HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACE~ENT . YOfRento Phase II Planning DiviSion n APR 271012 ~ ~ '" a. ~' j a. E • E ~ ~ ] ~ ~ w EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE II 1/ ----,--,~ I ® I ~ ~'lJTg~ I EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENTI::-M" C1 I ".~.,~.",,'., -··1 m>hHof RentJ::"r.-, ~q .... · .. '0 --..., B'\'I"'l£I_~ ~ ~ Planning Division APR 27 2012 ~~((;~UW~[Q) / / / / / / / / / SL9£-LZ-dMM / / / \ I ./ ( \ I I", ~I~ .0: I", > I '0 '·1 It:; ,,-,, u~ I~ ,~ I'" / m"@ ,V> I / !l~ I / ~ . / / h- / n~ ~i! " ~ -I ~ h8 ~ ~ i .1) ~ 1.~~ " ~ fi~~ _.8- " ©l " ~ = , MJJ I 'Vi f- M!l z w !Q!; :E w ~ "-w "'-",- w '" ;:~ w.c Vl"- z ~ z ::l '" ::5 1 ~z I 00 }-r \ ,...z _w {)o: ~ ~ @ i ~i\ c I ! , , ,II' I ! '1 E l.33H5 335 ~ ;,; I ~ ~ .0. " ~ "I • '" J c B g' ~ w '~'l-~ . ", '~'l-'" ., ", .... ~..... . \ ~~1. \. ~ .... " .. \ RECONNECT ALL EXlST1~~ 's':~~~CTlON'. \ NOTES ON SHEET 10 ... , ... , "";~ 1lo. :::~. "" .) , ~ . UJ I r_ao.lU, , , ~ 1Il '---'", ~ ! .~. =' If) 902.t~· ~. ~--N "" .::, ,.' ,.' ~ wl.'JO. . :r: ..... 1Il w l.1?O W'···· 1Il '.'9 .. .I!l!l ..... " g;! '" i'f'""""""!! ~~fi M ~::;:,.. I ........ ·' ... • U} <:( ?,~ TLDrm i I :MllIa NI78354.14 .. E 1296lKU.4S REMOVE:EXlST1N(j MH AND REPLACii mrn NEW 54" MH RJAr-138.81 . . .IE-IT SEc 132-39·: IEI:rNW-1J2.49; IE frMV." 132.90 : ..., 4: ,-:.-' , '1 ...... ,.:.~ ~'&~'J',... TL 1XI85 Vjlll""""'.;=~­U ,mmm""Zf '!!itJ!.,!;........ ~ HOT£: SIDE SEWER tOCATJONS ARE &4.SE ON BEST ~T1ON AVAI.Aa£ T1£ CQfff1lACTOR SHAlL BE RESPONSIBlE IDRECa*lECTIREJNSTATE EACH l.M SIDE SEIft'R ~T IS CCJtfiECTffJ TO mE SEWER_UNE. ~ Iii ,....,,,,, ....:. . .. -""""~-~-""'7F -. _. : : ', ...... :..... or,,",,,,,, ... :,. II I I r: .. ::'W :-:.~' I • : 1tIH#2 :N1lt1246.48 :E1Nl,i2.05: :: •. : REJ,fCl\IE EJaSTWG IIH AND : REPLAcE wmt NEw 54' MH : RJAP los.80 : 1E'2" $E-99.31 .: IE rTf{W. 99.41" :/E ~N._W.go 0- I~ I BY IM~I_ ~ I,.~;~ ,1$1 ~ ~'~JTg~ __ , ....... "9fUuO .. nllfru ..... _.l>opl. "i'" -"0"-1 s. w. 'LANGSTON RD. I I Phase II tr.'U''''//N///~ I?I~""""" ~ -::;~ ., C'1QI of Rentqn flinq Divisioll M ":"APR 27 lOll IRl ~ CC; ~ ~ '\§' ~ I:2l ~.'NT_-' S· , 3 .. 1 ¢ 'J ".--" Sl98-a-dMM SEE CU[:CT 3 S l.33H5 335 " " ~ ~ if ~ ~:~ 7 g ~ UJ u :5 0- UJ "'-",- UJ " .$: ~ UJ.c ",0- Z ~ z :J '" U'i i , "-z I 00 r ~z t _w u'" ~ J ~ q @ l ~1! '- J ,',' I ' ,I,' ! i • ! ~ i ~ . ~ 1 .W l!l ~ • '" j c ~ c ] ""Tl~'E 'i"m'ii'" : . .., .~~o: . .. ''''!:. .-"----- .I r· ...... ;::"1 , ..-:'%,f.:" ~' f1.om ABANDON" ~ . N """,,,,31 :~J~'~~:: / I • 11.. 0310 I· RECONNECT N..L ~T7NG' LIVE SIDE SEWERS. . I : SEE SB'o'ER CONNECT7ON· I NOTESONSHEET10 . (TYP.) St=~S~$=;T I, .=p" *'. . ~~ ~,-- L .......... .J ~-I~ ~" _ ... . ":rr· .. ~· ~ ,< ' t~ 11. Oal5 ~. ':~:';.' <j ~ , .. '~ !~ ~ .... " .. -;~ I? .... ~ TL03ti/l NOTE: S1DE SEWER LiXIt noNS ARE 8ASE ON BEST IM"DRMATION AVA/lABl£ nnE et:JHTRACTOR SIW.L BE RES!OiSIBU! TO RErXJNNECrmElNSTATE EACH l}I.£ SIDE SEltER m.tT IS CONNr:C7£D 10 THE SE»oER I.wN UNE. --::!'~;\ , ... \;. ... :0>1 " "TI~ 11.. ooeo S W1l11lm;;;;;;;;;;m;1II1 t'l, ~ ~~ ~~ -., ~ ~ _ m Ul . ~ ----=.. -." ""~~'t m ~ .. ~ . '" c--I -':;;-. ,.. ~ -l'> .. 2?,?: !J .. ·.·.'m.'·f· ," 1···· .. "a~~~ •...•. , .......,J ..•..•....• ·· ••• ··.·X·· .......... .. ,:. ARANnt'W -MH #4 : Ul m m Ul I m : ~WfTH : CCJNCRErE •. .'?'?? ·PUIG-. 1!!o: .. !I!C!:, ffl:NO\£ EXIsTING 6" saI£R NrIf) REPALCE MV»f.fXSSCQ .. .ii~~54~IMI' ..... : ...... ~~~~t~·n~1S RJM-Df.28 . IEtrSE-214.83, 00. ~ 9110-.1'[,_ ---,"_:ro' -: Iii'';:. I ---;;- ""'~ -=='.:::t\- @ ~ CITY OF RENTON "''''''"'''l~g/PuhIc _ I>opt ~.: ~ ~·i=i.t~m 1 1.,J::i. { nMtl1.<e : . """, •. :rou: ......... : ..... .'?I'.: .... . :::~~.,:~ r.:t : /ES'NW __ '99.65"~. Y Of .Retito fS"KOR-N-SEALSOqTlT)i~ ~.:1 n . ~Y:IN PLACE!'" .. ~ :~VISion APR 27 iU1Z 1RilE, EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEME~ril Phase II 1 S-5 5 -"0 ~ ill ; ~ ~ " ~ .. H ~ • no " ~ w c B E " w .of V''''u E: ~ ... " "'~ 0; .... TL_ .. 1.&!'.: , ABANDON '5~ .Ej2U2'UI~ 't>': dr;. -C-//--S, I\' LANGSTON RD. .""" E>aSnNG ~. ~. ~ o f:;'~'Q"'" """AU ~~, ~;r~ tJ) 'WNERS' A TEACH. 1 • ....-I ". ~'" SEE_~OONNECT1ON TL .". ~ I ~r.:,,,l\1 fiI '------'~,~ TLcba ,\ \~ .~ 6> ,-:,~r.1O ." ~:~ '~ ----Yo S1l .. " '~'- TL_ ·_1._. ",,,, "~-' W"""""''''j r d::!-" ~:"1. ,-~P) TL_ rJ~ TL_ TLo~ NUrE: SICI£~~JJCWS~&4SE'ONBE$T~T7ONAVALABl...£ THE~9WL BE~TORECatNECT'IREINSTAT£ EM;/I /JIIJi sa SEIMR 7WITIS ~ to mE satER U4.IiV /.ME. .~ .. .~ r=::. . r 41t-x::j j I, »", i' .u ~ .. ' •. 2.~_· :".' C:';!.M : lI! ... , . . . . . • ~ ~~DMn\.o-~R 'Ii' .~ .,1.,!,.: ._2!X'.:. 8'r I DAn I .<I'M -,~ = = ~ . I,t..:-::' 1 ® ,·_ro' !.m CITY OF ~ RENTON ~-Oopt. ,~ . . 2ol5' .• " ~3'o.c!IrPVC~ . . . CONNECT£!) TO THE·· . = . EXlS71NG ~ ciJNcRErE: N' • 210 "~~~:,. Cit·T····· . : IE s· ~w _ m,,:! p Y:?f Renton !~r:-'!!~I.lg~i~;ISioll APR 27 tuil EARUNGTON SEWER REPafJ~~~ Phase II .. "Ff-6 m ;;; ~ ~ j ~ E ~ .0 i • '" " ~ c ~ '2 • w ~ / / / / / ~ / a ./ z /1 J ~ C'\J .~ -'!~ /' i§ CI} TLOOO(i // :1 RtlNSTA1EALLEXlST1NG J ~,,~, m ./ II LIVE SIDE SEWERs AND INSTAll ~ Ii. ",...../ ~ i-UNERS"ATEACH. I ~ ;; I " i ./ B SEE SEI1£R CONNECnON / / /, ~1FS ON SHEET 10 I ....... ~ • J .J , / , ![J J "d' iii f LIND ;! ii: A iI! L 1 I![ SW j" Ie li.l~ •• . O~;9:ejP~ I; 1 hl¥ -r--;--;~,-1 rl~r I " ~ !! " TL" .. !~ .. .'so; . . '~:. .. !?!l:. . ,'?II:. MH18 ~. E 1297129.00 RENOVEEXC.O.AND . REPf..l\CE WIm NEW 48" WI IlIM c' t55.ltt ---_ ............ . IE8"S"'!48.9:I: TL '" " LIND AI![ SW ~ NOTE sn=.sEMoEl'l LOOI.TJONS ARE B4SE ON BEST ~T1OIf "VAVa£ THE CONTRACTOR SHN.L BE RESPONSIBt.E ro RECONNECTIRE1IISf.o.TE EACH 1JIIE SIDE SEWER ""'TIS CONfIECT£D TO JHE sa\oHf _ U£ N 118256.64 . E'I2f714U9 . ,'.10 .. :.',50 . :.'.":" .. :.'.~ .. :.1,,,? • I--. I ~ v,. /1i, ~! \,.:J :SEE SHEET 3 FOR 'fNFORM'.T1ON . .'.'D:. .!?!':. -,.. '"020' ...z::=--=- ® -- IE-~I ---... EN I""'EI>,PPII~ 00 ~ CITY OF RENTON ~/"''''-1>epL .: .~I.O ... Ciiy of Renton : .1.~ ....• : ................ PJ~nnin9 Division APR 27 luil 1;7 EARUNGTON SEWER REPLACEME' Phase II 0", Iv, V.j 1-I-~~ i I -.. n.tL-4.-=vt£ '" " I . ",' :::.;" ~ I .. ----lih I ~ ~ !d~~ . _ ... _ ~~~~~ i ". .. --1 II aSBlld jUGWa:'B da . I t:I JaMes U015U!PB3 ~i~ ~ ~ II! ~gl d. ~~-u~ el! . ~ I ~ h~ ~ i " o c _ .0 c: iJi CJ ,s 0;6 ~ 'O.~ ::; : ...... [,I.':" ffi ~; -'. ,. ~. 8, , ~ i ~ ~ i 'j 1 c ~ ~ "'36 ~ .~~ ~~~ : E 1296111.82 : REMOVE EXIST1NG CO ANO . .. . ~w!mNf=ll!.~.MfL RlM=224.28 IEtrSE~214.112 : .BAGLEYPL;SW··· rL""" ~..-X L,:'::::il '" SW LAnGSTON PL . TLoom SW LANGSTONpL . "".1\. ...... ~~ ~ K~ ...... : ..... , ...: .... --... ~ . . . . . . . : : : : NOri: SIDE s~ LOCAricws ARE ~ ON Bisr~TlON AVA4ABI.E : THE c:cwm.\CTa'I' &w.L BE RESPCWS/SLE WRECONNECTJRElNSTAJE :_~0'!=:~.~.IJ:':'.~~~!J)~~.~.~ .. : "~2Ir ~ CITY OF RENTON -:-1'.t;.~~~ r~" ,g' •• ~ .~ ,,,~ ...... , ..... I "" .. """'" ~ r~ ff1 ._Tl.!!.: .. "'.I!.: .''!'!.: .. !8C!." • 110:':. __ _ . ef/Yol ReotOI r:'IAllfling DiviSion -!~.' : IEB"W,,:oW\ . . "' ..... ,~'" 1T;H ExIsnNG : APR 2 i llill 111!;;(C:f!;;" EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEME --IE-~ ® ~,.. ... -".". Phase II ~ ""I",rrl_ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ c ~ .. ~ a. • '" " • !Jl c %. c ~ PAY LIMIT TRENCH BACKFILL -,,-. . , .. .' . : ~ ~ ~ ... . '. ..... -.L I " .'d......- 1'.{)" . ~ ." .. - " ;. :.. SEe DETAIL FOR Sl"REET RESTORATION REQUIREMEJIITS BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE 100% SELECT IMPORTED BACKFIll PER SECTION g..{I3.19 (SELECT BACKFill) OF Tl-IE SPECIAl PROVISIONS PROPOSED 11' & 8" SEVVER piPE PIPE ZONE MATERIAL PER SeCTlON 9--03.12(4) GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS OR PEA GRAVEL EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE SOIL AND BACKFilL OF FOUNDAnON MATERIAL {IF NECESSARy} DEPTH AS APf'ROVED BY ENGINEER. MATERIAL SHALL MEET SECTION 9-03.9(1) BALlAST 12" & 8" SDR 3S PVC SEWER PIPES TYPICAL TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL NOtES: 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL 2. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES 3. COMPACT PIPE ZONE MATERIAl TO 9O'JI. MINIMUM DENSrrY EXCEPT OIRECTL Y OVER PIPE VvHERE CQMPACTION'MLL BE HANOTAMP ONLY. 4. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE FLOWLINE IS MAlmAiNED. 5. AlL EXCAVATION AND BEDDING ANO BACKFILL MATERIALS BEYOND PAY LIMIT OF TRENCH SHALL BE INClUOEO WITHIN THE TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSlEMS BID ITEM. SAN1TARY SEWER CONNETION NOTES 1. SIDE SE'IVER RECONNEGTIONS SHAll BE ACCOMPLISHED USlMl FERNCO "STRONG-BACK" COlNlINGS OR APPROVED EQUAL 2. CONNECTIONS OF NEW SANIT MY SEWERS TO EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED USING SANtJ.COUARS AND NON SHRINK EPOXY GROtJT OR APPROVED EQUAL. SAWCUTflNALJOINT TYP. EACH SIDE pf~j~~~%; EXIST. ASPH. CONe. PAVEMENT. TYP. '" TYPI TRENCH (SEE DETAILS) PAY LIMIT Of TRENCH 6' OF CLASS B ASPI-W. T CONCRETE PATCH PAVING SHAU. BE DONE IN 2·3" LIFTS 6" CRUSHEOSURFACING TOP COURSE BACKfiLL PAYMENT Llt.tIT OF PATCH (SEE BEOOINGIBACKFIU DETAIL) NOTES' 1. AlL TRENCHES IN ROACNtlAY AREAS SHAlL BE BACKFILLEDANO PATCHED PER SPECIAl. PROVISION 5-00.1 AT END Of EACH V'oORK DAY . THIS WORK IS INCIDENTAL TO ALL TRENCH RESTORATION 'MlRK. 2. THE FINAL SAWClfT JOINT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF l' BEYOND THE UNDISTURBED EDGE OF THE TRENCH. 3. AlLASPI-W.T PATCH AREA OtJTSlOE OF PAY LIMIT SH~ Sl-W.L BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAl TO OTHER ITEMS OF 'MJRK. ". ALl TEMPORARY PATCHES ON TRENCI-ES SHAU. BE PERMANEtm.Y PATCHED WITHIN (2) 'M:EKS OF COMPlETION OF 'M:>RK WITHIN THE ROAr:JWAY AREA UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. HORIZOtflAl DATUM IS NAD'83 '91 BASED ON TERRESTRIAL llES TO THE CITY OF RENTON CONTROl.. POINTS AS SHO'M'I ON THE RESPECTIVE PlAN SHEETS. VERTICAl DATUM IS NAVD"88 BASED ON CITY OF RENTON CONTROl POINTS AS SOO....,., ON THE RESPECTIVE P\.NI SHEETS. 2. UTILITY CROSSING LOCATIONS AND ElEVATIONS SKA.LL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ADVANCE OF f>JN CONSTRUCTION ACnvlTIES. 3 EXISTING PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS SHI'ILL BE TEMPORARILY RELOCATEDANO PERMANENn.. Y REPLACED TO ACCOMMODATE SERVICE CONSTRUCTION. " AU MANHOLES SHALL HAVE LOCKING LIDS. 5 SET ALl MANHOlE LlOS TO FINISHED GRADE. 6. PRO~OE AS,BUlL T INfORMATION SHOWING ALL INVERT AND RIM ELEVATIONS OF MANHOLE AND SIDE SEWER VERTICAL ANO HORIZONTAL LOCATIONS 7. INSTALL SEWER MAIN ANO SERVICES A MINIMUM 2' FROM PAlW..LEL GAS LINES 'MiERE CONfLICT OCCURS. 8 ~RE unLITY PIPE LINE VERTICAl. SEPARATION IS LESS THAN (1) ONE FOOT, INSERT EllWOAM HS 600 PLANK-FOAM BOARD 00 EOUAJ.. AS ClEARANCE SEPARATION 9. A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHAlL BE SUBMITIEDTO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW ANO APPROVAL PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRIJCnoN. 1$ _I' -- 8"f 10..1"£1_ 11:":.:-':" 1 ~ REUSE EXISTING FRAME & COVER EXISTING PORTlON Of MANHOlE.............. I SECTIONS TO BE REMOVED ......... ~E~~ S:C~~T~ BC _______ RENTON STD PlAN "00.1 NEW SECTIONS Of MANHOLE ~ TO MATCH DIAMETER OF LOIMOR --. SEGTlONS OF EXISTING MANHOLE. ALIGN NEW lADOER RUNGS 'MTH EXlsnNG RUNGS IN THE LDWERlEXISTING SECTIONS. REMOVE UPPER PORTION OF EXISTING OtJTSIDE DROP AND INSTALl NEW INSIDE DROP PER STD, PLAN "02.2 1 EX. 60"" OR 5<1" 01.0.. AIl/I,NOON EXISTING OUTSIOE DROP BY FILLING WITH CDF OR PEA GRAVEL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTlON PlUG LO\-\£R PORTION OF ~"':rl ~~S:~N~~;~E DROP '-.:.L _______ --' T 7.5":t 1 MANHOLE MODIFICATION INTERSECTION OF SWl-¢' Pl SW ANO<ANGS""""ff"of R P1annin .e?ton 9 OJ"vISiO/l ~ CITY OF RENTON ~""'-Dopl. APR .2 7 i'ml EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENTi::''''~'' Phase II I S~10 10-"0 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: April 25, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. : Project Name: · LUA (file) Number: 'r Cross-References: : AKA's: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II LUA-12-034, ECF I Project Manager: Gerald Wasser :.1 .,--=----=--------------------------; .: Acceptance Date: May 8, 2012 : Applicant: City of Renton : Owner: Same as applicant ,. Contact: John Hobson, City of Renton PID Number: N/A " '-------------'-------------------------': : ERC Approval Date: June 4, 2012 I; · ERC Appeal Date: June 22, 2012 ,: ,--~'---------------------------------- '1: Administrative Denial: 1\ : Appeal Period Ends: ': Public Hearing Date: I Date Appealed to HEX: I' By Whom: :. HEX Decision: Date: ,'------------------------------I' Date Appealed to Council: :, By Whom: I: Council Decision: Date: : Mylar Recording Number: · Project Description: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of . approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12-inch PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete : pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete' ; pipe using cured-in-place pipe. i Location: SW Langston Rd, Lind Ave SW, Stevens Ave SW, SW Langston PI II '1\ Comments: , !I i l 'I Ii il II , , -_ Department of cOmmunity ~nd Economic Development - July 12,2012 -John D. Hobson City of Renton 10555 Grady Way-- Renton,WA 98057 --C.E."Chip'Vincent,Administrator -SUBJECT:-Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II LUA12-034, ECF Dear Mr. Dobson: This letter is to inform you that the appeal p~riodendedJune 22, 2012 for the E~vironmental Review C;ommittee's (ERe) Determination of lIIon-Significance-_ Mitigated (if applicable) for die above-referenced project. . . -'. . No appeals were filed on the ERC determination -therefore, this decision is final and- application fOr the appropriately required permits may proceed. The applicant must • comply WlthaliERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes listed in the r~pOrt dated June 4, 2012. -If youhave any questions, please feel free to contact meat (425) 430~ 7382 .. -- _ For the Environmental Review C6m~ittee,- -------(11(1;; Gerald C. Wasser _ --~ Associate Planner Enclosure' cc: Arthur B. Legg / Party(iesl of Rec~rd . ., . .' . ", .: -. . .,.-..... ',' -' '. Rento~ Oty Hall. 1055 50uthGradyWay :Hent~n, Washington 98057 -~ rentonwa.gov STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the :lRe][JL to][JL :IRe po rter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on June 8, 2012. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $77.00. ~i~~ Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 8th day of June, 2012. 'JiW-eA..-(!!~~ atl'lleen C. Sherman, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Buckley, Washington NOTICE OF E~VIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTO~, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Dctenni· nation of Non-Significance-Mili- gated (DNS-M) for the follow- ing project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II LUA 12·034, ECF Location: SW Langston Rd, Lind Ave SW. Stevens Ave Sw. & SW Langston PI. Project would replace old and undersized samtary sewer pipes. Appeals of the DNS-M must be filed in ""Tiling on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2012, together with the required fec with: Hear- ing Examiner. City of Renton. 1055 South Gradv Way. Renton. WA 98057. Appeal"s to the Examiner arc governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more infonnation may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510 ~\\\\\\\\I Published 10 Renton Reporter on # co §"",,II\I// June 8, 2012 #636503 ~~ ",. '-e::~ /, ~ /,-..", """"\l\h 'TA -1,1. .:: V ~ ...... , ON r:-.:.;II,/I?-~ = ;;:t g",'i>~ '""<b" It,,"l. ~ 3j::ff~ O ... ARJ-W~ ... ~ ~~~~~ (p~ ~ ~ ~~O oW. -~ ~ ~ ~(,) CJ iZE ~ , ,Que\,.'<: n.. .i E : ,~ "V -_ ~ IS' ""/ 4.19-,.?~0 = '/'111 ~,., Ilh\\\\\"""s~ f 1/1111 Ii: OF IN po; ",~ 'hH\\\\\\\\"'" City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: MAY 22, 2012 APPLICATION NO: DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 2012 APPLICANT: PROJECT TITLE: Phase II SITE AREA: LOCATION: SW Lind Avenue SW PROPOSED BLDG AREA SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12-inch PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of- way of 5W Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue 5W), Lind Avenue 5W (5W Langston Road to 5 134th Street), Stevens Avenue 5W (5W Langston Road to 5 134th Street), Bagley Place 5W (5W Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth . Housing . Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Lon{ff?horeline Use Utilities Animols Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,DOOFeet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additianAf~mation is needed to properly ass~ss this proposal. ~D 1\ ltL ---------=== Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date • OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERM1NATlON OF NON-S1GN1FICANCf· MmGATED (DN$.M) posno TO NOTIFY IffTEAESTEO PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAl. ACTION PROJECT NAM(, t.rll"1l<><' $0_. R.p"" ......... _ n '~OJtCT HUMIVI: ~UA1l.(lu. fCF ~OCATION, SW LIInlstan IIoad, Und Av ....... SW, 51 ..... '" A ....... $W, 5W IMIptan ...... DlSC~lmQN' TM .pp/kant I, r.q1MStl,. tnv\t<NI .... ntlIISfPAlllevle ... hi. "pllclment af Ippnodmllilly 1,t" II"... , .. I ot •• nlta,.., _. pi!>, with u~ ... h PVC pi"", th. "plle,,,,,nl of au IInl"!.11 . oil-Inch canc..t1o .lnItI ..... ow.. pI,", >OIIIII-I".h M pipe; ...... "'-.. ""bllItWon of 1,112 _. IMI oIl-inch oncIt-Inch _ta ... ntt.ry ... _ pi"" u ..... tu .. d......,..'. pipe. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERe) HAS DETERMINEO THAT TH[ PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT, Appeal. of thl ... vl..,nmlntal det'mlln.tlon mult b, fIIld In wrillnl on or bllar. 5:00 p.m. on Junl 12, zou, !"",thlr with thl n!qo.d.ed I,e with: Hurln, bamln ... , City of Rlnlon, 10S5 South G,..dy Wrt, Rlnton, WI. 98057. App .. l. to till [umln ...... l-""ttI by CIty of liMe 4--3·110 Ind Infarmltlon .... rdln. thl .pp.11 pro<lfl mly b. obtelnld from the Rlnlon City O •• k'o 0ffIo;e, (425) 430.6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL OET£RMINATION IS APPEALED, A PU8Ue HEARING WIU BE SET AND AU PARnES NOTIfiED. CERTIFICATION &i§44..d C~berebY certify that -.3 were posted in ..3..-conspicuous places or nearby the de!~1b Date: 6-/~;e5?o/6<, Signed;!/.' ~~~~~Z-"k-~~~~7 STATE O{WAS~INGTON SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that GuP IA r Wo s: Seer signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument, Notary Public in ~d for the State of Washington Notary (print):_--WI-l"". ,--,A= .. ..l(,.z:~."",a-h ...... ,f",,)/<-______ _ My appointment exPires:. __ ... .A"*""'(j"tl.[ ..." 5'-l~,--2.<l1...:;q~f -,,*,,,,,,,Q'-\,r.3~---- \. • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVElOPMENT -PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 7th day of June, 2012, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ERC SEPA Determination documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing . Agencies See Attached John D. Hobson Contact/Applicant Arthur B. Legg POR (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON mentioned in the instrument. Dated: ~tlAU 7. dO/2 i Notary ublic in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): __ -..J/.ir:l....CA~_ ---'0""""'raJ,"""'e"'f'--____________ _ My appointment expires: -.q Al(jL<-sf 0( ( dOG Project Nam.e: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Project Number: LUA12-034, ECF template -affidavit of service by mailing . -,. .. Dept. of Ecology" Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region * Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers· Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -larry Fisher· Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. * 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 -172"d Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office· Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program· 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172"d Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation- Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 2015. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal liaison Manager Steve lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6200 South center Blvd. PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 *Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked ager:'cies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. "Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addr~ss: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing • OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II I PROJECT NUMBER: LUA12-D34, ECF I LOCATION: SW Langston Road, lind Avenue SW, Stevens Avenue SW, SW Langston Place DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe with 12-lnch PVC pipe; the replacement of 845 linear feet of 8-lnch concrete sanitary sewer pipe with 8-lnch PVC pipe; and, the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-lnch and 6-lneh concrete sanitary sewer pipe using cured-In-place pipe. ! , THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERe) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. I , Appeals of the environmental determination must be flied In writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2012, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton} 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,: (425) 430-6510. , IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING WIL~ BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. . Denis Law Mayor . June 7,2012 . Department of Community and Economic Development .' C,E."Chip~Yincent, Interim Administrator· John D.Hobson City of Renton .1055 5 Grady Way · Renton, WA98Qs7 ., SUBJECT: EI'ivlR(lNMENTAL tHRESHOLD (SEPA)DETERMINATION' Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II, LUA12-034, ECF. Dear. Mr. Hobson: " " This letter is written on behalfofthe Enviro~~ental Review Committee (ERq to advise .. . ' you that they have completed i:h'eir review of the subject proj~ct and have.issued a . , . · threshold Determination of NOh-Significance-Miti'gated with Mitigation Measures: . · Please refer tothe ehc!osed ERCReport and Decision, Part'2,Section B for a list ohhe :Mitigation Measures:· . Appeals of the' environmental determination must be filed in writing on or beibr~ 5:00 ..•.. ' · p.rn: on'June 22, 2012, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of . · Renton,lOSS South GradyWay, Rehton, WA980s7. Appeals totheExaminer are · governed by RMC4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appealprocess may. '. be obtained from the Renton City CJerk's Office, (425) 430-6sW. . . . If the Environmental Determi~atio~ IS appealed,apublic hearing date will be set and all parties notified. The preceding information will assist you in 'planningfor' . . . · implementatio'n of your project and enable you to exercise your appeai rights more' 'flilly;'ifyou choos~to do so. If you have anyquestions or desireclarificatiori.of the · above, please call me at(425) 430-'7382.. '. For th.eEnvironmental Review Committee, ........ t:~- Gerald C:Wasser, '. . .' · Associate. Planner Enclosure cc:· Arthur B.Legg / Party(ie,) of Record R~nton City Hall. ;055 South (irady Way ~ Re~tcin, Wa'hi~gton 98057 • rento~wa.gov '. Denis Law' Mayor June 7, 2012 Department of Community and Economic Development Washington State · Department ofEcol9iw . E"nvironrriental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia,WA 98504-7703 . CE."Chip"Vincent, Interim Administrator' Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAl DETERMINATION Tra~smitted :here~ith is a:copyof the Environmental DeterminatiOn for th~ following.' proj~ct reviewed by the Environ~ental Review Committee (ERe) on Jurie 4, 2012: , . '. . . .' . · DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED · PROJECT.NAME: ,'Earlington Sewer Replaement Phase II PROJECT NUMBER:LUA12-034, ECF .... '" .•...... . tOCATION:SW Langston Road, Lind Aven'ue SW, Stevens Avenue SW,. ' .. SW langston Place. . , DESCRIPTION: . '. The appliCant is.requestirigEilVironmental (SEPp,) Review . 'for replacement of' approximately 1,194 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe with · 'iZ-lnchPVC pipe; the replacement of 845 linear feet· of S,inch concrete sanitary · sewer pip~ withS-inch 'PVC:pipe; and, the rehabilitation of 1,672 iinear feet of '" 'S-inch and 6-inch c'oncrete' sanitary sewer pipe using cured-in-place pipe. ' . '-Appeals of the environmental d~tei:mination mustb~ filed in writingonor befo~e 5:0() p.m. on June iz, Z01Z;togeth~r with the requir~d fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton; 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. 'Appeals to the E)(aminer are' gOverned by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may beobtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430c6,510. ' 'Pleaserefer to the e~closedNotice of Environmental Determination forcomplete · details. If yOu.have ciuesti~ns, please.call me at (425) 430-7382 ..... ". ' , For theEmiironmentalReview Committee, ~~., Gerald C. Wasser . · Associate Planner. R~nton City H'all • ioss South (;radyWay • Re~tcin,washington 98057 ~ rento~wa.gov ,,! , ) Washington State Department of Ecology Page 2 of 2 June 7, 2012 "Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Ramin Pazooki, W5DOT, NW Region Larry Fisher, WDFW Duwamish Tribal Office US Army Corp. of Engineers DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT B City 0{p" , -==~J ~Iill:l1@Iffi ~ DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA12-034, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT NAME: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe with 12-inch PVC pipe; the replacement of 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe; and, the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe using cured-in- place pipe. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW, Stevens Avenue SW, SW Langston Place The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. Work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065 should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. ERe Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA12-034, ECF Cii:y of Renton Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe with 12-inch PVC pipe; the replacement of 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe; and, the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe using cured-in- place pipe. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW, Stevens Avenue SW, SW Langston Place The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning: 1. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 am and 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be between the hours of 9:00 am and 8:00 pm. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 2. RMC Section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development. Property Services: 1. Surveys shall be conducted prior to commencement of the project and at the conclusion of construction activities to ensure the preservation of right-of-way monuments. ERC Advisory Notes Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA12-034, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT NAME: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe with 12-inch PVC pipe; the replacement of 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe; and, the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe using cured-in-place pipe. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW, Stevens Avenue SW, SW Langston Place City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2012. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department . June 8, 2012 June 4,2012 ,)0 ¢ ()IZ-~--i--==-----'~ __ _ / Mark P Date Date C!2J.' ~ C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Interim Administrator/Planning Director Department of Community & Economic Development Date DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: TIME: LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Administrator C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Interim CED Administrator/Planning Director Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Monday, June 4, 2012 3:00 p.m. Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 THE fOU .. OWING 8S A CONSENT AGENDA Earlington Sewer Replacement Project LUA12-034 (Wasser) Location: SW Langston Road, Lind Ave SW, Stevens Ave SW, SW Langston Place. Description: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe with 12-inch PVC pipe; the replacement of 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe; and, the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of-way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW langston Place), and SW langston Place (Exhibits 1 through 10). The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. cc: D. law, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey, CEO Director ® D. Jacobson, Deputy PW Administrator -Transportation C. Vincent, CEO Planning Director· N. Watts, Development Services Director· L. Warren, City Attorney· Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner D. Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal· J. Medzegian, Council DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: June 4,2012 Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Same as above John Hobson, Civil Engineer City of Renton Renton,WA 98057 LUA12-034, ECF Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting Environmental {SEPAl Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe with 12-inch PVC pipe; the replacement of 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe; and, the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete sanitary sewer pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of-way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place (Exhibits 1 through 10). The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW, Stevens Avenue SW, SW Langston Place N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A Total BUilding Area GSF: N/A N/A N/A Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated {DNS-M}. ERe Report 12-034.doc City of Renton Department of Commun, Economic Development. EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE II Report of June 4, 2012 Project Location Map ERC Report 12-034.doc E mmental Review Committee Report LUA12-034, ECF Page 2 of6 City oj Renton Department of Community & Economic Development EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE /I Environmental Review Committee Report LUA12-034, ECF Report of June 4, 2012 PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND The purpose of the Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II project is to replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new, adequately-sized sanitary sewer pipes. This project would replace approximately 1,194 linear feet of 8-inch concrete sewer pipe with 12-inch PVC pipe and 845 feet of 8-inch pipe. In addition, the project would rehabilitate 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe with cured-in-place pipe. The total amount of grading for the proposed project would be approximately 3,500 cubic yards. Approximately 175 truck trips would be needed for this amount of material. Construction of the project would take place within public rights-of-way. Adjacent land use consists of single-family residences located in the Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R~8) zone. The project contractor will be responsible for ensuring that a traffic control plan is in place during construction to ensure access for residents and emergency vehicles. The project would be completed during the period from late June to early September, 2012. Construction activities would take place during the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures C. 1. Work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360)586-3065 should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Project location Map -Earlington Sewer Re'placement Phase II Cut Sheet legend (Sheet S-l) -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Cut Sheet S-2 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Cut Sheet S-3 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Cut Sheet S-4 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Cut Sheet S-5 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Cut Sheet S-6 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II ERC Report 12-034.doc City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE /I Environmental Review Committee Report WA12-034, ECF Report of June 4,2012 Cut Sheet S-7 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Cut Sheet S-8 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Cut Sheet S-9 -Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Page 4 of 6 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Letter from the State of Washington Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation, dated May 22, 2012 D_ Environmentallmpacts The Proposol wos circuloted and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1_ Earth Impacts: As the project consists of sanitary sewer pipe replacement or rehabilitation which is located within existing rights-of-way, no significant impacts are anticipated. The soil type under the existing rights-of-way consists of glacial till. The project is located in an area of hilly terrain. The steepest slope (approximately 16 percent) occurs in Stevens Avenue SW between SW Langston Road and 134th Street. All excavated material would be exported to an approved disposal site provided by the City's contractor. Trench backfill would consist of imported and approved crushed rock. Because all construction would take place within existing paved roadways, erosion potential is minimal. Standard erosion control for utility excavation within roadways would be employed, including catch basin socks. No change in impervious surface coverage would result from completion of this project. Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation is required. Nexus: Not applicable. 2. Air Impacts: During construction activities dust and engine emissions will be created as a result of digging by construction equipment. Standard emission control devices will be utilized by construction equipment and standby generators will be used during construction and operational phases ofthe project. A water truck will be used to minimize dust during construction activities. Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation is required. Nexus: Not applicable. 3. Ground Water Impacts: Shallow ground water may be encountered at or below the water table during trenching for pipeline construction. Such shallow ground water may be withdrawn, as necessary, to dewater the ground. Any withdrawn water will be routed through a sedimentation/dewatering facility to remove excess sediment and then would leave the project site via the existing storm drainage system. Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation is required. Nexus: Not applicable. ERC Report 12-034.doc City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE II Report of June 4, 2012 4. Noise Environmental Review Committee Report LUA12-034, ECF Page:S of 6 Impacts: There may be short term noise associated with construction equipment. Construction schedules will adhere to Renton Municipal Code regulations in regards to hours of construction operation. Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation is required. Nexus: Not applicable. 5. Historic and Cultural Preservation Impacts: The proposed project is located in an area with a high probability of archaeological sites. While the site has previously been disturbed by development, there remains a potential for subsurface archaeological deposits. A letter from the State of Washington Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP), dated May 22, 2012 (Exhibit 11) identifies known deposits within approximately 750 feet of the project corridor. DAHP requests that a monitoring plan be provided and that a professional archaeologist be on site to monitor excavations for the project. The letter further states that the requested monitoring plan should be provided to the DAHP and interested Tribes at least two weeks prior to ground disturbance. The proposed project involves the replacement of sewer pipes which were originally installed in the 1940s. This project is in an area of previous disturbance and would involve excavation activities within previously disturbed public right-of-way. Excavation to a depth of between 6.5 and 9.5 feet, which is the invert elevation ofthe existing pipes, would occur. Because of such prior disturbance and that the excavation trench width would be limited to approximately 6 feet, staff recommends that work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065 should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. Mitigation Measures: Work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted at (360) 586-3065 should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 6. Transportation Impacts: Approximately 175 truck trips would occur as a result of the approximately 3,500 cubic yards of grading material. The excavation project trench width would be approximately 6 feet and no road closures are anticipated. Work would be done in an incremental fashion beginning at the intersection of SW Langston Road and Hardie Avenue SW. If necessary, a flag man would be present to ensure traffic flow. The project contractor would maintain a traffic control plan which would ensure resident and emergency vehicle access during construction activities. Mitigation Measures: No additional mitigation is required. Nexus: Not applicable. E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ERC Report 12·034. doc City of Renton Department of Communi, Economic Development E ,nmental Review Committee Report EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE /I LUA12-034, ECF Report of June 4,2012 Page 6 of 6 ./ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, June 22, 2012. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing at the City Clerk's office along with the required fee. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall-7th Floor, 1055,S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these nates are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 am and 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be between the hours of 9:00 am and 8:00 pm. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 2. RMC Section 4-4-030.C.2Iimits haul hours between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development. Property Services: 1. Surveys shall be conducted prior to commencement of the project and at the conclusion of construction activities to ensure the preservation of right-of-way monuments. ERC Report 12-034.doc EXHIBIT 1 EARLINGTON SEWER REPLAC~~ENT . . Yof Rento Phase II Planning DiVision n APR 271012 ~ ~ ~ d' ~. ~ J! ~ ~ E i '" J c " g' ~ EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE II ~ :::r:: ~ ~-~ I ,L ~ m ~ iY --1-,--,~ I ='''"-1 ~ CITY OF I L-." _ __ ,@ ~ -RENTON EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT I::: P' I ....... ---~'I (!))ity1of Rent~:':::~. Planning Division APR 2 7 2012 ~~«;~DW!~[D) 5 "31iV 3IQ~VH ~ ! " l ! I 'j / I : / I /( \ : ........... vi -l--IWW' I I II I .. , \ \ ~ ---~~ -- \EXHIBIT 3 ········.··u.· ... \ .. : .. ~ .. ~.;.~ ... : . . , '.0·,' ~ : !~i-'h ... : .. ~i;·;·!ii· E 133H5 335 ~ ;0 ;2 '" n. ~ -1 ~I . Ii' E ~ -II '" 11 c ~ C " w I t , , ~ ::t: 1-4 tJI ~ ~ v l;j w :c \ "J...~ \ i1.-~ .... ~ .. ::O' .. A ,~ """" -" . --, m EE SEI>Sl . \ ~~ "·,:.,,,1 ,,~ \ \ \ ~ ' --"""'"'" m ~--. ~ " • % rr,:", __ ' .~ ___ ', --- .. .. _- -1--1\-V- LL W Vl v tu w :c Vl w W Vl r" .,.. ...... ~ ''!o'''''' v;~'>'-' ,. D .;) ~, .~. .'~ .... _'~ ... .'~ ... .. 1!,!, .• 'MH#3 Nl~;14 ~~w 'M '5', . ~ ~ ~":;O-"'" (I) '0::( ~i~ TL 0075 ··E 12S16lJ(U.48· REMOvEEXlSTWG AIH NID REPLACE I1m1 NEW 54" MH RJM. 138.81 . ·./£·12"5£.-·132.39.: . IE 12"NV'i-132.411: IE B"NW,-132.110 : ~ T-' T ~ .. .;.",:. .. .. ,~cg;..' .... T.L 0086 W,"ffl@""""", IZ "'" .... , ... ~M! .... NOT£: SlOE ~ L~1JONSNfE MSECIN SEYT.N'0'JM417ON AVMABI.E. 1f(E~ $Ii4t.l BE F?E$PONS/BLE TO IlECONNECTnElNSTAJE EACH L.I\IE SIDE SEWER lWITIS CONNECTED TO I1tE satef_/ME. ~. RE.<iO';;;;'S"Nii""<Ji&i_~ ''': . ' . : , ""'''''''''''''''''''''iJ",,. -,., ,'_:or ----=;; 1Of.1l: I ....... r==r; -1 L.:'::' I ..;< T I~ ;;f,]:}.~~ .... .--~ I -:~< :MHn Nf7B241i4jJ .. ~ .-J-.. ~ .. '11*'. ... :"-.::' ~~~*:~ •• < E 1297132.05 REMDVEEXlSTTNGMHAHD'" . REPU,cE W111I NE.WlU"M1/ ~105.BO fElrsE~99.31 . .. IEJrNWs.W4t";" IE 6*N~r19.1JO . ~ CITY OF RENTON ® PIo" ... ~r-_Do .... ..... ",.. -"0"-[ s. w. 'LANGSTON RD. I I S12""'I~ m -·g.,"ilS" ~ /:7."''''''////////, t? ::: ~~...,.e~ .,~ !'oJ of Rentqn hning Divisio ,~ ":"APR 'i7 lOll IRll~~~O~~KJ) ~NT_~. $-3 . , .. ~ ~ ,0' M (TYP)-~ T1. (Xliii . 11. 0066 l~l! 3: (rn.~'''~ ---0. -.,/~ ~ ~...... ~ I ?'~;HU{rM ~I~ ~ ,".,'.'" ~ '"'" II I I '"" ... " " 11/ 9,; . ~~ 0.. _~r.~J:::.~ 11--'\\ d ~I ~ .0. " • E • M 1i • a: • ~ '" c ll. ~ w ~ :x:: PI c::I 1-1 ""'I Y'i CO TL D151 ~ ~. ....~. ~ w wl.:~~ .. (/) .:!'!'! .. .:\~. .:,,:,!,. -j TUk> - NOT1:: SIPE SEI'fS'I' LOCIITKWSARE 84SE ON BEST INFORMATION AVA/I.NIf.£. ~- T1£~croR.'JJWL8E~roRECONNECTIRE1N5TAl'E" EACH UK SIDE SEWER ~T IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER WJN UN£. -= '-.lO' 1n'I[II..11:I_ I L;';.':' I ® (TYP.) !J±) CITY OF ~ RENTON '~-~1. SW LANGSTON RD ~ _.;;1 ,,~~ .' (/) m m Vl :c m ~ w ~. : '~ff.lenton ... "".:"'0;00-.. 0.;. .'; 90;V;5;00 4PR ;: 7 flJlI EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT ,_ Phase II 1$-4 ~ -'0 _ .. _ .. _ ... __ ~}.d. -"-"-" \ ; II r· S~9f:-LZ-dMM ... : ... .................. ~ ......... . o . . ~ . ... ~ ...•.. ...•... ....... ~ .... . .. . .....•. L ·JL.·@ .....• ; ..•.. "1,.,,,,':' ..... : .. ~!It ... ' J ~ Il ·····uu .... ~: ...... ~·"""'2" .~.: ........ : .. .. ~: ~ N l .. ~ ...... ~~ .. . • I EXHIBIT 6 ~ ~ i j ~ c ! 1i- '" ~ m c ~ ~ ~ 1-4 0:1 ~ -.,J ." r:;~ , T1.. otlJO : MJNIfX1N "ir;.'~':N RBNS""AU.=SnNG \ l'" /lYE S"F sc'rns 'RH'Si>ttt ......... ....... ~ 'T-UNERS'ATEACH. . ~~ \ .... ~~ ~ SE$sateiCONNECTION ~"-" ~.~ <J) NOTES ON SHEET f 0 / TLOPas \ (TYP.) \ ~ .~1 ~ , ... , - \ . I ~,~ I It-'f"s."'" '-h TJ... eta S. W. LANGSTON RO. -....... ----=-r' _'~/\ ___ --,. '------'---= ------r S".,r, I -'::=-==:Ii ---~.rc-t---,~, ___________ ..... i TL""" "-.. _1._. ~.. ~-' WNNNN"''''j r~, ',J;}'~'l"-~, ~:; ... ,. TL_ .', ~~~ TL_ TL 0535 NO~ MJl:6EWEl'I'LQG.(77ONS~fW1E0N1JE$T~TPDNAV~ TH£~ClU'fSIW..LBERESPONSISl£roRECONNECTlRElN5rATE EACH LMf $tOE ~ ""'TIS CONNECTED TO PfI: ~ /MIN LINE .~. L l J i! 6' r.~~ .~ "'., l/·~$t· ,;!// f"':. ..~ .. ' .,' ~~~W:..U .'",""..... • ......• '.' ..i..ciff£::f. .. ' ..• . ~ G 1l"ci:wcRE:rE: ... '~-.: -.~ .. ' ... 2'<!':~j hlHl5 ._ :PlPE wrrn :N 179009,95 .... J!'.:~ ...... ~~~~U."H :RJlb253.50 . :/E S' SE "'.240.05 ., -'~~ .. : .. ~~.:. " .... ~.:. E>OSlW '. 1I'rllli!.... .. ...... '!' .. ~~;t" : CitY~of R~nton ~ :: ~k •• iU2: .. :'!~~~_~!I.lg~i0sion ---,.;u- 1'~:ZO' -1-", -: IL;'~ ! ~ ~ ~I~ ® ~ CITY OF ~ RENTON "Ia""'"~_~. APR 27 {till EARUNGTON SEWER RE~flFi!itM, Phase II %.>1£ ~ ; j ~ ~ 'g 5} '" j o i 'S 00 I:; a::I 1-1 :c ~ ~ / / / / --' / Q / a . / :z /1 N ·r··_ ),'" / , ~ TLDOOtI // RbNsTATFALLE.X1STING ~!! ,/ LIVE SlOE SEWERs AND INSTALL II; ~ ,// I 't-llNERS'"ATEACH. / ~ SEE BE»ERCONNEcT1ON ././ ~SCWSHEeT10 // ,...J -,.J ~ ~ u-+ • I III. i ... i ,; l' . ~ (~ !! I, TL '" UNO AVE SW --,e , 1'-,-1 I I I ~rj~ TL72 ~---- -, I . I ~ ~ ~ s.t:II':~LGJGo1noNSIlREMSE0N8£sr~T1ON"'V.u.Nlt.£ 11E COV1NICJ'D'I' sw.u. 8£ ReSPOIfSI&E Ttl RErXINNEC1iREIIT'" TE EAaI ~ 6IDE SEm:R ~T 15 ccr.r."EC1ED TO 7HE SEWER J.WN UN£. ........... !~ .. ............ ~; . . . m········J::~9.4 E f2f1712B.OO REMovE EX. co. AND IJII: : REPUteE wmf NEW 48" "".; ............. .. filM i.;' '5$.1;3-•......... -..... IE 8" S • ~48.t1:t . . ~~ ........ :." .... ~ .... ....... '~:. .. , .. _ .. n~: ........... .'~;. -,.. '"·20' ~=>-~ . .... -............... I.~ .. : ...... : .....•. ,; ........ :.1.'!' .. . : •••••• : •• : ••••••••• : ••••••••• : ,'.JO, • ~:=f:g ..... 1 ........ :.,.>:" .. :SEE SHttr J FOR "!NFORMA!ION ..... : ......... 1 ........ :.1'.0., _ Ciiy Of Renton '. ,I.DO, ... : ....... : •.... 'P/~nni/lg OiVisiOtI APR 27.l1l1Z 1r2J CITY OF ... -.", 'd"ISU IV! 11'-......... ""1~ RENTON EARUNGTON SEWER REPlACEME -... Ig:::"1 @ ~~-Oopt, Phase II 1_5 -,7 ~. ..-",Ioml_ , " EXHIBIT 9 I , I I ,IJNJ , ···u"·r·.····· rna· .... ~~;;:~ ...... ' .~ ... e . , > • . ~ : arlington Sewer Replacement Phase II TL '" --§ ~..". ... I . -, \ fqy frO \ WWP-27-3615 ~,~";,'''~ f' ~ --,-::,":,:"f:: ~ ~ i l ~ il 0. ,jl ~ ID ~ C ~ m )( :t 1-=1 '" ~ I=!I (;) """ ~ .. ",,0\- '! ..... !~;,~~~. ~ ,,.. IN~ TLooeo SW LANGSTON PL . ~ ':i'l /.,; .... -, ..... I -:o~',,~ r ~I-%r I "''' ........... ~~~ M iiJ T~ '" TC" £~ . _ ........p~".?; .. "S::::PL" . ~~~.: .. ~;".. : j ~=::~coANri .. : .~CE;_wrmf'@Y.-WNH ... . RIM-224.2tJ IEtrSE~214.f12 : ··'BAGtEYPL'SW··' ~ ~ !J"~G.w..rcH~SLOPE: . -.... ~ ......... : ......... : ....... -. : ......... : ... -. -. -. : ......... : ...... . NOTE: fJIl)E ~ tOC'lnoNsNlE MSE ON BEST/IIRJRMIlTlON ,",VJ\LI\8l£ : mE COY1JIACTOl'f ~ 8t: RESI'CJN$tIJU J'ORECONNECJifWN$TAJE :.~~.~.~.t":£4.~~~w.rrt=~.~.~ .. : ~IMrrJ~ I;~I @1 ~ *~JTg~ ~_.""Do$ot. .. ;~.: .. II.'!..: . 170 : ..... . Qi(yo! Rontol r:'/anning Division .. j ..... \~". .. jAPR 2 i 1011 EXHIBIT 11 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC PRESERVATION 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 • Olympia, Washington 98501 Mailing address: PO Box 48343 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8343 (360) 586-3065· Fax Number (360) 586-3067 • Website: www.dahp.wa.gov May 22,2012 Mr. Clerald VVasser Associate Planner City of Renton 1055 South Clrady VVay Renton, VV A 98057 In future correspondence please refer to: Log: 0522 I 2-04-KI Property: NOA and Proposed DNS LUA 12-034, ECF Re: Archaeology ~ Professional Archaeological Monitor and Monitoring Plan Requested Dear Mr. VV asser: VVe have reviewed the materials forwarded to our office for the proposed project referenced above. The area has the potential for archaeological resources. It is located in proximity to old chairnels of the Black River which have a high probability for containing archaeological resources. In addition the eastern extent of the project intersects a relic Black River channel and is near the former Black and Cedar River confluence. The sound end of the project is also within approximately 750 feet from a precontact archaeological site, 45K151, which as associated with relic Black River channels and contained human remains. Archaeological resources in the Renton area are often difficult to recognize within native soils because of historic channel migration and seasonal flooding events. Please be aware that archaeological sites are protected from knowing disturbance on both public and private lands in VVashington States. Both RCVV 27.44 and RCVV 27.53.060 require that a person obtain a permit from our Department before excavating, removing, or altering Native American human remains or archaeological resources in VVashington. Failure to obtain a permit is punishable by civil fines and other penalties under RCVV 27.53.095, and by criminal prosecution under RCVV 27.53.090. Chapter 27.53.095 RCVV allows the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to issue civil penalties for the violation of this statute in an amount up to five thousand dollars, in addition to site restoration costs and investigative costs. Also, these remedies do not prevent concerned tribes from undertaking civil action in state or federal court, or law enforcement agencies from undertaking criminal investigation or prosecution. Chapter 27.44.050 RCVV allows the affected Indian Tribe to undertake civil action apart from any criminal prosecution if burials are disturbed. Since the project area is paved, we request a monitoring plan and a professional archaeologist onsite to monitor excavations for the project. A monitoring plan should be provided to DAHP and the interested Tribes for review at least two weeks prior to ground disturbance. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project and we look forward to receiving the monitoring plan. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (360) 586-3088 or Gretchen.Kaehler@dahp.wa.gov. Sincerely, Gretchen Kaehler Assistant State Archaeologist (360) 586-3088 gretchen.kaehler@dahp.wa.gov cc. Laura Murphy, Archaeologist, Muckleshoot Tribe Dennis Lewarch, THPO, Suquamish Tribe Cecile Hansen, Chairperson, Duwamish Tribe 2 v •• City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ?( {L.ev4u Rvc:s COMMENTS DUE: MAY 22, 2012 APPLICATION NO: LUA12-034, ECF' J DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 8, 2012 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Gerald Wasser PROJECT TITLE: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II PROJECT REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: N j A EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): NjA LOCATION: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) Nj A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12-inch PVC pipe, 84S linear feet of 8-inch concrete pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of- way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Eorth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Naturol Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 DOOFeet ~ .. B. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application wit icu/ar attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional informati n is needed to properly assess this proposal. ror Authorized Representative City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development EN V I RON MEN TAL & DE VEL 0 P MEN TAP P LIe A T ION REV lEW SHE E-T . REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ?cu1cs lli.J t. • APPLICATION NO: LUA12-Q34, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II SITE AREA: N/ A LOCATION: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW COMMENTS DUE: MAY 22, 2012 DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 8,2012 PROJECT MANAGER: Gerald Wasser PROJECT REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12-inch PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of- way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (SW langston Road to S 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW langston Road to S 134th Street). Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable MOTe Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary farth Hous;nQ Air Aesthetics Water Ugh Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animols Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet /.J B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas oj probable impact here additional information' eeded to properly assess this proposal. -5"--15-9 Date ) City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: C_ . _~" ., rA 'r , ....... ".... ''', "" \ PK COMMENTS DUE: MAY 22,2012 APPLICATION NO: LUA12-034, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 8, 2012 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Gerald Wasser PROJECT TITL~arlington Sewer Replacement pt;l.se II PROJECT REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick ------SITE AREA: N/A ~-------EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximatel 1194 linear feet 12-inch PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of 8-inc concre e pipe WI -inC PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-lnc con re e pipe using cure -In-P ace pipe. his construction would take place within the rights-of- way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to 5 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to 5 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way thai are adjacent to eXisting Single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor MoJor Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Woter ~~ Plants Land/Shoreline Use ~ Animals Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Ai~~Feet ,,« B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We hove reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas 0/ probable impact or areas where additional in/ormation is needed to properly assess this proposal. ~ I Date ) City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: lt7m~Ar1uJ 'oY\ APPLICATION NO: LUA12-034, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II SITE AREA: N / A LOCATION: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW COMMENTS DUE: MAY 22,2012 DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 8,2012 PROJECT MANAGER: Gerald Wasser PROJECT REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N / A m::VFI OPMENT SERVICES CITY OF RENTON MAY 08 2012 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12-inch PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of- way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impocts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Eorth Air Woter I-' ~ Plants iand/Shoreline Use Animals t:§ffi Environmental Health Energy/ , , Natural Resources ;';; (){)() I'p ';;;'MC~ B. POLICY-RELATEO COMMENTS \i\J er-«-- C. COOE-RELA TEO COMMENTS 3 T~ CoAJ1"CDL..-~ • ~),I. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. . 5'IrD~ Date I 7 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'P~ ':RevI~ APPLICATION NO: LUA12-034, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II SITE AREA: N j A LOCATION: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW COMMENTS DUE: MAY 22, 2012 DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 8,2012 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES L.II T vr ,,1:'" V" PROJECT MANAGER: Gerald Wasser PROJECT REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick MAY 08 2012 EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): NjA PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) NjA SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12-inch PVC pipe, 84S linear feet of 8-inch concrete pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of- way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Mojor In/ormation Impocts Impacts Necessary Earth , Air Water ~ Plants Land/Shoreline Use :I,iIi'ie' Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources ~service, ~ 14 IlOOFpp, B_ POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS /f~ tovoz.ov We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas Of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: G '(e. COMMENTS DUE: MAY 22, 2012 APPLICATION NO: LUA12-034, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 8, 2012 APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Gerald Wasser PROJECT TITLE: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II PROJECT REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: N / A EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12-inch PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of 8-inch concrete pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of- way of SW Langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW). Lind Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 zone. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element 0/ the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessory Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use ~tilities Animals ~ Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources ~~ggg~~~: k-s III :; B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS V6 l ' ~ c. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS / We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized ,~ Date NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) '" M3rttt "",pllel!lo" h'" _ fl ..... nd Kelpt •• vdlh tile O'P~nt of C-mun~" E«>nom\< 0fl1lopm1nt I(fO) '-Plo""l", Ohi."," of u.. Oty of Ront ...... Th. lon ..... lnl brl.tty _"" I'" oppl~n .nd t~. n ...... ry Public AppfOll .... DAn Of NOOQ Of APPUtATION, Moy 8, 1011 PROJECT I.OCATIDN: sw Llncslon Ro.d, Und Avenue SW OPTIOHAl DrfEI\MINAlION Of NON.sIGNIACANCf IONI}: As the Lnd Aionev, tt>o CIty of ""nl"" 1>1. dete'mlned thll Jllnlfbm """Ironmlntol Imp.en .r. unOull" to ..... 11 from tho prop.Hd pfDject. noereto .. , I. permltlld uDde, the RCW U.llt.110. the City of Renton II ulInI ,he OPIIoIllI ONS proc", 10 ,lYe "O~CI that I OHS Is ""I~ 10 be Iioued, Common\ po.iod. for thl project Ind the p"opowd DHS.,.. Intll'"ted In\o I ,Inll. tOmmen! period. Th ... w!\l b. no comment period followl", \hll.sul"". althe Thta,!<,kI O.llnnl",,!I"n 01 Non.51Inlflc.fICe 1000SI· A 14-<1oy .ppUI perk>d will follow lho I ..... "". of the OHS. PERMIT APl"l.KATlON DAre Ap.II27, lOU NernCE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: ""Pl.lUoNT/PROJeCT CONtACT P!RSOtII: MI¥fi,lOll John Hob ...... C/'V of ~ ... Ion; lOSS S G......, W.r; Rlnton, WA 9I051l Eml: Jhobso ..... ntomn ..... L<Katlon 1"", ... ""ncatlon "'1'/ " ..... I_.d, PUIUC HEolRINO: COf'ISImNC'/ OVERVIEW: lonl"llUnOl U .. , Envl..," .... ntaI Doc>! .... nto thol e .... t..totlro "opDMd Project: fn'IIronrnmtal (SE,.t.j "'VIIW, Daf>I"m",,1 01 Co ... munlty • Economic IlnOlopmOonl (tED)-PI."", ... Division. Sixth AD ... "onUm CIy H,n, 1055 k>IIIh Gradr WI'/, flinton, W" ,~, ./. Ttle wb)KI site I. desltnlted "e.\dlntl,1 ~I",I. f.mllV (RSfl on 1M CIty of "enlon ComptllletlSM Lon<! Use M." ,nd Re,tdenll,1 •• __ units per • e,.. (R.8l on the CIty'. Zan", M,p. 1:nvlrQn .... "t.1 (5£1'-'1 O>ecklbl ~nta.",lltlon. U .... F<lr I'ro/Kl MltI,ItlDn: Ttl. p,ojecl ",m be .u!>jtctlo 1M CIty'.nPAonIlnlnc@,JlMC4·9-01O.ndoll." .,pIICibi' cod" .nll ,",ulallDn •••• pproprlole. Co ... ment> 011 tile ._ .pp!lcatlon muot b •• ub ... lltl'llln w'lIln, to G.",ld WHH', ~to p.."".r, tED - 1'I..,,,lnl Division, 1055 South 6""1 WI" lIe"lo ... WA n057, by UK' PM on MI'/ 22, lllll. If you Nve que'tlon' IbOullhl, ,,'opOul. Of wish 10 be /IIIdl' plrtvol 1OCD'. Inll ,orel"e Iddltlo,,"1 notlr.c:ltlon by/lllH. eonllo;! lhe Project MonlIOf. "'"yon. w~o submits _len comma"ts wllllulomJlICil1y beoom, 1 />Ony 01 'IOCClrd.nrI oriI be "",!fled of Iny dldl.,n on Ihl. proJoct. CONTACT PERSON: Gerald C. Was5er, Assoc1ate Planner; Tel: {4ZS) 430-738Z; Eml: Bwas5I!r@rentonwa.Bov PLEASE INClUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDEN11F1CAnON If you would Ilk. Ie bt """ I,.rtv of record 10 """"" further Inlo,motlon on 'hll propo.od project, eomplete Ihl. form .nd rot"rn I'" C/'V 01 ~In'on, aO-Pllnnlrc Il"Won, 1(l5~So, Grody WOV. ~.n'on. W~ '1051 • Nome/Ale No.: Elrtlncl<>n ~_r "oplocom,n' Phlllll/tU ... U-Ol4, ECF NAME: _______________________________ ___ MAILING ,o.oOIl£SS: _________________________ _ l"ELf:pHDN[ NO.: _________ _ CERTIFICATION ~~~~0-~~~~hereby certify that ~"'--,,-7'" -==~'conspicuous places or nearby the dj~j;ifi Date::-=2,.:!:..cI4:~~;;;i!.,. ___ _ 55 COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Ge-Y«'\f\ W"s 5«(" signed this instrument and acknowledged it tobe his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and rposes.mentioned in the instrument ;1i ok, ~~ Notary Public inand for the State of Washington Notary (Print) :_---I:I-IL.' .---.!AJ;.-:=.,-----l0~.,-nL:cJ,~c.s;.oLfL_ ____ _ My appointment expires.:_ ---'-A~"'3:;q.J\i.o&Ss..l:I:~d~'lL,I-:)"'"-'o),!J3~------ CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 8th day of May, 2012, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter, Notice of Application, Site Plans documents. This information was sent to: Name Agencies -NOA, Env. Checklist, Site Plans John Hobson 300' Surrounding Property Owners -NOA only (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) SS ) Representing See Attached Contact/Applicant See Attached Notary (print):----' __ "'7U:.:..:.... . ...!.AJ..:._uG-::J.~-"l"'...!!kCl:dL..-::::-_________ _ My appointment expires: Ac'(j'(..LS+-a..q/ aD 13 Project Name: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II Project Number: LUA12-034, ECF template -affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology ** Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region '" Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS·240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers '" Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-37S5 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers· Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700.Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW· larry Fisher· Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. '" 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 _172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office '" Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program '" 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC·NR-050 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal liaison Manager Steve lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6200 Southcenter Blvd. PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 "'Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the ,Notice o,f . Application . ...... Department of Ecology is em ailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov template· affidavit of service by mailing 214650017004 ABAD ARIEL O+PHENGPHACHANH 8523 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 788290012004 AQUINO AGNES Q+GREG E 206 OAKSDALE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370015601 BACIC WILLIAM JON 253 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370059500 BARBER WILLIAM W 224 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 866350007500 BELLOWS / MITCHELL 401 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214370018605 BENTLER JOHN MICHAEL 302 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370052208 BOGH CHRIS A+CARISSA L 209 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370045004 BRIERE JAMES+MARCIA 708 SW 3RD PL RENTON WA 98055 788290014000 BROWN KEVIN H+COLE BROWN KAY L 215 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370037506 BURTON MICHAEL D 721 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 866350000505 ALAKASHEY -TAHSSEN 150 SW SUNSET BLVD RENTON WA 98059 214650019000 AU PHUONG C+HUYNH YEN A 8511 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 536520006001 BAILEY MARLON D 602 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214370070002 BARRERA-RIOS JOSE-ANTONIO HASTINGS LORA D 265 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 536520005607 BENNETT FRANK P+LUZ A 522 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214480073102 BEVERLY-BANKS MADELON 13269 84TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 214370046101 BOUNYARITH COLA 313 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 214480073508 BROCKMEYER R08ERT D 25601 32ND PL S KENT WA 98032 214480074001 BROZOWSKI S PO BOX 7022 BELLEVUE WA 98008 214370057504 CALIMLlM SERGIO A JR+MARIA 220 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 214370009406 ALEJANDRO LEON+HAZEL GUMlRA 17403 SE 196TH DR RENTON WA 98058 536520001002 AVILA GRACE V 514 SW LANGSTON PL RENTON WA 98055 214370035500 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON THE 400 NATIONAL WAY SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 214650030007 BAYLE MICHELE R+BLUME JANIC 518 S WRIGHTWOOD ST ORANGE CA 92869 182305909000 BENNETT GERALD 2900 S KING ST #B SEATTLE WA 98144 214480092508 BHAN CHAN DAR 814 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 866350006007 BOWEN KELLY D+LINDA D 315 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370046200 BROWN HOWARD T 301 EARLINGTON SW RENTON WA 98055 214370015700 BUCHER JOHN R+SUSAN E 525 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370062009 CAMPBELL BRADLEY N 250 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 214370065507 CAMPBELL MARILYN 4653 S 168TH ST SEATAC WA 98188 214370032309 CHAN SUE FONG PO BOX 2221 RENTON WA 98056 214650009001 CHAU DONG T + THUY K LE 8625 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 132304909204 CHINN MELVILLE P 195 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 182305908903 CITY VIEW CHURCH 255 HARDIE AVE S W RENTON WA 98055 182305926905 COLLIER DALE FRANKLIN 308 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370071000 CRUZ CORAZON C+HARRY P 257 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370010602 DHINDSA PAL S 252 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370069509 DOLLE MAN GINA 269 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214650015008 DYTIOCO DANIEL D+ROVELYN T 8535 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 182305920304 CARPENTER TINA M 9711 8TH AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98115 214370050004 CHANARD PHILIPPE+CLAIRE 281 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 132304905509 CHEUNG KENNETH+SUSANNE Y CH 160 OAKESDALE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214650016006 CHOW WILLY+NGUYEN TUYEN THI 8529 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 214480092607 COHOE CAROL F W 808 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 182305910008 COOKS JAMES V PO BOX 729 CHELAN WA 98816 214480076.006 DANG HIEU-TRANG 7615 S LAUREL ST SEATTLE WA 98178 182305902005 DOLEJSI NATHAN+MICHELLE BUH 21 ARMOUR ST SEATTLE WA 98109 182305914901 DUNLAP BAPTIST CHURCH INC 330 SW 43RD ST #K-293 RENTON WA 98057 214370072503 EAGER RUSSELL 253 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370026509 CASSERD ROBERT A 1606 -42ND AVE SW SEATTLE WA 98116 214370060300 CHASE HANSON 238 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214650007005 CHIN JOHN H+KIM D THONG 8709 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 214370054006 CHUN SHAWN R 815 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214480073607 COLE CRAIG G 11837 RENTON AVE SEATTLE WA 98178 866350002006 CRIM LAWRENCE K+MITCHELL JU 211 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214650004002 DANIELS MICHAEL+GLORIA 8727 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 214480074605 DOLGE JAMES S & SANDRA L 8216 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 214370055003 DUNLAP BRIAN+ TAMI 901 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055· 214370030501 EGAN BRENDAN J 327 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370067008 EK DAVID A 908 SW 3RD PL RENTON WA 98055 182305909406 EVANS RUSSELL R+KNITTEL MAU 217 HARDIE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305921401 FELKER l D 8608 S 134TH SEATTLE WA 98178 214370010503 FOLEY ROBERT M 511 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 182305902104 GALVIN MARTHA N PO BOX 1468 RENTON WA 98057 214650001008 GARY ROBERT lR+DEMETRA 8638 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 184720004508 GREEN RHODA 262 LIND AVE SW STE B RENTON WA 98057 182305923308 GROTHEN BRADLEY D 225 LIND AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 184720009507 GYARMATI IMRE 218 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370053503 HASELFELD GREGORY A 811 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214480081006 EL HOLDINGS LLC PO BOX 473 PRESTON WA 98050 182305902203 FALL DAVID C 8820 S 134TH ST RENTON WA 98055 184720009002 FIALLOS LUIS+NESTOR 214 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 182305921500 FRED MEYER STORES INC C/O NICKEL & COMPANY PO BOX 35547 TULSA OK 74153 184720005505 GARBARINO FRANK L 10030 136TH AVE NE KIRKLAND WA 98033 214480073003 GOELZER CASEY 13273 84TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 182305911709 GRIFFIN CAMERON L PO BOX 1666 RENTON WA 98057 214370051507 GRYNIV VLADIMIR+MARIYA 267 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370015502 HARRISON MICHELLE B 260 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 182305912608 HENRY PHILLIP K 420 SW LANGSTON PL RENTON WA 98055 132304905608 ERICKSON KARL E+DIXON BEVER 150 OAKESDALE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 536520004006 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE 5000 PLANO PKWY CARROLLTON TX 75010 214370056001 FOBES KINSEY K III +DIANE J 909 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 536520002000 FREEMAN THOMASINA A 522 SW LANGSTON PL RENTON WA 98055 182305926004 GARCIA SILVRESTRE S 209 HARDIE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214480080008 GOV TEA HOR+IR ENG YOU 5128 S 168TH ST SEATTLE WA 98188 182305915403 GRIFFIN EDWARD L 316 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370070200 GUAN GUO JIAN+ lIN LI KWAN-W 263 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98059 214480075503 HASBROOK CAROLYN SUE 8210 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 182305929206 HOLMES ROBERT A+ROBERT A JR 5320 N E 26TH ST RENTON WA 98059 788290015007 HOOKS WILLIE T& APRIL C 221 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98056 866350011502 JANSEN JOHN & DEBBIE 303 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214650028001 JONES WILLIAM WAYNE+DEBRA F PO BOX 146 RENTON WA 98057 182305910909 KEEN TARA HASTINGS+NATHAN 5112 S BRANDON ST SEATTLE WA 98144 214650018002 LE TAM MINH+VI PHAN TUONG 8517 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 1823.05927309 LEVENS FAMILY TRST C/O LEVENS C P +S S TRSTEES 933 JASMINE CIR COSTA MESA CA 92626 214370059005 MAK JEN WEI 222 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 214650031005 MAYNARD RONALD 8426 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 214650002006 MCKINION BOOKER J+CATALINA 8642 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 214370060508 MICHAEL MARK C 244 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 788290011006 HU MIAO DAN+CHEN WEN J 212 OAKESDALE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 132304903405 JOHNSON MIRIAM K 185 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98005 182305923209 JOVANOVICH ANTHONY L POBOX 1587 RENTON WA 98057 535520003503 KUMAR MAHENDAR+NEELAM J 512 SW LANGSTON PL RENTON WA 98057 214650008003 LE THUY D 8703 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 214370023001 LISSMAN JOHN J 532 SW 3RD PL RENTON WA 98055 214480070504 MARTIN CONSTANCE L 8056 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 214370057207 MCALISTER KATHRYN B 212 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214650014001 MENDEZ FELIPE 5790 SOUNDVIEW DR #101 GIG HARBOR WA 98335 182305921302 MIDAS INTERNATIONAL CORP REAL ESTATE ACCOUNTING DEPT 1300 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RD ITASCA IL 60143 182305920502 ISADORE ALEX 13308 88TH AVE S RENTON WA 98055 182305925501 JONES JOHN R+PAMELA C 408 LANGSTON RD SW RENTON WA 98055 214370036508 JOVANOVICH GEORGE M+MARY C 701 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370033505 LANSCIARDI MARILYN M 609 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 182305902807 LEGG ARTHUR B+BURKE JOAN C 502 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214370009505 LUDAN SANTIAGO+JEAN GUMIRAN 501 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214370003508 MARTIN MARIELLE E 324 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305910701 MCDANIEL BETH A+SIEBERSMA T 8301 117TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 182305907301 MEYER DOROTHY 14611 SE 257TH ST KENT WA 98042 214370044007 MITCHELL WALTER G 712 SW THIRD PL RENTON WA 98055 182305914504 MOILANEN DAN 214 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 214370058502 MORRISON GARY L 925 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370050509 NAVAL RENATO S+MARIA S 273 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214480073201 NGUYEN TOAN Q 313 SENECA AVE NW RENTON WA 98055 214370007004 OKAMOTO JOHN D 330 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305907400 PACIFIC INVESTING & DEVELOP PO BOX 1021 KENT WA 98035 214370039007 PATRICELLI MARTIN M 729 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 535520005508 PHAN VAN T ET AL 518 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370043009 PLATA ENRIQUE OR BARBARA 140 LANDS END LN 105 S PO BOX 324 WESTPORT WA 98595 855350013003 PRASAD GANE.SH+SAKUNTLA D 217 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 535520004501 MOLINA ENRIQUE V+CHARLAINE 520 SW LANGSTON SEATTLE WA 98055 214370010008 MORTON DEVIN+MEYER LISA A 507 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214650013003 NGUYEN HANH T +CANG V 8501 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 182305915104 O'FARRELL PROPERTIES L L C PO BOX 7503 COVINGTON WA 98042 214370014000 ONISHI HOWARD HLINDA 3752 S 194TH ST SEATAC WA 98188 214370005005 PADDOCK MICHAEL W+CYNTHIA J 338 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 535520003008 PAZ FERNANDO 1918 E ALDER ST SEATTLE WA 98122 214370057502 PHILLIPS JOHN E & MARY R 24224 10TH PL W BOTHELL WA 98021 132304903801 PLUT RYAN G+KAREN KEEFER 205 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 855350013508 PRESTIGIOUS PROPERTIES LLC 220 SW SUNSET BLVD #A101 RENTON WA 98057 182305920105 MOORE JOHN & MADELEINE 99 HARDIE AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 214480080503 NANEVICZ STANLEY & GRETCHEN 8418 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 214550010009 NGUYEN PETER+ TROUNG TUEN+ TA 8519 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 214370024504 OHLSEN ALEX R+PAMELA S 524 SW 3RD PL RENTON WA 98055 866350003509 ORD LOIS C 221 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 536520002505 PANG TAK HAY+MUI PING CHU 600 SW LANGSTON PL RENTON WA 98055 182305914208 PEREZ FLORIDA+GILBERT 424 SW LANGSTON PL SEATTLE WA 98118 214370018001 PIEPER ROBIN HAMY C 264 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 184720000505 PORTERFIELD DEVELOPMENT LLC 811 1ST AVE STE 422 SEATTLE WA 98104 182305902609 PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 90868 BELLEVUE WA 98009 214370008507 PULLEN JEFFREY C/O SIMPSON NOREEN J 31478 MOORE RD NE #336 COULEE CITY WA 99115 214370040401 RADIN BENJAMIN J 274 THOMAS ST SW RENTON WA 98057 214370040005 RENTON CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 182305907202 RIVAS VICTORIA+CARILLO JUAN 209 LIND AVE SW RENTON WA 98005 788290001007 ROSTAD DAVID D 200 OAKESDALE AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 182305916708 RUTLEDGE RALPH L 252 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 184720007006 SEATTLE CITY OF SCL 700 5TH AVE STE 3200-AP PO BOX 34023 SEATTLE WA 98124 184720010505 SHIRA SONDRA D 302 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214650029009 SMITH BRIA N 8600 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 214370060003 SNOWCREEK HOLDINGS LLC PO BOX 126 MEAD WA 99021 214370063908 PUNSALAN ROWEN 940 SW 3RD PL RENTON WA 98055 182305909307 RAUSCHENBERG DAVID K+DIANE L 8915 S 133RD ST RENTON WA 98055 214650011007 REYES KEVIN P 8613 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 536520006506 ROBINSON FREDERICK III 606 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 182305903300 RPR PROPERTIES L L C 450 SHATTUCK AVE S RENTON WA 98057 214370026608 SAECHAO CHENG FIN+SAEPHAN S 507 SW 3RD ST RENTON WA 98055 182305920809 SEATTLE CITY OF SPU-WTR 700 5TH AVE STE 4900-RPS PO BOX 34018 SEATTLE WA 98124 182305919009 SHOULDERS PROPERTIES L L C 8024 NE 126TH PL KIRKLAND WA 98034 788290016005 SMITH DOUGLAS J+JENNA L 227 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 788290013002 SO TONY+QING YU 209 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305915205 RACKL ERIC+ELSA 20835 1ST PL S DES MOINES WA 98198 214370006501 RAVSTEN JON E+ELAINE T 318 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305905800 RICHARDSON LORI J 215 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370005008 ROBISON JAMES L 9670 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98118 182305914109 RUSSO JAMES V & COLLEEN A 504 SW LANGSTON PL RENTON WA 98055 536520000509 SAVINGS BANK OF PUGET SOUND 815 SECOND AVE SEATTLE WA 98104 182305919702 SESSA MICHAEL FARUQUI TASNEEM 201 HARDIE AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370035005 SIMPSON KATHERINE J 613 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 182305917409 SMITH-HOWEY JOAN+SMITH ROCK 624 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370051002 SO SA JUAN CARLOS+MARCOLINA 277 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370039106 SQUIRE JONAS W+LAURA J 210 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 132304909105 TEJADA NORLITA TAPAWAN 201 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 182305912806 THOMAS STEVEN BENTLEY 8800 S 134TH ST RENTON WA 98057 214370046309 TQM INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 5734 5 1215T ST SEATTLE WA 98178 214370064500 UMETA KAZUO 920 SW 3RD PL RENTON WA 98055 214370052000 VEY LAURA ANN 2520 194TH AVE KPS LAKE BAY WA 98349 536520001507 WALLACE ARLENE 44 AGATE BEACH RD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 214370037001 WEBB JOAN E 713 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370024801 WILLIAMS KENNETH W 314 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305920908 WONG DALE W Y 8632 S 134TH SEATTLE WA 98178 182305903003 SUNG TONY CHIU SHING 7332 32ND AVE S SEATTLE WA 98118 214370025501 TELSCHOW MARTIN l+SARAH A 901 S 32ND ST RENTON WA 98055 214370049501 THORNTON LAIRD M 285 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370019702 TROVER MARSHALL J 316 EARLINGTON AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305920700 UNDERWOOD BRENT 510 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98057 214650005009 VO HIEU 8721 S 133RD PL SEATTLE WA 98178 182305907905 WALTRUST PROPERTIES INC 104 WILMOT RD #1420 DEERFIELD IL 60015 214370066000 WHITE MARY 912 SW 3RD PL RENTON WA 98057 214370057009 WILSON M D 915 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370070507 WONG JO ANN+EVAN SOON 261 THOMAS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 182305922904 TAKETA PAMELA+FUGIMOTO BETT 8618 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 182305902708 TERRA VEGA CO PO BOX 73235 PUYALLUP WA 98373 214480070603 TIBBS PHILLIP K 8052 S 134TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 182305914406 UCHISON THOMAS l+ELIZABETH A RACHMAN 406 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370013002 VANDOREN JANET 517 SW LANGSTON RD RENTON WA 98055 214370027606 WALCZYK BRIAN+REDDING BEATR 343 STEVENS AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214370060102 WARD BARBARA A 232 POWELL AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 182305914505 WILLIAMS KENNETH A 410 SW LANGSTON PL RENTON WA 98055 214370057108 WIRICK LESLIE A 216 POWELL AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 214650012005 WONG MAGGIE 8607 S 133RD PL RENTON WA 98178 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division ofthe City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: May 8, 2012 LAND USE NUMBER, LUA12-034, ECF PROJECT NAME, Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for replacement. of approximately 1,194 linear feet of sewer with 12·inch PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of g-inch concrete pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe, and the rehabilitation of 1,672 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch concrete pipe using cured-in-place pipe. This construction would take place within the rights-of-way of SW langston Road (SW Sunset Boulevard to Powell Avenue SW), Lind Avenue SW (5W Langston Road to 5 134th Street), Stevens Avenue SW (SW Langston Road to S 134th Street), Bagley Place SW (SW Langston Road to SW Langston Place), and SW Langston Place. The proposed project would replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. Project work would take place within existing public rights-of-way that are adjacent to existing single-family neighborhoods. The project site is in the R-8 lone. PROJECT LOCATION: SW Langston Road, Lind Avenue SW OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (oNS): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There wi!! be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE, April 27, 2012 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION, May 8, 2012 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON, John Hobson, City of Renton; 1055 5 Grady Way; Renton, WA 98057; Eml: jl1obson@rentonwa.gov Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING, CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Construction Permit N/A Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 N/A The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential - 8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) on the City's Zoning Map. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-9-070 and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner, CEO - Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on May 22, 2012. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382; Eml: gwasser@rentonwa.gov II PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION II If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, (ED -Planning Division, lOSS So. Grady WaY,'Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il/lUA12·D34, ECF NAME: ______________________________________________________________ _ MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M 0 RAN DUM May 8,2012 John Hobson, PW -Utilities Gerald C. Wasser, Planning~ Notice of Complete Application Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II/LUA12-034, ECF The Planning Division ofthe City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on June 4, 2012. Prior to that review, you' will be notified if any additional information is required to continue proceSSing your application. Please contact me, at x7382 if you have any questions. cc: Yellow File h:\ced\pianning\current pianning\projects\12-034\acceptance memo 12-034.doc City of Renton p/ann , JngO' ", IlIiSio " n APR lAND lUJSE PEIRM~T MASTER APPl~CATIO'Mf!T~-~ 27 lOll PROPERTY OWNER{S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME:" C,"T'1 DF /Zr;:NrD ,.j , G£4;:.uNG,7Z>J./.sa,.E'72' .eeP1.ACli<1'~ Pft. TL , ' ADDRESS: lOSS :5, (;,./fLA 1:> Y L.4'1 CITY: ~,../ ZIP: 9f3e>S7 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: SkJ L.ANG,STb,J F1-t:> (05", ... ".,... r", ,pt>weu...) L.,,,,r:> ,4VC 1St.J~'"' "'A"~ .;.., ..:; I~sr) S7EvalS ""irS"", ..' ...J ' s.J {..~"'~..J PL.. TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): ~IA APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): R...O.'vJ. COMPANY (if applicable): , PROPOSED LAND USE(S): J-J/A EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: ,0 $1.-JG;t..E F'AM: '1::£5. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable) ;. N4 EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: I .e..-Z; CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/4 NAME: JOHN )j.,BS."~ SITE AREA (in square f';"~ AI&. ,SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): . ' " CITY ~C ~J DEDICATED: AI/A ADDRESS: " . " SQUARE FOOTAGE OF Pr.,WflT}i'l~~CESS EASEMENTS: N 1.4\,,'I:"'\~·~0tj:~~,~_ " . , CITY: ZIP: .. PROPOSED RESID,ENJ;I'.f~~liI$i;j~(IJ'I'~!lS PER NET ACRE (if applicabl~) 1e 4 r.AfO ~;.. "j}' ".,; , M 'A ", o· ;; ..... ..~ -.. .;. .... TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: 4z-s 4-!!.o 7279 . -J'J.",b.scner&l-knwq /;oV NUMBER OF PR6~d~EP .\D/~~~if app~ltCabl~t ' ' AI !A'. :;). -Je IS .. :;'!l"~ . ~~. ......... .~,I\\ ,\'" NUMBER OF NEW DWEU~ING;UNITS)(.f,applicable): N/A ...... -"; ... -: ... , 1,\1" , "·'nll/Jllt. , ~, H:\CED\Data\Forms-Temp\ates\sclf-HcJp Handouts\Planning\mastc.rapp.doc - 1 -03/11 r"" r-... PRe ~CTINFORMATrIO~N~~(4c~0~n~t=in~L~l)~. __________ ~~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: • N/A ." ;# 7~&J,tKJP SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): . . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXiSTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 1'//4 . o AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/4 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL .BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): AI/A-. -." 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD ·sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 0f 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): ' N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEw 0 SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 'sq. ft. PROJECT (if applicable): N )4 0 WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRiPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE -ski QUARTER OF SECTION ~, TOWNSHIP .bjL, RANGE ~ IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON - AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP 'I, (Print Name/s) -JlPbIJ"I .# B;$pJ· , declare under penalty of pe~ury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please c~ck one) __ . the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ authorized' representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and an~wers herein contained an in! mati herewith are i,n all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. STATE OF WASHINGT()N ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) 4/te»n .. rl Date Signature of Owner/Representative I certify that'J know or have satisfactory evidence that 30h '" ~b50 n signed this instrument and acknowledge n to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. ' . ""'"\\\\\''''' I-:J.. ~,,, 0"" TJi:./" # ~~1~ . r the Slate of Washington . f '0 &~~ '6\ \ Dated ~~. DC/6\.~ c> i,.. E Date ~ ~-'" i is ~ Notary (Print): ~t'h'ne C f.lo~""""t'\ ~;;!\ ""19-\." CI = .., a I I ~'t. 'i7~ """'''''''",*,-if' ~ My appointment expires: -= ... :...-...:l:...1.!..-...:I:...J.L.... ____________ _ ~'/" 0," W ",<:> " .... -$ 111,"""""" ... H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Hclp Handouts\Planning\masterapp.doc - 2 -03/11 Project Narrative Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II The project proposes to replace approximately 1,194 linear feet of existing 8" concrete sewer with 12" PVC pipe, 845 linear feet of 8" concrete with 8" PVC pipe and rehabilitate 1,672 linear feet of 8" and 6" concrete pipe using cured-in-place-pipe. This construction will take place within the rights-of-way of SW Langston Rd (SW Sunset Blvd to Powell Ave SW), Lind Ave SW (SW Langston Rd to S 134'h St), Stevens Ave SW (SW Langston Rd to S I 34th St), Bagley PI SW ( SW Langston Rd to SW Langston PI) and SW Langston PI. The purpose of the project is to replace old and undersized concrete sanitary sewers with new sewers. The project will be within existing right-of-ways that are adjacent to single family residential neighborhoods. This site and the surrounding properties are zoned R-S. The proposed project is estimated to cost $700,000. City of Renton Planning DiVision APR 27 2012 Project Mitigation Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase II The project is scheduled to be constructed in the summer of 2012. Construction will take place Monday through Friday between 7AM and 5PM. The contractor will be required to obtain a traffic control plan approved by the City's Transportation Department. A water truck will be used to minimize dust during construction. PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKll~rOf,qe to . '" Ull/iSiOf) n APR City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: 271011 /!fr~((;~#r;~rJ The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPAl. Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies If) consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON PROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. H:IFile SyslWWP -WasteWaterlWWP-27-3615 Earlington SS Repl Ph IIISEPAISEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc - 1 . 02/08 A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT PHASE II 2. Name of applicant: CITY OF RENTON 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 425-430-7279 JOHN HOBSON, PROJECT ENGINEER 4. Date checklist prepar~d: APRIL 10, 2012 5. Agency requesting checklist: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. GRADY WAY RENTON, W A. 98057 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): SUMMER/ FALL 2012 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. NONE 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. NONE KNOWN 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. CITY OF RENTON RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL UPSIZE 1,194 LINEAR FEET OF EXISTING 8" CONCRETE SEWER WITH NEW 12" PVC SEWER PIPE. IT WILL ALSO REPLACE 845 LINEAR FEET OF EXISTING 8" CONCRETE SEWER WITH H:IFile SysIWWP· WasteWaterlWWP-27·3615 Earlington SS Repl Ph IIISEPAISEPA chklst Eanington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc ·2· 02/08 NEW 8" PVC SEWER PIPE. IN ADDITION, 910 LINEAR FEET OF EXISTING 8" AND 762 LINEAR FEET OF 6" CONCRETE SEWER WILL BE REHABILITATED WITH CURED'IN-PLACE-PIPE. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. THE PROJECT WILL REPLACE OR REHABILITATE THE SEWERS IN SW LANGSTON RD (BETWEEN SW SUNSET BLVD AND POWELL AVE SW, LIND AVE SW (BETWEEN SW LANGSTON RD AND S 1341>< ST), STEVENS AVE SW (BETWEEN SW LANGSTON RD liND S 134'" ST), BAGLEY PL SW (BETWEEN SW LANGSTON RD AND SW LANGSTON PL) AND SW LANGSTON PL. H:IFile SyslWWP -WasteWate~WWP-27·36t5 Earlington SS Repl Ph IIISEPAISEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc - 3 -02108 B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling. HILLY, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _ b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) STEVENS AVE SW BETWEEN SW LANGSTON RD AND S 134'H ST AT 16% IS THE STEEPEST SLOPE ON THE PROJECT. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. GLACIAL TILL d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. TRENCH BACKFILL WILL CONSIST OF 100% IMPORTED AND APPROVED CRUSHED ROCK. ALL EXCAVATED MATERIALS WILL BE EXPORTED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL SITE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION IS MINIMAL SINCE ALL EXCAVATION WILL OCCUR WITHIN EXISTING PAVED ROADWAYS. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? THERE WILL BE NO CHANGE IN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: ·2. AIR STANDARD EROSION CONTROL FOR UTILITY EXCAVATION WITHIN ROADWAYS, SUCH AS CATCH BASIN SOCKS, WILL BE UTILIZED. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. DUST AND ENGINE EMISSIONS FROM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT WILL BE PRESENT DURING CONSTRUCTION. H:IFile SysIWWP· WasteWater\WWP·27·3615 Earlington SS Repl Ph IIISEPAISEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc • 4 • 02108 b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: 3. WATER STANDARD EMISSION CONTROL DEVICES WILL BE UTILIZED BY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND STANDBY GENERATORS WILL BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONAL PHASES OF THIS PROPOSAL. As NEEDED, DUST CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO LIMIT DUST DURING CONSTRUCTION. a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it Ilows into. NO 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 leet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. NiA 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed Irom surface water or wetlands and indicate the area 01 the site that would be affected. Indicate the source 01 liII material. NONE 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities il known. NO 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 DO-year flood plain? II so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges 01 waste materials to surface waters? II so, describe the type 01 waste and anticipated volume 01 discharge. No b. Ground Water 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities il known. H:IFile SysIWWP· WasteWaterlWWP-27-3615 Earlington SS Repl Ph IIISEPAISEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc - 5 -02108 SHALLOW GROUNDWATER MAY BE WITHDRAWN AS NECESSARY TO DEWATER THE GROUND WHERE TRENCHING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PIPELINES OCCURS AT OR BELOW THE WATER TABLE. ANY WITHDRAWN WATER (UNKNOWN QUANTITY) WILL BE ROUTED THROUGH A SEDIMENTATION/DEWATERING FACILITY TO REMOVE EXCESS SEDIMENT AND THEN WOULD LEAVE THE SITE VIA THE EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. NONE c. Water Runoff (includ'ing storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. STORM RUNOFF WILL BE COLLECTED BY THE EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS ON THE PROJECT ROADWAYS. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: NONE 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: __ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs __ grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eel grass. milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount. of vegetation will be removed or altered? NONE c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. H:\Fite Sys\WWP -WasteWater\WWP-27-3615 Earlington S8 Repl Ph 11\SEPA\SEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc - 6 -02108 NONE KNOWN d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: N/A 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, ~ongbirdsl, other ________ _ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other .,.-.,.-_______ _ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _____ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. NONE KNOWN c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain UNKNOWN d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: N/A 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. N/A. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: N/A 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. H:\File Sys\wwp· WasteWater\WWP·27·3615 Earlington S8 Rept Ph II\SEPA\SEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc - 7 -02108 THERE IS A POTENTIAL RISK FROM THE HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH MACHINERY OPERATION AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, SPILLS OF MACHINE FLUIDS, RISK OF FIRE AND EXPLOSION AND OTHER SIMILAR, NORMAL CONSTRUCTION HAZARDS EXIST. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. NONE ARE ANTICIPATED. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, LOCAL FIRE, AID OR RESCUE SERVICES AND PERSONNEL MAY BE REQUIRED. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: TRENCH BOXES, BRACING, SUMP PUMPS AND OTHER ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES WILL BE UTILIZED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL FOR PERSONAL INJURY. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? NONE 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. THERE WILL BE SHORT TERM NOISE FROM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE OPERATED DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES WILL BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS TO REDUCE NOISE IMPACTS TO SURROUNDING RESIDENTIAL AREAS. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? RESIDENTIAL b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. NO c. Describe any structures on the site. N/A d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? H:IFile SyslWWp· WasteWaterlWWP-27-36t5 Earlington SS Repl Ph IIISEPAISEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc - 8 -02108 NO e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-8 RESIDENTIAL f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. NO i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? NONE j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? NONE k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: NlA 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. NONE b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. NONE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: N/A 10_ AESTHETICS H:IFile SyslWWP -WasteWaterIWWP-27-3615 Earlington SS Repl Ph I1ISEPAISEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc -9-02/08 a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. NiA b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? NONE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: NiA 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? NONE b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? NONE d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: NlA 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? NONE b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: NiA 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. NONE KNOWN H:IFile SyslWWP -WasteWater\WWP-27-3615 Earlington SS Repl Ph IIISEPAISEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc -10-02108 b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. NONE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. SW LANGSTON RD, SW LANGSTON PL, BAGLEY PL SW, STEVENS AVE SW & LIND AVE SW b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest tra'nsit stop? NO. THE CLOSEST PUBLIC TRANSIT AVAILABLE IS JUST WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF SW SUNSET BLVD AND RAINIER AVE S. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? NONE d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? No e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. NO f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. NONE g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: N/A 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. NO H:\File Sys\WWP ~ WasteWater\WWP-27-3615 Earlington S8 Repl Ph lI\SEPA\SEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc -11 • 02/08 b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A 16. UTILITIES a. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. THE PROJECT WILL REPLACE OR REHABILITATE EXISTING SANITARY SEWERS. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or ::~:::,.Of'"" :a;zm yp ," -.J""'A.I J.J.,s:"..J . Name Printed: , Date: H:\File Sys\WWP -WasteWater\WWP-27-3615 Earlington 58 Repl Ph II\SEPA\SEPA chklst Earlington Sewer Replacement Phase Il.doc -12 -02/08 FINANCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES DEPAR1'MENT MEMORANDUM c· ItyOf ------------------------------------------------------~A~ann· Rento IngD' n DATE: April 23, 2012 '/viSiOn TO: Casaundra Commodore, Finance & Information Services APR 2 ~ lUll Department IffII£ Gerald Wasser ((:;~#~~fN. Re: INTERFUND TRANSFER REQUEST tS;;;1.!dI FROM: SUBJECT: Instructions: Please note that failure to provide all digits will result in processing delays. All Signatures and correct documentation must be included. Please prepare the following inter-fund transfer: D epartment Ch arl(e d Account Number Project, function, task, sub-task Description 426/o00000/018/5950/0035/63/o000001U45405 Earlington Sewer Replacement Ph. II SEPA fee 426/000000/018/5950/0035/63/0000001U45405 Technology fee /' "'-.(\ / A III Total *Chan!ed Department Authorizati7V ff APPROVAL SIGNATURE: / {/ --- Printed Name David Christens~ Date A12ril23,20l2 CREDIT- Amount $1,000.00 $30.00 $1,030.00 Account Number Project, function, task, sub-task Description Amount 000.000000.007.345.81.00.007 Earlington Sewer Replacement Ph. II SEPA fee $1,000.00 503.000000.004.322.10.00.011 Technology fee $30.00 Total $1,030.00 I Reason: I Note: Documentation to support this transfer request must be attached and all signatures are required. Cash Transfer FormlFinance!bh Revised 01109 Printed: 04-27-2012 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEiPT Perm jt#: LUA 12-034 04/27/2012 03:26 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,030.00 Payee: CITY OF RENTON Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment lOT PW 1,030.00 Account Balances Amount 30.00 1,000.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000000.020.345 Park Mitigation Fee .00 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee .00 3954 650.000000.000.237 Special Deposits .00 5006 000.000000.007.345 Annexation Fees .00 5007 000.000000.011.345 Appeals/Waivers .00 5008 000.000000.007.345 Binding Site/Short Plat .00 5009 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Use Fees .00 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review .00 5011 000.000000.007.345 Prelim/Tentative Plat .00 5012 000.000000.007.345 Final Plat .00 5013 000.000000.007.345 PUD .00 5014 000.000000.007.345 Grading & Filling Fees .00 5015 000.000000.007.345 Lot Line Adjustment .00 5016 000.000000.007.345 Mobile Home Parks .00 5017 000.000000.007.345 Rezone .00 5018 000.000000.007.345 Routine Vegetation Mgmt .00 5019 000.000000.007.345 Shoreline Subst Dev .00 5020 000.000000.007.345 Site Plan Approval .00 5021 000.000000.007.345 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence .00 5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees .00 5024 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Approval Fee .00 5036 000.000000.007.345 Comprehensive Plan Amend .00 5909 000.000000.002.341 Booklets/ElS/Copies .00 5941 000.000000.007.341 Maps (Taxable) .00 5998 000.000000.000.231 Tax .00 R1201914 L() r- ill C0 I r--... C\I I 0... .$ $ EARLINGTON SEWER REP ........ CEMENT PHASE II -- Q) (jJ (Ij .c -0... +-' c Q) E oQ) u (Ij n. Q) rr: "- Q) $: Q) (j) c 0 ~ ..... OJ c >:: i (Ij w ~ ......". . .,... """ PACE t' ,~~.k"'*,1 ~ CITY OF --1"=100' ® ~~ JDH RENTON -JDH I "" ~ I """'" """ =< Planning/Building/Public Warks Dept. D"C , war at« IIQj NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR """""" --, LH EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT ':::'" Phase II APR 2012 S-1 .5fttr: or: 1 10 ~\ '"'L J~"ifl=tt1".,~, •• ",,,,,",,,, •. _.,,,,,,-,,-,,;,,,,,=,,-,,,,,~<:-,,j~.--=,~.~ .. '~";'" ~_.,<_~,_",.,,=,,'o,.,·,,,-,,,,.'·'_~_'·',,"~-, ,~~,,,.,,.~ •. ,_,~;, ·~i'·'--"'~_-"·~''''·'--'='-~'.''_·~c'~~'--~,,";' ~,.,,,,~.,_<.,-~:o ~~~',_,,, '~. "~" .. "",~,-"~_,,~,",-~,-.,_>~>~,,,_~-,_,~~~.",~ •. ~ ~?'_ ;,~~~ ___ ~,_~o " __ ~" ,~_ .. --"-'L" ;>-~, _.",.~,_ t~-,," .-~'"'o,~,""-,,''' "~'_"-;;~"~"",~-_, ,,=....' , ""=·1"",,--,=»_~~,,,<3""""". ,;~_ •. ~.~-""~-" __ ~_<'_'~ .• ~,:l" .. ,'! . , LO r- to C!J I l"- N I 0..- S S OJ (/) co ..c:: .0 .... '- OJ S OJ (J) C o +-' OJ C (V) I-w w I U) w w U) \ \ \ UNPLATTED SlRJP BETYr£EN PLAT AND EXIST. R/W 0", w • I ~ • '2.\1 (.\...".8'l.~ I ~s' "-~'-'" '!lIe' I TL. 9025 ~ -I . . I % .. '2.\' €.\--~,n~:2. ~~ f~~,-", ... 1 e' I TL 0020 ~ . \ NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCA TlONS ARE BASE ON BEST INFORMA TlON AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RECONNECTIREINSTATE EACH LIVE SIDE SEWER THA T IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE. :N 178140:63 90 . 80. o· ................. ~ ......................... . : : :t:MOVE(S,t . . . : : : 7S17NG. : : · . . .8 SEWS . . : : : : )/j'AND : • .... 70: ......... : ......... : ......... : ........ : .... /i'C"P:L<!CE.. .... : ......... : ............ . · . . . . . WlTIi34 . : : : : : : . 7lFOF . : : : : : : : : 1<·PVC· .... 60: ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... ~ 1':5%. .......... . . . . ~ . . . .................... ~u ................ ··············· -S .s: o ~ . ~ .. · .. E 1297466.43 ....................................................................................................................................... . :REMOVEExISTINGMHAND: : REPLACE WITH NEW 54" MH : . . . . :RIM= 67.47 80 : · .. :/F12" SE"::: 59.30· . : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : . . . . . . . . :IE12"NW=59AO : EX·SSMH 531B~138 ~~~~~~~----~ " E i 297721. 77 : 2·~ . . . . . . . . . RIM= 40.45. . · ~ ~ ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ....... IE :12"· E·~· 32.~· (EXISTING): ........ . : : : : E· : : : : : IE :10" SW = 32.9 (EXISTING) 5 IE 12" NW =:33.70 -UJ . . . .. -..................................................................................... . EX. ROAD : . A801~ . : 'C SE.)\l':R 70· .................... 60· · ............ 9...... .... 50; ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ........ 1?~AfOVEE.X/S : ....... : ......... ; ........ : ....... : ... ~ .... ~ ...... E.: ......... : ........ . 50· · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TtNG lr. .•. e.g, ~ . E / /' /' : City of Rent . 40· .•• : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SEWER 4ND REP~CE 'A': :'. • ~. l ~ · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rY/TIi2. . ... . 40: ......... : ................... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ................... : ......... : ......... : ........... ~lFO:t2.PVC@9.7~~.'·:·········· ·······0 . . . . . . . . . : ........ Planning DIVISI ..... 39: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3.0. : APR 21 'LOU """ APR 2012 S-2 Phase II 2 10 EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT ~ I;;~;;;,_",.,. ... ;;:----l REVISION """"'" """" PACE ~~~"'alll ~ CITY OF """"" 1"=20' ~>r JOH ® RENTON ..-JOH ON< "" """"" .,,'" """ Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. OMC ~IIJTCt.I[IIoIOl BY DATE APPR -""'~, LH NO. "" 'Ot" j-- ,,[ , , > Z-" -.~ !Ou'-· -,,,,~ _~ -'. rt'<'" r.! ,,, n -, V-"-' j. ,! l!) T-" <.0 C0 I f'. C\J I (1.. S S Q) (f) ct) .r:: -(1.. ....... c Q) E ,Q) U ct) 0.. Q) a: '- Q) ~ Q) (f) c 0 ....... OJ C '- ct) w ~ ~ W W :r: CJ) W W CJ) ~ ~ W SEE SHEET 8 NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCA TlONS ARE BASE ON BEST INFORMA TlON AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RECONNECTIR£lNSTA T£ EACH LIVE SIDE SEWER THAT IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE. SEE SHEET 7 #2: : N 178248.48 : E 129713;W5 \ \ \ N i30 W .13 9 ....................... . . ..................... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : REMOVE EXISTING MH AND (f) m i20 m :r: CJ) w w CJ) .120 ..... : ......... : ......... :E1296804.48 ..... : ......... : ......... : ........ . : REMOVE:EXISTING. MH AND: : REPLACE WITH NEW 54" MH: . . . . : RIM= 138.81 . . . . . . . .1.10 ..... : ......... : ......... :/E12~SE=.132.39.: ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .......... : ......... : .340lP 100 : IE 12" NW = 132.49 : :IE 6"NW= 132.90 : 90 . . . . . . . . : REPLACE WITH NEW 54" : RIM= 105.80 . . . : IE 12" SE: = 99.31 : ... : IE 12""NW==99.41·:········· . . : IE 6" N =.99.90 ...................... , ..................................... . (f) :r:: .~~ .................. . 110 m ·················································m --j 100 N .......................................................................... -................................................................................................................................................................... . of Rentcn ning Divisioi . ....... ·80 ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .... : .... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : . APR 2-7 Z01Z ........, """ PACE 'otJfJX:.\L: -.l11U CITY OF 1"=20' ~ !WI 1M3/'.' ~ ....... ® :+ JDH RENTON ..-JDH "" ~ """"'" " n.u ""-' Planning/Building/Public Warks Dept. D"C F war eN: N::H NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR """""" "'""-, LH Phase II S-3 EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT ';:'" r.M;;;;_= ... --! APR 2012 SI£El', or: 3 10 l.[) T""" CD (f) I t'-- N I 0.... 3: 3: +-' C G.l E ,G.l U CO 0.. G.l 0::: '- G.l 5: G.l (f) C o +-' OJ C l.(') tu w :r: if} w w if} (TYP.) 11... 0055 11... 00$ \~ \ \ NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCA TlONS ARE BASE ON BEST INFORMA TlON AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RECONNECTIREINSTATE EACH LIVE SIDE SEWER THA T IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE. .~ ·200 ...................................................................................... : ......................................................................................... : ....................................... : ......... : ..... 200.:. ·190 .................................................................................................... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ...... 190. :. ...................... : iNSr..u.~ : ......... : .......................... . : 2~LF' : : OF8· n(r-. . . . <-(r'p ·180 ........................................................... : ............................. : ....................................... : ................ 1BO. : .. :~7q ...... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ... REHABILITATE: ......... :. ............................................................................................................ 170.: -1 . · . . . . . . . . N 17B477.47· .. .. : : : : : : : : : E 1296413.76: : : 1Nsr""L : : : : : : : : : : : RIM = )B6.76: : : ,., L 207 : · . . . . . . . . IE B" s~ = 176.2 . . . . Lf:.OFe_ .. : 160 ...... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ... 'IE' B"' NW = '176:3' : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ..... C/Pp ... . · . . . . . . . . IE B" ~ = 176.2' . . . . . . ..................... '. . . ..................................................................... 16~. : '1~ .. . 150 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : REHABILiTATE (f) m m (f) :c m m -I w : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ ~;:~~~i~!9 : : : : INsr"1i.L 2a: :..;r t f Ii _ ... :~40 .......................... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ~~8"~Sn??53.5"":""""':""""':""""':""""':"'" e.L,:qF!J~C;p /")/~ 40;, 9 D~~.ton . . . . : IE B" NW =: 153.6 '. : IV/S/on APR 27 LOll I ~ f' 012 EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT ,.., h:",;;;;;._",. ",~--I S-4 ~, Of; 4 10 ...."" """ PACE 1"=20' H"4Q~~aL~8Il ~ CITY OF """'" ~~ JDH ® RENTON -JDH "" "'" """" A1 fU.L s:AU Plann;ng/BuiJd;ng/Publ;c Works Dept. DMe ,. Jo«JT ()Io« KIj NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR -""'~, LH Phase II +-' C Q) E Q) u cO 0... Q) a: I- Q) 5: Q) (f) c o +-' 0) C I- cO W """-01"" CO RIM= 224.28 .. -.. L .. T.L. 0875 /' T.L. 0370 RECONNECT ALL EXISTING LIVE SIDE SEWERS. I SEE SEWER CONNECTION· NOTES ON SHEET 10 (TYP.) T.L. 0365 SEE SHEET 9 ~b~~~l~~~~==~~== T.L. 0355 NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCA TlONS ARE BASE ON BEST INFORMA TlON AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RECONNECTIREINSTATE EACH LIVE SIDE SEWER THAT IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE ~~~lli(f) m ~~-Slm (f) ~~$;~l.JJ~ ~~ m -I -..t::- 2~: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ...... : ......... : ':XB~~fON' ....... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ..... . 230· : N 178801.37 . E 1295767.56 : RIM = 224.Q8 .... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ..... 230.: ..... . . ~ ~U ~~ C o. . .• t~ : . ~~ : : g o~ . U) · ... 220 : LA' 'l' ....... '.: ......... : ......... : ....... '0 • • • • • • • • • • • ': ••••• : ••••••• 3 ....................... EX.' R~~~' ~~~~. ~~~~ ................. ~ ................... ~ ........ ! ....... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ..... ?20. : ...... ~ ""l~ '.. .;. . "" m : ~f::~~Z l ~~::796.57 l . l : . 'VEFX, :· .. ; ........ ·.·~E~~~~/~TIN~~.·S~~E~A;~·: .... ·~· .. ·: ...... ···:·o ........ : ......... : ......... : .......... : ......... : ......... : ........... ~ ~ 200: CONCRETE : E 1295755.88: : : : ~ ;~gb~cin4 : : : .: : : : REPALCE It'(ITH 506 Lf OF 8· PVC @3:. : : : : m ......... PLUG ............... INSTA1;LNEW54··MH·····.·· .. ···· ................. ··RIM·= 219 .. 78-. ...... ................ ........................ ............. ............ ............. ......... .... ............. .......... ...................... ............. . .200 ........ m . . . RIM=224.28· . . . IE 8" NW &. SE:= 210.75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -I IE 8" SE = 214.8i :EX SSMH (CONCRETE) -- :N 1I004L4":~ ..t::- · ... 1 ~O : ............... ~ .... ~ .................................................................... : ......... : ..... ~ ... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ..... ~ ... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ~ ........ : ......... ~IJ 2;6~~~.~~ ......... : ..... 190. : ..... ~ . . . ]E 8" SE = 199.55 C; : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (~!·NW~9i99.65 Ity of ReI'. to · ... 180: ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... A(8LRI(.EAORD-N-SY:I'NEALp'LA8eCaE~TJnif1fJ biv/' ~/' 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .,. ~On : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APR 2 7 ~U1Z ..,.,.. """ 2012 PACE ~~~.1 CITY OF 1"=20' ..,.,." JDH EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT ';:::'" f::",,,,_,,,,,",,,,,,,,,---I ~ ~>r RENTON -JDH S-5 Phase II ® "" ~ <><=> " fW. "'" Planning/Building/Public Works Oept. D"C , IDf ON( IIOl NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR """""" --, LH :5I£LJ; 0(; 5 10 L() r- ill (f) I l"- N I 0.... S S ....... c (]) E .(]) o ct1 0.. (]) a: '- (]) 3:: (]) (f) c o ....... 0) c '- ct1 W -I co RIM~ 253.51 I TL 0570 · . : ABANDON ----~ S. W. LANGSTON RD. T1.. OD2(J TL 0540 TL 0585 NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCA TlONS ARE BASE ON BEST INFORMA TlON AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RECONNECTIREINSTATE EACH LIVE SIDE SEWER THAT IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE. \ \ \ \L--"----- ! / . ~ \ ( J ~ •• x .' ,/ · EX SSCO . . . · .. ,2,60. : ......... : .~g~gi:i;~i3 ....... : ......... ~ ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... ~ ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .................................. 260. .... . · RIM = 253:51 ~ . · IE 6" E = ~40.63 250. . ••••••• o. ••••••••• . w ·~U ..... :i l ..... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ....... ~ i ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .... 25~ .. : .. EX. ROAD ABOVE :S£I1~R -E'~ L ~ E • .. 1'1'1::. 3: OJ." <IJ '> ~ b L • V 3:g L.U · ... '.'.'. .4ElANlJ01 j . . MH #5 .......................... • ............................. • ......... • . . . . . . .' • ......... • ......... • . . . • . ... • ......... • ... '. . .. • . . . . . . ~. i . . . . . '. . ....... • ......... • ......... • ......... • ......... ~·l i .. • . . . . . .; . • ......... • .... '" . • .. · .. '" 'if5~ ..... ·ir~£~W54; "H .......•.........•......................................... INSTALL 461LF or6~ Clpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•.........•.........•.........•.. ! f ....•........ if \ ......•.... '" .•.. : : :RIM 253;50 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~. : : : : ;IE 8" SE ::i 240.05 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : APPBOX 3' oF. 8" PVC ~: : : · .. ,2,20. : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .•....... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : •........ : .... CONNECTED TO THE£. .. : ......... : ......... : .... 2;Z0 .. : .. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EXISTING 6" CONCRETE: . . EX SSMH (CONCRETE 210. : • .......... ......... N 178828.29. . 210. · ...... : ........................................ '. ',' ............................................................................................................................................................................................... E '1'295652:58 .......................... . · : : : : -,,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : RIM = :233.85 : C "t : : · . . . . . . .. .. ........ IE 8" S = 226.12: 1)1: f : . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ......".,..0 Rent : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : IE 6 I~W = 226.22: p : . . . on · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fannm -.' · .. 2.00. : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .. g2Q9lVision APR 27 LUll """"" ""'" PACE ...orrrJt.: JoIM) 1" CITY OF 1"=20.' HOItIZtJN'(.IL: !WI lMl/11181 ~I~ ".,.,.. ® JDH RENTON ..-JDH , .... ,,, -'" .. ",,""'"' Plann;ng!Bu;ld;ng!Publ;c Works Dept. DMe .. NOT eM: JCH NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR """"'" ""'-., LH EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACi'~rMt~~~Rrr-201-12 ~'" S-6 Phase II Sl-£Ef: 01': 6 10 1,1',." ". ,' .. Q) (/) ro .c .0.. +-' C Q) E .. Q) () ro Q. Q) 0:: L.. Q) 5: Q) (j) c o +-' 0) C /' /' /' /' /' /' -J Q ./' a I/.::::: r ··-··-··-··-··-··7~J I ~~ /'. . d!zs 11.. 0005 /' k . ~g~ U) /' /' :ci R, INSTATE ALL EXISTING I :::.~ ~ /' ~ LIVE SIDE SEWERS AND INSTALL ~"'~~~ /' /' ~ i-LINERS· AT EACH. I /' 8 SEE SEWER CONNECTION /' ~ESONSHEET10 I/'" ) /' 3 . • ~ -~ _--,I~ , , , 11.. 2ti5 LIND AVE SW 10 I "'l' a a }:! I I I L~ l .0-Sg I I I l I I I I G dlJdl: c- v .; Ii d '" ... gCj "'C\ WU> "'< 11.. 72 I I ~ .. _ .'_ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. :r~," NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCA TlONS ARE BASE ON BEST INFORMA TlON AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RECONNECTIREINSTA TE EACH LIVE SIDE SEWER THAT IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE. / / / · ........... 160 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1.6.0 ..... '" .................. . . . .. ....... . 150· . . · 150 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 140· : MH#8 · ....................... .....,.;;-;.;:~,."....,'7 : N 178 9..41 · 140 ................................................................................................................................................... : E 1297129.00 : REMOVE. EX. C.o. ~ND . · .......... 130: ......... : .REP.LACE. W/TH.NE.W. 4.8~ M.f-!: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ex. 'f? .. : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .1.3.0 ...... : ......... : ......... : . . : RIM = 15~.63. . . . . .. O>lQ >l80: . . . . . . . . . . : : : IE 8 N S = :148.9:t: : : : : INS-'" . . II[ Sew,. . . . . . . . . . /-'11.(, .' oR : : : : : : : : : : 80, I./=" . .... : ....... 120: ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .......•. : ......... : ......... : ......... : ........ 01="6:"CI,6p:. MH#2 . . N 178255.$4 ....... : ......... : ......... £'1297141.59 ..... . :SEE SHE~T 3 FOR 'INFORMATION · 120 · ... : ...... .119: ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ................... : ......... : ......... : ................... : ...... . · 110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....................................... . . .. . · .......... 100: ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ..... "". ............. . . .'00 . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . ~:!~n~~ ~~~i~~n APR 27 LUll ......... """ PACE 1"=20' ~~k"'illtl ~ CITY OF """'" :+ JDH ® RENTON ~ JDH ""' ~ ""'"'" " n.u ""-' Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. D"C f'l«lTaLlNCli NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR ..,.,.,." ..... _, lli EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENTIoooii;if--j Phase II -,., S-7 »£ET: 01': 7 10 ill (f) co .r:. . 0.... +-' C ill E ill U co Q. ill 0: '- ill ~ ill (j) C o ...... OJ C -;:: co w • / / 180 170 (--';-----,,;;TOO .. --• I I STEVENS AVE SW ~ H • I I I • '-~~L ,- dl S.2: RECONNECT ALL EXISTING LIVE SIDE SEWERS. SEE SEWER CONNECTION NOTES ON SHEET 10 (7YP.) .., ci ~ I _h_ Wz 8i5~ "oiM .. ~~ ~I-o :t:~2 ---- NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCATIONS ARE BASE ON BEST INFORMA TlON AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RECONNECTIREINSTA TE EACH LIVE SIDE SEWER THA T IS CONNECTED TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE. b N 180 170 ................ . ................................................................................................................................... . E :12968015.32 Rill = 180.23 : ... )60 ... JE:~~ N.=: .17;l;4~ .................................. . IE 12" S = 173.38 150 ~~u~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -sc~' . : ......... : ......... : ......... :N :20' ..... . l? : : : :E 1296811.03 Op : SEE SHEET 3 FOR :/NFORMATJON · . . . . .. .. . . : .1~0 ..... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : .... (f.l~8% 160 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 · 130· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130· . . . : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... enid, l':l : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.Y of Rento · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Planning Div" n . : . 120 ..... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ......... : ................................................. : ................................................... 120 ......................... : . . . . . ISlon NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR """"" PACE """"" JDH ---JDH """"" DMe 1"=20' . ..,... APR 27 LUlZ i " 2012 CITY OF RENTON EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT =- I;;~;::_=~:----l Phase II S-8 Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. Cf; 8 10 LO ,-- to (f) I l'- N I 0... S s QJ (f) ru ..c .0... ....... C QJ E .QJ <.> ru Q.. QJ [( >- QJ $: QJ (J) C a ....... (J) c ~.'"'-~vvv I J...L. UU JJ I ~sE. f ~ tc._225. ~sE. f600 tL_22"0 . i"\5f. f 5'\6 E.L_2\B.9 ... J!>\4 rI~ f 5\2 E.\..._212.2 \51 f\. sO'El'1 / ~ \51 f\.~£In ~ \ 51 f\.~El'1 sE. f 5H \ f\.$t~1 NO B"-~sE. , ~ tL_2\9.99 / I '/ll B' -:/;; ~ sO'El'1 ~ ~OB ~ ~O gi< J/#//~~/~/#.h_ \51 f\. sE.\.lEl'1 ~ Bit' 7 '\ E.\..-20 . I ~O Bi< 0085 " ,,"CE \ I " W f:4~w//'//'/.«:< I I 22','34' I cd"'- 09 ,51 f\- \5.6 ._.ct.li I 0 I I """" c#"'- , I cd"'- ~ .... 'J • T1. 0068 I I I cd"'- """" • T1. 0060 /~ 4' F('~CE. --..~l I ""c. ~ .... ----r----'~---L---.----____ -r _____ • ."H 285.00' SW LA~GSTON PL I T1. 0006 • , , RECONNECt ALL EXISTING l'~") LIVE SIDE S~WERS. SEE SEWERICONNECTION NOTES ON SHEET 10 (TYP.) I TL. 0055 I f/; ~~J,~{ 0..-"""" ~ rvI/lIII///i/i/I/lI/lI/lII/III/1II1II1. I I I • -" -. . . . . , . . . , I • < , ~ u 1 , , I- .0:' • N' I"') 1-.. " I"') i/i -.J Q CO • RI'tA 185 .&4 REIN )\ TE ALL EXISTING sE. , 502 tL~\79.B LIVE SIDE SEWERS I ~51J:;~ (TYP.) : 0 Bi<--~ -r.L. 2)1 . I ~ ,&5.'2'.... . cB RI\.l '/l \ BO·J \E. 6" coN ~~ 1S\.' IE 6" c~ S 180.2 o· cot< IE. , ... EX. SSMH: (CONCRETE): 220 . . ':" '!':''!~::':oo .................................................................................. . E 1296450.76 : : : :.: : : : RIM= 196;29 .... , ................................................. ·····························S·WLANGSt6N:PL·····:··· ...... : ......... : ......... : ........ . j \. EX. ROAD ABOVE : : . SE~R · ............ L:_M~'H=#6===-=-= ............ . : N 178705.25 . : E 1296117.82· . .' ..... . : : REMOVE EXISTING CO AND. : REMOVE Ex 8" :::.. · ... : ......... : . RE;fl·A9~ "'1m! NfW 4EJ."MH ......... : ......... : ......... : .... ~LA}~ :5:E~.fR AND REPLA" . . . . . ... : ......... : .............................. . : : RIM=224.28: : : : : : : :CEWtTH339LF . : : IE8"SE. 214.92 : : : : : : : : : OF8"PVC' : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ 7.40% , . . ' , . . . . . . " .. ",""',., ...... ' .. ' ................. , .................. ' .... ' .. ' .. ,', ........... , ....... " ........ '.","', .. , ......................... ' .. ,.,.,"' ... , .. , ... , .. ,., ... ".,'.," . . , . , . ' IE 8" S = 179.49 IE 8" E ,,; 179.59 . J~ .B.~ w:=: .1.B.~.!1.~ W!Tf:I. ............................................................. 21.0 ...... . LOCATE ANi:) REMOVE f .. '.'.~ .. '.' .. '.'.' .. ~.'.'. J. E~X_: 'RO'A~DC. A'B~.O'.tC.'SE~. ~~.~R, .. __ .~. c. 'C'C'~' ._.~.~ .. ~._.~ .. ~._.~ .. ~.~.~ .. 1£:. x. J .. [~~RIE~ ~'~' .. 1.90 ..... '. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~:: INSTALL 1#LF OF 8" CIPP EX. 8" CLAY SAN. SE'II£R A .... : ......... : ......... : ........ : ......... : BAGtiEy PL: BW···:·········:·········:·········:· EX·SSMH.:·········:·········:·········:·········:··· ...... : ........ :......... .. . .... ; ......... : ......... : .... /.: .............. 1.80 ...... . : : : : : . : : : : ~ i;~:XrS6 : : : : :: INSTALLANADDITIONAL8LPOF--~--' · ...•.........•.........•... ~. • ." ,~. '"'" st,,, . • . . . . . . . . . n~ r.:i:l;~~ ..•.........•.........•.........•.........•.........•............................. ~. PVC @M/oTCHEl< SLOPE MH#7 • . . . . . . . . •. . .... Cit '''; NOTE: SIDESEWERLOCATIONSAREBASEONBEsTINFORMATIONAVAILABLE. : N178595.60:t PI Y Of Renton : THECONTRACTORSHALLBERESPONSIBLETORECONNECTIREINSTATE : E1296591.96:t. : anning Di .. . . . : EACHLI'iESIDESEWER THATI$CONNECTE:D TO THE SEWER MAiNLINE. . : INSTALL:NEW48"MH : 160· II/S/On ........................... UcJ_~_'zz' ''liz':' '",,' 'z,.;,',lz.;' ',",,'~' .~ •• ~.~. '['r' .~ .. ~.~ .. ~.~ .. ~ .. ~.~ .. ~.~ .. ~ .. ~.~ .. ~.~ .. ~ .. ~.~ .. ~.~ .. ~ .. ~.~ .. ~.~ .. ~. ·W········:·········:·········:·········:·········:·········:·········:·········:·········:·········:·········:·········:····· .... : RIM=:18q:10······:·········:·········:····· . IN$TALL 151:LF OF 8" CIPP : IE 8" W;; MATCH EXISTING : APR '. _ . . . : : : : 2· 7: LUll """""" """ ~: Of: 9 10 S-9 PACE ~:'~~1181 ~ CITY OF ".,.,." 1"=20' ® :>r JDH RENTON -JDH "" ~ '""'"'" " ruu. """' Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. DMe F JoOT eM.: ...:H NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR """""" ~-, LH - -- (j) (/) ro .c . tl.. +-' C (j) E , ~". u ro 0.. (j) (( ..... (j) 3;: Q) (f) c o +-' OJ C • . PAY LIMIT TRENCH BACKFILL '", '\t. • '4- .", ". '4 .6<t" '" . ·4 SEE DETAIL FOR STREET RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS I ~ BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE V 100% SELECT IMPORTED BACKFILL PER SECTION 9-03.19 (SELECT BACKFILL) OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS 4' .' '. '" ..... " : 4' ~ . ·4· ~ EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE SOIL AND BACKFILL OF FOUNDATION MATERIAL (IF NECESSARY) DEPTH AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER. MATERIAL SHALL MEET SECTION 9-03.9(1) BALLAST .' . ".4 -: • 12" & 8" SDR 35 PVC SEWER PIPES TYPICAL TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL NOTES: 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES. 3. COMPACT PIPE ZONE MATERIAL TO 90% MINIMUM DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE WHERE COMPACTION WILL BE HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE FLOW LINE IS MAINTAINED. 5. ALL EXCAVATION AND BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS BEYOND PAY LIMIT OF TRENCH SHALL BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEMS BID ITEM. SANITARY SEWER CONNETION NOTES 1. SIDE SEWER RECONNECTIONS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED USING FERNCO "STRONG-BACK" COUPLINGS OR APPROVED EQUAL. . 2. CONNECTIONS OF NEW SANITARY SEWERS TO EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED USING SAND-COLLARS AND NON SHRINK EPOXY GROUT OR APPROVED EQUAL. NO. " SAWCUT FINAL JOINT / TYP. EACH SIDE ~:: ~ ~ EXIST. ASPH. CONC. PAVEMENT, TYP. -~-I 12" e--- TRENCH \ 6" OF CLASS B ASPHALT CONCRETE PATCH (SEE DETAILS) PAVING SHALL BE DONE IN 2 -3" LIFTS TYP PAY LIMIT OF TRENCH "'- ~. __ ~"'-1~1 "----6" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE '--__________ --I~ BACKFILL PA YMENT LIMIT OF PATCH (SEE BEDDING/BACKFILL DETAIL) NOTES: ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT RESTORATION DETAIL 1. ALL TRENCHES IN ROADWAY AREAS SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND PATCHED PER SPECIAL PROVISION 5-06.1 AT END OF EACH WORK DAY. THIS WORK IS INCIDENTAL TO ALL TRENCH RESTORATION WORK. 2. THE FINAL SAWCUT JOINT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF l' BEYOND THE UNDISTURBED EDGE OF THE TRENCH. 3. ALL ASPHALT PATCH AREA OUTSIDE OF PAY LIMIT SHOWN SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO OTHER ITEMS OF WORK. 4. ALL TEMPORARY PATCHES ON TRENCHES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY PATCHED WITHIN (2) WEEKS OF COMPLETION OF WORK WITHIN THE ROADWAY AREA UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '83 '91 BASED ON TERRESTRIAL TIES TO THE CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE RESPECTIVE PLAN SHEETS. VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD '88 BASED ON CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE RESPECTIVE pLAN SHEETS. 2. UTILITY CROSSING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ADVANCE OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 3. EXISTING PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE TEMPORARILY RELOCATED AND PERMANENTLY REPLACED TO ACCOMMODATE SERVICE CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL MANHOLES SHALL HAVE LOCKING LIDS. 5. SET ALL MANHOLE LIDS TO FINISHED GRADE. 6. PROVIDE AS-BUILT INFORMATION SHOWING ALL INVERT AND RIM ELEVATIONS OF MANHOLE AND SIDE SEWER VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LOCATIONS. 7. INSTALL SEWER MAIN AND SERVICES A MINIMUM 2' FROM PARALLEL GAS LINES WHERE CONFLICT OCCURS. REUSE EXISTING FRAME & COVER ~ EXISTING PORTION OF MANHOLE -........... / -j~.~====:;-' SECTIONS TO BE REMOVED "" 1 NEW CONE SECTION TO BE ~~ ECCENTRIC PER CITY OF ~ RENTON STD PLAN 400.1 '?' . NEW SECTIONS OF MANHOLE ~ I I TO MATCH DIAMETER OF LOWER -----f-EX. 36"--1 SECTIONS OF EXISTING MANHOLE. ALIGN NEW LADDER RUNGS WITH EXISTING RUNGS IN THE LOWER/EXISTING SECTIONS. ~ REMOVE UPPER PORTION OF EXISTING ~ 5Q' OUTSIDE DROP AND INSTALL NEW V< INSIDE DROP PER STD. PLAN 402.2 ~ ABANDON EXISTING OUTSIDE DROP BY -........... FILLING WITH CDF OR PEA GRAVEL I>< I>< :x 'X I I I I -EX. 60" OR 54" DIA. - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PLUG LOWER PORTION OF ---\~ EXISTING OUTSIDE DROP WITH CONCRETE '\.0 4 ,;. " '. '." MANHOLE MODIFICATION INTERSECTION OF BW~EY PL SW 7.5'± 8. WHERE UTILITY PIPE LINE VERTICAL. SEPARATION IS LESS THAN (1) ONE FOOT, INSERT ETHAFOAM HS 600 PLANK-FOAM BOARD OR EQUAL AS CLEARANCE SEPARATION. AND LANGSTdk:l.lirfjWof Ii P1annin ~~ton 9 DIVISion 9. A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL. BE SUBMITIED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ...... """ 'ttJfOCH..: -.l 11M PACE N/A ~WlIll1&3/l.1 ......, JOH ® ..- JOH I ""'~ I a<=> '''''" """ Due .. )oD1' Q.j£ JOt REVISION BY DATE APPR """""" """-, LH APR 27 lU12 APR 2012 EARLINGTON SEWER REPLACEMENT ';:'" "=.-=---1 Phase II 'S:'10 ~~ CITY OF >7- ..ll RENTON - Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. ~: or: 10 10