2 Springbrook Creek Reach WORK START: August 28, 2007 IWORKEND: August27,2012 WRIA: Waterbo~: Tributary to: 09.0005 Spring Brook Creek Black River 114 SEC: Section: TownshlE:: Range: Latitude: Longitude: County: All 13 22N 04E N 47.38901 W 122.23334 King location #2. Drtvln~ Dlrectfons APPLY TO ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS This Hydraulic Project Approval partalns only to those requirements of tha Washington State Hydraulic Code, specifically Chapter 77.55 RCW (formerly RCW 77.20). Additional euthorization from other public agencies may be necessary for this project. The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Projact Approval Is Issued is responsible for epplying for and obtaining any additional authorization from other public agencies (local. state endlor federal) that may be necessary for this project. This Hydraulic Project Approval shall be available on the job site et all times and all its provisions followed by the person(s) to whom this Hydraulio Project Approval Is Issued and operator(s) performing the work. Page20f4 ,. _. WashIngton Department of ~ FISH and WILDLIFE HyCAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL (. North Pugat Sound 1601 B Mill Creek Boulevard Mill Creek, WA 96012,1296 (425) 115-13tl RCW 77.55.021 -Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW Issue Date: August 28, 2007 Control Number: Project Expiration Date: August 27, 2012 FPAJPublic Notice #: This Hydraulic Project Approval does not authorize trespass. 110404-1 NIA The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval Is Issued and operator(s) performing the work may be held liable for any loss or damage to fish life or fish habllat that results from failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval_ Failure to comply with the provIsIons of this Hydraulic Project Approval could result In a clvll penalty of up to one hundred dollars per day andlor a gross misdemeanor charge, possIbly punishable by fine andlor ImprIsonment. All Hydraulic Project Approvals Issued pursuant to RCW 77.55,021 (EXCEPT agrtculturallrrigatlon, stock waterIng or bank stabilization projects) or 77_55.141 are subjectto additional restrlctlons, conditions or revocation If the Department of Fish and Wildlife determines that new biological or physical information indicates the need for such acllon. The person(s) to whom thIs Hydraulic Project Approvatls Issued has the right pursuant to Chapter 34.04 RCW to appeal such decIsions. All agrtculturaltrrlgatlon, stock watering or bank stabilization Hydraulic Project Approvals issued pursuant to RCW 77.55.021 may be modified by the Department of Fish and Wildlife due to changed conditions after conSUltation with the person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval Is Issued: PROVIDED HOWEVER, that such modifications shall be subject to appeal to the Hydraulic Appeals Board established In RCW 77.55.301. APPEALS INFORMATION If you wish to appeal the Issuance or denial of, or conditions provlded In a Hydraullc.Project Approval, there ara Informal and formal appeal processes available. A. INFORMAL APPEALS 0NAC 220-110-340) OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 77.55.021, 77 .55.141, 77.55.181, and 77.55.291: A person who is aggrleved or adversety affected by the following Department actions may request an Informal revlawof: (A) The denial or Issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval, or the oonditlons or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Projact Approval; or . (B) An order Imposing cMI penalHes. A requast for an INFORMAL REVIEW shall be In WRITING to tha Department of Fish and Wildlife HPAAppeals Coordinator, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501-1091 and shall be RECEIVED by the Department within 30 days of the danial or Issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval or receipt of an order imposing civil penalties. If agreed to by the aggrieved party, and the aggrieved party Is the Hydraulic Project Approval applicant, resolution of the concerns will be facilitated through discussions with the Area Habitat Biologist and hlslher supervisor. If resolution is not reached, or the aggrieved party Is not the Hydraulic Project Approval applicant, the Habitat Technical Services Division Manager or hlslher designee shall conduct a review and recommend a decision to the Director or hlslher designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B. FORMAL APPEALS (WAC 220-110-350) OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 77.55.021 (EXCEPT agrtculturallrrtgatlon, stock watering or bank stabilization projects) or 77.55.291: A person who Is aggrieved or adversely affected by the following Department actions may request a formal review of: (A) The denial or Issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval, or the conditions or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Project Approval; (B) An order Imposing civil penalties; or (C) Any other 'agency acllon' for which an adjudicative proceeding Is required under the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 34.05 RCW. A request for a FORMAL APPEAL shall be In WRITING to the Department of Fish and Wildlife HPA Appeals Coordinator, shall be plainly labeled as 'REQUEST FOR FORMAL APPEAL' and shall be RECEIVED DURING OFFICE HOURS by the Department at 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501-1091, within 30-days of the Department action that Is being challenged. The time period for requesting a formal appeal Is suspended during consideration of a timely Informal appeal. If there has been an Informal appeal, the deadline for requesting a formel appeal shall be within 30-days of the date of the Department's written decision In response to the Informal appeal. Page 3 of4 , Department of '. i Washlnglon " ,...., FISH and WILOLIFE Issue Dale: Augusl28, 2007 HyL,<AULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RCW 77.55.021 • Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW Project Expirallon Date: August 27,2012 Control Number; FPNPublic Nollce #: North Puget Sound 16018 MOl Creek Boulevard Mill Creek, WA 98012·12.96 (426) 776·1311 110404-1 NIA C. FORMAL APPEALS OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 77.55.021 (agrlculturallrrlgaUon, stock watering or bank stabilization only), 77.55.141, 77.55.181, or 77.55.241: A person who Is aggrieved or adversely affecled by the denial or Issuance of a Hydraulic Projecl Approval, or the condillons or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Project Approval may requesl a formal appeal. The request for FORMAL APPEAL shall be In WRITING to the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04 at Environmental Hearings Office, 4224 Sixth Avenue SE, Building Two - Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; telephone 360/459·6327. D. FORMAL APPEALS OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 43.21 L RCW; A person who Is aggrieved or adversely effecled by the denial or issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval, or the condilions or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Project Approval may request a formal appeal. The FORMAL APPEAL shall be In accordance with Ihe provisions of Chapter 43.21 L RCW and Chapter 199·08 WAC. The request for FORMAL APPEAL shall be In WRITING to the Environmental and Land Use Hearings Board et Environmental Hearings Office, Environmental and Land Use Hearings Board, 4224 Sixth Avenue SE, Building Two -Rowe Six, P.O. Box 40903, Lacey, Washln910n 98504; telephone 360/459·6327. E. FAILURE TO APPEAL WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME PERIODS resulls In forfeilure of all appeal rlghls. If there is no IImely requesl for an appeal, the. department aclion shall be final and unappealable. ENFORCEMENT: Sergeant Chandler (34) P3 Habitat Biologist Larry Fisher CC: 425-649-7042 for Director WDFW Page 4 of4