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HAJ9 3DAYRARO C114A DMARD YKAMRAJBF" P009 A rRA HOffAFONM TKSM-EM SM W 3TW HM 34 0= aODSO AW .9LNSJ-BS '.77 tg LV C43 0 . ...... ... HAJ9 3DAYRARO C114A DMARD YKAMRAJBF" P009 A rRA HOffAFONM TKSM-EM SM W 3TW HM 34 0= aODSO AW .9LNSJ-BS '.77 Mn 307 mp; 04. z cr) m > rn —wro-,. W&NNAHM M3 Vii 172S4 rU KBS DEVELOPMENT COFFORATON 12320 NE STH STREET. SUITE 100 Tlk. PFIBJL94ARY ROAD PROFILES FOR BELLEVUE, WA 98005 VUECPESTIJ zinr7 4Yg5 � I � i i -ciwr-� Ts qq t �E*aT -M 1 r E N u m •= 4 83 ROFr9 OAOH YFt4AA M4 NWARD9AM THam90J3Y3O 2HA Fi09 M STUB ,TIMRM Kra 3N MOV U T83503l3V a009e Aw .3LN3 J39 ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii A -- ------------ - 11 ------------------------ -- ------ - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -------------- -- -------------- ---------------------- 0 by A T1w Fa' TION KBS DEVELOPMENT 0CWORA PRELMNARY UTLM PLAN 7254 r Kim,. m 9&3� "1 2 '. -,n. 'm �421!�S:-62 2 47% �5 _'7v ro Z 2320 NE 8TH STREET. SURE 1W FOR BELLEVUE, WA 98005 VUZCRKSTH --Jr- ----------- -- fA _e -BE I CM AVNFE -------------- A T1w Fa' TION KBS DEVELOPMENT 0CWORA PRELMNARY UTLM PLAN 7254 r Kim,. m 9&3� "1 2 '. -,n. 'm �421!�S:-62 2 47% �5 _'7v ro Z 2320 NE 8TH STREET. SURE 1W FOR BELLEVUE, WA 98005 VUZCRKSTH --Jr- p r�. - • .•.�k .� •. 7� ayT _..••-••• NAJ9 YTLJTIJ YFmksNJ3A9 VKXTAR09F00 T143m90J3v3a 2ED1 ...,,. SQJAH� AZ£R Fl03 001 Errm ,T33AT8 Wa 31 mst n• s ». 11 Ta3RDauv 2000P AW ,3VY3JJ39 �'' J ,'_ �•.••^ uwv-..� airni w�.ca..; anr.w, �••wnr�' 8 P B ------- ------ kil R .. • ^ e • o S qpF4A(Ae aa,s cillo wvue sov n °.,^' '� " I 1 I PLAN 17254 lh rck;. WA M32 2 B ------- ------ kil R .. • ^ e • o FF F" F� F# F F FF F>E FF � "F -F -F •F -F =F � � � � E � �' 'e• � a a a a a � 11 S qpF4A(Ae aa,s cillo wvue sov n °.,^' '� " For PLAN 17254 lh rck;. WA M32 2 r � KBS bEVELOPAAENT CORPORATION PREUKMNARY LANDS APE - .r •- ^' :w ww 12324 NE 9TH STREET, SUITE 100 BEL LEYIIE, WA 98005 FOR VUECREST 7f 5 B .mr w�A+.lc er�laueaw roans ,.d inve ? o g Y. 1 1 � i � 1 a$ K� N 1 - I 1 —��-� �`--.rte .. �� {_. � �„►�y_~ -. - -- s rf? i r•: FF F" F� F# F F FF F>E FF � "F -F -F •F -F =F � � � � E � �' 'e• � a a a a a � 11 S qpF4A(Ae aa,s cillo wvue sov n °.,^' '� " For PLAN 17254 lh rck;. WA M32 2 r � KBS bEVELOPAAENT CORPORATION PREUKMNARY LANDS APE (�PS)15f- 9182 (�7sEis1-6182 IAM a�. aam.a Aa..a .r •- ^' :w ww 12324 NE 9TH STREET, SUITE 100 BEL LEYIIE, WA 98005 FOR VUECREST 7f 5 B .mr w�A+.lc er�laueaw roans ,.d inve 1�0 g n • m . . ! e . O 1119,1q B3 9191946 ass r1l 1,11111 1Y1— - • 3E 3UN9YA anon s ti ��n qR roi _ �.-� rmioe xae3w, arcs V01 $JAH ,••"••• KAJ9 3RA38CMAJ YgAYOL13Fl9 f+o-i MMAAOqFiDJ TM3M9OJ3r30 MA 001 3TLJs ,TEaTm Fifa 30 08BSt .... x: ,., s....•. s�aac w .,KO I SSA-�ec(tt.) S� ►c`SCT c s s s s 11 ZOOS@ AW ,3UV3J BS 1119,1q B3 9191946 ass r1l 1,11111 1Y1— - • 3E 3UN9YA anon s ti ��n qR roi _ �.-� rmioe xae3w, arcs V01 $JAH ,••"••• KAJ9 3RA38CMAJ YgAYOL13Fl9 f+o-i MMAAOqFiDJ TM3M9OJ3r30 MA 001 3TLJs ,TEaTm Fifa 30 08BSt .... x: ,., s....•. s�aac w .,KO I SSA-�ec(tt.) S� ►c`SCT IITa3R--4UV ZOOS@ AW ,3UV3J BS •" " ••� a z 1s r2 •-L A W'rHrep V254 'r KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION F PFL -IMINARY TREE RETENTION PLAN 12320 NE STH STREET SURE 100 FOR BELLEVUE, WA 98005 vuzCpEsT 11 ;opt Spalf. asal . . . . . . . . . . TO 7. 7: (DO "x;s rl. iv 'PEI Im iLim4lo a zmm :aH to a a. s: 1 7 1 1 . . . . . . . . . 4 i (D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F:--------- - Lv a 2: n :.�zi.ajm 51 1& :a 1� 2 li m 4 xa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00.FE!EiE .. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3U43VA CMW is SILT T— 3Loi, �,, -e� 4� KAJ9 MOrnt3TW E37T YFOMALEF9 WaTApo9p0o TVC-*Mj3VM Be :C:#` TIll PP09 Oa FMA T33TM Hn 3M MV Sl ?23A03U4a3M AW -UBS-UBS a kgKhgCbmt7 NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP NVI al Assessments 111 _ 100' VUECREST II NORTH TALBOT PARK condo. � RIRGE T NAAS 4 i f I=[!= i;mm mm� HTAow 9AM JIAT30 OOOHSI08Hai3W titwoo or" IN WnemsasuA 10 Igsd II T23SI03UV .aar = "t I - • r • . .Obnw;;; 9 TOBJAT ?c7orA rOIMT R � IF1j '� T2 f 3M! r6ar 6 i rav L4 v j" jz�jj i ' L i9p, Iiol it 11 I ; " 1111" lie L--- --J IT Ar-------------- -rn ............ 'm nk 51 IAW rl --------- HIT I cn Fw' Tp T7254 KBS DEVELOPENT CORPORATION PRELA WARY SHORT PLAT 1232o NE 8TH STREET virrE loo FOR 141',1;:57Mj M BELLEVUE, WA 98005 VUECJZEST 1Jr qmT TAJ9 TFK*Q YAAAkAJ399 II T23A�3UV PMAFK)c M TK3M90JEl190 88A Dor 3TM .7336►$ HTB 31 mesr Z,OM AW .3r1Y3IJ38 I O E SJwNQy .a..� ,. a ��, oe qmT TAJ9 TFK*Q YAAAkAJ399 II T23A�3UV PMAFK)c M TK3M90JEl190 88A Dor 3TM .7336►$ HTB 31 mesr Z,OM AW .3r1Y3IJ38 I O SJwNQy .a..� ,. a ��, oe LgKing •��� County NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP �t Of Aswss nts lei = Baa, VUECREST II NORTH � I h 9AM JIAT30 000HROEM0130 rtft-O enLAIm Wes w.a4 to IgaO II T23R33UV •oor = ••r HT3iON V w. �r .o011. 119A9 T08.IAi .i — 3aa+s :. Dim.. _ . _... i J T 3T12 wh LL ---� --- ...1....._...1... - r 1 I 5 1. L 1Y I .. E ._1 ii -------------- �rtrfMf�-------NM�NIMH� i i •�s ,...r. aGHAtjB 152'5 ]2W MEyA 57TH a"ra a O Far 11254 �x W.*A 9W32 � KBS DEYELOPMWT CORPORATION PRELA *4ARY LANDSCAPE PLAN mr (4np 78 (�25j351-8782 FN( IR S gR �R pR4R jR RR i •�s ,...r. aGHAtjB 152'5 ]2W MEyA 57TH a"ra a Far 11254 �x W.*A 9W32 � KBS DEYELOPMWT CORPORATION PRELA *4ARY LANDSCAPE PLAN mr (4np 78 (�25j351-8782 FN( _ 120 NE 8TH ET. SURE 100 STREET, BBI EAE, WA 98005 FOR VUECREST 11 IJ 6 a .ar�r amt..c. d�mwcK. .nv,� l ii it iii a����� wn" 3uwm wst VIM MW kw .TKP ms-rm-, x aW dw1+,01a wo 42' PAA, � III ID 10 111111111 N - - o V` pri •v IM - wn" 3uwm wst VIM MW kw .TKP ms-rm-, x aW dw1+,01a wo 42' PAA, � Denis Law Mayor Fl - September 19, 2016 Jamie Waitier Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Harbour Homes 1441 N 34th Street #200 Seattle, WA 98103 SUBJECT: Surety Device Amount Vuecrest Estates Plat and Vuecrest 11 Short Plat City of Renton File Nos. LUA13-000642 and LUA15-000026 Dear Mr. Waltier: Based on the two (2) contracts (attached) that I received for the Final Mitigation Pian for Vuecrest Estates Plat and Vuecrest 11 Short Plat, the total amount of your surety device is $24,814.81. The specific breakdown is as follows: Maintenance / Monitoring $7,500.00 Planting/ Replacement/ Restoration $12,351.85 TOTAL $19,851.85 @325% $24,814.81 This amount is deemed sufficient to guarantee that structures, improvements, and mitigation required by permit condition will perform satisfactorily for a minimum of five (5) years after they have been completed. Please come to the 6th Floor of Renton City Hall to pay the surety device, and as a reminder, the City of Renton does not accept bonds. Thank you for your diligent work in providing a final mitigation plan for these two projects. Once I have received a receipt for the surety device, I will issue a letter signaling the start of your five- year monitoring program. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (425) 430- 7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Senior Planner Enclosures cc: Chris Surrus / Harbour Homes City of Renton File Nos. LUA13-000642 and LUA15-000026 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov MN'Of7zir�1.11 11 dill }' DuonosWn f Mitlgallan / lisslorailOnI Habtiat Creattan l Pe�-i Assl•tmca 9505 191h Avanue S.E. y suite 106 Everett, Washington 98208 (425) 337-3174 Fax (425) 337-3045 August 3 J , 2016 Harbour Homes by Geaarerco .Atte. Jamie Waider 400 N 34P Street, #300 Seattle, WA 98103 Re: Proposal for Critical Area Services -- Vuecrest 1 and 1 We#land Resources, Inc. agrees to the following scrape of work for the 11.76 -acre site located at and adjacent to 4909 Main Avenue S (aka 102" Avenue. SE) in the city of Renton, WA. The site is located as a portion of Sections 31 and 32, Township 23A1, Range 5E, W ,M. Scope of Fork Task 1 $ 1,500.00 a. Conduct an As -wilt site inspection b. Prepare an As -Built Report Task 2 $ 7,500.00 a, Perform quarterly rnonitcaring site visits for Year 1, and prepare a Monitoring report for each visit. b. Perform annaaai monitoring site visits for Years 2-5, and prepare a Monitoring Report for each visit. Fees Wetland Resources, Inc. charges $140.00 per hour for a .principal Ecologist, $120.00 per hour for a Senior Ecologist and $110.00 per hour for an Associate, Ecologist. We estimate the total cast related to the aforementioned scalae of services to be $9,000.00. We will not exceed this estimate without prior approval. The Monitoring Report wiil describe the monitoring results related to plant viper, survival, areal coverage, invasive species, hydrology, and wildlife usage. .The above scalae of work does neat inclaacte contingency meetings. If additional services are deemed necessary, another proposal will be drafted. If additional services are deemed necessary, another proposal will be drafted. Paavrnent Terms progress invoices are mailed moxa hly with net payment due within 30 days of receipt. We will supply you with a draft copy of the report for your review 'and comments along with a final irivoice. Report3 Will not bta firatized or signed until fall payment of any balance clue has been collected, Interest will be, charged on caccotints thirty days past daie at the rate of 1,5% per ri�onth for tlae unpaid balance. In the event this account is sunt to collections, the client will pay reaascraable, attorney fees and cost of collection, whether or not a lawsuit is commenced. The work considered for this proposal will conform to the prevailing ;standard of care L'rnployi cd by wctltaiid ccologkts iti ilshin;lton- NO +titer L .a' /►" w Ck:, S':- c,, k: ¢- 4.,. Ap- SbF, .' M :: N L7. Farx 3i3 Fnhu�': WA BF - 2 ,:13 ?37 ii4i7 ^,i6cr 253 33 -, O,rc ,q;M 1' ita}a n s,l l 5!r It u i rt tr rf 'Tss: }lai-bow- Homes SltCcl' ON. Estimate P I UI art: iJuecrest I & II Mitigation n,tv: ,1 l't'IaL3- 9.16,2016 Net 10th Psr:mator; _ tf-v r Dance Descripuml: PI -ice to in -stall naidgiltiofl plal"jags altii replacenieflt grecs i1+_�l' plan by Wetland Resources, d<itf:d 08/2(116. "..t1*'ri kVf) PT_ANTT?Jr1Z Materials (installed) Cnst (instal€edl Cost (Installed) Quantity Unit Total Hydreseed (bare areas n! nuf er additien) 2 48 yU 22 NJ70 SF Se613 88 Fins: Sark Mulch 16" deptrai Unit $67.26 27 CY S1.816,07 Shvubs (insta;luci) Slce Cost (Installed) Quantity Unit Total VVeslern Reid Cedar s goal 525.14 17 CA 5427.41 Red Alder 2 gal $25.14 17 EA 5427,41 SnozubcrrV 2 gal $25.14 20 FA 5542.83 Indian Plum 2 gal 525.14 20 EA 3502.83 Black Twinberry 2 gal $25.14 24 EA $502.83 o berry 2 gal 325,14 22 CA $553.12 8i�d Tp rose 2 Gal 1 x25.14 1 Z1 E.P. 1527.9$ Sub Total: $6,127,36 D 170 AripK.4 IUTTRFFS Matcri:als (Itzstallvd) Cnst (instal€edl Q.isntity Unit 'Total Fine U.a;k UL:Ich I;6" depth) Tree Slakes 1,2 per Trt,,O 567.25 55,95 2 48 CY EA SiU9 $Q 52,35,60 Trees (Installed) She Gast (lnstalfed), Quantity Unit Total Jesiem Red Cedar 3' cal 5;_43.25 24 EA 55,83 B.(3t) Sub Total. $6,224.49 Grand Tata): $32,351.85 "*'Price does not Include Washington .State Sales Tax* •" ,zl rrorkm3 rshlp !s rtraran'.red agalnxt dcierrs !rt wc; kit+.rnslsl{: rcr n period o€ 90 days lrorrt trio date of nota llanc,n. rKA be rn_spcw hie f or �.nc:denl a', er consequential damages- $,01W sha4 not be responslta!e for damage to its work by al4er oartles or for tn%pm"f care of matenal, lbera shall be arse. of this ostlowte, reNente upon it, or Uye rn n rtshonest warner; such as disclosure of nary cur, f!dennal dmumentaLlon to a competing third party. nuy,r shall furnish Sellef wish lab feady work sites 5mh as llnal gradiry, protae: dralrcage, cor+crcte, grrtiass, dmrmxpautx, painting completed, and detxts r ovo- d from We. \wept: �,ce of Oi: Lwrnn ei by the buyer e anal laic: r,crerzt anra of all the Ihl3 proposal Price rjJld for a.?lays. Signature GEL REP: pate: Accepted Date: dotes: *la?n1.Catlon is pmooutt (Dr thk portlon of wolk ,hrub size= err assu tied at 2-Olon %{race no lues tr0 "6 ied on pans r'rice does mat it dude de Iran& tei+dng, or s;is 4g P:;ce daes vat Include mrno"f of no hm w nk3 pylar to tarns tenement of wa'ir- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ciTY or 0 AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Rent n PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM CRITICAL AREAS REGULATIONS EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: July 25, 2016 LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: LUA15-000026 PROJECT NAME: Vuecrest II Short Plat Critical Areas Exemption PROJECT MANAGER: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner APPLICANT: Harbour Homes, LLC Attn: Jamie Waltier 1441 N 34th St #200 Seattle WA 98103 PROJECT LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave S (Parcel No. 322305-9097) and Smithers Ave S/S47th St (Parcel No. 312305-9048) CRITICAL AREA: Category II Wetland PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Critical Areas Exemption in order to install permanent public utility activities that will intrude through adjacent wetlands and required wetland buffers between Vuecrest ll Short Plat and Vuecrest Estates Preliminary Plat (LUA13-000642). The project development is proposing to utilize and extend public utilities between the two sites, including storm drainage, sewer, water and dry utilities under the Smithers Ave S and SE 186th St (Exhibit 1). A combined stormwater drainage facility within Vuecrest Estates (Tract A - 15,748 sf) would serve 28 lots (8 -lot short plat and the 20 -lot subdivision). Early clearing and grading, in addition to utility and construction work is anticipated to begin in the Summer of 2016. Each project plat would be completed under separate utility construction permits (015007217 and U15007232). On March 19, 2015 the City of Renton and Harbour Homes, LLC entered into a settlement agreement to provide a second means of access from Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) to Vuecrest Estates (Exhibit 2). The alignment of the road included crossing the Category II Wetland and connecting Smithers Ave S to SE 186th St. Temporary distrubances to the wetland and wetland buffer are anticipated due to construction activities, such as management of essential tree removal, placement of public roads and utilities, or the construction of footings necessary for a multi -plate single radius arch culvert needed to span the wetland edge. No wetlands would City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Critical Areas Regulations Vuecrest 11 Short Flat [Atka! Areas Exemption LUAIS-000026 July 25, 2016 Page 2 of 3 be filled in order to install plat utilities or road improvements (Exhibits 1 and 3). Disturbed areas outside the access alignment would be reasonably restored to pre -construction condition. CRITICAL AREA: Category II Wetland and Associated Buffer EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-3-050C.3 Exemptions — Critical Areas and Buffers. The activities approved under the settlement agreement and utility construction permit for Vuecrest Estates include mitigation sufficient to achieve no net loss of wetland function through buffer width averaging and acceptance of a final mitigation plan. The mitigation plan includes a five year mitigation plan that includes maintenance and monitoring for any impacts created by the permanent public utility activities within the category wetlands or wetland buffers within Tracts 8-D (Exhibit 4). FINDINGS: The proposed development is consistent with the following findings pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050C.3: 1. The activity is not prohibited by this or any other chapter of the RMC or state or federal law or regulation. 2. The activity will be conducted using best management practices as specified by industry standards or applicable Federal agencies or scientific principles if submitted plans are followed and the conditions of the utility construction permits are met. 3. Impacts will be minimized and disturbed areas will be immediately restored, if submitted plans are followed and conditions of the utility construction permits are met. 4. Where wetland or buffer disturbance has occurred in accordance with an exemption during construction or other activities, revegetation with native vegetation was mitigated for. DECISION: An exemption from the critical areas regulations is approved for Vuecrest 11 Short Plat. SIGNATURE: 12,5140 f�_Jenni er Henning, Planning Director Date Department of Community & Economic Development APPEALS: An appeal of this administrative land use decision must be filed in writing together with the required fee to the City of Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m., on August S, 2016. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Critical Areas Regulations Vuecrest N Short Plot Critkol Areas Exemption LUA15-000026 July 25, 2016 Page 3 of 3 RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14 -day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: One (1) year from the date of decision (date signed). ) K/} a< /I ) � a� ! Cfi9f-7-7/4sas (to _& 2 2 §`®# e 2 / ■ . o . __. ) K/} a< /I ) � a� ! Cfi9f-7-7/4sas (to _& 2 2 §`®# e 2 / ) K/} ) � a� ! Cfi9f-7-7/4sas ! FO -4a 1 |f iwJm,aZ� 2g 3amm $ 1132£'39Zs2wg 3»3a M O. � 2 2�`� , » , m w, §� -.-...------~ 1Ceent66 Entire Document Available Upon SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Request This SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this N dayof 2015, between the City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation ("Renton") and Harbour Homes, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Harbour"). RECITALS A. Renton is a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, organized under the Optional Municipal Code, Title 35A RCW, located in King County, Washington. B. Harbour is the applicant for the preliminary plat known as Vuecrest Estates, Renton File Number LUA13-000642 ("Vuecrest Estates"). C. Vuecrest Estates is located west of Main Ave. S, which is also known as and hereinafter referred to as 102nd Ave. SE, and is separated from 102nd Ave. SE by two parcels of property: King County Parcel No. 3223059171, owned by Joseph and Martha Mackenzie (the "Mackenzie Parcel") and King County Parcel No. 3223059097, owned by KBS 111 LLC (the "KBS 111 Parcel"). The Mackenzie Parcel is located immediately north of the KBS 311 Parcel. D. in its application for preliminary plat approval for Vuecrest Estates, Harbour proposed that the public road to be extended from the north through Vuecrest Estates, known as Smithers Ave. 5., be terminated with a temporary cul-de-sac at the boundary of the Mackenzie Parcel, because the owners of the Mackenzie Parcel had no interest in developing the Mackenzie Parcel and no interest in granting an easement through the Mackenzie Parcel for access to 102nd Ave. SE. E. The Renton Hearing Examiner issued a Final Decision Upon Reconsideration concerning Vuecrest Estates (the "Hearing Examiner Decision") that included Condition 13 which read: 13. Prior to the recording of the final plat, a secondary fire access shall be constructed that extends Smithers Ave S to the east to directly connect to Main Ave S (3132nd Ave SE). The extent of street improvements necessary to effectuate this connection shall be determined by the City of Renton Fire Department in occordonce with applicable fire code standards and shall be the minimum necessary to provide for safe and effective secondary access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles. F. Harbour appealed the Hearing Examiner Decision to the Renton City Council. G. Subsequent to Harbour filing its appeal, the owner of the KBS 11i Parcel applied to Renton for short plat approval for a project known as Vuecrest 13 ("Vuecrest 11"). The proposed layout of Vuecrest 11 includes a public road identified as Road A between the eastern boundary of Vuecrest Estates and 102"d Ave. SE. a�R LLJ U Q U) ❑ W w `D W B Z x V) of 4. 0 J � � N CL El _j �:ssr�a� :rear I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I , I I °• I I I I i+ II I I I II I I I I 2 I I I I I I II I I I , it II I I I a I I I I p lu i Z H 8 x a W p w III III r~n i ii II o 4 c7 I I I u I I m I I I au I I I oar li li WSJ i i II Dow I I I �xg i I I fix. I I I I I i l l I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ] I u I + I 1 I ry I l i l I I S l i l I I I � I I I I + I I I N w� �z b o w J W 5 LU Z E. X _ Oa o `J 351a .Oi-.B u W � F z E � o c � g ULU y Q LL D j i I I j N I a al � j ; x I V I � ❑ w w (n Y w W S s o `^ z z � O � O _ i� e m� n T �w h�$ Z Z a ¢ NIW aw a c F 0 oma, - O (351=1.0 ga w w ❑ w - a� z I I N w� �z b o w J W LLE, LU Z E. X _ Ufn W w Q Z w u I � g ULU UJ L) LL I I I j i I I j N I a al � I ; x I V I � w� �z b o w J W LLE, LU Z E. X _ Ufn W w Q Z w u I � g ULU UJ L) LL y m j N o m � a w� �z b J LU z_ u LL y 4 a cn ❑ w w W S s o `^ z z � O � O _ i� e ilia WOIti 7MNON Q31�YdT!'IQ�'SLiI� I I rzi R. Sf 3tON 33S _ I I I z i3A31213A03 Wf1WINIW.O'B a _-_-__-401 F F U V N Z Z25 ❑ \ I LU > o 5 5 • IL 0 d. 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',..' :il :e E a a NOTIC OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE • MITIGATEII IONS" POSTTO TO NOTIFY INTENESFEP PERSONS OF AN ENYIRONMENTALALTION PROIERHAME: Y°e-115Rort Plx P0.lLERNVMeFA: LVA35-0OOe]e, [:6, SHPLA, MUD LOCATION: 4%9MI OFXRI�pI: TXE 6FR1GM 1a REgUESIINB APFgOVA OF AN HOT SIgRT RhaY TOTAUNF TlRaeO 50lluhE iFET ISFI OR 145 R[RR iOR N! 1V H, ",Itn MFM Or ! NnG14 FAMILY HOU5M hH1 5uw1 apOPEIFR H IF]I w THE RRIOEXTIAL. EOFII- DISTRICT. Txi FROPW R TOTS RANhi IN SM FROM 1.55! aF TO ) IT.Na aF IN —A. -ITN AN 4v.MGE LOT Fa OF lS4a y. THE SITE ALw COkTura A QITIrAL ARG nAAx I-Im AI TwLTaIFISu AYESP.I RI! I SF 19TE0 ST vRoPu05FOD P VAr Wlu v 6x VIOF CT I w6T PXOV uN! Mev. FUTIIR! Fme n[f11E ROAD pllE%SiOx OR M -C ROAD E)iSEhIVON ET THE DEVL101ER O! T1h! FRDYOSfO FV,Y OF YlRMWESTAMILUALI.OD6 i-THEAPPUCAYEYKA15DRLQUE5 MAMUDFIUnDK IRON iTAFFrIMnhOMDARSTa IN OAm N vR°YIOE'.-RAARY A � T6 TXe P.0IACFNT NAT i0 TN! uf[tiT, PRWIOI hOD[TIONFL gN51RaaT PRRRINGAND PFIMA ENlS'ON.AM � 5T19Y,! ANO r EllMIk.WT TK *_ WOF N PIMP YAKS X APPUrAT�I a vR THE �ITY 01 RENTON NED GH ARION HAS PAQ BASLE SIGNIVFICANT IM PACTS THAT❑CAN EEMITIGATE6 HROO HI 9 THAT MLMURES. REVIEW 29, ARPl.G .E h. In nM.RVFI d.Ierminatl°n moat h. filed In-rltln�'nROm nol S5:00 South Gh.dyAWry, 2015, tueeh■T with th. requhmd Fe. wNh: H.yNnl t: amino, UOT ° R¢r.Tdin hI aPWRI prAPO TIh.DI,Wnnd h°mCh.0..ntOwahfJ.N:F OIRn, {47Sf -030-E 510. rmall.rt IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION 15 APPEALED, A PU9UC HEARNG WILL RE SET AND ALL PARTIES N9TIFIED. FUR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTCIN, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY >4 ECONOMIC DFIELOPMENT AT j425) 436-720 DCF NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION P1.FP.SE INCLLOE TRE PROFECT NUMBER WHEN C LUNG FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. CERTIFICATION { �.;Zj, C-Lcl� , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted in 3 conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date: t I)I/ I5 Signed:--�-- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that C (c,T-V- 4 Los signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dates` Notary PC in and for the State of Washington . _ Notary (Print): My appointment expires: ter] ITP,' op WA��`�t IFtITh 4 r ..� '. .....__....._........°r ..... _...... ....... m IRM a€.,:... -'' .3'�1 r. E �vt� .: Y[y"i�lieL€ ,...:- ....E€.........€!14i'eI:R:RIl1.wR:R.'E,'MVIMIIM;.'WIL�'�et.`r�r €R�Y€LI'.. ..-- .... .,......F:€E4[Et :.t...�..................._,.....ror-:<<....._.:.::..:..._..............t...s..�t..,-.<-...............w_............ .E.......E,ht€€[.I. ................€E ttEttE€[ttIN11":::..........._...................., ; .... ... .. tt..t,,[:...... ,�. .._......_' ...€.Pf { E E tt,.t:. e.:s.............................._xe�-.,e.. t., ........ ......_......-..... E E;•te ...t........__._...,..t€E€ E E[.". %:. .......:::::::::..... .........y - .:... �..(�.��y .. .e. -.? ESE€ �pf.' ........... € *Y iM�4t��iCs f � ., .... ......... . ....tet E..:. t<r ................ �...................... F, EfE(E [ [ On the 5th day of June, 2015, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing SEPA Determination and Notice documents. This information was sent to: . R I P EfHi! u Agencies See Attached Wayne Potter Contact Kolin Taylor, KBS II Applicant Parties of Record See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON } SS COUNTY OF KING } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary (Print): My appointment expires: AA P \• »tit Nota Public in and for the State a r t�.S 02 r{r b I �- �`, 3'��t;''� 8-2 9 -1� �'�C, lJ `/ 11411...... tt��+�`f� ` f template - affidavit of service by mailing Vuecrest II Short Plat mi SS !i�FttY€RFi i�i�isEs��sr LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology ** Dept. of Ecology ** Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. ** Environmental Review Section Attn: Misty Blair Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 PO Box 47703 39015 —172nd Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region Duwamish Tribal Office * Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program ** Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Laura Murphy King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172 nd Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program ** Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Erin Slaten Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin 39015 172nd Avenue SE PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Boyd Powers *** WDFW - Larry Fisher* Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation* Depart. of Natural Resources 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box 47015 Issaquah, WA 98027 PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn- SEPA Section Attn: Tim McHarg Attn: Acting Community Dev. Director 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Director of Community Development 220 Fourth Avenue South Snoqualmie, WA 98065 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Newcastle, WA 98056 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. Jack Pace, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt 355 110`h Ave NE 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Mailstop EST 11W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle Public Utilities Puget Sound Energy Timothy C. Croll, Doug Corbin, Municipal Liaison Mgr. Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 6905 South 2281h St 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 Kent, WA 98032 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 *Note: if the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. **Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov ** Karen Walter, Laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalterPmuckleshoot.nsn.us/ Laura.mur h muckleshoot.nsn.usZ erin.slaten@muckleshoot.nsn.us ***Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: se acenter dnr.wa. ov template - affidavit of service by mailing David Rasmussen Sundance at Talbot Ridge - HOA 723 S 47th St Renton. WA 98055-6272 Lynn Briere 10339 SE 187th PI Renton, WA 98055 EE Joe Mackenzie 4835 Main Ave S Renton, WA 98055 Wayne Potter Novastar Development Inc. 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Kolin Tavlor KBS 111, LLC 12320 NE 8th 5t, #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Denis Law Mayor June 4, 2015 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 City ofV11 P (' . TNI:, i J Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on June 1, 2015: SEPA DETERMINATION: Determination of Non -Significance Mitigated (DNSM) PROJECT NAME: Vuecrest II Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-00026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2015, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-5-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7289. For the Environmental Review Committee, Clark H. Close Assistant Planner Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Ramin Pazooki, WSDOT, NW Region Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Larry Fisher, WDFW Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Duwarnish Tribal Office Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program U5 Army Corp. of Engineers Gretchen Kaefiler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Renton City Hall - 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY GityOf AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS -M) PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD APPLICANT: KBS III LLC - Kolin Taylor (AKA - KBS Development Corp.), 12320 NE Stn St, Ste 100, Bellevue, WA 98005 PROJECT NAME: Vuecrest II Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat totaling 106,680 square feet (sf) or 2.45 acres for the future development of 8 single-family houses. The subject property is located in the Residential -8 zoning district. The proposed lots range in size from 7,558 sf to 17,248 sf in area, with an average lot size of 8,948 sf. The site also contains a critical area tract (Tract A) that is 8,404 sf. The residential density is 4.42 dwelling units per net acre. Access to the site is from Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) from SE 192nd St. The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for a future fire access road extension or public road extension by the developer of the proposed plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements in order to provide secondary access to the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees. The applicant has submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, and a Preliminary Technical Information Report with the application. PROJECT LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave S (APN 322305-9097) LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Gregg Zirr m r an, ministrator Public Works Depaftment terry Higa hiya , Administrator Community Services Department June 5, 2015 June 1, 2015 6,),1 )) `�- ?2 —�/ 4 Z/ /s" Mark Peterson, Administrator Date Fire & Emergency Services Date t A� � r� C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Date Department of Community & Date Economic Development D C1ty of y �, DEPARTMENT OF Cl,mMUNITY ityof AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Da ' DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNSM) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-00026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD APPLICANT: Kolin Taylor, KBS III, LLC, 12320 NE 8" St., Ste. 100, Bellevue, WA 98005 PROJECT NAME: Vuecrest II Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat totaling 106,680 square feet (sf) or 2.45 acres for the future development of 8 single-family houses. The subject property is located in the Residential -8 zoning district. The proposed lots range in size from 7,558 sf to 17,248 sf in area, with an average lot size of 8,948 sf. The site also contains a critical area tract (Tract A) that is 8,404 sf. The residential density is 4.42 dwelling units per net acre. Access to the site is from Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) from SE 192nd St. The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for a future fire access road extension or public road extension by the developer of the proposed plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements in order to provide secondary access to the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees. The applicant has submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, and a Preliminary Technical Information Report with the application. PROJECT LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave S LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall be required to provide, to the Current Planning Project Manager, a replanting plan identifying any temporary disturbances to the existing native vegetation within Tract A and a re -vegetation planting plan for such disturbed area(s) prior to construction permit approval. 2. Prior to construction permit approval, the applicant shall be required to obtain approval for a Critical Areas Exemption Permit for all permanent public utility activities that will intrude through adjacent wetlands or required wetland buffers, according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3-0500, J, L, and N. ADIVISORY NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Engineering Review Comments Rohini Nair 425-430-7295 1 rnair@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: i have reviewed the application for Vuecrest Estates II located at 4903 Main Ave S (PID 3223059097) and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER Water service will be provided Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District SEWER Sewer service will be provided Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District STORM There is existing storm water ditch in the Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) frontage STREETS Main Ave 5 (102nd Ave SE) is a residential street with an existing ROW width of 50 feet with 20 feet half street ROW width. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. A water availability certificate from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District was provided. The water connection is proposed as an extension of the water lines of the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site. The Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) is not yet constructed. Therefore, the proposed water service connection is approved on condition that the Vuecrest Estates development gets constructed either before or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates II development. Otherwise, alternate water service provisions will be applicable on the Vuecrest Estates II project. 2. Approved water plans from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District should be provided to the City at the utility construction permit stage. 3. New hydrants shall be installed per Renton's fire department standards to provide the required coverage of all lots. SANITARY SEWER 1. A sewer availability certificate from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District was provided. The sewer connection is proposed as an extension of the sewer lines of the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site. The Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) is not yet constructed. Therefore, the proposed sewer service connection is approved on condition that the Vuecrest Estates development gets constructed either before or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates II development. Otherwise, alternate sewer service provisions will be applicable on the Vuecrest Estates 11 project. 2. Approved sewer plans from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District should be provided to the City at the utility construction permit stage. SURFACE WATER 1. A drainage plant and drainage report dated January 15, 2015 was submitted by Barghausen Consulting Engineers Inc. The proposed 8 lot subdivision is subject to Full Drainage review in accordance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Condition. The project is subject to basic water quality treatment and Level 3 flow control. Storm water vault that will be located in the adjacent Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) is proposed for the project, and ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 2 of 7 the vault will be sized to meet the needs of both the projects. If the adjacent project does not get constructed either before or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates II development and/or if the storm water requirements for Vuecrest II development is not included in the Storm water Design of Vuecrest development, then storm water facility is required to be constructed separately for the Vuecrest Estates Il project. There appears to be 2 -Basins with two different discharge locations. Note that flows currently discharging to 102nd Ave SE cannot be re-routed to the west and may be require separate water quality and flow control treatment. Appropriate individual lot flow control BMPs will be required to be provided by the project. Final plans and drainage report based on the required per the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual is required to be submitted with the utility construction permit. 2. A geotechnical report, dated December 15, 2014 was submitted by Earth Solutions NW, LLC. The report identifies the soils as sand glacial till. These soils will not support infiltration. The geotech report recommendation should be incorporated in the storm water vault design. Storm water vault will require separate building permit review. 3. The current surface water system development charge (SDC) fee is $1,350.00 per new lot. Fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction permit and the fee rate that is current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable and the fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction permit. 4. A Construction Storm water General Permit from Department of Ecology is required since grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. TRANSPORTATION/STREET 1. Payment of transportation impact fee is applicable on the single family houses. The current transportation impact fee rate is $2,214.44 per new lot. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit will be levied. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance of the single family building permits. 2. Main Street S (102nd Ave SE) is a residential street with existing half street ROW width of 20 feet. To match the existing paved width further north on Main Street S (102nd Ave SE), a half street paved width of 11 feet (instead of the proposed 9.5 feet) from the center line of the ROW is required on the frontage. Frontage improvements including storm water improvements, 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, and 5 feet wide sidewalk is also required to be provided. This will require a ROW dedication of 4.5 feet (subject to final survey) on the Main Street S (102nd Ave SE) frontage. City standards include a maximum slope of 4N:1V at the back of sidewalks. A street modification request was submitted to allow the sidewalk to be located at the back of the curb for a small portion of the 102nd Ave SE (Main Street S) frontage, which is acceptable to staff. The ROW dedication of 4.5 feet and the 11 feet half street pavement width along with the frontage improvements is required to be provided by the developer. 3. A public half street (Road A) with improvements is proposed to serve the internal site access needs. The internal access is proposed to connect with the proposed road of the adjacent the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site. If the public road extension by the adjacent property is not constructed either prior to or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates II project to provide a continuous public street, then a turnaround (as per City standards) with a stub to the adjacent property is required to be provided by the Vuecrest Estates II project. The developer has included a hammerhead turnaround on Road A. The proposed internal half street should be designed to meet the City street design standards and code. The City code requirement for paved width and ROW width for public half street is 20 feet paved surface within a 35 feet ROW width a 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, and 5 feet sidewalk on ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 3 of 7 the development side are also included requirements in the code. Storm water improvements are also required to be provided. Street modification request was submitted for the proposed internal half street Road A. The street modifications for the Road A included two requests. Road A from STA 2+50 to STA 7+50 --To provide a 26 feet paved width with on -street parking on one side, along with 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, and 5 feet wide sidewalk on the development side, within a ROW width of 41.5 feet. This can be recommended for approval by staff. A 2 feet offset of the paved edge from the property line is proposed. A chain link fence at the property line is also shown in the proposed section. The maximum slope at the back of sidewalk, or back of the traveled edge is 4H:1V. Construction easement and permanent slope easement from the north property neighbor may also be required based on plans that will be reviewed during utility construction permit. The applicant has shown a street section with road having 2% down slope towards the south, with curb and gutter at the south side, which is acceptable, for the straight portion of the road. The 5 feet centerline offset of the roadway centerline of proposed Road A with the existing street SE 186th Street is acceptable to staff. Road A from STA 1+78 to STA 2+50 — A 20 feet wide paved road surface with 0.5 feet wide curb on both sides, 5 feet wide sidewalk on the south side immediately adjacent to the curb, and landscaping in an easement is acceptable to staff. An 8 feet wide clear zone (maximum slope of 4H:1V) should be provided between the curb and the drop off. A pedestrian barrier/fence should be located a minimum 2 feet away from the curb, between the curb and the drop off. No Parking signs are required to be provided by the developer. The sidewalk should extend until the turnaround. The applicant has shown a street section with road having 2% down slope towards the south, with curb and gutter at the south side, which is acceptable to staff. Road A from STA 0+63 to STA 1+78 — A 20 feet wide paved road surface with 0.5 feet wide curb on both sides is proposed. An 8 feet wide clear zone (maximum slope of 4H:1V) should be provided between the curb and the drop off. A pedestrian barrier/fence should be located a minimum 2 feet away from the curb, between the curb and the drop off. No Parking signs are required to be provided by the developer. The applicant has shown a street section with road having 2% down slope towards the south, with curb and gutter at the south side, which is acceptable to staff. Staff condition of recommendation of the modifications for proposed Road A includes possible easements for cross slope (based on review of engineering plans submitted at utility construction permit. Staff also recommends the condition that the drainage from the site should not discharge onto the adjacent property. 4. Adequate sight distance should be provided at the proposed intersection of the new half street with Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE). 5. No lot is proposed to gain direct access from 102nd Ave SE (Main Street S). The individual driveways shall be as per RMC 4-4-060. 6. Paving and trench restoration will comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 7. Street lighting is required for this plat on the frontage and on the internal access road. LED lighting plans will be included with the civil plan submittal. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All construction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. 2. Rockeries or retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height will be require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans shall be submitted for review by a licensed engineer. Special Inspection is required. ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 4 of 7 3. A tree removal and tree retention/protection plan and a separate landscape plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Fire Review - Building Comments Corey Thomas 1425-430-7024 1 cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. The fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $495,10 per single family unit. This fee is paid prior to recording the plat. Credit is granted for the removal of one existing home. Code Related Comments: 1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. There is one existing fire hydrant in this area and it meets current code. A water availability certificate is required from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30 ton vehicle with 322 psi point loading. Approved apparatus turnarounds are required for dead end roads exceeding 150 feet. An approved 90 foot diameter cul-de-sac type turnaround is required for dead end streets over 300 feet long. Per city ordinance all homes beyond 500 feet dead end will require an approved fire sprinkler system. 3. Renton Fire Department is in favor of the proposed street improvement variances allowing wider roadways and more on street parking and also secondary access to the adjacent plat of Vuecrest. We are also supportive of the list of special conditions as outlined from the applicant in their letter to the city dated March 20, 2015. Planning Review Comments Clark Close 1425-430-7289 1 cclose@rentonwa.pov Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between eight thirty (8:30) a.m. and three thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 2. New single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is by permission only. No work is permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plants appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 15t and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. Police Review Comments C ndie Parks 1 425-430-7521 1 c arks rentonwa. ov Recommendations: Estimated Calls for Service Annually: 8 Minimal impact on police services. ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 5 of 7 Technical Services Comments Bob Mac Onie 425-430-7369 1 bmaconie rentonwa. ov Recommendations: Short Plat: Bob Mac Onie 2/6/2015 Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA15-000026 and LND 20- 0618, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The dedication of right of way for short subdivisions requires a separate Deed of Dedication; provide a space to the recording number of same on the short plat. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit of the dedicated parcel. The legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant's surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit. The dedication process requires an updated Plat Certificate dated within 45 days of approval of said dedication. Talk to the Project Manager if there are questions or further information is needed. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties have been provided. A licensed surveyor must prepare, stamp, sign and date the final short plat submittal. Note the Purpose, intended ownership and restrictions for the Tract created by this subdivision? Do not use the City's title block or "SEAL" on the final submittal; this document is not a product of, or for the City. Provide sufficient information to determine how the plat boundary was established. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note what was found when visiting the existing monuments. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Include the addresses from the attached for the proposed lots on the final short plat drawing. Do note encroachments, if any. Do include a "LEGEND" block for the .short plat drawing, detailing any symbols used thereon. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. The title report reveals that there are exceptions concerning coal and mineral rights recorded under Rec. No. 3444206, and there is an agreement between the current short plat owner and a neighboring property owner regarding use of a portion of the boundary straddling lawn (Rec. NO. 20131009000726 and 20131022001138). Note any relevant researched resources on the short plat submittal. Note the plat name and lot/tract numbers of the adjoining properties or note as "Unplatted" (most of the properties to the north and south of the subject site are "unplatted"). The names of the property owners and their tax lot numbers should be removed from the final submittal. The City of Renton Administrator, Public Works Department, is the only city official who signs the final short plat. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. Pertinent King County approval blocks also need to be noted on the drawing. All vested owner(s) of the subject final short plat need to sign the final short plat submittal. Include notary blocks as needed (a corporate notary block is needed for the current property owner). include a declaration block on the drawing, titled "OWNERS' DECLARATION" not "CERTIFICATION" or other. Remove all references to building setback lines. Setbacks will be determined when building permits are issued. Do not include "ENGINEER", "SURVEYOR", "SOIL ENGINEER", "DEVELOPER/OWNER","BIOLOGIST" and ARBORIST" blocks on the submittal. Do not include any of the utilities and services listed under the "Utilities/Services" block. Remove the minimum lot area, average lot area, minimum lot area allowed, square footage of land in private access easements, proposed net density, density allowed by code, existing zoning and required ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 6 of 7 min. setbacks in the "SITE DATA" block. It is assumed that the 10' utility easement, noted over the northerly 10' of all of the proposed short plat lots is public. Easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, can be recorded concurrently with the final short plat. The final short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the final short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. If there are private easements (new easements for ingress, egress, utilities, etc. shown for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots) each will need a note defining the rights associated with the easement at issue. Since these new "proposed" easements shown aren't "granted and conveyed" until the benefited and/or burdened lots are conveyed to others add the following language on the face of the short plat drawing: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new private easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. The preceding statement obligates the seller of the lots created to "expressly grant and convey" the lots "together with and/or subject to" any new private easements delineated on the short plat in the conveying document. A private ingress, egress and utility easement require a "New Private Easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities Maintenance Agreement" statement. Community Services Comments Leslie Betlach 425-430-6619 1 lbetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: A. Parks impact fee per Ordinance 5670 applies. B. See page 2C—code related comments. C. Street trees: On 102 Avenue SE (Main) do not use Tilic Cordata Greenspire—poor variety, overhead utility (electric lines), use only trees that attain a small mature height, (e.g. Acer truncatun X platanoides, T. Cordata "Summer Sprite'). On Road—use only trees that attain a large mature height (e.g. Tilic Cordata—but not Greenspire) — Tree at 5W corner of Road A and 102 Avenue shall not be planted closer than 40 feet from stop sign. ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 7 of 7 "City of - } �r OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS -M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Vuecrest II Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave 5 DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTING APPROVAL OF AN 8 -LOT SHORT PLAT TOTALING 106,680 SQUARE FEET (SF) OR 2.45 ACRES FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF 8 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE RESIDENTIAL -8 ZONING DISTRICT. THE PROPOSED LOTS RANGE IN SIZE FROM 7,558 SF TO 17,248 5F IN AREA, WITH AN AVERAGE LOT SIZE OF 8,948 SF. THE SITE ALSO CONTAINS A CRITICAL AREA TRACT (TRACT A) THAT 15 8,404 SF. THE RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IS 4.42 DWELLING UNITS PER NET ACRE. ACCESS TO THE SITE IS FROM MAIN AVE S {102ND AVE SE) FROM SE 192ND ST. THE PROPOSED ROADWAY WILL BE EXTENDED TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE FOR A FUTURE FIRE ACCESS ROAD EXTENSION OR PUBLIC ROAD EXTENSION BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE PROPOSED PLAT OF VUECREST ESTATES (LUA13.000642). THE APPLICANT IS ALSO REQUESTING A MODIFICATION FROM STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SECONDARY ACCESS TO THE ADJACENT PLAT TO THE WEST, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ON -STREET PARKING, AND PRESERVE EXISTING TREES. THE APPLICANT HAS SUBMITTED A CRITICAL AREAS STUDY, TREE PROTECTION PLAN, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY, AND A PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT WITH THE APPLICATION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2015, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. Department of Comm-,nity and City of,00 £ � Economic Developm_.._ - NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determination of Non -Significance Mitigated (DNS -M) for the following project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Vuecrest II Short Plat LUA15-000026 Location: 4909 Main Ave S. 4909 Main Ave S. The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat. The lots range in size from 7,558 sf to 17,248 sf in area with an avg lot size of 8,948 sf. The site contains an 8,404 sf critical area tract. The density is 4.42 du/ac. The proposed roadway extends to the west property line for a future road access extension to the Plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements to provide for tree preservation, additional on -street parking and access to the adjacent plat to the west_ Appeals of the DNS -M must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady I.V iy, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. Publication Date: June 19, 2015 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNE i if AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION FRC MEETING DATE; April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Project Name: Vuecrest II Short Plat Project Number: Project Manager: Owner/Applicont: Contact: Project Location: LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Clark H. Close, Associate Planner KBS III LLC — Kolin Taylor, 12320 NE 8th St, Suite 100, Bellevue, WA 98005 Wayne Potter, Novastar Development, Inc., 18215 72nd Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 4909 Main Ave S (APN 322305-9097) Project Summory: The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat totaling 106,680 square feet (sf) or 2.45 acres for the future development of 8 single-family houses. The subject property is located in the Residential -8 zoning district. The proposed lots range in size from 7,558 sf to 17,248 sf in area, with an average lot size of 8,948 sf, The site also contains a critical area tract (Tract A) that is 8,404 sf. The residential density is 4.42 dwelling units per net acre. Access to the site is from Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) from SE 192nd St. The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for a future fire access road extension or public road extension by the developer of the proposed plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements in order to provide secondary access to the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees. The applicant has submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, and a Preliminary Technical Information Report with the application. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 1,090 SF Site Areo: 106,680 SF (2.45 acres) Proposed New Bldg, Area (footprint) Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross)_ Total Building Area GSF: N/A N/A N/A STAFF Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination RECOMMENDATION: of Nonsignificance - Mitigated (DNS -M). Project Location Mop City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development VUECRE5T U SHORT PLAT Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND A. EXHIBITS: Environmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Page 2 of 21 Exhibit 1 ERC Report Exhibit 2 Vuecrest II Short Plat Site Plan Exhibit 3 Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 4 Boundary and Topographic Survey Map Exhibit 5 Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with Road Cross Sections Exhibit 6 Preliminary Road Profiles Exhibit 7 Preliminary Utility Plan Exhibit 8 Preliminary Landscaping Plan Exhibit 9 Preliminary Tree Retention Plan Exhibit 10 Final Tree Protection Plan Report prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. (dated December 19, 2014) Exhibit 11 Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Solutions NW, LLC (dated December 15, 2014) Exhibit 12 Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. (dated January 5, 2015) Exhibit 13 Preliminary Technical Information Report prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dated January 15, 2015) Exhibit 14 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Certificate of Water Availability (dated October 21, 2014) Exhibit 15 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Certificate of Sewer Availability (dated October 22, 2014) Exhibit 16 Construction Mitigation Description Exhibit 17 Street Modification Request Exhibit 18 Vuecrest II Preliminary Short Plat, proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval, prepared by David Halinen (dated March 20, 2015), along with alternate layout Exhibits A and B attached thereto Exhibit 19 Comment Email from the President of the Sundance at Talbot Ridge HOA (includes staffs response) Exhibit 20 Settlement Agreement for Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642) Exhibit 21 Street Modification Memo: Lee Exhibit 22 Advisory Notes to Applicant B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: ERC and Short Plot Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plat KBS III LLC —Kolin Taylor, 12320 NE 8th St, Suite 100, Bellevue, WA 98005 Residential — 8 du/ac (R-8) Residential Single Family (RS) One single-family home (on the east side of property), as well as several associated outbuildings, utilities, and a private gravel access driveway. City of Menton Department of Community & omit Development ivironmentol Review Committee Report VLIECREST11 SHORT PLAT LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); lune 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 3 of 21 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: Location Parcel Number(s) Address(es) Land Use Zoning Site 322305-9097 4909 Main Ave S Residential Single Family Residential -8 North 322305-9171 4835 Main Ave S Residential Single Family Residential -8 South 322305-9163 322305-9100 322305-9214 10012 SE 187th St 10104 SE 187th St 18615 102nd Ave SE Residential Single Family Residential -4 West 312305-9048 Vuecrest Estates Residential Single Family Residential -8 East 264140-0640 Main Ave S Residential Single Family Residential -8 6. Access: Access to the short plat is proposed from Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) to a new on-site public half -street. 7. Site Area: 106,680 SF (2.45 acres) C. HISTORICALIBACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Comprehensive Plan N/A 5228 11/27/2006 Zoning A-04-007 5206 05/03/2006 Annexation (Falk ll) A-04-007 5205 05/03/2006 D. PROJECT NARRATIVE: The applicant is requesting Short Plat approval and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the subdivision of one parcel of land (King County Assessor's Parcel No. 3223059097) into one tract (Critical Area Tract A) and eight (8) lots for the future construction of 8 single-family residences (Exhibit 2). A short plat is an administrative review process. The subject property is located at 4909 Main Ave S near the intersection of Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) and SE 186th St, in a portion of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 05 East, W.M., within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. There is one single-family home located on-site (on the east side of property), as well as several associated outbuildings, utilities, and a private gravel access driveway. The subject site is narrow and rectangular in shape (167' wide by 636' long), totaling 106,680 square feet (2.45 acres). The site is surrounded by a mix of small undeveloped forested areas, as well as by existing single-family subdivisions and homes on large lots. The proposed lots range in size from 7,558 to 17,248 square feet in area, with an average lot size of 8,948 square feet. The residential density would be 4.42 dwelling units per net acre. Access to the site is from Main Ave S from SE 192nd St_ The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for a future secondary fire access road extension to be constructed by the developer of the proposed Plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). Half -street frontage improvements will be completed along Main Ave S and along the north boundary line of the parcel (proposed Road A). The site includes 8,404 square feet (0.19 acre) of on-site critical area tract (Category 2 wetland), in the northwest corner of the property. A 50 -foot buffer is required for that wetland. The applicant is proposing to retain 11 of the 38 healthy significant trees in the buildable area of the site. The existing single-family home and associated buildings will be removed during the final platting process. The project development will utilize and extend existing public utilities through the site along with storm drainage and dry utilities. Sewer will be extended from the Plat of Vuecrest Estates. Stormwater runoff will be conveyed off-site to the drainage facility for Vuecrest Estates. ERC and Short Plat Report— Vuecrest Il Short Plat City of Renton Deportment of Community nomic Development VUECREST lI SHORT PLAT Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) ,nvironmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000026, ECF, 5HPL-A, MOD Page 4 of 21 The primary soil classification found on the site consists of medium dense to dense silty sand and sandy silt (Unified Soil Classification ML), which is a glacial till soil commonly found in the Pacific Northwest and generally suitable for residential development. Approximately 2,05 acres will be cleared, and approximately 7,600 cubic yards of structural soil will be cut for grading the roads and lots. A retaining wall (ranging between 2 feet and 9 feet in height) will be constructed on-site adjacent to the wetland buffer (Tract A). This wall would be a reinforced concrete wall where a beam guardrail would be used. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Solutions NW, LLC, dated December 15, 2014 (Exhibit 11). The report identifies four (4) test pits for the purpose of assessing the soil infiltration feasibility. Topsoil was observed in the upper 4 to 18 inches. No groundwater seepage was observed at the test pit locations (in October 2014). However, the presence of minor groundwater seepage should be expected, and rates and elevations fluctuate depending on precipitation, time of year, and soil conditions. According to City of Renton citywide geotechnical critical areas maps, the natural slope in the northwest corner of the site exhibits medium landslide hazard characteristics and moderate to severe susceptibility to erosion. A Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) will be prepared and implemented to mitigate the potential for soil erosion. Based on the slope reconnaissance, stability of the sloped areas of the property can be characterized as good. The sloped area within the northwest corner of the property will remain unaltered and vegetated, and the proposed development will not increase the erosion hazard, provided appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) are implemented during earthwork and development activities (i.e. straw mulch, silt fences, rock check dams, etc.), according to the Professional Engineer. According to the Geotechnical Engineering study, construction of the proposed single-family residential structures and related stormwater and infrastructure improvements at this site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The proposed structures can be supported on conventional continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils, re -compacted native soils, or new structural fill. An NPDES permit will be acquired, and the site will be monitored during the entire build -out phase of the plat. In addition to the Geotechnical Engineering Study, the applicant also submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, and a Preliminary Information Report with the application. The applicant has also requested a modification to RMC 4-6-060 of the street frontage requirements in an effort to provide secondary access for the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees (Exhibit 17). Staff received a comment email letter from the President of the Sundance at Talbot Ridge HOA (Exhibit 19). The email included questions and concerns regarding the impact Vuecrest II development would have with the proposed Vuecrest Estates Plat, especially with respect to the joining of the road between the two developments. E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: Water service will be provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. b. Sewer. Sewer service will be provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. c. Surface/Storm Water: There is an existing storm water ditch in Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) frontage. The project is subject to basic water quality treatment and Level 3 flow control. 2. Streets: Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) is a residential street with an existing half -street ROW width of 20 feet. 3. Police and Fire Protection: City of Renton Police and Fire Departments would provide service. 4. Schools: The site is within the Renton School District. ERC and Short Plat Report -- Vuecrest It Short Plot City of Renton Department of Community & omit Development VUECREST 11 SHORT PLAT Report of Aprii 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW wironmentol Review Committee Report LUA15-000026, ECF, S1.1PL-A, MOD Page 5 of 21 In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS -M with a 14 -day Appeal Period B. Mitigation Measure(s) 1. The applicant shall be required to provide, to the Current Planning Project Manager, a replanting plan identifying any temporary disturbances to the existing native vegetation within Tract A and a re - vegetation planting plan for such disturbed area(s) prior to construction permit approval. 2. Prior to construction permit approval, the applicant shall be required to obtain approval for a Critical Areas Exemption Permit for all permanent public utility activities that will intrude through adjacent wetlands or required wetland buffers, according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3-050C, J, L, and N. C. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Water a. Wetland, Streams, Lakes Impacts: The applicant submitted a Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc., dated January 5, 2015 identifying an existing linear depressional Category II wetland on the subject property. The wetland continues off-site to the north and to the west, and incorporates a portion of an intermittently flowing stream. Vegetation within the wetland consists of a canopy of red alder and western red cedar with an understory of salmonberry, spirea, lady fern, sedge, and creeping buttercup. No other off-site wetlands were found within 300 feet of the subject property (Exhibit 12). Panther Creek, a known fish -bearing stream, lies approximately a quarter mile to the east of the subject property. A wetland classified as Category 11 requires a standard protective buffer of 50 feet (RMC 4-3-050M.6.c). The applicant is proposing buffer averaging per the provisions in RMC Chapter 4-3-050M.6.f. According to the applicant, the wetland unit contains variations in ecological sensitivity with vegetation in the northern portion having a higher concentration of invasive species and the vegetation in the southern portion being more native in composition. The wetland unit is surrounded by residential development, and the entirety of the buffer shows signs of human disturbance. The areas of reduction are generally natively vegetated with a canopy of large coniferous and deciduous trees, an understory of smaller trees and shrubs, and an intact herbaceous layer_ Direct compensation of functions and values will be addressed by providing additional buffer of a similar composition to the reduction area at a 1.13:1 ratio. The buffer reduction area totals 313 square feet, while the buffer addition areas total 356 square feet, achieving the no net loss of buffer requirement. The buffer averaging is proposed adjacent to the northwest side of the proposed roadway, just north of Lot 8. The final buffer area will be slightly larger, approximately 43 square feet larger, after buffer averaging. The applicant will designate all the wetland, stream, and associated buffers as a Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) Tract. No impacts to existing functions and values of the wetland area are expected through buffer averaging activity. The minimum proposed buffer width as part of the averaging activity is 45 feet. It is the opinion of Wetland Resources, Inc. that the increase in the size of the overall buffer provides for an adequate width to protect the wetland and stream system and due to the relatively undisturbed condition ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development VUECREST 11 SHORT PLAT Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Environmental Review Committee Report LUAIS-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOIL Page 6 of 21 and lack of invasive species, the reduction area would have a limited lift of function from enhancement. Therefore, no buffer enhancement is being proposed. Staff supports the proposed buffer averaging along with encompassing Tract A with a NGPA granted and conveyed to the Homeowners Association (HOA). Temporary impacts to the native vegetation within the wetland buffer (Tract A) are anticipated with the construction of the retaining wall in order to complete the road improvements for Road A. Staff is recommending a mitigation measure that would require the applicant to provide a replanting plan, identifying any temporary disturbances to the existing native vegetation within Tract A, and a re -vegetation planting plan for such disturbed area(s) prior to construction permit approval. Mitigation Measure: The applicant shall be required to provide, to the Current Planning Project Manager, a replanting plan identifying any temporary disturbances to the existing native vegetation within Tract A and a re -vegetation planting plan for such disturbed area(s) prior to construction permit approval. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Review; RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulations; and RMC 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation, and Mining Regulations. 2. Public Utilities Impacts: The applicant submitted a Preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dated January 15, 2015; Exhibit 13). Stormwater runoff from the proposed project will be conveyed off-site to the drainage facility for Vuecrest Estates, which will be sized to include both plats. The off-site drainage facility will be required to provide Basic Water Quality Treatment and Level 3 Flow Control for the developed areas from this project, following the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Providing Level 3 Flow Control will ensure that no downstream conveyance system nuisance problems are aggravated by the proposed project. If the construction of the proposed Vuecrest I I project occurs after the adjacent Vuecrest Estates development, then an on-site Stormwater facility would be required to be constructed separately for the Vuecrest II project. The applicant has indicated that the project development will utilize and extend existing public utilities through the project site. Sewer and Stormwater will be extended from the neighboring Vuecrest Estates Plat to the west property line of the proposed Vuecrest II Short Plat. The extension of these permanent public utilities will create potential impacts to the adjacent wetland should the sewer and stormwater lines run through the adjacent wetland. Therefore, staff is recommending a mitigation measure requiring the applicant receive a Critical Areas Exemption Permit for all permanent public utilities through adjacent wetlands or required buffers prior to construction permit approval. Mitigation Measure: Prior to construction permit approval, the applicant shall be required to obtain approval for a Critical Areas Exemption Permit for all permanent public utility activities that will intrude through adjacent wetlands or required wetland buffers, according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3-050C, J, L, and N. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulations; 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual as amended by the City of Renton. D. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant" (Exhibit 22). ✓ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and maybe attached to this report. ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest it Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST fl SHORT PLAT LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Rage 7 of 21 PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REVIEW A. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Zoning Districts— Uses and Standards a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-060: Zoning Use Table — Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations c. Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards d. Section 4-2-115: Residential Design and Open Space Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-050: Critical Areas Regulations 3. Chapter 4 City -Wide Property Development Standards a. Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations —General b. Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations c. Section 4-4-130: Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-030: Drainage (Surface Water) Standards b. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations a. Section 4-7-070: Detailed Procedures for Short Subdivisions b. Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan -- General Requirements and Minimum Standards c. Section 4-7-150: Streets—General Requirements and Minimum Standards d. Section 4-7-160: Residential Blocks — General Requirements and Minimum Standards e. Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots—General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Permits — Specific a. Section 4-9-070: Environmental Review Procedures 7. Chapter it Definitions B. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: 2. Community Design Element 3. Environment Element: C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. Environmental Review Residential Single Family (RS) land use designation Natural areas; Established Residential areas; and New and Infill Development; We tlan d Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA environmental review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). The proposed project is subject to environmental review due to a critical area on the site (within proposed Tract A) and is subject to City of Renton Environmental Review Procedures (RMC 4-9-070). 2. Compliance with ERC Conditions The City of Renton, on June 1, 2015, issued a Determination of Nonsignificance, Mitigated (DNS -M) with two (2) mitigation measures. The applicant will be required to comply with the mitigation measures as specified in the DNS -M. ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plot City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST 11 SHORT PLAT LUA15-000016, ECF, SNPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 8 of 21 3. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments and the Renton School District have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 4. Comments from the Public Comments received from the public were considered during review of the proposed project. Copies of these comments are included in the project file and in this report (Exhibit 19). 5. Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision -makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Designation The site is designated Residential Single Family (RS) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Land designated RS is intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that infill development be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Community Design Element policies, if all conditions of approval are met, unless noted otherwise: Policy LU -158. Net development densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per net acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. X❑ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy EN -6. When development may impact wetlands, the following hierarchy should be followed in deciding the appropriate course of action: a. avoid impacts to the wetland, b. minimize impacts to the wetland, c. restore the wetland when impacted, d. recreate the wetland at a ratio which will provide for its assured viability & success, e. enhance the functional values of an existing degraded wetland. ❑X Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy EN -7. Protect buffers along wetlands to facilitate infiltration and maintain stable water temperatures, provide for biological diversity, reduce amount and velocity of run-off, and provide for wildlife habitat. 0 Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Objective CD -A. The City's unique natural features, including land form, vegetation, lakeshore, river, creeks and streams, and wetlands should be protected and enhanced as opportunities arise. 0 Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Objective CD -C. Promote reinvestment in and upgrade of existing residential neighborhoods through redevelopment of small, underutilized parcels with infill development, modification and alteration of older housing stock, and improvements to streets and sidewalks to increase property values. i(❑ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met ERC and Short Plat Report— Vuecrest 11 Short Plat City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST If SHORT PLAT LUA15-000016, ECF, SHPt-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 9 of 21 Policy CD -12. Sidewalks or walking paths should be provided along streets in established neighborhoods, where sidewalks have not been previously constructed. Sidewalk width should be ample to safely and comfortably accommodate pedestrian traffic and, where practical, match existing sidewalks. Q Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy CD -14. Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add variety, update housing stock, and increase vitality of neighborhoods. X❑ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy CD -15. Infill development should be reflective of the existing character of established neighborhoods even when designed using different architectural styles, and/or responding to more urban setbacks, height or lot requirements. Infill development should draw on elements of existing development such as placement of structures, vegetation, and location of entries and walkways, to reflect the site planning and scale of existing areas. XI Policy objective Met ❑ Not Met b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated Residential -8 (R-8) Dwelling Units Per Net Acre (du/ac) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. RMC 4-2-110A provides development standards for development within the R- 8 zoning classification. The proposal is consistent with the following development standards if all conditions of approval are complied with: Density: The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per net acre. There is also a minimum density of 4 dwelling units per net acre. After subtracting 26,696 square feet for proposed right-of-way dedications and 1,126 square feet for critical areas, the net square footage of the site is 78,858 square feet (1.81 net acres). The 8 -lot proposal would arrive at a net density of 4.42 dwelling units per net acre (8 lots / 1.81 acres = 4.42 du/ac), which falls within the permitted density range for the R-8 zone. Lot Dimensions; The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zoning designation is 7,000 square feet. A minimum lot width of 60 feet is required for interior lots and 70 feet for corner lots. Lot depth is required to be a minimum of 90 feet (Exhibit 2). As demonstrated in the table below, all lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width for the R-8 zone: Proposed Lots Lot Size Lot Depth Lot Width 7,000 SF minimum 90 feet minimum 60 feet required (70 feet corner lots) Lot 1 8,918 SF 126.36 feet 70.00 feet Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 7,580 SF 126.29 feet 7,575 SF 126.22 feet 7,571 SF 126.15 feet 60.00 feet 60.00 feet 60.00 feet Lot 5 7,567 SF 126.08 feet 60.00 feet Lot 6 7,563 SF 126.01 feet 60.00 feet Lot 7 7,558 SF 125.94 feet 60.00 feet Lot 8 17,248 SF 125.94 feet 203.52 feet All Lots (Average) 8,948 SF 126.12 feet 79.19 feet Tract A —Critical Areas 8,404 SF N/A N/A ERC and Short Plot Report — Vuecrest Il Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST If SHORT PLAT LUA1S-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 10 of 21 Setbacks: The minimum front yard and rear yard setbacks in the R-8 zone are 25 feet; the minimum side yard setback is 7.5 feet; and the minimum side yard setback along a street is 17.5 feet. The proposed lots appear to contain adequate area to provide all the required setback areas. Compliance with building setback requirements would be reviewed and verified at the time of building permit review. The proposed lots are oriented so that the front yards of all the lots would face north towards Road A. The proposed lots appear to contain adequate area to provide all the required setback areas. Compliance with building setback requirements would be reviewed at the time of building permit review. Building Standards: The R-8 zone permits one dwelling with one accessory dwelling unit per lot. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot with a maximum size of 720 square feet each, or a maximum of one per lot with a maximum of 1,000 square feet. Accessory structures are permitted only when associated with a primary structure located on the same parcel of land. The site contains one (1) existing single-family horse and several outbuildings on-site. All structures will be demolished. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the single-family home and outbuildings be removed prior to recording of the short plat. Height: The maximum building height in the R-8 zone is 30 feet. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one story. Building height is based on the measurement of the vertical distance from the grade plane to the average height of the roof surface. The grade plane is the average of existing ground level adjoining the building at exterior walls. Where the finished ground level slopes away from the exterior wails, the reference plane shall be established by the lowest points within the area between the building and the lot line, or where the lot line is more than 6 feet from the building, between the building and a point 6 feet from the building. One dwelling unit, of typical two-story, wood -frame construction, per lot is planned. Building elevations, which would be used to determine building height, have not been submitted. The building standards for the proposed lots would be reviewed and verified at the time of building permit review. Building Coverage: The maximum building coverage in the R-8 zone is 40 percent. Compliance with building coverage requirements would be reviewed at the time of building permit review. Impervious Coverage: The maximum allowed impervious surface area in the R-8 zone is fifty-five percent (55%). The total on-site impervious surface (roadways) will be approximately 0.55 acres or 22% of the site area (0.55 / 2.45 = 22%). The maximum building coverage is limited to 40% per lot, and the maximum impervious surface is 55% (Ordinance No. 5724). Compliance with impervious lot coverage requirements would be reviewed at the time of building permit review. Parking: Off-street parking for two (2) vehicles per residential unit is required. Sufficient area exists, on each lot, to accommodate off-street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. c) Community Assets Site Landscaping: Landscaping is required for all subdivisions, including short plats. A detailed landscape plan must be approved prior to issuance of street or utility construction permits. Ten feet (10') of on-site landscaping is required along all public street frontages, with the exception of areas for required walkways and driveways per RMC 4-4-070. Such landscaping shall include a mixture of trees, shrubs, and ground cover as approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development. Where there is insufficient right-of-way space or no public frontage, street trees are required in the front yard. Minimum planting strip widths between the curb and sidewalk are established according to the street development standards of RMC 4-6-060. Street trees and, at a minimum, ground cover are to be located in this area when present. The applicant has submitted a conceptual landscape plan (Exhibit 8) including the following trees: 9 Norwegian maple (street trees), 4 weeping Alaskan cedar, 3 dwarf Hinoki cypress, 3 Columnar ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST It SHORT PLAT LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 11 of 21 Sargent Cherry, 3 greenspire linden (street trees), and 2 green giant western red cedar. The shrubs include: 17 mardi gran abelia, 5 arctic fire red -twig dogwood, 7 variegated red -twig dogwood, 11 Springwood white heath, 14 yellow daylily, 10 Oregon myrtle, 10 purity lily -of -the -valley, 14 otto luyken laurel, and 6 snowmound spirea. Ground cover includes kinnikinnick, salal, creeping mahonia, lawn, creeping Taiwan bramble, and existing landscaping. Staff recommends that the applicant be required to revise the Landscape Plan to show a minimum of 10 feet of on-site landscaping at the northeast property corner of Lot 1 near the intersection of Main Ave S and Road A. The landscaping within the clear vision area shall consist of shrubs less than three feet in height at maturity and ground cover, consistent with RMC 4-4-070. Tree Retention: Existing trees shall be retained where feasible. RMC 4-4-130 requires 30 percent of trees to be retained. If the required number of trees cannot be retained, they must be replaced according to RMC 4-4-130H. The applicant provided a Final Tree Protection Plan Report prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. (dated December 19, 2014; Exhibit 10) and a Tree Retention Worksheet. The report states that the forest was logged many years ago, leaving a sparse stand of residual trees. The site was not replanted, and bigleaf maple resprouts, red alder, and willow grew back and dominate the site. A small number of trees have been planted on-site. Overall, the tree quality on-site is very poor. The trees range between 10 and 70 years old. A total of 117 trees exist on the parcel, ranging in diameter from 3 to 38 inches DBH, of which 68 were classified as sound, healthy, long-term trees in the dominant and co -dominant crown class. The other 49 trees are not long-term trees due to structural defects or poor health (dead, diseased, or hazardous). There are 30 healthy trees in proposed public streets. The summary of trees is provided in Table 1. Table 1. Summary of Trees Species DBH Range (in.) Total No. of Trees No. of healthy Trees No. of Trees in Poor Health* Bigleaf Maple 4-26 60 31 29 Douglas Fir 7-38 32 27 5 Western Red Cedar 6-18 6 1 5 1 Western Hemlock 6-22 2 1 1 Western White Pine 13-22 4 3 1 Other" 3-24 13 1 12 Sum 3-38 117 68 49 *Dead, diseased, or hazardous **Less prevalent tree species There are 38 healthy significant trees in the buildable area of the site. As previously mentioned, the applicant is required to retain 30 percent of the trees located on-site that are not located within critical areas, proposed rights-of-way, and access easements. Therefore, the applicant would be required to retain at least 11.4 trees to meet the 30% tree retention requirement. The applicant has proposed to retain 11 of the 38 healthy significant trees in the buildable area of the site, thereby complying with Tree Retention requirements of the code (Exhibit 9). The proposed tree retention plan preserves and enhances the City's physical and aesthetic character by minimizing indiscriminate removal of the vegetation on-site. The provided Tree Protection Plan report includes specific tree protection measures for retained trees. The protection measures and conclusions are consistent with Renton Municipal Code and seek to retain 11 trees, which meets the minimum tree retention requirement. Critical Areas: The site contains a critical area at the northwest corner of the property. The applicant submitted a Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. (dated January 5, 2015; Exhibit 12), which addresses the site's critical area. The on-site wetland is a linear depressional wetland adjacent to an intermittent flowing stream. This wetland is classified as a Category II under RMC 4 -3 - ERC and Short plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plot City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST l! SNORT PLAT LUA1S-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 12 of 21 050(M), since it is located at the headwater of the off-site stream and, as such, receives a standard buffer of 50 feet. The wetland continues off-site to the north and to the west. The wetland unit, including the off-site portion, varies from slightly disturbed, with yard waste and detritus from kid - related activities, to less disturbed in the on-site portion. As such, vegetation in the northern portion has higher concentration of invasive species, while the southern portion is more native in composition. The wetland unit is surrounded by residential development, and the entirety of the buffer shows signs of human disturbance. In general, depressional wetlands with direct connection to an intermittent stream have moderate potential to perform hydrologic functions. This wetland collects and temporarily stores precipitation, as well as floodwater entering downstream systems during storm events. The wetland is moderately vegetated, which allows the wetland to serve somewhat as a filter and allow sediment in the water to settle. The wetland provides a low to moderate value for hydrologic function and water quality. This wetland provides a low to moderate level of habitat interspersion given that it is primarily forested. This wetland provides secondary habitat to multiple species of birds. However, the size of this wetland and its proximity to residential development limits its ability to provide a high value for wildlife functions. The wetland provides a moderate value for wildlife habitat function. The applicant is proposing buffer averaging per RMC 4-3-050M.6.f in order to construct a roadway to the west property line. The minimum proposed buffer width as part of this averaging activity is 45 feet, which is 90 percent of the standard 50 -foot buffer requirement. The areas of reduction identified as part of this averaging proposal are generally natively vegetated with a canopy of large coniferous and deciduous trees, an understory of smaller trees and shrubs, and an intact herbaceous layer. Due to this relatively undisturbed condition and lack of invasive species, the reduction area would have a limited lift of function from enhancement. The applicant is proposing to reduce the buffer by 313 square feet adjacent to the northwest side of the proposed roadway bordering Lot 8. In order to meet the no net loss of buffer requirement, 356 square feet of additional buffer will be added on either side of the buffer, north of the roadway (for a net gain of 43 SF). The applicant is proposing to designate all the wetland, stream, and associated buffers as a Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) Tract. Staff recommends approval of the buffer averaging width and any associated improvements necessary to complete the construction of the retaining wall for the road, provided that (a) the development applications comply with the erosion control requirements of RMC 4-3-050 and (b) a replanting plan identifying any temporary disturbances to the existing native vegetation within Tract A and a re -vegetation planting plan are provided, to the Current Planning Project Manager, prior to construction permit approval. The Critical Areas Tract is proposed to be an 8,404 -square -foot wetland tract. In order for the Category II wetland and its proposed buffer averaging to remain protected, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant place Tract A in a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE), which shall be noted on the face of the plat. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a homeowners association be established for the development, to ensure that responsibility is taken for maintenance of common improvements and tracts within the short plat. Finally, adequate provisions are being made for drainage and utility connections. Each owner of Lots 1 through 8 shall have a fractional interest in the Critical Areas Tract in order to protect the site in perpetuity. if portions of the wetland are not protected with the required road safety elements, such as a four foot (4') black vinyl coated chain link fence or a beam guardrail, staff is recommending, as a condition of approval, that the applicant install a wood, split -rail fence with wetland signage along the edge of the Category 2 wetland buffer. The split -rail fence shall be constructed prior to recording of the short plat. Staff also recommends a condition of approval requiring the Homeowners Association to ensure maintenance of the split -rail fence. ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUr=CRi<ST U SHORT PLAT LUA15-000025, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 13 of 21 d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: The development is located on the west side of the south end of Main Ave S near the intersection of Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) and SE 186th St. Each lot must have access to a public street or road. The new lots would be accessed from Road A (extended west across the subject parcel from Main Ave S), a two-lane, paved residential access street. The City code requirement for paved width for a public half -street is 20 feet of paved road surface within a 35 -foot ROW width. The remainder of the ROW width would include a 0.5 -foot -wide curb, an 8 -foot -wide landscaped planter, and a 5 -foot -wide sidewalk on the development side (the south side). Storm water improvements are also required to be provided. The right-of-way width along Main Ave S is 50 feet fronting the site, with an existing half -street ROW width of 20 feet. In order to match the existing paved width (further north on Main Ave S), a half -street paved width of 11 feet (instead of the proposed 9.5 feet) from the centerline of the ROW is required along the frontage. The required frontage improvements along Main Ave S include storm water improvements, a 0.5 -foot -wide curb, an 8 -foot -wide landscaped planter, and a 5 -foot -wide sidewalk. This will require a ROW dedication of 4.5 feet (subject to final survey) along the frontage of Main Ave S. City standards include a maximum slope of 4H:1V at the back of sidewalks. A street modification request was submitted for the proposed short plat. The street modifications for Road A include several requests: i. The internal site street (Road A) half -street improvements from STA 2+50 to STA 7+50 (Exhibit S): Provide a 26 -foot -wide paved surface, a 0.5 -foot wide curb, an 8 -foot -wide landscaped planter, and a 5 -foot -wide sidewalk all within a 41.5 -foot ROW width with on - street parking on the south side of the street. This increases the half -street ROW width from the minimum 35 to 41.5 feet of dedication. This modification is recommended for approval by staff (Exhibit 22). A 2 -foot offset of the paved edge from the property line is also proposed within the ROW with a 4 -foot -tall black vinyl coated chain link fence along the property line. Staff would also be supportive of a cedar fence along the north property line of this section of Road A. The maximum slope at the back of sidewalk, or back of the traveled edge, is shown in the road cross-section at 4H:1V. A construction easement and permanent slope easement from the north property neighbor may also be required, based on plans that will be reviewed during utility construction permit review. The street Section has a 2% down slope towards the south, with curb and gutter at the south side for the straight portion of the road. The design includes a 5 -foot centerline offset of the roadway centerline of proposed Road A in relation to a westerly extension of the centerline of existing SE 186th Street to the east. Adequate sight distance will be provided at the proposed intersection of the new half -street (Road A) with Main Ave S. The paving and trench restoration will comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. ii. Road A from STA 1+78 to STA 2+50 (Exhibit 5): Includes a 22 -foot -wide paved road surface with 0.5 -foot -wide curb on both sides, a 5 -foot -wide sidewalk on the south side immediately adjacent to the curb, and an 8 -foot -wide landscape easement behind the sidewalk. The ROW width is 34.5 feet. The applicant is proposing a 4 -foot -wide clear zone between the curb and the edge of the vertical drop-off into Tract A. The design includes a guardrail type 31 per WSDOT Standard Plan C-20.10-02 (but only if and where the exposed height of the proposed cast -in-place concrete wail will be greater than 6 feet), a 4 -foot -tall black vinyl coated chain link fence, and a proposed cast -in-place concrete wall with a maximum height of 8 feet. The additional 2 feet of pavement is required due to the guardrail minimum separation requirement. Where no guardrail is required, a minimum 20 -foot -wide roadway may be provided. A pedestrian barrier/fence should be located a minimum of 2 feet away from the curb, between the curb and the vertical drop-off. "No Parking" signs are required to be provided by the developer along this portion of the street. The street section includes ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest It Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmentol Review Committee Report VUECREST H SHORT PLAT LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPT -A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 14 of 21 a 2% down slope towards the south with curb and gutter at the south side. Considering both (1) the impacts to wetlands and wetland buffer that would occur if the roadway was built to standard code requirements and (2) the settlement agreement for Vuecrest Estates (Exhibit 20), staff is supportive of the requested street modification of Road A from STA 1+78 to STA 2+50. iii. Road A from STA 0+65 to STA 1+78 (Exhibit S): Similar in design as Road A from STA 1+78 to STA 2+50. The applicant is proposing to stop/start the sidewalk near the west side of the driveway approach for Lot 8 and is considering installing a hammerhead turnaround near the west end of Road A as generally contemplated by the modified alternate layout (as shown in Exhibit B of Exhibit 18). Considering both (a) the impacts to wetlands and wetland buffer that would occur if the roadway was built to standard code requirements and (b) the settlement agreement for Vuecrest Estates, staff is supportive of the requested street modification of Road A from STA 0+65 to STA 1+78 with two (2) conditions (Exhibit 21). Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the developer install a 5 -foot -wide sidewalk on the south side immediately adjacent to the curb, and an 8 -foot -wide landscape easement behind the sidewalk. The applicant is also considering installing a hammerhead turnaround near the west portion of Lot 8, installation would require fire department approval. A final landscaping plan and grading and drainage plan shall be submitted to the Current Plan Reviewer prior to construction permit approval. iv. Half -street improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be installed on the site frontage on Main Ave S (existing half -street ROW width of 20 feet) with the required ROW dedication of 4.5 feet (subject to final survey). A street modification request was submitted to allow the sidewalk to be located at the back of curb, for approximately 40 feet, on the south end or west side of Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) frontage. This street modification would allow the sidewalk to transition to the existing sidewalk along Main Ave S. This request would also preserve some trees on Main Ave S, which is acceptable to staff. If replacement trees are necessary due to a loss of trees due to the installation of the half - street improvements along the site frontage on Main Ave S, replacements for the lost trees may be planted in Lot 8. It is not anticipated that the proposed project would significantly or adversely impact the City of Renton's street system subject to the payment of code -required impact fees and the construction of code -required frontage improvements (Exhibit22). The fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of building permit issuance, shall be payable to the City. The applicant is proposing a public half -street (Road A) with improvements to serve the short plat's internal site access needs. The internal access is proposed to connect with the proposed road of the adjacent Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site, approved under LUA13-000542. If the road extension by the developer of the adjacent property to the west is not constructed either prior to or concurrently with the Vuecrest II project, then: (1) Either (a) an approved 90 -foot -diameter cul-de-sac turnaround will be required as a condition of approval of the final short plat (as generally represented in the Exhibit A — 7 -lot alternative layout included as port of Exhibit 18) or (b) (subject to Fire Department approval) a hammerhead turnaround may be provided (as generally represented in the Exhibit B — 8 -lot alternative layout included as part of Exhibit 18) and (2) All homes located more than 500 feet from Main Avenue South (102" d Avenue SE) will require an approved fire sprinkler system as required by the Renton Fire Department. ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development VUECREST U SNORT PLAT Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Environmental Re view Committee Report LUA15-000026, ECF, SNPL-A, MOD Page 15 of 21 Storm water improvements are also required to be provided either on-site or via a joint stormwater detention and water quality facility within Vuecrest Estates (Harbour Homes). If the aforementioned cul-de-sac option is utilized, a stormwater vault must be constructed beneath a portion of the road/cul-de-sac and a second development tract (Tract B—see Exhibit A – 7 -lot alternative layout included as part of Exhibit 18) would be required of the short plat. The purpose of the stormwater detention vault is to meet the water quality requirements of the development. If the project is developed with a cul-de-sac, a new Technical information Report would be required. Additionally, staff also recommends that the project construction be required to comply with the mitigation recommendations identified in the submitted Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Solutions NW, LLC, dated December 15, 2014 (Exhibit 11). The maximum width of any single loaded garage driveway shall not exceed nine feet (9'), and the maximum width of any double -loaded garage driveway shall not exceed sixteen feet (16). The locations of proposed curb cuts for the new homes will be verified during the final platting process. The proposed short plat is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. Based on the number of new dwelling units and the average trip generation rates published by ITE in the "Trip Generation Manual" (9t" Edition, 2012), the completed project would generate approximately 76 vehicular trips per day. Peak traffic volumes would occur during the weekday PM peak hour (a one-hour period between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm). In order to mitigate transportation impacts, payment of transportation impact fees is applicable on all new single-family homes. The current transportation impact fee rate is $2,214.44 per new lot. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit will be levied. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance of the single-family building permits. Street lighting is required for this short plat along the frontage of 102nd Ave SE (Main Ave S) and along the public street internal access road (Road A). LED lighting plans will be included with the civil plan submittal. Blocks: No blocks are being created as part of this short plat. Lots: The proposed eight (8) lots would meet the principles of acceptability for a short plat as stated in RMC 4-7-070B. Each lot would be a legal building site compliant with shape, orientation, and arrangement of the subdivision regulations and the development standards of the R-8 zone. All lots are rectangular in shape, except for the west lot (Lot 8), a lot that has a design layout which allows for tree preservation, vehicular turnaround, and public road access to the west property line. All eight lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width as demonstrated above in the lot dimension table on page 9 of this report. (Minor modifications to the lot geometry identified in the table are anticipated in order to provide for the approximately 4.5 -foot additional width of street right-of-way to be dedicated along the subject parcel's frontage of Main Avenue.) All eight proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single-family residences, provided the applicant complies with the conditions of approval. Access to a public road would be created to each legal building lot. No direct driveway access from any lot to Main Ave S will be allowed. In addition to the proposed eight new lots, the subdivision would create a new roadway and one new tract (Tract A). e) Compliance with Residential Design Standards for Site Design Lot Configuration RMC 4-2-115E.1 Residential Design and Open Space Standards for Site Design Lot Configuration provides residential and open space standards for development within the R-8 zoning classification. The proposal is consistent with the following design standard: tot width variation of 10 feet (10') minimum of one per four (4) abutting street -fronting lots. If a modification of the lot layout is later proposed [e.g., a modification that may generally conform to Exhibit A (the 7 -lot alternative layout) or Exhibit B (the 8 -lot alternative layout) included as part of Exhibit 181 the layout must comply with any one of the three alternative Residential Design and ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plat City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST 11 SHORT PLAT LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 16 of 21 Open Space Standards for Site Design Lot Configuration fort he R-8 zone set forth in the table in RMC 4-2-115EA. f) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Each lot must have access to a public street or road. There will be approximately 690 linear feet of public roadways designed as "residential access roads" and constructed to serve the proposed eight (8) lots and 170 feet linear feet of half -street improvements on Main Ave S. Topography: The topography of the majority of the site appears to be relatively level (average slope is between 1% and 2%) with a moderate northwest descending slope in the northwest corner of the site (slopes ranging between 25% and 35%). Per the project surveyor, there are no slopes on-site that exceed 40%. Relationship to Existing Uses: Surrounding development is detached single-family residential. The proposal would be in harmony with the existing uses. The properties surrounding the subject site are residential single family and are designated R-4 or R-8 on the City's zoning map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, which encourages residential infill development. g) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police service would be provided by the Renton Police Department. The Renton Police Department has commented that the proposed project would have minimal impact on police services with an estimated eight (8) calls for service annually. Sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provides Code - required improvements and fees. Fire Department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully paved, and they appear to be adequate. The fire flow requirement for a single-family residence is a minimum 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) for structures up to 3,600 sf (including any attached garage and basement). If dwelling(s) exceed 3,600 sf, a minimum of 1,500 gpm would be required. If the adjacent project to the west does not get constructed either before or concurrent with the proposed project, either (a) an approved 90 -foot -diameter cul-de-sac type turnaround is required for dead end streets over 300 feet long (see Exhibit A — 7 -lot alternative layout included as part of Exhibit 18) or (b) (subject to Fire Department approval) a hammerhead turnaround may be provided (as generally represented in the Exhibit B — 8 -lot alternative layout included as part of Exhibit 18). Additionally, if Road A becomes a dead end road by virtue of installation of a cul-de-sac turnaround (as generally represented in the ExhibitA — 7 -lot alternative layout included as part of Exhibit 18), all homes beyond 500 feet from Main Ave S will be required to install an approved fire sprinkler system. A minimum one fire hydrant is required within 300 feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow requirement goes up to 1,500 gpm. There is one existing fire hydrant in the area that meets current code. The fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $495.10 per single- family unit. The fee shall be payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code prior to building permit issuance. The Renton Fire Department is in favor of the proposed street improvements that would allow for a wider roadway, on -street parking, and secondary access to the adjacent plat of Vuecrest Estates. Schools: The Renton School District has indicated that they have capacity to accommodate students anticipated from this development. Students would attend Benson Hill Elementary School, Nelsen Middle School, and Lindbergh High School (each school is eligible for school bus transportation). According to the online Renton School District bus routes WebQuery, the bus stop for elementary students is located at the intersection of 102nd Ave SE and SE 186th St, and the bus stop for middle school and high school students is located at the intersection of 102nd Ave SE & SE 190th St. In 2014, a school bus stop shelter for the Snake Hill Neighborhood was constructed across Main Ave S ERC and Short Plot Report — Vuecrest Il Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECRESTIlSHORT PLAT LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOL) Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 17 of 21 as part of an Eagle Scout project by Alexander Martz. As part of the proposed project, sidewalks would be constructed along on-site roadways and the street frontage on Main Ave S. The proposed frontage improvements include a 5 -foot -wide sidewalk. With the addition of the bus shelter, it is anticipated that adequate provisions have been made for safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school and/or the bus shelter. A School Impact Fee would be collected on behalf of the Renton School District for each new residence at the time of building permit issuance. The current Renton School District fee for each new single-family dwelling is $5,541.00 per unit. Parks: Although there would be no significant impacts to the City of Renton Park System anticipated from the proposed project, a Park Impact Fee is required of all new residential development. The current Park Impact Fee is $1,441.29 per new residence and is paid at the time of building permit issuance. Storm Water: A drainage plan and drainage report was submitted by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dated January 15, 2015; Exhibit 13). The proposed 8 -lot subdivision is subject to Full Drainage review in accordance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual. Based on the City's flow control map, this site fails within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Condition. The project is subject to basic water quality treatment and Level 3 flow control. The storm water storage for the project will be located in the adjacent Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048). The TIR prepared by DR Strong Consulting Engineers, Inc. for the Vuecrest Estates project, dated July 15, 2014, will need to be updated during final engineering design to include developed areas from the Vuecrest II project. A Level Two Downstream Analysis was also prepared by DR Strong Consulting Engineers, Inc. for the Vuecrest Estates project, dated July 15, 2014, and must also be updated during final engineering design to include the Vuecrest II project. If the construction of the proposed Vuecrest II project occurs after the adjacent Vuecrest Estates development, then the applicant would be required to construct an on-site stormwater facility for the Vuecrest it project. Appropriate individual lot flow control BMPs will be required to be provided by the project. Final plans and a drainage report based on the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual are required to be submitted with the utility construction permit. The current surface water system development charge (SDC} fee is $1,350.00 per new lot. Fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction permit, and the fee rate that is current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology is required since grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. Water: The applicant provided a water availability certificate from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District (Exhibit 14). The applicant is proposing a water connection by extending the water lines of the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048). Because the Vuecrest Estates development is not yet constructed, the proposed water service connection is approved on the condition that the needed portion of the Vuecrest Estates development's water system gets constructed either before or concurrently with the proposed Vuecrest II development. Otherwise, alternate water service provisions will be applicable. Approved water plans from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District should be provided to the City at the utility construction permit stage. New hydrants must be installed per Renton's Fire Department standards in order to provide the required coverage for all lots. Sanitary Sewer: The applicant provided a sewer availability certificate from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District (Exhibit 15). The sewer connection is proposed as an extension of the sewer lines of the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site. Because the Vuecrest Estates development is not yet constructed, the proposed sewer service connection is ERC and Short Plot Report — Vuecrest!] Short Plot City of Renton Deportment of Community u Economic Development VUECREST I! SHORT PLAT Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Environmental Review Committee Report LUAIS-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Page 18 of 21 through the Vuecrest Estates development. Prior to construction permit approval, the applicant will be required to obtain approval for a Critical Areas Exemption Permit for all permanent public utility activities that will intrude through adjacent wetlands or required wetland buffers, according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3-050C, J, L, and N. Alternate sewer service provisions will be applicable should the sewer service be constructed before the needed portion of the Vuecrest Estates development's sewer system is available. Approved sewer plans from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District should be provided to the City at the utility construction permit stage. D. FINDINGS OF FACT; Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The project proponent has requested approval of a short plat of 106,680 square feet (2.45 acres) and a net area of 78,858 square feet (1.51 net acres), located in the Talbot District, into eight (8) lots, suitable for development with single-family residential structures, and one Critical Areas Tract. The project would have a density of 4.42 dwelling units per net acre. 2. Application: The property, located at 4909 Main Ave S, is owned by KBS III LLC. 3. Comprehensive Plan: The property has a Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Residential Single Family (RS). The proposed project furthers the objectives and policies of the RS section of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Zoning: Objectives and policies of the RS designation are implemented by standards and regulations of the Residential 8 zone. The project, as proposed, meets or exceeds the R-8 standards and regulations if all conditions are met. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The short plat, as proposed, would meet the requirements of Chapter 4-7 RMC, Subdivision Regulations if all conditions of short plat approval set forth below are met. 6. Existing Land Uses: One single-family home is located on the east side of the property, as well as several associated outbuildings, utilities, and a private gravel access driveway. 7. Exception through Modification: The applicant has submitted a street modification request to construct a second means of access from Main Ave S to the proposed adjacent plat (Vuecrest Estates) to the west by providing for functional secondary access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles, providing for additional on -street parking, and preserving existing trees. 8. Setbacks: Minimum building setback requirements would be met. 9. System Development Charges: The current surface water system development charge (SDC) fee is $1,350.00 per new lot. Fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction permit, and the fee rate that is current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable. 10. Public Utilities: Impacts to public services are assessed on a single-family dwelling unit basis. The fee for transportation impacts is $2,214.44 per single-family dwelling; the fee for parks is $1,441.29 per single- family dwelling; the fee for schools is $5,541.00 per single-family dwelling; and the fee for fire is $495.10 per single-family dwelling. The identified 2015 fee rates are effective from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. City of Renton 2016 development fees become effective January 1, 2016. 11. Schools: The project site is located within the Renton School District (RSD), which encompasses approximately 35 square miles. Students would attend Benson Hill Elementary School, Nelsen Middle School, and Lindbergh High School. RSD has indicated it would be able to handle the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development. ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest /I Short Plat City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST !! SNORT PLAT LUA15-000026, ECF, SNPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 19 of 21 12. Safe Routes to Schools: The Renton School District will bus all students to and from their respective schools, and there is an identified safe walking route to the neighborhood's sheltered school bus stop. E. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RS) in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and complies with the goals, objectives, and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is zoned Residential 8 (R-8) and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation, provided the applicant complies with the Renton Municipal Code, mitigation measures, and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed 8 -lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by Renton Municipal Code and state law, provided advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 4. The proposed short plat complies with the street standards as established by Renton Municipal Code, provided the project complies with advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein. 5. The Street Modification request to RMC 4-6-060 allows for secondary access for street connectivity to the proposed adjacent plat to the west, provides for additional on -street parking, and preserves some existing on-site trees. F. DECISION: The Vuecrest II Short Plat and Street Modification, File No. LUA15-000026; ECF, SHPL-A, MOD is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the two SEPA mitigation measures. They areas follows: The applicant shall be required to provide to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval a replanting plan identifying any temporary disturbances to the existing native vegetation within Tract A and a re -vegetation planting plan for such disturbed area(s) prior to construction permit approval. b. Prior to construction permit approval, the applicant shall be required to obtain approval for a Critical Areas Exemption Permit for all permanent public utility activities that will intrude through adjacent wetlands or required wetland buffers, according to the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations in RMC 4-3-050C, J, L, and N. 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and demolish all structures located on-site prior to recording of the short plat. 3. The applicant shall create and record a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) for the area contained within the wetland and associated buffers over Critical Area Tract A prior to or concurrent with short plat recording. Each owner of Lots 1 through 8 shall have a fractional interest in the Critical Areas Tract in order to protect the Tract in perpetuity. 4. The applicant shall be required to create a Homeowners Association (HOA) with shared responsibility for tree and vegetation maintenance of the Native Growth Protection Easement over Critical Area Tract A. A draft of the document(s) shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall be required to revise and resubmit the Landscape Plan to show a minimum of 10 feet of landscaping on Lot 1 at the northeast property corner at the intersection of Main Ave S and Road A. The landscaping within the clear vision area shall consist of shrubs less than three feet in height at maturity and groundcover, consistent with RMC 4-4-070. The plan shall be submitted for review and ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest R Short Plat City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report VUECREST 11 SHORT PLAT LUAIS-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) Page 20 of 21 approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the granting of a construction permit for on- site utilities. 6. Prior to final short plat, either: (a) Ajoint stormwater detention and water quality facility utility easement must be obtained with the Vuecrest Estates site to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for development of both the subject short plat development and the Vuecrest Estates subdivision development; or (b) A stormwater facility would be required to be constructed on-site to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for the short plat development. 7. The applicant shall be required to submit, to the Plan Reviewer for review and approval, a revised final drainage report and associated plans, based on the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (as amended by the City of Renton) prior to construction permit approval. S. Prior to final short plat, a sewer main must be extended through and beneath off-site properties) into the short plat site and along and beneath a portion of Road A as far to the east as is necessary to serve the development, with the segment(s) of off-site sewer to be located in public street right-of-way and/or in sewer easement(s) granted to and approved by Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. 9. If and to the extent that the wetland is not already protected with road safety elements, such as a four - foot -tall black vinyl coated chain link fence or a beam guardrail, the applicant shall install a wood split - rail fence with wetland signage along the edge of the Category 2 wetland buffer. Such a split -rail fence shall be constructed prior to recording of the short plat. A requirement to maintain the fence by a Homeowners Association shall be placed on the face of the short plat. 10. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study, prepared by Earth Solutions NW, LLC dated December 15, 2014 (or an updated report submitted at a later date) during site and building construction. 11. The applicant shall provide a minimum 5 -foot -wide concrete sidewalk along the south side of the public street frontage (Road A - STA 0+65 to STA 1+78) of Lot 8, immediately adjacent to the curb, followed by an 8 -foot -wide landscape easement behind the sidewalk. The applicant may provide a hammerhead turnaround near the west end of Road A as generally contemplated by the modified alternate layout (as shown in Exhibit 8 of Exhibit 18), subject to fire department approval. A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 12. If Road A becomes a dead end road by virtue of installation of a cul-de-sac turnaround (as generally represented in the Exhibit A — 7 -lot alternative layout included as part of Exhibit 18), all homes beyond 500 feet from Main Ave S will be required to install an approved fire sprinkler system as determined by the City of Renton Fire Department in accordance with applicable fire code standards. DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: r-1, 49ft, Je& fer Henning, Planning DirectoK l Department of Community & Economic Development ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest 11 Short Plat Date City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development VUECREST II SHORT PLAT Report of April 27, 2015 (original meeting); June 1, 2015 (additional meeting) TRANSMITTED this 1" day of lune 2015 to the Con tact/Applicant/Owner(s): Applicant/Owner(s): KBS III LLC Attn: Kolin Taylor 12320 NE 8th St, #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 contact: Wayne Potter Novostar Development, Inc. 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 TRANSMITTED this 1" day of lune 2015 to the Parties of Record: Joe Mackenzie David Rasmussen 4835 Main Ave S Sundance at Talbot Ridge — HOA Renton, WA 98055 723 S 47th St Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED this 1" day of June 2015 to the following: Jan Conklin, Development Services C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Steve Lee, Development Engineering Manager Plan Review Fire Marshal Environmental Review Committee Report LUAIS-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Page 21 of 21 Lynn Briere 10339 SE 187th PI Renton, WA 98055 G. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION The Environmental Determination and the Administrative Short Plat Review decisions will become final if the decisions are not appealed within the 14 -day appeal period [RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680)]. Environmental Determination Appeal: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m. June 19, 2015. Administrative Short Plat Approval Appeal: Appeals of the administrative site development plan review decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2015. APPEALS: The above land use decisions will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RMC 4-8- 110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14 -day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Short Plat approval will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private ane -on -one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ERC and Short Plat Report — Vuecrest II Short Plat The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1 ERC Report Exhibit 2 Vuecrest II Short Plat Site Plan Exhibit 3 ]Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 4 Boundary and Topographic Survey Map Exhibit 5 Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with Road Cross Sections Exhibit 6 Preliminary Road Profiles Exhibit 7 Preliminary Utility Plan Exhibit 8 Preliminary Landscaping Plan Exhibit 9 Preliminary Tree Retention Plan Exhibit 10 Final Tree Protection Plan Report prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. (dated December 19, 2014) Exhibit 11 Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Solutions NW, LLC (dated December 15, 2014) Exhibit 12 Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. (dated January 5, 2015) Exhibit 13 Preliminary Technical information Report prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dated January 15, 2015) Exhibit 14 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Certificated of Water Availability (dated October 21, 2014) Exhibit 15 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Certificated of Sewer Availability (dated October 22, 2014) Exhibit 16 Construction Mitigation Description Exhibit 17 Street Modification Request Exhibit 18 Vuecrest II Preliminary Short Plat, proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval, prepared by David Halinen (dated March 20, 2015) Exhibit 19 Comment Email from the President of the Sundance at Talbot Ridge HOA (includes staff's response) Exhibit 20 Settlement Agreement for Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642) Exhibit 21 Street Modification Memo: Lee Exhibit 22 Advisory Notes to Applicant City of < ; a��= EXHIBITS Project Name: Project Number: Vuecrest II Short Plat LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Date of Decision Staff Contact Project Contact/Applicant Project Location 4/27/15 Clark H. Close Wayne Potter 4909 Main Ave S Associate Planner Novastar Development, Inc. (APN 322305-9097) The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1 ERC Report Exhibit 2 Vuecrest II Short Plat Site Plan Exhibit 3 ]Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 4 Boundary and Topographic Survey Map Exhibit 5 Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with Road Cross Sections Exhibit 6 Preliminary Road Profiles Exhibit 7 Preliminary Utility Plan Exhibit 8 Preliminary Landscaping Plan Exhibit 9 Preliminary Tree Retention Plan Exhibit 10 Final Tree Protection Plan Report prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. (dated December 19, 2014) Exhibit 11 Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Solutions NW, LLC (dated December 15, 2014) Exhibit 12 Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. (dated January 5, 2015) Exhibit 13 Preliminary Technical information Report prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dated January 15, 2015) Exhibit 14 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Certificated of Water Availability (dated October 21, 2014) Exhibit 15 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Certificated of Sewer Availability (dated October 22, 2014) Exhibit 16 Construction Mitigation Description Exhibit 17 Street Modification Request Exhibit 18 Vuecrest II Preliminary Short Plat, proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval, prepared by David Halinen (dated March 20, 2015) Exhibit 19 Comment Email from the President of the Sundance at Talbot Ridge HOA (includes staff's response) Exhibit 20 Settlement Agreement for Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642) Exhibit 21 Street Modification Memo: Lee Exhibit 22 Advisory Notes to Applicant City of < ; a��= LF L$ 7l)tl 1V -d lbK*-6 AHVNVfl3Ud a: 1---- —--------- ,° iq t :---- meq. v CID x W a wawa >wua.�ow.n3� ali �5 'iwv 9 L 40086 00k aIM'133HLS H1B OZ£Z� �LV6iOd�a �� SS l.fi , .'. .. _ xr1>ro of Z9(B-ISZ�;ZT) J4J � ,� nc r�+no Hlf'OS i.AV 9n Z4 7 N, a: 1---- —--------- ,° iq t :---- meq. v CID x W ja" NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP Oept ai Assessments �=104' VUECREST II -- NORTH SN311NY id QNB 1-StiC�312SRS-Ski83N19N3 TAM 9 N 1 8 3 3 N I D N 3 " i �rso,�z n : e�.s. .: �. a.oi )ul]0+ -•, ..; J 1 \\h h N "L[:3Lii' HIVW 6066 �4 1, IDN S Irti I M1 P.' o � J . _ L rn r� k FvM� 775 aN - I` Im 'F F Ci ;=yi � 4 � 1 � . ., • O � - Yk. � .. 4,4� J ]2.LI.IM .___�_--_ �"?S.i ►` i H co x W 640 NV -W 30VWV610 CINV ONKNUD AUVNMWT3id �1 ..oa c uxxn evw suiwins un x� esxespa swi I sie ciAih I 50088 VM'3fVO7Y=M 0OL 3J M ' I MM I H18 3V OZVZL NOLLVLKIJUOO iN39dO-FAGO 5871 .- `,'` ., M• �' .'° 4�va�s xua.�xi-'s .tiw0.. er�,�� a c - �axY� zeta-Isz;szr) l °••4 e[�e vn, �La3N ,� VOLL �.+',p„� H:fvS jll VjhY UVZL �ILHLBn�HI.�'il 0. J- --------- --- V I Rini MIME I AI' s`k — ILI ' : 1• ____--- � h 1 $$ _ �,✓-- uii k DEQ '3 F- ------ ----' 0. J- --------- --- V I Rini MIME -------------------- t n r� �' lapy9 a QCS _ SSEE —I 2 1 ji — - I AI' s`k '� ILI ' : 1• ____--- � h 1 $$ _ �,✓-- -------------------- t n r� �' lapy9 a QCS _ SSEE —I 2 1 ji — - I AI' s`k '� ILI ' : -------------------- t n r� �' lapy9 a QCS _ SSEE —I 2 1 ji — - Y, N x W AI' s`k '� ILI ' : 1• ____--- Y, N x W '� ILI ' : 1• ____--- Y, N x W yy'•_": _ .n s-awa-mron,c�vnc uaurs,� /, i��or. o,�, 9Q - d jaasr,•anwS'�y- ...,•�. F.w, a+.ua a++ a+aii.a,3 +� a SODBB tlM '3M31Z39 80--j Dal 31k1S']33kli8 FLl,9 3N aZ£Zt STUGEd OVOU AHVNVW-9bd All NOUVHOd&IDO 1N3Wd0�31L�Q SB:F. �;�„��..=.:+ �,. �,••i{�ncrs 3nrvinr nwzr�c�cei Y�y��IYFi"�'� � "Say w �,r r��P cs I w` -45G- I R H ca x W J_Svsrvanw M311k �.,-..�'•�.� PO mwa xuarioawa 'r+uvans Oa 500@8 vm'33$NOd OIX 3iY1S'I�G71R H19 3N OWLNV-W AlrW AUVP VfT: dd NouVl ci= I N3W -GIGQeuros 7nNlnv anec 1201lTtrfi`� Z14Get! T dIM OkN G ab bb TSnd SM eNR 4 ,Ve Ve l 0 W X W �p ------------ ��f L�V- ��•� ,� �� �a �� yup 6 / I IF- -------- ------- -- 5 3S 3M3AV &li - .. ti_o-- - - --------- - AL.... ....... _ �r-.— � I r- U ----------------- 0 W X W �p L�V- ��•� ,� �� �a �� yup aryy�o2`— IF- -------- ------- -- 0 W X W L�V- ��•� ,� �� �a �� yup IF- -------- ------- -- 5 0 W X W II L53if�3!]tl 300BO VM'AnA3-n38 UDA m 3iins'03H1S Hig 3N CZCZI N -1d 3.IVOS3NV1),U'VNIRFID6d OLLV8OJ400 IN3rIJ0-13AW S2Y VgZLL I4 J i , tA� 4 A �2 z 9 4 A �2 9 Z�5 ISE 4 co x LU �2 co x LU aOd NV-ld NCUIGOH 93UL A "rIf9Hd qu som VM it A3-1 ae oa a= 'L33a I HJR aN O?UL NOLLVaOdaOO 1NEMO-BA30 SO j , . •� �� ,rl,o �I.1,>.,s 9'MIMNM ,,,o., s.• f y a G� �/r L11M '9NNC13MpH11W] T`R i '�-' ZZZ9 LSL{5251 111._ �r �. � s ����a tr'J�iu V I I �,,,,,q t{ll1U' JIINNY Jh'Lf 6LLBI S i 1 \ I- L -i L -i H m H x W i G� 111._ �r CDl4` s ! V I I 36 3'rana 4NiAl .', S i 1 \ � r e ;t i A � Y'•. -.- I- L -i L -i H m H x W IN CDl4` s ! V I I � 4 �"''ltUU33'tttt�Illl �g � S i 1 \ � I- L -i L -i H m H x W WASHINGTON FORESTRY CONSULTANTS, INS;. FORESTRY AND V TATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS 3601943-1723 FAX 3601943-4129 - Final. Tree Protection Plan - VUECREST 4909 Main Ave South Renton, WA Prepared for: KBS III, LLC. Prepared by: Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc_ Date: December t9, 2014 Introduction. W F C 1919 YOM Hwy SE, Suite 0 Olympia. I A 98501 The project proponent is planning to construct a new 7 lot subdivision on —2.42 acres at 4909 Main Ave South in Renton, WA. The proponent has retained WFCI to: • Evaluate and inventory all trees on the site pursuant to the requirements of the City of Renton Tree Protection Ordinance. • Make recommendations for retention of significant trees, along with required protection and cultural measures. Observations Methodology WFCI has evaluated trees 6 inches diameter at breast height (DBH) and larger in the proposed project area, and assessed their potential to be incorporated into the new project. All trees were numbered at their base. The trees in the northwest corner of the property, a wetland and associated buffer area, were not individually evaluated. Additionally. red alder (Alruts rubra), black cottonwood (Popidus trichocarpa}, and Scoulcr's willow (Salix sconlei-ir na) trees are not iMCluded in this cva.luation as per Renton Code. The tree evaluation phase used methodology developed by Nelda Matheny and Dr. James Clark in their 1998 publication Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees During, Land Development. Entire Document Available Upon Request URBANIRURAL E F ARS. TREE ANALYSIS P�rvr�r a9 ; :rzf:l�r: ?nrr1>73r; EXHIBIT 10 PREPARED FOR KBS III, LLC December 45, 2014 Henr T. Wright, E.I.T. Staff Engineer LO Raymond A. Coglas, P.E. Principal Entire Document Available Upon Request GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY VUECREST DIVISION II RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 4909 MAIN AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON ES -3592 Earth Solutions NW, LLC 1805 - 135th Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 Tr 11 Prnn• 32R9_249-Q71n EXHIBIT 11 Kees 'J/ i-it... Deiin¢atlnn: hfliliyatinrt : esiora �� i Habitat Cre<ttian :' Permit AssisPance 9505 19th AVF't'lUe S<E, Suite 106 Everett; Washington 98208 (425) 337-3174 Fax (425) 337-3045 CRITICAL AREA STUDY FOR VUECREST 11 SHORT PLAT PW,To , WA [Vetland .Resources, Inc. Project # 14247 Prepared By: Wetland Resources, Inc. 9505 19th Avenue SE, Suite 106 Everett, WA 98208 (425) 337-3174 Prepared For: KBS III LLC Attn: Kolin 'Taylor 12620 NE 8th Street # 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 January 5, 2015 Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 12 G A PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 182151 BRANCH OFFIC Vuecrest II 102" d Ave SE & SE '186th St. Renton, Washington PRE14-001180 Prepared for: KBS Development Corporation 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 13 January 18, 2015 Our glob No. 17254 WASys 4 44733 ZING 222 (425) 251-8792 FAX UT CREEK, CA • SAN DIEGO, CA Certificate : 4594 This certificate provides information necessary to evaluate development proposals. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE. OF WATER .AVAILABILITY 'ry-pe: Short SubDivision ; �kpplicant`s Name: IC13S III, LLC Proposed Use. 7 Lot Short Plat " Vile Crest 11" Location. Lot: 97 Block: Development; Parcel: 322'Ms 9097 Addriss. 4903 ajnd 4909 Main Ave S Information: Previnrus[y know -n as 18607 & I F,61 1102Nd Ave SE WATER PURVEYOR INFORMATION 1, a ..l Water will be provided ?by.+ervice connection only to an existing Mull seater mai€€, Null t=et troin tlic silc. b bl wtra,�i service will require an itnprovctimut1othe watersystens ot: ,Vater.service to the proposed plat will renttiru the installatio3t efonsite water main. ['inti] realer laynrai and require3neaats wilt be detenninnd hosed on final site development plats and Fire ivtarrlral requircments, All plans must he :approved by the City of Renton Fire hiar:hAl and Soos Creek Water and so'mn- DistriCt. Clic water system is in confo3-rs bncc with a l::nunly approve tivztter autrprafaensive plan. b '- Tire water spstem irnprovement will require A t iter C0Mrrchc11sive Pisa Tne1ld1V tFt, 3 a ;Net The proposed proieet is +within ,hc cor; orate limits of tl€c distric[, or los bren granted Buunlary Rcvieu+ Board approval for extension orservice (mside rlte district or city, or is svithirt 117e County approx,, d scrvicC area ss( a private ivaltr purvcy0a: b Aiw,,-N tioo or 3oundau-y Review Board :approval will be necessary to Prov€,le Wtvice. 4, a WC' icr k:iir will be av;tikaalt:tl the raiz of t1m% and duration indicated below at no leis than 20 psi treasured at the nearest fare hydrant 47' tee- 1'rorn the I;oilding;property (or as -narked on the iutached map)', Rate of Flow I .000 opill Ourativw 2 hours b 1..1 Vdater s).(em k rot capat'le of providing tine t1my. 5, Service is subject to the fAlowingt n Ir cD an"nor) Char£';; i, Imo' Fosenmil (s)_ Other. I f h igh cr t;rc slow is needed a irydroulie ,tudy soil' need to be dime. Cross C(innec#ion Control devices must be in vord trmance with state laws. Swmice is subject to the ahplic;ants agreement to cortaply and I errorm to installation atldfnr coitneetiorts to the stmlidards, re�Tttlatioils_ reyuirentents aml candiaicnrs of this District and such other :iLency or agencies llavitag.jttrisr!ictit�n. This Dishict isnot representing that its tacihties will be extended or other4t-ise modified to make st.ch win ice available to the ttplali stat. 11 is the responsibility ofthc aphlicmi, to ttw e atr_y requited uxtenslort ii[' Facilities to serve their prolierty. I hereby vertify that the above water purveyor information i5 true. This rertificatinn shall he valid for one Near front d$te of signature. SOC1S f'Rl.t;K W,1 i'IA &r MAY :l2 DIS I RIG I' riga:reg l'amc L7atc!'Mulixin i0!2U'014 5yua.ocy N.unc I;ntt Supervisur, Developnwnt Adrninistration i t3aa� EXHIBIT 14 (;er ificate : ; 5 1') This certiJicule provide► itljeantfition it eeuat.y to evaluate develOPMent €)ri prlsals. SODS CREEK WA,rFR AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY Type; Short SubDivision Applicant's Name, KBS 1117 LLC: Propo-wd Use; 7 Lan Short Flat Wac Crest P" Location: Lot: 97 Mock: Devclopment: I'areel: "21-305 9097 _1ddrms: 18607 102 -ND ;'♦Vii Si?; R.};E N'TOly Information: Previously kiw-wn as 18607 & 1ii611 lil?nd Ave 5.1 � ;t;�a�l3 saap� Lrgxl �cscrig!io�� Irxscc«an 1 5Et', U'R PURVE OR INFORMA'f' ON 1 a7. Sewer ,ervicc will, he provided by service connection 0111y u) an vxtAmg Ke4tiei :TA11l Ntzli fear from tltc sire and dw cw cr sys;cm Wis t?3c la scrvethe ploposLd area. b Y. OthO 31dc=cr1tic): ' .-wcr wrvice to the prorowd, plat will require Nie insUlaTwn (donsite sanitary sewer ti%ith gratiity now Pinai sewer layma :viii he detelmined hosed on the rmai site dovc1epncntrjsms. lmiidil!g lOcat€tMs and outlet eievt€iiofi All pl:.im €ng.t be ahpmwd bt1 the Cit%: of RenEon and Snus Creek Water and Scwer I isirict. 2. a v The ;ewer sy item l,, izz conconnancc ',OLh a C;€aunty afzpruved se+ver eantprehensive alah. ni The ;ewer ;1 -;[aro itnprovrrnent will rc;quEre a se+4er colnprencnsive plan :fmcnd:�tent. 3, :r v The proposc l project is t ithin rhe ctrlinratc lin-its €4'dic: disiricr, or has €)cc€t 'milted Boundary Rcviciv Bwrd approval for E;vtclts u3t ul'scrviuc outside the dkinct or city. Anncsatiun or Boundary Review Board approval Wil! be wc"5 ary lu n€nvidc service, or sign a I'awrr of Attornev for anncsation, 4. Service is �nh,jcct to the fullau i€ pg a v Connection clan _c: Sidnciarzl romit fces wIli:ziniv. b v. t;_€s':mcnt (s): c 'v- Other: Ali 1[qs must wrve ;j,�ra!vrty aewer. 5crr-ice is sullje; t To the spphcartts :a.reemew to comply and pt�rl4wm 10 [name stich instahatioll and'orc.onnWions to IhQ SVMJaa7'd5. reMulrrti€ ns, reclui€CMCIIts anti ccinditions of this Dist€•ict and such other IigcllcY s>r J"CrICca 1,avirtL jurisdiction. This District is not rcpvescotim, chat n's racdiiic5 will be exlen ed or olhcnvisc maiilied to make �ervlkeU a raiii"hic to the ,ppii,ant. It is the ro ilt tcibiiitw of the tci In:.tke <ttty t-eyuiied extcn-"im) of f-'►cilities to -;n 'f'. 11161' ('Toptl ty, 1 I€crehy certifv drat the abov8 srvwer purrepor irrfarnration is true. 'I Itis rerlitiiation shzill he valid for <)r€r 5cat-from time �A sigmIturr, SOOS CR1l1 K W'ATFR & SIF:W'FR Pf",TFIC"I" Datrci Mmovul 10"'-72,2914 Leasr. Naanc !digruairy :'Joi>?c Ire � l , 5tipervi�cr, I}8t�e�nl�CaBnC,4,11n:ni>Iraticm v� i u( 1 't r EXHIBIT 15 General Construction Information Preliminary Short Plat of Vuecrest 11 {,January 8. 2015) The construction of new mad improvements (half street) along with the installation of utilities for the proposed short Plat Of VUCCreSt 11 Will Involve czearinq, grading, and other land disturbance activities, The foilowing is a summary of how these activities are expected to be carried out and managed to minimize impacts and comply with applicable rules and regulations during this phase of the project: * Anticipated Construction Schedule: Clearing and grading is likely to begin in late 2015 or early 2016 assuming the entitternents and permits are approved, The hulk of the work should be completed within Three !o four i-nonths of the construction start. Based on this schedule, vie expect that the plat could be ready for recording in mid -2016. veith home building to commence after the plat is recorded 'Model home construction may commence prior to recording as allowed by the City of Renton, 16 Hours and Days of Operation- rtie typical hours of operation for construction will be from "I a m to 6 p.rn. during the winter months. During the summer months. constmction will begin at 7 a m. and may extend to 7 p.m. tpendkng approval frorn the City of Renton}. The typical work .wek will be Monday through Friday Construction work may also take p==ace on Saturday as owed normally all by a the City of Renton, especially during the dry season (April to October) in order to expedite completion of the project during the dry ,Qason, 0 Proposed Hauling/Transportation Routes: The haul route for importing or exporting materials to and from the site Nill be determined after i;oordinafion with the City of Renton Inspector prior to lhe start of construcnon. However, we anticipate that the haul route would be 102nd Avenue S.E. to S.E. 19?rd Street and then east to I 08th Avenue S. E. (Benson Highway), Measures to be Implemented to Minimize Dust, Traffic and Transportation Impacts, Erosion, Noise, and other Construction Impacts: Ail temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures required by the City of Renton and other agencies mil be implemented and rnaintained (e -g- rock construction entrance, sift fencing. temporary sWrn pond, and Araw mulching) Also, as required by Department of Ecology all erosion BMPs will be ;irrplemerted and maintained as required by the NPDES Permit for the du(alion of the project. 'Waleiring will be impierriented as necessary to controi dust during the summer months and a4 con5trksction eqwpment will be equipped with appropriate mufflers to comply with local noise ordinances. 0 Any Special Hours Proposed for Construction or Hauling (Le,, weekends, late nights): If it is oeterrnined that additional hours are needed to comploie the C'C'M'tr! 'IcliOFI' the contractor will coorCinate with the City of Renton and obtain approval for such extended hours. 0 Preliminary Traffic Control Plan: A Preliminary Traffic Control Plan has not been prepared at this tirn(, Once lhe haat roule(s) has (have) been approved by the City Public VVorks Department, a Traffic Control Pan wili be prepared =n accordance vMh the City Road Standards and WS OT qUidelines. EXHIBIT 16 Street Modification - Road Standards Vuecrest II Short Plat 4909 Main Avenue South Renton. Washington 98057 (Tax Parcel No. 322305-9097) January 15, 2015; Revised March 18, 2015 Project location; Entire Document Available Upon Request The oroject site (2.4 acres on Tax Lot No. 3223059097) is located at southeast corner of 102nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 186th Street (if extended), Renton, Washington. (See attached site plan, vicirity map, and legal description). Pralect Scope: The project proposal is an eight -lot single-family detached subdivision known as the Preliminary Short Plat of Vuecrest II and is located in the R-8 zone (R-6 interim). The R-6 "interim" zone requires a minimum lot size of 7,040 square feet, minimum lot width of 60 feet for interior lots, and 70 feet for corner lots. The average lot size is 9,124 square feet with the sn iest lot being 7,678 square feet (Lot 7) and the largest 'ot being 17,789 square feet (Lot 8). The overall project density is 4.35 dwelling units per net acre. All lots within this proposal either meet or exceed the R-6 "interim" zoning development standards The project development has 0,19 acre (or 7.8°%) of on-site critical area (Class II wetland) which requires a 50 -foot buffer and proposes to retain 30% (or 11 trees) of the on-site healthy significant trees. The proposed lots will be served by an on-site half street public roadway (Road A; approximately 690 feet) which is located along the north properly line and will be installing street frontage improvements (approximately 168 Feet) along 102nd Avenue S,E. Water, sewer, and storm (including dry utilities) will be installed/extended to serve ail lots and storm drainage detention will be provided off site (within the Plat of Vuecrest Estates, City file No. LUA13-000642). Modification Request: The proposed on-site roadway (Road A) has been designed (as required by RMC 4-6-060) as a "half street" residential roadway. However, in an effort to provide a secondary access for the adjacent plat of Vuecrest Estates (located to the west) and to provide additional parking, we are requesting the followirg modification to RMC 4-6-060: Increase the minimum pavement vvidth from 20 feet to 26 feet (along the frontages of Lots 7 through 7 and approximately 60 feet of Lot 8J to allow for on -street parking (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with 'Cross Section S STA 2+50 to STA 7+50). • Install the required 5 -foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb and locate required eight foot landscape strip in a public easement adjacent to the back of walk along a portion of Lot 8, (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with "Cross Section C"; STA 1+78 to STA 2+50). Install 22 -feet of asphalt with vertical curb, no sidewalk or landscaping andlor match with emergency road extension by Vuecrest Estates (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with `Cross Section D'; STA 0+6!o STA 1+78) EXHIBIT 17 17254.007.docx HALINEN LAW �; ;� s .r davidhalinen@halirtenlaw,e0m Seattle • 206.443.4684 . Tacoma, 253.627.6680 . Fax . 253.272.9876 . Cell - 206.713.0992 Halinen Law Offices. P.S.- 1018 Regents Blvd Ste 202 Fircrest. 'NA 98466-6037 - halinenlaw coin March 20, 2015 VIA US MAIL AND EMAIL (celose(r,rentonwa.gov) City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division 1055 S. Grady Way, Sixth Floor Renton, Washington 98057 Attn: Clark Close, Associate Planner RE: Vuecrest II Preliminary Short Plat application under review {Renton File No. LUAI 5-000026) Proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval (supersedes and replaces the proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval contained in my February 24, 2015 letter to you) Dear Mr. Close: In follow-up to the meeting concerning the Vuecrest II Preliminary Short Plat application that Kolin Taylor (manager of my client KBS III, LLC—"KBS"—the Vrecrest II applicant), Wayne Potter of Novastar Development, Inc., and civil engineer Bryan Schwartz, PE of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. and I had with you and with CED civil engineers Steve Lee and Rohini Nair on Thursday, March 12 at Renton City I fall, I am writing on behalf of KBS to provide you a revised and expanded proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval. (This letter supersedes and replaces my letter to you dated February 24, 2015, a letter in which I had set forth an earlier proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval.) In addition to addressing sewer service for the proposed Vuecrest 11 short plat development, the list of special conditions proposed on pages 2 to 5 of this letter has been designed to address the possibilities that, by the time that Vrtecrest II is otherwise ready for final short plat approval and recording, (1) A public street through the site of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development (APN 3123059048) from (a) existing Smithers Avenue South at the north end of the proposed Vase Crest Estates subdivision development site through that site to (b) the west boundary of EXHIBIT 18 City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page 2 the Vuecrest II parcel to connect with proposed Road A of the Vuecrest II short plat (one offsite roadway option that KBS understands is currently being considered as part of the Vue Crest Estates development) (i) may or may not be pursued by the Vue Crest Estates developer and (ii) even if that roadway option is pursued by the Vue Crest Estates developer, the public street contemplated by that option may or may not be completed and dedicated to the City of Renton; or (2) A combination of both (a) a public street through a portion of the site of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development from (i) existing Smithers Avenue South to (ii) a southeasterly portion of the Vue Crest Estates site and (b) an "emergency access only" road from that public street to the west boundary of the Vuecrest II parcel (with removable bollards to be installed at or near the boundary) to connect with proposed Road A of the Vuecrest II short plat (that combination being another offsite roadway option that KBS understands is currently being considered as part of the Vue Crest Estates development by the City and by the Vue Crest Estates developer) (A) may or may not be agreed to by the City and/or Vue Crest Estates developer and (B) even if that offsite roadway combination is agreed to by the City and the Vue Crest Estates developer, that combination may or may not be completed and dedicated to the City of Renton; and/or (3) A joint stormwater detention and water quality facility that KBS and the Vue Crest Estates preliminary plat applicant (Harbour Homes) are planning on the Vue Crest Estates site (to provide Ston-nwater detention and meet water quality requirements for both the Vue Crest Estates development and the Vuecrest II short plat development) may or may not be available. In view of the above, here is the list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval that KBS now proposes: (1) Prior to or contemporaneously with final approval and recordation of the short plat: (a) Either one of the following two conditions must be satisfied: (i) Both of the following two conditions must be satisfied: City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page 3 (A) An offsite public street must be sufficiently completed and available for public traffic from (I) existing Smithers Avenue South at the north end of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development site (APN 3123459048) through that site to (II) the west boundary of the Vueerest 11 parcel (to connect with proposed Road A of the short plat) and (B) A public street right-of-way must be dedicated, deeded, or otherwise transferred to the City of Renton for that offsite street; or (ii) All three of the following conditions must be satisfied: (A) An offsite public street segment must be sufficiently completed and available for public traffic from (I) existing Smithers Avenue South to the southeasterly portion of the Vue Crest Estates site and (II) an "emergency access only" road from that full public street to the west boundary of the Vuecrest 11 parcel (with removable bollards to be installed at or near the boundary in conjunction with either the Vue Crest Estates subdivision development or the Vuecrest 11 short plat development) to connect with proposed Road A of the Vuecrest 11 short plat; (B) A public street right-of-way must be, dedicated, deeded, or otherwise transferred to the City of Renton for that offsite public street segment and either a public street right-of-way or a roadway easement (as may be required by the City of Renton) encompassing the offsite "emergency access only" road must be dedicated, deeded, or otherwise transferred to the City; and City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page 4 (C) Road A (including a hammerhead turnaround near the west end of Road A generally as contemplated by the modified 8 -Lot Alternative Layout attached as EXHIBIT B) must be substantially completed; or (b) Both of the following conditions must be satisfied: (i) The west end of the short plat layout must be modified to be generally consistent with the attached 7 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT A) in order to: (A) Eliminate proposed Lot 8; (B) Have the west end of Road A terminate with a cul-de-sac bulb to the west of proposed Lot 7 (a "Cul -de -Sac Bulb"); (C) Somewhat modify the layout of proposed Tract A in relation to the street right-of-way for Road A and the Cul -de -Sac Bulb; and (D) Create a new Tract B (a portion of which is to be used for tree preservation purposes and a portion of which is to be used for a part of a drainage facility) and (ii) Road A (including the Cul -de -Sac Bulb) must be substantially completed; (2) Prior to or contemporaneously with final approval and recordation of the short plat, either: (a) A joint stormwater detention and water quality facility must be constructed within the Vue Crest Estates site to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for development of both the subject short plat development and the Vue Crest Estates subdivision development; or City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page S (b) If the above -referenced Cul -de -Sac Bulb option is utilized, a stormwater vault must be constructed beneath a portion of Tract B and/or a portion of the Cul -dc -Sac Bulb to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for development of the short plat development; and (3) Prior to or contemporaneously with anal short plat approval and recordation of the final short plat, a sewer main must be extended through and beneath offsite properties) into the ,short plat site and along and beneath a portion of Road A as far to the east as is necessary to serve proposed Lot 1, with the segment(s) of offsite sewer to be located in public street right-of-way and/or in sewer easernent(s) granted to the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. Please review these proposed conditions of approval and let me know if they will be acceptable to the City. If you have any questions, concerns, or other comments regarding them., please let me know as soon as possible and I will arrange a conference call with Mr. Taylor and/or Mr. Potter. Sincerely, HALINEN LAW OFFICES, P.S. 1 , David Halin n Enclosures: 7 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT A) 8 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT B) CC' KBS III, LLC Attn: Kolin Taylor (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Wayne Potter, Vice -President. Novastar Development, Inc. (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Bryan Schwartz, PE, of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Y 1cfi2G83%002\C1ose LT2 (DLH 03-20.2015).docx !, ox qm. nn 0 oe /�� @ IT, % 2 / { a c 2 �•!� %R �� ^��� }©/ � I C:) � �I / 73a, / (} m§ 9!'g c _im g\ \ /%�` �m & 9 w > Qf\ 9 n �9 d^� w. k\ m / 5\E g8 | coo G%NNN & \ \ $ / e 7 -u � Lf) }� / % ]r7 % / 82 9� - - L� \ I /- 2e \2� 7j® -,wg C2 C;) %CA- ?o ) --- 9 I y I W I, C= C- 3� . I § I y/ & // ^ \ Zi \ Lp , � I ------- Job+mbr r� AS kms= F4: KBS DEVELOPMENTm� mb NTS Vertical V* 17254 NA(le ,E572ND AVENUE SOUTH CORPORATION c 0- E 222 Se hft*ed WP (2222)®-eM Title: ° (425)251-8782 FAX �� � �ECREST§-7 LOT ALTERNATIVE \. ƒ mE_NEmR LMD_.¥ y W@2/24/201E)�a,m� - SURVEYING, wit EXHIBIT A (.1) �^ q,<. C7Crl C7 G- 7�- r11 �j Ca C7 r•- F.i � O 'C'J-,, te*�� _U rin �� r1J Ci c� d t7 r�ri� f� �L` �- iI 7y CC) I CEJ C] IR C) C,C:7 j L,1 C J .1 CD7rn s� CJ I+u l Ln X00., < n m� ern i a� F M - � s- (a W c: rn n fCTI�` l C) rn vi C,l D r [C? p� m Cnr- C);M CA Da -v= -i zo rice 20M7y c7 ;v G7 C:) C7 U1 C2 CA �. Y :;y(o rn z o r+�7 _ CP + CA M in S i'a Cil �,7 m VAI <�rC]M 1fin mQ0f n1 :9 Mrin p4 m � mV * c_Pa N Q c7C,l (ncJ 7� rrl -i C71 r •• CJ V r- Ch C7 C] C7 Ca r� c'l ?� C_ - Cil N .f1 cW ri C1 7 -- yJ li �S r 4 Job Humber BIS Scale: For: KBS DEVELOPMENT Horizontal NTS Vertical N/A 1725'4" Tyr �,HAcr� 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH CORPORATION KENT, WA 98032 Sheet - (425)251-6222 Title: �+d WP f (425)251-8782 FAx VUECREST II — HAMMERHEAD x �• CML ENGINE EFUNG, LAND RMNINC, 1 1 M. 3/17/20151 6r�fh, E..o-Q` SURVEYING, DMMMMAL SERUM EXHIBIT B Clark Close From: Clark Close Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 9:35 AM To: 'David Rasmussen' Subject: RE: Party of Record Notification - Vuecrest U LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Attachments: 17254-M-EXH-LAND-Color Display-2015-01-15.pdf, 17254 -M -Project Narrative-SHPL PLAT-2015-01-08.pdf Mr. Rasmussen, Access to the site is from 102nd Avenue S.E. (residential access street) from South 192nd Street. On site the proposed roadway is being extended to the west property line for future extension by the proposed Plat of Vuecrest Estates (City File No, LUA13-00642). I've also attached the applicant's project narrative for more information. Thanks, Claris H. Close City of Renton .= Current Planning Associate Planner From: David Rasmussen [mailto:dr2141@earthlink.net] Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 6:59 PM To: Clark Close Subject: Re: Party of Record Notification - Vuecrest II LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Excellent thank you for the Plat info. Very interesting. Of primary importance to Sundance HOA is what impact Vucrest II development will have on or dovetail with the proposed Vucrest Estates Plat development. Can you shed any light on how or if the two proposed developments are working together if at all especially with respect to the joining of the road between the two developments. Thank you, David Rasmussen President - Sundance at Talbot Ridge HOA From: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa_.Rov> Date: Monday, February 2, 2015 at 10:11 AM To: David Rasmussen <4r2141 earthlink.net> Subject: RE: Party of Record Notification - Vuecrest II LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Mr. Rasmussen, Thanks for your email request to become a Party of Record on Vuecrest II Short Plat. You've been added as a Party of Record. Please find attached plans for more information about the submitted application. Let me know if you have any questions. EXHIBIT 19 Thanks, Clark H. Close City of Renton — Current Planning Associate Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Tel: 425-430-7239 Fax: 425-430-7300 cclose@rentonwa.8ov From: David Rasmussen [mailto:dr2141@earthlink.net] Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2015 8:37 PM To: Clark Close Cc: David Rasmussen Subject: Party of Record Notification - Vuecrest II LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD To. Clark H. Close Associate Planner, CED -Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA. 98057 Sir, Please include myself as a Party of Record on the subject Project on behalf of the Sundance at Talbot Ridge Home Owners Association. I represent the HOA as acting President. I am already a Party of Record for the HOA with regards to the currently proposed Vucrest Estates development that is directly impacting our HOA and as this new effort now attempts to integrate into this existing effort I feel it necessary to so join this new development effort. Thank you, David Rasmussen President — Sundance at Talbot Ridge HOA 723 5 47th 5t Renton, WA. 98055 (206)245-S475 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this R day of 2015, between the City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation ("Renton") and Harbour Homes, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Harbour") RECITALS A. Renton is a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, organized under the Optional Municipal Code, Title 35A RCW, located in King County, Washington. B. harbour is the applicant for the preliminary plat known as Vuecrest Estates, Renton File Number LUA13-000642 ("Vuecrest Estates"). C. Vuecrest Estates is located west of Main Ave. 5, which is also known as and hereinafter referred to as 102nd Ave. SE, and is separated from 102nd Ave. SE by two parcels of property: King County Parcel No. 3223059171, owned by Joseph and Martha Mackenzie (the "Mackenzie Parcel") and King County Parcel No. 3223059097, owned by KBS ill LLC (the "KBS III Parcel"). The Mackenzie Parcel is located immediately north of the KBS III Parcel. D. In its application for preliminary plat approval for Vuecrest Estates, Harbour proposed that the public road to be extended from the north through Vuecrest Estates, known as Smithers Ave. S., be terminated with a temporary cul-de-sac at the boundary of the Mackenzie Parcel, because the owners of the Mackenzie Parcel had no interest in developing the Mackenzie Parcel and no interest in granting an easement through the Mackenzie Parcel for access to 102nd Ave. SE. E. The Renton Hearing Examiner issued a Final Decision Upon Reconsideration concerning Vuecrest Estates (the "Hearing Examiner Decision") that included Condition 13 which read: 13. Prior to the recording of the final plat, a secondaryfire access shall be constructed that extends Smithers Ave 5 to the east to directly connect to Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE). The extent of street improvements necessary to effectuate this connection shall be determined by the City of Renton Fire Department in accordance with applicable fire code standards and shall be the minimum necessary to provide for safe and effective secondary access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles. F. Harbour appealed the Hearing Examiner Decision to the Renton City Council. G. Subsequent to Harbour filing its appeal, the owner of the KBS III Parcel applied to Renton for short plat approval for a project known as Vuecrest ll ("Vuecrest I1"). The proposed layout of Vuecrest 11 includes a public road identified as Road A between the eastern boundary of Vuecrest Estates and 102nd Ave. SE. EXHIBIT 20 Denis Law ._. City Of Mayor i April 24, 2015 Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip" Vincent, Administrator Wayne Potter Novastar Development, Inc. 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 RE: Street Modification Request Vuecrest li Short Plat, LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Dear Mr. Potter: The City of Renton has reviewed your street modification request to deviate from the normal code required street frontage improvements associated with your proposed project. Per RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards for residential zoned areas, the proposed project would normally be required to provide half street improvements within a 35 feet right-of-way width a 0.5 -foot wide curb, 8 -foot wide landscaped planter, and 5 -foot sidewalk on the development side. Your modification request, revised date March 18, 2015, is requesting the following: ■ Increase the minimum pavement width from 20 feet to 26 feet (along the frontages of Lots 1 through 7 and approximately 60 feet of Lot 8) to allow for on - street parking. ■ Install the required 5 -foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb and locate required 8- foot landscape strip in a public easement adjacent to the back of walk along a portion of Lot 8. ■ Install 22 feet of asphalt with vertical curb, no sidewalk or landscaping and/or match with emergency road extension by Vuecrest Estates. ■ Allow the construction centerline of proposed Road A (as it intersects with Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) to be offset by 5 feet (or less) as it relates to the existing centerline of Main Ave S. • Eliminate approximately 40 feet of the required 8 -foot landscape planter on the west side of Main Ave S (near the SE corner of Lot 1) and locate the required 5 - foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb. The City of Renton is in support of the five (5) proposed street modifications subject to the following conditions: 1) The public right-of-way of Road A is coterminous near the end of the driveway approach of Lot 8 or roughly 100 feet from the west property line. The balance Renton City H EXHIBIT 21 98057 • rentonwa.gov Ms. Wayne Potter Page 2 of 2 April 24, 2015 of Road (the portion of the Road A between the west property line to the driveway approach of Lot 8) shall be within a temporary fire access easement. The homeowners association shall ensure maintenance and function of the secondary paved fire access road, necessary to provide for a safe and effective secondary access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles, until such time as 5mithers Ave S and Main Ave S are connected with a complete public street. If for some reason the temporary fire access I, in the future, improved to a public street with curbs, gutters, landscape strip and sidewalk, and the alignment of the temporary fire access remains curved to the south of the wetland, then the developer or HOA shall modify the road from a temporary fire access easement to a public right-of-way with a pedestrian connectivity. 2) The applicant shall provide a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the frontage of Lot 8 to the start of the turning radius of the proposed hammerhead turnaround, located on the western portion of the lot. Where no hammerhead turnaround is provided, the 5 -foot wide sidewalk may terminate roughly 100 feet from the west property line. A final landscaping plan and grading and drainage plan shall be submitted to the Current Plan Reviewer prior to construction permit approval. The temporary fire access road and hammerhead turnaround must be located in either an easement or a tract for fire access only. 3) The applicant or the HOA shall provide a 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk adjacent to the back of the curb to the west property line along Lot 8 if Vuecrest chooses to improve the temporary fire access to a public road with a pedestrian connectivity. If the public road extension by the adjacent property is not constructed either, prior to or concurrently with, the Vuecrest Estates II project, then a turnaround (as per City standards) with a stub to the adjacent property is required to be provided by the Vuecrest Estates II project. Also, the required right-of-way frontage dedication on Main Ave S is 4.5 feet (subject to final survey) with a half street paved width of 11 feet (instead of the proposed 9.5 feet) from the center line of the right-of-way on the frontage. In summary, staff supports the request to modify from the required standards in accordance with criteria in RMC 4-9-250D and on the conditions noted above. If you have further questions regarding street improvements for this project, please contact Clark Close at 425-430-7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov. Ms. Wayne Potter Page 2of2 April 24, 2015 Sincerely, Steve Ting Lee, P.E. Development Engineering Manager Cc: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Clark Close, Associate Planner Rohini Nair, Civil Engineer II PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS LUA15-000026 .m.,... dasre�-s�a Application Date: January 20, 2015 Name: Vuecrest II Short Plat Plan — Planning Review ;i E Ity 0 _ �\ Site Address: 4909 & 4903 Main Ave S, Renton, WA 98055-5733 Engineering Review Comments Rohini Nair 1425-430-7298 ( rnair@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: I have reviewed the application for Vuecrest Estates II located at 4903 Main Ave S (PID 3223059097) and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER Water service will be provided Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District SEWER Sewer service will be provided Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District STORM There is existing storm water ditch in the Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) frontage STREETS Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) is a residential street with an existing ROW width of 50 feet with 20 feet half street ROW width. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. A water availability certificate from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District was provided. The water connection is proposed as an extension of the water lines of the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site. The Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) is not yet constructed. Therefore, the proposed water service connection is approved on condition that the Vuecrest Estates development gets constructed either before or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates II development. Otherwise, alternate water service provisions will be applicable on the Vuecrest Estates II project. 2. Approved water plans from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District should be provided to the City at the utility construction permit stage. 3. New hydrants shall be installed per Renton's fire department standards to provide the required coverage of all lots. SANITARY SEWER I. A sewer availability certificate from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District was provided. The sewer connection is proposed as an extension of the sewer lines of the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site. The Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) is not yet constructed. Therefore, the proposed sewer service connection is approved on condition that the Vuecrest Estates development gets constructed either before or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates II development. Otherwise, alternate sewer service provisions will be applicable on the Vuecrest Estates 11 project. 2. Approved sewer plans from Soos Creek Water and Sewer service District should be provided to the City at the utility construction permit stage. SURFACE WATER 1. A drainage plan and drainage report dated January 15, 2015 was submitted by Barghausen Consulting Engineers Inc. The proposed 8 lot subdivision is subject to Full Drainage review in accordance with the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Condition. The project is subject to basic water quality treatment and Level 3 flow control. Storm water vault that will be located in the adjacent Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) is proposed for the project, and the vault will be sized to meet the needs of both the projects. If the adjacent project does not get constructed either before or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates 11 development and/or if the storm water requirements for Vuecrest 11 development is not included in the Storm water Design of Vuecrest development, then Ran: April 16, 2015 EXHIBIT 22 Page 1 of 6 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS LUA15-000026 zoP e �`'z �;13w" . �tyof �' E Engineering Review Comments Rohini'Nair 1425-430-7298 1 rnair@rentonwa.gov storm water facility is required to be constructed separately for the Vuecrest Estates 11 project. There appears to be 2 -Basins with two different discharge locations. Note that flows currently discharging to 102nd Ave SE cannot be re-routed to the west and may be require separate water quality and flow control treatment. Appropriate individual lot flow control BMPs will be required to be provided by the project. Final plans and drainage report based on the required per the City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual is required to be submitted with the utility construction permit. 2. A geotechnical report, dated December 15, 2014 was submitted by Earth Solutions NW, LLC. The report identifies the soils as sand glacial till. These soils will not support infiltration. The geatech report recommendation should be incorporated in the storm watervault design. Storm water vault will require separate building permit review. 3. The current surface water system development charge (SDC) fee is $1,350.00 per new lot. Fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction permit and the fee rate that is current at the time of issuance of the utility construction permit will be applicable and the fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction permit. 4. A Construction Storm water General Permit from Department of Ecology is required since grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. TRANSPORTATION/STREET 1. Payment of transportation impact fee is applicable on the single family houses. The current transportation impact fee rate is $2,214.44 per new lot. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit will be levied. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance of the single family building permits. 2. Main Street S (102nd Ave SE) is a residential street with existing half street ROW width of 20 feet. To match the existing paved width further north on Main Street S (102nd Ave SE), a half street paved width of 11 feet (instead of the proposed 9.5 feet) from the center line of the ROW is required on the frontage. Frontage improvements including storm water improvements, 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, and 5 feet wide sidewalk is also required to be provided. This will require a ROW dedication of 4.5 feet (subject to final survey) on the Main Street S (102nd Ave SE) frontage. City standards include a maximum slope of 4H:1V at the back of sidewalks. A street modification request was submitted to allow the sidewalk to be located at the back of the curb for a small portion of the 102nd Ave SE (Main Street S) frontage, which is acceptable to staff. The ROW dedication of 4.5 feet and the 11 feet half street pavement width along with the frontage improvements is required to be provided by the developer. 3. A public half street (Road A) with improvements is proposed to serve the internal site access needs. The internal access is proposed to connect with the proposed road of the adjacent the Vuecrest Estates development (parcel ID 3123059048) situated to the west of the site. If the public road extension by the adjacent property is not constructed either prior to or concurrently with the Vuecrest Estates 11 project to provide a continuous public street, then a turnaround (as per City standards) with a stub to the adjacent property is required to be provided by the Vuecrest Estates II project. The developer has included a hammerhead turnaround on Road A. The proposed internal half street should be designed to meet the City street design standards and code. The City code requirement for paved width and ROW width for public half street is 20 feet paved surface within a 35 feet ROW width a 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, and 5 feet sidewalk on the development side are also included requirements in the code. Storm water improvements are also required to be provided. Street modification request was submitted for the proposed internal half street Road A. The street modifications for the Road A included two requests. Road A from STA 2+50 to STA 7+50 —To provide a 26 feet paved width with on -street parking on one side, along with 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, and 5 feet wide sidewalk on the development side, within a ROW width of 41.5 feet. This can be recommended for approval by staff. A 2 feet offset of the paved edge from the property line is proposed. A chain link fence at the property line is also shown in the proposed section. The maximum slope at the back of sidewalk, or back of the traveled edge is 4H:1V. Construction easement and permanent slope easement from the Ran: April 16, 2015 Page 2 of 6 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS LUA15-000026. =g�City offfoo ' .. Engineering Review Connments Rohini Nair 1425-430-7298 1 rnair@rentonwa.gov 1 north property neighbor may also be required based on plans that will be reviewed during utility construction permit. The applicant has shown a street section with road having 2% down slope towards the south, with curb and gutter at the south side, which is acceptable, for the straight portion of the road, The 5 feet centerline offset of the roadway centerline of proposed Road A with the existing street SE 186th Street is acceptable to staff. Road A from STA 1+78 to STA 2+50 —A 20 feet wide paved road surface with 0.5 feet wide curb on both sides, 5 feet wide sidewalk on the south side immediately adjacent to the curb, and landscaping in an easement is acceptable to staff. An 8 feet wide dear zone (maximum slope of 4H:1V) should be provided between the curb and the drop off. A pedestrian barrier/fence should be located a minimum 2 feet away from the curb, between the curb and the drop off. No Parking signs are required to be provided by the developer. The sidewalk should extend until the turnaround. The applicant has shown a street section with road having 2% down slope towards the south, with curb and gutter at the south side, which is acceptable to staff. Road A from STA 0+63 to STA 1+78 — A 20 feet wide paved road surface with 0.5 feet wide curb on both sides is proposed. An 8 feet wide clear zone (maximum slope of 4H:1V) should be provided between the curb and the drop off. A pedestrian barrier/fence should be located a minimum 2 feet away from the curb, between the curb and the drop off. No Parking signs are required to be provided by the developer, The applicant has shown a street section with road having 2% down slope towards the south, with curb and gutter at the south side, which is acceptable to staff. Staff condition of recommendation of the modifications for proposed Road A includes possible easements for cross slope (based on review of engineering plans submitted at utility construction permit. Staff also recommends the condition that the drainage from the site should not discharge onto the adjacent property. 4. Adequate sight distance should be provided at the proposed intersection of the new half street with Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE). 5. No lot is proposed to gain direct access from 102nd Ave SE (Main Street S). The individual driveways shall be as per RMC 4-4-060. 6. Paving and trench restoration will comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 7. Street lighting is required for this plat on the frontage and on the internal access road. LED lighting plans will be included with the civil plan submittal. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All construction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. 2. Rockeries or retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height will be require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans shall be submitted for review by a licensed engineer. Special Inspection is required. 3. A tree removal and tree retention/protection plan and a separate landscape plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. ............................ . Fire Review - Building Comments Corey Thomas ( 425-430-7024 { cthomas@rentonwa:gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: The fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $495.10 per single family unit. This fee is paid prior to recording the plat. Credit is granted for the removal of one existing home. Code Related Comments: 1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. There is one existing fire hydrant in this area and it meets current code. A water Ran: April 16, 2015 Page 3 of 6 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS LUA15-000026, City of =rew. m_aeuhsxxss i : . - - i 2) Fire Review - Building Comments - Corey Thomas 1425-430-7024 ] cthomas@rentonwa.gov availability certificate is required from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30 ton vehicle with 322 psi point loading. Approved apparatus turnarounds are required for dead end roads exceeding 150 feet. An approved 90 foot diameter cul-de-sac type turnaround is required for dead end streets over 300 feet long. Per city ordinance all homes beyond 500 feet dead end will require an approved fire sprinkler system. 3. Renton Fire Department is in favor of the proposed street improvement variances allowing wider roadways and more on street parking and also secondary access to the adjacent plat of Vuecrest. We are also supportive of the list of special conditions as outlined from the applicant in their letter to the city dated March 20, 2015. Planning Review Comments Clark Close 1425-430-7289 k cclose@rentonwa.gov' Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between eight thirty (8:30) a.m. and three thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 2. New single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is by permission only. No work is permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plants appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. Police Review Comments Cyndie Parks 1425-430-75211 cpar.ks@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Estimated Calls for Service Annually: 8 Minimal impact on police services. Technical Services Comments Bob Mac Onle 1425-430-7369 1 bmaconie@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Short Plat: Bob Mac Onie 2/6/2015 Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA15-000026 and LND 20-0618, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The dedication of right of way for short subdivisions requires a separate Deed of Dedication; provide a space to the recording number of same on the short plat. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit of the dedicated parcel. The legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant's surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit. The dedication process requires an updated Plat Certificate dated within 45 days of approval of said dedication. Talk to the Project Manager if there are questions or further information is needed. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties Ran: April 16, 2015 Page 4 of 6 PIAN REVIEW COMMENTS LUA15-000026 f"`t�>ty of m Y R Technical Services Comments Bois Mac Onie 1425-430-7365 ( bmaconie@rentonwa.gov have been provided. A licensed surveyor must prepare, stamp, sign and date the final short plat submittal. Note the Purpose, intended ownership and restrictions for the Tract created by this subdivision? Do not use the City's title block or "SEAL" on the final submittal; this document is not a product of, or for the City. Provide sufficient information to determine how the plat boundary was established. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note what was found when visiting the existing monuments. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Include the addresses from the attached for the proposed lots on the final short plat drawing. Do note encroachments, if any. Do include a "LEGEND" block for the short plat drawing, detailing any symbols used thereon. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. The title report reveals that there are exceptions concerning coal and mineral rights recorded under Rec. No. 3414206, and there is an agreement between the current short plat owner and a neighboring property owner regarding use of a portion of the boundary straddling lawn (Rec. NO. 20131009000726 and 20131022001138). Note any relevant researched resources on the short plat submittal. Note the plat name and lot/tract numbers of the adjoining properties or note as "Unplatted" (most of the properties to the north and south of the subject site are "unplatted"). The names of the property owners and their tax lot numbers should be removed from the final submittal. The City of Renton Administrator, Public Works Department, is the only city official who signs the final short plat. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. Pertinent King County approval blocks also need to be noted on the drawing. All vested owner(s) of the subject final short plat need to sign the final short plat submittal. Include notary blocks as needed (a corporate notary block is needed for the current property owner). Include a declaration block on the drawing, titled "OWNERS' DECLARATION" not "CERTIFICATION" or other. Remove all references to building setback lines. Setbacks will be determined when building permits are issued. Do not include "ENGINEER", "SURVEYOR", "SOIL ENGINEER", "DEVELOPER/OWNER","BIOLOGIST" and "ARBORIST" blocks on the submittal, Do not include any of the utilities and services listed under the "Utilities/Services" block. Remove the minimum lot area, average lot area, minimum lot area allowed, square footage of land in private access easements, proposed net density, density allowed by code, existing zoning and required min. setbacks in the "SITE DATA" block. It is assumed that the 10' utility easement, noted over the northerly 10' of all of the proposed short plat lots is public. Easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, can be recorded concurrently with the final short plat. The final short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the final short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. If there are private easements (new easements for ingress, egress, utilities, etc. shown for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots) each will need a note defining the rights associated with the easement at issue. Since these new "proposed" easements shown aren't "granted and conveyed" until the benefited and/or burdened lots are conveyed to others add the following language on the face of the short plat drawing: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new private easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as Ran: April 16, 2015 Page 5 of 6 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS LUA15-000026 Technical services Comments Bob Mac Onie 1425-430-7369 I bmaconie@rentonwa.gov shown on this short plat. The preceding statement obligates the seller of the lots created to "expressly grant and convey" the lots "together with and/or subject to" any new private easements delineated on the short plat in the conveying document. A private ingress, egress and utility easement require a "New Private Easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities Maintenance Agreement" statement. community services comments Leslie Betlach { 425-430-6619 j Ibetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: A. Parks impact fee per Ordinance 5670 applies. B. See page 2C—code related comments. C. Street trees: On 102 Avenue SE (Main) do not use Tilic Cordata Greenspire—poor variety, overhead utility (electric lines), use only trees that attain a small mature height, (e.g. Acer truncatun X platanoides, T. Cordata "Summer Sprite'). 10. On Road—use only trees that attain a large mature height (e.g. Tilic Cordata—but not Greenspire) –Tree at SW corner of Road A and 102 Avenue shall not be planted closer than 40 feet from stop sign. Ran: April 16, 2015 Page 6 of 6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D City of AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT r ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS -M) PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD APPLICANT: KBS III LLC - Kolin Taylor (AKA - KBS Development Corp.), 12320 NE 8`h St, Ste 100, Bellevue, WA 98005 PROJECT NAME: Vuecrest II Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat totaling 106,680 square feet (sf) or 2.45 acres for the future development of 8 single-family houses. The subject property is located in the Residential -8 zoning district. The proposed lots range in size from 7,558 sf to 17,248 sf in area with an average lot size of 8,948 sf. The site also contains a critical area tract (Tract A) that is 8,404 sf. The residential density is 4.42 dwelling units per net acre. Access to the site is from Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) from SE 192nd St. The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for a future secondary fire access road extension by the proposed Plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements in order to provide secondary access for the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees. The applicant has submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, and a Preliminary Technical Information Report with the application. PROJECT LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave S LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 15, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057_ Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLICATION DATE: May 1, 2015 DATE OF DECISION; April 27, 2015 Woop—city�of SIGNATURES: Gregg ZimrAerhX,Administrator Mark Peterson, Administrator Public Works Department Dae Fire & Emergency Services Date Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department �-J.R-77 � Date C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Administ tar Department of Community & Date Economic Development Denis Law city it of,. Y �� Mayor � ___ _ � * A r►� * �J ��i T April 24, 2015 Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Wayne Potter Novastar Development, Inc. 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 RE: Street Modification Request Vuecrest 11 Short Plat, LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Dear Mr. Potter: The City of Renton has reviewed your street modification request to deviate from the normal code required street frontage improvements associated with your proposed project. Per RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards for residential zoned areas, the proposed project would normally be required to provide half street improvements within a 35 feet right-of-way width a 0.5 -foot wide curb, 8 -foot wide landscaped planter, and 5 -foot sidewalk on the development side. Your modification request, revised date March 18, 2015, is requesting the following: • Increase the minimum pavement width from 20 feet to 26 feet (along the frontages of Lots 1 through 7 and approximately 60 feet of Lot 8) to allow for on - street parking. • Install the required 5 -foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb and locate required 8- foot landscape strip in a public easement adjacent to the back of walk along a portion of Lot 8. • Install 22 feet of asphalt with vertical curb, no sidewalk or landscaping and/or match with emergency road extension by Vuecrest Estates. ■ Allow the construction centerline of proposed Road A (as it intersects with Main Ave S (102nd Ave SE) to be offset by 5 feet (or less) as it relates to the existing centerline of Main Ave S. ■ Eliminate approximately 40 feet of the required 8 -foot landscape planter on the west side of Main Ave S (near the SE corner of Lot 1) and locate the required 5 - foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb. The City of Renton is in support of the five (5) proposed street modifications subject to the following conditions: 1) The public right-of-way of Road A is coterminous near the end of the driveway approach of Lot 8 or roughly 100 feet from the west property line. The balance Renton City Hall . 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98057 . rentonwa.gov Ms. Wayne Potter Page 2 of 2 April 24, 2015 of Road (the portion of the Road A between the west property line to the driveway approach of Lot 8) shall be within a temporary fire access easement. The homeowners association shall ensure maintenance and function of the secondary paved fire access road, necessary to provide for a safe and effective secondary access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles, until such time as Smithers Ave S and Main Ave S are connected with a complete public street. If for some reason the temporary fire access I, in the future, improved to a public street with curbs, gutters, landscape strip and sidewalk, and the alignment of the temporary fire access remains curved to the south of the wetland, then the developer or HOA shall modify the road from a temporary fire access easement to a public right-of-way with a pedestrian connectivity. 2) The applicant shall provide a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the frontage of Lot 8 to the start of the turning radius of the proposed hammerhead turnaround, located on the western portion of the lot. Where no hammerhead turnaround is provided, the 5 -foot wide sidewalk may terminate roughly 100 feet from the west property line. A final landscaping plan and grading and drainage plan shall be submitted to the Current Plan Reviewer prior to construction permit approval. The temporary fire access road and hammerhead turnaround must be located in either an easement or a tract for fire access only. 3) The applicant or the HOA shall provide a 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk adjacent to the back of the curb to the west property line along Lot 8 if Vuecrest chooses to improve the temporary fire access to a public road with a pedestrian connectivity. If the public road extension by the adjacent property is not constructed either, prior to or concurrently with, the Vuecrest Estates II project, then a turnaround (as per City standards) with a stub to the adjacent property is required to be provided by the Vuecrest Estates 11 project. Also, the required right-of-way frontage dedication on Main Ave S is 4.5 feet (subject to final survey) with a half street paved width of 11 feet (instead of the proposed 9.5 feet) from the center line of the right-of-way on the frontage. In summary, staff supports the request to modify from the required standards in accordance with criteria in RMC 4-9-250D and on the conditions noted above. If you have further questions regarding street improvements for this project, please contact Clark Close at 425-430-7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov. Ms. Wayne Potter Page 2 of 2 April 24, 2015 Sincerely, r Steve Ting Lee, P.E. Development Engineering Manager Cc: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Clark Close, Associate Planner Rohini Nair, Civil Engineer II Denis Law �1.ty of, Maor y j March 30, 2015 Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Wayne Potter Novastar Development, Inc. 1,215 72n8 Ave S Kent, WA 98032 SUBJECT: "Off Hold" Notice Vuecrest II Short Plat, LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Dear Mr. Potter: + tF k -±j Thank you for submitting the additional materials requested in the March 3, 2015 letter from the City. Your project has been taken off hold and the City will continue review of the Vuecrest It Short Plat. The Short Plat has been rescheduled for Environmental Review on April 13, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7289. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Associate Planner cc: DBS Ilk, LLC, Kolin Taylor / owner(s) MacKenzie; Rasmussen; Briere / Party(ies) of Record File LUA15-000026, ECF, 5HPL-A, MGD Renton City Hall . 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 . rentonwa.gov %A� Clark H. Close Associate Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 W:A1.. s I,AVM, ;1:( -- 171 moi; C i_rd€_I;i March 23, 2015 COURIER DELIVERY ^k - RE. VEL) JV'4,y 2 4 2015 CITY Ot RE: Preliminary Short Plat Re -submittal for Vuecrest 11 City of Renton Application File No. LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD BCE .fob No. 172541 NS .lob No. 9582 Dear Clark: On behalf of the KBS Development Corporation, we are re -submitting the following documents and drawings for your review pursuant to your March 3, 2015 comments ("On Hold" Notice), 1. Twelve (12) copies of the "Revised" Preliminary Short Plat Cover Sheet and Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 19, 2015 (Sheet 1 of 6) 2. Five (5) copies of the Conceptual Landscape Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc, dated March 20, 2015 (Sheet 5 of 6) 3. Four (4) copies of the Tree Retention Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 19, 2015 (Sheet 6 of 6) 4. Five (6) copies of the Utility Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 19, 2015 (Sheet 4 of 6) 5. Twelve (12) copies of the Conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 19, 2015 (Sheet 2 of 6) 6, Eleven (11) copies of the Road Profiles prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 19, 2015 (Sheet 3 of 6) 7. Twelve (12) copies of the revised City of Renton Density Worksheet dated March 23, 2015 8_ Four (4) copies of the 'Revised" Application for Road Modification prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 18, 2015 9. Four (4) copies of the WSDOT Guardrail Requirements Memo prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated March 19, 2015 10. Four (4) copies of the Proposes List of Special Conditions letter prepared by David Halinen, Attorney at Law, dated March 20, 2015 18215 72ND AVLNUI-. iOUM KLN's; VIA J3032 (425) 251-611 426j FAX FAX L' a �+WW.IQOVA7.liiARDI.Di.L;Gi r 4 1pw Clark H. Close Associate Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development -2- March 23, 2015 11. One $.5- by 11 -inch photographic reduction of each of the full-size plan sheets and one (1) regular photocopy of each photographic reduction 12. One CD containing electronic copies of all plan sheets The enclosed plans have been revised to take in account the comments outlined in your March 3, 2015 "On Hold" Notice letter as well as the various items discussed and agreed upon in the March 12, 2015 meeting at City Nall. I am confident that the plans/documents address all of the concerns raised by Public Works and Traffic. Please contact me if you have any questions and/or need any additional information. Thank you. Respectfully, G. Wayne Potter Vice President GWP/dm 17254c.002.doc enc: As Noted cc: Kolin Taylor, KBS Development Corporation (w/enc) David Halinen, Attorney -at -Law, (w/enc) Bryan Schwartz, P.E., Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Tim Tobin, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Sandy Bailey, Novastar Development, Inc. MEMORANDUM DATE: March 19, 2015 TO: Clark H. Close Associate Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 FROM: Bryan M. Schwartz, P.E. RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2015 CITY OF RENTON PLAN1'T�',i—� !)+Vision RE: WSDOT Guardrail Requirements Vuecrest II City of Renton Application File No. LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD This memorandum has been prepared to explain our understanding of the WSDOT Design Manual regarding traffic barrier (guardrail) requirements for fill slopes. There are two pages attached to this memorandum from the WSDOT Design Manual. The first attached page (page 1600-5 from the WSDOT Design Manual) includes general guidance for determining when traffic barriers (guardrails) are required for Fill Slopes_ As highlighted on page 1600-5, Fill slopes can present a risk to an errant vehicle with the degree of severity dependent upon the slope and height of the fill. Providing fill slopes that are 4H:1 V or flatter can mitigate this condition_ If flattening the slope is not feasible or cost-effective, the installation of a barrier might be appropriate_ Exhibit 1600-6 represents a selection procedure used to determine whether a fill sideslope constitutes a condition for which a barrier is a cost-effective mitigation. The curves are based on the severity indexes and represent the points where total costs associated with a traffic banter are equal to the predicted cost of collisions over the service life for selected slope heights without traffic barrier. if the ADT and height of fill intersect on the "Barrier Recommended" side of the embankment slope curve, then provide a barrier if flattening the slope is not feasible or cost- effective. Exhibit 1600-6 (Guidelines for Embankment Barrier) from the WSDOT Design Manual has been included with this memorandum as well_ We have added some highlighting & text boxes to Exhibit 1600-6 to explain how we interpret this exhibit. A retaining wall is an embankment steeper than 1 1I2H:1 V; therefore the top line is used on the graph. Per the Renton Municipal Code, the ADT for Residential Access Streets is 0-3000. As the key legend indicates, for conditions that occur on or above the embankment slope curve, a traffic barrier is not recommended. As a result, for an ADT of 3,000, a traffic barrier is not recommended for an embankment (retaining wall) height of less than or equal to 6 -feet. Memo.docx Chapter 9600 1600.04 Mitigation Guidance Roadside Safety There are three general categories of features to be mitigated: sideslopes, fixed objects, and water. This section provides guidance for determining when these objects present a significant risk to an errant motorist. For each case, the following conditions need added consideration: • Locations with high expected collision frequency. • Locations with pedestrian and bicycle usage. (See Chapters 1510, Pedestrian Design Considerations, 1515, Shared -Use Paths, and 1520, Roadway Bicycle Facilities.) • Playgrounds, monuments, and other locations with high social or economic value. • Redirectional land forms, also referred to as earth berms, were installed to mitigate objects located in depressed medians and at roadsides. They were constructed of materials that provided support for a traversing vehicle. With slopes in the range of 2H:1 V to 3 H:1 V, they were intended to redirect errant vehicles. The use of redirectional land forms has been discontinued as a means for mitigating fixed objects. Where redirectional land forms currently exist as mitigation for a fixed object, provide designs where the feature they were intended to mitigate is removed, relocated, made crashworthy, or shielded with barrier. Landforms may be used to provide a smooth surface at the base of a rock cut slope. The use of a traffic barrier for features other than those described below requires justification. 1600.04(7) Side Slopes 1600.04(1)(a) Fill Slopes Fill slopes can present a risk to an errant vehicle with the degree of severity dependent upon the slope and height of the fill. Providing fill slopes that are 4H:1 V or flatter can mitigate this condition. If flattening the slope is not feasible or cost-effective, the installation of a barrier might -be appropriate. Exhibit 1600-6 represents a selection procedure used to determine whether a fill sideslope constitutes a condition for which a barrier is a cost-effective mitigation. The curves are based on the severity indexes and represent the points where total costs associated with a traffic barrier are equal to the predicted cost of collisions over the service life for selected slope heights without traffic barrier. If the ADT and height of fill intersect on the "Barrier Recommended" side of the embankment slope curve, then provide a barrier if flattening the slope is not feasible or cost-effective. Do not use Exhibit 1600-6 for slope design. Design slopes consistent with guidance in Chapters 1130 and 1230, evaluating designs with clear, traversable slopes before pursuing a barrier option. AIso, if Exhibit 1600-6 indicates that barrier is not recommended at an existing slope, that result is not justification for a deviation. For example, if the ADT is 4,000 and the embankment height is 10 feet, barrier might be cost-effective for a 2H:1 V slope, but not for a 2.5H:1 V slope. This process only addresses the potential risk of exposure to the slope. Obstacles on the slope can compound the condition. Where barrier is not cost-effective, use the recovery area formula to evaluate fixed objects on critical fill slopes less than 10 feet high. 1600.04(1)(b) Cut Slopes A cut slope is usually less of a risk than a traffic barrier. The exception is a rock cut with a rough face that might cause vehicle snagging rather than providing relatively smooth redirection. WSDOT Design Manual M22.01.10 Page 1600-5 July 2013 Roadside Safety 0 Embankment 1 Wall heights less than 5 or equal to 6 -feet do not require a guardrail. m 10 25 30 -- Chapter 1600 Per Renton Municipal Code, the ADT for Residential Access Streets is 0-3,000 ADT 8000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 or more Embankment slope 1 112 HIV or steeper (retaining wall} 1 Embankmnt nope e2H-1V Embankment slope ---2112H- Vto less than 3H:1V Key: Note: Routes with ADTs under 400 may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Guidelines for Embankment Barrier Exhibit 1600-6 Page 1600-20 WSDOTDesign Manual M22.01.10 July 2013 Below curve: barrier 1 recommended on new installations On or above curve: barrier not recommended Note: Routes with ADTs under 400 may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Guidelines for Embankment Barrier Exhibit 1600-6 Page 1600-20 WSDOTDesign Manual M22.01.10 July 2013 REVISED -MARCH 23 ^015 Print Form Reset Form -00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY r r't`'°f�'� AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DENSITY WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property 106,680 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public Streets* 26,696 square feet Private access easements* 0 square feet Critical Areas** 1,126 square feet Total excluded area: 27822 3. Subtract line 2 (total excluded area) from line 1 for net area 78,858 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage 1.8103 S. Number of dwelling units or lots planned 8 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density 4.4191 *Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. square feet square feet square feet acres units/lots = dwelling units/acre **Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands, or floodways." Critical Areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. RECEIVED MAR 2 4 7015 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION I H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\dersity.doc Rev: 02/2015 Street Modification - Road Standards Vuecrest II Short Plat 4909 Main Avenue South RECEIVED Renton, Washington 98057 (Tax Parcel No, 322305-9097) MAR 2 Q 2015 January 15, 2015; Revised March 18, 2015 CITY OF RENTON PL{1;1 NTNG "ivi ioN Project Location: The project site (2.4 acres on Tax Lot No. 3223059097) is located at southeast corner of 102nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 186th Street (if extended), Renton, Washington. (See attached site plan, vicinity map, and legal description). Project Scope: The project proposal is an eight -lot single-family detached subdivision known as the Preliminary Short Plat of Vuecrest II and is located in the R-8 zone (R-6 interim). The R-6 "interim" zone requires a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet, minimum lot width of 60 feet for interior lots, and 70 feet for corner lots. The average lot size is 9,124 square feet with the smallest lot being 7,678 square feet (Lot 7) and the largest lot being 17,789 square feet (Lot 8). The overall project density is 4.35 dwelling units per net acre. All lots within this proposal either meet or exceed the R-6 "interim" zoning development standards The project development has 0.19 acre (or 7.8%) of on-site critical area (Class 11 wetland) which requires a 50 -foot buffer and proposes to retain 30% (or 11 trees) of the on-site healthy significant trees. The proposed lots will be served by an on-site half street public roadway (Road & approximately 690 feet) which is located along the north property line and will be installing street frontage improvements (approximately 168 feet) along 102nd Avenue S.E. Water, sewer, and storm (including dry utilities) will be installed/extended to serve all lots and storm drainage detention will be provided off site (within the Plat of Vuecrest Estates, City file No. LUA13-000642). Modification Request: The proposed on-site roadway (Road A) has been designed (as required by RMC 4-6-060) as a "half street" residential roadway. However, in an effort to provide a secondary access for the adjacent plat of Vuecrest Estates (located to the west) and to provide additional parking, we are requesting the following modification to RMC 4-6-060: Increase the minimum pavement width from 20 feet to 26 feet (along the frontages of Lots 1 through 7 and approximately 60 feet of Lot 8) to allow for on -street parking (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with "Cross Section B',' STA 2+50 to STA 7+50). Install the required 5 -foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb and locate required eight foot landscape strip in a public easement adjacent to the back of walk along a portion of Lot 8; (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with "Cross Section C'; STA 1+78 to STA 2+50). • Install 22 -feet of asphalt with vertical curb, no sidewalk or landscaping and/or match with emergency road extension by Vuecrest Estates (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with "Cross Section D'; STA 0+6 to STA 1+78). - 1 - 17254.007.docx • Allow the construction centerline of proposed Road A (as it intersects with 102"d Avenue S.E.) to be offset by 5 feet (or less) as it relates to the existing centerline of 102fl°f Avenue S. E. Also, "half street" improvements are required pursuant to RMC 4-6-060 along the existing plat frontage of 102nd Avenue S.E. (residential street). In an effort to retain 30% of the on-site healthy significant trees (required by RMC 4-4-130), we are requesting the following modification to RMC 4-6-460 to protect several significant trees by reducing construction improvements within the critical Root Protection Zone (RPZ): Eliminate approximately 40 feet of the required 8 -foot landscape planter on the west side of 102nd Avenue S.E. (near the S.E. comer of Lot 1) and locate the required 5 -foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan, Sheet 2 of 4). Modification Decision Criteria: As outlined in the RMC 4-9-250(D)(2), the City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Department must review the modification request and base their decision pursuant the following criteria (following each of the 6 criteria, the applicant provides a responsefjustification): a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objective of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. Response/Justification: The proposed modifications to the road standards as requested will not inhibit the implementation of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element for the Vuecrest 11 Short Plat. The proposed modifications are a direct result of efforts being pursued to provide a needed "secondary emergency access" that is being required by the City of Renton for the Plat of Vuecrest Estates (File No. LUA13-000642) to increase public safety/welfare and to meet the Tree Retention requirements found in RMC 4-6-060. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Response/Justification: The proposed modifications to Road A and 102nd Avenue S.E. will continue to meet the objectives of safety, function, appearance, environmental protection, and maintainability intended by the Code requirements. The requested modifications are needed to provide the needed secondary emergency access for public safety and warfare, increase on-site parking, and protect environmental protection to significant trees due to the following constraints.- In onstraints. in an effort to provide the needed secondary emergency access for Vuecrest Estates, maintain a useable building pad for Lot 8, and provide protection the existing wetland in Tract A, the relocation of the sidewalk to the back of curb along Road A (approximately 74 feet) is needed and warranted. The proposed project will provide the required 10 -foot on-site landscaping for Lot 8 (per RMC 404-070.F) and in addition, include the required street trees to be maintained by the lot owner. • The additional 6 feet of asphalt along the frontages of Lots 1 through 7 and a portion of Lot 8 will provide the needed parking and ultimately reduce the amount of half street improvements needed by the future developer of the property to the north (Tax Lot No. 3223059171, Mackenzie). - 2 - 17254.007.docx Significant Trees are to be protected as required by RMC 4-$-060, and based on the recommendations of the project arborist (Galen Wright, Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc.), and the improvements (approximately 40 feet) need to be relocated as far east as possible so as not to impact the RPZ (Root Protection Zones) of trees No_ 2 and 3 as referenced in Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. Tree Protection Plan dated December 19, 2014. However, we are proposing to continue required 10 -foot on-site landscaping within this area to maintain the proper landscape appearance as required by code. c. Will not be injurious to the other property(ies) in the vicinity. Response/Justification: No adjacent properties within the vicinity of the project will be impacted by the modification request. The functionality and intent of the road standards will be met. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. Response/Justification: As outlined in section "b" above, the proposed modification will continue to meet the intent and purpose of the Road Standard Codes and also "improve" public safety and welfare by providing a secondary access (Road A) in the event of a public emergency. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended. Response/Justification: As outlined in section "b" above, the proposed modifications are justified to provide public safety, protect the environment (significant trees and wetland), and allow the property owner to obtain a useable building envelope for Lot 8. f. Will not create adverse impact to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Response/Justification: The proposed modifications requested will not create an adverse impact to other properties. As stated earlier, the approval of the modification to Road A will increase public safety by providing a secondary access in the event of an emergency. - 3 _ 17254.007.docx V i S aril _ y ;r x} SITE -,,x- F 1 � T y� Li y�r VICINITY MAP SITS EXHIBIT 'W' Legal Description The north half of the north half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32 in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington', Except portion lying thereof within 102nd Avenue S.E. right of way. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 01.07.15 @ 06:10AM Page 3 wA,CT-FNSE-02150.622475-SPS-1.15-3030466---TU i ME HA__ IEN LAW David I Flalini�r. PE Attorney x Law davidhalinen@halinenlaw corn Seattle • 206.443.4684 • Tacoma • 253.627.6680 • Fax • 253.272.9876 • Cell • 206.713.0992 Halinen Law Offices, P.S. - 1019 Regents Blvd Ste 202 Fircrest, WA 98466-6037 • halinenlaw.com March 20, 2015 VIA US MAIL AND EMAIL (cclose(dlrcntonwa.gov) City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division 1055 S. Grady Way, Sixth Floor Renton, Washington 98057 Attn: Clark Close, Associate Planner RECEIVED MAR 2 4 2015 CITY OF RFNTON PLANNING DIVISION RE: Vuecrest II Preliminary Short Plat application under review (Renton File No. LUA15-000026) Proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval (supersedes and replaces the proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval contained in my February 24, 2015 letter to you) Dear Mr. Close: In follow-up to the meeting concerning the Vuecrest H Preliminary Short Plat application that Kohn Taylor (manager of my client KBS III, I,t,C "KBS"—the Vuecrest II applicant), Wayne Potter of Novastar Development, Inc., and civil engineer Bryan Schwartz, PE of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. and I had with you and with CED civil engineers Steve Lee and Rohini Nair on Thursday. March 12 at Renton City Hall, I am writing on behalf of KBS to provide you a revised and expanded proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval. (This letter supersedes and replaces my letter to you dated February 24, 2015, a letter in which I had set forth an earlier proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval.) In addition to addressing sewer service for the proposed Vuecrest II short plat development, the list of special conditions proposed on pages 2 to 5 of this letter has been designed to address the possibilities that, by the time that Vuecrest II is otherwise ready for final short plat approval and recording, (1) A public street through the site of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development (APN 3123059048) from (a) existing Smithers Avenue South at the north end of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development site through that site to (b) the west boundary of City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page 2 the Vuecrest II parcel to connect with proposed Road A of the Vuecrest H short plat (one offsite roadway option that KBS understands is currently being considered as part of the Vue Crest Estates development) (i) may or may not be pursued by the Vue Crest Estates developer and (ii) even if that roadway option is pursued by the Vue Crest Estates developer, the public street contemplated by that option may or may not be completed and dedicated to the City of Renton; or (2) A combination of both (a) a public street through a portion of the site of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development from (i) existing Smithers Avenue South to (ii) a southeasterly portion of the Vue Crest Estates site and (b) an "emergency access only" road from that public street to the west boundary of the Vuecrest II parcel (with removable bollards to be installed at or near the boundary) to connect with proposed Road A of the Vuecrest If short plat (that combination being another offsite roadway option that KBS understands is currently being considered as part of the Vue Crest Estates development by the City and by the Vue Crest Estates developer) (A) may or may not be agreed to by the City and/or Vue Crest Estates developer and (B) even if that offsite roadway combination is agreed to by the City and the Vue Crest Estates developer, that combination may or may not be completed and dedicated to the City of Renton; and/or (3) A joint stormwater detention and water quality facility that KBS and the Vue Crest Estates preliminary plat applicant (Harbour Homes) are planning on the Vue Crest Estates site (to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for both the Vue Crest Estates development and the Vuecrest II short plat development) may or may not be available. In view of the above, here is the list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval that KBS now proposes: (1) Prior to or contemporaneously with final approval and recordation of the short plat: (a) Either one of the following two conditions must be satisfied: (i) Both of the following two conditions must be satisfied: City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page 3 (A) An offsite public street must be sufficiently completed and available for public traffic from (1) existing Smithers Avenue South at the north end of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development site (APN 3123059048) through that site to (II) the west boundary of the Vuecrest II parcel (to connect with proposed Road A of the short plat) and (B) A public street right-of-way must be dedicated, deeded, or otherwise transferred to the City of Renton for that offsite street; or (ii) All three of the following conditions must be satisfied: (A) An offsite public street segment must be sufficiently completed and available for public traffic from (I) existing Smithers Avenue South to the southeasterly portion of the Vue Crest Estates site and (I1) an "emergency access only" road from that full public street to the west boundary of the Vuecrest H parcel (with removable bollards to be installed at or near the boundary in conjunction with either the Vue Crest Estates subdivision development or the Vuecrest II short plat development) to connect with proposed Road A of the Vuecrest II short plat; (B) A public street right-of-way must be dedicated, deeded, or otherwise transferred to the City of Renton for that offsite public street segment and either a public street right-of-way or a roadway easement (as may be required by the City of Renton) encompassing the offsite "emergency access only" road must be dedicated, deeded, or otherwise transferred to the City; and City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page 4 (C) Road A (including a hammerhead turnaround near the west end of Road A generally as contemplated by the modified 8 -Lot Alternative Layout attached as EXHIBIT B) must be substantially completed; or (b) Both of the following conditions must be satisfied: (i) The west end of the short plat layout must be modified to be generally consistent with the attached 7 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT A) in order to: (A) Eliminate proposed Lot 8; (B) Have the west end of Road A terminate with a cul-de-sac bulb to the west of proposed Lot 7 (a "Cul -de -Sac Bulb"); (C) Somewhat modify the layout of proposed Tract A in relation to the street right-of-way for Road A and the Cul -de -Sac Bulb; and (D) Create a new Tract B (a portion of which is to be used for tree preservation purposes and a portion of which is to be used for a part of a drainage facility) and (ii) Road A (including the Cul -de -Sac Bulb) must be substantially completed; (2) Prior to or contemporaneously with final approval and recordation of the short plat, either: (a) A joint stormwater detention and water quality facility must be constructed within the Vue Crest Estates site to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for development of both the subject short plat development and the Vue Crest Estates subdivision development; or City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner March 20, 2015 Page 5 (b) If the above -referenced Cul -de -Sac Bulb option is utilized, a stormwater vault must be constructed beneath a portion of Tract B and/or a portion of the Cul -de -Sac Bulb to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for development of the short plat development, and (3) Prior to or contemporaneously with final short plat approval and recordation of the final short plat, a sewer main must be extended through and beneath offsite properties) into the short plat site and along and beneath a portion of Road A as far to the east as is necessary to serve proposed Lot 1, with the segment(s) of offsite sewer to be located in public street right-of-way and/or in sewer easement(s) granted to the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. Please review these proposed conditions of approval and let me know if they will be acceptable to the City. If you have any questions, concerns, or other comments regarding them, please let me know as soon as possible and I will arrange a conference call with Mr. Taylor and/or Mr. Potter. Sincerely, HALINEN LAW OFFICES. P.S. � � r David Halin n Enclosures: 7 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT A) 8 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT B) cc: KBS II1, LLC Attn: Kolin Taylor (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Wayne Potter, Vice -President. Novastar Development, Inc. (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Bryan Schwartz, PE, of Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Y:1ef12083%0021Close LT2 (DI.H 03-20-2015).docx c:> C 4 P�C7 CfC'J Ci xj ,�L��T I � T 7> tC) C_C) CJ fjl C' C]C'L'ri I J 1 D x Orn rn 8A �Znit f [z7 rn A c� I C)m_"�� gc�m D�.) m c❑ ra L � G7 u, r- +I I ZC7Z C]�C)C� - � r' -I C) C7C� : I 1 P. c0I I CTJ) }� P1 ---i 't) I _ s _ _I Q - {:) 0 >> - Q c, ]> (A =_. 71 C m r'i - � fJ t_ rJ Urn 7y [O [7P 7r 7�rJ -s y- Ci C7 C) V' CD;--) CD C, C.) >> I C) C? W I-, CJ ] t�s-3 tc) r_ rJ t;t 5 ;3V I Job Number n 17254 Designed af�5 Drawn _TRT Scale: Horizontal NTS Vertical N/A F'O': KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION vGHA(I 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH 0. checked WP P KENT, WA 98032 Sheet(425)251-6222 Title: (425)251-8782 FAX VUECREST II - 7 LOT ALTERNATIVE Approved —WP i : 1 1 Date 2 �'� 2475 m y CML ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, G{r/hc FKG,,,�Q SURVEYING. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXHIBIT A 0, O Par- c. C7 to r0M M n C7 Ca Ca r,i ra z C7 K n L L Q(� _U oc0ca G7 4Z ' GJ I Ca n 0 -_ Car- f•�I['� � -[ Y%t.� �� �. fid � rte! I N A D C[7 CD M Sti - MMCD 1 <D L17 Lf)I. D C� �� rri 0 r*1� y LX Sly TJ C N M cn M C:. CC).-7DAA= ZO7- -� tr., C7 C7 C7 M M _s�> ri<a r-I?om n _ cn <n M FA cmi) C= 1A m-gIza m �- z�y a> < > -0 z:;0X M CD CD n C =1O O r'l 'Af5 M W Z �,� r- to O C3 L'J O h' m r_n _i 6 C?Po CDC ]'rJ Cj 4CC) 'C7 C7C?-i bra V' I L� �• O.7 } [U Cn s C7 Ca •:: C7 Ca 7> 9 I a} I t ;c -A1. AS i ;rj I =' � I ----- ------ "7:-= -2=7 -----"T--_,--_=7 - ---- 1 Job Number 17254 Designed .BM_5 Drawn TNT Scale; Horizontal NTS Vertical N/A F0'' KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION �GHA(�� 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH Checked WP P KENT, WA 98032 cv Sheet (425)251-6222 Title: ;. (425)251-8782 FAx o VUECREST 11 - HAMMERHEAD AaP�� WP lzr 1 1 Dae 3 17 2015 s y CML ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, kQ' SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES rHG EN00- �/ EXHIBITB of Denis Law Mayor March 3, 2015 Wayne Potter Novastar Development, Inc. 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 City Of�"JLL SY p V + N # Community & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator SUBJECT: "On Hold" Notice Vuecrest II Short Plat, LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Dear Mr. Potter: The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on January 26, 2015. During our review, staff has determined that additional information is necessary in order to proceed further. The following information will need to be submitted before June 3, 2015 so that we may continue the review of the above subject application: • The cross-section of Road A half -street improvement (STA 0+63 to STA 2+50) must be revised as follows: o Guard rail: Add a guard rail. See WSDOT standard plan C-20.10-02 for the elevation view with a curb detail. Specifically, the face of the barrier should be flush with the face of the curb. A minimum 4 -foot wide distance is required between the guard rail and the retaining wall. You will need to maintain the 22 foot clear travel lane width to the face of the barrier. o Chain link fence: Relocate the 4' tall black vinyl coated chain link fence behind the guard rail. o Retaining wall: The application indicates that the "wall may be a rockery, MSE block, Lock -Load, or a reinforced concrete wall." A reinforced concrete wall will be required. Utility lines in the street would be disturbed by the geosynthetic soil reinforcement extending into the pavement as required for a rockery, MSE block or Lock -Load retaining wall. Please label the thickness of the wall in the cross-section. A retaining wall that is four feet (4') or taller, as measured by the vertical distance from the bottom of the footing to the finish grade at the top of the wall (i.e., not measured by exposed retaining wall height), shall require a building permit. Drainage provisions will also be required to be provided for the retaining wall. A structural engineer will have to verify if the (2 feet plus) clear distance between the back of wall and back of guard rail post is adequate to maintain the structural integrity of the wall should the guard rail be hit by a moving vehicle. o ROW width: Please revise to right-of-way (ROW) width to 34 feet, pending the distance required between the retaining wall and Tract A. In general, the Renton City Hall . 1055 South Grady Way . Renton, Washington 98057 . rentonwa.gov 0 minimum distance is 3' between the base of the wall and the abutting parcel line. o Slope: Label the slope of the ground (after grading) at the back of sidewalk. o Critical Area Tract A: Buffer averaging may be impacted by the increase in ROW width. If any impacts or changes are proposed to Tract A, new plans and/or reports will need to be resubmitted. • The cross-section of Road A half -street improvement (STA 2+50 to STA 7+50) must be revised as follows: o Parking: Parking will be limited to the south side of the street. Support of the modification is being considered provided an additional 0.5 -foot wide vertical curb on the north side of the street near the property line is added to the cross- section. This will include a ROW of 40 feet, unless a retaining wall is required at the north boundary line of the proposed half street. The allowed slope is 4HAV. o Slope: Label the slope of the ground (after grading) near the property boundary edge of Road A from the entrance to Tract A. Guard rail and/or black vinyl coated chain link fence may be applicable based on the slope. o Retaining wall: If the retaining wall is needed, there should be 2 feet of separation between the face of the wall and the paved road surface edge. This would require additional RDW width from the development. A construction easement and permanent slope easement from the north property neighbor would also be required at the time of utility construction permit. o Street centerline: The centerline of the Road A from STA 2+50 to STA 7+50 must be evenly split at 13' (not 18' and 8') with a 2% cross slope in each direction. • The ROW dedication of 102nd Ave SE (Main Ave S) is 4.5 feet (subject to final survey). At this time, your project will continue to be placed "on hold" pending receipt of the requested information. Please contact me at (425) 430-7289 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Associate Planner WSOOT Standard Plan C-24.10-02 Road A (STA 0+63 to STA 2+50) Redlines cc; OBS III, LLC, Kohn Taylor/ owner(s) MacKenzie; Rasmussen / Party(ies) of Record File LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD \ w nc 19 �� III, ��'� :� J r� � ❑ n �d I r C ra C O o i J T 2 Z Q y n�atl a� VI C= o� Sal cn�a �E � a � M� � za CF �"� �mz z aY xW w — � _ N W YmW V� ac ba .9r -.g a my L w ...... .. ... � zr❑.. V 4 O o c m 1° m 4i J x05 �4 W: a LL2 .. w �}o 5 1z M f pC H NW -xDi R�G nd Cw' iy +� =o W -IW aCL 5 E C o $ ym } C 4 1E, TENS V N m o r'r N N m❑ Y m �r 0,0 O o nw N tl w ma G C ' a1 O p N V w YYq�� a t} x O C "p G @ � N -. m N CI «. Nry13a �� C m C Iy p L � /4 :C V � X W xZx � i1, (SII == O cmZ �� III, ��'� :� J r� � ❑ n �d I r C x13 O \ o i a W s J Z z n�atl aJab Z Ya C3 2 S �� a = Amo za CF zoz �mz z aY xW w _ clxy xm Io w z 4 r w I 2w f--�2 -- - x13 O a T O � 1 s J TT zaa OK� � D aJab Z Ya C3 2 S �� a = o J g za CF zoz 4 x O� z aY cc�2N clxy xm Io _ N W YmW V� wwN z^'gip `.=pw w 'r r ...... .. ... � f--�2 -- - 113001 N83A All NWIM V. LLI } U z LL, 2 O D a O m °o s J wam zaa OK� � D aJab Z Ya CWW m4J �� �vw�ip zoz w z rwz aY cc�2N clxy xm Io _ N W YmW V� wwN z^'gip `.=pw w 'r r ...... .. ... � Fmi 113001 N83A All NWIM V. LLI } U z LL, 2 O D 22 �a z mN a a O mg s J 2� ❑[72_ a w zy=`n J _ N W YmW V� wwN z^'gip `.=pw w 'r r ...... .. ... � Fmi 22 �a z mN x aw 4 O�I� Oz j y az w� dsQ o oz uIp N f W LL� m w U NN x '4 v<� win s J 0 Sz N N a w QVw J wwN w 'r .1..NW....... ...... .. ... � Fmi 4i J i a W: w �}o x aw 4 O�I� Oz j y az w� dsQ o oz uIp N f W LL� m w U NN x '4 Q 0D o � LO N N x W m I 3Nn M/a x i0vdi v J U H m � W Er La W [i CO Z CO U -1-i ry m d U U i, HA J E N LAW David L Hahnen. P.E Attorney a'; Law davidhalinen@halinenlaw com Seattle - 206.443.4684 - Tacoma - 253.627.6680 - Fax - 253.272.9876 - Gell - 206.713.0992 Halinen Law Offices, P.S. - 1019 Regents Blvd Ste 202 Fircrest, WA 98466-6037 - ha{inenlaw.com February 24, 2015 VIA US MAIL AND EMAIL (cclose(a)rentonwa.gov) City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division 1055 S. Grady Way, Sixth Floor Renton, Washington 98057 Attn: Clark Close, Associate Planner RECEIVED FEB 26 M CITY OF RENTON P jA N'.,G DM10N RE: Pending Vuecrest HPreliminary Short Plat (Renton File No. LUAI5-000026) Proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval Dear Mr. Close: In follow-up to the three-way phone call that Kolin Taylor and I had with you late last Tuesday afternoon (February 17), I am writing on behalf of my client KBS II1, LLC ("KBS"), the applicant of the pending proposed eight -lot Vuecrest 1l Preliminary Short Plat, to provide you a proposed list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval. In addition to addressing sewer service for the short plat development, these proposed conditions have been designed to address the possibilities that, by the time that Vuecrest H is otherwise ready for final short plat approval and recording, (1) The public street planned through the site of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development (APN 3123059048) might not be completed and dedicated to the City of Renton and/or (2) A joint stormwater detention and water quality facility that KBS and the Vue Crest Estates preliminary plat applicant (Harbour Homes) are planning on the Vue Crest Estates site (to provide stormwater detention and meet water duality requirements for both developments) might not be unavailable. In view of the above, here is the list of special conditions of preliminary short plat approval that KBS proposes: City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner February 24, 2015 Page 2 (1) Prior to or contemporaneously with final approval and recordation of the short plat, either: (a) Both of the following conditions must be satisfied: (i} An offsite public street must be sufficiently completed and available for public traffic from (A) existing Smithers Avenue South at the north end of the proposed Vue Crest Estates subdivision development site (APN 3123059048) through that site to (B) the west boundary of the Vueerest II parcel (to connect with proposed Road A of the short plat) and (i) A public street right-of-way must be dedicated, deeded, or otherwise transferred to the City of Renton for that offsite street; or (b) Both of the following conditions must be satisfied: (i) The west end of the short plat layout must be modified to be generally consistent with the attached 7 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT A) in order to (A) eliminate proposed Lot 8, (B) have the west end of Road A terminate with a cul-de-sac bulb to the west of proposed Lot 7 (a "Cul -de -Sac Bulb"), (C) somewhat modify the layout of proposed Tract A in relation to the street right-of- way ight-ofway for Road A and the Cul -de -Sac Bulb, and (D) create a new Tract B (a portion of which is to be used for tree preservation purposes and a portion of which is to be used for a part of a drainage facility) and (ii) Road A (including the Cul -de -Sac Bulb) must be substantially completed, (2) Prior to or contemporaneously with final approval and recordation of the short plat, either: (a) A joint stormwater detention and water quality facility must be constructed within the Vue Crest Estates site to provide stormwater City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division Attn: Clark Close, Senior Planner February 24, 2015 Page 3 detention and meet water quality requirements for development of both the subject short plat development and the Yue Crest Estates subdivision development; or (b) If the above -referenced Cul -de -Sac Bulb option is utilized, a stormwater vault must be constructed beneath a portion of Tract B and/or a portion of the Cul -de -Sac Bulb to provide stormwater detention and meet water quality requirements for development of the short plat development; and (3) Prior to or contemporaneously with final short plat approval and recordation of the final short plat, a sewer main must be extended through offsite propert(ies) into the short plat site and along and beneath Road A as far to the east as necessary to serve proposed Lot 1, with the segment(s) of offsite sewer to be located in public street right-of-way and/or in sewer easement(s) granted to the Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. Please review these proposed conditions of approval. My client and I would like to have a conference call with you as soon as possible to discuss them. Please let me know of your availability for such a conference call. Sincerely, HALINEN LAW OFFICES, P.S. c t David Hatinen Enclosure: 7 -Lot Alternative Layout (EXHIBIT A) cc: KBS I11, LLC Attn: Kohn Taylor (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Wayne Potter, Vice -President. Novastar Development, Inc. (VIA EMAIL, with copy of enclosure) Y:1cf�268MQ\C1ose L11 (D[.H 02-24-2015).docx C] GJ C:� ra T, C] �t cc> C= C) r- CC) (sJ �V C CKn ]• hJ � C> C7 C) CDC>_j CM I O I 4- C_ I == ra t� C7 I A H2 W N 7' 7r Job Number 172 n5A Resigned BMS Drawn TRT Scale: Horizontal NTS Vertical N/A 10 CD FS 1C:3 KENT, INA 98032 mP (425)251-6222 Sheet D r r n (= ^,-� CEJ m 1 CA7 r , of r C= (c, Cn F _ C] cc) PJ C CKn ]• hJ � C> C7 C) CDC>_j CM I O I 4- C_ I == ra t� C7 I A H2 W N 7' 7r Job Number 172 n5A Resigned BMS Drawn TRT Scale: Horizontal NTS Vertical N/A C] Q�CsHq(,i� 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH wP KENT, INA 98032 mP (425)251-6222 Sheet e (425)251-8782 FAX m o i 4S CA7 po(e 2 24 2D15 � of r C= (c, Cn F _ C] cc) PJ -� C7 CR �, Ln O O cm r C CKn ]• hJ � C> C7 C) CDC>_j CM I O I 4- C_ I == ra t� C7 I A H2 W N 7' 7r Job Number 172 n5A Resigned BMS Drawn TRT Scale: Horizontal NTS Vertical N/A Q�CsHq(,i� 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH wP KENT, INA 98032 mP (425)251-6222 Sheet e (425)251-8782 FAX Appromd WP o i 4S 1 1 po(e 2 24 2D15 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LANG PLANNING, GT�hG EµGi�F�P SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES of For. KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1111e: VUECREST II - 7 LOT ALTERNATIVE EXHIBIT A City o ton Department of Community & Economic 'opment ENVIRONMENTAL of DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 9, 2015 APPLICATION NO! LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A,MOD DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 26, 2015 APPLICANT: Kolin Taylor, KBS Development PROJECT MANAGER: Clark H. Close PROJECT TITLE: Vuecrest I[ PROJECT REVIEWER: SITE AREA: 106,288 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave S PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat of 4903 Main Ave S (APN 3223059097) totaling 106,680 square feet (2.45 acres) for the future development of 8 single-family houses. The subject property is located near the intersection of 102nd Ave SE and SE 186th St within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. The proposed lots range in size from 7,678 to 17,789 square feet in area with an average lot size is 9,124 square feet. The site will also contain a single critical area tract (Tract A) that is 8,404 square feet. The residential density is 4.35 dwelling units per net acre. Access to the site is from 102nd Ave SE from 5E 192nd St. The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for future extension by the proposed Plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). Half street frontage improvements will be completed along 102nd Ave SE and along the north boundary line of the parcel (proposed Road A). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements in an effort to provide secondary access for the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees. The site includes a 0.19 acre of onsite critical area (Category 2 wetland), in the northwest corner of the property, requiring a 50 -foot buffer. The applicant is proposing to retain 11 of the 117 onsite trees. The existing single-family home and associated building will be removed. The project development will utilize and extend existing public utilities through the site along with storm drainage and dry utilities. Sewer will be extended from the Plat of Vuecrest Estates. Stormwater runoff will be conveyed off-site to the drainage facility for Vuecrest Estates. Approximately 2.05 acres will be cleared with 7,600 cubic yards of structural soil will be cut for grading the roads and lots. The applicant has submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, and a Preliminary Information Report with the application. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non -Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Eorth Air Water Plan is Lond/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources S. POLICY -RELATED COMMENTS e'e_ Td` �2' C '_ l lZft�'"C4 -t-"tp Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Housing Aesthetics Li ht Glare Recreation utilities Transportation Public Services Historic/Culturol Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet -76 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas wher dditionGV informs ":572pery ethspoposol.n l Signat ur of irectororAuthorize Representative Date e ` G CODE -RELATED COMMENTS J2 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City o, nton Department of Community & Economic elopment GREEN FOLDER NOTIFICATION OF REVIEW REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 9, 2015 APPLICATION NO: LUA1S-000 26, E A, SHPL-A, MOD'. . > ' DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 26, 2015 APPLICANT: Kolin Taylor, KBS Development PROJECT MANAGER: Clark H. Close PROJECT TITLE: Vuecrest 11 Short Plat PROJECT REVIEWER: SITE AREA: 106,680 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave S PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat of 4903 Main Ave S (APN 3223059097) totaling 106,680 square feet (2.45 acres) for the future development of 8 single-family houses. The subject property is located near the intersection of 102nd Ave SE and SE 186th St within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. The proposed lots range in size from 7,678 to 17,789 square feet in area with an average lot size is 9,124 square feet. The site will also contain a single critical area tract (Tract A) that is 8,404 square feet. The residential density is 4.35 dwelling units per net acre. Access to the site is from 102nd Ave SE from SE 192nd St. The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for future extension by the proposed Plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). Half street frontage improvements will be completed along 102nd Ave SE and along the north boundary line of the parcel (proposed Road A). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements in an effort to provide secondary access for the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees. The site includes a 0.19 acre of onsite critical area (Category 2 wetland), in the northwest corner of the property, requiring a 50 -foot buffer. The applicant is proposing to retain 11 of the 117 onsite trees. The existing single-family home and associated building will be removed. The project development will utilize and extend existing public utilities through the site along with storm drainage and dry utilities. Sewer will be extended from the Plat of Vuecrest Estates. Stormwater runoff will be conveyed off-site to the drainage facility for Vuecrest Estates. Approximately 2.05 acres will be cleared with 7,600 cubic yards of structural soil will be cut for grading the roads and lots. The applicant has submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, and a Preliminary Information Report with the application. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Element of the Environment Earth Air Water Pian is Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which type of comments are enterer!: Element of the Environment Housing Aesthetics Li hVGiare Recreation utilities Transportation Public Services Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 7�O Y_� Cl ti 1V—K,941e . — dkiL4t> — Recommendation: Comments that impact the project including any of the Environemental Impacts above. Correction: Corrections to the project that need to made before the review can be completed and/or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What Status should be used: Reviewed — I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with comments— i have viewed the project and i have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit — l have reviewed the project and the opplicont needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and i have added corrections in Corrections. r�• ��fr1f lt�::� NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS -M) A Master Applin[il, has keen lded aM accepted with [he C.P.r[ment of Community & EZI—K Develdpmenr IESO)- Planni-g Oiuiri-n el IT, a" enr-n-The followirl briefly des[rib" the appl—da nd rhe necessary vutrlie APPTevalr. ,ATF OF NOTICE OF I IIICAT.Ch: ,- 26.1015 LAND USE NTLI L'J115„V016, ECF. SNP. A MD] PROIECT NAME! . -.rest li Sh_rt Pal PROJECT DESCRrPTION: appnlan[ Is rcyue;t,-g approval cl a• A W! snort Alar .f 4909 Main a'aa 5 -N �]. i05005]1 rctal�,'.g tri S.bAR sp” legit ;145 arrest le•:re'vl Pre Lege -Tenet: t` 8 zn'gr ,am,ly np.se< "he I,bJec1 p:-perry,s Hated near rhe i-terserr,nn a: Mai, Ave 51 L12rd Avn 5Ej and 5E 136th St w:hln The R-derl0 S Jwe!-nA units el' acre :v B7 Ione rhe p cppzpt Idles r,, IT sue from ;,t]S T- 17 7A9 sduare feet', area -h an .rage tut s ee oI 8.124 square .I, also cqn — a 1, .1e rrical area :tact I1' Al Th.: is & CA sauc=e r 'h.e resldenrla'Je�stv'sa 95 dwell ng units 4er net atm. Access rc the-21.tl lye $E 1-5F 192nd St. he proposed roadway w,1 be emended to rhe west properly the Ipr'u"u•e er[erv'mi by tbl 911021eh Plat"V-¢:Test E1. :_r.A1l Db4E's+aHsrroet rro-rage =n m w,l: he cpnFle[cd a77,n., Ave S aid a-ongrhe proposed -.dadvA Icn,rar ly '.e aced a ung'he ,- h he-ndary I nets "'e ar Plica,: s also redesbng a mriiflpatl,tr fro,, strep, veme erFnn :d Fmmtle sew,da•v acrPs< •pr rte aJluent clot Te rhe west, mev We addrtlrnal a,sveel .ging, and a=eserae een-nA :'ees "Ee sde 'hLdrs a J 19 arre o' n,s,:e col sa, area iCategery 2',vrtfa-d7. 'n me ,f nhwes: m„=v ;I rte p.epny, req --„•g a'.0 log! bJfrer. Toe Froponng !p re:- 11 IF Ne Ill ansde .: r n mA Pngle iamny h -me aril auoua:etl bu W'ng wA he removed. IHe pr -i deellppmenL-I,,54e and • Le+tl er st'ng p,.bee 1a t Thre.gh the site clang w,rr. 11— _ran=aAe 1, dry -T hoes. Sewer w,b rP a 11ded bpm v'al of V,.ec est Fs:alTrs Stp"nwarrr runoff wtl be --ed all :rte to she i=a,nage fanLTy far Vvrlrea; ESlares- 4pprtferna¢Iv 2 W cool w.A be dea*ed wnr ?.g11r cvbm vara: dl 11110 I'll .nil w II ce cd[ Fdr gr..dirA he roads add s ISe appl,canr ra; ':Wn:n:-d a Grlt.ca A_, 5tadrtee P-- [tan. 1-1111,1-1 a1 E,A.^s'r"^8 -dl. r.'dy. and a e rmmaly ..nn cal l•lorm.atrp^Nr[tcrt w'rh r he ao oxcaLpr. PRO= LOCATION -_9 Ma n lye 5IAPN?1330890913 OPTIONAL DFfEAMINATION OFNON-SIGNIFICANCE. MITIGATED IONS ant: n1,he —d Agency. Cbc t,:i of Penta, I- delsmr.ed xhat s'A„f,cmt v=, �,rcrnarral ,mpacts ere dn+Lev :o = rrnPo!etl Frolec: - r.ef-re, a- rred srJer tnP RCW' 411iC IJV, Lhe C ry nF Aemoa 's using :,esr%vr`aral 0h5' M u=vtessIn give rf.,1 root u VN5 M's LNely to he s veJ Comment aero], fo' Ino I,,.er a,d the p ppdsed nN5 M are n,egratcd uta a s.n51e , n[ percd The>p5+rll ce cp=-'-nem uered IZ111 11 N=t ss .arc. M the -h•esh_Id o--licn cl Ncr 1.,f eanrn-Ni:�gared ILNS.MI ThI3 may he :he only -poor,-nn}'ta;emmen[ _r. the enuronmen;al ,,,pasts :.I nP prcpasal A 14 day -.rI,A aened w II fill — rhe 11-11.[1 of the IJNS M PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: Jnr 10, !all NOTICE Of COMPLETE APPLICATICN: Ja'-anr 25. 2015 APPLICANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON'. rtePorter,IN—lar Oeveldpmeni(1AE15 r1"• Ave S( Kent. WA 9:012 ( 425.251 E1101 wp-rerl"Lncvaslardev.spm Permits/Review Requested:fneirpnm.. NI ISEPAI F- Shari Plat Approver, Street M.diPcalion Other Permiry which may be r 0,id', NNiltling Permit, CpmGurslen Permrt t you nuld hke Ic be =•pato a dv ”! mcortl to re[e=ve turth¢r ire mal or -,n ,his uvrclect ::, =dlele Ih,s 'om antl =e:c=n'p C,rr a! Ranrcns CId rla,n,nq n,s�a,, rC55 5a ti=aJv Nov lm-- NA NA IN 9365' Yame l,'d Np I�e[resi TIT- c' LiJ 1 11101]0.111. I'll A. -3 - L Vti-91-E 53 _- CI -"iS IATElZv 'f LSmf;;rvE NO - ..- Requeslcd S[utlies. Cr tical Areas 9epor1. 0•anage Report, Gede[h—iii EI,l veering Study T'ee Poldc:-n Plan n whet. app4catlon may be raevrcwed: cePari,m ,dlcommunityB Economic Oevelopnent O,u�siun, Sigh Flocr Renton GN Nall, 1655 5hGratly Way. genion, lVA 9P057 CONSISTENCv UYENUIEw: [pninAfSand Use: "e.'rhlrx-.,re+'esg==v:ed Resdertial Sin{le 1-1, IRS) I, ry of neer:^c,rndrPrins ae rmJ _,e •+ap dna ReaiaoNahA I0.8}p• o, ng May Envhdnme,tal Voc�ments that Evaluate rhe Prdgosed grojecC -.r., ronmen;al lSkPA; r^.erL'is[ ]evef-omens gegulallons Usetl for Prgleel f,nixlAatlen: Tn-prolec[w,l: dr sn<I To rM1e LJy-s sEEn crOnenre. RMC 41-130A; 1 656; a s 056: a S.CTO; 4.6.030: A G-060', 4 1 0]0: a -r -L]0: a,,J ,:,be arFl �ab!e _odes and reAvWtl_nt as app�pyriate proposed Mlr,Aallen Measures: rhe Inwing M'siAa-on wn,asur Ps will •Ikery de mposetl c== :'e uropa=^a '1iPrr 'hese re[d=nmer detl >,41 r'AaGVn raealares atlb=c'as „rntvttmpa[rs ,c[ ep.errJ by e-s,=rA codes end regrdaT. ons as Med atrre. --gpfirent :boll r-mpty wr fh fhe .e[Pmmmtlollans incfuded In thr Grprerhrtirol En Sirreerin0 Aepory, p�eperrd hr Earth Solution, ww, Ac doted Drtn^ber IS, 306f a a^ :rpdpted repert rpbmisied pl v refer dors. Ccmmenls do t he above applicalld^mart be submfitted In wdiin{td 11.,6 N -Clore, Ass 1,11 planner. CED-vlanninA nivlslon, 1955 5-11, Grady W.R..,tvA 9AC56, t, S:W PM en February 9. 1P15. V you have pr,Ps-_ abo+,l the F=dpcsal, or wrsh to oe made a party o1 rewrd and �rceive adJ,l-Dual noihcal on by ma,l, -h,'< the 1,l rAana ger. Anyone why sebm:1 wri-en ccmmerll w ll auroma-cahy he— a 1,cf rtlerd -I ana'xl Le I etl cIae:,s.nn un •his .,-,mle;t A wpy of thr tab"Ill [:1111 -lel -:1—",p, -available upon re9deu. CONTACT PERSON: Clark H. Close, Associate Planner; Tek” 1425) 430-7289; Email: Eclose@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFiCATIDN REhrrON: MEAD OF ThIE� - enton _ CERTIFICATION IJ C'1. C,t �S hereby certify that copies of the above document were posted in "3 conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date: j2&4(5_ — STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfacto signed this instrument and acknowle� uses and purposes mentioned in the i Signed:—� ry evidence that �t-hee�iir�freLe t d it to b hisy^e and voluntary act for the rument. 1+'\ Z.� � \P„R%Illll 1.q 4p ry Public in an for the r° „N&'t�irt(�rin* so 5 ire: X0, 8 21 - g3821 - f. - e of Washington V' i 611%Fw���i�i€F E ...�..... ... _.f. ,. _.... .. ...:.:.... .. ..,...... v.,.. v., , ... _ I AA'1 On the 26th day of January, 2015, 1 deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application and Acceptance documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached Wayne Potter, Novastar Development Applicant Kolin Taylor Owner 300' Surrounding Property Owners See Attached i (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) `,���yrrrrrrtiytl I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante-`,1P MQy 1fi�� signed this instrument and acknowledged to be his/her/their free and voluntas,id 6,rposes mentioned in the instrument. _= �o�"Rt Dated:" —\NatargPubIic "nand forth OF W S Notary (Print): r i111rrrA My appointment expires: , ff(I{peCE,tll Vuecrest II Short Plat iiiiif=.46�{(=F4'e°.`...m.: rei€FEET{' E IdIEi f �IEe,.�s I;eFP: >'p1 E1Mt1l"R LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD template - affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology ** WDFW - Larry Fisher* Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 — 172nd Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region * Duwamish Tribal Office * Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS -240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172°d Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 9809 2-97 63 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation* Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Boyd Powers *** Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Tim McHarg Attn: Jack Pace 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Snoqualmie, WA 98065 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 22D Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98056 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Kathy Johnson, Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt 355 110`h Ave NE 6200 Southcenter Blvd, 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Mailstop EST 11W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle Public Utilities Jailaine Madura Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 *Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. **Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address- sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov ***Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: seoacenterftdnr.wa.sov template - affidavit of service by mailing Kolin Taylor KBS III, LLC 12320 N E 8th St, #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Wayne Potter Novastar Development Inc. 18215 72nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 3223059124 3223059162 3223059163 LO ANDREW H K DIAZ BEATRZ F+CE5AR BLOMQUIST STEVEN & SHARYL 10035 SE 187TH ST 4829 MAIN AVE 5 10012 SE 187TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3223059170 3223059171 3223059176 LONGO LOUIS MACKENZIE JOSEPH + MARTHA KELLY JEFFREY+JESSICA 4817 MAIN AVE S 4835 MAIN AVE 5 4823 MAIN AVE S RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 2641400010 2641400020 2641400030 BUI THU MAI+TAN DINH CHEA NORIN+PHANNY NGUYEN TUYEN TAN 10210 SE 186TH ST 10216 SE 186TH ST 10222 SE 186TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 2641400040 2641400450 3123059048 YEN VEVEY+LOUIE KENNY BRIERE LYNN A SCHNEIDER HOMES I LLC 10228 SE 186TH 5T 10339 SE 187TH PL 6510 SOUTHCENTER BLVD 5TE 1 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 TUKWILA, WA 98188 3123059049 3123059093 3123059094 NICHOLSON FREDRIC A+RHONDA MOORE PAUL M MOORE PAUL M 715 S 50TH ST PO BOX 5985 718 S 50th St RENTON, WA 98055 KENT, WA 98064 Renton, WA 98055 3123059099 3123059100 3123059104 COOKS HENRY E DOEHNE NICHOLAS D COOKS HENRY E 712 S 50TH ST 700 5 50TH ST 712 S 50TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3123059150 7238000070 7238000080 FINK LAWRENCE E+SALLY J CHENG JOHNNY+RITA TRAN CONDELLES JAMES+CHRISTINA R 709 S 50TH 4739 BURNETT CT S 855 S 48TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 7238000090 7238000100 7238000110 TRAN HANH NGOC-NHU LEE ANNIE W MARTINEZ CARLOS G+PAMELA A 861 S 48TH ST 867 S 48TH ST 12363 ORANGE BELT DR RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 7238000111 7238000120 7238000130 MARTINEZ CARLOS G+PAMELA A CHAU DENNY+RENNIE B BOZZELLI DANIEL J 901 S 48th St 907 5 48TH ST 913 S 48TH ST Renton, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3223059085 3223059086 3223059097 GILL GURMIT+MOHINDER GILL GURMIT+MOHINDER KBS III LLC 19314 138TH AVE SE 18616 102nd Ave SE 12320 NE 8TH ST #100 RENTON, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 3223059097 3223059098 3223059099 KBS III LLC KBS III LLC KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8TH ST #100 4903 Main Ave S 4909 Main Ave S BELLEVUE, WA 98005 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 3223059100 3223059214 3223059267 VENNING EDWARD+DONNA ET AL ROY JUSTIN M+ROY LAUREN R MALPHRUS THOMAS 10104 SE 187TH ST 18615 102ND AVE SE 18713 102ND AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 3223059274 3223059325 7238000140 BAKER G MARK HARRIS RONALD E+JODIE L 5888 LLC 10011 SE 187TH ST 18717 102ND AVE SE 1111 3RD AVE #2890 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATTLE, WA 98101 7238000141 7238000150 7238000160 5889 LLC CHEN BRIAN J+JENNIFER K TRAN PHONG NGOC+GIAHAN DUY 919 S 48th St 1005 S 48TH ST 10115 48TH ST Renton, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 9476000010 9476000020 9476000030 SHEPPARD JOHN B REYES ALVIN A+LISA M VANNGUYEN JOHN+LIEU 10205 SE 185TH PL 10211 SE 185TH PL 10217 SE 185TH PL RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98058 9476000200 RICH LEE W+CANDACE K 10208 SE 185TH PL RENTON, WA 98043 Sabrina Mirante From: Randy Matheson <randy.matheson@rentonschools.us> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 9:49 AM To: Sabrina Mirante Cc: Clark Close; Rick Stracke; Kayla Steckler; John Knutson Subject: RE: City of Renton Notice of Short Plat & School Information Request - Vuecrest II Short Plat - LUA15-000026, ECF - SHPL-A, MOD See answers in red below. Randy Matheson, Executive Director, Community Relations Renton School District 1 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 1 425.204.2345 1 randy.matheson@rentonschools.us I www.rentonschools.us l ro en .QC� From: Sabrina Mirante [mailto:SMirante@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 1:11 PM To: Randy Matheson Cc: Clark Close Subject: City of Renton Notice of Short Plat & School Information Request - Vuecrest II Short Plat - LUA15-000025, ECF - SHPL-A, MOD SCHOOL INFORMATION REQUEST Subject: Vuecrest II Short Plat LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD The City of Renton's Department of Community and Economic Development (CED) has received an application for Short Plat located at 4909 Main Ave S. Please see the attached Notice of Application for further details. In order to process this application, CED needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location indicated above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below and return this letter to my attention, City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98057 or fax to (425) 430-7300, by February 9, 2015. Elementary School: Henson Hill Elementary School (eligible for school bus transportation) Middle School: Nelsen Middle School (eligible for school bus transportation) High School: Lindbergh High School (eligible forschool bus transportation) Will the schools you have indicated be able to handle the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes YES No Any Comments: Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425) 430-7289. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Associate Planner, City of Renton Attachment Sa6rina 31irante, Planning Secretary City of Renton 4 CED I Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way 16th Floor I Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425.430.6578 1 Fax: 425.430.7300 smirante@rentonwa.gov Denis Law Mayor January 26, 2015 Wayne Potter Novastar Development, Inc. 1821572 nd Ave S Kent, WA 98032 ® CA) 41Y fJtrr + + Community & Economic Development Department C_E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application Vuecrest II Short Plat, LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD Dear Mr. Potter: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on February 23, 2015. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7289 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Associate Planner cc: DBS III, LLC, Kolln Taylor/ owner(s) Renton City Hall . 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov City of I" tom' t NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS -M) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) — Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: January 26, 2015 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD T%ITxdi►l�lul�l Vuecrest II Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of an 8 -lot short plat of 4909 Main Ave S (APN 3223059097) totaling 106,680 square feet (2.45 acres) for the future development of 8 single-family houses. The subject property is located near the intersection of Main Ave 5 (102nd Ave SE) and SE 186th St within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. The proposed lots range in size from 7,678 to 17,789 square feet in area with an average lot size of 9,124 square feet, The site will also contain a single critical area tract (Tract A) that is 8,404 square feet. The residential density is 4.35 dwelling units per net acre, Access to the site is from 102nd Ave SE from SE 192nd St. The proposed roadway will be extended to the west property line for future extension by the proposed Plat of Vuecrest Estates (LUA13-000642). Half street frontage improvements will be completed along Main Ave S and along the proposed Road A (primarily located along the north boundary line). The applicant is also requesting a modification from street improvements in an effort to provide secondary access for the adjacent plat to the west, provide additional on -street parking, and preserve existing trees. The site includes a 0.19 acre of onsite critical area (Category 2 wetland), in the northwest corner of the property, requiring a 50 -foot buffer. The applicant is proposing to retain 11 of the 117 onsite trees. The existing single-family home and associated building will be removed. The project development will utilize and extend existing public utilities through the site along with storm drainage and dry utilities. Sewer will be extended from the Plat of Vuecrest Fstates. Stormwater runoff will be conveyed off-site to the drainage facility for Vuecrest Estates. Approximately 205 acres will be cleared with 7,600 cubic yards of structural soil will be cut for grading the roads and lots. The applicant has submitted a Critical Areas Study, Tree Protection Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, and a Preliminary Technical Information Report with the application. PROJECT LOCATION: 4909 Main Ave S 1 3223059097) OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS -M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as Permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional Di process to give notice that a DNS M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS -M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non - Significance -Mitigated {DNS -M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14 -day appeal period wil€ follow the issuance of the DNS -M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: January 20, 2015 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 26, 2015 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wayne Potter, Novastar Development / 18215 72"d Ave 5 / Kent, WA 98032 1425-251-6110 / wpotter@novastardev.com Permits/Review Requested: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Short Plat Approval, Street Modification Other Permits which may be required: Building Permit, Construction Permit If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED— Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057- Name/File No.: Vuecrest 11 Short Plat/LUA15-000026, ECF, SHPL-A, MOD NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: CITY/STATE/ZIP: Requested Studies: Critical Area, Report, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Engineering Study, Tree Protection Plan Location where application may be reviewed: Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) — Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RS) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential -8 (R-8) on the City's Zoning Map. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist Development Regulations Used for Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-2-110A; 4.4-030; 4-4-060; 4-6-070; 4-6-030; 4-6-060; 4.7-070; 4-7-170; and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations included in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by Earth Solutions NW, LLC dated December I5, 2014 or on updated report submitted at a later date. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Clark H. Close, Associate Planner, CED — Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on February 9, 2015. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager - Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project, A copy of the subsequent threshold determination is available upon request. CONTACT PERSON: Clark H. Close, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7289; Email: cclose@rentonwa,gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: KBS III LLC - KOLIN TAYLOR (AKA - KRS Development Corp.) ADDRESS: 12320 NE 8TH ST SUITE 100 CITY: BELLEVUE ZIP: 98005 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-755-5404 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: KOLIN TAYLOR COMPANY (if applicable): KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP ADDRESS: 12320 NE 8TH ST SUITE 100 CITY: BELLEVUE ZIP. 98005 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206 755-5404 CONTACT PERSON NAME: WAYNE POTTER COMPANY (if applicable): NOVASTAR DEVELOPMENT INC ADDRESS: 18215 72ND AVE S CITY: KENT ZIP: 98032 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: 425 251-6110 WPOTTER@NOVASTARDEV.COM PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: VUECRESTII PRO.IECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 4909 MAIN AVE S 98055 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 322305-9097 EXISTING LAND USE(S): SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED PROPOSED LAND USE(S): SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: RSF (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) NIA EXISTING ZONING: R-8 (R-6 interim) PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NIA SITE AREA (in square feet): 106,680 SF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: 25,288 SF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: NIA PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) 4.35 DUINET ACRE NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if RE4-(q, 8 1 Wetland Tract NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (i applicable): it Y o . H.',,CED',Data`.Eornis-Teinplates,.Self-Help HandouL;IPlanninglmasterapp.doc -1- �03111 i PROJECT INFORMA NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N (k SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): Nle SQUARF FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): t f jA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N1A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): )J / /1 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): ,i TION continued PROJECT VALUE: 11.41 JXt41_i1b1,) IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): ❑ AQUIFIFR PROTECTION AREA ONE ❑ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq, ft, ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. WETLANDSsq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included SITUATE IN THE 5W QUARTER OF SECTION 3,�L, TOWNSHIPx3N, RANGE S E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I (Print Namels) �� `� � declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check 4ne) _�f _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained afhe information here are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ature of OwnefiReiii✓Zentative STATE OF WASHIhei ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) Date Signature of Owner/Representative Date i I certify that�7 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that f4� t � N.� 1420 signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be hislherltheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Dated'ate Q' .•'raSION ' �� Notary Public in and for the Stagof Washington O ,� • f NOTARY Nota Print hd Pusuc s• j �S•03 iqb � � y ' appointment expires: — } — ` ;4 ��i0��+WAS1 li'.CED''Dala',fonns-' empiates',SeH=He1g Huntlnutsll'lan3iinbimusterapp.doc 03.11 4�4 Clark H. Close Associate Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, LAND DEVELOPMENT. PROJECT MANAGEMENT January 16, 2015 HAND DELIVERY RE: Preliminary Short Piat Submittal for Vuecrest II City of Renton Pre -Application Fife No. 14-001189 BCE Job No. 17254 / NS Job No. 9582 Dear Clark: On behalf of the KBS Development Corporation, we are submitting a Preliminary Short Plat Application for a 2.45 -acre site known as Vuecrest II. Enclosed are the following documents and drawings for your review pursuant to the Short Plat Submittal Requirements handout. 1. One check made payable to the City of Renton in the amount of $3,244.50 for the application fees 2. Five copies of the Pre -Application Meeting Summary 3. Five copies of the City of Renton Waiver Form dated January 13, 2015 4. Three copies of the current title report, including five copies of each of the referenced recorded documents from Chicago Title Insurance dated December 26, 2014 5. Original plus eleven copies of the completed Land Use Permit Master Application Form 6. Twelve copies of the Environmental Checklist prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 13, 2015 7. Twelve copies of the Project Narrative prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 8, 2015 8. Five copies of the Certificates of Water & Sewer Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District dated October 21, 2014 9. Five copies of the Construction Mitigation Description Narrative prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 8, 2015 10. Original plus one copy of the notarized Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign and Flyer Box 11. Twelve copies of the completed City of Renton Density Worksheet 12 Twelve copies of the Neighborhood Detail Map 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425"1251-6110 (425) 251-8782 FAX WWW.NOVASTARDEV.COM Clark H. Close Associate Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development -2- January 16, 2015 13. Twelve copies of the Preliminary Short Plat Cover Sheet and Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15, 2015 (Sheet 1 of 6) 14. Five copies of the Conceptual Landscape Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15, 2015 (Sheet 5 of 6) 15. Five copies of the Topography Map/Alta Survey prepared by Contour Engineering LLC, dated November 5, 2014 16. Four copies of the Tree Retention Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15, 2015 (Sheet 6 of 6) 17. Five copies of the Final Tree Protection Plan/Report prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants dated December 19, 2014 18. Two copies of the completed City of Renton Tree Retention Worksheet prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants dated December 19, 2014 19. Five copies of the Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. dated January 5, 2015 20. Five copies of the Utility Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15, 2015 (Sheet 4 of 6) 21. Five copies of the Geotechnical report prepared by Earth Solutions NW LLC dated December 15, 2014 22, Twelve copies of the Conceptual Grading & Drainage Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15, 2015 (Sheet 2 of 6) 23. Four copies of the Drainage Report (TIR) prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15, 2015 24. Eleven copies of the Road Profiles prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15 ,2015 (Sheet 3 of 6) 25. Four (4) copies of the "Application for Road Modification" prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated January 15, 2015 26. One 8.5- by 11 -inch photographic reduction of each of the full-size plan sheets and one (1) regular photocopy of each photographic reduction 27. One full-size "Color map for Display" of the Neighborhood Detail Map, Site Plan, and Landscape Plan 28, One CD containing electronic copies of all plan sheets Clark H. Close Associate Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development -3- January 16, 2015 The proposed short plat consists of 8 lots (averaging 9,124 square feet) on 2.45 acres. There is a Class II wetland located in the northwest corner of the site (Tract A) that requires a 50 -ft buffer. However, as allowed by code, we are proposing buffer averaging to allow proposed Road A to be as far north as possible to allow the neighboring property be developed by Harbour Homes (Vuecrest; City File No. LUA13-000642) to extend the roadway for their secondary access. The project stormwater will be conveyed to the west (as part of the extension of Road A) and collected in a storm vault being constructed as part of the proposed Plat of Vuecrest being developed by Harbour Homes. This vault will be sized to accommodate storm water from Vuecrest and Vuecrest II. As required by code, we are saving 11 significant healthy trees (or 30%) as indicated on the Tree Retention Plan (see sheet 6 of 6). The onsite trees were analyzed by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. and it was determined that there are 117 significant trees onsite and 49 dead, dying, or dangerous trees. The proposed "saved" trees are located on Lots 1,6, and 8. Please note that the proposed 112 street section of Road A (from station 3+50 to 7+50) includes an additional 8 -feet of asphalt for parking. However, the remaining portion of Road A (from station 0+62 to 2+50) is 20 -feet wide (minimum needed for two lanes and fire access) and we have eliminated the 8 -foot planter to allow for an adequate building pad for proposed Lot 8. As requested, we are submitting a Road Modification for these revisions. As you know, the Plat of Vuecrest is required to provide secondary access (for safety reasons) and therefore we are cooperating with the Harbour Homes to achieve this public access. As discussed at several meetings, the City of Renton is also very motivated to have this access installed to alleviate secondary access concerns. Please review the enclosed documents and contact me if you have any questions and/or need any additional information. Thank you. Respectfully, DO A-)&r�04 Fal� G. Wayne Potter Vice President GWP/dm 17254c.001.doc enc: As Noted cc: Kolin Taylor — KBS Development Corp. (w/enc) Bryan Schwartz, P.E. - Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Tim Tobin — Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. PRE -APPLICATION MEETING FOR VUECREST II PRELIMINARY PLAT PRE 14-001189 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division September 18, 2014 Contact Information: Planner: Clark H. Close, 425-430-7289 Public Works Plan Reviewer: Rohini Nair, 425-430-7298 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425-430-7024 Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425-430-7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre -application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision -makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). `°f FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES D o DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE; September 18, 2014 TO: Clark Close, Associate Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plan Review/Inspector SUBJECT: (Vuecrest II Preliminary Plat — 4909 Main Ave S) PRE14-001189 The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 -feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. There is one existing fire hydrant in this area and it meets current code. A water availability certificate is required from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. The fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $479.28 per single family unit. This fee is paid prior to recording the plat. Credit is granted for the removal of one existing home. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 -feet wide fully paved, with 25 -feet inside and 45 -feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30 -ton vehicle with 322 -psi point loading. Approved apparatus turnarounds are required for dead end roads exceeding 150 -feet. An approved 90 -foot diameter cul-de-sac type turnaround is required for dead end streets over 300 -feet long. Per city ordinance all homes beyond 500 -feet dead end will require an approved fire sprinkler system. Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DCity Of �, & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 18, 2014 TO: Clark Close, Associate Planner FROM: Rohini Nair, Plan Review Section SUBJECT: Vuecrest II Preliminary Plat Pre -application 4909 Main Ave South PRE14-001189 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non-binding and may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official city decision -makers. Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning, code changes, and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review for the above -referenced proposal located at 4909 Main Ave South. The following comments are based on the pre -application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. WATER 1. The proposed development is within the Soos Creek water service area. 2. Water availability certificate from Soos Creek must be provided to the City during the land use application. 3. Approved water plans from Soos Creek must be provided during the utility construction plan review. 4. The project must meet all Fire Department requirements including hydrants and fire flow. SANITARY SEWER 1. The site is located in the Soos Creek service area. Sewer availability certificate from Soos Creek must be provided to the City during the land use application. Approved sewer plans from Soos Creek must be provided during the utility construction pian review. 2. Service connection to the west is contingent on the potential development on the west side, which is not certain at this time. The applicant must coordinate with Soos Creek regarding the sewer service. SURFACE WATER 1. A drainage report complying with the City of Renton adopted 2009 Surface Water Design Manual Vuecrest Preliminary Plat pp- PRE14-001189 Page 2 of 3 September 18, 2014 Amendment to the 2009 King County Surface Water manual, will be required. Based on the City's flow control map, the site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Site Conditions). The project is required to use the Flow Control Duration Standard (forested conditions) as the existing pre -developed condition. Refer to Figure 1.1.2.A— Flow chart, for determining the type of drainage review required in the City of Renton 2009 Surface Water Design Manual Amendment. Stormwater BMPs applicable to the individual lots must be provided. Level 3 flow control may be required dependent on downstream conditions and additional information. The drainage report must account for all the improvements provided by the project. Stormwater improvements based on the drainage report study will be required to be provided by the developer. 2. A geotechnical report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability, with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the application. The geotechnical report must include information whether the soil is suitable for infiltration. 3. Surface water system development (SDC) fee is currently $1,228.00 (2014 rate) for each lot. TRANSPORTATION 1. Payment of the transportation impact fee is applicable on the single family houses at the time of building permit issuance. The current transportation impact fee rate is $1,430.72 per single family house. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied, payable at issuance of building permit. 2. Main Ave South (102nd Ave SE) is a residential street. The existing half street frontage as per King County assessor map seems to be 20 feet with a total existing right-of-way (ROW) width of 50 feet. ROW dedication is required to be provided by the proposed development. The required paved width on the street is the code required minimum 26 feet or the existing paved width along the 102"d Ave SE corridor, the larger number is applicable. As per RMC 4-6-060, 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, 5 feet wide sidewalk, street lighting, and Stormwater improvements are applicable on residential streets. Row dedication required to the back of the sidewalk is required to be provided by the developer. The frontage improvements are required to be provided by the developer. 3. Internal site access — The road layout submitted with the preapp submittal shows the half street located near the north property line. Half street requirements as per the RMC 4-6-060 includes 35 feet minimum ROW width and minimum 20 feet wide paved width, 0.5 feet wide curb, 8 feet wide landscaped planter, 5 feet wide sidewalk are applicable on the development side along with, street lighting, and Stormwater improvements. The current submittal street layout shows the half street curving to the south. There is a potential development in parcel 3123059048 (not yet approved by the City) that may have a public street built to the north west of this parcel. Considering that potential development, the design of the street can consider the road curving to the north. It will benefit the owner of this project to work with the owners of parcel 3123059048 and the owner of parcel 3223059171 (4835 Main Ave S) regarding a through connected public street layout. The maximum slope allowed on a public street is 15%. Street lighting is required on public streets. Please refer to RMC 4-6-060 to obtain the pavement layer information on half streets. If the through connected public street option is not a possibility, then turnaround or culde sac must be provided at the end of the proposed public street. A half street (at a minimum) including H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\14-001189 Clark\Plan Review Comments PRE14-001189.doc Vuecrest Preliminary Plat pp- PRE14-001189 Page 3 of 3 September 18, 2014 dedication and construction of improvements, along with easement on the neighbor's property will be required. Please refer to section H of RMC 4-6-060 to obtain the requirements of hammerhead/ cul de sac/ secondary access. The hammerhead/ cul de sac/ secondary access requirement must also meet with Fire Department requirements. The maximum slope allowed on a public street is 15%. Street lighting is required on public streets. Please refer to RMC 4-6-060 to obtain the requirements on public streets. Traffic study guidelines mention that traffic study is required for projects that generate 20 or more peak hour trips. The proposed development of 10 lots is not expected to generate 20 new PM peak hour trips. Maximum width of single family driveways for two car garage is 16 feet. Refer to RMC 4-4-080 regarding driveway regulations. A minimum separation of 5 feet is required between driveway and the property line. 6. Informational comment— traffic safety guidelines include a minimum spacing of 20 feet between driveways. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. When utility plans are complete, please submit three (3) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, the permit application, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and the application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. 3. All utilities serving the site are required to be undergrounded. H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\14-001189 Clark\Plan Review Comments PRE14-001189.doc om DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY p c;tyaf o AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � �a M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 18, 2014 TO: Pre -application File No. 14-001159 FROM: Clark H. Close, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Vuecrest II Preliminary Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre -application for the above - referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre -application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision -makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov. Project Proposal: The subject property (APN 3223059097) is located at 4909 Main Ave S on the west side of Main Avenue 51102 n Avenue SE. There are limited regulated slopes (>15% & <=25%) and regulated slopes (>25% & <=40%) on the subject property. The applicant is proposing a preliminary plat for a 10 -lot subdivision with a stormwater tract on 2.45 acre parcel located within the Residential — 8 zoning district. The existing single family residence and accessory buildings will be removed. Access to the 10 proposed residential lots would be via a new public street, running east and west, through the north part of the site. The new lots are intended for the eventual development of 10 detached single-family homes. Current Use: There is currently a single-family house with detached accessory structures located on the subject properties with moderate vegetation and tree cover. There is a small wetland located at the northwest portion of the property. All existing structures would likely be removed as part of the development of the plat. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is zoned Residential -8 dwelling units per net acre (R-8). The density range allowed in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 4.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The area of public and private streets and critical areas would be deducted from the gross site area to determine the "net" site area prior to calculating density. The application materials identified a net site area of 105,722 square feet (2.45 acres). Using the gross square footage provided, the proposal for 10 lots arrives at a gross density of approximately 4.08 du/ac (10 lots / 2.45 acres = 4.08 du/ac), which is within the density range permitted in the R-8 zone. A Density Worksheet would be required at the time of formal plat application. The applicant would be required to demonstrate compliance with the net density requirements of the zone. HACEDWIanning\Current Planning\PREAPP5\14-001189 Vuecrest II Prelimina at, PRE14-001189 Page 2 of 6 Meeting Held on September 18, 2014 The City is considering adopting interim zoning while engaging in the Comprehensive Plan update process. Interim zoning is temporary zoning that is in place while a local government makes revisions to existing zoning, creates and adopts zoning, or addresses some other local policy issue. It helps to preserve the status quo or at least to limit the extent of change that can occur from the zoning activities. Washington State law enables cities to exercise this type of zoning on a limited basis, either 6 months or 1 year. The proposed resolution for interim zoning includes rezoning all properties zoned Residential 8 (R-8) to Residential 6 (R-6). The existing R-8 and proposed R-6 development standards are as follows: Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-110A, "Development Standards for Single Family Zoning Designations" effective at the time of complete application (noted as "R-8 standards" herein). Single family residential development is permitted outright in the R-8 zone. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth — The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet for parcels greater than 1 acre in size and 5,000 square feet for lots 1 acre or less in size. The total lot area of the subject site is greater than 1 acre; therefore, a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet is applicable to the proposed project. A minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required. The proposal's compliance with these standards would be verified at the time of preliminary plat application. Lot Configuration — One of the following is required: 1. Lot width variation of 10 feet (10') minimum of one per four (4) abutting street -fronting lots, or 2. Minimum of four (4) lot sizes (minimum of four hundred (400) gross square feet size difference), or 3. A front yard setback variation of at least five feet (5') minimum for at least every four (4) abutting street fronting lots. if variation is not provided in the lot design at the time of preliminary plat application, the applicant would be required to comply with option three at the time of building permits. H:\CED\Planning\Current Plan ning\PREAPPS\14-001189 R-8 Proposed R-6 Minimum Lot Area 4,500 sf for parcels greater than 1 acre. 5,000 sf for parcels 1 acre or less. 7,000 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Width 50 ft. 60 ft. Minimum Lot Width (corner lots) 60 ft. 70 ft. Minimum Lot Depth 65 ft. 90 ft. Front Setback 15 ft. 25 ft. Rear Setback 20 ft. 25 ft. Side Setback 5 ft. 7.5 ft. Side Setback (along a street) 15 ft. 25 ft. Maximum Height 30 ft. 30 ft. Maximum Building Coverage (including Primary and Accessory) 50% 40% Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-110A, "Development Standards for Single Family Zoning Designations" effective at the time of complete application (noted as "R-8 standards" herein). Single family residential development is permitted outright in the R-8 zone. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth — The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet for parcels greater than 1 acre in size and 5,000 square feet for lots 1 acre or less in size. The total lot area of the subject site is greater than 1 acre; therefore, a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet is applicable to the proposed project. A minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required. The proposal's compliance with these standards would be verified at the time of preliminary plat application. Lot Configuration — One of the following is required: 1. Lot width variation of 10 feet (10') minimum of one per four (4) abutting street -fronting lots, or 2. Minimum of four (4) lot sizes (minimum of four hundred (400) gross square feet size difference), or 3. A front yard setback variation of at least five feet (5') minimum for at least every four (4) abutting street fronting lots. if variation is not provided in the lot design at the time of preliminary plat application, the applicant would be required to comply with option three at the time of building permits. H:\CED\Planning\Current Plan ning\PREAPPS\14-001189 Vuecrest II Prelimina _ at, PRE14-001189 Page 3 of b Meeting Held on September 18, 2014 Building Standards — R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. The maximum impervious coverage in the R-8 zone is 75%. Building height is restricted to 30 feet from existing grade. Detached non-residential accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet. The gross floor area of accessory structures must be less than that of the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. The proposars compliance with the building standards would be verified at the time of building permit review for the new residences. Setbacks — Setbacks are the minimum required distance between the building footprint and the property line and any private access easement. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 15 feet in front for the primary structure, 20 feet in front for an attached garage, 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards, and 15 feet on side yards along streets (5 feet along a shared driveway). The setbacks for the new residences would be reviewed at the time of building permit. Residential Design and Open Space Standards: All new dwelling units in the Residential Eight Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) zone are subject to the Residential Design and Open Space Standards outlined in RMC 4-2-115. The proposal's compliance with the residential design standards would be verified at the time of building permit review for the new residences to be located on all new lots. Garages —The visual impact of garages shall be minimized, while porches and front doors shall be the emphasis of the front of the home. Garages shall be located in a manner that minimizes the presence of the garages and shall not be located at the end of view corridors. Alleyway access is encouraged. If used, shared garages shall be within an acceptable walking distance to the housing unit it is intended to serve. Primary Entry — Entrances to homes shall be a focal point and allow space for social interaction. Front doors shall face the street and be on the fagade closest to the street. When a home is located on a corner lot (i.e., at the intersection of two roads or the intersection of a road and a common space), a feature like a wraparound porch shall be used to reduce the perceived scale of the house and engage the street or open space on both sides. Facade Modulation — Buildings shall not have monotonous fagades along public areas. Dwellings shall include articulation along public frontages; the articulation may include the connection of an open porch to the building, a dormer facing the street, or a well-defined entry element. Windows and Doors — Windows and front doors shall serve as an integral part of the character of the home. Primary windows shall be proportioned vertically rather than horizontally. Vertical windows may be combined together to create a larger window area. Front doors shall be a focal point of the dwelling and be in scale with the home. All doors shall be of the same character as the home. Scale, Bulk, and Character — A diverse streetscape shall be provided by using elevations and models that demonstrate a variety of floor plans, home sizes, and character. Neighborhoods shall have a variety of home sizes and character. Roofs — Roofs shall represent a variety of forms and profiles that add character and relief to the landscape of the neighborhood. The use of bright colors, as well as roofing that is made of material like gravel and/or reflective material, is discouraged. H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\14-001189 Vuecrest II Prelimina at, PRE14-041189 Page 4 of 6 Meeting Heid on September 18, 2014 Eaves — Eaves should be detailed and proportioned to complement the architectural style of the home. Architectural Detailing_— Architectural detail shall be provided that is appropriate to the architectural character of the home. Detailing like trim, columns, and/or corner boards shall reflect the architectural character of the house. Materials and Color_— A diversity of materials and color shall be used on homes throughout the community. A variety of materials that are appropriate to the architectural character of the neighborhood shall be used. A diverse palette of colors shall be used to reduce monotony of color or tone. Access/Parking: The applicant has indicated access via a new half street public roadway extending from Main Ave S, along the northern property line, before dead -ending at the west property line (at the Vuecrest Preliminary Plat, parcel no. 3123059048). The neighboring parcel to the west identifies a Category 2 wetland connected to a class 4 stream extending to the west property line of the KBS 111, LLC parcel. The proposed half street should plan for a future connection to the proposed road (SE 186`h PI) shown in Vuecrest Estates Preliminary Plat site plan, LUA13-000642. All lots would be accessed directly off the new public roadway. Two off- street parking spaces are required for each primary residence. A temporary turnaround will be required at the west end of the access road until such time as the road is connected to SE 186th Pl. Driveways: The maximum driveway slope threshold is 15%. Driveways exceeding 8% must provide slotted drains at the lower end of the driveway. Landscaping: Development standards require that all pervious areas within the property boundaries be landscaped. Ten feet (10') of on-site landscaping is required along all public street frontages, with the exception of areas for required walkways and driveways according to the landscaping standards of RMC 4-4-070F. Minimum planting strip widths between the curb and sidewalk are established according to the street development standards of RMC 4-6-060. Street trees and, at a minimum, groundcover are to be located in this area when present. Street tree spacing standards shall be as stipulated by the Department of Community and Economic Development, provided there shall be a minimum of one street tree planted per address. Any additional undeveloped right-of-way areas shall be landscaped unless otherwise determined by the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee. Broadleaf trees planted in residential zones must be a minimum of one and one-half inches (1.5") in diameter (dbh). Conifertrees at the time of planting must be fully branched and a minimum of six feet (6') in height. A conceptual landscape plan must be provided with the formal land use application as prepared by a registered landscape Architect, a certified nurseryman or other certified professional. The plan shall include, but are not limited to, the minimum 10 foot onsite landscaping strip and street trees within the planting strip of each lot. Significant Tree Retention: It appears that several significant trees are located an the proposed project site. Since significant trees (greater than 6 -inch caliper) would likely be removed, a tree inventory and a tree retention plan along with a tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 30 percent of significant trees, and indicate how proposed building footprints would be sited to accommodate preservation of significant trees that would be H:\CED\Pianning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\14-001189 Vuecrest II Prelimina at, PRE14-001189 Page 5 of 6 Meeting Held on September 18, 2014 retained. If staff determines that the trees cannot be retained, they may be replaced with minimum 2 -inch caliper trees at a ratio of six to one. A formal tree retention plan would be reviewed at the time of the Preliminary Plat application. Critical Areas: There appear to be steep slopes, wetlands, wetland buffers, and Panther Creek (a class 4 stream) on or near the site. A wetland and stream report delineating and classifying the wetland and stream on/near the site is required to be submitted with the formal land use application. In addition, as there are proposed impacts to the wetland, a mitigation plan should also be submitted. City staff may require secondary review of the wetland and/or stream report, at the expense of the applicant. Furthermore, it appears the proposed roadway would cross a wetland, as such a Variance from the critical areas regulations would be required. Per RMC 4-3-050C.5.e Roads, Parks, Public and Private Utilities: (Continued), exempts the construction of new streets, roads, rights-of-way and associated appurtenances, facilities and utilities where no alteration or additional fill materials will be placed other than the minimum alteration and/or fill needed to restore those facilities or to construct to meet established safety standards. In every case, critical area and required buffer impacts shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall be restored during and immediately after the use of construction equipment. Wetlands and their associated buffers are required to be placed within a Native Growth Protection tract to protect the critical area from any proposed development for a non-exempt activity. Steep slopes are Geological Hazards therefore, a geotechnical study shall be provided by a qualified professional. The study shall demonstrate that the proposal will not increase the threat of the geological hazard to adjacent properties beyond the pre -development conditions, the proposal will not adversely impact other critical areas, and the development can be safely accommodated on the site. In addition, the study shall assess soil conditions and detail construction measures to assure building stability. It is the applicant's responsibility to ascertain whether additional critical areas are present on the site through a critical areas study. If so, the proposal would need to be revised accordingly. Environmental Review: Environmental (SEPA) Review is required for the proposed preliminary plat. Note: The fee for Environmental (SEPA) Review is $1,030.00 ($1,000.00 plus 3 % Technology Surcharge Fee). Permit Requirements: Preliminary Plat requests would be processed concurrently with the Environmental (SEPA) Review and Critical Areas Variance within an estimated time frame of 10 to 12 weeks, from the time that the application is accepted as complete. Note: The fee fora preliminaryplat application is $4,000.00 and the fee for a variance is $1,200.00 (A 3% Technology Surcharge Fee will be added to each application fee). Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, impact fees are required. Such fees apply to all projects and would be calculated at the time of building permit application and payable prior to building permit issuance. The fees for 2014/2015 are as follows: • A Transportation Impact Fee based on $1,430.72/$2,143.70 per each new single family residence; H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\14-001189 Vuecrest II Prelimina at, PRE14-001189 Page 6 of 6 Meeting Held on September 18, 2014 • A Parks Impact Fee based on $963.01/$1,395.25 per each new single family residence; • A Fire Impact fee of $479.28 per each new single family residence; and A Renton School District Impact Fee based on $5,455.00/$5,541.00 per each new single family residence. A handout listing Renton's development -related fees is attached for your review. Note: When the formal application materials are complete, the applicant is strongly encouraged to have one copy of the application materials pre-screened at the 6th floor front counter prior to submitting the complete application package. Please contact Clark Close, Associate Planner at 425-430-7289 or by email at cclose@rentonwa.gov for an appointment. Expiration: Upon approval, preliminary plats are valid for seven years through December 31, 2014. On or after January 1, 2015 they will be valid for five years. HACED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPP5\14-001189 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning PROJECT NAME: V L y t h pi-A-I— pp -x LV� DATE: d r!it�i 4�S ,n,� X1911 LrIJ CE.,,;. SOON ,, N PA17000s1172541fi1ing07254-F-waiver of Submittal Req-Renton.xls 06109 t Ilb I y m m N O � T CD C:) s y 3 O en O d r+ W —h A O U) O v 73 m D D W � N m �] O� CD M O G) 7 N 0 O w 0 oi m d ro � j oD i qp W CD c 10ca W iV �� cn -i m m m m _= cn w mo Z N m C) c v N l0 o i D m SD 0 N n C co: �� N fn 3 m Q O 3 '1'I N 3 �1 � o 3 n Cm' m 9' m mm o - N 7 D03 z Q cr [Q m Q Az �C o oCD r cn o� N rn ■ O ■ ■ @ r1r� W d Q L..;! CD ._ ■ 13 11 M m A n 1O m n m O o °�' Y Q F ° K D N m Q N 917 CL N a7 <3 C> C_n c 3 N C m i --i - A GRL m - c o y C7� W ? $ d v z m' n n n m L} m n o T o n, cn tai ,� � 5� x 3 w PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS aE�.orrtrai�n Drainage Report 2 Ito � 'I rilcal;:i� Q 2AND a:::: I lGrading Plan, Conceptual 2 Habitat Data Report, { 5 Wt_rL_ _Wn A 56wveu Sir lrnpravement, Deteral 2 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning PROJECT NAME: 'V��'(p'-r r�La9 9� DATE:11 Lf V LVII) CITY OF PENTON 11, AW4. "`s t,1,v!Sio•1, P:117000sI172541filing117254-F-waiver of Submittal Req-Rentonxls 06109 PLANNING DIVISION WAIvr_'R OF SUBMITTAL REQuiREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Screening Detail 4 Stream or Lake Study, Standards Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 1CAAr{— Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning P, 117000sY172541filing117254-F-Waiver of Submittal Req -Renton xls PROJECT NAME:Jur= C��ff _'! 7P r pL A7— DATE. ! 113 t S 06109 PROJECT NARRATIVE Preliminary Plat of Vuecrest II (January 8, 2015) Existina Site Characteristics: The project site is 2.45 acres in size (or 106,680 square feet). The property consists of one tax parcel (Tax Lot No. 3223059097) and there is one single-family home located on site (east side of property) as well as several associated outbuildings, utilities, and private gravel access drive. A majority of the property is a forested area (covered with mixed deciduous/coniferous trees; please reference the Tree Protection Plan prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc.) and a small wetland located in the northwest corner of the property (Category II Wetland; please reference the Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc.). The site generally slopes from the east to west (approximately 35 feet in elevation change), with a slope averaging from 1% to 2%. However, in a small area in the northwest corner of the site (near the on-site wetland), the topography increases between 30% and 35%. Per the project surveyor, there are no slopes on site that exceed 40% (as defined in RMC 4-11-190, Slope, Protected and Slope Sensitive). All significant trees on the site have been surveyed (6 -inch diameter at breast height [DBH] or greater) and are shown and identified on the Tree Preservation Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. The understory cover is mixed with Salmonberry, Vine Maple, Western Hazelnut, Sword fern, Salal, Oregon grape, Pacific Blackberry, and portions of the property have ornamental landscaping and grass areas (around and near the existing residence). The on-site soils consist of approximately 4 to 18 inches of topsoil overlying native soils consisting primarily of medium dense to dense silty sand and sandy silt glacial till deposits which are one of the more common soil types in and around the City of Renton. Please see the Geotechnical Report prepared by Earth Solutions NW dated December 15, 2014. As discussed earlier, a small wetland is located in the northwest corner of the property and is classified as a Class II Wetland requiring a 50 -foot buffer. The proposed project is utilizing buffer averaging to allow for the construction and future extension of the on-site public roadway (proposed Road A). Please reference the Critical Area Study prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. dated December January 5, 2015. Access to the site is from 102nd Avenue S.E. (residential access street) from South 192nd Street. On site the proposed roadway is being extended to the west property line for future extension by the proposed Plat of Vuecrest Estates (City File No. LUA13-00642). The project site is surrounded by existing single-family subdivisions with similar densities; however, along the south property line there are larger single-family lots (due to topography) that range from 1 to 2 acres in size. Project Proposal: The project proposal is for an eight -lot single-family detached subdivision known as the Preliminary Short Plat of Vuecrest ll. The average lot size is 9,124 square feet, with the smallest lot being 7,678 square feet (Lot 7) and the largest lot being 17,789 square feet (Lot 8). The overall project density is 4.35 dwelling units per net acre, as allowed in the R-8 (R-6 Interim) -zone- For more detailed information, please reference the Preliminary Short Plat Map prepared by Barghausen Consulting Eng FneT, . The project development has 0.19 acre (or 7.8%) in critical area. As referent 1' the property is zoned R-8 (R-6 Interim) which requires a minimum lot size of 7,000 square fee?,minim t� 'bth of 60 TT )7254.003.doc feet for interior lots, and 70 feet for corner lots. All lots within this proposal either meet or exceed the R-8 (R-6 Interim) zoning development standards. As required by City code, all single-family residences will be subject to the Residential Design Standards. Other permits required for this development include the following: • State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review • Preliminary short plat approval • Construction plan approval (water, sewer, roads, storm, and grading) • Final short plat approval and recording • Department of Natural Resources Forest Practice Permit • Department of Ecology NPDES Permit • Residential building permits As designed, there are approximately 690 lineal feet of proposed on-site public right-of-way (half street), which will have 32 to 39.5 feet of public right-of-way with 20 to 26 feet of paving, curb, gutter, planter (8 feet wide in portions), and sidewalk (5 feet wide). In an effort to provide a secondary emergency access for the plat of Vuecrest Estates (City File No. LUA13-000642), protect environmentally sensitive area, protect healthy significant trees and provide a useable building envelope for lot 8, we are requesting a street modification. The modification request is to locate portions of the sidewalk on Road A & 102"" Avenue S.E. (lot 1 & 8) to the back of curb. Landscaping and street trees will be located behind walk. Also, along the frontage of Road A (lots 1 through 7), we are requesting to increase the pavement width from 20 feet to 26 feet to allow for parking. The project development will utilize and extend existing public utilities through the project site (water and sewer provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District) along with storm drainage and dry utilities (power, telephone, natural gas, and cable) serving all lots. Sewer will be extended from the Plat of Vuecrest (City File No. LUA13-000642) to the west property line of the Vuecrest II Short Plat. Please reference the Conceptual Utility Plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. for more detailed information. The project storm drainage will be conveyed off site to the west to a storm vault being constructed for the Plat of Vuecrest. This storm system will be designed to accommodate the Vuecrest II Short Plat. For more detailed information regarding the proposed storm system, please reference the preliminary storm plan and Drainage Facility Design Memorandum prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. In order to construct the project as generally depicted on the preliminary grading plan, approximately 2.05 acres will be cleared. Approximately 7,600 cubic yards of structural soil will be cut for grading the roads and lots. A majority of this cut material will be used on site to construct the project to the final design grades. Any excess structural material will be exported from the site during construction along with any excess topsoil. These figures are approximate and will be determined at final engineering design. The total cost of construction for the roads and utilities is estimated to be approximately $560,000 (or $70,000 per lot). The estimated fair market value of the lots upon completion is estimated to be between $150,000 and $175,000. We have not yet established the location of any model homes, job trailers, or a sales office. Tree InventorylTree Mitigation, Based on the Final Tree Protection Plan prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. dated December 19, 2014, there are 38 healthy significant trees on site (please see the tree retention worksheet). - 2 - 17254.003.doc As required by code, 30% of the healthy significant trees (approximately 11 trees) must be protected or mitigation provided (tree replacement)_ The project proposes to retain 11 healthy significant trees and, therefore, we meet the tree retention guidelines in RMC 4-4-130. - 3 - 17254.003.doc RE i I VI" D JAN 20 2015 General Construction In ormatl( '�,,(�y. F fi Preliminary Short Plat of Vuecrest Il (January 8, 2015) The construction of new road improvements (half street) along with the installation of utilities for the proposed short plat of Vuecrest II will involve clearing, grading, and other land disturbance activities. The following is a summary of how these activities are expected to be carried out and managed to minimize impacts and comply with applicable rules and regulations during this phase of the project: • Anticipated Construction Schedule: Clearing and grading is likely to begin in late 2015 or early 2016 assuming the entitlements and permits are approved. The bulk of the work should be completed within three to four months of the construction start. Based on this schedule, we expect that the plat could be ready for recording in mid -2016, with home building to commence after the plat is recorded. Model home construction may commence prior to recording as allowed by the City of Renton. • Hours and Days of Operation: The typical hours of operation for construction will be from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the winter months. During the summer months, construction will begin at 7 a.m. and may extend to 7 p.m. (pending approval from the City of Renton). The typical work week will be Monday through Friday. Construction work may also take place on Saturday as normally allowed by the City of Renton, especially during the dry season (April to October) in order to expedite completion of the project during the dry season. • Proposed Hauling/Transportation Routes: The haul route for importing or exporting materials to and from the site will be determined after coordination with the City of Renton Inspector prior to the start of construction. However, we anticipate that the haul route would be 102nd Avenue S.E. to S.E. 192nd Street and then east to 108th Avenue S.E. (Benson Highway), Measures to be Implemented to Minimize Dust, Traffic and Transportation Impacts, Erosion, Noise, and other Construction Impacts: All temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures required by the City of Renton and other agencies will be implemented and maintained (e.g., rock construction entrance, silt fencing, temporary storm pond, and straw mulching). Also, as required by Department of Ecology all erosion BMPs will be implemented and maintained as required by the NPDES Permit for the duration of the project. Watering will be implemented as necessary to control dust during the summer months and all construction equipment will be equipped with appropriate mufflers to comply with local noise ordinances. • Any Special Hours Proposed for Construction or Hauling (i.e., weekends, late nights): If it is determined that additional hours are needed to complete the construction, the contractor will coordinate with the City of Renton and obtain approval for such extended hours. - 1 - 17254,004.doc • Preliminary Traffic Control Plan: A Preliminary Traffic Control Plan has not been prepared at this time. Once the haul route(s) has (have) been approved by the City Public Works Department, a Traffic Control Plan will be prepared in accordance with the City Road Standards and WSDOT guidelines. 2 - 17254.004.doc APPMATION FOR CITY OF RE ----,N RIGH, �IJAYUSL—I)LF RRAI5—WAIVF[2_S—VA NC-ES—ff-.F.INUFU 1055 50 Lith GTady Way, He-ntartt WA 9RUSI PROJEGr NAMfE- vUECREST 1i SFIORT PLAT SITZ; ADDREW 4903 MAIN AVE SO RLNTCN 'INA 98055 KING COUNTY PARCEL ID -322345-9097 APPUCANT: KOLIN TAYLOR -KBS III, LLC CI() WAYNE PUTTER NOVASTAR DEV. INC. MAILING ADDRESS: 18215 72NO AVE S KENT WA 98032 ATTACH A SEPARATE LETTER WITH THIS APPLICATION SYATINC IN DETAIL-. The written request 1nclude{s1: 1. ApplIca ble circ code 2. IteIns %ind QvaniIties involved ?. iu5tifLatfori for raquast 4 Amokint of timLz rE rgLH%5tPd 1. A vicinity atop -6. A SILO plao PHONE206 255-7106 EMAIL: WPOTTER@NOVASTARDEV.Gi lip Code Submittals shall be 86 x11, You may scan and email your request or drop off the completed application_ CITY CF INMYON P?ann[lie DivrrlQn Jan ii[i3r1, Coordin;,&trir j..055—.5,ira�5rl�y�+'.r�iay 6"' Floor Rf!nton, WA ()W57 425-430-7216 C�)mplpteri appliratiov%will be rvvie wed find a wriitc:rl CIULr:rrninabon [: sued dppruximaluly 3 4 wuf-'k.s from d,)te tint rRCeipt of applifia ion_ Y(au Will t;-.2 e[rr)Luc:Lud if �:r�ll�`atiCi7�'s incornprete or 4 addiLional infofmation is fequire€{. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: DATES KOLIN TAY "' R+I i.0 A.r OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICE LISP ONLY DF.FERPA ( ) New 1 + LAte kion Off3ite € nsite LX(tSS IkN) ( ) FI,:r IN 11 -FU I ) WAIVFR ( � VARi"NCE I ) N C -w ; 1 Exten�;ion ( j Underprniind 1 DrivewaNf ( ) Slope Grades { ; Noise r 1'.',I i;,1f.'.E'r.Kik-.%1'.:5(;GSiS:1��L�C1�'.ill.l@SLYi�,�i'rna�SS'r_�.Ti'rT"SF:f:IfV ,ntern•_: Fil�s'��..�r:,�n�ijHiIGC��.•, �'�aL:! ��]�;�t'+r�r F'.J<;�• jyF{ plt{{Ij%�.•�rJ�+��hI.Y��{}I ��::1 IT i� Street Modification - Road Standards Vuecrest II Short Plat 4909 Main Avenue South Renton, Washington 98057 (Tax parcel No. 322305-9097) January 15, 2015 Proiect Location: The project site (2.4 acres on Tax Lot No. 3223059097) is located at southeast corner of 102nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 186th Street (if extended), Renton, Washington. (See attached site plan, vicinity map, and legal description), Proiect Scope: The project proposal is an eight -lot single-family detached subdivision known as the Preliminary Short Plat of Vuecrest 11 and is located in the R-8 zone (R-6 interim). The R-6 "interim" zone requires a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet, minimum lot width of 60 feet for interior lots, and 70 feet for corner lots. The average lot size is 9,124 square feet with the smallest lot being 7,678 square feet (Lot 7) and the largest lot being 17,789 square feet (Lot 8). The overall project density is 4.35 dwelling units per net acre. All lots within this proposal either meet or exceed the R-6 "interim" zoning development standards The project development has 0.19 acre (or 7.8%) of on-site critical area (Class II wetland) which requires a 50 -foot buffer and proposes to retain 30% for 11 trees) of the on-site healthy significant trees. The proposed lots will be served by an on-site half street public roadway (Road A; approximately 690 feet) which is located along the north property line and will be installing street frontage improvements (approximately 168 feet) along 102nd Avenue S.E. Water, sewer, and storm (including dry utilities) will be installed/extended to serve all lots and storm drainage detention will be provided off site (within the Plat of Vuecrest Estates, City file No. LUA13-000642). Modification Request: The proposed on-site roadway (Road A) has been designed (as required by RMC 4-6-060) as a "half street" residential roadway. However, in an effort to provide a secondary access for the adjacent plat of Vuecrest Estates (located to the west) and to provide additional parking, we are requesting the following modification to RMC 4-6-060: • Increase the minimum pavement width from 20 feet to 26 feet (along the frontages of tots Z through 7 and approximately 60 feet of Lot 8) to allow for on -street parking (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with cross section, Sheet 2 of 4). • Eliminate approximately 160 feet of the required 8 -foot landscape planter on the south side of Road A and locate the required 5 -foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb (along a portion of Lot 8; see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan with cross section, Sheet 2 of 4). Also, "half street' improvements are required pursuant to RMC 4-6-060 along the existing plat frontage of 102nd Avenue S.E. (residential street). In an effort to retain 30% of the on-site healthy significant trees (required by RMC 4-4-130), we are requesting the following modification to RMC 4-6-060 to protect - 1 - 17254.005.docx several significant trees by reducing construction improvements within the critical Root Protection Zone (RPZ): • Eliminate approximately 40 feet of the required 8 -foot landscape planter on the west side of 102nd Avenue S.E. (near the S.E. corner of Lot 1) and locate the required 5 -foot sidewalk adjacent to the vertical curb (see attached Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan, Sheet 2 of 4). Modification Decision Criteria: As outlined in the RMC 4-9-250(D)(2), the City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Department must review the modification request and base their decision pursuant the following criteria (following each of the 6 criteria, the applicant provides a response/justification): a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objective of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. Response/Justification: The proposed modifications to the road standards as requested will not inhibit the implementation of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element for the Vuecrest ii Short Plat. The proposed modifications are a direct result of efforts being pursued to provide a needed "secondary emergency access" that is being required by the City of Renton for the Plat of Vuecrest Estates (File No. LUA13-000642) to increase public safety/welfare and to meet the Tree Retention requirements found in RMC 4-6-080. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. ResponsaIJustifrcation: The proposed modifications to Road A and 102nd Avenue S.E. will continue to meet the objectives of safety, function, appearance, environmental protection, and maintainability intended by the Code requirements. The requested modifications are needed to provide the needed secondary emergency access for public safety and warfare, increase on-site parking, and protect environmental protection to significant trees due to the following constraints: In an effort to provide the needed secondary emergency access for Vuecrest Estates, maintain a useable building pad for Lot 8, and provide protection the existing wetland in Tract A, the relocation of the sidewalk to the back of curb along Road A (approximately 180 feat) is needed and warranted. The proposed project will provide the required 10 -foot on-site landscaping for Lot 8 (per RMC 404-070.F) and in addition, include the required street trees to be maintained by the lot owner. • The additional 6 feet of asphalt along the frontages of Lots 1 through 7 and a portion of Lot 8 will provide the needed parking and ultimately reduce the amount of half street improvements needed by the future developer of the property to the north (Tax Lot No. 3223059171, Mackenzie). Significant Trees are to be protected as required by RMC 4-6-060, and based on the recommendations of the project arborist (Galen Wright, Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc.), and the improvements (approximately 40 feet) need to be relocated as far east as possible so as not to impact the RPZ (Root Protection Zones) of trees No. 2 and 3 as referenced in Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. Tree Protection Plan dated December 19, 2014. However, we are proposing to continue required 10-1oot on-site landscaping within this area to maintain the proper landscape appearance as required by code. - 2 - 17254.005.docx c. Will not be injurious to the other property(les) in the vicinity. Response/Justification: No adjacent properties within the vicinity of the project will be impacted by the modification request. The functionality and intent of the road standards will be met. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. Response/Justification: As outlined in section 'b" above, the proposed modification will continue to meet the intent and purpose of the Road Standard Codes and also "improve" public safety and welfare by providing a secondary access (Road A) in the event of a public emergency. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended. Response/Justification: As outlined in section "b" above, the proposed modifications are justified to provide public safety, protect the environment (significant trees and wetland), and allow the property owner to obtain a useable building envelope for Lot 8. f. Will not create adverse impact to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Response/Justification: The proposed modifications requested will not create an adverse impact to other properties. As stated earlier, the approval of the modification to Road A will increase public safety by providing a secondary access in the event of an emergency. - 3 - 1 7254.005_docx c r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F ni CA c r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F vp 1621,', 17254 !7' KEs DE-M-OPMENT CORPORATION PREUANARY SHORT PLAT t2320 WE 8TH STREET, "TS M FOR BELLEVUE, WA 98005 VUECRESTIZ I�� Ili.. I vp 1621,', 17254 !7' KEs DE-M-OPMENT CORPORATION PREUANARY SHORT PLAT t2320 WE 8TH STREET, "TS M FOR BELLEVUE, WA 98005 VUECRESTIZ F- 4;th SITE -\,k WWI VICINITY MAP NTS EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description The north half of the north half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32 in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; Except portion lying thereof within 102nd Avenue S.E. right of way. Subdivision GuaranteWCerlificate Printed: 01.07.15 Q 08:10AM Page 3 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622475-SPS-1-15-0030466-ETU City of Renton 1W TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET December 19, 2014 H:10ED%Data%F4)rrrls-Te.mplate,lSelf-Hctp Han dnutslPlanninglTreeRetentionWorksheet.doc 12108 Vuecrest 1. Total number of trees over 6" in diameter' on project site: 1. 117 trees 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention Calculation: Trees that are dead, diseased or dangerous2 49 trees Trees in proposed public streets 30 trees Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts 0 trees Trees in critical areas3 and buffers (not inventoried) WA trees Total number of excluded trees: 2. 7 9 trees 3. Subtract line 2 from line is 3. 38 trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained4, multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, or R-8 0.1 in all other residential zones 0.05 in all commercial and industrial zones 4. 11 trees 5. List the number of 6" or larger trees that you are proposing5 to retain 4: 5. 11 trees 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced- 6. 0 trees (If line 6 is less than zero, stop here. No replacement trees are required). 7. Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement inches - 7. 0 inches 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement - (Minimum 2" caliper trees required) 8. inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees6: (if remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) 0 9. trees Measured at chest height. 2 Dead, diseased or dangerous trees must be certified as such by a forester, registered landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. s Critical Areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in Section 4-3-050 of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC). � ° Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers- +;,.,: ,_.. I 5The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum numi trees per RMC 4-4-134H7a 6_ Inches of street trees, inches of trees added to critical areasrbuffers, and inches of trees retainev--i iteo]t t are less than 6" but are greater than 2" can be used to meet the tree replacement requirement. H:10ED%Data%F4)rrrls-Te.mplate,lSelf-Hctp Han dnutslPlanninglTreeRetentionWorksheet.doc 12108 VI REST II JANUARY 8, 2015 DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 106,680 square feet (OR 2.45 ACRES) 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets** Private access easements** Critical Areas* Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line i for net area 4. Divide line 3 by 43,566 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 25,288- squarefeet N/A square feet -I-,I Zb square feet 2. 26,414 square feet 3. 80,288 square feet 4 1.84 acres 5. 8 units/lots 6. 4.35 = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. I NF ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. -^'` ` E 3AB 2 0 7.0"t5 R:TWIDEVSERV\Forms\Planning%density.doc Last updated: 11/0$/2004 1 a DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY city of. AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT } f PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady way -Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proposal. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You may use "not aonlicable" or "does not aooly" only when you can explain why it does not aAply and not when the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision-making process. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LEAD AGENCIES: Additional information may be necessary to evaluate the existing environment, all interrelated aspects of the proposal and an analysis of adverse impacts. The checklist is considered the first but not necessarily the only source of information needed to make an adequate threshold determination. Once a threshold determination is made, the lead agency is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the checklist and other supporting documents. 17254.002.doe 05114 JAr� 2 D ?C15 USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: For nonproject proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B even though questions may be answered "does not apply". In addition the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJFCT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal", "proponent", and "affected geographic area" respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non -projects) questions in Part B - Environmental Elements —that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the proposal. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Vuecrest 11 Short Plat 2. Name of applicant: KBS III, LLC (a.k.a. -- KBS Development Corporation) 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Applicant Contact KBS III, LLC Kolin Taylor 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 (206) 631-7000 Bellevue, WA 98005 4. Date checklist prepared: January 13, 2014 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Agen t Wayne Potter (425) 656-7435 Clearing and road construction is likely mid to late 2015. There are no plans to phase the project. Construction of the project is expected to take 3 or 4 months for site development and another 12 to 24 months for home construction. 2 17254,042 doc 05114 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. • Geotechnical Report prepared by Earth Solutions NW, inc. dated December 15, 2014 • Critical Area Study prepared by Wetlond Resources, Inc. dated January 5, 2015 • Tree Protection Plan and Report prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. dated December 19, 2014 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. • Preliminary Short Plat approval • Road Modification • Construction plan approvals (water, sewer, roads, storm, and grading) • Ancillary construction permits including building permits for retaining walls • Department of Natural Resources Forest Practice Permit • Department of Ecology NPDES Permit • Final short plat approval Building Permits for residential homes • Residential design standards review 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) The project involves the subdivision of approximately 2.45 acres of land encompassing one tax parcel into 8 single-family detached homes and associated sensitive area tract and tree protection easement (Lot 8). There will be approximately 590 linear feet of public roadway (with utilities) constructed to serve the proposed lots and half -street improvements (1 70feet) on 102nd Avenue S.E. 17254 ,002. d oc M14 The proposed lots and roads will be cleared and graded as needed and a structural retaining wall will be required for the proposed onsite roadway. The onsite roadway is being extended to the west for a future connection by the developers of the Plat of Vuecrest (City File No. LUA 13-000642). Also, water, sewer, and storm connections will be provided at this location/road extension from the developers of Vuecrest (see preliminary site plan and utility plans). 12. location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. if a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The subject property is located in the Southwest quarter of Section 32-23-05 and abuts 102nd Avenue S. W. and is approximately one-half mile southeast of the Valley Medical Center. For the exact location, please reference the attached Vicinity Map. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one): Fla , rolling, hilly, teep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? The projectsite has an average slope between 1% and 2116; however, there is a small isolated area with a slope ranging between 25% and 35%. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. The primary soil classification found on the site consists of medium dense to dense silty sand and sandy silt which is a glacial till soil commonly found in the Pacific !Northwest and generally suitable for residential development. Please reference the Soils Report prepared by Earth Solutions NW, Inc. 17254.002.doc 05114 d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. A preliminary grading plan has been prepared for this project. We anticipate the on-site structural grading to reasonably balance (approximately 7,640 cubic yards of cut and fill). The on-site strippings (topsoil) will either be spread on the finished lots and/or exported off site, along with any excess structural material that cannot be used on site. A retaining wall (ranging between 2 feet and 9 feet) will be constructed on site for the proposed road construction. This wall may be a rockery, MSE block, Lock -Load, and Reinforced Concrete Wall. The construction of this wall will include excavation for footings, drainage, and backfill. The proposed wall is located adjacent the wetland buffer (Tract A), there may be incidental grading that may extend into the wetland buffer. Such areas will be re-vegetoted as required by code upon completion. There will also be additional lot grading that will occur (on a lot by lot basis) during the home construction phase as foundations are constructed. imported aggregate materials used for construction of the roads and infrastructure as well as for house foundations will be imported as needed from nearby available sources, most likely from pits in the Maple Valley or Covington area. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Soil erosion could occur as a result of the site clearing, excavation, and grading activities once soils are exposed to rainfall. However, as required by City Code, a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) will be prepared and implemented to mitigate for such erosion potential. Additionally, erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be provided (i.e., straw mulch, silt fences, rock check dams, etc.). g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? The total on-site impervious surface (roadways) will be approximately .55 acres (or22116) of the site area (2.45 acres). Based on a maximum impervious area per lot of 75% we have estimated a total impervious area (for eight lots with an overage lot size of 9,124 square feet) of approximately 1.26 acres. Combined, approximately 1.8.1 acres, or approximately 74% of the site will be impervious. 17254 002 dor 05114 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR All applicable BMPs and other typical and necessary TESC measures will be implemented and maintained during the plat and home construction phases. An NPDES permit will be acquired and the site will be monitored during the entire build -out phase of the plat. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction, operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During plat and home construction, emissions from construction equipment and vehicles will occur on a temporary basis. When houses ore completed, there will be emissions generated from automobile, service truck traffic, and other typical machinery used in single-family neighborhoods. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. The site is surrounded by existing single-family developments and homes on large lots that are the source of emissions from fireplaces and vehicles. In addition, the site is located close to arterial streets such as the Benson Highway and nearby urban centers with a high concentration of vehicular traffic. These sources and emissions ore typical of urban communities and are not expected to have any impact on the proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: All construction equipment will be equipped to comply with all applicable air-quality regulations. Dust will be controlled during the dry season with water trucks. Gas fireplaces will be used in accordance with requirements of the Puget Sound Air Quality Board. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. 17254 002 doc 05114 Yes. There is one wetland located on site that was delineated by Wetland Resources, Inc. This wetland is a class 11 category that requires a 5(] foot buffer and will be protected/ preserved within proposed Tract A. As allowed by code, we ore proposing buffer averaging to allow for the construction of the on-site roadway. For more detail information, please see the wetland report prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes. A portion of the plat and home construction will occur within 200 feet of the on- site wetland. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100 -year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. M b. Ground Water: 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. The project will be served by public water and sanitary sewer service from the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The project will not involve any groundwater withdrawals or any discharge to the groundwater of septic system effluent. Some roof 17254.002.ticc 05114 drains may be designed to discharge to the on-site wetlands for recharging purposes. No discharges to the groundwater aquifer are proposed. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containingthe following chemicals. ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None. c. Water runoff (including stormwater): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Stormwater will be collected by a series of catch basins and conveyed by underground stormwater pipes to an offsite detention vault within the proposed Plat of Vuecrest (located directly west, City file No. LUA 13-000642). The off-site storm vault will be sired to accommodate this proposal and designed in accordance with the City of Renton Stormwater Design Manual (Addendum to the King County stormwater guidelines). 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Unlikely. As discussed above, all stormwater will be collected and conveyed to on approved offsite detention vault. Furthermore, the stormwater will pass through a storm filter vault (water quality) prior to discharge offsite. All sewage disposal will be via the Soos Creek sewer system. No on-site septic systems are proposed. 3) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pattern impacts, if any: The project will be designed in accordance with all applicable storm drainage regulations of the City of Renton and other agencies to mitigate the impacts of surface water drainage. This will include all necessary erosion control measures during construction as 17254.002.doc 05114 well as construction of an on-site and off-site collection/conveyance system for storm water as well as a water quality and detention facility. (For a more detailed discussion, see the stormwater addendum prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc.). 4. PLANTS a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X shrubs K grass pasture crop or grain orchards, vineyards or other permanent crops. X wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Upon completion of the project, oil vegetation within the developable portion of the property (approximately 2.05 acres) will be removed /altered. c. List threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. None to our knowledge. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: As required by code, 30% of the significant trees (approximately 11) must be protected or mitigation provided (tree replacement). As outlined in the current proposal, we anticipate preserving 11 healthy significant trees and therefore meeting the code requirements of RMC 4-4-130. The final number of significant trees to be saved or mitigated for will be determined throughout final engineering and construction. We will also be preserving and protecting the on-site wetiand and buffer, as approved by the City, in designated open space areas, (Tract A) as wildlife habitat. e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. 17254_002_doc 05114 None to our knowledge. 5. ANIMALS a. List any birds and other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: small rodents Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge, there are no threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. It is our understanding that the site is located in the "Western Flyway" migration route. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Substantial native habitat will be provided on site through preservation of approximately 0. 19 acre of permanent native open space (Tract A) that will provide some wildlife habitat. Also, several significant trees are to be preserved on site and will provide additional habitat. e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge, there are no invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Each lot will require power, natural gas, cable, and phone service. Power and natural gas will be the primary source for heating. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Za 17254, 002.doc 05114 M c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: All future homes will be designed in accordance with the Washington State Energy Code. Also, as required by code, the streetlights will use LED luminaires to reduce electrical consumption. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. Unlikely. However, during construction► there is always the risk of on accident involving construction equipment and hazardous or flammable materials during home construction. These risks are common to all construction sites. t) Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. None to our knowledge. 2) Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. None. 3) Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. During the construction of the project, there may be stored diesel fuel and/or products. However, upon the completion of the construction, these materials will not be present. 4) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Medical EMT response and Fire Department response. 5) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: 11 17254.002.doc 05114 All construction will be in accordance with applicable laws including OSHA safety regulations for machinery and proper storage, core, and handling of any hazardous materials during construction. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Existing sources of noise in the immediate area are residential automobile traffic, service trucks, and home care activities, as well as regional urban noises commonly found in population centers. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. During the construction phase there will be short term impacts to noise levels from the operation of heavy equipment and truck traffic, as well as contractor tools. These impacts will be generated only during the hours of operation and will terminate permanently upon completion of construction. Upon occupancy of the homes, there will be added noise impacts from residential vehicles and activities, consistent with what is already found in the surrounding community. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: All equipment and construction operations will comply with applicable City of Renton noise ordinances. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. Adjacent properties include single-family residential on small, medium, and large parcels of land. The property is currently used for one single-family residence. The proposed project is consistent with the surrounding properties. b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not 12 17254.002.doc 05114 been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or non -forest use? The site was not use as a working farm or forest lands. There will be no farmland or forest land tax status conversions as part of this project. 1) Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: Not applicable to this project. c. Describe any structures on the site. There is one single-family detached home located on-site and on associated outbuilding. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Yes. All structures onsite will be demolished. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Single family, R -S (R-6Interim) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? RSF - Residential Single-family. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable to this project. h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. Yes. There a wetland located on the project site (Tract A). For detailed information, please review the Wetland Report prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 13 17254 002_doc 05114 The eight lots are expected to bring approximately 20 people to the project after all homes are built and occupied (this assumes an average of 2.5 people per home). This number will vary depending on house size. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? No people would be displaced by the completed project. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Not applicable to this project. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: As part of the preliminary plat process, the project will be reviewed in accordance with the R-6 interim development standards, which are compatible with the surrounding property. m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: Not applicable to this project. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. There are eight lots proposed which will create housing in the middle to upper income range. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. One existing housing unit (middle income range) will be eliminated. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None are proposed or required. 14 17254.00 2. doc 06114 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The tallest structure would be a single-family home, which has a maximum height as established in the zoning code of 35 feet without a variance. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: All future homes within the project will be subject to the City building design standards at the time of building permit review. in addition, the new homes to be built in this project will be single-family residences as found in the surrounding community. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Construction is expected to be in the daytime hours only. During night time there may be streetlight illumination and car headlights os well as both interior and exterior lighting in houses typically found in single-family subdivisions. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: All lighting related to streetlights and houses will be designed in accordance with City code regulations to avoid impact to adjacent properties. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? 15 17254.002.doc 05/14 The subject property is located within approximately 3 miles of the Thomas Teasdale Pork and approximately 4 miles (north of site) from the Talbot Hill Reservoir Park. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: As required by the City of Renton, this project will pay a parks impact fee to assist in reducing the impacts on recreation opportunities. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. No. b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Is there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. None to our knowledge. Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc. We reviewed the Department of Archeology and Historical Preservation website (WISAARD system) d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. Not applicable to our project. 17254.002_ dor 16 05114 14. TRANSPORTATION Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The project site will gain access from 102nd Avenue S.E., which abuts the easterly property line of the project. As discussed earlier, the onsite roadway will be stubbed to the west property line for further extension (and secondary access) for the proposed plat of Vuecrest (City file No. LUA 13-000542). b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Approximately 3/4 of a mile away (southeast of the site) is a King County Metro bus stop at 108th Avenue S.E. and SE 192nd Street. c. Mow many additional parking spaces would the completed projector non -project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? Each lot will have a minimum of two off-street parking stalls. No parking will be eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian, bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). There will be approximately 690 linear feet of new on-site public roadways designed as "residential access roads" e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed projector proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non -passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? Based upon the number of new dwelling units and average trip generation rates published by ITE in the 'Trip Generation Manual" (9th Edition, 2012), the completed project would generate approximately 76 vehicular trips per day, none of which would be trucks. peak 17 17254.002.[tac 05114 traffic volumes would occur during the weekday PM peak hour (one-hour period between 4:00pm and 6:00pm). g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe. Not applicable to this project. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The project will be required to provide an on-site roadway (half street) as well as improve the west half of 302nd Avenue S.E. (curb, gutter, planter strip, and sidewalk) and also pay a traffic impact fee per each new single family resident to mitigate transportation impacts. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The future construction of homes on each of the eight lots will result in a proportional need for public services normally associated with single-family development such as police, fire, health care, schools, postal service, garbage service, etc. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Building the on-site roads to public standards will provide an acceptable means of access for any needed public services to existing lots. Property tax revenue will assist with offsetting the proportional impact on public services. Mitigation fees will be collected at the time of building permit for individual lots to offset traffic, fire, and school impacts. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricit ,natural ga , ate , Irefuse servic , elephon , sanitary sewe , septic system, other b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. 18 17254,CO2,doc 06114 The following is a list of the anticipated utility purveyors: • Electricity - Puget Power !Natural Gas - Puget Power • Water - City of Renton • Sewer - City of Renton • Telephone - CenturyLink • Cable T. V. - Comcast • Garbage - Waste Management (contract with the City of Renton) Water service is available within 102nd Avenue S.E. and sewer will be extended to the west property line by the adjacent plat (Vuecrest, LUA 13-000642). C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. sJ Proponent Signature: Name of Signee (printed): G. Wa ne Potter Position and Agency/Organization: Ant i ov m'Yt- D .V. 3:i c - Date Submitted: January 13, 2015 17254.002.doc 19 05114 Wetlalidke.00wnes life. Delineation! Mitigation / Restoration / Habitat Creation 1 Permit Assistance 9505 19th Avenue S.E. Suite 106 Everett, Washington 98208 (425) 337-3174 Fax (425) 337-3045 CRITICAL AREA STUDY FOR VUE_ CREST H SHORT PLAT R&w o , WA Wetland Resources, Inc. Project #14247 Prepared B Wetland Resources, Inc. 9505 19th Avenue SE, Suite 106 Everett, WA 98208 (425) 337-3174 Prepared For: KBS III LLC Attn: Kohn Taylor 12620 NE 811, Street #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 January 5, 2015 V E�D JAN 2 0 20115 ,; . N TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE DESCRIPTION PROJECT DI.SCtRIP'I'IUN RLVIEW OF EXISTING I\FORMATION W TLANI) CIASSIFICATION - COWARDIN SYSTEM WETLAND CLASSIFICATION CITY OF RENTON NVETL.kNI) DFTT;R\IINATION REPORT BOI:NDARY DETER\-IINATION FINDINGS NVETLAND FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ASSESSXTEN'I' WILDLIFE USE OF THIS REPORT REFERENCES CRITICAL AREA STIUDY MAP LiS'r OI, APPFNDIGES: APPF.NDIY A- FIELD DA'I,A Foru\iS 1 2 4 4 4 5 6 9 10 1/1 SITE DESCRIPTION On October 9th, 2014 Wetland Resources, Inc. completed a site investigation on the 2.45 -acre site located west of 102nd Ave SE in Renton, 1VA. The tax identification number for this parcel is 3223059097 (Section 32, Township 23N, range 05E, NVM). Access to the 2.45 -acre site is via a gravel driveway from the west side of 102,111 Avc SE. Topography consists of a generally flat area on the majority of the site moving to a gentle slope with a westerly aspect on the western side of the property. The surrounding parcels display similar topography and follow this westerly aspect. Significant residential development characterizes the land use in the area surrounding the subject property. The subject property is narrow and rectangular in shape. The eastern half of the parcel is developed and contains a single-family residence and a tool shed. A maintained yard and landscaping plants border the developed portion of the property. The western half of the subject property is forested, appears relatively undisturbed, and is vegetated with a mixed canopy, non -mature forest. Surrounding parcels are a mix of small undeveloped forested areas as well as multi and single-family residential development. One ti.-etland (Wetland Ni is located on the subject property. -Wetland A is classified as a Category 11 wetland per City of Renton's wetland classification system. This wetland continues off-site to the north and to the west. No other off-site wetlands were found within 300 -ft of the subject property. Panther Creek, a known fish -bearing stream, lies approximately a quarter mile to the east of the subject property. The proposed project complies with the City of' Renton's critical area regulations, and therefore adheres to the city's buffer requirements for wetlands. A wetland classified under City of Renton municipal code as Category I1, requires a protective buffer of 50 feet. Pursuant to RMC 4-3- 050(m)(6)(c), Categog 2 wetlands are wellands which meet one or more of the following criten'a: (a) Wellands that are not Categog I or 3 wetlands; and/or (b) Wetlands that have heron rookeries or osprey nests, but are not Calegoy I wellands; and/or (c) [Vetlands of any size located at the headwaters of a u..-atercourse, i.e., a wetland with a perennial or seasonal ou fflow channel, but sx,,ilfa no defined inuenl channel, but are not Categoy 1 uvtlands; and/or (d) Wetlands having minimum existing evidence of human -related plysical alteration such as diking, ditching or channelizaliort. I Velland Resources, Inc. 1 Vuecrest II Short Plat December 2014 Crilkal Area Sludy IVRI # 14247 Figure 1: Overview of the subject property PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into 8 single-family residential lots. Access for these lots will be from a proposed road connecting to 102nd Ave SE on the eastern side of the subject property. In order to accomplish this development activity, the applicant is proposing buffer averaging per the provisions established in RMC Chapter 4-3-050(M)(6)(f), which requires: Thal the welland contains variations in ecological sensitivity or there are existing physical improvements in or near the wetland and buffer; and The wetland unit including the off-site portion varies from slightly disturbed with yard waste and detritus from kid -related activities, to less disturbed in the on-site portion. As such, vegetation in the northern portion has a higher concentration of invasive species and the southern portion is more native in composition. The wetland unit is surrounded by residential development and the entirety of the buffer shows signs of human disturbance. ii. That width averaging zcill not adversely impact the wetland functions and values; and Direct compensation of functions and values will be addressed by providing additional buffer of a similar composition to the reduction area at a 1.13:1 ratio, with an approximate buffer increase of 42 square feet. No impacts to existing functions and values of the wetland area are expected by the proposed buffer averaging activity. iii. That the total area contained within the wetland buffer after averaging is not less than that contained within the required standard buffer prior to averaging' and IVetland Resources, Inc. 2 b'uecrest H Short Plat December 2014 Critical Area Study 6vRI # 14247 In order to meet the requirements established for buffer averaging, an addition/ reduction ratio of 1.13:1 is provided. The buffer reduction area totals 313 square feet, while the buffer addition areas total 356 square feet. The final buffer area will be slightly larger than prior to averaging with a total buffer increase of 42 square feet. iv. A site spec) zc evaluation and documentation of hufer adequag, based upon The Science of Welland Bugs and Its Iinplicalions for the lllanagenrent far flretlands, Mclllillan 2000, or similar approaches have been conducted. The proposed buffer standard i.s based on consideration of the best available science as described in fE4S 365-195-905; or where the absence of valid scientific inenation, the steps in 9,1IC 4-9-25OF are followed, The buffer evaluation method identified above provides detailed descriptions of buffer widths and overall effectiveness of protecting wetland and stream functions. Table 4 within the aforementioned document described the differences between 10 -meter and a 15 -meter buffer. As described in the table, both buffer widths provide approximately 60 percent sediment and pollutant removal and provide limited habitat values. The averaging proposal reduces the buffer by 5 feet (1.5 meters) for a small portion of the buffer area (-313 square feet). The current condition of the buffer bordering the on-site portion of the wetland is relatively undisturbed. The applicant is proposing a minimal decrease in this buffer area. Due to the limited reduction in buffer, as well as buffer addition proposed at a 1.14:1 ratio in a similarly undisturbed condition, overall impact to the protection that this buffer provides is minimal. It is the opinion of NYRI that given the increase of 42 square feet in overall buffer area in conjunction with the limited reduction in overall width (-5 feet for <23% of the total buffer length), the proposed buffer averaging provides for an adequate width to protect the wetland and stream system. V. In no instance shall the buffer width be reduced by more than fifty percent (50%) of the standard buffer or be less than lr��eniy firve.feet (25') zvide. Greater buffer zvidth reductions require review as a variance per subsection „,,:3 of this Section and RELIC 4-9-250B.- and The minimum proposed buffer width as part of this averaging activity is 45 -feet, which is 90 percent of the standard 50 -foot buffer. vi. Buffer enhancement in areas a)here the buffer is reduced shall be required on a case-by-case basis where appropriate to site conditions, wetland sensitivity, and proposed land development characteristics. The areas of reduction identified as part of this averaging proposal, are generally natively vegetated with a canopy of large coniferous and deciduous trees, an understory of smaller trees and shrubs, and an intact herbaceous layer. Due to this relatively undisturbed condition and lack of invasives, the reduction area would have a limited lift of function from cnhariccmcnt. Therefore, buffer enhancement .is not proposed. The buffer averaging proposed is to reduce 313 square feet of buffer adjacent to the northwest side of the proposed roadway bordering lot 8 on the northwest side of the subject property. In order to meet the no net loss of buffer requirement, the applicant proposes 356 square feet of additional buffer adjacent to the northwest side of the proposed roadway bordering lot 8 and along the north side of proposed roadway bordering the open space tract west of lot 8. The applicant gill designate all the wetland, stream, and associated buffers as a Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) Tract. YVelland Resources, Inc. 3 Vaeoest II Short Plat Decem her 20) 4 Critical:l rea Study )VRI # 14247 REVIEW OF EXISTING INFORMATION Before conducting on-site investigations, a literature review Nvas performed to identify records of wetlands and streams within the project area_ The following information was examined: • Hydric Soils List Snohomish County Area Washington (NRCS, 200 1) • The National Shetland Plant List: 2014 Update of'Wetland Ratings. I,ichvar, R.W., \I. Buttenwdck, N.C. Melvin, and W.N. Kirchner. 2014. Phytoncuron 2014-41: 1-42. • National Wetlands Inventory map of'prcject area (online wetlands mapper found at littp: / /x,,,�N,�v,fNvs.gov/wetlands/Data/mapper.html) • Web Soil Survey of the project area (onlinc soil survey found at http://wcbsoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSu • Renton Municipal Code (Critical Areas Regulations), 4-3-050 • King County iMAP Interactive flapping Tool, Website accessed at http://�a-x"v.kingcounty.gov/operations/GIS/_flaps/IMAP,aspx • SalmonScape Interactive flapping website administered by the Washington Department of' Fish and Wildlife accessed at http://wdfiv.Nva.gov/mapping/salmonscape/ • WD1,1V Priority Habitats and Species Maps — onlinc version located at: http: //wdfw.wa.gov/mappiug/phs/ WETLAND CLASSIFICATION — COWARDIN SYSTEM According to the Cowardin System, as described in Classification of N'1'etlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States, the classifications for the on-site wetland and streams are as follows: Wetland: Palustrine, Forested, Broad-leaved Deciduous, Saturated. WETLAND CLASSIFICATION -CITY OF RENTON Under the City of Renton"s Critical Area Regulations in Renton's Municipal Code 'AMC), Title 4 Chapter 3-050, the wetlands and streams within the x-- cinity of the subject site are classified as follows: Wetland — Category II The on-site wetland is a dcpressional wetland adjacent to and intermittent stream. This wetland is Classified as a Category II under the RMC 4-3-050(.11), since it is located at the headwater of the off-site strearn arid, as such, receives a standard buffer of 50 feet. WETLAND DETERMINATION REPORT Methodology Wetland Resources' staff conducted a site visit in October 2014, to locate wetlands and streams occurring within and near the project site. Wetland conditions were evaluated using routine Jt,etland Resources, Inc. 4 Iruecrest II Sharl Plat December 2014 Crilical.-1 rea Sludy 117RI # 14247 methodology described in the 1lVashington Stale Wellands Identi lca.tion and Delineation Afanual (Washington State Department of Ecology Publication #96-94, March 1997). Linder this method, the process for making a wetland determination is based on three sequential steps: 1.) Examination of the site for hydrophytic vegetation (species present and percent cover.); 2.) If hydrophytic vegetation is found, the presence of hydric soils is then determined; 3.) The final step is to determine the presence of wetland hydrology in the area examined under the first two steps. The follo Aring criteria descriptions were used in the boundary determination: Vegetation Criteria The 2010 Regional Supplement defines hydrophytic vegetation as "assemblage of macrophytes that occurs in areas where inundation or soil saturation is either permanent or of sufficient frequency and duration to influence plant occurrence." Field indicators were used to determine whether the vegetation meets the definition for hydrophytic vegetation. Soils Criteria and Mapped Description The 2010 Regional Supplement defines hydric soils as "soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part." Field indicators were used to determine whether a given soil meets the definition for hydric soils. The soils underlying the project area are mapped in the Natural Resources Conseryation Service ` eb Soil Sury�v ey as follows. Alderood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes. The following soil descriptions are excerpts from the official soils descriptions found on the NRCS website 'httT)://soils, sda.gov/technical/classificatiori/osd/index.html' Aldowood gravelly sandy loam, Fi to 15 percent slopes (4gC). The AgC soil unit is described as rolling with irregularly shaped areas ranging from 10 to about 600 acres in size. The A Horizon ranges form very dark brown to dark brown. The B horizon is dark brown, grayish brown, and dark yellowish brown. Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Available water capacity is described as low. Included within this soil unit are the poorly drained Norma, Bellingham, Seattle, TukwiIa, Shalcar soils, and Alderwood soils that have slopes more gentle or steeper than 6 to 15 percent. Included soil units make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. T elland Resouras, Inc, 5 Vuecresl II Shoal Plat Decenaher 2014 Critical Area Sludy I VRI # 14247 Hydrology Criteria As stated in the 2010 Regional Supplement, the "term wetland hydrology encompasses all hydrologic characteristics of areas that are periodically inundated or have soils saturated to the surface for a sufficient duration during the growing season." It also explains '`areas with evident characteristics of wetland hydrology arc those where the presence of' water has an overriding influence on characteristics of vegetation and soils due to anaerobic and chemically reducing conditions, respectively." Additionally, the US Army Corps of Engineers 19$7 Wetland Delineation Manual states that "areas which are seasonally inundated and/or saturated to the surface for a consecutive number of days ? 12.5 percent of the growing season are wetlands, provided the soil and vegetation parameters are met. Areas inundated or saturated between 5 and 12.5 percent of' the grow=ing season in most years may or may not be wetlands. Areas saturated to the surface for less than 5 percent of the growing season are non -wetlands." Field indicators were used to determine whether wetland hydrology parameters were met on this site. BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS Wetland The on-site wetland is a linear dcpressional wetland located in the northwest portion of the site. This wetland unit continues off�-site to the north and to the west, and incorporates a portion of an intermittently flowing stream. Vegetation within the wetland consists of a canopy of red alder (Alnus rubra, FAG) and western red cedar (Thuja plicala, FAC), with an understory of salmonberry (Rubu.s spe(tabilis, FAC), spirea (Spiraea douglasii, FacW), lady fern (AthyriumFelix femina, FAC), sedge (Carex sp., OBi), and creeping buttercup (Ranunculus rej)ens, FACIN4 _ Soils in this wetland arc typically a black (2.5Y 2.5/1) clay loam from the surface to seven inches below. The sublayer is a vey dark gray (5Y 3/ 1) clay loam with from seven to thirteen inches below. From thirteen to eighteen plus inches soils were gray (2.5Y 5/1) with redoximorphic features present (5% with color of 2.5Y 5/6). Soils were saturated at six inches below the surface during the October 2014 investigation. The dominance of' species rated "Facultative" or wetter satisfies the criteria for hydrophytic vegetation in the areas mapped as wetland. Based on field indicators of hydric soils and presence of soil saturation at six inches, it appears that the areas mapped as wetland are saturated to the surface for more than 12.5 percent of the growing season. This wetland meets all criteria for designation as a wetland. Non -Wetland The areas mapped as non -wetland are generally forested with a mixed canopy non -mature forest. Vegetation species within the forest generally include Western red cedary (Thuja plicata, FAC), big - leaf maple (Acer rnacroplgllum, FACU), red alder (Alnus rubra, FAC), Oso -berry (Oernleria cerasjormis, FACU), red huckleberry (Vacciniunr panifolium, FACU), beaked hazelnut (Corp4w corputa, FACU), red elderberry (Sarnbucus racernosa, FACU), snowrberry (Syinphoricarpos albus, FACU), creeping blackberry (Rebus urrinu.s, FACU), and swordfcrn (Po�1stichwn munitum, FACU). [Vedand Resources. Inc. 6 6'uecresi II Short Plat December 2014 Critical. -I rea Study [VRI 9 14247 lion -wetland soils were typically a very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) silt loam Ntiith no redoximorphic features from the surface to sixteen plus inches below. These soils were dry during the October 2014 site visit. Based on the lack of field indicators, it appears that areas of the site mapped as non -wetland arc riot saturated to the surface for more than 12.5 percent of the growing season, thereby not fulfilling wetland hydrology criteria. WETLAND FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ASSESSMENT Methodology The methodology for this functions arid values asscssmcrit is based on professional opinion developed through past field analyses and interpretation. This assessment pertains specifically to the wetlands and streams in the vicinity of the site, but is typical for assessments of similar systems common to Western Washington. Functional Components Wetlands in 1-Vcstcrn Washington perform a variety- of ecosystem functions. Included among the most important functions provided by wetlands are: stormwater control, water quality improvement, fish and wildlife habitat; aesthetic value, recreational opportunities and education. The most commonly assessed functions and their descriptions arc listed below. Assessments of these functions for the project site are provided in the "Analysis" section of this report. Hydrologic Eunctions Wetlands often function as natural water storage areas during periods of precipitation and flooding. By storing water that otherwise might be channeled into open flow systems, wetlands can attenuate or modify potentially damaging effects of storm events, reducing erosion arid peak flows to downstream systems. Additionally, the soils underlying wetlands are often less permeable, providing long-term storage of' stormwater or floodflow and controlling baseflows of downstream systems. 5tormwater storage capacity and floodflow attenuation are generally a function of the size of the wetland and their topographic characteristics. Nater Quality Surface water quality improvement is another evaluated function. Surface runoff' during periods of precipitation increases the potential for sediments and pollutants to enter surface water. NVetlarrds improve water quality by acting as filters as water passes through them, trapping sediments and pollutants ftom surface water. Yonded areas vvithin depressional wetlands also allow sediments to drop out of suspension, tliereby increasing water quality. As development increases, lire potential for polluted water to reach wetlands and streams also increases. Unnaturally high inputs of' pollutants, which are often found in urbanized areas, along with the size of the wetlands and the vegetation structure within them are the main limiting factors of this function. [VildlYe habitat Wetlands have potential to provide diverse habitat for aquatic, terrestrial, and avian species for nesting, rearing, resting, cover, and foraging. Wildlife species are commonly dependent upon a variety of intermingled habitat types, including wetlands, adjacent uplands, large bodies of water, Welland Resources. Inc. % T'uecresl II ,Short Plat December 2014 Cri licid A ren Slud_ y IVRI # 14247 and movement corridors between them. Human intrusion, including development within and adjacent to wetlands, and impacts to movement corridors arc the most limiting factors for wildlife habitat functions. Assessments of these functions for the project site are provided below. Existing Conditions Wetland Hydrologic Function The ori -site portion of the wetland is in a topographic depression. Off-site to the west the wetland unit incorporates an intermittent stream. In general, depressional w=etlands with direct connection to an intermittent stream have moderate potential to perfbi•m hydrologic functions. This wetland collects and temporarily stores precipitation as well as floodwater entering downstream systems during storm events. This wetland provides a low to moderate value for this function. Water- Quality The w=etland is moderately vegetated and the residence time of M=ater within this wetland is low to moderate; given its gradient and association with the stream, These characteristics allow for the wetland to serve somewhat as a filter and allow sediment in the water to settle. This wetland provIdcs a low to moderate value for this function. lb'ildlife Habitat This wetland provides a low to moderate level of habitat interspersion given that it is primarily forested. This wetland provides secondary habitat to multiple species of birds. However, the size of this wetland and its proximity to residential development limits its ability to provide a high value for wildlife functions. This wetland provides a moderate value for this function. WILDLIFE During our October v=isit, various bird species were observed_ In addition to these individuals, the list below discusses the wildlife that are expected to use the site. Avian species expected to use the subject site. include: American crow (Corvus braclyr-p"nchos), American robin (Turdus mtgratorius), house finch (Carpodacus rnexicanus), black -capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus), dark-eyedjunco (junco 1g'emalis), bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus), red -breasted nuthatch (Silky canadensis), northern flicker (Colaples auratus), hairy woodpecker (Picoides villosus), downy woodpecker (Dendrocopus r4llosus), red -breasted nuthatch (Sitka canaden.sis), brown creeper (Certhia americana), varied thrush (I.voreus naer!ius), and red-tailed hawk (Buleo jamaicensisj. Mammals expected to use this site include: Virginia opossum (Didelphis vhginiana), shrews (Sorex spp.), coyote (Canis latrans), raccoon (Proct,on lotor), gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), and eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus). Other wildlife expected to use this site include: pacific tree frog (Hyla regilla), northwestern salamander (Amby.stoma gracile), and rough -skinned newt (Taricha granulosa). These lists are not meant to be all-inclusive and may omit species that currently utilize or could utilize the site. IVellarrd Resources, Inc. 6ueoest If Miort Plat December 2014 Critical Area Study WRI # 14247 USE OF THIS REPORT This Critical Area Study is supplied to KBS III LLC as a means of' determining on-site wetland conditions, as required by City of Renton during the permitting process. This report is based largely on readily observable conditions and, to a lesser extent, on readily ascertainable conditions. No attempt has been made to determine hidden or concealed conditions. The laws applicable to wetlands are subject to varying interpretations and may be changed at any time by the courts or legislative bodies. This report is intended to provide information deemed relevant in the applicant's attempt to comply with the laws now in effect. The work for this report has conformed to the standard of care employed by wetland ecologists. No other representation or warranty is made concerning the work or this report and any implied representation or warranty is disclaimed. 11"elland Resources. Inc. � #I 01ye 0& ,Jeff Mallahan .Associate Ecologisl it'etland Ron urres, Inc. 9 Viiecrest H Shurt Plat December 2014 Oiticalalrea Slidy WRI # 14247 REFERENCES Castelle, AJ., C. Conolly, M. Emers, E.D. Metz, S. Meyer, M. Witter, S. Mauermann, T. Erickson, and S.S. Cooke. 1992. Wetland_ Buffers: Use and Effectiveness. Washington. Department of Ecology, Publication No. 92-10. Olympia, AVA. City of Renton Municipal Code, Title 4 Chapter 3. Renton, AWA. Ord. 5286, May 14, 2007. Cooke, Sarah S. 2000. Wetland , and Buffer Functions Semi -Quantitative Asscssmcrrt NIctliodology° (SAM). Cooke Scientific Services. February 2000. Cowardin, et al., 1979. Classification of Wetlands and -Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S.D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service. FIVS/OBS-79/31. December I979. Envirorrmcrital Laboratory. (1987). Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, 'Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Hruby, T. 2004. N-Vashington State wetland rating stem for western Washin ori - Revised. —..._.._ Washington State Department of Ecology Publication # 04-06-025. King County iMap-. Interactive mapping tool. littp: //vv�«v5.kiiigc.ouiity.gov/iNIAP/-V,Iew•cr.litm:'mitpsct=kcproperty. National NVetland Plant List: 20 t 4 Update of Wetland Ratings. Lichvar, R.W., .N1. Buttenv-ick, N.C. Melvin, and W.N. Kirchner. 2014. Phytoneuron 2014-41: 1-42. SalmonScape. Interactive Mapping website administered by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. http://� dfNv.Nva.gov/mapping/salmonsca eP._/iiidex.html. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2010). "Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, arid Coast Region (Version 2.0)," ERDC/EL TR -10-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, XIS. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Nasional Wetlands Inventory wetlands mapper available online at http://Nv-,vw.fvvs.go-,-/%ti,ctlatids/Data/niappei-.]itml. Washington State Wetlands Identification _ and__Dclincation Manual. Washington Statc Department of Ecology. Publication #96-94. _March 1997. Web Soil Survey, United States Department of Agriculture. Natural Resources Conservation Service. littp://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.og v/app/HomePage.htm. T beland Resources, Inc. 10 Euecrest 11 Shat Plat December 201.1 Critical Area .Study TVRI # 14247 N I' C o C o p C W D C cn — -n m m ti Qpm Gr -n5 ik 0z �Z� DC7 N01°13'26"E 167.25' hi o i �J <r 9 WC� r> C T m a ppm n -n -n �O� m m m ;' Z m o� 0 a zcoZ D � �m m CO m v cn � C cn!2 � � D O z — 0 CI} m tb ��r 0 z N � T aim z�� Ln N o a m v m o� cn N � � i rl� z o r m c 90x m cn�,- o �Z _'– m m m L< m zp ' m cn CD OX C) r C CD -Z �0 mr �o�c, m c o y D cn $ m a n N01°16'40"E 168.01' 1 o m< 0 Q CD O n SIDEWALK _ m . rr 1 . sl°EwAZK .— � 1 O_ N j A m� �N � � D� �.L�O �m m � 1\ � N^ n l\ � � w W Q � rn a _ m r m � G N z m C) z O .p N n P7 C� D� �.L�O �m m � 1\ l\ _ m r m � G N z m C) z Appendix A Corps Data Sheets WETLAND DETE NATION DATA FORM — Western Mou is, Valleys, and Coast Region Proiectisite: KBS Ill, LLC CitpCounty: Renton Sampling Date: 1018114 Applicant/Owner: Curtis Schuster State: WA Sampling Point: S1 Investigator(s): MK and JM Section, Township, Range: SEC 32 TWP 23N RGE 05E Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): slightly sloped Local relief (concave, convex, none): concave Slope (%): 2 Subregion (LRR): LAR -A Lat: 47°26'07.89" N Long: 122°12'22.87" W Datum: WGS84 Soil Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes _ NWI classification: none Are climatic 1 hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? YesE No❑ (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation El, Soil F-1, or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes ✓❑ No❑ Are Vegetation El , Soil Jam, or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Present? YesM YesNo No Is the Sampled Area Wetland? YesO No❑ Wetland Hydrology Present? YesNo Species? within a Remarks: 1. Thuja Plicata 10 VEGETATION — Use scientific names of plants. US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast — Version 2.0 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size:. Linear 50x5 % Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Thuja Plicata 10 N FAC That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 4 (A) 2. Acer Marcophyllum 60 Y FACU _ Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 6 (B) 4. 70 Percent of Dominant Species =Total Cover That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 66% (AIB) Saplinq/Shrub Stratum (Plot size:. 50X5 1. Rubrus spectabilis 60 Y FAG Prevalence Index worksheet: 2. Total % Cover of: Multiply by: 3, OBL species x 1 = 4 FACW species __ x 2 = 0 5 FAC species x 3 = 0 60 = Total Cover FACU species x 4 = 0 Herb Stratum (Plot size:. 50X5 UPL species x 5 = 0 1. Stachys cooleyae 30 Y FAC Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 2. Tolmiea menziesii 30 Y FAC 3, Athyrium filix-femina 20 Y FACW Prevalence Index = B1A = 4. Carex obnupta 5 N OBL Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 5. Agrostis stolonifera 5 N FAC ❑ Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation s. ❑✓ Dominance Test is >50% 7 ❑ Prevalence Index is s3.0' 8 ❑ Morphological Adaptations' (Provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 9. ❑ Wetland Non -Vascular Plants' 10. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 11. 90 Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 30 =Total Cover be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size:. 1. Rubus ursinus 20 Y FACU Hydrophytic 2. Vegetation 20 = Total Cover Present? Yes❑J No[:] % Bare Ground in Herb Stratum 10 Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast — Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: S1 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators_) Depth Matrix _ Redox Features Primary Indicators (minimum of one required; check all that apply) (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' Lee Texture Remarks 0-7 2.5Y 2.511 100 ❑ High Water Table (A2) C Lo Saturated to surface 7-13 5Y 311 100 Q Saturation (A3) C Lo 13-18+ 2.5Y 511 95 2.5Y 516 5 C M Sa C Lo 'Type: C=Concentration, D=De letion, RM=Reduced Matrix. CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. ZLocation: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils': ❑ Histosol (Al) ❑ Sandy Redox (S5) ❑ 2 cm Muck (A10) ❑ Histic Epipedon (A2) ❑ Stripped Matrix (S6) ❑ Red Parent Material (TF2) ❑ Black Histic (A3) ❑ Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (except MLRA 1) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF1 2) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) ❑ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) ❑ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) ❑ Depleted Matrix (F3) ❑ Frost -Heave Hummocks (D7) ❑ Thick Dark Surface (Al2) ❑ Redox Dark Surface (F6) 31ndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and ❑ Sandy Mucky Mineral (51) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) wetland hydrology must be present, ❑ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) ❑ Redox Depressions (F8) unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer (if present): Water Table Present? Yes[:] NoQ Type: Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yeso No❑ Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators (minimum of one required; check all that apply) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) ❑ Surface Water (Al) ❑ Water -Stained Leaves (89) (except MLRA ❑ Water -Stained Leaves (139) (MLRA 1, 2, ❑ High Water Table (A2) 1, 2, 4A, and 4S) 4A, and 46) Q Saturation (A3) ❑ Salt Crust (1311) ❑ Drainage Patterns (B10) ❑ Water Marks (137) ❑ Aquatic Invertebrates (1313) ❑ Dry -Season Water Table (C2) ❑ Sediment Deposits (132) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (Cl) ❑ Saturation Visible an Aerial Imagery (C9) ❑ Drift Deposits (133) ❑ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) ❑ Geomorphic Position (132) ❑ Algal Mat or Crust (134) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) ❑ Shallow Aquitard (D3) ❑ Iron Deposits (B5) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) ❑ FAC -Neutral Test (D5) ❑ Surface Soil Cracks (136) ❑ Stunted or Stressed Plants (131) (LRR A) ❑ Raised Ant Mounds (06) (LRR A) ❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (137) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) ❑ Frost -Heave Hummocks (D7) ❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (138) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes[:] NoQ Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Yes[:] NoQ Depth (inches): Saturation Present? Yes❑✓ No❑ Depth (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? YesO No❑ includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast— Version 2.0 WETLAND DETE NATION DATA FORM — Western Mau s, Valleys, and Coast Region Projectl5ite: KBS III, LLC City/County: Renton Sampling Date: 10/8/14 Applicant]Owner: Curtis Schuster State: WA Sampling Point: S2 Investigator(s): MI( and JM Section, Township, Range: SEC 32 TWP 23N RGE 05E Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): sloped Local relief (concave, convex, none): none Slope (%): 10 Subregion (LRR): LRR-A Lat: 47°26'07.89" N Long: 122°12'22.87" W Datum: WGS84 Soil Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes NWI classification: none Are climatic! hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes ✓❑ No❑(If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation F-1 , Soil _Q, or Hydrology = significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes❑✓ No❑ Are Vegetation 71 'Soil �, or Hydrology _Q naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes❑ No✓ Dominance Test worksheet: Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No ✓ 1, Acer Marcophyllum within a Wetland? Yes[::] NoE�] Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Remarks: 3. VEGETATION — Use scientific names of plants. US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast —Version 2.0 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size:. 1505 % Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1, Acer Marcophyllum 20 Y FACU That Are 08L, FACW, or FAC: 0 (A) 2' Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 4 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 24 = Total Cover That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 0% (AB) 5aplinpl5hrub Stratum (Plot size:. 50X5 1. Corylus cornuta 20 Y FACU Prevalence Index worksheet: 2. Oemleria cerasiformis 5 Y FACU Total % Cover of: Multiply by OBL species x 1 = 0 3 4 FACW species x 2 = 0 5 FAC species x 3 = 0 25 = Total Cover FACU species 70 x4= 280 Herb Stratum (Plot size:. 50X5 UPL species x 5 = 0 1. Polystichum munitum 25 Y FACU7Q 280 Column Totals: (A ) (B) 2. 3 Prevalence Index = B/A = 4 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 4 ❑ Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 5 6 ❑ Dominance Test is >50% ❑ Prevalence Index is X3.0' 7 ❑ Morphological Adaptations' (Provide supporting 8 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 9. ❑ Wetland Non -Vascular Plants' 10. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 11. 25 Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must =Total Cover be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size:. 1. Hydrophytic 2_ Vegetation = Total Cover Present? Yes❑ NoE % Bare Ground in Herb Stratum Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast —Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: S2 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features Primary Indicators minimum of one re uired� check (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Type' Loc' Texture Remarks 0-16+ 10 YR 312 100 ❑ Water -Stained Leaves (B9) (MLRA 1, 2, Soil was dry 'Type: C=Concentration, D=De letion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. ?Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils-: ❑ Histosol (Al) ❑ Sandy Redox (S5) ❑ 2 cm Muck (A10) ❑ Histic Epipedon (A2) ❑ Stripped Matrix (S6) ❑Red Parent Material (TF2) ❑ Black Histic (A3) ❑ Loamy Mucky Mineral (171) (except MLRA 1) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF1 2) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) ❑ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) Q Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) ❑ Depleted Matrix (F3) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) ❑ Thick Dark Surface (Al2) ❑ Redox Dark Surface (F6) -Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and ❑ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) wetland hydrology must be present, ❑ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) ❑ Redox Depressions (1`8) unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer (if present): Field Observations: Type: Surface Water Present? Yes ❑ No F] Depth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes❑ Noz Remarks: Depth (inches): HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators minimum of one re uired� check all that apply) Secondary Indicators (2 or more reguLr ❑ Surface Water (Al) ❑ Water -Stained Leaves (B9) (except MLRA ❑ Water -Stained Leaves (B9) (MLRA 1, 2, ❑ High Water Table (A2) 1, 2, 4A, and 413) 4A, and 413) ❑ Saturation (A3) ❑ Salt Crust (1311) ❑ Drainage Patterns (1310) ❑ Water Marks ((31) ❑ Aquatic Invertebrates (613) ❑ Dry -Season Water Table (C2) ❑ Sediment Deposits (132) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (Cl) ❑ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) ❑ Drift Deposits (133) ❑ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) ❑ Geomorphic Position (D2) ❑ Algal Mat or Crust (134) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) ❑ Shallow Aquitard (133) ❑ Iron Deposits (135) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) ❑ FAC -Neutral Test (D5) ❑ Surface Soil Cracks (136) ❑ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) (LRR A) ❑ Raised Ant Mounds (D6) (LRR A) ❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (137) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) ❑ Frost -Heave Hummocks (D7) ❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (138) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes ❑ No F] Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Yes ❑ No0 Depth (inches): Saturation Present? Yes❑ No0 Depth (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes❑ No0 includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast —Version 2.0 0 WASHINGTON FORESTRY CONSULTANTS, INC. FORESTRY AND VEGETATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS 3601943-1723 FAX 3601943-4128 - Final Tree Protection Plan - VUECREST 4909 Main Ave South Renton, WA Prepared for: KBS III, LLC. Prepared by: Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. Date: December 19, 2014 Introduction W F C I 1919 Yelm Hwy SE, Suite C Olympia, WA 98501 The project proponent is planning to construct a new 7 lot subdivision on ---2.42 acres at 4909 Main Ave South in Renton, WA. The proponent has retained WFCI to: • EvaIuate and inventory all trees on the site pursuant to the requirements of the City of Renton Tree Protection Ordinance. • Make recommendations for retention of significant trees, along with required protection and cultural measures. Observations Methodology WFCI has evaluated trees 6 inches diameter at breast height (DBE) and larger in the proposed project area, and assessed their potential to be incorporated into the new project. All trees were numbered at their base. The trees in the northwest corner of the property, a wetland and associated buffer area, were not individually evaluated. Additionally, red alder (Alnus rubra), black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), and Scouler's willow (Salix scouleriana) trees are not included in this evaluation as per Renton Code. The tree evaluation phase used methodology developed by Nelda Matheny and Dr. James Clark in their 1998 publication Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees During Land Development. g `" d �i i l..► JA "}i 2 0 2015 URBAN/RURAL FORESTRY • TREE APPRAISAL • HAZARD TREE AtSKLY$14 : RIGHT-OF-WAYS • VEGETATION MANAGEMENT • ENVIRONMENTAL. STUDIES - CONTRACT FORt6YS Member of International Society of Arboriculture and Society of American Foresters PaLye 2—Vuecrest — k,,.. Tree Protection Plan Site Description The site has an existing home, with a garage and a small shed. The forest was logged many years ago leaving a sparse stand of residual trees. The site was not replanted and bigleaf maple resprouts, red alder, and willow grew back and dominate the site today. A small number of planted trees occur. Overall, tree quality is very poor. The trees on site range between approximately 10 and 70 years old. The site is relatively flat, with the exception of the northwest corner where the topography slops down toward a small wetland. Soil Description According to the USDA Web Soil Survey the soil type is the Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgQ, a moderately deep, moderately well drained soil found on glacial till plains. It is formed in ablation till overlying basal till. A weakly cemented hardpan is at a depth of 20 to 40 inches. Permeability is moderately rapid above the hardpan and very slow in the pan. Available water capacity is low. The effective rooting depth for trees is 20-40 inches. A perched seasonal high water table is at a depth of 15-36 inches from November to March. The potential for windthrow of trees is moderate under normal conditions. New trees require irrigation for establishment. In areas where grading brings the hardpan nearer to the surface, the hardpan must be fractured under new trees to provide soil volume for root development and to improve drainage around the tree. Figure 1. Soils map from NRCS showing 1 soil type — Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. Tree Conditions The project area consists of one forest cover type, ---90% of which is a natural stand. An inventory and assessment of the trees in the stand was conducted to determine the composition and health of the forest. Tyne 1• -- Most of the trees in this type are native species. The native species found in this type include bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), Douglas -fir (Pseudotsuga menziesh), western red Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 2 Page 3—Vuecrest Ii Tree Protection Plan cedar (Thuja plicata), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and western white pine (Pinus rnonticola). Other less prevalent tree species scattered across the type include apple cultivars (Malas domestica), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), cherry (Prunus spp.), crabapple (Malus spp.), American holly (11ex opaca), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), and Norway spruce (Picea abies). A total of 117 trees exist on the parcel, ranging in diameter from 3 to 38 inches DBH. Sixty- eight (68) of the trees were classified as sound, healthy, long-term trees in the dominant and co- dominant crown class. The other 49 trees are not long-term trees due to structural defects or poor health (dead, diseased, or hazardous). Table 1. Summary of Trees in Tvpe 1. *Dead, diseased, or hazardous. **Le.s.s prevalent tree species. Off -Site Impacts Tree removal on this parcel will not impact trees on any surrounding parcels. Discussion Potential for Tree Retention The only potential for retaining existing trees in this project is along the southerly parcel boundary at the back lots 1, 5, and 6, and in the open space in the southwest corner of the parcel. Eleven trees occur that are suitable for retention in these areas. The proposed `save' trees are illustrated on the proposed site plan in Attachment #2. A detailed list of all trees by species, DBH, crown position, condition, root protection zone (RPZ), drip line (D/L) radius, save/remove potential, and retention availability is provided in Attachment #3. Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 3 # of # of Trees in Species DBH Total # of Healthy Poor Composition Species Range (in.) Trees/acre Trees Trees Health* of Stand Bi leaf Maple 4-26 24.7 60 31 29 51.3% Douglas -fir 7-38 14.7 32 27 5 27.3% Western Red 6-18 2.8 6 5 1 5.1% Cedar Western 6-22 09 2 1 1 1.7% Hemlock Western 13-22 1.8 4 3 1 3.4% White Pine Other* * 3-24 6.9 13 1 12 11.1% Sum 3-38 53.9 117 68 49 100% *Dead, diseased, or hazardous. **Le.s.s prevalent tree species. Off -Site Impacts Tree removal on this parcel will not impact trees on any surrounding parcels. Discussion Potential for Tree Retention The only potential for retaining existing trees in this project is along the southerly parcel boundary at the back lots 1, 5, and 6, and in the open space in the southwest corner of the parcel. Eleven trees occur that are suitable for retention in these areas. The proposed `save' trees are illustrated on the proposed site plan in Attachment #2. A detailed list of all trees by species, DBH, crown position, condition, root protection zone (RPZ), drip line (D/L) radius, save/remove potential, and retention availability is provided in Attachment #3. Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 3 4—Vuecrest — Tree Protection Plan Tree Density Calculations Title 4-4-130 of the Renton Municipal Code requires that a minimum of 30% of all healthy significant trees in buildable areas be retained on the project. The following is a summary of the required and planned tree retention: Total Project Area Critical Areas and Buffers Rights -of -ways Buildable Area Total Number of Significant Trees on Site (excluding critical areas) Trees Excluded from Retention Calculation: Trees that are Dead Diseased or Dangerous Healthy Trees in Proposed Public Streets Trees in Critical Areas and Buffers (Not Inventoried) Number of Healthy, Significant Trees in Buildable Area: Required Tree Retention: 30% of healthy significant trees in buildable area: Planned Tree Retention Excess of Retention over the Minimum Requirement 2.45 acres 0.19 acres 0.58 acres 1.68 acres 117 trees 49 trees 30 trees NIA 38 trees 11 trees 11 trees 0 trees There are 38 healthy significant trees in the buildable area of the site. At least 11 of these trees need to be retained to meet the 30% requirement of the City of Renton Code. The proposed plan retains 11 trees outside of the critical areas and buffers, which meets the minimum retention requirement. No tree replacement will be required. The landscape plan (prepared by others) should incorporate some native conifer trees along with deciduous accent and shade trees to provide a mix of color, texture, and size in the project. Washington Forestry Consultants, Ine. 4 5—Vuecrest — h Tree Protection Plan Recommendations Tree Protection Measures Trees to be saved must be protected during construction by a six foot high chain link fencing (Attachment #8), located at the edge of the critical root zone (CRZ). Placards shall be placed on the fencing every 50 feet indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING - Protected Trees". The individual CRZ are a radius of one foot for each one inch of DBH (6 feet minimum), unless otherwise delineated by WFCI (see Attachments #3 and 4). Tree protection fences should be placed around the edge of the critical root zone (CRZ). The fence should be erected after logging but prior to the start of clearing. The fences should be maintained until the start of the landscape installation. There should be no equipment activity (including rototilling) within the critical root zone. No irrigation lines, trenches, or other utilities should be installed within the CRZ. Cuts or fills should impact no more than 20% of a tree's root system. If topsoil is added to the root zone of a protected tree, the depth should not exceed 2 inches of a sandy loam or loamy fine sand topsoil and should not cover more than 20% of the root system. If roots are encountered outside the CRZ during construction, they should be cut cleanly with a saw and covered immediately with moist soil. Noxious vegetation within the critical root zone should be removed by hand. If a proposed save -tree must be impacted by grading or fills, then the tree should be re-evaluated by WFCI to determine if the tree can be saved with mitigating measures, or if the tree should be removed. Pruning and Thinning All individual trees to be saved near or within developed areas should have their crowns raised to provide a minimum of 8 feet of ground clearance over sidewalks and landscape areas, 15 feet over parking lots or streets, and at least 10 feet of building clearance. All pruning should be done according to the ANSI A300 standards for proper pruning, and be completed by an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist', or be supervised by a Certified Arborist. Conclusions and Timeline for Activity 1. 11 trees are proposed to be retained on the site in the buildable area. 2. The final, approved tree protection plan map should be included in the construction drawings for bid and construction of the project and should be labeled as such. 3. Contact WFCI to attend pre job conference and discuss tree protection issues with contractors. WFCI can verify all trees to be saved and/or removed are adequately marked for retention. Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 5 Page 6—Vuecrest — h Tree Protection Plan 4. Install tree protection fences along the 'limits of construction'. The fences should be located at the limits of construction or 5 feet outside of the dripline of the save tree or as otherwise specified by WFCI. Maintain fences throughout construction. 5. Complete logging. Complete necessary hazard tree removals and invasive plant removals from the tree protection areas. No equipment should enter the tree protection areas during logging. 6. Complete clearing of the project. 7. Do not excavate stumps within 10' of trees to be saved. These should be individually evaluated by WFCI to determine the method of removal. 8. Complete all necessary pruning on save trees or stand edges to provide at least 8' of ground clearance near sidewalks and trails, and 15' above all driveways or access roads. 9. Complete grading and construction of the project. Summary The City of Renton Municipal Code requires 1 i of the 38 significant trees be retained on the buildable area of the site. This plan retains 11 trees, which meets the minimum tree retention requirement. Please give me a call if you have further questions. Respectfully submitted, Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. Ak--A. Galen M. Wright, ASCA, ACF ISA Board Certified Master Arborist PN -0129 BU Certified Forester No. 44 ISA Tree Risk Assessor attachments: aerial photo with forest cover types site plan with tree protection areas Tree maps with tree numbers and tree retention tree list individual tree condition rating key description of tree evaluation methodology glossary of forestry and arboricultural terms tree protection fence detail assumptions and limiting conditions Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 6 Page 7 -Vuecrest— Tree Protection Plan Attachment #1: Aerial Photo of Vuecrest Site with Forest Cover Types (Icing County Parcel Viewer 2,0) Approximate Site Boundary Planned Save Trees Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. NORTH No Scale I Pa e 8 Vuecrest —1~ _____ Tree Protection Plan Attachment #2: Vuecrest Proposed Site Plan Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. II.LBPNJYA6 9x" YM'3-N3TF3FI LQ4 m a1Y19'L93i1$ FU 3♦ OZGZI - 'rsve v '..,. NYld NOUNaL% 3311 J.NVTiT9tld Al NOUVWC4i00 1x3mO'Hh3O Box mal M n erg✓� �u. �ze, �I�VNEa vad E €i tT �3i'9tY d2a _� _ FF3 i j 17; G' W � a a �P J. I Y ! = t Z 1 1"♦ f�\ i � 3a ,�pp�� ni ...------- Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. Pae 9 —Vuecrest P -- --- Tree Protection Plan Attachment # 3. Tree locations with numbers and planned retention. EAST HALF 60 OV 59 - - ROAD A; a 30 B 17 16 ; f5 14 13 f2 11 10 � '! 34 32 56 37 .A 4 31 a x 49 19 -- - EXISTING STRUCTURES: .. _ ....... _ I TO BE DEMOMHED Jj�j 7 � I I y - X i' 25 I y ao 6 E o 24 1 z 41 3 - -.. 21 5 } { 22 26 23 47 LL EXISTING SHED TO M DEMO SHED _ • 483 957 Tree Protection Fence Locations (Typ.) WEST HALF so 94 . / FJ99'LS28 E 436.; 59 "V - q5 68.. t 41 _ 5$ 63 ! { 3 961 . . 37 P.p to n 93 87 B6 r,� _ .. - 56 ... _ 128. �— B9 = - i - - -90 TRACT - CPoTSCa1 MEAT 90 . ' j as ... 67_ 1# 99 84 72 55 m 73 75 I 69 54 40 .�-_- 9� 108. 104 B3 741 m _rte 109 f0f 76 70 6 107 _ 7 71 _ _ -may p 103 102 77 7@ 41 s �' 1 112 p 79 51 52 { 105 if1 t06' 8 6 �' 80 49 - f OPEN SPACEMEE—/ `` 81 47 PRESERVATION EASEMENT � 744 A e . Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 9 10—Vuecrest — ....al Tree Protection Plan Attachment #4: Inventory list of project area trees A detailed list of all trees by species, DBH, crown position, condition, root protection zone (RPZ), drip line D/L radius, tree health status, and save/removepotential: Tree Spp. DBH Crown Tree D/L Position Condition RPZ Radius Healthv Tree? Save/ Remove I DF 12.3 S P -Topped 8 12 YES Remove 2 DF 17 C G 10 14 YES Save 3 DF 12.2 C G 8 12 YES Save 4 NS 24 D G 16 16 YES Save 5 CH 7 S VP 6 12 NO Remove 6 CH 10 S VP 8 16 NO Remove 7 CH 6 S VP 6 10 NO Remove 8 CH 8 S P 8 16 NO Remove 9 BM 4-8 S P 14 25 NO Rcmove 10 WP 14 C F 10 12 YES Rcmove 1I WP 13 S VP NO Remove 12 WP 14 C F 10 16 YES Remove 13 WP 22 C F 12 20 YES Remove 14 DF 18 C F 10 18 YES Remove 15 DF 26 C G 12 20 YES Remove 16 LP 8 S P 6 8 NO Remove 17 DF 24 C F 12 20 YES Remove 18 DF 16 C G 10 14 YES Remove 19 DF 38 D G 18 22 YES Remove 20 DF 32 D F 14 20 YES Remove 21 BL 3-7 C P 8 10 NO Remove 22 holt 6-8 P 8 8 NO Remove 23 apple 10 VP NO Remove 24 apple 8,6 VP NO Remove 25 apple 8,10 VP NO Rcmove 26 apple l0 VP NO Remove 27 DF 17 C F 12 18 YES Remove 28 DF 10 S F 8 8 YES Remove 29 DF 14 C F 10 14 YES Remove 30 WH 22 D F 12 20 YES Remove 31 DF 12 C G 12 15 YES Remove 32 DF 14 C G 12 18 YES Remove 33 BM 16,10 C F 12 20 YES Remove 34 DF 32 D F 14 22 YES Remove 35 BM 9 C P 10 12 NO Remove 36 BM 6 C P 8 10 NO Remove 37 BM 10-12 C P 12 16 NO Remove 38 BM 6-8 C P 1 12 J 15 NO Remove Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 10 I I—Vuecrest — ....a1 Tree Protection Plan Tree Spp. DBH Crown Position Tree Condition RPZ D/L Radius Healthy Tree? Save/ Remove 39 BM 4-10 C P 12 16 NO Remove 40 BM 7-10 C P 15 22 NO Remove 41 DF 35 D F 15 25 YES Remove 42 DF 14 C G 8 14 YES Save 43 DF 9 S F 6 10 YES Save 44 BM 6-10 D F 12 16 YES Save 45 BM 7-10 C P NO Remove 46 BM 10 C F 12 20 YES Save 47 BM 8-15 C P 12 20 NO Remove 48 BM 8,14 C F 12 15 YES Save 49 BM 4-8 C P NO Remove 50 BM 16,18 C F 10 15 YES Removc 51 BM 4-6 C P NO Remove 52 BM 14-15 C F 12 25 YES Remove 53 BM 8-11 C F 10 15 YES Remove 54 DF 18 C F 12 18 YES Remove 55 DF 26 D F 15 20 YES Remove 56 BM 10 C VP NO Remove 57 BM 10 C F 8 12 YES Remove 58 BM 7 S F 6 10 YES Remove 59 BM Off site 60 BM Off site 61 BM 7-14 C F 12 15 YES Remove 62 BM 10 C F 8 12 YES Remove 63 BM 14 C F 10 12 YES Remove 64 BM 12,11 C P NO Remove 65 BM 16 D F 10 12 YES Remove 66 BM 7 S P 6 8 NO Remove 67 CB 7 S P NO Removc 68 BM 10-14 C P NO Remove 69 BM 12-14 C F 12 20 YES Remove 70 DF 24 D F 12 16 YES Remove 71 DF 11 S P 8 10 NO Remove 72 BM 12 C P NO Remove 73 BM 9 S VP NO Remove 74 DF 22 C VP NO Remove 75 BM 12 C VP NO Remove 76 DF 26 D F 12 15 YES Remove 77 BM 8-15 C P 12 18 NO Remove 78 1 RC 18 D VP NO Remove Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 12—Vuecrest _ ...al Tree Protection Plan Tree Spp. DBH Crown Position Tree Condition RPZ D/L Radius Healthy Tree? Save/ Remove 79 DF 9 C G 8 12 YES Remove 80 BM 16 D F 10 16 YES Remove 81 BM 18 D VP NO Remove 82 DF 20 D F 14 16 YES Remove 83 DF 13 C F 10 12 YES Remove 84 BM 20,18 C F 12 16 YES Remove 85 RC 14 S F 10 12 YES Remove 86 BM 12 C F 10 12 YES Remove 87 BM ll C P 8 10 NO Remove 88 WH 6 S P NO Remove 89 DF 34 D F 12 18 YES Remove 90 DF 8 S P ILIO Remove 91 RC 10 S G 8 12 YES Remove 92 DF 12 S P NO Remove 93 RC 10 S F 8 12 YES Remove 94 BM Off site 95 DF 7 S P 8 12 NO Remove 96 RC 11 S G 10 15 YES Remove 97 RC 6 S F 6 10 YES Remove 98 BM 10-14 C P 10 15 NO Remove 99 BM 8-12 C VP NO Remove 100 BM 10 S P NO Remove 101 BM l i C F 8 12 YES Remove 102 BM 16 D F 10 15 YES Remove 103 13M 8-10 C VP NO Remove 104 BM 8 C VP NO Remove 105 BM 12 C dead NO Remove 106 BM 11 C F 10 10 YES Remove 107 BM 8,10 C F 10 14 YES Remove 108 BM 5-16 C F 10 14 YES Remove 109 BM 10,14 C F 10 14 YES Remove 110 BM 9 C F 10 12 YES Remove 111 BM 14,13 C P NO Remove 112 BM 12 C dead NO Remove 113 BM 13 C F 10 12 YES Remove 114 BM 8-12 C F 10 14 YES Remove 115 BM 13-17 D F 12 16 YES Save 116 BM 7 S F 6 8 YES Save 117 BM 14-23 D F 12 20 YES Save 118 BM 12,26 C F 12 15 YES Remove 119 DF 11 C F 8 10 YES I Remove Washingto+r Forestry Consultants, Inc. 12 Page 13—Vuecrest — _ _..al Tree Protection PIan Tree Sj2p, DBH Crown Position Tree Condition D/L RPZ Radius Healthy Tree? Save/ Remove 120 BM 8 C P NO Remove = Species,- DF= Douglas fir; BM=bigleaf'nzaple; WH— Avestern hemlock; RC= westernred cedar; SS = Sitka spruce; NS = Norway spruce; CB = crabapple; CH = cherry. Crown Position: D — Dominant; C = Co -dominant; I = Intermediate; S = Suppressed. Tree Condition: VG — Very good; G = Good; F = Fair; P = Poor; VP = Veiy poor. Note: some trees had multiple stems, thus a range of DBH's. Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 13 Page 14—Vueerest _ -_al Tree Protection Plan Attachment #5: Individual Tree Rating Key for Tree Condition RATING SYMBOL DEFINITION Very Good VG • Balanced crown that is characteristic of the species • Normal lateral and terminal branch growth rates for the species and soil type • Stem sound, normal bark vigor • No root problems • No insect or disease problems • Long-term, attractive tree Good G • Crown lacking symmetry but nearly balanced • Normal lateral and terminal branch growth rates for the species and soil type • Minor twig dieback O.K. • Stem sound, normal bark vigor • No root problems • No or minor insect or discasc problems — insignificant • Long-term tree Fair F • Crown lacking; symmetry due to branch loss • Slow lateral and terminal branch growth rates for the species and soil type + Minor and major twig dieback — starting to decline • Stem partly unsound, slow diameter growth and low bark vigor • Minor root problems • Minor insect or disease problems • Short-term tree 10-30 years Poor P • Major branch loss — unsymmetrical crown • Greatly reduced growth • Several structurally import dead or branch scaffold branches • Stem has bark loss and significant decay with poor bark vigor • Root damage • Insect or disease problems - remedy required • Short-term tree I-10 years Very Poor VP • Lacking adequate live crown for survival and growth • Severe decline • Minor and major twig dieback • Stem unsound, bark sloughing, previous stem or large branch failures, very poor bark vigor • Severe root problems or disease • No or minor insect or disease problems • Mortality expected within the next few years Dead DEAD + Dead Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 14 Pae 15 Vuecrest — - ___al Tree Protection Plan Cultural Care Needs: ABBRV. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION CC Crown Pruning of dead, dying, diseased, damaged, or defective branches over 1/2 inch in Cleaning diameter —includes removal of dead tops CT Crowd Pruning of branches described in crown cleaning, plus thinning of up to 20% of the Thinning live branches over 1/2 inch diameter. Branch should be 1/3 to % the diameter of the lateral branch. Thinning should be well distributed throughout crown of tree, and should release healthy, long-term branches. RC Crown Reduction of the crown of a tree by pruning to lateral branches. Generally used to Reduction remove declining branches or to lighten end weight on long branches. CR Crown Pruning of lower branches to remove deadwood or to provide ground or building Raising clearances_ RMV Remove Remove tree due to decline or hazardous conditions that cannot be mitigated by pruning. RS Remove Remove basal sprouts from stein of tree. Sprouts Rep Replace Tree is small — is in decline or dead. Replace with suitable tree species. HT Hazard Tree Tree is hazardous and cannot be mitigated by pruning. Recommendation is to remove tree. Norte No Work No work necessary at this time. Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 15 16—Vuecrest — _ ___al Tree Protection Pian Attachment #6: Description of Tree Evaluation Methodology The evaluation of the tree condition on this site included the visual assessment of: 1. Live -crown ratio, 2. Lateral and tenninal branch growth rates, 3. Presence of dieback in minor and major scaffold branches and twigs, d_ Foliage color, S. Stem soundness and other structural defects, 6. Visual root collar examination, 7. Presence of insect or disease problems. 8. Windfirnnness if tree removal will expose this tree to failure. In cases where signs of internal defect or disease were suspected, a core sample was taken to look for stain, decay, and diameter growth rates. Also, root collars were exposed to look for the presence of root disease. In all cases, the overall appearance of the tree was considered relative to its ability to add value to either an individual lot or the entire subdivision. Also, the scale of the tree and its proximity to both proposed and existing houses was considered. Lastly, the potential for incorporation into the project design is evaluated, as well as potential site plan modifications that may allow otherwise removed tree(s) to be both saved and protected in the development. Trees that are preserved in a development must be carefully selected to make sure that they can survive construction impacts, adapt to a new environment, and perform well in the landscape. Healthy, vigorous trees are better able to tolerate impacts such as root injury, changes in soils moisture regimes, and soil compaction than are low vigor trees. Structural characteristics are also important in assessing suitability. Trees with significant decay and other structural defects that cannot be treated are likely to fail. Such trees should not be preserved in areas where damage to people or property could occur. Trees that have developed in a forest stand are adapted to the close, dense conditions found in such stands. When surrounding trees are removed during clearing and grading, the remaining trees are exposed to extremes in wind, temperature, solar radiation, which causes sunscald, and other influences. Young, vigorous trees with well-developed crowns are best able to adapt to these changing site conditions. Washington Forestq, Consultants, Inc. 16 17—Vuecrest — _ ___al Tree Protection Plan Attachment #7: Glossary of Forestry and Arboricultural Terminology DBH: Diameter at Breast Height (measured 4.5 ft. above the ground line on the high side of the tree). Caliper: Iii the City of Renton - Caliper is referring to diameter measurement at DBH. Live Crown Ratio: Ratio of live foliage on the stem of the tree. Example: A 100' tall tree with 40 feet of live crown would have a 40% live crown ratio. Conifers with less than 30% live crown ratio are generally not considered to be long-term trees in forestry. Crown: Portion of a trees stem covered by live foliage. Crown Position: Position of the crown with respect to other trees in the stand. Dominant Crown Position: Receives light from above and from the sides. Codominant Crown Position: Receives light from above and some from the sides. Intermediate Crown Position: Receives little light from above and none from the sides. Trees tend to be slender with poor live crown ratios. Suppressed Crown Position: Receives no light from above and none from the sides_ Trees tend to be slender with poor live crown ratios. Washington Foresiry Consultants, Inc. 17 Page 18—Vueerest — _ ...al Tree Protection Plan Attachment #8: Tree Protection Fence Detail ANCHOR POSTS SNCULL BE MINIL m 6' TALL 'T -BAR' FENCE PASTS TD A DEPTH OF HO LE55 OF THE TOTAL HEIGHT OF THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE sHov D BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION AND ORAOMC. AND NOT TO BE REMOVED UNTIL FINAL LANDSCAPING 15 IN PROGRESS. AT NO TIME SHALL EQUIPMENT ENTER INTO THE MOOT PROTECTION ZONE (RAZ). ALL BRUSH CLEANUP WITHIN THE RPZ SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY NANO TO PREVENT DISTURBANCE OF NATTVE GROUND COYERS NO CUTS OR FR.LS, UTILITY TRENCHING. MOD¢TCATTONS TO ORAINACF- OR CONCRETE RISE WATER SHOULD IWACT THE RPZ NO WIRES, CABLES, OR OTHER DEVICES SHOULD BE ATrAC NED TO PROTECTED TREES DURM CONSTRUCTION. IF IMPACTS MUST OCCUR WITHIN THE RPL CONTACT VWCI PRIOR TO THE OPERATIONS TO DE7ERHINE THE PROPER PROCEDURE TO PROTECT THE TREE'S HEALTH. Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 18 19—Vuecrest — . ,,.al Tree Protection Plan Attachment #9: Assumptions and Limiting Conditions I) Any legal description provided to the Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. is assumed to be correct. Any titles and ownership's to any property are assumed to be good and marketable. No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character. Any and all property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management. 2) It is assumed that any property is not in violation of any applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other governmental regulations, unless otherwise stated. 3) Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been verified insofar as possible; however, Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of information. 4) Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. shall not be required to give testimony or to attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services as described in the fee schedule and contract of engagement. 5) Loss or alteration of any part of this report invalidated the entire report. 6) Possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply right of publication or use for any purpose by any other than the person to whom it is addressed, without the prior expressed written or verbal consent of Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 7) Neither all or any part of the contents of this report, nor copy thereof, shall be conveyed by anyone, including the client, to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sates or other media, without the prior expressed written or verbal consent of Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. -- particularly as to value conclusions, identity of Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc., or any reference to any professional society or to any initialed designation conferred upon Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. as stated in its qualifications. 8) This report and any values expressed herein represent the opinion of Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc., and the fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified value, a stipulated result, the occurrence neither of subsequent event, nor upon any finding in to reported. 9) Sketches, diagrams, graphs, and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. 10) Unless expressed otherwise: 1) information contained in this report covers only those items that were examined and reflects the condition of those items at the time of inspection; and 2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that problems or deficiencies of the tree or other plant or property in question may not arise in the future. Note: Every healthy frees can fail under normal or storm conditions. The only way to eliminate all risk is to remove all trees within reach of all targets. Annual monitoring by an ISA Certified Arborist or Certified Forester will reduce the potential of tree failures. It is impossible to predict with certainty that a tree will stand or fail, or the timing of the failure. It is considered an Act of God' when a tree fails, witless it is directly felled or pushed over by man's actions. Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. 19 :' � ... • i*i+rF •:�' '�,i{��• � fir` �•� f.. '- Earth Solutions .Nr. .:' �:� •may r, , f .r _ - Mic .i`. •� �_ j � :Yt'C ' 2' j. •- :yr r h A•... o�7 -r r�1.. +�-�++ �� ,yam + �r_ •-AST r qL I • ' ! , I'L A. k PREPARED FOR KBS III, LLC December 15, 2014 V:4" --v �>� Hen4 T. Wright, E.I.T. Staff Engineer Raymond A. Coglas, P.E. Principal GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY VUECREST DIVISION 11 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 4909 MAIN AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON ES -3592 Earth Solutions NW, LLC 1805-136 th Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 426-449-4711 Toll Free: 866-336-8710 � Geotechnical Engineering Report — ) Geotechnical Services Are Performed top Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engi- neer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical engineering report is unique, prepared solelyfor the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one — not even you —should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Based on A Unique Set of Project -Specific factors Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique, project -specific fac- tors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size; and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates oth- erwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, • not prepared fcr the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, • elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes --even minor ones—and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed Do notrely oR a geotechnical engineer- ing reportwhose adequacy may have been affected by. the passage cf time; by man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctua- tions. Always contact the gectechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Hndiings Are Prolessional Opinions Sife exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engi- neers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ—sometimes significantly— from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechrical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction reccmmerrdations included in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engi- neers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during „4nstruction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibitity or liability for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. tower that risk by heaving your geo- technicai engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review perti- nent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnicai engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field lags and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should neverbe redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic cr electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give co i - tractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest tee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contrac- tors have sufficienttime to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read- Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disci- plines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disipintments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations" many of these provisions indicate where geotechnieal engineers' responsi- bilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenviron- mental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations, e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoen- vironmental infermat'on, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk man- agement guidance. oo rot rely on ao environmentai report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during buld'ng design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies shouid be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a com- prehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mo€d infestations, a num- ber of maid prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and simliar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings are conveyed in -this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services per- formed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold preven- tion. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself he sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved - Rely, on Your ASIFIE-Member Geotechncial Engineer for Additiaml Assistance Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with you ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. ASFE She test People ea lerti 6811 Colesvide Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MQ 20910 Telephone: 361/565-2733 FdcJmile:301/589-201! e-nraik info@asfeerg ,vwwasfe.org Copyright 2004 by ASFE, Inc- Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in wboie or re part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with ASrE's specific written permission, Emipting, Quoting, or omerwlso extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of ASFF, and only for purposes of scholarty research or book review. Only members of ASFE may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses U1is document without being an ASFE member could be committing negligent or intentional (6audblent) misrepresentation. IGER06W.DM December 15, 2014 ES -3592 KBS ill, LLC 12320 Northeast 8t'' Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Attention: Mr. Kolin Taylor Dear Mr. Taylor: L earth Solutions NWicc Earth Solutions NW LLC • Geotechnical Engineering • (_on.,trXtion ,ti1oni.oring • Envirnnmcw� al Scicnfcs Earth Solutions NW, LLC (ESNW) is pleased to present this report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Vuecrest Division Il Residential Development, 4909 Main Avenue South, Renton, Washington". In general, the site is underlain primarily by firm glacial till deposits. In our opinion, the proposed residential structures can be supported on conventional continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils, re -compacted native soils, or new structural fill. Competent soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of approximately two to three feet below existing grades. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with a suitable structural fill material will be necessary. Recommendations for foundation design, retaining wall design, site preparation, drainage, and other pertinent recommendations are provided in this study. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have questions regarding the content of this geotechnical engineering study, please call. incere , EARTH SOLUTION Raymon Principal .E. 1805 - 736th Place N.E., Suite 201 1 Bellevue, WA 98005 0 (425) 449-4704 • FAX (425) 449-4711 Table of Contents ES -3592 PAGE INTRODUCTION................................................................ _ General...................................................................... Project Description ....................................................... SITE CONDITIONS ........... ...................................................... 2 Surface........................................................................ 2 Subsurface................................................................... 2 Topsoil............................................................... 2 Fill........... ....................... ___ ......................... 2 NativeSoil .......................................................... 3 Geologic Setting.. ................................................ 3 Groundwater ........................................... ..................... 3 CRITICAL AREAS AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDOUS ASSESSMENT. 3 Slope Reconnaissance ................................................... 3 Landslide Hazard .............. __ ....................................... 3 SteepSlopes ........... ..................................................... 4 ErosionHazard .............................................................. 4 Analysis of Proposal ...................................................... 5 Minimum Critical Area Buffer & Setback ..... ........... ........ 5 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS_ ............................... 5 General........................................................................ 5 Site Preparation and Earthwork ....................................... 6 Site Stripping Recommendations ................................ 6 Temporary Erosion Control .......................................... 6 In -Situ Soils ............................. ................................ ..... 6 Wet Season Grading ............................................. 6 ImportedSoils .... ................................... ...................... 7 Building and Pavement Subgrade Preparation.......... 7 StructuralFill ................................................................. 7 Excavations and Slopes .......................................................... 8 Foundations............................................................... 8 Seismic Design Considerations ...................................... 9 Slab -On -Grade Floors .................................................... 9 Retaining Walls ............................................................ 9 Earth Solutions NW, LLC Table of Contents Continued ES -3592 PAGE Drainage................................................................................. 10 Infiltration Evaluation ........................................... 10 Preliminary Storm Vault Design .............................. 10 Utility Support and Trench Backfill .................................... 11 Pavement Sections ...... . ....... . . ...... . ... . ............................. 12 LIMITATIONS .......................... . ............ I ....... , .. _ ...... _ ..... , ........ 12 Additional Services....................................................... 12 GRAPHICS Plate 7 Vicinity Map Plate 2 Test Pit Location Plan Plate 3 Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Plate 4 Footing Drain Detail APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Subsurface Exploration Test Pit Logs Laboratory Test Results Sieve Analysis Results Earth Solutions NW, LLC GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY VUECREST DIVISION II RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 4909 MAIN AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON ES -3592 INTRODUCTION General This geotechnical engineering study was prepared for the residential development to be constructed west of 102" d Avenue Southeast at 4909 Main Avenue South in Renton, Washington. The purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions across the site and develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed project. Our scope of services for completing this geotechnical engineering study included the following: • Subsurface exploration and characterization of soil and groundwater conditions by excavating a series of test pits within accessible locations of the property; • Laboratory testing of soil samples obtained during subsurface exploration, including soil textural analyses; • Engineering analyses and recommendations for the proposed development, and; Preparation of this report. The following documents/maps were reviewed as part of our report preparation: • Preliminary Plans, prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated December 4, 2014; » Boundary & Topographic Survey, prepared by Contour Engineering, LLC, dated November 5, 2014; • Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington, prepared by D. R. Mullineaux, dated 1965, and; • King County, Washington, Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), chapter 5.4, prepared by King County Department of Natural Resources, dated September 1998. Project Description Based on the preliminary site layout provided to us by KBS III, LLC, the subject site will be developed with seven residential lots, an access roadway, and a storm vault. Given the topography of the site, we anticipate grading activities will likely involve cuts and fills on the order of two to six feet in some locations to establish the final design grades. Retaining wails or rockeries may also be utilized to accommodate the planned grading. KBS III, LLC ES -3592 December 15, 2014 Page 2 The proposed residential structures are anticipated to consist of relatively lightly -loaded wood framing supported on conventional foundations. Based on our experience with similar developments, we estimate wall loads on the order of two kips per lineal foot and slab -on -grade loading of 150 pounds per square foot (psf). If the above design assumptions are incorrect or change, ESNW should be contacted to review the recommendations in this report. ESNW should review the final design to confirm that our geotechnical recommendations have been incorporated into the plans. SITE CONDITIONS Surface The subject site is located west of 102nd Avenue Southeast at 3903 Main Avenue South in Renton, Washington, as illustrated on the Vicinity Map (Plate 1). The site consists of one residential parcel (King County parcel number 3223059097) covering approximately 2.45 acres of land area. The subject site is currently occupied by a single-family residence, driveway, and yard area in the eastern portion of the site with lightly forested land throughout the western portion of the site. A wetland is mapped in the northwest corner of the site. Topography of the majority of the site appears to be relatively level with a moderate northwest descending slope in the northwest corner of the site. The site is bordered by single-family residences to the north and south, 102nd Avenue Southeast (Main Avenue South) to the east, and undeveloped forested land to the west. The Test Pit Location Plan (Plate 2) illustrates the approximate local topography and limits of the property. Subsurface Four test pits were excavated on accessible portions of the site on October 14, 2014 for the purpose of assessing the soil and groundwater conditions, as well as determining soil infiltration) feasibility. Please refer to the test pit logs provided in Appendix A for a more detailed description of the subsurface conditions. Topsoil Topsoil was observed in the upper approximately 4 to 18 inches. The topsoil was characterized by dark brown color and the presence of fine organic material. Fill Existing fill was not encountered at the test pit locations. However, fill should be anticipated within the existing building pad and driveway areas. Earth Solutions NW, LLC KBS III, LLC December 15, 2014 Native Soil ES -3592 Page 3 Underlying the topsoil, native soils consisting primarily of medium dense to dense silty sand and sandy silt (Unified Soil Classification ML) glacial till deposits were encountered extending to the maximum exploration depth of nine and one-half feet below existing grades, The density of the native soil generally increased with depth. Geologic Setting The referenced geologic map resource indicates the site is underlain by glacial till (Qgt) deposits with undifferentiated glacial (Qu) deposits mapped to the north and west of the site. The native soil conditions observed at the test pit locations are generally consistent with glacial till deposits. The National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey identifies Alderwood gravelly sandy loam across the site. The soil conditions observed are generally consistent with Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. Groundwater No groundwater seepage was observed at test pit locations during our fieldwork on October 14, 2014. However, the presence of minor groundwater seepage should be expected in site excavations, especially at the contact between the weathered and unweathered till soils. Groundwater seepage rates and elevations fluctuate depending on many factors, including precipitation duration and intensity, the time of year, and soil conditions. in general, groundwater elevations and flow rates are nigher during the winter, spring and early summer months. CRITICAL AREAS AND GEOLOGIC HAZARDOUS AREAS ASSESSMENT As part of this geotechnical engineering study and critical areas report, the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations (4-3-050J) were reviewed. Per the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations requirements, the following topics related to development plans and site conditions are addressed. Slope Reconnaissance During our fieldwork, we performed a visual slope reconnaissance across portions of the more steeply sloped areas of the site. The main focus of our reconnaissance was to identify signs of instability or erosion hazards along the site slopes. The typical instability indicators include such features as head scarps, tension cracks, hummocky terrain, groundwater seeps along the surface and erosion features such as pulleys and rills. During the slope reconnaissance, no signs of recent, large scale erosion or slope instability were observed. In general, based on the slope reconnaissance, stability of the sloped areas of the property can be characterized as good. Earth Solutions NVV, LLC KBS III, LLC December 15, 2014 Landslide Hazard ES -3592 Page 4 With respect to landslide hazard areas, Part 4 -3 -050J -lb of the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations defines landslide hazard areas as the following: • Low Landslide Hazard: Areas with slopes less than 15 percent. • Medium Landslide Hazard: Areas with slopes between 15 percent and 40 percent and underlain by soils that consist largely of sand, gravel or glacial till. • High Landslide Hazards: Areas with slopes greater than 40 percent and areas with slopes between 15 percent and 40 percent and underlain by soils consisting largely of silt and clay. • Very High Landslide Hazards: Areas of known mappable landslide deposits. The natural slope in the northwest corner of the site exhibits medium landslide hazard characteristics, as demonstrated by the City of Renton GIS data, based on a 15 percent to 40 percent slope condition. However, it is generally underlain by glacial till, and the overall stability of the slope can be characterized as good. As previously described in the Slope Reconnaissance section of this study, typical indicators of instability such as head scarps, tension cracks, hummocky terrain, groundwater seeps along the surface and erosion features such as gulleys and rills were not observed. Steep Slopes With respect to steep slope critical areas, the referenced section of the Renton Code defines steep slopes as follows: • Sensitive Slopes: Areas with slopes between 25 percent and 40 percent. • Protected Slopes: Areas with slopes greater than 40 percent. Based on our observations and review of the referenced topographic survey, sensitive slopes are present within the northwest corner of the site. The overall stability of the slope areas can be characterized as good. Erosion Hazard With respect to erosion hazard areas, the referenced section of the Renton Code defines erosion hazards as follows: • Low Erosion Hazard: Areas with soils characterized by the Natural Resource Conservation Service as having slight or moderate erosion potential, and that slope less than 15 percent. • High Erosion Hazard: Areas with soils characterized by the Natural Resource Conservation Service as having severe or very severe erosion potential, and that slope more steeply than 15 percent, Earth Solutions NW, LLC KBS 111, LLC ES -3592 December 15, 2014 Page 5 The sloped area within the northwest corner of the site would be characterized as possessing a moderate to severe susceptibility to erosion, in our opinion. However, the sloped area within the northwest corner of the property will remain unaltered and vegetated. In our opinion, the planned development will not increase the erosion hazard at the site, provided appropriate Best Management Practices are implemented during the earthwork and development activities. General guidelines for erosion control are provided in the Site Preparation and Earthwork section of this study. Analysis of Proposal The planned development activity will involve grading and construction of a seven residential lot development with associated improvements within a property which contains a localized sensitive slope area. As previously described, the slopes exhibit good stability, and the planned development activity will not involve alterations to the sensitive slope area. The proposed development activity is feasible in our opinion, and will not decrease stability of the site or surrounding properties. Minimum Critical Area Buffer and Setback In our opinion, the proposed grading and development activity can be completed as currently planned without adversely impacting the slope area. Section 4-3-050J6 specifies the requirements for development on sites which contain sensitive slopes. The code requires erosion control measures, clearing and grading limits, and weekly inspections. We understand the proposed development will also incorporate a 50 -foot buffer from a delineated wetland located at the toe of the sensitive slope area. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General In our opinion, construction of the proposed single-family residential structures and related stormwater and infrastructure improvements at this site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. In our opinion, the proposed structures can be supported on conventional continuous and spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils, re -compacted native soils, or new structural fill. Slab -on -grade floors should be supported on dense native soil, re -compacted native soil, or new structural fill. Competent soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of approximately one to three feet below existing grades across the majority of the site. Where existing fill, loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with a suitable structural fill material will be necessary. Organic material exposed at subgrade elevations must be removed below design elevation and grades restored with structural fill. Recommendations for foundation design, retaining wall design, site preparation, drainage and infiltration, and other pertinent recommendations are provided in the following sections of this study. Earth Solutions NW, LLC KBS III, LLC ES -3592 December 15, 2014 Page 6 This study has been prepared for the exclusive use of KBS 111, LLC and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This study has been prepared in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. Site Preparation and Earthwork Site preparation activities will include demolishing existing structures, clearing activities and installing temporary erosion control measures. Voids remaining after removal of existing foundations should be restored with structural fill. Site Stripping Recommendations Stripping will likely be limited to about 4 to 18 inches. Topsoil and organic -rich soil is not suitable for foundation support, nor is it suitable for use as structural fill. Topsoil or organic -rich soil can be used in non-structural areas if desired. The geotechnical engineer should observe stripping operations to confirm the necessary stripping depth. Care should be taken to avoid over -stripping. Temporary Erosion Control Temporary construction entrances and drive lanes, consisting of at least one foot of quarry spalls can be considered in order to minimize off-site soil tracking and to provide a stable access entrance surface. Erosion control measures should consist of silt fencing placed along the edge of the site as well as at the edge of the wetland buffer. Soil stockpiles should be covered or otherwise protected to reduce soil erosion. Temporary sedimentation ponds or other approaches for controlling surface water runoff should be in place prior to beginning significant earthwork activities. In -Situ Soils The soils encountered at the test pit locations have a high sensitivity to moisture and were generally in a moist condition at the time of the exploration on October 14, 2014. In general, soils encountered during site excavations that are excessively over the optimum moisture content will require aeration or treatment prior to placement and compaction. Conversely, soils that are substantially below the optimum moisture content will require moisture conditioning through the addition of water prior to use as structural fill. If the in-situ soils are determined to not be suitable for use as structural fill, then use of a suitable imported soil may be necessary. Wet Season Grading If grading takes place during the wetter winter or spring months, a contingency in the project budget should be included to allow for possible export of native soil and/or existing fill and import of structural fill as described below. Earth Solutions Nw, LLC KBS ill, LLC December 15, 2014 Imported Soils ES -3592 Page 7 Imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well -graded granular soil with a moisture content that is at or near the optimum level. During wet weather conditions, imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a well -graded granular soil with a fines content of 5 percent or less defined as the percent passing the Number 200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter inch fraction. Building and Pavement Subgrade Preparation Subgrade conditions expected to be exposed throughout the majority of the proposed building and pavement areas will likely be comprised of native silty sand and sandy silt soils. The soils exposed throughout Subgrade areas should be confirmed to be competent prior to constructing the foundation, slab, and pavement elements. The subgrade throughout pavement areas should be compacted as necessary and exhibit a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling with a loaded dump truck. Structural fill soils placed throughout foundation, slab, and pavement areas should be placed over a firm base. Organic material encountered in building and pavement subgrade areas will need to be overexcavated prior to placing structural fill. Loose or otherwise unsuitable areas of native soil exposed at subgrade elevations should be compacted to structural fill requirements or overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Where structural fill soils are used to construct foundation subgrade areas, the soil should be compacted to the requirements of structural fill described in the following section. Foundation subgrade areas should be protected from disturbance, construction traffic, and excessive moisture. Where instability develops below structural fill areas, use of a woven geotextile below the structural fill areas may be required. A representative of ESNW should observe excavations and structural fill placement in foundation, slab, and pavement areas, and provide supplemental recommendations, as necessary. Structural Fill Structural fill is defined as compacted soil placed in foundation, slab -on -grade, and roadway areas. Fills placed to construct permanent slopes and throughout retaining wall and utility trench backfill areas are also considered structural fill. Soils placed in structural areas should .be placed in loose lifts of 12 inches or less and compacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent, based on the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Method (ASTM D-1557). For soil placed in utility trenches underlying structural areas compaction requirements are dictated by the local city, county or utility district, and in general are specified as 95 percent relative compaction. Soil placed throughout foundation subgrade areas as well as the upper 12 inches of slab -on -grade and pavement area subgrade should also be compacted to a relative compaction of at least 95 percent. Earth Solutions Nw, LLC KBS III, LLC December 15, 2014 Excavations and Slopes ES -3592 Page S The Federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (W1SHA) provide soil classification in terms of temporary slope inclinations. Based on the soil conditions encountered at the test pit locations, the weathered native soils encountered in the upper approximately four to five feet of the test pit locations and where fill and/or groundwater seepage is exposed are classified as Type C by OSHANVISHA. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type C soils must be sloped no steeper than 1.51-1:1V (Horizontal:Vertical). Medium dense to dense native soils encountered below approximately four to five feet where no groundwater seepage is exposed would be classified as Type B by OSHA/WISHA. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type B soils must be sloped no steeper than 1H:1V. Dense, unweathered glacial till soils would be classified as Type A by OSHANVISHA. Temporary slopes over four feet in height in Type A soils must be sloped no steeper than 0.75H:1V. The presence of perched groundwater may cause caving of the temporary slopes due to hydrostatic pressure. ESNW should observe site excavations to confirm the soil type and allowable slope inclination are appropriate for the soil exposed by the excavation. If the recommended temporary slope inclination cannot be achieved, temporary shoring may be necessary to support excavations. Permanent slopes should maintain a gradient of 2H:1V, or flatter, and should be planted with vegetation to enhance stability and to minimize erosion. A representative of ESNW should observe temporary and permanent slopes to confirm the slope inclinations are suitable for the exposed soil conditions, and to provide additional excavation and slope recommendations, as necessary. Foundations Based on the results of our study, the proposed single-family residential structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on competent native soils, re -compacted native soils, or new structural fill. Based on the soil conditions encountered at the test sites, competent native soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of approximately one to three feet below existing grades. Where loose or unsuitable soil conditions are exposed at foundation subgrade elevations, compaction of the soils to the specifications of structural fill, or overexcavation and replacement with structural fill will. be necessary. Organic material exposed at foundation subgrade elevations must be removed and grades restored with structural fill. Provided foundations will be supported as described above, the following parameters can be used for design of new foundations: • Allowable soil bearing capacity • Passive earth pressure 2,500 psf 300 pcf (equivalent fluid) • Coefficient of friction 0.40 Earth Solutions NW, LLC KBS III, LLC ES -3592 December 15, 2094 Page 9 A one-third increase in the allowable soil bearing capacity can be assumed for short-term wind and seismic loading conditions. The above passive pressure and friction values include a factor -of -safety of 1.5. With structural loading as expected, total settlement in the range of one inch and differential settlement of about one-half inch is anticipated. The majority of the settlements should occur during construction, as dead loads are applied. Seismic Design Considerations The 2012 IBC recognizes ASCE for seismic site class definitions. If the project will be permitted under the 2012 IBC, in accordance with Table 20.3-1 of ASCE, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Site Class D, should be used for design. In our opinion, liquefaction susceptibility at this site is low. The relative density of the site soils and the absence of a uniform, shallow groundwater table are the primary bases for this designation. Slab -On -Grade Floors Slab -on -grade floors constructed at this site should be supported on a firm and unyielding subgrade. Where feasible, the existing native soils exposed at the slab -on -grade subgrade level can be compacted in place to the specifications of structural fill. Unstable or yielding areas of the subgrade should be recompacted or overexcavated and replaced with structural fill prior to construction of the slab. A capillary break consisting of a minimum of four inches of free -draining crushed rock or gravel should be placed below the slab. The free -draining material should have a fines content of 5 percent or less defined as percent passing the number 200 sieve, based on the minus three-quarter inch fraction. In areas where slab moisture is undesirable, installation of a vapor barrier below the slab should be considered. If a vapor barrier is to be utilized it should be a material specifically designed for use as a vapor barrier and should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Retaining Walls Retaining walls must be designed to resist earth pressures and applicable surcharge loads. The following parameters can be used for retaining wall design: • Active earth pressure (unrestrained condition) 35 pcf (equivalent fluid) • At -rest earth pressure (restrained condition) • Traffic surcharge for passenger vehicles (where applicable) • Passive earth pressure • Coefficient of friction 50 pcf 70 psf (rectangular distribution) 300 pcf (equivalent fluid) 0.40 • Seismic surcharge (where applicable) 6H* *Where H equals the retained height Earth Solutions NW, LLC KBS 111, LLC ES -3592 December 15, 2014 Page 10 Additional surcharge loading from adjacent foundations, sloped backfill, or other loads should be included in the retaining wall design. Drainage should be provided behind retaining wails such that hydrostatic pressures do not develop. If drainage is not provided, hydrostatic pressures should be included in the wall design. Retaining walls should be backfilled with free draining material that extends along the height of the wall, and a distance of at least 18 inches behind the wall. The upper one foot of the wail backfill can consist of a less permeable soil, if desired. A perforated drain pipe should be placed along the base of the wall, and connected to an approved discharge location. A typical retaining wall drainage detail is provided on Plate 3. Drainage No groundwater seepage was observed at the test pit locations at the time of our exploration on October 14, 2014. However, localized zones of perched groundwater should be anticipated in site excavations. Temporary measures to control surface water runoff and groundwater during construction would likely involve interceptor trenches and sumps. Surface grades must be designed to direct water away from buildings. The grade adjacent to buildings should be sloped away from the buildings at a gradient of at least 2 percent for a horizontal distance of ten feet. In our opinion, perimeter footing drains should be installed at or below the invert of the building footings. A typical footing drain detail is provided on Plate 4 of this report. Infiltration Evaluation The observed dense cemented glacial till soil deposits at relatively shallow depths generally exhibit poor soil infiltration characteristics. Based on the observed shallow depth to dense cemented glacial till deposits and potential for shallow groundwater seepage, we do not recommend utilizing infiltration systems for the proposed development. Preliminary Storm Vault Design We understand a storm vault will be constructed near the southwest site corner. Vault foundations should be supported on competent native soil or crushed rock placed atop competent native soil. Final storm vault designs must incorporate adequate buffer space from property boundaries such that temporary excavations to construct the vault structure can be successfully completed. Perimeter drains should be installed around the vault and conveyed to an approved discharge point. The presence of perched groundwater seepage should be anticipated during excavation activities for the vault. Earth Solutions NW, LLC KBS 111, LLC December 15, 2014 The following parameters can be used for preliminary stormwater vault design: Allowable soil bearing capacity (dense native soil) 5,000 psf Active earth pressure (unrestrained) 35 pcf Active earth pressure (unrestrained, hydrostatic) 80 pcf • At -rest earth pressure (restrained) 50 pcf At -rest earth pressure (restrained, hydrostatic) 100 pcf Coefficient of friction 0.40 • Passive earth pressure 300 pcf ES -3592 Page 11 Retaining walls should be backfilled with free -draining material or suitable sheet drainage that extends along the height of the walls. The upper one foot of the wall backfill can consist of a less permeable soil, if desired. A perforated drain pipe should be placed along the base of the wall and connected to an approved discharge location. If the elevation of the vault bottom is such that gravity flow to an outlet is not possible, the portion of the vault below the drain should be designed to include hydrostatic pressure. Design values accounting for hydrostatic pressure are included above. ESNW should observe grading operations for the vault and the subgrade conditions prior to concrete forming and pouring to confirm conditions are as anticipated, and to provide supplemental recommendations as necessary. Additionally, ESNW should be contacted to review final vault designs to confirm that appropriate geotechnical parameters have been incorporated. Utility Support and Trench Backfill In our opinion, the soils anticipated to be exposed in utility excavations should generally be suitable for support of utilities. Existing fill, organic or highly compressible soils encountered in the trench excavations should not be used for supporting utilities. The native soils are moisture sensitive and will therefore be difficult to use as structural trench backfill. Moisture conditioning of the soils will likely be necessary prior to use as structural backfill. Utility trench backfill should be placed and compacted to 95 percent of the modified proctor, or to the applicable city or utility district specifications. Earth Solutions Nov, LLC KBS III, LLC December 15, 2414 Pavement Sections ES -3592 Page 12 The performance of site pavements is largely related to the condition of the underlying subgrade. To ensure adequate pavement performance, the subgrade should be in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling with a loaded dump truck. Structural fill in pavement areas should be compacted to the specifications detailed in the Site Preparation and Earthwork section of this report. It is possible that soft, wet, or otherwise unsuitable subgrade areas may still exist after base grading activities. Areas of unsuitable or yielding subgrade conditions may require remedial measures such as overexcavation and thicker crushed rock or structural fill sections prior to pavement. Cement treatment of the subgrade soil can also be considered for stabilizing pavement subgrade areas. For relatively lightly -loaded pavements subjected to automobiles and occasional truck traffic, the following sections can be considered for preliminary design purposes: • Two inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) placed over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB), or; • Two inches of HMA placed over three inches of asphalt treated base (ATB). The HMA, ATB and CRB materials should conform to WSDOT specifications. LIMITATIONS The recommendations and conclusions provided in this geotechnical engineering study are professional opinions consistent with the level of care and skill that is typical of other members in the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. A warranty is not expressed or implied. Variations in the soil and groundwater conditions observed at the test locations may exist, and may not become evident until construction. ESNW should reevaluate the conclusions in this geotechnical engineering study if variations are encountered. Additional Services ESNW should have an opportunity to review the final design with respect to the geotechnical recommendations provided in this report. ESNW should also be retained to provide testing and consultation services during construction. Earth Solutions NW, LLC 4.'Wrll ST 'Ij L! 3 �7,__ Sr 5 Reference King County, Washington Map 686 14V FS 5 E w4'17'rs15r41.1-111 t4 L .41 A-1 bt7SITE g 'IV102 211 ri -An IF T�- U7 k DZST A Ll %a 980is' 7 NORTH oo!"h4hN I'm rf J F '15 ilMir F 1._f�N A W -j r 4- v, 5L _..ev ST ' 37617!i I -MAK. Cr4 nu r... .... 7 IT M ir it 3. A ir 71 L I I_VqU)1jjjj b 4M 4 4 A k A T LK — 'i Wnt AL J. .1 bmw fl MN rr Environmental Sciences By the Thomas Guide Vicinity Map Rand McNally Vuecrest Div. 11 32nd Edition 14 PP Renton, Washington NOTE! This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be Drwn. GLS Date 10/2212014 P roj. No. 3592 responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information Checked HTW Date Oct./2014 Plate 1 resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate, I lam 11 ff kl % nw- 5 Reference King County, Washington Map 686 14V FS 5 E w4'17'rs15r41.1-111 t4 L .41 A-1 bt7SITE g 'IV102 211 ri -An IF T�- U7 k DZST A Ll %a 980is' 7 NORTH oo!"h4hN I'm rf J F '15 ilMir F 1._f�N A W -j r 4- v, 5L _..ev ST ' 37617!i I -MAK. Cr4 nu r... .... 7 IT M ir it 3. A ir 71 L I I_VqU)1jjjj b 4M 4 4 A k A T LK — 'i Wnt AL J. .1 bmw fl MN rr Environmental Sciences By the Thomas Guide Vicinity Map Rand McNally Vuecrest Div. 11 32nd Edition 14 PP Renton, Washington NOTE! This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be Drwn. GLS Date 10/2212014 P roj. No. 3592 responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information Checked HTW Date Oct./2014 Plate 1 resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate, I i I � r I TP -3 1 L SFR - LtP-2 . —3 ti oven" 1 r ` " TP -1- - — = r s ��rer Mw'way- J TP-�4 L _ _ i - -aop I I LEGEND —�— Approximate Location of TP -1 1 ESNW Test Pit, Proj. No. ES -3592, Oct. 2014 Subject Site Existing Building NOTE: The graphics shown on this plate are not intended for design purposes or precise scale measurements, but only to illustrate the approximate test locations relative to the approximate locations of existing and ! or proposed site features. The information illustrated is largely based on data provided by the client at the time of our study. ESNW cannot be responsible for subsequent design changes or interpretation of the data by others. NOTE; This plate may contain areas of calor. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black i£ white reproductions of this plate. 0 50 100 200 1-=100' ��,; Scale in Feet Earth solutions NWirc Test Pit Location Plan Vuecrest Div. II Renton, Washington Drwn. GLS Date10/2212014 Proj. No. 3592 Checked HT1N Date Oct./2014 JP[ate 2 NOTES: 18" Min. Qa P o V<0 P V PoO P 0 ' O000 PO 0 O �P�P0 V P {� P °O 0 ° 00 o Q 0 o �Po a D o� P o 0 O 0 P /'� O }� O/� VP P O'1J P 0 4 0 0 V P P P O 0 0 O} O Q P O ( P 0 p Oo Q P 00 O O D PQ O 0 00 P Oo O v O P O O l.lO 0P OOO� O p 0 0 040 O OP PO D V O 0 O d' P PaD -0 0 Q PD P P P D P P 0 C 0 p O (p� PO P PP P V O P OQ P O C p P O P P P O O 0 0 PD o P 0 0 0 O o a a P D oP 0000 0 0 P 0q o a 0 PQ P c 0 C} P O 0P 0 P 0 00 P 0 0�0 D0 0 e P O D0 Pa 0 �OrP� O O .0 P .9:Ao Free Draining Backfill should consist of soil having less than 5 percent fines. Percent passing #4 should be 25 to 75 percent. • Sheet Drain may be feasible in lieu of Free Draining Backfill, per ESNW recommendations. • Drain Pipe should consist of perforated, rigid PVC Pipe surrounded with 1" Drain Rock. LEGEND: OP 0 oOp D o Free Draining Structural Backfill D .r+r•r•r• S+ti+t+S +.ti.;. p 1 inch Drain Rock +r+r.r.r. Perforated Drain Pipe (Surround In Drain Rock) SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL Vuecrest Div. II Renton, Washington Drwn. GLS Date 10128/2014 Proj. No. 3592 Checked HTW Date Oct. 2014 Plate 3 Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround with 1" Rock) NOTES: • Do NOT tie roof downspouts to Footing Drain. 9 Surface Seal to consist of 12" of less permeable, suitable soil. Slope away from building. LEGEND: Surface Seal; native soil or SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING Appendix A Subsurface Exploration ES -3592 The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating a total of four test pits across accessible portions of the property. The subsurface exploration was completed on October 14, 2014. The approximate test pit locations are illustrated on Plate 2 of this report. Logs of the test pits are provided in this Appendix. Eafih Solutions NW, LLC Earth Solutions NWLLC SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS GRAPH I LETTER GRAVEL ANDGRAVELLYPOORLY-GRADED CLEAN GRAVELS F�P_3_0 GW WELL -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - FNDMIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO SOILS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) G'P GRAVELS, GRAVEL- SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE GRAVELS WITH FINES� e ° p a c GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL -SAND - SILT MIXTURES FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE�� AMOUNT OF FINES) CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL- SAND - CLAY MIXTURES MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SAND AND CLEAN SANDS S WELL -GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES SP POORLY -GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE SANDY SOILS {LITTLE OR NO FINES) FINES SANDS WITH SM SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES MORE THAN 50%FINES OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) sc `74 CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE ML SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY GL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS FINEAND GRAINED SOILS SILTS LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MORE THAN 50%MH OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEDUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS SIZE SILTS LIQUID LIMIT AND CLAYS GREATER THAN 50 CH H INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY O} I ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ` ' + PT PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS DUAL SYMBOLS are used to indicate borderline soil classifications. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented in the attached logs. Earth Solut' 1W 1805 - 136th r ace N.E., Suite 201 1 wro" Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-449-4704 Fax-. 425-449-4711 TEST PIT NUMBER TP -'I PAGE 1 OF 1 CLIENT ..KBS. 111, LLC PROJECT NAME Vuecrest Div. 11 PROJECT NUMBER 3592 PROJECT LOCATION Renton, Washington DATE STARTED 10/14/14 COMPLETED 10/14/14 GROUND ELEVATION 397 ft TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR NW Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY HTW CHECKED BY HTW AT END OF EXCAVATION - - NOTES Depth of Topsoil & Sod 8": ti ht brush AFTER EXCAVATION -- w N W U IL w TESTS D MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Q PSL 0.5 TOPSOIL and Duff to 8" 396.5 Tan silty SAND with gravel, medium dense, damp MG = 10.70% -mottled coloring, weakly cemented SM ; -decreasing sand content 4.4 393.0 Tan SILT, dense, damp to moist 5 MC = 27.40% ML MC = 18.60% -increasing sand content Fines = 81.10% [USDA Classification: LOAM] -5 387.5 Test pit terminated at 9,5 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 9.5 feet. Earth Solui IW TEST PIT NUMBER TP -2 1805 -136th . ,ace N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Telephone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 CLIENT KBS Ill, LLC PROJECT NAME Vuecrest Div. II PROJECT NUMBER 3592 PROJECT LOCATION Renton, Washington DATE STARTED 10/14/14 COMPLETED 10/14/14 GROUND ELEVATION 402 ft TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR NW Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY HTVV CHECKED BY HTW AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES Depth of Topsoil 8. Sod 18": clover grass AFTER EXCAVATION W wa TESTS U o O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Q n_� UiJ Z (} a TOPSOIL and Duff to 18" TPSL 1.5 400,5 Tan sandy SILT, loose to medium dense, moist = MC 16.50% ML 399.5 Olive gray sandy SILT, medium dense, moist to wet ML 5 MC = 10.00% becomes dense, moderately cemented 6.0 _ 396.0 Test pit terminated at 6.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 6.0 feet. Earth Soluti w TEST PIT NUMBER TP -3 1805 -136th , ,ace N.E., Suite 201 PAGE 1 OF 1 W. Bellevue, Washington 98005MW Telephone: 425-449-4704 Fax: 425-149-4711 CLIENT KBS ill, LLC PROJECT NAME Vuecrest Div. II PROJECT NUMBER 3592 PROJECT LOCATION Renton, Washington DATE STARTED 10/14/14 COMPLETED 10/14/14 GROUND ELEVATION 405 ft TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR NW Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION LOGGED BY HTW CHECKED BY HTW AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES Depth of Topsoil & Sod 8": light brush AFTER EXCAVATION — W _ >- w Ui ca wJ TESTS a- 0! MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Lu a z Cry 0 TPS '= p_5 TOPSOIL and Duff t0 8" 404.5 Tan silty SAND, loose to medium dense, damp MC = 6.90% SM becomes medium dense 3.p _ 402.0 Olive gray sandy SILT, dense, moist MC - 11.90% -moderaiely cemented Fines = 51.10% [USDA Classification: LOAM] ML 5 MC = 11.70% so 399.D _ Test pit terminated at 6.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 6.0 feet. Earth Solut IW TEST PIT NUMBER TP -4 1805 - 136th ace N.E., Suite 201 PAGE I OF 1 B II W h' 5 e evue, as ington 9840 Telephone: 425-"9-4704 Fax: 425-449-4711 CLIENT KBS III LLC PROJECT NAME Vuecrest Div. II PROJECT NUMBER 3592 PROJECT LOCATION Renton, Washington DATE STARTED 10/14114 COMPLETED 10/14114 GROUND ELEVATION 409 ft TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR NW Excavating GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD AT TIME OF EXCAVATION -- _ LOGGED BY HTW_ CHECKED BY HTW AT END OF EXCAVATION -- NOTES Depth of Topsoil & Sod 4": grass AFTER EXCAVATION — MC = 8.20% SM MC rn 17.40% Fines = 72.80% ML MC = 12.30% ML MC = 11.20% MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPS0I1- to 4" Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose to medium dense, moist Olive gray SILT with sand, medium dense, moist -mottled coloring [USDA Classification: LOAM] Olive gray sandy SILT, medium dense to dense, moist -weakly cemented Test pit terminated at 9.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 9.0 feet. 4 404. w LU x w $ a g TESTS p C] Q Z C7 MC = 8.20% SM MC rn 17.40% Fines = 72.80% ML MC = 12.30% ML MC = 11.20% MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPS0I1- to 4" Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose to medium dense, moist Olive gray SILT with sand, medium dense, moist -mottled coloring [USDA Classification: LOAM] Olive gray sandy SILT, medium dense to dense, moist -weakly cemented Test pit terminated at 9.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Bottom of test pit at 9.0 feet. 4 404. Appendix B Laboratory Test Results ES -3692 Earth Solutions NW, LLC Earth Solutio,,,. ,.W GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1805 - 136th Place N.E., Suite 201 Bellevue, WA 98005 Telephone: 425-284-3300 CLIENT KBS Ill LLC PROJECT NAME Vuecrest Div li PROJECT NUMBER ES -3592 PROJECT LOCAT!ON Renton 11.11 q1FVF I U.S.1 VE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER r in a z LL z ui L) W W a 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 O oil HE 0 MINE I Mill I I I lllismill 0 11 1 �IIIN ismi 1110 HIM I Ills INEII llom 11 11 11111 INN SEMI 1111111111 1111 liiiiiism I 110111111 0 11111 Ills MINE 11 llom 111111111 111111111 1111111 INN in 11 111111111 I �111111 11 Hills111 III 01 11111 Ills 11 HIM IN 1 !11111 11111 IN limmillillismillilli 111 011111111 111111111111011111111 Specimen Identification Classification LL PL P1 Cc Cu o TP -1 8.5ft. USDA: Tan Loam. USCS: ML with Sand. M TP -3 4.Oft. USDA: Olive Gray Loam. USCS: Sandy ML. L TP -4 3.0ft. USDA: Olive Gray Loam. USCS: ML with Sand. n -- a Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Silt %Clay CL O TP -1 8.5ft. 9.5 81.1 x TP -3 4.0ft. 9.5 0.109 51.1 N 72.8 A TP -4 3.Oft. 19 z GRAVEL SAND COBBLES OR CLAY I coarse fine medium coarse fine _SILT Specimen Identification Classification LL PL P1 Cc Cu o TP -1 8.5ft. USDA: Tan Loam. USCS: ML with Sand. M TP -3 4.Oft. USDA: Olive Gray Loam. USCS: Sandy ML. L TP -4 3.0ft. USDA: Olive Gray Loam. USCS: ML with Sand. n -- a Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Silt %Clay CL O TP -1 8.5ft. 9.5 81.1 x TP -3 4.0ft. 9.5 0.109 51.1 N 72.8 A TP -4 3.Oft. 19 z Report Distribution ES -3592 EMAIL ONLY KBS III, LLC 12320 Northeast 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Attention; Mr. Kolin Taylor Earth Solutions NW, LLC SUBDIVISION Guarantee/Certificate Number: Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0030466 -ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES Contour Engineering LLC herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth in Schedule A. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the Company for further information as to the availability and cost. Chicago Title Company of Washington 10500 NE 8th St., Suite 600 Bellevue, WA 98004 Countersigned By: AV Authorized Officer or Agent Chicago Title Insurance Company By: Attest: President Secretary jl��.�♦. r... 1 4 f ' � R__. JAIL 2 Subdivision Guarantee/Gertificate Printed: 01.07.15 @ 08:10AM Page 1 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.822475-SPS-1-15-0030466-ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURAN�_ COMPANY GUAR FEEICERTIFICATE NO. 0030466 -ETU ISSUING OFFICE: Title Officer: Eastside Title Unit Chicago Title Company of Washington 10500 NE 8th St., Suite 600 Bellevue, WA 98004 Main Phone: (425)646-9883 Email: CTI Bell evueETU ctt.com SCHEDULE A Liability Premium Tax $0.00 $350.00 $33.25 Effective Date: December 26, 2015 at 08:OOAM The assurances referred to on the face page are: That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matter relative to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Title to said real property is vested in: KBS 111, LLC, a Washington limited liability company subject to the matters shown below under Exceptions, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. END OF SCHEDULE A Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 01.07.15 Q 08:10AM Page 2 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622475-SPS-1-15-0030466-ETU EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description The north half of the north half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32 in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; Except portion lying thereof within 102nd Avenue S.E. right of way. Subdivision GuaranteeiGertiticate Printed: 01.07.15 Q 08:10AM Page 3 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622475-SPS-1-15-00304WETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURAN _ COMPANY SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS GUAR 'EEICERTIFICATE NO. 0030466 -ETU SCHEDULE B Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. 2. Exceptions and reservations contained in deed: From: Pacific Coast Coal Company Recording Date: January 30, 1945 Recording No.: 3444206 As follows: all coal and mineral rights of every nature whatsoever, in said lands, and the right to dig, mine, excavated, carry away, sell and dispense of such coal and minerals as may be found therein, without liability for any loss or damage due to subsidence of the soil or arising in any manner out of mining operations that have been or may hereafter be carried on in said land, whether said subsidence be caused by negligently carrying on said mining operations or otherwise. Said instrument is a re-recording of instrument recorded under recording number 3377621. Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Executed by: KBS III LLC and Steven Blomquist and Sharyl Blomquist, husband and wife Recording Date: October 9 and 22, 2013 Recording No.: 20131009000726 and 20131022001138 Regarding: a terminable license in favor of the Blomquists with respect to use of the KBS portion of the boundary -straddling lawn 4. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2015 Tax Account No.: 322305-9097-05 Levy Code: 2128 Assessed Value -Land: $269,000.00 Assessed Value -Improvements: $161,000.00 General and Special Taxes: Not yet available Note: Taxes for 2014 in the amount of $5,323.25 have been paid. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $142,900.00 Dated: December 7, 2001 Trustor/Grantor: Kolin B. Taylor and Anavadya Faith Taylor, aka Jacki F. Taylor, husband and wife, and Robert W. Ruddell and Susan L. Ruddell, husband and wife, and Solomon V. Avzaradel and Mary Bran Avzaradel, husband and wife Trustee: DCBL, Inc. Beneficiary: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. as nominee for Homecomings Financial Network, Inc. Loan No.: 54103 Recording Date: December 11, 2001 Recording No.: 20011211001570 Subdivision Guarantee/Cert1ficate Printed: 01.07.15 @ 08:10AM Page 4 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622475-SPS-1 -1 5 -0030466 -ETU CHICAGO TITLE INSURAN _ COMPANY GUAR 'EE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0030466 -ETU SCHEDULE B (continued) 6. Terms and conditions of the limited liability company agreement for KBS III LLC. QI0Ii7A* (934aA10111b! NOTES The following matters will not be listed as Special Exceptions in Schedule B of the policy. There will be no coverage for loss arising by reason of the matters listed below because these matters are either excepted or excluded from coverage or are not matters covered under the insuring provisions of the policy. Note A: Note: Any map furnished with this Guarantee is for convenience in locating the land indicated herein with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance thereon. Note B: Note: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: Ptn. NW 114 SW 1/4 Sec. 32, Twn. 23 N, Rge, 5 E Tax Account No.: 322305-9097-05 END OF NOTES END OF SCHEDULE B Subdivision GuaranteelCertificate Printed: 01.07.15 @ 08:10AM Page 5 WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622475-SPS-1 -1 5 -0030456 -ETU Assessor -Map 0 Page 1 of 1 T 5 _. 5 48TH ST 5 48th St PA LLJ z SE la5th Pi' 5; c '} _ � 7 .' N� W ;o • SE 186tH St a� IIP :.941.4:41 555?1=.�i'8 VC L;,T A71.1C7r. $ 0 3.1. 5 50th St 9E18TFHST SE 197th St KCSP 4asou - 83122Uli3s KC lrLaC Oaq7 )AI LAT2D 2-7-99 - nli KCSP a vmn a 2847417 9 u _ ... This map has been copied from the public records and Is provided solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises. No liabilities are assumed for inaccuracies contained herein or for variations, if any, in dimensions, area or locatlon of the premises or the location of improvements ascertained by actual survey, http://geo.sentrydynamics.net/WA_King/assrmaplarge.aspx?parcelid=3223059097 117/2015 r a5 -r } r i --r 6=F -� �• 5�F*ai Z33`:e qo d `yf a totjib + 4_ ir x:Si�'} -� ���� �• �'#.�Y�I. i'F�' q,�.:������1rW_-- ���lx�` 7} o f .1"3. �4 ���'i �, r�rf5 {"� �4�` y'� ���` ;' 'fix �4►' 1, 6 r Vfz; Mw M jc {jP�PJ (y�S`.^�iy J' "Y �` 'r r Fi: S. •Y�Y L kr f+ T S S ,�� 1 y t F 'YK•:.+ M '3: �' 'Wig � Y� Y'. r. .; Y� N !!# S � 'L 0A 0AQr 441 AV r �} ]` t ,�ti c ar. _ l c s F ,47 r G f 7" a"' • .t a, - {. �j. YiW xIR OV, 0CA 3 f,� � r taJ-r d .v MY f� h ♦ �II� tk � �y Q 1 I�� t��}�JyL.�*.. � R+�Ms y1#i�'ifi .i�ia��_'y. Oi3►�*{S w'FJcr��yy++'iL yttil�)f -^; R'l 1�111��R: "�}��yi i� ��� .� 5 ,AF � i114 * TTI 3r jjii#i{3 �,,, Teas i � {g jV� �]{■ � mer."`."-r'C' ., }Py k r zy JJ � �sV 3S. }1t Irl' 14 La an '♦+�oy6{}4 Marl a re.# .+ r, 'V"i Hir AL�sT1 iris X :,�''$►' s Yc r ` " t x �:_� 1� t� It ri daF fry_ gy� ��.� Furl r� �. Ya�,Y �iS''i' i _', _ "v +. K �-#!'#�.�! +�� ia' �5+1� 3�..��i%� :', : - a - e { i k tr '" z`3 F!'x�i- ^ "�� 1 � - -i'e �„t:•. a i r f Cn -r t; R tv Foriiialit: :; 4 tva i 1 ,04 Irl �ie��yy�Jif,�f ri a tie P all Ipt Ira o fdre int% k4wI ,SII1. `. r {IA- r t r of ot1fr' o: ;-;Oaand Add �osjj%, ju' * OnA t.1 42 7jyi� t k 1�22,.�1% ("s Chicag itle q --t After Recordine, Return to: KBS III, LLC Attn: Kohn Taylor, Managing Member 12320 NE 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 I 1 201310080001 PACE -001 TOFL989TERM-RER a@.JlO � KING COLW JJ 19 WA Reference numbers of related documents: NIA Grantor: KBS III, LLC, a Washington limited liability company Grantees: STEVEN BLOMQUIST and SHARYL BLOMQUIST, husband and wife (the "Blornquists") Legal Descriptions (abbreviated): PTN of the NW 114 OF THE SW 114 OF SEC 32, T23N, R5 E, W. M. and Lot A of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number L94LO141 under Rec.4 9501170836; additional Iegals are set forth on attached Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 Assessor's Parcel Nos.: 322305-9097 and 322305-9163 AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE This AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE (this "Agreement"), dated for reference purposes only this 27th day of September 2013, is hereby made and entered into by and between KBS III, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, C KBS") and STEVEN BLOMQUIST and SHARYL BLOMQUIST, husband and wife, (the "Blomquists") with respect to the following facts. RECITALS KBS and the Blomquists hereby stipulate to the following recitals of fact: A. KBS is the owner of the parcel of real property in the City of Renton, King County, Washington legally described on attached Exhibit I (the "KBS Parcel'): B. The Blomquists are the owners of the real property in the City of Renton King County, Washington legally described on attached Exhibit 2 (the "Blomquist Parcel"): C. The Blomquist Parcel's north edge abuts a westerly portion of the KBS Parcel's south edge. An approximate, schematic depiction of the Blom ui c Parcel in relation to each other is attached hereto as Exhibit 3. ghaii���of has plaoedthe dota�ment of record as a cnlnmer cw*Y tf AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE the acuo kiab�liip LICENSE --Page 1 of hdrM oc mmeedtrralidiiYaf D. A lawn is currently straddling some of the common boundary line between the KBS Parcel and the Blomquist Parcel (the "Boundary -Straddling Lawn"). The portion of the Boundary -Straddling lawn that lies within the KBS Parcel is referred to in this Agreement as the "KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn." The approximate location and extent of the KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn is graphically depicted on attached Exhibit 4, E. In this Agreement, among other things, on the terms and conditions set forth below, the parties wish to provide for a terminable license in favor of the Blomquists with respect to use of the KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn. WHEREFORE, with respect to these facts, the parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Establishment of Terminable License. Effective commencing upon the date by which this Agreement has been fully executed by both KBS and the Blomquists (the "License Commencement Date"), the Blomquists shall have a terminable license (the "License") to use and maintain at the Blomquists' sole risk the KBS Portion of the Boundary - Straddling Lawn for outdoor enjoyment and for no other use. The Blomquists hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold KBS harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injury arising from or related to the Blomquists' use and maintenance of the KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn, which obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 2. Termination Notice. At any time after the six -month-long period immediately following the License Commencement Date, KBS may terminate the License at any time by giving the Blomquists thirty (30) day's prior written notice of termination of the License (a "Termination Notice"). (See Section 5, Notices, below.) At any time after the giving of a Termination Notice, KBS shall be entitled to record with the King County Recorder a "Notice of License Termination" that (a) refers to this Agreement, (b) attaches a copy of the Termination Notice provided by KBS to the Blomquists, and (e) reiterates the effect of the Termination Notice pursuant to Section 3, below. 3. Effect of the Termination Notice. On the last day (the "License Termination Day'') of the thirty -day (30 -day) period immediately following the date that the Termination Notice shall be deemed to have been given (see Section 5, Notices, below), the License shall automatically terminate and be of no further force or effect and the Blomquists shall thereupon have no further rights in regard to any portion of the KBS Parcel. The Blomquists covenant and agree that, not later than the License Termination Day, they shall (a) remove (or cause to be removed) from the KBS Parcel (at the Blomquists' expense) any and all yard structures or lawn furniture that they then have on the KBS Parcel and (b) forever thereafter cease all use of any portion(s) of the KBS Parcel. Those obligations shall be specifically enforceable by KBS. In addition, KBS shall have the right to remove and dispose of as KBS sees 6t any and all yard AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 2 of 5 structures or lawn furniture of the Blomquists that remains on the KBS Parcel after the License Termination Day. 4. No Other Rights or Interests. The parties hereby agree that, except for the rights of the parties specifically described in this Agreement, (a) KBS has no right, title, or interest in or in any way relating to the Blomquist Parcel and (b) the Blomquists have no right, title, or interest in or in any way relating to the KBS Parcel. 5, Notices. All notices to the Blomquists shall be in writing and shall be delivered to them at their residence address at the Blomquist Parcel either (a) in person or (b) by Federal Express or other recognized delivery service for overnight delivery or (c) by certified or registered U.S. Mail. In the event of delivery in person to the Blomquists, such delivery shall be deemed to have been fully given upon delivery to either Steven Blomquist or Sharyl Blomquist. Each notice sent via Federal Express or other recognized delivery service for overnight delivery to the Blomquists at their residence address shall be deemed to have been given the next business day. Each notice sent via certified or registered U.S. Mail to the Blomquists at their residence address shall be deemed to have been given on the third business day following the date of deposit in the U.S. Mail. 6. Agreement to Ran With the Land. This Agreement shall run with the land constituting the Blomquist Parcel and the KBS Parcel and shall (a) benefit and burden both the Blomquist Parcel and the KBS Parcel, (b) inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Blomquists and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and (c) inure to the benefit of and be binding upon KBS and its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; provided, however, the License granted herein shall be terminable as provided for in Sections 2 and 3, above. This Agreement touches and concerns the land. KBS may record a fully -executed original of this Agreement with the King County Recorder, 7. Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement is, becomes, or is deemed illegal, such provision shall be deemed amended to conform to applicable laws so as to be valid and enforceable, or, if it cannot be so amended without materially altering the intention of the parties, it shall be stricken and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 8. Headinps. The section and paragraph headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties only and are not intended to modify or define it in any way. 9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the exhibits hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter thereto and supersede all prior agreements and understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter thereto. This Agreement can only be amended by a written amendment executed and acknowledged by the parties hereto. AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 3 of 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. "KBS" KBS III, LLC,t7 Washington limited liability company Tayfor( MftnWint~ Member "BlorngtllSts" , , , _ / 1��6 �, 4 STEVEN BLOM T 1 6 1 ni f S YL BLOMQU T STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING } On this li day of _ti 2013, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin Taylor, to me known to be the person who signed the within and foregoing instrument as a Managing Member of KBS III, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the limited liability company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said limited liability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Signature of Notary) k Trs (Print or stamp name of Notary) on 40 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at i ! `� �•� My appointment expires: l_ 2_ - 14 AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 4 of 5 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 401 day of —0 -CA I L 4, 2013, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me STEVEN BLOMQUIST, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and official hereto affixed the day and year first above written. LINDA J TIMMERMAN Notary Public state of Washington My Commission Expires November 28, 2015 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) of Notary) (Print or stamp name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires_ I_ _i_ lam) 15 - On this q411 day of nC_ko\,Lit 2013, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me SHARYL BLOMQUIST, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and official hereto affixed the day and year first above written. LINDA J TIMMERMAN Notary, Public State of Washington My Commission.Exoires November 28ti2015 Vathre of Notary) ___- ----.i k1a A i %rn mi CLrn A►.'�5 (Print or stamp name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at f- A,..>, LLA My commission expires Terminable License Agreement (KBS 111-Blomquisis) FI (9-27-2013).dm AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT 1 Legal Description of the "KBS Parcel" THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN 102ND AVENUE S.E. RIGHT-OF- WAY EXHIBIT 2 Legal Description of the "Blomaaist Parcel" THE WEST 261.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION LYING EAST OF THE WEST 261.00 FEET THEREOF, EXCEPT COUNTY ROAD (KNOWN AS 102ND AVENUE SOUTHEAST). (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT A OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER L94LO141, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9501170836.) Z2�* 5f(� of, EXHIBIT 3 N rb EXHIBIT 4 Approximate location of the "KBS Portion of the Boundary-Straddlina Lawn" APN 322305.9163 BLOMQUIST PARCEL ON 322305.9097 KBS PARCEL -9100 �l f 50 I I [Not to 5cale) G` Chicago Ti# After Recording, Return to: KBS III, LLC Attn: Kolin Taylor, Managing Member 12320 NE Sth Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 20131022001138 CHICAGO TITLE AG-RER Be.@@ PACE -001 OF eas 10/22/2013 13:27 KING COUNTY, WA Reference numbers of related documents: N/A Grantor: KBS I1I, LLC, a Washington innited liability comfy Grantees: STEVEN BLOMQUIST and SHARYL BLOMQUIST, husband and wife (the "Blomquists") Legal Descriptions (abbreviated). PTN of the NAV IA OF THE SW 114 OF SEC 32, T23N, R51 , W.M. and Lot A of King County Boundary Lin: Adjustment Number L94LOI41 under Rec.# 9501170836; additional legals Fire set forth on attached Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 Assessor's Parcel Nos.: 322305-9097 and 322305-9163 •r: cR!. : r"tea 0 TEW-TfNAk1JJY LICE_''IA This AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE (this "Agreement"), dated for reference purposes only this 27th day of September 2013, is hereby made and entered into by and between KBS 111:, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, ("KBS") and STEVEN BLOMQUIST and SHARYL BLOMQUIST, husband and wife, (the "Blomquists") with respect to the following facts. RECITALS KBS and the Blornquists hereby stipulate to the following recitals of fact: A. KBS is the owner of the parcel of real property in the City of Renton, King County, Washington legally described on attached Exhibit I (the "KBS Parcel"): B. The Blomquists are the owners of the real property in the City of Renton King County, Washington legally described on attached Exhibit 2 (the "Blomquist Parcel"): C. The Blomquist Parcel's north edge abuts a westerly portion of the KBS Parcel's south edge. An approximate, schematic depiction of the Blomquist Parcel and the KBS Parcel in relation to each other is attached hereto as Exhibit 3. CHICAGO TITLI:I0k9A *COM?AA fray placed 11re dmarenl d read as a c0 mel courtesy AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE andacc"aoliabiki for LICENSE --Page I of'S the amAcy or validity of lbe document D. A lawn is currently straddling some of the common boundary line between the KBS Parcel and the Blomquist Parcel (the `Boundary -Straddling Lawn"). The portion of the Boundary -Straddling lawn that lies within the KBS Parcel is referred to in this Agreement as the "KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn." The approximate location and extent of the KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn is graphically depicted on attached Exhibit 4. E. In this Agreement, among other things, on the terms and conditions set forth below, the parties wish to provide for a terminable license in favor of the Blomquists with respect to use of the KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn. WHEREFORE, with respect to these facts, the parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Establishment of Terminable License. Effective commencing upon the date by which this Agreement has been fully executed by both KBS and the Blomquists (the "License Commencement Date"), the Blomquists shall have a terminable license (the "License") to use and maintain at the Blomquists' sole risk the KBS Portion of the Boundary - Straddling Lawn for outdoor enjoyment and for no other use. The Blomquists hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold KBS harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injury arising from or related to the Blomquists' use and maintenance of the KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn, which obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Z. Termination Notice, At any time after the six -month-long period immediately following. the License Commencement Date, KBS may terminate the License at any time by giving the Blomquists thirty (30) day's prior written notice of termination of the License (a "Termination Notice"). (See Section 5, Notices, below.) At any time after the giving of a Termination Notice, KBS shall be entitled to record with the King County Recorder a "Notice of License Termination" that (a) refers to this Agreement, (b) attaches a copy of the Termination Notice provided by KBS to the Blomquists, and (c) reiterates the effect of the Termination Notice pursuant to Section 3, below. 3. Effect of the Termination Notice. On the last day (the "License Termination Day") of the thirty -day (30 -day) period immediately following the date that the Termination Notice shall be deemed to have been given (see Section 5, Notices, below), the License shall automatically terminate and be of no further force or effect and the Blomquists shall thereupon have no further rights in regard to any portion of the KBS Parcel. The Blomquists covenant and agree that, not later than the License Termination Day, they shall (a) remove (or cause to be removed) from the KBS Parcel (at the Blomquists' expense) any and all yard structures or lawn furniture that they then have on the KBS Parcel and (b) forever thereafter cease all use of any portion(s) of the KBS Parcel. Those obligations shall be specifically enforceable by KBS. In addition, KBS shall have the right to remove and dispose of as KBS sees fit any and all yard AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 2 of S structures or lawn furniture of the Blomquists that remains on the KBS Parcel after the License Termination Day. 4. No Other Rights or Interests. The parties hereby agree that, except for the rights of the parties specifically described in this Agreement, (a) KBS has no right, title, or interest in or in any way relating to the Blomquist Parcel and (b) the Blomquists have no right, title, or interest in or in any way relating to the KBS Parcel. S. Notices. All notices to the Blomquists shall be in writing and shall be delivered to them at their residence address at the Blomquist Parcel either (a) in person or (b) by Federal Express or other recognized delivery service for overnight delivery or (c) by certified or registered U.S. Mail. In the event of delivery in person to the Blomquists, such delivery shall be deemed to have been fully given upon delivery to either Steven Blomquist or Sharyl Blomquist. Each notice sent via Federal Express or other recognized delivery service for overnight delivery to the Blomquists at their residence address shall be deemed to have been given the next business day. Each notice sent via certified or registered U.S. Mail to the Blomquists at their residence address shall be deemed to have been given on the third business day following the date of deposit in the U.S. Mail. G. Agreement to Run With the Land. This Agreement shall run with the land constituting the Blomquist Parcel and the KBS Parcel and shall (a) benefit and burden both the Blomquist Parcel and the KBS Parcel, (b) inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Blomquists and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and (c) inure to the benefit of and be binding upon I;:BS and its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; provided, however, the License granted herein shall be terminable as provided for in Sections 2 and 3, above. This Agreement touches and concerns the land. KBS may record a fully -executed original of this Agreement with the King County Recorder. 7. Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this. Agreement is, becomes, or is deemed illegal, such provision shall be deemed amended to conform to applicable laws so as to be valid and enforceable, or, if it cannot be so amended without materially altering the intention of the parties, it shall be stricken and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 8. Headings. The section and paragraph headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties only and are not intended to modify or define it in any way. 9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the exhibits hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter thereto and supersede all prior agreements and understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter thereto. This Agreement can only be amended by a written amendment executed and acknowledged by the parties hereto. AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 3 of 5 • f IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above, 6610S" KBS III, LLC, Washington limited liability company By: lin Tay or M,an tnq Member "Blomyuists"� STEVEN BLOM . T SH YL BLOMQU T STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of k _2013, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin Taylor, to me known to be the person who signed the within and foregoing instrument as a Managing Member of KBS III, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the limited liability company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said limited liability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 4 of 5 (Signature of Notary) " a` 2 (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at L My appointment expires: • f STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this q i h day of C j c� f- k 2013, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me STEVEN BLOMQUIST, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and official hereto affixed the day and year first above written. S LINDA J TIMMERMAN Notary Public 5tote of Washington My Commission Expires >l November 28, 2015 ST ATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING } % l - (�' a re of Notary) rj �r iL1(lA �m11t9.11AVk (Print or stamp name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at £ts u r�clAc,w, i.� a My commission expires 11 2 %11---, On this h day of 2013, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me SHARYL BLOMQUIST, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and official hereto affixed the day and year first above written. LINDA J TIMMERMAN Notbry,Publlc State of Washington My Commis5lon'Explres November 28{ 2015 (S�attire of Notary) i &A A t l efn ret (2m A--) (Print or stamp name of Notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing atu�c��� My commission expires I t i �� I Terminable License Agfamenl (KBS 11I-Blomquisb) Fl (9-27-2013).docx AGREEMENT AS TO TERMINABLE LICENSE --Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT 1 Legal Description of the "KBS Parcel" THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN 102ND AVENUE S.E. RIGHT-OF- WAY • f 1 *14 1111 .13 0 0 Legal Descri tion of the "Blom uist Parcel" THE WEST 261.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION LYING EAST OF THE WEST 261.00 FEET THEREOF, EXCEPT COUNTY ROAD (KNOWN AS 102ND AVENUE SOUTHEAST). (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT A OF KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER L94L0141, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9501170836.) nGi yu' it"" 0 40 EXHIBIT 3 lz �z Lu 1 N rb • EXHIBIT 4 Approximate location of the "KBS Portion of the Boundary -Straddling Lawn" APN 322305-916", BLOMQUIST PARCEL APN 322305.9097 KBS PARCEL •9164 1 50 N [Not to scale] Return to HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. ATTENTION IS/MN-MS 03-05-50 One Meridian Crossings Richfield, MN 55423 � — - S���yppr11 OT� 1 0 HSC ^Yi ne aft 22 . one THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN 102ND AVENUE S E. Property Tax Parcel Number APN 3223059097 (Space Above This Eine For ordmp Datal Loan No- 54103 - �-rjTLF Data ID 552 Borrower KOLIN B. TAYLOR S�WA13 ► �QCaI���9S� C-1-7 DEED OF TRUST MIN. 1DD1055040054I0330 DEFINITIONS Words used in multiple sections of this document are defined below and other words are dehited in Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21 Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are also provided in Section 16 CDC. -3 91W (A) "Security Instrument" means this document, which is dated December 7, 2401, together with all Riders to this document (B) `Borrower" is KOLIN B. TAYLOR AND ANAVADYA FAITH TAYLOR AKA JACKI F TAYLOR, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND RO$ERT W RUDDELL AND SUSAN L RUDDELL, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND SOLOMON V. AVZARADEL AND MARY BRAN AVZARADEL, HUSBAND AND WIFE Borrower is the trustor under this Security Instrument. (C) "Lender" is HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC, Lender is A CORPORATION organized and existing under the laws of the State of DELAWARE Lender's address is 2711 NORTH HASKELL AVENUE, SUITE 1000, DALLAS, TEXAS 75204. (D) "Trustee" is DCBL, INC, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION (l) "MEMS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc MFRS is a separate corporation that is acting solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns MFRS is the beneficiary under this Security Instrument. MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an address and telephone number of PO Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501.-2026, tel (888) 679-MERS (F) "Note" means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated December 7, 2001 The Note states that Borrower owes Lender ONE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED and NO/100...••Dollars (U.S. $ 142,900.00) plus interest Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full not later than January 1, 2032. (G) "Property" means the property that is described below under the heading "'Transfer of Rights in the Property." (H) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note, and all sums due under this Secunty Instrument, plus interest (1) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Instrument that are executed by Borrower The following Riders are to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable] ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ Second Home Rider ❑ Balloon Rider ❑ PIanned Unit Development Rider ® 1-4 Family Rider ❑ Biweekly Payment Rider ❑ Other(s) (specify] (J) "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and administrative rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, non-appealable judicial opinions (K) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium association, homeowners association or similar organization Cn (L) "Electronic kinds Thaiisfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by air check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account Such term includes, but is not limited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated +— teller machine transactions, transfers imtiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearinghouse transfers. .-- (M) "Escrow Items" means those items that are described in Section 3 (N) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third party (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5) for (t) damage to, or destruction of, the Property, (ii) condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the value and/or condition of the Property (0) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default on, the Loan. (P) "Periodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest under the Note, plus (it) any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument (Q) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 US C §2601 et seq ) and its implementing regulation, Regulation X (24 CFR Part 3500), as they might be amended from time to time, or any additional or successor legislation or regulation that governs the same subject matter As used in this Security Instrument, "RESPA' refers to all requirements and restrictions that are imposed in regard to a "federally related mortgage Ioan" even if the Loan does not qualify as a "federally related mortgage loan" under RESPA. (R) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or not that party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and/or this Security Instrument c� cam.. u -t r -- Q N r - Loan No 51103 TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY Data ID 552 The beneficiary of this Security Instrument is MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) and the summors and assigns of MERS This Security Instrument secures to Lender (i) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; and (it) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of KING THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN 102ND AVENUE S. E which currently has the address of 18607 102ND AVE SE, (sveet) RCE�.NTON, WASHINGTON I9�805l ("Property Address") TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." Borrower understands and agrees that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument, but, if necessary to comply with law or custom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) has the right to exercise any or all of those interests, including, but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the Property, and to take any action required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing and canceling this Security Instrument BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and bate Charges. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3 Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be made in LYS currency However, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash, (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, t' treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose �s r deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the location designated in the Note or at such other location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice provisions in Section 15. Lender may return any payment or partial payment if the payment or partial payments T— are insufficient to bring the Loan current Lender may accept any payment or partial payment �., insufficient to bring the Loan current, without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future, but Lender is not obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are accepted If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date, then Lender heed not pay interest on unapplied funds Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan current If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure No offset or claim which Borrower might have now or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument or performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Security Instrument, 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise described in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority: (a) interest due under the Note; (b) principal due under the Note, (c) amounts due under Section 3 Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it became due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under this Security Instrument, and then to reduce the principal balance of the Note. If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the late charge If more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received from Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in full. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may be applied to any late charges due Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first to any prepayment charges and then as described in the Note Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the Note shall not extend or postpone the due date, or change the amount, of the Periodic Payments. Loan No 54143 Data 1D 552 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts due for (a) taxes and assessments and other Mems which can attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property, (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) premiums for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5, and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 These Mems are called "Escrow Items" At origination or at any time during the term of the Loan, Lender may require that Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Item Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this Section Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any time Any such waiver may only be in writing In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require Borrower's obligation to make such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to be a covenant and agreement contained in this Security Instrument, as the phrase "covenant and agreement" is used in Section 9. If Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its rights under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any such amount. Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at any time by a notice given in accordance with Section 15 and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in such amounts, that are then required under this Section 3 Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount (a) sufficient to permit Lender �— to apply the Funds at the time specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require under RESPA Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with Applicable Law. The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, ' instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institution whose deposits are so insured) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the time specified under RESPA. Lender shall not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as required by RESPA If there is a surplus of Finds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly payments If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly payments Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions attributable to the Property which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any, and Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any To the extent that these items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3 Borrower shall, promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faith by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the hen while those proceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are concluded; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Gender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above in this Section 4 1 .-Aer .n ncr ra.c.c.rn S?rcrrn.crwr ►n ..n.r n r...fa i..nn f.l.n YhP Fnr n rani oetnia tnv var.Annt.nn nnAlnr 5. Property firsurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage," and any other hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts (including deductible levels) and for the periods that Lender requires What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably. bender may require Borrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, either (a) a one-time charge for flood zone determination, certification and tracking services, or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone determination and certification services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might affect such determination or certification Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone determination resulting from an objection by Borrower If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance coverage, at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase any particular type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Property, or the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liability and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effect Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower could have obtained Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject to Lender's right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional Ioss payee Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal certificates If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form of insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay .Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2 If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may file, negotiate and settle any available insurance claim and related matters If Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim The 30 -day period will begin when the notice is given In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of Borrower's rights (other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower) under all insurance policies covering the Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage of the Property Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security instrument, whether or not then due b. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within 60 days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control Loan No- 54103 Data ID. 552 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste on the Property Whether or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its condition Unless it is determined pursuant to Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, Borrower shall promptly repair the Property if damaged to avoid further deterioration or damage If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connection with damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower shall be responsible for repairing or restonng the Property only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed If the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the completion of such repair or restoration. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has reasonable cause, Lender may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. S. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, Borrower or any persons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave materially false, misleading, or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with material information) in connection with the Loan Material representations include, but are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's principal residence 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If (a) Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal proceeding that night significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights under this Secunty Instrument (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation „-y or forfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Secunty Instrument or to -- enforce laws or regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is reasonable or appropnatc to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including protecting and/or assessing the value of the Property, and ri. securing and/or repairing the Property Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to (a) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, (b) appearing in court, and (c) paying reasonable attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding Securing the Property r- includes, but is not limited to, entering the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous acv conditions, and have utilities turned on or off Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not under any duty or obligation to do so It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions authonxed under this Section 9 Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect If, for any reason, the Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender, If substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated payments that were due when the insurance coverage ceased to be in effect Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve Lender can no longer require Ioss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such termination or until Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur if Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage insurers evaluate their total nsk on all such insurance in force from time to time, and may enter into agreements with other parties that share or modify their risk, or reduce losses These agreements are on terms and conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other parry (or parties) to these agreements These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using any source of funds that the mortgage insurer may have available (which may include funds obtained from Mortgage Insurance premiums) As a result of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (directly or indirectly) amounts that derive from (or might be characterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for sharing or modifying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing Iosses If such agreement provides that an affiliate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to the insurer, the arrangement is often termed "captive reinsurance" Further: (a) Any such agreements will not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such agreements will not increase the amount Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Borrower to any refund. (b) Any such agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has - if any - with respect to the Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of X"S or any other law. These rights may include the right to receive certain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated automatically, and/or to receive a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or termination. 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forreiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and shall be paid to Lender If the Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the c� work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable o Law requires interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Proceeds If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be .� applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not them due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2 t _ In the event of a total taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following fraction (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking, destruction„ or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposing Parry (as defined in the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due "Opposing Party" means the third parry that owes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard to MisceIIaneous Proceeds Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lender's judgment, could result in forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument Borrower can cure such a default and, if acceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's interest in the Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender Loan No- 54103 Data ID 552 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor m Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any Successor in Interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy including, without limitation, Lender's acceptance of payments from third persons, entities or Successors in Interest of Borrower or in amounts less than the amount then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers, Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants and agrees that Borrower's obligations arid liability shall be joint and several However, any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instrument but does not execute the Note (a "co-signer"). (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument, (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument, and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower can agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without the co-signer's consent Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's obligations under this Security Instrument in wnting, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's rights and benefits under this Security Instrument Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release m writing The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided in Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in connection with Borrower's default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including, but not Iimited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific fee to Borrower shall not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee Lender may not charge fees that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law If the Loan is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the Loan exceed the permitted limits, then- (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note) Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such overcharge 15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrument must be m writing Any notice to Borrower in connection with this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when mailed by first class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address if sent by other means Notice to any one Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shall be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of Borrower's change of address If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shall only report a change of address through that specified procedure. 'There may be only one designated notice address under this Security Instrument at any one time Any notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by marling it by first class marl to Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower Any notice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender If any notice required by this Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security Instrument. 16. Governing Law; Severabthty; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations contained in this Security Instrument are subject to any requirements and limitations of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly or implicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, but such silence shall not be construed as a pmhibition against agreement by contract. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with Apphcable Law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. As used in this Security Instrument (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of the feminine gender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and include the plural and vice versa; and (c) the word "may' gives sole discretion without any obligation to take any action 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration The notice shall provide a period of not Iess than 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earliest of (a) five days before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrument, (b) such other period as Applicable Law might specify for the termination of Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument Those conditions are that Borrower (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred, (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements, (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument, shall continue unchanged Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender (a) cash, (b) money order, (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by G� a federal agency, instrumentality or entity; or (d) Electronic Finds Transfer Upon reinstatement by r . Borrower, this Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no vi acceleration had occurred However, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18 `D 20. Sale of Note-, Chane of Loan Serer• Notice of Grievance, The Note ora partial interest in the Note (together vic with this Instrument) can be sold one or more times withot prior notice to Borrower A sale might result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects Periodic Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations under the Note, this Security Instrument, and Applicable Law There also might be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the change which will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer, the address to which payments should be made and any other �r information RESPA requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given in compWince with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph The notice of acceleration and opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Section 20 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21. (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the following substances. gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, matenals containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials, (b) "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection, (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Environmental Law, and (d) an "Environmental Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup Loan No- 54103 Data ID 552 Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (a) that is in violation of any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects the value of the Property The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property (including, but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products) Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property If Borrower learns, or is notched by any governmental or regulatory authonty, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under Section 1:8 unless Applicable Law provides otherwise), The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (ii) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured ti by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property at public auction at a date not less than 1.20 days .-- ` in the future. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration, Q ; the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of c Borrower to acceleration and sale, and any other matters required to be included in the notice by c Applicable Law. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option, may require immediate payment In fall of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and/or any other remedies permitted by Applicable '� cv Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. r If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give written notice to Trustee of the occurrence of an event of default and of Lender's election to cause the Property to be sold. Trustee and Lender shall take such action regarding notice of sale and shall give such notices to Borrower and to other persons as Applicable Law may require. After the time required by Applicable Law and after publication of the notice of sale, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. 'Trustee may postpone sale of the Property for a period or periods permitted by Applicable Law by public announcement at the time and place fixed in the notice of sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied. The recitals in the Trustees deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable 'trustee's and attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it or to the clerk of the superior court of the county in which the sale took place. 23. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled to it Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs and the Trustee's fee for preparing the reconveyance 24. Substitute Trustee. In accordance with Applicable Law, Lender may from time to time appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder who has ceased to act. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. 25. Use of Property. The Property is not used principally for agricultural purposes. 26. Attorneys' ,Fees. Lender shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs in any action or proceeding to construe or enforce any term of this Security Instrument. The term "attorneys' fees," whenever used in this Security instrument, shall include without limitation attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in any bankruptcy proceeding or on appeal ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT, OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recor tth it. ROBE T RUDDELL —6rrowe SUSAN L RUDDELL —Borrower (Seal) V AVZARADEL —Borrower AVZARADEL —Borrower (Sea]) —Borrower iV4AF*TYLOR A�7ACKI F TAYLOR —Borrower lSpace Below This Line For Acknowledgment] e+. Ln State of 1� § c� County of § On this day personalty appeared before me KOLIN B TAYLOR AND ANAVADYA FAITH TAYLOR AND ROBERT W RUDDELL AND SUSAN L RUDDELL AND SOLOMON V AVZARADEL AND MARY BRAN AVZARADEL to me knQwITIfit+persons described to and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and aclmg� �I that'tldyr executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and pn�m�se'ieiri'e'ftdned. i ve@ uAer rdgan4aftd off�c�al seal this J day of , 20 (Sealy �„ fyoq= U� ; 5 5P - Notary Public an or the State of residing at ws (Printed Name) My commission expires. Loan No 54103 Borrower KOLIN B TAYLOR 1-4 FAMILY RIDER (Assignment of Rents) Data ID 552 THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER is made this 7th day of December, 2001, and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note to HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC (the "Lender") of the same date and covering the Property described in the Security Instrument and located at. 18607 102ND AVE SE RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 [Prop" Address) 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows A. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In addition to the Property described to the Security Instrument, the following items now or hereafter attached to the Property to the extent they are futtures are added to the Property description, and shall also constitute the Property covered by the Security Instrument building materials, appliances and goods of every nature whatsoever now or hereafter located in, on, or used, or tntended to be used to connection with the Property, including, but not limited to, those for the purposes of supplying or distributing heating, cooling, electricity, gas, water, air and light, fire prevention and extinguishing apparatus, security and access control apparatus, plumbing, bath tubs, water heaters, water closets, sinks, Cn ranges, stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, disposals, washers, dryers, awnings, storm windows, storm doors, screens, blinds, shades, curtains and curtain rods, attached mirrors, cabinets, paneling and attached floor coverings, all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain, a part of the Property covered by the Security Instrument All of the foregoing CM together with the Property described in the Security Instrument (or the leasehold estate if the Security �- Instrument is on a leasehold) are referred to in this 1-4 Family Rider and the Security Instrument as �- the "Property " ams '-- B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agree to or �- make a change rn the use of the Property or its zoning classification, unless Lender has agreed in writing to the change Borrower shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of any governmental body applicable to the Property C_ SUBORDINATE LIENS. Except as permitted by federal law, Borrower shall not allow any hen inferior to the Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property without Lender's prior written permission D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance against refit loss in addition to the other hazards for which insurance is required by Section 5 MULTISTATE 1.4 FAMILY RIDER - Far mle Mae R*ddie Mas UNIFORM INSTRUMENr Form 3170 11101 (Page I of 3 Pages) 111111111111111111111111 Hill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 4103 E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO RRINSTAT'E" DELETED. Section 19 is deleted F BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, Section 6 concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deleted G. ASSIGNMENT OF LFASF.S Upon lender's request after default, Borrower shall assign to Lender all leases of the Property and all security deposits made in connection with leases of the Property Upon the assignment, Lender shall have the right to modify, extend or terminate the existing leases and to execute new Imes, in Lender's sole discretion As used in this paragraph G, the word "lease" shall mean "sublease" if the Security Instrument is on a leasehold H. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSION. Borrower absolutely and unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues ("Rents") of the Property, regardless of to whom the Rents of the Property are payable Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the Rents, and agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's agents However, Borrower shall receive the Rents until (i) Lender has given Borrower notice of default pursuant to Section 22 of the Security Instrument and (n) Lender has given notice to the tenant(s) that the Rents are to be paid to Lender or Lender's agent This assignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional security only If Lender gives notice of default to Borrower (i) all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee for the benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument, (it) Lender shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents of the Property, (iii) Borrower agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender ri or Lender's agents upon Lender's written demand to the tenant, (tv) unless applicable law provides otherwise, all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall be applied first to the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and collecting the Rents, including, but not limited to, attorney's o fees, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds, repair and maintenance costs, insurance premiums, �- taxes, assessments and other charges on the Property, and then to the sums secured by the Security .-- Instrument, (v) Lender, Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receiver shall be liable to account s., for only those Rents actually received, and (vi) Lender shall be entitled to have a receiver appointed r- to take possession of and manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derived from the Property without any showing as to the inadequacy of the Property as security If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and of collecting the Rents, any funds expended by Lender for such purposes shall become indebtedness of Borrower to Lender secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Section 9 Borrower represents and warrants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the Rents and has not performed, and will not perform, any act that would prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receiver, shall not be required to enter upon, take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of default to Borrower However, Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receiver, may do so at any time when a default occurs Any application of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender This assignment of Rents of the Property shall terminate when all the sums secured by the Security Instrument are pard in full L CROSS -DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or breach under any note or agreement in which Lender has an interest shall be a breach under the Security Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the remedies permitted by the Security Instrument MULTISTATE 1-4 FAMILY RmER - FanMe MarIftddle Mee UMFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3170 1R)1 (Page 2 of 2 Pages) o-. 0^v Loan No 54103 BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to this 1-4 Family Rider RO T RUDDELLer 7 SUSAN L RUDDELL —Borrower (Seat) LO AV EL —Borrower (Seal) Y B AV EL —Borrower Data ID 552 terms and provisions contained in (Seal) ---Borrower �T% 'tt (Seal) ANA ADYA AffH T YLOR 1ACKI F TAYLOR —Borrower MULMSTATE 1-4 FAMILY RDER - Farri9 Ma%Freddle Mac UWFORM INSMMEW Form 3178 1^01 (Page 3 of 3 Pages) This certificate provides information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Certificate : 5519 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY Type: Short SubDivision Applicant's Name: KBS III, LLC Proposed Use: 7 Lot Short Plat "Vue Crest 1I" Location: Lot: 97 Block: Development: Parcel: 322305 9097 Address: 18607 102ND AVE SE, RENTON Information: Previously known as 18607 & 18611 102nd Ave SE ( Attach map & Legal description if necessary ) SEWER PURVEYOR INFORMATION j, a ❑ Sewer service will be provided by service connection only to an existing sewer main Null feet from the site and the sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed area. b v❑ Other (describe): Sewer service to the proposed plat will require the installation of onsite sanitary sewer with gravity flow. Final sewer layout will be determined based on the final site development plans, building locations and outlet elevations. All plans must be approved by the City of Renton and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. a © The sewer system is in conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. b ❑ The sewer system improvement will require a sewer comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city. b ❑ Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service, or sign a Power of Attorney for annexation. 4. Service is subject to the following: a ❑,/ Connection Charge: Standard permit fees will apply. b ® Easement (s): c 0 Other: All lots must serve by gravity sewer. RECENEE 3AN 2 0 M5 CITY OF R1vPITON PIANMNG oi\oslON Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions of this District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that it's facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make any required extension of facilities to serve their property. I hereby certify that the above sewer purveyor information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signature. SODS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Agency Name Supervisor, Development Administration Title Soos CreckWater & Scwcr Distrwt "rprAvailS mglel'arcelAJJSewer" 2!6196 Darci Mattioda 14/22/2414 Signatory Name Date - ignature Date Certificate : 4594 This certificate provides information necessary to evaluate development proposals. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY Type: Short SubDivision : Applicant's Name: KBS III, LLC Proposed Use: 7 Lot Short Plat " Vue Crest II" Location: Lot: 97 Block: Development: Parcel: 322345 9097 Address: 4903 and 4909 Main Ave S Information: Previously known as 18607 & 18611 102nd Ave SE WATER PURVEYOR INFORMATION 1. a ❑ Water will be provided by service connection only to an existing Null water main, Null feet from the site. b W Water service will require an improvement to the water system of: Water service to the proposed plat will require the installation of onsite water main. Final water layout and requirements will be determined based on final site development plans and Fire Marshal requirements. All plans must be approved by the City of Renton Fire Marshal and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. a M The water system is in conformance with a County approved water comprehensive plan. b El The water system improvement will require a water comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a © The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city, or is within the County approved service area of a private water purveyor. b ❑ Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service. 4. a VJ Water is/or will be available at the rate of flow and duration indicated below at no less than 20 psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant 47' feet from the building/property (or as marked on the attached map): Rate of Flow: 1,000 gpm Duration: 2 b ❑ Water system is not capable of providing fire flow. 5. Service is subject to the following: RECEIVED Jr ON a © Connection Charge: SAN 2 0 2015 Ck b © Easement (s): p` C © other: If higher fire flow is needed a hydrQkTY FJ?9k110Re done. PLANNING DMS1ON Cross Connection Control devices must be in conformance with state laws. Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions of this District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that its facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to snake any required extension of facilities to serve their property. I hereby certify that the above water purveyor information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signature. SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Agency Name Supervisor, Development Administration Title Soos Creek Water & Sewer D iffid'rplAvai1SinS1vParcelAddWsler 316144 Darci Mattioda 10/21/2014 Signatory Name Date Qs--E�As aa )4, ture I to 1 �t/-7-7`�-4 AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 `a EFF cl�jR l being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the day of , 201—SL 1 installed ! public information sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located at /42 -,-D 14V Lz S.9• -+ 5C. / the following project: Project Name KBS 3=, LLC Owner Name 2. 1 have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code and the City's "Public Information Signs Installation" haqdout package. Installer Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this d/,ay o +-v 20 04 'Os NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at 19 Ab ••� My commission expires on Vp OF Z o zQ rs -3- CITY 05/14 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\pubsign.doc rw .UA15-0000 6 BILLING CONTACT Kolin Taylor KBS III, LLC 12320 NE 8TH ST, #100 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME TRANSACTION TYPE PAYMENT METHOD AMOUNT PAID LUA15-000026 PLAN - Environmental Review Fee Payment aheck #7332 $1,000.00 PLAN - Modification Fee Payment heck #7332 $150.00 PLAN - Short Plat Fee Fee Payment heck #7332 $2,000.00 Technology Fee Fee Payment heck #7332 $94.50 SUB TOTAL TOTAL $3,244.50 $3,244.50 Printed On: 1/2W2015 Prepared By: Clark Close Page 1 of 1