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Tuesday, May 06, 2008 10:08 AM
8-7-1 8-7-3
Motor Vehicle Noise Performance
Maximum Environmental Noise Levels
Public Disturbance, Noises
Designation Of Zoned Areas
Penalties For Violation
Content Not Governing Sound
Variances And Appeal
The City Council of the City hereby
adopts Washington Administrative Code Sections
173-62-020, 030, and 040.
The City Council of the City hereby
adopts by reference Washington Administrative
Code Sections 173-60-020, 040, 050, and 090.
It is unlawful for any person to cause or
for any person in possession of property to allow to
originate from the property sound that is a public
disturbance noise. The following sounds are
hereby defined to be public disturbance noises.
A. Frequent, repetitive or continuous noises
made by any animal which unreasonably dis-
turbs or interferes with the peace, comfort or
repose of property owners or possessors,
except that such sounds made in animal shel-
ters, commercial kennels, veterinary hospi-
tals, pet shops, or pet kennels licensed as
such, shall be exempt from this subsection.
B. The frequent, repetitive or continuous sound-
ing of any horn or siren attached to a motor
vehicle, except as a warning of danger, or as
specifically permitted or required by law.
C. The creation of frequent, repetitive or contin-
uous sounds in connection with the starting,
operation, repair, rebuilding or testing of any
motor vehicle, motorcycle, off-highway vehi-
cle, or internal combustion engine, within a
rural or residential district, so as to unrea-
sonably disturb or interfere with the peace,
comfort and repose of owners or possessors of
real property. Exception: Sounds created by
portable generators during periods when
there is no electrical service available from
the primary supplier due to natural disaster
or power outage shall not be a violation of
this Section. (Ord. 5091, 8-9-04)
D. The use of a sound amplifier or other device
capable of producing, or reproducing ampli-
fied sound upon public streets for the purpose
of commercial advertising, or sales, or for
charging the attention of the public to any
vehicle, structure or property of the contents
therein, except as permitted by law, and
except that vendors whose sole method of
selling is from a moving vehicle shall be
exempt from this subsection.
E. The making of any loud and raucous sound
within one thousand feet (1,000') of any
school, hospital, sanitarium, nursing or con-
valescent center.
F. The creation by use of a musical instrument,
whistle, sound amplifier, record player, ste-
reo, or other device capable of producing or
reproducing sound of loud or raucous sounds
which emanate frequently, repetitively, or
continuously from any building, structure or
property located within a rural or residential
district, such as sounds originating from a
band session, social gathering, stereo.
G. The amplified or unamplified human voice
which unreasonably interferes with the
peace, comfort and repose of property owners
or possessors. (Ord. 3478, 11-3-80)
H. Any sound from a motor vehicle audio system
or portable audio equipment such as a radio,
tape player or compact disc player which is
operated at such a volume that it interferes
with conversation or which causes vibrations
to be felt from a distance of seventy five feet
(75') or more from the source of the sound.
(Ord. 4301, 12-17-90)
City of Renton
The EDNA (environmental designation
for noise abatement) is hereby established as fol-
A. Residential zones which shall include R-1, R-
2, R-3, R-4, G, T, SR-1, SR-2, S-1 are classi-
fied as Class A EDNA.
B. Commercial zones which are defined as B-1,
M-P, P-1, are classified as Class B EDNA.
C. Industrial Zones. L-1 and H-1 zones are
defined as Class C EDNA. (Ord. 3478, 11-3-80)
Except as otherwise provided, any per-
son violating any portion of this Chapter shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by
imprisonment for not more than six (6) months in
jail, by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars
($500.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Any person violating RMC 8-7-3H of this Chapter
shall be guilty of a civil violation and may be pun-
ished by a fine of not more than seventy five dol-
lars ($75.00). Each day that a violation continues
shall be considered a separate offense. The penal-
ties set forth herein shall not be deemed exclusive,
the City may obtain an injunction against such
violation from the Superior Court of King County.
Any ordinance of the City inconsistent with any
portions of this Chapter is repealed except that
any ordinance defining noise as a nuisance shall
remain in full force and effect.
The content of the sound will not be con-
sidered in determining a violation of this Chapter.
These regulations are declared to be
severable. If any section, subsection, paragraph,
clause or other portion is, for any reason, held to
be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of com-
petent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitu-
tionality shall not affect the validity or
constitutionality of the remaining portions. If any
section, subsection, paragraph, clause or any por·
1. See Title IV for Zoning Regulations.
tion is adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, or is
applied to a particular person or use, the applica-
tion of such portion to other persons or use shall
not be affected. (Ord. 4301, 12-17-90)
A. Jurisdiction: The Board of Public Works shall
hear and decide requests for variances from
the requirements of this Chapter.
B. Application: Parties seeking a variance from
this Chapter, or a duly authorized represen-
tative of the parties seeking the variance,
shall file an application for the variance,
which application shall set forth fully the
grounds therefor and the facts the applicant
deems material to justify the granting of such
a variance.
C. Public Notice And Hearing: The hearing for a
noise variance shall be a public hearing, the
date of which shall be not more than forty
five (45) days from the date of filing and
acceptance of the application for the vari-
ance. Notice of the time and place of public
hearing shall be given and at least one publi-
cation in the City's legal newspaper, which
publication shall be not less than ten (10)
days prior to the date of said public hearing.
In addition, three (3) written notices of such
public hearing shall be posted at least ten
(10) days prior to such hearing within, on or
about the location which will generate such
noise. Additionally, written notice of the
hearing shall be given to any resident or
property owner that will experience an
increase in noise, or potentially have an
increase in noise, such that this variance will
increase the quantity of noise received by
that property owner or resident. The burden
of providing this written notice shall be upon
the applicant. The Board of Public Works
shall not consider any variance for which
written notices have not been given, or grant
any variance that would cause an increase in
noise levels beyond that permitted in this
Chapter unless the affected property owner
or resident has been notified.
D. Factors For Granting Variance: The Board of
Public Works, in passing upon an application
for a variance, shall consider all technical
evaluations, all relevant factors and stan-
dards specified in other sections of this Chap-
City of Renton
tcr, and in addition thereto shall consider the
following, none of which is mandatory for the
granting of the variance:
1. That the applicant will suffer an undue
hardship and the variance is necessary be-
City of Renton
Dl) cause of special circumstances applicable to
the applicant's property or project, and that
the strict application of this Chapter will
deprive the subject property owner or appli-
cant of rights and privileges eajoyed by
2. That the granting of the variance will not
be materially detrimental to the public health,
welfare or safety, or unduly iajurious to the
property or improvements in the vicinity of
the location for which this variance is sought.
3. That· the variance sought is the minimum
variance which will a=mplish the desired
4. That the variance contains such conditions
deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of
the variance on the residence or property
owners impacted by the variance.
5. The importance of the services provided by
the facility creating the noise and the other
impacts · caused to the public safety, health
and welfare balanced against the harm to be
suffered by residents or property owners
receiving the increased noise permitted under
this variance.
6. The availability of practicable alternative
locations or , metllods for the proposed use
which will generate the noise.
7. The extent by which tlie prescribed noise
limitations will be exceeded by the variance
and the extent and duration of the variance.
E. Findings and Conclusions of Board of Public
Works: The Board of Public Works shall re-
duce its decision to written findings, conclu-
sions and a decision. The written findings,
conclusions and decision shall include a
section noting the right of appeal from the
decision to the City Council.
F. Appeals: Any party participating in the public
hearing feeling aggrieved by the decision of
the Board of Public Works may appeal the
decision of the Board of Public Works to the
City Council within fourteen (14) days of the
decision. The appeal document shall note the
errors in findings or conclusions which the
appellant believes are material to the appeal.
The City Council shall consider the appeal
and shall affirm the decision of the Board of
F) Public Works unless the City Council finds
that there are material errors in the findings
or conclusions, or that the decision is not
supportable by the findings and conclusions. If
the City Council finds such errors it shall
reduce its decision to writing specifying the
findings and conclusions that are in error or
stating that the decision is not supportable by
the findings and conclusions. The procedure to
be utilized by the City Council in hearing this
appeal shall be as established by the City
Council and should be substantially similar to
the procedure used by the City Council in
hearing and determining appeals fu>m
decisions of the Hearing Examiner which are
appealed to the City Council. Any party
remaining aggrieved by the decision of the
City Council may further appeal by obtaining
a writ of certiorari from the King County
Superior Court within twenty (20) calendar
days from the date of the City Council's
decision. (Ord. 4830, 10.28--91)
Sound Level Measurement Procedures 173-58-090
WAC 173-58-090 Reserved,
[S!alulory Au1hori1y: Chap<er 70.107 RCW. 94-12-001 (Order 92-41), §
173-58-090, filed 5/18194, effeaivc 6118194; 79-04-033 (Order DE 78-19),
! 173-58-090, filed 3/22179)
Chapter 173-60 WAC
J 73-60--030
AiJ1hority and puspose.
ldcntiflCalion of environmenl$i.
Maximum permissible -environmental noise levels.
Nuisance regulations no1 prohibited.
Future regulacions.
Variances and implementation schedules.
Enforcement policy.
Cooperation wilh local govcmmcnl.
Effective dale.
WAC 173-60-010 Authority and purpose. These
rules are adopted pursuant 10 chap1er 70.107 RCW. the
Noise Control Act of 1974, in order to establish maximum
noise levels permissible· in identified environments, and
thereby to provide use standards rela1ing lo lhe reception of
noise wilhin such environmenls. Vessels, as defined in
RCW 88.12.010(21) and regulaled for noise under chapler
88.12 RCW (Regulation of recrealional vessels), shall be
exempt from chapter 173-60 WAC.
(S1a1U1ory Authori1y: Chapler 70.107 RCW. 94-12-001 (Order 92-41). §
173-60-010, filed 5/18194, effedivc 6118194; Order 74-32, § 173-60-010,
filed 4/22f75, effeclivc 9/Jn5.J
WAC 173-60-020 Definitions. (I) "Background
sound level" means the level of all sounds in a given
environment, independent of lhe specific source being
(2) "dBA" means the sound pressure level in decibels
measured tising the • A" weighling network on a sound level
meter. The sound pressure level, in decibels, of a sound is
20 limes lhe logarilhm to the base JO of the ratio of the
pressure of the sound to a reference pressure of 20 micro-
(3) "Department" means the department of ecology.
(4) "Director" means the director of the department of
ecology. .
(5) "Distribution facilities" means any facility used for
distribution of commodities to final consumers, including
facilities of utilities that convey water, waste water, natural
gas, and electricity.
(6) "EDNA• means lhe environmental designation for
noise abatement, being an area or zone (environment) within
which maximum permissible noise levels are eslablished.
, (7) "Existing" means a process, event, or ac1ivity in an
established area, producing sound subject to or exempt from
lhis chapter, prior to the effective date of September I, 1975.
(8) "Local government" means county or city govern-
ment or any combination of the two.
(9) "Noise" means the intensity, duration and character
of sounds, from any and all sources.
(1997 Ed)
(JO) "Person" means any individual, corporation, part-
nership, association, governmental body, state agency or
other enlity whatsoever.
(11) "Property boundary" means the surveyed line at
ground surface, which separates the real property owned,
rented, or leased by one or more persons, from that owned,
rented, or leased by one or more other persons, and its
vertical extension.
(12) "Racing event" means any motor vehicle competi-
tion conducted under a permit issued by a governmental
authority having jurisdiction or. if such permit is not re-
quired, then under 1he auspices of a recognized sanctioning
(13) "Receiving property" means real property within
which the maximum permissible noise levels specified herein
shall not be exceeded from sources outside such property.
(14) "Sound level meter" means a device which mea-
sures sound pressure levels and conforms to Type I or Type
2 as specified in 1he American National Standards Institute
Specification S 1.4-1971.
[S1a1u1ory Au1hori1y: Chapler 70.!07 RCW. 94-12-001 (Order 92-41), §
173-60-020, filed 5/18194, effective 6118194; 83-15-046 (Order DE 82-42),
§ 173-60-020. filed 7/19183; Order DE 77-1, § 173-60-020, filed 6/ln7;
Order 74-32, § 173-60-020. filed 4/22/7S, eff«live 9/lns.J
WAC 173-60-030 Identification of environments.
(I) Except when included within specific prior designations
as provided in subsections (2), (3). and (4) of this section,
the EDNA of any property shall be based on the following
typical uses, taking into consideration the presen~ future, and
historical usage, as well as the usage of adjacent and other
lands in the vicinity.
(a) Class A EDNA • Lands where human beings reside
and sleep. Typically, Class A EDNA will be the following
types of property used for human habilation:
(i) Residential
(ii) Multiple family Jiving accommodations
(iii) Recreational and entertainmen~ (e.g., camps, parks,
camping facilities, and resorts)
(iv) Community service, (e.g., orphanages, homes for
the aged, hospitals, health and correctional facilities)
(b) Class B EDNA . Lands involving uses requiring
protection against noise interference with speech. Typically,
Class B EDNA will be the following types of property:
(i) Commercial living accommodations
(ii) Commercial dining establishments
(iii) Motor vehicle services
(iv) Retail services
(v) Banks and office buildings
(vi) Miscellaneous commercial services, property not
used for human habitation
( vii) Recreation and entertainment, property not used for
human habitation (e.g., thealers, stadiums, fairgrounds, and
amusement parks)
(viii) Community services, property not used for human
habitation (e.g., educational, religious, governmental, cultural
and recreational facilities).
(c) Class C EDNA . Lands involving economic activi-
ties of such a nature that higher noise levels than experi-
enced in other areas is normally to be anticipated. Persons
working in these areas are normally covered by noise control
regulations of the department of labor and industries. Uses
)Till< 173 WAC-;>age 1611
173-60-030 Title 173 WAC: Ecology, Department of
typical of Class A EDNA are generally not pennined within
such areas. Typically, Class C EDNA will be the following
types of property:
(i) Storage, warehouse, and distribution facilities.
(ii) Industrial property used for the production and
fabrication of durable and nondurable man-made goods
(iii) Agricultural and silvicultural property used for the
production of crops, wood products, or livestock.
(d) Where there is neither a zoning ordinance in effect
nor an adopted comprehensive plan, the legislative authority
of local government may, by ordinance or resolution,
designate specifically described EDNAs which conform to
the above use criteria and, upon departmental approval,
EDNAs so designated shall be as set forth in such local
determination. ·
(e) Where no specific prior designation of EDNAs has
been made, the appropriate EDNA for properties involved in
any enforcement activity will be determined by the investi-
gating official on the basis of the criteria of (a), (b), and (c)
of this subsection.
(2) In areas covered by a local zoning ordinance, the
legislative authority of the local government may, by
ordinance or resolution designate EDNAs to conform with
the zoning ordinance as follows:
(a) Residential zones -Class A EDNA
(b) Commercial zones c Class B EDNA
( c) Industrial zones -Class C EDNA
Upon approval by the department, EDNAs so designated
shall be as set forth in such local determination. EDNA
designations shall be amended as necessary to conform to
zone changes under the zoning ordinance.
(3) In areas not covered by a local zoning ordinance but
within the coverage of an Adopted comprehensive plan the
legislative authority of the local government may, by
ordinance or resolution designate EDNAs to conform with
the comprehensive plan as follows:
(a) Residential areas -Class A EDNA
(b) Commercial areas -Class B EDNA
(c) Industrial areas • Class C EDNA
Upon approval by the depanment EDNAs so designated
shall be as set forth in such local determination. EDNA
designations shall be amended as necessary to conform to
changes in the comprehensive plan.
( 4) The department recognizes that on certain lands,
serenity, tranquillity, or quiet are an essential part of the
quality of the .environment and serve an important public
need. Special designation of such lands with appropriate
noise level standards by local government may be adopted
subject to approval by the department. The director may
make such special designation pursuant to the proced~ of
the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.04 RCW.
(Order 74-32, § l7J.60-030. filed 4/22n5, eff«1ivc 9/JnS.J
WAC 173-60-040 Maximum permissible environ-
mental noise levels. (I) No person shall cause or permit
noise to intrude into the property of another person which
noise exceeds the maximum permissible noise levels set
forth below in this section.
(2)(a) The noise limitations established are as set forth
in the following table after any applicable adjustments
provided for herein are applied.
[Tille 173 WAC-page 162]
Class A Class B Class C
CLASS A 55 dBA 57 dBA 60cBA
CLASS B 57 60 65
CLASS C 60 65 70
(b) Between the hours of I0:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Ihe
noise limitations of the foregoing table shall be reduced by
IO dBA for receiving property within Class A EDNAs.
(c) At any hour of the day or night the applicable noise
limitations in (a) and (b) above may be exceeded for any
receiving property by no more than:
(i) 5 dBA for a total of 15 minutes in any one-hour
period; or
(ii) 10 dBA for a total of 5 minutes in any one-hour
period; or
(iii) 15 dBA for a total of 1.5 minutes in any one-hour
(Order 74-32. ! 173·60-040. filed 4f21fl5. effective 9/tns.J
WAC 173-60-050 Exemptions. (I) The following
shall be exempt from the provisions of WAC 173-60-040
between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.:
(a) Sounds originating from residential property re(aling
to temporary projects for the maintenance or repair of
homes, grounds and appurtenances.
(b) Sounds created by the discharge of firearms on
authorized shooting ranges.
(c) Sounds created by blasting.
(d) Sounds created by aircraft engine testing and maimc-
nance not related to night operations: Provided, That
aircraft testing and maintenance shall be conducted at remo[e
sites whenever possible.
(e) Sounds created by the installation or repair of essen-
tial utility services.
(2) The following shall be exempt .from the provisions
of WAC 173-60-040 (2)(b):
(a) Noise from electrical substations and existing sta-
tionary equipment used in the conveyance of water. waste
water, and natural gas by a utility.
(b) Noise from existing industrial installations which
exceed the standards contained in these regulations and
which, over the previous three years, have co·nsistently
operated in excess of 15 hours per day as a consequence of
process necessity and/or demonstrated routine normal
operation. Changes in working hours, which would affect
exemptions under this regulation, require approval of the
department. ·
(3) The following shall be exempt from the provisions
of WAC 173-60-040, except insofar as such provisions relate
to the reception of noise within Class A EDNAs between the
hours of I0:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(a) Sounds originating from temporary construction sites
as a result of construction activity.
(b) Sounds originating from forest harvesting and silvi-
cultural activity.
(IW7 hit
' ' l
' I
. '
Maximum Environmental Noise Levels 173-60-050
(4) The following shall be exempt from all provisions
of WAC I 73-60-040:
(a) Sounds created by motor vehicles when regulated by
chapter 173-62 WAC.
(b) Sounds originating from aircraft in flight and sounds
that originate at airports which are directly related to flight
(c) Sounds created by surface carriers engaged in inter-
state commerce by railroad.
(d) Sounds created by warning devices not operating
continuously for more than five minutes, or bells, chimes,
and carillons.
(e) Sounds created by safety and protective devices
where noise suppression would defeat the intent of the
device or is not economically feasible.
(f) Sounds created by emergency equipment and work
necessary in the interests of law enforcement or for health
safety or welfare of the community.
(g) Sounds originating from motor vehicle racing events
al existing authorized facilities.
(h) Sounds originating from officially sanctioned
parades and other public events.
(i) Sounds emitted from petroleum refinery boilers
during startup of said boilers: Provided, That the startup
operation is performed during daytime hours whenever
(j) Sounds created by the discharge of firearms in the
course of hunting.
(k) Sounds caused by natural phenomena and unampli-
fied human voices.
(I) Sounds created by motor vehicles, licensed or
unlicensed, when operated off public highways EXCEPT when
such sounds are received in Class A EDNAs.
• (m) Sounds originating from existing natural gas trans-
mission and distribution facilities. However9 in circumstanc-
es where such sounds impact EDNA Class A environments
and complaints are received, the director or his designee may
talce action to abate by application of EDNA Class C source
limits to the facility under lhe requirements of WAC 173-60-
(6) Nothing in these exemptions is intended to preclude
the department from requiring installation of the best avail-
able noise abatement technology consistent with economic
feasibility. The establishment of any such requirement shall
be subject to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure
Act, chapter 34.04 RCW.
(Sr,1u1ory Authority: O..peer 70. I 07 RCW. 94-12--001 (Onler 92-41 ), t
173-60-050. filed S/18194. effective C.18194; 83-15-046 (Order DE 82-42),
§ 173-60-050, filed 7/19/83; Order DE 71-1, § 173-60-050. filed fJ2/77;
Order 7.1-18. § 173-60-050, filed 8/ln5; Order 74-32, § 173-60-050, filed
412211S. effective 9/JnS.J
WAC 17J-.60..060 Nuisance regulations not prohibit-
ed. Nothing in this chapter or the exemptions provided
herein, shall be construed as preventing local government
from regulating noise from any source as a nuisance. Local
resolutions, ordinances. rules or regulations regulating noise
on such a basis shall not be deemed inconsistent with this
chapter by the department.
(Order 74-32. § 17J-60-060, filed 4fl'lf75. effcclive 9/ln5.f
WAC 173-60-070 · Future regulations. It is the
intention of lhe department to establish use standards and/or
performance standards for the following sources of noise
exempted or partially exempted from the requirements of this
chapter within two years after adequate legislative funding
is made available lo conduct studies providing the necessary .
(I) Sounds created by aircraft engine testing and mainte-
nance not related to flight operations, through the adoption
ofa new chapter 173-64 WAC.
(2) Sounds created by construction equipment and
emanating from construction sites, through the adoption of
a new chapter 173-66 WAC.
(3) Sounds created by. motor vehicle racing events,
through the adoption of a new chapter 173-63 WAC.
(4) Sounds created by the operation of equipment or
facilities of surface carriers engaged in commerce by rail-
road, to the extent consistent with federal Jaw and regula-
tions through the adoption of a new chapter 173-72 WAC.
(S..,ulory Authority: Chapter70.I07 RCW. 94-12·001 (Onler 92-41). i
173-60-070, filed S/18194. effective C.111194; Order OE 77-1. § 173-60-070,
filed 6/tn7; Order 74-32. § 173.ro-070. filed 4/'/.'V/5. effec1ive 9/ln5.]
WAC 173-60-080 Variances and implementation
schedules. (I) Variances may be granted to any person
from any particular requirement of this chapter, if findings
are made that immediate compliance with such requirement
cannot be achieved because of special circumstances render-
ing immediate compliance unreasonable in light of economic
or physical factors, enroachment [encroachment) upon an
existing noise source, or because of nonavailability of feasi-
ble technology or control methods. Any such variance or
renewal thereof shall be granted only for the minimum time
period found to be necessary under the facts and circum-
(2) An implementation schedule for achieving compli-
ance with this chapter shall be incorporated into any variance
(3) Variances shall be issued only upon application in
writing and after providing such information as may be
requested. No variance shall be issued for a period of more
than 30 days except upon due notice to the public with op-
portunity to comment. Public hearings may be held, when
substantial public interest is shown, al the discretion of the
issuing agency.
(4) Sources of noise, subject to this chapter, ·upon which
construction begins after the effective date hereof shall
immediately comply with the requirements of this chapter,
except in extraordinary circumstances where overriding
considerations of public interest dictate the issuance of a
(Order 74-32. § 173-60-080, filed 4/22/75, effective 9/ln5.)
WAC 173-60-090 Enforcement policy. Noise
measurement for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of
WAC 173-06().040 shall be measured in dBA with a sound
level meter with the point of measurement being at any point
within the receiving property. Such enforcement shall be
undertaken only upon receipt of a complaint made by a
person who resides, owns property, or is employed in the
area affected by the noise complained of, EXCEPT for parks,
ITllle 173 WAC-page 163]
f ,I
,I ,1 ,,
I/ I:
'I !,
' Ji
Ii 1;
173-60-090 Title 173 WAC: Ecology, Department of
recreational areas, and wildlife sanctuaries. For enforcement
purposes pursuant to RCW 70.107.050, each day, defined as
the 24-hour period beginning at 12:01 a.m., in which
violation of the noise control regulations (chapter 173-60
WAC) occurs, shall constitute a separate violation.
(Order DE 76-5. § 173-W.090. filed 2/5{16; Order 74-32. I 173-60-090,
filed 4122/75, effective 9/Jn5.l
WAC 173-60-100 Appeals. Any person aggrieved by
any decision of the department in relation to the enforcement
of the maximum permissible noise levels provided for
herein, the granting or denial of a variance or the approval
or disapproval of a local resolution or ordinance for noise
abatement and control may appeal to the pollution control
hearings board pursuant to chapter 43.21B RCW under the
procedures of chapter 371-08 WAC.
[Order 74.32. § 173·60-100. filed 4122175. effective 9/ln5.l
WAC 173-60-110 Cooperation with local govern-
ment. (I) The department conceives Jhe function of noise
abatement and control to be primarily the role of local gov-
ernment and intends actively to encourage local government
to adopt measures for noise aba1ement and control. Wherev-
er such measures are made effective and are being actively
enforced, the department does not in1end to engage directly
in enforcement activities.
(2) No ordinance or resolution of any local government
which imposes noise control requirements differing from
those adopted by the department shall be effective unless and
until approved by the director. If approval is denied, the
departmen~ following submission of such local ordinance or
resolution to the department, shall deliver its statement or
order of denial, designating in detail the specific provision(s)
found to be objectionable and the precise grounds upon
which the denial is based, and shall submit to the local
government, the department's suggested modification.
(3) The deparlment shall encourage all local govern-
ments enforcing noise ordinances pursuant to this chapter to
consider noise criteria and land use planning and zoning.
[S1a1ul0f)' Aulhorily: Chopter 70. 107 RCW. 87-06-056 (Order 86-40), §
173-60-1 IO, filed 'J/4fd7; Order 74-32. § 173-60-110, filed 4/Z2r1S, effective
WAC 173-60-120 Effective date. This chapter shall
become effective on September I, 197 5. It is the intention
of the department to periodically review the provisions
hereof as new information becomes available for the puiposc
of making amendments as appropriate.
[Order 74·32. I 173-60-120. filed 4122/75, effective 9/Jn5,l
Chapter 173-62 WAC
Authority and purpose.
Implementation schedules.
rrille 173 WAC-page 164]
173·62-070 Effec1ivc date.
WAC 173-62--010 Authority and purpose. (I) Under
RCW 70.107.030(5) of the Noise Control Act of 1974 (chap-
ter 183, Laws of 1974), the legislature directed the depart-
ment of ecology, in exercising rule-making Jlllthority to give
first priority to the adoplion of motor vehicle noise perfor-
mance standards. The purpose of this chapter is to carry out
that legislative directive through the adoption of noise
emission standards for new motor vehicles and noise
emission standards for the operalion of motor vehicles on
public highways.
(2) Local needs. The standards established in this
chapter provide several methods of evaluating motor vehicle
noise levels. Nothing in these rules is meant to require
enforcement agencies or local governments to adopt or use
every standard in this chapter to determine a violation.
Specific local needs shall dictate the standard(s) which may
be adopted or used.
[Slalu1ory Au1hori1y: Choptcr 70.107 RCW. 8().14-041 (Order DE 8().29J.
§ 173-62·010, filed 9l3(V80; Order DE 74-33. § 173-62-010. filed l/30/75,
effective 7/ln5.J
WAC 173-62-020 Dermitions. As used in this chap-
(I) "dBA" means the sound level in decibels measured
using the "A" weighting network on a sound level meter as
specified in the American Nalional Standard Specification
for Sound Level Meters SJ.4.)971. A decibel is a unit of
sound, based on a logarithmic scale, of the ratio of the
magnitude of a particular sound pressure to a standard
reference pressure of 20 micropascals;
(2) "Department" means the department of ecology;
(3) "Director" means director of the department of
(4) "Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR)" means the
value specified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of
a single vehicle;
(5) "In-use" motor vehicle is any motor vehicle which
is used on a public highway, except farm ve.hicles as defined
under RCW 46.04.181;
(6) "Motor vehicle" means any vehicle which is se(f.
propelled, used primarily for transporting persons or property
upon public highways and required to be licensed under
RCW 46.16.010 (aircraft, water craft and vehicles used ex-
clusively on stationary rails or tracks are not motor vehicles
as that term is used herein);
(7) "Motorcycle" means any motor vehicle having a
saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not
more than three wheels in contact wilh Jhe ground, except
farm tractors; ·
(8) "Muffler" means a device consisting of a series of
chambers or other mechanical designs for the purpose of
receiving exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine
and effective in reducing noise to comply with the standards
of this chapter;
(9) "New motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle manu-
factured after December 31, 1975, whose equitable or legal
title has never been transferred to a person who, in good
faith, purchases the new motor vehicle for purposes other
than resale; ·
(1997 [J J
--J •
Motor Vehicle Noise Performance Standards 173-62-020
(10) "Off-highway vehicle" means any self-propelled ve-
hicle not used primarily for transponing persons or property
upon public highways nor required to be licensed under
RCW 46.16.010;
(11) "Person" means any individual, corporation, pan-.
nership, association, governmental body, state agency or
other entity whatsoever;
· (12) "Public highway" means the entire width between
the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained by the
department of highways or any county or city when any pan
thereof is generally open to the use of the public for purpos-
es of vehicular travel as ·a matter of right;
(13) "Sound level" means a weighted sound pressure
level measured by use of a sound level meter using the "A"
weighting network and reported as dBA_
(Stal'""'J' Aulhorily: Chaple, 70.107 RCW. 80-14-041 (Order DE 80-29),
§ 173-62-020, filed 9/30/W: Order DE 75-17, § 173-62-020. filed 8/t ins:
o,du DE 74-33, § 173-62-020, filed t/30/75, cffec1;vc 7/ln5.J
WAC 173-62-030 Standards. (1) No person shall
operate any motor vehicle or any combination of such
vehicles upon any public highway under any conditions of
grade, load, acceleration or deceleration in such a manner as
to exceed the maximum permissible sound levels for the
category of vehicle in Table I, as measured at a distance of
50 feet (l 5.2 meters) from the center of the Jane of travel
within the speed limits specified, under procedures estab-
lished by the state commission on equipment in chapter 204-
56 WAC, "procedures for measuring motor vehicle sound
Table I
Measured @ 50 feet (15.2 meters)
Maximum Sound Level, dBA
Speed loocs
Vehicle 45 mph Over
Category Effective (72 kph) 45 mph S1a1ionary
(lypc) Da1e or less (12 kph) Tc.<t
M01orcycles July t, 1980 78 82 NIA
AUlomobiles, light
tl\lCks and all other
mocor vehic:Jes I 0,000
J)Ollnds (4536 kg)
GVWR OI' Jess July I, 19W 72 78 , NIA
35 mph Over
(56 kph) 35 mph
or less (56 kph)
All mcxor vehicles
over I 0,000 pounds
(4536 kg) GVWR June'· 19n 86 90 86
J 9S6 and after Reserved Reserved Reserved
(2) Every motor vehicle operated upon the public high-
ways•shall at all times be equipped with an exhaust system
and a muffler in good working order and constant operation
to prevent excessive or unusual noise.
(3) No person shall operate a motor vehicle in such a
rnanner as to cause or allow to be emitted squealing.
screeching or other such noise from the tires in contact with
the ground because of rapid acceleration or excessive speed
around corners or other such reason. except that noise
(1997 Ed.)
resulting from emergency braking to avoid imminent danger
shall be exempt from this provision.
(4) No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon any
public highway if the vehicle exhaust system exceeds the
maximum permissible sound levels of Table II for the
category and year of vehicle, as measured at a distance of
twenty inches (0.5 meter) from the exhaust outlet under
procedures established by the state commission on equipment
in chapter 204-56 WAC, "procedures for measuring motor
vehicle sound levels."
(5) No person shall sell or offer for sale a NEW MOTOR
VEHICLE except an off-highway vehicle, which produces a
maximum noise exceeding the noise levels in Table III at a
distance of 50 feet (15.2 meters) under acceleration test
procedures established by the state commission on equipment
in chapter 204-56 WAC, "procedures for measuring motor
vehicle sound levels."
Table II
Measured @ 20 inches (0.5 meter)
Vehicle Category
Aulomobiks, lighl trucks
and all other -or
vehicles 10,000 pounds
(4536 kg) GVWR or less
Model Year
bcfOl'C I 986
1986 and after
bcfOl'C 1986
1986 and after
Table Ill
Maximum Sound
Level, dBA
Measured @ 50 feet (15.2 meters)
Any motor vehicle
·-10,000 pounds (4536 kg)
OVWR 6-cluding buses
Alt buses over
t0,000 pounds
(4536 kg) GVWR
Au1omobiles, light trucks
and alt oiher m01or
vehicles J0,000 pounds
(4536 kg) GVWR or
Dn1c of Sound Level,
Manufactu~ dBA
before January I, I 978 86
after Januaty I, 1978 83
after January I, 1982 80
aftcrJanuary t, 1980 85
after January !, 1983 83
after January I. 1986 go
after January I, 1976 83
after January I, 1986 80
Jess after January t, 1976 80
[Sllltulory Authority:_ Olaplet 70.107 RCW. S0.J4-04t (Onlcr DE 80-29).
t 173-62-030, filed 9/30'80: Order DE 77-2. § 173-62-030, filed 6/Jn7:
Order DI! 75-17, i 173-62-030, filed 8/l ln5: Order DE 74-33, § 173-62-
030, filed 113()(75, effec1ive 7/lnS.J
WAC 173-62-040 Exemptions. The provisions of
this chapter shall not apply to noise caused by auxiliary
equipment on motor vehicles used for highway maintenance,
nor to noise caused in the performance of emergency work
!Title 173 WAC-page 1651
i I
173-62-040 Title 173 WAC: Ecology, Department of
for the immediate safety, health or welfare of the community
or of individuals of the community, or to restore property to
a safe condition following a public calamity.
(Order DE 75·17, I 173-62-040, filed 8/l ln5; Or<!« DE 74-33, § 173-62-
040, filed 1/30/75, effccliV< mn5.)
WAC 173-62-050 Implementation schedules. (I)
Conditions of Issuance. The department may approve and
issue to any person, an implementation schedule for meeting
any particular requirement of this chapter, if it finds that
immediate compliance with such requirement cannot be
achieved because of conditions beyond the control of such
person or because of special circumstances rendering imme-
diate compliance unreasonable in light of economic or
physical factors or because of the nonavailability of feasible
technology or control methods.
(2) Requesting procedure. Implementation schedules
shall be issued only upon application in writing to the
department. Such application shall stale in a concise manner
the facts to show cause why such schedule should be ap-
proved. Any aggrieved person may appeal the department's
decision on an application to the pollution control hearings
board pursuant to chapter 43.2 IB RCW.
)Order DE 74-33, I 173-62-050. filed 1/30/75, effective 7/lnS.]
WAC 173-62-060 Enforcement. (I) Measurements
shall be made with a sound level meter meeting Type I,
SIA, 2 or S2A requirements as specified in the American
National Standards Specifications for Sound Level Meters
S 1.4-1971 as required under measurement procedures
established in chapter 204-56 WAC, "procedures for measur-
ing motor vehicle sound levels."
(2) Violation of any in-use motor vehicle noise standard
set forth in this chapter shall be a traffic infraction, enforced
by such authorities and in such manner as violations of
chapter 46.37 RCW.
(3) Law enforcement personnel selected to measure
vehicle sound levels shall have received training in the
techniques of sound measurement an<! the operation of sound
measuring instruments.
(4) Any enforcement officer who by use of the initial
inspection procedures of chapter 204-56 WAC suspects that
a motor vehicle may be in violation of the standards of this
chapter may require the operator to have the vehicle present-
ed for sound level measurement. Measurements ot a motor
vehicle may be performed at off-road sites to determine
compliance with the in-use standards.
(5) Any operator who fails to comply with the directive
to present the vehicle to a sound level measurement test shall
be in violation of this chapter.
(6) Any seller, importer, or manufacturer who sells or
offers for sale a motor vehicle which violates the standards
in WAC 173-62-030 shall be subject to a civil penalty not to
exceed one hundred dollars as established in RCW
70. I07 .050. Every motor vehicle sold or offered for sale
shall constitute a separate violation.
[S101u1ory Authority: C:hnp<cr 70.107 RCW. 8().14-041 (Order DE 80-29),
§ 173-62-060. filed 9/JMO: Order DE 74-33, § 173-62-060. filed 1/30/75,
effective 7/lnS.J
[Tille 173 WAC-page 166]
WAC 173-62-070 Effective date. This chapter shall
become effective July I, 1975.
)Order DE 74-33. I 173-62-070, filed 1/30/75, effective 7iln5.)
Chapter 173-80 WAC
Purpose and scope.
Limitations on the use or funds.
Provision of guidelines.
Wastewater treatment works grants-Priority rating
and other provisions.
l...ake restoration project granes---General eligibility
requirements and priority rating.
Agricu1turaJ wastes project granrs--Oeneral eligibility
requircments and prioriry rating.
Limiting the use or existing Referendum 39 regula·
lions and funds.
WAC 173-80-010 Purpose and scope •. The purpose
of this chapter is to set forth limitations on the allocation and
uses of monies administered by the department of ecology
for purposes of providing grants and loans for wastewater
treatment facilities, agricultural pollution abatement facilities,
and lake restoration projects pursuant to chapter 43.99F
RCW (Referendum 39). To derive the most benefit for the
state in protecting the health and safety of the people it is
necessary to establish criteria for the use of funds made
available by Referendum 39. This chapter will outline (I)
limitations on the allocation and uses of the funds, (2) the
criteria to be considered for determining who will receive
funds, and (3) the process to be followed for distributing the
)Statutory Aurhority: RCW 43.2 IA.080. 82-05-011 (Onler DE 8 t .:;o). §
173,8().010. filed 2/5182.)
WAC 173-80-020 Definitions. (I) "Department"
means the Washington state department of ecology.
(2) "Wastewater treatment works construction program"
(hereinafter referred to as the wastewater treatment program)
means the state/local program of grants and loans under
chapter 43.99F RCW (Referendum 39) to public entities for
the purpose of planning, designing, constructing, or upgrad-
ing treatment works.
(3) "Agricultural wastes grants program" means the
program of grants and loans administered by the department
for the planning, design and construction of publicly owned
or operated agricultural pollution control facilities.
(4) "Lake restoration grants program" means the pro-
gram of state grants and loans administered by the depart-
ment for the planning, design and implementation of lake
restoration projects.
(5) "Director" means the director of the Washingion
state department of ecology or his or her authorized desi~-
(6) "Management of wastes" means the control, collec-
tion, transport, treatment, and disposal of nonradioactive
solid and nonradioactive liquid waste materials.
tl'rn 1.1,
., -_-,:_Ji
We, the undersigned, support Charlie Conner and Anne Simpson in their privilege to takeoff
and land their Helicopter from their residence at 3001 Mt View Ave N., Renton.
Name Address Date
We, the undersigned, support Charlie Conner and Anne Simpson in their privilege to takeoff
and land their Helicopter from their residence at 3001 Mt View Ave N., Renton.
.. ,<fr • '~ ... ::.:\f{;
. :I!
Charlie Conner, the developer, has been granted a Heliport
Temporary Use Permit for a Heliport to fly his private helicopter from
his house at 3001 Mountain View Ave. North in Kennydale. Six other
. home sites in Kennydal~ have, thus far, been identified by the City of
Renton for possible permits. Two neighbors have appealed the
granting of the permit.
Conner approached the City Council meeting with some 40
supporter$, including non-Kennydale property owners and those
whose property values will increase with the ability to have a heliport
pad. The City has cooperated with Conner on many issues butthis
crosses the line.
Most of our neighborhood was unaware that the permit was on the
table nor were we approached by Conner's one-sided petition ;,
gathering,._ A few neighbors found out about it, the day the City \
granted the permit, and voiced our protest but were cO(lsiderably
outnumbered by supporters gathered by Conner.
This sets a dangerous precedent. We have a state-of-the-art
helicopter facility at Renton Airport. It is.almost a given that Pa\Jl\ '
Allen will be l_i,mdin°' helicopters on the Seahawks property and what
is to prevent choppers from 'landing at Connors new development
next to the Seahawks.
If you ar-: coni.;erned, you need to act now! • •
Contact the City•council, both by e-mail and attend the City Council
Meeting in Coun · Chambers on the 2nd Floor of City Hall on
Tuesday, May 6 . Jl:00 AM to support the 2 appeals that have been
filed. If ou canno 'attend it is vital that ou e-mail.
E-mail: City of Renton website at Rentonwa.gov (go to Council, City
CouncilMembers, bottpm of page to e-mail City Council Members).· : ,··,
City Renton Contact: Erika Conkling, tel: 425-430-6578, email: EConkling@ci.renton.wa.us
Public hearing on May 06. 2008, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall. If you
are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282,
to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled.
Print Name:-------------------------------
PROJECT NUMBER / NAME: LUAOS-004, ECF / Helipad Zoning Code Amendment
Description: Helipad Zoning Code Amendment in R-8 zone where it abuts Lake Washington.
General Location: R-8 _Zone Where it Abuts Lake Washington
We object to any variance that would allow construction and use ofa helicopter landing/oarking site in Kennydale. Facilities exist in
in the Puget Sound area that already serve helicopters. This includes the City of Renton. Designating portions of a residential
community as an aeronautical appendage to the City of Renton Municipal Airport is objectionable and intolerable. The construction of
a helipad (and/or heliport) in a residential community is just wrong.
We object to the above referenced "Project Number'' based on the following reasons:
• The project description is misleading. Based .on FAA guidelines, the applicant is constructing a heliport (aeronautical
landing/takeoff area -includes airspace considerations) not just a helipad (parking site). Nevertheless, both are inconsistent with
the City ofRenton's Land Use Comprehensive Plan and zoning.
• Nowhere in FAA guidelines (Advisory Circular 150/5390-ZB, Heliport Design), or Washington State Department of
Transportation land use guidelines is it recommended to locate aeronautical activity (heliport or helipad) in a residential
neighborhood. ,.
• The optimum location for a helipad -(helicopter parking area) is on an airport. ~ ~ -~~
' •
The noise from helicopters will be unbearable. Interrupted sleep due to helicopter noise is unacceptable. Noise that distracts
children from school alld studies is unconscionable. Noise that interrupts the tranquility of indoor relaxation; and outdoor
gardening, bird watching, recreation or outdoor BBQ is objectionable. Putting a neighborhood in harms way is unthinkable.
The City of Rent.on Council has been realistic in protecting Mercer Island from noise generated by users of Renton Municipal
Airport. Our expectation is the City of Renton and Council protect its own citizens and constituency from aeronautical noise, 'IUd
ensure a safe residential environment.
This proposal designates new flight paths to an aeronautical landing area over our neighborhood. We oppose this action without
an environmental impact statement.
King Parker, Renton City Council said the city's ideal future focuses on "supporting the vitality of our neighborhoods ...... and
enhancing quality of life". (Source ~enton Reporter March 29, 2008.) Accordingly, the helipad (and/or heliport) proposed must
be denied on the basis it is not eodsisient with the City's vision.
In conclusion, approving construction of the proposed helipad (and/or heliport) is nothing less then profitable exploitation of our
neighborhood to benefit a few individuals at the expanse of the many citizens living in Kennydale and visitors that enjoy our trails,
parks and beaches. What is the City of Rehton's legal liability and moral responsibility in the event of a helicopter accident in our
neighborhood? Why would the City of Renton and Council ignore its own land use and airspace guidelines that protect people and
property on the ground from aeronautical activity? We believe it is irresponsible for the City of Renton to approve an aeronautical
facility -(helipad or heliport) in a residential area.
(Or, email your response to: EConkling@ci.renton.waus ;or em.ail a City Council Member
http://rentonwa.gov/government/default.aspx?id=1776 To call a Council Member PH: 425.430.6501, Fax: 425.430-6523.)
, .
1. FAA Advisory Circular Heliports vs. Helipads/FAA Form 7480 Notification: Start here -http://www.faa.gov/
Then click on "Advisory Circulars" located on right hand side of screen under Regulations. This should take you to this web site:
http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory and Guidance Library/rgAdvisoryCircular.nsf/MainFrame?OpenFrameSet
Under "SEARCH" Type in the word Heliport. ACl50/5390-2B defines heliport vs. helipad. You should get web link below.
http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory and Guidance Library/rgAdvisoryCircular.ns£10/4 I 2DE833D6BAA 71286256F340060C072?0penDocume
WSDOT-Aviation Land Use Guidelines: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/aviation/Planning/LandUseCompProg.htm
2. CITY OF RENTON HOME PAGE WEB PAGE: Go to http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=2682
Under "Helpful links" on the left hand side of screen click on the following subjects
• "Planning and Zoning" click on "Comprehensive Plan". Under "Helpful links" on the right hand side of screen click on the
following subjects
• Comprehensive Plan Map; then click on Comprehensive Land Use which is located under "City Maps"
• Comprehensive Plan Map; then click on Zoning -Color
• Development Regulations
• Current Land Use Applications
"Current Land Use Applications" takes you to " NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATIONS" located at
http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=5458. On this web page the project number and description of the Helipad Zoning Code
Amendment in R-8 zone. For your convenience the requested variance is listed below
PROJECT NUMBER I NAME: LUAOS-004, ECF / Helipad Zoning Code Amendment '
• Description: Helipad Zoning Code Amendment in R-8 zone'where it abuts Lake Washington. 2/22/08 -Appeal received from
Peggi Lyle DuBois (Galster)
• General Location: R-8 Zone Where it Abuts Lake Washington
• Public Approvals: Environmental (SEPA) Review
• Contact: Erika Conk.ling, tel: 425-430-6578, email: EConkling@ci.renton.wa.us
• Applicant/Project Contact Person: Ciy Of Renton -EDNSP,, tel: 425.430.6578
• Date of Application: January 14, 2008
• Notice of Complete Application: January 16, 2008 ;
• This matter is tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on May 06, 2008, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton
City Hall. If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282, to
ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record
and receive additional notification b mail, contact the Pro"ect Mana er at 425-430-6578.
3. SOURCE: RENTON REPORTER, MARCH 29, 2008 -King Parker, Renton City Council
4. SOURCE: City of Renton Comprehensive Plan; Supplement No. 3; January 18, 2008
Strategic Planning; City of Renton; 1055 South Grady Way, Floor Six; Renton WA 98057; 425.430.6575
This Supplerneol is a reprint of the City of RentQn Comprehensi,1e Plan, adopted Novemt:cr I, :!tX>4
as ameo.:rd The cocl09!d revisions reflect the 1007 Comprchensi,·e Plan Anrndmcnts. apptoved
December 10, 2fXJI.
5. List of related sites, including those call-out above.
http://rentonwa.gov/search.aspx?g=Comprehensive%20P1an&cx=O l l 154158590925031729:dufo sjigmo&cof=FORID: 11 # 1272
6. Web link to City Council Members http://rentonwa.gov/government/default.aspx?id=l776 Click on "City Council members"
Renton City Limits
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