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CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: August 21, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. ,_..;.._..,;_a_.;_ ____________________________ _ ' Project Name: 1 LUA (file) Number: ! Cross-References: I AKA's: ; Project Manager: ; Acceptance Date: ' Applicant: l Owner: j Contact: I PIO Number: j ERC Decision Date: , ERC Appeal Date: l Administrative Approval: l Appeal Period Ends: l Public Hearing Date: i Date Appealed to HEX: 1 By Whom: ! HEX Decision: j Date Appealed to Council: \ By Whom: , Council Decision: · Mylar Recording Number: Ghumman Special Fence LUA-13-000547, SF Gerald Wasser May 21, 2013 Aaron & Kiranpreet Ghumman Same as applicant Same as applicant 5126310200 May 21, 2013 June 4, 2013 Date: Date: Project Description: The applicant is requesting approval of a special fence permit to relocate an existing 6-foot high (72-inch) fence which is currently outside of the southern/southeastern side yard along a street setback on Pasco Drive NE to approximately 12 feet from this side yard t ro ert line. j Location: 223 Pasco Drive NE ! Comments: , ., _______________________________ ___ DERARTMENT OF COMr" INITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEl'JT PLANNING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIAL FENCE PERMIT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER: PROJECT LOCATION: PARCEL NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION & ANALYSIS: FENCE LOCATION: 5/17/2013 LUAB-000547 Ghumman Special Fence Permit Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner Aaron and Kiranpreet Ghumman 223 Pasco Dr NE Renton, WA 98059 223 Pasco Dr NE 5126310200 r CONCURR 'i(~ - DATE NAME The applicant is requesting approval of a special fence permit to relocate an existing 6-foot high (72-inch) fence which is currently outside of the southern/southeastern side yard along a street setback on Pasco Drive NE to approximately 12 feet from this side yard property line. Fences within side yard setbacks along a street are restricted to 4 feet in height (48 inches) and to 42 inches within the clear vision area. The fence on the subject property would not encroach into the clear vision area. A new 6-foot high wood fence which would match the existing fence is proposed to connect the relocated side yard along a street fence to the existing 6-foot (72-inches) rear yard fence. Rear yard fences are required to be stepped down to 4 feet within the side yard setback area. The fence appears to be cedar planks with treated cedar posts and post caps. In addition to moving the wood fence into the fifteen foot side yard along a street setback, the applicant also proposes a 3-foot (36-inch) interlocking concrete block retaining wall to create a terraced landscape area in this portion of the subject property. This wall would be approximately eight feet from the property line and would parallel the relocated six-foot high relocated wood fence. The concrete block wall would be within the allowable height for 15-foot side yard setbacks along a street. There are currently 7 Japanese Cherry trees planted along the Pasco Drive NE side of the property which would remain. The applicant proposes to plant tulips between the trees and tulips and other flowers within the newly created upper terrace area. D Clear Vision Area D Front Yard [x] Rear Yard D Rear Yard Along a Street D Side Yard [x] Side Yard Along a Street Page 1 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF COM" "UNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ---~----___ ,,... ____ ,,.. r < µi~r'_Otf r· · ·c· · .. -·r·. ·1 ®J7~ _ r . . I ) .,,_ /, -· --......;_ ........... ::.,I-_..,... _,(", PLANNING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIAL FENCE PERMIT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER: PROJECT LOCATION: PARCEL NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION &ANALYSIS: FENCE LOCATION: 5/21/2013 LUAB-000547 Ghumman Special Fence Permit Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner Aaron and Kiranpreet Ghumman 223 Pasco Dr NE Renton, WA 98059 223 Pasco Dr NE 5126310200 The applicant is requesting approval of a special fence permit to relocate an existing 6-foot high (72-inch) fence which is currently outside of the southern/southeastern side yard along a street setback on Pasco Drive NE to approximately 12 feet from this side yard property line. Fences within side yard setbacks along a street are restricted to 4 feet in height (48 inches) and to 42 inches within the clear vision area. The fence on the subject property would not encroach into the clear vision area. A new 6-foot high wood fence which would match the existing fence is proposed to connect the relocated side yard along a street fence to the existing 6-foot (72-inches) rear yard fence. Rear yard fences are required to be stepped down to 4 feet within the side yard setback area. The fence appears to be cedar planks with treated cedar posts and post caps. In addition to moving the wood fence into the fifteen foot side yard along a street setback, the applicant also proposes a 3-foot (36-inch) interlocking concrete block retaining wall to create a terraced landscape area in this portion of the subject property. This wall would be approximately eight feet from the property line and would parallel the relocated six-foot high relocated wood fence. The concrete block wall would be within the allowable height for 15-foot side yard setbacks along a street. There are currently 7 Japanese Cherry trees planted along the Pasco Drive NE side ofthe property which would remain. The applicant proposes to plant tulips between the trees and tulips and other flowers within the newly created upper terrace area. D Clear Vision Area D Front Yard [i] Rear Yard D Rear Yard Along a Street D Side Yard [i] Side Yard Along a Street Page 1 of 2 City of Renton Department of CommunitJ Ghumman Special Fence Permit :anomic Development FENCE DESIGN: D Increased Setbacks from Sidewalks @ Modulation of Fence D Ornamental Materials or Construction @ Permanent Landscaping @ Quality Fence Materials @ Similar to Design & Material of Surrounding Fence EVALUATION CRITERIA : Improves Privacy: Achieved Limits Blank walls Along Walkway: Achieved In Scale with Neighborhood: Achieved Does Not Create a Traffic Hazard : Achieved Aesthetically Pleasing: Achieved DECISION: Approved SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION : e-.z. U. y C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Date Administrative Special Fence Permit LUAB-000547 5/21/2013 ADVISORY NOTE: The applicant should contact the Utility Notification Center, by dialing 800-424-5555, to determine the location of underground utilities (telephone, streetlights, cable, eleactric), which may be located behind the sidewalk. Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on 6/4/2013, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. Reconsideration: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to a med the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. Page 2 of 2 • • ·,.J .. ,,,: ' \ ::~ •, ; ; ) i 11 '\ • . ' I ... ' t r ) i)JC ./ / i (_ 1:.· h ,, (·-J ,;1 '" i• . 1~; ,, l l \: I L '·, ' I ' ! . ./ t /\ / ,, / ~ ,. X . L ;') A 'I YI-,- -,, , ' , ' ','a' • ' (,· •, l l ''° i'\ 'I l' ,,/ ,._/ ~;( t ,, ' ---, , I'-,, ' ' --·-..,~-- i 7'( 1:11 ' :3'~; L, -----Retainin~aJI Current Fe11ce (Material· Concrete Blocks) >( ,,'\ .. ·;.-< New Location of Fence ·---··-Properly Line Japanese Cheny Tree ® Birch Tree Rhododendrum Bush Tulips SCALE= 1:20 ADDRESS: 223 Pasco Drive NE Renton, WA 98059 LINEAL FEET OF FENCE 118' MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT 6' m >< :::c 1-1 C:J 1-1 -I .... (~/,~··' 't l '., ; ._.., .' ) L t, ' ·, _:~ -.-· .·· ~·-·-·· ··::::: .- ~.-: --··· = /-·---··· i---· _/ ___ _ // /' ,il;l /·- .t· ... /j. -,'\(·-......:,,·" -~ r·-.., ''-., >~ > -- -::-~ ~-- '' -r~ - :,,..--> - ' l\ \ ~ \ i \ 'i ' k EXHIBIT 2 \_/"!. ti.. tu ? ,C -' u.. 1,.1' V) ~ _j 2 ,- ).. z 0 w -}-z ~ Cl ,.> 0 w ~ _J u V) LLI ~ -rr, --L r.J 'I' \-(li. cl -:i:; -' ~ -I 0 ,,. (fl c:, < ,-:: "'· "' Ill ..,. <t ~ "' 4J t0Q l.u 0 \J ~ :? 3 4) I... 4.J :ex: ,< EXHIBIT 3 Ghumman Special Fence Permit LUA13-000547 Notes None 0 1: 3,291 Legend Jurisdiction Boundaries [J City of Rent::in n Parcels Overlay Districts ["""'] A.ulo Ma'I A 1···; Aulo Mal ;:1 274 0 137 274 f-eel D EmploymentAreava:ley WGS_ 1984_ Web_ Mercator _Auxiliary_ Sphere CityofR:etilon . Finance & IT Division ;-~ Cit)' Cen:er S1g1 Regulation Area ··-["'71 Urban Dcsr~n D1stnctA Information Technology" GJS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 5/15/2013 EXHIBIT 4 Thi~ map 1s a ti,er gern··atc:U static ou\FJI from ~n ln:errel mapping site ar1-~ 1s for refere1ce only" D:.it;:i l.:;yr:'s thc1t a;::pear on t.11s map may or n~ay rot be 2ccurale, current, or 0U1<c,1wise relr~b r: THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION E7 -11 T23N RSE W 1/2 o::~R-4 R-4 ! ! ! ' :::::::s;;,E:::..~::;------' I ! ~ ! R-4 R·4 fa.l • ~ t=;;;:;~-~o=::;~ z,---'----....: ____ __ ' ! s in ... ' • ! ~-" ' • I ' • ! ' • ' ! ' ~ ! R-4 l ! ! 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J2 1T22NR4E j - RESIDENTIAL ~ (RC) Resource Conservation C£::D (R-1) Residential 1 du/ac l_R.~_4] (R-4) Residential 4 du/ac ~ (R-8) Residential 8 du/ac 455W tC3i' ~ (RMH) Residential Manufactured Homes I R-10 I (R-10) Residential 10 du/ac B (R-14) Residenf1al 14 du/ac I RtHI (RM-F} Residential Multi-Family IRM-T I (RM-T) Residential Multi-Family Traditional I ~1-1-u I (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Urban Center .·. L g7- ' 26 T24N ASE 8 35T23N ASE-36 ,.,532u~' ij;~j(' 833 ! i J7 . i 2 T22N ASE 1T2 MIXED USE CENTERS ; cv ' (CV} Center Village luc-N1 I (UC-Nl) Urban Center-North 1 luH2I (UC-N2) Urban Center-North 2 ~ (CD) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL [GJ (IL) Industrial -Light [-!fl] (IM) Industrial-Medium [ LJ (IH) Industrial -Heavy ---Reillon City Limits ~ (COR) Commercial/Office/Residential -·--Adjacent City Umit~ [£;] (CA) Commercial Arterial ~ (CO) Commercial Office KROLL PAGE CG] (CN) Commercial Neighborhood PAGE# INDEX SECT/TOWN/RANGE CITY OF RENTON Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7200 www.rentonwa.gov SPECIAL FENCE PERMIT APPLICATION ALL REQUESTED ITEMS MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION 1. Property Address: 223 Pasco Drive NE, Renton WA 98059 2. Tax Assessor Number: 5126310200 3. Property Owner: Aaron & Kiranpreet Ghumman Phone: 425-738-1129 Mailing Address:223 Pasco Dr NE City/State: Renton Zip: 98059 4. Contact Person: Aaron Ghumman Daytime Phone: 206-849-0306 City P1ari0 Of Rent 10g D· . Or, 'v1sio0 /,/4y - ,? 20/J /ff~ (C)~!Jr:t~/pj Mailing Address: 223 Pasco Dr NE City/State: Renton, WA Zip: 98059 5. Maximum Height of Proposed Fence: 6 FEET 6. Type of Material to be Used for Fence: Wood 7. Distance from Proposed Fence to Property Line: 12 FEET 8. Project Value: $5500 9. Describe Landscaping to be Installed: 3-Ft retaining wall to create a terrace where tulips and other native flowers will be planted. The area will also have Japanese Cherry trees every 18-20 feet apart along the entire south end. I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete and that the applicable requirements of the City of Renton will be met. I understand that this application is valid for six months from the application date. If a permit is not issued during this time period, the application will become void. This application does not constitute a permit to work. Work is not to commence until the building permit is posted on premises where work is to be performed. Certification is hereby rendered that no work is to be done except as described, and that all work shall conform to the applicable codes. Work in public rights-of-way and/or utiA=nts ~r this application. Applicant Signature: /(/ %4Hi., 0 , 9 6 Date: 5/ 3 /J ") Macintosh HD:Users:aronsingh:Desktop:specialfencepennit.doc -5 -06/11 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City of Renton .. anning Division Aaron and Kiranpreet Ghumman May 3, 2013 Special Fence Permit Justification for 223 Pasco Dr. NE, Renton, WA, Parcel# 5126310200 To Whom It May Concern: The purpose of this letter is to request special permission for two items. ,\l,4y ... H 20/J Item #1: We would like to move our current side yard fence outward, locating it 12 feet inside the South end property line. The distance from the sidewalk to the fence will be approximately 13 feet. The modulation, design, and material of the fence would remain the same as the current wooden fence. The current fence is the same design and material as all neighborhood homes. Item #1 Justification: The new location of the side fence will give us more side yard space for our children to play. The extra space also allows us to plant and beautify our side and back yards. We will also beautify the 12-ft setback area with cherry trees, tulips, and other native flowers. We plan to create a terraced landscape in the setback area using a 3-Ft retaining wall. All of our neighbors are looking forward to the beautification since it is a large area, which has remained barren since the building of the house in 2007, with the exception of the cherry trees. Item #2: We would like to use a 6-Ft height fence for the side yard. Our current side yard fence is of 6-Ft height. We would simply move our current fence to the new location outlined in the Site Plan. The design of the fence would be the same and it would meet all the homeowner association requirements. Item #2 Justification: The 6-Ft fence poses no visibility hazards to the drivers as the "clear vision" area is not impacted due to the gentle curvature of the street on the South side of the house. Also, the 6-Ft fence offers far more security than the 4-Ft fence. Last year we experienced two thefts at our hours. On one occasion our portable basketball hoop was stolen since it was located in the front yard area, which was not protected by a fence. On another occasion, we had lawn furniture in our front patio stolen. Hence, we feel safe having the side yard fenced at 6-Ft height. A 6-Ft fence provides better security than a 4-Ft fence for our children. In addition, there are multiple homes in the neighborhood that have 6-Ft fences in their side yards, some only a few feet from the sidewalk. Our fence would be a good 13-Ft from the sidewalk. Your approval of the above two requests would be highly appreciated by us. Our neighbors are also very keen to see the beautification in the setback area. Sincerely, ~a____ Aaron Ghumman ::'1 -:, c, :::-, ... ,..., :.0 "• ... -:, :::-1 ,..., :.0 '.""•,I ... ,-, :::, '·· ..,. :::-, ... ,..., :.0 :"'•J ... -:1 t-u 0 ~ w z 3N ~0::>6Vd ::-1 ..,. C, :::, ,..., :.0 :-... ... -:, :::, '·. :::, :::, ... ,.., ~ ::-1 c,, ::0 ... • ::'1 .r1 ::"1 ... ,..., :.0 :::, ~·~ ~ -:::-1 .... ::-1 ... ,.., :.0 '.""·J ... •!"l :::, ,..., ~. :::, ,.., :.0 "' ... ,') ::, :::, :.0 :.0 :.:, :::, ::-1 ... ... "• ,..., :.0 :.0 '."'•J ~ ..... ... ... -· ,..., ::"J c, ;"',J :::1 ... ,..., :.0 "' ... ,') ::-1 ::0 :.0 ::"J ... ,..,., :.0 :"'•,1 ... -· C 0 .... 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CD ui" :i -· ~ 0 0 :J :I 111 rt, JU I> ' I: -\Jl I : r..__--,111 r.;r.:r~J_-• • , Ill ~Ii '" ~ ii : ~.i' I i---------------i ... / c;,'<-- 1 ; -;_ :-_/ •••• .,,'.'. ,{ '--° . ..-.. '-"' ·•-~;,*--__ .--·-· .• ·• * / 'l.'. I I <---K--~--_,--"' • •• • / * . . . 1'ilJZ>, • • •• i<lll>. / L_ + . 'i!)!i1 • • • • • * . . . . . 'illl>' / ' t ----------..---,/' '>-b ;> ['2. TYP. ---------. Current Fence X---ii, --;I. -New Location of Fence ---~-Property Line $ Japanese Cherry Tree ®BirchTree • Rhododendrum Bush • Tulips SCALE= 1:20 ADDRESS: 223 Pasco Drive NE Renton, WA 98059 LINEAL FEET OF FENCE 118' MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT 6' \ / ;" A, J-t /I r-" I '-f \. -,j ··· ......... ) 1<.-. <: ~ID / / ;--. .___/ _/ - I ,: \.~. !,>c... '-. \._ --- ,__. -->-_ •. >--> .... - ---• 1' ... -'>;",-1 ~---·::::::-.-· ... -· ... J r····, ---'· _ .... - >-- \ :,.i""_.1 !,. '-!.~= )..·»L.- ' -! z 0 -- f-s: .......... ). ----t_ r- ~ 0 (J) l ' - w L - Cl Cl ,...., r,J c-l 1:_/"t r;:;_., \_,J ? () -' U- ~ V) I'->.. _j 2 I • r~ i<l- -:i: _J -I r- c-, 2 --c;: 1..,... C> ri. --. <;: • (.> w r0p \;.J (I \J 0 ;_, < i.J..I ~· ~ --' w _, al <. < City of Renton Planning Division JQ) ffl ~ ffi ~ ffl ©J X ~ I c,:i g u,< (") iJ -· -,... ~ '< 2. 0 ::J ..... (0 ::c 9 (t) ~-:l (/)_ .... 6 O ::J ::J SOUTH ELEVATION (223 Pasco Dr. NE) CUR Re:-"'1 T cc>N DI T 10N All fence boards are cedar with natural finish . The pillars are wooden. located in a concrete base. City of Renton Planning Division MAY -3 t013 RECEIPT EG00008078 BILLING CONTACT Aaron and Kiranpreet Ghumman 223 Pasco Dr Ne Renton, WA 98059 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME ···~~-·'--~-~ ---- LUA 13-00054 7 PLAN~ Fence Permit Technology Fee "-·-·» .. -· - TRANSACTION TYPE Transaction Date: May 03, 2013 City of Renton Planning Division MAY -3 201J PAYMENT METHOD AMOUNT PAID -~---·---~-,.~--~-·-"'-' ., .. ~ ,,, ....... ,-~···· Fee Payment ~heck #1008 $100.00 Fee Payment t',heck #1008 $3.00 SUBTOTAL $103,00 TOTAL $103,00 ---------· -»---------------------··-------------... -.. Printed On: 5/3/2013 Prepared By: Laureen Nicolay Page 1 of 1