HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 01CITY OF RENTO]f:) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 9, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office --- Project Name: Mindy's Place Short Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA13-000725, ECF, VAR Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Rocale Timmons I Acceptance Date: June 7, 2013 Applicant: Wayne Jones, Lakeridge Development Owner: Wanda Haaarstad, Marshall Brendan Contact: I PID Number: 1457500106 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: WITHDRAWN Date: January 29, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant is requesting Environmental Review and an Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of a 4.14 acre parcel into 8 lots for the future construction of single family residences and a critical area/drainage tract. The site is currently vacant. The project site is located within the Residential -4 (R-4) dwelling units per acre zoning classification. The proposed lots would all have a lot size ranging from 7,200 square feet to 7,733 square feet. Access to all lots would be provided via private driveways from a new proposed public road extended from 160th Ave SE which terminates in a hammerhead turn-around. The applicant is requesting a street modification, from RMC 4-4-060, in order reduce the width of the new public street from the required 53 feet to 47 feet. The site contains a Category 2 wetland. The applicant is currently not proposing any impacts to the wetland or its buffer. Placed on hold by the Planner on 7/15/13 as the project requires Preliminary Plat approval and a critical areas variance for a sewer line to cross a wetland. On January 24. 2014 the annlicant submitted the final oarts of the sunnlemental information/fees required. Energov #r~~ore a new LUA was created However, we were unable to link the plan cases in (LUA14-000093) on 1/28/14. Location: 14020 160TH Ave SE I Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. I Dienis law . . ·MaYor-.· . January 29, 20i4 ·. : WM. Wayne j~nes, Jr. .. . . · Lake(idge Deve.lopment I LLC' ·. PO Box 146 Renton, WA 9805T Depa;iment of Comfnunity and Economic' Deii~lopmerit . , . 'C.E:"Chip'!Vincent,Administrator -; . . . -. . . ' . - SUBJECT:. . "Off Hold" Notice . . . · Mindy'SPlace PreHQ'iinary Pl~t /,LUA14-000093/13sQQ0725,EC:F,;PP, VAR. · . ' ,· ' ' . ' . . . ' . . ., . . . Dear r.1r:-Jones:· ... · .Tha.rik yOu for. submitting th~ .additional mat.erials req~ested in• the July 15'.~ and 23'd; 2013 letter~Jrorn the City. You'rproject has been taken offhold an·d the City will continue review pf the Mindy's Place ·Pr~lim'inary Piat projecL We'have withdrawn yo~r application {LUA13, : •. . · .. 000725) fonhe short plat ~nd issued a new project number {LUA14~000093) for the Preliminary ·• · Plat: . . . . . The City will beh9ldir\°g an additional two week. pub Ii~ comment,period in brder to 'ensure .. · adequate time is provided_ ·to. cbmment on. the reyised :proposal: .Con:iments on· the· above· . ~pplication areJe'quired to. be submitfed to me'by 5:00 PM on'February12, 2014: . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' . ' . ·. The.project is teritative!y scheduled for, consideration by the Environmental Revie~ Committee • on February 24, :2014. The ~roject is scheduled to;go',befbre th~ City's Hearing Examiner for a . public hearing oh March 25, 201'.i at 9:00 am. 'Prior to that review; you wili be notified if any ·.· . . . ,· . .. . . -. ' . -" . ·, -·· -. ·-· .. ' ' . . . . ·\ . -· . ~ . ' . . ... , · additional informatiOn is required to col')tinue·processing your application. · · .: ·.· · · · .. • . ': · If you have any qu~stions; please contact rne,·at(425) 430-7219. ·. _Sincer,ely, ·.~·-··.··~,·.··.·.··~ ' . . ' . - ' ' ' : ·_., . _ ........ ' .· . -. .-. _··: . ; ·-. . Roca!~ timmons·, · ·· Senior,Plann'er .cc:· ··wa.nda &·Matteson H_aarst~·d; Marsh_al Bl"e~·dan /.Qwner·s-.' ;··_Partie·s. of Re~ord · · · -· .. -' · · ·-· .: -.. --: · · . Renton City Hall ~ 1055 5~uth Gr~dyWay ; Re~ton,Washington 98057 • rentonw~go~ -. ' . . •·. . . . . ·,· ~--------·-··-·····""' o· ·.·.111 ~:_·_·.D~e:::;::;a•'t'"'·-~-lifl~¢~.--15gtpii~JJt. $ D~pai'tfTlent Of C~m_mU~i1:Y_and ·Econ·o~ic beyel(?Pm~n_t :·- . · . .C:E. "C:hiP."VinCe!1t,_._Adm in.lst@tOr. : .. -May•21, 2013 TO WHOM IT MiW CONCERN: Subject: New Plats and Short Plats in the C;ty of Renton M'R .· ..•. Plea~e see attached ~e~ plats; short piats ~nd multi~building de~eloprnen~/thathave . . re¢~ntly be<en ad.dressed. Some oftfiese have been recorded a~d I arn supplying a list·.•· . on new parcef numberswi1:h the new addresses. lfthe plat _is not recorded (NR); I am . . · only giving YOLI t_he plat map with the new poten!ialaddresses _written ori it, This packet .. indudes plats; starting with letters'M0 R. Thf rest. of the.a)phabet to come late(. . . .. . ' . ·: . . . : ' ', . Pieasei add th~se addresses to.your City directories and o'iaps. .··. . .· ', .:.· . ' ,. . . . ' .. . . . ' . . ' . . , ·: Cavalla(Revised) ·... . . .. .. , .. , . . . . . Martin l'rop'erty/Shanirncli Glen Plat(NR) . . MadisonPface Short Plat. ... •Mindys Place:Short Plat(NR) ' Panther ~idgeplat ···• . Rosewood Higlilands ,Sincerely; . . . , .... . !'.~~ (::l~~ y Jan Conklin · • E,nergy Pl.lns Examiner ' ··.··.. Development Services[Jivisiori · . Telepborie: 425-430:7276 .• · • #1:platadd . •. M~ckerizie Lane Short.Plat(NR) May Valley Meadows SP(NR) Monterey Heights/Nelson Plat' _Reedshaw Plat(NR) · · · i. I . 'I 'I' ! ' 1 ..-::,